CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE RETURN TO ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY ITHACA, N. V.QK 543.DC6°2me"UniUerS"yLibrary Thgjtudwrt’s handboofc of British mosses 3 1924 001 800 931 31924001800931[All Rights Reserved.'] THE STUDENT’S HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES — BY — H. N. DIXON, M.A., F.L.S.; With Illustrations, and Keys to the Genera and Species, — by — H. G. JAMESON, M.A., AUTHOR OF “ ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO BRITISH MOSSES.” (Siisilminu I Printed and Published by V. T. Sumfield, “ Standard ” Office, Sold by John Wheldon & Co., 58, Great Queen Street. 1896. Gr Price /Ss. 6d.(Basftounu:: Printed and Published by V. T. Sumfield, “ Standard ” Office, Station Street.IE? IE?, ZED IE1 -A. O IE . The object of the present work is to provide a practical handbook of the mosses of our Islands in such a form as to be as far as possible accessible to the considerable, and I hope increasing number of students of these plants, many of whom find the larger and more expensive works on the subject beyond their means. Most bryologists have doubtless been asked to recommend the most suitable book for the student, and have probably experienced considerable difficulty in answering the question. Wilson’s Bryologia Britannica—the prince of bryological books— is out of reach of many on account of its price, and is, after the lapse of forty years, far from covering the whole field of British mosses as they are known to us. Berkeley’s Handbook is similarly out of date (about 465 species are there described out of some 600 as at present recognised); besides which some parts of that work, the plates especially, leave much to be desired. Hobkirk’s Synopsis, though containing much valuable information in a small compass for one already well versed in bryology, is somewhat too compressed to be of great service to the less practised collector, nor has it the advantage of illustrations. Braithwaite’s splendid and elaborate work, still in the course of publication, which has done so much to stimulate the study of these plants in our country and which will doubtless remain our standard work for many years to come, is of necessity published at a price which puts it out of the reach of many. There is therefore, unquestionably, a demand for a modern book which may serve to take the place of the older works in the hands of the student, and which, while of modest pretensions in comparison with such a work as the British Moss Flora, may be sufficiently detailed to serve the purpose of the beginner as well as of the more advanced bryologist. How far the present work fulfils these requirements must be left to others to decide. With the above object in view it has been necessary to compress the work into as small a space as is compatible with clearness, in order to keep the price as low as possible. I have therefore omitted many critical discussions which might properly have found a place had the space at my command been larger ;IV and I have felt obliged to treat the varietal forms, especially of some of our more polymorphous species, in what may perhaps be deemed an eclectic rather than an exhaustive fashion. I have also endeavoured to describe the species in language as free from technicalities as possible, knowing that one great deterrent from a more general study of plants, especially of cryptogams, is the difficulty presented by the nomenclature and the descriptive terms. It is impossible, on the grounds of both brevity and accuracy, to avoid the use of technical terms, but I have endeavoured to use only such as seemed really necessary, and I believe that, with the aid of the Glossary, there is nothing in the work which will be found unintelligible by the ordinary student. The Plates have been drawn by the Rev. H. G. Jameson, to whom also I am indebted for the Keys to the Genera and Species, and for advice and suggestion throughout the work, the MS. of which has all passed through his hands. The responsibility, however, for the contents of the book must rest upon my shoulders, and any names or combination of names published here for the first time must be cited with my name alone. Of the short-comings of the book no one can be more conscious than its authors. It would be inevitable, in dealing with a subject of this kind, even with the greatest facilities for attaining accuracy, that errors should creep in, and facts be overlooked ; and when the whole of the work has to be done in the scanty leisure snatched from exacting professional duties, the obstacles in the way of accuracy are greatly increased. I can only ask the student to bear this in mind in passing his judgment on the present work, and to be assured that any suggestions, corrections or additions will be exceedingly welcome. H. N. DIXON. East Park Parade, Northampton, May, i8g6.TABLE OF COBTTENTS. PAGE. Introduction............................... vii Glossary ................................. xxiv Abbreviations used in the Text .......... xxxii Key to the Genera................... ... xxxiii T ext ....................................... i Addenda and Corrigenda .................... 500 Index ..................................... 503 Explanation of Plates ..................... 519 Plates 521IZNTTIROIDTTOTIOIINr. I. GENERAL SKETCH OF THE STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. In a work the primary aim of which is to enable the student to identify and thence to classify mosses there is neither the need of nor the room for a detailed account of their Morphology; this will be readily obtained from works specially devoted to the subject. A short sketch of the structure of mosses is not, how- ever, out of place, and will if carefully read serve to familiarise the student with the botanical terms necessarily employed in the body of the work. In the following sketch my aim is to describe the moss plant as it presents itself to a student examining it with a view to its identification, with as little reference to microscopical detail and to physiological and functional study as can be helped. General Characteristics of Mosses. The student is not likely to have any difficulty in recognising a moss, as such, from any other class of plants, with the exception of the very closely allied Hepaticse or Liver-worts. Apart from the fructification, which in the latter plants is of a widely different structure (usually consisting of a dark globular capsule tipping a slender, delicate, white fruitstalk and ultimately splitting into four segments which spread horizontally into a cross), the Liver-worts may as a rule be easily known by their vegetative structure, which is generally of a more flaccid, delicate texture, the leaves when present always very regularly imbricated, in the greater number of species in two rows, one on each side of the stem, frequently bifid or multifid, which is never the case with mosses ; always nerveless, and always with a more or less hexagonal areolation— characters which are rarely if ever found combined in any of our mosses. There is a certain hardly describable facies about the Liver-worts which serves to identify them better than any description, and by which with a very slight experience the student will be able to recognise them, with perhaps one or two exceptions, at sight. 11via INTRODUCTION. Mosses are found in various situations, and may be described as terrestrial, rupestral, arboreal, aquatic, paludal, etc., according to the matrix or the locality which they prefer. These terms, however, must not be taken too strictly, for while almost every species manifests a decided preference for one kind of matrix or environment, and whole classes of allied mosses are often linked together by a common preference of the kind, yet it rarely happens that a given species, whatever its natural habitat, may not occasionally be found in some other, more unusual situation. As a general rule, however, the habitat of a moss may be looked upon as an important aid in determining its identity, and in all doubtful cases the soil or other matrix should be entered upon the label, with the locality. The habit of the moss and its manner of growth, whether the separate plants are scattered singly, clustered or gregarious, or more or less densely tufted, are also points of importance and should be noted at the time of collecting. The Vegetative Organs. Mosses always consist of a stem and leaves, though either of these structures may be so reduced in size as to be inconspicuous. A certain ambiguity in the use of the terms “stem,” “branch,” should be here pointed out. They are frequently used, and are employed in this work, in a double sense, either as designating the actual solid cylinder upon which the leaves are arranged, or as embracing the whole visible structure, leaves included. Thus in speaking of the cuticular cells of the stem of Sphagnum, the first and more restricted meaning of the word is understood; whereas when a stem is spoken of as tumid or inflated, it is the whole structure, stem and leaves together, that is referred to. The absence of any convenient term to express the latter con- ception renders this extension of the words somewhat desirable, and they will, I believe, in no case give rise to confusion. The different modes of branching in different mosses are perhaps among the first things to strike the beginner, owing to the very different results they produce in the general appearance of the mosses. There are two main types of branching by which all mosses may roughly be divided into two classes. In the one the stem is typically erect, simple, slightly forked, or with more numerous lateral branches, but producing the flowers and later the fruit at the apices of the stem and of at least the principalINTRODUCTION. IX branches ; by this the apical growth of the stem is terminated, and further development can only take place by new branches, usually termed innovations, which are most frequently produced, singly, in pairs or in whorls, immediately below the flower. The tendency is therefore to grow upwards, and gradually to increase the number of branches from an originally simple stem, and this naturally conduces to the greater density of the tufts or cushions. Mosses of this type are termed Acrocarpous (Tab. I. 5, 14 ; Tab. II. 61. In the second type the stem whether little, or, as is usually the case, much branched produces its flowers on the side, not at its apex nor at that of the branches ; consequently the apical growth of the stem is not terminated by the production of the fruit, but becomes indefinite, and the stems frequently attain a very con- siderable length. The natural consequence of this is that the stems are rarely erect, but usually more or less prostrate or at least arched. This gives a wider, less dense and less elevated character to the tufts, which are often straggling. This is the type of the Pleurocarpous mosses. (Tab. I. 4, 9, 10, 12). The beginner will very speedily recognise these two types in the field; they are indeed so distinct that it has usually been the practice to make the distinction between Acrocarpous and Pleuro- carpous mosses the primary division of the whole class; this cannot now be maintained, but the distinction between the two types is of considerable practical assistance in the identification of mosses, if of less theoretical importance than has sometimes been held. In the Pleurocarpous mosses the branching is frequently regularly pinnate ; sometimes the branches in these cases are again branched, when the stem is bipinnate, and in a few cases the process is again repeated, resulting in a tripinnate arrange- ment ; this is never the case with the Acrocarpous mosses, where the branching is either irregular, or more or less alternate, or imperfectly dichotomous, sometimes, but rarely, distinctly whorled. The innovations formed below the fertile flower frequently develope so rapidly as to equal or overtop the capsules, which then appear, but falsely, to be laterally produced. Mosses are not attached to their substratum by true roots, but there are usually present rootlets or radicles which perform the functions of roots, and are often produced throughout the whole length of the stem, or over the greater part, frequently in very great numbers so as to form a felt-like covering or tomentum; they are usually of a reddish brown hue, but may assume otherX INTRODUCTION. colours. They may be produced, sporadically, upon the leaves or other parts of the plant, and they hardly differ morphologically from the chlorophyllose threads of the protonema; this is the branched network of conferva-like filaments produced by the germination of the spores, and from which is developed the moss plant; the protonema usually disappears at an early stage in the life of the moss, but in some of the smaller species it is persistent for a considerable period (Tab. Y. 3). In addition to the radicular fibres and the leaves, the stem is occasionally clothed with appendages of another kind, intermixed with the leaves; these are called paraphyllia, and are green, multiform, leaf-like or thread-like structures, sometimes formed like miniature leaves, at others deeply cut, fringed, or so slender as to resemble branched threads (Tab. I. 11, 13). The leaves of mosses are of various forms, and the shape of the leaf affords, all things considered, one of the most important specific characters of mosses ; a reference to the glossary and to the figures will illustrate the various forms and explain the terms used, which need not be recapitulated here; but it may be remarked that the leaves are always sessile, never stalked, and in outline range from subulate to orbicular, with almost every intermediate form; that they are never compound, nor even lobed, though frequently serrate in various degrees, or sometimes laciniate. There is no epidermis or cuticular tissue, and the whole leaf is almost always formed of a single layer of cells (v. section, Tab. III. 19, 20), rarely in part or altogether of a double layer (Tab. III. 24), with the exceptions of the nerve (or mid-rib) which when present is composed of narrow and elongated cells often of several layers in thickness and frequently showing some differentiation in structure, and of the marginal border which in certain groups of mosses is formed of different cells from those which compose the rest of the leaf, usually, in such cases, being more like those of the nerve (Tab. III. 10, 21). The leaves may be more or less decurrent at the base, the lamina running down tTie stem for some distance on each side below the insertion or line of juncture of the leaf-base with the stem ; this is sometimes so conspicuous that the stem is distinctly winged (Tab. II. 7) ; in certain groups it is a character of great importance, and in such cases the leaf should be separated with great care from the stem, in order that the decurrent part, or a portion at least, may be detached also. As a rule however the degree of decurrence can best be observed by stripping theINTRODUCTION. XI greater number of leaves from a stem and examining the remaining ones under the microscope, while still attached. It should be borne in mind that the lowest leaves on a stem, and sometimes too on a branch, are often very small or in other ways far from typical, and these should never be selected for examination ; the same objection frequently applies to the uppermost and youngest leaves, which may not be fully developed, though occasionally they are the only ones in which certain structures, of a very fragile nature, can be observed. In the Pleurocarpous mosses the leaves on the branches are usually smaller and less highly developed than the stem-leaves, and unless otherwise mentioned the latter are always the ones described. A similar difference is sometimes, but more rarely, found between the leaves of the fertile stems and those of the barren branches in the Acrocarpous mosses. The position of the leaves when moist, and also when dry, is of great importance, and in many species affords a clear and sufficient specific character recognisable at once even in the field. When the leaves are not otherwise described they are to be taken as arranged equallyall round the stem (Tab. II. 5) ; in some cases they are regularly distichous, i.e., springing from opposite sides of the stem in two rows, in which case they are usually, though not always, complanate, i.e., flattened out in one plane like the frond of a fern (Tab. II. 1) ; this latter arrangement is even more frequently the case when the leaves are not truly distichous, but spring from all sides of the stem, the flattened or complanate arrangement giving them however a close resemblance to truly distichous leaves (Tab. II. 2). When a leaf instead of spreading out directly from its base is turned towards another side of the stem it is said to be secund ; it usually happens that all the leaves in such cases are turned towards the same side, when they are termed homomallous (Tab. II. 4) ; when, as very frequently occurs, they are also curved, they are said to be falcato-secund (Tab. II. 3). The leaves are frequently undulated or plicate; to observe this in the moist state it is best to separate the leaves and examine them under the microscope, taking care to submit them to as little pressure as possible ; but when it is desired to observe this fact in the dry state it is almost invariably better to do so by means of the lens while still attached to the stem. The same remarks apply to the degree of concavity of the leaves, which is sometimes of importance. The cell-structure, or areolation, of the leaves is a character of the highest value. It must be remembered that the cells at theXI1 I NTRL^LJL> . base of the leaf and frequently those at the apex also are more or less modified, and the normal type of areolation of any species must be considered that of the median part of the leaf; and it is safest to take for examination a point about one-third of the length of the leaf from its apex ; the figures of cells in the Plates, marked i c., are all taken at this point. It is however often of importance to examine also the basal cells ; in this and indeed in all cases it is of importance to examine those of fully matured leaves. In addition to the form of the cell, it is necessary in certain cases to note also the thickness or otherwise of the cell-wall. It is hardly possible to define a limit at which a cell-wall becomes incrassate, but a consultation of the figures referred to in the Glossary under that term will give a very fair idea of its signification. The cells figured in Tab. III. 3, 8, may be taken as typically thin-walled cells. The presence or absence of papillae on the surface of the cells is another point requiring observation ; this is best done, not by examining single leaves, but by placing a stem or branch under the microscope, so that the papillae may be observed as it were in profile. In a few cases, more especially where they are confined to the front or upper surface, it is necessary to cut a thin transverse section of the leaf (Tab. III- ig, 20). This is also desirable in a few other cases, when it is required to observe the structure or form of the nerve or its appendages, as in Campylopus, Dicranum, and Polytrichum (Tab. III. 10, 12, 14, 18). When it is desired to observe the basal cells, and especially those of the basal angles or auricles, it is especially necessary to remove the leaves carefully and gently, as otherwise these special cells are liable to be left adhering to the stem. Reproductive bodies, termed gemmae, are not unfrequently produced on or among the leaves ; these are of various forms and colours, but are usually green or brown, globular or club-shaped, articulate structures, resembling to the naked eye grains of dust or pollen ; in certain cases their presence is of great assistance in the determination of species. The Reproductive Organs. The reproductive organs of mosses are usually situated among specialised leaves, forming the so-called flowers. They are of two kinds, the antheridia, or male organs, and the archegonia, orINTRODUCTION. Xlll fertile organs. Besides the specialised leaves or bracts they are usually surrounded by numerous, hyaline, jointed hairs, called paraphyses. The leaves composing the fertile flower are called the perichaetial leaves or bracts; those surrounding the antheridia, when these are separate from the archegonia, are termed the perigonial leaves or bracts. These bracts, of either kind, are often highly differentiated, and important to observe; but in many groups of mosses they are hardly distinct from the ordinary leaves. The antheridia (Tab. V. 18) are small elliptic or clavate bodies, usually of a thin, loosely areolated texture and pale brownish colour, more or less wide and obtuse at the apex; they contain the antherozoids which, escaping, enter the archegonia and fertilise the oosphere, the cell which ultimately developes into the mature fruit. The archegonia (Tab. V. 19) are narrower in shape, resemb- ling a narrow, long-necked bottle, and are almost always of a deep red colour ; they usually occur in some numbers in each perichaetium, but it is as a rule only one which is fertilised and produces fruit. The relative position of the antheridia and the archegonia is of great importance, and different terms are applied to the in- florescence in accordance with these different relationships ; as they are somewhat difficult to grasp these terms are here tabulated. The antheridia and archegonia may occur only on separate plants; the inflorescence is then termed dioicous (Tab. V. 20&21). If they occur on the same plant it is termed monoicous. This includes several distinct forms, according to the positions of the two organs ; they may occupy two different positions on separate parts of the stem, the antheridia then being usually enclosed in distinct perigonial bracts; the inflorescence is then said to be autoicous (Tab. XVII. E. 10). Or the antheridia and archegonia may be mixed together in the same flower, which is then termed synoicous (Tab. V. 22). Or, finally, the antheridia may be placed just below the fertile flower, without special perigonial bracts, simply in the axils of the lower perichaetial bracts ; this form of inflorescence is termed paroicous (Tab. V. 23). Occasionally two of these forms of inflorescence are found side by side in the same species. It may be mentioned that the paroicous form of inflorescence appears to be confined to Acrocarpous mosses, and the synoicousxiv INTRODUCTION. very nearly so, occurring very rarely, perhaps exceptionally, in the pleurocarpous species. The fertile flowers are always more or less gemmiform, i.e., bud-shaped; the male flowers are occasionally wider, with open and more or less spreading bracts ; in this case they are termed discoid. Upon fertilisation the archegonium and its contents undergo great development; the oosphere becomes the capsule or sporan- gium, the outer part of the archegonium itself simultaneously developing up to a certain point, but ultimately rupturing midway so that the upper portion is carried up with the fruit, the lower half remaining fixed at the base and forming a minute sheath round the base of the fruit-stalk, termed the vaginula; this is occasionally covered with short, erect hairs (Tab. V. 12). In very few cases the capsule remains sessile ; in the vast majority of species it is elevated on a seta, or fruitstalk, of vary- ing length ; and it is by this process of elevation that the arche- gonium is ruptured. The upper half as has been mentioned is carried upwards with the fruit, and is known as the calyptra or veil; it is usually ot a thin membranous texture, more or less completely covering the capsule, and either falls off before the capsule is fully ripe or in other cases remains till maturity; the increase in size of the capsule usually causes it to split from the base upwards ; when the fission takes place on one side only, or conspicuously on one side most strongly, the calyptra is said to be cucullate, i.e., hood-shaped (Tab. IV. 2, 6) ; when it splits equally on two, three or more sides it is termed mitriform (Tab. IV. 1). The calyptra may be smooth or plicate, glabrous, papillose or hairy, the hairs either erect or pointing downwards. The seta is variable in length and stoutness, occasionally rough with warts or papillae, usually twisted when dry. It is straight, flexuose, or arcuate, i.e., curved like a bow ; the curving is sometimes even more pronounced, when it is said to be cygneous, i.e., curved like a swan’s neck. In the latter cases it frequently becomes erect when old, and in some species it always takes an erect position when dry, while regaining its curved form when wetted. When dry the seta is usually spirally twisted, and the twisting may be either to the right {i.e., the spirals ascend towards the right to an observer supposed to be standing within the spiral; from the outside they appear, on the side nearest him, to ascend to the left), or to the left. It is rarely, however, IINTRODUCTION. XV believe, that the direction is sufficiently constant in any species to afford a good character of distinction, and it is only in a very few cases that I have relied upon it. When the calyptra falls off or is removed the capsule is exposed; it is usually more or less elliptical, but is frequently elongated and cylindric, equally often shortened and even globose, or it maybe pyriform ; it is often striated (Tab. IV. n, 18), more rarely angular (Tab. IV. 14); it is erect (Tab. IV. 9), inclined (Tab. IV. 12), cernuous (Tab. IV. 14), or even pendulous (Tab. IV. 13), and it is often more or less curved, or asymmetric. There are other forms which it less commonly assumes. The capsule may be cleistocarpous, that is without any regular orifice or lid, but bursting irregularly; rarely it opens by valves (Tab. IV. 7). Usually, however, it opens with a lid, resembling the lid of an urn ; this falls off at maturity, its rupture being often assisted by the unrolling of the annulus, a very highly elastic ring of cells surrounding the orifice at the point of juncture with the lid, and rolling back with considerable force and rapidity when the capsule is fully ripe. The annulus is however not always present. The spores are usually produced in great numbers, and are green or brown ; they are either smooth, or papillose or tuberculate ; almost always more or less globose, rarely angular. They range, in point of size, with a few exceptions, between 10 and 25 /x in diameter. They usually surround a central column of tissue, called the columella, which is sometimes long enough to be distinctly visible above the mouth of the capsule after the fall of the lid, and occasionally is united to the interior of the lid, retarding its fall for a time and finally falling off with it. The mouth of the orifice after the removal of the lid is in some mosses a bare rim, when the capsule is termed gymnostomous ; but more frequently it is furnished with a fringe surrounding and in part closing the mouth ; this fringe is termed the peristome, and affords, owing to the numerous forms and degrees of development it assumes, and its constancy throughout large groups of mosses, a very important basis of classification, especially as regards Orders and Genera. The researches of Philibert and others have recently brought into clearer light the great importance of this organ from a systematic point of view ; and as the main divisions in the present work are based upon its structure, the student will do well to become familiarised with its general character and the terminology employed in its description.XVI INTRODUCTION. The peristome may be single, i.e., may form a single circle or fringe (Tab. V. 6, 17); or it may be double, consisting of two concentric circles, an outer and an inner (Tab. V. 7, 12) ; very close however to one another, and sometimes even partly united. Taking the single peristome first, it sometimes consists of a thin membrane, rising conically over the mouth of the capsule, leaving only a minute aperture at its apex; much more frequently however, indeed in the vast majority of cases, the membrane is as it were split from top to bottom into a number of filaments, called the peristome teeth. These teeth are always produced in multiples of 4, indeed there are always either 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64, the median numbers being by far the most frequent. They vary very greatly in length, form, colour, and other characteristics, red being the predominant tint. They are usually very thin in texture, in most cases consisting of a double layer of very thin plates, divided transversely into segments, with more or less distinct lines at the points of division, sometimes forming very strong trabecules, or bars, standing out prominently on the face of the tooth like the rungs of a ladder (Tab. V. 10). The double peristome is more complicated in structure. The outer fringe superficially resembles the single peristome already described, although differing in minute points of structure ; the inner peristome is always more delicate in texture, usually paler in colour ; occasionally it consists of 8 or 16 delicate filaments or processes alternating with the outer teeth, more rarely opposite them ; in other groups these processes are wider, meeting one another at their base; while still more often they are more or less united below, so as to form a continuous basal membrane surrounding the orifice, while their upper portions remain free ; these upper portions being frequently more or less split or pierced along the median line. The spaces left between these free upper portions are often occupied by still more slender prolongations of the basal membrane, termed cilia, singly, or grouped in twos or threes ; these are extremely delicate and thread-like, and frequently in the most highly developed forms bear short transverse appendages at intervals (Tab. V. 15, 16). All these different parts exhibit much variation in the degree of their development, and the whole peristome is often reduced to a fringe of short rudimentary teeth around the orifice ; the teeth are often, also, on the one hand cleft, to a greater or less extent, into two or three branches, or again, more or less approximated or even united in pairs (Tab. V. 17), or in fours, or they may be connected, in various degrees, by transverse bars, so as to form aINTRODUCTION. XVII kind of lattice-work. The numerous and delicate forms, as well as the perfect regularity and the rich colouring of the peristome render this organ a most beautiful microscopic object. The teeth are strongly hygroscopic, usually, when mature, spreading more or less widely in the dry state, but rapidly converging so as to close the mouth of the capsule when moistened, or even when merely breathed upon. The wall of the capsule frequently exhibits stomata, usually not very numerous, and as a rule arranged more or less distinctly in one or two rings round the capsule most commonly towards its base or upon its “ neck,” i.e., the portion intermediate between the seta and the base of the spore-sac, or inner membrane containing the spores, which as a rule does not reach quite so low as the base of the outer case. The stomata are sometimes superficial, i.e., on the surface of the wall of the capsule (Tab. V. i), sometimes immersed, i.e., sunk in its substance (Tab. V. 2). This distinction is of great importance in the genus Orthotrichum, in which both forms of stomata occur, and afford a safe and useful character for the separation of species and even of groups of species. II. CLASSIFICATION, NOMENCLATURE, ETC. The primary object of this work being to simplify the determination of our British mosses for the student, and to make it available, as far as possible, for a beginner, it has been my chief aim throughout to introduce as little novelty and to employ as few technicalities as appeared compatible with accuracy and clearness. For this reason I have preferred to keep as closely as possible to the system of classification which prevails in the greater number of those works which the student is most likely, at the outset, to consult, and of which that employed in the second edition of Schimper's Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum may be looked upon as the basis. The researches and critical writings of recent bryologists have added much to our knowledge, and have led to the proposition of new schemes of classification ; but great as was the temptation to follow, more or less closely, on these new lines, it appeared to me that the difficulties put in the way of the student, in a more or less elementary work, by a novel classification and order, were likely to outweigh the advantages they might confer.XV1U INTRODUCTION. On the other hand the researches of Philibert and others into the structure and development of the peristome have necessitated a certain amount of reconstruction. Schimper’s system, and those of most other authors, have been to a very great extent founded on characters derived from this organ; and where groups have been united on the ground of supposed affinity between types of peristome subsequently shown to be remote from one another, and vice versa, it is clear that it would be wrong to ignore the later conclusions, and I have felt obliged in some degree to modify the classification in accordance with this conviction. The chief deviations from the usual order and grouping, and indeed almost the only ones of importance, will be found in the separation of the Grimmiaceae from the Orthotrichaceae, with or near which they are usually placed, and their removal to the Aplolepideae, where, undoubtedly, they belong ; and the separation from the rest of the Bryales of the Nematodontoid group, including the three Orders Tetraphidaceae, Polytrichaceae, and Buxbaumiaceae. I have also discarded the usual division of the main group of mosses, the Bryales, into Acrocarpi and Pleurocarpi, believing that the characters involved in this division are far subordinate to those which separate them, according to the nature of the peristome, into the great groups of the Nematodonteae and the Arthrodonteae. It will be found, however, that this view does not entail any alteration of the usual arrangement, the pleurocarpous mosses following the Brvaceae in the same order as is found in most works. One point that it is as well to bear constantly in mind is that differing degrees of development between peristomes are of slight systematic importance compared with dissimilar types. Thus the difference between the gymnostomous capsule of Funaria fascicularis and the highly complex peristome of F. hygrometrica represents but a slight divergence in relationship, whereas the peristomes of a Splachnum and of a Grimmia, though perhaps almost indistinguishable except under a close microscopical examination, are fundamentally different in their structure and indicate a wide divergence of type. Carrying out this principle it is undoubtedly the soundest method of classification to group the cleistocarpous genera and species of mosses with those to which upon the ground of vegetative and other characters they appear most nearly allied, not to unite them together in a separate group; and although this method entails a slightly greater difficulty in the identifying of the species in question, it undoubtedly presents to the student a more natural and therefore more scientific arrangement.INTRODUCTION. XIX The following is a conspectus of the system of classification followed in this work, so far as relates to the main sub-divisions and the Natural Orders. Sub-Class I. SPHAGNALES ................p. i Order I. Sphagnaceae.............................. ,, Sub-Class II. ANDRE^EALES...............p. 23 Order II. Andreaeaceae ............................ ,, Sub-Class III. BRYALES .................p. 30 « Group A. Nematodonte^ .................... „ Order III. Tetraphidacese........................... „ Order IV. Polytrichaceae ..........................p. 32 Order V. Buxbaumiaceae............................P-47 Group B. Arthrodonte/e....................p. 51 Sub-Group I. Aplolepideae............... „ Order VI. Dicranaceae ............................. ,, Order VII. Fissidentaceae...........................p. 118 Order VIII. Grimmiaceae .............................p. 128 Order IX. I'ortulaceae ............................p. 162 Order X. Encalyptaceae............................p. 226 Sub-Group II. Diplolepideae ............p. 232 * Diplolepideae Acrocarpae............ „ Order XI. Orthotrichaceae.............................. ,, Order XII. Schistostegaceae.........................p. 259 Order XIII. Splachnaceae ............................p. 260 Order XIV. Funariaceae..............................p. 266 Order XV. Meesiaceae ..............................p. 277 Order XVI. Timmiaceae...............................p. 283 Order XVII. Bartramiaceae............................p. 284 Order XVIII. Bryaceae ................................p. 298 * * Diplolepideae Pleurocarpae.......p. 352 Order XIX. Fontinalaceae .............................. ,, Order XX. Cryphaeaceae ............................p. 337 Order XXI. Neckeraceae..............................p. 359 Order XXII. Hookeriaceae ............................p. 363 Order XXIII. Leucodontaceae ..........................p. 365 Order XXIV. Leskeaceae ..............................p. 372 Order XXV. Hypnaceae................................p. 386XX INTRODUCTION. As to the choice of nomenclature I have been guided by very similar considerations to those which prompted the selection of the above classification. The principle of priority in nomenclature may be considered as universally accepted ; but the acceptance of the principle is far from having produced, at present, that uniformity which is one of the most important objects it sets out to attain ; nor can uniformity be hoped for until there is a general acceptance, not only of the principle of priority, but of the rules by which the principle is to be carried out; the limits, for example, of its retrospective action. Following out the principle in question, Lindberg has arrived at a system of nomenclature very widely differing from that of most works on bryology, and he has been followed very closely by Braithwaite in the British Moss Flora. I have not felt it desirable to conform to this nomenclature however ; partly on the grounds above given, that it would tend to confuse beginners who might be expected to have in their hands chiefly such works as the London Catalogue of British Mosses, Hobkirk’s Synopsis, etc.; partly because of the extreme doubtful- ness as to the finality of the nomenclature in question; and this even apart from the question of the general acceptance of those particular rules upon which the principle of priority has been carried out by Lindberg. For it is seen that these rules them- selves involve the almost indefinite impossibility of finality, since there is always the chance of an earlier name being discovered for a given species than the one whose priority is (for the time) established; a possibility exemplified at the present time in the literature of the Sphagnaceae in a very striking manner. I have therefore maintained the nomenclature employed by Schimper (Synopsis, Ed. II.) as far as is compatible with the somewhat different classification here adopted, except in the following cases. When a name is pre-occupied for a phanero- gamic or other class of plant (as in the case of Thamnium and Homalothecium) I have, of course, dropped it and employed the earliest alternative name. And in a few cases where Lindberg’s nomenclature has been used also in standard works of modern or comparatively modern date (as in the case of Catharinea Ehrh., = Atrichum P. Beauvi) I have taken it as an indication of a general acceptance of the name and have employed it here. I hope that these few changes, while insufficient to cause any great difficulty to the student, may in a measure bridge over the difference between the “old” and the “new” nomenclatures, and prepare the way for the latter, without introducing any unaccustomed names but such as it may be anticipated will be finally adopted.INTRODUCTION. XXI The limits of the work precluded any full synonymy being given ; nor, in a work of its scope, did it seem necessary to give, for instance, any such full and complete synonymy as that which forms so valuable a feature of the British Moss Flora. I have, with few exceptions, given merely the original authority for the specific name—when that differed from the authority for the binomial—and also the names employed in Schimper (Synopsis, Ed. II.) and in Braithwaite (British Moss Flora), when these differed from the name here employed. In the case of the pleuro- carpous mosses, I have given the name (where different) employed by Lindberg, understanding that, in the main at least, his nomenclature will be followed in the remaining parts of the British Moss Flora dealing with these, which at the time of writing have not been published. I have not attempted to give any full list of localities, nor, indeed, to indicate the distribution of the species in our islands, except in the case of the rarest ones. An incomplete list of localities is, I hold, for this purpose not only useless but misleading, and I have not the materials for anything like a complete list even for the more uncommon mosses ; nor would the size of the volume allow of it. I have therefore given no localities except for the very rare species, but when these are given they are intended to be, so far as I could make them, exhaustive. The notes to the species are for the most part descriptive rather than critical, and will, I hope, be found of assistance ; in many cases two species may be distinguished, especially in the field, by some slight difference in habit or mode of growth, very difficult to define in set terms, but of more practical value, for this purpose, than many a clearly-defined but less easily observed structural character. The value of such notes will of course depend upon and be proportional to the degree of the writer's acquaintance with the plants themselves, especially in their growing condition, and in many cases this must of necessity be but small. While, however, making full use of other works on the subject, I have endeavoured, whenever possible, to describe each species from personal acquaintance with the plant itself, and, so far as might be, from a knowledge of it in the field. In the case of every species, and in the greater number of the varieties described, I have examined specimens, and in most cases British specimens, of the plant. I have introduced the plan, which is adopted in many continental books, but which has not, I believe, been hithertoXXI1 INTRODUCTION. employed in any of our British works on the subject, of giving in italics the salient and most distinctive generic and specific characters. This will, I believe, be found a help by the student, but it must be remembered that it is intended rather as a practical assistance in identification than as an indication of what are, from a systematic standpoint, characters of importance ; for though as a rule the two run side by side it not unfrequently happens that a feature of such slight structural importance as colour or size may separate two species at a glance, but the italicising of these characters must not be looked upon as necessarily implying that they form the most important distinction between the two. Another feature of the work which is undoubtedly in the bryological literature of our islands something of an innovation, is the introduction of sub-species. I have not employed this method of classification without considerable deliberation and some hesitancy ; nor am I unaware that it has its disadvantages, and perhaps its dangers. The temptation to subdivide genera into sub-genera, and species into sub-species, varieties, sub-varieties, forms and sub-forms, becomes increasingly great with the growth of more accurate knowledge and the closer study of forms. That these terms represent actual and existing degrees of affinity there can be no doubt, nor can there be any as to the importance of a recognition of the fact; but I hold that such minute sub-divisions are quite out of place in a general work of this kind, and are only justified in works dealing with special and limited groups, and even then only when they are dealt with from a somewhat different point of view, in short when the object of the work is of a theoretical rather than of a practical nature. I should therefore greatly deprecate the introduction of such a chain of terms, and their inevitably greatly multiplied nomenclature, into works intended primarily as hand-books for the student, and secondarily only as text-books for the systematist. f do not however think that the introduction of sub-species alone is open to the same objection, while it certainly meets some of the difficulties which constantly present themselves to the classifier who has no middle choice between species and varieties. While the method pursued here gives, I believe, a truer view of the relationships of the plants in question than if they were treated either as independent species or as merely varieties, I do not think it will be found to render the classification in any way more complex or more cumbersome. I have retained the ordinary binomial designation as in the case of full species, and the only practical difference will be found to be that the sub-species are not numbered in the headings, but indicated by an asterisk.INTRODUCTION. xxiii I have ventured to revive, in the case of generic names, what was I think a feature of considerable assistance to beginners in some of our older works, viz., the indication of their correct pronunciation, by an accent placed over the vowel of the accented syllable. The Key to the Genera and the Keys to the species under each genus have been re-written, to suit the arrangement of the work, by the Rev. H. G. Jameson, from his “ Illustrated Guide to British Mosses/’ They will, I have no doubt, be found of material assistance to the beginner, especially in the larger genera; but it must always be borne in mind that they are intended as a guide to, not as a substitute for, the fuller descriptions. The Plates are based upon those published by the Rev. H. G. Jameson in the above-mentioned work ; they have however all been re-drawn and in many cases have been improved and added to, while between 20 and 30 species and sub-species are here figured which were not included there. They have all been drawn direct from nature by means of the camera lucida, and against each figure will be found the scale of magnification used, the sign x 1 being employed for unmagnified figures. The scale has been kept uniform throughout the entire series in the figures of the leaves (x 15), the leaf-apex ( x 60), and the leaf-cells ( x 180), so that the figures show not merely the form, but the comparative size of the structures. The advantages derived from this are too obvious to need pointing out. Each species and sub-species described is represented, and the five introductory plates will be found very useful by the beginner, as illustrations of the technical terms used in the body of the work ; references to these will be found in the Glossary. iiiGLOSSARY. Acrocarpous, having the fruit terminal on stem or branch (Tab. I., I, 5). Acumen, a gradually tapering, narrow point. Acuminate, with an acumen (Tab. II., 8, 12). Acute, with a shorter, sharp point (Tab. II., 7, 14). Aggregate, clustered. Alar cells, the cells at the basal angles of a leaf (Tab. III., 25). Amentula, the special branches bearing the antheridia, in Sphagnum. Amphithecium, the outer layers of cells of the sporogonium. Amplexicaul, clasping the stem. Angular cells, v. alar cells. Annulus, a specialised ring of cells between the mouth of the capsule and the lid ; usually separable, and often highly elastic. Annular, like a ring. Antheridium, the male reproductive organ (Tab. V., 18). Apiculus, a short, abrupt point. Apiculate, ending in an apiculus (leaf, Tab. II., n). Apophysis, a. swelling of the fruit-stalk immediately under the capsule (Tab. IV., 9, 14, 15)- Appendiculate (cilia), with short transverse bars at intervals (Tab. V., 15, 16). Appressed, applied closely to the stem in an erect position. Arboreal, growing on trees. Archegonium, the reproductive organ of the fertile flower (Tab. V., 19). Arcuate, bent in a curve like a bow (capsule, Tab. IX., D. 5). Areolation, the net-work of the cells of a leaf. Arista, a fine, bristle-shaped point. Aristate, ending in an arista (perichaetial bract, Tab. XII., C. 3). Cf. mucronate, cuspidate, piliferous. Articulate, jointed (gemmae, Tab. XXXIV., I. 12). Ascending, pointing upwards or forwards (spines, Tab. IX., C. la). Auricle, a small lobe or special patch of cells at the basal angle of a leaf (Tab. II., 8; XVII., H. 1). Autoicous, having the male and fertile organs in separate inflorescences on the same plant (Tab. XVII., E. 10). Axil, the angle or hollow at the base of a leaf between it and the stem. Axillary, belonging to, or in an axil (male inflor., Tab. XX., F. 1, G. 1). Bicuspidate, with two short horns or points (Tab. XI., E. lx*). Bifid, cleft into two divisions (paraphyllium, Tab. I., 13 ; peristome teeth, Tab. V., 10). Bi-stratose, in two strata or layers (cells, Tab. III., 24). Bracts, special leaves surrounding the reproductive organs. Bulbil, a minute bulb or bulb-shaped body (Tab. XLV., E. 12). Bulbiform, like a bulb (plant, Tab. XXV., C.).GLOSSARY. XXV Ccespitose, tufted. Calyptra, the thin veil or hood covering the lid of the capsule (Tab. IV., i, 2, 3. 6, 8). Campanulate, shaped like a bell (calyptra, Tab. IV., 6, 8). Canaliculate, channelled (leaf, Tab. XVI., I. 1). Capillary, Capillaceous, hair-like. Carinate, keeled like a boat (leaf, Tab. XXV., C. 3). Cartilaginous, firm and tough. CastaneouSj chestnut-coloured. Catenulate, resembling a little chain. Cemuous, slightly drooping (capsule, Tab. IV., n, 14; Tab. I., 10). Chloropkyllose, containing grains of chlorophyll, or green colouring matter. Cilia, hair-like threads (of inner peristome, Tab. V., 15, 16). Cf. processes. Ciliate, with cilia (perichsetial bract, Tab. XII., C. 3). Circinate> curved into a circle (leaf, Tab. LVII., F., H.). Cirrate, curled. * Cladocarpous, having the fruit terminating a short, special, fertile branch. Clathrate, resembling lattice-work. Clavate, club-shaped (gemma, Tab. IV., 5, x 180). Cleistocarpous, capsule opening irregularly, not by a lid or valves (Tab. XII., E. 5). Cochleariform, concave like a spoon or ladle (leaf, Tab. LIII., G.). Columella, the central column of the capsule (Tab. IV., 15). Coma, Comal tuft, a tuft of leaves at the tip of a stem or branch (Tab. XXV., D.). Complanate (of leaves or branches), flattened out more or less in one plane (Tab. II., 2). Conduplicate, folded together, face to face (leaf, Tab. XLVIII., D. 1). Connivent, meeting one another (perichretial bracts, Tab. XXV., C.). Constricted, suddenly narrowed (capsule at mouth, Tab. IV., 16; below mouth, Tab. IV., 19). Convolute, rolled together (leaf-margins, Tab. XVI., D. 1 ; perichaetial bracts, Tab. XXV., B.). Cordate, heart-shaped (leaf, Tab. LIX., L. 1). Crenulate, with fine, convex or rounded teeth (leaf-margin, Tab. VIII., G. ic; Tab. XXI., C. ic). Cribrose, perforated, like a sieve (peristome teeth, Tab. XXI., E. 6; Tab. XXIV., E. 6). Crisped, curled up and twisted (leaves, Tab. II., 6). Cruciform, cross-shaped. Cucullate, hood-shaped and (of the calyptra) split on one side only (leaf-apex, Tab. VI., A. 2 ; calyptra, Tab. IV., 6). Cf. mitriform. Cultriform, curved like a short, wide scimitar (leaf, Tab. XLIX., F. 1). Cuneiform, wedge-shaped (peristome teeth, Tab. V., 5). Cuspidate, having a moderately long, stiff, acute point (Tab. II., 9). Cf. mucronate, aristate, piliferous. Cuticle, the outermost skin of the stem. Cuticular, belonging to the cuticle (cells, Tab. I., 8). Cygneous, curved suddenly downwards like a swan’s neck (seta, Tab. XXV., F. 5). Cymbiform, boat-shaped (leaf, Tab. VI., A. 2). Deciduous, falling off, not persistent. Decurrent, with the base of the leaves running down the stem on each side, like wings (Tab. II., 7; Tab. XVIII., D. 1).XXVI GLOSSARY. Decurved, curved downwards. Decumbent, prostrate with the tip rising upwards. Defiexed, bent downwards. Dehisce, split open. Deltoid, like a Greek Delta, or triangle (leaf, Tab. LIV , J. i). Dendroid, tree-like. Dentate, sharply toothed (leaves, Tab. I-, n). Denticulate, very finely toothed, or obscurely toothed (Tab. XII., F. 3a; Tab. XII.r I. ia). Denuded, having the leaves worn off. Diaphanous, colourless and transparent. Dichotomous, repeatedly forked (stem, Tab. I., 5). Dimorphous, of two forms. Dioicous, having the male and fertile inflorescences on separate plants (Tab. V., 20y 21). Discoid, like a disc or plate (male inflorescence, Tab. XL. K.). Distichous, in two opposite rows on the stem (leaves, Tab. II., 1). Divaricate, Divergent, spreading widely apart. Dorsal, belonging to or on the back, i.e., the face of a leaf remote from the stem. Emarginate, having a small notch at the end (the nearest approach to this in the Plates is the leaf-apex, Tab. XXVIII., C.). Emergent, half uncovered ; of the capsule, when the ^erichsetial bracts reach but da not overtop it (Tab. XXX., J. 5). Cf. immersed, exserted. Endemic, confined to a single country or geographical area. Endotheciuui, the inner layers of cells of the sporogonium. Epiphragm, a membrane covering the mouth of the capsule. Equidistant, at equal distances from one another (peristome teeth, Tab. V., 5, 6, 7). E quit ant, having the leaf-bases conduplicate and sheathing alternately one above the other on opposite sides of the stem. Erecto-patent, mid-way between erect and patent; i.e., spreading from the stem at an angle of 450 or less. Erose, Eroded, irregularly notched or worn, as if gnawed (perichsetial bracts, Tab, XLVIIL, C. 5). Everted, abruptly turned outward. Exannulate, without an annulus. Excavate (leaf-insertion), hollowed out in a curve. Excunent nerve, running out beyond the lamina of the leaf (Tab. II., 9, 10). Exserted, uncovered ; of the capsule, when the perichcetial bracts do not reach so high as the base (Tab. XXX., K.). Cf. emergent, immersed. Of the columella, when it protrudes from the mouth of the capsule (Tab. IV., 15 ; Tab. V., 4). Falcate, curved like a sickle (leaf, Tab. II., 8). Falcato-secund, falcate and turned to one side of the stem (leaves, Tab. II., 3). Fascicle, a bunch of leaves or branches. Fasciculate, arranged more or less in bunches. Fastigiate, with the branches reaching to the same height. Fibrillose, with fine fibres or threads (leaf-cell, Tab. III., 13). Filiform, Filamentous, thread-like. Fimbriate, fringed with cilia (Tab. VII., F. I, G. 1). Flagella, very fine string-like branchlets. Flagelliform, like the thong of a whip.GLOSSARY. XXVll Flexuose, bent backwards and forwards, or waved. Foliose, Foliaceous, leaf-like, or leaf-bearing. Frondose, Frondiform, like a frond, or a broad, flat, somewhat leaf-like expansion. Fugacious, easily falling or broken off. Fuscous, dull brown. Fusiform, spindle-shaped, i.e., narrowly oval with narrow, tapering ends (leaf-cell, Tab. VII., B. 2c). Gemma, a small bud-like body, capable of reproducing the plant (Tab. IV., 5). Gemmiferous, Gemmiparous, bearing gemmae (leaf, Tab. IV., 4). Gemmiform, bud-like (plant, Tab. V., 3). Geniculate, suddenly bent (seta, Tab. XXIV., H.). Gibbous, swollen on one side (capsule, Tab. IV., 11). Glabrous, smooth, not hairy nor papillose. Glaucous, bluish-grey. Globose, round like a ball. Granulose, rough as with grains of sand. Gregarious plants, growing near together or clustered, but not in close tufts or mats. Guard-cells, the two kidney-shaped cells enclosing a stoma (Tab. V. 1). Gymfiostomous, bare, without a peristome (mouth of capsule, Tab. IV., 9, 10). Hamate, hooked (leaf, Tab. LVIII., I.). Hispid, rough with short, stiff hairs. Homomallous leaves, all pointing in the same direction. Hyaline, colourless and transparent, like water (leaf-point, Tab. XXIII., D. la). Hygroscopic, readily absorbing water and thereby altered in form or direction. Imbricated, closely overlapping, like the tiles of a roof (leaves, Tab. I., 7). Immersed, covered up ; of the capsule, when overtopped by the perichaetial bracts (Tab. II., 6). Cf. emergent, exserted. Incrassate, of the cell-walls, thickened ; of the cells, having thickened walls (Tab. III., 2, 7, 10; the marginal cells). Incumbent, folded inwards and lying upon. Innovation, a branch or fresh shoot from a stem. Insertion, the line of juncture of a leaf with the stem. Involute, rolled inwards (leaf-margin, Tab. II., 13 ; Tab. XXXI., A. ia). Julacecus, smoothly cylindrical, like a worm. Lacerate, Laciniate, jagged or torn (calyptra, Tab. IV., 3). LamellcE, thin sheets or plates of tissue (Tab. III., 22, 16 ; Tab. III., 18, in section). Lamina, the blade, or expanded part of the leaf, as distinct from the nerve. Lanceolate, shaped like a lance-point (leaf, Tab. VIII., B. 2). Lenticular, like a double convex lens. Ligulate, strap-shaped (proportionally longer and narrower than Ungulate), (leaf, Tab. XIV., A. 1). Limb, the upper part of the leaf as distinct from the leaf-base. Linear, very narrow, with nearly parallel margins (leaf, Tab. XIX., C. 1 ; cells, Tab. XV., E. ic). Lingulate, tongue-shaped (proportionally shorter and wider than ligulate), (leaf, Tab. XIV., C. 1). Lumen, the cavity or space within a cell.xxviii GLOSSARY. Mamillaie, convex with a short point (lid of capsule, Tab. IV., 13). Mitriform, of the calyptra, cleft on two or more sides, and symmetrical (Tab. IV., i). Cf. cucullate. Monoicous, having the male and fertile organs on the same plant. Mucro, a very short, usually rather stout, abrupt point. Mucronate, having a mucro (Tab. II., 10). Cf. aristate, cuspidate, piliferous. Multifid, cleft into many divisions. Muricate, Muriculate, rough with minute, sharp points (spore, Tab. XXVI., F. 9). Muticous, not pointed. of the capsule, the lowest part, just above the point where it joins the seta. Nodose, covered with knots or prominences. Nodulose, with very small knots (cilia, Tab. V., 14 ; cell-walls, Tab. III., 7). Obconical, inversely conical, i.e., like a cone with the apex downward. Obovate, inversely egg-shaped, with the broadest part above (leaf, Tab. XXVI. r J. 1). Ochraceous, yellowish-brown. Octofarious, arranged in eight ranks. Oosphere, the central cell of the archegonium. Orbicular, almost circular (leaf, XLIV., A. I). Ovate, Ovoid, egg-shaped, or nearly so (leaf, Tab. VI., B. 2). Pachydermous, thick-skinned. Paired (peristome teeth), united or approximated two and two (Tab. V., 12, 17). Panduriform, fiddle-shaped (leaf, Tab. VIII., E. 1). Papilla, minute rounded or acute protuberances (Tab. III., 19, 20, 24). Papillose, rough with papilke (seta, Tab. II., 15 ; leaf, Tab. L., K. ia). Paraphyllia, minute leaf-like or much branched organs among the leaves (Tab. I.r 11,13)- Paraphyses, jointed, hyaline hairs growing among the reproductive organs (Tab. V., 20, 21, 22). Parenchymatous, cells with broad ends abutting on one another, not dove-tailing into one another (Tab. III., 8); v. prosenchymatous. Paroicous, having the male and fertile organs in the same inflorescence, but not mixed, the antheridia being in the axils of the perichsetial bracts below the fertile flower (Tab. V., 23). Patent, spreading, i.e., spreading from the stem at an angle of 450 or more. Patulous, widely spreading. Pedicel, a short stalk, or fruit-stalk. Pellucid, translucent, but not hyaline. Penicillate, tufted, like a camel’s hair brush. Percurrent, reaching to the point but not beyond (nerve, Tab. VIII., F. ia). Perichatium, Perichcetial bracts, special leaves or bracts enclosing the fertile flower and often surrounding the base of the seta (Tab. XXX., B. 3). Perigonium, Perigonial bracts, special leaves or bracts enclosing the male flower (Tab. XL., K.). Peristome, the fringe surrounding the mouth of the capsule upon removing the lid (Tab. V., 5, 6, 7). Peristomate, having a peristome. Persistent, not falling off. v. deciduous. Piliform, like a long, flexuose hair (nerve point, Tab. III., 16).GLOSSARY. XXIX Pinnate, having numerous spreading branches on each side, like a feather (Tab. I., 9, io). Piliferous, bearing a piliform hair. Cf. aristate, cuspidate, mucronate. Pleurocarpous, having the fruit lateral on a stem or branch (Tab. I., 4, 9, 12). Plicate, folded in pleats or furrows (leaf, Tab. II., 12). PUccb, folds, as above. Plumose, regularly and closely pinnate like a plume or feather (Tab. I., 9). Polymorphous, of many forms. Processes, the main divisions of the inner peristome (Tab. V., 13); v. cilia. Proliferous, bearing abnormal or supernumerary outgrowths. Prosenchymatous, cells with pointed ends dove-tailing into one another (Tab. III., 9), v. parenchymatous. Protone?na, the green, branched threads produced from the spore, and sometimes persistent during the lifetime of the moss developed from it (Tab. V., 3). Pseudopodium, a leafless branch resembling a fruit-stalk, often bearing gemmae (Tab. IV., 5). Of Sphagnum, the stalk (false seta), bearing the capsule. Punctate, Punctiform, rounded, dot-like (cells, Tab. III., 2). Punctulate, with minute dots or points. Pyriform, pear-shaped (capsule, Tab. IV., 13). Quadrate, square or nearly so (cells, Tab. III., 1). Quinquefarious, arranged in five ranks. Radicles, rootlets springing from the stem, etc. (Tab. I., 14). Radicular, belonging to the radicles. Radiculose, covered with radicles. Ramuli, minute branchlets. Recurved, curved backwards. Renifortn, kidney-shaped (guard-cells of stomata, Tab. V., 1). Retort cells, special enlarged cuticular cells with a more or less recurved apex, in Sphagnum (Tab. VI., F., branch). Revolute, rolled back (leaf-margin, Tab. XXX., A. la). Rhomboid, “diamond-shaped” (cells, Tab. III., 10, upper figure). Rhizome, a subterranean root-like stem. Rostellate, with a short beak (lid, Tab. XIII., F.). Rostrate, with a long beak (lid, Tab. XV., B. 5). Rosulate, in the form of a rosette. Rufescent, reddish brown. Rufous, reddish. Rugose, wrinkled (apophysis, Tab. IV., 15). Rugulose, slightly wrinkled. Rupestral, growing on rock. Saccate, bag or sack-shaped. Scabrous, very rough, or warted. Scariose, of a scaly consistency, dry and thin. Secund, twisted to one side (leaves, Tab. II., 4). Serrate, toothed like a saw (leaf-margin, Tab. III., 23). Serrulate, finely serrate (leaf-margin, Tab. XX., L. 1, ic). Sessile, not stalked. .SWa, the fruit-stalk. Setaceous, like a bristle (leaf-point, Tab. XIX., A. 1).XXX GLOSSARY. Sheathing, more or less surrounding and clasping the stem or seta (leaf-base, Tab. X., B. i ; perichsetial bracts, Tab. XXX., B. 3). Sigmoid, curved like the letter S (cells, Tab. XVI., I. ic). Sinuose, waved from side to side (cell-walls, Tab. III., 6, 7). Sinuolate, faintly or minutely sinuose. Spathulate, from a narrow base gradually growing broader to a. wide, rounded top (leaf, Tab. XXVIII., C. 1). Spinose, with sharp spiny teeth (leaf-margin, Tab. III., 21). Spinulose, with small spines (back of leaf, Tab. IX., C. 1, ia). Spora7igium, spore-sac, the inner sac of the capsule, containing the spores. Sporogonium, the spore-bearing part of the moss. Sporophyte, the non-sexual generation of the moss, i.e., all the organs produced by the fertilisation of the archegonium. Squarrose, spreading out at right angles from the stem (stem-leaves, Tab. II., 15). Stellate, spreading out like a star. Stoloniform stem, a slender creeping stem with minute leaves. Stomata, pores in the wall of the capsule, surrounded by special guard-cells (Tab. V., 1, 2). Stria, very faint furrows (Tab. XVII., D. 5). Striola, minute stria*. Striate, Striolate, having striae, striolae. Strict, straight and rigid. Struma, a swelling on one side at the base of the capsule (Tab. IV., 19). Strumose, having a struma. Strumulose, having a small or indistinct struma. Sub-, as a prefix, somewhat or almost; e.g.9 sub-entire, almost entire. Subula, a very fine point like a needle or awl. Subulate, having a subula (leaf, Tab. II., 13 ; lid, Tab. IV., 19). Subjacent, lying just below. Sulcate, deeply furrowed (capsule, Tab. IV., 11, 18). Synoicous, having the male and fertile organs mixed together in the same inflorescence (Tab. V., 22). Terete, smooth and cylindrical. Terrestrial, growing on earth. Tetrahedral, having four triangular faces. Tomentose, covered with a thick felt of radicles (stem, Tab. I., 14). Trabeculate, with prominent transverse bars (peristome tooth, Tab. V., 10). Trifarious, Tristichous, arranged in three ranks. Trigonous, Triquetrous, having three angles. Truncate, cut off abruptly (capsule, Tab. IV., 10). Tubulose, like a little tube (leaf-apex, Tab. XVI., D. 1). Tumid, swollen. Turbinate, top-shaped (capsule, Tab. XLIV., B. 5). Turgid, swollen. Unilateral, on one side only. Unistratose cells, in one stratum or layer (Tab. III., 19, 20). Urceolate, like an urn or pitcher (Tab. IV., 18). Vaginula, the minute sheath surrounding the base of the seta. Ventricose, swollen on one side.GLOSSARY. XXXI Ventral, belonging to or on the front, i.e.> the face of a leaf next the stem. Vermicular, narrow and curved, like a little worm (cells, Tab. LII., D. ic). Vesicular, inflated like a bladder. Verruculose, covered with wart-like prominences (cells, Tab. III., 19). Whorled, arranged in a whorl or ring (innovations, Tab. I., 14). NOTE ON THE MEASUREMENTS EMPLOYED. Macroscopical measurements (of stems, leaves, setae, capsules, etc.) are given in inches and lines, i.e., twelfths of an inch ; microscopical measurements (of cells, spores, etc.) in millimetres, expressed in terms of /. (/* = ^ mm.). For purposes of comparison it may be borne in mind that for small measurements 100 p = two °f an inch, and for larger measurements i mm. = £ a line, or i line = 2 mm., very nearly.XXX11 ABBREVIATIONS. ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED insr THE WORK. Hab. Habitat. pXpP' } in Part- et nonnull. auct. and some authors. et mult. auct. and many authors. et plur. auct. and most authors. n. sp. new species. n. var. new variety. op. cit. the above-mentioned work. sec. according to (e.g., sec. Boulay, according to Soulay). sensu, in the sense of, as used by. . . . sqq. and the following (e.g., pages). Braithw. Br. M. FI...... Braithw. Sphagnaceae.... B. & S.................. C. M. Syn............... Hobk. Syn............... Journ. of Bot........... Lindb., Muse. Scand..... Lond. Cat. of Brit. Mosses. Manual of N.A. Mosses ... Muscol. Gall. .. Muse. Gallica. .. Rev. Bry........ Schp. Syn....... Wils. Bry. Brit. The British Moss Flora ; R. Braith- waite, M.D. 1880 sqq. The Sphagnaceae or Peat-Mosses of Europe and North America; R. Brailhwaite, M.D. 1880. Bryologia Europaea; Bruch, Schimper and Giimbel. 1836-55. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum ; C. Muller. 1849. A Synopsis of the British Mosses ; C. P. Hobkirk. 2nd ed., 1884. The Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. Musci Scandinavici ; S. O. Lindberg. lS79- The London Catalogue of British Mosses. 2nd ed., 1881. Manual of the Mosses of North America ; Lesquereux and James. 1884. f Muscologia Gallica; T. Husnot. I 1884-94. Revue Bryologique, 1874-96. Synopsis Muscorum Europaeorum ; W. P. Schimper. 2nd ed., 1876. Bryologia Britannica; W. Wilson.KZZE-y TO THE GEHEEA. The following Key is solely intended to enable beginners to refer an unrecognised specimen of moss to its proper Genus. To use it, the student must first consult the “ General Key,” follow- ing it down until he comes to the point where a capital letter refers him to the proper Section for his specimen. Turning to this, he must again follow down the Key there until he arrives at the Genus required. For example, supposing his specimen is Hedwigia ciliata. In the “ General Key” he looks at No. i, which, as his leaves are not distichous, sends him on to No. 2, and here, as his leaves have hyaline points, he finds himself referred to " B.” Turning then to B, he finds that No. i, as his leaves are without lamellse, sends him to No. 3, under which the nerveless leaves of his plant point him to Hedwigia. It should be borne in mind that the “ General Key” must be consulted (at least until the student is thoroughly familiar with its method) before turning to the Sectional headings, as these headings only imply that plants with such and such a description will be found under them, if not already included in some earlier section, e.g., “D. Leaves bordered” does not include Catharinea, which had already appeared under C. GENERAL KEY. /Leaves (at least in barren stems) distichous, in two rows only ................A /Leaves inserted in three or more rows on the stem .............................2 fLs. with hyaline points, or with the nerve excurrent in a hair ................B \Ls. without hyaline or hair points (or the whole leaf colourless) .............3 /Ls. with longitudinal lamelhe on inner face of nerve...........................C 3\Ls. without lamellae on inner face........................................... 4 /Ls. bordered with narrow cells, or with a thickened border ....................D 4\Ls. not bordered ................................................................5 /Branch-leaves with spiral fibres in their cells..................../. Sphagnum 5/Cells without spiral fibres .....................................................6 (Plant brown or blackish, very fragile, on rocks ; capsule opening by longitudinal 6-j slits .............................................................2. Andreaa (Plant not blackish ; capsule opening by a lid, or cleistocarpous ..............7 /Plant with fruit...............................................................8 ' /Plant without fruit............................................................19xxxiv KEY TO THE GENERA. g f Capsule immersed (or emergent only) .........................................9 \ Capsule exserted...........................................................10 /Cleistocarpous ; plants minute, growing on the ground .....................E Capsule with a lid (stegocarpous); usually larger, often on rocks or trees.F io/Peristome absent or rudimentary (or capsule cleistocarpous) ................G f Seta at end of stem, or of a leafy branch.................................12 1 i-J Seta, surrounded only by the perichaetial leaves at its base, at side of stem, or of /Capsule with apophysis as wide as, or wider than itself .....................H \Capsule without apophysis as wide as itself ................................13 /Capsule striate, regularly furrowed when dry ................................I ^/Capsule smooth, or lightly and irregularly sulcate only when dry .............14 /Capsule erect or suberect ..................................................15 "^/Capsule inclined or cernuous, or on an arcuate seta..........................16 /Peristome teeth 4, or 16, entire, or slightly and irregularly cloven.......J ^ \Peristome teeth 16, deeply divided, * or 32.................................K ^-/Peristome single..............................................................L \ Peristome double ...........................................................M /Leaves single-nerved half-way or more .....................................18 ' /Leaves nerveless or shortly 2-nerved .......................................20 ig/Capsule erect, symmetric .....................................................N /Capsule cernuous, or curved, or on a curved seta...........................O /Leaves nerveless ** or shortly 2-nerved....................................20 " /Leaves single-nerved half-way or more ......................................21 (Cells short, not much longer than wide, or long-oval in centre and short at sides 20-j of leaf ....................................................................P [Cells elongate, at least twice as long as wide.............................Q f Plant bearing gemmae or granular filaments on the leaves, or on special stalked 21 receptacles ..................................................................R (Plant without such appendages...............................................22 {Nerve very broad, about £ or more of base of leaf .........................S Nerve narrow................................................................23 /Upper cells wide, 20 (± or more in shortest diameter.......................T •*/Upper cells small or narrow, rarely over 15 fx wide ........................24 /Leaves obtuse and entire (or bluntly apiculate).............................IX Leaves acute, or obtuse and toothed ........................................25 (Stem (acrocarpous) usually erect or ascending, simple or dichotomously branched, never pinnate ; leaf-cells usually quadrate, rounded or hexagonal, rarely (as in Bryum, &c.) hexagono-rhomboid ; nerve often reaching apex or excurrent ...26 Stem (pleurocarpous) usually prostrate or creeping, often long and with divergent lateral branches; leaf-cells most usually rhomboid or linear, or oval or rounded, not quadrate ; nerve scarcely ever excurrent ...........................28 2£/Leaves with enlarged, often brownish, angular cells.........................V /Leaves without dilated and coloured angular cells ..........................27 /Ls. with excurrent nerve, or with long fine subula, into which the nerve runs.. ' \Ls. without excurrent nerve.................................................. X 2g/Cells short, not twice as long as wide......................................Y 0 /Cells at least twice as long as wide .......................................Z A. Leaves distichous, inserted in two rows only on the stem. j / Leaves nerveless, cells lax....................................jr. Schistostega /Leaves single-nerved, cells small ...........................................2 * Segments sometimes united by cross-branches. ** In Leucobryum apparently so only.KEY TO THE GENERA. XXXV f Leaves very narrow, subulate-setaceous .....................12. Swartzia /Leaves wider, with a sheathing lamina at base .................,28. Fissidens B. Leaves with hyaline points, op with the nerve exeurrent in a hair. j /Leaves with longitudinal lamellae on inner face of nerve ...............2 \Leaves without lamelke on inner face ..................................3 / Leaves long, stiff, opaque, with numerous lamellae .........6. Folytrichum /Leaves nerveless, or shortly two-nerved at base .............33. He.divigia •*/Leaves single-nerved half-way or more...................................4 /Nerve one-third or more of width of leaf near base .....24. Campylopus ^/Nerve not one-third of base .............................................5 /Lamina hyaline at apex, nerve (apparently) vanishing ..................6 5 \ Lamina not hyaline above, nerve excurrent in a hair....................9 ^/Basal cells of leaf very long and narrow, nodulose .......30. Rhacomitrium /Peristome double, capsule immersed, striate .............30. Ortliotrichum ' \Peristome single or none, capsule exserted, or immersed and smooth......8 g/Calyptra plicate ; Is. with thickened plicae on each side of nerve ...31. Coscinodon /Calyptra smooth ; Is. without thickened plicae ..............29. Grivunia /Cells rhomboid, with pointed ends .............................77. Btyum ^/Cells more or less quadrate .............................................10 /Peristome absent, or of short straight teeth ..................38.* Pottia /Peristome long, twisted........................................39. Tortula C. Leaves with longitudinal lamellae on inner face; peristome teeth connected toy an epiphragm. /Leaves with a thickened, toothed border, lamellae few........4. Catharinea 2/ Lamellae sinuose..........................................3. Oligotrichum \ Lamellae straight, very numerous ...........................6. Polytrichum D. Leaves bordered. j / Leaves 2-nerved .............................................83. Hookeria fCells (except the border) short, dense, sub-quadrate ..................3 \ Cells elongate, or large and roundish-hexagonal.......................4 f Border of elongate cells, more or less translucid ............39. Tortula 3/Border-cells scarcely elongate, opaque....................43. Cinclidotus f Cells lax, truncate-hexagonal; capsule erect; seta smooth ..61. Funaria 41 Cells hexagonal-rhomboid or roundish ; capsule inclined or cernuous (except [ Daltonia).............................................................5 /Border strongly toothed ; Is. large ...........................78. Mnium ->/Border entire, or more or less toothed near apex only ..................6 ^/Leaves large, roundish-ovate ; cells not much elongate...................7 /Leaves more or less tapering above ; cells elongate ...................8 f Leaves obtuse or bluntly apiculate ; peristome teeth free ....78. Mnium 7-! Leaves shortly and suddenly acuminate; inner peristome a dome-shaped ( membrane....................................................79. Cinclidium g/Nerve reaching apex or excurrent ..............................77. Bryum /Nerve ceasing some distance below apex................................. 9 /Leaves widely ovate or obovate ; acrocarpous ..................73. Webera y/Leaves narrow-lanceolate ; pleurocarpous ; seta rough..........84. Daltonia * For the Key to the Species of Pottia, see Addenda.xxxvi KEY TO THE GENERA. E. Cleistoearpous mosses with immersed capsule. f Plant growing from a persistent, green protonema . \Protonema not persistent ........................2 ......................;*3 / Calyptra minute; Is. nerveless, not or obscurely toothed......jy. Nanomitnu?n ^Calyptra larger ; Is. nerved, or nerveless and coarsely toothed ...58. Ephemerum / Capsule with a minute, persistent lid ; leaves curled when dry ......42. IVezsia Capsule without a distinct lid ; leaves scarcely curled .......................4 {Leaves lanceolate-subulate, cells long and narrow ..............................5 Leaves ovate, ovate-lanceolate, or obovate .....................................6 f Capsule globose, without any apiculus, spores few, large ........g. Archidium 5\Capsule apiculate, spores numerous..................................10. Pleundiu?7i r /Ls. serrate in upper half, nerve vanishing below apex..........jg. Physcomitrella \Ls. entire, or toothed at apex only, nerve reaching apex or excurrent..............7 (Two or three inner perichaetial Is. very wide and concave, usually serrulate at y\ apex ; capsule globose, not (or very minutely) apiculate ..............36. Acaulon [inner perichaetial Is. less conspicuous, entire ; capsule apiculate...jy. Phascum F. Stegoearpous mosses with immersed capsule. {Leaves nerveless ............................... Leaves single-nerved ........................... {Leaves complanate, more or less undulate ....... Leaves not complanate nor undulate.............. /Aquatic plant ; leaves thin, tristichous ....... '/Terrestrial plant; leaves firm, not tristichous... {Lid minute, not separating ; plant very small ... Lid larger, separating when ripe ............... /Perichaetial leaves ciliate ; capsule oblique .. 5/Perichaetial leaves not ciliate ; capsule regular. , f Fruit on a short lateral branch ................ \ Fruit terminal ................................ /Peristome absent ............................... '/Peristome present................................. g f Capsule not striate ; peristome single ......... /Capsule striate, or smooth with double peristome ................2 ...............4 .....82. Neckera ...........•••••3 ...80. Fontinalis ....33. Hedwigia ......42. Weisia .............. -5 ___8. Diphyscium ...............6 ....81. Cryphcea ................7 .....22. Blindia ...............8 ....2Q. Grimmia .JO. Orthotrichum G. Peristome absent (or capsule cleistoearpous). j/Seta curved .....................................................................2 \Seta straight .................................................................3 /Capsule with a lid................................................yo. Philonotis /Capsule cleistoearpous............................................jy. Phascum /Capsule striate, furrowed when dry ...............................48. Zygodon •^/Capsule smooth, or irregularly sulcate only when dry...........................4 /Leaves large, roundish, very obtuse ; cells lax ..................32. (Edipodium ^fPlant without large, round, obtuse leaves.......................................5 /Cells elongate, hexagonal, very lax and thin-walled ..........................6 5\Cells more or less quadrate, or elongate but small and narrow...................7 ^/Lid conic ; calyptra mitriform...............................60. Physcomitrium \Lid almost flat; calyptra cucullate ..............................61. Funaria /Leaves ovate, oblong, or obovate, nerve usually excurrent ....................8 7/Leaves lanceolate, linear, or subulate .........................................9 f Calyptra long, cylindric, covering capsule ; leaves large, opaque, with large, 8^ multifid papillae..................................................46. Encalypta [Leaves smooth or with smaller papillae ; calyptra small ..........38.* Pottia For the Key to the species of Pottia see Addenda.KEY TO THE GENERA. XXXvii /Plant minute, on stone ; leaves subulate, smooth ..............13. Seligeria y (Leaves lanceolate or linear, usually papillose............................10 IQ/Seta lateral ; Is. strongly keeled, acute, nerve vanishing...47. Anactangium (Seta terminal .................................................42. Weisia H. Capsule with apophysis as wide as op wider than itself. f Leaves with long, narrow, subulate points...................34. Tetraplodon 1 \ Leaves obtuse, or with shorter points ......................33. Splachnum I. Capsule striate, regularly furrowed when dry (acrocarpous). /Capsule on an arcuate seta...............................................2 (Seta straight (the capsule erect or oblique) ............................5 2 /“Leaves ovate, with long, very lax cells...................61. Funaria (Leaves lanceolate or subulate, cells narrow..............................3 /Capsule subglobose ; leaves papillose ...................................4 ^ (Capsule elongate ; leaves smooth.............................24. Campylopus ^ (Leaves spreading, not plicate................................6g. Bartra?nia /Capsule subglobose, oblique (erect in B. stricta) .......................6 •* (Capsule more or less oval or cylindric ..................................8 ^/Teeth of peristome united into a cone ; branches 5-angled.....68. Conostomum (Teeth of peristome free .................................................7 /Leaves short ; branches usually whorled .......................70. Philonotis ' (Leaves long and narrow ; branches not whorled................6g. Bartramia «/Teeth of (outer) peristome grouped in pairs or fours ......................9 (Teeth of peristome equidistant...........................................n /Calyptra sub-persistent, large, mitriform, plicate, often hairy..........10 " (Calyptra soon falling, cucullale, smooth .......................48. Zygodon {Capsule much exserted, with superficial stomata; leaves crisped when dry (except U Hutchinsice), basal cells very narrow ........................4Q. Ulota Capsule usually less exserted, stomata immersed (except 0. speciosum); Is. more or less imbricate when dry, basal cells wide ............30. Orthotrichum 1 j /Peristome single........................................................12 (Peristome double ........................................................19 {Peristome teeth 16, simple, or slightly and irregularly divided .........13 Peristome teeth 16, cloven half-way or more..............................15 /Capsule long, covered by calyptra; leaves large and wide....46. Encalypta /Leaves subulate, entire, with excurrent nerve...............14. Brachyodus ^ (Leaves linear or ligulate, usually toothed, nerve vanishing .17. Rhabdoweisia /Leaves (apparently) nerveless, large, whitish...............27. Leucob?yum g/ Peristome teeth divided to base .............................16. Ceratodon (Peristome teeth divided half-way........................................ 17 /Leaves with swollen, usually brownis]}, angular cells.......26. Dicranum ‘ (Leaves without special angular cells .....................................18 {Leaves crisped when dry, papillose, toothed above, cells short 18. Cynodontium Leaves rarely crisped, smooth, cells elongate (except D. heteromalla) 21. Dicranella /Capsule with spiral striae, erect .............................46. Encalypta y (Capsule without spiral striae, cernuous ..................................20 fLs. coarsely toothed, cells of sheathing base long and narrow .66. Timmia 20-J Ls. entire or finely toothed, not sheathing, basal cells little elongate [ 63. Aulacomniumxxxviii KEY TO THE GENERA. J. Capsule smooth, erect, peristome teeth 4-16, nearly simple. {Peristome teeth 4 only.......................................... Peristome teeth 16 ............................................ /Leaves wide, with long, very lax cells ......................... \Cells short, or elongate and narrow ............................ /Leaves strongly serrate, or entire and very obtuse ............. Leaves almost entire, acute ................................... /Peristome teeth strongly paired, reflexed when dry ..........33. /Leaves subulate, smooth ; growing on stones or rocks ........... 5/Leaves more or less lanceolate, or wider, usually papillose .... ✓■/Plant minute ; angular cells of leaves not coloured............. \ Plant larger ; angular cells distinct, brownish ............... /Nerve excurrent (or leaves wide-ovate, obtuse, very concave) ... . ' /Nerve ceasing in or below apex ................................ ^/Capsule long, cylindric ; Is. large, with large multifid papillae .... \Capsule shorter, oval; Is. smooth, or with smaller papillae ...... .3. Tetraphis ...........2 .............3 ..............4 ... .33. Tayloria __61. Funaria Glyphovi itrium .............5 .............6 .............7 ...13. Seligeria ...22. Blindia .............8 ............10 .46. Encalypta .............9 9( I0{ »{ 12 Leaves ovate-lanceolate, ovate, or obovate .............................38. Pottia Leaves linear-lanceolate or lanceolate.................................42. JVeisia Ls. blackish-green, opaque, bistratose above (alpine rocks).........29. Grimmia Ls. not bistratose .............................................................11 Ls. wide at apex, serrate above.................................41. Leptodontium Ls. narrowed towards apex, almost entire........................................12 Perichcetial ls. distinct, sheathing; ls. more or less coloured at angles... 23. Dicranoweisia PerichEetial ls. not distinct; angles not coloured ..................40. Barbala K. Capsule smooth, erect, peristome teeth 16, deeply divided, or 32 (acrocarpous.) ■{ *{ Peristome twisted.............................................................2 Peristome straight ...........................................................4 Ls. oblong or obovate, or covered with granular filaments..........39. Tortilla Ls. more or less tapering in upper half, without granular filaments...........3 Ls. usually short, or with recurved margins ; hyaline cells not ascending up margin ...........................................................40. Barbula Ls. very long and narrow, with plane margins ; basal hyaline cells ascending up margin...............................................43. Trichostomum {Basal cells long, narrow, nodulose ........................30. Rhacomitrium Basal cells not nodulose ..................................................5 {Plant small, glaucous-green ; among alpine rocks ................13. Scclania Plant not glaucous ........................................................6 ^/Upper cells elongate .......................................................7 /Upper cells short, usually more or less quadrate.......................... 8 /Nerve excurrent in the narrow subula ..........................11. Ditrichum '/Nerve ceasing below apex .......................................21. Dicranella (Nerve excurrent, angular cells brownish ; peristome teeth divided half-way... 26. Dicranum Nerve not excurrent, angular cells not coloured ; peristome teeth usually divided nearly to base ..............................................................9 /Leaves more or less toothed above ..................................10 9/Leaves entire (unless at extreme apex) .............................11 /Leaves plicate ......................................32. Ptychomitrium Leaves not plicate ...................................18. Cynodontium ( Leaf-margin recurved ; nerve not excurrent................40. Barbula 11-J Leaf-margin plane or incurved ; nerve excurrent (except tenuirostre)... \ 43. TrichostomumKEY TO THE GENERA. xxxix L. Capsule inclined op on an arcuate seta, with single peristome (acrocarpous). j / Seta bent or curved downwards when moist ..............................2 /Seta straight (except where it joins the capsule) .....................5 fLs. with large inflated auricles, and long fine points.....23. Dicranodontium 2 \ Ls. not auricled .......................................................3 / Plant tall; nerve 2-winged at back .........................29. Grimmia ^/Plant very small; nerve not winged.......................................4 /Nerve vanishing ; peristome teeth narrow, usually cloven...34. Campylostelium Nerve excurrent; peristome teeth lanceolate, usually entire..13. Seligeria /Capsule sub-globose, horizontal.........................................6 Capsule not globose.....................................................7 ^ f Plant almost stemless, with minute nerveless leaves.........36. Discelium 0 \ Stem bearing numerous nerved leaves ; capsule very small.67. Catoscoi>ium /Leaves with angular cells enlarged, usually brownish.........26. Dicranum ' /Leaves without special angular cells.....................................8 g/Capsule with neck as long as itself .........................20. Trematodon /Ls. with upper cells elongate, smooth .......................21. Dicranella "/Upper cells more or less quadrate, scarcely elongate ....................10 / Leaves smooth ; capsule strumose..........................18. Cynodontium /Leaves papillose ; capsule not strumose....................19. Dichodontium M. Capsule inclined or pendulous, with double peristome (acrocarpous). /Plant almost stemless, with minute nerveless leaves .........7. Buxbaumia 1 / Leaves nerved ........................................................2 {Leaves linear-setaceous ; plant small...................................3 Leaves not setaceous ...................................................4 /Capsule inclined, clavate .................................73. Orthodontium 3 \ Capsule pendulous, pyriform................................74. Leptobryu?n /Outer peristome much shorter than inner ; ls. lingulate................5 Outer peristome equalling inner.........................................6 .-/Cells truncate-hexagonal, lax ; peristome curved spirally ....61. Funaria °/Cells pointed or roundish ; peristome not curved ........................7 /Capsule very long-necked, mouth very oblique ..............76. Plagiobryum • /Capsule short-necked, or long-necked and regular........................8 o/Leaves entire, obtuse (or sub-acute at most)..............................9 /Leaves acute or acuminate, or less acute and serrate ................. jo /Leaves large, over line, roundish ...........................7^- Mnium /Upper cells large, roundish-hexagonal; ls. large.............78. Mnium I0/Upper cells elongate, hexagonal-rhomboid................................11 /Cilia without appendages, nerve not excurrent, rarely reaching apex...73. Webera 11 /Plants with either appendiculate cilia, or excurrent nerve ..77. Bryum N. Capsule erect, pleurocarpous (leaves nerved). /Seta rough; ls. narrow, tapering, plicate..................108. Pleuropus f Leaves papillose ......................................................3 /Leaves smooth ......................................................... 6 1Yxl KEY TO THE GENERA. /Ls. very short, roundish, obtuse; branches rolled up when dry /Leaves with long curved papillae on back ; cells elongate .. 97. 4 (Leaves with short papillae ; cells short, quadrate or roundish ... / Stem stoloniform, with ascending branches ......................... 5 (Stem not stoloniform .............................................. .-/Stem slender, prostrate, not dendroid; Is. acuminate................. (Stem robust, dendroid ; ls. obtuse or shortly pointed............... {Leaves serrate, plicate, obtuse..................................... Leaves serrulate only, not plicate, acute or sub-acute ............. ...96. Leptodon ...............4 Pterigynandrum ...............5 ...95. Anomodon .....94.. Leskea ...106. Lescuj'cea ...............7 .101. Climacium ,.107. Isothecium O. Capsule eernuous, pleuroearpous (leaves nerved). f Leaves papillose .......................................................2 1 (Leaves smooth ..........................................................3 /Stem markedly pinnate or bipinnate .......................100. Thuidium 2 (Stem irregularly branched ................................99* Pseudoleskea /Cells very small, roundish ; stem dendroid ...............92. Porotrichum 3 (Cells more or less elongate............................................4 /Leaves strongly complanate, obtuse or very shortly apiculate .83. Homalia 4 (Leaves not or laxly complanate, and if so acute ......................5 /Seta very short, usually curved ; ls. with recurved teeth at apex...91. Antitrichia 5 (Seta longer ; ls. without recurved teeth .............................6 ./Lid longly rostrate ....................................112. Eurhynchium (Lid not longly rostrate..................................................7 7 (Capsule more or less cylindric, usually curved...........................8 g/Cells about 3-5 times as long as wide ..................114. Amblystegium (Cells much elongate......................................................9 /Ls. lanceolate, with long narrow acumen, plicate, imbricate.. 109. Camptothecium 9 (Ls., if acuminate, either secund or squarrose ............115. Hypnum P. Leaves nerveless or shortly 2-nerved, with short cells (at least at the sides). 2 3 4 5 6 /Leaves strongly plicate when moist, acuminate.......... (Leaves not (or only very slightly) plicate when moist. / Plant rather robust, leaves over £ line long.......... (Plant very slender, leaves under ^ line long........... f Leaves serrate above, margin plane .................. /Leaves entire, margin recurved ........................ /Leaves finely serrulate, usually papillose ............ (Leaves entire......................................... /Leaves acuminate, sub-squarrose, smooth ............... (Leaves not acuminate, more or less imbricate.......... /Leaves sub-acute, smooth ............................. (Leaves obtuse or apiculate, more or less papillose.... ,87. Leucodon ...........2 ................3 ................4 ..88. Pterogonium ....33. Hedwigia ,98. Heterocladium ................5 ....89. Habrodon ................6 .....90. Jl/yrinia ....93. Myurella Q. Leaves nerveless or 2-nerved, with elongated cells. /Leaves complanate, or 3-ranked, or uniformly falcato-secund ...................2 (Leaves all round the stem, or subsecund only...................................6 / Cells very lax, over 50 /j. wide ; ls. complanate, obtuse...86. Pterygophyllum (Cells narrow...................................................................3 / Leaves falcato-secund ............................................uj. Hypnum 3 (Leaves not distinctly secund ...................................................4KEY TO THE GENERA. xli f Leaves 3-ranked ; stem long, usually floating ................80. Fontincilis Leaves complanate ........................................................5 /Branches pinnate ; leaves undulate (except complanata)............82. Neckera 5/Branches not pinnate ; leaves flat (except undulatum) ....113. Plagiothecium ^/Leaves covered at back with long papillae ................97. Pterigynandrtim /Leaves smooth (or with a few papillae near apex) ........................7 /Ls. very concave, imbricate, with long filiform apiculus ......103. Myurium '/ Ls. without filiform apiculus .............................................8 g/Ls. whitish, with cells in several layers ....................27. Leucobryum (Ls. obtuse, or widely and bluntly pointed, or apiculate .................10 ^/Ls. acute or acuminate.....................................................12 IQf Aquatic or marsh plant.........................................113. Hypnum /Terrestrial plant........................................................11 11/Stem and ls. pale ; auricles of small, opaque cells .....102. Cylindrothecium /Either the stem red, or the aurides of large, thin cells.......113. Hypnum I2/Stem and branches red, often with paraphyllia; plant robust ...116. Hylocomium tStem and branches not red ...............................................13 /Leaves very minute ; plant slender, conferva-like ......114. Amblystegium ^/Leaves easily visible ................................................... 14 /Leaves wide-ovate, sharply serrate, with short acumen .....111. Hyocomium 4/Leaves entire, or with a long, finely serrulate acumen ....................15 /Ls. more or less squarrose or recurved ........................113. Hypnum 5/Ls. imbricate (and plicate) or sub-secund .................................16 /Ls. reddish, more or less plicate, at least when dry.......103. Orthothecium ‘ /Ls. not reddish nor plicate ................ .............................18 jg/Ls. ovate below; capsule erect, lid conic ......................104. Pylaisia /Ls. lanceolate ; capsule cernuous, or erect with rostrate lid .113. Hypnum R. Plant with gemmse op filaments on the leaves op on special receptacles. /Plant with special stalked receptacles ..................................2 /Plant without such receptacles ...........................................3 /Gemmae in stalked roundish heads ..........................63. Aulacomnium 2/Gemmae in terminal leafy cups ...................................3. Tetraphis {Gemmae collected at the end of the nerve.................................4 Gemmae or filaments on the surface of the leaf or nerve .................5 /Leaves entire.....................................................49. Uloia ^/Leaves serrate............................... ............41. Leptodontium /Appendages confined to the (often dilated) nerve..................39. Tortula 5/Appendages scattered over the face of the leaf ............30. Orthotrichum S. Nerve wide, about one-third of base of leaf. {Ls. with subulate points, mostly formed by the nerve ....................2 Ls. lanceolate, nerve not reaching apex....................92. Porotrichum / Ls. with coloured or dilated angular cells..............................3 /Ls. without special angular cells........................................5 (Ls. suddenly narrowed above base to a long subula .......................4 Ls. more gradually subulate....................................24. Campylopus /Basal auricles of ls. large and inflated ...............23. Dicranodontium 4/Basal auricles slightly developed or absent .....................26. Dicranum /Ls. secund; upper cells not much elongate .........*...........21. Dicranella ->/Ls. spreading; upper cells very long and narrow.............74. Leptobryumxlii KEY TO THE GENERA. T. Cells wide, 20 m op more in their shortest diameter. /Cells short, quadrate or roundish .........................................2 1 / Cells elongate ............................................................5 f Nerve excurrent ...............................................3& Pottic / Nerve vanishing below apex ...............................................2 /Leaves serrate .................................................7^* Mniwn Leaves entire........................................................... A / Leaves very large, roundish ..............................S2- CEdipodium 4/Leaves oblong................................................-5°' Orthotrichun, /Cells mostly with pointed ends ............................................^ 5/Cells flattened at the ends (or leaves large, wide, and flaccid) ............£ ./Ls. small, closely imbricate, green or pinkish ..............76. Plagiobrywn \Ls. rarely imbricate, or imbricate and silvery white ......................7 /Ls. usually narrow, nerve not reaching apex * ..................75- Webera ‘ /Ls. usually wider, nerve often reaching apex or excurrent * .....77. Bryiim n I Leaves ending in long fine points..........................-54' Tetraplodon /Leaves without such points.................................................5 /Leaves obtuse and entire .................................................ic ^/Leaves acute ...............................................................11 10 / Leaves lingulate .........................................>55* Tayloria /Leaves narrow, serrate near apex ............................62. A mb lyodor, 11 \ Leaves wide, ovate or obovate ** .......................61. Funaria, £fc. U. Leaves obtuse and entire, or bluntly apieulate. /Basal cells long and narrow, strongly nodulose.............30. Rkacomitriut?, 1/Basal cells not nodulose, at most sinuose only...............................2 / Upper cells short, more or less quadrate or roundish .....................2 /Upper cells elongate .....................................................ic /Branches pinnate or bipinnate, rolled up closely when dry ......96. Leptodor, ’/Branches not rolled up when dry ..........................................4 /Leaves narrow, very short, not £ line long......................42. Weisic 4/ Leaves over £ line long ....................................................c /Ls. pale, yellowish, pellucid ; upper cells sinuose........63. Aulacomniun, ^/Ls. dark-green, more or less opaque ; cells not sinuose (except Grimmia) ....t Leaves obovate-spathulate .....................................39. Tortulc /Stem stoloniform, much interlaced, with erect branches.......93. Anomodor, ' /Stem not stoloniform .......................................................$ gf Leaves over two lines long, with course multifid papillae ....46. Eucalypti /Cells quadrate, sometimes sinuose ..............................29. Grimmic ” /Cells rounded ...............................................30. Orthotrichun IQ/Leaves strongly squarrose-recurved ...........................21. Dicranellt /Leaves not markedly squarrose ............................................I] 11/Cells with flattened ends ; ls. narrow-lingulate ................63. Meesit /Cells with pointed or overlapping ends ....................................1; I2f Leaves very large (over 2 lines), roundish......................78. Mniun / Leaves smaller ..........................................................1; /Plant acrocarpous, erect; cells usually rather wide ............77. Bryun ^/Plant pleurocarpous, rarely erect ; cells very narrow .........113. Hypnuti * See also under IVebera, p. 302. This would include several species of Physcomitriu>n, Funaria, Splachnum, and Tayloria, hardly to be identified by a Key in the absence of fruit.KEY TO THE GENERA. xliii V. Leaves with enlarged (often brownish) angular cells (acrocarpous). / Leaves serrate above........................................26. Dicranum \ Leaves entire, or finely serrulate at apex only.........................2 /Cells short, more or less quadrate.......................................3 2 / Cells elongate...............................................22. Blindia /Ls. much crisped when dry; plant small ..................23. Dicranoweisia 3\Ls. not or only slightly crisped ..............................26. Dicranum W. Leaves with excurrent nerve, or with long, fine subulate points into which the nerve runs. /Cells not twice as long as wide, usually quadrate or roundish ...........2 /Cells elongate, or with pointed ends ....................................13 fLs. toothed in upper part, or with long, fine, denticulate subula........3 \Ls. entire in upper part, or with a few teeth at apex only...............7 /Ls. short, glaucous, mealy-looking ; plant small ............13. Scelania •’/Ls. not glaucous, or else long and narrow ................................4 /Ls. papillose, long and narrow, spreading or erect...........69. Bartramia 4/Ls. smooth, squarrose or secund ...........................................5 /Ls. subulate-setaceous, secund ..............................11. Ditrichum -’/Ls. ovale or lanceolate, squarrose........................................6 ^/Ls. with pale zone at margin and wide apex ................41. Leptodontium /Ls. without pale margin, tapering to narrow apex.............44. Pleurochccte /Cells rounded, incrassate ; ls. short .......................48. Zygodon ' /Cells more or less quadrate or oblong ....................................8 g/Leaves more or less ovate, or obovate, or large and oblong ................9 /Leaves ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, or linear ..........................10 /Ls. large, opaque with coarse, multifid papillae ............46. Encalypta y/Ls. smooth or finely papillose* ...............................39. Tortula io/Margin usually recurved ; ls. more or less lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate.11 /Ls. more or less toothed at apex, not red below .............16. Ceratodon /Ls. entire at apex, or toothed, and the lower ones red ......40. Barbula f Ls. glaucous, serrate near base, entire above...............42. Weisia 2\Ls. entire below (or slightly crenulate near base only)**..43. Tricliostomum /Ls. very long and narrow ; branches not whorled .............69. Bartramia *4/Ls. shorter and wider; branches often whorled ................70. Philonotis /Ls. subulate; cells narrow-oblong*** ........................21. Dicranella 5/Ls. ovate or lanceolate ; cells rhomboid.......................77. Bryum X. Leaves without exeurrent nerve (acrocarpous). f Leaves with basal cells sinuose or nodulose.............................2 /Basal cells not sinuose nor nodulose ....................................3 / Basal cells very long and narrow, nodulose .............30. Rhacomitrium /Basal cells shorter, sinuose, or else nerve 2-winged at back above ...29. Grimmia /Cells elongate or pointed at the end ....................................4 '’/Cells short, usually quadrate or rounded..................................12 * This would also include some species of Pottia, not likely to be gathered without fruit. This would include some species of Weisia, mostly with involute leaf-margin, but hardly likely to be gathered without fruit. *** Including Ditrichum, hardly to be distinguished without fruit.4- 5 6 7- 8 9 io ii 12- 13 14 JS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26- 27 28 29- KEY TO THE GENERA. Leaves squarrose, plicate .........................................7Breutelia Leaves not squarrose ...........................................................5 Leaves papillose ...............................................................6 Leaves smooth ..................................................................8 Leaves small, closely imbricated in 5 ranks ..................68. Conostomum Leaves larger, not conspicuously 5-ranked ......................................7 Ls. ovate or ovate-lanceolate; branches often whorled .............7°• Philonotis Ls. long, lanceolate or linear ; branches not whorled..............69. Bartrcunia Ls. almost setaceous, very narrow...............................................9 Ls. not setaceous .............................................................10 Ls. sharply serrulate near apex ; nerve wide below ...........74 Leptobryum Ls. bluntly toothed; nerve narrow; cells wider ...............73. Orthodontium Ls. usually lanceolate ; nerve not reaching apex*.............................11 Ls. usually ovate ; nerve often reaching apex.........................77. Bryum Tufts very dense and compact; ls. very small .........................72. Oreas Tufts usually looser ; ls. larger.....................................73. Weber a Leaves toothed in the whole upper part........................................13 Leaves entire, or toothed near apex only .....................................22 Leaves plicate ...............................................32. Ptychomitrium Leaves not plicate ............................................................14 Leaves squarrose, more or less recurved....................................... 15 Leaves not squarrose...........................................................19 Ls. sub-acute or somewhat obtuse, strongly papillose .........19. Dichodontiuvi Ls. acute, smooth or finely papillose ........................................16 Ls. short, ovate or oblong.....................................................17 Ls. lanceolate or linear.......................................................18 Stem tall, tomentose ; ls. widely ovate ...........................64. Paludella Stem short; ls. oblong .......................................41. Leptodontium Cells small, rounded...............................................48. Zygodon Cells more or less quadrate or oblong .............................69. Bartrayjiia Leaves sharply papillose........................................................6 Leaves smooth or obscurely papillose...........................................20 Ls. long (3 lines), coarsely toothed, incurved when dry............66. Timmia Ls. shorter, crisped and twisted when dry......................................21 Ls. linear or ligulate, with rather blunt points .............77. RJiabdoweisia Ls. linear-lanceolate, tapering to narrow points .............18. Cynodontium Cells rounded, or irregular and pellucid......................................23 Cells more or less regularly quadrate .........................................26 Leaves short, scarcely £ line long ................................48. Zygodon Leaves longer, usually over 1 line long .......................................24 Ls. dark-green, rigid and imbricate when dry..................30. Orthotrichum Ls. usually paler, more or less crisped when dry .............................25 Ls. with narrow points ; base dilated, unistratose ...................49. Ulota Ls. with rather wide points ; base not dilated, bistratose....63. Aulacomnium Plants in deep, dense tufts among rocks ; Is. usually linear or linear-lanceolate...27 Plants short, or loosely tufted ; ls. usually lanceolate, with the margin recurved, at least in part.............................................................30 Tufts very compact, bright green above; ls. rather short .....47. Ancectangium Leaves long and narrow ; tufts less compact...................................28 Ls. acute ; cells minute, rather opaque ......................................29 Ls. sub-acute, or acute with pellucid cells ..........................^ Weisia Ls. curled up or merely flexuose when dry; nerve not glossy at the back when dry ...............................................................48. Zygodon Ls. long, much crisped and twisted when dry ; nerve usually glossy at the back 43. Trickostomum See also under JVebera, p. 302.KEY TO THE GENERA. xlv ' (Nerve reaching the more or less toothed apex .................16. Ceratodon Apex entire, or else the nerve vanishing below it.................40. Barbula Y. Pleuroearpous mosses with nerved leaves and short cells. {Stem covered with green paraphyllia, markedly pinnate ........100. Thuidium Stem without paraphyllia .................................................2 fLs. serrate above ; plant tall, dendroid, rigid ............92. Porotrichum \Ls. entire, or toothed near apex only ................... ................3 fLs. more or less toothed near ape£ .......................................4 ^\Ls. entire throughout ......................................................5 {Ls. smooth, cells more or less rhomboid ......................106. Lescurcea Ls. papillose, cells oval...................................99. Pseudoleskea /Nerve ceasing about £ or f up the leaf....................................6 Nerve reaching nearly or quite to apex....................................8 ^/Ls. ovate, over £ line long.....................................81. Cryphcea /Ls. imbricate, papillose, cells very small .................99. Pseudoleskea ' \Ls. sub-complanate, smooth, cells larger.......................90. Myrinia g/Primary stem stoloniform, with minute leaves..................93. Anomodon \Stem not stoloniform .............................................94. Leskea Z. Pleuroearpous mosses with nerved leaves and long* cells. /Ls. strongly papillose at back............................................2 \Ls. smooth, or with a few papillae near apex only ........................3 / Stem markedly pinnate, with paraphyllia .....................100. Thuidium \Stem irregularly branched, slender ......................97. FHcrigynandrum /Ls. with sharp, recurved teeth at apex, margin revolute ......91. Antitrichia /Stem dendroid, bare below, branched above ................................5 /Ls. rather obtuse, serrate, plicate ........................101. Climacium 5\Ls. not plicate, more or less acute, serrulate only ........................6 6/Ls. short-pointed ; plant rather robust ...................107. Isothecium \Ls. acuminate; plant small ..............................112. Eurhynchium /Cells rarely more than 2-5 times as long as wide .........................8 ' / Cells long and narrow.....................................................9 0/Leaves entire or nearly so, or with a very thick nerve ....114. Amblystegium \ Leaves serrulate, at least near apex ...................112. Eurhynchium f Leaves either transversely rugose, or on a red stem, clothed with paraphyllia 9J 116. Hylocomium (Plant without either of these characters..................................10 /Leaves uniformly falcato-secund...............................nj. Hypnum I0\ Leaves not falcato-secund.................................................11 /Ls. plicate, with long, narrow acumen, more or less imbricate ............12 11 \Ls. not plicate, or plicate with shorter points ..........................14 /Ls. lanceolate, tapering almost from base ................................13 I2\Ls. wider at base, ovate-lanceolate Brachythecium f Stem creeping, on walls or trees, etc., branches incurved....108. Pleuropus T3\Stem erect, usually on the ground ........................109. Camptotheciumxlvi KEY TO THE GENERA. Ls. either with distinct swollen auricles, or else more or less squarrose and entire • Mi ns• Hypnu [Ls. not conspicuously auricled, not squarrose and entire-............. /Stem often pinnate ...................................112. Eurhynchin 5\Stem irregularly branched * ** Brachytheciu * This would include H. riparium, the leaves of which are not auricled, and are scarcely squarros though widely divergent and straight when dry. ** See also the introductory remarks to these Genera.CLASS MUSCI. SUB-CLASS I. SPHAQNALES. Spores not developed from the Endothecium, but from a distinct layer of cells, the Amphithecium. Columella developed from the Endothecium, not penetrating the spore-bearing layer. Capsule opening by a lid. Order I. SPHAGNACE^E. The Sphagnacese differ so widely from the rest of the mosses that they are by many authorities not even considered to be mosses at all in the strict sense of the word. In the fasciculate arrange- ment of the branches, in the cell structure of the leaves, and in the absence, except in the young state, of rootlets, their vegetable morphology has no parallel among the mosses, while the struc- ture of the reproductive organs, both male and female, serves still further to widen the gap. If, however, the differences which separate them from the other mosses are striking, the points of resemblance are no less so, and a work which treats of the mosses in general and omits the Sphagnaceae, can hardly avoid giving a sense of incomplete- ness. The plants belonging to this order are comprised within a single genus. They are usually found in dense masses or cushions in bogs or on wet moorlands, where they often form the prevailing and the distinctive feature of the vegetation ; more rarely on the brink of mountain streams or in the clefts of rocks. The stem is usually erect and thread-like, the erect position being only maintained by the crowded condition of the plants. It is composed of two forms of tissue, a central cylinder or axis, usually coloured, and having the outer layers of its cells often more or less tough and hard; this is surrounded by a cuticular sheath of from one to four layers of larger hyaline cells with thin walls; these, however, are not always easily distinguishable from the outer layers of the central axis. The cuticular sheath B2 SPHAGNACE/E. of the branches usually has in addition an outer series of flask shaped cells, the retort cells, slightly narrowed above into a neck which is frequently more or less recurved from the branch ; thi is markedly the case in S. tenellum. The stem leaves are thin and fragile, differing in form ant structure from those of the branches. The branches are ii fascicles of from 3 to 12, generally of two forms, some beinj pendent and more or less appressed to the stem, usually longe and more flagelliform than the others, which are divergent, mort spreading or even ascending, and for the most part stouter, with shorter and broader leaves. The branches at the apex o the stem are as a rule more densely crowded and shorter, forming a more or less compact head, the capitulum. The areolation of the branch leaves is very remarkable. I consists of a single layer of cells of two forms, alternating wit! one another; the true cells being very narrow, more or les; chlorophyllose, and almost hidden between the larger ones, th< utricles or hyaline cells, which are usually sinuosely elliptical 01 rhomboid, and with rare exceptions contain spiral fibres or more accurately spiral thickenings of the cell walls ; the walls are alsc perforated by rounded pores. The stem leaves differ in theii tissue being entirely composed of hyaline cells, possessing much fewer fibres and pores, which may indeed be altogether absent. The antheridia are remarkably like those of the foliose Hepaticse, and are hardly approached in structure among the mosses, except perhaps in Buxbaumia. They are stalked globular, and lie singly in the axils of the bracts, usually at the apex of specialised branches of the capitulum, called amentula The paraphyses are very finely capillary, and are branched. The female flower is formed as a bud on the stem in the axi of one of the upper fascicles. After fertilisation the perichaetia bracts elongate so as to give the whole the appearance of a short lateral branch, while the basal part of the sporogonium which may be termed the vaginula, elongates rapidly into 1 “pseudopodium” upon which the ripening sporangium is elevatec above the perichaetial bracts. The mature capsule is almost uniform in all species of Sphagnum, of a chestnut brown, globose or elliptical, with a flattish or convex lid which separates suddenl) at maturity by contraction of the walls of the capsule. The calyptra is very delicate, and is irregularly torn in separating fronr the vaginula by the growth of the sporogonium. The spore; are of two kinds, the one much larger than the other. On germin- ation these—the macrospores at least—give rise to a flat frondose prothallium.SPHAGNACE/'E. 3 In colour the various species of Sphagnum vary from white through all shades of pink and reddish brown to a rich deep red, and through every tint of green and greenish yellow to a bright grass green. In shady situations green is the prevailing tint; in the open the red tints frequently preponderate, owing to the formation of tannin. Within certain limits the colour may be looked upon as a character of importance in distinguishing species, and it is a curious fact that in forms of .S', acutifolium growing in shady places, while the rest of the plant is entirely green, the male amentula invariably show traces of red. When dry the plant loses much of its .green hue, presumably on account of the much greater shrinking of the contents of the chlorophyllose cells in proportion to that of the empty colourless hyaline ones. The length to which the stem of a Sphagnum plant may grow is practically indefinite. When growing loosely in ditches or deep pools the stems are sometimes gathered several feet long; Wilson mentions a specimen seven feet in length from near Edinburgh. As a rule, however, and especially when growing on drier ground, where growth is slower and exposure to the air renders decay more rapid, the lower part of the stem becomes fragile and decomposed as rapidly as the apical part elongates, and from the more compact forms it is often difficult to obtain unbroken specimens of more than a few inches in height, although below this there may be a considerable depth of substance composed entirely of remains of the Sphagnum plant. The lengths given in the descriptions of the different species must, therefore, be looked upon only as affording a means of comparison between species, not as an indication of the maximum height they may attain. The stem is normally dichotomous, a secondary stem being formed each year below the apex, and when these secondary stems are fully developed we have the repeatedly forked axis which by its constantly increasing ramifications produces the dense rounded cushions so characteristic of the peat-mosses. It does not however happen that all of these secondary branches are developed; indeed, several years’ growth usually takes place without dividing : hence it is rarely that a plant is gathered showing more than two or three forkings. The structure of the cell tissue, as well as the general arrangement of the parts of the Sphagnum plant, renders it peculiarly adapted to the absorption and conduction of water. In this way, if a plant or a tuft of Sphagnum is placed in water, the latter is very rapidly soaked up and distributed over the whole plant, from the surface of which it can easily pass by4 SPHAGNACE^:. evaporation and transpiration. In this way extensive tracts of watery country have been “drained” of their moisture, while at the same time the surface has been raised by the constantly accumulating- debris of decayed tissue at the base of the plants, thus becoming accessible to and habitable by mankind. The mass of vegetable detritus so formed, when compressed by the weight of growth above it, is often changed into peat; hence the name of Peat-Moss by which the family of Sphagnaceae is com- monly known. The position and form of the chlorophyllose cells of the branch leaves is of considerable importance in the determina- tion of species. This is best ascertained by cutting thin sections; but their position, whether dorsal or ventral, may often be ascertained more simply by careful focussing of the leaves, both back and front, with a high power. When the chlorophyllose cell emerges on either side of the leaf, it will appear, viewed from that side, to lie between the two adjacent hyaline cells, the spiral fibres of which will thus be seen to spring from two separate lines, the sides of the chlorophyllose cell, between which the coloured contents of the latter are visible (v. Tab. VI. F.). When, on the other hand, the chlorophyllose cell is enclosed on either face of the leaf by the hyaline cells, the latter, when viewed from that side, will appear to meet in a thin line above the chlorophyllose cell, in such a manner that their spiral fibres appear to spring from this single median line, on each side of which may be seen (on focussing slightly down) the coloured contents of the subjacent chlorophyllose cell (v. Tab. VI. E.). Sphagnum Pylaiei Brid., an American species recently found in France and to be looked for in this country, is easily recognised by its stems, simple or with a few branches solitary or in pairs, its broadly ovate leaves similar on the stem and branches, the hyaline cells fibrose but destitute of pores, the chlorophyllose cells wide, almost equalling in breadth the hyaline. 1. SPHAGNUM. Dill. The only genus. /Branch Is. broad, cucullate, scaly at back of apex ............................ /Branch Is. not scaly at apex, rarely cucullate ................................ /Plant green or purple ; cells with smooth walls ................. cymbifolium /Plant ochraceous ; cell-walls papillose .....................................3SPHAGNUM. 5 •( »{ 6i K H ■>{ “( “{ ,3{ ■*( ■»{ Papillae very small, conical; chlorophyll cells in section oval or cuneiform .. /*• papillosum Papillae long, linear; chlorophyll cells in section broadly triangular ........ 2. A us Uni Stem Is. widest at the broad, strongly fringed apex..........................j- Stem Is. wider at base or at middle than at apex..............................6 Stem Is. fringed at end and sides of the rounded summit..........9. fimbriatum Stem Is. fringed only across the truncated apex .................10. Lindbergii Hyaline cells of branch Is. short, 2 or 3 times as long as wide; retort-cells of branches very large ; stem Is. rather broadly bordered .........3. tenellum Hyaline cells many times as long as wide ; retort-cells smaller...............7 Stem Is. with narrow border, not or scarcely wider below......................8 Stem Is. with broad border, widened towards base of leaf ....................12 Stem Is. lingulate, very obtuse, fringed at summit ...........................9 Stem Is. oval or lanceolate, more or less pointed ............................10 Stem-cuticle of 3 or 4 layers ; branch Is. recurved at apex only........7. teres Stem-cuticle of 2 layers; branch Is. recurved from middle .......7*. squarrosum Stem Is. faintly bordered, fibrose, coarsely toothed at apex ...........4. molle Stem Is. strongly bordered, finely toothed or erose at apex...................11 Stem cuticle in one layer only ..................................6. subsecundiun Stem cuticle in 2 or 3 layers....................................6*- laricinum Stem Is. very short, rounded, fringed at apex ; branch Is. oblong, very obtuse 3. rigidum Stem Is. longer ; branch Is. tapering to narrow points........................13 Chlorophyll cells free on dorsal surface ; pores small; branch Is. flattened and undulated when dry .....................................................14 Chlorophyll cells free on ventral surface ; pores large ......................15 Pendent branches concealing stem ; stem-cuticle indistinct ......11. intermedium Pendent branches none or few ; stem-cuticle distinct.............12. cuspidatum Plant reddish ; stem Is. pointed or rounded, usually toothed ....8. acutifolium Plant pale ; stem Is. truncate, fringed .........................8*. Girgensohnii A.—Cymbifolia. Plants robust. Cuticular cells of stem and branches fibrose andporose. Stem leaves not bordered with narrow cells. Branch leaves* broadly cymbiform concave, cucullate and scabrous at back of apex. Dioicous. 1. Sphagnum cymbifolium Ehrh. (Tab. VI. A.) Robust. Height 6-8 inches. Pale greenish white, fre- quently with a tinge of purple. Cuticular cells of stem in 3-5 layers, fibrose and porose. Stem leaves broadly lingulate- spathulate; sometimes with a few fibres and pores, but usually without; broadly rounded at summit, the margin of the upper part, and sometimes of the whole leaf, fimbriated from erosion of the marginal cells. Divergent branches tumid, the leaves broadly ovate, somewhat narrowed to the cucullate apex ; finely * In the descriptions of Sphagnum, the term “branch leaves" refers to those of divergent branches.6 SPHAGNACE/E. serrulate above, margined only with a single row of very narrow cells, often rendered absent by erosion. Hyaline cells rather large, with large pores ; the walls smooth. Chlorophyllose cells in section narrowly oval-triangular, on the ventral face of the leaf, hardly reaching the dorsal face, but somewhat variable in both form and position. Var. /?. squarrosulum Nees & Hornsch. Deeper green. Branch leaves more pointed, patulous; those of the comal branches squarrose. Var. y. congestum Schp. Short; densely tufted ; variously tinted. Upper cells of stem leaves often fibrose. Branches short, thick, obtuse ; the leaves closely imbricated. Hab. Bogs and sides of streams and pools, common. The var. $ in woods and by the borders of pools. The var. y on drier moors. Sphagnum cymbifolium in its typical form is not likely to be confused with any other species but S. papillosum and S. Austini, from which it can hardly be certainly distinguished without microscopic examination. It has, however, less often the yellowish brown tinge of S. papillosum, which is also a more rigid plant. S. Austini is moreover extremely rare. The robust habit with large tumid branches will dis- tinguish it almost at first sight from most of the other species. The vars. might be taken, the one for a form of S. squarrosum, the other for S. rigidum var. compactum ; but a little attention to the form of the leaves will soon dispel all doubt. It may be noted here, with reference to the fibrose cells of the stem leaves in the var. congestum, that this character usually prevails in the more compact forms of the various species. As the function of the fibres is supposed to be to maintain the form of the cell by the additional support they give to the cell wall, their presence in greater numbers would naturally be looked for in those forms whose dense growth submits the cells to greater pressure. S. mediiuK Limpr., a species, or rather a sub-species of S. cy?nbifoliu?n not at present recorded from this country, differs (mainly) in having the chlorophyllose cells small and immersed half-way between the back and front of the leaf, with the hyaline cells meeting one another both above and below. It has recently been found in France, and appears to be as widely distributed as S. cymbifolium in some parts of N. America, while in Scandinavia it is, according to Lindberg, the commonest species of the section Cymbifolia, the true S. cymbifolium being very rare. * Sphagnum papillosum Lindb. (S. cymbifolium var. papil- losum Schp. Syn.) (Tab. VI. B.) Differs from T. cymbifolium in the plant being usually of an ochraceous tinge, without trace of purple ; in the more rigid and more obtuse branches, and especially in the walls of the hyaline cells of the branch leaves, where they adjoin the chlorophyllose, being more or less covered with small conical papillae. The upper part of the branch leaves is also less frequently narrowed, giving the whole a broader and rounder outline, and the margin is some- what more distinctly serrulate.SPHAGNUM. 7 Var. /3. confertum Lindb. More compact, with shorter and denser branches. Branch leaves rounded, obtuse, very concave. Var. y. stenophyllum Lindb. Branch leaves narrower, ovate- oblong, less concave and almost entire above. Hab. Peat bogs and ditches. Rare. The var. j8. in drier places. I have no hesitation in sinking S. papillosum to a sub-species of S. cymbifolium, with Cardot and other authors. The papillae on the cell walls are often reduced to a minute size, and moreover are entirely absent in plants which otherwise exactly resemble typical S. papillosum (vars. sublceve Warnst. and Iceve Warnst.). If we consider the latter form as belonging to S. cymbifolium, we must admit that the points of distinction derived from characters other than the papillae are valueless, and the distinction rests on these alone. And since there are forms (var. sublceve Warnst.) in which the papillae are extremely minute and are even found only in the basal cells of the leaves, while wanting in the middle and upper part of the leaf, it seems clear that this character alone cannot be held to give full specific rank. I have speci- mens of both the above vars. from N. America, which have the distinctive facies of S. papillosufti, but with the papillae almost absent in the one and entirely wanting in the other. In the latter case it becomes, of course, a. question to which of the two plants it should be referred. The fact that minute papillae have also been recently found in some forms of S. squarrosum and other species, and that S. medium Limpr. has the walls sometimes smooth and sometimes papillose, considerably minimises the value of these structures as specific characters. I do not find the outer layers of the cuticular cells of the stem free from fibres, as Braithwaite describes them, though usually not so strongly fibrose as in S. cymbi- folium. The inner ones are strongly fibrose. The chlorophyllose cells are usually more or less emergent on the ventral surface, but sometimes enclosed on both faces. 2. Sphagnum Austini Sull. (Tab. VI. C.) Habit and colour of S. papillosum, but less rigid. Walls of the hyaline cells, adjoining the chlorophyllose, thickly studded with linear papillse, much longer than those of the former plant. Chlorophyllose cells on the ventral surface, more entirely covered by the hyaline on the dorsal face, broadly triangular in section. Var. /3. imbricatum Lindb. In dense tufts of a darker brown ; branches crowded, with closely imbricated leaves. Hab. Wet heaths and bogs, especailly near the coast; very rare ; the type, Lyth Moss, Westmorland; Lewis; Kirkcudbright; the var. $ in almost the same localities. There seems somewhat more reason for according this plant the full specific rank, partly on account of the greater distinctness of the papillce, which however tend to be greatly reduced in some forms, and partly because of the difference in the chloro- phyllose cells. The division of the Sphagna into species must of necessity be based on more or less arbitrary grounds. It appears most satisfactory to consider it a principle in their classification, that when two types, in themselves not very strongly distinct, are also united by a fairly well graduated series of intermediate forms, they should be re-united as species and sub-species. This is certainly the case with S. cymbifolium and S. papillosum ; but it is less clearly established in the case of the former species and S. Austini, and I have therefore kept them apart. I should add,8 SPHAGNACE^E. however, that Cardot (Les Sphaignes d’Europe, 1886, p. 36) mentions a form received from the United States which had the papillae very slightly developed, and another which, while it had the chlorophyllose cells triangular, as in .S. Austini, had the cell walls perfectly smooth. A doubt, however, is permissible whether the latter is properly referable to S. Austini at all. The papillae in S. papillosum are usually not much higher than broad ; in 6". Austini their height is frequently many times their breadth, and they have the appearance of imperfectly developed fibres. B. Truncata. Cuticular cells of stem -without fibres or pores. Stem leaves bordered (very narrowly in S. molle) with narrow cells. Branches straight, closely set. Branch leaves more or less oblong, at apex very truncate and strongly toothed ; the margin usually involute for almost the whole length. Monoicous. 3. Sphagnum rigidum Schp. (S. compactum var. rigidum Nees) (Tab. VI. D). Densely tufted, rigid; the divergent branches of equal length, short, stiff, obtuse, closely set. Plants of a greyish green or brownish colour. Height 4-9 inches. Stems dark brown. Stem leaves very small, inserted obliquely, triangular-lingulate, rounded at the apex and eroded, bordered with several rows of narrow cells occupying a considerable proportion of the width of the leaf. Leaves of divergent branches ovate-oblong, slightly cucullate in the natural state, but truncate at apex when pressed flat and examined under the microscope, with 5-7 teeth. Hyaline cells wide but rather short, with unequal but somewhat large pores. Chlorophyllose cells central, narrow elliptical in section, enclosed at back and front by the hyaline. Antheridia on the pendent branches, not on special amentula. Var. /3. compactum Schp. (S. compactum De Cand.). Short, very compact, with short, thick branches ; usually tinged with brown or red ; the branch leaves somewhat shorter and rounded at apex. Var. y. squarrosum Russ. Looser. Branches usually more distant; branch leaves more or less squarrose. Hab. Heaths and moorlands. Rare. The var. /3. in drier spots, and much more frequent than the type. 5. rigidum is hardly likely to be taken for any other species except the var. congestum of S. cymbifolium and perhaps the var. tenerum of S. molle. From the former it will at once be distinguished upon examination of the stem leaves, which in that species are larger, and want the border of narrow cells. The cucullate apex of the branch leaves is also very distinct from that in the present plant, when viewed under the microscope. From S. molle var. tenerum the form and size of the stem leaves will best separate it, these in our plant being small, with the apex rounded and eroded, in that larger, longer, with a narrowed and toothed apex.SPHAGNUM. 9 A curious feature of this species is that the perichsetial leaves are, in their areola- tion, much more like those of the branches than the stem leaves, whereas in almost all the other species they resemble the stem leaves in this structure. The pores in the hyaline cells of the branch leaves are in this and the follow- ing species occasionally found on the face of the hyaline cells, as well as along their sides adjoining the chlorophyllose cells ; this is not the case with any of our other species except S. acutifolium. 4. [Sphagnum molle Sull.J (Tab. VI. E.) Usually pale or yellowish green, in soft tufts. Height 3-6 inches. Stems pale green. Stem leaves large, usually broadly lingulate-spathulate or obovate-spathulate, narrowed to the obtuse apex, which is 3-7 toothed ; bordered with a very few rows of linear cells; the median cells, in the type, faintly fibrose and porose in the upper part of the leaf only. Leaves of divergent branches ovate-oblong or ovate-acuminate, concave, convolute aboveapex more or less truncate and 5-6 toothed. Hyaline cells with a few large pores. Chlorophyllose cells oval-triangular in section, ventral, but sometimes reaching the dorsal surface. Type not found in Britain. Var. /3. Mulleri Braithw. (T. Muller 1 Schp. Syn.). Stem leaves with the cells strongly fibrose and porose almost to the base. Var. y. tenerum Braithw. In dense, short, whitish tufts. Branches more closely set, short, with acuminate leaves. Hab. The var. & by moorland streams, not common. The var. y in drier places. The var. Mulleri has by various authors been considered a separate species ; it is very doubtful, on the other hand, whether it is even deserving of a varietal status. The minor points of difference sometimes cited seem to have little or no value. For instance, the stem leaves in the variety are said to be more elongate, but in a speci- men of S. molle of Schimper’s gathering I find them even narrower and morq elongate than in the usual form of the var. Miilleri. And with regard to the main character, the areolation of the cells of the stem leaves, it is to be remarked that even were it a perfectly defined and permanent character, it is hardly one of specific value ; and this, moreover, it is far from being. In specimens gathered on Helvellyn I find the cells strongly fibrose and porose, but only throughout the upper half of the leaf, thus forming a somewhat intermediate link between the two ; while Cardot (Les Sphaignes d'Europe, 1886, p. 44) says that in Belgian specimens from near Antwerp he has frequently found stems bearing leaves in some of which the cells were strongly fibrose while in others the fibres were entirely absent. The strongest point, perhaps, is the distribution, S. molle being frequent in the United States, but apparently very rare in Europe, while the var. Mulleri appears to be less widely known in America, and is certainly the commoner plant in Europe, and in some countries at least, the only form. S. molle is sometimes very difficult to distinguish from other species, and espe- cially from S. acutifolium, although the latter is usually a more slender plant; in these cases it is difficult to name any one character by which they may be definitely separated. The absence of red in our plant is usually enough to determine it, together10 SPHAGNACE/E. with the extremely narrow margin of the stem leaves, and their greater size and width ; but there are forms of S. acutifolium with fibrillose and narrowly margined leaves; in these cases the colour, the less acute and more abruptly truncate branch leaves in S. molle, taken together, will form a combination of characters probably not to be found in any of the forms of that species. The few and scattered pores in the branch leaves will serve to separate S. molle from S. subsecundum. The var. tenerum may easily be confounded with the compact form of S. acutifolium, but under the microscope the resemblance will probably disappear. The difference between this var. and .S', rigidum has been pointed out already under that species. The stem leaves in S. molle are usually, but not quite always, broader in the middle than at the base. The margin is sometimes reduced so as to be very indis- tinct, but is sometimes very clear, and occasionally widened out below. C. SUBSECUNDA. Cuticular cells of stem without fibres or pores. Stem leaves bordered with narrow cells. Branch leaves usually subsecund, more or less oval, at apex rounded or truncate, and toothed. Branches often curved. Dioicous. 5. Sphagnum tenellum Ehrh. fS. molluscum Bruch, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. VI. F.) Plants rather densely tufted, 2-6 inches high, very slender and fragile, greenish yellow. Stem pale, cuticular cells in two layers. Stem leaves rather large for the size of the plant, oval- oblong ; rounded above with the margin incurved, and with a few small teeth at the apex; upper median cells fibrose with a few small pores, the basal ones much narrower, and passing insensibly into the very broad border of narrow marginal ones, which, how- ever, becomes narrower as it reaches higher up the leaf, until at the apex it consists only of two or three rows of narrow linear cells. Branches short, the retort cells much recurved at apex\ leaves somewhat loosely set, often subsecund, broad and short, widely ovate and ovate-oblong, obtusely pointed, concave, margin incurved above, apex 3-5 toothed; bordered with a somwhat broad margin of linear cells, in 3-4 rows. Hyaline cells small, but broad., with numerous rather small pores on the ventral surface. Chlorophyllose cells triangular in section, on the dorsal face of the leaf. Capsule thin walled. Hab. Bogs. Frequent. Sphagnum tenellum is the smallest and most delicate of our species, and is hardly likely to be confounded with any other, the broadly oval leaves serving to distinguish it from slender forms of the Acutifolia group ; while the strongly recurved apex of the retort cells, and the much shorter and broader hyaline cells of the branch leaves will serve to separate it from small varieties of S. subsecundu?n, and from S. molle var. tenerum. Braithwaite records var. longifolium Lindb., but it does not appear to be a strongly marked form.SPHAGNUM. II The position of the pores on the ventral surface of the branch leaves instead of on the dorsal surface as usual, is, I think, to be explained by the dorsal position of the chlorophyllose cells. The object of the pores being to facilitate the passage of water through the plant, it is natural that they should be most numerous at the chief point of junction of adjacent hyaline cells ; this is usually on the dorsal surface of the leaf, but in this species it is on the ventral surface, owing to the dorsal position of the chlorophyllose cells. This is borne out by the fact that the only two other British species in which the pores preponderate on the ventral face are likewise the only two in which there is the same (dorsal) position of the chlorophyllose cells, with the exception of 5. Lindbergii; here, however, the pores are very few in number, and although certainly more numerous on the back of the leaf are to be found in the front also. 6. Sphagnum subsecundum Nees. (Tab. VII. A.) Plants tall and rather slender, 4-12 inches high. Stems dark brown in the type, pale green in some of the varieties. Cuticular cells in a single layer. Stem leaves large or small, oval-deltoid or oblong-lingulate, at the summit rounded with the margin incurved, and finely toothed or fringed at the apex. Cells all rather narrow, the marginal ones extremely so, forming a border narrow above, much wider towards the base; upper cells fibrose and porose, occasionally the lower ones also. Branches 2-4, the divergent ones spreading or deflexed, often flagelliform. Retort cells slightly recurved at apex. Branch leaves more or less sub- secund, very variable, from broadly ovate to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate or obtusely pointed, 3-5 toothed at tip, very con- cave. Hyaline cells narrow, densely fibrose, with many small pores, usually arranged in a regular row along each side of the cell. Chlorophyllose cells in section very narrowly elliptical, reaching both the front and back of leaf. Var. /3. contortum Schp. (S. contortum Schultz). Stem usually green, sometimes dark brown. Branches stouter and more crowded than in the type, more or less curved and con- torted; the leaves larger and broader, usually more closely imbricated and less secund, so as to give the branches a smooth, terete appearance. Var. y. turgidum C.M. Branches swollen, terete, usually contorted, acute ; branch leaves very broad, truncate at apex. Var. S. obesum Schp. (A. contortum var. obesum Wils.) Plants usually submerged, robust, dark coloured. Branches thick, obtuse, the leaves more or less secund, broadly ovate or ovate lanceolate ; stem leaves resembling the branch leaves in form and areolation. The pores in the hyaline cells are few and scattered, not arranged in regular rows along the cell walls.12 SPHAGNACE/E. Var. e. viride Boul. Plants soft, more or less bright greeny in loose tufts ; stem pale, green or yellowish. Branches usually slender, sometimes lightly arcuate; the leaves imbricated, some- times squarrose (var. squarrosulum Grav.) Stem leaves large, often fibrose throughout, narrowly margined, sometimes distinctly and strongly auricled at the base with fibrose utricular cells (var. auriculatum Lindb.) Hab. Wet heaths, pools and ditches. Not common. The var. £ more common and more widely distributed than the type. The var. y in bogs and pools, frequent. The var. 8 more rare, in deep pools, lakes and ditches. The var. e in more shady places, and sides of pools. Sphagnum subsecunduvi among all our species produces the most widely differing varieties, if not so great a wealth of forms as S. acutifolium. It comprises plants of almost all shades of colour, and of almost every degree of robustness ; some forms being as delicate as S. tenellum, while others rival the Cymbifolia group in size of leaves and thickness of branches. The typical form, much less frequent than the var. contortum, is best characterised by its dark stems, laxly set and slender branches, and its small stem leaves with few fibres. The var. turgidum is in its extreme forms a marked plant, differing from Wilson’s var. obesum (with which it has been erroneously confounded) by the cuspidate, terete branches, which are also usually much crowded. I have followed Cardot in subordinating the var. auriculatum as only one of the forms of the var. viride Boul, which comprises a fairly w'ell marked group of forms ; whereas the auriculate base of the stem leaves is a character exceedingly variable and ill defined, and one which may, moreover, be found equally in plants of the contortum and other groups. The var. simplicissimum Milde mentioned by Braithwaite as having been found in Monmouth with simple stems, unbranched or nearly so, and with the stem leaves having the areolation usual in branch leaves, should perhaps be regarded as a form, or accidental state, rather than a variety. The same state may not unfrequently be found mixed with the normal forms in other species, as in S. tenellum, S. rigidum and S. molle. From its polymorphous nature S. subsecundum is liable to be confounded at first sight with several other species ; the form and areolation of the branch leaves will, however, usually serve to distinguish it from all but S. laricinum, while from that and from all other British species it is clearly marked off by the single layer of cuticular cells, when the stem is viewed in section. * Sphagnum laricinum Spruce. (Tab. VII. B.) Differs from S. subsecundum only in the following points; cuticular cells of stem in two, sotnetimes three layers; cells of branch leaves usually with fewer pores, and, according to Braith- waite, the inner perichxtial bracts obtuse and eniarginate, instead of pointed as in that species. With regard to the minor characters sometimes given, such as the relative size of the stem leaves, and of the hyaline cells in the branch leaves, in the two plants, the statements of different authors are so directly at variance that it is clear no reliance can be placed upon them as distinguishing features.SPHAGNUM. 13 Var. fl. platyphyllum Lindb. Stems short, the leaves dis- tinctly auricled. Branches short, rather obtuse, with imbricated leaves which are rounded ovate, pointed, very broad and concave. Var.y. cyclophyllum Lindb. (S. cyclophyllum Sull. & Lesq.) Stems simple or nearly so. Stem leaves very large, orbicular, cucullate. Hab. Deep bogs. It appears to be a much rarer plant than S. subsecundum, for which, however, it may frequently have been mistaken. The var. 0 in peaty places, among short grass. Near Aber; Scotland. The var. 7 very rare ; Loch Katrine. The character drawn from the perichsetial bracts may be of importance, should it prove to be constant. As to the other points, there is a great discrepancy between authors as to the number of pores in the hyaline cells ; thus Hobkirk (Synopsis, Ed. 2, p. 49) says, “ Cells with annular fibres and many pores”; Russow and Warnstorf, “ Pores on back of leaf isolated or numerous while in specimens of Gravet’s which I have examined the pores at the back of the leaf are as numerous and regular as, if smaller and less conspicuous than in S. subsecundum. In this latter species, too, it is not unfrequently the case that the pores are less regular and less numerous than in the type. There remains the character derived from the cuticular layers of the stem. In the species in which these cells occupy “from 2 to 3 layers” it is questionable whether if certain plants had them constantly in 2, and others constantly in 3 layers, this would, in the absence of other striking characters, be held sufficient to separate them as species. In point of fact, although in S. squarrosum these cells are in 2 layers, while in S. teres they are usually in 3 or 4, their separation as distinct species is not felt by authors (Braithwaite, Lindberg, &c.) to be thereby rendered necessary. And if so we may venture to ask where the radical difference lies when it is a question of 1 as against 2 (or sometimes 3) layers of cells. There seems too the less reason for insisting on this distinction, since Cardot affirms (les Sphaignes d'Europe, 1886, p. 33) that he has several times examined specimens of S. laricinum in which the second stratum of cells has been incompletely developed. I have therefore followed the latter author, though with some hesitation, in con- sidering S. laricinum as a sub-species of S. subsecundum. This view is distinctly supported, moreover, by the fact that the variations of S. laricinum are almost exactly parallel to those of S. subsecundu?n,—the var. teretiusculum Lindb. agreeing exactly with the var. contortujn of that species, the var. platyphyllum Lindb. with S. subsecundum var. viride Boul. (or var. auriculatum Lindb.) The var. cyclophyllum Lindb., by some authors, and subsequently by Lindberg himself considered a species, is said also by Braithwaite to correspond with the var. obestim Wils. of the former. There seems to be considerable difference of opinion about this variety, which, according to Lesquereux and James (Mosses of North America, p. 22) is allied to S. subsecundum rather than to S. laricinum, as it is described with “cortical cells in a single layer.” It has very large roundish stem leaves, concave and cucullate, and the stems are frequently simple, or with very few, short, obtuse branches. D. Acutifolia. Usually slender. Cuticular cells of stem not fibrose, some- times porose. Stem leaves bordered. Branch leaves ovate- lanceolate or lanceolate, (rarely shortly ovate and obtuse), acute or narrowly acuminate, narrowly truncate and toothed at apex.*4 SPHAGNACEj'E. 7. Sphagnum teres Angstr. fS. squarrosum var. teres Schp., Braithw. Sphagnacese.) (Tab. VII. C.) Slender; yellowish green or brownish; 4-8 inches high. Stem brownish red ; cuticular cells usually in j layers, sometimes 4, not porose. Stem leaves large, soft, broadly oblong-lingulate andspathulate, rounded and somewhat fimbriate at the top ; cells without fibres or pores, short and very broad above, gradually becoming longer and narrower towards the base; border very faint or nearly obsolete, of narrow cells (but not so narrow as in most species), hardly reaching the summit of the leaf, and of equal width throughout. Branches 4-5 in a fascicle, the pendent ones closely appressed to stem ; divergent branches terete, slender, leaves imbricate, only very slightly recurved at apex, broadly ovate, narrowed from the middle upwards to a rather acute point, 3-4 toothed at apex. Hyaline cells short and broad, with very large pores. Chlorophyllose cells narrow oval-rectangular in section, usuallyemerging on both sides of the leaf, but always more so on the dorsal than on the ventral face. Male amentula clavate, the apex beyond the antheridia, subsequently elongating and flagelliform. Dioicous. Var. /3. subteres (S. squarrosum var. subteres Lindb.). Slender, elongated, 6-10 inches high, blight green. Branches elongated ; leaves with the upper half recurved, and attenuated to apex. Var. y. squarrosulum Warnst. fS. squarrosulum Lesq., S. squarrosum var. squarrosulum Schp. Syn.). Small (variable in size), slender, deep green above, whitish below ; leaves small, squarrose from the middle. Var. <5. laxum Dixon (S. squarrosum var. laxum Braithw.). Pale whitish green, usually ochraceous at base with ferruginous deposit, soft, fragile ; 6-10 inches high. Stem leaves short, broad, quadrate or quadrate-oval, laxly areolate, often strongly fimbriate at the truncate apex. Branches very long, straight, deflexed, flagelliform ; branch leaves divergent, straight, not squarrose (though here and there a branch may be found with the leaves strongly squarrose), ovate-lanceolate, acute. Hab. Boggy places and springs in subalpine districts. Not common. The vars. /3 and ■> usually in more shady places. The var. 8 in ditches with iron deposit, Eskdale, Yorkshire ; Flitwick, Bedfordshire. * Sphagnum squarrosum Pers. (Tab. VII. D.). Larger in all its parts than S. teres, 8-18 inches high, rival-SPHAGNUM. 15 ling 6". cymbifolium in robustness. Cuticular cells of stem in two layers. Leaves of divergent branches strongly squarrose from the middle in the lower two-thirds of the branch, in the upper third imbricate and terete ; their form as in 5. teres, but much larger, the hyaline cells somewhat larger also. Male amentula clavate, rarely attenuated. Monoicous or dioicious. Var. fS. imbricatum Schp. Robust. Branch leaves more or less imbricated. Hab. Bogs, frequent. Dr. Braithwaite in his splendid work on the Sphagnacece has clearly shown that S. teres cannot be separated as a species from S. squarrosum. I have followed Cardot, however, in subordinating the latter to the former, as a sub-species, instead of making S. teres a variety or sub-species of S. squarrosum, fully concurring in his reasons for so doing. Squarrose-leaved forms must be considered as diverging from the more normal, imbricated forms, and not vice versd; it is on precisely the same principle that the contortum forms of S. subsecundum are looked upon as secondary to the type of that species, the var. sedoides to S. Pylaiei, and the var. compactum to S. rigidum. The fact that the squarrosum forms are more robust than those of S. teres is of course no argument against this view, as precisely the same is the case with the vars. contortum and obesum of S. subsecundum, and the var. riparium of S. inter - medium. S. squarrosum is united with S. teres by an almost unbroken series of forms through the var. squarrosulum. The var. subteres differs from the type in scarcely anything but the more slender build and the slightly more recurved leaves; intermediate forms connect this variety with the type, and the same is the case with S. squarrosum and its var. imbricatum, which are united by all possible shades of transitional forms. The extreme form of the latter, with the leaves all imbricated and not squarrose, would appear to be very rare. S. squarrosum can hardly be confused with any other species; the var. squarrosulum of S. cymbifoliu?n might at first sight be sometimes taken for it, but the acute branch leaves of S. squarrosum will, on closer examination, make the distinction manifest at once. It is somewhat different with S. teres, forms of which might easily be taken for some others of the Acutifolia section, but the form of the stem leaves, rounded at the summit and not distinctly larger above than at the base, and especially their very narrow margin, not widened at the base, will always reveal their identity. The var. laxum was at first described by Braithwaite as S. fimbriatum var. robustum, and the broad, strongly fimbriate stem leaves are very suggestive of this species ; I find, however, some of the stem leaves exactly typical of S. teres, while others in abnormal stems have both the form and areolation of branch leaves of S. squarrosum, but a little more obtuse ; and, moreover, the margin of narrow cells, though slightly broader at base, never passes into the very broad, dense column of linear cells so marked in S. fimbriatum. 8- Sphagnum acutifolium Ehrh. (Tab. VII. E.). Tufts soft, pink, pale green, or whitish, but always with some admixture of red (in very rare cases confined to the male amentula), 3-12 inches high. Stem generally reddish, some- times green, cuticular cells with or usually without pores. Stem leaves very variable, usually small, oval-triangular, gradually or abruptly narrowed to an obtuse point, with about 5 teeth ; some-i6 SPHAGNACE^E. times larger, lingulate or broadly oblong with a more or less rounded top and somewhat fringed, but always wider at the base than at the top. Upper cells usually without fibres and pores, sometimes slightly fibrose and more rarely porose. Border, com- posed of linear cells, very wide at the base, gradually narrowing upwards, but still remaining of some width, and reaching to apex. Divergent branches soft, slender. Leaves varying from almost exactly oval to narrowly ovate-lanceolate, truncate and toothed at apex, where the margin is incurved. Hyaline cells large, with large pores. Chlorophyllose cells oval-triangular in section, on the ventral surface of the leaf, scarcely reaching the dorsal face. Male amentula always red. Monoicous or dioicous. * Vars. more or less rosy or pink. f Branch leaves short, oval, more or less obtuse. Var. (3. rubellum Russ. (S. rubellum Wils, Schp. Syn.) Stem leaves large, broad, rather obtuse, usually non-fibrose. Plants short, slender, bright red. Leaves somewhat subsecund. Var. y. tenellu?n Schp. Stem leaves as in var. rubellum. Plants pale red or whitish, very slender. Var. 5. gracile Russ. Stem leaves almost as in var. rubellum, slightly fibrose above. Plants variegated with green and red. Pores of hyaline cells with a distinct annular border. Var. €. elegans Braithw. Stem leaves elongate, oblong- lingulate, abruptly narrowed to an obtuse point, fibrose above. Branches densely set. Plants compactly tufted, rose coloured, often white at the tip of the branches. Var. £. purpureum Schp. Stem leaves almost as in var. rubellum, but usually fibrose above. Densely tufted, with the branches closely set. Usually purple throughout. Rather robust. Var. )/. quinquefarium Lindb. Stem leaves from a broad base, deltoid-ovate, narrowed to the truncated apex. Branch leaves closely and regularly imbricated, disposed in 5 rows, which are more distinct when dry. ft Branch leaves ovate-lanceolate, elongated. Var. 0. deflexum Schp. Branches long, rather rigid, closely set, deflexed. Plants green, tinged with red.SPHAGNUM. r7 ** Vars. brown, yellowish, or whitish. t Branch leaves short, oval, more or less obtuse. Var. i. fuscum Schp. Bright yellowish brown above, fuscous below ; slender, in dense cushions. Stems dark brown, branches short. Var. k. arctum Braithw. Very compact and short, fragile. Pale yellow above, whitish brown below. Branches very short, densely crowded, ascending. ft Branch leaves ovate-lanceolate, elongated. Var. A. luridum Hiib. (forma stricta Warnst.) Stem leaves large, elongate, oblong, suddenly narrowed to a point. Branches short, closely set, ascending. Tufts dense, of a dirty brownish green colour. Var. n. patulum Schp. Stem leaves oblong-lingulate, more or less narrowed above but truncate. Branches lax, leaves loosely imbricated. Pale green, rather tall and robust. Var. v. leete-virens Braithw. Branches laxly set; leaves loosely imbricated, broadly ovate below, suddenly narrowed to an elongated point, hi small dense cushions, bright green above, pale below. Hab. Bogs and pools. Very common. S. acutifolium is the most variable of all the species. The varieties are so endless, and so complex in character, as almost to defy classification. Almost every writer on the genus has his own system and his own nomenclature; and since different authors base their systems on such different characters as the form of the stem leaves, the form and arrangement of the branch leaves, the arrangement of the pores in the hyaline cells, etc., any attempt to collate these various forms is frustrated by the over- lapping of the groups. When it is stated that Russow and Warnstorf alone describe far more than 50 forms, Cardot above 30 European forms, only a part of these corresponding to the former ones, and so on with other authors, some idea will be formed of the great number of varieties and the difficulty of treating them. I have endeavoured in the first place to select only the most clearly marked forms among the British varieties, and in the second place to arrange them less with a view to a natural classification than with the hope of rendering their identification—so far as identification of varieties is possible by description alone—as easy as possible. The var. mbellum has been often considered a separate species, and has some right to be placed as a sub-species, but hardly more so than the vars. fuscum, luridum and quinquefarium. Hobkirk (Syn., Ed. 2) places it under the section Subsecunda, with which it has some relationship ; and if it stood alone in the form of leaf, its removal from the section Acutifolia would leave that group a very natural one in the .ovate-lanceolate and acuminate leaves ; but as so many of the other varieties have similarly shaped leaves, while their affinities with S. acutifolium are undoubted, the removal of S. rubellum alone in no way improves the general classification, while its relationship to S. acutifolium in other respects can hardly be questioned. The vars. fuscum Schp. and luridum Hub. comprise each a considerable variety of forms, chiefly varying in size and habit of growth; the plant described and figured by Braithwaite under the latter name would appear to be the forma stricta of Warnstorf.i8 SPHAGNACE^. The red hue prevalent in .S'. acutifolium is usually sufficient to distinguish it from any other species ; where this is absent and confusion is likely to arise with any cither, I have endeavoured to point out the distinguishing characters under the description of that plant. * Sphagnum Girgensohnii Russ. (.S', strictum Lindb., Braithw'. Sphagnacese). (Tab. VII. F.) Closely resembling S. fimbriatum it differs in the somewhat more robust habit, with the branches slightly shorter and stouter; and especially in the stem leaves, which are broadly oblong, not wider above than at the base, and only fimbriate over about \ to | the width of the leaf at apex, with the margin of narrow cells reaching nearly to the top. Male amentula clavate, yellowish brown. Var. (3. squarrosulum Russ. Plants very small; branch leaves recurved at apex. Hab. Bogs in mountainous districts. Rare. The var. & in Yorkshire. After some hesitation I have followed Cardot in ranking S. Girgensohnii as a sub- species of S. acutifolium. Briefly stated the reasons for so doing are the following. The differences between the two plants are practically these. S. Girgensohnii. Cuticular cells porose. No red tinge present. Inflorescence dioicous. Branches rigid. Stem leaves rounded above and truncate, broadly fimbriated at apex. S. acutifolium. Cuticular cells usually non-porose; in var. robustum and others, porose. Usually tinged with red. In var. robustum and others the red is entirely absent except in the male amentula. Inflorescence monoicous; occasionally, as in var. robustum, dioicous. Branches soft; in var. robustum more rigid. Stem leaves narrowed above, 5-toothed at apex, or rounded with a broad top, truncated and fimbriated, notably in the vars. robustum and sub-fimbriatum Braithw. Male amentula red. Male amentula brownish yellow. It will be seen from this that with the single exception of the brownish yellow male amentula of S. Girgensohnii, never red as in S. acutifoliu?n—a character which by itself is hardly enough to separate species—there is no feature of S. Girgejisohnii that does not occur in some form or other of S. acutifolium. This, which in itself would not be conclusive, is surely rendered so by the fact that all these characters are re-united in S. acutifolium var. robustum Russ. (S. Russowi, Warnst.). Certain forms of this plant, the affinity of which with S. acutifolium is not questioned, differ from S. Girgensohnii in nothing but the colour of the male amentula, the rest of the plants being without a tinge of red (e.g., S. Russowi var. molle Warnst.). The same would appear to be the case with Braithwaite’s var. sub-fimbriatum of S. acutifolium, except that this variety has the softness of its type instead of the stiffer habit of S. Girgensohnii. It seems perfectly clear, therefore, that 6". Girgensohnii is an intermediate stage between S. acutifolium and S. fimbriatum, but so closely linked with the former by the var. robustum of that species, that it must take its rank with it as a sub-species.SPHAGNUM. 19 In the description I have compared it with S. fimbriatum, because from the colour it is more likely to be confounded with that species, to which indeed, on the opposite side, it is very closely related. From all other species the broad border of the stem leaves taken in conjunction with the numerous large pores of the branch leaves will at once distinguish it. 9. Sphagnum fimbriatum Wils. (Tab. VII. G.). Loosely tufted; pale green or whitish brown; tall and slender, 6-14 inches high. Stem pale, cuticular cells in 2 or 1 3 layers, porose. Stem leaves very broadly obovate- spathulate, almost as broad as long, wider above, rounded and slightly flattened at summit, the whole of which, together with the upper portion of the sides, is fringed as with delicate cilia by the thread-like partitions of the eroded cells. Areolation very wide at summit, narrowing downwards, without fibres or pores but with partitions across many of the cells. Cells at basal angles extremely narrow, forming a border or column on each side extending to about J the width of the leaf, the median basal cells between the borders being much wider. Branches 3-4 together, very long and slender, two arcuate and decurved, the others pendent and appressed to stem. Branch leaves closely imbricated, lower ovate-lanceolate, upper lanceolate, gradually narrowed from below the middle to the acute apex, which is slightly truncated and toothed ; margin incurved above. Hyaline cells of medium size, with many large pores. Chlorophyllose cells in section compressed, elliptical or slightly cuneiform, emergent on the upper surface of the leaf, usually slightly enclosed by the hyaline on the back. Perichaetial bracts large, obtuse. Male amentula yellowish, fusiform. Hab. Bogs and marshes, frequent; usually abundantly fertile. Sphagnum fimbriatum is one of the least variable members of the genus; in colour it is always of a pale green or yellowish brown, without tinge of red ; this will serve to distinguish it from all forms of i'. acutifolium except the very few which are entirely green, and from these the stem leaves serve essentially to separate it, as indeed they do from all other species, the only approach to it in this respect being in the case of S. Girgensohnii, S. Lindbergii and some forms of 61. teres ; from the last the broadly bordered stem leaves will, as mentioned under that species, clearly distinguish it, as will the rounded summit of the stem leaves and the numerous large pores in the branch leaves from 5. Lindbergii. The characters by which it may be known from .S'. Girgensohnii are pointed out under that plant. The leaves of S. fimbriatum are occasionally distinctly squarrose, in which case the resemblance to some forms of S. teres is very striking ; they are however decidedly narrower than the leaves of that species. The transverse partitions of the cells of the stem leaves are much more numerous and distinct in S. fimbriatum than in other species in which they occur.20 SPHAGNACE/E. 10. Sphagnum Lindbergii Schp. (Tab. VIII. A.) Robust, 6-12 inches high. Variously coloured, usually yellowish green, with a more or less deep tinge of reddish brown. Stem dark brown ; cuticular cells without pores. Stem leaves reflexed, shortly and broadly oblong or almost square, slightly wider at the top and truncate, fimbriated across the whole width of the leaf, but not down the sides, cells very broad and lax above, gradually narrowing towards the base, especially at margin, where they form a wide border which rapidly becomes narrower as it ascends the leaf. A few fibres and pores only in the small auricular cells at base. Branches 4-5 in a fascicle, the divergent ones spreading, the pendent closely appressed to the stem. Branch leaves more or less seriate in 5 rows, slightly undulate when dry (in some forms distinctly so, in others not at all), firm, glossy, broadly or narrowly ovate-lanceolate, more or less acuminate, truncate and toothed at apex, with involute margin ; border of narrow cells rather distinct, widest at base. Hyaline cells with pores of a medium size, usually few in number, but sometimes more numerous. Chlorophyllose cells oval-cuneiform, emerging on the dorsal face, covered by the hyaline on the ventral surface. Antheridia on pendent branches. Hab. Deep bogs in the north ; Ross; Shetland. A very fine plant, resembling i1. intermedium, but differing entirely in the form of the stem leaves, and also in the branch leaves not flexuose or recurved when dry. I have received a variety of forms gathered in Labrador, from the Rev. A. C. Waghorne, some of them, notably vars. immersum and fuscescens Warnst., very robust, dark brown or purplish black, with very large, elongated leaves, which are secund at the apex of the branches, and sometimes distinctly undulate when dry. 11. Sphagnum intermedium Hoffm. (S. recurvum P. Beauv., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. VIII. B.) In loose masses, pale green or whitish, 6-12 inches high or more. Stem very pale, greenish white ; cuticular cells usually in 2 layers, hardly distinct from the outer layers of the central axis, non-porose. Stem leaves small, reflexed, deltoid or ovate- triangular, narrowed to an obtuse point, which is toothed or slightly eroded ; cells mostly without fibres or pores, border very broad at base, narrowing upwards but reaching summit, and still several cells in width in the upper part of the leaf. Stem con- cealed by the pendent branches, which are closely appressed. Leaves of divergent branches broadly lanceolate ; closely imbricated, erecto-patent and straight when moist, when drySPHAGNUM. 2t undulate at margins, flexuose and recurved at apex, so as to give the branches a soft and feathery appearance. Margin involute at the tip, apex toothed, truncate. Hyaline cells with a very few small fores. Chlorophyllose cells oval-triangular in section, on the dorsal surface. Spores yellow. Var. p. riparium Lindb. (S. riparium Angstr., S. spectabile Schp. Syn.) Taller and more robust, deep green. Stem leaves larger, deltoid ovate, rounded and slightly fringed at apex, with- out fibres. Branches long, leaves scarcely undulated when dry ; elongated at apex, the point sometimes composed of chloro- phyllose cells without hyaline ones. Var. y. pulchrum Lindb. Robust, golden yellow. Stem leaves fibrose above, contracted into a minute, recurved apiculus. Branches thick, short, spreading or ascending, dense-leaved. Hab. Bogs and pools, frequent. The var. & more or less immersed. The var. 7 in bogs in the north. Sphagnum intermedium in the humid state is difficult to distinguish from 5. Girgensohnii, and some green forms of S. acutifolium and S. subsecundum. The broadly-bordered, non-fibrose stem leaves of the present species will distinguish it from the last which has also the pores of the branch leaves numerous ; while the large pores in the branch leaves of the two former will serve to distinguish them at the outset. When dry the soft, flexuose, and recurved leaves, flattened above and not involute or tubular, at once separate it from all other species. It may be remarked that the squarrose leaves of S. squarromm are more rigid, and, as it were, suddenly bent back at an angle from the rest of the leaf, while the recurved leaves of the present species turn back in a gradual curve. The differences between the present plant and S. cuspidatum are dealt with under that species. There seems no sufficient reason to consider the var. riparium as a sub-species ; the peculiar areolation of the leaf apex is found in other varieties of this plant, and also in submerged forms of S. cuspidatum and S. Lindbergii, and is probably only a state directly induced by the aquatic habit, and not confined to any one species or even group of species; it is by no means constant even in this variety, and when it does occur is often absent in some of the leaves of a branch ; there may frequently also be found leaves in which the apex is mainly composed of hyaline cells narrow and destitute of fibres. 12. Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. (Tab. VIII. C.). Green or yellowish white; usually more or less aquatic and submerged, 6-18 inches high or more. Stem pale green or pale brown, cuticular cells in 2-3 layers, distinct, not porose. Stem leaves longer than in the last species, often pointed, fibrose in the upper part and often to the base ; margin as in that species, but of somewhat longer and narrower cells. Pendent branches not so closely appressed, and not concealing the stem. Divergent branches cuspidate at the apex, with the upper leaves22 SPHAGNACE/E. often falcato-secund ; the leaves less closely imbricated than in .S'. intermedium, longer and narrower, with a broader margin, the cells usually with rather more numerous pores; undulated at margin, but less flexuose when dry and hardly recurved at apex except in the short branches of the capitulum. Perichsetial bracts less pointed. Spores brown. In other respects like S', inter- medium. Var. fi. falcatum Russ. Branches more or less arcuate and falcate; branch leaves narrowly lanceolate, the terminal ones falcate. Var. y. plumosum Nees and Hornsch. Submerged, flaccid, elongated. Branches uniform, divergent, plumose, with, very long, lanceolate-subulate, spreading leaves. Var. 8. Torreyanum Braithw. (S’. Torreyanum Sull.) Sub- merged, very robust, more rigid; dirty brown. Stem leaves large, non-fibrose. Branch leaves very large, elongate, lanceolate- subulate, tubulose and toothed at apex, the hyaline cells with numerous pores. Var. e. brevifolium Lindb. Stems firm, 5-6 inches high, pale; stem leaves short, ovate, obtuse. Branches in closely set fascicles, short, ascending and divergent, arcuato-decurved from the middle, attenuated ; the leaves subsecund when dry, short, ovate, somewhat oblique and unequal sided. Hab. Pools and wet bogs, frequent. The vars. /3, 7, 5, in standing water. Var. Torreyanum, Whitchurch, Shropshire. I have retained S. cuspidatum as a species, though very doubtful whether it ought not to be considered a sub-species of S. intemjiedium. The characters by which they are separated are almost all comparative. Authors differ very much in their descrip- tion of the state of the leaves when dry, some saying they are not at all crisped, while others describe them as more or less flexuose. The fact is they vary considerably, some forms having the leaves when dry, straight, and only slightly undulated at margin, while in others they are recurved and flexuose, almost exactly as in S. inter- medium. This is the case with a form sent me by Mr. Boswell, from Whixall, Shrop- shire. In the short branches of the capitulum the leaves seem indeed usually to be recurved at apex, exactly as in S. intermediutn. The stem leaves, too, are not always fibrose, and forms are found, according to Cardot, with the cuticular cells in- distinct. The var. plumosum is a very beautiful form when growing, but it is almost im- possible to preserve its delicate, feathery appearance when dried. In one form (var. serrulatum Schlieph.), which I have gathered on Bodmin Moors, Cornwall, the broad borders of linear non-fibrose cells in the branch leaves are distinctly toothed at the apex of the leaf, and run together into a long, very narrow denticulate point, not at all unlike the apex of the leaves of some of the Ilarpidioid Hypna. Another form (var. monocladum Kling.) is very lax, with the branches solitary or almost so ; stem leaves and branch leaves similar, broadly truncated above ; the upper part of the leaves is sometimes composed mainly of chlorophyllose cells, inter-SPHAGNUM. 23 mixed with a few hyaline ones, some of which are destitute of fibres ; in other leaves the whole tissue is composed of chlorophyllose cells, arranged in a lax network. I have gathered this form, or one very closely approaching it, on Ben Lawers. The long flat leaves of S. cuspidatum, undulated at margin, are sufficient to dis- tinguish it from all others of the Acutifolia section, except S. intermedium, which differs in the characters given above. SUB-CLASS II. ANDREJEALES. Spores and Columella developed from the Endothecium, the Columella not penetrating the spore-bearing layer. Spore-sac not separated from the wall of the capsule by any air-cavity. Capsule opening by longitudinal slits. Order II. ANDRE/EACETi. Mosses with something the habit of Grimmia, in small compact cushions or more rarely in laxer tufts ; growing on rocks ; of a dark reddish or purplish colour; stems slender, rooting only at the base, very fragile when dry, dichotomous, with fasciculate branches. Leaves usuallycrowded, small, erecto-patent or falcato- secund, of rather thick texture, from bright orange to deep reddish black, usually more or less papillose; cells small, incrassate, rectangular and often sinuose at base, small, rounded or angular above. Flowers terminal; fruit, as in Sphagnum, enclosed until ripe in the perichaetium, then exserted on a pseudopodium by the elongation of the vaginula ; calyptra membranaceous, irregularly torn at the base. Capsule oval, without lid, splitting perpendicu- larly into 4, rarely 6-8 valves, united at top and bottom. Columella persistent. Spores smooth or lightly papillose. The leaves when viewed by transmitted light are usually of a bright orange or reddish brown, but when seen by reflected light, as in the field, and especially when dry, they appear of a much duller and darker hue, not unfrequently appearing almost black. It is only when quite young and half-developed that they show any trace of chlorophyll. In leaf-structure there is a certain resemblance to the Grimmiaceas, and they are by Lindberg placed next to that order. There is, as in the Sphagnaceae, very little variation in the fruit; the specific characters have therefore to be drawn almost entirely from the perichaetia and the leaves ; it is probably on this account that there has been a tendency to found species on somewhat slight and inadequate characters.24 ANDRE/EACE/E. The species of Andresea inhabit silicious and quartzose (not calcareous) rocks, in alpine and subalpine regions of both hemispheres, chiefly in the higher latitudes. In Europe it is in Scandinavia that they are found in greatest abundance and variety, and there are several endemic species there. It will be found a material aid in the determination of these plants to soak the leaves, or heat them for a minute or two over a spirit lamp, in strong caustic soda or potash ; this renders them more transparent and elucidates the structure of the cells and nerve. Care must be taken, in examining the leaf margin, to avoid taking for a normal condition the eroded appearance of the cells which, in older leaves especially, is often found to obtain, from the wearing away of part of the cell wall; this often gives a false appearance of papillosity, crenulation, or dentation, or it may suggest a more or less hyaline border to the leaf, and in the nerved species may easily lead to an erroneous conclusion that the nerve is excurrent. 2. ANDREiEA Ehrh. The only genus. j /Ls. nerveless.....................................................................2 \Ls. singly nerved ................................................................3 2/Ls. ovate-lanceolate, papillose, obtuse or more or less acute .........i. petrophila I.Ls. obovate-spathulate, shortly acuminate, smooth.......................2. alpina /Ls. all similar, papillose, nerve narrow ................................4. nivalis "’/Stem ls. smaller than perich. Is., smooth or nearly so............................4 /Nerve thick, occupying nearly all upper part of subula.............3*. crassinervia ^ /Nerve less defined, occupying only middle // of subula ...................3. Iiothii A. Eu-Andre^ea. Perichsetial bracts different from the leaves, erect and con- volute, nerveless, or almost so. Capsule 4-valved. 1. Andresea petrophila Ehrh. (Tab. VIII. D.) Tufts small, olivaceous or dark brown. Stems slender, |-i inch high, simple, or several times forked, usually erect. Leaves crowded, imbricated or more or less turned to one side, small, ovate- or oblong-lanceolate, usually patent from an erect base, often falcato-secund, narrowed at apex but usually obtuse, sometimes with a minute apiculus formed of a single cell, sometimes more acute, the tip often oblique ; margins incurved, entire ; nerveless,ANDRE/EA. 25 strongly papillose at back, especially in the upper part. Areola- tion narrowly rectangular at base, sinuose, with very incrassate walls, gradually shorter upwards, in the upper half of the leaf rounded-hexagonal, almost always more or less angular, arranged in longitudinal rows. Autoicous; male flower on the apex of a separate branch ; perichaetium large, inner bracts convolute, broadly oblong, obtusely pointed ; outer bracts strongly papillose, the inner almost smooth, but usually slightly papillose towards the apex. Var. fi. acuminata Schp. More robust. Leaves spreading, acuminate, with longer papillae. Var. y. gracilis Schp. Stems very slender, branched, reddish ; leaves more distant, broadly oblong-lanceolate, suberect; perichae- tium narrow, cylindric. Var. 8. alpestris Thed. (A. alpestris Schp. Syn.) Densely cushioned; black-brown, shiny. Stems very slender, much branched. Leaves small, crowded, closely imbricated when dry, obtuse, cells less incrassate, less distinctly papillose. Var. e. sparsifolia Lindb. (A. sparsifolia Zett., Schp. Syn.) In small lax tufts, stems very slender and fragile, flexuose, with few branches. Leaves small, distant, spreading, the uppermost secund, lanceolate, gradually acuminate, acute, more shortly papillose. Hab. Mountain rocks; common. The vars. (3, 8, t, on the higher mountains ; var. alpestris rare. Var. sparsifolia, Ben More, Perthshire. A very variable species within certain limits, principally in the form and direction of the leaves; these are often more or less secund ; when markedly so it is the var. homomalla Thed. The vars. flaccida and sylvicola Schp. agree with var. acuminata in having the leaves gradually tapering to the summit, but do not appear to be very marked forms. The var. alpestris has been frequently considered a species, but the differences are too slight to render this admissible ; the leaves vary in size, their close imbrication when dry and the less papillose areolation constitute almost the only points of distinction. The var. sparsifolia is a more striking form, but its structural differences are very insignificant. A. obovata Thed., a nearly allied species hitherto only found in Norway, differs in the leaves, broader below, more acuminate, not papillose; in fact much resembling those of A. alpina, but smaller, and more longly acuminate, with the basal margin quite entire, and with larger cells. 2. Andresea alpina Smith (Lichenastrum alpinum Dill.) (Tab. VIII. E.). A larger plant than the last species, less slender and fragile, 1-3 inches high, in larger, looser tufts, fastigiate branched, of a rich purplish red. Leaves larger, broader, obovate, spathulate, acuminate or obtusely pointed, panduriform by contraction26 ANDRE/EACE.®. just below the middle, erecto-patent when moist, when dry more closely imbricated, smooth, glossy, nerveless. Margin distinctly denticulate above the base, entire in the upper part of the leaf. Cells smooth, oval or rounded-hexagonal at apex, in parallel rows, gradually becoming more elongate and sinuosely angular down- wards, at base extremely narrow and sinuose, with very incrassate walls. Autoicous. Perichaetial bracts resembling the comal leaves, but larger, broader, convolute, more shortly acuminate. Var. /3. compacta Hook. Densely cushioned, dark purplish black. Branches straight, equal; leaves closely imbricated. Var. y. flavicans Hook. Stems elongated, filiform, the leaves more distant, laxly imbricated, yellowish. Hab. Mountain rocks, frequent. The var. $ on the higher mountains of Scot- land and Wales ; the var. y on Ben Nevis. This fine and distinct species, though distributed all over Britain and not rare on our mountains, is almost unknown on the Continent, being only recorded from a few localities in Norway. It is in its usual growth a much taller and less rigid plant than any of the forms of A. petrophila, and is indeed more likely to be mistaken for a species of Hepatic, such as Nardia emarginata, with which it may occasionally be found associated, and to which, indeed, it bears considerable superficial resemblance, than for any other species of moss. The var. flavicans has some resemblance to A. Hartmaniy another of the Scandinavian species, which, however, may be known by its more obtuse, entire leaves, and larger areolation. 3. Andresea Rothii Web. & Mohr. (A. rupestris Schp. Syn.) (Tab. VIII. F.). In small, dense, blackish tufts, laxly coherent when moist. Stems erect or decumbent, slender, very fragile when dry, less than one inch high. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent or more usually turned to one side, and generally more or less falcate ; from an oblong, oval, or slightly obovate base, either gradually or suddenly narrowed to a long lanceolate or narrowly linear limb, tapering to an obtuse point. Nerve strong, a-a width of leaf at base, reaching to apex or excurrent (in sub-species cras- sinervia), occupying the greater part of the limb in the upper part. Margin plane, entire or faintly dentate at apex. Cells rounded, hexagonal and punctiform above with very incrassate walls, smooth, not much altered below except at mid-base, where a few rows of cells on each side of the nerve are narrowly rectangular. Autoicous. Inner perichaetial leaves convolute, sheathing, nerve- less or thinly nerved, broadly ovate, gradually or somewhat abruptly acuminate, narrower and more tapering than in the two previous species.ANDRE/EA. 27 Type. Leaves erecto-patent or secund, gradually narrowed from base upwards, entire, lamina usually of 3-5 cells width in upper part of limb. Var. /3. grimsulana Hook. & Wils. (A. Rothii var. frigida Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FL). More robust, taller, usually of a more reddish tinge. Leaves broader, gradually narrowed from the base, more solid. Var. y. hamata Lindb. Intermediate between the type and var. falcata. Leaves falcato-secund, gradually narrowed from base upwards, lamina narrow, but continuous above, entire. Var. 8. falcata Lindb. (A .falcata Schp. Syn.). Leaves falcato- secund., abruptly narrowed above the broader, obovate base to a long, linear limb, the lamina continued to apex, very narrow and indistinct in the upper part, usually of about 2-3 series of cells ; frequently distinctly notched towards the apex. Hab. Mountain rocks, frequent. The var. j8, wet rocks on high mountains. The var. 5 as frequent as the type. The characters which mark the vars. hamata and falcata are very ill-defined; the sudden narrowing of the leaf above the base is by no means constant even in all the leaves from a single stem ; the relative width of the lamina in the upper part varies very much also (it must be remembered that the young comal leaves do not afford any safe guidance in this respect); and a faint notching may occasionally be seen in the upper leaves even of the type. The form of leaf typical of the var. falcata is also associated occasionally with a spreading (not falcato-secund) position of the leaves. In the forms with a narrow base to the leaves the lower cells are more distinctly rectangular ; in the falcata forms they are usually more rounded and very little different from the upper cells except those very near the nerve. In examining the upper cells of this species it should be noted that on the surface of the leaf they are angular and more or less regularly hexagonal, but in the interior of the cell the wall is thickened in such a way that the cell cavity is rounded, or punctiform, hence the areolation takes a different aspect according as the microscope is focussed on the sur- face of the leaf or slightly lower down. The lower part of the stem and innovations is not unfrequently clothed with minute scale-like leaves, ovate, with a short apiculus. * Andresea crassinervia Bruch. (Tab. VIII. G.). Differs from A. Rothii only in the stronger nerve, the limb of the leaf very narrowly contracted from just above the expanded base, the lamina in the upper part extremely narrow, sometimes ceasing below the apex so that the nerve is slightly excurrent. Var. (3. Huntii Braithw. (A. Huntil Limpr.). Taller; leaves longer with a narrower nerve. Perichsetial bracts shorter, obtuse or apiculate, papillose. Hab. Alpine rocks ; apparently very rare. The var. (3, Lake District.28 ANDREAIACE/E. In reading the descriptions given by various authors of this plant, one cannot but be struck with the uncertainty of the characters relied upon to distinguish it ; what is held by one writer to be a distinctive character being held of no importance by another, so that one is compelled to doubt its stability as a species ; and an examina- tion of a considerable number of specimens has entirely confirmed me in this view ; indeed, after carefully examining a large number of leaves of A. Kothn and of the present plant I am inclined to doubt whether it has a full title even to the rank of a sub-species of the former. According to Braithwaite, the leaves are of almost exactly the same form as in A. Rot hit, or its var. hamata, only very narrow and subulate in the upper part, and with the nerve apparently excurrent as a papillose subula ; but even this seemingly important distinction disappears when on closer examination it is found that the lamina is really continued to apex in a single series of cells. Now, I have frequently found forms of A. Rothii, and especially its var. falcata, to have the limb of the leaf more than usually narrow, with only two series of cells in its upper part; indeed, according to C. Midler, the var. falcata has the nerve “ occupying the whole apex.” The form of the leaf-base, oblong and gradually narrowed above, can- not be held characteristic, since in what are, I suppose, fairly typical specimens of A. crassinervia, viz., those gathered by Arnell at Hemosand, Sweden (Musci Gallia, No. 697); the leaf-base is oval and quickly narrowed above, almost as in the var. falcata. The more regular, quadrate cells with thinner walls, held of importance by Boulay, may also be found in forms of A. Rothii. Again, with regard to the excur- rence of the nerve, I have hardly ever found a leaf with the lamina really ceasing below the apex, except in old leaves where it had possibly been removed by erosion; in the large majority of cases where it appears excurrent I have found on close ex- amination distinct indications that the single row of marginal cells has been so eroded ; and the papillosity of the subula in every case in which I have observed it, has been due to the slight erosion of the cell walls of this row of cells, as may often be found in the older leaves for a considerable distance below the apex; I have never seen a young or unworn leaf with any trace of this papillosity. The width of the nerve I have also found variable. The differences must therefore, I think, be held to be of a very slight nature, and A. crassinervia must be considered to be little more than a variety of A. Rothii with an extremely narrow lamina reduced to one or two series of cells above and occa- sionally disappearing entirely just below the apex. Boulay (Muscinees de la France) describes the true A. crassinervia as having the nerve excurrent from below the middle of the leaf, a character sufficiently defined to separate it as a sub-species at least, although the other points which he holds characteristic are certainly of slight importance; but this form, or anything approaching it, has, I believe, never been found in Britain, and we must either exclude A. crassinervia from our list altogether or consider it, with Braithwaite and other authors, as including forms with a very narrow lamina continuous to apex, this feature and the general narrowness of the limb distinguishing it from A. Rothii, which, however, certainly passes into these less marked forms. In support of this view we have the fact that Wilson always maintained that the three forms only constituted a single species ; also that the plant described as A. Huntii by Limpricht has been variously placed as a variety by some authors under A. falcata, by others under A. crassinervia. No doubt much confusion has arisen from the distribution of wrongly-named specimens ; this was the case with No. 394 of the Musci Gallia, which is only a form of A. Rothii with the lamina quite distinct to the apex; and I have found the same feature in specimens supposed to be typical crassinervia, gathered by Whitehead on Penyghent. The var. Huntii is described by Macoun as differing from A. crassinervia “ prin- cipally in the subula of the leaf, only about a half formed by the costa, and the very papillose perigonial and perichaetial leaves ; ” and he adds that it is often confounded with A. Rothii. Schimper, too, referred it to A. falcata. B. Chasmocalyx. Perichaetial bracts like the leaves, distinctly nerved.ANDRE^A. 29 4. Andresea nivalis Hook. (Tab. VIII. H.). Tufts large, soft, 2-4 inches high, brownish. Stems slender, flaccid, repeatedly branched, erect or decumbent, denuded at base. Leaves rather distant, secund, at the apex of the branches distinctly falcato-secund, soft; the lower smaller, ovate-lanceolate; the upper gradually lanceolate from an oblong base, crenulate at basal margin, irregularly sinuose or notched in the upper part; strongly papillose on both sides. Nerve narrower than in the last species, 4 to | the width of leaf at base, reaching to apex or vanishing just below ; prominent at back and papillose. Areola- tion much paler and less opaque than in the other species, irregularly rounded-quadrate above, at base more regularly quadrate, not elongate. Dioicous; male flowers gemmiform, bracts numerous, imbricated, the inner nerveless; perichaetial bracts elongate-lanceolate, resembling the leaves. Capsule open- ing by 4-6 valves, rather large. Var. /3. fuscescens Hook. Stems more Jlexuose and flaccid, with strongly falcate leaves of a brown colour. Hab. Alpine rocks, near the snow-line; very rare, Grampians, Ben Nevis, Ben Cruachan. The var. on Ben Nevis and Ben Macdhui. There is no difficulty in distinguishing A. nivalis from the other species of the genus, but in the field it might possibly be passed over for the hepatic, Herberta adunca, to which it bears a considerable outward resemblance. The var. fuscescens does not present very clearly definable characters, but is more usually found fruiting, while the typical plant is more commonly found with male flowers; in Scandinavia the variety is the commoner form, and was therefore considered by Zetterstedt the type of the species. This rare and interesting plant appears to be more at home on the Scotch mountains than in any other place, but it is found on several of the highest ranges of mountains on the continent. SUB-OLASS III. BRYALES. Spores and Columella (the latter absent in Archidium) developed from the Endothecium, the Columella penetrating the spore-bearing layer (Archesporium). Spore-sac separated from the wall of the capsule by an air cavity. Capsule dehiscing irregularly or opening with a lid. GROUP A. NEMA TODONTE/E. Peristome teeth solid, not transversely barred (very faintly only in Buxbaumia); derived from several concentric series of cells of the sporogonium.30 TETR APHID ACE/®. • Order III. TETRAPHIDACEZE. A small order of mosses distinct (except in the single species of the exotic genus Calomnium which is gymnostomous) in the peristome, composed of four solid conical homogeneous teeth, derived from the fission of the whole cellular tissue of the interior of the lid. Plants minute and gregarious, or csespitose and rather taller but slender. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, smooth, thinly nerved ; areolation rounded-hexagonal. Calyptra conical, mitriform, plicate. Capsule oval or cylindrical, erect, symmet- rical, smooth; annulus none. Inflorescence apical, gemmi- form. 3. TETRAPHIS. Hedw. The characters of the genus are practically those of the order as described above, the species being all peristomate. Braithwaite is no doubt right in re-uniting the two European species under this genus, the characters separating Tetrodontium being hardly of generic value. A curious feature of the genus is the presence of peculiar “ frondiform ” leaves which appear on the protonema at the first development of the moss stem ; they are more or less ligulate or spathulate from a narrower base, and in T. Browniana are some- times forked above, somewhat as in the fronds of the Forked Spleenwort, or of the “ Stagshorn ” Fern; in this species they are persistent; in T. pellucida, on the contrary, they disappear before the development of the stem, and have on that account been overlooked. The solid, undifferentiated teeth of the peristome appear to mark a primitive stage in the development of that organ. They are quite conspicuous with an ordinary pocket lens, and are not fragile nor deciduous, so that they form a ready means of dis- tinguishing these plants from species of Barbula, &c., many of which in the fruit and general appearance are somewhat similar. fPlant almost stemless, with radical frondiform nerveless leaves .2. Browniana (Plant with leafy stem ; barren shoots with terminal gemmiferous cups /. pellucida 1. Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. (Mnium pellucidum Z.., Georgia pellucida Rabenh.; Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. IX. A.) Plants in dense tufts, bright green above, reddish brown below, £-1 inch high. Stems of two kinds, (1) fertile, simple or branched, with imbricated leaves, the lower broadly ovate from a narrowTETRAPHIS. 31 base, the upper more elongated and narrower, slightly decurrent; (2) gemmiferous, more slender and flexuose, with more uniformly rounded-ovate and more distant leaves, ending in a cup of 4-5 broadly reniform bracts enclosing numerous paraphyses and stalked, lenticular gemmae. Leaves very small at base of stems, larger above, erect when moist, carinate at back with the prominent nerve, when dry slightly undulated ; margin plane, entire ; nerve ceasing below apex ; areolation rounded, at margin rather smaller and more closely set, the basal a little elongated, especially near the nerve. Autoicous, rarely synoicous. Male flowers apical, on special shoots arising from a sterile female flower, bracts ovate- lanceolate. Perichaetial bracts elongated, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate but somewhat obtuse, nerved. Seta slender, Yz-ifin. long, brown, smooth, straight or flexuose ; capsule narrowly cylindrical, variable in length, green with a bright red top when young, bright reddish brown when ripe ; calyptra covering the capsule, white below, brown above, somewhat lacerate at base, distinctly plicated, at apex solid and rough ; lid thin, conical, acute, straight or oblique, glossy ; peristome teeth connivent when moist, erect and open when dry, narrowly triangular, brown, formed of linear cells. Hab. Turfy banks, peaty soil in woods, and rotten tree stumps. Widely distributed, but not abundant. Fr. all summer. A very pretty and interesting species, which may readily be indentified by the peristome, and when barren by the terminal gemmiferous cups which seem always to be present. T. geniculata Girgens., an allied species found in N. America and Eastern Asia, differs in the absence of gemma;, longer narrower leaves, and especially in the geniculate pedicel, which is distantly tuberculous above. I have had it sent me from several localities in Newfoundland and Labrador. 2. Tetraphis Browniana Grev. (Bryum Brownianum Dicks.; Tetrodontium Brownianum Schwgr., Schp. Syn.; Georgia Brownii C.M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. IX. B.) Very small, gregarious, stemless. Plant at first consisting of a tuft of radical, frondiform leaves, 2-3 layers of cells in thickness, narrowly clavate, or somewhat palmately branched at apex, brownish green, persistent for some time ; female flower produced among these leaves, developing into a perichsetium of 8-12 imbricated bracts, the outer very small, all ovate or ovate-lanceo- late, obtuse or acuminate, with a faint nerve which disappears in the upper half, margin entire, or more frequently crenulate- denticulate; cells elliptical-rhomboid or narrowly recta7igular, rounded at the angles, with thick walls, at the base laxer and32 TETRAPHIDACE^E. more regularly rectangular; capsule on a smooth, brown, much shorter and more rigid pedicel, very small, ovate, firm, dark brown, solid; calyptra darker, more deeply cleft at base ; mouth of the capsule more or less sinuosely notched between the peristome teeth, which are much shorter, broadly triangular, of broader and shorter, rectangular cells. Perigonial bracts fewer, nerveless. Hab.—Sandstone or gritstone rocks, frequently growing downwards from the roof of caves or clefts. Frequent in some parts of Scotland and the North of England, but not a common moss. Fr. summer. A minute plant, best distinguished in the field by the plicate calyptra and the peristome, from Seligeria, Brachyodus, etc. ; under the microscope it presents no resemblance to any other moss. T. repanda Funck, a species or variety not found in this country, but known in France and elsewhere on the continent, differs only in the frondiform leaves being replaced by minute flagelliform shoots bearing extremely microscopical nerveless leaves. Order IV. POLYTRICHACE^E. Plants usually of a large size, growing on earth, the simple or slightly branched stems growing from a creeping subterranean rhizome. Leaves usually narrow, the nerve more or less ex- panded on the ventral surface, and producing on that surface longitudinal strips of tissue (lamellae) in the form of thin laminae standing on edge and running parallel to one another along the nerve, sometimes in great numbers and crowded, or few and lax, usually formed of a few rows of cells in height and a single cell in thickness, so as to appear in transverse section of a single row of superposed cells, the uppermost or external cell being often of a different form from the lower ones. Upper areolation generally hexagonal, with thin walls. Inflorescence nearly always dioicous, the male flower terminal, large, discoid. Capsule on a long seta, large, cylindrical, or prismatic with 2-6 angles. Calyptra narrow, cucullate, spinulose at apex, or with few or many erect or deflexed hairs. Peristome (in the European species) of 32 or 64 short, ligulate, unbarred teeth, triangular in transverse section ; columella expanded at apex into a shield-shaped membrane, the epiphragm, or, as it is sometimes rather inaccurately called, the tympanum, covering the mouth of the capsule and united at its edges with the teeth of the peristome. The larger species of this order, being very noticeable plants and also common, are among the first which come under the notice of the student of mosses, and will be easily referable to their right natural order by the lamellose face of the leaf, which inCATHARINEA. 33 Polytrichum renders almost the whole surface dark green and opaque : the lamellose-leaved species of the Tortulaceae will be readily distinguished by their small fruit, being usually fertile. The leaves among the Polytrichaceae are among the largest, especially in point of length, of any mosses. The stem in Polytrichaceae, as well as the seta, shows a higher development than in any other order, there being a specialised central axis, the tissue of which, both in anatomy and function, shows an approach to the central fibro-vascular bundle in the Vascular Cryptogams. An interesting discussion on this and other points in reference to the Polytrichaceae by J. R. Vaizey will be found in the Journ. of the Linn. Soc., Botany, Vol. XXIV, p. 262, “ On the Anatomy and Development of the Sporogonium of the Mosses.” The structure and function of the peristome and epiphragm are of great interest, and the student is referred to the description of these parts in Dr. Braithwaite’s British Moss Flora, and in Philibert’s admirable papers on the peristome in the Revue Bryo- logique. Besides the British genera, there are two exotic genera of importance, Dawsonia and Lyellia. A useful synopsis of the European and North American species of Polytrichaceae by N. C. Kindberg, will be found in the Rev. Bry., 1894, pp. 33, sqq. 4. CATHARINEA Ehrh. (Synonym, Atrichum P. Beauv., Schimper Syn., et plur. auct.) Stems moderately tall, leaves slightly embracing the stem but not sheathing, nor narrowed above the base, Ungulate or ovate- oblong, crisped when dry, bordered and serrate, generally undulated, with few straight lamellae above. Calyptra glabrous, spinulose-papillose at apex. Capsule smooth, oval or cylindric, curved; lid long-beaked; peristome of 32 teeth, with a narrow basal membrane. Inflorescence usually dioicous. r/Ls. narrow-lingulate, back of nerve and lamina spinose-toothed above .........2 \Ls. wider, oblong, lamina smooth at back ..............................j. crispa ( Ls. obtuse, margin toothed in upper half only ; capsule suberect; dioicous.... J 2. angustata j Ls. rather acute, margin toothed throughout; capsule arcuate; paroicous ...... I 1. undulata D34 POLYTRICHACE/E. 1. Catharinea undulata Web. and Mohr. (Bryum undulatum L., Atrichum undulatum P. Beauv., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. IX. D.) Plants in loose patches, dull green, in open dry spots yellowish ; stems erect, i-2 inches high, simple or bifid, from a much branched, rooting, underground rhizome; leaves very small below, scale-like, gradually longer above, in the upper part very longly Ungulate, strongly (transversely) undulate, chief!)’ in the upper half, much crisped and incurved when dry, flexuose and patulous when moist, acute or somewhat obtuse, bordered with a narrow, distinct margin of 2-3 rows of very narrow, brownish, cartilaginous cells, sharply spinose for the greater part of its length with strong teeth, usually in pairs ; the surface of the leaf also, at the back, in the upper half and especially near the apex, is beset with somewhat similar spines, usually in transverse rows, on the crests of the undulations ; nerve vanishing in the apex of the leaf, sharply spinulose at back above ; areolation rather large, chlorophyllose, in the upper part of the leaf hexagonal or elliptic- hexagonal (with the longer axis transverse to the direction of the leaf, i.e., broader than long), gradually becoming larger and quadrate below, elongate-rectangular at the base. Lamellae 3-6, straight, the upper margin very bluntly notched ; in section each of 3 to 5 nearly equal, smooth, rounded cells. Inflorescence paroi- cous. Male flower terminating the first year’s stem, the axis of which is subsequently prolonged, and next year produces a ter- minal fertile flower. Perichaetial bracts longer and narrower, but otherwise resembling the leaves. Seta erect, flexuose, reddish "brown, i-ij inches long, often two or more together from the same perichaetium ; capsule cylindrical, variable in length, strongly arcuate and inclined, brown, thick-walled, lid subulate, curved, almost as long as the capsule. Calyptrapale, covering about one- third of the capsule. Teeth of peristome long, lanceolate, obtuse, the median line orange, the edges pale, basal membrane reddish. Var. /3. minor W. and Mohr. Stem short, leaves short, less undulated. Capsule shorter, suberect, unequal, on a shorter pedicel. Var. y. Haussknechtii Dixon (Catharinea Haussknechtii Broth., Braithw. Br. M. FI., Vol. II. Suppl.; Atrichum Hauss- knechtii Jur. and Milde). Resembling C. undulata very closely, but more slender, in looser tufts, l-i inch high, the leaves somewhat more shortly and obtusely pointed, the spines at back smaller. Inflorescence terminal, paroicous or perhaps rather synoicous; antheridiaCATHARINEA. 35 central, with suddenly acuminate almost entire bracts, surrounded by a row ot archegonia. Two or more capsules are produced from the same perichsetium ; subsequently the axis is produced as in C. undulata, so that the fruitstalks, which are persistent for a year or more, appear lateral, a new inflorescence and fruit being formed at the fresh apex in the following year ; in this way the old fruitstalks of one or two years’ growth may be seen on the side of the stem. Capsule narrowly cylindric, suberect, hardly curved; lid as long as the capsule. Hab. On sandy soil or clay, in woods, on heaths, &c., very common. The var. /3 in drier, stony places. The var. y very rare; on damp shady banks near Brox- bourne, Herts. ; (Vaizey). Fr. late autumn and winter. A very common plant, with the aspect of which the student soon becomes familiar ; it has little resemblance to any other species—beyond those of its own genus—except Mnium unduloium, which might sometimes be confused with it, but which is easily distinguished by its marginal teeth being single, not in pairs, the basal cells not regularly rectangular, the broader margin, percurrent nerve, &c. The characters distinguishing it from C. anguslata and C. crispa are described under those species. Within slight limits it shows a considerable variation, chiefly in the form and size of capsule, the apex of the leaves more or less acute, and the amount of their undula- tions ; the var. minor is not much more than a starved form, and may be found grow- ing with the type with intermediate forms. The var. Haussknechtii, of which I have not seen any specimens, has only been found within the last few years, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that it has only recently been distinguished from C. undulata. It was first recorded as a British plant by J. R. Vaizey (Ann. Bot. ii, 69) in 1888, under the name of C. lateralis Vaizey. It has been found sparingly in several European countries, and is possibly the same as the N. American Atrichum undulatum var. attenuaium B. & S. After reading the descriptions of C. Haussknechtii, the question can hardly fail to arise whether it is really anything more than an abnormal state of C. undulata, much as the var. inconstans is of Fissidens bryoides. I can hardly think that the difference in the inflorescence, which, however distinct a habit it may produce, is not in itself a very important one, can alone justify its being accorded specific rank ; and considering tthe great variety in form of leaf and capsule in C. undulata, the other characters above described must be held to have even less weight. I have, therefore, classed it as a variety, while admitting that such a conclusion, being arrived at without the study of specimens, can be provisional only. Mr. Bagnall finds various forms of the present species in one or two localities in Warwickshire, some with as many as six setae within one perichaetium, others with stems twice or more branched and producing fruits from each branch, the leaves and capsules also showing considerable divergence from the typical form. A continental species, C. tetiella Rohl, has been described as British, but the plants that have been so named appear to be all referable to this species or its variety minor; the true C. tenella is dioicous, of a deep green colour, with shorter, hardly un- dulated leaves with fewer lamellae, and a much shorter inclined capsule. 2. Catharinea angustata Brid. (Atrichum angustatum B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. IX. E.). Much like small forms of the preceding species, but with short, simple stems, and of a more reddish tint. Leaves crowded, straighter and more erect, oblong-lanceolate, shorter, obtuse, less36 POLYTRICHACE^. undulate, more sparingly and less sharply spinulose at back, with smaller areolation ; the margin with smaller teeth, serrate only in the upper half or with only a few very minute teeth below the middle.; lamellae more numerous, 5-7, higher, in section each of 5 to 8 equal cells. Dioicous, male flowers cup-shaped, growing on separate tufts of plants. Capsule nearly erect and only slightly arcuate or almost straight; narrower in proportion to its length than in C. undulata. Hab. In similar situations, but much rarer. Sussex ; Perthshire ; Essex. Fr. winter. C. angustata, though a distinct species, is separated rather by a combination of characters, most of which may, at one time or another, be found to some extent in C. undulata, than by any very clearly defined and obvious character ; apart from the inflorescence, however, the character of the lamelke will usually serve to separate the two species. In C. undulata they are few and short, so that when flattened out on each side of the nerve, as by the pressure of a cover-glass, the space occupied by them only amounts (in the upper half) to about -i-toJ- t^ie tota^ width of the leaf; whereas In the present species they will be found to cover, under the same circum- stances, £ and even J of the width; the much weaker serration of the leaf margin is also a distinguishing feature. The plant has, however, a distinct facies of its own, and I have found it quite possible to distinguish it in the barren state, even from the smaller forms of C. undulata with which it sometimes grows, and without the aid of a lens, by the more lurid colour, and the more erect, less undulate leaves. The narrower leaves, spinulose at back of lamina, will distinguish it from C. crispa. It is a much commoner species in N. America than in Europe. Like C. undulata it varies very considerably in length of capsule. 3. Catharinea crispa James (Atrichum crispum Sull., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. IX, F.). In soft tufts, dull or yellowish green. Stems tall, erect, simple, 2-4 inches high. Leaves distant, rather large, oval- oblong or oblong-lanceolate, the lower shorter and broader, patent, when dry crisped, hardly at all undulate, obtusely acumi- nate ; nerve strong, reddish brown, vanishing in the apex, with a few rather blunt teeth at back above ; border reddish, dentate from near the base, teeth smaller than in C. undulata, less frequently in pairs ; lamellae very low and indistinct, 1-4, some- what undulate on the margin and frequently interrupted, vanish- ing in the lower half of the leaf, in section of / to j rather large equal cells. Areolation larger than in any of the previous species, elongate towards base and less chlorophyllose, the upper quad- rate-hexagonal or rounded, smaller towards the margin, not spinose at back. Dioicous ; male plants taller, in separate tufts. Pedicels slender, often two or three together, somewhat flexuose ; capsule erect or nearly so, slightly curved, 7iarrowly obconical,CATHARINEA. 37 wide-mouthed; lid conical with a subulate beak. Peristome teeth narrow, unequal, basal membrane very narrow. Var. (3. densifolia Lindb. Dwarf ; leaves crowded, broader and more elliptical, patulous. Hab. Sides and beds of rocky streams, among grass or in sand; rare. Male and barren plants only. The var. /3 at Oakmere, Cheshire. The fertile plant has been found in N. America only; the stem is shorter, the leaves longer and closer than in our plants. The laxer areolation and the few and in- distinct lamellae will easily distinguish it from the other species; indeed, it is much more likely to be confounded with Mnium hornum, which it closely resembles, but a careful examination will detect the presence of lamellae, though they are sometimes so slightly developed that, without care, they are liable to be overlooked; the cells in Mnium hornum are moreover distinctly smaller than in our plant. The large tufts in which it grows are often embedded almost up to the tops of the stems in sand or debris. 5. OLIGOTRICHUM De C. Stems simple, from a subterranean rhizome. Leaves oblong or lineal-lanceolate, not contracted above the sheathing base, concave, with numerous sinuose lamellae in front and a few at back. Dioicous. Capsule erect, ovate-oblong ; calyptra with a few scattered erect hairs; teeth of peristome slender, irregular. Intermediate between Catharinea and Polytrichum. 1. Oligotrichum incurvum Lindb. (Bryum incurvum Huds.) (Tab. IX. C.) Loosely casspitose, glaucous green, reddish brown when old. Stems about one inch high, erect, rigid, unbranched. Leaves small and distant below, crowded above, erect or spreading, when dry strongly incurved or twisted, but less crisped and undulate than in Catharinea, lanceolate from an oblong, thin, sheathing base; concave, more or less acute, not bordered, margin incurved, especially above, remotely :and minutely dentate, coarsely notched at apex; areolation small, regularly rectangular at base, then quadrate, in upper part of the leaf irregularly hexagonal; nerve with lamellae on both sides, at the back few (3-5), short, bluntly serrate, low, and rather in the form of ridges than lamellae ; on the upper surface numerous, 10-12, high, sinuose from side to side when viewed from above, occupying about one-third or half the width of leaf in upper part, their upper margin variously notched and crested; in section of 6-12 equal cells. Dioicous; male plants shorter, flowers brownish red, discoid. Capsule on a38 POLYTRICHACEiE. rather thick seta, which is f-i inch long; ovate-cylindrical, erect or somewhat inclined, somewhat plicate when dry, and contracted below the mouth ; lid shortly rostrate, oblique, often falling off with the calyptra ; columella four-winged ; peristome teeth short, unequal. Var. /3. laxum Braithw. Stem taller, 2-4 inches high, slender. Leaves more distant, spreading, pellucid, with fewer larnelloe, and much larger cells, more distinctly toothed. Barren. Hab. Sandy and stony ground on or about mountains. The var. £ rare ; Ben Nevis; Bangor, Snowdon, and other places in Wales. Fr. late summer. In this species, as in Polytrichum, the axis of the male plant is produced and continues growing beyond the first year’s perigonium ; producing another in the follow- ing year, so that two or three perigonia may be found one above the other on the same stem. A few stomata are to be found on the neck of the capsule. Although the lamina of the leaf is not spinose at back, a few short, toothed lamella may frequently be found ; principally near the apex. A very curious form which I gathered near Llyn Dinas, Beddgelert, somewhat intermediate between the type and the variety, has stems 2-4 inches long, frequently branched, with the leaves much crisped when dry, pellucid and with few lamellae as in var. laxum, but with cells quite as small as in the type, and numerous short lamellae scattered over the back of the lamina near apex, principally near the margin. 6. POL^TRICHUM Dill. Plants varying in size, often tall and showy, the stems innovating from creeping underground rhizomes, occasionally branched above. Leaves large, suddenly narrowed above the membranous, sheathing base, not bordered ; the nerve broad, sometimes toothed but not lamellate at back, covered on the upper surface with numerous straight lamellae, occupying the greater part of the width of the limb, and rendering the leaf rigid and opaque ; lamellae entire or crenulate along the upper margin, not coarsely toothed. Dioicous (in the European species). Calyptra covered with a thick felt of deflexed hairs reaching far below its base and usually covering the greater part of the capsule, or the whole. Capsule erect or cernuous, cylindrical or angular, with or without apophysis. Lid plane or convex, with a subulate beak. Teeth of peristome 32 or 64. A large genus, exhibiting much variety in size, but very uniform in the general arrangement and form of the leaves. Stomata are usually to be found on the neck of the capsule, just above or on the apophysis. The character of the apical cell of the lamellae when seen in section is of great value in distinguish- ing the species, especially when barren.POLYTRICHUM. 39 j/Leaf-margin entire, inflexed over the lamelke (capsule angled)...................2 1\Leaf-margin more or less toothed, not inflexed ..................................5 f Ls. bluntish, more or less cucullate at apex, nerve scarcely excurrent 2-! 5. sexangulare [Ls. aristate at apex ...........................................................3 / Arista long, hyaline, very rough.....................................6. piliferum Arista short, coloured .........................................................4 {Stem not tomentose ; ls. spreading ; capsule oblong...............7. juniperinum Stem densely tomentose ; Is, erect; capsule small, cubic .............7*. strictum (Capsule 4-6 angled; ls. with narrow tapering points, border-cells of lamellae smooth .....................................................................6 Capsule not angled ; ls. either with short wide points or with border-cells of lamel- lae papillose ..................................................................8 f Capsule cubic, sharply angled ; border-cells of lamellae grooved longitudinally 6-j 10. commune [Capsule oblong ; border-cells of lamellae similar to the rest, not grooved ......7 /Capsule distinctly angled ; basal cells of ls. very long and narrow ...9. formosum 7 \ Capsule obscurely angled ; basal cells shorter and wider...............8. gracile f Ls. with short, wide points, border-cells of lamellae similar to the rest, thin, smooth gJ 9 I Ls. with long, narrow points ; border-cells of lamellae large, thickened, papillose l 10 f Capsule very short, columella cylindric ; ls. obtusely toothed ....../. nanum y\Capsule cylindric, columella winged ; ls. sharply toothed ...............2. aloides IQ/Capsule cylindric, erect or nearly so ; border-cells of lamellae round j. umigerum \Capsule tumid, inclined ; border-cells oval...............................4. alpinum A. POGONATUM. Capsule oval or cylindrical, in section circular, not or hardly apophysate. 1. Polytrichum nanum Neck. (Pogonatum nanum P. Beauv., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. X. A.). Plants gregarious, deep green ; stems very short, to £-inch high, simple, naked below, intermixed with green protonema at base. Leaves from an erect sheathing base, spreading, with a lingulate or ovate-lanceolate limb, obtusely pointed, with the margin erect at apex, bluntly toothed from about the middle of the limb, the teeth brownish, composed usually of a single cell, remote below, more crowded above ; nerve percurrent, bluntly toothed at back of apex, very broad on the face of the leaf, and covered with 30-40 lamellae, occupying the greater part of the limb to near its base, in section of 6-8 small equal rounded cells. Areolation rounded-hexagonal above, hexagonal at base of limb and basal margin, narrow-rectangular at mid-base. Seta thin, flexuose, variable in length. Capsule small, erect or inclined, oval or almost spherical, with a rostellate lid, wide-mouthed and turbinate after the fall of the lid, smooth. Calyptra hardly reach- ing the base of the capsule. Peristome teeth 32, rather large in proportion to the size of the fruit. Columella cylindrical.40 POLYTRICHACE/E. Var. /3. longisetum Lindb. (Pogonatum nanum var. longi- setum Hampe). Leaves longer, narrower; seta long, i-i£ inches ; capsule oval-oblong. Hab. Sandy ground on banks and heaths. Frequent. The var. /3 rare. Fr. usually winter and spring, but variable. There is considerable variation in the length and the serrature of the leaves, length of seta, and form of capsule; but the present species is generally sufficiently distinct from the next by the obtusely serrate leaves, and in doubtful cases the cylin- drical columella, without wings, will clearly distinguish it. Fortunately for the student, the species of this genus, although dioicous, are usually fertile, and the fruit is of great aid in the determination of the species. I have always found the capsule perfectly smooth, or at the most extremely faintly mamillate at the base, while P. aloides y according to my observations, has the whole surface of the fruit distinctly papillose. 2. Polytrichum aloides Hedw. (Pogonatum aloides P. Beauv., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. X. C.). Usually more elongated in all its parts.than the last species; stem taller, f-f inches high, sometimes forked. Leaves longer, linear-lanceolate, obtuse or acute, densely and sharply serrate from the base of the limb, several cells usually entering into the composition of each tooth. Lamellae more numerous, 40-60, lower, in section of 3-5 cells. Calyptra slightly narrower, cover- ing the entire capsule, which is oblong-cylindrical, erect or slightly inclined ; constricted below the mouth and urceolate after the fall of the lid, distinctly papillose over the whole surface ; greenish brown or brown. Columella four-winged. Peristome teeth shorter. Var. /?. Dicksoni Wallm. (Polytrichum Dicksoni Turner, Pogonatum aloides var. defluens Brid., Schp. Syn.). Dwarf; seta very short, capsule obovate, finally urceolate or turbinate ; hairs of calyptra sometimes confluent below the capsule. Hab. Dry banks, disused quarries, etc. A much more frequent species than the last. The var. B not common. Fr. as in P. nanum. Much like the last species and similarly variable, but quite distinct as noted under that plant. These two species are often separated from the following under the title Aloidella, derived, like the specific name of the present species, from the solid, toothed, aloe-like leaves. The two following species are taller, more branched, with longer, more pointed leaves. 3. Polytrichum urnigerum L. (Pogonatum urnigerum P. Beauv., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. X. D.). Stems in lax patches, rigid, erect, 1-3 inches high, innovating laterally, sometimes twice or thrice forked or with several close,POLYTRICHUM. 41 crowded, fasciculate branches ; glaucous green, brown below. Lower leaves scale-like, apiculate, upper lanceolate from a pale sheathing base, patulous when moist; rigid, appressed to stem, erect or slightly incurved when dry ; crowded, long, at ^^acumi- nate to an acute point formed by the slightly excurrent nerve, which is sharply spinose at back. Limb plane, sharply toothed at margin from near the base; areolation of the base narrowly rectangular, without chlorophyll, whitish brown, of the limb quad- rate-hexagonal or rounded, at base of limb very narrowly trans- versely elliptical, small and dense. Lamellae about 50, low, very much crowded, in section of 4-6 cells, the uppermost larger, rounded, yellowish brown, papillose, the rest smaller, green. Seta rather long, i-i4 inches, slender, pale reddish. Calyptra longer than capsule. Capsule erect or very slightly inclined, symmetrical, resembling the last but larger and somewhat more cylindrical, wide-mouthed, golden brown, finally brown, very papillose, without stomata. Teeth of peristome reddish. Var. fi. humile Wahl. (Pog. urnigerum var. humile Brid.). Stems short, simple, scattered ; leaves shorter. Capsule narrower and smaller, on a shorter seta. Hab. Dry and stony places ; most common in subalpine situations ; the var. /3 in drier, more exposed situations, more rare. Fr. autumn and winter. The var. humile is perhaps rather a starved form than a permanent variety. The glaucous colour will usually distinguish the present from the next species, as also the erect, symmetrical, papillose capsule. P. capillare Rich., found in Scandinavia, and common in N. America, is some- what intermediate between this and P. aloides ; with the habit of the latter it has very sharply serrate leaves, the teeth being often patent and recurved. The European form (Schp. Syn. Ed. 2, p. 536) is, however, not so strongly marked. 4. Polytrichum alpinum L. (Pogonatum alpinum Rohl, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. X. B.) Stems loosely tufted, tall, much branched, decumbent at base. Leaves dull green, rather longer and more flexuose than in the last species, more narrowly acuminate, the serratures slightly less acute in outline ; lamellae fewer, about 33, less crowded, higher, in section of 3-8 cells, the marginal ones larger, ovate-conical, papillose, yellowish. Seta long, flexuose. Capsule inclined and arcuate, variable in size and form from sub-globose to elongate- cylindrical and curved, usually oblong-cylindrical, and somewhat gibbous on the upper side, riarrower at the mouth than below, not papillose, with a short neck, bearing stomata, greenish brown, blackish when old and rugose; lid with a rather long subulate42 POLYTRICHACE^F. beak ; calyptra shorter than the capsule. Peristome teeth short and irregular. Var. fi. silvaticum Menz. (Pog. alpinum var. arcticum Brid., Schp. Syn.) Stems slightly branched ; capsule elongate ^cylindrical^ narrow, curved, softer, with a less distinct neck. Var. y. campanulatum Brid. (Polytrichum campanulatum Hornsch.) Shorter, fastigiately branched, leaves short, capsule ovate-globose, calyptra whitish, large. Var. 8. septentnonale Lindb. (Polytrichum septentrionale Swartz.) Stem short ; leaves slightly subsecund, shorter; capsule oval-globose, suberect. Hab. Stony and grassy places on mountains and moors. Frequent. Fr. late summer. Readily distinguishable in almost all cases, by its curved, asymmetrical capsule, without angles, and almost always smaller at the mouth, not wider as is that of P. umigerutn ; in doubtful cases the other points, italicised above, will amply suffice to determine it. It is a most variable plant in size, and in the form and magnitude of the fruit, and the many varieties that have been described are far from constant. The var. silvaticum represents one extreme ; I have not seen British specimens, nor do I know of any certain records. The same is the case with the var. campanulatum ; the character afforded by the colour of the calyptra, or rather of its hairs, appears to be the only distinct feature, and as some authors in describing it, omit this character, it is apparently a somewhat unsatisfactory form. The var. septentrionale I have not seen recorded, but I have gathered a form on Slieve League, Co. Donegal, which agrees exactly with the description; the seta is barely J of an inch long, and many of the capsules are hardly longer than broad. It is merely through a wrongly named specimen that P. septentrionale Sw. has been referred to P. sexa?igulare. B. Eu-Polytrichum. Capsule with 2-6 usually acute angles; apophysis generally well-defined. Peristome teeth 64. 5. Polytrichum sexangulare Ehrh. (Tab. X. E.) Stems erect or decumbent, usually 1-2 inches high, occasionally 2-4 inches, simple or slightly divided, rigid, in tufts or loose patches, not tomentose at the base. Leaves short, rather obtuse, linear-lanceolate from a broad sheathing base, patent when moist; the lower ones glossy, dark coloured ; when dry closely imbricate, rigid, incurved at apex ; margin entire, incurved from near the base of limb, at apex cucullate. Lamellae JO-J5, in section of 4-6 cells, the marginal one larger, ovate-conical, smooth. Seta rather thick, short, inches. Calyptra not covering the capsule. Capsule erect or inclined, oval, with 6 obtuse angles, reddish brown ; apophysis obconical, not constricted to a neck above ; lid with a rather thick beak Peristome of 64 teeth, short, unequal.POLYTRICHUM. 43 Hab. Summits of the higher Scotch mountains ; very rare. Ben Macdhui and others of the Cairngorm range ; Ben Nevis ; Ben Lawers ; barren on the last named, occasionally fertile on the others. Fr. late summer. A very rare plant with us, readily distinguished in the field by the short, obtusely cucullate leaves with entire inflexed margins. P. strictum and P. juniperinum differ in the very acute, more or less aristate leaves. In P. sexangularey although the general outline of the leaf apex is obtuse, it will be found under the microscope that the nerve is excurrent in a short mucro, which though rather blunt, gives a more acute outline to the leaf than appears with the lens. The capsule, as is usually the case in this section, becomes more inclined or even horizontal when old. The angles are sometimes obscure. 6. Poly trichum piliferum Schreb. (Tab. XI. A.) In loose tufts, glaucous green. Stems erect, simple, rarely forked, i-ii inches high, naked at base. Upper leaves rapidly lengthening so as to form an elongate coma, when dry closely appressed and straight, forming a narrow ovoid or clavate head. Base of leaf narrower and longer than in the preceding species, limb narrowly lanceolate, the wings broad,' inflexed upon the front of the leaf and almost meeting, formed of narrow, trans- versely elliptical cells, entire; nerve reddish, at apex suddenly becoming hyaline, and excurrent as a long, denticulate, hoary arista; apex of leaf, below the arista, somewhat muriculate, smooth at back of nerve. Lamellae about jo, in section of 4-7 cells, the upper larger, elongate, broader in the middle, narrowed above and below, so as to appear obtusely cruciform, not papillose. Perichaetial bracts longer, the inner thin, whitish, without lamellae, longly aristate. Seta i-i£ inches long; capsule covered by the calyptra, erect, inclined when dry, small, shortly oblong, with 4 sharp angles, and occasionally an intermediate fainter one; apophysis distinct, short, constricted above, where it passes into the capsule ; lid shortly and stoutly beaked, red or orange. Male plants with shorter leaves, more shortly aristate. Hab. Dry heaths, common. Fr. summer. P. piliferum varies little, and may readily be known by the hoary leaf-points and small capsule. An alpine form {Pol. Hoppei Hornsch.) has shorter leaves, longer hair- points, and shorter, broader capsules, on shorter pedicels. The cup-shaped male inflorescence in this and the following allied species is bright red or orange, and forms a conspicuous picture in the places where it grows. 7. Polytrichum juniperinum Willd. (Tab. XI. D.) Stems scattered, taller than in the last species, 1-4 inches, rarely branched, glaucous green, sometimes slightly tomentose at base. Leaves less crowded at the top of the stems, spreading44 POLYTRICHACE/35. when moist, erect when dry, long, lanceolate from an oblong base as in P. piliferum, the wings infiexed, but not so nearly meeting as in that species, entire; nerve excurrent in a shorter, red, dentate arista, strongly toothed at back of apex and often half- way down the limb. Lamellae 35-40, in section nearly as in the above species. Perichaetial bracts longer than the leaves, and with a longer arista, white and membranous at edges. Calyptra large. Capsule on a longer, bright red, shining seta, if-2-g- inches high ; larger, tetragonal-oblong, with sharp angles, lid deep red, beak short; apophysis short, less distinct. Male plants more slender, with shorter leaves. Hab. Heaths and waste places ; common. Fr. summer. An alpine form (var. alpimim B. & S., Pol. boreale Kindb.), is shorter and more stunted in all its parts, with longer hair points to the leaves, the tip sometimes hyaline. The calyptra in this species is often very pale, sometimes almost white. *Polytrichum strictum Banks. (Tab. XI. C.) ■0 Differs from P. juniperinum in the taller, more slender stems, sometimes nearly a foot high, covered for a great part of their length with dirty white tomentum, densely tufted, slightly branched. Leaves erecto-patent, shorter, narrower, straight; erect, closely and regularly imbricated when dry; lamellae fewer, 25-30. Capsule smaller, cubic or very shortly rectangular; calyptra small. Hab. Boggy heaths; not common. « The characters which separate this plant from P. juniperinum, though chiefly comparative, and insufficient to justify giving it specific rank, are fairly stable, and it seems to fill its right place as a sub-species. The habitat, among other points, is quite different; it is not unfrequently found mixed with Sphagnum. The very slender, terete stems, with short, regularly-imbricated leaves, are, in the dry state especially, very noticeable. 8. Polytrichum gracile Dicks. (Tab. X. F.). Densely tufted, dark green; stems 1-4 inches high, matted together below with whitish, radicular tomentum, simple or slightly divided, leafless below, the fertile stems with the leaves crowded above into an oblong tuft. Leaves erecto-patent, some- what flexuose or curled when dry, short, the upper 4-5 lines long, the limb lanceolate, gradually narrowed to a sharp acumen,POLYTRICHUM. 45 margin erect, sharply serrate, variable in width, usually of about 4-6 rows of cells in the middle of the limb, sometimes more, the cells rather large, 15-18 n in diameter, rounded-quadrate or trans- versely elliptical. Cells of the sheathing base thin, rectangular, about 3-4 times as long as broad in middle of wing. Nerve excurrent in a short, acute, red, dentate point, spinose also at back in the upper part of the leaf. Lamellae about 40, each in section of 4-6 cells, equal in size, smooth and rounded. Perichaetial bracts longly sheathing. Capsule on a thin flexuose seta i|-2 inches long, erect, horizontal when dry, short, broadly ovate, inflated, with j-<5 obtuse and often obscure angles, narrowed at the mouth, apophysis rather indistinct, hardly constricted above. Calyptra hardly covering all capsule. Lid large, with a rather long beak. Peristome teeth 64, but often confluent, and unequal. Hab. Peaty woods and dry heaths on turf. Frequent. Fr. summer. The distinguishing characters are difficult to define, and may perhaps be best pointed out by comparison with the allied species, P. commune and P. formosum, the only two which are likely to be taken for it. It differs from both in the wider leaf- margin and distinctly wider cells throughout the leaf, the fewer lamellae, and the more obscurely angled capsule, almost invariably shorter and more inflated than in the latter species. The smaller vars. of P. commune closely resemble it, and here perhaps the most certain character is to be found in the smooth rounded marginal cells of the lamella of the present species ; the beak of the lid is also usually longer. Barren specimens of P. alpinum are distinguishable by the papillose marginal cells of the lamelke. The number of lamellae, and consequently the width of leaf-margin, varies considerably, but the latter is always more developed in proportion to the former than in the related species, in consequence of which the leaves are usually more crisped and flexuose when dry. Occasionally the lamelke become very few, as in the remarkable form gathered by me near Northampton (v. Braithw. Br. M. FI., Vol. I., p. 295), presenting all the appearance of a Catharinea, and indeed so named at first by Dr. Braithwaite ; in these cases the leaf-cells become larger and chlorophyllose, the leaves tend to widen, and the distinction between limb and base disappears. As the lamellae serve, functionally, to replace the chlorophyllose tissue of the leaf lamina of most mosses, these latter features doubtless arise as a compensation for the diminution in the lamellae, and probably mark, in fact, a reversion to an earlier type. • 9. Polytrichum formosum Hedw. (P. attenuatum Menz., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XI. B.). Plants tall, loosely tufted, dark green ; stems erect or ascend- ing, tomentose at base, simple or forked, 3-9 inches high. Upper leaves spreading, loosely incumbent when dry, similar in form to those of P. gracile, but larger, 5-7 lines long, margin erect, sharply serrate, very narrow, of 2-3 rows of smaller cells, about 10-12 y. in diameter, cells of leaf-base longer and narrower than in P. gracile, very narrow at margin, in middle of wing towards46 POLYTRICHACEiE. nerve about 6-10 times as long as broad; lamellae about 60-J0, very low, in section of 3-5 cells, smooth, equal, rounded, or the marginal one very slightly larger and a little longer than broad. Perichaetial bracts with long sheaths, longly acuminate. Seta stout, long, 2-2A inches, rigid, orange below, paler above. Cap- sule covered by the calyptra, erect or inclined, cernuous when dry, oblong, with j or 6 (rarely 4) acute angles, yellow-green, fawn-coloured when ripe, with a small but distinct apophysis, con- tacted above where it joins the capsule ; lid large, with a rather long beak ; mouth of the capsule wide, not contracted. Hab. Dry woods. Common. Fr. summer. A taller plant than the last, and often confused with P. commune ; it usually has the leaves more crowded, and less squarrose when moist, and the beak of the lid longer ; but the most certain character is to be found in the lamelke of the leaves, which in the present species have the marginal cell smooth and rounded or oval (in section), while that of P. commime is broad, depressed in the centre and bifid. The perichaetial leaves are also more distinct in that species. P. ohioense R. & C., is a closely allied species from N. America, differing chiefly in the apical cells of the lamellae more or less flattened, wider than long. The var. pallidisetum B. & S. appears to be nothing more than a form with shorter stems and narrower, somewhat elongated capsule. 10. Polytrichum commune L. (Tab. XI. E.). Plants very tall, 6-18 inches high, in large, loose cushions, deep green, tomentose at the base ; stems simple, rarely forked, flexuose and wiry. Upper leaves very long, squarrose or re- curved when moist, erect when dry and appressed, with the apex flexuose; rather laxly arranged, very long, from an oblong sheathing base suddenly narrowed, limb lanceolate, gradually narrowing from its base upwards, to a sharp dentate acumen ; margin densely and sharply serrate to the base of limb, very narrow, of about one row of small cells, similar to those of P. formosum, as are also those of the leaf-base ; lamellae about 60, low, thickened at*the upper border and channelled, appearing in section of 4-6 cells, the marginal one broader, depressed in the centre and bicuspidate. Perichaetial bracts more distinct, longly sheathing, membranous, without lamellae, ending in an arista formed by the excurrent nerve. Pedicel very long, 2§~4 inches, stout. Calyptra descending below the capsule, large, golden brown. Capsule at first erect, pale reddish brown when ripe, and horizontal, four-angled, with the two lateral angles usually larger and more prominent than the upper and lower, so that the capsule is somewhat flattened; in outline shortly rectangular or almost cubic ; apophysis discoid, very distinct and narrowly constrictedPOLYTRICHUM. 47 at its junction with the capsule ; lid with a short rostellate beak. Male plants shorter, with shorter leaves, repeatedly proliferous from the centre of the perigonia. Var. (3. perigoniale B. & S. (P. perigoniale Michx.). More densely tufted, with shorter stems ; inner perichxtial leaves very long, with an elongated, almost entire arista. Var. y. minus Weis (vars. tninus and fastigiatum, Braithw. Br. M. FI.). More slender, simple or fastigiately branched ; cap- sule smaller and shorter, almost cubical; lid with a short straight beak. Hab. Marshy moors and peat bogs. Common. The vars. 0, y> in drier spots, less frequent. Superficially, P. commune much resembles P. juniperinum, the var. pe7'igoniale especially, but the serrated leaf margin will reveal its identity, even without the aid of a lens. Its difference from the preceding species is much less marked, but the more shortly rectangular, more distinctly apophysate capsule will generally identify it, and in any case the form of the marginal cells of the lamellae will always prove a reliable character. The var. minus in its unbranched, slender state, is an analogous form to the sub- species strictum of P. juniperinum. The var. fastigiatum would seem only to be a state of this variety. P. comnmne is one of the most highly developed and perhaps the finest of our mosses; it is one of the few species that is put to some practical use, being collected in Lapland for pillows and beds, both by the Lapps themselves and, according to Withering, by the bears. In this country it is occasionally used for stuffing mattresses and for brooms. Order V. BUXBAUMIACE^E. Plants very small, almost or quite stemless, growing on earth or rotten wood. Capsule very large in proportion to the size of the plant, oblique and asymmetrical. Calyptra very small, conical; peristome single or double, the outer teeth when present originat- ing in several concentric layers of cells, linear, very faintly barred ; the inner a conical plicate membrane with an opening at the top. Avery remarkable order of mosses, consisting of half-a-dozen species presenting a quaint appearance unlike that of any others of the class, and no less striking in their morphological characters. It is clear from the researches of Lindberg, Philibert, and other bryologists that most of the present types of peristome must have become fixed before the differentiation of the vegetative organs (e g., the Hypneae, Bryaceae and Mniaceae must have had a common parentage from which they derive their uniform type of peristome). In other words, it seems that the evolution of the Sporogonium was prior to that of the Oogonium, and mosses must have originally consisted of a protonema with a highly organised sporogonium, but with very little development of stem or leaves,48 BUXBAUMIACE/E. the ordinary leaves having been produced later in order of time and very possibly having arisen by modification of the perichaetial bracts. Thus not only in type of peristome, but also in the general habit and morphology, we may probably look upon this Order, and especially the genus Buxbaumia, as an archaic type which has survived in something like its primeval form. Even in Diphyscium, the true leaves though perfectly developed are quite an inconspicuous part of the plant beside the fruit and perichaetial leaves. I have retained the two genera under this order, which is perhaps the most usual arrangement, partly on account of the general resemblance of the capsule and its internal structure, and partly on account of the great similarity of the peristomes, a marked and real similarity, though perhaps less so than would appear at first sight. The form and structure of the leaf in Diphyscium is hardly, I think, sufficient in itself to outweigh these important affinities and justify its separation from Buxbaumia. The presence of delicate articulations in the outer teeth, and the minute structure of these and the inner peristome (as pointed out by Philibert, Rev. Bry., 1889, pp. 4, sqq.), indicate an approach on the part of the Buxbaumiacese to the Arthrodonteae, but the origin of the outer teeth in several series of concentric cell-layers constitutes a sufficient ground for placing the Order among the Nematodonteae, though at the end of the series. 7. BUXBAUMIA Haller. Plants very minute, scattered, stemless. Leaves indistinguish- able from the perichaetial bracts, all minute, ovate or lanceolate, palmate with ciliar productions of the marginal cells, nerveless, without chlorophyll. Male plant (v. Goebel, in Flora, 1892, Suppl. pp. 92, sqq.) among the vaginular tomentum, a concave, shell-like leaf, enclosing a single globose stalked antheridium, similar to that of the Hepatic*. Mature fruit on a stout rough seta, large, somewhat obliquely egg-shaped, with the narrow end pointed and slightly recurved, inserted obliquely on the seta with a short neck, flattened on the upper surface, brown. Outer peristome of one or several rows of irregular filiform teeth, inner a pale tubular membrane in the form of a truncated cone, longitudinally plaited like the folds of a fan, with 32 plicae. Dioicous. /Capsule plano-convex, much flattened above, glossy ................ aphylla Capsule scarcely flattened, paler, epidermis splitting when dry .indusialaBUXBAUMIA. 49 1. Buxbaumia aphylla L. (Tab. XII. A.) Plants very small, growing on a thick stratum of brownish protonema. Bracts minute, almost obsolete, brownish, the marginal cilia developing, after fertilisation, into protonemoid filaments, so that when the capsule is mature, little is to be seen around the thickened vaginula but a mass of rufous tomentum. Seta thick, very scabrous, about half-an-inch long, purplish. Calyptra minute, conico-cylindrical, usually split on one side. Capsule inclined or almost horizontal, with a stout, distinct neck, depressed above and with a more or less angular border, broadly ovate-acuminate in outline ; of a dark brown colour and thick texture, glossy, the cuticle rolling back from the mouth at maturity and forming a border; lid short, obtusely conical, more or less erect and recurved, attached to the columella. Peristome, the outer a single series of very short, filiform, papillose teeth hardly rising above the surrounding membrane; inner membrane pale brown, papillose. Spores very small, escaping by the lateral splitting of the capsule, about 5 fx in diameter. Hab. On the ground or on rotten wood, especially in fir woods; not often reappearing twice in the same locality. Rare. Fr. early summer. This very strange plant was formerly considered a fungus, and indeed to any but a bryologist it seems to have little in common with other mosses. The fruit is as large as that of Polytrichum, and seems disproportionate to the size of the plant. Gobel, in the paper above quoted, has shown that what has usually been taken for the antheridium is really the male plants enclosing a single globose, stalked antheridium similar to that of Sphagnum and of the Hepaticae; and he points out too the primi- tive character of the leaves or pericheetial bracts, which are very little more than ex- pansions of the protonema, normally producing new protonemoid threads at their margins, as might take place at any other part of that organ. 2. Buxbaumia indusiata Brid. (Tab. XII. B.) Capsule on a shorter, less scabrous seta, more erect, less flattened above, narrowly oval, paler, not glossy ; cuticle thinner, splitting longitudinally at maturity with the edges rolled back- wards ; lid rather larger; outer peristome of four concentric rows of linear teeth, the outermost very short, the inner gradually longer, the innermost 7nore than half the length of the inner peris- tome ; all more or less finely articulate, papillose, brownish; spores larger, about 10 fx. Hab. Decayed branches in pine woods. Fr. summer. Very rare. Aberdeen- shire, Ross-shire. Rather smaller and of a less rigid habit and texture, and a paler colour. E50 BUXBAUMIACE^. 8. DIPHYSCIUM Mohr. Plants very short, gregarious. Leaves Ungulate or lanceo- late, fragile, of 2-3 layers of rounded cells, nerved. Perichsetial bracts large, membranous, laciniate above. Capsule immersed or exserted, almost sessile, oval-acuminate, oblique, gibbous, narrow- ing upwards to the somewhat recurved lid. Calyptra conical, entire, minute, fugacious ; outer peristome none or rudimentary, inner a pale membrane, exactly as in Buxbaumia, but with only 16 plicae. Spores minute. Dioicous. 1. Diphyscium foliosum Mohr. (Webera sessilis Lindb.j Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XII. C.) Plants densely gregarious, dark or brownish green. Stetns short; leaves narrowly Ungulate, variously pointed, obtuse and cucullate, or shortly and bluntly acuminate, crisped when dry, fragile ; margin plane, crenulate-papillose in the upper part, and also at times sinuose or slightly dentate towards apex ; nerve vanishing below the apex, broad and flattened, especially at base, often indistinct. Areolation rounded-quadrate in the upper part of the leaf, strongly papillose on both sides, of 2 or more layers of cells, obscure ; gradually becoming more rectangular and less obscure below, smooth ; towards the base hyaline, rectangular, at margin very thin. Perichxtial bracts very large, the outer resembling the leaves but gradually narrowed from a broader base to a long setaceous point composed of the excurrent nerve, the inner broader, ovate-lanceolate, membranous at margin and white, almost without chlorophyll, at apex lacerate with denticulate cilia, and longly aristate with the excurrent nerve, forming a brown, denticulate hair almost as long as the limb of the leaf; nerve very broad, golden brown. Capsule almost sessile, hidden by, or slightly emergent from the perichsetial leaves, about the size and with somewhat the aspect of a grain of wheat, golden brown when ripe, asymmetrical, with a curved apex formed by the conical, acute lid ; inner peristome white at the fall of the lid, becoming brown with age. Male plants scattered, minute ; inner bracts ovate, concave, with excurrent nerve. Var. (3. acutifolium Lindb. Stems taller; leaves longer, more acuminate and acute. Hab. Turfy banks and clefts of rocks in mountainous regions, frequent. Fr. summer. The var. ft less common, usually barren.DIPHYSCIUM. 51 The quaint appearance of the capsule, surrounded with the large, scarious perichsetial bracts, is totally different from that of any other of our mosses, and when once seen cannot be again mistaken. It is however very different with barren plants, which may easily be overlooked, or mistaken, even on closer examination, for a species of Trichostomum, e.g., Tr. nitidam or Tr. tenuirostre. This, indeed, has often been done, and the var. acutifolium was recently described as a new species under the name of Didymodon Camusi by Husnot (v. Muse. Gallied, pp. 80, 433). It may however be recognised by the 2-3 layers of cells in the leaf, and by the broad, ill- defined vanishing nerve, taken in conjunction with the broad, hardly acute apex of the leaves, which are less strongly crisped and hardly shining when dry. The var. acutifolium graduates into the type by intermediate forms, but in its extreme state, as I have found it freely in the Lake District, with tall, somewhat branched stems and very long, narrow leaves, it is a well-marked form. Dr. Braith- waite describes it as having the arista of the perichsetial bracts smooth, but I have not found them noticeably different from those of the type. Schimper describes the outer, rudimentary teeth of the peristome of Diphyscium foliosum as “very short, triangular, granulose, transversely jointed, not unfrequently perforated in the middle, pale yellow, reddish purple at apex.” Hardly any other bryologist appears to have been able to detect them so far developed at least as to render any such detailed description possible. GROUP B. ARTHRODONTE/E. Peristome teeth (when' present) thin, membranous, derived from a single layer of cells of the sporogonium ; transversely barred. SUB-GROUP I. APLOLEPIDEPE. Peristome teeth often forked above, at base composed of two layers of plates ; in the outer layer a single plate forms the width of the tooth ; in the inner two plates go to form the width of the tooth, which therefore, when viewed from the interior, presents a fine dividing line down the centre; the front, or exterior, surface, on the other hand, being without this division. In some genera, as Barbula, the teeth are divided to the base, so that the above structure cannot be traced. Acrocarpous mosses, with rare exceptions ; i.e., the perichaetium is apical, forming a continuation of an ordinary stem or branch, which may however appear lateral by subsequent innovation below the perichaetium. Order VI. DICRANACE^. Plants variable in size, dichotomously branched. Leaves narrow, from subulate to broadly lanceolate, rarely ovate-oblong, nerved nearly or quite to apex, areolation never wide, small, more or less quadrate, rectangular or linear above, rectangular at base,52 DICRANACE^. often with special angular cells. In a very few cases the capsule is more or less spherical, and cleistocarpous, with irregularly torn calyptra; in all the other species the calyptra is smooth, narrow, cucullate, very rarely mitriform, capsule on an elongated seta, narrow, oval to cylindrical, frequently cernuous and gibbous; peristome of 16 teeth, usually cleft above, sometimes to base, into two lanceolate or subulate divisions, transversely articulated, with fine vertical striae between the articulations, occasionally imperfect, usually reddish, the interior plates usually thickest, often transversely trabeculate. This constitutes a fairly natural family, though on one side bordering closely on the Tortulaceae ; one or two of the genera, as Ditrichum, might well, indeed, judged by the characters of their fruit alone, be placed under that order, but the general facies and leaf-form is that of Dicranaceae ; indeed in every case in this order where the form of the fruit or the structure of the peristome might appear to connect a species with the Tortulaceae its true position will be rendered apparent either by the lid being longly subulate or by the leaves being narrow and linear- lanceolate or subulate, with narrow rectangular areolation. The cleistocarpous species of this order are recognisable by the leaf- cells in the upper part being small and narrow, and smooth, not papillose. The student will at first, no doubt, have some difficulty in referring some ambiguous species of both Tortulaceae and Dicranaceae to their right Order, but the difficulty will soon dis- appear when a little practical acquaintance has been gained with the plants themselves. As many as 600 species have been described. The British members of the Order may be classified under seven Tribes, which, for the sake of convenience, are tabulated here. 1. Ditricheae. Leaves lanceolate or lanceolate-subulate, smooth, without distinct angular cells. Capsule rounded, cleisto- carpous ; or ovate to cylindrical, either erect and symmetrical or slightly inclined and unequal, smooth ; lid conical ; peristome teeth 16, very narrow, forked or cleft to base into 32 filiform divi- sions. 2. Seligerieae. Plants minute. Leaves lanceolate-subu- late, smooth, without distinct angular cells (in the British species). Peristome of 16 short teeth, cleft or perforated, or entire, some- times wanting. Capsule erect or nearly so, equal, smooth or very slightly and irregularly striate. Lid rostellate or shortly subu- late-rostrate.ARCHIDIUM. 53 3. Cynodontieae. Leaves chlorophyllose, often rather broadly lanceolate, usually papillose, without distinct angular cells, the upper minute, quadrate. Capsule on a long seta, oblong or oblong-cylindrical, usually inclined, frequently strumose, and mostly striate. Peristome variable. 4. Trematodonteae. Stems short. Leaves lanceolate- subulate, without distinct angular cells. Capsule with a long in- flated neck, which is sometimes longer than the capsule itself; cleistocarpous in the continental genus Bruchia ; in Trematodon, the only British genus, peristomate, with 16 lanceolate, perforated or cleft teeth ; cernuous. 5. Dicranelleae. Plants small, scarcely branched. Leaves smooth, lanceolate-subulate, without special angular cells. Capsule short, erect or inclined, frequently striate ; lid rostellate or subulate-rostrate ; peristome dicranoid, of 16 cleft teeth, wider at base. 6. Dicraneae. Plants usually tall, branched. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, often falcato-secund ; cells at angles en- larged, often inflated, hyaline or coloured. Peristome variable. Lid almost always longly subulate. 7. Leucobryeae. Plants whitish, the leaves almost without chlorophyll, almost entirely composed of the nerve ; internal walls of the cells porose. Capsule as in Dicranum ; peristome of 8 or 16 teeth, dicranoid. Tribe /. Ditricheae. 9. ARCHIDIUM Brid. Plants small, branched by innovations below the apex. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, areolation hexagono-rhomboid. Capsule sessile, spherical, cleistocarpous, formed of a single layer of cells without columella or true spore-sac, the spores being produced from a single basal cell, the contents of which by repeated division form about 16 large, smooth spores. Calyptra very thin, saccate, tearing irregularly. 1. Archidium alternifolium Schp. (Phascum alternifolium Dicks., A. phascoides Brid.) (Tab. XII. D.) Plants minute, in dull green patches, stellately branched, the innovations formed below the apical inflorescence, elongated and finally prostrate, with small-leaved ramuli. Leaves distant,54 DICR ANACE/95. minute, erecto-patent, slightly twisted when dry, lanceolate from a broader base, the upper lanceolate-subulate, margin sinuosely denticulate, more distinctly so at apex; nerve narrow, vanishing in the apex or percurrent. Areolation smooth, rhomboid or rectangular and parenchymatous, or longer, narrowly hexagonal and prosenchymatous, wider at base. Perichaetial bracts longer, from a broader concave base, denticulate at apex, forming a comal tuft. Capsule terminal, finally lateral by innovation, immersed, pale yellow. Spores very large, obtusely polyhedral. Antheridia among the perichaetial leaves, with few small bracts. Hab. Wet fields and bare spaces ; not common. Fr. spring. Varying somewhat in size and habit, and in the form and size of the leaf and of the areolation, this curious little moss has a facies of its own which is hardly like that of any other, even in the barren state ; its resemblance is greatest with Pleuridium alternifolium, but the leaves in that, especially the perichaetial leaves, are much longer, with a much broader nerve, and smaller cells. In Pleuridium axillare the cells are larger and the leaves longer. The fruit, moreover, which is quite distinct in form in the two genera, is usually present in Pleuridium. This genus is by Schimper and other authors placed in a separate Order, on account of the peculiar structure of the sporogonium. While, however, in this respect it obviously retains the characters of a primitive form, its vegetative characters so closely resemble those of the next genus as to justify their being placed in close proximity, an arrangement which is also of much greater convenience to the student. In the shorter, lower leaves and those on the flagelliform branches, the areolation is usually short and parenchymatous, either rectangular or becoming rhomboidal by the obliquity of the end walls; at other times, and especially in the elongated perichaetial leaves, it becomes much narrower, elongated and sinuose, often distinctly hexagonal-rhomboid and prosenchymatous. The present is the only European species, but there are several closely allied species in N. America. 10. PLEURIDIUM Brid. Minute, cleistocarpous mosses. Leaves lanceolate or lanceo- late-subulate, smooth. Capsule erect, on a short pedicel, im- mersed in the pericheetial leaves, ovate-globose with a short point. Calyptra small, cucullate. Spores rather large, granulose. j / Perichaetial leaves similar to the rest; nerve ceasing below apex.i. axillare (Perichaetial leaves much longer than the rest; nerve reaching apex..2 (Perichaetial leaves gradually subulate-setaceous, enclosing naked antheridia 2. subulatum Perichaetial leaves suddenly contracted ; male flowers gemmiform, axillary j». alternifolium 1. Pleuridium axillare Lindb. (Phascum axillare Dicks.; Pleuridium nitidum Rabenh., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XII. E.). Plants small, loosely clustered, pale green. Stems about 1-inch high, simple or slightly branched. Leaves patent, slightly twisted when dry, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, short at base,PLEURIDIUM. 55 gradually longer upwards, perichaetial bracts similar to the upper leaves; nerve thin, vanishing below the apex, margin plane, faintly serrulate at apex; cells rather large, lax, pellucid, rectangular-rhomboid below, narrowly linear or elongate-rhom- boid above. Capsule on a very short seta, oval, shortly pointed, pale brown, calyptra covering only the upper half of the capsule. Antheridia naked among the perichaetial bracts. Var./L strictum Braithw. (Phascum strictum Dicks.). Plants very small, dull green; leaves and bracts closer, narrower, straight; capsule nearly spherical. Hab. Fallow fields and sides of pools ; not uncommon. The var. 13, Scotland. Fr. winter. This species is known from the others of the genus by its paler colour, the more delicate and less rigid habit, by its leaves and perichaetial bracts being alike, and by its larger cells. It is indeed more like Archidium altemifolium, although quite dis- tinct in the fruit. The stem innovates below the capsule (which thus becomes lateral), producing another fruit at its apex, and repeating the same process several times, so that two or three capsules may be found on the same stem, one above the other. 2. Pleuridium subulatum Rabenh. (Phascum subulatum Huds.) (Tab. XII. F.). Stems short, simple, rarely branched or innovated, crowded, dusky or yellowish green. Leaves small, lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, longer above ; perichaetial bracts erect or subsecund, straight when dry, from a small oval base gradually subulate and setaceous, very long; nerve broad and ill-defined, continuous to apex ; margin minutely denticulate, occasionally entire ; cells at base rectangular or hexagonal-rectangular, above forming a very narrow margin to the subula with narrower cells, sometimes becoming extremely slender and elongated so as to be almost indis- tinguishable from the nerve. Capsule yellowish brown or reddish, oval or roundish oval, with a short obtuse point. Antheridia naked in the axils of the perichaetial bracts. Hab. Sandy heaths and banks. Common. Fr. Apr. to June. The more rigid habit, and the long setaceous perichaetial bracts will readily dis- tinguish this species from the last ; but it is much more difficult to define the differences between it and P. altemifolium, except in regard to the position and form of the male inflorescence, which in the latter is easily visible in the axils of the upper leaves when a fruiting stem is placed under a low power of the microscope, but which in the present plant is only seen after dissection. The subula of the perichaetial bracts is in the present species more remotely and indistinctly denticulate, sometimes quite entire ; while in that the denticulations, though minute, are more crowded and numerous and consequently more conspicuous, and the cells are smaller. The apical innovations also, which are common though by no means constant in that species, are rarely present in our plant.56 DICRANACE/E. It is the commonest species of the three, and is usually rendered more con- spicuous by the numerous capsules than by the appearance of the rest of the plant. The species of this genus are not likely to be mistaken for any others except Archidium altermfolium ; the cleistocarpous species of VVeisia, perhaps, most nearly resemble them, but are directly recognised by the upper leaves strongly curled when dry, and the minute, papillose areolation of the leaf apex. 3. Pleuridium altemifolium Rabenh. (Phascum alterni- folium Kaulf.) (Tab. XII. G.). Densely tufted, stems short, simple; yellowish green ; in damp or shady spots the stems are frequently elongated, as much as I inch high, with long flagelliform innovations, and of a bright green. Leaves ovate-lanceolate and lanceolate, nerve vanishing in apex ; perichsetial bracts very long, silky, straight when dry, rather abruptly narrowed from an oval base to a long setaceous point, the upper part entirely composed of the excurrent nerve, finely and closely denticulate and muricate; nerve broad and ill- defined below ; cells at base rectangular and rhomboid, above rectangular, smaller than in the last two species. Capsule oval, with a rather longer apiculus. Male flowers gemmiform, numerous, in the axils of the upper leaves, bracts ovate, acumi- nate. Hab. Wet places, borders of fields, etc. ; not very common. Fr. spring and summer. A less frequent species than the last with us, though it is the most common of the genus on the Continent. The perichretial bracts are still longer than in the previous species. 11. DITRICHUM Timm. Plants tufted, slender. Leaves in several rows, lanceolate- subulate, smooth; areolation rectangular, narrow above. Capsule on a long slender seta, erect or slightly inclined, oval, oblong- cylindrical, or cylindrical, annulate. Peristome teeth erect, 16, not confluent below, elongate, cleft to base into two filiform, papillose, articulate divisions, which are sometimes more or less united ; on a short basal membrane. Spores very small, smooth. A genus clearly marked off by the peristome taken in con- junction with the subulate leaves. The name Leptotrichum, which has usually been employed, has been shown by Hampe to be untenable, having previously been taken up for a genus of fungi.DITRICHUM. 57 TLs. squarrose, suddenly contracted from a broad sheathing base....../. tennifolium \Ls. erecto-patent or secuncl....................................................2 0 rStem tall, flexuose ; Is. very long, usually falcate ; cells shortly . .5. flexicaiile “\Stem short, straight; Is. patent or subsecund............>........................3 / Lid conic, obtuse; capsule dark red ; dioicous.....................3. homomallum ^\Lid rostellate ; capsule pale or golden brown ....................................4 /Nerve slightly excurrent, toothed at apex ; dioicous .....................2. tortile 4\Nerve longly excurrent, entire (or nearly so); paroicous..............4. subulatum 1. Ditrichum tenuifolium Lindb. (Trichostomum tenuifolium Schrad.; Trichodon cylindricus Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XII. H.) In yellowish green tufts, or gregarious ; stems short, usually simple. Leaves flexuose, squarrose from an oblong sheathing base, suddenly narrowed to a fine, almost setaceous subula, the greater part formed of the nerve, irregularly and closely denticulate and rough with the projecting transverse walls of the cells; margin plane; areolation at base narrowly rectangular, long, almost hyaline ; shorter above, in the subula irregularly quadrate, hardly distinct from the cells of the nerve, obscure. Seta pale red, long; capsule erect or slightly inclined, straight or faintly curved, narrowly cylindric, smooth ; lid obtusely conical ; annulus broad, of two or three rows of cells; peristome teeth pale red, papillose, the divisions occasionally slightly united towards the base. Dioicous. Male plants more slender, in separate tufts, bracts subulate, concave. Hab. Wet sandy ground in waste places, rare. Fr. summer, but rarely fertile. The structure of the peristome, having the divisions of the teeth occasionally united a little above the base, and the broader annulus of several rows of cells, are somewhat characteristic of the genus Ceratodon ; but the form of the leaves and the smooth cylindrical capsule seem to justify its inclusion in the present genus ; the squarrose leaves, suddenly narrowed from the broad sheathing base and very rough in the upper part will serve to separate it from the others of the genus ; and its general appearance is indeed more that of Dicranella Gtevilkana and D. Schreberi, to which in fact it bears a close resemblance in the leaves; in the former of these two species however the leaves are entire or nearly so, and in the latter the subula though frequently toothed above, is usually so on the margin alone, not nodulose and papillose all round as in the plant under consideration, nor are the cells in the upper part so obscure. The two plants however, in the barren state can often be separated only by very careful examination. D. subulatum has the leaves erecto-patent when moist, and the subula only faintly denticulate. 2. Ditrichum tortile Hampe (Trichostomum tortile Schrad.; Leptotrichum tortile Hampe, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XII. I.) Tufted, pale green, stems simple or nearly so, short. Leaves short, patent or turned to one side, slightly curved, gradually narrowed from a narrowly ovate or oval-triangular base to a5§ DICRANACE^. lanceolate-subulate point; margin slightly thickened, recurved from a little above the base to near the apex, faintly denticulate above; nerve slightly excurrent, toothed at apex; areolation hexagonal-rectangular at base, chlorophyllose, irregularly rhom- boid or quadrate above. Perichaetial bracts resembling the leaves, but longer, sheathing. Seta red. Capsule erect, narrowly or oblong-cylindrical, pale brown ; annulus broad, of a single row of cells ; lid longer than in the last, conical-rostellate. Peristome teeth red, the divisions here and there united. Dioicous; male plants short, bracts ovate-subulate. Var. f3. pusillum Braithw. (Trichostomum pusillum Hedw.). Stems more densely crowded, shorter. Leaves shorter, broader ; capsule oval or oblong, peristome shorter. Perichaetial bracts with a shorter point. Hab. Sandy banks and quarries, rare. Yorkshire, Sussex, Kent. The var. & in similar habitats, sometimes with the type. Ireland, Yorkshire, Scotland. Fr. winter. This species is very variable in the form and size of the capsules; I have seen them on the same tuft from cylindrical to very shortly ovate, indeed (without the lid) hardly longer than broad; the var. 8 cannot therefore be considered a clearly defined form. The leaves are shorter than in the next two species, with the upper cells wider and shorter, and are also more denticulate, wider in the middle, with the margin re- curved. It also varies in the length of the leaves; these are sometimes very short, and in proportion to their size, broad, with the lamina distinct to the apex ; especially in some forms of the var. pusillum, which have been recorded as a separate species by Schimper and others under the name of Leptotrichum vaginans Sull. ; this however appears to be an error, the true L. vaginans Sull. being a different plant. 3. Ditrichum homomallum Hampe (.Didymodon homomallus Hedw.; Leptotrichum homo?nallum Hampe, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XII. J.). Plants (in the type) loosely tufted, somewhat silky, pale or yellowish green, short, stem simple or nearly so, f-inch high. Leaves glossy, subsecund, from an oval or narrowly triangular base, gradually lanceolate-subulate; margin plane; nerve broad, rather indistinct, excurrent, with a few minute denticula- tions at apex ; areolation very narrow, linear or rectangular, firm, not much shorter above, chlorophyllose. Perichaetial bracts longer, sheathing. Seta straight, purple. Capsule ovate-oblong or oblong, pachydermous, darker red, shining, somewhat narrowed at mouth ; lid conical or conical-rostellate, obtuse. Annulus of two rows of cells. Peristome purplish, the basal membrane indistinct, teeth with the divisions free or united. Dioicous; male plants slender; bracts lanceolate-subulate.D1TRICHUM. 59 Var. (5. zonatum Lindb. (Weisia zonata Funck). Stems elongated, slightly branched, in dense tufts, bright green above, brown below ; i-2 inches high. Leaves shorter, appressed when dry. Hab. Sandy banks and crevices of subalpine rocks, frequent. The var. £ on mountain rocks, more rare. Fr. autumn. The commonest of the short-stemmed species, and usually fruiting, except in the case of the var. zonatum, which is always barren. The narrow areolation of the leaves is perhaps the most obvious distinguishing character, and also the dark-coloured capsule. From the next species it differs essentially in the inflorescence. The peris- tome, as is usual in this genus, is very fragile. The var. zonatum has been variously located, and has recently been raised again to the rank of a species by Limpricht, but in the absence of fruit its relationship with the present species appears too great to permit of separation ; the elongated, closely- tufted stems, however, give it a totally distinct aspect in the field. 4 Ditrichum subulatum Hampe fTrichostomum subulatum Bruch ; Leptotrichum subulatum Hampe., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XII. K.). Plants short, slender, in loose, silky, bright yellowish green tufts. Leaves flexuose when dry, the lower small, ovate-lanceo- late, the upper from a short oval base abruptly narrowed to a long, flexuose, setaceous, almost entire subula, the greater part of it composed of the broad, excurrent nerve. Margin plane. Cells rather laxer, broader and shorter than in the last species. Peri- chaetial bracts sheathing. Seta slender; capsule erect, golden brown, ovate, wider than in the last species, broadest near the base; annulus almost obsolete ; lid shortly rostellate. Peristome teeth very slender, divisions slightly coherent; basal membrane very short. Paroicous; antheridia naked, in the axils of the upper leaves immediately below the perichaetial bracts. Hab. On crumbling rocks and clay soil; very rare. Cornwall; Devon. Fr. spring. A Mediterranean species which has reached our southern coast. Clearly dis- tinguished by its paroicous inflorescence, and the bright green flexuose leaves, with nerve longly excurrent. 5. Ditrichum flexicaule Hampe (Didymodon flexicaulis Schleich.; Leptotrichum flexicaule Hampe., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XIII. A). Tall, slender, in close soft silky tufts, yellowish or brownish green, glossy; stems 7-5 inches high, very slender, flexuose, fragile, branched, radiculose. Leaves very long, rather loosely set, erect or secund, occasionally falcato-secund, slightly flexuose6o DICRANACE/E. when dry, from an elongate lanceolate base narrowed to a long fine subula, nerve flattened and indistinct at base, excurrent, denticulate at apex ; margin plane, incurved above, cells at base irregularly rectangular, rounded-quadrate towards margin, towards the nerve longer, narrowly rectangular ; in the upper part of the leaf oval and rounded ; one or two rows at the margin of the expanded part are sometimes very narrow and hyaline. Capsule erect, reddish brown, ovate or elliptic, small; annulus broad ; lid rostellate; peristome teeth fragile, unequal. Dioicous; male plants rare, slender ; bracts ovate, subulate. Var. jS. densum Braithw. (Trichostomum flexicaule var. densum B. & S., Leptotrich. flexicaule var. densum Schp. Syn.) Densely tufted, bright or brownish green, stems straight, shorter, 1-2 inches high ; leaves erect, short, less flexuose. Hab. Limestone rocks and earth ; frequent. The var. j8. less common, usually in more mountainous districts. The fruit has not been found in Britain. Fr. summer. Quite distinct in its much greater size, longer leaves, and shortly oval upper cells. It has more resemblance to Dicranodontium longirostre than to any other moss, but is easily recognised by the absence of inflated auricles at base. 12. SWARTZIA Ehrh. (Distichium B. & S., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) Plants in dense silky tufts, slender. Leaves distichous, subulate, sheathing at base, smooth ; areolation narrow. Capsule ovate or cylindric, lid conical. Peristome of 16 teeth not con- fluent at base, linear-lanceolate, more or less cleft into unequal, slightly coherent divisions, or variously perforated, sometimes entire. The distichous leaves are the marked characteristic of this genus, which otherwise much resembles the last. The name Distichium by which it has been usually described was forestalled by Distichia Nees (1843), a genus of Juncaceae. /Plant 1-6 inches, glossy ; capsule oblong or cylindric, erect ...........1. montana (.Plant i-l inch, dull-green ; capsule rounded-ovate, inclined ...........2. inclinata 1. Swartzia montana Li ndb. (Bryum montanum Lamarck; Distichium capillaceum B. & S., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) (Tab. XIII. B.) In dense silky bright or dark green glossy tufts, very slender, 1-6 inches high, stems radiculose, straight. Leaves from a white sheathing oval-oblong base, abruptly narrowed above andSWARTZIA. 6l suddenly reflexed in a long, spreading or squarrose, setaceous subula, which is densely papillose on the nerve and crenulate at margin ; nerve excurrent at apex, less papillose but somewhat denticulate; cells narrowly rectangular at base and pellucid, obliquely elliptical above, in the subula rounded-quadrate, and papillose. Perichastial bracts two, longly sheathing. Capsule on an elongated seta, erect or very slightly cernuous, oblong or cylindric, bright or brownish red,.glossy. Peristome teeth pale red, irregularly cleft, short, narrow. Paroicous; antheridia naked in the axils of the uppermost leaves. Hab. Mountain rocks and crevices. Frequent on all our mountains. Fr. summer. A very pretty plant, easily recognised by its distichous, setaceous leaves, with very conspicuous white, glossy, sheathing bases, so that the stems appear white and shining. In the more compact forms the two-ranked arrangement of the leaves is very obvious, in the more elongated forms with distant leaves this is much less dis- tinct. The leaves, except in the compact forms are very flexuose at apex when dry. The plant varies much in height of stem, length of leaf, and form of capsule ; the elongated forms being associated with longer leaves and narrowly cylindrical fruits, while the most compact, short forms have also the leaves short and almost straight, and the capsule much shorter and ovate. There is, however, every gradation from the one extreme to the other, and no clear line of demarcation can be drawn to define the var. compact a (Hiibn.) (D. capill. var. brevifolium B. & S., Schp. Syn.). I have also seen short elliptical capsules on forms with elongated stems and leaves, so that the correlation of the parts is not a distinctive feature of the variety. 2. Swartzia inclinata Ehrh. (Distichium inclinatum B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XIII. C.). Plants shorter, of a duller green, less shining; leaves more crowded and less evidently distichous, the sheathing base less conspicuous, the subula more erect ; the cells slightly longer and more uniformly rectangular; perichaetial bracts three. Capsule small, rounded-ovate, turgid, inclined, brown, with a dark purple shining mouth ; peristome teeth broader, red, less deeply bi-trifid or nearly entire. Autoicous ; male flower gemmiform, below the female, with i-j short, subulate bracts. Spores more than twice the diameter. IIab. Stony ground in mountainous districts, rare. Scotland ; Ireland ; York- shire. Fr. summer. The characters italicised will serve easily to distinguish this species from the com- pact forms of the last. I do not find any constant difference in the size and width of the leaves,62 DICRANACE/E. Tribe 2. Seligerieae. 13. SELIGERIA B. & S. Minute, gregarious or caespitose plants, growing on rocks. Leaves lanceolate or subulate, cells minute above, at basal angles rarely coloured (not coloured in any of the British species). Calyptra cucullate. Capsule smooth, symmetrical, or only very slightly unequal, oval, with a distinct neck, peristome teeth usually entire, rarely cleft, smooth, sometimes wanting. Autoicous in all the British species. A genus of dwarf, almost microscopic plants, often growing on the perpendicular sides of chalk-pits and cliffs, and some- what difficult, on account of their minuteness and general resemblance, to discriminate. Their presence is at times hardly distinguishable except by the slight green or brownish tinge they confer on the substratum of chalk or rock. {Peristome absent....................................................i. Doniana Peristome present.............................................................2 {Seta arcuate when moist ............................................6. recurvata Seta straight when moist......................................................3 /Capsule oval or oblong, contracted at mouth ........................4. paucifolia ^fCapsule short, wide-mouthed, turbinate when dry and empty .......................4 / Perichcetial Is. reaching base of capsule .........................2*. acutifolia Leaves not reaching base of capsule ..........................................5 /Ls. imbricated in three ranks ; cells long and narrow ..............3. tristicha 5\Ls. not three-ranked ; cells shorter ............................................6 g/Ls. with short, wide, obtuse subula, entire ...........................3. calcarea /Ls. longer, with narrow, acute subula, faintly denticulate ............2. pusilla 1. Seligeria Doniana C. M. (Gymnostomum Donianu?n Sm. ; Anodus Donianus B. & S., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) (Tab. XIII. D.). Very minute, gregarious, yellowish green ; stem very short, simple. Leaves erect, straight, subulate from an ovate-lanceolate denticulate base, channelled ; nerve reaching apex or slightly ex- current, occupying the greater part of the minutely denticulate subula; cells of base very thin, pellucid, rather incrassate, rectangular and rhomboid, upper shorter, quadrate. Capsule on a straight seta, minute, pale, hemispherical or turbinate after the fall of the lid, thin-walled, gymnostomous; lid obliquely conical. Male infi. on a basal branch. IIab. Sandstone and limestone rocks. Not common. Fr. late summer.SELIGERIA. 63 One of the most minute of our mosses, and easily overlooked. Hardly dis- tinguishable from S. pusilla except by the absence of peristome and the somewhat more delicate habit; the denticulate leaf margin will aid in distinguishing it from the other species. 2. Seligeria pusilla B. & S. (Afzelia pusilla Ehrh.) (Tab. XIII. E.) Very short, in loose, dark green tufts. Lower leaves short, lanceolate-subulate, upper longer, subulate from an oval-lanceo- late denticulate base, resembling those of the last species but longer. Areolation as in that species. Capsule oval-pyriform, turbinate after the fall of the lid, brownish green ; lid obliquely rostellate ; peristome teeth broadly lanceolate, entire, flat, distantly articulated, spreading and reflexed when dry, incurved when moist. Male inflorescence below the female or on a separate branch. Hab. Damp limestone or sandstone rocks, not common. Fr. summer. Somewhat variable in size, and in length of leaves. The turbinate, peristomate capsule elevated far above the leaves on a straight seta, and the minutely denticulate leaf-margin, are the distinguishing marks of this species. * Seligeria acutifolia Lindb. (as a species) (S. pusilla var. acutifolia Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XIII. F.) Leaves from a narrower base, contracted into a subterete very acute, less denticulate subula, formed almost entirely of the nerve, and very long in the upper leaves ; areolation longer and narrower. Capsule larger, ovate, on a shorter seta, hardly elevated above the perichaetial bracts, shortly pyriform after the fall of the lid, wide-mouthed when empty; lid short, conical, straighten Peristome teeth shorter, rather obtuse, fragile. Var. /3. longiseta Lindb. Plant larger, seta longer, so that the capsule is raised above the pericheetial bracts; lid with a longer, oblique beak. Hab. Calcareous rocks. The var. alone found in Britain; rare. North of England. Fr. summer. This plant seems to find its right place as a sub-species of S. pusilla from which it only differs in the characters pointed out above ; and even these are not constant, as indeed the existence of the var. longiseta shows. Among plants of the latter form there are, moreover, to be found specimens with the perichaetial bracts over- topping the capsule, though the oblique, rostellate lid is always present. It seems best therefore to consider S. acutifolia as a sub-spec, of S. pusilla, with the var. longiseta forming an intermediate link.64 DICRANACE/E. 3. Seligeria tristicha B. & S. (Weisia tristicha Brid. ; Seligeria trifaria Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIII. G.) Plants resembling X. pusilla, but taller and more rigid, 1-2 lines high, slender, branched, brownish. Leaves regularly imbricated in three rows, crowded, straight, erect, appressed when dry, from a lanceolate concave base gradually narrowed to a rigid, obtuse or acute, entire subula, composed of the nerve, which is narrower at the base ; cells elongate-rectangular at base, shorter above; margin entire or very faintly sinuose. Perichaetial bracts longer, the nerve more longly excurrent. Capsule on an elongated seta, thick-walled, wide-moutlied and hemispherical after the fall of the lid, with a long neck tapering into the fruit stalk ; lid obliquely rostellate, rather long. Peristome teeth sometimes perforated. Hab. Wet calcareous rocks. Very rare. Perthshire ; Yorkshire ; Derbyshire. Fr. summer. The stems are often closely tufted, and sometimes very much branched ; the leaves are rather brittle ; their regular arrangement giving the stems a distinct and peculiar trigonous appearance. The form of the capsule when ripe, together with its neck, is regularly pyriform, the neck varying somewhat in length, sometimes very gradually narrowing downwards. It is readily distinguished by the tall slender stems, and the trifarious arrangement of the leaves. The wide pachydermous capsule, the entire leaves, and narrow cells, are also characters of value, in cases where, as occasional^ happens, the tristichous leaf arrangement is not so distinct. 4. Seligeria paucifolia Carruth. (Bryum paucifolium Dicks., X. subcernua Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XIII. H.) Plants gregarious, pale dull green, very short, unbranched. Leaves crowded, the upper longer, sub-flexuose, longly and finely subulate from a lanceolate, gradually narrowing base, quite entire ; nerve very indistinct at base, gradually stronger, wide above and sometimes very slightly excurrent ; cells rectangular, shorter above, a single row on each side reaching almost or quite to the apex ; seta erect, slightly flexuose above ; capsule thick- walled, narrowly oval or oblong, sometimes slightly asymmetric, narrowed at the mouth ; lid with an oblique subulate beak ; peristome teeth narrow, lanceolate. Hab. Blocks of chalk ; rare. Fr. summer. The narrow elongated capsule, contracted, not expanded, at mouth, on an erect seta, is the most distinguishing feature of this species. It seems to prefer detached blocks of chalk rather than cliffs.SELIGERIA. 65 5. Seligeria calcarea B. & S. (Bryum calcareum Dicks.) (Tab.-XIII. I.). Plants in wide patches, densely gregarious, dull deep green. Stem very short, simple. Leaves short, from an oblong concave base abruptly narrowed to a rather short, wide, somewhat obtuse subula, entire; nerve indistinct below, above stronger, but flattened and obscure, and occupying the whole apex ; cells shortly rectangular, thin and pellucid at base, above irregularly rounded-quadrate, oval or hexagonal, obscure, incrassate, chloro- phyllose. Capsule on a straight seta, minute, very slightly larger than in S. pusilla, more solid, but otherwise resembling it; peris- tome teeth broader and more obtuse, more closely articulate. ITab. Chalk cliffs and limestone quarries. Frequent on the chalk hills of the south and east of England. Fr. summer. Easily recognised by its dwarf, stouter habit, with broader, thicker leaf-points, which are also more obtuse. The nerve is flattened and obscure, so that it is difficult in the subula to say where the lamina ceases and the nerve begins. In the fruit this species most resembles .S'. pusilla. It often forms very wide extended patches on the perpendicular face of chalk cliffs, resembling until more carefully examined, patches of protophytic algte. 6. Seligeria recurvata B. & S. (Grimmia recurvata Hedw.; S', setacea Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIII. J.). In close patches, olive green, usually very fertile ; stems short, but rather longer than in the last species, fragile, simple or forked. Leaves erecto-patent.yfc.rrr0.stf, longly subulate from an ovate-lanceolate base, acute, entire; nerve narrow, excurrent, but very ill-defined and hardly distinct from the lamina in the subula ; cells at base variable, usually rectangular with thin walls, pellucid ; above shorter, more quadrate, incrassate. Capsule on a rather Ion•g, flexuose and arcuate seta, oval with a short neck, thin-walled; lid with a slender, straight beak ; teeth of peristome lanceolate, obtuse or acute. Hab. Sandstone rocks in shady places. Not common. Fr. spring and summer. The slender, arcuate seta is the chief characteristic of the present species, and is especially noticeable when the plant is growing; and at the period of ripening of the capsules; when gathered in this condition the seta remains curved in drying, but older capsules usually dry with the fruitstalk straightened. The capsule is variable in length, the lid sometimes oblique. The tissue of which the capsule is composed is looser than in the other species, the cells being larger with thin walls. F66 DICRANACE/E. 14. BRACHYODUS Fiirnr. (Brachydontium Bruch, Braithw. Br. M. FI.) Plants very small, resembling Seligeria. Calyptra mitri- forrn, 5-lobed. Capsule erect, oblong, finally striate ; peristome teeth confluent at base, broad, very short and truncate, dotted, thin. 1. Brachyodus trichodes Fiirnr. (Gymnostomum trichodes W & M. ; Brachydontiu?n trichodes Fiirnr., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIII. K.). Plants resembling Seligeria pusilla; very small, simple, gregarious, green or brownish. Leaves straight, lanceolate- subulate, channelled, entire ; nerve excurrent, forming the whole of the upper part of the subula; cells hexagonal-rectangular below, irregularly quadrate above. Capsule on a slender seta, oblong, pale, thin-walled, red at mouth, when old more or less pyriform, darker coloured, and finely striate; calyptra conical, 3-3 lobed at base; annulus broad ; lid conical with a straight subulate beak; peristome teeth irregular, perforated, pale, smooth, very short. Autoicous. Hab. Wet sandstone rocks. Not unfrequent in mountainous countries. Fr. early spring. Much resembling a Seligeria in habit and leaf structure, this is easily recognised under a good lens by the oblong capsule, on a straight seta, with very fine longitudinal striations ; in leaf it is perhaps nearer S. paucifolia than any other. Tribe 3. Cynodontiese. 15. SiELANIA Lindb. Plants small ; leaves small, linear or lanceolate, smooth; glaucous at back with cellular, granulose "bloom.” Capsule oblong-cylindric, erect, slightly furrowed when dry ; lid conical; peristome teeth 16, irregular, cleft to base into two narrow, nodose, papillose divisions, usually much connected above. The plant for which Lindberg created this genus has usually been placed under either Ditricbum or Trichostomum, and it certainly holds, as pointed out by Braithwaite, a somewhatS/ELANIA. 67 intermediate position between Tortulacese and Dicranaceae. Its affinity with Ceratodon is however so obvious (while at the same time it shows distinguishing characters of some importance), that its consignment to a separate genus near that one appears the most satisfactory arrangement. 1. Saelania cassia Lindb. (Bryum caesium Villars; Lepto- trichum glaucescens Hpe., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XIII. L.). In dense glaucous green tufts, brown below, half to nearly one inch high. Stems erect, slender, much branched. Leaves small, broadly lanceolate below, larger and longer at the summit of the branches, forming a coma; erecto-patent, slightly twisting at the point, somewhat flexuose when dry; acutely linear or linear- subulate from a lanceolate or oblong base, margin plane, bluntly serrate above ; nerve distinct, slightly excurrent in the longer leaves; cells all rectangular, at base empty, 4-6 times as long as broad, above about twice as long as broad, or sometimes quadrate, chlorophyllose ; in the lower leaves more uniform. Capsule erect on a short seta, oval-oblong, thin-walled, brown, irregularly plicate when dry and empty; annulus yellow, of two rows of cells ; lid acutely conical; peristome conical, the teeth purple, the divisions much united above. Autoicous; male flower gemmiform, on short branches below the perichaetia. Hab. On earth in clefts of rocks in alpine districts; very rare. Glen Phee, Clova. Fr. late summer. This rare species will be recognised at once by the bluish green colour, a feature hardly shared by any other British moss, though in a small degree by Weisia verticillata, which differs markedly in the leaves, denticulate towards base, but entire above, and is of quite a different habit of growth. The leaf-cells are longer and narrower than in Ceratodon. 16. CERATODON Brid. Plants terrestrial, tufted; leaves small, lanceolate, smooth or slightly papillose. Capsule oval or oblong-cylindrical, striate, when dry sulcate, often inclined, with a distinct neck, thick- walled. Lid conical. Peristome teeth 16, cleft regularly nearly to base into two filiform divisions, closely articulate below, remotely above, papillose. /Nerve not or scarcely excurrent; capsule strumose at neck............./. purpureus \Nerve longly excurrent; capsule not strumose........................../*. conicus68 DICRANACE/E. 1. Ceratodon purpureus Brid. (Mniurn purpureum L.) (Tab. XIII. M.J. In wide patches, of various tints of green, often accompanied by a tinge of vinous red. Stems branched, £-3 inches long, slender, erect. Leaves erecto-patent, rather laxly imbricated, slightly twisted and appressed when dry, from broadly triangular- ovate to narrow linear-lanceolate, concave, margin revolute from base upwards, becoming plane just below the apex, where there are usually a few coarse teeth ; nerve reaching apex or very slightly excurrent; cells at base pellucid (in the longer leaves), rectangular, 3-5 times as long as broad, above regularly quadrate, hexagonal-quadrate, or irregular, but always short, small, chlorophyllose. Perichsetial bracts longer, sheathing. Capsule on a purple or sometimes yellowish shining seta, inclined, oblong (when dry and empty oblong-cylindrical), straight or slightly curved, purplish or reddish brown; when dry cernuous or horizontal, sulcate, 4-5 angled, with a small but distinct struma at base; annulus large, lid acutely conical, slightly curved. Peristome teeth deep red at base, with equal divisions, bordered on each side from base to middle by the wider inner layer of plates. Dioicous. Male plants more slender, flowers gemmi- form. Hab. Sandy and peaty soil, banks in woods, etc. ; very abundant, and cosmo- politan. Fr. spring and early summer. One of the most abundant and polymorphous of our mosses, easily known when in fruit by the narrow, inclined, sulcate, strumose capsule with conical lid. There is a peculiar facies of the leaves when viewed under the microscope, which, allowing for a certain amount of variation in form and size of both leaf and areolation, is directly recognised after a little practice ; the margin recurved to just below the apex, then plane and toothed, is one of the most distinct and constant features ; when moist the leaves usually have a shiny appearance, and the comal ones are generally slightly twisted ; this taken in conjunction with their channelled surface and gradually acute outline, will serve for identification in the field, and an acquaintance with their appear- ance under the lens will save the beginner much labour and disappointment. One rather marked form has short, broad, deltoid-oval concave leaves, sometimes shortly cuspidate with the excurrent nerve, the tufts resembling those of Barbula lurida, but with laxer and rather more acute leaves. * Ceratodon conicus Lindb. (Trichostomum conicum Hpe.) (Tab. XIII. N.). The typical, or extreme form of this plant differs from C. purpureus in the following points. Stems shorter, usually yellowish green ; leaves small, short, ovate-lanceolate, the upper erecto-patent, crowded into a coma, less twisted when dry, theCERATODON. 69 margin revolute to apex, entire ; the nerve excurrent in an arista or point of varying length; cells small. Capsule erect or very slightly inclined, ovate-elliptic, rather wide at base, when dry and empty hardly altered, slightly sulcate, the neck not strumose; lid shortly and obtusely conical. Peristome teeth pale, with few articulations, with very narrow and less distinct borders. Hab. Bare places and mud-caps of walls. Rare. Fr. summer. The examination of a considerable number of specimens from different localities has convinced me that the present plant should not rank higher than a sub-species of C. purpureus at most; a conclusion arrived at for the most part on account of the existence of a number of intermediate forms linking it, in an unbroken chain, with that plant. Specimens found by me in Scotland in 1883 have the fruiting characters exactly those of C. conicus, but the plant has the purplish hue of the typical form and the nerve is excurrent in a very short point only. Since that time, in a number of localities in Northamptonshire uniformly on the mud-caps of walls in the oolitic districts, I have found plants which, while with the peristome and the foliage of C. conicus (the nerve being excurrent in a point frequently as long as the whole of the rest of the leaf), show a great variation in the capsule, both as regards its inclination and form, the struma, and the lid ; sometimes being barely if at all distinct from ordinary C. purpureus, at others, though more rarely, with capsules almost exactly characteristic of C. conicus, while specimens may be found of nearly every intermediate form. It must be remembered too that the nerve is sometimes excurrent in otherwise typical C. purpureus. In the Northamptonshire localities above mentioned, this plant even when barren and growing with the typical form, may be generally recognised with the eye alone, by the denser, neater tufts, with the shorter, aristate, upper leaves forming a comal tuft. C. minor Aust. (Lesq. & James, Manual of Mosses of N. America, p. 92) appears to be this plant; the only difference, according to the description, being that in that moss the leaves are spoken of as serrulate towards the apex. 17. RHABDOWEISIA B. & S. Plants short, inhabiting rock crevices, densely cushioned. Leaves linear or ligulate, not much attenuated at point, short, much crisped when dry, with plane margins; areolation small, more or less quadrate above. Capsule erect, symmetrical, minute, on a very short seta, striate, not strumose. Peristome small, teeth narrow, subulate, undivided. The three plants here included have a distinct habit and in other respects form a natural group, though linked to Cynodontium by C. Bruntoni, which however clearly belongs to that genus. Their short, highly chlorophyllose, plane-margined pellucid leaves abundantly distinguish them, in addition to which they are usually abundantly fertile. /Leaves with narrow tapering points, almost entire.......................... i. fugax \ Leaves with wider, more obtuse points, serrate ...................................2 f Plant small; leaves narrow, cells 8-10 \x ...........................2. denticulata 2-1 Plant ^-1 inch ; leaves broader, more coarsely toothed, cells 14-18 ........... j. crenulata70 DICRANACE/E. 1. Rhabdoweisia fugax B. & S. (Oncophorus striatus Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. A.). Bright or dark green, in short, soft, dense tufts or cushions ; leaves narrowly linear or ligulate, curled when dry, shortly acuminate, more or less acute; margin plane, faintly denticulate or almost entire at apex ; nerve ceasing below the summit; areolation rectangular at base and pellucid, gradually becoming quadrate, in the upper part in 5-7 regular rows on each side the nerve of rounded-quadrate or transversely elliptical cells, some- what incrassate, 6-8 /x wide, faintly papillose, chlorophyllose. Capsule on a very short seta (1-2 lines), very small, pale, erect, symmetrical, oval, wide-mouthed and urceolate when dry and empty, distinctly striate ; lid with a curved, subulate beak, as long as the capsule. Peristome teeth suddenly subulate from a broad base, reddish, very small and fugacious. Hab. Clefts of rocks in alpine and subalpine districts. Not common. Fr. summer. A pretty little moss, usually covered with capsules. The peristome is so fragile that it generally falls off almost as soon as the lid separates. The leaves vary some- what in outline and in the amount of denticulation of the point. 2- Rhabdoweisia denticulata B. & S. (Oncophorus crispatus Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. B.). Resembling the last, but with shorter, wider, more obtuse leaves, the margin in the upper part more strongly toothed, with closer, more acute, and more spreading denticulations ; the upper cells larger, 8-10 /x wide, on each side of the nerve in 7-9 rows of quadrate or quadrate-hexagonal cells with thinner walls. Capsule the same or a little larger and somewhat more elongated, often of a rather darker colour and more solid texture. Peristome teeth subulate from a lanceolate base, articulated, longer, more per- sistent. Hab. As the last, but more frequent. Fr. summer. A slightly more robust plant than R. fugax ; the characters above mentioned serving to identify it without much difficulty. The differences in the capsules often described are by no means constant. 3. Rhabdoweisia crenulata Jameson (Didymodon crenulatus Mitt.) (Tab. XIV. C.). Taller than R. denticulata and more robust, yi-i inch high. Leaves ligulate, broader, obtuse, recurved at apex, margin in theRHABDOWEISIA. 71 upper part closely crenulate-denticulate with projecting cells ; areolation in upper part, on each side of nerve, in 10-13 rows of larger, irregularly quadrate or hexagonal, obscure cells 14-18 /j wide. Capsule a little larger, reddish ; peristome teeth narrow, erect, reddish. Hab. Shady rock crevices. Rare. Fr. summer. Much like the last and often confused with it, but easily recognised by the leaves much broader in the upper part with larger, more obscure cells. In favourable situations it becomes so robust as to resemble closely Barbula unguiculata or Trichostomum littorale. 18. CYNODONTIUM Schp. Plants taller than in Rhabdoweisia, leaves with recurved margins, long, wider at base, gradually and longly acuminated in the upper part; cells often papillose. Fruit larger, smooth or striate, symmetrical or more frequently inclined and unequal, often strumose, on a longer seta. Peristome variable. Lid longly subulate. Resembling Dicranum in the fruit, this genus differs in the leaves without distinct angular cells, usually erecto-patent, and crisped when dry. C. Bruntoni unites it with Dicranoweisia, but the denticulate leaves with recurved margins serve to distinguish it, and the angular cells are not distinct from the rest. A continental species, C. Schisti Lindb., forms a transition between this and the last genus, having the leaves almost entire, with recurved margins, the capsule striate and equal, the peristome more perfect and less fugacious than in Rhabdoweisia. /Capsule distinctly strumose at neck ....................... \ Capsule not strumose ..................................... {Capsule smooth ; leaves not papillose ..................... Capsule furrowed when dry ; leaves papillose.............. / Leaves gradually lanceolate from an oval or oblong base Leaves suddenly subulate from a wide, obovate base ....... / Capsule when dry faintly and irregularly striate only 4 \ Capsule when dry distinctly and regularly furrowed ........ /Leaves rather obtuse, strongly papillose on both sides.... Leaves acute, faintly papillose at back only ............... ................2 ................4 ...........:....3 ,..2* strumiferum .........3 virens .3*. Wahtenbergii .....1. Bruntoni .............. 5 ...2* gracilescens ...2. poly carpum 1. Cynodontium Bruntoni B. & S. {Dicranum Bruntoni Sm.; Dicranoweisia Bruntoni Schp., Syn.; Oncophorus Bruntoni Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. D.). Densely tufted in compact soft yellowish or dull green cushions, i-i£ inches high. Lower leaves elongate-lanceolate, upper longer, from an oblong base gradually narrowed upwards72 DICRANACE^E. to an acute point, carinate-concave, spreading and somewhat re- curved at summit when moist, strongly curled when dry ; margin recurved, remotely denticulate in the upper half; nerve strong, continued to apex, roughish at back above; cells at base pellucid, rectangular, shorter at margin, above becoming elliptical and in- crassate, in the limb very small, rounded or irregularly quadrate, obscure, minutely papillose. Perichaitial bracts half-sheathing, shortly acuminate. Capsule on a yellowish seta (2-4 lines), oval or oval-oblong, slightly contracted at the mouth, erect, equal or very slightly one-sided, short-necked, smooth, when dry faintly plicate, pale brown ; annulus narrow, lid shorter than the capsule. Peris- tome teeth small, irregular, unequally cleft, the divisions free or cohering, smooth. Hab. Clefts of rocks in sub-alpine districts. Not common. Fr. summer. This species is not likely to be mistaken when fruiting for any of the species in- cluded under the present genus, all of which have the capsule either strumose or dis- tinctly striated ; it is more likely to be confused with Dicranoweisia crispula and D. cirrata ; the former, however, is readily known by the plane margins of its leaves, and the latter by the elongated capsules and entire leaves. It should be also borne in mind that the two plants of that genus when growing on rocks are usually found on their surface, while the present plant is mostly confined to clefts of rocks. When barren it is very difficult to separate from the next species, though the leaves are somewhat shorter and less finely pointed, and the cells a little smaller. 2. Cynodontium polycarpum Schp. (Dicranum polycarpum Ehrh.; Oncophorus polycarpus Brid., Braith. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. E.). Usually taller and more robust than the last species, 1-2 inches high, of a paler green. Leaves longer and gradually larger upward, when dry flexuose but not much curled or circinate, longer than in the last species, narrowly linear-lanceolate, very narrow at the point, margin recurved, usually with a single or double row of denticulate crenulations, serrulate towards point; cells at base elongate-rectangular, above small, rounded-quadrate or irregular, smooth or finely papillose at back above. Perichsetial bracts sheathing, longly acuminate-subulate; seta straight, about five lines long, capsule erect or unequal and slightly inclined, oblong-cylindrical, with a short symmetrical neck, pale, distinctly and regularly sulcate when dry; annulus distinct, lid conical-rostrate, shorter than the capsule, crenulate- sinuose at margin. Peristome teeth perfect, cleft half-way into two unequal divisions.CYNODONTIUM. 73 Var. /3. laxirete Dixon n. var. Leaves longer, broader, upper cells 3-4 times as large as in the type, quite smooth, more regularly quadrate ; margin entire except at apex ; capsule cylindrical, with a longer neck which is swollen at the base of the capsule, but equally all round, not forming a struma ; when dry and empty the capsule is very long and narrow, gradually narrowing from the wide mouth downwards into the pedicel. Hab. Rocks in mountainous districts. The var. |3 on a wall in Glenlyon, Perthshire, July, 1893 (■&• Dixon.) Fr. summer. This species is subject to considerable variation, in points, however, which very little affect its general appearance ; the form and serrature of the leaves, the amount of papillosity of the cells, and the general size of the plant, being the characters most affected. The var. j8 is a very striking form in the shape of the capsule and the size and character of the areolation. C. polycarpitm may readily be recognised by its narrow, striated, slightly unequal fruit. Except in its pale colour there is a certain superficial resemblance to Ceratodon purpureus. The differences between it and the allied plants of the present genus will be found noticed under the several species. # Cynodontium strumiferum De Not. (Dicranum strumi- ferum Ehrh.; Cynodontium polycarpum var. strumiferum Schp., Syn. ; Oncophorus strumifer Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. F.). Leaves with the upper cells more papillose, in front as well as at back. Capsule broader, inclined and slightly arcuate, gibbous at back, with a distinct struma at base in front. IIab. Rocks on the higher mountains ; rare. Fr. late summer. The variations that occur in the form of the capsule, the varying amount of papil- losity in the leaves, and the occasional presence of a rudimentary struma in C. poly- carpum tend to show that the characters distinguishing C. strumiferum are hardly of sufficient importance to constitute specific rank. The papillae on the leaves are by no means distinct in some specimens with the typical capsule of C- strumiferum. * Cynodontium gracilescens Schp. PDicranu?n gracilescens W. & M.; Oncophorus gracilescens Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. G.). Differs from C. polycarpum in its more slender habit, the leaves slightly broader and more obtuse, usually more strongly papillose both on back and front, the margin less recurved above; theperichsetial bracts more shortly acuminate; the seta slender and flexuose, the neck of the capsule small and inconspicuous, not strumose, the lid smooth at margin, the annulus rather narrower.74 DICRANACE^E. Hab. Alpine rocks ; very rare. Clova ; Wales. Fr. late summer. The greater number of the above characters are subject to more or less variation. In the compact var. alpestre ( Cynod. subalpestre Kindb.) the papillosity of the leaves almost disappears, and the perichsetial bracts hardly differ from those of C. polycarpum ; it is indeed placed under that species by Boulay, and may be looked upon as a connect- ing link between the type and the present sub-species. The smallness of the distinctive characters as described above, justifies, I think, its present arrangement as a sub- species rather than as a separate species, although I am not aware that this view has been taken by any of the authorities since C. Muller (Syn. II, p. 591). 3. Cynodontium Virens Schp. (Bryum virens Sw. ; Oncoph. virens Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV H ). Plants tall, robust, 2-3 inches high, bright green above, brown or black below, in dense tufts, stems repeatedly forked. Leaves spreading, not increasing in length above, slightly crisped when dry, from an oval or oblong amplexicaul base gradually narrowed and lanceolate, acute or obtuse, carinate; margin recurved, entire, or sub-serrate above ; nerve reaching apex or slightly excurrent; cells of leaf-base rectangular, pellucid, shorter and broader towards the margin, becoming shorter and incrassate above, in the limb shortly rectangular and almost quadrate, smooth. Seta rather short; capsule dark reddish brown, oblong- cylindrical, arcuate, gibbous, with a sharp distinct struma, smooth. Peristome teeth large, regular, cleft to the middle. Var. /3. serratum B. & S. Leaves widely spreading, coarsely serrate in the upper part. Hab. Wet rocks and stony ground on high mountains. Common on the Grampian range ; elsewhere rare. The var. $ in similar situations. Fr. late summer and autumn. This fine species varies much in size, in the magnitude of the cells and the thickness of their walls, and in the length, form and serrature of the leaves ; and no clear line can be drawn between the type and the var. serratum. It cannot easily be mistaken for any other moss, at least when examined under the microscope. * Cynodontium Wahlenbergii R. & C., Rev. Bry. 1892, p. 74. (Cynodontium virens var. Wahlenbergii Schp., Syn.; Oncoph. Wahlenbergii Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XIV. I.). Resembling C. virens but usually shorter; leaves more distant, more strongly crisped when dry, from an obovate base suddenly contracted to a longer, narrower, subulate, flexuose point. Capsule slightly shorter and thicker.CYNODONTIUM. 75 Var. /3. compactum Schp. Tufts short, dense; leaves crowded, more erect, shorter, from a smaller base. Capsule smaller, less solid, short. Hab. High alpine rocks. Rare. The var. 8 on the higher Grampians. Fr. late summer. The leaf-base in C. virens is sometimes oblong, hardly wider above than at the insertion, and very gradually contracted into the limb, which is usually short, and rather quickly narrowed to the apex. In C. Wahlenbergii, the leaf-base is very short and broad, widening considerably upwards from its line of insertion, then suddenly narrowing (so as to form a shoulder), into the much narrower and longer, linear- subulate limb. Although however there is a wide distinction between these two extreme forms, there are found many intermediate links, leaves of various forms often occurring in the same stem ; indeed I have never examined a tuft of C. virens with- out finding some leaves that showed an approach to the leaf-form of C. Wahlenbergii. The var. compactum too, while usually clearly referable to the sub-species, has the leaves in several specimens which I have examined, far from showing the typical Wahlenbergii form, being indeed intermediate between the two. I have therefore felt compelled to deny C. Wahlenbergii specific rank, although in its most extreme form, did that alone exist, it might well lay claim to such a position. 19. DICHODONTIUM Schp. Plants loosely tufted, usually growing near rocky streams ; leaves spreading or squarrose, broad, opaque, papillose. Capsule smooth, thick-walled, peristome large, dicranoid. The two species of this genus are very distinct from the rest of the Order in the broad, obtuse, papillose leaves with plane margins, at least in the upper half. They are indeed more likely to be referred by the beginner to Tortulacese than to Dicranaceae. The peristome is quite distinct, but more often than not the plants are barren. Few of the species of Tortulaceae, however, for which the student is at all liable to take either of these plants, have the spreading, denticulate leaves of D. pellucidmn or the coarsely serrate leaf margins of D. flavescens. Oreoweisia serrulata Schp. has been recorded from Ben Lawers by Dr. Stirton, but its claim to be regarded as British is very doubtful. It is a native of the Austrian Alps, and is monoicous, with narrow, serrulate, obtuse leaves, having the basal areolation thin and hyaline, the upper obscure and highly papillose ; the habit is more slender than that of Dichodontium. /Leaves rather obtuse, serrulate ; capsule cernuous.....................i. fellucidum /Leaves acute, sharply serrate ; capsule suberect ......................2. flavescens76 DICRANACErE. 1- Dichodontium pellucidum Schp. (Bryum pellucidum L.) (Tab. XIV. J.). Pale or dull green, in rather lax tufts, 1-3 inches high. Stems slightly branched, flexuose, radiculose below. Leaves variously imbricated, but never very densely placed, recurved and spreading or squarrose from a more erect base, appressed and twisted when dry, varying greatly in length and width, from a broad, oval or oblong base narrowed into a longer or shorter oblong-lingulate, broad, concave limb, rounded and obtuse or obtusely pointed; margin recurved below, somewhat undulated above, incurved at apex, almost entire or more frequently crenu- late-serrate towards the summit, limb opaque, studded with sharp, ascending papillae on both sides ; cells at base elongated, narrowly rectangular, rather pellucid, with several rows at the margin to the base shorter and chlorophyllose, in the upper part small, irregularly quadrate or rounded, obscure. Nerve thick, vanishing below apex, rough with denticulations at back above. Dioicous. Fruitstalk short, thick, especially towards the top, reddish yellow ; capsule short, oval or subglobose, cernuous, some- what gibbous, with hardly any neck, but tapering at base into the fruitstalk, smooth, solid in texture, purplish brown, exannulate ; lid obliquely and shortly rostrate, rather thick. Peristome large, deep red, the teeth 2-3 cleft, papillose at apex, vertically striate below, from a rather high basal membrane. Var. (3. fagimontanum Schp. (Dicranum pellucidum var. fagimontanum Brid.). Shorter, with shorter branches ; leaves short, more obtuse, hardly spreading ; capsule smaller. Var. y. strictum Braithw. Stems densely tufted, elongated, slender, straight. Leaves distant, very short, suddenly con- tracted to a narrow-lingulate channelled limb, tapering to an obtuse almost entire point. Var. S. compactum Schp. Stems very densely tufted, reddish brown below, very slender ; leaves smaller, short. Hab. Wet rocks or sandy dibris near streams; common in mountainous dis- tricts, not common elsewhere. The var. & in more alpine districts ; Ben Lawers, &c. The var. 7 among grass, near Abergavenny. The var. 5 Scotland ; South Wales. Fr. autumn to spring. A variable plant, but when once known recognised without much difficulty by the form and structure of the leaves. The short, broadly pointed, obtuse leaves dis- tinguish the var. fagimontanum from the type. The fruit is not very commonly pro- duced, and the fertile plant is usually rather smaller and more slender. In the forms with short leaves the basal cells are generally shorter and more uniform, less pellucid.DICHODONTIUM. 77 The specific name is hardly an appropriate one, as the leaves are rather opaque, and even the basal cells are far less pellucid than in most of the species of this Order. D. fellucidum might be, and indeed has been taken, in some of its forms, for Leptodontium flexifolium, but the latter is usually a more slender plant, with smaller leaves not expanded at the base, less papillose, and of a different texture. 2. Dichodontium flavescens Lindb. (Bryum flavescens Dicks. ; Dichodontium pellucidum var. serratum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XIV. K.). Taller, loosely tufted, yellowish green. Leaves more distant, erecto-patent and slightly recurved, but less squarrose than in the last ; when dry twisted but not oppressed nor incurved; longer, from a narrower base gradually tapering to a narrower, less obtuse flat point, faintly undulated; margin slightly less recurved below, in the whole of the upper part (and often below the middle) coarsely denticulate or serrate. Cells of leaf base more elongate, only a few rows (usually 1-3) at margin quadrate and obscure, sometimes hardly reaching to base, above incrassate, rounded- quadrate, minutely papillose. Capsule erect or nearly so, shortly oblong-cylindric, symmetrical or nearly so, pale brown ; peristome paler, from a very short basal membrane, not papillose nor vertically striate. Hab. Beds of mountainous streams. Not uncommon. Fr. autumn, rare. The characters derived from the fruit appear to be of good specific value ; the foliar structure is somewhat variable, but the much less papillose cells, the margin sharply serrate to below the middle, and the narrower and more acute outline of the leaf are characters usually markedly present. The basal areolation, when typical, is very different from that of D. pellucidum, but it is unfortunately not constant, the upper leaves especially sometimes hardly differing in this respect from that species. The longer, narrower, more acute leaves as a rule readily distinguish this plant from the above; still I have found plants with the habit, colour, and leaf form of D. flavescens, but with the structure of the leaves just that of D. pellucidum, while occasionally on the other hand, especially in fruiting specimens, D. flavescens takes a more slender, green form, resembling D. pellucidum. It is not an uncommon plant beside mountain streams, but the fruit is rare; when present, too, it is often over- topped by the innovations, and so rendered inconspicuous, in both species. Tribe 4. Trematodontese. 20. TREMATODON Mich. Plants with short stems but tall fruitstalks. Leaves very narrow, subulate, smooth; cells rather lax, hexagonal-rectangular. Perichaetial bracts distinct. Calyptra inflated below, rostrate.78 DICRANACE/E. Capsule on a long seta, oblong or cylindrical, cernuous, with a straight or curved neck, its own length or longer. Peristome teeth 16 (rarely almost wanting), subentire, or more or less deeply divided into two unequal, papillose segments, which are usually somewhat united above, here and there perforate. Besides the present one, the section includes the genus Bruchia, with cleistocarpous, long-necked capsules. 1. Trematodon ambiguus Hornsch. (Dicranum ambiguum Hedw.) (Tab. XIV. L.). Densely tufted, pale green or brownish. Stems short, slightly branched. Leaves erecto-patent, flexuose, from an ovate-oblong concave base suddenly subulate-setaceous, channelled, faintly denticulate at the extreme apex. Nerve narrow, reaching to apex. Cells long, lax, hexagonal-rectangular and empty at base, quickly narrowing above and becoming irregularly quadrate in the subula, where they form a very narrow margin, and are small, chlorophyllose and obscure, becoming still more so at the apex where they are hardly distinct from the nerve, which is not, how- ever, strictly excurrent, or only rarely very slightly so. Perichaetial bracts much larger, more gradually acuminate. Seta variable in length in the same tuft, inches long, flexuose, straw-coloured, shining ; capsule (with the neck) clavate, arcuate, bright orange red ; the capsule itself oblong or shortly cylindric, with a long neck equal to itself, which narrows gradually into the seta on the outer, convex side, or back of the fruit, but at the base on the front or inner side ceases abruptly and gives the appearance of a struma. Annulus broad ; lid subulate-rostrate ; teeth confluent at base on a short membrane, irregularly perforated and divided, sometimes cleft to base. Autoicous ; male flower on a basal branch, terminal. Spores large, granulose. Hab. Bare turfy places in subalpine districts. Extremely rare. Perthshire. Fr. late summer. Only a single tuft of this beautiful moss has been found in Britain, by Braithwaite and Crombie, in 1883, at the base of Schiehallion. It is not very rare on the continent, and is frequent in N. America. Two other species are found in Europe, distinguished chiefly by the relative length and the form of the neck of the fruit. The long inflated neck gives the fruit a very peculiar appearance, and is totally different from anything else in this order, and indeed more resembles that of some species of Meesia'or Webera, but only superficially. The inequality of the base of the neck is not very obvious until the fruit is ripe, but is of importance in distinguishing T. ambiguus from other species of the genus.DICRANELLA. 79 Tribe 5. Dicranellese. 21. DICRANELLA Schp. The characters are those of the Tribe (v. p. 53). The small size and narrow silky leaves of most of the species, with capsules manifesting a somewhat uniform and distinct facies of their own, render this a well marked genus. D. squarrosa alone of the British species widely diverges from the usual habit, but it is a plant which once identified will not easily be forgotten ; and the identification of the others is rendered the more easy from the fact that the greater number of the species are usually found in fruit, and those which are most likely to be found barren are the ones in which the vegetative characters are the most distinctive. All the species are dioicous except D. crispa, which is both dioicous and autoicous. I have not followed Braithwaite in adopting Mitten’s division into the two genera, Dicranella and Anisothecium, chiefly because the distinctive characters are hardly constant enough to be quite satisfactory, or clearly enough marked to be of much practical value to the student. Thus D. cerviculata has the capsule smooth ; on the other hand in D. (Anisothecium) Grevilleana it is lightly striate ; while with regard to the nerve at base, there is practically no difference between, for instance, that of some forms of D. heteromalla and D. (Anisothecium) varia. /Leaves oblong-ianceolate, obtuse, squarrose .........................10. squarrosa \Leaves narrow-lanceolate or subulate ...........................................2 /Seta yellow ....................................................................3 fSeta red........................................................................4 / Capsule strumose at neck ...........................................2. cerviculata •^/Capsule not strumose, sulcate, with incurved mouth when dry ......1. hetero?nalla /Leaves subsquarrose, from a sheathing base......................................5 ^/Leaves erect or secund, base scarcely sheathing ................................7 /Capsule erect, striate, furrowed when dry ..............................3. crispa ^/Capsule cernuous, smooth or substriate only...................................6 ^/Leaves entire ; capsule faintly striate when dry .................8. Grevilleana \ Leaves serrulate above ; capsule smooth ...........................9. Schreberi /Capsule striate, furrowed when dry ............................................8 '\Capsule smooth...................................................................9 (Leaves entire ; capsule subcernuous ; perich. bracts sheathing.........4. secunda 8-! Leaves with a few teeth at apex ; capsule erect; perich. bracts half-sheathing ... t 3. curvala /Leaves entire, cells narrow ; capsule cernuous ........................7. varia Leaves serrulate above, cells larger ; capsule suberect............6. rtifescens8o DICRANACErE. 1. Dicranella heteromalla Schp. (Bryum heteromallum Dill.) (Tab. XV. A.). In dense silky bright yellowish or dark green tufts or sheets, pale below, i—2 inches high. Stems simple or forked, leaves falcato-secund, the upper hamate, more rarely erecto-patent; gradually narrowed upwards from the point of insertion, so that the lower part of the leaf has a narrowly triangular form ; rarely with a slightly more distinct, somewhat concave leaf-base; upper part of leaf subulate, channelled, faintly or sharply dentimilate at margin and back from the middle upward; rarely entire to near the apex, with a few teeth at the point; margin plane. Nerve width of leaf at base, broad above and occupying the greater part of the subula, usually with a very narrow margin of cells reaching nearly or quite to the apex, but often excurrent in a denticulate point. Cells at base rectangular, 2-5 times as long as broad, shortly rectangular above with the end walls oblique. Perichaetial bracts sheathing. Seta pale yellow, flexuose, £ to 1 inch long; capsule elliptical-oblong, inclined, slightly curved, glossy brown, smooth or very faintly striate ; when dry and empty deeply plicate, constricted below the mouth in front, with the mouth oblique and incurved, neck indistinct, gradually taper- ing, not strumose. Lid subulate-rostrate, curved downwards. Peristome large, teeth red, cleft to middle into two or three divi- sions. Male plant smaller, leaves less falcate, forming a terminal coma enclosing the inflorescence. Var. fi. stricta Schp. Leaves erecto-patent, straight; seta longer, flexuose. Var. y. interrupta B. & S. (Dicranum interruptum Hedw.). Stem taller, 1-2 inches, more branched ; leaves sometimes in interrupted tufts, patent or falcato-secund. Var. 8. sericea Schp. Short, in dense, bright or yellowish green, soft, silky tufts. Leaves delicate, narrower, erecto-patent or subsecund. Hab. Banks in woods, roadsides, sandy hollows, etc., very common. Thevars. £ and 7 rare. The var. 5 on sandstone rocks, almost always barren, rare. Fr. winter. The commonest of our species and one of the most variable, but with a peculiar habit which usually permits of its easy recognition. The empty capsule especially is very distinct in its glossy surface with somewhat oblique furrows and in its tapering neck and very oblique mouth; the yellow seta, too, distinguishes it at sight from all but the next species; it must be borne in mind that old capsules have the seta blackish, as they themselves also become. Occasionally, especially in mountainousDICRANELLA. 81 districts, forms occur having the capsule very short, gibbous and rounded, and almost smooth as in D. cerviciilata, differing only in the non-strumose neck ; the leaf characters being those of D. heteromalla. The var. sericea is an exceedingly pretty and distinct form, and bears some super- ficial resemblance to forms of Blindia acuta, with which, it would seem, it has some- times been confused. The male inflorescence in this species, as in D. rufescens also, is oval and con- spicuous, so large indeed that to the naked eye it often bears a resemblance to the fruit of a Pleuridium, and the plant might easily be taken at first sight for a species of that genus. 2. Dicranella cerviculata Schp. (Dicranum cerviculatum Hedw.) (Tab. XV. B.). Smaller in all its parts than the last species, which it much resembles; yellowish green, short; leaves less falcate, with a more distinct half-sheathing leaf-base, more abruptly narrowed into the limb, less sharply denticulate and often nearly entire above ; nerve very broad; cells longer and narrower, 6-10 times as long as broad at base, narrow and elongate above. Seta shorter, capsule smaller, more swollen and arcuate, gibbous, with a distinctly strumose neck; smooth, very faintly and irregularly plicate when dry and empty. Var. f. pusilla Schp. (Dicranum pusillum Hedw.) Shorter, leaves smaller, suberect; capsule smaller, less gibbous. Hab. Peaty banks and sides of ditches. Not uncommon. The var. j8 in similar localities and sometimes with the type. Fr. summer. A species quite distinct in its short, roundish capsule with a distinct struma. 3. Dicranella crispa Schp. (Dicranum crispum Ehrh.) (Tab. XV. C.). In small, loose tufts, yellowish ; stems short () inch) ; leaves flexuose-squarrose, slightly crisped when dry, from a broad sub- sheathing base abruptly narrowed to a long flexuose subula, minutely denticulate at apex ; nerve narrow, not excurrent; cells all rectangular, narrow above, at base wider, 4-8 times as long as broad. Capsule small, erect, oval or obovate, distinctly and regularly striate, when dry and empty somewhat urceolate, on a reddish seta; lid with a straight or slightly curved subulate beak. Male inflorescence on a separate branch or a different plant. Hab. Wet sandy ground ; rare. Fr. late summer. A rare species, readily known by its erect, symmetrical, striate capsule, and its leaves suddenly dilated and sheathing at base, with narrow cells compared with the other species having a similar leaf-base. a82 DICRANACE/'E. 4. Dicranella secunda Lindb. (Dicranum secundum Swartz ; Dicranella subulata Schp., Syn., et plur. auct.) (Tab. XV. D.). In small silky tufts, about half-an-inch high. Leaves from an oval or oblong subsheathing base rather quickly narrowed to a long subula which is extremely fine above, entire; nerve thin, narrow, excurrent; cells narrowly rectangular at base, 5-8 times as long as broad, narrow-linear above. Perichaetial bracts convolute and longly sheathing at base. Seta about half-an-inch long, red ; capsule red, subcernuous, slightly arcuate and gibbous, with the mouth oblique and incurved, faintly striate, obscurely sulcate when dry. Lid long-beaked. Hab. Stony ground on mountain sides. Not common. Fr. late summer. Distinguished from D. heteromalla by the red seta, from D. Grevilleana by the longer capsule and differently shaped leaves, from D. varia by the plane margin, from D. rufescens by the entire leaves. From the next species it differs in the sheathing perichsetial bracts, the entire leaves, and the subcernuous, unequal capsule; forms however may be found with the capsule almost equal and erect, and very nearly identical with that of D. curvata, but they are rare, and the leaf apex and perichsetial bracts will then distinguish it. 5. Dicranella curvata Schp. (Dicranum curvatum Hedw.) (Tab. XV. E.). Much resembling the last species, and differing chiefly in the characters mentioned above, viz., the leaves with a few minute denticulations at apex, the perichaetial bracts only half embracing the seta, the capsule narrower, erect and symmetrical or nearly so, deep red, narrow-oblong when empty, and distinctly striate, on a rather shorter seta. The stems are also sometimes rather elongate, and occasionally longer than the seta, so that the capsule is hidden in the leaves ; and the leaf base is slightly shorter. IIab. Wet sandstone rocks and banks. Rare. Fr. autumn to spring. Confusion has often arisen between this species and the last, and they are indeed closely allied ; but there is not much difficulty in distinguishing them except in extreme cases. 6- Dicranella rufescens Schp. (Bryum rufescens Dicks.; Anisothecium rufescens Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XV. F.). In small, short, dense tufts, yellowish green or more frequently reddish; stems slender, simple. Leaves small, pellucid, without a distinct base, gradually narrowed upwards, loosely placed, larger and more crowded above and subsecund, slightly flexuose whenDICRANELLA. 83 dry ; nerve narrow, reaching to apex but not excurrent; margin plane, remotely and bluntly denticulate in the upper half; cells larger than in any of the previous species, with thinner walls, at base elongate-rectangular or sometimes prosenchymatous with oblique end walls, 6-8 times as long as broad, or longer, above similar, but rather narrower, occasionally rhomboid. Seta thin, red, twisting to the left when dry; capsule very small, erect or very slightly inclined, shortly elliptical, tapering at base, wide- mouthed when empty, smooth; lid acutely conical or rostellate. Peristome large, red ; teeth spreading when dry. Hab. Wet clay and bare ground in woods, &c. Frequent. Fr. autumn. The smallest of the genus, usually recognised by its vinous red tint, and always turning red in drying. The plane-margined denticulate leaves distinguish it from D. varia, which almost always, also, has the capsule inclined. The pellucid leaves and smooth erect wide-mouthed capsule easily separate it from D. curvata and others of the genus. The same remark applies to this plant, with regard to the male inflorescence, as was made under D. heteromalla. 7. Dicranella varia Schp. (Dicranum varium Hedw.; Anisothecium rubrum Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XV. G.). Densely gregarious or tufted, bright or yellowish green; stems short, divided below. Leaves resembling those of the last species, but hardly secund, larger, with the margin narrowly revolute, quite entire or faintly sinuose-denticulate at apex; cells similar in shape but smaller and narrower, especially the upper ones. Capsule larger, on a longer seta, twisting to the right, cernuous, ovate or oblong, curved, finally contracted below the wide mouth, smooth; lid large, rostellate; peristome large, purple, teeth incurved when dry. Var. /3. tenuifolia B. & S. Leaves more distant, longer, narrower, nerve thin and indistinct, areolation thin, looser; margin denticulate above. Var. y. tenella Schp. Slender; leaves usually falcate, narrower, areolation thinner, laxer, margin hardly recurved, remotely denticulate. Var. 8. callistoma Schp. (Bryum callistomum Dicks.) Stem branched; seta short, capsule minute, erect, obovate, truncate; lid widely conical, almost as large as capsule. Hab. Damp clay fields, woods, etc. Common. The var. /3 rarer. The var. 5 in more mountainous districts. Fr. autumn and winter.84 DICRANACE/3£. A very variable species, as its name implies, especially in size, and in the form of the capsule. Some of the varietal forms, e.g.> var. tenella, resemble the previous species, but that is a. more delicate moss, and the capsule is different, as also the colour of the plant. D. varia usually has the leaves bright green and the seta and capsules deep red. The smooth capsule and the different form and texture of the leaves will serve to distinguish it from the other species. The var. & has somewhat the same relationship to the type as the var. elata bears to D. Schreberi ; I have found both these varieties growing together, in wet spots, and probably excess of moisture has something to do with the variation in question. 8. Dicranella Grevilleana Schp. (Dicranum Grevilleanum B. & S. ; Anisothecium Grevillei Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XV. H.). Nearly allied to D. Schreberi. Plants of a more shining yellowish green, about a quarter of an inch high or rather more ; leaves from a rather wider sheathing base, more abruptly contracted into a narrower flexuose subula, which is quite entire or only very faintly denticulate at apex ; cells rather narrower, firmer. Capsule shorter, very faintly striated when dry, with a short indistinctly swollen neck ; lid variable in length, shortly rostellate or subulate-rostrate from a conical base. Dioicous or more rarely autoicous. Hab. Damp earth in mountainous regions. Very rare. Glen Tilt; Glen Shee ; Ireland. Fr. summer. The differences between this and the next species are very slight; the one, how- ever, is an alpine plant, the other an inhabitant of the lowlands; the almost entire margin and narrower areolation of the leaves, together with the short, faintly striate capsule, will serve to distinguish it from D. crispa. 9. Dicranella Schreberi Schp. (Dicranum Schreberi Sw.; Anisothecium crispum Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XV. I.). Tufts bright or yellowish green, A-i inch high. Leaves from a broad, half-sheathing base rapidly contracted into a lanceolate- subulate limb, squarrose, not glossy, irregularly denticulate throughout the greater part of its length, nerve narrow, reaching to the somewhat broad apex ; areolation at base rectangular, rather lax and pellucid, 4-6 times as long as broad, becoming shorter upwards, at the shoulder quadrate, in the limb shortly rectangular or narrowly hexagono-rectangular. Capsule cer- nuous, oblong, slightly curved, smooth, finally constricted in front a little below the mouth, lid large, rostrate. Var. [3. elata Schp. Closely tufted, taller, bright green ; leaves broader, more obtuse and more distinctly serrated at apex, cells larger, broader.DICRANELLA. 85 Hab. Sides of ditches, etc., on clay soil. Not common. The var. jQ in similar or somewhat damper situations. Fr. autumn and spring. D. Schreberi in its more luxurious forms resembles the next species in miniature, but with much narrower leaves; their squarrose direction from the broad, amplexicaul, erect base gives the stem a curious and characteristic appearance. The var. elata in its extreme forms differs greatly in appearance and leaf structure from the type, the cells especially being much larger, but intermediate links are often found, and it is frequently difficult to say to which of the two forms such specimens should be referred. The fruit, in the variety, is of rare occurrence. D. Schreberi differs from Ditrichum tenuifolium, when barren, as remarked under that plant, in the larger less obscure cells and smoother leaf point. 10- Dicranella squarrosa Schp. (Dicranum squarrosum Schrad. ; Anisothecium squarrosum Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XV. J.). Very robust and tall, 1-4 inches, densely tufted, bright pale green; stem slightly branched, stout. Leaves large, distant, flaccid, flexuose when dry, squarrose from a broad, oblong, erect, sheathing base, gradually narrowed to the broadly oblong- lanceolate channelled limb, which is rounded and obtuse at apex, or obtusely pointed; margin faintly sinuose, crenulate at apex ; nerve very narrow, distinct, ceasing below the apex ; cells larger than in the other species, very similar to those of the last, but larger, with thicker walls, more irregularly rectangular above, sometimes slightly elliptical or rhomboid, elongated at base, with a distinct, sinuose “ primordial utricle.’’ Capsule on a long stout seta, inclined, ovate, solid, smooth ; lid conical, obtusely pointed. Hab. By streams and in moorland bogs in subalpine regions; frequent, but rare in fruit. Fr. autumn. A very beautiful and conspicuous plant when growing, usually contrasting strikingly with the surrounding vegetation by its bright, yellow-green colour ; and quite distinct from any other species of this genus ; perhaps the plant most resembling ii is Dichod. pclliicidum, which is, however, of a duller green, with highly papillose cells and denticulate leaves. The fruiting plant is smaller, and much more rare. Tribe 6. Dicraneae. 22. BLINDIA B. & S. Plants growing on mountain rocks, csespitose; leaves rigid, lanceolate-subulate, smooth, with distinct, coloured, angular cells. Capsule oval or subspherical, symmetrical, thick-walled. Peristome wanting or of 16 slender, smooth teeth, not or very slightly cleft, sometimes perforated. {Plant minute ; capsule immersed, gymnostomous..................../. cccspiticia Plant £-4 inches ; capsule exserted, peristomate....................a. acuta86 DICRANACE/'E. 1. Blindia csespiticia Lindb. (Anoectangium csespiticium Schwgr. ; Stylostegium caespiticinm B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XV. K.). Dwarf., rigid, tufted, %-'/?. inch high, yellowish. Leaves small, crowded, erect, the apical slightly secund ; scarcely altered when dry ; from an oblong base about half the length of the leaf contracted to a narrow, subulate, almost terete point, composed entirely for the greater part of its length of the nerve, which is very narrow at base, but widens considerably upwards and becomes obscure ; margin plane, quite entire; cells of leaf-base linear-oblong with rounded ends, incrassate, narrowest below and at the margins, gradually shorter upwards, so as to be elliptical or oblong-elliptical at the shoulder and in the narrow margin of the lower part of the subula; at the angles large, quadrate, inflated, hyaline in the younger leaves, rich orange brown in the older ; one or two cells at the acute apex of the leaf occasionally some- what hyaline. Perichaetial leaves longer, sheathing. Capsule immersed, subspherical, finally wide-mouthed, gymnostomous; calyptra short, hardly reaching below the lid, which is obliquely rostellate, and united with the columella. Autoicous. Hab. Crevices of mountain rocks ; very rare. Ben Lawers. Fr. late summer. A miniature of the next species as regards habit and leaf-structure, and not easy, in the barren state, to separate from starved alpine specimens of that plant ; such specimens are, however, rare, and there is generally a slight denticulation of the point in Blindia acuta, which is almost always absent in the smaller species ; the areolation also is shorter, and as B. cccspiticia is an autoicous species, the fruit is usually to be found. In some respects it resembles Zygodon lapponicus, which, however, is easily recognisable by its striated capsule, and the leaves crisped when dry. Grimmia conferla, too, and the var. pumila of G. apocarpa, which inhabit the same localities, have a certain resemblance ; but they will generally show some leaves or perichsetial bracts with distinct hyaline points, and the peristome, if the fruit is ripe, is con- spicuous ; under the microscope, of course, the resemblance vanishes. 2. Blindia acuta B. & S. (Bryum acutum Huds.) (Tab. XV. L.). In compact yellowish or olive green tufts varying greatly in length, from '/z an inch to q inches high ; stems fragile, red. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent or slightly secund, convolute- concave, usually from an oblong-lanceolate base about f the length of the leaf gradually narrowed upwards to a subulate point, composed in the upper third of the excurrent nerve, which is generally rather rounded-obtuse at apex with a few obscure denticulations and short, irregular cells. Margin plane, slightly denticulate with the projecting apices of the outer cells or entire;BLINDIA. 87 areolation longer than in the last species, frequently with a slight sigmoid curve, the cell-walls often becoming very incrassate in the older leaves, rendering the cells very narrowly linear ; angular cells large, orange brown. Capsule on a longer seta, exserted though often hidden by the leaves of the innovations, variable in shape, longly or shortly oval-pyriform, with a short wide neck, slightly contracted below the mouth when empty, so as to appear urceolate; peristomate. Lid shortly and obliquely rostrate ; peristome teeth broad, deep red, erect or incurved when dry. Dioicous. Var. trichodes Braithw. (Dicranum trichodes Wils. MS.) Leaves more secund, from a much shorter leaf-base, length of leaf, more abruptly narrowed into the long, very narrow, finely acute, denticulate subula, the apical cells of which are elongate- linear, angular cells fewer ; capsule shorter, peristome teeth short, truncate. Hab. Mountain rocks, especially near water, common ; the var. 0 on rocks by waterfalls, etc., rare. Fr. summer. A somewhat variable plant in the relative size of its parts, but always identified at once by the yellowish leaves with deep orange basal angular cells ; there is a peculiar facies which after a little practice makes it an easy plant to recognise in the field, but this is not easily described ; it is partly due to the somewhat rigid, glossy, not at all flexuose leaves, smaller and shorter for the size of the plant than in most species of Campylopus and Dicranum. The position and limits of the var. trichodes are very difficult to define. In Wilson’s original specimens the apex of the subula is quite different in areolation from ordinary B. acuta, the cells being very long and narrow, and in only one or two rows at the tip, which is consequently very acute ; whereas in B. acuta the apex is more or less wide and rounded, with short, irregular cells, and with crowded denticulations, and even when, as occasionally happens, it is very acute, the areolation is still the same. If this be held a distinguishing character, and it appears a fairly constant one, then the greater number of specimens labelled “ B. trichodes ” must certainly be referred to the type, including for instance Nowell’s plant from Todmorden, specimens of which I have, through the kindness of Dr. Braithwaite, in my herbarium. In this case it will be probably found that the true var. trichodes is always a very small plant, as described by Philibert (Rev. Bry.y 1884, p. 90). I have gathered this form barren on the Sow of Athol, Perthshire, and the greater number of the leaves show exactly the characteristic areolation of Wilson’s plant; though a few leaves show some approach to the normal acuta form. If, on the other hand, with most authors, the apical areolation is left out of the question, we can set hardly any satisfactory limits to the variety ; for forms of Blindia acuta are very frequent (especially on rocks constantly exposed to the action of water, as beneath waterfalls) which show the form of leaf exactly characteristic of ‘ trichodes,’ but with the apical areolation, and the fruit of B. acuta. The form of the leaf is therefore, alone, not a character of import- ance, and if the form ‘ trichodes ’ is to be maintained, whether as a variety, sub-species or species, it must, I think, be confined to the dwarf, slender plants with the peculiar areolation above described, and with the fruit as defined by Braithwaite. 23. DICRANOWEISIA Lindb. Plants in dense cushions ; leaves crisped when dry, entire, with the angular cells more or less distinct. Capsule erect,88 DICRANACE/E. smooth; peristome teeth cleft at apex or undivided, articulated and internally barred. The two species of this genus are closely allied to Cynodon- tium, especially to C. Bruntoni, but the presence of distinct angular cells, in D. crispula particularly, is sufficient to justify the present arrangement. {Leaves with narrow, acute points ; capsule oval-elliptic..........................2. crispula Leaves with shorter, subacute points ; capsule cylindric ........................1. cirrata 1. Dicranoweisia cirrata Lindb. (Mnium cirrhatum L., Weisia cirrhata Hedw., plur. auct.) (Tab. XV. M.). Plants in close tufts or cushions, soft, dull or yellowish green, about 1 inch high. Leaves spreading, flexuose, closely crisped when dry, concave,* deeply channelled on the upper side of the nerve, from a lanceolate base linear-lanceolate, gradually narrowed to a not very acute point ; margin recurved, especially in the middle of the leaf, entire ; nerve reaching to apex, but not excurrent. Upper cells small, regularly rounded-quadrate, smooth, below gradually becoming rectangular, larger, at base pellucid, broadly rectangular, lax, with thin walls ; two or three rows of basal cells often coloured yellowish, but hardly otherwise distinct. Capsule on a pale seta (5—$ inch long), erect, cylindrical, pale, with a narrow red mouth, smooth, thin-walled ; calyptra narrow, shining ; lid obliquely subulate-rostrate, long ; annulus broad. Peristome teeth undivided, red below, pale above, inserted below the mouth. Autoicous. Hab. On trees, fences and thatch, sometimes on rocks ; common. Fr. winter. Usually in small compact cushions and abundantly fertile. The capsule is some- times very slightly curved. The entire leaves and narrow capsule distinguish this plant from Cynodontium Bruntoni; the shorter seta, longer and narrower capsule, and revolute leaf margin separate it from the next species, the lower cells also are smaller. It has also some resemblance to Dicranum inontanuni, but the leaves of the latter will be seen even with a lens to be very rough and denticulate in the subula. 2. Dicranoweisia crispula Lindb. (Weisia crispula Hedw., plur. auct.) (Tab. XV. N.). In dense cushions, bright or dark green above, black below. Leaves spreading, often secund above, strongly crisped when dry, longer, from a broader base more quickly narrowed to a longer,, narrower, flexuose, concave subula, acute at apex; margin plane, quite entire; cells mamillatelypapillose above, resembling the last, but smaller, more incrassate, narrower below and lessDICRANOWEISIA. 89 pellucid, with distinct hyaline or coloured inflated angiclar cells. Perichaetial bracts more distinct, pale, sheathing. Capsule on a longer seta (|-f inch), oval-elliptical, shorter and wider, broadest near the base, with a wider mouth, faintly plicate-rugose when dry, exannulate. Peristome teeth inserted below the mouth. Autoicous. Hab. Mountain rocks ; not common. Fr. early summer. On high mountains this species becomes almost black ; and at great heights, when exposed to dripping water, it becomes dwarfed, with shorter leaves and capsules (var. atrata N. & H.). D. compacta (Schleich.), which appears to be properly regarded as a variety of this species, has been recorded from Ben Lawers, but incor- rectly, according to Braithwaitel It has shorter, more obtuse leaves, hardly crisped when dry. D. crispula will easily be distinguished from D. cirrata by the characters italicised above. Grimmia contorta closely resembles it when growing, but the present plant is usually taller, a little more glossy in its leaves, which are often secund above when moist, rather more twisted and curled when dry, and, of course, entirely wanting in the hyaline tip to the leaves. Still plants may be found which defy recognition until placed under the microscope, when, of course, their identifica- tion is easy. 24. CAMPYLOPUS Brid. Mosses of varying size, often robust, usually growing in wide patches, resembling Dicranum in habit, but with the leaves more rigid, less flexuose, and generally straight; not papillose; nerve mostly very broad, often longitudinally furrowed at back, usually with one or more layers of larger, hyaline, thin-walled cells on the anterior or ventral surface. Angular cells often forming distinct concave auricles. Calyptra cucullate, generally fringed at base. Seta flexuose, usually cygneous, rarely erect (becoming erect when dry and mature); capsule small, elliptic, symmetrical, usually striate ; peristome dicranoid. All the British species are dioicous, and the fruit in most cases is extremely rare; hence their determination must rest mainly on vegetative characters. The width of the nerve and its structure for the most part furnish important distinctions, as does also the basal areolation ; the cells in the upper part of the leaf, however, are too uniform to be of much aid, except in one or two cases. These islands are particularly rich in species of this genus, more so than any continental country; indeed, all the European species are found in Britain, while two of our species are endemic. In several of the species the leaves are extremely fragile and deciduous, and, being capable of producing out-go DICRANACE/E. growths in the form of protonemoid filaments, afford a means of propagating the species. The measurements of the width of the nerve are taken just above the auricles when these are present. The number of layers of cells in the nerve as shown in section is a character of slight value, as is also the presence or absence of furrows on the dorsal surface, except in the case of C. introflexus; Limpricht has however pointed out two distinct types of structure in these cells which are quite constant, and by which the species may be divided into three groups; (i) C. brevipilus; unique in having the single layer of wide thin- walled empty cells median (Tab. XVI. I. lx). (2) C. subulatus, C. Schimperi, C. Schwarzii, C. Shawii; in all these the layers (usually about two) of thin-walled larger empty cells are anterior, and the posterior layers while variable in size, etc., are uniform, moderately incrassate (Tab. XVI. A. lx). (3) All the remaining species have the same anterior series of thin-walled cells, but the dorsal layers are composed of two forms of cells, small groups of minute, very incrassate cells, almost without lumen, being inter- spersed between the larger ones (Tab. XVI. E. lx). /Leaves with hyaline points.......................................................2 \ Leaves without hyaline points .................................................. 4 /Hyaline points short ; nerve with central large cells ...............9. brevipilus \ Hyaline points usually long ; nerve with anterior layer of thin cells ..........3 /Ls. auricled, dark-green ; upper cells long and narrow...............7. atrovirens •^\Ls. not auricled, olive-green ; upper cells short...................8. introflexus {Ls. not (or scarcely) auricled at base...........................................5 Ls. auricled at base with swollen cells ........................................8 /Ls. straight, entire ; cells near base very narrow...............................6 -’/Ls. almost setaceous, serrulate towards apex ; basal cells lax ................7 ^/Stem £ inch, not radiculose............................................/. subulatus (Nerve about Y of base of leaf; lamina usually widest at base.........4. pyriformis 7*! Nerve about Yz base; ls. from longer base, lamina narrowed at insertion l 5- fragilis g/Ls. strongly serrate above ; stem tall, not radiculose ................6. setifolius /Ls. entire, or serrulate near apex only .........................................9 f Nerve of base of leaf........................................4. flexuosus y/Nerve % or more of base......................................................... 10 f Ls. gradually tapering almost from base, entire ....................2. Schwarzii 10-| Ls. with longer and wider base, more suddenly narrowed to the long [ subula, denticulate at apex ...........................................j. Shawii 1. Campylopus subulatus Schp. (C. brevifolius Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XVI. A.). Very short, yellowish, resembling the small forms of C. fragilis, but with shorter, more rigid leaves; stems slender, fragile, j-| inch in height, densely gregarious or loosely tufted, not radiculose above. Leaves short, erect, rigid, from an oblongCAMPYLOPUS. 91 base half the length of the leaf, narrowed, with the margins involute, to a straight short tubular subula, not hyaline pointed ; cells at angles vesicular, hyaline, hardly auriculate, rarely forming distinct, minute, slightly inflated auricles ; basal cells narrow, rectangular, hyaline, very soon passing into the shorter, obliquely rhomboid or sub-elliptical chlorophyllose cells which occupy the greater part of the lamina ; a band of extremely narrow, thin, hyaline cells usually forms a narrow border to the leaf base for some distance higher than the hyaline cells extend in the interior of the leaf; towards the apex of the leaf the lamina consists of a single row of short oblique cells reaching very nearly to the summit, where however the nerve is very shortly excurrent with a few denticulations ; at base the nerve is very broad, usually nearly f the whole width, and forming the greater part of the subula above ; in section of about 4 layers of cells, two ventral layers usually large, thin-walled, and hyaline ; posterior layers of smaller, uniform cells, the alternate cells of the dorsal row usually slightly projecting, owing to a slight longitudinal furrow- ing of the nerve at back. Seta straight. Var. f3. elongatus Bosw. In wide patches, closely tufted ; stems tall, slender, 1-2 inches high, copiously radiculose in the lower part. Leaves more distant, somewhat longer in the subula. Hab. Dry sandy spots by roadsides, etc. Rare. The var. j8 in muddy debris near the Wye, Builth (Boswell). A pretty little species, known by its minute size and short leaves. The narrower hyaline cells at the base, extending only a short distance upwards, together with the much shorter, straight subula, will distinguish it from almost all forms of C. fragilis and C. pyriformis, both of which differ also in the nerve section. C. Schwarzii has the leaves distinctly auricled. The presence or absence of auricles in this as in some other species is a very uncertain character, some plants showing distinctly inflated tufts of angular cells, while in others they are barely distinguishable from the other basal cells. The nerve section too shows a considerable amount of variation in the number of layers and the protuberance of the dorsal cells. Indeed it is a difficult plant to distinguish certainly from starved forms of several of the other species. The fruit has only been found in a single station in Norway. # Oampylopus Schimperi Milde (Tab. XVI. B.). Differs from C. subulatus in the usually taller, more robust stems, with leaves more densely imbricated, the plants densely tufted and usually interwoven to near the summit with brown radicles, 1-3 inches high, usually bright green above, pale or brown below. Leaves much like those of the above species, but often longer, with a setaceous subula ; basal cells very narrow, the angular vesicular, sometimes brown, and forming more or less distinct but minute auricles.92 DICRANACE/E. Hab. Earth and rocks on mountains. Rare. All the above characters are more or less variable, and there is in fact nothing to distinguish C. Schimperi specifically from C. subulatus. The more robust habit and radiculose stems are the best characteristics, but the latter is by no means constant. Nor do I find that characters derived from the section of the nerve are of any more value. I have seen no description of the fruit (which has only once been found) that mentions the form of the seta. On the other side C. Schimperi very nearly approaches C. Schwarzii, but is of smaller size, with less defined auricles. The fruit has only been once recorded, in the Austrian Tyrol. 2. Campylopus Schwarzii Schp. (Tab. XXI. C ). In dense, silky tufts, 2-4 inches high, bright or yellowish green ; stems more robust than in the species hitherto described, attenuated at the points, slightly radiculose. Leaves erecto- patent, straight when dry or slightly bent at apex, gradually narrowed with incurved margin from near the base, tubular, larger and longer than in C. Schimperi, entire or with one or two indistinct teeth at apex, not hyaline pointed. Nerve very broad, width of leaf at base, in section of 3-4 layers of cells, resembling those of the last species, grooved at back above; auricles distinct, slightly dilated, hyaline or red ; cells of the leaf-base narrowly rectangular, very narrow at margin, above smaller, narrowly rectangular or subquadrate-elliptical. Fruit unknown. Hab. Alpine rocks ; not common. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to point out any important structural character in which this species differs from C. Schimperi, although its size and habit preclude any great difficulty in distinguishing it from that plant. The presence of distinct auricles, slightly wider than the rest of the leaf-base, is the feature commonly relied on ; but forms of C. Schimperi show a distinct approach to this structure, although in a minor degree. The grooving of the nerve at back might also be pointed to, but this feature also exists in some forms at least of the other plant, which Braith- waite indeed describes as having the posterior cells of the nerve turgid and prominent. From the next species it differs in the much shorter leaf and leaf-base, with the nerve occupying a greater proportion of the width, and with shorter, almost perfectly entire points, and in the usually more attenuated, slender plants with more distant leaves. 3. Campylopus Shawii Wils. (Tab. XVI. D.). In tall, dense, slightly radiculose tufts, 2-4 inches high, yellowish green or brown, dark brown below ; plants robust, not much attenuated above, the leaves closely set, erecto-patent or spreading and recurved-falcate, slightly flexuose when dry, larger and longer than in C. Schwarzii, from a much longer leaf-base, quickly contracted to a longer, much narrower, setaceous but not hyaline point, distinctly denticulate at apex, with often a fewCAMPYLOPUS. 93 obscure denticulations for a little distance below ; tubular with the margin incurved from near base or somewhat higher up ; nerve thinner and less opaque, with wider cells; rather narrower, usually about 2/i the width of the base, but somewhat variable, smooth at back; in section resembling the previous species. Cells at base rectangular, rather wide, quickly becoming rhomboid, above rhomboid with rounded angles, or oval ; auricles large, inflated, hyaline or coloured. Fruit unknown. Var. [3. hamatus Schp. Stems shorter, stouter ; leaves very densely imbricated, broader, ha?nato-secund. Hab. Peat bogs and moors ; Hebrides ; Skye. The var. & in N. Uist, with the type. Nearly resembling C. Schwarzii, this fine species is distinguished by the still taller and more robust habit, and the longer leaves of somewhat different form. I do not think much reliance can be placed on the relative commencement of the incurva- tion of the margin of the two species, basal or otherwise, for I have found in C. Shawii the margin involute from quite the base more frequently than not, while, on the other hand, this is certainly not a constant feature in C. Schwarzii. A more certain character can, I think, be found in the form of the leaf base, that of C. Schwarzii being very short, hardly twice as long as broad, and bearing a very small proportion to the length of the leaf; while that of C. Shawii is twice as long, and is more suddenly narrowed into the subula. This gives a generally broader appearance to the leaf of C. Shawii, by which it may be distinguished in the field. I have always found the nerve of C. Schwarzii distinctly wider in proportion at the base. Indeed, C. Shawii seems more liable to be confounded with some forms of C. Jlexuosus; but that species has a narrower nerve, which is different in section, and the leaves are usually more denticulate above and narrower at the base; it is not often so robust n plant as our present species, which, indeed, to the unaided eye, more closely resembles some forms of Dicranum Bonjeani than any of the other species of Campylopus. It is especially interesting from having been found nowhere but in the Hebrides. 4. Campylopus flexuosus Brid. (Bryum flexuosum L.) (Tab. XVI. E.). Extremely variable, in size, colour, and habit; j-4 inches high ; as slender as C. subulatus, or almost as tall and robust as the preceding species ; leaves straight, small and rigid, or long and secund, often rather flexuose when dry. Usually in rather dense tufts, tomentose. Leaves lanceolate-subulate from a narrow, oblong base, tubular above, the lower usually reddish at base ; without a hyaline point; margin usually denticulate for some distance below the apex ; nerve '/s-yi width of base, cells of the two anterior layers larger, thin-walled, of posterior layers smaller, interspersed with groups of minute, very incrassate opaque cells : areolation rectangular and pellucid at base, with94 DICRANACEjE. large, distinct, brown or hyaline auricles, cells above shortly rhomboid or oval. Capsules often aggregated, thick-walled, dark brown, furrowed. Var. fS. uliginosus Ren. Tall and slender with fewer radicles, and less crowded leaves, which are more elongated, with a narrower nerve. Var. y. paradoxus PC. paradoxus Wils.). Shorter; dull green; stems sparingly radiculose. Leaves very short, with much broader somewhat obtuse points, nerve narrow, vanishing in apex. Hab. On turfy ground in woods, and on rocks, common. The var. £ in marshes ; the var. 7 on rocks and soil usually in sub-alpine districts. Fr. winter and spring. The commonest and most variable species, and difficult to define, though as a rule fairly easy of determination, the leaf-base, although variable, having a facies of its own, perhaps chiefly arising from its narrow outline, with the nerve mostly narrower than in the allied species, and usually with distinct auricles. These are, however, occasionally almost obsolete, in which case we have a transition to the subspec. pyriformis. The marsh form usually in English books given as var. paludosus Schp. would appear to be the same thing as the var. uliginosus Ren. (Rev. Bry. 1887y p. 81) and should be so cited. The var. paradoxus is in most works treated—though often doubtfully—as a species ; there is little doubt that Braithwaite is right in finally sinking it to varietal rank. Many other forms might be described ; one, a tall, robust plant, with leaves regularly falcato-secund, not altered when dry, is described by Boulay as var. major ; this I have gathered in N. Wales. The most frequent form has usually a bright reddish brown tint in the interior of the tufts, which is hardly found in the allied species. * Campylopus pyriformis Brid. (Dicranum pyriforme Schultz; C. turfaceus B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XVI. F.). In short dense wide patches, %-i inch high, yellowush or olive green above, pale or reddish below ; stems slender, radiculose only at base. Upper leaves longest, from an ovate-lanceolate base, 5-J length of leaf, quickly narrowed to a setaceous channelled subula ; nerve width of base, excurrent in a short denticulate point; in section similar to C. flexuosus ; basal cells rectangular, lax, hyaline, narrower at margin, the angular few, hardly distinct; the cells as they ascend the leaf base become smaller and shorter, at the shoulder becoming chlorophyllose, shortly rhomboid and oblique or sub-rectangular, and continuing so, but smaller, to the summit. Calyptra fringed at the base or rarely entire. Capsule smaller, elliptical, cylindrical when dry and empty. Hab. Peaty moorlands, heaths, etc., common. Fr. spring and summer.CAMPYLOPUS. 95 I have, after much hesitation, followed Boulay (Muscinies de la France, p. 511) in placing this plant under C. flexuosus ; for, distinct as is the habit in the typical and most frequent form, the distinguishing characters of real importance are slight, if not entirely wanting. The usual form of C. pyriformis described above is n much more slender and delicate plant than the ordinary forms of C. flexuosus, with much smaller leaves, hardly showing a trace of auricles ; and it is probably the wide difference in general appearance that has caused the real affinity to be overlooked. On the other hand C. flexuosus frequently presents forms quite as slender, and the leaves are some- times quite as free from auricles, and I have found plants which I have been quite unable to refer with certainty to either species, leaves being found on the same plant with considerable variation as regards the development of the auricles, and inter- mediate between the two as regards the other characters. Indeed both the width of the nerve and the form and areolation of the leaf-base vary greatly in both plants. Nor do the other characters, sometimes given, as for instance differences in nerve- section, appear constant; indeed this latter structure, although of great value in separating certain of the species of Campylopus, does not appear to give characters of sufficient constancy to distinguish those which are closely allied. In C. pyriformis the areolation of the leaf-base is usually hyaline for a greater distance upwards than in C. flexuosus, and this gives the leaf and indeed the stem a. whitish appearance. On the other side this feature brings it nearer C. fragilis, from which it is sometimes with difficulty separated ; but the lamina in that species is narrower at the line of insertion than above, while in this the leaf is usually widest at the very base ; and the habit of C. fragilis is usually very different. When fertile, the fruit is produced in abundance, and the leaves are then usually not very deciduous ; but in barren plants the broken off leaves often cover the whole surface of the tufts. The var. Miilleri(C. Miilleri Jur.) is only a form with the calyptra entire or very slightly fringed at base. 5. Campylopus fragilis B. & S. (Bryum fragile Dicks.) (Tab. XVI. G.). In its typical form distinguished by its slender stems, |-i| inches high, more radiculose, less densely tufted than C. Pyrifor7nis, with longer, straighter very silky leaves, less flexuose when dry; the colour of a brighter green, often yellowish, whitish below and shining from the hyaline leaf-bases. Frequently it becomes densely tufted, when the stems are usually more robust and often two inches high, and the leaves broader, shorter, more rigid, more closely imbricated, very white and shining below. The leaves are fragile and deciduous, but not so generally so as in C. pyriformis. The form of the leaf is rather different, the leaf-base being somewhat longer in proportion to the whole, and the lamina is contracted at the base of the leaf; nerve broad, X-% width of leaf at base, in structure similar to that of C. pyriformis ; cells of base lax and hyaline, the angular hardly distinct, upper cells, capsule, etc., as in that plant. Hab. Turfy soil and rocks. Fr. rare ; spring. Best distinguished by the nerve section, the wide hyaline cells of the leaf-base, which separate it from C. Schimperi and C. subulatus, and the wider nerve and lamina contracted at the base, by which it is known from C. pyriformis. The compact forms with shorter leaves have been distinguished as a variety and even as a species under the name of C. denstis B. & S., and they are markedly different fromg6 DICRANACE^. the type, but are connected with it by too many intermediate links to be separated. On the whole, the more robust habit and distinct facies make this a. species not difficult to recognise from C. pyriformis ; and from most of its congeners it is usually distinguishable by its short, neat habit, and shining leaf-bases. It usually grows in smaller, neater tufts, and is more frequently found on rocks than most of the species. 6. Campylopus setifolius Wils. (Tab. XVI. H.). In large, bright glossy or yellowish green tufts, dark brown below, 4-10 inches high ; rather slender, usually attenuated at point, radiculose only at base. Leaves not much crowded, erecto-patent, not flexuose when dry. shining, very longly setaceous from a short wide base, tubular with the margin involute all its length, denticulate-serrate in the upper part for some distance below the apex, which is not hyaline ; nerve broad, half the width of the base, excurrent, spinosely denticulate above; in section resembling C. flexuosus; angular cells large, forming wide inflated auricles, red or hyaline ; above the auricles the cells are short, hardly rectangular, shortly rhomboid or elliptic ; very small and rhomboid-elliptic in the upper part of the leaf. Capsules aggregated, ovate-pyriform, lid rostellate, half the length of the capsule. Hab. Rocks among grass and heather ; very rare in England, Wales and Scot- land, less so in the west of Ireland. Fruit very rare. Another very fine and interesting species, hitherto unknown outside the British Is. It is easily known by the wide auricles and the strongly hispid-denticulate, not hyaline, longly setaceous leaf-points. The outer cells of the auricles are usually hyaline, the inner, together with the base of the nerve, deep orange red. There is some resemblance between the leaves of this species and those of some of the species of Dicranum and of Dicranodontium longirostre ; but the present is a more robust plant than most of these, with the leaves not falcato-secund ; and in any case of difficulty it will be certainly dispelled with the microscope, those species at all resembling it in habit having always a much narrower nerve ; D. longirostre var. alpinum is the only one about which confusion is really likely to arise, and this has the leaves less strongly denticulate above, and of a different form at the base, being more quickly narrowed and with the margin more strongly enrolled below, and the nerve narrower. 7. Campylopus atrovirens De Not. (C. longipilus Brid., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XV. J.). Tall, 2-8 inches high, bright green above, black or golden yellow below. Stem soft, very slender, hardly radiculose above, leaves rather laxly placed, long, straight, tubular above from an oblong-lanceolate base, margin entire, nerve half width of base, somewhat variable, excurrent in a hoary, denticulate, very slender hyaline arista of varying length ; in section of about fourCAMPYLOPUS. 97 rows of cells, median cells mostly of the opaque, incrassate form, the dorsal series larger, grooved at back; auricles distinct, coloured, inflated ; basal cells rectangular, quickly becoming obliquely rhomboid and elliptic, in all the upper part of the leaf narrowly oblong or linear, vermicular. Var. /?. falcatus Braithw. More robust, shorter; leaves falcato-secund or regularly circinate. Var. y. epilosus Braithw. More slender; leaves shorter, the hair-points almost entirely wanting. Hab. Rocks and bogs on moors and mountains. Fruit unknown. The var. /3 in Western Ireland, and Skye. The var. y rare, England ; Wales. A handsome moss, almost always recognised at once by the blackish tinge which is nearly constantly present in some degree and by the hoary leaf-points. These latter are variable in length, and are also very fragile ; it sometimes happens, there- fore, that they are inconspicuous and only to be found by careful search. They are not fully developed until the leaves are mature, hence in the youngest leaves of all they are short; however, they will usually be found most distinct in the upper leaves, as in the older ones they are frequently broken off. In the var. epilosus the upper leaves show no trace of hyaline points, but are rounded-truncate and slightly cucullate at apex ; a careful examination will, however, usually reveal a very short hair-point on some of the older leaves. The var. falcatus in its typical form is a very pretty plant, with its leaves beautifully circinate. Intermediate forms occur, but rarely. In the absence of obvious hair-points the distinct auricles taken in conjunction with the narrow vermicular upper cells, and the dark colour, will readily distinguish it. 8. Campylopus introflexus Brid. (Dicranum introflexum Hedw. ; C. polytrichoides De Not., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XVI. K.). Shorter, yi-2 inches high, dense, rigid, dark olive or golden green above, reddish brown below. Leaves crowded, rigid, straight, imbricated when dry, shorter, from an oblong less concave base shortly lanceolate-subulate with the margin incurved, tubular above, entire ; nerve very broad, % width of base, excurrent in a conspicuous hyaline denticulate arista, deeply grooved at back above, with alternate furrows and ridges which may almost be termed lamellae ; angular cells hyaline or reddish, rather wider than the rest of the basal cells, forming indistinct, hardly inflated auricles, which however are usually conspicuous in the older leaves from their reddish brown coloration ; basal cells small, rectangular, hyaline, passing obliquely upwards and out- wards in a triangular marginal band ; very abruptly passing into small, obliquely rhomboidal chlorophyllose cells, almost uniform throughout the rest of the leaf. Capsules aggregated, hardly furrowed, rugulose at base. Male plant simple, slender, the leaves small and distant below, gradually enlarging to a coma at apex H98 DICRANACE/E. Hab. Heaths and rocky ground ; rare. Fruit only known in Portugal. C. introflexus is easily known from all the other species except C. brevipilus by the characters italicised above ; indeed the colour and the hair-points alone serve to distinguish it at first sight; the sudden transition from the hyaline to the chlorophyllose cells in an obliquely ascending line is very noticeable ; this is however more or less shared by the next species, which in other respects also is somewhat difficult at first to separate. The hair-points in the present plant are usually longer and more conspicuous,—in the dry state by the imbrication of the leaves they are collected into a very distinct penicillate tuft at the top of the stem,—the margin is not recurved in the upper part, the cells are shorter and hardly sinuose, and the deeply furrowed nerve is distinctive. In winter, when the young leaves are hardly mature, the hair- points are sometimes very inconspicuous, but are later on developed. The leaves are broader, shorter, and more rigid than in most of the species, and the aspect of the plant when dry, and especially the male plant, is not unlike that of Polytrichum piliferum. An allied species, C. adustus De Not., resembles dwarf plants of C. atrovirens> but has a narrower nerve, £ width of leaf-base, and shorter cells. Specimens gathered in the Channel Is. have been referred to this species, but they are by Braithwaite considered to be a form of C. atrovirens. 9. Campylopus brevipilus B. & S. (Tab. XVI. I.). A variable plant in size and colour, 1-3 inches high, usually pale; resembling C. flexuosus var. uliginosus, but with less flexuose leaves when dry; stems easily separable, slender, leaves usually rather loosely set, sometimes interruptedly tufted. Leaves subulate from a lanceolate base, rather narrow, margin involute, towards the summit very narrowly recurved faintly denticulate above, at apex with a toothed point which is usually slightly elongate and hyaline; nerve rather narrow, '/3 width of base or less, in section of 3-5 rows of cells, the larger thin-walled series occupying the middle of the nerve, instead of the anterior part as in all the other species ; not grooved at back, very slightly denticulate at back above. Angular cells very variable, hardly distinct, or forming distinct auricles; cells pale, the basal rectangular, passing into the chlorophyllose as in the last, but less abruptly ; upper cells longer than in that species, narrowly linear-rhomboid or elliptical with a sigmoid curve ; the marginal very narrow. Fruit unknown. Perichsetial bracts with the margin recurved. Var. (1. auriculatus Ferg. Auricles enlarged, very distinct. Hab. Moist heaths and bogs. Not unfrequent. The var. /3 less common. A very variable species in size and habit, and also in the development of the auricles and of the hair-points; the latter may be altogether wanting, and every form of transition may be found between the var. auriculatus and the forms with the auricles scarcely traceable. The areolation is however distinctive, and taken with the narrow nerve and the usual presence of the hair-point, will afford a pretty certain means of determining the plant; the recurved margin in the upper part is also characteristic, but is sometimes very slight and inconspicuous. Occasionally, in drier spots, the hair-points become elongated and the plant then simulates C. introflexus.DICRANODONTIUM. 99 25. DICRANODONTIUM B. & S. Stems slender, tomentose; leaves setaceous, with a broad nerve. Capsule symmetrical, on a flexuose curved seta ; calyptra entire at base ; peristome teeth cleft to base into two sub-equal, subulate divisions, remotely articulate. Somewhat intermediate between Campylopus and Dicranum, with the habit and entire calyptra of the latter genus, but with the deciduous leaves, the capsule and broad nerve of the former ; differing from both in the peristome. Dicranodontium longirostre B. & S. (Didymodon denudatus Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XVII. A.). In soft, silky pale green tufts, with slender flexuose radiculose stems ; leaves easily deciduous, flexuose-spreading or falcato- secund, from a semi-sheathing convolute base gradually narrowed to a flexuose, very finely setaceous point, tubular above ; margin involute, sub-entire or faintly denticulate near the apex ; nerve i-ir width of base, excurrent at apex in a rough point, thick, prominent at back, in section of several rows of minute incrassate cells with a single median row of larger hyaline ones. Auricles large, inflated, distinctly wider than the leaf base, hyaline or reddish brown ; basal cells rectangular, upper narrowly elliptic, or rectangular-rhomboid. Seta cygneous, capsule small, cylindric; lid straight, subulate, as long as capsule. Peristome pale red. Dioicous. Var. (i. alpinum (Schp.) (Campylopus alpinus B. & S.) Taller, more robust; leaves not deciduous, firmer, usually more erect. Hab. Banks and rotten wood in mountainous districts; not common. The var. 0 in grassy places on mountains, rare. Somewhat resembling Ditrichum fiexicaule, but with more divergent, flexuose leaves, which differ entirely under the microscope in the large auricles ; the Ditrichum too is almost confined to calcareous rocks. The var. 0 resembles certain species of Dicranum ; but the form of the leaf base and its areolation will separate it with ease from most of them; D. asperulum has a rougher subula and both it and D. longifolium have a very different nerve section. 26. DICRANUM Hedw. Plants varying in size, often tall and robust; leaves often falcato-secund, smooth or papillose, lanceolate or lanceolate- subulate, elongated ; nerve usually narrower, sometimes dilated :100 DICRANACEi®. areolation rectangular at base, with distinct angular cells. Seta erect, capsule erect or inclined, rarely strumose, often unequal, curved ; lid rostrate. Calyptra entire at the base. Peristome teeth red, confluent at base, broad, cleft about half-way into 2 or 3 unequal divisions, minutely vertically striate below, barred within. After a little practice the student will not have much difficulty in recognising a species of this genus, but it is difficult to define the characters which give it its distinctive habit; the leaves are usually falcato-secund and subulate, and the capsule has an appearance rather distinctive ; the larger species could hardly be taken for anything else unless for a Campylopus, and that genus usually has the leaves more erect and straight. However there are a few species which it would be hard to distinguish as belong- ing to this genus upon first acquaintance, without microscopical examination. The species fall somewhat naturally into the following Sections :— A. ARCTOA. Plants autoicous, stems hardly radiculose; leaves lanceolate-subulate, entire or nearly so. Capsule very small and very little exserted, or distinctly strumose when dry on a longer seta. Plants usually small. B. EU-DICRANUM. Plants robust, the leaves usually broad, mostly serrate; lower cell-walls, and often the upper, interrupted by pores. Capsule on a long seta, cernuous, more or less curved, rather large. C. APORODICTYON. Plants dioicous ; stems radiculose ; leaves subulate, entire or serrate, lower cell-walls (alone) rarely porous. Capsule rather small, usually erect and symmetric, longly exserted. (Leaves transversely undulate .................................................2 Leaves not transversely undulate ............................................5 21 Upper cells long and narrow, communicating by pores ...........................3 \Upper cells short, quadrate or irregular, not porose .........................4 [ Plant firm ; Is. recurved, with long spinulose teeth at margin and back of nerve 3-] above........................................................... 6. undulatum [Plant weak ; Is. with saw-like teeth, nerve almost smooth at back ...g. Bonjeani j Leaves tapering, not papillose .....................................8. Bergeri 4 ^Leaves more suddenly acuminate, papillose above.....................7. spurium /Upper cells long and narrow, porose ; plant robust ...........................6 Upper cells without pores ...................................................7 ^/Setae solitary ; leaves spreading or secund.......................10. scoparium \ Setae aggregate; Is. more uniformly falcato-secund..................//. niajus /Nerve J or more of base, forming a long, fine subula............20. longifolium ‘\ Nerve not | of base...........................................................8DICRANUM. IOI g fLs. suddenly narrowed above the wide base to long, fine, toothed points .........9 \Ls. gradually tapering ........................................................10 /Leaves with basal wing serrulate ....................................19. asperulum Basal wing entire, leaves falcato-secund ...........................18. uncinatum I0/Ls. distinctly serrulate above, papillose at back of apex .......................11 \Ls. entire, or serrulate at apex only, smooth or nearly so ....................12 jf Plant small, Is. strongly curled when dry; capsule erect .........17. montanum \ Plant larger; Is. scarcely curled ; capsule cernuous ...............12. fuscescens {Plant slender, densely matted with tomentum ; lower cells of leaves porose 14. elongatum Plant less compact; basal cells not porose (except molle and fuscescens) .....13 /Plant small; leaves nearly all broken across ........................ij. strictum Leaves not fragile ...........................................................14 /Ls. strongly curled when dry, with distinct teeth at apex............16. flagellare ^\Ls. not or slightly curled, entire or finely serrulate ...........................15 /Upper cells of ls. all quadrate; stem radiculose ..............................16 Upper cells (or some of them) elongate ; stem rooting at base only ...........17 g/Basal cells rather short, not porose ..............................13. Scottianum /Capsule suberect, furrowed, neck tapering ; seta short ..............1. fulvellum ' \ Capsule cernuous, neck strumulose when ripe ; seta longer.......................18 g/Tall ; ls. silky, basal cells porose ; capsule oblong.......................3. molle \ Plant \-2. inches high ; basal cells not porose ..............................19 {Ls. flexuoso-patent; male flower far below perichsetium.................4. schisti Ls. falcato-secund ; male flower close below perichcetium ....................20 /Ls. with few angular cells ; capsule short, obovate ....................2. falcatum \ Angular cells distinct, coloured ; capsule oblong-cylindric.............3. Starkei A. ARCTOA. 1. Dicranum fulvellum Smith (Bryum fulvellum Dicks.) (Tab. XVII. B.). Very densely tufted, dark or yellowish green, brown or blackish below ; 1-2 inches high. Leaves secund, falcate above, flexuose when dry; from an oval base quickly narrowed to a subulate limb, very narrow at apex and entire or minutely denticulate; angular cells large, few, brownish, not inflated; the basal narrow, linear, upper also linear but shorter, the marginal row often of almost quadrate cells ; nerve very narrow at base, forming the greater part of the subula. Capsule slightly exserted on a short seta, reddish brown, oval, with an equal neck, or very slightly asymmetric, wide-mouthed and almost turbinate after the fall of the lid, sulcate; lid obliquely rostellate ; peristome teeth large, wide-spreading when dry. Male flower just below the perichaetium, gemmiform. Hab. Clefts of rocks on high mountains. Not common. Fr. summer.102 DICRANACE/E. Somewhat resembling Blindia acuta, but with less rigid, secund leaves, and less distinct, not enlarged nor orange auricles. The capsules are usually present in great numbers, and readily distinguish it from others of the genus by their small size, their form, erect and equal, and their striation and wide-spreading peristome. There is some variation in the form of the ripe and empty capsule, which may be found in the same tuft rounded-oval with an abrupt neck and only slightly striate, or narrower, turbinate with ~ tapering neck, wide-mouthed, and more deeply sulcate. The latter form approaches D. hyperboreum C.M., which appears to be hardly deserving of specific rank. This and the two following species are among the smallest of the genus ; the latter differ not only in the fruit, but in having longer, more gradually narrower leaf- bases. The marginal cells of the base in all three above the coloured angular cells are wider than the median. 2. Dicranum falcatum Hedw. (Tab. XVII. C.). In wider, looser patches than the last, which it resembles in size and colour. Leaves regularly falcato-secund, especially at the summit of the stem, glossy, hardly altered when dry, from a lanceolate base gradually subulate, concave, margin entire or slightly denticulate at apex ; angular cells few, brownish, not very distinct, the other basal cells linear, the upper shortly rectangular, small. Capsule on a longer seta, small, sub-gibbous, oval, smooth, when dry and empty contracted below the wide mouth, with a more or less evident struma. Peristome bright red. Male flower close below the pericheetium. Hab. Rocks and stony ground on the higher mountains; not common. Fr. summer. Readily known by its beautifully and regularly falcate or circinate leaves; the oblique and unequal, smooth capsule separates it from the last ; the shorter capsule, the closer, firmer falcate leaves, and the indistinct angular cells from the next two species, than which it has a much neater, more compact habit. 3. Dicranum Starkei W. & M. (Tab. XVII. D.). Resembling the last, but taller, 1-3 inches high, with looser stems and more distant less firm and less strongly and regularly falcate leaves, slightly flexuose when dry ; of a brighter, not brownish green. Leaves longer, from a broader lanceolate base ; entire or frequently denticulate for some distance below the apex ; areolation rather wider and larger, angular cells distinct, brown, forming clearly-marked auricles; nerve very narrow, excurrent. Seta considerably longer; capsule long, cylindric, inclined, curved, striate when dry, strumose ; lid longly subulate, oblique, peristome paler. Male flower close below the peri- chsetium. Hab. On mountains, in similar localities to D. falcatum. Fr. summer.DICRANUM. 103 Distinguished from D. falcattim by the distinct auricles ; from D. schisti by the characters detailed under that plant; it is usually a larger plant than either, with looser, longer leaves, secund but not so regularly falcate as in the former, and the capsule is quite different. It is, however, in several respects a rather variable plant, usually growing in more open spots than D. schisti. 4. Dicranum schisti Lindb. (Bryum schisti Gunn.; Dicranum Blyttii B. & S., Schp. Syn., et plur. auct.) (Tab. XVII. E.). Differs from the last in its darker, lurid colour, stems more slender, branched, fragile; the leaves flexuose-patent, hardly secund, less rigid, somewhat crisped when dry, entire or almost so, smaller; capsule shorter, smooth, paler. Male flower far below the perichaetium, usually near the base of the branch. IIab. Clefts of mountain rocks, not common. Fr. summer. Very near D. Starkei, and perhaps properly a sub-species, but differing in habit, colour, in the smooth capsule, and especially in the position of the male flower. 5. Dicranum molle Wils. (D. arcticum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XVII. F.). Taller than D. Starkei, with which it has considerable affinity ; 2-5 inches high, yellowish or olive green above, dark brown below, in large, soft tufts; leaves long, straight and erecto- patent, or slightly secund, rarely falcato-secund; from a broadly lanceolate base longly subulate with the mar gins incurved, entire, acute at apex ; nerve very narrow, hardly excurrent; angular cells distinct, large, orange brown, forming distinct auricles ; the other basal cells long, narrow-linear, with the cell-walls interrupted by pores, upper cells linear or narrowly and sinuosely elliptical. Capsule oblong-cylindric, incurved, cernuous, slightly strumose, smooth ; peristome dark red. Male flower close to the perichaetium. Hab. On the highest Scotch mountains ; very rare. Fr. summer. D. molle seems best placed in this Section, to which it belongs by the form of leaf, the sub-strumose capsule, the autoicous inflorescence, and the non-radiculose stems, and indeed by its general nearness to D. Starkei; but its size and habit is almost that of D. fuscescens or small forms of D. Bonjeani, and in the porose cell- walls also it comes close to Eu-dicranum. Wilson (Bry. Brit.) treats it as a var. of D. Starkei, to which it bears much resemblance in its smaller forms with secund leaves ; but the leaves are distinctly larger, broader as well as longer, the areolation is different, and the lamina of the subula is continuous to the apex and broader. The stems are soft and flexible, whence the name given to it by Wilson. The leaves are hardly twisted or altered when drying, by which it may usually be distinguished in the field from D. fuscescens, but some forms of that species, especially the var. conge stum, are hardly separable from it without the microscope, though perfectly distinct when so viewed ; and the same may be said of D. scoparium var. spadiceum.104 DICRANACE^E. B. EU-DICRANUM. 6. Dicranum undulatum Ehrh. (Tab. XVII. H.). Stems robust, tall, 3-10 in. high, decumbent at base, in loose, wide tufts, densely coated with tomentum, bright shining yellowish green. Leaves very long, spreading or squarrose, slightly turned to one side at times, the upper erect or faintly secund, forming a cuspidate tuft, not much altered when dry, from a long broadly lanceolate base gradually narrowed to an elongate, flexuose, but not very narrow, sharp acumen, margiii recurved below for about the length of the leaf, thence upward strongly spinosely serrate to apex ; nerve narrow, vanishing in the apex, with two serrated ridges at back above ; cells at angles wide, orange brown, a patch of interior ones often hyaline, forming auricles which together cover about half the width of the leaf, the median cells between these and the nerve very narrow ; all the rest of the cells almost uniform throughout the leaf, linear-fusiform or narrowly and longly elliptical, the walls incrassate with rather few but very distinct pores, the marginal cells somewhat shorter. Perichsetial bracts long, broad, convolute, forming a cylindrical sheath ; setae aggregated, 2-5, rarely single, pale red, long ; capsule rather small and short, gibbous, curved, striate and pale brown when ripe and empty. Hab. Woods and heaths. Very rare. Wolford, Warwickshire (Bagnall, iSSp); Perthshire (Meldrum). Fr. late summer. D. undulatum is one of the finest of our species, and it is remarkable that its presence should have been so long undetected in this country, being as it is a widely- distributed plant on the Continent and in N. America. It recalls the most robust forms of D. scoparium, but its leaves are as long as and longer than those of D. majus, though straighter, and so strongly undulated and rugose as to give the dry plant a distinct silky sheen. The recurved margin at base and the very coarse serratures above are quite enough, by themselves, to separate the plant from all forms of D. Bonjeani, while the undulated leaves mark it off at once as distinct from D. scoparium and D. majus. The fruit has not been found in this country. 7. Dicranum spurium Hedw. (Tab. XVII. G.). Green or yellowish green, robust, 2-4 inches high, less densely tufted than the next species, less tomentose. Leaves somewhat larger at the summit of the stem, when dry incurved and cirrate- crisped in the upper half, strongly rugose, broadly oval, wider above than at the line of insertion, quickly contracted to a more acute acumen, which is usually twisted; margin more or less serrate above ; cells at base similar to D. Bergeri, above alsoDICRANUM. 105 similar, but rather smaller, more crowded and more irregular, with somewhat sinuose walls, at back muriculate with strong, rather distant, conical papillae; rough also at back of nerve. Seta pale, rather short; capsule rather broader than in D. Bergeri, curved, irregularly sulcate when dry, with a short often strumulose neck. Hab. Boggy heaths ; rare. Fr. late summer. Easily known from the next species by its leaves broader at the base and more quickly acuminated, twisted when dry, papillose at back; from all the other species with undulate leaves by the small, irregular, papillose upper cells. It is a less distinct plant in its habit than D. Bergeri, owing to the more convolute leaves with narrower points, which bring it nearer to D. Bonjeani, but it is sufficiently marked to be quite recognisable in the field by its much broader, more flaccid, and more rugose leaves than the ordinary forms of that or any other species ; certain states of D. Bonjeani, however, can hardly be separated except with the aid of the microscope. The nerve, on the other hand, in the present plant is more yellow and conspicuous at the back of the leaves than I have ever seen it in D. Bonjeani. 8. Dicranum Bergeri Bland. (D.Schraderi W. &M.,Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XVIII. A.). In large dense tufts, 2-6 inches high or more, dull green or more usually bright yellowish green, robust, tomentose with brown radicles. Leaves crowded, erect, and slightly spreading, hardly secund, -when dry little changed, only very slightly flexuose, strongly undulated and rugose, especially when dry; slightly widening upwards from the insertion as in the last species and broadly ovate, rather quickly narrowing to an oblong or broadly linear limb, somewhat obtuse at apex or obtusely pointed ; margin slightly denticulate towards apex, but variable, sometimes almost entire ; nerve narrow, vanishing below the point, faintly denticulate or almost smooth at back, when dry conspicuous and shining; cells at angles orange brown, quadrate, forming conspicuous auricles, narrow on each side of the nerve; above these a few cells are rectangular, the rest all narrow-linear, sinuose with the pores of the cell walls, incrassate, gradually shorter upwards, in upper part of leaf small, short, with incrassate walls, irregular (rounded, quadrate, triangular, etc.), smooth at back. Seta pale; capsule rather small, subcylindrical, curved, striate when dry. Autoicous. Hab. Bogs on heaths. Very rare. Fr. autumn. Very distinct in its broad, rather obtuse, strongly undulated leaves, with short, irregular areolation. From the last species it differs in its leaves less flexuose when dry, less convolute above, and smooth at the back. The seta is rather longer, and the capsule a little narrower. It resembles in habit Aulacomnium palustre moreio6 DICRANACE^. closely than any species of its own genus, but the strongly undulate leaves will distinguish it in the field, and under the microscope the auricles, the elongated basal cells, and the non-papillose upper ones will readily determine it. Not only are the leaves of D. Bergeri actually broader at the points than in the allied species, but this feature is the more conspicuous from the fact that they are less convolute or tubular, both when moist and in the dry state. Both this and the last species have the nerve at back markedly yellow and shining in the upper leaves when dry. D. Bergeri is sometimes found with short, dwarf, compact stems (var. compactum Ren. & Card.); and there is also, as in the last, some variation in the amount of denticulation of the leaf-margin. I have received forms from North America with short narrow leaves, and with the cells more or less elongated and large even to the apex ; it can then only be separated from D. Bonjeani by the non-porose upper cells, which are shorter than in that plant. 9. Dicranum Bonjeani De Not. (D. palustre B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XVIII. B.). In its typical form the species grows in close tufts of a pale fawn or light green colour, more slender than D. scoparium, with the leaves erecto-patent or only very slightly secund, straight and appressed when dry, often in interrupted tufts, shorter (2-3 lines), and less narrowly acuminate above, with a broad point, transversely undulate when moist, distinctly serrate on the borders, less concave, the nerve smooth or faintly serrate at the back, very narrow at base, the upper areolation rather shorter and wider, irregularly hexagonal-elliptic. Seta solitary, paler, rather more slender; capsule very similar, but shorter and usually lightly striate, rather paler. Habit somewhat of Campy- lopus flexuosus var. uliginosus, but more robust, and with the upper leaves forming a more or less distinct coma. Male flower usually on a separate plant. Var. (3. juniperifolium Braithw. Leaves broader, rigid, erect, straight, brownish. Var. y. calcareum Braithw. Shorter, more rigid ; leaves secund, sub-falcate, concave, and sub-tubular above, undulate only at apex, and slightly serrate only towards point. Hab. In marshes and on heaths in shady places. Common. Var. fr less common ; var. y on chalk hills, rare. Fruit rare, late summer. Besides the above varieties, D. Bonjeani presents many other less distinct or less widely spread and hence unnamed forms ; it occurs with long, flexuose stems and distant, bright green, strongly falcate leaves, resembling slender states of the next species; sometimes it is very tall and robust, 4-6 inches high, with densely packed leaves ; the latter vary greatly in length, form, and amount of serrature and undula- tion ; a form occurs in bogs with long narrow leaves, the whole of the blade strongly undulated, remaining rugose when dry, and reminding us of D. undulatum. I have also found a form in Cornwall, with slender stems and small, short, distant, falcate leaves, presenting an appearance like that of the most slender forms of D. fuscescens.DICRANUM. 107 On the whole, however, it is not a difficult plant to distinguish. The short leaves with broad points, less serrate at back, the rather wider and more pellucid areolation, and the more or less strongly undulated leaves are characters one or more of which will always be found, and in practice the only plant with which there is likely to be any confusion is the var. paludosum of the next species, which, however, almost always has longer, narrower, linear-subulate points and nerve serrated at back. The habit and the upper areolation separate it easily from D. Bergeri. It varies much in colour, being sometimes almost black below. The fruit is much more rare than that of D. scoparium, but I have found it in several localities in the south of England. In North America the fruit would appear to be not at all uncommon. The name palustre by which it is often known, but which should give place to the earlier name, is fairly appropriate, but the plant is by no means confined to marshy ground. I have found it growing abundantly on the thatched roof of a church in Suffolk ! Hobkirk (Synopsis) describes a var.—rugifolium Boswell—(perhaps only a form) with the leaves somewhat contorted and crisped and more strongly undulate ; I have seen no specimens, but I have plants from several localities, usually distinctly paludal, with the elongated leaves very strongly rugose when dry as well as when moist for the whole length of the leaf, not merely in the upper part; they seem quite deserving a varietal name, but I cannot certainly refer them to the above var. in the absence of authentic specimens, especially as the terms contorted and crisped are hardly applic- able to the leaves of the plants in question. 10- Dicranum scoparium Hedw. (Bryum scoparium. L.) (Tab. XVIII. C.). A very variable species, in its typical form somewhat resembling D. majus, but smaller, more densely tufted, the leaves shorter (2^-4 lines), more crowded,, often in interrupted tufts, less regularly falcate, sometimes erecto-patent, but almost always more or less turned to one side, glossy yellowish green, narrower at base, less concave, not, or very rarely, undulate, slightly flexuose at the point when dry, the subula broader and shorter, the nerve slightly narrower at base, with four ridges at back above, which, with the margins, are usually serrate; lowest basal cells rather laxer, rectangular, with thinner walls, the upper rather wider, the marginal cells in the upper part usually pellucid, forming close but less acute serratures ; cell walls all porose, the contents more distinctly chlorophyllose, often, in the younger, active leaves, mixed with oil globules. Seta solitary, reddish, rather stouter; capsule cernuous, arcuate-cylindric, rufescent, not striate, with a distinct but not strumose neck ; lid with a stouter beak. Var. /3. paludosum Schp. Tall, bright green, usually very white with tomentum; leaves secund, hardly falcate, sharply toothed, transversely undulate near apex. In boggy places. Var. y. orthophyllum Brid. In dense tufts ; leaves erect, spreading equally or slightly secund, subula narrow, distinctly toothed.io8 DICRANACE<*E. Var. S. spadiceum Boul. (vars. alpestre and turfosum, Braithw. Br. M. FL). In dense tufts ; leaves erecto-patent, more or less appressed and rigid when dry ; varying in length and acumination, entire and smooth at back above, or faintly denticu- late, canaliculate or tubular in the upper part. Hab. Woods, heaths, etc. Common. The var. £ in bogs, not common. Var. 7 on heaths, frequent. Var. 5 on moorland heaths and rocks and in mountain woods, not common. Fr. late summer. The various forms of this common species defy description, and I have selected those alone which have the most salient points ; but the student will find many intermediate forms, the naming of which would be found difficult, and will probably be far better not attempted. Under the head of var. spadiceum Boulay has united the various forms with erect, almost or quite entire leaves, the most distinct of which are described by Braith- waite under the heads of var. alpestre Hiibn. and var. turfosum Milde; these although differing in habit are much alike in form and structure of leaf, and together constitute a well-marked variety, which has been by many authors ranked as a separate species (D. spadiceum Zett.) It connects the present species with D. fuscescens through the smooth-leaved vars. of that plant; I have indeed seen specimens which it is very hard to separate from forms of D. fuscescens var. co7igestum except by the rather more elongated cells with the upper cell-walls somewhat porose. It comes also extremely near D. mo lie, and some forms can hardly be distinguished from that plant except by the porose upper cell-walls and rather wider upper areolation. On the other hand, through the var. paludosum, D. scoparium is closely linked with D. Bonjeani; indeed Roll, in an interesting discussion on the forms of these two species (Hedwigia, 1893, PP- I9^> sqq.) states that in N. America so many intermediate forms are found that it is quite impossible to refer certain barren plants without doubt to either species, and all that can be done is to refer the forms with more narrowly acuminate, often falcate leaves and rather longer upper areolation, to D. scoparium, and those with the contrary characters to D. Bonjeani. The forms of D. scoparium however with undulated leaves are rare, and may usually be recognised by their longer finer points more strongly toothed at the back. When in fruit it may be recognised by its firmer, red seta, and reddish brown capsules, but even these characters are occasionally found in D. Bonjeani. 11. Dicranum majus Turn. (Tab. XVIII. D.). Very tall and robust, 2-5 inches high, the stems tomentose, only loosely coherent above, glossy yellowish or deep green, slender, prostrate below and ascending. Leaves very long (3-5 lines), not crowded, always regularly falcato-secund, hardly altered when dry, from a broad half-amplexicaul concave base gradually narrowed to a long canaliculate subula, not transversely undulate, the lamina distinct to the apex ; nerve narrow, vanish- ing in the point, with several rows of teeth in the upper part at back ; margin strongly toothed above ; angular cells lax, quadrate, brown, next the nerve thinner and paler ; above linear-rectangular, 5-8 times as long as broad, very similar to apex but shorter and smaller in the upper part ; all with the walls very porose, giving a sinuose outline to the cell; rather obscure, smooth at back.DICRANUM. 109 Setse 2 or more, sometimes as many as 5, from the same pericheetium, rarely single, slender, flexuose, pale yellow ; capsule arcuate, oblong, greenish brown, faintly striate, finally blackish ; lid with a very long and slender beak. Male flower gemmiform, among the tomentum of the stem. Hab. Woods in mountain districts, not unfrequent. Fr. late summer. One of the finest species of the genus, almost always readily known by its tall lax stems with regularly falcate leaves, larger and longer than in D. scoparium, the only plant with which it is likely to be confused. When in fruit the aggregate capsules on pale slender setse are unmistakeable ; tall barren forms of D. scoparium may occasionally resemble it, but the leaves of that plant are always shorter, and usually less regularly falcate, the areolation rather wider and more pellucid, more distinctly chlorophyllose, looser at base, and the tufts denser. I have however seen forms of D. majus which it is extremely difficult, in the absence of fruit, to separate from D. scoparium. D. majus, unlike its near allies, is not a very variable species. 12. Dicranum fuscescens Turn. (Tab. XVIII. E.). Usually robust, 1-4 inches high, dull or yellowish green, tomentose. Leaves rather closely set, more or less secund or sometimes strongly falcato-secund, when dry distinctly crisped, especially the upper ones, from an oblong-lanceolate base gradually narrowed to a long flexuose channelled subula ; nerve somewhat variable in breadth, l width of leaf at base, or some- times wider, closely denticulate at back above, often excurrent in a more or less strongly toothed point; margin usually strongly denticulate above, but sometimes entire or nearly so, occasionally slightly recurved; cells at angles lax, quadrate, brown, narrower towards the nerve, forming distinct coloured auricles ; other basal cells elongate, linear, 3-8 times as long as broad, with the cell- walls more or less interrupted by pores ; in the upper part of the leaf base becoming shorter and more or less quadrate, or irregular, angular, at apex often rather larger and elliptical- rhomboid ; upper cells usually very strongly papillose at back, but variable in this respect, and sometimes quite smooth. Capsule on a long rather stout seta, inclined, gibbous, arcuate, greenish brown till ripe, finally reddish brown, striate, when dry and empty sulcate, constricted below the mouth in front; lid longly subulate, oblique. Var. /3. falcifolium Braithw. Densely tufted, deep green ; leaves all falcato-secund, shorter and less attenuated above. Var. y. congestum Husnot (D. congestum Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) Leaves broader, the nerve narrower, the subula lessno DICRANACE^. elongate, less serrate at margins and back, smooth or only faintly papillose. Upper cells larger, longer, sinuosely elliptic-rhomboid; not short, quadrate and angular. Var. S. flexicaule Wils. (D. congestum var. fiexicaule B. & S., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) Stem elongated, 4-8 inches, decumbent at base, hardly tomentose; leaves lax, long, falcato- secund ; areolation as in var. y congestum. Var. e. robustum B. & S. Tall, robust, resembling D. scoparium, hardly radiculose ; dull green above, blackish brown below; leaves hardly secund, broad, concave, shining, almost entire, areolation as in var. congestum. Hab. Among grass and upon rocks, on mountains, frequent. The vars. /3, 5, more rare. The var. y very rare ; Ben Lawers. Fr. autumn. A very difficult and variable specie^ ; the leaves may be smooth or highly papil- lose, entire at margin or closely denticulate, narrow or broad at the base ; the fruit varies in colour, in the amount of striation, in direction, and in form from broadly ovate to narrowly cylindric. The form that must be looked upon as typical has very narrow elongated flexuose leaves, from a narrow base, with rather broad, thick nerve, about -i- width of base, highly denticulate at back and margins above, with the cells spinosely papillose; areolation quickly becoming shortly rectangffiar and almost quadrate at the upper part of the leaf-base, rather regularly arranged, and more or less uniform from thence to the apex, or somewhat elongated above ; in the var. congestum the leaves are less elongated and flexuose, the nerve narrower and leaf-base wider, and the cells, instead of quickly becoming short and sub-quadrate in the upper part of the leaf-base, become very gradually shorter, elliptical, and sinuose, and it is only quite high up in the subula that they become short, irregularly rhomboid or elliptic, at the apex sometimes much elongated and larger ; in no part does it show the minute more or less regularly sub-quadrate cells of typical D. fuscescens. I have not, however, found the characters other than that of the areolation ascribed to D. congestum by Braithwaite either constant in or peculiar to the congestum form, and I do not think it can properly be accorded a higher rank than a variety. I gathered it, for instance, very distinct in areolation and form of leaf-base, on the summit of Ben Lawers in 1893, but with longer leaves much more narrowed above, than in the plant described and figured by Braithwaite. Several other varieties have been described, of greater or less importance; the var. robustum, approaching D. scoparium in habit, with taller, stouter, hardly tomentose stems, the leaves scarcely secund, is probably British. D. fuscescens may be recognised from D. scoparium by the narrower leaves more crisped when dry, and the minute upper areolation. It much resembles D. Scottianum, in some of its forms, but the basal areolation is longer, with the cell walls perforated by pores, and the upper part of the leaf is almost always more or less papillose and denticulate ; the form of the capsule distinguishes the species further, but this is often absent, especially in D. Scottiamim. C. APORODICTYON. 13. Dicranum Scottianum Turn. (D. Scottii Turn., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XVIII. F.). Robust, in dense large rounded tufts, 1-3 inches high, dull or yellowish green, tomentose. Leaves crowded, larger than in theDICRANUM. Ill allied species of this Section, rather rigid, glossy, slightly twisted and appressed when dry, patent and subsecund when moist, from an oblong base gradually linear-lanceolate, broader than in any of the following species in the upper half, quite entire or with only a few very obscure denticulations at the apex j nerve a~J width of base, thick, shortly excurrent, smooth above, areolation at angles large, orange brown, forming distinct auricles ; above these, almost from the base, the cells are very small, narrow-linear or rhomboid, 2-4 times as long as broad, quickly becoming shorter, elliptic-rhomboid; in the upper part as wide as long, rounded, quadrate, or irregular, very small; all golden yellow or pellucid, with rather thick walls, smooth at back. Capsule sub-cylindric, erect, straight or slightly curved, subplicate when dry. Peristome teeth short, only slightly cleft at apex, fragile. Hab. Rocks in subalpine regions ; not common. Fruit rare, late summer. A fine species, larger than its allies, with stouter dense-leaved stems; closely resembling D. fuscescens, but with entire leaves, and with the basal areolation usually shorter, the cell-walls not porose, the upper cells not papillose ; the leaves are also shorter in the subula, more densely crowded and less flexuose when dry. It is very near D. fulvum, a continental species, which however has denticulate leaves and still shorter, chlorophyllose cells. 14. Dicranum elongatum Schleich. (Tab. XVIII. G.). In very compact neat tufts, densely tomentose, yellowish green, 3-6 inches high. Stems straight, with the leaves erect and appressed when dry, the upper very little twisted ; erecto-patent or slightly secund when moist, straight, rather small and short; from an oblong-lanceolate base linear-subulate, ending in a very narrow, acute, but not very elongate or flexuose point, canaliculate above, entire or very faintly toothed at apex ; nerve narrow and rather ill-defined below, excurrent; angular cells large, orange, forming distinct auricles ; basal cells linear, incrassate, with the cell-walls porose, above shorter, elliptic, in the upper part of the leaf minute, oval. Capsule small, greenish brown, subcernuous, ovate and gibbous, rarely shortly oval, erect and symmetrical (var. orthocarpum C.M.) ; peristome teeth irregular. Hab. Mountains; rocks and wet places, very rare. Scotch Alps. Cheviots. Fr. late summer. Easily known by its yellowish green very dense tufts with straight, slender stems interwoven with reddish tomentum. In the leaf it is almost a miniature of D. fuscescens, but is known from the ordinary form by the smaller almost entire leaves. Several allied species have been described on the Continent and in N. America.112 DICRANACE^E. 15. Dicranum strictum Schleich. (Tab. XIX. A.). Slender, in bright or yellowish green tufts, resembling D. jiagellare, but with the stems fragile, the leaves erect or spread- ing, straight or slightly flexuose when dry, not crisped, very fragile, with the apex usually broken off; from a narrow lanceolate base finely canaliculate-subulate, entire or almost so, nerve narrow at base, about \ of width of leaf, smooth at back above ; cells at angles lax, brown or hyaline, forming moderately distinct auricles ; usually, but not always, a few narrower cells intervene between these and the nerve; basal cells elongate- rectangular, thin-walled, 4-8 times as long as broad, gradually becoming shorter above, very shortly rectangular or almost quadrate near the summit, smooth at back. Capsule oblong- cylindric, rather small, smooth ; lid subulate, straight. Hab. Old rails and trunks of trees, rarely on walls ; very rare, and sterile in Britain. Near Abbot’s Bromley, Stafford (Bloxam) ; Bathfield Park, Staffs., etc., ( Bagnall). Bloxam’s plant was recorded as D. viride, and is described by Braithwaite and our other authors under that name. Mr. Bagnall has however kindly sent me one of Bloxam’s original specimens, together with specimens gathered by himself in one or two other localities in the same district (one from a mud-capped wall near Alton, Staffs. !), and an original type specimen of Sullivant’s of D. viride (Campylopus viridis Lesq. and Sull.) ; and after carefully comparing these and other specimens of D. strictum and D. viride, I have no hesitation in saying that all our British specimens belong to D. strictum. In D. viride the areolation of the whole leaf, almost to the auricles, is very small, firm and short, the cells even close to the base being hardly twice as long as wide, and almost all are chlorophyllose. On the other hand D. strictum has a much longer areolation throughout at least the greater part of the leaf, all the cells of the leaf-base being elongated, and for a long distance upwards from the base free of chlorophyll. All our plants agree exactly with the latter, with perhaps a slightly less clear demarcation of the basal auricles. The basal cells are quite a§ long and narrow throughout the whole expanded part of the leaf, and show no approach to the short, chlorophyllose, firmer-walled cells of D. viride. Husnot gives a further distinction, viz., that the wide auricular cells of D. viride extend to the nerve, while those of D. strictum do not occupy the whole width of the lamina, a few rows of narrower cells intervening between them and the nerve ; I am inclined to doubt whether this distinc- tion is a perfectly constant one ; but so far as it goes it distinctly supports the view taken here, our British plants never showing the auricles extending markedly to the nerve as in D. viride. The leaves too, though slightly crisped when dry, are .much less so than in that species, and even the amount of curling which is present is chiefly accounted for by the plants being for the most part young. Mr. Bagnall’s later gathering, from Alton, in which the plants are older, show the typical straight, rigid leaves of D. strictum. Bloxam’s specimen is mixed with a little Dicranoweisia cirrata, and it seems just possible that a leaf or two of this may have been examined with the Dicranum, and have given rise to a supposition that the basal areolation w*as variable in character ; at any rate the cells in that species have a marked resemblance to those of D. viride, although the basal angular cells are less distinct. It may be noted that quite recently, indeed since the above was written, M. Camus has published a. paper showing that the French plant, hitherto recorded as D. viride, from Coetquen (Cotes-du-Nord), is really D. strictum, a species which he remarks has hitherto been considered absent from the lowlands of middle Europe.DICRANUM. “3 D. fragilijolium Lindb., another very brittle-leaved plant, is nearer D. fuscescens and D. elongatum, with the lower cell-walls distinctly porose; it is found in Scandinavia and N. America. N.B.—In the plate representing this species (Tab. XIX. A.) one or two slight errors have crept in ; the single denticulation in the magnified apex of the leaf (i a) has become enlarged in the process of lithographing and is a little too strongly shown. The plate also shows the areolation near the base of D. viride (for vitide read viride), as well as that of D. strictum, for purposes of comparison. 16. Dicranum flagellar© Hedw. (Tab. XIX. B.). In close tufts, 1-2 inches high, bright or yellowish green, radiculose, frequently emitting numerous axillary, erect, straight flagellee with minute leaves. Leaves curved, subsecund, crisped when dry, from an oblong base gradually narrowed to a linear- subulate tubular acumen, slightly denticulate at and near the apex; nerve narrow but variable, usually width of base, not excur- rent, slightly denticulate at back near apex ; angular cells wide, quadrate, yellowish brown, reaching to or almost to the nerve ; above rather loosely rectangular, becoming shortly rectangular in the limb, towards the summit quadrate or nearly so, irregular, angular, smooth at back. Capsule elongate, cylindric, symmetrical or faintly curved, striate when dry, lid subulate, oblique. Hab. Rotten tree trunks, very rare. Sterile in Britain. On the Continent this is a not unfrequent species, and its rarity here is therefore somewhat remarkable. The flagelliform ramuli are not always present. It is then much like D. montanum, but that species forms neater rounded cushions usually (in this country at least) on living trees, and has the leaves papillose at back, more denticulate above and more closely and strongly crisped when dry. From D. strictum it differs in the hardly fragile, denticulate leaves, the latter character also separating it from D. Scottianum, which also has much smaller, more rounded areolation. 17. Dicranum montanum Hedw. (Tab. XIX. C.). In small dense rounded cushions, bright or dark green, hardly i inch high. Leaves spreading or subsecund, strongly crisped when dry, rather shorter and smaller than in the last species, from a lanceolate base gradually narrow-linear, less acutely subulate, slightly tubular above, distinctly denticulate towards apex at margin and on the back of the nerve which is narrow, about £ width of base, not excurrent ; cells at angles not much enlarged, hyaline or brown, the other basal cells narrowly hexagonal-rectangular, thin-walled, above shorter, in the upper part sub-quadrate, strongly papillose. Capsule oblong- cylindric, erect or slightly curved, finally plicate. Hab. Roots and trunks of trees in woods, etc. ; rare. Sterile in Britain. IDICRANACEiE 114 The distinctly papillose and strongly denticulate shorter leaves, much crisped when dry, abundantly distinguish this plant from the allied species. The margin is frequently minutely denticulate almost to the base by the projecting transverse walls of the ceils. The apex is wider than in the preceding species or indeed than any of this section. The small deep green cushions with strongly crisped leaves are not unlike those of Dicranoweisia cirrata, but under a strong lens the denticulations of the subula are apparent. 18. Dicranum uncinatum C. M. (Thysanomitriuvi uncin- atum Harv.; Dicranodontium circinatum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XIX. D.). Golden green, in lax patches, 2-5 inches high, robust. Leaves glossy, laxly placed, regularly falcato-secund, in the upper part of the stem circinate, hardly altered when dry; the upper very long, from a short, broadly oblong sheathing base, hardly | the length of the leaf, quickly contracted into a lanceolate-subulate channelled limb, which gradually narrows to a long setaceous point. Nerve width of base, very thin, of three layers of small cells, at apex finely denticulate at back, excurrent in a spinulose arista; margin at base entire, near the summit finely denticulate. Angular cells wide, very thin and hyaline or pale brown, occupying all the base to the nerve, very distinctly marked in the older leaves from the rest of the cells ; above these the cells are golden green, the median widely rectangular with dark walls, gradually narrowing upwards, the outer in several rows of very narrow linear cells forming a broad marginal ba?id becom- ing wider as it passes upwards; about the shoulder of the leaf- base the cells become uniform, narrow-linear, obscure, continuing so to the summit, a single marginal row usually being rhomboid or elliptical with projecting oblique walls forming minute denticula- tions which become more distinct towards the apex. Seta short, flexuose or straight; capsule erect, cylindric, dark brown; peristome teeth cleft half way, the divisions subulate. Hab. Mountain rocks and grassy places, rare. Fruit very rare, not found in Britain. A very fine plant, resembling a small form of D. majus in aspect. It differs from D. longifolium in the narrower nerve of very different structure, and in the larger size and more robust habit. D. asperulum is very nearly allied, but differs in the less falcate more flexuose leaves, the margin sharply and closely denticulate from the base of the limb, etc. The distinctive areolation of the leaf base is best seen in the older leaves, and their rich and varied colour makes them a beautiful object under the microscope. The calyptra appears to be slightly fringed at base, in this respect showing an approach to Campylopus.DICRANUM. 115 19. Dicranum asperulum Mitt. (Dicranum aristatum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XIX. E.). In paler, more silky tufts than the last species, less robust and less glossy; stems very slender. Leaves erecto-flexuose or falcate, from an oblong-lanceolate sheathing base, rather longer in proportion to the length of the leaf, narrowed to a fine channelled setaceous subula ; margin from the middle of the leaf- base upwards densely and strongly denticulate; nerve about width of base, at back above with several serrate ridges, excurrent into a densely spinulose arista; angular cells lax, hyaline, reaching to the nerve ; above rather laxly rectangular, chlorophyllose, narrower towards margin, decreasing in width upwards, in the upper part resembling those of the last species but shorter and less obscure. Seta straight, capsule oval- cylindric, erect. Peristome teeth cleft half-way. Hab. Sandstone rocks on mountains. Rare. Sterile in Britain. A somewhat variable plant, and occasionally coming very near the last species ; usually however the much closer denticulation of the margin, from very near the base of the leaf, and the very rough arista, together with the more slender habit and smaller, less regularly falcate leaves, will distinguish it. The auricles also are some- what wider and more distinct. There is a tendency towards the same peculiarity in the basal areolation, but it is not nearly so marked. It resembles Dicranodontium longirostre even more closely, but the same characters will usually separate the two, and the auricles of the latter plant are more distinct and the nerve rather wider. This and the preceding species resemble Dicranodontium in the habit and the leaves, and have been included in that genus ; but the capsule and peristome are quite dicranoid. 20. Dicranum longifolium Ehrh. (Tab. XIX. F.). Slender, in pale, bright green, soft, silky tufts, stems ascend- ing, here and there geniculate. Leaves long, falcato-secund, hardly crisped when dry, from a lanceolate base longly subulate- setaceous, tubular above; nerve very broad, or more width of base, widening a little just above the line of insertion, occupying all the upper part of the leaf, remotely denticulate above at back, more closely at apex, in section of three rows of nearly equal, empty, hyaline cells; margin slightly denticulate above; angular cells lax, hyaline or brownish, reaching to nerve, above hexagonal- rectangular, decreasing in size upwards, to narrowly elliptical or linear. Capsule erect, straight or incurved, cylindric, smooth. Hab. Mountains, rare. Sterile in Britain. Distinct from all the other British species in the great width of the nerve, render- ing the leaf-bases pale and shining, and therefore not likely to be taken for any other under the microscope; in habit however it is much like forms of D. fuscescens, andn6 DICRANACE^E. is hardly to be recognised certainly by the eye alone, though the leaves are more finely setaceous than in that and most other species. D. albicans B. & S., a continental species, has a still wider nerve, occupying the greater part of the leaf-base ; indeed leaving hardly any margin, and in this respect forming a transition to Leucobryum. D. Sauteri B. & S. is described by Braithwaite as British,but its authority is doubtful, being confined to unnamed specimens found in a herbarium mixed with other mosses labelled as from Brxmar. In addition to this uncertainty there is considerable doubt whether D. Sauteri is anything more than a var. of D. longifolium ; the only important differences being the more sparing denticulation and the considerably narrower nerve, ■| width of base ; several observers have found, however, that the former character is not constant, and the Marchese Bottini states that he has found both plants growing together, with many intermediate forms as regards even the width of nerve. I have hardly felt justified, therefore, in retaining it as a species, whether or not it is actually a British plant. Tribe 7. Leucobryeae. 27. LEUCOBRYUM Hampe. Mosses of a peculiar habit, growing in dense white or glaucous tufts, with close tumid foliation. Leaves composed, entirely of the nerve with the exception of a few rows on each side (principally near the base) of very thin hyaline cells ; nerve of two or more layers of large rectangular hyaline cells, their internal walls perforated with large circular pores, with a central layer of narrow chlorophyllose cells. Calyptra, capsule and peristome dicranoid. The species of this genus are for the most part tropical, and bear some superficial resemblance to Sphagnum in their colour and their hygroscopic properties ; they are, however, intimately allied to the Dicranaceae, and between them and species of Dicranum such as D. longifolium and D. albicans, or, as far as the leaves are concerned, C. fragilis in Campylopus, there is practically no difference in structure of any real importance except the pores in the cell-walls of the nerve. {Tall; leaves 2-4 lines long ; capsule arcuate, strumose .1. glaucum Short; leaves 1-2 lines long, thin ; capsule almost erect, hardly strumose r* albidum 1. Leucobryum glaucum Schp. (Tab. XIX. H.). In very dense soft tufts or patches, 2-8 inches high; pale glaucous green above, whitish below. Stems dichotomously forked, robust, without radicles, very fragile. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent or slightly secund, appressed when dry, entire, tubular from the incurved margins, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate from an oval base, contracted at the insertion; formed almostLEUCOBRYUM. 117 entirely of the broad thick nerve, with 2-6 rows of very thin hyaline, rectangular or linear cells on each side, forming a pale inconspicuous band widest below and vanishing at about half-way up the leaf or higher; the apex either acute or rather obtuse with a short apiculus. Dioicous; capsule variously exserted, on a dark brown seta, inclined, more or less arcuate, small, castaneous, oblong or cylindric, striate, when dry furrowed, strumose. Peristome deep red, dicranoid. Lid longly rostrate. Male plants in distinct tufts, more slender, flowers terminal. Hab. Heaths and woods on turfy ground. Common. Fruit rare, all through the winter months. The apical leaves often produce at their tips a tuft of radicles, whence are developed a cluster of minute plants, these subsequently falling off and giving rise, to new colonies. Minute, lanceolate leaves are often found among the ordinary ones. When dry the plants lose much of their green colour, becoming almost white. The capsules are small for the size of the plant. * Leucobryum albidum Lindb. (Dicranum albidum Brid.; L. minus Hampe., Braithw. Br. M. FI., Vol. I., Suppl.) (Tab. XIX. G.). Much smaller than the above species, in dwarf, very dense tufts. Leaves crowded, shorter, narrower, more acute, less spreading. Capsule slightly inclined, almost symmetrical, scarcely strumose. Hab. New Forest ( Pijjard). This plant has been variously ranked as a variety of Z. glaucum and as a species, but I am convinced that it is hardly deserving of specific rank. The New Forest plant, of which I have a specimen, through the kindness of Dr. Braithwaite, is very distinct in its minute capsules, only slightly curved, and the general smallness of its parts ; but even there the leaves are variable in width, and the neck of the capsule is distinctly unequal and prominent, almost amounting to a struma. Moreover, in specimens from the U.S.A., sent by Mrs. Britton, the plants, though slender and small- leaved, are taller, and the capsule is exactly that of Z. glaucum. And further, I have gathered a plant in the New Forest, which, while named Z. glaucum by Dr. Braith- waite, much resembles the smaller form, and in the capsules, indeed, comes certainly nearer Piffard’s plant than does the above-mentioned American one ; in fact, it con- stitutes an intermediate link. On the whole, I do not think the characters of Z. albidum are sufficiently marked or constant to warrant its maintenance as a species. Another plant (L. pumilum Britton), which was formerly confused with this sub- species under the name of Z. jninus Hpe. is found in the Southern States of America and is a very pretty, still smaller species, with extremely short leaves, very beautifully and regularly imbricated in eight rows. According to Lesquereux and James (Manual of N. A Mosses) L. albidufn differs from Z. glaucum in its time of fruiting, which is said to be in summer, not in winter. In Pififard’s New Forest plant, however, which was gathered in April, the capsules are ripe and appear to have just lost their lids, and there can hardly be any difference between the two. On the other hand the fruiting plants of Z. glaucum which I gathered in the same neighbourhood, were just ripe in July ; and evidently no reliance can be placed on this character.ii8 FISSIDENTACEiE. Order VII. FISSIDENTACEyE. Plants with truly distichous, vertically placed leaves, in one plane; in all the British species more or less oblong-lanceolate, and equitant or clasping the stem, the basal part of the upper side of the limb being as it were split to the nerve into two laminae ; the cells hexagonal or rounded. Fruit lateral or terminal, exserted, small, peristome dicranoid. The plants of this Order belong with one or two exceptions to the large genus Fissidens,—Conomitrium and Octodiceras being by many authors considered as sub-genera—and, although very variable in size, possess a uniform habit by which they are readily known, and indeed form one of the most natural of the Orders of mosses. 28. FISSIDENS Hedw. The diagnosis given above includes the most important characters of the genus; to this it may be added that the fruit somewhat resembles that of Dicranella, but is always smooth, not striate ; the peristome is usually very densely and highly papillose, the papillae often tending to take a spiral arrangement, instead of being in vertical lines, and the divisions are subulate, straighter and more rigid than is usual in Dicranum. The position of the male inflorescence is exceedingly variable, and in the descriptions as well as in the arrangement of the species I have paid little heed to this character. The synonymy of the various species, especially of the more minute ones, is exceedingly involved and complicated; I have for the most part followed Braithwaite in his original nomenclature (Brit. M. FI., Vol. I., pp. 67-80), as being on the whole the most rational. I have used almost the same terms as Braithwaite in designating the different parts of the leaf, indicating by ‘ sheathing laminae ’ the conduplicate portion, by 1 superior lamina ’ the part of the leaf beyond the sheathing laminae on the upper side of the nerve, by ‘ inferior lamina ’ the whole of the lamina on the lower side of the nerve. The nerve itself will in most of the species be found to reach just to the apex, where it often becomes confluent with the cells of the thickened border when that is present. The calyptra is small and cucullate, but occasionally it may be mitriform, and more rarely quite entire at the base ; but these differences do not appear to mark any important divergence of types. The areolation of the lowest leaves on the stem is usually laxer than that of the upper ones.FISSIDENS. ug j / Leaves with distinct hyaline border (seta terminal)...........................2 \ Leaves without hyaline 2/Male inflorescence axillary ; nerve usually percurrent, and forming a mucro.....3 \Male inflorescence basal or terminal; nerve rarely reaching apex..............5 / Tufts matted with red radicles......................................6* Curnowii •*\Stem not radiculose .............................................................4 {Plant small; leaf-border narrow ; on banks, &c.......................6. bryoides Plant larger ; Is. opaque, nerve and border thick ; on wet rocks ...7. rivularis /Plant small; border narrow, colourless..........................................6 ■)\ Plant taller ; border strong, coloured .......................................9 Capsule incurved, cernuous.....................................................7 /Capsule erect (or inclined), symmetric..........................................8 /Ls. 3 or 4 times as long as broad....................................4. incurvus ' \Ls. very short, about twice as long as broad ; capsule shorter...tamarindifolius g/Autoicous ; seta very short; ls. more or less uniform..............2. viridulns /Dioicous ; minute ; upper Is. longer and narrower, ensiform..........j. pusillus f Ls. bluntly acuminate, border yellowish, cells rather lax, not incrassate 9-] 8. crassipes /Ls. usually obtuse, nerve and border reddish, cells smaller, incrassate...g. rufulus / Plant minute, with only 3 or 4 pairs of leaves ; seta terminal ......../. exilis /Plant rather tall, with several pairs of leaves................................11 /Nerve excurrent in apiculus; seta from base of stem..................if. taxifolius \ Nerve ceasing below apex......................................................12 I2/Ls. entire, or obscurely toothed near apex.....................................13 /Ls. sharply toothed near apex, usually with paler marginal band ..............14 /Ls. scarcely I line long; seta terminal .........................10. osmundoides / Ls. 2-3 lines long, very numerous...............................12. polyphyllus /Cells obscure, about 6-8 fj.; marginal band conspicuous .............14. decipiens 4 / Cells clear, 10-12 ^ ; marginal band usually less marked .....................15 /Ls. ligulate, long; cells conically papillose ...................11. serrulatus ^/Ls. oblong ; cells scarcely prominent .............................if. adiantoides 1. Fissidens exilis Hedw. (F. Bloxami Wils.) (Tab. XX. A.). Minute, gregarious. Stem about i line long, simple, pro- cumbent ; leaves in 2-4 pairs, the lower very small, upper longer, oblong-ligulate, at apex acute or obtusely acuminate, not bordered, nerve rather thick, reaching to the apex ; sheathing laminae rather short, inferior lamina gradually narrowing downwards, ceasing distinctly above the insertion of the leaf; cells pellucid, 10-12 m wide, more or less regularly hexagonal, the marginal smaller in a regular series, with the transverse walls somewhat projecting so that the margin is regularly crenulate, usually more strongly so on the sheathing lamina. Fruit terminal. Capsule minute, erect, symmetrical, elliptic, on a red seta rather long for the size of the plant (2-3 lines) ; lid acutely conical-rostellate, almost or quite as long as the capsule. Male flower minute, on a short radical or separate stem. Hab. Woods and shady banks. Not common. Fr. winter.120 FISSIDENTACE/E. One of the smallest species, and often more conspicuous from the red tinge of the setae than from the stem and leaves. Under the microscope it comes nearest in structure to F. viridulus var. Lylei, but that plant always has a distinct border of narrow cells to the sheathing laminae, and usually shows indications, in other parts of the leaf-margin, of a similar structure, of which there is no trace in the present plant; it cannot, thus examined, be mistaken for any other species. In the field the longer, red seta will distinguish it from the above plant, and from other forms of F. viridulus, the erect capsule from F. incurvus, and the small size from most of the other species ; F. pusillus is more difficult to distinguish, but has usually a paler seta, and more numerous leaves, the uppermost pair distinctly longer. 2. Fissidens viridulus Wahl. (Dicranum viridulum Swartz.) (Tab. XX. B.). Very small, closely gregarious, bright green. Stems longer than in the last, the leaves usually more numerous, in 4-8 pairs, broader, oblong-lanceolate, acute, the sheathing laminae longer, inferior lamina reaching to the insertion or nearly so, nerve reaching apex, leaves bordered with a very narrow cartilaginous thickened margin of narrow-linear cells without chlorophyll, which becomes less distinct at the apex or disappears, often giving place to a few minute and obtuse denticulations. Areolation slightly smaller than in the last, about 8 /n wide. Calyptra occasionally entire at base. Capsule on a short terminal seta (about 2 lines), erect and symmetrical, more rarely inclined, occasionally slightly unequal, oval; lid conical-rostellate, short. Male inflorescence as in the last, occasionally synoicous. Var. ft. Lylei. (F. pusillus var. Lylei Wils., Braithw. Br. M. FI. p. 68; F. exiguus Sulk, opus cit. p. 81). Minute. Leaves in 3-6 pairs, less acute, border wanting except on the sheathinglaminse where it is usually distinct, or very faint on other parts of the leaf; capsule erect, or slightly inclined, short, oval. Hab. Clay banks, and rocks in shady places. Frequent. The var. j8 rare. Fr. winter. This and the two following species are so closely allied, and are indeed separated by so few, unimportant characters, that the true positions of their various forms are very difficult to define, and, as has frequently been observed, it is doubtful whether they should not properly be united under a single specific type. The main points of difference between this and the next are the broader leaves in the present plant, more or less uniform in length in the upper part of the stem, and the somewhat larger size ; the inflorescence, too, is usually autoicous, while in that species the male plant is generally separate from the female and thus the plant is dioicous. All these characters, however, are variable. The var. Lylei, which is by several authors considered a separate species, is remarkable for its almost total absence of border to the leaves; I have, however, found several intermediate forms growing in the same localities, and in F. viridulus, indeed, the border is far from being uniform, and I have gathered specimens otherwise typical in which the border in the inferior lamina becomes very narrow and almost obsolete. I am compelled, therefore, to consider it as only a varietal form. The cells of the var. Lylei are, sometimes at least, slightly larger and more pellucid than in the type. I do not find the lid, as Mitten describes it, longer than in F. pusillus.FISSIDENS. 121 3. Fissidens pusillus Wils. (Tab. XX. C.). Closely resembling the last, but with the leaves much narrower and more acute, the uppermost pair especially being often much elongated, and slightly falcate in outline, the border slightly stronger, the inflorescence more frequently dioicous. Capsule erect or inclined; lid shortly rostellate. Peristome inserted below the mouth. Var. /3. madidus Spruce (F. minutulus Sull., Braithw. Br. M. FI., p. 81). Rather taller, with more numerous, longer and narrower leaves. Capsule rather narrower, lid longer, obliquely rostrate, sometimes as long as the capsule. Usually, but not always autoicous. Hab. Shady rocks, principally sandstone. Not uncommon. The var. $ on dripping rocks, rare. Fr. autumn. The long, narrow, very acute leaves distinguish this plant from F. viridulus, but specimens may often be found with the leaves broader and more approaching that plant. The cells are usually a little larger and more pellucid in F. pusillus. The brown radicular tomentum from which the stems springs is often very copiously pro- duced and conspicuous. It is rather curious that whereas F. viridulus is found on no particular matrix, the var. Lylei seems to be almost confined to chalk, and F. pusillus to sandstone rocks. I find, however, a plant on the oolitic limestone in Northampton- shire, which I can only refer to the present species, with smaller, still narrower leaves than the type, and with the border very faint and occasionally almost obsolete. 4. Fissidens incurvus Starke. (Tab. XX. D.). Resembling F. viridulus, but rather larger; leaves broadly oblong-lanceolate, rather obtuse and apiculate, narrowly bordered, more widely at base; seta longer, flexuose, bright red, capsule cernuous or horizontal, unequal, often arcuate, oval or shortly cylindric, larger. Male flower on a very short basal branch. Hab. Clay banks, etc. Frequent. Fr. winter. The form of the capsule is almost the only distinguishing feature between this and F. viridulus ; in its typical form it is quite a different looking plant, but forms occur with shorter, less curved capsules, and these must be looked upon as inter- mediate links. The fruit-stalk is usually taller, of a brighter red; when in fruit and closely tufted the plant bears a superficial resemblance to Dicranella varia. 5. Fissidens tamarindifolius Wils. (Hypnum tamarindifolium Don ; F. incurvus var. tamariiidifolius Braithw., Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XX. E.). Closely allied to F. incurvus, but very different in habit. Stems taller, slender, fasciculate at the base with barren shoots;122 FISSIDENTACE/E. leaves distant, very short, about twice as long as broad, oval- oblong, spreading and slightly recurved, apiculate, in 6-10 pairs ; cells a little more pellucid; fruit either terminal or lateral, on a stouter seta, shorter, peristome paler. Hab. Similar to the last, rare. Fr. winter. The differences in the fruit between this and the last are slight, but appear to be constant; and the very distinct form and arrangement of the leaves is so marked that the plant has certainly a better claim to specific position than many others which have been awarded that rank. The variation in the position of the fruit is similar to that in the var. inconstans of F. bryoides. 6. Fissidens bryoides Hedw. (Hypnum bryoides L.) (Tab. XX. F.). Very densely gregarious or tufted ; dark green, j-i inch high. Leaves in few or many pairs, oblong-lingulate, abruptly acuminate or rather obtuse and apiculate ; border strong, especially on the sheathing laminae; at apex continuous and confluent with the nerve or becoming faint and almost disappearing, with a few obscure denticulations ; inferior lamina distinct to base. Cells about the same as in the three previous species, obscure, rounded- hexagonal, 8-10 fi. wide. Autoicous; male inflorescence con- spicuous in the axils of the leaves, the antheridia naked or more frequently bracteate. Seta red, terminal, capsule erect, symmet- rical ; lid acutely conical, peristome highly papillose. Var. /?. intermedius Ruthe. Leaves less acuminate, with shorter and wider points, the inferior lamina not continued to base, often ceasing half-way down the leaf, border narrower, sometimes almost obsolete on the superior and inferior laminae; male flowers very minute and inconspicuous. Hab. Clay banks, woods, etc., common. The var. ft, Sussex; Dublin. Fr. winter. The axillary male flowers form the character by which this species is most readily recognised from its allies ; these are, however, sometimes very minute, and very rarely the male flower is found on a radical branch, according to Braithwaite ; in such cases it is known from all the preceding species by its larger size, more distinct border, symmetrical capsule, and continuous, almost decurrent inferior lamina of the leaves ; the nerve also is as a rule more percurrent, usually passing into the apiculus. F. inconstans Schp., found by Boswell in Oxfordshire, and later by Bagnall in Warwick- shire, is now generally admitted to be a form or sport rather than a permanent variety, far less a separate species ; and this is supported by the fact that similar variations occur in other species, e.g , F. tamarindifolius. In this form the fruit is sometimes terminal, sometimes lateral, the two conditions sometimes occurring on the same stem; at other times it is basal, while the position of the male flower is equally variable. In other respects it is similar to F. bryoides. The var. intermedius is peculiar in habit, the short inferior lamina giving it a very singular appearance.FISSIDENS. 133 F. Orrii Lindb. (F. tcquendamensis Mitt.) must, I think, undoubtedly be excluded as an introduction ; its main feature is the longly excurrent nerve. * Fissidens Curnowii Mitt. (F. bryoides var ca;spi tans Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XX. G.). Taller, 1-2 inches, soft, caespitose, often very densely and compactly tufted, bright glaucous green above, pale red or whitish below; stems clothed with red radicles. Leaves very numerous, rather narrower and often more acute ; the border variable, but, with the nerve, usually strong, white and shining when dry. Capsule small, slightly inclined and unequal, often hidden by the upper leaves of the innovations. Hab. Cliffs and caves, principally near the sea; rare. South-west England ; North Wales. Very noticeable in size, colour, and mode of growth, of a more delicate texture than F. bryoides, and with the capsule distinctly asymmetric ; I do not, however, find the other characters sometimes given, as to width of limb, form of leaf, etc., by any means constant. I have also several times found intermediate forms difficult to determine, in the absence of fruit. Mitten places it under the Section with the “ male fl. either basal or terminal,” but in all the specimens I have examined (some of them plants of Curnow’s own gathering and verified by Braithwaite) they are axillary, and no less conspicuous than in F. bryoides. The presence of abundant radicles on the stem is an unusual feature in this genus. 7. Fissidens rivularis Spruce. (Tab. XX. H.). Allied to F. bryoides, but taller, |-i inch high, dull green, not radiculose. Leaves long, crowded, elongate-lingulate, broad at apex or narrowly acute; border very thick and yellowish, con- tinuous to apex as is also the nerve, which runs out into a point, forming with the borders a stout mucro ; areolation very dense and opaque, distinctly smaller than in F. bryoides, 6-8 /t wide, not incrassate. Capsule on a terminal slender flexuose seta, erect or slightly inclined, symmetrical, similar to that of F. bryoides. Male flowers axillary, as in the latter species. Hab. Wet rocks by springs and waterfalls. Very rare. Fairlight Glen, Hastings. Fr. winter. A very distinct species, separated from the following ones by the axillary male inflorescence and the minute areolation, from F. bryoides by the more robust habit, the smaller opaque, chlorophyllose cells, and the very thick, solid border. F. Curnowii is a more delicate plant with narrower border and thinner, more pellucid areolation. The strong border and nerve are obvious with a lens, especially in the dry state, but it would be difficult to distinguish F. rivularis in the field from F. rufulus and F. crassipes, except perhaps by the stout rigid mucro of the leaves, which are wanting in the red tinge so often found in those plants. According to my experience, the fruit is only just ripe in January. The plant appears to have become destroyed in Holmes’ original station, but has turned up in several other spots in Fairlight Glen, so that fortunately it is not likely to be lost.124 FISSIDENTACE/95. 8. Fissidens crassipes Wils. (F. viridulus var. fontanus Braithw., Br. M. FI., p. 71) (Tab. XX. I.). In dark green dense tufts, often submerged, tall, §-2 inches long, rather rigid, often emitting tufts of red radicles from the axils of the leaves. Leaves oblong-ligulate, shortly and obtusely acuminate at summit, border thick, vanishing below the minutely serrulate apex, often irregularly nodulose or denticulate, frequently tinged with red; nerve thick, reddish, vanishing in the apex. Cells large, 12-18 n wide, rather lax and irregular, with thin walls, deep green with chlorophyll and opaque. Dioicous. Male inflorescence terminal, conspicuous. Fruit terminal, on a short, thick, reddish flexuose and often geniculate seta, erect or inclined; lid acutely conical. Spores twice as large as in F. viridulus. Hab. Stones in streams, especially in calcareous districts. Not common. Fr. late autumn. Although by many authors this is united to F. viridulus, it appears to be a good species, differing not only in the much larger, opaque cells, but also in the form of the leaf apex, which in this is bluntly triangular, sometimes almost rounded, but in the smaller plant is acute and often apiculate. The seta is also thicker, and this must not be looked upon as a necessary consequence of its aquatic habit, since in F. rivularis, equally aquatic, it is particularly slender. It is much nearer F. rufulus, and indeed can sometimes hardly be separated except by the larger, thin-walled cells. I find it abundantly fruiting in Northamptonshire with the capsules exceedingly polymorphous both as to form and direction, sometimes being arcuate as in F. incurvus. The apex of the leaf is frequently eroded and may thus appear to be more obtuse than is really the case. 9. Fissidens rufulus B. & S. (Tab. XX. J.). Resembling the last, but with the leaves slightly shorter, broader and more obtuse, almost always with some tinge of red, especially on the nerve and border of the older leaves. Cells smaller, incrassate, more regularly hexagonal, rather obscure but less so than in F. crassipes. Fruit terminal on a paler, more slender seta, the capsule more regular ; lid variable. Hab. Stones in mountain streams; very rare. Fruit late summer, rare. The incrassate cells are the chief character by which this may be known from the last. As occurs in other mosses with a somewhat solid leaf texture, the thickening of the cell-walls takes place in the interior of the leaf rather than on the surface, hence if the microscope is focussed on the surface they do not appear incrassate, and their true character is often only seen on focussing lower down. In the present case the thickening matter is so deposited that the cell-lumen is left rounded, while the actual form of the original cell (as it still appears on the surface) is rectilinear and more or less hexagonal. This is best seen in the older leaves ; in the younger ones the cells are rendered rather obscure by chlorophyll granules. The fruiting characters must certainly be considered untrustworthy, as however constant they may be in the present plant (though there is considerable discrepancy in the various descriptions) similarFISSIDENS. 125 forms may with certainty be looked for in the variable F. crassipes. Fruiting specimens gathered by the Rev. H. G. Jameson in the R. Wharfe (from which the above description of the fruit is taken) do not agree with the descriptions of either Braith- waite or Boulay ; they have the cells however less incrassate than usual, and possibly are not typical F. rufulus, but they certainly cannot be referred to the last or to any other of our species. 10. Fissidens osmundoides Hedw. (Dicranum osmundoides Sw.) (Tab. XX. K.). Tall, in dense tufts, very compact at the base, 2-6 inches high, bright or yellowish green ; stems slender, branched, radiculose. Leaves short, broadly Ungulate, abruptly narrowed at apex and apiculate, or broadly pointed; sheathing laminae more than half the length of the leaf, broad; inferior lamina reaching nearly to the base of the leaf, often abruptly ceasing; areolation larger than in any of the foregoing species, 14-20 //. wide (but often much smaller even in leaves from the same stem), more regularly hexagonal-rounded, incrassate, a single row at margin smaller and often paler or discoloured, but without a thickened border of narrow cells ; a row or two on each side of the nerve also often paler and more pellucid ; nerve ceasing some distance below the apex; margin faintly and regularly crenulate with the projecting cells, which are also turgid and prominent at the back of the leaf. Seta terminal, purple ; capsule rather small, narrow-oblong, erect or slightly inclined, thick-walled, dark coloured ; calyptra mitriform, lobed at the base, or cucullate ; lid long, rostrate. Dioicous ; male flower terminal. Hab. Wet rocks and mountain slopes. Not common. Fr. summer. Quite distinct from any of the other terminal-fruited species in the tall, slender growth and non-bordered leaves. It is more likely, in the absence of fruit, to be confused with one of the following species, especially F. taxifolius and F. decipiens, the latter of which it much resembles in habit; the former will be easily known by its shorter stems and narrower leaves with the nerve percurrent or even excurrent; and F. decipiens by its longer, serrated leaves with broad margin of paler cells, and much smaller areolation. The cells in this species vary considerably in size, even on the same stem, but ordinarily they are of about the dimensions given above, or even larger in the lower leaves of the stem ; the smaller cells appear indeed to be confined to the upper leaves. 11. Fissidens serrulatus Brid. (Tab. XX. L.). Loosely tufted, pale green, robust; stems simple or branched at the base, 1-3 inches high, erect. Leaves very large, crowded, longer towards the top of the stem, broadly lijigulate, sometimes 5 inch in length, straight, solid; at apex shortly acuminate or acute, the tip often irregular and turned to one side, unequally126 FISSIDENTACE/E. serrate; nerve rather thick, vanishing at apex ; cells rather large, 10-15 /i, incrassate, often in two strata ; highly papillose with broad conical protuberances, hexagonal-rounded, at margin with about four rows of thinner, paler or yellowish cells, less chlorophyllose and more incrassate, forming a more or less distinct pale marginal band to the leaf, regularly crenulate ; inferior lamina wide and ceasing abruptly at base. Dioicous ; male flowers axillary or terminal, large, conspicuous ; fruit terminal, seta stout, yellowish, flexuose; capsule inclined, oblong, dark brown, thick-walled. Hab. Damp banks by streams, and rocks. Very rare ; near Penzance. The male plant alone has been found in this country. It is a very rare European species, but grows and fruits abundantly in Teneriffe. From its large size it can only be confused with the following species, or with very robust forms of F. adiantoides ; the latter however never equals it in the length of the leaves, and the cells are larger and much less papillose. F. polyphyllus differs in the characters detailed under that species, of which this is by some writers considered a variety. 12. Fissidens polyphyllus Wils. (Tab. XX. M.). Very robust and tall, 3-/2 inches long, deep green, rigid, stems often prostrate or pendent, radiculose. Leaves crowded, sometimes slightly falcate, incurved and flexuose when dry, narrowly lingulate-lanceolate, very long, without any distinct band of marginal cells, obtusely pointed, minutely crenulate all round, or with a few obscure serratures at point; nerve thick, rather broad; inferior lamina more narrowed at base, less abruptly ceasing; cells as in F. serrulatus but smooth or only faintly pro- tuberant. Dioicous; male inflorescence as in the last; fruit lateral, near the top of the stem; capsule as in F. serrulatus. Hab. Wet rocks. Very rare. Cornwall; Devon ; N. Wales ; Ireland. Fruit not found in Britain. A still finer plant than the last; it has only recently been found in fruit, in Finisterre. The narrower leaves without the pale marginal band, and with almost entire less acuminate apex, and the hardly papillose cells, separate it from the last, as do also the habit and colour ; these characters with the different position of the female flower appear amply sufficient to warrant its retention as a species. I have found the nerve in F. 'polyphyllus constantly broader and less well-defined than in F. serrulatus. 13. Fissidens adiantoides Hedw. (Hypnum adiantoides L.) (Tab. XXI. A.). Deep or yellowish green, 1-4 inches high, variable in size and habit, sometimes slender and short-leaved as in F. osmundoides, sometimes robust and rivalling F. polyphyllus. Leaves without aFISSIDENS. 127 thickened border, usually crowded, broadly oblong-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, crisped when dry, especially at the tip, inferior lamina broad and usually ceasing abruptly at base ; margin crenulate, towards apex more distinctly and unequally serrate; nerve vanishing at apex. Cells rather large, 12-18 ft wide, 2-4 rows at edges often a little paler, forming an obscure marginal band, which is however variable and not always present, most distinct in the older leaves. Autoicous; fruit lateral, from the middle of the stem, several arising from the same stem ; seta stout, red, flexuose, long ; capsule horizontal and arcuate, or erect and symmetrical, dark-coloured ; lid long-beaked. Male flowers axillary, small. IIab. Bogs, wet rocks on mountains, etc. Common. Fr. winter. Very variable, but readily recognised at sight by its larger size, etc., from all but F. decipiens ; from this it is known by the larger cells and less distinct marginal band, from F. osmundoides and F. taxifolius by the larger, more serrate leaves, and from the latter species also by the shorter nerve. The fruit when it occurs is usually produced in abundance. F. collinus Mitt, appears to be only a dwarf form found among grass on the chalk downs of the south coast; according to Braithwaite there is no difference in the size of the cells between this and F. adiantoides, but it is described by Mitten as with smaller cells than the present species. 14. Fissidens decipiens De Not. (Tab. XXI. B.). Intermediate in size between F. adiantoides and F. taxifolius, usually more slender than the first and taller than the last, but variable; indensedull green or blackish erecttufts. Leaves crowded, Ungulate, acute but not acuminate, crenulate at margin, in the upper half unequally serrate; cells smaller, 6-8ft., more obscure than in F. adiantoides, incrassate; about four rows at margin more incrassate and less obscure, forming a more distinct pale or yellowish band round the leaf. Dioicous or autoicous ; female flowers often very numerous, seta from middle and lower part of stem, short, slender, pale red ; capsules oval-oblong ; lid rostrate. Var. (8. brevifolius Lindb. Leaves crowded, much shorter, less distinctly serrate, with a narrower band of pale cells. Hab. Wet rocks in mountainous countries ; rarely among grass at lower levels. Frequent. The var. j8, Killarney. Fr. winter and spring. The distinctly smaller areolation and the more conspicuous band of marginal paler cells chiefly, and in general easily, characterise this species. It is usually but not always distinguishable from F. adiantoides by the more slender stems, from F. taxifolius by the taller stems and different habitat, and from F. osmundoides by the serrate apex of the leaf and small cells.128 FISSIDENTACE.i'E. 15. Pissidens taxifolius Hedw. (Hypnum taxifolium L.) (Tab. XXI. C.). The smallest of the lateral-fruited species, usually less than ^ inch high, rarely exceeding one inch ; dark green, often with a tinge of reddish brown, branched from the base, suberect. Leaves crowded, usually longest in the middle of the stem, oblong- lingulate, broadly pointed and apiculate with the percurrent nerve, not bordered ; inferior lamina ceasing abruptly at base ; cells as in the last species, but less opaque and with thinner walls, marginal cells not distinct, though those of the outer row are occasionally more pellucid and slightly different in shape, regularly and almost uniformly crenulate or finely serrulate from base to apex. Autoicous, male flowers on short basal branches. Seta red, from near the base of the stem, flexuose, rather long ; capsule equal and suberect or variously inclined and gibbous, sometimes almost pendulous ; lid longly rostrate; peristome large, bright red. Hab. Woods, roadsides, etc., usually on clay. Common. Fr. winter. Readily known, in its usual form, from the larger species by its shorter stems and leaves ; under the microscope the percurrent or excurrent nerve and entire absence of marginal band easily determine it. It is not a variable species except in the form and direction of its fruit. Order VIII. GRIMMIACE/E. Plants of varying habit, most frequently in dense tufts or cushions. Leaves in many rows, crowded, frequently hyaline- tipped, ovate-lanceolate or rarely linear-subulate; upper areola- tion small, usually opaque and often 2 or 3-stratose, lower longer, with the walls frequently sinuose. Capsule on a straight or arcuate short seta, symmetrical or very slightly unequal, oval or cylindric. Calyptra mitriform or cucullate, sometimes papillose, smooth or sulcate. Peristome single, resembling that of Dicranum, but without vertical striae, less regularly cleft, the exterior plates usually thickest and often transversely trabeculate. Male flowers gemmiform. Almost entirely confined to rocks. The Order, as above defined, forms an exceedingly natural one ; there is a great uniformity in habit, areolation, fruit, and especially in peristome. The peristome of Orthotrichum and its allies is of an entirely different character, and in other respects nothing is sacrificed by separating the two Orders, an arrange- ment which will also probably be found by the student to simplify their study.GRIMMIA. 129 It is a curious fact, and one which a beginner will find worth remembering, that with the exception of Rhacomitrium lanuginosum and R. canescens, every British species is a rock growing plant. The leaves of most of the species of Grimmiaceae, as con- trasted with those of most Orders, are extremely hygroscopic, that is to say while undergoing considerable change of form when becoming dry, they very quickly recover their normal shape when moistened, usually from being twisted or incurved rapidly becom- ing recurved, and then returning to their normal, more or less straight position. This character they hold in common with the Orthotrichaceae, the Andreaeaceae, and many of the Tortulaceae. 29. GRIMMIA Ehrh. Mostly short-stemmed mosses, growing in close cushions or tufts on rocks ; stems dichotomous. Leaves crowded, more or less lanceolate, usually hyaline-pointed, margin frequently thickened, almost always entire; areolation short and often opaque above. Seta arcuate or straight. Calyptra smooth; capsule oval. Peristome teeth 16, cleft at apex or entire, lanceo- late. The species of Grimmia are for the most part recognisable as belonging to that genus at first sight, but are difficult of determination specifically. When the fruit is present it forms a material aid to identification, but it is frequently wanting, indeed in some species it has not yet been discovered, and the determina- tion then usually rests on minute differences of areolation, difficult to define ; and a microscopical examination of specimens, in some of the critical species, is almost imperative. It should be noted that the hyaline leaf-point is not, as in Barbula, formed by the excurrence of the nerve, but by the prolongation of the lamina; the nerve being lost, in most of the species, in the apex, at the base of the hyaline point. The leaves are extremely hygroscopic, and in most cases when wetted immediately become squarrose, then slowly take their normal, more or less erecto-patent position. In examining the basal areolation, mature leaves must be chosen, as in the young leaves the cells often present a very different appearance, as do those of the perichaetial bracts. The margin of the leaves is often recurved, and the presence or absence of this character affords a useful and a fairly constant distinction between species. It should be noted that in many, if J130 GRIMMIACE^. not in most cases, it is only one margin that is recurved, the other being plane. The transverse sections in the Plates are taken from about the middle of the length of the leaf ; the margin being often plane at the summit and towards the base, while recurved in the middle portion. l /Ls. all without hyaline points................................................2 \ Upper ls. with hyaline points...............................................6 2f Nerve 2-winged at back above ; plant tall.......................... 16. patens / Nerve not winged at back ...................................................3 / Ls. obtuse, cucullate, margin erect; dioicous ...................23. unicolor 3/Ls. more or less bluntly pointed, not cucullate ...............................4 /Basal cells elongate and sinuose ; dioicous ......................24. atrata Basal cells short; monoicous ; capsule immersed .............................5 /Ls. with revolute margin, lanceolate (vars. of) .................. 1. apocarpa 5/Ls. with erect margin, narrow, nerve strong ........................2. maritima ^/Hyaline points short, lower Is. often muticous.................................7 /Hyaline points of upper ls. forming a longish hair ..........................12 /Capsule immersed ; monoicous ................................................8 '/Capsule exserted ; dioicous....................................................9 0/Plant small, dense, soft, dull-green ; perist. teeth cribrose......./*. conperta /Plant larger, loosely tufted, coarser; perist. teeth sub-entire...1. apocarpa iq/Ls. very curled when dry; basal cells thin-walled...................3. incurva /Ls. spirally twisted when dry ; basal cells incrassate ...........7. torquata /Upper ls. long, often secund, cells quadrate almost to base ......13. Uartmani \Ls. short, patent, cells sinuose, elongate at base................23. elongaia I2/Capsule immersed ; monoicous; plant very small................................13 /Capsule exserted.............................................................14 / Peristome absent; ls. ovate, nerve vanishing ....................3. anodon Peristome present; ls. usually obovate, nerve running out into the hair.^. crinita f Seta straight; leaf margin erect (except ovata).............................15 14-J Seta curved when moist (or fruit unknown); margin recurved, sometimes on one [ side of the leaf only ......................................................20 /Ls. oblong-lanceolate, contracted to long, rough hair ............22. leucophcea 5\Ls. lanceolate, more or less tapering .........................................16 ^/Basal cells rectangular, scarcely thickened, not sinuose .....................17 /Basal cells narrow, incrassate, more or less sinuose .......................19 /Lid conic, obtuse; autoicous ...............................................18 ‘ /Lid rostrate ; dioicous; (calyptra cucullate ; basal cells short) .20. montana jg/Calyptra mitriform ; capsule pale ; lower cells elongate ..........77. Doniana / Calyptra cucullate ; capsule brownish ; basal cells short .......21. alpestris /Dioicous; lid rostrate ; calyptra cucullate.......................79. commutata y/ Autoicous ; lid rostellate ; calyptra mitriform ...................18. ovata 2Qf Hair-point very rough ......................................................21 /Hair-point smooth or slightly roughened only ................................22 01 /Plant robust; capsule 8-furrowed ; autoicous .....................13. decipiens /Plant smaller ; capsule almost smooth ; dioicous............10*. Miihlenbecpii 22/ Basal cells shortly rectangular ............................................23 /Basal cells elongate .......................................................27 f Monoicous; plant in dense rounded cushions ; ls. rather suddenly contracted to a 23-J hair .......................................................................24 [Dioicous ; plant loosely tufted ; ls. tapering at point .....................25 /Calyptra mitriform ; lid beaked ; ls. bistratose at margin........8. pulvinata 4/Calyptra cucullate ; lid blunt; margin unistratose .................9. orbicularisGRIMMIA. 131 f Plant coarse and robust, cells mostly more or less sinuose..............13*. robusta Cells not (or scarcely) sinuose.................................................26 2£ f Ls. subsquarrose, hair roughish ..................................11. subsquarrosa \ Ls. narrow, patent, point smooth .......................................12. Stirtoni f Plant tall, dull-green ; upper cells opaque ............................14. elatior ‘\ Plant smaller, yellowish or greyish green ........................................28 2g/Ls. spirally twisted when dry, narrow ; plant slender ....................6. funalis \Ls. scarcely twisted when dry, wider at base.......................10. trichophylla A. SCHISTIDIUM. Capsule immersed, on a short, erect seta, wide-mouthed; columella remaining attached to the lid when the latter falls. 1. Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. (Bryum apocarpum L.) (Tab. XXI. D.). Extremely variable in habit; in its typical form it forms rather loose, small tufts, with erect stems, about i inch high, of a dull olive green or brownish colour. Leaves broadly ovate- lanceolate, erecto-patent, erect when dry and forming a cuspidate point at the top of the stem, carinate above, margin narrowly recurved; the point entire or obscurely notched ; nerve vanishing at or below apex, slightly roughened behind, terete at back ; hair-point variable, usually short, hardly | length of leaf, slightly rough, flattened, sometimes wanting; lower cells rectangular, rather short and firm, then quadrate, with the walls slightly sinuose, in upper part small, rounded or quadrate-hexagonal, incrassate, opaque. Perichaetial bracts wider, thinner, with a narrower nerve. Calyptra very small, not reaching below the lid, lobed at the base. Capsule persistent, oval-oblong, rather thick- walled, almost concealed by the perichaetial leaves, reddish brown, with a ring of stomata at the base, which are sometimes rather indistinct; bright red, straight or oblique, rostellate; peristome teeth inserted below the mouth, large, bright red, entire or slightly perforated, rather solid, spreading when dry. Columella attached to the lid and falling off with it. Autoicous. Var. /3. rivularis W. & M. (Grimmia rivularis Brid.). Taller, 2-4 inches long, decumbent, denuded at base, much branched, dull green or blackish; leaves rather obtuse, often secund, usually without a hyaline point; capsule shorter, wider, turbinate, paler. Var. y. gracilis W. & M. (Grimmia gracilis Schleich.). Tall and slender, decumbent; leaves spreading or secund, denticulate above, usually hair-pointed; perichaetial bracts and capsule often slightly secund; capsule oblong.132 GRIMMIACE/E. Var. S. pumila Schp. In very short dense tufts, slender; leaves narrower, very shortly hair-pointed ; capsule small, thin- walled, wide-mouthed. Hab. Stones and walls, common. The vars. /3, y, in streams, attached to rocks. The var. S on mountain rocks. Fr. spring and summer. The various forms of this common moss are too numerous to allow of detailed description. The hair-points are sometimes wanting, sometimes prolonged and hoary, entire or denticulate ; the leaves are variable in form, colour, and direction, the capsule in form and texture; the peristome teeth are entire or more or less perforate, while the habit varies from a dwarf plant, about J inch in height, to a robust aquatic form almost rivalling Cinclidotus fontinaloides in size and depth of colour. The var. pumila forms a transition to the following plant ; indeed, forms occur which could not be separated from G. conferta except by the slightly more solid, less cribrose teeth. Innovations are formed below the fruit, which soon overtop it, so that, in vars. /3 and y especially, as it persists for several years, it has all the appearance of being lateral, several capsules often appearing one above the other on the same stem. When the capsules are present this can hardly be taken for any other moss; in their absence the colour, the cuspidate branches, and the shortly hyaline leaf-points make it an easily recognised plant. It is a coarser, more rigid plant than most of the species of this genus. # Grimmia conferta Funck. (Tab. XXI. E.). Resembles G. apocarpa var. pumila ; plants small in dense cushions, greyish green above, rather softer in texture, leaves small, shortly hair-pointed; nerve prominent at back of leaf; areolation small. Capsule thin-walled, ovate-globose, hemis- pherical after the fall of the lid; peristome teeth thin, variously divided and perforated, fragile. Var. ft. pruinosa Braithw. (G. pruinosa Wils., Schp. Syn.). More robust; leaves broader, the upper with long, smoothish hair-points; capsule longer; peristome teeth narrower, often reflexed. Hab. Mountain rocks, rare. The var. £ more frequent than the type. Fr. spring. G. conjerta though treated as a species by Braithwaite and most authors, is, I think, too slightly marked and too closely linked with G. apocarpa by the var. pumila of the latter as well as by its own var. pruinosa, to be maintained independently; I can find no constant difference in the form of the leaves or the size of their cells ; while the capsule in G. apocarpa var. pumila is exactly that of G. conferta, and the difference in the amount of perforation of the peristome teeth is only one of degree. Both plants have a form with obtuse hairless leaves, that of the present one constituting the var. obtusifolia of Schimper. 2. Grimmia maritima Turn. (Tab. XXI. F.). In dense rigid cushions, yellowish green on the surface, blackish below, 1-2 inches high. Leaves crowded, stiff, solid,GRIMMIA. r33 erecto-patent; when dry appressed, slightly and rigidly contorted ; rather glossy, elongate-lanceolate, with a strong brownish point, chiefly formed of the nerve, not hyaline ; margin plane above, slightly reflexed at the base, entire, except at apex, where it is sparingly crenulate-papillose ; nerve strong, reaching apex or slightly excurrent; cells shortly rectangular and pale at mid- base, quadrate at margin, soon becoming quadrate, in upper part of leaf rounded-quadrate, opaque, in two or three strata. Autoicous. Perichsetial bracts sub-falcate, nerve excurrent. Capsule immersed in the perichaetium, pale brown, oval-globose, wide-mouthed and turbinate after the fall of the lid; peristome as in G. apocarpa, but with broader, more solid, slightly perforated teeth. Hab. Rocks by the sea ; frequent on the west coast, rare on the eastern' side. Fr. winter. G. maritima is easily known by its more rigid habit, narrower, solid leaves with- out hyaline points, strong nerve, etc. ; it is one of the very few mosses which can really be called maritime, growing as it does often close to high water mark and with- in reach of the spray, on siliceous and basaltic, rarely or never on calcareous rocks. It appears to be confined to the northern shores of the Atlantic Ocean. B. GASTEROGRIMMIA. Capsule immersed on a curved seta, oval, slightly ventricose on one side at base. 3. G-rimmia anodon B. & S. (Tab. XXI. G.). In small cushions, about J inch high ; hoary with the hair- points of the leaves; stems slender, fragile, brownish. Lower leaves small, muticous, ovate-lanceolate, upper larger, broadly oblong-lanceolate or obovate-oblong, narrowed at apex or obtuse, concave, margin plane, apex prolonged into a rather long, flat, denticulate hair, below which the apex of the leaf, frequently for some distance, is also hyaline, a narrow hyaline band sometimes descending still further at each margin ; nerve narrow, thickened above, prolonged into the hair-point, but indistinctly. Cells at base lax, long, rectangular, hyaline, with thin walls, above minute, rounded-quadrate, incrassate, chlorophyllose, in regular longitudinal rows. Capsule small, sub-globose, ventricose at base on one side, on a very short arcuate seta, thin-walled, gymnostomous, wide-mouthed when dry ; calyptra very small, mitriform, lobed at base ; lid large, mamillate. Autoicous.*34 GRIMMIACEiE. Hab. Dry rocks in mountain districts ; very rare. Arthur’s Seat. Nr. Kendal. Fr. spring. Although very different from the next species in the fruiting characters, this plant so much resembles it in the foliar organs that it is very difficult to point out any characters by which they may certainly be distinguished in the barren state. The gradual narrowing of the leaf apex is by no means to be relied on, as leaves are often found quite as obtuse as in G. crinita. Almost the only useful character is the nerve, which in that species is less thickened in the upper part, and is distinctly prolonged beyond the apex of the lamina into a more or less terete, hardly denticulate hair; while in the present plant the hyaline point is more or less uniform throughout, toothed, with the nerve not distinctly excurrent in a terete piliform hair. G. crinita is also found in laxer patches, often confluent, of a more uniform grey colour from the long hairs, and it is a southern, lowland plant, while G. anodon is a more alpine plant, growing in smaller cushions of a darker tinge. 4. Grimmia crinita Brid. (Tab. XXI. H.). In close tufts or patches, grey with the hoary leaf-points, short, but somewhat variable in length. Leaves resembling those of the last species, obtuse, the upper broad and concave, obovate, suddenly hair-pointed, the upper part of the elongate point terete, smooth, piliform, consisting of the longly excurrent nerve. Seta longer, capsule less ventricose, oval, faintly striate, brown; calyptra rather larger, cucullate ; lid obtusely conical; peristome teeth lanceolate, cleft into two or three divisions which are often more or less coherent. Hab. Dry calcareous walls or mortar ; very rare. Near Hatton, Warwickshire (Bagnall). Fr. spring. Differs from the last in the more highly developed peristomate fruit; and in the long smooth arista formed by the excurrence of the nerve, the distinction of which from the rest of the hyaline part is best seen when a leaf is doubled along the nerve and viewed laterally. In the regions of the Mediterranean where it flourishes best it forms extensive velvety patches resembling a mouse-skin in appearance. C. EU-GRIMMIA. Capsule exserted, on a straight or arcuate seta, regular. * Seta arcuate. 5. Grimmia incurva Schwgr. (G. contorta Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXI. I.). In short, dense, rounded cushions, deep green above, blackish below. Leaves strongly twisted when dry, longly linear from a narrow lanceolate base (about one line long),* with a very short, * N.B.—The measurements of the length of the leaves are exclusive of the hair- points.GRIMMIA. 135 narrow, almost smooth hair-point, faintly and narrowly recurved at margin or plane, opaque in the upper part; nerve terete and well defined below, above obscure, pellucid; cells elongate- rectangular at base, and hyaline, above shorter, chlorophyllose ; hyaline cells extending in two or three rows at margin higher than in the middle of the leaf base; cells in upper part quadrate-oval, opaque. Dioicous. Capsule small, smooth, oval, on a slightly curved seta, erect when dry, peristomate ; calyptra mitriform ; lid conical, obtuse. Perichaetial bracts reaching as high as the capsule. Hab. Siliceous rocks, rare. England ; Scotland ; Wales. Recently found in abundance on one of the Clee Hills, Shropshire, by the Rev. C. H. Binstead. Fr. rare, spring. The close dark tufts of this moss with much curled leaves resemble Dicranoweisia crispula, and may very easily be taken for that plant ; the Grimmia is, however, usually shorter, less glossy, with the leaves not quite so closely crisped when dry, when moist not at all falcato-secund, but spreading in all directions and usually some- what incurved at the point; and the hair-points, when distinguishable with the lens, afford a conclusive distinction. It cannot be confused with any other species of Grimmia, nor, of course, under the microscope, with the Dicranoweisia. 6. Grimmia funalis Schp. (Trichostomum funale Schwgr.) (Tab. XXI. J.). In dense smooth cushions, very easily breaking up when gathered; black below, grey or yellowish green above, stems variable in length, but usually taller than in the last, 1-2^ inches high. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent when moist, when dry appressed and spirally enrolled, small, short (about half a line), ovate-lanceolate, widest at about one-third from the base, not much attenuated at point, carinate with the nerve prominent at back, margin variously recurved, occasionally very faintly indeed, thickened above; hyaline point very variable, usually about % length of leaf, sometimes exceeding the rest of the leaf, or very short and almost obsolete, terete, quite smooth or minutely denticulate, broad at base or narrow. Basal cells at angles rectangular, hyaline, in two or three rows extending a short distance up the margin, the median narrower, coloured (yellow or chlorophyllose), those next the nerve very narrowly linear, with thick, slightly sinuose walls; above shorter, elliptic, chloro- phyllose, sinuose, in upper part of leaf rectangular or quadrate, the walls incrassate, smooth or slightly sinuose, rather pellucid, in two strata near the apex. Seta very short, hardly longer than the broad, concave perichaetial bracts, arcuate, pale yellow ; calyptra small, mitriform, 3-5 lobed; capsule small, faintly striate when136 GRIMMIACEr'E. dry, pale brown, lid conical, obtusely apiculate; peristome teeth irregularly divided and pierced at the apex, red. Dioicous. Hab. Siliceous rocks on mountains ; not common. Fr. autumn. There is a peculiar facies about this plant by which it may generally be known in the field ; this is partly due to the dense level tufts, dark grey or blackish, only the few uppermost leaves on each stem forming minute separate points of green; and also to the stems falling away from one another upon gathering, so that it is difficult to preserve good tufts ; but the feature by which it is most readily known is the spiral twisting of the leaves when dry, giving the stems exactly the appearance of miniature ropes. In G. incurva the leaves though twisted are not appressed, and hence do not present this appearance; in G. torquata—which in colour and texture is very different—the leaves are much less closely appressed, often more or less twisted upon themselves, and rarely, therefore, present the strict, close rope-like appearance of the present plant. The hair-points in the present plant are almost always longer than in that. The shorter and broader leaves will usually distinguish it from G. trichophylla and the smoothish hair points from G. Muhlenbeckii. The more luxuriant the stem and leaves the more pronounced is the cable-like twisting, and I have dwarf specimens in which it is hardly perceptible. In the old leaves, as is often the case with members of this genus, the upper cells are blackish, very obscure, and hardly distinguishable. 7. Grimmia torquata Hornsch. (Tab. XXI. K.). In large, swollen cushions, 1-3 inches high, soft; stems slender, branched, coherent, bright or yellowish green above, reddish brown below. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry incurved, twisted and spirally contorted, very small and narrow, oblong- lanceolate, carinate, the lower hairless, the upper with a very short, flat hyaline point; margin plane or lightly reflexed, nerve thin, areolation resembling the last, but more incrassate and sinuose, pellucid. Seta longer than in the last, arcuate when young, erect and flexuose when ripe, pale yellow ; capsule oval, when mature oblong, pale brown, irregularly striate longi- tudinally when dry, calyptra small, lid with a slender straight beak; peristome teeth yellow, short, irregularly bifid. Dioicous. Hab. Shaded alpine rocks ; not common. Barren in Britain. The fruit of this plant was found for the first time in the Rocky Mountains, by Leiberg, in 1888, and is elsewhere unknown. The barren plants frequently produce filamentous or globose clusters of cells on the leaves, and these gemmae serve to repro- duce the plant, as in so many mosses. When once known it is a species easily recognised ; in aspect it resembles An&ctangium compactum rather than any of the species of its own genus, and the extremely short hyaline point is hardly visible except under the microscope. The leaves are more lax and less closely appressed when dry than in the last, so that, except in stunted specimens, the twisting of the leaves is, less rope-like and pronounced, and the upper leaves are usually less spirally arranged and more irregularly incurved. The whole texture, too, is softer, and the stems though easily separable do not fall apart of their own accord when gathered. The colour, moreover, is as a rule quite different. The leaves are about equal in length, but rather narrower.GRIMMIA. 137 8- Grimrnia pulvinata Smith. (Bryum pulvinatum L.) (Tab. XXI. L.). In small, rounded, neat, dense cushions, £-i inch high, hoary with the hair-points of the leaves. Upper leaves broadly oblong- lanceolate, wide at apex, about f line long, spreading, when dry erect and oppressed, ending in a long flexuose denticulate hair, the lower narrower ; margin slightly recurved below, thickened above; nerve distinct; cells all short, at base lax and shortly rectangular, hardly any as much as twice as long as wide, almost uniform throughout the breadth of the leaf, thin-walled; gradually becoming shorter and smaller above and incrassate, quadrate-hexagonal and rounded, with the walls sinuosely incrassate. Seta cygneous, reddish, capsule hidden among the comal leaves—after maturity the seta, when dry, becomes erect— calyptra mitriform (rarely sub-cucullate) ; capsule oval, when dry reddish brown, wide-mouthed, widely but distinctly 8-striate ; lid shortly rostellate, straight or oblique ; peristome teeth dull red, spreading when dry, densely barred, unequally divided above and perforated. Annulus broad. Autoicous. Var. f3. obtusa Htibn. (Dryptodon obtusus Brid.). Capsule smaller, on a shorter seta, shorter, the lid obtuse, shortly and bluntly pointed. Hab. Walls and rocks in lowland districts. Common. The var. 0 rare. Fr. spring. This is the commonest species of the genus, and may usually be found on almost any stone wall loaded with capsules in one stage or another of development. It is very rarely found at high altitudes. The neat, round, hoary cushions, the cygneous fruitstalks and the comparatively broad leaves will easily distinguish it from all species but the next, to which indeed, as far as concerns the fruit, the var. obtusa is in some degree an approach. The broader leaves with uniformly short basal areolation will separate it from that without difficulty under the microscope. 9. Grimmia orbicularis Bruch. (Tab. XXII. A.). Resembling the last species. Cushions larger and less defined, stems more readily separating when gathered. Leaves narrower, oblong-lanceolate, rounded at apex; margin not thickened; cells near the nerve linear-rectangular, 6-8 times as long as broad, yellowish, the others as in the last, at angles shorter, wider, hyaline in two or three marginal rows ; the upper cells resembling G. pulvinata. Seta pale; calyptra cucullate; capsule smaller, oval-globose, when dry very faintly striate,138 GRIMMIACE/E. slightly contracted at the mouth ; lid short, obtuse, mamillate. Annulus narrow. Peristome pale red, more distantly and distinctly barred. Hab. Calcareous walls and rocks ; not common. Fr. spring. Of a rather duller colour than the last species, and differing markedly in the characters italicised above. Without microscopic examination the var. obtusa of that species might easily be taken for it, and the two occasionally grow together. The basal cells will, however, aid in separating them under the microscope. 10. Grimmia trichophylla Grev. (Tab. XXII. B.). In loose wide patches, grey or yellowish green, $-i inch high. Leaves narrow and elongated, linear-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, tapering to a long point, erecto-patent, when dry appressed and slightly twisted, the lower small, with short points, the upper larger, longer (f-ij lines), ending in longer smooth or faintly denticulate hair-points, usually about half the length of the leaf, sometimes longer. Nerve strong, elevated at the back of the leaf, semi-terete; one or both margins recurved below. Cells at base variable, the marginal usually shorter and wider, more or less hyaline, rectangular, the other basal cells longer, narrowly rectangular or linear, but never very narrow nor elongated ; faintly but not strongly sinuose, nor very incrassate ; all quickly becoming shorter and smaller upwards, sinuosely quadrate, in upper part of leaf very small, incrassate, quadrate or slightly irregular, sinuose, often obscure and opaque. Dioicous. Perichaetial bracts sheathing; calyptra mitriform or sub-cucullate ; seta cygneous, afterwards erect and flexuose, pale, capsule oval or oblong, not wide-mouthed, pale yellow, when old brown, more or less strongly plicate; lid shortly rostellate; peristome teeth red, erecto-patent when dry, 2-3 cleft, papillose. Hab. Rocks and walls, not uncommon. Fr. less frequent, summer. A variable species, both in habit and structural detail; rarely without some tinge of yellow, which, with the laxer, wider growth, and the narrower leaves and paler capsules, easily distinguishes it from the last two species. The smooth hair-point separates it from G. decipiens and G. Miihlenbeckii ; G. Stirtoni and G. subsquarrosa differ in the shorter, wider, basal cells ; G. robusta is very near it, but the inflorescence is autoicous, and the cells are usually decidedly more sinuose. Tall robust forms of the present species approach G. elatior; but the leaves in that are larger, with the basal cells very narrow, sinuose, and incrassate, and the upper larger and more distinct. Except in the twisting of the leaves when dry G. funalis is very like it, but the leaves of that species are almost always shorter, and in proportion to their length broader. On the Continent it varies even more than with us, and two or three species have been described from what are, in the opinion of recent authors, only varietal forms.GRIMMIA. 139 * Grimmia Muhlenbeckii Schp. (Tab. XXII. C.). Very near G. trichophylla, and by some authors considered a variety only, differing as follows :—Rather more robust than the usual form of that plant, leaves more strongly keeled with the nerve more prominent at back, hair-point strongly denticulate or spinulose; the margins less recurved ; the capsule smaller, shorter, smooth or very indistinctly striate when dry. These characters are, however, subject to much variation, whether in G. trichophylla or G. Muhlenbeckii, and it appears to be a rule that in G. trichophylla the shorter the capsule the less plicate it becomes, while the greater or less denticulation of the hair-point is equally unimportant, typical specimens of G. Muhlenbeckii as regards the fruit sometimes having the hairs only faintly denticulate. It usually grows in more compact tufts, not in loose wide patches as does G. trichophylla, and is more at home at high altitudes, whereas the latter prefers subalpine situations and more exposed rocks. Hab. Siliceous rocks, usually on mountains. Very rare. Ballater. Kynance Cove. Fr. summer. 11. Grimmia subsquarrosa Wils. (Tab. XXII. D.). In small lax tufts, hardly one inch high, dull green above, blackish below; somewhat resembling G. trichophylla; leaves crowded, gradually longer upwards, forming a slight comal tuft at the apex of the slightly curved branches, the lower patent, the upper squarrose, when dry erect and appressed ; broader than in the above species, and shorter (|-| lines), margin recurved ; lower muticous, upper with a shorter, roughish hair, about | length of the leaf ; basal cells short, wide, rectangular, somewhat hyaline, thin-walled, not sinuose, about i| times as long as wide, a few near the nerve occasionally longer and narrower; in the upper part of the leaf minute, sub-quadrate or irregular, obscure, often incrassate. I have seen no description of the fruit; the capsules, in the only fertile specimen I possess are old, dark coloured, resembling G. trichophylla but smaller, on a shorter seta, bluntly striate. Dioicous. Var. /?. edinensis Braithw. (G. edinensis Ferg.). Very short, black, in dense cushions ; leaves shorter, less concave- carinate, less squarrose. Hab. Siliceous rocks, rare, or overlooked. The var. fi, Arthur’s Seat (Fergusson). Fr, very rare.140 GRIMMIACE^E. This plant has not, so far as I am aware, been found outside Great Britain. The fruit has only been detected in one locality; frequently globose gemmae are found on the surface of the leaves. Limpricht considers it a gemmiparous form of G. Muhlenbeckii; it has however a different aspect, and the basal areolation is distinct. By that and by the decidedly squarrose-recurved comal leaves it may without much difficulty be recognised. The Rev. C. H. Binstead informs me that it grows commonly about the shores of several of the English Lakes, on rocks liable to be submerged; in these situations the hair-point is obscure, and the plant often larger. 12. Grimmia Stirtoni Schp. (Tab. XXII. E.). In small dense blackish cushions, about ^ inch high. Leaves short, ovate-lanceolate, hardly 7iarrowed at the insertion as in G. trichophylla and G. Muhlenbeckii, erecto-patent, appressed when dry; margin slightly recurved below, thickened above, the upper ending in a short, nearly eiitire hair; areolation resembling that of the last species, not sinuose, lax and shortly rectangular at base, above small, rounded-quadrate, more or less incrassate, in regular longitudinal rows. Dioicous. Fruit unknown. Hab. Basaltic rocks; very rare. Near Glasgow (Stirton). New Galloway ( Me Andrew ). I have placed this species in the present section, although the fruit is unknown, on account of its evident relationship to some of the foregoing species; it is indeed hardly separable from G. trichophylla, of which too, Limpricht considers it a form, except by the areolation, which is wanting in the narrow-linear, sinuose basal cells of that plant. Like G. subsquarrosa it appears to be confined to the British Isles. In areolation it comes near G. moniana, but that has plane margins, less thickened above, and longer hairs. 13. Grimmia decipiens Lindb. (Trichostomum decipiens Schultz ; G. Gchultzii Wils., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXII. F.). Robust, in lax tufts, 1-1J inches high, stems easily falling apart; yellowish or grey above, darker below, hoary with the hair-points of the leaves. Leaves crowded, spreading, large, from an oval-oblong broad base gradually narrowed to a lanceolate point, i-i£ lines long, concave, carinate above, margin recurved, nerve broad, strong; hair-point long, sometimes almost equalling the rest of the leaf, strongly spinosely denticulate, decurrent at the margins of the leaf-apex. Cells at basal margins short, rectangular, hyaline, in 4-6 rows, forming marginal bands distinct throughout the leaf-base ; the median narrow-linear and elongate, slightly sinuose, thin, yellowish, above becoming shorter and more sinuose, very sinuose and rectangular in the rest of the leaf, near summit sub-quadrate, regular, rather incrassate, in two strata, rather large. Capsule oval-oblong, brown, strongly striate, longer than in G. trichophylla; lid rostrate ; calyptraGRIMM I A. 141 mitriform, lobed. Peristome teeth lanceolate, deeply divided into two, rarely three, filiform branches. Autoicous; male flowers axillary. Hab. Siliceous rocks, at low elevations ; not common. Fr. summer. Easily known by its robust habit and rough, long hairs, the autoicous inflorescence, the sinuose areolation, etc. The last character is somewhat variable however, as is also the amount of roughness of the hair-points, and forms occur linking it with the sub-species G. robusta. G. elatior has still longer leaves with smoother points, and is dioicous. * Grimmia robusta Ferg. (G. decipiens var. robusta Braithw., Brit. M. FI.) (Tab. XXII. G.). Closely resembling G. decipiens, but differing in the darker tufts, the stems less branched ; the leaves stnaller, with the hair- point shorter, smooth or nearly so, the cells short, rectangular and sinuose almost to base, only a few rows near the nerve being narrow and elongated. Fruit not seen. Hab. Rocks. Rare. Braithwaite is no doubt right in uniting this with G. decipiens, though where sub- species are admitted it is probably worthy of the higher rank. It also comes very near G. tnchophylla in some of the forms of that moss, but the cells are more dis- tinctly sinuose, and the colour different from what is usual in that species. 14. Grimmia elatior B. & S. (Tab. XXII. H.). Tall and robust, 1-3 inches high, in lax tufts, the stems easily separating, naked and decumbent at base, repeatedly dichotomous; grey or yellowish green above, blackish below. Leaves erecto-patent, appressed when dry and straight or turned to one side, very long, from a wide oblong base gradually lanceolate, carinate-concave, i-if lines long, one margin strongly revolute, the other less so or plane, sometimes obscurely toothed near apex, hair-point short, about 5 length of leaf, smooth or slightly denticulate, narrow at the base, nerve strong, prominent at back. Basal cells yellowish, narrow-linear, elon- gate, strongly sinuose and incrassate, a few rows at margin short, rectangular, thin-walled ; above the cells rapidly shorten, becoming very sinuosely rectangular, then quadrate and irregular, small, incrassate, all sinuose, opaque, in two or three strata near apex, irregularly papillose. Dioicous. Seta short, curved, pale ; calyptra mitriform; capsule rather large, pale brown, oval-oblong, sulcate when dry; lid rostellate; teeth of peristome bright red, irregularly divided, closely articulated.142 GRIMMIACE^E. Hab. Siliceous rocks in mountainous regions; very rare. Clova (Fergusson). Barren in Britain. Fr. spring. One of the most robust of our species; G. decipiens differs in the rough hairs, shorter leaves and larger apical areolation ; G. robusta in the much shorter, less incrassate and narrower basal areolation ; G. trichophylla sometimes approaches it, but is probably never quite so large in its parts, and the basal cells are less incrassate, less sinuose and wider, and the nerve weaker; the fruit is quite distinct. 15. Grimmia Hartmani Schp. (Tab. XXII. I.). In wide patches, yellowish-green above, brown below ; stems procumbent, naked at base, rigid, somewhat dichotomous, branches ascending. Leaves patent, frequently, especially the upper ones, falcato-secund, when dry slightly contorted, long (i-ij lines), pellucid, broadly lanceolate from a wide base, gradually narrowed to an acute apex, the tip denticulate, green or hyaline in a very short hair-point; one or other margin recurved ; cells of mid-base narrowly rectangular, incrassate, slightly sinuose, about 3-6 times as long as broad, becoming shorter and more sinuose upwards, a few rows at margin shorter, wider, hyaline, with thinner walls ; in upper part of leaf small, rounded, or sinuosely quadrate and irregular; nerve pale, prominent at back ; terminal clusters of brown globular gemmae usually occur conspicuously on small, thin, deformed leaves at the apex of the stems. Dioicous ; capsule oblong, smooth ; calyptra mitriform, lid rostellate, peristome teeth almost entire. Hab. Siliceous rocks, not common. On trees, Aber. Fruit not found in Britain. This curious and interesting moss resembles some species of Rhacomitrium in habit more closely than those of its own genus, but may generally be recognised by the spreading falcato-secund upper leaves, with very small hair points, and by the terminal balls of brown gemmae, which are usually present and conspicuous ; the areolation is, of course, quite different. The stems are more rigid, and the whole plant less hoary and greener than most of the allied species of Grimmia. The fruit has only twice been found, in Hungary and Corsica. The ridges on the back of the nerve described by Juratzka and Braithwaite are usually, I believe, entirely wanting, and the nerve is quite terete. In this, as in several species of Grimmia, when viewed by transmitted light, the centre of the nerve appears very translucent and the sides opaque, giving just the appearance of two lateral ridges, as in Rhacomitrium patens ; but careful focussing shows this to be an optical illusion, which a transverse section confirms. 16. Grimmia patens B. & S. (Bryum patens Dicks. Rhaco- mitrium patens Hiibn., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXII. J.). In large dark loose tufts, bright or yellowish green above, black below ; stems decumbent, naked at base, easily separating, repeatedly dichotomous, 1-3 inches long, branches curved,GRIMMIA. 143 especially when dry. Leaves patent or slightly secund, when dry erect and appressed, from a broad, oval-oblong base, elongate- lanceolate (i-if lines), tapering to an entire or slightly toothed point, not hyaline ; margin recurved below, slightly thickened above; nerve very prominent at back, strongly two-winged in the upper half of the leaf. Basal cells yellow, narrow-linear next the nerve, with the walls smooth or slightly sinuose, becoming shorter, wider and more sinuose outwards, a few rows at margin shorter, with thinner walls, not sinuose, pellucid but not hyaline; all becoming rapidly shorter above, sinuosely rectangular, then minute, rounded or transversely elliptical and compressed, very dense, in regular longitudinal rows, 2-3 stratose, all more or less incrassate. Seta rather long, arcuate, yellow; at maturity erect and flexuose; calyptra mitriform, lobed ; capsule oval-oblong, rather large, pale yellowish brown, plicate when dry ; lid shortly subulate, straight, usually falling with the calyptra ; peristome teeth long, divided into two filiform branches. Dioicous. Hab. Siliceous rocks on mountains. Not common. Fr. spring. A very distinct species, resembling in habit slender, dark forms of Rhacomitrium protensum, but of a much softer texture when moist, though somewhat rigid when dry ; the curious double wing at the back of the nerve is quite perceptible with the lens, especially in the dry state, and will serve to distinguish the species from all other plants it may resemble. The ripe fruit is very persistent, and soon has the appearance of being lateral, from the growth of the innovations. A few cells at the apex of the leaves are occasionally diaphanous, but I have never seen anything approaching a hyaline point, which Boulay describes as sometimes occurring ; the leaves vary much in the relative acuteness of their points. * * Seta erect. 17. Grimmia Doniana Sm. (Tab. XXII. K.). In dense rounded neat cushions, about inch in height, greyish green above or almost black. Leaves spreading, appressed when dry, the uppermost longer (1 line), oblong-lanceolate, terminating in a slightly toothed hair nearly as long as the leaf; the lower small, muticous ; margin plane, slightly thickened above; nerve narrow, obscure at apex. Cells at base hyaline, thin-walled, narrowly rectangular, 4-6 times as long as hroad, the marginal hardly distinct ; becoming shorter, chlorophyllose, incrassate and sinuose above, in upper part 2-stratose, sinuosely rectangular or sub-quadrate. Capsule on a short, erect seta, hardly elevated above the upper hair-points, pale brown, oval- oblong, small, erect, smooth; lid conical, obtuse; calyptra144 GRIMMIACE/E. mitriform ; peristome teeth deeply divided into two or three often coherent branches. Autoicous. Var. /3. sudetica Wils. (G.sudetica Spreng.). Taller, leaves with longer hair-points ; capsule not exserted above the upper hairs, lid conico-acmninate. Hab. Siliceous rocks in mountain districts; frequent, and in some places abundant. The var. rare. Fr. autumn. Usually easily recognised by its neat compact black cushions, with abundant small smooth capsules on straight setae. It is perhaps most like G. montana and G. ovata, the former differing in its shorter basal cells, and cucullate calyptra; the latter in the shorter hair-points, the more sinuose basal areolation, the slightly revolute margin, etc. 18. Grimmia ovata Schwgr. (G. ovalis Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXII. L.). In small, not very compact cushions, |-i inch high, olive- green or black, sparingly canescent. Leaves spreading, closely oppressed when dry, the lower small, muticous, the upper longer (one line), lanceolate-acute from an oblong or slightly obovate base, ending in a rather long almost smooth hair, about y3 length of leaf in the uppermost leaves; one margin slightly recurved, the other plane, thickened above ; nerve rather thin and faint, obscure in the upper part ; basal cells near the nerve narrow- linear, 4-8 times as long as broad, rather incrassate and faintly sinuose, becoming shorter near the sides of the leaf, at margin about three rows, much shorter, thin-walled, rectangular, hyaline; all quickly becoming short, sinuose-rectangular, in the upper half rounded-quadrate with sinuose walls, very obscure, in two strata. Autoicous. Capsule exserted on a pale seta, oval- oblong, rather narrow, pale brown, smooth ; calyptra mitriform, sometimes sub-cucullate, lid shortly rostellate, obtuse, straight or oblique ; peristome teeth divided to the middle into two or three branches, more or less united. Hab. Siliceous rocks on mountains, not common. Fr. usually in winter. The closely appressed leaves give the stems a neater appearance when dry than in most of the species, and the hair-points, though rather long in a few of the comal leaves, are not very numerous, so that the plant is less hoary than in most of its allies ; it is more robust and laxer in habit than G. Doniana, which it most resembles, with longer capsules on longer fruit-stalks, more solid and more sinuose basal areolation, etc. The var. cylindrica Hiibn., which is described as British, does not seem to be a strongly characterised form, though Nees and Hornschuch described it as a species in common with two or three other equally unimportant forms.GRIMMIA. 145 19. Grimmia commutata Hiibn. (G. ovata W. & M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIII. A.). Taller and more robust than the last, in larger less compact cushions, i-if inches high, dull green or blackish. Leaves less crowded, less regularly appressed when dry, larger and longer, i-ij lines long, more uniform throughout the stem, very concave, from a short, very broad sheathing base, lanceolate, ending in a rather long, stout, faintly denticulate hair; nerve distinct, rather narrow, obscure above ; margins plane, erect or slightly incurved, not thickened, basal cells resembling the last, but with a much wider band of marginal hyaline cells, in j-10 rows; very quickly becoming sinuose-quadrate, above rounded-quadrate, incrassate, very obscure, bi-stratose. Dioicous. Capsule on a pale seta, exserted, oval, brown, smooth, contracted at mouth; calyptra cucullate, large ; lid with a longer oblique beak ; peristome teeth divided to the middle and perforate. Hab. Siliceous rocks. Rare. Fr. spring. This is a coarser, more robust plant than the last, more hoary with the hair- points, and especially distinct in the inflorescence. The character drawn from the calyptra is rather misleading, since, according to Boulay, the base is sometimes 3-4 lobed, while in G. ovata it is not uncommon to find it sub-cucullate, deeply cleft on one side aud oblique, and only very faintly lobed otherwise. G. montana and G. alpestris differ in the shorter basal cells and less concave leaves. 20. Grimmia montana B. & S. (Tab. XXIII. B.). In low compact cushions, scarcely an inch high, dark green, or hoary with the hair-points of the leaves ; leaves erecto-patent, erect when dry, resembling those of G. ovata in shape, lanceolate from a broader base, short tf-line long), margins plane ; hair- point fully as long as the leaf in the uppermost leaves of the stem, denticulate, wide at base and decurrent, nerve distinct; basal cells almost uniform, resembling those of G. pulvinata, rectangular, hyaline, short (1^-2 times as long as broad), with rather thin but firm, not sinuose, walls, those nearest the nerve a little narrower and longer; above quickly becoming small, chlorophyllose, quadrate, faintly sinuose, in upper half small, roundish-quadrate, obscure, incrassate. Dioicous; seta short, pale ; calyptra cucullate, large; capsule shortly oval or oval- oblong, smooth, reddish brown ; lid rostrate, '/$ length of capsule. Peristome teeth pale, narrow, irregularly cleft. Hab. Siliceous and calcareous rocks at low elevations. Rare. In fruit, Fingle Bridge, Devon. Fr. spring.146 GRIMMIACE/E. The small hoary tufts resemble G. pulvinata, but the fruit when present is quite different. The short, wide, basal areolation will readily distinguish it from all the allied species except the next, which it very closely resembles; the distinguishing characters are pointed out under that plant. 21. Grirnmia alpestris Schleich. (G. UngeriJuratz., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXIII. C.). Very near G. montana, differing in the leaves, slightly more erect and straight when moist, rather shorter and broader at the points, the margins more inflexed, and more strongly thickened, the hair-point rather shorter and smoother; perichaetial bracts larger, broader, half-sheathing. Capsule on a rather longer seta, smaller, rather narrower, oblong-cylindric; lid conical, short, obtusely pointed. Dioicous or rarely autoicous. Hab. Siliceous rocks in alpine districts. Very rare. Near Ballaler. Clova. Fr. spring. G. alpestris, besides being closely allied to G. montana, is liable to be confused with lax forms of G. Doniana, which however has longer and narrower basal cells and a mitriform, not cucullate, calyptra. 22. Grimmia leucophaea Grev. (G. campestris Burchell, Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIII. D.). In loose wide tufts, easily breaking up, dull green, hoary above. Leaves crowded, gradually larger towards the apex of the branches, closely and regularly appressed when dry, concave, short, (|-§ line), very broad, triangular-oval or oval-oblong, broad at the apex, terminating in a very long, finely denticulate, flattened hair, which is very wide at the base and decurrent, often longer than the leaf; margin plane, not thickened; nerve thin, flattened. Upper cells roundish-quadrate, very chloro- phyllose, the basal rectangular, more diaphanous, a few rows next the nerve slightly elongate and hyaline, the rest shorter (often broader than long), more quadrate; all slightly incrassate, and non-sinuose. Capsule hardly exserted, erect, oblong, rather large, smooth, thick-walled; calyptra mitriform, lobed; lid rostellate. Dioicous. Hab. Dry siliceous rocks in warm situations. Not common. Fr. spring. A very distinct plant, the broad, short leaves having no resemblance to those of any of the species of this Section, except G. pulvinata and G. orbicularis, both of which differ in the fruit and in the recurved leaf-margins. The broad, white hair- points are very conspicuous. It is a southern and lowland rather than an alpine plant.GRIMMIA. 147 23. Grimmia elongata Kaulf. (Tab. XXIII. E.). In tall lax tufts, 1-2 inches high, with long slender stems, decumbent at base and often denuded, frequently half buried in sand, of a dull green or reddish-brown colour. Leaves crowded, appressed and slightly twisted when dry, small, line long, narrowly oblong or linear, carinate-concave, one margin slightly recurved, thickened above; nerve narrow but distinct; lower leaves muticous, only the upper with a very short, narrow hyaline point, or even a few cells only diaphanous. Cells of mid-base elongate-rectangular or linear, with smooth walls, a few rows towards margin sinuose, yellow, slightly incrassate, about two rows at margin shorter, broader, hyaline, forming a border extending a considerable distance up the leaf; above, the cells become chloro- phyllose, very sinuose, rectangular, slightly shorter towards apex, but always longer than broad, elliptic-rectangular. Seta short, capsule exserted, small, oval, smooth, not contracted at the mouth ; lid conical, obtuse ; calyptra cucullate, lobed at the base ; peristome teeth broad, almost entire. Dioicous. Hab. Damp crevices of alpine rocks. Very rare and sterile. Clova (Fergusson) ; Cumberland Mountains (Binstead). The British form is stunted, in dense tufts less than an inch high. The very short hair-points and the reddish brown colour give the plant a very different aspect from most of the species of the genus ; and the form and structure of the leaves easily determine it. Perhaps G. torquata comes nearest to it in the leaves, but the basal areolation differs, and the habit is quite distinct. 24. Grimmia atrata Mielich. (Tab. XXIII. F.). Tall, i-2£ inches high, densely tufted, yellowish green above, black below. Leaves solid, about 1 line long, variously spreading and curved, twisted when dry, lanceolate, gradually narrowing from base to apex, obtusely pointed; without hyaline points; nerve strong, broad, rather prominent at back; margin very slightly and irregularly recurved, thickened from near the base upwards ; cells at angles and for a short distance up the margins lax, quadrate, hyaline, in mid-base variable, rather short, slightly sinuose, soon becoming sinuosely rectangular, above distinct, in upper part of leaf small, sub-quadrate, incrassate. Capsule erect or slightly oblique on a rather long seta, oval-oblong, thick-walled; lid shortly rostellate, obtuse; calyptra mitriform or sub-cucullate. Dioicous. Hab. Wet alpine rocks. Rare. Fr. autumn.148 GRIMMIACE^. The broadly-pointed leaves, quite without hyaline points, with thickened margins, distinguish this species from G. elongata, and indeed from all the species hitherto described, G. patens differing widely in habit, in the leaves straight when dry, etc. ; it differs from the next in the less obtuse, not cucullate, less solid and opaque leaves, and is more like Rhacomitrium ellipticum, which however also has straighter leaves when dry, and the areolation altogether different. 25. Grimmia unicolor Hook. (Tab. XXIII. G.). Tall and robust, dull green, blackish below, 1-3 inches high, in looser tufts, less coherent than the last. Leaves from an oblong concave base narrowly linear or ligulate, obtuse and rounded at apex with the margins incurved and cucullate, not hyaline-pointed, nerve less prominent behind, flattened and somewhat indistinct, margin plane; basal cells thin-walled, rectangular, 2-4 times as long as broad, the marginal slightly more hyaline and distinct; very quickly becoming short, incrassate, quadrate or rounded, not sinuose, in 2 or 3 strata above and very obscure and opaque. Capsule oblong, exserted on a rather long fruitstalk, erect or sub- oblique, slightly contracted at the mouth; lid long-beaked; calyptra mitriform or sub-cucullate. Dioicous. Hab. Alpine rocks ; very rare. Clova. Fr. winter. The leaves of this plant are quite different in the form of their apex from those of any other Grimmia, and this, with the total absence of hair-point, abundantly distinguishes it. It resembles G. patens in some respects, but the two-winged nerve in that species is visible even with only a pocket lens, so that there need be no confusion between the two. 30. RHACOMITRIUM Brid. Plants with the stems usually elongated, dichotomously branched, the branches often clothed with numerous short lateral branchlets; leaves like those of Grimmia, often hair-pointed, cells strongly sinuose, the lower all elongated, narrow-linear and nodulose, a very few at margin occasionally different. Seta erect; calyptra mitriform, longly subulate, often papillose, not plicate; capsule oval, oblong or cylindrical, smooth; peristome as in Grimmia, or with the teeth divided almost to base into two straight, filiform branches. Dioicous. Although closely allied to Grimmia and more or less connected with that genus by certain species, the present genus has a distinct character of its own, and apart from the habit and mode of growth, some of the structural characters given above are by no means unimportant ; and the separation of the two genera while, to say the least, permissible, is undoubtedly desirable fromRHACOMITRIUM. 149 the point of view of greater convenience. All the species except R. canescens and R. lanuginosum, are, as in Grimmia, confined to rocks. The peculiar areolation of the leaf, especially at the base, is at once recognised under the microscope, and identifies the genus at a glance. Many of the species from their long prostrate stems, numerous short branches, and apparently lateral fructifica- tion, bear a great outward resemblance to the Hypnoid Mosses. /Leaves without hyaline points ...............................................2 /Upper leaves with hyaline points ............................................6 /Cells long, very narrow ; stem with many short branches ..........4. fasciculare \ Cells shorter ; lateral branchlets few or none .............................3 /Capsule round-ovate, hard ; Is. bistratose above..................1. ellipticum 3/Capsule longer ; Is. of one layer of cells ....................................4 /Ls. oblong, very obtuse, nerve not reaching the wide apex ........2. aciculare 4\Ls. narrower, more tapering ...................................................5 /Tall, loosely matted ; without lateral branchlets .................3. protensum 5/Small, dense tufts ; usually with a few branchlets ....[var. of] 6. heterostichum ,/Ls. with simply toothed hyaline points.........................................7 /Hyaline points erose, and very rough with papilke............................9 {Branchlets absent; capsule small, seta short......................6*. sudeticum Plant with many lateral branchlets ; seta longer............................S o/Upper cells of ls. short, hair (in type) long .................6. heterostichum /Upper cells long and narrow ......................................3. ramulosum /Ls. very papillose ; seta smooth .................................8. canescens 9/Ls. smooth (except the hyaline points); seta rough ............7. latiuginosum A. DRYPTODON. Stem dichotomous with .equal branches, without lateral branchlets; leaves obtuse, without hyaline points; peristome teeth resembling those of Grimmia. 1. Rhacomitrium ellipticum B. & S. (Dicranum ellipticum Turn.; Grimmia elliptica Arn., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIII. H.). Stems short, |-i| inches high, in close, rigid tufts, brown, fragile, naked at the base. Leaves patent, small, erect and rigid when dry, solid, without hyaline points, shortly oblong-lanceolate, widened just above the base, thence narrowed to a stout, rather obtuse point, margin plane, or slightly recurved at the base; thickened above ; nerve distinct below, becoming narrower and obscure above, brownish. Cells of the base elongate-linear, strongly nodulose, incrassate ; only a single marginal row occa- sionally rectangular and hyaline; above, in middle of leaf becoming shorter and wider, about twice as long as broad, at theGRIMMIACE^;. *50 extreme apex still shorter, minute, obscure, bi-stratose. Seta rather short, variable in length, stout, rigid; capsule small, shortly oval, smooth, glossy, after the fall of the lid somewhat urceolate, contracted below the mouth, dark brown, of solid texture; lid straight, subulate, almost as long as the capsule; calyptra scabrous at apex; peristome teeth lanceolate, 2 or 3-fid ; spreading when dry. Hab. On dripping rocks and near waterfalls, in mountains. Not common. Fr. winter. Easily distinguished by its brown, rigid tufts and small, almost globose capsules, which are sometimes on very short fruitstalks and almost concealed among the higher innovations. R. frotensum is perhaps the species most nearly resembling it, but is easily distinguished by its larger leaves with widely recurved margins. This, as well as the two other species of the Section Dryptodon, is distinguished by its liking for humid, almost aquatic situations. Grimmia atrata also much resembles it, but is more robust with longer lid and calyptra, and the basal areolation much shorter and less sinuose. 2. Rhacomitrium aciculare Brid. (Bryum aciculare L.; Grimmia acicularis C.M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIII. I.). In coarse tufts, dull dark green, often becoming blackish, 1-3 inches high ; stems stout, dichotomously branched, rigid, denuded below. Leaves erecto-patent, imbricated when dry, sometimes sub-secund at apex, large, broadly oval-oblong, sometimes slightly plicate, often rounded at the broad, obtuse summit, which is entire or more or less dentate, not hyaline ; nerve rather narrow at the base, becoming obscure above and vanishing at some distance below the apex ; margin variously recurved. Cells in one layer except in the upper part at margin, which is slightly thickened, roundish-hexagonal or sub-quadrate near apex, below elliptical-rectangular and sinuose, gradually becoming narrow- linear and sinuose at base, a few angular cells broader, shorter, quadrate, but otherwise similar. Seta straight, erect, about £ inch long, dark brown ; capsule erect, brown, elliptical to sub- cylindric, rather narrow-mouthed, smooth, lid longly subulate, almost equalling the capsule; calyptra smooth; peristome teeth divided into 2-3 unequal branches. IIab. Rocks in streams in subalpine districts. Common. Fr. spring. Readily known from all the other species by its broad obtuse leaves which are usually somewhat denticulate above ; indeed, a fair amount of denticulation appears to be the rule rather than the exception, and the var. denticulatuni B. & S. would seem hardly worth preserving as a named form. In habit it is not unlike some forms of Grimmia apocarpa var. rivularis.RHACOMITRIUM. 151 3. Rhacomitrium protensum Braun. (Grimmia aquatica C.M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIII. J.). In large, loose, depressed patches, 2-8 inches long; yellowish green, brown below ; stems rigid, procumbent, much branched ; often curved when dry. Leaves erecto-patent or sub-secund, appressed and straight when dry, from a wide oblong base shortly lanceolate, at apex rather widely obtuse, quite entire, not hyaline- pointed ; margin widely recurved, not thickened; nerve strong, broad, reddish, reaching to the apex or nearly so ; cells in upper part of the leaf short, sinuosely elliptical, in one layer, minutely papillose, gradually becoming longer and narrower downwards, the angular scarcely distinguishable. Seta short, about j-inch, appearing lateral by innovation; capsule oblong-cylindrical, brown, often hidden by the upper branches; calyptra smooth; peristome teeth divided into two narrow branches, which are free or slightly cohering. Hab. Damp rocks. Frequent. Fr. spring. Not unlike Grimmia patens, but usually of a paler colour, and with quite a different nerve. The leaves while narrower and more pointed than in R. aciculare are more obtuse than in any of the other species ; in R. fasciculare they are much more slender and delicate, with a far fainter nerve ; R. ellipticiun has them much smaller with the upper cells bi-stratose, and the capsule is much shorter; R. heterostichum var. gracilescens is usually much more slender, dull green or blackish, with smaller leaves narrower at the tips; the other species are known by the hair-points. It is sometimes of luxuriant growth, and I have seen the face of a large rock covered with a rich golden green carpet of this moss, the stems 6 or 8 inches long. B. EU-RHACOMITRIUM. Stems with fasciculate branches and often with numerous short lateral branchlets. Leaves usually hair-pointed. Peristome teeth generally divided more than half-way into two filiform branches. 4. Rhacomitrium fasciculare Brid. (Bryum fasciculare Schrad. ; Grimmia fascicularis C. M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIII. K.). In close, flat patches, the stems short and more or less erect in the centre, prostrate and creeping towards the outside, yellowish- green, with crowded branches and numerous very short lateral branchlets. Leaves patent and flexuose, appressed and very slightly twisted when dry, from an oval-oblong base longly lanceo- late, narrowly tapering, but not very acute and often distinctly152 GRIMMIACE/E. obtuse, without a hyaline point, thin, pellucid, lightly plicate at base; margin strongly recurved; nerve very thin and faint, ill- defined, vanishing below the apex ; cells all long, narrow and sinuose, even those in the upper part of the leaf 3-5 times as long as broad and finely papillose, a single row, rarely two or three, of quadrate or rectangular hyaline cells forming a marginal band at the basal angles. Seta short, rather thick, brown ; calyptra papillose over the whole subula; capsule oblong, dark brown, thick-walled ; peristome teeth divided to base, divisions filiform. Hab. Rocks, usually in subalpine situations. Frequent. Fr. spring and summer. There is nothing very distinctive in the appearance of this species at first sight, but a more careful examination shows the leaves to be quite green to their tips, with no trace of a hyaline point; and its slender habit and narrow leaves will distinguish it from the last species, as will its mode of branching from the ordinary muticous- leaved form of R. heterostichum ; in doubtful cases the cells, elongate to the apex of the leaf, and the very faint nerve will abundantly distinguish it, while the total absence of hair-point, dark seta, and larger, brown, pachydermous fruit will equally separate it from R. ramulosum. 5. Rhacomitrium ramulosum Lindb. (Grimmia ramulosa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.; R. microcarpon Brid., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXIII. L.). In low pale green or yellowish tufts, slightly hoary; stems slender, nodose, with very numerous short obtuse lateral branch- lets. Leaves shorter than in the last species, thin and pellucid, lanceolate from an ovate base, rather broad at the point, with a flat, denticulate hair-point variable in length, usually very short; margin recurved, not thickened above, nerve stronger and more distinct than in the last, percurrent; cells all elongated and extremely narrow, 3-6 times as long as broad at apex. Seta short, pale yellowish; capsule very small, pale, thin-walled, oval or oblong; calyptra papillose above; peristome teeth short, deeply divided almost to base. Hab. Dry mountain rocks. “Highlands” (Herb. Hook.). Fr. autumn. The only claim to its being considered a native of Britain rests upon a specimen of this plant in Hooker’s Herbarium, labelled as above. Boulay and Husnot unite it with R. heterostichum as a variety, but the reason for so doing is difficult to see, so long, especially, as R. sudeticum is maintained as a separate species ; I cannot but think that the uniformly elongated areolation in the present plant is a character of greater importance than any which separates the former from R. heterostichum. In habit R. ramulosum resembles R. fasciculare to some extent, and in the densely nodose branch- ing it even approaches R. canescens, while the hair-point is occasionally so developed as to render the plant quite hoary ; the areolation and the presence of a hyaline point make it easy of recognition ; in the fruiting characters it is near R. sudeticum, but theRHACOMITRIUM. 153 habit of that plant is quite different. So much doubt exists as to the plant intended by Bridel to be described by his name R. microcarpon, that it seems safer, and is far less confusing, to use Lindberg’s name for the present species and R. sudeticum for the second of the two plants to which Bridel’s name has equally been applied. 6. Rhacomitrium heterostichum Brid. (Trichostomum heterostichum Hedw.; Grimmia heterosticha C.M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIV. A.). Typically a rather short-stemmed plant, growing in close tufts, erect or more usually depressed, at the outside of the patches prostrate, rigid, greyish green, hoary ; stems dichotomously branched with few branchlets which are usually slender and spread- ing rather than short and nodose ; leaves spreading or subsecund, erect but not appressed when dry, rather short and broad, oblong- lanceolate from a wide base, gradually narrowed to a rather broad point, the summit of which usually has a hyaline tip with decurrent edges and is prolonged into a broad flat hair, which is denticulate at the margins, and often longer than half the rest of the leaf ; leaf-margins revolute to apex, slightly incrassate above; nerve distinct, reaching apex and passing into the hyaline point; lower cells linear, nodulose, a few at basal margin pellucid, upper gradually shorter, broader than in the last two species, near apex shortly rectangular, rounded, or sub-quadrate, usually 1^—3 times as long as broad, shorter at margin, incrassate and sinuose below the surface, not papillose. Calyptra papillose at apex; seta straight, reddish, capsule oblong-cylindric, narrowed at the mouth, thick-walled, brown. Peristome teeth rather short, lanceolate, unequally divided. Var. /?. alopecurum Hiibn. (Grimmia affinis Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.). Slender and elongated, with more numerous slender fasciculate branches; less hoary, of a darker colour. Leaves more acute, the hair-point shorter, J length of leaf, often almost obsolete. Capsule shorter, peristome small. Var. y. gracilescens B. & S. (G. affinis var. gracilescens Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FL). Still more slender, with longer, often fastigiate branches, sometimes almost simple or only slightly dichotomous; hair-points very short, often wanting; capsule smaller than in the last variety, often paler and thinner-walled. Hab. Rocks and walls in mountainous districts. Common. Fr. summer. Rhacomitrium heterostichum is our most variable species, and the multiple forms are so inconstant and so ill-defined as almost to defy classification. They depend chiefly on the mode of ramification, the relative length, or absence, of the hair-point, the154 GRIMMIACE/E. varying acuteness of the leaves, and the form, size, and texture of the capsule. There appears to be little or no correlation between these characters, and it is therefore unsafe to found even varieties on them. Thus forms with obtuse, muticous leaves occur correlated with the most widely different form of capsule and varying degrees of robustness and of branching, and I do not feel able to follow Braithwaite in making a species, nor indeed even a variety of the obtuse-leaved form. Moreover, it is not at all uncommon to find plants with the greater number of the leaves obtuse and muticous, with here and there one with a short hyaline point. The var. gracilescens is with equal difficulty separated from the var. alopecurum, but I have taken it as embracing the slender forms with more or less dichotomous, not fasciculately branched stems, the leaves closely imbricated when dry, more frequently muticous and hairless, and the capsule smaller and paler. In some of its forms it shows a distinct approach to R. sudeticum. It is to be found abundantly all over the summit of Snowdon and several of the neighbouring mountains in large, deep tufts, almost black, with tall, erect, densely crowded, almost unbranched slender stems, nearly always barren. Some forms have the upper margins distinctly thickened, which, with the shorter, almost quadrate apical areolation, distinguishes the species from R. ramulosum, and also, in its muticous form, from R. fasciculare. It is more difficult to separate from R. sudeticum, although in its typical form widely different; in the var. gracilescens the characteristic branching tends to disappear, the capsule becomes smaller, thinner and paler, and in short a very close approach is made to R. sudeticuzn. R. heterostichum in its mode of growth is sometimes not unlike a Grimmia, such as G. trichophylla or G. decipiens ; the broad base of the wide hyaline points is some- times sufficient to distinguish them in the field, with the wider, less elongated leaves; in the absence of these marks, and of the typical Rhacomitrium branching, recourse must be had to the microscope. * Rhacomitrium sudeticum B.&S. (Trichostomum sudeticum Funck. ; Grimmia microcarpa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI. ; R. microcarpon Brid. in part.) (Tab. XXIV. B.). Resembling slender forms of R. heterostichum var. gracilescens, in wide lax patches with ascending branches, dull or yellowish-green above. Leaves small, narrowly acuminate, margin incrassate above, nerve distinct ; hair-point short but usually distinct, narrow, denticulate. Areolation frequently a little wider and less sinuose at mid-base, but not constantly so; above roundish-quadrate. Seta short, pale, flexuose or curved, calyptra slightly papillose at apex. Capsule small, elliptic, pale brown, thin-walled; peristome teeth irregularly divided. Hab. Shaded alpine rocks. Not common. Fr. early summer. Although this is almost universally considered a separate species, I have little hesitation in uniting it with R. heterostichum. I can find no constant difference in the areolation of the two, nor in the other characters of the leaves. The slender habit and the branching are no doubt striking features, but R. heterostichum var. gracilescens is often every whit as slender, while it has, as noted above, every form of ramification ; in the form and texture of the capsule R. heterostichum is equally variable, and I have forms which, on the basis of the fruit alone, would certainly be called R. sudeticum. The var. validius Jur., moreover, of R. sudeticum, appears to be in every way a transition to R. heterostichum.RHACOMITRIUM. 155 7. Rhacomitrium lanuginosum Brid. (Trichostomum lanuginosum Hedw.; Grimmia hypnoides Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIV. CJ. Growing in large mats, dull green or yellowish-brown, hoary, rigid and fragile when dry ; stems procumbent, 3-12 inches long, slender, with numerous slender, variously elongated lateral branchlets. Leaves crowded, spreading, often falcato-secund at the summit of the branches, appressed when dry, with the tip flexuose, long, gradually narrowed from near the base to a very long tapering point, the whole upper part forming a broad, beautifully white diaphanous hair-point, often longer than the rest of the leaf, Iongly decurrent at the sides of the leaf, erose- dentate at margins, papillose on surface, flexuose and undulate when dry; leaf-base oval, slightly plicate; margin revolute below; nerve thin, broad, and distinct, running into the hyaline point, at the base of which it is chlorophyllose, above becoming hyaline but distinct almost to the apex ; cells in one stratum throughout the leaf, arranged in regular rows, lowest very incrassate, narrow-linear and nodulose, a single row at basal margin of pellucid, not sinuose, narrow cells ; upper cells broader, sinuose, shorter, but almost always at least twice as long as broad, even at the base of the hair, smooth. Capsule on a short, rough seta, arising on a short lateral branchlet, oval or elliptic-oblong, pale brown, finally darker; calyptra rough at apex ; peristome orange red, the teeth divided to base into two long filiform branches. Hab. Dry rocky heaths, wall tops, rocks, etc. Common. Fr. early summer, not common. The largest British species of the genus, and quite distinct in habit alone. It is not very variable, but stunted forms occasionally are found which might at first be taken for R. heterostichum, and a variety occurs with very short hair-points ; these are however easily known by the longer, more sinuose upper areolation and other points ; from R. canescens the smooth- cells of the leaf clearly separate it. R. lanuginosum often covers large tracts of barren heathland, in big swollen cushions; it is one of the few species of the genus which, like the next, are occa- sionally found on the ground and not actually on rock. The hair-point of the leaf is a most beautiful microscopic object. The fruit is not very frequently found, but when it occurs it is produced in considerable quantity. The rough seta is unique in this genus. 8. Rhacomitrium canescens Brid. (Trichostomum canescens Timm. ; Grimmia canescens C.M., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIV. D.). In lax or dense tufts, erect or spreading, dull green, or slightly yellowish; stems 1-4 inches long, variously branched,GRIMMIACE/E. 156 ■withfew or many very short branchlets. Leaves variable in size and shape, but always shorter and broader than in the last, usually rather shortly acuminate from a wide ovate or almost cordate slightly plicate base, spreading, flexuose, when dry as a rule not much appressed, but variable ; usually, especially the upper ones, ending in a hair-point of variable length, rarely more than half the length of the leaf, broad, papillose, dentate, less decurrent than in the last, often very short or wanting; nerve thin, pellucid, faint, but usually distinguishable to the hair- point ; margin revolute ; cells all strongly papillose, unistratose, the upper short, sub-quadrate, sinuose, the lower long, narrow- linear, nodulose, a few at basal angles wide, thin-walled and pellucid, forming minute decurrent auricles. Seta long, smooth ; capsule short, oval, or elliptic, slightly plicate when dry and empty, brown ; calyptra and peristome resembling the last. Var. [3. ericoides B. & S. Usually erect, stems straight, lateral branchlets very numerous, short, with a regular alternate or pinnate arrangement; leaves usually broader and shorter, with a shorter hair-point. Hab. Barren heaths and wall tops. Common. The var. £ equally common, usually by sandy roadsides or in the detritus of stream beds. Fr. spring. The peculiar ramification of this plant taken in conjunction with its normally long hair-points, and with its habitat, usually makes its identification easy. It is, how- ever, in some respects a very variable plant; and the hair-point is especially variable in length. I have very frequently found plants with the hair-point entirely wanting in nearly all the leaves, one form so exactly reproducing the appearance of R. fasciculare in colour, mode of growth, and leaf-form that it can hardly be separated except by the papillose cells, shorter above and enlarged at the basal angles ; another with the leaves very broad, flaccid, strongly plicate, very shortly narrowed to an obtuse rounded apex. Under the microscope R. catiescens is clearly marked off from the other species by the strongly papillose cells and minute auricles. It is less elongated and slender in all its parts than the last. 31. COSCINODON Spreng. Characters of Grimmia, especially the species of the Section Schistidium, but differing in the campanulate, plicate calyptra ; capsule immersed on a short seta, peristome teeth more or less perforated (cribrose). Dioicous. Besides C. cribrosus there is another European species (C. humilis) with non-plicate leaves ; a third species (C. Patersoni Ferg.) has been described as Scottish, but its record as a British plant was probably an error.COSCINODON. 157 1. Coscinodon cribrosus Spruce (Grimmia cribrosa Hedw.) (Tab. XXIV. E.). In small, very dense cushions, sometimes confluent and forming wide patches, greyish green, hoary above, short. Leaves crowded, spreading, appressed when dry, ovate-lanceolate or shortly oblong-lanceolate, concave, margin incurved above; plicate or rather costate at back on each side of the nerve, especially in the upper part ; nerve narrow, prominent at back ; upper leaves ending in a long, almost smooth hair-point, which is often wide at the base and extends down the upper part of the leaf apex ; cells at base rectangular, rather pellucid, not sinuose, thin- walled or slightly incrassate, more elongated near the nerve; above elliptical, then rounded, or quadrate, incrassate, smaller, near apex often bi-stratose; perichaetial bracts thinner, less plicate. Seta short, straight, capsule immersed, erect, oval, smooth, wide-mouthed when dry, lid conical, rostellate ; calyptra covering most of capsule, lobed at base, thin ; peristome teeth lanceolate, orange-red, much perforated. Hab. Siliceous rocks, very rare. Fr. summer. This little moss resembles Grimmia anodon and G. crinita in its dense, hoary cushions ; but the capsule is different and the plicae of the leaves at once distinguish it. These are rather dorsal bands of thickening cells with something the appearance of secondary nerves than simple furrows ; they are in some leaves very indistinct. The species differs too from the above plants in never choosing a calcareous matrix. Grimmia conferta is also something like it, but the calyptra, the larger cells, longer, narrower hair-point, and plicate leaves of the present plant will easily distinguish it from that. 32. PTYOHOMITRIUM B. & S. Plants in dense cushions ; leaves long, narrow, without hyaline points, crisped when dry; areolation not sinuose. Seta straight. Capsule smooth. (la\yptra.campanulate, lobed, plicate. Peristome teeth long, divided into two slender branches or almost entire. 1. Ptychomitrium polyphyllum Fiirnr. (Bryum polyphyllum Dicks. ; Glyphomitrium polyphyllum Mitt., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIV. F.). In neat rounded dense cushions, yi-2 inches high, dark or yellowish-green, blackish below. Leaves crowded, spreading and flexuose when moist, strongly crisped when dry, large (2 lines long), elongate-lanceolate from a broad, oblong, deeply plicate158 GRIMMIACE/E. base, tapering to an acute but not slender nor hyaline point, margin revolute in the lower half, above plane, incrassate, coarsely and remotely toothed in the upper half; nerve strong, channelled in front, rather indistinct towards apex ; cells at base very narrow and long, regularly seriate, with thick lateral and thin transverse walls, towards the margins wider, shorter; reddish brown at base ; above, the cells gradually shorten, the walls becoming uniformly incrassate, in all upper part of leaf rounded-quadrate or transversely oval, very regularly arranged in rows, brown and opaque. Seta erect, straight, about half-an-inch long, but variable, several often arising from the same perichaetium; capsule narrowly elliptic or sub-cylindric, pale brown, thin-walled, smooth ; lid longly and finely subulate; calyptra narrowly campanulate, lobed at base, plicate, slightly scabrous at apex. Peristome teeth cleft to base, red, paler when old, erecto-patent, segments long, filiform. Spores small. Autoicous. Hab. Siliceous rocks and walls in mountainous districts. Common. Fr. early summer. A very distinct and easily known plant, the neat cushions with the capsules usually very abundant being conspicuous on nearly every wall in many mountain regions ; the stems are thick and tumid with the large, densely crowded leaves. The serratures of the leaves are sometimes very faint. The basal areolation is peculiar, the regular rows of linear cells with very thin transverse walls, but strongly incrassate longitudinal ones, giving frequently somewhat the appearance of each row being a single cell with transverse partitions rather than a series of separate cells. 33. GLYPHOMITRIUM Brid. Closely allied to Ptychomitrium, but of much smaller habit; peristome teeth united in pairs, broad, entire. The difference in peristome seems sufficient to warrant the separation of these two genera, which in other respects too would seem the more natural treatment. 1. Glyphomitrium Daviesii Brid. (Bryum Daviesii Dicks.) (Tab. XXIV. G.). In small dense smooth cushions, about half an inch high, deep green. Leaves small (1 line), narrowly linear-lanceolate, tapering to a rather broadly acute point, margin plane or narrowly recurved below, incrassate above, entire, crisped when dry ; nerve strong, thick, vanishing at apex; cells at base hyaline, thin-walled, hexagonal-rectangular, rather shorter at margin, above elliptic, incrassate, in all the upper half rounded-quadrate, regularlyGLYPHOMITRIUM. >59 seriate, incrassate. Seta very short, /-2 lines, capsule small, oval-globose, pale reddish brown with a red mouth, when dry and empty wide-mouthed and sub-urceolate; lid longly rostrate; peristome teeth red, in pairs, broad, lanceolate, reflexed when dry, entire, closely barred, inserted below the mouth. Calyptra whitish, at first narrow, plicate, reaching below the capsule and embracing the seta, afterwards ventricose, shining and hardly plicate, split at several points, on one side almost to apex. Spores large, 30-40 Autoicous. Hab. Basaltic and siliceous rocks. Rare. Fr. summer. A pretty little plant, readily known by its small compact tufts, curled leaves and numerous minute reddish capsules, with white shining calyptra. Without the latter organ it bears a. slight resemblance to Rhabdoweisia, but the similarity is only superficial. It grows well on the basaltic pillars of the North of Ireland and the West Coast of Scotland, and is also found in Wales and England, but has not been discovered beyond the British Isles. 34. CAMPYLOSTELIUM B. & S. Minute, gregarious plants ; leaves small, very narrow, crisped when dry, areolation punctate above. Seta arcuate, capsule small, calyptra mitriform, s?nooth. Peristome teeth narrow, cleft, equidistant. A small genus, the place of which is somewhat uncertain ; it is usually placed near Seligeria, to which it has close affinity, but in leaf structure and in the mitriform calyptra and peristome it comes very near Glyphomitrium and Grimmia. 1. Campylostelium saxicola B. & S. (Dicranum saxicola W. & M., Glyphomitrium saxicola Mitt., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIV. H.). Minute, dwarf, gregarious; leaves crowded above, longly linear-subulate from a narrow oblong base, sub-acute, flexuose, crisped when dry ; margin plane, entire, slightly incrassate above ; nerve rather stout, vanishing in apex; cells at base lax, hyaline, thin-walled, rectangular; above smaller, elliptic, incrassate, in the limb small, rounded, often bi-stratose, incrassate. Seta slender, cygneous, when mature and dry erect and flexuose; capsule elliptic-oblong, pale, thin-walled, smooth ; calyptra subulate, lobed; lid longly rostrate; peristome teeth reddish, unequally cleft. Autoicous. Hab. Sandstone and siliceous rocks ; not common. Fr. winter.i6o GRIMMIACE/E. The distribution of this little moss is very much that of Brachyodus trichodes, with which, moreover, it is frequently found growing-. In habit it is most like Seligeria recurvata, but that has more setaceous leaves with different areolation, and a shorter, rounder capsule. 35. HEDWIGIA Ehrh. Stems forked, with lateral innovations. Leaves broad, oval, nerveless. Capsule immersed or very shortly exserted, roundish, gymnostomous ; calyptra small, ftigacious ; lid short, obtuse. A genus consisting of two species, which has been variously located, but seems most at home under Grimmiacese. These two species are sometimes treated as generically distinct, but the distinguishing characters are not of great importance, and I have admitted the later, perhaps less usual arrangement. The leaves have some resemblance in form and areolation to Cryphaea heteromalla, but there the agreement ends. {Leaves with hyaline points, coarsely papillose ...............................i. ciliata Leaves without hyaline points, scarcely papillose ...........................2. imberbis 1. Hedwigia ciliata Ehrh. (Bryum ciliatum Dicks. : Hedwigia albicans Lindb.) (Tab. XXIV. I.). In small or wide patches, of a glaucous green, and usually hoary, the tufts very easily breaking up when gathered. Stems rather slender, at first erect, then elongated and procumbent, rigid when dry, slightly forked and with shorter lateral branches, 1-4 inches long, denuded at base. Leaves when dry imbricated with the apex recurved, often falcato-secund, when moist spreading, often secund, especially on the procumbent stems, concave, nerveless, ovate, acuminate and tipped with a long or short, wide hyaline point, which is spinoselv denticulate at the edges; margin recurved below, slightly sinuose; cells strongly papillose, at mid-base yellow, narrow-linear with the lateral walls incrassate and somewhat porose ; towards the margin the cells are shorter, wider, sub-quadrate or rectangular with sinuose walls, more pellucid, at basal angles often larger, quadrate, brown ; upper cells in regular longitudinal rows, ovate, hexagonal or sub-quadrate, all incrassate and usually angular. Capsule sub-sessile, immersed ; perichsetial bracts ciliate on the margin towards apex; calyptra small, only covering the lid, conical, usually sub-cucullate, fugacious; capsule globose or slightly oblong, wide-mouthed and truncate after the fall of the lid, yellowish with a red mouth, smooth, annulus none; lid convex, sometimes mamillate ; peristome none. Autoicous.HEDWfGIA. 161 Var. /3. leucophaea Schp. More robust, very hoary; leaves wider, the base of the hair-point occupying almost one-third of the length of the leaf. Var. y. viridis Schp. Leaves imbricated when dry, bright green, tip hardly hyaline. Var. 8. striata Wils. Leaves (especially the uppermost) distinctly striate; margin strongly recurved. Hab. On siliceous walls and rocks, common. The var. on more exposed rocks. The var y in more shaded localities, rare. The var. 5 rare. Fr. spring. This species is somewhat variable, especially in the relative length and con- spicuousness of the hyaline point; the vars. viridis and leucophaa are little more than extremes of variation in this respect, linked with one another by innumerable intermediate forms. Another form described by Schimper as var. secunda is also found; it is only a more than usually elongated slender form with smaller, less crowded, more secund leaves than usual. Hcdwigia ciliata somewhat resembles Rhacomitrium heterostichum, and still more perhaps Grimmia apocarpa, but the broader ovate leaves regularly imbricated, at the base at least, when dry, are totally different upon closer examination. Forms without hyaline points, which are however rare, might be taken for the next species, but are nearly always of a decided green, less yellow ; it would always be safer, how- ever to submit such forms to the microscope, when the strongly papillose leaves would clearly refer them to the present species. 2. Hedwigia imberbis Spruce. (Gymnostomum imberbe Sm.; Hedwis'idiiim imberbe B. & S., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) (Tab. XXIV. J.). Resembling the last species in mode of growth, but with the stems less forked, with lateral branches, sometimes flagelliform at apex, dark brown below, yellowish brown at the summits of the branches, not hoary; leaves spreading, rarely falcato-secund, closely imbricated when dry, resembling the last in shape, oval- oblong, quickly narrowed to a short acute apiculus, not hair- pointed, nerveless ; margin strongly revolute almost to summit, slightly notched or irregular at apex. Basal cells resembling the last, the upper smaller, narrower, usually irregularly rectangular and elliptic, or sub-quadrate, with incrassate sinuose walls, smooth or slightly papillose. Leaves of the flagelliform shoots and perichaetial bracts with the apex some- times discoloured. Capsule on a rather longer seta, slightly exserted; lid conical-rostellate, calyptra small, cucullate or sub- cucullate. Autoicous. Hab. Siliceous rocks, rare. Fr. autumn. Usually easily distinguishable from the last by the absence of hyaline points to the leaves, which are almost always brown or yellowish, more imbricated when dry, with the margin more strongly recurved ; also by the smoother, smaller and narrower areolation. LTORTULACE/E. 162 Order IX. TORTULACEyE. Mosses of usually low growth, radiculose only at base. Leaves variable, from linear to spathulate ; areolation usually thin-walled and hyaline at base, often small, obscure and papillose above. Seta straight, capsule erect or very slightly inclined, oval, oblong or cylindrical, calyptra usually narrow and cucullate, peristome none or single, of 16 straight or spirally twisted teeth, entire or divided, often into 32 filiform branches, papillose. A large and polymorphous Order, very difficult to define, owing to the number of lowly organised forms which, while widely differing from the normal type of the Order, are clearly inseparable from it by reason of the regular gradation between them and the higher species. The structure of the leaves is more important, perhaps unusually so, than that of the peristome, which exhibits considerable variation even within the same genus, and is indeed often absent from species whose close relationship with other highly peristomate ones is undoubted. On one side Tortulaceae comes very near to Dicranaceae, especially through Ceratodon ; on another it approaches Funariaceae ; the higher species of Tortula show great affinity to Encalypta, while Cinclidotus is related to Grimmiaceae, and other relationships could be pointed out; in a linear arrangement it is impossible to preserve these affinities unbroken, and we are obliged to be contented with drawing attention to the more important of them. With some slight variation I have for the most part followed Lindberg’s generic divisions and arrangement. I have however united Ephemerum with the Funariacea;, as despite their near resemblance to Acaulon they appear to be quite as closely related, through Physcomitrella, with that Order, and the areolation is rather Funarioid than Pottioid. Tribe 1. Potties. Leaves broad in outline, in only a few species narrowly lanceolate; peristome when present of 16 or 32 teeth, entire or cleft, sometimes to base, straight or twisted, often united at base into a tube. Upper cells more or less hexagonal, lax and pellucid or smaller and obscure. 36. ACAULON C.M. Plants minute, bulbiform. Upper leaves very much larger, concave, convolute. Capsule spherical, almost or entirely withoutACAULON. 163 an apiculus, immersed, cleistocarpous. Calyptra very small, conical, irregularly torn at the base. Spores rather large, granulated. Columella perfect. Male flower on a basal branch or basal radicles. These little plants are in the areolation somewhat inter- mediate between the genera Ephemerum and Phascum ; in habit, however, they are much nearer the latter, especially P. cuspidatum, and it can hardly be doubted that they are rightly placed here, whatever the position of Ephemerum. From all species of Phascum and indeed from all the cleistocarpous mosses with which they are likely to be confused, the round capsules without distinct apiculus except a very minute one in A. mediterranean, and the inflated, usually denticulate bracts easily distinguish them. fPerichcetial bracts convolute, not keeled ; seta straight.........2 \Perichsetial bracts connivent, keeled ; seta arcuate ...2. triquetrum (Capsule not or minutely apiculate; bracts usually denticulate at apex, with 2-1 excurrent nerve ........................................1. jtiuticum (Capsule distinctly apiculate ; bracts entire or sub-entire .1* mediterraneum 1. Acaulon muticum C.M. (Phascum muticum Schreb.; Spheerangium muticum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXV A.). Gregarious, minute plants, oval in outline and slightly cuspidate by the rather elongated upper leaves or bracts, pale greenish white or yellowish. Lower leaves very small, concave, roundish-ovate ; about three upper much larger, the two upper- most or inner perichaetial bracts being the largest, convolute, cymbiform, rounded at back, not keeled, enclosing and covering the capsule; irregularly denticulate or sinuose at the rounded obtuse apex, nerve distinct, usually excurrent in a short erect mucro, margin plane ; lower cells hyaline, rectangular, thin- walled, rather large, the upper smaller, rhomboid-hexagonal or sub-rectangular, smooth, the marginal ones often forming a more or less distinct border. Capsule on a short straight seta, immersed, spherical, or with a minute obtuse apiculus, orange- brown ; calyptra very small, torn at the base. Male flower on a basal branch or basal radicles. Var. /?. minus Braithw. (Phascum muticum var. minus Hook. & Tayl.). Smaller, shorter, bracts hardly exceeding the capsule, more shortly pointed, entire. Hab. Bare sandy spots, not unfrequent. The var. /3, Torquay ; Sussex. Fr. winter and early spring.164 TORTULACE^. Somewhat variable in size and in serrature of the bracts, this plant may always be recognised by the rounded, not apiculate capsule, and the bracts connivent above and concealing the fruit, not spreading and open as in Phascum ; the areolation, too, is usually more elongated and rhomboid, and smooth. From A. triquetrum it differs in the more elongate plants, more acute in outline, with the nerve of the leaves straighter, less conspicuous, not recurved in the mucro. The upper cells in both species are slightly incrassate, but not markedly so. * Acaulon mediterraneum Limpr. (Tab. XXV. B.). Differs from A. muticum in the rather more slender and slightly curved outline of the plant, the leaves and bracts usually less denticulate, the outer of the two bracts considerably shorter than the convolute, inner one. Seta very minutely curved, or straight. Capsule with a distinct obtuse apiculus. Male flower adhering to basal radicles of the fertile plant. Hab. Bank at Douglas, I. of Man [Holt, 1886). Except in the characters above described, the specimens which Mr. Holt has kindly sent me for examination show no difference from A. muticum, either in the curvature of the seta or the smoothness of the spores. The seta I find as nearly as possible straight, the spores minutely tuberculate as in A. muticum, the leaves and bracts constantly more or less denticulate, and though less strongly so than is often the case with the above, yet always more so than I have frequently found in that species, which sometimes occurs with the leaves entire or only faintly sinuose, even in the type. The unequal bracts and the more distinctly apiculate capsule are I believe the sole points that can be relied upon, and although of some value, they do not, I think, constitute sufficient difference to allow the plant specific rank. Almost all writers describe A. muticum as exhibiting a short obtuse apiculus, and its greater distinctness here can therefore only be looked upon as a question of degree. 2. Acaulon triquetrum C.M. (Phascum triquetrum Spruce ; Spheerangium triquetrum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXV. C.). Resembling the last but smaller, often golden brown ; the plants bulbiform, almost globose, rounded and obtuse in outline ; the bracts rather more numerous, usually three, acutely carinate as to give a triquetrous outline to the plant when viewed from above ; the nerve strong, excurrent in a recurved apiculus, the upper margin slightly recurved. Capsule on an arcuate seta. Hab. On the ground on the south coast; very rare. Fr. early spring. Distinguishable from tht first species by the characters italicised above, although somewhat approached by the var. minus of that plant. 37. PHASCUM Schreb. Minute, cleistocarpous plants. Leaves entire, ovate or lanceo- late, upper areolation usually papillose. Calyptra cucullate.PHASCUM. 165 Capsule immersed or hardly exserted, sub-globose or oval with a small apiculus. Columella perfect. Male flowers axillary. j f Capsule immersed, or slightly emergent only .................................2 \ Capsule exserted on a curved seta ................................3. curvicolle /Plant green ; Is. oblong-lanceolate .............................../. cuspidatum \Plant brownish ; Is. ovate-acuminate............................2. Fleerkeanum 1. Phascum cuspidatum Schreb. (P.acaulon L.; Braithw., Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXV. D.). Densely tufted ; minute, but larger than the other species of this genus, or of the last; deep green ; stems about i line high, occasionally taller, sometimes forked. Leaves crowded, erect, gradually larger upwards, the upper oblong-lanceolate, narrowed to apex, carinate, somewhat twisted when dry; nerve excurrent in a point of variable length ; margin entire, revolute towards the middle; areolation lax and hyaline at the base, rectangular ; above hexagonal and sub-quadrate, finely papillose at back. Capsules single, or two or three together, on straight'or arcuate pedicels of varying length, immersed or very slightly emergent, roundish with an obtuse apiculus; calyptra conical, cucullate ; spores moderately large, finely granulated. Var. /3. piliferum Hook. & Tayl. (P piliferum Schreb.). Smaller, leaves shorter, reddish, piliferous with the longly excurrent nerve. Capsule large, immersed. Var. y. Schreberianum Brid. (P Schreberianum Dicks.). Tall, several times branched; leaves longer, the uppermost spreading ; capsule slightly emergent. Var. 8. curvisetum Nees & Hornsch. (P. curvisetum Dicks.). Tall ; often divided; capsule emerging laterally on an arcuate seta. Hab. Clay banks, waste places, and fallow fields. Very common. The vars. more rare. Fr. early spring. An extremely variable plant in size, habit, and other points. The var. piliferum is perhaps the best characterised and most stable variety, the other two are rather the extreme forms each of a more or less connected series of gradations, many of which may be seen on the same tuft, or even on the same plant. The var. piliferum grows on sandy soil in dry places, usually near the sea, and has the hair-points not (infrequently hyaline and hoary. It was considered a species by Schreber, and even several varieties of it have been described. P. cuspidatum, in addition to other characters mentioned under Acaulon muticum, may usually be known from that species by the leaves being more or less twisted when dry. It is more common than any of the allied species, and usually grows in greater quantities and in more crowded tufts.TORTULACE^E. 166 2. Phascum Floerkeanum W. & M. (Tab. XXV. E.). Very minute, gregarious, reddish brown. Leaves erecto- patent, the upper larger, but not markedly so as in Acaulon, slightly twisted when dry, concave, ovate-acuminate, stoutly cuspidate with the strong reddish nerve; margin slightly revolute above, entire, or faintly irregular with the transverse cell-walls slightly projecting, cells lax at base and pellucid, hexagonal- rectangular, the upper small, irregularly quadrate, rhomboid or hexagonal, minutely papillose at back. Seta very short, erect. Capsule immersed, small, rounded with an obtuse apiculus, reddish ; calyptra conical, sub-cucullate ; spores pale, very minutely granulated. Var. /3. badium Brid. (P. badium Voit). Leaves longer, narrower ; capsule smaller, ovate, dull brown. Hab. Clay and chalk fields, rather uncommon. The var. rarer. Fr. winter. One of the smallest of our mosses. It is known from small forms of the last by the reddish colour, and shorter, more acuminate leaves, which are more spreading above, whereas in that species they are more or less erect. From the next it differs obviously in the straight, short seta and immersed capsules. The latter are occasionally aggregate. 3. Phascum curvicolle Ehrh. (Tab. XXV. F.). Very minute, gregarious, brownish. Leaves crowded, the lower small, oblong-lanceolate, the upper larger, narrowly lanceo- late, acuminate, nerve reddish, stout, excurrent into a long point; margin recurved for the greater part of the length of the leaf, entire or minutely crenulate-papillose at apex ; cells rectangular at base, above small, rounded-hexagonal or sub-quadrate, very papillose, obscure, incrassate; capsule laterally emergent on a curved seta, solitary or aggregate, horizontal or pendulous, oval with an obtuse point; calyptra rather large, cucullate. Spores pale, very faintly granulated. Paroicous or synoicous. Hab. Bare places and fallow fields, usually on chalky ground. Rare. Fr. early spring. Readily known by its oval almost pendulous capsule hanging out from the side of the stem, and often more conspicuous than the rest of the plant ; the areolation too is denser and more obscure than in P. cuspidatum, the var. curvisetum of which is the only plant that, when in fruit, might be mistaken for it, and the spores are different. The leaves are smaller and narrower than in the last.POTTIA. 167 38. POTTIA Ehrh. Plants short, hardly branched, in tufts or scattered. Leaves broad in outline, more or less ovate or oblong, usually papillose, nerved almost always to apex or beyond ; areolation rather lax, more or less hexagonal above. Calyptra narrow, cucullate. Capsule erect on a straight seta, exserted, oval or cylindric, cleistocarpous, gymnostomous, or with a peristome of 16 imperfect or lanceolate bifid teeth. Spores granulated. The species of this genus form a very natural group, and the only real question of difficulty is whether they should stand alone or form a section of Tortula. The convenience of the former arrangement is obvious, since there are as many as 40 species belonging to Pottia, and a still larger number to Tortula, and although there is no doubt considerable affinity between the two groups, it can hardly be considered closer than is often the case between allied genera; there is, moreover, a peculiar habit among the Pottiae which is only found in a few species of Tortula, and which is there always associated v/ith the elongated fruit and characteristic peristome of that genus. It is true that Tortula pusilla and T. lamellata form a connecting link between the two genera, and that the two being obviously inseparable, one must be removed from what would certainly be its natural place did it stand alone; but the existence of such ambiguous forms is a rule rather than an exception in nature, and to deny autonomy to all groups that included such forms would be to reduce classification to an absurdity. In Pottia the stems are usually very short, and never much elongated; the leaves are usually soft, and generally spread in a stellate manner from the stem when moist; the capsule and seta are almost always shorter than in Tortula, and the peristome teeth are never filiform and elongated as in that genus. The quinquefarious or octofarious arrangement of the leaves while no doubt a valuable character, and fairly easy of deter- mination in fresh plants, is not of much use in the study of herbarium specimens; and even with the former it is sometimes difficult, and occasionally, I am inclined to think, misleading. Corbi^re describes, for instance (Rev. Bry. 1895, p. 34) an octofarious var. of P. lanceolata. Stomata are found on the neck of the capsule in most if not all of the species; I have observed them on P. recta, bryoides, minutula, Starkeana, truncatula, intermedia, Heimii, and asperula.TORTULACE^E. 168 1. Pottia recta Mitt. (Phascum rectum With., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXV. G.). Very small, gregarious, dull green or brownish. Leaves erecto-patent, slightly recurved, small, concave, oblong-lanceolate or ovate, shortly acuminate and rather acute, nerve strong, reddish, excurrent in a short mucro, margin recurved, entire, cells rectangular and hyaline at base, above small, rhomboid or hexagonal, papillose, chlorophyllose. Capsule on a very short seta, not much elevated above the leaves, cleistocarpous, small, sub-spherical with a very small obtuse apiculus formed by the lid, which does not however separate, orange-brown ; capsules occa- sionally aggregate ; calyptra scabrous at apex, and indeed nearly to base ; spores minutely and densely granulated. Paroicous. Hab. Bare places and fallow fields, usually on calcareous soil, sometimes on clay ; not common. Fr. winter. This species is nearly allied to Phascum curvicolle, but the erect seta and distinct though not deciduous lid make it easily recognised, and the upper leaves are shorter and broader, the calyptra also is more scabrous. In habit it is more like P. Starkeana, or P. minutula, but the deciduous lid and especially the wide-mouthed capsules in those species readily distinguish them ; in the present plant the lid and the line marking the orifice are very small and narrow. The next species is known by the smooth calyptra and more elongate capsule. 2. Pottia bryoides Mitt. (Phascum bryoides Dicks., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXV H.). Taller than the last, sometimes nearly half an inch in length, dull green, densely gregarious. Lower leaves small, lanceolate, upper much larger, broadly oblong-lanceolate, concave, acumi- nate, margin revolute to near apex, nerve excurrent in a short arista; upper cells larger than in the last, hexagonal-rhomboid, incrassate, slightly papillose at back. Capsule cleistocarpous, exserted on a short seta, about one line high, or less, oval or oval- elliptic, abruptly or gradually narrowed into an obtuse persistent rostellate beak ; calyptra smooth ; spores as in the last. Var. /3. Thornhillii Braithw. (Phascum bryoides var. Thorn- hillii Wils.). Leaves much longer, subspathulate, spreading and slightly recurved, margin plane, nerve very shortly excurrent. Capsule longer, with a long beak, on a longer seta. Spores smaller, slightly granulated. IIab. Fallow fields and bare places, rare. The var. /3 near Newcastle ( Thornhill, 1841). Fr. winter.POTTIA. 169 The capsule in this species is of a peculiar form, as is best shown by the figure. Sometimes, however, it more closely resembles that of the last species, but is larger and longer. That species has smaller leaves with much smaller areolation, more papillose and obscure ; indeed, the foliage of P. recta is rather Phascoid than Pottioid, while the present species in the leaves closely resembles some of the other species of Pottia. The fruit, however, will readily separate it. The var. Thornhillii, which I have not seen, was by Wilson considered as possibly a distinct species, and the characters as detailed by him are certainly striking. P. bryoides is a variable species, and other forms have been described as varieties, but apparently on slender grounds ; one form (var. pilifera) has the nerve excurrent in a long hair-like point. 3. Pottia Heimii Fiirnr. (Gymnostomum Heiviii Hedw.) (Tab. XXV. I.). A comparatively tall species, with the stems § inch high, but very variable in this as in other respects, tufted, yellowish green. Leaves increasing in size upwards, lower broadly lanceolate, those at the top of the stem long, narrowly oblong- lanceolate, acute and slightly acuminate, spreading when moist, appressed and slightly twisted when dry; margin plane, serrated towards apex ; nerve reddish, usually slightly excurrent ; cells in the lower half of the leaf elongated, rectangular, lax, hyaline ; in upper part rather large, hexagonal-rhomboid, chlorophyllose, rather incrassate, papillose. Seta long inch), rather thick, twisted when dry; capsule obovate-oblong, rather large, but variable, thick-walled, narrowed at base, pale brown, wide- mouthed when empty; calyptra smooth; lid obliquely rostrate from a broad flat base ; columella attached to lid, at maturity lengthened beyond the mouth of the capsule, elevating the lid and retaining it for some time ; peristome none. Autoicous or rarely synoicous. Hab. Muddy and sandy ground near the sea. Frequent. Fr. spring. This is one of our few distinctly maritime mosses ; it somewhat resembles robust forms of P. intermedia, but it has a different facies from any of the other species, by which it is easily recognised, the long, stout seta greatly contributing to this. It is also quite distinct in the leaf apex, and although among its many variations it occa- sionally has the leaves entire, it is rarely that it may not be known by this character. The lid, elevated above the mouth of the capsule and remaining attached to the columella, is a very curious and striking characteristic of this species during the time that the fruit is mature. The plane margin of the leaf would distinguish doubtful or barren forms from P. intennedia; the leaves are also usually of a more solid texture than in the allied species. 4. Pottia truncatula Lindb. (Bryum truncatulum L. ; Pottia truncata Fiirnr., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXV. J.). In loose tufts or patches, dark green ; j-inch high, slightly branched. Leaves quinquefarious, spreading, soft, twisted when170 TORTULACE/E. dry, lower short, oblong-spathulate, upper longer, oblong, shortly and slightly acute ; margin plane, slightly irregular towards apex with the projecting transverse cell walls, but not papillose ; nerve excurrent in a short point ; upper cells rather large, hexagonal, thin-walled, smooth. Seta short, slender ; capsule shortly oval or turbinate, when empty truncate, wide-mouthed and almost hemispherical, thin-walled, pale brown, exannulate ; lid flat, with a very oblique, more or less longly rostrate beak. Calyptra smooth. Peristome none. Spores large, minutely punctulate. Autoicous. Hab. Banks, fallow fields, etc. ; very common. -Fr. winter. The commonest species of the genus, and recognised without difficulty by the leaf form and the short truncate capsules with obliquely rostrate lid. The capsule is, however, somewhat variable in length and form. * Pottia intermedia Fiirnr. (Gymnostomum intermedium Turn. ; P. lanceolata var. gymnostoma Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXVI. A.). Taller, rather larger in all its parts; leaves longer, margin revolute at middle, at apex slightly rough with projecting papillae as well as with the transverse cell walls ; areolation slightly papillose at back in the upper part of the leaf. Capsule longer, oblong, more or less elongated ; peristome absent or very rudimentary. Annulus broad. Hab. Walls, fallow fields, etc. ; frequent. Fr. winter. In its typical form a markedly different plant from P. truncatula, but the above characters are not always pronounced, and the re volute margins and papillose leaves are sometimes correlated with a very short, truncate capsule. The papillosity of the leaves does not, indeed, seem to afford a very stable specific character in this genus. It frequently grows with P. lanceolata, but I have never found any trouble in separating the two; apart from the peristome the latter has narrower, more regularly cylindrical, dark red or purplish capsules, thick-walled, narrower at the mouth, with a regularly conical lid, obtuse, and of variable length ; the present plant has the ripe capsules always paler, brown, broader, more or less wide-mouthed, with the lid as in P. truncatula wide and flat at the base, with a narrow and oblique rostellate beak. In addition to this, the spores in P. intermedia are much larger, being double the diameter of those of P. lanceolata, and the areolation also, as Braith- waite points out, is larger than in that species. It is difficult therefore to see why Schimper unites the present plant with P. lanceolata rather than with P. truncatula. I have not seen any specimens that would bear out the supposition, but it is difficult to resist the conclusion that there are probably two plants confused under this name, the more so as Boulay, who follows Schimper on this point, and whose care and accuracy of observation are noticeable throughout his work, distinctly attributes to it almost all the characters I have above enumerated as distinguishing P. lanceolata. I am unable to see anything in P. littoralis Mitt, but a form of P. intermedia somewhat intermediate between that and P. truncatula, which latter it resembles in the smooth, slightly smaller, not papillose cells, with the cell walls somewhat morePOTTIA. I7I incrassate than is usual in the former plant. This is also the view taken by Husnot (Muscat. Gall., pp. 76, 433), who remarks that M. Corbiere has found the above characters gradually disappear in proportion to its distance from the sea. * Pottia viridifolia Mitt. (Tab. XXVI. B.) Resembling P intermedia, but with the leaves octofarious, densely crowded into a comal tuft, bright green, widely spathu- late, obtuse, the upper cells highly chlorophyllose; plant more rigid. Seta short; in other respects the fruiting characters are almost exactly those of the sub-spec, intermedia. Peristome entirely wanting. Paroicous. Hab* Ledges of rocks near the sea, rare. Fr. winter. The broader more obtuse leaves and their octofarious arrangement are the only structural points of any importance which serve to separate this plant from P. intermedia, though the colour and the more numerous leaves assist in distinguishing it in the field. It differs from P. asperula and P. Wilsoni in the smooth calyptra and less papillose leaves ; from P. crinita in the short point. I am unable to regard it as anything more than a sub-species of P. truncatula nearly allied to P. intermedia. 5. Pottia crinita Wils. (Tab. XXVI. C.). In dense tufts, bright green. Leaves octofarious, broadly oblong-spathulate, obtuse; margin recurved, nerve excurrent in a long yellowish arista, 'f, length of leaf; upper cells quadrate- hexagonal, lax, papillose, distinct; margin at apex crenulate with papillae. Calyptra smooth. Capsule oval-oblong, with a rather distinct neck, thin-walled, reddish-brown, rather wide-mouthed when empty ; lid obliquely rostellate ; spores rather large, densely and very minutely granulated; peristome none. Paroicous, antheridia naked in the axils of the upper leaves. Hab. Sea coasts, on rocks and banks; here and there on various parts of the coast, not unfrequent in the south. Fr. winter. Distinguished by its smooth calyptra and broad obtuse octofarious papillose leaves from all but P. viridifolia, from which it is at once known by the long hair-point. 6. Pottia Wilsoni B. & S. (Gymnostomum Wilsoni Hook.) (Tab. XXVI. D.). Resembling P. crinita, but differing in the hair-point being shorter, rather cuspidate than piliferous, the upper cells much smaller, and very obscure with chlorophyll and numerous papillae, the calyptra rough, the capsule oblong-cylindric, longer and narrower, with a distinct neck, and slightly contracted at the172 TORTULACE/E. mouth, slightly plicate when dry ; a rudimentary peristome is usually to be observed after the fall of the lid. Hab. Sandy ground, most frequently near the sea. Not common. Fr. winter. The narrow elongate capsule is the best feature by which this species can be recognised in the field, with the octofarious, short-pointed leaves; a form however is found, according to Braithwaite, with longer-pointed, somewhat acuminate leaves. The rough calyptra and the very opaque upper areolation will, under the microscope, readily separate it from all the allied species except P. asperula, which is indeed hardly to be recognised except by the quinquefarious leaves, and the rather smaller and shorter capsule. 7. Pottia asperula Mitt. (Tab. XXVI. E.). Very close to P Wilsoni; rather shorter, with the leaves obtuse or slightly acuminate, quinquefarious, the upper cells larger, the capsule rather smaller, shorter, elliptical rather than oblong, sometimes wide-mouthed and slightly turbinate when empty. Hab. Cliffs, etc., near the sea. Rare. Fr. winter. In specimens gathered near Penzance by Curnow I find the capsule exceedingly variable in size and form, sometimes being elliptical and narrow-mouthed, at others truncate, wide-mouthed, and exactly resembling that of P. truncatula, with which indeed the plants are associated, and from which they are quite inseparable as far as the capsules go, though very different in the leaves and calyptra. The lid too in the above specimens is frequently straight and subulate, not obliquely rostellate and acute as is usually the case with this species, according to Braithwaite’s description. 8. Pottia minutula Fiirnr. (Gytnnostomum minutulum Schleich.; P Starkei var. Davallii Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXVI. F.). Very small, gregarious, reddish, resembling small forms of the following species. Leaves spreading, short and broad, ovate, acute, cuspidate with the shortly excurrent reddish nerve ; margin recurved; upper cells rather small, incrassate, densely and minutely papillose. Seta very short; capsule minute, shortly oval, rather wide-mouthed when empty, dark brown, shining ; lid short, obtuse, conical, or mamillate; calyptra rough; spores finely papillose. Peristome none. IIab. Fallow fields, etc. Frequent. Fr. winter. United by Braithwaite, following Lindberg, with P. Starkeana, but sufficiently distinct, I think, as Venturi has pointed out (Rev. Bry., 1885, p. 51), in the spores, which in the present plant are minutely punctate with acute papilke, as is usual in this genus, but in that are coarsely tuberculate, and smaller. The capsule also, here, is usually shorter and more urceolate, being sometimes slightly contracted below thePOTTIA. 173 mouth, after the fall of the lid. According to Venturi the var. conica, usually attached to the present plant, properly belongs, for the same reasons, to P. Starkeana; but specimens of that var. from the herbarium of G. H. K. Thwaites, which I have no doubt are genuine, have the spores with the fine, acute papillae of P. minutula, and I have little doubt that Wilson is quite right in considering both species to possess analogous varieties, which are, as he says, very difficult to separate, but which may be known by the difference in their spores. They do not, however, appear to be of great importance. P. minutula will hardly be mistaken for any other species except P. Starkeana, on account of its minuteness ; it is most like P. recta, but the deciduous lid and wide- mouthed capsule at once distinguish it. 9. Pottia Starkeana C.M. (Weisia Starkeana Hedw.) (Tab. XXVI. G.). Very small, crowded, pale green. Stem very short, leaves oblong-lanceolate or very broadly-ovate, variable in form, short, acute, margin strongly revolute, nerve reddish, excurrent in a cuspidate point ; cells above rather small, rounded-hexagonal, rather incrassate, obscure, minutely and densely papillose. Perichastial bracts hardly distinct. Seta short, capsule small, oval or shortly oblong, dark brown, shining, not wide-mouthed; calyptra rough; lid conical, obtuse. Peristotne teeth variable, more or less truncate and imperfect, of 2-4 articulations, linear, flat, papillose, yellowish. Paroicous. Spores coarsely and obtusely tuberculate. Var ,/3. brachyodus Wils. (Var. /3. affinis Braithw., Br. M. FI.). Peristome teeth very short, truncate. Hab. Fallow fields and bare ground ; not common. The var. £ less frequent. Fr. winter and early spring. Although this is probably distinct from the last species the points of difference are not numerous; the capsule is usually more or less narrowed at the mouth, or the mouth may be equal in width to the rest of the capsule, which, however, is not urceolate, nor truncate as it sometimes is in that. The peristome is always present, though sometimes very rudimentary; and the spores, “resembling in miniature bags filled with apples” as Venturi describes them, and translucent instead of being rendered opaque, as in the other species, by densely crowded minute papillae, afford a good and easily observed distinction. 10. Pottia caespitosa C. M. (Weisia caespitosa Bruch.) (Tab. XXVI. I.). In small tufts, short, bright yellowish green, stems usually branched at the base. Leaves small, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, acute, margin plane, nerve excurrent in a very short green mucro ; cells above very small, incrassate, irregularly hexagonal, rough at the back with dense, obtuse papillae. Perichaetial bracts distinct, erect and sheathing. Seta pale yellow; calyptra smooth ;:74 TORTULACE/E. capsule small, ovate, often slightly unequal, broad and rounded at base, narrowed at the mouth with a rather long oblique lid ; peristome teeth small, narrow, entire or slightly cleft, imperfect; spores minutely papillose. Autoicous. IIab. Chalky fields; very rare. Sussex ; Kent. Fr. spring. Easily distinguished from P. Starkeana by the smooth calyptra and plane- margined leaves ; from P. lanceolata by the yellow seta, plane margins, and smaller capsules; from the other lowland species by the presence of a peristome; the leaves, too, are unlike those of any of the other species. 11. Pottia lanceolata C.M. (Leersia lanceolata Hedw.) (Tab. XXVI. H.). Bright green, in dense tufts, rather tall. Leaves variable, from oblong-lanceolate to obovate, acute, nerve rather broad in the upper part of the leaf, excurrent in a longer or shorter point, margin revolute, cells in the upper part moderately large, incrassate, densely papillose or almost smooth at back. Seta yellow when young, orange red when ripe; capsule narrowly elliptical, dark reddish brown, thick-walled, narrowed at the mouth; calyptra smooth, lid rather long, oblique, or short and conical; peristome teeth long, narrow, of 8-10 articulations, erecto-patent or spreading when ripe, reddish or pale, with a line down the middle and usually slightly cleft at apex, sometimes perforate along the median line; spores finely granulated. Autoicous. Hab. Dry banks, wall tops, etc. Frequent. Fr. spring. P. lanceolata is readily known by its highly developed peristome and narrow, elongate, dark purplish capsules. The peristome teeth are sometimes pale, and frequently become whitish after maturity. The nerve is slightly but distinctly thickened towards the apex of the leaf, and not unfrequently produces granular out- growths on its surface in that part. It is in some respects a variable plant, but the variations as a rule are not such as to give rise to difficulty in identifying it, nor of sufficient importance to be worth description. In the leaf P. lanceolata much resembles Tortula atrovitens, but that has a still greater development of nerve, the leaves are narrower, the nerve only very shortly excurrent, and the capsule more truncate and otherwise differing. 12. Pottia latifolia C.M. (Weisia latifolia Schwgr.) (Tab. XXVI. J.). Plants very short, bulbiform, gregarious or clustered, shining, pale green or whitish ; leaves imbricated, broadly obovate or orbicular, very concave, thin, rounded at top or the upper ones very slightly and obtusely apiculate, margin plane or incurved,POTTIA. !75 nerve narrow, ceasing just below the summit; cells in lower half of leaf lax, rectangular, hyaline or chlorophyllose, above becoming smaller, regularly rhomboid, with thin walls, or incrassate, the uppermost often decolorate. Seta orange, capsule oblong, smooth, dark brown, lid rather long, oblique, calyptra smooth; peristome teeth lanceolate, irregularly divided above. Autoicous. Hab. Crevices of mountain rocks ; very rare. On several mountains in Scot- land ; Derbyshire. Fr. summer. This very distinct and interesting species is totally unlike the other species of Pottia in its vegetative characters, but the fruit is quite that of the genus. The var. pilifera Schp. (Bryum piliferum Dicks.) has the nerve excurrent in a long flexuose arista, and was recorded by Dickson from Aberfeldy ; according to Braithwaite, how- ever, the herbarium specimens so named turn out to be Tortilla systylia ( Desmatodon sy sty litis B. & S.), and the variety cannot therefore be considered as British, even were there no doubt as to the origin of the specimens in question. 39. TORTULA Hedw. (emend. Lindb.). Plants variable in size, simple or branched. Leaves more or less oblong in outline, rarely narrower and often wider in the upper part than at base, usually wide and obtuse at apex with the nerve conspicuously excurrent; mostly yellowish green. Upper cells, as a rule, opaque and chlorophyllose. Calyptra cucullate. Capsule erect, on a usually long seta, oblong or cylindric, rarely oval, gymnostomous or with a peristome of 32 filiform teeth, united at base into a tubular membrane of varying length, above free, straight or spirally twisted, distantly articulated, papillose. Spores small. Stomata occur on the neck of most, if not all the species. Like the majority of the Tortulacese, the greater number of the species of this genus are terrestrial rather than rupestral, some few being arborescent. The difference between Tortula and Barbula is chiefly one of habit and general outline than of well-defined structural detail; nevertheless the various species separate themselves very naturally into the two genera, and a very slight aquaintance with the plants will enable the student readily to determine to which of the two any given species must be referred. The British species of this genus fall readily into four Sections ; and as the characters of these, besides being of import- ance for classification, lend themselves to the identification of the species, they are tabulated below for convenience.176 TORTULACE^. A. PTERYGONEURON. Stems short. Leaves piliferous. Nerve producing one or two pairs of vertical lamellae on its ventral surface. Peristome wanting or imperfect. B. ALOINA. Stemsshort. Leaves obtuse, rarelymucronate, concave with the margins strongly involute. Nerve very broad, producing abundant granulose threads on its ventral surface. Peristome teeth on a very short basal membrane. C. DESMATODON. Short, rarely taller. Leaves soft, ovate, oblong or spathulate ; nerve without distinct appendages. Peristome teeth from a distinct but rarely elongated basal membrane. D. SYNTRICHIA. Usually robust and tall. Leaves large, oblong or spathulate, frequently aristate with the narrow excur- rent nerve. Peristome teeth united at base in a long, spirally tessellated tube. {Nerve with two or four broad lamellae above .................... Nerve without lamellae, with or without granules or filaments ... /Capsule oval ; seta short; cells of lid in straight lines....... (Capsule cylindric ; cells of lid in spiral lines................ {Nerve indistinct, broad, hidden above by granular filaments..... Nerve distinct throughout ...................................... /Synoicous ; capsule elliptic ; Is. very short and obtuse........ 4 (Dioicous ; leaves longer and narrower ............................ /Capsule oblique ; Is. acuminate ; spores about 25 /x............ 5 (Capsule erect; Is. usually obtuse ; spores about 15 /a............ g/ Capsule more or less elliptic, half covered by calyptra........... ( Capsule cylindric, calyptra covering lid only ; Is. incurved at tip / Ls. more or less distinctly bordered with long, narrow cells... ' ^Leaves without such border ....................................... ..............2 ..............3 .....1. pusilla ...2. lamellata ..............4 ..............7 .3. brevirostris ..............5 .....6. aloides ..............6 .....4. rigida —5. ambigua ..............8 .............10 g/Leaves short, under i| line long ; peristome teeth free ..........11. marginata (Leaves 2-3 lines long ; peristome partly tubular..............................9 /Usually short; ls. oblong, scarcely tapering, border variable......14. subulata "(Taller and slender ; ls. narrower, tapering, border distinct to apex... 14*. angnstata io/Nerve widened in upper half of leaf, excurrent in a mucro .........8. atrovirens (Nerve not wider above than below ............................................11 /Leaves very wide, soft, smooth at back and margin.........................9. cuneifolia (Leaves distinctly papillose...........................................................12 /Leaves very obtuse, nerve not (or minutely) excurrent ...................15.- mutica (Nerve distinctly excurrent in a cusp or hair-point...............................13 /Leaves ovate-lanceolate, denticulate at apex ; capsule oblique .........7. suberecta ^ (Leaves oblong or obovate, entire (except ruraliformis) ; capsule erect .:........14 /Leaves with spinulose hair-points............................................15 ^ (Hair-points (or cusps) smooth or nearly so....................................18 /Leaves squarrose, with recurved margin (cells 10-12 /a) .....................16 (Leaves erecto-patent, margin plane or nearly so above .......................17 ^/Leaves obtuse, green at apex (except the nerve)......................18. ruralis ( Ls. narrowed to a hyaline acute apex, confluent with the nerve 18*. ruraliformis /Cells small, 6-7 /a, obscure ; dioicous............................77. intermedia ‘ (Cells 10-12 /a, clear; synoicous ; plant tall ......................79. princepsTORTULA. I77 18, 19- Leaves very concave ; nerve gemmiferous above......................20. papillosa Nerve not gemmiferous........................................................19 Leaf-margin strongly revolute almost to apex ; peristome teeth free.../-?, muralis Margin plane above, or slightly revolute only ...............................20 Peristome teeth free ; hair points shortish .......................10. Vahliana 'eristome partly tubular ; hair-points long................................21 Plant very small; seta short ; capsule elliptic....................13. canescens Plant robust; seta long ; capsule cylindric .......................16. Icevipila A. PTERYGONEURON. 1. Tortula pusilla Mitt. (Bryum pustllum Hedw.; Pottia cavifolia Ehrh., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVI. K.). Plants very short, densely tufted, balbiform. Leaves more or less erect and imbricated, small, broadly oblong or obovate, very concave, obtuse or slightly pointed, cucullate at apex, margin slightly incurved; nerve excurrent in a short miLcro or a long hyaline, terete, entire arista, bearing near the summit of the leaf one or two oval sacs, containing chlorophyllose granules, and finally splitting longitudinally so to form 2 or 4 lamellae, as in Catharinea, but shorter. Cells in the lower part of the leaf rectangular, rather short (3-5 times as long as broad), with firm walls, the upper smaller, rounded-quadrate, slightly papillose. Seta red, short, 1-2 lines, capsule small, oval or elliptic, dark reddish brown, glossy, somewhat plicate or rugose when empty, gymnostomous; lid obliquely rostellate, cells in straight rows. Autoicous. Var. jS. incana Braithw. (Gymnost. ovatum var. incanum Nees and Hornsch.). In dense hoary tufts. Leaves with very long hair-points; capsule on a very short seta, hardly exserted, shortly oval. Hab. Walls and banks. Locally abundant. The var. 0 rare. Fr. winter and spring. A very distinct plant, not to be confounded with any but the next species; indeed, were it not for its close affinity to that, it would undoubtedly be best placed, as has usually been the case, under Pottia. It is very variable in the length of the hair-point (which is indeed sometimes almost obsolete), and of the seta, and inter- mediate forms may frequently be observed between the type and the var. incana. The present species forms larger or smaller low patches or tufts usually producing abundant capsules, which by their deep purplish brown colour and large numbers give a very characteristic tint to the plant; in the next species the longer seta and paler fruit give a much lighter hue to the patches, and the two are as a rule distinguish- able from one another by this, even at some distance, when the fruit is mature. An allied plant, Pharomitrium subsessile Schp., should be looked for here ; it differs in the denticulate arista, the capsule immersed and almost sessile, the calyptra lobed at the base. It is a frequent species in Germany. M178 TORTULACE^E, 2. Tortula lamellata Lindb. (Barbula cavifolia Schp., Syn.). (Tab. XXVI. L.). Very near the last species, and indeed indistinguishable except by the fruiting characters (the hair-point however is perhaps never so long as it is sometimes found in that plant). Seta longer, 2-jj. lines; capsule oblong or cylindrical, sometimes slightly curved, brown, less glossy, furrowed when dry; calyptra larger; lid with the cells spirally arranged. Peristome present but very fragile and always falling away with the lid, teeth very slender, slightly twisted, united at the base by transverse bars. Hab. Mud-capped walls and bare ground. Not common. Fr. winter. The tall seta, elongated paler capsule, and constant presence of a peristome, albeit a very imperfect one, are the chief characters separating this from the last species. I have found it in several localities in Northamptonshire on the mud caps of walls, usually growing in company with T. pusilla, and quite different in appearance. A single plant may here and there present an intermediate form, but in the vast majority of cases the two plants are perfectly distinct, the present having quite the appearance of a Tortula, while the facies of the other is rather that of a Pottia. It is impossible to view the peristome apart from the lid, and the best way to observe it is to look at it through the lid of a just ripening capsule, or it may be in part detached by crushing the lid under a cover-glass. B. ALOINA. 3. Tortula brevirostris Hook. & Grev. (Barbula brevirostris B. & S., Schp. Syn.). (Tab. XXVII. A.). Plants very short, gemmiform, gregarious in small clusters, pale green or reddish brown. Leaves all small, very concave and obtuse, the lowest roundish, very short, the upper oblong, margin indexed, cucullate at apex, erecto-patent; nerve rather thin, not excurrent, lower cells rectangular, or rectangular-hexagonal, hyaline, thin-walled, large, the upper quadrate, or vertically compressed so as to be transversely oblong or elliptical, very incrassate, brownish yellow, pellucid. Seta short, 2-3 lines long; capsule small, narrowly elliptical; annulus broad, separating ; lid short, obliquely rostellate, about yi length of capsule; peristome forming a single spiral, short. Spores small, about 15 /t. in diameter. Synoicous. Hab. On mud-capped walls in limestone districts. Very rare. Edinburgh; Buxton ; Yorkshire. Fr. late autumn. Very near T. rigida in appearance, but smaller, with shorter seta and lid, and the leaves even shorter and more rounded; the fruit also appears to ripen a little earlier, and the synoicous inflorescence is a marked character of distinction. As in all the species of the section Aloina the leaves soon turn a purplish brown. The granular filaments on the nerve, as is the case with the lamellae of Polytrichum, give the leaves in this and the allied species a solid appearance.TORTULA. 179 4. Tortula rigida Schrad. (Barbula rigida Schultz, Schp. Syn.; Tortula stellata Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXVII. B.). Very small, but slightly larger than the last, in wider, brownish patches. Leaves similar, but the upper rather larger, longer, and narrower at the summit, more spreading; nerve thick, vanishing at apex, or, rarely, running out into a mucro or longer hair. Seta longer, j-5 lines, deep or brownish red ; capsule erect, narrowly elliptical or shortly cylindrical, larger than in the last, lid longer, usually fully half the length of the capsule, rostrate, straight or slightly curved; calyptra covering 'A-yi capsule. Annulus broad, separating; peristome longer, forming i£ turns of a spiral ; spores as in that species. Dioicous; male plants minute. Hab. Mud caps of walls in limestone districts. Not common. Fr. winter. T. rigida is recognisable without much difficulty from the last by the larger capsule with longer lid, and the dioicous inflorescence ; T. ambigua has the capsules distinctly longer, larger, and of a rather different texture, the peristome shorter, and the calyptra hardly reaching below the lid ; the leaves are usually narrower and less obtuse than in the present plant, but not constantly so. Although the specific name rigida has, as Braithwaite says, been applied at one time or another to all the four species of this section, its use has been restricted to the present plant for more than half a century, and its retention can hardly lead to confusion at the present day. O 5. Tortula ambigua Angstr. (Barbula ambigua B. & S., Schp. Syn.; Tortula ericxfolia Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXVII. C.). Larger than the last in leaves and fruit; in dense patches. Leaves longer, Ungulate, incurved and cucullate at apex and usually appearing obtuse, but slightly pointed when flattened out, spreading, slightly curled when dry, smooth at back. Seta red, paler above ; capsule erect, elongate-cylindrical, dark brown, of rather thicker texture ; lid elongate ; annulus narrow, persistent; calyptra hardly reaching below the lid; peristome less strongly contorted ; spores as in T. brevirostris. Dioicous. Hab. Mud-capped walls and banks in calcareous districts. Not uncommon, and locally abundant. Fr. winter. The capsules in this species are distinctly cylindrical, not elliptic as in the last, and the shorter calyptra will also serve to distinguish it. From the next it differs in the erect capsules and the less acute leaves, which, though variable in this respect, are rarely so short and obtuse as in T. rigida, and never so distinctly acute as in T. aloides.i8o TORTULACE^. 6. Tortula aloides De Not. (Trichostomuni aloides Koch * Barbula aloides Fiirnr., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVII. D.). Resembling T. ambigua, but with the leaves distinctly longer, narrowed above and acute, not cucullate at apex, mucronate with the excurrent nerve. Seta bent just below the neck of the capsule, which is therefore inclined. Calyptra reaching a little below the lid ; capsule cylindric, slightly curved or swollen on one side ; peristome teeth once twisted, convergent above when dry; spores larger, about 25 //. in diameter. Annulus narrow, persistent. Dioicous. Hab. Calcareous banks and wall tops. Not common. Fr. winter. Easily known by the narrowed, acute leaves, and the inclined capsule. The peristome teeth show considerable variation both in length and direction. C. DES.VIATODON. 7. Tortula suberecta Drumm. (Desmatodon obliquus B. & S.r Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) (Tab. XXVII. E.). Short, tufted or gregarious, dull or yellowish green. Leaves erecto-patent, slightly crisped when dry, thin, concave, ovate- oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate; margin revolute to near apex, entire or family denticulate above ; nerve excurrent in a rather long yellowish hair; cells above hexagonal, obscure, papillose, one or more rows at margin more pellucid, forming a paler border. Seta slender, capsule oblique, sub-cylindric, slightly curved or straight; basal membrane rather long, teeth fragile, oblique, but hardly spirally twisted. Spores rather large, strongly papillose. Autoicous. Hab. Alpine rocks. Very rare. Scotland (v. Braithw., Br. M. FI., Yol. I., p. 277). Fr. late summer. Nearly allied to T. systylia and other species of the genus Desmatodon Brid., it differs in the acuminate, aristate leaves, usually faintly denticulate above, from that and all the allied species. Tsystylia (Desmatodon systylius B. &: S.) exists in some old herbaria labelled as Pottia cavifolia var. pilifera, and purporting to have been gathered by Dickson near Aberfeldy. It is an alpine plant, found in Norway and Central Europe, and is hardly likely to have been found in the locality named. It differs from the present species in the erect capsule and entire leaves with plane margins, from T. atrovirens in the longly excurrent nerve and plane borders. 8. Tortula atrovirens Lindb. (Grimmia atrovirens Sm.; Barbula atrovirens Schp., Syn. ; Desmatodon nervosus B. & S., plur. auct.) (Tab. XXVII. F.). Densely gregarious or tufted, short, dark green. Leaves spreading, spirally twisted and imbricated when dry, oval-oblongTORTULA. 181 •or sub-spathulate, broadly and shortly acute, concave ; margin strongly revolute; nerve yellow, excurrent in a very short mucro, much thickened in the upper part of the leaf, sometimes granulose •on the upper surface. Cells at base lax, thin-walled, hyaline, rectangular, the marginal rather shorter, above quadrate, at apex rounded-quadrate and obscure, minutely papillose. Seta short, reddish, if-3 lines in length, capsule small, short, oblong, exannulate; lid obliquely rostellate, about half the length of the capsule; peristome teeth rather short, on a short but distinct basal membrane, somewhat irregular, oblique or very slightly twisted, more strongly so when moist. Autoicous. Hab. On earth and walls, usually near the sea. Not common. Fr. spring. This species forms, in conjunction with one or two Continental ones, another link, additional to the species of the section Pterygoneuron, between Pottia and Tortula. In the short capsule and seta, as well as in the leaf, it has much the appear- ance of a Pottia, especially coming near to P. Ianceolata, but besides the points of difference noticed under that plant, the peristome is quite that of Tortula, and the cells of the lid show a tendency to the spiral arrangement characteristic of the latter £enus. The thickened nerve and small leaves will readily distinguish it, even when barren, from any of its nearer allies. The lower part of the stem is usually embedded in the soil on which it grows, leaving only the upper part free, and rendering the plant even shorter in appearance than it really is. O. Tortula cuneifolia Roth (Bryum cuneifolium Dicks.; Barbula cuneifolia Brid., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVII. G.). Gregarious or loosely tufted, bright green, very short. Upper leaves large, forming a terminal rosette, spreading, when dr}r slightly crisped and incurved, but not spirally twisted, broadly obovate-spathulate, short, acute, or slightly acuminate, rarely ■obtuse, concave or almost plane, thin, soft; margin plane ; nerve thin, excurrent in a cuspidate point or a short mucro, very rarely vanishing; cells lax and hyaline at base, above large, pellucid, rounded-quadrate, thin-walled, two or three rows at margin more incrassate and usually more chlorophyllose, forming a more or less distinct border to the leaf ; all smooth at back and margin. Seta elongated, 4-8 lines long, reddish, capsule narrowly oblong or cylindrical ; lid shortly rostellate, about ^ length of capsule; peristome teeth from a rather broad basal membrane, long, strongly twisted. Autoicous. PIab. Banks near the sea, rarely inland; not uncommon on the south coast. Fr. spring.TORTULACE/E. 182 The texture of this species is remarkably soft and delicate, and from its wide leaves with lax smooth areolation it cannot be taken for any other species of the genus. The leaves are frequently almost as broad as long, but are variable in form and degree of obtuseness. They are not unlike some of the broad-leaved species of Pottia, such as P. Wilsoni and P. viridifolia, but these are almost always smaller and narrower, and have papillose areolation and recurved margins. 10. Tortula Vahliana Wils. Barbula Valiliana Schultz., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVII. H.). Stems short, gregarious, pale green ; resembling T. muralis var. asstiva. Leaves patent, soft, erect and slightly twisted when dry, oblong-lingulate, obtuse or slightly acute, thin ; margin plane or here and there lightly recurved, very rough with projecting double papillae; nerve thin, excurrent in a short point or long greenish arista; cells rectangular and hyaline at base, rounded- hexagonal above and opaque with chlorophyll and papillae, 1-2 rows at margin more pellucid, forming a faint border. Capsule longly cylindrical, on a dark red seta, slightly curved ; lid shortly rostellate, § length of capsule ; annulus broad; peristome long, twisted, from a short but distinct basal membrane. Autoicous. Var. fi. subflaccida Lindb. (T. oblongifolia Wils.). Smaller, leaves shorter, more opaque, margin plane, nerve shortly excurrent; capsule and lid shorter. Hab. Banks, usually on calcareous soil; very rare. Sussex ; Cambridgeshire ; Herefordshire. The var. /3 near Dublin. Fr. spring. Although very much resembling some forms of T. muralis, especially the var. astiva, there is not likely to be much difficulty in identifying the present species, the habitat and mode of growth being quite different from the tufted or densely crowded, rupestral habit of that moss ; the leaves too are broader and thinner, with the margin less strongly and regularly revolute, and the capsule more elongate. As in the last species, the leaves are subject to much variation in form, and the hair-point is variable in length. Like T. cuneifolia it is a southern, indeed a Mediterranean species. 11. Tortula marginata Spruce. (Barbula marginata B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVII. I.). Short, densely gregarious or in wide patches; pale or dark green above, brown below. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry very slightly twisted, narrowly oblong or Ungulate, sub-acute, rarely obtuse ; margin plane, bordered with a distinct yellowish band of 2-4. rows of linear cells in two layers, paler than the rest of the leaf, nerve excurrent in a short green mucro; upper cells small and dense, sub-quadrate, very opaque and obscure, papillose. Seta bright orange red, slender; capsule oblong-cylindric or shortly cylindric ; lid about 1 length of capsule; peristome on a short basal membrane. Dioicous.TORTULA. I83 Hab. Stones and walls, often on sandstone ; not common. Fr. spring, but not confined to one season. Usually more slender than T. mziralis, in wide patches, not in small cushions; and distinct from all but the var. (estiva of that species in the short mucro; I have seen specimens of that variety, however, which could certainly not be recognised except with the aid of the microscope, when the distinct, pale, yellowish border marks off T. marginata from all the allied species. The pale red, slender seta gives it a different appearance from ordinary forms of T. muralis and from T. Vahliana. 12. Tortula muralis Hedw. (Bryum murale L.; Barbula muralis Timm, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVII. J.). In its typical form growing in small dense cushions, some- times in extended patches, short, in its tallest state rarely -J- an inch high ; dull or bright green, hoary. Leaves patent, when dry twisted and curled, oblong or elongate-lingulate, obtuse ; margin revolute, not thickened, slightly yellowish ; nerve yellow, excurrent in a long hyaline smooth hair, usually fully half the length of the leaf; cells as in the last species, but without the marginal band. Capsule shortly and rather widely cylindric, on a purple seta ; lid rostellate; peristome teeth from a narrow basal membrane, spirally twisted. Autoicous. Var. (3. rupestris Wils. (Barb, muralis var. rupestris Schultz). Robust, tall, more branched ; leaves larger, broader ; seta very long, sometimes one inch, capsule longer, cylindric. Var. y. xstiva Brid. Short, densely gregarious in wider patches, bright green ; leaves narrower, linear, nerve excurrent in a green mucro or very short hair ; seta and capsule shorter. Hab. Walls and stones ; very common. The var. /3 on wet rocks, etc., not common. The var. 7 on shady sandstone and calcareous rocks, more rare. Fr. spring. One of our commonest and in its typical form most distinct mosses. The var. cestiva is the only form that is at all likely to be mistaken for any other plant, e.g., T. marginata ; but the leaves are usually more twisted, the seta stouter and darker, and in any case the leaf margin offers a crucial distinction ; although sometimes very narrowly recurved, the double thickness renders it almost always darker and more opaque than the rest of the leaf, whereas in T. marginata the border is paler and more translucent, and its structure totally distinct. As in some of the other species of this section, two or three marginal rows of cells are usually more pellucid and incrassate, and yellowish, thus forming a paler yellowish band ; but owing to the recurving of the margin this character is only noticeable upon careful examination. In very dry situations the tufts become very hoary with the elongated hair-points. 13. Tortula canescens Mont. (Barbula canescens Bruch, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVII. K.). Resembling the last species, but less pulvinate, densely gregarious, bright green when moist, hoary only when dry.184 TORTULACE^E. Leaves concave, rather shorter and wider, margin less widely recurved, hair-point rather shorter. Seta shorter, capsule smaller, oblong ; lid half the length of the capsule; peristome from a long tubular basal membrane, forming a tessellated tube for almost half its length. Autoicous. Hab. On earth, very rare; Hastings; Clova; Radnor; Cornwall. Fr. spring. Although the vegetative points of difference between this and the last species are of some value, it would hardly be safe to attempt to distinguish barren plants from T. muralis ; the difference in the tube of the peristome is the only obvious and, of course, an important difference. It is, however, a smaller plant in all its parts than the typical form of that species. The pale yellowish border to the leaf, mentioned under T. muralis, is more marked in this plant owing to the margin being less recurved, and indeed sometimes almost plane. D. SYNTRICHIA. 14, Tortula subulata Hedw. (Bryum subulatum L.; Barbula subulata P. Beauv., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVIII. A.). Stems loosely tufted or densely gregarious, short, rarely -i-inch in height, bright green. Leaves large, 2-3 lines long, erecto- patent or more widely spreading, when dry crisped and contorted, but hardly spirally twisted, with the yellowish margins and strongly prominent pale glossy nerve conspicuous ; oblong- lanceolate or narrowly oblong-spathulate, at apex rounded and shortly acute, or slightly tapering ; nerve stout, excurrent in a longer or shorter mucro, margin slightly but variably recurved, sometimes on one side only, or quite plane, with a distinct yellow border of linear, often bistratose cells reaching from the base to a variable height, sometimes to apex, but usually vanishing near the middle, at apex slightly denticulate, irregularly crenulate, or almost entire ; cells of the lamina at base lax, hyaline, rectangular, narrower and yellow at margin, becoming chloro- phyllose and smaller above, in upper part rounded or rounded- quadrate, rather variable in size, obscure, very chlorophyllose and finely papillose or almost smooth. Seta stout, £-£ inch long, reddish, strongly twisted and angular when dry ; capsule large, very long (frequently £-inch), cylindric, slightly curved, thick- walled ; lid rather obtusely rostrate, 5 length of capsule; calyptra large, shining, golden brown ; peristome long, pink, the teeth united into a tube for about § their length. Autoicous.TORTULA. i85 Var. fi. subincrmis Wils. Slender, leaves rather short, faintly bordered, very shortly mucronate, capsule and seta shorter. Hab. Sandy banks, common. The var. # rare. Fr. summer. Although several characters, as described above, are extremely variable, they are not such as are likely to give rise to any difficulty in identifying this plant, which is readily known both by its leaves and by its capsule, which is extremely long, ■especially when contrasted with the short stems. The cells are usually rather small and very obscure, but are occasionally larger and more pellucid. The narrow border •of linear cells is frequently replaced in the upper part of the leaf by an often wider band of shorter celis almost like those of the rest of the lamina, but paler and more pellucid. For the characters which separate it from the sub-species T. august at a Wils. see below. * Tortula angustata Wils. (Barb, suhulata var. angustata Scbp., Syn.) (Tab. XXVIII. B.). Very near T. subulata, but markedly differing in habit. Taller and more slender, f-i inch high, dull green. Leaves long, narrowed, tapering to a narrower, more acute point, border thickened, cartilaginous, of narrow cells, distinct to apex, where it is more strongly toothed. Seta longer and more slender; capsule paler, more slender and more arcuate; peristome paler, more slender ; lid rather longer and more acute. Hab. High exposed banks ; rare. Fr. spring. Although the above characters are mostly comparative, the plant is very different from typical T. subulata, markedly so in the form of the fruit, and it certainly merits a higher rank than a mere variety; still it seems best to subordinate it to that species rather than to give it a separate specific position. 15. Tortula rnutica Lindb. (Barbula latifolia B. & S. Schp. Syn., et plur. auct.) (Tab. XXVIII. C.). Dusky yellowish green, in smooth wide patches or smaller tufts, l—i inch high, slightly branched. Leaves larger and more crowded upwards, forming a terminal cup-shaped rosette, soft, when dry dull brown or blackish, flexuose and appressed; broadly spathulate from a narrow base, very obtuse and rounded at apex, margin narrowly recurved in the lower half, plane and undulate above, with the marginal cells a little more obscure or discoloured, often eroded, rough with projecting papillae ; nerve stout, brownish, reaching apex or minutely excurrent, or vanish- ing just below the summit. Basal cells lax, rectangular, the median hyaline, those near the margin usually chlorophyllose, ini86 TORTULACE/E. upper part of leaf very small, roundish, regular, in oblique rows radiating from the nerve, obscure, finely papillose. Seta short, 2-3 lines long, capsule small, cylindrical, slightly curved; lid J length of capsule; tube of peristome | the whole length; annulus narrow. Dioicous. IIab. Roots of trees by water. Not uncommon. Fr. very rare, early summer. A very distinct species, usually growing in spots liable to flooding, and hence often embedded in mud. The fruit, so far as my experience goes, even when present is only sparingly produced. It somewhat resembles Cinclidotns Brebissoni; the differences are pointed out under that plant. T. Icevipila, in addition to the hair- point has the leaves narrower, less soft and flaccid, and almost always with some differentiation of the marginal cells in the upper part. 16. Tortilla lasvipila Schwgr. (Syntrichia lasvipila Brid.; Barbula laevipila B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVIII. D.). In small or wide tufts, bright or deep green, reddish below, 1 inch high ; stems branched, radiculose below. Leaves spreading, the uppermost slight^ recurved, when dry incurved and twisted, appressed to the stem or slightly spirally contorted; oblong- spathulate, rounded and obtuse or emarginate at apex or very slightly acute-pointed; nerve strong, red, excurrent in a long flexuose hyaline arista, reddish at the base, smooth or very faintly denticulate, about half the length of the leaf; margin narrowly recurved about the middle of the leaf, almost plane above; upper cells small, hexagonal-rounded, obscure, papillose, the marginal similar, or more frequently in two or three rows more incrassate and less chlorophyllose and obscure, so as to form an indistinct border, rough at edge with double papillae. Seta rather longer than in the last, 3-5 lines, capsule elongate- cylindric, narrow, slightly curved ; lid and peristome as in the last. Autoicous. Hab. Trunks of trees, common. Fr. summer. A form of this species may occasionally be found with the young apical leaves malformed; more rarely they are transformed into oval gemmee—the state called Barbula pagorum by Milde. The degree of distinctness of the marginal band is subject to great variation. T. ruralis differs in the taller stems, more recurved leaves without a distinct border, and dentate arista. T. intermedia in the rough arista, in the colour browner and not so usually bright green, and in the terrestrial or rupestral, not arborescent habitat. After examining a number of plants of T. Icevipila and T. ruralis I am driven to the conclusion that the relative size of the cells affords no safe guide to their identification ; in both the cells are somewhat variable in size. In T. intermedia they are smaller than in either of the other two species, and still more obscure.TORTULA. 187 17. Tortula intermedia Berk. (Syntrichia intermedia Brid.; Barbula intermedia Milde, Schp. Syn.; Tortula montana Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXVIII. E.). Somewhat intermediate between T. Ixvipila and T. ruralis ; robust, in large tufts, dull or brownish green, hoary above, i-i| inches high. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent, straight or very slightly recurved, flat or somewhat concave, incurved and appressed when dry, the upper ones sometimes slightly spirally twisted, variable in size, but usually smaller and shorter than in T. ruralis, oblong-spathulate, very obtuse and even emarginate at apex, margin less strongly recurved and only in the lower half; cells much smaller above, very dense atid obscure, hardly distinct at margin, which is verruculose, but less highly so than in T. ruralis; nerve strong, red, excurrent in a shorter, less toothed arista. Capsule shorter than in that species, on a shorter seta ; peristome also shorter. Dioicous. Hab. Calcareous rocks and soil; frequent. Fr. spring. Differs from the last species, in addition to the characters there mentioned, in the taller stems, the red nerve, the dioicous inflorescence, and the absence of any distinct border in the upper part of the leaf. Forms of T. ruralis, when growing on walls or stony ground, frequently resemble it, but are easily recognised by the more or less squarrose leaves, the larger, more distinct cells, and more strongly recurved margin, as well as by the more strongly toothed arista. When growing on the ground it is often of a rich golden brown colour. 18. Tortula ruralis Ehrh. (Brymn rurale L.; Barbula ruralis Hedw., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVIII. F.). In loose, tall cushions, 1-3 inches high, bright green above, bright reddish brown below, robust; stems branched. Leaves less crowded, more so at the apex of the stems, squarrose- recurved especially above, when dry appressed and slightly twisted, with two longitudinal plicae which are faint when moist but distinct when dry; longly oblong-elliptical or oblong-spathu- late, concave-carinate, at apex obtuse or emarginate, more rarely acute; margin reflexed almost to the summit; nerve reddish, muricate at back above, prominent behind, excurrent in a long, flexuose, strongly spinulose arista which is hyaline above, often reddish at base, sometimes equalling in length the rest of the leaf. Cells at mid-base lax, rectangular, hyaline, towards margins coloured, above rounded-hexagonal, strongly papillose, rather obscure, the walls frequently brown and incrassate ; marginal cells hardly distinct, strongly verruculose with coarse, bifid papillae. Seta long (about 1 inch) stout, reddish, capsule narrowlyTORTULACE^. 188 cylindricj slightly curved, long; lid large, half as long as the capsule ; peristome very long, tubular in the lower half, pink. Dio icons. Hab. Thatched roofs, stony ground, walls, etc. Common. Fr. spring. A very fine species, often covering the thatch of roofs, and then reaching its highest development; when growing on the ground or on walls it is often shorter, of a browner tint, with shorter, straighter leaves, in short with more the appearance of T. intermedia ; but I have not observed, in these forms, any corresponding approach to that species in leaf structure or in other distinguishing characters, and I am there- fore inclined to allow T. intermedia full specific rank, though in the opinion of many continental botanists it does not deserve more than a subordinate position. With the following sub-species it is different; the fruiting characters are the same as in T. ruralis ; the areolation presents no points of difference, and, moreover, intermediate forms may be observed. T. ruralis rarely grows on trees, and is not likely, for that and other reasons, to be confounded with T. Icevipila ; T. princeps is synoicous, and has the leaves erecto- patent, not recurved. # Tortula ruraliformis Dixon. (.Barbula ruraliformis Besch.; T. ruralis var. arenicola Braithw., Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXVIII. G.). Differs from T. ruralis in the colour, golden brown or reddish, very rarely green above, in the leaves somewhat narrowed above and at apex acute with the lamina running out into a hyaline dentate point becoming confluent with the excurrent nerve. Perichaetial bracts broader, plicate. Hab. Sandy sea-coasts, not common. The somewhat acuminate leaves, acute, with the lamina on each side of the nerve hyaline at apex and forming a broad point similar to that of Rhacomitrium give this plant a very distinct appearance, and form a character which can hardly be-considered unimportant; the degree of acuteness however varies somewhat, the lower leaves, too, being sometimes quite broad and obtuse at apex, and intermediate forms are also found ; the fruit, moreover, is in all respects that of T. ruralis, and on the whole it can hardly be conceded specific rank. It is usually a more robust plant, with longer leaves. It is rarely found inland, but on some parts of our coast it is abundant, usually being embedded up to the apex in the sand ; in West Cornwall it is in places so abundant (while the typical form of T. ruralis is rare) that the late W. Curnow told me he had always taken the present plant for typical T. ruralis, and the roof-growing, obtuse-leaved plant for a variety ! The fruit is much less common than is the case with T. ruralis. Barbula aciphylia B. & S. is an allied plant, probably also to be ranked under T. ruralis, with the leaves similarly acute, but the nerve running out into a red, hardly hyaline, rigid arista, which is almost entire. 19. Tortula princeps De Xot. (Barbula Millleri B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVIII. H.). Tall, robust, resembling T. ruralis. Stems forked, with short nodose branches. Leaves in interrupted rosulate tuftsTORTULA. 189 along the stem and at the summit of the branches, spreading, hardly if at all recurved, large, broadly oblong-elliptic, obtuse, rounded, sometimes emarginate at apex; margin revolute to or somewhat above the middle; nerve stout, red, excurrent in a hyaline, slightly toothed hair-point. Upper cells quite as large as in T. ruralis, more pellucid and less obscure, papillose, one row at margin often slightly distinct, compressed and transversely elliptical, rather more opaque. Capsule cylindric, slightly curved, long, dark brown. Synoicous. Hab. Rocks and walls, rarely tree-trunks, usually in mountainous districts. Rare. Fr. spring. This very handsome moss is readily distinguished from T. ruralis by the interrupted stems, and the leaves not recurved, with slender, faintly-toothed hair points. Starved plants come near T. intermedia, but the large size of the cells will at once distinguish them, as well as their much greater distinctness. The margins too, are more distinctly recurved. The synoicous inflorescence is also an important character. 20. Tortula papillosa Wils. (Barbula papillosa C. M., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXVIII. I.). Short, rarely 5 inch high ; dark or olive green, in very small tufts or patches. Leaves spreading, when dry appressed to the stem and hardly twisted, concave with the margins involute, becoming still more so when dry, broadly obovate-spathulate, at apex rounded and obtuse or very shortly pointed ; nerve thick, spongy, at back covered with very elevated papillae, gemmiparous above in front; excurrent in a mucro or longer cuspidate almost entire point; cells at base rectangular, a few only hyaline ; above rounded, larger than in the preceding plants of this section, with rather thick walls, pellucid, smooth in front, at back sparsely and shortly papillose. Capsule short, on a short seta, reddish brown. Hab. Trunks of trees ; not uncommon. Sterile in Britain. A quite distinct and easily known species, nearest to T. Icevipila, but readily known by the gemmre and the concave leaves with involute margins, and very different areolation. The gemmae are oval or roundish articulate bodies of a bright yellowish green, very numerous and conspicuous on the younger leaves, but usually lost on the older ones. The fruit has only been found in Australia and New Zealand. Tribe 2. Trichostomeae. Leaves usually lanceolate, tapering and acute, rarely-oblong in outline; upper areolation very small, rounded or angular,igo TO RTU LACE^s. usually papillose and opaque; capsule cleistocarpous, gymnos- tomous, or with a peristome of 16 teeth entire or divided partially, or cleft to base into 32 filiform papillose segments, straight or twisted, on a very short basal membrane. 40. BARBULA Hedw. Slender, tufted plants, usually with a dull, fuscous tinge, especially in the lower part. Leaves small, narrow, never wider above and usually gradually narrowed to a slender point; nerve mostly vanishing in apex, rarely distinctly excurrent; basal cells small, rectangular, or similar to the upper, at apex usually very small, often more or less incrassate. Capsule small, resembling that of the smaller forms of Tortula; peristome from a very short membrane, teeth 16, straight, short and imperfect, or long and twisted, cleft or divided to base. Lid, calyptra, etc., as in Tortula. A large genus, forming a fairly natural group, closely allied to the last, but with a facies and growth distinct and easily recognised with a little practice. B. unguiculata and B. convoluta are the only British species the leaves of which, from their form, might give rise to a doubt as to their position. B. Woodii Schp. from Killarney is, according to Braithwaite, only Zygodon Mougeotii. f Nerve excurrent in a distinct mucro or cuspidate point; (peristome long, twisted)..2 (Nerve ending in or below apex ...............................................7 ('Leaf-margin strongly revolute from base to apex ; Is. about § line long ....3 \ Margin plane or nearly so towards apex .....................................4 (Leaves obtuse, mncronate ...........................................12. revoluta J (Leaves acute, cuspidate ...................................11. Hornschuchiana ( Leaves tapering to acute points.............................................5 4 (Leaves more or less obtuse, mucronate or cuspidate ............................6 (Nerve shortly excurrent; cells rounded...........:..................9. gracilis -1 (Nerve excurrent in a very long point; cells more quadrate......10. icmadophila g (Leaves ( line or less; perichretial Is. long, convolute ..........rj. convoluta. (Leaves usually over 1 line ; perichretial Is. not conspicuous.14. unguiculata (Leaves long, strongly sinuose at margin, toothed at apex ...........8. sinuosa ' (Leaves not sinuose, entire (except sometimes rubella) .........................8 g/Leaves 1 line or less ; perichcetial Is. long, convolute ...............13. convoluta (Leaves usually over 4 line ; perichretial Is. not conspicuous .....................9 (Leaves short, often obtuse (peristome short) .....................................10 * (Leaves tapering and acute, or long and sub-obtuse ................................11 /Ls. widely ovate-lanceolate ; nerve ending in the thick point; green........1. lurida (Ls. lanceolate, upper obtuse ; nerve ceasing below apex ; olive-brown...3, tophacea (Lower Is. red; ls. often denticulate at apex ; paroicous or synoicous......2. rubella (Lower ls. not red ; Is. entire ; dioicous ........................................12BARBULA. igi I2/Basal cells distinct, rectangular, more or less elongated .......................13 (Cells almost uniform to base...................................................15 f Upper cells more or less rounded-hexagonal; peristome short, straight.. ,6. rigidula -’\Upper cells quadrate ; peristome long, twisted...................................14 fLs. linear-lanceolate, long, spreading ; capsule cylindric ..........7. cylindrica 4\Ls. lanceolate, short, straight, more acute ; capsule oblong ...........7*. vinealis /Ls. erecto-patent, some (at least) sub-obtuse; robust; peristome short.. .5. sfadicea ->\Ls. squarrose, more acute ; slender; peristome long, twisted.....................16 jgfLs. trifarious, recurved, reddish, with short points................4*. recurvifolia. \Ls. less recurved, more tapering, lurid green ............................4. fallax 1. Barbula lurida Lindb. (Didymodon luridus Hornsch.) (Tab. XXIX. A.). Short, rarely more than an inch in height; in dense tufts, dull deep green, frequently tinged with brown, pale brown below; stems rather slender, slightly branched. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry erect, closely imbricated (especially the upper ones), hardly twisted; concave, ovate-lanceolate, or deltoid-ovate, quickly narrowed to a wide, obtuse or slightly acute point; margin recurved below on one or both sides, slightly thickened above; nerve thick, strong, vanishing just below the apex or reaching to the point; cells small, distinct, hexagonal or rounded-quadrate, rather incrassate, at the extreme base hardly altered, a little larger and a few slightly elongated ; all smooth or faintly mam- mosely protuberant. Capsule on a purplish seta, oblong or shortly cylindric, lid conical-rostellate, often oblique; peristome teeth not united at the base, short, slender, rather irregular, simple or cleft above, pale yellowish. Dioicous. Hab. On rocks, most frequently calcareous, and stumps ; more commonly, but by no means always, near water. Fr. very rare, winter. Although somewhat variable in habit and structure, this species may generally be known by its short, broad, concave, usually obtuse leaves, closely imbricated when dry; B. tophacea differs in its narrower leaves and more elongated basal areolation; B. fallax var. brevifolia very much resembles it, and when barren can sometimes hardly be distinguished except by its more straggling, laxer habit, somewhat softer leaves and distinctly narrower nerve. B. lurida is more rigid in its growth than most of the allied species. I have seen barren forms of Ceratodon purpureus which much resemble it, but under the microscope the resemblance would disappear. The leaves vary much in form, in the degree of recurving of the margins, and in the width of their points ; one form has the margins widely recurved to the apex, which is very obtuse and rounded. Several continental species are very much like the present in the outline of their leaves, but differ in other points. I have found B. lurida in many places in the midland counties of England, but invariably sterile. 2. Barbula rubella Mitt. (Bryum rubellum Hoffm.; Didy- modon rubellus B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXIX. B.). Taller, 1-2 inches high, in large soft patches, bright or deep green above, below bright rusty red; stems slender, branched.TORTULACE/E. ig2 Leaves spreading and recurved, from a more erect whitish base, •when dry flexuose and slightly curled, the uppermost larger, long, narrowly linear-lanceolate, with a short acute point; margin widely recurved to near apex,faintly or distinctly and irregularly denticulate at point ; nerve vanishing in the apex or excurrent in a minute apiculus; cells quadrate, obscure, papillose, at base narrowly elongate-rectangular, pellucid. Perichaetial bracts long, sheathing ; seta long, red; capsule erect, cylindrical, pale brownish green, reddish brown when old ; annulus distinct, fragile; lid rostellate, usually very short, oblique ; peristome teeth united at base in a very short membrane, 16, short, pale red, linear, with a median line but rarely divided, nodose at the articulations. Paroicous or synoicous. Var. fi.dentata Braithw. (Didymodon rubellus var. dentatus Schp.). Plant taller, leaves longer, margin recurved only to about the middle, strongly dentate above; lid longer. Var. 7. ruberrima Braithw. (Didymodon rubellus var. ruberrimus Ferg.). Plants ta'ller, with very slender branches, all red or only the tips yellowish ; leaves all very short, appressed and slightly twisted when dry, from a widely ovate base shortly acuminate to a stout acute point, mostly formed by the nerve, entire; lower cells smaller and shorter. Hab. Rocks, stony places, walls, etc., most abundant in mountainous regions; very common. The var. 0 on mountain rocks ; the var. y in similar situations* principally near streams and waterfalls. Fr. autumn. The specific name is very appropriate, the bright, brick red colour of the lower leaves being almost invariably present and very characteristic ; indeed it may nearly always be relied upon to distinguish the species from allied plants. The fruit too is distinct and little variable : in the var. dentala the lid is markedly longer, and with the other characters is held by some bryologists to constitute a sufficient specific basis for this plant ; the amount of denticulation in the leaves is, however, greatly variable* and in the same tuft with normal capsules I have occasionally found one or two with the lid no longer than in typical tiibella. The antheridia in this variety are rare, and are often quite absent on fertile plants; I have, however, found them occasionally mixed with the archegonia; and as, even when they are absent from the lower bracts, numerous paraphyses are constantly found, the suppression of the antheridia is clearly due rather to simple abortion than to any actual difference in the character of the inflorescence. The var. ruberrima is even more distinct in habit, and, according to my own experience, is extremely rare in fruit; indeed though I have gathered it in many localities I have never found it fruiting. It is very much like Didymodon nfus Lorentz, but that has larger, wider leaves, with smaller basal cells and narrower nerve- 3. Barbula tophacea Mitt. (Trichostomum tophaceum Brid.r Schp. Syn. ; B. brevifolia Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.). (Tab. XXIX. C.). In dense irregular tufts, olive green or brown above, below frequently much encrusted with hard calcareous matter andBARBULA. 193 whitish; very variable in height, usually about 1 inch high, frequently more. Leaves spreading, the uppermost rather the longest, when dry incurved and slightly twisted, oblong-lanceolate or Ungulate, broad at apex and obtuse or very shortly pointed, carinate ; margin revolute, entire; nerve strong, vanishing below the apex; cells at apex irregularly elliptic, the marginal smaller, crenulate-papillose, below sub-quadrate, at base shortly rectangular; all thick-walled, pellucid, and very distinct, the upper slightly papillose. Seta rather stout, dark red ; capsule elliptic or broadly oblong, rather wide-mouthed when dry and empty, dark brown ; lid oblique, longly rostellate, annulus almost obsolete, persistent; peristome teeth short, erect, from a very short basal membrane, divided almost to the base, the branches filiform, unequal, sometimes partly united, reddish. Dioicous. Hab. Wet calcareous walls and springs; common. Fr. winter. Easily known by its colour, the obtuse, lingulate leaves with comparatively short nerve, and the very distinct, rounded upper cells, and when in fruit by the dark, rather wide-mouthed capsule and short slender peristome. It is most variable in the size of all its parts, and in the form of its leaves, and numerous varieties have been described, none of which, however, seem marked by any important characters ; such are the var. brevifolia (Wils. excl. syn.), with broader, shorter, more acute leaves; var. acutifolia (Schp.) with longer, narrower, acuminate, acute leaves, spreading and recurved. Sometimes it is tall and robust (forma luxurious Braithw.), at others it is so minute as to resemble almost exactly a species of Pottia such as P. lanceolata, or it may be even still more dwarf. The leaves when moist have a pellucid appearance quite different from most species of the genus. 4. Barbula fallax Hedw. (Tab. XXIX. D.). In wide loose tufts or patches, of a dull brownish green, frequently with a reddish tinge, f-2 inches high ; stems slender, with fastigiate branches. Leaves rather distant, spreading, recurved or variously arcuate, when dry appressed, closely imbricated, slightly twisted, often giving the stems, in the slender forms especially, a catenulate appearance; the uppermost, longer leaves more distinctly twisted ; from a wide base gradually narrowed to a lanceolate tapering point, which is either wide or more frequently rather narrow and sub-acute ; carinate, faintly plicate at base on each side of the nerve ; margin revolute to beyond the middle ; nerve strong, reddish, reaching to apex, rarely very slightly excurrent; upper cells roundish or hexagonal, irregular, or more often regular in shape and arrange- ment, small, incrassate, papillose, at base slightly elongate, but not much altered, a few (rarely more) sub-rectangular and pellucid. Seta red, capsule oblong or cylindric, erect or nearly N194 TORTULACE/E. so; lid long, acutely subulate-rostrateperistome deep red, long, delicate, much twisted, with a very narrow basal membrane. Dioicous. Var. ft. brevifolia Schultz. (Tortula brevifolia Sm.). Slender, often decumbent; leaves short, ovate-lanceolate, broad at point, hardly twisted when dry; capsule small, peristome shorter. Hab. Banks, waste places, walls, etc. ; common. The var. 0, fallow fields and bare ground. Fr. winter. A variable plant; in the typical, robust form generally known by its tapering, spreading and even recurved leaves, and the very acute lid, but liable in some states to be confused with B. rigidula, B. spadicea, and other species. The areolation, almost uniform to the base, will easily distinguish it from B. cylindrical B. vinealis, and B. rigidula; the narrower nerve and somewhat less distinct areolation will separate short-leaved forms from B. Inrida; for the differences between it and B. spadicea see under that species. Occasionally forms are found very near B. recurvifolia, which is hardly separable except by a tout ensemble of characters ; the short, much recurved, highly papillose leaves, with the red colour, not being found simultaneously on any form of the present plant. The leaves of B. fallax vary much in the degree of tapering of their points, in the relative papillosity, and in the areolation ; the latter is usually distinct and rounded in the upper part, often arranged in regular series, but it is frequently found small, irregular and more opaque, as in B. spadicea. In the perichsetial bracts in this and allied species the basal cells are more lax and rectangular than in the leaves. The variety brevifolia is a marked one (though intermediate forms may be found), often of an olive brown or purplish colour, very slender, and with the fruit usually sparingly produced ; and very distinct in appearance owing to the small, short leaves. It has some resemblance to B. lurida ; but the nerve is narrower, the leaves less concave and usually more acute. * Barbula recurvifolia Schp. (Tortula fallax var. recurvifolia Wils.; Barbula reflexa Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIX. E.). Differs from B. fallax in the deep reddish brown tint, the leaves strongly squarrose-recurved, somewhat trifarious in their arrangement, broad and short, shortly and abruptly pointed, hardly tapering, the margins less strongly recurved, the cells and back of nerve more highly papillose, the nerve not excurrent. Fruit as in B. fallax, but rare. Var. ft. robusta (B. reflexa var. robusta Braithw.). Tall, 3-5 inches high, in loose tufts; leaves closer, broader and thicker. Hab. Sand and earth ; not common. The var. 0, Sligo (Moore). While fully agreeing with those writers (Boulay, Husnot, etc.) who unite this with B. fallax, I am inclined to think it must stand higher than a variety, as the characters, though all vegetative, are not unimportant, and are fairly constant. Forms of B. fallax, indeed, have the same short, broadly pointed leaves, others haveBARBULA. 195 them strongly recurved, and so on ; but in B. recurvifolia the characters above described form a general facies which is hardly to be found in any form of true B. fallax. The vinous red colour, slender stems, and short recurved leaves will render this plant easily recognised, but it should always be verified with the microscope. The fruit is extremely rare, and has, perhaps, not been found in Britain. 5. Barbula spadicea Mitt. (Trichostomum rigidulum Sm. pro parte). (Tab. XXIX. F.). Resembling B. fallax, but more robust, dull green, brown below. Leaves erecto-patent, straight, rarely spreading or recurved, from a broad base gradually narrowed to a broad, usually hardly acute point; nerve strong, wide at base; cells small, angular, usually irregular, sub-hexagonal, rather obscure ; hardly altered at base except a very few of the lowest. Seta and capsule as in B. fallax ; lid shorter, peristome much shorter, the teeth hardly twisted, filiform, from a narrow basal membrane. Hab. Wet rocks and sandy shores of mountain streams; not common. Fr. late autumn. Although in its peristome resembling B. tophacea or B. rigidula, and on that account long united with the latter, the affinity of this species is closest with B. fallax, from which it is very difficult, if not impossible, always to separate barren plants. It has been suggested that the cells in the present plant, irregularly angular, afford a distinguishing character, those of B. fallax being more distinct, rounder, and more regularly seriate, but although this frequently holds good, I have examined specimens of undoubted B. fallax with precisely the areolation typical of the present species. The leaves in B. spadicea, again, are sometimes said to be straight and appressed when dry, not twisted as in B. fallax, but this is undoubtedly an error. According to my own observation the most useful character is the direction of the leaves when moist, straight and erecto-patent in B. spadicea, very rarely flexuose or recurved as is frequently the case in B. fallax. They are, too, always broad at the points, but the same may be observed, frequently though not usually, in the latter species. B. rigidula differs in the smaller, narrower-pointed leaves, with more elongated basal areolation. 6. Barbula rigidula Mitt. (Didymodon rigidulus Hedw.; Trichostomum rigidulum var. densum B. & S., plur. auct.) (Tab. XXIX. G.). Growing in small dense tufts or cushions, rarely 1 inch high, dull or yellowish green above, reddish brown below. Leaves rather crowded, resembling those of B. fallax but rather wider and shorter, more narrowly acuminate to a straight almost linear point; straighten and less recurved, more concave, hardly papillose. Margin recurved below, slightly thickened above; nerve brown, lost in the rather opaque point. Areolation small, dense, rounded-hexagonal, rather obscure in the point, more distinct below, faintly papillose, towards base becoming quadrate196 TORTULACEiE. or elongated, the lowest cells all shortly rectangular and pellucid. Capsule oval-oblong, smooth and shining ; lid rather short, less acute than in B.fallax; peristome teeth from a short basal membrane, short, free or united, oblique or slightly twisted. Dioicous. Hab. Walls and rocks, frequent. Fr. late summer and autumn. When the fruit is present and in good condition, the short, hardly twisted peristome, taken in conjunction with the rectangular basal cells, easily distinguishes B. rigidula from its allies ; but this is rarely the case, and then it is extremely difficult to separate from B. vinealis. That species is usually of a more decided green tint, the leaves more acute in the acumen, and more flexuose when dry, with more strongly papillose areolation, obscure with chlorophyll above ; stunted specimens however may prove very difficult to determine. B. cylindrica is known by its longer, larger, curved and flaccid leaves, B. fallax and B. spadicea by the short, hardly altered basal areola- tion, and the larger, more broadly pointed leaves; B. gracilis and B. icmadophila by the well defined cells and distinctly excurrent nerve. The time of fruiting in these closely allied plants should be noted ; in B. fallax the capsules are ripened almost in mid-winter, in B. rigidula, usually at least, in -late summer and autumn, in B. vinealis in spring. B. rigidula grows in small tufts, almost invariably on rocks or walls, while B. fallax is frequently, indeed usually, terrestrial, and forms laxer, irregular patches. 7. Barbula cylindrica Schp. (Zygotrichia cylindrica Tayl.) (Tab. XXIX. H.). Plants rather soft, in loose tufts or patches, olive green above, reddish brown below ; stems flexuose, slender, 1-2 inches high. Lower leaves rather short and distant, the upper crowded and longer, flexuose-curved, longly linear-lanceolate from a rather long ovate erect base, widely spreading, much twisted and curled when dry ; margin narrowly recurved, usually plane above the middle ; nerve vanishing in the rather wide point; areolation small, irregularly hexagonal, very obscure, papillose, more quadrate below, all the lowest shortly rectangular, small. Seta long, flexuose; capsule oblong-cylindric, dark chestnut brown, smooth, shining; lid acutely rostrate ; peristome spirally twisted, short, not forming a complete turn, pale red. Dioicous. Hab. Walls, banks of streams, etc., principally in calcareous districts; frequent. Fr. rare, spring and summer. Resembling B. fallax much in appearance, this species may generally be distinguished by its greener tufts and softer texture, the leaves also are longer and narrower in the limb, frequently horizontally flexuose in their direction. Under the microscope the obscure, much smaller and usually more angular upper cells, and the basal cells, all more or less quadrate or rectangular, easily distinguish it. The leaves too are less recurved, and the margin less strongly revolute. The basal cells are sometimes considerably elongated, and pellucid.BARBULA. I97 * Barbula vinealis Brid. (B. cylindrica var. vinealis Braithw., Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIX. L). Resembling the above, but shorter, of a more dusky colour, in denser tufts. Leaves shorter, straighter, narrower in the point, margin recurved to above the middle. Capsule shorter, with a usually rather shorter lid. Hab. Walls, roots of trees, etc. Frequent. Fr. spring. Usually known from B. cylindrica without much difficulty by its straighter, shorter, more acute leaves; intermediate forms, however, may sometimes be found, and it is not without hesitation that I have allowed the present plant to rank as a sub- species rather than as a simple variety of that species. In some respects it more closely resembles B. rigidula ; but the leaves in that are usually rather wider, with the upper cells less obscure and almost smooth, and with a narrow, distinct, opaque, almost cuspidate point. 8. Barbula sinuosa Braithw. (Dicranella sinuosa Wils. MS. ; Didymodon sinuosus Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXIX. J.). Deep or yellowish green, in low flat patches or small tufts rarely an inch high, usually much shorter, but often more robust than B. cylindrica. Leaves larger, longer, linear-lanceolate or widely linear from a narrow-oblong base, much curled when dry, with the margin plane or very slightly recurved below, in the upper half very sinuose, notched, irregular and fragile, at apex often coarsely and irregularly denticulate; cells resembling those of B. cylindrica, but more distinct, pellucid, and regular, and very slightly larger, at base rectangular, usually lax, hyaline and thin-walled. Hab. Walls and stones chiefly in calcareous districts. Not uncommon. Fruit unknown. In the absence of fruit the position of this curious moss must remain uncertain, but I am unable to attribute to it a very close affinity with B. cylindrica. I have gathered it in many localities, principally in the Midlands, and have always found it remarkably constant, and never showing the slightest tendency to approach that species or B. vinealis, with both of which I have found it growing, and indeed inter- mixed, always retaining its peculiar characteristics. The form of the leaves, often almost linear, not very much wider at the base than in the middle, their more solid texture, yellowish colour, and more distinct areolation, frequently very thin, lax and hyaline at the base, are points which, considering their constancy, have considerable value as specific characters, quite apart from the peculiar configuration of the upper part of the leaf, which might be considered, however constant, if not pathological, still of secondary importance. In this latter respect it bears a certain resemblance to Trichostomum tenuirostre, but that has narrower more acute leaf-points, the margins quite plane, the basal areolation still more lax and hyaline, and the upper cells more obscure.198 TORTULACE^. 9. Barbula gracilis Schwgr. (B. acuta Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXIX. K.). Short, |-i inch high, in dense tufts, olive green, frequently becoming brown. Stems straight, rather rigid; leaves small, straight, erecto-patent, appressed when dry and very slightly twisted, from an ovate base, gradually but quickly tapering to an acute point, concave; margin widely reflexed below, plane above, nerve strong, reddish, for7ning the greater part of the leaf point, and in the upper leaves at least excurrent in a short red acute mucro; cells small, rounded, distinct, incrassate, smooth or slightly papillose, at base small, shortly recta?igular. Peri- chaetial bracts wide, sub-sheathing, the 7ierve more longly excurrent in a somewhat flexuose point. Capsule oval-oblong, small, short; lid long, slender; peristome short, slightly twisted. Dioicous. Hab. Walls and bare places in warm situations. Very rare, and sterile; near Bristol; Jersey. Somewhat resembling small forms of B. fallax. The leaves, however, are shorter, straighter, and more erect, the basal angles more distinctly rectangular. It is still more like B. rigidula, and there is little in the barren state to distinguish them, but the more distinct rounded cells in the present plant, with the nerve usually distinctly excurrent in some of the leaves, and the perichaetial bracts especially long- cuspidate and flexuose. B. Hotnsch uchiana has the leaves less narrowly tapering, the margin more distinctly revolute, and the nerve stouter and more clearly excurrent. The next species is the most closely allied, but differs in the more suddenly narrowed leaves with longer, finer acumen and more excurrent nerve. The margin in both species is rather widely but not strongly reflexed, like the side of a dish, the extreme edge being in addition irregularly and more narrowly revolute. 10. Barbula icmadophila Schp. (Braithw. Br. M. FI., Vol. II., Suppl.) (Tab. XXIX. L.). Taller and more slender, 1-2J- inches high. Leaves more suddenly contracted to a narrow, almost subulate acumen, the greater part formed by the longly excurrent nerve ; cells a little larger, very distinct, more quadrate or angular. Capsule narrowly elliptical. Hab. Wet rocks, frequently on mountains. Very rare; Skye; Ben Lawers. Sterile. Fr. late summer. Very near the last species, but quite distinct in the longly excurrent nerve, the more angular areolation, and the longer, narrower capsule. The alpine form, which is represented by the Ben Lawers plant, is short, very dense, and always barren. The fruit has been found in the Tyrol.BARBULA. igg 11. Barbula Hornschuchiana Schultz. (Tab. XXIX. M.). Pale green, in low tufts or patches, about £-inch high. Stems slender; leaves spreading, when dry rigidly arcuate-incurved and spirally twisted; very small, rather larger at the top of the stem, ovate-lanceolate or narrowly triangular, gradually acuminate from the base or just above to an acute point, sharply mucronate or cuspidate with the stout, yellowish, excurrent nerve ; margin very widely and strongly revolute in its whole length, reaching to or almost to the nerve in the upper half of the leaf; upper cells rounded-quadrate, distinct, incrassate, obtusely papillose, at base very shortly rectangular, rounded at angles, rather incrassate. Perichaetial bracts larger, longer, sheathing, with plane margins, longly acuminate, with narrower nerve. Seta orange red below, pale above ; capsule small, narrowly elliptic or sub-cylindric; lid long-beaked; peristome teeth from a very narrow membrane, rather long, purple, much twisted. Dioicous. Hab. On the ground in fields, old quarries, and on walls ; not common. Fr. spring. This and the two following species have a certain affinity and are distinguished by their small size, much smaller leaves, paler seta and more highly differentiated perichaetial bracts from the other species of the genus. The present plant may easily be overlooked as a small state of B, fallax or some other moss, but it is recognised almost at a glance by the stellately-spreading small tapering acutely pointed leaves with strongly revolute margins ; B. revoluta has the leaves much less tapering, more linear and obtuse at the point. 12. Barbula revoluta Brid. (Tortula revoluta Schrad.) (Tab. XXX. A.). In very dense, low, smooth tufts or cushions, bright or dull green, inch high, rarely taller. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent or spreading, slightly recurved, closely and very neatly curled when dry, very small, ligulate-oblong from a rather broader base, scarcely tapering above, at apex rather obtuse and apiculate ; margin very widely and strongly revolute from just above base to apex, reaching almost to the nerve in the whole of the upper part; nerve very thick, and wider above than in the lower half, usually excurrent in a small mucro or apiculus ; cells rounded-quadrate, obscure, papillose, at base rectangular, pellucid; all rather incrassate, rounded at the angles. Perichaetial bracts much longer than the leaves, sheathing. Seta orange, paler above, slender, twisted to the right when dry; capsule elliptical, lid rather short; peristome much twisted. Dioicous.200 TORTULACE^E. Hab. Limestone walls and mortar ; frequent. Fr. spring and summer. As pointed out above this species is at once recognised by its much less tapering, less acute leaves, from B. Hornschuchiana, and is indeed a plant in no way likely to be confused with any other ; the thick nerve and revolute margin give a solid, opaque appearance to the leaves quite different to that of B. convoluta; and the colour is usually a deeper green, less yellow than in that species. 13. Barbula convoluta Hedw. (Tab. XXX. B.). Rather taller, |-i inch high, in more swollen cushions, bright yellowish green. Leaves erecto-patent, recurved, crowded, strongly curled when drj^; small, oblong-lanceolate or Ungulate, slightly narrowed but not tapering at apex, slightly acute, or rather obtuse and apiculate ; margin slightly recurved at base on one or both sides, elsewhere plane, crenulate with bifid papillae; nerve yellowish, pellucid, vanishing in or below apex or very shortly excurrent in a minute apiculus ; areolation sub-quadrate, obscure, small ; at base pellucid or hyaline, elongate-rectangular. Perichaetial bracts long, convolute, sheathing, apiculate, inner nerveless; seta long, slender, straw-coloured, twisting to the left ■when dry; capsule small, oblong, reddish brown; annulus distinct; peristome much twisted. Dioicous. Var. ji. Sardoa B. &S. (Trichostomum undatum Schp., Syn.; Barb, commutata Jur., nonn. auct.). Taller, in dense tufts ; leaves, especially the comal, longer, less recurved; capsule longer. Hab. On the ground and on wall-tops; frequent. The var. £ rare. Fr. spring. Readily known by its pale yellow slender seta, and the long sheathing perichaetial bracts. Otherwise it much resembles small states of B. unguiculata, but the margin is very slightly recurved, the nerve usually vanishing and never so stoutly and distinctly excurrent as in that species. The leaves are much more translucent than in the two previous species, and less neatly and regularly curled when dry than in B. rervoluta. 14. Barbula unguiculata Hedw. (Bryum unguiculatum Huds.) (Tab. XXX. C.). A vert’ variable plant, usually growing in small dense tufts, or larger patches ; yellowish green, £-1 inch high. Leaves erecto-patent and recurved, or sometimes spreading and slightly squarrose, closely imbricated and spirally twisted when dry, with the nerve at back pale and glossy ; Ungulate or oblong-lanceolate, slightly narrowed towards apex, but never acuminate, obtuse, mucronate with the stout yellowish excurrent nerve, which is papillose at back; margin recurved, plane towards apex; basalBARBULA. 201 cells rather small, narrow, pellucid, yellowish, the upper small, sub-quadrate, obscure, thin-walled, or incrassate, papillose. Perichaetial bracts longer, sometimes much elongated, narrower, sub-sheathing, but not convolute. Seta variable in length, brownish red or purple, paler above; capsule cylindric or narrowly oblong, lid rostellate or rostrate, slightly curved, variable in length. Annulus none. Peristome teeth long, very slender, forming two complete turns of a spiral, narrowly twisted at base, more loosely at apex, from a very short basal membrane. Dioicous. Var. [3. cuspidata (Barbula cuspidata Schultz). More slender; leaves and perichaetial bracts narrower, with longer cuspidate points, straighter ; seta slender, often flexuose. Hab. Banks, walls, and bare ground ; very common. The var. £ frequent. Fr. winter or spring, but variable. One of the commonest species of the genus, and extremely variable. Many varieties have been described, but the characters on which they are founded are very slight and unimportant. Almost every variety of leaf form and direction may be found, from shortly and broadly oblong and very obtuse to narrowly linear or elongate-lanceolate, and from straight and erecto-patent to squarrose-recurved. The apex is sometimes, but rarely, narrowed so as to appear at first sight acute, especially when folded laterally, but when flattened out it will be found to be invariably more or less obtuse, the lamina often reaching slightly higher on one side of the nerve than the other. The spirally twisted leaves with pale shining nerve in the dry state are very characteristic, and the obtuse mucronate apex gives the leaf a distinct appearance by which the plant is easily known in the field ; it is a taller plant of firmer texture than any of the three preceding species, and could hardly, except in very short and delicate forms, be mistaken for any of them ; and the margin regularly recurved, and nerve excurrent in a distinct mucro, are sufficient points of difference in doubtful cases. Young or starved forms may be confused with B convoluta, but the margin in that plant is only slightly recurved, and the nerve rarely excurrent, the perichaetial bracts quite different. 41. LEPTODONTIUM Hampe. Leaves spreading or squarrose-recurved, rather wide, mostly flexuose, with serrulate or iiotched margins. Capsule narrow, cylindrical ; peristome of 32 filiform smooth teeth, straight, erect, more or less unequal and here and there united in pairs. Dioicous. The three British species of this small genus are readily known by the peculiar habit and the form and structure of the leaves, and with the few exotic and continental species appear to form a well-defined group, hardly approached by any of the other species of the Order except Pleurochsete squarrosa.202 TORTULACE/E. It is curious that all three species seem to have their head- quarters in Britain, and two of them have not been found else- where. fLeaves tipped with clusters of gemmse ... ...................i. gemmascens \ Leaves not tipped with gemmae............................................2 f Leaves not bordered, nerve vanishing........................2. flexifolium \ Leaves with pale border, nerve excurrent...................3. recuruifolium 1. Leptodontium gemmascens Braithw. (Didymodon gemmascens Mitt. ; Did. flexifolius var. pemmiferus Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXX. D.). Loosely tufted, 1-2 inches high, bright green ; stems fragile, scarcely branched. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate- acuminate, tapering, erecto-patent or spreading, not recurved, rather crisped when dry, margin plane or erect, slightly sinuose or undulated, finely spinulose-dentate at apex ; nerve reaching apex, in the upper leaves excurrent and tipped with a bunch of green, obovate gemmae; basal cells rectangular, the upper irregularly hexagonal, obscure and opaque; a single marginal row somewhat more pellucid. Hab. Old thatched roofs, very rarely on trees; Sussex ; near Dundee. Fruit unknown. Originally considered a variety of the next species, but quite distinct in the form and direction of the leaves. The gemmse are by no means confined to the tip of the leaf, but may be found, often abundantly, in the axils of the upper leaves. Mr. Mitten says that it is usually found on thatch that is just beginning to go, not on very old and decayed thatch. 2. Leptodontium flexifolium Hpe. (Bryum flexifolium Dicks.; Didymodon flexifolius Hook, and Tayl., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXX. E.). In wide patches, 1-2 inches high, bright or yellowish green ; stems slender, rather flexuose, fragile. Leaves distant, the comal larger, erecto-patent or spreading and squarrose-recurved, small line in length), concave-carinate, rounded and flexuose; when dry erect and crisped; shortly oblong-lingulate, apiculate at apex or shortly pointed ; margin recurved at base ; in upper third strongly, irregularly spinose-denticulate ; nerve narrow, yellowish, vanishing below the apex; cells at base shortly rectangular, above rounded-hexagonal, chlorophyllose, incrassate, papillose on both sides; a single row at margin pellucid, crested with distinct single papillae on the edge.LEPTODONTIUM. 203 Perichaetial bracts sheathing. Seta slender, yellowish ; capsule narrowly elliptic or cylindric, yellowish brown with a red mouth ; lid shortly rostellate; peristome teeth slender, fragile, yellowish, smooth. Male plant more slender, inflorescence terminal. Hab. Peaty and gravelly soil, not common. Fr. early spring. Known at once by the flexuose, recurved, distant leaves, sharply toothed at apex, short and widely Ungulate, rather acute but not tapering at the points. The whole plant has a succulent, fragile texture. Axillary and terminal buds, or gemmiform bodies are often formed, which are readily detached and serve to propagate the plant. It is most frequently found in the barren state. 3. Leptodontium recurvifolium Lindb. (Bryum recurvi- folium Tayl.; Didyrjiodon recurvifolius Wils., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXX. F.). Taller and more robust than the last species, 1-5 inches high, pale or yellowish green above, dark or yellow below. Leaves from a pale erect base squarrose and recurved, slightly undulate ; when dry crisped, undulate and incurved but not erect nor appressed, rather distant, larger (1 line lotig) ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, slightly narrowed above, at apex shortly and widely acute, or rather obtuse and apiculate; margin plane, serrulate from near the base, in the upper half with coarse irregular denticulations ; nerve thin, reaching apex and excurrent in a minute apiculus or slightly longer point; basal cells rectangular, small, hyaline or pellucid, the upper rounded- quadrate, rather smaller than in the last, obscure with chlorophyll, minutely papillose, 2-4 rows at margin slightly enlarged, pellucid, smooth, forming a pale border, not papillose at edge. Hab. Wet rocks on mountains; very rare. Killarney and Ben Voirlich, now extinct. Creag Mhor, Tyndrum; Glydr Vawr, Tyn-y-groes, Cwm Buchan and Cynicht, N. Wales. Fruit unknown. A very fine and interesting species, and unknown except from the localities named. Abortive archegonia mixed with n few paraphyses are the only organs of fructification that have been found. The plant is usually of a dusky colour, and almost black in the lower parts ; the specimens from Cynicht, however, where I gathered it in 1888, are pale yellowish green throughout, and are also taller and more slender than the other forms. L. recurvifolium can hardly be confused with any other moss ; in the dry state it might be overlooked for Dichodontium pellucidum or D. flavescens, but when moistened the recurved, squarrose leaves, w'ith pale border, at once distinguish it. 42. WEISIA Hedw. Plants small or moderately tall, slender, with lanceolate or linear-lanceolate leaves, usually much twisted when dry, basal204 TORTULACEjE. areolation hyaline and rectangular, upper small, almost always opaque and papillose. Fruit small, cleistocarpous, gymnostomous or peristomate, peristome when present ol 16 short, more or less imperfect, entire or bipartite teeth, erect. I have followed Lindberg and Braithwaite in uniting under one genus the species variously ranged under Systegium, Hymenostomum, Gymnostomum, Weisia, and Eucladium ; but have separated under Trichostomum the more robust, distinct species usually placed under that genus, which have a very different facies, and for the most part a more highly developed capsule and peristome ; while in the present genus there are few or none among the European species at least, except W. vertic- illata, with the peristome at all well-developed. The name Mollia (used by Lindberg and Braithwaite for this genus) must be rejected, as pointed out by Le Jolis (Rev. Bry., 1895, p. 19), since it was employed in 1824 by Martius for a genus of Tiliacese, for which genus it has been generally adopted and has been in use ever since. /Capsule immersed, lid very minute, persistent................................2 (Capsule exserted ; lid larger, deciduous ....................................4 fLeaf-margin strongly involute above ..................................1. crisfa (Leaf-margin plane above......................................................3 / Perichsetial Is. long, erect; leaves crisped when dry.......2. multicapsularis (Perichtetial Is. few, short, divergent; Is. scarcely crisped......3. Mitlenii /Leaf-margin strongly incurved above..........................................5 ^(Margin plane or recurved above..................................................7 /Plant little branched ; Is. narrow, twisted when dry ........................6 -*(Plant much branched ; Is. wider, incurved when dry (gymnostomous)...7. tortilis g/Peristome present ...................................................8. virid-ula (Peristome absent .................................................6. microstoma /Leaves toothed below, entire above ; plant glaucous...............14. verticillata ' (Leaves entire, or crenulate merely with projecting cell-walls ..............8 / Capsule scarcely exserted, seta about (-line long................4. roslellata "(Capsule well exserted on longer seta ........................................10 / Stem decumbent below ; Is. squarrose; peristome absent............3. squarrosa (Stem erect; peristome present.....................................9. mucronata (Stem usually longer ; Is. more or less acute or subacute.....................13 l2/Basal cells of leaves very long and narrow .........................10. tenuis /Upper cells minute, opaque; nerve thick ..........................12. rupestris ■*(Upper cells clear and pellucid; nerve slender .................13. curvirostris A. SYSTEGIUM. Capsules immersed, cleistocarpous ; plants very small.WEISIA. 205 1. Weisia crispa Mitt. (Phascum crispum Hedw.; Systegium Schp., Syn.; Mollia crispa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.). (Tab. XXX. G.). Densely gregarious or sub-caespitose, pale or yellowish green, 2-5 lines high, branched at the top. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry strongly curled, at least at their tips, the lower small, gradually increasing in size upwards, linear-lanceolate, the comal, or perichaetial bracts much larger, elongate-linear from a long concave whitish base, all rather concave, acute or slightly obtuse, the margins very narrowly involute in the upper part, nerve strong, excurrent in a short acute mucro, which is sometimes turned upwards so as to make the leaf apex somewhat cucullate. Cells at base lax, hyaline, rectangular ; upper small, sub-quadrate, opaque with chlorophyll and papillae. Capsule immersed in the perichaetial bracts, on a very short seta, small, brown, sub-globose, with a distinct, minute, conical apiculate lid, which, though not separating of itself is easily removed. Calyptra cucullate. Autoicous. Var. /3. aciculata (Weisia adculata Mitt.). More slender; perichaetial bracts tapering to a longer, more acute point, the margins erect, not incurved. Capsule almost sessile, concealed among the bracts ; lid shorter. Hab. On the ground, chiefly in calcareous districts ; frequent. The var. 0 rare. Fr. spring. Easily distinguished from all the Phascoid mosses with immersed capsules (except the next two species) by the long perichaetial bracts, cirrate when dry, and forming the most conspicuous portion of the plant. From the next species it differs in the narrower leaves with smaller more opaque areolation, and involute margins. The narrowly incurved margin in this plant has somewhat the appearance of a thickened border ; but it is frequently very indistinct, or the margin may be plane or erect in a few of the leaves, especially the lower, shorter ones; but some leaves will always be found showing the characteristically incurved margin. 2. Weisia multicapsularis Mitt. (Phascum multicapsulare Sm.; Systegium multicapsulare Schp., Syn.; Mollia multicap- sularis Braithw., Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXX. H.). Taller and more slender than W. crispa, 5-8 lines high, with longer, slender, flexuose, small-leaved branches ; of a dingy green ; leaves wider, broadly lanceolate, acute or obtuse, apiculate, spread- ing, flexuose and recurved, margin plane; upper leaves and bracts very long, erect, less crisped when dry, sub-tubular above, but with the margins but little involute, tapering and acute, nerve rather narrower and less defined ; areolation slightly larger,206 TORTULACE/E. more regular and quadrate, less obscure. Capsule immersed, oval, with a rather longer, persistent lid. Autoicous. Male inflorescence terminal, on a short branch, gemmiform. Hab. On the ground in open spaces ; rare. Fr. spring. Distinguishable from W. a ispa in the field by the dusky tint, the more slender stems and longer, small-leaved branches, the leaves and bracts much less curled when dry ; the wider leaves with plane margins and rather different areolation are also characters of importance. W. Mittenii differs in the male inflorescence, in the shorter, less flexuose leaves, and shorter, more spreading, fewer perichsetial bracts, with the capsule less deeply immersed. The specific name multicapsularis is misleading, as although two capsules may occasionally be found in one perichaetium, they are far more usually solitary. 3. Weisia Mittenii Mitt, fAstomum Mittenii B. & S.; Systegium Mittenii Schp., Syn.; Mollia Mittenii Braithw., Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXX. I.). Resembling IV. multicapsularis but more rigid, fragile, leaves less soft and flexuose, with a stout brownish nerve, the perichsetial bracts fewer, shorter, divergent; all flexuose when dry, hardly curled ; capsule less completely immersed, on a longer seta. Male inflorescence usually lateral, at the base of the fruiting innovation. Spores larger. Hab. Roadsides and fallow field near Hurstpierpoint, Sussex; (Mitten) Fr. spring. The general appearance of this plant is distinct, and its texture generally more rigid and fragile. The fewer, shorter, divergent bracts render the capsule much more apparent, but it is not really emergent, as it is entirely overtopped by the bracts ; the seta is, however, considerably longer than in the previous species, being almost exactly the length of the capsule itself, whereas in these it is only about half the length. I do not find any difference in the size of the lid between this and W. multicapsularis. B. EU-WEISIA. Capsules exserted, rarely cleistocarpous. Plants small; leaves curled when dry. Usually terrestrial. Autoicous. 4. Weisia rostellata Lindb. (Phascum rostellatum Brid.; Mollia rostellata Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.; Hymenostomum rostellatum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXX. J.). Very small, hardly a quarter of an inch high, dull green, densely gregarious. Leaves spreading, flexuose or recurved, crisped when dry, linear-lanceolate, margin plane, nerveWEISIA. 207 excurrent in a short point; cells larger than in W. crispa, quadrate-hexagonal, incrassate, distinct, minutely papillose; at base rectangular, hyaline or pellucid, the marginal narrower and more hyaline. Perichaetial bracts hardly distinct. Capsule on a very short seta, hardly raised above the bracts; oval-elliptic; lid persistent, obliquely rostellate. Hab. Muddy sides of pools, etc. Rare. Fr. winter. This little moss fruits abundantly, and is therefore easily recognised, differing as it does from all our other species of the kind in the very shortly exserted capsules, which yet have the facies of the more highly developed rather than of the phascoid species ; from the preceding ones it differs also in the absence of distinct perichaetial bracts. W. squarrosa is hardly to be distinguished except by the more elongated seta and the deciduous lid. The basal cells are sometimes hyaline, but at others coloured. The margins of the leaves are occasionally a little incurved, especially towards the point, so that the apex is slightly cucullate. 5. Weisia squarrosa C.M. (Hymenostomum squarrosum Nees & Hornsch., Schp. Syn.; Mollia squarrosa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXX. K.). Taller, j-Jinch in height, branched above, finally decumbent. Leaves distant, short, squarrose, upper longer, margin plane or erect; basal cells shorter. Beta longer, yellowish ; capsule much resembling the last, but with a longer, deciduous lid. Hab. Fallow fields and banks. Not common. Fr. winter. The longer seta, elevating the capsule considerably above the upper leaves, renders this plant easily distinguishable from IV. rostellata, although it is closely allied, and indeed in other respects hardly distinguishable from that species. It is also much like W. microstoma, but that species differs in the incurved margin of the leaves, which are less squarrose, and the time of fruiting is rather different. The first year’s stem is very short, when the resemblance to the last species is accentuated ; later on it developes innovations below the inflorescence, and the stem becomes decumbent. 6. Weisia microstoma C.M. (Gymnostomum microstomum Hedw.; Hymenostomum microstomum R. Br., Schp. Syn.; Mollia microstoma Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXX. L.). Densely tufted, inch high, rarely more; deep green; stems erect, branched. Leaves spreading from a more erect whitish base, much crisped when dry and glossy at the back, lanceolate, the upper longly linear-lanceolate, shortly pointed, mucronate with the excurrent nerve, concave, the margin narrowly involute; areolation minutely quadrate, opaque, papillose, at base208 TORTULACE^E. rectangular, hyaline. Seta yellow, longer than in the last species ; capsule oval, equal or slightly asymmetrical, brown, paler when empty, mouth very small, the orifice closed with a membrane, finally rupturing in the centre ; lid obliquely rostellate, variable in length, but longer than in the last species. Spores 18-20 //■ in diameter. Var. /3. obliqua C. M. (Hymenostomum obliquum Nees & Hornsch.). Shorter. Seta shorter; capsul & asymmetric, slightly curved above, lid shorter, narrowly conical. Var. y. elata (.Hymenostomum microstomum var. elatum B. & S.). Taller, densely tufted ; capsule very small, hardly reach- ing above the elongated innovations. Hab. Banks and barren ground, frequent. The var. )3, Ingleton ; the var. yy near Settle, barren. Fr. spring. Quite inseparable from W. viridula except by the fruit, which in that has a wider mouth, not closed by a membrane, and presenting some traces, however indistinct, of a peristome. The incurved margins distinguish it from IV. squarrosa, the much thinner, more pellucid and delicate leaves, more tapering, and with thinner nerve, from W. tortilis. I have gathered * tenuirosti-e and Tr. mutabile, which in some forms it occasionally resembles ; under the microscope the distinction becomes clearer ; the obliquely ascending hyaline cells in Tr. tortuosum at once separating that species; while Tr. tenuirostre, though sometimes having straight, broad, shortly pointed leaves almost exactly resembling some forms of Tr. mutabile, will be recognised by the larger, less obscure areolation, the nerve not distinctly excurrent, and the margins strongly crenulate-denticulate, toothed, or sinuose. It is also usually a more robust plant than that, with more distant and longer leaves. Some barren forms of Diphyscium foliosum, notably the var. acutifolium might easily be mistaken for this plant, but are of a more rigid and solid texture, often with a reddish brown tinge, and with much more obscure areolation and nerve when viewed with the microscope. Tr. hibernicwn has the leaves wider at the base, with much more distinct, incrassate upper areolation. 5. Trichostomum hibernicum Dixon. (Tortula hibernica Mitt.; Mollia hibernica Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI. ; Barbula cirrifolia Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXXI. L.). Tall, slender, in loose tufts, yellowish green, 2-4 inches high. Leaves not crowded, from a short erect sub-sheathing base flexuose-patulous or squarrose, crisped and incurved when dry ; from a wide, shortly oblong or obovate base gradually longly lanceolate-acuminate, tapering to an acute point, i|-2 lines long ; margin hardly undulate, very finely crenulate-papillose ; nerve vanishing in the apex, or reaching just beyond ; cells at base rectangular, hyaline, rather suddenly passing into the shorter, coloured upper cells, not ascending higher at margin; upper areolation small, very distinct (rather obscure in the young leaves), incrassate, subquadrate-rounded or shortly oblong-elliptic, faintly papillose; one or two rows at margin sometimes paler. Capsule cylindric. Hab. Wet rocks ; Killarney ; Brandon Mt., Kerry. Fruit very rare. A more slender plant than either Tr. tenuirostre or Tr. tortuosum, with smaller, more slender, less undulated leaves, expanded at the base, and more distinct areolation, the basal quite different from both. It is the Anosctangium ffornschuchiamim of Wils. Bry. Brit. ; but the true A. Hornschuchianum Funk (in Hoppe & Hornsch. Crypt, select.) has smooth leaves, very slender at the points, denticulate above the base, etc. A few old capsules only have been found, with the peristome too imperfect for description. The species has not been found outside Ireland. 6. Trichostomum inclinatum Dixon. (Tortula inclinata Hedw. fil.; Barbula inclinata Schwgr., Schp. Syn.; Mollia inclinata Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXII. B.). In wide flat tufts, yellowish green, f-i inch high, stems robust, fragile. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent, rigid, not enlarged at the220 TORTULACEzE. coma, cirrate-crisped but not very closely incurved when dry, almost exactly resembling those of Tr. flavovirens, but rather shorter. Seta reddish ; capsule oval-oblong, more or less curved ; peristome teeth long, spirally twisted, fugacious. Hab. Banks, usually near the sea. Rare and sterile. The leaves of this plant so nearly resemble those of Tr. flavovirens that the two species are very difficult to separate when barren ; indeed among almost all the species of this genus there is so much variation and so much intermingling of allied forms, with very slight and perhaps deceptive fruiting characters, that hardly any arrange- ment or description can be quite satisfactory. Thus Boulay points out that the present species is connected with Tr. tortnosum on the one hand and Tr. nitidum on the other by so many intermediate forms that no very clear line can be drawn between them, and at the same time he makes the present plant a sub-species of Barbula fragilis, indicating a still nearer affinity, in his opinion, to that species. 7. Trichostomum nitidum Schp. (Tortula nitida Lindb. ; Mollia nitida Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXII. A.). In small, dense, rounded cushions, dull or lurid green, dark below. Leaves very fragile, erecto-patent, slightly flexuose, crowded, when dry rigidly circinate-incurved, very closely in- cumbent, the nerve very glossy and shining at the back ; rather short, about 2 lines in length, linear-lanceolate, shortly and acutely acuminate or more suddenly apiculate, margin plane, slightly undulate, not incurved at apex ; nerve strong, greenish, brown in old leaves, excurrent in a very short mucro, prominent at back ; basal cells hyaline, passing obliquely into the shorter, more chlorophyllose cells, above small, rounded-quadrate, obscure, papillose. Capsule oblong-cylindric, peristome teeth short, rather imperfect, very slightly oblique. Hab. Rocks and walls, almost always calcareous. Rare. Sterile in Britain. The true position of this plant has been the subject of much discussion, upon which my slight acquaintance with the fruiting plant does not wairant me in pro- nouncing any opinion ; indeed it is probable that it will remain more or less doubtful until an opportunity is afforded of studying the fruit in good condition and in greater quantity. Hitherto it has only been found in two localities, the two plants presenting certain differences of some importance in the structure of their fruit and peristome. Apart from the fruiting characters, moreover, Tr. nitidum exhibits certain variations in habit and vegetative structure, which tend to ally it on the one hand to Tr. Jlavoznrens and on the other to Tr. tortuosum ; and it is quite possible that ultimately it may be found necessary to unite it with one or the other. As far as I am aware, however, the variations in question, do not occur, markedly at least, in this country, and the plant as we have it presents characters sufficiently distinct and constant to enable the student to identify it without much difficulty. It is usually more robust than Tr. flavovirens, less so than Tr. tortuosum ; but in habit it is more dense .and rigid than either, usually growing in dense rounded cushions, of a darker colour than in either of these, the leaf-margin, plane at apex, not incurved as in the former,TRICHOSTOMUM. 221 the leaves very closely and neatly circinate-incurved so that the points are hidden, while in Tr. tortuosum and frequently in Tr. Jiavovirens they are more or less spirally twisted upon themselves, in corkscrew fashion, less closely imbricated and with the points more or less projecting and visible. The nerve also is much more shining and glossy than it is (with at any rate very rare exceptions) in either, and the leaves more fragile. The var. fragilifolium of Tr. tortnosu?n perhaps most nearly resembles it, but is usually more loosely tufted and the leaves less closely imbricated when dry, and less shining. Tr. inclination is known by the paler colour, flat extended tufts, less fragile and less shining leaves. Tr. fragile is quite distinct in the leaves hardly curled when dry. Tr. mutabile is sometimes much like it in appear- ance, but the basal areolation is quite different. In the above remarks, as in the description, I have referred to the plant in its ordinary form, as, I believe, it is always found in this country. 8. Trichostomum tortuosum Dixon (Bryum tortuosum L.; Mollia tortuosa Schrank, Braithw. Br. M. FI.; Barbula tortuosa W. & M., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXXII. C.). In tall rounded tufts, small or extended, 1-4 inches high, pale or yellowish green above, yellowish brown below. Stems robust, radiculose below; leaves crowded, fragile, very long, (2-3 lines), spreading and flexuose, when dry strongly curled or spirally contorted on themselves, the nerve pale and shining at back; from a pale whitish base longly linear, tapering to a slender subula, undulate, margin flat at point; nerve strong, pale, excurrent in a fine entire or slightly denticulate point; cells at base thin, rectangular, hyaline, reaching for some distance up the leaf and extending obliquely very high at the margin, abruptly becoming small, chlorophyllose, in all upper part rounded, rather large for the genus, less obscure than in some of the previous species, papillose, crenulate-papillose at margin. Seta long, red below, pale above ; capsule shortly or longly cylindric, straight or slightly curved, lid rostrate, nearly as long as the capsule or much shorter ; peristome very slender, long, much twisted. Var. /3. dicranoideum (Mollia tortuosa var. dicranoidea Ferg. MS., Braithw. Br. M. FI.). Taller, compactly tufted, densely radiculose nearly to apex; leaves firm, rigid, subsecund, the terminal ones collected into a cuspidate tuft. Var. y. fragilifolium (Barb, tortuosa var. fragilifolia Juratz.). In short small tufts; leaves smaller, shorter, less finely tapering, very fragile, nerve excurrent in a yellowish point, very glossy and pale at back when dry; leaves when dry less strongly contorted, but more closely incumbent. Hab. Rocks and mountain slopes, principally in calcareous regions, frequent. The var. 0, Scotland (Fergusson) ; the var. y on exposed alpine rocks, walls, etc. ; rare.222 TORTULACE^E. Very variable in height, length of leaves, etc., the smaller forms, and notably the var. fragilifolium, closely approaching Tr. nitidum, but differing in the more slenderly pointed leaves, usually more laxly incurved when dry, and of softer texture. I have however gathered a plant on Snowdon with exactly the dark small dense rigid cushions of Tr. nitidum, but in this case with the nerve hardly at all glossy at back. It is probable that the above variety and var. rigida Boulay are not more than dwarf and somewhat starved forms induced by their habitat, which is usually on exposed mountain rocks. The leaves in this species are always more or less fragile, but they are of a much softer, less rigid texture than in 7r. fragile, and it may be noted that in our present plant it is usually the lamina that is torn, often leaving the nerve denuded (though the apex of the leaf, especially in var. fragilifolium, is often broken off), while in Tr. fragile the nerve itself is extremely brittle, and the rigid leaves are usually found snapped in half at or above the middle. The robust stems, and longly linear or even subulate leaves, spreading and flexuose when moist, with very tapering points will generally serve to distinguish this species from all the foregoing ones ; Tr. hibernicum being known by its more slender stems with laxer leaves expanded at the base. The fruit is rare, and sparingly produced, ripening in summer ; but unless gathered just at maturity it is very difficult to get good specimens showing the peristome. I have seen no specimens of the var. 0, the description of which I have taken from Braithw. Br. M. FI. 9. Trichostomum fragile Dixon (Didymodon fragilis Drumm. ; Barbula fragilis B. & S., Schp. Syn. ; Mollia fragilis Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXII. D.). In shorter dense tufts, bright or yellow green, resembling small plants of Tr. tortuosum. Leaves erecto-patent, straight or very slightly flexuose, scarcely undulate ; when dry the mature leaves are usually slightly arcuate, rigidly spirally twisted, or rarely more strongly curled, but almost always more firm and less crisped than in the last, very glossy and shilling at the back ; either gradually tapering as in that species or more usually with the apex prolonged into a capillaceous trigonous subula, composed chiefly of the nerve and nearly smooth or strongly papillose, very fragile and broken off in all but the young leaves. Nerve broad, whitish. Areolation as in the last, but usually rather more obscure. Capsule and peristome almost or exactly as in that species. Hab. Mountain rocks and sand-hills. Very rare, and sterile. In its typical form this plant is at once known from the other species of the genus by its rigid, brittle leaves only slightly twisted and indeed sometimes almost straight and erect when dry, very narrow above and brilliantly shining at the back ; when moist the straighter more rigid leaves distinguish it from Tr. tortuosum, and the elongate, subulate points from all other species. I have however received specimens from two or three localities in Labrador showing a distinct approach to Tr. tortuosuvi ; the leaves on some of the plants, and even the lower leaves on some stems in which the upper ones are quite typical, being strongly contorted when dry, crisped and undulate at the margin, and when moist slightly flexuose and undulate; hardly indeed to be recognised from the var. fragilifolium of Tr. tortuosum except by the leaves somewhat firmer, the very shining nerve, and the presence (usually), ofTRICHOSTOMUM. 223 some rigid and less curved leaves. It is probable that this very curious and interest- ing species will be found to be allied by intermediate forms somewhat closely with Tr. tortuosum, as is undoubtedly the case with some of the other species of the genus. The fruit has only been found in two or three continental localities. 44. PLEUROCHJETE Lindb. Leaves somewhat serrate or denticulate above, from a sheathing base; hyaline cells at base marginal only, the median coloured. Fertile flowers axillary. Peristome long, slightly twisted, papillose. Dioicous. A very distinct genus both in general appearance and in structure, and, as Braithwaite remarks, with something the habit of Leptodontium. 1. Pleurochgete squarrosa Lindb. (Barbula squarrosa Brid., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXXII. E.). Yellowish green, i-2| inches high, stems flexuose, loosely tufted, often scattered and mixed with other plants, branched. Leaves rather crowded, larger in the coma, squarrose and flexuose from an erect sheathing base ; when dry strongly but not closely contorted, from the wide base quickly narrowed, lanceolate-acuminate, slightly undulated ; margin plane, finely denticulate above the base, near apex more distinctly and irregularly dentate; nerve strong, reaching to or slightly beyond the apex; median basal cells small, short, firm, rectangular with rounded angles, pellucid, coloured ; the marginal for several rows much larger, thin-walled, hyaline, abruptly passing into the median ones and forming a very distinct hyaline band, gradually narrowing upwards and reaching to or beyond the top of the sheathing base ; upper areolation small, rounded-quadrate, rather obscure, finely papillose. Perichaetia lateral, the bracts numerous, with a longer sub- sheathing base; seta long, red, paler above; capsule oblong- cylindrical, rather large, dark reddish brown; lid shortly rostrate ; peristome red, fragile, forming about a single spiral turn. Hab. Sandy and stony shores, and banks, usually near the sea, and almost entirely confined to the South of England. Rare and sterile. Fruiting on the continent in spring. The squarrose tapering leaves from an erect and sheathing base, and the general straggling and rather untidy appearance of this moss, together with its accustomed habitat, make this an easily recognised species ; and under the microscope the basal areolation is seen to be quite distinct from that of any other plant of the Order. The serrations are sometimes distinct, but are often too fine to be seen without the microscope.224 TORTULACE/E. Tribe j. Cinclidotese. Plants robust, aquatic or riparian ; leaves large, solid in texture, bordered. Capsule immersed or exserted. Peristome of 16 slender teeth bi-triiid above, more or less clathrate below with connecting bars. 45. CINCLIDOTUS P. Beauv. Characters those of the Tribe as given above. The fruit is sometimes apical, but typically cladocarpous, being produced at the extremity of short lateral branches. The aquatic species have a facies somewhat approaching Fontinalis, being dark-hued and long-stemmed, with long, blackish leaves. The European species are all dioicous. {Plant elongate, usually floating ; capsule immersed ..............3. fontinaloides Plant short, more or less erect; capsule exserted ..............................2 {Leaves densely papillose..............................................j- Brebissoni Leaves smooth........................................................riparius 1. Cinclidotus Brebissoni Husnot (Tortula Brebissoni Fior-Mazz.; Barbula mucronata Brid., Braithw. Br. M. FL, Vol. L, p. 276 ; Cinclidotus riparius var. terrgstris B. & S, Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXXII. F.). Terrestrial, erect, in large soft tufts, 1-2 inches high, dark green above, blackish below, slightly branched. Leaves larger and more crowded at the summit of the stem, erecto-patent or spreading, spirally twisted when dry, especially the younger ones, i-i'/z lines long, broadly-Ungulate, rounded and obtuse, shortly mucronate with the thick, excurrent nerve; margin strongly revolute to apex, becoming united and thickened above; cells at base hyaline, shortly rectangular, small, above very small, rounded-hexagonal, very chlorophyllose and opaque, densely papillose on both sides. Seta stout, terminal, yellowish brown, 3-5 lines long; capsule cylindric, rather large, narrowed at the mouth ; lid rostellate or shortly rostrate; annulus none ; peristome rather short, once twisted, teeth from a very narrow basal membrane, red, slender, papillose, fragile. Hab. Roots and stumps of trees by water. Not common. Fr. spring and early summer. This species bears some resemblance to Tortula mutica; but that is of a more lurid, yellowish colour, with broader, spathulate leaves which are less twisted when dry, and which have the nerve hardly excurrent and less distinct at back, not con* spicuously pale and shining as it is in the present plant. It is very nearly allied toCINCL1D0TUS. 225 C. riparius, with which it has been often united, but the seta in that plant is shorter, and thicker, the leaves are less twisted, indeed almost unaltered and appressed when dry ; and under the microscope the plane margins and smooth cells easily distinguish it. There is no doubt as to the right to specific rank of the present moss, but it is not so clear W'hether it should be placed under Tortilla or Cinclidotus, between which two genera it undoubtedly forms a connecting link. The structure of the peristome is that of Cinclidotus, and the slight twisting of the teeth cannot be held of importance, especially under the system of grouping the species which is here adopted, even were it peculiar to this species and not common to the others of the genus. 2. Cinclidotus riparius Arnott (Gymnostomum riparium Host) (Tab. XXXII. G.). Resembling the last species, but aquatic rather than terrestrial; stems usually longer than in that, but shorter than in C. fontinaloides, variously branched. Leaves oblong-lingulate, obtuse and usually mucronate with the excurrent nerve; or widely acute and apiculate, about equalling the last in size, less twisted when dry, usually appressed and flexuose, but not crisped nor much twisted ; margin thickened, but less abruptly than in C. Brebissoni, and not recurved; nerve more or less shortly excurrent or ceasing just below the apex; areolation resembling that of the last but quite smooth, the walls not much incrassate, the basal usually shorter and less pellucid. Seta from the apex of the stem or branches, short, 1-2'/2 lines long, very thick ; capsule broadly oblong, slightly curved, lid stout, acutely conical- rostrate, curved; peristome yellowish, lightly papillose. Hab. Stones in streams. Very rare. R. Fergus, Ennis; R. Teme, Ludlow. Both sterile. Fr. summer. I have not seen specimens from the Irish locality ; I have examined specimens gathered by Mr. Weyman in the R. Teme, and I feel considerable doubt whether this is not a form of the next species, with shorter, rather broader leaves than usual, and I find that Mr. Bagnall, to whom the English specimens were first submitted, is now inclined towards the same view. The cells in C. riparius are quite smooth, while those of the plant in question are, frequently at least, distinctly though shortly papillose, exactly as in C. fontinaloides ; and the upper cells have the walls somewhat incrassate as in that species, although it may be doubted whether this is, in the case of the two species in question, a safe distinction. Taking into account the fact that C. fontinaloides is a variable moss, and sometimes at least approaches very near to the habit and structure of Mr. Weyman’s plant, I think it is much more probable that the latter belongs to that species, rather than to C. riparius. The seta in this species sometimes springs from a very short lateral branch, in which case the plant is cladocarpous ; this occurs on the same tuft with the fruit in the ordinary position, and shows the slight value to be attributed to this character. 3. Cinclidotus fontinaloides P. Beauv. (Hypnum fontina- loides Lamarck) (Tab. XXXII. H.). Aquatic, stems long and flexuose, 2-8 inches long, in large dense masses of a dull green or more frequently dark, almost black colour, with short lateral branches; the lower leaves usually P226 TORTULACE/E. worn away by the water so that only the stiff bristly nerves are left clothing the stem. Leaves long, more or less spirally twisted when dry and occasionally slightly so when moist, flexuose, often slightly secund, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, decurrent, i'/2 to nearly 2 lines in length, more tapering than in the two previous species, obtuse or shortly acute, but not acuminate, more or less apiculate with the excurrent nerve; margin plane, strongly thickened to apex; cells small, rounded-hexagonal, usually incrassate ; small and rectangular, not much enlarged at the base. Upper cells faintly papillose. Fruit terminal on short lateral branches, immersed in the long, tapering, often secund perichsetial bracts or slightly emergent, seta very short; capsule ovate-oblong, bright reddish brown; lid acutely conical-rostrate, curved, red peristome purple-red, twisted, long ; the teeth filiform, branching above into two or three divisions, spirally twisted round the long, exserted, persistent columella. Hab. Rocks and occasionally wood in streams, where frequently submerged ; frequent; especially common on stones in mountainous rivers. Fr. summer, but variable. A very distinct, though somewhat variable plant, readily known by its dark colour with long, twisting leaves, and when fruiting, which it usually does abundantly, by the reddish brown capsules with strong red lid, which alone when the fruit is ripening protrudes from the perichtetium ; but after maturity the bracts become more divergent, and the capsule slightly emergent, so as to be more conspicuous. Grimmia apocarfa var. rivutaris and Orthotrichum rivulare both somewhat resemble it at first sight, and are often found in its company ; both however are quite different when more closely examined, the shorter, less flexuose leaves alone readily distinguishing them. Cinclidotus riparius is, as has been mentioned when describing that species, very close to it in its growth and leaf structure, but the cells are quite smooth, the leaves shorter, and the fruit quite distinct. When growing on the banks of lowland streams the black colour is more frequently wanting, the plant is more robust, with wider leaves of a dull green, less frequently secund. C. aquatints, a continental species, closely resembles the present, but has longer narrower more decidedly falcato-secund leaves with a thicker nerve, and the capsule exserted on a seta almost equal in length to the perichtetial bracts. It has been recorded from a single locality in Ireland, but according to Dr. Braithwaite there is some doubt as to the accuracy of the record. Order X. ENCALYPTACE/E. Erect, terrestrial or rupestral plants, usually caespitose. Leaves linear, Ungulate or spathulate; lower areolation thin, hyaline, fragile, the upper small, opaque with chlorophyll and strong verruculose papillae. Calyptra large, enclosing the whole capsule, campanulate or cucullate, smooth or plicate. Peristome double, single, or none.ENCALYPTA. 227 Including, besides Encalypta, the exotic genera Calymperes and Syrrhopodon. 46. ENCALYPTA Schreb. Capsule erect, cylindric, on a long seta. Calyptra campanu- late-cylindric, inflexed at base when young, finally entire or ciliated; not plicate; with a long straight beak; peristome extremely variable. Leaves as described above. The plants of this genus are easily recognised not only by the form and areolation of their leaves, but especially by the large glossy extinguisher-like calyptra, which persists until the fruit is quite ripe, and usually only falls with the lid when that separates. The peristome is in many species extremely fragile, in some quite absent; in those species in which it occurs it presents very diverse and interesting characters ; in some few it is double, the outer teeth showing all the characters of the Diplolepideae; in others, where it is single, the teeth are constituted on the plan of some of the Aplolepideae belonging to Dicranaceae; while in others again they bear a nearer resemblance to those of Polytrichum, thus connecting the Order with the Nematodonteae. On the whole their true position appears to be at the meeting point of the Aplolepideae and the Diplolepideae, while at the same time there is a close and indeed remarkable resemblance between them and some of the species of Tortula, especially those of the Section Syntrichia, a resemblance which in the leaves is surprisingly close. There is a great uniformity in the areolation of the leaves, and except in the case of E. commutata which has smaller cells than any of the other British species, I do not think any reliance can be placed on the relative size of the cells ; Wilson for instance describes those of E. vulgaris as being larger than in E. ciliata, but some specimens of the latter have them distinctly larger than is the case with E. vulgaris. lf Ls. recurved, with tapering acumen ; cells about 10 fi..........1. commutata 1 ^Ls. with broader points, not tapering; cells about 15 /x......................2 (Ls. obtuse, rather cucullate; nerve scabrous at back near apex ; capsule with 2^ spiral striae...................................................3. streptocarpa [ Nerve scarcely rough at back, usually excurrent.............................3 /Calyptra fringed at base ; capsule smooth ; peristome present...... 3. ciliata Calyptra not regularly fringed at base.......................................4 /Capsule with vertical striae ; peristome present............... 4. rhabdocarpa ^/Capsule smooth ; peristome rarely present............................2. vulgaris228 ENCALYPTACE^E. A. PSILOTHECA. Capsule smooth or very indistinctly striate. 1. Encalypta commutata Nees & Hornsch. {Leersia alpina Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXII. I.). Dull, lurid green, 1-2 inches high. Leaves from an erect sheathing base slightly reflexed and squarrose, appressed and incurved when dry, the upper twisted; broadly lanceolate- acuminate, acute, cuspidate or almost piliferous with the excurrent, stout reddish nerve, slightly undulate, margin plane; cells at base rectangular, hyaline, often coloured deep orange red, 3-5 times as long as broad, with 3-4 rows at margin longer, narrower, yellow, forming a distinct border ; upper cells very small, about 10 /r in diameter, rounded-quadrate or hexagonal-quadrate, obscure, crenulate-papillose at margin. Seta red, twisted ; capsule shortly' and widely cylindrical, abruptly contracted at base with an indistinct neck ; bright brown, smooth, lid with a long subulate beak ; mouth narrow, with a thin annular membrane, peristome none. Calyptra much longer than the capsule, irregularly lobed or torn at the hardly expanded base, not papillose. Autoicous. Var. /3. imberbis (Leersia alpina var. imberbis Lindb.). Leaves slightly cucullate at apex with the incurved margins, somewhat obtuse, with the nerve vanishing. Hab. High mountain rocks ; rare. Ben Lawers and others of the Breadalbane Mts. ; Ingleborough. The var. $, Ben Lui (Holt.). Fr. late summer. This species is at once known by its acute, tapering leaves, with smaller upper areolation, and smooth capsules. The calyptra though less distinctly fringed than in E. ciliata is often considerably tom at the base. The leaves when pressed out under a cover-glass have a very distinct, almost panduriform outline, the margins just at the point of reflexing above the sheathing base usually becoming involute so that the leaf appears constricted in the middle. As is usual in this genus, the papillose nature of the areolation causes the surface of the leaf to be dull, not glossy', when dry, hut the excurrent nerve point is extremely bright and shining. 2. Encalypta vulgaris Hedw. (Leersia exstinctoria Leyss., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIII. A.). Short, less than i-inch in height, deep or yellowish green, closely tufted. Leaves spreading, strongly twisted when dry, about 11 lines long, elliptic-oblong, obtuse and rounded or more or less acute at apex, with the nerve vanishing or excurrent; much narrowed at the base; margin plane, very rough with verruculose papillae; lower cells hyaline, rectangular, theENCALYPTA. 229 marginal much narrower in a few rows, forming a border which is often yellowish ; the upper larger, more distinct and more pellucid than in the last (about 15 /x), hexagonal-quadrate, usually regularly seriate, very papillose. Seta red. Calyptra covering all capsule, incurved at base which is entire or only shortly lobed, scabrous at apex and sometimes below. Capsule smooth, resembling that of the last, when dry and empty faintly plicate ; peristome wanting or of short, very fragile and fugacious teeth. Autoicous. Hab. Walls and banks, frequent.. Fr. late spring. Many varieties have been described of this moss, chiefly founded upon the presence or absence of a peristome and the form of the leaf-apex. The former is, however, a most uncertain character, and its presence does not appear to be correlated with any particular form of leaf; and as almost every degree of obtuseness and of acuteness is found in the latter, it does not seem worth while to found varieties on a single character which at best can be ill-defined ; the following are the most important forms :—Var. pilifera, leaves terminating in a long cuspidate point formed by the lamina or the excurrent nerve; var. obtusifolia, leaves rounded and obtuse, concave above, nerve vanishing ; var. Iczvigata, leaves apiculate, calyptra hardly papillose. The peristome even when present is very difficult to find, being extremely fugacious, and it is probable that even when apparently wanting its absence is due, in some cases at least, to the adhesion of the teeth to the interior of the lid, which carries them away when it separates. When in fruit there is no difficulty in identifying E. vulgaris, the smooth capsule and entire calyptra separating it from all the species but the preceding, which is quite different in the form of the leaves and areolation. E. streptocarpa is known by the nerve scabrous at back near apex, the longer leaves and far more robust habit. The nerve and cell walls at the base of the leaf are sometimes red ; but not so highly nor so constantly so as in the other species. 3. Encalypta ciliata Hoffm. (Leersia ciliata Hedw.; Leersia laciniata Hedw. ; Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIII. B.). About 1 inch high, bright green. Leaves rather large, i|-2^ lines long, broadly Ungulate or obovate-oblong, rounded at apex and apiculate, spreading ; incurved and crisped when dry ; slightly undulate towards the margin, which is narrowly recurved about the middle; nerve yellowish, rather glossy at back when dry, vanishing below the apiculus or excurrent in a short mucro ; basal cells lax, hyaline, rectangular, with red walls, the marginal narrower and paler in several rows, less distinct however than is usual in the foregoing species; above the cells are similar to those of E. vulgaris, opaque, with distinct, pellucid walls, highly papillose. Seta yellowish or pale red. Calyptra straw-coloured, with an everted rim at base,fringed with narrow, of'ten spreading lacinise, smooth at apex. Capsule cylindric, greenish brown, finally pale reddish brown, smooth, contracted below the mouth when dry, with a short indistinct neck. Peristome single, teeth230 ENCALYPTACE/E. red, lanceolate, connivent or erect when dry, strongly incurved over the mouth of the capsule when moist. Autoicous. Hab. Mountain rocks, not common. Fr. late summer. E. ciliata is at once known by the smooth capsule, fringed calyptra, paler seta, etc. ; the margin of the leaves is also usually recurved, though very narrowly. There is considerable discrepancy between authors as to the peristome, some describing it as erect when moist, incurved and arched over the mouth when dry ; others as connivent when moist, and erect when dry. Macoun and Kindberg (Catalogue of Canadian Plants—Musci, p. 94) endeavour to explain the discrepancy by supposing two species to be confused under one name, the true E. ciliata Hoffm. having the teeth incurved when dry, erect when moist, and the capsule without a distinct apophysis ; the other, E. Macounii Aust. having the teeth on the contrary erect when dry, when moist arched and incurved, and the capsule distinctly apophy- sate. E. Macounii is the most common form in N. America, E. ciliata as above described being possibly absent; in Europe the former plant has been collected by Kindberg in Norway, and described by him under the name (or rather synonym) of E. borealis. I very much doubt, however, the stability of the species E. Macounii Aust. as described by these authors. As a matter of fact in every specimen of E. ciliata which I have examined, the capsule, especially when immature (as were the capsules of the plant from which Austin describes E. Macounii), shows a small, indistinct but none the less decided neck, whatever the character of the peristome when dry. And as regards the latter structure I find on the same tuft mature capsules with the dry teeth inflexed, erect, or slightly spreading, in proportion to the degree of dispersal of the spores,—the more empty the capsules the more divergent being the teeth ; all however becoming strongly inflexed, indeed flattened, over the mouth of the capsule as soon as moistened. I have never seen a specimen with the peristome of the very remarkable, if not unique, nature described by Schimper and Braithwaite, namely, becoming jnore patent when moistened ; indeed one is tempted to suspect a slip of the pen. Should this indeed occur, however, it would still seem to be the only character to separate the plant from E. Macounii, seeing that as shown above, neither the position of the dry peristome, nor the presence or absence of an apophysis can be claimed as distinctive of the species. Should however the distinction be main- tained, then the plant described and figured by Braithwaite would belong to the true E. ciliata Hoffm, while that described by Wilson, as well as nearly, if not all, the British specimens I have seen, would fall under E. Alacounii Aust. (It should be mentioned that the other characters given by Austin as distinctive of E. Macounii are incorrect, as mentioned by Macoun and Kindberg, l.c.). It may be perhaps of some interest in connection with the above question, to note that when once rendered inflexed by moistening, the teeth of the peristome, at least in my experience, do not regain their erect position upon drying. E. apophysata Nees & Hornsch., a continental species, differs in the longer paler capsule, with a more distinct neck, and with the teeth of the peristome paler, perforated along the median line, not entire as in our plant. B. RHABDOTHECA. Capsule ribbed or striate, longitudinally or spirally. 4. Encalypta rhabdocarpa Schwgr. (Leersia rliabdocarpa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIII. C.). Densely tufted, |-2 inches high, deep green. Leaves resem- bling those of E. vulgaris, but rather more narrow at the point; obtuse or acuminate, the nerve vanishing below the apex orENCALYPTA. 231 excurrent in a mucro or short hair point; areolation as in E. vulgaris. Seta red. Calyptra rather short, very little torn at the base, scabrous above. Capsule small, oblong-cylindric, when mature brown, with 8-/6 reddish straight ribs; when dry and empty narrowly cylindric, narrowest in the middle, very closely and deeply sulcate ; apophysis distinct, wide when dry ; peristome single, teeth short, pale, entire or bifid. Autoicous. Hab. High mountain rocks, rare. Fr. late summer. The small, strongly ribbed capsule is quite distinct, and cannot be mistaken for that of any other species. The leaf differs widely from E. commutata in outline and areolation ; from E. ciliaia in the plane margins and less distinct areolation ; from E. streptocarpa in the more slender habit, smaller leaves, and smooth nerve. There appears to be no distinctive character by which the leaf can be recognised from E. vulgaris, but the habitat alone would almost always be a sufficient guide ; E. vulgaris is however occasionally found in alpine situations. 5. Encalypta streptocarpa Hedw. (Leersia contorta Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIII. D.). Robust, 1-2A- inches high, densely tufted, dull or yellowish green ; stems straight, rigid. Leaves spreading, when dry crisped, incurved and slightly twisted, long, (2-3 lines'), elongate- lingulate, often a little narrower in the middle than above and below, obtuse or obtusely pointed, undulate, margin plane, some- times incurved and sub-cucullate at point; nerve thick, vanishing below the apex, scabrous at back. Areolation as in E. vulgaris. Perichaetial bracts acuminate, from an oblong base. Seta long, red ; capsule long, cylindrical, with 8 reddish spiral ribs ; when dry spirally sulcate ; calyptra very long, scabrous at tip, laciniate at mouth. Peristome double ; outer teeth very long, red, filiform, papillose ; inner half the length of the outer, 32, pale, slender, filiform, adherent to the outer by their thin basal membrane. Dioicous. Hab. Banks and walls, chiefly on limestone. Not uncommon but exceedingly rare in fruit, which ripens in late summer. This fine species is often abundant in the crevices of stone walls and bridges in our mountain districts, but almost always barren. It is much more robust and rigid than our other species, with longer leaves, which are more constantly obtuse, without any apiculus or excurrence of the nerve ; and the sharp papillae at the back of the nerve, which towards the apex usually point forward, and render it almost hispid, are found in no other of our species. E. procera B. & S., a continental and American species somewhat resembling this but much rarer, is autoicous, with straight striae, and with the leaves more apiculate and with recurved margins.232 ORTHOTRICHACE/E. SUB-GROUP II. DIPI.OJLEPIDEJE. Peristome normally double, occasionally single, rarely wanting. When present each outer tooth consists of two layers of plates, the outer layer of two series divided by a vertical line, the inner of a single series extending across the width of the tooth, which, therefore, when viewed from the dorsal or exterior surface, presents a dividing line down the centre ; the ventral or interior surface, on the other hand, being without this division. The inner peristome when present is usually composed of thinner and more delicate tissue, consisting of two thin layers of plates, the external layer divided by 16 vertical lines, alternating with the outer teeth, the internal variously divided. This Sub-Group contains by far the greatest number of the mosses, including the whole of the pleurocarpous species, and some of the most extensive Orders of the acrocarpous ones. Philibert has shown that the single peristome of the Aplolepideae is the homologue not of the outer but of the inner peristome of the Diplolepideae. It is therefore misleading to speak of the outer layer of teeth in the latter as the peristome and the inner as the endostome, a term occasionally used ; it would indeed be more in accordance with the actual facts to term the latter the peristome and the outer layer the exostome. * Diplolepideae Acrocarpae. Acrocarpous mosses, as in the preceding Orders, with a few rare exceptions. Stems erect, very rarely prostrate, branching frequently dichotomous. In Anoectangium the fruit is truly pleurocarpous, but the plant is erect, the stems dichotomously branched, and the general habit quite that of the acrocarpous mosses. Order XL ORTHOTRICHACE^E. Plants usually growing in short dense cushions; stems dichotomously branched. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or linear- lanceolate, usually very hygroscopic ; cells more or less rounded- hexagonal, frequently papillose. Seta erect, often very short, capsule exserted or more frequently more or less immersed ; erect, symmetrical, smooth or striate. Calyptra smooth and cucullate, or campanulate and plicate, often with erect hairs. Peristome double or single, rarely none; the outer teeth frequently united in pairs. Growing on rocks or the bark of trees.ANCECTANGIUM. 233 47- ANCECTANGIUM Schwgr. Tall, densely matted plants; leaves lanceolate, papillose, areolation small, opaque. Perichaetia on the side of the stern ; seta long. Calyptra smooth, cucullate. Capsule smooth, ovate; peristome none. A very curious genus, remarkable for the lateral fruit, a character which has given rise to much variety of opinion as to its true position ; it is clear, however, that its natural place is among the acrocarpous mosses rather than with the true pleurocarps, and among these its affinity appears closest with Zygodon, although it very closely resembles some species of the genus Weisia. Besides the single British species, several others are known, one of which, A. Hornschnchianum (now placed by Lindberg in a separate genus), was described as British by Wilson in the Bryologia Britannica, but the plant referred to proved—as Wilson suspected—distinct, and is the species described in the present work as Trichostomum hibernicum. 1. Ancectangium compactum Schwgr. (Gymnostomum com- pactum Schleich.; Pleurozygodon eestivus Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIII. E.). I11 very dense deep soft tufts, pale vivid green on the surface, bright brown below. Stems 1-4 inches high, very slender, closely compacted and interwoven with reddish tomentum. Leaves small, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acuminate and acute, strongly carinate, erecto-patent; when dry closely incurved and slightly twisted ; margin plane, minutely crenulate with papillae, towards apex entire or sometimes indistinctly waved or irregular ; nerve very prominent at back, green, vanishing at apex ; areola- tion very obscure, papillose, quadrate-hexagonal, small, opaque, at base shortly rectangular, paler, more pellucid. Perichaetial bracts sub-sheathing, shining, not papillose ; seta about |-inch long, pale. Capsule elliptical-oblong, with a more or less distinct neck, pale brown with a shining reddish mouth, darker when old, rather glossy, thin-walled. Lid with a very long oblique subulate beak. Peristome wanting. Dioicous. Var. /3. pellucidum (Anoect. pellucidum Wils.). More robust, with larger, broader, less carinate leaves, more flaccid and less rigidly incurved when dry; areolation larger, much more distinct and pellucid, smoother, nerve rather narrower. Hab. Shady siliceous rocks on mountains, not uncommon ; most frequently barren. The var. $ near Inverary ( Wilson, 1836) ; Meall nan Tarmachan, Perthshire (Jameson, 1893). Fr. summer and autumn.234 ORTHOTRICHACE^. A very distinct moss in its brilliant green colour and compact habit, forming large smooth soft cushions on the sides and in the clefts of damp rocks. The fruit is not uncommon, and when found is usually present in great abundance, the last season’s capsules often being found side by side with those of the year, and almost or quite overtopped by the younger branches. It somewhat resembles Grimmia tor quota, but is of a brighter green, the stems more compact and far more coherent, and the leaves of course entirely without hair-point. Zygodon Mougeotii differs in the longer leaves, narrower in proportion to their length, and Weisia nipestris and curvirostris in the duller colour as well as in areolation. The var. pellucidum is very distinct in the areolation, and as it has not been found in fruit, its position must be held slightly uncertain. The leaves are not strongly hygroscopic as is almost universally the case in this Order. 48. ZYGODON Hook, and Tayl. Stems slender, dichotomously branched, leaves from oblong- lanceolate to linear, usually twisted when dry. Capsule emergent or exserted on a longer seta, 8-striate, with a distinct neck ; peristome double, single or none ; calyptra smooth, cucullate. I have followed Bruch and Schimper and other authors in uniting Atnphoridium with Zygodon. Although the sub- immersed capsules of Z. lapponicus, of a thicker consistency and with a wider mouth, give the plant a very different habit to that of the species with longer setae, it is only a question of a very slight shortening or lengthening of the seta ; Z. Mougeotii, indeed, in this respect approaches the species usually included under Zygodon, and the differences resolve themselves into slight distinctions in the form of the capsule, hardly sufficient to carry generic rank when in so many particulars the plants are closely allied. Zygodon is nearly allied to Ulota and Orthotrichum, differ- ing principally in the smooth, cucullate calyptra, the oblique beak of the lid, and in the usually narrower leaves almost always with plane margins. j /Leaves toothed near apex ................................ \ Leaves entire........................................... 2/Leaves wide, smooth, soft, hyaline at base ; cells over 15 fc. /Leaves narrower, more or less papillose ; cells under 10 y. /Stems tall, matted ; Is. long and narrow ; seta very short,.. •’/Stems short; Is. short; seta longer ..................... /Ls. much curled when dry ; basal cells thin-walled ..... 4/Ls. scarcely curled ; basal cells incrassate............. /Nerve excurrent in a mucro............................... -’/Nerve vanishing below apex .............................. g/Peristome absent; ls. spreading, recurved ............... \Peristome present; ls. patent, not recurved ............. .6. gracilis ..........2 ...3. Forsleri ............3 ............4 ............5 /. lapponicus .2. Mougeotii ..3.* Slirtoni .3. viridissimus ....4. conoideusZYGODON. 235 1. Zygodon lapponicus B. & S. (Gymnostomum lapponicum Hedw.; Anoectangium lapponicum Hedw., Braithw. Br. M. FI.; Amphoridium lapponicum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXXIII. F.). Densely tufted, dark olive green, blackish below, f-2 inches high. Leaves spreading, flexuose, when dry curled and contorted, oblong-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, resembling those of Anoectangium compaction, but less papillose, and with slightly larger, rather more distinct areolation, the basal cells larger, thin-walled, more pellucid, or frequently hyaline, margin plane. Capsule on a very short seta, raised above or almost above the perichaetial bracts, oval with a distinct neck, when dry contracted below the mouth and urceolate, strongly 8-striate, reddish above, paler below, with a deep red, thickened rim; gymnostomous. Lid red, shining, with an oblique rostellate beak. Calyptra small, cucullate, brownish. Autoicous. Hab. Clefts of rocks on mountains ; not uncommon. Fr. summer. When, as usually happens, the fruit is present in abundance, the striate, urceolate capsules, hardly emergent above the perichsetial bracts, cause the plant to be easily recognised. Even without fruit the small dense tufts of a dingy green, with the leaves strongly curled when dry, have a facies of their own not resembled by many mosses. 2. Zygodon Mongeotii B. & S. (Gymnostomum Mougeotii Bruch; Anoectangium Mougeotii Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.; Amphoridium Mougeotii Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXXIII. G.). In large dense yellowish tufts, 1-3 inches high, brown below, or rarely blackish. Leaves erecto-patent or spreading, crisped when dry, longly linear-lanceolate, tapering to an acute point, carinate ; margin entire or slightly irregular towards apex, hardly denticulate, narrowly revolute below; cells shortly rectangular at base, above shorter, subquadrate-rounded or very shortly rectangular, all incrassate, pellucid, and hardly papillose. Nerve rather strong, vanishing at apex. Capsule very shortly exserted, rather narrower than in the last, lid with a longer beak. Peristome none. Dioicous. Hab. Damp rocks, frequent in alpine and sub-alpine districts ; fruit extremely rare, ripened in autumn. This species is not likely to be confounded with any of the other species of the genus, on account of its much longer, narrower leaves. It is much more like Weisia rupestris or IV. curvirostris ; it has however longer leaves than either, and is almost always of a more decided yellowish tint; and the areolation differs widely from that of the former. The fruit has hardly been found in half a dozen British localities.236 ORTHOTRICHACErE. The seta is twice as long as in the last species, so that the capsule is quite exserted, and its height can have no value as a generic distinction betwen Amphoridium and Zygodon. The leaves are less twisted and curled when dry that in the last species; they are not at all glossy at the back, and hence the plant is in that state easily distinguished from the narrower leaved species of Trichostomum. 3. Zygodon viridissimus Brown (Bryum viridissimum Dicks.) (Tab. XXXIII. H.). In small bright pale green cushions or patches, f-i inch high; leaves spreading and recurved, twisted when dry, but not strongly ; oblong-lanceolate or narrowly ovate-lanceolate, acumi- nate to an acute point, carinate above ; margin plane, minutely crenulate with papillae ; nerve narrow, pellucid, gradually becom- ing obscure and vanishing usually at some distance below apex; cells at base shortly rectangular, somewhat rounded at their angles, incrassate; above rounded-hexagonal, papillose, 8-10 /r in diameter. Seta 3-5 lines long, pale ; capsule small, oval-oblong or pyriform, 8-plicate, contracted at the mouth, pale yellowish brown ; lid obliquely rostrate; peristome none or rarely extremely rudimentary. Dioicous. Var. /3. rupestris Lindb. Slightly more robust, darker green. Leaves erecto-patent, not recurved, ahnost straight, narrower, ligulate-lanceolate. Hab. Trees, rarely on rocks, common. The var. & on rocks and walls, rare. Fr. early summer ; not commonly fertile. A pretty little species, but rarely found in fruit. When dry the twisted leaves, the upper ones especially, become often turned to one side, giving a somewhat homomallous and distinct appearance to the plant. The apical cell of the leaf is often elongated, smooth and quite different in appearance from the lower cells. The var. rupestris is a somewhat marked form, and is more or less intermediate between Z. viridissimus and the following sub-species. In addition to the above characters, Braithwaite descrbes the nerve as reaching nearly to the point, and the capsule as differing also from the typical plant; in fruiting specimens from rocks in Glenlyon however, where the leaves are clearly those of the variety, the nerve ceases just as in the type, and the capsules also are quite typical. There is a peculiar habit about the present species, both when wet and in the dry state, that makes it easy of recognition ; the short, spreading and recurved leaves are especially characteristic. * Zygodon Stirtoni Schp. (Tab. XXXIII. I.). Resembling the var. rupestris of the above, but with the leaves less acuminate, the nerve strong, excurrent in a straight, thick mucro, which is smooth or papillose, the lamina often ending unequally on the two sides. Capsule a little smaller and shorter. Hab. Rocks and walls, principally near the sea ; rarely on trees ; not common. Fr. rare, spring.ZYGODON. 237 Although this is usually a markedly distinct plant, yet intermediate forms are certainly to be found ; and this fact, together with the existence of the var. rupestris above, must be held sufficient warrant for making the present a sub-species of Z. viridissimus, and not allowing it the full specific rank. Clavate, jointed gemmce are generally found on the leaves and radicles of this plant, as they are also, but less constantly, on Z. viridissimus. 4. Zygodon conoideus Hook. & Tayl. (Bryum conoideum Dicks.) (Tab. XXXIV. A.). Resembling Z. viridissimus but more slender ; leaves smaller, erecto-patent, straight or almost so ; nerve a little more distinct; cells rather larger, more distinct, more strongly papillose. Seta very slender, as long as in that species; capsule smaller, with a longer, more distinct neck. Peristome double, small and fugacious ; outer of 8 short obtuse teeth, in pairs ; inner of 8 delicate, fugacious processes. Dioicous. Hab. Trees, rare. Fr. early summer. According to Boulay the characters, other than that derived from the presence of a peristome, are inconstant, and he makes Z, conoideus a sub-species of Z. viridissimus. It is to be remembered too that very faint rudiments of a peristome have been found occasionally in the latter species. On the whole, however, I have preferred to follow the usual arrangement and separate the two ; not only on the ground that the presence of a well developed, double peristome, is a character of some considerable import- ance, but also on account of the general consensus of opinion, which is borne out by the specimens I have examined, in favour of a generally more slender habit on the part of Z. conoideus, a smaller capsule with more distinct neck, straight leaves, and larger and more distinct cells. 5. Zygodon Forsteri Wils. (Bryum Forsteri Dicks.) (Tab. XXXIV. B.). In small compact dark green cushions, about -J-inch high or less, with pale radicles below. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry very slightly twisted, oblong-lanceolate or slightly obovate-spathu- late, apiculate, not carinate ; margin plane, entire ; nerve strong, reaching to the apex; basal cells lax, hyaline, rectangular, with thin walls, the upper hexagonal, or quadrate-hexagonal, much larger than in the previous species, 16-20 ^ in diameter, deep green with chlorophyll and with highly pellucid cell-walls, not papillose. Seta stout, reddish brown. Capsule reddish or yellowish brown, thick-walled, long-necked, narrowly pyriform or oblong-pyriform, when ripe narrowed above, and slightly con- tracted below the mouth, when old becoming narrower, strongly 8-ribbed; lid shortly rostrate, oblique; peristome double, outer in 8 pairs, which again are somewhat coherent two by two, strongly reflexed, inner of 8 subulate processes. Autoicous.238 ORTHOTRICHACE/E. Hab. Trunks of trees, very rare. Epping Forest; Sussex ; Somerset. Fr. summer. A very pretty and interesting species, and no less rare than interesting. It has very little resemblance to the other species of the genus, and is perhaps more like an Orthotrichum, such as 0. pulchellum, though it is hardly likely to be passed over for any other moss. The cells are twice as wide as those of any of the other species, and of a very clear and regular texture. It is found on the continent, but never abundantly, and appears usually to con- fine itself to a single tree in each of its localities, as has been found to be the case in this country. 6. Zygodon gracilis Wils. (Z. Nowellii Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXXIV. C.). In wide deep patches, 1-3 inches high, repeatedly branched, dull brownish green above, reddish brown below. Leaves spread- ing and recurved, when dry incurved, very little twisted, oblong- lanceolate, carinate, sub-undulate, slightly tapering to a sub-acute point; margin plane, irregularly spinulose-dentate towards apex ; nerve narrow, vanishing in or below apex ; areolation at base narrowly rectangular, incrassate, shorter at margin and sub- elliptic ; above very S7nall, irregular, quadrate-rounded or rounded-hexagonal, opaque, papillose. Seta short, reddish; capsule oblong-cylindric, slightly inclined, 8-striate; peristome double, resembling that of Z. conoideus. Dioicous. Hab. Calcareous rocks and walls; very rare. North of England ; Connemara, Ireland. Fruit very rare, summer. A rare species, mostly confined to the carboniferous limestone of West Yorkshire, and very different in habit from the other species, being a taller plant than most of them, while of looser growth than Z. Mougeotii, and of quite a different colour. Under the microscope it is at once known by its spinulose-dentate leaves. 49. ULOTA Mohr. (Weissia Ehrh., Braithw. Br. M. FI.). Usually growing in small rounded cushions, on trees, more rarely dn rocks. Leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate from a short ovate base, usually curled when dry; median basal cells very narrow-linear, incrassate, coloured, marginal wider, hyaline in one or several rows. Capsule 8-striate, with a very long tapering neck, exserted on a straight seta ; peristome single or double, outer of 16 whitish teeth, usually united in pairs, and more or less bifid, inner of 8 or 16 narrow processes, alternate with the teeth, or wanting. Calyptra conical-campanulate, lobedULOTA. 239 at the base, frequently more deeply on one side, plicate, usually covered with numerous erect yellowish hairs. Ochrea none or indistinct. The species of this genus are as a rule easily recognised by their neat rounded cushions usually abundantly fertile, with the leaves in most cases strongly curled when dry, and with the calyptra strikingly hairy. They are most common on the stems and branches of trees in subalpine woods, especially near streams. The different forms are somewhat difficult of determination ; in part because the leaves offer few or no points of distinction between several of the species, partly because the differences in form of the capsules, on which certain of the species have been to a great extent founded, are somewhat slight, and are subject to some amount of variation. As a rule the capsules chosen for examination should be fully ripe, dry, and empty, but not old. Special care is also necessary because two species are very frequently found growing in the same tuft. The capsules are very persistent, and three years’ fruits may often be found on the same tuft, in different stages of development. I have used the term processes in describing the inner peristome of Zygodon, Ulota, and Orthotrichum, as they are in no way homologous with the cilia (the term by which they are known in most works), as these exist in ( hat of Bryum and other highly developed forms of peristome, but rather with the true processes, being alternate with the outer teeth. 1. Ulota Ludwigii Brid. (Orthotrichum Ludwigii Brid.; Weissia coarctata Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIV. D.). In small loose tufts, the stems decumbent below, sometimes slightly creeping, dull green or brownish. Leaves erect, when dry lightly twisted but not strongly curled; from a short ovate concave base narrowly lanceolate, rather shorter than in U. Brucliii and U. crispa, gradually tapering to a rather obtuse point; margin plane or variously recurved, entire ; nerve narrow, vanishing below the apex, reddish ; upper cells small, rounded- elliptic, very incrassate, slightly papillose; basal near the nerve narrowly linear-vermicular, highly incrassate, yellowish green or orange; becoming wider as they recede from the nerve, shortly elliptical-rectangular; at margin short, rectangular, hyaline, thin- walled, forming a narrow hyaline band narrowing upwards to the top of the leaf-base. Capsule pyriform, pale whitish brown,240 ORTHOTRICHACE^. thin-walled, smooth, plicate only for a very short distance below the small, much contracted mouth ; calyptra hairy ; lid rostellate ; outer peristome teeth united in pairs, erect when dry; inner imperfect or wanting. Autoicous. Hab. Young trees in mountainous woods ; rare. Fr. late summer and autumn. Known at once by the inflated appearance of its obovate, pyriform, smooth, and almost glossy capsules, with the striae so short as to be barely perceptible, and by the strongly contracted mouth. 2. Ulota Drummondii Brid. (Orthotrichum Drummondii Hook. & Grev.; Weissia Drummondii Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIV. E.). In larger tufts, the marginal stems decumbent and sometimes longly creeping, with erect branches ; yellowish green. Leaves rather longer than in the last species, only slightly twisted when dry, erecto-patent when moist. Capsule oblong or clavate with a long tapering neck, large, thick-walled, reddish with the neck paler; broadly striate to base of capsule, the neck also somewhat striate below; when dry and empty the capsule becomes narrower, elongate-fusiform, contracted at and sometimes below the mouth, deeply sulcate from the mouth to the base of the neck, the striae sometimes slightly spirally twisted; lid with a straight subulate beak; calyptra variously hairy; peristome usually single, of 16 white teeth reflexed or spreading and recurved when dry; occasionally rudimentary inner processes are present. Autoicous. Hab. Young trees in mountainous districts, frequently growing in company with, and mixed with the last species ; rare. Fr. late summer. When growing freely the creeping stems are very characteristic, and produce a resemblance to the important exotic genus Macromitrium ; most frequently however this feature is by no means conspicuous, and then the species is very difficult to separate from U Bruchii; indeed there is some doubt whether the two ought not to be united as a single species, the more rigid leaves and the simple peristome in the present plant being almost the only distinguishing characters of importance, and as indicated above, the occasional presence of an inner peristome in U. Drnmmondii considerably minimises the value even of these. The capsule in the present species is rather larger, and in my experience of a rather brighter, more reddish tinge. The striae in U. Bruchii are also straighter and less frequently spirally oblique. When first ripe there is a space at the base of the capsule and the upper part of the neck which is smooth and hardly striate, but the dry, old fruit is sulcate for the whole length. Both this species and the preceding are much more abundant in N. America than with us ; U. Ludwigii indeed appears in some parts almost to replace some of our commoner speciesULOTA. 241 3. Ulota Bruchii Hornsch. (Weissia Bruchii Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIV. F.). Much resembling the last species, but with rather more compact tufts, the stems less prostrate and creeping; the leaves more curled ivhen dry, though less so than in the next species ; the capsule usually of a duller colour, rather narrower, when dry and empty distinctly fusiform, much contracted at the mouth ; peristome double, inner of 8 or 16 processes. Lid with a rather long beak. Hab. Trees, rarely on rocks, frequent. Fr. late summer and autumn. As above stated this is a very difficult plant to recognise from the last, though the leaves are perhaps always more curled when dry, while in U. Drummondii they are very slightly twisted, and in some cases almost straight. The presence of inner processes is a very uncertain character. I do not find any reliable distinction in the hairiness of the calyptra. U. Brttchii may be readily known from U. crispa and its allies by its greater robustness, the colour usually, though not always, of a darker and duller green, its longer leaves less closely and less strongly curled when dry, its capsule on a longer seta, and much larger, usually at least twice as long as in U. crispa, of a firmer texture, and of quite different form, never contracted below the mouth as in that species, and usually, especially when dry and empty, distinctly narrowed to the mouth, which is very small, so that the whole capsule, including the neck, has a narrowly fusiform shape. Starved specimens, however, are sometimes much like U. crispa var. intermedia. The areolation is a little larger than in those species, but the difference is hardly enough marked to determine specimens in the absence of other available characters. 4. Ulota crispa Brid. (Bryum crispum Gmel. ; Weissia ulophylla Ehrh., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIV. G.). In small dense round cushions, bright green or yellowish. Leaves as in U. Ludwigii but rather longer, with a wider band of hyaline cells at each side the expanded base, when dry strongly and closely curled. Seta and capsule shorter than in the last; calyptra very hairy ; capsule when ripe and after the fall of the lid pale green or whitish brown, thin-walled, smaller than in the last, sub-urceolate, distinctly contracted below the mouth, then wider, and rather suddenly narrowing into the neck; becoming darker when old, and narrower ; ribs narrower than in U. Bruchii; lid with a shorter beak than in that species ; peristome teeth in pairs, so as to appear 8 in number, at first spreading, afterwards recurved; processes 8, rarely 16. Autoicous. Var. fS. intermedia (Ulota intermedia Schp., Syn.). Resembles the type in everything but the capsule, which, when ripe and empty is in the dry state oblong-cylindric, of the same width throughout, not contracted below the mouth, rather more Q242 ORTHOTRICHACE/E. gradually tapering to the neck, usually a little larger and of slightly firmer texture. Var. y. crispula Hamm. (Ulota crispula Bruch). Smaller, leaves shorter. Capsule very small, oval or sub-globose, with a long neck ; when dry and empty very pale and thin-walled, somewhat turbinate, wide-mouthed and not or hardly co7istricted below, rather abruptly narrowed into the neck. Hab. Trees ; common, especially in damp mountainous woods. The var. /3. often mixed with the type and apparently equally common. The var. 7 in similar situations but rare. A very pretty moss, its neat rounded cushions usually covered with capsules ; these vary much in size, form and texture, and their shape depends much upon their age and upon the degree of moisture ; before the fall of the lid they are green, oval, and suddenly contracted into the long tapering neck ; but when they become perfectly matured, and are emptied of their spores, they are, when dry, narrower, paler, and contracted below the mouth; after maturity they undergo another change, growing darker in colour, and narrower, often becoming finally narrowly cylindrical or fusi- form ; in the early stages, as well as in the later, they are difficult to distinguish from some of the other species, and dry, well ripened, but not over-ripe capsules should be chosen for examination. If good typical tufts of U. crispa and the var. intermedia are examined, the difference in form of the capsules is very marked, the latter being in no way urceolate, but exactly of the same width at the mouth as below. It is however comparatively rarely that perfectly typical capsules of either are met with ; this being especially the case with the var. intermedia ; on the contrary more often than not some at least of the capsules on a tuft show a very slight contraction below the mouth, while on the other hand the typical, distinctly urceolate form of capsule of V crispa is less frequently met with than a somewhat less distinct form, markedly, but less strongly constricted. It is impossible therefore, to maintain U. intermedia as an independent species, and it should perhaps be looked upon rather as a variety only, although it must be admitted that U. Brnchii is almost universally admitted as a species on the basis of characters not very much more important either in quality or in degree. Similar remarks apply to the var. crispula, and the two varieties may in some degree be considered as the two extreme limits, the one more robust, the other more slender, of a fairly well graduated chain of forms of which the type occupies the middle position. On the other hand forms referable to the var. crispula in size of capsule, general slenderness, etc., sometimes in the shape of the capsule resemble the var. intermedia rather than the type, and thus establish a separate chain of forms. In the var. crispula as the fruit becomes old the capsule narrows, the transition to the neck becoming less abrupt, until finally the whole becomes narrowly oblong, or gradually tapering from the mouth to the neck, and in these states the resemblance, in miniature, to the var. intermedia is very pronounced. I have indeed seen on the same tuft capsules exhibiting a great variation in size, some of which would be quite inseparable from the var. intermedia. In some parts, at least, of Canada, judging from numerous specimens I have received, the two varieties would appear almost to supersede the type. 5. Ulota calvescens Schp. (Orthotrichum calvescens Wils.; Weissia vittata Braithw., Br. M. FI., Vol. II., p. 95). (Tab. XXXIV. H.). Resembling U. crispa in habit. Leaves with an oblong (not widely oval), less dilated base, which has a deep narrow furrow 071 each side close to the margin, often longer on one side of theULOTA. 243 leaf than the other ; basal cells all narrowly linear or vermicular except 1-2 rows of rectangular hyaline cells at margin; the narrow cells are also continued high up on each margin, only very gradually passing into the short, rounded-elliptical cells of the upper part, so that even above half-way up the marginal cells in 3-5 rows are distinctly longer and narrower than the median ones. Calyptra pale, glossy, with a very few scattered hairs. Capsule on a rather long seta, much resembling that of U. intermedia, oval-oblong, when ripe and empty hardly contracted either at or below the mouth ; when old rather fusiform and frequently narrowed below the orifice ; rather less deeply sulcate than in the last species. Peristome double. Autoicous. Hab. On shrubs and young trees ; rare. Fr. summer. This species differs not only in the almost glabrous calyptra but also markedly in the form and structure of the leaves; the deep fold or vitta (whence the specific name vittata of Mitten), the narrower base, the absence of the wide bands of hyaline cells, and the band of elongated cells extending high up the margin of the leaf, all afford clear distinguishing characters. U. calvescens has hitherto not been detected on the Continent. It has been found in several places in Ireland, but is extremely rare in England and Scotland. 6. Ulota phyllantha Brid. (Weissia phyllantha Lindb., Braith. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIV. I.). Densely cushioned, i-J inches high, more robust than the previously described species, green or yellow above, rich reddish brown or blackish below. Leaves very closely curled when dry, more resembling those of U. calvescens than any other species, but broader, and without the marginal furrows at base, somewhat obtusely pointed, and apiculate with the excurrent brownish nerve, which bears at the apex a dense cluster of reddish brown clavate jointed gemmae ; margin recurved at base ; areolation almost as in U. calvescens. Perichsetial bracts much longer than the leaves ; capsule oblong, not contracted at or below the mouth. Calyptra slightly hairy. Peristome double; outer of 16 teeth arranged in pairs, reflexed when dry; processes 8, short, fugacious. Hab. Trees, and rocks near the sea. Not uncommon. Fruit exceedingly rare, spring or summer. This very interesting plant has only quite recently been found in fruit, first by Howell, in Oregon, and since then in two or three herbarium specimens, including a single capsule from Tunbridge Wells and a few from Killarney; and quite lately it has been detected in several N. American localities. C. Muller and Kindberg make two species of what has usually been considered U phyllantha, viz., U. phyllantha proper, taller, yellowish, brown below, with longer seta and capsule, growing on244 ORTHOTRICHACEiE. trees; and U. maritima C. M. & K., shorter, green, blackish below, with shorter seta and shorter, thicker capsule, growing on rocks near the sea. They also point out other characters in the leaves, all of which however I have found either erroneous or belonging indiscriminately to both forms. Nor will the above distinctions drawn from the vegetative characters hold good, for the short dark plant has been gathered on trees, while the finest specimens of the yellow and brown form I have seen I gathered on rocks at the Giant’s Causeway. The fruiting characters may be more important, but it is doubtful whether the capsules can be satisfactorily compared, since those of “ U. maritima ” were young and full of spores, while those of “ U phyllantha ” were old and empty, a condition which implies a lengthening and narrowing of the fruit. Mrs. Britton concludes that “if we maintain crispa and crispula as distinct species, then these are,” but I am convinced that no distinction can be drawn from the vegetative characters of the two forms; nor do I think that the slight difference in the fruiting characters, even as described, is any greater than can often be found between the different gradations even of the single form U crispa var. intermedia. I do not think therefore there is any ground for separating the maritime form from the arboreal one. The abundant brown gemmae at the tips of the upper leaves are alone sufficient to distinguish U phyllantha from any other moss. It is almost a cosmopolitan species, and curiously enough grows luxuriantly at the highest limit of vegetation on Chimborazo, while it is often found closer, perhaps, to the sea level than any moss but Grimmia maritima. 7. Ulota Hutchinsiae Hamm. (Orthotrichum Hutchinsiae Sm.; Weissia americana Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIV. J.). In flat tufts, very short, rigid, fragile, dark purplish brown or blackish. Leaves when dry not curled, erect and appressed, straight or very slightly twisted, short, wide and rather obtuse at the apex, the base oval or oblong ; nerve strong; basal cells linear or vermicular, a few rows at margin short, sub-quadrate, partly hyaline; upper cells small, rounded, very incrassate. Capsule oblong-pyriform., when dry hardly contracted at the mouth (until old) ; peristome double; calyptra hairy. Autoicous. Var. ji. rufescens E. G. Britton (Bulletin of Torrey Club, Vol. 21, p. 69). Looser, taller and more slender, green, not purplish black ; leaves laxer, longer, more tapering, green; cells less incrassate and distinct, the basal rectangular, not linear nor vermicular. Capsule less distinctly striate when dry. Growing on trees. Hab. Siliceous rocks, not common. The var. 0 on sycamores, Beddgelert (Dixon 188S). Fr. summer. Quite distinct from the other species, except U. Drumnwndii, in the straight, rigid, appressed leaves when the plant is dry; luxuriant specimens, however, and occasionally the uppermost leaves in smaller plants show a slight tendency to twisting. U. Drummondii differs in the leaf-form and areolation, in the colour and habitat, the larger capsule with contracted mouth, and other points; but the var. rufescens of the present plant is not at all unlike it in appearance.ULOTA. 245 U. curvifolia, a continental species, also growing on rocks, differs in the leaves more twisted when dry, and more strongly papillose, the capsule shorter, and other points. U. Hutchinsice is the only British species growing habitually on rocks ; it is widely distributed in this country, but is rarely produced in abundance in the localities where it occurs. The var. rufescens, in addition to its remarkable habitat, has a quite distinct appearance and growth, with a marked difference in the areolation of most, if not all, the leaves. My specimens appear to agree with Mrs. Britton’s description of specimens of this plant from fir trees in Virginia in all the essential points, and I have little doubt I am right in referring them to the variety in question, of which, however, I have seen no authentic specimens. How far the differences in structure and habit are directly the result of the different matrix cannot be said, and it is a question of opinion whether the arboreal habitat in a rupestral plant, and vice versa, should be looked upon or not as in itself constituting a separative character. In some genera it would obviously be valueless; in Ulota, however, and also in Orthotrichum, the habitat is a far more important feature. Macoun goes so far as to say he has never seen a. species of Ulota which grows on both rocks and trees, and is indeed willing to settle the vexed question of the nomenclature of the present species on that principle alone. But although it is extremely rare to find the habitat changed in a species of Ulota, it is far from being so unusual as the above would indicate ; in addition to the present case of U. Hutchinsice, I have found U. Bruchii and U. crispa growing on rocks, while U. phyllantha is indiscriminate in its choice. 50. ORTHOTRICHUM Hedw. Mosses growing on trees or rocks, comparatively short- stemmed, in close rounded cushions or looser tufts. Leaves appressed and imbricated when dry, rarely twisted or curled, very hygroscopic, not distinctly dilated at base, upper areolation hexagonal or rounded, small, basal rectangular, usually thin- rvalled, not strongly incrassate nor vermicular. Capsule immersed or emergent on a short seta, rarely exserted on a longer one, elliptic or cylindrical with a tapering neck, smooth, or with 8 or 16 striae. Peristome mostly double, outer of 16 teeth more or less bipartite and arranged in 8 pairs or singly, broadly lanceolate, not trabeculate, more or less covered with fine lines or papillae ; inner when present of 8 or 16 narrow processes. Calyptra campanulate, sparsely hairy or naked. Vaginula smooth or hairy with jointed threads, crowned with an ochrea or minute cup-like sheath enclosing the seta. A very difficult genus to the systematist, owing in part to the lack of vegetative characters to distinguish most of the species, and in part undoubtedly to the great variability of some of the fruiting characters, and the unquestionable tendency to form connecting varieties between some of the allied species. These difficulties have however been minimised by Venturi in his splendid monograph of the European species in Husnot’s Muscologia Gallica, on which the following arrangement is based, at least as regards the primary divisions.246 ORTHOTRICHACEiE. One or two points must be noted in connection with the study of these plants. In the first place in order to ascertain the true form of the capsule it is necessary that it should be immersed in water for at least 12 hours previously, and that perfectly ripe yet not too advanced capsules should be chosen for the purpose. As, however, this is a somewhat tiresome process, and as the British species are not as a rule dependent on this character for their distinction, I have laid as little stress as possible on the form of the mature, moistened fruit. Another point of importance is the direction taken by the dry outer peristome. This falls under three main heads ; it may be more or less erect or spreading stellately; or it maybe reflexed closely on the surface of the capsule so as to touch it practically throughout its length ; or it may be revolute, curling backwards so as to form a somewhat arched curve, only touching or closely approaching the wall of the capsule with its tip or upper part. Too much importance must not be attributed to the form of the apex of the leaves. In O. rivulare and O. bprucei it is wide and rounded, in almost all the other species it tapers to a wide point, which is variously obtuse or sub-acute, often differing much in different leaves of the same stem. In certain species such as O. tenellum it is usually more obtuse, while in most the acute form predominates, but as a rule it does not afford a sufficiently marked or constant character for specific distinction. A very important and useful character in the diagnosis of the species is to be found in the stomata which are found in all the species scattered here and there on the capsule, almost always, but not invariably, about the level of the base of the spore-sac. They may be superficial (Tab. V. fig. 1), when the two oval or reniform guard-cells are entirely displayed ; or immersed (Tab. V. fig. 2), when the guard-cells are more or less hidden by over- lapping superficial cells. In order to see the stomata to advantage, it is best to separate a ripe capsule in the middle of the neck, cut it longitudinally in two, separate the spore-sac and get rid of the spores, and place it with the outer (i.e. the convex) side upwards on the glass, warming it if necessary over the spirit lamp to get rid of air. The British species fall naturally into the following sections. A. RUPESTRIA. Leaves with recurved margins ; not hair- pointed. Peristome teeth erect or spreading when dry. Stomata superficial. O. rupestre. B. CUPULATA. Leaves with recurved margins ; not hair- pointed. Peristome teeth erect or spreading when dry. Stomata immersed. O. anomalum, O. cupulatum.ORTHOTRICHUM. 247 C. AFFINIA. Leaves with recurved margins ; not hair- pointed. Peristome teeth reflexed or revolute when dry. Stomata superficial. O. Shawii, O. leiocarpum, O. Lyellii, O. speciosum, O. affine. D. TENELLA. Leaves with recurved margins; not hair- pointed. Peristome teeth reflexed or revolute when dry. Stomata immersed. O. rivulare, O. Sprucei, O. Schimperi, O. stramineum, O. tenellum, O. pallens, O. pulchellum. E. DIAPHANA. Leaves with recurved margins ; with a hyaline hair-point. Peristome teeth reflexed when dry. Stomata immersed. O. diaphanum. F. OBTUSIFOLIA. Leaves with erect or incurved margins ; not hair-pointed. Stomata superficial. O. obtusifolium. fLs. very broad at the top ; apex rounded or minutely apiculate .............2 \Ls. narrowed to the top, usually more or less acute or subacute ...........4 fLs. ovate, coarsely papillose, with erect margin ..............77. obtusifolium \Ls. faintly papillose, margin revolute in lower half.......................3 /Ls. oblong-lingulate, usually obtuse, cells about 10 fx...........9. rivulare "'/Ls. obovate, upper ones apiculate, cells about 20 fx...............10. Sprucei / Ls. long, with brown clavate gemmae on surface, very papillose ..6. Lyellii ^fLs. without appendages .......................................................5 /Ls. tapering to serrulate hyaline points.......................16. diaphanum 5\Ls. without hyaline points ..........................................6 ,/Capsule smooth, without bands or striae ..........................3. leiocarpum /Capsule striated............................................................7 /Stomata on capsule superficial..............................................8 '/Stomata immersed below the cuticular cells ..................................11 8/Perist. teeth erect, or spreading when dry ; growing on rocks and walls 1. rupestre /Perist. teeth reflexed or revolute when dry ; usually on trees.............9 /Peristome single ; capsule faintly striate below mouth only ......4. Shawii ” / Peristome double ; capsule distinctly striate .............................10 /Capsule emergent, striate in upper half...........................7. speciosum IOf Capsule immersed, strongly striate in whole length................8. affine /Capsule exserted ..........................................................12 /Capsule immersed or emergent only..........................................15 /Peristome double, teeth reflexed when dry ; ls. crisped...........ij. pulchellum I2\Peristome usually single, teeth erect when dry ; ls. not crisped ...........13 / Capsule narrow, 8-striate ; perist. teeth usually 8....[var. of] 2. anomalum r3\Capsule wider, 16-striate; perist. teeth 16.................................14 / Calyptra hairy ; strise on capsule red-brown ....................a. anomalum :4\Calyptra naked ; strise orange ..........................[var. of] j. cupulatum {Capsule 16-striate : peristome single .............................3. cupulatum Capsule 8-striate ; peristome double .....................................16 ,/Vaginula very hairy..............................................12. stramineum 1 \Vaginula naked .............................................................17 /Capsule short, sharply contracted to the pedicel .................11. Schimperi l7 /Capsule elongate, gradually tapering to the pedicel .......................18 8/Capsule subcylindric ; calyptra conic, with few hairs...............13. tenellum 15 /Capsule oval-oblong ; calyptra campanulate, naked ................14. pallens248 ORTHOTRICHACE^. A. RUPESTRIA. 1. Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich. (Tab. XXXIV. K.). In rather large loose tufts, dark olive brown, rarely more yellow or green, soft, but rigid when dry, taller than O. cupulatum and O. anomalum, 1-2 inches high, the stems sometimes a little spreading and decumbent. Leaves broadly lanceolate, tapering, or suddenly acuminate, but not acute, spreading and a little recurved, or less commonly straight and erecto-patent, when dry straight and imbricated, often very closely and regularly ; cells small, rounded-hexagonal or more incrassate and rounded, in one or two layers, opaque, more or less strongly papillose; papillae simple or bifid. Capsule immersed or emergent, oval or oval- oblong, brownish yellow, with 8 rather faint short ribs, very rarely with 8 obscure intermediate ones; at base tapering gradually into the very short seta; when dry and empty the capsule becomes narrower, darker, reddish brown, more strongly striate or sulcate (sometimes however nearly smooth), about the same width throughout or sometimes slightly contracted below the mouth. Stomata superficial, mostly occurring at about the middle of the capsule. Calyptra yellowish, with numerous long hairs. Peristome teeth in 8 pairs, finally splitting into 16 bifid teeth, yellowish 'white, erect or spreading when dry, usually faintly papillose ; processes 8, variously developed, or wanting. Autoicous. Var. [1. Sturmii Juratz. {Orth. Sturmii Hornsch., plur. auct.). Capsule more suddenly contracted into the seta. In addition to this, the most important character, the following points are more characteristic of the variety than of the type;— leaves straighter, more erect, upper leaf cells more frequently in two layers, or even three or four, colour darker green or blackish; texture more rigid; peristome teeth almost smooth, processes wanting. Var. y. Franzomanum'W&nt. (Orth. FranzonianumDelfot. Orth. Shawii De Not., Epil., non Wils.J. In small green tufts on trees; areolation rather laxer and less incrassate; capsule small, the striae rather more distinctly marked. Hab. Rocks and walls in mountainous districts, not uncommon ; the var. 0 rare ; the var. y on trees, Fortingal, Perthshire (Dixon, 1893). Fr. late summer and autumn. O. rupestre is a very difficult species to describe. It presents few characters of distinction at once marked and stable; indeed it really represents a group of formsORTHOTRICHUM. 249 differing little from one another, yet sufficiently to render it very difficult in a diagnosis to comprehend all except by the employment of very indefinite terms. It is perfectly distinct from 0. cupulatum and O. anomalum in the superficial stomata, while in habit often very similar ; it rarely however, if ever, has the 16 distinct ribs of the former, while O. anomalum and its var. saxatile have the capsule more exserted, the former, too, usually showing 16, and the latter more marked ribs. From all the other British species it is easily distinguished either by its rupestral habit or the non- reflexed peristome. The var. Sturmii is a, very unsatisfactory plant. The slightness of its claims to independence is best shown by the way in which characters once held distinctive have been dropped and new ones again and again brought forward, only to meet the same fate. All the secondary characters given above have at one time or another been claimed as specific characters, and have one by one been rejected, and all that can be said is that they are more frequently found in plants with the short-necked capsule of var. Sturmii than in those of typical 1 upestre. Intermediate forms of capsule are also far from rare. The var. Franzonianum too is perhaps only an arboreal form of this species; it has, however, a different facies, and the difference of habitat is certainly a striking one in so decidedly a rupestral plant as the present. My plants have a paler, rather inflated calyptra, and in these as well as in American plants I possess of this variety, the stomata occur on the upper part of the capsule, sometimes indeed very near the mouth. Two other varieties are described as British—var. rupincola Hiibn., a short, compact form, and var. Sehlmeyeri, a taller, looser plant, but neither appears of great importance. O. rupestre prefers dry rocks, and is found most abundantly on stone walls by roadsides in mountainous regions. B. CUPULATA. 2. Orthotrichum anomalum Hedw. (Tab. XXXIV L.). In close cushions, rather rigid and fragile, dark olive green or brown, i inch high. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry straight and closely imbricated, widely ovate-lanceolate, somewhat taper- ing but suddenly and rather broadly pointed; margin recurved, sometimes widely so; nerve strong, ceasing below the point; basal cells rectangular, pellucid, upper hexagonal-rounded, rather thin-walled or incrassate, usually arranged in very regular longi- tudinal rows: always in a single layer; papillae small, simple. Capsule usually very slightly exserted above the perichaetial bracts, rather large, pale reddish brown with 16 brighter coloured ribs, 8 principal ones extending the length of the capsule, and 8 intermediate less strong and often shorter ones ; the 8 primary ribs composed of 2-3 longitudinal rows of cells with thick longi- tudinal and thin cross walls, the 8 secondary ones narrower, some- times very inconspicuous. Capsule widely cylindric or oval- cylindric, almost exactly cylindric when dry and empty, tapering quickly into the conical neck which gradually passes into the rather long seta. Stomata immersed, guard-cells about half covered by the superficial cells. Calyptra yellowish green, rarely250 ORTHOTRICHACE^E. dark brown, moderately hairy. Peristome teeth 16, or in 8 pairs, erect when dry, marked with faint sinuose lines, with two small lamellse standing before each tooth, and reaching about as high as the 2nd or 3rd articulation; processes absent or rudimentary. Autoicous. Var. f3. saxatile Milde (var. cylindricum Schp., Braithw. Br. M. FI. ; Schp. Syn.). Capsule narrower, narrowly cylindrical, 8-striate, usually on a loyiger seta; peristome teeth in 8 pairs, hardly divided, processes usually more or less well developed. Leaves narrower, rather more acute. Hab. Rocks; the type usually on siliceous, the var. j8 almost always on calcareous ones. The type rare; the var. frequent. Fr. early summer. Although the plant here described as var. saxatile is a somewhat constant form, and quite different in its habitat and distribution from the type, yet the differences are really slight, and the characters derived from the leaves are perhaps hardly reliable. Rarely, too, a single capsule will show distinct traces of intermediate bands or striae, It appears to be common throughout the calcareous districts of Mid-England, where O. anomalum proper is quite absent. 0. anomalum differs from 0. cupulatum in the longer seta and in the form of the capsule, which in that is shorter and wider, more suddenly tapering, and hardly exserted above the perichsetial bracts; in the var. saxatile of the present species the seta is sometimes longer than the capsule and neck together. From 0. rupestre our plant differs notably in the immersed stomata and the 16-striate, more exserted capsule. 3. Orthotrichum cupulatum Hoffm. (Tab. XXXV. A.). Resembling the last, and indeed hardly separable except by the fruit; tufts more often rather loose, leaves oblong-lanceolate or oval-lanceolate, obtuse or sub-acute, margins revolute ; cells as in the last, in one layer. Capsule immersed or emergent, rarely almost exserted, widely oval, quickly narrowed at base to a very short seta ; when dry widely and shortly cylindrical, brownish green; when old and empty urceolate, contracted below the reddish brown mouth, wider and pale below; ribs usually 16, 8 long and of 2-3 cells in width, reaching nearly to base of the capsule, 8 intermediate, shorter and fainter, rarely almost or quite obsolete. Stomata immersed, very little hidden. Calyptra widely campanulate, very sparsely hairy, brown or yellowish. Peristome simple, rarely with rudimentary processes ; outer teeth spreading, resembling those of the last species, but almost equidistant. Autoicous. Var. /3. nudum Braithw. (O. cupulatum var. riparium Schp., Syn.). Tufts wider, looser, dark green. Capsule on a longer seta, almost exserted, with a longer, more tapering neck ; calyptraORTHOTRICHUM. 251 pale, usually without hairs. Peristome teeth more distinctly marked with sinuose lines, lamellae at base more developed, some- times reaching nearly to the middle of the teeth. Hab. Stones and walls, most frequently on those which are calcareous ; not uncommon. Var. £ in similar situations, often on stones by streams, more rare. Fruit summer. O. cupulatum differs from O. anomalum in the shorter, wider, almost barrel- shaped capsule, much less exserted, and more urceolate when dry, as well as in other points. O. rupestre, besides the distinguishing characters of its Section, has in the dry state a darker, longer capsule, usually with only eight ribs, and almost always with an inner peristome. O. rivulare differs in the leaves, broader and more rounded at the summit, the reflexed peristome, etc. The var. nudum is considered a separate species by Venturi, but I can hardly see greater differences between it and the type than between O. anomalum and its var. saxatile. I am inclined to think, however, that strictly speaking the var. nudum should form the type of the species, and the more common form, with less highly developed peristome, the variety. The ribs are not unfrequently obscure, even the primary ones, and rarely reach quite to the base of the capsule, which is almost always wide, paler, and with a rather inflated appearance. C. AFFINIA. 4. Orthotrichum Shawii Wils. (Tab. XXXV. B.). In small tufts, deep green, somewhat resembling a small form of O. leiocarpum, but shorter, with shorter leaves, and rather smaller areolation. Capsule immersed; smooth or with very indistinct traces of eight bands, close to the mouth, oval or oval- oblong, quickly narrowing at the base into the seta. Peristome single, of 16 teeth, revolute when dry and touching the wall of the capsule with their tips. Autoicous. Hab. Ash trees, Kilkerran Castle, Ayrshire (Shaw). A very rare species, hardly known elsewhere in Europe except in a few localities in Germany and Corsica. It differs from O. leiocarpum mainly in the capsule showing some traces of bands, while from 0. rupestre var. Franzonianum it differs in the reflexed peristome ; the stomata, too, as far as I have been able to examine them, are found in the lower half of the capsule, and the latter is almost smooth. It has been suggested, with some plausibility, that it is a hybrid between 0. leiocarpum and 0. rupestre. 5. Orthotrichum leiocarpum B. & S. (O. striatum Hedw.,. Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXV. C.). Tufts usually rather loose and irregular, sometimes more dense, dull green. Leaves long, lanceolate, tapering to a some- what acute apex, margins revolute; cells distinct, quadrate- rounded or elliptical, incrassate, papillose. Capsule immersed,252 ORTHOTRICHACE^. quite smooth, without striae, pale brown, when old whitish, oval or oblong, very slightly constricted just below the peristome when dry, abruptly contracted at the base into a very short seta. Stomata superficial, near the base of the spore-sac. Peristome double, outer of 16 opaque, highly papillose teeth, with a strong median line and fine transverse striolse, when dry revolute and touching the wall of the capsule with their tips; inner of 16 erect, pale-yellowish, broad processes, often as wide as the teeth, strongly papillose. Calyptra pale, with many yellow hairs. Autoicous. Hab. Trees, frequent. Fr. early summer. This is one of the most distinct species, owing to the capsules being quite smooth. They are more immersed than in any of the previous species except O. Shawii. 6. Orthotrichum Lyellii Hook, and Tayl. (Tab. XXXV. D.). Tall, robust, dark green or yellowish, in loose soft tufts, 1-2 inches high. Leaves spreading and recurved, when dry appressed and almost straight, or loosely incumbent and somewhat flexuose, elongate-linear from an oblong base, narrower than in most of the species, long, flexuose, acute ; margin slightly recurved above the base of the leaf on one or both sides for a variable distance, but not to apex, faintly erose or denticulate at point, below sinuose or irregular, with prominent distant papillae, especially near the base. Cells at base narrow, rectangular, thin, the upper distinct, oval or rounded-hexagonal, strongly papillose, the papillae large, not crowded, simple, conical or even linear ; the nerve and lamina usually produce long, brown, jointed gemmae, clavate, often branched. Capsule immersed or slightly emergent, rather large, oval-oblong, with a tapering neck as long as itself; yellowish brown, dark brown when old, not or hardly contracted below the mouth, but often slightly narrowed in the middle, between the base of the spore-sac and the neck ; with eight rather indistinct ribs, when old deeply sulcate. Calyptra large, inflated, pale, sparingly furnished with long hairs. Peristome double, the outer of 16 teeth resembling those of O. leiocarpum and revolute in the same way, inner of 16 processes, similar to those of that species, but reddish. Stomata superficial, about the base of the spore-sac. Spores large, 35-40 /*. Dioicous. Hab. Trunks of trees, common. Fruit rather rare, summer. The most robust of our species, and known at once by the long, flexuose, narrow leaves, covered with reddish brown gemmae, often to such an extent that the older leaves appear quite rough even to the naked eye. Braithwaite mentions a markedORTHOTRICHUM. 253 form collected by Spruce near York, with rigid, closely appressed leaves ; this may be the sub-spec, strictum Vent. Curiously enough, the American plants of O. Lyellii are almost always without the brown gemmae so characteristic of our British plant ; one of their forms, too, is markedly distinct in the wide yellowish patches with flexuose branches and leaves crisped when dry; this may, however, possibly be a different species. The brown gemmae (Conferva Orthotrichi of old authors) are not confined to O. Lyellii, being found on other species such as O. affine and O. speciosum, but they are much more abundant on our present plant, only occurring on the others sporadically. 7- Orthotrichum speciosum Nees. (Tab. XXXV. E.). Taller than O. affine, yellowish green or tinged with red ; leaves spreading, imbricated when dry, oblong-lanceolate, tapering, acute, margin recurved to apex ; basal cells narrowly rectangular, upper distinct, very incrassate, rounded or irregularly elliptical, papillose. Capsule emergent or fully exserted, on a long seta ; oblong-cylindrical or oval-oblong, hardly narrowed below the mouth, tapering into a long neck, which is less conspicuous when dry ; striae 8, very faint and almost obsolete before the spores are shed, more distinct afterwards, while old capsules are often distinctly sulcate. Peristome double, outer of 16 bifid teeth in 8 pairs, opaque, papillose, reflexed when dry so that a considerable part of the upper half the tooth is appressed to the wall of the capsule ; processes 8, white, large, papillose, incurved. Autoicous. Hab. Trees in mountainous districts, rarely on rocks ; not common. Fr. late summer. Readily known from O. affine, and indeed from most of the allied species, by the long seta and exserted capsule which is almost smooth until old and empty. O. leiocarpum differs in the immersed capsules, O. Shawii in the differently revolute peristome, the absence of inner processes and the more immersed fruit. Though common on the continent it is one of our rare species. 8. Orthotrichum affine Schrad. (Tab. XXXV. F.). In small loose tufts, dull green ; leaves spreading, when dry straight and more or less imbricated, broadly oblong-lanceolate, sub-acute, margin widely revolute ; areolation rounded-oval or hexagonal-rounded, incrassate, papillose. Capsule emergent or very slightly exserted, oblong-cylindrical with a rather long tapering neck, ribs 8, each of 3-4 rows of cells; greenish, when old brown, sulcate, and very slightly contracted below the mouth. Stomata superficial, rather below the middle of the capsule; calyptra narrow, greenish, darker above, slightly hairy ; vaginula smooth; peristome double, outer of 16 teeth in 8 pairs, reflexed when dry so as to touch the capsule almost with their whole length, papillose, processes 8, filiform. Autoicous. Spores 20-25 /a.254 ORTHOTRICHACE/E. Var. fi. rivale Wils. Leaves of a succulent texture, broad, obtuse, or shortly apiculate, not imbricated when dry. Calyptra narrow ; capsule more exserted, broader, and less tapering below, less contracted when dry, ribs broader, of 4-5 rows of cells. Var. y. fastigiatum Hiibn. (O. fastigiatum Bruch., plur. auct.; O. neglectum Schp., Syn.). Shorter and more compact in all its parts, dark green; leaves shorter, less papillose, areolation larger, hexagonal, thin-walled ; capsule more immersed, shorter, more contracted and urceolate when dry, the ribs broader, processes of inner peristome wider. Hab. Trees, sometimes on stones, very common. The var (3. on trees by streams, not common ; the var. y. rare. Fr. summer. This is our commonest species, and very variable. The capsule especially varies in the amount of its exsertion and in form. The var. rivale should perhaps be merged in the var. fastigiatum. The latter is another of those forms which have been described as separate species on constantly changing and inadequate grounds, and it is very doubtful whether all the characters above given are ever to be found together on any plants; on the whole however the lax, thin-walled areolation and shorter, more urceolate capsule, are the most characteristic features. D. TENELLA. 9. Orthotrichum rivulare Turn. (Tab. XXXV. G.). In dark green or blackish loose tufts, often floating and elongated, 1-2 inches long. Leaves spreading, when dry loosely incumbent, broadly oblong-lingulate, somewhat variable in form above, broad and rounded or somewhat abruptly narrowed, but always obtuse in general outline, with or without a short blunt apiculus ; sometimes cucullate; entire or irregularly denticulate or eroded at apex ; margin recurved throughout; nerve prominent at back, ceasing some way below the summit; cells rather large, about 10 n in diameter, rounded or rounded-quadrate, incrassate, faintly papillose; at base quadrate-rectangular, not much enlarged. Capsule immersed or more or less exserted, oval or oval-oblong, abruptly contracted into the seta, when dry and empty strongly contracted below the mouth, dark brown ; ribs 8, strong, wide, shining; calyptra inflated, smooth, dull green, without hairs; peristome double, outer teeth united in 8 pairs, when dry reflexed against the wall of the capsule, finely papillose ; processes 16, incurved, long; the alternate ones often ill- developed. Vaginula slightly hairy. Stomata immersed, almostORTHOTRICHUM. 255 hidden by the overlapping cells. Spores small, about 12 /x. Autoicous. Hab. On rocks and tree-roots by water, in places at least partially submerged, not common. Fr. summer. A distinct species, both in its habitat, and its dark colour, as well as in the obtuse leaves and strongly ribbed capsule, markedly contracted below the mouth when dry. From O. affine var. rivale the obtuse leaves and especially the immersed stomata, distinguish it; the naked, smooth calyptra is also characteristic. O. Sprncei is really the only species which might be confused with it, but the more broadly rounded summit of the leaves, usually showing the characteristic apiculus, and the much larger cells are in that species quite distinctive. 10. Orthotrichum Sprucei Mont. (Tab. XXXV. H.). Resembling O. rivulare but shorter and denser, softer, dull green. Leaves more flaccid, somewhat variable in form, but always broader in the upper part than in that species, usually oval-oblong or widely elliptical, at apex broad, rounded, quite obtuse or with a minute acute apiculus formed of about one row of cells; margin recurved to near apex; entire or nearly so at summit; nerve thinner and less prominent; cells larger, the basal laxer and more pellucid, the upper very large, about 20 fi in diameter, very distinct. Capsule immersed, a little longer, rather less contracted below the mouth when dry, ribs a little less strong ; processes more often only 8 ; other characters as in O. rivulare. Hab. On wood and trees by water ; frequent by mountain streams in the North of England, elsewhere rare. Fr. summer. This very interesting species has only been found out of Britain in a few localities in France and Belgium, and in one spot in N. America. In areolation and leaf form it is quite distinct from the last, and the habit and fruiting characters present minor but still not unimportant differences. The minute apiculus at the apex of the leaves is very curious and distinct; it is however frequently wanting, especially in the older leaves. The stomata in this and the last species are so nearly covered by the over- lapping cells as to be sometimes difficult to detect, and are, as is the case often with the immersed forms, more easily found by the radiating cells of the surface layer than by the form of the guard-cells. 11. Orthotrichum Schimperi Hamm. (O. fallax Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXXV. I.). Very small, in short, close tufts, not half an inch high, usually much less, dark green. Leaves erecto-patent, imbricated and straight when dry, small, oblong-lanceolate, rather broad, obtuse or shortly acuminate ; margin recurved ; cells rounded-hexagonal, distinct, not much incrassate, minutely papillose. Capsule very small, immersed, oval-oblong with a short neck, when dry narrow and slightly contracted below the mouth, ribs 8, rather strong,256 ORTHOTRICHACE/E. orange. Stomata about the middle of the capsule, immersed, mostly about half closed with the overlapping cells; peristome double, outer of 8 pairs of reflexed teeth ; processes 8. Calyptra shortj inflated, smooth and shining; naked or with very few hairs, pale. Spores small, 12-15 /*. Autoicous. Hab. Trees, rare. Fr. spring. This is peihaps the smallest of our species, and easily known by the dwarf compact habit, the rather obtuse leaves, and the pale yellow, smooth inflated calyptra. The distinction between this species and 0. pumilum Swartz (non Dicks.) is very slight and I cannot help thinking unimportant; Venturi bases it mainly on the form of the base of the capsule, or rather its neck, but his figures show hardly any difference between the two plants, and according to Philibert this character is quite valueless; the latter author makes the degree of closing of the stomata and the time of fruiting the specihc distinction, O. Schimperi having the stomata more open and the fruit ripened a month earlier, but the difference, even as described by him, is very small. Specimens which I gathered in Northamptonshire in 1885, while showing the stomata of 0. Schimperi have the capsules more like those of 0. pumilum Sw. 12. Orthotrichum stramineum Hornsch. (Tab. XXXV. Jo- in yellowish-green or bright green tufts, resembling O. affine. Leaves resembling those of that species. Capsule more or less emergent, rather short, yellowish brown, oblong-elliptic, quickly contracted into a short neck, about half the length of the capsule, with 8 prominent ribs, of 2-5 rows of strongly incrassate cells; when ripe and open constricted just below the narrow mouth, then quickly widening again ; peristome teeth in 8 pairs, yellow, reflexed when dry, papillose, processes 8, more rarely 16 ; stomata immersed, almost closed by the very swollen, elevated overlapping cells; calyptra pale yellow with a darker point, slightly hairy. Vaginula very hairy. Autoicous. Var. /3. patens Vent. (Orth, patens Bruch, Schp. Syn.). Ribs of capsule much fainter, of 2 rows of less incrassate cells. Hab. Trees, rarely on rocks; not uncommon in mountainous districts. The var. j3 rare. Fr. summer. There is no difficulty in recognising this species, under the microscope, from 0. affine, the very hairy vaginula and immersed stomata at once distinguishing it; in the field there is more resemblance, but the straw coloured calyptra, and the small but rather wide, yellowish capsule, small at the mouth and usually rather constricted below it, with very distinct ribs, is sufficient to identify it as a rule ; old capsules, however, differ less. 0. tenellum has a narrower, brighter coloured capsule, with a more taper- ing neck. 13. Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch (Tab. XXXV. K.). In short, dark green tufts about J-inch high. Leaves erecto- patent, erect and imbricated when dry, short, narrow, lanceolateORTHOTRICHUM. 257 or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or very slightly acuminate, margin recurved nearly to apex ; cells hexagonal or rounded, incrassate, faintly papillose. Capsule distinctly emergent or even slightly exserted, bright golden brown, narrowly cylindrical, not con- tracted below the mouth ; ribs 8, long, prominent, of 3-4 rows of cells with the lateral walls strongly incrassate ; stomata immersed, almost closed by the swollen overlapping cells ; peristome double, outer teeth in 8 pairs, reflexed when dry, pale brown, finely papillose, processes 8. Vaginula glabrous. Calyptra narrow, pale greenish yellow, smooth, scarcely hairy. Autoicous. Hab. Trees, not common. Fr. summer. Resembling small plants of O. affine, but readily known when with ripe fruit by the bright orange-red capsules, narrowly cylindrical; also by the narrower, more obtuse leaves, with less prominent papilke, and the immersed stomata. 14. Orthotrichum pallens Bruch (Tab. XXXV. L.). In small, pale green cushions, very short, not 1-inch high. Leaves lanceolate, somewhat obtuse or variously pointed ; margin recurved ; basal cells very thin, almost hyaline, upper hexagonal or rounded, rather large, somewhat incrassate, papillose. Capsule emergent, oval-oblong, with a long tapering neck, pale brownish yellow, when dry narrow, cylindrical, slightly con- tracted below the mouth ; ribs 8, as long as the capsule; stomata immersed, but little covered by the overlapping cells, which are not swollen ; peristome double, outer of 16 teeth closely joined in pairs, pale yellow, reflexed when dry, finely papillose ; processes 8, with 8 rudimentary intermediate ones. Spores small. Calyptra narrow, naked, pale. Vaginula glabrous or nearly so. Autoicous. Hab. Trees; rare. Fr. summer. A small species, resembling 0 Schimperi, but with longer narrower capsules and narrower, less inflated calyptra. The capsule is less brightly coloured than in O. tenellu??ii with more open stomata, and is rather shorter and wider. 15- Orthotrichum pulchellum Smith (Tab. XXXVI. A.). Tufts short, loose, olive green or yellowish green, soft, less than £-inch high. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry flexuose and slightly curled, from a narrow oblong base lingulate-lanceolate or linear, acuminate and acute ; margin widely recurved to near apex; nerve thin; areolation rounded or hexagonal-rounded, incrassate, in rather regular longitudinal lines, hardly papillose. Capsule quite exserted, on a seta i-i'f lines long, small, pale R258 ORTHOTRICHACE^E. brown, oval-oblong, contracted into a short neck; when dry- cylindrical, not or little contracted below the mouth, ribs 8, rather narrow, stomata immersed, variously covered by the over- lapping cells; peristome double, orange-red, outer in 8 pairs, reflexed when dry, finely papillose, processes 8, or 16, filiform. Calyptra naked, yellowish below, brown at the point. Spores rather large, about 25 /*. Autoicous. Var./3. Winteri Braithw. (O. Winteri Schp.). Capsule more exserted on a longer seta, rather longer and narrower ; peristome paler. Hab. Trees, sometimes on walls; not common. The var. 0, Penzance (Curnow); Bedfordshire (Saunders). Fr. early summer. One of the prettiest species of the genus, abundantly distinguished by the leaves twisted when dry, the small exserted capsule and orange-red peristome. It has in some respects rather the aspect of a Ulota such as U. crispa var. crispula. than of an Orthotrichum ; but the coloured peristome alone would at once distinguish it. E. DIAPHANA. 16. Orthotrichum diaphanum Schrad. (Tab. XXXVI. B.). In small dense cushions, about |-inch in height, greyish green. Leaves erect when dry, elliptical-oblong or oblong- lanceolate, acuminate; with a rather long, hyaline, denticulate hair-point which is wide at the base ; margin recurved to near apex, nerve faint, narrow ; basal cells lax, rectangular, the upper large, 15-20 ji, irregularly rounded-hexagonal, thin-walled, minutely papillose. Seta short, capsule emergent, ovate-oblong, suddenly contracted into the seta, thin-walled, pale, with eight very faint ribs each of two rows of scarcely incrassate cells; when dry more strongly striate, slightly contracted at the mouth. Stomata immersed, numerous, partly closed. Calyptra not or hardly hairy, yellowish green. Peristome double, outer of j6 pale slender teeth, spreading and somewhat recurved when dry, but not reflexed on the wall of the capsule, processes 16, filiform, papillose. Autoicous. Hab. Trunks of trees and wooden fences. Common. Fr. spring. Unique among our native species in the diaphanous points of the leaves. The capsules are sometimes almost smooth without trace of ribs. The slender peristome teeth, spreading in a stellate manner give the capsules a very pretty appearance.ORTHOTRICHUM. 259 F. OBTUSIFOLIA. 17. Orthotrichum obtusifolium Schrad. (.Tab. XXXVI. C.). In small dense tufts, dull yellowish green, stems turgid, with a very few short thick branches, hardly 1 inch high. Leaves erecto-patent, when dry closely imbricated, short and very broad, oval-oblong, very narrow at the insertion, concave, broad and rounded at summit, margin erect, not recurved nor involute, with projecting papillae, which at the apex almost amount to denticula- tions; basal cells rectangular, upper hexagonal or elliptic, large, about 15 n, incrassate, each with a stout projecting often bifid papilla. Short brown or green clavate jointed gemmx are usually found on the surface of the leaf. Capsule immersed, oval-oblong with a tapering neck, with 8 faint ribs; stomata superficial; calyptra naked, brownish ; peristome double, yellowish. Dioicous. Has. Trees, rare and barren. This very distinct species is readily known by its broad, rounded leaves, which give a tumid appearance to the stems ; in its erect leaf-margins too it is quite different from the other species of the genus so far as our British plants are concerned. There is however a continental and N. American species, 0. gymnostomum Bruch, which in the leaf form closely resembles it, but has involute margins, and no peristome. A specimen of this species labelled “ England, Yorkshire,” is said by Braithwaite to have been sent to Venturi by Jaeger. Although the leaves in the present plant , are normally and indeed almost con- stantly obtuse, yet they may occasionally be found more acute ; I have found them very obtusely pointed in plants of my own collecting, and Mrs. Britton mentions plants from Jordansville, N.Y., with the leaves acute or even apiculate, and the perichcetial bracts acuminate, on stems bearing also the ordinary rounded, obtuse leaves. It is possible that owing to its small size and the absence of fruit this species may have been overlooked and may be really more common than has been thought; I have found it in several localities in Northamptonshire, principally on ash, but also on willows. Order XII. SCHISTOSTEGACETJ. Plants small, slender. Stems of two forms, barren, with the leaves distichous, having their bases confluent; and fertile, with similar but smaller leaves or with a terminal tuft or rosette of small leaves. Areolation lax; nervtnone. Capsule minute, sub- globose, gymnostomous ; lid plano-convex ; calyptra small, conical. A very distinct Order, consisting of a single genus, and represented by one species only, having little affinity with any other moss.26o SCHISTOSTEGACE^E. 51. SCHISTOSTEGA Mohr. Characters those of the Order. 1. Schist os tega osmundacea Mohr (Mnium osmundaceum Dicks.) (Tab. XXXVI. D.). In glaucous green patches, finally reddish brown. Stems very slender and delicate, about i-inch high, springing from a persistent, highly refractive protonema. Barren stems naked at base, with two rows of vertically placed leaves above; leaves shortly oblong, pointed, nerveless, confluent at base; cells large, rhomboidal, chlorophyllose. Fertile stems resembling the barren, or naked except for a small tuft of terminal leaves, from which springs the slender seta; capsule minute, sub-globose, erect ; gymnostomous. Dioicous. Hab. Clefts and caves in sandstone rocks ; not common. Fr. spring. A very beautiful and distinct moss, which it is impossible to mistake for any other, on account of the distichous, confluent leaves, giving a frond-like appearance to the stem, like a miniature fern such as the Hard Fern (Loviaria Spicant). The most striking character of this moss is the highly refractive structure of the protonema, which gives a beautiful golden green lustre to the plant and seems to fill with light the crevices and caves where it dwells. Order XIII. SPLACHNACE^E. Usually rather short-stemmed mosses, with erect symmetrical capsules mostly on long setae, with a distinct apophysis ; peristome none, or single, with the teeth usually in pairs. Leaves broad, flaccid, with lax, more or less hexagonal, smooth areolation. Calyptra entire and conical, or cucullate. Almost always grow- ing on the excrement of animals or decaying animal matter. The lax areolation, erect symmetrical capsule and well marked apophysis are the distinctive features of this Order, and taken together readily enable the student to recognise species belonging to it from the Funariaceae, and from Meesia and Amblyodon; the areolation alone will distinguish them from most other mosses. 52. (EDIPODIUM Schwgr. Short-stemmed, succulent-leaved plants. Leaves obtuse, rounded, broadly nerved. Capsule subglobose, with a very long narrow tapering apophysis resembling a seta ; peristome none.CEDIPODIUM. 261 A genus containing only a single species, which is very often, and with some reason, placed in a separate Order. The grounds for so doing, however, appear to me to be outweighed by its undoubted affinity with Splachnaceae. 1. CEdipodium Griffithianum Schwgr. (Bryum Griffithianum Dicks.) (Tab. XXXVI. E.). Plants gregarious or somewhat tufted, dark green, J-I inch high. Leaves succulent, flaccid and crisped when dry, the upper- most in a spreading rosette, concave, obovate-spathulate from a very narrow base, very obtuse, usually bearing rather large axillary, bright green gemmae ; margin plane, somewhat undulate, entire, at base fringed with pale jointed hairs or cilia; nerve broad, vanishing at some distance below the apex ; cells large, hexagonal or rounded, gradually smaller towards apex ; the marginal row sub-quadrate or rectangular, the basal very thin, pale, rectangular. Capsule brown, from globose to shortly elliptical, small, on a pedicel 3-6 lines long, the greater part of which, or perhaps the whole must be regarded as a narrow apophysis, gradually tapering downwards into the vaginula, hollow for a great part of its length, succulent, pale, (brown after maturity), twisted and rugose when dry. Calyptra narrow, conical ; lid convex, mamillate. Columella not exserted, dilated at top. Hab. On earth in crevices of high mountain rocks, rare. Fr. late summer. Easily known, even when barren, by the rosettes of rounded, translucent leaves, often bearing gemmae, this very curious and interesting moss is still more distinct in fruit, the pale soft pedicel and rounded fruit having much more the appearance of the analogous structures among the Hepatics than of the ordinary moss fruit. The ciliate leaf-base is also remarkable. The leaves become very dull green when dry, and the moss is then comparatively inconspicuous. The upper part of the apophysis bears large stomata. The plant loves dark crevices filled with black peaty soil and does not grow on the actual rock. It has only been found, outside Great Britain and Ireland, in a, few localities in Scandinavia. 53. SPLACHNUM L. Plants growing in loose tufts ; leaves more or less obovate or broadly lanceolate, wider above the base; cells lax, hexagonal, smooth. Seta long, capsule oval or cylindric, apophysis wide, pyriform, globose or umbrella-shaped; peristome teeth 16, in pairs, usually reflexed when dry. Male flower sub-discoid, terminal.262 SPLACHNACE^E. In this genus, as with most of the Order, the leaves, owing to the large thin-walled cells, become very soft and flaccid when dry; the seta, too, is usually of a rather succulent, soft texture, and easily becomes crushed and bent. The wide apophysis, generally of a different colour from the capsule, is the chief characteristic of the genus ; it is indeed so conspicuous that the beginner is apt to take the apophysis for the capsule itself. In some continental species, T. luteum and others, this organ is extraordinarily dilated, being half-an-inch or more across, and brilliantly coloured, the seta being as much as six inches in length. r/Ls. roundish, entire, obtuse; apophysis globose, very large ....3. vasculosum \Ls. acute, with longish acumen, often toothed...............................2 /Apophysis roundish-ovate, little wider than capsule ............2. sphcericum (Apophysis large, pyriform, tapering below....................1. ampullaceum 1. Splachnum ampullaceum L. (Tab. XXXVI. F.). Stems slender, f-i inch high, tufted. Leaves distant, erecto- patent, twisted when dry, varying from narrowly lanceolate to obovate-lanceolate, from a narrow base, with a long tapering acmnen, coarsely serrate, especially above, the nerve vanishing at or below the point. Cells large, irregularly rhomboid-hexagonal, the marginal row rather narrower and slightly discoloured. Seta red, 1^ inches long; apophysis large, widely pyriform, inuch broader than the capsule, gradually tapering into the seta, usually purplish above, pale lilac below, rugose when dry; some- times narrowly pyriform. Capsule shortly cylindrical, when dry narrowed in the middle, yellowish brown ; lid convex, obtusely mamillate ; peristome of 16 teeth in pairs, pale yellow; strongly reflexed against the mouth of the capsule when dry. Usually autoicous; male flowers terminal, sub-discoid, bracts squarrose. Hab. On the excrement of cattle in boggy places in subalpine districts ; not uncommon. Fr. summer. The specific name correctly describes the form of the fruit, which has, when fully developed, very much the form of a Roman ampulla, of which the neck is formed by the capsule; the apophysis, however, is frequently narrow, and the same tuft will exhibit a variety of forms. I have seen specimens with the apophysis as much as half an inch in length. The colouring, too, is highly variegated, and often very pretty. 5. Turnerianutn Dicks, is only a form with narrow apophysis. 2. Splachnum sphaericum Linn. fil. (S. pedunculatum and var. spheericum Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXVI. G.). Differs from 5". ampullaceum in the leaves wider, obovate- spathulate or sub-orbicular, abruptly and very shortly or more longly acuminate, the margin entire or sinuose-dentate, rarelySPLACHNUM. 263 distinctly serrate, one or two rows of cells often narrower and discoloured; nerve reaching nearly to the summit. Seta very thin and weak, paler, variable in length, sometimes six inches. Apophysis smaller, only slightly wider than the capsule, oval or globose, blackish, quickly contracted into the seta ; narrower and more tapering at base when dry, rugose. Capsule rather shorter and broader ; columella much exserted when dry, dilated at apex. Teeth of peristome orange. Dioicous. Hab. In similar situations, but usually at rather higher altitudes, common in mountainous districts. Fr. summer. S. sphcericum is easily known from the last species by the shape and colour of the apophysis, as well as by the broader less serrate leaves ; S. vasculosum differs in the obtuse leaves, usually shorter seta, large apophysis, etc. ; Tefraplodon mnioides in the narrower leaves, firmer seta, and more tapering, firmer apophysis, which is usually narrower in proportion to the capsule. The latter plant is quite distinct when the capsules are fresh, but in old and dried specimens of S. sphcericum the apophysis becomes narrowed and more tapering, and the distinction diminishes. 3. Splachnum vasculosum L. (Tab. XXXVI. H.). In pale or deep green tufts, often black below. Leaves distant, widely obovate or sub-orbicular, rounded or shortly and bluntly pointed, but almost always obtuse, entire; nerve ceasing below apex; marginal cells rectangular, rather narrow, dis- coloured. Capsule rather small, shortly cylindrical, contracted below the mouth when dry; apophysis large, globular, dark purplish black, slightly rugose when dry. Peristome teeth rather short. Columella exserted. Dioicous. Perigonial bracts squar- rose, oval, acuminate, obtuse. Hab. Springs and bogs on high mountains ; very rare. Fr. summer. A fine and distinct species, readily known, even when barren, by the rounded entire obtuse leaves, which are rather glossy when dry and less altered than in the two previous species. It is possible that the barren plant may have been overlooked and may be more frequent than is usually supposed. 54. TETRAPLODON B. & S. Mosses resembling Splachnum, usually with narrower, longly tapering leaves. Capsule oval-cylindrical, apophysis op the same colour and texture, more solid than in Splachnum, narrower and more tapering, not much wider than the capsule; teeth of peristome 16, at first arranged in fours, finally in pairs. Columella not exserted.264 SPLACHNACE^:. A small genus, chiefly separated from Splachnum by the narrower apophysis, more tapering and not inflated, of the same colour and texture as the capsule. f Ls. toothed above ; seta scarcely longer than leaves, pale .....2. angustatus \Ls. entire; seta longish, red......................................j. mnioides 1. Tetraplodon mnioides B. & S. (Splachnum mnioides Sw. ; Tetraplodo7i bryoides Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXVII. A.). Densely tufted, stems 1-3 inches high. Leaves crowded, ovate-lanceolate or narrowly obovate-lanceolate, gradually or suddenly acuminate and tapering to a long flexuose subula, appressed and twisted when dry; concave, entire; nerve yellowish, forming the greater part of the subula; cells rhomboid-hexagonal or sub-rectangular, the marginal often, but not constantly, narrower and yellowish. Seta stout, red, variable in length, y.-2 inches; capsule shortly cylindrical, when dry contracted below the mouth, at first brown, with a greenish apophysis, both finally becoming dark purplish black ; apophysis pyriform, slightly narrower above than the capsule, tapering at base, thick-walled; peristome teeth reflexed when dry, orange red. Autoicous. Male flower terminal, soon becoming lateral by innovation. IIab. Decaying animal matter on mountains; not common. Fr. summer. The seta exhibits considerable variation in length in this species, sometimes hardly elevating the capsule above the leaves, at others being two inches in height. In the latter case it is a very conspicuous moss, especially as the fruit is usually produced in great profusion. It varies much, too, in form of leaf and length of capsule, and the var. Breweriamis (Splach. Brewerianum Hedw.) appears to be only an unimportant form of this kind. A more marked variety, var. cavifolius B. & S. has the leaves very concave and obovate, almost cochleariform, thus linking our plant very closely with a third species, T. urceolatus B. & S. T. angustatus differs markedly in the hardly exserted capsule and serrate leaf. 2. Tetraplodon angustatus B. & S. (Splachnu?n angustatum Sw.) (Tab. XXXVII. B.). Small, densely tufted, A-2 inches high, pale green. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate, with a tapering flexuose subula as in the last; margin sharply spinulose-serrate. Seta pale, very short, capsule hardly raised above the leaves, pale reddish brown, smaller than in the last; apophysis pale. Autoicous. Hab. In similar situations to the last, very rare. Fr. summer and autumn. Very different from the last in the narrower, serrate leaves, the smaller, less exserted capsule of a different colour. As in that species, the apophysis when the capsule is just mature is no wider than the capsule, indeed at times narrower ; its subsequent relative widening is due to the contraction of the capsule.TAYLORIA. 265 55. TAYLORIA Hook. Usually fine mosses with long setae; calyptra contracted at base, conical. Apophysis more or less pyriform, much narrower than the capsule, which is wide-mouthed when dry. Areolation large, rhomboid-hexagonal. Tayloria Froelichiana has been recorded as British, but erroneously, and must be erased from our list. /Leaves acute, toothed................................................1. tenuis \ Leaves obtuse, entire............................................2. lingulata 1. Tayloria tenuis Schp. (Splachnum tenue Dicks.; Tayloria serrata var. tenuis B. & S., nonnull, auct.) (Tab. XXXVII. C.). Loosely tufted, soft, slender. Leaves very thin and tender, widely spathulate, shortly acumi7iate, acute; nerve reaching nearly to apex; margin serrated above. Seta very slender; capsule with a long narrow tapering apophysis, small, oval, wide- mouthed when dry and empty; columella much exserted; peris- tome teeth reflexed when dry, purplish, long. Autoicous ; male flower sub-discoid, terminal on branches. Hab. Decaying matter on mountains, very rare. Fr. late summer. Quite distinct from the next species by the reflexed peristome teeth, the exserted columella, and serrated acuminate leaves. It frequently more nearly resembles Tetraplodon mnioides, the capsule and apophysis being about the same width until after maturity, and even capsules gathered ripe do not always dry with the apophysis narrower than the capsule. It may however always be known from that species by the leaves. 2. Tayloria lingulata Lindb. (Splachnum lingulatum Dicks. ; Dissodon splachnoides Grev. & Arn., plur. auct.) (Tab. XXXVII. D.). Tall, densely tufted, 1-4 inches high, blackish below, dark green above. Leaves suberect, when dry not much crisped nor twisted, glossy; obovate-lingulate, obtuse, concave ; margin entire or slightly irregular at apex with the projecting transverse cell-walls; nerve ceasing below apex. Seta bright red, shining, 1-2 inches long. Capsule bright brown, rounded-oval, when dry and empty wide-mouthed and somewhat turbinate ; apophysis tapering, much narrower than the ripe capsule ; lid convex with an apiculus of varying length. Peristome teeth 16, not in pairs, yellowish, erect when dry. Columella slightly exserted. Synoicous, or autoicous with the male flower gemmiform.266 FUNARIACE/E. Hab. Bogs on high mountains in Scotland, rare. Fr. late summer. A very fine and distinct species, as well in the capsule as in the leaves. Like most species of this Order it varies much in the size of its parts. Order XIV. FUNARIACEAI. Plants usually with wide soft leaves, and lax areolation resembling that of Splachnaceae. Capsule globose, oval or pyri- form, erect and symmetrical or cemuous and unequal, usually with a distinct neck narrower than the capsule; cleistocarpous, gym- nostomous, or peristomate. Inner peristome when present of 16 separate processes, entirely without a basal membrane, and opposite to, not alternating with the teeth. Calyptra usually inflated, smooth, with a long beak, lobed or cucullate. Mosses resembling Splachnaceae in leaf structure, but differ- ing in the often cernuous fruit, which, while frequently long- necked, does not possess an actual apophysis, in the calyptra, and in the peristome, which when fully present is double and highly developed. 56. DISCELIUM Brid. Plants almost without stems, resembling minute buds on the persistent protonema. Leaves almost nerveless, sheathing, with- out chlorophyll. Capsule small, inclined, subglobose; peristome single. Calyptra narrow, split on one side, very narrow at base. A genus consisting only of the following remarkable plant, which in fruit resembles Catoscopium, but in areolation the present Order. The peristome also is somewhat anomalous, with a superficial resemblance to that of Trematodon; but it is in structure Funarioid. 1. Discelium nudum Brid. (Bryum nudum Dicks.) (Tab. XXXVII. E.). Stem minute, bud-like, annually formed on a perennial protonema. Leaves few, small, ovate-lanceolate, entire or faintly and obtusely toothed, nerveless or with a faint trace of a thin nerve in the upper part; cells lax, hexagonal-oblong, pellucid. Seta about an inch long, slender, reddish ; capsule minute, sub- globose, suddenly bent at the short neck, and horizontal; lid convex ; annulus broad. Peristome teeth 16, cleft half way from the base upwards, undivided above. Dioicous. Hab. Clay banks, rare. Fr. early spring.NANOMITRIUM. 267 A very curious plant, quite unlike any other of our species of moss, though resembling Catoscopium in the form of the fruit. 57. NANOMITRIUM Lindb. Resembling Ephemerum, but differing in the absence of a spore-sac, the capsule smaller and almost entirely without apiculus, and the very minute calyptra. Leaves laxly areolated, nerveless. The plants included under this genus, though superficially resembling Ephemerum, are rightly separated on account of the above structural differences of some considerable importance. In Ephemerum the capsule is always more or less differentiated into outer case and spore-sac, the enveloping membrane con- sisting at least of two layers; in Nanomitrium there is only a single layer of cells, thus representing an even simpler form than Archidium ; and the only approach to an apiculus is a single cell, or at the most three or four, forming a slight thickening at the summit of the capsule. 1. Nanomitrium tenerum Lindb. (Phascum tenerum Bruch ; Ephemerum tenerum C.M., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XXXVII. F.). Plants very minute, on a persistent protonema. Leaves few, ovate-lanceolate, tapering, nerveless, entire or very slightly and obtusely serrate above; cells large, rectangular-rhomboid. Cap- sule immersed on a very short, slender seta, almost globose, hardly apiculate, cleistocarpous, pale brown; calyptra very minute; spores small, 24-30 y., sub-tetrahedral. Usually synoicous. Hab. On mud taken from a fish-pond, near Hurstpierpoint, Sussex (Mitten> 1854). Fr. late autumn. This very minute plant has never been found again in Britain since its first discovery by Mitten ; the stems are usually more crowded than in E. serratum, and extend over some considerable space. The nerveless leaves distinguish it from all the species of Ephemerum but E. serratum and its sub-species E. intermedium, the nerve of which is sometimes very indistinct; the almost entire leaves will separate it from these, as will also the small spores and pale brown, not bright reddish, capsule. The inflorescence is also distinct. 58. EPHEMERUM Hampe. Minute terrestrial plants developed on a persistent, ?nuch branched, green protonema. Leaves more or less ovate- lanceolate, usually tapering, with rather lax areolation, more or less rhomboid. Capsule immersed, cleistocarpous, rounded,268 FUNARIACE/E. minutely apiculate, the wall of two layers of cells; spores large ; calyptra small, thin, campanulate, torn at the base, sometimes on one side only. The plants composing this and the last genus are connected with the higher Funariaceae through Physcomitrella and Physco- mitrium in much the same way as Phascum is linked with the more highly developed Pottia by P recta and P. bryoides; and also as the cleistocarpous species of Weisia are connected with the higher species, through W. rostellata. The persistent protonema may be in part a storehouse of moisture, but is probably of more importance in preventing other plants from occupying the soil and thus crowding out the Ephemerum. It is often more conspicuous than the stems them- selves, and leads to their discovery where they would otherwise be overlooked. f Leaves nerveless .................................................... serratum \Leaves nerved, at least near apex..............................................2 f Nerve faint, wanting in lower half of leaf....................i*. intermedium \Nerve distinct throughout .....................................................3 /Leaves broadly lanceolate, nerved to apex.............................2. cohcerens ^/Leaves narrow, nerve excurrent...................................................4 {Ls. lanceolate-subulate, tapering, almost entire......................3. sessile Ls. ligulate, toothed at apex ....................................recurvifolium 1. Ephemerum serratum Hampe (Phascum serratum. Schreb.) (Tab. XXXVII. G.). Minute, gregarious, with green persistent protonema. Leaves few, ovate-lanceolate, tapering to a narrow point; margin coarsely and irregularly toothed above; nerve none ; cells lax, hexagonal-rhomboid, elongate, the walls a little incrassate, at base paler, thin-walled. Capsule immersed on a very short seta, sub- globose, apiculate, bright chestnut brown, glossy ; calyptra small, widely campanulate, torn at base ; spores large, 70-80 minutely papillose. Dioicous ; male plant small. Var. jl. angustifolium B. & S. (E. minutissimum Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.). Leaves narrower, sometimes subsecund ; spores rather smaller. Hab. Fallow fields and bare spots ; not unfrequent. The var. 0, Hurstpier- point (Mitten), Sevenoaks (Holmes). Fr. late autumn. The bright reddish shining capsule is usually more conspicuous than the leaves; it is as a rule the green patch of protonema that first catches the eye. In specimens of E. minutissimum from Sevenoaks, which Mr. Holmes kindly sent me, I do not find any difference in the surface of the spores, which are distinctly papillose, not smooth as they are usually described; I have not seen Mitten’s original plant, but Husnot describes the plant as a variety very slightly differing from the type as above ; and I am strongly of opinion that this is the right view,EPHEMERUM. 26< * Ephemerum intermedium Mitt. (Tab. XXXVII. H.). Differs from E. serratum in the presence of a faint nerve ir, the upper part of the leaf, very thin and obscure, and vanishing above the middle, but occupying the greater part of the point upper cells narrower, rather long. Hab. Fallow fields, Sussex ; very rare. Fr. late autumn. The difference between this and E. serratum depending entirely upon the nerve which is sometimes extremely faint, and in the lower leaves always wanting, and upor a slight difference in the width of the cells, which are somewhat variable in E. serratum, I have thought it best to consider E. intermedium as a sub-species only o: the former. The nerve is chiefly recognisable by the deeper chlorophyllose coloui it gives the apex of the leaf. 2. Ephemerum cohaerens Hpe. (Phascum cohaerens Hedw (Tab. XXXVII. I.). Stems closely tufted, protonema bright green, becoming discoloured when older. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceo- late, shortly pointed, serrated in upper part; nerve thin, reaching apex or vanishing just below ; cells rhomboid-hexagonal, rather smaller than in E. serratum, but larger than in the two following species. Calyptra lobed or torn at base. Fruit as in the previous species. Dioicous. Hab. Moist banks ; near Portumna, Galway (Moore). Fr. late autumn. Differing from the next in the broader, more serrated leaves and not or indistinctly excurrent nerve; from E. recurvifolium in the more lanceolate outline of the leaves, shorter nerve and larger cells. The apex of the leaf is often slightly oblique or recurved. 3. Ephemerum sessile Rabenh. (Phascum sessile B. & S., Ephemerum stenophyllum Schp., Syn., Braithw. Br. M. FL, &c.) (Tab. XXXVII. J.). Rather taller than E. serratum, with longer leaves, the upper lanceolate-subulate, gradually tapering to a narrow point, very slightly serrulate at apex; nerve thin at base, broad (about 5 width of leaf at base), slightly excurrent. Cells small, irregularly rectangular-rhomboid, incrassate. Calyptra torn at base. Fruit as in E. serratum. Autoicous. Male flower at the base of the stem. Var. /?. brevifolium Schp. Leaves shorter, nearly entire; nerve less excurrent.270 FUNARIACE^F. Hab. Open places, rare. Sussex ; Cheshire. The var. 0, Mere, Cheshire. Fr. late autumn and winter. There has been much confusion between this and the next species ; but the linear, not tapering leaves of that plant, its still smaller cells, and calyptra cleft along one side, easily distinguish it. The present species is more easily, perhaps, confused with the last, but has more gradually tapering, narrower leaves, smaller cells and more excurrent nerve. 4. Ephemerum recurvifolium Lindb. (Phascum recurvi- folium Dicks.; Ephemerella recurvifolia Schp., Syn.) (Tab. XXXVII. K.). Protonema dull green, disappearing when the capsules are about matured. Leaves erecto-patent, straight or recurved towards apex, ligulate or linear, often wider in the upper half than in the lower, shortly pointed; margin slightly denticulate above, sometimes more strongly at apex; nerve narrower (about a width of leaf at base) than in the last, but more clearly defined and stronger, reaching to apex and usually slightly excurrent. Cells at base thin, hyaline, rectangular, above smaller, irregularly rhomboid, not so large as in the previous species. Seta short; capsule globose-oval, with a short oblique apiculus, thick-walled. Calyptra larger than in the previous plants, split on one side only. Dioicous. Hab. Fallow fields, etc., rare. Fr. late autumn. If attention be paid to the form of the leaf, E. recurvifolium need not be con- fused with the other nerved species ; the nerve in this being stronger, and though narrower than in the last, more clearly defined ; and the outline of the leaf being almost exactly ligulate. The leaves are generally more or less spreading and recurved, so that the capsule is rendered quite conspicuous, though the seta is very short. 59. PHYSOOMITRELLA B. & S. Minute plants, without persistent protonema. Leaves nerved, the upper forming a terminal rosette, laxly areolated. Capsule on a short seta, usually splitting horizontally by a circular fissure about midway between top and bottom, sub-globose, apiculate. Calyptra narrowly campanulate. Intermediate between Ephemerum and Physcomitrium. The stem though short is well developed, the seta is frequently some- what elongated, the columella is more highly differentiated than in Ephemerum, and the ripe capsule shows a distinct tendency to split regularly round, at or near the middle; a certain differentia- tion in the cells of its membrane may be seen at this line, com- pared with those above and below, though I have not been able toPHYSCOMITRELLA. 271 find it so clearly marked as in the specimen described and figured by Mrs. Britton (Bulletin, Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 62 sqq.). 1. Physcomitrella patens B. & S. (Phascum patens Hedw.) (Tab. XXXVII. L.). Stems very short, about r line in length, densely or loosely gregarious. Leaves variously shaped, oblong, oval, or spathulate, shortly and usually obtusely acuminate, the upper larger, forming a terminal rosette; rather obtusely serrate, nerve narrow, vanish- ing below apex; cells lax, widely rectangular or hexagonal. Capsule immersed or slightly emergent, brown, thin-walled, globose with an obtuse apiculus. Spores rather smaller than in the previous genus, 25-30 /*, papillose. Paroicous. Antheridia usually just below the fertile flower. Var. /3. Lucasiana Schp. Stem shorter; leaves more crowded, shorter and broader. Hab. Sides of pools, clay fields, &c., not common. The var. £, Chapel-en-le- Frith, Derby (Barker). Fr. autumn. A larger plant than any of the previously described allied species, with larger broader leaves and wider cells. Perhaps it is more likely to be confused with Phascufn cuspidatum, but that has entire leaves with the margin recurved, and the cells only about half the size. 60. PHYSCOMITRIUM Brid. Plants resembling the erect-fruited species of Funaria; calyptra small, covering about half the capsule, fugacious, symmetrical, 2-3 (rarely more) lobed at base. Capsule erect, symmetrical, lid apiculate or rostellate, the cells arranged in straight lines from the centre to the circumference, peristome none. This genus stands in the same relationship to the other Funariaceae that Pottia occupies towards the rest of the Tortulaceas. A continental species, P. tetragonum (Pyramidula tetragona Brid.) still more closely fills the gap between Ephemerum and the higher forms, having the capsule hardly raised above the perichaetial bracts. The small, lobed calyptra, not oblique, inflated, nor cucullate, is the main character of distinction between the present genus and the next. {Leaves almost entire ; capsule globose, wide-mouthed...........i. sphccricum Leaves serrate above ; capsule pyriform ......................2. pyriformc272 FUNARIACE^. 1. Physcomitrium sphsericum Brid. (Gymnostomum sphsericum Ludw.) (Tab. XXXVIII. A.). Stems very short, 1-2 lines in length, rarely more than a line. Leaves close, erecto-patent, broadly obovate, concave, obtuse, entire, or faintly irregular with the protruding marginal cells ; nerve vanishing below apex ; cells lax, hexagonal-rectangular. Seta about lyi. lines in length, capsule small, spherical, with an obtusely apiculate lid, after the fall of the lid widely turbinate, broader than long, with a very wide mouth, brown. Spores 25-3° fj., papillose. Calyptra narrow, conical, about 4-lobed at base. Autoicous. Hab. Dried mud in beds of pools, very rare. Cheshire; Derbyshire; Staffordshire ; Fr. autumn. This rare and pretty little moss sometimes grows with Pottia truncatula, small specimens of which might easily be taken for it. In that however the capsule is always longer in proportion to its width, the leaves are not concave, and the nerve is longer. Like many of the smaller kinds of moss this species has a habit of disappearing from its localities and reappearing after a lapse of some years. 2. Physcomitrium pyriforme Brid. (Bryum pyriforme L.) (Tab. XXXVIII. B.). Closely gregarious, often in wide patches, bright green, taller. Leaves rather large, erecto-patent or spreading, concave, ovate, or from a narrow base obovate, somewhat acute, serrate above, nerve vanishing at apex, narrow, distinct; cells large, at base rectangular, becoming more hexagonal-rhomboid towards the summit, narrower towards margin. Calyptra erect, finally 4-5 lobed, the lobes divaricate. Seta j-5 lines long, red ; capsule variable in form, larger, roundish-oval or oval-oblong, with a rather short but distinct neck, the whole usually pyriform when dry, the capsule often, but not always, slightly contracted below the rather narrow mouth ; lid convex, apiculate, usually distinctly rostellate, the cells in straight lines from apex to margin; annulus broad, fugacious. Autoicous. Hab. Clay banks and heaps of mud thrown out of ditches, &c. Common. Fr. spring. There is no difficulty in distinguishing this species from the last; the greater size of all its parts, the larger and longer capsule with a much narrower mouth, easily identifying it. It has much greater resemblance to Funaria fascicularis, but may be distinguished without much difficulty by the following characters. The lid in the present species is always distinctly apiculate, usually with a longish beak, while in that it is plano-convex, and the cells are also somewhat spirally arranged, in our plantFUNARIA. 273 being in straight lines. The calyptra while immature is very similar in both, but while in the present species it remains erect and becomes many-lobed at the base, in the Funaria it becomes oblique, the basal part remaining inflated and entire except for a single lateral fissure. 61. FUNARIA Schreb. Short-stemmed plants, resembling Physcomitrium in the vegetative part; leaves rather wide, with large cells. Calyptra inflated at base, covering most of the mature fruit, finally oblique, cucullate, otherwise entire at base, yellowish. Capsule pyriform, erect and sytnmetrical or oblique and curved. Lid plano-convex, rarely distinctly apiculate, the cells arranged in somewhat spiral lines from the centre to the circumference. Peristome none, single or double ; outer teeth 16, often twisted obliquely to the left, sometimes united at their tips ; inner peristome zvhen present of 16 processes opposite the teeth, without a basal membrane. Autoicous in all the British species ; male flower discoid, terminal on a lateral branch. The species included in the section Entosthodon, here united, following Braithwaite and Lindberg, with Funaria, have been tossed about from one genus to another; but clearly there is nothing gained by splitting up the genus, since any distinction based on the peristome separates species allied by the form of the capsule, and vice versa; on the other hand the affinity with Physcomitrium is very close and the question seems rather to be whether even that is rightly kept separate from Funaria ; here however we have a real distinction in the calyptra, and a consistency, at least in the former genus, in the form of capsule and absence of peristome. /Capsule erect, symmetric or almost so ........................................2 \ Capsule inclined, mouth oblique..............................................4 / Capsule short, obovate ; peristome rudimentary...............................3 \ Capsule clavate-pyriform ; peristome perfect....................j. Templetoni /Leaves bordered .................................................ericetorum \ Leaves not bordered ............................................1. fascicularis {Seta straight; Is. with long fine acumen............................4. calcarea Seta arcuate when moist; Is. acute or shortly acuminate .....................5 (Capsule deeply furrowed when dry, mouth large ; lid convex ; spores about 15 fi. 5. hygrometrica Capsule less furrowed, mouth very small; lid usually mamillate ; spores about 25/1.............................................................6. microstoma A. ENTOSTHODON. Capsule nearly or quite symmetrical, erect; peristome none or single, rarely double. S274 FUNARIACE^. 1. Funaria fascicularis Schp. (Bryum fasciculare Dicks.; Physcomitrium fasciculare Fiirnr., mult, auct.) (Tab. XXXVIII. C.). Resembling Physcomitrium pyriforme, but usually a rather more slender and paler plant. Leaves rather narrower, ovate- lanceolate and oblong-spathulate, acuminate and acute. Cells as in that species, the marginal hardly distinct. Seta pale reddish, capsule erect or very slightly inclined, brown, rounded-oval, pyriform with the shortly tapering neck ; calyptra shining, yellowish green ; lid plano-convex, often quite flat when dry, the cells arranged in slightly oblique series with a tendency to a spiral arrangement; annulus none. Peristome none, or rudimentary, consisting of minute projections from the orifice. Hab. Fallow fields, etc. ; not common. Fr. spring. In addition to the strongly marked characters mentioned under Physcomitrhun pyrifortne, by which that species is distinguished from the present, Funaria fascicularis differs in its paler colour, and in the narrower leaves and generally more slender habit. From the next species it may be known by the non-margined, more serrate leaves, and capsule of a duller colour and rather larger size. 2. Funaria ericetorum Dixon (Gymnostomum ericetorum Bals. and De Not. ; Entosthodon ericetorum C. M., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct. ; Funaria obtusa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXVIII. D.). Loosely tufted, stem less than half an inch in height; leaves yellowish green, slightly glossy when dry, the upper crowded, rather narrowly oval or oblong-lanceolate, acute, sub-entire or slightly denticulate above, nerve ceasing some way below the point, more rarely reaching it ; cells at base lax, rectangular, above hexagonal-oblong, 1-2 rows at margin very narrow, incrassate, orange, forming a distinct border. Seta 2-3 lines long, slender; capsule resembling that of the last species, but smaller, of a brighter reddish colour, and more glossy, of a solid, opaque texture. Lid convex, or very slightly mamillate. Peristome none. Hab. Shady banks, etc., chiefly in mountainous country. Not unfrequent. Fr. spring. The distinctly margined leaves and smaller capsule separate this with ease from the last species, in which though occasionally a single marginal row of cells is distinctly narrower and a shade yellower than the rest, there is never found a distinct border; the nerve too in that species is almost always carried further towards the point than in this. The narrow fruit with longer neck and well developed peristome of the next species readily distinguish it from the present one.FUNARIA. 275 F. ericetorum presents considerable variation in the width of the leaves, and in the form of the ripe capsule, which is sometimes markedly urceolate from constriction below the wider orifice, but sometimes shows no trace of this. 3. Funaria Templetoni Sm. (Entosthodon Templetoni Schwgr., Schp. Syn., et plur. auct. ; Funaria attenuata Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXVIII. E.). Stems laxly gregarious or tufted, |-inch in height or less. Upper leaves forming a rosette, spreading, when dry erect and slightly twisted, and glossy; obovate-oblong, shortly, sometimes very abruptly acuminate, rather concave, nerve ceasing below the apex ; cells rather wider than in the last, the marginal narrower, forming a distinct but less pronounced border ; cells at margin obtusely protruding above, but not forming acute serratures. Seta 3-5 lines long, pale red, slender, flexuose; capsule yellowish green with a red mouth, finally reddish brown, narrow, oval-oblong, with a lo?ig tapering neck, erect or slightly curved, contracted below the mouth when dry ; lid plano-convex, or very slightly mamillate ; annulus none; peristome simple, of 16 short, lanceolate-subulate, reddish brown, distant teeth, articulate, inserted below the orifice, incurved and flattened over the mouth of the capsule when dry, rather fugacious. Hab. Shady banks and clefts of rocks near water; not uncommon in mountainous districts. Fr. summer. A pretty species, conspicuous by its capsules of a reddish tinge, especially in the upper part, which are also much narrower in outline, and, including the neck, much longer and more gradually tapering below than in the last two species ; it also ripens its fruit later in the year. The fruit is often somewhat curved and asymmetrical; almost always a little contracted below the mouth, thence equal for some distance or widening again, or gradually tapering to the neck. The border of the leaves is distinct, but not so strongly marked as in the last. The peristome is often very fugacious. B. EU-FUNARIA. Capsule oblique, curved, asymmetrical; peristome present. 4. Funaria calcarea Wahl. (F. Muhlenbergii Turn, and F. hibernica Hook., Wils. Bry. Brit.) (Tab. XXXVIII. G.). Loosely tufted, stems not half-an-inch in height. Upper leaves crowded, oval or obovate, rather suddenly acuminate in a longpiliform point, entire or denticulate above ; nerve vanishing below apex; cells hexagonal-rhomboid, narrower at margin.276 FUNARIACE/E. Seta erect, reddish, rigid ; capsule shortly pyriform, gibbous ai back, slightly curved, with a tapering neck, brownish yellow finally reddish and slightly contracted below the mouth, smooth ; neck somewhat plicate when dry; annulus none; lid conical- convex, slightly mamillate; peristome double, outer of if narrowly lanceolate, red, obliquely curved teeth, ■ inner of if processes shorter than the teeth. Var. /?. patula B. & S. Taller and more slender; leaves entire, with shorter points. Hab. Calcareous rocks and walls, rare. The var. 0 with the type. Fr. spring. A somewhat variable moss in the serration of the leaves and other points. It differs from the following in the almost piliferous leaf-point, the straight, erect seta, the smooth capsule with straight, not oblique mouth, below which the capsule is con- stricted, though slightly; in the more pointed lid and narrower peristome teeth, and especially in the absence of annulus. 5. Funaria hygrometrica Sibth. (Mnium hygrometricum L.) (Tab. XXXVIII. H.). Stems about £ inch in height, loosely or closely tufted, in large patches, pale or yellowish green. Upper leaves imbricated into a bulbiform tuft, concave, large, widely oval-oblong, shortly pointed, entire or nearly so, nerved to apex ; cells sub-hexagonal, a little narrower at margin. Seta long, (1-2y* inches), flexuose, variously arcuate when young, finally reddish, flexuose, strongly twisted and hygroscopic when dry ; capsule pyriform, unequal( gibbous at back, inclined, strongly incurved at mouth, deeply sulcate when dry, yellow, the mouth deep red; finally brown ; annulus broad; lid convex, large. Peristome teeth closely and obliquely arranged in a spiral turn, the apices united by a small disc; processes shorter than the teeth. Spores rather small, about 15 /*. Autoicous, male flower discoid, with spreading bracts. Var. (3. calvescens B. & S. (F. calvescens Schwgr.). Leaves spreading, flexuose at margin, longer; seta very long, capsule more erect. Hab. Heaths, banks, &c., especially where the ground has been burnt. Common. The var. in more shady situations. Fr. all summer. This common and well-known moss is very variable, but never presents any difficulty in its recognition except with regard to the two allied species, F. calcarea and F. microstoma. The former is easily known as pointed out above ; the latter differs in the narrow mouth, and rudimentary inner peristome. The lid also is more conical, but F. hygrovietrica is occasionally found with projecting, conical lid. The mouth is remarkably oblique, often becoming almost parallel with the wall of the capsule. The lid, peristome, &c., afford beautiful microscopic objects.FUNAR1A. 277 6. Funaria microstoma B. & S. (Tab. XXXVIII. F.). Resembling the last. Leaves a little more longly acuminate. Capsule on a shorter seta, cernuous, less strongly sulcate, the mouth very small, less oblique, the lid more conical and pointed; peristome smaller, the inner imperfect or rudimentary. Spores rather larger, about 25 p. Hab. Heaths, sides of ponds, &c. Rare. Fr. late summer. A rare species, but possibly overlooked ; the characters italicised above will serve to distinguish it without much difficulty. Order XV. MEESIACETI. Plants usually inhabiting bogs, of various habit and leaf- form ; the leaves usually of firm texture and rather small areolation (except in Amblyodon). Capsule on a long seta, more or less clavate with a long neck, curved or inclined, smooth or striate. Peristome double, the inner as long as or longer than the outer, of 16 narrow processes alternating with the teeth, with or without intermediate cilia, from a membrane of variable height usually united, below each process, with the outer teeth. The genus Amblyodon, here included, is by Lindberg placed among the Funariaceae, and in this he is followed by Braithwaite. The leaf-structure is distinctly that of Funaria, and it is with reluctance that I have felt obliged to retain it here; but the form of the fruit is that of the present Order, and the structure of the peristome is so distinctly that of Meesia, and so markedly differ- ent from that of the Funariaceae, that the anomaly of uniting it with the latter Order must, I think, be considered far greater than that of separating it. 62. AMBLYODON P Beauv. Plants with the fruit resembling Meesia and the leaf-structure of Funaria. Capsule (with the neck) clavate-pyriform, curved and asymmetrical; peristome double, outer of 16 short, rather obtuse, articulate teeth ; inner of 16 longer, lanceolate processes, alternating with the teeth, sometimes connected above by transverse appendages; rudimentary intermediate cilia some- times present; basal membrane short. Calyptra small, cucullate.278 MEESIACE^E. 1. Amblyodon dealbatus P. Beauv. (Bryum dealbatum Dicks.) (Tab. XXXIX. F.). Stems £-1 inch high, slightly branched; leaves more or less crowded in comal tufts, longlv ovate-lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate, shortly pointed ; when dry slightly twisted, glossy ; of thin texture, entire or slightly denticulate above ; margin plane ; cells lax, resembling those of Funaria, lower rectangular, thin, pellucid, upper hexagonal-rectangular, thin-walled, smooth; nerve very strong, sometimes half the width of the leaf at base, narrowing upwards and vanishing below apex. Seta red, 1^-2 inches long; capsule oval-cylindrical, gibbous at back, curved, when dry arcuate, from a narrow, tapering, erect neck, reddish brown, smooth; lid conical, obtuse; calyptra narrow, fugacious, annulus narrow ; outer teeth reddish, linear, variable in length, sometimes only half as long as the pale yellow inner peristome. Hab. Boggy places usually in alpine and sub-alpine districts, not common. Fr. summer. The smooth, curved and oblique, asymmetrical capsule with tapering neck, is not like that of any others of our mosses except Meesia and Faludella ; the similar species of Splachnacese having erect fruits, those of Funaria smaller and wider capsules on shorter setee, and usually striate, with different peristome, while Aulacomnium is separated by its striated fruit and small areolation ; the latter character and the narrow, lingulate leaves easily distinguish Meesia trichoides, which in fruiting characters much resembles the present species ; the capsule is however a little shorter and wider, and less curved, than in our plant. 63. MEESIA Hedw. Stems short or tall, leaves in 3-8 rows, with a thick nerve; cells rather small, smooth, rectangular or rectangular-hexagonal, Seta long, capsule as in Amblyodon ; male inflorescence discoid. 1. Meesia trichoides Spruce (Bryum trichoides L.; Meesea trichodes Spr., Braithw. Br. M. FI.; Meesia uliginosa Hedw., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) (Tab. XXXIX. B.). In dense, pale green tufts, radiculose below. Leaves in 8 rows, the upper longest, linear, or ligulate-lanceolate, at apex rounded and obtuse; when dry erect, hardly twisted, shining; margin revolute, entire, nerve very strong and thick, occupying the greater part of the lower half the leaf, vanishing just below apex ; cells at base linear, 4-6 times as long as broad, similar in form but gradually shorter upwards, a few at apex hardly longer than broad; all small, narrow, smooth, with the walls slightly MEESIA. 279 incrassate. Seta variable in length, |-i^ inches long; capsule oval, gibbous at back, inclined and slightly curved, from an erect tapering neck ; lid conical, obtusely pointed. Outer peristome teeth short, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse; much shorter than the processes of the inner. Var. fi. alpina Boul. (Meesia alpina Funck). Leaves some- what narrower, acute or sub-acute ; stems usually taller and seta longer ; capsule rather shorter. Var. y. minor Boul. (Meesia minor Brid.). Stems short; leaves short, erect, obtuse, broadly ligulate; capsule and neck shorter. Hab. Boggy ground on mountains; Scotland and North of England ; not common. The vars. # and 7 on Ben Lawers. Fr. summer. Although a somewhat variable moss, chiefly in the size of its various parts, this species is always a very distinct one, and may readily be known by the form of the capsule and the narrow, ligulate, more or less obtuse leaves, with very thick, broad nerve. The varieties are only the extremes of a series of intermediate forms, and even on normal plants leaves may often be found with the apex somewhat acute or obtusely pointed. There are three other European species ; one, M, triquetra, a very fine one, with lanceolate, acute leaves arranged distinctly in three rows, is fairly common over most of the north of Europe, and might possibly be found here. 64. PALUDELLA Ehrh. Stems tall, tomentose below. Leaves in five rows, decurrent, squarrose, cells hexagonal-rounded, papillose, rectangular at base. Capsule on a long seta, slightly curved from an erect neck, clavate-oblong, smooth. Peristome resembling that of Webera, without cilia. Dioicous. A very distinct genus consisting of a single species. 1. Paludella squarrosa Brid. (Bryum squarrosum L.) (Tab. XXXIX. C.).~ In bright yellowish green dense tufts, 2-6 inches high, stems slightly branched, rather stout, strongly tomentose below. Leaves in five ranks, strongly squarrose-recurved, not much altered when dry, longly and narrowly decurrent, ovate-lanceolate from an erect oblong base, acute; margin narrowly recurved at base, densely serrate above and plane; nerve narrow, thin, vanishing below apex; cells at base narrowly rectangular, hyaline, above becoming rounded-hexagonal, small, incrassate, chlorophyllose,28o MEES1ACE/E. strongly papillose, the marginal rhomboid, projecting and forming the serratures. Perichsetial bracts spreading, not recurved, elongate-lanceolate. Seta reddish, 2-4 inches long; capsule oval- oblong, slightly curved, from a rather short, not tapering neck, greenish brown, smooth ; lid conical; calyptra cucullate. Hab. Deep peat bogs, very rare and barren. Fr. summer. It is much to be feared that this beautiful and exceedingly interesting species is now extinct in Britain, the two localities in which it formerly occurred, Terrington Carr in Yorkshire and Knutsford Moor in Cheshire, having been altered by drainage. In Scandinavia and Northern America it is common. 65. AULACOMNIUM Schwgr. Csespitose mosses, with ovate or oblong-lanceolate leaves, with small rounded papillose areolation, each cell exhibiting a large conical papilla in the centre of its face ; branches frequently terminating in flagelliform pseudopodia, naked or with a few minute leaves, and bearing a cluster of gemmae at the tip. Capsule oblong or sub-cylindric, striate, slightly inclined or curved. Peristome Mnioid, inner with long cilia. This genus is usually placed near to Mnium, but in peristome it is not more closely allied to that genus than is Paludella, while in the form of the fruit and in areolation it seems more at home in the present Order. f Plant under i inch ; Is. serrate, basal cells unistratose, not distinct from the rest; i-j pseudopodia numerous ............................j. androgynuvi [Plant larger ; basal cells bi-tri-stratose, swollen ; pseudopodia less frequent .2 2/Ls. obtuse, imbricate, entire ; stems without radicles...i. turgidum \Ls. usually toothed at apex ; stems matted with radicles.palustre 1. Aulacomnium turgidum Schwgr. (Hypnum turgidum Wahl.; Gymnocybe turgida Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIX. D.). In loose, bright or yellowish green tufts, pale below, not tomentose, 3-5 inches high, slightly branched, turgid. Leaves imbricated, vthen dry closely appressed, soft, widely obovate, broadly rounded at summit, very narrow at base, concave, some- what cymbiform above, margin reflexed half-way from the base upwards, quite entire; nerve narrowing upwards, ceasing below apex ; cells below rectangular, a few rows at base brown, above hexagonal-quadrate with sinuose walls and triangular intercellular spaces ; small, smooth, or very faintly papillose. Capsule ovate- oblong, slightly curved, striate, yellowish brown ; lid conical. Hab. Boggy places on mountains; very rare and sterile. Fr. summer.AULACOMNIUM. 281 This very rare and pretty species has only been found with us on Whernside in Yorkshire and on two or three Scotch mountains. It can hardly be confused with any other moss except with the var. imbricatum of the following species; from that it differs in the broader, rounded, very obtuse, softer leaves, the almost entirely smooth cells, and the absence of tomentum (on which account the stems readily fall apart). There is a slight inflation of the extreme basal angles of the leaf which produces the effect of minute auricles. 2. Aulacomnium palustre Schwgr. (Mnium palustre L.; Gymnocybe palustris Fries, Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIX. E.). Very variable in size and habit; stems robust, loosely or densely tufted, *1-5 inches high, closely covered with brown tomentum almost to apex ; sparingly branched, pale yellowish green, rarely bright green; leaves usually crowded, erecto- patent, when dry more or less crisped and spirally flexuose, or spirally appressed to stem or almost straight ; long (1-2 lines), oblong-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, shortly pointed or obtuse, or gradually acuminate to a narrow point ; margin narrowly revolute at base, and to a variable distance above, towards apex finely but sharply denticulate or sinuose-crenulate; nerve vanishing below apex, very white and shining at back when dry ; cells very small, irregularly rounded or angular, with thick often sinuose walls and triangular-intercellular spaces, towards base somewhat elongated, a few rows at the extreme base wider, some- what inflated, more or less bi-stratose, brownish yellow; all the cells except the basal strongly but variably papillose on both sides. Perichaetial bracts longer, narrower, more tapering, less papillose. Seta 1-2 inches long; capsule oblong or sub- cylindrical, slightly gibbous or curved, cernuous, strongly sulcate ; when dry contracted below the dilated mouth; lid conical; peristome teeth long, acute ; processes of inner peristome about as long, with 3-4 intermediate cilia of equal length. Dioicous. Male flower terminal, discoid. Branches often producing flagelli- form pseudopodia, naked or with a few scattered minute leaves, and bearing at the apex a cluster of small gemmiform metamor- phosed leaves. Var. /3. imbricatum B. & S. Leaves crowded, broader, wider at apex and more obtuse, entire or almost so, hardly twisted or quite straight and appressed when dry. Var. y. fasciculare B. & S. (Mnium fasciculare Brid.). Stems much branched with short ramuli, leaves in interrupted tufts.282 MEESIACE^E. Var. 5. laxifclium Kindb. Leaves distant, spirally flexuose and divergent, not appressed when dry. Hab. Bogs, common. The var. 7 not common ; the var. £ in drier situations ; the var. 5 Flitwick Marsh, Bedfordshire (Dixon, 1887). Fr. early summer. A very variable moss, but not likely to be confused with many others; in its robust forms it has a great superficial resemblance to Dicranum Bergen, but the areolation and the highly papillose leaves readily distinguish it from that plant ; some forms too bear a likeness to Mnium homum, which does not, however, inhabit the same localities, nor has it the shining nerve of the present species, and it is of course also readily known by its spinose leaves. Aulacomnium twgidum is on the whole the species most resembling it, and the var. imbricatuiti of the present plant sometimes approaches it so nearly that even under the microscope it is difficult to separate them ; as a rule however that variety has the leaves more or less distinctly papillose, and they are rarely so wide, rounded and flaccid as is usual in A. turgidum. Perhaps the most striking evidence of the great variability of A. palustre is to be found in the fact that while in their normal state no two mosses could well be more unlike than this species and A. androgynum, it sometimes occurs that dwarfed, slender forms of the first so nearly resemble taller plants of the last as to be with difficulty distinguished ; I have specimens of A. palustre that are indeed in almost every respect similar to other fruiting specimens of A. androgynum. The gemmiferous form of this species, usually known as var. polycephalum Hiibn. (G. palustris var. ramosa Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.), emitting numerous pseudopodia from the axils of the leaves, is rather, I think, a state than a true variety. It is questionable indeed whether even the varieties given above are really more than forms arising from the direct action of certain conditions of the environments. Certainly I have specimens the young branches of which would have to be referred to the var. imbricatum, while the older leaves on the stems are quite of the typical form. 3. Aulacomnium androgynum Schwgr. (Mnium androgy- num L. ; Orthopyxis androgyna P. Beauv., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XXXIX. F.). Stems slender, rarely inches high, slightly tomentose below, dull green ; usually producing slender leafless pseudopodia, ending in a round head ot densely crowded stalked fusiform gemmae. Leaves small, rarely / line long, narrowly ovate- lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, when dry loosely appressed and slightly twisted, margin reflexed below, distinctly denticulate at apex; cells uniform or the lower a little elongated, above rounded-quadrate or sub-hexagonal, incrassate; papillose, perichaetial bracts longer, narrower. Seta inch long; capsule erect, finally oblique or horizontal, almost straight and symmetrical, brown. Dioicous ; male flower terminal, gemmi- form. Hab. Banks and rotten tree trunks, frequent. Fruiting very rarely, in summer. Usually at once recognisable by the numerous pseudopodia with minute balls of gemmre; bearing some resemblance in this respect to Tetraphis pelhuida, but at once known by the absence of the cup-shaped bracts, and also by the narrower leaves. Occasionally, as in the case of the specimens mentioned under the last species, it becomes taller, more radiculose, more robust, with longer leaves approaching those of A. palustre in form and even in areolation.TIMMIA. 283: Order XVI. TIMMIACETi. Tall, robust mosses, resembling Polytrichum in habit; stems very slightly branched. Leaves long, narrow, serrate. Capsule symmetrical, elliptical-oblong, with a tapering neck, inclined or horizontal, hardly striate, but furrowed when dry. Peristome double, outer as in Bryum, with dense articulations, inner with a basal membrane as in that genus, giving rise to cilia only, in twos or fours, opposite to the teeth, frequently appendiculate and sometimes united with one another. 66. TIMMIA Hedw. Characters those of the Order. The plants of this genus are very striking in their habit, which very greatly resembles that of Polytrichum, and the leaves, excepting in the narrower nerve and absence of lamellae, show a remarkable similarity to those of that genus both in form and structure. Besides the two British species there are two others known on the continent, one of which, T megapolitana Hedw., has been recorded, apparently erroneously, from Ben Lawers. It differs from T. austriaca in the less sheathing, whitish leaf base, the nerve not dentate at back above, and the cilia of the inner peristome appendiculate. /Leaves uniform, wide and sheathing at base, red at insertion...........1. austriaca \ Upper Is. much longer, scarcely sheathing, hyaline at insertion.......2. norvegica 1. Timmia austriaca Hedw. (Tab. XXXIX. G.). Robust, 2-4 inches high, in dense tufts, yellowish-green above, darker below, somewhat radiculose. Leaves large, sub-equal, 2-3 lines long, erecto-patent, appressed and twisted when dry ;■ from a wide, oblong, sheathing, orange base suddenly contracted, then longly linear-lanceolate, tapering to a somewhat obtuse point, more or less concave or sub-tubular, margin plane or erect, serrate in the upper half, coarsely so near apex ; nerve strong, often reddish, reaching apex, smooth or slightly dentate at back towards apex, not papillose. Cells of base orange, narrowly rectangular, pellucid, above very small, subquadrate-rounded, slightly incrassate, sometimes papillose. Capsule with the neck elongate- clavate, reddish-brown, lid hemispherical, apiculate; calyptra small, cucullate; peristome teeth pale yellow, cilia of the inner peristome not appendiculate. Dioicous.284 TIMMIACE^. Hab. Stony ground on mountains ; very rare and sterile on two or three of the Scotch mountains. Fr. summer. The most obvious character by which this species is distinguishable in the field from the next, is the wide sheathing leaf base ; under the microscope the nerve, not papillose at back or front above, readily separates the two; the dentation of the nerve towards apex is usually faint and may be quite absent. 2. Timmia norvegica Zett. (Tab. XXXIX. H.). Resembling the last species, but differing in the leaves, which are much elongated towards the summit of the stem, 3-4 lines or even more, bright green, forming a cuspidate tuft, arcuate and twisted when dry and frequently falcato-secund, sub-tubular, deciduous, linear-lanceolate, hardly enlarged at the base or sheathing; nerve covered for the greater -part of its length both at back and front, with dense, ascending papillae ; not toothed at back. Cells above as in the last species, smooth or papillose, the basal elongated, chloropbyllose, only a few of the lowest orange, two or three rows at the line of insertion very thin, fragile, hyaline. Capsule resembling that of the last; cilia of inner peristome without appendages. Dioicous. Hab. Mountain locks and earth, very rare ; Ben Lawers and Den of Airlie, Scotland ; Powerscourt Waterfall, Ireland. Fruit not found in Britain. Until recently the fruit of this species had not been recorded, and it has now only been found sparingly in the Tyrolese Alps. The characters italicised above will readily distinguish it from the last. The elongated leaves appear on the old stems alternately with the shorter ones, in interrupted tufts, and are usually falcato-secund. The leaves are very readily deciduous, owing to the delicate structure of the lowest rows of the basal cells. I have found this species on Ben Lawers and the adjacent mountains in many localities (sometimes forming large bright green tufts 5 or 6 inches high), but without detecting a single stem of T. austriaca. Boulay suspects this to be a form of that species induced by great moisture, but that view seems, to say the least, improbable. It is curious that the papillosity of the cells of the lamina in both these species should be so uncertain in character. As a rule the leaves are quite smooth, but one may be seen here and there with all the cells, except quite the basal ones, distinctly and even strongly papillose. Order XVII. BARTRAMIACE/E. Csespitose, usually tall and robust mosses, the stems often producing whorled innovations below the flowers. Leaves usually narrow in outline and acute, areolation narrow, usually sub- rectangular, almost always papillose. Calyptra small, fugacious, cucullate. Capsule globular or nearly so, almost always without a neck, mostly cernuous and almost always striate. PeristomeCATOSCOPIUM. 285 none or simple, or, most commonly, double, outer teeth 16, trans- versely trabeculate; inner shorter, processes cleft into two divisions, cilia imperfect or none. Male inflorescence usually discoid. A very natural group of mosses, having (with the exception of a few exotic species) an almost uniform type of capsule, which when young is bright glaucous green, and smooth, but on ripening becomes brown and usually deeply sulcate. There is also a remarkable uniformity about the areolation throughout the Order; the papillose, short narrow cells of most of the species being very characteristic. The papillae in this Order are mostly found, when present, not in the middle of the face of the cell, as is usually the case, but at either the upper or lower end, or both. They may, however, occur in the usual position. 67. CATOSCOPIUM Brid. Slender, densely caespitose. Leaves narrow, lanceolate- subulate, areolation small, rectangular, smooth. Seta slender, capsule minute, sub-globose, hard, blackish, shining, smooth, cernuous. Peristome single, of 16 short obtuse teeth; rudiments of an inner peristome sometimes visible. The affinities of this genus are doubtful. In fruit it very much resembles Discelium, but the areolation is very different, and is certainly more like the typical areolation of this Order, though without the usual papilla;. The following species is the only one of the genus. 1. Catoscopium nigritum Brid. (Weisia nigrita Hedw.) (Tab. XL. A.). Densely tufted, bright or brownish green; stems very slender, straight, not much branched, 2-6 inches high, radiculose below. Leaves small, slightly crisped when dry, lanceolate, gradually tapering to an almost subulate point, margin narrowly recurved to above middle, entire; nerve gradually vanishing in the point, prominent at back. Areolation small, nearly uniform, narrowly rectangular, at base about 3-6 times as long as broad, above rather shorter and slightly irregular, those of the marginal row shorter, sub-quadrate ; all slightly incrassate, smooth. Seta very slender, rigid, £-f inch long; capsule minute, sub-globose,286 BARTRAMIACE^E. smooth, glossy, at first reddish brown, finally purplish black, hard, horizontally cernuous ; calyptra narrow, cucullate ; lid conical. Dioicous. Hab. Damp places on mountains, or among sand on shores; rare. Fr. late summer. This remarkable moss might easily, in the absence of fruit, be taken for one of the Dicranaceae; in habit it is not unlike Ceratodon, and the regular, rectangular cells are much like those of Dicranella. The fruit however resembles that of no other British moss except Discelium nudum ; and in spite of the above resemblances, the leaves unite a number of characters not to be found in any single British species of Dicranaceae, so that if attention be paid to the description there need not be any real difficulty in identifying it. 68. CONOSTOMUM Swartz. Densely casspitose, stems fastigiately branched. Leaves imbricated in 5 rows, small; areolation as in Bartramia. Capsule rounded, cernuous, striate. Peristome simple; teeth 16, long, narrow, united at apex so as to form a cone over the mouth of the capsule. A small genus distinguished from Bartramia by the arrange- ment of the leaves and the conical formation of the peristome. 1. Conostomum boreale Swartz. (Tab. XL. B.). Very compactly tufted, tomentose below, bright glaucous green; stems slender, fragile, fastigiately branched, £-2 inches high. Leaves small, less than 1 line long, densely imbricated in five rows, giving a pentagonal outline to the stems, when dry closely appressed and sometimes slightly twisted in a spiral direction ; lower widely ovate-lanceolate, upper gradually narrower and longer, not plicate, keeled; nerve stout, vanishing in the lower leaves, in the upper excurrent in a short rigid brown cuspidate point; margin plane or very narrowly recurved in the middle of the leaf, minutely denticulate with the projecting transverse cell-walls; cells rectangular with rounded angles, or elliptic-rhomboid above, at base rather more lax, rectangular; the marginal rather narrower than the median ; the upper faintly papillose. Seta A—1 inch high ; capsule cernuous, variable in size, widely oval, gibbous at back, deeply sulcate; calyptra narrow, cucullate; lid rostellate; peristome teeth inserted below the orifice, deep red, linear-lanceolate. Dioicous. Hab. Peaty ground on the summits of the higher mountains; Scotland, frequent; Helvellyn. Fr. summer.BARTRAMIA. 287 The dense tufts or cushions, slender rigid stems and small, closely imbricated leaves arranged in five rows which usually give a distinctly angular outline to the stems, render this species easy of recognition even without the fruit, which is less regularly globose than in most species of the Order, and with a very distinct form of peristome. The time of fruiting is usually given as late summer (July, August), but all the plants I have seen or have gathered at this time have the capsules long past maturity, and usually show the next year’s fruit just appearing. 69. BARTRAMIA Hedw. Stems often robust, branching dichotomous, not whorled. Leaves long and narrow, usually papillose; cells very small, rectangular. Capsule (in the European species) sub-globose, deeply striate ; peristome rarely absent or simple, usually double, inner rarely with cilia. Synoicous, or autoicous, with the male flower gemmform in all the British species. The British species, at least, of this genus are easily known by their much longer and narrower leaves than are found in the plants of the rest of the Order. There is little variation in the form of the capsule, and the specific characters are for the most part drawn from the vegetative organs. /Leaves smooth, recurved towards apex; plant slender ................../. CEderi \ Leaves papillose, patent or spreading ........................................2 2/Ls. with wide, white, sheathing base ; cells long and narrow.......3. ithyphylla ^Ls. scarcely sheathing ; cells scarcely elongate ..............................3 f Capsule erect, symmetric ; leaves erecto-patent......................2. stricta Capsule oblique ; leaves spreading............................................4 ( Seta erect; capsule exserted ; leaves often glaucous green......4. pomiformis 4< Seta curved, very short; capsule more or less hidden among the long, linear- ly setaceous leaves..................................................3. Halleriana 1. Bartramia CEderi Sw. (Bryum CEderi Gunn.) (Tab. XL. C.). Densely tufted, tomentose below, deep green, 2-4 inches high, more slender than B. pomiformis, branching dichotomous or sub- fastigiate. Stems angular, usually triangular in section. Leaves shorter and less crowded than in that species, about iy2 lines long, spreading and recurved, when dry somewhat rigidly twisted and divaricate, rather glossy ; linear-lanceolate from an indistinct, not sheathing base, shortly pointed; margin widely revolute for most of its length, towards apex sharply serrate; nerve narrow, reaching apex or shortly excurrent, denticulate at back above; areolation smooth, upper minute, shortly rectangular and sub- quadrate, resembling that of B. pomiformis, but slightly larger and more angular, at base more elongated and pellucid, reddish288 BARTRAMIACE/E. brown at the insertion, a few at the angles more lax and quadrate. Capsule on a straight seta, about half-an-inch long, smaller than in B. pomiformis (l/2 line in diameter), suberect or slightly cernuous, a little elongated when dry and empty, finely striate. Lid small, conical. Peristome double. Synoicous. Has. Mountain rocks, usually those which are calcareous. Not common. Fr. early summer. This species is readily distinguished by its smooth leaves, shorter, and more shortly pointed than in most of the allied species, without a distinct leaf-base. The capsule also is smaller and less deeply striate, and the whole plant more slender. The serratures of the leaf are usually in two rows, being on the apparent edge, where the margin is folded back, as well as on the actual margin. 2. Bartramia stricta Brid. (Tab. XL. E.). Densely tufted, short, about / inch high, glaucous green. Stems straight, rigid, tomentose below. Leaves almost erect, when dry closely oppressed, short (iyi lines), straight, rigid, fragile, quickly narrowing usually from the very base, lanceolate- subulate, margin slightly recurved above the base, towards apex finely but acutely denticulate ; nerve strong, yellowish, excurrent in a cuspidate point; areolation narrow and dense, papillose ; the upper shortly and very narrowly rectangular, at base larger, pellucid, a few rows at margin wider, quadrate. Seta erect, slender, pale, faintly angular above; capsule erect, sym7nttrical, small, oval-globose, narrowly striate; lid convex ; peristome simple. Synoicous. Hab. On earth or rocks. Near Maresfield, Sussex (Davies). Fr. spring. B. stricta is a southern species, only known in this country from the above locality. In its straight rigid leaves it is only approached by B. ithyphylla, which is quite distinct in its longer areolation, and in the well-marked, sheathing leaf-base ; in some respects, indeed, the present species more resembles in appearance a species of Campylopus than a Bartramia. The base of the leaf in this species is of a rather unusual, almost triangular shape, owing to its rapid narrowing from the line of insertion. 3. Bartramia ithyphylla Brid. (Tab. XL. D.). Densely tufted, 1-2 inches high, silky, bright glaucous green or yellowish; leaves crowded, 2-2}i lines long, divergent from an erect, sheathing, glossy, white, scariose base, straight and rigid ; when dry erect and straight, rarely slightly flexuose ; limb very narrowly linear-subulate, suddenly contracted above the oblong base, which is wider at the shoulders than at the insertion ; margin plane, sharply and closely denticulate above; nerve strong,BARTRAMIA. 289 indistinct in the limb, excurrent in a fine denticulate subula; basal cells hyaline, very long and narrow, 4-10 times as long as broad, linear; in the limb shorter, 3-6 times as long as broad, opaque and obscure, sharply papillose. Capsule as in B. pomi- formis, on a usually rather longer seta. Synoicous. Hab. Clefts of mountain rocks, frequent. Fr. summer. Superficially resembling B. pomiformis this species is really very distinct, and may be distinguished from it in the field by the sheathing leaf-bases, which by their white, shining surface and erect, sheathing position, give a very distinct appearance to the stem. In the former plant the leaf base although sometimes white and shining is never so distinctly so as in the present species, nor is it sheathing nor so clearly differentiated from the limb of the leaf. The more rigid position of the leaf when dry is not a reliable character, for I have plants of B. pomiformis and of B. ithyphylla in which this relation is exactly reversed. The nerve is usually said to occupy the greater part of the width of the limb, but if the leaf be treated so as to render it more translucent it will be seen that the nerve is really comparatively narrow and that the lamina continues wide until very near the apex. The areolation is quite distinct from that of B. pomiformis or indeed of any of the species ; that of B. stricta, which most resembles it, being smaller, shorter and more distinct. 4. Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. (Bryum pomiforme L.) (Tab. XL. F.). Loosely or densely tufted, soft, yellowish green or pale bright glaucous green, less often dark green, tomentose below, very variable in height (1-3 inches) and other characters. Leaves long (2-2'/* lines), patent, somewhat flexuose, usually stellately spreading when seen from above, generally crowded; when dry more erect, somewhat crisped ; very narrowly linear-subulate from a paler, hardly expanded and not sheathing base; margin narrowly recurved for nearly the whole length of the leaf, or slightly thickened above, sharply serrate for most of its length in two rows, both on the actual margin and at the folded edge ; nerve rather narrow, excurrent in a spinose-denticulate subula; cells above papillose, short, elliptical or subquadrate-rounded, at base elongated, linear, hyaline. Seta about ■§ an inch long, erect; capsule much exserted, cernuous, about 1 line in diameter, deeply sulcate. Autoicous or synoicous ; male flower just below, and hardly separated from the fertile flower. Var. /?. crispa B. & S. (Bartramia crispa Sw.). Taller, in looser tufts ; leaves less crowded, longer, more curled when dry, the base more distinct, the innovations of the year often over- topping the ripe fruit. Hab. Sandy banks and clefts of rocks, common. The var. on shady rocks on mountains, less frequent. Fr. spring. T290 BARTRAMIACE^. The commonest species, and very variable. In lowland habitats it is short, pale green, loosely tufted, with laxly set leaves; in rocky mountainous localities it becomes much more densely tufted, with dense leaves, and usually of a more dingy tint; in similar but more shady or moister situations it passes into the var. crispa, which in its extreme forms becomes almost indistinguishable, without fruit, from B. Halleriana. It is at once known from the last species by the short, less opaque areolation and the leaf base not suddenly dilated and not sheathing; from B. stricta by the flexuose, spreading leaves, of different form, and from B. (Ederi by the highly papillose areolation and longer leaves. The margin of the leaves is almost always revolute, but occasionally quite plane. It is perhaps worth noting that in the species of Bartramia, and most noticeably in those with larger fruits, the capsule if it becomes fully matured before being emptied of its spores retains its globular shape and somewhat glossy surface; if, however, as often happens, it is gathered before they are fully mature, even though the peristome is fully formed and the lid ready to fall, the capsules shrink in drying and elongate considerably, becoming oval-oblong and curved, and of a duller surface. This is perhaps most noticeable in the next species, but in the present and the preceding it is also quite evident, and on the same tuft capsules may often be found in both states and yet apparently in the same stage of maturity. The fruit is very persistent, and old setae of several years’ standing may frequently be found. 5. Bartramia Halleriana Hedw. (B. norvegica Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XL. G.). Tall and robust, in large soft tufts, 2-4 inches high or more, bright green above, brown and tomentose below. Leaves rather distinct, very long (2'/z~3 lines), from an erect sub-sheathing base divergent, spreading and flexuose, often subsecund ; when dry more or less crisped in the upper part, but usually rigid and little altered towards base ; resembling those of B. pomiformis but with a slightly wider leaf base, which is a little more rapidly narrowed into the limb ; areolation, nerve and margin as in that species. Capsules often in pairs, seta short, curved, secund, not or hardly exceeding the leaves in length; capsule rather large ; longer than that of B. pomiformis when becoming elongated as described under that species, and deeply furrowed. Inflorescence as in B. pomiformis. Hab. Damp shady rocks, usually near water, in mountainous districts; not common. Fr. summer. The most beautiful species of the genus, and quite distinct in its more distant, longer leaves, and the short arcuate setae. The stem continues growing above the flower, so that in a very short time the fruit becomes lateral; and as it is persistent the capsules of several successive years may be found clothing the stems at regular intervals, all turned to one side and presenting a very regular and beautiful appearance. The tall lax forms of B. pomiformis var. crispa so closely conform to the present species both in general appearance and in the form and structure of the leaves that it is sometimes quite impossible to distinguish them without fruit. I have indeed found the two growing closely intermixed, and with setae of very varying lengths ; but I am strongly inclined to suspect here a hybrid between the two species. As a rule how- ever the leaves of the present species are more loosely set on the stem, less. glaucous in colour, more divergent from the stem just above their base even when dry, and in their upper part more ascending, those of B. pomiformis tending to a spreading direction so that each stem, looked at from above, has a somewhat stellate appearance.PHILONOTIS. 291 70. PHILONOTIS Brid. Plants variable in size, often tall, stems with fasciculate branches, producing whorled innovations below the inflorescence; densely radiculose below. Leaves short • in the dioicous species often of two forms, those on the stem of the male plant more distant, appressed, less acuminate; cells usually papillose. Capsule cernuous, smooth or striate. Inner peristome with the cilia well developed. Paludal mosses, for the most part. A rather large and very natural genus, differing from Bartramia, as regards our species, in the short, oval or lanceolate leaves, the whorled branching, the discoid male flowers (in the dioicous species), and the cilia of the inner peristome. The dioicous species are widely distributed and very variable, and consequently present great difficulties to the systematist. /Plant minute ; seta curved ; peristome absent .......................1. Wilsoni \ Seta straight; peristome present ............................................2 {Stem under J-inch ; autoicous ; m. flower gemmiform..................2. rigida Stem usually over one inch ; dioicous; m. flower discoid......................3 f Tufts loose, without tomentum ; Is. wide-ovate, lower obtuse, cucullate ..... 3-! 3*. adpressa [Tufts matted with tomentum ; Is. acute or acuminate...........................4 ^/Perigonial bracts acute .........................................................6 fLs. spirally arranged ; nerve thick, with numerous long papillae at back............... J 3*. seriata 51 Ls. erecto-patent, spreading, or secund; nerve almost smooth at back................... V. 3. fontana ^/Plant robust; nerve strong ; median cells 10-15 fj. wide ...........4. calcarea \ Plant slender; nerve thin ; median cells 6-10 /x wide ......................7 /Perigonial bracts short, triangular, almost equilateral..........3* ccespitosa ' \ Perigonial bracts much longer than wide, acuminate ..............3. capillaris A. PHILONOTULA C.M. Small, procumbent plants, irregularly branched ; leaves not dimorphous. Synoicous or autoicous. Male flower gemmiform. 1. Philonotis Wilsoni Braithw. (Bartramidula Wilsoni B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XL. H.). Minute, slender, about |-inch high, pale green, in small loose tufts. Stems procumbent at base, branched in whorls from below the flowers. Leaves small, ovate-lanceolate, more or less acuminate, denticulate above, with plane margin; cells at base lax, rectangular, gradually narrowing above, at apex linear,292 BARTRAMIACE^. faintly papillose; nerve vanishing at apex, rarely slightly excurrent. Seta arcuate, often two or three from one peri- chaetium, about 3 lines in length ; capsule cernuous or pendulous, small, globose, very slightly tapering to the seta, not striate, slightly rugose when dry; lid convex; peristome none. Synoicous. Hab. On the ground on mountains, very rare. Fr. autumn. This very beautiful little moss has only been found in four localities, two in Ireland and one each in Scotland and Wales, and out of Britain in a single station in Fernando Po; much of its beauty arises from a delicate pink tinge to the capsule, which is lost in herbarium specimens. In vegetative characters it is almost an exact miniature of P. calcarea. 2. Philonotis rigida Brid. (Tab. XL. I.). In small dense tufts, brownish green. Stems short, with longer, rigid, stellate branches, fragile. Leaves more or less erect or erecto-patent, straight and appressed when dry, crowded, small, straight, rigid, narrow, lanceolate-subulate; margin plane, or slightly reflexed, sharply denticulate, nerve strong, prominent at back, excurrent in a short, fine cuspidate point ; cells small, narrowly rectangular, slightly papillose, rather wider at base. Seta long for the size of the plant (f-f inch), flexuose; capsule large, globose, striate ; lid convex, apiculate. Autoicous; male flower near the fertile, gemmiform. Hab. Sandy banks and rocks, in warm or sheltered situations, rare. Fr. early summer. A southern species, chiefly found on the southern coasts of England and Ireland, but also recorded from a few localities as far north as the Isle of Man. The fruit is large for the plant, and when present there is no difficulty in recognising it; and even when barren the rigidity of the whole plant, the very narrow, straight leaves, hardly altered in drying, and the small size of all the parts, easily distinguish it from the species of the succeeding Section ; it is a larger plant than the preceding, with quite different fruit. B. EU-PHILONOTIS. Usually robust and erect; stems usually straight and regularly branched. Dioicous. Male flower discoid, terminal. [The European plants comprised under this Section are closely allied to one another, several of them are extremely variable, and intermediate forms in many cases exist. The difficulty of determin- ing their true position is also enhanced by the frequent sterilityPHILONOTIS. 293 of the plants, barren stems alone, or stems possessing only one kind of flower, being often found. I am strongly of opinion that a comparison of a complete series of the European plants would reveal so many slight gradations and such a constant presence of intermediate forms as to render it necessary to group them all round P fontana within the limits of a single species. The study of a considerable number and a wide variety of British dorms has confirmed this opinion, but I have not had the oppor- tunity of studying a sufficiently large number of the continental plants to feel justified in making so great a change from the usual arrangement. Boulay, it is true, in his Muscindes de la France, has suggested and indeed carried out this view, but since the publication of that work many new forms have been found, and new light thrown on the older ones by their discovery in the fruit- ing state. In the absence of fruit, or of fruiting characters of importance, I attach most weight to the form of the perigonial leaves, and I have thought it better, in default of this latter character, to unite with P fontana as sub-species, such forms as appear (like P. adpressd) too distinct in their foliar organs to rank as mere varieties.] 3. Philonotis fontana Brid. (Mnium fontanum L.) (Tab. XL. J.). In its typical form growing in tall, wide tufts, loose above, but closely interwoven below with tomentum, usually yellowish green, but not unfrequently of a pale glaucous green. Plant slender, 1-6 inches high or more, occasionally forked, usually producing several branches below the flowers, stem fragile, red. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, more or less longly acuminate, usually very slightly turned to one side, appressed when dry ; generally with 1-2 more or less distinct plicse on each side of the nerve, margin usually distinctly revolute (one side generally more strongly than the other, or one side only), denticulate, often in two rows with the papillae and the transverse walls of the cells. Nerve rather strong, smooth or only lightly papillose at back, usually more or less excurrent, especially in the upper leaves ; cells rectangular, towards the base rather loosely so, gradually narrower above, the median about 6-10 y. wide, in the acumen narrowly linear-vermicular; all somewhat incrassate and more or less strongly papillose at one or both ends. Leaves of the male stems more distant, appressed to stem, smaller, less acutely acuminate, with a shorter nerve. Seta dark red, inches long; capsule large, brown, thick-walled, striate, when dry sulcate, often slightlyBARTRAMIACE^I. 294 elongate and ovate. Male flower large, bright reddish brown, the bracts spreading, almost horizontal, widely ovate-triangular from an erect base, obtuse and usually rounded at apex, serrate, nerve broad, thin, becoming indistinct and vanishing below the summit. Var. f3. compacta Schp. Tufts small, compact, densely tomentose ; stems very slender, leaves small, narrow, lanceolate, hardly plicate, margin plane or almost so, nerve vanishing below the apex, or excurrent. Var. y. falcata Brid. Leaves falcato-secund, branches hooked at apex. Var. 8. pumila (Bartramia pumila Turn.). Stems more slender, leaves smaller, of thinner, less opaque texture; seta more slender, capsule smaller. Hab. Peat bogs and springs. Common in mountainous districts. The var. f$ at higher altitudes, not common, usually by streams or among rocks. The var. 7, Wales, Scotland. The var. 5 not uncommon, but usually sterile. Fr. summer. The forms of this protean plant are endless, and no good purpose seems served by giving varietal names to the numberless variations which occur. The var. compacta, however, includes within narrow limits a series of forms of very similar habit, remark- able for their slenderness, compactness, and uniform, narrow leaves, very finely acuminate, and with the nerve frequently excurrent in a very long arista (though occasionally vanishing),—the exact antithesis, in fact, of P. adpressa. The var. falcata, as described by Braithwaite, is evidently an intermediate form between the present species and P. calcarea. The falcate direction of the leaves is however, in itself, neither important nor uncommon, and it is quite clear that different authors by no means intend the same plants by this name. (v. description of P. seriata.) P. fontana frequently grows among rocks in and by mountain streams, and usually then departs widely from the typical form, very often in the direction of greater slenderness, with longer more undivided stems, usually barren, and with the leaves mostly shorter and smaller, the colour as a rule darker and more lurid, not uncommonly almost black. Very slender forms may be found approaching P. capillar is, while robust plants are not unfrequently seen which in the barren state are very difficult to separate from P. calcarea. I have fertile specimens from N. America which I refer, on Mitten’s authority, to the var. pumila (Bartr. pumila Turn.). I learn from him that it was this plant which Wilson, at one time at least, regarded as B. ptimila, and he also tells me that he has seen it, though barren only, from England, Scotland and Ireland. In his opinion it should be considered a separate species, but I must confess that in vegetative characters it does not appear to me to differ so widely from the type as many other varietal forms, and it is only on account of the slenderness of the fruiting organs that I have felt justified in retaining it even as a variety. In N. America it appears to be common. * Philonotis csespitosa Wils. (Tab. XL. K.). Shorter, more slender, soft or rigid, usually of a dull, deeper green, stems less branched. Leaves less closely imbricated, homomallous, small, not plicate, margin often plane ; fruit as in P. fontana. Male plants with small, appressed, less acuminatePHILONOTIS. 295 leaves ; perigonial bracts very wide, short, acute, nerve distinct, reaching apex. Hab. Bogs and wet heaths, rare, and not found in fruit in Britain. Fr. summer. The acute perigonial bracts form practically the only character to separate this plant from P. fontana. The leaves, in Wilson’s plant from Walton, Cheshire, are exactly what one often finds in the smaller forms of that species, more particularly its var. compacta. In Mr. BagnalPs plant from Studley, Warwickshire, I find the margin recurved as strongly as in ordinary P. fontana. The male flowers are rare ; the bracts are almost as wide as long, so that their outline is nearly that of an equilateral triangle, whereas in P. capillaris and P. calcarea they are considerably longer than broad, and more narrowly acuminate. In the absence of other characters of importance I do not think P. ccespitosa can claim specific rank ; and this view is strongly supported by the fact that Venturi (Rev. Pry. 1882, p. 43) describes a specimen of Wilson’s from Warrington as in no way differing in the flowers from ordinary P. fontana, and moreover the inner perigonial bracts are sub-obtuse in British specimens examined by Boulay (Mnscindes de la France, p. 216). In any case the vegetative characters, as distinct from P. fontana, are so slight, if they exist at all, that it would not always be safe to refer plants to this sub-species in the absence of male flowers. * Philonotis adpressa Ferg. (Tab. XLI. A.). Stems very slender and elongated, 2-5 inches long, with few short branches, dull green, reddish below, easily separating, hardly tomentose, weak and flexuose. Leaves not crowded, appressed, flaccid, very widely ovate from a broad, amplexicaul, slightly decurrent base, with one or two plicae on each side, concave, the lower obtuse and cncullate, the upper gradually more pointed, but rarely much acuminate; nerve very strong, ceasing below apex or excurrent in the apical leaves; margin more or less reflexed, areolation lax, papillose. Inflorescence unknown. Hab. Springs on mountains, very rare ; Scotland. This is one of the most distinct forms of the group, and would certainly be entitled to specific rank should the perigonia or fruit, when found, exhibit any characters distinct from those of P. fontana. Should that, however, not prove the case, the above characters would not, I think, warrant its separation from the poly- morphous P. fontana ; although very different in aspect, and for the most part in leaf form and structure, it will be found that the most typical plants usually show, in the uppermost leaves, a distinct tendency towards the normal, acuminate form of P. fontana, with excurrent nerve ; and it may be questioned whether, at the most, P. adpressa shows any wider variation from the typical form than does, in exactly the opposite direction, the var. compacta of that species. The wide, distant, erect and appressed leaves, not spreading nor falcate, very shortly pointed or even obtuse and cucullate, the slender stems only slightly radiculose and not coherent, render it, how- ever, easy of recognition. * Philonotis seriata Mitt. (Tab. XLI. B.). Resembling P fontana but in looser, less cohering tufts, reddish below, stems rather slender. Leaves (especially where296 BARTRAMIACE/E. crowded) spirally imbricated both wet and dry, rather long, falcate, often widely pointed, plicate; nerve very strong, red, strongly papillose at back, not much excurrent; fruit and male inflorescence as in P. fontana. Hab. Springs and bogs ; Scotland, very rare, sterile. Fr. summer. The peculiar arrangement of the leaves, forming, in the more typical specimens, distinct spiral ridges on the stems both in the wet and dry state, is the most obvious characteristic of this plant, and gives it a marked facies under the lens, which is how- ever less visible where the leaves are more distant. The long, rather narrow leaves and very strong papillose nerve are also characteristic. Husnot considers P. seriata a form intermediate between P. fontana and its var. falcata. The latter variety has no doubt included, and was probably intended to include forms which would now be termed P. seriata ; but it would surely be more accurate to say that the forms with spirally twisted leaves and thick, papillose nerve, hitherto included under P. fontana var. falcata must now be separated and transferred to P. seriata, so long as the latter is held to deserve independent or sub-specific rank ; the var. falcata being restricted to forms of P. fontana with falcate leaves, wanting the special characters above described. 4. Philonotis calcarea Schp. (Tab. XLI. C.). Usually a more robust plant than the stoutest forms of P. Jontana, of a vivid bright or pale green, rarely brownish or yellowish green. Leaves larger, longer, more regularly falcato- secund, with a stouter nerve, margin usually widely revolute only on one side, areolation larger and wider, about 10-15 \x at middle, less incrassate and more pellucid, papillose; leaves of male plant less crowded, but otherwise little differing. Capsule large, re- sembling that of P fontana. Perigonial bracts acute, much longer than broad, nerve distinct, reaching apex. Hab. Bogs in calcareous districts ; not uncommon. Fruit rare, summer. In its typical and most common form the colour and size of this species readily distinguish it from P. fontana, and the strong nerve and laxer areolation, rendering the leaf more pellucid, are also characteristic, as are also the length and direction of the leaves. I have, however, found plants with much more slender stems, and with the leaves in size and direction exactly as in P. fontayia, the bright green colour and the nerve and areolation alone (besides the calcareous habitat) showing them to belong to this species ; and forms not unfrequently occur, principally alpine, which in size, colour, and areolation are somewhat intermediate between the two species. The perigonial bracts, however, appear to be constant in their form and acuteness, and are probably to be relied on as a good specific character. 5. Philonotis capillaris Lindb. [P. fontana var. capillaris Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XLI. D.). Very small, yz-2 inches high, stems extremely slender, almost capillary, slightly branched, often procumbent, bright or pale green; hardly radiculose. Leaves very small, uniformPHILONOTIS. 29; slightly homomallous or erecto-patent, narrowly ovate-lanceolate finely acuminate, not concave nor plicate, margin plane or slightly and very narrowly recurved, nerve rather narrow, usually vanishing in apex ; cells moderately lax, papillose. Perigonial bract; squarrose or even slightly reflexed, rather long, acute; nervt thin, rather indistinct, usually vanishing below apex. Hab. In clefts of rocks and beside springs ; rare ; male flowers only found ii Britain. This pretty little plant appears to me fully as deserving of independent rank a any of the forms of the group. The small, uniform leaves, mostly with plane margin and quite free from plicae, show characters which, if not very distinct, appear to b unusually constant, while the perigonial bracts are certainly more distinct from thoS' of P. fontana than are those of any other of the allied plants. There has been much confusion as to the name P. capillaris, in great measun owing to its having been applied to several plants which have afterwards prove< distinct; Husnot has separated two forms, P. capillaris Lindb. with the perigonia bracts erecto-patent, shortly pointed, with nerve reaching apex, and P. Arnelli Husn. with the perigonial bracts squarrose, even slightly reflexed, and much mor longly and finely acuminate with the nerve excurrent; to these Philibert (Rev. Bry 1894, p. 8) has added another, P. Ryani, somewhat intermediate in the perigonia bracts, but differing in the leaves. Our British form, judging from male plants whicl I have gathered in Skye and in the Lake District, stands somewhat midway betweei P. Arnellii and P. Ryani, the perigonial leaves are distinctly squarrose or even ; little reflexed, longer and more tapering than in P. capillaris (sensu Husnot) but les finely acuminate than in P. Arnellii, and with the nerve usually vanishing below tb apex. It seems probable that after all these forms will eventually have to be re united. It must be remembered that the perigonial bracts are always erecto-paten for some time, and their direction must be determined from quite mature specimens The above description refers to our British plants, so far as I am acquainted witl them, alone. The Scotch specimens referred to above have the inner perigonia leaves a little less acuminate and acute than in the others I have examined. 71. BREUTELIA Schp. Tall, robust plants, with tomentose stems ; branches irregular Leaves spreading and squarrose, plicate ; cells narrow. Capsuh more or less pendulous, striate ; peristome as in Bartramia. A large genus of fine plants, the following species being thi only European representative, and though not uncommon with us a great rarity on the continent. 1. Breutelia arcuata Schp. (Mnium arcuatum Dicks. Breutelia chrysocoma Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XLI. F.). Tall, robust, 3-6 inches long, bright or golden green, in largi loose tufts. Stems covered with dense brown tomentum, oftei decumbent, forked, or with alternate branches, or with somewha whorled branchlets below the flowers. Leaves large, equal ii298 BARTRAMIACE/®. size, trom an erect base, rigid, squarrose, cuspidate at the tips of the branches, when dry somewhat shrinking, but hardly altering in direction, glossy, sub-scariose; base somewhat sheathing, widening upwards from the insertion, then quickly narrowed and lanceolate, gradually tapering to a long, finely acuminate point; 3-4. deep narrow plicae on each side of the nerve. Margin plane or very narrowly recurved, finely and closely denticulate ; nerve very narrow, reaching apex ; cells very narrow, linear, 4-8 times as long as wide, gradually becoming longer below, a few at basal angles wider and larger; upper usually with a single sharp papilla at the lower end. Perichsetial bracts erect, not papillose. Seta short, red, arcuate, usually abruptly bent, almost geniculate, about the middle ; capsule orange-brown, large, striate, sulcate when dry, thin-walled; lid very small. Dioicous ; male flowers terminal, discoid, bright golden brown, the perigonial bracts finely acuminate. Hab. Damp rocks, frequent by waterfalls and by mountain streams. Fruit very rare, autumn. A very fine species, having some outward resemblance to some species of Hylocomium, such as H. triquetrum or H. loreum, in the branching and the direction and form of the leaves, a resemblance which is increased by the plicate, sub-scariose leaves with almost Hypnoid areolation. The dense felt-like coating of brown tomentum that covers the stems for the greater part of their length is however quite sufficient to distinguish it at first sight; and in the sharp papilla; and narrow, single nerve the leaves are also quite distinct trom those of the species named ; the latter character, with the large, plicate, squarrose leaves, and indeed the general habit, fully separate it from any of the species of the present Order. Order XVIII. BRYACE/E. Plants usually growing in dense tufts, the stems producing numerous innovations towards the base and below the inflor- escence. Leaves usually increasing in size upwards and forming a comal tuft, the nerve long and frequently excurrent, the tissue usually thin and much shrunken when dry, with cells more or less rhomboidal or more rarely linear-vermicular, prosenchy- matous, smooth, thin-walled. Calyptra narrow, cucullate, smooth, soon falling off. Capsule on an elongated seta, pendulous, or more or less inclined or suberect, never or very rarely erect; symmetrical or nearly so, varying from rounded-pyriform to narrowly clavate, usually with a shorter or longer tapering, narrow neck, not striate ; lid convex, mamillate or apiculate, very rarely with a longer beak (never longly rostrate in the British species). Peristome usually double; outer teeth lanceolate,OREAS. 29c undivided, densely articulate and internally transversely trabecu- late ; inner peristome thin, pale, usually of 16 more or less perforated processes alternating with the teeth, with or withoui intermediate cilia varying in development and number, ofter nodose with short transverse appendages at intervals (v. Tab. V.) A very large family, for the most part presenting a consider- able uniformity of habit, and for this reason forming a natura group, but a difficult one for the systematist, and equally so foi the student. The descriptions of the size and form of capsule include the neck, unless otherwise stated. 72. OREAS Brid. Plants densely tufted, stems slender. Capsule erect 01 inclined, obovate-clavate with the distinct tapering neck peristome single or double, or absent. Inflorescence gemmiform, lateral. Alpine rock plants. The species described below forms, with its varieties, the only European representative of the genus; some of the varieties have been separated as species, and another species Oreas Martiana, has been included, but turns out to belong tc the Dicranaceae. 1. Oreas Mielichhoferi Brid. (Mielichhoferia nitida Hornsch Schp. Syn.) (Tab. XLI. E.). Short, very densely and compactly tufted, deep silky greer above, dark brown below, 2-3 inches high ; stems very slender, rigid, fastigiately branched. Leaves small, short, erecto-patent rather rigid, closely imbricated when dry, oblong-lanceolate 01 narrowly lanceolate, shortly pointed, margin plane, denticulate towards apex, nerve rather stout, disappearing below the point cells narrowly linear-rhomboid, wider and rectangular at base Seta rather short, flexuose ; capsule obovate or clavate, with 1 distinct neck, erect or more usually inclined, pale brown; lie conical, obtuse or apiculate; peristome single, of 16 narrow linear teeth, widening and slightly confluent at base ; pah yellow. Dioicous; male inflorescence gemmiform, lateral on the stem or branches. Var. /3. elongata B. & S. (Mielichhoferia elongata Hornsch. O. Mielichhoferi var. compacta Braithw., Br. M. FI.; vars gracilis and elongata, Schp. Syn.). Short or tall; stem:300 BRYACE^:. extremely slender, with smaller, shorter, more closely imbricated leaves. Hab. The type not found in Britain. The var. elongata on wet alpine rocks, very rare ; usually barren. Fr. autumn. This little moss is known by its very slender, compact stems, forming bright, velvety-green tufts, the leaves very small, but quite Bryoid in their structure. 73. ORTHODONTIUM Schwgr. Small, delicate mosses, with narrow, flexuose leaves. Capsule small, erect or inclined, on a very slender seta, narrowly oblong with a slender, tapering neck. Peristome double; outer teeth narrow, distant; inner peristome a very short basal membrane with 16 slender processes, without intermediate cilia. 1. Orthodontium gracile Schwgr. (Bryum gracile Wils.; Stableria gracilis Lindb., Braithw. Br. M. FI.) (Tab. XLI. G.). Stems densely tufted, slender, hardly branched, about | inch high, rarely taller, bright green, silky. Leaves flexuose, when dry somewhat curled, very narrow, linear-setaceous, the upper longest (i-i^ lines); margin plane, entire or obsoletely denticulate above, nerve vanishing at apex, narrow, rather indistinct above, areolation narrowly linear-rhomboid, at base wider, hexagonal-rectangular, hyaline. Seta short, less than l/x inch high, pale, very slender; capsule suberect, narrowly clavate, with a slender tapering neck, thin-walled; lid acutely pointed. Peristome teeth incurved when dry, inserted below the mouth of the capsule. Paroicous; antheridia in the axils of the comal leaves. Hab. Sandstone rocks ; more rarely on rotten tree stumps ; rare. Fr. spring. A very rare and distinct species, hardly known outside Britain except in two or three French localities. In habit it rather resembles the Dicranaceae than a Bryum, and may easily be taken for one of these or for Campylostelium saxicola without a reference to the microscope, when however the areolation reveals its affinities ; the leaves also are much longer. It resembles Leptobryum in the leaves, but the areolation is wider and looser, and the fruit much narrower and indeed altogether ■different. 74. LEPTOBRYUM Wils. Mosses with annual stems, not innovating above, slender. Leaves very narrow, setaceous, with narrow areolation. Capsule pyriform, pendulous, glossy. Peristome as in Bryum.LEPTOBRYUM. 301 The habit, and the very narrow leaves with broad nerve, seem to justify the separation of the few species of this genus from Bryum, which they resemble in the fruit. 1. Leptobryum pyriforme Wils. (Mnium pyriforme L.) (Tab. XLI. H.). Closely tufted, pale shining green, silky; stems |-i inch high, very slender. Leaves erecto-patent or divergent, flexuose when dry, the upper longer, in a comal tuft, linear-setaceous, long, tapering to a subulate point, flexuose; margin plane, denticulate above ; nerve strong, but rather indistinct, broad, occupying most of the acumen, slightly excurrent, cells very narrow, linear, pointed at the ends and prosenchymatous or obtuse and parenchymatous, at base a little wider. Perichaetial bracts widened at the base, very long ; seta tall, slender, rather flexuose, orange, 1-2 inches high ; capsule inclined or pendulous, pyriform with the long narrow neck, the capsule itself oval- globose, abruptly passing into the neck, thin-walled, very glossy, bright reddish brown, rather wide-mouthed after the fall of the hemispherical, pointed lid. Peristome yellow, inner with long, appendiculate cilia. Synoicous, or imperfectly dioicous. Hab. Sandstone rocks, cinders, etc., often in hothouses, not uncommon. Fr. spring or early summer. A very elegant and beautiful plant, both in the leaf and in the fruit, which is usually very abundant; the setaceous leaves give it the appearance of a Dicranella or Dicranodontium. Barren plants with terminal flowers often occur, having the appearance of male plants, but they contain abortive archegonia mixed with the antheridia. Leptobryum differs from Orthodontium gracile in the more denticulate leaves with broader nerve and narrower areolation, as well as in the fruit. The burnished capsules are exceedingly pretty. A stunted variety has been separated as L. minus, but on too slight grounds; it has not, I believe, been recorded from our islands. 75. WEBERA Hedw. (Pohlia Hedw., Braithw. Br. M. FI,). Tufted, stems usually slender, rarely innovating above. Leaves usually rather narrow, becoming narrower upwards and often much longer in the coma, nerve rarely excurrent, cells narrowly rhomboid or almost linear, rarely wider. Calyptra small, very soon deciduous. Capsule pyriform to clavate, with or without a tapering neck. Peristome as in Bryum ; but cilia without appendages.302 BRYACE^J. This genus differs from Bryum chiefly in the habit and in the usually narrower areolation ; still there is a facies about the plants belonging to it by which they may be generally known at once, produced by the narrower leaves, the stems usually more slender, less frequently innovating below the inflorescence and consequently not as a rule producing the densely crowded tufts so usual in Bryum. The nerve, too, always (in our own species) ceases below the point or at any rate fails to reach beyond it, whereas in Bryum it is generally more or less excurrent. The fruit generally shows a more marked differentiation between the capsule and neck than is usual in the latter genus. {Ls. wide-ovate, entire, with reddish border of narrow cells ....... 10. Tozeri Ls. not evidently bordered..................................................2 /Ls. very decurrent, the lower obtuse ; tufts red within ...........6. Ludwigii /Ls. not or scarcely decurrent, usually acute or acuminate ...................3 {Cells wide, over 15 ; capsule very short and small ..........................4 Cells narrow, under 1$ fj.; capsule longer or larger .......................5 {Plant soft, 1-3 inches ; leaves glaucous-green.....................\Dioicous ; Is. nearly or quite entire ....................................7 /Branches few, erect, cylindric ; Is. pale .........................j. albicans ‘ \Stem usually procumbent, more branched ; acumen twisted.........2. glareosum g/Seta rough above, smooth below; Is. often secund ................13. plumosum f Stem-leaves with cordate base and decurrent wings and long fine points (alpine 9s plants) ..................................................................10 [Stem-leaves not cordate, rarely decurrent ...............................11 io/PIant small and slender ; nerve reaching far into acumen........10. rejlexum \Plant larger ; nerve ceasing far below acumen......................8. Starkei j fLs. nerved nearly to apex, narrow, with very narrow acumen...... 12. populeum \ Nerve ceasing some distance below apex .................................12 2\Auricles absent, or indistinct and greenish................................14 /Dioicous ; Is. usually large and wide; plant robust ...............7. rivulare Autoicous ; plant small; Is. more or less imbricate ..............9. glaciale /Plant robust; Is. widely ovate, over I line long ..............6. rutabulum Plant slender ; Is under f-line long....................................15 /Ls. more or less imbricate ; branches few and slender .........14. cczspitosum 5\Ls. divergent, often sub-secund ; branches numerous and short velutinum 1. Brachythecium plicatum B. & S. (Hypnum plicatum Schleich.; Ptychodium plicatum Schp., Syn.; Lesquereuxia plicata Lindb.) (Tab. LI I. F.). Robust, dull yellowish green or brownish. Stems creeping, divided, 2-5 inches long, rather rigid ; divisions prostrate, somewhat pinnately branched, the branches stout, not attenuated, sub-terete when dry, erect or ascending. Leaves closely imbri- cated, erecto-patent or slightly sub-secund, large, about 1 line long, rapidly and longly acuminate from a wide, ovate base, deeply plicate, interspersed with numerous, multiform para- phyllia ; margin entire, widely revolute; nerve strong, reaching into the acumen. Cells narrowly linear-rhomboid, somewhat vermicular, 8-15 times as long as broad, towards base slightly shorter and wider, at extreme base short, incrassate, with the walls porose; at angles rather large, sub-quadrate, opaque, numerous. Seta smooth. Capsule horizontal or inclined, oblong, arcuate; lid acutely conical. Inner peristome without cilia. Dioicous. Hab. Alpine calcareous rocks. Very rare ; the Ben Lawers range of mountains. Fruit very rare, autumn. There is little difficulty in identifying this moss, as the allied species with strongly plicate leaves are all found in different habitats ; the leaves also are wider and more suddenly acuminate, and the plicae more irregular, than in Camptothecium or Pleuropus, and the paraphyllia, the long nerve, and the narrow, elongated cells separate it from400 HYPNACE^E. all the similar species of its own genus. It has some resemblance to Antitrichia curtipendula, which is known by its toothed leaves and the absence of paraphyllia. B. plicatiun varies somewhat in the size of its parts, but there are no important varieties. 2. Brachythecium glareosum B. & S. {Hypnum glareosum Bruch) (Tab. LI I. G.). In its most robust forms resembling Camptothecium lutescens, in its more slender ones B. salebros:im ; stems creeping, often very long, sometimes 6 or 8 inches, but more frequently much shorter; slender, flexuose, silky, soft; branches ascending or depressed, rather distant, irregularly pinnate, terete or slightly flattened. In straggling patches, pale whitish green, shining. Leaves somewhat crowded, lines long, from a wide, ovate- lanceolate base, gradually or rather rapidly narrowed to an almost filiform, twisted acumen, deeply plicate, slightly decurrent; margin revolute just above the middle, entire at base, entire or slightly denticulate in the acumen ; nerve wide at base, soon becoming narrow, vanishing about the middle of the leaf. Cells elongate, linear-rhomboid, thin-walled, 8-12 times as long as broad, chloro- phyllose, towards base wider and rather shorter, often markedly laxer, the walls thin, hardly porose ; angular cells rather numerous, sub-rectangular, somewhat large and pellucid. Seta smooth. Capsule small, oblique, arcuate. Lid conical, acute. Dioicous. Hab. Calcareous banks, quarries, etc., not uncommon. Fr. very rare, winter. In its typical form B. glareosum is known by its prostrate, sub-pinnate stems with distant, silky, soft branches, and the leaves ending in a very long, twisted, filiform acumen. Sometimes however the branches are more crowded, erect and slender, when the plant resembles B. albicans. It is then known by the less concave, less imbricated, chlorophyllose, denticulate leaves, with the areolation usually longer. B. salebrosum differs in the monoicous inflorescence, the smaller leaves with shorter, hardly twisted acumen, fainter plicae, &c. ; B. campestre in the autoicous inflorescence, the leaves less acuminate, the seta slightly rough. Camptothecium and Pleuropus differ in the narrow basal areolation. 3. Brachythecium albicans B. & S. (.Hypnum albicans Neck.) (Tab. LI I. H.). Stems ascending, branches erect, crowded, slender, terete and often julaceous, often curved at the tips ; in dense tufts, pale yellowish or whitish green, more rarely bright green ; 1-3 inches high. Leaves densely itnbricated, when dry closely imbricated with the points divergent, sometimes sub-secund, concave, plicate, of thin texture, widely ovate, abruptly acuminate to a rather short piliform point; margin plane or slightly recurved at base,BRACHYTHECIUM. 401 entire, rarely superficially denticulate at apex, nerve reaching to the middle ; cells variable in width, linear-rhomboid, usually 8-10 times as long as broad, pellucid, much laxer towards base, at angles sub-quadrate, somewhat opaque, forming a narrow but rather long marginal band. Seta smooth. Capsule small, shortly oval. Dioicous. Hab. Stony places, wall-tops, etc., on siliceous soil ; common. Fr. very rare, spring. A more slender plant than either the preceding or B. salebrosum ; usually readily known by the julaceous imbrication of the leaves, which are more abruptly acuminate, almost always entire, of thin texture and sometimes almost hyaline. B. glareosum at times somewhat simulates it, but may then be known by the more gradually and more longly acuminate, denticulate leaves. 4. Brachythecium salebrosum B. &S. {Hypnum salebrosum Hoffm.; Hypnum plumosum L., non Swartz.) (Tab. LI I. I.). Intermediate in habit and vegetative structure between B. rutabulum and B. glareosum, and, like the former, very variable. The leaves are usually narrower than in typical B. rutabulum, somewhat deltoid-lanceolate, gradually tapering to a rather long, fine acumen, but not so long as in B. glareosum, often sub- secund, hardly concave, or somewhat concave-carinate at base, more or less deeply plicate, denticulate all round, or almost entire, margin plane or recurved ; nerve thin, reaching about half-way or to the base of the acumen ; areolation as in B. rutabulum. Seta smooth, usually rather long, but variable. Capsule oval- oblong, somewhat turgid at back, curved; annulus narrow. Autoicous. Var. f3. palustre Schp. (Hypnum Mildeanum Schp.). More robust and less branched, more erect, with larger, broader, cordate-triangular leaves, erect, not sub-secund, more rigid, hardly plicate, more shortly acuminate. IIab. About the roots of trees, the foot of rocks, on stones, etc.; rare. The var. /3 in damp clayey meadows, etc.; rare. Fr. autumn. The essential characters of this species are the quite smooth seta, by which it is distinguished from B. rutabulum and B. campestre, and the autoicous inflorescence, separating it from B. glareosum and other dioicous species. It is also usually a more silky plant than B. rutabulum, with narrower, more shining, more plicate leaves, with longer acumens, though shorter than in B. glareosum. It is however a very variable plant, and some forms approach B. rutabulum so closely that it is doubtful whether barren plants may be always safely referred to one or the other, especially as the paludal form of B. rutabulum, which most nearly approaches the present species in its narrower, more acuminate leaves than in the type, is most frequently barren. B. salebrosum is however, as Spruce pointed out, a very fertile species, the flowers AI402 HYPNACE^. being almost always to be found, and usually in abundance. The var. palustre (usually cited as var. Mildeanum) is a marked form, by Lindberg and others, as by Schimper himself formerly, considered as a species ; but the characters by which it is distinguished are somewhat inconstant, different writers often disagreeing as to certain points of structure ; nor, although conferring a different facies on the plant, are they of great importance. Both male and female flowers are almost always to be found in abundance, throughout the year. Synoicous flowers are sometimes, but exceptionally, present. 5. Brachythecium campestre B. & S. (Hypnum campestre Bruch) (Tab. LII. J.). Resembling B. salebrosum, with the leaves usually slightly more erect and imbricated, but not constantly so. Seta smooth at base, slightly rough above. Autoicous. Hab. Stony and grassy places, very rare. Fr. autumn and winter. There is practically no difference between this plant and B. salebrosum except the slightly rough seta, and it is questionable whether it should not be more properly considered a sub-species or variety of that plant; the possibility also suggests itself whether it may not be a hybrid between that and B. rutabulum ; but the plant is hardly sufficiently known at present to warrant such a conclusion. It will not be confounded with B. rutabulum, on account of the silky, plicate, longly acuminate leaves, as well as the much less highly papillose seta, but from B. salebrostnn it could hardly be distinguished without fruit. 6. Brachythecium rutabulum B. & S. (Hypnum rutabulum L.) (Tab. LII. K.). A very variable plant; stems creeping, somewhat radiculose, divided ; branches irregular, sometimes sub-pinnate, erect or ascending, curved, robust; forming large loose tufts of a bright glossy green. Leaves large, cordate-ovate, or ovate-oblong, shortly and acutely acuminate; more rarely longly ovate-lanceolate and more longly acuminate; rather loosely placed, somewhat divergent both when wet and dry, not, or rarely, erect and imbricated; usually somewhat concave ; not or hardly decurrent, faintly plicate, especially when dry ; margin plane or slightly reflexed, finely denticulate usually nearly all round ; nerve thin, narrow, except at the base, reaching half-way or rather more. Cells acutely linear-rhomboid, sometimes slightly vermicular, very narrow, variable in length, usually 15-20 times as long as broad but sometimes shorter ; towards base gradually becoming shorter and wider, but in a very variable degree, at extreme base wide, oval-hexagonal, the walls somewhat porose ; at angles wide, subquadrate-oval, rather obscure, forming larger or smaller but not well-defined nor hyaline auricles. Perichsetial bracts nerve- less, longly and finely acuminate, squarrose. Seta stronglyBRACHYTHECIUM. 403 papillose, robust, variable in length, usually about 1 inch; capsule of varying length, oval-oblong or sub-cylindrical, gibbous at back, arcuate, dark reddish brown; lid conical, short and obtuse or longly acuminate ; annulus broad ; peristome large. Autoicous. Hab. On earth, walls, trees, etc. Very common. Fr. winter. With all its variations this is as a rule not a difficult plant to recognise, except in those forms, when barren, which are mentioned above as somewhat approaching B. salebrosuni; these are chiefly paludal. The rather coarse, broad, rigid leaves, glossy or scariose but hardly silky, almost always more or less spreading even when dry, give it a characteristic appearance. It is often found barren, but is quite common in fruit, which it frequently produces in great profusion ; and the seta, rough through- out all its length, at once identifies it; all the other British species of the genus, except B. rivulare, which have this character, being of quite different habit. B. rivulare is dioicous, and is almost always known by its shortly and widely pointed, decurrent leaves with very lax basal areolation and well defined auricles. B. sale- brosum, B. campestre and B. glareosum have almost always narrower, silky leaves, more deeply plicate and longly acuminate. B. Starkei has much shorter and wider cells, strongly decurrent leaves, etc. ; B. velulinum is much more slender. Several varieties have been described, the var. longisetum B. & S. being one of the most marked, having long stems with narrower more distant leaves, and much longer setae ; but neither this nor others seem of great importance. The var. robustum Schp. has erect, stout branches, with densely crowded, very wide leaves. Many allied species have recently been described from N. America, but it seems probable that some of them at least will have to rank as synonyms or as varieties ; the American forms, indeed, of Brachythecium are very numerous, and a revision of this genus, including the newly described forms, will soon become very desirable. An alpine form occurs in mountain streams with dense, parallel, slender branch- ing, and small, ovate-oblong, tapering leaves. B. rutabulum is by far our commonest species, and very abundant. 7. Brachythecium rivulare B. & S. (Hypnum rivulare Bruch) (Tab. LII. L.). Resembling B. rutabulum and almost equally variable; robust, usually paler, often golden green, shining, more rigid, with longer branches. Leaves more erect and more regularly imbricated when dry, those of the stems usually widely ovate- triangular, shortly and rather widely, not finely acuminate, some- times only sub-acute (those of the branches narrower and more longly acuminate), concave, decurrent, rigid and sub-scariose, more or less deeply plicate ; margin plane or slightly revolute at base, denticulate; upper cells as in B. rutabulum, or frequently shorter and much laxer, the basal laxer, wide, usually with incrassate, highly porose walls, at decurrent angles large, pellucid, forming rather well-defined, sometimes hyaline auricles, in the older leaves frequently orange-brown. Seta strongly papillose; capsule usually rather short and turgid. Dioicous. Var. /3. latifolium Husn. (Hyp. latifolium Lindb.). Secondary stems erect, slender, almost simple, cuspidate; usually of a404 HVPNACE^E. deeper green, soft in texture; leaves less plicate, broad, longly decurrent with distinct auricles, margin slightly recurved at base. Var. y. tenue Dixon n. var. Very slender, almost prostrate, yellowish, branches short, often curved at the tips ; leaves small, distant, widely spreading when dry. Var. S. chrysophyllum Spr. Slender, usually yellowish green; leaves glossy, scariose, strongly plicate ; margin reflexed. Hab. Rocks and stony places by streams ; often submerged. Frequent. The var. latifolium in alpine streams, rare. The var. tenue, Fairlight Glen, Hastings (Jameson). The var. chrysophyllum rare ; Cannock Chase and Teesdale (Bagnall). Fr. autumn. In addition to the dioicous inflorescence, this species differs from B. rutabulum in the more shortly, widely pointed leaves with laxer pellucid basal and angular cells, usually exhibiting distinct, decurrent auricles; the leaves are usually, also, more plicate, more erect and regularly imbricated when dry, less flexuose and spreading ; the plant is, however, very variable in size and habit, as well as in form of leaf. ff. latifolium Lindb. is certainly nothing but a variety of this species ; I have frequently gathered intermediate forms with the basal areolation and decurrent angles most strongly marked, but without the peculiar habit of the var. latifolium, while on the other hand specimens of that variety do not always show the above structure markedly, the leaves are sometimes plicate, and the margin at base is often plane. I have gathered what seem undoubtedly plants of this variety on Snowdon and on Sea Fell Pike. The plant which I have described above as var. tenue is a very marked form, with none of the habit of ordinary B. rivulare ; it is specially characterised by the slender, prostrate habit with narrow, wide-spreading, not erect nor imbricated leaves. Several other forms, more or less marked, occur ; when submerged in mountain streams the stems are, as usual under such conditions, elongated and almost simple, the leaves wide, shortly pointed or even almost obtuse, frequently hardly plicate. On the other hand a lowland, marsh form has narrower, rather longly acuminate, deeply plicate leaves. The var. chrysophyllum is very distinct in the margin of the leaves reflexed for a great part of its length, and is a slender, shining form. 8. Brachythecium Starkei B. & S. (Hypnum Starkei Brid.) (Tab. LII. M.). Stems slender, creeping, radiculose, branches somewhat pinnate, short, distant, ascending, curved, slender; forming intricate low patches. Leaves rather loosely imbricated, spread- ing and divergent, not closely imbricated, often secund, widely cordate-triangular, or broadly ovate on the branches, shortly and rather abruptly, but finely acuminate; not plicate or rarely slightly so when dry; strongly and widely decurrent; nerve reaching nearly f of the leaf; margin denticulate, especially above ; cells shorter and wider than in B. rutabulum, narrowly hexagonal-rhomboid, 6-12 times as long as broad, rarely more elongated, often still shorter and wider ; at angles numerous, large, sub-rectangular, pellucid. Seta rough. Perichaetial bractsBRACHYTHECIUM. 405 finely acuminate, squarrose. Capsule small, shortly oval, turgid, blackish when ripe. Cilia of inner peristome with appendages. Autoicous. Hab. Mountain rocks in woods, etc. Very rare ; only on one or two mountains in Scotland. Fruit rarely found in Britain, autumn. A somewhat variable moss, in size especially, but always more slender than any of the previous species ; and usually at once distinguishable from them and the succeeding ones (except B. glaciale) by the widely cordate leaves, strongly decurrent, very spreading or even squarrose at the points, not imbricated even when dry, and by the wide areolation, which is often extremely lax, rendering the leaves (for this genus) very soft and pellucid. The capsule also is very small and dark coloured. It is much more difficult to separate, however, from B. glaciale. The leaves in that are plicate, but even in the present species some of the leaves may often be seen to be decidedly plicate, especially when dry ; the leaves in B. glaciale are narrower, ovate-acuminate, not cordate-triangular, but some forms of the present species have the leaves distinctly narrower than in the type ; the loosely imbricated, spreading leaves form on the whole the best character of B. Starkei. B. refiexum differs in the more slender stems, usually forming denser, neater tufts, with the nerve reaching nearly to the apex of the leaves. 9. Brachythecium glaciale B. & S. (Hypnum glaciale Hartm.) (Tab. LIII. A.). Much resembling B. Starkei; differing in its short, obtuse, julaceous branches, with the leaves closely imbricated, not spreading nor distant, narrower, widely ovate-lanceolate, not cordate, decurrent, plicate; branch-leaves narrower and more longly acuminate; areolation as in that species. Perichsetial bracts imbricated, suberect. Seta short, rough. Capsule shortly oblong, turgid. Cilia of inner peristome nodulose, not appendicu- late. Autoicous. Hab. High alpine rocks, near the snow-line; extremely rare. Ben Lawers ; Ben Challum. Fr. summer. Husnot records the var. subsecundum from Ben Lawers ; it is a rather laxer form with the leaves less closely imbricated, and sub-secund. B. glaciale is, as mentioned under the preceding species, somewhat difficult to separate from that moss. As a rule however the densely imbricated leaves, rendering the branches julaceous, and themselves of a different form, will identify it. I have seen no British specimens. 10. Brachythecium refiexum B. & S. (Hypnum reflexum W. & M.) (Tab. LIII. B.). In dense, intricate, low patches; very slender, dark green. Stems slender, prostrate, divided, with somewhat pinnate, short, delicate, often curved branches. Stem-leaves cordate, rapidly acuminate to a rather long, fine, often twisted point, branch- leaves narrower, ovate-lanceolate, more gradually acuminate,406 HYPNACE^E. closely set, when dry somewhat spreading and divergent or closely imbricated so as to render the branches filiform and somewhat julaceous ; all strongly decurrent, denticulate nearly all round, smooth or faintly plicate, margin plane or very narrowly recurved ; nerve distinct, reaching nearly to apex or at least high up in the acumen ; areolation short, with the walls firm and rather incrassate, narrowly rhomboid, slightly obtuse, j-S times as long as broad; gradually becoming shorter and wider towards base—except near the nerve, — at angles large, quadrate-rounded or slightly elongated, pellucid, forming large, but not clearly defined auricles. Seta slender, short, about £ inch in length, rough; capsule very small, oval-oblong, curved; lid small, apiculate. Autoicous. Hab. Trunks of trees and rocks on mountains ; very rare ; on one or two of the higher mountains of Scotland. Fr. winter. This is one of the most delicate species of the genus, and not to be confounded with any of the preceding ones except, possibly, slender forms of the last two, from which, however the long nerve and the firmer, neat areolation will at once distinguish it. It is more like B. populeum and B. veiutimim, the latter differing in the shorter nerve, the former in the narrower, more gradually tapering leaves. It also has some resemblance, both in habit and areolation, to Amblyslegiiuti serpetis and A. variurn ; the former differs in the short faint nerve, the latter in the almost entire leaves, and both in the shorter, laxer, very obtuse areolation, and the habitat is usually very different. B. rejlexum is extremely variable in size, and in the direction of its leaves. 11. Brachythecium velutinum B. & S. (Hypnum velutinum L.) (Tab. LIII. C.). Slender, in usually dense, low, silky tufts, bright or yellowish green. Stems prostrate, branches numerous, short, close, straight or curved, irregular or sub-pinnate. Leaves erecto-patent or sub- secund, when dry usually widely spreading and distant, sometimes more erect and closely imbricated; small, narrow, ovate- lanceolate or lanceolate, tapering to a narrow point, finely or strongly denticulate all round, very faintly plicate at base, very shortly decurrent, glossy when dry; margin often recurved at base ; nerve slender, not reaching much above half-way up the leaf ; cells narrow-linear, rather obtuse, 8-12 times as long as broad, somewhat opaque, slightly shorter and wider at base, not pellucid ; angular few, irregularly quadrate, opaque. Perichsetial bracts suberect, very finely acuminate. Seta strongly papillose, variable in length, usually rather short, §-§ inch ; capsule small, turgidly oblong, gibbous at back, or longer, narrowly oblong and arcuate; lid acute or acuminate ; peristome large. Autoicous. Hab. Roots of trees, rocks, etc. Very common.BRACHYTHECIUM. 407 Very variable, but usually not difficult to recognise in the field, by its small size, small and narrow, silky, but not distinctly plicate leaves ; these are usually spreading when dry, which gives the branches a very different appearance from those of B. populeum, which has them commonly terete from the closer imbrication of the leaves; this, however, sometimes is the case with the present plant, and it then resembles slender forms of Pleuropus sericeus, which of course, however, is very different in the plicate leaves, etc. There is often a resemblance .to Eurhynchium confertum, but that plant has less tapering and less silky leaves, and a long-beaked fruit. Several varieties are described, one, var. pralongum B. & S., a marked form with sette over an inch long, and elongated stems ; I have not, however, seen any British records. The var. intricatum Hedw. appears to be only a somewhat marked form of a very common state of this species, and to be connected with the type by numerous and widely-spread links. The leaves are more opaque than in most of the previously described species of the genus. 12. Brachythecium populeum B. &S. (Hypnum populeum Hedw.; H. viride Lam.) (Tab. LIII. D.). Slender, in small dense patches, of a bright or more commonly yellowish green ; stems procumbent, divided, with numerous, pinnately arranged, erect or curved branches, which are slender, and more or less terete when dry. Leaves closely imbricated and erect when dry, or slightly homomallous; stem- leaves ovate-lanceolate, branch-leaves narrower, lanceolate; all gradually tapering to a fine, elongated acumen ; hardly plicate, shortly decurrent; margin more or less recurved, in upper half finely denticulate; nerve strong, very long, reaching nearly to apex; cells narrow-linear, rather acute, 6-12 times as long as wide; at base wide, irregularly rectangular, those at the angles more numerous, reaching higher in the leaf, somewhat opaque, often yellowish. Seta rough, usually almost smooth at the base ; perichsetial leaves squarrose. Capsule small, oval, gibbous at back ; lid shortly acuminate. Autoicous. Hab. Sandy ground, walls, etc., frequent; in some districts common. Fr. winter. The narrow, silky foliage, erect and imbricated when dry, and longly acuminate, gives this species a characteristic aspect, much resembling in miniature that of Pleuropus sericeus, by which it may generally be known. It is markedly distinct, too, from nearly all the Hypnaceee in the narrow, gradually and longly tapering leaves, with the nerve reaching nearly to apex. Lescurcea striata differs in the short cells and numerous paraphyllia ; Eurhynchium tenellum in the much more slender habit, very short branches and still narrower leaves, besides the rostrate lid ; and Hypnum elodes in the slender habit and distant, spreading leaves. 13. Brachythecium plumosum B. & S. (Hypnum plumosum Sw.; H. pseudoplumosum Brid.) (Tab. LIII. E.). In large dense patches, robust; stems prostrate, 2-3 inches, with densely pinnate branches, erect or curved, stout, somewhat408 HYPNACE/E. tumid with the closely imbricated, concave leaves ; bright shining green, often tinged with golden brown. Leaves crowded, erecto- patent when moist, more imbricated when dry, almost always more or less homomallous, frequently strongly falcato-secund, very concave; when dry often somewhat involute at margins, glossy and somewhat striate ; large, those at the middle of the branches §—i line long, widely ovate-oblong, somewhat narrowed and often asymmetrical at the base, rapidly and shortly acuminate or apiculate, the point usually oblique; margin plane, finely denticulate; nerve rather strong below, reaching about f of the length of the leaf; cells very narrow, linear-vermicular, not pointed, the walls firm, 10-15 times as long as wide ; shorter and looser at base; the angular few, sub-quadrate, not forming defined auricles, yellowish. Leaves at the summits of the branches narrower, more gradually and longly acuminate. Perichaetial bracts erect, sheathing. Seta slightly papillose in the upper half only, short, -J—f inch. Capsule oval-oblong, turgid, dark ; lid acute. Autoicous. Hab. Rocks in and near streams, especially where at times submerged. Frequent. Fr. winter. The var. homomallum B. & S. is described as having the leaves falcato-secund, and the branches often curved. This form, in a marked degree, occurs occasionally with the type, but it is only the extreme of a number of common forms with the leaves more or less secund ; it is indeed rare to find this species with the leaves perfectly imbricated and not in some degree homomallous ; and this character, and the shining, concave, shortly pointed leaves, are sufficient as a rule to identify the plant at sight. In colour and aspect it sometimes resembles Hypwum eugyrium, with which it often grows, and I have more than once had specimens of the present plant sent me labelled as that species; apart from microscopical examination, however, there is almost always a greater acuteness of leaf and of branch which will distinguish this species from that. In its robust states it sometimes also resembles B. rivulare, but the leaf is very different in form. The fruit is usually produced in great abundance, and the seta, smooth in the lower half or even to above the middle, is one of the distinctive characters of the species. It appears probable that the specific name plumosum has been wrongly attributed to this moss, and was originally given to quite a different moss, viz., the one usually known and described above as B. salebrosum, in which case the right name for the present species would be B. pseudoplumosum ; there appears, however, to be still some little uncertainty on the matter, and the present plant has so long been known under the name of B. plumosum that I have retained that name here. 14. Brachythecium C0espitosum Dixon (Hypnum cxspitosum Wils. ; Scleropodium cxspitosum B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LIII. F.). In low soft tufts or patches, of a pale, often silvery green ; secondary stems and branches ascending, curved, slender, crowded, acute, julaceous; leaves erecto-patent, when dry erectBRACHYTHECIUM. 409 and imbricated, frequently sub-secund; concave, not plicate, small, oval-oblong, with a rather abrupt point or acumen of varying length ; branch-leaves narrower, with shorter points ; margin plane or almost so, denticulate in upper part, nerve strong at the base, reaching above half-way, often forked, frequently projecting at tip from the back of the leaf as in the next; cells narrow, linear-vermicular, 8-12 times as long as wide, shorter and broader at apex; wide, rectangular-oval at basal angles, opaque or pellucid. Seta rough. Capsule suberect or inclined, narrowly oblong, often curved ; lid conical, acuminate. Dioicous. Hab. Stones, foot of trees, etc., not common. Fr. rare, winter. A somewhat difficult plant to determine, owing to the rarity of its fruit and the similarity it bears to one or two other mosses, notably to Eurhynchium crassinervium and E. murale. The former is a more robust plant, with less julaceous branches, shorter cells, stouter nerve, and longly rostrate lid ; E. confertum and E. murale are autoicous, and being generally fertile are readily distinguished by the long beak of the lid ; the latter also differs in the still more concave, very shortly pointed leaves and short nerve, and the former in the leaves not being imbricated nor julaceous. The slender, more or less julaceous, curved branches with very concave leaves are the characteristic features of this plant. It somewhat resembles a miniature form of B. plumosum. There appears to me no sufficient reason for separating this plant, and with it the two following species, from Brachythecium. The areolation, mainly on the ground of which it was separated by Bruch and Schimper, differs in no respect from that of many of the species of the genus, nor is the julaceous arrange- ment of the leaves different from that of many species. The capsule indeed in the present species is somewhat long and narrow for the genus, but it is quite equalled in that respect by others, such as B. Icetum B. & S. On the whole it appears to me a much more natural arrangement to unite these species with the present genus, with which they closely agree in the areolation, the short lid, and, in the former two, the rough seta. 15. Brachythecium illecebrum De Not. (Hypnum illece- brum Schwgr. ; Scleropodium illecebrum B. & S.) (Tab. LIII. G.). Nearly allied to the last, differing in habit; the branches more tumid, obtuse, very julaceous, shorter forming loose low tufts of a bright green. Leaves very concave, very widely oval, wide at apex and suddenly contracted to a short point, slightly decurrent at base, very soft in texture, closely imbricated when dry, denticulate; nerve reaching about J the length of the leaf, sometimes forked; ending rather abruptly, and frequently projecting at its tip from the back of the leaf in a hispid point. Areolation narrow, linear-vermicular, 10-12 times as long as wide, a little longer than in the last ; angular cells few, lax. Seta very rough ; capsule shorter, oblong, sub-horizontal, slightly turgid ; lid apiculate. Dioicous. Hab. On the ground, and among earth on rocks, not common, and usually barren ; most frequently found near the sea. Fr. winter.4io HYPNACE/E. This is a southern species, and only fruits freely about the Mediterranean. It is however not a difficult plant to identify, the tumid, obtuse, julaceous branches, with very wide, concave, abruptly pointed leaves, being very different from what is found in most of the allied species. The preceding one differs in the more slender, acute branches, the narrower, less abruptly pointed leaves, etc. ; the next in the taller habit, more robust and firmer stems and branches, smooth seta, and other points ; Eurhynchium murale in the narrower leaves, shorter nerve, long-beaked lid and smooth seta. 16. Brachythecium purum Dixon (Hypnum purum L., plur. auct.) (Tab. LIII. H.). In loose, wide, soft patches, pale bright green, yellowish or dirty white; stems robust, long, 2-6 inches, prostrate or ascending, simple or slightly divided, with nutnerous, complanate, more or less regularly pinnate branches; stems tumid with the crowded, concave leaves; branches julaceous, tumid, obtuse. Leaves large, very wide and concave, i-ij lines long, plicate, much resembling those of the last species; wide at apex with a short abrupt apiculus which is often reflexed ; margin recurved just above the base, above plane or involute, finely denticulate all round; nerve short, reaching about half-way, thin above, rather wider at base ; cells narrow, linear-vermicular, 10-18 times as long as wide, obtuse, the walls firm and somewhat incrassate ; at extreme base wide, oval, with incrassate, very porose cell-walls ; angular few, sub-quadrate, forming very indistinct auricles. Perichsetial bracts erect, imbricated, longly acuminate. Seta smooth, slender, flexuose, long, 1-2 inches; capsule horizontal and decurved, oblong or sub-cylindric, often gibbous at back ; lid conical, acutely acuminate. Dioicous. Hab. Among grass in woods, on banks, etc. Abundant. Fruiting rarely, in spring. A very distinct species, often very large and robust; known at sight by its tumid obtuse stems and branches, with wide, inflated, obtuse leaves ; it has usually been placed near Hypnum Schreberi, which in its slender forms it occasionally resembles, but from which its pale, not red, less erect stems, single nerve, and usually obtuse branches will separate it. Its habit is quite different from the last, to which however in structural details it is closely allied ; but that has slender, prostrate, hardly leafy stems with the branches erect or ascending, while here the stems are robust, firm, with pinnate, complanate branches ; and the seta is smooth and much longer. A form occurs however with much more of the habit of that plant, and very tumid more erect branches and very large and wide leaves. B. purtim is one of our very common species, and is the one frequently employed by anglers for scouring worms. 111. HYOCOMIUM B. & S. Growing on wet rocks. Secondary stems regularly or irregularly pinnately bra7iched. Leaves widely cordate ; nerveHYOCOMIUM. 411 double, short and faint; areolation almost uniform throughout the leaf, Imear-vermicular, a little laxer at base. Paraphyllia present, not numerous. Seta rough; lid conical, acuminate; peristome perfect. Dioicous. A genus of a single species, clearly distinguished by the wide leaves with short double nerve and the rough seta. 1. Hyocomium flagellare B. & S. (Hypnum flagellare Dicks.) (Tab. LIII. I.). Stems elongated, 3-S inches long, prostrate or pendulous, usually simple or twice or thrice divided, unbranched below, above with numerous more or less regularly pinnate and complanate branches, or fewer, more elongated and parallel ; branches straight or curved, often long and attenuated, terete ; forming wide dense tufts or mats, of very soft texture, of a bright or more frequently golden, glossy green. Stem-leaves imbricated, erecto-patent, widely cordate-triangular from an excavate, semi- amplexicaul base, abruptly acuminate to a fine, somewhat flexuose acumen, which is often squarrose; branch-leaves narrower, more closely imbricated, less abruptly acuminate, often nerveless, usually densely imbricated, rendering the branches terete, sometimes secund. Leaves somewhat plicate, margin plane, somewhat undulate, sharply serrate with distinct, slightly squarrose teeth almost all round ; nerve double, very short and faint, rarely short and single, indistinct. Cells linear- vermicular, more or less obtuse, 10-15 times as long as broad, the walls often porose; at base shorter, rather wider, especially at basal angles, where they are often widely rhomboid-hexagonal; but not quadrate, obscure, nor forming defined auricles. Perichaetial bracts with long flexuose points; seta very rough, hardly an inch long; capsule widely oblong, thick-walled, inclined. Hab. Rocks in and near streams and waterfalls, frequent. Fruit very rare, autumn. A very variable moss, but usually with a soft, feathery habit, which with the imbricated, wide leaves is sufficient to identify it; the fruit is very rare, and the rough seta—one of the most distinct characters—is not often available for determination ; but under the microscope the cordate leaves with short double nerve and long narrow acumen are quite distinct from those of all our mosses except Hypnum molluscum, which, moreover, it often simulates in habit ; the angular cells of that species are, however, almost always clearly defined ; the median ones usually shorter, often much wider, and the leaves themselves almost always falcato-secund with more flexuose points and less distinct serratures ; in the present plant the leaves though occasionally secund are rarely falcately curved. In mountain streams it often becomes much elongated, with long simple branches, hardly pinnate, somewhat like the similar forms of Hypmun ochraceum.412 HYPNACE/E. Owing, doubtless, in part to their somewhat amplexicaul insertion, the leaves are with some difficulty detached from the stems, which are consequently usually found leafy, and not denuded, to the very base. Some of the forms it assumes are very beautiful from their regularly plumose branching and bright, golden foliage. 112. EURHYNCHIUM B. & S. (emend. Milde). (Eurhynchium & Rhynchostegium B. & S., Schp. Syn., &c.). Mosses of varying habit, as in Brachythecium. Leaves more or less erect and imbricated, not distinctly falcato-secund, rarely complanate, single-nerved, or rarely almost nerveless. Cells linear, rhomboid, or hexagonal-rhomboid, rarely less than five times as long as broad. Seta smooth or papillose. Lid long- beaked. Peristome perfect. This genus as here understood includes Rhynchostegium B. & S., which is not marked by any satisfactory characters. It differs from Brachythecium mainly in the rostrate lid, from Plagiothecium in the leaves rarely complanate, and the lid always long-beaked, the nerve single and usually long, though some species are somewhat intermediate in their generic characters ; from Amblystegium in the longer, narrower areolation, the rostrate lid and frequently rough seta. f All the leaves narrow, lanceolate; plant very small and slender ...............2 \Ls., at least the stem-ls., ovate-lanceolate, ovate, or oblong..................5 fSeta smooth (rarely rough); Is. almost setaceous, tenellum \Seta rough ; Is. with less fine acumen .........................................3 /Ls. broadly nerved almost to apex, dark green.......................g. Teesdalei Nerve slender, ceasing about ^ or § up leaf.....................................4 {Dioicous; cells rather short, 4-6 times as long as wide ............7- pumilum Autoicous ; cells longer............................................8. curvisetum | Stem more or less bipinnate, with paraphyllia ; stem-ls. very decurrent, triangular, 5a with long fine acumen (seta rough)..................................J. pralongum \ Stem not bipinnate ; stem ls. less or not decurrent............................6 ^/Stem-ls. oblong, concave, suddenly and narrowly acuminate ; (seta rough) ........7 l Stem-ls. more or less oval or triangular, not suddenly acuminate...............9 /Acumen rather short, nerve rather thick below....................j. crassinervium ' \ Acumen long, filiform .........................................................8 g/Stem usually pinnate, elongate ; ls. green...........................piliferum \Stem irregularly branched ; ls. pale or yellowish ; (alpine) .......1. cirrosum (Branch-ls. (or some of them) sub-obtuse, closely imbricate when dry; (seta 9-! smooth) ......................................................................10 fAll the leaves acute, not imbricate ............................................12 j f Ls. more or less elliptic, wide at apex..............................ij. mutate \Ls. more or less ovate or lanceolate, narrow towards apex.......................11 \ Branches short, not or scarcely curved ; cells long .............../y. strigosum (Stem-ls. cordate-triangular, with more or less distinct auricular cells; (seta 12-j smooth) .......................................................................13 ^Stem-ls. ovate, not cordate, angular cells not distinct ......................15EURHYNCHIUM. 413 /Leaves smooth, even when dry; capsule suberect...................77. myosuroides ^/Leaves striate, especially when dry ; capsule cernuous..........................14 / Branches long, drooping ; Is. almost squarrose .....................7^. striatum 4\Smaller ; branches erect; Is. erecto-patent, less striate...........ry. striatulum /Seta rough ; synoicous or dioicous ............................................16 5\Seta smooth ; autoicous.........................................................18 ib/Synoicous ; plant bright green .....................................^. speciosum \Dioicous ; plant smaller, usually dull or yellowdsh green....................17 /Plant straggling, Is. smooth.......................................6. Swartzii '\Plant bearing short,crowded, erect branches; Is. striate; seta short 6*. abbreviatum /Ls. firm ; nerve strong, nearly reaching apex ; more or less aquatic ...16. rusciforme \Nerve thin, about '5 length of leaf; terrestrial ............................19 fLs. roundish-ovate, much twisted when dry ; cells 12 /j. wide ...20. rotundifoliuvi ^\Ls. narrower, scarcely twisted ; cells 5 or 6 /j, wide.......................20 2q/Ls. very concave, more or less imbricate, shortly pointed ..........77. nmrale \Ls. scarcely concave, acuminate .............................................21 2I/Stem short, rooting; on walls, trees, &c.........................18. confertum \Stem often longish, rooting at base only; on the ground......ig. megapolilanum * Seta rough. 1. Eurhynchium cirrosum Jur. (Hypnum cirrosum Schwgr.; Brachythecium cirrosum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. LIII. J.). In loose, stragglingpatches; stems short, irregularly branched,, prostrate ; branches robust, tumid, julaceous, sub-obtuse, longer or shorter, straight, erect or depressed; bright or golden green, glossy, brown below. Leaves closely imbricated, very concave, cochlear iform, widely ovate-oblong, large, i line long or more, rounded at apex and suddenly contracted into a very long hair- like point, decurrent at base, plicate when dry, entire or slightly denticulate above; nerve slender, hardly reaching beyond the middle, sometimes forked ; cells longly linear-rhomboid, acute or slightly obtuse, sometimes somewhat vermicular, at angles wide, sub-quadrate. Fruit unknown. Hab. Alpine rocks, very rare ; only on Ben Lawers. A very distinct plant, resembling no others of the British mosses except perhaps E. piliferum, which differs in the more slender branches with the leaves much less densely imbricated, and the areolation laxer, becoming especially w'ide at the base. It is by many authors considered a variety of the continental E. Tovimasinii Sendt. (E. Vaucheri B. & S.), and its affinity to that species is so undoubtedly close that I have thought it better to place it in this genus than in Brachythecium, with which it is usually united, at least in our British works. There appears indeed to be absolutely no difference in the leaves between this plant and some unquestioned forms of E. Tomviasinii beyond the greater concavity of those of the former; the areolation appears to be often identical in both, although in this the cells are more frequently somewhat vermicular and obtuse at the ends than in that; and although the leaves- in the present plant are characteristically much more suddenly piliferous, still some leaves may be found with less abruptly contracted points, while on E. Toviviasinii leaves frequently occur exhibiting this character exactly, though less concave. On4H HYPNACE^. the whole, although the habit is so different it appears most probable that it will ultimately have to be united with the species in question, but I have here retained the old name and contented myself with removing it from Brachythecium and placing it in the present genus. 2. Eurhynchium piliferum B. & S. (Hypnum piliferum Schreb.) (Tab. LIII. K.). In large, loose straggling patches; stems elongated, not radiculose, prostrate and creeping, 3-6 inches long, robust, more or less regularly pinnate; pale, shining green, especially pale at the tips of the stems and branches. Branches complanate, spread- ing and recurved, attenuated. Stem-leaves widely ovate-oblong, concave, but not cochleariform as in the last, decurrent, rounded at summit and abruptly and longly hair-pointed; at the ends of the stems closely imbricated, forming terete, cuspidate tips with the hair-points spreading and flexuose ; margin plane or indexed, sub-entire or slightly denticulate throughout; lightly striate only when dry ; nerve broad at base ; slender above, and vanishing about the middle or at three-fourths of the length of the leaf; areolation rather large and pellucid, widely linear-rhomboid, thin- walled, tapering at ends, 10-15 times as long as wide, at base shorter and wider, rather lax ; at decurrent angles large, oval- rectangular, well-defined. Branch-leaves smaller, narrower, less abruptly and less longly pointed. Seta about 1 inch long. Capsule widely elliptical, large, about 1 line long without the lid, curved ; lid conical with a subulate beak almost as long as the capsule. Dioicous. Hab. In woods, on grassy banks, etc., common. Fr. very rare, winter. A fine species, in some of its more densely branched forms somewhat resembling Brachythecium salebrosum and others of that genus ; but a glance at the stem-leaves, abruptly piliferous, will at once identify it. It is a more slender plant with more distant leaves than the last, the only British moss with which it could at all easily be confused ; and the habitats of the two species are quite distinct. It is more like the continental species E. Tominasinii Sendt. (E. Vaucheri B. & S.), which however differs in the stems being fasciculate-branched, not pinnate, with numerous slender stolons ; and wfith a more shortly rostrate lid. E. piliferum is usually recognisable at sight by the slender, pinnate branches very pale and shining at the tips. 3. Eurhynchium crassinervium B. & S. (Hypnum crassinervium Tayl.) (Tab. LIII. L.). In dense tufts, the stems creeping with suberect, curved, short, irregularly branched divisions; branches close, sub-equal, curved, pointing in one direction, somewhat stout and tumid, shortly acute; forming bright green, rather glossy, low tufts.EUR HYNCHIUM. 415 Leaves sub-equal, the stem-leaves rather wider; branch-leaves closely set, erecto-patent, when dry more erect and imbricated, widely or narrowly ovate-oblong, rapidly contracted to a short acute acumen, very concave, irregularly plicate when dry, denticulate, especially above ; margin narrowly recurved at base ; nerve very stout, especially in the lower half, reaching about f length of leaf, sometimes projecting from the back of the leaf at its tip in a minute point ; cells rather short and wide, the median narrowly rhomboid, tapering at the ends, 6-10 times as long as broad, the walls firm and somewhat incrassate; gradually becoming shorter and wider upwards, at apex shortly elliptical- rhomboid ; at base laxer, wide, sub-rectangular, especially at angles, opaque and chlorophyllose. Capsule oval-oblong, gibbous at back, with a distinct neck ; lid subulate-rostrate, as long as capsule. Dioicous. Hab. Stony ground in shady places, woods, etc. ; not common. Fruit rare, autumn. E. crassinetvium is not a very variable species, but a form sometimes occurs with the branches slender and much attenuated. It has a somewhat characteristic facies, rather like that of Brachythecium ccespitosum on a more robust scale, the branches being somewhat tumid and cylindrical with the leaves regularly imbricated, but hardly terete or julaceous, as the leaves are not appressed nor their points incurved. They may be at once recognised by the very stout nerve, which is of almost uniform thickness for about half its length, when it either forks, but rarely, or more frequently takes a slight bend and becomes much thinner, as though it had forked and one branch had been suppressed. The leaves are very concave, with a rather wide, reflexed and flattened edge all round, like the edge of a dish or platter. It appears to fruit less frequently on the continent than in Britain. There are several other species with which this might be confused in the field, but under the microscope the characteristic leaf form and structure, best understood, perhaps, by a reference to the figure, will as a rule at once identify it. E. velutinoides B. & S., a continental and N. American species, is somewhat intermediate between this and Brachythecium populeum ; it has narrower leaves and much longer nerve than the present species, and is best known from the latter by the rougher seta and rostrate lid. Husnot (Muscol. Gall.) refers to it as recorded from England, but I have seen no other mention of it. 4. Eurhynchium speciosum Schp. (Hypnum speciosum Brid.) (Tab. LIII. M.). Stems creeping, elongated, irregularly divided, the divisions also prostrate, interruptedly pinnate, with rather short, erect branches ; forming straggling patches of a deep, vivid green. Leaves large, f-i line long, those of the stem distant, widely deltoid-acuminate, somewhat spreading; of the branches sub- complanate, rather distant, divergent, narrower, ovate, shortly acuminate or acute, strongly denticulate all round, somewhat concave, not plicate, margin almost plane; nerve strong, f the416 HYPNACE/E. length of the leaf or more, frequently reaching to within a short distance of the apex; areolation linear-rhomboid, moderately wide, and thin-walled, but opaque, so that the leaves are not pellucid, 6-12 times as long as wide; at base laxer and sub- rectangular, but not or hardly distinct at angles. Seta about i inch long; capsule large, short, turgidly oval, dark brown; lid longly rostrate. Svnoicous, or partly autoicous. Hab. Stones and tree roots near water, rare. Fr. winter. A fine species, with large, rather distant leaves of a peculiarly bright shining green ; known also by the opaque tissue and long nerve, as well as by the habit, the rough seta and the synoicous inflorescence. It is somewhat like a large form of E. Swartzii, but very different in colour and areolation. The stems are usually more or less stoloniform in the intervals between the groups of branches. 5. Eurhynchium prselongum B. &S. (Hypnumprselongum L.) (Tab. LIV. A.). Stems (in the type) slender, prostrate, elongated (2-5 inches), divided ; at intervals rather regularly pinnate, with slender, somewhat attenuated, often curved, not very crowded, sub- complanate branches; forming low, somewhat straggling masses of a bright or dull green, less commonly yellowish. Stem-leaves distant or more rarely crowded, widely cordate-triangular or widely ovate-cordate, rapidly or even abruptly and longly acuminate in a long, often almost filiform, squarrose acumen ; at base wide, excavate, strongly decurrent; margin plane, regularly and distinctly denticulate, nerve slender, reaching above half-way and usually into the acumen; cells linear, slightly vermicular, tapering but obtuse, 10-18 times as long as wide, pellucid ; towards base wider and shorter, lax, at angles large, sub-rectangular, but not forming clearly defined auricles. Para- phyllia occasionally but not always present. Branch-leaves much narrower, widely or even narrowly lanceolate, gradually acumi- nate, very acute, somewhat erect when dry, more spreading when moist, not complanate, moderately soft in texture and often twisted when dry, not plicate, hardly glossy. Perichaetial bracts squarrose, very longly acuminate. Seta rather long, often one inch. Capsule turgidly ovate, narrower when ripe and empty, horizontal, abruptly passing into the seta at base, rather large ; lid subulate-rostrate, usually decurved, almost as long as the capsule. Dioicous. Var. /3. Stokesii (Hypnum Stokesii Turn. ; Eurh. Stokesii Schp., Syn.; H. prselongum var. Stokesii Brid., Wils. Bry. Brit.).EURHYNCHIUM. 417 Stems more robust, more densely and regularly pinnate and bipinnate, deep green; stem-leaves more crowded; branch- leaves wider at the base, but longly acuminate. Hab. Hedgerows, grassy places, stumps of trees, etc., most abundant on clayey soil; very common. The var. $ less common, most frequent in mountainous woods. Fr. winter. There has been and apparently still exists considerable confusion as to this and the following species, partly arising from a doubt as to the original plant intended by Linnaeus, partly from divergent views as to the value and affinities of the different forms. Continental botanists usually make separate species of E. prcelongum and E. Stokesii, uniting E. Swartzii with the former as a variety, usually under the name var. atrovirens Schp. This view appears to me to be highly inconsistent with the actual values of the plants, and to attribute the greater weight to what are by far the least important characters. It appears probable that the plant described below as E. Swartzii (H prcelongum var. atrovirens of most European works) is imperfectly known on the continent, and is usually confused in part at least, with E. prcelongum. Wilson (Bry. Brit.) gives a very clear account of the difference between these plants, and the view there taken is entirely in harmony with my own observa- tions on a large number of British specimens. E. prcelongum and its var. Stokesii differ from E. Swartzii in the more elongated habit, the more regularly pinnate stems with very slender and usually attenuated branches ; the plants usually of a brighter green, not yellowish, the leaves of softer texture and hardly glossy when dry ; and especially in the wide difference between the stem and branch-leaves; the former being widely-cordate, often distinctly triangular, with long and narrow, squarrose acumen, those of the branches much narrower, often quite narrowly lanceolate, much smaller, very acute, not complanate, rendered more appressed and imbricate, and often somewhat twisted, in drying. In E. Swartzii (the type as described below) the stems are usually less elongated, hardly or very indistinctly pinnate, the colour almost always pale yellowish, rarely dark green, the branches (with the leaves) stouter and more obtuse, the leaves very frequently sub- complanate, the leaves of stems and branches much more alike, those of the stem being widely ovate but not triangular and hardly cordate, less strongly decurrent, more shortly and gradually acuminate or only acute ; branch-leaves sub-similar, much larger and wider than in E. prcelongum, widely ovate, shortly and broadly pointed, the cells shorter and wider. On the other hand the var. Stokesii is almost identical with E. prcelongum in the leaf form, arrangement and areolation, the branch-leaves being wider at the base than is usual in the type, but otherwise similar ; the stem-leaves are very strongly decurrent, and the paraphyllia are usually present and numerous, but both these character^ are found strongly pronounced, occasionally, in the ordinary form of E. prcelongum ; and practically the only difference lies in the more dense and regular pinnate or bipinnate branching, giving the plant a firmer, less straggling appearance. Intermediate forms occur frequently, very difficult to determine, and though this may doubtless be sometimes the case between the present species and the following, such forms are, in Britain at least, far more rare; indeed I have found E. Swartzii in innumerable localities, almost always with its characteristic habit, and rarely presenting any approach to E. prcelongum. The squarrose stem-leaves of peculiar form, taken in conjunction with the narrow branch-leaves and the general habit of the plant make E. prcelongum usually an easy plant to recognise, though somewhat liable to variation. In some of its forms it looks much like Amblystegium filicinitm, but the similarity disappears on a nearer view. 6. Eurhynchium Swartzii Hobkirk. (Hypnum Swartzii Turn. ; Eurhynchium prselongum var. atrovirens Schp., Syn.) (Tab. LIV. B.). In pale yellowish tufts, sometimes dark green ; stems prostrate, with irregularly or indistinctly pinnate branches, Bl418 HYPNACE^. which are usually spreading and somewhat distant, not erect and crowded in the type, obtuse, short, nearly straight. Stem-leaves widely ovate, slightly decurrent, gradually shortly or longly acuminate, squarrose ; branch-leaves sub-similar, but never longly acuminate, usually shortly acute or even bluntly pointed, widely ovate, all somewhat distant, spreading, usually sub-complanate, hardly altered in form or direction when dry, glossy, sub- scariose, not or scarcely striate ; nerve rather thick, reaching to f of the leaf, usually ceasing abruptly and often projecting in a minute point at the back ; cells short, 6-ro times as long as wide, obtusely linear, at apex much shorter and wider, elliptic- rhomboid, at basal angles wide, rectangular. Seta and capsule shorter than in the last. Dioicous. Hab. In similar localities with the last, but usually in more open situations, most frequent in calcareous districts. Fr. very rare, winter. The differences between this and the last species are pointed out under that plant; to this it may be added that the fruit appears to be much rarer in the present species than in that. The name atrovirens applied by Swartz to this species is somewhat inappropriate, and has perhaps led to misconception ; Wilson indeed, who certainly understood it, speaks of the deep green colour, but I cannot but think this is exceptional; I have gathered the moss in a very large number of localities, and only rarely have found it of a deep green ; it is almost always more or less yellow. E. kians Lesq. and James (Hypnum hians Hedw.) is reported from Sussex as collected by Mitten, and I have also seen other specimens from that county so named by the same acute bryologist; these I should, however, unhesitatingly refer to E. Swartzii, and, according to Hobkirk (Synopsis, Ed. 2, p. 205), Fergusson came to the same conclusion with regard to the original Sussex specimens. E. hians is supposed to be a N. American species, and although I have too slight material upon which to venture a decided opinion, I have very little doubt that the plant so called is identical with our E. Swartzii. I have, unfortunately, only a fragment of an authentic American specimen of “H. hians Hedw.” gathered by Lesquereux, and without fruit; but so far as it goes it is exactly the same plant as the present species ; moreover the description of H. hians in Lesq. and James (Mosses of North A7iierica) agrees with E. Swartzii practically in every respect (allowance being made for a very slight variation in the serration of the leaves, which are there described as serrulate only above, which is often, though not always the case in E. Swartzii). That the authors of that work did not understand our European plants of the present group is abundantly clear from the description of H. pralongum, which is described as almost like H. pilife-mm, but referred to later as hardly separable from H. hians. A comparison of good N. American specimens of E. hians with our E. Swartzii would clear up the difficulty, and, I have very little doubt, would reveal their identity ; this would explain Mitten’s naming of our plants as H. hians, doubtless by comparison with American specimens. E. hians is also recorded from Cornwall, I believe on the authority of the late W. Curnow, but specimens which I gathered under his guidance proved to be only E. Swartzii. I have seen other specimens so-named, from other localities, all of which I should refer to the present species. One of these, a fruiting plant gathered by the Rev. C. H. Binstead in Herefordshire and named E. hians by Braithwaite, has the capsules smaller and more slender than is usual in E. Swartzii; but the difference is no greater than I have often seen between different specimens of, e.g., E. prcelongum ; nor am I aware that this has been described as a character of E. hians ; the stem-leaves also are more longly acuminate than is usual, but not more so than IEURHYNCHIUM. 419 have frequently found, in E. Swartzii, and many of the branch-leaves are identical with those of the ordinary form. I can find, in short, no characters by which to separate the two. I am confirmed in this opinion, moreover, by Renauld and Cardot’s note on E. Juans (Rev. Bry, 1893, P* 20)> in which these authors remark its close affinity to E. prcelongum Schp. (including doubtless, E. Swartzii), and question its distinctness from that species. In any case I do not think there is sufficient evidence of the occurrence of the true American E. hians in Britain, if it really be a good species differing from E. Swartzii, to warrant its retention here. It should be borne in mind that the size of the cells, the decurrence and serration of the leaves, as well as their width and degree of acumination, are alt characters eminently variable within the admitted limits of E. prcelongum, and therefore slight differences based upon these characters alone must not be held as constituting specific distinction in plants so closely allied. * Eurhynchium abbreviatum Schp. (E. preelongum var. abbreviatum B. & S.) (Tab. LIV. C.). Nearly allied to E. Swartzii; in wide flat tufts; branches densely crowded, erect or ascending, straight or curved, short, robust, obtuse ; leaves crowded, loosely imbricated all round, not complanate, rather large, ovate-lanceolate, somewhat concave, plicato-stnate. Seta short, i-inch long; capsule shortly and widely oval. Hab. Shady woods, very rare; perhaps overlooked. Woodchester, Stroud (Holmes); Herefordshire (Binstead). Fr. autumn. Perhaps only a variety of the last, but very different in habit, being flatter, less straggfing> more robust, with larger, much closer, striated leaves, and resembling a small state of E. striatum, or E. striatulum ; from the latter it is indeed difficult to distinguish in the field, but it wants the very distinct, opaque basal cells which are characteristic of that plant, and the seta is smooth. A form occurs, however, with the same habit, but with the leaves hardly or very lightly striate; apparently intermediate between this and E. Swartzii, and is perhaps H. prcelongum var. rigidum Boul., which I should be inclined to refer as a variety to the present plant. 7. Eurhynchium pumilum Schp. (HypnumpumilumW\\s.) (Tab. LIV. D.). Stems extremely slender, hardly an inch long, with irregular, filiform branches ; in close, very low, soft tufts of a bright deep green. Leaves very small, about } line long, distant, spreading both when moist and when dry, ovate-lanceolate, sho7'tly acuminate, at base little narrowed, not excavate and hardly decurrent; denticulate above ; when dry shrinking, not or hardly glossy ; nerve not strong, reaching just above half-way; cells short, pellucid, hexagonal-rhomboid, p-S times as long as broad, wider and rectangular at base, angular not distinct. Seta short, j-1 inch, capsule very small, shortly and widely oval, lid moderately long. Dioicous.420 HYPNACE^E. Hab. Stony ground, rocks, etc., in shady places; not common. Fruit rare, winter. A very delicate plant, resembling slender forms of Amblystegium serpens, but usually in neater, smoother tufts, with the leaves much more shortly acuminate and more oval, more denticulate above, and quite distinct in the fruit. From E. Teesdalei it differs in the short rather faint nerve, and shorter, wider, pellucid cells ; from E. curvisetum in the wider leaves and shorter more pellucid cells; from both in the dioicous inflorescence. 8. Eurhynchium curvisetum Husn. (Hypnum curvisetu?n Brid.; Rhynchostegium curvisetum Schp., Syn.) (Tab. LIV. E.). In small cushions, or wider patches, dull green, very short and slender, resembling E. pumilum and E. Teesdalei; branches numerous, pale and cuspidate at the tips; leaves very small, lanceolate, gradually acuminate to an acute or somewhat obtuse point; faintly denticulate above; nerve slender, reaching about half-way; cells small, linear-fusiform, 6-10 times as long as wide, rather opaque, thin-walled, laxer and sub-rectangular at base, angular not distinct. Seta short, often curved ; capsule very small, oblong with a distinct neck, lid longly subulate. Autoicous. Hab. Rocks and stones near streams; very rare; chiefly in the South of England. Fr. winter. This species was for long confused with E. Teesdalei, but is quite distinct in its shorter nerve, and usually also in the more acuminate leaves, the rather larger cells with thinner walls, and the more distinct neck of the capsule; it usually also forms small isolated cushions, but sometimes grows, like E. Teesdalei, in wider patches; nor are the above secondary characters quite constant. Still it seems on the whole sufficiently distinct. From E. pumilum it differs in the narrower, lanceolate leaves, the longer cells, and the autoicous inflorescence; it may be usually found in good fruit in the winter months, whereas the fruit of E. pumilum is rare. The var. scabrellum of E. tenellum might be easily confused with this species, but a careful examination will show that the leaves in that plant are always more longly and finely acuminate, almost setaceous, with a somewhat longer nerve and distinctly longer cells ; the seta too is longer and the capsule rather larger. E. curvisetum appears to be a rarer, and more southern species than E. Teesdalei. 9. Eurhynchium Teesdalei Schp. (Hypnum Teesdalei Sm.) (Tab. LIV. F.). Very near the last species, but always in wider, irregular patches; the leaves less narrowly acuminate, often shortly or somewhat bluntly pointed ; the nerve stout, reaching to near the apex; cells rather shorter, 5-8 times as long as broad, the walls distinctly incrassate ; capsule rather shorter and wider, without a distinct neck ; lid large, with a rather shorter beak. Dioicous. Hab. In similar localities to the last, rare. Fr. winter.EURHYNCH1UM. 421 The longer, strong nerve is the distinguishing character of this species, and the more broadly-pointed leaves and somewhat firmer areolation, besides the difference in the form of the fruit, must be taken into account; and the wider patches in which it grows usually give it at once a different habit. I find a plant, however, in Northamptonshire, which from its short nerve must be referred to E. curvisetum, but growing in wide patches, and in the areolation and form of capsule also coming near E. Teesdalei; and I am obliged to conclude that some of the characters held to distinguish the two are not always safely to be relied on. * * Seta smooth. 10. Eurhynchium tenellum Milde (Hypnum tenellum Dicks.; Rhynchostegium tenellum B.&S., Schp. Syn. ; H.algierianum Brid.) (Tab. LIV. G.). In very low, yellowish, very soft and silky tufts, not half-an- inch high ; stems densely intricate, about an inch long, prostrate, with numerous, erect or curved very short branches. Leaves erecto-patent, rarely sub-secund, not erect nor appressed when dry, shining and silky, about |-line long, very narrow, linear- lanceolate, gradually tapering to a long attenuated point, margin plane, almost entire ; nerve distinct, reaching high in the acumen (rarely ceasing just above the middle) ; cells extremely narrow, linear-fusiform, 10-15 times as long as broad, at extreme base short, lax, sub-rectangular, not distinct at angles. Seta about ^-inch long; capsule small, oval, somewhat variable in form and direction; lid longly rostrate. Autoicous. Var. (3. scabrellum Dixon n.var. (H. scabrellum Mitt, inedi). Seta more or less scabrous. Growing usually on wood. Hab. Rocks and stones, most frequently in calcareous districts. Frequent. The var. 0 on wood and trunks of trees on calcareous soil, sometimes on stones; nr. Uxbridge (Benbow ) ; :nr. Lewes (Nicholson); Hurstpierpoint (Mitten). Fr. spring. A very distinct species, easily recognised by its low, silky tufts and extremely narrow, tapering, entire leaves. The seta is rather longer and the fruit rather more conspicuous than in the three preceding species. E. curvisetum is the only one which could be taken for it, having narrower, more tapering leaves than the other two, and the inflorescence autoicous ; but the smooth seta and the still narrower, longer, entire, silky leaves identify the present plant, at least in its typical and ordinary form, without difficulty. The var. meridionale Boul., the form with the nerve ceasing at about the middle of the leaf, has not, so far as I am aware, been recorded from this country. The var. scabrellum is a very remarkable and highly interesting form, demon- strating as it does the slight importance to be placed on the smoothness or otherwise of the seta as a systematic character for separating genera or groups of species (though as an artificial distinction it may often be very useful). I have received numerous speci- mens from Mr. Nicholson and from Mr. Benbow, which all show the same characteristics and indicate that, in the districts in which it occurs, the form is widely distributed and even abundant; and the same is the case, according to Mitten, at Hurstpierpoint. The setae show great variability as to roughness, some being as scabrous as in E. curvisetum and the allied species, while others on the422 HYPNACE^E. same tufts may be found practically smooth, intermediate states, however, being the most frequent. As a rule, but not invariably, the tufts are much laxer, less silky, of a deeper green, and with shorter leaves than is usual in E. tenellum ; indeed, agreeing closely with the form of the species described by Schimper (Syn. Ed. II.) as frequently occurring in the northern parts of Central Europe. In this form the variety bears a very close resemblance to E. curvisetum (to which, indeed, it has been referred by Braithwaite); but in every specimen I have examined the leaves exhibit the fine, almost setaceous acumination of E. tenelluvi, with longer nerve and longer, quite different cells from those of E. curvisetum ; while some of the specimens show exactly the normal and very distinct, dense, silky habit characteristic of our present species. In the localities it is described as usually growing on wood, branches, etc., near the ground, but Mr. Nicholson informs me he also finds it on trunks of trees as much as five feet from the base, and it occurs also, though less commonly, on flints and bricks. Since writing the above, indeed while the proof-sheets are passing through my hands, I learn from Mr. Nicholson that the same plant, with rough seta, has been found by Mitten about Hurstpierpoint, and is by him considered a distinct species, and has been distributed, I believe, as H. scabrellum Mitt. ined. I have ventured, there- fore, to make use of that name, although I am unable to consider the plant specifically distinct from E. tenellum. The fact that the seta is sometimes nearly smooth, and at others, I believe, entirely so, appears to me to point strongly towards the varietal nature of the condition, and I can find no other constant character to separate it. 11. Eurhynchium myosuroides Schp. (Hypnum myosuroides L.; Isothecium myosuroides Brid.) (Tab. LIV. H.). Primary stem stoloniform, creeping, secondary erect or ascending, sub-dendroid, 1-2 inches long, the branches being as a rule crowded at their summits, usually curved and tnore or less pointing one way, and somewhat complanate, acute, attenuated, or even flagelliform ; forming pale or yellowish green, rather robust tufts, somewhat glossy. Leaves of the secondary stems cordate-ovate or ovate-oblong, from a wide, often excavate base, more or less suddenly contracted to a short or rather long, fine acumen, conca've, denticulate almost all round, nerve reaching about half-way or more, often very faint or almost wanting; branch-leaves narrower, imbricated or homomallous, oblong- lanceolate, ?nore or less acuminate, not plicate nor decurrent, nerved to above the middle. Cells linear, at times somewhat vermicular, 5-10 times as long as broad, obtuse, with the walls firm and somewhat incrassate, at apex rather shorter and wider, at basal angles distinct, stnall, sub-rectangular, opaque, forming small, well-defined, opaque or orange auricles. Perichaetial bracts squarrose, longly acuminate. Seta rather short, slender; capsule orange-brown, thin-walled, slightly inclined, curved, small; lid shortly rostrate. Dioicous. Hab. Rocks and stumps of trees, frequent, especially in subalpine districts. Fr. autumn and winter. A very variable plant in some respects, sometimes being very robust, at others extremely slender with delicate, filiform branches; the latter form is the var. JilescensEURHYNCHIUM. 423 Ren. ; this however I have not seen from Britain. The stem-leaves, too, vary much in the length and character of the acumination, some forms being so abruptly and longly filiform as to resemble those of E. piliferum, while others are only very shortly acute ; the nerve may be very thick and reaching high up in the leaf or almost altogether wanting ; and the leaves, again, may be so closely imbricated as to render the stems terete and almost julaceous. I have gathered a very robust form in Skye with the branching alternate, not at all dendroid, and more resembling a Rrachy- thecium in habit. The seta is very persistent, and old capsules may usually be found in company with those of the present year. This species most resembles Isotheciuvi inyurum, and some forms are difficult to distinguish in the barren state; but the yellowish colour of the present plant, the more attenuated branches, acuminate leaves more strongly denticulate, and the rectangular, not quadrate angular cells are usually sufficient to distinguish it; and, when fruiting, the squarrose-pointed perichsetial bracts and inclined, more arcuate capsules. With that exception it is not a difficult plant to recognise, at least with the microscope ; the areolation, and especially the small obscure angular cells, being very different from that of almost all our pleurocapous mosses with single-nerved, acute leaves. 12. Eurhynchium circinatum B. & S. (Hypnumcircinatum Brid.) (Tab. LIV. I.). In smooth, dense tufts, bright green, often becoming yellowish when old. Primary stems creeping, stoloniform, secondary ascending, curved, about 1 inch long, with numerous, crowded branches at their summits, which are strongly arcuate- decurved, very short, slender and cylindrical, or julaceous. Leaves of the secondary stems minute (§-i line), widely ovate, shortly and widely, often obtusely acuminate, lightly plicate when dry; of the branches narrower, oblong-lanceolate, acute, crowded, erecto-patent when moist, closely appressed and imbricated when dry, rendering the branches terete and cylindrical, or with the leaf-points a little falcato-secund ; margin recurved at base, coarsely denticulate at apex, more finely below; nerve very strong and wide, reaching nearly to apex. Areolation very short, median elliptic-rhomboid, 3-4 times as long as broad, the walls firm, somewhat incrassate ; shorter at apex, at base and angles short, irregularly quadrate, rather opaque, covering a large area. Seta short. Capsule ovate-oblong, oblique ; lid with a moderately long beak. Dioicous. Hab. Rocks, principally calcareous ; South of England and Ireland, rare. Fr. spring, not found in Britain. Resembling in habit small forms of Pterogonium gracile, but more slender with shorter, more curved branches, and very different in the single-nerved leaves. From the next species it differs in the densely crowded, not shining leaves and strongly curled branches. From all the other species of the genus it differs in its short firm areolation ; and indeed it is not likely, from its habit alone, to be confused with any other plant. The fruit is very rare, but is found in some abundance in certain localities in the South of Europe.424 HYPNACE^E. 13. Eurhynchium strigosum B. & S. (Hypnum strigosum Hoffm.) (Tab. LIV. K.). Allied to the last species; differs in the branches less fasciculate, more erect and less curved, the tufts more straggling and of a bright shining green ; the branch-leaves less closely imbricated, more spreading when dry, variously pointed or, more usually, obtuse; margin plane; nerve rather thinner and often shorter ; median cells longer and much narrower, linear, or linear-rhomboid, 6-12 times as long as broad. Dioicous. Var. /3. diversifolium Lindb. (Eurh. diversifolium B. & S., Schp. Syn.). More densely tufted, branches erect, julaceous; branch-leaves closely imbricated, erect, not spreading when dry, obtuse, denticulate throughout the greater part of the margin ; seta and capsule shorter. Hab. Stones, roots of trees, &c. Cornwall ( Tozer), according to specimens in Herb. Hook. The var. £, Scotland (Fergussoti). Fr. winter; not found in Britain. Until quite recently the specimens in Hooker’s Herbarium, mentioned above, formed the only record of this species, widely spread upon the continent, in our islands. It has lately been found, however, by the Rev. J. Fergusson, in a single locality in Scotland, and I have a specimen gathered under his guidance by the Rev. H. G. Jameson. This undoubtedly belongs to the var. diversifolium as understood by Boulay and Husnot, though a comparison of their descriptions with that of E. diversifolium in Schimper (Synopsis, Ed. II.) would lead one to suppose that the latter author had a somewhat different conception of the variety from that w'hich the later writers have in view ; at any rate Schimper lays stress on characters of which the latter take no account, w'hile the principal characters which they describe are equally applied to a great extent, by Schimper, to the var. imbricatum of E. strigosum. In short, Boulay and Husnot make the var. diversifolium simply a more marked form of the var. imbiicatum (var. pracox Wahl.), wrhile Schimper evidently considered that it had other distinctive characters. Whether or not they are right, however, in applying Bruch and Schimper’s name to it, their variety certainly rests on somewhat more satisfactory characters ; but it must be pointed out that obtuse branch-leaves are by no means confined to this form. In several specimens from N. America I find them quite as obtuse on the more robust, straggling form with spreading, not erect nor julaceous branches having the leaves somewhat distant and widely spreading when dry ; nor is the striation of the leaves, which is a character frequently occurring in this species, confined to one particular form, as Schimper’s description would seem to imply. In fine, it is questionable whether the above varietal forms are capable of at all exact definition. Even among the markedly “julaceous” plants from Scotland I have found one stem with the loose habit and spreading, somewhat distant leaves of the type. E. strigosum is closely allied to the last species, but is a much more variable plant; it may usually be known by the more or less obtuse branch-leaves from stunted forms of E. prcelongum and other species, w'hile from E. circinatum it is best distinguished by its straighter branches and longer, narrower median cells. It some- times occurs in straggling patches of a vivid shining green with the leaves very loosely set and spreading even when dry, but the var. diversifolium is smaller, with cylindrical, straight, or curved branches, the leaves much more crowded and imbri- cated, and then at times it very closely resembles the preceding species.EURHYNCHIUM. 425 14. Eurhynchium striatum B. & S. (Hypnum striatum Schreb.) (Tab. LIV. J.). Robust, in large masses, deep green or yellowish, glossy; stems rigid, arched or procumbent, 3-6 inches long, divided, with numerous, more or less pinnate, erect or ascending branches, which are robust and obtuse, with crowded leaves, or more slender and attenuated, with the leaves more spreading. Leaves rigid, large, %-i line long, usually much spreading both wet and dry, sometimes erecto-patent and imbricated when dry, but scarcely erect or appressed, deeply striate with straight plicae when moist and especially when dry, glossy, widely cordate- triangular, gradually tapering to an acute but not attenuated point; branch-leaves narrower, triangular, more longly but widely acuminate; all, at the base, from a narrow, slightly decurrent insertion, widely cordate and auriculate, sharply serrate all round, margin slightly recurved at the base only, nerve rather strong, reaching about f the length of the leaf; areolation linear, sub-vermicular, 8-15 times as long as wide, with firm walls, obtuse; rather shorter at apex, at mid-base scarcely altered; cells at angles wide, oval-rectangular, few, rather large, more or less pellucid, forming small, not very distinct auricles. Seta long, 1-1^ inches, stout; capsule large, chestnut brown, oblong-cylindrical, arcuate ; lid longly subulate-rostrate; annulus broad, of 3 rows of cells. Dioicous, or occasionally with the male flowers attached by radicles to the fertile plant. Hab. On the ground, rocks, etc., in woods. Common. Fr. late autumn. E. striatum is a very distinct species; the triangular leaves, strongly and regularly plicate when dry, and very rigid and regularly imbricated all round the branches, give it a marked appearance of its own. It is, perhaps, most like Hylocomium brevirostre in habit, but that plant will at once be recognised by the numerous paraphyllia and the abrupt, fine acumen of the leaf; in the present plant the point is always wide, often so much so that to the eye the leaf appears obtuse. It also somewhat resembles robust forms of Brachythecium rutabulum, but the leaves are, on examination, of a quite different shape, strongly and regularly striate, and the areola- tion, smooth seta, and longly rostrate lid are of course conclusive. The differences between this and the following species are given below. 15. Eurhynchium striatulum B. & S. (Hypnum striatulum Spruce). (Tab. LIV. L.). Primary stem creeping, secondary divisions erect or ascend- ing, more or less dendroid, the branches being somewhat fasciculate towards their summits, more or less arcuate and pointing in the same direction, as in E. myosuroides ; much more slender than in the last species, dark or olive green ; stems about426 HYPNACEjE. two inches long. Leaves cordate-triangular or cordate-ovate, %-Vi, line long, more narrowly and usually more longly acuminate than in the last, less strongly and distinctly striate, less spreading when dry, often erect and closely imbricated; nerve, for the size of the leaf, stronger ; cells shorter and, proportionately, wider, 6-10 times as long as wide, all basal short, wide, irregularly quadrate-elliptical, small, opaque, forming distinct dark auricles reaching to the nerve. Seta short, f-f inch, capsule short, oval- oblong ; annulus narrow, of a single row of cells. Dioicous. Hab. Shady rocks, etc., rare. Principally in the South of England. Fr. rare, winter. Although allied to the last species, and in some respects much resembling it, this moss is not so difficult to separate from it as is, perhaps, usually supposed ; I have indeed seen no specimens which could not be separated with the lens alone, although I have frequently seen small forms of E. striatum labelled E. striatulum, indicating a general supposition that the two are much alike. The present plant is a far more slender moss, and smaller in all its parts, with the branching much like that of E. myosuroides, and indeed with much the habit of that species ; the leaves much smaller than those of the last, more finely acuminate, more appressed when dry, in general; and frequently of a different form. Those of E. striatuvi are always markedly triangular, the sides, above the rounded, cordate base being almost straight to apex, while in the present species they are often, though not always, rounded above, so that the leaf then has a decidedly oval outline. The most marked and constant difference, however, is in the areolation, especially that of the base; E. striatum never showing the band of opaque, dot-like cells filling up the whole base of the leaf to the nerve, which is characteristic of the present plant; and the^upper cells in that are distinctly longer, and in proportion narrower. The leayes imthis are also somewhat less glossy. E. striatulum is indicated from the Scotch Highlands ; I have, however, seen no Scotch specimens; it is distinctly a southern species, and its chief distribution is throughout the Mediterranean region of Europe. 16. Eurhynchium rusciforme Milde (Hypnum rusciforme Weis; Rhynchostegiutn rusciforme B. & S., Schp. Syn. ; H. ruscifolium Neck.) (Tab. LIV. M.). In large, robust tufts, bright or deep green, often blackish, especially at base, when dry glossy with a bright metallic sheen. Stems prostrate or pendulous, irregularly divided, often very long, 2-6 inches, irregularly branched ; branches few or numerous, erect and arched, or long, straight, and parallel with the stem ; short, robust and obtuse, or longer, more slender and often much attenuated; rather rigid, or moderately soft. Leaves usually large, %.-!%. lines long, more or less concave, very widely ovate, shortly and more or less widely pointed, in some forms obtuse; margin plane, regularly denticulate all round ; nerve very thick at base, reaching f the length of the leaf. Cells very long and narrow, linear-vermicular, obtuse, incrassate, 10-20 times as long as wide, chlorophyllose and usually somewhat opaque, shorter atEURHYNCHIUM. 427 apex ; at extreme base large, wide, elliptical, the walls strongly incrassate and porose, occupying all base of leaf, but reaching higher at margin than at middle, usually chlorophyllose and opaque. Seta rather short, about f-inch in length, flexuose; capsule horizontal, oval-oblong, rather large, lid with a long curved beak. Autoicous. Var. f3. prolixum Brid. Aquatic ; stems floating, with simple or only slightly branched, long, often attenuated divisions, soft; leaves concave, imbricated and erect. Var. y. atlanticum Brid. Stems denuded at base, divisions and branches curved, rigid; leaves secund. Hab. Rocks and stones in and near streams; often submerged. Common. The vars. /3, 7, submerged, usually in mountainous streams, and mostly sterile. Fr. autumn. A very distinct species, though more easily recognised from its general habit and appearance than from easily defined structural characters. The leaves, although often slightly twisted when dry are of firm texture, and vary little in general outline, nerve, and areolation, though very variable in size, direction, and degree of acuteness; it is a more robust plant than any of its allies, and its habit is constantly more or less aquatic. Many varieties, besides those mentioned above, are described, but these appear to be the best marked ; the leaves vary much in direction, being sometimes spreading and squarrose, even when dry, sometimes closely imbricated, often very concave. A form occurs in mountain streams with the leaves small, rounded-ovate, often obtuse, concave, closely imbricated, so that the branches are almost julaceous, soft and slender ; it is probably the same form which Wilson describes in the Bry. Brit, from Laxlip, Ireland, and winch he refers with some doubt to var. prolixum (Turn.), this variety being distinct, apparently, from Bridel’s variety of the same name. 17. Eurhynchium murale Milde (Hypnum murale Hedvv. ; Rhynchostegium murale B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LIV. N.). Short, in low dense patches ; stems divided, 1-2 inches long, prostrate; divisions irregularly pinnate, with short, suberect, straight or slightly curved, obtuse or sub-acute but not attenuatea branches, somewhat turgid, often sub-julaceous; glossy green, often becoming reddish. Leaves more or less crowded, erecto- patent, when dry somewhat divergent or closely imbricated sometimes sub-secund, very concave, sometimes slightfy plicate when dry, f-f line long, rarely longer, widely ovate-oblong, rounded at apex and obtuse, apiculate or very shortly and widely pointed, not finely acumi?iate, narrowed at base; margin entire or slightly sinuose below, faintly, rarely more strongly, denticulate at apex; nerve wide at base, then becoming slender, reaching half-way or more. Cells linear-rhomboid, tapering but not acute 8-15 times as long as wide, chlorophyllose, the walls firm ; above428 HYPNACEHS. shorter and wider, often very short at apex ; at base laxer, the angular large, sub-rectangular, otten hyaline, forming niore or less distinct, inflated, somewhat pellucid auricles. Perichaetial bracts entire, nerveless. Seta 1 inch long; capsule reddish brown, black when old, oblong-cylindrical, arcuate; peristome large, orange. Autoicous. Var. f3. complanatum B. & S. Stems more elongated with fewer branches ; leaves sub-complanate, less concave. Var. y. julaceum Schp. Branches short, julaceous, obtuse; leaves densely imbricated, cochleariform, obtuse. Hab. Rocks, base of walls, etc., in shady situations; common. The vars. more rare. Fr. late winter. Usually known without much difficulty by its shining, close tufts, of a somewhat rigid texture, generally with a rusty reddish tinge, the branches usually more or less obtuse and julaceous, and the leaves always concave, so that they cannot be flattened out without splitting, at apex often cucullate, never longly nor finely acuminate, usually only very slightly acute. The fruit is usually produced in great abundance. The plant is distinctly a lowland one, rarely found at high altitudes, and it is always a rock-growing plant, preferring shady, moist situations, never or very rarely growing on trees. It has some resemblance to Brachythecium ccespitosum and B. illecebrum; the former however has usually more slender branches, and the leaves are narrower, less concave, and more longly and acutely pointed ; while the latter is a less glossy terrestrial plant of softer texture, the leaves usually larger, with more vermicular, narrower cells, less tapering at the ends and less chlorophyllose. The fruiting characters are quite different. The branches are often markedly julaceous, and it is difficult to draw the line between the type and the var. julaceum. 18. Eurhynchium confertum Milde (Hypnum confertum Dicks.; Rhynchostegium confertum B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LIV. O.). In low, dense tufts, dull or bright green, not very glossy, slender. Stems short (about 1 inch), irregularly branched,pros- trate and adhering by radicles, branches slender, short, variously directed. Leaves not crowded, erecto-patent, usually somewhat secund, often strongly so, small, about 'f line in length, concave, ovate, ovate-oblong, or ovate-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, denticulate over the greater part of the margin, nerve reaching usually above the middle; areolation resembling that of E. murale, the angular rather less distinct. Perichaetial bracts denticulate, thinly nerved. Seta about half-an-inch long, capsule short, ovate-oblong, brownish ; peristome rather small. Autoicous. Hab. Stones, stumps of trees, etc., in shady places : common. Fr. winter.EURHYNCHIUM. 429 Allied to the last species, but differing in habit, the more pointed, less concave leaves, non-julaceous branches, and other points. It resembles Braehythecium velutinum, in appearance, but has wider, less longly acuminate leaves, the seta smooth, the lid long-beaked, etc. 19. Eurhynchium megapolitanum Milde (.Hypnum mega- politanum Bland. ; Rhynchostegium megapolitanum B. & S., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LV. A.). Allied to E. confertum, of which it has been considered a variety ; much 7nore robust, in looser tufts, not adhering to the stibstratum by radicles-, divisions long, 1-3 inches, more branched; pale or yellowish green, shining. Leaves more or less closely imbricated, appressed or divergent when dry, larger, %-i line long, rapidly narrowed and constricted at base, decurrent, widely ovate, rapidly narrowed to a rather long, narrow acumen; branch-leaves narrower, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Areolation resembling that of E. confertum, or rather wider, the angular cells more numerous and more distinct, usually opaque, often reaching to the nerve. Seta usually longer, often attaining 1 inch, or more, flexuose ; capsule narrower. Hab. Stony and sandy ground, rarely on walls. Rare. Fr. winter. Although allied to the last this appears to be sufficiently distinct, and is so different in habit that it is not so likely to be mistaken for that as for some other species, e.g.y certain species of Braehythecium. It is, however, usually to be found in fruit, and there is then no difficulty in recognising it; and when barren may generally be known from any of the above-mentioned plants by the form of the leaf and basal areolation, which is more distinctly marked off from the rest of the cells than is usual in Braehythecium. The leaves are sometimes spreading and sub-complanate, some- times densely imbricated and appressed so that the branches are terete. It occurs, perhaps most frequently, on sandy and stony sea-shores. 20. Eurhynchium rotundifolium Milde (Hypnum rotundi- folium Scop.; Rhynchostegium rotundifolium B. & S.) (Tab. LV. B.). In small, soft, straggling tufts, stems creeping, with irregular, arched or suberect branches, slender, dull green. Leaves loosely imbricated, when dry not appressed but shrinking and twisted, soft and flaccid, ovate or rounded-ovate, shortly pointed, faintly denticulate above, not concave, nerve thin, reaching to middle ; areolation very lax and wide, thin-walled, rhomboid-hexagonal, 12-15 P wide, 3-5 times as long, laxer and sub-rectangular at base, but not distinct at angles. Seta short,, capsule small, oval-oblong. Autoicous.43« HYPNACE/'E. Hab. On the ground in stony places, by roadsides, etc. ; very rare. Near Wells (Binstead). Fr. winter. This very distinct species has only been added to our moss-flora within the past few years, by the Rev. C. H. Binstead. The short, rounded, flaccid leaves with extremely large cells render it a very marked plant; the cells in all the previously described species of the genus being less than half the width, and often much narrower. 113. PLAGIOTHECIUM B. & S. Stems irregularly branched, not pinnate. Leaves (in all the British species) complanate or secund and homomallous (only slightly so in P. demissum), ovate or oblong-lanceolate, often inserted obliquely and asymmetrical, two-nerved or nerveless, cells rhomboid-hexagonal or linear, usually very chlorophyllose. Seta smooth. Capsule slender, oblong-cylindric, more or less curved, smooth or striate; lid apiculate, acuminate, or shortly rostrate, rarely obtusely conical. Peristome more or less perfect, pale. This genus is for the most part a very natural one, the greater number of species being very distinct in their flattened stems and branches with complanate leaves; there are, however, a number of intermediate species, some of them between this genus and Eurhynchium, which seem best placed here, as they come very near some of the species whose position in the present genus is undoubted. I have thought it best to place here the species usually known as Rhynchostegium depressum and R. demissum. The affinity of the former to Eurh. confertum is undoubted, but it is also very near some of the species of Plagiothecium in habit, etc., and the complanate, almost nerve- less leaves give it a marked claim to be included here. In the absence of marked structural characters in the fruit and in the areolation, to separate the genera of Hypnaceae, the character derived from the single nerve or otherwise would appear to be of considerable importance, judging from its constancy in some of the well-defined groups of Hypnum and in other genera of the Pleurocarps ; I have therefore thought it the soundest method of classification (and it is also by far the most convenient to students) to include under Eurhynchium only those species with a single nerve (usually correlated with non-complanate leaves), and to unite with Plagiothecium the single-nerved or nerveless- leaved species having the leaves complanate or more or less secund and homomallous. The rostrate lid of the two species in question is of course no objection to this arrangement, as in other species of Plagiothecium it is quite as long.PLAGIOTHECIUM. 431 From Amblystegium the present genus differs in the longer, more rhomboid areolation, the nerve always double or wanting, the complanate or secund arrangement of the leaves, and the lid frequently longly acuminate and acute. fLs. with angular cells enlarged, more or less decurrent.........................2 \Ls. without enlarged angular cells..............................................7 fLs. over 1 line long, strongly complanate ......................................3 \Ls. under 1 line long, indistinctly complanate or subsecund.....................5 fLs. transversely undulate, pale ..................................7. undulatum ^\Ls. not undulate ................................................................4 fLs. glossy when dry ; cells 10-12 /* wide ; lid conical-acuminate ! 6. denticulatum 4 | Ls. darker, shrinking, hardly glossy when dry ; cells 15-18 fj. wide ; lid rostrate V. • 6*. sylvaticum fLs. with serrulate acumen ; capsule striated....................3. striatellum 5\Ls. entire ; capsule smooth .................................................6 ^ fLs. complanate, acuminate .......................................8. latebricola \Ls. sub-secund, scarcely acuminate ...............................9. de?nissum fLs. strongly complanate ; plant in flattened depressed tufts................8 ' \Ls. more or less secund, or indistinctly complanate ........................9 g f Ls. contracted to a fine acumen, with a few distant teeth ...2. Borrerianum \Ls. acute, scarcely acuminate, entire or finely serrulate.........1. depressum fLs. with long serrulate acumen....................................4. silesiacum ^ \.Ls. entire......................................................3. pulchellum 1. Plagiothecium depressum Dixon (Hypnum depressum Bruch; Rhynchostegium depressum B. & S., Schp. Syn.; Isopterygium depressum Mitt.) ^Tab. LV. C.). In smooth, shining, close tufts of a bright or golden green; branches slender, procumbent, almost simple, short. Leaves not decurrent, sub-distichous, so?newhat depressed on each side of the branches in two regular rows, or nearly complanate; not crowded, hardly altered when dry, erecto-patent, oval-oblong, acute or shortly acuminate, concave, faintly denticulate in the upper half; nerve, very short and double, or none; cells linear- rhomboid, tapering at ends, 6-10 times as long as broad, very chlorophyllose; laxer and more pellucid at base, the angular hardly distinct from the other basal cells. Seta short; capsule oblong, lid longly and finely acuminate. Dioicous. Hab. Foot of trees and shaded rocks ; not common. Fr. very rare, winter. Much resembling Eurh. confertum and other mosses in general aspect, form of leaf, etc., this species may be known from all the species of the previous genus by its nerveless or shortly two-nerved leaves, and also by its smooth flat tufts with nearly complanate, parallel branches ; from Flag. Borrerianum, which somewhat resembles it, it is known by the less pointed leaves with wider areolation ; Flag, denticulatum has almost always larger leaves, with larger cells, and the leaves are decurrent and have the margin recurved towards base. Plag. demissum has quite different areolation, especially at the base, and is autoicous ; and the habit is quite distinct.432 HYPNACE^E. The cells in P. depressum are faintly and minutely papillose, each cell having a row of papillae—not a single one—on its face ; this being the only European species in which such a structure is found, though it occurs in numerous, but not closely allied, exotic mosses. The papillae however seem to disappear more or less after gathering, and can only be seen quite satisfactorily in fresh specimens. They are best observed by viewing the back of a dry leaf, in profile, with a high power. 2. Plagiothecium Borrerianum Spruce (Hypnum elegans Hook., sec. Schp. et plur. auct.) (Tab. LV. D.). In smooth, low, dense patches of a pale shining green; branches procumbent or ascending, mostly numerous, slender, pointing one way, almost simple, complanate. Leaves sub- distichous, complanate, or slightly depressed, the points frequently curved downwards, not pointing upwards, hardly altered when dry and very glossy, 1,-f line long, ovate-oblong or oblong- lanceolate, gradually narrowing from about the middle, then quickly narrowed to a rather short, fine, sometimes flexuose acumen, rounded at base to a rather narrow, not decurrent insertion, one wing frequently indexed, but plane at margin, entire except at the acumen, which is more or less distinctly denticulate, very rarely entire ; nerve double, short, frequently very faint. Cells linear, pointed, very narrow, 20-30 times as long as wide, about 80 /x long and 3-4 wide ; almost uniform to base, or with a very few at basal angles sub-rectangular, but indistinct. Capsule shortly oval, wide-mouthed and somewhat turbinate when empty, horizontal or sub-pendulous, hardly curved, smooth ; lid conical, obtusely pointed. Peristome yellow. Dioicous. Var. f3. collinum Wils. Branches erect, leaves sub-secund. Hae. On the ground in woods, on rocks, etc. ; principally in mountainous districts. Frequent. The var. £ rare. Fr. very rare, spring. There has been much diversity of opinion as to the identity or non-identity of our European moss with the American plant described by Hooker under the name of Hypnum elegans. The two plants are without doubt closely allied, and several recent writers, considering them identical, have restored to our plant the specific name of Hooker, as it was formerly described by Wilson, Schimper, etc. Spruce, however, who first described the European plant, remained of the opinion that the two were distinct, pointing out the distinguishing characters, some of which seem to have value. I have therefore retained his name P. Borrerianum. P. Borrerianum may usually be recognised without much difficulty, by the small, non-decurrent, narrowly tapering leaves, and very narrow areolation. P. silesiacum, P. denticulatum and P. depressum are the only ones which are at all liable to be confounded with it; the differences between it and the former are pointed out under that species. P. denticulatum is as a rule larger, with larger, more shortly and widely pointed leaves, having much laxer areolation, the cells more than twice as long and twice or even four times as wide ; in the var. aptychus, however, there is a much nearer approach to the present plant; but the leaves are rarely so finely pointed, the cells, so far as I have observed them are hardly ever less than 120 in length,PLAGIOTHECIUM. 433 usually 140-160 fx in the smallest forms, and 5-7 /x wide at the least, whereas in the present species they are probably never more than 5 fx in width at the most, and rarely so much, while the basal areolation and structure is quite distinct, the present plant having the leaves rounded and narrowed at base to the insertion, and not decurrent, with the cells almost uniform to the base, while in P. denticulatum they are not rounded at the angles, but straight, decurrent, and with much laxer basal cells. The inflorescence is also an important character. P. depressum is much like the present species in habit, but the leaves are smaller, narrower, and not finely acuminate, with much shorter and wider cells. P. striatellum differs in the inflated angular cells, autoicous inflorescence and striated capsule. P. Rorrerianum usually produces bundles of filamentous offshoots in the axils of the leaves, bearing minute rudimentary leaves ; these are sometimes very abundant and conspicuous, and may then I believe be relied upon as a distinctive character, though they are not always present. 3. Plagiothecium pulchellum B. & S. (Hypnum pulchellum Dicks.; Isopterygium nitidum var. pulchellum Lindb.) (Tab. LV. F.). Very slender, forming small tufts of a bright green, with a metallic sheen when dry, often intermixed with other mosses. Stems creeping, short, with numerous erect, curved, very slender branches, A-inch long or less. Branch-leaves | line long, usually slightly falcate and regularly homomallous, hardly altered when dry, very glossy, narrowly triangular, gradually narrowed from immediately above the wide, not excavate nor decurrent base, to a very fine but not very long acumen, entire, plane at margin, nerveless or with very faint traces of a nerve. Cells linear, extremely narrow, 15-20 times as long as wide or more, pointed, almost uniform ; about two rows at base short, wide, sub-oval, but not distinct at angles nor forming auricles. Seta slender, red, §-§ inch long, capsule small, very variable, usually oblong with a tapering neck, suberect and slightly curved, with a rather wide mouth ; sometimes very short, almost symmetrical, or more strongly curved, and almost horizontal, frequently hardly tapering at neck, especially before the fall of the lid ; greenish brown, reddish brown when empty. Lid conical, apiculate. Peristome teeth densely barred; cilia moderately developed. Autoicous. Var. jB. nitidulum Husn. (Hypnum nitidulum Wahl. ; Flag, nitidulum B. & S., Schp., Syn. ; Isopterygium nitidum Lindb.). In flatter, more prostrate and straggling tufts, branches spreading, not erect, complanate, leaves sub-distichous. Hab. Crevices of rocks and among mosses on mountains, frequent. The var. $ more rare. Fr. summer. A very pretty species, sometimes forming rather dense tufts, at others growing intermixed with other mosses, among which it interlaces itself and becomes Cl434 HYPNACE/E. inconspicuous. The leaves are usually described as sub-complanate and rarely sub- secund, but in every specimen I have seen, when not distinctly the var. nitidulum, they are markedly homomallous, although with a somewhat distichous insertion ; and any tendency to spread out and become complanate is distinctly exceptional. The variety is very different in habit from the usual form, with the leaves regularly complanate and the branches therefore flattened, prostrate, and not erect nor ascend- ing ; the leaves are perhaps a little larger and more longly acuminate in general, and the colour often of a deeper green, but even these characters are inconstant, and the others frequently given, as to the form and direction of the capsule, the aggrega- tion or otherwise of the male flowers, are quite valueless. If attention be paid to the form of the leaf, especially at its base, there will be no difficulty in distinguishing this species from all the allied plants ; in P. latebricola and others the leaves are tfz/ rare. Fr. spring, but not common. A very variable, almost protean plant, yet with a distinct facies and leaf- structure which makes it as a rule easy to recognise, although it is extremely difficult to classify the various forms, many others of which might be enumerated in addition to the above ; but it is doubtful whether even these are more than forms induced by ocal and temporary conditions. I have no authentic specimens of the var. gracilescens Schp. which is recorded in the Lond. Cat. of Brit. Mosses from Yorkshire, but it is probably to be united with the var. trichodes (H. trichodes Brid.), and includes theAMBLYSTEGIUM. 447 very slender, prostrate, small-leaved forms, some of which are so slender as to bear a close resemblance to A. serpens. From Hypnum commutatum, A. filicinum differs in the narrower, more rigid and scariose leaves, not crisped when dry, nor deeply plicate, never circinate nor perhaps ever so strongly falcate as to form a half circle, and especially in the very different, wide, sub-hexagonal areolation. The differences between the present plant and A. irriguum have been dealt with under that plant, but some remarks are necessary with regard to the var. Vallisclausce. Much has been written and very different opinions are held with regard to the true place of this plant, some authors maintaining it as a species, others referring it to one or other of the two species in question ; it appears clear that both A. irriguum and A. filicinum give rise to analogous forms, which are hardly distinguishable, but may probably be always separated by the basal areolation and form of the leaves; the latter in A. irriguum var. spinifolium being narrower, ovate-lanceolate only on the stems, lanceolate on the branches; while the stem-leaves of A. filicinum are cordate-ovate at base, and the branch-leaves ovate or oblong-lanceolate, with the auricles more or less clearly defined and inflated, which is not the case in A. irriguum ; paraphyllia are frequently though not always found in the present variety, but are probably always entirely absent in the forms of A. irriguum. Hypnum falcatum var. irrigatum is a form similarly related to H. falcatum; it is readily known by the longer, narrower areolation. The already complicated nomenclature of the present variety has been rendered still more involved by the transference of the name Vallisclausce by Husnot to the analogous forms of A. irriguum (including var. spinifolium Schp.), that author holding that Bridel’s name referred to a form of the latter species, not to A. filicinuni. In the absence of clear proof I have thought it best to retain the more usual application of Bridel’s name to the var. of the present species. All the British plants I have examined of these forms belong distinctly to A. filicinum, and are therefore to be referred to its var. Vallisclausce ; nor do I know of any British records of the form belonging to A. irriguum. The basal auricles in H. filicinum are sometimes exceedingly distinct, but occasionally are less marked and with rather incrassate walls ; the leaves are, how- ever, almost always more deltoid at the base than in A. irriguum, and the angular cells are probably always, even in the above cases, much more strongly marked ; the inflorescence is also an important distinguishing character. The fruit is rare in the present species. 8- Amblystegium curvicaule Lindb. (as sub-spec.) Hypnum curvicaule Juratz., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LVI. E.). Stems creeping or ascending, hardly radiculose, divided, 1-2 inches long ; the divisions sub-simple or more or less regularly pinnate, flexuose; branches slender, rather obtuse, or acute, usually curved at the -tips; forming low tufts of a yellow-green or golden colour, yellowish internally, rather soft. Leaves erecto- patent, when dry erect, loosely imbricated, often sub-secund, at apex of branches here and there falcate, cordate-triangular or ■widely cordate-ovate, short, yi. line in length, narrowed above, then rapidly, almost suddenly acuminate in a short slender point, decurrent at base, concave, sometimes slightly plicate, of rather soft texture ; margin plane, minutely denticulate; nerve strong, reaching to the acumen and there becoming indistinct and vanish- ing ; cells resembling those of A. filicinum, but narrower, elliptic-hexagonal or elliptic-linear, usually 3-6 times as long as broad, pellucid, the walls firm and somewhat incrassate ; laxer at4-| 8 HYPNACE^:. base; at basal angles suddenly dilated, hyaline or orange, large, rectangular, forming wide, decurrent auricles. Paraphyllia none. Fruit unknown. Var. /?. strictum Dixon n. var. Stems and branches prostrate, rigid, elongated, 2-4 inches long, much denuded except at the tips; branches straight, not or scarcely curved, acute and cuspidate at apex; leaves sub-scariose, glossy, not plicate, rigid, oblong-lanceolate, or narrowly ovate-lanceolate; areolation narrower, elliptic-hexagonal or linear-rhomboid, 6-8 times as long as wide, very suddenly dilated at decurrent angles, large, inflated, bright orange in the older leaves. Tufts deep orange- brown, dark brown below. Hab. Wet rocks, Ben Lawers, alt. 3,500ft. (Dixon, 1893). The var. strictum with the type. This moss, which has been very perplexing to systematists, was gathered by me near the summit of Ben Lawers in the summer of 1893, and by a curious coincidence was gathered on the same mountain, independently, by the Rev. H. G. Jameson, very shortly afterwards. Mr. Jameson’s specimens appear to belong to the type, agreeing exactly, as do some of mine, with the specimens from le Sentis, Switzerland, published in the Musci Gallic. No. 786, by Culmann, and also with Breidler’s from the Tyrol, as well as with Juratzka’s original description, given in the very lucid article on this species by Venturi in Rev. Bry., 1881, p. 82. The greater part of my specimens, however, while incontestably belonging to the species in question, are so different in habit, texture, leaf-form, and areolation that I have thought them fully deserving a varietal name ; the cells are of the same character precisely, but longer and narrower, rarely less than six times as long as broad, while in the type they rarely attain this proportion ; the leaves are much narrower, from twice to three times as long as broad, while in the type they range from once and a half to twice as long as wide, rarely exceeding the latter proportion. The habit, too, is much more rigid and very different. The affinities of this plant are very doubtful ; the general consensus of opinion places it near A. filicimim, although various authors have placed it in the sections Harpidium, Limnobium, and Calliergon of the genus Hypnum ; Lindberg, indeed, makes it a sub-species of A. filicinum, but I cannot think this view will hold ; the very different appearance, the absence of paraphyllia, the characteristic acumination of the leaves, and the very different nerve remove it from all forms of that very polymorphous plant. The nerve, though comparatively strong, is much less so than in A. filicinum and always ceases almost or quite at the base of the acumen ; the acumen itself is very abrupt and markedly different from the gradual acumination of A. filicinum and most of the allied plants; it forms, indeed, such a constant and marked character that Venturi is probably right in thinking that Schimper’s description of the leaves as gradually acuminate points to a different plant, specimens of a Harpidioid Hypnum having frequently been mixed with and labelled as the present species. It is probable that no definite agreement will be arrived at until the fruit is found ; it may be worth while to point out that in habit, branching, leaf-form, and areolation there is a some- what close resemblance between the present plant and Brachythecium Nova-Anglia Sull. ; and this is somewhat emphasised by the occurrence of an intermediate plant, at present undetermined, which I have received from N. America, and which has been referred by some bryologists to the Section Cratoneuron of Hypnum as near H. filicinum, and by others placed near Brack. Nova-Anglia. It is not at all impossible that the present species may ultimately prove to be a Brachythecium. A. cui'vicaule may be readily known by the more or less abrupt acumen, long nerve and short areolation with abruptly dilated hyaline auricular cells, from the otherAMBLYSTEGIUM. 449 species of the genus, and indeed from all our other pleurocarpous mosses. It is a high alpine species, and is not likely to be found elsewhere in our islands unless in similar localities on the highest Scotch mountains. 9. Amblystegium Kochii B. & S. (Tab. LVI. G.). Stem prostrate, with erect or ascending branches, varying in size, some extremely slender, pale green ; resembling small forms of Hypnum riparium. Leaves usually somewhat distant, widely spreading in all directions from the base, or almost squarrose, cordate-ovate from a rather narrow, not decurrent base, gradually tapering to a finely subulate-acuminate point, % line long, sinuolate or faintly denticulate at margin, nerved about J the length of the leaf; cells rhomboid-hexagonal, widely pointed or truncate and obtuse, 4-6 times as long as wide, gradually becoming wider towards base, at angles rectangular, lax, pellucid, but not forming distinct auricles. Seta rather long, i-if inches, flexuose ; capsule rather small, arcuate. Autoicous. Hab. Marshy meadows, sides of pools, etc., very rare ; Sussex. Fr. summer. This plant is usually considered very closely allied to Hypnum riparium, and is indeed made a sub-species of that moss by Boulay ; but if areolation is to count for anything there can be no question as to the distinctness of the two plants; a glance at the very clear and representative drawings of the cells in the two species (Tab. LVI. G. and Tab. LVI. H.), or even at the figure given by Husnot (Muscologia Gallica, Tab. 204), who is one of the authors by whom it is considered closely allied to H. riparium, shows at once the wide difference, not only in size and width, but in character, between the cells of typical H. riparium and those of the present species; and though certain small forms, usually barren, of the former may approach the present in the width and shortness of the cells, they are very rarely found quite similar to those of our plant; and even when this is the case they can only be looked upon as exceptional. The present species is on the whole more likely to be passed over for A. variuvi, but the shorter nerve will clearly distinguish it from that species. The colour is pale, and the leaves are somewhat thin and pellucid. 115. HYPNUM L. (emend. B. & S.) Plants of various habit and branching, often robust, very frequently more or less regularly pinnate. Leaves variable, usually more or less scariose in texture, with linear areolation, rarely less than 5 times as long as wide and usually much longer, ofte?i vermicular, not papillose; usually forming distinct auricles at basal angles ; leaves often falcate or circinate; nerve usually none or double, more rarely single. Seta smooth, capsule curved, inclined, very rarely erect or suberect, usually sub-cylindric, or shorter and small ; lid conical, obtuse or acuminate, not longly rostrate. Peristome perfect. DI45° HYPNACEjE. The members of this genus are distinguished from Amblystegium by the longer, narrower cells ; from Plagiothecium by the areolation and rarely complanate leaves (one or two species alone having them secund and homomallous as in P. pulchellum), from Eurhynchium by the non-rostrate beak, etc.; from Brachythecium by the usually sub-cylindrical, narrower capsule, the linear rarely rhomboid areolation, and the nerve rarely single ; but as in other cases, individual plants, especially when barren, can often only be referred to the right genus by experience. The student, however, will do well to bear in mind that no species with longly acute or acuminate leaves and well- defined single nerve belong to this genus except those of the Sections Harpidium (easily known by the strongly falcate leaves), and two or three species of the Section Campylium. In classifying the species of this large genus I have for the most part followed the system employed by Schimper in the Synopsis. It is, however, I think, generally felt that the sub- divisions there are unnecessarily numerous, and I have in one or two cases merged two of his sub-genera into one. Thus under Harpidium I have included all the falcate-leaved species with elongated single nerve and with the angular cells usually dilated, irrespective of the thickness of the nerve ; i.e. I have included the sub-genus Cratoneuron of Schimper ; the nerve in some of the true Harpidium species being equally strong, while in H. sulcatum it is very feeble; and the presence of paraphyllia and radicular tomentum being equally inconstant. I have also eliminated the sub-genera Ctenidium and Ctenium, placing the tw-o species there included by Schimper, viz., H. tnolluscum and H. crista- castrensis, under Drepanium, from which they are hardly separable by any important structural detail; and I have done the same with H. incurvatum, our only British representative of the sub-genus Homomallium. Scorpidium (H. scorpioides) will be found united with Limnobium, and H. (Rhytidium) rugosum placed (following Lindberg) with Hylocomium. I venture to think that by so doing an equally sound basis of classification is arrived at, while the characters on which the Sections, or sub- genera, are based are much more clearly defined and consequently much more easily employed by the student. A. CAMPYLIUM. Leaves more or less longly acuminate, usually squarrose-divergent both wet and dry or rarely secund, never strongly falcate nor circinate ; branching irregular or sub- pinnate ; nerve single, varying in length, or none, rarely double; cells narrow-linear. Plants often small. Paraphyllia none.HYPNUM. 451 B. HARPIDIUM. Plants usually tall and robust, often erect, more or less pinnately branched. Leaves falcato-secund or circinate, longly and gradually acuminate, with a single nerve reaching above half-way and often nearly or quite to the apex ; cells linear, often very long and vermicular, usually much dilated at angles; paraphyllia often present. Leaves mostly large. Plants more or less aquatic. C. DREPANIUM. Plants prostrate or ascending, more or less regularly pinnate. Leaves usually small, strongly falcate or circinate, rarely almost straight but strongly homomallous, nerveless or with two faint nerves, longly and acutely acuminate. Plants rarely aquatic. Paraphyllia few or none, rarely abundant. D. LIMNOBIUM. Usually procumbent or ascending, of soft, flaccid texture, variously branched. Leaves usually secund but not strongly falcate, wide, obtuse or apiculate, rarely tapering to a short point, never finely and longly acuminate; nerve double or none, very rarely single. More or less aquatic, on wet rocks. E. CALLIERGON. Plants erect or procumbent, usually slightly branched only, or sub-pinnate. Leaves imbricated all round, rarely secund, usually large, broad, glossy, obtuse or only apiculate, nerve single or double. Terrestrial or bog plants, tall and often robust. ■1 A A 4 4 Leaves sharply acuminate, acumen often long and narrow .......................2 Leaves very shortly pointed, or obtuse or apiculate, or with short, bluntish acumen ...........................................................................5 Nerve single..................................................................3 Leaves nerveless, or shortly 2-nerved ........................................4 Leaves squarrose or spreading (rarely more or less secund)......A. Campylium Leaves falcato-secund or circinate..............................B. Harpidium Leaves squarrose-divergent .....................................A. Campyliuvi Leaves secund, falcate, or circinate ...........................C. Drepaiiium Ls. wide, soft, flaccid, usually secund ; on wet rocks, etc.....D. Limnobium Ls. firm, patent or imbricate ; usually in bogs or on the ground ...E. Calliergon A. CAMPYLIUM. Leaves more or less ovate-acuminate, acutely pointed, divergent or squarrose when dry, or secund, not strongly falcate. [The only species in this Section which have the leaves more or less erecto-patent or secund, not squarrose, viz. H. riparium and H. polygamum, always have a long, single nerve].452 HYPNACE/E. ■{ 4 4 4 4 4 Leaves single-nerved ..........................................................2 Nerve absent, or short and double..............................................5 Ls. narrowed above to a long, very narrow acumen ; plant slender...............3 Ls. more gradually tapering to a wider acumen ; plant larger ..................4 Nerve running up far into the acumen....................................2. eloder Nerve ceasing about half-way up leaf ..........................4t* chrysophyllum Ls. distinctly auricled with enlarged cells at angles...............3. polygamum Basal cells enlarged, but not forming distinct auricles.............1. riparium Ls. sharply serrulate, all strongly recurved .........................6. Halleri Ls. almost entire above, less recurved ........................................6 Stem creeping, slender ; angular cells of ls. small, quadrate ..5. Sommerfeltit Stem usually erect ; angular cells dilated .........................4. stellatum 1. Hypnum riparium L. (Amblystegium riparium B. & S., Schp. Syn. et mult, auct.) (Tab. LVI. H.). Very variable in size and habit ; typically low, creeping, sub- pinnate with short, spreading branches; bright or yellowish green, 2-3 inches long; leaves long, 1-2 lines (occasionally smaller) widely spreading or almost squarrose both wet and dry, often sub-complanate, rarely erecto-patent, but often forming a cuspidate tuft and secund at the tips of the branches; silky; more or less widely ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, longly and gradually finely acuminate, rounded at base to a narrow, shortly decurrent insertion. Margin plane, entire ; nerve strong at base, reaching above the middle and usually if the length of the leaf; cells linear-rhomboid, acute, 10-15 times as long as broad, thin-walled, chlorophyllose ; becoming lax at some distance above the base, gradually towards angles larger, rectangular and often pellucid, but not forming distinct nor hyaline auricles. Seta ^-1 inch long; capsule oblong-cylindric, somewhat turgid, strongly curved ; peristome large. Autoicous. Var. /3. longifolium Schp. Leaves 7iarrow, lanceolate- acuminate, with a very long and tapering, almost filiform acumen ; rather distant. Stems with almost simple, hardly branched divisions, usually sub-complanate. Var. y. splendens De Not. Resembling var. longifolium in habit but with very large, broad leaves, less finely acuminate, more crowded, very regularly imbricated, less complanate. Hab. Roots of trees, stones, etc., near water. Common. The vars. £ and y floating, in pools, etc., less common. A very variable plant, but usually known by the longly-pointed, entire leaves, widely divergent and straight when dry, with a long stout nerve and linear, pointed areolation ; in the latter character it is typically very different from all the species of Amblystegium, with which it is usually united ; while the single-nerved, entire, not plicate leaves will at once distinguish it from any of the species of the previouslyHYPNUM. 453 - •described genera to which it may bear any resemblance. It is sometimes much more like H. aduncum var. Kneiffii, but only in a few very extreme forms; it is then best identified by its quite entire leaves with the areolation gradually becoming laxer at the base of the leaves, not suddenly enlarged at the angles. The larger, wider, chloro- phyllose leaves, often complanate, and though widely spreading, hardly squarrose will separate it from the other species of this Section except H. polygamum, the basal areolation of which is quite different. The var. splendens is a very handsome plant, with wide flat branches having the large leaves very regularly arranged and of a deep green. This variety and the var. longifolium are often very much elongated, 6 or 8 inches long, and almost with the habit of Fontinalis.- The union of this species with those of the Section Campylium may without doubt give rise to some questioning. On the one hand ihe areolation is frequently shorter than in the type, approaching that of Amblystegium Kochii; but this is exceptional, and is never the case in the more ordinary and by far the greatest number of forms, nor, as far as I am aware, in fruiting plants, and can, of itself, be held no more a ground for uniting the species with Amblystegium than can the fact that in •other forms it nearly approaches H aduncum be held a reason for placing it in Harpidium. In all the more ordinary forms the outline and the direction of the leaves give it full as much a title to a place here as H. polygamum, and although the areolation is very different in character from that of this and the allied species, it is by no means unlike that of H. elodes. On the whole I think it must be conceded that its affinities with the plants of this Section are at least as close as with Ambly- stegium, in which genus it is in its typical form decidedly anomalous. 2. Hypnum elodes Spr. (Amblystegium elodes Lindb.) (Tab. LVI. 1.). Very slender ; stems 2-4 inches long, procumbent, irregularly pinnate, branches slender, ascending; in rather large low tufts, olive green or yellowish. Stem-leaves distant, widely spreading; branch-leaves somewhat closer, but not densely placed, slightly secund at the tips of the branches; all very small, line long, narrowly ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, widest just above the base, gradually tapering to a long fine acumen, hardly decurrent, narrowed at base; margin plane, obsoletely-denticulate; nerve yellowish, strong, vanishing in the acumen. Cells widely linear, thin-walled, 8-12 times as long as broad, at base larger, shorter, sub-rectangular, more incrassate, covering a large space at the base of the leaf, but not forming well-defined auricles. Seta long, 1-2 inches ; capsule sub-cylindric, curved. Dioicous. Hab. Marshy meadows, on earth by water, etc., rare. Fr. spring, very rare. A delicate plant, resembling H. chrysophyllum, but quite different in the long, strong nerve, and by that and the divaricate, almost squarrose, distant leaves readily identified. H. polygamum is a larger plant with fainter, shorter nerve, quite entire margin, and more distinct angular cells, and the inflorescence autoicous. 3. Hypnum polygamum Schp. (Amblystegium polygamum B. & S.) (Tab. LVI. M.). Resembling H. stellatum; moderately robust, less erect; yellowish green or golden. Leaves not very densely crowded,454 HYPNACEvE. erecto-patent both moist and dry, not or very rarely squarrose, often sub-secund, longly and widely lanceolate, from a rather narrow, hardly excavate, not cordate nor triangular base, about i line long; nerve single, reaching half-way or more, distinct, but not very strong; areolation narrow, linear, as in the firmer forms of H. stellatum; at basal angles distinct, large, often orange, forming distinct auricles usually reaching nearly to the nerve. Seta long, i£—.2 inches or even more; capsule variable in form. Autoicous or synoicous. Hab. Marshes, wet meadows, etc., not common. Fr. summer. Not easy to recognise in the field from certain forms of H. stellatum, though very different from the typical form of that species in the less spreading, narrower leaves, and usually very fertile. The narrow base of the leaves, the long nerve, and different inflorescence will easily separate it under the microscope. Like the above-mentioned, species, it is sometimes very slender, with shorter, more spreading leaves. The typical squarrose leaves of H stellatum will not flatten out under a cover- glass without the involution of the margins in the middle, or at least without renderings them undulated ; in the present plant, and in typical H. chrysophyllum, the less squarrose directions allows of their being flattened without much alteration of outline. Wilson’s var. stagnatum is the larger, robust form of this plant, stronger in all its parts than the more slender and perhaps commoner form. The areolation will distinguish H. polygamum from H. riparium. 4. Hypnum stellatum Schreb. (Amblystegium stellatum Lindb.) (Tab. LVI. K.). Very variable. Typically robust, stems stout, erect or ascending, 2-4 inches high, somewhat divided, and with numerous, sub-pinnate, more or less crowded and erect branches ; forming large soft tufts of a yellowish green or bright golden colour, glossy. Leaves variable in size and form, %-iyi lines long, some- what crowded, from an erect, ovate or widely cordate base, more or less rapidly narrowed to a long, gradually tapering, acute, squarrose acumen, hardly altered when dry, rigid, scariose, at base wide, slightly excavate, with rounded, hardly decurrent auricles, in the acumen somewhat channelled ; entire, or sinuolate at base only ; nerveless or with a very short and faint, double or single, often forked nerve; cells narrow, linear, in the young leaves often pointed and somewhat thin-walled, 8-10 times as- long as wide, in older leaves often narrower and obtuse, with the walls incrassate and porose, almost uniform to base; at angles distinct, sub-rectangular, incrassate, variable in size and colour, opaque, orange or pellucid, forming larger or smaller, more or less distinct auricles. Seta long, i-i| inches, stout; capsule oblong-cylindric, curved. Dioicous.HYPNUM. 455 Var. fi. protensum B. & S. (Hypnum protensum BricL). Slender, more or less procumbent, with more regularly pinnate, spreading, more distant branches, forming low, usually prostrate, creeping tufts ; leaves more distant, smaller, often narrower, frequently with a very faint single nerve, reaching nearly half- way ; angular cells usually fewer and smaller. Hab. Bogs, marshy meadows, etc. Frequent. The var. j8 on wet calcareous rocks, beds of pools, etc., rarer. Fr. very rare, summer. In its typical form this is a robust, handsome species of erect, compact growth and rich golden colour ; but it has a strong tendency to become slender, straggling, and untidy, of a dull dirty green. Some of the forms are very slender, and a number of varieties are described by Boulay, mostly tending in this direction and varying in leaf-form, etc. ; I find the form of leaf so variable, however, even on the same plant, that I think it more satisfactory to include all the more slender, more or less prostrate forms with small leaves under the var. protensum, which in its extreme state is a very marked plant, closely approaching H. chrysophyllum in habit and leaf, and sometimes hardly separable, especially as it not unfrequently occurs with a slender, single nerve ; but it may perhaps always be distinguished by the more distant, more squarrose leaves, usually wider at base, and generally, though not always, with larger auricular cells. H. stellatum sometimes has much the appearance of H. polygamum, with less squarrose leaves of a narrower outline, but wanting the long distinct nerve of that species, and with a different inflorescence. * Hypnum chrysophyllum Brief. (Amblystegium chryso- phyllum Lindb.) (,Tab. LVI. L.). Differs from most forms of H. stellatum as follows: Much more slender, stem prostrate, with suberect or spreading, pinnate branches, forming low, lax or denser tufts, rarely an inch high, bright golden, rarely yellowish green. Leaves smaller, }i-i line long, more crowded, less squarrose, frequently secund, narrower at base. more gradually tapering, triangular-lanceolate or ovate-acuminate, nerve slender, single, reaching half-way or slightly beyond ; cells as in H. stellatum but frequently shorter, 5-10 times as long as broad ; angular cells usually smaller and more opaque, less frequently dilated and pellucid. Var. /3. erectum Bagnall (Journ. of Bot., 1896, p. in). In dense large tufts, 1-2 inches high, yellowish green. Stems erect or ascending with densely pinnate, erect, crowded branches; leaves more regularly secund, often distinctly falcato-secund, sub-denticulate at basal margin. Hab. On the ground, rocks, etc., in calcareous districts. Frequent. The var. /3, Dove Dale, Staffordshire, (Bagnall, 1895). Fr. very rare, summer. After examining a large number of specimens of this and H. stellatum I am compelled to think the difference between them is very slight indeed. It is quite456 HYPNACE^. impossible to found the distinction on the presence of the single elongated nerve ; for undoubted plants of H. stellatum not unfrequently have a thin nerve reaching half- way up the leaf, while it is not uncommon in equally undoubted H. chrysophyllum to find leaves with hardly any trace of nerve. Beyond this, I have frequently examined plants which, while exactly agreeing in aspect with H. chrysophyllum, as well as in leaf-form and areolation, show in almost all the leaves the faintest traces of nerve, with occasionally a more pronounced one. The angular cells vary very greatly, and while as a rule in the large, wider leaves of H stellatum they are large and pellucid, and in the small, narrower leaves of H. chrysophyllum small and opaque, every gradation can be observed between these two conditions. The var. erectum is a very marked form, with much the aspect of robust plants of Plagiothecium pulchellum ; I have received exactly the same plant from the Rev. A. C. Waghorne, gathered in Newfoundland. A green, not yellowish form sometimes occurs, with shortly acuminate leaves and lax areolation. The typical plant may usually be known at sight by its slender, somewhat silky appearance, the golden colour, dense leaves, etc. 5. Hypnum Sommerfeltii Myr. (H. polymorphum Wils., non Hedw.; Campylium hispidulum var. Sommerfeltii Lindb.) (Tab. LVI. J.). Very slender, stems about i inch long, with numerous, sub- pinnate, slender, erect branches, forming small rather dense tufts of a pale, rarely yellowish green. Leaves rather closely set, spreading and squarrose, sometimes secund at the tips of the branches; little altered when dry; small, about | line long, from a wide, cordate-oval base longly and finely acuminate, rounded at base to a rather broad insertion, finely denticulate in the lower half, nerveless or with a very short and faint single or double nerve; cells linear, somewhat vermicular, obtuse, 6-10 times as long as wide ; almost uniform to base, at angles distinct, few, sub-quadrate, rather small, opaque, forming small but rather well defined, yellowish or dark auricles. Seta about £ inch long ; capsule oblong-cylindrical, slightly turgid and gibbous, curved; lid conical, obtusely apiculate. Autoicous. H ab. About the roots of trees, on stones, etc., on calcareous soil principally. Not common. Fr. summer. This little plant has the habit and appearance of Amblystegium serpens, but is easily recognised by the squarrose leaves, of quite different structure. From H. chrysophyllum it differs in the distinctly denticulate leaf-base, autoicous inflorescence, etc.; from the other species, except H. Halleri which is quite distinct, in the small size and denticulate leaves. 6. Hypnum Halleri Linn. fil. (Campylium Halleri Lindb.) (Tab. LVI. X.). ' Very slender, stems entirely prostrate, divided, 3-4 inches long, with numerous, pinnate, very short branches, erect or spreading, forming very dense flat tufts, not half-an-inch high,HYPNUM. 457 rich golden brown or golden green, dark within. Leaves crowded, recurved-squarrose from a more erect base, hardly altered when dry, widely ovate or ovate-rounded with a rather abrupt, short, acute acumen, minutely denticulate all round, slightly recurved at basal margin, nerveless or with a very faint, short, double nerve ; cells rather short, 6-10 times as long as wide, linear, obtuse ; at angles few, sub-quadrate, not very conspicuous. Seta short, about f inch ; capsule small, f line long, more or less curved, constricted below the mouth, reddish purple with a somewhat glaucous tinge, especially when young. Autoicous. Hab. Alpine rocks ; very rare ; Ben Lawers ; Ben Cruachan. Fr. summer. A very distinct and pretty little species, in very dense low patches, and at once characterised by the colour, and by the very squarrose, recurved leaves, which have much shorter points than in the allied species, and therefore give a quite different, more compact aspect to the stems and branches. On the continent it is fairly common and fruits abundantly. B. HARPIDIUM. Leaves usually large, strongly falcate or circinate, rarely only slightly falcate ; nerve single, reaching half-way, usually much higher, often strong. Bog plants, or growing in wet places on rocks. [All the British pleurocarpous mosses with strongly falcate, acuminate leaves having a long single nerve belong here, with the exception of some forms of A?nblystegium filicinurn with strongly curved leaves, recognised at once by the short, wide, sub- hexagonal cells. Hypnum palustre and H. ochraceuni never have the leaves finely and longly acuminate.] In the following arrangement I have made great use of Renauld’s elaborate monograph of the European Harpidioid Hypna in the Muscologia Gallica, although with some slight differences from that work. /Leaves not (or only faintly) plicate when moist ...................................2 \ Leaves distinctly plicate when moist..............................................9 {Leaves not (or scarcely) auricled .................................................3 Leaves with distinct auricles .....................................................5 {Ls. wide, concave, crumpled and rugose when dry........................9. lycopodioides Ls. little altered when dry ......................................................4 /Robust, reddish ; leaves with long acumen............................../j. revolvens 4 ^Slender, yellowish or green ; acumen shorter.....................13*. intermedium f Angular cells swollen, hyaline ...................................................6 ■^/Angular cells incrassate, yellowish................................................8 (Annulus present; ls. usually ovate-lanceolate, entire ; nerve not reaching high in acumen .............................................................7. adwicum Annulus absent; ls. longly lanceolate, finely toothed at base and apex ; nerve running far into acumen ...........................................................745§ HYPNACE^. /Autoicous ; stem-ls. flexuose, only the upper secund ............ 10. Jiuitans 7*j Dioicous ; Is. falcato-secund, faintly plicate, especially when dry . [ io*- exannulatum g/Slender ; Is. crowded, J-i line long................................8. Sendtneri °\Robust; Is. more distant, i£-2£ lines long .........................8*. Wilsoni /Ls. not auricled, red-brown along base ..........................12. vernicosuui "\Ls. auricled....................................................................10 I0/Ls. narrow at base ; autoicous ....................................11. uncinatum 11/Stem very radiculose ; stem Is. deltoid at base.................14. commutatum \Radicles few or none ; stem ls. less expanded at base........................12 I2/Ls. scarcely J line long; nerve weak, usually about half-way ......14*. sulcatum \Ls. long ; nerve strong..........................................14*. falcatuvi 7. Hypnum aduncum Hedw. (Amblystegium Kneiffii B. & S., p.p.) (Tab. LVI. O.). Stems usually slender and soft, not so firm nor so robust as in most of the following-species ; green or yellowish green, rarely either yellow, reddish or dark coloured; extremely variable in mode of branching, etc. Stems typically erect, more or less regularly pinnate ; leaves not crowded, falcato-secund, usually moderately but not strongly hooked at the tip of the stems and branches ; not plicate, entire or faintly sinuose at margin, ovate- lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, longly and finely acuminate, wide and cordate at base, strongly excavate, with decurrent auricles enclosing a more or less semi-circular space. Nerve moderately strong, reaching f length of leaf or into the acumen, but usually not nearly approaching the apex. Areolation rather short and lax, thin-walled, linear-flexuose, about 80 y. in length, but some- times more and often less, 10-12 times as long as wide ; towards base becoming slightly laxer, linear-subrectangular, at angles suddenly inflated, large, hyaline, forming distinct, hyaline, decurrent auricles. Branch-leaves narrower. Perichsetial bracts lightly plicate. Seta long, 1-2 inches. Capsule oblong, inclined, curved. Annulus present. Dioicous. Var. f3. Kneiffii Schp. (Hypnum Kneiffii Schp. olim). Stems prostrate or ascending, with irregular erect divisions, which are simple or irregularly branched, not or scarcely pinnate; very slender; leaves distant, erecto-patent or spread- ing, hardly falcate or secund; very slightly falcate, not hooked, at apex of stems; wider and shorter, ovate-lanceolate, more shortly acuminate. Nerve rather shorter ; cells shorter, about 40-60 fn, 8-10 times as long as broad ; wider towards base. Var. y. gracilescens Schp. Very small and slender, irregularly or sub-pinnately branched ; leaves very small, widely triangular- ovate, shortly acuminate; nerve very short and often faint,HYPNUM. 459 hardly reaching half-way ; cells very short, 4-5 times as long as wide, sub-hexagonal; auricles less distinct. Hab. Marshes, pools, etc. Common. The var. Kneiffii common. The var. gracilescens rare. Fr. very rare, summer. This is an exceedingly protean species, and the characters given above, especially as regards the measurements of the cells, must be looked upon as approximate only. The variations are endless, in form of leaf, length of cells, size, mode of branching, etc., and innumerable varieties have been described, many of those described by one author being doubtless almost identical with those of another, according as one set of characters or another is chosen for a basis of classification. Some forms are exceedingly slender, with short, wide, hardly falcate leaves ; approaching H riparium in many respects ; others are very like H. fluiians, often being aquatic, elongated, soft, regularly pinnate with long spreading leaves, giving a very plumose aspect to the plant. The var. Kneiffii, often separated as a species, is one of the most distinct, but many intermediate forms occur, and the differences are rather of habit than of structural importance. An extremely slender, golden green plant which I gathered on damp sand hills in Donegal Co., with minute short leaves, the nerve short, faint and sometimes almost wanting, and very short wide cells, appears to belong to the var. gracilescens Schp. (forma gracilescens Ren.), but it may possibly be more accurately referred to the var. tenue Schp., between which and the var. gracilescens there is, as admitted by Schimper, very little difference. In spite of its great variability, H. adnncuvi is rarely difficult to distinguish from the allied species, except from H. fluitans, which may almost always be known by the narrower leaves, denticulate at base, with very narrow cells remaining almost uniform to the base, and with a longer nerve ; there are, however, forms which are extremely hard to separate. H. Sendtneri is more robust, with the leaves more strongly falcate, the nerve stronger and cells firmer and narrower. H. vernicosnm has the leaves more falcate, plicate, and without decurrent auricles ; H. revolvens and H. Cossoni are distinguished by similar characters, though the leaves are not plicate. 8- Hypnum Sendtneri Schp. (Amblystegium Sendtneri Lindb.) (Tab. LVII. A.). Typically rather slender, resembling H. vernicosutn ; stems erect, divided, with few branches, 3-6 inches high; leaves crowded, |-i line long, strongly falcato-secund, almost circinate, strongly hooked at the tips of the stems and branches, somewhat flexuose and twisted when dry, more glossy than in H. aduncum, which they resemble in structure; not plicate, entire; nerve strong, wider than in H. adnncum, about 60-100 /j. wide at base (in H. aduncum 50-60 f), usually extending into the acumen ; cells about equal to those of H. aduncum in length, but narrower with firmer walls, linear-flexuose, obtuse, almost uniform to base, the basal usually with thin, not porose walls, the angular cells firmer, with somewhat thick walls, less hyaline, forming distinct decurrent auricles. Capsule longer than in H. aduncum, sub- cylindric, suberect. Dioidous. Hab. Bogs, marshes, etc., not common. Fr. rare, summer.460 HYPNACE^E. This species, ok account of its strongly-curved leaves, is more like several of the following species than H. aduncum, to which, however, it is more closely allied. It differs from that species also in the deeper colour, more glossy texture, wider nerve and usually firmer cell-walls, and the auricular cells are less enlarged and conspicuous. The entire leaves, wider at the base, and more circinate, will separate it from H. fluitans, the non-plicate leaves from H. uncinatum and H. falcatum, and the decurrent auricles from the other species which might be mistaken for it. It is a less variable plant than the last, but has a very slender form analogous to the var. gracilescens of that, and so like it as to be barely distinguishable except perhaps by the stronger nerve. Very robust forms approach H. Wilsoni, but the leaves are closer, less flexuose when dry, the stems more pinnate, the cells longer. * Hypnum Wilsoni Schp. (Amblystegium Wilsoni Lindb. ; H. Sendtneri var. Wilsoni Schp., Syn.) (Tab. LVII. B.). Resembling H. Sendtneri in structural details, this plant is much more robust, 6-12 inches long, usually of a deep yellowish green or golden colour, the stems slightly divided and very remotely pinnate, the leaves more distant, very large, ii-2^ lines long, oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering to a long filiform acumen, falcate, giving a very robust appearance to the stems, which are however really slender and flexuose ; nerve variable in width (Renauld describes it as narrower, but I have always found it as strong) ; cells rather wider, with thinner walls, the angular fewer and less distinct, forming smaller auricles. Var. f3. kamatum Lindb. (H. aduncum var. hamatum Schp. ; H. hamifolium Schp., Syn.). Very robust, stems very regularly and closely pinnate, more rigid; leaves beautifully and regularly circinate, very long, especially in the acumen, more crowded. Hap.. Bogs, wet sandy shores, etc., rare. The var. £ very rare. Fr. very rare, summer. H. Wilsoni is too closely allied in all structural points to be separated from H. Sendtneri, but its great difference in habit and the size of its parts seem to warrant its retaining the rank of a sub-species. The nerve is somewhat variable, even in leaves from the same plant, but is certainly normally stout, much more so than in H. lycopodioides, which differs also, notably, in the plicate-rugose leaves, when dry. The basal cells are frequently very incrassate, and the walls, as frequently happens in such ^ases, are then strongly porose. The var. & is a very marked form, and altogether one of the most handsome of the Hypna; the branching is very different from that of the type, but there is absolutely no difference in the structure of the leaves. It is sometimes quite submerged, and is then frequently encrusted with calcareous deposit. 9. Hypnum lycopodioides Schwgr. (Amblystegium lyco- podioides De Not.) (Tab. LVII. C.). Resembling the more robust forms of H. Sendtneri and H. Wilsoni; the stems with few divisions which are simple or veryHYPNUM. 461 slightly branched, slender and flexuose, but rendered very robust and tumid by the densely crowded, large, concave leaves ; forming large tufts of a rich golden colour, 4-10 inches high. Leaves very large, 2-2J lines long, very concave, widely oblong- lanceolate, tapering to a fine, moderately long acumen, falcate but not strongly so, hardly hooked at the tips of the stems, very slightly decurrent at the wide base, which is broadly, not semicircularly excavate, entire, when dry plicate and irregularly rugose; nerve narrow, 30-50 /x, reaching to the base of the acumen. Cells as in H. Sendtneri, the basal incrassate, with the walls porose. Dioicous. Hab. Deep bogs and pools ; rare. Fr. spring, very rare. This plant resembles H. scorpioides in the tumid stems with large rugose leaves, but the colour is usually different, and the long nerve quite distinctive. It is so different in habit, arrangement and form of leaves, etc., from H. Wilsoni that I do not feel able to follow Renauld in making one a sub-species of the other. It is in appearance one of the most distinct of the species of this Section. 10. Hypnum fluitans L. (Amblystegium fluitans De Not.) (Tab. LVII.D.). Very variable. Typically slender, elongated, very soft and flexuose, slightly and hardly pinnately branched, the leaves distant, slightly falcate, not strongly curved, even at the tips of the stems, pale green, glossy, resembling forms of H.. aduncum var. Kneiffii but with narrower more silky leaves.. Another equally common form is more robust, more pinnately branched, with the leaves closer, falcate, at tips of branches strongly hooked, usually of a darker colour, orange or chestnut brown. Tufts large, deep, soft in texture. Leaves very narrow, Ungulate-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, very gradually tapering to an extremely long, flexuose acumen, i-J—2 lines long, smooth or obsoletely plicate when dry, narrow at base and widely, not deeply excavate, at margin usually distinctly denticulate, especially at apex and base; nerve distinct, narrow or wider, usually reaching high in the acumen, or even to apex. Cells long and very narrow, 100-120 /x long, 20-30 times as long as wide, but variable, linear-flexuose, obtuse, somewhat incrassate; almost uniform to the base; at angles inflated, hyaline or coloured, forming distinct auricles often reaching to the nerve. Seta long, 2 to even 4 inches ; capsule more or less inclined,, variably curved. Annulus none. Autoicous, rarely dioicous or barren with imperfect flowers. Hab. Bogs, pools, etc., rarely in calcareous soil. Fr. common, summer.462 HYPNACE/E. Besides the typical and the falcate forms mentioned above there are many others which cannot be described in a work of limited compass ; when submerged the plant often becomes beautifully plumose with spreading leaves, in other cases the leaves are close, more or less erect when dry, very long and very silky. In habit, colour, etc., this species is nearest to H. aduncum, from which it is usually known by its narrower, more silky leaves, denticulate at margin, more longly nerved, with longer, very narrow cells, almost uniform to the base ; but intermediate forms occur which are often very difficult to separate, especially as they are usually the more submerged forms, and mostly barren ; typical H. fluitans being usually very fertile, and distinct in the autoicous inflorescence. H. uncinatum differs in the pale colour, strongly plicate leaves, etc. ; most of the other species have shorter, wider, more circinate leaves, of a more rigid texture, and in habit and other respects are distinct. * Hypnum exannulatum Giimb. (Amblystegium exannulatum De Not.) (Tab. LVII. E.). Differs from H. fluitans in the plants usually more compact and rigid, less soft and flexuose, more pinnately branched, mostly of a deeper, often purplish colour; typically but less commonly green or yellowish ; the leaves closer, more strongly falcate, twisted when dry, not rigidly circinate, glossy at back and frequently plicate, especially when dry, strongly hooked at the tips of the stem and branches, mostly longly and finely acuminate from a usually wider base ; nerve often stronger, usually purplish brown, mostly reaching to or nearly to apex. Cells frequently shorter and wider, but not constantly so, the auricular usually abruptly dilated and very distinct, forming rather large, conspicuous auricles. Dioicous, rarely autoicous. Var. /3. purpurascens Schp. Firm, compact, closely pinnate, of a more or less deep purplish colour; leaves crowded, more shortly acuminate, cells rather short, sometimes very short and, proportionately, wide (var. brachydictyon Ren ), nerve often very strong and thick, 60-90 y. wide at base. Var. y. stenophyllum (Hypnum stenophyllum Wils. ; H. exannulatum var. Rotae Schp., Syn.). Usually purple or red, more elongate, less compact and rigid ; leaves less crowded, less strongly falcate, very long and narrow (2-2^ lines), nerve strong, sometimes excurrent in a denticulate point; cells narrow, very long. Hab. Bogs, mostly in more elevated situations than is usual with H. fluitans Common. The var. p in mountain bogs; the var. y in deep bogs and pools, rare. Very rarely fruiting. Hypnum fluitans, though by no means absent in elevated situations, is pre- eminently a lowland species, while the sub-species is a more subalpine plant, and is usually readily known by its more compact, pinnate growth, with the leaves crowded and often plicate. It is sometimes very much like H. falcatum in leaf structure, but that species is more yellowish, rarely purple, with the leaves more distinctly plicateHYPNUM. 463 both when wet and when dry, less denticulate above, and with more or less numerous paraphyllia, and is less regularly pinnate. The var. stenophyllum in its extreme forms is very marked ; in outline the leaves resemble those of H. fluitans, but the colour and branching are distinct, the nerve usually stronger, and the habit more robust. The green form, which may be looked upon as typical, is rare, and resembles H. Sendtneri, but has the leaves usually plicate when dry. 11. Hypnum uncinatum Hedw. (Hypnum aduncum L. sec. Lindb., non Hedw. ; Amblystegium aduncum Lindb.) (lab. LVII. F.). Pale green or golden green, very rarely of a deeper colour, never red nor purple. Stems rarely erect, usually procumbent, often interlaced with other mosses, or more robust and tufted, distantly or closely pinnate, rather slender, 1-4 inches long. Leaves more or less crowded, regularly falcate or almost circinate, little altered when dry or in the softer forms spirally flexuose at points, glossy, strongly longitudinally plicate when wet and dry, strongly hooked at the tips of the stems and branches, of thin, not solid texture ; narrowly oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering to a very fine, filiform acumen, at margin usually dejiticulate at point and often at base, rarely entire; at base often broad and flat, with minutely decurrent auricles and hardly excavate, but always more or less decurrent and auriculate; nerve very narrow, 30-35 y wide at base, extending high in the acumen. Cells very narrow, long, flexuose, somewhat tapering and pointed, thin-walled, almost uniform to base; angular, more or less numerous, hyaline, but not very large nor inflated, partly decurrent and partly extending above the base at angles, forming rather small, not well-defined auricles. Perichastial leaves very long, straight, erect, sheathing, plicate ; seta variable in length, capsule sub-cylindric, arcuate, orange-red, annulate. Autoicous. Var. /3. plumulosum Schp. Very slender, closely pinnate; leaves small, less deeply striate, less denticulate or sub-entire ; seta shorter, capsule smaller. Hab. Wet rocks and walls, principally in alpine and subalpine districts; common. The var. 0 rare, on mountains ; Snowdon. Fr. summer. Usually a very distinct species in the pale colour, thin, strongly plicate, very finely acuminate, denticulate leaves with narrow nerve and small ill-defined auricles which are, however, always more or less developed. Numerous forms occur on the continent, and perhaps still more strongly marked in N. America, but the more distinct of them do not appear to occur here, though the var. plumosum Schp., a somewhat distinct form with regular close complanate pinnation, but connected with the type by a regular series of forms, is found occasionally; it is intermediate between the type and the var. plumulosum. The latter variety is very distinct, not only in the464 HYPNACE/E. slenderness but in the hardly striate, almost entire leaves; I refer a plant gathered on Snowdon with very little doubt to this variety. The autoicous inflorescence and the very long, straight, conspicuous perichaetia are also marked and useful characters of the present plant. 12. Hypnum vernicosum Lindb. (Amblystegium vernicosum Lindb. (Tab. LVII. G.). Slender, but rather firm and rigid, 2-4 inches high, more or less erect, jyellowish green, variegated with deeper colour, some- times yellowish, brown, or reddish, but never deep red nor purple, glossy, pinnately branched. Leaves rather small, i-i£ lines long, crowded, falcate-circinate, concave, plicate, especially when dry, strongly hooked at the tips of the branches, from a short, wide, oblong base rapidly and rather shortly and widely acuminate, acute and sometimes finely apiculate, entire ; truncate, not decurrent nor excavate at base; nerve rather weak, usually vanishing just above the middle; cells long and very narrow, flexuose, sub-obtuse, the walls slightly incrassate ; at base usually reddish purple, two or three rows at insertion commonly rather wide, oblong-hexagonal, more or less incrassate ; not distinct nor decurrent at angles, or rarely with a very few minute cells form- ing almost obsolete, minute false auricles. Capsule annulate. Dioicous. Hab. Subalpine and mountain bogs, rare. Fr. very rare, summer. This species in habit resembles H. Sendtneri and H. intermedium, but differs from both in the strongly plicate leaves, from the former also in the shorter acumen and absence of decurrent auricles. From H. revolvens proper it differs in the less robust habit, paler colour, less incrassate median cells, shorter, plicate leaves, shorter nerve, and usually more numerous sub-hexagonal basal cells. It is less markedly different from H. revolvens sub-spec, intermedium, but the strongly plicate leaves are sufficient to distinguish it, and the nerve is usually shorter. H. vernicosum is much like forms of H. falcatum, but that species is less pinnate, with distinct auricles. It is necessary in determining species of this Section to examine leaves from the stems, not the branches, and to remove them with great care, as otherwise the angular decurrent cells though present may be left attached to the stem, and the leaf appear falsely to be non-decurrent; truly non-decurrent leaves are only found in the present species and in H. revolvens and its sub-species. In the present plant one or two rows of hyaline thin-walled cells are frequently observable below the coloured incrassate cells, along the line of insertion ; these are somewhat intermediate between the foliar and cortical tissue, and may almost be considered characteristic of the present species; when only a few of these are detached, at the angles, as frequently occurs, they give rise to the minute false auricles mentioned in the above description. 13. Hypnum revolvens Sw. (Amblystegium revolvens Lindb.) (Tab. LVII. 1L). Robust, soft, stems irregularly divided, unequally and distinctly, not pinnately branched, in dense tufts of a deepHYPNUM. 465 reddish purple, beautifully variegated with golden green and orange, very glossy and with almost a metallic sheen. Leaves large and densely crowded, so that the stems appear robust and tumid, strongly and very regularly circinate so as often to form a closed circle with the point, when dry little altered, only slightly flexuose at point, not plicate, lo?igly and finely acuminate from a widely oblong base, entire or sinuolate at margin, concave, canaliculate, at base truncate, not excavate nor decurrent; nerve narrow, but rather strong, reaching to about § the length of the leaf. Cells very long, narrow and incrassate, narrowly linear and vermicular, with the walls, in the older leaves especially, very thick and porose, 30-40 times as long as wide, uniform almost to base, at insertion deeply coloured, with very incrassate and porose walls, rather wider, sub-rectangular, in one or two rows ; not distinct nor decurrent at angles, or only a very few falsely auriculate, as described under the last species. Seta long, \\-2 inches. Capsule large, oblong, inclined, curved ; annulus present. Autoicous. Var. /3. Cossoni Ren. (Hypnum Cossoni Schp.). Stems more or less distinctly pinnate, often taller and robust, frequently brilliantly coloured, leaves less regularly circinate, with the acumen spirally flexuose and spreading when dry ; somewhat less crowded. Dioicous. Hab. Bogs, frequent. The var. /3 more rare. This is one of the most beautiful species of the Section, sometimes so robust as to resemble H. scorpioides ; but at other times more slender and approaching the sub- spec. intermedium ; the var. Cossoni is indeed in some respects intermediate between the two, but more robust than the latter, with larger leaves, and usually of a deeper hue. The habit and the non-decurrent, straight insertion of the leaves separate it from all other species except the last, for which the description of that species may be consulted. I am inclined to doubt whether the inflorescence is so constantly autoicous in H. revolvens, type, as indicated by Renauld, in contrast with the var. Cossoni. * Hypnum intermedium Lindb. (Amblystegium inter- medium Lindb.) (Tab. LVII. I.). Differs from the var. Cossoni above by the more slender stems and pale, yellowish or green colour, the smaller leaves variously twisted and sometimes slightly crisped when dry, with the acumen shorter, often as short as in H. vernicosum ; cells shorter, less incrassate, 10-15 times as long as wide or less, not so incrassate nor so coloured at base ; at extreme angles there are frequently a few larger, hyaline cells forming very minute, some- what inflated but not decurrent auricles. Dioicous. El466 HYPNACE/E. Hab. Bogs, rare ; usually barren. H. vernicosum, H. revolvens var. Cossoni and H. intermedium are very closely allied plants, and the distinction between them is possibly not so great as the preceding arrangement would indicate, depending chiefly, as regards H. vernicosum, on the plication of the leaves. 14. Hypnum commutatum Hedw. (Amblystegium glaucum Lindb.) (Tab. LVII. J.). Typically slender, the stems more or less erect or ascending, divided, regularly and complanately pinnate and plumose, 3-6 inches long, bright green, orange internally, frequently encrusted with calcareous matter. Very variable in size, branching, and colour. Stems more or less densely tomentose with brown radicles, and with numerous lanceolate or linear-subulate para- phyllia. Leaves rather small, about 1 line long, usually more or less strongly falcate or circinate, but often pointing in various directions or more or less irregularly spreading, branch-leaves rather narrower, more regularly falcato-secund and homomallous ; stem-leaves widely cordate-triangutar from a broad decurrent base, rapidly narrowed to a long, channelled, tapering acumen, which is very flexuose and more or less crisped when dry ; deeply plicate, strongly denticulate at basal margin, more indistinctly above ; nerve green, very thick and strong, especially at base, reaching about half-way up the acumen; cells short but narrow, 50-80 /j- long, 8-10 times as long as wide, tapering, but not very acute, linear ; at base lax, sub-hexagonal, pellucid, especially at margin ; below these at angles suddenly large, hyaline, inflated, forming large decurrent auricles. Perichaetial bracts plicate. Seta long, if-2 inches ; capsule large, cylindric, arcuate, bright orange-brown, annulate. Dioicous. Hab. Bogs and streams, most abundant in calcareous soil. Common. Fr. early summer. Another very protean species, in its slender forms resembling Amblystegium filicinum, but more densely and regularly pinnate, with wider, softer, plicate leaves more flexuose when dry, and especially with longer, narrower, linear, not hexagonal areolation. It varies much in colour, but most of all in degree of robustness, size of leaves and mode of branching, and some forms can hardly be separated from the sub- species H. falcatum. It cannot easily, however, be taken for any other species if due attention be paid to the wide leaf base, plicate leaves with large decurrent auricles, and to the presence, often in great abundance, of radicular tomentum and of paraphyllia. Although dioicous it is more frequently found in fruit than many of the allied species. Thuidium decipiens is extremely like H. commutatum, and is often placed here in bryological works (H. Notarisii Boul.); for the differences between the two, see the description of that species.HYPNUM. 467 * Hypnum falcatum Brid. (Amblystegium falcatum Lindb.) (Tab. LVIII. A.). More robust, of a deeper, often orange-brown colour, stems stouter, more distantly and irregularly pinnate or sub-pinnate, the branches often few and more or less ascending or erect, not regularly plumose; radicles few or none ; leaves crowded, much larger and longer than in H. commutatum, rendering the stems and branches much stouter ; more regularly and strongly falcato- secund, more rigid and hardly flexuose when dry, 1-2 lines long, widely or narrowly oblong-lanceolate from a less expanded, not cordate-triangular base, more gradually but more widely acumi- nate, of more solid texture ; nerve very strong and thick, often purplish; cells more incrassate, linear-flexuose, the angular strongly incrassate, orange-brown, often opaque, forming less distinctly marked decurrent auricles. Seta and capsule rather shorter and stouter. Var. f3. gracilescens Schp. Very slender and graceful, in soft, rather dense tufts, procumbent or ascending, stems irregularly divided, the divisions long, slender, almost simple or with few, somewhat pinnate, very short branches. Leaves very regularly and neatly falcato-secund or circinate, very small, about ^ line long, glossy, hardly plicate, nerve moderately strong, reaching $ the length of the leaf. Cells narrow, but rather short. Var. y. virescens Schp. (H. irngatum Zett.). Aquatic; dark green or blackish ; stems longly denuded, clothed with the bristle-like nerves of the old leaves. Leaves slightly falcato- secund or straight and erecto-patent and lightly secund only at the tips of the branches, hardly plicate; ovate-lanceolate or narrowly triangular-lanceolate, tapering to a wide and often rather obtuse point, or acute ; nerve extremely thick and wide, reaching apex or lost just below; angular cells hardly distinct. Paraphyllia few or 7ione. Hab. Bogs, principally at higher elevations than H. cornmutatum; frequent. The var. /3 on wet mountain rocks, rare. Yorkshire; Staffordshire ; Ben Lawers. The var. y in calcareous springs and mountain streams, very rare. Fr. summer. In habit H. falcatum is so different from typical H. commutatum that the two could hardly fail to stand as separate species were it not for the fact that numerous intermediate forms occur, principally on the side of the latter, forming a more or less graduated passage from the one to the other. Thus robust forms of H. commutatum with densely radiculose stems and regular pinnate branching will give rise to stout, almost simple offshoots with the long, narrow leaves and the general characters of H. falcatum. The latter also frequently occurs in a somewhat slender form, showing much resemblance to H. vernicosum and some forms of H. exannu- latum, but readily distinguished from the one by the auricles and from the other by468 HYPNACE/E. the more solid less denticulate leaves with less marked auricles, and from both by the numerous paraphyllia. The var. gracilescens on the other hand is a very distinct and extremely pretty form, coming nearer to H. sulcatum, but rather more robust and with longer, proportionally narrower leaves more of the falcatum form, with longer nerve and narrower cells. It is much like H. Bambergeri, but the nerve at once distinguishes it. * Hypnum sulcatum Schp. (Amblystegium glaucum var. sulcatum Lindb.) (Tab. LVIII. B.). Resembling H. falcatum var. gracilescens but still more slender ; stems more or less regularly pinnate, extremely slender, soft or rigid, more or less prostrate or ascending; radicles few or none, paraphyllia numerous. Tufts dull greyish green or yellowish. Leaves very small, hardly Yz line long, regularly falcato-secund or hamate, irregularly but distinctly plicate, widely ovate and suddenly acuminate, or ovate and more gradually tapering, but wider and shorter, proportionally, than in H. falcatum, nerve comparatively weak, sometimes extremely faint, but usually wide at base and soon becoming narrow, reaching usually about half way, sometimes more ; margin sinuolate or obsoletely denticulate; cells short, elliptic-linear, thin-walled, 4-6 times as long as wide, but somewhat variable; angular cells large, orange, forming rather distinct auricles usually reaching to the nerve. Fruit unknown. Hab. Wet alpine rocks, very rare ; Ben Lawers. This is probably sufficiently distinct from H. falcatum in the wide leaves, short, often faint nerve, and especially the short lax areolation, to be considered a sub-species rather than a variety, though it must be held to belong to that plant rather than to H. commutatum, of which however it has the branching. The var. subsulcatum Schp., indicated from Ben Lawers, appears to be a slight form only, and an approach to H. falcatum var. gracilescens. There may indeed be found a great number of forms more or less intermediate between the two plants ; and in the condition of the nerve, especially, a wide range of variation may be found even among the leaves from a single stem. There appears little doubt that //. Breadalbense F. B. White represents one of these forms, and hardly differs from the var. subsulcatum. H. sulcatum is fairly abundant about the summit of Ben Lawers, but occurs nowhere else, I believe, in our islands. C. DREPANIUM. Plants usually more or less pinnately branched, sometimes very regularly plumose. Leaves mostly small, strongly and regularly falcate or circinate, or less curved, but secund and homomallous, then usually pointing upwards; nerveless or with a short double nerve, more or less longly and finely acuminate. Median cells long and narrow, angular usually distinct. Plants rarely paludal. Paraphyllia few, or none.HYPNUM. 469 [One of the most natural of the sub-divisions of Hypnum ; H. incurvatum alone, perhaps, of our British mosses, presenting some considerable divergence from the general type; in the form and direction of the leaves, however, it is quite analogous to H. cupressiforme var. resupinatum. With these two exceptions all the species are at once known by the more or less falcato-secund, two-nerved or nerveless, longly acuminate leaves, all curved downwards, usually in two rows one on each side of the stem or branch, so that the upper side or back of the stem is smooth, often glossy, while the lower side or front is irregular and rough with the leaf-points. H. cupressiforme may be looked upon as the type of this Section, and the student will do well to study it in its various forms as a help to the understanding of the allied species, which it is usually convenient to describe by comparison with the plant in question.] j/Stem rigid; branches pectinate ; Is. deeply plicate..........26. crista-castrensis \Ls. not, or only slightly plicate when moist .................................2 fLs. with broad, cordate, auriculate base .....................................3 \Ls. ovate-lanceolate, not cordate at base ....................................4 /Ls. serrulate, usually crisped and twisted at points when dry....25. molluscum **/Ls. entire or sinuolate only, scarcely crisped................23. procerrimum /Ls. not at all auricled..........................................20. hamuloswn ^/Ls. more or less distinctly auricled ...........................................5 /Angular cells swollen, hyaline ...............................................6 ^/Angular cells more or less thickened or coloured................................7 ^/Ls. with widish acumen ; stem sparingly branched ..................18. Patientice \Ls. with very fine acumen ; stem pinnate ........................21. callichroum /Ls. secund, pointing upwards, narrow ; branches incurved.........13. incurvatum '/ Ls. usually falcato-secund, generally wider at base..........................8 g/ Leaf-margin narrowly revolute almost to apex......................ig. revolution /Margin plane, or slightly recurved only ......................................9 /Leaves circinate ; cells incrassate ; stem scarcely pinnate......22. Bambergeri ^/Leaves more or less falcate ; cells thinner ; stem usually pinnate ...........10 {Ls. rather wide at base, red-brown at junction with the brown stem..77. imponens Ls. narrower at base, not coloured at junction with the paler stem ..........11 /Capsule oblong-cylindric ; ls. rarely strongly denticulate ......16. cupressiforme /Capsule shortly oval ; ls. sharply denticulate ..................24. canariense 15. Hypnum incurvatum Schrad. (Stereodon incurvatus Mitt.) (Tab. LVIII. C.). Very slender, green or yellowish green, in small silky tufts. Stems prostrate, irregularly branched or sub-pinnate, branches short, usually curved. Leaves rather close, homotnallous and usually pointing upwards, almost straight or more or less curved and falcato-secund, less spreading when dry, very small, i line long, oblong-lanceolate, gradually and longly acuminate, at margin plane, entire or faintly denticulate at apex, nerve double,470 HYPNACEiE. very short, or almost obsolete; cells narrowly linear-hexagonal, somewhat flexuose, tapering, but not acute, pellucid, thin-walled, 5-/0 times as long as wide, at angles numerous, more or less quadrate, proportionately large, but not forming clearly defined auricles. Perichaetial bracts not plicate. Seta f-f inch ; capsule inclined and sub-horizontal, oblong-subcylindric, curved; lid conical, acute, or acuminate. Autoicous. Hab. Subalpine and mountain rocks, principally calcareous. Rare. Fr. early summer. This little moss bears a close resemblance to three of our species, viz., H. cupressiforme var. resupinatum, Plagiothecium pulchellum and Pylaisia polyantha, but will hardly be confused with any other. P. pulchelluvi is known by its more opaque chlorophyllose cells, longer and more pointed, and absence of distinct angular cells ; the other two plants are quite different in their erect or suberect, almost straight, cylindrical capsules, but when barren are more difficult to separate. Pylaisia polyantha has the leaves a little larger and distinctly wider below, ovate- lanceolate rather than oblong-lanceolate, but the difference can hardly be defined without the comparison of specimens ; the present plant is however confined to rocks while that species almost always grows on trees and is a southern rather than a northern and mountain plant. H. cupressiforme var. resupinatum has rather larger leaves, more constantly nerveless, with the angular cells rather more clearly defined from the others; it is usually, too, a more robust plant, growing more frequently on trees, and dioicous. 16. Hypnum cupressiforme L. (Stereodon cupressiformis Brid.) (Tab. LVIII. D.). Extremely variable; typically moderately robust, stems procumbent, irregularly pinnate, with spreading or ascending, often curved branches; stems 2-4 inches long, rather soft in texture, gree?iish, very rarely if ever reddish brown. Tufts usually greyish green, yellowish, or brownish, rarely (though occasionally) bright green. Leaves closely imbricated, falcato- secund in the type (usually slightly curved in the lower half, more strongly falcate or hooked in the acumen), rather co7icave and smooth, so that the back of the stems and branches have a glossy, often rather tumid, smooth appearance, the front being quite different, with the points of the leaves bristling in the shortly acuminate forms, irregularly flexuose in the more longly acumi- nate, circinate, or hamate forms. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, or more or less ovate-lanceolate, rather quickly narrowed to a fine acumen of varying length, neither much enlarged at base nor much narrowed to the insertion, which is usually nearly straight or slightly excavate only, with minutely decurrent angles ; playie at margin or very slightly recurved below, typically entire, or nearly so, but frequently minutely denticulate above ; nerve none,HYPNUM. 47I * or very shortly and feebly double; cells narrowly linear- vermicular, rather obtuse, 10-15 times as long as wide, but often shorter and linear-rhomboid ; angular distinct, sub-quadrate, the greater number small, opaque, with granular contents, greenish, a few below these at extreme angles rather larger, pellucid, orange or hyaline, incrassate ; forming small, clearly defined, but not inflated nor distinctly hyaline auricles. Perichaetial bracts not plicate, denticulate. Seta i-ij inches long, red. Capsule usually suberect, curved, especially towards the orifice, sub-cylindric or oblong; lid conical-acuminate or rostellate, rarely rostrate. Dioicous. The variations of this common moss take the form of greater or less degrees of robustness, more or less regular pinnation, differences of colour, of the imbrication, curvature, and acumina- tion of the leaves, the form and direction of the capsule, and other points. The principal British forms may be described as follows :— Var. /:t. resupinatum Schp. (H. resupinatum Wils., mult, auct.). Slender, the branches often almost filiform, mostly erect or ascending, usually of a silky, pale or yellowish green aspect ; leaves straight or only slightly curved, homomallous and pointing upwards or almost erect and pointing forwards, narrow, oblong- lanceolate, entire or denticulate. Capsule erect and symmetrical or very slightly curved or inclined; lid conical with a long, acute beak, distinctly rostrate. Var. y. filiforme Brid. Extremely slender, procumbent or pendent, stems long, distantly pinnate, with long, straight, parallel, very slender, almost filiform branches ; forming smooth, very low patches; leaves very small, very regularly and neatly imbricated in two rows, falcato-secimd or hamate; usually denticulate. Fruit rare, small. Var. 8. mi?ius Wils. Slender, but rather more robust than the last, more regularly and closely pinnate. Leaves small, short ; margin distinctly recurved in the lower half. Capsule small. Var. e. mamillatum Brid. Slender, more or less prostrate ; leaves regularly imbricated in two rows, narrow, denticulate; lid conical, shortly apiculate. Var. (. ericetorum B. & S. Slender, more or less regularly and complanately pinnate; stems and branches often flattened and sub-complanate; very pale green, more or less erect, or ascending. Leaves less crowded, strongly falcate. Seta long, slender.472 HYPNACE/E. Var. t). tectorum Brid. In close, dense, swollen, velvety cushions; branches erect, curved, more prostrate at the outside of the tufts; dark or olive green. Leaves erect and closely imbricated, very lightly curved and secund, more spreading when moist; rather wide, ovate-oblong. Var. 9. elatum B. & S. Robust, densely tufted, with few, short, erect, very swollen branches; yellowish or golden green. Leaves large, very wide and concave, and imbricated all round with only the points falcato-secund, rendering the stems and branches very tuinid and julaceous ; widely ovate-oblong, rapidly narrowed to a short oblique acumen. Fruit very rare. Hab. Trunks of trees, walls, earth, etc. Abundant. Fr. winter and spring. Var. filiforme on trunks of trees, usually in woods, common. Var. minus on trees, rare. Var. mamillatum on rocks and trees in woods. Var. ericetorum on heaths and in mountainous woods, frequent. Var. tectorum on rocks, walls and roofs, frequent. Var. elation on the ground, in calcareous districts chiefly. The above list by no means exhausts all our forms, but it includes perhaps the most important and the most striking. Though so polymorphous, H. cupressiforme has a characteristic habit and a structure peculiar to itself, so that with experience it is usually fairly easy to recognise it in the field, and doubtful forms will generally reveal their identity under the microscope. The rather rapidly (in general) acuminate leaves and the characteristic, small, opaque auricular cells are two of the prominent characters of distinction. It will be more convenient to point out the difference between this and the allied species under the descriptions of the latter. The var. resupinatum is by many authors considered a species or at least a sub- species. In its extreme or typical form it is very distinct, and closely resembles Pylaisia polyantka, and, when slender and barren, H. incurvatum, the descriptions of which may be consulted. But it is too inconstant in its characters, or, if it be preferred, intermediate forms too closely link it with the type, to warrant this. Schimper’s var. longirostre is exactly the same plant as regards the fruit (which is looked upon as one of the most important characters of H. resupinatumJ, and differs only in the sub-secund, not straight and homomallous leaves. I have found this variety in the same localities as the var. resupinatum; but beyond this I have frequently examined plants with the greater part of the stems having the normal, falcato-secund decurrent leaves of the type, but frequently throwing out slender branches with the “ resupinatum” foliation; more rarely stems with the straight homomallous leaves of the var. resupinatum will suddenly change their character in the middle, and bear in the upper half the wide, decurved, typical “cupressiforme” leaves. Some tufts with the perfectly erect, symmetrical capsules of the var. resupinatum, and beaked lids half as long as the capsule, exhibit a perfectly indiscriminate foliation, some branches being normal slender “cupressiforme” and others distinctly ‘ ‘ resupination ” in type. Even if all these forms be relegated to the var. longiiostre Schp., it leaves H resupination separated by the form and direction of the leaves alone, and as this character occurs, partially at least, in the above forms attributed to H. cupressiforme, it is clear that a species cannot be safely founded on this single character. I have seen no British specimens referable to Wilson’s var. minus, but I have a plant collected by the Rev. A. C. Waghorne in Newfoundland which clearly belongs there, and is very distinct in the recurving of the margin ; it is distinct from H. revolutum in the texture and form of the leaves, and in the margin only recurved in the lower half, not strongly revolute almost to apex. The var. filiforme is a very neat and pretty form, but all gradations may be found between this and the type. Schimper includes under this head an equally slender form with the leaves less regularly, often interruptedly imbricated, but itHYPNUM. 473 would appear more accurate to confine the name to the plant described above, as the very slender habit is practically the only character the two forms have in common. The var. ericetorum somewhat resembles H. imfonens, the description of which may be consulted in this connection. The var. datum is very striking, at least in its most marked forms, and quite different in its erect, tumid stems from all other states of this species. 17. Hypnum imponens Hedw. (Stereodon imponens Brid.) (Tab. LVIII. E.). Resembling H. cupressiforme, notably var. ericetorum; differs in the following characters. Stems more solid and rigid, reddish brown ; more closely, regularly and complanately pinnate; plants almost always of a golden yellow; robust, in large tufts. Stem-leaves usually somewhat complanate, being less crowded, less concave, more spreading in the lower part, so as to render the stems flattened, in the flatter hardly channelled acumen strongly falcate or hamate; when dry the leaves are usually somewhat rugose; branch-leaves narrower, less complanate. Stem-leaves wider at base than in H. cupressiforme, triangular- oblong, more gradually acuminate, margin usually very narrowly recurved in the lower part, above distinctly but somewhat distantly denticulate ; insertion wide, usually straight, not excavate nor decurrent; median cells longer and narrower, basal often bright orange, angular less numerous but larger, more pellucid, with scarcely any of the small opaque upper ones, forming very small, distinct auricles, usually of a rich orange brown. Paraphyllia usually numerous. Perichaetial bracts plicate. Hab. Heaths, rocks, etc. ; very rare. Fr. very rare, autumn. The orange, distinct angular cells, more pellucid and larger, the wider more strongly denticulate leaves and the general habit, as well as the more rigid, brown stems, render this plant, if not at once distinguishable in the field, at least easy of recognition under the microscope. Undoubtedly however, it is linked with H. cupressiforme by a more or less complete chain of forms, and the characters even as given above are all either somewhat comparative or occasionally inconstant. I have for instance a plant with the general appearance of this moss, with brown stems and leaves somewhat intermediate in form, but with the angular cells typical of H. cupressiforme ; and other similar forms of the latter species unite it with the present plant. It is possible therefore that Boulay is right in making it a sub-species of that moss; but the angular cells, which are certainly of great value in the classification of this Section, justify its separation, I think, in conjunction with the other characters. The plicate perichaetial bracts appear also to give an important character, but the fruit is too rare for this to be of practical value. 18. Hypnum Patienti86 Lindb. (Stereodon arcuatus Lindb. ; Hypnum arcuatum Lindb., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LVIII. F.). Resembling the most robust forms of H. cupressiforme, but still larger; stems more or less prostrate, with ascending474 HYPNACE/E. divisions, which are usually very slightly, often fastigiately, hardly pinnately branched, forming large tufts or mats of a pale or yellowish lurid green, shining, very pale and glossy at the tips of the stems and branches. Leaves very large for this Section, i-i'4 lines long, not crowded, more or less regularly imbricated in two rows, spreading and complanate in the lower part, so as to render the stems very broad and flattened (less usually falcato- secund and decurved from the base, so that the stems are narrower, not complanate); strongly hooked at the tips of the stems; very smooth and glossy at back when dry, sometimes slightly rugose ; widely ovate-oblong, somewhat narrowed and decurrent at extreme base, above tapering to a rather long, but very broad, not slender acumen, which is flat, not channelled, abruptly pointed or even sub-obtuse; margin plane, entire except at extreme apex which is sub-denticulate, nerve double, one branch longer than the other, or none ; cells longer than in H. cupressiforme, very narrow; at basal angles laxer, then rather abruptly large, thifi-walled, hyaline, forming conspicuous decurrent hyaline auricles. Dioicous. Hab. On the ground in woods, rocks covered with earth, etc., principally on clay. Not common. Fr. very rare, not found in Britain ; summer. This plant is described in the Bryologia Britannica as a variety of H. pratense Koch, and it differs so little from that plant that it is somewhat doubtful whether it will not have to be ultimately re-united with it. In that species the leaves, usually at least, are less hamate, only slightly decurved, so that the branches are very flattened and hardly hooked above; and the auricular cells are less distinct; but these characters are certainly inconstant. The robust habit, very wide stems (taken with the leaves) and large leaves with wide, not tapering acumens and large hyaline angular cells, abundantly separate our plant from all forms of H. cupressiforme or its allies ; indeed slender forms with the leaves less complanate and iess tapering are more likely to be taken for robust plants of H. ochraceurn. 19. Hypnum revolutum Lindb. (Stereodon revolutus Mitt.; Hypnum Heufleri Juratz., Schp. Syn.) (Tab. LVIII. G.). Resembles slender forms of H. molluscum, more or less pinnate, often regularly so, 1-3 inches long, small ; yellowish green or brownish. Leaves crowded, falcato-secund or hamate, small, J-f line long, oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering from near the base to a narrow acute acumen, concave, plicato-striate, especially when dry, entire or sub-denticulate at point, margin strongly revolute from the base to high in the acumen; nerve double or obsolete ; cells short, thin-walled, 8-10 times as long as broad, resembling those of H. incurvatum, at angles rather numerous, quadrate, small, rather opaque, forming small, rather clearly defined but not very conspicuous auricles. Dioicous.HYPNUM. 475 Hab. Alpine rocks; very rare. Ben Lawers (Jameson, 1890). Fruit very rare, almost unknown. There can be no doubt that the plant gathered by the Rev. H. G. Jameson is identical with H. Heufieri Juratz., and this appears to be the same species with Stereodon revolutus, described by Mitten in the Musci Indise Orientalis, 1859. If the characters italicised are borne in mind there will be little difficulty in identifying it, though this is probably impossible in the field, at least with any degree of certainty. It is quite different from H. cupressiforme var. minus in the gradually tapering plicate leaves with the margin very longly and strongly revolute. That species and some others frequently have the leaves somewhat rugose when dry, but here they are distinctly plicate longitudinally, and in the more robust stems this forms a marked and indeed easily recognised character. 20. Hypnum hamulosum B. & S. (Stereodon hamulosus Lindb.) (Tab. LVIII. I.). Very slender, resembling some slender, dense forms of H. cupressiforme; bright yellow or yellowish green ; stems more or less erect, or ascending, irregularly or pinnately branched. Paraphyllia very few or none. Branches very slender, with the leaves regularly imbricated in two rows, smooth and glossy at back, strongly falcate, hooked at the tips of the stems, very small, about £ line long, ovate-lanceolate, longly and finely acuminate to an almost filiform, hamato-circinate point, entire or obsoletely denticulate, almost or quite nerveless, plane at margin, concave; areolation rather short, 8-15 times as long as wide, thin-walled, linear, obtuse, almost uniform throughout the leaf, a very few at angles sub-quadrate, small, not forming hyaline nor distinct auricles. Capsule small. Autoicous. Hab. Alpine rocks, very rare ; Scotch Highlands ; Ireland. Fr. summer. A delicate species, most closely allied to H. callichroitm, but differing in its more constantly slender habit, more erect stems, autoicous inflorescence, shorter areolation, and, above all, in the extremely few angular cells and total absence of the inflated hyaline auricular cells, characteristic of that species. It is also more constantly yellow, never bright green, and the acumen of the leaves though very fine is usually shorter, and somewhat less flexuose when dry. It differs from H. revolution in the plane margin of the leaves, and from H. Bambergeri in the more slender habit, autoicous inflorescence, less numerous and less distinct angular cells. 21. Hypnum callichroum Brid. (Stereodon callichrous Brid.) (Tab. LVIII. J.). In wide, very soft tufts, more or less prostrate or ascending, rarely erect; bright green or yellowish green, reddish yellow within ; very glossy and even brilliant when dry. Stems irregularly pinnate, very slender, branches more or less flexuose and curved. Leaves elegantly circinate-secund, |-f line long, from a rather dilated base, widely oblong-lanceolate, gradually476 HYPNACE/E. tapering to a very long, almost filiform acumen, which is fiexuose when dry; plane at margin, entire or rarely remotely denticulate, concave, not plicate ; nerve very faint or wanting ; cells very narrow, long, linear-vermicular, 15-20 times as long as wide or more, almost uniform to base, at insertion often yellowish, at angles suddenly large, thin-walled, hyaline, forming small but very distinct, somewhat decurrent hyaline auricles; a very few above these at margin usually quadrate, small, pellucid, with thicker walls. Capsule rather large, cylindrical, arcuate, horizontal. Dioicous. Hab. Shady mountainous rocks, rare. Fr. rare, summer. A very beautiful species, known from all the allied species of slender habit by the clearly defined hyaline auricular cells ; but usually recognisable also in the field by its very soft slender habit, and beautiful glossy green colour, which is however not quite constant. The leaves are usually described as quite entire, but I have found them in several specimens distinctly, usually remotely, denticulate. The fruit is rare, but I have gathered it abundantly fertile about the Falls of Lodore, conspicuous in its colouring, forming large, vivid green patches with abundant, bright orange brown capsules. H. rupestre F. B. White, gathered on Ben Lawers in 1865, appears to belong here, according to the Rev. J. Fergusson (Scottish Naturalist, Vol. II., p. 279). 22. Hypnum Bambergeri Schp. (Stereodon Bambergeri Lindb.) (Tab. LVIII. K.). Somewhat resembling H. hamulosum but more robust; stems more or less erect, 2-3 inches long, rarely pinnate, usually fastigiate with long, erect, simple branches, dark yellowish green, variegated with orange and brown ; soft or rather rigid. Leaves very regularly and elegantly circinate-secund, when dry having the point fiexuose, f-i line long, from a short, widely oblong base gradually narrowed to a long, channelled, acute but hardly filiform acumen, entire or sinuolate, plane at margin, nerveless or with one or two faint striae ; cells linear-vermicular, variable in length, but narrow, with incrassate, porose walls; at base usually orange ; angular few, rather large, quadrate-hexagonal, orange, the walls strongly incrassate and porose, forming minute, but rather distinct orange auricles. Fruit unknown. Hab. Alpine rocks and earth, very rare ; summit of Ben Lawers. In habit and general appearance this species is not unlike some of its allies; but in addition to other characters, the leaves are of a more solid texture, with porose, incrassate cell-walls, and with the angular cells few, incrassate, orange, more con- spicuous than in H. hamulosum, but less so than, and different from those of any of the other similar species except if. imponens, to which they bear some resemblance ; they are paler, however, and less clearly defined from the adjoining cells; and theHYPNUM. 477 texture, denticulate margin, etc., of the leaves of that plant, and its general habit, are widely different. H. Ba?nbergeri, when, as occasionally happens, it is somewhat regularly pinnate, much resembles H. procerrirnum, and specimens of this habit, which I gathered on Ben Lawers in 1893, were indeed so named by Boswell; that species however differs in the much more regularly pinnate stems, and in the large leaves, dilated at the base, with the areolation, including that at the angles, thin-walled, not incrassate, and the angular cells numerous. H. cupressiforme differs in the less circinate leaves with thin-walled areolation, and opaque, not coloured, angular cells, and other points. 23. Hypnum procerrirnum Mol. (Tab. LVIII. L.). Robust, closely and regularly pinnate, resembling the most plumose forms of H. mollnscum; stems not radiculose, slightly divided, 2-4 inches long, olive green or yellowish brown. Leaves regularly falcato-secund, large, ij-if lines long (branch-leaves much narrower, smaller, more circinate), widely ovate-oblong from a broad, somewhat dilated, excavate and auriculate base, gradually narrowed to a long, tapering acumen, plane at margin and quite entire or sinuolate only, usually very slightly rugose or crisped when dry; nerve very short and faint, double; cells rather short, 8-12 times as long as broad, linear-flexuose, tapering, but not acute, thin-walled, at basal angles laxer and shorter, the lowest numerous, quadrate or hexagonal-quadrate, small, opaque, or more rarely pellucid, slightly incrassate, forming large, distinct, but not clearly defined, rounded, often orange auricles. Dioicous. Fruit unknown. Hab. Alpine calcareous rocks, very rare. Ben Lawers (Meldrum, i8qi). A very fine species, distinguished from its allies by the regularly pinnate, plumose stems and large leaves ; from H. cupressiforme by the distinct, expanded, auricular leaf-base with very numerous angular cells, etc. ; from H. violin scum, which perhaps it most resembles, by the quite entire leaves of closer, firmer texture. In the specimens from Ben Lawers, which Mr. R. H. Meldrum has kindly sent me, the branching is a little more irregularly and interruptedly pinnate than in continental specimens, and the stem-leaves a shade smaller and less expanded at the base, so that it has not quite so distinctive a habit for field recognition ; but in the leaf structure it is quite typical; and as far as my observations go it may be distinguished in the dry state by the leaf points always more regularly falcate, less twisted and undulate than in H. mollnscum, which in its more robust forms, also, has the leaves distinctly striate. 24. Hypnum canariense Mitt. (Tab. LVIII. H.). Closely resembling H. cupressiforme except in the fruit. Stems slender, prostrate, densely pinnate; leaves crowded, strongly falcato-secund, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering to a long, narrow, flat acumen; margin sharply denticulate, especially above ; nerve faint and double or478 HYPNACE/E. none; cells long and narrow, with firm walls ; a few at bafeal angles distinct, quadrate, rather obscure, often orange. Capsule very shortly oval, wide-mouthed, cernuous. Dioicous. Hab. Rocks ; Killarney (Moore and Wilson). Mr. Mitten informs me that the plant gathered by Moore at Killarney and distributed as H. hamulosum, which Cardot describes (Rev. Bry. 1890, p. 17) as H. circinale Hook., was really H. cananense, and I include that species here on this authority. The difference between H circinale Hook, and H. canariense Mitt, does not appear to be very wide, although doubtless they are distinct species ; in specimens of the former gathered by Macoun on Vancouver I. the capsule, while short and wide, is arcuate ; in H. cariariense it is not at all arcuate, but nearly or quite symmetrical. The cells in H. circinale also are in my specimens much wider than in H. canariense, with thin walls, and are laxer towards the base, all, including the angular ones, which are sometimes orange, being very pellucid; whereas in H. canariense they are extremely narrow, incrassate, hardly wider towards the base, except the few angular ones, which are incrassate and somewhat obscure, often orange. The leaves, too, in the former plant are wider at the base, and more shortly, very faintly acuminate, in H. canariense the acumen is very long, but less filiform; the perichsetial bracts in H. circinale also are longer and straighter. H. canay iense is most like H, cupressiforme, but the leaves are sharply serrulate, angular cells fewer and less conspicuous, and the capsule much shorter and very different, more like that of H. molhiscum. It is to be hoped that further search in S.W. Ireland may ultimately clear up the doubt attending upon the claim of this species to be considered a native. 25. Hypnum molluscum Hedw. (Ctenidium violluscum Mitt.) (Tab. LVII1. M.). Variable in robustness and branching. Stems very densely tufted, with numerous procumbent or ascending divisions, very regularly, closely and plumosely pinnate, or in the more erect forms densely sub-fastigiate, forming very close, soft tufts of a glossy golden green colour, rarely bright green or reddish. Leaves very densely imbricated, typically falcato-secund or flexuose and homomallous, (branch-leaves narrower, often very narrow, more regularly falcato-circinate), when dry smooth or plicate, but almost always crisped and undulate, especially at the points, giving the stems and branches a very soft, feathery aspect; usually wide at base, cordate-triangular, then lanceolate, tapering to a long fine acumen, at base rounded-auriculate, slightly decurrent, at margin plane ; distinctly and often strongly denticulate, especially at base; nerve short and double, or none. Cells rather short and wide, 8-15 times as long as broad, obtuse, the walls firm ; gradually becoming shorter and wider at angles, at extreme angles rather wide, irregularly quadrate-hexagonal, pellucid, but not large, hyaline nor coloured, forming indistinct, ill-defined auricles of the same colour as the rest of the leaf. Paraphyllia few, ovate. Seta dark purple, capsule small, short,HYPNUM. 479 ohal or oblong, straight or slightly curved, dark purplish brown, horizontal, hardly constricted below the mouth when empty. Lid sharply pointed. Calyptra slightly hairy when young. Dioicous. Var. j8. condensatum Schp. More robust, less regularly pinnate, with stout, somewhat fastigiate branches ; bright golden green, often with a rusty tinge; stem and branch-leaves larger, closely and regularly falcato-secund, strongly hooked at the tips of the branches, distinctly plicate when dry. Var. y. fastigiatum Bosw. (Hobkirk, Syn., Ed. II.). Slender, branches erect, less closely pinnate, somewhat fastigiate ; leaves less crowded, small, less strongly falcate. Hab. Calcareous soil and mountain rocks by streams. Common. The var. /3 on mountain rocks by streams, less common ; the var. 7, Derbyshire. Fruit summer. H. molluscum although somewhat variable has a facies of its own which is generally easily recognised ; the soft dense tufts, more closely and regularly pinnate, with the leaves very densely imbricated, flexuose and undulated at points, principally contribute to this. Under the microscope the strongly denticulate, broadly cordate stem-leaves with the angular cells somewhat enlarged but otherwise hardly different from the rest of the areolation, readily separate it from its allies. For its relationship to Hyocomium Jiagellare, see the description of that plant. Schimper separates this species under the sub-genus Ctenidium, retained as a genus by Lindberg, partly on account of the shortly ovate inflated capsule of solid texture; but although this is often a marked feature, it also frequently happens that the capsule is longer, longly if widely oblong, and sometimes arcuate, while the texture is sometimes, at least, less solid ; in short in no way differing from some forms of H. cupressiforme and other allied species. The end walls of the cells not unfrequently project in minute points at the back of the leaf, forming scattered, acute, very small papillae. The var .fastigiatum is a very marked, slender form, of a dull, olive green in the specimens I have seen ; it does not appear to be the same form as the var. erectum of Schimper, which is tall, pinnate and with the branch-leaves less finely acuminate. Our variety, found in Derbyshire, was originally referred to H. canariense Mitt. The var. condensatum is a marked variety, and H. croceum Tayl. MS., from Killarney is probably referable here. H. molluscum usually differs from H. procerrimum, in addition to other points mentioned under that plant, in the less marked disproportion of the stem-leaves to those of the branches ; in the more robust forms the stem-leaves in H. molluscum are as large as in that species, but the branch-leaves then appear always to increase in equal proportion. This is especially the case in the var. condensatum, where they are large, very regularly falcate, glossy, and distinctly plicate when dry. 26. Hypnum crista-castrensis L. (Ptilium crista-castrensis Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. A.). Tall, very robust; stems erect, or ascending, simple or twice or thrice divided, 3-5 inches long, very regularly and beautifully pinnate with de?ise, complanate branches, giving a strikingly regular plumose appearance to the plant; in large loose tufts or masses of a bright yellowish green, pale below. Branches almost480 HYPNACE/E. equal in length except at the summit of the stem, where they gradually diminish like the pinnae of a fern, hooked and shining at the tips. Stem-leaves crowded, very wide, thin and membranous, whitish; from a wide, rounded-oblong, erect, stroyigly plicate base gradually acuminate to a slender, hamato- secund, tapering point; decurrent, remotely denticulate above; cells very narrow, vermicular, incrassate, 10-20 times as long as broad, angular wide, pellucid, not very distinct. Paraphyllia numerous. Branch-leaves much narrower, less deeply plicate, strongly circinate, usually in the same plane as that of the frond. Seta long, i-J-2 inches; capsule large, horizontal, arcuate. Dioicous. Hab. On rocks and earth in mountainous woods, principally of conifers ; rare. North of England, Scotland, Ireland. Fruit very rare, summer. This splendid species, indisputably one of our most beautiful mosses, though rare with us, is usually most abundant in the spots where it is found, growing among mosses and other plants, and very striking and conspicuous. Even in its most stunted forms it is more regularly and equally pinnate than H. violluscum, and quite distinct in its stem-leaves. The densely pinnate branches are rendered the more close in appearance by the fact that the leaves of each branch are usually curved towards the succeeding lower branch, in the same plane with the whole frond, thus filling the spaces between the branches ; in most of the allied species, which are less erect, the downward curving of the leaves places them more at right angles to this plane, and the branches are therefore more remote in appearance, even if not much more so in actual distance. D. LIMNOBIUM. Plants procumbent, rarely erect, almost always growing on wet rocks, principally on mountains; never in bogs, rarely on wood. Leaves short and wide, of soft, flaccid texture, obtuse, rounded and apiculate, or shortly pointed, rarely shortly acuminate and acute. Nerve double or forked, in some species at times single and reaching high in the leaf. The leaves are generally more or less secund and falcate, though rarely strongly so, almost entire except in H. micans, though in some foreign species, e.g., H. montanum Wils., regularly denticulate ; and in their general form and texture very distinct from those of the other Sections, in the latter respect especially from those of Calliergon, which otherwise they most resemble. The form of leaf and the character of the angular cells are of the greatest importance for their determination. The species may be briefly tabulated according to the character of these angular cells, as follows, omitting H. micans which is quite distinct in its roundish, distinctly denticulate leaves,HYPNUM. 481 and H. scorpioides, also very distinct in its robust habit and very large, rugose leaves. Angular cells thin-walled, large, hyaline, forming distinct, not inflated, decurrent auricles ....................H. ochraceum Angular cells more incrassate, large, pellucid, hyaline or rich orange-brown, forming very distinct, inflated auricles..... H. eugyrium Angular cells more or less incrassate, granulose, not hyaline, forming ill-defined, more or less opaque or orange auricles..... H. palustre, H. arcticum, H. molle, H. dilatation. I Ls. large, roundish, swollen on one side ; nerveless or shortly 2-nerved .... IJ 32. scorpioides [Ls. not ventricose, usually smaller ..............................................2 {Ls. widely ovate or roundish, apex usually obtuse or apiculate...................3 Ls. ovate or ovate-lanceolate, more or less tapering towards apex ................6 JLs. about | line long, roundish ..................................................4 3\Ls. about I line long ............................................................5 JLs. serrulate, nerve usually short and double............................33. micans 4\Ls. entire or nearly so ; nerve usually single .........................2g. arcticum JLs. widely ovate, slightly tapering to bluntish points, soft ..............2S. molle 2JLs. sub-orbicular, firmer, subsecund.................................28* dilatatum Angular cells large, thin, hyaline ; dioicous........................?/. ochraceum (Angular cells more or less incrassate, or opaque...................................7 JAngular cells pellucid, usually orange; nerve faint, double...........30. eugyrium ' \ Angular cells obscure, granulose ; nerve single or double .............23. palustre 27. Hypnum palustre L. (Amblystegium palustre Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. B ). Very variable, usually slender, frequently more robust, variously coloured, dark green, reddish, or dull yellowish green, rarely bright green. Stems more or less prostrate, usually much denuded at the base ; branches usually more or less numerous, erect or ascending, often curved, or hooked at the tip; forming low, usually irregular and untidy patches. Leaves very variable, imbricated all round the branches, rendering them julaceous, or more frequently secund, often distinctly and sometimes strongly and regularly falcate, always concave, with the margins incurved especially towards the summit, so that the leaves can never be flattened out without tearing; more or less oval-oblong, |-| lines long, very variable above, rounded and obtuse or apiculate, or more .frequently tapering (especially in the secund forms) to a longer or shorter obtuse or acute point, but never narrowly and longly acuminate, and usually very short and sub-obtuse ; decurrent at base, entire at margin ; nerve very variable, usually PI482 HYPNACE/E. single and forked, reaching about half way, frequently longer and unbranched, nearly attaining the summit, less commonly very short, faint and double. Areolation rather lax, short, linear- rhomboid or linear and flexuose, rather opaque, 5-10 times as long as wide, rather shorter at point, becoming slightly laxer at base, angular few, quadrate, moderately large, but somewhat opaque with granulose contents, not very pellucid, nor hyaline, forming small, ill-defined and inconspicuous auricles. Seta |~f inch, rarely 1 inch. Capsule oblong or oval-oblong, rather short, thick and irregular, horizontal, dark red ; annulus none. Autoicous. Var. f3. hamulosum B. & S. Slender; leaves regularly falcato-secund; oblong-lanceolate, more or less tapering; nerve short, double; capsule oblong, narrow, curved. Var. y. subsphaericarpon B. & S. (H. subsphaericarpon Schleich.). Robust; stem longly denuded; leaves large, widely ovate, tapering, secund or falcato-secund ; nerve strong, single, reaching high in the leaf. Capsule short, widely oval, turgid. Hab. On rocks in and by streams ; rarely on wood by water. Common in subalpine regions. The vars. £, 7, less common. Fr. summer. The most widely distributed and common of this Section, and the most variable ; it is the only one which is found at all commonly outside mountainous districts. There are two distinct groups into which its varied forms may be separated, one with the leaves widely ovate, hardly tapering, obtuse or apiculate, imbricated all round the stems so as to render them julaceous, not or hardly at all secund (laxer and denser forms of this group are described under the names of var. laxum B. & S. and var. julaceum B. & S.) ; the other with the leaves more or less tapering above to an ob+use or more rarely acute point; to this group the two varieties described belong. The var. subspharicarpon must be considered to depend chiefly on the form of its fruit, for the same form of leaf with long single nerve is frequently found associated with the longer, more typical capsule, while on the other hand very short, turgid capsules are not always accompanied by the long single nerve. The fruit is common, and the want of annulus, and autoicous inflorescence will separate H. palustre from several of its allies ; but as most of these are rarely found in fruit it is of more importance to point out the vegetative characters of distinction. The habit and the indistinct auricular cells will separate it at once from all but H. arcticum, H. molle and H dilatation; these all have wider, almost rounded leaves, which are however a little narrower in H. molle, and this is really the only species which might be confused with H. palustre ; the former however is always of softer, flaccid texture, the leaves wider, never narrowly tapering, nor secund, usually a little denticulate at summit, the perichsetial bracts distinctly so. Probably the widest leaves of H. palustre are narrower than in H. molle, and are always entire. 28. Hypnum molle Dicks. (Amblystegium molle Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. C.). Stems sparingly divided, often denuded at base, branches ascending or procumbent, tumid, obtuse; forming low, lurid, brownish tufts of very soft and flaccid texture. Leaves ratherHYPNUM. 483 large, | line long, spreading or erecto-patent, not densely- crowded, not secund nor falcate, very soft, concave, widely oval, slightly narrowed above the middle to a very broad, rounded, obtuse apex, narrowed at base, obsoletely denticulate at tip, nerve bi-trifid, very short and faint, rarely one branch longer and reaching the middle of the leaf. Cells linear, flexuose, 10-15 times as long as wide ; at angles resembling those of H. palustre, slightly more distinct, forming inconspicuous and ill-defined auricles. Perichsetial bracts denticulate above. Autoicous. Var. /3. Schimperianum Schp. (Hypnum Schimperianum Lorentz). More slender, in dense swollen tufts ; leaves much smaller, more shortly pointed, the auricles less distinct. Hab. Alpine rocks in streams, very rare. Ben Nevis; Ben MacDhui. The var. B, Loch-na-gar (Fergusson). Fr. summer. H. molle forms very soft, easily separating tufts, and by this and the broad, rounded leaves may be known from H. palustre and H. arcticum, the only distinct species with which it is likely to be confused, except H. ochraceum, which has often the same soft texture, but which has almost constantly narrower, more tapering leaves, and is always known by the distinct hyaline auricles. The differences between it and H. dilatatum are pointed out below. The var. B is a slender form, with a different facies, but the characters are superficial rather than structural. * Hypnum dilatatum Wils. (Amblystegium dilatatum Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. D.). Closely allied to H. molle, but somewhat more rigid, of a dull green rather than brownish colour; the leaves slightly secund, sub-orbicular, hardly narrowed from the middle, but rounded-obtuse at the summit, sometimes with a short, obtuse apiculus ; cells longer, especially in the lower half of the leaf, 15-25 times as long as wide, the angular rather larger and more distinct, frequently orange. Hab. Rocks in mountain streams, very rare. The characters italicised above will readily indicate the distinguishing characters of this plant from H. molle, its nearest ally ; Boulay, indeed, makes it a variety of that plant, but the characters appear of a certain weight, though hardly sufficient to support its separation as a species. It is a more difficult question which of the two plants should be considered the type and which the sub-species ; H. molle was the first described ; on the other hand H. dilatatum, on the continent especially, is much the most widely distributed. H. arcticum differs in the more rigid habit, smaller leaves, shorter cells, and longer, single nerve.484 HYPNACE^i. 29. Hypnum arcticum Sommerf. (Tab. LIX. E.). Resembling a small form of H. dilatatum ; slender, branches more or less erect or ascending, rigid, forming firm, compact tufts of a dull rusty brown, blackish below. Leaves imbricated all round the stem, not secund, very small, hardly % line long, sub-orbicular or very widely oval, rounded and obtuse or very broadly and obtusely pointed at summit, concave, minutely and almost obsoletely denticulate at margin, nerve usually single, stout, reaching about half-way, more or less ; more rarely short and double. Cells very short, incrassate, the median linear- elliptic, flexuose or sigmoid, obtuse, 4-6 times as long as wide, at margin and apex shorter and more opaque, those at apex shorter and very wide, ovate-rhomboid; angular very few, incrassate, sub-rectangular, opaque, forming very small and indistinct, usually orange auricles. Capsule small, short, horizontal. Autoicous. Hab. Wet rocks and in streams on high mountains ; very rare. Ben Lawers wr Ben Challum ; Clova. Fr. summer. A distinct and extremely rare species, quite different in the form of its leaves from all but H. molle, H. dilatatum, and H. micans ; from the two former the size alone at once distinguishes it, apart from the long nerve, short cells, rigid habit, etc. H micans is entirely different in habit and colour, as well as in the serration and structure of the leaves. 30. Hypnum eugyrium Schp. (Limnobium eugyrium B. & S.; Amblystegium eugyrium Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. F.). Stems prostrate, branches numerous, erect or ascending, or procumbent, forming low dense tufts, rather firm and compact, bright green or reddish, often variegated with brown and yellow, glossy. Leaves rather widely spreading when moist, 7nore or less secund; more erect when dry, but loosely imbricated and concave, rendering the branches turgid ; oval-oblong, shortly narrowed to a rather rounded apex with a more or less abrupt, straight, acute, rarely obtuse apiculus; narrowed but not rounded at base ; very concave, often incurved at margin above, entire or minutely denticulate at apex ; nerve short, faint, double ; cells rather short, linear, obtuse or pointed, thin-walled, 8-10 times as long as wide; remaining uniform to base, short at the extreme apex; at angles suddenly large, inflated, the inner incrassate, the outer thin-walled, hyaline or rich orange-brown, forming very clearly-defined, distinct, slightly inflated auricles- Capsule short, oval or oblong, inflated; annulus present. Autoicous.HYPNUM. 485 Var. fi. Mackayi Schp. More robust, less soft. Leaves imbricated all round the stem, not or scarcely secund) larger; auricles less clearly defined. Hab. Rocks in mountain streams, not common. The var. /3 in similar situa- tions, and apparently as widely distributed. Fr. summer. The very clearly defined, small, highly coloured auricles at once distinguish this species ; in the young leaves they are hyaline, but soon, the inner ones at first, become orange, gradually deepening in colour until in the older leaves they are of a rich sienna hue and quite opaque with the colouring matter, though free from granular contents. The leaves too are very constant in form, and the apiculate summit is very •characteristic. The var. Mackayi does not appear to be very clearly marked off from the type, the characters given being none too constant. The less clear definition of the auricles does not, at any rate always, arise from the cells being smaller, but from the intervention of one or two series of obscure, incrassate, more or less coloured •cells which form a more graduated step from the rest of the leaf-tissue. In its tall forms this variety bears a considerable resemblance, when growing, to Brachythecium plumosum, with which it is frequently mixed, bnt the shortly pointed leaves can be ■easily recognised with the lens. 31. Hypnum ochraceum Turn. (Amblystegium ochraceum Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. G.). Very variable, often simulating species of the Section Harpidium, or others of the present Section. Stems prostrate, 2-4 inches long, with irregularly pinnate, few, ascending or procumbent, parallel branches, rarely more erect and curved, soft and flaccid, in dense large tufts, pale green, usually with a yellowish colour, rusty red, or deep brown, most frequently yellowish. Leaves sub-secund, usually strongly falcato-secund, concave, more or less widely oblong-lanceolate from a slightly rounded base, tapering to a longer or shorter, wide, obtuse or sub- obtuse acumen, which is often somewhat twisted; lightly plicate, entire, except at the minutely denticulate apex ; nerve variable, short and double or single and reaching half way or more. Cells linear-vermicular, narrow, 8-15 times as long as wide ; angular very large, thin-walled, hyaline, forming rather well-defined and large, very conspicuous, hyaline, decurrent auricles. Dioicous. Var. p. flaccidum Milde. Leaves straighter, not falcate, not or hardly secund; leaves narrow, longly acuminate, slightly crisped when dry. Hab. Rocks in mountain streams, frequent in mountain districts. The var. &, Yorkshire. Fr. summer, very rare. A polymorphous plant, mostly resembling forms of H. palustre, but usually longer, softer, and more brightly coloured ; and quite distinct in the large hyaline auricular cells, which, with the form of the leaf will also distinguish it from the other allied species. Its soft, flaccid texture is a fairly constant and reliable character.486 HYPNACEiE. The fruit is rarely found, and the fertile plant is usually of a duller colour, and shorter, more compact growth, often much embedded in sand. 32. Hypnum scorpioides L. (Amblystegium scorpioides Lindb.) (Tab. LIX. H.). Very robust, rarely somewhat slender; stems procumbent, with very long, almost simple or slightly branched divisions, erect, ascending or procumbent, 4-6 inches long, very tumid with the imbricated, large leaves, forming large soft masses of a variegated yellowish or brownish green, very often passing to reddish purple or almost black. Leaves loosely or closely imbricated, more or less homoniallous or falcato-secund, very large, 1-2 lines long, rugose and undulated when dry, widely ovate-oblong, gradually widened above the rather narrow but not rounded base, above shortly and widely narrowed to an obtuse or apiculate point, or more gradually and longly, but very broadly tapering, very rarely somewhat longly acuminate with a slender denticulate apiculus ; very concave, entire (except in the above condition), nerve very faint, usually short and double; cells very long and narrow, linear, about 15 times as long as wide, the walls incrassate and porose; almost uniform to base, a few at insertion wider, pellucid, sub-rectangular ; special angular cells none or very few, inflated, pellucid or orange, forming minute but well- defined, not decurrent auricles. Thin hyaline cells detached from the stem frequently, however, give the appearance of decurrent auricular cells. Seta very long ; capsule rather large, horizontal, oblong, curved. Dioicous. Hab. Bogs and submerged rocks on mountains, not uncommon. Fr. rare, summer. In its typical form readily known by its deep reddish colour, tumid stems and branches, and large, obtuse or shortly pointed, rugose leaves ; it somewhat resembles H. Wilsoni and H. lycopodioides, especially when the leaves are more tapering and acute; it will be found however on careful examination that the acumen is usually more or less channelled or involute at the margins, so as to appear, especially when dry, narrower than is really the case ; in the very few cases when the point is really so long and narrow as to be hardly distinguishable from H. lycopodioides, the colour is as a rule distinctive; if not the short double nerve and absence of large decurrent auricles will at once identify it under the microscope. The cells are most frequently uniform all along the straight, truncated line of insertion ; but not unfrequently there are a very few large hyaline or coloured cells at the extreme angles above this line, forming true, but very minute auricles. The position of this species is somewhat doubtful ; its affinities with H. lycopodioides, etc., are obvious ; yet the usually obtuse leaves, and the short double nerve are characters of some importance when considered in connection with the Section Harpidium, in which a single, long nerve and fine acumen is so constant and characteristic. In colour and habit, especially in slender forms, there is also frequently a resemblance between the present plant and H. revolvens.HYPNUM. 487 33- Hypnum micans Wils. (Tab. LIX. J.). Extremely slender, prostrate, 1-2 inches long, with few, procumbent or ascending filiform branches, forming glossy flat patches of a yellowish or reddish green. Leaves erecto-patent or secund, pointing upwards, minute, hardly | line long, rounded- ovate, shortly and broadly but acutely pointed, slightly concave ; margin narrowly reflexed below, distinctly denticulate, principally in the upper half ; nerve short and double, or none. Cells short, linear, rather incrassate, 6-10 times as long as wide, angular rather large, quadrate, pellucid, covering a considerable space and reaching almost to the nerve, forming distinct triangular bands rather than auricles. Dioicous. Fruit unknown. Hab. On the face of wet rocks, near waterfalls. Very rare; South o Ireland ; Borrowdale ; Inverness-shire. This extremely rare and pretty species is doubtfully placed here, but no mort satisfactory position can be assigned to it until the fruit is discovered ; in its rounded apiculate, serrulate, two-nerved leaves it is quite distinct from any of our mosses. Ii forms delicate patches somewhat resembling H. cup) essiforme var. filifor?/ie, but of j more golden colour, and quite different on closer inspection. Mitten considers i allied to H. molluscitm. It has been found in several localities in the South-west of Ireland, and once ir Borrowdale, and this year (1896) at the time of writing, in Moidart, Inverness-shire by Mr. S. M. Macvicar, but nowhere else in Britain nor in any other country. E. CALLIERGON. Plants usually tall and erect, often slender, usually slightl) branched. Leaves rarely secund, usually large, broad, obtuse o; apiculate merely, glossy. Usually growing in bogs or on th( ground, rarely on rocks. /Ls. single-nerved half-way or more ...................................: \Ls. nerveless or shortly 2-nerved ....................................1 \ Ls. scarcely imbricate ; stem more or less branched ................. /Ls. roundish, very obtuse, brownish ; auricles indistinct.33. trifariur, ^\Ls. oblong, yellowish ; auricles distinct..................34. strcunineun {Ls. more or less oblong, usually apiculate, older ls. red.38. sarmentosuv Stem leaves wide, cordate-ovate, obtuse, usually green................ /Branches few ; auricles not distinctly marked.............36. cordifoliur ^/Branches numerous ; auricles distinct and swollen .........3J. giganteur (Stem green (except when young); branches cuspidate ; ls. with hyaline auricles 6-j 3Q. cuspidatu7. [Stem red ; ls. with yellowish auricles ....................40. Schrebe? 34. Hypnum stramineum Dicks. (Amblystegium stra mineum De Not.). (Tab. LIX. K.). Slender; stems erect or ascending, not denuded at base no radiculose, simple or slightly divided; divisions straight o488 HYPNACEyE. flexuose, very slender, simple or with very few branches, terete, soft and weak ; pale green or yellowish, 3-8 inches high. Leaves rather close, more or less erect and imbricated, concave, decurrent, f-i line long, ovate-oblong or oblong, widest near the base, obtuse, rounded and sub-cucullate at summit, not unfrequently producing tufts of brown radicles at apex, entire, lightly plicate ; nerve single, slender, reaching to near the apex ; cells widely linear or linear-rhomboid, thin-walled, 8-15 times as long as wide, a small patch in the middle of the apex short, rounded-quadrate; wider at base, at angles suddenly much enlarged, thin-walled, hyaline, forming very distinct, hyaline, decurrent auricles. Seta very long, slender. Capsule oblong- cylindric, curved, oblique, tapering at base ; annulus none. Dioicous. Hab. Mountain bogs, and marshes, rare. Fr. very rare, summer. Known by its slender, almost unbranched, terete stems, often intermingled with other mosses in bogs, and looking somewhat like weak, slender forms of H. cuspidatum, but not cuspidate and acute at the tips as in that species, and quite distinct in the single-nerved leaves. H. trifariwn is quite distinct m its rigid, brittle, more turgid stems with much wider leaves ; H. sarmentosum in the very different colour, the more branched stems, frequently apiculate leaves, etc. ; H. cordifolium in the much wider leaves with large cells. 35. Hypnum trifarium W. & M. (Amblystegium trifarium De Not.) (Tab. LIX. I.). More robust than the last; stems rigid and very brittle, more turgid and julaceous, of a duller, darker, brown colour. Leaves closely and very regularly, somewhat spirally imbricated, in 3 or more rows, very concave, widely ovate or sub-orbicular, widest about the middle, very obtuse, nerved to or beyond the middle, not plicate, entire ; cells linear-vermicular, somewhat incrassate, obtuse, 10-15 times as long as wide, not distinctly shorter at apex ; all basal large, lax, hyaline, hardly distinct at angles. Dioicous. Hab. Deep mountain bogs and pools; very rare ; Scotch Highlands. Fr. extremely rare, not found in Britain. A very distinct species ; in the leaves somewhat resembling H. dilatatum, but quite distinct in the habit, colour, and brittle texture, as well as in the single nerve. The leaves are much wider than in the last species, and indeed the resemblance between the two plants is not great. The leaves are so concave that they almost always split from the apex downwards on being flattened. 36. Hypnum cordifolium Hedw. (Amblystegium cordi- folium De Not.) (Tab. LIX. L.). Tall, 4-8 inches, slender; stems more or less erect orHYPNUM. 489 procumbent, with erect divisions which are long, almost simple or distantly and very irregularly pinnate, cuspidate at the tips ; forming deep, soft tufts of a bright or yellowish green. Leaves distant, erecto-patent or spreading, soft in texture and somewhat shrinking when dry; large, i-if lines long, wide, cordate-oval or ovate-oblong, rounded and contracted to a longly decurrent inser- tion, slightly concave, rounded-obtuse and often cucullate at summit, entire, not plicate ; nerve single, reaching nearly to apex, slender, but distinct; cells large, 130-160 p long, 8-10 /x wide, linear-sub-hexagonal, pointed, thin-walled, a few at apex short and wide; gradually wider towards base, all basal large, wide, more or less pellucid, hexagonal or rectangular, forming wide, decurrent bands reaching to the nerve, not well-defined auricles. Seta 2-3 inches long, flexuose. Capsule rather large and turgid, oblong, curved. Autoicous. Hab. Marshes and pools, not common. Fr. rare, summer. Somewhat variable in size and robustness, its slender forms coming near in appearance to forms of H cuspidatum and of H. riparium, but quite distinct from the latter in the obtuse leaves, from the former in the more distant, single-nerved leaves. H. giganteum differs in the numerous, crowded branches, the colour usually deeper and more lurid, and the narrower areolation, with the auricles very distinct. A continental and N. American species, H. Rickardsoni Mitt. (H Breidleri Juratz.) is somewhat intermediate between these two species, but certainly, judging from the specimens I have seen, nearer to H’. giganteum, having the auricles distinctly defined, the habit more robust and the colour deeper, though the branching is some- what more that of H. cordifolium and the inflorescence autoicous. 37. Hypnum giganteum Schp. (Amblystegium giganteum De Not.) (Tab. LIX. M.). Allied to H. cordifolium; more robust, with very close, numerous, pinnate, not complanate branches, which are irregular in length, obtuse or cuspidate, usually with very narrow leaves ; in dense tufts of a dark, lurid green, often tinged with yellow or red. Stem-leaves large, more rigid and glossy when dry, resembl- ing those of H. cordifolium but rather larger, more densely crowded; cells smaller, narrower, linear-flexuose, less enlarged towards base; at extreme base suddenly enlarged, hyaline, inflated, forming large, well-defined, decurrent auricles extend- ing almost to the nerve. Dioicous. Hab. In similar situations with the last; not common. Fr. very rare, summer. The very dense, pinnate branching gives the plants a very robust and bushy appearance, quite distinct from that usual in H. cordifolium; somew hat slender and less branched forms occur, however, and then the well-defined auricles and narrower upper cells are the best identifying points. The difference of areolation does not490 HYPNACEiE. consist so much in the upper cells being much wider in H cordifolium, for although larger generally they are not much wider in proportion to their length, though with thinner, less firm walls, and less vermicular ; but in that species the areolation becomes very wide and lax throughout the whole width of the leaf at some distance above the base, passing very gradually into the large, hyaline, decurrent tissue, while in this the cells, though wider and shorter towards base are much less markedly so, and pass abruptly into the inflated, hyaline auricles. In one form of the present plant the stem-leaves, especially the upper ones, are elongated and narrowly tapering, with the margins at point much enrolled when dry so that they have a very tapering, pointed appearance. 38. Hypnum sarmentosum Wahl. (Amblystegium sarmen- tosum De Not.) (Tab. LX. A.). Resembling H. cuspidatum in habit, but more slender, less rigid, more distantly and irregularly, not pinnately branched, and of a totally different colour, deep purplish crimson, sometimes variegated with green and orange ; the branches frequently but not at all regularly cuspidate with convolute leaves ; the leaves less rigid, irregularly and loosely imbricated, often slightly secund, when dry somewhat flexuose, narrower, elliptic-lanceolate or narrowly oblong, narrowed at base, rounded and cucullate at apex, obtuse, or shortly apiculate, entire, nerved nearly to apex ; cells narrow-linear, 10-15 times as long as wide, the walls incrassate and porose, almost uniform to base ; at insertion wider, shorter, sub-rectangular, very incrassate; at angles suddenly larger, the inner incrassate, orange-brown, the outer still larger, thin-walled, hyaline or coloured; forming well-defined, rather large, hyaline or orange, decurrent auricles. Capsule rather small. Dioic.ous. Hab. Mountain bogs and streams, not common. Fr. very rare, summer. Recognised at once by its colour and general habit, and not very variable. I have seen no description of the var. siib-flavum Ferg., but the specimens I have of that variety appear to be characterised only by the pale, orange colour and the leaves somewhat more widely spreading and flexuose when dry. 39. Hypnum cuspidatum L. (Amblystegium cuspidatum De Not.) (Tab. LX. B.). Tall, moderately robust; stems rigid, reddish brown, erect or ascending, ?nore or less regularly, but hardly complanately pinnate, forming loose tufts of a bright or yellowish, glossy green. Stems and branches at the tips terete and cuspidate with the convolute apical leaves ; stem-leaves sheathing, with or without the points spreading, or erecto-patent from the base, crowded, scariose, 1-1J lines long, widely elliptic-oblong, broadest at theHYPNUM. 491 base, narrowing upwards to a broad, rounded, obtuse, concave- cucullate apex ; branch-leaves narrower, more divergent or spreading, oblong-lanceolate, somewhat pointed ; all entire, nerveless or with two very short, faint nerves; areolation very dense and narrow, the cells linear-vermicular, very narrow, 15-20 times as long as broad, almost uniform throughout the leaf ; at basal angles suddenly expanded, very large, hexagonal, thin- walled, hyaline or orange, inflated, forming very clearly defined, large, decurrent auricles. Seta very long, i£-2$ inches; capsule large, sub-cylindric, strongly arcuate. Dioicous. Var. fi. pungens Schp. More slender, softer, elongated. Branches strongly arcuate, terete, with the leaves all erect and convolute. Var. y. ceespitosum Whitehead MS. n. var. Short, densely tufted; leaves all narrow, somewhat tapering and pointed, erecto-patent, not convolute at tips of stems. Hab. Wet meadows, marshes, etc., very common. The var. /3 rare. The var. 7, Monk’s Dale, Derby (Barker, 1888). Fr. summer. A very common and easily known species, almost always marked by its cuspidate stems and branches, or in any case by the leaves, which resemble those of none of our other species in structure but H. Schreberi and Cylindrothecium concinnum, both of which differ in habit, especially the former ; both, too, having very different, not or less decurrent angular cells. H. cuspidatum is often submerged, and then frequently becomes elegantly plumose, with regularly pinnate branches and narrow, strongly divergent leaves. The var. ccespitosum described above seems sufficiently marked, even in so- variable a plant, to deserve a varietal name. The dense habit and the leaves, uniformly erecto-patent, neither squarrose below nor convolute above, all narrow and pointed, give the plant a very distinct habit. 40. Hypnum Schreberi Willd. (Hylocomium parietinum Lindb.) (Tab. LX. C.). Stems erect, rigid, bright red, simple or divided, with rather close, irregularly pinnate branches, frequently crowded near the top of the stem, which is thus somewhat dendroid ; in large deep tufts of a very glossy pale or yellowish green. Branches more or less curved; terete, julaceous or obtuse, or more commonly slender and attenuated. Leaves close, imbricated, more or less erect and sheathing, very glossy, lightly plicate, especially when dry, scariose; about i line long, widely oval-oblong or elliptic, very concave, rounded and obtuse at apex with the margins incurved; contracted and narrower, but angular and not rounded at insertion ; entire or with a few minute crenulations at tip ; branch-leaves much narrower, oblong, more pointed. Nerve492 HYPNACE^;. double, very short and faint; cells linear, 10-15 times as long as wide, the walls firm, somewhat incrassate and porose ; at apex short, wide; at base somewhat wider, incrassate, at angles abruptly sub-quadrate, moderately enlarged, hyaline or more usually orange, slightly granulose, forming a rather clearly defined triangular patch at each angle, but not distinctly projecting below the line of insertion nor strongly decurrent. Seta deep red; capsule sub-cylindric, arcuate, not large; annulus none. Dioicous. Hab. Woods and heathlands, common. Fruit very rare, autumn. H. Schreberi may generally be known from its allies, especially too from Cyliiidrothecium concinnum, which it closely resembles, by the bright red stems which are seen conspicuously through the semi-transparent leaves. In leaf-form and structure it is only like the last species, which frequents moister localities, has a much less woody stem, more distinctly cuspidate tips to the branches, and much more striking auricles, projecting below the base of the leaf and distinctly decurrent. In H. Schreberi the auricular cells are practically confined to the angular space at the corner of the leaf, which they fill up as a triangular patch, and while clearly defined are not nearly so large, nor so conspicuous and hyaline. It is a curious fact that H. Schreberi, while with us extremely rare in fruit, is always described in continental works on bryology as commonly fruiting. When fertile, the capsules are usually produced in considerable abundance. H. Schreberi has some resemblance to Brachythecium pumm, which is however a softer, more prostrate plant, with large, single-nerved, apiculate leaves. It has somewhat the appearance of a Hylocomium, and is by Lindberg placed in that genus. 116. HYLOCOMIUM B. & S. Plants usually of free and robust growth, irregularly branched or more frequently more or less regularly pinnate or bi-tripinnate ; the stems mostly stout and robust, hardly radiculose, often with dense paraphyllia. Leaves usually large, somewhat scariose, generally plicate or rugose when dry,frequently with scattered papillae at back, from the ends of the cell walls. Nerve single and often forked, or double, rarely none ; never extending high in the acumen ; areolation narrow-linear, rarely enlarged at angles. Dioicous. Seta smooth. Capsule rather large and short, inclined and curved ; lid conical, acuminate or shortly rostrate. Peristome perfect. Separated from Hypnum by a somewhat natural concourse of characters, mostly affecting the habit and appearance of the plants, and less easy to describe in terms than to recognise at sight. Most of the British species are among our commonest and most striking pleurocarpous mosses, and the student soon becomes familiarised with them and is able to distinguishHYLOCOMIUM. 493 them from Hypnum, and from one another, almost at a glance. The papillae when present are developed from the end walls of the cells, not from their faces as in the Leskeaceae. fStem thickly covered with branched green paraphyllia................................ \Stem without paraphyllia..........................................................5 fStem closely bi-tripinnate ; Is. imbricate, glossy.................../. splendens \Stem irregularly or distantly pinnate.............................................3 /Stem-leaves oblong-ovate, imbricate, usually one-nerved ...........j. pytenaicum •^/Stem-leaves triangular, scarcely imbricate, two-nerved ............................4 /Stem-ls. decurrent at base, coarsely serrate ; lid conic.............2. umbratum 4 \ Stem-Is. with rounded base, more finely serrate ; lid beaked ......4. brevirostre -/Ls. transversely rugose ...............................................8. rugosuin ^ /Stem-ls. deltoid-ovate, very spreading, plicate ....................7. triquetrum \Stem-ls. ovate, recurved, scarcely plicate above..................................7 /Ls. squarrose-recurved in all directions...........................6. squarrosuw ' \ Upper ls. more or less secund, plicate at base .......................j. loreum 1. Hylocomium splendens B. & S. (Hypnum splendens Hedw.; Hylocomium proliferum Lindb. (Tab. LX. E.). Stems long, more or less procumbent and trailing, bright reddish, at least in the younger parts, rigid, robust, clothed with green, subulate, branched paraphyllia ; 4-8 inches long or more, forming large loose mats of a glossy, yellowish brown or olive green colour; stems more or less frequently divided, with very regular bipinnate, complanate, close branching, occasionally tripinnate, very rarely pinnate only; branches and branchlets slender, attenuated, often a little curved at points. Stem-leaves often crowded, nearly erect when dry, widely ovate or ovate- oblong from a broad insertion, more or less abruptly acuminate, the point short, straight and obtuse, or variously elongated, flexuose, transversely undulate, and slender ; plicate at base, decurrent, concave, somewhat incurved at margin and channelled at point, f-ij lines long, with more or less numerous, scattered, acute, spinulose papillae at back, especially above; margin slightly recurved at base, more or less strongly denticulate above, with fine, often spreading teeth ; nerve double, reaching to one-fourth or one-third the length of the leaf; cells linear, flexuose, 8-10 times as long as wide, almost uniform to base; the basal orange, a little larger and incrassate, but not wide, nor distinct at angles. Branch-leaves much smaller, more or less imbricated, concave, elliptical-oblong, not plicate, obtusely pointed or slightly acute. Perichaetial bracts long, the inner erect, sheathing. Seta about 1 inch long. Capsule orange-brown, ovate-oblong ; lid rostrate. Hab. Heaths, mountain woods, etc., common. Fruiting less commonly, in spring.494 HYPNACE^. The regularly and closely bi-tripinnate branching is the most obvious character of this species, which otherwise has some similarity to Hypnum Schreberi, but is quite different in structural points. The mode of growth is somewhat unusual; at various points of the stem, and sometimes at its apex, arise strong, bright green erect shoots, usually curved at the tip, with crowded, julaceous leaves and close, short, simple branches atthe summit, being usually unbranched below; these shoots gradually develope into the slender, bipinnate fronds, duller in colour, and gradually becoming more prostrate, characteristic of the older part of the plant; when these innovations arise laterally, the stem becomes divided, when on the other hand they form a prolongation of the stem, the latter becomes interruptedly bipinnate. These more or less erect, bright green shoots, are often very characteristic and distinct. Slender forms some- times occur among other mosses with more erect, simply pinnate stems, and these become more difficult to distinguish in the field from Hypnum. Schreberi and from Hylocomium umbratum. The acuminate stem-leaves and the numerous paraphyllia, ^quite visible with the lens, will distinguish it from the first; while in Hyl. umbratum the branching is more irregularly pinnate, hardly ever at all distinctly complanate, the stem-leaves shorter and wider and more distinctly striate, and all the leaves more triangular, more crisped when dry and less scariose, the colour usually of a brighter igreen, not yellowish brown nor olive. The distant, spinulose papillae on the back of the leaves are often very few, but frequently very numerous and distinct; on the branch-leaves they are usually reduced to indistinct notches. 2. Hylocomium umbratum B. & S. (Hypnum umbratum Ehrh.) (Tab. LX. H.). Slender, rigid, more erect than H. splendens, more irregularly and less complanately branched, pinnate or bipinnate ; branches unequal, slender, more or less attenuated, frequently drooping, sometimes somewhat interruptedly crowded ; stems reddish, clothed with numerous paraphyllia ; forming loose, deep tufts, 3-8 inches high, of a bright or yellowish green, not very glossy. Stem-leaves not densely crowded, sometimes distant, rather spreading, about 1 line long, widely, almost equilaterally triangular, more or less longly acuminate, or only very acutely pointed, decurrent, strongly plicate, somewhat undulate at margin with very strong, unequal, often spreading and recurved teeth all round; nerve double, reaching about half-way ; cells as in H. splendens, or a little larger and longer, not distinct at angles; •without papillae at the back of the leaf. Branch-leaves smaller, triangular-ovate or widely ovate. Perichsetial bracts squarrose at the points. Capsule rather short, ovate ; lid shortly apiculate. Dioicous. Hab. Mountain woods on rocks and earth. Very rare. North of England. Scotland. Fr. very rare, spring. The very numerous paraphyllia combined with the slender habit distinguish this species from all but H. splendens; the branching is never distinctly complanate, nor so regularly bipinnate as in that; and the leaves are always more distinctly plicate, somewhat undulate and more altered when dry, and more triangular, even the branch- leaves. Eurhynchium prcelongum var. Stokesii sometimes resembles it in habit, but the squarrose stem-leaves and narrow branch-leaves alone will distinguish that plant without recourse to the microscope.HYLOCOMIUM. 495 3. Hylocomium pyrenaicum Lindb. (Hypnum pyrenaicum Spruce ; Hyl. Oakesii Sull., Scbp. Syn. et mult, auct.) (Tab. LX. F.). Stems prostrate, with ascending, somewhat pinnately arranged, almost simple, straight or curved branches, rather tumid, obtuse or pointed. Tufts low, straggling, dark olive green or yellowish, glossy ; paler at the tips of the branches. Stems reddish brown, densely crowded with paraphyllia. Leaves distant or crowded, large, erect or spreading, concave, rounded- ovate, or widely ovate-oblongs abruptly contracted to a usually short, wide, acute, somewhat twisted acumen ; narrowed at base, strongly plicate, margin revolute, strongly toothed, nerve single, reaching about half way, rarely forked or double ; areolation as in the last two species, a little shorter and wider at apex and base; not papillose at back. Fruit very rare, not found in Britain. Hab. Mountain rocks at high elevations, very rare ; Ben Lawers and one or two other Scotch mountains. Very distinct from the allied species, in the habit, the large, rounded, sometimes hardly pointed and usually at most shortly acuminate leaves, rendering the branches robust and tumid in appearance. Stunted forms of Antitricliia curtipendula sometimes approach it in habit, but the stem without paraphyllia, the more gradually tapering leaves, etc., will distinguish that species on careful examination, even in the field. Hyl. brevirostre is also somewhat like it, but the leaves are more triangular in outline, more longly acuminate, and the plant much more rigid. American specimens of this plant which I possess are much more slender, with narrow, attenuated branches and narrower, julaceous leaves, giving the plant a very similar appearance to that of Enrhynchium cirrosiun. The name pyrenaicum, being published by Spruce with No. 4 Musci Pyrenaici, in 1847, must take precedence of Sullivant’s name, published in 1848. 4. Hylocomium brevirostre B. & S. (Hypnum brevirostre Ehrh.) (Tab. LX. G.). Robust, rigid, in large tufts or masses of a rather dull but glossy green, often yellowish. Stems much divided, 3-6 inches long, erect or procumbent and arched, with irregularly pinnate, long or short, often curved, and attenuated branches, rooting occasionally at the tips, not complanate, usually crowded, giving a bushy habit to the plant. Stems reddish, with smaller and less conspicuous paraphyllia than in the last. Stem-leaves crowded, erecto-patent, not or hardly secund, usually squarrose, large, about I line long, widely cordate-triangular or cordate-ovate, suddenly narrowed at the summit to a moderately long, somewhat channelled, tapering acumen, at base semi-amplexicaul, with very large, rounded, sometimes decurrent auricles; plicate, especially496 HYPNACE^E. when dry ; more finely and regularly denticulate than in the last ; nerve double, reaching nearly to one-third of the leaf or less, rarely higher. Median cells as in the previous species, towards base a little laxer, with the walls strongly porose and sinuose. Branch-leaves narrower, less squarrose, strongly striated when dry. Capsule widely ovate-oblong, turgid, lightly striate when dry, lid acuminate, not rostrate. Hab. Subalpine and mountain woods, common ; rare in the lowlands. Fr, spring, rare. More robust than the preceding species of the genus, and somewhat intermediate in habit between them and the following ones, from all of which it is distinguished by the presence of paraphyllia, which, though rather inconspicuous are usually numerous. In its habit and striate leaves it resembles Eurhynchiuni striatum, but the leaves are more finely, and, the stem-leaves especially, more abruptly acuminate. The same characters will distinguish it, even more strongly, from robust forms of Brachytheciutn rutabulum. 5. Hylocomium loreum B. & S. (Hypnum loreum L.) (Tab. LX. I.). Robust, stems 4-10 inches long, flexuose, procumbent, slightly divided, more or less regularly, often interruptedly pinnate, without paraphyllia; the branches equally robust, arcuate, attenuated, less commonly straight, often rooting at the tips, more or less complanate, but not conspicuously so. Tufts large, soft, pale, often greyish green or yellowish, glossy. Leaves densely imbricated, usually more or less falcato-secund and homomallous, rigid, large, 1^—2 lines long, from an ovate or broadly oblong base gradually tapering to a long, fine, linear- lanceolate, channelled, strongly recurved acumen, strongly and regularly plicate, finely and indistinctly denticulate all round, almost nerveless or with two very short, faint striae or nerves; areolation almost as in H. brevirostre, smooth at back. Branch- leaves almost similar, rather narrower. Perichaetial bracts long, sheathing, with slender, squarrose points. Seta i-i§ inches long, stout. Capsule short and thick, ovate-oblong, lightly striate when dry and empty ; lid more or less longly acuminate. IIab. On the ground and rocks in woods, principally subalpine ; frequent. Fr. spring, not uncommon. A very distinct species, somewhat intermediate in appearance between H. triquetrum and H. squarrosum, with the leaves arcuate rather than squarrose and by this alone easily distinguished ; it is also much more robust than the latter, with strongly plicate, more rigid leaves, although the stems are moderately soft and flexuose. In the absence of paraphyllia and the gradually tapering leaves, almost equal on stem and branches, it is quite distinct from the preceding species. Like H. splendens it fruits freely and not uncommonly in damp subalpine woods.HYLOCOMIUM. 497 6. Hylocomium squarrosum B. & S. (Hypnum squarrosum L.) (Tab. LX. J.). Stems more or less erect, without paraphyllia, usually prostrate at base and then ascending or erect, tall, 4-6 inches, more slender andflexuose than in H. loreum and H. triquetrum, forming dense pale green or yellowish green soft tufts, whitish below, glossy. Leaves more or less crowded, i£ lines long, from an erect, sheathing, cordate-ovate base suddenly recurved-' squarrose, in a long, gradually tapering, linear-lanceolate, channelled acumen, imbricated all round the stem, not secund; at apex of stems stellately spreading so as to render the stems very obtuse; not plicate, or very lightly so at base only ; finely denticulate, especially above; nerve short and faint, double, hardly reaching half way; cells rather larger than in the preceding species of the genus, 8-10 times as long as wide, smooth at back; angular wider, short, rectangular-hexagonal, opaque or pellucid, often orange, very numerous, forming large, distinct but not well-defined auricular patches extending con- siderably towards the nerve. Branch-leaves smaller, narrower, less squarrose. Seta slender, i-if inches long, capsule short, turgidly oval, gibbous at back ; lid acutely conical. Var,/3. calvescens Hobkirk (Hypnum calvescens Wils.; Hyl. calvescens Lindb.; Hyl.squarrosum var. subpinnatum Schp., Syn.). Stem-leaves usually wider at the base, cordate-triangular rather than cordate-ovate ; generally but not always somewhat distinctly plicate below' when dry, more sho?'tly acuminate, more strongly denticulate above, the auricles more clearly defined and pellucid ; stems more closely pinnate, with robust or more slender, attenuated, flexuose branches; branch-leaves very distinct from the stem-leaves, widely ovate, very shortly acuminate or only acute, not squarrose, half twisted when dry. Hab. Grassy banks, hedgerows, etc., abundant. Fruit rare, winter and spring. A very common species, known at once by its pale colour, tall, somewhat soft and slender stems, and strongly recurved-squarrose leaves ; the acumen of which spreads in different ways, sometimes about horizontally but often so strongly reflexed as to be parallel with the stem and to touch the leaf immediately below it. The more strongly reflexed rather than recurved leaves, not falcato-secund, not or hardly striate, and the much more slender and softer habit of the plant abundantly separate it from H. loreu?n ; while H. triquetrzim is still more distinct in its straight, not reflexed nor recurved leaves, scabrous at back, and by its much more robust, stiff habit. An almost prostrate form is not unfrequently found by roadsides and on the beds of dried up pools. The var. calvescens is a very curious and distinct form, when typical; it bears a great resemblance in its strongly marked forms to Hyl. brevirostre, but the smooth stems without paraphyllia at once separate it. It appears to me clear that it can only GrI498 HYPNACE^E. be held a variety of the present plant, for in specimens sent me by Mr. Whitehead from Dolgelly, the stem-leaves have exactly the squarrose-recurved direction of H. squarrosum, though wider at base, and more shortly acuminate; the characters attributed by Lindberg to the fruit, moreover, viz., a short striated capsule, and short seta, are equally applicable to forms of H. squarrosum. The leaves vary in form and direction on the same stem, and it is altogether a somewhat ill-defined, but neverthe- less very remarkable variety. It is more rigid and robust than the type, with a habit somewhat approaching that of slender forms of the following species. 7- Hylocomium triquetrum B. & S. (Hypnum triquetrum L.) (Tab. LX. K.). Very robust, rigid, 4-8 inches high, deep bright green or yellowish, in large mats. Stems more or less ascending at base or altogether erect, very stout and rigid, simple or slightly divided, branched unequally and irregularly, or with pinnate but not complanate branches which are close and give the plant a bushy appearance. Leaves very large, 2 or nearly 3 lines long, rigidly divergent or horizontally spreading from the base both wet and dry, rarely secund, straight, very stiff and scariose, glossy, widely deltoid-triangular, at base widely rounded- auriculate from a rather narrow decurrent insertion, then gradually tapering upwards to a wider or narrower acute point, hardly acuminate, plicate, especially when dry, closely denticulate all round, with two parallel slender nerves reaching about f the length of the leaf; upper areolation resembling that of H. squarrosum, at basal angles wide, pellucid, hexagonal-oblong, but not so distinct as in the last species nor forming such marked auricles ; back of the leaf in the upper half scabrous with rather close, stout, spinulose papillae. Seta i-i| inches long; capsule rather large, turgidly oblong, gibbous at back, almost smooth or widely striate when dry and empty ; lid acutely conical. Hab. On the ground in woods, hedges, etc. Common. Fruit not common, winter. This is one of our most robust and finest species, especially when fully developed and luxuriant; like the last species it is a more lowland plant than the preceding species of the genus. It is abundantly distinct in its robust, rigid stems, tumid and bristling with the squarrose, straight, not recurved, plicate, deltoid leaves. The branches are very unequal, sometimes short, obtuse, with leaves similar to those of the stems, at others longer, slender and attenuated, at the apex at least, with the leaves very much smaller and narrower. Owing to the very rigid, yet elastic texture of the plant, this moss is largely used for packing china, and other brittle articles. 8. Hylocomium rugosum De Not. (Hypnum rugosum Ehrh., Schp. Syn. et plur. auct.) (Tab. LX. D.). Stems more or less procumbent or ascending, not radiculose nor with paraphyllia, twice or thrice divided, with the divisionsHYLOCOM1UM. 499 long, flexuose, simple or with few, short, more or less regularly pinnate branches; 2-4 inches long. Stems and branches very tumid and robust with the large, closely imbricated, concave leaves ; forming large, glossy, yellowish green or golden brown tufts. Leaves if-2 lines long, widely oblong-lanceolate or ovate- acuminate, rather rapidly tapering to a moderately long, acute, flexuose acumen, regularly falcato-secund but not circinate nor very strongly curved, except at the tips of the branches, which are slightly hooked; somewhat membranaceous in texture, longitudinally plicate and strongly transversely undulate-rugose both when wet and when dry, narrowly revolute at margin for the greater part of its length, more or less strongly denticulate, at back studded with more or less numerous but not crowded, stout, acute, spinulose papillse, pointing forward ; nerve single, often slightly forked, very slender in the upper part, reaching half or two-thirds the length of the leaf. Cells short, 5-8 times as long as wide, linear, obtuse, flexuose, incrassate, almost uniform to mid-base ; angular very numerous, small, irregularly quadrate-rounded, sub-equal, very distinct, but opaque and granulose, forming distinct angular bands reaching high at margin but not wide. Dioicous. Hab. Among grass, etc., on rocks, preferring those which are calcareous ; principally on mountains. Not common. Fruit not found in Britain. A very distinct and not very variable plant, somewhat resembling Hypnum lycopodioides in habit, but of quite different structure, and found in quite distinct habitats, with the undulations not large and irregular as in that, where they are merely the result of drying, but small, strong, and more regularly transverse, almost .as marked in the moist state as when dry. The spinulose papillae at back are often very numerous and striking. Schimper places it in the sub-genus Rhytidium of Hypnum, but it appears to be as much at home in the present genus as in Hypnum, and in some respects, especially in the papillose leaves, more so.-A T~)T~)~F~lTsrT")_A- AlHSTID OOEEIG-E1TOA. P. 34. Catharinea undulata var. Haussknechtii.-—The opinion expressed in the note on the above plant has been strongly confirmed by the examination of a plant which I gathered in 1895,. when the note in question was already in print. The plant referred to was growing in sandy debris in a stream below Scale Force, Buttermere, and at first sight presented no difference from the ordinary form of C. undulata growing in such habitats. On examination, however, the young fruits were found to be, in several instances, aggregate, to the number of 2-3 in a peri- chaetium, though in most cases they were single. The antheridia and archegonia were in the same flower in all the stems I examined, though it was not easy to say whether the inflorescence should be termed paroicous or synoicous ; and in several cases the stem was just beginning to be prolonged, beyond the inflorescence, in such a way as to render the seta lateral. Thus in all essential respects the mode of fruiting was that of C. Haussknechtii Broth. On the other hand the plants, though somewhat slender, were by no means unusually so for C. undulata ; the leaves were quite as tapering and acute as usual in that species ; the capsules, though very young, showed every appearance of becoming curved as strongly as in the typical form ; in short there was absolutely nothing to separate the plant from C. undulata except the paroicous or synoicous inflorescence. The aggregate setae, as has been shown, occur in forms of that species; while the prolongation of the axis is only what normally takes place in the case of the male plant. I cannot feel the slightest doubt that in “ C. Haussknechtii Broth.” we have a simple variety or sport of C. undulata having antheridia and archegonia mixed together,, instead of the normal male (and subsequently fertile) plant. P. 113, 1. 12.—For flagellae read flagella. P. 120, I. 27.—For opus cit. read op. cit. P. 142, 1. 7 from bottom.—For Rhacomitrium read Grimmia.. P. 168, top.—Key to Pottia. /Lid very minute, persistent......................................................2 \Lid larger, deciduous ...........................................................3 2/Capsule sub-globose ; calyptra rough at apex ............................/. recta \ Capsule elliptic ; calyptra smooth....................................2. bryoides /Peristome absent, or rudimentary.................................................4 3 ^Peristome present ............................................................11ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. 501 /Ls. serrulate at apex, nerve usually vanishing.........................3. Heimii 4\Ls. entire, nerve excurrent.......................................................5 /Lid conic; leaves ovate-lanceolate....................................8. minutula ^\Lid beaked ; leaves oblong or obovate.............................................6 ^/Ls. quite smooth ; capsule short, turbinate...........................4. iruncatula \Ls. papillose ; capsule more or less oval or elliptic............................7 / Calyptra scabrous above..........................................................8 Calyptra smooth .................................................................9 \Capsule long-elliptic ; upper cells small ............................6. Wilsoni f Ls. with rather long hair-points, in 8 ranks...........................3. crinita y\Nerve excurrent in a short point.................................................10 I0/Ls. oblong, in 5 ranks ; peristome rudimentary ......................4*. intermedia \Ls. obovate-spathulate, in 8 ranks, very green ; peristome absent...^*, viridifolia /Nerve vanishing ; ls. broad, in a bulb-like tuft......................12. latifolia \Nerve excurrent..................................................................12 i2/Lid conic ; calyptra scabrous above..................................g. Starkeana /Nerve excurrent in a rather long point ; cells lax.................11. lanceolata •^\Nerve excurrent in a short mucro ; cells small ......................10. ccespitosa P. 180, 1. 10 from bottom.—For cavifolia read latifolia. P 186, 1. 5 from bottom.—For arborescent read arboreal. P 202, Leptodontium gemmascens.—Under Habitat add Dartmoor (Holmes). P. 21S, middle.—For T. unguiculata read B. unguiculata. P. 230, Encalypta ciliata.—Since the printing of the note on this species a valuable paper by Mrs. Britton has appeared in the Bulletin of the Torrey Bot. Club, (Nov., 1895) containing Notes on the Genus Leersia Hedw. (Encalypta Schreb.). Mrs. Britton has examined the type specimens of E. Macounii Aust., and finds that with a single exception (the seta is smooth, not papillose) the description given by Lesquereux and James is quite correct ; and she concludes from a comparison of specimens that Kindberg must have had an altogether different plant under examination, not the true E. Macounii; possibly indeed E. vulgaris var. pilifera, specimens of which were distributed as E. Macounii (Macoun, Canadian Mosses, No. 133). This being the case, Macoun and Kindberg’s remarks in the Catalogue of Canadian Mosses and my own criticisms upon them become irrelevant, as regards E. Macounii Aust. at least, though possibly they may hold good more or less with regard to the Norwegian plant mentioned in my note, and if for E. Macounii Aust. we read E. borealis Kindb. In any case, I think the view taken in my note is confirmed, viz., that there is no sufficient evidence that two distinct species have been confused under the name of E. ciliata. P. 325, 1. 16 from bottom.—For var. glaciate read var. glacialis.502 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. P. 337, 1. 16.—For B. erythrocarpoum read B. erythro- carpum. P. 341, L 2.—For Plagiobryum julaceum read Plagiobryum Zierii. P- 369, last line.—For Hyl. Oakesii read Hyl. pyrenaicum. P. 378, 1. 8.—For Pterogonium filiforme read Pterogonium gracile. P. 447, 1. 19.—For. var. irrigatum read var. virescens. REFERENCE TO SPECIES AND VARIETIES DESCRIBED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE PRESENT WORK. Cynodontium polycarpum Schp. var. laxirete Dixon n.var...p. 73 Brymn alpinnm Huds. var. distantifoiium Dixon n. var. ...p. 338 Fontinalis antipyretica L. sub-species dolosa Cardot ti. sub-spec. [P- 355 Fontinalis Dixoni Cardot n. sp............................p. 356 Brachxthecium rivulare B. & S. var. tenue Dixon n. var....p. 404 Eurhynchium tenellum Milde var. scabrellum Dixon n. var. .. [p. 421 Amblystegiujn curvicaule L.indb. var. stnctum Dixon n. var... [p. 448 Hypnum cuspidatum L. var. csespitosum Whitehead n. var...p. 491INDEX. [Synonyms are printed in italics. The numbers printed in ordinary type refer to the page where the species is described; numbers printed in italics refer to the page where a species or variety is mentioned outside its own genus.] Acaulon C. M , 162 mediterraneum Limpr., 164 muticum C. M., 163, 163 triquetrum C. M., 164 Afzelia pusilla Ehrh., 63 Amblyodon P. Beauv., 277 dealbatus P. Beauv., 278 Amblystegium B. & S., 440 aduncum Lindb., 463 ckrysophyllum Lindb., 455 confervoides B. & S., 442 cordifolium De Not., 488 curvicaule Lindb., 447 cuspidatum De Not., 490 dilalatum Lindb., 483 eugyrium Lindb., 484 elodes Lindb., 453 exannulatum De Not., 462 falcatum Lindb., 467 filicinum De Not., 445, 384^ 4.17, 457,466 filicinum var. trichodes (Brid.) 446 jluitans De Not., 461 fluviatile B. & S., 445 giganteum De Not., 489 glaucum Lindb., 466 ,, var. sulcatum Lindb., 468 intermedhmi Lindb., 465 irriguum B. & S., 444 ,, var. spinifolium Schp., 444, 447 Kneiffii B. & S., 458 Kochii B. & S., 449, 433 lycopodioides De Not., 460 molle Lindb., 482 ochraceum Lindb., 485 palustre Lindb., 481 polygamurn B. & S., 453 radicale B. & S., 443 revolvens Lindb., 464 ripariuin B. & S., 452 satmefitosum De Not., 490 scorpioides Lindb., 486 Seridtneri Lindb., 459 serpens B. & S., 442, 374, 406, 420, 436 Sprucei B. & S., 441, 379 stellatuvi Lindb., 454 slramineum De Not., 487 trifarium De Not., 488 varium Lindb., 443 vernicosum Lindb., 464 Wilsoni Lindb., 460 Amphoridiwn Schp., 234, 236 lapponicum Schp., 235 Mougeotii Schp., 235 Andre^ace^e, 23 Andreaea Ehrh., 24 alpestris Schp., 25 alpina Sm., 25 crassinervia Bruch, 27 falcaia Schp., 27 Plartmani Thed., 26 Huntii Limpr., 27 nivalis Hook, 29 obovata Thed., 23 petrophila Ehrh., 24 ,, var. flaccida Schp., 23 ,, var. homomalla Thed., 25. petrophila var. sylvicola Schp., 25 Rothii Web. & Mohr, 26 ,, var. frigida Lindb., 27 rupestris Schp., 26 sparsifolia Zett., 25 Anisothecium Mitt., 79 ctispum Lindb., 84 Grevillei Lindb., 84 rubrum Lindb., 83 rufcscens Lindb., 82 squarrosum Lindb., 85 Anodus Do?iia?ius B. & S., 62 Anceetangium Schwgr., 233 caspiticiurn Schwgr., 86 compactum Schwgr., 233, /j6, 2i2, 233 Hornschuchianum Funck, 219, 233504 index. lapponicum Hedw., 235 Mougeotii Lindb., 235 pellucidum Wils., 233 Anomobryum Solms, 317 juliforme Solms, 317 Anomodon Hook. & Tayl., 374 attenuates Hiibn., 375. longifolius Hartm., 375,374 viticulosus Hook. & Tayl., 375 Antitrichia Brid., 369 curtipendula Brid., 369, 400, 495 Arehidium Brid., 53 alternifolium Schp., 53,55,56 phascoides Brid., 53 Astomum Mittenii B. & S., 206 Atrichum P. Beauv., 33 angnstatum B. & S., 35 crispum Sulk, 36 Haussknechtii Jur. & Milde, 34 undulatiun P. Beauv., 34 ,, var. attenuattim B. & S-, 35 Aulacomnium Schwgr., 280 androgynum Schwgr., 282 palustre Schwgr., 281, 103 ,, var. polycephalum Hiibn., 282 turgidum Schwgr., 280 Barbula Hedw., 90 aciphylla B. & S., 188 acuta Brid., 198 abides Fiirnr., 180 ambigua B. & S., 179 atrovirens Schp., 180 brevifolia Lindb., 192 brevirostris B. & S., 178 canescens Bruch, 183 cavifolia Schp., 178 cirrifolia Schp., 219 commutata Juratz., 200 convoluta Hedw., 200 cuneifolia Brid., 181 curviroslris Lindb., 212 cuspidala Schultz, 201 cylindrica Schp., 196 ,, var. vinealis Braithw., 197 fallax Hedw., 193 fragilis B. & S., 222, 220 gracilis Schwgr., 198 Hornschuchiana Schultz, 199 icmadophila Schwgr., 198 inclinata Schwgr., 219 intermedia Milde, 187 Icevipila B. & S., 186 latifolia B. & S., 185 lurida Lindb., 191, 68 marginata B. & S., 182 mucronata Brid., 224 Miilleri B. & S., 188 muralis Timm, 183 ,, var. rupestris Schultz, 183 pagorum Milde, 186 papillosaC. M., 189 recurvifolia Schp., 194 rejlexa Brid., 194 revoluta Brid., 199 rigida Schultz, 179 rigidula Mitt., 195 rubella Mitt., 191 ruralis Hedw., 187 ruraliformis Besch., 188 sinuosa Braithw., 197 spadicea Mitt., 195 squarrosa Brid., 223 subulata P. Beauv., 184 ,, var. a?igustata Schp., 185 tophacea Mitt., 192 ,, var. acutifolia (Schp.), ^93 tortuosa Web. & Mohr, 221 unguiculata Pledw., 200, 77, 213 Vahliana Schultz, 182 vinealis Brid., 197 Woodii Schp., IQI Bartramiace^e, 284 Bartramia Hedw., 287 crispa Sw., 289 Halleriana Hedw., 290 ithyphylla Brid., 288 norvegica Lindb., 290 CEderi Sw., 287 pomiformis Iiedw., 289 pumila Turn., 294 stricta Brid., 288 Bartramidula Wilsoni B. & S., 291 Blindia B. & S., 85 acuta B. & S-, 86, 81, 102. csespiticia Lindb., 86 trichodes Lindb., 87 Brachydontium Bruch, 66 ti'ichodes Fiirnr., 66 Braehyodus Fiirnr., 66 trichodes Fiirnr., 66, 160 Braehytheeium B. & S., 397 albicans B. & S., 400 caespitosum Dixon, 408, 394, 413» 428 campestre B. & S., 402 cirrosum Schp., 413 glaciale B. & S., 405 ,, var. subsecundum Husn., 405INDEX. 505 glareosum B. & S., 400, 396, 397 illecebrum De Not., 409, 438 lsetum B. & S., 409 Novte-Anglite Sull., 448 plicatum B. & S., 399, 397 plumosum B. & S., 407, 483 ,, var. homomallum B. & S., 408 populeum B. & S., 407, 393, 413 purum Dixon, 410, 492 reflexum B. & S., 405 rivulare B. & S., 403 rutabulum B. & S., 402, 425, 496 ,, var. longisetum B. & S., 403 ,, var. robustum Schp., 403 salebrosum B. & S., 401, 414 Starkei B. & S., 404 velutinum B. & S., 406, 429 ,, var. intricatum Hedw., 407 „ var. prselongum B. & S., 407 Breutelia Schp., 297 arcuata Schp., 297 chrysocoma Lindb., 297 Bruchia Schwgr., 78 Bryum Dill., 313 aciculare L., 150 acutum Huds., 86 affine Lindb., 330 albicans Wahl., 310 alpinum Huds., 337 ,, var. meridionale Schp., 338 apocarpum L., 131 argenteum L., 340, 313 atropurpureum Web. & Mohr, 336 badium Bruch, 331 barbatum Wils., 335 Barnesii Wood, 336 bicolor Dicks., 336 bimum Schreb., 328 Brownianum Dicks., 31 ccesinm Vi 11., 67 caespiticium L., 331 ,, var. Kunzei Braithw., 331 calcareum Dicks., 65 calcareuni Lindb., 322 callistomum Dicks., 83 calophyllum R. Br., 319 canariense Schp., 332 capillare L., 333 ,, var. elegans (Nees), 334 ,, var. obconicum Hiibn., 334 carnenm L., 310 catenulatum Schp., 309 cernuum B. & S., 318 cernuum Lindb., 323 ciliatuin Dicks., 160 cinclidioides Blytt, 349 cirratum Hornsch., 330 concinnatum Spr., 318 conoideum Dicks., 237 crispum Gmel., 241 cuciillatum Schwgr., 306 cuneifolium Dicks., 181 cuspidatum Schp., 330 cyclophyllum B. & S., 325 Daviesii Dicks., 158 dealbatum Dicks., 278 Donianum Grev., 334 Duvalii Voit, 325 elegans Nees, 334 erythrocarpum Schwgr., 33$ fallax Milde, 323 fasciculare Schrad., 151 fasciculare Dicks., 274 Ferchelii Funck, 333 filiforme Dicks., 317, 313 Jilum Schp., 309 flavescens Dicks., 77 flexifolium Dicks., 202 Jlexnosum L., 93 Forsteri Dicks., 237 fragile Dicks., 95 fulvellutn Dicks., 101 gemmiparum De Not., 338 gradle Schleich., 309 gracile Wils., 300 Griffithiamwi Dicks., 261 hetero??iallu77i Dill., 80 inclinatum Bland., 322 incuT^vum Huds., 37 intermedium Brid , 330 julaceu77i Sm., 317 julifori7ie Schp., 317 Ku7izei Hornsch., 331 lacustre Brid., 321 Lttdwigii Spreng., 308 Marratii Wils., 320 Mildeanum Juratz., 339 7nontanum Lamarck, 60 Mtihlenbeckii B. & S., 339 murale Wils., 337 77iurale L., 183 Neodamense Itzigs., 329 nuduf7i Dicks., 266 nutans Schreb., 305 obconicum Hornsch., 334 CEderi Gunn., 287 origanum Bosw., 321 pallens Sw., 324 pallescens Schleich., 330 paucifoliutn Dicks., 64 pellucidu7n L., 76 pendulum Schp., 3185°6 index. piliferum Dicks., 175 polyphyttum Dicks., 157 pomifomie L., 289 proliferum Sibth., 341 provincial Philib., 332 pseudo-triquetrum Schwgr., 329 pulvinatum L., 137 purpurascens B. & S., 320 pusillum Hedw., 177 Pyriforme L., 272 recurvifolittm Tayl., 203 roseum Schreb., 341 rubellum Hoffm., 191 rubens Mitt., 336 rufescens Dicks., 82 rurale L., 187 sanguineum Brid., 335 schisti Gunn., 103 Schleicheri var. latifolium Schp., 326 scoparium L., 107 speciosum Yoit, 324 spinosum Voit, 348 squan osum L., 279 Stirtoni Schp., 335 subulatum L., 184 torquescens B. &: S., 333 tortuosum L., 221 Tozeri Grew, 311 trichoides L., 278 tnmcatulum L., 169 turbinatum Schwgr., 326 ,, var. latifolium B. & S., 308 uliginosum B. & S., 323 undulatum L., 34 unguiculatum Huds.,200 ventricosum Dicks., 329 verticil lain rn L., 213 virens Sw., 74 viridissimum Dicks., 236 viridulum L., 209 Warneum Bland., 319 Zierii Dicks., 312 Buxbaumiace^e, 47 Buxbaumia Hall., 48 aphylla L., 49 indusiata Brid., 49 Camptotheeium B. & S., 396 lutescens B. & S., 396, 400 nitens Schp., 397, 392 Campylium Halleri Lindb., 456 hispidulum var. Sommerfeltii Lindb., 456 Campylopus Brid., 89 adustus De Not., 98 alpinus B. & S., 97 atrovirens De Not., 96 brevifolius Schp., 90 brevipilus B. & S., 98 densus B. & S., 95 flexuosus Brid., 93 ,, var. major Boul., 94 ,, var. paludosus Schp., 94: fragilis B. & S., 95, 116 introflexus Brid., 97 longipilus Brid., 96 Miilleri Juratz., 93 paradoxus Wils., 94 polytrichoides De Not., 97 pyriformis Brid., 94 ,, var. Miilleri (Juratz.), 93 Schimperi Milde, 91 Schwarzii Schp., 92 setifolius Wils., 96 Shawii Wils , 92 subulatus Schp., 90 turfaceus B. & S., 94 viridis Lesq. & .Sull., 112 Campylostelium B. & S., 159 saxicola B. & S., 159, 300 Catharinea Ehrh., 33 angustata Brid., 35 crispa James, 36 Haussknechtii Broth., 34, 300 lateralis Vaizey, 33 tenella Rohl, 33 undulata Web. & Mohr, 34, 343 ,, var. Haussknechtir Dixon, 300 Catoseopium Brid., 285 nigritum Brid., 285 Ceratodon Brid., 67 conicus Lindb., 68 minor Aust., 69 purpureus Brid., 68, 73, 191 Cinelidium Sw., 351 stygium Sw., 351, 330 Cinclidotus P. Beauv., 224 aquaticus B. & S., 226 Brebissoni Husn., 224 fontinaloides P. Beauv., 225, 132 riparius Arnott, 225 ,, var. terrestris B. & S., 224. Cladodium uliginosum Brid., 323 Climaeium Web. & Mohr, 388 dendroides Web. & Mohr, 388 Conomitrium Mont,//# Conostomum Sw., 286 boreale Sw., 286INDEX. 507 Coscinodon Spreng., 156 cribrosus Spr., 157 humilis Milde, 136 Patersoni Ferg., 136 Cryph^ace.^e, 357 Cryphsea Mohr, 358 arborea Lindb., 358 heteromalla Mohr, 358, 160 Ctenidium molluscum Mitt., 478 Cylindrotheeium B. & S., 389 concinnum Schp., 389, 491, 492 Cynodontium Schp., 71 Bruntoni B. & S., 71, 69, 88 gracilescens Schp., 73 ,, var. alpestre Schp., 74 polycarpum Schp., 72 ,, var. strumiferum Schp., . 73 schisti Lindb., 7/ strumiferum De Not., 73 subalpestre Kindb., 74 virens Schp., 74 ,, var. Wahlenbergii Schp., 74 Wahlenbergii R. & C., 74 Daltonia Hook. & Tayl., 363 splachnoides Hook. & Tayl., 363 Dawsonia R. Br.,33 Desmatodon nervosus B. & S., 180 obliquus B. & S., 180 systylius B. & S., 775, 180 Diehelyma Myrin, 353 capillaceum B. & S., 353 Diehodontium Schp., 75 flavescens Lindb., 77, 203 pellucidum Schp., 76, 83, 203 ,, var. serratum Schp., 77 Dicranace.e, 51 Dieranella Schp., 79 cerviculata Schp., 81 crispa Schp., 81 curvata Schp., 82 Grevilleana Schp., 84, 37 heteromalla Schp., 80 rufescens Schp., 82 Schreberi Schp., 84, 37 secunda Lindb., 82 sinuosa Wils., 197 squarrosa Schp., 85 subulata Schp., 82 varia Schp., 83, 121 Dieranodontium B. & s., 99 circinatum Schp., 114 longirostre B. & S., 99, 60, 96, 113 ,, var. alpinum, 96 Dieranoweisia Lindb., 87 Bruntoni Schp., 71 cirrata Lindb., 88, 72 compacta (Schleich.), 89 crispula Lindb., 88, 72, 133 ,, var. atrata N. & H., 89 Dieranum Hedw., 99 albicans B. & S., 116 albidum Brid., 117 ambiguum Hedw., 78 arcticum Schp., 103 aristatiuji Schp., 115 asperulum Mitt., 115, 99 Bergeri Bland., 105, 282 ,, var. compactum R. & C.r 106 Blyttii B. & S., 103 Bonjeani De Not., 106, 93 ,, var. rugifolium Bosw., 107 Bruntoni Sm., 71 cerviculattim Hedw., 81 conge stum Brid., 109 crispum Ehrh., 81 curvatum Hedw., 82 ellipticum Turn., 149 elongatum Schleich., in falcatum Hedw., 102 flagellare Hedw., 113 fragilifolium Lindb., 113 fill vellum Sm., 101 fulvum Hook., hi fuscescens Turn., 109 gi'acilescens Web. & Mohr, 73 Grevilleanum B. & S., 84 hyperboreum C. M., 102 inter?upturn Hedw., 80 introjlexum Hedw., 97 longifolium Ehrh., 115, 99, 116 majus Turn., 108 molle Wils., 103 montanum Iledw., 113, 88 osmundoides Sw., 125 palustre B. & S., 106 pellucidum var. fa^imontanum Brid., 76 polycarpum Ehrh., 72 pusillum Hedw., 81 pyriforme Schultz, 94 Sauteri B. & S., 116 saxicola Web. & Mohr, 159 schisti Lindb., 103 Schraderi Web. & Mohr, 105 Schreberi Sw., 84 scoparium Hedw., 107 Scottianum Turn., no secundum Sw., 82 spurium Hedw., 104 squarrosum Schrad., 85 Starkei Web. & Mohr, 102 strictum Schleich., 1125°8 INDEX. strumifenun Ehrh., 73 trichodes Wils., 87 uncinatum C. M., 114 undulatum Ehrh., 104 varium Hedw., 83 viride Schp., 112 viridulum Sw., 120 Didymodon Camusi Husn., 31 crenulatus Mitt., 70 cylindricus B. & S., 218 denudatus Lindb., 99 flexicaulis Schleich., 59 Jlexifolius Hook. & Tayl., 202 ,, var. gem mi ferns Schp., 202 fragilis Drumm., 222 gemmascens Mitt., 202 homomallus Hedw., 58 luridus Hornsch., 191 recurvifolius Wils., 203 rigidulns Hedw., 195 rubellus B. & S., 191 mfns Lorentz, 192 sinuosus Schp., 197 Diphyseium Mohr, 50 foliosum Mohr, 50, 219 Diseelium Brid., 266 nudum Brid., 266, 286 Dissodon splachnoides Grev. & Am W;- 265 Distichium B. & S., 60 capillaceum B. & S., 60 ,, var. brevifolium B. & S., 61 inclinatum B. & S., 61 Ditriehum Timm, 56 flexicaule Hpe., 59, 99 homomallum Hpe., 58 subulatum Hpe., 59 tenuifolium Lindb., 57, 83 tortile Hpe., 57 Dryptodon oblusus Brid., 137 Encalyptace.*:, 226 Enealypta Schreb., 227 apophysata N. & H., 230 borealis Kindb., 230, 30r ciliata, HofTm., 229,301 commutata X. & H., 228,301 Macounii Aust., 230,301 procera B. A: S., 231 rhabdocarpa Schwgr., 230 streptocarpa Hedw., 231 vulgaris Hedw., 228 „ var. laevigata (Bruch), 22a „ var. obtusifolia (Funck) 229 ” „ var. pilifera Schp., 22n Entodon orthocarpus Lindb., 389 Entosthodon Schwgr., 273 ericetonim C.M., 274 Tevipletoni Schwgr., 275 Ephemerella recurvifolia Schp., 270 Ephemerum Hpe., 267,163 cohserens Hpe., 269 intermedium Mitt., 269, 267 i7iinutissimum Lindb., 268 recurvifolium Lindb., 270 serratum Hpe., 268, 267 sessile Rabenh., 269 stenophyllum Schp., 269 tenerum C.M., 267 Epipterygium Tozeri Lindb., 311 Eucladium B. & S., 204 verticillatum B. & S., 213 Eurhynehium B & s., 412 abbreviatum Schp., 419 circinatum B. & S., 423, 367 cirrosum Juratz., 413, 390, 493 confertum Milde, 428, 407, 409, 431 crassinervium B. & S., 414, 409 curvisetum Husn., 420 diversifolium B. & S., 424 hians Lesq. and James, 418 megapolitanum Milde, 429 murale Milde, 427, 409, 410 myosuroides Schp., 422, 394 ,, var. filescens Ren. 422 piliferum B. & S , 414 prselongum B. & S-, 416 ,, var. abbreviatum B. & S., 419 ,, var. atrovirem Schp., 417 ,, var. Stokesii (Turn.), . 494 pumilum Schp., 419, 443 rotundifolium Milde, 429 rusciforme Milde, 426 ,, var. prolixum (Turn.), 427 speciosum Schp., 415 Stokesii Schp., 416 striatulum B. & S., 425 striatum B. 8: S., 425, 496 strigosum B. & S., 424 ,, var. imbricatum B. & S., 424 ,, var. prcccox Wahl., 424 Swartzii Hobk., 417 Teesdalei Schp., 420 tenellum Milde, 421, 407 ,, var. meridionale (Boul.), 421 Tommasinii Sendtn., 413, 414 Vatic her i B. & S., 413, 414INDEX. 509 velutinoides B. & S., 415 Fissidentace^e, 118 Fissidens Hedw., 11S adiantoides Iledw., 126 Bloxami Wils., 119 bryoides Hedw., 122 ,, var. ccespitans Schp., 123 collinus Mitt., 127 crassipes Wils., 124 Curnowii Mitt., 123 decipiens De Not., 127 exiguus Sull., 120 exilis Hedw., 119 inconstans Schp., 122 incurvus Starke, 121 ,, var. tamarindifolius Braithw., 121 minutulus Sull., 121 Orrii Lindb., 123 osmundoides Hedw., 125 polyphyllus Wils., 126 pusillus Wils., 121 ,, Lylei Wils., 120 rivularis Spr., 123 rufulus B. & S., 124 serrulatus Brid., 125 tamarindifolius Wils., 121 taxifolius Hedw., 128 tequendamensis Mitt., 123 viridulus Wahl., 120 ,, var. fontanus Braithw., 124 Fontinalace^e, 352 Fontinalis Dill., 353 antipyretica L., 353 dalecarlica B. & S., 356 Dixoni Card., 356 dolosa Card., 355 gracilis Lindb., 354 hypnoides Hartm., 333, 337 Kindbergii Ren. Sc Card., 333 pennata L., 360 seriata Lindb., 357 squamosa L., 355 Funariace^e, 266 Funaria Schreb., 273 attenuata Lindb., 275 calcarea Wahl., 275 calvescens Schwgr., 276 ericetorum Dixon, 274 fascicularis Schp., 274, 272 hibernica Hook., 275 hygrometrica Sibth., 276 microstoma B. & S., 277 Miihlenbergii Turn., 275 obtusa Lindb., 274 Templetoni Sm., 275 Georgia Brownii C. M., 31 Grimmiace.e, 128 Grimmia Ehrh., 129 acicularis C. M., 150 affitiis Lindb., 153 ,, var. gracilescens Lindb., 153 alpestris Schleich., 146 anodon B. & S., 133, 137 apocarpa Hedw., 131, 161 ,, var. pumila Schp., 86 ,, var. rivularis Web. & Mohr, 130, 226 aqualica C. M., 151 atrata Mielich., 147, 130 atrovirens Sm., 180 campestris Bruch, 146 canescens C. M., 155 commutata Hiibn., 145 conferta Funck, 132, 86, 137 ,, var. obtusifolia Schp., 132 contorta Schp., 134, 89 cribrosa Hedw., 157 crinita Brid., 134, 137 decipiens Lindb., 140, 134 ,, \2x.r0busta Braithw., 141 Doniana Sm., 143 edinensis Ferg., 139 elatior B. & S., 141 elliptica Am., 149 elongata Kaulf., 147 fascicularis C. M., 151 funalis Schp., 135 gracilis Wils., 132 Hartmani Schp., 142 heterosticha C. M., 153 hypnoides Lindb., 155 incurva Schwgr., 134 leucopheea Grev., 146 maritima Turn., 132, 244 microcarpa Lindb., 154 montana B. & S., 145 Miihlenbeckii Schp., 139 orbicularis Bruch, 137 ovalis Lindb., 144 ovata Schwgr , 144 ,, var. cylindrica Hiibn., 144 ovata Web. & Mohr, 145 patens, B. Sc S., 142, 131 przdnosa Wils., 132 pulvinata Sm., 137 ramulosa Lindb., 152 recurvata Hedw., 65 rivularis Brid., 131 robusta Ferg., 141 Schultzii Wils., 140 Stirtoni Schp., 140 subsquarrosa Wils., 139 sudetica Spreng., 144 torquata Hornsch., 136, 234 trichophylla Grev., 138, 134 Ungeri Juratz., 146 unicolor Hook., 148INDEX. 510 Glyphomitrium Brid., 158 Daviesii Brid., 158 polyphyllum Mitt., 157 saxicola Mitt., 159 Gymnocybepalustris Fries, 281 ,, ,, var. ramosa Lindb., 282 turgida Lindb., 280 Gymnostomum Hedvv., 204 calcareum N. & H., 210 compaction Schleich., 233 curvirostre Hedw., 212 Donianum Sm., 62 ericetorum Bals. & De Not., 274 Heimii Hedvv., 169 imberbe Sm., 161 intermedium Turn., 170 lapponicum Hedw., 235 microstomum Hedw., 207 minutulum Schleich., 172 Mougeotii Bruch, 235 ovation var. incanum N. &. H., 77 riparium Host, 225 rupestre Schleich., 211 sphcericion Ludw., 272 tenue Schrad., 210 tortile Schwgr., 208 trichodes Web. & Mohr., 66 viridulum Brid., 211 Wilsoni Hook., 171 Gyroweisia temiis Schp., 210 Hatorodon Schp., 368 Notarisii Schp., 368 perpusillus Lindb., 368 Hedwigia Ehrh., 160 albicans Lindb., 160 ciliata Ehrh., 160 imberbis Spr., 161 Hedwigidium imberbe B. & S., 161 Helicodontiion pulvination Lindb., 368 Heterocladium B. & s., 378 dimoiphum B. & S., 379 heteropterum B. & S., 378, ,, var. fallax Milde, 442 squarrosulum Lindb., 379 Homalia Brid., 362 trichomanoides 362, 362 Homalotheciion B. & S., 394 sericeuin B. & S., 395 Hookeriace,e, 363 Hookeria Tayl., 364 lsetevirens H. & T., 364 Hyloeomium B. & S., 492 brevirostre B. & S., 495, 423 calvescens Lindb., 497 loreum B. & S., 496, 298, jfa Oakesii Sull., 495, 369, 302 parietimon Lindb., 491 proliferum Lindb., 493 pyrenaicum Lindb., 495,50.3 rugosum De Not., 498, 361 splendens B. & S., 493 squarrosum B. & S.. 497 „ var. sub-pi„,lat Schp., 497 m triquetrum B. & S., 498, 298 umbratum B. & S., 494 Hymenostomion R. Br., 204 microstonnon R. Br., 207 ,, var. elation B. & S. 208 obliqmon N. & H., 208 rostellatum Schp., 206 squarrosion N. & H., 207 tortile B. & S., 208 Hymenostyliion commutation Mitt., 212 Hyoeomium B. & S., 410 flagellare B. & S., 411, 479 Hypnace^e, 386 Hypnum L., 449 abietinum L., 381 adiantoides L., 126 adioicton L., 463 aduncum Hedw., 458 ,, var. hamalum Schp., 460 albicans Neck., 400 algierianum Brid., 421 alopecio'um L., 370 arcticum Sommerf., 484 arcuatum Lindb., 473 attenuation Schreb., 375 atrovirens Dicks., 380 Bambergeri Schp., 476 BlaJidovii Web. & Mohr, 382 Breadalbense F. B. White, 468 Breidleri Juratz., 489 brevirostre Ehrh., 495 bryoides L., 122 ccespitosum Wils., 408 callichroum Brid., 475 calvescens Wills., 497 campestre Bruch, 402 canariense Mitt., 477, 479 catenulation Brid., 380 chrysophyllum Brid., 455 circinale Hook., 478 circination Brid., 423 cirrosum Schwgr., 413 commutatum Hedw., 466, 447 complanatum L., 361 concinnion De Not., 389 confertion Dicks., 428 confervoides Brid., 442 cordifolium Hedw., 488INDEX. 5“ Cosscni Schp., 465 crassinervium Tayl., 414 xrispum L., 360 crista-castrensis L., 479 ■croceum Tayl., 479 cupressiforme L., 470 ,, zw.longirostreSchp., 472 cupressiforme var. resupinatum Schp., 391, 392 curtipendulum L., 369 curvicaule, Juratz., 447 curvisetum Brid., 420 cuspidatum L., 490, 389 delicatulum Medw., 385 demissum Wils., 439 dendroides L., 388 denticulatum, L., 435 depression, Bruch, 431 dilatatum Wils., 483 elegans Hook., 432 elodes Spr., 453, 407 eugyrium Schp., 484, 408 exannulatum Giimb., 462 ,, var. Rotce Schp., 462 falcatum Brid., 467 ,, var. virescens Schp., 44.7 filicinum L., 445 flliforme, Timm, 377 Forinianum, Schp., 446 Jlagellare Dicks., 411 fluitans L., 461 Jluviatile Sw., 445 fontinaloides Lamarck, 225 giganteum Schp., 489 glaciale Hartm., 405 glareosurn Bruch, 400 gi'acile Dill , 367 Halleri Linn, fil., 456 hamifolium Schp., 460 hamulosum B. & S., 475 heteropterum Spr., 378 Heufleri Juratz., 474 hians Hed w., 418 illecebrnm Schwgr , 409 imponens Hedw., 473 incurvatum Schrad., 469, 434 intermedium Lindb., 465 irrigation Zett, 467 iri'iguum Hook, and Wils., 444 julaceum Vill., 372 Kneiffiii Schp , 458 latifolium Husn., 403 longiro strum C. M., 370 loreum L , 496 lutescens Huds., 396 lycopodioides Schwgr., 460, 499 megapolitanum Bland., 429 micans Wils , 487 Mildeanum Schp., 401 molle Dicks., 482 molluscum Hedw., 478, 411 montanum Wils., 480 viorense Schleich., 366 murale Hedw., 427 myosuroides L., 422 myurum Poll., 394 nitens Schreb., 397 nitidulion Wahl , 433 Notarisii Boul., 383, 466 ochraceum Turn., 485, 411 palustre L , 481 palustre var. julaceum B. & S., 482 ,, var. laxum B. & S., 482 Patientice Lindb., 473 piliferum Schreb ,414 plication Schleich., 399 plu mo sum L., 401 plumosum Sw., 407 polygamum Schp., 453 polymorphum Wils., 456 populeum Hedw., 407 prcdongum L., 416 ,, var. rigidum Boul., 419 ,, var. Stokesii Brid., 416 pratense Koch, 474 procerrimum Mol., 477 protensum Brid., 455 pseudoplumosum Brid., 407 pulchellum Dicks., 433 pumilum, Wils., 419 purum L., 410, 398 pyrenaicum Spr. 495 radicale, P. Beauv., 443 recognition Hedw., 386 recurvans Schwgr , 440 reflexion Web. & Mohr, 405 resupinatum Wils., 471 revolutum Lindb., 474 revolvens Sw., 464 Richardsoni Mitt , 489 riparium L., 452, 449 rivulare Bruch, 403 rotundifolium Scop , 429 rufescens Dicks., 391 rugosum Ehrh., 498 rupestre F. B. White, 476 ruscifolium Neck., 426 rusciforme Weis, 426 rutabulum L., 402 salebrosum Hoffm., 401 sarmentosum Wahl., 490 ,, var. subflavum Ferg., 490 scabrellum Mitt., 421 Schreberi Willd., 491, 389, 410, 494 Schimperianum Lor., 483 sciuroides L., 366 scorpioides L., 486 Sendtneri Schp., 459 ,, var. Wilsoni Schp., 460 sericeum L., 395 serpens L., 442512 INDEX. silesiacum Selig., 434 Sommerfeltii Myr., 456, 443 Smithii Dicks., 376 speciosum Schp ,415 spiendens Hedw., 493 squarrosulum Voit, 379 squarrosum L., 497 Starkei Brid , 404 stellatum Schreb., 454 stenophyllum Wils., 462 Stokesii Turn , 416 stramineum Dicks , 487 stricUulum Spr., 425 striatum Schreb., 425 strigosum Hoffm., 424 subsphcericarpon Schleich., 482 sulcatum Schp., 468 ,, var. subsulcatum Schp., 468 Swartzii Turn. ,417 sylvaticum L., 437 tamarindiiolium Don, 121 tamariscinum Hedw., 384 taxifolium L., 128 Teesdalei Sm., 420 tenellum Dicks., 421 trichodes Brid., 446 trichoides Neck., 397 trichomanoides Schreb., 362 trifarium Web. &: Mohr, 488 triquetrum L., 498 turgidum Wahl., 280 umbratum Ehrh , 494 uncinatum Hedw., 463 ,, var. plumosum Schp., 463 undulation L-, 438 Vallisclausce Brid., 446 velutinum L., 406 vernicosum Lindb., 464 viride Lamarck, 407 viticulosum L., 375 Wilsoni Schp., 460 Isopterygium depression Mitt., 431 nitidum Lindb., 433 ,, var. pulchellum Lindb., 433. repens Lindb., 434 Isotheeium Brid, 393 apiculatum Hiibn ,372 myosuroides Brid., 422 myurum Brid , 394, 423 ,, var. robustum B. & S., 394 viviparum Lindb., 394 Leersia alpina Lindb., 228 ciliata Hedw., 229 contorta Lindb., 231 exstinctoria Leyss., 228 laciniata Hedw., 229 lanceolata Hedw., 174 rhabdocarpa Lindb., 230 Leptobryum Wils., 300 minus Philib , 301 pyriforme Wils., 301 Leptodon Mohr, 376 Smithii Mohr, 376 Leptodontium Hpe., 201 flexifolium Hpe., 202, 77 gemmascens Braithw., 202, gor recurvifolium Lindb., 202 Leptotrichum Hpe., 56 flexicaule Hpe., 59 ,, var. densum S.-jp., 60 glaucescens Hpe., 67 homomallum Hpe., 58 subulatum Hpe., 59 tortile Hpe 57 vaginans Sull , 38 Leseuraea B. & S., 392 saxicola Milde , 393 striata B. & S., 392, 374, 407 Leskeace/e, 372 Leskea Hedw., 373,379 intricata Hartm , 392 latebricola Wils., 439 polycarpa Ehrh., 373, 373 nervosa Myr., 374, 380 polyantka Hedw., 390 polycarpa Ehrh , 373, 369, 3?s 380 pulvinata Wahl., 368 Sprucei Bruch, 441 striatella Brid., 434 varia Hedw., 443 Lesquereuxia Lindb., 392 plicata Lindb., 399 Leucobryum Hpe., 116 albidum Lindb., 117 glaucum Schp., 116 minus Hpe., 117 pumilum Britton, 117 Leucodontace^, 365 Leueodon Schwgr., 365 Lagurus var. borealis Wils., 390 sciuroides Schwgr., 366, 374 Lichenastrum alpinum Dill., 25 Limnobium eugyrium B. & S., 484 Lyellia R. Br., 33 Maeromitrium Brid., 240 MEESIACEyE, 277 Meesia Hedw., 278 alpina Funck, 279 demissa Hornsch., 313 minor Brid., 279 trichoides Spr., 278, 278INDEX. 513 triquetra Angstr., 279 uliginosa Hedw , 278 Mielichhoferia elongata Hornsch , 299 nitida Hornsch., 299 ,, var. elongata Schp., 299 ,, var. gracilis Schp., 299 Mnium L., 341 affine Bland., 342 androgynu/u L., 282 annotinum L., 307 arcuatum Dicks., 297 Blyttii B. & S., 349 cinchdioides Hiibn , 349 cir, n L , 88 crudum L., 305 cuspidatum Hedw., 344 cuspidatum Neck., 342 cyclophyllum Schwgr., 325 fasciculare Brid , 281 fontamim L., 293 glaciate Schleich , 311 hornum L , 345, 37, 282 hygrometricum L., 276 insigne Mitt., 343 lacustre Bland., 321 lanaturn P. Beauv., 340 latifolium Schleich., 326 lycopodioides Hook., 347 marginatum P. Beauv., 346 orthorrhynchum B. & S-, 347 osmundaceum Dicks., 260 palustre I.., 281 pseudo-punctatum B. & S., 350 pseudo-triquetrum Hedw., 329 punctatum L , 350, 331 purpureum L., 68 pyriforme L., 301 riparium Mitt, 347 roseum Weis, 341 rostratum Schrad., 344 rugicum Laur., 343 Seligeri Juratz., 343 serratum Schrad., 346 silvaticum Lindb., 344 spinosum Schwgr., 348, 341 spinulosum B. & S., 348 stellare Reich., 349 subglobosum B. & S., 350 turbinaium Hedw., 326 undulatum L., 345, 33 Mollia Lindb., 204 aruginosa Lindb., 211 brachydontia Lindb., 216 brevifolia Braithw., 215 calcarea Lindb , 210 crispa Lindb., 205 crispula Lindb., 214 Jlavovirens Lindb , 217 fragilis Lindb., 222 hibernica Lindb., 219 HI inclinata Lindb., 219 littoralis Braithw., 216 lutescens Lindb., 217 rnicrostoma Lindb., 207 Mittenii Braithw., 206 multicapsularis Braithw., 205 nitida Lindb., 220 rostellata Lindb., 206 rutilans Lindb., 209 squarrosa Lindb., 207 tenuirostris Lindb., 218 tenuis Lindb., 210 tortilis Braithw., 208 to?'tuosa Schranlc, 221 verticillata Lindb., 213 viridula Lindb., 209 Myrinia Schp., 368 pulvinata Schp., 368, 374 Myurella B. & S., 372 apiculata B. & S., 372 careyana Sulk, 372 julacea B. & S., 372 terierrima Lindb., 372 Myurium Schp., 389 Hebridarum Schp., 390 Nanomitrium Lindb., 267 tenerum Lindb., 267 NECKERACEiE, 359 Neekera Hedw., 359 complanata Hiibn., 361, 363 crispa Hedw., 360, 439 heteromalla Hedw., 358 pennata Hedw., 360 Philippeana B. & S., 361 pumila Hedw., 361 splachnoides Sm., 363 Octodieeras Brid., 118 CEdipodium Schwgr., 260 Griffithianum Schwgr., 261 Oligotriehum De Cand., 37 incurvum Lindb., 37 Omaha B. & S. (v. Homalia), 362 Oncophorus Bruntoni Lindb., 71 crispatus Lindb., 70 gracilescens Lindb., 73 polycarpus Brid., 72 striatus Lindb., 70 strumifer Brid., 73 virens Brid., 74 Wahlenbergii Brid., 74 Oreas Brid., 299 Martiana Brid., 299 Mielichhoferi Brid., 299 a var. compacta Braithw., 299 Oreoweisia serrulata Schp., 75 Orthopyxis androgyna P. Beauv., 2825i4 INDEX. Orthodontium Schwgr., 300 gracile Schwgr., 300, 301 Orthotheeium B. & S., 391 bineruulum Mol., 392 intricatum B. & S., 392 rufescens B. & S., 391 Orthotrichace.e, 232 Orthotriehum Hedw., 245 affine Schrad., 253 anomalum Hedw., 249 ,, var. cylindricum Schp., 250 calvescens Wils., 242 cupulatum Hoffm., 250 ,, var. riparium Schp., 250 diaphanum Schrad , 258 Drummondii Hook. & Grev., 240 fallax Schp., 255 fastigiatum Bruch, 254 Franzonianum De Not., 248 gymnostomum Bruch, 2yg Hutchinsice Sm., 244 leiocarpum B. & S., 251 Ludwigii Brid., 239 Lyellii Hook. & Tayl., 252 neglectum Schp., 254 pallens Bruch, 257 patens Bruch, 256 pulchellum Sm., 257, 238 pumilum Sw., 236 rivulare Turn., 254, 226 rupestre Schleich., 248 ,, var. rupincola Hiibn., 249 ,, var. Sehlmeyeri (Bruch), 249 Shawii Wils.. 251 Shawii De Not., 248 Schimperi Hamm., 255 speciosum Nees, 253 Sprucei Mont., 255 stramineum Hornsch., 256 striatum Hedw., 251 Sturmii Hornsch., 248 tenellum Bruch, 256 Winteri Schp., 258 Paludella Ehrh., 279 squarrosa Brid., 279 Pharomitrium subsessile Schp., 177 Phascum Schreb., 164 acaulon L., 165 alternifolium Kaulf., 56 alternifolium Dicks., 53 axillare Dicks., 54 badium Voit, 166 bryoides Dicks., 168 ,, var. Thornhillii Wils., 168 cohcerens Hedw., 269 crispum Hedw., 205 curvicolle Ehrh., 166, 168 curvisetum Dicks., 165 cuspidatum Schreb., i65j 163, 271 Floerkeanum Web. & Mohr., 166 multicapsulare Sm., 205 muticum Schreb., 163 ,, var. minus Hook., 163 patens Hedw., 271 piliferum Schreb , 165 rectum With., 168 recurvifolium Dicks.. 270 rostellatum Brid., 206 Sckreberianum Dicks , 165 serraturn Schreb., 268 sessile B. & S., 269 strictum Dicks., 55 subulatum Huds., 55 tenerum Bruch, 267 triquetrian Spr., 164 Philonotis Brid., 291 adpressa Ferg., 295 Arnellii Husn., 2Q7 csespitosa Wils., 294 calcarea Schp., 296 capillaris Lindb., 296 fontana Brid., 293 ,, var. capillaris Braithw., 296 rigida Brid., 292 Ryani Philib., 2g7 seriata Mitt., 295 Wilsoni Braithw., 291 Physeomitrella B. & S., 270 patens B. & S., 271 Physcomitrium Brid., 271 fasciculare Fiirnr., 274 pyriforme Brid., 272, 274. sphcericum Brid , 272 tetragonum Fiirnr., 271 Pilotrichtun heteromallum var. aquatile C.M., 358 Plagiotaryum Lindb., 312 demissum Lindb., 313 Zierii Lindb., 312, 317, 341, 3 Plagiotheeium B. & S., 43° Borrerianum Spr. 432 demissum Dixon, 439 denticulatum B. & S., 435 depressum Dixon, 431 latebricola B. & S., 439 Miihlenbeckii B. & S., 434 nitidulum B. & S., 433 pulchellum B. & S., 433, 436, 47° silesiacum B. & S., 434 striatellum Lindb., 434INDEX. 515 Sullivantice Schp , 437 sylvaticum B & S., 437 undulatum B. & S., 438 Pleuridium Brid., 54 alternifolium Rabenh., 56, 34 axillare Lindb., 54 nitidum Rabenh , 54 suhulatum Rabenh., 55 Pleurochaete Lindb., 223 squarrosa Lindb., 223, 201, 215 PleUPOpuS Griff., 394 fenestratus Griff., 393 sericeus Dixon, 395, 366, 391, 3971 407 Pleurozygodon cestivus Lindb., 233 Pogonatum aloidcs P. Beauv., 40 ,, ,, var. defluens Brid., 40 alpimim Schp., 41 ,, var. arcticum Brid., 42 nanum P. Beauv., 39 ,, var longisetum Hpe., 40 umigerum P. Beauv., 40 ,, var. humile Brid., 41 Pohlia Hedw., 30] acuminata Hornsch., 303 albicans Lindb., 310 annotina Lindb , 307 brachycarpa Hornsch., 303 carnea Lindb , 310 commutata Lindb., 309 cruda Lindb., 305 cucullata Bruch, 306 elongata Hedw., 304 gracilis Lindb., 309 inclinata Sw., 322 Ludwigii Lindb., 308 nutans Lindb., 305 polymorpha Horiisch., 302 purpurascens R. Br., 320 POLYTRICHACE/E, 32 PolytPiehum Dill., 38 aloides Hedw., 40 alpinum L., 41 attenualum Menz., 45 boreale Kindb., 44 campanulatum Plornsch., 42 capillare Rich., 41 commune L., 46 Dicksoni Turn., 40 formosum Hedw., 45 ,, var. paliidisetum B. & S., 4b gracile Dicks., 45 Hoppei Hornsch., 43 juniperinum Willd., 43 ,, var. alpinum B. & S., 44 nanum Neck., 39 ohioense R. & C., 46 perigoniale Michx., 47 piliferum Schreb., 43, 98 septentrionale Sw., 42 sexangulare Ehrh., 42 strictum Banks, 44 urnigerum L., 40 Popotpiehum Brid., 370 ' alopecurum Mitt., 370, 389 angustifolium Dixon, 371 longirostrum (Brid.), 370 Pottia, Key to, 500 Pottia Ehrh., 167 asperula Mitt., 172 bryoides Mitt., 168 bryoides var. pilifera Schp., 169 csespitosa C. M., 173 cavifolia Ehrh., 177,50/ crinita Wils., 171 curvirostris Ehrh., 212 Heimii Fiirnr., 169 intermedia Fiirnr., 170 lanceolata C. M., 174, 181, 193 ,, var. gymnostoma Schp., 170 latifolia C. M., 174, 50/ „ var. pilifera Schp., 775, 180 littoralis Mitt., 170 minutula Fiirnr , 172 ,, var. conica Wils., 173 recta Mitt., 168 Starkeana C. M., 173 ,, var. affinis Braithw., 173 ,, var. Davallii Lindb., 172 truncata Fiirnr., 169 truncatula Lindb., 169, 272 viridifolia Mitt., 171, 182 Wilsoni B. & S. 171, 182 Pseudoleskea B. & s., 379 atrovirens B. & S., 380, 374, 393 ,, var. filamentosa Boul., 380 catenulata B & S., 380 Ptepigynandpum Hedw., 377 filiforme Hedw., 377, 367 ,, var. heteropterum Schp., 379 heteropterum Brid., 377 longifolium Ahnf., 375 Ptepogonium Sw., 366 gracile Sw., 367, 378, 394, 423, 5°z nervosum Schwgr., 374 ornithopodioides Lindb., 367 striatum Schwgr., 392 Ptepygophyllum Brid., 364 lucens Brid., 365, 364INDEX. 516 Ptilium crista - castrensis Lindb., 479 Ptychodium plication Schp., 399 Ptyehomitrium B. &; s., 157 polyphyllum Fiirnr., 157 Pylaisia B. & S., 390 polyantha B. & S., 390, 392, 470, • . 472 Pyranndula tetragona Brid., 271 Raeomitrium Brid., v. Rhacomitrium Raphidorrhynchum Schp , 440 Raphidostegium Lesq. & James, 440 Rhatodoweisia B & S., 69 crenulata Jameson, 70 denticulata B. 6c S , 70 fugax B. & S-, 70 Rhacomitrium Brid., 148 aciculare Brid., 150 ,, var. denticulatumB.&S., I5° canescens, Brid., 155 ellipticum B. & S., 149, 148 fasciculare, Brid., 151 heterostichum Brid., 153, 161 lanuginosum Brid., 155 microcarpon Brid., 152, 154 protensum Braun, 151, 143 ramulosum Lindb. 152 sudeticum B. & S., 154 ,, var. validius Juratz , 154 Rhynchostegmm B. & S., 412, 388 confertum B. & S., 428 curvisetum Schp , 420 depression B. Cm S , 431, 430 demission B. & S., 439, 430 megapolitamon B. & S., 429 murale B. & S , 427 rotundifolium B. & S , 429 msciforme B. & S , 426 tenellum B. & S , 421 Sselania Lindb., 66 csesia Lindb., 67 SCHISTOSTEGACE.E, 259 Schistostega Mohr, 260 osmundacea Mohr, 260 Scleropodiion ccestitosum B. Os; S., 408 illecebrum B. & S , 409 Seligeria B. & S., 62, 759 acutifolia Lindb., 63 calcarea B. & S-, 65 Doniana C. M., 62 paucifolia Carruth., 64, 66 pusilla B. & S , 63, 66 ,, var. acutifolia Schp., 63 recurvata B. & S., 65, 160 setacca Lindb., 65 subcemua Schp , 64 trifaria Lindb , 64 tristicha B. & S., 64 Sphcerangium muticum Schp., 163 triquetrum Schp., 164 SPHAGNACEiE, I Sphagnum Dill., 4 acutifolium Ehrh., 15,3* ,, var. robustum Russ., 18 acutifolium var. sub-fimbriatum Braithw., 18 Austini Sull., 7 compaction De Cand., 8 ,, var. rigidum Nees, 8 contortion Schultz, n ,, var. obesion Wils. II cuspidatum Ehrh., 21 ,, var. monocladumKlingg., 22 cuspidatum var. serrulatum Schlieph., 22 cyclophyllum Sull. & Lesq., 13 cymbifolium Ehrh., 5 ,, var. papillosum Schp., 6 fimbriatum Wils., 19 Girgensohnii Russ., 18 intermedium Hoffm., 20 laricinum Spr., 12 ,, var. teretiusculum Lindb., 13 Lindbergii Schp., 20 ,, var. fuscescens Warnst., 20 Lindbergii var. immersum Warnst., 20 medium Limpr., 6, 7 molle Sull., 9 molluscum Bruch, 10 Mullen Schp., 9 papillosum Lindb., 6 ,, var. lseve Warnst., 7 ,, var. sublseve Warnst., 7 Pylaiei Brid., 4 ,, var. sedoides Lindb., 13 recurvum P. Beauv., 20 rigidum Schp., 8 riparium Angstr., 21 rubellum Wils., 16 Russowi Warnst., 18 ,, var. molle Warnst., 18 spectabile Schp., 21 squarrosum Pers., 14 ,, var. laxum Braithw., 14 ,, var. squarrosulum Schp., 14 squarrosum var. subteres Lindb., 14 ,, var. teres Schp., 14 squarrosulum Lesq., 14INDEX. 517 strictum Lindb., 18 subsecundum Nees, 11 ,, var. simplicissimum Milde, 12 tenellum Ehrh., 10, 2 „ var. longifolium Lindb., 10 O teres Angstr., 14 Torreyanum Sull., 22 Splachnace^e, 260 Splachnum L., 261 ampullaceum L., 262 angustatum Sw., 264 Breweriamim Hedw., 264 lingulatum Dicks., 265 luteum L., 262 mnioides Sw., 264 pedunculatum Braithw., 262 ,, var. sphcericum Braithw., 262 sphcericum Linn, fil., 262 tenue Dicks., 265 Turneriamim Dicks., 262 vasculosum L., 263 Stableria gracilis Lindb., 300 Stereodon arcuatus Lindb., 473 Bambergeri Lindb., 476 callichrous Brid., 475 cupressiformis Brid.. 470 ha?nulosus Lindb., 475 imponens Brid., 473 incurvatus Mitt., 469 polyanthos Lindb., 390 revolutus Mitt., 474 rufescens Mitt., 391 subrufus Lindb., 392 Stylostegium cazspiticium B. & S.,86 Swartzia Ehrh., 60 inclinata Ehrh., 61 montana Lindb., 60 ,, var. compacta (Hiibn.), 61 Syntrichia intermedia Brid., 187 Icevipila Brid., 186 Syslegium Schp., 204 crispum Schp., 205 Mittenii Schp., 206 miilticapsnlare Schp., 205 Tayloria Hook., 265 Froelichiana Mitt., 265 lingulata Lindb., 265 serrata var. tenuis B. & S., 265 tenuis Schp., 265 Tetraphidace^e, 30 Tetraphis Hedw., 30 Browniana Grev., 31 geniculata Girgens., 31 pellucida Hedw., 30, 282 repanda Funck., 32 Tetraplodon B. & S., 263 angustatus B. & S., 264 bryoides Lindb., 264 mnioides B. & S., 264, 263, 263 ,, var. Brewerianus B. & S., 264 mnioides var. cavifolius B. & S., 264 urceolatus B. & S., 264 Tetrodontium Brownianum Schwgr., 31 Thamnium B. & S., 370 alopecurum B. & S., 370 angustifolhim Holt, 371 Thuidium B. & S.. 381 abietinum B. & S., 381 Blandovii B. & S., 382 decipiens De Not., 383, 466 delicatulum Mitt., 385 delicatulum B & S., 386 intermedium Philib., 386 recognitum Lindb.. 386 tamariscinum B. & S., 384 Thysanomitrium uncinatum Harv., 114 TlMMIACEiG, 283 Timmia Hedw., 283 austriaca Hedw.,‘283 megapolitana Hedw., 283 norvegica Zett., 284 TORTULACEiE, 162 Tortula Hedw., 175 aloides De Not., 180 o ambigua Angstr., 179 angustata Wils., 185 atrovirens Lindb., 180, 174 Brebissoni Fior-Mazz., 224 brevifolia Sm , 194 brevirostris Hook. & Grev., 178 canescens Mont., 183 cuneifolia Roth, 181 erica folia Lindb., 179 fallax var. recurvifolia Wils., 194 hibernica Mitt., 219 inclinata Hedw. fil , 219 intermedia Berk., 187 kevipila Schwgr , 186 lamellata Lindb , 178, 167 marginata Spr . 182 montana Lindb , 187 muralis Hedw., 183 mutica Lindb., 185, 224 jiitida Lindb . 220 oblongifolia Wils., 182 papillosa Wils., 189 princeps De Not., 188 pusilla Mitt., 177, 167 revoluta Schrad., 199 rigida Schrad., 179 ruraliformis Dixon, 188INDEX. 518 ruralis Ehrh , 187 „ var. arenicola Braithw., 188 stellata Lindb., 179 suberecta Drumm., 180 subulata Hedw , 184 systylia Lindb., 775, 180 Vahliana Wils., 182 Trematodon Michx., 77 ambiguus Hornsch., 78 Trichodon cylindricus Schp., 57 Trichostomum B. & S., 213 aloides Koch, 180 brevifolium Sendtn., 215 canescens Timm, 155 conicum Hpe., 68 crispulum Bruch, 214 decipiens Schultz, 140 flavovirens Bruch, 217 flexicaule var. densum B. & S., 60 fragile Dixon 222 funale Schwgr. 135 heterostichum Hedw , 153 hibernicum Dixon, 219, 233 inclinatum Dixon, 219 lamiginosum Hedw., 155 littorale Mitt.. 216, 77 mutabile Bruch, 216 nitidum Schp , 220, 31 pusillum Hedw., 58 rigidulum Sm., 195 rigidulitm var. densum B. & S., 195 subulatum Bruch, 59 sudeticum Funck, 154 tenutfolium Schrad., 57 tenuirostre Lindb., 218,57, 797 tophacewn Brid., 192 tortile Schrad., 57 tortuosum Dixon, 221 undatum Schp., 200 UlOta Mohr, 238 Bruchii Hornsch., 241 calvescens Schp., 242 crispa Brid., 241 ,, var. crispula Hamm., 258 cris pula Bruch. 242 curvifolia Brid., 245 Drummondii Brid., 240 Hutchinske Hamm., 244 intermedia Schp., 241 Ludwigii Brid , 239 maritima C.M. & Kindb., 244 phyllantha Brid., 243 Webera Hedw., 301 acuminata Schp., 303 affinis Bruch, 330 albicans Schp.. 310 ,, var. glacial is Schp. 323 annotina Schwgr., 307 bicolor Hoppe & Hornsch., 306 carnea Schp , 310 commutata Schp., 309 cruda Schwgr., 305 cucullata Schp., 306 elongata Schwgr., 304 gracilis De Not., 309 longiseta Brid., 306 Ludwigii Schp., 308 ,, var. latifolia Schp., 325 nutans Hedw., 305 ,, var. caespitosa B. & S., 306 polymorpha Schp., 302 sessilis Lindb., 50 Tozeri Schp.. 311 Weisia Ehrh., 238 Weisia Hedw., 203 aciculata Mitt.. 205 amblyodon Brid., 209 americana Lindb., 204 Bruchii Lindb., 241 cesspitosa Bruch, 173 calcarea C.M., 210 cirrata Hedw., 88 coarctata Lindb., 239 controversa Hedw., 209 crispa Mitt., 205 crispata C. M.. 208 crispula Hedw.. 88 curvirostris C. M.. 212, 234, 233 densifolia Wils., 209 Drummondii Lindb., 240 gymnostomoides Brid., 209 latifolia Schwgr., 174 microstoma C. M., 207 Mittenii Mitt.. 206 mucronata B. & S., 209 multicapsularis Mitt., 205 nigrita Hedw., 285 phyllantha Lindb.. 243 rostellata Lindb., 206 rupestris C. M., 211. 234, 233 squarrosa C. M.. 207 Starkeana Hedw., 173 tenuirostris Hook. & Tayl., 218 tenuis C. M., 210 tortilis C M.. 208 var. subcylindrica Schp., 208 tristicha Brid., 64 ulophylla Ehrh.. 241 verticillata Brid., 213. 67 viridula Hedw . 209 vittata Braithw , 242 zonala Funck. 59 Weissia V. Weisia Zieria demissa Schp., 313 julacea Schp.. 312 Zygodon Hook. & Tayl.. 234 conoideus Hook. /zt. SUMFIELO, l_ IT HO . KG. Jameson, del. ad' nett. SUMFIELO, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.H.GiJam^soTt., d^L. ad rutvb. sumfield, litho. eastbourneEG.Jdel ad-nat. sumfield, litho. EASTBOURNE.JL Cr.J. del. ad fiat. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.SPHAGNUM IT. x iso H.G.J. del. ad not. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.SPHAGNUM. vn. Jf.G.J. del. ad.nat. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNESUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.TETRAPHIS, OLI&OTRICHUM, CATHARINEA. 3X.POLYTRICHUM. X SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNEPOLYTRICHUM. H.“SUMHELD. ulTHO EASTBOURNERHABDOWEtSIA,. CYNODONTIOM, DICHODONTIUM, TREMATODOU. XIV. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.CAMPYLOPUS. jnDICRANODONTIUM, DICRANUM.DICRANUM. :smr. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.DICRANUM, LEUCOBRYUM. TTTFISSIDENS. XX.H. G.J. del. ad. next.GB1MMIA. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.H.G.J. del.adnat. sumfield, litho. Eastbourne.POTTIA. xm. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.TORTOLA. .XXVII SUMFIELO, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.TORTULA. 2I.G-.tJ, dJL. a/Z tuxJ?. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.BARBULA. XXIXS U MFI ELD , THO. EASTBOURNE.TRICHOSTOMUM, PLEUROCHjEIEE, CINCLIDOTUS, ENCALYPIA. XSXIT. SUMFIELO, LIT HO EASTBOURNE.3r&.jael.aZ,-ncCt. 5 U MFIELD r L1T H O . EASTBOURNE.Jf.G.J. del. ad not. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.ORTHOTRICHUM. XXSTORTHOrRICHUM, SCHI3T05TEGA, ffiDIPODIUM, SPLACHNUM. JXXVT Wht l JT.Cr.J. ckl acl nat, SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.PHELOtfOTIS, OEEAS, BREUTELIA,0R.TH0IR1 IEPTOBRM WEBERA. 2Lr.ff.G.J. del. ad. not. sumfield, litho. eastbourne.BRYUM :xnir If G.J. del asl nett. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.H.Cr.J. del. ad not. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.BRYUM XIV.BRYUM, MN1UM XLVI If. G.J.rfsl. not. SUMFIELD, L IT HO . EASTBOURNE.:xcvn. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.MNIUM, CINCLIDIUM, FONTINALIS. .XLVII. SUMFIELO, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.CRYPILEA, NECKERA-.........MYR1MA, jo.1L. SUMFIELO, LITHO . EASTBOURNE.ANTITRICHrA---------THUIDIUM. L. i la. lc j, ieslcea polycaTpa Aut. cui-tipQTuiula. , 1 -LC. 1. la- (j. Lesltea nervosa. f « Xc■ ^ Leptodon. Smithii. [V* A // A 7 /// » Ido 1 / / 1 -jCAA: la. / / 1 i V lc. 1 B. Porotrichum alopecurum C P. augustifodium -a a m w<' ii 1. 1«- ic D Myurella julacea. A «8 lc. ^ Myurella apicalata. JT.Cr.J.del. ad tjat V la. A / Hi Xc. la. M a •*. m oJ If. ; Heterocladium kteiopterum. =A 1 / \ 2a TA ic. ^i- ; A>\ jAnomoctanlougafolius. | /'~a« ^ ys //) i A"/ o' ( AW' 2 lc. dSoqB' |K. squatrosulum. joAcI lc A. afctenuabus. 0 Pseudoleskea atrovirens. 1 f A. viticulosus. la. ic, ^Tlmgyrucadrum fiAforme Atm WU‘J0)J ©cm jOOCA ■SA' la. 1. lc y Pseudoleskea cateaulata ,s m M AjOC la. v z " /r» 1' . lc. Thuidmm, dbiebiaum. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.THUIDmr---------ORTHOTHE CIUM. LI.JI.G.J dsl. ad. not. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNEBRACHYTHECIUM, HYOCOMIUM, EDRHYNCHIUM, IHLEURHYNCHIUM. GJ, del. ad no//. SUMFIELD, LITHO. EASTBOURNE.EUKHYNCHIUM, PLAGIOTHECIUM, AMBLYSTEGIUM. XTAMBLTSTE GIUM, HTPNUM. 1YI.HYPMTM. ivn.HYPNUM. _LYHL. 17>c. p H. citpressiforme. KG.J.del- cub nab/. M. H. molluscu,m. SUMFIELO, LIT HO. EASTBOURNE.HYPMJM. LIX.