eDULD [aT Peat Cop WHERE fours Rew Dork Htate College of Agriculture At Cornell Cnibversitp Bthaca, 2. D. Library jatural history.For the use of schools NATURAL HISTORY. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. BY . WORTHINGTON HOOKER, MD., PROFESSOR OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE IN YALE COLLEGE, AUTHOR OF ‘HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY,’’ ‘‘CHILD’S BOOK OF NA‘URE,”’ ETC., ETO, Lulustrated by nearly 300 Bugravings. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANELIN 8QUABE 1883, By Dr. WORTHINGTON HOOKER. THE CHILD'S BOOK OF NATURE. For the Use of Families and Schools; intended to aid Mothers and Teachers in training Children in the Observa- tion of Nature. In Three Parts, Illustrated by Engravings. The Three Parts complete in one volume. Small 4to, Cloth, $1 v0; Separately, Cloth, Part I., 40 cents; Parts II, and IIL. 44 cents each. Parr J. PLANTS. Part II, ANIMALS. Part III. AIR, WATER, HEAT, LIGHT, &c. FIRST BOOK IN CHEMISTRY, For the Use of Schools and Families. Ilus- trated by Engravings. Revised Edition. Square 4to, Cloth, 44 cents. NATURAL HISTORY. For the Use of Schools and Families. Dlustrated by nearly 300 Engravings. 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents. SCIENCE FOR THE SCHOOL AND FAMILY. PaAegtI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Illustrated by numerous Engray- ings. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents. Panr II. CHEMISTRY. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents. Parr Ill. MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents, Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, N. Y. tr Any of the above works sent by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States upon receipt of the price Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty, by Harper & Broruens, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. PREFACE THERE are many good books on Zoolegy, or Nat- ural History, as it is commonly termed; but none are properly adapted to instruction in schools. Some of them are too popular in their character, and some, on the other hand, are too scientific, or, rather, contain too many of the details of science; while in all there is too much matter, so that the pupil is confused with the multitude of things brought to view, and there- fore obtains definite ideas of but few of them. I have aimed in this book to avoid these defects. My object has been to cull out from the immense mass of mate- rial which Zoology presents that which every well-in- formed person ought to know, excluding all which is of interest and value only to those who intend to be thorough zoologists. It seems to have been forgotten by most writers of text-books on the natural sciences that a book for common study should be very different from a book for reference. Their books are-therefore cumbered with much that is not of any use to the great body of pupils. The true plan for instruction in schools re- quires that, while the class-book should contain, clearly stated, only that which all ought to know, the teacher should have some works on the subject of a more extended character, to which he can refer when- ever occasion calls for it. ii PREFACE. If a spirit of inquiry be awakened in the class (as it surely will be if the text-book be of the right stamp and the teacher use it aright), questions will occasion- ally be asked which will call for information that must be gathered from larger works, or perchance from the teacher's own observation. This leads me to say that no text-book is rightly constructed that does not excite this spirit of inquiry and observation on the part of both teacher and pupil. The more it does so, the more fully is the true object of teaching attain- ed; for the communication of knowledge is by no means of so much importance as the imparting to the mind the power and the disposition to acquire it of itself. Especially is this true of such a study as Zoology, which presents to the pupil abundant mate: rial for observation on every hand, in the garden and in the field, on the land, in the water, and in the air. I will mention here some of the books which the teacher may use with profit for reference in teaching Natural History. Carpenter’s Zoology, Carpenter's Animal Physiology, Agassiz and Gould’s Principles of Zoology, Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, Redfield’s Zoological Science, Nuttal’s Ornithology, Kirby and Spence’s Entomology, Harris on North American In- sects, Jaeger’s Life of North American Insects, Jones’s Aquarian Naturalist, Buckland’s Curiosities of Natu- ral History, Broderip’s Note-book of a Naturalist, Harvey’s Sea-side Book, Rennie’s Insect Architecture, Brocklesby’s Views of the Microscopic World. Any of these will be of great advantage to the teacher, but { would especially recommend Carpenter’s Zoology, which constitutes two volumes in Bohn’s Scientifie Library. Redfield’s Chart answers a good purpose in PREFACE, iii presenting to a class a bird’s-eye view of the animal kingdom. In order that Natural History may be taught effi- ciently, it is necessary that the pupil should have some knowledge of Physiology. It will be well for him, therefore, to go through my “First Book in Physiology” before entering on the study of this book, and better still would it be if he has also gone through my “ Child’s Book of Nature,” in the Second Part of which are presented such views of Physiology and Natural History together as can be readily com- prehended by children of nine or ten years of age. Throughout the present work I have been particular to develop the intimate connection existing between Physiology and Zoology, knowing that a neglect of this point would abate essentially from both the in- terest and the usefulness of the study. The study of Zoology has as yet been but little pursued, and I will present here some considerations which will show that it ought to have quite a promi- nence not only in academies, but also in our common schools. First, this study has a practical bearing upon many of the most valuable and extensive occupations of man, agriculture, horticulture, etc. Many animals share with man the fruits of the earth, and therefore it is important for him to know how far and in what ways to prevent their undue increase. Then, again, some animals live on those which are destructive to the fruits raised by man, and so are really serviceable rather than injurious to him. How many mistakes have been made for want of proper observation of the habits of such animals! Many a bird, for example, Iv PREFACE. has been killed because he picked up a few grains or ate a small quantity of fruit, when he really was of great service to the farmer or gardener, because he devoured daily a large number of worms, the grain or the fruit being a very small portion of his food. A war was year after year waged by every cotton- grower against an insect which was supposed to be very destructive to the plant. But after a while it was discovered that a great mistake had been made— that another smaller insect did the mischief, and that the one which had been destroyed in such great num- bers was really the cotton-growey’s friend, for it lived by preying upon this smaller insect. One example more shall suffice, although great numbers of a similiar character might be cited. It is stated by Buffon that there was once great danger that the island of Bour- bon would be entirely devastated by locusts, but it was saved from this catastrophe by the knowledge which the governor had of a fact in Natural History. He happened to know that a bird in India, called the Grakle, was of great service in destroying the eggs and grubs of these insects, and he therefore had a large number of pairs of this bird imported into the island. They multiplied rapidly, and in a few years the locusts were exterminated. But now the grakles, their natural food having given out, fell to digging up and eating the seeds sown in the ground. The people thereupon were aroused against them, and even obtained the enactment of a law for their exter- mination. But in a few years they saw their error, for the locusts largely increased again. .A new sup- ply of grakles was obtained, and their preservation was secured by very rigid enactments. So high were PREFACE. v the grakles in favor as locust-killers, that physicians were directed to proclaim that their flesh was un- wholesome, to prevent the people from eating grakle- pie, of which they were very fond. “ But this eztra- ordinary care,” says Carpenter, ‘was injurious. The birds soon again cleared the island of locusts, and de- stroyed the grubs which injure the coffee-plantations. But when this supply failed them, they proceeded to attack the corn-fields and orchards, and even killed the young of pigeons and other domestic birds. In order to restore the balance, a sort of Malthusian law was enacted to prevent their numbers exceeding the quantity of their legitimate food; and when thus kept in check, they continued to do good without any ad- mixture of evil.” Such facts as these indicate the wide benefits which the science of agriculture may derive from accurate observation of the habits and relations of animals. The more minds there are brought to engage in such observations, the more facts will be gathered into the common stock of information. And as the accuracy and extent of the observations depend on proper ed- ucation in the observer, it is important that the ob- serving powers be trained early; and we may say, therefore, that the whole subject of the relation of animal to vegetable life, so important to the farmer and the gardener, will never be thoroughly understood till the study of Nature be made prominent from the very beginning of education. As animals furnish man, to a great extent, with food and clothing, and a large variety of articles for use and ornament, an increased observation would undoubt- edly increase the amount of resources obtained from vi PREFACE. the animal kingdom. We may go farther than this, and say, that if we had been ready to take hints from the structures which we find in animals, and those which are built up by them, many improvements in the arts might have advanced much more rapidly than they have done. For example, in the construc- tion of optical instruments, a difficulty which Sir Isaac Newton thought never could be remedied, chromatic aberration, might have been remedied long before it was if that perfect optical instrument made by the Creator, the Eye, had been properly examined in re- lation to this point. So, too, paper might long ago have been made from wood, if the habits of that first paper-maker, the wasp, had been observed. Another reason for making this study prominent is, that its connection with other studies is such that it contributes greatly to their interest and resources. This is true, for example, of Geography. It adds vastly to the interest of this study to have the pupil know familiarly how the various tribes of animals are distributed over the earth, and what relation this dis- tribution has to climate, situation, etc. The connec- tion between Zoology and Geology is of the most in- timate character, as the pupil will see in the course of his study of this book. Then, too, Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, especially the latter, have many of their best illustrations in the composition and struc- ture of animals, so that Zoology, with its relations tc Physiology properly developed, will offer no incon- siderable additions to the interest of the two depart- ments of science above named. But the grand practical benefit to be derived from the study of Natural History, or, indeed, any of the PREFACE, vii natural sciences, is the discipline which it gives the mental powers. It cultivates the perceptive and rea- soning powers together, thus forming that habit of intelligent observation which makes its possessor, as a matter of course, a person of extensive general infor- mation, and is an essential element of success in almost any pursuit in which he may engage. In the present prevalent mode of conducting educa- tion the observing powers of the mind are, we may say, systematically neglected. A premium, even, is paid for their neglect; for the study of language, the execution of the processes of mathematics, and the memorizing of Geography, Grammar, etc., are allow- ed to have such exclusive possession in most of our school-rooms, that any disposition on the part of a pupil to attend to Zoology, or any of the natural sciences, must be repressed, if he wishes to maintain his standing in school. And even if such studies are admitted at all, they commonly have a very subor- dinate place in the general arrangement, and an ex- amination for the purpose of determining the standing of the pupil is not extended to such studies, because they are not deemed essential, but only extraordinary and ornamental. This strange neglect of these studies is seen even in our colleges. When a young man, for instance, en- ters Yale College, he is not supposed to know any thing of the natural sciences, or at least no knowledge of them is required as a qualification for admission. And after his admission, he is drilled in mathematics and the languages alone for two long years. The natural sciences are wholly excluded till his junior year, when he begins to attend to Natural Philosophy, A? viii PREFACE. and in his senior year he is taught, necessarily in a very hurried manner, in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Yale College by no means stands alone in this respect, for very nearly the same is true of most of the colleges in this country, showing how little im- portance is attached to the study of the natural sci- ences as a part of the system of‘education. All this is radically wrong. The natural sciences ought to have a place on an equality with the other studies, and from the outset. The child, when he be- gins to attend school, is interested in any thing that calls forth suitably that joint employment of his per- ceptive and reasoning powers which we call observa- tion; and, therefore, with his first learning to read, natural objects should be made the subjects of instruc- tion. All teachers who have used my “Child’s Book of Common Things,” and who, in connection with its use, have brought natural objects into the school-room for ‘object lessons,” as they are termed, know by ex- perience that the plan recommended is a feasible one. This is teaching science; in a small way, it is true, but yet teaching it, and laying a good foundation for farther instruction, not merely in the facts learned, but in the habits of observation which are formed. There are numberless facts about air, water, light, plants, animals, etc, which the youngest pupils can understand, if they are presented in the right manner. And the busy inquiries which they make after the reasons of the phenomena, and their appreciation of them, if stated simply and without technical terms, show that such teaching is not profitless. Children are better philosophers than is commonly supposed. Beginning thus, the natural sciences should be made. PREFACE. ix prominent throughout the whole course of education, not only because they contain largely what is of practical use in many of the avocations of life, and what needs to be known to give any one the character of a well- informed man, but also because they are quite as ef- ficient in disciplining the powers of the mind as the study of the mathematics and the languages. It is zlear that they are essential to a symmetrical mental development, for when they are neglected the observ- ing powers are not duly educated. And besides, while it is the peculiar province of the study of mathe- matics to promote exactness of thought and reasoning, it fails to give that exaltation and wide range of mind which the investigation of the grand general princi- ples of nature, the traces of the power and wisdom of the Creator, tends to produce. Then, again, the study of the natural sciences aids the pupil in acquiring a knowledge of language, for natural objects and proc- esses furnish a large proportion of the words in daily use, and the mathematics derive so much of their real interest from their numerous applications to the facts which natural science brings to view, that the one class of studies is auxiliary to the pursuit of the other. On the whole, then, we may say that the three classes of studies indicated should, for the most part, go on together, and that the only question should be in re- gard to the proportion of time which ought to be de- voted to each. ' Many other considerations might be presented in favor of making Zoology and the other natural sci- ences prominent in education, but I will notice but two of them. One is the fact that they open never- ending resources for agreeable mental employment. x PREFACE, The phenomena of nature are ever before us, and their variety is without limit.. One, therefore, who has pursued the study of nature throughout his course of education will never be at a loss for fresh material for observation. Especially is this true of that science to which the pupil is introduced in the present work. The only other consideration which I shall present is the moral effect of the early study of natural science. Ever varying views of the traces of the wisdom, power, and goodness of the Deity can not fail to lodge in the young mind sentiments and opinions, which will be apt to forestall successfully the arguments of skep- ticism that may be presented in after years. No mere general views can do this, though they are often relied upon; but the actual and definite knowledge which study and observation give is required to effect it. This benefit can hardly be overestimated. The preoccupation of the mind by clear and abundant evi- dence is a preventive measure of vast importance. Better is it thus to shut out error, than to permit its admission and then attempt to cast it out. The author has in the course of preparation books on some of the other natural sciences—Natural Philos- ophy, Chemistry, etc.—having the same general plan which has been adopted in this work. His object is to aid in the introduction of these studies into the common school, as well as the academy and college. The books which I have already prepared have been used in some schools as reading-books at the same time that they are used for study, and with marked success. The plan adopted is this. The class read the lesson, the teacher remarking upon it so far as is thought proper; and then the recitation is PREFACE. xi heard at such a time as will allow a sufficient interval for the study of the lesson. The benefit of this plan consists in making reading a more intelligent and in- teresting exercise than it commonly is, for it is thus necessarily the distinct object to have the pupils wn- derstand what they read. In regard to this I would remark, that text-books on almost every branch should be so constructed, both as to arrangement and style, that they can be used in the way indicated. Let me not be understood to mean that I would discard “reading-books” altogether, but I would not have reading taught solely py them. T have subjoined to this book a full index, and also a glossary upon anew plan. Technical terms I have made it a point to explain whenever they are first in- troduced ; and therefore, in the Glossary, instead of giving the explanation of any term, I refer simply to the paragraph where the explanation may be found. W. Hooker. New Haves, May, 1860. NATURAL HISTORY. CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 1. Tae Animal Kingdom has four grand divisions, or sub-kingdoms: the Vertebrates, the Articulates, the Mol- lusks, and the Radiates. 2. The animals of the vertebrate sub-kingdom have a frame-work, or skeleton of bones, inside, covered up by some of the soft parts of the body. In Fig. 1 (p. 14) you have the skeleton of man. You see that somewhat round box of bones which contains the brain; the col- umn of bones, 24 in number, extending from this through the trunk of the body; the pelvis, consisting of a wedge- shaped bone supporting this column and two broad, flaring bones, m and JZ, on each side; the breast-bone, with the ribs extending from it to the column of bones in the rear, and the collar-bone, g, stretching from it as a prop to the top of the shoulder joint; the arm-bone, é, with the two bones of the forearm, and 0, and the nu- merous small bones of the hand; the thigh-bones; the bones of the leg, v and w, and those of the foot of about the same number with those of the hand. 3. That part of the skeleton in which man is like a 5 great variety of other animals is the central column of bones, and this is therefore taken as the characteristic of the division including man : and these animals. In Fig. 2 you have one of @ the bones of this cclumn, @ being its front part, tie 2 _sin. 200 b the sharp rear part, termed the spinous gle Vertebra. process. It is the row of these rear sharp parts 14 NATURAL. His beh ; CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 15 of the bones that you feel as you pass your finger up and down the middle of the back. Each of these bones is called a vertebra (plural vertebra). Therefore all ani- mals that have this column or chain of bones are called vertebrate animals. It is varied, as you will see, in dif- ferent animals to suit different circumstances, and yet, it is in essential points the same thing in all. 4. This vertebral column is found in all quadrupeds, as you see in this skeleton of a camel. The dark part eee OY e of the figure shows the full Sizd of fhe nia You ob- serve that the spinous pydcepses of the vertebre of the back make a‘high, stroug ridge. This is because to them are fastened the muscles that/ hold up\the heavy neck and head. f. 5. Birds have this columy, as you see in Fig. 4 (p. 16), the skeleton of an ostrich.f’ Here there are very many more vertebre in the neck fhan there are in the neck of 16 NATURAL HISTORY. Fig. 4.—-Skeleton of the Ostrich, man, and near the head they are small, because the head is so small and therefore light. 6. In fishes the chain of vertebree extends through the middle of the body, as you see in Fig. 5. Then there hy WUD G Ce Wiifyys Zi >> WN cre 3 CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 17 is another chain of bones of a slighter make along the back, their spinous processes being the frame-work of the fins of the back. 7. The turtle or tortoise tribe have the body covered with an upper and an under bony plate. But they have connected with the under side of the upper plate a true vertebral column. You see this in Fig. 6. The lower Fig. 6.—Skeleton of the Turtle, =, plate is removed from this skeleton of a turtle to show the vértebral column in its whole length. 8. This chain or column extends out to the end of the turtle’s tail. It is so with all the tails of four-footed an- imals. In the necks of birds, and generally of quadru- peds, and in the tails of the latter there is quite a free 18 NATURAL HISTORY. motion among the vertebre; while in the body of the animal the motion between them is slight. 9. In the snake tribe of Vertebrates the vertebra are very numerous, and the motion between them is as free as in the tails of quadrupeds. Some species have over three hundred, while in man there are only twenty-four. 10. The skeletons of the different kinds of animals that {have mentioned differ from each other in many respects. For example, the fish has nothing in its skeleton that is like the bones of the extremities in man, and that of the serpent is composed merely of vertebra, with very short ribs. There are some fishes that have no ribs. In the turtle, as you see in Fig. 6, the ribs spread out into broad plates, which, joined together, make its upper covering, termed the carapace. 11. While the differences are of ex- treme variety, the skeletons of all these animals agree in one thing—in having a vertebral column. They are, therefore, classed together as vertebrate animals. 12. Connected with this grand char- acteristic of this division of the animal kingdom there is another, viz., the ar- rangement of the great central organs of the nervous system. These are in- closed in the skull and vertebral column. The brain is in the skull, and the verte- bree contain the spinal marrow, which extends from the brain through the length of the body. Each vertebra has a round opening through it, as you see in Fig. 2. When, therefore, all the ver- tebree are joined together, there is a tube-like passage through the column. ; ; In this lies the spinal marrow, or cord, Me Ged fMan as itis often called. In Fig. 7 you have CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 19 a representation of the brain and spinal marrow of man, with the beginnings of the nerves that branch out from them. Essentially the same arrangement exists in all the vertebrate animals. 13. The second grand division or sub-kingdom of ani- mals is that of the Articulates. They have a jointed or articulated covering, as, for example, in the case of the lobster. They have no skeleton inside, as the Verte- brates have, but their coat of armor, as we may call it, is their skeleton. The muscles are all fastened to this. Thus, in the lobster, the muscles moving the claw have one end attached to some portion of the shell of the body, and the other to the shell of the claw. 14, The chief classes or tribes of the Articulates are the crab tribe, the worms, the spider and scorpion tribe, and the insects. In the crab tribe the jointed covering is very hard, being composed chiefly of a mineral sub- stance—the carbonate of lime. In most of the insects it is very firm, and there is a marked resemblance in the claws of such insects as beetles to those of crabs and lobsters. Even in the worms the covering is firm com- pared with the soft interior parts. 15. The arrangement of the central organs of the nerv- ous system of the Articulates is very different from that of the Vertebrates. There is no skull with a brain in it, and there is no spinal cord. There is a chain of little brains, as we may say, con- nected together by nerves, as rep- resented in Fig. 8. Each of these is called a ganglion (plural ganglia). The first ganglion may be consid. ered, for the most part, as corre- sponding with the brain in the Vertebrates, for the nerves from this go to the eyes and the other Fig. 8,—-Nervous System of an aw Insect. organs of sense. 20 NATURAL HISTORY. 16. The third division of the animal kingdom is that of the Mollusks. This term comes from the Latin word mollis, soft. Mollusks are soft animals, most of them being inclosed in a hard shell, as the oyster, and all the varieties of shell-fish; and others being naked, as the slug. The central organs of the nervous system are ganglia variously arranged in the different orders of these animals. 17. The fourth sub-kingdom of animals is that of the Radiates. In Fig. 9 you have a representation of one Fig. 9.—Star-fish. of these animals, the star-fish, which will show you why they are called Radiates. You see parts extending like rays from the central portion. Fadius is the Latin word for ray, and hence the name Radiate. 18. It is the upper side of the star-fish that you see in this figure. On the under side it has a mouth in the centre. The arrangement of its nervous system is sin- CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 21 guiar. It is seen in Fig. 10. The place of the mouth is indicated at @ Around this is a nervous cord connecting together . five ganglia, which are at the be- ginnings of the five arms of the an- imal. From each ganglion a nerve goes along each arm ending at its point in what is supposed by some to be a kind of eye. Though the Fig. 10.—Nervons System of @0imals of this sub-kingdom have Starfish. great variety of form, the arrange- ment is essentially the same as that which you see in this animal. 19. These four sub-kingdoms are arranged in the order of their rank; the highest, or rather the most compli- cated, being placed first, and the simplest last. This is true of them in the general, and yet there are some in any one of the three lower divisions or groups that are high- er in organization than some of the simplest in the one just above it. In the lowest group, the radiate, there are some animals which are nothing but a stomach with an apparatus to put food into it. The animals of one group are sometimes said to be more perfect than those of another; but this is not true, for the organization of every animal: is perfectly adapted to its wants and its mode of existence. 20. There are many terms used ix classifying the ani- mals of each sub-kingdom, which you should understand at the outset. All animals that come from a common origin or parentage are said to belong to the same species. Thus all men descended from Adam, and therefore be- long to one species, although they differ from each other in different quarters of the earth. These differences arise from accidental causes, as climate, food, habits, etc., ‘and are not therefore specific differences. They make mere varieties, and not different species. So dogs and horses belong e”° different species; but there are 22 NATURAL HISTORY. varieties or breeds of dogs and horses, owing to acci- dental causes. 21. The distinction, then, between different species is a definite and fixed one. There can be no dispute about it in any case where the facts bearing on the question are all known; but it is not so with other distinctions, for they are not based upon specific and definite pecul- iarities, and may be varied by different classifiers. A genus includes many species that are alike in some things. Thus, the genus canis includes dogs, wolves, foxes, jack- als, etc., which, though specifically different, are very much alike in their teeth, claws, and feet. Then a fam- aly includes genera (plural of genus) ; an order includes families ; a class, orders; and, finally, orders are included in sub-kingdoms or departments. The terms division, tribe, and group are variously used by way of conven- ience. The term sub-class (under class) is sometimes used. It means a grand division of a class, as sub-king- dom means a grand division of a kingdom. 22. The Vertebrates have two grand divisions, the warm-blooded and the cold-blooded. The warm-blood- ed maintain a high temperature of the blood under vary- ing states of the atmosphere. Thus, the blood of man is maintained at 98 degrees, even when the temperature of the surrounding air is 130 degrees below this. Inthe cold-blooded, on the other hand, the temperature of the blood is varied by that of the surrounding air or water. The fish when taken out of the water is of the tempera- ture of the water, and therefore feels cold to our hands. » 23. There are two classes of the warm-blooded Verte- brates: 1. Mammals, or Mammalia (from the Greek word Hoppa, mamma, a breast), animals that suckle their young; 2. Birds. The young of Mammals are born alive, and therefore Mammals are said to be viviparous, from the Latin words vivus, alive, and pario, to bear. Birds are called oviparous (ovwm, egg, and pario), because their young are produced from eggs. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 23 24. I divide the class Mammals into five sub-classes: 1. Bimana (Latin bis twice, and manus hand), two-hand- ed animals. Man is the only representative of this sub- class. 2. Pedimana ( Pes foot, and manus), foot-handed animals. This is the ape and monkey tribe. The name which I have given it is différent from that which it commonly has in the classifications of zoologists, and the grounds of the change I will state when I come to speak particularly of this tribe. 3. Cheipoptera, hand-winged animals, or the bat tribe. This name is taken from two Greek words, yew, cheir, hand, and wrepor, pteron, wing. 4. Quadrupeds, or four-footed Mammals. Of these there are two divisions, the Unguiculata (Latin unguis, a nail or claw), and the Ungulata, from ungula, a hoof. 5. Cetacea, marine Mammals, or the whale tribe. These have neither hands nor feet. They were formerly class- ed with fishes, but although they are shaped like fishes, they have warm blood, and suckle their young, and have lungs and not gills. They, therefore, belong among Mammals, although they live in the water. Questions.—W hat are the four grand divisions of the Animal King- dom? Describe the skeleton of man. What is said of the central column of bones? Describe its arrangement in man. What is said of this column in quadrupeds? What of it in birds? What of it in fishes? What of it in the turtle tribe? What of it in the body, neck, and tails of various Vertebrates? What of it in the snakes? What is said of the variety in the skeletons of different vertebrates ? Why are they called Vertebrates? What is said of the nervous sys- tem of the Vertebrates? Describe the arrangement of the spinal mar- row. What gives the Articulates their name? How are the muscles of the Articulates arranged? What are the chief classes of this sub- kingdom? What is said of the covering of these diffasent tribes? Describe the arrangement of the nervous system of the Articulates. What is said of the Mollusks? Why do the Radiates have this name? What is the arrangement of their nervous system? What is said-of the relative rank of the four sub-kingdoms? What of the use of the word perfect in regard to organization? Give the distinction between species and varieties. Give the various terms used in classification and their meaning. & are a grand divisions of the Vertebrates ? 24 NATURAL HISTORY. State the difference between them. Give the difference between the two classes of warm-blooded Vertebrates. What is the derivation of oviparous and viviparous? Name the sub-classes of the Mammals. What is said of the first-class? What ofthe second? Of the third? Of the fourth? Of the fifth? CHAPTER II. MAN. 25. Man is said to stand at the head of the animal kingdom. It is well that you should understand pre. cisely what this means. We may consider every animal as a set of machinery, which is worked by means of the nervous system, In some animals this machinery is very simple, as in those which are nearly all stomach (§ 19). In others it is complicated. In man it is more so than in any other animal. For example, take that part of the machinery that is used in motion. Compare man with any animal in this respect. How many more motions he can make with his feet than a horse, or an ox, or a dog. The dog can walk, run, jump, and paw. To say nothing of other motions, observe in contrast the extreme varie- ties of motion of which the feet of man are capable in dancing. 26. There is no part of the machinery of the body in which man is so manifestly superior to other animals as in that of the hand. The variety of things that this ma- chinery can do is so great, that you can get an adequate idea of it only by watching the motions of the hand in all the different kinds of work and play in which it en- gages.* 27. Look now at the instrument or machine itself. How simple it appears! You have merely a thumb and * This and many other of the points in this chapter are quite fully treated in my ‘‘Child’s Book of Nature,” and ‘‘ First Book in Physi- ology.” : MAN. 25 four fingers joined to the body of the hand; but observe how the thumb can be made to meet the tip of either finger, or to touch the tips of all of them at once, and how each finger can move independently of the others, or allcan move together. Then observe, farther, in how many different ways the hand can take hold of different things, such as a pen, a whip, a rope, a string, an axe, ete. 28. What appears so simple when we look only at the outside, is found to be exceedingly complicated when ex- amined within by the anatomist. The frame-work of ° this machine is made up of 32 bones, and there are nu- merous rauscles with their cords or tendons. Then there are countless fibres branching from the nerves into these muscles. It is by these nerves that the mind in the brain works all this machinery. 29. Many animals have something like fingers, but none but man have any thing like thumbs except the monkey and ape tribe, and the opossum family; and in these the thumb is but a poor imitation of this organ in man. , 30. While man is superior to all other animals in the variety of machinery in his body, there are some things in which some animals are superior to him. The horse, that is so inferior to man in the variety of his muscular movement, has better running machinery than he has. The monkey, the squirrel, the cat, etc., are better climb- ers. Fishes are better swimmers. And some animals have machinery which man does not possess at all, as flying machinery. The body of man, then, is superior to that of all other animals as a whole, but not in all re- spects. 31. The body of man is superior to that of other ani- mals in some things besides those already mentioned. It is the only animal body that can maintain a perfectly erect position. The monkey can, indeed, stand and walk on its hind feet, or rather its foot-hands; but its position 26 NATURAL HISTORY. is by no means perfectly eréct, and it goes on all-fours except when compelled to do otherwise by its keeper. 32. There is superiority also in beauty of form and grace of movement. To make the comparison correctly, take the most beautiful and graceful of animals, and place them side by side with the most beautiful and graceful of the human race. Look now at form in detail. Take, for example, the upper extremity of man. Is there any thing in the limb of any animal to compare with it in its varied beauty of outline as it is placed in different posi- tions? Observe, too, its graceful movements, and con- trast their endless variety with the very limited grace of the corresponding limb of the inferior animal. 33. But in the face more than in any other part is seen this superiority both in form and movement. And when we look at the body as a whole, with its commanding erectness, the varied grace of all its parts as it moves, and its crowning head so full of the graces of expression, we realize that the human body is the only one that is a fit tenement of a soul made in the image of God. 34. This leads me to say that really the grand distinc- tion between man and other animals is in the mind rath- er than in the body. He not only thinks more than any other animals do, but much of his thinking is wholly dif: ferent from theirs. Even the most thinking of them know nothing about the difference between right and wrong, or about God; and you can not in any way teach them any thing in relation to such subjects. 35. As the mind of man is so superior to that of other animals, it can use more machinery than theirs can, and therefore more machinery is furnished it. For this rea- son man has a much larger brain than any other animal in proportion to the size of the body. The machinery of the hand is furnished to him because his mind requires it for the proper exercise of its powers on the world around, It would do no good to furnish a horse or a dog with a hand, for he would not know how to age it. Each ani MAN, 27 mal is supplied with just the bodily machinery that its wants and capabilities require. 36. It is because the mind of man is not only superior to that of other animals, but is different in Kind in some respects, that man has made and is continually making language. This no other animal has ever done. The in- ferior animals may have natural cries and signs, but they never agree to use artificial ones, and language is naught but a set of artificial signs. Some animals imitate spoken language, but they never make it. 37. For the same reason man is the only animal that makes tools, and some one proposed to designate man as a tool-making animal. I think that we may go so far as to say that other animals never use tools placed in their way except from imitation of man. And even the most knowing and imitative do but little at this. ‘“ An ape,” says Wood, “ will sit delighted by a flame which a chance traveler has left, and spread its hands over the genial blaze; but when the glowing ashes fade, it has not suffi- cient understanding to supply fresh fuel, but sits and moans over the expiring embers.” 38. If we look at the mind of man alone we do not think of him as an animal. We think of him in this light only when we observe his bodily organization, and see its resemblance to that of the higher orders of animals, and even in some respects to that of the lower also. These two views of man are seen in the common expres- sions which are used. When we use such expressions as man and other animals, or man and the inferior animals, we have in view bodily organization. When, on the oth- er hand, we use the expression man and animals, we have regard to those mental endowments which separate man entirely from animals. It is not in this view, but in the former, that the zoologist regards man in his classification. 39. Mankind are one species, as already stated in § 20. But there are certain varieties or races of men quite dis- tinct from each other. The Caucasian race inhabits, for 28 "NATURAL HISTORY. the most part, Europe, the western part of Asia, and the United States. It is characterized by the oval shape of the face, a considerable variety of color both of the skin and the hair, and mental superiority. It is called Cauca- sian, from the Caucasian Mountains, in the neighborhood of which this race was at first settled. Even at the pres- ent day it is said that the external characteristics of this race are better developed in that locality than any where else, the Georgians and Circassians being the handsomest people in the world. The negro, or Kthiopian variety, I need not describe. The Mongolian race, of which the Chinese are the largest family, is characterized by prom- inent broad cheek-bones, a flat square face, small oblique eyes, straight black hair, a scanty beard, and olive skin. The American variety has high cheek-bones, large and bold features, except the eyes, which are sunken deeply in the sockets, hair generally black and stiff, and a cop- per complexion. In the Malay race, inhabiting the isl- ands south of Asia, in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the complexion is brown, the hair is black and thick, the forehead is low and round, the nose is full and broad with wide nostrils, and the mouth is large. 40. So great is the difference between these varieties, especially the Caucasian and the Ethiopian, that some believe that they came originally from different pairs. But the Bible declares that they were all descended from one pair, and almost all physiologists consider this to be. also proved by a candid examination of facts. The dif- ferent races of man are not more distinct from each other than the varieties of dogs and other animals. It is a re- markable fact that animals which remain wild are not apt to have varieties, while in those which are domestic- ated by man different breeds or varieties arise. Thus lions and tigers remain always the same, but dogs, horses, etc., have many varieties. So it is with man. Under the various influences to which he is subjected in society, in different ages and localities, varieties are produced, FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 29 41. The races of men may also be subdivided into va- rieties. Each nation has characteristics which are some- times very marked. Thus the English and the Irish can ordinarily be readily distinguished at a glance. The Jews also have always been remarkably distinct from other nations. Then, too, we occasionally see an indi- vidual family with such striking peculiarities descending from father to son that we may call it a variety. Questions.—What is said of the machinery in different animals? What of the variety of motion in the foot of man, and in his hand ? What of the apparent simplicity of the hand as an instrument? What of its movements? What of its internal structure? What is said of the thumb? In what consists the chief superiority of the frame of man to that of other animals? In what respects are some animals superior to him? What is said of his erectness? What of his form and mode of movement? What of hisface? What is the grand dis~ tinction between man and other animals? What is said of the ma- chinery which the mind uses? What is said of language? What of making tools? What two views are taken of man, and to what modes of expression do these give rise? How many varieties are there of the human race, and what are they? Describe the Caucasian, the Ethiopian, the Mongolian, the American, the Malay. What is the testimony of the Bible as to their origin? Give the comparison be- tween the varieties of the human race, and the varieties in animals. What is said of national and family varieties ? CHAPTER ITI. FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 42. Tue sub-class which I call Pedimana is termed, in the common classifications of zoologists, the order Quadrumana, four-handed animals. It is the ape and caonikey-briies) have already spoken in Chapter II. of the capabilities of the hand of man as an instrument. If we compare them with the very limited capabilities of the hand of the ape or monkey, we must agree with Sir Charles Bell, who says that “we ought to define the 30 NATURAL HISTORY. hand as belonging eaclusively to monty The chief ob- ject in the construction of the so-called hands of this tribe is to enable them to grasp the limbs of trees in climbing, in which they are greatly skilled. They are very imitative beings; but, even when they are subject- ed to long training, they can do but a few of the many things that can be done by the hands of man. On the whole, we may say that they have four members which partake in part of the character of a hand, and in part of that of a foot. It is for this reason that I have adopt- ed the name of Pedimana, foot-handed. There is an- other reason for this in the fact stated by Dr. Carpenter, that one large division of this tribe have this resemblance to hands in only one pair of the extremities, and that the hinder pair. It is for this reason that he suggested the name which I have adopted, giving it less breadth of meaning, however, thanI do. The suggestion is so good a one, that I wonder that he did not adopt it in his clas- sification.* * T may be considered by some as presumptuous in thus changing a name which has so long been retained in zoological classifications that it has almost acquired a right to its place by possession. But if the suggestion of Dr. Carpenter be a correct one, following it ont fully can not only do no harm, but will certainly do good by placing the subject in its true light. If Sir Charles Bell is right in saying that no animal but man has truly a hand, and if the estimate which, in Chapter II., I have put upon this instrument, as fitly corresponding with man’s mental capabilities, be correct, it is surely going very wide of the truth to call the-hand-feet of the ape and monkey tribe real hands. In this connection, I will remark on another change that I have made in the commonly received classification. Ordinarily, man is con- sidered as one of the orders of the sub-class Unguiculata. But I have put him (§ 24) in a sub-class by himself, thus not only separating him more distinctly from other animals, as I think truth requires, but se- curing in other respects a more natural classification of the whole class of Mammalia. 7 In some classifications man jis placed in even nearer relations to other animals than in the one ordinarily received. Thus, in that re- tained up to the present time in the British Museum, the first order of the class Mammalia is Primates, including man, apes, monkeys, bab- FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 31 43. There are three divisions of this sub-class ordina- .rily recognized: the Simja x, or monkey tribe of the Old World; the Cebidg,’or monkey tribe of the New World; and the Lemuride, which are found chiefly in the island of Madagascar, and to some extent in Africa and India. All these animals are inhabitants of tropical climates, and live chiefly on fruits, in getting which from trees most of them Show greater agility than any other animals. They are disposed to gather in troops, a tree sometimes having nearly a hundred monkeys in its branches. 44, The Simiadz are classed in three divisions: the apes, which have no tails; the baboons, that have very short ones; and the monkeys, that have long ones. I will notice some of the prominent species of each. 45. The Chimpanzee, Fig. 11, which is in shape more like ne \\ fh al ‘g Lf Fig. 11.—Chimpanzee. oons, and bats, as the different families of the order, the second orde: being Ferz, or wild beasts. Such a classification is not merely incor- rect, but ridiculous. B2 32 NATURAL HISTORY. man than any other animal, is found in the west part of Africa. Its height is from four to five feet. It common ly goes on all-fours, but it walks occasionally on its hind. er hand-feet, though not with the erectness of man. Its ears are very large, and it has long, black, coarse hair, which hangs in heavy whiskers about its cheeks. It climbs trees readily, sometimes for observation, and some- times to gather food; and it makes a nest for itself by twining branches of trees together, in which it spends much of its time. Its strength is astonishing; it being able to break off branches which two men together can not bend. 46. The Orang-outang, Fig. 12, is an inhabitant of the Fig. 12.—Orang-outang. islands of Borneo and Sumatra. This is the largest of the apes, having been known to be in some cases over seven feet high. Its arms are of great length, reaching to the ground when it is erect. It can not stand as well FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 38 as the Chimpanzee can, for it is so bow-legged that the soles of the feet turn in toward each other. Like the Chimpanzee, it is great at climbing, in doing which its long arms are very serviceable. When young it is very teachable, and has been taught to make its own bed, and to manage a cup and saucer and spoon tolerably well. Both the Chimpanzee and the Orang-outang have a gravi- ty and apparent thoughtfulness which are quite laughable. 47, There are some smaller apes of an interesting char- _acter. The Agile Gibbon, so called from the agility with which it leaps from branch to branch, is a native of Su- matra. Its height is about three feet. A female of this species was some time since exhibited in London. She would leap over a distance of eighteen feet, and catch apples or nuts thrown up to her as she passed. As she leaped back and forth, which she did with great rapidity, she uttered a very loud but musical cry. She was a tame and gentle animal, and liked to be caressed. 48. I will notice but two of the many species of mon- keys of the Old World. The Entellus, Fig. 13, is found in India. It preys upon serpents. In the attitude which you see here it steals quietly upon the serpent while it is Fig. 18.—Entellus. 84 NATURAL HISTORY. asleep, and seizing it by the neck, takes it to a stone, and knocks its head against it till it is dead. It then throws the snake to the young monkeys, who play with it as a kitten does with a mouse killed by the old cat. It is re- garded with great reverence by the natives, and receives even divine honors from them. Splendid temples are dedicated to these monkeys; there are hospitals for their treatment when sick; fortunes are bequeathed for their support; and though the murder of a man is often pun- ished only by a small fine, the killing of one of these mon. keys is invariably punished with death. Thus cared for, they abound in great numbers, and though they enter houses to plunder eatables, their visits are regarded as a great honor. 49. The Proboscis Mon- key, Fig. 14, so called from the extraordinary projec- = tion of its nose, is a native BSN (as, Of Borneo. 5 US 50. The baboons have very short tails. Their _ bodies are stout and thick- set. The temper of most S\ of them is very ferocious, and Cuvier says that he has seen several of the Man- drill species die of rage. Those species of baboons that live in Asia are of a much milder character than those found in Africa, There is only one locality in Europe where any of the Pedimana, tribe are found, and that is the Rock of Gibraltar. One species of the baboon, improperly called the Barbary Ape, abounds there. It is probably not a native, but was orig: inally introduced from the African side of the strait, ‘1. It is a remarkable fact that the baboons are the only Mammalia that exhibit bright colors upon their Tig, 14.—Proboscis Monkey. FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 35 skins. The Mandrill, Fig. 15, the largest and fiercest of the class, is prominent in this respect. Its colors are Fig. 15.—Mandrill. very brilliant and various. Being as tall as a man when erect, it presents a singular and formidable appearance. Its head is large, with very prominent eyebrows, and small, deeply-sunk eyes; the cheek bones are enormous, with large prominences on it of light blue, deep purple, and scarlet; its hair is an olive brown above and silvery gray below, but of a deep orange under the chin; the ears are violet-black, and the hinder parts of its body are a deep scarlet. This is Carpenter’s description. ‘Tus colors must vary in different cases, as I find them some- what differently described by others. 52. The American monkeys are different species from those which we find in the. Old World. Some of the particulars in which they differ from them I will men- tion, They are generally much smaller. The thumb is a very diminutive affair, and can not be brought in op- position to the fingers. In some cases it is wanting. The nostrils are wide apart, and open sidewise, while in the monkeys of Asia and Africa they are near together, 36 NATURAL HISTORY. and open downward. This makes a great difference in the aspect of the face. The monkeys of the Old World have cheek-pouches—that is, their cheeks are so loose and bag-like that they can stow away in them quite a quantity of nuts and other fruits as they gather them. These are not seen in American monkeys. The tails of American monkeys are in most species very long, and in many of them it is used as a sort of fifth hand in climb. ang. They are inhabitants of the northern half of South America. They are especially abundant in the vast for- est-plains between the Orinoco and the Amazon. They live in trees, and pass from one tree to another with the same facility that squirrels do with us.* 53. I will notice but three of the many species. The Coaita Spider Monkey, Fig. 16, uses its tail, as you see, we Fig. 16.—Coaita Spider Monkey. in climbing. It has been known to hang to a branch by it for some time after being killed by a shot. It uses its tail also to feel with, and to seize small things, such as eggs. For these purposes the end is destitute of hair, and is very sensitive. This animal is easily chilled, and * Animals that live thus are said to be arboreal in their habits, from the Latin word arbor, tree. FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 37 in cold weather it winds its tail around its body for warmth. 54, The Marmosets, of which you have one species in Fig. 17, are distinguished from other monkeys by their sharp and crooked nails. They are very skillful in capturing insects, which form a part of their food. Mr. Wood speaks of one in the Zoological Gardens in London which was very busy in catching flies. He caught some for it, and the little crea- Fig. 17.—Marmoset. ture’s eyes would sparkle with great eagerness as he saw Mr. Wood’s hand moving toward a fly which had alighted out of its reach. In some of the species the tail is very elegant, from the different colors arranged in regular rings. 55. The Howling Monkeys are larger than most Amer- ican monkeys, and are morose in disposition. They have a sort of hollow drum connected with the windpipe, which gives great power to the voice in howling. They howl in concert at sunrise and sunset, often in the night, and also when a storm is threatenedy The noise is de- scribed by travelers as astounding. \ 56. The Lemuride, or Lemurs (Latin, Lemures, ghosts), get their name from the fact that their movements are very noiseless, and are made mostly in the night. They live in troops, like the monkeys, clinging to branches of trees. Their food is various—fruits, eggs, insects, and birds. The posterior extremities, in contrast with mon- keys and apes, are much longer than the anterior. The muzzle is pointed. The tail is commonly very long, but in some species is nearly wanting. The fur is usually fine 38 NATURAL HISTORY. and silky. In the island of Madagascar, where these an- imals most abound, there are no monkeys. In Fig. 18 ot! Fig. 18.—Ruffied Lemur. you have the Ruffled Lemur of this island. In the Grace. ful Loris, Fig. 19, you have a Lemur that is found in In- dia and Ceylon. It is very skillful in cap- turing birds, which it does in the night, when they are asleep. Slowly and noiseless- ~ ly advancing toward : its victim, when i it gets within reach of it, the ~ Loris puts its hand to- ward it with a motion so slow as to be al- most imperceptible, and then, with a motion quicker than sight can follow, it seizes its prey. 57. I will notice but one more species of the Lemurs. Tt is one whose skin is extended in a fold, like that of the Flying Squirrel, between its anterior and posterior Fig. 19.—Graceful Loris. FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 39 limbs. It is called the Flying Lemur. It has, however, like the Flying Squirrel, no power to fly upward; but this extension of skin merely enables it to take long sweeping leaps from one tree to another. It is a native of the Molnceas, Philippines, and other islands of the In- dian Archipelago. 58. In the sub-class of Cheiroptera, or hand-winged Mammals (§ 24), we have the only animals of the class Mammalia that can really fly, that is, which can go up- ward in the air. The apparatus for flying is made up of avery delicate skin, without hair, on a-frame-work of long slender bones. The bones are essentially the same that we find in the arm and hand of man, except that most of them are very much longer. This you can see by ob- serving the skeleton of the bat in Fig. 20 in connection IM occ WN “7 b y, <= 1 fr NS kg WV \ See Fig. 20.—Skeleton of the Bat. “with the skeleton of man in Fig. 1. Beginning at the shoulder, you see first the bone of the arm, then the fore- arm, and from the wrist extend the bones of the four fin- 40 NATURAL HISTORY. gers enormously lengthened. Ifthe bones of the fingers of man were lengthened as much in proportion to his size, his fingers would be about four feet long. What answers to a thumb in the bat is a short projection with a hook upon it, as you see in the figure. Wood says of this arrangement that, “if the fingers of a man were to be drawn out like wire to about four feet in length, a thin membrane to extend from finger to finger, and an- other membrane to fall from the little finger to the an- kles, he would make a very tolerable bat.” He would need, however, vastly larger muscles than those which move his arm to work such extensive flying machinery. 59. The wing of a bat is a more extensive and perfect flying apparatus than that of any bird. Hence the ex- ceeding rapidity of its movements. In his flight he is catching flies, musquitoes, and other insects. In his mode of getting a livelihood he is like the birds of the swallow tribe. 60. The eyes of the bat are small, and his vision is un- doubtedly very poor. How, then, can he catch insects on the wing? It is because his other senses are very acute. He hears quickly. Especially i is this the case with the Long-eared Bat, Fig. 21. The organ of smell, too, is quite extensive, particularly in some species. Then, too, the membrane of the wings is fully supplied with nerves, and is exquisitely sensitive. To prove this, Spal- lanzani put out the eyes of some bats, and then let them loose in his room, across which he had stretched strings in various directions.—" ee The bats in no case Fig. 21.—Long-enred Bat, flew against them, but FOOT-HANDED AND HAND-WINGED VERTEBRATES. 4] readily avoided these and other obstacles. Of course, they did this with the sense of touch alone, and that chiefly in their wings. They instantly knew in this way when they were coming near something besides air. The senses of smell and hearing would help them to determ- ine whether this something was an insect or such a thing as a string. 61. The bats of temperate climates are, like the frogs and toads, in a torpid state through tne winter, this be- ing necessary simply because the insects upon which they live are gone. For this purpose they lodge themselves instinctively in some segret place where they will not be likely to be disturbed. 62. The species of bats are very numerous. Some of the species in tropical climates are quite large animals. The Vampire Bat of South America, Fig. 22, measures Fig. 22.—Vampire Bat. two or three feet from tip to tip of the wings. It lives by sucking blood from different animals, which it does while they are asleep, and commonly without awaking them. The wound which it makes is very small, and yet it sucks from it quite a large quantity of blood. 63. The most singular species of bat is found in the 42 NATURAL HISTORY. island of Java, called the Kalong Bat. Its wings expand to the extent of five feet. Its head is like that of a fox, as you see in Fig.23, This animal belongs to that divi- sion of bats which live principally on fruits. They live, like monkeys, in troops on trees.— The division is a small one com- pared with the in- sect-eating bats.— Their wings are by no means as extens- ive in proportion to the size of the body, and they therefore fly more slowly, not needing the swift flight of the other division, as they catch no insects. As their eyes are large, they have not, probably, the sensitiveness in their wings which is so characteristic of the insect-eating bats. Fig. 23,—Kalong Bat, Questions. —What tribe are the Pedimana? What is the name usually given to them? State the reasons for the change of name. Give the substance of the note in regard to classification. "What are the three divisions of the Pedimana? What are the three divisions of the Simiade? What is said of the Chimpanzee? Of the Orang- outang? Of the Agile Gibbon? Of the Entellus? Of the Probos- cis Monkey? What is said of the baboons? ‘Describe the Mandrill. State the differences between the American monkeys and those of the Old World. What is an arboreal animal? What is said of the Co- aita Spider Monkey? Of the Marmosets? Of the Howling Mon- keys? Describe the Lemurs and their habits. Where are they chief- ly found? What is said of the Graceful Loris? Of the Flying Le- mur? Describe the flying apparatus of the Cheiroptera. How does its frame-work compare with that of the hand and arm of man? What is said of the power of this apparatus? What are the habits of bats? What is said of their senses? Give the experiment of Spal- lanzani. How do bats pass the winter in temperate climates? What is said of the Vampire Bat? What of the Kalong Bat? CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 43 CHAPTER IV. CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 64. WE now come to Quadrupeds (quatuor, four ; pes, foot), four-footed Mammals. This sub-class includes most of the animals of any size that walk on the ground. It has two great divisions —the Unguiculata, or clawed Quadrupeds; and the Ungulata, or hoofed Quadrupeds. In the Unguiculata there are five orders: 1. Caynivora (caro, flesh, voro, to devour). 2. Ingectiyora— Insect- eaters. 8. Rodentia (rodo, to gnaw). 4. Edentata (e, without, dens, tooth). 5.* Marsypialia, so called on ac- count of a marsupium, or pouch in the skin, in which the mother carries her young for some time after birth. The division Ungulata has two orders: 1. Pachyder- mata (raxyue, pachus, thick; Sepa, derma, skin), thick- skinned Quadrupeds, including elephants, horses, swine etc. 2. Ruminantia (rumen, a-stomach or paunch), cud- chewing Quadrupeds, as oxen, deer, camels, sheep, etc. 65. The order Carnivora is divided into five families: 1. Felidae (felis, cat), the cat tribe, including cats, tigers, lions, etc. 2. Canide (canis, a dog), including dogs, wolves, foxes, etc. 3. Mustelide (mustela, a weasel), weasels, otters, etc. 4. Urside (ursus, a bear), the bear family, bears, raccoons, etc. 5. Phopigee (dwn, phokeé, a seal), seals, walruses, etc. 66. Many of the animals which we have already no- ticed have the power of living in whole or in part upon animal food, as, for example, man dfid some of the mon- key tribe. But they can digest vegetable food also, and can even subsist wholly upon it. Even those which live on animal food alone, as some of the bats, eat insects and worms, and not the flesh of the larger animals, on which 44 NATURAL HISTORY. the true Carnivora, with few exceptions, entirely sub- sist. : 67. The animals of this order are readily distinguished from others by their teeth, which are formed for seizing, tearing, and cutting flesh, while those animals that eat grains and grass have their principal teeth formed for grinding. In Fig. 24 you have a representation of one side of the jaws of a carniv- orous animal. The very long pointed teeth are called ca- nine teeth, because they are so observable in the dog. The teeth in rear of these are most- ly cutting teeth, the upper and lower going a little past each other so as to cut like scissors. Herbivorous (herb or vegetable eating) animals have grinding teeth in this rear part of the jaw. 68. The digestive organs of this order are conformed to the nature of their food. As this is similar in quality to the substance of the animal itself, it does not require any complicated process to bring it into a fit state to nourish it. The stomach is therefore very simple and small, and the intestines are short;’ while in the grain and grass eating animals the digestive apparatus is com- plicated and extensive, it requiring, of\course, much ma- chinery to change into blood substances which are so un- like it as these articles of food are. I shall speak of this subject again when I come to the herbivorous Quadru- peds. 69. Some of the families of this order are not wholly carnivorous. And fast so far as any admit vegetable food into their diet we see a corresponding variation from the true carnivorous character of the teeth and the di- gestive organs. The teeth, for example, lose to a greater or less extent their tearing and cutting character. Fig, 24. CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 45 70. The animals of the first family, the Felide, or Cat tribe, are wholly carnivorous. They never eat vegetable food in their wild state, and eat but little of it when do- mesticated, as we know in the case of the common cat. The Felide, then, may be considered the typical* family of this order. The animals which it includes are the most destructive of all the Mammalia, and the body is framed in every respect to conform to the carnivorous propensi- ‘ty. It has no unnecessary bulkiness, but is made as small as it can be, consistent with the required strength. Bone, and muscle, and sinew are well packed together, with but little fat. The limbs are short, for these animals need not to run so much as to leap in taking their prey. They have cushions or pads on their feet, so that they may approach their victims noiselessly. As they walk, their sharp claws lie back above these pads in their sheaths; but when they wish to use them, they thrust them forth from these sheaths by a very curious muscu- lar apparatus. Their senses are acute, and they can see- by night as well as by day. Their whiskers are very sensitive organs of touch, which are of service in passing through thickets or narrow places. The tongue is cover- ed with almost horny points, directed backward. These, which every one has observed in the cat, are so large and strong in the lion and tiger, that a smart stroke of the tongue would strip off the skin from a man’s hand. The chief use of these points is to enable the animal to scrape off all the flesh from abone. The cat uses her tongue as * This word, which is often used in works on Zoology, I will ex- plain. In every natural group of animals there is always some one kind which exhibits the characteristics common to the group with more distinctness and perfection than any of the rest, and this is said, therefore, to be the type of the group. Thus, each genus has its typ- ical species, each family its typical genus, each order its typical fam- ily, and each class its typical order. Then there is more or less vari- ation from the type, and those which vary considerably from it are styled aberrant forms, from erro, to wander, and ab, from. So we speak of aberrant species, genera, etc. 46 NATURAL HISTORY. a sort of curry-comb to clean her coat, and undoubtedly this member .is put to the same use by other animals of this class in proportion to their cleanliness. 71. I will now proceed to notice some of the animals of this family. At the head of it, and of the wild beasta generally, stands the Lion. He is commonly called the Fig. 25.—Lion, Lioness, and Cubs. king of beasts, both for his noble and commanding air, and the power concentrated in his comparatively small frame. No animal, however large, dare attack him. He is found in Africa, and on the Continent of Asia, in In- dia, Persia, and Arabia. He preys upon antelopes, heif- ers, zebras, gnoos, etc. There is such prodigious strength in the muscles of his neck and jaws that he can carry off a heifer as easily as a cat can a rat. He generally waits in ambush for his victim, or creeps like a cat insidiously and noiselessly toward it, and, when sufficiently near, at one bound secures it with his teeth and claws, uttering, at the same time, his terrific roar. He is not properly CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 47 styled king of the forest, for he frequents burning desert plains, or places covered with low brushwood. He com- monly sleeps in the day, and at night rouses to search for prey. A thunder-storm, so common in the night in Southern Africa, seems to excite him to unwonted activ- ity, and, mingling his roar with that of the thunder, he rushes upon his terrified and confused prey without his usual stealthiness, The Lioness is smaller than the Lion, as you see in Fig. 25 (p.46), and is destitute of the mane which gives him so dignified an appearance. The cubs, of which there are commonly from two to four, are as playful as kittens. Mr. Wood says that he had two cubs, larger than cats, placed in his arms, and found them “al- most unpleasantly playful,” 72, The Tiger, Fig. 26, is found only in Asia, chiefly in Fig. 26.—Tiger. Hindostan. It is a splendid animal, three feet high and eight long, having black stripes on a ground of reddish yellow. Tiger-hunts are among the favorite sports of In Cc 48 NATURAL HISTORY. dia. The hunters go forth armed with rifles, in a sort of carriage or frame on the backs of elephants trained for the purpose. There is much danger in the sport, for the Tiger often springs up upon the elephant, and reaches the hunters. 73. The Leopard is a native of Africa, India, and some of the Indian islands. It is a very active and graceful animal. It is arboreal (§ 52) in its habits, and monkeys form a part of its prey. It has black spots in rosette shape, on a ground of pale yellow. The Ounce, a native of India, has sometimes been confounded with the Leop- ard; but it has less regular marks, a rougher coat, and a tail almost bushy. 74. The Jaguar of America, Figure 27, is much like the Leopard of the Old World, but it is larger. It is arbo- real, and chases the monkeys which are so abundant in the forests of South America. The Pu- ma, called usually in this country the Pan- - ther, is another ani- , mal of the same sort, A found extensively = diffused in both parts y of the American con- tinent. It is some- times termed the American lion, from its uniformity of color, which is a silvery fawn. 75. Of the Lynxes there are several species, some in Europe, some in Asia and Africa, and others in America. The Canada Lynx, Fig. 28 (p. 49), is remarkable for its gait, going by successive leaps with the back arched. Fig. 27.—Jaguar. ‘CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 49 There is a very large trade in the skins of this animal. 76. The Civet _Cats, which are found in the northern part of Africa, chiefly in Abyssinia, are all re- markable for a pouch near the tail contain- ing a perfume which is quite an article of commerce. A rep- resentation of one spe- 9 cies you have in Fig. 2 9. 77. The Ichneu- P mons are singular an- ria imals. ae long ~-- bodies and short limbs, they creep into very narrow places, and run their slender snouts into every crevice in search of their food, which consists of snakes, lizards, crocodiles’ eggs, etc. The Egyptian Ich- neumon, or Pharaoh’s Rat, Fig. 30, is often domesticated Fig. 29.—Civet Cat. Fig. 30.—Egyptian Ichneumon. in houses in Egypt, that it may destroy the snakes and other reptiles that so often infest them in that country. 78. The domestic Cat is so well known that I need to say little about it. The species has many varieties, though not as many as there are among the dogs. The Cat has a strong attachment to localities, but seldom man- 50 NATURAL HISTORY. ‘ ifests that attachment to persons which is so strong a characteristic of most dogs. The domestic Cat was for- mer ne thought to be the same with the Wild Cat, but they are proved to be distinct species. The difference in their tails may be seen in Fig. 31, that of the do- mestic Cat, 1, being long and ta- Hebe pering, and that of the Wild Cat, Fig. 31.—Cats’ Tails. 2, short and bushy. Questions.—What are Quadrupeds? What are the two grand divi- sions of this sub-class? Give the names of the orders of the Ungui- culata, and their derivations. Give those of the orders of the Ungu- lata, and their derivations. What are the families of the order Car- nivora? What is said of the Carnivora in comparison with the ani- mals already noticed? What is said of the teeth of the Carnivora and of the Herbivora? What is said of the difference in their digest- ive organs? What is said of some families of the Carnivora which are not wholly carnivorous? Whatis the typical family of this order? What is the meaning of typical, and of aberrant? What is said of the structure of the Felidaw ? Of what use are the pads on their feet? What is said of their senses? What of their tongues? Where is the Lion found? Describe his appearance and habits. What is said of the Lioness? What is said of the Leopard? Of the Jaguar? Of the Puma? Of the Lynxes? Of the Civet Cats? Of the Ichneu- mons? Of the Cat? CHAPTER V. CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS—continued. 79. Tur second family of carnivorous Quadrupeds is the dog family, including dogs, wolves, foxes, ete. The dog species in this family exhibits more str iking varieties than any other species of animal There can hardly be a wider difference between two animals of the same fam- ily than we see between King Charles’s Dog, Fig. 32, and the fierce Bloodhound, Fig. 33 (p. 51). Then we have the large and noble Newfoundland Dog, the stout Mas- CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 51 tiff, the slender and swift Greyhound, the pugnacious Bulldog, the brisk little Ter- rier, the Foxhound, Beagle, and Pointer ea used in hunting, etc. Fig. 32.—King Charles's Dog. The differences, you observe, are as wide in disposition and habits as in form, size, and color. Now all these varieties, it is agreed by all zoologists, SS Fig. 33.—Bloodhound. came from one soureé, though exactly what was the char- acter of the original undomesticated dog is not settled. * go. The cause of the wide range of varieties in this species is the influence of domestication referred to in §40. The degree of domestication is greater in the dog than in any other case. No other animal is so thorough- ly the companion of man. Cuvier says that the dog is the only animal that has followed man through every re- gion of the earth. His attachment to his master is pe- culiar, and is seldom seen in other animals in the same degree. The contrast between the cat and the dog in 52 NATURAL HISTORY. this respect is very marked, the cat being much attached to place, and little, if any, to persons. 81. The differences between some of the varieties of dogs are greater than those existing between different species of some animals. The Greyhound and the Bull- dog, for example, are more unlike than the Lion and the Tiger, two species of the cat tribe, and vastly more than the Tiger and the Leopard. But the characteristics of these species remain fixed age after age, because the in- fluence of domestication is not brought to bear upon them. Even the-markings on the skins of such wild ar- imals remain unchanged from generation to generation. Stripes and patches are therefore, in some of them, made the basis of distinguishing different species, while in the domesticated animals nothing is more common than changes of color. 82. The differences between the varieties of man are \ no greater than those between the varieties of the dog, the companion of man. And if domestication can pro- duce these varieties in the one case, they surely can in the other, where it has a still greater influence. The doubts, then, existing in the minds of some in regard to the single origin of the human race are unfounded, and the account given in the Bible is proved true by an ob- servation of facts. 83. Although the Wolf, Fig. 34 (p. 53), belongs to the dog family, dogs seem to be its natural enemies. While the smaller flee from it in terror, the stronger pursue and killit. And yet it is thought by some that the orig- inal dog was a Wolf; and it is asserted that, though this animal is so fierce, it can be tamed when young, and is then as susceptible of attachment to man as the dog is. Wolves commonly hunt in packs or bands, and are very crafty in their modes of taking their prey. Like other wild beasts, they are exterminated as man cuts down the forests and builds his habitations. In the early settle- ment of this country they abounded even in the states on CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 53 the Atlantic coast, and they were not wholly extermin- ated till recently. The story of Putnam and the Wolf amili very one. They were extirpated in En- gland about 1350, in Scotland in 1600, and Ireland in 1700. They still abound in various parts of Europe and Northern Asia, and destroy great numbers of domesti- cated animals, as is shown by a report made in 1822 to the Russian government in regard to the district of Li- vonia, a tract of country about 250 miles long by 150 broad. The animals stated as having been destroyed by wolves are as follows: horses, 1841; cattle,1807; calves, 733; sheep, 15,182; lambs, 726; goats, 2545; kids, 183; swine, 4190; young pigs, 312; dogs, 703; geese, 673 ; fowls, 1248. (The Wolf is a gaunt but strong animal, with a skulking gait, and his aspect is marked by min- gled ferocity, cunning, and cowardice. There are sev- eral species of wolves, especially in America, but their habits and character are very much the same. 84. The Fox, Fig. 35 (p. 54), is characterized chiefly by its pointed muzzle and its bushy tail. Its cunning is also proverbial. It is usually concealed in the daytime either in a burrow that it has made, or in one that it has 54 NATURAL HISTORY. AGES: Fig. 35.—Fox. found, and comes forth stealthily at night in search of its prey, which consists of fowls, rabbits, etc. It is a great robber of the hen-roost. “Though a slender animal, the Fox is very muscular, and has great speed. This, with the cunning which it exercises in its various expedients for escape, renders the fox-chase very exciting, and it is one of the grand sports of English noblemen. Besides the common Fox, there are many other species. The Arctic Fox, which is found only in the extreme north, is remarkable for the changes which its hair exhibits. In summer it is of a dusky ash color, but in winter it turns white, and becomes fuller and thicker, even covering the soles of the feet. 85. The Jackal, Fig. 36 (p. 55), is found in North Af. rica, Persia, and India. It is somewhat like the Fox in appearance, though it has not so bushy a tail. It is like the wolf, however, in its habits. Jackals, like wolves, hunt in packs. They are concealed during the day, and come forth at night filling the air with their shrieks, which all describe as being horrid. They are very use- ful in the Eastern countries as scavengers, devouring the offal which the uncleanly inhabitants cast out of their CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 55 houses, and thus often save them from pesti- lential diseases. 86. The Hyzenas, of which one species is represented in Figure 87, are found in Asia and Africa. They are generally classified in the dog family, though there is“ some ques- tion as to the place in which they belong.— They are exceeding- ly ferocious, and live chiefly upon animals which they find dead. They will even devour the human body, and are seen in large num- bers in the neighbor- m hood of armies, ready to eat the bodies of the slain. They are among beasts what the vultures are among birds, and, like the jackals, are very useful as scavengers. The rear parts of the Hyena are small, and hence its shambling gait; but there is great strength in the fore part of its body and in its jaws. it can readily crush with its teeth the thigh bone of an Ox. 87. The Weasel family (mustelide) includes the Wea- sels, Martens, Skunks, Otters, etc. These animals are, for the most part, quite small, but they are very sanguinary in their habits.“ They generally strike the neck of their victims just behind the ear, piercing the large blood-ves. sels, or drive their teeth ee the skull. When they kave 2 Fig. 37.—-Striped Hyena. 56 NATURAL HISTORY. once seized their prey, which is a rabbit, or rat, or bird, or some reptile, they never let go their hold. Few ani- mals equal them in agility and address. As they have such long, slender, flexible bodies, and creep stealthily toward their prey on their short legs, they have been sometimes called vermiform, worm-like, Carnivora. They are nocturnal in their habits, spending the day concealed in hollow trees, holes in walls, or in burrows, and glid- ing forth at night after their prey. Some of the most beautiful furs are obtained from this family, as the Sable and the Ermine. Most of these animals have a strong odor. Some of them are exceedingly offensive. 88. The common Weasel, Fig. 38, exemplifies the gen- eral shape of the whole tribe, of which it is the smallest. This animal is so effective in exterm- inating rats and mice, that the farmer can well afford to let him steal ‘now and then an egg or a chicken, which it will never do so long as any rats or mice-areto be found on the premises. “89. The fur of the Sable is very valuable. Great num- bers of this animal are taken by hunters in Siberia, and are a considerable article of the Russian trade. The far of the Pine Marten comes next in value. Many other furs are furnished by this family. The fur of the Ermine was formerly used in England to line the robes of judges and magistrates, and was, therefore, often referred to fig- uratively as emblematical of the purity which should be- long to such persons. 90. The Skunk genus, of which there are several spe cies, found only in America, belongs to this family. The common Skunk is about the size of a cat. The offensive fluid which it can throw upon any that attack it is con- tained in two sacs near the tail. Like the Woodchuck, SS 8 Fig, 38.--Weasel. CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 57 in the Northern States it retires to its burrow in the au. tumn to sleep through the winter. 91. The Otters form a somewhat aberrant genus of the Weasel family. They differ from the other genera in being aquatic, their prey being for the most part in the water. Their paws are fitted for swimming, which they do with great celerity. Their fur is close, short, ud fine, so that it may not interfere with their progress in the water, and they are provided with a nictitating (winking) membrane which can be drawn over the eye for defense, it being transparent enough to allow the an- imal to see through it. There is considerable resem- blance in these animals to the seals soon to be noticed. There is one species found on the northwest coast of America, and on the opposite or northeast coast of Asia, which has this resemblance strongly marked. Its tail is short, and its hind feet form very broad paddles, and are situated far back for convenience'in swimming. Questions.—What are included in the second family of the Carniv- ora? What is said of the vaneties of the Dog? What is said of the influence of domestication? How are the Dog and Cat: contrasted ? How does the difference between the varicties of dogs compare with that between the species of some animals? What is said in this con- nection of the varieties of the human race? Describe the Wolf and its habits. What is said of its relation to the Dog? What of its ex- termination? Of its ravages? What are the characteristics and habits of the Fox? What is said of the fox-chase? For what is the Arctic Fox remarkable? What is said of the Jackal? What are included in the Weasel family? What is said of their structure and habits? What is said of the common Weasel? What is said of the furs that come from this family? What is said of the Skunk? What of the Otters? 58 NATURAL HISTORY. CHAPTER VI. CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS—concluded. 92. Tux family of Urside, the Bear tribe, includes the Bears, Raccoons, Badgers, etc. These are said to be Plantigrade animals (planta, sole, and gradior, I walk), because, like man, they apply the sole of the foot to the ground in walking. The families of the Carnivora al- ready noticed are, on the other hand, said to be Digiti- grade (digitus, finger or toe, and gradior), because they walk on their toes; the bone which corresponds to the heel-bone in man really extending quite up theleg. You can see how this is if you compare the skeleton of the camel, which is a Digitigrade animal, with that of man, in Figs. 1 and 3. To make the comparison clear, begin at the hip or shoulder joint of the camel, and go down to the feet, observing the corresponding bones in man. 93. Although this family is placed among the Carniv- ora, most of the species live partly on vegetable food, and some live almost entirely upon it. They may be said to be nearly, if not quite, omnivorous (omnis, all, and voro, to eat). Most of them are expert in climbing. They conceal themselves in caves, holes, and hollow trees; and it is in such places that they spend the winter in a state of partial torpidity. The genus Ursus, or Bear, is the type of the family. There are eight species: three in Eu- rope—one of which, the Polar Bear, is common also in America; one in the mountains of India; one in Java; one in Thibet, and three in North America. The body and limbs of the Bear are massive, and are covered with shaggy hair. Its five toes have strong claws, suited to digging. In very cold countries bearskins are of great use in making coverlets and articles of clothing. Leath- CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 59 er, also, is made from them for harnesses. The Brown Bear of Northern Europe yields so many benefits to the people of Lapland that they call it “the dog of God.” 94. The Grizzly Bear of North America, Fig. 39, is OS Fig. 39.—Grizzly Bear, the most fierce and powerful of the Bears. Among the Indians it is regarded a great feat to kill one of them, and he who does this is permitted to wear a necklace of its claws as a decoration. Although very clumsy, it climbs trees readily, which it does to get at the honey in the nests of wild bees. It lives on roots, berries, and juicy plants, and, when it can do so, will devour a pig, a sheep, or a calf. 95. The Polar Bear, Fig. 40 (p. 60), is entirely white, except the claws and the tip of the nose, which are black. It lives chiefly upon seals, which it hunts both in the wa- ter and on the ice. With its stout claws, and its long hair about its feet, it runs rapidly over the smoothest ice, and even climbs up the sides of icebergs. Sometimes these bears float off to sea -on fields of ice, and in this 60 NATURAL HISTORY. Fig. 40.—Polar Bear. way they have been known to emigrate from Greenland to Iceland, and there find luxurious living in the flocks and herds of the inhabitants, a change from their custom- ary seal diet which was very grateful to them. 96. The other animals of this family which I shall no- ti¢e are much smaller, and belong to genera more or less aberrant. The Rac- coon, Figure 41, is about the size of a Fox. Like the Bear, > it has sharp claws and climbs trees. It sleeps in its hole by day, and prowls at aight for its food, which consists of small quadrupeds, birds, eggs, insects, roots, ete. Itis very CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 61 dexterous in opening oysters. It bites off the hinge, and scrapes out the oyster with its paw. Y 97. The Badger, Fig. 42, is found throughout Europe and- Asia. It has often been made the subject of a cruel sport, teasing with dogs, and hence the common term “bad- gering.” Its food is various. It is very fond of honey, and attacks the nests of wild bees, which it = Be does with impuni- Hee neee ty; for its skin is so tough and its hair is so thick that the bees “might as well sting a barber’s block.” Its hair is extensively used in making brushes, and the skin is used for holsters and the coverings of traveling trunks. There is an American Badger somewhat like that of the Old World.. 98. The Wolverine, or Glutton, Fig. 43, is a native of the Arctic regions of both continents. It has been called the Quadruped Vulture, because it sometimes preys on the dead 2 bodies of animals. It Fig. 43.—Wolverine. does great damage to the fur trade. When it finds the hunter’s traps set for the martens, it takes the bait, which is a bit of veni- son or a partridge’s head, or, if there be martens in the traps, it tears them in pieces, and buries them here and there in the snow. It is said that the Wolverines do not eat the martens, but the cunning foxes on the watch read- ily scent them out and devour them. Ez; 62 NATURAL HISTORY. 99. The Kinkajou, Fig. 44, is found in South America, a iy fd It has been called ~—— fy the Honey Bear, be- cause it is so fond of attacking the nests of the wild bee, lick- ing out the honey Zi from the cells with Tig. 44.—Kinkajou. its long tongue. It is also very expert with its tongue in catching flies and other insects. Its tail it uses, like the Spider Monkey of the same country, in climbing. It is easily tamed, and is as playful as a cat. 100. The family Phocide (¢wyn, phoké, a seal) are Quadrupeds, and yet they are fitted to live in water as well as on the land. There was an approach to this in the Otters, § 91. Seals and other animals having a sim- ilar mixture of terrestrial and aquatic habits, are often termed amphibious animals, from apgi, amphi, both; Bio, dios, life. 101. The limbs of the Seal are like paddles. The arm and forearm of the anterior limbs are very short, so that the paw extends but little from the body. The paw is made of what corresponds to the finger-bones in man, covered with a skin which stretches between the fingers, so as to resemble the webbed feet of swimming birds. In giving the backward stroke in swimming the fingers are spread out, but in the forward stroke they are brought together. The hinder limbs are directed backward, so as to look very much like a tail at the end of the tapering body, as seen in Fig. 45. In swimming, it uses the fore paws as paddles, and the hinder ones, Fig, 45.—Seal. with an up and down CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 63 motion, both as a sculling and steering oar. On land or ice the movements of the Seal are very awkward, it being carried along by the fore paws, while the hinder feet are dragged along. Its body is covered with a glossy fur, ‘closely set to the skin, so as not to interfere with its swimming, which it performs with great celerity. The nostrils and the ears have valves, which the animal can close when it goes under water, where it can, like the Whale, remain for some length of time. 102. The Seal is very useful to man. The many uses to which it is appropriated by the Greenlanders are thus spoken of by Crantz, a Danish traveler: “Its flesh sup- plies them with their most palatable and substantial food; the fat furnishes them with oil for lamplight, chamber and kitchen fire; and whoever sees their hab- itations presently finds that, even if they had a superflui- ty of wood, it would be of no use—they can use noth- ing but oil in them. They also mollify their dry food, mostly fish, with oil; and, finally, they barter it for all kinds of necessaries with the factors. They can sew bet- ter with fibres of the Seal’s sinews than with thread or silk; of the skins of the entrails they make window-cur- tains for their tents, and shirts; part of the bladder they use as a float to their harpoons; and they make oil-flasks of the stomach., Neither is the blood wasted, but is boil- ed with other ingredients and eaten as soup. Of the skin of the Seal they stand in the greatest need, because they: must cover with seal-skins both the large and small’ boats in which they travel and seek their provisions. They must also cut out of them their thongs and straps, and cover their tents with them, without which they could not subsist in summer. No man, therefore, can pass for a right Greenlander who can not catch Seals. This is the ultimate end they aspire at in all their device and labor from their childhood up.” 103. Seals exist in almost every quarter of the globe, but they are mostly found in the temperate and frozen 64 NATURAL HISTORY. portions, especially the latter. There are many species, The common Seal, Fig. 45 (p. 62), is from four to five feet long, and its weight is sometimes over 200 pounds. Its head is rounded, and it has long stiff whiskers. Dr. Kane’s description of its appearance and habits is very graphic. In some positions it has the appearance of a dog. It has “a countenance between the Dog and the Ape—an expression so like humanity that it makes gun- murderers hesitate.” It often rolls and wriggles about on the ice in the most grotesque manner, looking some- times like an immense snail, then like a dog, and again like a couching hunter. ‘¥ 104. The Elephant Seal, Fig. 46, is the largest known Z species. It is from twenty to thirty feet long, a full grown male yielding about seventy gallons of oil. This Seal is found in the Atlantic, Pa. cific, and Southern Oceans. It lives in troops, migrating to- ward the tropics in 5 winter, and return- Fig. 46.—Elephant Seal. ing toward the south pole in summer. It has its name on account of the long snout, which is a little like the proboscis of the Elephant, and more like that of the Tapir. When enraged, it thrusts this forward, at the same time snorting loudly. Though a formidable-looking animal, it never attacks man, but only makes a show of its large teeth to frighten him. It is sought after for its oil, and for its skin, which is much used in making stout and thick harness. The Fur Seal, found in the same quarters of the globe, has been here- tofore largely taken for its skin, but it has been much: thinned off, as the number taken amounted sometimes to over a million in a year. CARNIVOROUS QUADRUPEDS. 65 105. The Walrus, Fig. 47, is an aberrant species. In general form and habits it is like the larger Seals. Its chief peculiarity is the great length of the ca- nine teeth of the upper jaw, sometimes reach- ing to two feet. These tusks are of service in defense,in progression, and in gathering its food. It resists with them the attacks of the Polar Bear; it uses them as hooks in clam- bering up rocks and icebergs, and it draws up with them the seaweed which is a part of its food. It is found in the Arctic regions of both hemispheres, and is sought after for its oil and its tusks. Fig. 47.—Walrus. Questions.—What are included in the family of Urside? Why are they called Plantigrade animals? What are Digitigrade animals? How far are the Ursid carnivorous? What is an omnivorous ani- mal? What are the habits of this family? What is the type-genus of the family? How many species are there of this genus, and where are they found? Whatis said of their structure? What of their useful- ness to man? What is said of the Grizzly Bear? What of the Polar Bear? What are some of the aberrant species of the Urside ? What is said of the Raccoon? Of the Badger? Of the Wolverine? Of the Kinkajou? What are the Phocide? ‘Why are they called am- phibious? Describe the structure and habits of Seals. What is said of their usefulness to man? ‘Where are they found? Describe the common Seal. What is said of the Elephant Seal? Of the Fur Seal? Of the Walrus? 66 NATURAL HISTORY. CHAPTER VII. INSECT-EATING, RODENT, TOOTHLESS, AND MARSUPIAL QUADRUPEDS. 106. We now come to the second order of Quadru- speds, the Insectivora, or insect-eating Quadrupeds. Al- though, as we saw in Chapter IIJ., many of the Bat and Monkey tribes live chiefly on insects, it is in this order that we find the most complete adaptation to this kind of food. The teeth of the Insectivora are not cutting and tearing, as are those of the Carnivora, but they have rounded points for the purpose of crushing the hard cov- erings of insects. Most of them live chiefly under ground, as the Mole; and those which inhabit cold countries are in a state of torpor through the winter. Their vocation seems to be to keep within bounds the worm and insect tribes that are found in the soil, which would otherwise be exceedingly destructive to the vegetables on which man so much depends for food. - 107. Of this order there are four families: 1. Moles, which pass their whole lives in burrows. 2. Shrews, a sort of carnivorous mice, which are very common through- ‘out Europe, but of which only a few species are found --in America. 3. The Hedgehogs, found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 4, The Banxrings, which inhabit the larger islands of the Eastern Archipelago. 108. The common European Mole, Fig. - 48, lives in the same manner as the Mole of this country, al- Fig, 48.—Mole. though it is a differ. INSECT-EATING QUADRUPEDS. 67 ent species. The eyes of the Mole are very small, as it has but little use for vision; but its hearing and smell are very acute. Its fur is fine and soft, and it will not retain a particle of dirt, although continually in contact with it. Its fore paws, mounted with strong claws, are powerful instruments for digging. In Fig.49 you have the bones of one of these paws, which are very large, and are worked by strong muscles, The head is constructed for digging : , also, the frame of the nose be- an , " ing wholly bone, instead of part Fig. 49.—Yore paw.of the Mole. oyistle, as in most other ani- mals. The hinder part of the body has not the great strength of the fore part, for the hind feet are not em- ployed in digging. 109. The plan of a mole-hill is very curious. It has, as you see in the plan in Fig. 50, two circular galleries, one above the other, con- nected together by five _.. passages. In the very centre of the mound, and on a level with the ground around it, is a circular apartment where the Mole sleeps. This is connected by three pas- sages with the upper gallery, and not at all with the lower one. Then there are passages running out from the lower gallery, and into one of these opens a passage from the circular chamber. Just this plan has been instinctively adopted ever since the first mole was created. The food of the Mole is chiefly worms and insects, which it gath- ers by burrowing. The good which the Mole does to the farmer in this way is probably much greater than any harm which his burrowing may sometimes occasion. 110. The Shrew Mouse, Fig. 51 (p. 68), is so called be- cause ‘it is so much like a Mouse, but it is readily distin- Fig. 50.—Mole-hill. 68 NATURAL HISTORY. guished from it by its long snout, which ,, it uses in grubbing ) the earth in search of worms and in- Wy Sects. The Water Shrew dives and Fig. 51.—Shrew Mouse. swims with great ce- lerity, and lives on the grubs of aquatic insects, which it digs out of the mud with its snout. 111. The Hedgehog, ee 52, is the only animal in En- gland that has its skin armed with spikes. These are its means of defense. “ When attacked, it rolls itself up, and. such is the arrange- ment of these spikes that the tightening of the skin makes them all stand out. A dog or a fox will not touch it then. Its food is in- sects, snails, frogs, snakes, roots, etc. Dr. Buckland put a hedgehog in a box with a snake. It gave the snake several quick bites in succession, rolling itself up after each bite. When the snake was sufficiently disabled, the hedgehog ate it leisurely as one would eat a radish, beginning at the tail. In winter this animal lies torpid in a hole lined with grass and moss, and if discovered looks like a ball of leaves, these having become fastened to ee as it rolled itself among them. The Banxrings differ from the other families of ites order in being arboreal in their habits, ascending trees with the agility of Squirrels, which animals they re- semble in general appearance, but are easily distinguish- ed from them by their sharp muzzles. 118. The order Rodentia, or Gnawing Quadrupeds, has eight families: 1. Squirrels. 2. Marmots. 3. Rats and Fig. 52. aeigenbe RODENT QUADRUPEDS. 69 Mice. 4. Beavers. 5. Porcupines. 6. Guinea Pigs. 7. Chinchillas. 8. Hares. This order contains about three hundred species, and is the most generally distributed of | all the orders of terrestrial Mammals. Its species are found in all quarters of the world, a few of them even in Australia. The furs of some of them are very valuable, as the Beavers, the Chinchillas, and the Gray Squirrels. 114. The grand peculiarity of this order is in their gnawing teeth. These are in front, two in each jaw, and they are peculiarly constructed. The front covering of the tooth is enamel, and its rear portion, that is, the body of the tooth, is ivory, which is by no means as hard as enamel. Observe the effect of this arrangement. As the upper and lower teeth are brought together in gnaw- ing, the enamel does not wear away as fast as the ivory, because it is harder. The thin enamel, therefore, always presents a sharp chiseling edge above the level of the ivory. No other class of animals has this peculiarity. These teeth are used for different purposes, as, for exam- ple, by Squirrels in opening the shells of nuts, and by Rats in making holes in wood. The teeth of other Mam- malia have a limit to their growth, but not so with these front teeth of the Rodents. These grow continually, but are kept always of the same length by the wear of the gnawing operation. If, therefore, one of them be lost, the one opposite will attain a great length. In Fig. 53 you see the lower jaw of a rabbit in which the two teeth are very long because the upper teeth were lost. gy Woe Z/- A Rodent in such a plight is essen- aa tially disabled, and may die of starv- Fig. 58.—Overgrown Teeth ation. nt Rabbit. 115. The other teeth in the Ro- dents are situated far back, as seen in Fig. 54 (p. 70). These back teeth are of different kinds in the different. families, according to the nature of their food. Thus in the Squirrels, which live on nuts, these teeth are rounded, 70 NATURAL HISTORY. being needed only for crushing ; in the Rat they are raised into points, he being carnivorous; while in the herbivorous Rodents they are real < grinders, as represented in Fig. 54. 116. The bushiness of the tail is 3 the peculiar characteristic of the Hig Seal eb Rodeos Squirrel family. This, when spread , out, is of some assistance in the leap- ing of these arboreal animals, both guiding and buoying them up. In the Flying Squirrel, Fig. 55, there is an ar- rangement similar to that of the Flying Lemur, § 57. 117. The Ameri- can Marmot, or Woodchuek, as it is commonly called, is 1 about the size of-a rabbit. It has an underground _habi- tation, divided into apartments, and lives on clover and esculent vegetables. Like some of the Monkeys (§ 52), it has cheek pouches, in which it carries stores of food to its burrow. 118. The Mouse and Rat family is the most numerous of all the families of the Mammalia, and contains the smallest animals. Of the common Mouse, Cuvier says, “it is known in all times and in all places.” Of the Rats there are two principal species, the Black Rat, and the Brown or Brownish-gray. The Black Rat is called the old English Rat, which was introduced into England from France as late as the sixteenth century. This is now nearly exterminated by the Brown Rat, which is a stron- ger animal. This latter Rat was introduced into this A Fig, 55.—Flying Squirrel. RODENT QUADRUPEDS. WW country at the time of the Revolution in the foreign ships. ti 9. The Jerboas are singular animals, making an aber- rant genus of this family. They have long tails with tufted ends, and long hind legs, which en- able them to make enormous leaps. The Egyptian Jerboa, Fig. 56, is about the size of a large rat. | YT20-~Of the Bea- ver family, the com- mon Beaver, Fig. 57, so well known in Can- ada and the northern pat of the United States, is the type species. It is distin- guished trom all the | other Rodents by its I A\ flat and scaly tail. Hl) Its hind feet are = \ webbed, and with SN these and its tail it is expert in swimming. Its incisor teeth are \ large and uncom- 2 y monly hard, and with Fig, 51.—Beaver. them it can divide a common walking-stick at a bite with as clean a cut as that ofa hatchet. Like the Seal (§ 101), it can close its ears and nostrils when it dives into the water. Beavers are very celebrated for the skill with which they build their dams and habitations, which they always do in companies. 121, The common Porcupine, Fig. 58 (p. 72), is found D 72 NATURAL HISTORY. Fig. 58.—Porcupine. in Africa, India, Persia, Tartary, and in some parts of Eu. rope. Itis nearly the largest of the Rodents. The spikes or quills with which it is covered constitute, like those of the Hedgehog, its means of defense. Ifit can not escape, it stands still, with its quills all bristling, or even runs. back against its adversary. The fact that any quills that are a little loose fall off, or remain sticking to an adver- sary, has given rise to the mistake that the animal has the power of shooting them from its body. 122. Of the Guinea-pig family, the Capybara, Fig. 59, is the largest of all the Rodents. It is: a native of South America, where its flesh is much prized. It is a favorite prey of the Jaguar. Its shape, and its thin and straight hair, me » Fig. 59.—Capybara. make it look quite like a pig. 123. The Hares differ from the other Rodents in hav- ing more than four front sharp teeth. There are about thirty species. The Hare, which in England furnishes TOOTHLESS QUADRUPEDS. 73 such rare sport to the hunters, is represented in Fig. 60. S ox iad Ss AN IWASS Sa Fig. 60.—Hare. The Rabbit, which is every where domesticated, is small- er than the Hare, but is like it inform. It lives in a bur- row, while the Hare lives in a sort of nest which it con- structs from grass. } 124. We now pass to the Edentata or toothiess Quad- rupeds. This term applies only to a part of the order, the Ant-eaters and the Pangolins. The Sloth and the Armadilloes have back teeth, but they are imperfect. 125. That singular animal, the Crested Ant-eater, Fig. 61 (p. 74), is found in Guiana, Brazil, and Paraguay. It is nearly four feet Jong. It lives both on common ants and the termites or white ants. With its strong claws it tears open their habitations, and then thrusts in its long tongue. This, being covered with a gummy saliva, has, when withdrawn, a multitude of ants adhering to it, which the animal swallows. 126. The Pangolins, or Manidx (plural of Manis), are ant-eaters, and take the ants in the same way that the Crested Ant-eater does. They are remarkable for being encased in an armor of horny scales. When attacked, they roll themselves up, and raise their sharp-edged scales 74 NATURAL HISTORY. HN. Fig. 61,.—Crested Ant-eater. as the Hedgehog does his spines. The Long-tailed Ma nis, Fig. 62, is a native of Africa. Fig. 62.—Long-tailed Manis. 127. The Armadilloes are found only in South Ameri- ea. The armor which covers them is different from that of the Pangolins. It is a sort of plate-armor. One spe- cies, the Six-banded, is represented in Fig. 63 (p. 75). The natives consider these animals a great delicacy when TOOTHLESS QUADRUPEDS. "5 “ZN i pas Gis Fig. 63,—Six-banded Armadillo, roasted in their shells. The Armadilloes live on carrion, insects, and fruit. They are all small, except one species, which is called the Gigantic Armadillo, and weighs a hundred pounds or more. 128. The Sloth, Fig. 64, differs from all other arboreal Fig. 64.—Sloth. Quadrupeds in its manner of-climbing. It always has its back downward, as seen in the figure. It has been com- mon to consider this animal as imperfectly constructed, 76 NATURAL HISTORY. and even Cuvier speaks of the “incdnveniency of its or- ganization,” and says of it that “nature seems to have amused herself in producing something grotesque and imperfect.” But there is perfect adaptation here, as in every other animal, of the organization to the habits. It ‘is constructed to live just in the way that it does, and ‘moves about in the trees with great facility. It has been known to go from the bottom to the top of a high tree in a minute’s time. With its strong curved claws it sleeps hanging from the branches of a tree as easily as a bird sleeps on its perch. The three species of Sloths are found only in the forests of the tropical portion of South America. They live on the leaves of trees. Y"129. The order of Marsupials is named from a pouch or bag (Latin, marsupium) which the females have for carrying their young for some time after birth. The young are born in an immature helpless state, and a sort . of nest is thus provided for them in the body of the moth- er. Even after they have become able to leave it, they flee to it whenever they are alarmed. There are about eighty species. All of these animals are found only in Australia and the neighboring islands, except the Opos- sums, which are found on the western continent, especial- ly in South America. 130. The Great Kangaroo, Fig. 65 (p.77), a native of Australia, has very long and powerful hind legs, and can make leaps of fifteen feet.. Its fore feet are short and small, and are used more as hands than as feet. Its length is about five feet, and its tail is three feet long. There are many different species of Kangaroos, all having a general resemblance to this. 131. The Opossums are peculiar to America. There are about twenty species. They are arboreal in their habits, and they are assisted in their climbing, like some of the Monkey tribe, by their tails, which are long and scaly. In one other respect they are still more allied to the Monkeys. The inner toe of the hinder foot is some- MARSUPIAL QUADRUPEDS. q7 Fig. 65.—Great Kangaroo. what like a thumb, as it can be brought in opposition ta the other toes for grasping. They can therefore be call- ed, like the monkeys, Pedimana, or foot-handed animals. The pouch in the abdomen for their young, however, ee places them decided- ae ly among the Marsu- SNE AY pials. S Sw 132. The Virginia Opossum, Figure 66, found in many of the Southern States of this country, is one of the largest of the genus, being about the size of a cat. It s : is nocturnal ‘and ar- Fig, 66.—Virginia Opossum, boreal. It remains in 78 NATURAL HISTORY. the daytime inert in branches and hollows of trees, but prowls at night in search of its food, which consists of insects, birds, eggs, fruits, etc. It makes great use of ity tail in climbing, being able to swing by it from one branch to another. When attacked it feigns death, and so well that even dogs are deceived. This is the origin of the common phrase, “ playing *possum.” 133. There are two very singular animals in Australia, about the classification of which there has been some dif- terence of opinion. By some they have been placed in this order, on account of some resemblance in the :kele- ton, although they have not any marsupium. The first is the Duck-billed Platypus, Fig.67. This singular ani- = iy Me Fig. 67.—Duck-billed Platypus. mal has a body like that of an Otter, and a bill like that of a Duck. It was first made known to British natural- ists by a stuffed specimen, and it was at once suspected that the bill of some Australian bird had been ingeniously fastened to the head of a quadruped. But it was found to be no deception, and this animal presents the strongest example that we have of an approach in the Mammal tribe to that of birds. It uses its bill precisely as the Duck does, searching for insects, small shell-fish, etc., by plunging it here and there in the mud. There is a curi- ous provision in the young to prevent the bill from inter- fering with the operation of suckling. It is very soft, MARSUPIAL QUADRUPEDS. 49 and does not become hard till it is time for the animal to cease to suckle. The fore feet are formed for digging, and the animal excavates a burrow, sometimes even fifty feet in length, in the bank of the stream, where it lives. Both the fore and the hind feet are fitted for swimming by being webbed. The web on its fore feet extends over its claws, but it has the power of folding it back when it wishes to dig. 134, The other animal is the Echidna, or Porcupine Ant-eater. It is about the size and form of a hedgehog, but its spines are stouter. It burrows with great ra- pidity. When attacked by dogs, it quickly, by digging, sinks itself in earth or sand, so that they can see nothing but its bristling back, and ‘this they are not disposed to touch, Questions. —What is said of the structure and habits of the Insect- ivora? What are the families of this order? What is said of the stracture and habits of the common Mole? Describe the arrange- ment of a mole-hill. What is said of the Shrew Mouse? What of the Hedgehog? Of the Banxrings? What are the families of the order Rodentia? Describe their front teeth. What is said of their back teeth? What is said of the Squirrel family? What of the American Marmot? Ofthe Rats and Mice? Ofthe Jerboas? De- scribe the structure and habits of the Beaver? What is said of the Porcupine? Of the Guinea-pig family? Of the Hares? What is said of the Edentata? What of the Crested Ant-eater? Of the Pan- golins? Of the Armadilloes? Of the Sloth? From what do the Marsupials get their name? Where are they found? What is said of the Great Kangaroo? How many species are there of the Opos- sums? Where are they found? What are their habits? How are they allied to the Monkey tribe? What is said of the Virginia Opos- sum? What are the structure and habits of the Duck-billed Platy- pus? What is said of the Echidna? Where are these two animals found ? D2 80 NATURAL HISTORY. CHAPTER VIII. THICK-SKINNED QUADRUPEDS. 135. We now come to the second division of Quadru- peds, the Ungulata or hoofed quadrupeds. Of this there are two orders: 1. The Pachydermata,,or thick-skinned. 2. The Ruminantia, ruminating; or cud-chewing. The Pachydermata are variously classified by different natu- ralists. I make six families: 1. The Elephants. 2. The Tapirs. 3. The Pig Family. 4. The Rhinoceros Family. 5. The Hippopotamus Family. 6. The Horse Family. 186. Of the Elephants there are only two species, the Asiatic and the African, the latter of which you see in Fig. 68. The Elephant has several hoofs arranged in a Fig. 68.—The Elephant. circular manner around the bottom of the foot. His trunk or proboscis (from which this family is sometimes * THICK-SKINNED QUADRUPEDS. 8] valled Proboscidea) is a wonderful organ. It has in it 40,000 muscles interlaced together. These give it great flexibility, and make it the hand of the elephant. On. the end of this hand is a small finger-like projection, which is a feeler, and is also used in picking up small objects. The Elephant gathers his food with his trunk, and puts it into his mouth. He gets his drink also with his trunk in this way—he draws it up into the two nos- trils of the trunk, it being prevented from ‘going back into the throat by a valve. When he drinks he.turns the end of the trunk into his mouth, and pours the water in from it. He sometimes gives himself a shower-bath by throwing water from his trunk over his body. It is through the trunk that the Elephant sends forth his trumpet-like voice. This organ is not only a hand, a forcing and suction pump, and a trumpet, but it is also the animal’s nose. : 137. The neck of the Elephant is so short that he could not possibly reach his food or drink without his trunk: His food is chiefly grass, the leaves of trees, and roots. These last he loosens with his tusks, using them as we use a crowbar, and then he pulls them up with his trunk. . Elephants congregate in large herds, sometimes numbering hundreds, or even thousands; and no sight can be more grand than such a herd in the midst of the magnificent scenery and rich verdure of an African land- scape. The Elephant of India is more sagaclous than that of Africa, and is much used in traveling, and in hunting tigers, as described in § 72. The African Elephant is not at present tamed by man, and is hunted merely for the sake of his tusks, from which very fine ivory is obtained. The trade in tusks, both in Asia and Africa, is immense. It requires annually many thousands of elephants to fur- nish a supply of ivory to England alone. 139. Although the Elephant is the largest of all the terrestrial Mammalia, there are remains of extinct ani- mals which reached a much larger size. This is the case 82 NATURAL HISTORY. with the Mastodon Giganteus, whose bones have been found alone in America. 140. The Tapir is in some respects like the Hog. It has a prolonged snout, which allies it, on the other hand, to the Elephant. With this it grasps fruit and herbage, putting it into its mouth. The South American Tapir is from five to six feet high. The Malay Tapir, Fig. 69, Fig. 69.—The Tapir. , “is larger. It has its loins and hind quarters of a grayish white color, giving it a singular appearance. 141. Of the Pig Family I need say but little. The _ two orifices of the snout are like those in the trunk of the Elephant. The proverbial uncleanliness of the com- ‘mon Hog is owing in fact to the circumstances in which man places it, and no animal seems to like clean straw better. The Wild Hog or boar, the original of the do- mestic hog, is still found in many parts of Europe, es- pecially in the German forests, and its chase is one of the sports of hunters. One of this family, the Baby- roussa, or hog-deer, Fig. 70 (p. 83), has four tusks, two of which do not pass out between the lips, but through an opening in the skin. It is a native of Java and the Moluccas. THICK-SKINNED QUADRUPEDS. 83 Fig. 70.—The Babyroussa. 142, There are seven species of the Rhinoceros. These are ungainly animals with short legs, approaching in size the Elephants. They are distinguished chiefly by their horns, which are in texture something like whalebone. Some species have two horns. Those that have one, as in Fig. 71, are called unicorns. These animals live an Fig. 71.—The Rhinoceros. indolent life on the marshy borders of lakes and rivers, and are very fond of wallowing in mud. They are found in Asia and Africa. 84 NATURAL HISTORY. 143. There is but one known species of the Hippopot- amus (inroc, hippos, horse; worapoc, potamos, river), or river-horse, an inhabitant of Africa. It passes a large portion of its time in the water, especially in the day- time, leaving it at night in search of its food, which is the herbage growing on the banks of rivers and lakes. Its hide is of great thickness, even to two inches, on its back and sides, and is made into shields, whips, and walking-sticks. This animal is supposed by some to be the Behemoth of the Bible. 144, There are certain birds, called Rhinoceros Birds, which are always in attendance on the hippopotamus and the rhinoceros. They live on the ticks and other parasites which swarm upon these animals. It is said that these -birds are the best friends which those huge creatures have, for they rouse them from their sleep when they see an enemy approach. 145. The Horse Family includes the Horse, the Ass, the Zebras, etc. The hoof in this family is one solid piece, and so the family is sometimes called solidungula. 146. The first mention made of the Horse in the Bible is in connection with the sale of corn in Egypt by Joseph, Genesis, xlvii., 17. What is the original country of the horse is not known. The herds running wild in Tartary, Carpenter says, are undoubtedly descendants of horses that have been domesticated, for their habits are the same with those of the herds in the pampas of South America, and these are known to have descended from horses introduced by the Spaniards. The herd has al- ways a leader which is a male, and when attacked they put the colts and the females in the rear, and make re- sistance by kicking with their hind feet. The natives catch these wild horses with the lasso, a noose of leather, which they throw with great skill, and they very readily tame them. There are herds of wild oxen as well as horses in the pampas of South America, and there is ac- cordingly an immense trade in the hides of both. THICK-SKINNED QUADRUPEDS. 85 b 147. The finest horses in the world are found in Ara- bia, and nowhere is this animal more highly prized. The Arab treats his horse as one of the family, permitting him to live in the same tent with him, to feed from his hand, and even to sleep among his children. The mutual attachment between the horse and his master is there- fore often of the strongest character, and the most ex- travagant offers will sometimes fail to induce an Arab to part with his horse, even when pinching poverty makes these offers very tempting to him. 148. The Ass was domesticated probably before the Horse. It was, and is now, in many parts of the East, the beast usually ridden in civil life, the Horse being especially devoted to war. The care bestowed upon it there makes it really an elegant and spirited animal. The custom of having persons of distinction ride on white asses is of great antiquity, as appears from Judges v., 10, “Speak, ye that ride on white asses.” Some asses are fleeter than the Horse, as the Dzigguetai, Fig. 72, which inhabits the greater part of Central Asia. Fig. 72.—The Dzigguetai. 149, The Zebras, Fig. 73 (p. 86), found in Southern Africa, live, like the horse, in troops, and, with their dis- 86 NATURAL HISTORY. a Fig. 73.—The Zebra. tinct and: regular stripes, make a brilliant appearance as they flee together before the hunter. The Quagga of the same country is similar, but from the indistinctness of its stripes it is a less beautiful animal. Neither of these animals can be profitably used like the Horse and Ass, because they are so wild and vicious. Questions. —What are the orders of the Unguiata? What are the families of the Pachydermata? How many species are there of the Elephant, and where are they found? What is the arrangement of the Elephant’s foot? What are the various offices of his proboscis? What is his food, and how does he obtain it? What is said of the herds of elephants? How are Elephants valuable to man? Which species is most so? What is said of large extinct animals? What is said of the Tapirs? What of the Pig Family? What of the Babyroussa? Ofthe Rhinoceros? Of the Hippopotamus? Of tho Rhinoceros Birds? What does the Horse Family include? What is the first that we know of the Horse? What is said of the herds of wild horses? What of the Arabian Horse? What of the Ass? What species of the Ass is fleeter than the Horse? What is said of the Zebra? RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 87 CHAPTER IX. RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 150. Or the Ruminantia, or cud-chewing quadrupeds, there are eight families: 1. Bovidz, oxen, buffaloes, etc. 2. Ovide, sheep. 38. Capridee, goats. 4. Cervide, the deer tribe. 5. Moschide, the musk-deer tribe. 6. An- telopide, antelopes. 7. Camelide, camels. 8. Came- loparde, giraffes, or camefopards. 151. No animals are so useful to man as those of this order. Almost all the animal flesh which he consumes comes from the Ruminants. Some of them are his beasts of burden, and some supply him with various articles of necessity and convenience, such as milk, tallow, hides, horns, etc. Being thus necessary to man, they are dis- tributed over nearly -all parts of the globe. Some of them, as the Reindeer of Lapland, and the Camel of Arabia and Northern Africa, are confined mostly to cer- tain regions; while others, as the Ox, the Sheep, and the Goat, go every where with man, except in regions which are so cold as not to afford them the requisite food in pasturage. 152. The Ruminants make a very well defined order, all the families agreeing in their prominent common characteristics, and none of them being to any extent aberrant. Of all the herbivorous animals these are the most entirely confined to vegetable food. Of the Ro- dents, though mostly herbivorous, there are many that eat some animal food; most of the Edentata live on in- sects, and-some devour flesh; and several species even of the Pachydermata have in part an animal diet. But there is not one of the Rumihants that is not exclusively herbivorous. Some, as the Camel and the Giraffe, are formed for browsing on the leaves and young shoots of 88 NATURAL HISTORY. trees, but most of the order are fitted to gather and live upon the herbage on the surface of the ground. 158. The feet in this order agree in terminating in two toes with hoofs. These appear externally as ifthere was a single hoof cleft. Hence these animals have been call- ed cloven-footed. No animal in this order has front or incisor teeth in the upper jaw. There is a firm pad there, against which the incisor or cutting teeth of the lower jaw press when the jaws are brought together. The back teeth are specially formed for grinding, and the jaws are adapted to the sidewise grinding motion. The difference between this and the motion of the jaws in a carnivorous animal, you may see if you observe a cow and a dog when eating. 154, The name of this order is given to it from the singular process called rumination. The object of this I will explain. The stomach of the Ruminant is not a single organ. It has four cavities, as you may see in Fig. 74, in the case of the Sheep; or, rather, there are four Gisophagns, 2. Orifice of stomach, 3d stomach, ...-.-._--- f E 5 = 2d stom, —----------- 1st atom. 4th stom. -- Py) Fig. 74.—Stomachs of the Sheep, stomachs. The grass cropped by the Ruminant animal is not chewed at once, but is passed directly into the RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS, - 89 large first stomach, or paunch. Here it is macerated or soaked. Then it is passed into the second stomach, or honeycomb stomach, as it is called, from the cellular ar- rangement of its inner surface. Here in some way it is all made into distinct balls. Each of these is passed up into the mouth, and is chewed. It then goes down the gullet into the third stomach, the manyplies, so called because its inner lining membrane has a great many fojds. From thence it is passed into the fourth stomach. It is this that corresponds to the stomach of man, and of all animals that live partly or wholly on animal food; for here the gastric juice is secreted and is mingled with the food. Inthe suckling Ruminant the milk passes directly into the fourth stomach, the other stomachs remaining unemployed until the animal begins to graze. 155. The purpose of this arrangement for rumination is thus stated by Carpenter: ‘The Ruminantia, taken as a group, are timid, and are destitute of powerful means of defense against their foes, seeking safety in flight when alarmed, rather than stopping to defend themselves. A large proportion of them are natives of tropical regions, where they are liable to the attacks of the larger beasts of prey. Now their food—consisting, as it does, of grass- es and herbage, which contain a considerable amount of woody fibre—requires to be thoroughly masticated be- fore it can be properly digested. "When feeding on the pastures they frequent they are subject to many alarms; and if they were compelled to spend a considerable time in masticating their food before swallowing it, they would often be in danger of starvation, by being obliged to leave their pasture before their wants were supplied. But by their power of subsequently returning their food to the mouth, and chewing it at their leisure, they are enabled to dispense entirely with any mastication previously to first swallowing it, and to feed with comparative quick- ness, They thus convey a store of food into the first stomach or paunch, as the Monkey does into his cheek- 90 NATURAL HISTORY. pouches; and then, retiring to a secluded place among their mountain fastnesses, they masticate their aliment in comparative security. Moreover, the maceration (or soaking) in the fluids of the first and second stomachs, to which the food has been subjected, causes it to be much more readily ground down than if it were triturated im- mediately on being first cropped from the pasture.” 156. There is an obvious adaptation of the structure of the Ruminants to the habits just stated. That they may quickly perceive the approach of an enemy their senses are extremely acute. Their eyes are placed at the side of the head rather than in front, which affords them a great range of vision. Besides this, the pupils of the eyes have an oval shape, extending horizontally, instead of up and down, as we see it in the Cat.* This increases. the range of sight in the rear direction. The ears are placed far back, and can be readily turned to any quar- ter. This is quite essential in fleeing from their pursuers. In order that they may flee swiftly they have long legs, and are for the most part slender in form. When there is an accumulation of flesh and fat, making the animal bulky and slow in motion, it is commonly owing to the influence of domestication. Though the Ruminants are generally timid animals, the means of defense which they have in their horns and hoofs some of them are disposed to use sometimes in offensive warfare, at least among each other. ; 157. The family Bovide (Bos, an Ox) is distinguished from the other families of this order by the uniform pres- ence of horns in both sexes, and by the bulkiness of their forms. The common Ox is diffused widely in all quar- ters of the globe, and has a-great variety of breeds. I will notice only one. The Bos Indicus, the Zebu, or * The reason for this shape of the pupil in the cat and other ani- mals of the feline tribe is obvious. In taking its prey the animal has need of a good range of vision up and down, or vertically, rather than laterally, especially if its prey be on any height, as a tree. RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 91 Brahmin Bull, Fig. 75, is a native of India, and is remark- able for a large fatty hump above the shoulders. In all Fig. 75.—Zebu, or Brahmin Bull. Southern Asia and Eastern Africa this animal supplies the place of the common Ox, and is supposed to have come from the same origin, instead of being another spe- cies. The Hindoos treat it with great reverence and at- tention. They allow it to go about the streets, which it does with great familiarity, even walking into shops, helping itself to sweetmeats and other articles, and re- senting the slightest affronts with a peevish thrust of the horns. But while the bull is thus honored, the ox is treated without mercy, being urged on in its labor by the cruel goad. The Brahmin cow is treated more kind- ly than the ox, but is not reverenced as the bull is. 158. The true Buffaloes belong to a genus of this fam- ily. They are found in Asia and Africa, and to some lit- tle extent in the south of Europe. The common species, Fig. 76 (p. 92), was originally a native of India, where it has long been domesticated, and used like the Ox. Its hide is very strong, and harness is made from it. 159. The American Bison, Fig. 77 (p. 92), improperly called a Buffalo, is found in immense herds in the prairies $2 NATURAL HISTORY. 2 YW QR Fig. 76.—Buffalo. of North America. The Indians hunt them with the bow and arrow, mounted upon swift horses to give them chase. Fig. 77.—American Bison. They show great skill as well as daring, often firing their arrows into the hearts of their victims. The flesh of RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 93 these animals constitutes a large portion of the food of the Indians. Much of the pemmican, so called, used by hunters and voyagers in the far north, is made from the meat of the Bison. Then the skin, the buffalo-robe, is a necessary article of clothing, and is used also in construct- ing tents, and the horns furnish the powder-flasks of the hunters. The Buffalo or Bison hunt is therefore a great ‘item im the life of an Indian in the West. The herds of these animals sometimes number thousands. Lewis and Clarke supposed that there were certainly 20,000 in one herd which they saw. The range of the Bison in this country is becoming every year less extensive from the encroachments of civilized man. 160. The Yak, Fig. 78, is found in Tartary. It is not Fig. 78.—Yak. a very large animal. The mass of hair, which, rising above the shoulders, hangs like a mane almost to the ground, is applied to various uses by the Tartars. They weave it into cloth, which they use in making articles of dress and their tents, and they also make ropes from it. The hair of the tail, which is great in amount, is long and fine. The tail, with an ivory or metal handle, is used in India to keep off musquitoes, and is called a chowrie. 94 NATURAL HISTORY. 161. The Musk Ox, Fig. 79, is a native of the cold re- gions of North America. tt somewhat resembles the Fig. 79.—Musk Ox. Yak. It is covered with very long hair which almost reaches the ground. It appears in small herds, number- ing, perhaps, twenty or thirty. Both this animal and the Yak are rather small, but the thick hair covering them makes them look quite large. ‘ Questions.—What are the families of the order Ruminantia? What is said of the usefulness of the Ruminants to man? State how well defined this order is compared with some others. What is the struc- ture of the feet of the Ruminants? What are the structure and ar- rangement of their teeth? What is rumination? Describe the ar- rangement of the stomachs of the Ruminants. Illustrate its purpose. What is there in some Monkeys analogous to the paunch of the Ru- minants? In what other respects is the organization of the Rumi- nants adapted to their habits? What is said of the arrangement of the eye? What influence has domestication on the bulk of the Rumi- nants? What partial exceptions are there to the general timid habits of this order? What distinguishes the Bovide from the other fami- lies? What is said of the distribution of the Ox, and of its varieties? What is said of the Bos Indicus? Where are the true Buffaloes found? How are they useful to man? What is said of the Ameri- can Bison? What of its usefulness to man? What is said of the Yak? What of the Musk Ox? RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 95 CHAPTER X. RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS—continued. 162. Tue different species of the Ovide, or Sheep family, have many varieties, from the influence of domes- tication. The Sheep is the first animal noticed in the Bible as subjected to man, for “ Abel was a keeper of sheep.” The tail of the Sheep seems to be much affected by domestication, it being much larger in the domesti- cated than in those that run wild. In the Egyptian and Syrian Sheep it often becomes enormous, reaching a weight of 50 or even 100 pounds, in which case a board or a little wagon is attached to it, to prevent it from dragging on the ground. This overgrown tail is mostly a mass of fat, which is considered a great delicacy, and is frequently used as butter. 163. The Capride, or Goat family, are nearly allied to the Sheep. They are, however, stronger, lighter, more agile, and less timid. They appear in almost all parts of the world. In some countries they are greatly valued for their milk. The best Morocco leather is made from their skins, and the skin of the kid is much used in mak- ing fine gloves. The silken wool of the Angora Goat of Asia Minor hangs in long ringlets, furnishing the ma- terial for the finest camletsg From the wool of the Cash- mere Goat of Thibet and the region of the Himalaya Mountains, are manufactured the famous Cashmere shawls. The Caucasian Ibex, Fig. 80 (p. 96), which in- habits thé Alpine regions of Europe and Western Asia, is remarkable for its large and beautiful horns. They are surrounded with rings at regular intervals, and are very strong. When chased, it will frequently turn on its pursuer, and with its a hurl him from some 96 NATURAL HISTORY. precipice, unless he can shoot it before it reaches him. 164. The Cervide, or Deer family, are distinguished from all the other fami- lies of Ruminants, in having horns which are cast off at inter- vals, new ones grow- ing out in their place. In the young animal * they are small, but in the full-grown Deer aN they are very large. These horns are also covered with a vel- vety skin, and are called antlers. While they are grow- ing there are blood-vessels in this skin, and from the blood in them the antlers are made. You can see on them, after this skin is stripped off, just the course of the large arteries, by the channels for them in the horn. These antlers grow very rapidly. After they have at- tained their growth, there is no farther need of the blood in the “velvet,” and it must be got rid of, for if it re- mained there would be bleeding every time that the Deer should hit any thing hard with its antlers. There is a singular process for doing this. In the rings of bone at the foot of the antlers there are openings, through which the arteries pass. These gradually close up, and the supply of blood to the “velvet” is, therefore, grad- ually cut off. It would not answer to have’ this done suddenly, for then all the blood going to the head would be turned in upon the brain, and such a rush of blood to that organ would be injurious, perhaps fatal. After blood ceases to be supplied to this skin it dries and readily peels ER Fig. 80,—Caucasian Ibex. RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 97 off, and the Deer gets rid of it by rubbing his antlers against the trees. 165. The females of this family, except in the case of the Reindeer, have no antlers. In those species that are found in extremely cold climates, as the Elk, Fig. 81, Fig. 81.—The Elk, the antlers are apt to be flattened, “as if,” says Carpen- ter, “they were destined to be used by the animal, like shovels, in clearing the snow from off its food.” The animals of this tribe are celebrated for both their beauty and speed. They are distributed over all parts of the globe, except Australia, and the southern and central regions of Africa, these regions being supplied in place of them with Giraffes and multitudes of Antelopes. 166. The Reindeer is seen throughout the Arctic re- gions of America, Europe, and Asia. It lives in summer on the buds and twigs of small shrubs, and in winter on a, lichen growing under the snow, which it digs up with 98 NATURAL HISTORY. its feet. It is gregarious both in the wild and in the domesticated state. So important is this animal to the Laplander, that his wealth is estimated by the number of Reindeer which he has, just as that of the patriarchs of old, and the Arabs of the present time, is estimated by the number of their herds, and flocks, and camels. A Laplander in good circumstances has several hundred, and some have not less than two thousand. The Gadfly and the Mosquito are so annoying to the Reindeer, that the Laplander is obliged to make periodical migrations with his herd to the mountains to escape them. 167. The Axis Deer, Fig. 82, is a beautiful animal. It is a native of India. Its horns are slender, and are di vided quite regularly into three branches. Its usual color is a fawn yellow, with regular white spots, and a black stripe running down the back. 168. The Moschidw take their name from that pecul- iarly strong perfume called musk, which is obtained from one of the swecies. They resemble the Deer family in RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 99 general appearance, but they are much smaller, and they have no horns. The true Musk-deer, Fig. 83, is found ? ‘ig. 83.—The Musk-deer. in the central part of Asia. The musk is contained in a pouch. Its perfume is so strong when pure and fresh, that the hunter, after killing the animal, is obliged to cover his nostrils with cloth before he secures the pouch, else he will have severe headache, and perhaps violent bleeding from the nose. 169. This substance, the most powerful perfume in the world, is formed from the blood of the animal, like any other secretion. And yet his blood does not differ essen- tially from that of other animals, neither is his food espe- cially different from that of those in the same neighbor. hood. The chemistry which can produce this, and vari ous other perfumes in other animals, is utterly beyond our knowledge. The same thing can be said of the poisons in both the animal and vegetable world, they being made in the animal from the blood, and in the vegetable from the sap. 170. The Antelopes are similar to the Deer in general form and in activity. They differ from them chiefly in having permanent horns. There are more than seventy species distributed through the warm parts of the earth. They are most abundant in Africa, a few species being found in Asia, fewer still in America, and only two in 100 NATURAL HISTORY. Europe. They may be divided into four sub-families : 1. The true Antelopes, remarkable for their graceful forms, long and slender limbs, and great agility. 2. The Bush Antelopes, having a more compact form and shorter limbs, and living in jungles and thickets. 8. The Capri- form Antelopes, shaped much like goats, and living on hills and mountains; the Chamois of Europe is of this kind. 4. Bovine Antelopes, verging in their shape to the Ox family; this may be considered as a decidedly aberrant group. I will notice but a few of the species of the Antelope tribe. 171. The Springbok, Fig. 84, is one of the most beau- Fig. 84.—The Springbok. tiful and agile of the true Antelopes. It inhabits south- ern Africa. It derives its name from the habit which it has of springing up to the height ot’ several feet when alarmed. Large herds of Springboks spread themselves over the wide plains. When a drought occurs, as is often the case in the tropical regions, they migrate in large bodies in search of food. Some persons have seen, as they suppose, as many as twenty or thirty thousand together. 172. Among the true Antelopes is also the Gazelle, RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 101 Fig. 85.—The Gazelle. Fig. 85, so celebrated in the poetry of the East. This is probably the Roe of the Bible. ‘Its eyes are large, dark, and lustrous. Its speed is so great that not even Fig. 86.—-The Oryx. 102 NATURAL HISTORY. the Greyhound can overtake it. It lives in herds, and is found in Arabia and Syria. It is easily domesticated, and is often seen in the court-yards of houses in Syria. 173. The Oryx, Fig. 86 (p. 101), is a native of South Africa. It is the swiftest of all animals in that region. Jt has many of the characteristic beauties of the Ante- lopes, but its tail is like that of a horse, and its horns are very peculiar, being perfectly straight and of a dark color. With these formidable horns, two and a half feet in length, it can defend itself even against the Lion. ‘When the Lion attacks it, it lowers its horns and receives him on its sharp points; and the two have been often known to die together, the Oryx by the violence of the shock and the Lion from the wounds of the horns. 174, The Kudu, Fig. 87, also a native of South Africa, Fig. 87.—The Kudu. is one of the most beautiful of the Antelopes. Its horns are nearly four feet long, and their spiral form adds RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 1038 much to their beauty. Although a large animal, it can leap with wonderful activity. The largest of the Ante- lopes is the Eland, found in the same region. It is as large as an ox. It is hunted for its flesh, which is high- ly esteemed. 175. The Gnu, or Horned Horse, Fig. 88, is a very Fig. 88.—The Gnu. singular animal belonging to this same region. It is difficult, at first view, to say whether it has most of the characteristics of the Horse, or the Buffalo, or the Ante- lope. Its horns cover the top of the forehead, then, sweeping down in front of the face, turn with a sharp curve upward. This is like some of the Buffaloes. The resemblance to the Horse is in the mane and the tail. The legs are like those of the Antelopes. It is an animal of great speed. When enraged it is very dangerous. 176.-The famiiy Camelide includes the Camels and romedaries of the Old World, and the Llamas, which may be said to be the Camels of the New. There are two species of the true Camel: the Arabian Camel, Fig. 89 (p. 104), having one hump, and the Bactrian Camel, having two humps, the latter being an inhabitant of Central Asia, Thibet, and China. EK2 104 NATURAL HISTORY. Fig. 89.—The Arabian Camel. 177, The Arabian Camel has been called very appro. priately “the ship of the desert.” It is especially fitted in many respects for traveling across the wide deserts in that quarter of the world. Its broad elastic cushions on its feet afford it a firm footing on the sand. The callous surfaces on its chest and limbs defend it from the heat of the sand as it takes its rest. The eye is shielded from the glaring light of the sun by a brow hanging over like a roof, and by its long eyelashes. Its nostrils can be closed at pleasure when the hot sand is driven along in clouds by the wind. Its teeth and lips are fitted to the food on which it must depend in the deseit. The thorny shrubs and tough leaves which it eats require powerful cutting and grinding tecth for their mastica- tion. These the Camel has. And with its long stout lip it readily draws the twigs and leaves into its mouth. But the most essential provision of all is in the water- cells in one of the stomachs of the Camel. Here he can stow away a large quantity of watcr for use on his long journey. This he uses only as he requires it. When RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 105 he is thirsty, or needs water to moisten his food as he eats it, he can force any amount that is required out of this reservoir up into the throat. By this arrangement the Camel can go without drinking for many days. Sometimes travelers, who are suffering severely from want of water, kill one of the Camels in their caravan for the purpose of getting at the water in this reservoir. 178. The Camel is a strange-looking animal. The Pictorial Museum contains the following good descrip- tion of it: “ There is something strange and imposing in the aspect of the gaunt and angular Camel, destitute, as it confessedly is, of grace and animation. We are amazed at its height, its uncouth proportions, its long, thin neck, its meagre limbs, and the huge hump on its back, which conveys the idea of distortion. Quietly it stands in one fixed attitude, its long-lashed eyelids droop- ing over the large dark eyes; it moves, and onward stalks with slow and measured steps, as if exercise were painful. To complete the picture, it is covered with shaggy hair irregularly disposed, here forming tangled masses, there almost wanting. Its thick mobile upper lip is deeply divided; its feet are large and spreading, the toes being merely tipped with little hoofs.” 179. The docility of the Camel is such that one man can lead thirty, or even fifty of them, fastened together inarow. The traveler mounts the Camel as it is kneel- ing; and as it rises, unlike the well-known habit of the horse, upon its hind feet first, he will be thrown suddenly over its head unless he is especially careful. The im- portance of the Camel in the regions where it is found can hardly be realized by us. It is essential, as you have seen, wherever wide deserts are to be traversed ; and St. Hilaire, in his Letters on Egypt, says that “without it nearly the whole of Africa and one quarter of Asia might perhaps have remained uninhabited.” This statement is rather too strong, but it shows what is the estimate of the Camel’s value by one who had traveled extensively 106 NATURAL HISTORY. in those regions. Besides its uses as a beast of burden, this animal affords sustenance to man by its milk and its flesh, and also hair for the manufacture of cloth. 180. The Dromedary is a mere variety of the Camel, holding the same relation to it as a race-horse does to the heavy draft-horse. It is used principally for jour- neys where dispatch is requisite; and it can carry only a single person, and but a light burden in addition. It is by no means as fleet as a horse, but it can maintain a moderate pace for a long time, going easily at the rate of six or even eight miles an hour for twenty-four hours consecutively. 181. The Llamas of South America, of which there are several species, though they are much smaller animals than the Camel, resemble it in many respects in form and structure. They have, however, no hump, and their feet, instead of being cushioned, have hoofs with claw-like projections, to enable them to climb the rocky hills among which they live. The Peruvian Llama, Fig. 90, inhabits Fig. 90.—Peruvian Llama. elevated regions, almost on the borders of perpetual snow. When the Spaniards came first to South America, this animal was the only beast of burden; but now it is su- RUMINANT QUADRUPEDS. 107 perseded mostly by the horses and mules which have been introduced from Europe. 182. In the family of Camelopardide there is only one known species, the Giraffe, Fig. 91. This very peculiar Fig. 91.—Giraffe. animal has some points of resemblance to the Camel, and some to the Deers and Antelopes. It is found only in Africa; there being two varieties, one in the southern part of the continent, and the other in Nubia, Abyssinia, and the adjoining districts. It is seen in herds of twelve to forty in number, making splendid objects in the land- scape, as with their tall necks they browse from the trees. Questions. —What is said of the Ovide? What effect is produced on their tails by domestication? How do the Capride differ from the Ovide ? What is said of their usefulness to man? What is said of the Angora’'Goat? Ofthe Cashmere Goat? Of the Caucasian Ibex? How are the Cervide distinguished from the other families of the Ru- minants? What is the office of the ‘‘velvet,” and how is it disposed 108 NATURAL HISTORY. of when no Jonger needed? What is said of the Elk? Of the Rein deer? Of the Axis Deer? How do the Moschide differ from the Deer family? What gives them their name? How is the musk ob- tained? What is said of the chemistry of this secretion? Compare the Antelopes with the Deer. What countries do they inhabit? Into what sub-families are they divided? What is said of the Springbok? Of.the Gazelle? Of the Oryx? Ofthe Kudu? OftheGnu? What are included in the family Camelidax ? Where are the two species of Camels found, and how do they differ? Show in what respects the organization of the Camel is adapted to its habits and circumstances. Describe its appearance. What is said of its docility? Of its mode of rising from a kneeling posture? Ofits importance to man? What is said of the Dromedary? What of the Llamas? What of the Gi- raffe ? CHAPTER XI. THE WHALE TRIBE. 183. Tur water contains both the largest and smallest of animals. In the sub-class now to be considered, the Cetacea, or Whale tribe, we find the largest animals ex- isting at the present time. Those monstrous terrestrial quadrupeds, the Elephant and the Hippopotamus, are not to be compared to the Whale; and even the smaller spe- cies of this class, the Dolphin and Porpoise, are above the average size of land animals. 184. The animals of this tribe are, unlike all that we have as yet considered, destitute of both hands and feet. Though they are Mammals, they are fitted to live, hke the Fishes, in the water. They were classified among fish- es by ancient zoologists, and are still spoken of as fish in ordinary conversation. There is one group of Mammals already noticed, the Seal family, which have some ap- proach to the Whales both in form and habits (§ 101). 185. The general shape of the Whales is like that of fishes. The tail is, however, different in one respect. In the Whale it is flat horizontally, not vertically, as in the Fish. In swimming, therefore, it moves up and down, THE WHALE TRIBE. 109 while that of the fish moves laterally. Some of its mo- tions, however, are oblique, and not wholly vertical. It is with the tail, as in the case of fishes, that the Whale mostly swims, the flippers answering the purpose chiefly of balancers. When the Whale is killed he turns over on his back, showing that it is by the action of the flippers that he keeps in his ordinary position. Though the Whale has neither hands nor feet, » yet the frame-work of the flippers is much like that of a hand, as may be seen in Fig. 92, representing a flip- per, and also its bones un- covered. The immense pow- er of the tail in swimming can be judged of by its esp breadth, which often is 20 Fig. 92. Ritier of ‘he Whale. feet. 186. The skin of the Cetacea is very peculiar. In other animals which have much fat, it is accumulated beneath the skin; but in the Whale the skin is enormously thick, and has the fat mingled with its fibres. It is this mix- ture of skin and fat which is called blubder. This is sometimes two feet thick, and weighs in some cases 30 tons; and yet, it being lighter than water, it helps to buoy up the monstrous body. When stripped of its blubber the Whale sinks at once. The mingling of the fat with the skin has two objects. One is to enable the Whale to keep its blood warm in the cold water of the frigid regions, fat being one of the best non-conductors of heat, and therefore serving to keep the heat in the body. The other is to enable the animal to bear the immense press- ure of the water when it goes down to great depths. 187. Although the Whale has lungs, like terrestrial an- imals, it can stay under the water for along time. It has a peculiar provision enabling it to do this. This I will explain. In the “First Book in Physiology” I showed 110 NATURAL HISTORY. you that the great object of breathing is to change dark blood into red blood, and that the blood, as it returns to the heart from all parts of the body of a dark color, is sent to the lungs to be changed to red blood, before it is again distributed over the system. Red blood is neces- sary to every organ, to have life go on; and if it could be supplied to all the organs without breathing, then the breathing could be suspended without destroying life. Now the Whale has large reservoirs where the red blood accumulates while it is up at the surface of the water breathing. When, therefore, it goes down, every part of its body is supplied with red blood from these reser- voirs. When the supply is gone, the Whale feels un- comfortable, and rises to the surface to renew the sup- ply. The nostrils are near the highest part of the head, so that it can breathe as soon as it reaches the surface. These orifices, and also the openings of the ears, have valves, which can close so tightly that, even when subject- ed to the pressure of a great depth of water, not a drop can enter. 188. The nostrils are the blow-holes. The Whale has a curious apparatus for spouting. There are two large pouches under the nostrils, which can be filled with wa- ter taken in by the mouth. Here it can be retained by an arrangement of valves till the Whale wishes to spout; and then, by a forcible compression of the pouches, the water is thrown upward through the blow-holes, the valves of which are pushed open. 189. The true Whales are of two kinds or families: 1. The Spermaceti Whale, which has teeth in the lower jaw. 2. The Whalebone Whale, which has no teeth. Of the Spermaceti Whales there are two species, the most common of which, the Cachelot, or Sperm Whale, Wig. 93 (p. 111), I will notice. When full-grown it is from seventy to eighty feet long. The capture of this animal is attended with even greater danger than that of the Greenland Whale, on account of its formidable THE WHALE TRIBE. 111 Fig. 93.—The Sperm Whale. teeth. In the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford there is an under-jaw-bone of this whale, sixteen and a half feet in length, containing forty-eight huge teeth. It can knock a boat in pieces with its tail, or bite it in two with its jaws. In its immense head there is a very small brain, but there is a large reservoir of mingled spermaceti and oil in nearly a liquid state. A hole is cut in its head by its captors, and this mixture is baled out with buckets. By draining and boiling, the spermaceti is obtained from this separate from the oil. The blubber of this whale is thin, but yields a fine and valuable oil. The sperma- ceti obtained from a Sperm Whale of ordinary size amounts to about ten or twelve barrels. 190. The perfume called Ambergris is found in the in- testines of the Sperm Whale. It is of the consistence of wax, is inflammable, and has a musky odor. /T9t-"The Sperm Whales are gregarious, forming com- panies of some hundreds, with two of the largest as guards and leaders. Their food is fish, which they can swallow of a large size, for their throats are capacious 112 NATURAL HISTORY. enough to take in a body of the size of a man. But one young is produced at a time, and this is about fourteen feet long. The milk of the mother Whale is very much like that of quadrupeds. 192. Whalebone Whales are as large as the Sperm ‘Whales. There are two species, the Greenland Whale, and the Rorqual. The former is the best known, and is altogether the most valuable, because it furnishes the most blubber and the best whalebone. These whales have no teeth, but instead have a remarkable apparatus for taking their food, which consists of very small sea- animals of various kinds. The whalebone is the frame- work of the food-catching apparatus; it is in the head, in lamin or plates to the number of three or four bund- red. All of these are fringed with fibres extending down into the mouth. Now, when the Whale feeds, it rushes through the water with its huge mouth wide open, throw- ing out the water that enters the mouth by spouting through the blow-holes. The consequence is, that as the water passes through the fringes, the little animals in it are caught by them, and then are swallowed. The throat, in contrast with that of the Sperm Whale, is so narrow, that what an ox could easily swallow would choke this immense animal. 193. The Dolphin family of the Cetacea includes, be- sides the Porpoise and the Dolphin, many animals ordi- narily called Whales. They all have teeth in greater number than any other Mammals, some of them even over a hundred in each jaw. The Porpoise occurs in large numbers in all the seas of Europe, and on the coasts of America. It is abundant in our bays and large rivers. Its length is from four to eight feet. It lives on her- rings, mackerel, salmon, etc. It is the most common and abundant of all the Cetacea. The blubber yields a very fine oil. Its skin is tanned, and the leather is used par- ticularly for the upper leather of boots and shoes. It is amusing to see the Porpoises rise to the surface, and THE WHALE TRIBE. 113 then dive down, as they chase each other in their gam. bols. The Dolphin is quite as sportive as the Porpoise, and much more agile. It often follows ships in numer- ous herds, executing its playful movements. The stories about the beautifully-changing hues of the dying Dolphin are untrue; this voracious animal is altogether unpoet- ical even to death. Its colors are black and white, and the only change which occurs is that the black, after a time, becomes brown, and the white gray. 194. There are some aberrant genera of the Dolphin family. One of the most remarkable we have in the Narwhal, or Sea Unicorn, as it is commonly called, Fig. 94. Its body is from thirty to forty feet long. It has Fig. 94.—The Narwhal. a long, straight, pointed tusk, from five to ten feet in length. It really has two tusks, but only one of them becomes long, the other not projecting sufficiently to be seen. There is much question about the use to which the animal puts this tusk. Some suppose that its chief purpose is to dig up sea-weed for food. Others suppose 114 NATURAL HISTORY. that the prey of the animal is transfixed by it. It is, at any rate, a very powerful weapon, and the Narwhal has been known to thrust it into the oak timbers of a ship. This animal, formidable as it is, is often taken by the Greenlander, who obtains from it oil, food, weapons, and ropes. He uses the tusk in the manufacture of eae arrows, hooks, ete. 195. There is a family of Cetacea called the Teeny tribe, which is so aberrant that zoologists differ as to their proper place, some associating them, on account of their thick, tough skins, with the Pachydermata, and some placing them with the Cetacea, They are herbiv- orous, and not carnivorous like the other families of the Cetacea, living mostly on sea-weed. They have stiff mus- taches, and, when their bodies are partly out of the water, they have, viewed at a distance, a somewhat human ap- pearance, which has given rise to the “‘ mermaid” stories. These animals are called Sea-cows, Sea-calves, etc. One species, found in the Indian Seas, especially among the islands of the Indian Archipelago, is eighteen or twenty ee in length. In Fig. 95 you have the skeleton of this Fig. 95.—Skeleton of Dugong. singular animal. It has, you see, no hinder extremities. The anterior extremities are paddles, like the flippers of the Whale; and the resemblance in the bones to those of the hand of man is very decided, the four fingers being present, and an attempt atathumb. There is an animal similar to this found on the coast of Mexico and of the northern part of South America. It is, however, smaller, CHARACTERISTICS OF BIRDS. 115 being but six or seven feet long, and on its paddles are short nails, by which it can drag its unwieldy body on the land to bask in the sun or to get food. All the ani- mals of this tribe are like the Whales in their paddles, their oily skin, their horizontally flattened tail, and their fish-like shape. 224 Questions. —What is said of the size of animals living in water? How do the Whale tribe compare in size with terrestrial animals ? How do the Cetacea differ from all other Mammals? What group of Mammals are somewhat like them? How does the tail of Whales differ from that of Fishes? What is the breadth of it? What is the chief office of the flippers? What is said of their frame-work ? What is the blubber? What purposes does it serve? Explain the provision which enables the Whale to stay under water so long. What is said of the nostrils? Describe the spouting apparatus. What are the two families of Whales? Describe the Cachelot Whale. What is said of its spermaceti? How much is obtained from one Whale? What is Ambergris? What is said of the habits of Sperm Whales? ‘What is said of the Whalebone Whales? ‘What are in- cluded in the Dolphin family? What is said of the Porpoise? What of the Dolphin? What of the Narwhal? What of the Du- gong family? What are the animals of this family commonly called? Where are they found? What is said of the structure of the species represented ? CHAPTER XII. CHARACTERISTICS OF BIRDS. ; i 196. Brrps form the second grand division of warm- blooded Vertebrates. This division is separated from the first division, the Mammals, by very marked charac- teristics, which I will point out. 1. They are oviparous (§ 23). 2. They do not suckle their young. 3. They are covered with feathers. 4. They are constructed for flight, with some few exceptions. 5. They have no teeth, which is true of only a few species of Mammals. 6. They have bills, which is true of only one species of Mammals, the Duck-billed Platypus of Australia (§ 133). 7. They have r16 NATURAL HISTORY. some peculiarities in the digestive organs, most birds hav- ing, in place of the process of mastication, a crop to soak their food and a gizzard to grind it. 197. Feathers have some resemblance to hairs, but dif fer from them in some important respects. _ Arachnida is divided s into two groups. In the first group the respiratory organs are different from ; ; : . those of Insects. In 9 exif = stead of passages ev- Fig. 233.—The Scorpion. ery where for air, there are some sac or bag like cavities in the abdomen, and in these are thin membranous plates arranged like the leaves of a book. The air goes in among these, and acts on the blood in the vessels spread out on them. This group includes the Spiders and Scorpions. In the second group the respiratory apparatus is like that of Insects. This includes Mites of various kinds, Father- long-legs, the minute red Spiders of green-houses, etc. 511. Most of the true Spiders are great spinners. They do not spin for themselves a cocoon as the caterpillars do, for they undergo no metamorphosis. They spin chief- ly for two purposes—to construct a dwelling for them- selves, and to construct traps to catch their prey. Some also, like some of the caterpillars, spin as they drop to escape their enemies, and thus save themselves from s fall. Some throw out a long thread into the air from their spinning machine, and let it, when it is of sufficient length, bear them aloft like a balloon. And some spin a cocoon in which they deposit their eggs. I found one of these cocoons the past summer fastened to the bark of a tree. I opened it, and it was all a moving mass within. On looking at it with a pocket microscope, I found ‘that it was full of little Spiders, which probably had just been hatched from the eggs, but were not yet ready to come out. The manner in which the cocoon is formed and filled with eggs is curious. The Spider first spins the lower half of it, and into this silken cup it drops the eggs. It not only fills it, but piles up eggs on top THE ARACHNIDA. 301 with great care, so that there are as many above as in the cup. It then finishes spinning the cocoon. 512. The Caterpillars spin from the head, but the Spi- der spins from the other extremity of the body. Its spin- ning apparatus is of peculiar construction. Inside is a reservoir of gummy matter from which the silk is made. The threads of a Spider’s web are drawn out from it, and dry as fast as they are drawn. But the thread, which appears to the eye as single, is found by the microscope to be composed of many thousands of threads united to- gether. In Fig. 234 you see, as the Spider hangs by his thread, that it comes out from a circular spot. In this are four and sometimes six knobs, which can be seen by the naked eye. Each of these is full of holes through which the threads come, and these holes are so mi- nute that Reaumur cal- culated that a thou- % sand occupied a space no larger than the point ofapin. InFig. 235 (p. 302) is repre- Fig. 284. sented such a view of these knobs as you would get by a powerful microscope. A portion only of the minute threads are represented. It was the calculation of Leuwenhoeck that it would take four millions of them to make a thread as large ab a hair. 513. These threads are united together about one tenth of an inch in distance from the spinnerets. By this sep- arate exposure to the air of each threadlet, they all be- come dry before their union. Another advantage of this 302 NATURAL HISTORY. arrangement is the securing of greater strength to the thread, for it is well known in rope-making that, in cords of equal thickness, those which are composed of many smaller cords are stronger ‘ than those which are spun at once. Another advant- age still is, that these minute threadlets can be better at- | tached to an ob- | ject than a single § | il thread. When & Fig 86—Syders Theatteoming em ene Spider makes an attachment of his thread, he presses the spin- nerets against the spot selected, and thus fast- ens the ends of the threadlets projecting from the holes over quite a space. This is seen in Fig. 236, which represents an attachment of this kind, as seen with the microscope. 514. The foot of a Spider, a magnified view of which is given in Fig. 237, has three claws, one of which acts as a sort of thumb, and the others are tooth- = edasacomb. It is Fig. 237.—Triple-clawed Foot of a Spider, mag- Supposed that these nee combs are used in preventing tangling of the threads in the web, and also in removing any particles that may become attached to it. When a Spider has let itself down from any place by its thread, if it goes up again upon it, it gathers up the thread into a ball with its claws and throws it away. So, also, if any part of its web is rendered useless by any thing which becomes attached to it, it is separated from 1 Fig. 236. THE ARACHNIDA. 303 the rest, collected into a packet, and cast off. Mr. Ren- nie, the author of a very interesting book on insect arch- itecture, describes a process of this kind which he ob- served on board of a steam-boat. It was a geometric Spider, that is, one that forms its web of regular circular lines. The web or net was covered with flakes of soot. “ Some of the lines,” he says, “she dexterously stripped of the flakes of soot adhering to them ; but in the greater number, finding that she could not get them sufficiently clean, she broke them quite off, bundled them up, and tossed them over. We counted five of these packets of rubbish which she thus threw away, though there must have been many more, as it was some time before we discovered the maneuvre, the packets being so small as not to be readily perceived, except when placed between the eye and the light. When she had cleared off all the sooted lines, she began to replace them in the usual 2 Aid 515. Many observations have been made, and experi- ments tried, to determine how Spiders transport them- selves from tree to tree, across brooks, or even sometimes through the air, without any visible starting-point. The subject is not entirely cleared up, but it is well ascer- tained that they spin out the thread, letting the wind take it, trying it occasionally with the feet to decide whether the farther end has attached itself to any object. So soon as the Spider finds by pulling on it that it is fastened, it runs along upon it, strengthening its cable by spinning another as it goes. Spiders have not, as some have supposed, the power of projecting their lines in opposition to the moving air, but they uniformly put their bodies in such position that the line may go with the air, that is with the head toward the direction from which the breeze comes. They watch the wind as much as the sailor does. The little gossamer Spiders let their lines, like balloons, carry them off into the ‘air, breaking loose from the objects on which they stand when they 304 NATURAL HISTORY. feel themselves acted upon by a force sufficient for that purpose. They may thus be seen mounting aloft from the tops of twigs and blades of grass, from fences, ete. 516. The architecture of Spiders has considerable va- riety. That of the house Spider and that of the com- mon geometric Spider are familiar to"every one. That of the labyrinthic Spider is very curious. Its nest may be seen spread out a broad sheet on hedges, furze, low bushes, and sometimes on the ground. “The middle of this sheet,” says Rennie, “ which is of a close texture, is swung, like a sailor’s hammock, by silken ropes extend- ed all around to the higher branches; but the whole curves upward and backward, sloping downward to a long funnel-shaped gallery which is nearly horizontal at the entrance, but soon winds obliquely till it becomes quite perpendicular. This curved gallery is about a quarter of an inch in diameter, is much more closely woven than the sheet part of the web, and sometimes descends into a hole in the ground, though oftener into a group of crowded twigs or a tuft of grass. Here the Spider dwells secure, frequently resting with her legs extended from the entrance of the gallery, ready to spring out upon whatever insect may fall into her sheet-net.” 517. There are some species of spiders that build their nests of clay, which they knead into due shape, and hence are called Mason Spiders. There is one of these found in the West Indies. This Spider digs a hole ob- liquely in the earth about three inches deep and one inch in diameter, the walls of it being made of clay. This cavity it lines with a thick web, which, when taken out, resembles a leathern purse. This tapestried chamber has a very singular door. It is made of about a dozen layers of this same lining, closely united together, and has a hinge of the same material. In Fig. 238 (p. 305) is represented the nest of another Mason Spider found in France, A being the nest shut, and B the nest open; THE ARACHNIDA. 305 Fig. 238.—Nest of a Mason Spider. C the Spider, D the eyes magnified, and E and F parts of the foot and claw magnified. 518. There is a Spider common in the woods that weaves together a great many leaves for a dwelling, and in front of this spreads its snares to catch its prey. When winter approaches it leaves its eggs in this nest to be hatched the following spring, and itself retires to some hollow tree to die. 519. An English clergyman, Mr. Shepherd, has often seen in the fen ditches of Norfolk a very large Spider that makes a raft by fastening weeds together with silk- en threads, and sails forth on this in search of insects that may chance to get into the water. But the most inter- esting water-spider is one that makes for itself a silken diving-bell, which looks in the water like a little silver globe. This is sometimes partly above the surface of the water, but at others it is fastened by silken ropes to ob- jects below. The Spider contrives in some way to carry 306 NATURAL HISTORY. air down to its diving-bell, coming up every now and then to the surface for this purpose. 520. I have already said enough of the Scorpions (§ 509), and on the second group of the Arachnida I will spend but a few words. Among the Mites is the animal which occasions the disease called the itch, an enlarged representation of which you have in Fig. 239. It has an oval body, a mouth armed with bristles, and eight feet, four of which have suckers at the end. There is a great variety of mites which are found on plants and an- imals, and some live in the water, swimming about with great free- dom. The scarlet Mite of our gar- dens has 2 most brilliant scarlet color. The Harvest-men, so ap- propriately called Father-long-legs, as they have, perhaps, longer legs {than any other animal of any kind, Fig, 289.—Sareoptes Scabiei, are mostly very agile. The Book or Acarus of the ich. Scorpions, so called, are little Arachnida which inhabit herbariums, old books, ete They are good runners, often going sidewise like crabs, and they hunt the minute insects which are found in such situations. Questions.—How do the Arachnida differ from insects? What is said of their food? What of their means of killing their prey? What is said of those which are parasitical? What is said of the Scor- pions? What are the two groups of the Arachnida? What are the two chief purposes for which Spiders spin? What other purposes are sometimes accomplished by it? What is said of the cocoons which some Spiders spin? Describe the spinning apparatus of Spiders. What is said of the compound character of the Spider’s thread? Why is it not spun whole? What is said of the mode of its attachment ? Describe the foot of a Spider. What is the use of the combs in it? Describe its mode of repairing its web. What is known of the man- ner in which Spiders transport themselves from one spot to another CRUSTACEANS. 307° by their threads? What is said of the Gossamer Spiders? Describe the architecture of the Labyrinthic Spider. What is said of the Mason Spiders? What of the Spider that weaves leaves together? What of the Spider that builds a raft? What of the Diving-bell Spider? What are some of the Arachnida of the second group? What is said of the Mites? What of the Harvest-men? What of the Bock Scor- pions? CHAPTER XXXII. CRUSTACEANS, AND THE WORM AND LEECH TRIBE. 521. Tus class of the Articulata called Crustacea has its name from the Latin word crusta, a crust or shell. It includes Lobsters, Crabs, Prawns, Shrimps, Sowbugs, Sand-fieas, Barnacles, etc. Lobsters and Crabs are the most perfect animals of the class. 522. There is considerable resemblance to insects, and also to Spiders, in most of these animals. Like the In- sects, they may be divided into two groups—the mandi- bulate and the haustellate. The eyes of the Crustacea are generally compound, like those of the Insects. They have also antenne. But the Crustacea differ from in- sects in the character of their respiratory apparatus. They are aquatic animals, and breathe by gills. There are a few species that are formed to live in air. The Land Crabs, found mostly in the Antilles, are an exam- ple. In them there is, above the gills, a spongy appara- tus, from which continually exudes a moisture that keeps the gills from becoming dry. [ 523. The legs of the Crustacea often amount to seven pairs, as in the Woodlouse and Sandhopper ; but in oth- er cases there are five pairs, as in the Crab. “The legs are constructed very differently in the various Crustacea, according to the manner in which they are to be used. In some they are leaf-like membranes, being thus fitted for swimming ; in others they are columns jointed to- gether, to be used only in walking ; in others they are so 308 NATURAL HISTORY. shaped as to be fitted for digging as well as walking; and in others still they are armed with pincers, so as to be instruments of prehension as well as locomotion. In those Crustacea that swim, as Lobsters, Prawns, etc., the abdomen generally ends in a large fin-like expansion, which works up and down in swimming like the tail of the Whale. But in those which are to walk rather than swim, as the Crab, this part is small, and is bent up un- derneath. 524. All Crustacea come from eggs. The eggs are commonly carried about adhering to the under part of the abdomen. This we often see-in the Lobster. In a boil- ed Lobster they are red, and the mass is called the cor- al. More than twelve thousand eggs have been found attached to the abdomen of a single Lobster. 525. There is not generally any true metamorphosis in this class. But in some, the animal, when first born, is entirely unlike the perfect animal. This is the case with the common Crab. In Fig. 240 you see a representation of the Crab when it first issues from the egg. The large figure is 2 magnified represent- ation, the natural size being given on the little scroll at the side of it. This is almost as unlike the mature Crab as the larva of the Musquito is unlike ~. the Musquito itself (§ 502). 526. In most of the Crustacea there is manifest the ring-like arrange- ment of segments which is so char- acteristic of the Articulata (§ 381). Fig. 940.—Early form of But in some it is so much modified the Crab. as not to be apparent without partic. ular observation. Thus, in the Crab, as we look on its broad carapace of shell, the ring-like arrangement seems to be entirely forsaken; but on examining closely, we find that this carapace is only an excessive enlargement CRUSTACEANS. 309 of one ring encroaching on the others which are still there, although of very small size. We see here the same disposition to have a general plan that we see ev- ery where in the structures of nature. A type is always adopted, and we see traces of this in the widest varia- tions from it. 527. The covering of the Crustacea, which is their skeleton, is commonly quite hard, being made so by the carbonate of lime, of which it is in part composed. As this can not grow with the other parts, it must be shed from time to time, and a new and larger covering be formed. The manner in which the old shell is got rid of is very singular. At the proper time there is effected a separation between all parts of the animal and the shell. Then the shell gapes open at some part, and the animal works itself out. This opening, in the case of the Lob- ster, is down through the middle line of the back. The animal, on emerging, crawls into some by-place where it may be secure, and remains quiet for a day or two till a new shell is formed. The material is supplied from the blood, just as the material for our internal skeleton is supplied from our blood. 528. The Crustacea are divided into fourteen orders. Of these I will notice only a few. 529. The Decapoda, or Ten-footed Crustacea, include the Lobsters, Crabs, Crayfish, Prawns, Shrimps, ete. Nearly all the Crustacea that are used as food are con- tained in this order. One marked peculiarity of this group is the situation of the eyes on the ends of foot- stalks. The habits of most of these animals are aquatic; but the gills are inclosed in such a way that they do not soon become dry when the animals are in the air, and hence they live for some time after being taken out of the water. They are carnivorous and very voracious ; and the first ‘pair of legs are made into powerful claws, by which they seize their food and ‘convey it to the mouth. The mouth itself is quite a complicated appara- 310 NATURAL HISTORY. tus, there being three pairs of jaws. Ihave already said enough of the Lobsters and Crabs. The Shrimps and Prawns are quite small animals, regarded as great deli- cacies. In Fig. 241 the Shrimp is above and the Prawn below. Fig. 241.—-Shrimp and Prawn. ¥'530.'The Hermit Crabs, Fig. 242, are very peculiar ' both in their conformation and their habits. The crus- Fig. 242.—Hermit Crab. taceous covering in the case of these animals is confined to the upper part of the body. The lower part of the body, being uncovered, needs protec- tion, and the animal se- cures this by inserting its tail into some empty shell which it finds. This it drags about with it as it wanders in search of its food. When itis alarmed, it withdraws itself wholly into its portable house, closing the mouth of the shell with one of its claws. As it grows it is obliged to seek CRUSTACEANS. 311 a larger shell, and it is amusing to see one trying one shell after another to find one which will tip. a, 581. In the order of Laemodipoda, or jaw-footed Crustacea, is the Whale Louse, Figure 243, which ¢fihgs by its strong claws data otytchdle Whale. So completely is the Whale sometimes covered by these parasites, that a white Fig. 949.—Whale color is given to its skin, which can be Louse. seen aé some distance. 532. The order of Cirrhipoda, or tufted-footed Crusta- cea, contains the Barnacles, Fig. 244, and their allies. The Fig. 244.—Barnacles. Barnacle looks like a mussel-shell fixed to a long stem; but, on examination, it is found that the shell consists of five pieces, and through the opening project seven pairs of arms or cirrhi. Two of these are of considerable size, and have suckers on the end, by which they can hold on to any thing. The other six pairs are fringed with cilia, or hair-like filaments, which, by their contin- ual motion, produce currents in the water. This serves both to bring minute animals, constituting the food of the Barnacle, within the reach of the arms, and to move the water over the gills. The animal has jaws which take and masticate the food brought to it by the arms. In Fig. 245 (p. 312) is a Barnacle with the shell partly removed, to show all the parts of the animal. It is al- ways found adhering by 4 stem to floating wood or 812 NATURAL HISTORY. the. hull of a ship. In being inclosed in a shell it is like the Mollusca, and was formerly supposed to belong to that sub-kingdom; but the construc. tion of the animal itself manifestly places it among the Crustaceans. 533. To this order belong also the little Acorn-shells, so called, which are found on the seashore in abundance adhering to rocks, shells, etc. 534. The class of Annelida, the Worm Fig, 240-~ Body of and Leech tribe, is one of the lower classes of the Articulata. The animals belonging to it have no articulated members, and there is in them a general inferiority of structure. Still, the lateral symmetry so characteristic of the Articulata, § 387, is retained in them. The two halves of the body are alike. The body is commonly long, slender, and more or less cylindrical. The division into segments, manifest in most of the Articulata, is in this class more manifest internally than externally, it being marked ex- ternally only by a wrinkling of the skin. 535. The class is divided into four orders, which I will briefly notice. The first is that of the Dorsi-branchiata (dorsum, back, and brancfia, gill), having the gills ar- ranged in tufts along the jléngth of the body. The ani- mals belonging to thi¥ order both crawl and swim with facility. In tropical climates there are some large spe- cies, measuring even four feet, and having the body di- vided into four or five hundred segments. The Sea-cen- tipede, the Sea-mouse, and the Lob-worm belong to this order. 536. The second order is that of the Tubicola, so called because the animals live in tubes. One of the most common is the Serpula, one species of which is represented in Fig. 246 (p. 318). These animals live in shell tubes, attached in groups to stones, shells, and other THE WORM AND. LEECH TRIBE. 313 bodies. The shell is exuded from the body of the animal just as the covering of a Crustacean is. In the figure one of the animals is stretched up out of its shell, spread- ing forth its delicate gill-tufts which are arranged around its head. It can withdraw itself en- tirely within the tube, and when it does so there is a provision for shutting it up. You see that one of the long filaments is expanded at the end into a flat, circular disk. This is the door which shuts down on the mouth of the tube after the other filaments are all drawn in. 537, There are other animals of this group which, in- stead of having a tubular shell exude from their bodies, form one by connecting ers with a gummy sub- stance from the mouth, pa ek ofshdll, sand, small peb- bles, ete. They are in this respect like the larve of the Caddice-fly, § 459. The Terebella, Fig. 247, does this. It is here represented with its tentacula ex- tending out from the tube. These are used in gathering its food. If you take a Terebella, and, breaking up its tube care- fully, get the animal in its naked state, you can, by placing it in some moist sand, see the process by which it forms a new tube. In doing this it takes each grain into its mouth, and then, turning its head backward, places itin its proper position. E55 The third order is that of the Tetricola, so called because they live in the earth. The Eartitworm works through the ground by insinuating its pointed head be- tween the grains of dirt, pushing itself forward by some Fig. 246.—Group of Serpulz. Fig, 247.—Terebella im its Tube. 314 NATURAL HISTORY. little bristly points which all look backward. There are four pairs of them on each segment. It is on account of these that, while you can pass the finger readily on the worm backward, you can feel resistance on attempting to pass it forward. There are two sets of muscles en- gaged in the movement of the worm—the one longi- tudinal, which, on contracting, short- en the worm; and the other circu- lar, which make the bedy smaller and longer when they contract. In Fig. 248 is a representation of an Earthworm at a, and at a few seg- ments magnified, so as to show the bristles peng backward. The ege of the Worm is curiously con- structed, havjng a valve at one end, 7 as seen at ¢.N At d the young worm has opened the valve, and is coming out. These worms are of great serv- ice to the: farmer and gardener in loosening the earth below the reach of the spade and the plow. “It has been lately shown,” says Carpenter, “that they will even add to the depth of soil, covering barren tracts with a layer of productive mould. Thus, in fields which have been overspread Fig. 248.—Lumbricus Ter’ With lime, burned marl, or cinders, restris, or Earthworm. —_ these substances are in time covered with finely-divided soil, well adapted to the support of vegetation. That this result—which is commonly at- tributed to the ‘working down’ of the materials in question—is really due to the action of the Earthworms, appears from the fact that in the soil thus formed large numbers of ‘ worm-casts’ may be distinguished. These are produced by the digestive process of the worms, which take into their intestinal canal a large quantity of THE WORM AND LEECH TRIBE, 315 ie the soil through i ing they burrow, extract from it the greater part pire e Gecaying vegetable matter it may contain, and reject the rest in a finely-divided state. In this manner a field manured with marl has been covered, in the course of eighty years, with a bed of earth aver- aging thirteen inches in thickness.” 539. The order Suctoria includes the Leech and its al- lies. The Leech is shaped much like the Earthworm, but has a very different mouth, and a different apparatus of locomotion. It has a sucker at each end of its body, and walks quite fast by fixing the anterior sucker, and then moving the posterior one up to it, and throwing the whole body forward from this. Its mode of walking is much like that of the Measnre-worms (§ 479), though its instruments for attachment are different. It can also swim very well by a waving motion of the whole body. Its mouth is in the middle of the cavity of the anterior sucker. In it are three semicircular saws, which make the bite of the Leech. They are so arranged that they work from a central point outward, and make a wound of this A shape. The wound being made, the blood is drawn out by the sucker. 540. The sixth class of the Articulata, that of the Ento- zoa, includes worms that live in the bodies of various an- imals, man among the rest. I will notice of this class only those very singular animals which appear to us like long horse’s hairs, and are called Hairworms. We see them in stagnant water or in moist places; but they are really inhabitants of the bodies of various insects, and only resort to the water to lay their eggs. If taken from the water and left to dry, they become stiff, horny threads, and appear to have no life; but put them into water again, and they are soon restored to activity. “7 541. The remaining class, that ofthe Rotifera, or Wheel Animalcules, contains animals of very minute size, some of them being less than the five hundredth part of an inch in length. Their structure, which is very won- 316 NATURAL HISTORY. derful, can only be seen by the microscope; and this, from their transparency, is easily done. They are most- ly aquatic animals, and have one or two rows of cilia, or hair-like filaments. It is the motion of these that gives the apparent wheel-like rotation from whence their name ei * Questions,—What does the elass Crustacea include? What gives them their name? In what respects are they like insects? In what element do most of them live? What peculiar provision is there in one of the exceptions to this? What is said of the legs of the Crus- tacea? What of their metamorphosis? What of their ring-like ar- rangement? What of the composition of their covering? What is the necessity of its being shed from time to time? Describe the man- ner in which this is done inthe Lobster. How many orders have the Crustacea? What animals are included in the order Decapoda? What are their peculiarities? What is said of the Shrimps and Prawns? What of the Hermit Crabs? What of the Whale Louse? To what order belong the Barnacles and the Acorn-shells? Describe the construction and habits of the Barnacle. What are the charac- teristics of the class Annelida? How many orders has it? What is said of the order Dorsi-branchiata? What gives the name to the Tu- bicola? What is said of the Serpula? What of the Terebella? What is said of the order Terricola? What of the eggs of the Earth- worm? What of the usefulness of those animals? ‘What is said of the order Suctoria? What of the class Entozoa? What of the class Rotifera ? CHAPTER XXXTI. MOLLUSKS. 542. Tur animals of the sub-kingdom of the Mollusca or Mollusks are so named from the Latin word mollis, soft. Their bodies are soft, and moist, and cold, as you see exemplified in the Oyster and the Slug. All animals that live in shells, with some few exceptions, already no- ticed, belong to this sub-kingdom. But some belonging to it have no shelly covering, as the Slug and the Cuttle. fish, and these are said to be naked. MOLLUSKS. 817 543. The Mollusks have no skeleton outside or inside. The shells which some of them have are mere coverings, or houses, as we may callthem. They do not serve, like the bones of the Vertebrates and the armor of the Ar- ticulates, to furnish attachment to the muscles so that they may act. Those Mollusks that lead the stillest life, that is, which use their muscles least, generally have the firmest and thickest shells. 544. The shell is composed of carbonate of lime, with some animal matter, while in the bones of the Vertebrates the mineral portion is the phosphate of lime. In some the mineral part predominates, and the shell is very hard, like porcelain; while in others, as the oyster, there are distinct layers of the mineral matter, with a membrane of animal substance between them. The shell is secreted from the thick skin of the animal, which is called the mantle. It is formed from the blood, and the materials for it are taken in with the food. 545. Shells are of two kinds—those which are in one piece, and those which are in two pieces, with a hinge to keep them together. Mollusks that have the first kind of shell are termed wnivalve, and those which have the second are termed bivalve. Clams and Oysters are fa- miliar examples of bivalves. Two varieties of univalves are represented in Fig. 249. Fig. 249. 546. Shells undergo some changes in form as they grow 318 NATURAL HISTORY. with the growth ofthe animals in them. Sometimes ad ditions are made to them, entirely altering the figure, so that two animals of different ages really of the same spe- cies would hardly. be recognized as such. In Fig. 250 we have at a and & back and front views of the shell ofa Fig. 250. young Mollusk, and at ¢ and d similar views of the shell of the full-grown animal. The addition of the spines bears some analogy to Das addition of horns in some of the Mammalia. PRot. 547. Most of the Mollusca can move about but little, and some none at all. They have but little muscle, and are in this respect in striking contrast with the Articu- lata, which are nearly all muscle (§ 383). It is only where the body is naked (that is, without a shelly covering), or where a portion of the body can be projected out from the opening in the shell, that any active movements can be effected. In many inhabiting bivalve shells there is a fleshy, tongue-like projection called a foot, which in some cases enables the animal to leap; in some is used as 4 boring apparatus; in some acts as a sort of fin for swiin- MOLLUSKS. 819 ming ; and in some produces the byssus, a collection of threads by which the animal attaches itself to rocks and other objects. In most of those which inhabit univalve shells there is no projecting foot; but the under side of the mantle is thickened into a fleshy disk, which by its contractions and expansions effects the progression of the animal, as is seen in the common Snail. Among the Mol- lusks similar to these in structure, but having no shell, the whole mantle is muscular, enabling them to move quite freely, especially those that live in water. In the Cuttle- fish tribe we have the most efficient means of locomotion in the shape of arms, and in some of this group there are fin-like appendages, the arms being quite short. 548. Leading such a sluggish life as most of the Mol- lusks do, their destiny seems to be to grow, by their di- gestive powers, into a well-fatted mass, so that they may be good food for other animals that inhabit the deep, and some of them for man. 549. Almost all of these animals breathe by gills; but some, like the Snails and Slugs, have something like lungs, as they live in air. The blood is nearly colorless, and circulates in a regular system of arteries and veins con- nected with a heart. 550. This sub-kingdom has two grand divisions—the Cephalous Mollusca (xepary, Kephale, head), those which have heads; and the Acephalous, those which are head- less. I will first speak of the Cephalous. All belonging to this division that have shells have those which are univalve. The Cephalous Mollusks are divided into three groups: 1. Cephalopoda, those which have feet arranged in a circular manner around the head. 2. Pteropoda, wing-footed. These have a pair of wing-like expansions of the mantle, which serve as fins, and enable them to swim quite rapidly. This is a small class, but a very in- teresting one. 3. Gasteropoda, belly-footed. These have a single broad foot on the under surface of the body. The first two classes belong entirely to the sea;. but this O02 320 NATURAL HISTORY. class has some species that live in fresh water, and some even that live on land. I will notice each of these groups. 551. Of the Cephalopoda, the only few existing species that have a shelly covering are the Argonauts and the Pearly Nautilus. There are, however, many fossil shells found which jugt have belonged to animals of this group. The Ammonites, commonly called Snake Stones, of which a speci- men is given: in Fig. 251, are the most abunddnt of these, there hay- ing been described over five hund- red species. These are found in various kinds of rocks, and are of various sizes, some reaching a di- ameter of even four feet. 552. The arms of some of the Cephalopods are very long. This is the case with the Cuttle-fish, one of the most singular of animals, seen in Fig. 252. Its body is Fig. 251.—Ammonite. Fig. 252.—Cuttle-fish. soft, and is covered only with a leathery skin. From around its mouth extend eight long arms, which have on them great numbers of little suckers, by which it can MOLLUSKS. 321 cling to rocks or retain its hold upon its prey. It has a powerful parrot-like beak, with which it can crush the shell-fish and the crustacea that it captures. It can man- age even a large Crab in this way. Winding its long arms around it, and holding it, both body and claws, with its numerous suckers, it deliberately crushes its various parts with its strong mandibles, and picks out the flesh. In the Indian seas this animal attains so large a size as to be a dangerous enemy even to man. The color called sepia comes from the Cuttlefish. It is used by the ani- mal for darkening the water with an inky cloud, that it may more easily escape from a pursuing enemy. The so-called euttle-fish bone is a chalky substance secreted from the mouth of the fish, and is composed of almost in- numerable plates united by myriads of little pillars. (553. The Argonaut, Fig. 253, called the Paper Nau- tilus, from its thin, white, delicate shell, has, like the Cuttle- fish, eight arms with suckers. Two of these are expanded into broad membra- nous flaps. From ear- ly times it has been said that this animal uses its membranous arms for saiis, and its other arms for oars. It has been found, however, that the membranes are not used at all as sails, butare usually spread over the sides of the shell, meeting along its keel. It is from them, and not from the surface of the body, that the calcareous secretion is poured forth for the enlarge. Fig. 253.—Argonaut, or Paper Nautilus. 822 NATURAL HISTORY. ment or reparation of the shell. It is by the action of the arms as oars, and by the forcing out of water from the gill-chambers, that the animal can swim. Both the Argonaut and the Cuttle-fish use their arms as feet to walk along on the bottom of the sea. 554. The Pearly Nautilus is so called from the “ nacre,” or mother-of-pearl with which its shell is lined. It is found on most shores between the tropics. It is pecul- iar in having many separate chambers in its shell, in only one of which, the largest and the outermost, the animal lives. It has a connection, however, with the other cham- bers by a membranous tube called the siphuncle. It is supposed that the animal, when it wishes to sink in the water, can force some water into this siphuncle, thus in- creasing its specific gravity; and that the reverse takes place when it wishes to rise. Some doubt this, and con- sider the design of the siphuncle and the chambered structure as yet a mystery. 555. The Pteropoda, or wing-footed Mollusks, consti- tute a small and aberrant group. The animals included in it may be considered as having the same place in the Molluscous kingdom that the Birds have in the Verte- brate and the Insects in the Articulate. They fly in the water, having for the purpose a pair of fin-like organs, or wings, which are an expansion of the mantle on each side of the neck. Though the number of species in this group is small, the number of individuals in some of the species is often enormous in some localities. Some have a shell and some have not. 556. The Clio Borealis, Fig. 254, one of the best known of this class of Mollusks, is very abundant in the arctic seas, and is one of the principal articles of food of the ‘Whalebone Whales ($ 192). These little animals are sometimes so numerons that the Whale can not open its mouth without ingulfing thousands of them. The Clio has eyes, which, though exceedingly small, are very per- fect in their organization. It has powerful jaws armed MOLLUSES. 323 Fig. 254.—Clio Borealis. with teeth, calculated to tear in pieces the minute ani- mals on which it feeds. It has also a very effective ap- paratus for securing its prey, consisting of six tentacula of a reddish color. On examining one of these with a microscope, this color is found to be occasioned by red points arranged with great regularity. On magnifying these still farther, each point is seen to be a collection of about twenty suckers on the ends of as many stalks. Each collection is in a sort of sheath, and can be pro- truded from it. There are on all the tentacula about three hundred and sixty thousand of these suckers, con- stituting an apparatus for prehension more extensive, in proportion to the size of the animal, than any other to be found in the whole animal kingdom, Questions. —What is the significance of the name of the third sub- kingdom of animals? What are naked Mollusks? What is said of the use of the covering which most of them have? Of what is it composed? What is said of the proportions of the constituents? How is the shell formed? What are the two kinds of shells? What is said of the changes which shells undergo in growing? Whatis said of the locomotion of Mollusks? What is said of the foot, and its various uses? What is the byssus? What provision for locomotion is there in most of the Mollusks that inhabit bivalve shells? What in those that are similar in structure, but have no shell? What is the special destiny of Mollusks? What is said of their breathing apparatus? What of their blood, and its circulation? ‘What are the two grand divisions of Mollusks? What are the groups in the first division, and their characteristics? Of the Cephalopods, what shelly species exist at the present time? What is said of the Ammonites? Describe the structure and habits of the Cuttle-fish. What is sepia? What 324 NATURAL HISTORY. is Cuttle-fish bone? What is said of the Argonaut? What of the Pearly Nautilus? What is said of the Pteropod group? What of the Clio Borealis ? CHAPTER XXXII. MOLLUSKS — continued. 557. Tue class of Gasteropoda is mostly composed of Mollusks that live in a wnivalve shell, which is usually of a spiral shape. You have two different forms of the spiral in Fig. 249, page 317. Some of the species, as the Slug, are naked or destitute of shell. There is, however, in these, sometimes a small shell, generally imbedded in the mantle, just over the cavity which contains the lungs. The body of the Gasteropods is terminated in front with more or less of a head, having fleshy tentacula, varying from two to six in number. The back is covered with a mantle which secretes the shell. On the under side of the animal is the fleshy mass called the foot. In those which have a shell, all the body remains in it except the head and the foot. These project beyond it when the animal expands them for walking, but they can be with- drawn into the first turns of the shell at pleasure. In most of the aquatic Gasteropods there is on the foot a plate of horny substance, which shuts over the opening Fig. 255.—Limnea Stagnalis, MOLLUSKS. 825 in the shell after the head and the foot are drawn in. In Fig. 255 you see one of these animals with the head and the foot out of the shell. 558. Many of the Gasteropods are remarkable for an abundant supply of flinty teeth. Sometimes these are on the palate, and in some species even the stomach has teeth scattered over its inner surface. The tongue, in some, is remarkable for its length, and for the teeth which are all along on its upper surface. The tongue of the common Limpet, Fig. 256, is an example. It is from two to three inches long, and this is longer than the whole an- imal. When not in use, it is turned backward down into the stomach. It is spoon- shaped at the end. In its whole extent it is armed with rows of teeth, four in each row, and between each two rows there are two three- pointed teeth. These two sets of teeth are represented in a magnified portion of the tongue in the figure. The part of the tongue toward its root generally has its edges turned over so as to meet, thus making a tube. The whole instrument is therefore an efficient rasper, and also a proboscis. 559. Of the Gasteropoda, some are terrestrial and some live in fresh water, but most of them are found in the sea. The terrestrial Gasteropods are Snails and Slugs. In the common Slug there is a prominent head with four tentacula, which can be drawn inward by a process like the inversion of the finger of a glove. At the ends of the longer pair of the tentacula are the eyes. On the back there is a kind of shield formed by the mantle, Fig. 256.—Limpet's Tongue. 3826 NATURAL HISTORY. which usually incloses a small shell. This shield is over the breathing apparatus (§ 557), and the head can be so drawn in as to be under it. The Snails have very much the same shape and arrangement with the Slug, except that they have a shell into which they can withdraw the whole body. The common Snail, Fig. 257, lays eggs, which are very large in comparison with the size of the ani- mal. They are of the size of a small pea, and are depos- ited in the ground 2B about two inches beluw the surface. 560. A few of the Gasteropods that, like the Snails and Slugs, breathe with lungs, are yet aquatic in their habits. But, like other aquatic animals that have lungs, as the Whales, they are obliged every now and then to come to the surface to get air. Among these are the Pond Snails, a species of which is represented in Fig. 255, page 324. These Mol- lusks, and those which are terrestrial, the Slugs and the Snails, are included in an order by themselves, as having lungs—the order Pulmonifera. 561. The second order of the Gasteropods includes all those which have gills instead of lungs, and also have a shell, usually of a spiral form. This order is much larger than the others, and presents a great variety of beautiful shell-coverings. Some of them have siphons to introduce water into the cavities where the gills are, so that the animal can breathe without putting its body out from the shell. There is a little notch always to be observed in the shell where this siphon passes out. 562. Of the many varieties of the hells of these Gas- teropods I will notice but afew. In Fig. 249, page 317, on the left, is an example of the Turbinide, or Whorl fam- Fig. £57.—Snail MOLLUSKS. 327 ily, called the Royal Staircase Wentletrap. This is found in the Chinese and Indian Seas. It is so costly—a fine specimen commanding, even now, four or five pounds sterling—that the specific name attached to it is pretiosa, precious. In the same figure is a specimen from the very extensive Cone family. In Fig. 258 the large shell is that Fig. 258. of a Whelk, belonging to a family which, from the shape of the shells, is called Buecinide, from duccinum, a trum- pet. The famous Tyrian purple was obtained from one of this family. In the same figure is the little Cowry, which is a current coin among the natives of Bengal, Siam, and many parts of Africa. In Bengal, 3200 of these shells are reckoned equal to a rupee, or about two shillings of English money. In 1849 about three hund- red tons of them were imported into Liverpool, designed to be used in the African trade. One of the most beautiful of the shells which are armed with spines is the Thorny Woodcock, Fig. 259, sometimes called Venus’ Comb. Fig. 259.—Thorny Woodcock. 828 NATURAL HISTORY. 563. There is a third order of the Gasteropods, in which the gills are not in a covered cavity or chamber, as they are in the second order, but they either stand out on the back, or are more or less concealed at the sides in folds of the mantle. Some of them have shells, but most have not. I will give but a single example, the Glaucus, Fig. 260, found in the Mediterranean. and Indian Seas. \ LZ The hues of these beautiful dy, oa file ==— animals are azure blue and sil- SS. ; SS C= ver. The gills form two or three large tufts on each side, EE which, besides being the = breathing apparatus of the an- imal, are also its instruments fe af 564. We now tomié to the Fig. 260.—Glaucus Atlanticus, second grand division of the Mollusks—the Acephalous or Headless Mollusks. These may be divided into two groups: 1. Those which have shells, called the Conchiferous, or shell-bearing. 2. Those which are covered with a leathery or membranous tunic, called the Tunicated. 565. The shells of almost all the Conchifera are bivalve. This group includes the Oysters, Clams, Mussels, Scal- lops, ete. The shell is exuded or secreted from the man- tle, and is in different layers, as may be seen in the shell of the Oyster. The outermost layer is the smallest, and as the animal grows, each layer is a little larger than the one outside of it. The two parts or valves of the shell are joined together by a hinge. Near this hinge is an elastic ligament, which allows the valves to be a little apart, which is their natural position, admitting the wa- ter freely to the mouth of the giils. When the animal wishes to shut the valves closely, it does so by means of a muscle. Sometimes there are two muscles for this purpose. 566. That you may understand the plan of the organs MOLLUSKS. 829 of these animals, I will give you the anatomy of one of them in Fig. 261. One of the valves is removed: You he. 3 3 3 5 ; 3 ee | 3 So #3 3 6 BP &S 2 oa4 8 63 <4 a 8 6 BA aa Fn : sete Wb My r w py 7 y yo wyhae f wn Ns 1 ey Ny. are Anterior Foot .. \ Ganglia. -\~ Liver. | Heart. Intestine. Stomach. Nerves. ~ Shell. Stomach, Intestine. Posterior Ganglion, Gills. Posterior Muscle, Mantle. Respiratory Tubes. Fig. 261.—Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusk. see the mantle, fringed all around its edge. This lines the whole shell, and covers the animal. It is its skin. You see the two muscles that, by their contraction, bring the valves together, and the fleshy foot, which can be made to protrude when the valves are left to go apart by the action of the elastic ligament. This foot, which is 330 NATURAL HISTORY. the only locomotive organ that the animal has, serves, in different species, a variety of purposes, sometimes ena- bling the animal to leap, sometimes being used to bore into sand or mud, and sometimes only serving to fix the animal to some solid support. In some there proceed from this foot a band of hair-like filaments, called the byssus. While fastened to some object by these fila- ments, the animal may have some considerable motion within certain limits. The gills have two respiratory or breathing tubes connected with them, by one of which the water passes into the gills, and by the other passes out. The water is made thus to go in and out by fine cilia in the gills and on the surface of these tubes, which keep up a coustant waving or fanning motion. There are certain nerves, you see, branching about, and they are connected with two pairs of ganglia, or little brains. The nervous system is very limited, for the animal has little need of either thinking, feeling, or motion. 567. The Jateral symmetry, so thoroughly observed in the construction of the Vertebrates and the Articulates, which was forsaken to some extent in the Cephalous Mol- lusks, is in the Acephalous entirely given up. In them there are no two corresponding halves of the body. 568. The Conchifera we divide into two sections—the first including those that have not siphons, and the sec- ond those that have them. To the first section belong the Oysters, Scallops, Pearl Oysters, ete. The shell of the Oyster has two unequal valves. One of these bulges out more than the other, and it is by this that it is fast- ened to rocks, or pieces of wood, or to other Oysters. The structure of this animal is even more simple than that sketched in Fig. 261. It has ne foot; for, as it is fixed by its shell in one spot, it needs none. Oysters are very prolific animals, forming immense Janks, and thus providing quite largely for the sustenance of man. “ But man,” says Carpenter, ‘‘is by no means the only enemy to the Oyster. Its body serves as food to many marine MOLLUSKS, 331 animals, which have various modes of getting at it, in Spite of its shelly defense. From some of these it can secure itself by closing its valves as soon as it is alarmed ; and against others it has a more active means of defense in the violent expulsion of the water included between them, which (as it is itself fixed) will frequently drive off its opponent. Various animals ‘attack it, also, by perfo- rating its shell; and to these, also, it can offer a passive resistance, by depositing new shelly matter within. So that even this lowly-organized being, commonly regard- ed as one of the most vegetative of animals, is provided by its Creator with such means as are necessary for its preservation, and doubtless, also, for its enjoyment.” 569. Pearl Oysters, from which pearls are obtained, are found both in the Old and New World. Ceylon is famous for its pearl fisheries. Pearls are globules of “ nacre,” which chances to be deposited in this form, in- stead of being spread out over the inner surface of the shell; it being in the latter case called mother-of-pearl. The Pearl Oyster is not the only animal from which pearls can be obtained. They are often found in other shells. 570. The Pectens, or Scallops, of which a species is given in Figure 262, are distin- guished by the regular ribs of the shell, and by the two angu lar projections that widen the sides of the hinge. They have a small foot, and some species have a byssus. In some the shell is beautifully colored. 571. Among those Conchif- erous Acephala that have si- ie phons are the Clam-shells, the Big; 203. Scallop. Cockles, etc. Among the Clam- shells is one which is the largest known Mollusk. It is the Tridacna, or Giant Clam-shell, found only in the In. 332 NATURAL HISTORY. dian and Australian waters. There is a pair of these shells in the Church of St, Sulpice, in Paris, used as re- ceptacles of holy water, which weigh over five hundred pounds. The common Clam belongs to a different group, the Veneraceez. The foot of these, of the Cockles, and of the Pholadacex, the group to which the Teredo be- longs, is used mostly for burrowing. Most of them bur- row in sand or mud, some in rocks, and some in wood. Those that burrow or bore in hard substances can not do this with the foot. It is done with a sort of rasping operation of the edges of the shell, the foot answering in this case only as a means of holding on while the animal bores. The Teredo, by this boring operation, is largely destructive to ship bottoms, piles, etc. Holland has been sometimes threatened with an inundation by the destruc- tion. of dikes by this little Mollusk. *“ 572, One of the most interesting of the Mollusks which burrow in sand is the Razor-shell, so called from its length. It can burrow very rapidly, and therefore it is quite dif- ficult to catch it. It bores in the sand with its foot, which it can elongate so as to make it quite pointed. Its burrow is recognized by the little jet of water which it throws out when it is alarmed. Ifa little salt be thrown upon its hole it will make its appearance, but one must be quick in his movements to catch it before it can get out of sight again. Its mode of burrowing is very curi- ous. It puts its foot into a dagger-shape, as represented at a in Fig. 263, and thrusts it down- C2 ward in the sand. Now it gives it the shape of a bell-clapper, as at 8, and the end furnishing it a hold in the sand, it moves its body forward a b! \ by shortening the foot. By repeated Fig. 263. movements of this kind it gets along quite rapidly in the loose sand. 573. What is stated in the previous paragraph exem- plifies one of the many modes in which the foot of Mol- MOLLUSKS. 333 lusks is used. Some, thrusting it out, attach it to some support, and. then, by contracting it, pull themselves along. Some use it to push themselves forward, as a man in a boat pushes himself from the shore with his oar, And some, by bending the foot and then quickly straight- ening it, leap forward. There is a little Mollusk, the Ianthina, or Oceanic Snail, Fig. 264, which has attach} SSR aT OL TET TT = BEE Sasa ssas se =a +3 SIE Sg OSS SS ITA are en ERT TEE ann rf ris Fig. 264.—Ianthina with its raft. to its foot a raft of singular construction. It is made of numberless vesicles, @, filled with air. Its purpose is to float the eggs, 6. You see at c the gills of this little an- imal, and at d its tentacles and eye-stalks. The Ianthina is often met with in great numbers in companies in the open sea. In rough weather much damage is often done to their beautiful floats, and sometimes they are wholly oo 4, The Tunicata form an aberrant group of the Mol- lusea, verging, in their organization, toward the Radiata, the only remaining sub-kingdom to be noticed. Although it would be interesting to consider this group, I shall pass it by. I shall also omit another class, the Polyzoa, for- merly supposed to belong to the Radiates, but recently ascertained to belong to the Mollusks. Questions. —In what do the Gasteropods mostly live? What is said of the form of their shells? What is said of the naked Gasteropods ? Describe the structure of these animals. What is said of their teeth? Describe the structure of the Limpet’s tongue. What are the terres- trial Gasteropods? Describe the common Slug. Describe the com- mon Snail. What is said of the Pond Snails? What are included in the order of Gasteropods called Palmonifera? What is said of the 334 NATURAL HISTORY. order whose animals breathe by gills? What is said of the Whorl family? What of the family called Buccinidse ? What is said of the Cowry? What is said of the thifd order of Gasteropods? What are the two groups of Acephalous Mollusks? What are the shells of the Conchiferous group? What does it include? In what way is the shell formed? How are the two valves united? How moved? What is the anatomy of the Acephala? What is said of the symime- try of these animals? What are the two sections of the Conchifera ? What is said of the Oyster? What of the Pearl Oysters? What of the Pectens? What are among the Conchifera that have siphons? What is said of the Tridacna? What is said of the Cockles, the Veneraces, and the Pholadacew? What of the Teredo? What of the Razor-shell? What is said of the various ways in which the foot is used by Mollusks? What is said of the Ocean Snails? What is said of the Tunicata ? CHAPTER XXXIV. RADIATES. 575. Wer now come to the last sub-kingdom—that of the Radiates. The arrangement of structure here is, in many respects, entirely different from that of the other sub-kingdoms. There is a lateral symmetry of form in the Vertebrates and the Articulates. While this is most- ly abandoned in the Mollusks, in the Radiates it is ex- changed for another symmetry of a wholly different char- acter—a symmetry of rays arranged circularly. It is therefore akin to that of plants. Indeed, many of the animals of this sub-kingdom were formerly supposed to be plants, and are now, from the resemblance referred to, called plant-animals. 576. This resemblance may be very distinctly seen in the Actinize, or Sea Anemones, of which there are many species. The structure of these is very singular. There is a bread, flat, muscular base, of a circular shape, by which the animal adheres firmly to a rock. From this base rises a rounded body, on the top of which there is an orifice, which is more or less open according to cir- RADIATES, 335 cumstances. The animal can close this opening entirely. Around this mouth of the animal are arranged rows of tentacula, extending out like rays when the mouth is open, and giving the creature the appearance of a flower with its spread petals. Fig. 265 shows Sea Anemones in Fig. 265.—Actiniz, or Sea Anemones, three different states. The upper one has the mouth closed and the tentacles drawn in, and the animal pre- sents almost a hemispherical form. The one just below on the rock is partly opened; and another, under the wa- ter, is fully expanded, looking like a flower. 577. The mouth of the Actinia conducts to a stomach which may be said to be very large in proportion to the whole body. The office of the tentacles is to catch the prey of the animal, and force it into this cavity. Fig. 266 represents one of these ani- mals cut open, showing the stom- ach at a. At 0 are certain cavi- ties or chambers, which are all -@ around the stomach. These chambers all communicate with each other, and also with the Fig. 266. tentacles, which are tubular. 336 NATURAL HISTORY. Water is taken into the chambers by these tubes, and then is forced out, through these same tubes, in jets, with such force, often, as to rise to the height of a foot or more. The chief office of these chambers seems to be to expose the blood of the animal to the air in the water. In other words, they are the gills, or the breathing appa- ratus. These animals are found on all coasts, commonly on rocks, where they can be a part of the time under the water and a part of the time out of it. Their habits I shall refer to again hereafter. 578, The radiate arrangement so manifest in the Sea Anemones and in the Starfigh (§ 17) is not seen so plain- ly in many of the other animals of this sub-kingdom; and some of the orders are quite aberrant. In some there is a considerable approach to the Articulata. The Star- fishes and the Sea Anemones are among the type families of the Radiates. 579. Some of the animals of this sub-kingdom have the power of moving about, but most of them, in conformity with their plant-like character, are stationary during a part or the whole of their existence. In muscular appa- ratus, therefore, most of the Radiates, like the Mollusks, are in strong contrast with the Articulates. 580. There is a resemblance to vegetables in still other respects besides those already mentioned. When any parts of these animals are lost by accident, they are gen- erally replaced by a new growth. Besides, there is often a new animal produced entire by a sort of budding from some part. And even farther than this, in some portions of this kingdom the animals are arranged in companies, like the parts of a plant, on a common stalk or trunk. 581. None of these animals have any thing like a head, and they have only the senses of touch and taste. The senses of sight, hearing, and smell, so far as we can see, are wholly absent. For the arrangement of the nervous system, I refer you to § 18. 582. As in most of the Radiates there is a small amount RADIATES. 337 of muscle, there is a very remarkable structure which seems in some respects to take its place. This structure, though found to a considerable extent in other animals, is present to an extraordinary degree in the Radiates. It is the ciliary structure alluded to in § 566. Cilia are fine hair-like filaments which cover the surface of many membranes, and fringe their edges. They are quite reg- ularly arranged, sometimes in straight rows, and some- times spirally or in circles. They have a motion which, in some cases, is obedient to the will of the animal, but in others is independent of the will. When in motion each filament bends from the root to its point, straight- ening out again, like a stalk of grain acted upon by the wind; and we have, therefore, when many of them are in motion, an appearance like the successive waves in a field of grain as the wind blows over it. This motion can be seen only by the aid of the microscope. It is beautifully displayed in the gills of the Oyster. The object of this movement is to produce currents in the fluid in contact with the membrane. These currents serve various pur- poses, as, for example, to bring food within the reach of the tentacles, and to carry fresh portions of water through the respiratory apparatus. For this latter purpose cilia cover the membranes lining the chambers in the Actiniz ($577). Cilia are needed in those animals which are most stationary, and in them, therefore, they are most manifest. 588. We divide this sub-kingdom into three classes: 1. Echino-dermata (exivoc, echings, a sea-urchin; depya, derma, skin), prickJe-skinned anitnals. 2. Acalephs (axa- Anon, akalephe, a nettle), Sea-nettles, or Jelly-fishes. 3. Phytozoa (¢irov, phyton, a plant; Zdov, zdon, an animal), commonly called Polyps. These are fixed, like plants, and have flexible arms about the mouth, as seen in the Sea Anemone, Fig. 266. 584, One of the Echinoderms, the Starfish, I noticed in the first chapter (§ 17). It merits here, however, a more particular description. It is only the upper side of 338 NATURAL HISTORY. the animal which is represented in Fig.9. On its under side are great numbers of little feet. With these it walks along on the bottom of the sea, searching for food, which it puts into its mouth, this being in the centre of the star on the under side. These feet are fleshy, and are hollow tubes, like the tentacles of the Actinie (§ 577). They are so shaped that they can be used as suckers, and the animal can shorten and lengthen them at pleasure. It is by pumping water into and out of them that the suction is effected. In walking, the suckers are some of them thrown’ forward, and, taking hold of the surface on which the an- imal is, and then shortening, they draw it forward. It can walk up the side of a smooth rock in this way. The operation can be seen by placing one of these animals in a glass vessel filled with water. If you place a Starfish in your hand on its back, that is, with its feet upward, you will see these little suckers reaching forth in all di- rections; and if you look at them with a magnifying glass, you will observe a ring-like arrangement in each sucker as it lengthens out, quite as plainly as you see it in a common worm. 585. These animals not only walk with these suckers, but they seize their prey with them. They are carniv- orous and rapacious; and in taking their prey they fasten their suckers to it, and work it up to the central mouth, which is opened wide to receive it. 586. Besides the motion of the suckers, the five arms en which these are can be moved also in various direc- tions. In some species there are little red spots at the ends of the rays, which are supposed by some to be eyes; but this is very doubtful. 587. The order Stellerida, to which the Starfish be- longs, includes a large variety of animals having a gen- eral resemblance, but varying in the relative proportion of the body and the rays, and the arrangements of the latter. In some species there is little else but arms, while in others the central part is large. RADIATES, 339 588. The Sea Egg, as it is commonly called, is the crust or shell of a spiny or prickle-skinned animal, stripped of its spines. In Fig. 267 you see this animal, called an Fig. 267.—Shell of Echinus, or Sea Urchin; on the right side covered with spines; on the left the spines removed. -Echinus, with the spines removed from half of it. These spines are curiously jointed with the shell. There is a round projection of the shell at the root of each spine, upon which the spine works with its cup-like cavity, mak- ing a regular ball and socket joint. These projections every one must have noticed arranged with such beauti- ful regularity on the Sea gg. There are the same tubu- lar feet as in the Starfish, but much larger, and therefore more efficient in taking prey. In walking, while the suckers are the moving power, the animal is carried for- ward on the spines, these acting after the manner of a crutch. The animal inside of this singular shell has a stomach, a respiratory apparatus, intestines, etc. Its ‘mouth has quite formidable teeth. Small Crustacea and Mollusca are its chief food. 589. The shell is made up of small plates, and, as the animal grows, each one of these plates is made larger by increase at its edge. . The growth is like that of the cov- 340 NATURAL HISTORY. ering of the Turtle. Ifit were not for this arrangement the animal would be obliged to leave its shell occasion- ally, and have, like the Lobster, a new covering formed. 590. The Echini (plural of Echinus) are generally found on sandy shores. Here they make hollows with their spines, and in them lie in wait for their prey. As they do this they let their tubular feet play about, and when any Mollusk or Crustacean happens to hit a sucker, it is at once captured, many suckers taking hold of it, and passing it to the mouth to be crushed, and thrust into the stomach. 591. Many of these animals have a powerful and com- plex masticating apparatus. It consists of five hard, sharp teeth, worked by strong muscles. These teeth are attached to bony jaws, and the whole apparatus has twen- ty-five pieces, moved by thirty-five distinct muscles. It is a powerful mill, reducing to fragments the Crustacea and Mollusks which the tentacula capture and force into it. 592. The most singular of all the facts in regard to the Echini is the mode of their development. There comes out of the egg an animal covered with cilia, and by the waving movement of these, it swims freely about in the water. At first it is globular, but it soon acquires a py- ramidal form, having a stomach opening below. At the same time there are formed four slender, bony rods in the four angles of the pyramid, meeting together at the top. There are some cross-pieces, also, on the sides of the pyramid, connecting the rods together. All this time the animal is moving about by means of the cilia, which are all over its outside. It is a sort of pyramidal tent sailing about. Inside of this the real animal is at length formed, and, at the same time, the tent-portion of the original animal wastes away. The stomach of the animal that comes out of the egg is the only part which remains through all this metamorphosis. . . ,, .. , } 593, There are two orders of the Echinoderms which are quite aberrant. One is that of the Crinoidea, which RADIATES. 341 derives its name from the lily-like form which some of its species present. Most of the species are extinct, but they are found in their fossil state abundantly in limestone and some other rocks. The other aberrant order is that in which are those animals that are called by sailors Sea Cucumbers, from their resemblance in form and in sur- face to the cucumber of our gardens. 594. The second class of the Radiata is that of the Acalephs. These animals are called Sea Nettles and, Stangfishes, from the stinging sensation which nearly all of them can inflict on being touched. They are also call- ed Jelly-fishes, from their great softness. Most of their bulk is merely water. Though one may weigh even many pounds when first taken from the water, when it has lost all its fluid parts it will weigh only as many grains. There are many species, some being no larger than the head of a pin, and some being of very consider- able size. . 595. One of the most common of these animals is the Medusa. This is often seen in great multitudes floating along near the shore in a calm, bright day. You see the shape and usual position of the animal in Fig. 268, B. Fig. 268. Its body is umbrella-shaped, with a fringe around its edge. It is by a waving motion of this umbrella that it moves along in the water. Its mouth is in the centre of the under surface, and from around it hang down four leaf-like tentacula, which are both feelers and craspers 342 NATURAL HISTORY, ofits prey. These tentacula carry the food to the mouth, The stinging power possessed by them is probably of service in overcoming its prey, like the poison of the Scorpions and other insects. At A you see tbe under surface, showing the mouth in the middle. The resem- blance in arrangement to the Actinie is very obvious, the chief difference being that, in the one group, the mouth is above, while in the other it is on the under sur- face. The Meduse often reach a considerable size. It is said that they have been seen of three or four feet in diameter, and of even sixty pounds weight. Although they are such watery animals, they eat solid food, for in their stomachs have been found small Crustacea, Mol lusks, and even Fishes. 596. The Acalephs generally float near the surface of the water, and sometimes are seen in great abundance basking in the sun, and reflecting its rays in such a man- ner as to make a play of the most brilliant colors. The phosphorescence sometimes seen in the sea is owing chiefly to small Acalephz. Carpenter thus describes the beauty of this phenomenon as witnessed in the warmer latitudes: “The whole surface of the ocean displays a diffused luminosity, like that of the Milky Way on a clear night. The path of the ship is marked by a brilliant line of glowing light. The waves, as they gently curl over one another (this phenomenon is never seen with a rough sea), break into brilliant spangles. The oars of a boat rowing over them seem dripping with pearls when raised from the water, and every stroke is marked with a new line of brightness. -And amid this general splendor, va- ried forms of more glowing lustre are seen*to move— some like ribbons of flame, some like globes of fire, some gently gliding through the still ocean, others more rap- idly moving just beneath its surface.” 597. To the Ciliograde order of Acalephs belongs the common Beroe, Fig. 269, which is thus described by Dr. Harvey, an English naturalist: ‘This little creature is Fig. 269.—Beroe. RADIATES. 843 met with in summer on most parts of the coast, swimming near the surface, and may readily be taken in a gauze drag-net. It has a melon- shaped body, from half an inch to nearly an inch in length, clear as crystal, and divided, as it were, into gores by eight longitudinal equidistant bands or ribs. These ribs, when minutely examined, are found clothed with innumerable flat plates resembling the paddles of a water-wheel placed one above another, and acting under the control of the will of the animal. When the Beroe wishes to move, these paddles are set in motion, and by their united action ov the water propel the liv- ing globe of crystal, with a swift and easy motion, for- ward o1 backward, as it wills; and when it wishes to turn, it merely stops the movement of the paddles on one side. The cilia, in sunlight, reflect brilliant prismatic colors, and in darkness flash with a beautiful blue light, Delicate as are its organs of motion, the fishing appara- ‘tus of the Beroe is not less elegant. This consists of two long and exceedingly slender tentacula, five or six inches in length when fully extended, but capable of being whol- ly drawn within the body of the creature, where they are lodged in tubular ADRES To the long filament is at. 2 344 NATURAL HISTORY. tached, at regular distances, a multitude of shorter and much more slender fibres, which are coiled up in spirals when the main filament contracts, and gradually spread out as it lengthens. These are very similar to the small hooked threads attached at intervals along a fishing-line.” Questions.—-What is said of the symmetry of the Radiates? What of the structure of the Actinie ? What is the office of the chambers around the stomach? What are the type-families among the Radi- ates? What is said of the locomotion of the Radiates? What of their resemblance to vegetables? What of their senses and nervous system? What are their cilia? Describe their mode of action. What purposes do they effect? What are the three classes-of Radi- ates? What is the structure of the Starfish ? In what way does it walk? How does it take its prey? What is said of the motion of its arms? What is said of the order Stellerida? What is the struc-~ ture of the Echinus? How does it walk? What is the plan of its shell, and how does it grow? Where are the Echini found, and what are their habits? What is said of their masticating apparatus ? What is the mode of their development? What is said of two aber- rant orders of Echinoderms? What animals constitute the second class of Radiates? What are their peculiarities? What is said of the Meduse ? How are they like the Actinise, and how unlike them? Where are the Acalephs generally seen? What is said of the phos- phorescence of the sea? What is said of the Beroe ? CHAPTER XXXvV. RADIATES — continued. 598, Wx come now to a class of Radiates including animals which are, with some few exceptions, entirely different from those of the classes already considered in relation to locomotion. Most of the Echinoderms crawl; some of them, and all the Acalephs, swim; but the Pol- ypes are, for the most part, like plants, fixed to the spot where they begin life. The older botanists described these animals as plants, and arranged them with sea- weeds and mosses. The Sea Anemone was considered a flower, and the analogous beings found in coral and mad- RADIATES. 345 repore were spoken of as blossoms of stony plants. It is now about a century since their animal character was really admitted by naturalists; and it is only quite re- cently that their structure and habits have been thor- oughly investigated. 599. The Polypes, or Zoophytes, have the most simple construction of all animals, but they differ from each oth- er in the degree of their simplicity. The most simple of ell are the Hydras—little Polypes which you can find in stagnant waters. In Fig. 270 you have a representation of one of these. The smaller figure shows it of the natural size. It is a simple sac or purse-like animal, with a mouth, and tentacula arranged around the mouth. With these tenta- cles or arms the animal catches its prey, and puts it into its stomach through the mouth, a. In its general shape, and in the working of the arms, it is much like the Cuttle-fish (§ 550). Its tentacles are, however, armed in a very different manner. They have neither suckers, like Fig, 270.—Hydra, those of the Cuttlefish, nor cil- ia, like those of many animals, but minute bristles, and sharp, firm spines, curiously arranged. These spines are concealed in wart-like processes when they are not in use, but they can at any time be thrust out, just as the claws of a carnivorous animal are protruded from their concealment when their services are needed. 600. When the Hydra is searching for prey, it allows its tentacles to float about in the water, its body being fastened by a sucker to some solid substance. If a Crus- tacean or an aquatic worm happens to hit one of them, the arm is immediately thrown around it, as you see in 346 NATURAL HISTORY. the figure, the spines being forced out to make sure the hold. Ifthe animal caught be of sufficient size to require it, the other arms are thrown around it also, and the vic tim is conveyed to the stomach. It has been observed that soft-bodied animals, if held for a little while in the arms without being swallowed, always die, even when released alive; from which it is inferred that the spines convey a poisonous secretion into the bodies of the prey, as do the fang of a serpent and the sting of a bee. As the Hydra can not do this to Crustaceans or any hard- shelled animals, they do not die at once on being swal- lowed; and so thin is the texture of the Hydra, that the outlines of these animals can be seen as they move about inside. 601. The Hydra has some power of locomotion. When it wishes to change its place, it does it with a movement like that of the Geometrical Caterpillars (§ 479). Bend- ing its body forward, and taking hold either by its mouth or its tentacles, it raises its sucker, and advances it. Then, fastening itself again by this, it carries forward again the upper part of its body and the tentacles, and _thus slowly moves to the desired spot. It takes several hours to march two inches in this way, and seven or eight inches may be regarded as a good day’s journey. But sometimes the Hydra gets along faster by executing a series of somersets, fastening himself by his tentacles, and then throwing his body forward. It sometimes, also, manages to sail along by a curious contrivance. It raises its flat sucker above the surface of the water, and letting it become dry, it acts as a sort of float, the animal hang- ing down in the water. In this way it can sail over con- siderable distances, either carried along by the wind blow- ing on the float, or by the tentacles acting as paddles. Though there is little of positive sensation in this animal, and therefore but a low degree of enjoyment, it undoubt edly considers this ingenious way of sailing as one of its best sports. RADIATES. 347 602. The Hydra is nothing but a stomach with tenta- cles attached to it. It cam be turned inside out like a glove, and fare as well as before, showing that there is little, if any difference between what may be called its skin and its inside lining. Trembley, the first discoverer of the Hydre, once witnessed a very singular circum- stance: “Two Polypes had seized upon the same animal; both had partially succeeded in swallowing it; when the largest put an end to the dispute by swallowing its op- ponent, as well as the subject of contention. Trembley naturally regarded so tragical a termination of the affray as the end of the swallowed Polype’s existence; but he was mistaken; for, after the devourer and his captive had digested the prey between them, the latter was re- gurgitated, safe and sound, and apparently no worse for the imprisonment.” 603. Hydras are produced in two ways. One is by seeds or eggs. These are thrown out by the animal in the autumn in the form of gelatinous globules, and in the following spring Hydras come from them, and, fastening themselves to some stick or other solid substance, begin their quiet but predaceous life. Another mode of pro- duction is by buds, thus allying these animals in a marked manner to plants. Buds at first appear as slight projec- tions from the outer surface of the body, and these grad- ually become perfect animals, at length separating from the parent to attach themselves to some solid body. The stomach of the young Polype communicates with that of the parent so long as they are connected together; and yet it is not uncommon to see both struggling for the same worm, and gorging opposite ends of it. Sometimes the young Hydra has buds’ start out from its body before it has separated from the parent, so that we have three generations in one group. This production of different generations is so rapid in some cases, that it is calculated that above a million descendants come from one animal in a month. 848 NATURAL HISTORY. , 604. But the most remarkable fact in regard to the Hydra is, that if a small piece of its body, or even if a tentacle be torn off, the separated part will itself become a perfect animal. Thirty or forty Hydras may be pro- duced by cutting a single one into pieces. The Hydra of ancient fable seems thus to be realized in nature. The Hydra does not seem to suffer at all from mutilation, but young Polypes sprout abundantly from any wound that may be made. Two Polypes may even be grafted to- gether by their cut surfaces. This can be done not only with those of the same species, but with different species, as the green and brown Hydras. 605. There are some Polypes, belonging to the same order with the Hydras, which have a much stronger re- semblance to plants in their habits and arrangements. They are situated on horny stalks, and, in some cases, these stalks have branch- es, with cells on them, for containing the little Pol- ypes, as seen in the Sertu- laria, Fig. 271. The stalk and branches here are hol- low, being lined with a membrane which is the essential part of the ani- mal, or, rather, of the com- munity of animals thus united together. Each in- dividual Polype may be considered as having a stomach of its own, but communicating with , asort of stomach common to them all, which lines the branches and the stalk. Fig, 271.—Sertularian Polypes. There is in this respect an RADIATES. 349 analogy to the Hydra during the temporary connection of the young Hydras with it, their stomachs having a communication with the stomach of the parent. These beautiful and delicate animals were formerly supposed to be vegetable, and were called by naturalists sea mosses. 606. Of the order of Polypes called Helianthoida I have already noticed quite particularly one group, the ‘Actiniz (§ 576), as illustrating well the characteristics of the Radiata. There need to be added what has been said some farther statements in regard to their structure and habits. It is the beauty of the expanded disks of these and other allied animals that gives the name Helianthoida to this order, this word being derived from two Greek words meaning sun and form. In the trop- ics they are peculiarly brilliant, and many travelers speak most enthusiastically of the gorgeous spectacles which groups of them often present. 607. Some Actinize live on smooth sands, spreading out their tentacles for prey, and retiring beneath the sand when danger threatens. But most of them attach them- selves to rocks, often adhering so firmly that they can not be detached without lacerating them. And when portions of the disk are left fixed to the rock, new ani- mals will be formed from them, just as is the case with sections of Hydras (§ 604). There is one species that fastens itself to some shell; and it is observed that the Hermit Crabs are fond of taking up their abode in such shells, making a singular sort of partnership. 608. The muscular structure in some of the larger spe- cies is very distinct, and exhibits great power in action. They can not only master small shellfish and Crustacea, but even Crabs, Prawns, and other Crustacea of consid- erable bulk. The mouth is capable of wide distention, so that animals can be taken in which one should suppose to be inadmissible. It is amusing to witness the strug- gies of some animal that has, in walking about, come over one of these gaping mouths, as it is caught by the tenta- 850 NATURAL HISTORY. cula and thrust down into the capacious stomach. So ‘voracious are these animals that they will attempt to ‘swallow articles which their stomachs can not possibly accommodate. In this case the animal will perhaps hold the mass partly in and partly out of the stomach firmly with its tentacles, pushing it farther in as fast as the low- er part of the mass is digested. 609. In § 599 I spoke of the arrangements of the ten- ‘ tacles of different animals. The structure of the tenta- ‘eles of the Acti g is very peculiar. Their power of ‘ Nholding , on iso ovine to a multitude of cells, in which “ there’ ave coiled up in a spiral form fine wirelike fila- nents. These can be shot forth from their cells to a con- siderable length, and this being done with a multitude gitbem enables the animal to hold on fast to its prey. 610. Some of the Polypes of this order have a skele- ton. It is formed inside of the animal at its lower part, and it is fastened to the spot where the Polype lives. We may consider it as a foundation frame-work for its body. Resting on this, it puts forth its arms continually to take its food. 611. But this skeleton differs from the skeletons of all other animals in one respect. Other animals retain their skeletons all their lifetime; but the Polype does not. It is constantly making new skeleton. It is a singular proc- ess, and I will describe it to you with its results. The very lowest part of the Polype is continually dying, and with it the skeleton which it covers. But as this dies the animal keeps its full size, for the body is continually supplied with new living substance on the borders of the dying portion. It grows just as fast as it dies. It there- fore is all the time moving upward, making new skele- ton, and leaving the old below. The result, you plainly see, would be a column of dead skeleton with the Polype at the top ofit. In this column, after a while, the living part is but small in comparison with the dead part below. | Biz. This result you see represented in Fig. 272, one c RADIATES. 851 of the Caryophyllia. Here are two stony columns formed by two Polypes. The animals are ever at the summits, with only a small portion of the columns in their bodies and living. The rest is like dead bone. It differs from the bones of common animals in its composition. Their bones are made of phosphate of lime, while SS the Polype’s skeleton is made of Fig. 272.—Caryophyllia, = the carbonate of lime, or chalk, like the shells of the Mollusks. All of this stony sub- stance forming these columns is supplied from the blood of the Polype. It gets into the blood from the water, and from the food which the Polype eats. The immense masses of coral seen in some localities are formed there in the same way essentially with the bones of the Verte- brates and the shells of the Mollusks and Crustacea. You observe in the figure that on the summit of one of the columns there are two Polypes, one being larger than the other. Here is the beginning of a branching process which is very common. A second Polype has started out of the side of the original one; and, as the growth and death go on, now there will be two columns instead of one from that point. And as these grow upward, there may be still other divisions in the same manner. 613. Some species of coral-forming Polypes, instead of being on branches, are distributed over a continuous sur- face of a stony or calcareous mass. This arrangement is represented in the Astrea Viridis, Fig. 273 (page 352). Here is a rounded mass of limestone, made up of the united skeletons of Polypes. Over its upper portion is a fleshy covering connecting the Polypes together, making what is called a polypidom, or household of Polypes. At a a are the Polypes, out of their cells and fully ex- panded. At d 6 the animals are within the cells. At cis 352 NATURAL HISTORY. the stone uncovered by the flesh. Among the expand- ed Polypes are seen two which are out of their cells, but their tentacles are not expanded. 614. It is chiefly by the coral-forming animals of this order that the coral reefs and islands have been built. “ath ag @a p So immense are the works Fig, 273.—Mass of Astrea Viridis. which large companies of these animals perform here and there, that we may re- gard the changes which they produce as among the most important to which the earth has been subjected, at least since it has been inhabited by man. A large number of the Polynesian Islands, and many of those in the Indian Ocean, have been constructed by these little animals. They are continually building extensive reefs, also, in va- rious forms and in different positions. Off the coast of New Holland there is a coral reef over one thousand miles in length. Great as are the changes now going on from the agency of these little architects, it is supposed that in what may be called the forming ages of our earth they had a still greater agency, in the formation of the limestone rocks which constitute so large a part of the crust of the globe. 615. There is another order of Polypes called the As- teroida, from the star-like appearance of the tentacles. The Red Corals, the “ Organ-pipe Corals,” the Sea Fans, etc., belong to this order. Some in this order verge to- ward the sponges. Their habits are, for the most part, so much like those of the other Polypes that I will not dwell on them. 616. The proper place of the Sponges it is difficult to determine. If they are really animals, they are of the lowest grade, exhibiting not the least signs of sensation. RADIATES. 353 They consist wholly of a substance which is considered, from the smell produced by burning it, to be much like the horny substance found in many animals. There are two kinds of pores—a vast number of minute pores, and here and there larger ones among them, termed vents. Examined in their living state, it is manifest that from the larger pores of the Sponges water is constantly pass- ing out in currents, and it is supposed that it as constant- ly passes in through the minute pores. This is analogous to some movements that occur in certain animals. The net-work of which sponge is composed is found, by ex- amination with the microscope, to be made up of fine tubes. One hundred and fifty different species have been ya by Lamarck. ‘(¥617. In Fig. 274 is a representation of a section of a . : { | w Ye Raw wy is “2 fA i Han) Fig. W4.—-Section of living ae piece of sponge, exhibiting the branches which conduct the water from the minute interstices to the large vents. The currents which come out from these vents are ren- dered apparent by the minute particles of matter which happen to be in them, as represented in the figure. The Sponge lives on the water and what the water holds in solution, and for its growth it is therefore necessary that water should be constantly circulating through it in the manner which I have described. There is one species in which, the Sponge being of the shape of a bottle, the ab- 854 NATURAL HISTORY. sorbing pores are all on the outside, while the vents are inside. The result is that there is a strong current of water constantly pouring out of the mouth of the bottle. Questions.—How do the Polypes differ from the other classes of Ra- diates in regard to locomotion? Why were they so long supposed to be plants? What is said of their construction? What is said of the structure of the Hydra? What of its mode of taking its prey? What of its locomotion? What is stated by Trembley? Describe the two ways in which Hydras are multiplied. What is said of mutilating them? What of uniting two together? What is said of the Helianthoi- da? Where are the Actinizs commonly found? What is said of their multiplication from portions of their disk? What is said of their mus- cular structure? What of their mouths? What of their voracity? What is the structure of their tentacles? What is said of the skele- tons which some Polypes have? How does their composition differ from that of the skeletons of common animals? In what other re- spect do they differ? How is the formation of the skeleton column exemplified in the Caryophyllia? Whence comes the supply of the material to make this skeleton? What is said of the associated Pol- ypes as exemplified in the Astrea Viridis? What is said of the form- ation of the coral reefs and islands? What of the agency of the coral animals in the forming ages of the earth? What is said of the Aster- oida? What is said of the structure of the Sponges? How many species are there? Describe the arrangement of the Bottle Sponge. CHAPTER XXXVI. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. Ir is my ‘intention in” this chapter to retouch some points which have been treated of, and also to bring out some others which may add to the interest of the gen- eral subject. 618. The pupil has observed, as he has proceeded, the adaptation of each animal to its circumstances and to its mode of life. This has been seen both in classes of ani- mals and. in individual cases. I will refer to a few ex- amples of this adaptation in classes. Birds are fitted in both their internal and external structure (as you saw in CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 855 the first part of Chapter XII.) for flight in the air; while the fishes are so constructed (§ 353-357) as to swim eas- ily in the water. And then, in those classes of birds that are designed in part for life on the water, there are spe- cial provisions for swimming in their webbed feet and other arrangements (§ 291). Some animals are carnivo- rous, while others are herbivorous, and others still eat a variety of food, and may even be omnivorous, like man. The adaptation of organization in these different cases has reference, as you have seen, both to the kind of food ‘and to the mode of obtaining it. If it had reference merely to the former, it would be seen only in the teeth, the jaw, and the stomach. But in its reference to the latter, it is observed in the structure and arrangement of the organs of the senses, and even of the whole frame. For example, in the carnivorous animal of prey, there must be a full development of the senses of sight, hear- ing, and smell; a frame capable of quick movement; strong claws, worked by stout muscles, to hold the prey; teeth fitted to tear it in pieces, and a stomach altogether different from that of the herbivorous animals. 619. The adaptations in relation to temperature are very interesting. Animals that live in cold climates have coverings which differ greatly from those of animals liy- ing in warm countries. The elephant, with his scanty hairs, is in strong contrast in this respect with the shag- gy-coated bear. Our supply of furs comes from north- ern regions, from animals that could not withstand the cold without such coverings. As the horse is a native of a warm climate, he requires the blanket in our winters, and for the same reason the cow and ox need to be bet- ter sheltered than is ordinarily done among the farmers of temperate climates. In the arctic regions, even ani- mals that are protected by a furry covering have also, as a farther defense against the cold, a good layer of fat, which not only keeps the heat in by its non-conducting property, but also aids in the production of heat- We 856 NATURAL HISTORY. may notice in this connection, in the insect world, the special provisions against the cold in the cocoons which are to remain through the winter to another season (§ 413). 620. The individual adaptations seen in the different species are endless in variety. Those which I have brought to your notice, in passing through the four sub- kingdoms of the animal world, are exceedingly few in comparison with all that might be gathered up, and new ones are coming to view every day in the researches of zoologists. Each species has its peculiar habits, and, of course, its corresponding adaptations in its structure. The study in this respect has no end, and the fertility of the wisdom and skill of the Deity is seen to have no bourds. The humblest observer who enters this field may find many things that no one has yet recorded, and _thus may be a contributor to zoological science. . eet or dividual adaptations I will notice a few of those only which are of a marked exceptional charac- ter. The whale is 2 Mammal having lungs, and yet it lives in the water like the fishes. For this it must have an especial adaptation in the arrangement of the circu- lating system, as described in § 187. So also, as it is a warm-blooded animal, its heat must be kept from escap- ing too rapidly by a special provision, and this must be in consonance with its fish-like habits (§ 186).—The bat is a Mammal, and yet, as it is destined to get its liveli- hood on the wing and in the dark, it has peculiarly con- structed wings for this purpose (§ 58, 59, and 60).—Most fishes are shaped with reference to ease and rapidity of movement (§ 353). Hence they are like boats for rac- ing, long, spindle-shaped ; and they have no projections like a shoulder to prevent their gliding swiftly through the water. But there are some exceptions, as in the short, big-mouthed Lophius (Fig. 172).—Its habits ex- plain the reason of the exception. The brain of man is but the fortieth or fiftieth part of the weight of his whole CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 357 body, and yet it receives about the fifth or sixth part of all the blood in circulation, simply because the amount of thinking done there requires this supply to keep the instrument of thought in good condition. To prevent this great amount of blood from flowing too rapidly and forcibly into the brain, the arteries, as they enter the skull, are so arranged that the flow shall be circuitous rather than direct. Then, again, there is a farther spe- cial provision against the too free admission of blood into the brain in animals that hold their heads downward much of the time, as grazing animals. When we hold our heads downward, very uneasy sensations are soon produced from the undue amount of blood in the head; but in the grazing animal this effect is prevented by a di- vision of the arteries into a net-work before they enter the brain. In this connection I will also refer you-to the remarkable provision against a sudden rush of blood to the head in the deer when the circulation in the “ velvet” is stopped (§ 164). 622. The adaptations which we witness in the differ. ent conditions of animals that pass through a full meta- morphosis are of exceeding interest. That the adapta- tions of a crawling worm should all be exchanged, dur- ing the sleep of the animal, for those of a beautiful flying insect (§ 405), is one of the most wonderful things in na- ture. Still more wonderful is the change of adaptation, when an animal fitted to live like a fish experiences, in the midst of a state of full activity, internal changes ““which prepare it at length to emerge with lungs and wings, leaving its skin behind it in the water, as exempli- fied in the musquito (§ (§ 502). 623. But adaptation is displayed in the most interest- ing manner in the relations of organization to the capa- bilities of animals. The more an animal knows, the more complicated is its structure, or, in other words, the more extensive is the machinery which is provided for the use of its mind. We see this both in the apparatus of the 358 NATURAL HISTORY. senses and in that of voluntary motion, and also in the nervous system, by which these two kinds of apparatus are connected with the mind.* In the lower orders of animals the senses are very imperfectly developed, and in some most of the senses are absent. Thus, in the Hy- dra (§ 599) and in the Actinie (§ 576) there is no evi- dence of the existence of but one sense, that of touch. The Actinie are, indeed, sensibly affected by light, but this does not prove that they see. As we go upward in the scale we find the apparatus of the senses generally more and more developed. Taking all of them into view, the senses are best developed in man, though some of them, for special purposes, have a higher capacity in cer. tain animals than in him. Some may have a more acute smell, as the dog, or see farther, as the eagle; but no an- imal has aii the senses in such perfection as man. The same can be said of the muscular apparatus. The vari- ety of muscular action is greatest of all in man, while in some animals there are special muscular endowments for special purposes above any thing of the kind to be found in him. The gradation in the nervous system is still more definitely marked. In man it has its fullest devel- opment ; and, as we go down in the scale, we at length come to animals that have no distinct brain, and finally to those in which, as the hydra, no trace of any thing like a nerve can be found. In these last nervous matter is presumed to exist because actions are performed which, in animals of a more defined organization, are known to_ be dependent upon nervous agency. 624. Amid all the variations of structure to suit the different wants and capabilities of animals, the Creator has adopted certain general plans, so that order prevails throughout all the extreme variety of the animal king- dom. We can see this whether we take into view large * For the relations of the senses, the muscles, and the nervous sys- tem, I refer you to the chapter on the Nervous System in my “First Book in Physiology.” CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 359 groups, as classes or sub-kingdoms, or smaller ones, as families or genera. It is in the typical forms that we have these plans fully brought to view ; while there is in the aberrant, in proportion to the degree in which they are so, a departure from these plans, or, rather, a modi- fication of them, to suit the particular wants and habits in each case. Thus,in the Vertebrates, the plan of the skeleton is very perfectly developed in the higher ani- mals, and especially in man. But the general features of the plan are the same in all this sub-kingdom. This may be seen if we take the skeleton as a whole, as illustrated in the first chapter, or if we look at some particular por- tion of it, as the arm and hand, as illustrated in regard to the flipper of a Whale (§ 185), the anterior extremity of the Dugong (§ 195), the wing of the Bat (§ 58), and the wing of birds (§ 198). In the Articulata, the ring- like arrangement, seen so decidedly in most of the ani- mals of this sub-kingdom, as the Centipede (§ 381), is not really given up in those where it seems to be, as in the Crab tribe; but a careful observation shows that it is only modified by making some of the rings exceedingly broad, while others are made exceedingly narrow (§ 526). There is not here an abandonment of the general plan, but a departure or aberration from it to some extent, making an aberrant form, in distinction from the typical forms where the ring-like arrangement is fully carried out. What I have thus said of the Vertebrates and the Articulates is essentially true of all parts of the animal kingdom. 625. The great wonder is that so much uniformity of plan can be made consistent with such extreme variety, the minutie of exact adaptation being in all cases fully carried out. There would have been a much smaller dis- play of wisdom and skill, ifthe same variety had been at- tained without the extended general plans which we see were adopted. None but omnipotent power could so connect endless variations in minutia with so few typical forms and arrangements. 360 NATURAL HISTORY. 626. With these general plans there is in every animal a marked relation of each part to every other part. Ev- ery bone, for example, not only has its exact relation to every other bone, but also to every other part and organ. It is from this harmony existing in every animal frame that the zoologist is able to know the general structure and habits of an animal on inspecting a single bone or tooth belonging to it. For example, suppose that he picks up a tooth with two stout roots and a sharp cutting edge rising to a point, such as you see in Fig. 275. Let us see what he can know in regard to the animal to which this tooth belonged. First he would know that it was a Vertebrate, for no teeth at all like this are ever found in an animal outside of the Vertebrate class- es. He knows, therefore, that this animal had a brain and spinal marrow, that its Fig. 275. senses were well developed, and that its blood was red. Then the two long roots show that the tooth was deeply implanted in a double socket, and that the animal was, therefore, a Mammal, for this arrange- ment is scen only in that class. The cutting edge of the crown indicates that the animal was a carnivorous quad- ruped, and that its jaws moved upon each other with a scissors-like motion (§ 67), and not a grinding one, as in the herbivorous quadrupeds. It may be inferred, also, that the feet were not hoofed, but armed with claws for securing the prey, and that the muscles both of the limbs and head were very strong. The general shape of the animal (§ 70) can also be made out, and its size can be estimated from the size of the tooth. The kind of stom- ach which it had can also be known (§ 68). Baron Cu- vier had great skill in such studies. From a single bone, or even a piece of one, he could picture an entire skele- ton, and describe the character and the habits of the an- imal. 627. The general plans adopted by the Creator should, CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 361 of course, be our guide in the classification of animals, so that it may be a natural and not an artificial classifica- tion. Jn studying nature we should always endeavor to read correctly the traces of the mind of the Creator. * 628. The distribution of animals in the various regions of the earth is a very interesting subject, but my limits will allow of but a brief notice of it. Man is the only animal that is found in every part of the earth. He is thus a cosmopolite, because he has a mind that can con- trive clothing and habitations suitable to every variety of climate. Next to him in general diffusion are some of those animals which are domesticated by him, and also some which follow him and dwell in his habitations, as the mouse, the rat, the fly, ete. Most animals are limited to certain regions, differing, however, in the extent of their diffusion—some having a wide range, while others are confined to comparatively narrow limits. Those an- imals which are found in any particular region or coun- try are said to constitute its Fauna, as the flowers found there make up its Flora. We speak of the Faunas of the arctic, the temperate, and the tropic regions. Then, also, we subdivide these into Faunas of portions of these regions of greater or less extent, according to circum- stances. The dividing lines between the different zoo- logical provinces thus marked out are by no means im- passable boundaries, for there is generally a mingling of animals near the borders of two adjacent Faunas. Thus, although the Fauna of the United States and that of the region west of the Rocky Mountains are very distinct, yet these mountains do not effect an entire separation, for some animals of either Fauna are found on both sides of the range. 629. The Faunas of the arctic region have compara- tively few species, but the number of individuals of each is oftenimmense. Especially is this true of the fishes and the birds. The birds are mostly of the aquatic tribes— gulls, cormorants, ducks, petrels, etc. All the animals 362 NATURAL HISTORY. are of a dull color. Not a bird of bright plumage is to be found. Of terrestrial animals, the most noticeable are the White Bear, the Reindeer, the White Fox, etc.; and of the aquatic Mammals, the Seals and the Whales. There are no reptiles, few insects, and no coral animals. 630. In the Faunas of the temperate regions there is much greater variety than in those of the arctic. Ter- restrial animals abound here. The birds exhibit consid- erable variety of color. One of the prominent features of the Fauna of the temperate zone is the constant change which is going on in it from the variety in the seasons. Especially is this true of the northern portion. In the colder months insect life has retired for hibernation, and vegetable life is, for the most part, in a similar state. The sources of livelihood for many animals are thus cut off. The birds, therefore, migrate to warmer regions, and many of the mammals hibernate; and in the spring the mammals wake up, and the birds return, making na- ture, which was so still in winter, vocal again. 631. Abundance, variety in form, and brilliancy of col- ors are the distinguishing characteristics of the tropical Faunas. “All the principal types of animals,” say Agas— _6iz and Gould, “are represented, and all contain numer- ous genera and species. We need only to refer to the tribe of Humming-birds, which numbers not Jess than 300 species. It is very important to notice that here are con- centrated the most perfect, as well as the oldest types of all the classes of the animal kingdom. The tropical re- gion is the only one occupied by the Quadrumana, the herbivorous Bats, the great Pachydermata, such as the Elephant, the Hippopotamus, and the Tapir, and the whole family of Edentata. Here, also, are found the largest of the Cat tribe, the Lion and Tiger. Among the Birds, we may mention the Parrots and Toucans as essentially trop- ical; among the Reptiles, the largest Crocodiles and gi- gantic Tortoises; and, finally, among the articulated an- imals, an immense variety of the most beautiful insects. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 363 The marine animals, as a whole, are equally superior to those of other regions; the seas teem with Crustaceans and numerous Cephalopods, together with an infinite va- riety of Gasteropods and Acephala. The Echinoderms there attain a magnitude and variety elsewhere unknown; and, lastly, the Polypes there display an activity of which the other zones present no example. Whole groups of islands are surrounded with coral reefs formed by these little animals.” 632. This variety is made more striking by the fact that each continent has many animals in its tropical re- gion peculiar to itself. Thus the Giraffe and Hippopota- mus appear only in Africa; and that strange animal, the Sloth, is found only in America. The 300 species of Hum- ming-birds are exclusively American, nearly all of them being tropical. The Sunbirds, on the other hand, which are somewhat like them, do not appear at all in America, but are widely scattered over Asia, Africa, and the isl- ands of the Pacific. 633. Some of the local Faunas have prominent pecul- iarities. The Fauna of Brazil is exceedingly rich, with its gigantic Reptiles, its Monkeys, its Edentata, its bril- liant Humming-birds, and its wonderful variety of insects. There is no part of the world that has so peculiar a Fauna as Australia. Here are great numbers of Marsupial ani- mals. Here, also, is that strange animal, the Duck-billed Platypus (§ 133); and here, too, is the Black Swan, sup- posed to be an impossibility till it was found in that sin- gular country. 634. The pupil has by no means obtained an adequate idea of the abundance and variety of the animal kingdom from what he has seen in this book of its different depart- ments. In so small a space only a few specimens of each group could come under consideration. That you may have some idea of the extent of the field which zoology has opened, I will give you some statements of the num- bers of animals from Agassiz and Gould. The number 364 NATURAL HISTORY. .of species of Vertebrates is probably 20,000, of which the Mammals are 2000, the Birds 6000, the Reptiles 2000, and the Fishes 8000 or 10,000. There are probably over 15,000 Mollusks. The Insects are the most numerous class of animals, there being already collected from 60 to 80,000 species. Of all the Articulates there are about 100,000 now known, and it is safe to compute the whole number at 200,000. If we add to the above 10,000 for the Radiates, we shall have about 250,000 species. It is also estimated by Agassiz that there is about the same number of species of fossil animals; that is, those which are not now in existence, but which are known to have existed by the remains that we find of them in the rocks and in the earth. J have noticed a few of these in pass- ing, as the Mastodon (§ 1o8): the Iguanodon (§ 326), and the Ammonites (§ 551). f “635. But farther than all this, we can get no adequate idea of the abundance of animal life if we do not take into view the minuter living forms, as well as those which are ordinarily noticed. These I have not consid- ered, because it would lead me into too wide a field. Quite large portions of the earth—of its rocks, and mount- ains, and sand, and mud, and dust—are made up in part of the remains of minute animals, called, therefore, ani- malculz, or, in English, animalcules. Some of these are so small that their structure can not be made out except by the aid of the microscope, and some can not even be seen at all by the naked eye. For example, the stone used for building in Paris, and in all the country round it, is so full of the shells of an animalcule, that there are 58,069 in a cubic inch, or three thousand millions in a cubic yard. This animal belongs to a group which are called Foraminifera, because their shells are full of little foramens or openings. The substance within the cham- bers of the shell is mostly a translucent jelly, and through the openings branch out root-like legs, on which it is cu- rious to sce the animal walk. Foraminifera, perhaps of CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 365 the size of the head of a small pin, may sometimes be seen thus walking on the glass walls of an aquarium; and a great variety of species can be found in the sand of most sea-coasts, as any one may see if he examine a hand- ful of it with a pocket lens. In the chalk formations there are remains of even smaller animals than these. Ehrenberg, on examining chalk very minutely divided, found in it some many-chambered shells, some of them whole and some in fragments. He calculated that there were a million in every cubic inch, or ten millions in ev- ery pound. He was able to discern them even in the glazing of a visiting card, although the chalk in this case had been subjected to such minute division that one would suppose all trace of organization to have been lost. 636. The earth in and about the city of Richmond, Virginia, is filled with various shells of Animalcule. A portion of one of these shells, as seen through a power- ful microscope, is given in Fig. 276. There are various species of this shell, called, very appropri- ately, Coscinodiscus (sieve-like disk), va- rying in size from the one hundredth to the one thousandth of an inch in diame- ter. The guano brought from the island of Ichaboe is found to contain multitudes of this and other shells, making a beauti- ful display as a little of the dust is placed in the field of the microscope. These shells are the remains of-animalcule that lived in the water and were eaten by fish- es. Then these fishes were devoured by sea-birds; so that these shells must have passed through the process of digestion twice, and after that were exposed in the guano-bed to the ordinary causes of decay perhaps for centuries; and yet, says Professor Brocklesby, “ under all these influ- ences they remain unchanged, and the eye of the natural- ist at last detects these minute structures, still possess- 866 NATURAL HISTORY. ing their original beauty, with the delicate tracery of their rich configuration, almost as sharp and clear as it was, perhaps, a thousand years ago.” 637. The Tripoli, or rotten-stone of Bohemia, which, when ground, is used as a polishing powder, is full of flinty shells, which are so minute that forty thousand mil- lions are contained in a single cubic inch. Other in- jstances, in great number, could be cited, from various quarters of the world, of large deposits of the remains of animalcules, in rocks, in earth, in peat-bogs, and in mud. Well does Lamarck say of these deposits, that “it is by means of the smallest objects that Nature every where produces her most remarkable and astonishing phenom- ena. Whatever she may seem to lose in point of volume in the production of living bodies, is amply made up by the number of individuals, which she multiplies with ad- mirable promptitude, to infinity. The remains of such minute animals have added much more to the mass of materials which compose the exterior of the crust of the globe than the bodies of Elephants, Hippopotami, and Whales.” In § 614 I spoke of the agency of coral ani- mals in building up portions of the earth by the forma- tion of their skeletons; but the agency of these animal- cules, by means of their remains, is vastly greater. 638. The name Infusoria was given to animalcules be- cause they abound in infusions of decomposing vegetable or animal substances. By some, however, this term is confined to those animalcules which have cilia, by which they swim through water. An abundance of these can be obtained in warm weather from the surface of water in ponds, especially where there is a reddish or green tinge, or a slimy layer. In Fig. 277 you have a variety of these Infusoria. They move about very freely in the water by means of their cilia. “These movements,” says Carpenter, “are extremely various in their character in different species ; and when a number of dissimilar forms are assembled in one drop of water, the spectacle is en CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 367 Fig. 277. tertaining. Some propel themselves directly forward with a velocity which appears (when thus highly magni. fied) like that of an arrow, so that the eye can scarcely follow their movement; while others drag their bodies slowly along, like the Leech. Some make a fixed point of some portion of the body, and revolve around it with great rapidity; while others scarcely present any appear- ance of animal motion. Some move forward by a uni- form series of gentle undulations or vibrations; while others seem to perform consecutive leaps, of no small ex- tent compared with the length of their bodies. In some instances the body is furnished with stiff bristles and hooks, by the agency of which the animalcule is enabled to run and leap upon the stems and leaves of aquatic plants. In short, there is scarcely any kind of movement which is not practiced by these animalcules. They have evidently the power of steering clear of obstacles in their course, and of avoiding each other when swimming in close proximity. By what kind of sensibility the wonder- ful precision and accuracy of their movements is guided is yet very doubtful.” One of the most singular of these Infusoria is the Baccillaria Paradoxa, which is composed of several parts arranged like a sliding ruler. It moves along by sliding these parts upon each other, first thrust- ing them forward, then closing those in the rear upon the part farthest in front. Q2 368 NATURAL HISTORY. 639. Though most of the Infusoria move freely about in fluids, some are attached, like Polypes, to some solid base. Many of them are not, however, always thus at- tached, but have the power of loosing themselves from their attachment to swim off by their cilia to find some other locality. This is the case with the Bell-shaped An- imalcules, one species of which is represented in Fig. 278, The body of the animal is shaped like a bell, and Fig. 278.—Bell-shaped Animalcules. its margin, which is its mouth, is fringed with cilia. The actual length of its body varies, in different individuals, from the one two hundred and eightieth (,45) of an inch to the one five hundred and seventieth (,4,). The tiny stem by which each animalcule is attached has a muscle CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 369 in its whole length by which its direction and length can be altered. When the little creature is alarmed, it sinks down quickly to the place of its attachment by coiling its stem, or cable, as it may be called. In some cases, as at aaa, there are two animalcule on one stem, one hav- ing grown out from the other, after the manner of some of the coral Polypes (§ 612). You see in the figure some stems without any animalcules. Here they have sepa- rated themselves from their attachment and swum away. It is an emigration to better their condition and begin a new colony.* 640. The field to which I have in this book introduced the pupil is a very broad and fruitful one, and on every side invites, in the most attractive manner, your investi- gation. Go, then, into the garden and the field, to the sea-side and the river-side, to the pond and the bog, and watch the movements of animals, and gather materials for observation at home. The Aquaria, now so properly becoming fashionable, furnish admirable means for carry- ing on some of these observations. Even with but a small portion of your time devoted to the investigation of nature, you will soon find that you do not need to go to a museum to see the wonderful and the beautiful cre- ations of Almighty power, but that these are all around you, and even in the dust beneath your feet. 641. The animal kingdom is a great harmonious whole, with all its forms, from the minute Infusoria to the mon- strous Elephants and Whales, having fixed relations to each other. These relations are not all known, but more and more of them are every day discovered. And amid all the apparent confusion and hazard attending the nat ural increase on the one hand, and the destruction effect- ed on the other by the voracity of animals and other * For more full information in regard to the Infusoria, I would ree- ommend to both teacher and pupil a work by Professor Brocklesby, entitled ‘‘ Views of the Microscopic World,” published by Pratt, Oak- ley & Co. 370 NATURAL HISTORY. causes, @ Superintending Providence maintains the gen. eral harmony, preventing any dangerous permanent in- crease or destruction of any species. Multitudes have, indeed, been destroyed in ages long gone by; but this was for definite purposes, which the geologist has been able, for the most part, to decipher. 642. Not only have all animals relations to each other, but they have relations, direct or indirect, near or re- mote, to man. The earth is his residence, and all things in it were made for him. Hence it is that in his organ- ization the same general principles are in play which we find exhibited in the animals to which he bears the rela- tions referred to. But while he is thus linked to the an- imal existences around him, he is the only animal on the earth that is destined to live any where else. He is link- ed to other higher existences by the possession of a soul, which has been very properly said to be “that side of our nature which is in relation with the Infinite ;” and, by virtue of this, when his relation to the animals of this world ceases, another and a more glorious body is pro- vided for him with adaptations fitted to his new and eternal condition. Questions. —What i; said of adaptation? What of it in birds and fishes? What of it in relation to carnivorous animals? How are the coverings of animals adapted to climate? What is said of the fat of animals in the arctic regions? What example of adaptation to temperature is given from the insect world? What is said of the va- riety of individual adaptations? How is the organization of the Whale adapted to its mode of life? What is said of the Bat? What of fishes? What is stated in regard to the brain of man and of grazing animals? What in regard to the ‘‘velvet” of the Deer? What is said of adaptation in relation to the metamorphosis of animals? What is said of adaptation in regard to the capabilities of animals? What are the relations of the senses, the muscles, and the nervous system to each other? What is said of the senses of animals? What of their muscles? What of the nervous system? ‘What is said of the general plans of the Creator? Illustrate by reference to the Vertebrates and to the Articulates. What is there especially wonderful in the carry- ing out of these plans? What is said of the mutual relations of the CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 371 parts of an animal? Give in full the illustration in regard to a tooth. What is said of Cuvier? How should the classification of animals be made out? Why is man acosmopolite? What animals come next to him in extent of diffusion? What is said of the distribution of most animals? What is a Fauna? What is said of the Faunas of the arctic regions? Of the temperate? Of the tropic? What cir- cumstance increases the variety in the tropical Faunas? What is said of some of the local Faunas? Give the statement of the num- bers of species in different departments of the animal kingdom ? What are fossil animals? What is said of their number? Mention some that have been noticed in this book, and give some facts in re- gard to them. What is said of minute animals? Give the statement in regard to the shells of Foraminifera. Describe the structure and habits of these animals. What is said of the chalk formations? What is said of the shells of the Coscinodiscus? Of the Tripoli? What of animalcular deposits? Why are animalcules termed Infu- soria? To what animalcules do some confine this term? Where can these be obtained? What is said of their forms and motions? What is said of the Baccillaria Paradoxa? How are some Infusoria like Polypes? Give the statement in regard to the Bell-shaped Ani- malcules. What is said of the field opened to you in the observation of nature? What of the mutual relations of the animal world? What of the preservation of them by Providence? What of the relations of man to animals? What of his higher relations? GLOSSARY. (The numbers refer to the paragraphs where the terms may be found explained.) Aberrant...... .. 70'Fauna.... . 628 Acalephs... .. 583,Felide...... - Gt Acephalous... ... 564/Fissirostres.... +. 236 Amphibious...... .... 100)Foraminifera .. 635 Animalcules. . ++ 635)Fossil.........e00. .. 634 Aphaniptera.. .... £19|Gallinaceous. « 275 Aptera...... .. 419/Ganglion... - 15 Aquatic. - 100|Gasteropoda. .. 550 Arboreal.. .. 52/Genus......... 21 Asteroida. .. 615|Haustellate ..... .. 893 Aurelia... . 486] Helianthoida .. 606 Bimana... . 24|/Hemiptera... - 419 Branchia.... ... 5385]Herbivorous.. vee OE. Buccinide.. ..-. 562|Hymenoptera... . 419 Byssus..... . 566\Imago......... - 403 Canide ... 6£/Incubation . -- 205 Carapace... 10)Infusoria...... «» 628 Carnivora..... .. 64)Insectivora. « OF Cephalopoda... eee 550| Larva ....cee .. 403 Cephalo-thorax . «++. 299/Lepidoptera, . . 419 Cephalous... . 550/Mammal... 28 Cheiroptera. -. 24/Mandible « 214 Chrysalis... seve 486] Mantlle........cee ceeseesneeeeeee ees 566 Cilia.......... .-.. 582)/Marsupial .. - 64 Cirrhipoda.. . 582)Mollusk.... 16 Class.....c.5 -.» 21/Mustelide.. . 64 Coleoptera... see 419/Nacre.... 554 Conchifera.. ..-. 564!Neuroptera... - 419 Conirostres.. ... 236|Nictitating.... «. 207 Crinoidea... .... 593/Nocturnal..... - 216 Crustacca.... .... 521/Omnivorous.. 98 Decapoda..... vee 582\Order ......-00- v 21 Dentirostres .. . 236/Orthoptera. - 419 Digitigrade... .. 92/Oviparous....... + 23 Diptera...... «-» 419/Pachydermata . « Gt ium al vsccsvenscsnewsasesiarecaes 216|Palpi ...... 0.60006 vee B94 Dorsi-branchiata . wee DBS|Pedimana.....ccceesecrecseeceaees 24 Echino-dermata.. « 588) Phocida......cscccscsessenearsces 64 Tidentata........... «+ 64/Phytozoa...... .. 583 Elytrasssscossexsoexnees seeoeeeeee 898]Plantigrade.., 93 374 GLOSSARY. Plastron.....scccseeceessecseeee see BIA[Species ....sscccrcecceeesecnessseees 21 Pro-legs ..... vee 479/Sub-kingdom. 21 Pteropoda..... +. 550/Tenuirostres.... 236 Pulmonifera.. ---» 560/Terrestrial .... 100 «++. 402/Tunicata.... «« 564 Quadrumana. see 42/Typical........ - 70 Radiate........ «. 17/Unguiculata.. 24 Rhynchota.. seve 491 /Ungulata,.......ssesecceesseseceee 24 Rodentia... 64|Urside...... 64 Ruminantia 64) Vertebra.... 3 Siphunele......... bE ras ees noun BBA INDEX. (The numbers refer to the pages.) Acalephs ........cccccceecceeeeeees 341|Astrea Viridis........secccceeeeee BOL Acephalous Mollusks........... 328)Auks .......... « 182 ACtini........cccseceee 334, 349! Avocets .. . 178 Aculeata.... veee DTA Axis Deer. ..c.ccsscccessseeceeees 98 Adaptation . vase B54 Adjutant...... seee 177/Baboons .........ceeseceeceeeseneee 34 Agile Gibbon............ .. 83)/Babyroussa ... .. 82 Air-bladder of Fishes . .. 211|Badgers...... ~ 61 Air-cells of Birds....... .. 118/Bald Eagle .. 129 Albatross... ... 184|Banxrings.. 68 Alligators... .» 195/Barnacles.. 311 Ambergris .... .. 111|Barn Owl.. 137 Ambulatoria .... . 255|Batrachia .. 204 sel OO BN ides ccsetenicetiala 89 .. 820|Baxillaria Paradoxa.. «. 204|Bearded Vulture.... American Race. Ammonites... Amphibia 136 Anchovy........0+ -. 221\Bears..... 58 Anemones, Sea. . 334/Beavers.. 71 Angora Goat .... + 95|/Bedbugs 293 Animalcules..... .. 364|Bees...... + 278 Ant-eaters,.... oe TBl/Beetles........sccceceerveseees »- 246 Antelopes ... .. 99/Bell-shaped Animalcules...... 368 Antenne. « 230) Berenice.........:eceeceeseene .» 286 Ant-lion .. 267|Beyroe..... 342 ANtS....0: cece 276\ Birds 115 Ants, White.. «s+. 265/Bison..... 91 Aphaniptera.. +» 298 Bivalves..... 317 Aphide........ w+. 291/Blackbirds ... 152 Apoda.. .. 221'Blind Worm. 200 ‘Apples of Sodom. a 271 /Bloodhound..., sreveanssiees 51 APtera..scceecsceeee .. 298 Blubber of the ‘Whale . 109 Apteryx ..... +. 171 Bluebird............00008 «- 148 Arachnida... “3 299 Blue JAY veeaee a .» 148 Argonauts ......... -. 321, Blue Stocking.. 178 Argus Pheasant... ». 169!Boas....sreeeee 204 Armadilloes .. «. 74{|Bobolink. 142 Articulates .....sceccssrseeree 19, 225|Book Lice....... 266 Articulates, circulation i in..... 226/Book eld Utica vos 306 Articnlates, nervous system of 19/Bovida 90 ASS scsisoscsceceansersieteverterses: 8D \Bower-bird ..... Shon conan 144 376 Brahmin Bull ......cscesseseveee Brown Thrasher Brush Turkey. INDEX. 91|Circulation in Brain............ 856 ... 152!Circulation of Articulates..... 226 ‘ 170 Circulation of Crocodiles ...... 194 Buccinide ..... ... 827)Circulation of Fishes....... Buffaloes ..... 91/Cireulation of Mammals...... Bustars......cccccecsssersesvones 173)Circulation of Mollusks......... 319 Butcher-birds . . 141, 448)Circulation of Reptiles .. 189 Butterflies. .s.c-.cccessssccssenenes 285 \Cirrhipoda.....ssseereeee 311 Buzzards.. . 183 Civet Cats.. 49 Byssus ....... «+» 830;Clams..........006 332 Climbing Birds. 161 Cabinet Beetle ...........0cceceee 249|Clio Borealis... 322 Cachelot.........+ 110\Clothes Moths.......... 288 Caddice Flies . 268)/Coaita Spider Monkey .. . 36 Camelopards 107|Cobra di Capello ......... - 203 Camels....... 103 |Cochineal..... 292 Canid@........... .- 50)Cockles........ 331 Canker Worms..........seecceees 284)/Cockroaches.. 253 Capabilities of Animals, adap- COCOONS «...eecceeceneceeesseeeeees 238 tation in relation to.......... 357|Cold-blooded Vertebrates...... 187 Capricorn Beetles ...... seve 250 Coleoptera ......cccsscceeseereeeee Capridae ........c.005 95)Colubrine Snakes Capybara ... 72|Condor.....sseseereeee Carapace.... 18)Cone-billed Perchers Carnivora... 43 Cone family of Mollusks.. Carrier Pigeons... ene, AOR COREAL, ontosvcnstotveseaiene te Carrion Beetles ... +s. 248)Cormorant.... Caryophyllia....... + 351/Coscinodiscus.. Cashmere Goats... » 95)Cowries.......... Cassowary ....scseeres wesw 171/Crabs .. Caterpillar-hunters , veee 247/Cranes.i..cccaees Caterpillars.......... . 282\Craw of Pigeon.. Cats aces sadonsiene 49! Creepers .....cceee0e Caucasian Race... Cecropia Moth.. Cedar-bird . Centipede.. Cervide .... Cetacea Chalk formations. Chameleon Cheese-hoppers. Cheiroptera..... Chevaliers..... Chickadee .... Chimpanzee.... Chipping-bird . ae Chrysalids....... fe Chrysididse Cicade .. a Chhiascs cere scsseexs erence or ». 153|Crocodiles.. . 225|Crop of Birds .. . 108|Crotalide . .. 365/Crows . 196/Crusader Carrion Beetle. . 238, 29'Cuckoos ... - 148)/Cursores... . 272|/Day-flies 27)\Crickets.... 241|Crinoidea.. 96)Cross-bills.... 293/Crustacea 286|Curculios.. 31)Cursoria... 142)Cuttlefish....... 236 290) Decapoda. 337! Deer ...scccecee INDEX. 377 Dentirostres ....ccccessecsseseeeee 47, Feet of Moles .......ccseeeee sexes OT Dipper....... ws. 151'Feet of Monkeys .... . 80 Diptera... was 293 Feet of Opossums ... 76 Divers... .... 182; Feet of Otters ....... 57 Le aeration «. 50 Feet of Ruminants . - §=688 olphins ......++. «. 112'Feet of Seals......... « 62 Domestication ..... - 28, 51\Feet of Spiders ... .. 802 Dorsi-branchiata .. seas 312 Feet of Starfishes...........:.06. 338 DOVES anescvssvcvsiopsscevecsovereve 165'Feet of Swimming Birds. 179 Felide.... » 45 Eagles i. scsivssvassescessnssasversn 127;\Finches.. + 142 Earthworm. w» 813 Fire-flies............ + 250 ees Sisbictelesaddelventancitente tees 254'Fire Hangbird . 143 Echidna... sede LQ HISHCS especnretienianesce 208 Echinus... ++, 839 Fishes, abundance of. Ble Edentata. .. 78'Fishes, circulation in. 209 HIS. saniabas nos coase cehteticnsiienes 221|Fishes, eggs of ......... 5 Egg, formation of Bird in 121, 181 Fishes, shape of..... Eggs of Crustacea ..........0005 808/Fishes, skeletons of Eggs of Fishes....... .. 215)Fishing Hawk....... Eggs of Insects... . 233 Fissirostres... Eggs of Shark .. .«- 216 Flamingo..... Eider Duck...... +e 121|Flatfish .. Electrical Eel .............0006- 222'Fleas ..... Elephant ......... se BO BES cic naiciewcincen Elephant Seal .. ..» 64 Flipper of Whale Elks ......-000000 vee 97|Flounders......... PLY tits jcottan coeas