iii GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF MINNESOTA HENRY F, NACHTRIEB STATE ZOOLOGIST e A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE -ISHES OF MINNESO’ ZOOLOGICAL | SERIES III MARCH 1897 SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA Mh, Se Oe BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, The Hon. Joun 8. PILtsBuRy, Regent for Life, - - - - Minneapolis. The President of the Board. The Hon. DAvip M. CLoueH, Ex-Officio, - - - - - - Minneapolis. The Governor of the State. Cyzus Norturop, LL. D., Ex-Officio, - <= - - - Minneapolis. The President of the University. The Hon. W. W. PENDERGAST, M. A., Ex-Officio, - - - Hutchinson. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Hon. L. 8S. SwENson, - - - - - Albert Lea. The Hon. WILLIAM LiaGETT, - - - - - Benson. The Hon. Jon P. HEATWOLE, oot 7 - = Northfield. The Hon. GREENLEAF CLARK, M. A.,~ - - - - St. Paul. The Hon. CusnmMan K. Davis, M. A., - - St. Paul. The Hon. STEPHEN MAHONEY, B. A., - - - - Minneapolis, The Hon. SYDNEY M. Owen, - - - - - Minneapolis. The Hon. ALPHONSO BARTO, ee St. Cloud. THE PIONEER PRESS CoO., St. Paul, Minn. CONTENTS. PHANG iscesvsa pd cvessssacte's =| aa Fa 4 LATERAL LINE, a ‘4 s jm - Jmsiala fee} wo 84/518 18 5 8 RIGHT. Lert. Bl 4 m/A IA n *4| 33 44% 8) 8) 12-75- 9) Complete...... Complete. 5 0 454| 4%) : 8] 1u-72- 9 Complete. ee Sern iste except about 6 scales. 6) 3) 4441 5 | 8] 8) 12-73- 8! Complete. .| Complete, 7 392 44| 5_ | 8} 8|12-72- 9) Complete Complete except 3 or 4 scales, 8] 8: re 47%| 8) 8| 18-74~ 9] Complete . .| Complete. 9] 844 | 444) 5 | 8) 8/11 74- 9) Complete Complete except 8 or 4 scales. 10] 8 444; 5 | 8) 8)12-76-10| Complete. ..| Complete. 111 34% 4\5 | 8| 8|12-72- 9) Complete . .-| Complete. | 12) 4 414| 544] 8| 8] 12-79- 9] Complete. .| Complete. 13} 344 4A 5 8] 8; 12-74- 9] Complete. . | Complete. 14} % {4 8) 8; 12-72- 9} Complete.. ..| Complete, 15| 24 | 4 8| 8|12-71- 9] Complete. | Complete. 16| 26-16] 414 i 8| 8|12-71- 9| Complete. ‘| Complete. 17) 2% | 4 4 4 8) 81 12-72- 9) Complete s| Complete except 3 or 4 scales. 18] 28-16 44) 8 8] 8) 12-71- 9] Complete except 15 scales...... Complete except last few scales. 19} 24 4 8/ 8) 12-71- 8} Complete exc. a Complete exc, last 3 or 4 scales. 20) 2 4 4% 8] 8| 12-74- 9} Nearly complete Near. Pome 21 44) 5 | 8 8|12-71- 8] Complete .| Complete. 22) 244 | 4441 5 | 8) 8/12-72- 8) Complete Complete ‘except 80 scales. *Co-type in Leland Stanford, Jr., University Museum. +Type 47688, United States Nationa! Museum. Eight specimens 14 inches in length from the same locality as numbers 14 to 22 are similar in color and other characters, but the lateral line is entirely absent. Some of the pores are developed on the head. Numbers 4 to 11, inclusive, are from Mille Lacs lake, Aitkin county, and numbers 12 to 22 are from Mud and Elbow lakes, Hubbard county. All specimens excepting those tagged 4 and 7 are in the museum of the University of Minnesota. Genus ABRAMIS Cuvier. Abramis crysoleucas (Mitchill). Golden Shiner. Bream. Body much compressed, rather long; lateral line much de- curved. Color greenish above; sides, belly and fins yellowish, sometimes with golden reflections. Head short, compressed; mouth small, oblique. Eye contained 3 to 4 times in the head. Head 44. Depth 3. Dorsal 8. Anal 12 to 14, averaging 13. Scales 10-46 to 51-3. Teeth 5-5. A very pretty fish and quite common; generally small, but may reach a length of 12 inches. Found in quiet waters where there is aquatic vegetation. Specimens have been taken from the lakes and streams of the Upper Mississippi (Nat. Hist. Surv., 1892-3-5); lakes and streams in the southern and southwestern part of the state (Cox, 1891-5); Upper Minnesota River at Ortonville (Woolman, 1892, Report, U. 8. Fish Comm., 1893). Common in the southern part of the state, rare in the northern part. FISHES OF MINNESOTA 33 Genus NOTROPIS Rafinesque. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF NOTROPIS. A. Pharyngeal teeth 4-4; 1, 4-4, 0; or1, 4-4, 1; rarely two teeth in one or both of the inner rows. B. Scales not closely overlapping each other, their exposed surface not wider than long; no black spot on the dorsal fin. C. Pharyngeal teeth generally one rowed, 4-4; rarely 2, 4-4, 2 in N. heterodon, D. Lateral line usually more or less incomplete, not always so; a dark lateral band usually present. Small fishes. E. Snout blunt; lower jaw not projecting beyond the upper; mouth small; chin black. anogenus, 34 EE. Snout pointed; lower jaw projecting. F. Chin not black; mouth very small. . cayuga, 34 FF. Chin black, mouth moderate. : heterodon, 34 DD. Lateral line always complete and with less than 40 scales; teeth 4-4, well hooked; 12 to 15 scales before the dorsal; no spot at the base of the caudal fin. . ‘ blennius, 35 Cc. Black spot on the ibaa of the caiiael aie pharyngeal teeth two rowed, 1, 4-4, 0; 1, 4-4, 1; or 1 or 2, 4-4, 1 or 2. Head short, contained 4 to 5 times in the body; large for minnows, "i : : . hudsonius, 35 BB. Scales closely overlapping ah einer. thelr exposed surfaces broader than long, especially on the sides of the body; body considerably compressed; a black blotch on the posterior rays of the dorsal fin in adult specimens. . , . whipplii, 36 AA. Pharyngeal teeth 2, 4-4, 2. B. Anal fins short, with 7 to 9 developed rays. C. Scales closely overlapping each other, the exposed sur- faces much broader than long; grinding surface of the teeth developed; individuals reaching 5 to 8 inches in length when mature. ‘ 5‘ ecornutus, 36 CC. Scales not closely overlapping each vier: pharyngeal teeth without the eeoeree surface developed ; species of small size. : . . jejunus, 37 BB. Anal fin long with 11 to 12 raya doreal inserted behind the ventrals; parts sometimes colored red. C. No black spot at the base of the caudal fin; scales not closely overlapping each other; usually 5 to 7 scales above the lateral line; fins often with red. atherinoides, 37; dilectus, 37; rubrifrons, 38 CC. Usually a dark spot on the dorsal fin; scales above the lateral line 7 to 10; scales closely overlapping each other, their exposed surfaces broader than long; a black spot at the base of the dorsal fin. ‘i umbratilis, 38 34 PRELIMINARY REPORT Notropis anogenus Forbes. Lateral line usually complete; body rather stout; mouth very small and very oblique; lower jaw not projecting; snout very blunt, shorter than the eye. Color dark; a dark band on the sides, which passes through the eye; a small dark spot at the base of the caudal fin; a row of black dots along the upper side of the lateral line; chin black. Head contained 44 times in the length of the body. Depth 4 2-5. Eye 34. Dorsal fin with 8 rays. Anal 7. Lateral line with 34 to 37 scales, 18 scales before the dorsal fin. Teeth 4-4. Suiselacisntive Seas tia’ dulng siigualuleii Log Perch........ Fs acnab tes Gaol hal onsalnds oi a avesoacs Hava Baiciscehubivan um Behn Scena den Ooancaneaeaven cada Long-eared Sunfish Long Jaws......scccesee Long-nosed Gar Long-nosed Sucker...........ccccscccessccseres sonseneensceeseseecseoees Lauvspistnsiennay eked eiweens Long-nosed Dace.......0.scesseseeevene Tao uals siete Couept sama nMBEE A aaemtAscete oe cne ence aR Lmn ae Nae TAM CUUB ys 245 cite acca coneatieatadssaawonice VUCIUS sc isvinsiannaiastadan nevene masquinongy ...... ‘ Manitou Darter... Marsipobranchii..... Maskinongy..........+.- Maxillary.......ccccscssersecseceeeesereccseeser steeeecseeees Michigan Herring Micropterus..........22..00665 GOLOMICU.....ceececcssceccsesceeceecnececeeusetenere sateen sepeeeeesnaatetsesseeeeees leteeueesasenes © SALMOI ES... sees eeeseeee seen ees ceceneneeesteeneecenaercercnsenecetauesteneeceeeeeens cas anees MiCrOPeTrCa.....sseeceseceseerescenes punctulata,......0. creer Miller’s Thumb.........:..00-sseeeees Mississippi Cat...........sssessceseces seeesenscereereeseevenens Missouri Sucker ba ais Mongrel Whitefish........ 20:0. ceecsessesesreresseeseseeneeecetaseeasasnsee eases ceneeeserceesesenees Moon-eyes : MoxoStoman.. .ccccscecesceresecseeeseeeessveeestoreen ene anisurum aureolum 90 PRELIMINARY REPORT Mud-fish wt.c.cccccsesesesseeseeeees SH ceo 15 MA Min no Wiss cvecia casiceiten tncouana segura te vqnveiamacenheah aan tadlaezea ce ves'swadex'us dlaveliaed aaieau annals 48 Muscallonge ..... Muscallunge...... ote Nematognathi...........cccesceeeee Northern Sucker. .........066 soe a aaa Per IN GGEOPIS::. os cae denies: Suceneteden te sidaneaues cee hGhehordares sae aseyierdeamadmencauedassautacncudduauine BTC ODS! siissiscis; seecisie we: sie seinseis ena ef icaveidee enecisciveg vtiaviegign sada’ ccssiecsnenatnecarcbamsceenseioresse anogenus. AbheriNOi Wess sccsisnsastcsceauaseawssriaccaeecsageoasswoesosns’ Gonancderseevantesans axes frontalis .... sa GiLE CES viiaseussit cntsianssavsedseostecareien Weber od On i isicsacnisscesajseeonesvapieeavaseacaceheadea sisus eaieissereewe cess seeiaamaesiieieeaiey se ‘hudsonius..... JO) UD US seevesa cosa snes scceerinceseenescewany cant seneeuaduigeslacaindaneedanion nedestauinteeee stein wes rubrifrons... ‘ scopifer.... umbratilis, . whipplii... Noturus...... flavus... sins sie Sees aeieeaneis CUO PhABUS :sissarcnexse cee visusiss susdeosindncevans psieaveavaanene ae. a): oisaids Sabtoseeiannbe Serra eee Operel esse ccctsions svaviacswencostsivvamnnscsden sheas wanna aageadsiagionsea teers isbeiidctvesiinr hs clecasee cvs Oswego Bass... see aedenae Sich Be aciewwte OUOTICHE fi vais sicntisadis sfesnaned dase dons vStaat oats aa, alesian seeing manana ain seuoeesitoas vb wmaaeoeeaenk anaes Palatine bones... Pectoral fins..... Percopside.... Percopsis.......... guttatus..... Percida@.......06 a a EIAs hes in each nig uaa vee CaTaa AL Sema ee ewe ered es Ne ieee ees 63, 65 flavescens : : Petromyzonide.... Pharyngeal teeth aueuins an neliivilametiesen Picker el .:sccsesassse icin de.ccss eas qovassbrcasuny caaiaas sidedeatse dap des digneneonieuauaeabede eveuoasinsanats 49 Pike........ esieaw esl sRoniae eisai anaes weinie de Sbedins aieleaawe ioe astnalmmeRagaanad eespadeeancoeuNTS 48, 49, 64 Pike Perch.......... Pileoma zebra....,. ‘ FISHES OF MINNESOTA 91 Pimelodus ailurus Pimephales..........++ NOTACUS......0cc000 promelas... Plectospond yi. .ccssnnvcosnivwaevave vette senessesnsncsctvvens euvsesdstneevistevunneessinciuateodear’ Poaciliidae .........ccccceececeres Polyodontidze Polyodon..........scccsseeee spathula POmi0 tS LUMA secevsnserseseveussevevedersi. cacsasedsnnsesteoasussnasssananssnenasucsbtioncesstiedsudedece Pomoxis............ ts ANNUIATIS. 0.0... cece cee see eee Premaxillary ’ Preopercle Preorbital. Pseudobranchii BEG ey POI WON OS? sss coe ahievaidjissuev amuses dea uganaespuaitacs gear aaiiicaudsmnlinaasecneresoneeets Pumpkin Seed ........... Pygosteus .......... pungitius..,....... EV LOLIG COCA soe ccss siaice ainda tad Sola oueies ueRianis Gaede cirouu iad oe Une niad ows nvauvea asad ame soeoacenesmedees RACCOON POPC 6 isis sidavaicievesiesedsdnddavisuee su visievuamewaanediuadeesseul icinddniendenvasdisaaniniies Red-mouthed Buffalo ..........ccceeccceeccseecescacee cereenees Ror aacnlvinysuaioenntte aeeiaceieweibiets se ainie cs 21 7 Rhinichthys arenatus Ringed Perch..........c-scccccessseessesnesesesseensseeees saree enees cenaneees Dae npTeRssaea ETE aes 65 RIVED Bass wate sissities daiiesaaue saninieday newnietceoweadandneiibaanes ony onaeshoninn ts pesisne jupaane deasenianens ea chrysops Rock Bass.........- sipisteeiness ROGKEASN, o5 vss visa ae o vkintewaatee ventas oietscancscxvcaed shoei erieneistniapeminetintaneeren meme ROCK Sturgeon.......cscsescesccececccccnsssscceresccaeeeceessssesensteesee eeeeeetapseeagaseeens ees Facecita Salmonide............ Salmo siscowet Sal MOD sesicsies nenciaciein shingigsnmanss sasep tenis gouge saben cseyeieadiasies team eemenamemmareetenend Salvelinus........ fontinalis .; 92 PRELIMINARY REPORT PY EIN UG: dsciaredysnesciaceanniacmamianorssnnmenvacedsailanadaisesesuanion Veawsektne maa pegedeiwasiebaais SCN dW esessciasesccinewaweverm comers serpenicdeerteaen siveensoeemnes ane yissealesevamitenleaaies Sculpins.... Sea Bass......... Selachostomi.... SOMO POS). 5cicscceankaciceeadnwencnsmmsaiycveten coneinee atromaculatus , SOLAN 6 ® iss cesicsswssessne nean aguas dwasicieinaainemensiene Sheeps-head. .sscssssccrcessevianenveuavaines te tavewsee vacua swrws cedaanunctvsivaampeae veneonsesannaes Shiner............... ‘ Short-nosed Gar Shovel-nosed Sturgeon dhioueinidshvan gemaiueateeamedipatied SiU TIDES: oo ccecevdcnesencinwe tare siees Silver Cat ......... Silvery Minnow Silver-fin .........ceeeeeeeee ee Silverside... Siscowet .... ae ats SHipj sek sccsuseivevesesvevcweawexes gata geese Nee eaieadeeeN aad och tiielseaan sasvatede + aiesnesne leet devon 54 Small-mouthed Buffalo 21 Small-mouthed Bass ...........0.:000000008 hia ae sits 61 BOlLAISE Fishiys ceassiinss ccnninnniaaearonewansadeas davincuandern, sonananorvnateanwe sauigen 70 SPaWa CAaber sccsss sscciaisenssecssveccansnsnsentvacsassssu scesesatoacerwosssieesion eg 35 Speckled Trout é 47 Spiral valve .... ss 7 “Spoon-bill v.00. sed = ang 12 Spot tailed Minnow ssccsssvscsensecensvesswdeveenas aeeeeienckssctieasea ins abybienedveane sete see eee 35 Steel-backed ODUD........cccesssceeeeceeeesees ceseeees ccs ysticaetar sor uentcslirenate dee dsicdise 28 Stickleback as sdaaidse sauces 51 Stizostedion....scrccssccceesrcccsecsseeeceoeeesee veseeeeessseaeeneneeseat sneeeeasense vanes saanes 7, 63, 64 CANAC CHS PTISCNM iecdsnsdanidinarweteraveaniecsedlvwarvenadaennsacinaes se vuadieasRbeeamemerene 64 vitreum, Striped Bass.... Stone Lugger.. Stone Roller.......... Stone Lotter... ssw caseissieciomnscsenceseiers Straw-colored Minnow .: Straw berky Bass.i...cs.oanecaesasnndes sndananesunavcaan sviansindsvie ci bi jai al so aunenesielecienbedindne nee’ Bburgeon 1. wvsvese veseescanccnssnssteseveetessecenaen re csonnseseeennevasiadevcocdneecssenenteas Subopercle Suborbital Sucker....... sot vinut die neeinaaieadaee dt sea Near eave nemeeurecetmensettiater