ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CoRNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell ee Library QL 638.C66S92 ‘ma University Zoologi (IMU LEPTOCEPHALIDS IN THE UNIVERSITY ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM AT UPSALA BEING A DISSERTATION FOR THE ATTAINING OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR PRESENTED BY PERMISSION OF THE MATHEMATICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCE SECTION OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY AT UPSALA FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION IN THE ZOOLOGICAL LECTURE-HALL on WEDNESDAY MAY 27th 1896 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. BY PEHR HUGO STROMMAN LICENCIATE OF PHILOSOPHY a UPPSALA 4896 PRINTED BY ALMQVIST & WIKSELL. Ok “8 bee “SgQ- RC3324 Professor TycHo TuLLBerc, Director of the Univer- sity Zoological Museum in Upsala, requested me in the year 1890 to examine and treat the Leptocephalids to be found in that Museum. At that time the collection embraced, firstly, a number of specimens from the Straits of Messina, col- lected by Professor Hs. Toten and Dr. A. AppELLor during their stay at Messina in 1888, and secondly, specimens from extraeuropean waters, obtained by the late Captain G. von ScH#ELE on his extensive travels in tropical seas, especially in the Malayan Archipelago. In the meantime Dr. C. Bovatuius has enriched the museum with a number of specimens obtained in 1891 by him in Italy’; and the late Captain A. Fors- strém has presented the Museum with some Lepto- cephalids from the Atlantic. But it is to the late Cap- tain G. C. Ecxman that the collection is especially in- debted for additions. He handed over to the Museum a large number of specimens, which he had procu- red in the Central Atlantic. At present the Museum contains 29 species of Leptocephalids, of which there are in all 541 repre- sentatives. ; IV Fifteen of these twenty-nine species have been de- scribed before; thirteen belong to the genus Leptoce-, phalus and two to that of Tilurus. , These are: Leptocephalus Morrisii Guru. is Kollikeri Kavp. 5) Kaupit Face. *s sicamus Face. A Yarrellii Kaur. i” Heeckelit. Kaur. * Bibront Kaur. 5 Gegenbauri Kaur. : brevirostris Kaur. ‘ Maurolict Face. ij inequalis Face, * Bleekeri Facc. is Kefersteinii Kaur. Tilurus trichiurus (Cocco) Kauvp. » Aydlinus Face. The remaining fourteen species, ” 1 8 4 5 6 8 9 9 11 11 12 14 15 45 46 below) é all belonging to the genus Leptocephalus and all extraeuropean, are new and hitherto not described. They are as follows: Leptocephalus LEckmani n. sp. *y immaculatus , , 3 Schéelet a. 6s Forsstromi iy ‘5 undulatus neh i humilis eo ¥% A javanicus ro 20 21 24 27 29 30 . 16> below) Wee was i / S Vv Leptocephalus crenatus n. sp. (see p. 82: below) ” f uliginosus » 7 ( noon 34 nn) i subinornatus , , (y » 86 4, ) Fe lanceolatus , , -(y » 37 4 ) ” hyoproroides no” ( ne) 39 ” ) ; curvirostris 4» 4» (yy » 41 4 ) 3 tiluroides oop Gop go 48 = 3 The long and keenly debated question, “what is the real nature of Leptocephalids?“ has been, quite recently, finally answered, as all are aware, by the studies Grasst and CaLanpRuccio have published upon these animal-forms. They found them to be normal larva-stages of fishes that belong to the group Mu- renids. It may perhaps seem, from this fact, that to continue to treat the Leptocephalids as though they formed one independent and systematic group is unjustifiable. Such treatment may however possibly be defended on the score of the intimate connection between Leptocephalid forms and Mureenids respecti- vely having only in a few cases been proved with any certainty. A further justification for the same lies in the fact that it will certainly be long before the intimate connection above mentioned has been fully exemplified for all forms. It is however evident that in reference to Leptocephalids the terms “genus” and “species must not be accepted in the ordinary sense, but rather looked upon as a sort of temporary no- menclature. Considering the limited knowledge at present pos- sessed relative to these animal-forms it would be ven- vi turesome, if indeed possible at all, to attempt to ar- rive at any natural grouping of them. In this account of the collection of Leptocephal- ids in the Zoological Museum at Upsala I have not therefore considered it wise to do so in any degree; it seemed better first to treat those forms that are already known and then to take up the new ones that I have succeeded in discovering in the collection. Within, however, the bounds of these two categories, I have tried to arrange thé species in such a way, that those which in habit most closely correspond and are in all probability nearly related to each other have been placed together. I have not deemed it necess- ary to give descriptions of the first category, since the species here have already been described in detail. There is an agreable duty that yet remains for me to discharge. I desire namely in this place to give expression to my heartfelt gratitude to my ho- noured teacher, Professor TycHo TuLtpere, for the kind interest he has shown in my zoological studies, for the valuable advice and explanations he has con- stantly therein afforded me, and for the goodwill I have ever been the recipient of at his hands. Genus LEPTOCEPHALUS Garonowus. Zoophyl. Gronov. 1763. Fasc. I, N:o 410. p. 185. Subgenus Helmichthys. Helmictis RAFINESQUE. Ind. ittiol. sic. 1810. p. 62. The body is not compressed or but slightly so, and is cylindrical or subcylindrical in shape. Of the forms referred to this subgenus the following are found represented in the “collection: L. Morrisii Gue.., L. Kollikeri Kaup and L. Kau- pti Face. 1. L. Morrisii C. a. Linng, Syst. Nat. 1785. T. I. p. 1150. In determining this species I have given it the same extent as Dr. FaccionA in his work: “Rivista delle specie di Leptocephalidi del mar di Messina“; it includes therefore Helmichthys (Helmictis) punctatus RarF., too. There are three examples of the species in the collection. Two of them are typical L. Morrisii; one was obtained by Professor TamerLAN THoRELL off Nice, the other by Dr. Aporr AppgtLér off Messina; the third specimen, procured off Scilla in Calabria, in the Straits 2 of Messina by Dr. Cart Bovatiius, gives, on the other hapd, evidence of possessing characters considered to be distinctive of Helm. punctatus Rar. a) Nice. T. Tuoretu. 1 specimen. No date given. Teeth Of BOOP ya ok wae oe Sw SS 108 mm. Greatest height of body. .......... tC x ‘Distance from extremity of snout to origin Of dorsal fy. ie ek we Go Ge wee a a 2o , Distance from extremity of snout to vent 45 , Length of head .. 1... 1. ew eee eee 9 y Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s BUCOMIOY TWA VEMA 6) ieee acts oe a Sw a ws 2. oF Hye's MaMehenS S/o a 28.9 6 babe ee x OP b) Messina. A. ApprELLoF. 1 specimen. 1888. Length of body .... 0... ee ees 92 mm. Greatest height of body........... 6 x Distance from extremity of snout to dor- SANS oe Sy Ww ee Oe OE Sw BN 25, Distance from extremity of snout to vent 389 , hergth Of Wad «ax ea pe a he do St as Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin. ..... eeeceere aC is Hye's MiaMmeter yo ox we ew we ee SSeS a ow C) Calabria, Scilla. C. Bovauurus. 1 specimen. Feb. 11. 1891. Length of body . 2% esc. aee4 e444 104 mm. Greatest height of body. .......... ts Distance from extremity of snout to dor- Sa Ue he eet Lote Ge A RR 28 Distance from extremity of snout to vent 42 Lenebh oF head» yeuce4 a ee ae aoe a eS 8 mm Distance from extremity of ba to eye’s SMLCILOF ANAPEIN, of giyouia « Ge la ee A 2 » Mye’s Giameler< say 4s ee ols ee ae KS 2 2. L. Kollikeri Kaur. Cat. Apod. Fish. Brit. Mus. 1856.-p. 148. pl. XVII, fig. 10. The museum possesses two specimens of this spe- cies, procured near Messina by Professor Hs. Tuten and Dr. ApprnLor, Feb. 1888. a) Messina. Hs. Tuten and A. AppEeLLér. 1 speci- men, Feb. 1888. Length of body ....... STA Bind ee 92 mm. Greatest height of body .......... 6 , Distance from extremity of snout to dor- sal fn. .... Pama ener Sa eaten Vite 13 Distance from extremity of snout to vent.: 36 , Lengih- of head pin eat ea ee ee ae a TO Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin... .......+... 3 5 Eye’s diameter... .........200. 2° % b) [see a) above.] bensth of body <1 « say sw eee oe x 58 4 ‘Greatest height of body .......... G4 Distance from extremity of snout to dor- Sal fin. 2 ee Le os Distance from-extremity of snout to vent. 39. ,, Length of head . 2... eee eee eae 9 4 Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin... 0 6 eee ee ees Ss 4 Bye’s diameter... . 2... ee eee eee oa 3. L. Kaupii Facciora. Rivista sp. Leptoc, Atti R. Accad, Pelorit, 1883. Anno IV. p. 185, t. £. 38. This species, which resembles L. Kéllikeri very closely, is represented in the collection by seven in- dividuals, all from Messina, Six of them were col- lected by Professor Tuten and Dr. AppELiér in Feb. 1888, while Dr. Bovauiius obtained the seventh on the 24" of Jan. 1891. a—f) Messina. Hs. Toten and A. AppELLor. 6 specimens. Feb. 1888. These six specimens have the following dimensions: a) 0b) oc ad e) f) mum mm mm mm mm. mm. Length of body... .. 99 99 90 85 82 77 Greatest height of body 6 6 6 6 6 6 Distance from extremity of snout to dorsal fn 28 283 22 18 21 18 Distance from extremity of snout to vent... 40 88 88 83 84 81 Length of head. .... 9 9 8 8 8 Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s an- terior margin. .... 8 2 3 2 2 2 Eye’s diameter... .. a 2 2 2.2 2 g) Messina; harbour, on the surface, at night, C. Bovauirus. 1 specimen. Jan. 24. 1891, Hemet Of DOO yc kon a ed a a ke a wow 88 mm. Greatest height of body. .........., 6 Distance from extremity of snout to dorsal fin 18 Distance from extremity of snout to vent. 36 Length of Dead . 456 4G a Bx de ae x 8 Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin. ............., 2,5 mm. Eye’s diameter .. 1... 2... cece 2 Subgenus Euleptocephalus n. subg. The body is strongly compressed and more or less band- or leaf-shaped. 4. L. sicanus Facciova. Descr. n. sp. Leptoc. str. Messina. Atti Soc. Tose. Sc. Nat. Pisa. 1883. Vol. VI. Fasc. I. p. 5. t. 4. £ 3. It is probable that this form is quite distinct from L. Yarellii Kaur. The museum possesses three examples of it. One of them is from Capo di Faro in the Straits of Messina, the only locality, so far as I am aware, hitherto recorded for this species. The other two specimens were found by the late Captain G. von Scutere in 85°40’ South Lat. and 18° 45’ East Long., that is, off the Cape of Good Hope. They agree completely in every respect with the descrip- tion and drawing Dr. FacctonA gives of L. sicanus; hence they can without hesitation be referred to this form — thus giving a new illustration of the extensive distribution some of these fishes would seem to have. (In the same glass there was also a specimen of ZL. Yarellii Kaup., likewise agreeing in all particulars with specimens from Messina, which for this species too is the only- recorded locality). a) Messina. Capo di Faro. C. Bovauiius. 1 spe- cimen. 1891. April 8. Length of DOdys oa be 2 a wor a ee 106 mm. Greatest height of body .......... i ee 6 Distance from extremity of snout to dor- Os cs ae eee ee ae >a 78 tom, Distance from extremity of snout to vent. 94 , Length of head... 1... 2... . 1 wae ic Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior Margin .........0.04 2,5 y Eye’s diameter ...........2.0084 2 n b, c)' Lat. 35° 40' S. Long. 18° 45’ E. = G. vow ScHEELE. 2 specimens. 1885. b) c) mm, mm. Length of body... ........... 122 87 Greatest height of body......... 14. «10 Distance from extremity of snout to dor- Sal GN oy edge Sa ee eR a 86 64 Distance from extremity of snout to vent 108 78 Length of head. ......... aoe tok 7 5,5 Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin ...........0., 2,5 2. Eye’s diameter. ............. 2 1,5 5. L. Yarrellii Kaup. Cat. Apod. Fish. Brit. Mus. 1856 p. 149. pl. XVIIL. f. 13. There are five individuals of this species in the ‘collection from Messina; three of them were pro- cured | by Dr. Apprtnér in 1888, and two by Dr. Bovattius 1891. Besides these there is the one already spoken of (p. 5), an individual from 35° 40'S. Lat. and 18° 45' E. Long., captured by Captain von SCHEELE, a—c) Messina, A. ApPELLOF. 3 specimens. 1888. a) i) c) mm, mm. nm, Length of body.......... 121 119 109 Greatest height of body ..... 14 (12°) 117 Distance from extremity of snout to dorsal fn ..... 0.0... - 70 79 ~=668 Distance from extremity of snout — TO: “VOMU aie es ah ae ee ees 90 94 83 Length of head ........., 8 8 8 Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin. ... 2,5 25 25 Hy6's Ciamieter esa ae wwe ee a 2 Q 2 d) Messina; harbour, surface. C. Bovatiivs, 1 specimen. Jan. 24. 1891. Length of body ..............0. 102 mm. Greatest height of body .......... 12 yy Distance from extremity of snout to dor- SAL Ns oe he Bod Oe ese RN ees A 57 Distance from extremity of snout to vent 76 , Length Of bead. 2s. a ace os eee ate fee 8 , Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin. 6 uk ce ee 3 iy Hives WIAMOLe? soe ea Se ee ae e) Messina; straits, surface, daytime. C. BovaL- -Lius.: 1 specimen. Feb. 12. 1891. Length ef G0dyyi4 as vy aie wie eos #4 103 mm. Greatest height of body .......... 2 Distance from extremity of snout to dor- Sal tie 24. eee Ae lie IS ode, ew aig (D2 Distance from extremity of snout to vent 74 , Length of head. 2... se tere eves S 4 8 Distance from extremity of snout to eye’s anterior margin... . 6-6 ee ee eee 2,5 mm. Hye’s diameter . gs va eee peewee ee 2 ‘ f) Lat. 35° 40' S. Long. °18° 45 E. G. von Scu#eLe. 1 specimen. 1885. Length of body... .... 2.56228 e 114 mm. Greatest height of body .......... iA gy Distance from extremity of snout to- dor- Sal fit noe ee we ee ee LO” » 4, » 5. » 6. Fig. 1. » 2, » 38. » 4, >» 5. 58 Plate II. Leptocephalus javanicus n. sp. 2/1. » » » Head. 4/1. » “> >» Part of the trunk (mag- nified). » crenatus > /1. » » » Head. 1. » fuliginosus » Nat. size. » » » Head. °)1. Plate IV. Leptocephalus subinornatus n. sp. 2/1. » » » Head. 8/1. >) lanceolatus » 8h, » » Head. 81. » hyoproroides » 2/1. » » Head. 5/1. Plate V. Leptocephalus curvirostris n. sp. Nat. size. » » » Head. 1. » tiluroides » Nat. size. » » » Head. 41. » » » Part of thetrunk.?/1. ia L.Lyunggren Upsala. + Ao Norrbom del. ie woe Ee CS IL. S LT ins ee Oe ui !)) 1) 2 Le YUL.