peer ier th cena a Pauses LIBRARY ANNEX orparas neu Meas goray a 4 ah toga ae Aes: g on pythee S a The vat SH tes i ewe io ; 1 Pita of, Joes ehsin mma iat Pr ee lapel at bianco ae Wop ace pape bade ively We a ae Peles lite ois eT ig rhb Lilet itaae Marr et at b Eile Wanye Lay ti A { ih vane laMaae Oui Ais SA TA a) fA 1] a { AOE ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY | all books eve ensject to oe after two weeks. cibr: Gan DATE DUE CASTOROLOGIA. “A subject which has, from the very inception of colonization, been associated with the in- dustrial and commercial development, and, indirectly, with the social life, the romance, and, to a considerable extent, even with the wars of Canada.’’ JOHN READE. aR TA Na Pt if i i Ca te ; i aia i , mati fe | Ae i {i HN i \ A SCENE IN THE LAURENTIDES. CASTOROLOGIA OR THE HISTORY AND TRADITIONS OF THE CANADIAN BEAVER. BY HORACE T. MARTIN, F.Z.S.,&c. AN EXHAUSTIVE MONOGRAPH, POPULARLY WRITTEN AND FULLY ILLUSTRATED. LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, Nos. 26 & 27 COCKSPUR STREET, CHARING Cross, 8. W. MONTREAL: WM. DRYSDALE & CO. No. 232 St. JAMES STREET. 1892. (30 757 RG fos Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, by Horace T. MartTIn, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. to Joao 72 DESBARATS & CO., ENGRAVERS AND PRINTERS. BY PERMISSION DEDICATED TO SIR J. WM. DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., &e. IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF HIS SERVICES TO STUDENTS oF CANADIAN NATURAL HISTORY. PREFACE. of every Canadian; yet, as in most cases where tradition alone is relied on, this knowledge is chiefly remarkable for its divergence from facts. As the acorn, falling on favorable soil, sends forth the slender shoot, which time and circumstance may model into a grotesque fetish for minds ignorant, or forget- ful of the simplicity of its origin; so, the facts of science, if nurtured by tradition, soon lose shape, and multitudes venerate the fabulous stories of dragon or beaver, with total disregard to outraged reason. Iconoclasm must, therefore, do its work, dis- tasteful as its spirit may be; for rather should we add, than take away one tittle of our nation’s lore; but such statements as can- not stand the search-light test of truth, must rank as fable; and while our story may lose some of its glamour when studied rationally, we surely do not need the chimerical to arouse our h TRADITIONAL knowledge of the beaver is the birthright interest. Canada has been known for nearly three centuries as ‘‘ the home of the beaver,’’ and for over two hundred years this animal contributed to Canada’s most substantial advancement: inspiring adventures, stimulating enterprize, and laying the strong founda- tions of our commercial development. ‘Thus has the beaver played its part in the romance of our early history; the central figure around which waged the wars of nations, while powerful corpo- x rations and petty adventurers fought for monopolies few were able to control. The history of the beaver in Great Britain, has been concisely recorded by J. E. Harting; while an extensive volume, the work of Morgan and Ely, treats of the beaver in the United States. Conspicuous for original contributions on the Canadian beaver, we recognize Cartwright, in Labrador; Hardy, in New Bruns- wick ; Venner, in Quebec; Wilson, in Ontario; and Green, in the Far West; but all these are eclipsed by Samuel Hearne, the Hudson’s Bay explorer and writer, whose observations will be worth, for all time, verbatim copy. Dr. Richardson’s monumental tome, though written half a century later, scarcely extends in the least our knowledge of this subject. To trace the tangled threads of the earlier chronicles, and to produce a worthy fabric, requires for every strand a mind peculiar to the theme—the patience and keen observance of the Antiquary —the genius of the Historian—the broad knowledge of the Biologist —all these at least, and with these, the general love for the study of Nature. This last has been my slender equipment, but I have easily enlisted sympathetic help from members of the Anti- quarian Society, the Society for Historical Studies, and the Natural History Society of Montreal. To the Hon. Edward Murphy and to Mr. P. S. Murphy I am indebted for antiquarian notes; for the elucidation of many historical problems my thanks are due to Mr. Henry Mott and Mr. Gerald E. Hart; while for many kind and valuable services I am deeply grateful to Sir J. Wm. Dawson. Among my correspondents many have evinced a prac- tical interest, and I am proud to acknowledge many items from the fluent pen of Mr. J. M. LeMoine. During my sojourns abroad I received most friendly assistance, and acknowledge my obliga- tions to Mr. T. F. Moore, Derby Museum, Liverpool; Mr. Chas. N. Read, Brit. Mus. (Ethnography) ; Mr. Oldfield Thomas and Mr. A. Smith Woodward, Brit. Mus. (Natural History); Mr. A. D. Bartlett, Regents Park Gardens ; and Mr. P. A. Sclater, Sec’y. Zool. Society, London ; who made available to me the privileges of those xi magnificent institutions. My numerous reading and thinking friends have, with a marvellous patience, endured these many years my demands for informations, and indeed their sympathy has been my greatest encouragement. I wish also to express my thanks to the publishers, who have so generously undertaken the responsibility of bringing before the public this, my initial volume; thereby preserving those traditions which make our great Dominion proud to own as its national totem, ‘‘ the beaver.’’ Horacs T. MARTIN. MONTREAL, February, 1892. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION i I CHAPTER I. MYTHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE 7 CHAPTER II. MAMMOTH BEAVERS ‘i 15 CHAPTER III. THE EUROPEAN BEAVER 25 CHAPTER IV. THE MorE IMPORTANT AMERICAN RODENTS ‘ 31 ss CHAPTER V. Lire HIsToRY OF THE CANADIAN BEAVER. . 41 CHAPTER VI. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION : 49 ; CHAPTER VII. ww NGINEERING ACCOMPLISHMENTS 61 CHAPTER VIII. Weeowomre CONSIDERATIONS . 79 CHAPTER IX. CHEMICO-MEDICAL PROPERTIES 89 CHAPTER X. l IMPORTANCE IN TRADE AND COMMERCE 99 CHAPTER XI. \ USES OF THE BEAVER IN MANUFACTURES 119 X1V CHAPTER XII. HUNTING THE BFAVER 133 CHAPTER XIII. EXPERIMEN’ IN DOMESTICATION 153 CHAPTER XIV. ANATOMY—OSTEOLOGY—TAXIDERMY 171 CHAPTER XV. THE BEAVER IN HERALDRY 189 APPENDICES. APPENDIX—A. PHOTO-COPIES FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS—I72I-1726 207 APPENDIX—B. SAMUEL HEARNE’S ACCOUNT OF THE BEAVER . 219 APPENDIX—C. PLAPTYPSVLLUS CASTORIS 235 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE A Scene in the Laurentides : Frontispiece Figure of a Beaver from the earliest known Monograph 4 Arme des Hurons 6 Wonders of the New World II The Beaver and His Famous Lodges Groen an old print, 1755) 14 Fiber Zibethicus—Castor Canadensis—Castoroides Ohioensis . 21 Lower Jaw of Trogontherium Cuvieri (half natural size) after Owen. . . = 24 Lower Jaw of the European Beaver, from Peat Moss, Newbury, England . 30 Fiber Zibethicus—The Musk Beaver 34 Myopotamus Coypus—The South American Beaver 36 The Largest Existing Rodent—Hydrochzrus Capybara 40 The First Work of the Beaver Kitten : 43 Stump Showing Cuttings from Various Levels of Snow 47 The Large Yellow Pond Lily (Nuphar Advena) 48 Beaver Hunting Grounds of the Iroquois . 54-55 Map Showing Distribution of Beaver—about 1850 58 The Advance of Civilization 60 LeBeau’s Marvelous Vision 65 Stump Showing that Methods of Cutting Disagree 68 The Beaver Canal, from ‘‘ The American Beaver and his Works’’ 73, Beaver Chips 78 Fur Traders “‘Squatting ’ on the Prairie near Fort ies 1876 82 Beaver Tooth Chisel, from a Specimen in the British Museum 87 Title Page of the Original Castorologia 93 Lower Incisor Tooth of the Beaver ‘ 96 Dried Castoreum Pouches—“ Bark Stone,’’ or “‘ Beaver Castors ”’ 98 Tally for Five Beavers 106 The Hudson’s Bay Company’s Beaver Token 108 112 The North West Company’s Beaver Token xvi A Trapper and Trader of the Old Régime From ‘Illustrated Montreal,” by permission J. McConniff. Lake Superior, or The Spirit Land Beaver Fur, Magnified 50 Diameters . St. Clement, Patron Saint of the Hatters . Modifications of the Beaver Hat The Hood, or Beaver Hat in its First Form Beaver Fur, Magnified 250 Diameters Diagram of a Beaver Hunt—1704 The Beaver Hunting Country of the Six Nation Indians—1749 Beaver Trap, with Clutch . Quickwahay—The ‘‘ Beaver Eater”’ The Deadfall (as now used for Mink or Sable) The Marquis of Bute’s Beaver Enclosure—July 1889 “No Person Allowed Within the Beaver Enclosure ”’ Beaver’s Head (Study from Still Life) Tail of the Beaver—Direct from Nature ; Skulls Showing the Features on which the Specific Difference is based Artistic Taxidermy Applied to the Beaver This group has been presented to the Redpath meee. McGill College, in the name of the late Roswell C. Lyman. Taxidermic Monstrosities . Postage Stamp, issued 1851 Seals of the New Netherlands Coat of Arms of the City of Montreal Early Arms of Canada (unauthenticated) Suggestion for a Complete Coat of Arms for the Dominion of Canada Platypsyllus Castoris . II5 118 122 123 125 128 132 137 141 146 149 152 163 170 175 179 183 186 188 192 195 196 199 201 235 INTRODUCTION. SALUTATION FROM THE KING OF BEAVERS. By GEORGE MARTIN. ‘“ Welcome to the kindly home Where we shape the wattled dome, Where, in moonlight’s silver calm, My faithful subjects build the dam; The land whose maple leaf conveys A prophecy of sweetened days. We’re grateful for the honor given To beaverhood, since nearer heaven This great Dominion raised our name, Emblazoned on the scroll of fame ; A choice that to the world attests The base on which its greatness rests, Our one transcendent, special gift :— Persistency of honest thrift.” INTRODUCTION. ANADA offers to the naturalist an exceptional invitation, in her grand possessions of primeval forest, trackless prairie, mountain ranges, lakes and rivers. Nature’s domain is, however, so vast, that the mind is perplexed with the endless beauty of the panorama, and instead of boldly pressing on nature, for the unfolding of her secrets, the observer pauses before the great chain of interdependent phenomena. ‘The subject as a whole, being beyond the grasp of most minds, contentment will be found in selecting a minor feature, and devoting to it close study. The early adventurers in the New World met with many novel- ties and the interest manifested in these discoveries called forth accounts concerning them. Though the temptation to startle the Old World readers by fabulous tales, was frequently yielded to, all the early records are valuable, as containing the germs of our cur- rent traditions. The discovery of the Canadian Beaver was coincident with the discovery of Canada. From the earliest days, the animal was recog- nized as of great importance to Canada, and this association has given her the beaver as a national symbol. The name of the Indian village, Hochelaga, visited by Jacques Cartier in 1536, is an Algon- quin word, signifying ‘‘beaver-meadows,’’ and as colonies of beavers were not unusually found in the immediate vicinity of the Indian 4 CASTOROLOGIA. settlements, we may reasonably infer that much of the present site of the city of Montreal, was then occupied by them. It was not, however, till the establishing of the fur-trading post at Quebec in 1604, and at Montreal in 1611, that the commercial importance was taken advantage of, and the destruction of the beaver hosts began. ‘Though the beaver trade of Canada soon assumed proportions commanding the attention of Parliament, it FIGURE OF A BEAVER FROM THE EARLIEST KNOWN MONOGRAPH—1685. was two centuries later, before science manifested any interest. In 1820, Kuhl published a description of a Canadian beaver, then in the British Museum, and named it Castor Canadensis, thus creating a specific name in contradistinction to Castor Europeus, the European beaver. In size the creatures were much alike; in color the Kuro- pean was not so dark, but no difference of any moment was detected, till, in 1825, Frederick Cuvier pointed out a difference in the skulls, which has since been recognized as establishing the species. Kuhl’s, being the first distinctive name published to science, by the rules of CASTOROLOGIA. 5 scientific nomenclature takes precedence, hence we have, fixed be- yond dispute, the scientific binomen, Castor Canadensis, giving the popular form, the Canadian beaver. The European beaver had formerly been widely spread over the Old World, and it had earned a conspicuous place in the thoughts of men, as early as the days of Heredotus, 420 to 480, B.C. The Greeks called it Castor, from gastvo—the stomach, having reference to the appearance of the animal; while in Latin, we find many records of it under the names, ‘‘fibre,’’ ‘‘fiber’’ and ‘ fibir ;’’ cor- rupted from fidrum, and signifying that the animal dwelt on the banks or edges of the rivers and streams. There is also a Latin form, ‘‘beber,’’ with which there is evident connection in the Ger- man ‘‘biber,’’ the old French ‘‘beavre,’’ and the Anglo-Saxon “‘beofer,’’ ‘‘befer,’’ and ‘‘beaver.’’ As the determining of scientific names rests absolutely on the rule of priority, regardless of correct- ness or suitability, many gross anomalies occur; but in the present case no alteration or improvement could be wished for, as the scientific name admits of translation into terms fairly descriptive of the creature and its habits. With this general introduction, enquiry may now be made regarding the antecedents of the beaver, and though the Old World records date very early, the traditions of the North American Indians, which associate the beaver with the creation of the world, merit first consideration. Arme des Hurons. MYTHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE. ‘* Should you ask me, whence these stories? Whence these legends and traditions, With the odors of the forest, With the dew and damp of meadows, With the curling smoke of wigwams, I should answer, I should tell you, ‘ From the forest and the prairies, From the great lakes of the Northland, From the land of the Ojibways, From the land of the Dacotahs, I repeat them as I heard them I‘rom the lips of Nawadaha, The musician, the sweet singer.’ Should you ask where Nawadaha Found these songs, so wild and wayward, Found these legends and traditions, I should answer, I should tell you, ‘In the birds’-nests of the forest, In the lodges of the beaver,’ ”’ —The Song of Hiawatha. CHAPTER I. TRADITIONS CONCERNING THE BEAVER AND THE WoRLD’S CREATION— PRODIGIES ASCRIBED TO EARLY MEMBERS—THE BEAVER AS THE PROGENITOR OF MaN—SUPPOSED INFLUENCE OF BEAVER GHOSTS— REVERENCE WITH WHICH THE BEAVER IS TREATED—BEAVER FABLES —EARLY COLONIAL SUPERSTITIONS REGARDING ANIMAL LIFE. Before relating what may be called the sacred legends of the beaver, it may be well, first, to consider the people in whose minds the stories originated. It is generally admitted that climate has a re- markable effect on character, and with all the varieties from tropical to arctic, included in the original habitat of the Indians, a great diversity of character might be expected. In fact, they cannot be studied as one people, any more than could the present inhabitants of Europe, be described in one simple phrase. Thus, to the South, there were the ‘‘ Digger’’ Indians, and the ‘‘ Fishing’’ tribes—in- different and unprogressive—and with them, the robber bands who preyed upon them. Further to the North a sturdier race, the great warriors, distracting their neighbours, north and south, making captives and generally playing the part of a military nation ; while on this plane would be included settled and industrious tribes, such as the Hochelagans. Still higher in latitude the hardy fur-hunters, whose dealings with the Hudson’s Bay Company for over two centuries, furnish ample ground for the conception of the noble possibilities of the ‘‘redman;’’ and with such names as Pontiac, Tecumseth and Brant, illuminating the pages of our history, we need not choose types from the poor wretches who have fallen heir to our vices only. Then may we hold more respect for our red-skinned brother, and treat with reverence those traditions which to him were most sacred. 10 CASTOROLOGIA. While the Indian cannot justly be classified among the spirit- worshippers, though he had clear conceptions of spirits and a spirit- world, yet he is much above the range of fetishism, and may most properly be considered as a nature-worshipper. Being of a medita- tive mind, he reasoned far beyond the visible world, though he based his belief on material evidence. It was a logical process of reasoning that brought him to face the problem of the world’s creation. He believed the world was all covered with water in the beginning, and he peopled it with the beaver, the musquash and the otter, whose aquatic habits we can easily understand must have impressed him. But, as the building of the world was a prodigious task, these animals were all of gigantic size. They dived and brought up the mud with which the great spirit—the Manitou— made the earth. ‘Then the features of the earth, the mountain ranges, cataracts and caves, were all the works of the giant beavers ; and the erratic boulders, which, in many places, stand so conspicu- ously in our landscape, were the missles thrown by enraged spirits at offending beavers. When the world became ready for the introduction of man, the Indian philosophy solved the problem in a way that was curious and masterly. ‘The animals were said to have been endowed with speech, and seemed to have used the gift even as wicked mortals often do, accordingly, the great Manitou would frequently be vexed, and his wrath caused him at times to slay the evil-doer. Then, by a beautiful adaptation of the idea of the transmigration of spirits, man came forth as the spirit of the departed animal, and bore hence- forth a likeness in character to the animal from which he sprang. The Amikonas, or ‘‘ People of the Beaver,’ an Algonquin tribe of Lake Huron, claimed descent from the carcass of the great original beaver, or father of the beavers; and the beaver was one of the eight clans of the Iroquois. In the wonderful totem-poles of the Queen Charlotte Islanders, a prominent place is afforded the beaver, and doubtless the Hochelagans, or ‘‘Indians of the Beaver-Meadow,”’ held the creature in high esteem. The Manitou was good to man, and to make him chief among Hl ui i] | Mg bl es eG i Hi ih allt i) Yi : FS 4 cf 2 Gi N 4 \ at i HN Nh iN Bh i nh it H ‘ ith r RSE i} — ee Ses SEE poo i Hi i ‘ a EE WONDERS OF THE NEW WORLD. CASTOROLOGIA, 13 all living things, the Good Spirit ‘‘smoothed with his hand the giant beasts, making them gradually smaller,’’ and then he deprived them of the power of speech. Though animals were thus subjected to man, both were accountable to the Manitou; and even the animals and their departed spirits had powers affecting man. Many records relate the petitions of the Hunter before starting for the chase, which invariably included the promise of all reverence to be paid his victims. In this respect, the beaver, as the most valuable con- tributor to the social economy of the Indian, was the object of special regard, and roasted beaver was the highest desire of the Indian. After the feast the sacred bone was raised to its altar, an evidence of honor paid to the departed beaver, and then the remains were gathered with care and returned to the water, so that the dogs touched none of it. Woe to the luckless hunter who did dishonor to the bones of the beaver, and thus displeased the spirits; the beavers at once became shy, and in vain might he lay his traps. Many of these matters may seem childish and unworthy serious repetition, but surely they are of more profit than the fabulous accounts of the beaver which practically constitute the popular range of beaver literature. The animal itself has been represented in forms the most grotesque, some of which are selected as the illustrations of this chapter; and his works have been exaggerated beyond all recognition. ‘The dam has been described as formed of stakes five or six feet long driven into the ground in rows, with pliant twigs wattled between ‘‘as hurdles are made;’’ and the lodge has been extended to a five story building with windows and other conveniences ; while in the erection of these, the tail has been converted into a vehicle for conveying the materials, a pile-driver for placing the stakes, and a trowel for plastering the house. In fact as Hearne wrote in 1771, the only thing that remained to make their natural history complete, was the adding of ‘‘ a vocabulary of their language, a code of their laws, and a sketch of their religion.” Either from a misinterpretation of the Indian legends, or a mis- use of the imaginative faculties, or from both, there exists univer- sally in the early colonial writings the most astonishing references 14 CASTOROLOGIA. to the wild animals of the country, and the following quotation will show the extreme to which these fancies reached: ‘‘On the borders of Canada, animals are now and again seen resembling a horse; they have cloven hoofs, shaggy manes, a horn right out of the forehead, a tail like a wild hog.”’ This creature was figured by Arnoldus Montanus, in 1671, with some of the other animals of the New World, including the beaver, and will easily be recognized in the accompanying group of chim- eras, which is reproduced from the copy in the Documentary His- tory of New York. THE BEAVER AND HIS FAMOUS LODGES. FROM AN OLD PRINT, 1755. MAMMOTH BEAVERS. «To the beavers Paw-Puk-Keewis Spake entreating, said in this wise : ‘Very pleasant is your dwelling, O my friends! and safe from danger ; Can you not with all your cunning, All your wisdom and contrivance, Change me, too, into a beaver?’ ‘Yes,’ replied Ahmeek, the beaver, He the king of all the beavers, ‘Let yourself slide down among us, Down into the tranquil water.’ “Make me large,’ said Paw-Puk-Keewis ‘ Make me large, and make me larger, Larger than the other beavers.’ ‘Yes,’ the beaver chief responded, ‘When our lodge below you enter, In our Wigwam we will make you Ten times larger than the others.’ ”’ —The Iqunting of Paw-Puk-Keewis. CHAPTER II. INDIAN LEGENDS OF GIANT BEAVERS—DISCOVERY OF TROGONTHERIUM, CUVIER’S GIGANTIC BEAVER—A SEARCH FOR THE Fossit, BEAVER OF NORTH AMERICA—CASTOROIDES OHIOENSIS—REFLECTIONS ON THE FORM AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THESE ANIMALS—THE CHANGES OF Fauna IN RECENT TIMES. We have already told how the Indians, basing their arguments on material phenomena, reasoned as to the formation of the various features of the earth, and by introducing the industrious beaver, they explained many of the characteristics of the landscape which to them appeared like the beaver’s work ; but, the proportions being so disparaging as to necessitate the conception of animals with more power and knowledge, we find a belief in the Indian mind concern- ing giant beavers and their herculean work. Many of these stories occur in the Eskimo legends, and the range may be said to extend over the whole of North America, and to occupy a foremost place in the thought of all its varying inhabitants. Pitetot records a legend of the West, wherein the tooth of the great beaver was made into an adze for hollowing out logs of wood for canoes. In the Algonquin Legends of New England, Chas. Leland introduces Quah- beet, the giant beaver, the clapping of whose tail made the thunders; and with all the strength of local coloring is told its various accom- plishments towards shaping the earth. ‘The Micmacs recognized the site of a beaver-dam which once flooded the Annapolis Valley ; and they say the bones of the beavers who built this dam may still be found, and the teeth are six inches across. According to a tra- dition of the Ojibways, there was an immense beaver in some part of Lake Superior. The Indians point out an island in the lake, about two miles long, and one and a third broad, and say that the beaver spoken of was the same size. Another story relates how 18 CASTOROLOGIA. Nanahbozho went one morning to Lake Superior for the purpose of catching a beaver for his breakfast. He succecded in dislodging a young beaver and chased it towards the Sault Ste. Marie; a stone, thirty feet in diameter, to be seen to-day on the shores of Lake Michigan, was a missile used by Nanahbozho in this chase. The beaver was eventually caught in the Ottawa, and its head was dashed against the rocky banks of the river where the Indians say the marks of blood are still to be seen. In 1828, an English scientist, Mr. Charles Fothergill, made a short sojourn in Montreal preparatory to visiting our great lone lands. During his stay in our city, it happened that the Natural History Society had invited essays on the subject of the ““Quadru- peds of British North America,’’ offering a prize for the best contri- bution. Mr. Fothergill became a party to the contest, thus eviden- cing his knowledge of our fauna, and in the course of his paper he makes the extraordinary admission that he has visited Canada with a view of searching our great North-Western Provinces, if perchance he might still find living evidence of ‘‘the Mammoth, the great Elk of the Antideluvians, and the giant Beaver; especially,’’ says Mr. Fothergill, ‘‘as the Indians have many legends concerning these mammals, and Indian legends are seldom without some truth for their foundation.’”’ The essay is a most interesting and valuable survey of our mammals, and such faith had the essayist in the objects of his search, that he enumerates, among Canadian animals the Great Beaver, and says :— ‘‘T have been induced to name the Great Beaver in this cata- logue because there is pretty certain evidence of the existence of such an animal in various parts of the interior towards the North- West. The Indians of many tribes firmly believe in its existence, and assert they have often seen it. I willtake, or endeavour to take, an early opportunity to lay before the society such evidences as are in my possession to prove the fact; in the meanwhile, I will merely remark that the skull which was found on the banks of the Dela- ware nearly forty years ago—which induced the naturalists of the United States to create a new genus under the title of .tsteopera— CASTOROLOGIA. 19 and which skull is still preserved in the Philadelphia Museum, in my mind belonged, beyond all doubt, to this animal, which is still in existence in our remote lakes and rivers in the interior.”’ Surely the essayist could not have known of the accomplish- ments of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, the discoverer of the Mackenzie River, in 1789; and of David Thompson the geographer of the North West Company, whose knowledge of the further north-west became the basis of all later surveying. It is easily possible to conjecture the fate of such a scheme, in discussion before the members of the ‘Beaver Club,’’ for among them could be counted those who were personally acquainted with the greater part of the ‘‘fur-country,”’ and their accumulated experience may be said to have exhausted the barest possibility of the existence in the flesh of the Great Beaver. A close relationship may, however, be traced through the Euro- pean fossil which was first discovered by M. Gothelf de Fischer, in the sandy borders of the Sea of Azof; and which has since been found at Ostend, Belgium; and at Cromer, and Walker’s Cliff in Norfolk, England, together with the bones of the Mammoth and the Rhinoceros. ‘The animal was named after Cuvier, the eminent Palzontologist; Tvogontherium Cuvier’, or Cuvier’s Gigantic Beaver. A figure of the fossil was sent to Cuvier, who claimed for it so close an affinity with the beavers as to rank in the same genus, and he proposed the name Castor Trogontherium. Ue says that “the teeth and all the forms of the head bear the character of the beaver ; and it could not be distinguished from the head of the adult beaver of Canada if the fossil were not one-fourth larger. How- ever, as it is not certain that we possess the skulls of these existing beavers which attain the largest size ; and since the beaver formerly inhabited, and still, perhaps, inhabits the shores of Euxine ; since, also, nearly all the borders of the Sea of Azof, are but vast alluvial formations,—I think one ought to know precisely the matrix of the skull in question before deciding it belonged to an extinct animal.” These remarks appeared in 1812, and again in a second edition in 1823; and may possibly have been the inspiration under which Mr. Fothergill set out to discover the American representative. 20 CASTOROLOGIA. For those who were conversant with the traditions of the giant beaver, and, who, like the essayist quoted, believed that the Indian legends were based on fact, a triumph was close at hand. In 1837, in the Report of the Geology of Ohio, Mr. J. W. Foster called the attention of science to the discovery of a fossil, suggesting an extinct animal of the Order Rodentia ; and in 1838 he gave a description of the lower jaw, which he had found at Nashport, Licking County, Ohio, under the name of Castoroides Ohioensts. ‘Ten years later the nearly perfect skull was obtained by the Rev. Benjamin Hale, of Geneva College, and on this specimen a monograph was prepared by Messrs. Hall & Wyman, which appeared in the Boston Journal of Natural History in 1847. Since then specimens have been found at Clyde, Wayne County, New York; Memphis, Tennessee; near Charleston and Schawneetown, IIlinois; also in Michigan, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, Texas and South Carolina; giving a known habitat extending from the States of New York and South Carolina, westward to Michigan and Texas. These fragments do not, how- ever, give any knowledge concerning the general form and charac- teristics of the animal, for they are all parts of the skull only, and are mainly but pieces of the teeth. Enough, however, has been determined to ally the animal closely with the beaver, and it is popularly called the ‘‘ Fossil Beaver of North America.’’ Though it is possible to recognize a likeness in dentition and cranial char- acter with the genus Cas/or, it must not be implied that its habits and form were identical with the beaver as we know it to-day; a glance at the accompanying plate shows that the brain capacity is smaller than the beaver, and this alone indicates essential differ- ences of character ; in fact there are some features more clearly resembling the Capybara, and yet there is enough difference from either to constitute a new genus. The age to which both these fossil animals belonged is a matter of importance, as also, is the fact that they lived within historic times, and were, doubtless, well known to the early races of men. ‘The period is comprehended in geologic terms, as the ‘‘Quaternary, or Age of Man,” and though it is spoken of geologically as recent, any calculation in years would be stupen- ‘SISNHOIHO SHCIOWOLSY “SISNHGVNVO YOLSVO ‘SNOIHLHAIZ YAGI CASTOROLOGIA. 23 dous, as a passing study of the age will show. Dana says: ‘‘ America in the Quaternary era was inferior to Europe in the number of its Carnivores, but exhibited the gigantic feature of the life of its time in its species. In North America the mammals in- cluded an elephant (Elephas Americanus) as large as the European, besides the Asiatic, (Elephas Primegenius) in the more northern latitudes ; a mastodon (JZastodon Americanus) of still greater mag- nitude ; horses much larger than the modern ; species of ox, bison, tapir, gigantic beavers, etc.’’ In the ‘‘ Handbook of Canadian Geology,” Sir William Dawson divides the Quaternary into Pleistocene and Modern; and the latter is again divided into two periods and treated as follows :— “1, The Post Glacial. The climate was temperate but some- what extreme. All the modern mammals, including man, seem to have been in existence, but several others now extinct, as the Mam- moth, the Tichorhine Rhinoceros and the Cave Bear, lived in the Northern Hemisphere, . . This period was terminated by a submergence or a series of submergences which with their accom- panying physical changes proved fatal to many species of animals and to the oldest races of men, and left the continents at a lower level than at present, from which they have risen in the recent period . ‘°2. The Recent or Historic Period. ‘This dates from the settle- ment of our continents at the present levels after the Post-Glacial subsidence. ‘‘T have called this the Historic Period, because in some regions history and tradition extend back to its beginnings. The historical deluge is in all likelihood identical with the movements of the land above referred to, by which this age was inaugurated ; though in certain localities, as in America, the beginning of the historic period is very recent. In this age man co-exists wholly with existing species of mammals, and the races of men are the same which still survive. ‘The whole forms geologically one period, and the distinc- 24 CASTOROLOGIA. tions made by antiquarians between stone, bronze and iron ages, and under the former between palzeolithic and neolithic, are merely of local significance and connected with no physical or vital changes of geological importance. ‘The real geological distinction is that of Paleocosmic, Post-glacial or Antediluvian man on the one hand and Neocosmic, Recent or Post-diluvian on the other. The Palzo- cosmic men have been divided in two races, the Canstadt or Nean- derthal type and the Engis or Cromagnon type. Both of these were contemporaneous with the mammoth, the Tichorhine Rhinoceros and other Post-glacial animals now extinct. It is probable that they may be ultimately identified with the ruder tribes of the historical antediluvian period, and that the physical changes by which they and some other animals seem to have been destroyed, were the same with those recorded in the ancient history and traditions of all the older races of men.”’ While yet there are many fascinating problems which geology might solve, we must pass on to consider the changes in recent fauna brought about by the advance of civilization, and for the pre- sent we very reluctantly leave the facts and the fables concerning the Great Beavers. IOWER JAW OF TROGONTHERIUM CUVIERI. (HALF NATURAL SIZE) AFTER OWEN, THE EUROPEAN BEAVER. ““More famous long agone, than for the salmon’s leap, For bevers Tivy was, in her strong banks that bred, Which else no other brook of Britain nourished ; Where nature, in the shape of this now“perished beast, His property did seem t’ have wondrously express’d Being body’d like a boat, with such a mighty tail As served him for a bridge, a helm, or for a sail, When kind did him command the architect to play, That his strong castle built of branched twigs and clay ; Which, set upon the deep, but yet not fixed there, He easily could remove as it he pleas’d to steer To this side or to that ; the workmanship so rare, His stuff wherewith to build, first being to prepare, A foraging he goes, to groves or bushes nigh, And with his teeth cuts down his timber ; which laid by, Ife turns him on his back, lis belly laid abroad, When, with what he hath got, the other do him load ; Till lastly, by the weight, his burden he have found, Then with his mighty tail his carriage having bound As carters do with ropes, in his sharp teeth he grip’d Some stronger stick ; from which the lesser branches stript. He takes it in the midst ; at both ends the rest Hard holding with their fangs, unto the labour prest, Going backward tow'rds their home their loaded carriage led, From whom, those first here born, were taught the useful sled. Then builded he his fort for strong and several fights ; Ilis passages contriv’d with such unusual sleights, That from the hunter oft he issu’d undiscern’d, As if men from this beast to fortify had learned, Whose kind, in her decay’d, is to this isle unknown, Thus Tivy boasts this beast peculiarly her own.’’ —Drayton. CHAPTER III. THE FORMER DISTRIBUTION OF CASTOR EuRopaus—Its EXTERMINATION COINCIDENT WITH THE SPREAD OF CIVILIZATION—THE BEAVER EXTINCT IN BRITAIN WITHIN HISTORIC TIMES. When we consider that the age of the European beaver extended back to the days of the gigantic creatures spoken of in the last chapter, and that its distribution once included all Europe, the greater part of Asia, and northern Africa, we wonder, that we are not better acquainted with it. The fact, however, that for over two centuries, the hunting of beavers in America, yielded fortunes to the monopolists who controlled the traffic, would naturally attract the attention of the masses to the quarter of the world where these riches were being gathered. Canada was justly called the home of the beaver, but very incorrectly has it become popularly understood that Canada was the only home. The peculiar association of the beaver with Solomon’s wisdom, which will be referred to hereafter, indicates reasonable grounds for asserting that the beaver should have been mentioned in sacred writ ; its remarkable characteristics had been noted long before the Chris- tian era, and references to it are found in the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians. The beaver has gradually disappeared before the spread of civili- zation, which first settled along the shores of the Mediterranean. As each wave covered more of Europe, the range wherein the beaver existed perceptibly narrowed and the several stages through which it has already passed in America, have all been witnessed in Europe. Undoubtedly the animal was formerly very abundant in Europe ; the next stage was the alarm caused by an apparent scar- 28 CASTOROLOGIA. city, and the effort to prevent careless slaughter and thus prolong the existence of the last few colonies, by framing protective laws and granting exclusive privileges of hunting; but this resulted only in heightening the ingenuity of the hunters and actually hastened the extinction of the animal. In a German charter in 1103, the right of hunting beavers was conferred along with other huntings and fishings ; and a Bull of Pope Lucius III, in the year 1182, bestowed upon a monastery the property in the beavers within their bounds ; while we read of beaver-reserves in Poland in the 16th century and know of some late settlements in France. A Prussian royal edict, dated 20th January 1714, concerned the beavers in the Elbe, while one subsequent, issued at Berlin on the twenty-fourth day of March, 1725, insisted on the protection of the beavers, under a penalty of no less than a sum equalling two hundred dollars. But the laws of man made little difference to the laws of nature, and no artificial device could prolong appreciably the life of the Beaver in unnatural surroundings, for to-day it is a matter of amazement that a few colo- nies yet remain in the remote wilds of Scandinavia, and it seems re- markable that Siberia should still send a few beaver skins to market. A study of the history of the beaver in the British Isles will serve to illustrate more fully this question of beaver extermination, and the lesson studied here on a small scale may be applied to more impor- tant issues. Archeeologists, through their researches, have made known so perfectly the conditions of the primitive inhabitants of Great Britain that their day comes almost within historic range, and we can claim nearly as intimate acquaintance with their habits and manners as if they had left written histories. The remnants of the ‘‘ dug out” canoes and the discovery of the teeth of the beaver alongside of the rude stone implements, is strong evidence of a condition of things in England very similar to what was found existing in Canada only three centuries ago, and survivals of which may even yet be found among some of our Indian tribes. The fact that bones of the beaver have been discovered in so many parts of England and Scotland, shows a very wide distribution, and doubtless, the animal ranged formerly over the whole of Great Britain. Gradually civilization CASTOROLOGIA,. 29 spread from the south and the east, and as surely did the beaver vanish in these quarters, till history records it remaining only in the upper waters of Wales and the highland lakes of Scotland. The beaver was, of course, regularly hunted, but the objects of the chase, according to existing records, differed curiously from the incentives which have prompted the wasteful slaughter of the American beaver, for in the early and medizeval days of Europe, the greatest value was placed on the supposed medicinal properties, though the meat, espe- cially the tail, was even then in much repute, and the wool was esteemed for its fineness. In England the beaver had served its day of domestic economy to the natives, furnishing food and clothing ; then came a period, about the twelfth century, when the animal was closely hunted for castoreum and the skin; the large collection of skins made this an article of export to the continent, where beaver- felt was greatly in favor. Soon, however, we read that, ‘ Tivy boasts this beast peculiarly her own,’’ and then followed a few spasmodic efforts of husbanding the beaver, till finally the creature passed from the records in 1526 and henceforth without opportunity of studying the habits of the animal, tradition enlarged the unwritten history, till we have the popular mind prepared to credit the most fabulous stories concerning the American beaver, though both species were singularly alike, and gave but little excuse for the extravagant accounts which are so freely accredited to them. Africa has long been without a sign of its former associations ; Europe claims one or two colonies as a matter of wonder ; Asia, from the district of the Obi River alone, continues to furnish a few skins for the fur market ; while North America remains the last stage on which are witnessed the scenes of a doomed creature, whose days have been lengthened to the present, only by contributions levied upon the musquash and the coypu whose numbers have been heavily taxed, and whose history has thus become a necessary part of the present monograph. LOWER JAW OF THE EUROPEAN BEAVER, FROM PEAT MOSS, NEWBURY, ENGLAND. (NATURAL SIZE.) THE MORE IMPORTANT AMERICAN RODENTS. ‘The rodentia constitute by far the largest order of mammals, and one of the most impor- tant from an economic standpoint. Though the species are mostly small and apparently in- significant, their relations with man are of much moment.”’ —F, IV’. Hayden. ““Some have gone back to the water and imitated the fish in their ocean home; and others, smaller and feebler, have lived on by means of their insignificance, their rapid multi- plication and their power of hiding.” —Arabella B. Buckley. CHAPTER IV. THE ORDER RODENTIA—ITS DISTRIBUTION —MODERN AMERICAN REPRE- SENTATIVES—FIBER ZIBETHICUS, THE MUSK BEAVER—THE COVPU, OR SouTH AMERICAN BEAVER—THE CAPYBARA OR WATER-HOG—THE CANADIAN BEAVER, THE TYPE RoDENT—ITs SPECIFIC CHARACTERS— NOTABLE VARIETIES. The gnawing animals—the Order Rodentia or Glires—are unmis~ takably characterized by their dentition, a form most familiar, which is thus technically described : ““Incisor teeth, two in each jaw, very large, with sharp cutting chisel-shaped edges, fitted for gnawing. No canine teeth, but a wide space between the incisors and the molars.”’ From the character of the teeth, we learn the nature of the food the animal is best provided to consume, and in the case of the Rodents the natural diet is the harder vegetable substances—stalks, roots, seeds and fruits. Representatives of the order are found in all parts of the world, but America contains nearly as many species as all the rest of the world put together. ‘Thus America may appro- priately be called the home of the Rodentia, for not only has it the numerical advantage, but the four representatives selected for treatment in this chapter—the musquash, coypu, capybara and beaver, all American species—are the largest and most valuable of the Order. The Musk beaver, or Musquash of the Indians, though the smallest of the four, and less than one-fourth the size of the Cana- dian beaver, is second only to it, in commercial importance and historic lore. The musquash is the sole representative of the Genus D 34 CASTOROLOGIA, Fiber, and its habitat is confined strictly to North America; had it, however, been distributed more broadly its fame might have eclipsed that of the beaver, as it certainly will survive for generations after the last beaver has forever passed away ; for the musquash relies, not only on aquatic habits, but on ‘‘rapid multiplication and the power of hiding.”’ FIBER ZIBETHICUS—THE MUSK BEAVER. The musquash possesses a brain both of large size and of relatively high development, it builds a home, which might easily be mis- taken for the much boasted lodge of the beaver, and it is even a greater burrower. It shares with other aquatic animals much pro- minence in Indian mythology, and has been a great favorite in his fables. The collection of musquash skins amounts to millions annu- ally, and being comparatively inexpensive forms an important item CASTOROLOGIA. a5 in manufacture. The meat is regularly marketed in season and furnishes quite a palatable dish. Formerly the fur was used simply as a substitute for beaver in hat-making, the skin went through similar processes and furnished a good imitation at a greatly reduced price ; but latterly the science of fur manipulation has made the musqtash one of the most staple of all American furs; and to-day we have imitations of seal, otter and mink, produced from the mus- quash. ‘The animal is, perhaps, best known to us as the muskrat, but this name does not carry sufficient dignity for a creature so closely related to the beaver ; the specific name applies to the secre- tion contained in two small pouches which in the spring contain a thick fluid with a decidedly musky smell. The River rat, or Coypu, as it is called by the natives, is in many ways the intermediate species between the musquash and the beaver, and having been known as the ‘‘Castors of La Plata,’’ might appro- priately be named the South American beaver. It inhabits chiefly Brazil, Chili and La Plata, where it is very numerous; it is the only known representative of the Genus myofotamus, and attains nearly half the average size of the beaver, and like the musquash, the coypu is very prolific. Its introduction to commerce was very recent though of great importance, and the fact should not be overlooked that but for its contribution to the hatters, our Canadian beaver would not have survived so long. All accounts from North America during the latter half of last century, which made reference at all to the fur trade, agree in stating that the beaver would soon be extinct ; but, about 1820, the immense demand was relieved by this new fur, called nutria—(from the Spanish, zzéra, the otter.) ‘The fur was plentiful and cheap, and sufficiently fine to supplant the beaver for all hatters’ purposes, but had the discovery of silk been longer delayed it is doubtful whether the increasing demand could have been sustained for many years. When the silk hat succeeded to the enviable posi- tion which the ‘‘ beaver’’ for centuries had monopolized, it became necessary to find other outlets for the skins which hitherto had been consumed almost exclusively by the hatters’ trade. We therefore 36 CASTOROLOGIA. find the furriers introducing the manufacture of the tanned or dressed skins into their business, and nutria, the skin of the Coyput, is to- day among the best imitations of beaver, otter and seal. MYOPOTAMUS COYPUS—THE SOUTH AMERICAN BEAVER. Before considering the relative features of the beaver, which are now in order for a comparative review, it may be better to glance for a moment at the curiously anomalous ‘‘ Water hog,’’ which from the standpoint of size is first among rodents, and though he is pos- sessed of large incisor teeth, he lacks power of jaw, exhibits no engineering skill, and cannot worthily be chosen as typical of the Order. His affinities are evidently more with the pachyderms, and his external features denote much appropriateness in the popular CASTOROLOGIA, 37 name ; the body is massive, the legs moderately long, the toes partly webbed, and the skin is scantily covered with rough hair of a brown- ish color. Its economy to man seems to be limited to the value of its meat as a food supply and it is reputed to be very palatable. Having thus reviewed the relative qualities of those members most conspicuous in the Order, we can now safely say that none is so important to man, none embodies the characteristics more com- pletely, and hence, among living representatives none can so well sustain the claim of being the type rodent, as the Canadian Beaver. In size it almost equals the largest, its ‘‘chisel-shaped incisors’’ are perfect models, its engineering skill surpasses the marvelous, its fur is most valuable, and its meat is counted a luxury. It is unique in all the animal kingdom in its possession of the so called ‘‘ paddle- shaped ”’ tail, covered with scales instead of fur, and as Buffon, the great French naturalist, says: ‘If we consider the anterior parts, no animal is more perfectly adapted for terrestrial life, and none so well equipped for an aquatic existence, if we look only at the poste- rior portions.”’ The contrast of the fore and hind feet is almost incredible, the latter being about eight times larger than the former and embodying a development peculiar alone to the beaver. All these particulars will be carefully treated hereafter, meanwhile we will only mention some of the varieties occasionally met with, which properly, may now be considered before studying in further detail the normal type. The tendency to discover differences, apparent or real, on which to base new species, is not the highest service of the monographer ; but, rather, the effort to harmonise the varieties of nature. That a clearer conception may be formed regarding the terms ‘‘species”’ and ‘‘ varieties,’’ we will refer to the scholarly treatment given this point by Dr. C. Claus. The definition of species, formerly accepted by investigators, was that of Linnzeus: ‘‘Tot numeramus species quot ab initio creavit infinitum ens,’’ and was based on the idea of ‘independently created units.’’ The great lessons, however, of Embryology, and the researches of Charles Darwin have made unten- able any such fixed statement, and now we have a more comprehen- 38 CASTOROLOGIA. sive definition, and understand the word species to include ‘‘all living forms which have the most essential properties in common, are descended from one another and produce fruitful descendants ;”’ though all the facts of natural life cannot be arranged agreeably to this conception, and a compromise has often to be effected by the creation of a sub-species as a grade between species and variety, where difficulties arise in attempting to draw a sharp line; for varieties which have arisen from one species may differ more from one another than do distinct natural species ; thus the absence of a positive test, leaves the matter to the individual judgment of the observer to decide between species, sub-species and varieties. The higher groups of systematic zoology are of course freer from these confusions, thus the ‘‘order’’ comprises all the genera which conform to a simple character, (as for instance, that set forth at the beginning of this chapter), and the ‘‘genus’’ is an assemblage of species having fur- ther points of structure incommon. Carl Linnzeus (1707-1778,) was the greatest systematizer of zoology, and to him also we are indebted for the present form of nomenclature, by which every animal receives two names taken from the Latin language, the generic name, which is placed first, and the specific name, which together indicate that the character of the animal has been sufficiently defined to place it ina scientific arrangement with the whole system of life. With this digression, we have become ready to appreciate the value of the following varieties of the Canadian beaver. They are best recorded in Dr. John Richardson’s ‘‘ Fauna Boreali Americana”’ where they are treated in the inverse order of rarity. The first variety, ‘“nigra’’—the black beaver, and although these are not accounted rare, they are only found in the proportion of one to ten thousand of the normal color. It should here be remarked that the natural color is very variable and is most correctly described as of a chestnut brown, ranging towards the south to a pale yellowish brown, and in the north approaching a blackish brown. ‘The black beaver, however, has more than a mere relative coloring and is unquestion- ably an evidence of melanism—an excessive development of pigment in the skin and its appendages. Hearne recognised the beautiful gloss of the fur, and the shading must be described as bluish rather CASTOROLOGIA. 39 than brownish. No difference in other respects is discernible and though apparently local and said to be found more plentifully at Churchill, Hudson’s Bay, than at any other point, these specimens can scarcely constitute a constant variety. Next in order comes the spotted beaver—variety ‘‘ varia,’’ which Dr. Richardson considered more rare than the preceding, but this might be perhaps based on his personal observation which could not, necessarily, have been very extensive. He reports that he never met with a specimen, which seems rather remarkable as the white spotted beavers are not tunfrequently met with even now, among Hudson’s Bay beavers ; although having no special beauty there does not exist the same demand, which tempts the capture of the black beaver, whose pelt always fetches a high price. The variety ‘‘ varia’’ is doubtless a ‘‘ sport’ inclining to albinism, the white spots generally occur on the throat or along the sides, but all other characteristics correspond exactly with the normal type. The white beaver—variety, ‘‘ alba,’’ is incomparably the rarest, though it is evidently nothing but an albino condition of the type Castor Canadensis. The Indians attach much value to these rare skins, which the lucky hunter converts into a medicine bag, and although this fate befalls albino skins of many other animals, such as the otter, the skunk and the musquash, those of the beaver seem to be held in more than ordinary esteem by the Indians, owing per- haps to their extreme rarity. Samuel Hearne saw but one in the course of twenty years, though Prince Maximillian, in 1843, speak- ing of beavers found upon the Yellowstone River says, ‘‘ Yellowish- white and pure white are not unfrequently caught on the Yellow- stone.’’ About twenty years ago, Mr. Harrison Young, of Montreal, then connected with the Geological Survey of Canada, while travel- ling in the neighbourhood of Little Slave Lake, secured nine pure white beaver skins in one parcel. The occurrence, though without parallel in Natural History records, suggests the possibility of per- petuating a race of white beavers, for the discovery of so large a number in one locality would scarcely indicate an ordinary freak of nature, but rather implies hereditary qualities. 40 CASTOROLOGIA. Interesting as these speculations may be, the history of the beaver in its now familiar form is a matter of much greater importance, and with the slight introduction ofthe subject afforded in this chapter, we will proceed to a study of its social life. THE LARGEST EXISTING RODENT—HYDROCHERUS CAPYBARA, LIFE HISTORY OF THE CANADIAN BEAVER. THE BEAVER. Up in the North if thou sail with me, A wonderful creature I’ll show to thee, As gentle and mild as a lamb at play, Skipping about in the month of May, Yet wise as any old learned sage, Who sits turning over a musty page. And yonder the peaceable creatures dwell Secure in their watery citadel ; They know no sorrow, have done no sin ; Happy they live ’mong kith and kin, As happy as living things can be, Each in the midst of his family ; Ay, there they live, and the hunter wild Seeing their social natures mild, Seeing how they were kind and good, Hath felt his stubborn soul subdued ; And the very sight of their young at play, Hath put his hunter’s heart away ; And a mood of pity hath o’er him crept, As he thought of his own dear babes and wept. I know ye are but the beavers small, Living at peace in your mud wall ; I know that ye have no books to teach The lore that lies within your reach. But what? Five thousand years ago Ye knew as much as now ye know; And on the banks of streams that sprung Forth when the earth itself was young, Your wondrous works were formed as true For the All-Wise instructed you. But man? How hath he pondered on, Through the long term of ages gone ; And many a cunning book hath writ ; Of learning deep and subtle wit ; Hath encompassed sea, hath encompassed land, Hath built up towers and temples grand, Hath travelled far for hidden lore, And known what was not known of yore, Yet after all, though wise he be, He hath no better skill than ye. — Vary Howitl. ‘NHLIIMN YWHAVAE AHL JO MYOM CHAPTER V. THE FAMILY OF BABY BEAVERS—THE BEAVER KITTEN—SUMMER WANDEL- INGS—THE CoLONY REASSEMBLES—WoRK ON THE DAM AND LODGES— PROVIDING SUPPLIFS FOR THE WINTER—WINTER EXPERIENCES. With the melting of the snow and the disappearance of ice from the lakes and ponds, the family of baby beavers are first introduced to the wonders of nature which surround them. Earlier than this, they can only remember the warm nest in the dark lodge, where, like all other little babies, they were fed on milk. But now they are strong enough to toddle about, and they are taken for a swim in the pond, and allowed to crawl upon the banks. The young family usually consists of three or four, and a happy time they have play- ing in the water and roaming about the banks in search of dainty green shrubs. It is not long, however, before they are led up the stream to another pond, and still higher up to others, where fresh delights await them in the increasing variety of fruits and plants. As the time wears on the weather gets warmer, and their bed is a tuft of soft grass exposed to the silvery light of the moon, from it they plunge to the cool depths of the great lakes for refreshing baths, while the woods afford an endless assortment of luxuries on which the beavers fatten. There is no work to be done and life is a round of pleasure ; for dreams of the hunters are unknown to the little ones, nor do the old ones dread them at this season. Thus the summer passes and the little beavers now grown to kittenhood think of the cosy lodge down the stream, for the nights are chilly. Soon a start is made, and after a long journey the familiar neighbourhood is reached. Caution is now most necessary, and the young ones learn the cunning ways of the trapper, who sets great store on a fat ‘“« Ah-wa-nesha,’’ as the Indians call the beaver kitten, for perhaps some of the happy babies who splashed in the quiet old pond have 46 CASTOROLOGIA. already enriched the hunter. Great changes have taken place since the family left in the spring ; the ice has carried away part of the dam, and the lodges show sad need of repairs. After a careful survey of the surroundings for signs of danger, the work begins, and the kittens learn to employ more usefully their sharp cutting teeth. The old beavers cut down great trees, which fall with fear- ful crashing, the noise echoing through the quiet woods, and driving the workers into shelter till all danger is passed ; the young ones now set to cutting the smaller branches and swim away with them to the dam, where they are placed to advantage and plastered over with mud, roots and grass ; while stones are added to keep all tight and firm, The dam has first to be rebuilt and strengthened, so that the water will rise to the required level to enable the colony to swim comfor- tably under the ice, and to allow for the storing of a good supply of branches. ‘Then the lodge is repaired ; the old bedding cleaned out, and together with a supply of branches is heaped upon the roof of the lodge and a fresh covering of mud-plaster, the same as used for the dam, is laid over all, and thus the home is prepared for the long, cold winter. The retreats in the banks—the burrows or ‘‘ washes’’ —are enlarged orincreased in number, and a full supply of branches having been cut and laid in the deep pools near the lodges, all is ready for the coming frosts, which soon put an end to work and lock the beavers completely under the heavy covering of ice. For some time afterwards the beavers swim about under the ice prospecting for food, pulling up the great roots of the water-lilies and dragging them to the burrows, there to enjoy the feast ; but even this occa- sional treat gets monotonous and the confinement has its effect on the beavers, who sleep much longer and do less travelling as the winter advances. Towards the spring the food will sometimes become exhausted, and it is then necessary for the old beavers to seek a fresh supply. An outlet through the ice has to be effected, and then follows the very difficult and dangerous undertaking of travelling over the snow and felling some trees ; all the enemies of the beaver are looking with CASTOROLOGIA. 47 keenest expectancy, for his first appearance in the spring, the car- nivorous animals are ravenous after their long fast, and the trapper, knowing that just now the beaver’s coat is in its best condition, in his rounds through the woods his trained eye will quickly discover the work of beaver, and the foot marks in the snow tell him what little it is necessary to add to his experiences in beaver-trapping. HIN STUMP SHOWING CUTTINGS FROM VARIOUS LEVELS OF SNOW. 48 CASTOROLOGIA. The hungry animal will come again to repeat his labors, but it must be cunning, indeed, if it would overcome the devices of the professional trapper. Should the Guardian Spirit of the beaver kitten protect its life through the experiences of two more years, the parental nest is left, when the creature completes its third year ; and the age of maturity brings its responsibilities involving the building of another lodge, and the repetition of the various phases of life, which for generations have gone on; though each year not only are the families thinned, but whole colonies are mercilessly slaughtered in the efforts to satisfy the whims of fashion or a thoughtless greed for wealth. THE LARGE YELLOW POND LILY. (NVuphar Advena.) SHOWING THE RHIZOME OR ROOT-STEM ON WHICH THE BEAVER FEEDS. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. ““When we had proceeded more than half way over the dam, which was a full mile in length, we came to an aged Indian, his arms folded across his breast, with a pensive count- enance looking at the beavers swimming in the water, and carrying their winter’s provisions to their houses . . He invited us to pass the night at his tent which was close by ; the sun was low and we accepted the offer.”’ “T have told you that we believe in years long passed away, the great spirit was angry with the beaver, and ordered Weesaukejauk (the hatter) to drive them all from the dry land into the water, and they became and continue very numerous ; but the great spirit has been and now is very angry with them, and they are now all to be destroyed. About ten winters ago Weesaukejauk showed to our brethren the Nepissings and Algonquins the secret of their destruction ; that all of them were infatuated with the love of the castoreum of their own spe- cies, and more fond of it than we are of fire water. Weare now killing the beaver without any labour ; we are now rich, but shall soon be poor, for when the beaver are destroyed we have nothing to depend on to purchase what we want for our families; strangers now overrun our country with their iron traps, and we and they will soon be poor.” —.US. Notes by David Thompson, 1794. CHAPTER VI. NorTH AMERIC/4’ THE FORMER HaBITAT OF THE INDIAN AND THE BRAVER— THE Hup son RIVER, THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND HuDSON’S STRAIT, T‘HE THREE AVENUES OF ASSAULT—THE COASTS OF THE PACIFIC AND THE ARCTIC DISCOVERED—GRADUAL RETREAT OF THE BEAVE'x TO THE UPPER TRIBUTARIES—His Last HoME, THE QUIET Poo1.s ALONG THE HEIGHTS OF LAND. The distribution of the beaver in North America was greater than that o:f any other animal, and might be considered as co-extensive with that of the Indian. The southern boundaries were the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande, while from the Atlantic to the Pacific it ranged \ northwards to the region of perpetual snow. Of course within this vast territory there were places, such as the desert and prairie country, where the creature was but little known, while also there were the great water districts of the Hudson’s Bay and the Saskatchewan ' River, the St. Lawrence River and the Mississippi where the beavers overran the country. The adventurers who braved the Atlantic in early times, did so not to hunt or traffic, but to gather gold and other concrete riches, and the presence of fur bearing animals more or less plentifully, was a matter of small con- cern to them. Coincident with the period of the Renaissance in Europe, however, commerce revived, and new life quickened enterprises of many kinds, among which was the project to discover a short route to Carthay. The market was thus ready for fresh fields of supply and companies were soon organized to collect the rich peltries offered by the newly discovered world. England entered on the north by Hudson’s Strait and planted her colonies over the North-West ; France colonized the St. Lawrence, while the Dutch made the Hud- son River their approach to the interior. The Indian had been the 52 CASTOROLOGIA. prudent husbander of the beaver, and by early acco unts the two seemed to have lived on remarkably intimate terms, ‘as it is stated that frequently colonies of beavers would be found v vithin a short distance of the Indian villages. It was easily possible for the Indian to supply all his wants both of food and clothing from the near beaver colony without disturbing them at all, for there! would always be those who wandered from the colony far enough to permit of their destruction without giving the least alarm to the,ir companions. x The opportunity of obtaining from the white man a choice of his best possessions in return for the discarded beaver coat, or for any surplus beaver skins then about the camp, was an era «xceeding even the dreams of life in the ‘‘land of the setting sun.’ i"magine what it meant to the Indian to become the owner for the firsst time in his history,of a knife, a file, or even a needle ; and when he- could in exchange for the easily gotten beaver-pelt possess not orily some of the wonderful manufactures of civilization, but clothe him- self in the gorgeous scarlet cloth which to his mind vvas a robe fit to appear in before the Manitou on the day when he would join the departed spirits of his tribe ; nor should we be surpyised that the credulous Indian thought his white brother a demi-god., to bring such treasures and ask so little in return. The carving of the wampum bead and the laborious shaping of implements frond the ill-adapted bone or stone, were soon doomed to be lost arts. ut above all other acquisitions, however, was the introduction of ‘he gun which so far surpassed the arrow and the spear, that these son became the toys for the prattling child, while the sire displayed the magic contrivance which embodied the very spirit of death, What, to him were a hun- dred beaver skins compared with the possession of a gun, though even then the white man held fast the key and claimed goodly toll for powder and shot. Alas, that the avaricious trader should not have been satisfied with the control he exercised in this way over the Indian, but among his good gifts should have brought a curse so dreadful in its records, that, while a red-skinned brother lives, we should never cease the attempt to redress the awftl wrong our race has done, by using the fatal influence of ‘‘ fire water’’ to obtain a little worldly gain. 28 Teh 2 9 2 go, 29 wo, Septe shn dir grarrn ET TV, ie Er Pr — nnn ns — rs — oo —— Z E pe ehac acs Assi ee ae < Fis uO a0 os = eS » CARTE GENERALE € % “DE CANADA . Pile hire Le eo, veoup specter tes spree, e ndre au Por ’ Sarge Nelsen @ . ae, @ Fort tantost aux vs Anglois tantosts FORT DE KAMQ’. aux Frangois - 4 2 qtS TICOVAD Pie 3 gf Wo Gre: du Tonerre DES Se a E me tee rimMi?TteE s 7 Ces Limites fort justement la vm Oihinox, pee ig oute gue Kilnors, Jumamis et autres Si oar: bgccterces sells gue ae Pequots suiverK@) pour aller porter ta guerre os ® wndaste gueronons Dee) ON Ouabock R : FT Fer AB PRE) fm = Tr a Pere — ST I ag 295 Goo 303 7 Bro Be 3%, Fn, or a a Tom. 2. pag.5 GRAND ESPACE DE TERRE ZDE LABRADOR OU DES ESKIMAUX CUNT @ Explication des Marques Sone des Villes Francotses on Analorses-------4 one des Fillages Anglots ou Francou- > E Sone des Villages des Sauv i = Jone. get Nati on = ar les font des 9° chasses a i es forts a arid o ean sila aiid 85/609 5,3 begs ar leeiss HS 2 8 ¢ des Saults ou Cataractes dans les Riuitres wh edes Leu ou lon porte les Canots........... EI oo dunce Riviere of | aux Francocs fantost ux MM ———— rt Ortents seb see Mazi J aes ehogres ju: 19 20 0 60 80 joo 72, eB Ages 3° lcues a 20 par degre Selon les Navigateuns Francois OCEANE sway mo ro ——— rn rn —— on ao = s 3 Bip pe 21 CASTOROLOGIA. 57 The great slaughter began with the establishment of the first fur trading post in 1604, when Champlain planted his colonists at Que- bec, and followed with other settlements on the St. Lawrence, which, from subsequent experience proves to have been the natural highway to the richest fields on the continent. Up the Cataraqui to the chain of lakes—‘‘ Ontario, or Fronte- nac,”’ ‘‘ Errie, or DeConti,’”’ and the lakes of ‘‘ the Hurons”’ and ‘‘ the Ilinois’’—the trappers and traders pressed ; and though, as appears in the accompanying map, the country contained many beaver- reserves of the Iroquois and other tribes friendly to the French, these must soon have been depopulated. The Dutch from New Amsterdam and the neighborhood of the Hudson River, traded also into the lake district, and helped mate- rially to thin the numbers of the beavers, from which followed contention and conflicts with those who tried to control the Indian trade in the rich peltries. On the north, the Company of Adventurers Trading into Hud- son’s Bay held absolute sway over an immense district, till the de- creasing profits resulting from competition on the Cataraqui route, suggested a search for new fields; when from Montreal expeditions were furnished, which, by way of the grand river of the ‘‘ Outawas,”’ pressed westward to the Pacific, and northward to the Arctic Ocean, thereby extending the operations of the beaver hunter, and greatly increasing the profits of the traders, who found many quarters still in a state of primitive savagery, though all had been indirectly en- riching the Hudson’s Bay Company. Now arose the struggle to break the monopoly, which had so long been undisputed, and the worst consequences followed the efforts to win the patronage of the Indians; for not only was a reckless slaughter of the beavers instituted, but robberies and blood- shed frequently accompanied the riotous meeting of rival traders. No toleration, no sense of justice, no thought of the inevitable re- sults which would fcllow their open policy of extermination ; though 58 CASTOROLOGIA. many posts were scarcely established before the entire neighbour- hood was destitute of beavers, and the position was abandoned as useless. ‘The period of the fiercest contest was the first sixty years following the British possession of Canada—1760 to 1820—and these six decades, representing the sovereignty of George III, embody the true romance of our history, when the heterogeneous elements of our country wore away past differences and settled into peaceful, loyal, national life. The range of beavers though still vast, had become unprofitable as compared with former days, and compromises were now effected, whereby the old policy of extermination disappeared, and an intelligent supervision of the requirements necessary to per- petuate the animal, was instituted by the Hudson’s Bay Company, (Nim ere MAP SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF BEAVER—ABOUT 1850. CASTOROLOGIA. 59 who again became the great monopolists of the beaver trade, But the height of fame had been reached, and the demand, once depen- dent solely on the beaver, was now supplied from several sources, if not altogether supplanted by the introduction of silk. _ Some colonies still linger in the United States, on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, and are sparcely scattered over the continent, —occupying mostly the upper tributaries of our great waterways— as shown by the shaded portion on the foregoing map. The question is often asked, ‘‘ Where, to-day, are beavers to be found in their primitive state ?’’ and the answer is not difficult to give, for the beaver is of slow locomotion on land, and its habits confine it very closely to the neighborhood of its birth ; it keeps to the water courses, and as the hunters follow, it recedes farther up the streams, till on the height of land, the quiet lakes and pools offer a last retreat, but alas, no sanctuary; and the white man with his ‘fire waggon’’ dashes through the woods, changing as if by magic the country through which he passes, with utter disregard for the quiet denizens of the forest. As to the ultimate destruction of the beaver no possible question can exist, and the evidences of approaching extermination can be seen only too plainly in the miles of territory exhibiting the decayed stump, the broken dam and deserted lodge. The passing bear or wolverine tears open the lodge, partly in the vain hope of finding a meal, partly from habit ; the rising waters float the logs away, while the drifting ice in fall and spring gradually destroy the dam till within a decade, where once the busy colony spent their happy domestic lives, no sign remains of all their wondrous toil. Along the watershed, between the Hudson’s Bay and the St. Lawrence ; in the upper waters of the Frazer and Peace Rivers, and along the Rocky Mountain range may be considered the last homes of the beaver. THE ADVANCE OF CIVILIZATION. ENGINEERING ACCOMPLISHMENTS. “Most remarkable among rodents for instinct and intelligence, unquestionably stands the bea- ver. Indeed, there is no animal—not even ex- cepting the ants and bees—where instinct has risen to a higher level of far-reaching adapta- tion to certain constant conditions of environ- ment, or where faculties, undoubtedly instinc- tive, are more puzzlingly wrought up with facul- ties no less undoubtedly intelligent.” “Tt is truly an astonishing fact that animals should engage in such vast architectural labors with what appears to be the deliberate purpose of securing, by such very artificial means, the special benefits that arise from their high en- gineering skill. So astonishing, indeed, does this fact appear, that as sober-minded interpre- ters of fact we would fain look for some expla- nation which would not necessitate the infer- ence that these actions are due to any intelligent appreciation, either of the benefits that arise from the labor, or the hydrostatic principles to which this labor so clearly refers.”’ —George J. Romanes, MA., LL.D., F.R.S. CHAPTER VII. TREE FELLING AND LoG ROLLING—TuE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LODGE AND BURROWS—VARIETIES OF DAM, AND METHODS OF BUILDING—THE CANAL, ITS DEVELOPMENT AND USES. If no exaggerations had ever appeared in connection with the beaver, except those referring to his performances in felling trees, the stock of these alone would have been sufficient to damage the reputation of Natural History writers ; for the accomplishment of applying their cutting teeth to the trunk of a tree, in much the same manner as a rat will cut the corners of cupboard doors, has been magnified and embellished beyond recognition. ‘The beaver is sup- posed to be able to fell the tree in any direction he chooses, thus overcoming the laws of gravitation, and great stress is laid on the fact that ‘‘ he always makes the tree fall towards the water ;’’ yet, it is generally overlooked, that trees growing near water naturally incline with the sloping of the banks towards the waters, and that the development of branches and foliage is greater in the direction of the open space over the water. The most elaborate details concerning these statements are to be found in a little volume, published in 1738, entitled ‘‘ Avantures du Sr. C. LeBeau.’ It is utterly incomprehensible how such accounts could have had birth ; and when those who are supposed to record actual experiences, write such fabulous nonsense, can it be won- dered that the masses who never have had the opportunity of dis- proving the statements, have accepted them for what they claim to be, that is, the evidence of an eye witness. LeBeau, not satisfied with giving his pen absolute license, has given equal latitude to the pencil, and the accompanying plate re- produced from the original engraving, shows clearly that the artist 64 CASTOROLOGIA. lacked not the power of illustrating. It is almost necessary to point out some of the nice details to ensure an appreciation of the work, hence the following short explanation : The three mounds inthe distance are supposed to represent beaver lodges, for the accommodation of say half a dozen beavers each, and the highly finished surface, intended to show the result of plastering, is overdone in a most exaggerated degree. Of the various expressions given to the beavers as they sport about in the water (not to speak of those in the foreground) it is only necessary to quote LeBeau’s description of the appearance of the animal: ‘‘Its body much longer than thick, is nearly the size of ourjlarge terrier dogs, with its stomach flattened ; the shape of its headlis like that of the rat, having eyes and ears, if they were not flattened, almost like that of a cat, and about three times as large as the latter ; it has also the cheeks and mouth of a hare.”’ The dam naturally forms a very important feature in the picture, and the marvellous trellis work which divides the distant from the near water, is intended to enlighten those who seek for first-hand information, whereas nothing could be more remote from the truth. «As to the group in the foreground, we will let LeBeau tell the story himself :— “One hour was spent while our repast was being prepared, whilst I decided against the wishes of my savages to go for a walk on the banks of the river, in the hope of perhaps seeing some beavers at work there. “I was not mistaken in this idea, but, in order to approach more closely a place where on landing I had remarked some large trees half cut through, I advanced quietly on all fours, to see with- out being seen, these beautiful born architects, of whom I had heard so many marvels. JI was already quite close when a certain noise that I heard, exciting my curiosity more and more, induced me to stand upright behind a large tree, to see more at my ease what caused it. Kil WM ih - | LE BEAU’S MARVELOUS VISION. CASTOROLOGIA, 67 “Tt was then that without moving from my place, I saw quite a hundred of these animals occupied on a work as admirable as it was surprising. There were a dozen of them, who pressing close to one another and standing on their hind feet were sawing, or rather cutting with their teeth a large tree about 12 feet in circumference, whilst more than fifty others were occupied in cutting and trim- ming the branches of another tree already fallen. “It was a pleasure to me to see the cleverness with which they conducted these branches by swimming. One moment I saw them jumping and rolling over these materials, then I could no longer see either branches or beavers, and in some few moments, I per- ceived them in still greater numbers on the surface of the waves, holding as if in anger these same branches which had fallen to them, and with which they dived to the bottom of the river. ‘‘ The most amusing part to me was to see two seated on their tails, solely occupied in watching the workers and in preventing any advance on the side that the tree which they were cutting ought to fall. Several others a little farther off, seemed to me to act as inspectors or overseers to direct the work, it might be in hurrying the idle, or helping to roll away stones or take away the cuttings which sometimes impeded the workers too much, or in reloading those who let the mortar fall, while others finally who represented masons, prepared this same mortar mixed with rich earth which others had brought to them from the bottom of the river, and a little gravel collected on the bank. ‘‘ This gravel well hardened, or beaten together in this clay as much by their tails as by their feet, would afterwards become hard and keep sound at the bottom of the water as a cement capable of strengthening their dams, and a mortar fit to build their lodges with.”’ T’he exactness with which the various processes are here recounted is distressing to those who have watched in vain to see the beavers at work, for they are intensely shy; but the statement that “ after 68 CASTOROLOGIA. viewing the tree from every side the animal advances and begins cutting at the side opposite to that on which it is to fall,’’ is hardly borne out by the curiously carved stump illustrated in this chapter. Then accounts are so frequently repeated that ‘‘ the beaver never allows a tree to ‘ fork’ in falling,’’ that there appears to be some novelty in the discovery within a small area, of three STUMP SHOWING THAT METHODS OF CUTTING DISAGREE. CASTOROLOGIA. 69 trees completely cut through by the beaver, yet so interlocked in the branches of neighboring trees, as to preclude the possibility of their falling. Cases have even been observed where the beaver, not undaunted by a first failure to secure the tender branches and young twigs, has cut the tree through a second time, only to experience another failure. Apart from the audacity of so small an animal attempting to fell trees having a circumference of from thirty to fifty inches or more, and towering in the forests, even to a hundred feet in height, there is less that is marvelous in this than in any of hisother works. Mr. A. D. Bartlett, the careful guardian of the many interesting occupants of the Zoological Gar- dens, Regent’s Park, London, England, whose residence is next to the beaver’s enclosure, has recorded with the utmost exactness the methods of tree-felling, in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, November, 1862, and his observations are so invaluable to a just appreciation of the skill exercised in this, the first and sim- plest performance of the beaver, that it might be well to give his remarks at length. He says :— ‘During one of the heavy storms of wind and rain that prevailed during: the last month a large willow-tree was partly blown down. ‘The limbs and branches of this fallen tree were given to many of the animals, and to them proved to be a very acceptable windfall. To the beaver, however, I wish to direct especial attention, as this ani- mal has exhibited ina remarkable manner some of his natural habits and intelligence. One of the largest limbs of the tree, upwards of 12 feet long, was firmly fixed in the ground, in the beaver's enclo- sure, in a nearly upright position, at about twelve o’clock on Satur- day last. ‘The beaver visited the spot soon afterwards, and walking round this large limb, which measured 30 inches circumference, commenced to bite off the bark about 12 inches above the ground, and afterwards to gnaw into the wood itself. ‘The rapid progress was (to all who witnessed it) most astonishing. ‘The animal labored hard, and appeared to exert his whole strength, leaving off for a few minutes apparently to rest and look upwards, as if to consider which way the tree was to fall. Now and then he left off and went into his pond, which was about three feet from the base of the tree, 7O CASTOROLOGIA. as if to take a refreshing bath. Again he came out with renewed energy, and with his powerful teeth gouged away all round the trunk. ‘This process continued till about four o’clock, when sud- denly he left off and came hastily towards the iron fence, to the surprise of those who were watching his movements. The cause of this interruption was soon explained ; he had heard in the distance the sound of the wheelbarrow, which, as usual, is brought daily to his paddock, and from which he was anxiously waiting to receive his supper. Not wishing to disappoint the animal, but at the same time regretting that he was thus unexpectedly stopped in his deter- mination to bring down this massive piece of timber, his usual allowance of carrots and bread were given to him; and from this time until half-past five he was engaged in taking his meal and swimming about inhis pond. At half-past five, however, he returned to his tree, which by this time was reduced in the centre to about two inches in diameter. To this portion he applied his teeth with great earnestness, and in ten minutes afterwards it fell suddenly with great force upon the ground. “‘It was an interesting sight to witness the adroit and skilful manner in which the last bite or two were given on the side on which the tree fell, and the nimble movement of the animal to the opposite side at the moment, evidently to avoid being crushed beneath it. Upon examining the end of the separated tree, it was found that only one inch in diameter was uncut; and it was of course due to the nearly erect position in which the tree was put into the ground that it stood balanced, as it were, upon this slender stem. After carefully walking along its entire length as it lay on the ground, and examining every part, he commenced to cut off about two feet of its length, and by seven o’clock the next morning he had divided it into three pieces : two of these he had removed into the pond, and one was used in the under part of his house. ‘« The beaver, the subject of the foregoing remarks, was presented to the Society by the Hudson’s Bay Company, in the autumn of 1861, and was probably then about six months old. It is, no doubt, less vigorous than the large wild animals of this species, who would, CASTOROLOGIA. 71 in all probability, bring down trees of much larger dimensions in a shorter time. In fact, it was evident that our beaver was a novice in the undertaking, as he more than once slipped and rolled over on his back in his eagerness to accomplish the task. It was impossible to witness the actions of this animal without being struck by the amount of skill and intelligence exhibited. When the space cut through towards the centre was too narrow to admit its head, its teeth were applied above and below so as to increase the width from the outside towards the centre, until the remaining parts above and below formed two cones, the apices of which joined in the middle. Again and again the animal left off gnawing, and, standing upright on its hind legs, rested its front feet on the upper part of the tree, as if to feel whether it was on the move. ‘This showed clearly that the creature knew exactly what it was about.”’ Another keen observer was Captain Bonneville, who among his adventures in the Rockies and Far West, records his observations on the beaver, and refers thus to the subject :— ‘J have often seen trees, measuring eighteen inches in diameter, at the places where they have been cut through by the beaver, but they lay in all directions and often very inconveniently for the after purposes of the animal. In fact, so little ingenuity do they at times display in this particular, that at one of our camps at Snake River, a beaver was found with its head wedged into the cut which it had made, the tree having fallen upon him and held him prisoner until he died.” It will naturally be surmised that the chips cut during the tree- felling, must be in some cases of considerable size, but one can scarcely realize that many of the largest measure nine inches in length. ‘These doubtless, are the work of fully adult beavers, whose knowledge of felling would be thoroughly matured. ‘The stump in such cases is simply marvelous to contemplate, for the cutting power exhibited by so small an animal seems scarcely credible. Cutsmany inches in length, sharply marking the width of the teeth give evi- dence of their wonderful adaptability, for no better work could be. 72 CASTOROLOGIA. accomplished by a most highly finished steel cutting tool, wielded by a muscular human arm. The primary object of felling trees is to secure a supply of branches for the winter, when no other vegetable substance is obtainable. The fallen tree is stripped of its branches, and the stem is then cut into sections and rolled in good lumbering fashion into the pond ; the site of the roll-way is generally a well marked feature in the landscape. The use to which these logs and the ‘‘ whittle sticks”’ are turned, introduces the next accomplishment, the building of the lodge. The beaver lodge is generally included in the list of marvels re- served for the investigation of those who visit beaver districts, and yet no greater disappointment awaits the enquirer than the first inspection of one. Somehow the minds of all lovers of Natural History become affected by the fabulous accounts concerning this structure, and it is a shock to stand for the first time before a pile of twigs, branches and logs, heaped in disorder on a small dome of mud, and to learn that this constitutes the famous lodge. Of course the superficial glance does not convey all that can be learnt in con- nection with this work, but it does most completely disillusionize the mind. On breaking through the upper walls, the interior is found to be similar to the general type of an animal’s sleeping apart- ment, and has scarcely a distinguishing characteristic. The theory is now generally accepted that the lodge is a deve- lopment of the burrow or ‘‘wash’’ in the banks, and this gives another evidence of a close relationship between the beaver and the musquash. Starting with the simple burrow, the next step is the accumulation of logs and branches about its entrance, form- ing what is called a ‘‘ bank-lodge.’’ In places where the water is shallow towards the shores, a great advantage would be derived from extending this artificial covering of brush-wood, so that in time a natural evolution of the lodge disconnected entirely from the shore would take place, and form an independent and very convenient refuge from its landward enemies. Before leav- THE BEAVER CANAL FROM LEWIS H. MORGAN'S ‘‘THE AMERICAN BEAVER AND HIS WORKS.” CASTOROLOGIA. 75 ing the subject we will quote the remarks of Mr. S. F. Baird, one of America’s best informed naturalists; he says: ‘‘ In my ob- servations I have never seen the beaver lodge assume the marvelous features usually ascribed to it, and any I have met with can only be described as resembling an irregular pile of wood cuttings.’’ Cer- tainly anything approaching the exquisite beauty of workmanship which the common birds of our neighborhood display, need not be looked for, and in comparison with the nest-building accomplish- ments exhibited by the Oriole (/cterus Baltimore), the domestic arrangements of the beaver must be ranked among the ordinary works of lower intelligence. But there are still points to consider in which the character of the beaver becomes most dignified, and the closer these matters are studied, the more admiration and wonder they excite. A beaver dam examined in the most matter of fact way, introduces a chain of thought destined to raise our esteem of the animal to the highest degree. Why should a dam be constructed at all? Undoubtedly, the object of the dam is to secure more water, and to preserve it for use through seasons when a natural supply cannot be relied on, and simple as the case may appear, it involves some most interesting points of hydraulic engineering, and presents not a few problems for discussion. In the first place the beaver’s power of transporting materials is decidedly limited, and therefore the dam must be built mainly of such stuff as the locality readily affords ; so that besides the familiar form constructed chiefly of branches (as in the beaver enclosure on the Marquis of Bute’s estate), there are grass, sand and mud struc- tures, the last of which is depicted in the frontispiece of this volume. ‘The best explanation of what might have constituted the primi- tive form, is the circumstance of the felled tree blocking the stream, and in itself practically forming a dam, for the ordinary drift of the stream would soon fill in the smaller interstices, and thus the level of the water would be raised and maintained, answering every re- quirement of the colony. But there is an immense advance on this 76 CASTOROLOGIA. theory in the construction of a mud-dam, for in this case the whole plan has to be conceived and perfected by the beaver. Every particle of material employed in a work needing hundreds of cubic yards, is gathered and placed by the small, though nimble fore feet of the beaver, and to complete the task, requires the highest skill and all the perseverance the animal has ever been supposed to possess. To enumerate the various forms assumed by the dam would be to catalogue almost every change of landscape effect, for the beaver always adapts himself to his situation, and most particularly in the case of the dam. Mr. Lewis H. Morgan in his book ‘‘ The American Beaver and his Works,”’ gives special prominence to the various forms assumed by the dam, and devotes over fifty pages to this feature alone, his treatment being most interesting, yet by no means exhausting all that could be said. One other accomplishment, which by some is considered more extraordinary than all the other works, is the formation of the canal. The evolution of this is, however, more easily traced and understood, nor does it involve such difficulties, nor exact such skill as the build- ing of the lodge and the construction of the dam, though the perse- verance of the animal is clearly exhibited in this undertaking. Admitting the fact that the beaver continually uses the same path from the water to the woods, both going and returning, and thus cuts or wears away the bank into a regular rut or path, into which the water follows and helps to wash away a little earth every time the path is used, the possible beginnings of the canal may be seen. It must not, however, be supposed that this explanation exhausts all the skill necessary to account for the canal; it only suggests a rational origin for the work, and when it is known that in the log roll-way (referred to at the commencement of this chapter), the beaver carefully clears away every obstruction of stick or stone, it is only applying the same idea on a larger scale to the pathway which he invariably uses and which soon becomes a waterway or canal. CASTOROLOGIA. 77 Though the beaver-canal is not so popularly known, and is more easily reconciled with instinct, it must not be supposed that it is a minor feature in the performances of this animal; it is almost incredible that a work so apparently artificial, could have remained unnoticed till 1868, when Mr. Morgan published his valuable notes, so amply illustrating the works of the American Beaver. In 1885, was added the testimony of the Marquis of Lorne, who, more perhaps than any of our Governors, made himself ac- quainted with our Dominion, and acquired an admiration for the Canadian Beaver. In his beautifully edited volume, ‘‘ Canadian Pictures, with Pen and Pencil,’’ he devotes several pages to the beaver, and therein records his personal observations of the beaver- canal. He says: ‘‘In reaches containing islands, I have seen the island cut clean through by a water-ditch, so that the animals and their young, could swim from the pool on one side of the island to that on the other.”’ A slightly different form is that in which a waterway is kept open through the beaver meadows, but this is doubtless accounted for by the same faculty for cleaning the roll-ways and paths. When the colony has been settled quietly for many years and has cut all the desirable trees close at hand, and further supplies are sometimes hundreds of yards away, the necessity for clear roll-ways and good canals is obvious. BEAVER CHIPS. ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS. 81 THE BEAVER MEADOW. *Tis a meadow green as an emerald’s heart, In the heart of an emerald wood, And a crystal stream doth idle and dart, Through the sun-swept solitude. The orioles glance like flashes of fire From foliaged limb to limb, And the harsh frogs pipe in a ceaseless choir From the marsh when day grows dim. When the grey cold dawn in her robes of mist, O’er meadow and wood and stream, T.ooks forth from her tower of amethyst, She sees the wild duck gleam In the slender reeds that have waded out, Far out in the sinuous brook, And she hears the loon, like a wary scout, Shrill keen from some secret nook. Long years ago, when our fathers first, Fearless and full of hope, With love of venture and wealth athirst, O’er river and mountain slope To this woodland came, a lakelet lay As bright as a burnished shield, Where now the rivulet waters play, And the loud frogs pipe concealed. And a wondrous town with its sunward domes And wonderful people stood Where these deep-mouthed frogs have now their homes And the wild ducks lurk and brood. Not the carven fronts nor the lordly halls Of the ancient Aztec sway, More wonderful were than the stately walls Of this town now passed away. CASTOROLOGIA. 81 Not a listless brain, nor an idle hand Was there in all that town, But strong defenses the people planned And hewed the great trees down. The rippling river, with wondrous art, In barriers huge they pent And made their homes in the new lake’s heart And dwelt therein content. But woe to the town and its people all, Earth giveth no deathless joy ! Wherever the white man’s foot doth fall The weak it doth destroy. The merciless, covetous Spanish horde Who came to the Aztec land Put its people and chiefs to the ruthless sword, Its towns to the blazing brand. And here in this northern wilderness This wonderful beaver town That baffled the elemental stress, Before our sires went down. Its stately domes and its barriers vast, Its sinuous streets, its lake The hunters destroyed and overcast For a little riches sake. They slaughtered the noble beaver kings And loosened the fettered stream, And now the reeds, like a thousand strings, With music as in a dream In the night wind mourn the departed lake And the stately beaver town, While the rippling waves in the rushes break, As the stream goes eddying down. And musing here, on the grassy site Of the beaver colony, My soul is carried in fancy’s flight To the site of Ville-Marie, Where the Hochelagans, or ‘‘ beaver race Of Indians” dwelt of old, Their name renowned from their mountain’s base To where the ocean rolled. 82 CASTOROLOGIA. “ Hochelaga,”’ the beaver meadow meant, And where the beaver dwelt, Later, the Frenchman pitched his tent And before heaven knelt. The wondrous skill and the council sage And the beaver’s love of toil Becatne as well his heritage, As the broad and fertile soil. So honor be to the beaver’s name, And praise to the beaver’s skill, And in the labors that make for fame May we all be beavers still. This emerald mead in the emerald heart Of afair umbrageous grove, Of the nation’s life is a glorious part, And merits its purest love. —Arthur Weir, eH wR AK > + AL atta HN pad, SAE FUR TRADERS “ SQUATTING”’ ON THE PRAIRIE NEAR FORT GARRY, 1876, NOW THE CITY OF WINNIPEG. CHAPTER VIII. BEAVER Mzat, A STAPLE Foop SupPpLuy— BEAVER Coats, MITTENS AND MoccasiIns—THE Fat AS AN OINTMENT—LUXURIOUS USES OF CaS- TOREUM—BEAVER CHISELS—THE VALUE OF THE BEAVER-POND, AND BEAVER-MEADOW—BEAVER TRADE THE FOUNDATION OF OUR PRE- SENT COMMERCIAL GREATNESS. Man’s first and constant need is food, and in all times and places, the question as to food supply must be settled before other concerns are entertained. The lower animals almost invariably exhibit a complete disregard in the matter of preserving supplies; they con- sume at sight, all that it is possible for them to do, even to glutton- ous waste, and then, are prepared to face starvation before another gorge is obtainable. In this respect we find the lower orders of mankind very similar, and it marks the advancing scale of develop- ment, when any race shows signs of storing food or preserving a food supply. The Indian of North America makes an exceedingly inter- esting ethnological study, for his ways are singularly typical, and amply repay investigation. ‘Though constituting one grand race, the many varieties of climate and circumstance with which he has had to contend, produce marked difference of character. We have already referred to some of the distinguishing characteristics of the Indian tribes, and those which now claim our attention are the settled tribes of the northern districts. It is of these that writers have recorded the fact of their settlements being in close proximity to the beaver colonies, and the great economy of the beaver to them is a subject of much importance. Man as an omnivorous feeder requires a varied diet, and while the vegetable kingdom contributes very largely to his sustenance, he has ever been dependent on herbivorous animals for a sufficient pro- 84. CASTOROLOGIA. portion of meat to keep him healthy and help to develope his strength. This was the cause why primitive man was almost invaria- bly a hunter, and the uses he has made of the skin and other parts have been incidental to his first want, that of meat. It must then be evident that those animals which most conveniently supply the im- perative demand for meat are of first importance to man, and in this category we find the beaver serving pre-eminently the wants of the Indian and the early travellers in America. It is well to remember that the highways of America were until very lately her waterways ; the birch bark canoe having accomplished the long journey from Montreal to the Arctic Ocean, by way of the Ottawa and French rivers, the Saskatchewan and the Mackenzie ; and it is not too much to assert that this and many other similar accomplishments depended for their success on the supply of beaver meat obtainable by the way. Testimony is so universally favorable as to the excellent quality of the meat, that it would be heresy to dispute its merits, particu- larly as its reputation was earned centuries ago in Europe, and in America there exists a kind of proof which is very convincing. It is said, in regard to the methods of preparing the dish for table, that the favorite plan was to roast the animal in the skin, and when there were plenty of beavers to be had, it did not seem to have attracted the attention of the traders, that a few skins were thus destroyed by their ‘‘ couriers ;’’ but in later days, when competition increased as the beavers decreased, every skin was in eager demand, and consequently we find frequent mention of the difficulty to prevent the destruction of the skin, by roasting it together with the carcass. The meat is tender, and at most seasons very sweet tasted, not unlike pork ; and so generally esteemed, that even now, it is often sold at our markets and not infrequently it appears on the ‘‘ bill of fare’’ in country hotels. In earlier times it was dried and pounded to meal or powder, for convenience of carriage and preservation. ‘The members of the ‘‘ Beaver Club’’ in Montreal, used to serve a roasted beaver at their banquets, with all the dignity observed in serving the royal dishes in the old baronial days of England. The CASTOROLOGIA. 85 early missionaries found in the beaver a valuable addition to their “Lenten dietary,’ but it is a pity that this privilege should have required the belief that the animal lived on fish, for many a one has been destroyed, and the attractions of his skillful labor been effaced, under the supposition that it was necessary to exterminate the beaver in order to preserve the fish. Thus far the meat generally, has been referred to without re- garding the delicious morsel which the tail affords. To recognise the high degree in which this dish was appreciated, it is necessary to imagine the limited choice of food, to which the trader was forced to submit while away from civilization, and also to make allowances for the stimulating effect an open-air life would have on the ap- petite. The flavor and appearance resemble that of the choicest bacon, and it is worthy to rank with most modern luxuries, while it may safely be said, that the forests do not furnish its equal as a delicacy. It now only remains to add that in several cases it has happened among the men of trading parties, whose provi- sions were all exhausted, that the bales of beaver skins, have been opened and divided as rations, and when roasted, they appeared to furnish not only sustenance, but were even regarded as a palatable meal. When the question of food was a settled matter, the next con- cerns were clothing and shelter, and in both these aspects the beaver has been an important factor. Frequent reference is found to the leather made from the skin of the beaver, which is described as being very tough and strong, and eminently suitable for the making of moccasins and mittens, though it was of course applied, generally, to such purposes as the making of the ‘‘mattas’’ or leather stock- ing, waist belts and fire-bags, shoulder belts and quivers ; while the toughness of the leather made it very useful when cut into thongs. In places such as the country of the Hurons, where the beaver sup- plied all the wants of the tribe, it is but natural to suppose that its leather would be converted into the ‘‘tepee’’ or tent covering, as in the Buffalo districts where the tents were invariably made of Buffalo leather. 86 CASTOROLOGIA. All these purposes required the leather alone with the hair re- moved, but there were also ways of tanning the skin with the hair on, the result being an article which for general utility has not been surpassed in all time. The quantities of ‘‘ Coat-Beaver’’ and of ‘* Mitten-Beaver,’’ gathered and exported to Europe, show how much the article was used in this way by the Indians until the introduction of the blanket from Europe, which has remained in fashion among them to this day, while it is doubtful if a beaver coat or ‘‘foggey’”’ of the old style, has ever been seen by the present generation. It consisted of several skins, dressed softly, and then sewn together, making virtually a beaver blanket, and in many cases the leather side of this wrap was gorgeously decorated with designs painted or colored with native dyes, or in the case of the elders of the tribes, the decoration consisted of embroideries in porcupine quills or even wampum beads. The Indians made an ointment from the fat of the beaver which was supposed to have many curative and medicinal properties, not the least among which was its power to prevent frost bites, by being applied to the exposed parts of the body, which thus anointed would not be affected by the most extreme cold. This quality alone would have made the beaver of great economic value. Nothing, however, has made the animal so prominently import- ant as its castoreum, which, through the entire history of the Indians, has been highly valued, for in addition to its medicinal value it was also frequently used as a luxury. It is an historical fact that the North American Indian was a great devotee of the pipe, and his mystic conception of its high office in social affairs, is clearly de- monstrated by the great importance attached to the ceremony of smoking at council meetings the stone pipe or calumet—the ‘‘ Pipe of Peace.’’ ‘Tobacco was not always to be obtained, and at times recourse was made to various other vegetable substitutes, thus the inner bark of trees was much used in the North West, and was called ‘‘killikinic,’’ while each locality would furnish its variety sometimes changing with the seasons. In such cases castoreum was used to add flavor to the compound, and it was supposed that it CASTOR¢ imparted a peculiarly soothing effect 1 may, it is easily conceivable that the palz tached to the pungent flavor which castoret Of all the uses of the beaver to the Indian, . pensable before the advent of the white man, y immediately or more completely supplanted, than \ chisel. The tooth was well adapted for the uses to wh applied it, and he could easily keep up the supply. American Indian never used iron, nor did he even posse. BEAVER-TOOTH CHISEL. FROM A SPECIMEN IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. ished flint implements which distinguish the Neolithic races. Copper, obtained superficially from the rich deposits on the shores of Lake Superior, was used in a very limited way, mostly as decorations, and the Indian seems to have contented himself with wood, horn, bone and chipped flint ; all of which, with the exception of the flint, yielded freely to his very hard and sharp beaver-tooth chisel. ‘The early accounts of the trade, preserve to us the list of articles which were offered to the Indian in exchange for his peltries, and the merest glance at them suffices to show how rich the Indian must have become in his possession of knives, hatchets, awls, and in fact every- thing that his primitive life required. ‘Though his native ingenuity was such as to produce the birch-bark canoe, the snowshoe, mocca- sin and other adaptations, with the help of bone implements alone, yet we can imagine he was not slow to replace his crude tools for the highly finished outfit so readily obtainable, and the beaver chisel may be held as the most interesting example of the past econ- omy of the beaver. OLOGIA. .e beaver we must not overlook its ser- supply. Water is as indispensable to the . the former was better adapted to preserve ‘The dams were often a mile in length and -servoirs comparable only to great lakes, and it oreak away these dams without materially alter- -ect. Droughts and parched lands soon followed in . once were beautiful lakelets and abundance of veget- .ne banks of the Rocky Mountains where now our settle- quickly being planted, it is reported that the beaver has otected expressly to preserve the water supply. Where beaver colonies had lived for many years undisturbed, ae shallow waters above the dam became gradually overgrown with vegetation, and this with the accumulation of chips, branches, leaves and other vegetable refuse, has given us many a rich acre. It is an interesting fact of local history, that the name of the Indian village which occupied the present site of the city of Montreal, is equivalent to the English ‘‘ Beaver Meadow,’’ while, both in the eastern and western suburbs of Montreal, the evidences of beaver meadows are unmistakable, and where now is the busy thoroughfare known as Craig street, once was the beaver canal. Indeed, it is not asserting too much for the past greatness of the beaver trade, to say, that where the early traders halted and built their trading posts or forts, there civilization has progressed, and thus unconsciously, the foundations of our magnificent cities were laid, while some can claim a gradual development, direct from the early beaver colony. CHEMICO-MEDICAL PROPERTIES. “You may take sarza to open the liver; steel to open the spleen ; flowers of sulphur for the lungs; castoreum for the brain ; but no re- ceipt openeth the heart but a true friend, to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession.”’ —Bacon. CHAPTER IX. CASTOREUM ALONE VALUED FORMERLY—A PANACEA IN EARLY MEDICINE— COMPOSITION OF EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN VARIETIES — EARLY TREATISE ON THE MEDICINAL IMPORTANCE OF THE BEAVER—THE SECRET OF SOLOMON’S WISDOM. The earliest references we have to the beaver in history date back to 500 B.C., when Hippocrates mentioned it in connection with the medical uses of castoreum, and from the fact that Pliny wrote that the creature’s life was spared on the surrender of the valuable pouches of castoreum, we gather that it was for these alone that the animal was hunted. We know for certain that a thousand years elapsed before the felting property of the fur was discovered. In 1685, a treatise on the medico-chemical uses of the beaver ap- peared, and from it we learn that all the various parts of the animal were accepted specifics for most of human ills, and with the great value attached to its curative powers, we can understand how keenly it must have been hunted. When some of the supposed medicinal powers are reviewed, it will seem ridiculous that such ideas could ever have been seriously entertained, but the belief in the miracu- lous properties of the castoreum is still shared by so many, that the crude article is even now regularly sold in our drug stores, and its value steadily increases, so that quotations of from $8.00 to $10.00 per pound are current for rough Canadian ‘‘Castors,’’ as the pouches are sometimes called, while the Russian article is even more valu- able. About six pairs of pouches weigh a pound, and in size and appearance they are well described as resembling dried and withered pears. The following analysis taken from Watt’s “‘ Dictionary of Chemistry ’’ shows how greatly the two differ : 92 CASTOROLOGIA. ANALYSIS. Russian Canadian Castoreum. Castoreum. Volatile oil ; . I.00 2.00 Castoreum resin . Rieke . 13.85 58.60 Cholesterin , — I.20 Castorin 0.33 250 Albumin 0.05 1.60 Glutinous substance 6 6 2.30 2.00 Extract sol. in water and alcohol 0.20 2.40 Carbonate of ammonium . 0.82 0.80 Phosphate of calcium 1.44 1.40 Carbonate of calcium 33.60 2.60 Sulphates of potassium, calcium, magnes: . 0.20 — Gelatinous subst. extracted by potash . 2.30 8.40 Gelatinous subst. extracted by potash + 66 soluble in alcohol ; Membranes, skin, &c. . 20.03 3.30 Water and loss . 22.83 I1I.70 98.95 100.10 Other special analytical tests have found traces of many other substances, but not, however, in any appreciable quantity. In the treatise above referred to, it is stated that the animal was hunted for ‘‘its skin, its fat, its blood, its hair, its teeth, and especi- ally for its pockets or tumours which are placed in the groins, and experience has shown that there is no part without its uses in medi- cine.’’ Then follow in order the various remedies attributed to each part, and though the whole volume is of intense interest, only a summary of its contents can be given here. ‘The skin of the beaver is of great utility in colic, in madness, and in spasms ; it cures bed sores ; and consumption in children. ‘The fat of the beaver is of no less utility in medicine, and it is efficacious in all maladies which affect the nerves. It is useful in epilepsy, and prevents apoplexy and lethargy ; stops spasms and ie CASTOROLOGIA explicans Caftoris animalis naturam & ufum medico-chemicum Antidhae a JOANNE MARIO Bollenfi & Phyfico Ulmano poftea Augu? ftano celeberrimo labori infolito : fubjecta, jam vero Ejusdem Auétoris & aliorum Medicorum ob. fervationibus Juculentis ineditis » adfectibus omiflis, & propria experientia -parili labore aucta a JOANNE FRANCO. S. Chryfoft. ineMatth. Invidia femper fibi eft inimica; navt qni invidee, fibs agnominiam facit 3 illi antem cui invidet , glee viaw parit.