ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HoME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell Univ: ersity Libra 708.M64 Key to the land mammals of northeastern University of the State of New York BULLETIN OF THE New York State Museum FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL Director No. 38 Vol. 8 October 1900 KEY TO THE LAND MAMMALS OF Northeastern North America BY GERRIT S, MILLER jr ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1900 Hiymifaone Price 15 cents. University of the State of New York REGENTS With years of election 1874 Anson Jupp Upson L.H.D. D.D. LL.D. Chancellor, Glens Falls 1892 WiLLIaAM CroswELL Doane D.D. LL.D. Vice-Chancellor, Albany 1873 Martin I. Townsenp M.A. LL.D. = - Troy 1877 CHauncEy M. Depew LL.D. - = - — New York 1877 CuarLes E. Fircu LL.B. M.A. L.H.D. = Rochester 1877 Orris H. Warren D.D. - = - - ~ Syracuse 1878 WHITELAW Rep LL.D. - a Si = New York 1881 Witutiam H. Watson M.A. M.D. - - — Utica 1881 Henry E. TuRNER - - - Sj Lowville 1883 St Crain McKetway L.H.D. Lt: D. D.C.L. — Brooklyn 1883 HamiLTon Harris Ph.D. LL.D. - - - Albany 1885 DanieL Beacu Ph.D. LL.D. - - = — Watkins 1888 CaRROLL E. SmitH LL.D. - = - - Syracuse 18g0 Puiny T. Sexron LL.D. - - ~ - — Palmyra 1890 T. GuiLrorp SmitH M.A. LL.D. C.E. - - Buffalo 1893 Lewis A. Stimson B.A. M.D. - -— - — New York 1895 ALBERT VANDER VEER Ph.D. M.D. - — Albany 1895 CHARLES R. SKINNER M.A. LL.D. Superintendent of Public Instruction, ex officio 1897 Gia S. Lorp M.A..LL.D. - = - — Brooklyn 1897 TimotHy L. WooprurF M.A. Lieutenant-Governor, ex officio 1899 THEODORE RoosEvELT B.A. LL.D. Governor, ex officio .1899 Joun T. McDonoucu LL.B. LL.D. Secretary of State, ex officio 1900 THomas A. Henprick M.A. LL.D, - = — Rochester SECRETARY Elected by regents 1g00 JAMES RussELL Parsons JR M.A. DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS 1888 MeLtvit DewEey M.A State Lbrary and Home education 1890 JAMES RussELL Parsons jr M.A. Administrative, College and High school depts 1890 FREDERICK J. H. MerRRILL Ph.D. State museum University of the State of New York BULLETIN OF THE New York State Museum FREDERICK J. H. MERRILL Director No. 38 Vol. 8 October 1900 KEY TO THE LAND MAMMALS OF Northeastern North America BY GERRIT S,. MILLER jr ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1900 CONTENTS PAGE TMCHOCMCHON asc secpcwha side Se ceaye Beeches ars acsiaeaieibis tsisia a irercieee eis ose Sioa uae me wns eve See 61 TS LERZ ORES 5c selminic\ arora erage saadvigare wiadaiaiarosiataiaiernisies cairn aceveinve mypevemia RRR Oe MeN 61 VATELIG ZONES, ccacis ie daw eres oar meemvaeariteen wenis Secs deae case ees sae 62 FiudsS@nian: ZOne p.cvisietenerenite adigicclguiersicle rysla reise quem anes wees Ge vie re aleve 62 Canadian zon Camecc. semasreleicct scene dorteterselawes