ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY ornell University Library practical handbook of trees, shrune, TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS | A Practical Handbook of | TREES SHRUBS VINES AND | HERBACEOUS | PERENNIALS hy John Kirkegaard formerly Assistant to Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens Copenhagen, Denmark Latterly Twenty Years in American Forestry and Botanical Work HARDY AND ORNAMENTAL VARIETIES THEIR CHARACTERISTICS, USES AND TREATMENT “When ye hae naething else to do, ye may be aye sticking in a tree. It will be growing when ye're sleeping”’ SIR WALTER SCOTT PUBLISHED BY THE BULLARD COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS \ W. B. CLARKE COMPANY, Distributors H 26-28 Tremont St., Boston, Mass, Copyrighted 1912 Tar BuLLARD ComPARmy Boston, Mass. The Blanchard Press Worcester Masa. TABLE OF CONTENTS. IPREBACE? "0 acd ee te es a a eS ILLUSTRATIONS OF SPECIES . ...... . . . 15-129 PLANTING PLANS ey Ag, Se cal Me Sea i ee ee SIS 0139 ABBREVIATIONS 2 « « «© « © « © @ % s & « a « 240 GLossaRY OF BOTANICAL TERMS .... .... . 140 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIES - « 142-356 WHEN TO PLANT BS ee ates) ek Mem ole epng ies een tain ata eo 7 HOW TOUREANT” 5 inn oh Jel Ge. tabs as St ee 3 58 PRUNING Gy Re eG ise eh ee ey wl aS es ee oe ics a 5D OuTDOOR CULTURE OF ROSES ......... . 361 Lawns AND How to MAKE THEM ...... .. . 365 THE Insect PESTS OF SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS. . . 369 TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES . . 389 PLANTS PARTICULARLY ADAPTED FOR ROCK GARDENS. . 389 PLANTS FOR BOG GARDENSOR GOOD IN WET Places. . 390 A Few Goop HEDGE PLANTS ......... . 391 TREES AND SHRUBS WITH ORNAMENTAL FRUIT . . . . 392 TREES AND SHRUBS WITH DISTINCT COLORED LEAVES OTHER THAN GREEN . 393 List oF THE Best HarDY FERNS ......... . 394 GENERAL INDEX: = 4 2. bow ts “A Se OE ee 0S PREFACE. N THE preparation of this volume, the purpose continually in 2W the mind of the author has been to afford a simple and _con- venient reference book of the ornamental trees and plants hardy in this climate; simple, yet concise, a guide valu- able not only to the amateur, but to the busy architect, gardener or plantsman as well. Its form has been suggested by the needs encountered during a long period of private and commercial association with plants, when the material here set forth would at times have been most useful. It is as a reference book that it will take its place. Exhaustive descriptions, variations from type, and more technical matter must be sought among the horticultural encyclopedias. In these pages, however, will be found general cultural information and directions sufficient for all ordinary requirements. When and how to plant, pruning, spraying and cultivation are each treated comprehensively. Propagation has not been touched upon, as it is a generally accepted fact that trees and plants, of sizes suitable for planting in their permanent places, can be more easily obtained from reliable nurserymen, and give, as a rule, better satisfaction to the amateur gardener. Trees, shrubs and plants have been classified according to their suitability for cer- tain purposes. Space is given to the making and proper care of lawns. The more common injurious insects are described, and means for their extermination are discussed. In short, the author has earnestly endeavored to include whatever information the average householder needs to enable him to make a selection of such trees and plants as are best adapted to his purposes, and to aid him in properly caring for the grounds about his home. Regarding the plants themselves, doubtless many omissions will be found from the more or less familiar sorts; but let it here be said that only such are included as have proved their worth under ordinarily favorable conditions of cultivation and climate. 10 A PracticaL Hanp Boox Authorities will be found who differ in many cases from the facts here presented, especially in regard to ultimate heights, times of flowering, and habits of growth; but it must be remem- bered that plants are highly sensitive to environment, and that external influences, favorable or otherwise, determine their devel- opment. Here are tabulated the personal observations of the author as he has found the plants under average conditions. The indicated heights of the various shrubs, for instance, are such as they attain in well-kept border-plantings, rather than the maximum growth found in individual specimens planted singly. The beautifying of home grounds is rapidly becoming a habit among a great majority of our people. It is a habit happily encouraged by influences on every hand. By ‘“‘ home grounds” is meant not alone the spacious surroundings of the suburban mansion, but equally the less extensive village ‘‘lot ” or city “back yard.” Possibilities are ever present. Even a few square feet, given the necessary care, will support something that grows into beauty. An unsightly heap of stones, of promiscuous char- acter and lineage, may be transformed into a garden of plants whose character suits them to such forbidding surroundings. A few helpful suggestions may perhaps show the way to surprising improvement; and the satisfaction thus attained is a reward to be coveted. If the author has succeeded in so presenting such suggestions that they will prove of benefit to his readers, he will feel that his efforts have not been in vain. The botanical names given in this book are based upon the nomenclature accepted in Bailey’s Cyclopedia of American Horticulture and the Index Kewensis. The popular names are those in most general usage. In the capitalization of the specific names the rules of the recent Botanical Congress of Vienna have been followed and only those specific names which are derived from the names of persons or those which have been used as generic names have been capitalized. Professor E. A. White and Dr. H. T. Fernald of the Mass. Agricultural College have rendered valuable assistance in the TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. il preparation of this book. Prof. White’s editorial work has been especially referable to correctness of nomenclature. Dr. Fernald’s editorial work has been especially referable to the subject of “Injurious Insects, Pests and their Treatment.”’ To these gentlemen we extend our hearty thanks. Tue AUTHOR, ILLUSTRATIONS With Botanical and Common Names. Characteristics, uses and treatment of the illustrated trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous perennials may be found by reference to the botanical name of each in the regular classification tables. No attempt has been made to show merely pretty pictures, but to illustrate many of the uncommon or partially known species and varieties. ba Picea Engelmanni—Engelmann’s Spruce Aquilegias—Columbines Veronica longifolia var. subsessilis—Speedwell Crabapple ring Pyrus floribunda—Flowe Hemlocks and Mountain Laurel Hibiscus syriacus fl. pl.—Double Rose of Sharon Chionanthus virginica—White Fringe Liatris pycnostachya—Blazing Star Berberis Thunbergii Hedge Fagus sylvatica var. pendula—Weeping Beech lips Tu Osmunda regalis—Rovyal Ferns MOTTA Sutdeojy—vouojAqeq xI]Bg Lonicera japonica var. Halliana—Hall’s Honeysuckle Dictamnus albus—Gas Plant $. Seis r seasons ” Shasta Daisies Calycanthus floridus—Carolina Allspice An Avenue of Poplars Wistaria chinensis—Chinensis Wistaria Coreopsis lanceolata—Tickseed Clethra alnifolia—Sweet Pepperbush Clematis paniculata—Panicle-flowered Clematis Syringa vulgaris var. alba—White Lilac Juniperus virginiana—Red Cedar Cypripedium spectabile—Showy Lady’s Slipper lliams i A Border Planting of Foxgloves and Sweet-W Iris germanica—German Iris Hibiscus moscheutos var. Crimson Eye—Crimson-eyed Hibiscus [eine] uleyUnNoP—eojyey] ermyey Rosa Baltimore Belle and Eulalia gracillimus Foxgloves, Canterbury Bells and Sweet-Williams Lilies in the Herbaceous Border Catalpa speciosa Euonymus europeus—European Spindle Tree Leucothoé catesbei—Leucothoé Water Margin Planting Vine Effect with Dutchman’s Pipe and Clematis paniculata Foxgloves Digitalis purpurea. Uspsey pajaploq-xog pauorysej-plo uy S}UB[q SNosdeqIaH pus sqniys jo Japlog paxil V A Shrub Boundary Border sT[lovid vizjneq SUOIPUSpoOpoyYy weeMjog BISIA V SUOIpUspopoyy jo Zuynurjd [einen V Yucca filamentosa—Adam’s Needle A Formal Italian Garden sends Jo aqnjsy—vioyipuvis ‘rea voruodel oqiysy BYOUsBA] S,asUB[NoG—vuvadUE[NOS eTOUsB uepley yoy V = B auld oysny[—snysnur ‘rea euejzuoU snulg S}IBA OUIA Opisperoy svaduvipAH passey \ Tleqmoug osouedef—umjvord rea unsojueur0, uNnuINIA spep_ Usprey senby—suolpuepopoyy Campanula medium—Canterbury Bells wiq Ueoeury—euesueury snug Driveway Treatment XD og eS 5 t 9 i t 0 a dg 3 ¢ & < TY. on Cc 5 Cj salam ig ie i oJ it 3 SOS OPS DH ee | 6 Rests me GARAGE | 4 % e | UNDRY oe ‘g House ) ol a 5 of P SIBERWALIK PLAN No. 1 SUGGESTIVE PLANTING foe SMALL SUBURBAN ESTATE (na! Scale oO 5S 70 20 30 Feet ae es No. 1 2 3 4 PLANTING LIST FOR PLAN NUMBER ONE. List No. of Plants 290 9 25 4 DANNIMNANNANAN OC > _ ANOPAODOONPEPATUNATAN Berberis Thunbergit. Japanese Barberries. Or Ligustrum ovali« folium. California Privets, to be planted 1 foot apart. Populus nigra var. italica. Lombardy Poplars. Althea rosea. Hollyhocks, to be planted 1 foot apart. Vines as follows:) 1 Lonicera japonica var. Halliana. Hall's Honeysuckle. 1 Clematis paniculata. Panicle-flowered Clematis. 1 Ampelopsis quinquefolia. Virginia Creeper. 1 Lycium halimifolium, Matrimony Vine. Vines as follows: 1 Wistaria chinensis. Chinese Wistaria. 1 Tecoma radicans. Trumpet Honeysuckle. 1 Clematis Jackmanni, Jackman’s Hybrid Clematis. 1 Actinidia polygama. Japanese Actinida. 1 Dorothy Perkins Rose. 1 Crimson Rambler Rose. 1 Aristolochia macrophylla. Dutchman's Pipe. Early ripening Grapes. Spirea bumalda, var. A. Waterer. Anthony Waterer Spirza. Cydonia japonica. Japanese Quince. Hydrangea paniculata. Fall-flowering Hydrangea. Lespedeza bicolor. Bush Clover. Forsythia suspensa var. fortunei. Drooping Golden Bell. Kerria japonica. Shrubby Globe-flower. Rosa rugosa. Japanese Rose. Spirea Thunbergit. Thunberg’s Spirea. Stephanandra flexuosa. Stephanandra. Ligustrum ibota. Japanese Privet. Hydrangea paniculata var. grandiflora. Large-flowered Fall Hydrangea. Calycanthus floridus. Carolina Allspice. Lonicera tatarica. Tartarian Honeysuckle. Eleagnus longipes. Oleaster. Diervilla florida. Weigelia. Prunus japonica. Flowering Almond. Myrica cerifera. Bay-berry. Rosa rugosa var. alba. White Japanese Rose. Amorpha fruticosa. False Indigo. Philadelphus Coronarius. Sweet-scented Syringa. Syringa vulgaris and persica. Various varieties. Mixed Lilacs. Spirea japonica var. alba. White-flowered Japanese Spirea. Viburnum opulus. Mountain Cranberry. Spirea prunifolium. Bridal Wreath. Spirea bracteata. Round-leaved Spirza. w DAOMnMaaANnNDOANA APP KR RRB RP AUNANANMNAAUKKNWNPE A A Practica, Hanp Book Sambucus nigra var. aurea. Golden-leaved Elder. Ribes alpinum. Alpine or Mountain Currant. Euonymus alatus. Winged Burning-bush. Spirea Thunbergiit. Thunberg’s Spirza. Acanthopanax pentaphylla. Five-leaved Aralia. Acanthopanax pentaphylla. Five-leaved Aralia. Prairie Roses. Forsythia suspensa. Drooping Golden Bell. Viburnum tomentosum var. plicatum. Japanese Snowball. Rhodotypus kerrioides. White Kerria. Deutzia scabra crenata. Rough-leaved Deutzia. Rhus cotinus. Smoke-bush. Chionanthus virginica. White Fringe. Cornus alba. Red-barked Ozier. Catalpa speciosa. Southern Catalpa. Picea alba. White Spruce. Apple Tree. Picea pungens. Blue Spruce. Fagus sylvatica var. purpurea Riversi. Rivers’ Purple Beech, Betula alba var. pendula laciniata. Cut-leaved Birch, Best Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Hardy Asters. Achille ptarmica var. The Pearl. Coreopsis lanceolata. Lance-leaved Tickseed. Sedum spectabile. Showy Sedum. Scarlet Phlox paniculata. Panicled Hardy Phlox. Delphiniums. Various species. Perennial Larkspurs. Peonia officinalis. Pzonias. White Phlox paniculata. Veronica longifolia var. subsessilis. Speedwell. Chrysantheum leucanthemum var. hybrida. Shasta Daisies. Aquilegia chrysantha and various species of tall Columbines, Tall Columbines. Tulips, Narcissuses, Hyacinths, Scillas and Snowdrops may be planted among shrubs and near edge of beds. / 27 oe 32 eonr aaa, port iPY Min coke a4 | / ¢ of SF? ao S 28 | 26 = {pay | Ni Wigton, oy peas ane Lome meeteet as ees at oe ea | = itd | 34 '30} | LioAA | aL NG ae eee ae Th Wow . oe aa 3S Ree eae Net cee eee lara ste sc fas das cee al Bi i x ! 3S Pa GRASS ‘oll 4 4 == he ASST be | (= CS Ste SS See ae | | i 4 | 35 a Le 1 ore ste ay | on fel UP [eozzonecnennennnnnnnnn uae ty z I fy 4 é& Zs. | A 1 \ yy €--=—--- -f “------ =. ‘ | ee ee ee ad ye l2 emo ee me 10 {| 17 Nig ce | se id iS ON t ig («ON Uo ee eee ee Miao as easier teva ex aN el 12 pat ees = Be eg ee 2 : A SCALE 0 4 8 v2 FEET POSE ano MERPBACEOUS GARDEN PLANTING LIST FOR ROSE AND HERBACEOUS List No. of No. Plants i 203 2 12 3 12 4 24 8 36 6 30 7 27 3 22 9 12 10 8 11 14 12 11 13 15 14 18 15 12 16 12 17 6 18 14 19 10 20 8 21 12 22 10 23 10 24 16 25 15 26 12 27 * 24 28 11 29 12 30 . 6 4 31 12 32 14 33 6 34 10 85 —-50 36 104 GARDEN. Festuca glauca." Blue Fescue Grass, to be planted 8 inches apart. Dianthus barbatus var. White Reserve. Sweet-William. Dianthus barbatus var. Abbotsford. Lychnis viscaria var. splendens. German Catchfly. Viola odorata. Hardy Russian Violets. Armeria maritima var. robusta. Sea Pink. Viola cornuta. Horned Violet. Veronica supria. Bastard Speedwell. Gaillardia artstata. Perennial Gaillardia. Phlox paniculata var, Annie Cook. Perennial Phlox. Lupinus polyphyllus. Lupine. Phlox paniculata var. Coquelicot. Perennial Phlox. Platycodon grandiflorum. Japanese Bell-flower. Sedum spectabile. Showy Sedum. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum hybridum var. Alaska. Sedum spectabile. Showy Sedum. Hardy Chrysanthemums, yellow. Statice latifolia. Sea Lavender. Astilbe japonica var. Queen Charlotte. Astilbe or Spirzea. Cnothera fruticosa var. Youngii. Young’s Sundrops. Phlox suffruticosa var. Miss Lingard. Southern Phlox. Monarda didyma. Oswego Tea. : Physostegia virginiana. False Dragon-head. Gypsophila Stevenit. Dwarf Baby’s-breath. Veronica longifolia. Long-leaved Speedwell. Astilbe japonica var. floribunda. Astilbe or Spirea. Asclepias tuberosa. Butterfly Weed. Physostegia virginiana var. alba. White False Dragon-head. Sedum maximum var. hematodes. Purple-leaved sedum. Papaver orientale. Oriental Poppies, and Lilium auratum. Gold-banded Lily. Campanula medium. In variety. Canterbury Bells. Phlox paniculatum, White. Perennial Phlox. Aquilegia. Various species. Columbines. Lobelia cardinalis. Cardinal Flower. Hybrid Perpetual Roses in variety. Baby Rambler Roses, to be planted 1 foot apart. Walk C4F PLAN N23 Suggestive Treatment of City Backyard | Scale 12 (2 Feet List PLANTING LIST FOR PLAN NUMBER THREE. No. of Plants a Pon WWWUDWwWWD PWD ee Wistaria multijuga. Loose-clustered Wistaria. Tecoma radicans. Trumpet Honeysuckle. Juniperus communis var. hibernica. Irish Juniper. Berberis Thunbergiit. Japanese Barberry. Ligustrum ovalifolium. California Privets. Phlox paniculata. In variety. Perennial Phlox. Rhododendron catawbiense hybridum. Hybrid_Rhododendrons. Euonymus europaeus. Strawberry Tree. Forsythia suspensa var. fortunei. Fortune’s Golden Bell. Coreopsis lanceolata. Tickseed. Iris germanica. German Iris in variety. Rosa rugosa. Japanese Rose. Kalmia latifolia. Mountain Laurel. Viburnum opulus. Mountain Cranberry. Symphoricarpos racemosus. Snowberry. Paonia officinalis. In variety. Garden Pzonies. Kerria japonica. Globe-flower. Populus nigra var. italica. Lombardy Poplar. . et. \ am aR } peel enced |r| Ly : | L 7 fio lowe G | 1 2a o I | et it | | aici ii, Yn | | 1 gas T | | 4 + Q b | i cl a a Q4 be Nee | oO. | | 8 i: i INA ‘Ot | | ‘ © nN f PRT SPOT SLR LPF Tee , I | | PO ahs ates || eset | | 4 | | ee N hos a ae 5 | | a Eat; a — peated if TA a ee = | er a | | pie ae ie Arch patel eae eerie a = a a pees Z Hh Nees eet ee t x PLANTING LIST FOR ROSE GARDEN. + No. of Plants 14 Persian Yellow Roses, planted 1} feet apart. 20 White Moss Roses, planted 14 feet apart. 14 Harrison Yellow Roses, planted 1} feet apart. 2 Dorothy Perkins Roses for arch. 2 Lady Gay Roses for arch. 74 Hybrid Perpetual Roses, planted 2 feet apart. 2 Crimson Rambler Roses in tree shape. 16 Hybrid Tea Roses, planted 13 feet apart. 100 Baby Rambler Roses, planted 1 foot apart. Cormnnmen ese SAYER SNS ABBREVIATIONS. Very hardy. Requires a sheltered position. Requires protection until well established. Rapid in growth. Slow in growth. Prefers a moist soil. Thrives in any good soil. Thrives best in a light warm soil. Particularly good for cutting. Shrub, or generally grown in bush-form. Tree or generally grown in tree-form. (Found in Rose-List.) Indicates best flowering varieties. (Found in Lilacs.) Indicates largest and best blooms. GLOSSARY. Capsule, A many-celled seed-vessel. Cleft, Divided, split, parted. Conical, Having the form of a cone. Decumbent, Reclining, but with tips ascending. Edible, Fit to be eaten as food. Fastigiate, Branches erect and close together. Frond, Leaf of a fern. Glaucous, A dull green passing into gray blue. Globose, Round, spherical, globular. Herbaceous Perennial, A soft stemmed plant, which perishes down to the root annually. Hybrid, A variety produced from the mixture of two species. Lobed, Divided to the middle into parts distant from each other, with convex margins. Mulch, A light covering, as hay, straw or leaves. Palmate, Having the shape of a hand. Panicles, Scattered fruit or flowers. Clusters on peduncles variously sub-divided. Pedicels, Short flower or fruit stalks. Pendulous, Hanging, drooping. Petiole, The stem of a leaf, connecting the leaf with the plant. Pinnate, Compound, feather-shaped. Plumose, Feathery. Procumbent, Prostrate, Pubescent, Pyramidal, Raceme, Recurving, Sepal, Sterile, Tendril dises, Tuberous, Trifoliate, Tubular, Umbel, Whorl, TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 141 Trailing, prostrate, lying on the ground. Lying flat upon the ground. Downy. Having the shape of a pyramid. A cluster of flowers or fruit. Bending toward the ground. A part of the calyx or perianth of a flower. Barren, unfruitful. Claspers given to climbing plants for supports. Round, fleshy, underground stems, as, for example, potatoes. Having three leaves. Having the form of a tube or pipe. A flat-topped flower cluster. Leaves or flowers arranged around a stem, in the same plane with each other. A PracticaL Hanp Book 142 ‘H ‘dq _“yyeousepun | A‘ATIS st YOryM ‘aseryoy asirvoo | ‘YIBp YIM YIMOIS UL [eopoWIWIAS OF-0$ zZ Wy nae BUB;UUBUIPION SeIqy ‘HAD ‘onjg Asaayis a8er]0.4 ‘prey punol ‘yep eB Surusoy ‘ye}U0Z ny ong -loy sayoueig ‘yyMois ul uadQ ‘IL OZ-ST Z uoysulyseM |BoNB[Z*Iea STIqou serqy ‘O-d ‘Pp ‘A0JOO ul anyjq-saqis | st suaurToads oulos Ul YOTYM ‘aderoy aB1e] YM wsaissaae [nyneeq WL OS-OF c ; TOM JoTOsMOD SaIqVy ‘Q-q g ‘Assos pue yep | Alaa aBeYOY “YWMoisurpeduoy “f 02 Z My uenyiy | BOPITPD SoIqy “wd ‘Pp ‘Surpsaseid ay} 0} | JepIUs s}iqey UT “Yy}eoUsJapuN AIaA | “IS pue aaoge use1d yep aseyoy “Lf OS-OF @ jwespeg AraAIS THosuiy seiqy ay ‘a ‘Vy ‘a3e | yuma Ap ysisun sw0s0q 0} pue Apes sayIueIq IIMO, 94} aso] 0} poaurys | -UJ = ‘9ad} TeprmeAid sejnsar ‘peoiq e@ Burmi0oy ‘feyuoz0y sayoueig ‘U9913 y1ep ‘pajuaos-joams aBe]OY “L 09-0S Zz My wesjeg BaoulBs[eq SoIqy [etuualag | wmoo[g yoo} Ul snosvtqloy F oulBNy i oWleNy syIBUIOY jo 1OjOD VqS18H eulA € ysysug, | jeoraeyog eully, OYBUIN[ A | Wees1eaq | snonpweg T OFT 23ed UO puNo} aq [[IM UUINJOD ,, SYIVWIaI,, UI posn sjeyideo o1ey ay} Jo uotjeueldxy ‘SaIOddS AO NOLLVOIAISSVTIO GNV NOITLdTdosad 143 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘9°q 'D ‘sauruins ay} jo Wied 19}e013 ayi JOJOI ay? Poy YoIYM saavoy MOTJIA IYZIUIG YIM dAOe ay} Jo WO} VY ‘Da ‘2 «‘sajdeu asauedef ay} jo Jsarpiey ayy ‘uses Wyss ‘saqoy uUsaaja 01 oUIU saARayT ‘sayoueIq js0Ys ‘ynojs yWM ‘y MOIS ul WYSUdQ “¢ ‘)°”T VY “YAMo13 ul esuaq *use13 [Np saaeay ‘punois Ap uo 10 y}MoId -Iapun ue se sururd 10 pooy “f WD ‘aderoy yous ‘Assojs alow e YM ynq ‘Zurpasaid ay} 0} JepWNIS Yyonypy HD) “Pouly -yno Aynjyneaq pue ysno1 ‘adie saaeaT ‘sjoayo yeoidosj-qns Joy pue siopiog JO spunoisyoeq 10J afqeqins ‘Q'qd ‘py ‘siods Apues pue Ap JOJ JUATJIOXY “SawWaoeI UI aUIOY jUeD -YIUSISUT SIOMO[ “JOJUIM UL SotIMy AeiZ 1y3y pue saavayq usei3d daap Assoj3 YM qnays aarjoeije uy ‘Ss ‘Dd ‘Pp ‘dno1Z ay} jo }saq ay} jo 2UQ ‘“Yy}eaUJapuN AraAyIS pue aAoqe uaei3 yep ‘asiej AoA adeyoy “Lf ‘79 "yMoI uadQ ‘siajyouesq Yrs ay) Jo sapis |e wo1y Surpeaids ‘adeyoy used WYysI] pue poajuiod-dieys ‘peoiq ‘yoyS “Lf ‘any x» Ajnf ‘sny ® Anf aunf{ ajding ajding MOTI? 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HOly ser -uarod Jayje} jo Juo1s ut Bursseur 10} poor) ‘sayids uo] uo siamoy Amoys ‘TAY °yNd Buraq 1ayye [Jam Ise] pue ‘JoJWIIP Ul SayouT Z yNoqe sioMOLy ‘Ta (py ‘Arayoo1 310 Japioq 24} Joy jurjd poos y *Ajaats -u9}x9 UMOIZ 9q pjnoys “‘AMoys pue eI] SIMO] ‘YIMOIZ UT sNoOIOZIA ‘Ta (VY °8aeq) Jopun JO Japiog JaMOY ay} UI poory ‘elu -uaied Sulamoy-surds ajqenjea W *19JIUIVIP UI SaYOUI F Ud}JO a1e SWIOOTG “yy Mo138 ur Aysng queyd : AMoys SIIMOT J ‘4 °p ‘aanqpno Asva jo jued [njaceis Y ‘sulajs }9a19 UO sIaMOY Buidoolp jo sjaquiy) *saa1} 10 sqnays Japun pue uapies-y901 34} Ul poor dH VN *sqnays 19430 YIM SasseUl UT JO ‘UMP dy} JOjJ UaUIDads a[ZuIs & se poos pue ‘yymoisg ur yoedui0d AlaA *AMOYS ayinb siamop ‘uaai3 WY4s1 a8eyoy “s TCH 'V ‘lH ‘VY _‘3urpasaid ay} jo AjaueA paiaMoy-asie] pue ysnqol VW ounf{ aunf 29 Avy aunf 2» Aryl aunf 2» Aeyy [udy yoiey Ajnf 29 oun A[nf 29 ounf qld MOTI MO| -[ah-uaplory asueicC, aiding MOTIA MOTIA snolieA, mica _ a £-S peoy -u0zeiq as[ey aueg $,predoaT piupséang aay 3es-3u1jOoyS pooMmisy}eIT DAO]SXO J DAO]SXO J ums -o1rveds umnjeydas0ov1q WINdISsvINB) UINIMOIOd Usnjg wnomo10g un -9ursejued uNdTU0I0g soyorjod BIPBe UOIT}BIEpOg suysnjed wong Bnsiquie sITeySIq vIOBwerurxo[s ‘rea voindind siyjeys1q A PracticaL Hanp Book 194 ‘AT ° PY “uapres-yoo1 ay} 103 poos os[e ‘seayezy 10 suoipuapopoyy Jopun punois SULIIAOD 10j JUaT[AOXA “yIeOY ay} Suljquiesal jyeyMoauos ‘BuTIe1] aunt yurg ‘ul z AlIaqMo1Z) unis wnijeduq ‘H °y ‘sjods Apues ur Sunued s0y poos tsqniys YUM sduinjo ul aataya AlaA *SaA ea] SNOD ssei3 -nejs YM sseig [eJUsUTeUIO Aprey VY ge v -ouWAT anig snoneys snurd[q ‘O-d ‘vy canyea yonur jo qniys YW ‘siomoy quLIBeIy pue a8er]0j Araayic ‘alqipe ‘par yys1q J3}st31O ‘Zuo, your ue jo £ ynoqe yn “Ss [Ae 2 [dy] moyad yy 8rT 9 T asouedef sodisuo] snusex|q O’d ‘vy “qnays Ayjaid y “Amoys ‘pot yystq yWNIY “AIWAIIS SAARI] {JURIBeIY SIOMOT “CS JouNnf 2 Ae MOTPPA 8 T 19}St3[O voyuedIe snudexr|q ‘Q°p ‘wap -1e3-pjlIMm ul JO sqniys SuouIe poor) ‘yqmos3 snososia jo sjuejd asieod | -3ny 7% A4jnf] onyq 3317 ¢ v apstyL eqoly ory sdourqsq ‘TD py ‘Jeruuesod supramop-sesy Aaaa y ‘s[eqod Zurdoosp ‘yx1ep s1amoy JO JaquaZ) “ssOIOe sayoUl F SAWTIOUIOS sIaMop YM ued Amoys Aysnq VW "0 ® ‘Bny | adind-poy gz , JaMOP-3uo7) voindind vooeurqog [etauei9g woolg yooj ut =snosovqioH fF ouleN Oule NT syIeUSYy jo r0joD qqsIey oulA € ysysugq [worusyog eully, 9}BUIy[) | WeeIsIBAg Z snonpreqd T 195 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘TDP ‘Bulamop-saqy Ara “yy Mo13 Ul sia}se Apiey Bul[quiasal yeYMIUIOS ‘HD ca “sopsog Apsey jO punoi3y9eq ul Zurdno13 103 poor) *I9}UIM UT UOT}90}01d Aavay sarmnbay ‘sIamOQ aonpoid [jim sjueld poysiy -qeysa [jam AjUQ ‘queld-1ayOg ay} JO asOYy} a[quIasel saAvay = ‘sJaMO poedeys-iejs adie] jo sayids asuaq ‘Dp ‘uapses-4x901 ay} ul JO sqniys Jopun juaT[Ioxq ‘Amoys ‘poos siaMoy J ‘uuinjyne ur anjq suluin}? 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TAY "sqnays ym sduinj[9 ul Jo JajeM IeoU dATIOVINIV ‘sIojsnjo ul pue padeys-A]l] siamo y ‘eaey “HO oueY JaBIe] = YeYMaUIOS ‘Tap ‘siomoy ayT-Apy ‘ueise1y ‘sqnays jo juoyy ut sduin]9 ul Jo sureaijs jo syueq UO poor T'D°V. ‘ssosoe soyour ¢ Bur -Inseour ‘jueisesy ‘podeys-jadunsy SIOMO[J “IYT[-PIOMS pue Sug] saavoyT WOO. 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TD) °P ‘siapsioq-qnays jO SUIZIPUI UL JUaT[IXxy ‘“sIamoy ajqnop Amoys pue aserjoy poos Ale -nsnun yA qniys jiIVeMp sug WY ‘S “f° P ‘sqnays Jopun punoi3 3ur13A09 oj pooryy ‘sioysnjo ut padeys-|joq sIomMOy ‘paplaAip Ajayeuryed soavayT ‘Q°p “yIMoi3 jo yiqey Ul WoIq ‘sJoIsNJO-1oMOy Wey adie] pue aserjoy poor) ‘svasueipApy Ajzea ayy jo Amoys sour ayL ‘¢ EAD. ‘g ‘qnays Suipeaids Sunjsaiojur uy “mOT[aA YUM paquty ‘siojsnjo yey UL SIOMO]Y ‘SAARI YVO oy] podeys ‘uaeid yep Asoa ‘adiey adelyoy “¢ ‘7p *Aysnq pue Mo, 3day pue since yoea AjaiaAas paunid oq pynoys ‘sayoueiq snojnpued uo siamoy jO speay podeys-au0d ssuawwy “¢ ‘lp. ‘poos skemyje st pue uao13 daap st oseyoy ayy, ‘sayorosdde |yey se poi pue yurd [njineaq e 07 aTYyM woiy uin? Ady ‘sways joao UO sajiued adie] Ul SIaMoyy ‘sqniys Zullamopy [njasn sow ay} jo sug “S ‘dag 2 Ajnf Aqnf 3 ounf oun ysn3ny "PO 3 3das "0 7% “3dag MOTI A OUM, anu, onuM any ond, VOM s,uyof as Aqqnays yea]-19]e vasuripAy PorAavo]-{LO vasuvipAyy PoIMOY-951e'T vosutipspy ayepnoueg uimeimme unowedéAH asuep -eues unyAqdoip APT qs0a vasueIpAy eryoyiaienb vosuvipsAH BIOGIPUvIS ‘IVA vienoued vasuvipAy ven ued vasuvipATT A PracticaL Hanp Book 216 ‘Dp ‘surays Surdooip Ap YSIs uo stamoy AMoYS “Uapses-YIOI ay} Oy poos Aprepnojseg ‘lp ‘sasseur yeas ul siajsnjo Ajjoid ur siaMopy ‘UaaId Yep aseyoy ‘uapsres-yoo1 oy Joy 10 BSuIspa Joy quejd juajooxa uy OV. ‘sotqyenb yeurrpaut sjr 30y Ay sour penyea 3nq ‘spoq-lamoy 10} Surspa ue se poos ‘orjewmioie AoA “MOLIeU ‘APIS SARI] ‘saytds [[euIs UT sIOMOTT AD? ‘g ‘Aapiog 10 A1ay901 ay} 10; poor ‘sIOMOY aSuvIO pue MOTIA WYSIIq ‘g[suls ‘asiv] pue saavo] Assojs Yyieq ‘QP “YWM019 url yOo10 pue uodo as0ur quejd oy} pue sJayjews aie siomoy ay} ynq ‘Wneine “FY sajquiesay “¢ ‘qniys jJieMp [nyiyneaq V iy nore ul osuap AJOA ‘qnays ay} BuLaa0o Ajajajduros ‘Aqjuenb jvais ur poonp -o1d jnq [jews siamo [enpraipuy “¢ aunf x» Ae aunf{ 3» Aeyy ‘sny 07 ounf ‘any 3» Aynf das » Ajnf ‘ydas 23 ‘-Sny aay ony ayding MOTI A MOTPIA MOTI A ee ug mien N PRT FRE yn yApuesy Apiey dossA fy JOMO]Y Ploy BTOF [109 ‘IBA STHEXBS STIOQ] sexes seq] syeurouo sndossAépy unt -vliesoul winorod AR wnueMyey unowedAy wINIopisuep umoried ART syrewmoay woolg jo OULD IO[OD. 400} Ut ayaa eyewy1 etausei9g snosoeqiayy F SUIA € UIdIFIBAT ZF snonplooeg T aut Ny ysysugy owe N [eoruvjog 217 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘H (DG “Buoy 100; [ ynoqe aql-Usay aBeroj ‘aaresiovsp Ai3A ‘aiajsnjo ut padeys-jeduins} siamojy ‘O°] “p uonen -yis Aue ut Ay[nyssaoons umoi3 aq ued ynq ‘los Jstow e siajaid yy ‘sqnays Jayjo Buowe pajurjd aq pynoys pue yjmois ur uado sayie1 st ay “I9}UIM-pIul qaun soyoueiq oy} UO UIeWaI YOIYM ‘s}INIj pai [e}UaWIeUIO U]IM sqniys Apiey }$9q ay} joougQ “¢ wea -g ‘pajueydsues uaymM paunid Ajaiavas aq pynoys "Jaya JoJUIM JO} sqnays snonpidep BuOWe JUaT[aoXY ‘Salt19q JopAeIS s}t YUM JoUIM ul Ajjaid Ajreynaraeg “¢S ‘Oy PY ‘sowlaoes UT satis3q yoe[q AMOYS “JURIYIUSISUT SIOMOTH ‘uaeig = [[Np pue |eAo saAvayT ‘¢ A cD. | FSANAYS SnOnpdaep YUM Sursseur IOy JUa{[IoX9 pue saorjd posajpays s0y Jurd-o poo3 YW “poom-xog ay} jo 3eYy} soajq -wasal aseyoy “yqaey ur Aysng ‘¢' OV “quejd ay) Bu1s3a09 Ajaqajdurod s1aMoy pue aseyoy Assojs ‘yaep our “dur -qurd Japsoq 10 Bulspoa 410J JUdT[IOXG] A[nf 3 aunf aunf 2» Aeyy ounf 29 Avy ajding MOTTIA MOTLAA MONA MOTJIA oA N N JOPTY APP AYO Adoqyuy yynqyApuesy UddIBIOA GW TABAR[IG LO] [IAIVIUT ByEIIy10a XeTT evovdo xa] BIQBIS XT] Byeuel) Xol[ sudmaroduras stiaqy A PracticaL Hanp Book 218 ‘T-9-a ‘°F ‘sip -10Q PaXxIUI UI poor, ‘ss1e09 aSeloy *sUl9}s [[e} ‘SuoIjs uO slamoy jueiserg |Ajnf 2 ounf JOA, ¢ P slay ysryin TL voreise Io eprted sry TOV “yyMois 8ely ea} sno1osiaA jo pue sulamoy aaly Alaa jaunf{ 2 Aey] Mopar re - pepueq-Mo]][3 QA |-Ue3IS IO ST[eJUdTIO STI] Teed cyeyem qzeau os Ajieynonied ‘arayMAroAa [njiyynesag = ‘anyq jo sapeys pue oz1yM 19] jo S10[O9 UI ZulsueI pue adie] s1amopy jA[nf 2 aunf{] snore, €-Z v sty asouedef |-durey Jo vyeStax] sty ie. ‘py ‘aepsog Araqqnays ay} jo a3pa ay} Suoje sasseur ul poor) ‘azyM pue oe] ‘anjq ‘mojjeA jo sapeys ur siamoy AMOYS ‘ain}[NI Jsaisva ayy jo sjurjd pue sozs0Aey yesouary |A[nf{ 0} Ae] snore,r gy , SU] UeUIa BoUBUlIIs SLI] ‘OP ‘sastay Aiea ay} jo [njtyneaq jsour ay} JO sUQ ‘Uap 13-3901 JY} JO} IO Zulspa 10} poor |A[n[ 0} Avy ORT ‘Ul g $ Sl] paqseia eye)SLI9 SLIT ‘Da -W _‘pedeys Jouuny ‘sta}snpo Ul sIaMOTy ‘STTeA JOMOP-UOO| JO syUNI} 9013 Buryaa0d Joy poor |'Sny x» Apnf{) sy Ol PyE Apiey eyeinpued vouody TOP ‘Siojse Bulquiasal Jey MouIOS siamop YA uefd sopioq poos wy /sny » Ajn{} Moyay Z Pp aueq-e3] 4 esonpurys enuy [etuueleg moolg qooj UI = |snosoeqiayy F owen ome N ByIBUISYy jo 10[0D qysieyy oulA € ysysug [sotueyog oul, oVUy[ A, | Useis10Aq Z snonploeq T 219 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. Do “7 ‘Vy *Suo] sayoul F Inoqe sauiaoe1 suIdooip UI SIOMO][Y ‘“JaWUINS 9}e] UT UOSUITID your @ suin}? YyoIyM aselOJ asuop qUM qniys aAteu [njaneeq YW ‘Ss LH od. “PePialp Ajjuanbazy aq pynoys pue Aypides sadn ‘paiomog sey queyd oy) Joye uoos ieaddesip soavay oy} se ‘sjuejd 13430 suoue pajuryd oq pynoys “Tp ‘ro7yeM Ieau Jo sZ0q ut A}o1g “EQ ‘PV ‘uopse3-3oq 10 rapi0q ayy Joy Jueyd aAroeI7Ie pur [Nyosn jsou V “IAP OY} JO AjaIeA ZuLIIMOY da1y [Nylyneaq AIA W Ta d'P ‘asuep pue moreu ‘Suoy aseyoy ‘siayjsnja ul slamoy AmoysS ‘Dy “MoTpoA uows, ‘eproyy ‘ayy oind ‘eauinga ‘gydand yor ‘eaueAo sore eyrund SL] JO satqaliea 19YyIQ, “Jepsod oy} Ul 10 Uopies-4x901 ay} JOY poor ‘uore -njis Aue ur 3utaAliy} pue Ajoosy Jsour SuIuLOO[q ‘satoods Ajieva qua[Je0xo9 UY ‘aa ‘v “AIPY -dei sasvaioul pue Ajasnjoid suioojg *19}eM Ie9IU JO SuTjUR[d-3oq Io} poor Ajnf{ x» ounf A[nf{ 2» ounf aunf x» Aryl Ainf{ 2» aunf ounf 2» Ae ounf 32 Avy AeIN aunf 2 Arey org ayy pue Moy[oA JO-SOpeys ajding anjq doaq oy JOA JIOLA MOTPA fC fC fe ANOTIEM, UPIULSITA suy ysiueds sll] ueIpeurs Sey y UPLIIQIS seq Bey URTIOQIS INU AA Sep] URLTAqIS sey yaeng BU] oe BOUIBITA BAIT wuniqdrx sty IO[OIISIOA STIT sie} -U9TIO *IBA BOTTIGIS SIT eqe ‘IBA BOTIIQIS SII] BOIIIGIS SII] Birumd sry sniooepnoesd sy A PracticaL Hanp Book 220 ‘OP “suaerS1aA—a JoyIO YIM SuIsseul OF afqenjeA “Surpodaid Jodiun[ voine “Tea ay} JO WO; MOTAA JURITIIG AAW “S re Zz uapjoy stunumures snioedranf ‘a py ‘snoo “nes pure iYSYy s8eyoOy “ojowep ur 399} OT Sapo11d JaAo peoids sawitjawos [[IM suouttoads ay3urs pue ‘oi eV13s01d st JJ ‘S4Y901 10 SYULq SULIDAOD IO} [Ny jodiun [ -98N JSOW SI UdeIdIVAD aATILU SIUT, “Ss re C uowluio7) sranuimos sniodrunf ‘O° -‘D'_{ ‘sywuypea oy} jo spqenyea | jsou oyi ATpayqnopun st yt ‘sunod aTIYM Japus} JeyMouros yYySnoyyy ‘asel[oY Uses 3Yysq ‘asivey YIM NUye AA da} Popeoy-punol owospuey YW “L 01-0 I ystpsuq vigor suepsnf | ‘O°a py ‘Ayquenb jea13 UI dUIOG a1e Ss]nuU dIqIpsa Si] ‘ezIs | yeais Sururezjze ‘oe1} orsofeul YW LZ 02-06 I | ynuyeay yor vista suepsnf Way ‘sinuaqipsasieyT ‘snyquepry | jO }¥Y} JEYMaOs sapquiosar advijoy "ymois ur uodo pue sutpeaidg +f OF-0F I qnuiayng valeurs suepsnf | ‘D°p ‘uapies -YOOI oy] UI poor) ‘adeI[O] ayT-sse13 IOMOLT pue siomoy poadeys-oqojs snosowny [sny x» Apnf| anyq yyezrT T f s ,proydays siuueied ouorsef | [etuualeag woolg | yooF UL fsnoadequeyy F aut N awit Ny syIemsy jo IojoOD ys outa € ysysuq [eoruejog owly ayeU[ | Wasis1eagq Z snonplveq T N N TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘odAq | ‘DG °F ‘84901 Suoure poor) yO pur | ay} UeYy. Used I}YSUqQ v ouy oseyoy ‘waquinoo:d Didey *SUDDIBIOAD MOT JO JUOTY L AJAYIOI AY} JOF PUSPPOON ayy jo utsoy aqensoid Aq} aad Vs ‘Ody ‘yuequinsoid Jo Sutpeaids soyouviq ‘uoo1s ysep aseyoy “Sunueryd apisypry aof poos ‘WaaIBIAAD MOT OATIOBII ALDA WS ‘SD tek ‘V *LOJOO ae Sir suTe}Ie WL oTayM ‘uOReNys 4 B UL Jsog “Sud0s810A0 Uopjos mol OY) JO Weg Jsour oyy Jo sug “6 ‘Og KF “yMosiS ur yivap pur asusq = ‘ouyM Apjsour s. ‘yours jo sdij YIM Burpadseid ayi jo uop GS ‘OT oqnays yaeap [n -yneaq jsour Wo 'u9015 doop odeloyy ‘sayouriq §=juequimo0id = souttjauros ‘Surpeaids YIM qniys osuop MOT YS ‘D-a'V “YIMOIS Ur Aysnq aiour ynq ‘surpoo -aid ay} Burpquiosor yeyMoWOG “f ‘O-d ‘g ‘904) |Jeuls awospury AIDA Yo uae yYyst Soave, pur jysiidn sayourig ‘YyyMoIS Ul IeuUINfOD “VL O18 N N N nN ™ UIABG PoAvd] -ystiewe [ ULAGS aIvIISOI dodiunf{ | UIARS sodiun{ asoulyy | uopyor) Jodiun{ Sou) poresoue jodiun [ yodrun{ YSIPOMs sodiun [ ysuy A osouede [ VIJOFIOSIIVMIE} ‘IVA vulges sniodianf{ | Byersoid ‘ICA Bulges sniediun{ eurqes sniediun[{ vomne ‘IBA SISUOTIIYS sniodiunf | | | | ByesaTIVA 09jTASIV ‘Tea SISUaUTYD stusdianf usttodel Io stsuourys sniodrunf Borens “IBA stuntam0) snisdiunf BoTUIEqIy “rv sjunumuoes snisdrunf A PracticaL HAND Book 222 a ‘saoejd Auuns ‘A1p 104 paeR diate eaneu Ayjaid WW ‘yieaueq aed ‘2A0q® Usei3 YY 31] ‘MoreU aseIIOY “S aunf yuid daaq €-Z Zz Wey-quey BYOJYSNSNe eIupe sy ‘O-d ‘p ‘uae18 YS aserjoy 0YIS “vA *y]M018 Ul BsUap puke [epueikg “+f ZI-O1 Zz vueuisna sniodrunf ‘Op ‘uaei819A9 MoO] AjQa1d pue aiel YW ‘usae13 yep aselloy qepay pay einpued -rea ‘snojnpued pue Japusls saysueig “CS LS Z Ssuidaa BuBInIgA sniodrunf ‘Op *19]UTM UT Amoys Ajiejnoiysed pue mojjad uapjos sayoueiq 8unod ayy josdiy, -adAj ay} repay pey BUNISSHUEde[O “IBA uey} yIMois ul ZuIpeaids slop, “ZL ST-OT Z uapjoryy eueluisna sniodrunf ‘Dd ‘VP “40]09 Jaylep Jo suaeisiaAd 13y}0 Suowe pequejd yt aarjoeiqe = Aprepnonaieg ‘aserjoy Avis Ataayis YIM ‘surpaooid repsd pay Bones “rea ay} JO Woy BUIMOIZ snoIOZIA Y “Lf Oz-ST Z AJIATIS vueluisiaA sniodiunf ‘QQ -°p ‘ueei3 yslep aseyoy pue iystdn sayoueig ‘yy MOIS UL yesUOD Alpe1auesy ‘usdI3I9A9 «JAT}VU o[NjTNeeqd YW AL O£-0Z Z repay pay euvlursita snisdiunf yerauaseg : wmo0olg | qeojy UL SNOVIBGIOY F OUI’ NT OUIE NT SyIeUeyYy jo IojoD ys aulA & ysysug JeotuLjog eur y, ew | Waeid19aq Z snonpled T 223 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. TCH -g ‘sayin Ul SaAeaT YM poysojoid ATIAvoy aq plnoys pue Apiey Ayaarqisod jou sie sjurjd ayy, = “sqnays yo Juoyy Ul passeU JO speluUaiad Jay}0 Suowe aalpaye AA ‘siomoy Surmols jo sayids adie] pue saavay] ayI]-sseis ‘Zurdooip yim ‘sjeruuased SuraMmoy le} ay3 Jo Amoys Jsoul dy} JO uO wae Sana qayjo jo yuoIy ur pue sdumnjo ut poory ‘a}yM YIM paspa usa13 1Y3IT ‘Tews saavay “YyIMoIS UI VsUDq ‘> ‘D°qd ‘py ‘Amoys AioA pue sno -JauInu ‘ajqnop siaMopy “surpadaid ay UPY? YIMOIZ UI SNOIOZIA DIO. “FS ‘O° VW ‘qnays [nyoovi3 AoA Yo cqzequim sour Amoys Ajprepnonaied pue wuaeizg plAIA sayoueig ‘asuap AIA pue uses dasp o38ey0q “¢ ‘Q°Y “py ‘snooneys pue mor -1eu saavay ‘syoo1 Zuoure poos pue yymois ur Zuysseijs pue MoT ‘¢ ‘qq py czewuns ur 4no Ap JOU [JIM JI JaAaiaym uMOIZ A][Nyssvo -ons oq ued Jnq ‘swieaI}s ZuOje poos Aprenoyszed st jf ‘a4nqjnod 4ysarsva ay} JO qnays aArjyeu [njyneaq WY ‘Ss "PO 3 “Bny oun{ oun f{ aun f{ ounf[ aunf 32» Ary jayreos -UOT]IULIA A, MoOT]A4 wsig MOT[AA daaq MOT[AA wsg adind SENT ayy 0} asoy oF JIMO]Y IGOTS agoly ayqnoq JIMO]Y Aqo]y suoosoone[s ‘rea Soploje eygoydiuy vyesoliVa-09}093 -Ie *Iea votuodel vie ousyd slog ‘rea votuodel Biliay souodel Brey Byosod wrmye sy BOL] VIUAye Sy A Practical Hanp Book 224 Z's. ‘suaais -JaAa Suowe Poor ‘Y}MOIS UT [epT -ueisg ‘sulids Ajiea ur aarjoe1N)e Ayrepnoyjszed st JJ aaa} snosaziu0s yoiey ‘snonploep [ejuaweuio AIDA Yo Cp os. | I ueoIOWwYy Buediomy Xe] | | 3 | | | ‘YO _ ‘92132 Mop A}aid y “ysry joy | | | J 07 9 Stla}s UO pojyeis Ayjersuas ‘Sur | ; wnuingey | einpued -padsaid ay} JO Woy snojnpued YW + | aunf[ MOTPA 8 I | surdaa yy plea oresina wnuimgey | | | “Dg ‘“SUMR] |[EUIS 10} 991] poos | Y ‘seueoer Suc] ur padeys-ead sia | -MO[ J ‘“Ylep pue yoouls aseljoy Lf ounf MOTOR OL | I | wnuingeT | ares[na wunuingey | ‘Ha D994} UME] AVOId JayYeI | | | y ‘uac18-onyq ‘oJeuUId SoAvAT ‘sop ae MOT[DA | | -ued jyStudn asiey Ul SIOMO, L Aqnf | -a8uei¢G o¢ I | aadL YstUse\ | eyenoued viloynayoOy | ‘TH ‘g ‘28pea ay} ye aso -UOUjes ‘asIe] SIIMOY [eNPIAIpuy Japreos | TIOZWYq “SUO]SOYOUI ZT SoWTJIUTOSsayIdstaMo]y | 3909 07 “3ny | -a8ueIC) me. | p | ‘rea Sapioje egoydmy | | | vlopipueis TH cg ‘Smoys Araa puv isnqoy (3290 32 3dag_yayIeDS ¢ | P ‘IBA Soploje eyoydiuy | ; TH gq ‘swejs | | | ye} ‘Suons uo asieyp Ajprepnored ' | STTIqou soytds i9MO[y “SuLIamoy-aeqy AIA, S-F | - | | ‘18a Seproye Bygoydiuy as = jerauaieg muOO|g_, qooy ur =|snosovqioy F auIeN out Nn syIvUIOY jo 10]09, qastoy aula € qsqaag, Jeorarjog aVUN[y | WaeisI0aq Z snonpweq T 225 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. Q_g ‘aourisery J19Y} UTeJa1 BuOT [JIM ‘patsp yt ‘Yoram ‘SsIaMO PUB SaAP2] Pa}UaIS-JaIMS SUI Joy panjea ‘yuejd Japioq poo3s yy “Burpaoaid dy} jo AJOUeA ay VY ‘T'92°V “x0pr0q dy} Ul passeul 10 UdpIes-YIOI ay} Ul aANIYA ‘slomoy padeys-vod sno -JouInuU pue ‘oseI[oJ Use13-ayed asuaqg Pp ‘vad Jooms [enuue oy} se asiey se siamo Suronpoid ‘1zaquityo Apsrey ‘snoio31a & Sutpaseid ay) ayI] TO'd ‘py ‘yueyd poyeanyno Ajisea pue SunoMoy so1y YW *sduinjs Jo sydo01 ‘syuRq SulIaA0D 1O¥ poor ‘aq ‘y ‘wwnyne ur Mood YysIq eB OF SUIN} ase -1]oy Buoy ‘asuop sy, “sayoreT oy} Jo [njryneaq ysour ay} Ajpayqnopuy) “+L ‘Gap ‘osuap pue uses 3431] o8e1]04 *Burpoosaid oy} axl] yon pue yyMo19 urs yeprurerAd =pue jorduioy +f *ydag 07 Ajnf Ae 07 Judy ArT oO} judy *ydag 03 A[nf ydag 07 Ajnf JOA, Cy ony #1 WOT tT ony M o-F oSOY SP OS-OF OS-OF JapuUdAeT wrwA PIG vag euuolog oNUM, vag [eruusag Wid yore] asouede yoie’] uevodoiny BIOA BINPUBALT eqs ‘Ie@A SNUIOA snIAT}eT snuisa sng -019 10 snuIaA SNIATET snq[e ‘rea snyommey snidqjeT snijoyjey] snzdq}eT sidotoyday xiey vad -oIn9d IO ENnploep xIIVeT A PracticaL HAND Book 226 WoO *‘Iopiog-1aMopY ay} UI JO sqniys y]IM aarjoeiqje AtiaA ‘sAeids snojnpued ul psonpoid pue podeys-ead siamopy | aquiajzdag yurg ¢ p POyeIL AL Tpjoqaig ezapedsa'T ‘Hd *19}UIM UI uo1}9a}01d AAvay sormbayy ‘souigoev1 AMOYS UL SIaMO[ ‘SUI -MOT[OJ 9Y} ULY? YIMOIZ UI JOoIO aIO| | Jequiazdag any Z yp voruodel ezapadsaT ‘H da ‘p ‘siamopy podeys-evad jo uorsnjoid ®B pue saaez] ayl-IoAO]D Jeao ‘Aj e1d uwinrpoursa¢] YUM sayoueIq Japuas ‘[nyooeiy “S ysnsny ajding LsC I TeL JojooIg ezapadsa’T IOV *sa.1qUu99 ajdind YUM padeys-au0s SIOMO] “JapIog-1aMoP ay} JO yorq JMOL ay} Joy Jo Asaqqniys Zuoule poor aunf MOTPA S-¢ } auod MOTI A eyeuurd sf{yovdeT ‘Oa °K “sqniys 13430 10 suoIpuspopoyY Jepun punois Bursa -AOD Oj 10 AIIYIOI 9Y} Ut poos : Ar1aq aA, Pues -ueId dy} JeYMoWOS Bul[quiesay “SY aunf yuid 1481] 2] Z Jo uINntipueqd jurnijoyrxnq urmyyAydoreT “yoca cp ‘sacred MO] Ur BujueEd 410; Aprepnojied pue ‘Ayaqqniys JO susaigiaAa JO siop10q Joy paidepe [faq “Surids ur sramog snonoidsuod pue soaAroy juPIsely eal YIM qniys uso1819Aa so] poos YS APTN Su MA tT ¢ IOPEAqe rT. TaNnOsHe] UINpeT a ]etuueieg woolg yoo} UT snosoeqisy F QUIS NT OUIB NT SyIBUIOY jo IO[oD qqsIaH auld € ysysuq Jeomuej0g aul, aVUIy[ | UWses1eay Z shonpweq T 227 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘gq ‘Ad UIA UT JeJueweUIO a}Inb aie soliiaq yoe]q Assoj3 si] ‘eJOq! “J se 9arq9eI73e Jo Apsey Os jou st 31 yNnq ‘Jueld aspay ® SB pasn saultjeulos st jy “yWMoIs ul osuap ajinb pue yoa19 AlaA 'S ‘H ‘d ‘q ‘Jepua} atowi st i ynq ‘JAG eUION][eD ay} ay] YOnur st} yjMois ul ‘asuap AraA apeul aq Zurunid yuM ued pue ‘saspoy Joy pasn uajo st ay ‘e}OqI wINI} -SN3ITJ JO Jey} 0} Ie[IUNISs ‘ZuoTGO 30 yeao aseyoy 3ysudn saysueIg ‘Ss TOK ‘Udpie3-pfIM 94} JOJ poor “Bur -passid uey}? Amoys sso] pue Jojiemg LDV ‘ay-sseis o8eyoy “sqniys 10 seu -uaied Jayjo Zuowe aAr}Oaya AVA aie yorum ‘sayxtds Zuo, ur siamoy AMoYSs ‘7° ‘py ‘sqniys snonpisap 10 suoipuap -opoyy YIM sasseul UT poor, “AQT -[RA-24}-JO-A]V'] ajquiasar siamoy jo sayidg ‘sayoueiq Surysie Aypnyooes3 uO SaAeva{ UsaI3 Assojs pue as1eT “S oun das 3» “3ny ydas 3» “3ny ARIN aug ajding aiding avy S-F OT efD N ALG asauede[ 1wsiudy WAL JoATy Joowy qejs Buizeyg Ie}S Suizelgq goyjoonay] WINzeyID UNYsNsrT astamure wINngAsNsrT ByRoIds SLOeTT eAyqoejsousdd styerqy leqso}eQ vpomoimpuy JO 1#@qso}BQ s0T}OINeT A PracticaL Hanp Book 228 ‘Day cjequrmm I@ qnays oy} 0} o1aype pue jueur -woid AIaA a1@ YSIYM satiieq yoryq jO siajsnjo saonpoid 3] = ‘si1amoy Amoys o}inb pue oseyoy use13 [np JOALIg ‘moisreu YI ‘Jueyd aspay poos y ‘gs |Ain{ 2 ounf ary 8-9 I uowwios ereZ[na WINIsNsrT ‘D-O°_ *19UIM ut uorjoa}01d Aavay samnbar pue od} ay} uey. aspuez a1OW SPIT “MOT[OA JULTTIIG AIDA ®& ST aseloy sy] *Aroqqnays Jo susa1810A0 pA MO] JO JUOIZ UL JO SuoWe sdumyo ut eluso pes) poos st pue ‘qnaiys Udd1319A9 Jsowye Pearve] UINJVSOIVA “IBA ue st sty} ‘Surpasoid ay} ayIT “Ss o-F I -pazedarie,, UINIpONyeAo WNnYsNsT ‘O°( ‘PY ‘J9}UIM Ul aInueU 10 SOAVI] YIM Poyo[Nur [JOM oq pynoys pue ‘[[Py{-19}ULM 0} aTqeiy st Wt saoe[d pesodxa ut ‘quejd a8pay aarjoesqje uOUINIOD Y ‘UudaId Yiep ‘[eao ase Joa OY “uqey ul pus pue wsudq ‘¢ Ayn a4 01-9 I eIusoylyeg UWINITOJeAO UINSnsrT OGY: ‘yay UL dArqorINVe Ayjeredsy = ‘aur -UINS 9}L] UL JO[OO SUIAL [NyI}]Neaq e SUIN} PU ‘IOJUIM JY} OUT [Tam ase -I[O} S}t sUTe}aI 4] *yusutmoid ajinb pue j4UuvIsel] SIoMO[Y ‘[BAO pue yiep aseyoy ‘soyoueiq surpeaids Ajjequoziioy YA qnays asuap Moy y ‘juejd aSpay e se pasn yonur pue JaAL ‘SPAL 94} JO JoTprTeY SY7 JO sug “S ounf aud M 9°S I asouede BJOG! WUNIISNALT [erausi0g { moog qooy UI = |snosvovqiey PF aut N | ome Nn SYIVUIOY jo r0]0D, qsieH oulA § qsysugy [eoraeyog oully, 9}BUIA|) | Weasreaq Z snonpweq T 229 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘yequourtui0 ADA ‘majs ay} Sucje ausog siamoy Aue “suapies -P[IM JO} pue stapioq Assqqnays ut BUISSEUL IO} JUDT[9Oxa ‘saroods DAT}eU VY *o4nj[no JSOISC2 9} jo pue Apieyy *paploae aq pynoys ainueur YUM JOeIUOD Yop ‘soyIy Sunueyd UL Inq ‘PeIoyoueq St JOJUIM UT Yorn Wwsy yY ‘sdeodde yysyq Aue arojaq aatjusAdid e@ se Ajjuonbosz pardde aq pjnoys ainjx1uI xneapiog pure ‘Sur -infur A1oA St YOTyM ‘osvastp 10 IYSTq eB 0} Joolqns aie sory [Ty “sqing ay} jo azis ay. 0} Surps0oce ‘daap JOO} [ O} SayouT g WIZ JOS aq pynoys sqinq oyt ‘Bunurjd uy = ‘popraoid aq aseuieip poos yey} yueyodur st V~=« ‘pues io yoArsds ‘ysodmoo pyjo jo aIN}XIu B Jojaid pue ‘ros Auvo] daop e@ asnbor sory [fy ‘tepsoq Apiey ay} UL posseu 10 ‘pey aq uvd WeO] Jo yidep Juartoyjns o1ayM syoo1 Suoue ‘suOIpUspopoyY, Suoure dAIOaya st ‘sarjalieA JoyjO axl ‘sy ‘ssoroe jooy e Ajieau sauinjauros ‘s1aAoy Amoys A]outoi}xXa svy win}eine WNT] ‘ainjnd uapies jvssues a0y AsOjIvy -siyes Jsow oy} sdeysod oie uinryoy -Inua} “YT pue wnaqn4 “yy ‘uinsorads “JT funuiisy -Y YM 4J0y}0307 sIy Anf 3 ounf{ ‘ony op Ajnf ‘Sny op Ane ‘sny x» Ajnf ov. UMOIq {1M pojjods asueio daaq Pot-oSOY ajdaind YIM peyop ‘sputq MOT -JoA YUM po -yaelu ‘OUY MA, t Ary vuuopeyyy A|Vv] ueipeues AIV] S,uMOIg AIT popurq-uopjor) UINpIpuvs UNITY asuapeues UNIT NUMOIg UINTT umjeme uM A PracticaL HAND Book 230 “jsoq ay} Suoure ore Bur “MOTOJ a4], “Apiey pue sqemsap aie per | YM paqjods yoryas jo [ye ‘sonerea Aueur are arayy [dag ay “Sny} aqya-yurg £ r ArT paviods tansoreds umnyYT AIP] POOM ‘yy811dn sia 40 Al] “MOLY “SATJOHBA PIM Jsaq oy} Jo auG |'3ny x» Ajnf{} por-asue1g £7 ¥ eiydjopeplyg umnoryqdjepeyryd unyry ‘saroads Jay}0 uey} Amoys Sse] puke ‘pasO]Oo-][Np ‘qJeuIs s1oMOpy aun yuid-a[ding r P AV] uosejyieyy uoseyIem wINnyTT “Aprey Apoayiod AV] Josey JON ‘SaT}OIIVA UMOTY 4Saq dy} JO aUG |'Sny 0} Ajnf ay 27 P Jo yoduiniy, WINIOpIsuo] MNT ‘yeyuaureuso A[YStET *ysaq uowyes ay} JO suO puke UOTjONpoIjUI juadal W [idag ww -Sny}] = -asue1g oF P A]V‘T s, Arua zy 1Aluey UnNTTT *Aprey AJOA ST yoy satoads seynSas yewsoy Y |Anf 32 oun{| asues0-payy ¢ - A]V] $,wosue py mnjenoew WNT “AMOYS SS] nq ‘asuapeued"T OL IEPIUNIG |A[Nf 2 ounf{| asueICG £7 F Alr] s Avig raeIg UNyTT 1998] *paramoy-auo Ayyensn ‘Ajatiea preamp Y Aine asueio daaq z F AJVT S,d9R]]@ MQ, |-Te AA ‘Tea SUeseT9 TANT 38ue10 AIrT sues *SJDIY2 IOJOS 10} }saq ay} Jo aug |'sny 2%» Ajn{] -ajding ¢ P sueulsjeg |-[nJ ‘lea suegeyjo wnyyTT ‘satoads Jsaq pue Ary ysaIpiey 9Yy} JO auo ‘sarjarzea Aueyy [A[nf 39 oun{| a8ue10-pay G + uvisioquny sueZo]a UNIT [etudeleg wmoolg qeaj UL = |snosoequay F ome Nn eultN SyIBUlSy 2° TO}9D dqs10H oulA qsisug [BoTue} 0g eulLy, O}VU][ | Usesi0ayq 7 snonpliosqg T 231 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. T'D)°V ‘sutajs JOala ‘1apuays uo aUuiog siamop ‘fazeoap aseyoy *AIay9OI VY} UI JO sfetuuaiad 39430 suowe sdumjd ur aaroriqqe AloA ‘Hg ‘Ayjaid AIA 4Nq ][eUIS sIaMO;,y ‘“sqnays Japun 39A0D puno1s 4JO saliayo01 Joy poor ‘szueld ayr-Aat Suridaoic “Zurjueyd ut add} ay} 103 painisqns aq pynoys 3] “ATV Jos peuorysey-pjo 04} jo AjotieaA ouy VW ‘O° ‘suapies plo ur uowuros pue ‘Amoys Aid ‘quy A1dA aBeI[OJ /AATAM} JO S1o}sN]O UL pue ssoIoe sayoUl Z yNoqe s19MO] *suapie3-pyIM pue slapi0oq ul payeAT[ND sawwtzIUI0SG *Sulpasaid syieway *Sulpadaid sy1eWayy ‘any x» Ar "ydag 07 Ajnf ‘any 29 Ajnf ‘sny 3» Ajnf “Bny 3 Apne Ainf 3» ounf{ ‘sny a Ajnf ‘ydas 2» “Sny ydas x» ‘3ny anqq y3rT Sev] asue1O osurig pol-a8ur1O Jayieos jury ag poes-a3ut19 quid-pay ouyM HM poursieu pue uos “WIS YIM peiods yurg MEY xepy ang AAT YOM] yy ArT qosty, ayqnoqd AV] Josty AV] 1981], Aly [e10D UPLIOGIS AYT ded s,yan yp AT auawodyayjy auueled umnury errepequiAd vireury sueosouesd ‘IeA WINUIIST, UNITY suopusyds ‘rea UINUIIST, WINTTT umMUIs}} WIN T UInyoyMUS} UNL T winqiedns wmnyry umiqni ‘rea winsordeds wnyTT aueumI0d]a A ‘rea ulnsoreds umyry A PRACTICAL HAND Book 232 ‘O°q°p “uumine ursno -notdsuoo pue Jojieds sattiag = *jue13 “Cif pue sejNqn} sIaMCTY ‘YIU “oq a1yM AtasyIs pue Yeao ‘asiey SaaeaT “Y}MOIS UI asUap pue asieOD ‘Te (pV ‘seyids ur pue seynqny SIOMO]J “SNOIOSIA ssa] oq [[LM YI ‘OA -ALoy ‘o1YyA\ ‘s]Ios Ap Ur Osye uUMOIs aq ues ynq ‘soorjd Jsiouwr ur ysaq SOATIY} AJOLIEA SY} ‘Surpooosd ay} ayry ‘Igy ‘seyids quey[iiq asiey ur siamopy ‘sooeyd popeys ‘jsIOUl Ul 10 suTvaI]s IvdU Pood Ajzejnoyaed ued Apsrey Apaaoy y “Wd ‘OQ “Sursds ay} ut Ajuo quejd “suely «Sdn, apquiaser siamo] J *yjoows pue adie] saAva, !y}OOUIS yieq ‘yWois url jeprureidg “7 ‘O° OV ‘speoy Surdoorp ir] -NqojS Ul s]INIy PUL SIOMOT “[[P} our Ul UOSUITID PUL adULIO JO IOJOS Jue -JLIq @ UO SoYe} advo} oyT-ajdeul sjy ‘yreq AyYIOO JeyNosd e& pue sadvoy pedeys-rejs YUM ver} Ayaid YW ZT oun 3» Ae Jaquiaydag ‘jdag 2 -Sny ounf Tudy MOT -Jah-a8ueIC, anyq +ySrT UOSUITID) MOTTA -uaairy uadiry ST-OT eo eC 09-0F OF £RT JOMO]] jeurpres) aarp dyn yp uns) J9aMS Baey BIBITUOT eons Jo vopqddés Byaqoy STVUTpIVd BIEqoT eiojidin} WoIpuepolyy engieig4ys requrepmbry syIvUrey moolg owty, 10[0D eo} UT dqsO aye) [etaueisg snoovequefy FT aulA £ UddIDIOAT Z snonplwaeg T oure Ny ysysug eUIe NT yeotuegog. 233 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLAnts. 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Id 2 *payesariea ‘ayTyM pue UaaI3 saAtaT Tp ‘Tequsueuto AIaA ‘Ja}eM TedU JO Japiog Apiey ay} ur ‘Araqqnays YIM sdumnjo ur poor) ‘siamoy jo saxyrtds ayy-awunjd pue soaea] MOrIeU ‘SUOT Tf 2 “Surmoros oy jo asoyy uey} IIMOIICU SIARIT ‘D)°p ‘saord JSIOUI AOJ Poor) ‘sId}sNjO [euriw49} ut ‘AMoys AOA PU ILINGN) SIOMOT 4 ‘lapiog Apiey io A1ayOOI ay IJ poor) ‘D°R “yIMois jo yiqey ut Surdaaio ‘Zuo, sayout p 0} Z sayids sjsMOTY ‘Op. ‘somyenb onewoie Su0I}s YUM qJoy-uspies uowUWo0s VY he 3G MOS ystowl ul poos ApIepnNotq4ed auo ‘jue Buljsalajur uy *podeys-yuassa19 yniy «‘apsuIs sIaMOTY ‘s]TeM IO sduinjs ‘syund} 991} BUIIGAOD 10} poor) “sBuIyIeU aI1YyM Araaqis BUIAY SAAtIT ‘Dp ‘siaMOY aYM-MOTOA JO 9ITYM JO SPIOYM YA qioy Jooms UMOUY-]POM, 3aqo199, 3aqo0190, JaqowQ Avy 07 [dy ounf ounf{ Aqnf UMOIG-paray UMOIG-pay UMOIQ-pay anyq ated ajdind “OUT M. aiding MOTPA MOTDA aTeg wm at ST-OT sseiry sedwueg payesare A sstisy ]eJueuIeuIO | ssvig sedueg asouede f VIOMSuNT qurwmairads quturtaddag Paas-u00 yy wyeg payesaie A mye smyeSorrea “IVA SISUSUIS SNUUVISTPT snunoes ‘rea votuodel viyeing JO SNUITT[IOVIS "Tea SISUSUIS SNAWeISIPL voruodel ereing Io sSIsuauIS snyq}UeIST]A sop -lolreuowjnd vista}19 yl vyeords Byus I eyuadid eye yl asuep -BuBd WnuULodstue Py ByVSILIeA ‘IBA S][EUINYJO BSSITS IAT STTBUTNTYO Bsst]o fT A PracticaL HAND Book 242 ‘D-d-°V ‘spirq yore 02 pue ‘y}MOIZIapun se pazued usijO *JQJOIA IO ayy Ayyensn ‘yaaMs AOA AIISqIN AL ‘ajqipa wig “yyMoiB ur Aysng =“ OF-0f T oud M eqye SnIoW DIUOIIL TE aay eIyoIq}UOYL ‘uapse3-pjiM oy} ul poody “Burpacaid ay} ueyi AMOYS sso] ‘3ULIaMOY-901J Ayn ojding Zz P jowmesiog eso[nisy epieuopy jouresiog eqe Aint ay c t aTyM ‘rea BvUApIP epseuoyy Tap ‘sacred ystour ur pue Japiog paxiw oy} ul poor) “qioy wyeg seq 10 SuULIoMOY-se1y OIVeUIOIe = JURTUq Y [3degojeunf| por WsAg © t Ray, O3oMsSO vUApIp epseU0 yy ‘°K *spaq-1aMoy as1v0d BuIspa 10¥ poor) valnias “Amoys ‘saxtds Ul siamo], ‘users pue BIly IO vyesaliwVa MoTaA padiys pue Yrys ‘as1B09 SsaAve’] aiding zy t sseiyy neyyT «eA vayNim. = eIUTOTy ‘H ‘Y °s9ad} Jopun JO Uapre3-H90I Y} OJ poor) “JO]UIM [[@ Sulays 0} a1oYpe Setiseq per Ws3ug *queISeIY fyuid yqM poejut} Ajayeo -ljop ‘Axem ‘sired ur siamopy ‘asetfoy Allog AssoyS ‘punod YIM waa13I9A0 ZUTIeI} V aunt anu 6-Z Z aspired suodes elegy ‘Td DO “MTA SNUIIGOZ *I@A jo sieq YUM poxieur Ajiqyjeid saavay I3qovo UMOIG-poy 7 P sstigy PIGaZ SISUOUIS SNY}UBIST IAT [euueiag wool yoo} Ur shove qloy F oule Ny out Ny syIBUIEYy jo TOD, yqseH oulA € ysy sug [eoTaezog oul, ayeVUy[ | WaeIs10Aq ZF snonpweq T 243 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. A od Vv ‘Iaqem yes Ivau Aj[eiedsa ‘syueq Ajjeaeiz 10 Apues 10j poor) ‘aSeroy uaei3 daap pue saysueiq S8ulpeaids YIM qniys aateu [njyneeq y ‘Ss ‘Td ‘gq ‘uapses-y901 ay ut saoejd dwep ul 10 1a}eM Tea poor ‘10pO OU SET] “SJOpsoq qnays a wate Ul passer JO ‘s]eruuasad BuouIe poo ‘saytds asoo] UI sIaMO]J *Buramoy aay ‘aatjoerqye = Ala —‘snoqing D'ad ‘Vv "spriq Butj}OeIIe OJ ajqenjea ‘eqie sni0j ayy ‘1OAeY poos jo pure pas daap yn1iy = *paqoy A[daep pue a81e] saavay “yyMois ul BuIpeaidsg +f ‘DD 1V_ “Wary 4995 § 07 £ sUlajs UO pajyeis Ay[eiouar) ‘aserjoj uaaiz daap ‘asuap pue sayoueiq suidooip yM 9017 [[eUs YW “Lf aunf 3» Ae Tudy aniq 3431] aqTy a Jo anjq eg “Ul O-F 09-0S OT-8 Allag a[pues) Boyes BIA JOU-3UI-13310 4 sinsnjed syosoApy | | | | | yqureA py adeiny seprodnoq 1essnyy Adiaq[n Jl | poy BIQNI SNIOTL Alaqiny Binpued vor BuidaaM S§,ea] | -1e}Ie} “rea eqre snz0;AT A PracticaL Hanp Book 244 “queizery AoA Al[erauas ore pure |e} SaYSUI ST 0} g Woy MOIS Yor ‘e[[ou -Iadurey) 10 sjinbuof paljeo Ayjuou eyausrsduesy | -W09 SdTJIIIVA BY} SapNyjour snssioieN [ACP 2 [dy] Moy]Jaqa ‘ul OT-8 P Jo jinbuof eyinbuof snsstore pT aqn} uo | aspa Moy[aA SnssInieN YA ay A | “Ur g-9 p $,190g | snoyeod snsstose Ny “SUIIOT |, UOIS | snsst9 uoA ,, ZQnop pue ,, joduina},, aSsurs |AvpY ZW Udy) Mojyjar, “UI 8-9 7p [poyeq aes snsstore NT | ‘yeloyauoq st aInueU as1v0d | JO saAeay YYWM uUoOTd9}01d YSIS Y ‘daap saysur ¢ 10 % ‘19qo0}9Q JO yaquia}das ut pajuryd aq pynoys sqing ay.L [los peureip-jjam Aue ur day} pue ‘Aprey Araa ore Ady} suomdaoxa MOF Ing YUA ‘ay pue molad d1@ sIojOd ayy, ‘a[suIs pue e[qnop | satdeds snoiauinu apnq{our pue siomoy | Uapies uowW0d jsoU ay} SsuoWe | SIV ISSINIEN “jAN} Ul Surziyeinjeu Joy Jo ‘sqniys Japun sunued 103 ‘Japiog Apiey ay} Joy paydepe jam sjueyd [ipoyeq 3809 | snoqinq moj ‘Ajjoid pue ajeoeq [ABW [dy| snore, ‘UI 8-9 7 -yqeg dooy ail STISSTOIV NT [eluueleg | qwmoolg yoo} Ul = |snoaseqiay F aumre Ny | aut N sy1emey jo IojoD 4ysIoR oulA ¢ qsysug jeoraeyog oul, aYVUlTy| | Weeis1aaq c | shonpwoq T 245 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. “qa p ‘Ajasaaas pounid pue ‘Suno& aprqa AjuO pojurjdsueri oq p “UWININE UL S901} UOSUTID JUL jsOUl dy} JO DUD ‘soyourIq A aspriaddag qerjnoad pue aseyoy Assojs ‘Aroy voy io win) yyM 901} anbsainjoid AA Wo CZ 0S-0F | I | mos ‘opdny voreaphs essAjy AJV] Tov \ easol ‘sapis Y}0q UO pal Ylep soavaqT |}dog 07 ounf yurg p pop adey = f'rea eleiopo veyduAy ‘daap 399} Z UeY) ssay Jou 419jeM B UL JSoq DATIY} Sally JoweA, ‘anu -eul-uieg pur Uleo] Ajead jo ainjyxtur e gajaid pure ‘Surids ay. ur pajyuryjd aq Pinoys sq[nq ayy, “pajueds-jooms | AIDA SIOMOY +AIOY} eo] ‘punol saAvaT | ‘spuod jeroyijze 30 [einjyeu ut poor |'}dag 0} ounf ay | t Ap] aoe, | ¥IeIOpO ewYyduAyy “Pg “eorned -1e9 enueduiry sayquiesa1 pue jIqey ul Sutpeaids st qurjd ayy, ‘ssos9e sayour 2] ynoqe ‘podeys-dno ‘oi1YyM aind oa1e siaMO[y ‘“Uapses-yo01 oy) | JO} IO suIvaI]S JO SyUe IOJ BqQeIsoq | JowuNs [Ty ony ‘Ul O-F | F dnd aay Ay SUBINAL BISIOQUIdIEIN ‘qa py 838i) oR] Aurys puesaaray uaai3d [Np ‘Molieu YM ‘YyIMoIsS UI 39919 Bulag ‘e}eT[INIVAVA xo] J] Apasolo sg[quiosel JJ ‘uunyne UT paonp -oid aie YoIyM salizaq pat snojnp ATOH Suey -uad ‘Amoys ay} Joy ponjeaqniys YS aunf MOTTIA 9 I urequnoyy “nosey snyjuedoute yy A PracticaL Hanp Book 246 ‘dV ‘POs Jsour ‘yor e siajaIg ‘susoy Ja][euls jo Yoeq passeur yt aarqoayy BION }BI IO ‘aseroy Azayjieay ‘usei3 Yep ‘joo1q ¢ - Ula YOLsC, suejdorqynyjs vayI0uQ ‘Dp ‘Uapres-ySo0I ay} ut 10 S901} dJopun poor) “SOAPRO] aepnsue uloy -11} ‘peoiq yyIM Usloy aarjyeu Apiey W gy P dAT}ISUaS STJIqIsuas valI0uC “wg ‘p ‘AIaYIOI JO Japsioqg oy} 10; 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A PracticaL Hanp Book 248 9Y4} UI 10 ‘UMeT 3Y} UO sdnoi3 |[eUISs ut Ajjeid st Auoad 901} sy, ‘uwae18 [np ‘asie] saavay ‘stamopy yuid pue SYA padizjs pue ‘pasojoo-asor ‘az1yM aind yji1M pey oq ued Asay} pue ‘payea -1W]NO are satjeteA Aueur jeo1s y ‘a]QNop satitjauios sIaMO,y “satuo0ag [etuusied ay} Jo asoy} ayT] S1aMoy But evaroqse -onpoid ‘qnays Suryoueiq-mMo, YW ‘Ss jaunf{ o} Ae] snore, ¢ P AUOdag a1}, ‘qd Jo uejnoW viueag “‘Sulpaseid ayy BYBSITICA “IVA jo AjolIvA Padva] dyYM-pue-usas oun ay Z1-9 PZ sTjeurmie, eipueshyoeg ‘“Woca p ‘Adayoor ay} ur dAT}OeIIIS Osye !sqnays 10 saat] Jopun punois 3ulJ9A09 10j poor ‘sayids yews ur siomopy ‘aseroy Assops ‘gsuop yy yeuuoied ajerjsoid Vy aunf anUM, Z1-9 77 sljeurmie, eipuvshyoeg ‘We ‘y2Mmoi3 ur uadgQ = *padeys-|jaq ‘s104 eal -SNPOUTSIaMO]Y *}UTZ UWININe JUeTTILIG -oqie epeuloipuy Jo eB Suruinsse ‘oayl-yored saAraqy ‘“¢ ysnsny any Or I do1p Je1I0S §=jwmMnesoqie wnipuapsxo ‘Da '¥ ‘saoetd AIp JO} 901] poos WwW ‘soyey auy Ul yIeq Jpg ‘sieysnjo sur -dooip ut s}inaj padeys-rappeyq oy jo asneseq Jowuins a}e] Ur snonoids weaquiopyy doy -uod ‘aouvivadde ur a¥y-youg L ST I JO pooM UOIT BorUisiA BASH [etuus19g woolg qoojy UT snosdeqlepH F ome Ny OUle NT SYIVUIOY jo OOD, qusley eulA & ysysugq [eotaeyog euILy, aJVUI[) | WseIsIeAq Z snonpweq T 249 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘ouafd-a10] J epipue-): uoul[es puke aso1 ‘piryosy10y «= UoLeg—"dauOTON-ILUV ‘slieg ap sydurorsy ‘mOl[aZ puowret ‘aqiyseA yanoo -3aq ‘eiopipueis sipiqeury ‘equed -Ne eq{y ‘BUIxeUl eAT}sa4—'SLIHM ‘elOPIpueis easoy ‘easo1 SEU ‘sasoy jo sury ‘episiny ‘yeB011Q, s1IoUeIY ‘sasOy ep suUUOI sno ‘ayIeL euTores ‘ouajd-a10] 4 epipue ‘nyong ‘ureng peWw— aay “eurmypoup MA ‘QuIOUIaT 10791 A ‘U01]99j19.g ‘CUISSI} IO} -aq eUIssIJUeISeIY ‘suesa[a PaUIeD ‘1O]ONIg ‘sInoulaN] ap ssayoNnq—'ANIg seq pue JoUTISIp ysour oy} sdeysed ore yorym sarjaea pewreu maj Baie SUIMOT[OY “sporpuny Jaquinu a[es 10} posayo satuoad jo sary -o1IeA YL, “sqnays jo Juss ur sdnois ur Jo ‘sjetuuaiad 194}0 YIM Siapi0qg UI 9AI}9vI}}e AIDA a1e SaTUOag = “ST IOS your daap Ul seq 9AlIY} pue SIapooJ sso13 o1@ sotjoleA plqdy ay} jo [TV *‘sIOMOY pa}usds-Jaoms ‘a]qnop-tulas yam ‘asel[oJ paplaIp ‘uo013 doaop ‘gatq0eI}7e Ue sey I[ ‘satuoad 9Y} jo UOUIWIOD }SOUI Jy} SI SI[eUIOYJO eIUON | HD ‘g «‘queiBe1y are soljolseA [Te AyIeaN ‘ueo] yotI daap pue uortsod pais} -feys @ sesmmbeai jf ‘ropsoq qnays ounf 2 Ae uOSUITID, 47 Auoag uouruIo; ST[BUT WO Biuowg A PracticaL HAND Book 250 Jo]IBos JueTIIq e jo ‘sso19e sayout 9 ULY} SIOU SOUITJAUIOS JIB SIIMOLT Addog "aBelOy oaryesooap AswA pue ysnqoy |A[nf{ 2» aunf{} —jayaeag Zz y [eweiG eTeywet10 oavded osueio Tun} eIUTUT ‘any 0} Ae daaq I P ‘IBA a[neoipnu joaudeq Addog uinqye ‘sny 02 Ae ay I P PULOI] IIYAA [IVA a[NwoIpnu IJoaRded ‘TD ‘g *Aray4I01 3y} Ul 410 speruusisd Jayj0 Suowe paijop poosy ‘uwmnjne 932] [UN wWoo]q 0} snuTQUOD sjueld ‘AJO01J IND JT “sso19e soyour 7 ynoqe sloMOY [ENPIAIpUl ‘aouepunge jea13 MOTTOA Addog ul poonpoid siamoy podeys-dnod af8utg |-3ny 03 Ae WsIg I , pues] aineoipnu rsavdeq *3ur uOSUILIO ous[d-a10R -peceid ay} jo Ajalsea afqnop-turas y jaunf 0} Aew dasq gy , ‘IBA Bl[OJINUe, vlUuowq ay vy “jueyd Japiog aAtjoeI}}]e UY “sUlajs 3Da19 UO peonpoid ‘Ajja1d A[surpaaoxa slaMopy uosuILIO Auoag ‘peplaip Ajeuy pue asuap aero jaunf{ 02 Ae daaq gq p pearay-ing BYOJINUS} sue *91]U39 OIIYM ‘asol ‘1018A [PS +ysimoyead arjuso ‘asor ‘uoaig ‘PIA :24}u99 yuId yi oT ‘Yysny] sUapreyy ‘o1juad MoT[aA YUM yUl ‘gouely eT] ‘aijueo Asol ‘pail yiep [etaueleg wmoolg qeoj Ul = |snoaoBquayy F oule Ny OuIeN syIsMey jo 10[OD qyasioyy auld & ysysuq [eotuvjog omy, OPCW] | UseIsIBAG Z snonpleq T 251 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. yo yeah yoey ‘so UIM ul punoi3 ay} 0} Ip O} pauTjouT st JJ ‘sso19e jooy & ueYy. a1IOW sinsvoU soul} -9UIOS YOTYM ‘SdAPI] JOBIe] YIM ING ‘edjevez ay} ayUN jou 9011 Y CL ‘TH ‘49quIm Ul 99}01g = ‘“Woo;q Ul UsYyM Ja}yeEM jo Ajuajd samnbay = ‘saseA UMP] JO} 10 Japioq Apiey ay} 1O¥ poor ‘oytT-ApIT ‘stajsnjo. Amoys ur sia -MO[ J ‘padeys-pioms ‘asivoo asel]oy ‘anyjea 1013 jo Jue] pajzoo1-snosaqn} Vy *ss010€ SdYIUT B 0} g JoJOeIeYO auyM-AIATIS IeyNoad eB jo sIaMoy adie] YUAN BUIMOIZ MO] A[DAT]eIedUIOD *sSO1De SOYOUI ZT soultjauios ‘siamoy asie] A[ZuIpovoxq “oe YUM payojojq pue a31e] AIDA SIOMO]A{ ‘ayequario “gq jo WO} pluqdy poo3 y ‘Q°y ‘roquisy -dag pue jsn3ny ut jsoq juejdsues} Ady} asojaray} ‘Surids ay. ur Apres AJaA MOIZ 0} JIeIS AdYL ‘speruua -Jod 19430 Suowe paiajjeos oq pynoys squejd oy} ‘pored Bullomoy oy} Joqye woos sap ader[oy oy} Sy “OO oun f{ ounf Ajnf 32 ounf Ajnf{ 3» ounf Ajnf 3 ounf Id ay any -AIQATIS yaprVos JopIVIS quid aeg Oe-Se J01L ssoiduy Ary s ounig 4S Addog s,ueUyIeg syeodur vumo[neg WIN ISeIp] VosIpRIE “IBA “IVA twaend IsaTIS ayejusri0 Jaavdeg pyres Tehoyy a]BJUsTIO Ioavdeg Taueury reg ajeyus1io JIaavdeg usend qsng a]ejualio Joavdeg A PractTicAL HAnpD Book 252 T2-0-qG “Pp -Ua} o}1nb yng ‘AjatreA [nyyNeaq AIaA uoulajs}uag Vo ‘usei8-Ae13 ‘peoiq a8eroy “Buoy peremoy sni Seyou! 7% saWitjeulos ‘1e[nqn} samo yz |A[nf{ 2 ounf oR] Z y -pryo19 -Opipusis wuoulajs}ued TOD "¢ “weoss Jo Wqey UI 4DeIW ‘aAO]SxOY oy} 3urq a7Tya uoula}s}uag ST[BUIZIG “IVA “Wasa JeYMOUIOS ‘aBre] AIBA sIOMOTT |A[Nf 3% ouNf{] -ading ¢ - DAOTSXO J BYESIA] UOuIe}s}ueq T'D ‘g ‘yuejd Japioq poo’ y ‘siamopy Amoys ‘podeys-aqn} jo saytds yy ajdind uoula}s}Uuag quejd Aqqniys ‘1apua} yeyMmoutos y |A[nf 2 oun[ Ws] Z P asnyid snsngip uowe}s}ueg ‘TD’ VP ‘spetuuaiod sr9y10 8uowe aay -daye Ata ‘sajotued Suoy ur reynqny qapieos uowa}sjuag 1AadiIOy, “IVA sIamo[J “Apsey pue jnyjaoerss ysoyy |'Sny x2 Aynf{] -Mopyax ¢ P $,Aal10L, snjeqieq Woule}s}ueg £59 ‘Pp ‘suUla}s }0a19 UO SIDMOL JO sar -ued Amoys YUM ued Japiog poo’ Wy |A[nf{ x» ounf} oey-yUIg t - ansuo]y piveg |snyeurumoe uourle}s}ueg SNINISIEZ aay IAB weds ‘g ‘AO YOK MAN Jo yIIOU sul0C[G Ajaiel 901} ay} nq ‘sajsrued yuid UI SIIMO] ‘UorjIsod paza}peys-[jam @ Ul AALIY} [JIM 3] «yaya ur peordosy SI YOIyM YIMOAZ snoi0sia e@ dn spuas |etaueleg woo[g 4eoj UL snosdeqiay PF OuUlBNy OulBNy syIBwMEy jo 10]OD qysloy aulA ge ysysuq yeoraejyog oully, usd1Z18Aq Z eyeUI snonpleq T mn Ww N AND PLANTS. 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SY I 2 OHIO OT jeuloule 7] snqdjeperig ‘DAV *‘payusos jou ynq ‘ajqnop ‘asre] sia asurig¢ snuojd sniopninuries -MOPY ‘YIMOIS Ul asap pue Iq “S aunf oy MM S-P I YOOW 9qQnoq |snizeuos109 snydjepepryg ‘O°|] PY ‘pequsas-joams jou pue May SIOMOy !yeao ‘as1e] aderoy SnIOYMpULIp *1eA ‘yzno1s ul je@Mp pue joeduoy “¢ aunf ou SY I SnlzeuoI0. snydjepeyrgag etaualeg = moolg qooy Ul snoseqisy fF out NT | oUt NT syIVUISY jo OJON qqsey ould € qsysagy | jeormerog ouly, SITU | Wesis1aagq 7% | snonprweq T 255 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘sajotued uado JayyeI Ul SIOMO [CNPIAIpul s81e] pue ade1[o} poos yqIM JoMoIs Suols W *Surpao -aid 9y2 JO Wo; BuLIaMOY-dd1j AOA VW ‘TD °F, ‘epi0g Aprey ay} UL poor ‘sula}s Su01js puke aI UO poliied 91% SIOMOY oY} pue proiq pue yjoouls st aseiyoy sy, ‘“wo00]q 03 saxo[yd [][®} ey} Jo ysorprea oy} ale saljaivA esOoTNAYNsS xXo[yg oy] LOY Ses 3y4311dn uo paonpoid siamoy jo sia} -snjo AMoys YIM Jue] Japioq poos W ‘Dp “que ayy Sursaa09 Ajayajduroo SIaMOY JO Slo}snjo yey ay. ‘woolq ur afiym Amoys AoA ‘speruuasod Jayjo 10 sqniys Suowe punoi3s Sut -19AO9 IO} 10 UapsIeS-YIOI 9Y} 10} poor) ‘Q°y ‘sayouviq ay} Suoje S]IOYM dSO[D UI SIaMOY ‘padeys-jiesy SaaAeoT ‘YIMOIS UI Aqqniys JeyYMaUIOG ‘uspies-pfiIm oy} 410; Jue;d poos y ‘OH CV ‘1p -1oq Araqqnaiys ay} 10j poos :yMo13 ur Suripeaids pue snososiA ‘siaMoy ss89]]U90S ‘AMoys pue ase] ‘pNyiyneaq yw qniys uapies uowu0s YW ‘¢ ‘sny 07 ounf ‘sny 0} ounf Atnf 2 ounf Ae 2 [dy Ainf Ainf{ 2 aunf aTYM ang adind WysrT aqjua9 yuid Gay oa, asoy yuid daaq ajdind -dSO?Y any mica N mxlea oy "ur 9 ZT-OF xoldd HeL poargy -y}OOUIS xolyd euljore) xoldd poaavo-Aire py] asses wayesntdf UCAS d}IT MM ‘BSO09 -IWNIgMs'Iea b}CAO XOTT JOT Uerpuy ‘eso -IqnigMs' Iva &yeAO xOTU presury sstyq ‘eso -I]NIQNs IVA &1VAO XOTT ByEAO XOTT euOUMe xoTUd Bsoraqn} stu0[yq sniopour snydjepelyd A PracticaL Hanp Book 256 :sarq “OLIVA PsUleU }saq puke JOUTISIpP ysour oy} JO May B are SULMOTI[O] pure ‘usu -AJosinU Aq a[es JO} Paiayo o1e soiy -a1eA JO JoquInU }eaI3 Wo rourWINs Ajrea Ul 901M} IO aou0 payouid aq ABUL S}OOYS 94} Jo sdr} dy} ‘pastsap oie swooq 23] JJ ‘ain}xIuI xneapiog yum A][euUOIse3I0 pa}eal} aq prnoys Ady} adojaiay} ‘Mapyiur 02 yoofqns aie saxojyq ‘read Ylnoj ArsAd Ysvo] ye s[00}s pO 34} aptArp pue dn Bip 0} []24 St 3 pue ‘azts ut Ajpidei asearout sjuejd ay *8u0] 100; & sayatued aonp -o1d sauiijautos [jim Asy} woreanyns poos YIM “[I0s }SIOW! 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TREES, SHRUBS ‘OT Y ‘suopies Aa][eUIS Oy afqenjeA ‘saysuriq Sur -peaids ‘Surpuaose pue aserjoj Assoy3 ‘yrep yim aondids [nyooeis ADA YL ‘Oa PY ‘snoonrys aselOy 901} [eOIUOD asuep ev BUT -WOJ ‘sayUeIq PoapMOID Surpusose YUM ddI} [[eWS [ejUusWeUIO UY “fT ‘Qa py ‘uae -anjq Aj[eiouas aserjoy “seaotg 1010 dy? 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Ya qnays nynnesq W ‘Ss ounf ~OeTT 8-9 z -Iqmvjeo WoIpuspopoyy yeluuslsg woolg 4oej UI |snosoeqioyy p OUI NT euleN syIeUey jo OTD qqsIey oulA € qsysaq jsoTueyog oully, O7YBUIN| | WaeIsIeAq Z snonpieq T 281 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. -yq «“Sunued yied ut AjaAtsua}xa pesn pue Apiey AisA ‘siojsnjo asusp ul ‘ssoioe sayour ¥{ ynoqe SIOMO[ J “SUOT SdyIUT Q 0} F ‘used IIMp seavay ‘yMOIs ul BuIpeaidg -¢ ‘dH Dg "eane’y] urejunoyy JO suoipuapopoyy prqhy suoure poor) ‘ssoise you { jnoqe sIaMOY [eNPIAIpur ‘siajsnjo Ul sia -MO[ J “BuO, sayour £7 ynoqe ‘uaa13 IInp saaeay ‘sayoueiq sutAinoe1 ‘Iapuays YIM ‘qyMOIS UI SuIpeaidg “¢ “2 °V ‘ysno1 pue use [[np saaeaT ‘Burpesaid yi axl] Nqey uy ‘¢ ‘a °p ‘Atayo01 ay} Oj 10 suosipuap -opoyy Plqdy jo spaq Sursiapi0g 104 poor) ‘siamo jo siajsnjo Amoys pue ‘Suo] soyout 2] ynoqe saaro usaI3 Tp YIM qniys joeduioo ‘jrempy *¢ *asOl PIAIA ‘sueZaja WInasoy ‘1apudAr] ajed ‘wmnsorojy s,uosieg ‘uosuiio ‘PUTA, “SIP, ‘par daap ‘quoursap5 Ape] ‘asoi oped ‘Zuoiswiy Apey SUOSUILID ‘uadIeEG “AA “YE SuOSsUITIO Yor ‘[Jamouuny] “FY “H{ +oq1y ‘uinso “HIO]) ‘asor WYStIq ‘uINnayuUesIy ‘uOS -wi110-yuld ‘jueID ‘Udy ‘par poqjods ‘OeR[]-as01 ‘winuerso1aAq ‘yuId YIM pespe ‘ayyM JO ysniq ‘uMNutIsseo Pq ‘yepregs yep ‘susysiq sapreyD Ain{ 2» ounf Anf Ainf 4qnf asoy asol aJeq pai daaq sues OT-8 ve [eine] yeaI15 jo Aeg yuri asoy suldiy umur -IxBUl UoIpuapopoTy tan} -Bjound uoIpuspopoTy man} -Nsny wolpuepopoyy mmoeurs -nilJoj UoIpuspopoyqy A PracticaL HAanp Book 282 DAD Tey Ajrea pue souruins 938] ut soueivadde Ayours @ jueld ay} oa18 pue asounyd pue eajdind outodaq yotym syaorpad suo] uo sapotued assoc, ul siaMoly ‘sqniys ][@} YIM sasseul UI JO sUMET Jo} uaurideds ajsuis e se pooy ‘¢ ‘Dd ‘Vv ‘sjtos Arp ur [jaa spaasons pue sosseUl UI [NyJas—) ‘uUININe ay} UT UOSUTID YT & sun} YyoryM ‘aseqoj uaeis daap ‘Assoj3 s}t 10} panjea “¢ ‘Da ‘P ‘sqnays ray.0 yA BUISSEL IO} 10 syueq Apues ‘Ap But -19A09 JO JUDT[I0XY -svadde saaray ay} ai1ojaq awoo pue ‘siajsnjo ut yews siamo] ‘orjewoIe ‘ayeroji4y saAvaqT ‘YyWois ut suipeaids ‘¢s ‘OEY “eT UA pue uuinjne ur simay yOeTq Sururys ‘snonotdsuoo Aq paMoy[oj aie pue s}2] -youeiq ay} JO pus ay} ye paonpoid ale asayy, ‘sso1oe sayout £] ynoqe sia “MOY JUYM a[BuIs pue sseroy WYySuq qua qniys [ejueweulo AlaA Y ‘Ss ‘7 ‘PW ‘suaaig1aaa snoOlajIuod JO punoisyseq e jsurlese JO sUlvaljs 3uoje sasseul UI 9A} aunt ‘sny 23 Ajn{ ARI ounf » Ae uso13 “MOTTO A uaa13 “MOTTO A MOTPA ary OT-8 SP SD da1JaYOWS 10 osu yy ajding yorumns Sururys yoruns qeisel ELAS] OIY snugos snqy Bulyedos snmy BoeUIOIe IO sIsuapeuvs sn seplouiey sod4opory SHIBUIOY wmoolg oul, 1OJOD, yaey UT ISO H aye [etaualeg shoadeqiayy F OUTA € UsdiZB1VAq F shonpieq T out Ny ysysug auIe NT [eotuejog 283 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘D-a-V *pasoons JIM sqniys 19410 Maj o1ayM sjios AIp ul [Njosn }sour st jy ‘sques -IND BULaMOY ay) JO Jsaq ay. 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Ta Vv ‘revem reau pue sjetuueied asivod Suowe poor ‘stamoy AMoys AOA JO Sio\snO Jen -30111 YJIAM Y8no1 pue ajewyjed saavaqT “AP “BUT jaay ZT 0} [ Wory sayids AXIS ‘asuap UL siamo, ‘ayT]-u0q -qui pue Assoj3 ‘Suo] saaeaTy *197eM MO]TeYys JO saysieul Ul aATIORINIY ‘Op ‘AleyooI oy} ur aarjoeiniy ‘sula}s oy} Buo[e siomoy Aur) jo sasseul pue a3eloy use13 Yep ‘[[eurs ‘asuap YIM [etuaied jaemp Ajjoid y ‘saljalieA ZULIaMOP-a}e] pur Ajsea osje ore alay, ‘siamo a[surs pue a]qnop YIM ‘pasojoo-11ed pue yuid ‘par ‘morjaA ‘a71yM Jo sapeys []e ul paute}qo aq ued Ady} Inq ‘uous 0} SNOJaUINU 00} a1e pa}eAT]Nd sat} -OIVA OY], “UaAIZ aq plnoys ainuew AMPI]S JO SIAI] YUM YO[NUT 7YSI] & ‘Sunueld zaiyy “yrede sayout F ynoqe pojueld oq pjnoys Aay} osayM fume] ay} UO Spaq prjos ul Jo sjeruuaied Suoure ‘sqniys Japun sasseul UI 3A} “-9R197e ore ADY], *19GQ0190 JO Jaquia} -dag ut daop sayout F ynoge pajued aq plnoys sqjnq ay) put ‘10s pouresp-]jom @ aunboi Ady, ‘sawioaey uapies uOWWOS ‘UMOUY-]JoOM oe sdiyny sy] Ayn Ainf{ 3 ounf Ainf{ 3» ounf Ae ® judy a}IyM -weaid uMOIG Ye Ud SnouvaA SF SP "Ul 8-9 “Ul 71-9 exiuds uey eyosuey eye] dyny eojuesi3 vesds JO BOT}BYIS}WIBD CLIVUTT Boyne] eydsy, BSBINXeS BIIUN] edyny, A PracticaL HAND Book 344 ‘Ta (p. *197eM Jesu sasseur ul JO sfetuuetad asieo> Suoure [ny -yneag = ‘staysnpo Arayieay ‘Suipeaids exiidsg usan() eyeqoy UI SIMO] “YSNOI pue asivo0o a8eryoy | TO (py ‘seulooei sapuas ‘Burdooip ur SIOMO]Y ‘SdaAvaT Ysnor ‘ussid 7YSI] ym yyMois ur Aysnq pue yysridy ‘O°y *Aroysao01 pue Jopi0gq ay} JO} poor “Bucy soyout ¢ Jnoqe siamo JO saulaoeI snossUr -NU YUM jetuuaiad Suryoueiq MOT VY +7 ‘D ‘Vv “Sur -pesaid ay} jo WO} palomoy-ayTyM VV aunf{ 3» Ae aun ounf 3» Ary API ydasg 3» ‘Sny aunf 2 Ae ydas 29 ‘Sny an oy AN YA aay -MOTAA oT aniq ajed on 8-9 8-9 wn C oO Ppoom Mol Poel AH ysng 2149°H wnuinqdrA poaray-a[deyyy JOOY S Joan) leapoeds piejseg Wnyeyuep TINGINGIA Saploulssvs WMUINGIA UINnTToyiuTe UNUM A UMI[OJIIEe08 TAINUINGIA BOUUISITA BITUOIS A eutjsAq} -eule Jo vrinds voIuo13A eqie ‘Iva vyeoIds BIIMOIOA A PracticaL Hanp Book 350 ‘O'°d ‘¥ ‘qniys auospuey y ‘anyq ylep 0} Sursueyo yurd ym1y ‘sso10e SaYUT ¢ JNOGe siajsNj9 Jey Ur sIaMOT “WSEl 94} 0} ALIWIS YIMOIZ Ul ‘> ‘2a ‘py ‘aseloy usei3 JayIep pue 1081e] YIM Jnq ‘uInjelUap “A saiquiesay “Ss ‘7°q ‘py ‘JeqwWeureuso Arava pue sexe JNIY “Saplourssed ‘A a[quiesar yor saAeva] Uaeid daop pue sayouriq Jepusys yyw qniys iy8udn uy “Ss ‘py cyMasy pat YySt1q Jo sraisnyjo cae Aq paeMo][oy siamo jo speay aie] pue sayoueig 14311dn ‘yn01g ‘Yy}eaUaq Aqaajis pue aaoqge uaeis iy 3T ‘aseryoy ysnoi ‘adie] YUM qniys Ayeid WS ‘D)-7 VP “press ‘Amoys syingy ‘yey pue |[ews siojsnpo-1aMop.J *aderoy uaai3 [[np pue sosyoueiq Arey YIM ‘qymois ur Aysnq pue 3ysudq ‘¢ OV. “Siepseq asIeOd UI SUISseUT JO} qniys poos Anf{ 3 ounf aunf 2 Ae aunf 32 Ary aunf 2» Aey aunf 3» Aejy a7 -MOTTI A aU TUM, anya ay Or-8 9S Aisaqdaays del, SurreyAem wnpnu umuingi, a]]Jour wINnuINaIA 038jU9] UINUINGIA euBuE] UINUINGIA UInyeyelIp UNUINGIA SYIVUIOY moolg out, 10JoQ qeoy ut aqatey ayeuyiy elutel8eg snosoeqieyy F OUTA € Was1BIdAq Z shonpoeq T ate N ys sagy eure Nt yeormej0g 351 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. ‘DD ‘q{ ‘qnays [njasn pue jnyynesq JSOUL YW *SSO1DB SaYOUT F JNoGe spray yey ul aYyM oind siomo;y *u9013 dsop pue odie] saAvay ‘sutpaoaid ay} ueYy? 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TO'_ ‘qeisey jou ale YIYM SIOMOY pue saarot Josie] YIM ‘Burpasaid ay} jo Ajoriea W ZOO" “sowOold asnjoid y ‘sulo}s Buoy] uO aUIO sia -MOY JueIZeI ‘aZIe] pue asetjoy poos YUM ‘sjajora Apsey ay? 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ON Oe: *Buo] sayout 9 01 ¢ pue sso1oe sayout ¢ jnoge siajsnjo 3YystIdn ‘asooy ut ‘pedeys-[jaq siamoyy ‘yieauaq ayed pue adoge ude1s yIep ‘aseI[o} ajeu -urd ‘3uo0] yi ‘qnays yy8tdn 30 9913 jzemp [ejusweuso AIdA ‘aIel YO CL Dee ‘syoo1 Suoule pue saaI} Jopun Burzi -[BInjeu 1OJ poor, ‘aptM soyout F 10 € SPpLOI] YIM Usa} paseloj-asivoo vy ‘DP *8)JN} JO sajjaso1 ut Burmoi3 ‘QPIM Sayout £7 0} T pue suo] sayout g 079 ‘ynd Ajauy saavaT “syoo1 Suowue Ayjaid pue Japiog 34} 1oj uslay poos v ‘D'°d 'P “Buoy aaj Z sawtjaui0s sIaMOY JO Slajsnjd asooy, Juepunqe saonpoid pue ‘AjoleaA asaulys uou -W0d ay} Wor 3Dadsa1 SIy} UI BUIAICA ‘ZunoA AOA aTIYM SIOMOY II ‘seIT -BISIM 94} JO 3Saq ay} A[poiqnopuy~, “Bul -paseid ay} Jo wo} pasJaMmoy-az1yM V ‘O’q ‘py ‘uae13 yep Seavey ‘BuoT seydUI ¢ JO FP Ales -ua3 ‘soulade1 JIOYS ULSIOMO[ “eLIe “BIA BSaUTYD ay} SB SNOIOZIA Se ON ABI AR IN ounf aun ay “MOTI anjq daaq aay AA ajdand TOE 0£-07 Oc-SsT Oc-ST eT £ xT ulay ureyd wispooM AISNYy BLTEISTM asauly polaMoy-adieT PLIEIST AA aan MA UPITIOWYy PLIEIST/\ uvdLIWwy BOFIqsos seesoyjaVy ey -OJ]JSNSNe BIPIEAPOO AL SISUDATT BSPOO AL BEN{HMUT vyTBET MA Bqre ‘IBA BSOTIOdS BITBIST AA Bsoeds BIIEISTA A PracticaL HAaNnp Book 356 ‘D7 PY ‘“snooneys aderoy ‘10s Apues & Ul [Jam SaAtIy} j] “woo;q ut udyM aatjoeIVe AIA ST YOTYM qnays u9a13J9A9-JJ2Y JO snonpidep ‘Apiey psoreds epamloipuy aunf aaa ¢ I Jo eyuapnssajnd viqousz IO°V *sjetuuaiad Jo Araqqniys YM sosseul Ul aATaya pue asaoueivadde |eor -don JQ ‘syeys Suryoueiq uo $19} -snjo odie] UT paonposd pue suidooip ‘ssoioe sayour Zz ynoqe ‘padeys ay -[][2q SIAMO[Y ‘“dyAT-PIOMs aseyOy “¢ |A[nf 2 aun{}] -cieaig p 1 a[PaeN s,wepy BsojUoUE[y Boon ‘O¢p cazyeuurd ‘uaa13 7y31] | aseyoy ‘sawiaoe1 Zurdooip ‘iapuays | UI SIaMO[Y ‘sadejd Apues ‘AIp pus syueq daajs Buliaaod JO} pooy ‘gs jaunf{ »w Ae; ajding Z , JOOIMOTIA A Byosiide Bziqiioyjoey jetuuele | wmoolg qooj UT snosIBqisay F OUlB NT | omen syreweY jo 10]09, WsIOH eur, € qsyzug [oraeyog oul], 87 BUT} f) UsdIZIOAG iS snonpiseq T | WHEN AND HOW TO PLANT. The matter of when to plant is often a puzzling When to question to the amateur; and to give one answer Plant which will apply to all species and localities is obviously impossible. Spring is commonly con- sidered the best season, for the reason that plants set out at that time have abundant opportunity to become well established in the ground before the following winter. The planting-season may extend from the earliest time at which the ground is free from frost until, perhaps, the first of June. The later period, however, requires the use of plants that have been kept dormant, as it is ordinarily unsafe to move them after they have leaved out to any extent. Their becoming established is a matter of renewing root-growth that has been disturbed by transplanting, and this fact has led the author to the belief that early fall planting may be employed equally advantageously. It has been his experience that root-growth continues after the leaves have performed their functions and have commenced to drop off. Transplanted at this semi-dormant period, the plant becomes sufficiently well established to endure the ensuing winter, and is ina position to take advantage of the earliest spring warmth, and to make vigorous growth the following summer. This fall plant- ing-season lasts (in the vicinity of New York and Boston) from about the first week of September until the ground is frozen. When transplanted in the fall, trees and plants Winter of a more tender nature should be protected against Protection drying winds and severe cold. This protection should usually not be applied until after the ground is frozen to a depth of two or three inches. Individual trees and shrubs may be wrapped with straw, burlap, or evergreen boughs; and it is well to first strengthen the plant with a strong pole inserted firmly in the ground. Groups of Rhododendrons or deciduous shrubs of questionable hardiness may be protected 358 A PracticaL Hanp Book by inserting evergreen boughs thickly among them ; these should be somewhat taller than the plants themselves. Herbaceous perennials may be given a light mulch with hay, straw, leaves or coarse, strawy manure; but they must not be covered until after the ground is frozen at least two inches deep, and the mulch must not be so thick and heavy as to hold excessive moisture and rot the plants. After the ground has been prepared by digging How to to a depth of eight to twelve inches, working in Plant plenty of well-rotted stable manure, and grading carefully, individual holes should be dug for the trees, shrubs or plants. These must be large enough to allow the roots to be spread naturally, and deep enough to set the plant somewhat deeper than before transplanting. Perennials should be about an inch, shrubs two or three inches, and trees three or four inches deeper. Good loam, free from lumps and coarse manure, should be worked in among the roots, and care- fully compacted. Individual trees, particularly such as are planted on lawns and avenues, may be benefited by leaving around them a circle of two or three feet, kept open by cultiva- tion, until they become well established. Care must be taken, however, that no basin be left to gather water and allow ice to form about the trunk in winter. It is difficult to state a definite rule for the spac- Distances _ing of plants, as the distance varies according to the Apart species and the effect desired. In general, it may be said that where a dense growth is desired, as in borders and screens, shrubs which attain a height of from six toeight feet should be set from three to three and a half feet apart; those growing from two to four feet high should be set from two and a half to three feet apart. Herbaceous perennials should be spaced about as follows. Plants attaining a height of four to eight inches, and not trailing, eight inches apart; those growing twelve to eighteen inches high, one foot apart; coarse plants, growing two feet high and over, one and a half to two feet apart. These dis- tances, however, are dependent upon the bushiness or spread of the plants; hollyhocks, for instance, which grow more than five TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 359 feet tall, should be planted as near together as one foot, to obtain a good effect. Deciduous trees and shrubs should be given a Pruning severe cutting-back or pruning when transplanted. More or less roots are always bruised and broken during transplanting, and all such should be trimmed off with pruning-shears or a sharp knife, as the bark cannot heal over a rough wound. In order to insure a strong and healthy growth, as well as to cause the plant to become bushy or attain any desired shape, it is well to cut off from each branch one-third to one-half of the previous summer’s growth. Fruit-trees respond especially to free pruning at the time of transplanting. The matter of when and how to prune established shrubs and trees depends upon their habits and the purpose for which the operation is performed. Shrubs that bloom early in the spring form their flower-buds during the preceding summer, and they should therefore not be pruned until immediately after flowering, if their flowering is to be preserved. Late-blooming shrubs flower on wood of the same season’s growth, and should be pruned while dormant, in late winter or very early spring. One-third the previous season’s growth may be removed. Shrubs planted in masses should be pruned regularly to induce a dense growth, and to prevent individual plants from becoming too tall, with unsightly, open branches. The shearing or trimming of hedges in cold Shearing climates, should never be done later than July first, as late cutting allows a tender new growth, which does not have time to ripen properly and consequently is liable to winter-kill. The shearing of individual shrubs to form flat- topped, globe, pyramidal, or other unnatural-shaped specimens should, as a general rule, be avoided. Fruit-trees require pruning to check too vigorous growth, and, as is the case with ornamental trees, to keep them symmetrical. The removal of a portion of the new growth concentrates the nourishment supplied by the roots in the remaining branches, and, if the tree is of bearing age, influences the production of larger, better fruit. Too severe pruning, however, induces the growth of new wood, at the expense of fruit. All cuts must be OUTDOOR CULTURE OF ROSES. While roses can be grown in almost any kind of Soil soil they prefer that it be deep, rich and well drained. Ifit contains considerable clay, the growth will be more luxuriant and the blooms richer in color. As they are gross feeders, the soil should be well enriched with thoroughly decomposed stable manure. If this is done the fall before the roses are to be planted and thoroughly spaded into the soil, the results will be better. The subsoil should be loose and of such a character that water will pass through it quickly. If it is not naturally so, the subsoil should be removed to a depth of two or three feet and the bed refilled with coarse porous material at the bottom and rich soil placed above. Roses like protection from strong winds in sum- Location mer, also from the damaging winds of March and early April when the sap is just becoming active in the top and before root action has begun. They require a fair amount of sunlight and a southern exposure. They should not be planted too near buildings or tall trees, for in these places they are more susceptible to attacks from mildew. They should be protected from alternate freezing and thawing during late winter, for this is especially likely to cause winter-killing. The location for the rose garden should be such that when once frozen it may remain in that condition when properly mulched. Field-grown plants should be transplanted in early Season of spring, or in the fall as soon as they become suff- the Year for ciently dormant to be moved without danger of Planting shriveling or withering. Spring is usually considered the best season, as the plants start into growth at once, and become well established before the following winter. Pot-grown roses can often be secured and planted during the summer, and are useful for filling in vacant spaces in beds. Distances apart for planting roses are regulated Distances somewhat by the varieties used. Such varieties for as Moss Roses, Persian Yellow Roses and other Planting strong growing kinds may be set three feet apart, 362 A Practicat Hann Book Hybrid Perpetuals about two feet apart, and Teas and Hybrid Teas from one and one-half to two feet apart. In planting several varieties in one bed, the stronger growing kinds should be placed in the centre, or if in borders, they should be set back of the weaker growing kinds. Budded or grafted plants should be set so deeply Planting that the junction of the bud or graft is at least three inches below the surface of the soil. In fact, deep planting is one of the most essential things in successful rose cul- ture. After placing the plant in position, the earth should be firmly pressed in around it. The roots should be placed in a natural position, and loam free from hard lumps carefully worked in between them. Care should be taken that plants, while out of the ground, are kept from the wind and sun, and that the roots are never allowed to become dry. Pot-grown plants should be carefully removed from the pots and set in the ground without disturbing the roots or breaking the ball of earth, and after planting, some shade should be given for a few days, and a liberal amount of water applied. If dormant plants are set out in the spring, they Pruning should be pruned immediately after planting. After being set to the proper depth and the ground lev- eled, they should be cut down to within three or four inches of the ground. If planted in the fall, the pruning should be deferred until early in the following spring, so that such wood as winter- kills may be removed. To obtain the best flowers, and in order to keep the plants thrifty and attractive, it is necessary that ever-blooming varieties should be cut back to within a few inches of the ground each spring. In pruning the Hybrid Perpetuals all weak wood should be removed and the strong canes cut back to within three or four buds above the ground. Moss Roses, and such other varieties which bloom only in the spring, should be pruned immediately after flowering. TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 363 During the summer an occasional watering with Summer liquid manure will be beneficial. Arrangements Treatment should be made if possible for a constant water sup- ply in the rose garden, for the foliage is kept in a good, healthy condition and insects are kept in check by syring- ing with considerable force early in the morning on bright days. Water should not, however, be applied during the middle of the day. In late fall, when the plants are well ripened, Winter some protection should be given, and while loam Protection heaped up around the plants furnishes the best pro- tection, leaves, hay or straw to the depth of from eight inches to one foot may be used for covering. It is best to apply mulches for winter protection after the ground has frozen somewhat. Many insects attack the rose plants. Among Insects these the green fly, or aphis, the rose chafer, or rose- bug, and the red spider are the most troublesome. The rose-bug is the hardest of the enemies to combat, and it has been the experience of the writer that paris green dusted over the plants is most effective. The red spider is a very small insect, which is scarcely distin- guishable to the eye. It is generally found on the under sides of the leaves, which soon assume a sickly yellow tinge. It is most destructive to plants trained against buildings or in positions where they are particularly exposed to the hot sun. The most effective remedy is syringing with cold water, thrown in an upward manner, to reach the under sides of the leaves, and applied with sufficient force to remove the insects from the leaves. The aphis, or green fly, can be exterminated by dusting the plants with tobacco dust while they are wet with dew, or by spraying with water in which tobacco stems or leaves have been soaked. Mildew often causes considerable injury. It Fungous is generally caused by sudden atmospheric changes, Diseases or by continued cloudy or damp weather. As a remedy, dry sulphur may be shaken over the plant early in the morning, while the leaves are wet with dew. LAWNS AND HOW TO MAKE THEM. The term “lawn,” as generally understood, is applied to a grass-covered plot of ground, usually in the neighborhood of a dwelling or other building, kept smooth and clean by continuous care and close mowing. In more than one sense the lawn is an essential part of any well-kept estate; but its chief service is, together with its attendant trees and shrubs, as a setting for the more individual features it may surround. The first matter to be considered in preparing a lawn is the grading. The contour should be such that no hollows allow the retention of water during spring ‘‘ thaws; yet no opportunity for erosion, due to excessive slope or concentrated drainage, should be allowed. It may be here suggested that a slightly con- caved surface adds to the apparent extent of a plot—a point that frequently is taken advantage of in grading between a house and the street upon which it fronts when the actual dis- tance is short. The matter of drainage must, however, receive careful consideration when this method is attempted. Very rarely is under-draining necessary, except in unusually heavy or clayey soil; when employed, lines of three-inch tiles should be laid fifteen feet apart, and from two and one-half to three feet below the surface. In uneven ground, when the leveling or lowering of the sur- face is necessary, the top-soil, if it is loam of any value, should be laid aside, and the subsoil removed to the required depth, after which the loam may be replaced and graded evenly. Fora vigorous and permanent greensward, from eight to ten inches of loam are required. The latter should be enriched with an abun- dance of well-rotted stable manure applied at the rate of eight cords to the acre, which when spread evenly gives a depth of two or three inches. This should be thoroughly worked into the soil by plowing or spading, to a depth of eight inches or more; stones and coarse sods and weeds must be removed by harrowing or 366 A PracticaL Hanp Book raking. It is a frequent objection that barn manure carries quantities of weed-seeds, but as a matter of fact, the weeds spring- ing from this source are usually of small consequence, the greater number having been already in the soil. The best season for sowing grass-seed is doubtless in early spring, but good results are obtained when the sowing is made in the fall, early enough so that the grass will make substantial growth before frost. It is well to edge walks, drives, bedding- spaces, and other portions exposed to injury with sods of firm texture, and of a quality that will blend later with the seeded growth. Excellent mixtures of lawn-grass seeds are supplied by reliable seed-dealers, and their advice can generally be relied upon in the selection of a mixture suitable for use in any par- ticular location. As the proportion of non-germinating seeds is often considerable, even in the best mixtures, the quantity sown should be liberal, the usual amount being four bushels per acre, or one-quarter pound per hundred square feet. The seed should be scattered evenly, and in sowing it is advis- able to go over the ground twice, lengthwise, *hen crosswise. The work should never be attempted on a windy day; early in the morning is considered the best time of day. The soil should be moist, yet not wet enough to prevent the easy raking-in of the seed, and a smooth rolling immediately after sowing. The rolling should be done thoroughly by two or more applications of a moderately heavy ironroller. Ina dry season, daily watering is beneficial. This should be done carefully and lightly, so as not to wash the seeds from the ground. After the first mowing, the rolling should be repeated once or twice; and frequent mowing will do much toward inducing a thick, velvety growth. Should the new grass be killed in spots during the first winter, the bare spaces should be resown liberally; depressions caused by the set- tling of newly-graded soil may be filled with finely-screened loam in which seeds have been thickly mixed. Another rolling should follow. The care of lawns involves three things: the eradication of weeds, feeding, and mowing. For the first, various chemical weed- killers are found in the market; but their use is no more certain and consumes scarcely less time and labor than the old-fashioned TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 367 method of uprooting the undesirable plants with an old knife or some suitable garden tool. One of the best ways of keeping down the weeds is to encourage the grass by generous treatment, as it is where the grass is thin and the soil is poor that the weeds grow most vigorously. Yearly dressing with fertilizer of some kind is necessary to the best condition of any lawn. Asarule, commercial fertilizers do not give the permanent effect secured through using well- rotted manure. Pulverized sheep-manure, wood-ashes, bone- dust, or fine rich soil, or humus, may be used to advantage. The application should be made in early spring, so that spring rains will carry the plant-food well into the soil. As has already been said, watering, for the old lawn as well as for the new, should be done by some means that affords a fine spray of long duration, rather than by a deluge from a coarse nozzle. Frequent mowing is essent al to the well-being of any lawn. By it the growth of coarse seed-stalks is prevented, and the grass is kept smooth and of good texture. A carrier for catching the grass as it is cut by the mower is a great convenience, and, espe- cially in the case of a new lawn, avoids the danger of uprooting the grass by raking too vigorously. The rolling action of the lawn mower is also beneficial. THE INSECT PESTS OF SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS. By H. T. FERNALD, Massachusetts Agricultural College. The insects which attack our ornamental trees and shrubs are of many kinds and work in a variety of ways. Almost every kind of plant has its especial foes, while numerous general feeders may be found on many different plants. Some feed on the roots, others bore in the trunk or branches, many more consume the leaves, and others suck the sap from the branches or leaves. Such a diversity of methods of attack renders necessary corre- sponding methods for checking the ravages of these pests, and a knowledge of how the insect causes the injury is in each case necessary before successful treatment can be undertaken. So many different insects are concerned, however, that anything like a careful consideration of them must be left to special works on the subject, and only general considerations and a more complete discussion of a few of the most serious pests can be included here. In general, insects feed either by biting off and swallowing pieces of the plant, or by sucking its juices. Biting insects are provided with jaws for this purpose, while in sucking insects the mouth-parts are combined to form a sucking tube, together with structures which enable these insects to make holes through the surface of the plant to where the sap is, and then to suck this into their bodies. With biting insects, a poison spread over the surface, which the insect will swallow as it feeds, will pass to the stomach of the pest and cause it to die, and such poisons are generally called stomach poisons, for that reason. The more usual stomach poisons used are paris green and arsenate of lead. For sucking insects, stomach poisons spread, as they must be, on the surface of the plant are of no value, the sucking tube of the insect being passed through this layer into the hole it makes in the plant, while the plant juices are extracted from beneath the surface. For such insects as these, then, other methods of control must be 370 A PracticaL HAND Boox used, and oils, soaps and similar materials, called contact poisons, are the more usual substances for this purpose. Contact poisons appear to destroy insects by covering them, or at least the openings of their breathing organs, with a film, thus suffocating them, and it is at once evident that unless a sucking insect be actually touched by some of the contact poison, the treatment will fail. With biting insects the poison may be spread over the tree to wait until the insect in its feeding reaches and swallows it; with sucking insects only those touched by the poison at the time it is applied will be destroyed; and if we remember that many of the sucking insects are exceedingly small, the necessity for the most thorough application possible of the poison becomes evident. GENERAL FEEDERS. THe LEopaArD MortTH. This insect is a native of Europe. It reached this country at Ho- boken, N. J.,about 1881, and since that time it has spread east- ward, mainly along the coast, and is now found quite abundantly as far east as eastern Massachusetts. It attacks many kinds of shade trees and shrubs, and appears to be most injurious in and near the larger cities and towns. The adult insect is a good sized moth with white wings bearing numerous blue-black spots. It appears during the latter part of May, from which time specimens may be found till late in Septem- ber. The eggs are laid in sheltered places such as crevices of the bark, usually on the small branches, and on hatching, the young borers work through the bark to the wood. Here they feed, work- ing downward. When the branch becomes too small for the rap- idly growing borer, it leaves it and enters another. Sometimes the boring is along the centre of the branch; sometimes it takes the form of a large cavity, and sometimes it passes around the branch and girdles it. By winter the borer is usually about half grown, and has entered one of the larger branches, leaving weakened smaller ones behind. TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 371 The following spring, feeding is resumed in the larger branches, and by the end of this season the borers are full grown. Early the next spring, they work out to the surface and change to quiet pupae, from which the adult moths emerge during the summer. Spraying for these insects is useless, as the moths do not feed and the borers work inside the branches almost entirely. Infested limbs are quite easily recognized by the woody, partly digested material thrown out of the openings of the tunnels, and these limbs can be cut off and burned, or if not too badly injured a little carbon disulphide (obtained from druggists) can be injected into the openings of the tunnels, which should then be immediately closed with putty or soap, so that the gas produced may not es- cape, but follow along the tunnel and kill the borer. Badly in- fested trees are usually too difficult to treat and should be de- stroyed. Careful watching during the summer, to discover parts attacked before it is too late, followed by the removal or treat- ment of the infested branches, as described, is the best treatment at present known. THE SAN JOSE SCALE. The San José Scale is probably a native of China, but is now present nearly everywhere in the United States. It feeds upon a large number of trees and shrubs, seriously checking their growth, and in many cases destroying them entirely. Besides fruit trees and currants, on which it isa most serious pest, it is often very abundant and injurious to the following shade trees and shrubs: Amelanchier, Cornus, Crataegus, Cydonia japonica, Populus, Prunus, Ptelea, Pyrus, Ribes, Rosa, Salix, Sorbus, Syringa, Tilia, Toxylon and Ulmus, of different species (see tabulated list of plants, page 142). It is also often found on other trees and shrubs, but the above are those most liable to be much injured. The adult insect is smaller than a pin-head and covered by a hard shell or scale, circular in outline, and brown or grayish in color. It is usually most abundant on the smaller branches and twigs, but when very abundant may also be present on the leaves. When winter sets in all ages may be present, but the very young and the adult scales die during the winter, leaving only those from 372 A PracticaL HAND Book one-third to two-thirds grown to reach the adult condition in the spring. This is accomplished by the latter part of May or early June, and then the young appear, one or two every few days for a month or more. These young, which are born alive, are very tiny, lemon-yellow insects which escape from beneath the scale of the parent and crawl about for a day or two. Each has a long beak through which to suck the sap from the plant, and on finding sat- isfactory places the young settle down, force their beaks through the bark and begin to feed. White waxy threads now grow out of their backs and mat together, forming very small white specks as the first coverings of the insects. To these are added molted skins from the insects beneath, turning the scales brown or gray, and enlarging them, and thus the scale covering the adult insect is gradually formed. The young become adult in about a month, and then they them- selves produce young and there are three or four generations, according to the length of the season, before winter ends this pro- cess. During the summer enormous numbers of the insects are produced in this way. If all the young born survived, and themselves produced the normal number of young in each genera- tion, it would be possible for the descendants of one female to number over three billions in a single season. Fortunately, death reduces this number greatly, but enough remain often to seriously injure or even kill the plant they are on, by removing the greater part of the sap from it, and thus drying it up. This pest is very difficult to control, first, because being a suck- ing insect it must be actually hit by a contact poison sprayed onto it; second, because of its small size, which renders it very difficult to reach all of the individuals by spraying, and finally, because of the shell or scale which covers it, protecting it from the spray. For this reason very strong materials must be used, in order either to penetrate or work under thescale, and these are hardly safe to apply while the plant is growing. Spraying for this pest must accordingly be done during the period after the leaves drop in the fall and before the buds open in the spring. The lime-sulphur wash and miscible (often wrongly called ‘‘ soluble ’’) oils are the most usual sprays to use for the purpose. These materials are on the market under various trade names, and only need dilution TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 373 with water before applying. The spraying must be very thor- oughly done, however, if satisfactory results are desired, and it . seems desirable, if possible, to use an oil one winter and the lime- sulphur wash the next, thus alternating the two materials. Tue Gypsy MotH. This notorious pest was accidentally introduced from Europe to a point near Boston about 1869, and has now spread all over east- ern and central Massachusetts, into central and southern New Hampshire, southern Maine, and portions of Rhode Island and Connecticut. It is likely to appear anywhere in the New England and Middle Atlantic states locally at any time, as the result of being carried on freight, trees, automobiles or trains from in- fested territory to that not yet infested. The adult moths are found in July and August and a few strag- glers may be met with early in September. The female has a large body and grayish-white wings bearing irregular, indefinite, darker markings, and measuring about aninch and ahalf between the tips of the extended wings. The males are rather smaller, and much darker in color. The eggs are laid mainly during the latter part of July and Au- gust,in clusters of from two hundred to four hundred, mixed with brownish hairs from the body of the moth, which conceal the eggs themselves. The clusters are placed on trees, rocks, fences or on any rubbish at hand, and the eggs remain unhatched until the fol- lowing spring. The tiny caterpillars escape from the eggs about the time the leaves develop, and begin to feed, and are full grown in most cases during June, being at this time two inches or more in length, rather stout, and with numerous rather long hairs, though the caterpillar could hardly be called ‘‘ furry.” These caterpillars now crawl from the leaves to the trunk, fences or rocks, and here they spin a few scattering silk threads around themselves, and then change to short, brown pupae, within which they change from caterpillars to moths. This change having been completed, the moths escape from the pupae in July or Au- gust, and lay their eggs for another generation. 374 A PracticaL Hanp Book This insect is a very serious pest for several reasons. It feeds in the caterpillar stage on a very large number of trees, shrubs and other plants, and is most voracious. It increases rapidly in num- bers and is very resistant to stomach poisons used as sprays. On the other hand, the female moth is so heavy it cannot fly, so that the insect spreads mainly by the caterpillars’ crawling, and by the caterpillars’ or moths’ being carried to new places by vehicles they may get onto. The best methods for the destruction of this pest are by destroy- ing the egg clusters during the fall or winter by soaking them with creosote oil mixed with a little turpentine and coal tar. This can be done by using a swab soaked in the mixture and fastened to the end of a pole, pressing the wet swab against the egg clusters. The caterpillars feed mainly at night and hide from the light to a con- siderable extent in the daytime, hence loose burlap bands around tree trunks will draw many there for concealment, and they can then be easily destroyed. In some cases, spraying heavily with a strong stomach poison, particularly when the caterpillars are young, is quite effective. At present, all hope of a general control of this insect rests in the success of parasitic enemies imported from the native home of this insect, an experiment now being con- ducted by the United States Department of Agriculture and the State of Massachusetts, in co-operation. THe BrRown-tTAIL Motu. The brown-tail moth was accidentally brought to Massachu- setts about 1890, and since that time has spread from near Boston, where it was first observed, to Maine and Nova Scotia on the northeast, central New Hampshire on the north, the Connecticut River on the west, and to northeastern Connecticut on the south. It has also been found in other parts of the country on im- ported plants, but so far as known, these cases have all been im- mediately discovered and the insects destroyed. Colonies which originated in this way are likely to be discovered at any time, how- ever, and in any case a general distribution of the pest over at least the eastern United States is almost certain to occur sooner or later. TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 375 The adult moth is pure white, except at the end of the body, which bears a tuft of golden brown hairs, which has given the in- sect its name. It measures about an inch between the tips of the extended wings, and flies at night during the first half of July. The moths are active and are attracted to lights, and may often be seen clustering around street lights. They lay their eggs in clus- ters on the leaves of trees, mingled with brown hairs from the end of the body, which conceal the eggs themselves, and an egg cluster may contain from 200 to 400 eggs. These hatch during August, and the little caterpillars feed in company, and when abundant may skeletonize the leaves, causing them to turn brown. In September each cluster of caterpillars passes to the tip of a twig and here spins a web, drawing together a number of leaves for the purpose. These webs or nests of silk and leaves are quite small, being perhaps three or four inches long, and generally an inch or two across, and are very tough and resistant to attempts to tear them open. In these tents the caterpillars winter, leaving them as the buds open and the leaves begin to grow in the spring. The caterpillars now scatter in all directions, feeding on the buds and leaves, and become full grown about the middle of June. They then pupate among the leaves, and from these pupae the moths appear in July. The caterpillars are quite general feeders, but their favorite food plants are perhaps the fruit trees, the oaks, maples and elm. Two reddish spots on the back, one behind the other and not far from its hinder end, make the recognition of this caterpillar easy. Besides the injury to the trees which this insect causes, it is the source of much discomfort and even of suffering to persons where itis abundant. The caterpillar bears numerous finely barbed and brittle hairs, some of which, at least, are also poisonous, and when the caterpillars molt, pupate, or the adults escape from the pupa, these hairs seem to become liberated and are carried by the winds. When the hairs strike the human skin, they appear to work their way into it and produce asevere irritation knownas the “ brown-tail rash.’’ Cooling mixtures may be used to relieve this, such as 376 A PracticaL Hanp Book Menthol, 10 grains Zinc oxidi, 2 drams Aq. calcis, 8 ounces Acid carbolici, 15 drops To control the insect, use is made of the habit of the caterpillars of wintering in colonies together in webs or nests at the tips of the twigs, these being cut off and burned at any time during the late fall or winter. When the caterpillars are feeding, either dur- ing the early fall or in the spring, spraying with arsenate of lead is a quite effective method of control. Tue Fatt Wes Worm. This insect feeds on a large list of shade trees as well as on fruit trees, the elms, willows, poplars and butternuts being, perhaps, the more favored food plants among the former group. The moth is very variable in appearance, in northern New Eng- land greatly resembling that of the brown-tail moth, except that it has no brown tail. Further south the wings may bear numerous small, black spots. It flies during June, July and early August and lays its eggs, several hundred in a cluster, on the under side of aleaf. These eggs soon hatch and the caterpillars begin to spin a web, under which they feed. This web is extended as they grow and need more food, enclosing more of the leaves, until quite a part or all of a branch may be thus enclosed. After feeding thus for a month or more the caterpillarsleave theweb, and eitherin the ground orincrevices of the bark of the tree spin their cocoons. The moths may emerge from these cocoons the same year and lay eggs for a second generation, the caterpillars of which will feed the same fall, but in New England it is more usual for them to pass the winter in the cocoon, the moths appearing the following summer. As the caterpillars of this insect feed together under a web, it is easy to cut off this and kill the caterpillars, particularly when the webs first appear and are small. Burning the webs on the tree is sometimes resorted to, but many of the caterpillars are liable to escape, and the tree is liable to be injured by this method. Spray- TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. 377 ing with arsenate of lead close around the webs, so that the leaves next to be enclosed shall have been poisoned, is also a good method of control. Numerous natural enemies of this insect aid man by holding it in check to some extent. CANKER WORMS. The canker worms are twoclosely related insects, known as the Fall Canker Worm and the Spring Canker Worm. In both species the caterpillar is an “‘ inchworm ”’ or “ looper; ”’ in both the cater- pillar feeds during the spring months, and when through feeding, leaves the tree to pupate in the ground; in both the female moth is wingless; and in both the eggs are laid by the wingless female on thetwigs ofthe tree, towhich she must, therefore, crawl from the ground. The moths of the fall canker worm come out of the ground dur- ing warm days in late October, November and early De- cember, and the females crawl up the trees to the twigs, where they lay their eggs in clusters. These eggs hatch about the time the leaves appear the following spring, and the caterpillars feed for four or five weeks until full grown, then go into the ground to pu- pate, the moths from the pupae appearing late in the fall, as al- ready stated. While the caterpillars are feeding they will, if dis- turbed, spin down from the trees on silken threads. The spring canker worm moths come out of the ground during the first warm days of spring, even in February in some cases, crawl up the trees to the twigs and lay their eggs. These soon hatch and the caterpillars feed during about the same months as those of the fall canker worm, leave the tree at about the same time and pupate in the ground, but the moths do not emerge that year, spending the winter as pupae in the ground. These insects are quite general feeders, consuming the leaves of the apple, elm, chestnut, pear, oak, hickory, box-elder, maple and other trees. As the eggs are laid on the twigs by wingless females, it is evident that anything which will prevent these females from climbing the trees will be effective, and accordingly sticky bands and metal deflectors are extensively used. In general the sticky material known as ‘‘ Tree Tanglefoot ’’ has proved the most suc- 378 A PractricaL Hanp Book cessful material to use for this purpose, bands of tar and printer’s ink needing renewal frequently, while metal deflectors are expen- sive and often need readjustment to prevent gaps opening, through which the insects can pass. For the fall canker worm the Tanglefoot should be applied by the middle of October in a band from four to six inches wide, while for the spring canker worm it should be applied the first warm day in February, even if there be snow on the ground. If the canker worms are already feeding on the foliage when their presence is first discovered, spraying with a stomach poison is the most satisfactory remedy. THe WHITE-MARKED Tussock MoTH. This insect feeds on the leaves of many of our shade and fruit trees and is quite abundant throughout the eastern United States. The winter is passed in the egg stage, the eggs being laid in clus- ters on the old cocoons of the female moths, covered by a white froth which quickly hardens, forming a crust. These egg masses and the cocoons on which they occur are found on the larger limbs and trunks of the trees and sometimes on the smaller twigs, gen- erally in the latter case with a leaf more or less bound to the cocoon, thus rendering these more noticeable during the winter. The eggs hatch in the spring andthe cater pillars feed till full grown in June. They are then an inch and a half or more in length, yellow and black in color, and have two long pencils of black hairs at the head and a third at the hinder end of the body, besides four short, dense, yellowish, very noticeable tufts in a row a short distance behind the head, which is coral red. The caterpillars now go to the trunk and larger limbs, where they spin their silken cocoons, from which the adult moths soon escape. The female moth being wingless, lays her eggs on the outside of the cocoon from which she emerged, covering them with a white froth, as already described. The eggs soon hatch and the cater- pillars crawl to the leaves, where they feed during the latter part of July and August. When full grown, they in their turn go to the limbs and trunk to form their cocoons, from which the second gen- eration of moths escape and lay their eggs which winter over. TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 379 There are, accordingly, two generations of this insect each year, the feeding periods of the caterpillars being during May and early June, and late July and August. To check the destruction caused by this insect, the egg clusters covered by the white crust may be gathered and burned whenever they are noticed. Spraying with arsenate of lead early in May and again the latter part of July will destroy the caterpillars, but is unnecessary if the egg clusters have been attended to. Banding the trunks of trees not infested, with Tree Tanglefoot, will protect these if their branches do not touch those of infested trees, as the female is wingless, and to reach the trees she or the caterpillars must crawl up the trunks. SPECIAL FEEDERS. THe ELM-LEAF BEETLE. This insect reached the United States from Europe about seven- ty-five years ago and is now quite generally distributed through the eastern states. The elm is its only food plant, and the Euro- pean elm generally suffers more from its attacks than the Ameri- can species. The insect passes the winter as the adult beetle, hiding in any protected places available, such as attics, old chimneys, etc., and is often found on the windows in houses in the spring, seeking to escape to the trees. The beetle is about a quarter of an inch long and about half as wide, and is yellow in the summer with a dark band on each side, but after wintering over, the yellow changes to a dull olive green. After the elm leaves appear the beetles fly to the trees, and feed, eating irregular holes and laying their eggs. These are yellow in color and are placed on the under sides of the leaves, generally along a vein and in two rows, and number from a dozen to thirty. The beetle feeds and lays its eggs in this way for several weeks. The grubs which hatch from these eggs feed on the under surface of the leaves, leaving the upper surface entire, for fifteen or twenty 380 A PracticaL Hanp Book days, then crawl down the tree to the larger limbs, trunk, or even to the ground, and pupate, either in crevices of the bark or on the ground, the adult beetles escaping from the pupae after about a week. In the more northern states these beetles are the ones which winter over, and though they may feed somewhat on the leaves during the fall, do little injury. In the middle and more southern states, however, they return to the trees and lay eggs for a second generation of grubs, which feed during the late summer months and become adult before winter. It is rarely profitable to spray twice for these insects—once as soon as the leaves have developed, and again about the time the young hatch—and the usual treatment is to spray with arsenate of lead, using about five pounds of the arsenate to fifty gallons of water, about the time the eggs hatch, the exact date varying con- siderably with difference of latitude. The spray should be di- rected so as to reach the under side of the leaves as far as possible, as the grubs feed only on that side. If for any reason spraying is not possible or has been neglected, the trunk and larger limbs of the trees should be made quite smooth, to leave as few crevices as possible high up where the grubs might pupate, thus inducing them to come farther down where they may be destroyed by the use of a contact poison, such as strong kerosene emulsion. Sticky bands on a tree are of no pro- tection against this insect, as the beetle flies freely. THE SUGAR-MAPLE BORER. This insect attacks trees in full vigor, the borer making a bur- row often several feet in length in a single season. Where this runs obliquely around the trunk or a limb it causes a more or less complete girdling, seriously injuring, or in some cases where two or three borers are present, even killing the tree. The adult beetle is about an inch long, black and yellow, the markings making it very noticeable. It is found mainly during July and August, during which period the eggs are laid. The young borers which hatch from the eggs bore just under the bark, TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 381 mainly in the trunk or near the bases of the larger limbs. Here the winter is passed, and the following spring the boring is resumed, the tunnels running in any direction, though most often upward or obliquely around the tree. Later a.deep burrow is formed farther in the tree, running upward toward the heart. Here the borer pupates, escaping the following summer as the adult beetle. Few effective methods of control can be used against this in- sect. Discoloration of the bark and particles of frass found on the trees in the fall may indicate about where a young borer is at work, and the use of a knife, cutting out the borer there, is advis- able. If a burrow can be found in which it seems probable a borer is present but out of reach, a little carbon disulphide placed on some cotton and pushed into the hole, which should then be stopped up with soap, putty, or some similar material, should destroy the borer. Treating the trunks of the trees with a carbolic acid wash about the middle of June would probably provide some protection against egg laying on trees thus treated. This wash is made by adding a gallon of hot water to a gallon of soft soap, adding a pint of crude carbolic acid and letting it stand twelve hours before di- luting with eight gallons of soft water. This should be thoroughly washed over the trunk and also a few feet up on each of the larger limbs. THE Cottony MAPLE SCALE. This scale insect is frequently very injurious to maples, par- ticularly soft maples, and is also sometimes found on other plants. It is located on the twigs and resembles a small tuft of cotton pro- truding from beneath a small brown scale. The insect is not often very noticeable during the spring months, the cottony portion not having developed. During the summer, however, the cottony threads form, and among these the eggs and young occur. The young soon leave the cotton where they were born, and pass to the leaves and settle down, mainly along the veins, to feed. Each now secretes a covering scale, and, before the leaves drop, the insects travel back to the twigs to pass the winter. In the spring they grow rapidly, and in June produce the cottony threads. making them more noticeable. 382 A PracticaL Hanp Book Brushing infested twigs with a brush or broom wet with kero- sene emulsion has been suggested as a treatment for this insect, but winter spraying with about twenty per cent. kerosene emul- sion has given the most successful results. Oak GALLS. Though a large number of insects attack the various kinds of oaks, few can ordinarily be regarded as serious pests. If cater- pillars are feeding on the leaves, spraying with a stomach poison is usually a sufficient treatment. Borers in the trunk can be handled as suggested for the maple borer, and sucking insects can be con- trolled by spraying where they are with a contact poison. Gall insects, however, may cause perplexity, as neither of the methods just named would seem to fit this case. It is very unusual for gall insects to be so abundant on a tree as to render it liable to die. It is very common, however, for them to disfigure the tree and thus lead to a desire for treatment. In cases where galls are formed on the branches they are likely to become permanent eyesores, and such branches should be promptly cut off and burned. Elsewhere on the tree there is little which it will pay to do, and patience will usually be rewarded in a year or two by the disappearance of the galls, as their makers are gradually over- come by the natural enemies of these insects. THE ROSE-LEAF HOPPER. This is a common pest on roses grown out of doors. During the latter part of May and in June, numerous tiny young of this insect may be found on the under side of the leaves, from which they suck the juices, producing whitish spots, and if abundant may cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off. At first these insects cannot fly, though they can hop freely, but after they have become adult, disturbing the bush may start them flying in clouds. These adults are about an eighth of an inch long and pale yellow in color. Thorough spraying of infested plants with kerosene emulsion or soap is quite effective as a treatment, provided that the spray be directed against the undersides of the leaves and be driven rather TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 383 suddenly, hitting the insects before they have time to hop or fly away. If astrong stream of water can be driven at them through a garden hose, this may be sufficient without resorting to the in- secticides. THE ROsE PLant LOUSE oR APHIS. Small green plant lice or aphides are frequently met with on roses during the spring and summer months, gathering most abun- dantly on the buds and younger leaves. They are nearly always wingless and increase very rapidly, from four to ten young being produced almost every day by the adults. These pests feed by sucking the juices from the plant, and when abundant on the buds frequently blight them. They can be held in check by spraying the plants with kerosene emulsion or soap, but it should be bornein mind that as only those touched by the spray are killed, the spray- ing must be very thorough to be successful, and if only a few es- cape, there will be multitudes present again, in the course of three or four weeks. THE ROSE CHAFER. These insects, often known as rose bugs or rose beetles, are about half an inch long and light brown in color. They appear about the time the roses begin to bud and seem to feed almost en- tirely upon the buds and flowers, being present for three or four weeks. They are not restricted to the rose for food, but attack the buds and blossoms of various ornamental plants, besides the blackberry, grape and fruit trees. The eggs are laid in the ground and the grubs feed on grass roots, and pupate there. There is, therefore, no successful method of attacking this insect, except during its adult condition. In this stage, however, it is very hardy and resistant to poisons. It can be destroyed by spraying with very strong arsenate of lead, but even then, it is usually several days before it succumbs, and during this time it continues feeding, while heavy spraying of the plants while in bud and flower is hardly practicable. The only successful treatment, therefore, is by hand-picking, or by jarring the insects off onto cloths, from which they can be gathered and 384 A PracticaL Hann Book destroyed by dropping them into kerosene. As the beetles are most active during the warm part of the day, this treatment should be used early in the morning or toward night, when they are less inclined to fly. Where it is possible to enclose the buds in paper bags, this will give protection from the beetles, but this is not always practicable. THE RED SPIDER. This animal, which is not really an insect but a mite, is fre- quently found on the leaves of roses as well as other plants. It is not larger than a pin head, yellowish or reddish in color, and sucks the vitality from the plant, causing the leaves gradually to turn pale and become stunted, and in time the plant dies, unless treat- ment is applied. These pests are particularly sensitive to sulphur, however, and flowers of sulphur dusted over the plant, as much as possible placed on the under side of the leaves, or mixed with water at the rate of an ounce of the sulphur to a gallon of water, and sprayed onto the plants, is usually a fairly satisfactory treatment. In some cases the use of soapsuds in- stead of the water to add the sulphur to, seems to be more efficacious. THE SPRUCE GALL LOUSE. Soft, fleshy green galls often noticed in June and July at the bases of the twigs of different kinds of spruces, are the work of gall-making plant lice. The lice feed in chambers in the galls, which are often an inch long and half as wide, during the months named, but by August the galls crack open outside each cavity and turn brown, thus permitting the lice to escape. During the fall and winter these lice, in one stage or another, may be found on the tree, and the following spring eggs are laid, from which the gall inhabiting insects are produced. The formation of a gall at the base of a twig nearly always causes the death of that twig, and a tree where the insects are abundant becomes thin, with many dead twigs showing brown galls, and as a whole is by no means the ornament it should be. TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 385 When the galls first appear on a tree, it is generally best to pick them off and destroy them. When they are abundant, this meth- od becomes no longer practicable, and a thorough spraying with two pounds of soap dissolved in a gallon of water, applied about the third or fourth week in April,is the best treatment available. THE OYSTER-SHELL SCALE. This scale insect attacks the willow, poplar, ash, lilac, and sev- eral other ornamental trees and shrubs, besides the apple, and fre- quently destroys the tree it ison. The scale covering the insect is bluntly pointed at one end, rounded at the other, two or three times as long as broad, and generally more or less bent toward one side, somewhat resembling an oyster-shell in form. It varies in color, but is some shade of gray or brown. During the winter the scale shelters beneath itself the dead female insect which formed it, together with from thirty to one hundred pale straw-colored eggs. These eggs hatch between the middle of May and the tenth of June, according to the latitude, climate and advancement of the season, and the very minute whitish young crawl about seeking for places where they may settle down to feed. When such places are found, they thrust their beaks through the bark and begin to suck the sap from the plant. A scale now begins to be formed over the back of the insect, which becomes adult by fall. The eggs are laid under the scale and the insect dies. In the more northern states these eggs remain under the scale till the following year, before hatching. Further south they may hatch the same season, giving a second generation the same year. The fact that the eggs of this pest all hatch at about the same time is made use of in the treatment employed, which is to spray very thoroughly as soon as the eggs hatch—at which time the tiny whitish young can be seen crawling around, if looked sharply for—with linseed oil emulsion, made as follows: Hard soap, 1 pound Raw linseed oil, 1 gallon Water to make 12 gallons Dissolve the soap in a small quantity of warm water, add the 386 A PracticaL Hanp Book oil and churn by forcing through the spray pump, pointing the nozzle back into the mixture, until it becomes thick; then add the rest of the water, and spray. It is well to repeat this treatment about ten days later, both because the first treatment may have missed some of the insects and because some of the eggs may not have hatched at the time of the first spraying. INSECTICIDES. ARSENATE OF LEAD. This isnowsold ready for use, by adding the requisite amount of water, by a number of manufacturers. It is probably our most effective stomach poison, for though costing more than paris green, it remains on the plant where it has been sprayed a much longer time, and is less liable to burn the foliage. Unless large quantities are to be used it is better to buy it than to make it, but if directions for making are desired, these will be supplied on appli- cation to the Agricultural Experiment Station of any state. Ordinarily about three pounds of arsenate of lead should be mixed with fifty gallons of water to spray, but for the gypsy moth, brown-tail moth and elm-leaf beetle, five pounds should be used instead. In spraying it is necessary that the sediment should be constantly stirred, in order for it to be carried out through the pump and be evenly distributed. PARIS GREEN. This material is rarely as effective as the last, and is only men- tioned because it may in some cases be difficult to obtain the other. One third of a pound of paris green should be mixed with half a pound of quicklime which has just been slaked in some water, and water should be added to make a total of about fifty gallons, and the whole well stirred while spraying, for the reason stated above. TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 387 SOAP. Plant lice, leaf hoppers, etc.,may generally be destroyed by spraying them with one pound of any common laundry soap dis- solved in four or five gallons of water. Extreme thoroughness of application is necessary, as only those insects actually touched by the spray are affected. KEROSENE EMULSION. This material is more effective than soap for sucking-insects, but is more difficult to make. To prepare it, take half a pound of any hard soap shaved fine, and dissolve in a gallon of hot water. Then remove from the fire and add two gallons of kerosene and churn wit 1 a spray pump, turning the nozzle of the pump back into the m xture, which should soon become thick and therefore difficult to force through the pump. When this condition has been reachec’, take one part of the mixture or stock material and add it to nine parts of water, if for use on plant lice; or to six parts of water for leaf hoppers; mix well and spray. If the water is hard add some borax or soda to soften it. Many other kinds of insects frequently attack our shade trees and shrubs, and in case of doubt as to their identity and the appro- priate treatment to be given, specimens of the insect or its work can be sent to the Agricultural Experiment Station of the state in which the person desiring assistance resides. Information and adviceas tothe best methods of treatment for different insects are supplied by the officials of these stations, without charge. TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. PLANTS PARTICULARLY ADAPTED FOR ROCK-GARDENS. Adiantum pedatum Ajuga genevensis Ajuga metallica var. crispa Allium azureum Anemone pennsylvanica Anemone pulsatilla Anemone sylvestris Aquilegia canadensis Aquilegia cerulea Arabis albida Arabis alpina Arctostaphylos uva ursi Artemisia frigida Artemisia pontica Artemisia stellariana Aster alpinus Callirhoe involucrata Campanula carpatica Cerastium tomentosum Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Chionodoxa luciliz Crocus vernus Cypripedium acaule Cypripedium spectabile Daphne cneorum Dennstzdtia (Dicksonia) punctilobula Dianthus deltoides Dianthus plumarius Dodecatheon meadia Epigzea repens Epimedium alpinum var. rubrum Erythronium Americanum Erythronium dens-canis Galanthus nivalis Galium boreale Gentiana Andrewsii Page 148 151 151 151 156 156 156 157 157 158 158 158 159 159 159 161 169 170 175 175 177 187 187 188 188 189 191 191 193 195 195 196 196 203 203 203 Geranium Endressi Geranium platypetalum Geranium sanguineum Goodyera pubescens Gypsophila repens Hedysarum multijugum Helianthemum (all varieties) Helleborus niger Hepatica (all varieties) Heuchera sanguinea Hieracium aurantiacum Houstonia cerulea Hypericum moserianum Iberis (all varieties) Iris cristata Iris pumila Jasione perennis Juniperus sabina Juniperus sabina var. prostrata Juniperus sabina var. tamariscifolia Lathyrus latifolius Lathyrus vernus Lilium tenuifolium Linum perenne Lychnis chalcedonica Lychnis dioica var. flore-pleno Lychnis flos-cuculi Page 204 204 204 205 205 206 207 209 210 211 213 213 216 216 218 218 220 221 221 221 225 225 231 231 236 236 236 Lychnis flos-cuculi var. plenissima Lychnis Haageana Lychnis viscaria var. splendens Lychnis alba var. flore-pleno Lycium halimifolium Lysimachia nummularia Malva moschata Mertensia pulmonarioides 236 237 237 235 237 238 240 241 390 Mitchella repens Myosotis palustris Nierembergia rivularis (nothera missouriensis Cnothera speciosa (Enothera fruticosa var. Youngii Onoclea sensibilis Ononis rotundifolia Opuntia missouriensis Pachysandra terminalis Papaver nudicaule Phlox ameena Phlox divaricata Phlox ovata Phlox stellaria Phlox subulata Physalis Franchetti Polemonium reptans Potentilla hybrida Primula auricula Primula Sieboldi Primula Polyantha Rosa wichuraiana Rubus laciniatus Sanguinaria canadensis 242 243 245 246 246 246 246 247 247 248 250 255 257 255 258 258 258 267 270 270 271 271 286 307 312 A PractTicAL Hanp Book Saxifraga cordifolia Scilla sibirica Sedum acre Sedum album Sedum Sieboldii Sedum stoloniferum Sempervivum (all varieties) Seneceo pulcher Silene maritima var. flore-pleno Silene virginica Sisyrinchium grandiflorum Statice latifolia Thymus (all varieties) Trillium (all varieties) Tunica saxifraga Veronica spuria Veronica incana Veronica repens Veronica rupestris Vinca minor Viola cornuta Viola pedata Woodsia ilvensis Woodwardia angustifolia PLANTS FOR BOG GARDENS OR GOOD IN WET PLACES. Acorus calamus var. variegatus 148 Arundo donax Arundo donax var. variegata Azalea arborescens Azalea canadensis Azalea calendulacea Azalea nudiflora Azalea Vaseyi Azalea viscosa Benzoin odoriferum Cephalanthus occidentalis Chrysanthemum uliginosum Clethra alnifolia Cornus stolonifera Cornus sanguinea Cornus amomum 160 160 163 163 163 163 163 163 165 174 179 181 185 184 184 Cypripedium acaule Cypripedium spectabile Dodecaetheon meadia Doronicum plantagineum Doronicum Clusii Doronicum caucasicum Empetrum nigrum Epimedium macranthum Eryngium aquaticum Erythronium Americanum Erythronium grandiflorum Eulalia, See Miscanthus Eupatorium purpureum Funkia subcordata var. grandi- florum Funkia lancifolia 340, 314 315 315 315 316 317 317 318 318 318 319 326 338 341 343 348 348 348 348 352 353 353 355 355 187 188 193 193 193 193 194 195 196 196 196 196 198 202 202 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. Gentiana Andrewsii Geranium maculatum Hamamelis virginiana Hemerocallis (all varieties) Heracleum villosum Hibiscus moscheutos 203 204 206 209 211 212 Hibiscus moscheutos var. crimson eye Houstonia caerulea Hydrophyllum canadense Tlex opaca Ilex verticillata Iris Kempferi Iris pseudacorus Iris sibirica Iris versicolor Kalmia latifolia Ledum latifolium Lobelia cardinalis Lobelia syphilitica Lythrum salicaria Lythrum salicaria var. roseum Miscanthus sinensis Miscanthus sinensis var. gracil- limus Miscanthus sinensis var. varie- gatus Miscanthus sinensis var. zebrinus Monarda didyma Myosotis palustris Nemopanthus fascicularius Nierembergia rivularis Oenothera fruticosa Youngii 212 213 215 217 217 218 219 219 219 223 226 232 232 238 238 241 241 241 242 242 243 245 245 246 Oenothera speciosa Onoclea (Matteuccia) struthiopteris Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda regalis Phalaris arundinacea Polygonatum multiflorum Polygonum sachalinense Potentilla fruticosa Ranunculus aconitifolius Ranunculus acris var. flore- pleno Ranunculus repens var. flore- pleno Rhexia virginica Rhododendron maximum Rosa spinosissima Rosa carolina Sambucus nigra Sambucus racemosa Sarracenia Drummondii Sarracenia purpurea Stenanthium occidentale Stuartia pentagyna Taxus canadensis Trillium grandiflorum Trollius europeus Typha latifolia Ulmaria palmata Ulmaria pentapetala Ulmaria rubra Viburnum acerifolium Viburnum alnifolium A Few Goop HEDGE PLANTS. Berberis Thunbergii Chamecyparis obtusa Crategus crus-galli Crategus oxyacantha Cydonia japonica Gleditschia triacanthos Tlex crenata Juniperus virginiana 166 176 186 186 187 205 217 222 Ligustrum amurense Ligustrum ibota Ligustrum ovalifolium Picea alba Picea excelsa Rhamnus cathartica Rosa rubiginosa Salix pentandra 246 246 247 247 253 267 268 270 278 279 279 279 281 291 285 311,312 312 313 313 326 327 334 340 341 343 344 344 344 349 349 227 228 228 259 260 279 290 310 392 Spirzea Thunbergii Syringa vulgaris Thuya occidentalis Tsuga canadensis 325 330 335 342 A PracticaL Hanp Book Viburnum dentatum Viburnum cassinoides Viburnum nudum SOME OF THE BEST VINES AND CLIMBERS. Actinidia polygama and arguta Akebia quinata Ampelopsis quinquifolia Ampelopsis quinquifolia var. Englemanni Ampelopsis heterophylla Apios tuberosa Aristolochia macrophylla Celastrus scandens Clematis paniculata Clematis virginiana Clematis lanuginosa var. Henryi Clematis lanuginosa var. Jack- mani Clematis lanuginosa var. Mme. Andre Clematis lanuginosa var. Mme. Baron Veillard Clematis montana Clematis hybrida var. New England Decumaria barbara Euonymus radicans Hedera Helix Humulus lupulus Ipomcea pandurata Lonicera periclymenum var. belgica Lonicera Heckrotti 148 151 154 154 154 156 158 174 181 181 180 180 180 180 180 180 188 197 206 213 218 234 233 Lonicera japonica Lonicera japonica var. aureo- reticulata Lonicera japonica var. Halliana Lonicera sempervirens Lycium halimifolium Menispermum canadense Periploca greca Polygonum Baldschuanicum Pueraria Thunbergiana Rosa setigera var. Baltimore Belle Rosa hybrida var. Carmine Pillar Rosa multiflora var. Crimson Rambler Rosa multiflora var. Debutante Rosa multiflora var. Dorothy Perkins Rosa multiflora var. Lady Gay Schizophragma hydrangeoides Tecoma radicans Tecoma grandiflora Vitis coignetiz Vitis labrusca Vitis vulpina Wistaria chinensis Wistaria multijuga TREES AND SHRUBS WITH ORNAMENTAL FRUIT. Berberis canadensis Berberis amurensis Berberis Thunbergii Celastrus scandens Celtis occidentalis 165 165 166 174 174 Cotoneaster Simonsi Cotoneaster microphylla Crategus crus-galli Crategus cordata Crategus coccinea 349 349 350 233 233 233 234 237 241 253 267 274 291 292 292 292 292 292 314 334 335 354 354 354 354 355 185 185 186 186 186 TREES, Crategus oxyacantha 186 Elzagnus argentea 194 Elezagnus longipes 194 Euonymus Americanus 197 Euonymus alatus 197 Euonymus nanus 197 Euonymus europzus 197 Euonymus radicans 197 Ilex crenata 217 Ilex opaca 217 Ilex verticillata 217 Ligustrum ibota 228 Ligustrum vulgare 228 Lonicera Morrowi 234 Lonicera Ruprechtiana 234 Lonicera tatarica 235 Lonicera xylosteum 235 Magnolia glauca 239 Magnolia macrophylla 239 Magnolia tripetala 239 Myrica cerifera 243 Prunus maritima 272 Prunus pumila 273 Ptelea trifoliata 274 Pyracantha coccinea 215 Pyrus baccata 275 Pyrus coronaria 275 Pyrus floribunda 276 SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. TREES AND SHRUBS WITH DISTINCT COLORED LEAVES OTHER THAN GREEN. Acer negundo var. aurea marginatum 144 Acer platanoides var. Schwedleri 144 Acer platanoides var. Geneva 144 Acer palmatum var. atropurpur- eum 145 Acer palmatum var. dissectum atropurpureum 145 Acer japonicum var. aureum 143 Acer pseudo-platanus var. Worleei 145 Berberis vulgaris var. atropur- purea 165 393 Rhamnus dahurica 279 Rhamnus Frangula or Carolineana 279 Rhodotypos kerrioides 282 Rhus glabra 283 Rhus typhina 283 Rosa rugosa 289 Rosa blanda 286 Rosa multiflora 286 Rosa rubiginosa 290 Sambucus racemosa 312 Sorbus arbutifolia 320 Sorbus aucuparia 320 Sorbus hybrida 321 Symphoricarpos racemosus 328 Symphoricarpos vulgaris 328 Symplocus cratzgoides 328 Taxus canadensis 334 Taxus cuspidata 334 Viburnum acerifolium 349 Viburnum alnifolium 349 Viburnum cassinoides 349 Viburnum dentatum 349 Viburnum dilatatum 350 Viburnum lantana 350 Viburnum lentago 350 Viburnum nudum 350 Viburnum opulus 351 Betula alba var. atropurpurea 167 Calluna vulgaris var. aurea 169 Catalpa bignonioides var. purpurea 173 Chamecyparis pisifera var. filifera aurea 176 Chamecyparis pisiferavar. plumosa aurea 177 Chamecyparis pisifera var. aurea 176 Cornus mascula var. variegata 183 Cornus sanguinea var. variegata 184 Cornus alba var. Spzthi 183 Corylus maxima var. purpurea 185 394 Diervilla florida var. variegata 192 Euonymus radicans var. argen- teo marginatus or reticulatus 197 Fagus sylvatica var. purpurea 199 Fagus sylvatica var. purpurea Riversi 200 Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. aucubefolia 201 Juniperus communis var. aurea 220 Juniperus chinensis var. argen- teo variegata 221 Juniperus virginiana var. ele- gantissima 222 Kerria japonica var. argenteo- variegata 223 Ligustrum ovalifolium var. variegatum 228 Philadelphus coronarius var. aureus 253 Physocarpus opulifolius var. aurea 259 Picea alba var. aurea 259 Picea excelsa var. Finedonensis 260 Picea pungens 262 Pinus Thunbergi var. oculus- draconis 263 A PractTicAL HAND Book Populus alba Populus deltoides var. Van Geertii Prunus persica var. purpurea Prunus cerasifera var. atropur- purea Ptelea trifoliata var. aurea Quercus pedunculata var. con- cordia Sambucus nigra var. aurea Symphoricarpos vulgaris var. variegatus Taxus baccata var. argentea Thuya occidentalis var. alba Thuya occidentalis var. lutea Thuya occidentalis var. Ver- veeneana Thuya orientalis var. aurea Thuya orientalis var. elegantis- sima Ulmus campestris var. antarctica aurea Ulmus campestris var. Louis van Houtte Ulmus scabra var. atropurpurea A FEw oF THE BEST Harpy FERNS. Adiantum pedatum 148 Dennstedtia (Dicksonia) punc- tilobula 189 Onoclea sensibilis 246 Onoclea (Matteuccia) struthiop- teris 246 Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda claytoniana Osmunda regalis Pteris aquilina Woodsia ilvensis Woodwardia angustifolia 268 269 272 271 274 278 311 328 334 335 336 337 337 337 345 345 345 247 247 247 274 355 355 INDEX A Abbreviations, 140 Aconite, 147 Adam's Needle, (Ill. 105) 356 Alder, 151 Black, 217 Cut-leaved, 152 Alkanet, 155 Allspice, 169 Carolina, (Ill. 47) 169 Almond, 270 Double Pink, 270 Double White, 270 Alpine Rose, 281 Althaea, (Ill. 25) 212 Alum Root, 211 Apache Plume, 204 Aralia, 143 Five-leaved, 143 Arbor Vitae, 335 American, 335 Douglas’ Little Gem, 337 Geo. Peabody’s, 336 Globe, 336 Golden, 336 Heath-leaved, 336 Hovey’s, 336 Pyramidal, 337 Queen Victoria, 335 River’s, 337 Siberian, 337 Tom Thumb, 336 Vervaene’s, 337 Weeping, 336 Arbutus, 195 Trailing, 195 Arrow Wood, 349 Arsenate of Lead, 386 Artichoke, 209 Jerusalem, 209 Ash, American, Aucuba-leaved, Black, European, Flowering, Weeping, Ashberry, Aspen, American, Large Toothed, Asphodel, Aster, Mountain, Stokes, Tartarian, Aquatic Garden Effects, Autumn Crocus, Auricula, Avens, B Baby’s Breath, Bachelor’s Button, Bald Cypress, Balloon Flower, Semi-double, White, Balm, Variegated, Balm of Gilead, Barberry, Common, Japanese, Purple-leaved, Siebold’s, Barrenwort, Bass-wood, American, Cut-leaved, (395) (Ill. 31) 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 165 269 270 269 161 161 161 327 161 123 182 270 204 205 278 333 266 266 266 241 241 269 165 165 166 165 165 195 339 339 339 396 Bass-wood, European, Golden-barked, Bastard Indigo, Bean, Wild, Beam-tree, White, Bean-tree, Indian, Bearberry, Bed-straw, Beard Tongue, Bee Balm, Beech, American, Copper, Cut-leaved, European, River’s Purple, Weeping, Bellwort, Perfoliate, Betony, Large Flowered, Wood, Bergamot, White, Biota, Golden, Oriental, Birch, Canoe, Cut-leaved, European, Golden-leaved, Paper, Purple-leaved, Pyramidal, Red, Weeping, White, Yellow, Bitternut, Bitter-sweet, Bitter Vetch, Black-eyed Susan, Bladder-nut, (Ill. 71) (Ill. 33) 339 339 153 156 156 321 321 173 173 158 203 252 242 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 346 346 325 325 325 242 242 337 337 337 166 167 166 166 166 167 167 166 167 166 166 167 212 174 225 307 325 A PracticaL Hanp Book Bladder-nut, American, Bladder Senna, Blanket Flower, Blazing Star, Bleeding-heart, Bloodroot, Blue Beech, Bluebell, Blueberry, Blue-eyed Grass, Blue Suceory, Blue Spiraea, Bluet, Mountain, Bouncing Bet, Box, Box-thorn, Chinese, Bracken, Brake, Bramble, Cut-leaved, Brown-tail Moth, The, Buckeye, Ohio, Yellow, Buckthorn, Laurel-leaved, Sea, Buffalo Berry, Bugbane, Bugle, Bugleweed, Burning-bush, Winged, Buttercup, Creeping, Double White, Butterfly Weed, Butternut, Button-bush, Buttonwood, Cactus, Common, Campernella, (Ill. 29) 174, 213, 326 182 202 227 191 312 171 170 346 319 173 171 213 174 213 169 237 237 274 274 307 307 374 149 149 149 279 279 213 318 179 151 151 197 197 278 278 278 160 220 174 265 247 247 244 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. Campion, Evening, Morning, Rose, Candytuft, Evergreen, Hardy, Lebanon, Candleberry, Canker Worm, The, Canterbury Bell, Cardinal Flower, Catalpa, Purple-leaved, Southern, Tea’s, Catchfly, Cat-tail, Cedar, White, Red, Red Weeping, Chalk Plant, Chamomile, Dwarf, False, Kelway’s, Cherry, Indian, Japanese, Sand, Chestnut, American, Paragon, Chinquapin, Chokeberry, Christmas-rose, Cinquifoil, Shrubby, Climbing Hydrangea, Columbine, Californian, Double, European, Golden Spurred, Long Spurred, Mexican, (Ill. (Ill. (Ill. 125) 177, 61) 235 235 234 234 216 216 216 150 243 377 170 232 172 172 172 173 318 343 223 177 222 222 205 156 168 168 156 273 273 273 273 172 172 172 172 320 209 270 270 314 157 157 158 157 157 157 157 397 Columbine, Rocky Mountain, 157 Wild, 157 Comfrey, 328 Compass-plant, 319 Cone Flower, 194, 308, 226 Yellow, 226 Contents, 7 Coral Bells, 211 Cork Tree, 253 Chinese, 253 Cornel, 184 Bailey’s, 184 Silky, 184 Cornelian Cherry, 183 Variegated, 183 Cottony Maple Scale, The, 381 Cottonwood, 269 Cowslip, 271 English, 271 Crab, 275 Bechtel’s, 275 Flowering, (Ill. 21) 276 Hall’s Flowering, 276 Wild, 275 Cranberry Bush, 351 Dwarf, 351 Crane’s Bill, 204 Crimson Eyed Hibiscus, (111. 69) Crimson Glory Vine, 354 Crowberry, 195 Cuchoo-flower, 236 White, 236 Cucumber Tree, 238 Large-leaved, 239 Cup-plant, 319 Currants, 283 Double Flowered, 284 Missouri, 284 Mountain, 283 Red Flowered, 284 Wild, 284 Cushion Flower, 314 White, 314 Cushion-pink, 159 White, 159 Cypress, 176, 177 398 D Daffodil, 244 Hoop Petticoat, 244 Daisy, 165 English, 165 Giant, 179 Shastae, (IIL. 45) 179 Turfing, 179 Dark Mullen, 347 Day-lily, 202, 209 White, 202 Double, 210 Decumary, 188 Dendrobium, 226 Desmodium, 226 Dielytra, 191 Distances Apart for Plants, 358 Dog’s Tooth Violet, 196 Dogwood, 182 Alternate-leaved, 183 Pink Flowering, 184 Round-leaved, 183 Weeping, 184 White Flowering, 184 White-fruited, 183 Driveway Treatment, (Ill. 129) Dropwort, 344 Double, 344 Dutchman’s Pipe, (Ill. 89) 158 Dyer’s Broom, 203 E Elder, 311 Cut-leaved, 312 Golden, 311 Red Berried, 312 Variegated, 312 Elm, 345 American, 345 Blandford, 346 Camperdown, 346 English, 345 Golden-leaved, 345 Purple-leaved, 345 Scotch, 346 Slippery, 345 Van Houttei’s, 345 A PracticaL Hanp Book Elm-leaf Beetle, The, 379 Empress Tree, 251 Evening Primrose, 246 White, 246 Yellow, 246 Everlasting, 155 Explanations, 140 F Fall Web Worm, The, 376 False Dragonhead, 259, 193 Feather-grass, 327 Feathered Columbine, 335 Fern, 148 Chain, 355 Cinnamon, 247 Gossamer or Hay, 189 Interrupted, 247 Ostrich, 246 Royal, (Ill. 37) 247 Sensitive, 246 Fescue Grass, 200 Blue, 200 Feverfew, 178 Fir, 142 Balsam, 142 Cilician, 142 Nordman, 142 Spanish, 134 Veitch’s, 143 Washington, 142 White, 142 Fire Bush, 187 Fire-pink, 318 Flag, 218 Dwarf, 219 East Siberian, 219 Siberian, 219 Water, 219 White Siberian, 219 Yellow-banded, 218 Flea-bane, 195, 218 Foam-flower, 338 Forget-me-not, 243 Fox Berry, 347 Foxglove, (Ill. 65) 91, 193 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. Fringe, Purple, White, Fuchsia, Hardy, G Garden Heliotrope, Garden-plans, Garland Flower, Gas Plant, Gentian, Closed, Geranium, Wild, German Iris, Giant Bay, Giant Reed, Variegated, Globe Flower, Double, Variegated, Globe Thistle, Glory of the Snow, Glossary, Goat's Beard, Goat’s Rue, Golden Bell, Drooping, Fortune's, Upright, Gold Flower, Golden Glow, Golden Rod, Goldentuft, Grape, Fox, Frost, Grape Hyacinth, Grasswort, Starry, Great Laurel, Groundsel, Groundsel-tree, Guider Rose, Goutweed, (Ill. 27) 177 282 177 201 201 347 130-139 (Ill. 43) (Il. 223, 223, 160, 188 191 203 203 204 204 67) 281 160 160 341 342 223 194 177 140 162 203 200 200 200 200 216 308 319 153 354 354 354 243 175 175 281 318 164 351 149 399 Gypsy Moth, The, 373 H Hackberry, 174 Hair Grass, 242 Hawkweed, 213 Orange, 213 Hawthorne, 186 English, 186 Hazel, 185 Cut-leaved, 185 Golden-leaved, 185 Purple-leaved, 185 Heather, 169 Golden, 169 Hedge Plants, 391 Hemlock, (Ill. 23) 342 American, 342 Carolina, 342 Sargent’s Weeping, 342 Hercules Club, 158 Hickory, 212 Shagbark, 213 Swamp, 212 Hobble Bush, 349 Hollyhock, 152 Alleghany, 152 Holly, 217 Homestead Lily, 209 Honey Locust, 205 Weeping, 205 Honeysuckle, 233 Belgian, 234 Chinese, 233 Fly, 235 Golden, 233 Hall’s, (Ill. 41) 233 Fragrant, 233 Japanese, 233 Scarlet Trumpet, 234 Siberian, 235 Tartarian, 235 White-bush, 235 Hop, 213 Hop Hornbeam, 248 Hop Tree, 274 Golden, 274 400 Horehound, Hornbeam, Horse Chestnut, Double White, Dwarf, How to Plant, Huckleberry, Hairy, Swamp, House-leek, Irish, Hyacinth, Dutch, Grape, Summer, Hysop, Illustrations, Indian Currant, Variegated, Indigo, Inkberry, Insecticides, Insects and Pests, Tron Wood, Ivy, Boston, English, Japanese, Kenilworth, Jacob’s Ladder, Juneberry, Spike-flowering, Joint Weed, Joe-Pye-Weed, Juniper, Chinese, Chinese Golden, Chinese Variegated, Common, Trish, Japanese, Savin, Swedish, 240 171 149 149 150 358 347 347 347 317 318 214 214 243 203 216 13-129 328 328 164 217 386 369 248 154 154 206 154 231 266 153 153 267 198 220 221 221 221 220 221 221 221 221 A PracticaL HAanp Book Jonquil, Judas Tree, K Kentucky Coffee-tree, Kerosene Emulsion, Kerria, White, Knap-weed, Knot Weed, Tall, Kudzu Vine, Laburnum, Weeping, Lady’s Slipper, Showy, Lamb-kill, Lantern Plant, Chinese, Larch, American, European, Golden, Japanese, Larkspur, Chinese, Chinese White, Laurel, Mountain, Lavender, Hardy, Hardy White, Cotton, (Ill. 63) Lawns and how to Make Them, Lead Plant, Leadwort, Leather Leaf, Leatherwood, Lebanon Candytuft, Lemon Lily, Leopard’s Bane, Leopard Moth, The, Lilac, Chinese, 244 175 205 287 282 282 174 267 268 274 224 224 187 187 222 258 258 224 224 225 273 225 189 189 189 223 223 225 235 235 313 365 153 175 177 193 150 209 193 370 329 329 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. Lilac, Chionanthus-leaved, Common Purple, Common White, Japanese, Persian, Lily, (IIL. African, Bateman’s, Brown’s, Canadian, Coral, Golden-banded, Gray’s, Hanson’s, Henry’s, Madonna, Martagon, Melpomene, Philadelphia, Siberian, Spotted, Thunbergian, Tiger, Tiger, Double, Trumpet, Turk’s Cap, Wallace’s, Wood, Lily of the Valley, Shrub, Linden, American, Pyramidal, Silver-leaved, Weeping, Live Forever, Liver Leaf, Locust, Black, Golden, Thornless, Loose Strife, Japanese, Purple, Lungwort, Lyme-grass, Blue, 79) 241, 329 330 (Ill. 59) 330 329 329 150 150 230 229 229 231 229 230 230 230 229 230 231 230 231 230 230 231 231 230 231 230 231 182 262 329 339 339 339 339 317 210 285 285 285 285 238 238 238 275 194 194 M Madwort, Austrian, Magnolia, Maidenhair Tree, Mandrake, Maple, Ash-leaved, Colchicum, Cork-barked, Geneva, Japanese, Mountain, Norway, Red, Rock, Scarlet, Schwedler’s, Striped Barked, Sugar, Silver, Swamp, Sycamore, Tartarian, White, Wier’s, Marjoram, Wild, Marguerite, Marsh Rosemary, Matrimony Vine, May, English, Apple, Mayflower, Meadow Beauty, Rue, Tall, Mezereum, Michaelmas Daisies, Mock Orange, Double, Monkshood, Fisher’s, Wild, Variegated, 401 153 153 (Ill. 111) 204 266 143-147 144 144 143 144 143-145 146 144 146 146 146 144 144 146 146 146 145 147 146 146 247 247 178 326 237 186 186 266 195 279 335 335 188 161 253 254 147, 148 147 147 148 402 A PracticaL HAND Book Moon-flower, Moon-seed, Montbretia, Moorwort, Mosquito Plant, Moss Pink, White, Mountain Ash, American, European, Golden, Oak-leaved, Weeping, Mountain Fleece, Mountain’s Cranberry, Mountain Holly, Laurel, Tobacco, Mulberry, Red, Tea’s Weeping, White, Munstead White, Musk-mallow, White, Myrtle, White, Variegated, Narcissus, Nettle-tree, New Jersey Tea, Nine Bark, Oak, Chestnut, English, English Golden, English Weeping, Mossy-cupped, Pin, Pyramidal, Red, Scarlet, (Ill. 23,73) 218 241 341 155 352 258 258 320 320 320 321 321 321 326 347 245 223 159 242 243 243 243 157 240 240 352 352 352 244 174 173 258 276 277 278 278 278 277 277 278 278 277 Oak, Swamp, 276 Willow-leaved, 277 Oak Galls, 382 Old Woman, 159 Oleaster, 194 Japanese, 194 Onion, 151 Flowering, 151 Orchis, 206 Yellow Fringed, 206 Osage Orange, 340 Osier, 183 Red, 183, 184 Variegated, 184 Oswego Tea, 242 Outdoor Culture of Roses, 361 Ox-eye, 168, 209 Oyster-shell Scale, The, 385 Pp Paeony, 249 Cut-leaved, 249 Common, 249 Tree, 249 Pagoda Tree, 319 Pampas Grass, (Ill. 75) 241 Japanese, 241 Ornamental, 241 Variegated, 241 Paris Green, 386 Parsley, 211 Giant, 211 Partridge Berry, 242 Pasque Flower, 156 Pea, 225 Pink Perennial, 225 White Perennial, 225 Peach, 272 Double Rose Colored, 272 Double White, 272 Double Purple Leaved, 272 Pearl-bush, 198 Pea Tree, 171 Peppermint, 241 Pepperidge, 245 Periwinkle, 352 212 Pig Nut, TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTs. 403 Pine, 263 | Poplar, (Ill. 49) 268 Austrian, 263 Balsam, 269 Bull, 264 Bolle’s, 268 Japanese, 263 Carolina, 269 Japanese Black, 263 Cottonwood, 269 Lofty Bhotan, 263 Golden-leaved, 269 Pitch, 265 Lombardy, (Il. 49) 269 Red, 264 Weeping, 269 Scotch, 265 White, 269 Sun-ray, 263 | Poppy, 250 Swiss Mountain, (Ill. 115) 264 Iceland, 250 Swiss Stone, 263 Iceland White, 250 White, 265 Oriental, 250 White Dwarf, 265 Parkman’s, 250 Phlox, 255 | Poppy Mallow, 169 Canadian, 257 | Prairie Dock, 319 Caroline, 255 | Preface, 9 Hairy-leaved, 255 | Prickly Pear, 247 Perennial, 255 | Primrose, 246 Smooth-leaved 255 Common, 271 Pink, 190 Missouri, 246 Carthusian, 191 Siebold’s, 271 Double Garden, 191 | Privet, 227 Grass, 191 Amoor River, 227 Scotch, 191 California, 228 Pink-root, 321 Common, 228 Pitcher Plant, 313 Japanese, 228 Plants for Bog Gardens, 390 Japanese Upright, 227 For Special Purposes, 389 | Pruning, 359 Plane-tree, 265 Oriental, 266 Q FiaeOae Elan: sy Queen of the Meadows, 344 Plantain Lily, 201 . , Quince, 187 Fortune’s, 201 ie 187 Lance-leaved, 202 pee Ovate-leaved, 202 R Siebold’s, 202 Rattlesnake, 205 | Ragged Robin, 237 Variegated, 202 | Raspberry, 307 Plum, 271 Flowering, 307 Beach, 272 | Red Spider, The, 384 Flowering, 273 | Reed-grass, 160 Purple-leaved, 271 | Rest Harrow, 247 Plume Poppy, 168 Round-leaved, 247 Poker Plant, 223 | Rhododendrons, (Ill. 101) 103 Polyanthus, 271 | Rhodora, 163 Polypody, 268 Canadian, 163 404 Rhubarb, Ornamental, Roadside Vine Effects, Rock Cress, Rock Garden, Rose Acacia, Chafer, The, Culture, Rose-leaf Hopper, Rose Mallow, Rose Plant Louse, or Aphis, Roses, Alpine, Austrian, Baby Rambler, Bourbon, Climbing, Hybrid Perpetual, Hybrid Tea, Japanese, Memorial, Persian, Polyantha, Prairie, Red-leaved, Scotch, Sweet Briar, Swamp, Rosinweed, Rue, Rupture-wort, Rusty Woodsia, Sacaline, Sage, Jerusalem, Meadow, Silver-leaved, White Meadow, Sand Cherry, Sand Myrtle, Sandwort, San Jose Scale, Sassafras, Savin, Prostrate, A PracticaL HAND Book 279 279 117 158, 163 (Ill. 113) 284 383 361 382 211 383 285 286 295 294 303 291 295 303 286 286 295 303 290 291 291 290 285 319 309 211 355 268 255 255 311 311 311 273 226 158 371 313 221 221 Savin, Tamarisk-leaved, Scotch Broom, Sea Holly, Sea Lavender, Sea-pink, Shadbush, Common, Dwarf, Shearing, Sheepberry, Shepherd’s Flower, Shooting Star, Shrubs for Special Purposes, With Ornamental Fruit, Silk Vine, Silverbell, Solomon's Seal, Smoketree, Snakeroot, White, Sneezewort, Dwarf, Snowball, Common, Japanese, Summer, Snowberry, Snowdrop, Soap-wort, Sorrel Tree, Sour Gum, Southernwood, Roman, Small, Spearmint, Speedwell, Bastard, Common, Creeping, Culver’s, Gentian-leaved, Hoary, Long-leaved, Rock, Spiked, Spice-bush, Spiderwort, (Ill. 121) 221 188 196 326 159 153 153 153 359 350 220 193 389 392 253 206 267 282 198 198 205 205 351 351 352 214 328 203 313 248 245 159 159 159 241 347 348 348 348 348 347 348 348 348 348 165 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. Spiderwort, White, Spike Grass, Spindle Tree, Spring Adonis, Crocus, Spruce, Alcock’s, Black, Colorado Blue, Cushion, Douglas’, Engleman’s, Eastern, Finedon, Glory of the Spruces, Inverted, Koster’s Blue, Norway, Norway Golden, Pyramidal, Tiger Tail, White, Gall Louse, Spurge, Flowering, Squill, Stagger Bush, Star-wort, St. Bruno’s Lily, St. John’s Wort, Shrubby, Stonecrop, Aizoon, Ewer’s, Middendorf’s, Orange, Purple-leaved, Showy, Siebold’s, Trailing, White, Yellow, Strawberry-bush, Sugar Maple Borer, Sumach, Cut-leaved, Fragrant, (ill. 15) 340 346 (Ill. 83) 197 149 187 259 259 261 262 260 273 260 261 260 259 261 262 260 260 261 262 259 384 198 198 315 263 326 251 215 215 315 315 316 316 316 316 316 317 317 315 315 197 380 282 283 282 Sumach, Shining, Smooth, Staghorn, Osbeck’s, Summer Hyacinth, Sun Drops, Flower, Double, Hairy-leaved, Sun-rose, Double, Swamp Bay, Swamp Honeysuckle, White, Swamp-pink, Sweet Flag, Variegated, Sweet Gum, Pepperbush, Rocket, Williams, Woodruff, Sycamore, Syringa, Golden, Gordon's, Lemoine’s, T Table of Contents, Tamarisk, African, Common, Tansy, Thorn, Cockspur, Double White, Evergreen, Lavalle’s, Paul's Scarlet, Scarlet, Washington, Thoroughwort, Thrift, Tick-seed, Tick Trefoil, (Ii. (il. 55) 53) 405 282 283 283 283 203 246 208 208 208 207 205 239 163 163 163 148 148 232 181 211 190 160 265 253 253 254 254 333 333 333 333 185 186 186 275 185 186 186 186 198 159 182 226 406 Thyme, Common, Creeping, Golden-leaved, Gray-leaved, Trailing Arbutus, Tree of Heaven, Trees for Special Purposes, A PrRactTicAL Hanp Book 338 338 338 338 338 195 150 389 With Distinct Colored Leaves Other Than Green, With Ornamental Fruit, Tritoma, Trumpet Vine, Chinese, Tulip, Tulip Tree, Tupelo, Turtlechead, Tussock Moth, Valerian, Greek, Red, Varnish Tree, Vetch, Bitter, Vines and Climbers, Virgin's Bower, Virginia Creeper, Violet, Bird’s Foot, Common Blue, Horned, Russian, White, Vites, Cut-leaved, Variegated, Wake Robin, Walnut, Black, English, Water-leaf, 393 392 223 334 335 (Ill. 35) 343 232 245 177 378 174 267 174 224 225 225 392 181 154 353 353 353 353 353 353 154 154 154 340 220 220 220 215 Water Lily, Cape Cod, Water Margin Planting, Wayfaring Tree, Weigelia, Variegated, White, When to Plant, White Cup, (IIl. White Marked Tussock Moth, The, White Rod, Wild Senna, Marjoram, Pink, Willow, Babylonian, Golden-barked, Golden Weeping, Glass, Kilmarnock, Laurel-leaved, New American, Red-barked, Rosemary, Silky, Thurlow’s, Wisconsin, White, Virginian, Witch Hazel, Common, Japanese, Windflower, Japanese, Pennsylvania, Winter Protection, Woodbine, Clinging, Wood Lily, Wormwood, Roman, True, Wound-wort, Whoolly, (Ill. 39) 155, 245 245 87) 350 192 192 192 357 245 378 349 172 247 318 309 309 311 309 310 310 310 310 311 310 311 309 309 309 219 206 206 206 156 155 156 357 154 154 340 159 159 159 325 625 TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND PLANTS. 407 Y Yew, 333 Yarrow 147 American, 334 Double White, 147 English, 334 Double Yellow, 147 Golden, 334 Yellowroot, 356 | Irish, 334