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Se Si seichccsti ili sels Cornell University Library OF THE Hew Work State College of Agriculture Hy. eS76, YY THB 8101 ‘ornell Universit text-book of agricultural zoology, as taken, A TEXT-BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY A TEXT-BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY BY FRED. V. THEOBALD, M.A. (Canvas.), FES. Professor of Agricultural Zoology, London University; Vice-Principal and Zoologist of the §.-E. Agricultural College; Grand Medallist and Hon. Member of the Société Nationale d’Acclimatation de France; Hon. Member Société de Pathologie Exotique, Paris, the Association of Economic Entomologists of America, the Royal Horticultural Society; Fellow of the Society of Tropical Medicine ; Imperial Ottoman Order of the Osmanieh, &c. SECOND AND REVISED EDITION WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON 1913 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Srxce this volume was published in 1899 considerable advance has been made in the subject of Economic Zoology. Conse- quently many alterations have had to be made in this second edition, and a considerable amount of new matter has had to be incorporated. The general scope of the work for teaching purposes has not been altered, as it seems to have met with general approval both at home and in the Colonies. FRED. V. THEOBALD. Wve Court, WYE, March 1913. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE subject treated in the following chapters, Agricultural Zoology, has perhaps been more neglected in England than any other branch of science applied to agriculture: even the name itself is hardly at present understood. It is true, indeed, that the labours of Curtis, and in later years of Miss Ormerod, have developed one branch of economic zoology—namely, the part played by insects in causing disease amongst animals and plants; it is true also that some of our veterinary surgeons have done excellent work on the other parasitic diseases of animals ; but there remains a vast portion of the subject that has neither gained the attention of English scientific men nor been summarised in an English text-book. Agricultural Zoology treats of the life-histories, the habits, the peculiarities of all the animals which affect for good or for evil our stock and crops, whether on the farm or in the garden, and the structure and development of domestic animals. Parasitism plays an important part in this subject, especially in the protozoa and worms; but the economic effects of parasites are not confined to protozoa and worms—the parasitic insects and mites equally take their annual and preventable toll of our flocks and herds. Nor, again, is parasitism always an injuri- ous phenomenon : its beneficial effects are equally marked and equally under control, given only the requisite knowledge. In Vili PREFACE. either case, the necessary thing is an acquaintance with the complex structure and the life-history of both the higher animals we meet upon the farm, which may serve as host, and also of the smaller organisms met along with them, whether injurious or beneficial, parasitic or leading an independent ex- istence. With an injurious insect, for example, there is some period when it is open to attack: our observation should enable us to discover this period, and our science to suggest an appropriate weapon. In the same way our domestic animals are weak at certain points and at certain times: only an intimate knowledge of their organisation and their habits will enable us to apply the corresponding safeguards. In the following text-book the writer has endeavoured to summarise the habits, characters, and development of the animals that may be met with in farm and garden. Groups * possessing little or no economic importance have been but briefly referred to, such as the Ccelenterates, Sponges, and Echinoderms. On the other hand, the structure of one do- mestic animal, the horse, has been treated at some length. It is hoped that the book may he of service to the farmer; but it is primarily written for the rapidly increasing class of students in our Agricultural Colleges, &c. In their hands lies the future of scientific agriculture, in the development of which economic zoology must play not perhaps the least part. My thanks must here be expressed to Sir George Brown, K.C.B., for kindly revising the chapter on the Anatomy of the Horse, and for other help generally; to Dr Hans Gadow for the great trouble he has taken in examining the proof- sheets of chapters xiv. and xv., and for his valuable advice in other matters. The chapters on Mites and Insects have been read over by Mr (now Sir) Charles Whitehead; and to him 1 tender my grateful thanks, not only for his help in examin- ing the proofs, but also for allowing me the use of some of his excellent figures from the publications of the Board of Agriculture. In connection with the latter, I must here PREFACE. 1x acknowledge the courteous permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office to use the electros, several of which were supplied gratuitously. To Dr George Fleming, C.B., I am indebted most of all: thanks to his generosity, many of the excellent electros of worms, mites, &c., from his translation of Neumann’s ‘ Parasitic Diseases of Animals,’ have been lent me for this book, and others he has allowed me to reproduce ; but it is especially for the trouble he has taken in revising the chapters on Worms, Embryology, and the parts concerning domestic animals, that I owe him so many thanks. His publishers, Messrs Baillitre, Tindall, & Cox, also readily gave their consent to the free use of his figures, and I cannot let this opportunity pass without expressing my thanks for their great courtesy in this matter. Professor Nicholson has very kindly contributed a number of figures from his well- known ‘Manual of Zoology,’ which greatly add to the value of the work. I must also acknowledge Miss Ormerod’s kind- ness in allowing me the use of fig. 118, and for other advice always so readily given. I must also express my thanks to Sir William Flower, K.C.B., the Trustees of the British Museum, Professor Ritsema Bos, Professor A. D. Hall, and Professor Adam Sedgwick, for either allowing their figures or those of institutions they represent to be reproduced, or for lending the blocks. Mr H. Cousins has kindly revised the part of Appendix II. dealing with insecticides. Not only in England but also from abroad, especially from America, have I received much courteous and valuable aid, and to one and all I tender my many thanks. FRED. V. THEOBALD. Wve, December 1898. Note.—The figures so kindly lent, and those purchased from other oe are here gratefully adknowledaed, with sufficient clearness, I trust, for every one’s satisfaction :— From His Majesty’s Stationery Office, by permission of the Con- x PREFACE, troller, figs. 32, 46, 50, 60, 74, 76, 77, 90, 92, 100, 106, 108, 109, 111, 124, 134, 138, 140, 141, 143, 145, 152, 153, 156, and 157—some purchased and some lent with Sir Charles Whitehead’s permission. From Dr Fleming’s translation of Nenmann’s ‘ Parasitic Diseases of Domestic Animals,’ figs. 5, 7, 15, 17, 18, 24, 345, 36, 37, 57, 58, 160, and 164 have been kindly lent by translator and publishers. Figs. 1, 8, 47, 62, 63, 79, 107, 161, 167, 171, 172, 177, 178, 179, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 205, 219, 222, 241, 251, 256, are from Dr Nicholson’s ‘Manual of Zoology’; figs. 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 31, 34, 59, 71, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 110, 112, 113, 144, 150, 158, 159 are original drawings by the author, the blocks being lent by the S.-E. Agricultural College, from the College Journal. From Messrs Churchill the following figures fron Chauveau’s ‘Comparative Anatomy of Domesticated Animals’ have been purchased—viz., figs. 181, 182, 183, 184, 188, 189, 191, 193, 194, 196, 208, 214, 236, 238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, and 250. Fig. 159 has been reproduced from the same work, with the publishers’ permission. From Curtis’s ‘Farm Insects’ the following have been purchased, figs. 68, 69, 70, 81, 84, 95, 104, 105, 125, 128, 133, 142, 149, and 163. Fig. 186 is reproduced from one of Sir William Flower’s drawings in his ‘Osteology of the Mammalia.’ The figures of Eelworms, figs. 21 and 29, are reproduced with the permission of Professor Ritsema Bos ; and tig. 118 is a reproduction from Miss Ormerod’s ‘ Manual of Injurious Insects.’ The Department of Agriculture, U.S.A., kindly allowed me to reproduce Dr Howard’s figures of the Pear Midge and San José Scale, figs. 121 and 155 (part). Figs. 170, 253, 255 are from the British Museum Ciuides. From Foster and Balfour's ‘Embryology,’ figs. 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237 are reproduced, with the permission of Professor Adam Sedgwick. Fig. 61 is reproduced from several figures in Neumann’s ‘ Parasitic Diseases of Domestic Animals,’ and also part of fig. 3. Figs. 151 and 168 are from ‘Insect Life’ (original), with the permission of Messrs Methuen & Co. Figs. 82, 102, 103 from the writer’s ‘Insect and other Allied Pests of Orchard, Bush, and Hothouse Fruits.’ To all who have helped me in this work, by lending their blocks, or allowing their figures to be reproduced, or by lending specimens, I offer my thanks. BAT CHAP, - THE CELL AND SIMFLE ANIMAL TISSUES. THE CLASSI- Il. Il. Iv. VI. VII. VIII. IX. CON TEN Ts. PART Tf. FICATION OF ANIMALS PROTOZOA, OR SINGLE-CELLED ANIMALS SPONGES, CHRLENTERATES, AND ECHINODERMS WORMS. PLATYHELMINTHES OR FLAT-WORMS . WORMS — Continued. NEMATHELMINTHES OR ROUND- WORMS WORMS— Continued. CHETOPODA AND HIRUDINEA ARTHROPODA OR JOINTED-LIMBED ANIMALS. (CRUSTACBA, MYRIAPODA, AND ARACHNOIDEA) HEXAPODA. (COLEOPTERA, HYMENOPTERA, LEPIDOPTERA, DIPTERA, THYSANOPTERA, HEMIPTERA, ORTHOPTERA, NEUROPTERA, APTERA) . MOLLUSCA PAGE 16 32 36 97 138 291 AGL XII. XIII. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. II. CONTENTS. PART II. . CHORDATA. (TUNICATES OR SEA-SQUIRTS AND AMPHI- OXUS=ACRANIA) CHORDATA—Continued, THE CHARACTERS OF CRANIOTE OR VERTEBRATE ANIMALS THE STRUCTURE OF THE HORSE CLASSIFICATION OF THE CRANIOTA, A. THE ICHTHYOP- SIDA. (FISH AND AMPHIBIA) . B, SAUROPSIDA, (I. REPTILES) . B. SAUROPSIDA—Continued. (II. AVES) . : BRITISH BIRDS EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK (THE EGC: OF THE FOWL) MAMMALIA (DEVELOPMENT AND FETAL MEMBRANES) MAMMALIA—Continued. CLASSIFICATION OF MAMMALS. BRITISH MAMMALS (DOMESTIC AND WILD) APPENDICES. - THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF VERMICEOUS PESTS THE PREVENTION AND DESTRUCTION OF INSECT PENTS INDEX 307 311 315 460 o0d 510 a i) o ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG, 1. Blood Corpuscles of Vertebrata 2. Amaba f . F ‘ 3. Mastigophora and Foraminifera (Zuglena, Cercomonas, Polytoma, Textularia, and Globigerina) 4. a, A Trypanosome, and B, A Spirochete . 5. Coccidium oviforme of Rabbit’s Liver 6. Piroplasme . : 7. Ciliate Protozoan (Bulantidwm colt) 8. The Common Starfish (UVraster rubens) 9. Liver-fluke (Distomum hepaticum) 10. Life-history of Distomum hepaticum 11. Diagram showing Life-history of Liver-fluke 12. Scolex of Tenia soliwm and Proglottis of Tapeworm 18. Two forms of Cysts of Cestodes (Cysticcreus and Canurus) 14. Sturdy in Sheep (Cenurus cerebralis and Tenia cenurus) 15. Fragment of Measly Pork 16. Lenia echinococcus 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. . Diagram showing formation of Proligerous and Secondary Ves- icles in Echinococcus Tenia serrata Tenia serrata ‘ # Embryo and Ova of Sclerostomum rubrum Anguillulide (Eelworms) ‘ The Lung Worm (Strongylus filaria) PAGE 5 19 59 60 61 65 67 68 Xiv ILLUSTRATIONS. ~T any 23. Armed Palisade-worm of Horse (Sclerostomum armatum) 24. Vermiceous Aneurism of Great Mesenteric Artery “I wo 25. Selerostomum tetracanthum 26. Small Red Sclerostome (S. rubrum) from Horse . 27. Gape Worm (Syngamus trachealis) 28. Trichinella spiralis ee On~ S wee 29. Eelworms (Anguillulide) 30, Ear Cockles in Corn (Lylenchus scandens) $0 31, Wheat attacked by Tylenchus scandens 81 32. The Stem Eelworm (Tylenchus devustatrix. Kiihn) 82 33. The Beet Eelworm (Heterodera schachtii) 83 34. Ascaride . 2 ‘ 86 35. Oxyures of Horse (Curvula) 87 36. Oxyures of Horse (Mastigodes) 88 37. The Horse-Leech (Hwmopis sanguisugu) . 95 38. Structure of an Arthropod (Periplancta americana) 100 39. Head and Lower Lip of Cockroach < : 101 40. Structure of Insect Leg . ‘ ‘ 104 41. Digestive Organs of the Cockroach ‘ ~ 206 42. Trachea and side-view of part of Abdomen : 106 43. Nervous System é ‘ . 108 14. Wood-lice (Armudillidinm vulgaris, Porcellio scaber, and antenna of Oniscus, &c.) 109 45. Millepedes (Blanjulus pulchellus and Julus Londinensis) 5 46. Millepedes (1, Blanjulus pulchellus ; 2, Polydesmus complanatus) ; Centipede (3, Geophilus subterraneus) i 113 47. House Spider (Z'egenaria civilis) . : : 115 48. Orb-weaving Spider, &c. . : F ‘ : 117 49. Harvest Bug (Z'rombidium holosericeum) . : 119 50. Harvest Bug (Leptus autumnalis) . ‘i 120 51. Red Spider (Tetranychus telarius) 5 ~ 12k 52. Red Hen Mite (Dermanyssus avium) and Egg # 22 53. Head ofa Tick . ‘ 2 a 123. 54, External parts of a Tick A a ‘ 5 > Ws 55, Female Tick laying Eggs . “ 125 56. Female Sheep-scab Mite . : 3 129 57. Red Mange ‘ ‘ se eal 5S. Demodectic Scabies (section of skin) ; * 132 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82, 83. 84, 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92, 93. 94. 95, ILLUSTRATIONS. Beetle Mite (Oribata orbicularis) . Black Currant Mite Linguatulidie A Hexapod (Tipula Saieeca Mouth parts of Insects Larvee of Insects . Pupe of Insects Pupa of Tipula oleracea Alimentary Canal of Larva (Pipula ee Lady-birds (Coccinellide ) The Turnip Flea Beetle . Mustard Beetle (Phedon betulc) . The Asparagus Beetle Apple: blossom Weevil (Anthonomus pomorum) Apple Blossoms damaged by Apple Weevil pomorum) Pea Weevil (Sitones lineatus) Red-legged Weevil (Otiorhynchus tenebricosus) The Raspberry Weevil (Otiorhynchus picipes) Bean Beetle (Bruchus rufimanus) Striped Click-beetle (A griotes lincatus) Rose Beetle (Cetonia aurata) Cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris) Beet Carrion-beetle (Silpha opaca) Raspberry Beetle (Byturus tomentosus) Ground-beetle (Carabus violaceus) Corn Ground-beetle (Zabrus gibbus) Pupa of a Sawfly . Honey- bees Mouth and Sting of Bee, anaeruel Cynipide . : Saw of a Female Sawfly . Gooseberry Sawfly (Nematus ribesiz) Slug-worm of Pear (Eriocampa limacina) Pear Sawfly (Zriocumpa limacina), and Cocoon Leaf of Cherry eaten by Slug-worms Larva of the Large White (Pieris brassicw) Green-veined White (Pieris napt) (Anthonomus XV 133 136 143 180 185 186 187 189 189 190 193 194 xvl 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102, 103. 104, 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Aa Is. 112. 113. 114, 115. 116. Ly 118, 119. 120. 121. 122, 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128. 129, 130. 131. 132. 133, ILLUSTRATIONS. Currant Clearwing (4geria tipwiformis) Larva and Pupa of Currant Clearwing (.#ycria tipuliformés) Black Currant Stems damaged by Larvee of Currant Clearwing Garden Swift-moth (Hepialus lupulinus) The Ghost Moth (/fepialus humul?) Cordyceps entomorhi-a (a fungus on Hepialus larve) Egg-band of Lackey Moth Female and Male Lackey Moths Heart-and-Dart Moth (Agrotis exclamationis) Silvery Y-Moth (Plusia gamma) Winter Moths Life-history of Currant or Magpie Moth Riu theses eA Codling Moth (Carpocapsa pomonella) Diamond-back Moth (Plutella maculipennis) Cherry-tree Case-bearer (Colcophora anatipencllw) Raspberry Shoot-borer (Lampronia rubiella) The Pear-leaf Blister Moth Pear Leaf blistered by Cemiostoma satin Haltere of Fly A Mosquito (Theobaldia oe and Head of Mosquito Plumed Gnat (Chironomus plumosus) Larva and Pupa of a Cectdomyia Anchor Processes Wing of Cecidomyia Wing of Diplosis The Pear Midge Bibionidee A Sandfly (Simulium eenin Crane-fly (Tipula oleracea) Winter Gnats (T'richocera) Head and Proboscis of Tabanus autumnalis Ox Gad-fly (Tabanus bovinus) Hover-flies (Syrphide) Ox-warble (ypoderma bovis) Ox-bot Horse-bot Fly (Gastrophilus — Larva of Horse-bot Fly . Root-eating Flies : i 196 197 197 198 199 200 201 201 204 205 206 208 210 212 214 215 216 216 217 217 218 220 221 bp nN — lo De oO Www Nw ts Ny lw to te to te mF o bo oO 238 134. 135. 136. 137. 188. 139. 140, 141. 142. 143. 144, 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171, ILLUSTRATIONS, Onion Fly (Phorbia cepetorum) . The Cabbage-root Fly Card disc to prevent Egg-laying of ee Fly Wheat-bulb Fly. Mangold Fly (Pegomyia bete) Ova of Mangold Fly and Adult . Gout Fly (Chlorops teniopus) The Frit Fly (Oscinis frit) Carrot Fly (Psila rose) . Celery Fly (Acidia heraclet) House Fly (Musca domestica) Head of Stomoxys Sheep-tick (J/clophaqus waived. Larva and Pupa of Hen-flea (Pulex avium) The Hen Flea (Trichopsylla gallinw) Thrips 3 Hop damaged by a aa eas -heteroptera Cherry Aphis (AZy-us cerast) Woolly Aphis ; Plum Aphis (Aphis prunt) Female San José Scale i Male San José and Mussel Scale The Brown Currant Scale (Lecanium persice vy. ribis) . Apple-sucker (Psylla malt) A Snow Fly (Aleyrodes) . z ‘ Needle-nosed Hop-bug (Calocoris fulvomaculatus) Louse of the Ox (Hematopinus eurysternus) Migratory Locust (#dipoda migratoria) Female and Male common Cockroach (Blatta orientalis) Mole Cricket (@ryllotalpa vulgaris) Trichodectes spheerocephalus of Sheep Mallophaga or Bird-lice . Lace-wing Fly i Dragon-flies (schna grandis) . Silver Fish (Lepisma saccharina) Edible Snail (Helix pomatia) Two Transverse Series of Teeth from Radula of ree Shells of Lamellibranchs : . Xvil 239 241 241 242 243 246 247 249 250 252 261 269 270 Now wn 2 SIoSt ST OST OT O st or oo Ww 280 282 283 285 285 286 288 289 292 294 294 xviii ILLUSTRATIONS. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. Lei. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186, 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194, 195. 196. 197, 198. 199. 200. 201. 202, 203. 204. 205. 206. Common Calamary (Loligo vulgaris) Water-snails (Limncide) Grey Field-slug (Agriolimax agrestis) Testacella (7. haliotidea) Garden Snail (Helix aspersc) Structure of a Tunicate . Development of a Tunicate The Lancelet (A mphioxus lanceolatus) Diagrammatic Sections of an Invertebrate and adalat Skeleton of Horse Lumbar Vertebra Axis Atlas Skull of the ee Diagram of the Relations of ig Principal — of the Shen malian Skull Fore and Hind Leg of Horse Pelvic Arch ‘i General View of the Intestines of the Howe Diagram of Alimentary Canal : Theoretical, Longitudinal, and Median Section of re Cavity, to show Peritoneum Median Longitudinal Section of Head and oe Part of Neck of Horse Uro-Genital Apparatus of Male, with daisies, Generative Organs of the Mare . Diagram of the Circulation of the Blood Brain of Horse (dorsal view) Brain of Horse (ventral view) The Perch (Perea fluriatilis) Diagram of the Circulation in Fishes Development of the Frog Male Crested Newt (7'riton cristatus) Diagram of the Circulation in Reptiles . Pleurodont and Acrodont Dentition Head of Reptiles Blind-worm (Anguis fragilis) Feather of Bird . 295 298 300 301 302 308 309 309 311 316 317 334 347 364 207. 208. 209. 210. 21k: 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 207 218. 219. 220. 221. 222: 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 28. Head of Shrike 29, Ovum and Structure of a Fowl’s Egg 230. 231. 232. 99 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. ILLUSTRATIONS. Wing of Bird Skeleton of Fowl Skull of Fowl Pectoral Arch of Fowl Sternum of Fowl Pelvis of Fowl] (lateral view) Alimentary Canal of Fowl Ovary of Bird : Split-Swimming Foot of Grebe (Pediicenw: furiatilis) Foot of Raptorial Bird Head of White-tailed Eagle (Haliaétus albicilla) Skull of Duck i ‘ Head of Grey Lag Goose and Foot of Donvestte Goose . Skull of Duck Foot of Gallinaceous Bird Scolopacidee Skull of a Gull Skull of Owl Scansorial Foot, as seen in Wancinalkens and oe Foot of Passerine Bird (Wagtail) Skull of Raven . Section through part of Blastoderm (first day of edhe Transverse Section of Blastoderm, incubated for eighteen hours Transverse Section through Posterior Part of the Head of an Embryo Chick of Thirty Hours Head of Embryo Chick of the Fourth Day Ovur of Rabbit ‘ Diagram of Fcetal Membranes of a Mammal Vertical Section of Injected Placenta of a Mare Diagrammatic Section of Pregnant Human Uterus with con- tained Foetus Foetus of Sheep . Diagram of Parts of Foetal Horse Feet of Ungulata ‘ s Skeleton of Foot in various forms of Equide Section of Horse’s Incisor Tooth X1x 367 368 369 370 371 373 375 378 381 384 385 387 390 402 403 409 412 413 415 427 432 435 437 440 443 451 453 456 457 458 463 466 467 ILLUSTRATIONS. . Transverse Section of Horse’s Upper Molar . Teeth of Pig 245, . Stomach of Ruminant . Skull of Ram . Skeleton of Sheep . Median Section of Ox’s Head . Skeleton of Cow . Feet of Carnivora 2, Teeth of Dog, and Jaws . Bones of Toe of Cat Skeleton of Pig . Head of Rodent. . Skull and Shoulder Girdle of Mole 3. Skull of Hedgehog (Lrinaceus europeus) . Long-eared Bat (Plecotus auritus) 468 474 478 479 480 481 488 490 491 498 500 50] PARD I. ACHORDATA (INVERTEBRATA) CHAPTER IL THE CELL AND SIMPLE ANIMAL TISSUES. THE CLASSILICATION OF ANIMALS. Tue foundation of all living bodies is a structure called a cell. The cell is more or less the unit of life, and may even of itself constitute a definite organism. Most organisms are nevertheless built up of numbers of these cell units, numbers reaching into incalculable figures. In animals the cells lose their original form, whereas in plants their true symmetry is more or less retained. All the parts, then, of the animal (and plant) are composed of cells collected and joined together in masses, forming the various groups or tissues that constitute the bodies of animals. All animals originate from either a single cell (asexual repro- duction) or the unition of two cells (sexual reproduction). Tue CELL-STRUCTURE. The essential part of a cell is the protoplasm. This proto- plasm is a clear gelatinous substance which is found in all cells, both animal and vegetal. It has been described by Huxley as the “physical basis of life.” Generally protoplasm is partially enclosed by means of a constricting membrane, the cell-wall. The protoplasm of each cell is connected with that of the surrounding cells by minute strands passing through pores in the cell-walls. ‘ 4 THE CELL AND SIMPLE ANIMAL TISSUES. This living matter may also be observed in a naked or free state (Amebu). This all-important living substance is endowed with the powers of contractility and movement, and is subject to such external influences as light, heat, and electricity. Movement takes place by the protrusion of any part of its surface, the protruded parts being known as ‘ pseudopodia,” the rest of the protoplasm flowing in a wave-like manner after these processes. Inside the protoplasm of a cell is a body called the nucleus. The nucleus is composed of a more liquid part, the ‘‘ nuclear fluid,” and a more solid part, the ‘nuclear protoplasm.” The nucleus varies in form: sometimes it is round, at others oval, or again it may be elongated and twisted. : Both protoplasm and nucleus are surrounded, as a rule, by a definite layer, which more or less retains the contractile proto- plasm. ‘The essential part of the cell is the protoplasm, which has the power of independent movement, of metabolism, and of reproduction. All organisms that we shall deal with, except- ing the simple Protozoa, will be seen to be made up of numbers of these cells, which become united in various ways, and so form the animal tissues. We know that a cell always origin- ates from a pre-existing cell. The formation of one cell from another takes place chiefly by a process known as karyokinesis or ‘‘cell-division.” When a cell has received its full share of nourishment—that is, when it has reached maturity—its protoplasm commences to separate into two equal halves. This division is preceded by a corresponding separation of the nucleus, and then the whole cell splits into two cells. During this process of cell-division certain definite changes take place in the nucleus. This body at first is spindle-shaped ; its contents are drawn out into longitudinal strie, when the centre of these strim becomes thickened and forms an equatorial zone or “nuclear plate.” This “ plate” then divides, and each half travels to the poles of the spindle, which assumes a dumb-bell shape, then elongates, and the two nuclear FREE CELLS AND EPITHELIUM. 5 masses, the remains of the equatorial plate, become surrounded by a clear fluid. These form the two nuclei at the poles of the spindle. As soon as this has taken, place the whole proto- plasm constricts in the middle, and the cell divides into two. There are two other ways in which cells reproduce—namely, by “budding” and by “endogenous cell-formation.” ‘“ Bud- ding” is when one of the produced cells is smaller than the parent cell. In “endogenous cell-formation” we get the proto- plasm and nucleus of the parent cell, splitting up internally into a number of small bodies, known as “spores.” These are seen only in the lowest forms of life. The separation of groups of various cells leads to the forma- tion of the different tissues. Of tissues we make out two chief kinds—namely, vegetative tissues and animal-life tissues. The former carry out the nourishment and maintenance of the body; the latter are those tissues which are characteristic of animals, and whose functions are for movement and sensation. Of vegetative cell-tissues there are two divisions—(1) epi- thelial and free cells, and (2) connective tissues. The tissues of “animal-life” are (3) muscular tissue, and (4) nervous tissue. 1. Free Cells and Epithelium. (a) Free or wandering cells are those that are found floating in some fluid medium. The corpuscles of the blood and lymph v a, Of man; }, of goose; ¢, of crocodile ; d, of frog; e, of skate. (Nicholson.) Fic. 1.—BLoop CorruscLes OF VERTEBRATA. are excellent examples of free cells. In the invertebrate blood, which is normally colourless, will be found numbers of pale amoeboid bodies. In vertebrate blood these amceboid corpuscles are augmented with red blood corpuscles (fig. 1), round cell- discs which contain the colouring matter of blood—namely, 6 EPITHELIAL TISSUES. hemoglobin—a substance which plays such an important part in respiration. Besides blood and lymph corpuscles we find other isolated cells in the body, the ova and spermatozoa, which become detached as single cells from the epithelial walls of the male and female organs, the testes and ovaries. The form, especially of the spermatozoa, varies greatly : in most cases the spermatozoa have a long thread-like tail attached to the nucleated cell. (b) Epithelial tisswes consist of groups of cells, which in simple layers line the exterior and interior of the body surface. The internal lining is known as ‘‘endothelium.” There are four chief types of epithelium, each distinguished by the form of the cells—namely, (1) cylindrical, (2) ciliated, (3) pavement, and (4) glandular epithelium. The lower cells of these cell-masses retain their natural form ; but the upper ones may become hardened. Thick stratified layers of such cells occasionally become fused, and produce horns, nails, claws, hoofs, &c. Sometimes the outer walls of the epithelial cells are thickened, forming a “cuticle.” These cuticular membranes are perforated by small pores and also by larger passages: in these cuticular pores are placed the hairs and feathers. The cuticular secretions may form a hard shell or case for the organism, an exoskeleton, as seen in the Crustacea and Hexapoda. Glandular epithelium is that epithelium in which some cells secrete not a solid but a liquid substance. In the most rudi- mentary cases the gland is formed by a single epithelial cell, the secretion passing out by either a special opening or through the superficial membrane. Several of these cells may arrange themselves around a central space and pour their secretion into it; the gland then forms a blind invaginated sac opening to the exterior or interior by the neck of the whole glandular mass, From this simple gland a compound gland is built up by re- peated regular or irregular outgrowths. The terminal portion of each gland is converted into a duct in most glands, for the CONNECTIVE TISSUES. 7 earrying away of the fluid secreted. Some glands, however, are ductless or blind (spleen, &c.) 2. Connective Tissues are those which connect and surround other tissues, and act as supporting and skeletal structures. The presence of intercellular substance distinguishes this group. This intercellular matter is secreted by the whole of the cells which it surrounds, and is very variable both in consistency and in structure. One variety is known as fibrillar-connective tissue, in which elongated cells are embedded in a solid inter- cellular substance broken up into bundles of fibres. In liga- ments and tendons the fibres have a wavy outline, and are parallel in arrangement. When the fibrille are treated with acids, they swell up, and a second form, which resists these reagents, appears. These threads are elastic fibres, and may predominate so as to form elastic tissue, which branches and forms a network, sometimes of great strength, such as the lega- mentum nuche of the neck—the ligament by which the head of quadrupeds is held up in a horizontal posture: at other times they spread out, forming the so-called “ fenestrated membranes ” of Henle in the arteries. The two most important skeletal tissues are cartilage and bone. Cartilage is a true connective tissue, and may be distinguished by its spherical cells and gristly intercellular substance in which the cells are embedded. We can recognise three distinct kinds of this cartilage—hyaline, fibrous, and elastic. The cells of cartilage are placed in clear round spaces. Its varieties will be pointed out when we come to more special parts. Suffice to say here that it is found in both of the great divisions of the animal kingdom, and may even constitute the entire skeleton of some of the fish (Elasmobranchit). Osseous tissue, or bone, is hard and possesses a high degree of rigidity, through the intercellular substance being hardened by the deposition of carbonate and phosphate of lime, these salts constituting about two-thirds of the weight of bone. The cells (the bone-corpuscles) occupy spaces in this intercellular matter. 5 MUSCULAR TISSUE. Numerous canals (Haversian canals) run through the bone, con- taining blood- vessels and nerves. The calcareous matter is arranged in concentric rings round these canals, which begin in that highly vascular periosteal layer that circumscribes the whole bone and open into long spaces, the marrow canals, in the axes of the long bones. In all cases bony tissue is preceded by cither cartilage or other connective tissue. The two animal-lfe tissues are muscle and nerve. These can be detected in all animals save the very lowest forms, which are apparently nothing but undifferentiated protoplasm. 3. Muscular Tissue is contractile: the power of contraction is due, as has already been pointed out, to the protoplasm itself. By differentiation of the protoplasm of certain cells and groups of cells the power of contractility is brought to a higher state of efficiency, and a tissue, the so-called muscular tissue, is formed solely for movement. Muscle-cells during movement contract and expand. In some of the lower animals we find cells in which only part of the cell is differentiated into a muscle fibre. A stage further, and we find the whole cell becoming elongated and converted into a definite muscle fibril. Of muscle there are two kinds, the striated and the unstriated, The wnstriate? muscle is composed of flat, elongate, spindle- shaped bodies, which contract slowly and remain in a con- tracted state for some time. They seldom are more than g4> of an inch in length. They form muscles over which the animal has no control, and are thus called involuntary muscles. This variety is prevalent in the lower animals, but is also found in all high forms of life. Each such muscle-cell has a distinct nucleus. Striated or voluntary niuscle consists of multinucleated masses called primitive bundles. It is composed of long cylindrical fibres, about ;}9 of an inch in diameter in mammalian muscle, Most or all of the cell protoplasm is converted into a cross- striped substance, due to alternate double and single refractive NERVOUS TISSUE. 9 powers. This striped or voluntary muscle is under the con- trol of the animal will, and can contract with great energy. Almost the entire protoplasmic contents of the cells are con- cerned in the production of this voluntary muscular tissue. The cells become elongated into long fibres, the primitive bundles ; and the nucleus divides and forms numbers of nuclei, each fibre being surrounded by a membrane, the so-called ‘“sarco- lemma.” The sarcolemma is an elastic sheath. The primitive buudles also arise by the fusion of several cells. Muscular tissue, then, is cell-tissue modified for a certain definite object —namely, movement. There is certain striated muscular tissue called cardiac muscle, which forms the walls of the heart, and which is involuntary in action. Cardiac muscle is cubical in form, and has a little side projection from each area. 4. Nervous Tissue is found generally with muscular tissue. It forms the seat of will and sensation, and is the means by which stimuli are carried to the muscles to cause their move- ment. The nervous tissue is supposed to have originated from the ectodermal sense-cells found in the skin, and that, still re- maining united to the same, they have grown inwards, and have thus only in a secondary way become united to the muscle-cell, which is préma jfacte contractile. In nervous tissue there are two distinct elements—namely, nerve-cells and nerve-filaments— which have separate structural differences. Nerve-cells are found in the brain, in the spinal cord, in the so-called ganglia of the lower animals, &c. ; they are really central areas for the nervous stimuli. Each nerve-cell or gan- glion cell possesses a very distinct nucleus and nucleolus, and one, two, or more processes, when they are known as uni-, bi-, or multipolar ganglion cells. One root is always that of a nerve-filament. Nerve-fibres are of two kinds: one variety carries impulses —sensations—from the central organ (cells) to the peripheral organs,—these are called motor or secretory fibres; the other carries impulses from the periphery to the central organs, and 10 THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. are known as sensory fibres. In most cases the sensory nerves are united at their peripheral end with the so-called ‘end- organs” in the skin, &c., these end-organs being derived from the modified epithelial cells. Such are some of the modifications that are assumed by cells in the animal kingdom, The lowest animals, we shall see, possess neither tissues nor organs composed of cells, and yet each organism, although only a single cell, is complete in itself and reproduces a similar species. Tue DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. Living bodies are divided into two groups called “king- doms,” the one the Animal Kingdom, the other the Vegetable Kingdom. Although there are apparently great differences be- tween the two, yet when we come to examine the lowest animal forms and compare them with the lowest vegetal forms we shall observe so great a similarity that it is impossible to say to which kingdom they belong. In fact, there is no hard-and-fast line to be drawn between these two organic groups. Such lowly creatures as Plasmodium and Volvoxr are treated by botanists as plants, whilst the zoologist includes them in the Protozoa! It may be said, speaking generally, that animals are capable of free movement and that plants are fixed; but when we examine some of the simplest forms of life this distinction will be found untenable. Animals are endowed with sensation, plants are not, as a rule; but such plants as Drosera, Venus’s fly-trap, &c., surely have this phenomenon developed. Animals have their organs internal, their absorbent surface inside ; plants have external organs, and the absorbent surface also external. Yet the Tapeworms (Cesfoda) obtain their nourishment by osmosis through the skin. When we compare the tissues of an animal with the tissues of a plant, then we observe greater differences. The cells 1 ©A System of Medicine,’ vol. ii. Pt. ii., article by E. A. Minehin— “ Protozoa,” p. 17. 1907. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. I1 of the animal are altered in form, whilst those of the plant retain more or less their original appearance. The cell-wall, too, of the animal is nitrogenous, that of the plant is non- nitrogenous. But all this only applies to the higher plants and animals: it cannot apply to those unicellular forms, where, as we see in Ameeba, there is no cell-wall at all. It is often thought that we can tell a plant by its green colouring matter, chlorophyll, but not all plants have this chromatic substance in their tissues ; whilst, on the other hand, some animals—such as Hydra, Bonellia (one of the Worms), and some sea-anemones (Actinvzoa)—owe their green colour to the presence of this sub- stance. Cellulose is the substance that forms the cell-wall of plants, and is characteristic of the vegetable kingdom ; but we also find it in the “tests” or cases of those curious marine animals, the sea-squirts or Ascidians. In the higher animals a substance known as cholesterin is found: this was at one time considered a purely animal component, but we now know that it is also found in at least one family of plants, the Leyuminosw or Pea and Bean family. Generally speaking, animals are nitro- genous, plants carbonaceous ; but, as in the prior instances, this also will not invariably apply. There are no definite distinc- tions, then, between the animals and plants in regard to their chemical constituents. Perhaps the greatest differences are to be found in the metabolism of organisms. We cannot feed an animal on purely inorganic food, whilst, on the other hand, we can so feed a plant. Both must have salts and water; but whilst plants can be nourished with the addition of carbon dioxide and nitrates of ammonia, an animal must have nitrogen- ous and carbonaceous matter in some organic form and not in a mineral form. An animal absorbs oxygen and gives out CO, ; a plant exhales oxygen which is derived from the absorbed COg. Thus we see that there are differences between the plant and the animal, but that many of them do not invariably hold good. There are forms of life which we may fairly say bridge over the great hiatus that separates the horse from the grass upon which it feeds. 12 THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. Tus CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. ‘The old method of classifying animals was to divide them into two sub-kingdoms, known as the Invertebrata and the Vertebrata,—the absence or presence, respectively, of an in- ternal skeleton being the character upon which this division was based. Inwertebrates are those animals which have no internal skel- eton; but, of greater importance still, they possess no structure known as the notochord. The notochord is a primitive axial skeletal rod, found on the dorsal surface. In all invertebrate animals the nervous system is ventral—that is, it is always present on the lower surface of the animal; whilst, on the other hand, the hemal or blood system is dorsal, the ali- mentary canal or gut being situated between. Invertebrates may possess a skeleton, but it is always external (exoskeleton). Vertebrates, on the other hand, always possess a notochord, and nearly always an internal skeleton, composed of an axial rod, the vertebral column, besides the cranium, and an appendicular skeleton—the limbs. The vertebral column—the backbone— and the cranium enclose the central nervous system, which is always dorsal, whilst the nervous system in invertebrates is ventral. The hemal system— the heart—is placed ventrally,— that is, in the reverse position to that in which it is found in the former group. Just as there are intermediate forms between the animals and plants, so are there connecting links between these two primary groups of animals. A small fish, known as the lancelet (Amphiowus lanceolatus), found in the sands of the Mediter- ranean, has no proper internal skeleton at all, yet it has a noto- chord and dorsal nervous system. The groups of Ased//ans, or sea-squirts, are in their young stages distinctly vertebrates ; for the young so-called Appendicularia larva has a dorsal nervous system and an axial rod, but the adult Tunicate, as it is also THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 13 called, is distinctly an invertebrate animal with no notochord and a ventral nervous system. How, then, can we distinguish these from true vertebrates ? At no time do they possess a brain or cranium as we see in the higher animals. They are called, therefore, Acranda, to dis- tinguish them from all the other vertebrates, which are known as the Craniota. This was the most generally adopted primary grouping of animals, into Invertebrata and Vertebrata; but for many reasons a more recent classification has many advantages over it. This latter is based primarily on the cell-structure of the animal. By it the whole animal kingdom is divided into two primary groups, known as the Protozoa and Metazoa. The Protozoa are those animals of extremely simple organisa- tion, and whose bodies are composed of a single cell. The Metazow constitute a group that includes the majority of animals. These are built up, not of one cell or a few cells, but of countless numbers of cells, which form the complicated animal tissues—muscular, nervous, connective, &c. This divi- sion will be found to contain both invertebrates and vertebrates. The Protozoa form the first group of animals, the lowest organisms, single-celled creatures, which are, nevertheless, im- portant to us, as many of them produce diseases, such as liver- rot in rabbits, malarial fever, sleeping sickness, redwater in cattle, psorospermosis of the skin, &c., in man and his domestic animals. The multicellular animals, or Metazoa, are divided into the following groups, called classes :— 1. Coelenterata, or Jellyfish, Polyps, Sea-anemones, Corals, &c. 2. Echinodermata, or Starfish, Sea-urchins, and the nearly extinct Sea-lilies. 3. Vermes, or Worms. Mollusca, or Shells. 5, Arthropoda, or the Jointed-limbed animals, as Insects, Spiders, Scorpions, and Crabs, &c. The above are all Invertebrate Metazoa. The Sponqidw, or eS 14 THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. Sponges, may belong to this division ; but whether they are to be looked upon as colonies of Protozoa, or Metazoa, there is some diversity of opinion. They seem to present most affinities to the Metazoa, and should doubtless be included in the Inver- tebrate division of that group. 6. The sixth class of Metazoa include the Aseidians, Tunt- cates or Sea-squirts, the Amphioxus or Lancelet, and the worm- like Balanoglossus. These form the connecting group between the Invertebrate and Vertebrate Metazoa. The Vertebrate Metazoa are contained in five classes, namely— 7. Pisces, or Fish. 8, Reptilia, or Snakes, Crocodiles, and Lizards. 9. Amphibia, or Toads, Frogs, and Salamanders. 10. Aves, or Birds. 11. Manmalha, or Quadrupeds and Man. The above eleven classes of Metazoa may be grouped in two divisions, according to the absence or presence of a notochord. Those without a notochord are called Achordata, those with a notochord Chordata. The latter, again, are divided into Acrania and Craniota. The Acrania include, besides the Tunicates, the worm-like creature called Balanoglossus and the quaint little fish-like Amphioxus. These always have at some period of their life a dorsal nervous system and a notochordal rod which extends nearly the whole length of the body; but the nervous system, which develops as an open canal (another character common to vertebrate animals), never expands anteriorly into a brain. In fact, in general appearance Tunicates and Balanoglossus are in- vertebrates, while Amphioxus forms another stage higher, con- necting the lower animals with the Fish. Amphioxus has been described by Couch and others as a fish, The Cranzota, on the other hand, have the anterior end of the nervous cord enlarged into a brain placed in a cartilaginous or bony box, the cranium, and are supplied with an internal skeleton. The groups of animals, then, may be tabulated as follows :— PROTOZOA ACHORDATA = Invertebrata METAZOA CHORDATA = Vertebrata. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 15 Sarcodina. Mastigophora. | Sporozoa. Infusoria. Spongidr. Hydrozoa, Colenterata a { Actinozoa, Ctenophora, Echinuridee. Echinodermata . { asteride Holothuridie. Trematoda. Platyhelminthes {+ Cestoda. Nemertini. Nemathelminthes eer ann ala: Cheetopoda. Hirudiuca. Peripatus. . Tulide. Myriapoda . { Scolopendridx Malacostraca. Crustacea.) Entomostraca. Scorpionide. Arachnoidea . { Araneide. | Acarina. Arthropoda Coleoptera. Hymenoptera. Lepidoptera. Diptera. Insecta ° 7 \{ Hemiptera. (Hexapoda) Neuroptera. Orthoptera. Thysanoptera. . Aptera. Lamellibranchiata. Mollusea Gasteropoda. Mollusec (Proper) Pteropoda. 7 Cephalopoda, Molluscoidea { ee Hemichordata (Balanoglossus). ACRANIA -\ Urochordata (Ascidians). Cephalochordata (Amphioxus). Marsipobranchii. Elasmobranchii. Pisces .4 Ganoidei. Ichthyopsida Pee Ophiomorpha. Amphibia 4 Anoura. \ Urodela. Chelona: a Ophidia. . : Reptilia . Tncertitiat auropsida . Crocodilia. Ratite. CRANIOTA . Aves “4 Gavinatee Ornithodelphia= Monotremata. Didelphia =Marsupialia. Edentata. Sirenia. Cetacea. A Ungulata. Mammatia. . . ‘ Proboscidea. Monodelphia . Garnivora. Rodentia. Insectivora. Cheiroptera. Primates. 16 CHAPTER IL. PROTOZOA, OR SINGLE-CELLED ANIMALS. TuE Protozoa are the simplest forms of animal life: they are all of small size, of extremely simple constitution, and invariably unicellular. They are animals that have remained as simple cells, to all intents and purposes like the cell described in chap. i. Each cell is physiologically and morphologically complete in itself. Some forms of protozoa are simple drops of sarcode—protoplasm ; others have not only a definite cell- wall, but possess the power of secreting calcareous and siliceous shells. These shell-bearing species, or Foraminifera (fig. 3, iv. and y.), are present in myriads in the waters of the ocean, their “tests” or shells falling to the floor of the sea as the animals dic. Many of these tests are dissolved before they reach the bottom, if the depth of water be very great; yet millions of others arrive safely upon the bed of the sea, and there by slow degrees they form a layer of a white or creamy colour. Of such formation is the globigerine ooze on the floor of the Atlantic and also the radiolarian ooze,—protozoa of the genera Globigerina (fig. 3, v.) and Radiolaria taking the chief part in the formation of these two oozes respectively. Of ancient rocks we know that some of the Chalk has been formed in a similar way, by the slow accumulation on the sea-bed of these and other falling tests. Not only do we find that the Chalk in many instances is built up of these minute organisms, but also that their tiny shells SARCODINA. 17 represent genera existing at the present day. What countless myriads of these microscopic organisms must be present in the chalk rocks of our North and South Downs alone, when we consider that thousands go to the square inch. The Protozoa are divided into four classes: (1) the Sarcodina, (2) Mastigophora, (3) Sporozoa, (4) Infusoria. Sarcodina are protozoa in which the protoplasm is naked and which have no permanent organs of locomotion, but temporary processes called pseudopodia. Mastigophora are more or less of definite form, and have one or more permanent organs for locomotion or food capture in the form of flagella in the adult. Sporozoa are internal parasitic protozoa which have no organs of locomotion or for the capture or digestion of food. They reproduce only by some means of sporulation. Infusoria are provided with cilia for locomotary purposes. CLASS I. SARCODINA. Although Ameeha is specially referred to here it is only in its resting stage that the typical body form is realised, as Sarcodina are typically simple spherical bodies, such as the Radiolaria and Heliozoa, which float freely on the surface of water and have pseudopodia radiating from them in all directions. But in the Mycetozoa—semi-terrestrial protozoal masses which live on rotten tree-trunks, fungi, &c.—the protoplasm forms large creeping masses called plasmodia,—the latter including the well-known parasitic disease of Cruciferous plants, “‘ Finger-and-Toe,” pro- duced by Plasmodiophora brassiccee of Woronin. These Sarcodina are divided into five sub-classes, the Amcebea (fig. 2), the Foraminifera (fig. 3), the Mycetozoa, the Radiolaria, and the Heliozoa. We need only refer to the first here. B 18 AM(EBAA, Sup-Crass AMCEBZAA. They may again be divided into the Lobosa nuda and the Reticulosa. The former include the Amcebee (fig. 2). Ameba is a simple unprotected mass of protoplasm or sar- code, which may be found in damp earth and in water. In appearance it resembles a small speck of white, transparent, structureless jelly. If this speck is observed under strong magnifying power, it will be seen to move by throwing out little finger-shaped processes, the pseudopodia (Psu). This simple organism is apparently composed of two layers, a granular layer inside and a clear transparent layer on the outside: the former is known as the endosare and the latter as the ectosarc. These two layers must not be mistaken for two distinct membranes, for they are continuous, only certain granules collect towards the interior. When the pseudo- podia (Psu) are thrown out we shall see, if we watch care- fully, that the granules flow up the centre of the process as it elongates. Three other bodies are to be noticed in this minute creature : first, a small dark oval spot, with a clear border and permanent in shape, situated in the endosarc; this is the nucleus (), and it will be found to stain dark-red with picro-carmine. The nuclear substance or chromatin here is a single mass, but it may be divided into portions, yet it can always be distinguished from the body protoplasm or cytoplasm. here will also be seen contracting and expanding a clear space in the ectoplasm ; this is the so-called ‘“ pulsating vacuole” (rv), of which there are two in some forms of Protozoa (Parainreium). The pulsating vacuole is said to be an excretory organ, for uric acid and water have been extracted from these minute cavities. These vacuoles may be looked upon as both respiratory and excretory. Lastly, there are present a number of so-called “food vacuoles ” (Fv), spaces surrounding the particles of food ingested by the amecba, This proteus-animalcule is neither provided with AMCBAA. 19 mouth nor anus. The food can be taken in and expelled at any part of the body. This process can easily be watched if particles of indigo are placed in the water surrounding an amoeba: a speck of indigo will be found to be drawn to the protozoan by the pseudopodium, and then it can be watched gradually sinking into the protoplasm until it reaches the endosarc, where it remains whilst the substance (if an organism) is digested, the waste part being expelled through any part of the animal. The food consists of organisms still smaller than the amcebe are themselves. The granules in the endoplasm are regarded as stages in the upward or downward metabolism Fic. 2.—AMaBa (greatly magnified). i, Large specimen, showing structure. ii. A smaller specimen in process of division. iii, Later stage of ii. a and », nucleus; b and cv, contractile vacuoles; Fv, food vacuoles ; Psu, pseudopodia, (All greatly enlarged.) of the material of the body. Amoeba reproduces by the primitive method of “fission” or division. The nucleus of the amceba divides into two (fig. 2, ii. and iil, a), and one of these nuclei, surrounded by part of the original protoplasm, breaks off and floats away; thus one amceba\becomes two. 20 FINGER-AND-TOE, OR CLUBBING. This division may go on until one amcba has given rise to hundreds. But by degrees each amoeba becomes smaller and smaller, and they would eventually die out. To counteract this, what is known as “rejuvenescence” takes place. Rejuv- enescence is the union or conjugation of two amcebe, whose protoplasm unites together, together with the nuclei, forming one larger individual, which is again in a fit state to undergo once more rapid division. This conjugation is really a kind of primitive sexual reproduction, although there is, as far as we can see, no difference between the conjugating individuals. At least four species of amcebe are parasitic in man, and are spoken of as Extameha, two of these are of no special account, but the ALmeha col’ (Lésch), and the Amuha histolytiva (Schau- (linn), are. The latter is the cause of tropical dysentery, and is found in man’s intestines, and even the liver and kidneys. None are so far known to attack animals or plants. RETICULOSA. The Reticulosa are naked amoeboid forms with slender, fila- mentous, net-like pseudopodia. The well-known parasite of Finger-and-Toe or Clubbing belongs here. Fincer-anp-Tor, orn CLUBBING. (Plasmodiophoru brassie, Woronin.) This disease occurs in cruciferous plants, both wild and cultivated. It frequently causes great loss in turnips and cabbage. The roots of the attacked plants and rootlets will be found to be swollen and spindle-shaped and smooth, others as large gnarled masses. The attack commences in the young plants, from minute flagellule released from the countless spores in the soil entering the cells of the roots, where they MASTIGOPHORA. DE become amesbul, and are found, often several together, in the parenchyma cells feeding on the sap. The plant-cells mul- tiply and become abnormally swollen, and many hypertophry. Shortly the ameebule in each cell fuse together and become a plasmodium. Later the nuclei of the plasmodium break up into chromidia, part being destroyed, part reconcentrated to form generative nuclei. These divide by karyokinesis, and then the protoplasm collects around the nuclei to form small uninuclear bodies called gametes, which fuse in pairs. These zygotes then become surrounded by a tough wall to form round spores, which pass into the soil on the decay of the plant, and later give rise to the minute flagellule from which the attack originates. The plasmodium seen in the cells is a yellowish stringy slime, which may wholly or only partially fill the cell. By October this plasmodium has broken up into spores which closely pack the swollen cells. Prevention and Treatment.—It is very important after an attack to have as far as possible all cabbage stumps and all diseased material burnt. Land subject to this disease should be heavily limed, the lime being in as finely divided state as possible. As it only attacks cruciferous plants, ceasing to grow them on the land for two or three years will check it materially. CLASS IL MASTIGOPHORA. These have one or more permanent organs serving for loco- motion or for capture of food in the form of flagella in the adult stage. They are divided into four sub-classes: 1. Flagel- lata; 2. Dinoflagellata; 3. Cystoflagellata; and 4. Silico- flagellata. The family Trypanosomatide are the most important, and they belong to a division of the Flagellata known as Mona- didea, small protozoa of simple structure with one or more 22 MASTIGOPHORA. flagella. These parasites are the cause of Sleeping Sickness in man, of Nagana or Tsetse disease in stock, of Surra in horses, the Mal de caderas and the Dourine of horses. Trypa- nosomes (fig. 4) are specially characterised by possessing an un- dulating membrane. They are more or less spindle-shaped, and along one side runs the undulating membrane. Near one end of the cell is found the micronucleus or centrosome. The flagellum arises from this body and runs along the free edge of the membrane to the other end of the cell, and continues on as a free flagellum, but it may end with the termination of the undulating membrane. The true nucleus or macro- Fic. 3.—MastTIGOPHORA AND FoRAMINIFERA. i. Buglena. ii, Cercomonas intestinalis, iii. Polytoma, free and encysted. iv. Textularia. v. Globigerina. (Greatly enlarged.) nucleus is placed near the middle of the body. In the genus Trypanoplasma (Lav. et Mesn.), the centrosome is large, and there are two flagella, one at each end of the body. With but few exceptions Trypanosoma and Trypanoplasma are blood parasites, and occur free in the blood plasma, never within blood corpuscles. All the latter are blood parasites, but some of the 7'rypanosomes may be found in lymph and other serous fluids. Large numbers of these protozoa occur in the blood of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, &ec., but most are not MASTIGOPHORA. 23 harmful to their hosts. Some, however, are markedly patho- genetic, including the following :— Trypanosoma brucei (Plimmer and Bradford), producing Nagana in horses and cattle in Africa; TL. equiperdum (Doplein), the cause of “Dourine” in horses ; T. evansi (Steel), the “Surra” of horses and cattle ; T. equinum (Voges), the agents of “ Mal de caderas” in horses in 8S. America ; L. gambiense (Dutton), the parasite of Sleeping Sickness and Gambia Fever in man in Africa; and L. cruz (Cruz), which produces “Basilero” in man in 8. America, L. brucei occurs as a natural parasite in wild game, such as Fic. 4.—a, A Trypanosome. xv, A Spirochete. (Greatly enlarged.) buffaloes, antelope, &c., in Africa, and does no harm to them ; in 8. America 7. equinum is a natural parasite of the Capybara, but directly they get to horses and cattle their evil effects are felt. Trypanosomes have a secondary host, which is an inverte- brate, which acts as an intermediary between the vertebrate hosts, with one exception—namely, 7. equiperdum—which is said to be transmitted by means of coitus. The intermediate host. of these parasites of terrestrial verte- brates are blood-sucking insects, Tsetse-flies (Glossina), in Africa, and a Bug (Conorhinus megistus) is known to be the secondary host of Basilero. The secondary hosts of the parasites of aquatic vertebrates are leeches. Reproduction is sexual and asexual, the sexually differentiated 24 SPOROZOA. forms— 7.., male and female—may, however, multiply by fission. The three types become fully differentiated only in the inverte- brate host. ‘lhe males are of more slender form than the females, and have a longer free flagellum. Parthenogenesis occurs in the females. The sexual forms conjugate: this may take place in the blood of the vertebrate, but it is abortive. True maturation takes place in the gut of the invertebrate host. Spirochutw.—These are closely related to the former, but they resemble very minute slender threads, wavy or spirally twisted in form, and have a narrow undulating membrane, but no flagella (fig. 4, B). There are several important parasites in this group: one, 8. obermeteri (Cohn), produces human relaps- ing fever in Africa, and is carried by Ticks; another, 8. gallin- aru (Marchoux and Simond), produces spirillosis in fowls in S. America. European relapsing fever is apparently carried by the Bed Bug (Ctmer), Fowl Spirochetes especially by Ticks of the genus Aryas. CLASS IIL SPOROZOA. Another very important group of protozoa parasitic in both vertebrate and invertebrate animals is the class of Sporozoa (fig. 5). These protozoa are capable of producing serious pathological disturbances, often leading to death. There are three orders in this class. The order Greyarinoidea are only parasitic in invertebrate animals, and need no further notice. Another order of Sporozoa are called Coceidiidw, which trans- form themselves into egg-shaped zoosperms by the formation of a capsule and the production of several large spores from their vranular contents. The third order are the Hremosporidea. Discase-producing Sporozou.—Four well-known maladies are produced in birds, animals, and man by these low forms of life —namely, coceddivsis, or “liver-rot,” in the rabbit ; psurvsper- THE COCCIDIIDEA. 25 mosis of the skin in many animals, and especially birds—the so-called “canker” of pigeons; pdroplasmos?’s in cattle, dogs, &e., such as Redwater and East Coast fever in cattle; and malignant Jaundice in dogs; and the Malarial fever of man. THE COCCIDIIDEA. These are parasitic in the epithelial cells, and always with distinct alternation of generations—namely, endogenous non- sexual schizogony and exogenous sexual sporogony. ‘The epi- thelium most usually attacked is that of the gut and the liver. Coccidiosts is a common complaint affecting the liver of the Fic. 5.—Coccipium ovirorMeé or Rapert’s Liver. After Balbiani. a, b, ¢, Young Coccidia in epithelium of liver; «, e, f, encysted adult Coccidia ; q-l, development of sporoblasts ; m, mature sporoblast, showing the two falciform bodies ; 2, the two spores separate ; 0, a falciform spore—y, its nucleus. (From Par. Dis. Ani., Neumann.) rabbit, and is produced by the species known as Coceddium oviforme (fig. 5). This sporozoan is ovoid when adult, and enclosed in a double-contoured shell from 30 to 50m long and from 20m to 28 broad. These extremely minute bodies become 26 THE COCCIDIIDEA. encysted, when we observe that their protoplasmic contents separate away from the cell-wall and form a central round or oval mass (/). Both adult and encysted stages may be freely detected in the liver, in the white and yellow patches which are characteristic of the disease. Now if we collect numbers of these encysted forms and place them on damp sand in a warm temperature, we shall soon observe by microscopic examination that the central protoplasmic ball splits into two and then four (g and h). This is a kind of segmentation or division, the round bodies being known as “‘sporoblasts.” These sporoblasts elongate, expand at each end, and are seen to be surrounded by a thin membrane, within which is also seen a granular lump. Each of these “sporoblasts” really contains two spores, the falciform spores (0), described in a typical sporozoon—in fact, the so-called sporoblast is a pseudo-navicella. Each falciform body gives rise to a little flagelloid creature. This form migrates from cell to cell of the animal’s liver, encysting and producing more spores, and so rapidly increasing the area of the disease. It is supposed that these sporiferous cysts are carried with dust, &¢., and hence get taken into the mouth with food, eventually reaching the liver. The sporocyst ruptures through the action of the pancreatic juice, the gastric juice having no effect upon them, and the sporoblasts appear; these latter burst and discharge the spores or falciform bodies, which become active, and are said to ascend by the ductus chole- dochus to the epithelium of the liver and bile-duct. Here the germs, having entered some of the hepatic cells, cause these cells to rupture, and they may even destroy the walls of the bile-duct itself. They finally encyst, pass out into the intestine, freed by the breaking up of the tissues in which they are embedded, and so out to ground by the anus of the diseased animal. Their presence causes the liver to swell. They are detected by the creamy cystic areas, varying in size from a millet-seed to that of a pea. They are often so abundant that the cells of the liver atrophy, and cheesy-like masses appear not only in the PIROPLASMOSIS. 27 liver substance but in the bile. These prurigerous masses on microscopic examination are found to contain numbers of coc- cidia. It may possibly be taken for tuberculosis unless carefully examined. The walls of the intestine may be invaded as well as the liver. HMospPorRIDIA. These protozoa have an alternation of generations correspond- ing with an alternation of hosts: the non-sexual stage is passed in the blood of a vertebrate, the sexual sporogonous stage in the gut of an invertebrate. They are all parasites of the blood of animals and man, and have risen into great prominence from the fact that they are the cause of malarial fevers in man and the devastating cattle diseases, such as East Coast fever, red- water or Texas fever, and the fatal malignant jaundice of canines. The malarial fevers are carried by several species of mos- quitoes belonging to the Anopheline, the cattle and canine fevers by Ticks. Only two genera of Hemosporidia need be mentioned here— namely, Plasmodiwm, which contains the malarial species, and Piroplasma, which contains the animal fever parasites. PIROPLASMOSIS. This latter genus contains several species parasitic in the blood of mammals (fig. 6). These species are so closely related that they can scarcely be distinguished from one another, save for the fact that they occur in different hosts. The diseases these blood parasites produce are spoken of as piroplasmoses. In acute form the chief symptom is hemoglobinuria, caused by the destruction of the red blood corpuscles. Redwater.—This is one of the best-known diseases caused by Piroplasme. It is also spoken of as Texas or Southern fever in America. This is caused by the parasite Piroplasma bigemina (Smith and Kilborne). The species producing European Red- water is the same. The parasites occur during one period as 28 PIROPLASMOSIS. pear-shaped bodies in the blood corpuscles, 13 to 1:5 yw in length, and in this species two occur in each corpuscle. They may appear as rod-shaped bodies. Free forms also occur in the blood and sometimes a flagellate form. They increase in the blood corpuscles by binary fission. Animals with these para- sites may be immune, but their blood injected into other animals will cause the disease. Relapses also take place. The intermediate hosts of this disease are the Ticks (Ixodes ricinus) and (Lhiporephalus (Boophilus) annulatus). The malignant jaundice in dogs is caused by Piroplasma canis, the East Coast A. B. c. D (PF) “=D J E F é. Fic. 6.—PIROPLASME. A ton, Piroplasma bigemina. Ring forms a B; pear-shaped forms ¢ and p. E and «& 9 1 § 4 > , Piroplusme canis in blood corpuscles. F, Parasite free in blood. (Greatly enlarged.) fever by P. parvum, another is found in the horse, P. equi— all these have intermediate Tick hosts (vide Ticks). For in- formation concerning other forms, such as P. parvum (Theiler), the parasite of East Coast or Rhodesian fever, the P. canis, causing malignant jaundice in dogs, and P. equi in horses, the student is referred to Professor Minchin’s recent work on Protezoa.1 1 An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa. By E. A. Minchin, M.A. 1912. INFUSORIA. 29 Mauaria. The malarial fevers, our old Fen ague, are produced by species of Plasmodium (Marchiafara and Celli) ; other species also occur in mammals and birds. In all cases the agents of transmission are mosquitoes or Culicide ; in the human malaria only Anopheline Culicide can carry the parasites. There are three species (1) of Tertian fever (P. vivam), (2) the quartan parasite (P. malari), and (3) the pernicious or tropical species (P. immaculatum). One marked character of these is that they produce a black substance called Melanin. The parasites are injected into man’s blood by the Anopheline mosquito, and then enter the red corpuscles, feed, grow, break up into spores, and destroy the corpuscles; the spores enter other blood cor- puscles, and so the fever is set up. The Anopheline, whilst taking man’s blood, injects the parasites with the saliva, and the insect at the same time obtains other forms from the blood, and a male and female stage is formed in the insect. The male throws off portions which conjugate with or fertilise the female parasite, which then wanders into the walls of the stomach and later, on the outer wall, grows to a great size and eventually breaks up into a large number of elongated spores, which enter the salivary glands of the mosquito. In man, therefore, we get asexual spore-formation (schizogony), in the mosquito sexual generation ending in sporogony. CLASS IV. INFUSORIA. The Infusoria are Protozoa which are provided with cilia for locomotory purposes. They have also a vegetative macro- nucleus and a generative micronucleus. At one time the Flagellata were included in this class. There are two sub-classes—(1) Ciléata and (2) Suetoria. In the first the cilia occur during the whole active life of the 30 INFUSORIA. adult, but are not found when they are encysted. In the second, cilia are only present during the larval stage, their place being taken by suckers and tentacles. None of the latter are parasites on metazoa. The Ciliata are the most complex of the Protozoa, and several occur as parasites in metazoa. In form they are typically ovoid, one pole being directed forwards in swimming, whilst in creeping species the body is flattened ; others, as the Bell Animalcule (Vorticella), are fixed by a stalk. They are of definite form, the body being enclosed by a cuticle. In this cuticle is an opening, the cystotome or mouth, and there may be a definite anus or rytopyge. The mouth is merely a pore passing through the ectoplasm. Ciliata reproduce by fission or budding (gemmation), and also when encysted by sporulation. Parasitic forms encyst when out of their host, and then can remain dormant until taken up by another host. Those that are parasitic occur in the digestive tract and other internal cavities, but never as tissue Fic, Tie as Beg cece parasites. There are four orders— is Avantnaniae a eaRUe ce (1) Holotricha, in which the cilia contractile vacuoles; p, peristome are of even length and spread all (Stein). From Par. Dis. Ani., Neumann.) over the body; (2) the Hetero- tricha, in which a special adoral zone of larger cilia is always present; (3) Hypotricha, which are creeping forms and flattened (not parasitic); and (4) Per?- tricha, which are fixed forms like Vorticella, without locomotar cilia, Balantidum coli (fig. 7) is one of the Heterotricha. It is found in the rectum, &, of pigs and man. These white ciliata are found as free-swimming bodies in the rectal matter. INFUSORIA. 31 They pass out on the dung and encyst. When food becomes soiled by excrement they are taken into the alimentary canal. Another species, B. minwtwim, has also been recorded in man. Enough has been said of this group of simple animals, the most rudimentary forms of animal life that exist, to show that they are of some considerable importance, not only to the farmer and poultryman but to man in general, and that a knowledge of their habits and life-histories is not only of interest but of very great economic value to us. CHAPTER III. SPONGES, CQRLENTERATES, AND ECHINODERMS. Sponcip.£ on PorIFERa. A SPONGE is a compound structure of true animal nature. It is composed of contractile tissue, which is supported by a skele- ton of hard spicules or fibres. In past ages sponges were thought to be plants, but their true animal nature has long since been demonstrated. The simplest form of sponge is represented by a fixed cylindrical tube, with an exhalant opening, called the osculum, at the free end. The contractile wall of the cylinder is supported by rayed spicules, which may be calcareous or siliceous and of very variable form : it is perforated by small pores, known as inhalant pores, which lead into ciliated internal chambers. In these ciliated chambers are found cells lining the cavities peculiar to the Sponge. Such cells are called “collar cells,” each being provided with a long cilium and a distinct nucleus in the lower part of the cell. The reproduction of sponges is much more advanced than in the Protozoa. True ova are found in the layer of tissue known as the mesoderm, or middle layer. These ova go through a process of cell-division known as seymentation, a process henceforth to be observed in all the following groups of animals. The single cell, the ovum, at first divides into two, but, unlike the protozoan, it does not separate : then by further division four cells are produced, then eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two! Eventually there is formed a free- CCELENTERATES. 33 swimming body, a larva, which is composed of a number of cells ciliated on the exterior. This larva is called an amphi- blastula, which, after leading a free aquatic life, eventually settles down, and, fixing on to a stone on the floor of the sea, becomes gradually metamorphosed into a sponge. Most sponges are marine; a few, however, are fresh-water — one common form, Spongilla fluviatilis, being often abundant in our streams. CQ@LENTERATES, Ceelenterates include the Jellyfish, Sea-anemones, and Corals, These marine animals have regular consistent tissues. The cells of which they are built up have lost their original form, and have become sorted out into different groups, each with their special functions, the various groups forming the tissues of which the animals are built up. In the outer layer of cells (the skin or epithelium) there are found in all Ccelenterates, more or less highly developed, certain cells that are known as “ thread- cells ”—cells that are modified as weapons of offence and defence, being endowed with stinging propensities. Each of these cells, or “cnidoblasts,” is provided with an internal barbed thread. When the cell is touched, this thread, like a flagellum of one of the Protozoa, is darted out and enters the skin of the prey or enemy, carrying with it a certain amount of poison, which produces the curious stinging and even paralysing sensation we experience when a jellyfish settles upon us when we are swim- ming in the sea, The amceboid cell-unit here loses its individ- uality. Amongst these Ccelenterates we find two chief types, the so-called Medusa or Jellyfish and the Polyp. These two totally different animals are one and the same, the medusa being a sexual form of the asexual polyp. There is thus produced a most remarkable phenomenon, known as the alternation of generations—that is, the alternation of a sexual and an asexual form of the same creature. Cc 34 ECHINODERMATA. The class Coelenterata contains the Corals (Acténozoa), Dead- men’s Fingers (Octactinia), Sea-anemones (Hexactinia), the polypoid and medusoid Hydrozoa, and the Ctenophoru. A polyp is a simple tubular body fixed at the posterior end and pierced by an oral opening at the free end, the mouth being surrounded by a circle or several circles of tentacles. Polyps may reproduce by male and female cells —spermatozoa and ova—or by budding. All colonial forms are produced by the latter process. A medusa or jellyfish is free-swimming, and consists of a flattened or arched gelatinous disc, that we so often see floating on the top of the sea. From underneath this disc there hangs down a stalk, the manubrium, at the free end of which opens the mouth. Tentacles may be de- veloped around the mouth and edge of the disc. Here in the medusa we find that the distinctly defined mouth leads into a canal that runs up the stalk and enters a cavity in the disc, the stomach, from which canals run out to the edge of the disc, where they form a circular canal surrounding it. A medusa may be compared to a flattened polyp. In the hydroid polyp stock reproduction takes place by budding, so that the individual colony increases ; but every now and then a modified bud forms—a medusoid bud—in the place of a polyp. This bud breaks off and floats away as a medusa, which becomes sexually mature, producing ova: these ova hatch into free- swimming larve that settle upon some rock or stone, when each larva turns to a polyp which creates a colony by repeated gemmation. Thus we get an alternation of a fixed asexual and a free sexual generation. Ecuinoperms. Starfish, Sea-urchins, and Sea-cucumbers are united into one class known as the Evhénodermata. All these animals are marine. They are characterised by their radial symmetry. They have generally a hard calcareous exoskeleton, which may ECHINODERMATA. 35 bear calcareous spines. Within the tests are placed the fully developed alimentary canal, and the water-vascular and repro- ductive organs. The starfish, &¢., reproduce sexually. ‘The Fic. 8.—Take Common Starrisu (Uraster rubens) From Nicholson. ova produced give rise to curious larval forms, quite unlike the adult, The group must be summarily dismissed here, as they are of no importance to the agriculturist, except in the case of the starfish (fig. 8), which are sometimes employed as manure, the so-called “ five-finger”” manure, in neighbourhoods near the coast. 36 CHAPTER IV. WORMS. PLATYHELMINTHES OR FLat-Worms. Worms are most variable in form, habits, and structure. They are of great interest, owing to their often complex life-histories. To man and his animals they are often deadly enemies, giving rise to such serious and often fatal diseases as Filariasis, Trichinosts, Miner’s Disease, Strongylosis, and Twniosis. Nearly every animal harbours one or more vermiceous guests. Some seem to occasion little or no inconvenience to their host, whilst others, if not fatal, are most annoying. Some live as parasites in the blood (Hematozon), others in the alimentary canal (Tapeworms), others in the liver (Flukes), and even in the eye (Filaria ocults). There are also worms, such as the earth- worms, that are of the greatest service to man, helping to fertilise the soil. Worms may be found in a great variety of places. Large numbers are marine ; others live in fresh water ; yet others upon land, in damp earth, moss, and in excreta. It is, however, those that lead a parasitic existence, living in some other animal or plant, that we shall have to consider most fully. Worms are bilateral animals with unsegmented or segmented bodies. They never possess any jointed lateral appendages, such as we shall see in the group (Anthropoda) that includes the insects and spiders. A dermal muscular system is de- veloped, and there are present paired excretory tubes or canals. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF WORMS, 37 The bodies of worms are typically elongated, cylindrical, and soft, adapted to live in damp media. We can always dis- tinguish a dorsal or upper and a ventral or lower surface. Some worms are flat, and are known as Platyhelminthes ; others are round, and are called Nemathelminthes: these round worms are never segmented.