Cornell University Library Practical tree repair; the physical repai PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR ge cavity arg ral Q 5 Excavatin PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR THE PHYSICAL REPAIR OF TREES—BRACING AND THE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND CAVITIES BY ELBERT PEETS NEW YORK McBRIDE, NAST & COMPANY 1913 Copyright, 1913, by McBripe, Nast & Co. Published, October, 1913 TO MY FELLOW STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION ECAUSE this book is a pioneer in its field, and because many popular misconceptions exist as to the nature of that field, and its relation to others, it may be well to state at the very be- ginning what the subject-matter is, of which the book treats. This is not a book on forestry, be- cause forestry deals only with large tracts of wood- land, the reproduction of forests, and the harvest- ing and marketing of timber. Men who con- cern themselves with the welfare of individual trees in towns and cities ought not to call them- selves foresters — they are, or ought to be, ar- boriculturists. This book deals with one division of the science of arboriculture. It has nothing, or but little, to say concerning the planting, fertil- ization, pruning, or spraying of trees, all of which are important parts of the arboriculturist’s work. It is devoted entirely to the prevention and repair of physical injuries to the framework of the tree, such injuries as are caused by wind and ice-storm, the ignorance or carelessness of men, the attacks of boring insects, and of that silent destroying host, the rot-producing fungi. In a general way the field that it covers is the i il INTRODUCTION work often spoken of as “ tree-surgery ” or “‘ tree- doctoring.” Both of these terms have been re- jected by most reputable arboriculturists for the reason that they produce in people’s minds an an- thropomorphic idea of a tree which is fatal to a correct understanding of a tree’s nature and a tree’s needs. A tree is a living thing, but it is not a human being and it is not an animal. The reasons for operating and the methods of operat- ing upon trees and upon men are as entirely dif- ferent as plants and animals are different. To say the contrary betrays ignorance of both king- doms. There is no good reason why we should take over a word which already has acquired a definite meaning and apply it to quite a different group of facts and processes. ‘To do so is bound to produce confusion of thought. Although our knowledge of tree repair is now fairly considerable, it is by no means complete. There are a great many questions, both of princi- ple and practise, about which keen differences of opinion exist among experienced men. Old methods have given way to new ones, and the process promises to continue. The new methods spread but slowly, and judgments as to their value differ. Inevitably, then, some readers of this book will find in it recommendations with which they cannot agree. Others will detect omissions. The writer will be extremely glad to exchange let- INTRODUCTION ili ters with any readers who will be so good as to give him the benefit of their ideas and their ex- perience in the field of tree repair. Some readers, to whom this book is an intro- duction to the work it describes, may at times feel that its directions are too general, and its state- ments too often qualified. A brief practical ex- perience will show them the necessity for a certain degree of generality. No two trees are alike. In order that directions may not be misleading, they must often leave much to the judgment of the operator. To make the book of positive practical value the author has overcome the extreme delicacy of so many writers in glossing over the names of man- facturers and their products. It is his honest con- viction that in giving the results of his experience that his statements should be put in the most straightforward manner possible, without the con- cealment of a single detail that may be valuable or helpful to his readers. He has no logs to roll but merely the desire to educate. During the preparation of the book the writer has received valuable help from many people. Mr. M. H. Horvath of Cleveland, landscape architect and consulting forester, and Mr. John Boddy, city forester of Cleveland, have answered many enquiries, and Mr. Boddy has furnished the originals of several photographic illustrations. iv INTRODUCTION Dr. G. E. Stone has also furnished photographs, and has been so good as to spend much time ex- plaining his interesting experiments and the work of his students at the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Mr. A. T. Hastings, Jr., City Forester of Jersey City, has very kindly supplied photo- graphs. To these, and many others, the writer gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness. CHAPTER I II III IV VI VII VII Ix XI XII XIII XIV CONTENTS A PROGRAM FOR SAVING THE TREES THE TReEE’s STRUCTURE AND MANNER OF GRowTH . . WounpDs AND THEIR TREATMENT . Borinc INSECTS AND THEIR CONTROL . Rot-FuNGI AND THEIR Work . THE VALUE AND FUNCTION OF FILLING ‘TREES THE FILuinc oF CavitTieEsS—MATERIALS AND TOOLS . GENERAL MetuHop or FILLING CavITIEs . THE Various TyPEs OF CAVITIES . Tue TREATMENT OF CAVITIES WITHOUT FILLING . BrAcING THE PREVENTION OF WOUNDS AND CaAvI- TIES . wl THE TRADE OF TREE REPAIR Nores ON THE VARIOUS SPECIES BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE 10 23 52 71 86 - 102 119 - 159 . 177 . 198 . 217 + 233 . 239 . 263 ILLUSTRATIONS Excavating a large cavity . . . . . Frontispiece "AGE Decayed maple before and after excavation. . . 4 The same tree reinforced with rods and wire and filled with concrete . . . . . . . . 16 Wounds caused by lawnmowers . . a « « 26 ‘Wounds caused by horses gnawing the bark . - . 26 Frost-crack in black oak «ww ww wee 8G Oak tree with large bark wound. . . . . . 44 Cross-section of maple affected by white heart-rot . 72 Cross-section of damaged oak. . 1 ww we Fruiting bodies of white heart-rot fungus . . . 80 A tree that isnot worth filling . . . . . . 98 Cavity in the base of a white oak filled with concrete 114 Linden excavated and bolted, ready for filling . . 134 Cavity in large red maple. . . . . . . . 156 Linden on Boston Common, treated according to the open system . . . . . . . . . . 186 How an iron band constricts the tree. . . . . 202 Small cavity in white oak filled with concrete . . 226 Ash tree with large cavity correctly treated with zinc 236 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR CHAPTER I A PROGRAM FOR SAVING THE TREES HE welfare of trees is now a subject of universal interest. Our cities are grow- ing so big that it is not so easy as it once was to get out into the woods, and every bit of green is a relief from the glare of the city pavements. Around the city, too, suburbs are reaching out into the country, greatly increasing the value of the land, and in even greater proportion, the value of the trees standing on the land. The spreading meadow oak which ten years ago shaded the farm- er’s cows and escaped his ax only because its hollow bole gave little promise of fuel, has now become the priceless glory of some surburban garden. The old “ maple bush” is now a well-kept park. But the trees have not been treated with the consideration justified by their increased value. Their fellows have been cut away, exposing them suddenly to wind and sun. ‘Their roots have been I 2 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR chopped off in digging roadways and cellars; the soil-water level to which they have become accus- tomed has been lowered by deep drainage pipes. Barren soil has been piled over their roots, rob- bing them of the air which is just as essential to them as water. Graders, teamsters, builders, and telephone men have treated the trees as their con- venience suggested, tearing out their roots, bruis- ing their bark, tying guy-wires to them and lop- ping off their branches, as if they were the dead and worthless things which, by the time the new suburban home is turned over to the owner, they too often are. Is it any wonder, then, that in most of our suburbs half the large trees are de- cayed and dying? Out in the open country the conditions in the tree world are often much the same, though for different reasons. A good many groves, for in- stance, are now in existence solely by virtue of the fact that the trees in them are all decayed. I know of several beech woods in which every tree is hollow, for the simple reason that ten or fif- teen years ago all the sound trees were felled for timber. Over-pasturing wood-lots has also ruined many beautiful groves. The cattle pre- vent the natural forest reproduction and compact the soil so that it dries out quickly, and the old trees can no longer make a vigorous yearly growth, and can no longer resist the attacks of A PROGRAM FOR SAVING TREES 3 their mortal enemies, the bark and timber borers and the rot-producing fungi. It is obvious, then, that we are facing peculiar conditions, and conditions which call for a con- sistent line of attack. We must adopt a practical program. Such a program calls for three lines of procedure: First, to see to it that our young trees are so planted and protected and attended to, that they may grow up to be healthy and perfect specimens. Second, in the case of old trees which are still sound, to see to it that they are properly nourished and cared for, and painstakingly protected from accident and decay. Third, in the case of old trees which are dis- eased and weakened, to make every effort, justi- fied by the probabilities of success and the value of the trees, to repair them and restore them to health and strength. The first and second provisions of this pro- gram are much more important than the third. Yet the third seems to be occupying a more prom- inent position, at least in the public eye, than the other two together. The reason, of course, is that “tree surgery,” with its spectacular operations, has caught the popular attention, while those processes which aim at warding off decay and pre- serving health, with their less immediate results, have not made so great a popular appeal. 4 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR The history of the treatment of wounds and cavities in trees is of slight importance, but is still of considerable interest. Although it in all probability dates almost as far back as does the cultivation of fruit trees, the writer has not happened to stumble on any but the most meager references dating from earlier than the end of the Eighteenth Century. What might be called the modern history of the art begins, very regrettably, with charges and denials of quackery. Mr. William Forsyth, for many years king’s gardener at Kensington, whose name has been immortalized in the form Forsythia, about the year 1800 dis- covered that a mixture of such plebeian materials as cow-dung, lime, and wood-ashes was a sovereign cure for wounds, and he even claimed that by its use “holes in trees may be brought to such a degree of soundness that no one can know the new wood from the old.” Skeptics appeared and many open letters were hurled back and forth. Contemporary continental books on fruit growing described more promising dressings, and the systems of wound treatment they laid down were surprisingly sound in principle. An Englishman, Wm. Pontey, in his ‘ Forest Primer,” 1805, equals most modern writers in his grasp of basic principles. He advocates making pruning cuts close to the trunk, as is now universally done, and insists that cuts must be allowed to dry before they “(9T aSed Surovyz aqyjd vas) Aytg assaf FO Jaysoroy AWD ‘ssunsey “L “VW JO UOTIILP IY} dapuN dsUOpP SEAM YIOM IY, “UOTVABINS Jaq}P PUL I10}9q ajdeu patesaq A PROGRAM FOR SAVING TREES 5 are painted. Holes he suggests draining and filling with dry sand. The mouth he would plug with wood. ‘‘ The plug should be driven so as to be level with the inner bark; as, by that means, Nature’s efforts would not be obstructed in grow- ing over it.” The ‘“ Forester’s Guide,’’ published in Edinburgh in 1824, contains a description of the care of wounds which proves that its author, Robert Monteath, knew nearly as much about that subject as we do to-day. Skipping a few years, we find some interesting notes in Count Des Cars’ ‘“‘ Pruning of Forest Trees,” which was first 1865 and was translated from the French by Prof. C. S. Sargent. Des Cars’ main theses were the importance of cutting close in removing limbs, and the value of severe pruning in restoring old trees. But he has something to say about cavities. As he is dealing with trees as timber, it is only relatively small wounds which interest him. These, he says, should be thoroughly cleaned and painted with tar and the opening plugged with wood. With this start, the development of modern methods was easy. During the early period, we must not forget, trees were repaired mainly for their timber value. Trees which were badly decayed did not have sufficient value to make it worth while bothering with them. The fact that timber trees were being operated on also had an 6 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR important effect on the choice of materials for filling. Timber trees obviously must not be filled with anything which cannot be sawed or chopped through. Pontey doubtless meant his dry sand to be drained out before the log was sawed. It is doubtful if Des Cars’ method can be improved on for timber trees. When, however, in this country, the increase of wealth in the latter part of the last century greatly increased the value of shade trees, these restrictions were removed. Large holes were filled oftener than small ones, and men naturally began to fill up holes in trees, just as they would fill up a hole in a wall, with the only strong material ready at hand which could be fitted to an irregular shape — that is, with bricks and mortar or with concrete. Thus logically grew up the modern system of filling with concrete, a material which is just now being displaced, in part at least, by asphalt. The present condition of the “tree surgery” business is in many respects unfortunate. In the first place a large part of the men who practise it in a small way have not the least idea of the structure of trees, the nature of decay, or the cor- rect principles of treatment. They claim that every filling will soon be grown over, and yet they build out their concrete fillings so far that no callus can form over them. They paint cavities with tar to keep out the spores of fungi (or “ germs,” A PROGRAM FOR SAVING TREES 7 as they call them) and then they drive nails into the wood, opening up a hundred little cracks, ideal resting places for spores. Sometimes they put elaborate filling into one side of a tree and com- pletely neglect an incipient bark decay on the other side, though that decay may girdle the tree and kill it in a few years. The large “tree surgery” and “ forestry” companies have at least a more intelligent idea of what they are trying to do, and most of their men are experienced and skilled in their trade. They have a tendency, however, to concentrate their efforts upon the conspicuous cavities, neglecting the smaller but not less important injuries. They do their work at great distances from their head- quarters, and their work does not often receive that skilled yearly care which is essential to its ultimate success. The most regrettable feature of all has been that the “ tree surgeons,” enthusiastic about their art, and familiar with scarcely any other phase of arboriculture, have advised the fill- ing of almost every diseased tree about which they have been consulted, regardless of expense or of the tree’s ‘‘ expectancy of life.”’ Every effort has been made to surround the work with an air of mystery. It appears that some mysterious inner harmony between the doctor and his arboreal patient is a prerequisite to successful treatment. As a result of these con- 8 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR ditions, laymen frequently form (as they are intended to) an exaggerated idea of the impor- tance of tree surgery and the certainty of its re- sults. With their vision thus distorted they frequently rely too completely upon the filling of cavities, when, perhaps, the same money might be better spent in enriching the soil and planting young trees. The remedy for this entire state of affairs lies in a more widespread understanding of the aims, methods, and limitations of cavity work in trees. It lies in a saner estimate of the comparative values of the various branches of arboriculture. The remedy, in other words, is to carry out, effectively and consistently, all three provisions of the program which has been outlined, instead of giving our attention mainly to the least important of them. It means that the public, the officials of cities and towns, landscape architects, arboricul- turists, and the tree-men and gardeners who actu- ally handle the tools, must cooperate in carrying out the whole program. And more than any- thing else, we need a greater number of — and a greater appreciation of — well-trained, all-round arboriculturists, men who know trees, how to plant them and how to keep them in health and protect them from danger throughout their lives; men capable of giving owners of trees rational, un- biased advice, and of seeing that it is effectively A PROGRAM FOR SAVING TREES 9 executed. And we need skilled arboricultural workmen in every city and town. The purpose of this book is to help all of these groups to do a kind of work which has to be done, and done well, in carrying out effectively each of the three provisions of our arboricultural pro- gram — the prevention and treatment of wounds and the physical repair of trees. It aims to lay before the tree owner, or the man who is responsible for the welfare of trees, the informa- tion he needs for undertaking this kind of work himself, and which he needs no less if he is to hire, intelligently, men to do the work for him. It is also intended to serve as a handbook for those who now practice, or may take up, the work of tree repair as a profession. CHAPTER II THE TREE’S STRUCTURE AND MANNER OF GROWTH HERE is no necessity, in a book of this character, for going deeply into the in- teresting sciences of tree morphology and tree physiology. It is, however, quite essential that a simple account be given of the nature of arboreal life, and especially of those points in the tree’s structure and manner of growth which make possible the physical repair of trees. An under- standing of these basic principles is just as necessary to the man who would repair trees as a thorough knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is necessary to a physician or a surgeon. All three do their work by virtue of certain natural laws, which they must know well before they can effectively use them. And, aside from the mere utility of such information, the effort required for its acquirement is repaid a hundredfold by the interest it adds to every day’s work in the trees and every walk in the woods. The word tree, like many other common words, is not easy to define, but it will probably be safe to 10 STRUCTURE AND GROWTH II say that we usually understand by it a sizeable, self-supporting, woody plant with a single stem. Trees have a definite place in the vegetable world. They are plants which, in order to get light and moisture, lift their leaves higher in the air than the average, and push their roots deeper and wider in the soil. This is the ruling principle which has controlled the development of trees, and which has made them as successful as they have been in their struggle against their plant competitors. It has controlled almost completely their shape, struc- ture, and manner of growth. So great is the height to which they must attain in order to over- top their herbaceous and shrubby rivals for light, that so much growth cannot be produced in a single season. ‘The growth must be cumulative, lasting over from one season to another, and must be strong and elastic, so that it will support large leaf-surfaces high up in the air. The tree must spread out, too, as well as go up, for in that way it can get the greatest amount of light and can save for its own use the nutriment and moisture in the soil below it, by preventing evaporation and the growth of other plants. As it grows higher and wider every year, gaining a greater and greater advantage over its competitors, its framework must become proportionately stronger and stronger. In other words, its trunk and branches must grow. The roots must spread farther and 12 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR grip the soil more firmly every year, so they, too, must grow. Now growth can take place in two ways. A thing can expand or grow from within simultane- ously in all its parts, as a dry sponge grows when it is dropped in water, or it can grow by addition to its outer surface —be built up. Some plants, such as corn and the palms, grow in the first way; the rest, including all the northern woody plants, grow in the second way. The second is obviously the better way for the development of a frame- work combining economy with strength and easy “ srow-ability,” because the light and strong tis- sues are so firmly woven and cemented together that expansion, or growth throughout the stem, is practically impossible. The trunks, branches, and roots of our trees, then, are growing each year by the addition of a layer, completely covering them, of new wood. The frame of a tree not only supports the foliage but also acts as a circulation medium be- tween the roots and the leaves. The roots absorb water and mineral salts from the soil, and this crude: fluid passes up to the leaves, where a small part of the oxygen and hydrogen in the water are combined with carbon dioxide taken from the air, and where, by use of the energy of the sun’s light, the green “ chlorophyll bodies ” in the leaves combine these simple elements into complex ‘com- STRUCTURE AND GROWTH 13 pounds known as carbohydrates (sugar and starch), which, dissolved in water, make the di- gested sap. It is this digested sap which alone can produce growth and can furnish the living cells with the nourishment they need while they are growing and multiplying. Even the roots depend for the material of their growth upon this digested sap from the leaves, the crude fluid they absorb from the soil being of no nutritive value. There are thus two streams normally flowing through the trunk. One, flowing up, is of crude sap from the roots, and the other, flowing down, is of digested sap from the leaves. ‘These streams flow through separate concentric regions in the tree’s trunk. What has already been said about the wood of the trunk being added to from the out- side ought to give us a hint that the region carrying the digested, growth-producing sap, is the outer — and such it is. With these general principles in mind, let us glance at a cross-section of a young oak trunk. Three concentric rings are at once noticeable, the dark corky bark on the outside, the heartwood in the center, and the lighter sapwood between them. But more important to us than any of these is a fourth ring, a very inconspicuous, soft, moist layer between the bark and the sapwood. This is the cambium layer. The cambium layer is the great fact to the man 14 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR who is doing tree repairing. If an accident occurs, his first thought is of the cambium. If he is mak- ing an incision or filling a cavity, one eye must be constantly on the cambium. He must learn all its wills and won’ts, what it does and how it does it, what can be done to it and what can not. Cross section of the trunk of a tree For the cambium is the only growing part of the tree (besides the young leaves and the tips of twigs and roots) and if growth is to be made the cam- bium must make it. It is the vital, growing cam- bium which each year lays on a thin, strong layer of new wood over the whole surface of the frame of the tree, which builds out a tough shield of bark to protect itself and the wood beneath it. It is the STRUCTURE AND GROWTH 15 cambium which heals wounds and covers over cavities. More specifically, the cambium is a layer of cells lying between the wood and the bark of the tree, which, under proper conditions of temperature and nutriment, have the power of growth and division; that is, of producing new cells. Most of the new cells produced by this multiplication are deposited either on the wood which is inside the cambium, or on the inside surface of the bark, which is out- side the cambium, and these cells quickly lose the characteristics of cambium cells and become special- ized wood or bark cells. They of course no longer have the power of growth or division, and in that sense all the cells in the trunk except the cambium cells and the innermost bark cells, which in many ways work with the cambium, are dead. Leaving the cambium for a time, let us glance at the other regions of the trunk. The sapwood has for its function the conveyance of water (with small amounts of minerals dissolved therein) from the roots to the leaves. ‘The sapwood (of the roots as well as of the trunk and branches) also acts as a storehouse in which digested food is laid up over winter. The principal effect of the re- moval of sapwood from the tree is that the water supply of the leaves is cut off. The heartwood has no physiological function, though it may help the sapwood a little at lifting 16 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR water. ‘The great importance of the heartwood lies in its resilient strength as a support to the crown of the tree. It is just as dead in the tree as it is when it is cut up into boards and built into a house. It can be removed from the tree by man or by fungous decay without the least injury to the tree, provided the strength it represents is not needed, or can be supplied in some other way. The bark is made up of cells produced from the cambium or a sort of assistant cambium called the phellogen: In rough-barked trees the bark is added to from within in annual layers. The pres- sure generated by this constant addition from with- in, added to that caused by the annual increment of the wood itself, causes the outer layers of the bark to break in irregular fissures, and ultimately to slough off in plates and flakes. In the smooth- barked trees a different method is pursued. The beech, for instance, has but very little corky bark, most of the apparent bark being live ‘‘ phloem ” tissue, which meets expansion by itself growing and expanding, thus preventing the formation of fur- rows in its surface. The sole purpose of the bark is to protect the cambium and wood. It is in the cambium, as we have seen above, that the digested sap from the leaves circulates about the tree and passes down into the roots. Cambium cannot live without some of this sap, and cannot produce thrifty growth without a plentiful supply 3}21DU0D YIM pal[y pure AIM PUR Spot YW Padtofutod “F ased Surovy azejd ul uMoys jvy} sv datz olues oY, STRUCTURE AND GROWTH 17 of it. Insomuch as the main current of sap is from the leaves to the roots (and in spring from the roots to the young growing twigs, for the sap which supplies them with the materials of growth is mostly stored over winter in the roots), it is obvious that cambium that lies in this circuit will be best nourished and grow fastest, and that patches of cambium which for any reason lie aside from the main thoroughfares of sap circula- tion will receive least sap and will produce the least growth, and that patches which are com- pletely isolated will of necessity die. These facts govern the making of incisions and the healing of wounds in trees. A careful study of the healing of wounds is an excellent preparation for making incisions, which are only purposive wounds. Suppose we cut a small limb from a tree, fol- lowing the practice of good pruners by making the cut very close to the trunk. The result will be an oval or egg-shaped wound with the cambium of the trunk showing near its outer edge. The sap in the cambium tends to flow in the direction of established paths and in the direction of least pressure. The exposed cambium around the edge of the cut being such an area, it will re- ceive a large flow of sap. The unconfined cells will multiply rapidly. As a result of this rapid growth a fold or lip will be thrown out from the 18 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR region of the cut cambium layer all around the wound. It will press firmly against the cut sur- face, covering and protecting it. A cross-section of this callus will show that it is structurally like other parts of the trunk, a layer of bark enclosing a thin layer of cambium, beneath which is the sap- Vertical section through a pruning wound and the first, fourth, and seventh years subsequently, showing growth of callus wood, though the wood of a callus is harder and more closely woven than ordinary wood. Every year a new layer of wood will be deposited on the callus by the callus cambium, and before many years the wound will be completely covered. The callus does not, of course, actually coalesce with the cut surface, but merely rolls over it. As wood is added to the inner edge of the fold, the bark which is under the lip, so to speak, is pressed against the cut surface, and if the limb were sawed STRUCTURE AND GROWTH 19 in two through the callus a thin layer of dead or dormant bark would be found beneath the callus, dividing it from the surface it has spread across. During the healing process we will usually dis- cover that the callus grows most rapidly at the Normal callus growth around Diagram of the flow of sap oval wound about an oval wound sides of the wound, more slowly at the top of it, and most slowly at the bottom. ‘The reason for this is indicated by the accompanying figure, which is a diagrammatic representation of the flow of sap through the cambium around a wound in the trunk. The sap tends to flow in a fairly straight line. The greatest flow is past the sides of the wound. Less comes to the top of it, and the 20 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR lower edge is in a sort of back-water, where it gets but little nourishment. In some cases, as often on the oak, these differences are not so dis- tinct. The effect of the tendency of the sap to flow in continuous vertical channels is well illustrated by the results of the way sap has of flowing by an irregular bark wound. Suppose that a patch of bark of the shape indicated in the diagram is torn from a trunk, and that the ex- posed cambium dies. What will happen is obvious enough. The tongue B (see draw- An te bark wound ing), being entirely isolated from the flow of sap (which, it must be remembered, is normally downward), will soon die back to the dotted line. The tongue A will probably die, but that is not so certain, for projections from the upper edge of a wound stand a better chance of getting nourish- ment. Calluses will of course be formed at the sides of the wound. On the basis of these observations, we can formulate a general rule for the shape of incisions. STRUCTURE AND GROWTH 21 The ideal incision is egg-shaped or oval, with the longer axis lengthwise of the trunk or limb in which the incision is made. As it happens, this is the shape of the wound usually made in cutting off a limb close to the trunk. It is highly desir- able that the incision be as narrow as possible, but its height, or dimension lengthwise of the trunk or limb, is not so important. The flow of sap is uw fh Mf Mi iis ii Ha Mel Four incisions in trees, the one at the left being the most dam- aging and slowest to heal; the one at the right least damaging and quickest to heal not much more seriously interfered with by a cut six inches wide and three feet high, than by one of the same width only one foot high, and will heal as quickly. In some trees, especially apples and beeches, the bast fibers are often laid on in gentle spirals around the trunk, indicated out- wardly by the fissures and ridges in the bark. In such cases the incisions should follow the direction of the fissures. The proper location of incisions, when choice can be exercised, is as important as shaping them correctly. When there is a vigorous ridge in the 22 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR trunk, standing out like a flexed muscle, connect- ing a large limb with a principal root, it is obvi- ously undesirable to cut across it. Removing the cambium would rob the root of its due supply of digested sap, and removing the sapwood would cut off the water supply of the limb above it. In the same way, a wide incision should not be made just above a thrifty root, nor just below a large limb. In case a series of holes must be cut into a tree in order to remove decay, it is probably best to cut one directly above another, or, if the tree is twisted, in a spiral. By that arrangement there is a minimum of interference with the flow of sap. There is considerable likelihood, how- ever, that the bark between the incisions will die, in which case it should be cleaned away, and the exposed wood should be painted. CHAPTER III WOUNDS AND THEIR TREATMENT OUNDS are perhaps the most frequent pri- mary cause of the decay and death of trees. The vast majority of the destructive rot- producing fungi can make their entrance into the framework of the tree only through wounds. We shall discuss these decays at greater length in an- other chapter, but it is essential that, at the very outset of our study of practical tree repair, we clearly understand the danger which lies in wounds. By wounds I mean all exposed surfaces of wood, all interruptions in the normal bark covering. Wounds are not simply esthetically displeasing, marring, for instance, the fine texture of the bark, nor do they merely interfere more or less seriously with the physiological processes of the tree. Wounds are breaches in the tree’s great wall of defense, its bark, laying the precious treasures of its wood open to the unresisted attack of its thousand omnipresent enemies. If you come upon the brown shelf-like fruiting bodies of certain rot fungi in the woods on a bright day in fall, you will see coming from their lower sur- 23 24 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR faces little clouds of brown dust. Each particle of this fine dust is a spore which has the power to grow and cause decay and to reproduce the mother plant. How certain it is, then, that every wound in a tree will sooner or later become infected by some tree disease, and that every wounded tree is a tree in danger. There are two general purposes or principles which govern the treatment of wounds. We must handle wounds in such a way as, first, to pre- vent the entrance of decay and of insects, and, second, to facilitate their healing. The first pur- pose is of more immediate importance, on account of the slowness of the healing process, which often cannot take place at all if decay precedes it. The second is, however, of great ultimate importance, because healing entirely obviates the danger of in- fection and helps the tree physiologically and physically. The materials used in disinfecting and treating wounds will be considered first, and then the dif- ferent kinds of wounds trees receive most often, and the way each kind must be handled. To keep insects and fungi from entering through them, wounds must be covered with some kind of protective dressing. Many different ma- terials have been used for this purpose. Just at present the matter of wound dressings is coming to be a subject of careful investigation by arbori- TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 25 culturists. There is a strong tendency to ques- tion the value of materials which have long been accepted as effective. ‘Take paint and tar, for instance. Men who have much to do with shade and orchard trees are constantly coming upon old wounds, apparently painted or tarred with care when they were made, which are now dotted with the exit holes of borers, and netted with season checks. The wood at the surface of the wound may seem substantially sound, but a blow with an ax discloses the decayed and crumbling wood within. In spite of these facts the general teach- ing has been that nothing more is needed, in treat- ing a wound, than a dressing of paint or tar. The permanence of the dressing on the surface, even after the decay has slipped by it into the tree, has retarded the discovery of the actual ineffectiveness of paint and tar. It may be answered to this that paint and tar are not at fault, but rather the way in which they are used. ‘That is in large part true. A wound- dressing, even the best, is not a charm, and must be carefully applied and renewed if it is to be permanently effective. It is also true that there are many kinds of paint and of tar. It is no less the purpose of this discussion to point out the right use of the old materials than it is to describe the new ones. The man who can knock out the general idea that a wound is dressed mainly for 26 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR the sake of appearances, as people are, will do more good than the inventor of an improved preparation. Any discussion of dressings for wounds must be prefaced by a determination of the things the dressing is to be called on to do and of the in- fluences which tend to prevent the proper dis- charge of its functions. The dressing is put on the wound in order to prevent weather, insects, and fungi from getting at the exposed wood. The weather does but little harm per se, but it is the invariable advance agent of fungi. To be good, a dressing must cover the wound completely, bridging such small cracks as there may be in it, must take tenacious hold on the wood, weather well, and not crack or separate from the wood. It must, in addition, be fairly easy to apply, and must if possible be cheap. That it is hard to find a satisfactory dressing is largely due to the kind of surface to which it is applied. Because the surface to which it is ap- plied is usually moist it is hard to make the dress- ing adhere, and because the surface is sure to check it is hard to get a permanent covering. Painting a wound in a tree is absolutely unlike painting a piece of seasoned timber. It is sometimes sug- gested that the dressing ought to prevent evapora- tion and the checking of the wood, but in practice it has been found that no dressing will prevent the ' SPUNOM aArIssadINS IBAOD O}F SIIMOWWUML] AQ pasned yoeaq vB fo asvq ayy Je spunoAA x sj ya pajywadar apeur sey yey} 99.14 TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 27 checking of fresh-cut wood. The wisest thing to do is not to try to put on a permanent dressing until the first checking has taken place. A heavy dressing will then retard further checking and may not be fractured by such checking as does occur. The various materials which have some value as applications to wounds can be divided into two groups: those which sterilize the wound and cause the death, through their fungicidal properties, of such spores as fall on the wound while the ma- terials persist, and those materials which fill and cover the wood, permanently preventing the access of spores to it. Some of these last have inci- dental antiseptic qualities. To the former class belong all sprays used against fungous diseases, such as solutions of copper sulphate and the lime-sulphur wash. Whenever trees are sprayed with a fungicide the nozzle should be held for an instant against each wound, and the trunk should be sprayed as care- fully as the bearing wood. ‘The copper solution is made by dissolving an ounce of copper sulphate in a gallon of water. Other antiseptics of value in dressing wounds are corrosive sublimate, dis- solved in water at the rate of two ounces to fifteen gallons, and formalin, one ounce to two gallons. The antiseptic materials used in wood preser- vation are also of value in treating wounds. Foremost among them are coal tar creosote and 28 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR carbolineum, which is also a coal tar product, distilled off at a higher temperature. Creosote comes in several consistencies, the heaviest of them requiring heating. A so-called creosote is made from the tar which is a by-product of the manu- facture of water-gas from petroleum, but it has no antiseptic value. In buying creosote demand a guarantee that it is distilled from coal tar. Two safe brands, besides carbolineum, are the “ Let- teney ’’ wood preservative, sold by the Northeast- ern Company of Boston, and the “ C. & A.” creo- sote. Carbolineum has been the center of much controversy. Some observers claim it never hurts the bark or living tissue of the trunk, while others can prove that trees have been killed by it. Until it is determined under what conditions it is safe, the manufacturers warn against the application of carbolineum to the bark or to the sapwood close to the bark. To large surfaces it can of course be applied without danger, and for such purposes it has great value, as it penetrates very deep, espe- cially if it is heated. Creosote and carbolineum, both of which, by the way, are commonly carried by paint dealers and cost from sixty-five cents to a dollar or so a gallon, do not actually fill the wood in the sense that paints do, but they make the wood impervious to water and immune from the attacks of insects. The reason why they cannot be considered as com- TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 29 plete dressings is that they do not to any extent prevent the checking of the wood, even when they are frequently renewed. They cannot in any way fill or bridge over cracks. Checking continues, though slowly, for an indefinite period. Ulti- mately, the cracks get so large, if they are not covered over, that water gets into them and, freez- ing, tends to break out bits of the wood, thus ex- posing the unimpregnated inner regions. For this reason chemical preservatives, as distin- guished from dressings which produce a mechani- cal covering, have not proved successful perma- nent applications for wounds. Of these materials which do actually fill and cover the wood, paint is probably the most used. Pure white lead and linseed paint makes a very good dressing for moderately small wounds, espe- cially if the wood is dry when the paint is applied. Its effectiveness is much increased if a second ap- plication is made after the first checking has taken place. Paint seems especially suitable for ordi- nary orchard practice, where the wounds are not large or inaccessible and healing is fairly rapid. It would not do to ignore Prof. Bailey’s judgment in such a matter. ‘‘ My conclusion is,” he says, “after having had the question in mind for a decade, that a heavy application of lead paint is the best all-round dressing for common pruning wounds.” ‘The tree repairer, however, has often 30 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR to deal with quite different affairs from ordinary pruning wounds. Suppose a large wound is painted. In a year or two season checks form in the wood and the inelastic paint fractures. Bor- ing insects find little crevices in which to deposit their eggs. The larve burrow back and forth in the wood, returning as adults to the wound to emerge. At the surface the paint may stop them temporarily, but the strong jaws of the insects soon break it down. Each hole thus left, with a moist mass of sawdust extending back into the wood, is an ideal germinating bed for fungus spores. In four or five years more the wood is quite rotten, large cracks appear in its surface, ants and other insects have free access. Soon the wound is beyond any cure but a more or less ex- pensive cavity treatment. Repeated observation of this process has lead the writer to conclude that a single coat of paint is a positively dangerous dressing for large wounds, concealing, as it does, the disintegration which goes on underneath it almost as rapidly as if the wound had not been dressed at all. A very permanent dressing is the plastic ce- ment used by slaters. It is applied in a thick layer with a spatula. It does not become hard nor crack if it is properly made. It has no anti- septic quality and must be preceded by an applica- tion of carbolineum. It is probable that the use TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 31 of slaters’ cement will become more common as the method of making two applications, one for sterilization and one for protection, is more widely adopted. Dr. G. E. Stone tells me he has had good success with the brand manufactured by the W. F. Webster Cement Company of Cambridge, Mass. Slaters’ cement has the advantage of be- ing very inexpensive. Grafting wax is too expensive and adheres too imperfectly to entitle it to a place as a regular dressing, but the liquid form has important special uses. It is the best thing to apply to fresh wounds, because it does not in the least injure the cambium. The wax can be made at home accord- ing to the recipes to be found in Bailey’s ‘“ Horti- culturalist’s Rule-Book,” or it can be bought, cost- ing about forty cents a pound. To make liquid wax of the ordinary kind, heat it and mix about half its weight of alcohol with it. It may be well to give Bailey’s recipe for “ Lefort’s liquid graft- ing wax.” “Best white resin, one pound; beef tallow, one ounce; remove from the fire and add eight ounces of alcohol. Keep in closed bottles or cans.” Next to paint, tar has been the material most commonly used as a dressing for wounds. There are several different kinds of tar. To dispose first of the undesirable ones, the material known as “coal tar paint’’ is merely a solution of some 32 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR kind of asphaltum in benzine and has no value as a wound dressing. It does not spread thickly, dries brittle, and is rapidly dissolved by water. Pine tar, or pitch, is rather expensive, not very convenient to handle, and in no way superior to coal tar. A special warning should be sounded against those forms of tar which are hard and brittle at ordinary temperatures and have to be melted to be applied. Such are sure to chip off and be unsatisfactory. Coal tar is the material intended wherever the word tar is used in this book. It is one of the residuums from the distillation of bituminous coal in the process of making coal gas. Coal tar is sometimes called gas tar, but that expression ap- plies also to a by-product of the manufacture of water-gas out of petroleum. That sort of tar has no preservative value and should not be used on trees. In buying tar for that purpose the only safe way is to get it from, or trace it from, a gas works producing gas from coal. In case of doubt have the dealer sign a guarantee that the tar is wholly the product of the destructive distillation of bituminous coal. Tar makes a very good dressing if it is carefully applied and if not too much is asked of it. It is at its best when heavy applications are made in winter, when it usually needs to be heated, to dry and not too large surfaces. It is absorbed by a TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 33 transverse cut and is then to a certain extent sub- ject to the drawbacks attendant on the use of such materials as creosote. It does not adhere well to moist surfaces, blistering up easily. On large wounds it must be frequently renewed. For in- stance, the writer once had to treat a large bark wound in an ironwood tree. The exposed wood was dry and sound, though rather deeply cracked. He applied at intervals of a week or two, during the summer, four thorough coats of tar. The conditions were ideal for a perfect job. Four years later there were numerous holes through the tar where insects had escaped and there were even cracks through which the wood was visible. This does not prove that tar is not a valuable dressing. It only shows that in this case four years was too long to wait before renewing the protective cover- ing. That is the great point about the use of tar. It must be renewed at frequent intervals. How long those intervals can be depends upon circum- stances. If a thorough second coat is given rapidly-healing pruning wounds up to say six inches in diameter, a year after the first coat, they can usually be left to heal without further atten- tion. Larger wounds should receive a second coat the year after the first one and every second year thereafter, until checking absolutely ceases and a heavy impervious layer of tar is formed over the whole surface. 34 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR For the little odds and ends — petty injuries and quickly-healing wounds—a thorough daub of tar is quite sufficient. But the strong color and staining quality of tar must not be permitted to lead to careless work with it. It must be flowed on with a full brush, and every particle of the sur- face must be covered. Observation of the poor results obtained from the use of paint and tar, in the way they have been used, has naturally brought about a search for better materials. A number of “ pruning paints ” have been put on the market and many others are being tried on a small scale. The Ohio Experi- ment Station has undertaken a systematic study of the various dressings. “These experiments are hardly likely to result in the discovery of a better material than good coal tar, properly applied and renewed. But, as a matter of fact, tar dressings are not properly renewed, and these efforts to dis- cover a material which does not require frequent renewals are thoroughly justified. They have, indeed, already given us several dressings which are superior to tar in this important respect. The new materials are mostly forms of asphalt. Asphalt is a fairly pure solid bitumen resulting from the natural or artificial distillation of petrol- eum which, like western petroleum, has an asphalt base, as contrasted with those forms, such as our eastern petroleum, which have a paraffine base. black oak on the grounds of the Harvard Observatory in Frost crack TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 35 Natural asphalt comes largely from Trinidad and Venezuela. Artificial or residual asphalts are dis- tilled by several firms, notably Byerly & Son, of Cleveland, who call their product ‘ Byerlite.” The Barber Asphalt Company markets natural asphalt in many forms. ‘The most generally use- ful solid form is their bituminous cement No. 143. The writer prefers it to the artificial forms. Both cost thirty dollars a ton. The solid forms of as- phalt can be used just as they come, being melted for use. ‘There are serious difficulties, however, about applying hot preparations to tree wounds, particularly if the wounds are high up in a tree. Most forms which need melting, also, dry too brittle to be perfectly effective. To avoid these drawbacks, the asphalt is usually fluxed with some liquid in which it will dissolve, just enough of the solvent being used to bring the mixture to the proper consistency. Many substances are used for this purpose, including gasoline, petroleum oils of various consistencies, linseed oil, and other vegetable paint oils. The mixture can be bought ready made or can be made by the user. The most available com- mercial products are various water-proofing com- pounds, used in laying water-tables in masonry work. The heaviest of these materials should be chosen, and those should be avoided which are fluxed with gasoline or benzine, for the resultant 36 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR coating is brittle and soluble. There are a num- ber of compounds of asphalt made especially as tree dressings. The one with which I have most acquaintance is ‘‘ Hoyt’s Tree Varnish,” a solu- tion of asphalt in a permanent compound paint oil. It is an extremely good preparation, being thick, tough, and elastic. It has the drawback, though, of costing about a dollar a gallon. The same dealer (C. H. Hoyt, of Cleveland) puts up a water-proofer which he will mix especially for tree work, such as painting cavities, and sell at about forty cents a gallon. A number of pruning paints are advertised in the gardening magazines. These asphalt preparations are, in general, not dificult to make. Simply melt the asphalt, take the vessel containing it a short distance away from the fire, and stir in the proper amount of the fluxing oil. Highly inflammable gases are pro- duced during the mixing, especially if a mineral oil is used, and that is the reason for getting away from the fire. Practically any form of asphalt can be used in making these preparations. The writer has found the Barber cement he has mentioned in many ways the most satisfactory, though the arti- ficial asphalts give very good results. Further experiments may fix on some one form of asphalt as the best. As a solvent, there is little reason for choosing TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 37 the expensive paint oils over the cheap mineral oils. Linseed oil does not result in so permanent a dressing as does mineral oil. At the suggestion of Mr. John Boddy, City Forester of Cleveland, the Standard Oil Company has put on the market a special asphalt solvent, under the name “ Varno- lene.” It costs about eighteen cents a gallon at Cleveland. It is not easy to give definite directions as to the proportions to be used of solvent to asphalt. That depends on the melting point of the asphalt, the nature of the solvent, and the season. It is always wise to mix up small trial batches and let them cool to air temperature, in order to deter- mine the proportion which is right for the existing conditions. The mixture as applied should be rather like a soft jelly than a paint, being just as heavy as it can be brushed on. If ‘“‘ Varnolene ”’ is used the right amount of oil for each pound of asphalt will usually fall between a pint and a pint and a half. Effective as a thorough coat of asphalt paint is, cases frequently arise which call for something even more strong and enduring. The wound may be a very large one, for instance, and difficult of access, so that little dependence can be put upon future renewals of the dressing. If it is an old wound there are probably borers beneath the sur- face which may be able to break through even a 38 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR heavy coat of asphalt. To meet such a situation we have always the possibility of covering the wound with zinc or copper. There is a method, though, which secures quite as effective a covering as does zinc, with less expense and less work. That method is the reinforcement of ordinary brushed dressings. A dressing is reinforced by applying a fabric to the wound and saturating the fabric with the dressing. ‘The materials available for this pur- pose are numerous, such as cotton batting, burlap, cheesecloth, and canvas. By all means the most satisfactory, though, is cotton padding, a material used in dressmaking. It is a thin bat of cotton, perhaps an eighth of an inch thick. All depart- ment stores sell it, the price being about five cents a square yard. Three steps must be observed in applying the reinforced dressing. First give the wound a thorough coat of the dressing. It is well to let this dry a day or two. Then press the padding against the wound and saturate it thoroughly with the dressing. At this point the padding which ex- tends beyond the edges of the wound can be trimmed off. It takes only a moment to trim the edges if a sharp instrument is used. The writer uses old safety razor blades. When this saturat- ing coat has dried a few days the upper surface of the cotton padding will usually be somewhat ex- TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 39 posed. A final surface dressing is necessary in order to protect the cotton from the weather. When the job is done the presence of the cotton is barely discoverable. Not all dressings fit this process. Tar is apt to harden at the edges and separate from the wood. Paint would do fairly well, though it would be very expensive. The asphalt com- pounds work best. ‘The first coat on the wound can be of tar, asphalt being used to saturate the fabric and for the final dressing. The manufacturers of pruning paints often ad- vertise that their preparations contain nothing which could be harmful to the tree. The writer does not consider that an important point. None of the materials commonly used is seriously in- jurious to the wood. ‘Tar usually kills back the cambium an eighth or a quarter of an inch, but it is normally killed as far back as that by drying. Carbolineum often kills the cambium a little farther, but is innocuous if it is kept an inch or so from the edge of the wound. Don’t choose an expensive material over a cheap one for the sole reason that its analysis indicates that it con- tains nothing which could possibly injure the cam- bium. The cheap one may in practice be just as good. All this discussion of wound dressings has been necessary in order to make intelligible the brief 40 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR and definite general rules for the treatment of wounds which can now be laid down. Prune and make incisions, whenever possible, in late summer, fall, and early winter. Small wounds on fast-growing wood dress with paint or tar. If in a year they show season checks give them a second coat. Moist wounds saturate with a non-filling disinfectant. After checking has taken place and the wound is dry, put on a thorough coat of a heavy dressing. Large wounds, in which the exposed wood is seasoned, paint with creosote, then cover with a heavy pro- tective dressing. If necessary, reinforce the dressing, or cover the wound with metal. It is extremely desirable that all wounds be inspected yearly, and that all injuries to the coverings be repaired promptly. We come now to the different kinds of wounds trees receive, and the way to treat each of them. Trees receive mechanical injuries in a thousand different ways. It would be impossible to enum- erate them, nor is it necessary, for the measures of prevention and repair are much the same. It will be necessary only to pick out a number of typical injuries and describe the correct treatment of each. The commonest kind of mechanical injury to the trunks of trees is the bark wound. Animals gnaw at the trees, vehicles run against them, TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 41 gardeners bark them with lawnmowers, falling trees crush against them, farmers use them for fence-posts, carpenters drive nails into them, lovers cut hearts on them, and small boys try their little hatchets on their tender bark. For every kind of bark wound, no matter what its cause, the prescription is: “ Clean up, disin- fect, and seal.” Yet even here cir- cumstances alter cases, and the way the prescription is carried out must be adapted to the : Bark wound in which almost all of special cases. The the cambium has been saved by 3 prompt treatment differences depend mostly upon the length of time intervening be- tween the making of the injury, and its treatment. It is extremely desirable that wounds be treated immediately after they occur. This is not, as might be inferred from the analogy of wounds in animals, to prevent infection, for infection takes place rather slowly, as a rule. Promptness is 42 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR desirable because by immediate attention the size "of the wound can often be greatly diminished, and its healing can be correspondingly facilitated. This is by virtue of the fact that when bark is torn from a tree it is the mucilaginous cambium layer which lets go. Some of the cambium cells come off with the bark and some remain on the surface of the wood. If a sufficient number remain on the wood, and if they do not dry out, they have the power of growing and of developing new bark- producing cells, which rapidly replace the detached bark. It is obviously desirable to take advantage of this recuperative power of the cambium. When a tree is barked the wound must be pro- tected from the sun and wind without a moment’s delay, by replacing the torn bark or otherwise covering it. A dressing for the wound must next be secured. For fresh wounds nothing is better than soft or liquid grafting wax. A mixture of clay and cow-dung is the second choice, with shellac and paint to choose from if neither of the preceding materials is at hand. Tar should not be used, as it frequently kills the cambium it is supposed to protect. In preparing the wound for the dressing all detached bark must be cut away. with a sharp knife, care being taken to cut into the wood as little as possible. The dressing should be flowed on with a soft brush, or smeared on in such a way TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 43 as to disturb the moist surface of the wood as little as possible. In two or three weeks it will be easy to see whether the operation has been successful. The surface will have grown outward perhaps an eighth of an inch, and scratching will disclose a pulpy greenish layer spread over it. It will not of course be present where the wood itself has been scraped or bruised. ‘The cambium can be saved in this way with most uniform success in the growing season. If the bark wound has not been attended: to at once it should first be inspected to see whether any part of the cambium has escaped drying out and has started growing a new bark. Such areas should of course be preserved, unless they are detached tongues of the kind which has been described as being too remote from the line of sap flow. In that case they had better be removed, for they retard healing more than they help it. The first thing to do with an old bark wound is to clean it up thoroughly. Clear away all dead and shredded bark. Sound the exposed wood with a chisel or by boring into it, if necessary. If the wood is much decayed it may have to be filled in one of the ways to be described in a later chapter. A depth of decay of only an inch or two, however, or perhaps three or four inches, if it is a large wound, needs only to be cleared entirely away. If the resulting excavation extends under the 44 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR sound callus at any point, the callus must be cut back correspondingly or the hole must be filled. However, a healthy callus will bridge or fill up quite a deep wound, provided it be so thoroughly painted or tarred that no decay or boring insects can get at the wood. In the case of very large bark wounds, where, perhaps, the wood is checked and here and there invaded by borers, and it is evident that the tree cannot heal over the wound in many years, it should either receive repeated coats of a very heavy dressing, reinforced, perhaps, with cotton padding, or it should be covered with zinc. If the last course is decided on, after the wound is cleaned and trimmed up the zinc is cut to fit it, a paper pattern usually being made first. ‘The zinc should preferably come up rather close to the edge of the wound, but should in no case overlap in the least the cambium or the bark. Having the zinc ready, paint the wound thoroughly, the back of the zinc likewise, and nail the zinc in place with shingle nails an inch or two apart. Its outer sur- face must then be painted, an especially heavy coat being flowed over the edges to make sure that they are water-tight. Thin sheet copper also does very well for this kind of work. The use of sheet metal will be described more fully in a later chapter. A slightly different class of wounds is caused Oak tree with large bark wound. The decayed bark has been cleared away and the sound wood has been creosoted and tarred TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 45 by the tree’s growing against objects which do not give way before it, with the result that the bark is killed locally, or at least fails to make any growth. Such wounds are made by the plank seats which are frequently seen pried in between two trees. Both trees are sure to be injured sooner or later if the plank is not taken out every few years and cut down a little. In such cases if the compressed bark is dead it must be removed. If not, it should be cleaned off, so as to be free to grow. The tree which has had wires wound around it, or at least stapled to one side, is another frequent patient of the arboriculturist. The dan- ger in such cases is that the wire will girdle or partially girdle the tree. All wire must be pulled out if the bark has not actually closed and joined over it. Of similar character is the tree which has outgrown its wire guard. If parts of the guard have become imbedded in the trunk, they need not be removed if such a course would re- quire cutting the calluses closing over them. The bark of the meeting calluses should be pared down and perhaps slit in places, to encourage their growth. If the tree is vigorous and the calluses are scraped occasionally, they will ultimately grow together organically and permit the free flow of the sap down the cambium. Another kind of bark wound is caused by the rubbing together of two limbs. Something more 46 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR than mere local treatment is required in such cases. The best way is to cut off one of the limbs. If that cannot be done they must be braced apart in one of the ways suggested in the chapter on bracing. In addition, the worn places require thorough wound treatment. The breaking off of branches is another fre- quent cause of wounds. When proper pruning and bracing have been neglected, large limbs of red and silver maples, linden, and such soft- wooded trees, are often fairly torn out by the roots. ‘The thing to do in such a case is to clear away completely all splintered wood and torn bark. The essential thing is to prevent the pos- sibility of any cracks remaining in which water can stand and decay begin. The smoothed surface must receive an especially heavy dressing. If it is large and at all cracked it had better be covered with sheet metal. This last type of injury comes, so to speak, in all sizes, up to the huge wounds one so often sees, made by the tearing apart of a forked maple or elm. ‘These are very serious affairs and require’ painstaking treatment in order to prevent the entrance of decay. The part of the wound re- quiring the greatest care is the lower part, the stub, it might be called, of the broken half of the tree. If the bark and wood of the stub have been split from the rest of the trunk, they will almost TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 47 certainly die and permit the entrance of fungi and borers, no matter how effectively these may have been excluded from the upper part. The de- tached wood must be chopped or sawed away, so as to make a good water-shed, and so as to make it certain that there is healthy bark, in connection with the rest of the bark of the trunk, around every part of the wound, ready to start a callus over it. Of course it is not to be supposed that so large a surface will be grown over, at least for a very long period of years. ‘The covering given the exposed surface should therefore be a thorough one, of metal or reinforced asphalt. Large sur- faces of metal on bending trees have a tendency to tear out at the nails, a tendency, however, which can be partly remedied by putting the metal on in vertical strips overlapping each other. Frost cracks and the effects of lightning will also be included in this discussion of mechanical injuries, for they are like the truly mechanical ones in result if not in cause. Frost cracks are fairly common, but their origin is not generally understood. ‘The cracks first come to the notice as long but very narrow openings lengthwise of the trunk or main branches. After one or two seasons they usually develop long, narrow, light- colored projecting lip-like calluses on each side of the crack. These calluses grow and project farther and farther from the trunk as the years 48 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR pass, unless a series of mild years permits them to grow together. The cracks are caused by sud- den cold snaps which very suddenly freeze the outer layers of the sapwood while the heartwood is still comparatively warm on account, frequently, of its connection with the lower and warmer parts of the soil through the taproot of the tree. Freezing a wood cell draws the water out of the cell wall and collects it in a crystal in the center of the cell. When this happens the cell wall has to contract. If, in a cold snap, the periphery of the trunk contracts suddenly, before the inner part has time to cool and contract proportionately, something has to give way, and a frost crack is the result. After the crack is once formed sap flows into it, and, freezing, enlarges and per- petuates the opening. Bark pres- sure being removed from the con- tiguous cambium, it is stimulated to greater than ordinary growth and Sree, 8008 develops “ lips.” Frost cracks through three- Should be attended to promptly, for year-old frost- they are frequent sources of infec- crack : as : - tion. If the injury is discovered soon after it occurs, the crack should be painted with liquid grafting wax, and if possible filled with grafting wax or cotton batting dipped in hot tar or asphalt. When calluses form their union TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 49 should be facilitated by lightly scraping their ap- proaching surfaces in spring. In extreme cases, if unsightly lips have been formed which offer no hope of ever growing together, the entire ridge can be sawed off and the wood covered with a strip of sheet iron. In most instances it will be enough if a dressing (but not an unsightly one) is kept over the crack in order to keep out fungus spores. The cracks open in very cold weather, and that is the best time to put in fillings or to ap- ply dressings. Scraping the bark increases the liability of a tree to suffer from frost cracks.. Lightning and other electrical phenomena af- fect the trees in many different ways. Lightning often smashes a tree all to pieces. Usually, how- ever, it breaks a few branches out of the top and then passes down the trunk to the ground. As the moister parts of the tree are the best con- ductors, the electricity almost invariably takes its course down the cambium and the wet sapwood just below it. ‘The course is usually rather nar- row, oftenest three or four inches wide, though sometimes there are two or more such courses down the trunk. The wood offers sufficient re- sistance to the electricity to produce a high degree of heat. This heat instantly vaporizes the sap and it is the pressure of the steam thus produced which rips the long ribbons of bark and splinters of wood out of the trunk. The only thing to do 50 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR with these long scars in the tree is to clean them of frayed and isolated bark and loosened wood and to paint them. There is no certainty, after all, that this treat- ment will end the story, for lightning affects trees in strange ways. In some cases physiological in- juries accompany the physical ones and cause im- mediate or gradual death. Again, a tree will be killed by lightning without the infliction of any physical injury. In still other cases, trees stand- ing near a tree will succumb with it, although apparently unhurt. Dr. G. E. Stone, in a bulletin of the Massachu- setts Experiment Station, says that more fre- quently than they are severely shocked, “trees receive only a slight discharge, which burns out a small hole near the cambium, and the result of such a discharge will not be noticeable until two or three years afterward. In such a case a ridge forms on the bark, revealing the path of dis- charge. An examination of the tissue will dis- close a small hole, usually not larger than the head of a pin, running down near the cambium layer. A wound even of this size acts as a stimulus and induces a marked growth of the cambium. These cases are very common but often overlooked.” In another bulletin Dr. Stone describes and illustrates the effect of ‘earth discharges” through trees. The cases he cites are largely TREATMENT OF WOUNDS 51 localized, and he thinks the nature of the soil may bear on the phenomenon. The discharges are said to take place during thunder-storms, and to be accompanied by dull reports. Only a part of the tree is affected, as one side of the trunk and the adjacent lower limbs. The limbs may not be killed, even though split deeply. In a year or two creases appear on the trunk, marking the course of the discharge. ‘‘ A very much larger number of trees than people are aware of show earth discharges.” I have observed very similar injuries as the result of twisting strains upon the lower parts of limbs by the weight of snow and ice. CHAPTER IV BORING INSECTS AND THEIR CON- TROL N view of a prefatory statement to the effect that this book deals only with the physical re- pair of trees, and does not concern spraying, it may surprise some that it should contain a chapter on insects. There are, however, a large number of very active insects, the bark and wood borers, which cause injuries very similar to mechanical injuries. They are treated with steel tools and with dressings in much the same way that wounds are treated, and the tree repair man is usually ex- pected to attend to them. No observing person who has had an intimate acquaintance with trees for any length of time need be told of the immense damage these insects cause. Others may gain some conception of it from the fact that conservative estimates place the annual loss attributable to forest insects in this country at $100,000,000 a year, of which the lion’s share is caused by the borers. In certain instances the seriousness of this damage is brought home to us with special force. Fifteen or twenty 52 BORING INSECTS 53 years ago, to cite a familiar case, the black locust was hailed as the great post- and tie-producer of the future. To-day, in most parts of the country, hardly a sound stick of it can be found. The locust borer has made the growing of locust tim- ber unprofitable — almost impossible. The damage done to shade trees by these in- sects is greater, in proportion, than that suffered by forest trees. The reason is that almost all of these insects prefer to attack weak trees, and changing conditions have unfortunately so affected our town and city trees that a very large part of them are to a greater or less extent invalids. They no longer make the vigorous growth they made before streets were paved and fields were drained, and before factories poisoned the air. But if they are more susceptible, they are also more valuable than they were, and we must make every effort to save them. It is neither possible nor desirable, in a book of this type, to enumerate and describe the many species of insects which in one way or another do physical damage to the trunks and limbs of trees. The bibliography which will be found in the ap- pendix is sufficient evidence of the amount and availability of the literature bearing on the sub- ject. The number of injurious insects found in a single locality may be very small, but the number of species injurious in one place or another 54 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR throughout the country is so very large that a com- plete account of them would be more confusing than helpful to the average reader. [I shall there- fore describe only the principal classes of insects damaging the bark and wood of trees, illustrating the habits of each class by a brief account of its more important members. Suggestions for pre- ventive measures will be correlated with the life histories, the proper adaptation of operations to the seasonal changes of the insect being all-impor- tant in this kind of work. Almost all damage done by insects to the bark and wood of trees is done by them while they are in the larval or grub form. As is universally known, insects assume two distinctly different shapes during their lives. During the first part of their existence they are highly specialized for the consumption of food in large quantities and for rapid growth. That growth completed, after a longer or shorter period of dormant transforma- tion (the pupal stage), they come forth in the adult, usually winged, form, especially adapted to reproduction and the wide distribution of the species. It is the voracious grubs which damage our trees. Broadly speaking, the insects we are at present dealing with can be divided into two classes, ac- cording to the part of the tree in which the larva feeds and lives. ‘There are bark borers and wood BORING INSECTS 55 borers. The bark borers are most dangerous; the wood borers are perhaps most widely distrib- uted. The insects which do harm to the inner bark and outer sapwood belong (as do most of the heartwood borers) to the order Coleoptera, or beetles, distinguished by their hard ‘“ sheath- wings ” covering the pair which are used in flight. First among the beetles come the weevils, or snouted beetles, a race which devotes its attention most largely to fruits and stored nuts and grains. Half-a-dozen representatives live in the bark of trees. The cypress weevil mines in the bark of injured. bald cypress, and the walnut weevil is at home in the inner bark of dying walnut trees. Much more destructive are the bark beetles, or “‘shot-hole borers” as they are often called, in reference to the little round black-edged holes which they make as exits from the tree. Most of them make beautiful seaweed-like markings up- on the surface of the wood, just beneath the bark. The most notorious member of the family is the hickory bark beetle, a stumpy, shining black or reddish-brown citizen, hardly more than an eighth of an inch long. ‘The adults are common during the summer, feeding on hickory twigs. The eggs are laid in the limbs or upper trunk of the tree. The insect excavates a vertical tunnel an inch or 56 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR two long, just under the bark, and along the sides of it, rather close together, it deposits the eggs. | it Ih | On A | a | Ki | VV, ly i 4 fa 1 ale |: ii 4 na A a TL Brood galler: ee ek urface of wood The young grubs strike out and excavate narrow but widening galleries at right angles to the pri- mary burrow or radiating from it. They hiber- nate in these galleries, pupate in spring, and issue BORING INSECTS 57 forth as beetles in May. Obviously, then, the bark of affected trees should be burned, and that of endangered trees should be given protective dressings, by May Day. A much smaller beetle of this race infests the oak, but in its case the primary gallery is horizontal, so the brood gal- leries are vertical. Still another infests wild cherry trees; another, elms. The next family, though it signs itself the Cer- ambycid#, is more often spoken of as the round- headed borers. The adults are long-horns, the slender antenne being mostly longer than the body. Almost all of them are borers. One is the de- structive common elm tree borer, the adult of which is a flat brown beetle half an inch long, with red-bordered wing covers. The grub is flat and white, and makes a long, irregular burrow. It hibernates as a grub in the tree, emerging about the middle of April or later. Better known is its relative, the locust borer, which works in the wood as well asthe bark. The adult is a black or brown beetle, marked with bands of golden yellow. It is commonly seen munching pollen on golden-rod tops in September, at which time it lays its eggs. The grubs live in the bark during the fall, hiber- nate there, and burrow into the trunk, from which they emerge late in summer. Infested locust wood cut during the fall or winter must be burned, used, or immersed before the following Septem- 58 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR Ds g YY y y yy Vy; / A Nee “tia H i "6 A i a) a From Department of Agriculture Yearbook, 1910 Work of the flat-headed sycamore heartwood borer ber. If the grubs are to be dug out, the work should be done in the fall, before they enter the wood. The Bureau of Entomology has found that the hibernating grubs can be killed by spray- BORING INSECTS 59 ing the trunks with a kerosene emulsion containing twenty-two per cent. of kerosene. Many other members of this division are of sinister repute. Their very names brand them villains — the ‘“ sugar maple borer,” the “‘ poplar girdler,” and the “linden borer.’ Still another is the round-headed apple borer, destroyer of apple and quince trees. The striped beetle ap- pears in June or early July, and lays its eggs, soon after, as near as it can to the ground. On this account protecting the base of the tree for a couple of feet, and whitewashing the upper part of the trunk, form an effective protection against its at- tacks. Finally, though hardly in place here, is the broak-necked Prionus, a huge white grub bur- rowing into the roots and crown of apple, oak and aspen. The flat-headed borers are also beetles, of the family Buprestide. Three of them are especially injurious. The bronze birch borer, an immigrant, has almost exterminated the birch trees in several cities, and also affects willow and poplar. In- jury can be detected by a reddish discoloration a quarter of an inch to an inch in diameter, caused by exuding sap and ejected excrement, by the dy- ing of the top of the tree, and by a wavy appear- ance of the bark. The galleries, just beneath the bark, are an eighth of an inch wide and hopelessly tangled and irregular. The adult beetles come 60 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR forth in June and all infested wood should be burned before that time. Excision is practicable during the early stages of the attack. Preventive dressings should be put on the trees late in May and kept on for two months. A close relative of the birch borer, the sinuate pear borer, is destruc- tive in some eastern states. Another flat-head, the two-lined chestnut borer, is effectively helping the chestnut bark disease to kill out the American chestnut. The beetle is black, with two faint lines on its back, and per- haps three-eighths of an inch long. ‘The larva is twice as long, and white, with a touch of brown at each end. The mature insects appear in May and June. Infested wood must be barked (and the bark burned) by the first of April. Insects which burrow simply in the wood of the tree, not consuming any large part of cambium, are not nearly so damaging to the tree as most of the bark borers. Only a few species are likely to be the objects of genuine campaigns. Many of them, however, come to notice rather often in the work of tree repair because of their presence in decayed trees. Typical of the whole tribe is the flat-headed apple borer. Its larva, remarkable for its disproportionately large head, bores ir- regular mines in the sapwood of the apple and many other deciduous trees. The eggs are laid in June or July, and the insect is not so small but BORING INSECTS 61 that wire netting is effective against it. Protect- ive coverings should be kept on during the period suggested in speaking of the bronze birch borer. The flat-headed borers do immense damage to coniferous forest trees, causing, for instance, the Round-headed apple tree borer, a, larva, from side; b, from above; c, female beetle; d, pupa oval holes so common in cheap shingles. One or two infest sycamore, oak and beech. Besides the flat-headed borers, the insects feed- ing mainly on the wood are the timber worms, the carpenter worm, and the horn-tails. Of the first group, the chestnut timber worm is the most im- portant. It is responsible for the holes so com- monly observed in chestnut lumber. There is little to be done with it directly, but preventive measures, as the destruction of dead and dying trees and limbs, are effective. 62 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR First among the carpenter worms is the leopard moth, introduced from Europe some thirty years ago. Many trees, fruit and shade, are attacked by it. The larva, which reaches a length of two inches, is yellowish or pinkish, with a dark spot Circular 109, Bureau of Entomology The leopard moth, a, adult female; b, adult male; c, larva; d, empty pupal at each end. It is sparsely hairy and covered with prominent tubercles. The moths are hairy, with semi-transparent white wings dotted with dark bluish or greenish spots. They appear dur- ing summer, beginning in May. The eggs are laid soon after, and the young grubs burrow into BORING INSECTS 63 a twig or branch. When they outgrow this first branch they migrate to a larger one. They fre quently girdle a branch by burrowing around its circumference just under the bark. The position of the burrows is indicated by the matted sawdust at their mouths. Pruning affected small limbs is beneficial, on account of the grub’s habit of mi- grating. Fumigating with carbon bisulphide and killing with wires also have their value. The larve live two years, spending the second year in the large limbs and trunk. A campaign against them should include one treatment of those parts of the tree in the late summer of two successive years. The last group of insects worthy of mention as wood borers is the horn-tail tribe, or wood wasps. The commonest species is the ‘‘ pigeon tremex.” The adult is a large, stocky, wasp-like insect, with two pairs of transparent brownish wings. ‘The body is brown with lighter bands across the ab- domen, at the posterior end of which there are in the female three stout spines, used in depositing the eggs in the bark. The larva is stout and cylindrical, with a small head. The adults emerge in summer and lay soon after. The bur- rows of the grubs and the holes made in the bark by the escaping insects are round, and nearly a quarter of an inch in diameter. The insect does not do great damage on account of the small 64 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR amount of cambium it destroys. The only measure which can be taken against it is the de- struction of infested trees. The main reason for describing it here is to prevent confusion of this insect with a beneficial parasite upon it which is often blamed for the work of the tremex. The parasite is an ichneumon fly, Thalessa lunator, which slightly resembles the tremex in appearance, though the ovipositor of the female, instead of being half an inch, is three or four inches long. The male has a slender abdomen, and both have dark spots on the first pair of wings. The Tha- lessa deposits its egg in the burrow of the tremex, and its larva causes the death of the tremex larva. Such are the principal insect enemies of trees with which the tree repairer is likely to have to deal. All these pests must be fought relentlessly, and it is the duty of the local government, and at times of the State and National Governments, to lead in the fight. The best line of campaign is preven- tion, and effective preventive measures must usually be undertaken on a larger scale than is possible to any but the largest private owners. Insomuch as most of these insects prefer, and increase rapidly upon, weak and dying trees, the authorities should see to it, in so far as they have power, that dying trees are removed and burned, and that weak ones are pruned and fertilized into BORING INSECTS 65 vigor — or else that they go the way of the dying trees. Allotment companies are great sinners in this connection. They carry out grading and drainage operations which cause the death of hundreds of trees, whose bark and trunk are soon fairly alive with busy hosts of insects. People who buy lots in such vicinities must keep watch on their own trees, and should use their influence to have the sources of infection removed. In addition to these measures, which are simply the application of good silvicultural principles to the trees of the city, considered together as a forest, it is extremely important that all trees, and especially trees of a threatened species, or trees in an infested region, should be kept in good health. In some cases fertilization alone will be found a suficient check upon an epidemic of bark beetles. The most destructive species affect only weakened trees. ‘The way to make them pass by your trees is to see that your trees have a good healthy flow of sap. That means “ Water and manure!” We have, then, these rules for the prevention of ‘insect epidemics and attacks: 1. In planting, select trees suited to the soil and locality, so that they can easily be kept in a thrifty, resistant condition. 2. In the case of established, as well as newly planted trees, see that the soil is right as regards fertility and physical condition, and that the trees 66 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR have the proper amount of water. That is, keep all trees vigorous. 3. Cut and burn, or at least bark, all dead and, especially, dying trees not later than the first of April of each year, unless the habits of some particular pest indicate another season as the cor- rect one. Under certain conditions, however, especially in orchards, the use of a direct protective cover- ing or dressing may be the only way to prevent an attack. These take several forms. Against the round-headed apple and quince borers and the peach borers, a covering of tough paper or fine wire netting, tied tight above and heeled two inches deep with soil below, make effective pro- tections. Of repulsive dressings there are a large num- ber, though less often recommended now than formerly. ‘‘ Raupenleim,” for instance, sold by the Bowker Fertilizer Company, of Boston, is very effective as an all-over covering. Mixtures containing vaseline or tar should not be used in large quantities. ‘The thinner applications, which depend mostly upon their smells for their effective- ness, have also much value, though they must usually be renewed at intervals during the summer. The best of them is probably a pound of whale- oil soap dissolved in a gallon of water and re- inforced with two ounces of carbolic acid. The BORING INSECTS 67 trunks and lower limbs of the trees should be painted with the mixture at intervals of two or three weeks during the danger season. Similar in results, but unlike in the way they are attained, are whitewash and cement paint. Whitewash must be applied heavily and very thoroughly, the loose bark being previously brushed off. It must be renewed as often as the weather destroys its completeness of covering. Cement paint, made by mixing, to the consistency of heavy paint, Portland cement in skimmed milk, makes an extremely effective protection and lasts the whole season. It, as also whitewash, can be colored to suit the operator’s fancy. These campaigns must of course be planned in advance. Above all, the egg-laying season of the particular insect in hand must be determined. If doubt as to that point exists, consult the entomolo- gist of your State Experiment Station, sending him a full description of the injury, and, if possi- ble, specimens of the insect. Preventive measures such as these, however, are not exactly tree repairing. The only way to fight the borers after they have attacked a tree is to dig them out or kill them indi- vidually in their burrows. ‘The work can be done at any time, but perhaps late summer and early fall are the best. ‘The operator should provide him- self with the tools ordinarily used in treating bark 68 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR wounds. In addition a half-inch curved wood- carver’s gouge will be handy. Some steel wire will be needed for probing the burrows. Differ- ent kinds of wire suit different jobs, sometimes a stiff, and sometimes a soft wire being the best. The materials required are putty, which is the handiest thing with which to plug up small holes, though some people prefer the more expensive grafting wax, carbon bisulphide for poisoning grubs in their holes, and the ever-essential paint or tar. The attack begins with a careful study of the enemy’s plan of campaign — determining whether or not more than one age of larve is present, whether, say, some burrows contain one-year larve and others two-year; discerning the signs, often very minute, which mark the presence of a burrow; and investigating carefully the direction and length of the burrow and the comparative effectiveness of the probing and poisoning methods of attack. If it is found that the burrow is large enough and straight enough to make it possible to kill the larve by probing the burrows with a wire, that method should be adopted. It is far the most rapid. After the hole is probed it must be plugged up with putty. If there is any dead bark about the entrance of the burrow (and many borers live for a time just under the bark before BORING INSECTS 69 they enter the wood) it must be cut away and the wound must be painted. If, on the contrary, probing the burrow is not rewarded by that peculiar and gratifying sound which makes known that the larva has been crushed, poisoning must be resorted to. Carbon bisulphide is almost invariably used for this pur- pose, because of its cheapness and convenience. It is a highly volatile fluid, giving off a gas which is deadly to all animals. It is inflammable, and he who smokes while he uses it had better look out for the fool-killer. As a rule, it comes in half-pint tins, stopped with a cork. There are several ways of applying it to the burrows. I carry around a pocketful of little bits of cloth, say an inch square. When I have opened up the mouth of a burrow I take one of these bits of cloth with a pair of forceps, dip it into the carbon, and then insert it in the hole, which is then, of course, immediately plugged with putty. The more usual way, though, is to apply the fluid with a small syringe, those of glass being handiest. About half a teaspoonful or a little less is required for each hole. It is extremely essential, in going over a tree, that every burrow be found, and that the eye be trained to detect the least indication of the pres- ence of a borer. Every suspicious-looking spot 70 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR must be investigated, until the true signs are mas- tered. If the whole tree is infested and an effort is made, nevertheless, to save it, the trunk should be done thoroughly, whether there is time to do the limbs or not. In his important work on forest insects (Fifth Report of the United States Entomological Com- mission, 1890) Prof. A. S. Packard describes a method of combating bark borers which had been tried, apparently with success, in Belgium. It was discovered that a full flow of sap killed the larve, doubtless the reason the insects prefer weak trees. Insomuch as removing bark pressure increases sap flow, particularly in spring, the ex- periment was tried of paring off the outer layers of the cortex, down to say a quarter of an inch or a little less of the cambium, over the affected areas in old elms. The resultant flood of sap killed the grubs. The writer has had no personal experience with this method. He would suppose that it would be hard to say just which trees and what parts of them were invaded by the borers until it was too late for the work to be effective. A protective covering of cement paint would prob- ably be necessary to prevent undue drying of the exposed inner bark. Such measures as this, and not less the usual curative operations, ought invariably to be supple- mented by the use of stimulating manures. CHAPTER V ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK OLLOW trees are caused by fungi. If it were not for rot-producing fungi trees would live twice as long as they do, lumber would cost half as much, and this book would not con- tain half as many pages as it does. These fungi are plants of a low order, plants in which there is no, or little, differentiation into root, stem, and leaf. Every bacterium is a fungus; so is every mold, mildew, smut, and mushroom. ‘The main respect in which these plants are alike is that they do not contain chlorophyll, the green coloring matter characteristic of plant cells which carry on the work of photosynthesis, or the utilization of the carbon in the air. That is, they cannot make carbohydrates out of water and carbon dioxide, as green plants do. The same is true of animals, and the fungi are like animals in that they are ab- solutely dependent for their sustenance upon ma- terials elaborated by chlorophyll plants, either in the form in which those materials are produced by the plants or as they may be worked over by plant-eating animals. In other words, fungi live 7% 72 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR upon living or dead plants or animals. Those which subsist upon living organisms are called parasites; those which live on dead matter are saprophytes. This division, however, is not iron- clad, for some fungi part of the time follow the policy of one class and part of the time that of the other. Fungi which can live only upon the heart- wood of trees are of course really saprophytic, be- cause the heartwood is dead. Intelligently to prevent and as far as possible remedy the attacks of rot-producing fungi, it is essential that the man who is doing tree repair work should study and understand their manner of growth and distribution, and should be able to distinguish the most important species, just as a good physician must know all that has been dis- covered about typhus and tuberculosis bacilli. The life cycle of a fungus is superficially quite like that of one of the higher plants. The mush- rooms and hoof-like or shelf-like growths we see so often on dead and decayed trees are the fruit- ing bodies of rot-producing fungi. From their lower surfaces come thousands of little dust-like cells, called spores, which have the capacity of vegetating like seeds and of growing into new fungus plants. Let us suppose that such a spore, from the fruiting-body of the “‘ white heart-rot,” is wafted away by the wind and falls upon an old bark-wound in the trunk of a maple, the surface : é j g Zi Lie reer Cross-section of maple affected by white heart-rot eae 4 Cross-section of oak showing work of Polyporus sulphureus (Bureau of Plant Pathology, Bul- letin 49) ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 73 of which is now checked and weathered and moist. Here all the conditions are favorable, and in a few days the spore begins to grow and sends out a minute root-like organ containing living proto- plasm. ‘This hypha grows and branches and soon makes up quite a mass of fibers, gradually working its way into the heart of the tree. The hyphe, considered together, are called the-mycelium of the fungus, and really constitute the fungus plant. The brackets and mushrooms which appear on the outside of the trunk are special bodies — in a way, fruits — developed by the plant solely for the pro- duction of spores, and called, on that account, sporophores. ‘The living tips of the hyphe make their way through the wood in various ways. Some work in between the cells, sending little root- like branches through the walls of the cells to suck out what is nourishing of their contents. In other cases the tips of the hyphe exude ferments which dissolve the cell walls and permit the hyphe to grow freely throughout the wood, consuming part of it and leaving the rest fragile and dis- united. Although the hyphe of the fungus are quite in- visible to the naked eye, the result of their work is easily detected. The wood changes in color, texture, and weight. These changes, however, are toa large extent gradual. In the case of some fungi it is very difficult to draw a line in a cross- 74 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR section of a rotted trunk, between the diseased wood and the sound wood. Sometimes the wood is discolored before it is actually invaded. In other forms, the wood is invaded a considerable distance before any change is observable to the unaided eye. When a fungus is working up a tree, also, it often sends an advance guard of mycelium up the very center of the trunk, where the soft pith makes its progress easy. All these facts make it much more dificult than it would other- Section of a decayed 5 trunk, showing rela~- wise be to make a complete ae sporophore t© excision of decayed wood. As regards the rate at which decay spreads through wood, but little is definitely known. It is certain that different de- cays grow at different rates, and that the same decay spreads at different rates in different trees. The indications are that, in the main, de- cays spread very slowly — sometimes only a little faster than the wood is built up by the cambium. After the passage of a greater or less period of time, often amounting to many years, a denser mass of hyphe than usual gathers at some point near the outer surface of the host, usually at a wound, a rotted knot-hole, or the burrow of a ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 75 boring insect. From this mass there is sent out a more or less highly differentiated and completely formed body, the purpose of which is to develop and disseminate the spores. The appearance of sporophores on a tree is of course conclusive evi- dence of the presence of decay within the tree, and usually a large amount of decay, for the fruiting bodies are not produced until the fungus plant has made a strong growth. In certain cases sporo- phores are not produced until the mycelium has exhausted the available supply of nourishment. Frequently a fungus subsisting in a living tree does not send out sporophores until its host dies. The moral is, not to suppose, just because there are no mushrooms on your trees, that there is no decay inside of them. The many hundred rot-producing fungi affect- ing living trees fall readily into four groups, ac- cording as they attack mainly the bark, sapwood, heartwood, or roots. For the present purpose it will be enough to describe one or two of the more important members of each group. Readers who desire fuller information are referred to the bibliography. Of bark decays the commonest and best known are the apple bark rots and the chestnut bark dis- ease. There are a number of fungi which kill larger or smaller areas of the bark on apple limbs and twigs. Several of them, as the bitter rot, also 76 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR attack the fruit. The apple blister canker (Nu- mularia discreta) is one of the most destructive. It is a wound parasite, starting growth wherever a bit of dry wood presents itself. For a time it grows in the heartwood, then spreads into the bark, rapidly killing a large patch. The affected area becomes brown, sunken, and blistered. In a year or two the branch is girdled and killed. Pruned orchards should be sprayed promptly with a fungicide, and all large wounds should be dressed with an antiseptic. Small branches which are inoculated should be removed. On large limbs the affected areas should be cut away with a draw-shave, the wound being carefully dressed. The man who is repairing trees must know the apple bark rots. When he finds a tree seriously affected by one of them he must not fuss with cavities in the tree until the far more dangerous bark rot is cleaned out. The chestnut bark disease is not unlike the blister canker. The mycelium of the fungus enters the bark through small wounds. It grows in the bark and cambium, spreading until it girdles the limb and starves the outlying parts. The bark of the affected areas becomes light brown and shrinks as it dries. This fungus is spreading rapidly in the eastern states. Many of the state forestry departments, as well as the National Goy- ernment, have issued bulletins on the disease, di- ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 77 recting owners of chestnut timber as to the way to handle and use affected trees. There is no wholesale method of combating the disease. Valuable trees can, however, be treated indi- vidually. In an interesting article in the Febru- ary, 1913, American City Mr. R. G. Pierce de- scribes his system of treatment. “All the diseased bark or wood must be re- moved from the tree and burned. The tools, such as gouge, chisel, knife or hand ax, used in this cutting-out work, as well as the cut surface, should be thoroughly sterilized. The wound after sterilization should be covered with some water-proofing. . . .” Mr. Pierce goes on to de- scribe his method of operating in detail. Small branches which are affected he removes with a sterilized saw. Diseased areas on larger limbs he cuts out, cutting into the wood a depth of five or six annual rings, and removing at least an inch of healthy bark around the discolored area. Tools must be sterilized (as by dipping in creo- sote) before the final layer of wood is removed. Mr. Pierce catches the diseased bark thus gouged out in a bag to prevent it from infecting lower branches in its fall. The fungi of the next group, those causing decay of the sapwood, are probably in no case true parasites. When they attack living trees it is only very weak trees which are seriously dam- 78 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR aged. They very quickly attack unseasoned tim- ber, standing or felled. For instance, Polystictus pergamenus is frequently found growing on trees which have been seriously injured by fire, frost, or sunscald. It attacks the dead bark first, spreading later into the sapwood. Ina few years it sends out hundreds of little shelf-like, leathery sporophores. The prompt cleaning away of every patch of dead bark and the dressing of wounds are the only preventive measures, and of course complete excision is the only cure. The third group is the most important of all. Almost all its members are wound rots, entering the tree through exposed surfaces of wood. They make their way from the wounded spot into the heart of the tree, and grow up and down in the heartwood. The destruction of the heart- wood is not immediately harmful to the tree, and some fungi cannot spread outside of the heart- wood. Others, the majority, though they cannot actually invade healthy sapwood vessels, can work their way into the sapwood by virtue of certain changes, approximating a change into heartwood, which take place in the sapwood immediately con- tiguous to the decay. These changes take place most readily where the sapwood has become drier than usual, as through the death of a root just be- low it, or the removal of the bark covering it. Thus the fungus can work its way to the surface ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 79 at a wound or weakened spot, and push out sporo- phores. The invasion of normal sapwood by heartwood rots is, however, very slow, and it al- most never happens that a tree is strangled and killed by such a fungus. What the heart rots do is to weaken the support of the tree, making it lia- ble to destruction by storms. Perhaps the commonest and most destructive of the fungi inhabiting the heartwood of trees is the “white heart rot” (Fomes igniarius). It is found in every part of the world. In this country it most frequently attacks beech, aspen, willow, maple, walnut, hickory, apple and oak. Entering through wounds or the stubs of dead limbs, the fungus attacks the heartwood of the tree. Von Schrenk and Spaulding give the fol- lowing description of the effect of the fungus upon the wood of the tree: ‘“ The diseased wood is very sharply bounded from the healthy wood by black layers about one-eighth to one-sixteenth of an inch in width. There may be but a single one or there may be several arranged more or less concentrically. Just outside of these layers theré is a layer consisting of from three to six annual rings, which is darker in color than the normal wood because of the infiltration into the same of products of the decomposed wood. ... The black layers never exactly follow the annual rings of growth. . . . The completely rotted wood is 80 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR white to light yellowish in color, according to the species of tree in which the fungus is growing. When rubbed between the fingers it breaks up into fine flakes, but does not powder.” The fungus does not normally develop sporo- phores until many years after infection. The woody fruiting body, though somewhat variable in appearance, is usually hoof-shaped, with a hard outer layer, brownish or blackish in color. To the lower surface of the hoof there is annually added a gray or reddish-brown layer of pores in which are produced the spores which reproduce the fungus. The first sporophores usually appear at the point of original infection. Later ones may break out wherever the decay comes close to the surface of the wood. The sporophores are by no means so common as the rot. In many groves of infected trees not a single sporophore will be found. A decay of which the sporophores of the causal fungus are more familiar than those of the fungus just described is the red heart rot induced by Polyporus sulphureus. It attacks both coniferous and deciduous trees, particularly the oak, chestnut, walnut, maple, apple, pear, and hemlock. Wood destroyed by this fungus becomes red-brown and full of checks, in all three planes, which fill with white sheets of mycelium. Later the powdery remains of the wood can be shaken out, exposing Fruiting bodies of white heart-rot fungus on aspen (Bureau of Plant Pathology, Bulletin 49) ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 81 the mycelial framework. Trees long affected are always hollow with masses of the powdery rotten wood, alive with insects, at the bottom of the cavity. The mushrooms of the red heart rot, which are edible when young, appear in late summer but do not persist long. ‘Hydnum erinaceus, the “coral mushrooms,” causes a decay of oaks and maples characterized by the softness and moistness of the decayed wood. “The diseased wood in its final stages,” say von Schrenk and Spaulding, ‘“‘is soft and mushy, so that when squeezed considerable water flows out. Trees in an advanced state of decay have numer- ous large holes in the heartwood, which are filled with masses of light yellowish, fluffy fungous my- celium.” The mushrooms, much sought by epi- cures in that sort of delicacy, are lumpy, soft, moist-looking, and crowded underneath with spike- like teeth bearing the spores. Root rots are fortunately not so common as heart rots, for they are at once deadly and almost impossible to combat. The only well-known species is the honey mushroom, Armillaria mellea. The fruiting bodies occur in masses at the base of the affected tree or on the surface of the soil above a large root. The individual mushrooms are rather small, honey colored, and specked with white. ‘The stem has a swollen base and a ring 82 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR around its throat. The gills are white. The honey mushroom produces growths sometimes called “‘ shoe strings’? which are commonly seen under the rotten bark of dead stumps, and in the surrounding soil. They are flat (in open soil round) black strands of hard-woven mycelium. It is at the ends of them that the mushrooms are found. The fungus enters through a wounded root, spreading into and killing the cambium, and progressing from root to root by means of the ‘shoe strings.” When most of the roots have been killed up to the trunk the tree suddenly blows over. The rotten roots should be dug out if pos- sible, and no new tree should be planted near by for several years. In addition to these fungi which cause disease in living trees, there are two found only on dead trees or branches which are so common that they must at least be referred to. One is Fomes ap- planatus, the common brown and white shelf- fungus. It is found only on dead trees or dead parts of trees. The other is Polystictus versi- color, the variously tinted and striped papery little shelf-like sporophores of which are omnipresent in the woods and along.the railroad track. It attacks but one tree in the living state — the catalpa. Below wounds and in the vicinity of cracks in elm, maple, and horsechestnut trees there is often ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 83 seen a whitish or brownish stain, caused by slimy exudations from the cut or fractured wood. Such a flow is called a slime-flux. The flux is charac- terized, in addition to its appearance, by a sour, Sporophores of Fomes applanatus on dead maple stump yeasty smell. Slime-fluxes are probably due to the growth of alge, low fungous forms, as bacteria and yeast, and often animalcules, in the sap which escapes naturally, at the time of the original injury to the tree, from the cambium and sapwood. The: growth of these minute organisms causes the for- 84 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR mation of a slimy covering over the exposed wood. This covering is of a liquescent nature — attract- ing water. It thus draws the watery sap from the sapwood, preventing the natural drying-out and closing of the sap-conducting tubes. ‘The process continues for an indefinite period, until the cam- bium in the vicinity of, and especially below, the source of the flux is killed. It, and later the inner bark, turns brown, and the bark is easily separated from the wood. The deleterious effect of the flux upon bark tends to prevent the healing, by calluses, of the wound, and contributes further to the permanence of the flux, which usually con- tinues until higher fungi invade the area and kill the wood from which the flux had been drawing sap. This is a rough and ready account of a phenomenon scientists are still studying, but it will do for our purpose. The disposition of wounds to be affected by slime-flux can be diminished by pruning in the dor- mant season and by dressing wounds promptly with a penetrating antiseptic such as creosote. Curative measures must of course be carried out in the dormant season. If it is a flat pruning wound scrape the cut surface and pare away all dead bark. Then apply hot creosote or hot tar, following later with a second coat. If the flux exudes from a hole, clean out the place with a gouge, making the excision a thorough one. Then ROT-FUNGI AND THEIR WORK 85 treat the cut surface as just suggested, preferably drying out the hole with a gasoline torch before- hand. Do not fill such a hole until the success of the cure is certain. If the trouble arises in a crack which cannot be gouged out, the only things to do are to make the drainage as good as possible and to spray the crack often with a copper solution. There seems to be no better place than this to throw in a reference to mistletoe, which is a serious pest in some parts of the South. When possible the infested limbs should be removed. Attempts to prune off the parasite, or even to gouge out its roots, are not often successful. CuHapTER VI THE VALUE AND FUNCTION OF FILL- ING TREES FTER finishing this chapter some readers may think that the writer is like the doctor who, as a physician, gave his patient some medi- cine, and then, as a friend, advised him not to take it. But he will not plead guilty to such a charge. He believes that ‘‘tree surgery”? has a function and real value, but he thinks there are limits to that value, and this chapter, roughly speaking, is an attempt to define those limits. The first thing to be admitted, or stated, is that the art of filling cavities in trees is still in an ex- perimental stage, the value of the work, and even the right ways of doing it, being as yet quite un- certain. This statement may shock some people who have seen fillings done by the better work- men, and who have read or heard the claims of the ‘“‘tree surgeons.”” Yet with that statement nearly every experienced arboriculturist in the country will agree, and it is a statement which can be proved. To begin with, we must study the effect of decay 86 FILLING TREES 87 on trees when the tree repairer does not interfere. One of the most surprising facts about the normal course of decay is the extreme slowness with which it does its work. This will be branded as the rankest heresy by every “tree doctor.” They have made every effort to create the impression that the least sign of decay, if untreated, will be followed by speedy dissolution and certain ruin. But the proof is all on the other side. Common observation and the records of history and science, all agree that perfectly hollow trees frequently survive and flourish for very long periods. Liter- ature and legend are full of references to such trees. No one who has gone back to the old farm of his youth has failed to recognize many of the “bee trees”’ and “coon trees” and “old hollow apple trees,” which were seemingly no more hollow than they had been a decade or two before. In 1687 the Charter Oak contained a hollow large enough to hide the charter of Con- necticut in. If there had been tree doctors in that day they would have affirmed that only a prompt filling of concrete would prevent the early death of the tree. Yet not until 1856 did it suc- cumb, still green, to the storms of New England. The trees themselves, in many ways, offer evi- dence of the time decay may continue without be- ing fatal. A tree makes an effort to close a wound by rolling a callus over it from the sides. 88 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR If a cavity develops where the bark has been wounded, the callus has no support, and as it grows it does not bridge over the cavity, but simply rolls inward, gradually becoming a great fold. Insomuch as the fold increases, like other wood, by annual layers, it is easy to count or estimate, in a cross-section through such a fold, the number of years since the tree became hollow. Folds of this kind are not infrequently found to be half a century old, or even a century. We can even look at the teeth, so to speak, of of the rot-producing fungi themselves. Many of these fungi have a woody fruiting body, or sporo- phore, which adds to itself each year a new layer of spore-bearing tubes. The number of layers therefore indicates the age of the sporophore. The hoof fungus Fomes igniarius, is such a one. Sporophores of the hoof fungus have been found which contained eighty annual layers. And it must not be forgotten that the fungus may have lived in the tree many years before it produced a sporophore. All these facts, taken together, conclusively demonstrate that the decay of trees is sometimes an extremely slow process, and all indications point to the conclusion that it is normally such. “But,” it may be objected, ‘“ tuberculosis is often a very slow disease. Is that, then, any reason for not trying to cure it?” Not by any FILLING TREES 89 means, but it is a very good reason for not too hastily concluding that the disease is cured by a certain treatment, just because the patient sur- vives that treatment for a year or two. And that is just the point. The tree surgeons, if we express doubts as to the effectiveness of their work, will show us examples of it which are eight or ten years old, and ask if any further proof is neces- sary. It surely is. We must be convinced that the tree would not now be in as good condition as it is if the filling had not been put in. That, of course, is not an easy thing to do, because no two trees are alike, and because of the impossibil- ity of seeing what is going on inside of a filled tree. No definite conclusion can be arrived at as to the effectiveness of large fillings in decayed trees until impartial observers have studied a large number of filled and unfilled trees for a long period of years. ‘This conclusion obviously works both ways. If it will take a long time to prove that filling trees works, so will it take a long time to prove that it doesn’t work, and the only way to learn is to try. With this the writer agrees per- fectly, because it is an admission of his thesis, that tree surgery is still in an experimental stage. There is one aspect of the filling of trees, how- ever, about which doubt no longer exists, and that is its expensiveness. It requires a great deal of hard as well as skilled labor to remove the decayed 90 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR wood from a rotting tree and to put in a filling of concrete or asphalt. When there are many trees, it is easy to see that the bill is likely to be a large one. Few would object to the cost, however, if paying the bill meant that the trees were perma- nently restored to health and vigor. Few would object if they were sure that, whatever the result, the money was spent in the way in which it would do the trees the most good. But not many of us have absolutely unlimited funds to expend on our trees, and we want to be reasonably sure, if we spend a hundred dollars for having a tree filled with concrete, that the tree will be helped thereby, and helped more than it would be by any other expenditure of the hundred dollars. It is this condition of affairs which makes it so essential that the owners of trees, and the land- scape architects and other professional men who are called upon to advise them, should be in- formed as to the principles to apply in determining whether a certain tree ought to be filled or not. As a help in that direction, certain rules can be laid down, but it must be remembered that they are not iron-clad, and that they are subject to the supreme rule that circumstances alter cases. The first rule is almost self-evident, and it would not seem necessary to state it, if it had not frequently been violated by tree surgeons. It is that no expensive cavity work should be put into FILLING TREES 9g a tree belonging to a species which, locally or generally, is doomed to destruction by the attacks of insects or fungous diseases. In some parts of New England this principle would rule out work on old elms, on account of the havoc wrought by the elm-leaf beetle and the leopard moth. The rapid spread of the chestnut bark disease makes it almost foolhardy to put much money into chest- nut trees within two hundred and fifty miles of New York. Even beyond that radius, it is doubt- ful whether work is admissible which looks for- ward fifteen or twenty years. The second rule is to the effect that it is usually unwise to spend much money filling trees that stand in a grove or woods, where the mass of the foliage counts for more than the individual trees. In such a case the grove should be handled as a whole. Its effect as a whole, the thickness and the color-of the foliage and the thriftiness of the trees, is likely to be improved far more by enrich- ing the soil, by installing a watering system, or by planting young trees, than by the expenditure of the same amount of money in filling cavities in one or two of the trees. In this connection it must be remembered that in the absence of the elementary requirements of tree life, water and good soil, the other trees in the grove will one by one need more or less expensive doctoring. If a veteran of the grove becomes weak and threatens 92 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR to succumb to the storms, prune it back severely, perhaps brace it to its stronger neighbors, fertilize it, and plant a young tree or two near by. The chances are good that the old tree will become a sturdy specimen and thrive for several decades. The young tree, in the meantime, will grow to fair size, and will be ready to take the veteran’s place. If the grove is to be permanent it must always con- tain young trees as well as old ones. In the third place, expensive fillings should not be put into trees in a region where there is a high mortality rate (either among all trees, or simply in the species to’ which the decaying tree belongs) on account of gradual changes in the environment. Such regions of high mortality are common near cities. They are oftenest caused by the lowering of the water level and the consequent drying of the soil, as a result of draining, street-paving, the destruction of the forest floor covering, and the compacting of the surface soil. They are also caused by the contamination of the atmosphere by factories. When such a state of things exists, or threatens to exist, it is obviously unwise to spend money on work which cannot in any way diminish the risk from the prevalent adverse conditions. If there is money to be spent upon the trees in such a locality, it should be spent, if at all, in an effort to restore the natural conditions for want of which the trees are dying, and preferably in improving FILLING TREES 93 the soil, Money spent on the soil is rarely wasted. If it does not save the old trees, it will at least give their young successors a good start in life. If the trees survive and adjust them- selves to the new environment, the ones that re- quire it can safely be filled or otherwise repaired. The fourth rule is scarcely more than a special case under the last. A tree which has just under- gone a distinct change of surroundings should not be filled. Such a change-might be, for instance, the building of a house very near to the tree, with the resultant cutting of roots and branches, or the simultaneous removal of a number of close neighbors, or the installation of a drainage sys- tem. A number of years should be allowed to elapse in such cases, before the tree is filled, in case it contains a large cavity. Filling, which can in no way help the tree to meet the new con- ditions, should be deferred until it is certain that the tree will survive the change of environment. Expensive cavity work should not be put into a tree unless the other needs of the trees have been, and are going to be, attended to. If a man is starving to death it does not lessen his misery to reflect that his bones are strong enough to sup- port a fat man. Decaying trees can survive with- out fillings even flourish without them — but no tree can long survive or flourish without food and water and protection from its insect enemies. 94 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR Nor should any tree receive costly surgical care if it is weak and making little growth. ‘The great army of bark and wood borers and other insect enemies ready at any time to swoop down upon a weakening tree, makes the expectation of life of a weak tree very precarious. Common sense in- dicates that no large sums ought to be risked on sickly trees. Again, only after very careful consideration should a hollow tree be filled up which has com- pleted or nearly completed the span of life natural to that species in that climate and soil. Some- times such old trees can be reinvigorated, but in every case the measures calculated to restore youth- ful vigor should be carried out and their success assured, before much filling is done. Finally, from the fact that a tree is hollow it does not necessarily follow that a concrete or as- phalt filling is ‘‘ indicated,” as the doctors say. Some decays eat out the entire heartwood and die out with the destruction of the affected wood. In such cases filling is of but little value. The decay has done its work and it is too late to stop it. The drainage of the cavity is usually good, and the inner surface is often so weathered that it is as resistant as a seasoned plank. Such a condition of affairs is often observed in old sycamores. No further treatment is justified than smoothing and painting the walls of the cavity and carefully brac- FILLING TREES 95 ing the tree. Equally futile is the attempt which is sometimes made to remedy chestnut trees which have been completely hollow by the powdery red heart rot. These general rules for the avoidance of unwise expenditures in large tree repair projects must be supplemented by a discussion of the comparative importance of various kinds of cavities, and a classification of them with reference to ease of ex- ecution and certainty of success. As a preliminary of such classification, how- ever, we must formulate a statement of the ends aimed at in the filling of cavities, because our decision as to the probability of success in filling each type of cavity will depend upon the degree to which the purposes of the filling can be attained under the peculiar conditions presented by that type of cavity. Briefly stated, holes in trees are cleaned out and filled with these three purposes in mind: First, to stop decay by removing all the fungus. Second, to prevent the entrance of fungi and insects by coating all exposed wood with a protective dressing, by filling the cavity with cement or asphalt, and by facilitating the healing of the wound. The third purpose is to strengthen the tree. These different purposes are attained with vary- ing degrees of success. The first purpose can sometimes be attained perfectly, especially in cases 96 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR of limited and local infection by a fungus which produces a definite line of demarcation between the sound wood and the diseased. At other times it is absolutely impossible of attainment, and is fre- quently impossible at a reasonable cost. The second intention is subject to about the same chances of success, depending upon the kind of tree and the shape and location of the incision. As regards the third purpose, it may be said that fillings add little or nothing, of themselves, to the strength of the tree. The iron braces usually put in to hold the filling in place, however, have some strengthening effect. But this phase of the work will be taken up in greater detail in the following chapter. These are the things that the tree surgeons do, but they are not, it is true, the only things they claim to do. They have been able to create in people’s minds the impression that filling a tree constitutes an immediate relief from some sort of canker which saps the life of the tree, and that the process of filling exerts a direct physiological in- fluence, at once increasing the tree’s vigor and re- storing, so to speak, its good spirits. This kind of talk has caused the breach which undoubtedly exists (and much to the detriment of the real science of tree repair) between the tree surgeons and the arboriculturists and landscape architects. A gentleman whose knowledge of plant physi- FILLING TREES 97 ology was gleaned from the booklets of tree sur- geons, once said to the author, who was in the act of. painting with tar an incision in an apple-tree, ““T suppose that the apples will taste of tar for a year or two, won’t they?” When these ideas become a little more widely disseminated it is to be expected that progressive growers will be found pouring liberal doses of ‘‘ Red-eye” into holes in their apple trees, by way of preparation for marketing their fruit in the prohibition States. It cannot be too emphatically stated that no cement filling, nor any other filling, nor the re- moval of decay that precedes the filling, can have any physiologically beneficial effects upon the tree. Decay is harmful in exactly the same way that a hole cut in the tree with an ax is harmful. It interrupts, in proportion to its extent, the exchange of sap between the roots and the leaves, and it removes a certain part of the physical support of the tree. It is to prevent the increase of these very dangerous processes that the decay is cut out. But the excision does not, obviously, remedy the harm which has already been done. Indeed, it actually increases the damage to the tree, for the hole is always larger than the decay-spot it was made to eradicate. If better foliage sometimes fol- lows the putting in of fillings, it is because the trees are often pruned severely at the time they are filled. No real advance in the work of repairing 98 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR decaying trees can be made until this lumber of false notions is cleared away, and the real value of the work is studied and determined. With this analysis of the purposes of tree fill- ing in mind, let us pass now to a brief inventory of the different types of cavities, making an effort to estimate, in each case, the probability of a suc- cessful realization of these purposes. The smaller holes in trees, caused by weather- -ing and local or incipient decay starting from a decaying stub or a bark wound, can often be very rapidly and completely cleaned of rotten wood. The cavities can usually be well drained and not only are the fillings easily waterproofed, but they are likely to be callused over within a reasonable time. If properly done such fillings are almost sure to be wholly successful. They are of great importance in preventing the spread of decay and the formation of cavities more difficult to treat. No hesitancy should be felt in putting such work into trees of even secondary importance, or into orchard trees whose value is strictly commercial. Next in the scale of simplicity are moderately de- veloped basal cavities — rotting places, that is, at the base of the trunk. If in handling such cavities it is possible to remove all decay and to “ ground ” the filling, the work is sure to be effective and profitable. ‘The rot which was gradually weaken- ing the tree has been permanently eliminated. A tree that is not worth filling FILLING TREES 99 Danger from water pockets, the most frequent cause of failure in tree work, has been completely. avoided by the good drainage produced by grounding the filling. In basal cavities which have progressed farther, the decay working higher up the trunk, some of those advantages may be realized which follow the filling of simpler cavities of the same type, while others may not be. The main difficulty is in the removal of all the decay, especially when it runs higher up in the trunk and perhaps into several large limbs. In such a case the larger ex- pense and the greater uncertainty as to effective- ness demand that careful consideration be given to the value of the damaged tree and to its possible future value, before the work is started. When we come to large cavities in the upper part of the trunk, oftenest caused by the break- ing out of large limbs, involving bad crotches and saddles, we come to the most difficult and most un- certain class of cavity work. The trees are often so old that their value is problematical at best. The great strain on the filling makes indispensable a great deal of expensive bolting through the trunk, with its unavoidable damage to the conti- nuity of the cambium. It can be pretty definitely stated that fillings of this type cannot be done suc- cessfully with concrete. Such a filling has to be divided into small sections to accommodate the 100 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR inevitable swaying and twisting. The divisions between the sections are certain, sooner or later, to admit water, and calluses will not grow over a filling which grinds against them in a wind. For such cavities as this, asphalt is now being advocated as a filling, but none of the different methods of using it has been tried out long enough to make its value absolutely certain. No large job of this kind should be undertaken unless the probability of large expense, and the possibility of ultimate failure are squarely recognized. In this connection it may be noted that when the tree surgery companies publish photographs il- lustrating their largest jobs, the pictures are always observed to have been taken during the progress of the job or immediately upon its completion. When, however, they print pictures taken several years after the work is done (as in showing callus growth, which is supposed to be proof of success) the pictures are almost invariably of simple basal fillings. By keeping in mind this scale, indicating roughly the relative costs and risks of the different classes of fillings, and also the preceding list of “‘ don’ts ”’ relative to expensive fillings in trees, it is possible for the owner of trees, or his adviser, to arrive at a pretty definite conclusion as to whether to order his decayed trees filled or not. In view of what has already been said, it is FILLING TREES 101 hardly necessary to insist that it is impossible to answer with one word the question “Is filling trees successful?’’ It all depends on the tree, the cavity, and the filling. A small cavity in a healthy tree can be filled with certainty of success. A: large and complex filling in a decrepit tree may well be beyond the power of any man to accom- plish successfully at any cost. Somewhere between these limits lies the line of demarcation, fluctuat- ing with the existing conditions and the skill of the workman. Further observations on old jobs may draw that line farther back toward the simple operations. Future inventions and greater skill may push the line out to a point where it will in- clude more difficult work than has yet been at- tempted. The rules laid down in this chapter aim to locate the line as definitely as that can now be done. In conclusion, for the sake of the emphasis which comes of repetition, let it be said again here, as it has already been said several times in various forms, that tree surgery is not nearly so important to trees as feeding, watering, and spraying, and that the common-sense, as well as the scientific procedure, is first to make the tree vigorous, and then, if it needs filling, to fill it. CHAPTER VII THE FILLING OF CAVITIES — MATERIALS AND TOOLS HE treatment of cavities is the part of tree repair which presents the greatest technical difficulties, as well as the largest opportunities for the application of the principles of the nature and growth of trees and of the spread of decay. The causes of cavities in trees have already been stated. ‘The many ways in which they are dan- gerous have also been touched on in several con- nections. Perhaps the clearest way to state the potential peril which lies in every cavity is to say that all cavities grow. Slowly, but steadily, every cavity grows larger and larger, until the exchange of sap between roots and leaves is so far cut off that the tree dies, or until the supporting frame- work of the tree is so far eaten away that the tree is broken down by the wind. Every cavity is therefore a stage in the steady course from the bark wound to the hollow, shattered tree. Other factors may bring about the death of the tree be- fore the cavity gets in its work, but the cavity is 102 FILLING OF CAVITIES 103 always at least a potential cause of the tree’s destruction. It is no wonder, then, that heroic measures are often resorted to in order to stop the spread of a cavity. For, as the essential reason why they must be treated is that all cavities grow, so the es- sential principle of their treatment is to stop their growth. And, conversely, the degree to which a treatment is successful is the degree to which the growth of the cavity has been stopped. Although the essential idea in the treatment of cavities is to stop their growth, other principles are involved, which, though not primary, are by no means with- out importance. These are that the treatment must be such as to facilitate the healing over of the interruptions in the continuity of the bark which accompany wounds and cavities, and, in so far as possible, it should be such as to restore to the tree the strength which has been taken from it by the destruction of its tissues. The first of these is in one way a corollary to the principle first stated, that of stopping growth, because the heal- ing over of a wound is the surest way to prevent reinfection. The ways in which these principles are put into practice will appear later, but it may be well to lay down at this point a skeleton program of the dif- ferent processes which are normally included in a complete cavity treatment: 104 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR 1. The decaying wood is completely removed, the mouth of the cavity being enlarged as much as may be necessary to accomplish this. 2. The mouth of the cavity is so shaped as to insure a proper retention of the filling, and as to facilitate the healing of the wound. 3. Braces are put in to strengthen the tree, re- tain the filling, and prevent the opening of cracks around it. 4. The interior of the cleaned cavity is treated and dressed in such a way as to prevent the rein- fection of the wood by fungi, and, in so far as is possible, to produce a water-tight connection be- tween the filling and the wood. 5. The cavity is filled, care being taken that the surface of the filling is so arranged as not to inter- fere with the natural healing of the wound. 6. The surface of the filling is so treated as to make it water proof. This outline may help to give unity to the rather piecemeal handling of the subject-matter of the chapter which is unavoidable from this point on. We shall first discuss the tools which are used in this branch of tree repair, then the materials, and, finally the methods. TOOLS The tools used in cavity work are those nat- urally suggested by the kind of work to be done. FILLING OF CAVITIES 105 In clearing away the dead wood, the main re- liance is placed upon carpenters’ gouges of the larger sizes, inch-and-a-half being perhaps the most useful size, while the two-inch size makes fast work if the wood is soft. Smaller sizes also have their special uses. It is hardly necessary to say that the gouges are outside-ground and socket-handled. This last feature is important on account of the frequency with which the handles break and have to be replaced. The best handles are made of sound ash or hickory, and are fairly large, with an iron ring around the butt. For work in large cavities long handles have to be fitted to the gouges. Old wagon spokes are the best stuff to use for this purpose. ‘They can usually be got for nothing at any blacksmith’s. The butts will have to be strengthened with an iron ring or the spokes will soon split. If these rings cannot be bought at the local hardware or department store sub- stitutes can be made by sawing a gas-pipe into inch lengths. Mallets, the invariable companions of the gouges, also come in several sizes and styles. Those of lignum vite usually last longest, but the. wear and tear on them is very great, and a mallet which has a crack in it will not last long. Tastes differ as to weight of head and length of handle, but fast work cannot-be done with a light mallet. The writer prefers the size known as 106 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR number eleven (weighing a little less than two pounds), and a handle about ten inches long. After these tools, perhaps the most useful is a light hand ax, especially in large work. An adz is also very useful, as is a pruning saw of the “‘ meat-saw ” type, the blade of which can be set at right angles to the handle, making it a handy tool when there is a large “ lip ” to be cut from the edge of a cavity. Several more or less successful efforts have been made to devise machines for excavating decayed wood. As yet none of these has come into general use, the extremely variable conditions presented by work in trees giving human labor a peculiar ad- vantage over the less easily controlled mechanical devices. Under the head of tools ought also to be men- tioned the ladders necessary for getting at the cavi- ties to be excavated when they are high above ground. The devices used, the various combina- tions of ladders, step-ladders, planks, and ropes which are made for the purpose of securing a com- fortable footing while at work, are endless. The work to be done and the materials at hand with which to do it will suggest to a handy man the best arrangements which can be made under the exist- ing circumstances. It saves time to make the con- ditions of work in each case as comfortable as pos- sible. FILLING OF CAVITIES 107 MATERIALS Dressings.— It is natural, when the materials employed in the treatment of cavities are men- tioned, to think first of concrete and the like. But of first importance are the dressings used on the in- terior of the cavity before the filling is put in. Logically, those materials are practically the same as the materials used for wound dressings, a sub- ject considered at length in a previous chapter. The materials of greatest value as dressings for cavities are creosote, the best preliminary disin- fectant and preservative; coal tar, mainly of value when the cavity is dry and well-drained, and the various forms of fluxed asphalt. Fillings.— A large number of different materials have been or are being used for filling trees. Con- crete is of course the commonest of them. Lately, asphalt has been supplanting concrete for many kinds of work. In the present division of the chapter the principal materials and the ways in which they are prepared for use will be discussed, leaving for a later division an account of how they are put into the tree. Concrete— Cement is a fairly easy material to handle. Any one can mix up a pail of cement with a wheelbarrow or two of gravel, pour it into a soap box, and make a passable horse-block. But the ease with which a certain kind of success is attained 108 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR with cement is apt to lead to ineffective results when the work is subjected to conditions at all try- ing. A person who wants to do good work with cement, work suited to the materials used and adapted to the end aimed at, must make himself familiar with the properties of cement and of con- crete and with the principles governing the selec- tion of materials entering into the concrete, the mixing of those materials, and the placing and hardening of the mixture. ‘There is a number of cheap and excellent handbooks dealing with these matters, and one of them should be familiar to every user of cement. In this book, however, only the elements can be presented, and such de- tails as bear directly on the use of concrete as a filling for trees. It may be well to begin with a few definitions. Concrete is an artificial stone made up of small pieces of natural stone held together by a matrix produced by the crystallization of hydraulic ce- ment and water. The materials held together, such as sand, gravel, or broken stone, are called the aggregates. Portland cement, the hydraulic cement commonly used for making concrete, con- tains lime, silica, alumina, and other elements, and is made by melting a limy substance with a clayey substance and grinding the resultant clinker to a very fine powder. It is this material alone which is correctly called cement, the mixture of it with FILLING OF CAVITIES 109 water and any form of aggregate being concrete. The word cement is, however, frequently used to designate concrete, especially when the aggregates employed are small. Concrete, then, is made by mixing cement with aggregates and with water. In order that the concrete may be good the materials of which it is made must be carefully selected. Portland ce- ment is very uniform and it is safe to use the prod- uct of any of the large mills, or any brand sold by a reliable dealer. If kept for any length of time it must be protected from moisture, and must be dry and powdery when used. It comes in paper or cloth sacks containing about ninety-five pounds. Four sacks make a barrel and cost about a dollar and a half. The aggregates present greater difficulties. In the first place, the type of aggregate best suited to the purpose must be determined. It has been the usual custom to employ simply a mixture of cement and sand for filling trees, on account of the fact that coarser aggregates make it difficult to work the exposed surface of the filling down smooth. A concrete made of small aggregates, however, is not so strong nor so dense as one in which larger aggregates are used. W. A. Radford, in “Cement and How to Use It,” makes a clear statement of this principle: “There is the closest relation between the 110 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR density and the strength of concrete. Even a slight increase in weight per cubic foot will add very decidedly to the strength. In this connec- tion the importance of the coarser aggregates can- not be too strongly insisted upon. The use of coarse material is essential to density, since coarse material contains the smallest amount of voids. Different kinds of sand, gravel, and stone vary greatly in the amount of their voids; and by judi- ciously mixing coarse and fine materials, the voids may be much reduced, and the weight and density of the concrete increased. “Tf the sand be screened so as to take out the coarse grains, the voids will be increased and the weight reduced, thus injuring the sand for making concrete. Strength may be improved by adding coarse material, even though the proportion of cement is thereby reduced. This has been re- peatedly shown by experiment. A mixture of cement and sand alone will form a rather weak concrete, especially if the sand is fine. By adding gravel — say about twice the quantity of gravel that there is of sand, or a little more—a con- crete will be obtained containing, of course, a greatly reduced percentage of cement, but of greatly increased strength.” The strain on concrete fillings in trees is so great that a sacrifice of strength for a fancied esthetic effect is not easily justified. It is, moreover, not FILLING OF CAVITIES III difficult to handle a rather coarse aggregate in such a way as to make a fairly smooth surface, espe- cially if that surface is given a heavy waterproof dressing. Placing, as he does, efficiency before appearance, the writer urges the use of larger aggregates in making concrete for filling trees. Half-inch crushed stone makes an_ excellent material for the purpose, as also does screened gravel. The selection and proportioning of the aggre- gates depend upon the principle that the most com- pact and strongest concrete is made by so grading the aggregates that the mixture may contain a minimum percentage of voids. Enough cement is mixed in to fill the voids, and the resultant con- crete is practically solid. An ideal combination of aggregates, therefore, is one which brings to- gether fine and coarse sand, small stones and large ones. A mixture of sand with screened gravel or broken stone conforms fairly closely to this ideal, as, to a slightly less degree, does bank gravel, a natural mixture of sand and gravel. Good sand is fairly coarse, with grains of grad- uated sizes, and, above all, it must be clean. A coarse mixed sand requires less cement than a fine, uniform one. Besides the dead and dusty appear- ance of dirty sand when it is dry, the following test for fresh sand is very useful. The descrip- tion of it is quoted from ‘‘ Concrete Construction 112. PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR About the Home and on the Farm,” published by a cement company. “ Pick up a double handful of moist sand from the bank; open the hands, holding them with the thumbs up; rub the sand lightly between the hands, keeping them about half an inch apart, allowing the sand to slip quickly between them. Repeat this operation five or six times,.then rub the hands lightly together so as to remove the fine grains of sand which adhere to them, and examine to see whether or not a thin film of sticky matter adheres to the fingers; if so, do not use the sand, for it con- tains loam.” Bank gravel makes a fairly good ready-mixed aggregate for concrete, although as a usual thing it is not correctly proportioned, the amount of sand being excessive. It is ordinarily best to put some of the gravel through a quarter-inch screen in order to determine what its actual composition is. Then, if a deficiency of the larger pebbles is indicated, enough screened gravel can be added to make the proportions correct. If pure sand has to be used it must be mixed at about the rate of two parts of sand to one of cement, in order to approxi- mate the richness of a 1:4 gravel mixture. The various mixtures of cement, aggregates, and water, which are used in making concrete are grouped in two ways: according to the proportion of cement to aggregates, and according to the FILLING OF CAVITIES 113 amount of water incorporated in the mixture. A rich mix is one in which one part (by loose bulk) of cement is mixed with two parts of sand and three of gravel. A medium mixture runs about 1:3:6, and a lean mixture, 1:4:8. Arranged ac- cording to wetness, a very wet mixture is one which is mushy enough to run off the shovel, a medium mixture is jelly-like and will quake on tamping, while a dry mixture closely resembles damp earth. For filling trees a rich mixture should ordinarily be employed, because the actual amount of cement used is small and because it is highly desirable that the filling set quickly and become very hard. In positions where there is but little strain on the fill- ing, as beneath or near the surface of the soil, or in a large cavity with a small opening, a mixture of medium richness can be used with entire safety. The degree of wetness is not so easily disposed of. For the most part a rather dry mixture has been used for filling trees. The difficulty of mak- ing a form into which to deposit the concrete al- most compels the workman to use a mixture so dry that he can build it up without a form and without danger of its slumping down through the opening of the cavity. ‘This is the easiest way to put in a concrete filling, and it has been almost the universal way. It is constantly being made clearer and clearer, however, that the dry system 114 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR is subject to one very serious danger. Many fill- ings made in this way, though they may at first seem hard, gradually “rot.” The writer believes that the explanation of this difficulty lies in the dryness of the mixture. There is a saying that a wet mixture tamps itself, but that a dry mixture must be tamped. A dry mixture which is not thoroughly tamped cannot make a dense concrete. Now it is almost impossible to tamp properly con- crete which is being built up in a cavity. In the first. place, there is not often much elbow-room and it is difficult to apply sufficient force. Then, too, a hearty ramming would almost surely cause the lower part of the filling to belly out or to fall out bodily. As a result, tree fillings are not often tamped with anywhere near the force considered essential in the manufacture of building blocks by the ‘dry method,” which is practically the only large use of dry concrete. Such fillings are in- evitably porous, and porous concrete is like a sponge. If there is any water about, the concrete will absorb it. This brings us to another difficulty which often arises in connection with dry fillings. It often happens that a large part of what water there is in the mixture evaporates the very first day it is in place. Between this evaporation and the orig- inal scantiness of water, not enough is left to crys- tallize the cement in the concrete. When the con- 3 Y “i Ns Pitas Penn Fea Cavity in the base of a white oak filled with concrete FILLING OF CAVITIES 115 crete dries out only a part of the cement really hardens. The rest, although its cementing value is destroyed, does not harden and is left in the concrete in an unfixed condition. Now when this concrete becomes saturated with water, and the water works downward and out of any drainage openings which may occur, it carries with it some of this loose cement, a condition of things which is betrayed by a light-colored stain on the bark below the opening of the cavity. As this process goes on the porousness of the concrete must ob- viously increase, and before long the filling is ab- solutely saturated, and has become rotten, friable, and weak. This result is the more surprising be- cause a week after the filling is put in it usually seems as hard as flint, due to the fact that trowel- ing and smoothing the surface draws to it a large amount of cement and water, which cause the sur- face of the filling to become really hard. As a remedy for this state of affairs two solu- tions have been tried. The old method has been rid of some of its faults by making the mixture just as wet as it is possible to handle it, by paying greater attention to the tamping, and, especially, by preventing the access of water to the concrete by means of improved dressings for the inner sur- face of the cavity and the outer surface of the filling. At the same time, efforts have been made to find a practical means of handling a wet mix- 116 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR ture, for therein lies the real solution of the prob- lem. The writer has tried several schemes to overcome the mechanical difficulties presented by the wet mixture. The most successful of them, and also the best way of handling the dry mixture, will be described later under the general descrip- tion of the method of filling cavities. Little need be said concerning the details of mixing concrete and the like, for such matters are familiar to almost every one, and they are de- scribed fully in pamphlets which can be secured free of charge from the Government or the manu- facturers, and in cheap and easily obtainable hand- books. Something ought, however, to be said about quantities and costs. As soon as a job has pro- gressed far enough to make possible an estimate of the cubical contents of the cavity, the amount of materials required to fill it should be figured out and provision made for obtaining them. To do this it is necessary to know how much cement and aggregates is needed to make a certain amount of concrete. Suppose the aggregate is a natural mixture of sand and gravel. It will be a little shy of gravel and the mixed sizes will not bulk as large as if they were separated, so you will have to use one part of cement to four parts of gravel to make the equivalent of a 1:2:4 concrete. At the rate of one to four, a bag of cement, three and FILLING OF CAVITIES ey. three-quarters cubic feet of gravel, and five gallons of water will make a medium wet mixture which will make four and a quarter cubic feet of concrete. So by dividing the number of cubic feet in the cavity by 414 you can obtain the number of bags of cement to order, and by multiplying the num- ber of bags of cement by 334, you can obtain the number of cubic feet of gravel required. If the sand and stone or gravel are secured separately, the amounts required can be calculated from the proportions of the ingredients of a cubic foot of concrete. A cubic foot of 1:2:4 concrete con- tains approximately .o15 of a bag of cement, .o16 cubic yard of sand, and .032 cubic yard of stone or gravel. The cost of materials varies greatly in different parts of the country, but a fair average would be $1.50 a barrel for cement, $.80 a yard for sand, and $1.20 for stone. A combination of these fig- ures with those above indicates that a cubic foot of 1:2:4 concrete contains $.056 worth of cement, $.013 of sand, and $.04 worth of stone, making the cubic foot cost, for materials, approximately eleven cents. It is more likely to exceed than not to reach that figure. Asphalt.—It is now generally recognized that concrete is not fitted to serve as a filling material for every kind of cavity. With that recognition has come a demand for a more elastic material, 118 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR more like wood in its properties, and capable of becoming more nearly like an integral part of the tree. The moment this need was stated, asphalt suggested itself as the material which most nearly meets the requirements. It is, indeed, practically the only solid filling material which has been brought forward as a substitute for concrete. Its eminent fitness is obvious. It is slightly elastic, while concrete is absolutely rigid; it is waterproof, while concrete absorbs water; it adheres to wood, while concrete does not; it is light and warm, while concrete is heavy and cold. In a preceding chapter, under the topic of wound dressings, some of the various kinds of asphalt have been mentioned. It cannot as yet be definitely stated what form of asphalt is best suited to tree work. For outside waterproofing appli- cations, the writer is convinced that bituminous cement made from the natural asphalt is the best. For cavity work it may sometimes be little more than a question of choosing the cheapest material, especially when the metal-front system is used. Such brief description as is necessary of the methods of mixing the asphalt with other sub- stances, in the preparation of the actual filling-ma- terial, is best deferred until the processes of filling appropriate to each material are being described. CuaptTer VIII GENERAL METHOD OF FILLING CAVITIES O much for the materials used in dressing and filling cavities. Next in order is a general description of methods — the way the excavation is made, the way the hollow trunk is braced and filled. ‘This general description will be followed by specific discussions of the various types of cavities and of the special problems each presents. PRELIMINARY SURVEY After it has been decided to fill a cavity in a cer- tain tree, the first thing to be done is to make a careful investigation of the decayed portion of the trunk, the purpose being to map out the course to be followed in excavating the rotten wood. If openings already exist, as they usually do, it must be decided whether they will offer sufficient access to the decay, and, if not, how much they must be enlarged, or what new incisions must be made, and where. It is often wise to leave the cutting of new holes until after the excavation is well under 119 120 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR way, but when the need of them can be clearly foreseen, it is an economy to cut them at once, so that each portion of decayed wood can be removed from the most convenient point. If the decay Vertical section of a decayed oak, showing holes bored to de- termine extent of decay, and section of the same tree excavated and filled runs down the trunk to the ground on any side, the soil must be dug away. It may be well to mention here that cavity work is very hard on the grass around the tree, and it is often well to lay down a piece of canvas or burlap, to protect the sod. Existing openings must in every case be GENERAL METHODS 121 enlarged to sound wood an inch or so thick, in order to provide a proper edge for the cavity. If there are old callus lips rolling over the side of the opening of the cavity, and there is rot behind them, they must be cut away. In case new in- cisions are necessary, they are made, when possi- ble, at a place where there is already an injury to the tree, such as a patch of dead bark, or where the wood is thin and the slow growth of the bark indicates that the flow of sap will not be seriously interfered with by an incision. It requires con- siderable experience to enable a man to say in ad- vance just how large an opening will be needed for removing the decayed wood from a cavity, but to do so often saves much time, for it frequently happens that a man chips a long time at a patch of dead wood which could have been very quickly removed through an opening made later on. EXCAVATION The openings once fixed on and made, the work of removing the rotten wood begins. At first this is usually easy enough, but it grows harder and harder as the work progresses. All sorts of tricks have to be used in order to get at all of the decay. Sometimes if a gouge won’t “‘bite,” a chisel, with its edge toward the wood, will do the work. An extension bit is also very useful in handling “ pockets” of rotten wood. 122 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR ‘“* Punk-wood”’ can sometimes be burnt out with a gasoline torch, using a tree scraper to scrape off the charred wood and control the flame. It would require a good many pages even to enumerate the hundreds of schemes and adapta- tions employed by a resourceful workman during a season’s work. A person of normal ingenuity will not need any further suggestions along this line than are daily furnished by the work to be done and the tools at hand. As the work nears completion, the operator must constantly keep in mind the standard of per- fection decided on in the beginning. The tree has presumably been sounded (by boring holes, if necessary), and it has been definitely determined that all of the decay can and should be removed. We shall speak later of those cases in which it is found impossible to get out all the rotten wood. At present we are taking it for granted that com- plete excision has been prescribed. It may seem superfluous to say (but repeated experiences have shown that it is not) that “complete” does not mean “substantial.” It does not mean that the rot is to be cleaned away perfectly where it is easy to get at, and yet permitted to remain in corners and crotches which are difficult of access. And too much must not be left for the antiseptic dress- ing, for few of the dressings soak in to any con- GENERAL METHODS 123 siderable depth. Half an inch is all that can usually be counted on. Aside from the necessity of making sure that all infested wood is removed, it does not make much difference in what shape the interior of the cavity is left. It does not have to be smooth, ex- cept in so far as may be required by the nature of the dressing to be used. Tar, for instance, will not flow behind large semi-detached chips, but as- phalt may cover them easily. SHAPING THE MOUTH The excavation finished, the next step is the proper outlining and edging of the opening. The mouth of the cavity must be so shaped that the filling will be re- tained, the formation and growth of calluses facilitated, and the en- trance of water into Vertical section showing top ; ' and bottom of cavity slant- the cavity made unlikely. 34 Ce aiecen Caen The first purpose is at- of water deindd. by gnekine te ee ie cavity larger back of the growth does not start from mouth than it is just at ‘* ‘? the mouth. The entrance of water is made less easy by slanting upward the upper and lower edges of the opening, so as to form water-sheds. 124 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR As regards the encouragement of calluses, the im- portant thing is to keep in mind the facts and rules concerning the cambium and the growth of calluses which have been explained in the chapter on the nature of tree growth. The mouth of the cavity should be kept as narrow as possible, the sides fairly straight and parallel to the strong- growing ridges of the trunk, and the ends of the Cross sections of four incorrect fillings. In the first, the exca- vation is not correctly shaped for retaining the filling; in the second, the filling is brought out so far that the cambium cannot spread over it; in the third, the filling bulges too much; in the last, the wood at each side of the opening is cut too thin opening should be tapered. Some otherwise skil- ful operators cut the top of the opening off square. That is a mistake, for if the tree is growing very slowly a triangular-shaped piece of bark just above the filling either dies or makes very slight growth, thus forming an ideal haven for boring insects. To avoid the possibility of the cam- bium’s drying out, there must be a reasonable thickness of sap-wood beneath it, which means that very thin lips should be cut back to a point where the wood is an inch, say, in thickness. In GENERAL METHODS 125 this connection it may be noticed that there is always danger, especially when the bark is thin, that the cambium will be killed by drying back an inch or so from the edge of the opening. This amounts to an enlargement, by so much, of the wound, and measures should be taken to pre- vent it. If the job lasts several days, the tempo- rary edge of the opening should be shellacked if the danger is considered sufficient to warrant the trouble. When the edges have finally been shaped and pared smooth, the bast and cambium and the wood an inch below it should be painted with shellac or liquid wax. Such treatment will not only prevent drying but also the killing of the cambium by the antiseptic dressing. BRACING Bracing is next. Braces are put in to strengthen the tree, to make it more nearly rigid, in order that it may not crush the filling, to assist in the retention of the filling, and to prevent the opening up of cracks around its edges. For all these purposes it is almost futile to try to use braces which are entirely within the cavity. Such braces cannot be made stiff enough, and cannot be anchored strongly enough to the wood. ‘The only way to do is to run the braces clean through from one side of the trunk to the other, which of course means that ordinary machine bolts are exactly 126 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR suited to the purpose. The number of bolts de- pends upon the size of the tree, the thickness of the sound wood, and the number and size of the openings of the cavity. As the most common function of the braces is to prevent the formation of cracks around the filling, they are usually in- serted as close to the mouth of the cavity as pos- sible, reminding one of the stitches with which a surgeon closes up a wound. It is not often that the bolts need be closer together than eighteen inches. The diameter of the bolts should be kept down to the minimum of safety, not only to save on the cost of the iron, but also to avoid making un- necessarily large holes in the bark in inserting them. Considering that the steel of which machine bolts are made has a strength of fifty thousand pounds to the square inch, it is evident that anything larger than five-eighths bolts will not often be needed. Bolts in trees give way, when they do, by snapping off, or pulling out of, their heads. When ordering special sizes and extra lengths from the blacksmith the best way is to have both ends of the bolt threaded. A nut can be set on one end and can be considered as a head, or both nuts can be used to tighten up the bolt. In case the slope of the bark toward the mouth of the cavity is such that a large socket would have to be cut in order to form level floors for the head of the bolt and the nut, it is better to run them GENERAL METHODS 127 x 1 rm, wy aT } > wi “7 iT a (h— oo \) var Ty W v = 1) Wy a ae N \ oe \ 7 <—™ Me Whe ” Beech tree with old trunk cavity and the same tree, excavated, braced, and filled with asphalt through the center of the tree, only one end being near the edge of the cavity. The same method is advisable when the wood on either side of the cavity is very thin. After the location of the bolts is decided on, the holes for them should be bored, 128 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR the sockets cut out or bored out with a large auger and measurements for the bolts made. These processes will be described at greater length in the chapter devoted to the bracing of limbs. Every effort should be made to keep the sockets as small as possible. Nor need they be cut much deeper than the cambium. Large, deep sockets, Cross sections showing two ways of Sockets for bolts, one too bracing a cavity deep, the other correct in which the bolt head can be completely covered with cement, may look better to some people than smaller ones, but in them appearance is gained at the cost of lessened strength in the brace and greater damage to the tree. It is hardly neces- sary to say that the sockets and the bolts must be painted with some disinfectant, such as tar, before the bolt is inserted. These bolts do not usually strengthen the tree to any great extent. There are a number of sys- tems of bracing in common use which are claimed to strengthen the tree. In the writer’s opinion they do not often materially do so. In one sys- GENERAL METHODS 129 tem a network of strap-iron, elaborately bolted to- gether, is staggered back and forth inside the tree. But the reinforcing elements are so short and weak in comparison with the leverage of the limbs and the power of the wind, that it is difficult to believe that they have any substantial strengthening value. Another method is to reinforce the concrete with rods of steel, just as structural concrete is rein- forced. This can only be of value when it is used in a long cavity which is decidedly more weaken- ing in the middle than it is at either end. If the tree is weakest at the ground this system would increase the danger because it would destroy the shock-absorbing capacity of the trunk and make of it a lever by which the top could bear on the lowest part of the trunk. Doubtless these and similar systems of interior bracing have occasional uses, but before going to much expense in that direction it is a good idea to make a diagram of the proposed reinforcements and submit it to a civil or structural engineer. If his discussion of the project leaves you convinced of its value, go ahead. In the case of a tree so far gone as to suggest such elaborate interior reinforcement, it will usually be best to employ the ‘“‘ open system” of cavity treatment which will be described in another chapter. Strengthen the weak limbs with outside braces. If possible, strengthen the whole tree by 130 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR running wire ropes to it from its sturdier neigh- bors. These braces need not be conspicuous. Their strength is not problematical: it can be cal- culated to the pound. Plant a Virginia creeper or Euonymus radicans at the base of the old tree and spend the money you have saved in setting out a young one. DRESSING THE CAVITY The braces in place and tightened up, the next thing on the program is the antiseptic treatment of the interior of the cavity. The materials suit- able for this purpose have already been enumer- ated. The choice of a material or a combination of materials depends upon the completeness with which it was possible to remove the decay, the con- dition of the exposed wood, and the shape of the cavity, and the material to be used in filling. If a penetrating antiseptic is needed, carbolineum is the most effective. If the wood exposed in exca- vating is damp it is essential that it be allowed to dry for a few days, the cambium, of course, being protected. It does no harm for a cavity to stand in this way half the summer. If time for natural drying is not available, the cavity can be dried out fairly well with a gasoline torch, though consider- able discretion is needed in the use of that tool. A cavity which is to be filled with concrete should never receive, as its final dressing, any material GENERAL METHODS 131 less heavy than asphalt, unless it is a perfectly drained basal cavity, in which case coal tar can be used. Whatever material is chosen, it must be applied after the braces are in, and the applica- tion must be thorough and absolutely complete. FUMIGATING If boring insects have gained entrance through the trunk, and have progressed beyond the decay, so that some remain after the decay is removed, the cavity must be fumigated before it is filled. Tack a sheet of tar-paper over the mouth of the cavity, filling the interstices between the paper and the bark with clay or cotton-batting dipped in mud. Just before the last corner is packed down throw in a rag soaked with a teaspoonful of carbon bi- sulphide for each cubic foot of space in the cavity. If the cover is tight the larve will be dead in a few hours. FILLING: CHOICE OF MATERIAL The cavity is now ready for filling. The first question in that connection is the choice of a filling material. Concrete is still generally looked upon as probably the best filler for the more simple types of cavities, although its shortcomings and limitations are constantly being more widely recog- nized. Its advantages are that it is very cheap, 1s easily obtainable everywhere, requires none but 132 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR common tools and appliances, and is easily and quickly put into the tree. On the other hand, it is absolutely unlike wood in all its properties, being heavy, cold and rigid, while wood is light, warm and elastic. It is very difficult to get a good junc- tion between wood and cement. Cement is always somewhat porous, and usually damp, and attracts and condenses moisture, the greatest enemy of the life of wood. It is very weak when it is new, and is then and later frequently crushed by the immense strength of a bending and twisting tree. Almost the only thing in its favor is its conveni- ence. Many situations and conditions, however, can be found in which the drawbacks of concrete are minimized in importance, and in which it is as good a material as any. Perhaps an attempt to lay down certain rules covering these points would be worth while: In basal cavities which are well grounded and which do not extend up into the trunk a distance greater than two or three times its diameter, use concrete. In small cavities, at least so small in relation to the size of the trunk in which they occur that when the tree sways they move as a unit and do not vary much in shape, use concrete if the wood is dry. When the conditions are slightly more severe than these, concrete can often be used with safety, pro- vided extreme care is taken with the braces, the dressing of the cavity, and the covering of the sur- GENERAL METHODS 133 face of the concrete. If the drainage is poor, if there are many openings, if the tree twists and bends in the wind, use asphalt. These rules gov- ern fillings only. In a succeeding chapter will be found accounts of cavity treatments which do not The two trees at the left are proper subjects for cement fill- ings. Those at the right must be filled with asphalt or treated by the open system, without fillings involve filling, and also discussions of the value and proper use of each. Coming now to the actual operations of putting in the filling, the methods of handling concrete will be described first — then the use of asphalt. FILLING WITH CONCRETE Concrete fillings can be put into trees in a num- ber of different ways. And the differences, though 134. PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR at first glance they may seem of slight importance, are not so much differences of method as they are differences of purpose. In other words, the men who have developed the different systems, have had different ideas as to the function of cement fillings. In the early days of cement work in trees, it seems to have been taken for granted that the main value of the filling lay in its strengthen- ing effect. The question of how this supposed effect was brought about does not seem to have been asked. It simply ‘‘ seemed natural” that a tree which was full of hard cement should be stronger than a hollow tree. However, when irregular cracks appeared across the face of every large cement filling, and when the filled trees proved to be no more resistant to storms, appar- ently, than unfilled trees, tree-men began to ask themselves whether they were working on the right principle. The idea that the cement was of considerable strengthening value was not abandoned, however, and the difficulties which had developed were explained as being due to the absence of a sufficiently close bond between the concrete and the wood. The most obvious remedy for the trouble was to drive a lot of nails into the inner surface of the cavity. But the cracks still appeared. Continuing the same line of attack, an elaborate system of interior bracing or reinforcing was developed. This was an im- Common, excavated and bolted, Boston Linden on for filling ready GENERAL METHODS 135 provement on the simple cement filling, but its re- sults were at best uncertain, and embarrassing fractures continued to appear in fillings of any considerable size. About this time (1907) the writer had to take out a number of concrete fillings, some eight or ten years old, which, though otherwise well done, had been put in without previously treating in any way the inner surface of the excavated cavity. He observed, though hardly with surprise, that while the concrete was perfectly hard and sound, it was divided into sections, in every situation ex- cept the very base of a grounded filling, by roughly horizontal fractures. Many of these cracks were so small that they could hardly be detected on the surface of the concrete. These observations made it quite apparent that it is idle to try to increase the strength of a hollow trunk by filling it with a rigid back-bone of concrete. And a little consideration will make evident the soundness of this conclusion. ‘The secret of the great strength of wood lies mainly in its elasticity, the ease with which it can be bent and twisted. Concrete is strong in quite a different way. It is almost per- fectly rigid and inelastic. And it is futile to try to reinforce an elastic substance with an inelastic one. Suppose we have two beams, one of con- crete and one of wood, bridging a certain space. Suppose the concrete beam has a breaking point 136 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR of one thousand pounds, and that the wood will support the same weight, but that it bends three inches in doing so. If the beams are placed to- gether and a weight of twelve hundred pounds is placed across them, what happens? The wood begins to bend, but it will hardly be supporting a hundred pounds before the concrete beam’s limit of elasticity has been reached. The load on it being in excess of its strength, the concrete breaks, and the whole load falling on to the wood, it also gives way. The importance of this difference in the char- acter of the strength of the two materials is espe- cially great just at the time the filling is put into the tree. It is well known that concrete, though it hardens with considerable rapidity, does not at- tain to its ultimate strength for a rather long period after it sets. It is this fact which explains the provision in all building codes to the effect that the forms must be left on structural concrete work at least two weeks. During the first day or two that the concrete is in place its tensile strength is very slight, even though the surface of it may seem quite hard. And it is absolutely inelastic. During this first day or two, however, the tree is certain to sway a little, and if there is much wind its trunk will be in motion from top to bot- tom. It is almost impossible to brace a tree so that it cannot bend, and it is quite impossible to GENERAL METHODS 137 brace it so that it cannot twist, and the raw con- crete is just as weak under torsion as it is under tension. As an inevitable result minute fractures are produced in the filling, which forever destroy its tensile strength. It may be said that the con- crete at least retains its compressive strength, and that it acts as a buttress to the tree. An architect might answer that a shallow buttress offers but little resistance to a horizontal stress, and a num- ber of instances have come to the writer’s notice in which the filling seemed to act as a fulcrum in- stead of a buttress, and actually helped to over- turn the tree. Furthermore, trees are twisted off more often than they are blown straight over, and a concrete filling cannot offer much resistance to a twisting force. All these considerations compel the conclusion that the idea that a concrete filling appreciably strengthens a tree is a mistaken one. What, then, is the true function of the filling? That function is threefold. The filling keeps insects, fungi, and water from gaining access to the heart of the tree; it forms a surface across which the calluses can grow, a growth which aids the tree physically and physiologically; and it probably has some value in preventing the collapse under strain of a hollow trunk, a value due entirely to its power of resist- ing compression. The effect of this change in the purpose of fill- 138 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR ing is to make a fundamental difference in the tech- nique of filling. It means that all effort to secure vertical rigidity can be abandoned. It means that a filling made up of horizontal layers will perform all the real functions of a filling, while at the same time it will control the formation of the inevitable cracks in the concrete. The ‘layer system” has been adopted by most tree repair men, although not always with a complete realization of the full significance of the principles which underlie it. Justice demands that it be said, however, that in this branch of tree repair, as in most arts and sciences, there are two schools. Some arbori- culturists still insist that the right way is to secure perfect rigidity throughout the concrete filling and perfect adhesion of the filling to the trunk. To the multitude of nails and numerous iron braces once generally in vogue, this school has added an intricate wire web, woven back and forth across the opening of the cavity, and fixed to the wood by a row of staples an inch or so inside of the cambium. Even though these efforts are success- ful in accomplishing their purpose, it is a matter of considerable doubt with the writer whether that purpose is worth accomplishing. Even granting that the filled portion of the trunk can be made perfectly rigid (and that is granting a great deal), it remains to be proved that a rigid trunk is more resistant to storms than an elastic trunk. GENERAL METHODS 139 If we have, then, a simple cavity for which concrete is a suitable filling we know in advance that it will be useless to try to make of the filling a rigid mass. Our bracing has also been done with that principle in mind. Knowing the plan Wwe are going to work on, we are ready to proceed with the work of filling the tree. There are, as has already been suggested, two ways of putting concrete into a cavity —the dry method and the wet method. CONCRETE: DRY METHOD The dry method is the commoner one. It looks simple but it is not an easy job for a beginner to set concrete up in an open cavity in such a way that it will be well tamped and compacted, and yet avoid “‘ slumping” of the face of the filling. It is well to begin with a job which slopes back a little. It is not practicable, in this method, to use a very large aggregate. Mix a mortar of one part cement to four parts of natural gravel which has passed through a half-inch screen, mak- ing it so dry that a vertical wall can be cut in it without slumping, and yet so wet that a handful of it squeezed tightly will not fracture when the hand is opened. Set a pail of this mortar and a pail of wet stones near the tree. After laying down a layer of stones in the back of the cavity and out to 140 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR within four or five inches of its mouth, spread over them a layer of mortar. The best trowel for this purpose is a garden trowel to which has been fixed a rather heavy handle about fifteen inches long. Such a trowel scoops and carries better and spreads as well as the flat, diamond- shaped mason’s trowel. The butt of the handle ishandy asatamp. After thoroughly compacting the cement about the stones, bring up the level of the front of the fill- ing with mortar alone. Lay each trowelful down at right angles with the mouth of the cavity. Spread it back so as to bond with the stones, and pull it forward to the face, pressing it against a pointing trowel held in the left hand. Every layer must be carefully tamped and Vertical section showing di- compacted by pounding vision of cement filling into : : Stine and pressing it from above and pressing it in- ward from in front. If the filling extends up more than three feet above the surface of the soil (or less in a small tree) divide the filling into GENERAL METHODS I4I horizontal sections. The interval between the joints (or “‘disjoints,’ rather) depends upon the amount of “give” in the trunk. Near the base of a tree a foot and a half is sufficiently short. Farther up, the sections should be smaller. One sometimes sees complicated fillings which are di- vided into sections of only four or five inches. The necessity for such ample provision for cracks usually indicates that the limitations of the use- fulness of concrete have been exceeded. The di- visions are produced by leveling off the top of the concrete as the filling is being built up, and spread- ing a sheet of paper over the level surface before continuing the filling. Newspaper does very well for this purpose, and has the advantage over heavier kinds that it offers no resistance to the trowel in cutting down _ the face of the filling. Cambium Thick tarred roofing : paper -has its advocates, however, their theory being that it gives the filling some elasticity un- der compression. ee eee After the filling is bium completed, the next thing to attend to is its outer surface and conformation. At the edges the concrete should meet the wood just below the line of the cambium. The distance 142 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR back of the cambium depends on the thickness of the dressing with which the surface of the concrete is to be protected. There is a natural tendency to rub the surface of the filling down smooth, but the subsequent surface dressing sticks better to the surface which results from cutting or paring down the cement with a trowel. The conformation of the filling should be graceful, following the curves of the trunk, but no effort should be made to imi- tate the bark or ridges of the natural tree. The curve from one side of the cavity to the other should not be full, but rather incline toward flat- ness. CONCRETE: WET METHOD The method, which will now be described, of filling cavities in trees with wet concrete mixture, depends on the closing of the opening with a dam of waterproof fabric (such as oil-cloth) held in place by strips of canvas across the opening, the dam being carried up the opening as fast as the mixture is deposited. ‘The work is performed in the following way, a basal cavity of very moder- ate difficulty being taken as an example. Having completed the excavation and treated the interior, fill the lower part, up at least to the surface of the soil, with wet concrete. Then, if the tree is a large one, tie two poles to the trunk, one each side of the opening and six or eight inches from it. GENERAL METHODS 143 They can be held in place at top and bottom by ropes running completely around the tree, and at intervals between by ropes around the back of the tree. Separate the poles from the tree by a num- ber of inch blocks. Have ready a piece of oil- cloth or oiled canvas at least as wide as the widest part of the opening and as long as it is; also a large number of strips of canvas five or six inches wide. Brush the shiny surface of the oil-cloth with light oil. Mix a batch of concrete, preferably near the tree, making it so wet that a man stepping on a pile of it will sink to his ankles. You are now ready to continue filling up the cavity. First hold the oil-cloth, shiny side in, against the open- ing of the cavity, the top edge of it reaching a few inches above the highest part of the opening and tack it there with a couple of brads. Fit the cloth, where it touches the ground, across the opening and hold it in place with a few shovelfuls of gravel. Tie a strip of canvas to the bottom of one of the poles and carry it across to the other pole in such a way as to hold the oil- cloth in place. Carry the canvas back and forth across the opening up to a point say eighteen inches above the surface of the soil. Loosen the oil-cloth from the brads holding it above, thus exposing the opening of the cavity. The lower part of the oil-cloth will of course be held against 144 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR the opening by the canvas strips. Inspect the in- side of the eighteen-inch wall or dam thus pro- duced, making sure that it is firm and tight to the edges of the opening. If it appears possible that the mortar will escape along those edges, a rag or Two stages in the process of filling a basal cavity with concrete by the wet method some waste or a bit of clay can be used to plug up the loose places. Now shovel in the concrete, spreading and tamping it at the same time. See that it flows into every corner and that no part of it escapes the tamp. When the concrete has reached the top of the dam, give it a final tamp- ing, level it off, and spread a sheet of newspaper GENERAL METHODS 145 over it, in order to make a division, as described earlier in the chapter. You are now ready to start a new section. Raise the end of the oil-cloth, tacking it up as before. Carry the strips of can- vas back and forth across the opening until a height of a foot or so is reached. Then drop the oil-cloth, put in the concrete, and proceed as before. When the filling is completed it must be allowed to stand for several hours, the exact time depend- ing upon the weather, the richness and wetness of the mixture, and the size of the filling. If possi- ble, put in the filling in the morning and inspect it occasionally during the afternoon. As soon as it becomes resistant to the fingers and a little force is required to cut into it with a trowel, take off the canvas strips and the oil-cloth. Then chip or scrape the filling off down to the proper level and contour, starting with the spots which require the most cutting away. If a pebble here and there runs farther back into the concrete than it is desired to cut, simply pull it out and leave a hole there. If the surface resulting from this process is not sufficiently smooth, dampen the sur- face thoroughly and cover it with a thin stucco of wet mortar made of one part cement and two parts sand. ‘The stucco should be as shallow as possible; indeed, it is best simply to fill up the deeper holes made by knocking out stones from 146 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR the filling. Shade the filling from the sun and after it has become a little harder sprinkle it with water occasionally to ‘‘ cure” the surface. Finally, treat the surface with a waterproof com- pound or paint. It is obvious that this method can be, indeed must be, modified to meet special needs and special conditions. If the filling is in a small tree the poles at the sides can be dispensed with, and the canvas strips can be run completely around the tree. If canvas is not handy, rope can be used, some slats and a piece of burlap, perhaps, or a piece of old carpet, being laid against the oil-cloth to stiffen it. Some may think that a filling done in this way will result in too flat a surface across the mouth of the cavity. The writer considers a flattish surface stronger, more favorable to the growth of calluses, and better looking than a much rounded surface, but if greater convexity is desired it can easily be secured, either by leaving the canvas strips loose, so as to let the oil-cloth bag out a little, or by leaning a pole or two against the open- ing inside the oil-cloth, to hold it back from the opening. If the filling is so shallow that con- vexity is necessary to give it strength, asphalt ought to be used in place of concrete. If for any reason it is desired to have the con- crete harden very quickly, a ten per cent. solution GENERAL METHODS 147 of calcium chloride can be used in place of pure water. The mixture will harden three or four times as fast as it otherwise would. This per- centage represents about eight pounds of chloride to ten gallons of water. The chloride costs about twelve cents a pound in small quantities; much less in larger ones. Concrete fillings put in during frosty weather must be protected several days with blankets or straw. Some protection, also, is worth while when fillings are put into street trees. Small boys have a mania for scratching on fresh cement in- scriptions which do not enhance its beauty. SURFACE-DRESSING ON CONCRETE Concrete absorbs water, especially when it is only of moderate density, as concrete fillings are likely to be. To head off this absorption and the decay which usually follows it, every concrete filling should receive a waterproof dressing over its surface. For small fillings which are not much exposed to the weather and dampness, a couple of coats of tar will do very well, provided they are applied after the concrete has dried out. In all other cases it is best to give the concrete one or more coats of some special concrete paint. The writer uses Hoyt’s cement paint, which has the virtue of sticking to a slightly damp surface. When the paint has dried a coat of tar can be put 148 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR on as an additional protection and because black is probably the best color for fillings. Many workmen apply slaters’ cement to the wood just inside the mouth of the cavity, with the idea of filling in advance the crack which always forms between the concrete and the wood. I have not found that method very successful, but I often ap- ply the slaters’ cement rather thickly to the region of the crack after the filling has dried out. FILLING WITH ASPHALT There are many ways in which asphalt can be used for filling trees. Invariably, however, it is mixed with a cheaper material, being used as a cement rather than as a homogeneous filling. The materials thus cemented together may be sand, sawdust, or excelsior. Mixed with sand, as it is in paving, it cannot readily be built up and sur- faced, so that if sand is used as an aggregate the cavity must be given a front wall of sheet metal to act as a Section of cavity filled dam while the mixture is be- with a _ metal-front - : : asphalt filling ing put in and as a protection to the surface after the job is done. If this method is used a shallow ledge must be cut along each side of the cavity, as for ordinary tinning. A sheet of zinc is then cut to GENERAL METHODS 149 fit from side to side of the cavity and is nailed to the ledges. In the cavity, back of the zinc, is now packed the hot sand-asphalt mixture. The mixture is made by stirring about six parts of hot sand (rather fine, and preferably of various sizes, down to dust) into the melted asphalt. The mix- ture resembles a heavy bran mash and can be handled with a shovel or trowel. It must be thoroughly tamped. When the filling has been brought up to the level of the first length of zinc another sheet is cut and nailed in place, overlap- ping the first slightly, like shingles. Finally, the metal is tapped over with a hammer to smooth it out and is given a thorough waterproof dressing. This method is of considerable value for filling cavities whose sides are so shaped that the metal can easily be fitted to the sides, and whose sides, either naturally or as a result of bracing, are rigid, the mouth of the cavity not opening and closing slightly in, storms, as it is so wont to do. If the latter is the case the metal will be torn from the nails which fix it to the wood. In many instances the metal will be sufficient without the use of an expensive backing of asphalt. In other cases a cheaper backing will be found quite as satisfactory. The value of the metal-front asphalt-sand filling is therefore limited, because it cannot meet severe demands and because moderate demands are as well met by cheaper systems of cavity treatment. 150 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR Better fitted to do the things which concrete has failed to do, and adapted to the treatment of every sort of cavity, is the “ asphalt briquette system.” 1 The central idea of the method is the use of briquettes, of various sizes, made of excel- sior, or excelsior and sawdust, bound together with asphalt. A wall is built up, in the front part of the cavity, of briquettes cemented together with melted asphalt. To prevent the possibility of a crack opening between the filling and the wood, as invariably occurs with concrete, the briquettes next to the wood are nailed to it. The wall of briquettes is reinforced by braces from the back of the cavity. The remainder of the cavity, back of the front wall, is filled with any one of a num- ber of materials, such as “asphalt staff’? (ex- celsior cemented together with asphalt), sawdust, or cinders. Besides the briquettes, there must be on hand before work begins a supply of asphalt cement and of fluxing oil, such as ‘“‘ Varnolene,” a kettle in which to melt the asphalt, another kettle, possibly smaller, in which to mix asphalt and sawdust, provisions for heating the kettles and for protect- ing the grass while doing so, a supply of sawdust and excelsior, some odds and ends of boards, ten- 1 An application has been filed for a patent covering this method, and those who wish to use it should apply to Mr. C. H. Hoyt, Citizens Building, Cleveland, who can also supply the asphalt briquettes. GENERAL METHODS 151 penny nails, some fairly heavy wire, and the necessary tools, such as hammer, gouge, mallet, and pliers. The preparation of the cavity for an asphalt briquette filling is not essentially unlike the prep- aration for a filling of concrete. The decay must all come out, of course, in either case. For concrete the cavity must be wedge-shaped, smaller in front than in back. For asphalt it is desirable that the sides of the cavity be as near perpendicular as possible to the face of the future filling. There is no change in the rules as to the handling of the cambium and the shaping of the incision in order to facilitate the growth of the callus over the filling. The interior must receive a dressing just as for concrete. A hot mixture of asphalt and a small amount of fluxing oil is the best for the purpose, because it stays sticky for some time. Previous, however, to the application of this dressing, such braces must be put in as are neces- sary, and a method of reinforcing or bracing the briquette wall must be decided on and provided for. The different ways in which the wall can be strengthened will be taken up later on. If the cavity is a basal one and extends below the ground, the lower part up to the surface of the soil, or two or three inches above it, must be filled with concrete, or partly with cinders or the 152 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR like. When the concrete is hard the work of filling with asphalt begins. Paint the upper surface of the concrete, which has been leveled off, with asphalt. Have a kettle Front view, vertical and cross sections of a basal cavity filled by the asphalt briquette system of melted asphalt near the cavity. Drive a nail nearly through one of the briquettes near its end. Spear the briquette with an awl and dip it into the hot asphalt. Lay it along side the wood with its outer edge about a quarter of an inch back from the cambium. Drive in the nail and pull out the awl. If a wedge-shaped space remains between the back part of the briquette and the wood, it had GENERAL METHODS 153 better be filled up with a mixture of about equal parts of asphalt and sawdust. Set a similar bri- quette against the wood on the other side of the cavity. Now you can fill in between the two bri- quettes in place. Take a briquette on the awl, dip it, and place it on its longer side on the concrete, its front being flush with the first briquette and with the edge of the wera, | Briuete | concrete. Lay another briquette | beside the first and continue the | course over to the other side of the I cavity. Lay on two more courses in the same way. This will bring 4.4, ee the flat courses up to a level with method of the top of the briquette nailed to Ponding. wall the wood at the sides of the cavity. Start the next course by laying a briquette with its narrow edge against the wood. Nail this bri- quette to the wood and to the briquette below it. Finish the course. Then, at each side, nail a bri- quette flat against the wood. Build the wall up between them, lay another course from wood to wood, and so on. This process is more complicated, naturally, when the side of the cavity is slanting or curved. The principal difference is that the soft asphalt- sawdust mixture is more often called on to fill crevices and corners. ‘The necessary care re- quired for fixing the briquettes at the edges of the f— Sis 154 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR wall to the wood depends upon the degree of probability there is that a crack will open up be- tween the filling and the wood. If the briquettes at the side are tightly nailed to the wood, when the tree sways the enlargement of the mouth of — ae eee —— —_ ——_—_—! Arrangement of briquettes in an oval cavity the cavity will be taken up by the elasticity of the briquette wall. If none of the briquettes is nailed to the wood, a crack may appear, under certain circumstances, along the edge of the filling. In carrying up the wall it is well to keep its face as smooth as possible, particularly at the sides, but it is not difficult to smooth the surface with a ham- GENERAL METHODS 155 mer, or to cut off projections with a chisel, after the wall is finished. At intervals, as it is built up, the wall will need bracing. The amount of bracing required depends principally upon the width of the wall. If it is not more than a foot wide, no bracing will ordinarily be needed. There are two types of braces, those which prevent the wall from bulg- ing out and those which prevent it from caving in. The first function is best performed by wire, the second by pieces of wood. There are two good ways of handling the wire. The most obvious plan is to drive some staples into the back of the cavity and run short lengths of wire from them to the wall. The easiest way is to employ V’s of wire having the ends bent down at right angles. One limb of the V-shaped wire is threaded through the staple and the bent ends are driven into the briquettes. One of these V’s is put into every second or third course. Another way is to use the same kind of V’s, but to anchor them, not to staples, but to a strong wire run from one end of the cavity to the other from bolts or pieces of wood across its top and bottom. The advantage of this last plan is that greater elasticity is permitted to the wall without loss of strength. The wooden braces also take several forms. For example a board can be laid on the surface of the back filling, fitting in snugly between the 156 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR briquette wall and the rear wall of the cavity. Or a little longer board can be built right into the briquette wall, being nailed to the briquettes and extending back far enough to touch the back of the cavity. Such a brace can be made to resist a pulling as well as a pushing force by nailing to it a cross-piece fitted into a part of the cavity which is wider than the mouth. It must not be sup- posed, however, that the asphalt wall is of itself weak. On the contrary, it is very strong, but the conditions surrounding work in trees are so extremely trying that braces which may never be called on to undergo an ounce of strain ought to be put in, if only by way of insurance. The filling in the space back of the wall forms a backing for the wall, helping to hold it in place. The filling also helps in putting in some types of braces and it holds them in place. On the whole, I am inclined to consider coal ashes or fine cinders the best material for filling the space back of the briquette wall, on account of their packing qual- ities, their cheapness, and the fact that they need no treatment to make them proof against insects and decay. Wooden brace for asphalt- briquette wall Cavity in large red maple. The lower part was filled with concrete and the upper part was tinned GENERAL METHODS 157 This back-filling should be carried up along with the briquette wall, and it should be thoroughly pressed or tamped into place in order to prevent subsequent settling. If it is felt that these ma- terials would not give a sufficiently staple backing for the wall, the entire filling can be made of bri- quettes, of hot asphalt-sawdust mixture, of “ as- phalt-staff,” or of ordinary staff made of excelsior and plaster of Paris. In large cavities it is well to provide for the ventilation of the filling. The best way to do this is to leave out a briquette near the bottom of the wall and another near the top. The holes thus formed must be provided with a netting to keep the filling in and insects out. The face of the wall for an inch or two around the opening can be painted with hot asphalt and a piece of copper or brass netting can be pressed against the opening and held there until the hardening asphalt cements it in place. The surface of a filling made in accordance with these specifications for the asphalt-wood briquette system is likely to be rather irregular, but it is not likely to be irregular enough to inter- fere with the growth of the calluses; yet it may be desirable, from the esthetic standpoint, to make it smoother. It is not difficult, with a broad, sharp chisel or gouge, frequently dipped in oil, to cut away the corners of projecting briquettes. 158 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR Then the surface can be warmed with a gasoline torch, not held too near, and irregular places can be pounded down with a mallet. Finally, the entire surface must be given a heavy coat of hot asphalt to which about one fifth of its bulk of “Varnolene” oil has been added. In some cases it may be worth while to reinforce this dressing with cotton padding in the way that has been described in discussing the treatment of wounds. Besides being used in the form of briquettes, a mixture of asphalt with excelsior or with sawdust, at the rate of about a pound of sawdust to three pounds of asphalt, has great value applied directly to the cavity, especially for filling small holes. All that is necessary is to melt the asphalt, mix in the excelsior or sawdust and press the mixture into the cavity. A little practical experience will teach any one the points which must be observed in handling these materials. The ‘‘ asphalt staff,” for instance, must be held in place a few minutes until it hardens. After a filling of staff has hardened it can be trimmed to shape, and can be nailed to the wood by nails driven slantwise through its edges. Finally, it must receive a thorough dressing of metal or fluxed asphalt. Many combinations of briquettes with staff or asphalt-sawdust mixture will at once suggest them- selves. CHAPTER IX THE VARIOUS TYPES OF CAVITIES HIS general description of the procedure to be followed in the filling of cavities with the various materials employed for that purpose must in practice constantly be modified to suit special conditions. In the following pages the com- moner types of cavities will be taken up and the principal measures and materials best suited to the handling of each will be described. Rotten knot-holes and decayed stubs con- stitute the common- est type of cavity. Many large and serious cavities have their origin in the stubs re- sulting from the death of limbs or the incor- Section of rotten stub, with dotted line indicating cor- rect excavation rect removal or treatment of limbs by pruners. Holes of this kind are extremely common, and it 159 160 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR is often necessary that the treatment given them be rapid and economical. If such a cavity is shallow the best way to handle it is to employ the open system, to be described in the next chapter, in which no filling is used. Deeper holes, in which the open treatment would involve too large an incision and the cutting away of too much bark, must be filled. Although in some cases complete removal of the decayed wood is neither possible nor desirable (and of those cases we shall have more to say in a later chapter), for the most part the general principles of cavity work apply as well to small holes as to large ones. The first step, then, is the removal of the de- cayed wood. To do this thoroughly often in- volves considerable difficulty. The mouth of the hole must usually be enlarged, especially down- ward, and it may be necessary, if the decay runs far down the trunk, to cut in from below to get at it. More than one such opening may be re- quired. In that case, a considerable distance should be left between the openings, for other- wise the intervening patch of bark will die. These holes must be cut only when it is absolutely necessary, for every such opening increases the risk of the entrance of water and of other troubles with the filling. The excavation finished, the VARIOUS TYPES OF CAVITIES 161 mouth of the hole should be trimmed up and cleared of ingrowing callus. The filling material to use in such a cavity de- pends upon its shape and upon its position in the Deeply decayed knot-hole and the same excavated and filled with asphalt tree. If it is in a large trunk where there is likely to be but little strain on the filling, cement will do very well, after, of course, a thorough dressing with some form of asphaltum. If, however, the hole is in a limb, and at a point where there is con- siderable twist and bend, cement will not do, for it will break up and perhaps be forced out of 162 PRACTICAL TREE REPAIR place. In that case the filling must be elastic. Use asphalt briquettes and a mixture of hot as- phalt and sawdust, or the mixture alone. In every case a dressing of asphalt must complete the filling. For the odds and ends of small holes, in so far as they need filling, a mixture of asphalt and saw- Asphalt Ce oD Sawdust Filling Shallow cavity under a callus filled with asphalt- sawdust mixture dust, or excelsior, or both, is the safest material to use. For instance: It is often found that the surface of a large old bark wound is decayed three or four inches deep. In cleaning away the decay the healthy calluses at the sides of the wound may be undermined several inches. The asphalt- sawdust mixture is just the thing with which to fill in under the overhanging callus.