RPE HTN vat ‘i ay tie Sty i ss iN et Nia fe se eit ae a ( 40 MK tea Rravahcn bt cd Aiea) alae ‘1 Ci ee rs Uae Be be Rl: onan hie ie en oe fa K, a fa a i eb Salas tea: eS sales bee Oke NG Wy es Z i, Citas rene a 1 DUS RHA ase a a i; ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEw York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell Universit CATALOGUE OF MAMMALIA. INDIAN MUSEUM. PART I. CATALOGUE OF MAMMALIA IN THE INDIAN MUSEUM, CALCUTTA: BY JOHN ANDERSON, M.D., F.RS., SUPERINTENDENT OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM, AND PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, MEDICAL COLLEGE, Part I. Primates, Prosimie, Chiroptera, and Insectivora. CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1881. CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, 168, DHURRUMTOLLAH STREET, PREFACE. A CATALOGUE of the Mammalia in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, drawn up by the late Mr. Edward Blyth, was published by the Society in 1863. In 1865, the Museum of: the Asiatic Society practically became the property of the Government of India, although the legal transfer was not completed until 1876. The various departments of the Museum have very largely increased since 1863, many of them now being four-fold more extensive than they were seventeen years ago. It was, there- fore, recently resolved to issue a series of catalogues of the various departments of the Museum, with the object of making their contents known, and thus extending the useful- ness of the Institution. : Two instalments have already been published, wiz, a Fasciculus of the Catalogue of the Mollusca, and the first pait of a Hand-List of the same group. The present volume. therefore, is the third of the series. It comprises, however, only the first four orders of the Mammalia, viz., Primates, Prosimia, Chiroptera, and IJnsecti- vora ; but catalogues of the remaining orders will be published as soon as possible. Some idea of the increase that has taken place in the vi PREFACE. collection of Mammalia since 1863 may be gained from the following table ; but in other groups the increase is even more marked :— Parmates, ProstMiz. CuinortTERa. | Inseorivora. 1863. | 1881. | 1863. | 1881. | 1863. | 1881. | 1863. | 1881. Genera . .| 11] 17] 3! 7] 24| 27] as] a Species . .| 40| 73| 7| 14] 67] 118] 36] 52 Specimens. .| 162] 572] 22] 69| 215/1,116] 123 | 426 The Chiroptera in this catalogue, with a few exceptions, were identified by Mr. G. E. Dobson, who published a list of them in his Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera, issued by the Trustees of this Museum in 1876; and his arrangement of the group has been followed. A list of the donors to the sections dealt with in this part of the Catalogue will be found after this Preface. It includes, as far as possible, the names of all contributors before and since 1863. NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS MENTIONED IN THIS CATALOGUE. Abbott : Major J. Abbott. Abyssinian Expedition. Adelaide Museum. Allen : Mrs. R. Allen. Anderson : the late Mr. Andrew Anderson. Anderson: Dr, John Anderson, F.R.S. Apear: Mr. J. Apcar. Armstrong: Mr. J. Armstiong, M.B. Atkinson : the late Mr. W. S, Atkinson. Baker: Mr. E. B. Baker. Baker : the Reverend H. Baker. Baker : the Reverend J. Baker. Ball: Professor V. Ball. Barbe : the Reverend J. Barbe. Barclay : Mr. A. Barclay, B.M. Barrackpore Menagerie. Bartlett; Mr. A. D. Bartlett. Batavian Society. Beddome: Lieut.-Colonel R. H. Beddome. Bell: Mr. Bell. Benson : the late Mr. W. H. Benson. Berdmore : the late Major Berdmore. Berlin Museum. Bidie: Mr. G. Bidie. Blanford : Mr. H. F. Blanford, F.R.S. Blanford: Mr. W. T. Blanford, F.R.S. Blisset: Mr. T. Blisset. Blyth: the late Mr. Edward Blyth. Bourne: the late Lieutenant J. H. Bourne. Boys : Captain Boys. British Museum. Brooke: the late Sir James Brooke. Brownlow: My. C. Brownlow. vill NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. Burdwan: the Maharajah of Burdwan. Butler: the late Captain J. Butler. Cadell : Lieut.-Colonel T. Cadell, V.C. Caldwell: Mr. J. Caldwell. Carllyle: Mr. A. C. Carllyle. Chennell : Mr. A. W. Chennell. Chowdry : Raja Pirtha Ram Chowdry. Cockburn: Mr. John Cockburn. Coles: the late Dr. W. Coles. Collins: My. B. Collins. Cornfoot: Captain Cornfoot. Davison: the late Mr. Davison. D’Cruz: Mr. R. D’Cruz. Dillon: Mr. Dillon. Dobson: Mr. G. E. Dobson, M.A., B.M. Egerton : Captain C. C. Egerton. Elliot : Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.L, F.R.S. Elwes: Mr. H. J. Elwes. Fayrer: Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.L, F.R.S. Foster: the late Mr. J. M. Foster. Fraser : Mr. O. L. Fraser. Frith : the late Mr. R. W. G. Frith. Gammie : Mr. J. Gammie. Ganslandt: Mr. W. Ganslandt. Godwin-Austen : Lieut..Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.RB.S. Gregory: Major Gregory. Grote: Mr. Arthur Grote. Gunn: Mr. J. 8. Gunn. Gurney: My, J. H. Gurney. Haughton : Lieut.-Colonel Haughton. Heatly: Mr. 8. G. T. Heatly. Helfer: the late Dr. Helfer. Hodgson : the late Mr. H. B, Hodgson, C.8.1. Homfray : Mr. J. Homfray. Hood : the late Captain T. H. Hood. Houghton: Mr. H. L. Houghton. Huffnagle: Mr. C. Huffnagle. Hungarian Museum, Hutchison : Mr. H. M. L. Hutchison. Hutton: the late Captain T, Hutton. - India Museum, London. NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS, ix Jenkins : Colonel Jenkins. Jerdon: the late Mr. T. C. Jerdon. Johnson: Mr. W. H. Johnson. Karachi Museum. Kelaart : the late Dr. E. F. Kelaart. King: Mr. George King, B.M. Laidlay : Mr. J. W. Laidlay. Layard: Mr. E. L. Layard. Lewis : Captain Lewis. Lindstedt : the late Reverend T. W. Lindstedt. Lister: Mr. J. M. Lister. Lockwood: Mr. E. Lockwood. Lydekker: Mr. R. Lydekker. Madras Government Central Museum. Malherbe : the late Mr. A. Malherbe. Mandelli : the late Mr, L. Mandelli. Masters: Mr. W. Masters. Mayo: the Countess of Mayo. McClelland : Mr. J. McClelland. Medical College Museum, Calcutta. Moxon: Mr. W. G. Moxon. ~ Mullick: Raja Rajendra Mullick, Bahadur, Murray: Mr. W. F. Murray. Murray: Captain W. G. Murray. Nevill: Mr. G. Nevill, Nevill: Mr. H. Nevill. Nicholls: Mr. W. Nicholls. Northbrook : Earl Northbrook. Oakes: Mr. Oakes. Payter : Mr. J. Payter. Peal: Mr. S. E. Peal. Persian Boundary Commission. Peters : Professor W. Peters, Berlin. Phayre: Sir Arthur P. Phayre, K.C.8.I. Phillip : Mr. H. Phillip. Rahman: Moulvie Ator Rahman. Reilly: Mr. E. P. Reilly. ’ Riddell Museum, Agra. Riippell : the late Dr. E. Riippell, Rutledge: Mr. William Rutledge. St. John : Lieut,-Colonel O. B. C. St. John, C.S.I. NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS. Sanders: Mr. E. Sanders, B.M. Sceva: Mr. G. Sceva. Shaw: Babu R. R. Shaw. ; Sherwill : the late Major W. S. Sherwill. Shillingford : Mr. G. W. Shillingford. Shillingford: Mr. S. W. Shillingford. Skipwith : the late Mr. T. Skipwith, Smoult: Mr. W. H. Smoult. Stewart: Mr. L. C. Stewart. Stoliczka: the late Dr. Ferdinand Stoliczka. Strickland : the late Mr. H. E. Strickland. Swaries: Mr. C. Swaries. Swinhoe: the late Mr. R. Swinhoe. Sydney Institution. Templeton : the late Mr. R. Templeton. Theobald : Mr. W. Theobald. Thwa‘tes: Mr. W. Thwaites, F.R.S. Tickell: the late Lient.-Colonel R. 8, Tickell. Tytler: the late Lieut.-Colonel R. C. Tytler. Whitwell: Mr. W. Whitwell. Wood-Mason: Mr. James: Wood-Mason. ‘Wroughton : the late Major Wroughton. Yarkand (Second) Mission. Yunnan Expeditions. Zoological Gardens, Calcutta. SYSTEMATIC INDEX, Paes, I.—Orprr PRIMATES. I.—Sub-Order Carareurnt. I—Family Hominrpz. I.—Genus Homo, Linn. . wr od II.—Family Srmimpz. I.—Sub-Family Sima, Genus Anthropopithecus— Anthropopitheeus troglodytes. 1 gorilla ~. 2 Genus Simia— Simia satyrus , . e 32 » abelii . 4 2 . 24 II.—Sub-Family Hynoxatina. Genus Hylobates— Hylobates syndactylus . - 25 3 hoolook '. - 26 5 lar ‘ ‘ - 28 agilis . F - 31 : leuciscus ‘ . 83 5 leucogenys . . 34 IlI.—Family CercorirHecipz. I.—Sub-Family SemnoPirHEcIn x. Genus Semnopithecus— Semnopithecus entellus . . 35 5 var. schistaceus 37 priamus . 388 $5 hypoleucus . 40 33 pileatus . . AO is cephalopterus 43 si var. ursinus . 44 33 var. sener . 45 Semnopithecus johnii . » 45 93 obscurus - 46 559 maurus . . AT 59 barbei . 48 - phayrei. . 49 as holotephreus. 50 39 cristatus » 60 we siamensis . 651 35 femoralis . 652 melalophus . 53 Sub.Genus Nasalis— Semnopithecus larvatus - 54 Genus Colobus— Colobus guereza . ‘ - 55 II.—Sub-Family CercoritHEcin 2. Genus Cercopithecus ‘Cercopithecus pygerythrus . 55 55 sabeus . . 66 albogularis . 57 mona . - 57 » leucampyx . 58 sy ruber e . 58 ” petaurista . 58 diana. - 59 Genus Cercocebus— Cercocebus fuliginosus . . 59 Genus Macacus— Macacus sinicus . F - 59 » Pileatus . 2 - 61 » cynomolgus - 61 » var. carbonarius . 64 » Silenus , ‘i - 6 » Yhesus , - 6 » assamensis , 70 >> leoninus & «St >» nemestrinus . . 72 »» arctoides. . « 74 >» maaros. ‘ - 76 ocreatus. ww 77 Genus Cynopithecus— Cynopithecus niger . 78 xii INDEX. Pager. II.—Sub-Family CrnocEPHatinz. Genus Cynocephalus— Cynocephalus hamadryas . 80 Se doguera = . Sl % porcarius - 81 6 maimon . - 82 II.—Sub-Order Phatygruint. I.—Family CrBipz. Genus Mycetes— Mycetes ursinus . 6 . 82 » seniculus. : . 82 » palliatus. i . 88 Genus Ateles— Ateles ater . " ‘i . 83 » paniscus . ‘ « 83> geoffroyi . j . 83 » chuva, - » 7. 84 Genus Cebus— Cebus flavus. - : . 84 » capucinus . 7 » 85 » _hypoleucus . ‘ . 85 Genus Nyctipithecus— Nyctipithecus felinus . . 85 Genus Pithecia— Pithecia nocturna . 3 . 86 ig satanas . . . 86 Genus Chrysothrix— Chysothrix sciurea : - 86 IL.—Family Hapatrpaz. Genus Hapale— Hapale jacchus . ; . 87 » penicillata. : . 88 » pygmea . " . 88 » Yosalia , 7 . 88 » cdipus . 4 - 88 » leucopus . F - 89 » ursula, 3 - 89 IL—Ozprr PROSIMIA. I—Family Lemvripz. I.—Sub-Family Lemvrinz. Genus Lemur— Lemur catta. ‘ . 90 Page, Lemur varius , é . 91 >» macaco ., 3 . 91 » albifrons . ‘ - 92 » collaris . P . 92 » Nigrifrons . 3 . 92 » Mmongoz . : - 93 II.—Sub-Family Inpgisinz. Genus Propithecus— Propithecus diadema . » 93 Genus Indris— Indris brevicaudatus . » 94 I.—Family Nycriceprpz. I—Sub-Family Nycticesinz. Genus Nycticebus— Nycticebus tardigradus . - 94 a var. Cinerea . 95 Py var. malaiana . 95 var. javanica . 9% Genus Loris— Loris gracilis te one OF II.—Sub-Family Gataconinz. Genus Galago— Galago senegalensis. - 98 % garnetti . a . 98 Iil.—Family Tarsiipz. I.—Sub-Family Tazsinz. Genus Tarsius— Tarsius spectrum , 3 - 99 III.—Orprr CHIROPTERA. I.—Sub-Order MegacHrRoprera. I.—Family Preropopipz, I.-—Group Prerort. Genus Pteropus— Pteropus poliocephalus . - 99 38 redricensis . 100 55 edulis. > - 100 Se Mmedius . é . 101 a var, assamensis . 102 - INDEX, xili Paas. Paas. Pteropus nicobaricus . . 102 Phyllorhina diadema - 115 7 keraudrenii . . 103 #8 var. masont - 115 Genus Cynonycteris— a's nicobarensis - 115 Cynonycteris amplexicaudata. 1038 % galerita . - 116 5 minor. . 104 3 speoris . 116 pt collaris . 104 5 larvata . 117 Genus Cynopterus— . bicolor 117 Cynopterus marginatus - 104 3 var. fulva. . 118 5 scherzeri . . 106 5 var. amboinensis. 119 2 brachysoma . 106 Genus Ceelops, Blyth—. II.—Group Macroatossi. Genus Eonycteris— - Eonycteris spelea . js . 106 Genus Macroglossus— Macroglossus minimus . . 107 II.—Sub-Order Microcu1RoPrERa. _ L—Family Rainotopuipz. I.—Sub-Family ReinoLopHina, Genus Rhinolophus— Rhinolophus celophyllus . 107 $9 luctus. . 107 3 trifoliatus . 108 9 mitratus . . 108 6 euryotis . - 108 i pearsonil . . 109 - macrotis . . 109 x3 affinis . . 109 ie andamanensis . 110 5 petersii . . 110 55 minor . . 110 es garoensis . . 110 Ss euryale . - 111 . hipposideros. , 111 as ferrum-equinum 111 55 capensis « . 112 e Ps » li@ 93 Poa - 112 Il.—Sub-Family PHyLiorHinine. Geaus Trieanops— _ _‘Triaenops persicus : . 112 Genus Phyllorhina— Phyllorhina tridens . . 113 a var. murraiana. 113 9 tricuspidata 2 113 55 stoliczkana . 114 33 arthigera . 114 ” ——sTeptophylla. =. 114 Colops frithii . : - 119 II.—Family Nycreripz, I.—Sub-Family MraapERMaTInz, Genus Megaderma— Sub-Genus Lyroderma— Megaderma lyra 95 spasma . . 120 . 121 II.—Sub-Family Nycrerinz. Genus Nycteris— Nycteris javanica » thebaica. . 122 - 122 Til.—Family VesPeRtiLionipz. I.—Group Piecott, Genus Nyctophilus— Nyctophilus timoriensis - 122 Genus Synotus— Synotus dargelingensis . . 123 Genus Plecotus— Plecotus auritus . 3 . 123 II.—-Group VESPERTILIONES, Genus Vesperugo— Sub-Ge:us Vesperus— Vesperugo serotinus . . 124 4 andersoni. . 124 “3 nasutus 4 . 125 3 atratus - . 125 is discolor é . 125 2 pachyotis . 126 5 pachypus . 126 Sub-Genus Vesperugo— - noctula « «« 126 = leisleri . 5 . 127 33 imbricatus . . 127 i" maurus . . 127 . affinis . . . 128 so pipistrellus - 128 xIV ‘Paeen Vesperugo abramus . 129 * kuhlii. «© =. 181 annectens . 132 Sub-Genus Hesperopterus— Vesperugo tickelli 3 . 132 blanfordi . . 133 Genus Chalinolobus— Chalinolobus gouldii . 133 Genus Scotophilus— Sub-Genus Scotophilus— Scotophilus temminckii. - 133 is var-heathii . ‘ Sub-Genus Scoteinus— Scotophilus emarginatus . 136 43 pallidus. . 137 Sub-Geaus Scotomanus— Scotophilus ornatus . 187 Genus Nycticejus— Nycticejus crespuscularis . 138 Genus Haipiocephalus— Harpiocephalus suillus . . 138 a -harpia . . 138 $9 cyclotis . 139 Genus Vespertilio— ~ Sub-Genus Leuconoé— Vespertilio hasseltii . « 139 a adversus « BO 95 longipes ‘ - 139 a dasycneme . . 140 daubentonii . 140 Sub.Genus Vespertilio— Vespertilio nipalensis - 140 iv emarginatus . 140 os var. desertorum . 141 3 nattereri . . 141 35 murinus . 141 as murinoides . . 141 is formosus . . 142 35 montivagus . . 142 33 muricola . 142 as dobsoni . 143 mystacinus . . 144 Genus Kerivoula— Kerivoula picta . 7 . 144 a4 hardwickii . . 145 9 lanosa . + 145 IT.—Group Mrytorrekti. Genus Miniopterus— Miniopterus schreibersii. . 145 Ss var. a. ‘ . 146 IV.—Family EmpaLLonvripDz. INDEX, Paau, I—Sub-Family EmpatLonuging, I.—Group EMBALLONURE. Genus Taphozous— Sub-Genus Taphozous— Taphozous melanopogon . 146 5 theobaldi . . 147 2 longimanus . . 147 35 nudiventris . 148 var. kachhensis . 148 Sub- Genus Taphonycteris— Taphozous perforatus - 148 55 saccolemus . . 149 a affinis . « 149 II.—Group Rurnopomata. Genus Rhinopoma— Rhinopoma microphylluam . 149 II.—Sub-Family Monossinz, I.—Group Motosst, Genus Cheiromeles— Cheiromeles torquatus . - 150 Genus Nyctinomus— Sub-Genus Nyctinomus— Nyctinomus cestonii . 150 * tragatus . 150 5 plicatus . . 151 35 ee . 151 S,5 raziliensis . 161 VI.—Family Poytiostomipm. I—Sub-Family Paytiostominz. I.—Group STENODERMATA. Genus Artibeus— Sub-Genus Artibeus— Artibeua perspicillatus . . 152 IV.—Ozrprz INSECTIVORA. I.—Family GaLEorirHEcipZ. Genus Galeopithecus— Galeopithecus volans . . 152 II.—Family Toparpsz. I.—Sub-Family- Tupaunz, Genus Tupaia— Tapaia ellioti . . 153 INDEX. XV / Paau. Tupaia belangeri . =. . 154 53 chinensis . . . 155 » ferruginea. ‘ . 156 » Malaccana. 3 . 156 » tana ‘i ‘ - 156 » nicobarica. é . 157 Il.—Sub-Family Hytomyin 2. Genus Hylomys— Hylomys peguensis « 157 I1I.—Family Errwaczrpa. I.—Sub-Family Gymnuginz. . Genus Gymnura— Gymnura rafflesii . J var. candida . - 158 . 158 II.—Sub-Family Ezinackina. ° Genus Erinaceus— Erinaceus europeus. . 158 5 micropus . 159 33) pictus . . 159 5 grayi . ; . 160 a auritus. , - 162 “ megalotis . 163 35 macracanthus . 164 3 jerdoni « 165 IV.—Family Centetipz. Genus Ericulus— Ericulus setosus . ‘ . 166 Genus Centetes— Centetes ecaudatus y . 166 Genus Hemicentetes— Hemicentetes madagascariensis166 V.—Family CaRYsocHLORIDZ. Genus Chrysochloris— Chrysochloris rutilans . is damarensis - 167 . 167 VI—Family Tatripz. Genus Rhinaster— Rhinaster cristatus 5 - 167 Pagan. Genus Talpa— Talpa europea. - 168 » Mmicrura . . . 168 » leucura ‘ 7 - 170 VII.—Family Sortcrpaz. I—Sub-Family AnvrosoRicinz. Genus Anurosores— Anurosorex assamensis . 171 II.—Sub-Family Crocipvurinz. Genus Crocidura= Sub-Genus Pachyura— ‘ Crocidura cerulescens . . 171 3 var. fulvocinerea . 178 55 var. sindensis .179 iY beddomii. . 179 5 murina. ° . 180 53 swinhoei 5 . 184 5 bidiana ‘ . 185 ey macrotis - - 186 35 perrottetii . - 188 $5 travancorensis . 189 re rubicunda . - 190 caudatus - 206 Genus Crossopus— Crossopus fodiens . 207 IV.—Sub-Family Crossopinz. Genus Chimarrogale— Chimarrogale himalaica » 208 MAMMALIA. I.—Orper PRIMATES. I.—Sus-Orper CATARRHINI. I.—Famity HOMINIDA. IL—Genus HOMO, Linn., 1766. II.—Famity SIMIIDZ. I.—Svus-Famity SIMIINA, Genus ANTHROPOPITHECUS, Blainville, 1839. 1. Anthropopithecus troglodytes. Simia troglodytes, Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat., vol. i, 1788, p. 26. Troglodytes niger, Geoff, Ann. du Mus., t. xix, 1812, p. 87. Simia pan, Donovan, Naturalist’s Repos., no. 19, 1823-27. Troglodytes leucoprymnus, Lesson, Iilust. Zool., pl. 212, 1831. Anthropopithecus troglodytes, Blainville, Legons Orales, 1839. Satyrus lagaros, Mayer, Wiegm. Arch., 1856, p. 282. Troglodytes calvus, Du Chaillu, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. viis. 1861, p. 296. Troglodytes kooloo-kamba, Du Chaillu, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, 1861, p. 358. Troglodytes tschego, Duvernoy, Arch. du Mus., t. viii, 1861, p. 15. Troglodytes vellerosus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, p. 181. Mimetes troglodytes, Gray, Cat. Monkeys & Lemurs, B. M., 1870, p. 6. The Chimpanzee. Hab. West Africa. la. A stuffed specimen of a young male, probably about 18 months old, No. 2A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by A. D. Bartlett, Esq., 1844. 2 MAMMALIA. 6. A natural skeleton of a young individual. Presented by Edward Blyth, Esq., 1864. ce. An adolescent male in alcohol. By exchange with British Museum, 14th June 1877. 2, Anthropopithecus gorilla. Troglodytes gorilla, Savage, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. v, 1847, p. 417, pls. xl-xliii. Troglodytes savagei, Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1848, p.29. Gorilla gina, Is. Geoff. St. Hil., Arch. du Mus., t. viii, 1855-56, pp. 1 e¢ seq. The Gorilla. Hab. Gaboon, West Africa, 2a. A cast of the skull of an adult male. Presented by Edward Blyth, Esq., May 1864. 6, A cast of the skull of an adult female. Presented by Edward Blyth, Esq., May 1864. e. A cast of the skull of a young female. Presented by Edward Blyth, Esq., May 1864, Genus SIMIA, Cuv. & Geoff., 1795. 3. Simia satyrus. Borneosche orang-outang or pongo, Wurmb. Verhandl., Batav. Genoot- schap, d. ii, 1786, p. 245. Singe de Wurmb, Audebert, Singes et Makis., Fam. I, 1797, p. 18, Tab. Anat., fig. 3. : Simia satyrus, Linn., Syst. Nat. 1766, p. 34. Papio wurmbii, Latr., Singes Fam. I, 180], p. 196. Pithecus satyrus, Geoff, Ann. du Mus., t. xix, 1812, p. 88, partim. Simia wurmbii, Fischer, Syn. Mamm., 1829, p. 32, partim. Simia morio, Owen, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. ii, 1841, p. 168, pls. 33 & 34, 92 skull; Blyth, Journ. As. Soe. Beng., vol. xxii, 1853, p. 371, pls. vii & viii, 9 skull. Pithecus brookei, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc., vol. xxii, 1853, p. 375. Pithecus owenii, Blyth, op. cit., p. 375. Pithecus curtus, Blyth, op. cit., vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 527. The Orang-outang of Borneo. ‘Hab. Borneo. 3a. A stuffed adult male,! its skull, and the bones of its trunk. The bare cheeks are enormously outwardly enlarged, 1 This specimen was received at the Museum immediately after death (during. my absence from India), but it is to be regretted that no observations or SIMIA. 3 the skin of the face and of the great bare area on the guttural sacks being livid black. The skin of the face is sparsely covered with short red hairs, and the forehead also is almost naked. The sides of the upper lip and the chin are clad with long bright maroon-red hairs. The hair on the middle of the head, immediately behind the fore- head, is rather short, while that over the temporal and parie- tal regions is long and directed forwards. On the rest of the head the hair is dark maroon-black, this colour also extending round the sides of the neck and on to the throat. Between the shoulders the colour is more rufous, whilst down the back it is almost as dark as the head, the sides being also maroon-red, as well as the shoulders, the arms being almost red, and thus paler than every other part of the body. The lower portions of the thorax and the abdomen are dark maroon-red. The legs are almost as pale as the arms. The hair on the body generally and on the limbs is very long, measuring as much as 13 to 14 inches. The skull has a well-developed sagittal and lambdoidal ridge, and the orbital ridges are also well marked, and the malo-maxillary area is broad. The facial portion slopes well forwards, also the interorbital area, in which the nasals are tolerably well developed. The orbits are large and more or less rounded. The canines are large, and their ridges very prominent. The dentition is complete, and the molars are large, and also the front upper incisors, which, however, are much ground down. The palate is oblong and deep. The lower jaw is very powerful and heavy, and the canines are large. The right tooth, however, is broken across, but its root is so long that it is visible on the lower aspect of the symphysis. This Orang, as stated by its donor, Mr. Rutledge, arrived at Singapore in a native craft from Borneo, along with some other Orangs. Presented by Wm. Rutledge, Esq., 8th November 1880. 6. A flat skin and skull of a young male. This specimen in life had the cheek swellings partially developed. The hair on the head is much the same as in the previous male as regards colour and distribution, but is somewhat shorter. The skin of the face is sparsely covered with short red hairs, measurements were reeorded, beyond that the huge face measured nearly 14 inches across. The skeleton, with the bones of trunk and of the hind limbs, still ligamentary, measures 4 feet 4 inch from the vertex to the under surface of the os calcis in a straight line, although the thoracic portion of the vertebral column is much curved, 4 MAMMALIA. but the red moustache and beard are only beginning to show. The general distribution of colour is much the same as in the previous animal, with the exception of the arms, which are dark maroon-brown; and the hair about the nates and on the sides is more rufous than in the preceding animal. The following are some of the measurements of this individual :— in. Heel to vertex. Fi ‘ : : - 36°25 Stretch of arms to middle finger . - « 64°50 Head of femur to heel . ‘ ae. te ~ 14°75 The skull measures 695 from the occiput to the anterior border of the premaxillary, with a width across the zygoma of 4°75, and a maximum parietal width of 47-12. The milk canines and incisors are still present, but the front upper incisors can be seen in their sockets to be very broad and large teeth, the two permanent molars that are through being also very large. There is as yet no trace whatever of a sagittal ridge, and the temporal ridges from the orbits are still 3 inches apart on the vertex. The orbits are moderately large and rounded, and the interorbital area is nearly vertical, the nasals being smal]. The muzzle is broad and directed forwards, almost at right angles to the interorbital surface. The symphysis of the lower jaw is deep. The front lower incisors are through and serrated, and the penultimate molar is ap- pearing through the alveolus. Purchased, 28th July 1879. e. A young male in alcohol and its skull. In life it present- ed distinct indications of cheek swellings, although it had only its milk teeth. The general colour was dark maroon. It was a heavily-built animal, with shorter fingers than the generality of Orangs of its age. The following were its measurements :— ft. in. Height, erect,—heel to vertex a . 2 1:50 Outstretched arms . a - 3 420 5 legs F ‘ : 4 . 2 775 Head of humerus to tip of middle finger . 1 6:00 Length of middle finger . b 5 ‘ i . O 2°40 » of hind extremity to tip of middle toe . 1 2-75 » of middle toe . . ‘ i . - 0 197 >» of hand - O 550 » of foot. ‘ . . 6 é » O 650 Vent to vertex . - < ; - - 1 550 Presented by the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, 2nd June 1877. This specimen in the colour of its hair more resembled the form SIMIA,, 5 which appears not to have cheek swellings, but in its squat, powerful build and short fingers it was evidently not that race, d. The skin and skull.of an adolescent male. This speci- men is nearly uniformly coloured dark maroon, darkest. on the head and ferruginous on the back of the thighs, mou- stache and beard. The hair is long, with the exception of that on the middle of the head, but the direction of the hair on this region and external to it is the same as in the adult animal first described. The moustache and beard are only partially de- veloped. The face is sparsely covered with short red hairs. The cheeks did not present any trace of swellings. The milk canines are still present, and there is no trace ex- ternally of the permanent teeth. The front pair of the upper permanent incisors are fully through, and the outer incisor of the right side is also present, but its fellow of the opposite side is only appearing. The penultimate molar had been in full functional activity. The front incisors are very broad and the molars are very large. The palate is long, broad, and deep. The orbits are small and round, but flattened above, and the interorbital area slopes slightly forwards, and the maxilla are much forwardly directed. From the upper margin of the nasals to the anterior border of the foramen magnum is 4:05, and from the latter point to the anterior margin of the premaxille measures 5’°66. As yet there is no sagittal ridge, the ridges being only feeble raised lines, separ- ated. from each other by more than two inches. This character, however, in a male Orang skull is only an indication of youth, whereas it is a characteristic feature of the more delicately formed female skul!. The skull presents a depression near the upper border of the left parietal, and another on the right orbit, but similar depressions of this nature are better illus- trated in one of the succeeding adult skulls. Presented by the Zoological Gardetis, Calcutta, 29th April 1880. e. A stuffed nearly adult female with its skull and hyoid bone, and the uterus in aleohol. The hair is long and dark maroon, approaching to blackish on the body generally, but on: the back of the thighs it is a pallid ferruginous. The hair on the head is long and directed forwards, longest in the temporal region, and the face is sparsely covered witb short hairs. The moustache is only very feebly indicated, and also the beard. This animal lived for about one year and a balf in the Zoological Gardens,. Calcutta, and at its death it measured 3 feet 8°50 inches from its heel to the vertex, and the stretch of its arms was 6 feet 4 inches. The skull has very much the same form as in the preceding male. The skulls so closely resemble each 6 MAMMALIA. other that the specific identity of the two animals seems highly probable. This female skull has the same large upper front incisors, but its first and second molars are smaller than in the foregoing male, but the two palates have much the same form. The last molars of this female are through the alveolus, but not yet on a level with the other molars. The orbits are larger than in the foregoing male, and are slightly forwardly oval, The interorbital area has much the same slope as in the preced- ing male skull, and the facial portion about the same forward direction. From the upper margin of the nasals to the inferior border of the foramen magnum measures 3°70 inches, and from the latter point to the tip of the premaxilla is 5-30 inches. The temporal ridges are far apart. In the lower jaw there is the peculiarity of the complete absence of the last molar on the left side. The hyoid: on the basihyal end of the right thyrohyal there is a large hook-shaped process, which in the other basihyal assumes the form of a bullate hooked pointed epiphysis. It is in no way connected with the basihyal, and when the right thyrohyal is viewed from below this hook-shaped body appears only as a backwardly and upwardly projecting process, whereas on the left side it appears asan epiphysis; viewed from above, the basihyal end of the right thyrohyal is seen to have been composed of the hook-shaped process described, and an inter- mediary portion amalgamated on the under surface; on the left side the same structure is observed. It would thus appear that there are cerato and epiphyals so approximated in their position on the basihyal as to amalgamate with the thyrohyal; on the same stand with this is exhibited the partially ossified thyroid cartilage. Presented by the Zoologi- cal Gardens, Calcutta, 8th April 1879. J. The skin, skull, and the bones of the trunk of an adolescent male. This animal in external appearance is com- parable with d,as the hair in colour and distribution is the same, the skin of the face of d being only a little more hairy. This latter character, however, can be explained: the animal died in the month of December, the second cold season it had lived in Calcutta, and it is probable that the increased amount of hair on the face was due to climate. Although there is such a close resemblance externally — between the animals, the skulls are remarkably different. This skull has large upper incisors, but smaller than those of d, as are also its molars. The orbits are much larger and more open, and without any flattening above ; the interorbital area is longer, and not so forwardly sloped, and the muzzle is not SIMIA. 7 so broad, these differences being probably due to the effects of confinement, as the previous specimen 4 was only a few months in captivity before it died, whereas this animal was nearly three years in confinement and at a period when its teeth would have doubtless attained a greater development had it been in a state of nature.! The brain case, althcugh not so high as in it, is fuller and broader. The last molar is not visible, and the outer upper incisors and the canines, above and below, are only coming through. The parietal ridges are mere lines, far apart. From the upper margin of the nasal to the anterior border of the foramen magnum measures 3°55, and the length from the incisor border of the premaxillaries to the foramen magnum is 5”°10, Presented by the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, 23rd Decem- ber 1879. g- The skin and skull of an adolescent female. Dark maroon, darkest on the head and arms, ferruginous on the back of the thighs. The hair is long, and directed forwards on the head, as in the previous examples, which it closely resembles. The skull is like that of e, but the muzzle is not so forwardly projected. From the upper end of the nasal to the foramen magnum is 3°70, and from the latter to the front of the premaxillary measures 5”°40. The temporal ridges are far apart. The incisors are large, but not quite so large as in that skull. The permanent upper incisors are appearing, and the last molar is visible through a small opening in the alveolus. The molars are not quite so large as in e. The atlas is firmly anchylosed to the skull at the condyles on both sides, and on the left side the bone is amalgamated with the skull at the condyle and along nearly one-half of the 1 This animal, after living in the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, for about 18 months, was suddenly deprived, by death, of the female (e), who had been his constant but distanc companion during that period. Her death affected him much, as it did also the young female who had been reared by her, and who was believed to be her child. ‘The male appeared to pine and used to sit outside, on the top of the large house in which they were kept, looking in the direction in which the dead body of his companion had been carried away. During the day he could not be induced to go into his house for shelter from the blazing sun. The result was, that one very hot day, in the end of April, he came down from his look-out in a dazed condition, apparently blind and staggering. He neverrallied, and at last he became paralysed and died 7 months afterwards, The young female, when her supposed parent, but if not so, tender foster- mother, was carried away dead, exhibited all the signs of deep grief, emitting a wailing sound, but no tears, attempting to follow the body, and, when driven back, crying and rolling on the ground in a-paroxysm of grief. 8 MAMMALIA. basi-occipital, the foramen for the front pair of nerves being almost wholly obliterated on that side, whereas two large fora- mina occur on the anterior and external aspect at the front, where the atlas has coalesced with the condyle at the skull. The mamme and teats of this animal were greatly enlarged, and it was stated that she had given birth to a young one on the voyage up to Calcutta from Singapore. Mr. Fraser, who _ examined this Orang at its death, has recorded in the Museum. Register that she had distinct indications of cheek swellings. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 10th August 1880. h. A stuffed adult female, its skull and the bones of its trunk. This female exactly resembled the female e in its dark maroon, almost blackish long hair, directed forwards on. the head. The face, like the foregoing, was blackish in life, and the eyes were small and brown, and no white sclerotic was visible. Jt was received in Calcutta, nursing a very young animal, said to have been its own child, and which is separately described. The orbits are large and erectly oval. The interorbital area slopes forwards, as in the previous skulls, but the nasal area 5 is not nearly so depressed as in them, and the muzzle is longer. From the upper end of the nasals, to the anterior border of the foramen magnum, is 3”°50, and from the latter to the tip of the maxillary, measures 5”:20. No temporal ridges, beyond a faint line on each side, indicating the attachment of the muscle and posteriorly converging on the parietals to within 07°35 of each other. The front upper incisors are much smaller than in the foregoing skull, and the molars are also less, and the palate is deeper. In the lower jaw there is a well-developed supernumerary molar on each side. This individual had doubtless spent all its days in a wild state, dying shortly after its capture. Presented by W Rutledge, Esq., 7th April 1877. ?. The flat skin and skeleton of the young of the previous individual. The hair on the body was sparse and bright ferru- ginous; dark maroon on the head, and long and directed forwards. This animal had cut only its first incisors and first bicuspids in the upper jaw. The fontanelle is closed, but the remains of the almost obliterated suture form a permanent raised line. This young animal died the same day as its mother. Present- ed by W. Rutledge, Esq., 7th April 1877. yj. The skin and skull, and bones of the trunk of an adult female like the preceding adult, but with somewhat shorter hair. The skull has all its teeth, but it is much smaller than SIMIA, 9 e,g, and 2, Its incisors are very much smaller than those of either e or g, but the incisors of 2 are so much ground down that their original dimensions can only be guessed at, but they appear to have been about the size of those of this specimen. The muzzle, however, of 4 is very much larger than the muzzle of this skull and measures 2”-50 across, while this muzzle is only 2”-11 and very much shorter. The muzzle of ¢ is 2”50, while that of g, in which the canines are only partially through, "is as much as 2”-40. The orbits of this specimen resemble those of g, but differ greatly in appearance from the vertically elon- gated orbits of 4, which are 1”-85 in vertical height as compared with 17-50 in this individual. These few details suffice to show how great is the individual variation among the skulls of Orangs, the animals of which were apparently identical in life. There is a well-marked indentation on the left half of the parietal, and a long rugosity on the temporal ridge of that side. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 3rd March 1879. k. A stuffed female: general colour as in the previous females; viz., dark maroon, but with short and somewhat sparse hair, probably due to the effects of confinement. Pre- sented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 12th January 1870. “. The flat skin and skeleton of a young male, dark maroon like the preceding animals. Although this Orang had cut only its first molar teeth below and above, its skull is as long as the female skull y, which conveys some idea of the great difference in size between the sexes. The general appearance of a male skull at this period is that of a female, there being no muscular ridges developed beyond the feeble temporal ridges, which are far apart. The orbits of this skull are large and obliquely placed ovals. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 3rd March 1879. m, A young male, in alcohol, with no trace of cheek excres- cences, a rather large head, with a broad and deep muzzle, and with short and rather sparse hair. The hair short on the head, and deep maroon throughout. Presented by W. Rut- ledge, Esq., 20th March 1879. n, The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of a young male, General colour maroon, passing into bright ferruginous on the back, and still lighter on the back of the thighs, and darkest on the head and arms. The hair is long and distributed in the same way as in the foregoing animals, from which this individual differs only in its brighter colour, paler face, and fleshy colour around the eyes and about the mouth. This colouration of the face has distinguished, more or less, all the young Orangs that have passed under my observation,—they 10 MAMMALIA. exceed one hundred in number,—but as age advances the colour becomes darker, and the pale hue is entirely lost. The first molar is through in both jaws, and it is large; and the other two are visible behind it. No ridges have formed. Extreme length of skull, occiput to front of premaxillaries, 705. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., Ist March 1876. o. A young stuffed male like previous specimen: described by Mr. Blyth in a footnote! as No. 5, but not entered in his Catalogue. No history. p. Ayoung stuffed male like the preceding specimen, No. 4B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Raja Rajendra Mullick, Bahadur, 1859. q. The flat skin and skeleton of a young male like the pre- ceding specimens. Total length of the skull 6’-95; same age of dentition as in the last individual. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 26th June 1875. rv. The skull, and skin of the head, of a young male. The skin of the head has been kept on account of the great length of thehair, Theskull resembles the last skull, but the orbits are smaller and more rounded. ‘The first and second molars are through, and the first upper incisor of the left side is nearly fully displayed, while the adjoining teeth are partially through. This skull in its dentition is of the same age as the skull of the dark-coloured male (¢) with very large front upper incisors, but the total length of this skull is only 6”-73, as compared with 7”60 in the skull d. Its breadth also is very much less, as it measures across the zygoma only 4”50 to 4”98 in d. The great differences that exist between the dimensions of these skulls are also shown in the length of the palate, which is 27-95 long in d, and only 2”:50 in this skull. This animal was smaller in every way than the male d, and, like it, had no cheek swellings. This small Orang, however, cannot well be the Mias hassir, for one of the characters of that supposed species isits large incisors and molars, a distinctive feature of the larger of these two Orangs, viz., of No. 8 d, and it is not probable that three species of Orang exist. Iam, therefore, disposed to regard these differences only as individual, and there can be no doubt that they are very great, but not greater than the differences in dimensions of skull, and in the size of teeth, that exist among individuals of the various races of men. The next skull reveals also even greater differences of dimensions than in the case under consideration. Pre- sented by W. Rutledge, Esq., lst June 1880. 1 Journ. As, Soc., Vol. XXII, p, 378, No. 5. SIMIA. ll s. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of a young male of exactly the same external characters as the two previous animals, but with the skull very different from m. It has high oval orbits, but little concavity in the nasal region, whereas in the skull of there is considerable concavity, and the orbits are more rounded, and the interorbital region more vertical than in this skull, which is also not nearly so full and rounded as in the parietal region. Although they are of the same age as regards their teeth, the skull measures only 6-77, whereas m is 705. The first molar is also considerably larger than the corresponding teeth of m. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 19th May 1877. t. A stuffed young female, No.’ 4C of Blyth’s Catalogue. No history. ‘a. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of a young male, exactly like mando. Milk dentition, but with the first molar through. Total length of skull 6’°25. Molars large. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 2nd December 1878. v. The flat skin and skeleton of a young male. The hair in its colour and distribution is the same as in the preceding individuals, The total length of the skull is 6’:20. The first and second molars are already through, but the latter only partially, and the upper permanent front incisors are also present. They are 0’°59, broad, but not so large as the in- cisors of the male d. The molars are not so large as those of 0, whereas its incisors are a little broader than the incisors of o, and, as in it, are much serrated. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., lst June 1880. w. The skin, skull, and bones of a young male, First mo- lar through. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 19th May 1877. ; a, The flat skin and skeleton of a young male of the same character as the preceding young specimens. Milk dentition. Purchased, 20th October 1875. y. The flat skin and skeleton of a young male, the same as in the foregoing individual. Milk dentition. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 8th November 1880. _ z. A stuffed young male like the preceding example. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 2nd February 1874. aa. A stuffed young male resembling the foregoing. Pre- sented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 7th September 1870. 6b. The skin and skeleton of an adult female, Nos. 4 D and E of Blyth’s Catalogue, exactly like the foregoing male m. This animal, which had lived 12 years in con- finement, was described by Blyth as a new species, P. 12 MAMMALIA. owenit,t but in his Catalogue,? published afterwards, he regarded it as 8. morio, but it has small front incisors. Moreover, the skull has not the form of the female skull of ferine Orangs, and Iam disposed to regard its shape as abnormal, and the effects of a life of captivity. Presented by J. Apcar, Esq., 1846. ce. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of a young female, having long dark maroon hair on the head, belly and limbs, and bright ferruginous on the sides, back, and hinder aspect of the thighs. The face dusky brown, with a pale area around the eyes and mouth : the same as the preceding female in the colour and length of its hair, and agreeing in all its details with the male m. The first molar is through, one upper incisor (left) and the two lower incisors, the latter being especially strongly serrated, there being one mesial eminence to the serrated edge, with two smaller ones on either side of it, The skull measures 6-45. Presented by W. Rutledge,. Esq., 17th January 1876. dd, The flat skin and skeleton of a young female, with ex- ternal characters similar to the foregoing females. Skull 6-17 long. First molar through. Purchased, i8th February 1879, | ee. The flat skin and skull of a young female; the exter- nal characters the same as the preceding; skull 5”°38 long. First molar through. Purchased, 3rd January 1870. ° Jf. The flat skin and skeleton of a young female, the same as the foregoing ; skull 5”°50. Milk dentition. Orbits very high. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 26th April 1880. . gg. A stuffed young female, the skull not removed, but the animal externally inseparable from the foregoing speci-- mens. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., lst February 1874. Ah, The flat skin and skeleton of a young female with milk dentition; the same as the preceding. Purchased, 20th October 1569. 2i. The flat skin and skeleton of an individual similar to preceding one. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 9th Feb- ruary 1874. jj» A young male in alcohol, with long hair on the head di- rected forwards, and long hair on the body. General colour: red, ferruginous on the body, darker on the head. Also more hair abont the face thanin m. The muzzle also is smaller, not so broad, although the dentition is in much the same state as » Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XXII (1853), pp. 87 to 75, pls. 9, 10. 2 Cat. of Mammals, As. Soc. Mus., 1863, p. 4. SIMIA, 13 in m. The forehead also is higher than in m. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 20th March 1879. kk, A young ferrnginous female in alcohol. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 21st January 1867, . di. A young female similar to preceding, in alcohol. Pre- sented by Dr. J. Anderson, 21st January 1867. mm. A young male in aleohol, like preceding specimen. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 4th January 1873. an, Theskull of an adult male, Borneo. Regarded by Blyth as afemale Mias Rambi, No. 3D of his Catalogue, described in Journ, As, Soc. Bengal, Vol. XXII, page 376, and measure- ments given in 3rd column, page 580 ¢. ¢., and figured in pls. lii and iv, being one of the skulls described by Mr. Blyth as P. brooke (1. c., page 375). Presented by Major Gregory, July 1838, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. VII, page 669. co. A mounted skeleton of an adult male: No. 38E of Blyth’s Catalogue: first described by Blyth as a fully mature female (?) of the Mias pappan, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XXII, p. 375, and afterwards as a youthful male Pappan, op. cit., Vol. XXIV, p. 519, and in his Catalogue of Mammals, p. 3, as an adult male Mias pappan. Borneo. Presented by Mr. Wm. Nicholls of Sarawak, 1853. pp. An imperfect skeleton of an adult male, considered ‘by Blyth as a female Mias pappan ; No. 3F of his Catalogue ; and described, op. cit., Vol. XXIV, 1855, pp. 518, 525. Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. This specimen is distinguished by a supernumerary molar and by depressions on the skull. The right humerus of this animal had been fractured in life, the two ends of the fracture. overlapping each other; a great mass of osseous tissue had been thrown out around them. ‘The left fibula had also been fractured. This specimen has the eleventh rib of the right side firmly amalgamated to the vertebra, like a transverse process. gq. The skeleton of an adult male considered by Blyth to be an adolescent male Wias rambi, with very large teeth, all the teeth being present and the incisors much worn. The tem- poral ridges meet on the vertex in a low ridge, The muzzle is heavy and protuberant. Described op. cit., p. 523, No, 8G of Blyth’s Catalogue. Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. ry. The skeleton of an aged male older than the previous specimen and regarded by Blyth as a mature male Mzas rambi. No. 8H of his Catalogue, and described op. cit., p. 824, It differs in its skull being broader across the malar 14 MAMMALIA, region than the previous specimen, in its protuberant muzzle being somewhat narrower, and in its sagittal and lambdoidal erests being much more developed. Sadong, Borneo, Pre- sented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. ss. The skeleton of an adult malesent by Sir James Brooke as a Mias chapin, was considered by Blyth to be a large old female Raméi, No. 31 of his Catalogue. It is remark- able for its large vertically elongated orbits, its rather feeble muzzle, and elongated face. The sagittal ridge is less deve- loped than in the preceding specimen. Described by Mr. Blyth op. cit., p. 521. Sadong, Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. tt. The skeleton of an adult male considered by Blyth to be a small, but full-grown, female Miae ramdi, although it had been sent as a Mias pappan. No. 33 of Blyth’s Catalogue. Described op. cit., pp. 522,523. Sadong, Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. uu. The skeleton of a mature male described by Blyth as a fully mature female Mamdi, op. cit., p. 523: No. 38K of Blyth’s Catalogue. Much the same as the previous specimen, but with the sagittal crest not developed. In this skeleton the twelfth rib of each side is united to its vertebra and resembles a transverse process. Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. vv. The skeleton of an adult male; No. 3Q of Blyth’s Catalogue: described by Blyth, op. cit., pp. 520, 526, as Pithecus cartus. Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. ww. The imperfect skeleton of an adult female, No. 4A of Blyth’s Catalogue, described by him as P. morio, in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. XXII, p. 371, plates VII and VIII. Very different trom the foregoing male skulls in the absence of muscular ridges. It has all the characters of the skull figured by Owen as 8. morio?: incisor 0”*50 broad, but the molars are not large. Skull 7”-40 long. Said to be from Borneo. Presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq., 1836. za, The skull of a young animal cutting its permanent incisors and second molar. Upper incisors broad, 0’:60, and much serrated. Lower incisors very irregularly placed. | No. 3L of Blyth’s Catalogue. Length of skull 6”35. ° Donor unknown. yy. A young skull bisected, No. 8M of Blyth’s Cata- logue, retaining deciduary incisors. Length of skull 650. 1 Trans, Zool. Soc. 1841, Vol, 11, p. 168. SIMIA. 15 zz, The skull of a younger specimen: first molar appear- ing. No. 38N of Blyth’s Catalogue. Length of skull 5”-95, aaa, The skull of a young animal not in Blyth’s Catalogue. ppeeenied by Raja Rajendra Mullick, Bahadur, 1863. Length "22, 666. The skull of a young animal not in Blyth’s Cata- logue. Length 67:05. ece. The skull, and the brain in alcohol, of a young animal with milk teeth and first molar. Skull cap cut away to permit of the removal of the brain. Length of skull 6”. Purchased, July 1867. ddd, The skull of a young animal with the first perma- nent molar through. The outer plate of the right maxillary and of the mandible has been removed to show the relation of the permanent to the deciduary teeth. Length 5”-88. No history. eee. The skull of a young male with milk teeth only. Length of skull 5”52. Purchased, 17th October 1870. Iff. Theskull of a young male with milk teeth. Length 5”43. Purchased, August 1865. g9g- The skeleton of a young male with milk dentition. Length of skull 540. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq, 26th June 1875. hhh. The skull of a young animal with milk dentition. Length of skull 5”°10. Purchased, 5th January 1878. wu. A right scaphoid, lunare, unciform, magnum and cunei- form, in duplicate, marked 3ww. Left scaphoid, 2 lunare, 2 unciform, 2 magnum, and 2 cuneiform bones marked 8xx. Right caleaneum, astragalus, naviculare, cuboid, cuneiform, and ecto-cuneiform, in duplicate, marked 3yy. Left calcaneum, astrayalus, naviculare, cuboid, cunei-form, and ecto-cuneiform in duplicate marked 322. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th metacarpals of right hand, marked 3aaa. Ist, drd, 4th, and 5th metacarpals of right hand, ‘marked 33ps. Right 4th metacarpal, marked 3ccc; right 3rd metacarpal, marked sppp. Ist to 5th left-metacarpals, marked 3uEn. Left Ist and 2nd metacarpals, marked 3rer, Left 4th and 5th metacarpals, marked 3eeca. Right meta- carpals Ist to 5th, marked 3HnuH. Right metacarpals Ist to 5th, exclusive of 4th, marked 3111. Left metacarpals 1st to 5th, marked 333s. Left lst to 5th metacarpals, marked 8KKK. Thirty-one lst phalanges of hands and feet, marked 3uLL: Thirteen 2nd phalanges of hands and feet, marked 3mmm. Twenty ungual phalanges of hands and feet, marked 3nnn. Borneo. Presented by Sir James Brooke, C.B., 1855. 16 MAMMALIA, jij. A dried right hand. No history. Marked 3000. kkk. A preparation of penis of the 3a, displaying the penial bone 07°50 in length, situated in the distal end of the organ. The foregoing seven skeletons from Borneo, presented to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Sir James Brooke, were described by Mr. Blyth in 1855, three as males and four as females, and he remarked,! “‘There is no reason to doubt the correct determination of sex in any of the specimens.” To one, however, conversant with the great differences in size and form that exist between the skulls of the two sexes of Orangs there is every reason to doubt that any of them are females. The skulls of these skeletons are all distinguished by the characteristic features of the male sex, great size, strong muscular ridges, and huge canines, and all present a common likeness to the skull 3a, which is certainly known to be the skull of an adult male Orang-outang, which in life was distinguished by the enlargement of his cheeks into huge bare excrescences. The variations presented by these skulls in the extent to which the external margins of their orbits are developed, the breadth across their orbits, the form of the orbits, the length of the muzzle, the degree of concavity of the profile, the zygoma- tic breadth, the degree of convergence of the temporal ridges, the arch of the frontals and of the parietals, the length, depth, and form of the palate, the depth of the symphysis, the height and breadth of the ascending ramus of the lower jaw, and the dimensions of the teeth, are very great and amply justify the application to them of the remark made by Wallace ? re- garding the Orangs collected by himself in Borneo, that they manifest differences as decided as those existing between the most strongly marked forms of the Caucasian and African crania in the human species. When Mr. Blyth catalogued the mammals in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,® the only two adult female Orangs then existing in the collection he referred to the sup- posed species S. morio, Owen,* which was founded on a female Orang skull, whereas all the males were referred by him to- S. satyrus. Two adult, or nearly adult, females have been 1 Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XXIV, 1855, p. 518; op. cit., p. 628. 2 Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, 1856, p. 472. > Cat. Mamm., As. Soc. Mus., Vol. V, 1863, p. 4. * Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1841, Vol, 11, p.168, pls. 33 and 34, SIMIA, 17 added to the Museum since’ then, but all of them have the features which distinguish the skull figured by Owen as S. morio. Among the other numerous additions which have been made towards the illustration of this anthropoid ape, three skulls, nearly the name size as the adult female skull and thus resembling the skull named 8. morio, are the skulls of ado- lescent males, their milk teeth being only partially shed. Each of these skulls thus still possessed a great capacity tor growth. In four still younger male skulls, nearly equalling - in size the adult female skull, but yet with milk incisors and canines, the likeness between the sexes, notwithstanding the disparity of age, is very great ; the after-diveryence, however, is enormous. After a careful and repeated consideration of the foregoing specimens, skeletons, and skins, the same conclusion has always been arrived at, that these materials are all refer- able to one large species of Orang-outang so far as the adult males and females, and probably also the adolescents and young, are concerned. As indicated above, there would, how- ever, appear to be a dark and pale variety. Some of the males of the dark race had cheek excres¢ences, while others had not, whereas none of the males of the pale variety manifested any trace of such facial enlargements. I have observed these cheek excrescences beginning to show themselves in a baby dark-coloured male Orang, and have also seen them in another young male of the same colour, pro- bably 6 years of age. . In 1841 Sir James Brooke? stated that the Mias rambi. of Borneo was taller than the Mias pappan, which is the Bornean race provided with cheek excrescences, and that the Ramdz was destitute of those structures. Wallace? also mentions that the Dyaks of North-Western Borneo have names for. three species of Mias, although he could never find any one who could determine them with precision. The Dyaks say that the ‘Dias rambi, which has very long hair, equals the Mias chappan or pappan in size, but that it has no cheek excrescences. Wallace, however, regarded the Mias rambi as probably only rare examples of the large species in which the excrescences have been little or at all developed. In the “Malay Archipelago” no mention is made of the Mias rami, nor indeed of Orangs without cheek excrescences equalling in dimensions those provided with these structures : all the Orangs, Wias 1, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 55. 2 Ann, and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1856, Vol. XVII, p. 475. 18 MAMMALIA. kassir, which had no excrescences, were much smaller animals than those which had them and were referred by Wallace to 8. morio. Wallace does not give any detailed description of the skull of the males he referred to 8. morio, but he says, “ It is smaller and weaker, and the zygomatic arches narrower than in the large species; it hasno bony crest, but two faint ridges from 12 inch to 2 inches apart, exactly as in the 8. morio of Prof. Owen, figured in the ‘ Transactions of the Zoological Society,’ The teeth, however, are, in proportion to the skull, of immense size, equalling, and in one case surpassing, those of the larger animals; the molars extending further backward, and the incisors and canines being set closely together, room is found for them in a,much smaller jaw.’ The only skulls in this Museum corresponding generally to the foregoing description are those of female Orangs. One adult male skull, 300, resembling, in size and in the development of its zygomatic and orbital ridges, the skull of the adult 3@ with cheek excrescences, differs from it and resembles §. morio in the temporo-parietal ridges being far apart. Although this feature of §. moro occurs in this skull, there can be no doubt of the specific identity of the skull with the individual 3a or with 8. satyrus, and Mr. Blyth records that Mr. Nicholls, who presented this Orang to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, stated that, if he remembered rightly, the skeleton had been given to him as that of a male, full grown, but not aged, and with a very broad face—a de- scription which evidently indicates that the animal was an Orang with cheek excrescences. The non-union of the temporo-parietal ridges to form a sagittal ridge would appear in the case of male Orangs to be generally a sign that the animal had not attained full maturity. This skull has all its permanent teeth perfectly fresh and unground, and a few more years of masticating activity would probably have brought the ridges together. Even in female skulls referable to S. morio, the feeble lines indicating the temporal ridges tend to meet on the vertex in the fully adult animal, and in one skull the ridges are only separated by an interval of 07-40, which, in all likelihood, would have disappeared with increased age; whereas in a female, with the last molar only cutting the gum, these ridges are 0’'50 apart. At the same time, in some cases, feeble development of the lower jaw, as pointed out by Mr. Wallace, associated with a small zygomatic aperture and a large cranial surface, contributes to keep the temporal ridges SIMIA. 19 apart; but these conditions cannot be regarded as the chief cause of separated temporal ridges in Orang skulls, and, moreover, in the skull 300 they do not exist, and yet the ridges are far apart. In the old male 3pg, in its general features also resembling the skull 3a, the fronto-parietal ridges remain far apart, even although the animal is aged. The area, however, between the ridges is covered with deep indentations—an abnormal con- ae which may have contributed to the non-union of the ridges. The male skeletons also exhibit almost quite as much variation in the length of their long bones as is manifested by the skulls, in the particulars already indicated. One is so remarkable for the shortness of its limb bones that Mr. Blyth at first regarded it as a new species which he designated 8. curtus, but afterwards, when he had reviewed all the materials at his disposal, he sunk the name in his catalogue as asynonymy of 8. satyrus, The skull 3pp is remarkable for the number of depres- sions on its frontal, as wel] as on its parietal, region. They apparently resemble those described by Professor Humphry? as occurring in an Orang from Borneo in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Cambridge. There is a remarkable de- gree of similarity between the two skulls, and they further resemble each other in having the temporal ridges apart and in possessing supernumerary molars. The depressions in this skull are chiefly confined to the interspace between the ridges, but they occur without any symmetry. There is one large depression on the parietal, immediately behind the left superciliary ridge 0’°70 long and 0°65 broad, with another still deeper depression behind it, 0”:30 long and 0’-75 broad. A little removed from the right superciliary ridge is a long partially-interrupted depression 155 long and 0” °50 bread, which may be regarded as the equivalent on this side of the depression just described, and from which it is separated by a prominent eminence. All of these depressions occur on the frontal, but immediately behind them there is another depression occupying the mesial line of the skull, on the beginning of the parietal, 0’-80 broad and 1 Journ, Anat, and Phys., Vol. VIII, 1874, p. 136, Pl. VII, figures 4, 5 and 6, The specimen described by Professor Humphry is stated to have been .a female, but the figure in which the canines are represented as large would seem to indicate, along with the general characters of the skull, that the animal had been a male. 20 f MAMMALIA. 0” 85 long, and stil] another on the posterior portion of the parietal close to the posterior end of the left temporal ridge. There is no trace of a sagittal suture. Nearly opposite to the first depression on the parietal, but immediately external to the left temporal ridge, there is another and sixth depression which seems to make itself felt along the inner side of the left temporal ridge. On making two transverse sections through these depressions and the intervening elevations, it is found that in the last of the depressions there is considerable thin- ning away of the walls of the skull, the cancellated substance having disappeared, and nothing but the hard tables remaining, in some places not thicker than 07:05 ; so that, had the thin- ning been carried a little further, the skull might have presented the anomalous appearance of a series of openings in deep depressions.! In such instances the depression is fully 0-10 in depth, and the walls of the skull on either side of it are fully 0’-20 thick, with the diplee well developed. Between the depressions of either side is an elevated, but flattened, area, occupying the middle of the frontal. On the inner surface of the skull there are no concavities corresponding to the external depressions, but there is one small circular pit about 0°30 in diameter underlying the thickened area on the frontal. These defects in the skull appear to be due to an imperfection in the ossifying process, as stated by Professor Humphry, in consequence of which those parts of the skull are left thin. It will be observed that these depressions, as in the in- stances cited by Professor Humphry in Man and in the Orang, do not occur in the course of the sagittal suture nor on the eminences of the frontal.? Finding these depressions, in the two instances recorded, 1 The skull of a female New Hollander in this Museum has one great parietal depression on the left side of thesame nature as those in the Orang described above, another but smaller depression on the right side, and about six other irregular depressions on the left side. The first-mentioned depres- sion is thinned away at its bottom to 0’-03. . 2 In the foregoing New Holland skull the largest of the left parietal depressions involves the left parietal eminence. : In the Museum of the Medical College the skull of a young female Orang ‘ presents a simple depression on the commencement of the sagittal suture, and another slight one 0-70 by 0’-50, which has its outline well defined by a clear difference in the texture of the depression and that of the surrounding parts. The depressed area is very dense and almost porcelangous, This skull also presents two deep pits on either side of the foramen magnum. The lambdoidal and sagittal sutures are obliterated, but the skull is very “ small, although it has got its lower permanent and its middle upper incisors. SIMTA.. 21 associated with separated temporal ridges and an abnormal number of teeth, Orang skulls presenting any of these characters, either singly or in association, should be carefully observed. Supernumerary teeth occur on both the upper. and lower Jaws of the left side. In the former the supernumerary tooth is @ small erect two-fanged cylindrical tooth with two cusps. The normal last molar is deformed, consisting of three distinct internal cusps, with a large external cusp equalling the con- joint dimensions of the three former. In the skull described by Professor Humphry the additional tooth occurred on each side of the upper jaw, and, although smaller than the other teeth, both were well formed and with the normal number of fangs. The supernumerary tooth in the lower jaw is quite as large as the last molar and has its crown directed forwards to the right side, asin the Orang skull described by Professor Hum- phry, due to the circumstance that it is set in the base of the coronoid process. From its position its crown could never be brought into use, but the hinder margin of the cingulum is partially worn away by friction against the upper super- numerary tooth. The female skull 34 has a well-formed additional molar behind the normal last tooth on each side of the lower jaw, each perfectly erect and in no way out of position. Among these adult male Bornean skulls there is consider- _ able variation, not only in the breadth of the front upper incisors, but in the length of the dental line from the pre- molar to the last molar, and in the dimensions of the molars, and in some skulls more particularly of the last molar. Throughout the series there is considerable diversity in the extent and form of the nasal bones. In the skull 3vv the nasals are 1”-45 long, expanding from 0:25 to 0:50, their greatest width. In the skull 3p these bones show a decided tendency to unite with the maxillaries, whereas in skull 3ss the nasals are little, if at all, expanded below, and are 1”-80 long with a maximum width of 0:35, exhibiting no tendency whatever to union either with the frontal or maxillaries. In the skull) 3¢¢ the maxillaries form a broad suture between the orbits, and the nasals disappear, being represented by a small azygos bone 0”55 in length and 0-18 in greatest breadth, so that it is quite possible that occasionally in Orangs the nasals may be suppressed or lost in the maxillaries, so insignificant is their fragmentary representation in the skull, MAMMALIA. 22 pa.t | 90.6 } Ot ( 09-6 | BB-T | O6.e { OP.8 | O9-6 } 2.8 ) 08. | OOS | OLE | TE | Be | O20 7 oper | tt | og.t | 42.0 | OFT | Ot | OV | OO.T | 44.T | 06. | 418 | O8T | EXT} | B8T 09.0 | 94.0 | $2.0 | 18.0 | 04.0 | 98.0 | 98.0 | 964.0 | 48.0 | @6.0 | 00.T | 98.0 | 94.0 | 18-0 06.0 08.0 | 91.1 | 6.0 | 08.1 | 98.0 | 02.1 | 08.0 | OFT | BET | 9F.0 | 96.1 | OFT | 48-T | O81 | O8.T | * 5 ” oF. | oo.t | 26.0 | O21 | OFT | O9-T | TO.T | 49-T | TET | 008 | O9.T | OO-T | 8H. | BOT | 99.1 0@.1 08.1 OLT | O8.t | oft | 12-1 | Bhat | SPT | O&T | SFT | THT | 09T | SFT | OFT | PT |* : . og.0 | 8¢.0 | 98.0 | 09-0 | $9.0 | OF.0 | 09.0 | 29-0 | 99.0 | 09.0 | 99.0 | 69.0 | FF.0 | 95.0 09.0 99.8 | OF8 | 496 | 86-8 | THE 18 | 08. | 02-P | 08.F | OF. | O8.F | 06.B | OL | OFF | 48h 69.1 | OFT | O£LT | OLT | 09.1 | B41 | 00.8 | OTS | 90.3 | OFS | BS | 06.T | OT. | 83.0 08.3 09.4 | 09-6 | o9.p | 989 | 96.5 | 98-9 | 06.9 | 89-9 | OF.O | 86-9 | 08.9 | 92.9 | 89.9 | SF-9 | 08.0 90.8 | 9.8 | 69.1 | 98.0 | OT.2 | 09.0 Bey "1 080 a 8 "1 94.0 | 08.T a 92.2 | 99.8 | 91.8 | 02.8 | 09.8 | 08.2 | 91-8 | GTS | 91-8 | 098 | 06.8 | 09.5 | 08.8 | 98.5 | 98-8 09.6 | 09.6 | 98.6 | 98. | 08.6 | O8-p | 06.9 | 00-6 | 89.9 | 06.9 | 09.9 | OFM | OF9 | 99.9 | BT.9 98.2 | 92.6 | 09.6 | 088 | 08.6 | 09.8 | 08.6 | 06.8 | 00% | 09. | 00.5 | 96.8 | 80-F | OL. 92h |° i 2 93.6 | 98.6 | sap | 88.F | 06.6 | 69.6 | 00.9 | 47-9 | 08.9 | OT-9 | 08.9 | 06-6 | 08-9 | 9F.9 08.9 90.2 | 9t.2 | OFZ | 992 | SEZ | OFL | OF.8 | 9F-8 | S48 | OTB | 94.8 | IF-8 | 28 | O16 08.8 09.6 | 99.6 | 048 | 89-8 | 99.6 | 09-8 | OF. | 89-6 | 948 | 98.6 | 08.6 | 78.8 | 48.6 | 08.8 96.8 Q 9 é 6 & 6 2 2 g g g 9 Q e g ug ius |'as | YS | 998 | mag | ang | mB F98 | 88G | tg bbg | ddg |} oog | uug ‘ap l‘vel ‘Osi'me| ‘fs | 18 | "Hs | "OS | ‘as / as) ae RA Rvimerd off Fo WBavw LoypIOJoy oy) puw ouoq [REV O14 JO UPBLVUA LOPTOyUy OQ} 1094Hj0q OOUUQET eu VUPMAVLOS POIFALO-Vajuy o} WoO {Eq OoUdsIE;NT + © © — gangiodu [esvT oT} JO LoJOMVIp OBIOASTUIT * oangiode [usua oy} JO aojounyp 1Oor)104, 8 8 8 KATO [UITGIO OY} JO LOJOUUVTP [8O]}.10 4 SAI AV [v}}qQLO OY} JO LOJOWVIP OsroasTRL J, : c : * ponds [uz{q.tO10,0y Of} JO |IPVOAE Se tga 0} JO SOplsyno oy} TOoAJoq TOY, [NYS Jo JOJoUTT s 3 a VAROF OFVUMORAZ oY JO WISa0T a0 BAZ OT} 4V [INS OY} JO aojomNyY + 9 + * goSpyt puxod0} 077} TooAoq oouTISIG: HPIGLO ON} PUTO TMS O49 JO AoJOWL]P [eAogUy yso[pvUIG * gospyr £103 -Tpnu-ysod oY} 4U [MAS oy} Jo AoowIp [vL9zU] ys0300.11 e * — gopauzrxvurord otf9 Jo ULsaeur ay} 07 OANGNS [UBvU-O;NOY OY} WOIJ [[Us OY} JO YIZuerT . . . . . . . . * © emns [BEVT-OFWOIT OT} 09 iD 0} Woay [[HFs oy} Jo YyZu0T SOU] [[xuword oT jo gustan oy} 0} srt OY} WOIZ [[NxS oy} JO yIsuOrT * etApuoo [uyTdy000 6 - O8EG OT} 0} XOAOA OTT} Oy [MAS 043 Jo qIdoq . . . . ‘apnuaf pun epou ‘sbuog fo suojyayy pun sygnyg fo sjuamadnsnayy 23 82.1 98.0 9.0 2h0 09.1 SF.S 28.3 09.T £8.0 &F.0 65.0 TQ 08.3 $8.2 OT-€ 6F.0 02.0 oh. 99.0 69.0 QL. 98.1 98.0 29.0 “98.0 03.0 89.1 90.8 F8.2 00.2 SF.0 89.0 08-9 08.0 6F.0 00.8 08.1 28.0 €F.0 04.0 oF.T 09. 88.8 OFS 86.1 $9.0 89.0 6F-9 09.0 89.0 90.8 89.1 98.0 0s-0 240 OF.T OF.T 28.2 99.8 90.8 08.8 06.6 08-8 $6.81 98.3T 08.1 FF.0 SF.0 99.9 6¢.0 GF.0 90. 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TBpOUL 48v] “ Ty cr * soUTUBD TesAKyaq aQuTed Jo YI pag s * QUIT persaut oy} Suoye ezeped Auoq oy} Jo yISaeT : : * oyered Suoq oyy Jo ULSreut qorxoys0d aq 0} WoMRtoy [V}diov0 OY} JO UISAVUT AOTIEJUG OY} MOLT 24 MAMMALIA. 4. Simia abelii. Ourang-outang of Sumatra, Clarke Abel, As. Resch., vol. xv, 1825, p. 489, pls. 1 to 3, and IV & V. Simia abelii, Fischer, Syn. Mamm., 1829, p. 10. . Pithecus satyrus, Evans, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. vii, 1838, p. 669, partim. Simia gigantica, Pearson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. x, 1841, . 660. Pithecus bicolor, Js. Geoff. Atti della terza rium d. Scienz. Ital. 1841; tbid., Arch. du Mus., t. ii, 1841, p. 526. Sumatran Orang-outang. ‘Hab, Sumatra. 4a. The lower jaw, No. 8B of Blyth’s Catalogue, of the large individual first described by Dr. Clarke Abel in the Asiatic Researches, Vol. XV, 1825. This jaw was figured in the same work, Plates IV and V, and again figured, half natural size, in the Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. VI, Plate XVIII. Described by Mr. Blyth, op. cit., Vol. XXII, 1853, p. 374. This specimen is very much smaller than the jaw of the next skull. The former measures only 6°55 in the ex- treme length of the jaw, whereas the latter is no less than 7°60. The condyle of Dr. Clarke Abel’s specimen is only 38”50 above the inferior line of the horizontal ramus, whereas in the next individual the measurement is 4”°90. The coronoid pro- cess of the former is only 8”°90, while in the latter it is 4”-70, the breadth of root of the ascending ramus in Dr. Clarke Abel’s animal being 2”-30 to 2”-65 in next specimen. There is no perceptible difference in the length of the dental line of the two jaws, but this jaw is enormously larger than the other. The symphysis in Dr. Clarke Abel’s specimen is only 2”-60, and in the next skull it is as great as 37-05. The form of the jaws is much the same, and although the smaller jaw has all its teeth, the teeth are not worn, whereas in the other massive jaw the teeth are considerably worn. I am there- fore disposed to attribute the difference in size solely to individual peculiarities. Presented by Captain Cornfoot, 1822.1 1 The stuffed skin of Dr. Clarke Abel’s specimen from the north coast of Sumatra, presented by Captain Cornfoot, As. Researches, Vol. XV, App. p. 32, 1822, and described in the Asiatic Researches for 1825, in which the head, lower jaw, teeth, hand and foot are figured, was not in the Asiatic So- ciety’s Museum when I took charge of it for the Trustees of the Indian Museum. Owen has stated that the Sumatran Orang has no cheek excrescences, but HYLOBATES. 25, 6. Theskull of anadult male. Sumatra. No. 3C of Blyth’s Catalogue: described by Pearson as 8S. gigantica, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal; Vol. X, p. 660, and the measurements given by Mr. Blyth, op. cit., Vol. XXII, p. 380, tab. No. 2, and figured l.¢., Plates I and II. The skull is much more massive than any of the skulls of S. satyrus and distinguished from them by the great depth of the malo-maxillary area, which is flat and much. expanded, and measures 2 inches in height, whereas in the skulls referred to 8. satyrus it is seldom above 1-42 in depth. The muzzle also is very powerful, and.the canine ridges enormous. The breadth across the front of the orbital region is greater than in the foregoing skulls of 8. satyrus, and the superciliary ridges are much more deve- loped. The orbits are irregularly vertically oval, The tem- poral ridges are strongly marked and form a prominent sagittal ridge. The zygomatic arch is strong, and the lower jaw very massive, with a broad ascending ramus. This skull corresponds so closely to the figure of the skull described by Professor Owen’ that there can be no doubt of their spe- cific identity. TI.—Sus-Famity HYLOBATIN &. Genus HYLOBATHS, Illiger, 1811. 5. Hylobates syndactylus. Simia syndactylus, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. xiii, 1822, p. 241. Pithecus syndactylus, Desmarest, Mamm., 1820, p. 531. Hylobates syndactylus, F. Cuv., Hist. Nat. des Mammif. livr". xxxiv, Novembre 1821. Siamanga syndactyla, Gray, Cat. Mamm. B. M., 1843, p. 1. Hylobates (Siamanga) syndactylus, Anderson, Anat. and Zool. Resch., and West. Yunnan Expd., 1878, p. 10. Hag. Sumatra and Malayan Peninsula. 5a, A young male stuffed: its skull and the bones of its trunk. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 24th June 1873. 6. The skin of an adult female and the bones of its trunk. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 24th June 1873. ce. A young male stuffed, and its skull and the bones of its trunk. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 16th August 1873. Mr. Blyth distinctly mentions that the skin of Dr. Clarke Abel’s specimen possessed cheek excrescences, but less developed than in the Bornean male (Journ, As. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXII, 1853, p. 370), 1 Trans. Zoological Soc. Vol. 1, 1885, P1. 53. 26 MAMMALIA. d. An adult female stuffed: its skull and the bones of its trunk. Presented by W. Rutledge, Hsq., 29th Sep- tember 1873. e. The ligamentary skeleton of an adult male. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 19th April 1874. f. The skeleton and flat skin of a young male. Presented by the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, 26th June 1880. g. The skin and skull of a young male. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 29th November 1880. 6. Hylobates hooclock. The Fifé Nieuhoff, Recueil des Voyages, &., t. iii, 1716, p. 168. The Golock, De Visme, Philosoph. Trans., vol. lix, 1769, p. 72. The Gulok, Pennant, Hist. Quad. vol. i, 3rd ed. 1793, p. 185. The Voulock, Allamand, Buffon, Hist. Nat. (Sonnini ed.), t. xxxv, (1809), p. 140. The Hoolock, McClelland, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1839, p. 148. Simia lar, Philosoph. Trans., vol. lix, 1769, p. 607. Simia hoolock, Harlan, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. iv, new ser., 1834, p. 52, pl. 2 (animal & skull). ? Hylobates niger, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1840, p. 20. Hylobates hulok, Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl., Bd. i (1840), p. 76; vol. v, 1855, p. 20. Hylobates houlock, Lesson, Sp. des Mammif., 1840, p. 54. Hylobates chronomandus, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1837, p. 689. Hylobates scyritus, Ogilby, Madr. Journ. Lit. & Se., vol. xii, 1840. Hab. Assam; extending into the Eastern Himalayas (Bhu- tan), also to upper portion of the valley of the Irrawadi, and into the hilly country to the east of that river at Bhamo, and from Manipur and Cachar into Northern Arakan. 6a. A stuffed adult male, and its articulated skeleton: Nos, 5 A and H of Blyth’s Catalogue. Entirely black, with the exception of a white supercilium. From the Barrackpore Menagerie, 1842. b. A stuffed adolescent male, same as preceding specimen, and its articulated skeleton: Nos. 5 B and I of Blyth’s Cata- logue. From Barrackpore Menagerie, 1842. ce. A stuffed adult female, brown above, darker on the under parts, sides of face, hands and feet. No. 5D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. Tickell, 1842-49. d. A stuffed adult female: the same as c. No. 5F of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Raja Rajendra Mullick, Bahadur. : HYLOBATES. 27 e. A stuffed adult female: pale yellow above and light brown below, and blackish on the fingers and toes, No. 5E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Assam. Presented by S. G. T. Heatly, Esq. J. A stuffed young female: dark brown, but lighter on the back and outside of the limbs. Arakan. Presented by Sir Arthur P. Phayre. g. The skin of a young male: black. Purchased, Septem- ber 1866. h. Astuffed young black female. Purchased, 19th May 1868. 2. The skin of a young black male. Purchased, 29th May 1869. jand &. A stuffed young male and female, both black. Assam. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., May 1870. 4. Astuffed adolescent black male. Assam. Presented by H.F. Blanford, Esq., 16th July 1870. . m. A stuffed adolescent female, with greyish head. Assam. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 29th April 1871, a. The skin of a young black male.. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 16th June 1871. o. The skin ofa young female : dark blackish-brown, lighter on the back and on the sides of the face: beard greyish. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 24th June 1870. p: The skin of a young male: blackish brown on the back, and sides of the face and middle of chest. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 30th June 1871. g. The skin and bones of the trunk of a nearly adult female : pale yellow above, and light brown below and on the sides of the head. Cachar. Museum Collector, 1867-68. r. A characteristic adult male, jet black, with white super- cilium. Samaguting, Assam. Presented by Captain J. Butler, October 1872. . s. A young, pale yellow female, in aleohol. Cachar. Pre- sented by C. Brownlow, Esq., 2nd August 1872. ¢. The ligamentary skeleton of a young male. The general colour of this gibbon was yellow, but the belly and inside of the limbs were brown. Cachar. Presented by C. Brownlow, Esq., 2nd August 1872. u. The ligamentary skeleton of a young male, like the preceding specimen. Cachar. Presented by C. Brownlow, Esq., 2nd August 1872. v. The skin and ligamentary skeleton of a young male, the same as the two preceding specimens. Cachar. Presented by C. Brownlow, Esq., 2nd August 1872. 28 MAMMALIA. w. An imperfect flat skin of a black male. Hotha, Western Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson, Presented by the First Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. z. Another similar male skin. Teng-yue-chow, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the First Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. , y. The skin of a young female, also its skull and the bones of its trunk. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 17th April 1877. z. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of an adult female: greyish yellow above and blackish brown below, and. on the sides of the head and on the fingers. Presented by the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, 19th May 1877. aa. The skin and skull of an adult male. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 26th May 1879. 6b. The skin and skull of a young female. This specimen has the head and back greyish yellow; this colour also occur- ring here and there on the limbs and along the mesial line of the under surface of the body. This individual marks the transition from black to pale yellow, a colour which frequently occurs in adult females. Tipperah. Presented by. the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, 28th August 1879. ce, The skin and skull of a young black female. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 10th April 1880. dd. A young skull, No. 5I of Blyth’s Catalogue. ee. A young skull, No. 5L of Blyth’s Catalogue. Jf. A young skull, No. 5M of Blyth’s Catalogue. gg. A young skull, No. 5K of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ah. The skull of ayoung animal. Gdro Hills. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin Austen, 13th June 1870. ai. The skull of a young animal. No history. jj. The skeleton of a young male. Purchased, 12th June 1869. kk, The ligamentary skeleton of an adolescent male. Pur- chased, 6th June 1869. 7. Hylobates lar. Homo lar, Linn., Mantissa Plant. 1771, Append., p. 521. Simia longimana, Schreber, Siugeth. Bd. i, 1775, p. 66, pl. iii, fig. 1 (Buffon). Simia lar, Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat. 13th ed. 1788, p.29; 6. An imperfect skeleton, No. 62C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Prepared from a specimen presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., 1842. e. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by H. J. Elwes, Esq., 1470. d & e. An adult female and its foetus in alcohol. Darjeeling. Presented by J, Gammie, Esq., 1872. 104. Rhinolophus trifoliatus. Rhinolophus trifoliatus, Temm., Monogr. Mamm. t. ii, 1835-41, p. 27, pl. 31; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 106. Hab. India (Eastern Coast) ; Java; Borneo.— Dodson. 104a, An adult male in alcohol. Sihsdgar, Assam. Pre- sented by S. E. Peal, Esq., 16th December 1875. 105. Rhinolophus mitratus. Rhinolophus mitratus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xiii, 1844, p. 483 ; xxii, 1852, p. 409; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 107. Hab. Peninsula of India (Chdibdsa). 105a & &. The skins of two adults, Nos. 63 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Chaibdsa. Presented by Lieut.-Colonel S. R. Tickell, 1843. 106. An adult female in alcohol. Darjeeling District. Presented by G. King, Esq., M.B., 6th March 1877, 106. Rhinolophus euryotis. Rhinolophus euryotis, Temminck, Monogr. Mamm. t. ii, 1835-41, p. 26, pl. 29 fig. 5; pl. 32 figs. 18, 14,15; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 108. : Hab. Amboina ; Aru Islands.—Dodson. 106a & 6. An adult female and male in aleohol. Am- boina. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. RHINOLOPHUS. 109 107, Rhinolophus pearsonii. Rhinolophus pearsonii, Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. Mus. E. I. Co. (1851) p- 33; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 108. Hab. India (Masuri, Darjeeling, Khési and Garo Hills, Tipai Mukh) ; Tibet; Yunnan (Hotha).—Dedson. 107a § 4. Two adult males in alcohol, and the skull of b. Hotha, 4,500 feet, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson, Presented by the 1st Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. c. The skin of an adult. Tipai Mukh. Lushai Expedition. Museum Collector, 1872. 108. Rhinolophus macrotis. Rhinolophus macrotis (Hodgson), Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xiii, p. 485 ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 110. Hab. Himalaya (Nipal, Masuri). 108 a. An adult female in alcohol, No. 70A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Nipal. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., 1842. 6. Two adult males in alcohol, No. 70B of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Masuri. Presented by Captain T. Hutton, 1852, 109. Rhinolophus affinis. Rhinolophus affinis, Horsfield, Zool. Resch. in Java (1824); Temminck Monogr. Mamm. t. ii, p. 31 (1835); Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 112. Hab. Peninsula of Indiafrom the Himalaya to Cape Como- rin (inhabiting hill tracts) ; Ceylon; Burma; Sumatra; Java; Borneo.— Dobson. 109@ to f. Six skins in very bad condition, Nos. 67 Ato F of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon, Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1852. , g toi, Three skins of adults, Nos. 68 A to C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Barrackpore. Presented by Lieut.-Colonel R. C. Tytler, 1852-60. } to ¢, One adult male and two females in alcohol, No. 67H of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1852. m. Av adult male in alcohol. No history. Of the last three specimens, and including this, ‘a male and female answer to Kelaart’s description of R. rudidus; the third, a female, to 110 MAMMALIA. Horsfield’s original description of R. affinis.”—Dobson, Monogr. As. Chiroptera, p. 195. n & 0. Two adult females in alcohol. No history. p. An adult male in alcohol. Hotha, 4,500 feet. Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the lst Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. * ¢ & r. Two adult males in alcohol. Sylhet. Presented by E. B. Baker, Esq., 1872. g. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by J. Gammie, Esq., 1872. 110. Rhinolophus andamanensis, Rhinolophus andamanensis, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., 1872, p. 337 ; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 118. Aab. Southern Andaman Island.—Dobson. 110@. An adult male in alcohol. Andamans. Presented by J. Homfray, Esq. 1872. Zype. 111. Rhinolophus petersii. Rhinolophus petersii, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, p. 337; ib., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 113. Hab. Unknown. 1lla § 6. Two adult males in alcohol, No history. Types. 112, Rhinolophus minor. Rhinolophus minor, Horsfield, Zoolog. Resch. in Java 1824; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M, 1878, p. 114. Hab. Peninsula of India; Yunnan; Burma; Siam; Sumatra; Java; Borneo ; Japan.—Dodson. 112a@ toc. Two adult females and one adult, sex undeter- minable. No history. Zypes. d. An adult female in alcohol. Tsagain, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 2nd Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. e. An adult male in alcohol. Sibségar, Assam. Presented by S. E. Peal, Esq., 1875. 118. Rhinolophus garoensis. Rhinolophus garoensis, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, p. 337 ; ib., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 115. RHINOLOPHUS. 111 Hab. Garo Hills, Assam ; Himalaya (Masuri).— Dodson. 118a. An adult female in alcohol. Gdro Hills, Assam. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1871. Type. 114. Rhinolophus euryale. Rhinolophus euryale, Blasius, Archiv. fur. Naturg. Bd. 1, p. 493 Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 116. Hab. Europe (south of the Alps); Asia Minor (Syria); Northern Africa.— Dodson. 114a. An adult female in alcohol. Pisa, Italy. By ex- change with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 6 to f. Three males and two females inaleohol. Jerusalem, Palestine, 18th April 1#80, Collected and presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 28th December 1880. 115. Rhinolophus hipposideros. Noctilio hipposideros, Bechstein, Naturg. Deutschl. p. 1194, 1801. Rhinolophos hipposiderus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 117. Hab. Palearctic Region; Southern and Middle Europe ; North-East Africa; Asia Minor; Java. 115a@ to ec. Two adolescent males, and one adult female in alcohol. Europe. Presented by the Hungarian Museum, April 1863. 116. Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum. Vespertilio ferrum-equinum, Schreb. Saugeth, Bd. 1, p. 174 (1775). Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum, Dodson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M., 1878, p. 119. Hab. Europe; Africa; Asia (Himalaya and Japan). 116a § 6. An adult male and female in alcohol, in very bad condition; Nos. 66C and D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Masuri. Presented by Captain T. Hutton, 1852. 2. tragatus, Hodgson, according to Blyth. e. An adult female in alcohol. Chuari, Chamba, 3,000 ft. Presented by Captain W. G. Murray, 1872. d. A skin of an adult, No. 72A of Blyth’s Catalogue. France. Presented by M. Melherbe, 1856. e. A skin in bad condition, No. 65A_ of Blyth’s Catalogue, Darjeeling. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1857, Type of &. brevitarsus, Blyth. Dr. Dobson remarks, /.c., p. 197, that this may perhaps be A. minor. 112 MAMMALIA. f toh. Two adult males and one adult female. Europe. Pre- sented by the Hungarian Museum, April 1863. 117. Rhinolophus capensis. Rhinolophus capensis, Lichtenstein, Verz. Zool. Mus. Berl. 1823, p. 4 Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 121. Hab. South Africa (Zanzibar, Cape Colony). —Dobs22, 117a. An adult male in alcohol. Cape of Good Hope. By exchange with the British Museum, 6th September 1877. 118. Rhinolophus——(?). Rhinolophus——(?) Dobson, Monogr. Asiatic Chiropt. et Cat. Chiropt. Ind. Mus. 1876, p. 196. Hab. Unknown. 118a. An adult male in alcohol. No history. 119. Rhinolophus——(?) Rhinolophus—(?) Dobson, Monogr. Asiatic Chiropt. et Cat. Chiropt. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, 1876, p. 196. Hab. Unknown. 119. An adult male in alcohol. No history. T1.—Sus-Famtry PHYLLORHININ A. Genus TRIAZINOPS, Dobson, 1871. 120. Trieenops persicus. Trianops persicus, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xl, p. 455, pl. xxviii ; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 124. Hab. Shirdz, Persia, 4,750 feet. 120a. An adult female in alcohol. Shirdz, Persia. Pre- sented by Lieut.-Colonel St. John, C.S.1., 1870. Zype, %. An adult female in alcohol. Shiraz, Persia. Presented by Lieut.-Colonel St. J ohn, C.S.1., 1870. Zype. c. A skeleton of anadult male. Shiraz, Persia. Presented by Licut.-Colonel St. John, C.S8.1., 1870. Zype. PHYLLORHINA. 113 Genus PHYLLORHINA, Bonaparte, 1831. 121. Phyllorhina tridens. Phyllorhina tridens (Geoffroy), Dodson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 131. Hab, Africa (Egypt, Zanzibar); Persia (Bushire) ; Sind (Karfchi). 121a to ff. Seventeen males and fifteen females in alcohol. From the temple of Denderah, Upper Egypt, 6th March 1880, where this bat occurs in immense numbers. Collected and presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 18th January 1881. VaR. murraiana. Distinguished from typical P. tridens, by its somewhat shorter, broader, and less pointed ears, but which otherwise conform to the characters of the ears of P. ¢ridens. The projections, from the upper nose leaf are more marked than in P. ¢ridens from Egypt, but in other respects the nose leaf is exactly as in it. The interfemoral and wing membranes are prolonged somewhat further down the tibia than is the case in bats of this species from Egypt, and the former membrane reaches the proximal end of the penultimate osseous caudal vertebra, It attains to a larger size than any of the foregoing bats from Egypt, and the following are the measurements of the adult female 24; total length of body, 2”-30; tail 1”; head 0-80; ear 0”-70 ; breadth of ear 0°68; fore-arm 2”°07; thumb 0”32; third finger, metacarpal 1”-46 ; 1st phalanx 0°64 ; 2nd phalanx 0”'66; fifth finger, metacarpal 1”°16; Ist phalanx 0-60; 2nd phalanx 0-45 ; tibia 0’°74; foot 0”-40.” gg. An adult male in alcohol. Karachi. By exchange © with the Karachi Museum, 19th November 1877. hh. Anadult femalein alcohol. Karachi. By exchange with the Karéchf Museum, 19th November 1877. _ 4i, An adolescent female in alcohol. Karachi. By ex- change with the Karéchi Museum, 19th November 1877. jj. An adult female in alcohol. Bushire. Persian Gulf, The Kardéchi Museum, by exchange, 29th August 1879. 122, Phyllorhina tricuspidata. . Rhinolophus tricuspidatus, Temm., Monogr. Mamm. vol. ii, p. 26, pl. “xxix fig. 4; pl. xxxii, figs. 1] and 12. Phyllorhina tricuspidata, Dobson, Cat, Chiropt. B. M, 1878, p. 131. H 114 MAMMALIA. Hab. Austro-Malayan Sub-region (Morty Island; Bat- chian Amboina; New Ireland),— Dobson. 122a. An adult female in alcohol. Batchian. By ex- ehange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 123. Phyllorhina stoliczkana. Asellia stoliczkana, Dobson, Proc. As. Soe. Beng. May 1871, p. 106; Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 1871, p. 263, pl. xx fig. 1. Phyllorhina stoliczkana, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 182. Hab. Penang, 123a. An adult male in alcohol. Penang. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. Type. ; 124. Phyllorhina armigera. Rhinolophus armiger, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. iv, 1835, p. 699. Phyllorhina armigera, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 135. Hab. Himalaya (Masuri; Darjeeling ; Nepal; Khasi Hills) ; Ceylon; China (Amoy).— Dodson. 124@. An adult male in alcohol, No. 74A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Darjeeling. Presented by Major W. S. Sherwill, 1852. 6. A skin of an adult female in bad condition, No. 74 B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling. Presented by Major W. S. Sherwill, 1852. ce, An adult female in alcohol. Khasi Hills. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1870. d to f. Two adolescent females and one very young female in alcohol. Shillong, Khdsi Hills. Presented by Lt.- Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. g & k. Two adult females in alcohol. Katmandu, Nepal. ‘Museum Collector, 1871. 2. Skin of an adult male. Darjeeling. Presented by H. J, Elwes, 1871. Jj. Skin of an adult male. Dr. Cantor. Penang. From the India Museum, London. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April 1880, 125, Phyllorhina leptophylla. Phyllorhina leptophylla, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 1874, p. 234; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 136. Hab, Khasi Hills ; Eastern Bengal.— Dobson, PHYLLORHINA. 115 125a. An adult male in alcohol. Khési Hills. - Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1870. Type. 126. Phyllorhina diadema. Rhinolophus diadema, Geoffroy; Ann. Mus, d’ Hist. Nat. live" xx, p. 263. Phyllorhina diadema, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M, 1878, p. 137. fiab. Peninsula of India generally; Ceylon; Burma; Sumatra ; Java; Borneo; Timor ; Batchian Island ; Amboina ; Aru Islands ; Philippine Islands.— Dodson. 126a § 6. An adult male and female in alcohol, Nos. 75 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. KE. F. Kelaart, 1852. H. lankadiva, Kelaart. ec. Skin of an adult female in bad condition, No. 75C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1852. d. Imperfect skeleton of an adult, No. 75D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1852, e. A stuffed adult, No. 76A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Moul- main. Presented by Lt.sColonel 8S. R. Tickell, 1858: J. An adult female in alcohol. Darjeeling. Presented by Dy. J. Anderson, 1867. g_to 7. Three skins of adults. Udaipur. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., 1871, j» An adult male in alcohol. Pullandur, Central Provinces. Presented by W. T, Blanford, Esq., 1871. &. The skull of an adult. No history. VaR. a. Phyllorhina masoni, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, p. 338; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. WM. 1878, p. 138. Hab, Moulmain, Burma. 7. An adult male in alcohol. Moulmain. Presented by Captain Hood, 1872. Type. 127. Phyllorhina nicobarensis. Phyllorhina nicobarensis, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1871, p. 262, pl. xx fig. 2; ibid., Cat. Chiropt, B. M. 1878, p. 188. Hab, Nicobar Islands. 127a. An adult female in alcohol. Nicobars. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. Zype. 116 MAMMALIA. 128. Phyllorhina galerita. Hipposideros galeritus, Cantor, Journ. As. Soc.- Beng. 1846, p. 183. Phyllorhina galerita, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 141. Hab. Peninsula of India (Decean) ; Penang ; Java ; Labuan. — Dobson. 128a. An adult female in alcohol. Lingsugur, Deccan. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. 129. Phyllorhina speoris. Vespertilio speoris, Schneider, Suppl. Schreber, Sdugeth. Atlas, i, pl. 59 3. : Phyllorhina speoris, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, pp. 143 et 553. Hab. Oriental Region (Peninsula of India; Ceylon; Burma; Java and probably the other islands of the Malay Archipelago in the Indo-Malayan Sub-region).— Dobson. 1294 § 4. An adult female and male in alcohol, Nos. 78 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. South India. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1842. e. Skin of an adult, No. 78C of Blyth’s Catalogue. South India. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1842. d tog. Four skins of adults, Nos. 78 D to G of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr, E. F. Kelaart, 1852. A, Skin of an adult, No. 783 of Blyth’s Catalogue. Dehra Dun. Presented by L. C. Stewart, Esq., 1854. 2. Skull of an animal from the Deccan, No. 78K of Blyth’s Catalogue. No history. jton. An adult male and female, and one young male, and two young females in alcohol. Ceylon. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq. o. An adult male in alcohol. Prome, Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. p. An adult female in alcohol. Chdnda. Museum Col- lector, 1869. 7 gto s. An adult male and female and young in alcohol. Trichinopoly. Presented by Lieut.-Colonel Beddome, 19th November 1877. ttou. Two adult females in alcohol. Travancore. Dre.” sented by Lt,-Colonel Beddome, 9th September 1878, mee PHYLLORAINA. 7 130. Phyllorhina larvata. Rhinolophus larvatus, vulgaris, insignis et deformis, Horsfeld, Zoolog.: Resch. in Java (1824). : Phyllorhina larvata, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 148. Hab. Kastern Bengal (Khasi hills; Sylhet, Godlpdra, Arakan) ; Burma; Penang, Prome, Tenasserim ; Siam ; Java; Philippine Islands.—Doedson. 130a to ec. Three skins of adults, Nos. 77 A to C of Blyth’s Catalogue: in bad condition. Arakan. Presented by Sir Arthur Phayre, 1842. d tof. Three skins of adults; Nos. 77 D to G. The skull of ee Sylhet. Presented by F. Skipwith, Esq., C.S., 853. g. An adult male in aleohol. Godlpéra, Assam. Presented by H. L. Houghton, Esg., 1868, Ato y. Six males and twelve females in alcohol. Caves on right bank of Irrawadi opposite to Prome, Burma. Dr. J, Anderson. Presented by the 1st Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. The skull of separate. zt0 66. Two adult males and a gravid ‘female in alcohol. Khasi hills. Presented by Lieutenant J. H. Bourne, 1872. ec, An adult female in alcohol. Sylhet, Presented by EF. B. Baker, Esq., 1872. dd to hh. One male and four adult females. Pega. Pre- sented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1872. zi. The skeleton of an adult from the caves opposite to Prome, Burma. Dr.J.Anderson. Presented by the lst Ex- pedition te Western Yunnan, 1863. jj. An imperfect skull of an adult from the caves opposite to Prome, Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. kk & il. Two adult males in alcohol from Ashoun, Tenas: serim. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 4th Mareh 1877. mm & nn. Two adult males in alcohol from near Moulmain, Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. oo. A female in alcohol. Prome. Bequeathed to the: Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 15th December 1875, 131. Phyllorhina bicolor. Rhinolophus bicolor, Temm., Monogr. Mammal. t. ii, p. 18. Phylorkina bicolor, Dobson, Cat, Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 148. 118 MAMMALIA, Hab. The Oriental Region. Typical examples have been found chiefly in tbe Indo-Malayan Sub-region (Nicobar Islands, Java, Borneo, Philippine Islands). Two of the varieties (Phyllorhina amboinensis and P. aruensis) extend into the northern parts of the Australian Region.—Dodson. 18la to &. Seven adult females, and four newly-born females, reddish chestnut, in alcohol. Nicobar Islands. Pre- sented by J. Wood-Mason, Esq., 1878. : Vaz. a. Phyllorhina fulva. Hipposideros fulvus et murinus, Gray, Mag. Zool. & Bot. vol. ii, p. 492 (1838). Phyllorhina fuiva, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. Mf. 1878, p. 149. Hab. The continental parts of the Oriental Region ; India, Ceylon, Burma, China (Amoy).—Dodson, 132¢. The skin of an adult, No. 79A of Blyth’s Catalogue and typeof Hipposideros cineraceus, Blyth. Pind Dadan Khan, Punjab Salt Range. Presented by W.. Theobald, Esq., 1853. m too, An adult male and two adult females in alcohol: mand » are No. 79B of Blyth’s Catalogue, whereas o is No. 80A of Blyth’s Catalogue, and is a small specimen with the wings from the side of the tarsi: taken from an unlabelled bottle containing several species. m and are from Pind Dédan Khan, Punjab Salt Range. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1853. The history of o is unknown. p toe. A young male and two adolescent males, and one adolescent female ; probably No. 80B of Blyth’s Catalogue. No history. ¢. Skin of an adult in very bad condition. South India. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1842. u & v. Two skins of adults. Chanda, Museum Collector, 1867. w & x. Two adult males in alcohol and the skull of w. Ponsee. Kakhyen hills, 3,500 ft. Dr.J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. y to ce. Five adult males in alcohol: fur bright golden yellow throughout. Cave No. 5, Tsagain, right’ bank of the Irrawadi, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 2nd Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. dd to ee, Au adult male and female in alcohol : fur white at the base, with dark-brown extremities, Cave No. 4, Tsagain, right bank of the Irrawadi, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 2nd Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. PHYLLORHINA, 119 Jf to qq. Nine adult males and three adult females in alcohol: fur white at the base, with dark-brown extremities. Cave No. 8, Tsagain, right bank of the Irrawadi, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 2nd Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. rr. The skin of an adult female. Agra. Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, Agra, 1869. ss. An adult female in alcohol. Chérépunji. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1870. tt §& uu. An adult male and female in alcohol.. Sibsagar, Assam. Presented by S. E. Peal, Esq., 1872. vv. An adult female in alcohol. Sylhet. Presented by E. B. Baker, Esq., 1872. ww to yy. Two males and a female in alcohol. Kachh. Presented by Dr, F. Stoliczka, 1872. zz to ddd. Three females and two adult males. Prome, Burma, Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1872. The three females are pregnant, and the fur is bright goldeu yellow. ; eee. An adult male in alcohol: very dark coloured, Nazira, Assam. Presented by J. M. Foster, Esq., 1872. Jff to iii. Three males and one female in alcohol. Gauri Sagar Temple, Assam. Presented by J. M. Foster, Esq., 1875. jj. A skin of an adult. Cachar. Museum Collector, 1868. kkk & lid, An adult and an adolescent male in alcohol, Travancore. Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 9th Sep- tember 1878. mam & nnn, An adult female.and male in alcohol. Alla- habad. Presented by John Cockburn, Esq., 20th March 1877. ooo. An adult in alcohol. Chdéraépunji. Bequeathed by Dr. F. Stoliczka.to the Asiatie Society of Bengal, 15th December 1875. Vaz. b. Phyllorhina amboinensis. Phyllorhina amboinensis, Peters, M. B. Akad. Berl. 1871, p. 323; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 150. Haé. Amboina; Peninsula of India.—Dodson. ppp & qqq. An adult male and female in alcohol. Ling- sugur, Deccan. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. 132. Coelops frithii. Celops frithii, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxii, p. 2651; vol. xxi, p: 361 ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B, M. 1878, p. 162. 120 MAMMALIA. Hab. Bengal (Sundarbans) ; Java. 182a. Askin ina very dilapidated condition, No. S1A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Sundarbans, Bengal. Presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq., 1846. Zype. 1I.—Famity NYCTERID.. 1.—Svus-Famity MEGADERMIN A. Genus MEGADERMA, Geoffroy, 1810. Suzn-Genus LYRODERMA, Peters. 133. Megaderma lyra. Megaderma lyra, Geoffroy, Ann. du Muséum, t. xv, p. 190 (1816); p. 5 (1839) ; Suppl. Schreb., Sdugeth. v, p. 641 (1855) ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 156. go -2 Hab. Peninsula of India (from Kashmir to- Cape Como- rin) ; Ceylon.— Dodson, ; 1338a to c. The skins of two adult females and of one adult, Nos. 59 B, C, and D of Blyth’s Catalogue, Calcutta. d & e. The skins of two adult males, No. 59E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1852. JS to h. Two adult females and one adult male in alcohol. No history. . i & 7. Two imperfect skeletons, one wanting the skull ; Nos. 591 and J of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Mr. W. Masters, 1842. & & 2. Anadult male and a feetus in alcohol. -Raniganj. Purchased. m to p. The skins of three adult males and one female. An old Fort near Chénda, Central Provinces. Museum Collector, 1867. q § 7. A stuffed adult and the skin of an adult. Singh- bhum. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., 31st February 1869. s to wu. Two males and one female in alcohol, one of the males newly born. No history. » to aa, Five males, and one female in aleohol. These are all mature foetuses. Agra. Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, 1869, 6b to cc. A skin and a stuffed adult. Agra, Presented. by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, 1869, MBEGADERMA. 121 dd to ee. Two adult males in aleohol. Sylhet, Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1870. Jf toqqg. Five adult females, one young female, and four young males and two newly-born males. All of these speci- mens were obtained at the same time and p‘ace in an out-house at Mr. Shillingford’s indigo factory near Purneah; all the young, even the largest, were adherent to the teats, some at- tached to the abdominal, and others to the pectoral nipples, and I observed that they moved about with great energy from one teat to another. Besides these I examined about forty other females, and each had only one young one with it. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. _ arto tt. Two females and one male in alcohol, Nassik. Presented by Lt.-Colonel Haughton, 1872. uu. A perfect skeleton prepared from an examzle without a history, 1872. vv. An adult male in alcohol. Alipore, Calcutta. Pre- sented by J. Cockburn, Esq., 1877. ww. An adult male in alcohol. Ghazipur. Presented by W. Whitwell, Esq., 5th December 1877. ag to zz. A young male and two adult females in alcohol. Travancore. Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 9th Sep- tember 1878. aaa, The skin of an adult, in bad condition. Nepal. From India Museum, London. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April 1880. 6b § cee, An adult male from Purneah and an adalt female from Réniganj in alcohol. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka. 15th December 1875. 134, Megaderma spasma. Vespertilio spasma, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. 1758, p. 32. Megaderma spasma, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 157. Hab. Malayan Peninsula, Malacca; Siam; Philippine Islands, Ternate, Celebes, Sumatra, Java (?), Ceylon.— Dodson, 134a, Theskin of an adolescent; No. 61A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Java. Presented by the Batavian Society, 1845. 6c. The skins of two adults, Nos. 61B&C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Malacca. Presented by Mr. W. G. Moxon, 1850. d & e. An adult female and male in alcohol, Nos. 60 A & B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Tenasserim. Presented by W. Theo- bald, Esq., 1855. The Types of WM. horsfieldi, Blyth. 422 MAMMALIA. II.—Svus-Fauity NYCTERIN ZA. Genus NYCTERIS, Geoffroy, 1803. 135. Nycteris javanica. Nycteris javanicus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Mus.,, t. xx, p. 20 (1813). Nyeteris javanica, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 164. Hab. Java; Malayan Peninsula (Malacca).—Dodson. 185a. The skin of an adult, No, 82A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Java. Presented by the Batavian Society, 1846. é. The skin and skull of an adult, in bad condition; No. 82B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Malacca, Presented by Mr. W. G. Moxon, 1851. 136. Nycteris thebaica. Nycteris thebaica, Geoffroy, Descr. de l’ Egypt, t. ii, p. 119, 1812, pl. 1, 2 No. 2. Nycteris thebaica et capensis, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 165. Hab. South and East Africa. 186a. An adult female in alcohol. The minute second premolar is in the line of the other teeth, but in all its other characters this specimen corresponds to the figure and de- scription of NV. thebaica. There does not appear, in view of the relations of the second premolar in this specimen, to be any valid reason for separating N. thebaica as a species distinct from WN. capensis. The ruins of Karnak, Upper Egypt, 23rd March 1880. Collected and presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 15th January 1881. III.—Famity VESPERTILIONIDA. I—Grovpe PLE COTT. Genus NYCTOPHILUS, Leach, 1822. 137. Nyctophilus timoriensis. Ate timoriensis (Geoffroy), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 172, Had. The Australian Region; from the Island of Timor to Tasmania, from West Australia to the Fiji Islands.— Dodsgy. PLECOTUS. 128 137a. The skin of an adult, No. 97A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by the Sydney Institution, 1846, Genus SYNOTUS, Keys & Blas., 1839. 138. Synotus dargelinensis. Plecotus dargelinensis, Hodgson, Ann. g- Mag. Nat. Hist. 1855, vol. xvi, p. 103. Synotus dargelinensis, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. MZ. 1878, p. 177. Had. India (Darjeeling, Khdsi Hills, Sikhim, Masuri, Simla) ; Yaérkand.— Dodson. 188¢ § 6, An adult male and female in alcohol, Nos. 116 A & B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Masuri. Presented by Capt. T. Hutton, 1844. ec. An adult female in alcohol. Darjeeling, Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1869. d, Anadult female in alcohol. Léchung, Sikhim, 8,000 ft. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1872. e. An adult female in alcohol. Simla. Presented by Moulvie Ator Ruhman, 1872. J. An adult female in alcohol. Dr. F. Stoliezka. Yangi- hissar, between Kashghar and Yarkand. Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1874. g- Askull. No history. Genus PLECOTUS, Geoffroy, 1812. 139. Plecotus auritus. Vespertilio auritus, Linn., Syst. Nat. 12th ed., 1766, p. 47; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 178. Hab. The Palearctic Region, extending from Ireland through Europe and North Africa to the Himalaya, and _pyro- bably generally distributed throughout the temperate parts of Asia.— Dobson. 189a. An adult female in alcohol, No 114A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling. Presented by Major W. S. Sherwill, 1853, 6 & c. The skins of two adults, Nos. 114B & C of Blyth’s Catalogue. England. Presented by H. E. Strickland, Esq., and Mr. Davison, 1844-47. d. A stuffed adult, No. 114D of Blyth’s Catalogue. France. Presented by M. Melherbe, 1854. 124 MAMMALIA. e. An adult in alcohol. Berlin. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. jf. An adult male in alcohol. Netley, England. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. g to k. Two males and three adult femaies in alcohol. Leh. Dr. F. Stoliczka. Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1874. Zio uw. Three males and seven females in alcohol. From the tombs of the Kings, Babel Moulouk. Left bank of the Nile, Upper Egypt. Collected and presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 18th January 1881. 1I,—Grove VESPERTILIONES. Gexus VESPERUGO, Keys and Blas., 1839. Sus-Genus VESPERUS. 140. Vesperugo serotinus. Vespertilio serotinus, Schreber, Séugeth, Bd. i, p. 167, pl. 53. Vesperugo serotinus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 191. Hab. The Palearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, Nearctic, and Neotropical regions.—Dobson. 140a & 6. Two skins. Shiraz, South Persia. Museum Col- lector, 1871. Types of Hesperus shiraziensis, Dobson. c. The skin of an adult, No. 100A of Blyth’s Catalogue. France. Presented by M. Melherbe, 1852. d. An adult female in alcohol. Gallicia. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. e toh. Two adult males, an adult female, and a young female. Kashmir. Dr. F. Stoliczka. Presented by the Second Yar- kand Mission, 1574. -itoj. Two females in alcohol. Shiréz, South Persia. W. T. Blanford, Esq. Presented by the Eastern Persian Boundary Commission, 1871-72. k & 7. An adult male in alcohol. Darrang, Assam. Pre- sented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. 141. Vesperugo andersoni, Vesperus andersoni, Dobson, Proé. As. Soc. Beng. Sept. 1871, p. 211. Vesperugo andersoni, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M, 1873, p. 195. Hab. Teng-yue-chow, Yunnan. VESPERUGO. 125 141a, Anadult male in alcohol. Teng-yue-chow, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson, Presented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868, Type. b, The skeleton of an adult male. Teng-yue-chow, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 1st Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. Type. 142. Vesperugo nasutus. Vesperugo nasutus, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. p. 311, 1877; zbid., * Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 200. Hab. Shixérpur, Sind. 142a. An adult male in alcohol. Shikarpur, Sind. Pre- sented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th August 1878. Type. 143. Vesperugo atratus. Nycticejus atratus, Blyth, Cat. Mamm. Mus. As. Soc. Beng., No. 96. Vesperugo atratus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 206. Hab. Himalaya (Darjeeling). 1484 & 6. Two adult females in alcohol, Nos. 96 A& B of Blyth’s Catalogue; one much dilapidated. Darjeeling. Pre- sented ky Major W. S. Sherwill, 1853. Types of Wycticejus atratus, Blyth. e. The skin of an adult in bad condition. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr, F. Stoliczka, 1871; . 144. Vesperugo discolor. Vespertilio discolor, Matterer, Kuhl, Deutsch. Flederm. Wetter. Ann. vol. iv (1819). Vesperugo discolor, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 204. Hab. The Palearctic Region. In Europe extending from Englard through Southern Sweden and Russia to the Ural Mountains, and southwards through France, Germany and Italy ; chiefly found, however, in the mountain tracts of these countries. In Asia recorded as yet from Western Siberia (Barvaul) and Eastern Turkistan (Kizil, Yangihissar) only. —Dobson. 144a. An adult male in alevhol, Berlin. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1875. b §& c. An adolescent male and female in alcohol. Kizil. Dr. F. Stoliczka, Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1874, 126 MAMMALIA, d & e. An adult and adolescent female in alcohol. Yangi- hissar, Dr. F. Stoliczka. Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1874. 145. Vesperugo pachyotis. Vesperugo (Vesperus) pachyotis, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1871, p. 211; «bid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 206. Hab. Khasi Hills, Assam, 145a & 6. An adult male and female in aleohol. Khasi Hills. Presented by Lieutenant J. H. Bourne, 1872. 146. Vesperugo: pachypus. Vespertilio peehyps, Lemminck, Monogr. Mammal. vol. ii, p. 217, pl. 54, figs. 4—6. Veaparigo pachypus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 208. Had, Oriental Region; Peninsula of India (Darjeeling) ; Tenasserim Province ; Andaman Islands ; Sumatra, Java, Philippine Islands. —Dobson. 1462 ¢o e, An adult male and four females in alcohol, No. 103A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Tenasserim. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1853. Types of Scotophilus fulvidus, Blyth. g. Two adult females in alcoho]. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. h. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F, Stoliczka, 1871. 2 to s. Nine adult females, and one adult and one adolescent male in alcohol. Andamans. Presented by J. Homfray, Esq., 1871. t.to ff. Seven females and six males in alcohol. Andamans. Collected by J. Wood-Mason, Esq., 1872. : gg. The skeleton of an individual from the Andamans. Collected by J. Wood-Mason, Esq., 1872. hh, A skull. No history. zi, An adult female in alcohol. Darjeeling. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka. An adult female in alcohol. Andaman Islands. Be. queathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. er 15th December 1875. Sus-Genus VESPERUGO. 147. Vesperugo noctula. Vespertilio noctula, Schreber, Séiugeth. Bd. i, p. 166, pl. 52 (1775). Vesperugo noctula, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. MM. 1878, p. 212, VESPERUGO. 127 Hab, Palearctic, Ethiopian, and Oriental Regions, extending “from England to Japan, and from the Scandinavian Peninsula to Southern Africa. In Europe generally distributed; in Asia extending from Western Turkestan along the Himalayas and other mountain ranges to Ceylon, and through the Malay Peninsula to Sumatra and Java; in Africa recorded from the northern parts, and from Mozambique.—Dobson. 147a. The skin of an adult, No, 89A of Blyth’s Catalogue, England. Presented by H. E. Strickland, Esq., 1845. 6 & ¢. Two skins of adults, Nos. 89 Band C of Blyth’s Catalogue. England. Presented by A. D. Bartlett, Esq., 1844, d. An adult male in alcohol. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. : e. An adult female in alcohol. Gallicia. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 148. Vesperugo leisleri. Vespertilio leisleri, KuhZ, Ann. Wetteran. Gleselisch. Naturk. 1819, Bd. i, p. 47. Vesperugo leisleri, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 215. Hab. Europe and the temperate regions of Asia, extending from the Azores to the Himalaya. 148a. The skin of an adult, No. 102A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. England. Presented by H. E. Strickland, Esq., 1845. 6. An adult female in alcohol. Brandenbourg. By ex- change with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 149. Vesperugo imbricatus. Vespertilio imbricatus, Horsfd., Zool. Resch. in Java, 1874, Vesperugo imbricatus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 217, Hab, Malayan Peninsula (Malacca) ; Java.— Dobson. 149a. Anadult malein alcohol. Java. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 150. Vesperugo maurus. Vesperugo maurus, Blasius, Wiegm, Arch. 1858, p. 35; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 218. : Hab. The Palearctic and Oriental Regions, extending from the Canary Islands (Palma, Teneriffe) and Middle 128 MAMMALIA. Europe (Switzerland and Tyrol) to China (Pekin, Amoy, Cochin China), India (Khési Hills) and the Malay Archipel-. ago (Java),—Dobson. 150a. An adult male in alcohol. Geneva. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 6. An adult male in alcohol. Chadrépunji. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1871. Type of Vesper- ugo austenianus, Dobson. / ce. An adult male in alcohol. Sibsdgar, Assam. Presented by 8S. E. Peal, Esq., 1875. d. An adult female in alcohol. Allahabad. Presented by John Cockburn, Esq., 19th March 1877. e. An adult male in alcohol. Sind. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 4th June 1878. jf. An adult female in alcohol. Assam. Bequeathed to. the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka. : 151. Vesperugo affinis. Pipistrellus affinis, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1871, p. 213. Vesperuga affinis, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 220. Hab. Upper Burma (Bhamo, 450 feet). 15la. An adult female in alcohol. Bhamo, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 1st Expedition to West- ern Yunnan, 1868. Type. 152. Vesperugo pipistrellus. Vespertilio pipistrellus, Schreb., Sdéugeth. i, p. 167, pl. 54 (1775). Vesperugo pipistrellus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 223. Hab. The Palearctic Region, apparently generally dis- tributed.— Dodson. 152a, An adult male in alcohol. Berlin, Prussia. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872, _ 6. An adult male in alcohol. England. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. etoy. Three adult and one adolescent male, and four adult females in alcohol. Yangihissar, Dr. F. Stoliezka. Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1874. _& top. Three males and three females in alcohol. Kaér- ghalik, south of Yarkand, 29th and 30th May 1874. Dr. F. Stoliczka, Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1874. VESPERUGO. 129 q 67. An adult male and female. Kashmir. Dr. F, oe Presented by the Second Yarkand Mission, 1873- s. An adult female in alcohol. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. Labelled /. nathusit, Keys and Blas. t. The skin of an adult, No.-104A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Amoy, China. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1859. Scoto- philus pumiloides, Tomes apud Blyth. 153. Vesperugo abramus. Vespertilio imbricatus, Zemm. (non Horsfield) Monogr. Mammal. t. ii, p- 216, pl. 54; Wagner, Suppl. Schreb. Saugeth. v, p. 738 (1855). Vespertilio abramus, Z'emm., l. c., p. 232, pl. 58; Wagner, l. c., p. 739. Vesperugo abramus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 226. Hab. Apparently generally distributed throughout the Oriental Region, extending from India through Burma and China to Southern Japan and the Islands of the Malay Archipelago ; also to the northern part of the Australian Region (Celebes, New Guinea, North Australia) ; found during the summer months in the Palzarctic Region throughout middle Europe (&lasius) from the Rhine to Southern Russia, and from Northern Germany to the Mediterranean, even extending into Sweden (Mlsson).—Dodbson. 153a foe. Three skins of adults in very bad condition, No. 105A of Blyth’s Catalogue, Calcutta. No history. Scotophilus coromandelianus, ¥. Cuv., after Blyth. - @ & e, An adult male and female in alcohol; No. 105B of Blyth’s Catalogue, Caleutta. No history. f to h. Three skulls in bad condition, Ne. 105C of Blyth’s Catalogue, Caleutta. No history. i to l, One male and three females in alcohol. No history. m. An adult male in alcohol. Nicobars. Presented by J. Homfray, Esq. nm. An adult malein alcohol. Pegu. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. o. A young male in alcohol. Chanda. Museum Collector, 1867. pq. An adult male and female in alcohol. Cachar. Museum Collector, 1867. : r to. Four young males, one adolescent male and one adult, and one adolescent female. Shirdz, Persia. Museum Collector, 1871. y. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by H. J. Elwes, Esq., 1871. £380 MAMMALIA. gz. The skin of an adult. Hazdrib’gh. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1872. aa. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by L. Mandelli, Esq., 1872. 66 to mm. Two adult and one adolescent males, and eight adult and one adoleseent females. Khdsi Hills. Presented by Lieutenant J. H. Bourne, 1872. nn torr. Five skins of immature specimens. Sibsdgar, Assam. Presented by 8S. E. Peal, Esq., 1872. : ss to vv. Four adolescent males in alcohol. Pachwé4ra, Presented by H. Whitwell, Esq., 1872. ww. An adult female in alcohol. Hazaribégh. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1872. rz. An adult female in alcohol. Sirguja. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1872. yy to 666. One adult, one adolescent, and one young female, and one young malein alcohol. Goélpdra, Assam. Presented by H. L. Houghton, Esq., 1872. cece & ddd. Two adult females in alcohol.. Géro Hills. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1872. ece & fff. An adult male and female in alcohol. Nazira, Assam. Presented by J. M. Lister, Esq., 1872. ggg. An adult female in aleohol. Manipur Hills. Pre- sented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. hhh to kkk. One adult male and three adult females. Sib- s4gar, Assam, Presented by S. E. Peal, Esq., 1872. di, An adult male in alcohol. Sylhet. Presented by E. B. Baker, Esq., 1872. mmm to sss. Three males and four females in alcohol. Chutia Nagpur. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1872. ttt & wau. An adult female and an adolescent male in alcohol. Purneah. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. vev. An adult male in alcohol. Java. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. www to 6b6b. Six adult males in alcohol. Darjeeling. Pre- sented by W. S. Atkinson, Esq., 1872. ecee to mmmm. One adult, two adolescent, and one young male ; and one adult, four adolescent, and two young females in alcohol. India, 1872. No history. nunn to rrrr. Two adult, one gravid, and two adolescent females in bad condition in alcohol. Réjanpur, Punjab Frontier. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1872. ssss to aaaaa. Two adult and three young males, and three adult and one young female, in alcohol. Darrang, Assam, VESPERUGO. 131 Duffla Expedition 1874. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H, H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. 66666. An adult in alcohol. Sind. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. eccce. An adolescent male in alcohol. Calcutta. Pre- sented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 9th September 1878. ddddd. An adult female in alcohol. Japan. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. This specimen in the catalogue of the Asiatic Chiroptera, was (p. 216) referred to V. akokumuli, Temm. eeeee. The skeleton of an adult female from the Khasi Hills. Presented by Lieut. J. H. Bourne, 8th April 1873. 154. Vesperugo kuhlii. Vespertilio kuhlii, Natt. in Kuhl, Deutsch. Flederm. Wetteran Ann. iv, p. 58 (1817). Vesperugo kuhlii, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 230. Hab, Southern Europe, countries south of the Pyrenees, andthe Alps; Northern Africa; Southern Asia, Palestine, Persia, Balichistén, India; probably generally distributed throughout these countries. — Dobson. 154a & 6. Two. skins of adults in very bad condition, No. 99A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. No history, Types of Nyeticezus canus, Blyth. ec & d. Twoskins of adults. Cachar. Museum Collector, 1867, e & f. Twovery young femalesin alcohol. Calcutta. Pre- sented by Mr. Dillon, 1866. g. Av adolescent male in alcohol. Calcutta. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1870. A. An adult female in alcohol. Purneah. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. 2 & j. An adolescent male and an adult female in alcohol. Dhappa, Calcutta. Presented by O. L. Fraser, Esq., 1872. k& i, An adult male and female in alcohol. Lingsugur, Deccan. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. m & n. An adult male and female in alcohol. North Italy. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. o. Skin of an adult. Shiraz, Persia. Museum Collector, 1871. p. An adult male in aleohol. Réjanpur, Punjab Frontier. Presented by W. F. Murray, Esq., M.B., 1871. Type of var. leucotis, Dobson. 132. MAMMALIA. q to s. Three adult females in alcohol, South-East Persia. W. T. Blanford, Esq. Eastern Persia Commission, 1872. t One adult. male in alcohol. Shird4z, South Persia. W.T. Blanford, Esq. Eastern Persia Boundary Commis- sion, 1872. . u. One adult female. Karman, South-East Persia. W. TP. Blanford, Esq. Eastern Persia Boundary Commission, 1872. », An adult female in alcoho). Bamputr, Baldchistan. W. T. Blauford, Esq. Eastern Persia Boundary Commis- sion, 1872. z w to y. An adult and adolescent male and one adult female in alcohol. Shikdrpur, Sind. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. z to bs. An adult female with two foetuses. Calcutta. Presented by.Mr. H. Phillip, 24th March 1875. ec. A stuffed specimen in bad condition. Sent by the Asiatic Society of Bengal to the India Museum, London. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April 1880. Labelled Scotophilus lobatus, Gray, 155. Vesperugo annectens. Pipistrellus annectens, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1871, p. 215. ‘Vesperugo annecters, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 234, Hab. Nagé Hills, Assam. 155¢. An adult female in alcohol. Ndg4& Hills, Assam, Presented by Captain J. Butler, 1871. Type. Sos-Genus HESPEROPTERUS, Peters. 156. Vesperugo tickelli. Nycticejus tickelli, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xx, p. 157. Vesperugo tickelli, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 240. Hab. Peninsula of India (Chaibés4, Jashpur, Sirguja); Ceylon.— Dodson, 156 to ¢, Three skins of adults, Nos. 95 A to C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Chaibésd. Presented by Lt-Colonel S. R. Tickelt, 1842. Pypes. ad, Askull, No. 95D of Blyth’s Catalogue from an indivi- dual. Presented by Lt.-Colonel 8. R. Tickell, 1842. e tog. An adult male and two females in alcohol. Anda- mans. Presented by Lt.-Colonel R. C. Tytler, 1864. ‘ - Askin of an adult. Singhbhtim. Museum Collector, $69. ‘i SCOTOPHILUS, 138 7, An adult male in alcohol. Sirguja. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1871. J. The skin of an adult. Jashpur. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1871. &. An adult male in alcohol. Tenasserim. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. - 157. Vesperugo planfordi. Vesperugo blanfordi, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 242, Hab. Tenasserim. 157a. An adult male in alcohol. Tenasserim. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. Type. & An adolescent male in alcohol. Johore, Presented by J. Wood-Mason, Esq., 1873. Gsnus CHALINOLOBUS, Peters, 1866. 158. Chalinolobus gouldii. Chalinolobus gouldii (Gray), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 250. Hab. Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia) ; Tasmania.— Dodson. 158. The skin of an adult, No. 97A of Blyth’s Catalogue, Australia, Presented by the Sydney Institution, 1846. Genus SCOTOPHILUS, Leach, 1822. Svz-Gzenvus SCOTOPHILUS. 159. Scotophilus temminckii. Scotophilus (?) kublii, Leach, Trans. Linn. Soe. xili (1822), p. 71. Veanertilio peas Horsfield, Zool. Reschs. in Java (1824), Scotophilus temminckii, Dodson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1378, p. 258. Hab. The Oriental Region (Peninsula of India, Ceylon, Barma; Southern China; Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and the Philippine Islands).— Dodson. 159a to 7. Twelve skins of adults, Nos. 92A and 938A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. No history. : to r. Three males and three females in alcohol, No. 93B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. No history. 4,7, § 8 are apparently fully grown (WV. /ufeus, Blyth). 134 MAMMALIA. — s to y. Seven skins.. Asiatic Society of Bengal. No history. z & aa. Two skullsin bad condition, No. 93C of Blyth’s Catalogue labelled WV. delangert. Calcutta. No history. bb. A skeleton, No, 92 of Blyth’s Catalogue labelled N. flavescens, Blyth. cc. A skull, No. 92C of Blyth’s Catalogue labelled N. luteus. dd. Animperfect skeleton, No. 92D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. No history. ee. The skin of an adult, No. 94A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Java. Presented by the Batavian Society, 1845. ff. The skin, No. 94B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Dacca. Pre- sented by Lt.-Colonel R. C. Tytler, 1560. _ gg to wi. Three adult males in alcohol. Kyndoolip, Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expedition to West- ern Yunnan, 1868. jj to Ul. Three adult females. No history. mm & nn. One mounted adult and one skin. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., labelled WV. luteus. oo to qq. One adolescent and one young male, and one adult female. Réaniganj. Purchased, 1869. rr to uu. Two adolescent and two adult males in alcohol. Caleutta. Purchased, 1870. vv. One adult male in alcohol. Rajmahal. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., 1868. ww to xz. Two adult males in alcohol. Calcutta. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., 1868. yy to fff. One adult, three adolescent, and one young male, and two adults and one adolescent female. Calcutta. Pre- sented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1867. ggg. An adult male in alcohol. Bildspur. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1870. : Ahh, An adult male in alcohol. Allahabad. Presented by H. Whitweil, Esq., September 1872. iit to mmm. Three adult males and two adult females, Bengal. Museum Collector, 1867. nnn. An adult female in alcohol. Burma. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1872. ooo. The skeleton of an adult. Calcutta. Presented by G. King, Esq., M.B., 1866. ppp & qqq. Two males in alcohol. Gauhati, Assam. Pre- sented by G. E, Dobson, Esq., M.B. rrr & sss. Two adult males in aleohol. Dhappa. Pre- sented by O. L. Fraser, Esq. SOUTOPHILUS. 135 * ttf, An adult female in alcohol. Allahabad. Presented by J. Cockburn, Esq. / uuu § vov. Two skins of an adult male and female. Al- lahabad. Presented by J. Cockburn, Esq. www. An adult male in alcohol. Nilgiris. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. wre § yyy. Two skins. Chénda, Museum Collector, 1867. zez. Askin. Cachar. Museum Collector, 1867. aaaa. A mounted specimen. Calcutta. A. C. Carllyle, . Esq., 1863. 6006. The perfect skeleton of an adult. Caleutta. Pre- sented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. cecec, The perfect skeleton of a smaller specimen than the preceding. Calcutta. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. dddd to hhhk, Four femaies and one male in alcohol. No history. ziti. An adolescent male in alcohol. Chanda. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1870. jij to mmmm, One adult male and three adult females in alcohol. Marampur, Assam. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. The fur of ivi & 7777 is réddish yellow and that of “4hh § Wiis brown. nnun. An adolescent female in aleohol. No history. oooo. An adult male in alcohol. Goélpéra, Assam. H. L. Houghton, Hsq., 1864. popp. An adult female in alcohol. Manbhim. Museum Collector, 1566. qqqq. Skin of a male. Gauhdti, Assam. Museum Col- lector, 1870. rrrv to ttt. Three skins of adults. Agra. Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, 1870). uuuu. An adult female in aleohol. Pegu, Presented by Wm. Theobald, Esq., 1872. vovv. An adult male inalcohol. Lingsugur, Deccan. Pre- sented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., 1875. : woww. An adolescent female in aleohol. Calcutta. Be- queathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 6th December 1876. veer. An adult female in alcohol. Sind. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. yyyy. An adult female in alcohol. Calcutta, Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 18th January 1879, geez, An adult female in alcohol. Calcutta. Bequeathed 136 MAMMALIA. to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 15th December 1575. aaaaa, An adult female in alcohol. Ranfganj. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 15th December 1875. 6b66b. A female in. alcohol. Annamulli forest, Madras Presidency. Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 7th Septem- ber 1877. ecece to eeece. Three skulls. Calcutta. Labelled M/. flaveo- lus, Blyth. VaR. a. Nycticejus heathii, Horsfield, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 113. Scotophilus heathii, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 260. Hab. Peninsula of India (Coromandel and Malabar coasts, Rajanpur, Punjab frontier, Kardchi) ; Ceylon. Siff. An adult male in alcohol, No. 91A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Coromandel. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1843. 99997. The skin of an adult male, No. 91B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Coromandel. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1843. khhhh. An adult female in alcohol No. 91C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., 1850. ziti. Skeleton of a female, No. 91C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Prepared, 1873. Dit & kkkkk. Two skins, No. 91D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. | Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., 1850. : lit. A female in alcohol. Rajanpur, Punjab. Presented by W. F. Murray, Esq., M.B., 1872, mnmnm & nnnnn. Two adult females in alcohol. Rajan- pur. Presented by E. Sanders, Esq., M.B., 28th September 1877. ‘ 00000 & ppppp. An adult female and a young male. Karéchi. By exchange with the Kardchf Museum, 19th November 1877. gqqqq. An adult and three adolescent females and three adolescent males. Karachi. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 19th September 1878. Sus-Genus SCOTEINUS. 160, Scotophilus emarginatus. Nycticejus emarginatus, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1871, p. 211; ibid., Cat. Chirept. B. M. 1878, p. 262. SCOTOPHILUS. 137 Hab. India, precise locality unknown.— Dodson. 1604, An adult female in alcohol. No history. Type, 161. Scotophilus pallidus. Scotophilus pallidus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 264, Had, Peninsula of India (Mién Mir, near Lahore; Sind).— Dodson. 16la. An adult female in alcohol. Mién Mir, Lahore. Presented by J. 8. Gunn, Esq., M.B., 1875. Zype. 6. An adult male in alcohol. Sultan Kot, near Shikérpur, Sind. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1878. e & d. Twoadult males. Rajanpur, Punjab. Presented by E. Sanders, Esq., M.B., 13th August 1877. Svus-Genus SCOTOMANUS. 162. Scotophilus ornatus. Nycticejus ornatus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xx, p.517; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 265. Hab. India (Darjeeling, Khdési Hills); Burma (Ponsee and Kakhyen Hills); Yunnan (Nantin and Sanda Valley),.— Dobson. 162a. A skin of an adult, No. 90B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Purchased, 1858. Type. 6. An adult male in alcohol and its skulls. Manwyne, Sanda Valley, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. c. An adult maleinalcohol. Ponsee, 3,500 feet; Kakhyen Hills, Yunan. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expe- dition to Western Yunnan, 1868. d. The skeleton of an adult-female, procured by Dr. J. Anderson at Nantin. Presented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. . e. Askin. Darjeeling, Presented by J. H. Elwes, Esq., 1870. JS & 9. Two skins, one immature. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1872. hk. A skin in alcohol, Darjeeling. Presented by W. S. Atkinson, Esq., 1872. 138 MAMMALIA. 2. Au adult male in alcohol. Head of Iril Valley, Assam. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. j. The skin of an adult. Head of Iril Valley, Assam. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1875. Genus NYCTICHJUS, Rafnesque, 1819. 163. Nycticejus crespuscularis. Nycticejus crespuscularis (Leconte), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 266, Hab. North America, from New York to the Rocky Mountains, and southwards to New Orleans and to the West Indian Islands (Cuba).—Dodson. 163a. An adult male in alcohol. Cuba. Presented by G. E, Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. Grnus HARPIOCEPHALUS, Dobson, 1876. 164. Harpiocephalus suillus. Harpiocephalus suillus (Zemm.), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 278. Hab, Malayan Archipelago (Sumatra, Java, Flores).— Dobson. 164a. An adult in alcohol: in bad condition; skin only. Java. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 165. Harpiocephalus harpia, Vespertilio harpia, Zemminck, Monogr. Mammal. t. ii, p. 219, pl. 55 (1839). Harpiocephalus harpia, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 281. Hab, Himalaya (Darjeeling, Khdsi Hills); Sumatra ; Java; Amboina,—Dodson. 165a. The skin of a male in bad condition, No. 106A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling. Purchased, 1851. 6, The skeleton of an adult male, No. 106B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling, Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1854. ce. An adult female in alcohol. Chérdpunji. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1868. d. An adult male in aleohol. Darjeeling. Presented by W.S. Atkinson, Esq., 1872. VESPERTILIO, 139 166. Harpiocephalus cyclotis. Murina cyclotis, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc, Beng. Dec. 1872, p. 210; abid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 282. Hab. Himalaya, Darjeeling ; Ceylon.— Dodson. 1662. An adult female in alcohol. No history. Type. 6. The skeleton of an adult. No history. Prepared in 1872. e. An adult male in alcohol, No. 107A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Darjeeling. Presented by Major Sherwill, 1853. d. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by J. H. Elwes, Esq., 1870. Genus VESPERTILIO, Keys & Blas., 1839. Sus-Grnus LEUCONOE., 167. Vespertilio hasseltii. Vespertilio hasseltii, Zemm., Monog. Mammal. t. ii, p. 225 (1835-41) ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 291. .Hab. Malay Peninsula; Siam; Sumatra ; Java.—Dobson. 167a. An adult male in alcohol, Java. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 168. Vespertilio adversus. Vespertilio adversus (Horsfield), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p- 292. flab. Siam; Java; Borneo; Gerontalo; Celebes; Aus- tralia (Port Essington, Brisbane, Swan River, South Aus- tralia).—Dobson. 168a. An adult female in aleohol. Java. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 169. Vespertilio longipes. Vespertilio macropus, Dobson (non Gould), Pros. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, 209 Voupertilia longipes, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1873, p. 110; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 294. Hab. Caves of Bhima Devi, Kashmir (elevation about 6,000 feet). 140 MAMMALIA. 169a. One adult male in aleohol. Caves of Bhima Devi, 6,000 feet. Kashmir. Presented by Captain W. G. Murray, 1872. Tynes. b. The skeleton of an adult without skull. Caves of Bhima Devi. Presented by Captain W. G. Murray, 1872. Type. 170. Vespertilio dascyneme. Vespertilio dascyneme (Bote), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 295. Hab. From Southern England to Altai Mountains; pro- bably generally distributed throughout the temperate regions of Europe and Asia. On the continent of Europe it is recorded from the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Prussia, Hungary, and Italy.— Dodson. 170a. An adult female in alcohol. Gallicia. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 171. Vespertilio daubentonii. Vespertilio daubentonii (Leisler), Dobson, Cut. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 297. Hab, From Ireland to the Altai Mountains; from Finland to Sicily ; from the Altai Mountains to Tenasserim ; probably generally distributed ‘throughout Europe to the temperate regions of Asia north of the Himalayas, attaining the most northerly range of all the species of the genus. Found as far north as Banffshire in Scotland.— Dodson. 17a § 4. Tso adult females in alcohol. Ashoun, Tenas- serim. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 9th September 1873. Sus-Genus VESPERTILIO. 172. Vespertilio nipalensis. Vespertilio nipalensis, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Bengal, 1871, p. 214; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 302. Hab, Katmandu, Nipal. 172a, An adult female in alcohol. Katmandu, Nipal. Museum Collector, 1871. Zype. 173. Vespertilio emarginatus. Vespertilio emarginatus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Musé, . vill : Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. AL. 1878, p. 308. Fn eee VESPERTILIO, 141 Hab, Middle and Southern Europe, extending from France and Rhenish Prussia to Italy.—Dodson. Var. a. Vespertilio desertorum. Pipistrellus lepidus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. xiv, p. 340. Vespertilio desertorum, Dobson, Blanford, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Nov. 1875; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 304. Hab. Balichistén. _ 178 toe. Five adult females in alcohol. Jalk, Balichistén, 3,000ft. W. T, Blanford, Esq. Presented by the Persian Boundary Commission, 1872. Jf. Askull marked /. lepidus, Blyth. Kandahar. No his- tory. 174. Vespertilio nattereri. Vespertilio nattereri (uh), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. .B. M. 1878, p. 307. Hab, Middle Europe, from Ireland to the Ural Mountains, and from Southern Sweden to the Alps. —Dodson. 174a, An adult male in alcohol. Mulhouse. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 175. Vespertilio murinus. Vespertilio murinus, Schreber, Saugeth. i, p. 165; Dobson, Cut. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 309. Hab. Europe, Asia, Northern Africa, and Abyssinia, ap- parently almost limited to the Palearctic Region, and not extending further north than Southern England and Den- mark.—Dodson. 175a. The skin of anadult. No. 111 A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Masuri. Presented by Captain T. Hutton, 1852, 6 tod. One adult male and two adult females in alcohol. Hungary. Presented by the Hungarian Museum, 1864, e. The skin of an adult. Sbirdéz, Persia. Persian Boundary Commission. Museum Collector, 1871. 176. Vespertilio murinoides. Vespertilio murinoides, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xiii, pt. ii, p. 205, pl. xiv, 1873; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 310. Hab, N.-W. Himalaya (Chamba), at an elevation of 3,000 feet.— Dodson. 142 MAMMALIA. 1762, An adult male in alcohol. Chamba. Presented by H.M. L. Hutchison, Esq., H. M.’s 14th Regt., 1873. Zype. 177. Vespertilio formosus. Vespertilio formosus, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. iv, p. 700 (1835) ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 311. Hab. Himalaya (Nipal, Darjeeling) ;-India (Chdibdsa, Khasi Hills); China (Shanghai, Kiang, Amoy) ; Island of Formosa.— Dobson. 177a. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Presented by. JH. Elwes, Esq., 1870. 6. An adult female in alcohol. Chdrapunji. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 1871. e. An adult femalein alcohol. Goélpdra, Assam. Presented by H. L. Haughton, Esq., 1870. _ a. A skin in alcohol. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. Type of V. auratus, Dobson. e toi, Four skins, Nos. 108 A to D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Types of K. paliida, Blyth. Chaibdsé. Presented by Lt.- Colonel 8. R. Tickell, 1842. 178. Vespertilio montivagus. Vespertilio montivagus, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1874, pt. ii, p. 287 ; ibid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 313. Hab. Hotha, Yunnan. 178a toe. An adult male and four adult females in al- cohol. Hotha, 4,500 feet, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Pre- sented by the lst Expedition to Yunnan. Types. 179. Vespertilio muricola. Vespertilio muricola, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. x, 1841, p. 908; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 316. Hab. Himalaya (Sikkim; Laéchung, 8,000 feet; Simla; Dalhousie) ; Tibet ; India (Chutia Nagpur); Arakan (Akyab) ; Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Amboina, and probably all the islands of the Malay Archipelago, within the Oriental Region.—Dobson. 1792. The skin of an adult and its skull, Nos. 110 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta, 1844. 6. An adult female in alcobol. Borneo. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. VESPERTILIO. 143 e &d. Anadult maleand female. Ldéchung, Sikkim. Pre- sented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1872. Types of 7. blanfordi, Dobson. e. An adult female in alcohol. Simla. ‘Presented by Moulvie Ataor Rahman, 1871. a skin. Darjeeling. Presented by J. H. Elwes, Esq., g. An adult female in alcohol. Marri. Marked var. F. blanfordi, Dobson. Dr. F. Stoliezka. Yarkand Expedition, 1878. h. A skull, No, 110C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon, Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1850. 180, Vespertilio dobsoni, ov. sp, Had. India (Purneah, Bengal). 180a. An adult female in alcohol. Purneah. Presented by 8. J. Shillingford, Esq., 20th July 1875. 6. Ayoungfemale, Purneah. Presented by S, J. Shilling- ford, Esq., 20th July 1875. Preserved in alcohol. A depression between the eyes; muzzle rather broad ; nose slightly projecting beyond the upper lip; the two nostrils separated from each other by amarked furrow. The ears are rounded at the tip, with hardly any concavity below the tip, the external margin being slightly convex. The tragus is long, but a little tapering to its point, rounded off into the straight. inner margin from the outer margin, which is convex, but deeply concave at its base. A small anteriorly curved lobule at its base. The first’finger is about one-fourth as long as the fore arm and is strongly. developed. The feet are large, with rather powerful toes. The wing membrane is attached to the base of the toes; the wing membrane from the elbow forwards is brownish black, profusely spotted with yellow, much the same as in K. picta, while in the remainder of the membrane the yellow spots are confluent in lines from the elbow and humerus to the leg, almost replacing the hair, which is confined to narrow lines. The outer femoral mem- brane is yellowish. orange, with parallel interrupted lines passing from the tail to the legs; fore arm and fingers yellow. The face is clad as in V. formosus, and the fur is distributed on the membranes in the same way asin that species. Denti- tion the same as in V. formosus, only the teeth are much larger in individuals of the same sex. The measurements of an adult female preserved in alcohol. 144 MAMMALIA. Tip of snout to vent 2’50, head 189, tail 2”, ear (attach- ment behind mouth) 0:7, tragus 0:35, fore arm 2”"15, index finger 2”"1, 2nd finger 8’-61, 8rd finger 3”, 4th finger 2”°9, _ thumb 0”:50, tibia 1”, foot 0’°6. This species is distinguished from 7. formosus by its greater size; by its much broader muzzle; larger teeth; broader and less pointed tragus; stronger and longer thumb; much larger feet; and by the uniform yellow dotting of the whole of the wing membrane. 181. Vespertilio mystacinus. Vespertilio mystacinus, Leisler, Kuhl. Deutsch. Flederm. Ann. Wet- terau. Naturk. iv, p. 55 (1819); Dobson, Cat, Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 314, Hab. Palearctic Region ; Europe (from Finland to Spain ;~ from Ireland to Middle Russia) ; in Asia, hitherto found in Syria, at Pekin, and in the Himalayas only.— Dodson. 18la. An adult female in aleohol. Gallicia. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872, Genus KERIVOULA, Gray, 1842. 182. Kerivoula picta. Vespertilio pictum, Pallas, Spicil. Zoolog. fasc. iti, p. 7. Kerivoula picta, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 332. Hab. Peninsula of India; Ceylon; Burma; Sumatra; Java. Probably distributed generally throughout the Oriental Region.—Dobson. 182a. A mounted specimen, No. 109B of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Jaipur. Presented by J. Payter, Esq., 1852. é. A skin, No. 109A of Blyth’s Catalogue; in bad con- dition, Ceylon. Presented by R. Templeton, Esq. c. A skin, No. 109C of Blyth’s Catalogue; imperfect. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. E. F. Kelaart, 1851. d. Askin, No. 109D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Java. Pre- sented by the Batavian Society, 1844. e. An adult female inaleohol, Calcutta. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1869. 5 J. The skeleton of an individual from Calcutta. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson. g. The skin of an adult. Darjeeling. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society in Bengal by Dr. F, Stoliczka, 15th Decem- ber 1875. , MINIOPTERUS. 145 4&2. An adult male and female in alcohol. Dacca. Pre- sented by T. Blisset, Esq., 1875. J. A stuffed specimen in very bad condition from the Indian Museum, London. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April 1880. 183. Kerivoula hardwickii. Vespertilio hardwickii, Horsfield, Zool. Resch. in Java (1825). Kerivoula hardwickii, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 335. Hab, Peninsula of India (Sibsdégar, Assam; Shillong, Khasi Hills) ; Camboja; Java ; Borneo; Duke of York Island. — Dobson. 183a, An adult male in alcohol. Java. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872. 6 &c, An adult male and female in alcohol. Sibsdgar, Assam. Presented by S. E. Peal, Esq., 1872. d. An adult male in alcohol. No history. 184. Kerivoula lanosa. . Kerivoula lanosa (Smith) Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 340. Hab. 8.-E. Africa (Shupanga, near the Zambesi River, East Coast of Cape Colony).—Dodson, 184a, An adult female in alcohol. Zambesi. By exchange with the British Museum, 6th September 1877. &. nidicola, Kirk. * II—Grove MINIOPTERL. Gexus MINIOPTERUS, Bonaparte, 1837. 185. Miniopterus schreibersii. Vespertilio schreibersii, Matterer. in Kuhl, Deutschl, Flederm, Ann. Wetterau. iv, p. 41 (1819). Miniopterus schreibersii, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt, B. WZ. 1878, p. 348. Hab. Southern Europe and Asia, Africa, Madagascar, and Australia. In Europe, inhabiting Spain, Switzerland, Lower Austria, Italy, and Sicily; in Asia, Syria, India, Ceylon, Burma, Southern China (Amoy), Japan, Philippine Islands ; extending through the Malay Archipelago to Australia ; pro- bably generally distributed throughout Africa and Madagascar. — Dobson. 185a. An adult male in alcohol. North Italy. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 1872, 146 MAMMALIA, 6tocc. Thirteen adult and four adolescent males, and eleven adult females in alcohol. Tsagain, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson, Presented by the Second Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. VaR. a. Miniopterus pusillus, Dobson, Monogr. As. Chiropt. 1876, p. 162. Miniopterus schreibersii var. a, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 351. Hab. India (Madras); Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Philippine Islands (Erumango).— Dodson. dd. An adult female in alcohol. Nicobars. Presented by Dr. F, Stoliezka, 1871. Type. ee to gg. Three adult males in alcohol. Nicobars. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., 1876. hh to vv. Nine adult males and six adult females in alcohol. : Katchal, Nicobars. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka. 15th December 1875. ww. An imperfect skeleton from the Nicobars. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1871. IV.—Famity EMBALLONURIDA. I.—Svus-Famity EMBALLONURIN A. 1.—Grove HMBALLONURA. Gunus TAPHOZOUS, Geoff., 1812. Sus-Genus TAPHOZOUS. 186. Taphozous melanopogon. Taphozous melanopogon, Temm., Monog. Mammal., t. ii, 1835-41, p. 287 ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 380. 2 Hab. India (Lower Bengal, Madras, Malabar Coast) ; Burmah; Pinang; Pulo Tickus; Cochin-China; Java; Borneo; Philippine Islands.—D.dson, 186a to c. Three adult males in aleohol. No history. d tog. Four adult females in aleobol. Jashpur, Chutia Nagpur. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1871. A. An adult male in alcohol. Ambherst, Tenasserim. Pre- sented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. TAPHOZOUS. 147 ?. An adult male skeleton. No history. J to m, One adult male, and three adult females in aleohol ; No. 5 Cave, Tsagain, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Pre- | sented by the 2nd Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. nm. A skin, Sambalpur. Presented by V. Ball, Esq., 16th June 1877, ‘0 & p, An adult male and female in alcohol. Trichinopoly, Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 19th November 1877. 187. Taphozous theobaldi. Taphozous theobaldi, Proc. As. Soc. Beng., Aug. 1872, p. 152; Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 381. Hab, Tenasserim Province. 187a & 6. Au adult male and female in alcohol. Tenas- serim. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1855. Type. ce. An adult male in alcohol. Forearm 3”'10. Bushire. By exchange with the Kardchi Museum, 29th April 1879. 188. Taphozous longimanus, Taphozous longimanus, Hardwicke, Linn. Trans. xiv, 1825, p. 525; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M, 1878, p. 384. Hab. Peninsula of India, Ceylon; Burma. Abundant about Calcutta, and in all the southern parts of the Indian Peninsula; not yet recorded from Northern India nor from the Himalayas.— Dobson. 188a to f. Six skins, Nos. 85 A to F of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Calcutta. No history. g. An imperfect skeleton, No. 85M of Blyth’s Catalogue. A. One skin, No.-85J of Blyth’s Catalogue. Travancore. Presented Ly Dr. Coles, 1841, labelled 7. drevicaudus, i & 7. Askulllabelled Zaphozous cantori, Blyth, and 7. brevi- caudus. k to o. Two adult and one young male, the latter the young of .m, and two adult females in alcohol. No. 85G of Blyth’s Catalogue. Rangoon. Presented by Sir Joseph Fayrer, M.D., &e., 1852. p. One skin, No. 851 of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. HE. F. Kelaart, 1841. g. Askin. Chénda. Museum Collector, 1867. y. One adult male in alcohol. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1870. 148 MAMMALIA. s. An adult male in alcohol. Singhbhtim. Presented: by V. Ball, Esq., 1870. ¢, An adult male in alcoho], Bilaspur, Central Provinces. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1871. wu tow. Two adult males and one -adult female in alcohol. Pegu. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1872. x & y. An adult male in alcohol (Pegu), and an adult female (Calcutta). Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 15th December 1875. z. An adult female in alcohol. Calcutta. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 19th December 1876. aa, An adult male in alcohol. Calcutta. Presented by O. L. Fraser, Esq., 22nd February 1881. 189. Taphozous nudiventris. Taphozous nudiventris, Cretzechmar, in Ripp. Atlas. Reise. niérdl. Afrika. Stiugeth. 1826, p. 70, fig. 276; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 387. Hab. Africa (North Africa, Egypt, Nubia, Gambia) ; Asia Minor (Palestine, Euphrates).— Dobson. 189¢ to p. Eight adult males, and eight adult females in alcohol. Ruins of Karnak, Upper Egypt, 23rd March 1880. Collected, and presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 18th January 1881. VaR. a. Taphozous kachhensis, Dohson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1872, p. 211; abid., Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 388. Hab. Kachh; North-West India. z. An adult male in alcohol. Kachh. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1872. Type. j. A male in alcohol. Karéchi. By exchange with the _ Karéchi Museum, 19th September 1878. Sus-Genus TAPHONYCTERIS. 190. Taphozous perforatus. Taphozous perforatus, Geoff, Deseript. de l’ Egypte, t. ii, p. 126; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 383. ffab. Egypt. 190a toc. Three males in alcohol. Temple of Karnak, Upper Egypt. Collected, and presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 17th January 1881. 4 RHINOPOMA. 149 191. Taphozous saccoleemus. Taphozous saccolemus, Temminck, Monogr. Mammal., vol. ii, p. 286 ; pl. 60; Dodson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 388. Hah. Lower Bengal (Sylhet); Ceylon; Burma; Malay Peninsula ; Sumatra; Java.~-Dodson. 1912. One skin; No. 84A of Blyth’s Catalogue, South- ern India. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1843. 6. A skin; No. 84B of Blyth’s Catalorue. Java. Pre- sented by the Batavian Society, 1845. e, An adult female in alcohol. Sylhet. Presented by E. B. Baker, Esq., 1872. 192. Taphozous affinis. Taphozous affinis, Dobson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1875, vol. xvi, p. 232 ; Dobson, Cat. Chiropt, B. M. 1878, p. 389. Hab. Labuan Island ; Sumatra. 192a, An adult in alcohol. By exchange with the Berlin Museum, 6th September 1877. IT—Grove RHINOPOMATA. Genus RHINOPOMA, Geoff, 1812, 193. Rhinopoma microphyllum. Rhinopoma microphyllum (Geoffr.), Dobsox, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 400. Hab. Africa (Egypt, Kordofan) ; Asia Minor (Palestine) ; Indian Peninsula generally ; Burma.— Dodson. 193a & 4. Two adult males in alcohol, Nos. 83 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Agra. Presented by Major Wroughton, 1844, c & d. Two skins, Nos. 83 C and D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Agra. Presented by Major Wroughton, 1844. e. A skin, No. 83E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by A. D. Bartlett, Esq. jf. A skeleton, No, 83F of Blyth’s Catalogue. Agra. Presented by Major Wroughton, 1844. g & &. Two skulls, No history. i & j. Two skins. Agra, Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, 1869. 150 MAMMALIA. k & 2, Two adult males in alcohol. Kachh. Presented by Dr, F. Stoliczka, 1872. Testicles enormously enlarged, and a layer of fat at their base. : _m tog. Two adult males and three adult females. Fatehpur Sikri. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 19th November 1877. II.—Svs-Famity MOLOSSIN AL. I—Grove MOLOSSI. Genus CHEIROMELES, Horsfield, 1824. 194. Cheiromeles torquatus. Cheiromeles torquatus, Horsfield, Zool. Resch. in Java, pl. (?); Dobson, ‘Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 405. Hab. Malay Peninsula (Singapore); Sumatra; Java; Bor- neo.— Dobson. 194a. Two skins of an adult, No. 86 A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Java. Presented by the Batavian Society, 1845. 6. A stuffed specimen. Siam. Collected by Finlayson, From the Indian Museum, London. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April 1880. Genus NYCTINOMUS, Geoffroy, 1812. Sus-Genus NYCTINOMUS. 195. Nyctinomus cestonii. Dinops cestonii, Savi, Nuov. Giorn. de’ Letter. p. 230, 1825. Nyctinomus cestonii, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 423. Hab, Europe (Madeira, Switzerland, Italy, Sicily, Greece); Africa (Egypt, Nubia); Asia (Amoy, China).—Dodson. 195a. An adult male in alcohol, No. 87A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Amoy, China. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1860. Type of MN. insignis, Blyth. 196. Nyctinomus tragatus. Nyctinomus tragatus, Dobson, Journ. As. Soc. Peng. vol. xliii, 1874, p. 143; Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 424. Hab. Peninsula of India (Rdjanpur, N. W. Frontier; Jashpur, near Chutia Nagpur; Caleutta).—Dodson. NYCTINOMUS. 151 196a. An adult male in alcohol, No. 88F of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. No history. Type. 6. An adult male in alcohol. Jashpur, west of Chutia Nag- pur. Presented by W. T. Blandford, Esq., 1871. e. An edult female in alcohol. Rajanpur, Punjab frontier. Presented by W. F. Murray, Esq., M.B., 1872. 197. Nyctinomus plicatus. Vespertilio plicatus, Buchanan-Hamilton, Trans. Linn. Soc. 1800, vol. v, 1880, p. 261, fig. Nyctinomus plicatus, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 425. Hab. Peninsula of India (Calcutta, Ludhidna, Agra, Madras) ; Sumatra; Java ; Borneo; Malay Peninsula (Singa- pore); Philippine Islands.— Dodson. 197a, An adult male in alcohol, No. 88E of Blyth’s Catalogue. No history. 6 & ce. Two skins, Nos. 883A & B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Ludhiéna, Presented by Captain Boys, 1845. d & e, Two skins, Nos. 88C & D of Blyth’s Catalogue, Caleutta. — jf. A skeleton, No. 88G of Blyth’s Catalogue. No history. g. A skin in very bad condition, No. 88H of Blyth’s Catalogue. Dark specimen (M. tenuis, Horsfd.), old collec. tion. 4 toj. Three skins. Agra. Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, 1869. & An adult male, and its viscera. Indian Museum. Dr. J. Anderson, 16th December 1876. , Z, An adult female in alcohol. Allahabad. Presented by John Cockburn, Esq., 20th March 1877. 198. Nyctinomus johorensis. Molossus (Nyctinomus) johorensis, Dobson, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. Jan. p: 22, 1873. Nyctinomus johorensis, Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B, M. 1878, p. 432. Hab, Malay Peninsula (Johore). 198@. An adult male in aleohol. Johore, Malayan Penin- sula. Presented by J. Wood-Mason, Esq., 1872. Type. 199. Nyctinomus braziliensis. Nyctivo mus braziliensis (Js, Geoff. St. Hil.), Dobson, Cat, Chirop B. M. 1878, p. 437. 152 MAMMALIA, Hab. Warmer regions of North and South America and their islands, extending from California to Chili; apparently everywhere distributed throughout the tropical and sub-tropi- cal parts of America, where it is probably the most common species of the genus, as it has the widest range.— Dodson. 199a. An adult female in alcohol. Mexico. Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1876. ViI.—Famity PHYLLOSTOMID. I. Sug-Famiry PHYLLOSTOMINZ. L—Grove STENODERMATA. Genus ARTIBEUS, Leach, 1822. Sus-Gexus ARTIBEUS., 200, Artibeus perspicillatus. Artibeus perspicillatus (Zinneus), Dobson, Cat. Chiropt. B. M. 1878, p. 519. Hab. Mexican, Antillean, and Brazilian Sub-Regions, ap- parently generally distributed throughout the two first named sub-regions, but in many parts of the Brazilian sub-region its place appears to be taken by A. planirostris.—Dobson. 200a & 6. An adult male and female. Demerara. Pre- sented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1874, IV.—Orper INSECTIVORA, I.—Famity GALEOPITHECID. "Genus GALEOPITHECUS, Pallas, 1780. 201. Galeopithecus volans. Lemur volans, Lin., Syst. Nat. ed. 12th, 1766, p. 45. Galeopithecus volans, Pallas, Act. Acad. Petrop. t. iv, 1780, p. 280, tab. 8; Shaw, Genl, Zool. vol. 1, pt. 1, 1800, p. 116, pls. 38 and 39, TUPAIA. 153 Galeopithecus rufus, Geoff. Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p-19; Geoff, Cours. 12° Leg. 1829, p. 37; Desm., Mammif. 1822, p. 108. Galeopithecus rufus, variegatus et ternatensis, pp., et 38, Geoff, Cours. 12"° Leg. 1828, p. 37; Desm., Mammif. 1822, p. 108. Galeopithecus temminckii, Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1838, p. 119; Trans, Zool. Soc. vol. ii, p. 335, pl. 58, fig. 2. Galeopithecus rufus, undatus et macrurus, Wagner, Schreber, Saugeth. Suppl. Bd. i, 1880, pp. 324, 326 et 327. Hab. Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo. 201a. Stuffed specimen, No. 49A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Malacca. Presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq., 1844. 6. A flat skin, mounted skeleton, and nearly mature feetus, in alcohol, of an adult female. Sinkip Island, Sumatra. Museum Collector, 14th May 1874. ctoe. Three skulls, Nos. 49 C, D, & Eof Blyth’s Cata- logue. Malaeca. No history. Jf. Skin of a young animal, much variegated with grey, brownish and black, interspersed with white spots. Perak, Malayan Peninsula. Presented by Mrs. R. Allen, Calcutta, 6th April 1877. g toi, The skins of two males and one female. The males are dusky brown above, variegated with dark brown, and spotted with white. From the Indian Museum, London. resented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 18th April 1880. j & k. Two skulls from the Indian Museum, London, Pre- sented by the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April 1880. II.—Famity TUPAIIDA. I.—Svus-Famity TUPAIIN A. Genus TUPATA, Raffles, 1820. 202. Tupaia ellioti. Tupaia ellioti, Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, pp. 106 et 108, pl. xiii; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p. 82; Jerdon, Mamm. of Ind. 1867, p. 64; Ball, Proc. As. Soc. Beng. 1874, p. 95 ; Anderson, Anat. ¢ Zool. Resch., &c., 1878, p. 124, pl. vii, figs. 12 and 13 (skull). Hab. Southern and Central India (Madras, Gondulpudu, Godavari Valley) and extending northwards to Cuttack and to the Karakpur Hills, Monghyr, North-Western Bengal. 154 MAMMALIA. 2024 to ec. Two stuffed adults and one adolescent, and the skulls of and c, Nos. 241 A, B, & C of Blyth’s Catalogue, Madras. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, 1851. d to f. Two adult males and one female in alcohol. Karak- pur Hills, Monghyr. Presented by E. Lockwood, Esq., C.S., 1874. g. Askull. Karakpur Hills, Monghyr. Presented by E. Lockwood, Esq., C.S., 1874. A. Skeleton of an adult. Gondulpudu, Godavari Valley. Presented by W. T. Blandford, Esq.,°27th July 1871. z. Contents of the stomach of one of the foregoing in- dividuals from Monghyr, consisting chiefly of the remains of small beetles. J tot. Two adult males and one adult female in alcohol. Monghyr. Presented by the Zoological Gardens, Ist and 12th May 1880. 203. Tupaia belangeri. be ae Pégou, Is. Geoff. St. Hil., Zool. de Bélanger, 1834, p. 103, tab. 4. Cladobates belangeri, Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. 1842, Suppl. pt. ii, p. 42; op. cit. Bd. V, 1856, p. 527. Tupaia belangeri, Anderson, Anat. & Zool. Resch. &c. 1878, p. 126, pl. vii, figs. 6 and 7 (skull). ee ferruginea, Blyth (partim), Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, . 81. Pupaia peguana, Jerdon, Mamm. Ind. 1867, p. 65. Hab. Nepal; Eastern Himalaya (Kurseong, Darjeeling) ; Assam ; Khasi Hills; Arakan, Island of Preparis, and Burma, and North Tenasserim. 203a & &. Two stuffed adults and the skulls ; Nos. 240 G and H of Blyth’s Catalogue. Arakan. Presented by Sir Arthur P, Phayre, 1844. - e. A skull, No. 2401 of Blyth’s Catalogue. Arakan. Pre- sented by Sir Arthur P. Phayre, 1844, d, An adult female in alcohol, No. 240J of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Pegu. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1856. e. The skeleton of a specimen sent alive from Chaérapunjf, No. 240K of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq., 1851. J. An adult male in alcohol. No history. g. A mounted skeleton, prepared from’a specimen belonging to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. No history. A. A skeleton of an adult. No history. 2. An adolescent male in alcohol without its skull, No history. TUPAIA. 155 j. The skin and skull of an adult male. Cachar, Museum Collector, 1868. &, The skin of an adolescent female, and its skull. Dar- jeeling. Presented by J. H. Elwes, Esq., 1871. 4. A young female in alcohol. Chérapunji. Presented by Lieutenant J. H. Bourne, 7th July 1871. m top. Four skins, Arakan and Lower Pegu, Captain F. H. Hood and Museum Collector, 1872. -q to z. Five adult males, and four adult females in -alcohol. Arakan and Lower Pegu. Presented by Captain F. H. Hood, and Museum Collector, 1872. — aa & bb. Three skulls. Arakan and Lower Pegu. Presented by Captain F. H. Hood, 1872. ec, Askin, No history. dd, The skin of an adult. Borpani, Dikrang, Assam. Dafla Expedition, 1875. Presented by Lieut.-Colonel H. H. God- win-Austen. ee. The skin of an adult. Assam. Presented by A. W. Chennell, Esq., 1875. Jf. An adult female in alcohol. Tsagain, Upper Burma. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the 2nd Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1875. gg. Skin of an adult male. Assam. Purchased, 1876. An orange mesial line along the ventral aspect. hh. The skin of an adult. This specimen is darker than the generality of individuals from the mainland and ap- proaches in this respect to 7. ferruginea. Island of Preparis, off the coast of Arakan. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society: of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliezka, 15th December 1875. ii, An adult in aleohol. Amherst. Presented by J. Arm- strong, Esq., M.B., 29th August 1877, DS kk. Two skulls without any history. lu. A skeleton of an adolescent. No history. 204. Tupaia chinensis. Tupaia chinensis, Anderson, Anat. & Zool. Resch. &c., 1878, p. 129, pl. vii, figs. 8 and 9. Hab. China (high country of Western Yunnan). 204a. An adolescent male in alcohol, and its skull. Ponsee, Kakhyen Hills, 3,185 ft., Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Pre- sented by the Ist Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868. 6c. One skin of an adult and its skull. Muangla, Sanda Valley, Yunnan, 2,400 ft. Dr. J. Anderson. Present~ ed by the lst Expedition to Western Yunnan, 1868, 156 MAMMALIA. 205. Tupaia ferruginea. Sorex-glis, Diard & Duvaucel, As. Resch, vol, xiv, 1822, pp. 471 et 475, pl. ix. Tupaia ferruginea Raffles, Linn. Trans. vol. xiii, p. 256, 1822 ; Blyth’s Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863 (partim), p. 81; Anderson, Anat. & Zool. Resch. Fc. 1878, p. 130, pl. vii, figs. 4 and 5 (skull). Hab, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. 205a. A stuffed adult and its skull, No. 240 A of Blyth’s” Catalogue. Penang. Presented by the Rev, J. Barbe, 1846. &. A stuffed young animal and its skull, No. 240B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Penang. Presented by the Rev. J. Barbe, 1846. e. Astuffed adult and its skull, No. 240C of Blyth’s. Catalogue. Malacta. Presented by the Rev. F. W. Lind- stedt, 1846. d. A stuffed young animal and its skull, No. 240D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1856. é. A stuffed young animal and its skull, No. 240E of Blyth’s Catalogue, Mergui. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1856. Jf. A preparation showing the teeth removed from the skull, and set in position, in wax, illustrating the differences between the deciduous and permanent teeth in both jaws, before any of the deciduous teeth are lost. Prepared from the skull of No. 240F of Blyth’s Catalogue, from Mergui. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1856. g- A skull from Mergui. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1856. The roots of the teeth of both jaws exposed to show the relations between the permanent and deciduous teeth. A. First, second, and third molars of the right upper jaw; second and third right upper deciduous premolars ; and second and third deciduous premolars, right lower jaw. 206. Tupaia malaccana. Cerp ou Banxring, F/. Cuv., Mammif. t. ii, live" xxxv, Decembre 1821. Tupaia javanica, Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p. 82. Tupaia malaccana, Anderson, Anat. g Zool. Resch. 1878, p. 184, pl. vii, figs. 16 and 17 (skull). Hab. Malacca. 206a & 6. Two stuffed adults and two skulls, Nos. 242 A and B, Malacca. Presented. by R. W.G. Frith, Esq., 1846, HYLOMYS. 157 207, Tupaia tana. Tupaia tana, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol, xiii, 1822, p. 257; Blyth, Cat. Mamm, As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p. 81; Anderson, Anat. & Zool. Resch. Sc. p. 136, 1878, pl. vii, figs. 1 and 2 (skull). Hab. Borneo. 207a. A stuffed adult male, No. 239A of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Sumatra. Presented by the Batavian Society, 1845. 208. Tupaia nicobarica. Cladobates nicobaricus, Zelebor, Reise der Novara Stugeth. Ba. i, p.17, pls. i et ii, 1868. Tupaia nicobarica, Anderson, Anat. & Zool. Resch. Fe. p. 136, pl. vii, fig. 3 (skull). s Hab. Nicobars. 208a. The skin of an adolescent male. Great Nicobar Island. By exchange with V. Ball, Esq., Sept. 1876, 6, An adult male in alcohol. Nicobar Islands. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 15th December 1875. Il.—Svus-Famiry HYLOMIN A, Genus HYLOMYS, 8. Muller. 209, Hylomys peguensis. Hylomys peguensis, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxxviii, 1859, p. 294; Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p. 82; Anderson, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. vol. viii, 1874, p. 453, pl. lxiv; Anat. g& Zool. Resch. &§c. 1878, p. 138, pl. vi. Hab. Kakhyen Hills, Western Yunnan; Tenasserim, Java and Borneo. _ 209a. An adult female in alcohol, No. 243A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1858. 6. The mounted skeleton of an adult. Ponsee, Kakhyen Hills, Yunnan. Dr. J. Anderson. Presented by the Ist Expedition to Yunnan, 1868. Described, and figured in the Transactions of the Zool, Soc., vol. vili, p. 453, 158 MAMMALIA. JIJ.—Famity ERINACEIDE. I—Svus-Famity GYMNURINA. . Genus GYMNURA, Horsfield, Vigors, 1827. 210. Gymnura rafflesii. Viverra gymnura, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xiii, 1822, p. 271. Gymnura rafflesii, Horsfield and Vigors, Zool. Journ. vol. iii, 1828, p. 246, tab. 8: Wagner, Schreb. Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. ii, 1841, p. 46 ; abid., Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 534; Muller & Schlegel, Verhandl. 1, p. 26, 1839-43 ; Cant. Journ. As. Soc. vol. xv, 1846, p. 190; Owen, Odontog, p. 419, pl. 3, fig. 4; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. Cal. 1863, p. 81; Gray@Cat. Bones Mamm., Coll. B. M. 1862, p. 117. Echinosorex rafflesii, Blainv., Ost. Atl. t. i, Lnsectiv. pl. 6. (skull) ; pl. 10 (teeth). Hab. Malayan Peninsula (Sumatra, Borneo, and other Islands). 210a. A stuffed adolescent and its skull, No. 288A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Malacca. Presented by C. Huffuagle, Esq., 1846, Vaz. candida, Gunther. b. A stuffed adult and its skull. Sarawak, Borneo, Pre- sented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 4th June 1869. II.—Svus-Famiry ERINACEIN A, Genus ERINACEUS, Linn., 1766. 211. Erinaceus europaeus, Linn. Erinaceus europaeus, Linn. Syst. 12th ed. 1766, vol. i, p. 75. Erinaceus vulgaris, Blyth, Cat. Mamm, As. Soc, Mus. 1863, p. 80. Hab. Europe. 21la § 4. A stuffed adult and adolescent, Nos. 235 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. England. Presented by A..D. Bartlett, Esq., 1843. c & d. Two skulls, Nos, 285 C and D of Blyth’s Catalogue. England. Presented by A. D. Bartlett, Esq., 1848. | e. A mounted skeleton of an adult, No. 235E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq., 1860, : ERINACEUS. 159 JS 5 g. Two glass tubes containing two spines, and sections of the spines of this species. Dr. J. Anderson, 1878. f. An adult male in alcohol. England. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 17th December 1881. 212. Hrinaceus micropus. Erinaceus auritus, Pearson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. v, 1836, p. 191. Erinaceus collaris, Gray, List. Mamm. B. M. 1843, p. 81 (partim), Erinaceus micropus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xv, 1846, p. 170, (partim) ; ibid., op. cit. vol. xxii, 1853, p. 582; ibid., Cat. Mamm. Mus. As. Soc, Beng. 1863, p. 80: Wagner, Schreb. Séugeth. Suppl. Bad. : 1855, p. 591; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xli, 1872, p. 225. 4 Erinaceus nudiventris, Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. East. Ind. Cos. Mus. 1851, p. 136. Erinaceus (Hemiechinus) micropus Fitzinger, Sitzungshte. der K. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, Bd. 1x, pl. 1, 1867, p. 875 8(partim); Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvii, pt. ii, ists, p- 200, pl. v*, figs. @ to d, Hab. Southern India. 212a, A stuffed adult, No. 237A of Blyth’s Catalogue, and its skull B. Presented by W. H. Smoult, Esq., 1836, 6. A skull, No. 237C of Blyth’s Catalocue. Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, Madras, 1843. — e, An adolescent male in alcohol, and its skull. Coimbator, Presented by the Madras Museum, 23rd December 1876, a, A young animal in alcohol. Coimbator. Presented by the Madras Museum, 13th December 1876. e to g. Three adult males in alcohol and the skulls of f and g (the former figured J. A. S. B. vol. xlvii, pt. ii, 1878, pl. v A, figs. ato d). ‘Trichinopoly. Presented by the Zoolo- gical Gardens, 5th December 1877, h. An adult made in alcohol. Coimbator. Presented by the Zoological Gardens, 5th December 1877, z. Two tubes containing spines, and sections of spines of this species. 213. Erinaceus pictus. P Erinaceus indicus, Royle, Ill. Ind. Zool. 1839, p. 6 ; not described. Erinaceus collarjs? Hutton, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xiv, 1845, p. 351, 3rd specimen, partim; Blyth, 1. c. p. 352, footnote; ibid., op. cit. vol. xxii, 1853, p. 582 (partim). Erinaceus micropus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. vol. xv, 1846, p. 170 (partim). Erinaceus (Hemiechinus) micropus, Fitzinger, Sitzungsbte. der K. Akad. Wissenseh. Wien, Bad. lvi, pt. i, 1867,.p. 875 (partim). Erinaceus (Hemiechinus) pictus, Stoliczka, Journ, As. Soc, Beng. vol. xli, 1872, p. 223. 160 MAMMALIA. Erinaceus pictus, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvii, pt. ii, 1878, p. 203, pl. iii. Hab. Western and North-Western India to Sind. 218a to k. Three adults, two adolescents, and three younger individuals, and the skulls of a, 0, ¢,d,e,f, and g. Agra District. Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, 15th April 1870. z. One skull. Agra District. Presented by the Trustees of the Riddell Museum, Agra, April 1870. j. Askull. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 14th March 1874. k, The flat skin and skeleton of an adult male. North- Western Provinces. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 30th December 1872. 2, An adult female in alcohol. Alwar. Presented by Major T. Cadell, V.C., 12th May 1877. m. A young female in alcohol; with larger spines than the generality of specimens, and with the brown band near the apices of the spines absent, so that the animal appears white. Karachi. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 19th November 1870. m. An adult male in alcohol. Karachi. By exchange with the Kardchi Museum, 2nd May 1877. o. An adolescent female in alcohol. Gunah, Central India. Presented by A. Barclay, Esq., M.B., 19th September 1878, Differing somewhat from the ordinary examples of %. pictus by its somewhat larger ears and finer spiues, and by the dark brown below the eye passing downwards and under the neck as a lower collar. p- Three tubes containing spines and sections of spines of this species. g to s, Three adult males in alcohol. Kardéchi. By ex- change with the Karachi Museum, 12th December 1879. t. An adult female in alcohol. Kardéchi Museum. By exchange, 19th August 1879. 214. Hrinaceus grayi. Erinaceus collaris, Gray, Ill. Ind. Zool. vol. i, 1898-32, pl. viii (not described) : ibid., List. Mamm. B. M. 1843, p. 81 (partim) ; Hutton, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xiv, 1845, p. 351 (first two specimens only); Blyth, op. cit. vol. xv, 1846, p. 170; ibid., op. cit. vol. xxii, 1853, p. 582 (partim); Wagner, Schreb. Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 590; Stoliczku, Journ. As. Soc. vol. xli; 1872, p. 225. Erinaceus grayi, Bennett, Proc, Zool. Soc. 1832, p.124; Gray, List. Mamm. B. M. 1843, p. 81; Wagner, Schreb. Sdéugeth. Suppl. Bd. ii, ERINACEUS. 161 A841, p. 28; idéd., op. cit. Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 590; Fitzinger, Sitzungshte. der K. Akad. Wien, Bad. lvi, pt. 1, 1867, p. 870 (partin) ; Stoliceka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xli, 1842, p. 225; Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvii, 1878, pt. 11, p. 204, pl. iv, Brinaceus spatangus, Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 124, juv.; Ogilby, Royle’s Il. Ind. Himal. Botany, 1839, p. 62; Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xv, 1846, p. 170; Gray, Mamm. B. M. 1843, p. 82 ; Wagner, Schreb. Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. ii, 1841, p. 27; ibid., op. cit. Suppl. Bd. v. 1856, p. 590; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xli, 1872, p. 225. Hemiechinus grayi, Fitzinger, Sitzungsbte. der K. Akad. Wien, Ba. 1vi, pt. 1, 1867, p. 870. Hemiechinus collaris, Fitzinger, Sitzungsbte. der K. Akad. Wien, Bd. hi, pt. 1, 1867, p. 872. Hemiechinus spatangus, Fitzinger, Sitzungsbte. der K. Akad. Wien, Ba. 1vi, pt. 1, 1867, p. 873. : Erinacous blanfordi, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvii, pt. ii, 1878, p. 208, pl. v. Hab. North-Western India, Western India to Sind. 214 a toe. Three adult females, one young female and one adolescent male in alcohol, and the skulls of @ and e, the former skull figured, Journ. As. Sce. Beng. vol. xlvii, 1878, pl. iv. Fathigarh. Presented by Andrew Anderson, Esq., 11th November 1872, J. The newly-born young of 6 in alcohol: eyes closed ; ear of right side imperforate, that of the left side widely open, the conch being folded down on both sides. The muscular mantle covering the dorsum has a thickened margin, corre- sponding to the downward distribution of the spines. The spines are prolonged ‘forwards nearly in the same line witn the eye. On the middle of the forehead there is a narrow area extending a short way backwards, perfectly free of spines. A few short spines occur bebind this area on the vertex, but from the nape of the neck backwards to near the posterior end of the mantle there is a continuous, rather broad, linear bare space. The spines are of two kinds, coloured and uncoloured, and the latter are the larger, and doubtless become replaced by coloured spines. The spines are placed rather widely apart, and are not very numerous, and the shortest occur along the side of the back; tke largest are about } of an inch in length. The whiskers “and the hairs along the upper lips are present” and a few short scattered hairs occur on the chin, but all the other portions of the animal are perfectly nude. The snout is short and broad, and the teeth are visible. Fathigarh. Presented by Andrew Anderson, Esq., 11th November 1872. g. Flat skin and skeleton of a young animal, North- Western Provinces. Presented by W. Rutledge, Esq., 9th June 1871. L 162 MAMMALIA. h. Six tubes containing spines and sections of spines of this - species. Dr. J. Anderson. a, Anadult male in alcohol. Agra. Major T. Cadell, V.C. Presented by the Zoological Gardens, 21st July 1877. j- An adolescent male in alcohol, and its skull figured, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xlvii, 1878, pl. v. Type of £. blanford:, Anderson, Rohri, Sind. By exchange with W. T. Blanford, Esq., 22nd March 1877. &, An adult male in alcohol. Kardchi. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 29th April 1877. Z. A very young female in aleohol. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 19th November 1877. m, An adult male and two adult females in aleohol. Kotvi. By exchange with.the Karachi Museum, 19th August.1879. p tor, One male and two adult females. By exchange with the Karéchi Museum, 12th December 1879. s. An adult male in alcohol. Presented by the Zoological Gardens, 15th April 1880. 215. Eriuaceus auritus. Erinaceus auritus, Pallas, Nov. Comment. Act. Petropol. vol. xiv, 1870, p. 573, pl. 21, fig. 4. : Erinaceus albulus, Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xli, 1872, pl. 2, fig. 2, p.226; Blanford, 2nd Yarkand Mission, Mammalia, 1879, p- 14, pl. 1, fig. 2, and pl. 1a, fig. 1. Erinaceus macracanthus, Blanford (partim), Eastern Persia, vol. ii,. Zoology, 1876, p. 27, pl. 1, fig. 2, nee fig. 1. Hab, Eastern Europe and Western Asia, as far south as Yarkand, and extending downwards to the Highlands of South-Eastern Persia, 215a. The skin and skull of an aged male. Volga, Russia. Presented by Professor Peters, Berlin, 6th September 1877. 6. A stuffed adolescent and its skull. Langur, near Sénju, Yarkand, 6,570 ft. Presented by the Ist Mission to Yarkand. Dr. Henderson, 1870. Type of £. albulus, Stoliczka. c to e. The skins of two adult and one young and skulls of e and d. Ydarkand. Dr. F. Stoliczka. Presented by the. 2nd Mission to Yarkand, 1873-74. J. The skin of an adult male. KAarghalik, south of Yér- kand. Dr. F. Stoliczka. Presented by the 2nd Mission to Yarkand, 1873-74. g. The skin of an adult. Jigda, found dead on the road. Dr. F. Stoliczka. Presented by the 2nd Mission to Yarkand, 1873-74, ERINACEUS. 163 h & i? The skins of an adult and of another.. Yangihissar. Dr. F. Stoliczisa. Presented by the 2nd Mission to Yarkand, 1873-74. j. A disarticulated skeleton. Ydrkand, 25th May, 1874. Dr. F. Stoliczka. * Presented by the 2nd Mission to Yarkand, 1873-74. &. Two tubes containing spines and sections of spines of this species. l. The skin and skull of an adolescent male. Karmdan. South-Eastern Persia, 6,000 feet, 9th May 1872. W. T. Blanford, Esq. One of the types of Z. macracanthus, Blanford, and figured in Eastern Persia, 1870-72, Vol. II, Zoology, pl. 1, fig. 2. Presented by the Persian Boundary Commission, 1872. ‘The skin of this animal is inseparable from skins of £. albutus, which-is apparently identical with Zrinaceus auritus. In the absence of a bare area on the forehead this hedgehog resembles /. auritus, while in this important struc- tural feature it differs essentially from EZ. macracanthus. The bare area is apparently not a variable feature in a species, neither is it sexual. The skull also closely resembles the skull of #. auritus and is inseparable from it. 216. Erinaceus megalotis. (?) Erinaceus auritus, Pallas, Hutton, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. vol. xiv, 1845, p. 353. Erinaceus megalotis, Blyth, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. vol. xiv, 1845, p- 353; Cat.«Mamm. As. Soc. Beng. Mus, 1863, p. 80; Stoliczka, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xli, 1872, p. 225; Blanford, Zool. of Persia, 1876, p. 28. Hab. Afghéuistdn. 216a. An adult, mounted; No. 234A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Kandahar. Presented by Captain T. Hutton, 1845. Type of EL. megalotis, Blyth. &. The skin and skull of an adult. Purchased from a Kabul merchant, trading between Kabul and India, January 1870. c, Five tubes containing spines of this species. Fars very large and rounded ; muzzle rather short and broad ; feet large; inner hind toe well developed; claws large and strong. Tail short, moderately long, and nearly naked. The spines are rather long, but much shorter than in E. macracan- thus, and they do not reach forwards to the ear, but nearly so, and they are not divided on the vertex by a bare space. The spines are covered with 28 raised ridges, rather strongly 164 _ MAMMALIA. marked by small tubercles, asin HZ. macracanthus. Inthe type, the spines have in some instances a narrow pale tip, somewhat asin EF. grayi, hardly perceptible, however, in the great majority, and immediately succeeded by a broad pale-yellowish band, followed by a narrow dusky band, again succeeded by a pale band. In two specimens obtained from a native merchant trading between British territory and Kabul, and which seem to belong to this species, the spines are narrowly tipped with black, succeeded by a narrow blackish band, which is followed by a broad white band, in its tura succeeded by a narrow obscure dusky area, the base of the spine being white. The type is in too poor a condition to gain a correct idea regarding the character of the fur, but Captain Hutton has described the face, inside of the ears, and chin, as far as the base of the ears, very pale cinereous, or nearly white; from thence all the under parts are sooty, or rusty black; head, limbs, and under parts clothed with soft hairs of a sooty black or fuliginous brown; feet darkest; tail black. In the two specimens purchased from the Kabul merchant the ears, the sides of the head from the ears to the chin, are white, while the front of the face is whitish, mixed with black hairs, giving a curious appearance, as described by Hutton; the under parts are rusty black; the limbs dark brown. The skull of the type of #. megalotis was not in the collections made over by. the Asiatic Society to the Govern- ment of India. The skulls, however, of the two other speci- mens, which may be regarded as examples of this species, present a close resemblance to the skull of #. macracanthus, but they are very much larger than the skulls of very old examples of that species, and the muzzle of the skull is shorter and broader, and there is relatively greater width of the post- orbital contraction. The teeth also are very much larger, but the species are undoubtedly very closely allied. 217. Erinaceus macracanthus. Erinaceus macracanthus, Blanford, Eastern Persia, vol. ii, Zoology, 1876, p. 27, pl. 1, fig. 1, nee fig. 2. Hab. Highlands of Persia. 217a. The ekin of an adult female and its skull; free ends of spines broadly tipped with black. MAéhtn, near Karman, South-Eastern Persia, 6,000 feet, 8rd May 1872. W. T. Blanford, Esq. Presented by the Persian Boundary Commis- ERINACEUS. 165 sion, 1872. One of the types of EB. macracanthus, Blanford, figured in Eastern Persia, 1570-72, Zoology, vol. ii, pl. 1, fig. 1. 6. The skin of an adult like the foregoing. Dizak, Ba- lichistén, 4,000 feet, 21st March 1872. W. T. Blanford, Esq. Presented by the Persian Boundary Commission, 1872. c. The skin of an adult female; spines wholly yellow, brownish washed. Karman, 6,000 feet, South-Eastern Persia, W. T. Blanford, Esq. Presented by the Persian Boundary Commission, 1872. d. The skin of a large adult like the last and its skeleton. Karman, South-East Persia, 5,000 feet. W.T. Blanford, Esq. Presented by the Persian Boundary Comission, 1872. e. Three glass tubes containing the spines of this species. 218. Hrinaceus jerdoni. Erinaceus jerdoni, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvii, pt. ii, 1878, p. 209, pl. Va, figs. e to kh. Hab. Bastern Afghénistin (Kurram Valley), North-Western Punjab (Pind Dadun Khan, Rajanpur), Sind. 218a § 6. Two skins wholly black in bad condition. Nos. 236 A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Pind Dddun Khan. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1859. ec. A skull, No. 236C of Blyth’s Catalogue. d, An adolescent male in alcohol and-its skull. Réjanpur. Presented by E. Sanders, Esq., M.B., 30th April 1878. e. A gravid female with four foetuses, three in one, and one in the other horn of the uterus, in alcohol, and its skull, the latter figured in the Journal Asiatic Society, Bengal, vol. xlvii, 1878, pl. Va, figs.e toh. By exchange with the Kardchf Museum, 4th June 1878. J. An adolescent female in alcohol and its skull. Sind. By exchange with the Kardchf Museum, 4th June 1878. g- A young male in alcohol. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 19th August 1879. 4. A young male in aleohol. By exchange with the Karaéchf Museum, 12th December 1879. i. An adult female in aleohcl. Thull, Kurram Valley, Eastern Afghdnistén. Presented by A. Barclay, Esq., M.B., 7th February 1880. j tom, The head and feet of an adult, a foetus and the heads of tivo young specimens in alcohol. Thull, Kurram. Valley. Presented by A. Barclay, Usq., M. B., 7th February 1880. wz, Six tubes containing the spines of this species. 166 MAMMALIA. IV.—Famity CENTETIDZ. Genus ERICULUS, Is. Geoff. St. Hilaire, 1839. 219. Ericulus setosus: Tendrac, Buffon, Nat. Hist. t. xii, 1764, p. 438, pl. 57. Erinaceus setosus, Schreber. Stiugeth. Bd. iii, 1778, p. 583, pl. 164; zbid. Wagner. Ericulus nigrescens, Is. Geoff. St. Hil., Mag. de Zool. pls. 1. & 4, 1839 ; p. 33, pls. 3 & 4; Mivart, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 73, pl. v, (skeleton). Ericulus spinosus, Zs. Geoff. St. Hil..l.c.p. 34; Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. v, 1855, p. 584. Hab. Madagascar. 219a. The skeleton of an adult. Madagascar. By ex- change with the British Museum, 6th January 1879. Genus CENTETES, Illiger, 1811° 220. Centetes ecaudatus. Le Tanrec, Buffon, Nat. Hist. t. xii, 1766, p. 438, pl. 56. Erinaceus ecaudatus, Gmelin, Linn, Syst. Nat. 13th ed. 1788, p. 117, partim, nec le jeune tanrec, Buffon, = Hemicentetes. Centetes ecaudatus, Mivart, Proc. Zool, Soc. 1871, p. 59. Hab, Madagascar. 220a. The skin of an adult. Madagascar. By exchange with the British Museum, 6th January 1879. é. The skeleton of an adult. Madagascar, By exchange with the British Museum, 6th January 1879. GENUS HEMICENTETES, Mivart, 1871. 221. Hemicentetes madagascariensis. Le jeune tanrec, Buffon, Nat. Hist. Suppl. t. iii, 1776, p. 214, pl., xxxvii. Erinaceus madagascariensis, Shaw, Gent. Zool. vol. 1, pl. ii, 1800, p, 548; Mivart, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond. 1871, p. 58, figs.1, 2, and 3 (skull). Ericius semispinosus, Giebel, Zeitsch. Ges. Natur, 1871, p. 57, pl. ii, figs. 1 to 3. Hab, Madagascar. 221a, The skeleton of an adult. Madagascar. By exchange with the British Museum, 6th January 1879, RHINASTER. 167 V.—Famity CHRYSOCHLORID A. Genus CHRYSOCHLORIS, Cuvier, 1800. 222. Chrysochloris rutilans. Chrysochloris rutilans, Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. ii, 1845, p. 125; ibid., 7. ce. Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 580. Chrysochloris hottentotta, A. Smith, Zool. Journ. vol. iv, Oct. 1828 to July 1829, p. 436; South Afr. Quart. Journ. 1833, p. 81; Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. ii, 1841, p. 120; ibid, 2. ©. Suppl. Ba. v, 1856, p. 581. : Chrysochloris holosoricea, Licht. Darstellung, 1827-34, pl. xli, fig. 2; Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. in, 1841, p. 124; ibid., 2. e. Bape Bd. v, 1856, p. 581; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soe. Mus. 1863, p. 87. Hab. South Africa. 222a § 6. Two stuffed specimens, Nos. 266A and B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq. 1859. 223, Chrysochloris damarensis. ‘Chrysochloris damarensis, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. Jan. 1838, p. 5; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Oct. 1838, vol. ii, p. 146; Wagner, Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl., Bd. ii, 1841, p. 126; ibed., 2. ¢. Bd. v, 1856, p. 582. Hab. Damarland, South Africa. 223a. A stuffed specimen, No. 267A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Major W. S. Sherwill, 1852. VI.—FamILy TALPIDA. Genus RHINASTER, Wagner, 1841. 224. Rhinaster cristatus. Sorex cristatus, Linn., Syst. Nat. 12th ed., 1766, p. 73; Schreber Stiugeth. Bd. iii, 1778, p. 566. Talpa longicaudata, Eraleben, Syst. Reg. An. 1777, p. 118. Condylura cristata, Desm., Mamm. 1820, p. 157; Harlan, Fauna Amer., 1825, p. 36. : Condylura longicaudata, Desm., Mamm. 1820, p. 157; Richardson, Fauna Br, Amer. 1829, p. 13. Condylura macroura, Harlan, Fauna Amer. 1825, p. 39. Condylura prasinata, Harris, Taylor's Phil. Mag. vol. 67, 1826, p. 191. Rbinaster cristatus, Wugnew Schreber, Sdugeth. Suppl. Bd. ii, 1841, p- 117; ibéd., Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 575. Astromydes cristatus, Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus, 1863, p. 87. Hab. North America. ' 168 MAMMALIA. 224a. A stuffed adult in bad condition, No, 264A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by A. D. Bartlett, Usq., 1843. Genus TALPA, Linn., 1766. 225. Talpa europea. Talpa europea, Linn. Syst. Nat. 12th ed. 1766, p. 73; Schreber, Sdugeth. Bd. iii, 1778, p. 558, pl. 156; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As, Soc. Mus. 1863, p. 88. Hub. Europe generally, extending to Northern Asia. 225a. A stuffed specimen ; No. 268A of Blyth’s Catalogue. England. Presented by A. D. Bartlett, Esq., 1843. 6 & c. Two skeletons, Nos, 268 B& C of Blyth’s Cata- logue. One presented by Mr, W. Masters, 1844; the other no history. d. The skin of an adult. Hunter’s Bog, Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 3rd December, 1880. : .226. Talpa micrura. Assam mole, McClelland, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. vii, 1838, p. 464.. Talpa micrura, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. x, 1840, p. 910; Gray. List Spec. Mamm. Brit. Mus. 1843, p. 75; Blyth, Journ. As, Soc. Beng. vol. xix, 1850, p. 215, plate iv, fig. 2 (skull); Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. E. Ind. Cos. Mus. 1851, p.129; Wagner, Schreber Séugeth. Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 578; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Svc. Mus. 1863, p. 88; A. Milne Edward's Recherch. des Mammif. 1868-74, p. 284. Talpa cryptura, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xii, 1843, p. 928. Hab, Nipal, Sikkim, and Assam. Uniformly velvety brown, with a silvery grey gloss. Snout almost nude, being sparsely clad on its sides with bristly hairs, each seated on an eminence, in the centre of a well- defined pit. A broad mesial linear tract on the upper surface of the snout, quite devoid of hairs. The extremity of the snout with a transverse furrow below the nostril, and a tumid fold of skin below the furrow. Eye very minute and covered with membrane; eyelids not defined. Claws stout on the fore feet, and moderately long. Tail about one-third of the greatest breadth of the manus, not knobbed at its end and only sparsely elad. The skull of this species resembles the skull of the other Asiatic moles, with the exception of 7. wogura and 7’. insularis, im having four pairs of inferior incisors, but differs from f. leucura, &e., in possessing four pairs of upper premolars, and in this respect it resembles 7, macrura and T. longirostris. TALPA, 169 2264. An adult male in alcohol and its skull, No. 269A of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88. Nepal. Presented by H. B. Hodgson, Esq., C.S., 1848. 6. An adult female in alcohol, No. 269B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling, p. 88. Purchased, 1842. Type of 7. eryptura, Blyth. Journal; Asiatic Society, Bengal, vol. xii, 1843, p. 928. _¢. A skull, probably that figured in Journal, Asiatic So« ciety, Bengal, vol. xix, 1850, Plate IV, fig. 2, and possibly the skull of the foregoing specimen. d, An adult female in alcohol, No. 269C of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88. Assam. Presented by Colonel Jenkins, 1854. e. Askininalcohol. Sadiya, Assam. Presented by Colonel Jenkins, 1854. J toh, Three stuffed adults ; Nos. 269 D,E & F of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88. Assam. Presented by Colonel Jenkins, 1854. z tok. Three stuffed specimens ; Nos. 269 G, H andI of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 85. Darjeeling. Presented by Mrs. Oakes, 1854, and the skull of z imperfect. 4, A skeleton mounted; No. 269J of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88, Darjeeling. Presented by W.T, Blanford, Esq., 1857. Vertebra, c. 7; d. 13, 1.6; 8.3; p.c. 3; caudal 8. m. Astuffed adult. Darjeeling. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq., 1854. 2. A young femalé in alcohol. Darjeeling. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1871. o, Skin of an adult. Samaguting, Assam. Presented by Captain J. Butler, October 1872. p&q. Two skins of adults. Naga Hills, Assam. Presented by Captain J. Butler, 14th April 1875. 7. Skin of an adult. Néga Hills, Assam. Found at an elevation of 400 feet above the sea-level. Presented by A. W. Chennell, Esq., 19th April 1875. s. Skin of a young animal. Naga Hills, Assam. Pre- sented by A. W. Chennell, Esq., 1st February 1877. t to w. Three males and one female in alcohol. Sureil, British Sikkim. Presented by George King, Esq., M.B., 4th January 1878. ; x § y. Two adult malesin alcohol. Sureil, British Sikkim, Presented by George King, Esq., M.B., 10th Febrnary 1879. zf aa. Anadult male and female in alcohol. Sureil, British Sikkim. Presented by J. L. Lister, Hsq., 10th February 1879. In the natural skeleton, the caudal vertebe, 8 in number, measure 6-tenths of an inch in length. 170 MAMMALIA. 227. Talpa leucura. Talpa leucura, Blyt', Journ, As. Soc. Beng. vol xix, 1821, p. 215, pl. iv, fig. 1 (skull); Wagner, Schreber Stiugeth. Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 578 ; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus., 1863, p. 88. Hab. Sylhet, Khasi Hills, and Tenasserim. Wholly velvety black ; considerably smaller than 7. micrura and with the snout neither so long nor narrow. The snout is clad as in JZ. micrura, but the hair crypts are not so pro- minent. The manus is somewhat less broad than in 7. micrura and the nails are notso long. The tail is consider- ably longer than in 7. micrura, and it is dilated into a rounded knob, sparsely covered with longish white hair ; its length ex- ceeds two-thirds of the breadth of the manus. The eye is covered by a membrane, and there are no defined eyelids. The skull is at once distinguished from the skull of 7. mi- crura, by its much smaller size, and by the presence of only three pairs of premolars in the upper jaw. The adult skull is 1”-2 long, whereas that of 7. micrura measures 1”37. This difference of size is well marked in all the bones. The caudal vertebre arelonger, but feebler, than in 7. mzcrura, and their number (8) is the same in both. 227a toc. Three stuffed specimens, Nos. 270 A, B andC of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88. Sylhet. Presented by W. Skip- witb, Esq., and R. W. G. Frith, Esq., 1845-51. d. An adult female in alcohol, No. 270D of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. $8. Chardpunji. Presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq. Zypes of 2. lewcura, Blyth. e. An adult female in alcohol, No. 270E of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88. Hilly region bordering on the Sittang River, Tenasserim. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1848. . A young female in alcohol. Khasi Hills. Presented by W.S. Atkinson, Esq., 23rd December 1867. g. A natural skeleton, No. 270F of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 88. Hilly region bordering on the Sittang River, Tenasserim. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1848. A. A natural skeleton. Prepared from a specimen pre- sented by Arthur-Grote, Esq., 4th July 1868. 2. Askull: no history, apparently the skull figured by Blyth in the Journal, Asiatic Society, Bengal, vol. xix, 1851, pl. iv fig. 1. j. Skin of an adult. Nagé Hills, Assam, found at’ an elevation of nearly 10,000 feet above the sea-level. Presented hy A. W. Chennell. Esq., 14th April 1875. CROCIDURA. 171, VII.—Famity SORICIDA. I.—Sus-Famity ANUROSORICINA. Gunus ANUROSOREX, A. M. Edwards, 1870. 228. Anurosorex assamensis. Anurosorex assamensis, Anderson, Ann. G& Mag. Nat: Hist. vol. xvi, 1875, p. 252; Anat. & Zool. Resch. Yunnan Exped. 1878, p. 150, pl. v figs. 1-16. Hab. Assam. Head large; eye excessively small; ear hidden under the fur, and valvular, Feet devoid of hairs, scaly and of nearly equal breadth, but the fore-feet the shorter. Tail rudimentary, almost completely hidden by the fur. Fur nearly erect, fine, dense and silky, longest on the rump: numerous long hairs project beyond the general mass of the fur, and are brown, with obscure pale tips : general colour of the fur dark slaty, faintly marked with brownish rusty on the long hairs on the rump. Whiskers well developed: shorter hair above and between the eyes: semi-nude parts of the snout, the scaly limbs, and tail are flesh coloured, and the claws are yellow. Snou tto vent 292: fore-foot 0’50: hind foot 0”75: tail 07:50. 278a to e: Astuffed adult female and her skeleton, and three of her young ones in alcoho]. Obtained between Sibségar and Jaipur, Assam. Presented by 8S. E. Peal, Esq., September 1871. ype. Described and figured Anat & Zool. Resch. : II.—Svus-Famity CROCIDURINA, Genus CROCIDURA, Wagler, 1832. Sus-Genus PACHYURA, Sélys-Longchamps, 1839. (Lateral gland.) 229. Crocidura czerulescens. La musaraigne musquée de l’Inde, Buffon, Nat. Hist. Suppl. t. vii, 1789, p. 281, pl. lxxi. . Perfuming Shrew, Pennant, Quadr. vol. ii, 1781, p. 477. 1 Pygmura, Andorson, Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 229. 172 MAMMALIA, Sorex cmrulescens, Shaw, Genl. Zool. vol. i, pt. 2 (1800), p. 533, partim. Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p 82, sed nec “'S. erassicaudatus, Licht.; Jerdon, Mamm. of Ind. 1867, p. 53. Sorex indicus et murinus, Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. du Mus.; t.xvii, 1811, p.183; et p. 186: Mém. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. t.i, 1815, p. 303, pl. xv, figs. 1 & 2. Sorex indicus, F. Cuv., Hist. Nat. des Mammif., livr". XL, Avril 1823, pl. 28: Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1830, p. 99. ‘ : Sorex sonneratii, Is. Geoff. St. Hil., Ann. du Mus.t. xv, 1827, p. 132. Mus giganteus, Js. Geoff. St. Hil., Mém. du Mus. 1827, p. 137 (partim). Sorex myosurus, Grey & Shaw, Ill. Ind. Zool. vol. i, 1832, Mamm. pl. ix, nec C. myosurus, Pallas. Sorex murinus, Gray, List of Mamm. B. M. 1843, p. 78 (partum) ; Kelaart, Prod. Fauna Zeylanica 1852, p. 30. Sorex tytleri, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxviii, 1859, p. 285. Crocidura (P.) waldemarii, Peters, Monatsh. K. P. Acad., 1870, p. 590. Pachyura indica, Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soe. 1873, p. 231. Crocidura. (P.) fulvocinerea, et sindensis, Anderson, Journ, As, Soc. Beng. vol. xlvi, pt. 11,1877, pp. 263 et 266. Hab. India generally ; Ceylon; Arakan and Burma. The form is rather heavy in the fully adult, but in the adolescent it is less so: the limbs are short and stout. The head slopes gradually downwards and forwards from the vertex, and the snout, which varies in length, is long, but slightly depressed from beyond the moustachial swelling, which appears to gain in breadth as the animal advances in age, the head generally becoming much heavier than it is in the adolescent. The snout terminates in two somewhat tubular nostrils, which are divided from each other by a sharp incision ; their orifices look outwards and forwards. There is a slight contraction before the eyes, followed by the considerable moustachial swelling. Theeyes aresmall. The ears are mo- derately large and rounded, but of varying dimensions. The hind feet and toes are rather short, but of variable size, and the claws are moderately developed. The snout and the chin are seminude, sparsely clad with short pale hairs, but the moustachial hairs are numerous and long. The ears also are only very sparsely clad along their margins, and over their external aspect, with short delicate hairs. The fore-limb is densely clad, almost to the wrist, but immediately above the joint the hairs are short and sparse, and this character is preserved by the pelage on the backs of the fore-feet, while on the toes the hairs are fewer, and occur only between the rings that mark their upper snrface. The backs of the fore-feet are also scaly. The lower half of the tibial portion of the hind limb is almost nude, the hairs being few and short, and this character occurs also on the upper surface of the pes. The feet have thus the appear- CROCIDURA. 173 ance of being nearly nude. There is a seminude area around the urino-genital orifice continuous with the seminude skin of the under surface of the tail. The tail is very thick at the base in the males, and has the appearance of being round, while in reality it is broader than it is deep from above downwards ; like the hinder feet it is somewhat variable in length. It is marked by fine, much interrupted con- centric rings, 25 to 80 to half an inch, and between these short white hairs occur, but so sparsely as in no way to obscure the skin, and at intervals of about quarter of an inch, long, isolated, white hairs occur to within half an inch of the tip of the tail. The fur varies in length, probably according to climate and seasonal changes. It is generally: pure grey, but the tips of the hairs in adults are generally yellowish grey, so that animals have not unfrequently a pale fawn tint mixed with greyish, and in Assam specimens the fur is marked with reddish brown. All the seminude parts are pinkish flesh-coloured. The colour, however, is darkest in youth, when it is dark slate-grey, and palest in adult life, when it appears to become more rufous. The female (5), killed along with the male (4), has a decided rufous tint all over the ‘ upper parts ; so much so that the colour may be described as rufous fawn, with a slight greyish tint on the side, the under surface also being grey with a rufous tint. In this gravid female the fur is extremely short, while in the male it is much longer, The following me asurements may be given of both sexes :— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assam var. fulwo- cinerea. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. Tip of snout to vent . . | 635 | 5°15 | 5°90 | 7:00 | 6°30 | 6:07 | 4°35 Vent to tip of tail 5 . | 3°65 | 3°05 | 3:50 | 4°00 | 3°50 | 3°90 | 2°83 Length of hindfeet . . | 1:03 | 0°90 | 1°03 | 1°03 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 0°82 Tip of snout to eye . | 0°88 | 0°70 | 0°87 | 0°98 | 0°89 | 0-07 | 0°70 Eyetoear . Z ‘ . | O51 | O41 | O51 | 0°65 | 0°54 | 0°57 | 0°35 Height of ear; . is . | 0°60 | 0°50 | 0°58 | 0°56 | 0°49 | 0°50 | 0°35 Breadth of ear. ; . | 0°55 | 0-47 | 0°52 | 0°45 | 9-46 | 0-41 | 0°40 1 The height of the ear is taken in a straight line from below the orifice, andl the breadthis measured from the centre ofastraight line between the upper and lowerends of the conch, backwards to its free margin. 174 MAMMALIA. The following are the skull measurements :— $ 9 No. 5. | No. 4. Inferior margin of foramen magnum to tip os pr Sn EOee between first incisors . | 140 1:26 Greatest breadth acrossmolars . ; 0°51 0°47 Breadth behind infraorbital foramen . ‘ . | 0°28 0°28 ;» anterior to expansion of brain case é . | 0°35 0°35 » external to glenoid articulation ‘ é : 0°51 0°55 oe ae to tympanic ‘4 ; : : . | 0°67 0°62 Condyle of lower jaw to commencement of alveolar line . 0°77 0°77 The skulls are from two specimens from Caleutta, the measurements of which are already given. The female skull is that of an old animal, as the teeth are considerably worn and the basi-occipital suture has wholly disappeared, while in the ' male skull there is still a trace of it, but in the male skull the teeth are also worn. The male is the larger, with much more posterior breadth and much more powerful first incisors than the female skull. Although sexual, the differences in dentition show themselves in the upper first incisors, and not in the canines, as in other mammals. There are 14 dorsal, and 19 caudal vertebra. At first I was disposed to recognise two large shrews as existing in Calcutta, one with larger feet than the other, but on a more extended enquiry I had to abandon any such opinion because of the constant recurrence of intermediate individuals, leading from one extreme into the other. The variability of the tail in this, as in other shrews, was @ priori to be looked for owing to the circumstance that the tails of the newly born of the same litter vary considerably, and are always very short. In two females of the same brood the tail in one measured 3°05, and in the other 3:44. In the same individuals the hind foot is also seen to be the subject of considerable variaton. There can be no doubt but that this species, as well as other species of shrews, breed before they are adult, long before the basi-occipital suture of the skull shows any sign of tending to become obliterated, and long before the cranial muscular CROCIDURA. 175 ridges become defined. This being the case, it will probably be found that the young of these adolescent mothers are smaller than those produced by the larger fully mature females: The young of this large shrew are born with none of their teeth through the gums, but at the same time the teeth are well developed, the gum forming a sharp ridge over the incisors and intermediate teeth to the second premolar, the incisors rapidly piercing the gum, their tips showing before the eyes have opened, and the large cusp of the second pre- molar rapidly following them. Even before the eyes are opened, the young shrew is most active in its movements, rushing about ina wild way and snapping at everything that may touch it, its mobile snout being in constant motion. The head in the young state bears a very large proportion to the size of the trunk, The gland on the side is situated nearly half-way between the fore and hind limbs, in a line with the head of the humerus, or nearly so. Around the gland, the fur is rather sparse, but its position is indicated by the existence of narrow short hairs arranged in two lateral bands which arch inwards and meet over the middle of the gland, the two bands being continuous behind the gland, and their hairs at that point arching forwards. These glands are equally developed in the male and female. In the very young shrew the musky odour emitted by this gland is hardly perceptible, but it is overpowering ia theadult. It is, therefore, probably a means of bringing the sexes of this nocturnal animal together, as their sight cannot be very keen, whereas it is evident that their sense of smell is acute, or it may protect them against their enemies. There is a distinct sac beyond the true termination of the rectum, opening by a puckered orifice nearly 4 of an inch within the sac: on either side of the rectal orifice, but below it, there isa deep pit, doubtless the orifice of a compound anal gland. The Sorex caerulescens, Shaw (General Zoology, vol. 1, part. 2, 1800, p. 538), is founded on Pennani’s shrew, or shrews from Java and the East India Islands, and on the Musaraigne Musquée: de UiInde of Buffon, which Shaw states was brought from Bengal by Sonnerat, whereas M. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, who also apparently described this species as 8. indicus, informs us (Ann. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat,, t. 17, 1811, p. 183) that his type had been originally described by Buffon as the Musaraigne de Inde (Hist. Nat. Suppl., t. vii, 176 MAMMALIA. p. 281, pl. 71), and that it was founded on an individual brought from Pondicherry by Sonnerat. He also seemed disposed to regard 8. murinus, Liun. as alsoidentical with it. In the same volume of the Annales du Muséum in which Geoff, St. Hilaire described 8. izdicus, he also described 8. capensis, said to have been obtained at the Cape of Good Hope ; and in the Ist volume of the Mémoires du Muséum, 1815, plate xv, fig. 1, he gave a good representation of the former from a specimen obtained at Tranquebar. In 1827, in the Mém. du ° - Mus. d’ Hist. Nat., vol. xv, Is, Geoff. St, Hilaire disputed the - correctness of his father’s views regarding the specific dis- tinctness of §. indicus and S. capensis, and held them to be one and the same species, and he renamed it S. sonneratii. He doubted that the type of S, capensis had come from the Cape of Good Hope, as he considered it unlikely that such a mam- mal would have been overlooked by Kolbe, Sparrman, Levail- lant and Daniel, and that the expedition under Baudin, Quoy and Gaimard, Lesson and Garnot and Delalande, could have failed to discover it, if it existed. Duvernoy regarded 8. capensis as the same as 8. serpentarius, Is. Geoff., and he pointed out that the type of S. capensis was an individual from the Isle of France, where it had been obh- tained in 1804 by Peron and Lesueur. Desmarest followed Geoff. St. Hilaire in separating 8. indicus from 8. capensis. In 1827 Is. Geoff. St. Hilaire described a shrew which he said was found on the Continent-of India, and prebably also on the islands of the Archipelago, and which he identified with Mummy shrews from the Catacombs of Thebes and Mem- phis. Of this shrew he says two good figures had been. published, being one by his father (Mém. du Mus., vol. i, plate xv, fig.1) under the name of Musaraigne, 8. indicus, and the other by F. Cuvier in the Histoire Nat. des Mammif., under the name of Monjourou, 8. indieus, Geoff. St. Hilaire, however, states that this figure of S. indicus was, as I have already stated, taken from a Tranquebar individual. F. Cuvier’s figure is apparently from a Pondichery animal obtained by Leschenault and is anan example of the dark variety. This shrew Is. Geoff. named Sorex giganteus. Writing again, 1834 (Zool. Voy. de Belanger, p. 117), he gave a good description of the species founded on an indivi- dual from Bengal. As there is no example of the large shrew of Egypt in this museum, I cannot say anything regarding its specific identity or distinctness from the giaut shrew of India. CROCIDURA. 177 With regard to the food of this animal and of its allies generally, it is noteworthy that Is. Geoff. St. Hilaire states on the authority of Bélanger, that the large shrew at Pon- dichery “ ferait de grands dégats dans les magasins de riz.” Being aware that the natives of Bengal generally assert that the musk shrew is a great eater of rice and of pulse, I procured a few alive to watch their habits. I found them, as was to be expected, thoroughly nocturnal, spending. the day in sound slumbers when undisturbed, but waking up at nightfall, when they became very restless. I placed rice beside them, but it was always left untouched, whereas cockroaches were eaten with avidity. I have examined the contents of the stomachs of a large number of specimens, and have found traces of hair, ants, larve of flies, and flies themselves and bits of flesh, and a tapeworm. I am there- \ fore disposed to believe that Bélanger was entirely wrong in ascribing to these animals depredations wholly attributable to rodents. 2294 § 6. Two stuffed adults, Nos. 244A & B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. ce. The skeleton of an adult female, No, 244C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. ad. The skull of a male, No, 244D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta. e & f. Two adult males in alcohol and the skull of e. Royal Botanical Gardens, Howrah. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1867. g. An adolescent male in alcohol and its skull. Ceylon. Presented by H. Nevill, Esq., 26th February 1871. htoj. Three newly born females in alcohol. Calcutta. Purchased, 14th August 1871, k & l. Two adult males in alcohol. Purneah. Museum Collector, March 1872. m to p. An adult male and female, and one adolescent female, and another gravid, in alcohol, and the skulls of x & p. Fathigurh.. Presented by Andrew Anderson, Esq,, 22nd April 1872. § r. An adult male and an adult female in alcohol and the skull of g. Calcutta, Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 22nd July 1872. gs. Anadult male in aleohol and its skull imperfect. Purneah. Presented by G. W. Shillingford, Esq., 28rd August 1872. ¢. An adult male in alcohol and its skull. Colombo, Cey- lon. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, October 1872. The M 178 MAMMALIA. skull of this specimen has only 28 teeth, the small intermedi- - ate tooth having disappeared. w. An adult female in alcohol and its skull. Calcutta. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. v & w. Two adult males in alcohol and the skull of w. Caleutta. Presented by Mr. R. DeCruz, 6th February 1875, 2 § y. An adolescent and a young male in alcohol, and the skull of 2 Museum Offices, Kyd Street, Calcutta, 19th April 1878. zg. The skin of an adult female, and its skull and bones of the trunk, Circular Road, Calcutta, Purchased, 8th May 1876. aa, An adult male in alcohol and its skull. Madras. By exchange with the Central Museum, Madras, 13th Decem- ber 1876. | 6b. The skeleton of an adult male. Calcutta. Purchased, 8rd May 1877. ce. The skeleton of an adult male. Calcutta. Purchased, 5th May 1877. dd. The skeleton of an adult male. Calcutta. Purchased, 6th May 1877. ee & ff. Au adult and gravid female and an adult female in alcohol. Calcutta. Purchased, 10th May 1877. 99 & hh. Two skins of adult males, their skulls and bones of the trunks. Calcutta. Purchased, 16th May 1877. z.. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of an adult male. . Calcutta. Purchased, 22nd May 1877. jj» The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of an adult fe- male, Calcutta. Purchased, 25th May 1877. kk. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of.an adult fe- male. Calcutta, Purchased, 30th May 1877. i. The skin, skull, and bones of the trunk of an adult fe- male. Calcutta. Purchased, 3lst May 1877. mm. The skin and-skeleton of an adult male. Calcutta, 5th June 1877. nn § oo. An adult and adolescent male in alcohol, Cal- cutta. Purchased, 19th February 1877. pp. The skeleton of an adult male. Calcutta. 7th May 1877. qq & vr. Two young animals in alcohol, eyes still closed. Museum Offices, Kyd Street, Calcutta. 17th July 1877. Vaz, fulvocinerea. ss. An adult male and female in alcohol and their skulls. Gauhati, Assam. Museum Collector, October 1872. CROCIDURA. 179 The skin of an adult and its skull. Gauhati. Mu- seum Collector, October 1872. wu. An adult female in alcohol, No. 247C of Blyth’s Cata- logue, Arakan. Presented by Sir Arthur P, Phayre, 1845. VaR. sindensis, vv, An adult female in alcohol anditsskull. Kardchf. By exchange with the Kardchi Museum, 2nd April 1877. Type of C. sindensis. ww & xe. Two females in alcohol. Karéchi. By ex- change with the Kardchi Museum, 19th March 1877. yy to 666. An adolescent and a young male and_ two females in alcohol. Karachi. By exchange with the Kardé- chi Museum, 29th April 1879. ece § ddd, An adult male and another inalcohol. Karachi. By exchange with the Karachi Museum, 4th June 1878, eee & ggg. Three specimens in alcohol. Karachi. By ex- change with the Karachi Museum, 12th December 1879. 230, Crocidura beddomii, ~. sp, Hab. Southern India (Kolleeal, Coimbatore). Snout moderately long, rather abruptly and sharply point- ed. The snout, feet and tail very pale flesh-coloured. Gene- ral colour of fur dark grey, rather richly marked with rufous in some. The tail is about half the length of the body, and the hind feet are small. The tail is nearly nude and sparsely covered with short white hairs, with a few long white hairs intermixed. The adult male and female have the following measure- ments :-— $ g Snout to vent . 2 . a . . . 430 4:10 Tail, vent to tip . . . i . 7 - 230 2:50 Hind foot . 7 : 3 ‘ . 072 068 This species is closely allied to C. cerulescens, but it is very much smaller with a proportionally less elongated snout. It is separated from C. murina also by its shorter snout, the colour of its nude parts, its sparsely clad tail and by the colour of its fur. a tod. An adult and two adolescent males and one adult female in alcohol, and the skull of a Kollegél hills, Coimba- tore District. Presented by Colonel Beddome, 25th Novem- ber 1878. e. An adult female in alcohol. Russellkonda. Ganjam District, Presented by Colonel Beddome, 25th March 1879, 180 - MAMMALIA. 231. Crocidura murina. Sorex murinus, Linn., Syst. Nat. 12th ed., 1766, p. 74; Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus., p. 83. Sorex myosurus, Pallas, Act. Acad. Petrop. vol. x, 1785, p. 327, pl.iv; Wagner, Schreber Stiugeth. Suppl. Bd. v, 1856, p. 552, partim.« Sorex cerulescens var. Raffles, Linn. Trans. vol. xiii, 1822, p. 225. ‘ Sorex serpentarius, Is. Geoff. St. Hil., Voyage de Bélanger, 1834, p. 119: Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus., 1860, p. 83. Sorex soccatus, Hodgson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xv, 1845, p. 135; Blyth, op. cit., p. 84. Sorex niger, Elliot, Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. E. Ind. Co’s. Mus. 1851, p- 135; Blyth, op. cit., p. 84. ; Sorex kandianus, et ferrugineus, Kelaart, Prod. Faune Zeylanice, 1852, pp. 30, 31. : Sorex heterodon, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 80; viridescens. Sorex viridescens, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc., Beng., vol. xxviii, 1859, p. 285. Sorex albinus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxix, 1860, p. 90. Sorex griffithii, Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus., 1863, p.-83. Crocidura (P.) ceylanica, Peters, M. B. Akad. Berl., 29th July, 1870, 5 p. 591. eae (P.) blanfordi, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xlvi, pt. ii, 1877, p. 269. Crocidura (P.) blythiiet pealana Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xlvi, pt. ii, 1877, pp. 264, 267 et 276. Hab. Eastern and Southern India; Himalayas (Nepal, Sikkim) ; Assam, Khasi Hills; Arakan, Burma; Tenasserim, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, China (Amoy). Snout moderately long and pointed, not much swollen across the incisors. Lower lip sharp and pointed. Feet well developed, the hind feet being rather large. Fore-limb clothed to the wrist; tibial portion of hind limb in its lower half moderately clad with short brown hairs. Snout, ears, feet, and tail brown; claws moderate and yellow; tail some- what swollen at the base, round, rather thickly clad with short dark brown hairs, and with long white and brownish hairs interspersed. Tail about the length of the trunk without the head, but varying much in its dimensions. General colour above brown, generally more or less washed with rusty or reddish, and sometimes with a faintly grizzled sheen in cer- tain lights. Under surface dark mousey brown. Fur soft and silky, generally rather short, but longer in individuals from high localities. ° & Tip of snout to vent 470 hind foot without claws 0-95 tail 3:00 2 27 ” 415 ” ” 22 »” 0°80 ” 2-70 In this as in the former species and those which follow, the CROCIDURA. 181 male is considerably larger than the female, and, moreover, the individual differences in size in the sexes are considerable. The first incisors above are rather long and the curve out- wards from the base anteriorly is not so abrupt as in the previous species, but it is not a character calling for special remark, as the degree to which it occurs is variable.. The antero-posterior breadth of the posterior portion of the first incisor equals the same breadth across the base of the anterior portion of the tooth where it joins its posterior por- tion. The cusp of the posterior portion is not prominent, and there is only a very obscure process of the cingulum at its inner side. The second incisor is large and its breadth above equals the united breadth of the 3 incisors and eye tooth, and its point is above the level of the middle'cusp of the false molar. The second premolar is smaller than the canine and lying immediately behind it, and in contact with it is the first premolar which is wholly visible from the outside of the jaw or nearly so. The cusp on the anterior border of the Ist premolar is well developed and in nearly the same line as the points of the 3 incisors, and above the point of the canines, which is at a lower level. Skull measurements. Male fully adult, and female nearly so. No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 & Length of skull . 130 049 O31 082 051 O59 O74 g » ” - 105 0438 025 030 048 O56 063 Tomes describes the type of S. griffithii as characterised by the large size of its teeth, which exceeded, he states, those of any example of S. cerulescens he had ever seen. Such a description, however, is in no way applicable to the types of S. griffthit as understood by Blyth, and it is therefore per- fectly evident, apart from external characters, that they are not the 8. griffithit of Horsfield. Tomes, however, did not concur with Horsfield in considering the fur as either short, close, or soft, but describes it as of medium length, deep blackish grey, glossy and rather coarse. The specimens from Arakan described by Blyth as 8. muriuus (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, Vol. XVII, 1851, p. 15) were afterwards the types of Blyth’s 8. grifithii, but these specimens were _ regarded by 'omes as S. cerulescens, and one of them appears to be that species. ; Blyth was under the impression that the type of 8, grif- fithii was from the Khasi Hills, although described from Afgh4nistén, because he saw a fine skin of a shrew be 182 MAMMALIA, believed to be S. griffithii from Chardptnji in the possession of Griffith. This specimen had been forwarded to the India. House by Dr. M’Clelland, and Blyth seems to have concluded: that it was the type of S. griffithii, Horsfield; but the evidence is unsatisfactory, and, moreover, Blyth’s speci-.. mens, as already observed, do not agree with the description of 8. griffithia. In the type of C. heterodon, beyond the inward folding of the hair on the sides of the heel, as occurs in shrews generally, I cannot detect the hairy patch mentioned by Blyth. The feet have had the tarsal bones removed, atid the heel thus appears to begin at a bared portion of the leg, and in this way I think Blyth had been misled. The type of 8. viridescens, Blyth, was “a flat skin, tailless, and with only one hind foot attached.” 23la. A stuffed adult male and its skull, No. 247A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Chérdptnji. Presented by F. Skipwith, Esq., 1846. é. An adult female in alcohol and its skull; No. 247B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Chérapinji. Presented by F, Skipwith, Esq., 1846. cto f. An adolescent male and three adult females in alco- hol, and the skull of d. Sibsdégar, Nég4 Hills, Assam. Pre- sented by 8S. E. Peal, Esq., February 1871. g. The skin and skull of an adult female. Sibségar, As- sam. Presented by 8. E. Peal, Esq., February 1871. h. Stuffed specimen, No. 248C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Mergui. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1858. i. A stuffed specimen, No. 250A of Blyth’s Catalogue Charapinji. “Presented by R. W. G. Frith, Esq., 1855. Type of 8. heterodon, Blyth. jy. A young female in alcohol and its skull; and No, 248E of Blyth’s Catalogue; its skull much blackened. Mergui. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1853. ké. An adolescent female in alcohol and its skull. Chara- punjf. Presented by Lieutenant J. H. Bourne, 12th July 1871. Z. The skin of an adult male and its skull. Samaguting, Assam, Presented by Captain J. Butler, 1373. m to o. One adult male, and one adult and one adolescent female-in alcohol, and the skulls of m and o. Samaguting, Assam. Presented by Captain J. Butler, 1873. p. A young male shrew in alcohol, and its skull, apparently this species. Sibsdgar, Assam, Presented by S. E. Peal, Esq., July 1871, | CROCIDURA, 183 q. A stuffed adolescent, No, 244E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Tenasserim, Presented by W. Theobald, Esq., 1855. r, A stuffed adult and portion of its skull, No. 246A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Calcutta, 1859, s. Theskin of afemale. Head of Barak river, N4ga Hills, Assam. Presented by Lt..Colonel H. H. Godwin-Austen, 26th August 1873, ¢. A stuffed adult male and its skull, No. 246D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Amoy. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1854. w. The skin in alcohol and its skull, No. 246E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Amoy. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1859. v. A stuffed specimen and portion of its skull, No. 245A of Blyth’s Catalogue; in bad condition. Amoy. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1859. The type of Sorex albinus, Blyth, w & x. Two adult females in alcohol and their skulls. Sibsagar, Assam. Presented by 8S. E. Peal, Esq., 20th December 1875, Types of C. pealana. y. A stuffed specimen. ‘Tinnevelly. Presented by the Rev. H. Baker, 1859. This is the pale specimen mentioned by Blyth. : z. & aa, An adult male and female in alcohol and their skulls. Travancore. Presented by the Rev. Mr. Baker, 1870. 64. Skin from Madras. Presented to the Museum of the East India Company by Colonel Sykes, and presented to the Indian Museum by the India Museum, London, through the Trustees of the British Museum, 13th April. 1880. This is one of the types, if not the type, of S. niger, Sykes, and is probably the specimen mentioned in the Catalogue of the East India Company’s Museum (Horsfield), p. 135, No. 147. ec & dd. Two stuffed adult males (?) and their skulls, Nos. 246 G and H of Blyth’s Catalogue. Malabar. Presented by the Rev. H. Baker, June 1859. Type of 8. viridescens, Blyth. ee. A stuffed adolescent specimen, in very bad condition ; No. 251A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by the Rev. H. Baker, 1858. : jf. A stuffed male and its skull; No. 248A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Kandy, Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Kelaart, 1852. Type of Sorex handianus, Kelaart. gg. A stuffed female and its skull. Khandala, 2,000 feet. Western Ghat. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1871. Type C. (P.) blanfordi, Anderson. 1 Journ. As, Soc. Beng. Vol. XXVIII, p. 284. 184 MAMMALIA. hh. A stuffed specimen and its skull, No. 249A of Blyth’s Catalogue, Darjeeling. Presented by Major W. 8. Sherwill, 1854. ii. A nearly adult female in alcohol and its skull. Darjeeling. Presented by W. S, Atkinson, Esq., May 1871. jj to mm. Two adolescent females. Sureil, British Sikkim. Presented by George King, Esq., M.B., 10th February 1879., nn to pp. Three adult males: no history; probably from British Sikkim. gq to vv. Two adolescent, and three adult males, and one adult female in alcohol. Sureil, British Sikkim. Presented by J. L. Lister, Esq., 10th February 1879. ww to yy. An adolescent, a young and younger female in alcohol. Darjeeling. By exchange with W. T. Blandford, Esq., 27th November 1877. 232, Crocidura swinhoei. Sorex swinhoei, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxviii, 1859, p. 285. Sorex murinus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxix, 1860, p. 89, par- tim ; ibid., Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus., 1863, p. 83, partum. Hab. China (Amoy). Snout long and pointed. Ears rather large. Feet propor- tioned to body; claws rather strong and blunt. Lower half of limbs with short hair; upper surface of feet not seminude, but clad with short brownish-yellow hairs. Tail about the length of the trunk; long, and ringed, covered with short yellowish-brown hair, with long white and brownish hairs intermixed. Fur short, silky dark brown, with a glossy lustre; the under surface mousey brown. _ Length of stuffed specimen 3”:60 ; fore-foot 0”'43 ; hind foot 0°:72; tail 2”°40. Unfortunately the dental portion and the lower jaw are the only parts of the skull that have been preserved. The upper front incisors are short, convergent to their tips, but widely apart throughout. There is a well-developed tubercle en the inside of the basal eminence. The small front premolar is placed entirely within the line of the other teeth on the palatal surface. The tooth on either sidé oceupies exactly the same position as its fellow, and this cir- cumstance leads me to regard the arrangement as normal, Even supposing it were not, the general characters of the Shrew themselves separate it from C. murina, with which Blyth regarded it as identical. The second incisoris large and more CROCIDURA. 185 than exceeds the size of the united third incisor and canine. These two last mentioned teeth are rather small, and the canine slightly exceeds the size of the incisor. The tip of the chief cusp of the false molar is below the level of the point of the second incisor. 232a. A stuffed adult,-No. 246C of Blyth’s Catalogue and its skull. Amoy. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1854. Type of 8. swinhkoer, Blyth, 233. Crocidura bidiana. Crocidura (P.) stoliczkana et bidiana, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvi, pt. ii, 1877, pp. 270, 276. Ilab. Southern and Western India (Madras and Bombay). Snout long and pointed. Ears moderately large and round, and rather well haired. Feet large and seminude; the lower halves of the radial and tibial portions are also semi- nude; claws with rather long sharp curved points. Tail not much swollen at the base, equalling the length of the trunk and one-half of the head, well covered with short brown hairs, with Iong whitish hairs intermixed, their bases being dark brown. Snout, ears, and feet pale reddish brown, tail darker. Fur long, fine, and dense, 0°35 in length, reddish brown above and below, the basal portion of‘the fur, as usual, being dark slaty. The under surface has also a greyish gloss, Length, tip of snout to vent Se ee we Ee BBO) 6 of tail . a ‘: 5 . s » 260 6 of hind foot ‘ < - , r i > 0°80 58 tip of snouttoeye . . . . . . » 0°70 255 eye to ear “ - é 5 . » 027 Height of ear ‘ - * ' si Z » 027 Breadth of ear ‘ : . 5 ; : . » 0°30 The foregoing specimen is a male with nearly all the sutures of the skull obliterated. The upper incisors are not very prominent and but little curved, and there is a small but well-defined tubercle on the inner side of the posterior portion of these teeth forming a sharp conical cusp. The second incisor is large and nearly equals the length of the chief cusp of the first molar. The third incisor and canine are almost of equal size, but the latter, as is generally the case, is slightly larger than the former. The premolar is small and wedged in between the canine and the first molar, is sharply conical, and nearly wholly visible externally. The anterior cusp on the first molar is small and rather blunt, and 186 MAMMALIA. considerably above the level of the point of the canine. There is a minute eminence on the outside of the lower in- cisor near its tip. The total length of the upper line of teeth is 07°45. The skull unfortunately met with an accident before it was measured. The smallerand more rounded ears, its larger size, and the presence of a lateral gland separate it from C. rubicunda, 233a. An adult male in aleohol, and its skull, imperfect. Madras. By exchange with the Central Museum, 18th December 1876. Type of C. bidiana. 6, An adolescent male in alcohol and its skull. Bombay. Presented by Dr. F, Stoliczka, 12th April 1872. TZype of C. stoliczkana, 234. Crocidura macrotis. Sorex peyrottetii, Blyth, (partim) Journ. As. Soc., vol. xvi (1847), . 1275. Sorte melanodon,' Blyth Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 33. Sorex nudipes, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 34. Pachyura nudipes, Blyth, Fizinger, Sitzungsber, Ak. Wiss. Wien. 1868, p. 172 ; Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1873, p. 231. Pachyura assamensis, Anderson, Proc. Zool, Soc, 1873, p. 232. Crocidura (P.) macrotis, et nitidofulva, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng, vol. xlvi, pt. ii, 1877, pp. 271 & 272. Hab. Lower Bengal (Calcutta), Assam (Godlpdra), Tenas- serim (Amherst), ‘ Snout seminude, long, and somewhat swollen across the incisors, with the nasal portion attenuated. Ears moderately large and rather patulous, their antero-posterior breadth equalling two-thirds of the distance from their lower angles to the tip of the snout; sparsely covered with short brown hairs on their outer, and partially so, on their inner surface. Limbs rather feeble, shortly haired from the elbow and knee down- wards. Feet only sparsely covered with short brown hairs which are paler on the toes; toes rather short; claws well developed. Tail equalling or not quite equalling the length of the trunk, rounded, tapering and ringed, nearly nude in appearance, owing to the shortness of the brown hairs which sparsely clothe it; moderately long white hairs in- terspersed us usual. Fur very short, shining brown or dark-brown above, which is also the colour of the upper sur- _ ! Wagler in 1833 (Isis, p, 54) named a red-toothed shrew S. melanodon = 8, vulgaris. CROCIDURA. 187 faces of the snout and tail; lower half of ears, chin, and feet, yellowish brown. Adolescent $ Adult 9 Length, tip of snout to vent + in. 167 in. 1-75 » of tail - ‘ & yy DOS » 1:27 » hindfoot . . + 5, 0°32 » 0°34 » tipofsnouttoeye . « ay ODF » 0°30 » eye to ear é : + s9 O17 » O14 ‘Height of ear 7 G » » O19 » 0:20 Breadth of ear 5 . ‘ + 95 O15 » O24 The first upper incisors are rather widely apart, directed forwards and downwards. A well-developed tubercle on the inner side of the posterior portion, which is conically pointed, The second incisor is large, and more than equalling the longi- tudinal length of the third incisor and the canine; the third incisor is only a little smaller than the canine ; the premolar ig placed behind the canine, has a sharp point, and is visible ex- ternally, but its point is much above the level of the point of the anterior cusp of the first molar; the chief cusp of this last mentioned tooth is but little longer than the second incisor, Blyth, in describing this species, stated that it was “ remark- able for its naked feet and very large ears; also for the odori- ferous glands on the sides being strongly developed ; whereas we can detect them in no other of these minute species.” The feet, however, of the type specimens, named in Blyth’s own handwriting, appear to be quite as well haired, if not more so than in some other species, and, moreover, the elands on the sides are not peculiar to it as a small species. As the character assigned by Blyth, viz., naked feet, is mislead. ing, I have re-named this species after its distinguishing feature, namely, its large ears. It is closely allied to C. perrottetdi from the Nilgiris, but is distinguished from it by its larger ears and by the character of its teeth, the first incisor being well curved, with a prominent eminence at the base, and the first intermediate tooth being large and conical. 284 ato e. Fouradult males and one adult female, and the skulls of a, dand e. Nos, 254A to E of Blyth’s Catalogue. Amherst, Tenasserim. Presented by E. P. Reilly, Esq., 1847. Types of 8. nwdipes, Blyth. ; J & g. Two adult males in alcohol, and the skull of Nos. 255 A & B of Blyth’s Catalogue. Caleutta, 1855-57... Types of S. medanodon, Blyth, and of C. nitidofulva, Anderson. h, An adult male in alcohol. Calcutta. Presented by Mr. C. Swaries, March 1873. 188 MAMMALIA. 2. An adult male in alcohol and its skull. Godlpara, Assam Presented by H. L. Houghton, Esq., 2nd December 1866 Type of P. assamensis, Anderson. jy. An adult male in alcohol and its skull. Botanical Gardens, Howrah. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1872. k. A gravid female, with five foetuses in the womb, one opposite to the os, in alcohol, and its skull. Jessore. Pre- sented by James Wood-Mason, Esq., October 1873. 235. Crocidura perrottetii. Sorex es Duvernoy, Mag. de Zool. Pl. 38 & 54, 1842, p. 89, Pl. 47. : Crocidura (P.) nilgirica, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xlvi, pt. 2, 1877, p. 274. Hab. Nilgiris (Utakamund). Form small, slender. Head long, somewhat flattened ; snout rather broad, but long and rather abruptly rounded towards the nostrils. Snout densely haired, and moustachial bristles rather numerous. Ears of moderate size and not hidden, rounded, and sparsely clad with short hairs. Limbs clad to the wrist and ankle, and the upper surface of the feet sparsely clad. Claws well developed and sharp; pads of feet rather prominent. Tail equals about the length from the vent to the front of the shoulder; not swollen at the base, rather slender ; finely ringed, about 12 to 13 rings to the one- tenth of an inch; numerous short strong hairs between the rings, with scattered, long black hairs. Fur short, dense, and velvety ; genéral colour, snout, ears, tail and upper surface of limbs, deep fuliginous, velvety black or dark brown, paler below with asilvery lustre. Claws yellowish. Adult male. Length from tip of snout to vent . ; . in, 1°78 . Oftall 6 oe) em ee gy ETD » of hind foot . j : 7 js + 9, 035 Height of ear . ‘ . 7 . . © 4, 015 Breadth of ear . ‘ 5 » O15 The skull proves this specimen to be fully adult, as the sutures on the base of the cranium are obliterated. A small portion of the occipital has been broken off, but sufficient remains on one side to indicate that the foramen magnum has been very large ; measured from the inferior border of the foramen magnum to the end of the palate anteriorly, the total length of the adult skull is only 0°45. The condyles are CROCIDURA. 189 large, and there is a considerable concavity or depression immediately over the temporal fossa. The most marked feature of the skull is the character of the teeth, more espe- cially of the first upper incisor, which is short and but little, if at all, hooked, and destitute of the marked eminence at its base posteriorly, which is so distinctive of the generality of shrews. There is a slight indication of the position of the eminence on the outer side of the tooth, but no more, and the tip of the first intermediate tooth is but little below the basal portion of the first incisor, and the immediately succeeding teeth gradually diminish in size to the fourth intermediate tooth, which is well developed, and in the line of the teeth before it, and almost wholly visible externally. The anterior portions of the crowns of these three teeth are rather sharply pointed. The apex of the crown of the first molar is on a level with the base of the first incisor. The last tooth has two distinct cusps. The condyle of the lower jaw is not divided by a notch. Inferior border of foramen magnum to tip of premaxille F in, 0°45 Breadth across molars < * . . ij ‘ e : 017 », at posterior border of infraorbital foramen - >, 016 » at middle of frontal contraction +5, O18 » external glenoid fossz -,, O21 5% » to auditory canal - 026 Length of upper row of teeth - >, O21 » Oflower ,, ,, » ‘ +» O14 235 a § 4. Two adult males in alcohol and the skull of a. Utakamund, Nilgiris, Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 30th July 1877. e & d. Two adults in alcohol. Nilgiris. Presented by Lt.- Colonel Beddome, 28th July 1879. 236. Crocidura (P). travancorensis. Crocidura (P.) travancorensis, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc., Beng., vol. xlvi, pt. 2, 1877, p: 275. Hab. Southern India (Travancore); Head more elongated before the ear than in P. macro- tis; ears moderately developed and sparsely clad; feet seminude, with short white hairs, hardly hiding the scaly skin. Claws well developed, sharp. ‘Tail equalling the length of the trunk without the head ; not swollen at the base, tetragonal, scaly, ringed, 43 rings to the quarter inch and not obscured by the hairs, which are extremely few and short, those at the tip being longest; long white hairs interspersed. 190 MAMMALIA, Fur very short, dense, and soft; reddish brown above, the under surface greyish, with a warm tint, silvery in certain lights. Feet yellowish brown. Tail above concolorous wi the upper surface of the body. $ Length from tip of snout to vent . : : ri s in. 1:66 5s of tail . . . ‘ 5 ; wv 29 5 of hind foot . . » ‘ ‘ 3 » O81 33 from tip of snout to. eye . ‘ ‘ ‘ . » 0°30 » eyets = x 8 7 . ‘ ¥ » O14 Height of ear . m « é 3 i 3 5 O19 Breadth of ear. . » O21 The skull has the el portion more slonaticd than in C. macrotis. The front upper incisor is short and directed downwards, and the posterior portion of the tooth has a small tubercle on its inner side, and is large and rather sharply pointed. The second is considerably larger than the third incisor and the canine combined, and its apex reaches as far downwards as the anterior point of the first incisor. The third incisor and the canine are of equal breadth, the first of the two being the longer, The small premolar is largely visible externally, al- though it lies between the canine and first molar. There is a slight swelling on the outer border of the lower incisor near its free end. 6 Anterior,border of foramen magnum to a of oe in. 0-49 Breadth across maxille . » O18 » behind infraorbital foramen. ‘ x “ a gp O12 > before brain case ‘ ¥ * s » «0 DIS » external to glenoid fossee : = z 3 + 3 020 to tympanic », 0°26 Length from condyle of lower jaw to anterior end of alveolar length from condyle of lower jaw to anterior end of alveolar line 3 i . . i i « gp O25 Length of upper alveolar line ; ‘ % ‘ « O20 35 2 lower ,, #9 . »» O12 236. An adult male in alot and ite skal, Trarancore, Presented by the Rev. H. Baker, 1871. TZyze. 6, An adult in alcohol. Kalaghat, western slopes of the Nilgiris. Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 6th April 1878. ec, An adult in alcohol. Kollegél Hills, Presented by Lt.-Colonel Beddome, 25th November 1578. i (No lateral gland.) 237. Crocidura rubicunda, Crocidura (P.) rubicunda, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvi, pt. 2, 1877, p. 277. CROCIDURA. 191 Hab, We&tern Bengal (Paresnath). Snout long and pointed, not much ‘swollen across the moustachial region, well haired. Ears large, round, very sparsely haired; rather long white hairs on the flaps. Feet slender, covered with short, nearly white hairs, so as to ob- scure the skin and projecting over the yellow claws, which are rather large and curved at the points. Tail equalling the distance from the vent to the middle of the ear, measured along the side, slightly swollen at tlfe base, round, and rather thickly clad with longish pale yellow, almost white hairs, with long white hairs intermixed. Muzzle, ears, feet and tail, pale yellowish. Fur rather long and soft, and pale rusty fawn. Under parts grey, suffused with fawn. g Length, tip of snout torent : . . . : - in, 3°40 » of tail ‘ ‘ ‘ * . + mo od » of hind foot — 3 ‘ . . i % + 5, O64 » tip of snout to oe 5 3 : ; . + » 063 2 8 eye to ear a ‘ ‘ : ‘ . - » 036 Height of ear. “ ‘ x * ¥ ‘i ‘ « w» 8S Breadth of ear ’ ‘ . a ‘ ¥ + 53 040 The first upper incisors of this female are longer, stronger and more curved than in the adult male of C. édiana, and there is no tubercle on the inside of the posterior portion of the tooth, which is not so sharply pointed as in that specjes. The second incisor is also a broader and more blunted tooth than in C. bidiana, and the third incisor is notably smaller than the canine. The premolar is largely visible externally. The lower incisors are notched in the middle, and their points are not so upwardly bent as in C, didiana. g Anterior border of foramen magnum to tip of premaxille . in. 0:93 Breadth across maxilla i fi a ‘ + 5, 0°23 » behind infraorbital foranien ‘s é “ « » 080 55 before brain case ‘ ; . ‘ + 59 O25 » external to glenoid fossxe . . . . + 4, 039 » totympanic . i . “ . » 9, 042 Length of upper alveolar line. + 5, 0°49 » from condyle of lower ae to ‘anterior end of ‘alveolar line. * . . . . - » 05: 237a. An adult female in alcohol and its skull. Paresnath. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1874. Ziype. ~ § An adolescent female. Locality unknown. Bequeathed to the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 6th March 1880. 192 MAMMALIA. 238. Crocidura subfulva. Crocidura murina, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xli, 1872, aD . 223. P Crocidura (P.) subfulva, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol, xlvi, pt. 2, 1877, p. 278. Hab. Kach. Snout rather short and broad: ears moderately developed, rather flattened above and rounded posteriorly and sparsely clad with pale-coloured hairs. Feet moderately large, and. tolerably well clad, with pale-coloured hairs hanging over the claws, which are yellow and strong. The tail equals the length of the trunk and is not swollen at the base, but it is rather thick throughout and somewhat abruptly tapers to- wards the point, and it is somewhat tetragonal. It is rela- tively well clad with short pale hairs which hide the rings, ‘and at the point the hairs form an imperfect pencil, long white hairs are intermixed. The snout, ears, feet and tail are pale yellowish-brown; the tail paler on its under surface. General colour of the upper surface pale fawn ; silvery grey on the under parts. Tip of snout to vent, 1” 90; tail, 1730; hind foot, 0-742. Front upper incisors directed forwards and downwards, posteriorsportion moderately developed and sharply conical, a very feeble but distinct tubercle on the inside. Second incisor large, sharply pointed and nearly equalling in length the first tooth, twice as broad as the third incisor and canine. The premolar is very minute and wedged in between the canine and first molar, and is partially visible externally. Anterior margin of foramen sei to = of ane in. 0°62 Breadth across maxille . © 99 023 behind infraorbital foramen . 5 5 . + 9 O12 before brain case ‘ 6 2 - ~ ay 0°20 ig external to glenoid fossee . e i . + 5, 026 i to tympanic . s a i [ - », 0°30 ‘Length of upper alveolar line . » 0°32 » from condyle of lower j jaw to ‘anterior end of alveolar” line . fe ‘ » a O86 These are rather young shrews, but From the condition of the skull of which I have given the measurements, it is ap- parent that the animal does not attain to a much larger size. It might be mistaken for the young of C. dédiana, or C, ru- bicunda, but the teeth being complete it is evident from the measurements of the upper dental line that its teeth are considerably. smaller than the teeth of either of these species. OROCIDURA. 198 238.4 & 6. An adolescent, and a younger female in alcohol, and their skulls, Kach, Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 12th April 1872, 239. Crocidura montana. Sorex montanus, Kelaart, Prod. Fauna Zey. 1852, p. 31. Hab, Ceylon Highlands. Snout long and rather broad across the moustachial region. Ears round, full, and moderately large. Feet well developed, dull brown. Lower half of limbs short haired. Claws moderately strong and curved, yellowish. Feet sparsely clad with brown hairs, generally long and white at the base of the claws. Tail shorter than the trunk and rather thickly covered with short dark brown hairs, with long pale brown or greyish hairs intermixed.. Fur full, soft, and deep slaty, the grey colour being almost obscured by dull dark brown. Under parts with a silvery sheen. Male. in. in. in. Tip of snout to vent 3°70 Height ofear 0:30 Hind foot + O74 > ta » eye 0°72 Breadthofear0:32 Tail . « 225 Upper front incisors well developed and close together . anteriorly ; a very prominent tubercle on the inner side of the posterior portion forms a distinct cusp, the posterior por- tion itself being only feebly developed. The second in- cisor large and conical, nearly equalling in length the great cusp of the false molar, and exceeding the longitudinal breadth of the third incisor and canine, which are well developed, the latter being only a little larger than the former. The second premolar is wedged in between the canine and false molar, and is wholly hidden externally. The small anterior cusp of the false molar is near the base of the tooth and is feeble, and its tip is only a-short way below the level of the crown of the first premolar. ; in. Anterior border of foramen magnum to tipof premaxille . 1:02 Breadth of maxilla . - : + 0°40 » behind infraorbital foramen. ‘ : . - 022 - anterior to braincase =. + . . . « 028 » external to glenoid articulation ‘ : é .« 040 é 55 totympanic . .- . . “oo 0:50 Length of lower jaw condyle to anterior end of alveolar line . 0°60 xy» Upper alveolar line a on . . . - 050 » » lower i 55 7 sos j » 033 N 194 MAMMALIA. 2394. An adult male in alcohol and its skull; in very bad condition. Ceylon. Presented by H. Nevill, Esq., 26th February 1874. 240. Crocidura pygmeoides. (?) Sorex pygmaeus, Hodgson, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hust. 1846, p. 269. Sorex perrottetii, Blyth (partim), Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xvi, 1847, p-.1276; op. cit. vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 34. (?) Sorex hodgsoni, Blyth, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxiv (1855), p. 34. Sorex mieronyx, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 33, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xvii, 2nd ser. 1856, p. 20; Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus. 1863, p. 85 (partim). @) Sorex atratus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc., Beng., vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 34. Pachyura micronyx, Blyth, Fitzinger, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1868, p. 171; Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1873, p. 231. Crocidura (P.) pygmexoides, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xlvi, pt. ii, p. 279. Hab. Himalaya. Snout rather long, narrow and pointed ; well clad. Ears well developed and prominent, sparsely clad with short hairs. Feet well developed, rather long and slender, the hind foot being especially Jarger than in C. macrotis, Andr.; toes moderately long: claws strong and curved. Lower portion of both anterior and posterior limbs clad with short brown hairs. Feet rather sparsely clad with short brown hairs. Tail rather long, somewhat tetragonal, and nearly equalling the length of the trunk and half of the head, ringed, 30 rings to quarter of an inch, rather densely covered with short brown hairs, which nearly hide the rings; long white in- terspersed hairs, Fur rather short, soft, and silky. General colour-rich, deep rusty brown. Snout pale rufous brown, feet yellowish brown. Under parts brownish, with a marked silvery sheen. Female. in. Length, tip of snout to vent . . és . ‘ . - 185 a of tail ‘ o é . . . . . 1:40 55 of hind foot . 2 ‘ a . - 7 . 037 ‘ tip of snout toeye . > ‘ « * : . O31 3 eyetoear . . % sf 7 i é . O15 Height of ear . ° . ee ae - . < - 020 Breadth of ear : . ‘ * é ‘ . * - 0°23 Anterior incisors well developed ; posterior portion with no internal process of the cingulum; conical point slightly directed backwards. Second incisor large, broader than the conjoint third incisor and canine, which have the usual re- lations ; premolar placed behind the canine, visible exter- CROCIDURA. 195 nally. The anterior cusp of the first molar large, its point almost on the same level as the point of the canine; the point of the chief cuspof the first molar is nearly on the same level as the point of the first incisor, in Anterior border of foramen magnum to tip of premaxill + 050 Breadth across maxille_ F . : me se - 019 5s behind infraorbital foramen , 3 ‘ ‘ - O14 53 before brain case. 3 - a) . . O15 3 external to glenoid fosse < < ‘ . . O23 as » _ to tympanic . . . » 027 Length of lower jaw, condyle to anterior end of alveolar line . 0°26 » of upper alveolar line . ‘: 7 ‘ 7 ., O13 x» of lower ~ 5 ; . ‘4 # “ . O13 Sorex hodgsoni, Blyth, was founded on a shrew so young that the skull is almost membranous and the teeth so little advanced that they had not pierced the gums, and it is im- possible, therefore, to determine the characters of the dentition. The shrew, named by Blyth S. micronyx, was a very young individual with the bones impartially ossified and the incisors only appearing through the gums, yet he derived the distin- guishing character of the supposed species from its still im-. perfectly matured claws, As the claws, however, in the adult are strong and well developed, the term micronyx is a mis- nomer and cannot be accepted. Sorex atratus was founded on a headless specimen. 240a. A young specimen in alcohol. Its skull, No. 257A and p. 85 of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling, Presented by Major Sherwill, 1854. 6. A young male in alcohol and its skull. No. 258B of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 85. Masiri. Presented by L, C. Stewart, Esq., 1852. One of the Types of S. mzcronyzx, Blyth. e. An adult female in alcohol and a fragment of its skull. No. 258A of Blyth’s Catalogue. Almord. Pre- sented by Major R. Wroughton, 1846. The specimen is much shrivelled, &c., and in bad condition. The specimen is marked 258 of Blyth’s Catalogue. d. An adult female in alcohol and its skull. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F. Stoliczka, 2nd September 1871. - e. An adult in alcohol. Mungpu, British Sikkim, Pre- sented by G, King, Esq., M.B., 1878. jf. A headless specimen in alcohol. No. 256, p. 88 of Blyth’s Catalcgue. Chérdpunji. Presented by R. A, G. Frith, Esq., 1851. This specimen is transfixed on the spine of a shrub, and it was found in this condition. Type S. atratus. 196 MAMMALIA, Sus-Genus CROCIDURA, Wagler, 1823. (Lateral gland.) 241. Crocidura rubricosa. Crocidura (C.) rubricosa et kingiana, Anderson, Journ. As. Svc. Beng., vol. xlvi, pt. ii, 1877, pp. 280 281. Hab. Northern Bengal (Purniah), and extending into the Himalaya (British Sikkim), Assam, Géro Hills and Khasi Hills. Snout pyramidal, moderately broad, well clad, nostrils rounded, divided, but not much prolonged. Ears of moderate size, and sparsely clad. Limbs in their lower halves sparsely elothed, also the feet, which are, however, covered with short brown hairs, long over the claws, which are well developed, but not much curved. Tail mouse-like, equalling the dis- tance from the vent to the angle of the mouth, somewhat tetragonal, not swollen at the base, ringed, vovered with short brown hairs, the long white hairs confined to the basal third. Colour dark or reddish brown above, more rufous, on the head and snout; feet, and under surface of tail paler yellowish brown ; under parts greyish brown, with a pre- vailing silvery sheen. 5 Length, tip of snout to vent . re . : ‘ . in. 3:20 » oftair . . 5 . ‘ ‘ + » 242 » of hind foot B * * « i . - » O60 » tipofsnout to eye . ‘ ‘ . + 55 O5L » eye to ear » a e a é ‘ - » O22 Height of ear < : a 4 ‘ 6 . » » 9028 Breadth of ear . » 030 The skull of this species is su dnhderataly Hnnputed, with the upper front incisors close together anteriorly, but not touch- ing, and there is a well-defined tubercle on the inside of the posterior portion of each tooth, narrow, sharp, and conical. The second incisor is large and equals the latter. The interior cusp on the first molar is sharply defined, but wholly developed from the cingulum. There is a marked tubercle on the outer margin of the lower incisor anterior to the middle. & Anterior border of forameh magnum to premaxille . - in, 0°73 Breadth across maxille . 5 zs 4 ‘ « 9» 027 a behind infraorbital foramen . ‘ . - , O19 si anterior to brain case . ‘ i a ‘ + 9 O21 a external to glenoid fosse . A ‘ ‘ ~ 9 OBL 45 55 totympanic . * r a : - » O87 $5 of upper alveolar line . ¥ ‘ 2 . 9 0836 3 of lower si ‘ é i . . + » O21 CROCIDURA. 197 241a to d. An adult male, two adolescent males, and one adolescent female, in alcohol, and their skulls. The female was impregnated, although the basi-occipital suture was “perfectly intact, and her teeth surfaces unground. Sibsdgar, Assam. Presented by S. E. Peal, Esq., 1867. Type. e. An adult female and portion of its skull (lower jaw.) Purniah.. Presented by S. W. Shillingford, Esq., 28th August 1872. J. An adult female in alcohol, and its skull. Charépunjf. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin Austen, 1870. g. A young male in alcohol and its skull. Gé&ro Hills. Presented by Lt.-Colonel H. H. Godwin Austen, 1870. 4. A young female in alcohol and fragments of its skull. Nazira, Assam. Presented by J. M. Foster, Esq,, 1870. «to &, Three adult males in aleohol and the skull of 2. Mungpu (British Sikhim). Presented by G. King, Esq., M.B., 6th March 1877. ‘Type 8. kingiana. The: lateral gland was so obscure in the type that I overlooked it, but other specimens have established its presence, and I have no hesitation in uniting this species with C. rubricosa. ftom. Two adult males and one adult female in alcohol. The female has three pairs of inguinal teats. Mungpu, British Sikkim. Presented by J. L. Lister, Esq., 10th February 1879. 242. Crocidura fuliginosa. Sorex fuliginosus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 362 ; Ann. & Mag, Nat. Hist., 2nd ser., vol. xvii, 1856, p. 22; Cat. Mamm. Mus. As. Soc. 1863, p. 84. Crocidura fuliginosa, Blyth, Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1873, p. 231. Hab. Tenasserim. Snout moderately long, not much pointed and not densely clad. Ears rather large, seminude. Lower portion of limbs only sparsely clad : feet nearly nude, large, and broad: claws short and deep. ‘Tailas long as the interval between the vent and eye, rounded, and rather thick at the base, finely ringed, sparsely covered with very short dark brown hairs. A few long white hairs from its root, towards its middle, Snout, ears, and tail pale yellowish-brown. Fur dense, moderately long, velvety, dark slaty at the base, the root fuliginous brown, 198 MAMMALIA. with inconspicuous, dull, long tips: under part scarcely, if at all, paler, with silvery reflections. 5, juv. 9, ad. Tip of snout to vent . . ‘ , 246 2°90 Hind foot . . ‘ 3 0 ‘ 050 060 Tail : - 3 < 195 2.30, Tip of snout to eye . : . - oe 3°43 Eyetoear . ° . . . e an 0'25 Height of ear. . . & ‘ aa 0-28 Breadth of ear. A . . . Sea 0°30 In the female skull, the base of the incisor is much directed forwards, and the tooth is then abruptly bent down- wards, the downwardly directed portion being rather ‘short. ‘The posterior portion of the tooth is not strongly developed, and the point is slightly directed backwards: the cingulum forms a strong ridge along the inside, but no tubercle. The second incisor is large and conically pointed, its points being nearly on the same level-with the point of the chief cusp of the false molar. The third incisor and canine are more than the breadth of the second incisor. The small anterior cusp on the false incisor rises above the cingulum, but its point is above the level of the point of the canine. Two not very well marked depressions or notches occur on the lower incisors. $ g Anterior border of foramen agen to tip of pre? maxille . - : - - in. O80 O76 Breadth across maxilla ° e i «= » O31 030 3 behind Jachrymal canal si a ‘ » » O20 020 34 anterior to brain case % + + 9 O23 023 93 external to glenoid articulation = » » 035 0:32 59 to tympanic o » O42 O41 Length from condyle of lower jaw to anterior end of alveolar line. 3 s - » O50 048 55 of upper alveolar line . - i - + 040 0°38 % of lower 53 35 : ; » 5 C23 025 242a¢ & 6. An adult female and an adolescent. male in alcohol, and the skull of a; Nos, 253 A & Bof Blyth’s Cata- logue, p. 84, Tenasserim ‘Provinces. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1855. Types of C. fuliginosa, Blyth. e. A mounted specimen, No. 253C of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1855. d. A skull, No. 253D of Blyth’s Catalogue. Presented by Major Berdmore, 1855. CROCIDURA. 199 242. Crocidura retusa. Crocidura (Cr.) retusa, Peters, Monatsber, der R. Akad. der Wissen. 1870, p. 585. Hab. Highlands of Ceylon (Paradinia). Snout rather long and pointed ; partially haired ; ears semi- nude, prominent. Limbs seminude in their lower halves; feet rather long and slender; claws well developed. Tail round, scaled, slender and tapering, almost equalling the length of the body and head, Fur moderately long, bright rusty red above, under parts pale silvery grey with a warm tint ; ears, feet, and under surface of tail pale reddish—yellow. $ Tip of snout to vent =. ; 3 : . % - in, 2:10 Hind foot ; “ * ‘ 5 . ‘ « », 0O'50 Vent to tip of tail . ¥ - * » » 195 Snout to eye A . ‘ 3 - 9» 087 Eye to ear % * é ~ 5 O16 Height of ear “ ‘4 , " ‘ ‘j ‘ « vw O2L Breadth of ear i # : ‘ 4 " «99 O24 The skull is almost fully adult, as the basi-occipital suture is partially closed. Upper anterior incisors close together, a well-marked tubercle on the inner side of the posterior portion.’ The third incisor and the canine are of nearly | equal size. A very minute tubercle on the outer side of the first lower incisor about its middle. The lower incisors are rather short and more forwardly directed than is generally the case among shrews. Anterior border of foramen magnum to tip of premaxilla in. 0:60 Breadth across maxille . ‘ . & sae ye OZO os behind lachrymal canal . S - x» O15 és anterior to brain case . é + * . , 0:20 ie external to glenoid articulation ae + Sake + 9 028 5 5 to tympanic és a . . + 5, 0°30 Length from condyle to anterior end of alveolarline . 4, O34 of upper alveolar line} . z 3 ; «9» 030 53 of lower ,, ae 5 a ‘ é » » O17 * The specimen agrees generally with the measurements given by Prof. Peters of his type, and apparently also with the characters assigned to the dentition of C. media. . 2434. An adult female in alcohol and its skull. Paradinia, Ceylon. Presented by W. Thwaites, Esq., 14th May 1872, 200 MAMMALIA. (Wo lateral gland.) 244. Crocidura kelaarti. Sorex kelaarti, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxiv, 1855. 9. 32 ; Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Mus., 1863, p. 84. Crocidura kelaarti, Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1873, p. 230. Hab, Ceylon (Galle). A young shrew with the very short fur of youth, Tail short; ears small, little raised above the furj; feet well. de- veloped with longish claws. Lower half of limbs and the feet seminude. General colours above and below rich rusty brown ; pale yellowish-brown on the feet. Snout well haired, ‘The shrew is evidently extremely young, probably little more than neivly born, as the teeth have evidently only been piercing the gum. Length, tip of snout to vent =. ; j . « in, 2°70 oa tip of snout to eye s s c * » yy 0°40 Hind foot . ‘ é . * i « ae 280 Eye to ear . F ‘ ‘ ‘ i 7 - » 020 Vent to tip of tail. ‘ . é A P ug 2S Height of ear . ‘ . ‘ . e < o 9 O23 Breadth of ear . : . ‘3 * A : - » O15 All the sutures are intact, and the premaxillary suture is anterior to the third intermediate tooth. It may prove to be the young of some other species already known. It is curious to observe, as Blyth remarks, that the inguinal teats of this shrew, although the animal is so very young, are well developed. 244a. A young female in alcohol and its skull, No. 252A of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 84. Galle, Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Kelaart, 1854. Type. 245. Crocidura myoides. Sorex! (Crocidura) myoides, W. 7. Blanford, Sc. Results, 2nd Yér- kand Mission, 1879, p. 16, pl. 1 fig. 1; pl. la fig. 2. Hab, Ladak (Leh). 245a@. An adult female in alcohol and its skull. “Leh, La- dak. Dr. F. Stoliczka, 1873-74. Presented by the 2nd Yér- kand Mission. Type figured and described by W. T. Blanford, 1 The teeth are white, and the front upper incisors have an obscure in- ternal process, Teeth: e+ 8 =e. SOREX, 201 Esq., F.R.S., Scientific Results of 2nd Yarkand Mission, 1879, p. 16, pls. 1 and 1a, figs. 1 and 2. 6. A flat skin, Leh. Presented by W.H. Johnson, Esq., 3lst July 1880. Sus-Famtty SORICINA, Genus SOREX, Linnzus, 1735. 246. Sorex alpinus. Sorex alpinus, Schinz, Frébel’s und Heer Mitthiel. Bd. I, Neue Denkschr. I, p. 18, fig. 1. Amphisorex alpinus, Duvernoy, Mém. de la Soc. d’ Hist. Nat. de Strasb. t. ii, 3 Suppl., 1838, p. 4; Mag. de Zool., 1842, p. 31, tab. 49. Sorex antinorii, Bonap. Icon. d. Faunae}Ital., fasc. xxix. Corsira alpinus, Blyth, Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Beng. Mus., 1863, p. 86 (partim) ; Jerdon, Mamm. of Ind. (partim), 1867, p. 61. Hab, Hurope (Alpine region). 246a, A stuffed adult, No. 261A, p. 86 of Blyth’s Cata- logue. Mt. St. Gothard. Presented by M. Melherbe, 1849. 247. Sorex vulgaris. Sorex vulgaris, Linn., Mus. Adolph. Frid. p. 10, 1754; Blasius, Na- turg. Saugeth. Deuteshi., 1857, p. 129, fig. 86. Hab. Europe. 247a. An adult female in alcohol, No. 262A, p. 86 of Blyth’s Catalogue. 6. An adult male in alcohol, No. 262B, p. 86 of Blyth’s Catalogue. 8. leucodon, apud Melherbe. France. Presented by M. Melherbe, 1854. ce. A stuffed specimen, No. 262C, p. 86 of Blyth’s Cata- logue. France. _ Presented by M. Melherbe, 1854, d. A stuffed specimen, No. 262D, p. 86 of Blyth’s Cata- logue. England. Presented by Mr. Davison, 1846. e. Askin. No history. Labelled 8. tetragonurus, England. J. Dental portion of a skull, No. 262F of Blyth’s Cata- logue, p. 86. England. Presented by Mr. Davison, 1846, 248. Sorex pygmeeus. ’ Sorex pygmezus, Pallas, Zoor. Ross. Asiat. t. i, p. 184, Hab. Northern Europe and Asia. 248a, An adult in alcohol. No history, 202 MAMMALIA. Genus SORICULUS, Blyth, 1855. A small shrew with red-tipped teeth, and the follow- ing dentition: *34+24+2+8=30. The first upper incisors with a prominent cusp at their posterior portion, and a small cusp or talon internally on the vertical portion. Lower incisors with a prominent cusp over their base. Snout mode- rately long, and tapering: nostrils not prominent. Ear almost completely hidden: antitragus acting as a valve. Feet mode- rately or well developed, scaly, partially haired. Tail mouse- like, scaly, ringed, tetragonal, no long hairs, pencillated at the tip. No lateral gland. Fur dense and velvety. Skull with a short orbito-temporal fossa, and with two articular surfaces for the lower jaw, upper zygomatic, and a lower post- glenoid. ' The skull of this genus is very different in form from the skull of Crocidura. Jt is a much lighter skull and without ridges, and has more the form of the skull of Tadpa, but without the zygomatic arch and any trace of an orbital process. The temporal fossa is very short; and the preorbital foramen is spanned by a broad arch of bone. The occipital region is forwardly tilted, but not to the same extent as in Tulpa. There is a prominent angle immediately external to the tympanic, and from this angle a feeble ridge runs forwards to the beginning of the temporal fossa, and bears on its under surface anteriorly a facet, which looks forwards, outwards, and downwards, and which receives the upper division of the condyle of the mandible. The. foramen magnum is very broad from above: downwards. The post-glenoid process is very large, convex posteriorly and marked by a large foramen (ovale ?). Its anterior surface is deeply concave and looks ‘forwards and somewhat outwards, and bears an articular sur- face for the reception of the lower division of the condyle of the mandible, and this surface is in no way continuous with the upper surface, but widely separated from it by a deep notch. ‘There is a minute foramen at the base of the post- glenoid process posteriorly. The posterior margin of the palate forms a thin fine convex ridge, a little behind the last molar. The notches separating the articular surface of the divided condyle are not so deep as in Chimarrogale. The process of the angle is thin and moderately long, and directed back- wards. SORICULUS. 203 The first upper incisors are short and hooked, with a promi- nent cusp at their posterior portion, and a small cusp on_ the inner side of the vertical portion of the tooth, a little above the tip. Second, third, and fourth intermediate teeth conical, decreasing in size from before backwards. An extremely minute tooth, wedged in between the four intermediate teeth and the second premolar, and completely excluded from the general line of the teeth externally. Second premolar with one prominent external central cusp with a smaller cusp anterior to it, the former cusp being prolonged backwards as a ridge terminating as an obscure cusp. The basal portion of the second premolar internally has two pointed cusps, the anterior eusp the most downwardly prolonged, corresponding to the in- ternal cusps occurring on the first two molars: the crown of each molar has three small external and two internal cusps connected to the internal cusps by a zigzag line. The third molar has four cusps arranged quadrangularly around a central depres- sion with one external cusp. The first lower incisor has a marked cusp near its base. The third tooth has two cusps, and the molars are five-cusped, one anterior and two external and two internal, opposite to each other. _ The transverse process of the atlas is not outwardly pro- longed. The spinous process of the axis is large and halbert- shaped, but the remaining cervical vertebra show no distinct spinous processes. The neural arches ‘have considerable lateral breadth. There are well-developed hypapophyses on the 2nd and 8rd cervicals, and a trace of them on the 8rd and 4th. The transverse processes of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th cervicals overlap. The dorsal vertebra are devoid of spinous processes, until about the 10th segment, when a trace begins to show itself and which becomes more strongly developed in the lumbar vertebra. In Crocidura the first dorsal vertebrae have short spinous processes, and all of them have their pro- cesses more or less developed, whereas in 2udpa they are, as in Soriculus, almost obsolete. Five vertebre are united in the sacrum, which has a prominent keel-like crest, and, instead of a symphysis, the pubic bones are mnch more widely apart than ‘in Crocidura. The caudal vertebree increase in length to the 8th, and then diminish. ‘The vertebral formula is C. 7, D. 18, L. 6, Sacral and P. Sacral 5, Caudal 17, The shoulder girdle is rather far forwards, as in Talpa, and from the neck being short, the head is brought near the shoul- der, but not to the marked degree as in the mole. The scapula is short and narrow as in ,Crocidura, but the humerus is relatively very much shorter and stouter than in that 204 MAMMALIA, genus, and approaches in this respect to the humerus of Zudpa. - The external tuberosity is hook-hke and large, and there is a prominent ridge from the head of the humerus dividing the front of the bene in two, and terminating on its external margin near the middle of the bone. Opposite to this poiat, on the inner border of the bone, is a large, somewhat anteriorly directed process, prolonged downwards from the inner tuberosity of the head of the bone. The lower end of the bone is very broad, and the inner condyle is widely pro- longed. The character of the humerus indicates a burrowing habit of life, which seems probable from the long and nearly straight claws, which have none of the hooked, grasping character of an arboreal mammal. Radius and ulna distinct. © The manubrium is T-shaped with a sharp ridge down its centre. There are five mesosternal pieces. As in Shrews gener- . ally, the clavicle does not articulate with the humerus. Tibia and fibula united. It is evident that its affinities are markedly soricine, but at the same time it shows a few in the direction of Talpa. Length of vertebral column, atlas to last sacral ‘ . in. 3°70 » of caudal vertebra ‘ a ak ‘i ‘ > sp 1357 » ofscapula . a é # ‘ . a » 95 043 » of humerus . 5 ¥ 4 x * ¥ + 53 0°38 » of ulna . . : . é * ‘ + 95 O51 » ofmanus . 5 ‘ - : r if + 4, 0°40 » of os innominatum . # 2 z 2 - 5 0°40 » offemur . . : a ‘ ‘ a «5, 0°45 > Of tibia ‘ 3 e ‘ “ + 5, 0°60 » Of pes. . ‘ F 7 . f ‘ - 9, 0°60 249. Soriculus nigrescens. Corsisa nigrescens, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. x, 1842, p. 261; Hodgson, Cat. B. M., 1846, p. 17; ibid., 2nd ed., 1863, p. 9; Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. E. Ind. Co. Mus., 1851, p. 136. Sorex aterrimus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xii (1843), p. 928; ibid., vol, xxiii, 1854, p. 933, note. : 3 Sorex nigrescens, Gray, Schreber. Saugeth., Suppl. Bd. v, 1855, p. 546, artim). Bian edhe Blyth, Journ. As. Soc., vol. xxiii, 1854, p. 733; ibid., vol. xxiv, 1855, p. 836; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd ser., vol. xvii, p. 24; Cat. Mamm. As. Soc. Beng., 1863, p. 86; Jerdon, Mamm. of India, 1867, p. 59. : : Sorex sikkimensis, Hodgson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., new series, vol. iii, 1849, p. 203; Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. FE. Ind. Co. Mus., 1851. p. 1386; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, 1885, p. 111; Gray, Cat, Mamm. of Nepaul ; Hodgson, B. M., 1863, p. 8. Crossopus nigrescens, (Gray) Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1873, p. 232. Hab. Himalaya (Sikkim). Body rather abruptly terminated posteriorly ; snout short, SORICULUS. 205 but sharply pointed, densely haired ; nostrils not deeply di- vided. Ear almost hidden, but rather large and generally bordered with a dense fringe of fur, like that clothing the body. Limbs short. Fore-limb with a very narrow bare area, above the wrist; lower half of tibial portion of hind leg seminude. Feet strong, especially the front pair, which are rather broad, with the toes inwardly bent, with long sharp claws : the 38rd and 4th slightly exceeding the length of their respective toes. Hind feet narrower than the front feet, and with shorter claws. ~ Upper surface of both feet scaly, sparsely clad with short brown hairs. Tail short, equalling the distance from the vent to the shoulder; somewhat tetragonal, scaly, ringed, covered with short brown hairs forming a short pencil at the tip; no long hairs. Fur moderately long, soft, and lustrous. Blackish brown, tinged with rufescent, becoming rich rufous brown in alcohol. Under surface almost con- colorous with the upper surface, but of a pale reddish-brown, with distinct greyish tinge. oe Q Tip of snout to vent . : . 7 a : 3:20 2°20 re Ss eye ; < . is i 7 0°54 056 Eyetoear . : - 7 ‘ . . 7 0°45 0-45 Length of ear - : , 4 : . , 0:25 0°27 Breadth of ear. , js . . 7 . 0:30 0°30 Vent to tip of tail . eo oe oe oe le CTA TO Hind foot . ‘ 0°55 053 The incisors are moderately long and curved, the posterior portion well developed and sharply conical. The-second and third incisors, and the canine, have all the same form, but the third incisor is somewhat larger than the second, and the latter larger than the canine, the tips of the canine being on nearly the same level with the point of the posterior portion of the first incisor and with the anterior cusp of the first molar. The minute premolar isin the same line with the other teeth, but wholly excluded from being visible externally. There is occasionally no trace of pigment on the teeth of adults, as it is restricted to the tips of the teeth and dis- appears with their points, $ S Anterior border of foramen magnum to tip of pre- makxillaries . ‘ ‘ < : ¢ - in, 0-78 in. 0°79 ‘Breadth across maxille . ‘i - ‘ 2 + yy O27 » 0°30 » posterior to, and above lachrymal canal » a BS » O21 » anterior to expansion of brain case é + gy O25 » 0°25 » external to tympanic . ‘ . ‘ «95 O47 » 0°48 ‘Length of lower jaw condyle to anterior end of al- veolars ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 és ‘ » gy O45 » 0°44 » of upper alveolar line. j ‘ a +» 0°40 > O'4L 35 o£lower ~,, we ‘ ‘ , +» O21 » 020 206 MAMMALIA, 249 atoc. Three stuffed specimens, Nos. 266 A to C, p. 87 of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling. Presented by Major W. 8. Sherwill and W. Theobald, Hsq., 1854-55. d tof. Two adult females and one adolescent male in alco- hol and the skulls of d@ and e, Nos. 260 D to F of Blyth’s Catalogue. Darjeeling. Presented by Major W. S. Sher- will and W. Theobald, Esq., 1854-55. g & h. Two adult females in alcohol and the skull of g. Darjeeling. Presented by W.S. Atkinson, Esq., November, 1869. i. An adult female in aleohol. Darjeeling. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 2nd September, 1871. ; Jj § & An adult male and female in alcohol. Darjeeling. Presented by Dr. F. Stolickza, 1871. Z tom. An adult female, an adolescent male, and an adoles- cent female in alcohol. No history. o. Askeleton. No history. 250. Soriculus caudatus. Sorex caudatus, Hodgson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., new Ser., vol. iii. 1849, p. 203; Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. E. Ind. Co. Mus,, 1851, p, 135 ; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, 1855, p. 111; Schreber Sdu- geth. Suppl., Bd. v, 1855, p. 566. Corsira (?) caudata, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xxiv, 1855, p. _ 87; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd ser., vol. xvii, 1856, p. 27. Corsira alpinus, Zomes, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd ser., vol. 17, 1856, p. 27 (partim); Blyth, Cat. Mamm. Mus. As. Soc. Beng, 1865, p. 86 (partim). Corsira alpina, Jerdon, Mamm. Brit. Ind., 1867, p. 61 (partim). Crossopus caudatus, Hodgson, Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1873, p. 232. Soriculus gracilicauda, Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng., vol. xlvi, 1877, p. 282. Hab; Himalaya (Sikkim). Snout rather sharply pointed, but not very long: well haired. Ears moderately large, partially: hidden and well clad with long hairs on their outer surfaces, and along their margins, and tragus, amalgamating with the general fur, so that the ears are not prominent. Limbs slender, the lower half of the ante-brachium, and of the ante-femoral portion of the limb, nearly nude, Fore feet small. Hind feet: rather long and slender, with a prominent white tubercle over the distal end of the 5th metatarsal. Feet scaly above, very ‘sparsely covered with brown hairs, fewer on the toes: claws compressed, but little pointed. Tail long and slender, tetra- gonal, tapering to a fine, compressed, pencillated point, very SORICULUS. 207 shivhtly exceeding the length of the body and head. Tail rather coarsely scaly, ringed, 25 rings to quarter of an inch, sparsely covered with very short dark brown hairs, arising between the rings and with long brownish yellow hairs at the tip, forming a kind of pencil. No long white hairs. Fur long, dense, and soft; the under or hidden parts being deep slaty, the exposed portion being tipped with rufous or golden brown; under parts greyish brown. Feet pale brown. Tip of snout to vent . 3 . . 7 . - in 2°46 ” » toeye . « . ‘ : » 9, O42 Eye to ear « ‘ ‘i ie i ‘ o - 5 0°30 Hind foot . 7 ‘ ‘ - ‘5 . » yy O54 Vent to top of tail * é * ji + 55 257 The posterior portion of front upper incisor conically pointed, reaching about half-way down the anterior portion: second incisor moderately large and acutely pointed: third incisor slightly larger than the canine, the tip of the latter being level with the point of the small anterior external cusp of the first molar. This shrew was referred to by Blyth as S. alpinus, Schinz, from which, however, it is at once distinguished by the character of its dentition, asit has only 380 teeth, whereas 8, alpinus has 32. I have examined the type of this species in the India Museum. It came from Sikkim. In its rather broad ‘anterior extremities, it approaches C. nigrescens, and the character of its limbs suggests that it is partially of a burrowing habit. 2502. An adult male in alcohol and its skull, No. 261B of Blyth’s Catalogue, p. 86. Darjeeling. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 1858.. &. An adult male in alcohol, and the dental portion of its skull. Sikkim. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq., 2nd September, 1871, “Type of C. gracilicauda. e & d, Two adults, in alcohol. Mungpnu, British Sikkim. Presented by J. L. Lister, Esq. 10th February 1879. Genus CROSSOPUS, Wagler, 1832. 251. Crossopus fodiens. Crossopus fodiens, (Pallas) Blasius, Naturg. der Sdugeth. Deutschlands, 1857, p. 120. ‘Hab. Europe (Nerthern), and Asia (Siberia). 25]qa. An adult male in alcohol, No, 263A, p. 87 of Blyth’s 208 MAMMALIA. Catalogue. Norway. Presented by the Christiana University, 1846. 6 & e, Two adults in alcohol. No history. Sus-Famity CROSSOPIN 2. Gznus CHIMARROGALE, Anderson, 1877. 252. Chimarrogale himalaica. Crossopus himalayicus, Gray, Ann, Gg Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. x, Dec. 1842, p. 261; List. Mamm. B. M., 1843, p. 80; Blyth, Journ. As Soc. vol. xxiv (1855), p. 37; Blyth & Tomes, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvii, 2nd ser., pp. 25 and 26; Jerdon, Mamm. Ind., 1855, p. 563. Sorex himalayicus, Wagner, Schreber. Sdugeth., Suppl., Bd. v, 1855," p. 563. Crocidura himalaica, Gray, Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1873, p. 231. Chimarrogale himalaica, Anderson, Anat. §& Zool. Resch. and Yunnan Expeditions, 1878, p. 139 ; pl. 5, figs. 17 to 30. Hab. Himalaya (Sikkim); Yunnan (Ponsee), Body elongated ; snout moderately long and pointed ; broader across the moustachial area in the male than -in the female. Fur soft, dense and velvety, The general colour of the upper parts is dark grey, richly washed with» a dark brown, almost black, fuliginous, or blackish brown, almost -obscuring the grey colour, and the fur generally -has a finely dotted appearance, due to the presence of longer scattered hairs with white tips. When the fur is pulled aside, it is seen to be uni- formly slaty, but all the hairs terminatein fine brown, or blackish longer brown tips, with the exception of scattered, stronger, and longer hairs, which have broad white tips. These hairs are especially numerous on the hind quarters, where they are much longer than on the other parts of the body, and they correspond to the white tipped hairs of Nectogale. Under surface greyish, with a silvery sheen, washed with earthy brown on the throat, and the middle of the belly. Whiskers blackish or even white. Hind feet large, but relatively smaller than in Nectogale : the fore limb is clothed to the wrist : the hind limb, in the lower half of the tibia, is scaly and partially clad with short hairs. The upper surfaces of the feet are naked, with the exception of the metacarpus and metatarsus, which are sparsely covered with short, flattened, stiff, adpressed hairs, almost white. The upper surfaces of the toes are scaly and bare, with the exception. of from one to six broad, stiff, CHIMARROGALE, 209 rather long hairs, at the base of the claws, above. Toes ciliated along each of their sides, with a line of broad stiff hairs of ‘equal length, forming a dense short fringe. The line, along the outer margin of the internal and external toes, is continued along the sides of the feet as a strongly ciliated line, or fringe of white hairs: the claws are yellowish, mo- derately long, and curved. From the vent to the tip of the tail equals the distance from the vent to nearly the eye. Tail long, quadrangular in transverse section: under surface and sides densely covered with longish adpressed, broadish, coarse, rigid hairs of the same character as those on the sides of the toes, and feet, but longer: upper surface in its two upper thirds is only sparsely covered with short strong ciliated hairs not so obscuring the scaly rings as in the lower third, where it is clad much as on the under surface and sides, The hairs on the under surface of the tail are white, and on the sides and upper surface dark brown. The eye is small, almost hidden, and the ear almost com. pletely so by the fur. The ear is a transversely oval slit 0”:26 in length; the lower margin of the lower posterior half of the ear covered with fine microscopic hairs, The portion above the antetragus is covered on its inner surface with ordinary fur, except at a small spot at its upper extremity. in. Length, tip of snout to vent ‘ i ‘ ie x » oss Vent to tip of snout : . . . 5 < . 3:00 Length of hind foot ste . . : 3 . 087 Measurements of skull, Anterior border of foramen magnum to tip of premaxille . 090 Breadth across maxilla . é . . . 7 . 0:34 a behind preorbital foramen ‘ * * “ . 0:26 » at posterior end of temporal fossa ci . - 028 » at posterior end of upper articular surface from lower jaw. 5 3 A : ‘ - 043 » external to tympanic . . ‘ ‘ é » 055 Length of lowerjaw . . . . : . : - 059 Front incisors moderately large and not much curved. The posterior eminence low, and but little pointed. The inter- mediate teeth of nearly equal size, the middle tooth being the largest, and the third the smallest, all being conical. The central external cusp of the first molar is not very strong or long, while its rather obtuse anterior cusp is on a level with the third intermediate tooth. It is closely allied to, if notidentical with, Sorew (Crosopus) platycephalus, Temminck, of Japan. 5 210 MAMMALIA. 252. A stuffed specimen in bad condition. Sikkim. Presented by T, Jerdon, Esq., 1866. ; 6. A skin of an adult in alcohol, and its skeleton. Ponsee, Kakhyen Hills, Yonnan, 3,800 feet. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1868. Ist Expedition to Western China, 1868. Skeleton figured, Anat. and Zoo]. Researches; pl. v, pages 17—30. ce § d. An adult male and female in alcohol. Ryang, British Sikkim, 4,000 feet. Purchased for the Museum by G, King, Esq., B.M., 10th February 1879. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. {Recognised names of genera, species, and varieties are printed in italics; synonys, in Roman characters.] A. abelit (Simia) 24. abramus (Vespertilio), 129. abramus (Vesperugo), 129. adusta (Pithecia), 86. ; adversus (Vespertilio), 139. zegyptica (Hamadryas), 80. eezyptica (Simia), 80. affinis (Pipistrellus), 128. affinis (Rhinolophus), 109. affinis (Taphozous), 149. affinis (Vesperugo), 128, agilis (Hylobates), 31. agilis (Pithecus), 31. akokumuli (Vesperugo), 131. albifrons (Ateles), 84. albifrons (Lemur), 92. albifrons (Prosimia), 92. albimana (Simia), 29. albimanus (Hylobates), 29. albimanus (Lemur), 93. albinus (Presbytes), 43. albinus (Sorex), 180. albipes (Semnopithecus), 38. albocinereus (Semnopithecus), 51. albogularis (Cercopithecus), 57. albogularis (Semnopithecus), 57. alpina (Corsira), 206. alpinus (Amphisorex), 201. alpinus (Corsira), 201, 206. alpinus (Sores), 201. albulus (Erinaceus), 162. amboinensis (Phyllorhina), 118, 119. amplexicaudata (Cynonycteris), 103. amplexicaudatus (Pteropus), 103. anchises (Presbytes), 35. andamanensis (Macacus), 71. andamanensis (Rhinolophus), 110 andersoni (Vesperugo), 124, andersoni (Vesperus), 124. annectens (Pipistrellus), 132. annectens (Vesperugo), 132. Anthropopithecus, 1. antinorii (Sorex), 201. Anurosorez, 171. Anurosoricine, 171. arctoides (Inuus), 71, 74, arctoides (Macacus), 74. arctoides (Macacus), 76. arctoides (Maimon), 74. arctoides (Pithecus), 74. argentatus (Semnopithecus), 51. armiger (Rhinolophus), 114. armigera (Phyllorhina), 114. Artibeus, 152. aruensis (Phyllorhina), 118, ascanias (Cercopithecus), 59. 212 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. assamensis (Anurosorer), 171. assamensis (Inuus), 67, 70. assamensis (Macacus), 70. assamensis (Macacus), 62, 71. assamensis (Pachyura), 186. assamensis (Papio), 70. assameysis (Pteropus), 102. Ateles, 83. ater (Ateles), 83. ater (Chiropotes), 86. aterrimus (Sorex), 204. atratus (Nycticejus), 125. atratus (Sorex), 194. atratus (Vesperugo), 125. aurata (Semnopithecus), 53. auratus (Macacus), 62. auratus (Mycetes), 83. auratus (Vespertilio), 142. aureus (Cercocebus), 62. aureus (Inuus), 62. aureus (Macacus), 62. aureus (Pithecus), 62. auritus (Hrinaceus), 162. auritus (Erinaceus), 159, 163. auritus (Plecotus), 123. auritus (Vespertilio), 123. austenianus (Vesperugo), 128. B. babouin (Cynocephalus), 81. barbei (Presbytis), 48. barbei (Semnopithecus), 48. beddomii (Crocidura), 179. belangeri (Cladobates), 154, belangeri (Nycticejus), 134. belangert (Tupaia), 154, belzebuth (Ateles), 84. bengalensis (Nycticebus), 94. bicolor (Phyllorhina), 117. bicolor (Pithecus), 24, bicolor (Rhinolophus), 117. bidiana (Crocidura), 185. blanfordi (Crocidura), 180. blanfordi (Erinaceus), 161. blanfordi (Vespertilio), 143. blanfordi (Vesperugo), 133. blythii (Crocidura), 180. brachysoma (Cynopterus), 106. braziliensis (Nyctinomus), 151. brevicaudatus (Indris), 94. brevicaudus (Taphozous), 147. brevitarsus (Rhinolophus), 111. brookei (Pithecus), 2. brunneus (Lemur), 92. brunneus (Macacus), 75. buku (Semnopithecus), 62. Cc. caerulescens (Crocidura), 171. cerulescens (Sorex), 172, 180. calvus (Troglodytes), 1. candida (Gymnura), 158. cantori (Taphozous), 147. , canus (Nycticejus), 131. capensis (Nycteris), 122, capensis (Rhinolophus), 112. capillamentosa (Pithecia), 86. capucina (Simia), 85. capucinus (Cebus), 85. carhonarius (Macacus), 64. carbonarius (Macacus), 62. carpolegus (Simia), 72. Catarrhint, 1. catta (Prosimia), 90. catta (Lemur), 90. caudata (Corsira), 206. caudatus (Crossopus), 206. caudatus (Sorex), 206. caudatus (Soriculus), 206. Cebide, 82. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 218 Cebus, 84, Centetes, 166. Centetida, 166. cephalopterus (Presbytes), 43, cephalopterus (Semnopithecus), 43. cephalopterus (Semnopithecus), 45. Cercocebus, 59. Cercopithecida, 35. Cercopithecing, 55. Cercopithecus, 55. Cercopithecus, 71. cestonii (Dinops), 150. cestonit (Nyctinomus), 150. -eeylanica (Crocidura), 180. ceylonicus (Simia), 47. Chalinolobus, 133. - Cheiromeles, 150. Chimarrogale, 208. chinensis (Tupaia), 155. Chiroptera, 99. chronomandus (Hylobates), 26. chrysocephala (Pithecia), 86. Chrysochlorida, 167. Chrysochloris, 167. chrysogaster (Semnopithecus), 41. chrysomelas (Semnopithecus), 52. Chrysothriz, 86. chrysurus (Stentor), 83. chuva (Ateles), 84. cineraceus (Hipposideros), 118. cinerea (Wycticebus), 95. cinerea (Presbytes), 51. cinereus (Nycticebus), 94. cinereus (Semnopithecus), 51. cewlophyllus (Rhinolophus), 107. collaris (Cynunycteris), 104. collaris (Erinaceus), 159, 160. _collaris (Hemiechinus), 161. collaris (Lemur), 92. collaris (Pteropus), 104. Colobus, 55. concolor (Hylobates), 31. coromandelianus (Scotophilus), 129, crespuscularis (Nycticejus), 138, cristata (Condylura), 167. cristata (Simia), 50. cristatus (Astromydes), 167. cristatus (Macacus), 62. cristatus (Presbytes), 52. cristatus (Rhinaster), 167. cristatus (Semnopithecus), 50. cristatus (Sorex), 167. Crocidura, 171, 196. Crocidurine, 171. Crossoping, 208. Crossopus, 207. cryptura (Talpa), 168. cucullatus (Presbytis), 45. cucullatus (Semnopithecus), 45. curtus (Pithecus), 2. cuvieri (Simia), 76. eyclotis (Harpiocephalus), 139. _eyclotis (Murina), 139, Cynocephatine, 80. Cynocephalus, 80. cynomolgus (Cercocebus), 62. cynomolgus (Cercopithecus), 62. cynomolgus (Cynocephalus), 62, cynomolgus (Inuus), 62. cynomolgus (Macacus), 61, cynomolgus (Pithecus), 62. cynomolgus (Simia), 62. Cynonyeteris, 103. Cynopithecus, 78. Cynopterus, 104. eynosurus (Cercopithecus), 62. D. damarensis (Chrysochloris), 167. dargelingensis (Plecotus), 123. 214 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. dargeliensis (Synotus), 123. dasycneme (Vespertilio), 140. daubent onii (Vespertilio), 140. deformis (Rhinolophus), 117. desertorum (Vespertilio), 141. diadema (Phyllorhina), 116. diadema (Propithecus), 93. diadema (Rhinolophus), 115. diadematus (Cercopithecus), 58. diana (Cercopithecus), 59. diana (Simia), 59. discolor (Vespertilio), 125. discolor (Vesperugo), 125. dobsoni (Vespertilio), 143. doguera (Cynocephalus), 81. doguera (Papio), 81. dussumieri (Semnopithecus), 40. E. ecaudatus (Centetes), 166. ecaudatus (Erinaceus), 166. edulis (Pteropus), 100. edwardsii (Semnopithecus), 47. ellioti (Tupaia), 153. emarginatus (Nycticejus), 136. emarginatus (Scotophilus), 136. emarginatus (Vespertilio), 140. Limballonure, 146. Lmballonuride, 146, Emballonurine, 146. engythithea (Cercopithecus), 56. engythithea (Chlorocebus), 56, entelloides (Hylobates), 29. entellus (Cercopithecus), 35. entellus (Presbytes), 35. entellus (Semnopithecus), 35. entellus (Semnopithecus), 37, entellus (Simia), 35. Eonycteris, 106. Ericulus, 166. Erinaceidae, 158. Erinaceine, 158. EKrinaceus, 158. erythreea (Simia), 67. erythreeus (Inuus), 67. erythreus (Macacus), 67, 68. erythreus (Maimon), 67. erythreus (Pithecus), 67. europaeus (Erinaceus), 158. europea (Talpa), 168. euryale (Rhinolophus), 111. euryotis (Rhinolophus), 108. FE. fascicularis (Semnopithecus), 62. fascicularis (Simia), 62. faunus (Cercopithecus), 56. Jelinus (Nyctipithecus), 85. Semoralis (Semnopithecus), 52. femoralis (Simia’, 52. ferox (Simia), 66. Serruginea (Tupaia), 156. ferruginea (Tupaia), 154, ferrugineus (Sorex), 180. Serrum-equinun (Rhinolophus), 112. ferrum-equinum (Vespertilio), 111. flavescens (Nycticejus), 134. flavia (Simia), 84. flavimana (Presbytes), 53. flavimanus (Semnopithezus), 53. Jlavus (Cebus), 84. Sodiens (Crossopus), 207. Sormosus (Vespertilio), 142. Srithii (Celops), 119. frontatus (Ateles), 84. frontatus (Eriodis); 84. Suliginosa (Crocidura), 197. Suliginasus (Cercocebus), 59. fuljginosus (Cercopithecus), 59. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Q15 fuliginosus (Sorex), 197. ' fulva (Phyllorhina), 118. fulva (Simia), 67. fulvidus (Scotophilus), 126, Sulvocinerea (Crocidura), 178. fulvocinerea (Crocidura), 172. fulvogriseus (Semnopithecus), 43. fulvus (Cebus), 84. fulvus (Hipposideros), 118. fulvus (Lemur), 92, funereus (Hylobates), 31, fur (Macacus), 62, fusco-ater (Inuus), 77. fusco-ater (Macacus), 77. . G. Galago, 98. galago (Lemur) 98. galago (Otolicnus), 98. Galagonine, 98. . Galeopithecida, 152. Galeopithecus, 152. galerita (Phyllorhina), 116. galeritus (Hipposideros), 116. garnetti (Galago), 98. garnetti (Otogale), 98. garnetti (Otolicnus), 98. garoensis (Eehinolophus), 110. geoffroyt (Ateles), 83. geoffroyi (Galago), 98. giganteus (Mus), 172. gigantica (Simia), 24. gina (Gorilla), 2. glis (Sorex), 156. gorilla (Anthropopithecus), 2. gorilla (Troglodytes), 2. gouldit (Chalinolobus), 133, gracilicauda (Soriculus), 206. gracilis (Loris), 97. gracilis (Nycticebus), 97. gracilis (Stenops), 97. grayt (Lrinaceus), 160. grayi (Hemiechinus), 161. griffithii (Sorex), 180. griseoviridis (Cercopithecus), 56. guereza (Colobus), 55. Gymnura, 158, gymnura (Viverra), 158. Gymnurinae, 158. H. halonifer (Semnopithecus), 46. hamadryas (Cynocephalus), 80. hamadryas (Papio), 80. hamadryas (Simia, 80. Hapale, 87. Hapalide, 87. hardwickii (Kerivoula), 145. hardwickii (Vespertilio), 145. harpia (Harpiocephalus), 138. harpia (Vespertilio), 138. Harpiocephalus, 138. hasseltii (Vespertilio), 189. heathii (Nycticejus), 136. heathii (Scotophilus), 136. Hemicentetes, 166. Hesperopterus, 132. heterodon (Sorex), 180. himalaica (Chimarrogale), 208. himalaica (Crocidura), 208. himalayicus (Crossopus), 208. himalayicus (Sorex), 208. hipposideros (Noctilio), 111. hipposidercs (Rhinolophus), 111. hodgsoni (Sorex), 194, . holosericea (Chrysochloris), 167. holotephreus (Semnopithecus), 50. Hominida, 1. Homo, 1. hoolock (Hylobates), 26. 216 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. hoolock (Simia), 26. horsfieldi (3legaderma), 121. hottentotta (Chrysochloris), 167. houlock (Hylobates), 26. hulok (Hylobates), 26. hybridus (Ateles), 84. Hylobates, 25. . Hylobatinag, 25. Hylomyine, 157. Hylomys, 157. hypoleuca (Simia), 85. hypoleucus (Cebus), 85. hypoleucus (Semnopithecus), 40. I. imbricatus (Vespertilio), 127, 129. tmbricatus (Vesperugo), 127. indica (Pacbyura), 172. indicus (Erinaceus), 159. indicus (Sorex),-172. Indris, 94. Indrisina, 93. inornatus (Gymnopyga), 76. inornatus (Macacus), 76. Insectivora, 152. insignis (Nyctinomus), 105. insignis (Rhinolophus), 117. J. gacchus (Hapale), 87. jacchus (Simia), 87. javanica (Nycteris), 122. javanica (Nycticebus), 97. javanica (Tupaia), 156. javanicus (Nycteris), 122. javanicus (Nyeticebus), 94. jerdont (Erinaceus), 165. johnii (Cercopithecus), 45. johnii (Presbytis), 40. johnit (Semnopithecus), 45. johnii (Semnopithecus), 40. johorensis (Molossus), 151. johorensis (Nyctinomus), 151. jubatus (Presbytis), 45. jubatus (Semnopithecus), 45. K. hachhensis (Taphozous), 148. kandianus (Sorex), 180. kelaarti (Crocidura), 200, kelaarti (Semnopithecus), 43. kelaarti (Sorex), 200. _ kephalopterus (Cercopithecus), 43. keraudrenii (Pteropus), 103. Kerivoula, 144. kingiana (Crocidura), 196. kooloo-kamba (Troglodytes), 1. kra (Semnopithecus), 62. kuhlii (Scotophilus), 133. kublii (Vespertilio), 131. kuhlit (Vesperugo,) 131. L. lagaros (Satyrus), 1. lalandi (Cercopithecus), 55. laniger (Mycetes), 83. lanosa (Kerivoula), 145. lar (Homo), 28. lar (Hylobates), 28. lar (Pithecus), 28. lar (Simia), 26, 28, 31. larvata (Phyllorhina), 117. larvatus (Cercopithecus), 54, larvatus (Nasalis), 54, larvatus (Rhinolophus), 117. larvatus (Rhynchopithecus), 55 larvatus (Semnopithecus), 54. leisleri (Vespertilio), 127. leisleri (Vesperugo), 127. Lemur, 90. Lemuride, 90. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Q17 Lemurine, 90. leonina (Simia), 66. leoninus (Inuus), 71. leoninus (Macacus), 71. leoninus (Macacus), 70. lepidus (Pipistrellus), 141. lepidus (Vespertiliv), 141. leptophylla (Phyllorhina), 114, leucampyx (Cercopithecus), 58. leucampyx (Simia), 58. leucisea (Simia), 33. leuciscus (Hylobates), 33. leuciscus (Hylobates), 29. leuciscus (Pithecus), 33. leucocephala (Pithecia), 86. leucodon (Sorex), 201. leucogenys (Hylobates), 34, leucomystax (Lemur), 91. leucomystax (Semnopithecus), 46. Leuconoé, 139. __leucoprymnus (Cercopithecus), 43. leucoprymnus (Troglodytes), 1. leucopus (Hapaile), 89. leucotis (Vesperugo), 131. leucura (Talpa), 170. lobatus (Scotophilus), 132. longicaudata (Condylura), 167. longicaudata (Talpa), 167. longimana (Simia), 28. longimanus (Taphozous), 147. longipes (Vespertilio), 139. -Loris, 97. luctus (Rhinolophus), 107. luteus (Nycticejus), 133, 134. lyra (Megaderma), 120. Lyroderma, 120. M. macaco (Lemur), 91. macaco (Lemur), 91. Macacus, 59. macracanthus (Erinaceus), 164. macracanthus (Hrinaceus), 162. Macroglossi, 106. Macroglossus, 107. macropus (Vespertilio), 139. macrotis (Crocidura), 186. macrotis (hinolophus), 109. macroura (Condylura), 167. macrurus (Galeopithecus), 153. madagascariensis (Erinaceus), 166. madagascariensis (Hemicentetes), 166. maimon (Cynocep*alus), 82. maimon (Mormon), 82. maimon (Papio), 82. maimon (Simia), 82. matlaccana (Tupaia), 156. malaiana (Nycticebus), 95. malayanus (Cynocephalus), 78. Mammalia, 1. marginatus (Cynopterus), 104, marginatus (Pieropus), 104. masont (Phyllorhina), 115. maura (Prebytes), 47. maura (Simia), 47, 52. maurus (Cercopithecus), 47. maurus (Inuus), 76. maurus (Macacus), 76. maurus (Macacus), 74, 78. maurus (Magus), 76. maurus (Presbytes), 47. maurus (Semnopithecus), 47. maurus (Semnopithecus), 48. maurus (Vesperugo), 127. medius ( Pteropus), 101. Megachiroptera, 99, Megaderma, 120. Megadermine, 120, 218 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. megalotis (Evinaceus), 163. melalophus (Presbytes), 53. melalophus (Semnopithecus), 53. melanocephala (Prosimia), 92. melanochir (Ateles), 83, 84, melanodon (Sorex), 186. . _ melanopogon (Taphozous), 146. melanopus (Presbytes), 52. melanotus (Macacus), 75, 76. melanotus (Papio), 74, Microchiroptera, 107. micronyx (Pachyura), 194. micronyx (Sorex), 194. microphyllum (Rhinopoma), 149. micr: pus (Hrinaceus), 159. micropus (Erinaceus), 159. micropus (Hemiechinus), 159. micrura (Talpa), 168 minimus (Macroglossus), 107. minimus (Pteropus), 107. Miniopteri, 145. Miniopterus, 145, minor (Cynonycteris), 104. minor (Rhinolophus), 110. minor (Rhinolophus), 111. mitratus (Rhinolophus), 108. mitratus (Semnopithecus), 50. Molossi, 150. Molossine, 150, mona (Cercopithecus), 57. mona (Simia), 57. mongoz (Lemur), 93. monoides (Cercopithecus), 57. montana (Crocidura), 193. montanus (Sorex), 193. montivagus Vespertilio, 142. morio (Simia), 2, mormon (Papio), 82. miilleri (Hylobates), 31. muricola (Vespertilio), 142, murina (Crocidura), 180. murina (Crocidura), 192. murinoides (Vespertilio), 141. murinus (Hipposideros), 118. murinus (Sorex), 172, 180, 184. murinus (Vespertilio), 141. murraiana (Phyllorhina), 113. Mycetes, 82. myoides (Crocidura), 200. myoides (Sorex), 200 myosurus (Sorex), 172, 180. mystacinus (Vespertilio), 144. N. Nasalis, 54. nasalis (Simia), 55. nasica (Simia), 55. nasicus (Cercopithecus), 54, 55. nasicus (Nasalis), 55. nasicus (Semnopithecus), 55. nasutus (Vesperugo), 125. nathusii (Vesperugo), 129. natterert (Vespertilio), 141. nemestrina (Papio), 72. nemestriva (Simia), 72. nemestrinus (Cynocephalus), 72. nemestrinus (Inuus), 72, 73. nemestrinus (Macacus), 72. nemestrinus (Macacus), 71. nemestrinus (Pithecus), 72, 73. nemestrinus (Rhesus), 73. nepalensis (Semnopithecus), 37. nestor (Semnopithecus), 43, nicobarensis (Phyllorhina), 115. nicobarica (Tupaia), 157. nicobaricus (Cladobates), 157. nicobarieus (Pteropus), 102. niger (Cynocephalus), 76, 78. niger (Cynopithecus), 78. niger (Hylobates), 26. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 219 niger (Inuus), 78. niger (Lemur), 91. niger (Macacus), 78. niger (Maimon), 78. niger (Papio), 78. niger (Sorex), 180. niger (Troglodytes), 1. nigra (Varecia), 91. nigrescens (Corsira), 204. nigrescens (Crossopus), 204. nigrescens (Ericulus), 166, nigrescens (Sorex), 204. — nigrescens (Soriculus), 204. nigrifrons (Lemur), 92. nigrifrons (Lemur), 92, 93. nigrimanus (Semnopithecus), 51. nilgirica (Crocidura), 188. nipalensis (Vespertilio), 140. nitidofulva (Crocidura), 186. nobilis (Presbytes), 53. nobilis (Semnopithecus), 53. noctula (Vespertilio), 126. noctula (Vesperugo), 126. nocturna (Pithecia), 86. nudipes (Pachyura), 186, nudipes (Sorex), 186. nudiventris (Erinaceus), 159. nudiventris (Taphozous), 148. Nycteride, 120. Nyctering, 122. Wycteris, 122. Nycticebidia, 94. Nycticebing, 94. WNycticebus, 94, Nycticejus, 138. Nyctinomus, 150. Nyctipithecus, 85. Nyctophilus, 122. : O. obscura (Presbytes), 46. obscurus (Semnopithecus), 46. ochreatus (Macacus), 77. ochreatus (Papio), 77. ochrocephala (Pithecia), 86. ocreatus (Macacus), 77. adipus (Hapale), 88. cedipus (Jacchus), 89, cedipus (Midas), 89. cedipus (Simia), 89. oinops (Macacus), 67. ornatus (Ateles), 84. ornatus (Nycticejus), 137. ornatus (Scotophilus), 137. owenii (Pithecus), 2. P. pachyotis (Vesperugo), 126. pachyotis (Vesperus), 126. pachypus (Vespertilio), 126, pachypus (Vesperugo), 126. Pachyura, 171. palliatus (Mycetes), 83. pallida (Kerivoula), 142. pallidus (Cebus), 84, pallidus (Scotophilus), 137. pallipes (Semnopithecus), 38. palpebrosus (Inuus), 62, palpebrosus (Macacus), 62. pan (Simia), 1. paniscus (Ateles), 83. paniscus (Simia), 83. patas (Simia), 58. pealana (Crocidura), 180. pearsonit (Rhinolophus), 109. peguana (Tupaia), 154, peguensis (Hylomys), 157. pelops (Inuus), 70. pelops (Macacus), 70. pelops (Pithex), 70. penicillata (Hapale), 88, 220 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. penicillatus (Jacchus), 88. perforatus (Taphozous), 148. perrottetit (Crocidura), 188. perrottetii (Sorex), 188, 194. persicus (Triaenops), 112. perspicillatus (Artibeus), 152. petaurista (Cercopithecus), 58. petaurista (Simia), 58, petersii (hinolophus), 110. peyrottetii (Sorex), 186. phayrei (Presbytis), 49. c phayrei (Semnopithecus), 49. philippensis (Macacus), 62. philippensis (Pithecus), 62. Phyllorhina, 113. Phyllorhinine, 112. Phyllostomide, 152. Phyllostomina, 152. picta (Kerivoula), 144. pictum (Vespertilio), 144. pictus (Hrinaceus), 159. pictus (Hemiechinus), 159. pileata (Simia), 61. pileatus (Hylobates), 31. pileatus (Inuus), 61. pileatus (Macacus), 61. pileatus (Pithecus), 61. pileatus (Presbytis), 41. pileatus (Semnopithecus), 40: pipistrellus (Vespertilio), 128. pipistrellus (Vesperugo), 128, pithecia (Simia), 86. Pithecia, 86. pitnex (Macacus), 67. Platyrrhini, 82. Plecoti, 122. Plecotus, 123. plicatus (Nyetinomus), 151. plicatus (Vespertilio), 151. pluto (Cercopithecus), 58, pogonias (Pithecia), 86. poliocephalus (Pteropus), 99. porcaria (Simia), 81. porcarius (Cynocephalus), 81. porearius (Cynocephalus), 81. porcarius (Papio), 81. potenziani (Semnopithecus), 41. prasinata (Condylura), 167. priam (Semnopithecus), 38. priamus (Presbytis), 38. priamus (Semnopithecus), 38. Primates, 1. problematicus (Macacus), 70. Prepithecus, 93. Prosimia, 90. pruinosus (Semnopithecus), 50. Pteropi, 99. Pieropodide, 99. Pteropus, 99. pumiloides (Scotophilus), 129. pusillus (Miniopterus), 146. pygerythrus (Cercopithecus), 55. pygerythrus (Chlorocebus), 56. pygerythrus (Simia), 55. ’ pygmeza (Cebuella), 88. pygmea (Hapale), 88. pygmecides (Crocidura), 194. pygmeus (Jacchus), 88. pygmaeus (Sorex), 201. pygmeus (Sorex), 194. pyrrhus (Presbytes), 47. pyrrhus (Semnopithecus), 47. R. radiatus (Cercocebus), 59, 60.* radiatus (Cercopithecus), 60. radiatus (Inuus), 60. radiatus (Macacus), 60. | radiatus (Pithecus), 59. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 221. rafflei (Hylobates), 31. rafflesii (Echinosorex), 158. rafflesit (Gymnura), 158. rafflesii (Hylobates), 31. recurvus (Nasalis), 55. retusa (Crocidura), 199. rheso-similis (Macacus), 70. rhesus (Inuus), 67, 70. rhesus (Macacus), 67. rhesus (Papio), 67. rhesus (Pithecus), 68. . rhesus (Simia), 67. Rhinaster, 167. Rhinolophide, 107. Rhinolophine, 107. Rhinolophus, 107, 112. Bhinopoma, 149. Rhinopomata, 149. rodricensis (Pteropus), 100: rosalia (Hapale), 88. rosalia (Lecontopithecus), 88. rosalia (Midas), 88. rosalia (Simia), 88. ruber (Cercopithecus), 58. ruber (Chlorocebus), 58. ruber (Lemur), 91. rubicunda (Crocidura), 190. rubra, (Simia), 58, rubra (Varecia), 91. rubricosa (Crocidura), 196. rufibarbata (Pithecia), 86. _ rufiventer (Pithecia), 86. rufus (Galeopithecus), 153. riippellii (Guereza), 55. rutilans (Chrysochloris), 167. rutledgii (Semnopithecus), 51. 8. sabzea (Simia), 56. abeus (Cercopithecus), 56. saccolemus (Taphozous), 149. satanas (Cebus), 86, satanas (Pithecia), 86. satyrus (Pithecus), 2, 24. satyrus (Simia), 2. savagei (Troglodytes), 2. scherzeri (Cynopterus), 106. scherzeri (Pachysoma), 106, schistaceus (Presbytis), 37. schistaceus (Semnopithecus), 37. schreibersii ( Miniopterus), 145, 146. schreibersii (Vespertilio), 145. . sceiurea (Chrysothriz), 86. sciurea (Simia), 86, sciureus (Callithrix), 86. sciureus (Chrysothrix), 86. Scoteinus, 136. Scotemanus, 137. Scotophilus, 133. scyritus (Hylobates), 26. semispinosus (Ericius), 166. Semnopithecine, 35. Semnopithecus, 35, senegalensis (Galago), 98. senex (Cercopithecus), 43. senex (Semnopithecus), 45. seniculus (Mycetes), 82. seniculus (Simia), 82.. seniculus (Stentor), 82. serotinus (Vespertilio), 12-4, serotinus (Vesperugo), 124. serpentarius (Sorex), 180. setosus (Hriculus), 166. setosus (Erinaceus), 166. shiraziensis (Hesperus), 124, siamensis (Semnopithecus), 61. sikkimensis (Sorex), 204. silenus (Cercopithecus), 66. silenus (Inuus), 66, 67. stlenus (Macacus), 66. 222 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. silenus (Maimon), 66. silenus (Papio), 66. silenus (Pithecus), 66. silenus (Simia), 66. Simia, 2. simia-sciurus (Lemur), 92. Sinisa, 1: Simiine, 1. sindensis (Crocidura), 179. sindensis (Crocidura), 172. sinensis (Cynocephalus), 59. sinica (Simia), 59, 60. sinicus (Cercocebus), 61. sinicus (Cercopithecus), 59, 61. sinicus (Inuus), 60, 61. sinicus (Macacus), 59. sinicus (Macacus), 61. sinicus (Pithecus), 60, 61. soccatus (Sorex), 180. sonneratii (Sorex), 172. Sorex, 201. Soricide, 171. Soricine, 201. Soriculus, 202. spasma (Megaderma), 121. spasma (Vespertilio), 121. spatangus (Erinaceus), 161. spatangus (Hemiechinus), 161. speciosus (Cynopithecus), 74. speciosus (Inui), 75. speciosus (Macacus), 74. spectrum (Lemur), 99. spectrum (Tarsius), 99. spelea (Eonycteris), 106. spelzeus (Macroglossus), 106. speoris (Phyllorhina), 116. speoris (Vespertilio), 116. sphingiola (Simia), 81. spinosus (Ericulus), 166. Stenodermata, 152. stoliczkana (Asillia), 114. stoliczkana (Crocidura), 185 stoliczkana (Phyllorhina), 1i4. stramineus (Mycetes), 83. subfulva (Crocidura), 192. suillus (Harpiocephalus), 138. sumatranus (Semnopithecus), 52, 53. swinhoet (Crocidura), 184. swinhoei (Sorex), 184, syndactyla (Siamonga), 25. syndactylus (Hylobates), 25. syndactylus (Pithecus), 25. syndactylus (Simia), 25. Synotus, 123. Talpa, 168. Talpide, 167. tana (Tupaia), 157. Taphonycteris, 148. Taphozous, 146. tardigradus (Lemur), 94. tardigradus (Nycticebus), 94. tardigradus (Stenops), 94. Tarsiide, 99. Tarsiine, 99. Tarsius, 99. temminckii (Galeopithecns), 153. temminckti (Scotophilus), 133. temminckii (Vespertilio), 133. tenuis (Nyctinomus), 151. ternatensis (Galeopithecus), 153. tetragonurus (Sorex), 201. thebaica (Nycteris), 122, theobaldi (Taphozous), 147. thersites (Presbytis), 38. thoth (Cynocephalus), 80. tibetanus (Macacus), 75. tickelli (Nycticejus), 132. tickelli (Vesperugo), 132. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 223 tumoriensis (Nyctophilus), 122. titi (Edipus), 89. torquatus (Chetromeles), 150. tragatus (Nyctinomus), 150. tragatus (Rhinolophus), 111. travancorensis (Crocidura), 189, Trienops, 112. trianguligera (Ateles), 84, tricuspidata (Phyllorhina), 118. tricuspidatus (Rhinolophus), 113. tridens (Phyllorhina), 113. trifoliatus (Rhinolophus), 108. troglodytes (Anthropopithecus), 1. troglodytes (Mimetes), 1. troglodytes (Simia), 1. tschego (Troglodytes), 1. Tupaia, 153. Tupaiide, 153. Tupaiine, 153. tytleri (Sorex), 172. U. undatus (Galeopithecus), 153. unko (Hylobates), 31. ursina (Simia), 82. ursinus (Cynocephalus), 81. ursinus (Macacus), 74. ursinus (Mycetes , 82. ursinus (Presbytis), 43. ursinus (Semnopithicus), 44, ursinus (Semnopithecus), 43. ursinus (Stentor), 82. ursula (Hapale), 89. ursula (Saguinus), 90, ursulus (Jacchus), 90. ursulus (Midas), 90 V. varia (Varecia), 91. variegatus (Ateles), 84. variegatus (Galeopithecus), 153, variegatus (Hylobates), 29, 31. variegatus (Pithecus), 29. variegatus (Simia), 29, varius (Lemur), 91. varius (Pithecus), 28. vellerosus (Troglodytes), 1. Vespertilio, 139, 140, Vespertiliones, 124. Vespertilionida, 122. Vesperugo, 124, 126. Vesperus, 124, . veter. (Cercopithecus), 66. veter (Silenus), 66. veter (Simia), 43, 66 vetulus (Cercopithecus), 66. viridescens (Sorex), 180. volans (Galeopithecus), 152. volans (Lemur), 152. vulgaris (Erinaceus), 158. vulgaris (Jacchus), 87, 88. vulgaris (Rhinolophus), 117. vulgaris (Sorex), 201. Ww. waldemarii (Crocidura), 172. wurmbii (Papio), 2. wurmbii (Simia), 2. x. xanthomystax (Prosimia), 92. Government Central .Press,—No, 20 I. M.~1 8-4-82,—400, ERRATA. Page 45,—For Hiniger affenarten, read Beschreibung einiger Affenarten, ” 99, lines 3 and 4, for Tarside and Tarsine, read respectively Tarsiide and Tarsiine. 119, after line 38, insert Genus Coelops, Blyth, 1849. 123, lines 4, 5 and 6, for darjelinensis, read darjelingensis. 123, line 37, for Melherbe, read Malherbe. 140, lines 6 and 7, for dascyneme, read dasycneme. 157, line 19, for Hylomine, read Hylomyine. 159, line 4, for 1881, read 1880. 176, line 38, omit one an. 184, line 14, for Blandford, read Blanford. 201, lines 17, 25, and 28, for Melherbe read Malherbe. 204, line 31, for Corsisa, read Corsira. CATALOGUE OF MAMMALIA IN THE INDIAN MUSEUM, CALCUTTA. a vr et BY W. L: SCLATER, M.A., F.ZS., DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. Part II. Rodentia, Ungulata, Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, Carnivora, Cetacea, Sirenia, Marsupialia, Monotremata. CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. 189QI. Price: Three Rupees. CALCUTTA : GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL PRINTING OFFICE, 8, HASTINGS STREET. INTRODUCTION. Dr. Anderson, the late Superintendent, who was the author of the first part of the Catalogue of the Mammalia, wiich was published in 1881, was never able to complete the work ; the second half is therefore issued after a con- siderable number of years’ delay. It has been thought desirable to alter the form of the Catalogue somewhat from that of the first part, in which very nearly each specimen was separately described, some- times at greater, sometimes at lesser, length. This course seemed to unduly swell the bulk of the work; it was there- fore decided to approximate the form of the Catalogue somewhat more to those of the British Museum without full descriptions of each species, but with such remarks as might be thought necessary to assist the identification of the purely Indian species. A key of Genera and Species has been added, and all the Indian species, whether the Museum contains examples of them or not, are included in the Catalogue. The synonymy has not been worked out quite complete- ly, but all the more important references, especially those found in Indian works, are given, and every reference, except those asterisked, has been carefully verified. The total number of species included in the Catalogue amounts to 590, of which 276 are found within the Indian Empire and 314 are exotic. ‘These 590 species are repre- sented by 4,872 specimens, of which 1,330 belonged to the old Asiatic Society’s collection and are to be found mentioned in Mr. Blyth’s Catalogue, published in 1863, and the remaining 3,542 specimens have been added since that time. Following the introduction will be found a separate list of the type specimens possessed by the Museum, which number 55, and also a list of Donors and Contributors, both before and since the year 1863. LIST OF DONORS AND CONTRIBUTORS TO THE INDIAN MUSEUM, CALCUTTA, MENTIONED IN THIS CATALOGUE. A Abbott, Major T. R. Aberdeen University. Adamson, Major C. H. E. Adelaide Museum. Agabeg, A. Agra Museum. Aitchison, Dr. J. E. T. Alston, Edward R. Anderson, A. A. Anderson, Dr. John Armstrong, Surgn.-maj. J. Athaness, J. J. B Baker, Rev. F. Ball, Professor Vincent Barbe, Rev. J. Barcklay, J. F. Barclay, Surgn.-maj. A. Baring, Sir Evelyn Barlow, J. H. Barlow, Sir J. Barrackpore Menagerie. Bartlett, A. D. Batavian Society. Beavan, Lieut. R. C. Beddome, Lt.-Col. R. H. Belletty, N. Bellew, Dr. Bengal Economic Museum. Bengaugh, Capt. Bennett, H. W. Benson, Mr. Berdmore, Major Berlin Museum. Biddulph, Col. J. Bidie, G. Blanford, W. T. Blyth, Edward Bonnavia, Capt. Bonnevie, C. S. Bonynge, F. Bourne, Lieut. J. H. Bowers, Capt. Brisbane Museum. British Museum. Brodie, Major Brougham, Dr, Brownlow, T. Buckland, F. Burdwan, Maharaja of Burns, Sir A. Bushby, G. A. Butler, Capt, T. Cc Cadell, Col. T. Cameron, Dr. L. Campbell, Dr. A. Campbell, J. A. Canning, Lord Carllyle, A. C. Charling, Capt. Charlton, Capt. A. Chennell, A. W. Christiania University, Clark, H. Clay, A. L. Cock, C. R. Cockburn, John vi Columbo Museum. | Comber, Capt. H. R. Consort, H. R. H. the Prince Cooke, Capt. | Copenhagen Museum. Cornish Institution, | Cracroft, W. Croft, Sir A, W. D Dalton, Col. E. T. Daly, William M. Darling, W. A. Darwin, C. Davis, J. Davison, W. Day, Dr. Francis D’Cruz, R. Deveria, J. Dey, Babu M. Dobson, G. E. Doucett, T. R. Dreyer, C. H. Duff, Major Dundee Museum. Dutt, Babu Udaychand Duvancel, A. E Earle, W. Eden, Sir Ashley Elias, Ney Elliot, Sir Walter Ellis, R. S. Ellis, The Hon. Charles Elwes, H. J. Eyton, C. T. F Fairweather, Capt, J. Falconer, Dr. H. Farquhar, Major W. Fayrer, Sir Joseph Ferguson, H. S. Finch, Geoffroy Fitzgerald, Rev F. Ford, Major Fraser, A. J. Fraser, O. L. Frith, R. W. G. Fytche, General G Galafile, J. Gammie, J. A. ' Garnier, Dr. J. H. Garrett, C. B. Gervais, Prof. Giles, Surgn. G. M. Godfrey, Capt. Godwin-Austen, Lt.-Col. H.H. Gould, H. Grace, J. Graham, Col. Griesbach, L. C. Griffith, W. Grote, A. Gurney, J. H. Guthrie, Col. C. S, H Hamilton, J. Hand, J. Harri, Shaik Haughton, Lt.-Col. H.L. Henderson, Dr. George Henry, E. R. Hervey, C. Higgins, E. Hinder, J. Hodge, Capt. W. Hodgson, Brian H. Hollings, C. Holquette, S. F. Hone, R. Homfray, J. Homfray, P. Hood, Capt. I. H. Horne, C. Horsfield, Thomas Huffnagle, C. Hungarian Museum. Hunter, Sir W. W. Hutton, Capt. Thomas I India Museum, London. Irving, Capt. W. J Jackson, Dr. A. R. Jamrach, William Jarbo, J. T. Jardine, Sir William Jenkins, Col. F. Jerdon, Dr. T. C. Johnston, Col, Johnston, T. Johnstone, Capt. Jones, E. J. K Karachi Museum. Kelaart, Dr. E. F. King, Dr. George King, Mrs. Wilham Kinloch, Genl. A. A. A. Kirtland, Mr. Knight, J. Kuch Behar, Maharajah of L Lahore Museum. Laidlay, J. W. LaTouche, T. D. Layard, E. L. Lee, ). Bridges . Lewis, Capt. Harold Lindstedt, E. Lindstedt, Rev, F. J. Lister, J. M. Lloyd, C. G. T. Lloyd, Miss Lockhart, Col. Sir W. S. A. Lovett, Col. Beresford Lucknow Museum. vii Lumsden, Capt. Lushington, G. ‘I. Lydekker, R. M MacCosh, Dr. Maddock, Sir T. EH. Madras Museum. Maingay, Dr. Mainwaring, Genl. B. Malherbe, Alfred Mallet, F. R. Man, E. H. Mandelli, L. Masson, W. G. Masters, A. Mayo, Earl of ‘ McClelland, John McGowan, Rev. Dr. Medical College Museam. Medlicott, H. B. Melbourne Museum. Meurant, Col. Michell, Capt. Milman, Mr. Moller, F. A. Montrose Museum. Morgan, J. Mostyn, Clark H. Moxon, G W. Mullick, Rajah Rajendra Mullins, L. C. Munro, J. Murray, J. A. N Netherlands, Prince Henry of the Nevill, G. New York Museum. Nicholetts, A. M. Norman, Hon, Justice O Ogle, M. J. Oldham, R. D. O'Reilly, E. Oude, King of. Ouseley, Major. Owen, J. Oxford Museum. P Paris Museum. ~ Parker, J. C. Paterson, Capt. Peal, S, E. Pearson, J. T. Pemberton, Dr. People’s Park, Madras. Peppé, J. C. Phayre, Sir Arthur P. Philips, H. Phipson, H. M. Pierre, H. P. Pollock, Major F. T. Pritchard, Dr. R Raffles, Sir Stamford Rich, J. G. Roepstorff, F. A. de Rogerson, W, — Rollo, Capt. Roger Ross, J Roy, Babu H, M. Ruppell, Dr. E. Rutledge, William Ryan, E. B. S Sanders, Surgn.-maj. R. C. Sanderson, G. P. Sanyal, Babu R. B. Saxon, Mrs. Scholefield, Capt, Schwendler, Louis Scone, Dr. Scott, Dr. David Scully, Surgn.-maj. John Shaw, Babu Pran Kissen vill Shaw, W. B. Shawe, T. Shepperd, W. W. Sherwill, Major W. S. Shillingford, Alexander Shillingford, G. W. Shillingford, J. Shillingford, J. L. - Shopland, E. R. Simmons, J. F. Simson, F.B. Sinha, Gen]. Bhina ’ Skipwith, T. Sladen, Sir Percy Smith, Dr. Boser Smith, E. F. Smith, W. M. Smyth, Capt. E. Sparkes, Major T. P. Speke, Capt. J. H. Stalkart, W. Stewart, Dr. Stewart, L. C. St. John, Sir Oliver, B. C, Stockholm Museum. Stoliczka, Dr. Ferdinand Stone, S. J. Storr, M. de Strackey, Genl. Richard Strickland, H. E. Struthers, J. Swinhoe, Robert Sydney Institution. Sykes, Lt.-Col. W. H. T Taylor, W. C. Templeton, Dr. R. Theobald, W. Thomas, Capt. J. N. Thorburn, Dr. Tickell, Major S. R. Tonnerre, Dr. Turnbull, Major Turnbull, Mr. Turner, A. W. Tweedale, Marquis of Tytler, Lt.-Col. R. C. Vv Vidal, G. W. Vierre, H. P. W Wakefield, G. E. Waller, Dr. Wallich, Dr. Nathaniel Ward, H. A. Waterhouse, Col. J. Watson, E. A. Weekes, A. Westmacott, E. V. Whitwell, W. Wicks, G. H. Williams, Dr. C. Williamson, Capt. Wilson, F. Wombell’s Menagerie. Wood-Mason, James Y Yate, Major C. E. Young, Dr. Zz Zoological Gardens. SYSTEMATIC INDEX ANI) SUMMARY OF SPECIES AND SPECIMENS. NuMBER OF SPECIMENS, Asiatic | Indian Page. Soc. | Mus. | Total, Coll. Coll. Order RODENTIA. Sub-order SIMPLICIDENTATA, Division SCIURIMORPHA. Family Sciurip&. 1 Sciurus bicolor 10 17 27 7 2 Sciurus gigantess. 3 39 42 8 3 Sciurus indicus 8 19 27 to 4 Sciurus macrourus ° 3 12 Vr 5 Sciurus pygerythrus 4 14 18 11 6 Sciurus blanfordi I [ 2 12 7 Sciurus phayrei 4 I 5 12 8 Sciurus griseimanus ° 2 2 12 9 Sciurus caniceps . 6 29 35 13 to Sciurus atrodorsalis 5 47 52 15 y£ Sciurus erythrzus 5 45 50 15 12 Sciurus castaneoventris 2 ° 2 17 13 Sciurus sladeni 2 3 5 18 14 Sciurus hippurus 2 I 3 18 15 Sciurus lokroides i 66 77 18 16 Sciurus chinensis oO 1 1 19 17 Sciurus tenuis 1 2 3 20 18 Sciurus lokriah 5 10 15 20 19 Sciurus rufigenis oO ° ° an 20 Sciurus alstoni oO I 1 21 21 Sciurus melanotis o I I 21 22 Sciurus quinquestria‘us ° 4 4 ai 23 Sciurus ferrugineus 5 5 Io 22 24 Sciurus germani . 0 I I 22 25 Sciurus badging . 7 9 16 23 26 Sciurus prevostii 3 7 10 23 27 Sciurus palmarum 3 11 14 24 28 Sciurus tristiatus 8 13 21 25 29 Sciurus sublineatus 3 oO 3 20 30 Sciurus layardi I ° I 20 31 Sciurus berdmorei 3 2 5 26 32 Scivrus macclellandi 4 37 41 27 33 Sciurus insignis ° I I 28 xii INDEX. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 68 69 qo 7 Family Scrurip&—contd. Sciurus vulgaris . Sciurus fulvus. z Sciurus carolinensis Sciurus niger A Sciurus hudsonius Sciurus annulatus Rhinosciurus laticaudatus Tamias striatus Xerus rutilus Xerus erythropus Xerus capensis Pteromys oral 5 Pteromys cineraceus . Pteromys alborufus Pteromys yunnanensis . Pteromys magnificus Pteromys albiventer Pteromys caniceps Pteromys nitidus Sciuropterus fimbriatus Sciuropterus alboniger . Sciuropterus pearsoni . Sciuropterus fuscocapillus Sciuropterus sagitta Sciuropterus spadaceus Sciuropterus volucelia . Eupetaurus cineraceus . Arctomys himalayanus. . Arctomys hodgsoni Arctomys caudatus Arctomys aureus . . Arctomys dichrous Arctomys marmota Arctomys monax Family Castoripa, Castor fiber 5 = . — 8 © © we ww Division MYOMORPHA, Family Myoxipa, Myoxus pictus A Myoxus glis 7 - Muscardinus avellenariu Numeer oF SPECIMENS. Asiatic Soc. Coll, OOM OHM HNOOWROUNDH DDH HRORNHNHOOOHOHOHOR =~ O Indian Mus, Coll. VEY AORA NYY HODOADIOAYO AUD DOLOWOHOHQHH Hor Total, _ - Behe RRO NH DOA HQ EH _ NeKWAGNANNHMAA OW O ON QoONA Page, 45 45 INDEX. xii Family Muripa. 72 Hydromys chrysogaster 73 Hydromys fulvolarvatus 74 Hydromys leucogaster 75 Platacanthomys lasiurus 76 Gerbillus indicus, 77 Gerbillus cuvieri . 78 Gerbillus persicus 79 Gerbillus erythrurus 80 Gerbillus meridianus 81 Gerbillus hurrianz 82 Gerbillus nanus 83 Gerbillus gleadowi ‘ 84 Gerbillus swinhoei : ‘ ‘ 85 Gerbillus pyramidarum zi ‘i 86 Gerbillus obesus . ; ‘ 87 Isomys variegatus 88 Nesokia hardwickii . 89 Nesokia scullyi 90 Nesokia bengalensis ot Nesokia kok : g2 Nesokia bandicota 93 Nesokia nemorivagus . 94 Nesokia sp? 95 Mus decumanus . ; 96 Mus bowersii - . , : 97 Musrattus . 98 Mus alexandrinus 99 Mus nitidus . . 100 Mus rufescens ‘ 4 1o1 Mus andamanensis 1o2 Musrubricosa . 103 Mus concolor 104 Musfulvescens . 105 Mus jerdoni 106 Mus niviventer . 107 Mus humei . . : : ; 108 Muserythrotis . : : 2 109 Mus blanfordi 5 . 110 Mus berdmorei_ . : : 11 Mus urbanus . : . 112 Mus sublimis : : a : 113 Mus bactrianus_ . % ; : 114 Mus cervicolor 115 Mus arianus 116 Mus nitulidus i 117 Mus mettada 3 $ 118 Mus gleadowi NuMBER OF SPECIMENS. Asiatic} Indian Page. Soc. | Mus. | Total, Coll. Coll, I ° I 45 1 4 5| 46 ° I 1 46 4 22 26 46 6 26 32 47 10 23 33 47 ° 3 3 49 0 7 7 49 ° 13 13 50 ° 40 40 50 ° 9 9 51 oO 2 2 52 ° ° ° 52 ° 2 2 52 I ° I 52 ° 1 { 53 2 37 37 53 9 3 3 53 8| 97} 105] 53 3 \2 15 53 3 22 25 57 ° 4 4| 58 o I : 3 80 Cervus axis 81 Cervus dybowskii 82 Cervus sika é ; . 83 Cervus taévanus . . 84 Cervus elaphus . ‘ . 85 Cervus eustephanus ; 86 Cervus affinis . 5 . 87 Cervus cashmeerianus . : 88 Cervus canadensis 89 Cervus dama ‘ go Alces machlis 91 Capreolus caprza 92 Cariacus virginianus , ‘ 93 Rangifer tarandus Oe TES ee Fa BE ak See Sag Cae Se Number or SPECIMENS. Asiatic Soc. Coll, On HO Om me NH OMe _ bdo wo ~ AHOOdDO DH OW ot NWN YH MH OD ONHOO Indian Mus, Coll, OHOoOrtwWoononoo eh AS 6 Ot ety eS ONWONNNMRHDORHA DA Total, Ny Ove ONe eRe ane mH pees OnSneHuOwS B a ° ~ NA MORW DOD = ww Page, 166 166 166 167 167 167 168 168 168 169 170 170 171 171 172 173 174 176 178 178 179 179 180 180 181 182 183 183 183 184 184 184 185 186 186 187 187 188 INDEX. xix NuMBER OF SPECIMENS. é “ Page. Asiatic | Indian Soc. Mus, | Total. Coll. Coll, Family TracuLipa. 94 Tragulus memminna . $ 2 9 11] 189 95 Tragulus kanchil 5 24 29 | 189 96 Tragulus napu 2 . : . 2 9 i 190 97 Tragulus stanleyanus . . 7 . ° 8 8] rot Family CAMELIDa. 98 Camelus bactrianus . 3 : ‘ 3 3 | 191 99 Camelus dromedarius . i . : I 6 7 |} 192 too Auchenia glama . . . . . I 8 9 | 192 Family Suipaz. 1o1 Sus cristatus A . . a ‘ 18 12 30 | 193 102 Sus andamanensis . . : ; 18 7 25 | 105 103 Sus scrofa . 3 ‘ é é : I 2 3] 105 104 Porcula salvania . . é 5 o 13 13| 195 105 Babyrussa alfurus ‘ : : : 2 I 3] 196 Family DicotyLipa. 106 Dicotylus tajacu . . . : . I 2 3] 196 Family PHACOCH@RIDA. 107 Phacochcerus ethiopicus . 4 % 2 ° 2 107 108 Phacocheerus africanus 3 . 7 ° 2 2) 197 Family HippopoTAMIDAé, 109 Hippopotamus amphibius . : : 4 1 5 | 197 Sub-order PERISSODACTYLA. ° Family Tapirip#&. 110 Tapirus indicus . : . . . 4 8 12| 198 Family Equip. 111 Equus hzemionus var. indicus . é I 4 5 | 198 112 Equus hemionus var. kiang - ; 3 4 1 8] 199 113 Equus burchelli . 3 . . 3 o 2 2] 200 114 Equus asinus. . . . 5 1 2 3 | 200 115 Equus caballus . - 5 . . 9 9 18 | 200 xx INDEX. NumBer oF Specimens, Asiatic | Indian Page, ic. Mus. | Total, Coll, | Coll. Family RHINOCEROTIDA. 116 Rhinoceros unicornis . . . . 5 12 17 | 202 117 Rhinoceros sondaicus . . . . 6 16 22/ 202 118 Rhinoceros lasiotis . ; . . ° o oO} 204 119 Rhinoceros sumatrensis : . . 7 11 18 | 204 120 Rhinoceros bicornis . . . * 2 o 2] 205 121 Rhinoceros simus . . . . 1 ° 1} 206 Order PROBOSCIDEA. Family ELEPHANTIDA, Elephas indicus . . . . . 9 24 33 | 206 2 Elephas africanus . 5 . . I 3 4| 208 Order HYRACOID. Family Hyracipaz, Hyrax capensis . 7 . 4 . 8 ° 8} 208 Hyrax brucei 3 . . . . I 9 Io | 209 Dm Order CARNIVORA, Sub-order FISSIPEDIA, Division AELUROIDEA. Family Fevipa. 1 Felisleo . x ‘ # o . 4 9 13 | 214 2 Felis tigris . . . . . 10 20 30 | 216 3 Felis uncia . : . . . : I 7 8 | 217 4 Felis pardus s 7 . f : 6 28 34} 218 5 Felis nebulosa . ‘ . , 3 2 5 7| 220 6 Felis marmorata . : . , . 2 7 Q| 221 7 Felis temmincki , : . : . o 5 5| 222 8 Felis planiceps . 3 . . . I 2 3 | 222 9 Felis bengalensis , ‘ . 7 . 5 31 30 | 323 Jo Felis viverrina . . . é 2 3 10 13 | 225 11 Felis rubiginosa . . . . ‘i oO 5 5 | 225 12 Felis manul : 7 i : : ° oO o| 226 12 Felis ornata . . . : . 3 17 20 | 226 13 Felisshawiana . . . . . oO 3 3 | 227 14 Felis chaus . . . . . 7 30 37 | 227 15 Feliscaudata. e . . . oO 1 1 | 229 16 Felislynx . ‘ ; . . . 7 5 12 | 229 17 Felis caracal . . . : : 1 8 9 | 230 18 Felis concolor . . . . . 1 3 4| 230 INDEX. xxi NuMBER OF SPECIMENS, Astatic| Indian Page. Soc. Mus, | Total, Coll, | Coll, Family Feripa—contd, 19 Felis yagonaroundi . - . . ° 1 1 | 231 20 Felis pardalis . . . . I I 2] 231 21 Felis serval. ‘ . i . . 1 ° 1 | 231 22 Felis caffra . ‘ 7 ‘ . . 2 “oO 2] 232 23 Felis catus . . . . ; 7 1 o 1 | 232 24 Felis pardina . ‘ . . ° I 1 | 232 25 Felis canadensis . . - . . ° 4 4] 232 26 Felis rufa. . . . 7 1 2 3 | 233 27 Felis domestica . . a . . 8 6 14 | 233 28 Cynzlurus jubatus ‘ ‘ : : 2 6 8] 235 Family ViveRRIpA. 29 Viverra zibetha . ‘ i : ‘ 4 9 13] 236 30 Viverra civettina : . és 1 3 4 | 237 31 Viverra megaspila - 7 . ° ° O| 237 32 Viverratangalanga. . . . 2 7 9} 237 33 Viverra civetta , f 3 . . oO I 1] 238 34 Viverricula malaccensis 5 . é 12 13 25 | 238 35 Prionodon maculosus . ‘ . . oO oO o 239 36 Prionodon pardicolor , : ‘ 7 3 4 7 | 240 37 Genetta vulgaris . . ‘ & 1 ° 1 | 240 38 Genettatigrina . , ‘ : . 2 ° 2] 240 39 Hemigale hardwickii . . . . 1 oO 1 | 241 40 Arctogale trivirgata . ‘ . . oO I 1| 241 41 Arctogale leucotis ‘ 3 7 . 6 3 11 | 241 42 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus . < ° 15 15 | 243 43 Paradoxurus strictus . é é 2 ° 4 4| 244 44 Paradoxurus niger . ‘ 5 ‘ 6 16 22 | 244 45 Paradoxurus macrodus, : . . 4 2 6 | 246 46 Paradoxurus jerdoni . . @ o I 1 | 246 47 Paradoxurus aureus . ‘ : < 3 I 4) 247 48 Paradoxurus grayi ngs, AS é 5 9 15 24 | 247 49 Paradoxurus leucomystax . ‘ a 3 3 6] 248 50 Paradoxurus laniger 7 ‘ < ° ° o| 249 51 Arctictis binturong . . . . 3 Io 13| 249 52 Cynogale bennetti . . . . I I 2] 250 53 Eupleres goudoti . . . ° 2 2] 250 54 Herpestes auropunctatus . * . 9 24 33 | 251 55 Herpestes birmanicus . . . . I 3 4] 252 56 Herpestes mungo ‘ 5 ‘ . 5 18 23] 253 57 Herpestes ferrugineus . . . . 1 2 3 | 254 58 Herpestes smithi 2 . ° : I 2 3 | 254 59 Herpestes fuscus . ‘ . . . 1 ° 1 | 255 60 Herpestes fulvescens . - 5 . 2 1 3] 255 61 Herpestes brachyurus . ' . . 2 1 3] 255 62 Herpestes vitticollis . ‘ . ‘ 3 2 5| 256 xxii INDEX. NuMBER OF SPECIMENS, Asiatic| Indian Pages Soe. Mus, | Total, Coll. | Coll. Family VivErRIDZ—contd. 63 Herpestes urva . 7 "i . . 2 6 8] 256 64 Herpestes caffer . . . 3 . 2 I 3) 256 65 Herpestes galera ‘ ‘ . . I ° 1 | 257 66 Herpestes gracilis ‘ ‘ . . ° 4 4) 257 67 Crossarchus fasciatus . e Fs . I I ~2| 258 Family PRoTELIDA. 68 Proteles cristatus Z a . 3 1 ° 1] 258 Family Hy2nipa&. 69 Hyzna striata. . . . : 4 17 21 | 258 jo Hyzna crocuta . . é . . I I 2) 259 Division CYNOIDEA. Z Family Canipa@. 71 Cuon dukhunensis . . . . 5 10 15 | 260 72 Cuon alpinus ‘ . . . I ° 1] 261 73 Canis lupus. . . . . oO 11 11 | 262 74 Canis laniger 3 z 3 : 7 2 9] 262 75 Canis pallipes . “oo. : 2 20 22] 263 76 Canislagopus . . . : . 2 3 5 | 264 77 Canis aureus . é . . 9 20 29} 264 78 Canis mesomelas. 3 - . 2 ° 1 1 | 266 79 Canis variegatus . . . ‘ . I 1 2] 266 80 Canis procyonides _ : . oO [ 1} 266 81 Canis familiaris . : * ‘ . 7 14 21} 266 82 Canis dingo : ‘ : . - 2 2 4 | 266 83 Vulpes alopex . 3 . 2 . 5 ° 5| 268 84 Vulpes fulvus ‘ - 7 . . I 2 3] 268 85 Vulpes montanus . é , ‘ 6 43 49] 268 86 Vulpes leucopus . . 5 F e 7 16 23.) 270 87 Vulpes bengalensis . . . 6 19 25 | 271 88 Vulpes ferrilatus . é . . . 3 ° 3 | 272 89 Vulpes cana : ‘ . . ° oO Oo} 272 go Vulpescaama . . . . . I ° 1} 273 ot Vulpes virginiana . . . < I o 1] 273 Division ARCTOIDEA. Family MUSTELIDA. 92 Mustela flavigula : . * : 7 19 26] 273 93 Mustela martes . . . . . I 2 3] 274 INDEX, 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1o1 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Family MusteLipa—contd. Mustela foina ‘é Mustela zibellina Mustela pennanti Mustela americana Putorius fcetidus Putorius furio . Putorius larvatus Putorius sarmaticus Putorius erminea Putorius vulgaris Putorius stoliczkanus Putorius subhemachalanus Putorius canigula Putorius alpinus . Putorius kathiah . Putorius strigidorsus Putorius sibericus Putorius vison. Gulo luscus ‘ Galictis barbara . Galictis vittata . Ictonyx zorilla . Helictis orientalis Helictis personata Helictis moschata Mellivora indica . Meles taxus 7 Meles lencura ; Meles sp. . a Mydaus meliceps Arctonyx collaris Arctonyx taxoides Mephitis mephitica Lutra vulgaris Lutra ellioti Lutra aurobrunnea Lutra leptonyx . Lutra canadensis Lutra brasiliensis Enhydra lutris . . Family PRocyonipz Procyon lotor . Nasua rufa Nasua nasica - 137 Cercoleptes caudivolvulu ee NuMBER oF SPECIMENS, Asiatic | Indian Soc. Mus. Coll, Coll. Total Page, - “N bo bWOONM = we wD ~ rl PNY HK KR RK OW NNHNNDHA NOD DH ANNO DIO COSMO MNONDNDIOOKHHROHROH OOH HNDOKNOONO MMNEOHHOOHMN 59 nf Hes OOnn FOOD ONMNDHORD EHD ONDMMNNNAADOANHHO _ “Orn espn” ys AO 207 298 298 298 299 XXIV INDEX. Family PRocyonipz—contd. 138 Aelurus fulgens 139 Aeluropus melanoleucus Family Ursipa, 140 Ursus isabellinus 141 Ursus pruinosus . 142 Ursus torquatus . 143 Ursus malayanus. 144 Ursus arctos : 145 Ursus japonicas . 146 Ursus americanus 147 Ursus maritimus . 148 Melursus ursinus oe ee oe ee we oe ee ew er hay . Sub-order P/NNIPEDIA. Family TRICHECHIDA. 149 Trichechus rosmarus Family PHocipa. 150 Phoca vitulina . 151 Phoca greenlandica 152 Phoca barbata 153 Stenorhynchus carcinophagus . 154 Cystophora cristata . 155 Macrorhinus leoninus . Order CETACEA. Sub-order MYSTACOCETI. Family BALaN'DA, Balzena australis . . Balzna mysticetus . Balznoptera indica. Balznoptera blythi Balznoptera edeni OABWK = . . Sub-order ODONTOCETI. Family PHyseTerIpa. 6 Physeter macrocephalus 7 Kogia breviceps . . NuMBER OF SPECIMENS, Asiatic | Indian Page, Soc, Mus. | Total, Coll, | Coll, ° ai 21 { 300 ° I 301 6 1 17] 302 I I 2) 302 2 15 17 | 303 3 12 15] 304 2 3 6| 304 oO I 1] 305 I I 2] 305 2 2 4] 305 12 9 21 | 306 3 I 4| 307 I ° 1} 307 2 ° 2] 308 I ° 1} 308 ° 1 1 | 308 3 oO 3} 309 1 ° 1} 309 1 oO I 312 1 ° 1 | 312 1 I 2) 313 o 1 I 314 o 3 3} 314 4 3 7{ 3'4 o o Oo} 315 INDEX. Family PLATANISTIDA. 8 Platanista gangetica . Family DgLeHINIDaA, 9 Monodon monoceras . to Delphinapterus leucas t1 Phoczena communis 12 Neomeris phocenoides 13 Orcella brevirostris 2 14 Orcella fluminalis 3 15 Globicephalus melas. 16 Globicephalus indicus . 17 Lagenorhynchus acutus 18 Lagenorhynchus electra tg Delphinus delphis 20 Delphinus frithi . . 21 Delphinus pomeegra 22 Delphinus longirostris 23 Tursiops tursio . < 24 Tursiops perniger . 25 Prodelphinus obscurus 26 Prodelphinus attenuatus 27 Steno rostratus . 7 28 Sotalia gadamu . : 29 Sotalia plumbea . . 30 Sotalia lentigenosa Order SIRENIA. Family Haticoripa. 1 Halicore dugong 3 2 Halicore australis . Order EDENTATA. Family BRADYPODIDA. 1 Cholopus didactylus . 2 Cholopus hoffmanni . Family MyRMECOPHAGID#. 3 Myrmecophaga jubata XXV | Number or SPECIMENS, Asiatic | Indian Page. Soc. Mus. | Totat, Coll, Coll. 6) 27] 33 | 315 1 1 21) 317 1 ° 1] 317 3 ° 3} 317 I ' 2| 318 2 9 mt {- 318 9 3 3 | 319 I ° 1 319 7 1 3] 319 1 ° I 32 ° ° o}] 321 1 2 3 | 321 I ° 1 322 ° o o| 322 ° ° o| 322 2 1 3 | 323 1 oO I 323 I 1 2) 324 6 o 6 | 324 2 1 3 | 324 1 ° I 325 oO ° o| 325 ° ° Oo} 325 2 6 8 | 326° ° 2 2| 327 ° I I 328 o I 1} 328 1 ° 1 328 XXvi INDEX. O ON ANAHW HH Family DasypopIpz&. Macropus billardieri Macropus brachyurus Petrogale xanthopus Petrogale penicillata Tatusia novemcincta . . Dasypus sexcinctus . . Family Manip. Manis pentadactyla. ° Manis aurita : 2 . Manis javanica . . . Family OrycTeROPoDIDa. Orycteropus capensis . . Order MARSUPIALIA. Family MAcropopipay Macropus giganteus : Macropus rufus . . . Macropus ualabatus . . Macropus ruficollis . . Macropus bennettii . . Macropus dorsalis e . Macropus agilis . . Macropus thetidis A Macropus eugenii 3 oe © ewe we Onychogale frenata Onychogale lunata 2 . Dorcopsis mulleri . Lagostrophus fasciatus . Aepyprymnus rufescens ‘i Bettongia cuniculus . . Bettongia penicillata . Bettongia lesueuri . : Family PHALANGERIDA. Tarsipes rostratus * Acrobates pygmzus . Dromicia nana. : . Petaurus australis bs ic Petaurus breviceps . * Petauroides volans ee oe we NumBer oF SPeciMENs, Asiatic Soc. Coll, Indian Mus. Coll. ToraL. Page. AW a COKFdOOKRONOKRKOONDOOW OR OW NONOHO PNOKFNDOHWHNAGCHWHN OCH RH OWNWKUMN NANA ee 18 31 11 PNK HD ROW DN ROOD HOO LhM ee 329 329 330 330 331 332 333 333 333 334 334 334 334 335 335 *335 335 336 336 336 337 337 337 338 3:8 338 338 339 339 339 340 340 340 —e INDEX, XXV Number oF Specimens, Asiatic | Indian Page. Soc. Mus. | Totat. Coll. Coll. Family PHALANGERID&—contd, | 28 Pseudochirus peregrinus =. O 2 2, gat 29 Pseudochirus occidentalis . ° I I | 34t go Pseudochirus cooki_ ‘ ‘5 0 I I | 341 31 Trichosurus vulpecula . 7 . I 9 ro | 34t 32 Trichosurus fuliginosus 3 3 6 | 342 33 Trichosurus caninus ; - ‘ or I 1) 342 34 Phalanger orientalis. : : 5 ° 1 1} 343 35 Phalanger celebensis . : : ‘ ° 2 2\ 343 36 Phascolarctus cinereus 0 6 6 | 343 Family PHASCOLOMYID2. 37 Phascolomys mitchelli . ‘ . . ° 3 3\ 344 38 Phascolomys ursinus . ‘ , 1 2 31 344 39 Phascolomys latifrons . ° 2 2\ 344 Family PERAMELIDZ. 40 Peragale lagotis . ° 2 2) 344 41 Perameles obesula 4 : - 2 4 6| 345 42 Perameles nasuta . . : . oO 1 1 | 345 43 Perameles gunni s : . I I 2) 345 44 Perameles bongainvillei is Fi oO 1 1 345 Family DasyuRipé. 48 Thylacinus cynocephalus 3 ° 3| 346 46 Sarcophilus ursinus I I 2) 346 47 Dasyurus maculatus ° 4 4| 346 48 Dasyurus viverrinus . 2 4 6| 347 49 Dasyurus geoffroyi 1 3 4| 347 50 Phascogale flavipes 1 oO 1 | 347 51 Phascogale penicillata . oO 2 2| 347 52 Sminthopsis crassicaudata .. : ; I ° 1} 348 53 Myrmecobius fasciatus i : : ° I 1} 348 Family DIDELPHYIDE. 54 Didelphys marsupialis . é . ; ° I 1 {| 348 Order MONOTREMATA. Fauwily ECHIDNIDA. 1 Echidna aculeata * . j : 3 3 6| 349 Family ORNITHORHYNCHIDE, 2 Ornithorhynchus anatinus . ; - 2 5 7 | 349 — XXvili INDEX. Summary. Numper or Species. | NuMBER OF SPECIMENS, Orpers, Indian, | Exotic, Totat.|A.S.B.| I.M. | Totau. Rodentia 2 z : «| 113 IOo1 214 | 430 | 1,715 | 2,145 Ungulata ‘ . é 53 68 | 121 | 410! 679 | 1,089 Proboscidea . : . 1 1 2 10 27 37 Hyracoidea . . ° 2 2 9 9 18 Carnivora . - s 83 73.| 156 | 369 | 876 | 1,245 Cetacea i . . 22 8 30 40 55 95 Sirenia . . I I 2 2 8 JO Edentata = . 5 3 6 9 18 SI 69 Marsupialia . a8 o 54 54 37 | 114! 151 Monotremata 3 ° 2 2 5} 8 13 TOTAL 276} 316] s92 | 1,330 | 3,542 | 4,872 List of types in the Indian Museum. No, Description of Specimens, Type as described. Author, 1 | Stuffed and skull .| Sciurus blanfordi . Blyth. 1 | Stuffed and skull - | Sciurus sladeni . Anderson. 1 | Skin 3 * . | Sciurus alstoni «| Anderson. 1 | Stuffed . ¥ . | Sciurus quinquestriatus Anderson. 1 | Skin and skull . . | Sciurus layardi é . | Blyth. 1 | Skin . ° -| Sciurus fulvus . . - | Blanford. t | Skin andskull . . | Pteromys cineraceus . Blyth. ° 4 | Skins . . | Pteromys yunnanensis Anderson. 3 | Skins . . . | Sciuropterus spadaceus Blyth. 1 | Skinand skull . . | Eupetaurus cineraceus Thomas.* 1 | Skin and skull . - | Spermophilus bactrianus . | Scully. 1 | Skin and skull . . | Arctomys aureus . | Blanford. 1 | Alcohol. é - | Myoxus pictus s . | Blanford * 1 | Alcohol and skull . | Gerbillus persicus . . | Blanford. 1 | Alcohol and skull . | Gerbillus nanus ‘ . | Blanford. 1 | Skin and skull . . | Nesokia scullyi ‘ . | Wood-Mason. 1 | Alcohol and skull . | Mus bowersii . ° . | Anderson. 2 | Skins and skulls -| Mus andamanensis . Blyth. 1 | Alcohol and skull «| Mus rubricosa . Anderson. 3 | Alcohol and skulls -| Mus concolor . ‘i | Blyth. 1 | Skin and skull. . | Mus jerdoni : «| Blyth.. 1{ Alcohol. . . | Mus erythrotis : + | Blyth. 1 | Skull y : «| Mus berdmorei f .| Blyth. 1 | Alcohol and skull .| Mus sublimis , : . | Blanford. 2 | Alcohol, 1 skull .| Mus arianus . . . | Blanford.+ * Co-types in the British Museum. Described as M. erythronotus ; name afterwards changed, INDEX. XXIX List of types in the Indian Museum—contd. Description of Specimens, Type as descrited, Author, — ro MOD wD ee DD Skin, 1 alcohol and skull. Skins and skulls 5 Alcohol, 2 skulls . Alcohol, « skull . Skins : Stuffed . Skin Skin, skull Skins, 1 skull Skins i Skin and skull Stuffed heads. Skin with head . Skull e 2 Pr. horns a Skin and skeleton Skin and skull . Stuffed and skull Stuffed 4 . , Skin. is , Stuffed and skull Skin and skull . Skeleton (pt.) . Skeleton (pt) . oe ee wore Skeleton (pt.) Skeleton . Skeleton } Skull Skull e ‘ ¢ Stuffed and skull (pt.) Hapalomys longicaudatus. Arvicola stoliczkanus Arvicola blanfordi . Arvicola blythi . Rhizomys erythrogenys Rhizomys pruinosus. Pectinator spekii Hystrix yunnanensis Lepus hypsibius . Lepus stoliczkanus . Lepus peguensis . Gazella spekii . ‘ Gazella fuscifrons . Cervus taevanus 5 Cervus eustephanus . Felis shawiana : Viverra civettina . Vulpes montana ‘ Vulpes, leucopus . Putorius stoliczkanus Arctonyx taxoides Lutra ellioti Balznoptera indica Baleenoptera blythi_ . Balzenoptera edeni . Orcella fluminalis Globicephalus indicus Delphinus frithi « Delphiuus perniger . Blyth, Blanford. Scully, Blyth * Anderson. Blyth. Blyth. Anderson, Blanford. Blanford. Blyth. Blyth. Blanford. Blyth. Blanford, Blanford, Blyth. Pearson. Blyth. Blanford. Blyth. Anderson. Blyth. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson. Blyth. Blyth. Blyth. ToTAL NUMBER OF TYPES,— 55: * Described by Blyth as Phaomys teucurus ; name altered by Blanford, CATALOGUE OF MAMMALIA. INDIAN MUSEUM. ParT II. Order RODENTIA. _The Rodentia are Mammals characterized by the following points of structure :—a middle pair of long, curved, rootless, persis- tent incisors ; no canines; three molars above and below [except Hydromys]; temporal and orbital fossz of skull confluent, the lacrymal foramen opening within it ; a distinct interparietal present ; scapula narrow, with a deep notch and a well developed acromion ; manus, five or four digits; pes, three to five digits; placenta deci- duate and discoidal. A general account of the classification and of the genera of the group by E. R. Alston willbe found in P. Z.S., 1876, p. 61; itis mainly on this paper that the following key of the Indian Genera is based. Key of the Indian Genera. a. Only one pair of incisors above; skull with a true alisphenoid canal ; optic foramina rarely confluent; bony palate well de- veloped ; fibula never articulates with the calcaneum ; testes abdominal, descending periodically. |[=Simplicidentata.] ‘4. Two premolars above and below; post-orbital processes present ; infra-orbital opening very small; zygomatic arch mainly composed of the malar bone, not supported below by a process of the maxilla; mandible with the angular portion springing from the lower edge of the bony covering of the lower incisor; fibula separate through life; upper lip cleft; muffle small, naked; nostrils comma-shaped ; tail cylindrical and hairy. {[=Sciuride.] ¢. Incisors compressed. § d. Limbs united by a flying expansion; form slender ; tail long. B MAMMALIA, e. Dentition hypsodont, 7.2, molar teeth with vertically lengthened crowns. . . Eupetaurus, p. 40. - &, Dentition brachyodont, 7.e., molar teeth with short crowns. f. Aninterfemoral membrane present; tail generally bushy. 5 ‘ ‘ Pteromys, p. 32- f?. No interfemoral membrane ; tail distichous. Sciuropterus, p. 37. d*, Limbs free; form agile; tail long, bushy; no cheek pouches; parietals broad, anchylosed to the frontals. Sciurus, p. 4. ce, Incisors not compressed ; form thick-set ; tail short ; pollex rudimentary ; parietals narrow, parallelogrammatic. Arctomys, p. 41. &?, Premolars present or absent; no post-orbital processes ; zygomatic arch slender, chiefly formed by the zygomatic processes of the maxillze and squamosal bones; mandible with the angular portion springing from the lower edge of the bony covering of the lower incisor; tibia and fibula completely anchylosed in the adult; upper lip usually cleft; muffle small, naked; nostrils comma-shaped ; tail cylindrical. [=Myomorpha. ] f. Lower incisors generally compressed ; no premolars; infra- orbital opening generally high, wide above, narrow below, with the maxillary process forming a perpendicular plate ; tail generally naked. (=Muride.] g- Molars rooted. 4. Molars transversely laminated ; incisive foramen and auditory bulla very small; palate imperforate ; form myoxine; fur mixed with scattered spines; tail densely haired. ‘ Platacanthomys, p. 46. k*, Incisors narrow, upper ones grooved; molars trans- versely laminated ; auditory bulla large; hind limb elongated ; tail long and hairy. Gerbillus, p. 46. 8. Incisors not grooved; molars generally tuberculate ; tail scaly, and generally more or less naked. Jj» Only the pollex provided witha nail, all other digits clawed, k. Lower incisors broad; molars of transverse RODENTIA. 3 lamin; palate narrow; muzzle blunt; form stout; tail shorter than the head and body. Nesokia, p. 53. #*. Incisors narrow ; molars tubercular. Mus, p. 59. #3, Like Mus, but with an extra anterior tubercle to the anterior upper molar, Leggada, p. 79. 7. Pollex and hallux provided with a flat nail; tail very long, with a pencil of long hairs at the tip; skull very short and rounded, 2, Dentition normal ; incisors narrow, Chiropodomys, p. 81. P, Molar teeth with cusps arranged perfectly regu- larly, those of the lower jaw arranged in trans- yerse rows of three instead of two as in all other Muridz; incisors broad. Hapalomys, p. 82, jy. ist and 5th digit of each limb with a flat nail ; size small; form slender and agile Vandeleuria, p. 82. A+, Upper incisors grooved, otherwise as in Mus. Golunda, p. 83. A’, Upper incisors smooth ; molars tuberculate; infra- orbital opening not much narrowed below, and with the perpendicular plate little developed; tail short, not scaled, sparsely haired; with large cheek-pouches. Cricetus, p. 85. g’. Molars rootless or semi-rooted, composed of triangular prisms placed alternately. m. Infra-orbital opening murine; tail short and hairy ; ear-conch present; anterior palatine foramen long. : ‘ Fi . Arvicola, p. 87. m*, Infra-orbital opening small and sub-triangular ; ear- conch absent; anterior palatine foramen tudi- mentary. . ; . - Ellobius, p. 94. f*. Incisors large and broad; no premolars; molars rooted and with re-entering enamel folds, not tuberculate ; infra-orbital opening sub-triangular, with no perpendi- cular plate; eyes very small; ears very short; tail rather short-haired. : . Rhizomys, p. 95. B 2 4 MAMMALIA. 73. Incisors compressed; one small upper premolar ; infra- orbital opening very large and rounded; metatarsal bones greatly elongated ; hind-feet with five digits, of which the first and fifth do not reach the ground ; tail long, cylindrical and tufted. . Alactaga, p. 101. 83, One premolar above and below; molars with re-entering enamel folds and semi-rooted; no post-orbital processes to frontals ; mandible with the angular portion springing from the outer side of the bony covering of the lower incisor ; fibula a distinct bone throughout life; muffle hairy; fur modified into spines and quills. [=Hystricide.] n. Spines cylindrical; tail short, covered with spines and hollow quills. ©. . : - Hystrix, p. 104. n®. Spines flattened and channelled; tail long, scaly, with a tuft of bristles. . ‘ : . Atherura, p. 104. a*, Two pairs of incisors above; optic foramina confluent; no alisphenoid canal; bony palate much reduced; fibula and tibia anchylosed below and articulating with the calcaneum ; testes always external. -[=Duplicidentata.] o. Two premolars above and below ; frontals with no post-orbital process ; ears and hind limbs short; no external tail. Lagomys, p. 109. o*, Three premolars above, two below; frontals with two wing- like processes; ears and hind limbs elongated ; tail short, bushy, and recurved : : - Lepus, p. 112. Genus SCIURUS, Sciurus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., rath ed., i, p. 56 (1766). Macroxus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (3) xx, p. 275 (1857). The Museum collection of the squirrels of the Oriental Region is a very complete one and formed the basis of Anderson’s mono- graph of the group in his Anatomical and Zoological Researches. In the Catalogue below Anderson has, except in one or two trifling instances, been followed, though it seems that still further reductions will have to be made in the number of species, more especially in the group of grizzled squirrels. The synopsis or key is not intended to apply to geographical varieties of Indian species not found within the limits of the Indian empire, so that the numerous pale varieties of Sciurus bicolor and the curiously coloured varieties of Sciurus ferrugineus, which are none of them found within the limits of the Indian empire, are not included in the key. SCIURUS. 5 The key is more or less an artificial one and must not be taken as exhibiting the real affinities of the different species. Key of the Indian Species. @ Squirrels of large size; length without tail more than 12 inch- es; skull over two inches in length; the anterior upper pre- molar constantly absent. &. Black or dark-brown above, yellow below; outside of the shoulders and thighs, legs and feet constantly of the same colour as the back. c. Ears not tufted . ‘ ‘ . S. bicolor, p. 7. c, Ears tufted . ‘ . §. giganteus, p. 8. 8, Above red and black, with a yellow occipital patch; feet yellow like the under surface ; ears very fully tufted. S. indicus, p. ro. 88. Above black or grizzled black and white, a yellow or white occipital patch; feet black, but the outside of the limbs yellow like the under surface; ears very slightly tufted. S. macrourus, p. 11. a*, Squirrels of medium size, less than 12 inches in length without the tail; never dorsally striped ; skull 1°6 to 1°8 inches in length; the anterior upper premolar always present. d. Dorsal surface grizzled, either gray, yellow or red and black ; no ventral stripes. e. Slightly smaller skull, averaging 1°6 inch. /. With a black tip to the tail ; ventral surface pate. S. pygerythrus, p. 11. S*. Tail-tip not black ; ventral surface pale ; a bright red patch frequently present on the thighs (seasonal ?) S. lokroides, p. 18. f°. Tail-tip not black ; ventral surface bright orange ; a white patch of hairs behind the ear; head with a somewhat elongated muzzle compared with S. lokroides. ones . S. lokriah, p. 20. ée, Skull somewhat larger, from 1°85 to 2°o inches in length. . Tail-tip black ; feet yellow ; below orange. 7 Pare : S, blanfordi, p. 12. g* Tail-tip black; feet yellow; a black lateral patch 6 MAMMALIA. separates the yellow ventral from the grizzled dorsal surface. : . §. phayrel, p. 12. g*. Below gray; during the cold weather the grizzled fur of the back is replaced by brilliant orange. S. caniceps, p. 13. g*. Below dark chestnut, generally with a patch of brilliant black on the dorsal surface ; probably notseasonal. . . 5. atrodorsalis, p. 15. g°. Feet, ventral surface and upper surface of the head chestnut. . . . S, sladeni, p. 18. g®. Below deep chestnut, above varying from yellow grizzled to almost black; tail-tip red, black, or same colourasthe back. S, erythraeus, p. 15. g'’. Below white, cheeks ferrugineous ; tail chestnut below; a white spot behind the ear; head with elongate muzzle resembling S. lokriah. S. rufigenis, p. 21. d*, Ventral surface marked by five stripes, a central and two lateral nearly black, two intermediate yellowish white. S. quinquestriatus, p. 21. d°, Dorsal surface not grizzled; whole squirrel entirely ferrugineous i . S. ferrugineus, p. 22. a3. Squirrels of small size under eight inches in length without the tail; always marked with dorsal stripes varying in num- ber; skull of varying shape and size, with the anterior pre- molar present (except S. layardi). 4. Median dorsal stripe black. j. Larger, about seven inches in length without the fail; stripes barely reaching from the shoulders to the thighs, 5 black and 2 light ones; skull very long and narrow, 1°75 inches long by 1°05 inches across at the widest part. . ‘ ‘ . . S. berdmorei, p- 26. 7. Smaller, about five inches in length without the tail; ears tufted with white tips; stripes varying in length and distinctness ; skull very short and rounded, 1°05 long by *85 across the broadest part. S. maclellandi, p. 27. #3, Median dorsal stripe white or yellow. kh. ae and under side of the tail with a distinct tinge of red. SCIURUS. 7 2. Three white or reddish stripes reaching anteriorly as far as the shoulders only; ventral surface pale ex- cept the rump; skull long and narrow, 1'25 by ‘85 inches. . , . . S.tristriatus, p. 25. s @, Lateral stripes very obscure; ventral surface chestnut; no anterior upper premolars ; skull short and round- ed, 1'°3 by ‘g5 inches. . - §S. layardi, p. 26. #, Rump and under side of the tail with no traces of red. m, Three dorsal stripes well marked, reaching forward anteriorly to the nape; body about seven inches ; fur harsh and light coloured. S. palmarum, p. 24. m*, Three dorsal stripes very obscure, not reaching for- ward anteriorly to the nape of the neck; body about five inches in length; fur very soft and rather dark - - 9. -sublineatus, p. 26. ‘ Sciurus bicolor. Var, A.—typicus. Sciurus bicolor, Sparrman Gétheborg Wetens. Sevensk, Handl., i, p. 70 (1778)* ; Horsfield Zool. Res., with plate; Muller and Schlegel, Tem. ‘Verhandl., pp. 88, 88; Blyth F. A. S.B.,x, p. 919; Cantor FA. S. B., xv, p. 246; Blyth FA. S. B., xvi, p. 870; Blyth Cat., no. 309, p. 99 [pt.] ; An- derson Anat. Zool. Res, p.215; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus.,v, p. 108; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, pp. 67,75; Anderson, F. Linn. Soc., xxi, p. 340; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., xi, p. 27. - Sciurus javensis, Zimmerman Geograph. Gesch., ii, p. 342 (1780); Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p.870; Gray P. Z. S., 1861, p. 137. ; Sciurus albiceps, Desmarest N, Dict, Hist. Nat., x, p. 105 (1817); Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 110. Sciurus leschenaltii, Desmarest Mamm., p. 335 (1820); Horsfield Zool. Res. Sciurus affinis, Raffles Linn. Trans., xiii, p. 259 (1822); Blyth Ann. Mag. N. A. Xx, p. 314. : Sciurus hy poleucus, Horsfield Zool. Res. (1824) ; Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., p. 90; Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 870; id. Cat., no. 310, p. 99. Sciurus auriventer, Js. Geog. St. Hil. Mag. de Zool. (1832)*; id. Zool. Voy. aux. Ind. Orient. Belanger, 1834, p. 150; Blyth F A.S. B., xvi, . 870. : ik Scineae humeralis, Colon Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neufcha., i, p. 122, pl. viii 1835). oie Gi ephippium, Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., p, 91, pl. xiii (1838-44); Blyth Cat., no. 311, p. 100. Sciurus rubiventer, Muller and Schlegel Tem, Verhandl., p. 86 (1838-44). $a 5 Macroxus bicolor, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (3); xx, p. 276 (1867) [pt.] Macroxus ephipium, Gray Ann. Mag., N. H. (3), xx, p. 276 (1867). 8 MAMMALIA. Var, B.—giganteus. Sciurus giganteus, McClelland P. Z. S., p. 150 (1839); Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 220; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 107. -Sciurus bicolor, Wagner Schreber Sdugeth. Suppl., iii, p. 191 (1843) Blyth ¥. A. S. B. xvi, p. 870; id. ibid., xxiv, p. 472; id. ibid., xxxi, p- 334; Blyth Cat., p. 99, no. 309. [pt.] Sciurus macruroides, Hodgson F. A.S. B., x, p. 915 (1841); Horsfield P.Z.S., 1856, p. 402; Ferdon Mamm., p. 168; Blyth F. AS. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 35+ The Black Hill Squirrel; Bhotea, Shingsham; Lepcha, Le- hyuk; Arakan, Leng-thet; Burmese, Sheng. Distribution.—The typical variety is found in Lower Burma, all through Tenasserim and the Malayan peninsula, and in the islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo. The variety giganteus is found in the Himalayas from Nepal eastward to Assam, the hills between Assam and Burma and Upper Burma. This species varies in colour to a large extent, a fact which has been the cause of the long list of synonyms above recorded ; in the list of specimens below, “a” to “1” inclusive are specimens of the typical black and yellow variety, in which the black extends down the outside of the legs and the toes are black, the ears are untufted and there is a cheek and chin spot. The specimens “m” to “q” only differ in having the back of a decidedly more rufous tinge. The specimens “s” to “z” differ in having the feet light- coloured, not black as in the typical form; the back varies from a light rufous to the same yellow as the ventral surface; this is the variety separated by Jentink under the name of Sciurus albiceps. The specimen “‘r” is again curiously intermediate: from the crown of the head to the root of the tail it is a bright grizzled yel- low, each hair being brown, with a bright yellow tip; the head, cheeks and throat are whitish, the end of the nose and chin alone being dark; the tail and feet are almost as dark as in the typical black and yellow variety. ; The two specimens from Borneo “z” and “a?” are somewhat different again, being very dark grizzled above, but with yellowish not blackish feet. It seems impossible therefore at present to separate into even geographical races this very varying species, except in the case of the large squirrel of the Eastern Himalayas and Assam, which forms a well-marked geographical race of Sciurus bicolor. It was first described by McClelland as a distinct species (S. giganteus) in his paper on the Mammals of Assam. This race is at once distinguished from the true S. bicolor by its tufted ears; it also seems to be very constant in colour, and never varies as S. bicolor does. @. Skin, skull 6. Skin .¢. Skin d. Skin e. Skin, skull J. Skin g. Skin kh, Skin, skull j. Skin, skull &. Stuffed SCIURUS. Var. A,—typicus, Yé, Tenasserim, 11-86 Q Pilai, Mergui, 6-3-82 é é Z. Stuffed skull ¢ m. Skin, skull n. Stuffed juv. o. Stuffed, skull pb. Stuffed qg. Stuffed skull vy. Skin s. Skin é t. Stuffed skull 9 uw. Stuffed skull v. Stuffed skull w, Stuffed skull x. Skin ~ Java y. Stuffed skull 9 2, Skin a®, Skin 8%, Skeleton a-h,8 Skins and skulls j. Skin & Skin 2. Skin m. Skin n. Skin, skull o. Skin p-. Skin q. Skin 3 g 7-v. § Skins and skulls. w. Skin . #. Skin y» Skin z. Skin a, Skin 63, Skin e. Skin d*, Skin e*, Skin F?. Skin g3. Skin juve ” ” 7-3-82 Thaing, Mergui, 31-1-82 Mergui, 14-12-82 Amherst, Tenasserim weeeee Malay peninsula Tenasserim » Pegu Ramree Isle, Arrakan Tenasserim Taping R., Perak Malacca Singapore Malay peninsula Java ” : [Horsfield]} Borneo ” Tenasserim G. M. Giles, J. Anderson. Anderson. Anderson. Anderson. Armstrong. J. Armstrong. Purchased, 1877. Purchased, 1878. No history, A.S.B. W. Rutledge, 1870. A.S.B. Major Berdmore, A.S.B. W. T. Blanford, 1863, A.S.B. J. R. Abbott, 1844, A.S.B. F. Jenkins, 1845, A.S.B. Mus. Coll. (Jaffa), 1889, E. R. Alston [P.] W. Rutledge, 1872. E. Lindstedt, 1846, A.S.B. R. W.G. Frith, 1846, A.S.B. Mrs. Turnbull, 1857, A.S.B. India Mus., London., Batavian Soc. (1844) A.S.B. E. R. Alston [P.] E. R. Alston [P.] J. Wood Mason, J. J. J. J. Var. B.i—giganteus. Sikkim Sikkim nr. Darjeeling, 6000 ft. a9 ” Sikkim % Darjeeling terai, 4-69 Sikkim Assam Garo hills, 7-69 Samagooting, Assam Naga hills, Assam, Telbongo Peak, Naga hills, Dunsiri Valley, Assam Dirjunj R,, 'N. Cachar, L. Mandelli. L. Mandelli. W. G. Masson [P.] W. G. Masson [P.] H. J. Elwes [Ex.] J. Anderson, W. T. Blanford E. F. Smith (1859), A.S.B. J. Anderson. J. Butler. A. W. Chennell. A. W. Chennell. H. Godwin Austen, H. Godwin Austen. H. Godwin Austen. H. H. Godwin Austen, H, H. H. Sibsagar, Assam, 7-68 S. E. Peel. a” Goalpara, Assam, 8-68 7-68 S.E., Peel. H. L. Haughton. Momein, Yunnan, 6,000J. Anderson. . ft., 21-5-68. ” 7-68, ” J. Anderson. 10 MAMMALIA. 73, Skin Upper Burma C. Williams (1865). jy. Skin, skull ? Borneo E. R, Alston [P.] 43, Skin, skull esau W. Rutledge. i, Stuffed Darjeeling Capt. Bonnavia (1844), A.S.B. mm, Skull Sibsagar, Assam, 7-68 5S. E, Peel. n3, Skull Samagooting, Assam, J.. Butler. 10-75. o. Skull No history, A. S. B. 27. Skin @ Darjeeling, 8,000 ft. W. G. Masson [P.] q@. Skin a ‘ W. A. Darling (1881) 7, Skin Rungbee, Darjeeling J. Munro. Sciurus indicus. “Bombay Squirrel,” Pennant Synop. Mamm., 1771, p. 281. Sciurus indicus, Evxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., p. 420 (1777); Anderson Anat Zool. Res., p. 222; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus.,v, p. 106; Thomas P. Z S., 1886, p. 60. Sciurus bombayanus, Boddaert Elench. Anim., p. 117 (1785)*. Sciurus maximus, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 149 (1788); Elliot, Madr. Fourn., &, p. 217; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 156; Blyth Ff. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 287; id. Caz, p. 98, no. 307; Ferdon Mamm., p. 166; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, pp. 49, 194; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 223. Sciurus purpureus, Zimmerman Spec. Geogr. Quadr., p. 518 (1788) ; Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xvi, p. 868. Sciurus elphinstonii, Sykes, P. Z. S., p. 103 (1831) ; Horsfield Cat. E. 1, Mus., p.157; Ferdon Mamm, p. 167. Sciurus malabaricus, Schinz Synop. Mamm., ii, p. 32 (1845); Ferdon Mamm., p. 166. ¥ The Indian Red Squirrel; Bengali, Kat beral; Hindustani, Jungli gilheri ; Kols, Kondeng ; Gonds, Perwarsti ; Hindi, Karrat ; Monghyr, Rasu or Ratuphar; Telegu, Bet-tidaté; Mahratta, Shekra; Canarese, Kesannalu. Distribution—The Indian peninsula generally, south of the Gangetic plains from Cuttack to. Travancore; has also been recorded from the Nepal Terai (Hodgson) and Manipur (Thomas). a, Skin, @ nr. Cuttack V. Ball (Ex.] & Skin Travancore Purchased. e. Skin, skull S. Malabar Rev. J. Baker (1859), A.S B. d. Skin ” Rev. J. Baker (1859), A.S.B. e. Skin Malabar E. R. Alston [P.] f. Skin Travancore Purchased. g. Skin Deccan [Sykes] India Mus., London. h. Skin, skull ? No history, A. S. B. j. Skin, skull No history A. S. B. é&. Skin ishaee J. Anderson. GSKin neti J. Anderson. m Skin ae Lord Northbrook. feeg. 4SKins fae W. Rutledge. 7. Skin g ena W. Rutledge. SCIURUS, Il s. Stuffed S. Malabar Mrs, Turnbull, 1862, A.S.B. t. Stuffed, skull ae A.S.B. u. Stuffed edie Barrackpore Menagerie, wv. Stuffed, skull naa A.S.B. [A.S.B. w. Stuffed ae G. Sceva. x, Stuffed wanuea W. Rutledge, 1870. y. Skeleton, mted. No history. zs. Skin g Tenmalai, S. Arcot, Museum Collector. a), Skin 2 a a ” Museum Collector, 67, Skin @ Calathorpulay, Travan- Museum Collector. gore. Sciurus macrourus. Sciurus macrourus, Pennant Indian Zool., 1st ed. p. 31, pl. i (1769)*; Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., ii, pl. xix; Blyth F A.S. B., xvi, p. 869; id. F. AS. B., xviii, p. 601; id. F. A. S. B., xx, p. 165; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 158; Kelaart Prodr. Faun, Zeylan., p. 49; Blyth $. A.S.B., xxiii, p. 214; id. Caz., no. 313, p. 100; Ferdon Mamm., p. 168; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res,, p. 224. Sciurus ceylonicus, Erxleben Syst, Reg. An., p. 416 (1777). Sciurus ceilonensis, Boddaert Elench, Anim. p. 117 (1785)*. Sciurus maximus, Wagner Schreber Saugeth, Suppl, ili, p. 188 (1843) [pt.] Sciurus bicolor, apud. Schinz Syn. Mamm,., ii, p. 33 (1845). Sciurus tennentii, Blyth F. A. S. B., xvii, p. 600 (1849); id ¥ A. S. B, xx, p. 165; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. 50; Blyth Cat., no. 312, . 100. eters albipes, Blyth F. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 287 (1859); Blyth Cat., no. 314, . 100. Sears zeylanicus, Ray apud Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus,, v, p. 113 (1883). The Grizzled Squirrel ; Cingalese, Rookeeah or Dandoleyna. Distribution —The hill ranges of Southern India, Nilgiris, Shevaroys, and Ghauts of Travancore and Ceylon. a. Skin @ Shevaroy hills W. Daly 1889. 6. Skin Nilgiris R. Rollo, 1845, A.S.B. c. Skin Ceylon Columbo Mus, e. Stuffed, skull 4 E. F, Kelaart, A.S.B. f. Stuffed, skull 6 E. F. Kelaart, A.S.B. {2 types of Sciurus tennentii, Blyth.] g. Stuffed Ceylon E. L, Layard, 1848, A.S.B “h. Stuffed ” E. L. Layard, 1848, A.S.B. j» Stuffed a E. L. Layard, 1848, A,S.B. k. Stuffed, juv. ,, E. L. Layard, 1848, A.S.B. 1, Stuffed ” E, F. Kelaart, A.S.B. m. Skull - R. Templeton, 1846, A.S.B. n. Skin a as Zoological Gardens. Sciurus pygerythrus. Var, A.—typicus. Sciurus pygerythrus, Is. Geoff. St. Hil. Mag. de Zool. (1832)*; id. Zool. : Voy. aux Ind, Orient., Bélanger, p. 145, pl. vii (1845); Blyth F. A. SB. 12 MAMMALIA. xvi, p. 872 (note); id. % A. S. B., xvii, p. 345; id. F A, S. B., xxiv, p. 4753 Blyth Cat., no. 325, pe 103; Blyth F. A. S.B., xliv, Burma List, p. 37; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 227; Fentink Notes Leyd, Mus.,v, Pe 124. Sciurus flavimanus, Schinz Synop. Mamm., ii, p. 34 (1845) [pt.] Sciurus caniceps pygerythrus, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 69 (1886). Var. B—blanford:. Sciurus blanfordi, Blyth F. A. S. B., xxxi, p. 333 (1862); id. FA. S. B., xxxii, p. 73; id. Ca#., no. 331, p. 104; id. 7. A. S, B., xliv, Burma List, p. 36; Anderson Anat, Zool, Res., p. 230, pl. xviii. Var. C.—phayret. Sciurus pygerythrus var., Blyth F. A. S. B., xvii, pt. 2, p. 345 (1848). Sciurus phayrei, Blyth F. A.S.B., xxiv, pp. 472, 476 (1885) ; id. F. A. S, B., xxviii, p. 275; id. F A. S.B., xxxi, p. 332; id. Caz., no. 330, p. 104; Peters P. Z. S., 1866, p. 429; Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 36; Blanford F. A. S. B., xlvii, p. 160; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 230. Sciurus caniceps phayrei, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 69 (1886). Var. D.—griseimanus., Sciurus griseimanus, A. Milne Edwards Rev. Mag. Zool. (2), xix, p. 195 (1867); id. Rech, Mamm., p. 164; Anderson Anat, Zool. Res. p. 233. Sciurus inornatus Sciurus leucopus } Gray Ann. Mag. N. H, (3), Xx, p. 282 (1867). Sciurus caniceps griseimanus, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 69 (1886). Distribution.—The typical variety is found in Lower Burma and is apparently confined to the country round Rangoon and the Pegu revenue division; it is replaced in Upper Burma by two varieties, one distinguished by its very pale yellow ventral surface, which has never been named, and the other by its larger size, and its ventral surface of the same bright red as the typical variety (S. blanfordi); in Siam and Cambodia a third form is found of the same size as S, blanfordi but with a pale yellow ventral sur- face and markedly pale feet (S. griseimanus) ; a fourth form (S. phayrei) distinguished by the possession of a lateral black streak between the grizzled dorsal and yellow ventral surfaces is con- fined to the country between the Sittang and Salween apparently rivers inthe Tenasserim division of Lower Burma. Var, A.—ty picus. a. Skin, skull Burma C. Williams (1865). 6, Skin ” C. Williams (1865). e. Skin Rangoon Sir J. Fayrer (1857), A.S.B, d, Skin ” Sir A. Phayre, A.S.B. e. Skin é ne g-1-76. J. Armstrong. J. Skin ” a J. Armstrong. SCIURUS. 13 g. Skin Rangoon, 91-76. J. Armstrong, h. Skin 4 i J. Armstrong, Jj. Stuffed Lower Pegu Major Berdmore (1847), A.S.B, &. Stuffed i ow Sir J. Fayrer (1857) A.S.B. 2, Skin Upper Burma. C. Williams (1865). m. Skin, skull ¢ Sagaing, Upper Burma, J. Anderson. : : 3-10-68. nv. Skin ju. =, ‘i si J. Anderson. : 3-10-68. v. Skin Q +o ij . J.-Anderson. as 3-10-68, é. Skin @ Ava, Upper Burma. J. Anderson, : 4-10-68. q. Skin g 4 i Fe J. Anderson, 4-10-68, 7. Skin, skele- ton ¢ Kabwet, Upper Burma, J. Anderson. 9-1-75- s. Ale. juv. Mandalay Sir P. Sladen, 1869. Var. B.—blanfordt. a. Stuffed, skull Ava. W. T. Blanford (1862), A.S.B. [Type of S, blanfordi of Blyth.] 6. Skin } @ Pudeepyo, Upper Burma, J. Anderson. Skeleton 10-1-75. Var. C.—phayrei. a. Skin, skull Martaban E. Blyth (1861), A.S.B. 6. Stuffed, skull ay E. Blyth (1861), A.S.B. c. Stuffed i E. Blyth (1861), A.S.B. qd. Skull eee No history, A.S.B. e. Skeleton Upper Burma. J. Anderson, Var. D.—griseimanus. a, Skin, skull @ Cochin China Paris Mus. [Ex.] [Jullien 1874]. 6, Skin Cochin China, 8-67, Paris Mus. [Ex.]. Sciurus caniceps. Sciurus — ? Blyth F. A. S. B., x. p. 920 (1841). Sciurus caniceps, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 263 (1842); Horsfield Cat. E. I, Mus., p. 155; Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 36; Blanford ¥. A. S. B., xlvii, p. 161; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res. p. 229; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 122; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 68; Anderson F. Linn. Soc., xxi, p. 340. Z Sciurus chrysonotus, Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi., p. 873 (1847) ; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p.159; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 474; id. F. A. S, B., xxxi, p- 334; id. Cat., no. 323, p. 103; Peters P. 2. S., 1866, p. 429; Blanford Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), i, p. 152. 14, MAMMALIA. Sciurus concolor, Blyth $. A. S, B., xxiv, p. 474 (1855); id. #. A. S. B., xx, p. 166; id. Cat., NO. 324, Pp. 103. Macroxus caniceps, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), XX, p. 280 (1867). Distribution :—Tenasserim, from the Moulmein district in the north through the Malay peninsula to Malacca. This species, like the other Burma squirrels, varies considerably ; the specimens from about Moulmein, whence came the original type of Sciurus chrysonotus, have the back suffused with bright orange yellow during the breeding season, which takes place during the cold months from October to February; the specimens from Mergui further south do not seem to undergo a seasonal change, but have the sides of the neck instead of the back tinged with bright yellow; further south still the specimens from Perak have only a slight tinge of orange on the back and no cheek patches, and this form agrees very well with the specimen from Malacca, the type of S. concolor. a. Skin, skull Q Moulmein dist. T. H. Hood. é. Skin a i T. H. Hood. e. Skin i oF T. H. Hood. da, Skin é is ‘a T. H. Hood. e. Skin 3 5 T. H. Hood. Ff. Skin a5 ss T.H. Hood. ° g. Skin Q i ie T. H. Hood. A, Skin a - T. H. Hood. j. Skin ‘i o T. H. Hood. &. Skin Mergui Major Berdmore (1854), A S.B. t, Skin Lampee, Mergui, Jj. Anderson. 10-1-82 m. Skin Q Pilai, Mergui, 7-3-82 J. Anderson. n. Skin 2 Tiboo Padan, Mergui, J. Anderson. 8-2-82 J. Anderson, o. Skin Q Pilai, Mergui, 6-3-82 J. Anderson, bp. Skin Q Pilai » 773-82 J. Anderson, q. Skin Q Mergui, 23-3-82 J. Anderson, 7. Skin 2 »-: 13-12-81 J. Anderson. s. Skin,skull ¢ » 13012-81 J. Anderson. #, Skin ,, 3 14-10-81 J. Anderson, u. Skin Perak Mus. Coll., Jaffa (1889). v. Skin Mus. Coll., Jaffa (1889) w. Skin, skull. Malacca G. Moxon (1847), A.S.B. [Type of S. concolor of Blyth.] x. Skin No history A.S.B. y. Stuffed Amherst, Tenasserim J. Armstrong (1877) a. Stuffed, skull. or in J. Armstrong (1877). a®. Stuffed Tenasserim E. O’Reilly (1850), A.S.B. 63. Stuffed a E. O'Reilly (1850), A.S.B. cn Stuffed 5 Rey. J. Barbe (1846), A.S.B. @*, Stuffed i Rev. J. Barbe, (1846), A.S.B. [The above four specimens were the types of S. chrysonotus ,Blyth.] e3.-f, 2 Alc. Moulmein dist. T. H. Hood (1872) gk, 4 Alc, Moulmein J. Wood Mason. SCIURUS. 15 Sciurus atrodorsalis. ? Sciurus flavimanus, Js. Geoff. St. Hil, Mag. de Zool. (1832)* ; id. Zool. Voy. aux Ind. Orient. Bélanger, p. 148; Blyth $. A. S. B., xvi, p. 872. Sciurus atrodorsalis, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 263 (1842); Blyth $. A. S.B., xvi, p. 872; id. ¥. A. S. B., xvii, p. 345; 1d. F A. S. B,, xviii, p. 602; Horsfield Cat. E. 1. Mus., p. 184; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 477; id. F. ALS. B., xxviii, p, 276; id. F. A. S. B., xxxi, p. 333; id. Cat. no. 334, p-. 105; Peters P. Z. S., 1866, p 428; Blanford Ann. Mag. N.H. (4), i, p.152; Blyth F. A. S. B.,xliv, Burma List, p. 36; Blanford, F.A.S. B., xlvii, p. 1593 Anderson Anat. Zool. Res. p. 233; Fentink Notes Leyd., Mus.,v, p.122 (pt.); Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 70. Sciurus hyperythrus, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 474 (1855); id. ¥. A. S.B., XXxi, Pp. 333; id. Cat., no 321, p. 102. Distribution.—This squirrel has only been found in North Ten- asserim, and apparently only to the east of the Salween river ; the localities given in the list below “ Lower Pegu” and “‘ east of the Irrawaddy river” are somewhat vague and do not seem to be quite reliable. a-e. 5 Skins South of Irrawaddy T. H. Hood and Mus, Coll. f-l. 6 Skins Moulmein dist. T. H. Hood, m-n. 2 Skins @ * 4 T. H. Hood o-p. 2Skins Q i - T, H. Hood q-a%, 11 Skins is . T. H. Hood 2. Skin 5 Si T. H. Hood c?, Skin i is J. Armstrong. @, Skin Mooleyet range, Tenas- Purchased. serim. e*, Skin +s 55 o Purchased. f?. Skin 4 5 4 J. Anderson (1870). 2. Stuffed Moulmein S. R. Tickell, A.S.B. & h?, Stuffed 5 W.S. Atkinson, A. S, B. j?. Stuffed iv W.S. Atkinson, A. S. B. 23. Stuffed 3 J. Armstrong. Pn, 3Stuffed Lower Pegu. J. Armstrong. o*, Stuffed Tenasserim. Major Berdmore (1852), A. [Type of S. hyperythus, Blyth.] eres oo } & Moulmein dist. T. H. Hood. s?.77, 4 Skeletons, skins g “i T. H. Hood, wi Sheet } 5 T. H. Hood. x.y3, 2 Alc. East of Irrawady T. H. Hood, 2", Stuffed Moulmein W. S. Atkinson, A.S.B. a’.b%, 2 Alc. No history. Sciurus erythrzus. Scirurus erythrzus, Pallas Nov. Sp. Quad. e Glir. p. 377 (1778); Blyth, F.A.S.B., xvi. p. 872; id., FA. S. B., xxiv, p. 473 ; id. Cat., no. 318, p. 102; | 16 MAMMALIA. Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 236; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v. p. 119 ; Thomas P. Z, S., 1886, p. 61. Sciurus hippurus, afud McClelland and Horsfield P.Z.S.,p. 151 (1839); Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 154. Sciurus erythrogaster, Blyth $. A. S.B., xi, p.970 (1842); id. F. A. S. B,, xvi, p. 871; id., F. A. S. B, xxiv, p. 473; id. Cat., no, 320, p. 102, Macroxus erythrogaster, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), xx, p. 283 (1867) [pt.] Macroxus punctatissimus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), Xx, p. 283 (1867). Sciurus gordoni, Anderson P,Z.S.,p.140 (1871); Blyth F. A.S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 37; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 240, pl. xix. Distribution —Assam from the Garo hills eastwards, Cachar, Manipur, and Upper Burma. This species, like the other grizzled squirrels, is an exceedingly variable one, so that it is difficult to say whether it should be treated as a single or as several species; the form in the Garo hills is dis- tinguished at once by its bright red tail of the same colour as the ventral surface (S. erythreus Pallas apud Blyth) in the list of specimens “a.” to “h” and “2?.” Eastwards in the Naga hills and about Samagooting the red tail-tip becomes black, specimens “7” to“u” in the list; southward a little in Cachar and Mani- pur the whole dorsal surface becomes very much darker, so that the extreme forms are almost black, this form: was named S. erythrogaster by Blyth and Macroxus punctatissimus by Gray, the specimens are lettered from ‘“‘v” to “a? ”; in Assam proper, the valley of the Brahmapootra, the original Garo hill form is found without any trace of the black tail at all, specimens “ b?” to “g?”; finally, in Upper Burma a form is found resembling the Assam variety, but distinguished by generally possessing a narrow median line of the same colour as the back running between the bright chestnut of the rest of the ventral surface ; this was described by Anderson as a distinct species under the name of S. gor- doni, and is represented in the list by specimens lettered ‘‘h?” to “72.” As in several of the Assam specimens there are traces of this ventral line, there does not seem to be any reason why S. gordoni should remain distinct. a-b. 2Skins, g Garo hills. J. Anderson. & skulls, c. Skin #5) 3 H. H. Godwin Austen. d. Skin & Dorengo, Garo hills. Museum Collector. ef. 2Sking avis A. W. Chennell. §-h. 2 Stuffed Cherrapoonjee, Khasia hills F. Skipwith (1857), A.S.B. j-m, 4 Se East Naga hills, 4-8-75. H. H. Godwin Austen. 1 skull. m. Skin, skull Dimapur, Naga hills, 19-4- H. H. Godwin Austen. 3 o-p. 2 =e rs H. H. Godwin Austen. A cori q. Skin Samagooting, Assam, J. Butler, y-u. 4 Skins, Naga hills. A. W. Chennell. 3d 1 SCIURUS. 17 v, Skin Assam A, W. Chennell. w. Skin, gf ra A. W. Chennell. skull. way, 2 Skins, g Sylhet Zoological Gardens. 1 skull. s. Skin Chittagong J. M. Lister. a’, Stuffed Manipur C. S. Guthrie (1842), A. . [Type of S. erythrogaster of Blyth]. 32.2, 2 Skins g Dikrang, Assam H. H. Godwin Austen. @, Skin Toruputu, Duffla hills H. H. Godwin Austen, é. Skin sseuee H. H. Godwin Austen, Sf*-g?. 2 Skins, Assam F. Day [P.], 1876. 2 skulls h?, Skin @ Bhamo Burma, 23-2-68 J]. Anderson. j?-, 2 Stuffed si ie 24-2-68 J. Anderson. 2, Skin é@ Sagaing,Burma, 4-10-68 J. Anderson. (Four last are types of S. gordoni of Anderson. ] m6, 3 Skins, 9 Bhamo, Burma,3-3-75 J. Anderson. 3 skulls oo ~% Skin, 9 Sawaddy, Burma, J. Anderson, skeleton. 311-75. . q-77, 2Skins g 2nd Defile, Irrawad- J. Anderson. and skulls. dy, 5-3-75. s*. Skeleton 9 Bhamo, Burma J. Anderson, #2, Skeleton East Naga hills H. H. Godwin Austen. w?-v3, 2 Skulls | Upper Burma J. Anderson. w?, Skeleton Naga hills H. H. Godwin Austen. x.y, 2 Stuffed Assam F. Jenkins (1847), A.S.B. uv, 28n2, Skin Shillong | T. la Touche. Sciurus castaneoventris. Sciurus castaneoventris, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 263 (1842); Blyth F. A. S. B., xxix, p. 90; id. Cat, Mam., no. 322, p. 102; Swinhoe P.Z.S., 1870, pp. 231, 633: Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 238; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 123. 2 ‘Sciurus griseopectus, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xvi, p. 873 (1847); id. ¥. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 4743; Swinhoe P. Z. S., 1870, p. 634; id. P. Z. S., 1872, p. 818. Sciurus erythraus, apud Swinhoe P, Z. S., p.357 (1862). Distribution,—Western China and the islands of Formosa and Hainan. This form does not seem in any way separable from S. eryth- rus; it more especially resembles the Assam variety of the pre- ceding species, a. Stuffed China ‘Rajah R. Mullick (1847), A.S.B. [Type of S. griseopectus of Blyth.] 6. Stuffed,skull Amoy, China, R. Swinhoe (1860), A.S.B. Cc 18 MAMMALIA. Sciurus sladeni. Sciurus sladeni, Anderson P. Z.S., p. 139 (1871); Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 37; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 242, pl. xx. Sciurus atrodorsalis, apud Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus , v, p. 122 (1883). Distribution.—Upper Burma ; the type was from Thigyain, a town on the Irrawaddy between Mandalay and Bhamo. a. Stuffed, skull Thigyain, Upper Burma, J. Anderson. 18-1-68. [Type of S. sladeni, Anderson.] b. Stuffed Thigyain, Upper Burma J Anderson. c-d. 2 Stuffed Upper Burma C. Williams (1864), AS.B. e. Skull Thigyain, Upper Burma, J. Anderson. 18-1-68, Sciurus hippurus. Sciurus hippurus, Js. Geof. St. Hil. Etud. Zool., i, no. 6, pl. vi (1832.)*; id. Zool. Voy. aux Indes orient. Bélanger, p. 149 (1834); Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., p.92;-Cantor F. A. S. B. xv, p. 249 [pt.] ; Blyth F. A. S. B. xvi, p. 871; id. F. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 473; id. Cat, no, 319, p. 102; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 241; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 118; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 76. Sciurus rufogaster, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 263 (1842). Distribution.—The Malay peninsula from Klang southwards, Sumatra, Java and-Borneo; Miller and Schlegel also give Canton, but this is probably a mistake. a. Skin Borneo E.R. Alston [P.j b. Stuffed Malacca R. W. G. Frith (1844), A.S.B. c. Stuffed re R. W. G. Frith (1844), A.S.B. Sciurus lokroides. Sciurus lokroides, Hodgson ¥. A. S. B., v, p. 232 (1836); id. ¥. A. S. B, x, P- 915 ; McClelland P. Z. S., 1839, p- 152; Ogilby Royle's Himal. Bot., p- Ixvii; Walker Calc, Fourn. N. H., iii, p. 266; Blyth F. A. S. B, xvi, pp. 873, 877; id. ¥. A. S. B., xviii, pt.i, p. 603; Horsfield Cat. E. I.\Mus., P- 153; Blyth F. A. S. B. xxiv, p. 475; Blyth Cat., no. 328, p. 104; Ferdon Mamm.,, p. 169; Blanford P. A. S, B., 1875, p. 198; Anderson Anat, Zool. Res., p. 247; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 119; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 61. Sciurus assamensis, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 143 (1843) [pt.1; Horsfeld Cat. E. 1. Mus., p. 183; Blyth $. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 475; id. Caz., no. 326, P. 103; Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 37. Sciurus blythii, Ty¢ler Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), xiv, ps 172 (1854). Macroxus similis, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xx, p- 281 (1867). Distribution —From Nepal eastwards through the Himalayas to Assam and southwards through Manipur to Arakan, Preparis Island and Upper Burma. a. Skin Nepal, 26-2-77 J. Scully. &. Skin Hetoura, Nepal, 17-12-77 J. Scully. e-d. 2Skins and Sikkim H. J. Elwes [Ex.] skulls, ef. 2 Skins g- Skin, skull, g [black var.] hk. 3 Skins @ in, 3 Skins o-p. 2 Skins gq. Skin vr. Skin, skull s. Skin 40 109 10 t. Skin, skull u-v. 2 Skins w-y. 3 Skins, skull © 3-b%. 3 Skins c.f. 4 Skins $9 gt. 3 Skins, : skull. R-n?, 4 Skins juv. o%r?, 4 Skins a s*, Skin 8. Skin, skull u?-w?, 3 Skins, skulls. x*, Skin, skull % y*. Skin 2, Skin @8.b8, 2 Skins é c3, Skin a8, Skin, skele- ton, e®-g8. 3 Stuffed A378. 2 Stuffed 48-18, 2 Stuffed mi.n3, 2 Stuffed o8, Stuffed p®. Skull g’. Skull 7, Skull st-v8, 4 Skulls w®, Skin «8, Alc. wy. Alc. 23, Alc. a‘, Alc. 44. Alc. Zool, Res. p» 254 -SCIURUS, Darjeeling, 6,500 ft. Sikkim | Darjeeling, 4,000 ft. Darjeeling terat Sikkim Darjeeling ” ” Dacca Lushai country Garo hills Naga hills Samagooting, Assam ” Manipur hills Harmutti Dikrang, Assam. Bhamo, Burma, 6-2-68 Arakan Jergo Isle, Arakan Coast. Preparis Isle, Bay of Bengal, 3°73. Preparis, Isle, Bay of Bengal _ Amherst Isle, Arakan Coast. Sikkim Naga hills Darjeeling Assam Arakan Nowakot dist., Nepal, 27-11-77 Darjeeling Bhootan E. Naga hills Cachar Preparis Isle Darjeeling voevee 19 W. T. Blanford. L. Mandelli, W. G. Masson [P.] J Anderson, J. Anderson, J. Anderson, J. Anderson. C. S. Bonnevie (1848), A.S.B. Mus. Collector. Mus. Collector. J. Anderson, H. H. Godwin Austen, A. W. Chennell. J. Butler. J. Butler. H. H. Godwin Austen. H_H. Godwin Austen. J. Anderson, Mus. Collector. G. M. Giles, V. Ball [Ex.] F. Stoliczka. J. Armstrong. 1: Mandellt. H. H. Godwin Austen, E. Blyth (1851), A.S.B, C. S. Bonnevie (1848), A.S.B. F. Jenkins (1846), A.S.B. Sir A. Phayre, A.S.B. A. Grote, A.S.B. J. Scully. A.S.B. Dr. Pemberton. No history. H. H. Godwin Austen.” N. Belletty (1872.) F. Stoliczka W. T. Blanford. No history. No history, Sciurus chinensis. Sciurus chinensis, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 144 (1843); Hovsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 159; Swinkoe P. Z. S., 1870, p. 634; Anderson Anat. C 2 20 MAMMALIA, Distribution—South China. a Skin, skull China [J. Reeves] J. Anderson. Sciurus tenuis. Sciurus tenuis, Horsfield Zool. Res. (1824); Cantor F. A. S. B., xv, p. 250; Blyth F. A. S. B,, xvi, p. 874; id. F. A. S. B., XX, pe 166 ; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 153; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, Pp. 476; id. Cat., no. 329, p.104; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 255} Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 125; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 76. : Sciurus affinis, Horsfield (nec. Raffles) Zool. Res. (1824); id. Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 156. : Sciurus modestus, Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., p. 96, pl. xxiv (1844); Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 476; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res, P. 253- Distribution —The Malayan peninsula and the islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Pulo Panjang in the Gulf of Siam; Miiller and Schlegel recorded it from China: this, however, is probably a mistake. a. Skin, skull, Q Perak, Mus. Collector (Jaffa) : 6. Skin, skull Malacca[A. R. Wallace] British Mus. [Ex.} ce. Skin, skull Java Batavian Soc. (1844), A.S.B. Sciurus lokriah. Sciurus lokriah, Hodgson F. A. S.B.,v, p 232 (1836); McClelland P.Z.S., 1839, p. 151; Ogilby Royle’s Himal. Bot. p. |xvii; Hodgson F. A. S. B., x, p. 915; Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., \st ed., p. 23; Blyth F. A. S. B,, xvi, p- 873; Horsfield Cat. E, I. Mus., p. 153; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, p- 475; id. Cat,, no. 327, p. 104; Ferdon Mamm, p. 169; Blyth F A.S.By xliv, Burma List, p. 37; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res. p. 250; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus.,v,p 120; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 61. Sciurus subflaviventris, Gray List Mamm. B, M., p. 144 (1843); Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 152 Nepalese, Lokria; Bhotea, Zhamo; Lepcha, Killi tingdong. Distribution—From Nepal eastwards to the Naga hills and Assam ; is also found in the Arakan hills; it is found at a higher elevation apparently than Sciurus lokroides. This species can be at once distinguished from Sciurus lokriah by the white tuft of hair behind the ear-conch and by its brighter ventral surface. a. Skin, Q Sheopuri Ridge, Nepal J. Scully. Valiey, tg-6-78. b-c. 2Skins, g Sheopuri Ridge, Nepal J. Scully. Valley, 14-2-78. d. Skin, Sisagutu, Nepal, J. Scully. 27-12-77. e. Skin, skull Nepal (Hodgson) India Mus., London. f. Skin, Darjeeling J. Anderson. g. Skin, @ Sikkim L. Mandelli A. Skin, juv. Darjeeling Mrs, Oakes (1843), A.S.B, SCIURUS., ar J. Skin, Naga hills H. H Godwin Austen, 2, Skin, i “i A. W. Chennell. 2. Skin, juv. Arakan Sir A. Phayre, A.S. B, m-n. 2 Stuffed, Nepal Mrs. Oakes, A. S. B. o. Skull, aeons No history, A. S. B. é- Skin, Shillong, Assam T. la Touche, Sciurus rufigenis. Sciurus rufigenis, Blanford P A.S. B., p. 72 (1878); id. F. A, S. B, xlvii, p. 156, pls. vii, vili; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 71. © Sciurus lokriah, apud Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 120 (1883). Disirtbution.—This species has only been found hitherto on the slopes of Mt. Mooleyet to the east of Moulmein in Tenasserim at an elevation of about 5,000 ft. [No specimens in the Museum. ] Sciurus alstoni. Sciurus alstoni, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 252, pl. xxi (1878); Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., p. 118, Distribution —The type and only specimen known is said to have come from Borneo. a, Skin Borneo? Purchased. (Type of S. alstoni, Anderson.] Sciurus melanotis. Sciurus soricinus, Waterhouse Cat. Mamm, Mus, Zool. Soc., p. 46 (1838) ; Anderson Anat. Zooi. Res., p. 265; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus, v, p. 131. Sciurus melanotis, Miller and Schlegel Tem, Verhandl., p. 98, pl. xiv, figs. 4, 5 (1839-44). Distribution.—Java, Borneo, Sumatra, and Banka. Maller’s name is the correct one for this squirrel since Water- house gave no description, but only named it in his catalogue of the Museum of the Zoological Society. a, Skin Sarawak (Wallace) E. R. Alston [P.] Sciurus quinquestriatus. ‘arus quinguestriatus, Anderson P. Z. S., p. 142, pl. x. (1871); Blyth are s B. axliv, Burma List, p. 37; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., ps 266 ; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus, v. p 123- : Distribution.—This species has been found only in the Kakhyen hills in Yunnan on the Burmese border. a-b, 2 Skins, Ponsee, Kakhyen hills, J. Anderson. 2 skulls, 3,200 ft., 4-3-68. 22 MAMMALIA. e. Skin Ponsee, Kakhyen hills, J. Anderson. 3,200 ft., 18-4-68. d. Stuffed Ponsee, Kakhyen hills. J, Anderson. 3,000 ft., 24-2-68. [Type of S. quinquestriatus, Anderson. ] Sciurus ferrugineus. Sciurus finlaysoni, Horsfield Zool. Res. (1824); id. Cat, £. J. Mus., p. 154; Blanford Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), i, p. 152. ste ae ; Sciurus ferrugineus, F. Cuvier. Hist. Nat. Mamm., livr.lix, with plate (1829) ; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxxi, p. 332; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, Pp. 40, 195; Blyth Cat., no. 317, p. 101; id. F. A. S. B, xliv, Burma List, p. 36; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res. p. 243. Sciurus keraudrenii, Lesson, Cent. Zool., p. 11, pl. i (1830); Blyth $. A. S.B., xvi, p. 872; id. F. A. S.B., xxiv, p. 474 ; Horsfield Cat. E. I, Mus., - 156. Schurus splendidus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p, 263 (1842). Sciurus cinnamoneus, Temminck Esquis. Zool., p. 250 (1853). Sciurus siamensis, Gray, P. Z. S., p 478 (1859) ; id. P. Z. S., 1861, p. 137. Sciurus splendens, Gray P. Z. S.. p. 137 (1861). ; Sciurus germani, A. Milne Edwards Rev. Mag. Zool. (2), xix, p. 193 (1867). Sciurus bocourti, A. Milne Edwards Rev, Mag. Zool. (2), xix, p. 193 (1867). Sone leucogaster, A. Milne Edwards Rev. Mag. Zool. (2), xix, p. 196 (1867). Distribution.—Arakan and Pegu eastwards; is spread through Siam and Cambodia to the Island of Pulo Condor. All the specimens in the Museum, except one of the entirely black variety [S. germani Milne Edw.], belong to the typical S. ferru- gineus of a pure red colour with black feet and a white tail-tip; the various other forms of the species to which the larger number of the synonyms above have been applied are a!] Siamese and Cambodian forms; the types of these supposed species were ex- amined by Anderson, who came to the conclusion that they were all accidental or geographical varieties. a, Skin Arakan Museum Collector. 6. Skin, skull Rangoon [H. Fielden] E.R. Alston [P.] e-d. 2 Skins, skull Burma C. Williams (1865), A.S.B. e. Skin é E. R. Alston [P.] J. Skin, skull. No history, A. S. B. g-h. 2 Stuffed. Arakan Sir A. Phayre (1845), A.S.B. j-k. 2 Stuffedg 9 Syriam, Pegu. 1-76 J. Armstrong Var. germanti, a, Skin, Pulo Condor Isle, Paris Mus, [Ex.] Cambodia. {M. Germain, Col.j SCIURUS. 23 Sciurus badging. ? Sciurus notatus, Boddaert Elench. Anim., p. 119 (1785) * Sciurus badging, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd. p. 269 (1792)*; Thomas : P. Z.S. 1886, p.76; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., xi, p. 27. Sciurus plantani, Ljuugh Kongl. Vettens. Akad. N. Handl., xxii, p. 99, pl. i. (1801); Horsfield Zool, Res., with plate, 1824; id. Cat., E. I. Mus., Pp. 151; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 267; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., Vv, p. 133+ ees var. “ Plantane Squirrel,” Shaw Genl. Zool. ii, pt.i, p. 147 1801). Sciurus bilineatus, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist, Nat., x, p. 106 (1817). Sciurus bivittatus, Desmarest Mamm. Suppl., p. 543 (1820) ; Horsfield Zool. Res., 1824. J Sciurus vittatus, Raffes Linn. Trans., xiii, p. 259 (1822); F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. Mamm., with plate; Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl. Pp. 94; Cantor F. A. S.B., xv, p. 250; Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p 872, Horsfield Cat. E, I. Mus., p. 152; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 476; id. Cat., no. 332, p. 104; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 266. Sciurus nigrovittatus, Horsfield Zool. Res, (1824) ; Miiller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl, p.95; Cantor F. A. S. B., xv,p. 250; Blyth F¥. A. S.B., xvi, p. 872; Horsfeld Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 152; Blyth ¥. A. S.B., xxiv, p. 476; id. Cat., no. 333, p- 105. Sciurus griseiventer, Js, Geof. St. Hil, Zool. Voy. aux Indes orient. Bélanger, Pp. 147 (1834). Distribution.—The Malay peninsula and the Islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo; also Canton according to Miller. a. Skin, Q Taping River, Perak | Mus. Collector. & Skin, skull Malacca F. Stoliczka. c. Skin. Malay peninsula Rev. F. Lindstedt, A. S. B. a. Skin, & West Java Purchased. [Wallace, 1861]. e. Skin, a ‘5 G Purchased. Ff. Skin. @ Sarawak Purchased. (Wallace, 1854]. g. Skin. é E. R. Alston [ P. ] h. Skin, skull. @ W. Rutledge. j. Skin, skeleton 2 Zoological Gardens. & Skull, skull. A.S.B. len, 3 Stuffed. Malay peninsula. G. Moxon, A.S.B. o-p. 2 Stuffed. in a3 E. Lindstedt, A.S.B. q. Skin, skeleton Zoological Gardens. Sciurus prevostii. Sciurus prevostii, Desmarest Mamm, p. 335 (1820); Waterhouse P. Z. S. 1842, p.116; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res. p. 269; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., V, p. 31; id. ibid, xi, p.27; Thomas, P. Z. S., 1886, p. 76. Sciurus rafflesii, Vigors and Horsjfield, Zool. Fourn., iv, p. 113, pl. iv. (1828) ; Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., P.933, Cantor. FAS. B., xv, p. 248; Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 871; Temminck Esquiss. Zool., p. 242; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 472; id. Caz, no. 315, p. 101. Sciurus redimitus, Boon Mensch, N. Verhandl. Nederl. Inst., ii, p. 243, with plate (1829)*; Temminck Esquiss, Zool., p. 245; Blyth FA. S. B., xxiv, p- 472; id. Cat., no. 316, p. 101. ciurus rufogularis, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 263 (1842). Siurus rufonigra, Gray Ann, Mag. N. H, x, p. 263 (1842). 24 MAMMALIA. Sciurus erythromelas, Temminck Esquiss. Zool., p. 248 (1853). ; Sciurus prevostii, var. sumatrana, var. bangkana and var. bornensis, S, atricapillus, and S. erythrogenys, Schlegel Nederl. Tijdsch, i, pp. 25-29, 1, i, 11 (1863). 3 ee rafflesii, Macroxus sarawakensis, Macroxus pluto, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), XX, pp. 277; 283, (1867). Distrtbution—The Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Banka, Billiton, Bornéo and Celebes. a, Skin Malacca E.R. Alston [P.] b. Skin Q Matang, 9-70 E. R. Alston [(P.] c-d, 2 Skins é@ Borneo E.R.Alston [P.] and skulls. e. Skin, skeleton eae Zoological Gardens, f. Stuffed and Malacca A. Charlton, A. S. B. skull. g. Stuffed and ii R. W.G. Frith, A. S. B. skull. h. Stuffed Borneo Batavian Soc. (1844) A.S.B. jy» Ale. é sass Zoological Gardens. k. Ale. g ces wen O. L, Fraser. Sciurus palmarum. Sciurus palmarum, Linnaeus Syst. Nat. 1ath ed., i, p. 86 (1766); Sykes P. Z. S., 1831, p. 103; Waterhouse Charlesw. Mag. N. H.,i, 1837, p. 406; Elliot Madr. Ffourn., x, p. 216 {pt.]; Ogilby Royle Him. Bot., p. Ixvii 5 Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 573; Hutton, F. A.S.B., xv. p. 168. Blyth $. A. S. B., xvi, 874; id. FAS. B., xx, p. 166; Horsfield Cat; E. I. Mus., p. 152; Blyth Cat., no. 339, p- 106; Ferdon Mamm., p.170 McMaster Notes on Ferdon, pp. 50, 196; Stolicska F. A. S.B., xli, p, 228; Rainey P. A. S. B., 1875, p. 159; Blanford Persia, p. 50; Anderson Anat Zool. Res., p. 257; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 138; Murray Zool. Sind., p. 42; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p.'56. Sciurus penicillatus, Leach. Zool. Misc., 1, p. 6, pl, i (1814)* ; Hoxsefild Cat. E. I. Mus. p. 152. = - The Palm squirrel; Hindustani, Gilheri; Bengali, Beral or Lakki; Mahratta, Kharri; Canarese, Alalu; Telegu, Vodata; Waddurs, Urta. Distribution —The Palm squirrel is found all over the penin- sula of India from the terai region of the Himalayas southwards ; westwards it has been got by Blanford at Pishin in Persian Balu- chistan, and eastwards it does not seem to occur beyond Calcutta ; it is also said to be absent from the east coast country about the Northern Circars and from Malabar. a. Skin Q Pishin, Baluchistan, W. T. Blanford. J-2-72. b. Skin Bichiakoh, Nepal terai, J. Scully. ; 21-12-77. e-d. 2Skins g Manbhoom Mus. Collector (1866), e. Skin Calcutta E. Blyth (1842), A.S, B. f-g. 2Skins ¢ % J. Anderson. &, Skin, & Botanical Gardens J. Anderson (1870). skull. SCIURUS. 25 j. Skin nr. Chanda, C, P., 6-5-67 Museurh Collector. é, Skin, skull Hyderabad H. Gould (1855), A. S. B. 2. Skin vane E. R. Alston, [P.] m. Stuffed Calcutta E. Blyth (1842), A. S. B, n. Ale. Rajanpur, Punjab. E. Saunders, o. Alc. Sie ves O. L, Fraser,. (white var.) Sciurus tristriatus, Sciurus tristriatus, Waterhouse Charlesw. Mag. N. H.,i, p. 496 (1837); id, P.Z.S., 1839, p. 118; Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xvi, pp. 874,1001; id. ¥. A. S. B., xviii, p. 601; id. ¥ A.S. B., xx, p. 166; Kelaart Prodr, Faun, Zeylan., Pp. 51; Blyth Cat., no. 340, p. 100; Ferdon Mamm., p. 171; Anderson Anat, Zool, Res., p. 258; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus. v, p. 137. Sciurus palmarum, apud Elliot, Madr. Four n., x, p. 216 (1839) (pt.] Sciurus penicillatus, apud Gray, List Mamm. B. M., p. 141 (1841). Sciurus brodiei, ae F.A.S.B., xviii, p. 602 (1849); id. F. A. S.B., xx, p. 166; id. ¥. A. S. B., xxi, p. 350; Layard Ann, Mag. N. H. (2), ix, p- 335; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., Pp» 53. Sciurus kelaarti, Layard F, A. S. B., xviii, p. 602 (1849) ; Blyth F. A. S. B., xx, p. 166; id. ¥. A. S. B. xxi, p. 380 ; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan,, p. §3: teen. dussumierii, ‘A, Milne Edwards Rev. Mag. Zool. (2), xix, p. 226 (1867). Cingalese, Leyna. Distribution—Sikkim Himalayas, Midnapore and through Cen- tral and Southern India and Ceylon, especially in forest country ; it does not appear to be found in the low country round Madras. The specimens lettered ‘“‘a,” “g” and “h” in the list below from Sikkim and Travancore respectively, differ considerably from the rest of the specimens, and perhaps might be considered to form a distinct variety ; the dorsal stripes which are particularly conspi- cuous in all the other specimens in these abovementioned ones are reduced to insignificance, a. Skin Sikkim H. J. Elwes [Ex.] b-c. 2 Skins Midnapore, Bengal E. Blyth, A. S. B. da. Skin nr. Ranchi, 18-5-70 W. T. Blanford. e. Skin, skull Trombay Isle, Bombay, H. H. Godwin Austen. 21-1-75. ; Ff. Skin Kalakhul, 25-2-75. H. H. Godwin Austen, gh. 2 Skins Travancore. Purchased. Jj» Skin Ceylon. R. Templeton, A. S. B. &. Skin 5 E. L, Layard (1845), A. S. B. [The above two are types of S. kelaarti, Layard.) 2. Skin Ceylon. E. F. Kelaart (1850), A. S. B. m. Skin ‘i Columbo Museum, n-q. 4 Skins, skull ere F, Day [P.J vy. Skin senses No history. s. Stuffed Ceylon E. L. Layard, A. S. B. [Type of S. brodei, Blyth.] t-u, 2 Stuffed aie as No history, A. S. B. v. Skull coeeee No history, 26 MAMMALIA. Sciurus sublineatus. Sciurus sublineatus, Waterhouse P.Z.S., p. 19. (1838); Blyth F. A. S. B.,. xvi, p. 878; Horsfield Cat. E. J. UM, p.151; Blyth Cat., no. 342, p. 107; Ferdon Mamm., p. 173; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 260; Fentinkg Notes Leyd, Mus., v, p. 136. Sciurus delesserti, Gervais Bull. Soc. Philom. (dans. UInstit, Fourn. Gen. des Soc. Sci.) rst sect., no. 386 (1841)*; Blyth F A. S. B., xi, p. 880; Guérin Méniville Fourn. d’un Voyage dans I'Inde (Delessert), - 18, pl. iii*. Sclurus tdlineatls) Waterhouse apud Blyth F. A. S. B., xx, p. 165 (1851) Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. 54. Distribution—The hills of Southern India and Ceylon. a, Skin Nilgiris T. C. Jerdon (1844), A.S.B. 6. Skin Malabar Rev. J. Baker (1859), A.S.B. c. Skin, skull Ceylon E, F. Kelaart (1857), A.S.B. it Sciurus layardi. Sciurus layardi, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xviii, p. 602 (1849); Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. $3; Layard Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), ix, p. 335; Blyth Cat., no. 341, p. 107; Fferdon Mamm., p. 172; Anderson Anat. Zool Res., p- 260. Distribution —Travancore hills and the highlands of Ceylon. This squirrel is considered by Jentink to be identical with S, tristriatus, from which it differs however markedly in that the yellow dorsal streak extends a very much shorter distance both anteriorly and posteriorly, and the ventral surface is a bright chest- nut instead of a very pale yellow, so that unless intermediate forms are found it would certainly be better to keep them apart. a. Skin skull Ambegamoa hills, E. L. Layard (1843), A.S.B.- Ceylon. (Type of S. layardi, Blyth.] Sciurus berdmorei., Sciurus berdmorei, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xviii, p. 603; id.. ¥. A. S. B., xxviii, p: 418; id. F. A. S.B., xxxi, p. 333; id. Cat., no. 338, p. 106; id. F A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 37; Anderson Anat, Zool. Res., p. 261; Fentink Notes Leyd .Mus.,v, p. 137, (1861) ; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p.71 ; Anderson $. Linn. Soc., xxi, p. 340. Sciurus mouhotii, Gray P. Z. S., p. 137 (1861); Blanford ¥. A. S. B., xvii, p. 162. en A, Milne Edwards Rev, Mag. Zool, (2), xix, p, 225 (1867). Distribution.—Tenasserim from Martaban to Mergui; also Cam- bodia and Cochin China. a-b. 2Skins g Q nr.Martaban, Tenasserim E. Blyth (1861), A.S.B. e. Skin Thaing, Mergui, 28-1-82 J. Anderson, SCIURUS. 27 a. Skin, skull Thaing, Mergui, 31-1-82 J. Anderson e. Skull sehews A.S.B. Sciurus macclellandi, Sciurus macclellandii, Horsfield P. Z.S., p. 152 (1839); Blyth ¥. A. S.B., xvi, p. 875; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus. p. 151; id. Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), xvi, p. 113; Gray P. Z, S., 1861, p. 137; Swinhoe P. Z. S,, 1862, P- 357; Blyth Cat., no. 344, p. 107; $erdon Mamm., p. 173; Swinhoe P. Z. S., 1870, pp. 232, 634; id. P. Z.S., 1872, p. 818; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 263; $Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 139; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, pp. 61, 71. Sciurus pembertonii, Blyth F. A. S. B., xi, p. 887 (1842). Sciurus barbei, Blyth ¥, A. S.B., xvi, p. 875 (1847); id. FA. S. B., xviii, p- 603; id. Cat., no, 343, p. 107; Blyth FA. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 38; Blanford ¥. A. S. B., xlvii, p. 164. Tamias leucotis, Temminck Esquis. Zool. p. 252 (1852). Sciurus rodolphii, A, Milne Edwards Rev. Mag. Zool., xix, p. 227 (1867). Sciurus macclelandii var. swinhoei, Milne Edwards Rech, Mamm., p. 308, (1868-71). Lepcha, Kalli gangdin, Distribution.—Sikkim and Assam, extending eastwards through Thibet and the Chinese provinces of Kiangsi, Fokien, and Kwang- tung to Formosa and Hainan, and southwards through Manipur to Burma, Tenasserim, the Malay peninsula, Cambodia and Cochin China. a-d. 4 Skins Sikkim L, Mandelli. e-f. 2 Skins 2 H. J. Elwes [Ex.] g. Skin Rinok, Sikkim, 5,000 W. T. Blanford feet, 17-8-70. h. Skin Darjeeling, 7,000 feet W. G. Masson [P.] j-k. 2 Skins 7 Mrs. Oakes A. S. B. lem, 2Skins @ Naga hills’ H. H. Godwin Austen. n-p. 3 Skins East Naga hills, 4-8-75 H.H. Godwin Austen. q. Skin gonr. Peak 24, Naga, H. H. Godwin Austen hills, 2-75. ; vy Skin ¢@ Chota Naga hills, A. W. Chennell. 16-12-75. s. Skin Q Naga hills, 17-4-76 A. W. Chennell. t-u. 2 Skins Asalu, North Cachar H. H. Godwin Austen, g-w. 2Skins Q Doffla hills, Assam H. H. Godwin Austen, «. Skin Ponsee, Kakhyen hills, J. Anderson (1868) 3,500 ft. y-b*, 4 Skins, Moulmein Museum. Collector. 2 skulls. c.d*, 2 Skins Yé, Tenasserim _ Rev. J. Barbe (1843), A.S.B. [2 Types of S. barbei, Blyth.] e*, Skin Tenasserim Major Berdmore (1846),A.S.B. f*. Skin Moupin, Thibet Paris Museum (Ex.] [David, 10-69]. g’. Skin Miwan, E, Kiangsi Paris Museum [Ex.] [David, 9-73] h®, Skin Formosa [R. Swinhoe} E. R. Alston [P.] 28 MAMMALIA, j?-B. 2 Ale. East of Irrawady River T. H. Hood (1872). P.m?. 2 Alc. Samagooting, Assam J. Butler. n?, Alc. Darjeeling W.T. Blanford, A. S. B. o, Alc. Sibsagar, Assam S. E. Peel. p?-g?. 2 Ale. Moulmein, Burma J. Wood Mason. Sciurus insignis. Sciurus insignis, 7. Cuvier Hist, Nat. Mamm., livr. xxxiv, with plate (1821); Horsfield Zool. Res. with plate; Miiller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., pp. 87, 99; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus. p. 151; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p 262; Fentink Notes Leyd, Mus., v, p. 136; Thomas P, Z. S, 1886, p. 78. Distribution—Malay peninsula from Selangore southwards, Sumatra, Java and Borneo; Anderson gives Canton, but this is somewhat doubtful, a, Skin,skull g Malacca E, R. Alston [P]. Sciurus vulgaris. Sciurus vulgaris, Linnaeus. Syst Nat., rath ed., i, p. 86 (1766). Sciurus alpinus, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm., livr. xxiv, with plate (1821), Sciurus varius, Pallas Zoog. Ross. As., i, p. 183 (1831). Sciurus italicus, Bonaparte Icon. Faun. Ital. with plate (1838). Sciurus europzus, Gray List Mam. B. M., p. 139 (1843); id. Cat, Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 23; Blyth Cat., ne. 337) P. 1c6. ? Mustela calotus, Hodgson Cale. fourn. N. H., ii, p. 221, pl. ix (1842). Sciurus calotus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. G. (3), xx, p. 272 (1867). Distribution.—Europe and Northern Asia, as far south as the Caucasus, Thibet and Northern China. a. Stuffed England Cornish Institution (1842), A.S.B. 6. Stuffed ij A. D. Bartlett (1840), A.S.B. c. Stuffed i W. Davison (1846), A.S.B. d. Skull " A. D. Bartlett, A.S.B. e. Alc. é ” Zoological Gardens. Sciurus fulvus. Sciurus fulvus Blanford Ann. Mag. N. H.(4), xvi, p. 311 (1875); id. Persia, P- 49, pl. iv, fig. 1. Disiribution.—South Persia. This species will probably turn out to be identica) with Sciurus syriacus of Ehrenberg, and has in fact been already considered so by Jentink; the types, however, have not been compared, as the only specimen of S. fulvus is the one now in the Museum here, so that for the present it has been left as a distinct species. a. Skin g nr. Shiraz, 4,000 feet © Sir O. St. John (1870), [Type of Sciurus fulvus, Blanford.] SCIURUS. 29 Sciurus carolinensis. Sciurus carolinensis, Gmelin Syst Nat., i, p. 148 (1788); Allen Monographs N. Amer. Rodents, p. 700. Sciurus pennsylvanicus, Ord Guthrie's Geogr., 2nd ed., p. 292 (1815)*. Sciurus niger, Godman Amer, Nat. Hist., ii, p. 133 (1826)*. Sciurus leucotis, Gapper Zool. Fourn., v, p. 206, pl. xi (1830); Blyth Cat, NO. 335, P. 105. Sciurus fuliginosus, Bachman P. Z.S., p. 97 (1838). Sciurus vulpinus, Dekay New York Zool., i, p. 59 (1842). Sciurus migratorius, Audubon and Bachman Quad, N. Amer, i, p. 265, pl. xxxv (1849).* The Grey Squirrel. Distribution.—Southern Canada; the United States east of the plains, South Mexico and Guatemala. a, Skin Ontario, Canada J. H. Garnier [Ex.] 6. Skin é Sues Zoological Gardens. 6. Skin Cs hae Purchased. d. Alc, 9 North America W. Rutledge. e. Alc. aeareay W. Rutledge. Ff. Skin, ske- 9 seeaee Zoological Gardens. leton. g. Stuffed North Carolina Rev. F. Fitzgerald (1852), Sciurus niger. Sciurus niger, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 86 (1766); Allen Mono- gvaphs N, Amer, Rodents, p. 717. Sciurus cinereus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 86 (1766). Sciurus variegatus, Erxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., p. 421 (1777). Sciurus vulpinus, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 147 (1788). Sciurus virginianus, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., p. 259 (1792 *, Sciurus capistratus, Bosc Ann. Mus. Paris, i, p. 281 (1802)*. Sciurus rufiventris, M’Murtrie’s Cuv. An. Kingd., i, p. 433 (1831)*. Sciurus texianus, Bachman P. 7. S., p. 86 (1838). e The Fox Squirrel. Distribution.—Eastern United States westward to the plains. a. Skin North America J. H. Garnier [Ex.] Sciurus hudsonius. Sciurus vulgaris, apud Forster Phil. Trans., Ixii, p. 378 (1772). Sciurus hudsonius, Pallas Nov. Sp. Quad. e Glir., p. 37 (1778); Blyth Cat., no. 336, p. 105; Allen Monographs N. Amer, Rodents, p. 672. Sciurus carolinus, Ord Guthrie's Geogr., 2nd ed., p. 292 (1815)*. Sciurus rubrolineatus, Desmarest Mamm., ii, p. 333 (1822). The Chikaree, Distribution—The northern half of North America. a. Skin Lucknow, Ontario, 7-84 J. H. Garnier [Ex.] 6. Skin Ontario. ]. H. Garnier [Ex.] ce. Skin i J. H. Garnier [Ex.] ad. Skin N, America. A. D. Bartlett (1842), A.S.B. 30 MAMMALIA. Sciurus annulatus. Sciurus annulatus, Desmarest Mamm., p. 338 (1820); Blanford Abyssinia, p. 278; Fentink Notes Leyd, Mus., iv, p. 23. Sciurus gambianus, Ogildy P. Z. S., p. 103 (1838). Sciurus multicolor, Rippell N. Wirbelth, p. 38, pl. xiii (1835). Sciurus bougensis, Heuglin Reise N. O. Afrika, ii, p. 59 (1877)*. Sciurus rufobrachiatus, apud Huet Arch. Mus. Paris (2), iii, p. 144 (1880). Distribution.—Northern Africa from Senegal to Abyssinia. a. Skin Anseba valley, Abyssi- W. T. Blanford. nia, 4,000 ft., 28-7-68. 6. Skin Anseba valley, Abyssi- W.T. Blanford. nia, 4,000 ft., 4-8-68. Genus RHINOSCIURUS. Rhinosciurus, Gray List. Mamm. B. M., p. 195 (1843). Type, R. laticaudatus. Rhinosciurus laticaudatus. Sciurus laticaudatus, Miiller' and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl, p. 100, pl. xv, figs. 1, 2, 3 (1839-44); Cantor F. A. S. B., xv, p. 251; Blyth F.A.S.B., XX, p. 167. Rhinosciurus tupaioides, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p.195 (1843); Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 477; id. Cat., no. 345, p. 108. 3 Sciurus (Rhinosciurus) tupaioides, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p.275 (1878). Rhinosciurus laticaudatus, fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., v, p. 140 (1883). Sciurus (Rhinosciurus) laticaudatus, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 78 (1886). Distribution —The Malay peninsula from Klang southwards and the Island of Borneo. a. Stuffed Malay peninsula G. Moxon (1851) A.S.B. Genus TAMIAS. Tamias, Illiger Prodr., p. 83 (1811). Type, T. striatus. Tenotis, Rafinesgue Am. Month, Mag., i, p. 362 (1817)*. Tamias striatus. Sciurus striatus, Linn@us Syst. Nat., 12th ed.,i, p. 87 (1766). Tamias americana, Kuhl, Beitr, Zool., p. 69 (1820). Sciurus (Tamias) lysteri, Richardson Faun. Bor. Amer.,i, p.181, pl. xv (1829). : Tamias striatus, Baird. N. Amer. Mamm., p. 292, pl. xlvi, fig. 2 (1857)*; Allen Monographs N, Amer. Rodents, p. 782. The Chipmunk. Distribution.—Canada and the States east of the Rocky Moun- tains. a.-b. 2 Skins Ontario J. H. Garnier [Ex.] ce Skin aieuwe No history, XERUS. 31 Genus XERUS. Xerus, Hempr. and Ehr., Symb. Phys. (1832). Xerus rutilus. Sciurus'rutilus, Cretzschmar Rippell’s Atlas, p. 59, pl. xxiv, (1826); Blan- Sord Abyssinia, p. 278; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., iv, p. 41. Sciurus brachyotus, Hempr. and Ehr. Symb. Phys., pl. ix (1832). Sciurus simplex, Lesson Hist. Nat. Mamm., v, p. 402 (1836). Xerus rutilus, Gray List. Mamm. B. M., p. 144 (1843). Xerus dabagala Heuglin Peters. Mitth., p. 17 (1861). Xerus flavus, A. Milne Edwards Rev. Mag. Zool., p. 229 (1867). Xerus fuscus Huet Arch, Mus. Paris (2), iii, p. 139, pl. vi, fig., i (1880). Distribution.— Abyssinia and Somali land across to Gaboon? a, Skin Lower Sooroo, Abyssinia, 1,500 ft., 12-1-68 W. T. Blanford. 6. Skin a sy 1-6-68 W. T. Blanford. c. Skin. Annesley Bay, Massowah 4-1-68 W. T. Blanford. Xerus erythropus. Sciurus erythropus, Et. Geoff. St. Hil. Cat. Mamm, Mus. Hist. Nat., p. 178 (1803)* ; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., iv, p. 43. Sciurus albovittatus, Desmarest N. Dict. Hist. Nat., x, p. 110 (1817). Sciurus leuco-umbrinus, Rippell N. Wirbelth., p. 38 (1835); Blanford Abyssinia, p. 279. Sciurus pyrrhopus apud Wagner Schreb, Siugeth. Suppl., iii, p. 215 (1843). Xerus congicus, apud Temminck Esquis. Zool., i, p. 125 (1853). Xerus setosus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. A. (3), XX, P- 333 (1867) (pt.]. Distribution.—Africa from Senegal to Abyssinia and from Egypt to Zanzibar. a. Skin Q Adigrat-Tigré, Abyssinia 8,000 ft., 3-4-68. W.T.Blanford. &. Skin g Adigrat-Tigré, » 8,000 ft., 31-3-68. W. T. Blanford. c. Skin Senafé-Tigré + 7,500 ft., 25-2-68. W. T. Blanford. d. Skin Q Adigrat-Tigré », 8,000 ft., §-5-68. W T. Blanford. * e. Skin Q Bedjuk, Anseba valley ,, 4,200 ft., 16-7-68. W. T. Blanford. f. Skin g Bedjuk, Anseba valley ,, 4,200 ft., 15-768. W. T. Blanford. g. Skin Q Senafé-Tigré 1 7,500 ft., 27-3-68. W. T. Blanford, h. Skin @ Adigrat-Tigré » 8,000 ft , 21-4-68. W. T. Blanford. j» Skin Adigrat »» 8,000 ft., 5-4-68. W. T. Blanford. k. Skin g Adigrat-Tigré » 8,000 ft., 4-5-68. W. T. Blanford. 1, Skin Q Senafé ») 7,500 ft., 25-2-68, W. T. Blanford. m. Skin Abyssinia W. T. Blanford. n. Skin ‘5 W. T. Blanford. v. Skeleton 9 W. T. Blanford. Xerus capensis. Sciurus capensis, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., p. 266 (1792)*; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., iv, p. 48. : Sciurus namaquensis, Lichtenstein Cat. Rerum Nat. Rariss, p. 2 (1793)*. 32 MAMMALIA. Sciurus levaillanti, Kuhl Beitr. Zool., p. 67 (1820). Sciurus ocularis, Smith Zool. Fourn., iv, p. 439 (1820). Sciurus setosus, Smuts Enum. Mamm. Capens., p. 33 (1832); Blyth Cat, no. 346, p. 108. ; Distributton.—South Africa. a. Stuffed South Africa E. L. Layard (1859), A.S.B. Genus PTEROMYS. Pteromys, G, Cuvier Tableau Gen. in Legons d’Anat. Comp., i, tabl. 1 (1800)*. The following key is constructed to enable the reader to dis- tinguish the typical forms only. All the species of this genus resem- ble one another so closely and so run into one another that it is impossible to construct a key into which every specimen will fit. Key of the Indian Species. a. Dorsal surface dark brown or black ; no tinge of reddish. é. Hairs of dorsal surface but slightly tipped with white. P. oral, p. 33.° 32, Hairs strongly tipped with white, giving the dorsal surface a hoary grizzled appearance. P. cineraceus, p. 33. a? Dorsal surface with a reddish or yellowish tinge, never black or brown. c. No shoulder patch; dorsal surface comparatively uniform. d. Fur of dorsal surface red, with well-developed white tips producing a hoary red appearance; tail longer than head or body : 7 P. alborufus, p. 34. d, Fur of dorsal surface dark maroon with but slight traces of the white tips to the hairs. P. yunnanensis, p. 35. d®, Dorsal fur grizzled gray, more reddish on the para- chute, tail shorter than the head and body together, body about 16, tail about 12 inches. P, albiventer, p. 35. c?. Dorsal fur generally dark maroon and forming a strong contrast to that of the shoulders and parachute, which is yellow, usually but slight traces of grizzling. P, magnificus, p. 35. c>, Resembling P. albiventer, but somewhat smaller (body about 13, tail about 13 inches), with the top of the head PTEROMYS. 33 of a pure grey colour, contrasting with the colour of the rest of the body. . P, caniceps, p. 36. Pteromys oral. Var. A.—typicus. Sciurus petaurista, Pallas Miscell., p. 54, pl. vi, figs. 1, 2 (1766) [pt.]*. Pteromys petaurista, Miller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., p. 106 (1839-44); Blyth F. A. S. Bx, p. 919; id. F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 865; Horsfield Cad. E. I, Mus. p. 159; Blyth F. A. S.B., xxviii, pp. 276, 286; id. Cat., no. 291, P- 94; Ferdon Mamm., p. 174. Pteromys philippensis, apud Elliot Madras Fourn., x, p. 217 (1839). Pteromys oral, Tickell Calc. Fourn. N. H., ii, p. 401, pl. xi (1842); Blyth F. A. S. B., xi, p. 451; id. F A. S. B., xx, p. 165; Kelaart Prodr. Faun, Zeylan, p. 55; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 279. Pteromys griseiventer, Gray List Mamm. 8B. M., p. 133 (1843); Blyth F. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 277. , Var. B.—cineraceus, Pteromys petaurista, apud Walker Cal. Fourn. N. H., iii, p. 266 (1843); Horsfield Cat. Mamm. E. £. Mus., p. 159 [pt-]} Pteromys petaurista var. cineraceus, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xvi, p. 865 (1847). Pteromys cineraceus, Blyth $. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 276 (1859); id. Cat., no. 292, p. 94; id. ¥. A. S. B, xliv, Burma List, p. 35; Blanford F.A.S.B., xvii, p. 165; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 281; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 67. Distribution —The typical variety is found all over the penin- sula of India and Ceylon wherever there are forests ; it is specially abundant in the Malabar country. The var. cineraceus is ap- parently only found in Arakan. This species including P. cineraceus and the following ones, namely, P. alborufus, P. yunnanensis, P. magnificus, P. albiventer and P. caniceps, all seem very closely allied to one another, and it is perhaps more as a matter of convenience than as a representation of their true relationship to one another that they should be kept sepa- rate ; as far as their Skulls are concerned it is impossible to separate them, and although typical specimens of these several so-called species are easily distinguished from one another, there are in the Museum collections intermediate forms between most of them. The prevailing colour of Pteromys oral is dark brown or black, with only slight traces of white tips to the dorsal fur. These white tips are much more developed in P. cineraceus, the typical forms of which seem to be confined to Arakan. Southwardsin Burma and Tenasserim, and northwards in Assam, the dark brown or black ‘ground colour is replaced by bright red, and this variety seems to correspond to the species described by Milne Edwards from Moupin in Thibet (P. alborufus). The species described by Anderson from Momien in Yunnan resembles P, alborufus, but is D 34 MAMMALIA. of a darker colour and has lost the white tips to the fur; this form is also distinguished by its long and very dark tail. Pteromys magnificus from Nepal and Sikkim seems at first to be a well marked species with its very dark maroon dorsal surface, with hardly any trace of the white tips to the fur; there is however a specimen (P. magnificus, “g” in the list below) which is quite intermediate between the typical P. magnificus and the typical P. alborufa; in this specimen the maroon of the back is much lighter and the white tips to the fur producing the grizzled appear- ance so characteristic of P. alborufa are present, though in not so marked a form. Pteromys caniceps seems constantly smaller than P. magnificus and P. albiventer, and since the skulls in the Museum are all im- mature, there is a strong suspicion that this will turn out to be the young of P. magnificus or of P. albiventer, but this will haye to be proved by further investigations. In Pteromys albiventer the contrast between the colour of the back and the colour of the parachute is not so marked as in P. magnificus: the shoulders, however, are somewhat yellow and traces of the white tips to the fur begin to appear: this latter feature is most marked in the Kashmir and Gilgit specimens. Var. A.—lypicus. a-b. 2 Skins and Travancore Purchased. skull, ce. Skin Ceylon Columbo Museum. d-e. 2 Skins Qo tags W. Rutledge. and_skele- ie 2 tons. Ff. Stuffed Travancore Marquis of Tweedale (1846), A.S B. g. Stuffed juv. Midnapore P. Homfray (1843), A.S.B. h-k..3 Skulls as A.S.B. Zz, Alc. juv. Manbhoom W. Theobald. Var, B.—cineraceus. a, aoe ne @ Arakan Sir A. Phayre (1844), A.S.B. skull. [Type of Pteromys cineraceus, Blyth.] b. mae ji @ Arakan Museum Collector (1871). skull. ce. Skin juv. ss ,, Sir A. Phayre (1844), A.S.B. d. Stuffed Bo tacleetey W. Rutledge (1870). Pteromys alborufus. Pteromys alborufus, A, Milne Edwards Comptes Rend., \xx, p. 342 (1870) ; id. Rech. Mam., p. 208, pls. xva, fig. 1, and xlv; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res. +) Pp. 284. Distribution.—Assam and Burma southwards to Tenasserim ; also obtained from Moupin in Eastern Thibet. ‘ PTEROMYS. 35 a, Skin Assam F. Day. 6. Skin Naga hills H. H. Godwin Austen. e. Skin skull, Samagooting, Assam _J. Butler (1872). d, Skin juv. Cherrapoonjee, Assam J. W. Laidlay (1847), A.S.B. e. Skin Pegu Rev. J. Barbe, A.S.B. J. Skin 2 Mergui, 21-1-82 J. Anderson. g. Skin, skeleton Arakan Zoological Gardens. A, Skin aitaee No history. j» Stuffed @ Arakan?P Sir A. Phayre (1844), A.S.B. &, Stuffed} Tenasserim Rev. J. Barbe (1844), A.S.B. d. Alc. Lampnee, Mergui, J. Anderson, 13-1-82. Pteromys yunnanensis. Pteromys yunnanensis, Anderson Ann. Mag. N. ALI (4), xvi, p. 282, (1875); id. Anat. Zool, Res., p. 282, pl. xxii. Distribution—Has been got hitherto only from Momien in Yunnan. a-d. 4 Skins, Momien, Yunnan, J. Anderson: 5,000 ft,, 6-68. [Types of Pteromys yunnanensis, Anderson.] Pteromys magnificus, Sciuropterus nitidus, apud Hodgson, P. Z.S., p. 98 (1835). . Pteromys magnificus, Hodgson ¥. A. S. B., v, p. 231 (1836) ; Js. Geoff. St. Hil. Facquemont Voyage, Zool. p. 65; Gray Cat, Hodgs. Coll. B. M., 1st ed., p. 22; Blyth F. A. S.B., xvi, p. 866; Horsfield Cat, E. I, Mus., p- 161; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 277; id. Cat., no. 294, p. 95; Ferdon Mamm., p. 177; P. L. Sclater P. Z.S., 1872, p. 635, pl.l; Anderson Anat, Zool. Res., p. 285. a: : Sciuropterus nobilis, Gray Ann, Mag. N. H., X., p. 263 (1842). Sciuropterus chrysothryx, Hodgson ¥. A. S. B., xiii, p. 67, with plate (1844). ; Pteromys nobilis, Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll. B. M., p. 22 (1846); Blyth F.A.S.B., xvi, p. 866; Horsfield Cat. E. 1, Mus. p.160; Blyth FAS. B.; xxviii, p. 277. Distribution.—Himalayas from Nepal to Sikkim ; has also been got on the Khasia hills. a. Skin Nepal (Hodgson) India Mus., London. 6. Skin, skull Sikkim L. Mandeili. c. Skin, juv. 4 L. Mandelli, .d, Skin Cherrapoonjee, Assam __‘F. Skipwith, A.S.B. e. Stuffed Darjeeling , A, Campbell, A.S.B. Jf. Stuffed deus Purchased, A.S.B. g. Stuffed Darjeeling W. Earle (1848), A.S.B. Pteromys albiventer. Pteromys albiventer, Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool. ji, pl. xviii (1834) 5 Gray P.Z.S., 1836, p. 88; id. Charlesw. Mag. N. H.,i, 1837, p. 584; Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 873; Blyth F.A.S. B., xvi, p. 865; Horsfield Cat, E, J. Mus., p. 162; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res, p. 286, D2 36 MAMMALIA, Pteromys inornatus, Is. Geoff. St. Hil. in facquemont Voyage, Zool., p. 62, pl. iv (1844); Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 573; Blyth F.A.S.B., xxviii, pp. 277, 287; id. Cat., no. 293, p.95; Ferdon Mamm., p. 176; Lydekker $F. A. S. B., xlvi, p. 285; Blanford Yarkand Mammals, P: 33- Distribution —The North-west Himalayas from Ladak to Nepal. a. Skin, skull Ladak J. Biddulph. 6. Skin Sonamarg, Kashmir, F, Stoliczka. 18-8-72. ce. Skin, skull Kashmir J. E.T. Aichison. a-f. 3 Skins seca Purchased. ‘ g. Stuffed Simla J. N. Thomas (1845), A.S.B. Ah. Alc. Katmandu, Nepal Museum Collector (1871). Pteromys caniceps. Sciuropterus caniceps, Gray Ann, Mag. N.H., x, p. 262 (1842) ; Blyth $. A. S. B., xvi, p. 866; id. ¥. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 278; id. Caz., no. 296, p, 96; Ferdon Mammi, p. 178. Pteromys caniceps, Gray Cat, Hodgs. Coll. B. M., 1st.ed., p. 213 Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 160; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 287. Sciuropterus senex, Hodgson Calc. fourn. N. H., iv, p. 293 (1844); id. F. A, S. B,, xiii, p. 68, with plate. Distribution,—Himalayas from Gurwhal to Sikkim. «. Skin Landour, N. W. Hima- L. C. Stewart (1854), A.S.B. ; layas. b-d. 3 Skins Sikkim L. Mandelli. e. Skin Gumphar, Darjeeling, J. Knight, 2,000 ft, SF. Stuffed Darjeeling ‘Mrs, Oakes (1842), A.S.B. Pteromys nitidus. Sciurus petaurista, Pallas Miscell. Zool., p. 36 (1766) [pt.]*. Pteromys nitidus, Desmarest N. Dict. Hist. Nat., xxvii, p. 403 (1818); Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., ii, pl. xvii; Miller and Schlegel Tem. Ver- handl., pp. 107, 112; Is. Geoff. St. Hil. Facquemont Voyage, Zool., Pp. 65; Cantor, ¥. A.S. B., xv, p. 252; Blyth $. A. S. B., xvi, p. 866; Brandt Mem. Acad. St. Peters, (6), vii, p. 298* ; Horsfield Cat.E. I. Mus., Pp. 162; Blyth ¥. A.S.B., xxxviii, p. 277; id. Cat., no. 295, p. 96; Zelebor Sdugeth. Novara, p. 25; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 290; Thomas an S.,1886, p..73 ; Fentink Notes Leyd, Mus., xi,p. 26; Thomas P.Z.S., 1009, Pp. 230. Pteromys melanotis, Gray P. Z. S., p.88 (1836); id. Chazlesw. Mag. N. Hi, P. 584; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus, p. 162; Blyth F. AS. B., xxviii, p. 277; Anderson Anat. Zool., Res., Pp. 292. a melanopsis, Motley and Dillwyn Contrib. Nat. Hist. Labuan, p. 2, 1055). Pteromys grandis, Swinkoe P.Z.S., p. 358, pl. xlv (1862); id. P. Z. S, 1870, p. 634. Distribution—The Malay peninsula from Klang in Selangore SCIUROPTERUS, 37 southwards, the islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo, also Siam and Formosa. , a-b. 2 Skins Siam [Finlayson] India Mus., London. ce. Stuffed Malacca Rev. F. Lindstedt (1848), A.S.B. d. Stuffed juv. ‘i Rev, F. Lindstedt (1845), A.S.B. e. Stuffed seeniee W. Rutledge (1872). Genus SCIUROPTERUS. Sciuropterus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus, Paris, x, p. 116 (1823). Key of the Indian Species. a. Larger forms, length without tail more than 7'5 inches. 5. Pale grayish above; outer edge of hind-foot provided with a thick brush of hairs extending from the tarsal joint to the base of the 5th toe ; skull long and narrow, 1°95 inches long by 1°55 inches broad. S. fimbriatus, p. 37: 6. Rather darker above ; no brush to the hind-feet, which are much smaller than in S. fimbriatus; skull smaller and broader, 1°45 inches long by 1°15 inches broad. S. alboniger, p. 38. 6. Grayish above, with black tufts of hair at the base of the posterior margin and the external surface of the upper angle of the ear ; teeth ridged. S. fuscocapillus, p. 39. 6*, Above rufus ; tail short, 5 inches; ears with tufts of long hair at the anterior and posterior angles of the ear-conch ; tail rather bushy. . . ‘ S. pearsoni, p. 38. 65, Resembling the last in size, but of a lighter grayish colour, with markedly distichous tail and no ear tufts. S. sagitta, p. 39. a®, Much smaller, about 54 inches long with tail; above rufus; tail above brown, below at base rufous. S. spadaceus, p. 40. Sciuropterus fimbriatus. Sciuropterus fimbriatus, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 584 (1837) ; id. P.Z.S., 1837, p. 67; Blyth $. A. S. B., xvi, p. 866; Horsfield Cat. EZ. JI. Mus. p. 163; Blyth $. A. S.B., xxviii, p. 278; id. Cat., no. 298, p. 96; $erdon Mamm., p. 178; Scilly P. Z, S., 1881, p. 204; id. Ann, Mag. N.H. (5), viii, p. 98. . Pteromys leachii, Gray P. Z, S., p. 88 (1836); id, Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 584. Pteromys fimbriatus, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 296 (1878). Distribution.—North-west Himalayas from Gilgit to Kumaon, 38 MAMMALIA. a, Skin, skull Chitral, 5,000 ft. G. M. Giles. juv. ; b. Skin Q@ Nultar valley, Gilgit, J. Scully. 1-8-79. c. Skin, skull g Nultar valley, Gilgit, J. Scully. juv. 8-79. d. Skin, skull 9 Chaprot, Gilgit, 30-7-79 J. Scully. e. Skin Gilgit, 6,000 ft., 6-8-80 J. Scully. f. Skin Ladak J. Biddulph. g. Skin Kashmir J. E. T. Aichison. A, Skin nr. Simla L. C. Stewart (1854), A.S.B. Sciuropterus alboniger. Sciuropterus alboniger, Hodgson $.A.S. B., v, p. 231 (1836); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 22; Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 866; Hors- field Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 163; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 278; id. Cat., no. 302, p.97; Ferdon Mamm., p.179; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 208; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 59. Sciuropterus turnbulli, Gray P. Z. S., p. 68 (1837); id. Charlesw. Mag. _N. AL, i, pe 584. Distribution.—Himalayas, Nepal to Bhootan, Assam, Yunnan and Cambodia. a. Skin. Darjeeling Mrs. Oakes (1842) A.S.B. 6, Skin, skeles Garo hills H. L. Haughton (1867). ton and visce- ra in alc, c. Skin. Cachar hills Museum Collector. d-e, 2 Skins Momien, Yunnan, 6-68 J. Anderson (1870). g-h. 2 Skins # Q W. Rutledge. j» Stuffed Darjeeling J. Grace (1853) A.S.B. &. Skull Naga hills A. W. Chennell. 2, Skin Shillong T. la Touche. Sciuropterus pearsoni. Sciuropterus pearsonii, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 263 (1842); Thomas. P. Z. S. 1886, p. 60. Pteromys sagitta, aud Walker, Cal. fourn N. H., iii, p. 266 (1843). Pteromys (Sciuropterus) setosus, Temminck and Schlegel Faun. Fapon. Mamm., p. 49 (1847). : Sciuropterus villosus, Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 866 (1847); id. ¥. A. S. Bay xxvili, p. 278; id. Cat., no. 303, p. 97; Ferdon Mamm, p. 179. Pteromys pearsonii, Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus. p. 162 (1851); Anderson Anat, Zool, Res., p. 293- Seno evs kaleensis, Swinhoe P. Z. S., p. 359 (1862); id. P. Z. S. 1870, B- 034. Distribution.—Sikkim, Assam, Munipur and Yunnan; it has been also recorded from Formosa and Sumatra. * a. Skin Assam A. W. Chennell. _b. Skin Naga hills H. H. Godwin Austen, SCIUROPTERUS, 39 e. Skin Cachar Mus. Collector (1867). d@, Skin Momien, Yunnan J. Anderson. 6,000 ft., 6-68. ef. 2 Stuffed North Assam, F. Bonynge (1845), A.S.B. (2 Types of Sciuropterus villosus of Blyth]. g. Skull Darjeeling W. Theobald (1852), A.S.B. hj. 2 Alc Ponsee, Yunnan J. Anderson (1868). Sciuropterus fuscocapillus. Sciuropterus fuscocapillus, Blyth ¥.A. S.B., xvi, p. 867 (1847) ; id. FAS. B., xxviii, pp. 278, 286 ; id. Cat. no. 297, p. 96; Ferdon Mamm., p. 180. Sciuropterus layardi, Kelaart Fourn. Ceylon As. Soc., v, p. 215 (1850); Blyth F. A. S. By xx, p. 165; Kelaart Prodv. Faun. Zeylan., p. 56; Blyth $. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 278. Pteromys fuscocapillus, Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 294 (1878). Distribution—The Nilgiri hills, Travancore and the high- lands of Ceylon. [No specimen in the Museum. ] Sciuropterus sagitta. Sciurus sagitta, Linn@us Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 88 (1766). Pteromys horsfieldii, Waterhouse P. Z.S., p. 87 (1837); Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p 299. Pteromys aurantiacus, Wagner Munch. Gel. Anz., xii, p. 438 (1841). Sciuropterus horsfieldii, Cantor F. A. S. B. xv, p. 253 (1846); Blyth. F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 867; id. F¥. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 278. Sciuropterus sagitta, Muller and Schlegel Tem. Verhandl., pp. 109, 113 (1839-44); Blyth F.A. S. B., xxiii, p. 731; id. ibid, xxiv, p. 187; Thomas, P, Z.S., 1886, p. 75: Sciuropterus phayrei, Blyth F. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 278 (1859); id. Cat., no. 304, p-97; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 53; Blyth F. A.S. B, xliv, Burma List, p. 35. Distribution—Burma, Pegu and Tenasserim, Malay peninsula, Cambodia, and the islands of Java and Banka, The above synonymy is given under the authority of Ander- son, who identified S. phayrei with S, horsfieldii of Waterhouse, and of Thomas, who identifies S. horsfieldii with S. sagitta of Linnzus, but it does not seem unlikely that S. phayrei may be really an independent species: it certainly seems much smaller than the common squirrel, to which as to size S. sagitta is com- pared by Linnzus. a-b. 2Skins Burma Sir A. Phayre and Major Berdmore. c-d, 2 Stuffed 7 Sir A. Phayre and Major Berdmore. [Types of S. phayrei, Blyth.] 40 MAMMALIA, Sciuropterus spadaceus. Sciuropterus spadaceus, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xvi, p. 867 (1847); id. ¥. ALS. B., x&viii, p. 278; id. Cat., no. 305, p. 97; id. FA. S. B, zliv, Burma List, p. 35. Pteromys spadaceus, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 300 (1878). Distribution —Only known from Arakan. a . It has been supposed by Thomas that this species is identi- cal with S. lepidus of Horsfield, but until further evidence can be adduced by the comparison of specimens it may as well remain distinct. a-c, 3 Skins Arakan Sir A. Phayre, A.S.B. (‘Types of S. spadaceus, Blyth.] d, Skin Moulmein J. Davis, e. Alc. Burma J. Wood Mason (1872). Sciuropterus volucella. Sciurus volans, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed.i, p. 88 (1766) [pt.]. Sciurus volucella, Pallas Nov. Sp. Quad. e Glir., pp. 351, 353 (1788). Sciurus hudsonius, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 153 (1788) Sciurus sabrinus, Shaw Genl. Zool., ii, pt. i, p. 157 (1801). Sciuropterus volucella, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 242 (1827); Blyth F. A. S.B., xxviii, p. 278; id. Cat, no. 306, p. 98; Allen Monographs N. Amer. Rodents, p. 655. : Pteromys oregonensis, Bachman Fourn. Acad. N. Sci. Phila. (i), viii, p. ‘101 (1839). : Pteromys alpinus, Wagner Schveb. Saugeth. Suppl. iii, p 230 (1843). Distribution —The whole of North America southwards to Guatemala. a. Skin Ontario, Canada J. H. Garnier [Ex.] 6 Skull Upton, Maine, U. S. A. W. Theobald. Genus EUPETAURUS. Eupetaurus, Thomas $. A. S. B., lvii, p. 257 (1888). Type E. cineraceus. Eupetaurus cineraceus. ee cineraceus, Thomas F. A. S. B., lvii, p. 258, pls. xxii, xxiii 1888). _ Distribution—Thibet; has been procured at Gilgit and also in Eastern Thibet north of Sikkim. a. Skin and skull Gilgit valley G. M. Giles. [Co-type of E, cineraceus, Thomas.] & Skin and skull teonee Purchased. ARCTOMYS. AI Genus SPERMOPHILUS. Spermophilus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus., Paris, vi, p. 203 (1822). Spermophilus bactrianus. Spermophilus bactrianus, Scully $. A. S. B., lvi, p. 70 (1887). Distribution.—Afghan Turkestan. = «. Skin, skull @ Khamiab, Oxus_ R., C. E. Yate. 12-6-86. (Type of Spermophilus bactrianus, Scully.] Genus ARCTOMYS. Arctomys, Schreber Sdugeth., iv, p. 721 (1792). In the following catalogue of the Marmots of Central Asia, Blanford’s paper (J. A.S.B., xliv, p. 113) has been followed. All the species found in Central Asia are represented in the Museum collections with the exception of Arctomys robustus of Milne Edwards (see below under A. himalayanus). Key of the Indian Species. a. Tail less than one-third of the length of the head and body; colour grayish yellow with diffused black tips to the hairs ; length 22 to 24 inches. . A, himalayanus, p. 41. a®, Tail one-third or more than one-third of the head and body. b. Smaller, length 14 to 16 inches ; colour grayish yellow. A. hodgsoni, p. 42. &, Larger, length about 25 inches; colour rufous yellow with a black patch on the back and ferrugineus below. A. caudatus, p. 43. Arctomys himalayanus. Arctomys himalayanus, Hodgson $. A. S. B., x, p. 777, with plate (1841) ; id. F. ALS. B, xi, p. 287; Blanford F. A. S. B., xliv, p. 121; Lydekker %. A. S.B., xlvi, p. 285; Blanford Yarkand Mammals, p. 36, pls. xii, xiia, Lydekker F.A.S. B., xlix,p.7; Buchner Wiss. Result. Praewalski Reisen Rodentia, p. 25. , Arctomys himalayanus potius tibetensis hodie, Hodgson F. A. S. B., xii, p. 409 (1843). : Arctomys bobac apud Gray, List Mamm. B. M., p. 148 (1843); id. Cat. Hodgs. Coll. B. M., 1st ed., p. 23; Blyth F. A. S.B., xvi, p. 873; Horsfield Cat, E. I. Mus., p. 164; Blyth Cat., no. 348, p. 108; Ferdon Mamm,, p. 181; Anderson P. Z. S., 1871, p. 560. Arctomys tataricus, fameson L’Instit., xv, p. 384 (1847)*. Arctomys tibetanus, Adams P. Z. S., p. 521 (1858). Distribution.—The Himalayas and Thibet from Western Ladak eastwards, the Kuenlun Mountains south of Yarkand, and the 42 MAMMALIA. Keria Mountains, which form the barrier between the valley of Tarim and the plateau of north Tibet. Arctomys robustus of Milne Edwards (Rech. Mamm., p. 309) was given by Blanford in his paper on Himalayan Marmots as a synonym of A. himalayanus; Buchner in his accounts of Prze- walski’s Mammals holds a contrary opinion and distinguishes A. robustus by its larger size, its darker back and sides, and the patch of rusty brown at the sides of the snout and round the ears ; none of these characters are very decisive ones, but for the pre- sent A. robustus is left separate. a-b. 2 Skins, @ Kitchik Yilak, Sanju G. Henderson. skulls. Pass, Kuenlun Mts., 17-9-70. ce. Skin Changchenmo valley, R. Lydekker. Ladak. ‘ d. Skin Tibet B. H. Hodgson (1845), A.S.B. e. Skin juv. + B.H. Hodgson (1845), A.S.B. f. Stuffed, @ Kitchik Yilak, Sanju G, Henderson. skull, Pass, Kuenlun Mts, 17-9-70. = Arctomys hodgsoni. Arctomys hemachalanus, Hodgson F. A. S. B., xii, p. 410 (1843) ; Ferdon Mamm., p. 182; Blanford F. A. S. B., xliv, p. 122. Arctomys tibetanus, apud Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 24 (1846); Horsfield Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), xvi, p. 113. Arctomys bobac, apud Blyth, Cat., no. 348, p. 108 (1863) [pt.] Arctomys hodgsoni, Blanford Yarkand Mammals, p. 35 (1876). Distribution —Himalayas of Nepal, Sikkim and Bhootan. Blanford’s name has been adopted in preference to A. hema- chalanus, which is synonymous with A. himalayanus and cannot therefore stand. It is a curious fact that no truly feral example of this species has yet been obtained ; all the specimens mentioned below were caged, a, Skin juv. g Bhootan J. Wood Mason. 6, Skin, skele- g ”» W. Rutledge [P.] ton. c. Skin, skele- 9 ” W. Rutledge [P.] ton. d-e. 2 Skins, @ teeees W. Rutledge, 2 skulls. fj. 4Skins, @ eee W. Rutledge. 4 skulls, k. Stuffed aideinse G. A. Bushby (1848), A.S. B. 1. Skeleton ie ia W. Rutledge. m. Skeleton Darjeeling Mrs. Turnbull. a. Skin,skele- 9 suilves Zoological Gardens. ton. o. Ale. g seed W. Rutledge. p. Skeleton ¢ wowing W. Rutledge. ARCTOMYS. 43 Arctomys caudatus. Arctomys caudatus, Zs. Geoff. St. Hil. facquemont Voyage, Zool., p. 66, pl. v (1844); Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. §73; Blanford F. A, S. B.,xliv, p. 122; id. Yarkand Mamm., p. 37, pls. xiii, xiiia; Lydekker F. A. S. B., xlix, p. 75 Scully P. Z, S., 1881, p. 204; id, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), viii, p. 98. Arctomys bobac, apud Adams, P. Z. S., p. 521 (1858); Blyth Cat., no. 348, p- 108; Ferdon Mamm.,, p. 182. Arctomys tibetana, apud Falconer Paleont. Memoirs, i, p. 583 (1868). Arctomys hemachelana, apud Anderson, P.Z.S., p. 561 (1871). The Red Marmot ; Drowne or Drim of Kashmir ; Pya of Ladak, Distribution.—The north-western parts of Kashmir in the Deosai, Dras, and Astor districts. a, Skin, skull @ Matayon, Zogi-la Pass, G. Henderson.t . nr. Dras, Kashmir, 20-6-70. 6, Skin, skull 9 Donkun, Astor distr., J, Scully. Kashmir, 11,000 ft., 20-5-80. ce. Skin juv. Deosai plain, N. W. J. Scully. Kashmir, 12,000 ft. - 7-80. [J. Biddulph.] : d-h. § Skins Kashmir J. E. T. Aitchison, j. Skin T. C. Jerdon. & Skull T. Brownlow, A. S. B. Arctomys aureus. Arctomys aureus, Blanford ¥. A. S. B., xliv, pp. 106, 123; id. Yarkand Mamm., p. 33, pls. xi, xia. ? Arctomys caudatus, apud Severtzogf Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xviii, p. 50 (1876). Distribution —The Pamir and country between the Pamir and Yarkand. a, Skin, skull Kaskasu Pass, between F. Stoliczka. Pamir and Yarkand, 13,000 ft., 15-5-74. [Type of A, aureus, Blanford.] b-c, 2 Skins Kaskasu Pass, between F. Stoliczka. Pamir and Yarkand, 13,000 ft., 15-5-74. d. Skin, skull Little Pamir, 13,000 ft., G. M, Giles. 5-86. ef, 2 Skulls Kaskasu Pass. F. Stoliczka, Arctomys dichrous. Arctomys dichrous, Anderson Ann. Mag. N, H. (4), xvi, p. 283 (1875); id. F., Linn. Socy xii, p. §79, pl. xxxi; Blanford Yarkand Mammals, p. 36; + See Henderson and Hume, Lahore to Yarkand, p, 83. 44 MAMMALIA. Buchner Wiss. Result. Preewalski Keisen Rodentia, p. 40, pls. iii, iv, figs. 11-14. - Arctomys baibacina, apud Severtzof Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xviii, p. §0 (1876). Distribution —Hills north of Kabul (Anderson), Thian Shan (Severtzoff) and the Juldus valley (Przewalski). a. ? Skull Afghanistan. Sir A. Burns, A.S.B. é-c, 2Skulls juv. Kabul ? J, Anderson. Arctomys marmota. Mus marmota, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 81 (1766). Arctomys marmota, Schreber Saugeth., iv, p.722 (1792); Blasius Sdugeth. Deutsch., p. 280. Marmota alpina, Blumenbach Handb, Naturges., 12th ed., p. 70 (1830). Distribution.—The higher regions of the Alps, Pyrennees and Carpathians. a. Stuffed teats Mrs. Turnbull (1867). Arctomys monax. Mus monax, Linneus Syst. Nat., rath ed., i, p. 8t (1766). Arctomys monax, Schreber Sdéugeth., iv, p. 737 (1792); Allen Monographs N. Amer. Rodents, p. git. Arctomys empetra, Sabine Linn. Trans., xiii, p. 584 (1822). Distribution. North America from Hudson’s Bay to the Caro- linas and from the Atlantic to Minnesota. a-b. 2 Skins Ontario, Canada J. H. Garnier [Ex.] c. Skin, skull 92 aeetea W. Rutledge. Genus CASTOR. Castor, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 78 (1766). Castor fiber. Castor fiber, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 78 (1766); Allen Mono- graphs N. Amer. Rodents, p. 433. Castor canadensis, Kuhl Beitr. Zool., p. 64 (1820). Castor americanus, Richardson Back’s Arctic Exped., p. 494 (1836)*. Castor europzeus, Owen Brit. Foss, Mamm., p. 190 (1846); Blyth Cat., NO. 404, p. 123. The Beaver. Disiribution.—Europe, Siberia and North America, though now extinct in the greater part of Europe and also in the Eastern States of North America. a. Stuffed Norway. Christiania University (1844), A. S. B. HYDROMYS. 45 Genus MYOXUS. Myoxus, Schreber Sdugeth., iv, p. 824 (1792). Myoxus pictus. Myoxus pictus, Blanford Ann. Mag, N. H. (4) xvi, p. 311 (1875); id. Persia, p. 51, pl. iv, fig. 2. : Distribution.—Persia north of Ispahan. a. Ale. @ Kohrud, N. of Ispahan, W. T. Blanford, 7,000 ft. [Co-type of M. pictus, Blanford.] Myoxus glis. Sciurus glis, Linnaeus Syst. Nat. ath ed., i, p. 87 (1766). Mus glis, Pallas Nov. Sp. Quad. e Glir., p. 88 (1778). Myoxus glis, Zimmerman Geogr. Geschichte., ii, p. 351 (1780); Blasius Sdugeth Deutsch, p. 292; Blyth Cat., no. 350, p. 109. Glis esculentus, Blumenbach Handb. Naturges., 12th ed., p. 67 (1830). Distribution.—Central and Southern Europe. «. Stuffed. France A. Malherbe (1854), A.S.B. Genus MUSCARDINUS. Muscardinus, Kaup Entw. Europ. Thierw., p. 139 (1829)*. Muscardinus avellanarius. Mus avellanarius, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 83 (1766). Myoxus muscardinus, Schreber Sdéugeth, iv, p. 835 (1792). Myoxus avellanarius, Desmarest Mamm., p. 295 (1820) ; Blasius Séugeth, Deutsch., p. 297; Blyth Cat., no. 351, p. 109. 9 Muscardinus avellanarius, Kaup Entw. Europ. Thierw., p. 139 (1829)*. Distribution —The whole of Europe, including the British _ Islands. a-b. 2 Stuffed. England. A. D. Bartlett (1843), A.S.B. c-e. 3 Alc. S2Q ” A. D. Bartlett (1865). Genus HYDROMYS. Hydromys, Et. Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. Mus., Paris, vi, p. 81 (1805). Hydromys chrysogaster. Hydromys chrysogaster, Et. Geoff. St. Hil. Ann, Mus.,-Paris, vi, p. 81, pl. xxxvi (1805) ; Gould Mamm. Austr, iii, pl. xxiv; Blyth Cat., no, 398, p. 121 ; Collett. Zool. F. B., ii, p. 841. 46 MAMMALIA. Distribution. —Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania. a, Stuffed. Tasmania. C. G, T. Lloyd (1860), A.S.B. Hydromys fulvolavatus. Hydromys fulvolavatus, Gould Mamm. Austr., iii, pl. xxv (1863). Hydromys leucogaster, apud Blyth, Cat., no. 399; p- 122 (1863). Distribution.—Southern and South-eastern Australia. a-b. 2 Stuffed Port Philip, Melbourne Mr. Benson (1849), A.S.B. e-d 2 Skins South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] e. Skin Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] Hydromys leucogaster. Hydromys leucogaster, Zt. Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. Mus. Paris, vi, p. 81, pl. xxxvi (1805) ; Gould Mamm. Austr., iii, pl. XXVi.. Distribution.—Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland. a. Alc. Queensland Brisbane Mus. [Ex.] Genus PLATACANTHOMYS. Platacanthomys, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 288 (1859). Type, P.lasi- urus. Platacanthomys lasiurus. Platacanthomys lasiurus, Blyth $. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 289 (1859) ; id. Cat., no. 349, p. 109; Peters P. Z, S., 1865, p. 397, pl. xx; Ferdon Mamm, p- 210. Distribution.—South Malabar and Travancore. a-m. 12 Skins Travancore Rev. H. Baker (1870). n-g. 4 Stuffed South Malabar Rev. H. Baker, (1859) A.S.B. 7. Skeleton Travancore Rev. H. Baker. mtd. s. Skeleton 45 Rev. H. Baker. impf. t-u. 2 Alc. 2skulls is Rev. H. Baker. v-a*, 6 Ale. @Q Trevandrum H. S. Ferguson. and 4 juv. Genus GERBILLUS. Gerbillus, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., 1st ed., xxiv, p. 22 (1804)*. Meriones, Jlliger. Prodr., p. 82 (1811). Rhombomys, Wagner Schreber Saugeth. Suppl., iti, p. 485 (1843). Psammomys, Cretachmar Riippell’s Atlas, p. 36 (1826). Type, G. obesus. GERBILLUS. 47 Key of the Indian species. a. Larger, head and body 5 to 7 inches in length. 6. With large ears; tail dark banded above and below; above- rufous brown, below white; feet naked below; outer wali of the antorbital foramen rounded and projecting in front; bullz moderate. . é . . G, indicus, p. 47. 6.2 Ears moderate; tall dark banded above, light below; feet thickly haired anteriorly; outer wall of antorbital foramen perpendicular; bullae much inflated. G. erythrurus, p. 49, 63 Ears very small; tail concolorous with the body, with a dusky terminal pencil; above sandy yellow, below lighter, but not white; feet anteriorly haired, posteriorly naked ; bullz moderate. ; : - G. hurrianz, p. 50. a Smaller, head and body 3 to 4 inches in length. c. Tail without hair, more than 13 times head and body. d, Proximal half of the sole naked; six dinctinct planta pads. . ‘i ‘ - . G. nanus, p. 51. d. Sole hairy throughout ; no distinct pads. G. gleadowi, p. 52. c.” Tail without hair, shorter than the head and body. G. swinhoei, p. 52. , Gerbillus indicus. Dipus indicus, Hardwicke Linn. Trans., viii, p. 279, pl. vii (1804). Gerbillus indicus, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., xiii, p. 109 (1817); Elliot Madras Fourn, x, p. 211; F. Cuvier Trans. Zool. Soc., ii, p. 143, pl. xxv, figs. 15-19; Hutton and Blyth F. A. S. B., xv, p. 137; id. F. A. S. B, xX,p.167; id. FA. S.B., xxi, p. 350; Horsfield Cat. Mamm. E. I. Mus., p. 150; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. 69; Blyth F. A. S.B., xxxii, p. 327; “Adams P, Z. S., 1858, p. 520; Blyth Cat., no. 353, p. 110; Ferdon Mamm. p. 185; Blanford Persia, p. 63. is Gerbillus cuvieri, Waterhouse P. Z. S., p. 56 (1838); Hutton and Blyth F. ALS. B., XV, p. 139- * Gerbillus hardwickii, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 132 (1843). Distribution.—Found throughout India from the Himalayas southward, including Ceylon, in sandy and dry places ; extending eastwards as faras Lower Bengal only and westwards to Baluchistan (Blanford). The southern form is distinguishable as a well marked geogra- phical race, which was described by Waterhouse in 1838 as G, cuvieri; it is distinguished from G, indicus by its longer tail, 48 MAMMALIA, its longer tarsus, and by the colour of the tarsus, which is blackish ; the differences of the tarsus and tail of the two races are shown in the accompanying measurements. It is not easy to separate the synonymy of the two races, as the southern variety has been almost entirely overlooked hitherto; this was in consequence of the fact that Blyth’s speciniens from Midnapur, which he naturally Lettering of specimen, Tarsus. aie et t. Allahabad.| 1°07 6°80 60 Northern race var. u. Berhampore} 1°10 6°75 65 typicus. 2 . Baluchistan} 1°05 6°80 5°75 Southern oo. Columbo .} 1°25 8°30 6°25 race var. cuvieri. dd. Poona ‘ 1'25 8°50 6°50 Inter- ». Goona -| 1°07 7°20 60 mediate. 6b. Banda «| 1°20 710 6°50 a-b. 2 Skins 2 c-d. 2 Skins, 2 skulls. e-g. 3 Skins, 1 skull. 4 Skins juv. m. Skin é n. Skin o-g. 3 Alc. oS : ws Ble, s. Ale. juv. 2 t. Ale. 2 wu. Alc. 1skull 9 v. Skeleton mtd. w-x. 2 Skulls y. Skull z. Skull 4 @bI 2Aln fg e.d2 2 Ale. juv. e2 Alc. 2 fi Ale. 2 g2 Alc. juv. a-b,2 Skins, 2 skulls, Var A.—typicus. Pishin, Persian Balu- chistan, 10-2-72. Agra district Maunbhoom a5 12-64 Berhampore Pishin, Baluchistan, 700 feet. Q Rajanpur, Punjab Cutch Allahabad Berhampore, Bengal Berhampore Berhampore i Pishin, Baluchistan ‘Sitapur, Oude Gulistan, Afghanistan Kirta Beebeenanee, Beluch Var B.—cuvieri. Nilgiris, Madras considered be- longed to the northern race, were Tteally more _ nearly allied to the southern race. As will be seen by the accompanying table, the varie- ties run into one another in the Centra Provinces. W. T. Blanford. Agra Museum. Mus. Collector (1866). Mus. peat (1866), R.C.B W. Theobald, A.S.B. W. T. Blanford. E. Saunders. F. Stoliczka. J. Cockburn (1872), W. Theobald, A.S.B. . Theobald, A.S.B. eavan. « Murray. - Murray. R. H. Beddome. GERBILLUS. 49 e-d, 2 Skins, Trichinopoly, Madras R. H. Beddome. 2 skulls juv. e-f. 2 Alc. Goona, C. I. A. Barclay. g. Ale. @ Banda dist., N.-W.P, J. Cockburn. A. Alc. juv. Karachi? Karachi Mus. k 2Ale. gg Poona G. W. Vidal. f-0. 4 Alc. juv. 9 Codur Hills, Madras R. H. Beddome. p-g. 2 Alc. juv. 9 Madras G. Bidie. 7-s. 2 Alc. Madras? Madras Mus. t-w. 4 Skulls 9 Columbo J. Anderson (1872). 3 juv. #-b3, 5 Stuffed Midnapore Jungles E. Blyth A.S.B. c3, Stuffed Midnapore Dr. Young (1848)) A.S.B. d8.c. 2 Stuffed South India. Sir W. Elliot (1843) A.S.B. F-g?. 2 Stuffed Ceylon E. L. Layard (1858) A.S.B. 4. Skull Columbo J. Anderson (1872). Gerbillus persicus. Gerbillus persicus, Blanford Ann. Mag. N.N. (4), xvi, p. 312 (1875); id. Persia, p. 66, pl. vii, fig. 1. Distribution.—Persian plateau north and south. This species is allied to G. indicus; it is distinguished by its dusky greenish soles, the absence of the dark line below the tail, and by its skull. In G. indicus the part of the skull above the foramen magnum when viewed from behind exceeds in height the vertical extent of the foramen magnum itself; in G. persicus the re- verse holds good. The specimen ‘‘c” in the list below has a hairy tarsus and is doubtfully referred to G. persicus. a, Alc, skull Kohrud, N. of Ispahan W. T. Blanford. (Type of the G. persicus, Blanford.] 6. Alc. juv. Karman, S. Persia W. T. Blanford. cv. Alc. skull juv. 55 shot at W. T. Blanford. Gerbillus erythrurus. Gerbillus erythrourus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 266 (1842); Hutton ¥. A. S. B, xv, p. 139; Horsfield Cat. E. 1. Mus. p. 150; Blanford . Persia, p. 70; Danford and Alston, P, Z. S., 1880, p. 60. Gerbillus sp., Scully ¥. A. S. B., lvi, p. 71 (1887). Distribution—Afghan Turkistan and Afghanistan proper ex- tending south to Kandahar and west to South Persia. There seems to be no reason why the Balkh Gerbille should not be referred to G, erythrurus ; the skin agrees very well with those of this species in the Museum and the skull has the same extraordinarily inflated tympanic bulla so characteristic of G, erythrurus, and also resembles it in other respects. a, Skin and skull g Shiraz, 4,720 ft. Sir O. St. John. 6. Skin Afghanistan (Griffiths) India Mus., London. E 50 MAMMALIA. c. Skin, skull 9 Balkh, Afghan Turkes- C. E. Yate. tan, 4-7-86. ; d-e, 2 Stuffed, 1 Shiraz, 4,720 ft. Sir O. St. John. skull. ig. 2 Alc. é Muskaff, Beluchistan J. A. Murray. Gerbillus meridianus. Mus meridianus, Pallas Reise, ii, p. 702 (1773)*. ie Mus longipes, Pallas Nov. Sp. Quad. e Glir., pp. 88, 314, pl. xviiis (1778). Dipus longipes, Schreber Saugeth., iv, p. 856 (1792). ~ Dipus meridianus, Pallas Zoogr. Ross. As., p. 182 (1831). Meriones meridianus, Lichtenstein in Evers. Reise nach Buchara, p. 122 (1823); Radde Zool. F. B., iv, p. 1047. : Rhombomys meridianus, Wagner Schreb. Saugeth. Suppl, iii, p. 492 (1843). Meriones fulvus, Zversmann Bull. Nat. Mosc., xxi, pt. 1, p. 195 (1848). Gerbillus brevicaudatus, apud A. Milne Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat. (5), vii, P. 377 (1867). . Gerbillus psammophilus, Milne Edwards Rech. Mamm., p. 144, pl. xa, fig. 1, pl. xi, figs. 3, 4 (1868). . Gerbillus cryptorhinus, Blanford ¥. A. S. B., xliv, p. 108 (1875); id. Yarkand Mamm., p. 56, pls. x, xB, fig. 5. Gerbillus meridianus, Bichner Wiss, Result. Praewalski Reisen Rodentia, - P- 57 (1889). Distribution —The whole desert region of Central Asia from the north of Pekin to Yarkand; also the country round the Cas- pian sea. The above synonymy is copied from Bichner’s account of Przewalski’s Mammals; Bichner believes that the curious semi-circu- lar flap over the nose which was the character chiefly relied on by Blanford in distinguishing the Yarkand species, G. cryptorhinus, is purely artificial and can be easily produced by immersing the fresh animal in alcohol (cf. Lataste Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, XXxix, p. 267, 1885) ; he therefore identifies G. cryptorhinus with M. meridianus of Pallas. a. Skin Kargalik, Yarkand F. Stoliczka, [Type of G. cryptorhinus, Blanford.] é-e. 4Skins,2skulls Kargalik, Yarkand, F. Stoliczka. 5-11-73. Jf. Skin Yarkand, 20-5-74 F. Stoliczka, gj. 3 Skins Yangihissar, Yarkand, F. Stoliczka, 4°74. &. Skin Yarkand F. Stoliczka. 2. Alc. skull Yarkand F. Stoliczka. (Co-type of G, cryptorhinus, Blanford]. m-n. 2 Alc. Turkestan C. Ellis, Gerbillus hurrianz. Gerbillus hurrianee, ¥erdon Mamm.,, p. 186 (1867) ; Blanfora Persia, p. 68; Murray Zool. Sind, p. 43. Gerbillus erythrourus, apud Ferdon Mamm., p. 185 (1867). Distribution—Afghanistan and Baluchistan, wards into Sind and the Punjab as far as Agra. a. Skin a. Skin 9 c-d, 2Skins Q e-f. 2 Skins g. Skin hj, 2 Skins &-l. 2 Alc. 1 skull oe le. skull m n. Alc. a o-g. 3 Ale., Q 1 skull. _ v8. 2Alc. é 1skull- t-u. 2Ale. g 2 v-y. 4 Alc. 9 g 2 juv, z. Stuffed 23, Stuffed juv. 67. Skeleton 9 ce, 31Alc.1 skull . Skin a Ale. 9g 273, 2 Alc. F.1, 2 Ale. 9 & m. Alc. é n*-p%, 3 Alc. GERBILLUS. Afghanistan (Griffith) Dasht, Baluchistan, 30-1272. Bahu Kalat, Baluchistan, 2-2-7972. N. W. of Sehwan, Sind, 14-2-75,. Hissar dist.; Punjab Agra dist., N.-W. P. Dasht R., Baluchistan Pishin, Baluchistan Karachi ” o Khirabad nr. Attock, Punj. Agra dist. Sind Thar and Parkar district, Sind. Beebeenanee, Baluch. Sibi Thar and Parkar dist., Sind. Sibi YY -Beebeenanee Jeysulmere, Rajpt., 23-2-90, 51 extending east- India Mus., London. W. T. Blanford, W. T. Blanford. W. T. Blanford. T. C. Jerdon. Agra Mus. W. T. Blanford, W. T. Blanford. W. T. Blanford. Karachi Museum. Karachi Museum. Karachi Museum. A. Barclay. A. C. Carllyle (1870). Agra Mus, (1870). W. T. Blanford, Murray. J. J. A. Murray. J. A. Murray. - J. A. Murray. J. A. Murray. J.-A. Murray. N. Belletty. A. A. A. A. A. A B Gerbillus nanus. Dipus gerbillus, Blanford Abyssinia, p. 284 (1870). Gerbillus nanus, Blanford Ann, Mag. N. H. (4), Xvi, p. 312 (1875); id. Persia, p. 72, pl. v, fig. 1. Distribution.—Baluchistan and Abyssinia. Mr. Thomas has kindly examined the Abyssinian specimens named by Blanford, Dipus gerbillus Oliv., and has pronounced them indistinguishable from Gerbillus nanus of Persia also dis- covered and named by Blanford. a. Ale, skull tan. Saman, Dasht, Baluchis- W. T. Blanford. [Type of G. nanus, Blanford.] b-e. 4 Alc. & skulls Zoulla, Annesley Bay, W. T. Blanford. 2429 Abyssinia, 52 MAMMALIA. J-g. 2 Skins g Zoulla, Annesley Bay, W. T. Blanford. Abyssinia A. Alc. @ Gulistan, Afghanistan J. A. Murray. je Ale. Q Muskaff, Baluchistan J. A. Murray. Gerbillus gleadowi. Gerbillus gleadowi, Murray Ann. Mag. N. H. (5) xvii, p. 246 (1886). Distribution.—Sind and Rajputana. The first examples of this species were collected in the Rohri District of Upper Sind ; the species appears to be closely allied to G. nanus from which it differs chiefly in having hairy instead of naked palms and soles. a-b, 2 Alc. Rajputana N. Belletty. Gerbillus swinhoei. Gerbillus swinhoei, Scully Ann. Mag. N. H. (5) viii, p. 228 (1881). Distribution —Afghanistan, between Kandahar and the Khojak Pass. This species resembles G.nanus of Blanford; it seems however to be distinguished by its tail, whichis much shorter, 3°1 inch, instead of 4°5 as inG. nanus, and by possessing a black pencil which is not present in the other species. [No specimens in the Museum.] Gerbillus pyramidarum. Dipus pyramidarum, Et. Geog’. St. Hil. Cat. Mamm. Mus. Paris, p. 202 (1803)*. Gerbillus pyramidarum, F. Cuvier Trans. Zool. Soc., ii, p. 141, pl. xxv, fig. 6-9 (1841); Lataste Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux (4) ix, p. 260. Distribution.—Egypt. a. Ale, skull Q Heluan, Egypt Purchased. 6. Alc. juv. 53 x Purchased. Gerbillus obesus. Psammomys obesus, Cretzschmar, Rippell’s Atlas, p. 58, pls. xxii, xxiii, (1826) ; Blyth Cat. no. 355, p. 111. Gerbillus robustus, Loche Cat. Mamm. Ois. Alg., sp. §7 (1858)*. Gerbillus savii, Loche Expl. sc. de l Alg. Mamm., sp. 62 (1867)*. Gerbillus elegans, Heuglin Reise N. O. Afrika, ii, p. 80 (1877)*. Psammomys rouderei, Lataste, Le Nat., p. 492 (1881). Meriones obesus, Lataste Act. Soc. Linn, Bordeaux (4) ix, p. 269 (1885). Distribution.—North Africa, from Algeria to Egypt and possibly southwards to Senaar and Senegal. a. Stuffed Egypt E. Rippell, A.S.B. NESOKIA. 53 Genus ISOMYS. Isomys, Sundeval Kongl. Vetens, Akad, Handi, (1842)*. Isomys variegatus, Mus variegatus, Js. Geof. St. Hil. Descrip. Egypt Nat. Hist. (1813)* Schinz Synop. Mamm.,, ii, p. 157. Isomys variegatus, Sundeval Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Handl. (1842)*, Distribution.—North-East Africa, a. Alc. g Cairo, Egypt Purchased. Genus NESOKIA. Nesokia, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 265 (1842); Type, N. hardwickii. Speleorys: Peters Abhand. Akad. Berlin, p. 139 (1860). Type, N. hard- WICKIL, The genus was first put into its present form by Anderson (J. A.S.B., xlvii, p. 214), the number of species, however, re- cognised by Anderson were subsequently considerably reduced by Thomas (P. Z. S., 1881, p. 521), and it is the latter author who has been followed in compiling this catalogue. Synopsis of Indian species. a. Anterior palatine foramen shorter than the molar series ; mammz, 8; tail, about equal to body without head; head and body, 6 to 7 inches long. N. hardwickii, p. 53. a®?. Anterior palatine foramen equal to the molar series and con- siderably narrowed posteriorly ; mammz, 14-18; head and body 7 to 8 inches long. . N., bengalensis, p. 55. a®, Anterior palatine foramen as in N. bengalensis, but rather more open behind ; mamme, 12. é. Head and body about 12 inches; back with long harsh black piles. ‘i . i N. bandicota, p. 57. 8?. Head and body g to 11 inches; black piles not so numer- ous or conspicuous. . . N. nemorivagus, p. 58. Nesokia hardwickii. Arvicola indica, Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., i, pl. xi (1832) [zec Mus indicus Bech,] ’ Mus hardwickii, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 585 (1837) ; Blyth F. A. S. B., XXXIV, P. 193- Nesokia hardwickii, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 265 (1842); Ferdon Mamm., p, 190; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 56; Radde Zool., F. B., iv, po 1035+ 54 MAMMALIA. Mus huttoni, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xv, p. 139 (1846). Nesokia griffithii, Horsfield Cat. E, I. Mus. p. 145 (1851); Blyth F. A. S. B., xxxii, p. 332. Nesokia huttoni, Blyth $. A. S. B., xxxii, p. 332 (1863) ; Blanford Persia, p. 59, pl. vi, fig. 1. 4 . - Spalacomys indica, Peters “Abhandl. Akad, Berlin, p. 143, pl. ii, fig. 1, [skzlZ] (1860). . Mus (Nesokia) hardwickii, Anderson $. A. S. B., xlvii, p. 221 (1878) ; Thomas P. Z. S., 1881, p. 524; Murray Zool. Sind, p, 44. Mus (Nesokia) huttoni, Anderson F. A. S. B., xlvii, p. 223 (1878). Distribution.—The north-western part of India, extending west- wards through Sind to Baluchistan, Afghanistan and Transcaspia, and eastwards as far as Purneah in Bengal. An examination of the examples of this species in the Indian Museum shows that it is not possible to separate the two so-called species Nesokia hardwickii and Nesokia huttoni even as geogra- phical races ; of the specimens in the Museum from Sind, some have the soft fur of the typical N. huttoni form, some the harsh fur of N. hardwickii ; it is perhaps possible that this character may be due to the season, and that the animal acquires the soft woolly fur in the winter and the harsh fur in the summer; in the localities where this species is found, the extremes of heat and cold are very great, and this would perhaps favour this suggestion. a. Skin, skull Fatehgarh, N.-W. P. A. Anderson, 1872. b-d. 3 Skins, Sitapur, Oudh A. Barclay. 2 skulls. e. Alc., skull g Shahbandar, Sind, W. T. Blanford. 3-5-76. f. Alc., skull 9 Kiiors, Thar dist., Sind. W. T. Blanford. gj. 3 Alc. Q Karachi | Karachi Mus. [Ex.] k-u.11 Ale. 7skulls Fatehgarh, N.-W. P. A. Anderson, 1872, 1g10Q v. Alc., skull Q Purneah, Bengal J. Anderson. w. Alc. Q Karachi Karachi Mus. x. Skin, skull g Kalagan, Baluchistan, W. T. Blanford. 12-3-72. y. Skin, skull Umballa, Pjb. R. C. Tytler. z. Stuffed, skull Umballa, Pyb. R.C. Tytler. a?-d?,4 Alc., 1 skull Dakka, Afghan A. Barclay. S22 e. Alc. @ Thal, Kurram Valley, A. Barclay. Afghan. f?. Alec. Q@ Hassan Abdal, Rawal- A. Barclay. pindi, Pjb. g?. Alc. 2 Quetta Sir O. St. John. - h?-m*. § Alc x skull Kalagan, Baluchistan W. T. Blanford. 342 Q juv. Nesokia scullyi. Nesokia scullyi, Wood Mason, P. A.S.B., p. 80 (1876); Anderson F. A.S.B., xlvii, p. 224; Blanford Yarkand Mammals.,p 49, pl. viiia, and xa, fig, 2, NESOKIA. 55 ? Nesokia brachyura, Buchner Result. Wiss. Praewalski Reisen, Rodentia p. 82, pls. x, xi, fig. 1-9 (1889). Distribution — Has been found hitherto only in Kashgaria, at Sanju to the south of Yarkand. This species is distinguished from Nesokia hardwickii only by its much longer hind-foot and its somewhat larger skull; another species has been recently described by Buchner (see above) as Nesokia brachyura; it is distinguished from N. scullyi and N. hardwickii by its size, its very short tail and its small hind-foot, notwithstanding this it is very possible that they would be found to be the same species on comparison of the types. a. Skin, skull g Sanju, E. Turkestan, J. Scully. 11-8-75. (Type of N. scullyi, Wood Mason.] b-c. 2 Skins E, Turkestan C. Ellis. Nesokia bengalensis. Var. A.—typteus. Arvicola bengalensis, Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., ii, pl, xxi (1833-4). Mus daccaensis, Tytler Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), xiv, p. 173 (1854). Mus tarayensis, Horsfield Ann. Mag., N. H. (2), xvi, p. 112 (1855); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 2nd ed., p. 10. ; Mus plurimammis, Horsfield Ann. Mag., N. H. (2), xvi, p. 112 (1855); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., and ed., p. 10; Blyth F. A. S. B., xxxiv, p. 193; Ferdon Mamm., p. 196. ; Mus morungensis, Horsfield Ann. Mag., N. H. (2), xvi, p. 112 (1855); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., and ed., p, 10. 7 Nesokia indica, apud Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xxxii, p. 328 (1863); Blyth Cat. no. 360, p. 112; Ferdon Mamm., p.187; Theobald P. A, S. B., 1866, p- 240; Swinhoe P.Z.S., 1870, p. 635; Blyth FA. S.B., xliv, Burma List, p. 38. 2 bes Mus (Nesckia), blythianus, Anderson F. A. S. Bi xlvii, p. 227, pl. xiii, figs. a-d (1878). Mus (Neen), barclayanus Anderson F. A. S, B., xlvii, p. 229, pl. xiii, figs. i-l (1878) ; Blanford Yarkand Mamm.,, p. 46, pl. xa, fig. 1. Mus (Nesokia) bengalensis, Thomas P, Z.S., p. 526 (1881) ; Murray Zool. Sind, p. 44; Anderson Fourn. Linn. Soc., XXi, p- 341. Var, B.—kok. Mus kok, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. §85 (1837) Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. 66. . Mus (Neotoma) providens, Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p. 209 (1839). Mus dubius, Kelaart Fourn. Ceylon As. Soc., v, p. 217 (1850). Mus hardwickii, apud Kelaart Prod. Faun. Zeylan., p. 65 (1852). Mus (Nesokia) providens, Anderson F. A. S. B., xlvii, p. 225, pl. xiii, figs. e-h (1878). The Mole Rat; Canarese, Kok ; Telegu, Golatta koku ; Bengali, Yenkrai. 56 MAMMALIA. Distribution. —This rat is found over the whole of India, from Kashmir and Sind in the north-west and from Cachar in the north-east southwards ; it is also recorded from Ceylon and Tenas- serim, and probably occurs throughout Burma. Anderson considered that the forms from North-Western India and from Southern India and Ceylon, were both specifically distinct from the form found in Bengal and Cachar; Thomas has shewn rightly that there are no reasonable grounds for such sub- division. As, however, the southern from is considerably smaller, it has been kept separate both in the synonymy and list as a geographical race. Var. A.—typicus. a. Skin Srinagar, Kashmir. F. Stoliczka, 6, Skin, skull ‘i » 48-73 F. Stoliczka. ce. Skin » » 28-73 -F. Stoliczka. ad. Skin si » 2-8-73 — F. Stoliczka. e. Skin i », 2-873 ~—*F. Stoliczka. Jf. Skin, skull Agra, N.-W. P. A.C. Carllyle, 1870. g- Skin, skull Ahmednagar, Bm. c hk. Skin, skull Manbhoom, 28-12-64 R.C. Beavan j. Skin, skull 55 Mus. Coll., 1866, &. Skin, skull g Calcutta, 1-6-76 O. L. Fraser. 2. Skin, skull 45 30-5-76 O. L. Fraser. m. Skin, skull » 7-6-76 O. L. Fraser. nm. Skin, skull 9 iy 5-5-76 O. L. Fraser. o. Skin, skull ¢ i 31-5-76 O. L. Fraser, pg. Skin, skull Gauhati 7-79 Mus. Coll. gq. Skin, skull Cachar Mus. Coll, 1867. vy. Skin si Mus. Coll., 1867. s. Skin 0 Mus. Coll., 1867. #. Skin Q@ Mergui 14-12-81 J. Anderson. uw Skin, skull ¢g 8 17-12-81 J. Anderson. v, Skin, skull 9 ” 14-12-81 J. Anderson. w. Skin, skull g i 14-12-81 J. Anderson. x Skin Pa ay 17-12-81 J. Anderson, y. Skin, skull 9 *5 12-12-81 J. Anderson, g. Skin, skull ¢ +i 13-12-81 J. Anderson. a®.b?, 2 Stuffed, Manbhoom Mus, Coll, 2 skulls, c?.e2, 3 Stuffed Calcutta E. Blyth, A.S.B. 2.73, 4 Stuffed Midnapore E. Blyth, A.S.B. 22, Stuffed, skull 2, Stuffed, skull Botanical Gds., Cal- cutta, 1-69. Botanical Gds,, Cal- cutta, 1-69. J. Anderson. J. Anderson, wm. Skull Howrah, Calcutta J. F. Simmons, n®, Alc. skull 9 Khairpur, Sind W. T. Blanford. o-e3, 17 Alc., Fattehgarh, N.-W.P. 932. M 162 MAMMALIA, Distribution.—North-East Africa from near Suez southward to Somali land (Phillips) ; always near the sea (Blanford). a. Skin and = @_ Annesley Bay, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford. skull. 29-12-67. 6. Skull, horns g Annesley Bay, Abyssinia W. T. Blanford, 1868, ¢. Frontlet 2 ake i No history. Gazella euchore. ee Lichtenstein Mag. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, vi, p. 169 (1814)*. eee pygarga, Blumenbach Handb. Naturges., 10th ed., p. 119 1821)*. Gazella euchore, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p.7§ (1816)*; Harris Wild Game of S. Africa., pl. iii; Selous P. Z. S., 1881, p. 757. Antidorcas euchore, Gray P. Z.S., p. 116 (1850); Blyth Cat., p. 171. The Springbok. Distribution.—South Africa; the north-western parts of Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal and Grimqualand west. ga. Frontlet 9 ws. a A.S.B. Genus ANTILOPE [restricted]. Antilope, Pallas Spic. Zool., i, p. 3 (1767). The genus Antilope, which formerly included the whole sub- family of Antelopes, was first restricted to the following species by Ogilby P. Z. S., 1836, p. 137. Antilope cervicapra. Antilope cervicapra, Pallas Spic. Zool., i, p. 18, pls. i, ii, (1767); Sykes P. Z. S., 1831, p. 104; Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., i, pls. xii, xiii; Bennett P. Z.S., 1833, p. 13; id. ibid, 1836, p. 34; Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p. 222; Hutton $.A. S. B., Xv, p. 150; Blanford F. A. S. B., xliv p.18. Cervicapra bezoartica, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 159 (1843). Antilope bezoartica, Gray P. Z.S., p. 117 (1850); Adams P.Z.S., 1858, p. 522; Blyth Cat., p. 171; Ferdon Mamm., p. 275; Blanford F. A. S. B., xxxvi, p. 196; MacMaster Notes on Ferdon, pp. 109, 210;Kinloch Large Game Shooting, i, p.59 {with plate]; Stoliczka F. A. S.B., xli, p. 229; Pollok Sport in Brit, Burma, i, p. 150; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 472. The Black Buck or Indian Antelope; Mriga, Sanscrit; Kalwit Haran and Mirga g Harna Harnin ¢ Hind.; Harin, Bengalee; Kalsar ¢ Baoti ? in Behar; Kala g Guria ? in Tirhut; Barout or Sasin in Nepal; Bureta in Bhagulpore ; Chigri, Canarese ; ri ¢ Ledi ¢? or Jinka in Telegu. Distribution —The whole Indian peninsula from the Punjab to Cape Comorin, except the Malabar Coast, the Eastern Ghats, and PANTHOLOPS. 163 Lower Bengal; it is most abundant in the North-West Provinces. and the Deccan. It is recorded from the banks. of the Manass River, a northern tributary of the Brahmaputra, in Assam by Pollok th. ¢.) a. Skull, horns g Agra J. Cockburn, 1879. 6. Skull, horns g¢ Banda dist. J. Cockburn, 1881, ¢. Skull, horns g Banda dist. J. Cockburn, 1881. d. Skull, horns ¢ Banda dist, J. Cockburn, 1881. e. Skull, horns g¢ Banda dist. J. Cockburn, 1881. Jf Skull, horns g Allahabad dist. |. Cockburn, 1879. g. Skull, horns ¢ Banda dist. J. Cockburn, 1881. A. Skull, horns ¢ Banda dist. J. Cockburn, 1881. J Skull, horns f aes . A.S.B. ®, Skull, horns @ re J. J. Athanass, 1842, A.S.B. 2. Skull, horns @ tenons A.S B. m. Skull, horns ¢ aides A.S.B. m. Skull, horns aaa J. Cockburn, 1872. o. Skull, horns are Rajah R. Mullick, 1870. é Skull,horns 2 saan No history. g- Skull, horns ¢ seaiee A.S.B. (castrated. | 7. Skull, horns @ astaeie J. J. Athanass, A.S.B. {one horn deformed.] s. Skull, horns@ tues . W. Rutledge, 1870. {one horn deformed.] #, Skull GS ——__aeevas J. J. Athanass, A.S.B. u. Head stuffed g sataet J. Armstrong, 1869. v. Head stuffed ¢ ecaeee A.S.B. w. Frontlet, ¢ Banda J. Cockburn, 1881. horns. z. Frontlet, & Doon of Assam F. Jenkins. horns, a’, Stuffed @ Chanda W.T. Blanford, 1867. &. Stuffed é Purchased, 1869. c*, Stuffed juv.g asia’ Purchased, 1869. d@?, Skeleton aegis Zoological Gardens, 188. e*, Skul! [horns @ seve ; Mrs. Turnbull, 1837, A.S.B. deformed] f?. Head stuffedg = sane : A.S.B. Genus PANTHOLOPS. Pantholops, Hodgson P. Z.S., p. 80 (1834). This genus also contains only one species, the Thibetan Antelope, which has been shot just within the boundaries of the Indian Empire and which must therefore be included in the Indian Fauna. Pantholops hodgsoni. Antilope hodgsonii, Abel Edin. Fourn. Sci., p. 163 (1827)*; Hodgson Glean- ings in Science, ii, p. 348, pls. iii andv; id, P. Z. S., 1831, p. 52; id, M 2 164 MAMMALIA, FA. S. B.,i, p. 50, pl. iv; Hooker Himalayan Fourn., ii, pp. 132, 157 and woodcut, p. 158. Antilope (Oryx) kemas, H. Smith, Griffith An. Kingd., v, p 328 (1827). Antilope chiru, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 371 (1827). Pantholops hodgsoni, Hodgson, P. Z.S., p. 80 (1834); id. ¥. A. S. B.,, iii, p-. 134; id. F. A. S. B., x, p.913; Adams P. Z. S., 1858, p. 521; Blanford Yarkand Mamm., p. 89, pl. xvi. Kemas hodgsoni, Gray List Mamm, B. M., p. 157 (1843); Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 166; Blyth Cat.,p. 173; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, i, p. 6, [with plate]; Blanford F. A. S. B., xli, p. 39. Isoors or Choors of West Thibet ; Chiru of East Thibet. Distribution.—Apparently throughout Thibet; was seen by Hooker just over the pass to the north of Sikkim and has been shot by Kinloch in Changchenmo in the eastern part of Ladak. a. Skin g Kium, Ladak, 4-8-73 J. Biddulph. &. Skin Q ausiaee F. Stoliczka, 1874. c. Stuffed & Thibet L. Mandelli, 1877. @. Skull, horns ¢ ates A.S.B. e, Skull, horns ¢ eee A.S.B. J. Frontlet é ewes A.S.B. g. Skull Q Yarkand F. Stoliczka, 1874. Genus KOBUS, Kobus, A. Smith S. African Zool. (1840). Kobus ellipsiprymnus. Antilope ellipsiprymnus, Ogilby, P.Z. S., p. 47 (1833)*. Kobus ellipsiprymnus, A. Smith S. African Zool., pls. xxviiiand xxix (1840); Harris Wild Sports S, Africa, pl. xiv ; Selous P. Z. S., 1881, p. 758. The Water Buck, Distribution,—South Africa, principally found about the Zam- besi and Limpopo Rivers, and extending northwards to the Kili- manjaro district. a Skeleton g alee E. S, Gerrard [P.], 1881. Genus CERVICAPRA, Cervicapra, Blainville Bull. Soc., Philom., p. 75 (1816)*. Redunca, 1. Smith, Grifith An, Kingd., v, p. 337 (1827) [as a sub-genus]. Cervicapra arundinacea. Antilope arundinacea, Shaw Genl. Zool., ii, pt. 2, p. 347 (1801). Antil : Bs : vey es eleotragus, Blainville Bull. Soc., Philom., p 75 NEOTRAGUS. 165 ea (Redunca) eleotragus, H. Smith, Griffith An. Kingd., iv, p. 237 1827). . Eleotragus reduncus, Gray List. Mamm. B. M., p. 165 (1843). Eleotragus arundinaceus, Gray Cat. Mamm. B, M,, iii, p. gt (1852). The Rietbok. Distributton.—Centrai South Africa, especially about the tribu- taries of the Zambesi and Limpopo Rivers. a, Frontlet = sane . No history. Genus NEOTRAGUS. Neotragus, H. Smith, Griffith An. Kingd, v, p. 349 (1827). ” Neotragus saltianus. Antilope (Cervicapra) saltiana, Blainville Bull. Soc., Philom., p. 75 (1816)*. Antilope saltiana, Creteschmar Rippell’s Atlas, p. 55, pl. xxi (1826). Antilope (Neotragus) mandoka, H. Smith, Griffith An, Kingd., iv, p, 271 (1827). Antilope hemprichiana, Hempr. and Ehr. Symb, Phys., pl. vii (1828). Mandoqua saltiana, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 164 (1842). Neotragus saltiana, Gray Cat, Mamm. B. My iii, p. 76 (1882); Blanford Abyssinia, p. 268; Gunther P. Z. S., 1880, p. 19 [figs. of skull], The Beni Israel. Distribution.—Shores of the Red Sea, in the neighbourhood of Abyssinia ; replaced by allied species in Somaliland and Damara- land. 3 a, Skin @ Anseba valley, Abyssinia, W.T. Blanford. 4,000 ft., 27-7-68. 6. Skin &@ Anseba valley, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford. 4,000 ft., 2-8-68. ¢e. Skin & Anseba valley, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford, 4,000 ft., 5-8-68. d. Skin @ Anseba valley, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford. 4,000 ft., 15-7-68. e. Skin @ Abyssinia W. T. Blanford. Jf. Skin Q Anseba valley, 4000 ft. W. T. Blanford. 29-7-68. g. Skin Q Anseba valley, 4,000 ft, W. T. Blanford. 25-7-68, he Skin 2 Suru, ae 2,500 ft., W. T. Blantord, 17-2-68, je Skin g ae aera ft, W. T. Blanford. 28-6-68. k Skin Q Koomeyloo, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford. 300 ft., 1-68. 1. Head &@ Anseba valley. W. T. Blanford, 1868. m. Stuffedhead g¢ Anseba valley. W. T. Blanford, 1868. n. Stuffed head @ Anseba valley. W. T. Blanford, 1868, o. Skeleton Anseba valley. W. T. Blanford, 1868, 166 MAMMALIA, Neotragus kirki. Neotragus saltiana, apud Blyth Cat., p. 168 (1863). Neotragus kirkii, Ganther P. Z.S., p. 17, figs. 1-10 (1880). Distribution.—Somaliland, extending southwards to the Kiliman- jaro.country. a. Stuffed 4 Somaliland J. H. Speke, 1855, A. S. B. Genus NANOTRAGUS. Nanotragus, Sundevall Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Handl.,p. 191 (1844)*. Type, N. spiniger. Calotragus, Sundevall Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., p. 192 (1846)*. Type, N. tragulus. : . Scopophorus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., xviii, p. 232 (1846). Type, N. scoparia. Nesotragus, Von Diben Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Cefvers, p. 221 (1846)*. Type, N. moschatus. : Oreotragus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., xviii, p. 231 (1846). Type, N. saltatrix. Nanotragus tragulus. Antilope campestris, Thunberg Mem. Ac. St. Petersb., iii, p. 313 (1811). Antilope (Gazella) tragulus, Lichtenstein Mag. Ges. naturf, Freunde, vi, p. 176 (1814).* Ate (Cervicapra) stenbock, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 75 (1816)*, Antilope (Tragulus) rupestris, H. Smith, Grifith An. Kingd, iv, p. 248 (1827); Harris Wild Game of S. Africa, pl. xxv, fig. 2. Calotragus tragulus, Sundevall Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., p, 162 (1846)* ; Blyth Cat., p. 166. Pediotragus campestris, Gray Cat, Rum. B. M., p. 31 (1872). Nanotragus tragulus, Brooke P. Z. S., ps 642 (1872); Selous P. Z.S., 1881, p. 762. The Steinbock. Distribution.—A\\ over South Africa from the Cape to the Zambesi, extending northward to the Kilimanjaro district. a. Skin $ South Africa E. L. Layard (1860), A. S. B. Nanotragus montanus. Antilope montana, Cretsschmar Riippell’s Atlas, p. 11, pl. iii (1826). Scopophorus montanus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., xviii, p. 232 18. . Blanford Abyssinia, p. 266. & . 1 P+ 232 (1846) ; Nanotragus montanus, Brooke P.Z. S., p. 632 (1872). Distribution.—Eastern Africa, Abyssinia, West Africa? a. Skin Dolo, Abyssinia, 7,500 ft., W. T. Blanford. 27-3-68. CEPHALOPHUS. 167 Nahotragus melanotis. Antilope melanotis, Thunbergy Mem. Acad. St. Petersb., iii, p. 312 (1811). Antilope grisea, F. Cuvier Dict. Set, Nat., ii, p. 244 (1816). Antilope (Cervicapra) grisea, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., ps 75 (1816). ce (Tragulus) grisea, H. Smith, Grifith An. Kingd., iv, p- 250 1827). : Oreotragus griseus, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 164 (1842). es melanotis, Gray Cat. Mamm. B. M., iii, p. 72 (1852); Blyth Cat., p. 166. Nanotragus melanotis, Brooke P. Z. S., p. 642 (1872); Selous P. Z.S., 1881, p. 762. The Grysbok. Distribution.—Central South Africa, north of the Limpopo iver, w. Stuffed & South Africa E. L. Layard (1860), AS.B. Nanotragus oreotragus, Antilope oreotragus, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 189 (1778). Antilope saltatrix, Boddaert Elench, Anim., p. 141 (1785)*. Antilope (Tragulus) oreotragus, H. Smith, Crigith An. Kingd., iv, p. 245 1827). Oe saltatrix, Harris Wild Game _S. Africa, pl. xxiv, fig. 2 (1840) ; Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., xviii, p. 231; Blyth Cat., p. 167; Blanford Abys- sinia, p. 205. : ; Nanotrd gus -oreobrawwiy Brooke P. Z.S., ps 642 (1872); Selous P. Z, S., 1881, p. 762. The Klipspringer. ; a Distribution—East and South Africa from Abyssinia in the north to Cape in the south, wherever there are stony hills. . Stuffed South Africa E. L. Layard (1860), A.S.B. 3 Seanad head : Senafe Tigré, Abyssi- W. T. Blanford. , nia, 6-68. ffed head Somaliland J. H. Speke, 1855, A. S. B. ee Rae oe Eeagte Tite Auyaale We Bianeweae nia, 7,500 ft., 11-3-60. Genus CEPHALOPHUS. Cephalophorus, 1. Smith, Grifith An. King., v, p. 344 (1827); [as a sub- ee ay Cat. Rum. Mamma. B. M., p. 22 (1872). Cephalophus mergens. i Blainville N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., ii, p. 193 (1816). Arnie ‘Geghalophus) mergené, A. Smith, Griffith An. King. iv, p. 264 (1827) ; Harris Wild Game S. Africa, pl. xv, fig. 2. 168 MAMMALIA. Cephalophus grimmia, apud Gray Cat. Mamm. B. M., iii, p. 78 (1852) ; id. P. Z. S., 1887, p. 277, pl. vii; Blyth Cat., p. 167. Grimmia nictitans, Gray Cat. Rum. Mamm. B. M., p. 22 (1872). The Duiker. . Distribution.—South Africa extending northwards to the Kili- manjaro district. a. Stuffed ¢ South Africa E. L. Layard (1860), A. S. B. Cephalophus natalensis. Antilope natalensis, A. Smith S. African Quart. Fourn., p. 217 (1830)*; td. S. African Zool., pl. xxxii. a Cephalophus natalensis, Gray Ann, Mag. N. H., xviii, p. 166 (1846); Blyth Cat., p. 168. + Rhoodebok. ; Distribution —South Africa, moze especially Natal. a. Stuffed ¢ iasina A. Malherbe (1859), A. S. B. Cephalophus madoqua. Antilope madoqua, Rippell N. Wirbelth., p. 22, pl. vii, fig. 2 (1835). Cephalophus mandoqua, Gray Cat. Mamm. B. M., iii, p. 82; Blanford Abysinia, p. 267. Grimmia madoqua, Gray Cat. Rum. Mamm. B. M., p. 24 (1872). Distribution.—Eastern Africa, Abyssinia. «a. Skin ¢@ Dildi, Abyssinia, 7,000 W. T. Blanford. ft., 23-4-68. * 6. Skin @ Dongolo, Abyssinia, 6,500 W. T. Blanford, ft., 17-5-68. Genus TETRACERUS. Tetracerus, Leach cf. Linn, Trans., xiv., p. 524 (1823). This genus contains one species only and is entirely confined to India. Tetracerus quadricornis, Antilope (Cervicapra) quadricornis, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom, p. 78 (1816)* ; id. Zsis, 1819, pt. 2, p. 1095, pl. xii, fig. 3. Tetracerus striaticornis, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm. lior. 44 (1824). Antilope chickara, Hardwicke Linn. Trans. xiv, p. 520, pls. xv, xvi (1825) 3, Hills Linn. Trans., xv, p. 501, pl. xx; Hodgson F.A.S. B., i, p- 346; id. P. Z. S., 1834, p. 99. ; Antilope sub-4-cornutus, Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p.» 225, pl. x, fig. 2 (1839) ; Selater P. Z. S., 1875, p. 527. Tetracerus chickara, Hodgson F. A. S. B., x, p. 913 (1841). Tetracerus quadricornis, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 159 (1843) ; Blyth F. A, Z4EPYCEROS. 169 S. B., xvi, pt. ii, p. 879; id. ¥. A. S. B., xvii, pt. 1, p. 561 ; Adams P.Z,'S., 1858, p. 522; Blyth Cat. p. 165; Ferdon Mamm. p. 274; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 103; Blanford $. A. S. B., xxxvi., p.196; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, ii, p.54 with plate. Murray Zool. Sind, p. 55. Brera iodes and paccerois, Hodgson Calc. Fourn N. H,, viii, p. 90 1847). The four-horned Antelope; Chouka, Chousinga, Hind.; Benkara or Bekra of Mahrattas ; Kondguri, Canarese ; Kondagori, Telegu. Distribution.—India generally, more especially in the Central Provinces; is not found in the Ganges valley itself, but to the north in the terai is fairly common, it doubtfully extends into the Punjab and Sind, and does not occur in Ceylon. a. Skin and skull & Skin and skull Q Raneegunge @ Raneegunge . Skin and skelet. g Waites ¢. d. Skeleton skin e. Skeleton Sf. Stuffed g. Stuffed h. Stuffed j- Stuffed head R 3 — é er a isda 8 juv ae é Asirgarh, C. 7-66. @ Asirgarh, C, Babu Rameshur Mullick, 1872. Babu Rameshur Mullick, 1872. Zoological Gardens, 1878. Zoological Gardens, 1882. Zoological Gardens, 1880. Rajah R. Mullick, A.S. B. Rajah R. Mullick, A. S. B. W. Rutledge, 1873. W. T. Blanford. . Stuffed head W. T. Blanford. 7-66. 2, Skull 4 hides A.S.B. m. Skull a aus A.S.B. n. Skull é sao A.S.B. o. Skull Bi armen A.S.B. p. Skull @ South India Sir W. Elliot, 1845, A. S. B. gq. Skull Q South India Sir W. Elliot, 1845, A. S. B. vy. Skull Q South India Sir W. Elliot, 1845, A.S. B. ». Skull a senate J. Cockburn, 1886. é-u. 2 Skulls ¢ ase J. Cockburn [P.], 1886. Genus AZEPYCEROS., pyceros, Sundevall Kongl. Vetensk, Akad, Handl., p. 271 (1845)*. “£pyceros melampus. Antilope melampus, Lichtenstein Mag. Ges. naturf. Freunde, vi, p. 167 (1814)* ; Harris Wild Game S. Africa, pl. xv. Epyceros melampus, Sundevall Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., p. 271% (1845)* ; Blyth Cat., p.171; Selous P. Z. S., 1881, p. 757+ : The Mpallah or Roodebok. Distribution.—Central South Africa, especially about the Upper Waters of the Limpopo River, extending northwards to the Kili- manjaro district. a. Frontlet aaanes Purchased (1861), A. S. B. 170 MAMMALIA, Genus ALCEPHALUS, Alcephalus, Blainville Bull. Soc, Philom., p.75 (1816)*. Alcephalus caama. Antilope caama, F. Cuvier Dict. Sct. Nat., ii, p. 242 (1816). Antilope (Alcephalus) caama, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom, p.7§ (1816)*; Selous P. Z. S., 1881, p. 763. Damalis(Acronotus) caama, H. Smith, Griffith Ann. Kingd., iv, p.348, with plate (1827); Harris Wild Game S. Africa, pl. vii. Boselaphus caama, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., xviii, p. 233 (1846) ; Blyth Cat., p. 170. Bubalus caama, 4. Smith Zool. S. Africa, pl. xxx (1849). The Hartebeest. : Distribution.—South Africa ; Grimqualand and the Kalahari Desert. a. Frontlet ieagis W. S. Sherwill (1843), A.S.B. 6. Skeleton, 9 juv iss Zoloogical Gardens, 1881, skin. Genus CONNOCHAETES. Connochaetes, Lichtenstein Mag, Ges. naturf. Freunde, vi, p. 165 (1814)*. Catoblepas, A. Smith, Griffith An. Kingd., v, p. 367 (1827). Connochaetes gnu. Antilope gnu, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 189 (1788). Antilope (Connochaetes) gnu, Lichtenstein Mag. Ges, naturf. Freunde, vi, p. 165 (1814)*. Antilope (Boselaphus) gnu, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 75 (1816)*. Catoblepas gnu, A. Smith, Griffith An, Kingd., iv, p. 367 (1827); Harris Wild Game S. Africa, pl. i. The White-tailed Gnu. ; Distribution—South Africa, extending northwards to the Kilimanjaro district. a. Frontlet seeice No history. 6. Skeleton Q@juv sss 3 Berlin Mus. [Ex.] 1878. c. Skeleton and vedere Babu H. M. Roy, 1885. skin é Genus ANTILOCAPRA. Antilocapra Ord Fournal de Physique, \xxxvii, p. 149 (1818)*; id. Jsts, 1819, p. 1106. Dicranocerus, A. Smith, Griffith An. Kingd., v, 322 (1827). MOSCHUS, 171 Antilocapra americana. ee Ord Guthrie's Geography and Amer. ed., ii, pp. 292, 308 1815)*. Antilocapra americana, Ord Fournal de Physique, |xxxvii, p. 149 (1818)*; P.L Sclater P. Z. S., 1865, p. 60, pl. iii; Bartlett P. Z.S., 1865, p.718; Murie P. Z.S., 1870, p. 334; Forbes P. Z. S., 1880, p. 540; Antilope furcifer, H. Smith Linn. Trans., xiii, p. 28, pl. ii (1822). ae (Dicranoceros) furcifer, H. Smith, Griffith An, Kingd., iv, p. 170 1827). The Prong Buck. Distribution.—North America, west of the Missouri from the Saskatchewan southwards to Northern Mexico, a. Stuffed &@ North America H. A. Ward [Ex.], 1879. 6. Skeleton g North America Brit. Mus. [Ex ], 1878. ce. Skeleton settee W. Jamrach [P.], 1876. a, Skin Montana, N America tee Genus GIRAFFA, Giraffa, Zimmermann Geogr. Geschichte, ii, p. 125 (1780). Camelopardalis, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 181 (1788). Giraffa camelopardalis. -Cervus camelopardalis, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 92 (1766), Giraffa camelopardalis Zimmermann Geogr. Geschichte, ii, p. 125 (1780); Gray Cat. Mam. B. M., iii, p. 181. ‘ Camelopardalis giraffa, Gmelin Syst, Nat. i, p. 181 (1788); Blyth Cat, . 144. . . Ganeionandalis aethiopicus, et. C. capensis Ogilby, P. Z. S., p. 134 (1836). Distribution.—Africa south of the Atlas. a. Skeleton mted. ¢ grove Lord Canning, 1862. &. Skull sadises No history. ec. Skin é sae vee W. Rutledge, 1881, d. Skin, skeleton ¢ aanttes Zoological Gardens, 1879, e. Skin, skeleton ¢ sanihe Babu H. M. Roy, 1883. uv. f. Skeleton : 2 iaeias Babu H. M. Roy, 1886. g. Skeleton Fd weaaiea Zoological Gardens, 1887, Genus MOSCHUS. Moschus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 91 (1766). The genus Moschus is now generally allowed to consist of a single species only, though others have been from time to time described on mere colour variations and on other insufficient grounds. 172 MAMMALIA. Moschus moschiferus. Moschus moschiferus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed.,i, p. 91 (1766) ; Hodgson Gleanings in Science, iii, p. 320, pl. xxi; Pallas Zoog. Ross. As., p. 108; Walker Calc. Fourn. N. H., iii, p. 267.; Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 576; Middendorf Siberische Reise., p. 118; Adams P. Z.S., 1858, p. 528; Schrenck Amurland, p.161; Radde Ost Siberien, p. 274; Blyth Cat., p.157; Milne Edwards Ann.Sci. Nat. (5), ii, p. 154, pl. iv, fig. 1; Ferdon Mamm., p. 266 ; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, i, p.41 (with plate of head); Milne Edwards Rech. Mamm., p. 176, pls. xix, xx; Blanford F.A.S. B., xli, p. 39; Flower P. Z. S., 1875, p. 159; Lydekker F. A. S.B., xlvi, p. 286; id. ¥.A.S.B., xlix, p.4; Scully P.Z.S., 1881, p. 209. Moschus sibiricus, Pallas Spic. Zool., xiii, p. 29, pls.iv, v, vi, (1779). Moschus altaicus, Eschscholtz Isis., p. 606 (1830). Moschus chrysogaster { Hodgson F. A. S. B., viii, p. 203 (1839); id. ¥. A. S. B., xi, p. 285. Moschus leucogaster Moschus saturatus The Musk Deer; Kusturee or Russ, Kashmiri; Kastura, Hind; La or Lawa, Tibetan; Ribjo in Ladak; Bena in Kunawar; Gan Pahoo, Assamese. Distribution.—Eastern Central Asia, from Amurland (Schrenck) and Transbaikalia and even further north, through Mongolia and Thibet to the Himalayas; in the latter is found from Gilgit to Bhootan at considerable elevations; Milne Edwards also gives the mountains of Cochin-China as a locality for the species. a, Skin @ Sikkim L, Mandelli, 1877. é. Skin @ Basalgah, Gilgit, 7-79 J. Scully, 1888. c. Skin weslies No history, A. S. B. d. Skin é Ladak J. Biddulph, 1877. e. Skin é senesg Sir W. W. Hunter, 1886. Ff. Skin, @ Ladak J. Biddulph, 1877. g. Skin = juv. Basalgah, Gilgit, 7-79 J. Scully, 1888. A. Skin juv. Sikkim L. Mandelli, 1877. j. Skin juv. Yarkand J. Armstrong. &. Skin Juve wae No history. 1, Skeleton sasase W. Rutledge, 1874. uv. m. Stuffed ¢ North of Simla F. Stoliczka [Ex.], 1869. n. Skeleton, acne No history. ited. o. Skull 2 Gilgit J. Scully (1888). p. Skull é toseee G. T. Lushington (1849), : A.S.B, q-s. 3 Skulls ¢ @ causes A.S.B. 2 Genus CERVULUS. Cervulus, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 77 (1816)*. Stylocerus, H. Smith, Griffith An. Kingd., v., p. 319 (1827). Prox, Ogilby P.Z. S.4 p. 135 (1836). Type, C. muntjac Muntjacus, Blyth F.A.S. B., xx, p. 174 (1851), CERVULUS. 173 , The genus Cervulus is confined to the Indian and the south-east- ern parts of the Palearctic regions. Besides the species men- tioned below, there exists C, sclateri (=C. lacrimans) and C. cri- nifrons, both from China. The Indian form of Cervulus muntjac was at one time thought to differ specifically from the Sumatra and Javan form, and the point does not yet seem to be quite satisfactorily decided. I have, however, followed Sir V. Brooke (P. Z. S., 1874, p. 33) in uniting the two forms under the name of C. muntjac. Cervulus muntjac. Cervus muntjak, Zimmerman Geog. Geschichte, ii, p. 131 (1780); Raffles Linn, Trans, xiii, p. 265; Sykes P.Z.S., 1831, p. 104; Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p. 221; Cantor F. A. S.B., xv, p 269; Walker Calc. Fourn. N. H., iii, p. 267; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., xi, p. 25. Cervus vaginalis, Boddaert Elench. Anim.,, i, p. 136-(1785)*. Cervulus moschatus, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 77 (1816)*. Cervus (Stylocerus) aureus, 4. Smith, Grifith Ann. Kingd., iv, p.148 (1827). Cervus ratwa, Hodgson As, Res., xviii, pt. 2, p. 139, with plate (1829) ; id. F. ALS. B., x, p.914; Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 578. Prox moschatus, Ogilby P. Z. S., p. 135 (1836). Cervus melas, Ogilty Royle Himal. Bot., p. \xxiii (1839). Muntjacus vaginalis, Blyth F. A. S. B., xx, p. 174 (1851). Stylocerus muntjacus, Kelaart Prodr, Faun. Zeylan., p. 85 (1852). Cervulus vaginalis, Adams ?.Z. S., p. 530 (1858); Blyth Cat., p. 154; Swinhoe P. Z. S., 1869, p. 652. Cervulus aureus, ferdon Mamm., p. 264; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 94; Blyth F.A.S.B., xliv, Burma List, p.46; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, . ii, p. 25 [ plate of head]. Cervulus muntjac, Brooke P. Z. S., p. 38 (1874) ; P. L. Sclater P. Z.S., 1875, p. 421 ; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 337+ The Kakur, Barking Deer or Rib-faced Deer of North India; the Jungle sheep of South India; and the Red Hog Deer of Ceylon; Kakur, Hind.; Maya, Bengalee; Ratwa of Nepaulese; Bekra, Mahratti; Kankuri, Canarese ; Jungli bukra of South India Mus- salman; Karsiar of Bhooteas ; Sikku of Lepchas ; Gutra of Gonds ; Kuka gori, Telegu ; Welly or Hoola Morha of Singalese ; Hoogeree of Assam ; Gee of Burma. Distribution.—The Kakur is found all over India, Burma, Indo- China, the Malay peninsula and the Islands of Sumatra, Java, Banka, Borneo and Hainan (Swinhoe). In India proper it is found from Kashmir (Hugel) in the north to Ceylon (Kelaart) on the south ; it is replaced in Eastern Thibet and South China by the next species and by C. sclateri. a. Skin (flat) tavees India Mus., London, 1880. 6. Skin (flat) g@ Nepal (Hodgson) India Mus., London, 1880. c. Skin (flat) Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 7-68. d. Skin (flat) Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 7-68, 174 MAMMALIA. e. Skin (flat) Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 7-68. Jf Shin (flat) juv. Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 7-68. g. Skin (flat) juv. Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 8, 7-6 h. Skin g Ceylon Columbo Museum, 1888, j. Skin, skelet. 9 gesiies Rajah R. Mullick, 1877. &. Skin @ juv. 73. Paradoxurus ogilbyi, Fraser Zool. Typ. pl. x (1849). Paradoxarus auratus, Blainville Osteog., ii, Viverra, p. 06 (1839-64). ee tubidus, Blyth F. A. S. B., xxvii, p. 275 (1858); id. Cat. no, 155) P, 48. : Distribution —Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and other islands but not Java (Blanford). Popa? a. Skin, skelet. 9 5. Skin, skelet. 9 ere e. Skin, skull 9 Malacca (Cantor) d, Stuffed, skull Malacca Prreyy W. Rutledge, 1875, Purchased, 1879. India Mus., London. Messrs. Lindstedt and Frith, 1843, A.S. B. e. Stuffed, skull Malacca Messrs, Lindstedt and Frith, 1843, A.S.B. J Stuffed, skull oasese Purchased, 1857, A. S. B, {Type of P, rubidus, Blyth.] ARCTICTIS. 249 Paradoxurus laniger. Paradoxurus laniger, Hodgson As. Res., xix, p. 79 (1836); Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 74; Blanford P. Z. S., 1885, p. 807; id. Mammals, p. 114. Paguma laniger, Gray List Mamm. B, M.,"p. §5 (1843); id. Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st. ed. p. g. Disiribution.—Thibet? [No specimen in the Museum ]} Genus ARCTICTIS. Arctictis, Temminck Prospec. Monogr. Mamm. (1824)*; id. Monogr. Mamm., i, p. xxi, and ii, p. 310. ’ Ictides, Valenciennes Ann. Sci, Nat. (1), iv, p. 57 (1824). Arctictis binturong. Viverra binturong, Raffles Linn, Trans., xiii, p. 252 (1822). Paradoxurus albifrons, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus. Paris, ix, p. 48, pl. iv (1822), Ictides ater, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm., livr. xliv (1824); M’Clelland Cale. $. N. H., ii, p. 457. Ictides albifrons, Valenciennes Ann. Sci. Nat., (1) iv, p. 57 (1824). Arctictis binturong, Temminck Monogr. Mamm., ii, p. 308 (1835) ; Cantor F. A. S. B., xv, p. 192; Horsfield Cat. E. I, Mus., p.94; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 58; Blyth Cat. no. 157, p.49; Ferdon Mamm., p.130; Mc Master Notes on Ferdon, p. 37; Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 26; Spearman Burma Gazett., p.§50; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 221; Blanford Mammals, p. 118. ce pencillatus, Muller Over de Zoogdieren in Tem. Verhandl.,, p. 32 (1839). The Binturong or Bear Cat; Myouk kya, Burmese. Distributton.—The Himalayas from Simla to Assam, Burma, Siam, Malay Peninsula (Cantor), Java and Sumatra (Muller). a. Skin : Chittagong E. Sanders. 6. Skin, skelet. # agains Purchased, 1879. c. Skin, skull ¢ ats eisa Purchased, 1879. d. Skin, skull 9 ideas Zoological Gardens. e. Skin juv. 9 wea W. Rutledge, 1878. Jf. Skin, skull Q ee W. Rutledge, 1882. g. Skin, skelet.g Malacca? Rajah R. Mullick, 1873. h. Skin, skelet. sennes W. Rutledge. j. Skeleton g Arakan Sir A. Phayre, A. S. B. & Skull aude H. Falconor, 1854, A. S. B, 2. Skin, skull g dies Purchased, 1879. m. Skeleton ¢ eis Purchased, 1879. n. Skull eseaee No history, A. S. B. Genus CYNOGALE, Cynogale, Gray P. Z. S., p. 88 (1836). Potamophilus, Miiller Tijdsch. Natuur. Gesch.,v, «140 (1838). 250 MAMMALIA. Cynogale bennetti. Cynogale bennettii, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. #.,i, p. 579 (1836); Gervais Voyage Bonite Zool., p. 24, pl. vi; Cantor F. A. S. B., xv, p, 203; Wallace Island life, p 351; Blyth Cat. no. 156, Pp. 49; Gray Cat. Carn, Mamm., p. 78; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., Xi, p. 24. i - Viverra carcharias, Yourdain Ann. Sci. Nat. (2), viii, p. 281, pl. viii 1837). Boe ils barbatus, Miiller Tijdsch. Natuur. Gesch., v, p. 142 (1838); _ Miller and Schlegel in Tem. Verhandl., p. 115, pl. xvii. Cynogale barbata, Schinz Syn. Mamm., i, p. 388. Distribution.—Malay Peninsula (Cantor), Sumatra and Borneo. a, Stuffed, skull Malayan Peninsula Rev. F. J. Lindstedt, 1845, A. S. B. 6. Skin, skelet. uae i W. Rutledge, 1882. Genus EUPLERES. Eupleres, Doyere Aun. Sci. Nat. (2), iv, p. 280'(1835). Eupleres goudoti. Eupleres goudotii, Doyere Ann. Sci. Nat. (2), iv, p. 281 (1835) ; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 177- Distribution —Madagascar. a. Skin Madagascar Brit. Mus. [Ex.] 4. Skelet. Madagascar Brit, Mus. [Ex.] Genus HERPESTES. Ichneumon, apud Lacépéde Mem. Insti. Paris, iii, p. 492 (1801). Type, H. ichneumon. Herpestes, Illiger Prodr., p. 135 (1811). Tye, H. ichneumon. Mangusta, Olivier apud Fischer Syn. Mamm., p. 162 (1820). Mungos, Ogilby P. Z. S., p. 103 (1835). Type, H. vitticollis. Urva, Hodgson ¥. A. S. B,, vi, p. 561 (1837). Type, H. urva, Mesobema, Hodgson F, A. S. B., x, p. 910 (1841). Type, H. urva. Osmetectis, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 260 (1842). Type, H. urva, Calogale, Gray P. Z. S., p. 560 (1864). Type, H. auropunctatus, Calictis, Gray t. c., p. 564 (1864). Type, H. smithi. Taeniogale, Gray ¢. c., p. 569 (1864). Tyse, H. vitticollis. Onychogale, Gray t. c., p. §70 (1864). Type, H. maccarthiz, Key of the Indian Species. a. No bands or stripes on the body; colour more or less con- colorous. b, Small (skull under 2} inches long), fur adpressed; hairs HERPESTES 251 on the posterior part of the back and commencement of the tail not longer than those of the rest of the body. H. auropunctata, p. 251. 2, Large (skull over 3 inches long), fur not adpressed ; hairs on the posterior part of the back considerably elongated. ¢. Tail black tipped. . H. smithi, p, 254. ¢*. Tail without black tip, e. Hair with 3 very narrow light bands, about 3 the length of the dark bands. fy. Very dark, under-fur dark-brown. H. fuscus, p. 255. f°. Light yellowish ; tail-tip pure yellow. H. fulvescens, p. 255. é. Hair with light and dark bands of equal length. H. mungo, p. 253. a’. With streaks behind the ears. h. Black streak behind the ear; limbs dark; tip of tail black; red onhind-quarters. . - Hz. vitticollis, p, 256. #®, White streak behind the ear; tail not black tipped; back with white tips to the fur; below chest and limbs reddish brown. ‘ ‘ ‘ - H. urva, p. 256, Herpestes auropunctatus. Var, A.—typicus. Viverra auropunctata, Hodgson F. A. S. B., v, p. 235 (1836). Herpestes nipalensis, Gray Charlesw, Mag. N. H.,i., p. 578 (1837); Gray Cat, Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 9; Horsfield Cat, E. I. Mus., p.gt ; Blyth Cat, no. 165, p. 51; Ferdon Mamm., p. 136. Herpestes auropunctatus, Wagner Schrebr. Saugeth. Suppl, ii, p. 310 (1841); Cantor F. A. S B., xv, p. 242; Alston P. Z. S., 1879, p. 665; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 173, pl. xi, figs. 11and 12; Atkinson N.-W. P. Gazett., xi, p. 20; Blanford Mammals, p. 121. Herpestes pallipes, Blyth F. A. S. B., xiv, pe 346 (1845). Herpestes griseus, apud Hutton F. A. S. B., xiv, p. 346 (1845). Herpestes javanicus, Blyth F. A, S. B., xxi, p. 349 (1852). Herpestes persicus, Gray P.Z.S., p. 554 (1864); id. Cat. Carn, Mamm., p. 151; Blanford Persia., p. 42; id. P. Z. S., 1874, p. 663; Murray Zool, Sind, p. 33; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 174, pl. ix, figs. 9 and 10. Calogale nepalensis, Gray Cat, Carn. Mamm,, p. 158 (1869). 252 MAMMALIA. Var. B.—birmanicus. Herpestes auropunctatus birmanicus, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvii, p. 84 (1886) ; id. P. Z. S., 1886, p. 58. Herpestes birmanicus, Blanford Mammals, p. 122 (1888). Mush-i khourma, Persian. s Distribution.—South-west Persia (Blanford), Sind (Blanford), Kandahar (Hutton), and the lower ranges of the Himalayas and their neighbouring plains from Kashmir to Sikkim, including Lower Bengal. The Burmese variety is found in Assam, Upper and Lower Burma and perhaps the Malay Peninsula. There is now in the Museum a very fair series of Herpestes persicus of Gray; Anderson in his Zoological Researches seems to doubt whether this species is separable from H. auropunctatus ; he, however, asserts that the skull of Herpestes persicus is less elongated with a broader and shorter muzzle, wider palate and broader frontal area between the orbits; all these differences seem to break down on examining a larger series of skulls, such as the Museum now possesses, and it is quite impossible to find any point of distinction between these two so-called species. Thomas has also separated the Assamese and Burmese small mungoose as a distinct geographical race, and Blanford has raised this race to the dignity of a species. There seems no ground for specifically separating these two races, as the distinction seems to rest merely on the slightly larger size and darker colour of the Burmese race; the hind-foot and tarsus of the four representatives of this race in the Museum varies from 1°95 to 2'05 inches, while those of the typical raée run up to 2°05 as well. Var. A.—typicus. a, Skin : Pind Dadan Khan, W. Theobold, 1867, A.S.B. Punjab. 6, Skin @ Shahpur, Punjab G. Henderson. ¢. Skin, skull Quetta, Br. Baluchis- Zoological Gardens, 1887. tan, (Sir O. St. John). d, Skin, skull Sukkur, Sind F. Day [P.], 1876. e. Skin, skull g Agra, N.-W. P. Agra Museum. J. Skin Agra, N.-W. P. No history. g. Skin N.-W. Himalayas T. C. Jerdon. A. Skin, skull Nepal Mus. Coll., 1872. J. Skin Nepal J. Scully, & Skin, skull Calcutta (Bot. Gar- J, Anderson. dens). 2. Skin Calcutta J. Anderson, 1869. m. Skin,skull g Calcutta J. Anderson, 1869, n. Skin g Calcutta Purchased. HERPESTES. 253 o. Skin Mutlah, Bengal Mus. Coll., 1870. fp» Skull Manbhoom, Bengal J. Anderson, 1877, q- Skull Manbhoom, Bengal J. Anderson, 1877. 7. Skeleton é oe Calcutta Zoological Gar- dens, 1877. s. Skeleton é eevee J. Anderson. t. Skeleton é we be8 J. Anderson. u, Skeleton seeee Purchased. v. Skeleton 2 Botanical Gardens J. Anderson, 1866. w. Skeleton é Calcutta ~ J. Anderson, 1865. x. Stuffed Calcutta E. Blyth, 1843, A.S.B. y. Stuffed Calcutta E. Blyth, 1843, A.S.B. z. Stuffed juv, Calcutta E. Blyth, 1843, A.S.B. a’, Stuffed juv. Calcutta E. Blyth, 1843, A.S.B. 6, Stuffed Midnapore R. Rollo, A.S.B. c?, Stuffed Midnapore R. Rollo, A.S.B. d?, Stuffed Agra, N.-W. P. Dr. Stewart, A.S.B. e?, Stuffed Agra, N.-W. P. Dr. Stewart, A.S.B. f?. Alc. skull @ Rajanpur, Punjab E. Sanders, 2%. Alc. skull g Sind Karachi Museum. A, Alc. skull @ Karachi Karachi Museum. Var. B.—birmanicus, @e Skin Cachar Mus. Coll, 6 Skull Cachar Mus. Coll. ee Skin, skull Chittagong D. Thorburn, 1864, A.S.B. a. Skin, skull Sawaddy, Burma J. Anderson, Herpestes mungo. Viverra mungo, Gmelin Syst. Nat. i, p. 84 (1788). Herpestes griseus, Desmarest Mamm., p, 212 (1820). Herpestes frederici, Desmarest Dict, Sc. Nat., xxix, p. 60 (1823). Mangusta malaccensis, Fischer Syn. Mamm., p. 164 (1820). Mangusta grisea, id. ibid. ; Herpestes griseus, Sykes P. Z.S., p.102,(1831); Wagner Hugel’s Rasch. mir, iv, p. 570; Cantor F. A. S. B., xv, p. 242; Horsfield Cat. E, I, Museum, p.90; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. 41; Adams P, Z. Sy, 1858, p. 516; Gray Cat. Carn, Mamm., p. 151; Blyth Cat. no. 164, Pp. 51; Ferdon Mamm., p, 132; Stoliczka F. A. S. B., xli, p. 227; Murray Zool. Sind, p. 33; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 223; Thomas P. Z. S:, 1886, p. 56; Bligh and Nevill Taprobanian, i, p. 58. Herpestes nyula, Hodgson $. A. S.B.,v, p. 236 (1836); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 8. Mangusta mungos, Elliot Madras Fourn., x, p. 102 (1839). Herpestes pallidus, Wagner Schrebr. Sdugeth. Suppl., ii, p. 311 (1841); Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 181. ° Herpestes malaccensis, Blyth F A. S. B, xxi, p. 349 (1852) ; id. Cat. no. 163, p. 51; Ferdon Mamm., p. 134; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm, » 153. Herpestes fimbriatus, Temminck Esquis. Zool., p. 112 (1853). 254 MAMMALIA, Calogale nyula, Gray P. Z. S., p. 560 (1864); id. Cat. Carn. Mamm., . 158. cyricds fimbriatus, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 171 (1869). ' Herpestes ferrugineus, Blanford P.Z.S., p. 661, pl. Ixxxi (1874); Murray Zool. Sind, p. 33; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 182. Herpestes andersoni, Murray Zool. Sind, p. 34 (1884). Herpestes mungo, Blanford P. Z. S., p. 631 (1887) ; id. Mammals, p. 123. The Gray Mungoose; Mungli, Canarese; Mongus, Mahratti; Moogatea, Cingalese; Nyul, Hindustani; Benji, Bengali ; Mungi, Mungisu-yentawa, Telegu; Koral, Gonds; Baj or Bij, Behar; Newera, Nore, Sind. i Distribution.—India generally, from the Himalayas southwards, z.e., Kashmir (Hugel), Punjab (J. M.), Deccan (Sykes), Cutch (Sto- liczka), Sind (Murray), Travancore (I. M.), Assam also Ceylon (Kelaart) and has been recorded fromthe Malay Peninsula, but was probably imported there. a. Skin @ Agra, N-W P. Agra Museum, 1870. 6-d. 3 Skins Q Agra, N.-W.P. Agra Museum, 1870. e-g. 3 Skins Travancore Purchased. hk. Skin Travancore Rev. T. Baker, A.S.B. j-m. 4 Skulls Banda, N.-W. P. J. Cockburn, 1881. n. Skull Manbhoom, Beng. J. Anderson, 1877. o. Stuffed aan No history, A S.B. &. Stuffed an ‘ No history, A.S.B. q. Stuffed juv. Bengal No history, A.S.B, 7 Stuffed a, 3 G. Finch, 1848, A.S.B. s. Stuffed & Calcutta Parchased. #. Stuffed Assam H., P. Pierre. u, Skin Deccan (Sykes) India Mus., London. v. Skin Shevaroy Hills, Md. Mrs. W. King. w-x 2 Skins ¢ Bangalore Mus. Coll., Jatfa. Var.—ferrugineus. a. Skin, skull Larkhana, Sind, F. Day [P ], 1876 {Type of H. ferrugineus, Blanford.] 6. Skin, skull Bushire, Persian Gulf Karachi Mus. [Ex.] ce. Stuffed bevieas No history, A. S. B. Herpestes smithi. Herpestes smithi, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. §78 (1837); id. P. Z. S. 1851, p 131, pl. xxx; Blyth Cat. no. 162, p- 50; Ferdon Mamm., P- 135; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p.176; Thomas P. Z.S., 1886, p. 56; Blanford Mammals, p. 126; Bligh and Nevill Taprobanian, i, p. 58. Herpestes thysanurus, Wagner Minch. Gel. Anz., ix., p. 439 (1839); id. Schreber Saugeth. Suppl., ii., p. 301. Crossarchus rubiginosus, Wagner Schreber Saiugeth. Suppl., ii, p. 329 (1841). Herpestes ellioti, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xx, p. 162 (4851). Herpestes rubiginosus, Kelaavt Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p. 213 (1852). Calictis smithi, Gray P. Z. S., p. 565 (1864). HERPESTES. 255 Herpestes jerdoni, Gray P.Z. S., p. 550 (1864); id. Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 148; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 183; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 225. Herpestes monticolus, ferdon Mamm., p. 135 (1867). The Ruddy Mungoose; Konda yentava, Telegu; Erima-kiri- pilai, Tam. ; Deeto, Cingalese. Distribution.—Over the whole of India but rare, from Kashmir southwards, also Ceylon. a. Skin é& Bangalore Mus. Coll., Jaffa. 6. Stuffed and Ceylon E. F, Kelaart, 1852, A.S.B. skelet. mtd. c. Stuffed é Singhbhoom V. Ball, 1869. Herpestes fuscus. Herpestes fuscus, Waterhouse P. Z. S., p. 55 (1838); Blyth Cat. no. 167, p. 52; Ferdon Mamm., p. 136; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p.152; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 184, pl. viii, figs. 1, 2; Blanford Mammals, p. 127. Distribution.—Travancore and Nilgiri Hills (Jerdon) ; stated by Anderson to be found also in Ceylon. a. Stuffed Ootacamund, Md, T.C. Jerdon, 1842, A.S.B. Herpestes fulvescens. Herpestes fulvescens, Blyth F. A. S. B., xx, p. 162 (1851); id. ibid, xxi, p. 348; id Cat., p. 52; Blanford Mammals, p. 127. Herpestes flavidens, Blyth F. A. S. B., xx, p. 184 (1851); Kelaart Prodr, Faun. Zeylan., p. 44. Cynictis maccarthie, Gray P. Z. S., p. 131, pl. xxxi (:851). Onychogale maccarthiz, Gray P. Z. S., p. §70 (1864). Herpestes maccarthiz, Anderson Anat, Zool. Res., p. 178 (1878); Nevill and Bligh Taprobanian, i, p. 58. Herpestes ceylanicus, Nevill Taprobanian, i, p. 62 (1885). Ram-mugatea, Cingalese. Distribution.—Ceylon. uw. Stuffed, skull Ceylon E. F. Kelaart, 1852, A.S.B. b-c. 2 Skulls dasa No history, A.S.B. ad. Skin, skull Ceylon Colombo Mus,, 1888. Herpestes brachyurus. Herpestes brachyurus, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H.,i, p. 578 (1837); Cantor F.A.S.B., xv, p. 243 ; Blyth Cat.no. 170, p. §2; Gray Cat. Carn, Mamm., p- 154; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 187; Wallace Island Life, p. 351 ; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., xi, p. 23. Distribution. —Malay Peninsula and Borneo, a. Stuffed Malay Peninsula C. Huffnagle, 1846, A.S.B. 6. Skull Malay Peninsula C. Huffnagle, 1846, A.S.B. c. Skin aaa’ Zoological Gardens, 1882, 256 Herpestes vitticol Zeylan, p. 42; Ferdon Mamm., p. 188; Blanford Mammals, p. 12 Mungos v Mangusta vitticollis, MAMMALIA. Herpestes vitticollis. lis, Bennett P. Z. S., p. 67 (1835); Kelaart Prodr. Faun. p. 137; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., 8; Nevill Taprobanian, i, p. 60. itticollis, Ogilby P. Z. S., p. 103 (1835) ; Blyth Cat., p. 50. Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p. 103 (1839). Taeniogale vitticollis, Gray P. Z.S., p. 569 (1864); id, Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 167. Loco moogatea, Cingalese. Distribution.—Southern India, Malabar Coast (Jerdon), and Ceylon (Kelaart). a. Skin Travancore 6. Stuffed, skull Malabar: c. Stuffed Ceylon d. Skull, juv, siete e. Skin Ceylon The Purchased. T. C. Jerdon, 1846, A.S.B. E. L. Layard, 1848, A.S.B. No history, A S.B. Colombo Museum. Herpestes urva. ?Viverra fusca, Gray Il!ustr. Ind. Zool., i, pl. v (1830). Gulo urva, Hodgson . AS. B., v, p. 238 (1836) ; M’Clelland Calc. Fourn. N. H., ii, p. 458, pl. xiii. Urva cancrivora, Hodgson $. A. S. B., vi, p. 561 (1837); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p.8; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 93; Blyth Cat. no. 158, p. 49; Ferdon Mamm., p. 138; Swinhoe P. Z. S., 1870, p. 630; Blyth FA. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 26; Spearman Burma Gazett., p. 550. Mesobema cancrivora, Hodgson $. A. S. B., x, p..9io (1841). Osmetectis fusca, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., x, p. 2b0 (1842). Herpestes urva, Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 189, pl. ix, figs. 5, 6 (1878) ; Blanford Mammals, p. 129. Burmese. Distribution.—Himalayas from Nepal (Hodgson) to Assam, Arakan, Burma, to North Tenasserim and Svuth China (Swinhoe). a. Skin Chittagong Skin, skelet.@ 0 uae Ski a . Skin, skelet. x Stuffed, skull Arakan Stuffed, juv. Arakan ?Skull paws Skin Assam Crab-eating Mungoose ; Urva, Nepalese; Mywe-ba, E. R. Shopland. Zoological Gardens, 1881. G. King, 1878. Zoological Gardens, 1878. Sir A. Phayre, 1843, A.S.B. Sir A. Phayre, 1843, A.S.B. Zool. Gardens, 1882. O.L. Fraser. Herpestes caffer, Viverra cafra, Gmelin Syst, Nat., i, p. 85 (1788). Herpestes griseus, Smuts Enum. Mamm. Capens., p. 19 (1832). ae madagascariensis, Smith S. African Quart. Fourn., ii, p. 114 I 2 Herpestes bennettii, Gray Chavlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. §78 (1837). Beer caffer, Blyth Cat, no, 168, p. 52 (1803); Thomas P. Z. S., 1882, p. 66. HERPESTES, 257 Distribution.—Africa, south of the Sahara. a, Stuffed South Africa E. L. Layard, 1859, A.S.B. 4, Stuffed South Africa E, L. Layard, 1859, A.S.B. e. Skull, skelet. ¢ seeeee No history. Herpestes galera, Mustela galera, Evxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., ps 453 (1777) Viverra nems, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., p. 160 (1792)*. Mustela afra, Kerr Linn, Anim. Kingd., p. 175 (1792)*. Ichneumon gaiera et major, Js. Geoff. St. Hil. Descrip. Egypt Hist. Nat., ii, p- 139 (1813). . Atilax vansire, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm., livr. liv (1826). Herpestes paludinosus, G. Cuvier Regne Anim,, 2nd ed., i, p. 158 (1829). Mangusta urinatrix, A. Smith Zool: Fourn., iv, p. 437 (1829). Herpestes pluto, Temminck Esquis. Zool., p. 95 (1853). Herpestes loempo, Gray P. Z. S., p. 551 (1864). Athylax vansire et paludosus, Gray P.Z. S.,, p. 557 (1864). Athylax robustus, Gray P. Z. S., p. 558 (1864). Herpestes paludosus, Blyth Cat. no. 169, p. 52 (1863). Herpestes galera, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 72 (1882). Distribution.—Africa, south of the Sahara. a. Stuffed South Africa E. L. Layard, 1859, A.S. B. Herpestes gracilis. Herpestes gracilis, Rippel N. Wirbelth., p. 20, pl. viii, fig. 2 (1835); Thomas P. Z.S., 1882, p. 68. Herpestes mutgigella, Rippel t.c., p. 29, pl. ix, fig. 1 (1835); Blanford Abyssinia, p. 234. Cynictis melanurus, Martin P. Z. S., p. 56 (1836). ean ratlamuchi et cawi, A. Smith App. Rep. S. Afr. Exp. p. 42 1§36)*. Ichneumia nigricaudatus, /s Geoff. St. Hil. Mag. de Zool., p. 18 (1839)*. Herpestes ochraceus, Gray P. Z.S., p. 138, pl. viii (1848). Herpestes badius, A. Smith S. African Zvol., pl. iv. (1849). Herpestes galinieri, Guérin Ferret,and Galinter Voy. Abyss. Atlas Zool., pl. i (1850)*. Herpestes ornatus, Peters Reise nach Mossambique Mamm., p. 117, pl. xxvi (1852). Herpestes ochromelas, Pucheran Rev, Mag. Zool. (2) vii, p. 393 (1855). eee ea ala Heuglin Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Caro,, xxix, - 23 (1861). Harpestea adailensis, Heuglin Peterm. Mitth., p. 17 (1861). Calogale granti, Gray P.Z.S, p. 561 (1864). Calogale venatica, Gray t. ¢., p. 563 (1864). Galerella ochracea, Gray t. c., p. 564 (1864). Herpestes mutscheltschela, Heuglin Reise N. O. Afrika, ii, p. 43 (1877)*. Distribution.— Africa, south of the Sahara. a. Skin § Adegrat Tigre, Abyssinia, W. T, Blanford, 1868. ooo ft. s 258 MAMMALIA, 6. Skin g Adegrat Tigre, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford, 1868. 8,000 ft. ce. Skin é Senafé Tigre, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford, 1868. - 7,500 ft. d. Skin, skelet. ¢ Senafé Tigre, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford, 1868. 8,000 ft. eas Genus CROSSARCHUS. Crossarchus, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm. livr, xlvii (1825). Crossarchus fasciatus. Viverra ichneumon, pt. Schreber Saugeth., iii, p. 430, pl. exvi (1778). Herpestes mungo, Desmarest Mamm., i, p. 211 (1820). Herpestes fasciatus, Desmavest Dict. Sci. Nat., xxix, p. 58 (1823). Ichneumon tenionotus, A. Smith S. African Quart. Fourn., ii, 114 (1835)*. Mungos fasciatus, Blyth Cat. no. 160, p. 50 (1863). Ariela taenionota, Gray P. Z. S., p. 565 (1864). Crossarchus fasciatus, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 90 (1882). Distribution —South-East Africa, Caffraria to Mozambique. a. Skin, skelet. 9 Sevan Zoological Gardens, 1883. 6. Stuffed Somali land Messrs. Burton and Speke, 1855, A.S B. Genus PROTELES., Proteles, Zs. Geoff. St. Hil. Mem. Mus, Paris, xi, p. 354 (1824). Proteles cristatus. Viverra cristata, Sparrman Resa till Goda Hopps Udden, p. 581 (1783)*. Viverra hyaenoides, Desmarest Mamm. Suppl., p. 538 (1822). Proteles lalandi, Is. Geoff. St. Hil. Mem. Mus. Paris, xi, p. 371 (1824); Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 214. Proteles cristatus, Blyth Cat. no. 139, p. 44 (1863); Flower P. Z. S., 1869, P- 474, pl. xxxvi. Distribution.—South Africa, Cape of Good Hope. a. Skin, skull South Africa E, L. Layard, 1859, A.S.B. Genus HYAENA, Hyaena, Zimmermann Spec. Geogr. Quad., p. 365 (1777). Crocuta, Gray P. Z.S., p. 525 (1868). Type, H. crocuta. Hyaena striata, Canis hyaena, Linnaeus Syst, Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 58 (1766). Hyaena striata, Zimmermann Geogr. Geschichte, ii, p 256 (1780) ; Adams P. Z.S., 1858, p. 514; Blyth Cat. no. 138, p. 44; Tristram P. Z. S., 1866, p.91; Ferdon Mamm., p. 118; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 2123. HYAENA. 259 McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 34; Stoliczka F A. S. B., xli, p. 227; Atkinson N. W. P. Gazett., xi, p. 18; Blanford Persia, p. 42; Alston P. Z. S., 1877, p. 273, and 1880, p. 53; Murray Zool. Sind, p. 38; Sterndale Mamm, Ind., p. 205; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 56; Blanford Mammals, p. 132; Radde Zool. F. B., iv, p. 1021, Hyaena orientalis, Tiedemann Zool., i, p, 350 (1808). Hyaena fasciata, Thunberg Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Handl. p. 59 (1820). _ Hyaena antiquorum, Temminck Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys., iii, p. 51 (1820)*. Hyaena vulgaris, Desmarest Mamm., p. 215 (1820); Sykes P. Z. S., 1831, p..102; Elliot Madras Fourn., x, p. 103; Walker Cale. Fourn. N. H., ili, p. 266; Hutton $. A. S. B., xiv, p. 345. The Striped Hyaena; Kirba, Kutkirba, Canarese; Turras, Mahrathi; Hondar, Lakrabagha, Jhirak, Bhagiah, Hindustani ;. Lankrabagh, Bengali; Renhra, Central India ; Cherrag, Sind. Distribution.—North Africa as far as the Senegal. Asia Minor, Palestine (Tristram), Euphrates valley, Baluchistan, Persia (Blan- ford), and Transcaspia. In India common in dry open country, 2.e., Sind (Murray), Kutch (Stoliczka) ; Kumaon submountain tracts- (Atkinson), Southern India (Sykes and Elliot), and Assam? (Walker). Notfound in Ceylon or east of the Bay of Bengal. a. Skin, skull ¢ sivas Zoological Gardens, 1876. 6. Skin Go atv ei Purchased, 1879: ¢, Stuffed iavaes Barrackpore Menagerie,1869.) da. Stuffed Benares, N.-W. P. Purchased, 1870. e. Stuffed juv, assess , L. C. Mullins, 1867. Ff. Stuffed, skull Midnapur, Bengal W. Rutledge, 1874. juv. g. Skeleton fais Zoological Gardens, 1878. h, Skeleton 3 seinss No history. juv. gl. 3 Skulls aaa A.S.B. m. Skall Agra, N.-W. P. J. Cockburn, 1881 ‘P.] n-o, 2 Skulls Banda, N.-W. P. J. Cockburn, 1881. é. Skull Manbhoom, Bengal R. C. Beavan, 1865,.A.S.B. g- Skull Agra, N.-W. P. J. Cockburn, 1879. vy. Skin nr. Benares, N.-W. P. No history. sv, 4 Skulls Banda dist., N..W.P. J. Cockburn, 1881. Hyaena crocuta. Canis crocuta, Erxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., p. 578 (1777). Hyaena maculata, Zimmermann, Spec. Geogr. Quad., p. 470 (1777). Hyaena crocuta, Zimmermann Geogr. Geschichte, ii, p. 256 (1780); Blyth Cat., p. 43; Blanford Abyssinta, p. 235. Hyaena capensis, Desmarest Mamm., p. 216 (1820). Crocuta maculata, Gray P.Z. S., p. 525 (1868); id. Cat. Carn. Mamm., p- 213. Disiribution.—Africa, south of Sahara. a, Skin, skull g Abyssinian Highlands W. T. Blanford. b. Skull Somali land ee Speke and Burton, A.S.B, $2 260 _ MAMMALIA. Genus CUON, Cuon, Hodgson Ann. Mag. N. H., i, p. 1§2 (1838). Type, C. dukhunensis. Chrysaeus, H. Smith Fard. Nat. Libr., ix, p. 167 (1839). Type, C. dukhu- nensis. The species of the family Canidae have been arranged as far as possible according to the system adopted by Prof. Huxley in his paper on the Canidae (P. Z. S., 1880, p. 238); beginning with the higher Thooids, theWild Dogs and Wolves, then follow the Jackals and their allies, Canis procyonides being the lowest true Thooid represented ; the Alopecoid Series follows, beginning with the most highly developed foxes, Vulpes alopex and Vulpes fulvus and gra- dually descending to the microdont V. bengalensis and V. caama. Cuon dukhunensis, fCanis javanicus, Desmarest Mamm., p. 198 (1820). Canis familiaris, var. sumatrensis, Hardwicke Linn, Trans., xiii, p. 235, pl. xxiii (1822). Canis dukhunensis, Sykes P. Z.S., p. 100 (1831) ; Blyth F. A. S. B., xi, p. 501. Canis primevus, Hodgson As. Res., xviii, pt. 2, p. 221, (1833); Walker Calc. Fourn. N. H., tii, p. 266. Cuon primzvus, Hodgson Ann. Mag. N.H., i, p. 1§2 (1838); id. Cale. Fourn. N. H., ii, p. 205; Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., rst ed., p. 10; Cantor F.A.S. B., xv, p. 196; Horsfield Cat. E. 1. Mus, p.73; Adams P. Z. S., 1858, p. 514; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 184; Scully P. Z. S., 1881, Pp: 202, Canis familiaris var., Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p. 100 (1839). Canis rutilans, Miller Over de Zoogdierenin Tem. Verhandl., p. 17 (1839) ; Blyth F. AS. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 24. : Chrysaeus primevus, H. Smith Fard. Nat. Lib., ix, p. 170 (1839). Chrysaeus scylax, id. ibid, p. 179 (1839). Cuon dukhunensis, Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p.73 (1851) ; Gray Cat. Carn. . Mamm., p. 186; Blanford Mammals, p. 143. Cuon sumatrensis, Horsfield Cat. E. I, Mus., p- 79 (1851) ; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 184. Cuon rutil ans, Blyth Cat., p. 37 (1863); Ferdon Mamm., p. 145; Blanford F. A.S. B., xxxvi, P. 191; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 42; Atkinson N.-W. P. Gaszett., xi, p. 21; Lydekker F. A. S. B., xlvi, p. 285 ; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 239; Spearman Burma Gasett., P- 547; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, i, p. 17, with plate. The Indian Wild Dog; Kohiya, Dhole, Jungli kutta, Hindustani; Kolsa, Mahratti ; Buansu, inthe Himalayas ; Tawkhwe, Burmese ; Ram hun, Kashmir; Sona kutta, Central India ; Ban kutta, North India; Reza _kutta, Adavi kutta, Telegu; Shennai, Malayalim ; Eram naiko, Gond ; Saddaki, Tibetan (Ladak) ; Suhutum Lepcha; Paoho, Bhotea ; Konaug, Assamese. : ; Distribution.—India generally, ie, Gilgit (Scully), West Hima- layas (Adams), Central and Southern India (Jerdon), Nepal (Hodgson), Assam (Walker), Burma (Spearman), Malay Peninsula (Cantor), Sumatra (Hardwicke), Java and Borneo (Temminick). CUON. 261 There are said to be three varieties of Red wild dogs, which have been all classed together in the genus Cuon, 7.¢., C. dakhunensis (=primevus), C. javanicus (=C. familiaris var. sumatrensis and C. rutilans), and finally, C. alpinus. Following Scully, C. alpinus has been separated since it has a short upper sectorial compared with C. dakhunensis. The Malayan form is considered distinct by Mr. Blanford in his recent work on Indian Mammals; it is said to be smaller and rather darker coloured. The above synonymy, however, refers to the Malay as well as the Indian variety. a. Skin @ juve vee Zoological Gardens, &. Skin @ Chybassa, Bengal A. Grote, Esq., 1856, A. S. B. c. Skin Eo rane Zoological Gardens. d. Skin, skull g Banda dist., N.-W. P. J. Cockburn [P.] e. Skin, skull Buxa, Doars A. A.1A. Kinloch. Ff. Skin Sikkim L, Mandelli. g. Skin esas No history, A. S. B. hk. Skin, Ssnise Zoological Gardens. skelet. g juv. j. Skin, skull Sumatra ? W. Rutledge. k. Stuffed g esnee Zoological Gardens. 1. Stuffed Darjeeling mess: Colvin Ainslie & Co., .S.B. m. Skeleton Q = = = aanne ‘ A. S. B. n, Skull Nepal B.H. Hodgson, A.S.B. o. Skeleton teas No history. p. Skin, skull Chaprot, Gilgit J. Scully. Cuon alpinus. Canis alpinus, Pallas Zoog. Rosso As., i, p. 34 (1831) ; Blyth Cat., p. 38; Van der Hoven Verh. Kon. Akad. Amster., 1856, itiy Schrenck Amurland Saugeth., p. 48, pl. ii; Radde Ost Siberien, p. 60; Severtsoff Ann, Mag. N. H. (4), xviii, p. 48. Cuon alpinus, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., xvii, p. 293 (1846); Gray Cat. Carn, Mamm.,, p. 184. Distribution.—Siberia, Turkestan (Severtzoff), Amurland (Schrenck) and Thibet (I. M.), in fact the highlands of Central Asia. The specimen below may possibly be referred to Cuon dukhunensis. a Stuffed Thibet Capt. Munro., 1845, A. S. B. Genus CANIS. Canis, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 56 (1766). Saccalius, H. Smith, Fard. Nat, Libr., ix, p. 206 (1839). Type, Canis aureus, Lupus, 1. Smith Fard. Nat. Libr., ix, p. 129 (1839). Type, Canis lupus. Oxygous, Hodgson F. A.S. B., x, p. 908 (1841). Type, Canis aureus. Key of the Indian Species. a, Skull generally exceeds 7} inches in length; head and body 3 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in.; legs long. 262 MAMMALIA. 6. The carnasial tooth exceeds in length the two posterior molars, a black stripe down the forelegs. C, lupus, p. 262, 6°, The carnasial is either of the same length or else shorter than the two posterior molars, ¢. Fur smooth, thin and fulvous, little or no under fur. C. pallipes, p. 263. ce, Fur soft and woolly, colour pale and isabelline, owing to the absence of black-tipped hairs on the flanks, C. laniger, p. 262, a’, Skull generally less than 6 inches in length; head and body about 2 feet 6 inches ; legs short. C, aureus, p. 264, Canis lupus. Canis lupus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 58 (1766): Hutton F. Aw S.B., xiv, p. 345; Blyth Cat., p. 39; Schrenck Amurland Sdugeth., p.44; Middendorg Siberische Reise, ii, pt. ti, p. 70; Severtzoff Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xviii, p. 48; Blanford Persia, p. 37; id. Yarkand Mammals, p. 20; Scully P. Z. S., 1881, p. 201; id. Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), viii, p. 224; id. F. A. S. B., lvi, p. 69; Thomas Linn. Trans. (2),v, p. §73 Blanford Mam- mals, p. 135; Radde Zool. ¥. B., iv. p. 1017. Lupus vulgaris, H. Smith Fard. Nat. Libr., ix, p. 148 (1839); Gray Cat- Carn, Mamm., p. 186, Distribution.—The Palearctic region generally, from France to Amurland, extending to Persia, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and Gilgit, and probably found in Western Sind and the Punjab. a. Skin Yarkand ? F. Stoliczka, 1873. & Skin Kashgar bazaar F. Stoliczka, 1873. c. Skin Kashgar bazaar F. Stoliczka,-1873. ad. Skin Kashgar bazaar F. Stoliczka, 1873. e. Skin Afghan-Turkestan C. E. Yate, 1887. 4, Skull Bushire No history, g. Skull Bokhara ? Purchased, 1872, A. Skin, skull g Khornor, Gilgit, 21-11-79 J. Scully. j. Skin, skull g Gilgit, 17-4-79 J. Scully, &, Skin, skull 9 Gilgit, 23-1-79 J. Scully, ?, Skull juv. Gilgit J. Scully, Canis laniger. Canis laniger, Hodgson Cale. Fourn. N. H., vii, p. ‘i F. A. S, B., xvi, p.1176; Horsfield Ann. Mag. wet Ges?) : ree Blyth Cat. p. 39; Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 2nd ed., p. 5; ee oe ; Bl S.B. 1877, p. 114; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, i, p. 1g, anford P. A, CANIS. 263 Canis ¢hanco, Gray P. Z. S., p. 94 (1863). : Lupus chanco, Gray P. Z. S. p. 501 (1868) ; id., Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 187. Canis niger, P. L. Selater P. Z. S., p. 654, pl. Ixxviii (1874); Blyth FA, S. B., xvi, p.1176; Kinloch Large Game Shooting, and ed., p. 39. Chanko and Chanko nagpo, (black var.) Thibetan. Distribution.—Eastern (Hodgson) and Western Thibet (Kinloch) including Ladak. Mr. Blanford in his recent work on Indian Mammals considers Canis laniger to be conspecific with Canis lupus; the differences as described are certainly not striking, but probably as marked as the differences between many other species; the difference formerly pointed out by Blanford, with regard to the sectorial being shorter than the two molars, is now said by him to be not constant, The skin “h”, which is in a very bad state of preservation, is the skin of the black wolf of Thibet (¢. / Blyth J. A. S. B., xvi, p. 1176,) which was afterwards described by Mr. Sclater as Canis niger, from living specimens in the London Zoological Gardens. It is probable that this black form is merely a variety of the typical form, similar to that of the European wolf which was des- cribed as Canis lycaon by Schreber, a. Skin, skull. Nanskar, Thibet J. B. Lee. 6. Skin Thibet G. T. Lushington, A. S. B. c. Stuffed Thibet G. T. Lushington, A. S. B. a-g. 4 Skulls Thibet G. T, Lushington, A. S. B hk, Skin Thibet R. Strachey, 1847, A. S. B (black var.). j» Skin Phialung, Ladak, S. J. Stone. (black var.). 29-6-88, Canis pallipes. Canis pallipes, Sykes P. Z. S., p. tor (1831); Blyth Cat. p. 390; Ferdon Mamm., p. 139; Stolicska F. A. S. B., xii, p. 227;McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 38; Atkinson N.-W. P. Gasett., xi, p. 20; Murray Zool. Sind, p- 36; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 232; Thomas P. Z. S., 1886, p. 56; Blanford Mammals, p. 137+ Canis lupus, apud Elliot Madr. Fourn., x, p. tor (1839). Lupus pallipes, Gray P. Z. S., p. 504 (1868); id. Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 189. 3 The Indian wolf; Tola, Canarese; Landga, Deccani; Bherya nekra, Hundar, Hurar, Hindustani; Bigana, Bundelcund ; Toralu, Telegu; Buggyar, Sind. > Barclay. . Barelay. . Barclay. - Barclay. A. Barclay. Sir W. Elliot, A.S.B. > >>> {Type of L. ellioti, Anderson.] South India Travancore ” Purneah, Beng. nr, Calcutta Alipore, Calcutta Salt Water Lakes, Calcutta. Sunderbunds, Beng. Rajshahye dist., Beng. Bengal Assam Arakan Momien, Yunnan, 6,000 ft., 6-68. Amiah, Tavoy eeeeee Sir W. Elliot, A.S.B. Purchased. Purchased. Rev. H. Baker, A.S.B. G. W. Shillingford. E. Blyth, A.S.B., 1842. Zoological Gardens. O.L. Fraser, Zoological Gardens. Zoological Gardens. Zoological Gardens. A.S.B. Zoological Gardens. Sir A. Phayre, 1845, A.S.B. J. Anderson, Mus. Coll. No history. AS.B. Lutra aurobrunnea. Lutra aurobrunneus, Hodgson $. A. S. B., viii, p. 320 (1839). Lutra aurobrunnea, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 71 (1843); id. Cat. Hodgs. p- 212. Aonyx aurobrunnea, Gray P. Z, S., p. 131 (1865); id. Cat, Carn. Mamm., p. 111. ? Barangia nepalensis, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. tor (1869). Distribution.—Upper Hill Region of Nepal (Hodgson). [No specimens in the Indian Museum]. Lutra leptonyx, Lutra leptonyx, Hovsfield Zool. Res. with plate (1824); Miller Over de Zoogdieren in Tem, Verhandl., p.§1; Blyth Cat. no. 217, p. 73; Ferdon Mamm., p.89; McMaster Notes on $erdon, p. 18; Sterndale Mamm. Ind,, p. 156; Blanford Mammats., p. 187. 296 MAMMALIA. Aonys horsfieldii, Gray Charlesw, Mag. N. H., i; p. 580 (1837); Sminhoe P. Z. S., 1870, p. 229; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 213. Lutra indigitatus, Hodgson $ A. S. B., viii, p. 320 (1839). Aonyz leptonyx, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 71 (1843) ; Cantor F. A. S. B., XV, p. 1953 Horsfield Cat. E.I, Mus., p. 117; id Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 110; Swinhoe P.Z. S., 1870, p. 229; Blyth F A.S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 28; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., Xi, p. 25. _ Aonyx sikimensis, Horsfield Ann. Mag. N. H., xvi, p. tog (1855); Gray Cat, Hodgs. Coll., and ed., p. 7- Aonyx indigitatus, Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 14 (1846); Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus,, p. 119; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 110, Lutra swinhoei, Gray P. Z, S., p. 182 (1867); id., Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 105; Swinhoe P. Z.S., 1870, p. 625; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 213. Lutra aurobrunnea, apud McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 18 (1870). Lutra (Aonyx) leptonyx, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res. pp. 202, 213 (1878). Lutra cinerea, Thomas P. Z. S., p. 195 (1889). The Clawless Otter; Chusam, Bhotea; Suriam, Lepcha. Distribution.—Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Hainan, South China, Malay Peninsula, Burma, Yunnan, Assam, Himalayas up to 8,cooft. and as far west as Mussoorie, and throughout the eastern half of the Indian Peninsula from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin - including the Nilgiris, a. Stuffed N. W. Himalayas Purchased, 1851, A.S. B. 6. Skull Mussoorie L. C. Steuart, 1843, A.S.B. e. Skin Sikkim L. Mandelli. a. Stuffed, skull Darjeeling Mrs. Saxon 1844, A.S.B. e. Skull Cochin, South India Rev. J. Baker. St Skull ” ” Rev. Je Baker. g. Skin Travancore, 9-70 Rev. J. Baker. kh, Skin - a Rev. J. Baker. j. Skull Calcutta R. C. Beavan, A.S.B. &. Skeleton @ Calcutta Zoological Gardens. . Skin, skull@ © 24-Pergunnahs, Bengal Zoological Gardens. m, Skin, skull g 5‘ » Zoological Gardens, 3 a. Skin Assam A. W. Chennell, o, Skin Naga Hills, Assam A. W. Chennell. e. Stuffed Arakan Sir A. Phayre 1844, A.S.B. g- Skin Ponsee, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 6,000ft., 7-68. 7. Skin Momien, Yunnan, J. Anderson, : 4,500ft, 6-68. Stuffed Mala Ree . Stuffe acca ‘ . G. Frith ASB. ae u. Stuffed juv. Malacca R. W. G. Frith, 1847, A.S.B. a. Skin ieee No history. @. Skin see No history, x. Stuffed No history, y» Skull ssa A.S.B. zs Skul aa A.S.B. ENHYDRA, 297 a*, Skull és ese No history. 6%. Alc. sivetes No history. ce, Alc. deceive No history. Lutra canadensis. Mustela (Lutra) canadensis, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., i, p. 173 (1792)*. Lutra brasiliensis, Desmarest Mamm., i, p. 188. (1820) [in part]. Lutra lataxina, F. Cuvier Dict. Sci. Nat., xxvii, p. 242 (1823). Lutra canadensis, Js, Geoff. St. Hil. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat., ix, p. 520 (1826) ; Coues Fur-bearing Animals of North America., p. 205. Lutra hudsonica, F. Cuvier Suppl. Buffon, i, p. 194 (1831)*. Lataxina mollis, Gray List Mamm.B. M., p. 70 (1843). Lutra americana, Wyman Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H., ii, p. 249 (1847). Lutra californica, Baird N. Amer. Mamm., p. 187 (1857)*. Latax canadensis, Gray P. Z.S., p. 133 (1865); id. Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 112. Distribution.—The whole of North America. a. Skull Umbagog Lake, Maine, U.S.A. W. Theobald. Lutra brasiliensis. Lutra brasiliensis, Zimmerman Geogr. Geschichte, ii, p. 316 (1780); Thomas P. Z.S., 1889, pe 197. Lutra lupina et paraguaensis, Schinz Cuv. Thierr.,i, p 213 (1821). Pteronura sandbachii, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 580 (1837). Distribution.—The Guianas and Brazil, d, Skin Surinam Oxford Museum, 1870 [Ex.] Genus ENHYDRA, Pusa, Oken Lehrb. Naturg. (1816)*. Enhydra, Fleming Philos. Zool., ii, p. 187 (1822). ‘ Enhydra lutris. Mustela lutris, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed.,i, p. 66 (1766). Lutra marina, Erxleben Syst. Regn. Anim., p. 445 (1777). Pusa orientalis, Oken Lehrb. Naturg,, iii, p. 986 (1816)*. Lutra lutris, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 155 (1827). Lutra stelleri, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 156 (1827). Enhydris stelleri, Fischer Syn. Mamm., p. 229 (1829). Phota lutris, Pallas Zoog. Ros. As., p. 100 (1831). Enhydra lutris, Dekay New York Zool.,p. 41 (1842); Coues Fur-bearing Animals of North America, p. 326. Latax marina, Lesson Nouv. Tatl, Reg. Anim., p.71 (1842). Enhydris lutris, Gray P. Z. S., p. 136 (1865); id. Cat, Carn, Mamm., p. 119. 298 MAMMALIA, The Sea Otter. Distribution.—Shores of North Pacific, north of 50°, extending on the American side as far as Lower California. a. Skeleton N. E. coast, Siberia New York Mus. b. Skeleton apa New York Mus. Genus PROCYON. Procyon, Storr Prodr. Method. Mamm., p. 35 (1780)*. Procyon lotor, Ursus lotor, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 70 (1766). Procyon lotor, Storr Prodr. Method. Mamm., p. 35 (1780)* ; Blyth Cat. no. 220, p. 74; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 242; Allen Bull. U.S. Geol. Sura., ii, p. 325. Males lotor, Boddaert Elench. Anim.,i, p. 80 (1784)*. Lotor vulgaris, Tiedemann Zool., i, p. 380 (1808). Procyon hernandezii, Wagler Isis, p. 514 (1831). Procyon brachyurus, Weigman Archio f. Nat., iii, p. 369 (1837). Procyon obscurus, Weigman Archiv f. Nat., iii, p. 370 (1837). Procyon nivea, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 580 (1837). Procyon psora, Gray Ann, Mag. N. H., x, p. 261 (1842). Procyon gularis, H. Smith Fard. Nat, Libr., xiii, p. 222 (1842). The Racoon. Distribution.—North America from Alaska southward to Costa Rica in Central America. a, Skin juv. Bruce Co., Ont., Canada J. H. Garnier [Ex.]. 6. Skin Texas, U.S.A. J. H. Garnier [Ex.]. e. Skin Ontario J. H. Garnier LEx.]. d. Skin, 3 seaises Purchased, skelet. : e. Skin, 3 tenes W. Rutledge. skelet, j Ff. Skin, é egies Purchased. skelet, g. Stuffed é America No history, 1872. h Skull North America A. D. Bartlett, 1849, A.S.B. 7. Skull Suetiee es Fitzgerald, 1853, SB. Genus NASUA. Nasua, Storr Prodr. Method. Mamm., p. 35 (1780)*. Caoti, Lacépéede Mem, Inst. Paris, iii, p. 492 (1801). Nasua rufa. Viverra nasua, Linnagus Syst. Nat., 12th ed, i., p. 64 (1766). Viverra vulpecula, Zr xleben Syst. Reg. Anim. p. 490 (1777)s Viverra quasje, Gmelin Syst. Nav, p, 87 (1788). CERCOLEPTES. 299 Ursus. nasua, G. Cuvier Tabl. Elément. d' Hist. Nat., p. 113 (1798)*. Nasua quasje, Desmarest N. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat., vii, p. 217 eta) Nasua rufa, Desmarest Mamm., p. 170 (1820) ; Allen Bull. U. §. Geol. Surv.,v, p. 170. Nasua fusca, Desmarest Mamm., p. 170 (1820). Nasua solitaria, Pr. Maximilian zu Wied Beitr. Naturg. Bras., ii, p. 292 (1826) *. Nasua socialis, Pr. Maximilian su Wied Beitr. Naturg. Bras., ii, p. 283, (1826)*. —» Nasua vittata, Tschudi Faun. Peruan., p. 101 (1844). Nasua montana, id. ibid, p. 102, pl. v (1844). Nasua narica, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 74 (1843) [pt.]. Nasua olivacea, Gray P.Z.S, p. 703 (18 864 Nasua dorsalis, Gray P. Z. Sus 169, pl. xvii (1866). The Ring-tailed Coati. Distribution.—South America from Surinam to Paraguay and from the Atlantic to the Andes. a. Skin, skelet. tenses W. Rutledge. é 6. Skin, skelet. senses Purchased. juv. 2 e. Skin, skelet. beirves Purchased. é d. Skin, skelet, saute W. Rutledge. e. Stuffed Brazil Rajah R. Mullick, 1866. JF Skull Surinam A. D.Bartlett, 1849, A.S.B. Nasua nasica. Viverra narica, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 64 (176 Nasua narica, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 74 (1843) bel, atyth Cat. no. 221, p. 75; Allen Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, v, p. 162. Nasua leucorhynchos, Tschudi Faun. Peruan., Pp. 100 (1844 Nasua solitaria var. mexicana, Weinland Zool. Gart.,i, p. 191 (1860)*, Nasua socialis, De Saussure Zool. Gart., iii, p. $3 (1862) y*. Bassaricyon gabbii, Allen P. Acad, N. Sci. Philad., p, 20 (1876). The White-nosed Coati. Distribution—Central America, Texas and California south. wards as far as the Isthmus of Panama. a. Skinand 9 anaes Purchased, 1878. skelet. & Stuffed g America W. Ratledge, 1870, Genus CERCOLEPTES. Potos, G. Cuvier Tableau Gen.in Legons, d'Anat. Comp., ist ed. i, (1800)*, Kinkajou, Lacépéde Mem. Inst. Paris, iii, p. 492 (1801). Cercoleptes, Idliger Prodr., p. 127 (1811). Cercoleptes caudivolvulus. Viverra caudivolvula, Schreber Sdugeth., iii, p. 453, pl. xxv (1778 Lemur flavus Sckreber Saugeth.,i, p. 145) pl. xii 1778), 300 MAMMALIA. Ursus caudivolvulus, G. Cuvier Tabl. Elément. d’Hist. Nat. p. 113 1798)*. : Cand octets flavus, Tiedemann Zool., i, p. 381 (1808). Cercoleptes caudivolvulus, Jiliger Prodr., p. 127 (1811) ; Blyth Cat. no, 218, p- 74; Alston Biol. Centr.-Amer. Mamm., p. 76. Potos caudivolvulus, Desmarest Mamm., p. 171, pl. xlii (1820). Cercoleptes megalotus, Martin P. Z. S., p. 83 (1836). Cercoleptes brachyotus, Martin P. Z. S., ps 83 (1836). The Kinkajou. Distribution.—From Mexico southwards to the Rio Negro and Peru. a. Stuffed, skull Tropical America Zoological Gardens, 1878. 2 6. Skeleton iddieae A. D. Bartlett, 1849, A.S.B. Genus AELURUS. Ailurus, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm., liver. 1 (1825). Aelurus fulgens. Ailurus fulgens, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm., live. 1 (1825); Hardwicke Linn. Trans., xv, p. 161, pl. ii ; Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 15; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 126; Blyth Cat. no. 219, p. 74; $erdon Mamm., p.74; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 247; P. L. Sclater P.Z.S., 1869, p. 408, with figure ; Simpson P. Z. S., 1869, p. 507, pl. xli; Sterndale Mammi. Ind., p. 128. Aelurus ochraceus, Hodgson $. A. S. B., xvi, p, 1118, pls. lii, liii (1847); id. F. A. S. B., xvii, pt. 2, pp. 475, 573- Aelurus fulgens, Flower P. Z. S., p. 752 (1870); Bartlett P.Z. S., 1870, p. 769; Blanford Mammals, p. 190. The Cat-bear or Panda; Wah, Nepal; Wahdonka, Bhotea; Suk- nam, Lepcha. Distribution —Himalayas at 7,000 to 12,000 ft. from Nepai eastwards through Assam to Yunnan. This peculiar animal is very distinct from all other carnivora and forms a distinct genus, and according to some views a distinct family; recently, Prof. Boyd Dawkiris (Quat. Journ. Geol. Soc., xliv, p. 230) has described a new species (Ailurus anglicus) from the New Crag of Norfolk and Suffolk which is of pliocene age, this is a very interesting discovery since it extends the range of the genus Aelurus considerably and offers fresh evidence in support of the view that the pliocene Mammalia of Europe are closely related to those of the Oriental Region now living. a, Skin Momien, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 4.600 ft., 7-68. d b. Momien, Yunnan, J. Arderson. 4,600 ft., 6-68, URSUS. 301 e. Skin Momien, Yunnan, J. Anderson, 4,600 ft., 7-68, ad, Skin Momien, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 4,600 ft., 6-68. e. Skin Sanda, Yunnan, 4,500 J. Anderson, ft., 7.68. Jf. Skin Sikkim, 11-71 T. R. Doucett. g. Skin Sikkim L. Mandelli. kh. Skin Sikkim L. Mandelli. jy. kin Sikkim P Purchased. k. Skin, skeleton = sates Zoological Gardens. 1. Skin, skeleton @ teenes Zoological Gardens. m, Skin Sikkim ? Purchased. a, Skin Sikkim P Purchased. o. Skin Sikkim P Purchased. p. Skin Sikkim ? Purchased. g. Stuffed Darjeeling B. Mainwaring. 7 Skeleton @ Himalayas Zoological Gardens. s. Skeleton a usaaies Zoological Gardens. #. Skull Gaia . O.L. Fraser. mw Skull nae No history. v. Skin Nepal J. Scully. Genus AILUROPUS. Ailuropus, 4. Milne Edwards Arch. Mus, Paris, vii, Bulletin p. 88 (1871). Ailuropus melanoleucus. Ursus melanoleucus, David Arch, Mus. Paris, v, Bulletin p. 13 (1869). Ailuropoda melanoleucus, A. Milne Edwards Ann. Sc. Nat. (5), xiii, no. 10 (1870). Ailuropus melanoleucus, A. Milne Edwards Arch. Mus. Paris, vii, Bull, p. 92 (1871); id. Rech. Mamm., p. 321, pls. |-lvi. Distribution.—Mountains of Eastern Thibet. @ Skull (cast), aaa Paris Museum [Ex.] Genus URSUS. Ursus, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 69 (1766). Helarctos, Horsfield Zool. Fourn., ii, p. 221 (1826). Type, U. malayanus, Key of the Indian Species. a. Upper molar equal in length to the two premolars immediately in front of it. 4, Forehead concave ; fur generally whitish or grayish to brown; claws white or brown. U. isabellinus, p. 302. 6?. Forehead flat; fur generally black with a broad white mark on the chest ; claws black. U. torquatus, p. 303. 302 MAMMALIA. @*, Upper molar equal in length to the one premolar immediately in front of it; skull with a very short nasal portion, the nose ferrugineus and the chest with a semi-lunar yellow patch. U. malayanus, p. 304. Ursus isabellinus. Ursus isabellinus, Horsfield Linn. Trans., xv. p. 332 (1826); Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p.15; Wagner Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 570; Adams P.Z.S., 1858, p- 517; Blyth Cat. no. 224, p. 76; Ferdon Mamm., p. 69; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 223; Atkinson N.-W. P., Gazett, Xi, p» 9; Lydekker F. A. S. B., xlvi, p. 285.3 Scully P. Z. S., 1881, p. 203; Kinloch Large Game-shooting, i, p. 46. ? Ursus syriacus, Hempr. & Ehr. Symb. Phys. pl. i (1828); Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm,, p. 224. ? Ursus leuconyz, Severtzoff Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xviii, p. 43 (1876). Ursus pruinosus, Blanford F.A.S.B., xlvi, p. 318 (1877); Blyth F.A.S.B., xxii, p. 589. The Snow or Brown Bear also the Blue Bear ( = var. prui- nosus; Lal Bhalu, or Barfkarich, Hind,; Harpat of Kashmir; Drinmor of Ladak. ( , Distribution.—The higher ranges of the Himalayas, both north and south of the watershed, from Gilgit, eastwards to Assam. On comparing the skulls of Ursus isabellinus with those of the European and Northern Asiatic bear (U. arctos), the only apparent point of difference is that the forehead of the former species is distinctly concave, while that of the latter is flat, ze, the line between the postorbital processes and the nasal opening is in the case of U. arctos a straight one, and in the case of U. isabellinus a curved one, beyond this there does not seem to be any difference between the two species, and Blanford has in his Mammals of India combined the two under the name of Ursus arctus. In the Eastern Thibetan variety (U. pruinosus), the hair is black- ish or bluish, but it is hardly worthy of separation even as a geographical race. a. Skin onciee G. T. Lushington, 1847, A.S.B. 6. Skin,skull uae ‘ Maharajah of Burdwan, 1858, ASB. e. Skin, skull viaias Maharajah of Burdwan, 1858, A.S.B. dad. Skin juv. Qs aseaee Zoological Gardens. e. Skin, skelet. ¢ fase Zoological Gardens. Jf Skin,skull @ uae is Zoological Gardens. gg Stuffed, skull == sauaue Zoological Gardens. juv. h. Stuffed juv. g ae ‘ Rajah R. Mullick. j- Skull é Sesto A. Campbell,.1856, A.S.B. &. Skull Q Kashmir T. Brownlow, 1856, A.S.B. 1, Skull Kashmir Purchased, 1858, A.S.B. URSUS, 203 m, Skeleton Q eaten King of Oudh, 1865. n, Skull eed Zoological Gardens. ov. Skull g betas Babu H. M. Roy. p. Skin, skull g Napin, nr. Gilgit, J. Scully. 29-10-79. q- Skin, skull 9 © Gakuch, nr. Gilgit, J. Scully. 22*10°79. y. Skull g Sharot, nr, Gilgit J. Scully. Var.—pruinosus. a, Skin Thibet A. Campbell, A.S.B. &, Skin, skull pt. Lhassa W. T. Bianford. [Type of U. pruinosus, Blanford.] Ursus torquatus, Ursus thibetanus, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm. livr. xli (1824); Blyth Cat. no. 225, p. 76; Ferdon Mamm., p. 70; Radde Ost Siberien, i, p. 12; Swinhoe P. Z. S., 1870, pp. 230 and 621; Atkinson N.-W. P. Gazett., xi, p. 10; Lydekker F. A. S. B., xlvi, p. 285; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res. introd., p. xxi; Murray Sind Zool., p.39; id. Ann. Mag. N.H. (s), xiv, p. 98; Kinloch Large Game-shooting, i, p. 49. Helarctos malayanus, apud Hodgson F. A. S. B., i, p. 340 (1832), Ursus torquatus, Wagner Schreb. Sdugeth. Suppl., ti, p.144, pl. 141d (1841) ; id. Hugel’s Kaschmir, iv, p. 570; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm,, p. 225; Blan- ford F. A. S. B., xlvi, p. 320; Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 113; Blanford Mammals, p. 197. Ursus ferox, Robinson Assam, p. 96 (1841). Helarctos thibetanus, Gray List Mamm, B. M., p. 73 (1843); id. Cat. Hodgs. Coil., 1st ed., p. 15; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p.122; Adams P. Z.S., 1858, p. 518. Ursus formosianus, Swinhoe P. Z.S., p. 380 (1864). Ursus gedrosianus, Blanford $. A. S. B., xlvi, p. 317 (1877); id. P. A. B,, 1879, p. 4- The Black Bear; Harpat in Kashmir; Mumh in Baluchistan; Bhalu Reench or Reech, Hind.; Thom, Bhotea; Sona, Lepcha. Distribution.—From Baluchistan and the Khirthar hills in Sind (Blanford) to Kashmir (Hugel) and so along the entire range of the Himalayas to Assam, extending southwards through Burma as far as Mergui; and eastwards through China to Shantung and the Islands of Hainan and Formosa (Swinhoe) and South-Eastern Siberia. a. Skin sci Zoological Gardens, 6. Skin Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 1,700 ft. : c. Skin Assam, 27-6-72 S. E, Peal. d Skin, skull ¢ veeaee L.C Griesbach. e. Stuffed tenons No history. J. Skeleton eeeies No history. g. Skull Assam F. Jenkins, 1847, A.S.B. A, Skull aida No history, ASB. Jj. Skull aleias H. H. Godwin Austen, 304 MAMMALIA. k, Skull Mand Hills, Baluchistan Karachi Mus. [Ex.] . 2. Skull @ Mand Hills, Baluchistan Karachi Mus. [Ex.] m. Skull @ Mand Hills, Baluchistan Karachi Mus. [Ex.] n, Skull Himalayas - Rajah R. Mullick. o. Skeleton 2 teeeas Zoological Gardens, p Skull 9 aes Zoological Gardens, g. Skull Zoological Gardens, 7, Skin, skull. No history. Ursus malayanus,. Ursus malayanus, Rafies Linn. Trans., xiii, p. 254 (1820); Blyth Cat. no. 226, p. 76; Miller Over de Zoogdieren in Tem. Verhandl., p. 32; Me- Master Notes on Ferdon, p. 10; Blanford Mammals, p. 199. Prochilus malayanus, Gray Ann. Phil., p. 61 (1825)*. Helarctos malayanus, Horsfield Zool. Fourn., ii, p. 234 (1826); id. Cu. E.I. Mus., p. 122; Cantor $. A. S. B. xv, p. 191; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 234; Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 30. Helarctos euryspilus, Horsfield Zool. Fourn., ii, p. 234 (1826). The Malayan Bear; Wetwoon, Burmese ; Bruang, Malay. Distribution.—Garo Hills, Assam, Chittagong, Arakan, Tenas- serim, Malay Peninsula (Cantor), Sumatra, Java and Borneo (Temminck). a. Skin, skull 9 Sibsagar, Assam Zoological Gardens. b. Skin, skull ¢@ iuseuen Zoological Gardens. c. Skin, skelet. Assam H. Phillips. d, Skin, skelet. 2 tes Rajah R. Mullick. e. Skin, skull. Q W. Rutledge. Ff. Skin, skull ¢ Garo H ills, Assam Zoological Gardens g. Skin soeees No history. h, Skin Java Captain Scholefield, A.S.B. j. Skin, skull Arakan Sir A, Phayre, 1845, A.S.B. k. Stuffed, skull Sumatra W. Rutledge. .- juv. g 1, Stuffed, skull sass H. W. Bennett, 1853, A.S.B. juv. m. Skull g = Malay peninsula No history. n, Skull juv. Arakan Hills Zoological Gardens, o. Skin, skull, eseinen W. Rutledge. juv. 2 p. Skin teens No history, 1885. Ursus arctos. Ursus arctos, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 69 (1766); Blyth Cat. no. 223, p. 75; Radde Ost Siberien., i,p.1; Schrenck Amurland Séugeth., p. 8; Alston P. Z. S., 1877, p. 275; Gunther P. Z. S., 1880, p. 442. Ursus pyrenaicus, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm. live. xliv (1824). Ursus collaris, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm. livr. xlii (1824). Ursus ferox, apud Temminck and Schlegel Faun. Mamm. Fap., p- 29 (1850), Distribution.—Europe, Northern Asia, Asia Minor (Northern pt.), Amurland (Schrenck), Kurile Isles (Gunther) and Yesso. URSUS. 305 a. Stuffed g Europe Purchased, 1869. 6. Skull a Norway Christiania Univ.,1846, ; AS.B. c. Skull g Norway Christiania Univ., 1846, A.S.B. d Skeleton @ seers Babu H. M. Roy. e. Skull stead H. F. Blanford, 1863, A.S.B, Ff. Skull Japan Hakodate Mus. Yesso [E.] Ursus japonicus, Ursus tibetanus, apud Temminck and Schlegel Faun. Fap. Mamm., p. 29 (1850). Ursus japonicus, Schlegel Handleid Beoefning Dierk., pt. 1 p. 42 (1857)*; P. L. Sclater P. Z. S., 1862, p. 261, pl. xxxii; Gunther P.Z.S., 1880, p. 442; Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 227. Distribution.—Japan. a. Skin Q Japan O. L. Fraser, Esq., 1886. Ursus americanus. Ursus americanus, Pallas Spic. Zool., xiv, p. 5 (1780); Gray Cat.Carn* Mamm., p. 229. Ursus niger americanus, Schinz Synop. Mamm.,i, p. 301 (1844). Ursus cinnamoneus, Baird Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound. Surv ., ii, Mamm., p. 29 (1859)*. Distributionm—North America from Alaska southwards to Mexico. a. Skull Reece E. Blyth, 1865, A.S.B, 6. Skull nage W. Theobald, 1868, Ursus maritimus. Ursus maritimus, Evzleben Syst. Reg. Anim., p. 160 (1777); Blyth Cat. no. 222, p. 75. Ursus polaris, Shaw Mus. Leverianum, i, p. 7 (1792)*. Ursus marinus, Pallas Jtin., iii, p. 691 (1793)*. Thalarctos polaris, Gray Ann. Philos., p. 62 (1825)*. Thalarctos maritimus, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 73 (1843). Thalassarctos maritimus, Gray Cat. Carn, Mamm., p. 218 (1869). Distribution —Circum-polar, Arctic coasts of Europe, Asia and America, a. Skin, skelet. 9 aeatey W Rutledge. & Skull as E. Blyth, 1865, A.S.B. e. Skull Greenland Copenhagen Mus., A.S.B. d. Skull Greenland Aberdeen University, Ww 306 MAMMALIA. Genus MELURSUS. Melursus, Meyer Uebers. neust. Zool. Entdech p. 155, (1793)*. Prochilus, J/liger Prodr., p. 109 (1811). Melursus ursinus. Bradypus ursinus, Shaw and Nodder Natur. Miscell., ii, pl. lviii (1791) ; id Genl. Zool., i, pt. 1, p. 159. Melursus lybius, Meyer Uebers. neust. Zool. Entdeck. p. 155 (1793)*3 Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p. 15. Prochilus ursinus, Jdliger Prodz., p. 109 (1811). Ursus labiatus, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 74 (1817)*; Sykes P.Z.S., 1831, p. 100; Elliot Madras Fourn., x, p. 100 ; Tickell Calc. fourn, N.H., i, p. 190, pl. vii; Blyth Cat. no. 227, p. 77; Ferdon Mamm., p. 72; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p.12; Stoliczka F. A. S. B., xli, p. 226; Atkinson N.-W. P. Gasett., xi, p. 11;Sterndale Mamm. Ind., p. 119. Ursus longirostris, Tiedemann Abhandl., p. 4 (1820)*. ~ Prochilus labiatus,Gray Ann. Philos., p. 60 (1825)* ; Kelaart Prodr. Faun, Zeylan., p- 34- Ursus inornatus, Pucheran Rev. Mag. Zool., (2), vii, p. 392 (1855). Melursus labiatus, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 237 (1869). Melursus ursinus, Blanford Mammals, p. 201 (1888). The Sloth Bear; Aswail, Mahrathi; Kaddi, Canarese; Rinch, Deccani; Oosa, Cingalese; Ballu Riksha, Sanskrit; Reech, Hindustani; Bhalu, Bhaluk, Bengali; Yerid, Gonds ; Banna, Kols; Elugu, Telegu. Distribution.— Over the whole Peninsula of India and Ceylon (Kelaart). It is apparently found in Cutch-but not in Sind or in the Himalayas, eastwards it extends to Lower Bengal and apparently to Assam. The Indian Bear is very distinct from the other bears, both in its distribution and its morphological characteristics. It is confined to the Peninsula of India strictly speaking, while the other Indian bears are all extra-peninsular ; itis distinguished from the other Indian bears by its very elongated snout ; by its very small cheek- teeth and by its concave and curved palate. Of the two fossil] bears found in India, one Ursus theobaldi from the Siwaliks [Pal. Ind. (20), ii, p. 211] is distinctly allied to Melursus ursinus. a. Skin tonnes No history. 6. Skin eaagee No history. c. Skin, skelet. wiles W. Rutledge. juv. 9 d. Stuffed, juv. estate W. Rutledge. e. Skull @ Umsuing nr. Shillong, J. Cockburn. Assam, f. Skeleton canvass No history, A.S.B. . Skull store R. C. Beavan, 1864, A.S.B. we . Skull whee’ Dr. McCosh, A.S.B. _PHOCA. 307 jel. 3 Skulls tonnes No history, A. S. B. m. Skull Ceylon E. F. Kelaart, A.S.B. n-o. 2 Skulls tonnes A.S.B. . Skeleton 9 sevees Purchased, g. Stuffed g Chota Nagpore V. Ball. vy. Skull juv. egies No history, A, S. B. s. Skull juv, seeaee Maharajah of Burdwan, oeenes 1858, A.S.B. #, Skull juv. g tonane Purchased, #. Skull avs V. Ball, 1869. v. Skeleton teats No history, A.S.B. Sub-order II—PINNIPEDIA. Genus TRICHECHUS. Trichechus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., r2thed.,i, p. 49 (1766). Trichechus rosmarus. Trichechus rosmarus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed.,i, p 49 (1766) ; Blyth Cat. no. 232, p. 79. Odobaenus rosmarus, Sundevall Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Oefvers., p. 442 (1859). Rosmarus trichechus, Lamont Seasons with the Sea-horses, p. 141 (1861)*. Rosmarus obesus, Gill Proc. Essex Inst., v, p. 13 (1866). Rosmarus arcticus, Lilljeborg Fauna 6fuers Swer. ock Norg, Ryg., p. 674 (1874)*. The Walrus. Distribution —North Atlantic shores of North America from Labrador northwards, Greenland ; Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla. a. Skull & Greenland Copenhagen Mus, 1839, AS.B. 6. Skull 9 Seiane Copenhagen Mus, 1899, A.S.B. ¢. Skull No history. d, Tusk 2 asap No history, A.S.B, Genus PHOCA. Phoca, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed. i, p. §5 (1766). Phoca vitulina. Phoca vitulina, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 56 (1766). Callocephalus vitulinus, F. Cuvier Dict. Sci. Nat., xxxix, p. 544 (1826); Blyth Cat. no. 228, p. 77. Phoca canina, Pallas Zoog. Rosso Asiat., i, p. 114 (1831). Halicyon richardii, Gray P. Z. S., p. 28 (1864). _Phoca pealei, Gill Proc. Essex Inst., v, p. 13 (1866), 308 MAMMALIA. Distribution —The North Atlantic and Pacific coasts, from Japan to Southern California and from New Jersey round to Spain. a. Skull @ Greenland Copenhagen Mus. 1839, A.S.B. Phoca grenlandica. Phoca greenlandica, Fatvicius in Miller's Zool. Dan. Prodr., p. viii (1776)*. Phoca oceanica, Lepechin Act. Acad. Petrop., i, pt. 1, p. 259 (1778). Phoca albicauda, Desmarest Mamm. Supfl., p. 541 (1822). Callocephalus grceenlandicus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus. Paris, xi, p. 186 (1824) ; Blyth Cat. no. 230, p. 78. Phoca legura, G. Cuvier Oss. foss., 3rd ed., v, p. 238 (1825)*. Phoca dorsata, Pallas Zoogr. Rosso. As., i, p. 112 (1831). Pagophilus greenlandicus, Gray Cat. Mamm. B. M., i, p. 25 (1850). Distribution.—North Atlantic and Pacific, Newfoundland to Greenland, Iceland, Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla and the Arctic coast of Europe; also Northern Pacific, Kamschatka and Sitka, a. Skull é Greenland Copenhagen Mus., A.S.B. 6. Skull 2 Greenland Copenhagen Mus., A.S.B. Phoca barbata. Phoca barbata, Fabricius in Miller's Zool. Dan. Prodr., p. viii (1776)*; Blyth Cat, no. 231, p. 78. Phoca leporina, Lepechin Act. Acad. Petrop., i, pt. i, pe 264 (1778). Callocephalus barbatus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus. Paris, xi, p..189 (1824). Phoca albigena, Pallas Zoogr. Rosso As., i, p. 109 (1831). Phoca nautica, Pallas Zoogr. Rosso As., i, p. 108 (1831). Erignathus barbatus, Gill Proc. Essex Inst., v, p. 12 (1866). Distribution.—Circum-polar but northerly in its range, southern limits, Labrador and Scandinavia on the Atlantic, Amur River and Sitka on the Pacific side. a. Skull g Greenland Copenhagen Mus., 1839, : A y Genus STENORHYNCHUS. Stenorhynchus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus. Paris, xi, p. 190 (1824). Stenorhynchus carcinophagus. Phoca carcinophaga, Hombron and $¥acquinot in Dumont d’Urville, Voy: au Péle Sud, Atlas, Mamm., pls. x. and x a (1842. Stenorhynchus serridens, Owen Ann. Mag. N. F., xil, p. 331 (1843). Lobodon carcinophaga, Gray Zool. Ereb, and Terr., p. § (1844). MACRORHINUS, 309 Distribution.—Antarctic Seas. a. Skull Antarctic Ocean Brit. Mus, [Ex] Genus CYSTOPHORA, Cystophora, Nilsson Skand. Fauna, i, p. 382 (1820)*. Cystophora cristata. Phoca cristata, Erxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., p. 590 (1777). Cystophora borealis, Nilsson Skand. Faun., p. 383 (1820)*. Stemmatopus cristatus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus. Paris, xi, p. 196 (1824). Phoca mitrata, G. Cuvier Oss. foss., 3rd ed., v, p. 210 (1825)*. Mirounga cristata, Gray Griffith's An. Kingd., v, p. 179 (1827). Cystophora cristata, Nilsson K. Vetens, Akad. Handl. (1837)*; Blyth Cat. NO. 233, p. 79+ Cystophora antillarum, Gray P. Z.S., p. 93 (1849). Distribution.—Northern parts of the Atlantic Ocean from La- brador to Norway. a, Skull 3 senens Copenhagen Mus., 1839, cai is A.S. B. 6. Ska g veeras openhagen Mus., 18 1 A. S. B. oan e, Skull juv. Sl aauee Copenhagen Mus. 18 A.S. B. bare Genus MACRORHINUS. Macrorhinus, F. Cuvier Mem. Mus. Paris, xi, p. 200 (1824). Macrorhinus leoninus. Phoca leonina, Linnaus Syst. Nat., 12th ed. i, p. 55 (1766). Phoca elephantina, Molina Saggio sul Stor. Nat. del Chili, p. 280 (1782)*. Phoca proboscidea, Peron Voy. aux Terr. Austr., ii, p. 34 (1817)*; Blyth Cat, no. 234, p. 79. ‘ Phoca byroni, Desmarest Mamm., p. 240 (1820). Phoca ansoni, Desmarest Mamm., p. 239 (1820) [in part]. Mirounga patagonica, Gray Griffith's Anim. Kingd., v, p. 180 (1827). Cystophora leonina, falklandica, proboscidea, et kerguelensis, Peters Mo- natsber. Akad. Berlin, p. 394 (1875). i Distribution.—Antarctic and Southern seas, 7.¢., Kerguelen, Falkland, Patagonia, Juan Fernandez. a. Upper canine oe C K. Hamilton, 1860, A.S.B. 310 MAMMALIA, Order CETACEA. Marine rarely fluviatile Mammals, with a thick, hairless skin and a flattened caudal fin;a certain number of the seven cervical vertebra confluent ; no sacrum ; only very few of the ribs are provided witha capitulum or are connected with the sternum; no clavicles; the forelimbs are not provided with nails and form broad flattened paddles ; the traces of the hind limb are scanty and entirely inter- nal; the brain case is spheroidal, with broad basis cranii; the fused supraoccipitals and interparietals generally meet the frontals in front and separate the small laterally placed parietals from one another ; a large supraorbital present; nasal bones very short, not covering the ventral nasal passages; rami of mandible with no ascending process; dentition homodont, monophyodont, teeth with single roots ; pinna auris absent ; stomach complex; salivary glands absent; kidneys lobulate ; os penis not present ; mammz inguinal two in number ; placenta diffuse. Our knowledge of the Indian Cetacea is primarily due to Blyth, who wrote a paper in the Journal of the Asiatic Society, Vol. XXVIII, describing all the remains of Cetacea from Indian seas which he had been able to secure for the Museum of the Asiatic Society ; secondly, to Anderson, who in his Anatomical and Zoolo- gical Researches, gives a complete account of the two fresh-water Dolphins of Indian Rivers, and of the skeleton of the fin-back whale found in the Indian Ocean; and, lastly, to Owen, who (Trans. Zool. Soc., Vol. VI) described the remains of a large number of Indian Cetacea collected by Sir W. Elliot on the Madras Coast. The following synopsis is entirely based on the various writings of Prof. Flower, of which the chief are the papers in the Transactions of the Zoological Society, Vol. VI, in the Proceedings for 1883, and the articles Mammalia and Whales in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Synopsis of Indian Genera, a. Teeth never functionally developed ; upper jaws provided with plates of baleen; external respiratory aperture double; rami of mandible arched outwards, the anterior ends connected by fibrous tissue only ; sternum a single piece connected with one pair of ribs only [ =Mystacoceti]. Balenoptera, p. 313. a*, Teeth present and functional ; no baleen; external respiratory aperture single; rami of the mandible straight, the anterior ends forming a true symphysis ; sternum of several pieces and connected with several pairs of ribs. [ =Odontoceti.] 4, Costal cartilages not ossified ; hinder ribs loose the tubercular and retain the capitular articulation with the vertebra ; CETACEA. 311 cervical vertebrae ankylosed together ; no functional teeth in the upper jaw; pectoral limbs small; dorsal fin usually present. c. Teeth in lower jaw, 20 to 25 in number; rostrum greatly elongated; mandible long and narrow, the symphysis occupying more than half the length of the ramus. Physeter, p. 314. ¢*, Teeth in the lower jaw, 9to 12 in number; rostrum short, not exceeding the cranium in length; mandibular symphysis less than half the length of the ramus, ' Kogia, p. 315. 8". Costal cartilages not ossified; the tubercular and capitular articulation of thé ribs blending posteriorly; cervical verte- brze all free; mandibular symphysis very long, exceeding half the length of the ramus; dorsal fin rudimentary ; eye rudimentary ; fluviatile or estuarine. Platanista, p. 315. é3, Costal cartilages firmly ossified ; posterior ribs lose their capi- tular articulation and are united to the transverse processes of the vertebrze by the tubercular process ; some of the ante- rior cervical vertebrz generally ankylosed ; numerous teeth in both jaws; symphysis of mandible short or moderate, not exceeding 3 of the ramus; dorsal fin usually present. [= Delphinide.] d, With rounded head ; no distinct rostrum or beak ; in the skull the rostral equals the cranial portion in length ; atlas and axis firmly united; pterygoids small and widely separated. e. Crowns of the teeth laterally compressed ; teeth }§ to 22; no dorsal fin. Neomeris, p. 318. e*. Crowns of the teeth conical and pointed. f. Pterygoid bones widely separated from one another; teeth 12 to 14 small, occupying the whole length of the rostrum. Orcella, p. 318. f°. Pterygoid bones normal, meeting in the middle line; teeth 2 to 8, occupying only the anterior part of the rostrum; dorsal fin low and triangular. Globicephalus, p. 319. f®. Pterygoid bones normal, meeting in the middle line; teeth small 23 to 38, not exceeding 4 mm. in diameter; rostrum slightly exceeding in length the cranium, Lagenorhynchus, p. 21. 312 MAMMALIA. @, With distinctly elongated rostrum generally marked off from the antenarial adipose elevation by a V-shaped groove; the rostral considerably exceeds the cranial portion of the skuli in length; atlas and axis united, other cervical vertebre free. g. Pterygoid bones normal, meeting in the middle line. A. Palate with deep lateral grooves; symphysis of lower jaw short; teeth small not exceeding 3 mm. in diameter and #9 to 89 in number. Delphinus, p. 321. h®, Palate not grooved; symphysis of mandible short; teeth stout 6 to 7 mm. in antero- posterior diameter, 3} to 23 in number. Tursiops, p. 323.. A’, Palate not grooved; symphysis of mandible short; teeth $8 to £8, small not exceeding 3 mm. in diameter. Prodelphinus, p. 324. h*. Palate not grooved ; symphysis of the mandi- ble longer than 3th the length of the ramus; rostrum long and narrow; teeth 23 to 28, large 5 to 6 mm. in diameter. Steno, p. 324. g*. Pterygoid bones narrow, separated inthe middle line, their inner borders diverging posteriorly ; teeth 29 to $8 in number, 4 to 5 mm. in dia- meter. Sotalia. p. 325. Genus BALAENA, Balena, Linnaeus Syst, Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 105 (1766). Balaena australis. Balena australis, Desmoulins Dict. Class, H. N., ii, p. 161 (1822); Blyth, F. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 488; id. Cat. no. 200, p. 94; Flower P. Z. S., 1864, p. 390; id. List Cetacea B. M., p. 1. The Southern Right Whale. Distribution.—Southern Seas. Bp Beeps } sate No history, A.S.B. 3 vertebra Balaena mysticetus. Balaena mysticetus, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12thed., i, p. 105 (1766) ; Blyth Cat. no, 289, p.93; Flower P.Z. S., 1864, p.’ 390; id. List Cetacea B. M., p.t BALAENOPTERA. 313 The Greenland Right Whale. Distribution.—Arctic Seas. a. Aflake of Balen sana Dr. McGowan, 1860, A.S.B. Genus BALAENOPTERA. Balaenoptera, Lacépéde Hist. Nat. Cétacés Tab. Ordres, p. xxxvi (1804)*. The Whales inhabiting the Northern Indian Ocean were first investigated by Blyth who described, from the remains catalogued below, Balaenoptera indica; Anderson (see below) believes that there are at least 3 species of Finback whales found in the Indian seas. Balaenoptera indica, the largest about 84 feet in length ; a median-sized whale, whose existence is only indicated by certain vertebre now in the Museum, attaining a length of about 60 feet for which he proposed the name Balaenoptera blythi; and a small species not exceeding 40 feet, which is founded on the nearly complete skeleton of the Sittang Whale (see below), for which the ‘name B. edeniis proposed ; these whales all seem to be closely al- lied to a species, Balaenoptera schlegelii, described by Prof. Flower (P. Z. S., 1864, p. 400) from Java and afterwards described and figured in great detail by Van Beneden and Gervais in the Osteo. graphie des Cétacés ; they donot seem to differ from one another at all except in size. Balaenoptera indica. Balaenoptera sp., Blyth $. A. S. B., xxi, p. 358 (1852); id. F. A. S. B., xxii, P. 414. Balaenoptera indica, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 488 (1859); id. F. A. S.B, xxix, p. 451; id. Cat. no. 288, p. 93; Ferdon Mamm., p. 161; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 551; Murray Zool, Sind, p. 41. Distributione—The Bay of Bengal and the northern part of the Indian Ocean ; this is probably also the whale recorded from the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf. a, Lower jaws, radius, 1st, 2n oth, ath lntabar, ae Isle, Arakan T. P. Sparks, A.S.B. 3rd caudal verte- brae and 1 rib. [Type of Balaenoptera indica, Blyth.] 4, Pt. of skull, atlas, 1 lumbar 2 cau- dal, body of a dorsal vertebra, iy Sondip Isle, Babu Uday Chand 3 ribs, right * nr, Chittagong, 11-74. Dutt. shoulder girdle, hyoid and some epiphyses. 314 MAMMALIA. Balaenoptera blythi. Balaenoptera blythi, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 564 (1878). Distribution.—? Bay of Bengal. a 4 i a ? Bay of Bengal Medical College [Ex.], 1879. iri [Type of Balaenoptera blythi, Anderson.} Balaenoptera edeni, Balaenoptera edeni, Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. §51, pl. xliv (1878). Distribution.—Only known from the Bay of Bengal. Thaybyoo Choung, Gulf Sir A. Eden and Major ribs and one pec- of Martaban, Burma, Duff. toral arch re- «. Skeleton =| stored in plaster. [Type of B. edeni, Anderson.] b. Skeleton al- Sidhi Isle, Noakholly C.E. F. Tonnerre. most com- Dist., 1-go. plete. C Skull Arakan Coast (Prof. Medical Coll. Mus. [Ex.] Walker). Genus PHYSETER. Physeter, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 107 (1766). Physeter macrocephalus. Physeter macrocephalus, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 107 (1766); Blyth $. A. S. B., xxix, p. 452; Blyth Cat. no, 287, p. 93; Flower Trans. Zool. Soc., vi, p. 309, pls. lv, lvi; Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 8. The Cachalot or Sperm Whale. Distribution.—The temperate seas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ; it has been recorded (Blyth /.c.) from the seas round Ceylon and the Malabar Coast; and a specimen about 24 feet long was washed ashore at Madras in January 1889, the skull of which has been preserved in the Madras Museum; the lower jaw contained 23 functional teeth and above imbedded in the gum were 12 rudimentary teeth on either side. a-c. 3 Teeth sane No history, A.S.B. d. Small tooth eeu R. C. Tytler, 1864, A.S.B. ef. 2 Teeth Australia C. S. Guthrie, 1867. g. Tooth Mauritius S. R. Elson. PLATANISTA. 315 Genus KOGIA, Kogis, Gray Zool. Ereb. and Terr., p. 22 (1846). Euphysetes, Wall Hist. and Descript. New Sperm Whale, Sydney (1851)*. Kogia breviceps. Physeter breviceps, Blainville Ann. Anat. Phys., ii, p. 337 (1838)*. Kogia breviceps, Gray Zool, Ereb, and Terr, p. 22 (1846); Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 9. Euphysetes gray1, Wall Hist. and Descript. New Sperm Whale, Sydney (1851)*. Euphysetes simus, Owen Trans. Zool. Soc., vi, p. 30, pls. X-xiv (1865). Distribution —The temperate and tropical seas of both hemi- spheres ; was procured by Sir W. Elliot at Waltair near Madras. (No specimens in the Indian Museum.] Genus PLATANISTA. Platanista, G. Cuvier Oss. Foss., 3rd ed., v, pt. i, p. 279 (1824)# Platanista gangetica. Delphinus gangeticus, Lebeck N. Schrift. Ges. naturf. Freunde, iii, p. 280 (1801)* ; Roxburgh As. Res., vii, p. 170, pl. v; Home Phil. Trans., 1818, p- 417, pl. xx; Lesson Hist. Nat. Cétacés, p. 215. Delphinus rostratus, Shaw Genl. Zool., ii, pt. 2, p. 514 (1801). Delphinus shawensis, Blainville N. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat.,ix, p. 153 (1817). Platanista gangetica, G. Cuvier Oss. foss., 3rd ed , v, pt.i, p. 279, pl. xxii, figs. 8to 10, pl. xxiii, fig. 19 (1824)* ; Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., ii, pl. xxiv ; Cuvier Hist. Nat. Cét., pl. viii, fig. 2*; Fardine Nat, Libr. Mamm., vi, p. 254, pl. xxviii; McClelland Calc. Fourn. N. H., i, p. 425; Eschricht Naturud, Kong. danske, videns. Selskab. (5), ii, p. 347* ; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus. p. 139 3 Eschricht Ann. Mag. N. H.,(2) ix, pp. 161, 279, pls. v, vi, viii ; Blyth F.A.S. B., xxviii, p. 492; id. Cat. no. 286, p.92; Ferdon Mamm. no 144, p. 158; Flower Trans. Zool. Soc., vi, p,87; Anderson Anat. Zool, Res., p. 417, pls. xxv, etct.; Flower List Cetacea B. M.,p. 12. Platanista indi, Blyth ¥. A. S.B., xxviii, p. 493 (1859); id. Caz. no. 285, p. 92; Fferdon Mammals, no. 145, p. 159; Murray Zool. Sind, p. 40. The Gangetic Dolphin; Susa, Sous, Sunsar in the Ganges; Bulhan in Sind ; Hihoo, Sihoo, Huh in Assam. Distribution,— The Ganges and its tributaries, including the Bra- mapootra and the Cachar Rivers and the Karnaphuli River of Chittagong ; the Indus and its tributaries, all from their exit from the hills to their mouths. a. Stuffed @ ieonee A. Duvancel, 4.S.B. _ 6, Stuffed 9? cues _E. Blyth, 1843, A.S.B. 316 ce. Stuffed juv. d. Stuffed e. Skeleton J. Skeleton g- Skeleton ’. Skeleton j- Skeleton k. Skeleton 2, Skeleton (skull in spirit). m, Skeleton n. Skeleton juv. o. Skeleton WWwKKBRO 40 3 Oy _ juv. p. Skeleton ay juv. q. Skeleton ju. ¢ r-t. 3 Skeletons of juv. and 9. u. Skeleton 9 v. Skeleton w, Skeleton juv. x. Skeleton juv. y-2, 2 Skeletons a’, pt. of skele- ton. &, Skeleton mted. e3.q?, 2 Skulls e?, Skull juv. S?. Skull g3. Skull #7, Skull juv. a’, Brain 43, Coecum F*. Placenta and foetal membranes. e8, Penis MAMMALIA, Sutlej River Hughli River, 19-7-66 _12-8-66 16-8-66 23-8-66 ” 1 -12-2-67 13-2-67 ” ” ” ” 24-2-69 29-10-76 ” ” ” ” 6-9-77 4-4°79 ” ” ” ” Bansi Creek, N.-W. of Dacca,16-7-67. Gauhati, Assam, 4-12-69. Cachar, 26-10-67 Indus River Baraset, 5-8-67 Hughli ? Dacca Chupra, Sarun Dist. Indus E. Blyth, 1849, A.S.B. G.E. Wakefield, 1867. J. Anderson, 2 J. Anderson. J. Anderson. J. Anderson, ]. Anderson. J. Anderson. J. Anderson. J. Anderson. Coms. Police. J. Wood Mason. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. A. L. Clay. J. Butcher. Sir J. Edgar. Karachi Mus. [Ex.] No history. No history. H. Clark. N. Wallich, A.S.B. A. L. Clay. C. B. Garrett. Sir A. Burnes, A.S.B. [Type of P. indi of Blyth.] Anatomical. No history. c8. Kidney, d°, Generative organs. g’. Skeleton in spirit. Genus MONODON. Monodon, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., rath ed., i, Pp. 105 (1766). PHOCAENA. 317 Monodon 'monoceros. Monodon monoceros, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p, 105 (1766); Blyth Cat, no. 276, p. 90; Flower P. Z. S , 1883, p- 504 ; id. List Cetacea B. M., Pp» 14. The Narwhal. Distribution.—Arctic Seas, north of 65° N. lat. a. Skelet. mtd. Lancaster Sound (Capt. Dundee Mus, [Ex.] McLennan in Steam- whaler Narwhal, 7-76). &. Tooth sabiaes me Lumsden, 1820, Genus DELPHINAPTERUS. Delphinapterus, Lacépéde Hist. Nat, Cétacés Tabl, des Ord., p. xli (1804)*, Beluga, Gray Spiceleg. Zool., p. 2 (1828). Delphinapterus leucas. Delphinus leucas, Pallas Reise, iii, p. 85 (1776)*- Balaena albicans, O. F. Miiller Zool. Dan. Prodr., p. 7 (1776)*. Delphinapterus beluga, Lacépéde Hist, Nat. Cétacés, p. 243 (1804)*. Beluga catodon, Gray Zool. Eveb. & Terr., p. 29 (1846) ; Blyth Cat. no. 275, P- 90. Delphinapterus leucas, Flower P.Z. S., p» 505 (1883); id. List Cetacea B, M., p. 14. The White Whale. Distribution —Arctic Seas and perhaps the Australian coasts (Delphinus kingi of Gray). a, Skull Greenland Copenhagen Mus., 1840, A.S.B. Genus PHOCAENA. Phocaena, G. Cuvier Regne Anim., 1st ed.,i, p. 279 (1817). Phocaena communis. Delphinus phocaena, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 108 (1766), _ Phocaena communis, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 413 (1827); Blyth Cat, no. 271, p- 88; Flower P. Z. S., 1883, p. 505; id. List Cetacea B. M., p. 15. , Distribution.— Coasts of tbe North Atlantic, both European and American, the species found in the North Pacific is probably dis- tinct. a-b, 2 Skulls Greenland eopeiegen Mus, [Ex.] : 0B é Shalcton Christiania Univ., A.S.B. 318 MAMMALIA. Genus NEOMERIS, Neomeris, Gray Zool, Erebus and Terr., p. 30 (1846). Neomeris phocaenoides. Delphinus phocaenoides, G. Cuvier Reg. Anim., ond ed., i, p. 291 (1820)*, Delphinus melas, Temminck and Schlegel Faun. Fap. Mamm., p. 14, pls xxv, xxvi (1850). Neomeris phocaenoides, Gray Zool. Erebus and Terr. p. 30 (1846); Blyth F. A.S. B., xxix, p. 449; id. Cat. no, 272, p. 89; Flower P. Z.S., 1883, ps 506. Delphinapterus molagan, Owen Trans. Zool. Soc., vi, p. 24 (1869). Distribution.—Is recorded from the seas of Japan, the Bay of Bengal and the Cape of Good Hope. A second species from Karachi harbour which, however, does not seem to differ in any essential manner from the present species, has been described by Murray (Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xiii, p. 348) under the name of Neomeris kurrachiensis, (see also J. Bomb. N. H. Soc., i, p. 159, with plate), a. Skeleton ¢ Bay of Bengal Calcutta Bazaar [P.] A.S.B. 6, Stuffed sovee No history. Genus ORCELLA. Orcealla, Gray Cat, Seals and Whales, p. 285 (1866). Orcella, Anderson P. Z. S., p. 142 (1871). Synopsis of the two Indian Species. @. Dorsal fin lower and more falcate; pectoral fins shorter and broader. QO. brevirostris, p. 318. @*, Dorsal fin higher and less falcate; pectoral fin longer and narrower; skin marked with streaks. O. fluminalis, p. 319. Orcella brevirostris. Globiocephalus indicus, [pt.], apud Blyth $. A. S. B., xxi, p. 358 (1852); id. Ff. A. S.B., xxviii, p. 490; id. Cat, no. 274,p. 89; Ferdon Mammals, no. 146, p. 160. ee brevirostris, Owen Trans. Zool, Soc., vi, p. 24, pl. ix, figs, 1,2, 3 I . Orca (Orcaella), brevirostris, Gray Cat. Seals Whales B. M., p. 285 (1866). Orcella brevirostris, Anderson P.Z.S., p. 143 (1871) ; id. Anat. Zool. Res., p- 369, pl. xxv, etct.; Flower P. Z.S,, 1883, p. 507; id. List Cetacea, B. M., p. 17. GLOBICEPHALUS. 319 Distrit stion.—Estuaries of the rivers flowing into the Bay of Bengal, recorded from Vizagapatam, the Hughli and Singapore. a. Stuffed, skull HughliR.,Serampore G, T. Lushington, A.S.B. é. Skull Chilka Lake, Orissa L. Schwendler, 1875. e. Skull Chilka Lake, Orissa W. C. Taylor. d, Skull Amherst beach, Burma ga Commr., Amherst, 1867. e. Skeleton ¢ Hughli River River Police. Jf. Skeleton Q Budge Budge, Hughli R. Purchased. g- Skeleton 9 Circular Canal, Calcutta J. F. Barckley. h. Skeleton Calcutta Bazaar Purchased, 1859, A.S.B. j- Skeleton Kistna R., Madras Pr. R.S. Ellis. _ k. Skeleton sovese Purchased, 1867. 1. Skeleton 9Q saeues Purchased. Orcella fluminailis. Orcella fluminalis, Anderson P. Z.S., p. 143 (1871); id. Anat. Zool, Res. p- 358, pl. xxva,etct; Flower List Cetacea B, M., p. 17. Distribution.—The Irrawaddy and its affluents, from Prome upwards extending to just beyond Bhamo. a. Skeleton ¢ Bhamo Capt. Bowers, 1870. [Type of O. fluminalis, Anderson.] 6. Skeleton g Bhamo Capt. Cooke [P.] c. Skeleton Irrawaddy, above Major Adamson. Bhamo. Genus GLOBICEPHALUS. Globicephalus Lesson Nouv. Tabl. Regn. Anim., p. 200 (1842). Globicephalus melas. Delphinus melas, Traill Nichol, fourn., xxii, p. 81 (1809)*. Delphinus globiceps, Cuvier Ann. Mus. Paris, xix, p. 14, pl. i (1812), Globiocephalus svineval, Gray Zool. Eveb. and Terr., p. 32 (1846). Globicephalus deductor, apud Blyth Cat. no. 273, p. 89 (1863). Globicephalus melas, Flower List Cetacea B, M., p. 19 (1885). Distribution.—Apparently Cosmopolitan ; there are specimens in the British Museum from the English and American coasts in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the Falkland Islands and New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere. a, Skull Greenland pa a Museum, 1840, Globicephalus indicus. Globicephalus sp., Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xix, p. 426 (1850). Globicephalus indicus, Blyth F. A. S.B., xxi, p. 358 (1852); id., ¥.4.S.B., xXviii, pe 490; id. Cat., no. 274, p. 89; Ferdon Mammals no. 146, p. 160. 320 MAMMALIA. Distribution.—Bay of Bengal. The above synonymy also refers partly to what Blyth consi- dered the young form of this species, but which was subsequently shown by Anderson to be really a different species (Orcella brevi- rostris, see supra). : The skull of Globicephalus indicus differs from that of G. melas, in having the premaxillz on the rostrum so broadened, as to cover the maxillee completely; the teeth are also much larger and less numerous than in G. melas. This is exactly the difference pointed out by Prof. Flower be- tween the skull of G. melas and G. macrorhynchus (Gray Zool. Ereb. Terr., p. 33) which was got from the Cape of Good Hope. To this broad-snouted group of the genus Globicephalus, there also belong G. scammoni Cope from the Pacific, and G. brachypterus Cope from the Atlantic coasts of the Southern States and also G. guadaloupensis (= G. intermedius) ; True (Contribu- tions to the Natural History of the Cetaceans in Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 36) considers that G. scammoni of the Pacific and G. brachypterus of the Atlantic differ specifically, and G. indicus seems to be rather more allied to the latter than to the former. The following are the measurements of the two skulls of G. indicus and also of the one of G. melas above; the measurements are the same as those given by True in the paper quoted above and are given in centimetres. G. indicus, G,indicus, G, melas, a 6 a Total length . 2 . . . 564 65 69 Length of beak. . 3 . 294 °33 364 Breadth of beak, atits base. ‘ 23 28 244 ma a at its middle ie 204 25 21 Breadth of premaxille at middle of beak . . . . . 5 19 22 17 Greatest breadth between the outer margins of the premaxillz proxi- mally . . . : . 04 163 164 Length of tooth line ‘ ‘ . 1st 14 18 Last tooth to base of maxillary notch 18 20 21 -Extremity of beak to the anterior mar- gin of the narial opening. . 4t 44% 49 Extremity of beak to the end of the pterygoid crest . ‘ . s 38 44 48 Breadth between the orbits. = 4l 47 43 Breadth between the hinder margins of the temporal fossz : fs 27% 34 39 Length of the temporal fossz ie 123 rit 13 Depth of the temporal fosse . ‘ 144 144 10 Length of the mandible . 3 : 47 56 53 Length of mandibular symphysis . 8 9 8 Length of the mandibular tooth row 13 133 174 Number of teeth. 2" ‘ ‘ rx txt 10 x 19 DELPHINUS, 321 a, Skeleton mtd.@ Salt Water Lakes, E. Blyth, 1850, A.S.B. Calcutta. 6. Skull @ Salt Water Lakes, E. Blyth, 1850, A.S.B. Calcutta. [Types of Globicephalus indicus, Blyth.] e Skull eins No history. Genus LAGENORHYNCHUS. Lagenorhynchus, Gray Zool. Eveb, & Terr., p. 34 (1846). Lagenorhynchus acutus. Delphinus acutus, Gray Spiceleg. Zool., i, p. 2 (1828). Delphinus eschrichtii, Schlegel Abhan, Gebiet. Zool., i, p. 23, pls. i, ii, fig. 4, iv, fig. 5 (1841). Delphinus leucopleurus, Rasch Nyt Mag, Naturvidens., iv, p. 97, pls. ii, iii (1843). a ee leucopleurus, Gray Zool, Ereb, & Terr., -p. 34 (1846) ; Blyth Cat. no. 281, p. Qt. Leucopleurus arcticus, Gray Suppl. Cat. Seals and Whales, p. 78 (1871). Lagenorhynchus acutus, Flower P. Z,S., p. 511 (1883); id. List Cetacea B.M.,p. 23- Distribution.—North Atlantic and North Sea. a. Skeleton Norwegian Coast Christiania Univ. [Ex.], A.S.B. Lagenorhynchus electra. Lagenorhynchus electra, Gray Zool. Ezeb. & Terr., p. 35 (1846); Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 23. . Phocaena pectoralis, Peale Mamm. and Ornith, U, S. Explor, Exped., 1st ed., p. 32, pl. vi, fig. i (1848)*. Electra obtusa, Gray Suppl. Cat. Seals and Whales, p. 76 (1874). Delphinus (Lagenorhynchus) fusiformis, Owen Trans. Zool, Soc., vi, p.22, pl. v, fig. i (1856). Distribution Bay of Bengal (Elliot) and Pacific (Sandwich ’ Isles). [Xo specimen in the Indian Museum.] Genus DELPHINUS. Delphinus, Linnaeus Syst, Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 108 (1765). Delphinus delphis. Delphinus delphis, Linneus Syst. Nat., tath ed., i, p. 108 (1776); Flower P. Z. S., 1883, p. 512; id. List Cetacea B. M., p. 24. x 322 MAMMALIA. Distribution.—Cosmopolitan; there are in the British Museum specimens from the North and South Atlantic, and from the seas of New Zealand and Tasmania, a. Skeleton 2 2 2 aaa No history, A.S.B. 6. Lower jaw Indian Ocean Purchased. only. «. Lower jaw Nicobar Isles F. A. de Roepstorff, only. [The above two probably of this species.] Delphinus frithi. Delphinus sp., Blyth F. A. S. B., xvi, p. 386 (1847). Delphinus frithi, Blyth $.A. S. B., xxviii, p. 492 (1859); id. Cat. no. 279, p- Ol Distribution.—Probably the Indian Ocean. This species, which is represented only by a skull, _ is closely allied to Delphinus delphis, it has the grooved palate characteristic of the genus as restricted by Flower; the teeth are not in good condition, many of them having fallen out; the number given by Blyth is ee but it does not appear that there could ever have been more than 45 teeth above and below from the present state of the skull; the character by which Blyth thought to differentiate this species, namely, the fusing of the premaxillz together in the middle of their length is probably merely due to age and is shown to be also the case in the speci- men of D. delphis figured by Van Beneden and Gervais; there seems therefore to be no reason why this skull should not be referred to D. delphis; as, however, there is no authentic specimen of D. delphis in the Indian Museum with which to compare it, it will perhaps be better for the present to let Blyth’s name stand. a, Skull Indian or Atlantic R. W. G. Frith, A.S.B. Oceans. [Type of D. frithi, Blyth.] Deiphinus pomeegra. Delphinus pomeegra, Owen Trans. Zool. Soc., vi; p. 23, pl. vi, fig. 3, pl. viii (1866) ; Flower List Cetacea B. M, p. 26. Distribution. —Bay of Bengal. Probably conspecific with D. delphis. [No specimen in the Indian Museum. ] Delphinus longirostris. Delphinus longirostris, G. Cuvier Regn. Anim., 2nd ed., p, 228 (1829)* Van Beneden et Gervais Osteog. des Ceiacés, p. 604, pl. xxxix, figs. 10-11, TURSIOPS. 323 Distribution.— Malabar Coast. This species is distinguished from Delphinus delphis by the number of its teeth oe the beak forms 67°9 per cent. of the total length of the skull, a proportion never reached in any speci- men of D, delphis (cf. True Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 36, p. 59). [No specimen in the Indian Museum.] Genus TURSIOPS. Tursiops, Gervais Hist. Nat. Mamm., ii, p. 323 (1855)*. ‘Tursiops tursio. Delphinus tursio, Fabricius Faun. Grenl., p. 49 (1780)*. Delphinus truncatus, Montagu Mem. Wern. Soc., iii, p. 75 , pl. iii (1821). Delphinus eurynome, Gray Zool. Ereb. and Terr., p. 38 (1846); Blyth Cat. NO. 277, P. 90. Tursiops tursio, Flower P.Z.°S. p. 512 (1883); id. List Cetacea B. My, p. 20. 4 Distribution.—Atlantic and Indian Oceans extending to the Bay of Bengal. There is a specimen identified by Prof. Flower with this species in the British Museum from the Seychelle Islands, so there is no reason that the two specimens catalogued below should not be identified with this species, though without direct comparison it f$ impossible to be certain. a Skull ae Medical College, Calcutta, A.S.B. 4. Skull Bay of Bengal Capt. Fairweather, A.S.B. c, Skeleton Port Natal O. L, Fraser. Tursiops perniger. Delphinus perniger, Blyth $¥. A. S.B., xvii, p. 250 (1848); id. ¥. A. S. 3B, xxviii, p. 491; id. Cat. no. 280, p. 91; Ferdon Mamm., p. 157. Distribution.—The Bay of Bengal. This species can never be properly identified as the type con- sists of a stuffed specimen and only about 8 inches of the beak of the skull; it is best assigned to Tursiops, from the typical speci- mens of which, however, it differs in the fact that the tooth row above is only about 73 inches long, whereas in Tursiops tursic the measurement is between g and 10 inches; the teeth are large between 5 and 6mm. in antero-posterior diameter. a. Stuffed and__ Bay of Bengal Sir W. Elliot, A.S.B. pt. of skull. {Type of Delphinus perniger, Blyth.] 324 MAMMALIA. Genus PRODELPHINUS. Clymene, Gray P. Z. S., p. 237 (1864). Clymenia, Gray Suppl. Cat. Seals and Whales, p. 69 (1871). Prodelphinus, Van Beneden et Gervais Osteogr. des Cétaces, p. 604 (1880). Prodelphinus obscurus. Delphinus obscurus, Gray Spiceleg. Zool., p. 2 (1828); Blyth Cat. no. 278, Pp. 90. 5 Clymenia obscura, Flower P. Z. S., p. 512 (1883). Prodelphinus obscurus, Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 28 (1885). Distributton.—Southern seas ; there are in the British Museum and in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons specimens from New Zealand, the Capeand the west coast of South America. The skulls catalogued below certainly belong to the genus Pro- delphinus as defined by Prof. Flower (P.Z.S., 1883); they seem more nearly allied to P. obscurus than to any other species. @ Skull es No history, A.S.B. 6. Skull Palk Straits, Ceylon O. L. Fraser. Prodelphinus attenuatus. Steno attenuatus, Gray Zool. Ereb. and Terr., p. 44, pl. xxviii (1846); Blyth Cat. no. 283, p. 92. Clymenia attenuata, Flower P. Z. S., p. 512 (1883). Prodelphinus attenuatus, Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 30 (1885). Distribution —Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal to the Cape. The specimens attributed to this species, bear a considerable resemblance to the specimens identified with the previous P. obscurus, but the rostra are considerably narrower and the teeth . 38-40 - 30, more numerous, being about eo instead of as a. Skull aaeens No history, A.S.B. 6, Skull Bay of Bengal Capt. Jethro Fairweather, 1859, A.S.B. e. Skull Cape of Good Hope R. C. Tytler, 1859, A.S.B. d. Lower jaw tana C. Henry, A.S.B. e-f. 2 Skulls, no aauee No history, A.S.B. lower jaws. Genus STENO. Steno, Gray Zool. Ereb. and Terr., p. 43 (1846). Steno rostratus. Delphinus rostratus, Desmarest N. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat., ix, p. 160 (1817). SOTALIA. 325 Delphinus frontatus (pt.), G. Cuvier Oss, foss., 2nd ed., v., pt. 8 el: cui: figs, = 8 tisaae. Se » 2n » V., pt. 1, p. 279, Steno frontatus, Gray Zool. Ereb. and Terr., p. 43 (1846) ; Blyth Cat. no. 282 p. gl. . Steno rostratus, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xxviii, p. 491 (1859); Flower P.Z.S., 1883, p.513; id. List Cetacea B. M., p. 31. Distribution.—The Indian Ocean including the Red Sea and Bay of Bengal, the Southern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. a. Skull Red Sea J. Owen, 1844, A.S.B. 6, Skull rae Isles, Bay of H. Lewis, 1846, A.S.B. engal. e, Skull “Calcutta Bazaar” J. Armstrong. Genus SOTALIA. Sotalia, Gray Cat. Seals and Whales, p. 393 (1866). Sotalia gadamu. Delphinus (Steno) gadamu, Owen Trans. Zool. Soc., vi, p. 17, pl. iii, figs. 1-2, pl. iv, figs. 1-5 (1866). Sotalia gadamu, Flower P. Z. S., p. §13 (1883); id. List Cetacea B, M., P- 33- Distribution.—Indian Seas (Vizagapatam and Karachi). The teeth of the specimen catalogued below are about 33 in number, while those of the type of S, gadamu are rather fewer, being only 27-28. a. Skull, no lower jaw deine No history, A.S.B. Sotalia plumbea. Delphinus plumbeus, G. Cuvier Reg. Anim., 2nd ed., i, p. 283 (1829)*; Ferdon Mamm., no. 143, p. 157; Murray Zool. Sind, p. 39. Sotalia plumbea, Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 32 (1885). Distribution—Is recorded from the Malabar Coast and from Sind. [No ‘specimen in the Indian Museum.] Sotalia lentigenosa. Delphinus (Steno ?) lentigenosus, Owen Trans. Zool. Soc., vi, p. 20, pl. v, figs. 2, 3 (1866); Sterndale F. Bomb. N.H. Soc., ii, p. 51. : Sotalia lentigenosa, Flower List Cetacea B. M., p. 33 (1885). Distribution.—Bay of Bengal (Vizagapatam, Elliot). [No specimen in the Indian Museum.) 326 MAMMALIA, Order SIRENIA. Mammals of herbivorous and aquatic habits, with an almost hair- less skin, a horizontal flattened caudal fin and an odontoid process ; no sacrum; the capitulum of the rib articulates with the centrum of the vertebra ; no claws ; fore-limbs paddle-shaped with rndimen- tary nails ; digits never provided with more than three phalanges ; no trace of hind-limbs ; brain-case cylindroidal; the parietals meet in a sagittal suture; the rami of the mandible have a high ascending portion (in these two points differing from Cetacea) ; frontals with large supra-orbital processes ; nasals aborted ; salivary glands well developed ; a caecum present ; testes abdominal ; mam- me pectoral. Genus HALICORE, Halicore, J/liger Prodr., p. 140 (1811). Halicore dugong, Trichechus dugung, Erxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., p. 599 (1777). Halicore dugong, Llliger Prodr.,p. 140 (1811) ; Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., ii, pl. xxiii ; Horsfield Cat. E. I. Mus., p. 139; Blyth Cat. no. 461, p. 143; Ferdon Mamm., no. 240, p. 311; Blyth F. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 53; Nevill Taprobanian, i, p. 2. Halicore indicus, Desmarest Mamm., p. 509 (1822) ; Cantor ¥. A. S.B., xv, p- 274; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p.89; Blyth F. A. S.B., xxviii, P. 494. Halicore tabernaculi, Rippell and Simmerring Mus. Senckenb., i, p. 99, pl. vi (1834). Distribution.—The coasts of the Indian Ocean from Mozam- bique to the Red Sea, Malabar, Ceylon, Andamans and Tenas- serim to Singapore. The Australian species was separated by Owen, chiefly on ac- count of the fact that it possessed 24 instead of 20 molar teeth, this does not seem to be a constant difference, as both species excep- tionally develope 6 molars instead of 5. There seem to be, however, other distinctions, some of which were noticed by Owen, these distinctions have been ignored by modern writers by whom all the Dugongs are included under one specificname, Ifan Australian skull be compared with an Anda- manese one of approximately the same age, it will be found that the very large external nasal opening is in the Australian skull distinctly heart-shaped, the sides of the opening forming a conti- nuous curve ; in the Andamanese skull the opening is pear-shaped, the sides of the opening bulging forward anteriorly so as to con- strict the opening ; in the Australian skull too, the anterior projec- tion of the fronta] bones which, with the premaxillz and the maxille HALICORE. 327 form the side wall of nasal opening, is very much more prominent and raised up than inthe Andaman species. As was pointed out by Owen, the scapula of the two forms also presents several points of distinction, the coracoid process is much more developed in the Australian species than in the Andaman form, the notch between the coracoid process and the anterior part of the blade is also strongly developed in the Australian, where- as in the Indian species there is hardly any notch at all; the curve of the posterior edge of the blade is very much greater in the Andaman than in the Australian example; the acromion too is much higher and bigger in the Andamanese form. Curiously enough the skull entered in Blyth’s Catalogue under the number 462B, and believed by him to be the skull of an Australian specimen, agrees in every way with the Andamanese species in the Museum, and has therefore been entered here under the name of H. dugong; it is very possible that there has been some mistake in the locality of the skull in question. It seems to be generally acknowledged that the Red Sea form, (H. tabernaculi of Rippell) is indistinguishable from the Indian species. a. Skeleton ¢ Andamans E. H. Man [P.] 6. Skeleton = cane No history. (foetus). e. Skull Port Blair, Andamans —_ Col. Ford, 1867. d. Skull Nicobars F. A. deRoepstorff. e. Lower jaw Nicobars, Andamans F. A. deRoepstorff. J. Lower jaw Andamans R. C. Tytler, A.S.B. g. Skull Gulf of Carpentaria ? Dr. R. Tytler, A.S.B. A. Skull nee te Purchased. Halicore australis. Halicore australis, Owen in Fukes Voyage of H.M.S. Fly, ii, p. 323 (1847). Halicore dugung, var. australis, Collett Zool. F.B., ii, p. 851 (1887). Distribution.~-Coasts of Australia. w. Stuffedand Queensland Brisbane Mus. [Ex.] skeleton mtd. b. Skeleton Queensland Purchased. Order EDENTATA The Order Edentata is a very polymorphic one and not easily defined ;the forms included in it have, however, the following points of structure in common; teeth present or absent, when present, consisting of molars only, and springing from persistent pulps devoid of enamel. 328 MAMMALIA. The only genus represented in the Indian Empire is Manis, which is characterised by being covered externally by large im- bricated horny scales ; no teeth ; tongue long, vermiform and pro- tractile; limbs short, with five complete digits to each foot; a dif- fused and non-deciduate placenta. Genus CHOLOPUS. Cholcepus, Illiger Prodr., p. 108 (1811). Cholopus didactylus. Bradypus didactylus, Linneus Syst. Nat., rath ed., i, p. §1 (1766). .Cholcepus didactylus, Jlliger Prody., p. 108 (1811); Gray Cat, Carn. Mamm., p. 363. Distribution, —Brazil and Guiana. w. Skin,skull @ hae 4 Zoological Gardens, and bones. Cholopus hoffmanni. Choleepus hoffmanni, Peters Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, p.128 (1858) ; Gray Cat. Carn, Mamm., p. 363; P. L. Sclater P. Z.S., 1872, p. 861, pl. Ixxii ; Alston Biol. Centr.-Amer. Mamm., p. 186. Distribution,—Central and South America from Costa Rica to Ecuador. a. Skeleton sisiias's Purchased. mtd. Genus MYRMECOPHAGA, Myrmecophaga, Linnaus Syst, Nat., 12th ed. i, p. 51 (1766). Myrmecophaga jubata. Myrmecophaga jubata, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., 12th e a. i, p. 52 (1766); BL Cat., p.178; Alston Biol, Centr. Amer.-Mamm bP SPITS) Bt +) P. IQT. Distribution —America from Guatemala to Paraguay. a, Stuffed sactia A. D. Bartlett, A.S.B, Genus TATUSIA. Tatusia, Lesson Man, Mamm., p. 309 (1827). MANIS. 329 Tatusia novemcincta. Dasypus novemcinctus, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 54 (1766). Dasypus peba, Desmarest Mamm., p. 368 (1822). Dasypus fenestratus, Peters Monatsber. Akad. Berlin, p, 180 (1864). Tatusia peba, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 377 (1869). - Tatusia novemcincta, Alston Biol. Centr.-Amer. Mamm., p. 188, pl. xx (1882). Distribution.—- America from Texas southwards to Paraguay. a, Alc sence British Mus, CEx.]. Genus DASYPUS. Dasypus, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 53 (1766). Euphractus, Wagler Nat. Syst. Amphib., p. 36 (1830). Dasypus sexcinctus. Dasypus sexcinctus, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 54 (1766); Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 381. Dasypus encoubert, Desmarest Mamm., p. 370 (1822). Distrtbution.—Brazil and Paraguay. a, Stuffed Brazil E, Blyth, 1865. 4, Skelet. mtd. ¢ senuee W. Rutledge. c, Skeleton and canes Zoological Gardens. carapace. a. Skeleton ¢ Seana Rajah R. Mullick. Genus MANIS. Manis, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. 52 (1766). Pholidotus, Gray P. Z. S., p. 365 (186s). Synopsis of Indian Species. a. Tail the same length as the body or rather shorter. 6. Scales very large and light olive coloured ; 11 to 13 longitudi- nal rows on the trunk ; a mesial line of 14 on the tail. M. pentadactyla, p. 330. &, Scales smaller and very dark ; 15 to 18 longitudinal rows on the trunk; a mesial line of 16 to 20 scales on the tail. M. aurita, p. 330. a*, Tail rather longer than the body ; scales very dark; 19 longi- tudinal rows on the trunk; and as many as 30 in the mesial ’ line of the tail. M. javanica, p. 331. 330 MAMMALIA. Manis pentadactyla. Manis pentadactyla, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed., i, p. §2 (1766) [in part] Sykes! P. Z. S., 1831, p. 104; Blyth FA. S.B., xi, p. 453; Turner P.Z.S5 1851, p. 219 ; Blyth F. A. S B., xxi, p. 351; Horsfield Cat. E. J, Mus., p. 196 ; Blyth Cat., p.179; Ferdon Mamm., no. 241, p. 314; McMaster Notes on Ferdon, p. 132; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 341, pl. xxiv, figs. 1 and 2. Manis brachyura, Erxleben Syst. Reg. Anim., i, p. 98 (1777) [in part] ; Gray Illustr. Ind. Zool., ii, pl. xxii; Biyth F. A.S. B., xx, p. 175. : Manis crassicaudata, Et. Geoff. St. Hil, Cat. Mamm., Mus. Hist. Nat., p- 213 (1803) *; Elliot Madras Fourn., x, p. 218; Tickell F. A. S.B., xi, p. 221 with plate ; Kelaart Prodr. Faun. Zeylan., p.74; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., iv, p. 203. Manis indicus, Lesson Hist. Nat. Mamm., iv, p. 520 (1834) [in part]. Manis laticauda, Sundevall Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Handl., p. 258 (1842)*. Pholidotus indicus, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 373 (1869); Murray Zool. Sind, p. 60. The Scaly Ant Eater or Manis; Hind. and Sanskrit, Bajar-kit, Bajrakapta, Sillu, Sukunkhor ; Kols, Armoi; Mahratta, Kaulimah ; Telegu, Alawa ; Mal., Alangu; Deccan, Banrohu (=Jungle carp) ; Bengal, Kot-pohu ; Sind, Chulla Mirron; Cingalese, Caballaya. Distribution. — Throughout India and Ceylon, from Sind in the west to Cuttack in the east, not extending into Lower Bengal, or found in the Himalayas. a-b, 2 Skins Shahbunder, Sind, Karachi Mus, [Ex.] c. Skin bit E. I. Mus., London. d. Skin eentee Purchased, 1871. e. Skin, skele- so sauee Zoological Gardens. ton 2 Ff. Skin, skull, saves Zoological Gardens. bones. @ g. Skin, skull, aivawe Zoological Gardens, bones ¢ h. Alc. De he om eis ° Zoological Gardens. j- Alc. Q@ Chittagong ? Zoological Gardens. BR Feetusof “ee? cows . Zoological Gardens, 2. Alc. foetus one ee Zoological Gardens. an, Skull Ceylon E. F. Kelaart, A.S.B. m-o. 2Skulls ae No history, A.S.B. p. Stuffed Chybassa S.R. Tickell, 1842, A.S.B. gq. Stuffed sana A. Masters, A.S.B. r. Skelet. mted. eee R. W. G. Frith, 1848, A.S.B sy Skull at ay No history. Manis aurita. Manis pentadactyla, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., rath ed.,i, p. 52 (1766) fin part]; Cantor Ann. Mag. N. H.,ix, p. 275 (1842) ; Gray Cat. Hodgs. Coll., 1st ed., p- 36; Blyth ¥. A.S. B, xxix, p. 03. Manis aurita, Hodgson F. A. S. B., v, p. 234 (1836); id. ¥. A. S.B., x, p. grt; Blyth Cat., p.179; Ferdon Mamm., p. 316; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., P- 352, pl. xxiv, igs.3,43 Fextink Notes Leyd. Mus., iv, p. 202. MANIS. 331 Manis brachyura, apud M’Clelland P.Z. S., p. 183 (1830). Manis dalmanni, Sundevall Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Handl., p, 256, pl. iv, fig. 10 (1842)* ; Swinhoe P.Z.S., 1870, pp. 236 and 650. Manis javanica, apud Adams P,Z. S., p. 133 (1859); Blyth F¥. AS. B, xxix, p- 449. / Pholidotus dalmanni, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 371 (1869). » Distribution.—The Himalayas from Nepal to Assam, Upper Burma at considerable elevations, Yunnan and Southern China, in- cluding the Islands of Formosa and Hainan. a, Skin Sikkim T. C. Jerdon, A.S.B. b-c. 2 Skins Sikkim L. Mandelli, ‘ ad. and juv. d. Skin Himalayas W. Theobald, A.S.B. e. Skin juv. Samagooting, Assam, J. Butler, 1872. S-j. 4 Skins Momien, Yunnan, 6,000 J. Anderson. ft. 6-68. _ kel 2 Skins Sanda Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 4,000 ft., 7-68. m, Skin Hotha Valley, Yunnan, J. Anderson. 5.000 ft., 8-68. n, Skin Kakhyen hills, 3,400 ft., J. Anderson. o-p. 2 Skins gq. Skin 7. Skin s, Skin, skull and bones t. Skin, skele- ton uw. Skin, skeleton v. Alc. wex. 2 Stuffed y Skeleton z. Skull a*, Skull 83/2, 5 Skulls 4-68. Kakhyen hills, 3,400 ft., .J. Anderson. 4-68. Mantin, Kakhyen hills, J. Anderson, 19-1-75. Tsitkaw, Kakhyen hills, J. Anderson. 16-2-75. sales Zoological Gardens, Zoological Gardens. “ China” W. Rutledge. Hotha, Yunnan, J, Anderson. Momien, 6,000 ft., 6-68 J. Anderson, Kakhyen hills, Burma, J. Anderson, 19*1-75. Yunnan J. Anderson. China R. Swinhoe, A.S.B. No history. Manis javanica. Manis javanica, Desmarest Mamm., p. 377 (1822); Cantor ¥. A. S.B., xv, p. 259; Blvth ¥. A. S. B., xvi, p. 1274; Miller Over de Zoogdieren in Tem. Verhandl., p. 37; Sundevall Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Handl., 1842, p. 254, pl. iv, fig. 11*; Turner P.Z.S., 1851, p. 219; Horsfield Cat. BE. I. Mus., p. 197; Blyth Cat., p.179; Anderson Anat. Zool. Res., p. 352, pl. xxiv, figs. 5 and 6; Fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., iv, p.199; Thomas P. Z.S., p. 72, 1886; Anderson F. Linn, Soc., xxi, p. 342 Manis pentadactyla, apud Raffles Linn. Trans., xiii, p. 249 (1822). 332 MAMMALIA. Manis leptura, Blyth ¥. A. S. B., xi, p. 454 (1842); id. F A. S, B., xvi, p. 1273; id: Cat., p. 180. ; Manis aspera, Sundevall Kongl. Vetens. Akad. Handl., p .213 (1842)*. Manis leucura, Blyth $. A. S.B., xvi, p.1274 (1847); id. ¥. A. S.B., xxx, p.gt;id. ¥. A. S. B., xliv, Burma List, p. 53. Manis guy, focillon Rev. Mag. Zool., (2), ii, p. 513, pl. x (1850). Pholidotus javanus, Gray Cat. Carn. Mamm., p. 370 (1869). Malayan, Pangolin; Burmese, Theng-khwe-khyat. Distribution —Burma from Arakan to Mergui, including Upper Burma, where it replaces M. aurita in the plains, the Malay Penin- sula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes. a. Skin Bhamo, Burma, 600 feet, J. Anderson. ‘ 2:68. &. Skin juv. Thaing Padan, Mergui, J. Anderson. 8-2-82. c. Skip, skull Java Batavian Soc., 1844, A.S.B. @. Skin,skull ae No history, A.S.B. (Type of Manis leptura, Blyth.] e. Alc. foetus disease A.S.B. F-h. 3 Stuffed Arakan Sir A. Phayre, A.S.B. j Skeleton 42 sane No history. kel, 2Skulls 0 tae . No history. Genus ORYCTEROPUS. Orycteropus, Geoffroy St. Hil. Decade Philosophique, (1795)*. Orycteropus capensis. Myrmecophaga afra, Pallas Miscell, Zool., p. 64 (1778)*. Myrmecophaga capensis, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 53 (1788(. Orycteropus capensis, Blyth Cat., p. 178 (1863). Distribution.—South Africa. a. Stuffed South Africa E. L, Layard, A.S.B. Order MARSUPIALIA. This Order is entirely confined to the Australian and Neotro- pical Regions, so no definition is given. Mr. Thomas’ recent Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Mono- tremata in the British Museum has been rigidly adhered to in the following pages, and_for full synonymy reference should be made to that work. Genus MACROPUS. Macropus, Shaw Nat. Misc., i, text to pl. xxxiii (1790). MACROPUS. 333 Macropus giganteus. Yerboa gigantea, Zimmerman Spec, Geogr. Quad., p. 526 (1777). Macropus giganteus, Shaw Nat. Misc., i, pl. xxxiii (1790); Blyth Cat., p. 183; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 15. Macropus major, Shaw Gen. Zool., i, pt. i, p. 505 (1800); Gould Mamm. Austr, ii, pls. i, ii. Distribution.— Australia generally, except the extreme north. a. Skin roe No history, A.S.B. 6. Stuffed Sten Bengal Econ. Mus. ce. Stuffed, skelet. 8 saa Barrackpore Menagerie, -mted. juv. ¢ 1847, A.S.B. ad. Skeleton Basen a Rajah R. Mullick. e. Skeleton é pocues _ Barrackpore Menagerie. Jf Skeleton @ aaa. Rajah R. Mullick. g Skul ae N. Wallich, A.S.B. A. Stuffed juve oa : Bengal Econ. Mus, Macropus rufus. Kangurus rufus, Desmarest Mamm. Suppl., p. 541 (1822). Macropus laniger, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 226 (1827). Macropus rufus, Bennett Cat. N.H. Austr, Mus., p. 6 (1837)*; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 25. Osphranter rufus, Gould Mamm, Austr., ii, pls. vi, vii (1853). Distributton.—Eastern, South-Eastern and South Australia, a, Stuffed Do Ms y maine Purchased, 1886. b. Stuffed @ CachlanR., N.S. Wales Bengal Econ. Mus. c. Skeleton sais W. Rutledge. d. Skeleton South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] e. Skin, skele- aged W. Rutledge, oa ton juv. 9g Macropus ualabatus, Kangurus bruni, apud Desmarest N. Dict. a’ Hist. Nat., (2), Xvii, p. 42 (1817). Kangurus ualabatus, Lesson et Garnot Voy. Coquille Zool., i, p. 161, pl. vii (1826). Macropus ualabatus, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 227 (1827); Thomas Cat. Mars. B.M., p 30. Halmaturus ualabatus, Gray App. Grey Travels Austr., ii, p. 402 (1841) *; - Blyth Cat., p. 184; Gould Mamm. Austr,, ii, pls. xxii, xxiil, Distribution.—New South Wales and Victoria. a. Stuffed N. S. Wales W. Rutledge. &. Skeleton 2 aaa Zoological Gardens. c. Skull pre No history, A.S.B. d. Skeleton ¢ sare No history, 1867. 334 MAMMALIA. Macropus ruficollis. Var, A.—typicus. ? Halmaturus kingii, Idliger Abh, Akad. Berl., 1811, p. 102 (1815). Kangurus ruficollis, Desmarest N. Dict, d'Hist. Nat., (2), xvii, p. 37 (1817). Halmaturus ruficollis, Golfuss Isis, p. 267 (1819); Gould Mamm. Austr., ii, pls. xiv, xv. Macropus ruficollis, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 226 (1827); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 32. Var. B.—bennettit. ? Macropus albus, Gray Spiceleg. Zool. ii, p. 10 (1830). . Macropus bennettii, Waterhouse P. Z. S., p. 103 (1837). Halmaturus bennettii, Gould Monog. Macrop., pl. vii (1841)*; ide Mamm, Austr., ii, pls. xvi, xvii; Blyth Cat., p. 184. Macropus ruficollis, var. bennetii, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 34 (1888). Distribution. —The typical variety is found in New South Wales and Victoria ; var. bennettii is confined to Tasmania. Var. A.—typicus. a. Stufted 9 Gees Bengal Econ. Mus. 6, Skull é Peas W. Rutledge, 1872. e. Skull hes No history. Var. B.—bennettit, a. Stuffed, skull Q aaa A. Grote, 1862, A.S.B. 6. Skeleton mted. Tasmania No history, A.S.B. c. Skeleton sess No history, A.S.B. Macropus dorsalis. Halmaturus dorsalis, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. §83 (1837); Gould Mamm. Austr,, ii, pls, xxvi, xxvii. Macropus dorsalis, Waterhouse Cat. Mamm. Mus, Zool, Soc., p. 67 (1838) ; Thomas Cat. Mars. B, M., p. 37. Distribution.—Inland districts of Queensland and New South Wales. a, Stuffed és wae Brisbane Mus, (Ex.] Macropus agilis. Halmaturus agilis, Gould P.Z.S., p. 81 (1841); id. Mamm, Austr, ii, pls. Xxiv, XXV. : Macropus agilis, Giebel Odontogr., p. 43 (1855); Thomas Cat, Mars.B My Pp. 42. MACROPUS. 335 Distribution —South-Eastern New Guinea, Northern Territory and Queensland. a. Skin, skull con Calcutta Exhibition. Macropus thetidis. Halmaturus thetis, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 229 (1827). Halmaturus thetidis, F. Cuvier Nat. Hist. Mamm., livr., lvi, with plate (1829) ; Gould Mamm. Austr., ii, pls. xxxi, xxxii. i Macropus thetidis, Giebel Odontogr., p. 43 (1855); Thomas Cat. Mars.. B. M., p. 52. Halmaturus ruficollis, apud Blyth Cat., p. 184 (1863). Distribution.—South Queensland, New South Wales and Vic- toria. a. Stuffed é ait Sydney Institution, 1841, A.S.B. P 6. Skin, skull Fees Maharajah of Burdwan, A.S.B Macropus eugenii, Kangurus eugenii, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., (2), xvii, p. 38 (1817). Macropus eugenii, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 227 (1827); Thomas Cat. Mars, B. M., p. 54. Halmaturus derbianus, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 583 (1837); Gould Mamm Austr, ii, pls. xxix, xxx. Distribution.—Western and Southern Australia, a. Skin, skull g South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] 6. Stuffed 2 aera W. Rutledge. c. Alc, aiastva Brisbane Mus, [Ex.] Macropus billardieri, Kangurus billardieri, Desmarest Mamm. Suppl., ii, p. 542 (1822). Macropus billardieri, Lesson Man. Mamm., p. 227 (1827); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 58. Halmaturus billardieri, Gould Monog. Macrop., pl. x (1841)*; id. Mamm. Austr,, ii, pls. xxxv, xxXvi, Distribution.—South-Eastern South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. e, Skin, skeleton sr ‘ W. Rutledge, > 8 Skin, skull seca W. Rutledge. c. Skin, skull N.S. Wales Calcutta Exhibition. Macropus brachyurus. Kangurus brachyurus, Quoy et Gatmard Astrolobe Zoologie, i, p.114, pl. xix (1830). 336 MAMMALIA. Macropus brachyurus, Lesson Hist. Nat. Mamm., v, p. 378 (1836) ; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 60. Halmaturus brachyurus, Gray App. Grey Travels Austr., ii, p. 403 (1841)* ; Gould Mamm, Austr., ii, pls. xxxvii, xxxviii. Distribulion.—Western Australia. a. Skull ic No history, A.S.B. Genus PETROGALE. Heteropus, ¥ourdan Compt. Rend., v, p. 522 (1837)- Petrogale, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H.,i p. £83 (1837). Petrogale xanthopus. Petrogale xanthopus, Grav P. Z. S., p. 249, ‘pl. xxxix (1854); Gould Mamm. Austr., ii, pls. xlili, xliv; Tomas Cat. Mars, B. M., p. 64. Distribution. —South Australia. a. Skin S. Australia Adelaide Mus. b. Skin 9 S. Australia Adelaide Mus. @ Skim — észaies Purchased, 1867. d. Skin, skelee 2 2 sane W. Rutledge, 1859. ton, é e. Stuffed Granites W. Rutledg-, 1869. f. Skuil S. Australia Adelaide Mus. g- Skull ania 8 Maharajah of Burdwan, A.S.B. Petrogale penicillata. Kangurus penicillatus, Gray Griffith Anim. Kingd., v, p. 204 (1827). Macropus penicillatus, Bennett P. Z. S., p. 1 (1835). Heteropus albogularis, fourdan Comptes Rend., v, p. 522 (1837). Petrogale penicillata, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 583 (1837); Gould ‘ Mamm. Austr,, ii, pls. xxxix, x1; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 66. Distribution.—Eastern Australia, Queensland to Victoria. a, Skin, skull ¢ safe Purchased. 6. Skin,skull 9 4a Purchased. Genus ONYCHOGALE., . Onychogalea, Cray App. Grey's Travels Austr., ii, p. 402 (1841)*. Onychogale frenata. Macropus fraenatus, Gould P, Z. S., p. 92 (1840); Blyth Cat., p. 184 Onychogalea fraenata, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 88 Raa\a. 4 Mamm. Austr., ii, pl. liv. ate (1843); Gould Onychogale frenata, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 75 (1888). LAGOSTROPHUS. 337 Distribution.—Eastern Australia from Queensland to Victoria. a. Stuffed sites Melbourne Inst., 1862, A.S.B. &. Stuffed é pide Bengal Econ. Mus. e. Skull Aettains No history, A.S.B. Onychogale lunata. Macropus lunatus, Gould P. Z. S., p. 93 (1840). 7 Onychogale lunata, Gould Mamm. Austr., ii, pl. lv (1849) ;_Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 77. Distribution.—South and West Australia. a. Skin S. Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] 6 Skeleton juv. Yorke Peninsula, Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] S. Australia, ce. Skull S. Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] Genus DORCOPSIS. Dorcopsis, Schlegel and Miiller Tem. Verhandl., p. 130 (1839-44). Dorcopsis miilleri, Kangurus veterum, Lesson et Garnot Voy. Coquille Zool., i, p. 164 (1826). Didelphys bruni, apud Quoy et Gaimard Astrolobe Zoologie, i, p, 116 (1830). Dorcopsis bruni, Schlegel and Miiller Tem. Verhandl., p. 131, pls. xxi-xxiv (1839-44); Gould Mamm Austr., ii, pl. li. Halmaturus asiaticus, apud Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 91 (1843). Lagorchestes gymnotis, apud Blyth Cat., p. 184 (1863). Macropus miilleri, Schlegel Nederl. Tijdsch., iii, p. 353 (1866). Dorcopsis miilleri, Garrod P. Z. S., p. 49 (1875); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M.,, p. 87. Distribution.—New Guinea and the adjoining Islands. a, Skin ae Maharajah of Burdwan, 1858, -S.B, Genus LAGOSTROPHUS. Lagostrophus, Thomas P, Z.S., p. 544 (1886). Lagostrophus fasciatus. Kangurus fasciatus, Pévouse et Lesson Voy. Terres. Austr.,i, Ps 114 (1807)*. Macropus elegans, G. Cuvier Regne Anim., i, p. 183 (1817). Lagorchestes albipilis, Gould Ann. Mag. N. H., (1), x, p. 2 (1842). Lagorchestes fasciatus, Gould Mamm. Austr, pl. lvi (1849). Lagostrophus fasciatus, Thomas P. Z. S., p» 544 (1836); id. Cas. Mars, B.M., p. 100. Y 338 MAMMALIA. Distribution.—Western Australia. a-b, 2 Skins ¢Q West Australia Adelaide Mus. [Zx.] Genus AEPYPRYMNUS. Aepyprymnus, Garrod P. Z.S., p. 59 (1875). Aepyprymnus rufescens, Bettongia rufescens, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 584 (1837); Gould Mamm. Austr, ii, pl. lxv. Hypsiprymnus melanotis, Ogildy P. Z. S., p. 62 (1838). Aepyprymnus rufescens, Garrod P. Z. S., p. 59 (1875); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 103. Distribution.—Eastern Australia. wo, Skin é saiean No history. Genus BETTONGIA. Bettongia, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 584 (1837). Bettongia cuniculus. Bettongia setosa, apud Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H., i, p. 584 (1837). Hypsiprymnus cuniculus, Ogilby P.Z. S., p. 63 (1838). Bettongia cuniculus, Gould Mamm. Austr., ii, pl. |xili (1854); Blyth Cat., p. 186; Thomas Cat, Mars. B. M., p. 106. Distribution. —Tasmania. @ Skull xvas W. Cracroft, A.S.B. Bettongia penicillata. Bettongia penicillata, Gray Charlesw. Mag. N. H.i, p. 584 (1837); Gould Mamm. Austr, ii, pl. 1xi; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 110. Hypsiprymnus ogilbyi, Waterhouse Fard. Nat. Libr., xi, p. 185 (1841). Distribution —All Australia except in the North; not found in Tasmania. a. Skin, skull West Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] 6. Skeleton tie Major Turnbull. Bettongia lesueuri. Hypsiprymnus lesueuri, Quoy et Gaimard Voy. Uranie, p. 64 (1824)*. Hypsiprymnus grayi, Gould P. Z.S., p. 178 (1840). Bettongia grayi, Gray App. Grey's Travels Austr., ii, p. 403 (1841)*; Gould Mamm. Austr., ii, pl. Ixiv. Bettongia lesueuri, Thomas Cat. Mars. B, M., p. 112 (1888). DROMICIA. 339 Distribution. South and West Australia. a. Skin, skull South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] &. Skin, skull seehuee No history. ec. Skull South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] d. Stuffed, skull wins W. Rutledge. Genus TARSIPES. Tarsipes, Gervais and Verreaux P. Z.S., p. 1 (1842). Tarsipes rostratus. Tarsipes rostratus, Gervais and Verreaux P, Z, S., p. 1 (1842); Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. v; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M,, p. 133. Tarsipes spenserae, Gray Ann. Mag. N. H., ix, p. 40 (1842). Distribution.—Western Australia. a. Skin é W. Australia Adelaide Mus. (Ex.] Genus ACROBATES. Acrobates, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist, Nat., xxv, p. 405 (1817). tAcrobates pygmzus. Didephys pygmza, Shaw Zool. New Holland, i, p. 5 (1794)*. Acrobates pygmzus, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., xxv, p. 405 (1817); Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. xxviii; Blyth Cat., p. 183; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 136. Distribution.—Southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. a. Stuffed N.S. Wales Sydney Inst., A.S.B. b. Ale, N. 5. Wales G. Nevill. Genus DROMICIA, Dromicia, Gray App. Grey’s Travels Austr., ii, p. 407 (1841)*. Dromicia nana. Phalangista nana, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., xxv, p. 477 (1817). Phalangista gliriformis, Bell Linn. Trans., xvi, p. 121, pl. xiii, xiv (1828). Dromicia nana, Gray App. Grey’s Travels Austr, ii, p. 401 (1841)*; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 144. Dromicia gliriformis, Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pl. xxix (1845). Dromicia unicolor, Krefft P. Z. S., p. 49 (1863). Distribution —Tasmania.” a, Skin, skull tee No history. y2 340 MAMMALIA. Genus PETAURUS. Petaurus, Shaw Nat. Misc., ii, text to pl. Ix (1791). Belideus, Waterhouse P.Z. S., p. 151 (1838). Petaurus australis. Petaurus australis, Shaw Nat, Misc., pl. Ix (1791); Thomas Cat. Mars. B.M., p. 151. Didelphys petaurus, Shaw Genl. Zool., i, pt. 2, p. 496 (1800). Petaurus flaviventer, Desmarest N. Dict, d'Hist. Nat., xxv, p. 403 (1817)+ Belideus flaviventer, Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. xxiii (1845). Belideus australis et sciurus, Blyth Cat., pp. 182, 183 (1863). Distribution.—New South Wales and Victoria. a. Skin, skull N. S. Wales Calcutta Exhibition. b. Stuffed N. S. Wales Dr. Scone, 1864. ¢ Skul — egesien Mrs. Turnbull, 1860, A.S B. @ Skul aa No history, A.S.B. Petaurus breviceps. Petaurus (Belideus) breviceps, Waterhouse P. Z. S., p. 1§2 (1838). Petaurus breviceps, Gray App. Grey’s Travels Austr., ii, p. 402 (1841)*; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 156. Belideus breviceps, ariel et notatus, Gould Mamm. Austr.,i, pls. xxv, xxvi and xxvii (1849). Distribution.— Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. a-b, 2 Stuffed, Victoria Dr. Scone, 1864. 2 skulls. ced. 2 Alc. adt. N. S. Wales Calcutta Exhibition, and juv. Genus PETAUROIDES. Volucella, Bechstein Allgem. Ubers. vierf. Thiere, ii, p. 351 (1800)*. Petaurista, Desmarest Mamm., i, p. 268 (1820). Petauroides, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 163 (1888). Petauroides volans. Didelphis volans, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., Pp. 199 (1792)*. Volucella nigra et macroura Bechstein Aligem, Uebers. vierf. Thiere, ii P. 351 (41800)*, a Petaurus taguanoides, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. : Blyth Cat., p, 182." ist. Nat., xxv, p. 400 (1817); Petaurista taguanoides, Desmarest Mamm., i, p. 269 (1820); Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pl. xxii, Petauroides volans, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p..164 (1888). Distribution,—Queensland to Victoria. TRICHOSURUS. 341 a-b, 2 Stuffed# Q N.S. Wales Dr. Scone, 1864. ec. Skull cusses Purchased, A.S.B. d, Skull rence T. Shawe, A.S.B. Genus PSEUDOCHIRUS. Pseudochirus, Ogilay P. Z. S., p. 26 (1836). Hepoona, Gray, App. Grey’s Travels Austr, ii, p. 402 (1841)*. Pseudochirus peregrinus. Didelphis peregrinus, Boddaert Elench. Anim. i, p. 78 (1785)*. Didelphis caudivolvula, Kerr Linn, Anim. Kingd., p. 196 (1792)*. Phalangista cooki, apud Ogilby P. Z. S., p. 192 (1835); Gould Mamm,. Austr, i, pl. xviii. Phalangista lanuginosa, Gould Mamm., Austr., i, pl. xx (1858). Pseudochirus peregrinus, Thomas Cat. Mars. B, M., p. 72 (1888). Distribution —Queensland to South Australia. a, Skin aot a Melbourne Mus., 1864. 6. Skin, juv. W. Australia? Bengal Econ, Mus. ; Pseudochirus occidentalis, Pseudochirus occidentalis, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 174 (1888). Drstribution,—Western Australia. a, Skin Gawler Ranges, Adelaide Mus. (Ex.] S. Australia. Pseudochirus cooki. Phalangista cooki, Desmarest N. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat., xxv, p. 476 (1817). Phalangista viverrina, Ogiloy P. Z. S., p. 131 (1837); Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pl. xix. Pseudochirus cooki, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 176 (1888). Distribution.—Tasmania. a. Stuffed Tasmania Bengal Econ. Mus, Genus TRICHOSURUS. Trichosurus, Lesson Dict. Class. d’Hist. Nat., ili, p. 333 (1828). Trichosurus vulpecula. Var, A.—typicus. Didelphis vulpecula, Kerr Linn, Anim, Kingd., p. 198 (1792)*. 342 MAMMALIA. Didelphis vulpina, Meyer Uebers. Zool. Entd. Neunoll., p. 23 (1793)*. Phalangista vulpina, Desmarest N. Dict. @ Hist. Nat., xxv, p. 475 (1817); Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. xvi; Blyth Cat., p. 182. Phalangista xanthopus, Ogilby P. Z. S., p. 135 (1831). Trichosurus vulpecula, fentink Notes Leyd. Mus., vii, p.25 (1884) ; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 187. Var. B.—fuliginosus, Phalangista fuliginosa, Ogilby P. Z. S.,p. 135 (1831) ; Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pl. xv. aif Trichosurus vulpecula var. fuliginosus, Thomas Cat, Mars. B. M., p. 190 (1888). Distribution.—The typical variety is found throughout Australia: except in ‘the extreme north; var. fuliginosus is confined to Tasmania. Var. A.—/ypicus. w. Skin, skele- eeniee Zoological Gardens. ton é b. Skin, skele- teeane W. Rutledge. ton juv. 9 c-d. 2Stuffed Australia Dr. Scone, 1864. e. Stufled gf N.S. Wales W. Rutledge, 1870. Ff. Skeleton Q aes ' Rajah R. Mullick. gh, 2 Skulls S, Australia Adelaide Mus, (Ex.] ad. and juv, Je Skull eves No history, A.S.B. k. Stuffed Aedes W, Rutledge, 1870. albino @Q Var, B.—fuliginosus. a. Skin, skull, sana Purchased. bones. 6, Skin, skele- wasieare Purchased. ton, c. Stuffed Tasmania C. F. T. Lloyd, A.S.B. d, Skeleton, eases Purchased. skin. . ef. 2 Skulls Tasmania ? C.F. T. Lloyd, A.S.B. Trichosurus caninus. Phalangista canina, Ogilay P. Z.S., p. 191 (1831); Gould Mamm, Austr., i, pl. xvii. Trichosurus caninus, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 191 (1888). Distribution.—South Queensland and New South Wales, a, Stuffed, skull New South Wales Bengal Econ, Mus, PHASCOLOMYS, 343 Gents PHALANGER. Phalanger, Storr Prodr. Method. Mamm., p. 33 (1780)*. Phalangista, Et. Geoff. St. Hil. Bull. Soc. Philom., i, p. 106 (1796)*. Cuscus, Lesson et Garnot Voy. Coquille Zool., p. 150 (1826). Phalanger orientalis. Didelphys orientalis, Pallas Miscell. Zool., p. 59 (1766)*. Phalanger orientalis, Storr Prodr. Method. Mamm., p. 33 (1780)* ; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 201. Phalangista alba, Et. Geog, St. Hil. Cat. Mamm. Mus. Hist, Nat, p 148 (1803) *. Cuscus orientalis, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 84 (1843). Distribution—Timor and the Islands to the east of New Guinea. a. Skin, skull seine Calcutta Exhibition. Phalanger celebensis. Cuscus celebensis, Gray P. Z. S., p. 105, pl. Ixii (1858).] Phalanger celebensis, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 206. | Distrtbution.—Celebes and the Sanghir Isles. a. Skin, skull Northern,Territory ? Adelaide Mus, [Ex.] 6. Skin, skeleton oaaniaa W. Rutledge. Genus PHASCOLARCTUS. Phascolarctus, Blainville Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 46 (1816) *. Lipurus, Goldfuss Isis, p. 271 (1819). Phascolarctus cinereus. Lipurus cinereus, Goldfuss Isis, p. 271 (1819). Phascolarctus fuscus, Desmarest Mamm., i, p. 276 (1820). Phascolarctus cinereus, Fischer Syn. Mamm., p. 285 (1829) ; Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pls. xiii, xiv; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 210. Distribution, —Eastern Australia from Queensland to Victoria. a. Stuffed New South Wales No history. 6. Stuffed New South Wales Bengal Econ. Mus, c. Skull Be eter Purchased. d-e. 2 Skulls Victoria Calcutta Exhibition. fF. Skeleton New South Wales Purchased, Genus PHASCOLOMYS. Phascolomys, Et, Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. Mus. Paris, ii, p. 364 (1803). Wombatus, Desmarest N. Dict. d'Hist. Nat., ist ed., xxiv, p. 20 (1803)*. 344 MAMMALIA. Phascolomys mitchelli. Phascolomys mitchelli, Owen Miichell’s Exped. Austr., ii, p. 368 (1838); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 213. Phascolomys platyrhinus, Owen Cat Ost. Coll. Surg., i, p. 334 (1853). Phascolomys latifrons, afud Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pls. lvii, Iviii (1859). Distribution.—New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. a. Stuffed seein No history. &. Stuffed juv. 9 anne . W. Rutledge, 1870. c. Generative 9 eabaiee W. Rutledge, 1869. organs in spirit. Phascolomys ursinus. Didelphys ursina, Shaw Genl. Zool., i, pt. 2, p. 504 (1800). Wombatus fossor, Desmarest N. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat. 1st ed., xxiv, p.20 (1803)*. Phascolomys wombatus, Leach Zool, Miscell., ii, p. 102 (1815). Phascolomys wombat, Peron et Lesueur Voy. Terr. Austr,, ii, pe 13, (1816)* ; Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pis. lv, lvi; Blyth Cat., p. 186. Phacolomys ursinus, G. Cuvier Regne Anim., i, p. 185 (1817) ; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 215. Distribution.—Tasmania. a. Stuffed Tasmania Bengal Econ. Mus. 6. Skull Saari C. J. T. Lloyd, A. S. B. ¢. Skeleton juv. steaee W. Rutledge, 1870. Phascolomys fatifrons. Phascolomys latifrons, Owen P. Z. S., :p. 82 (1845); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M,, p. 217. Phascolomys lasiorhinus, Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. lix, Ix (1863). Distribution.—South Australia. a. Skeleton ¢ waite Zoological Gardens, 6. Skull Blanche town, Adelaide Mus, [Ex.] Murray R., S.A. Genus PERAGALE, Macrotis, Reid P. Z,S., p. 131 (1836). Peragalea, Gray App. Grey's Travels Austr., p. 401 (1841)*. Peragale lagotis. Perameles (Macrotis) lagotis, Reid P. Z. S., p. 129 (1836). Peragale lagotis, Gray List Mamm. B. M., p. 96 (1843); Gould Austr., i, pl. vii; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. t,o. cn Be ee ent Distribution.—South and West Australia. a. Skin S. Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] 6. Skeleton nas’ Adelaide Mus. [Ex.} THYLACINUS. 345 Genus PERAMELES. Perameles, Geoff. St. Hil. Bull. Soc. Philom.,, iii, p. 249 (1803)*. Thylacis, Illiger Prodr., p. 76 (1811). Isoodon, Desmarest N, Dict. d’ Hist. Nat., xvi, p. 409 (1817). Perameles obesula. Didelphis obesula, Shaw Nat. Miscell., viii, pl. ccxeviii (1793). Perameles obesula, Et. Geof’. St. Hil, Ann. Mus. Paris, iv, p.64 (1804); Gould Mamm. Austr.,i, pl. xii; Blyth Cat., p. 182; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. Mu. p. 231. Isoodon obesula, Desmarest N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., xvi, p. 409 (1817). Distribution —Throughout Australia and Tasmania, a, Skin, skull i Calcutta Exhibition. 6. Skin W. Australia t Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] e-d. 2 Stuffed aeitad Melbourne Inst. "1862, A.S.B, e. Stuffed & vena Dr. Scone, 1864. Ff. Skull New South Wales Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] Perameles nasuta. Perameles nasuta, Ez. Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. Mus. Paris, iv, p.62 (1804); Gould Mamm, Austr, i, pl. xi; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 242. Distribution. —Eastern Australia. a. Alc. savin Brisbane Mus. [Ex.] Perameles gunni. Perameles gunni, Gray P.Z.S., p. 1 (1838); Gould Mamm, Austr.,i, pl. ix; Blyth Cat., p. 182 ; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 245. > Distribution.—Tasmania and perhaps Victoria. a. Skin & Victoria Dr. Scone. &, Stuffed Tasmania Melbourne Inst., 1862, A.S.B, Perameles bougainvillei. Perameles bougainvillei, Quoy.et Gaimard Voy. Uranie Zool., p. 56, Atlas pl. v (1824); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 246. Perameles myosuros, Wagner Archiv f. Natur., vii, pt. i, p. 293 (1841) ; Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. x. Distribution.—Western Australia. a. Skin Gawler Ranges, S. Austr. Adelaide Mus. {Ex.] Genus THYLACINUS. Peracyon, Gray Ann. Philos., (2), p. 340 (1825)*, Thylacinus, Temminck Monogr, Mamm., i, p. 60 (1827). 346 MAMMALIA, Thylacinus cynocephalus. Didelphys cynocephala, Harris Linn. Trans., ix, p. 174, pl. xix, fig. i, (1808), Thylacinus harrisi, Temminck Monogr. Mamm., i, p. 63 (1827). Thylacinus cynocephalus, Fischer Syn. Mamm., p. 270 (1829); Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pls. liii, liv; Blyth Cat., p.180; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 255. Distribution —Tasmania. a. Skin, impft. 6 Skull a ce. Skull 2 No history, A.S.B. Dr. J. Henderson, A.S.B. No history, A.S.B. Genus SARCOPHILUS. Sareephilus, F. Cuvier Hist. Nat, Mamm., live. 1xx (1837)*. Diazbolus, Gray App. Grey’s Travels Austr., p. 400 (1841) *. Sarcophilus ursinus, Didelphys ursina, Harris Linn. Trans., ix, p. 176, pl. xix, fig. 2 (1808). Das) urus ursinus, Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. Mus. Paris, xv, p. 305 (1810). Sarcophilus ursinus, 7, Cuvier Hist. Nat. Mamm., livr. |xx (1837); Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pl. xlviii; Blyth Cat., p. 180; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p- 259. Distribution.—Tasmania. @. Skin, skull sansa Calcutta Exhibition. 6, Skulk ceetaain E. Blyth, A.S.B. Genus DASYURUS. Dasyurus, Et. Geoff. St. Hil. Bull. Soc. Philom., i, p. 106 (1796). Dasyurus maculatus. Viverra maculata, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., p. 170 (1792)*. Dasyurus macrourus, E?. Geoff. St. Hil. Ann. Mus. Paris, iii, p. 358 (1804).. Dasyurus maculatus, Fischer Zoognosie, ii, p. 584 (1813)*; Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. xlix; Blyth Cat., p. 181; Thomas Cat. Mars, B. M., p. 263. Distrtbution.—Eastern and South-Eastern Australia and Tasma- nia, : a. Skin, skull N.S. Wales Calcutta Exhibition. 6. Stuffed Tasmania G. Sceva, 1867. ¢. Skull Mt. Gambier, S, Austr. Adelaide Mus, [Ex.] d. Skull sevens No history. PHASCOGALE, 347 Dasyurus viverrinus. Didelphis maculata, Kerr Linn. Anim. Kingd., p. 199 (1792)* (nec Viverra maculata, id. of. cz.¢ p. 170). Didelphis viverrinus, Shaw Genl. Zool,, i, pt. ii, p. 491 (1800). Dasyurus viverrinus, Et. Geof. St. Hil. Ann. Mus. Paris, iii, p. 360 (1804); Gould Mamm. Austr.,i, pl. 1; Blyth Cat., p. 181; Thomas Cat, Mars. B. M,, p. 265. Dasyurus mavugei, Et. Geoff’. St. Hil. Ann, Mus. Paris, iii, p. 389 (1804). Distribution.—South-Eastern Australia and Tasmania. a, Skin, skeleton sahuas Zoological Gardens. juv. 6. Stuffed Hunter R., N.S. W. British Mus. [Ex.] ce. Stuffed N.S. Wales Bengal Econ. Mus. d-e.2Skulls nas . A. D. Bartlett, A.S.B, J. Alc. $ sivas Zoological Gardens. Dasyurus geoffroyi. Dasyurus geoffroyi, Gould P. Z.S., p. 151 (1840); Gould Mamm., Austr,, i, pl. li; Thomas Cat. Mars, B. M., p. 268. Distribution.—All Australia, except extreme north and Tas- mania. a. Skin West Australia Adelaide Mus, [Ex.]. 6. Skin aes Adelaide Mus. [Ex.]. ce. Stuffed neue Purchased, 1846, A.S.B. d,. Stuffed Melbourne ? No history. Genus PHASCOGALE, Phascogale, Temminck Monogr. Mamm., i, p. 56 (1827). Antechinus Macleay Ann. Mag. N. H., viii, p. 242 (1841). . Phascogale flavipes. Phascogale flavipes, Waterhouse P. Z.S., p. 75 (1837); Blyth Cot, p. 181; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 289. Antechinus stuarti, Macleay Ann. Mag. N. H., viii, p. 242 (1841). Antechinus flavipes, Gould Mamm. Austr,, i, ‘pl. oe 854). Distribution.—Eastern Australia. a. Stuffed avenge Melbourne Inst., A.S.B. Phascogale penicillata. Didelphis penicillata, Shaw Genl. Zool., i, pt. ii, p. 502 (1800). Dasyurus tafa, Et, Geof’, St. Hil. Ann. Mus, Paris, iii, p. 360 (1804). 348 MAMMALIA. Phascogale penicillata, Temminck Monogr. Mamm., i, p. §8 (1827); Gould Mamm. Austr, i, pl. xxxi; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 204. Distribution.—Throughout Australia, except the extreme north. a. Skin West Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] 6. Skull South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] Genus SMINTHOPSIS. Podabrus, Gould Mamm. Austr., letterpress to pl. xlvii (1845). Sminthopsis, Thomas Ann, Mus. Genova (2), iv, p. 503 (1887). Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Phascogale crassicaudata, Gould P. Z. S., p. 105 (1844). Podabrus crassicaudatus, Gould Mamm. Austr.,i, pl. xlvii (1845); Blyth Cat., p. 181. Podabrus macrurus, Gould P. Z.S., p. 70 (1845). Sminthopsis crassicaudata, Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 306 (1888). Distribution,—Throughout Australia. a-b, 2 Stuffed slnie Melbourne Inst., A.S.B. Genus MYRMECOBIUS. Myrmecobius, Waterhouse P.Z. S., p. 69 (1836). Myrmecobius fasciatus. Myrmecobius fasciatus, Waterhouse P.Z. S., pp. 69,131 (1836); Gould Mamm. Austr.,i, pl. iv; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 312. Distribution.—Western and Southern Australia. a. Skin South Australia Adelaide Mus. [Ex.] (A. Anderson, 12-73). Genus DIDELPHYS. Didelphys, Linnaeus Syst. Nat., rath ed., i, p. 71 (1766). Didelphys marsupialis. Didelphys marsupialis, Linneus Syst. Nat., 12th ed.,i, p. 71 (1766); Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 323. Didelphys cancrivora, Gmelin Syst. Nat., i, p. 108 (1788). Didelphys virginiana, Kerr Linn, Anim. Kingd,, p. 193 (1792)*. ORNITHORHYNCHUS. 349 Didelphys aurita, Pr. Maximilian ou Wied Beitr. Natuurg. Bras., ii, p. 395 (1826)*. Didelphys californica, Bennett P. Z. S., p. 40 (1833). Didelphys breviceps, Bennett P. Z.S., p. 40 (1833)- Distribution.—America from the States to Chili and South ‘Brazil. w. Skin juv. g wines’ Zoological Gardens, Order MONOTREMATA. Genus ECHIDNA. Echidna, G. Cuvier Tab. Elément, d’ Hist. Nat., p. 143 (1798)*. Tachyglossus, Jiliger Prodr., p. 114 (1811). Echidna aculeata. Myrmecophaga aculeata, Shaw Nat. Miscell., iii, pl. cix (1792). Ornithorhynchus hystrix, Home Phil. Trans., p. 348 (1802). Echidna hystrix, Et. Geog. St. Hil. Cat. Mamm. Mus, Hist. Nat., p. 224 (1803)*; Gould Mamm. Austr., i, pl. ii. Tachyglossus aculeatus, Iliger Prodr., p. 114 (1811). Echidna aculeata, Garnot Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 45 (1825)*; Thomas Cat, Mars. B. M., p. 379. Echidna acrobata, apud Blyth Cat, p. 187 (1863). Distribution.—Throughout Australia, replaced by geographical races in New Guinea and Tasmania. a. Skin, skeleton wai Purchased. bed. 3 Stuffed sae A.S.B. e. Stuffed New South Wales Bengal Econ. Mus, f. Alc. ene Calcutta Exhibition. Genus ORNITHORHYNCHUS. Platypus, Shaw Nat. Miscell., x, letterpress to pl. ccclxxxvi (1799) (nec Herbst). Ornithorhynchus, Blumenbach Voigt’s Mag. Naturk., ii, p. 205 (1800)*. Ornithorhynchus anatinus, Platypus anatinus, Shaw Nat. Miscell., x, pl. ecclxxxv, (1799). Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, Blumenbach Voigt’s Mag. Naturk., ii, p. 205 (1800)*. Ornithorhynchus rufus et fuscus, Péron et Lessucuy Voy, Terr, Austr., Atlas, pl. xxxiv (1807)*. 35° MAMMALIA. Ornithorhynchus anatinus, Waterhouse Nat. Hist. Mamm., i, p. 35(1846); Gould Mamm. Austr.,i, pl.i; Blyth Cat., p. 186; Thomas Cat. Mars. B. M., p. 388. Distribution.—Eastern Australia and Tasmania. ANH AD &A . Skin a Skin Stuffed Stuffed Skeleton mted. Alc. Alc. N.S, Wales S. E. Australia N.S. Wales N.S. Wales No history. No history. No history H. T. Prinsep, 1842, A.S.B. A.S.B. Brisbane Mus, [Ex.] Calcutta Econ. Mus. INDEX. [Names of synonyms are printed in italics; recognized names in Roman A abietum, Martes, 275. abyssinica, Genetta, 240. abyssinica, Viverra, 240. abyssinicus, Lepus, 119. abyssinicus, Mus, 78. Acanthion, 104 Acanthoecherus, 104, accadians, Meriones, 99. acrobata, Echidna, 349. Acrobates, 339 aculeata, Echidna, 340. aculeata, Myrmecophaga, 349. aculeatus, Tachyglossus, 349. acuticornis, Panolia, 181, acutus, Delphinus, 321. acutus, Lagenorhynchus, 321. adailensis, Herpestes, 257. aegagrus, Aegoceros, 143. aegagrus, Capra, 142. Aegoceros, 142. aegyptiacus, Lepus, 119. aegyptius, Dipus, 100. aegyptius, Lepus, 1109, aeliani, Phacochoerus, 197. Aelurus, 300. Aepyceros, 169. Aepyprymnus, 338. aequicaudalis, Mus, 63. aethiopicus, Aper, 197. aethiopicus, Camelopardalis, 171. aethiopicus, Phacochoerus, 197. aethiopicus, Sus, 197. affinis, Cervus, 184. affinis, Felis, 228. affinis, Sciurus, 7, 20. afra, Genetta, 240, afra, Mustela, 257. afra, Myrmecophaga, 332. africana, Atherura, to4. africanus, Elephas, 208. africanus, Phacochoerus, 197. africanus, Rhinoceros, 205. africanus, Sus, 197. agilis, Halmaturus, 334. characters,] agilis, Macropus, 334. agilis, Putorius, 279. agrestis, Arvicola, 92. agrestis, Mus, 92. Agricola, Subg., 92. Aigocerus, 150. Ailurina, 212. Ailuropus, 301. Ailurus, 300. aipomus, Sus, aper vat., 193. Alactaga, 101. alba, Phalangista, 343. albescens, Felis, 231. albicans, Balaena, 317. albicauda, Phoca, 308. albiceps, Sciurus, 7. albidiventris, Mus, 80. albifrons, Ictides, 249. albifrons, Paradoxurus, 249. albigena, Phoca, 308. albipes, Antilope, 154. albipes, Sciurus, 11. albipilis, Lagorchestes, 337. albiventer, Pteromys, 35. albogularis, Heteropus, 336. alboniger, Sciuropterus, 38. alborufus, Pteromys, 34. albovittatus, Sciurus, 31. albus, Lepus, 118. albus, Macropus, 334. Alcephalus, 170. Alces, 186. alces, Cervus, 186. alexandrinus, Mus, 62. alexandrinus, Mus, rattus var., 63. alfurus, Babirussa, 196. allamandi, Galictis, 284. alopex, Canis, 268. alopex, Vulpes, 268. alophus, Hystrix, 106. alpina, Marmota, 44. alpina, Mustela, 281. alpinus, Canis. 261. alpinus, Cuon, 261, alpinus, Hypudaeus, 92. alpinus, Pieromys, 40. INDEX alpinus, Putorius, 281. alpinus, Sciurus, 23. alstoni, >ciurus, 21. altaicus, Moschus, 172. Alticula, Subg., 89. americana, Antilocapra, 171. americana, Antilope, 171. americana, Antilope (Kupicapra), 151. americana, Lutva, 297. americana, Martes, 276. americana, Mustela, 276, americana, Tamias, 30. americanus, Alces, 186 americanus, Bison, 131. americanus, Bos, 131. americanus, Castor, 44. americanus, Dipus, 9o. americanus, Lepus, 120, americanus, Lepus, 120. americanus, Mus, agrvarius var., 85. americanus, Ursus, 305. ammon, Cvis, 136. ammonoides, Ovis, 136. Ammotragus, 131. amphibius, Arvicola, 92. amphibius, Hippopotamus, 197. amphibius, Mus, 92. anatinus, Ornithorhynchus, 349, anatinus, Platypus, 349. anatolica, Ovis, 139. andamanensis, Mus, rattus var., 63. andamanensis, Sus, 195. andersoni, Herpestes, 254. annulatus, Sciurus, 30. Anoa, 124. ansont, Phoca, 309. Antechinus, 347. Antidorcas, 157. antillarum, Cystophora, 309. Antilocapra, 170. Antilope, 162. antiquorum, Hyaena, 259. Aonyx, 291. apicalis, Hapalotis, 84. Aploceros, 151. arabica, Antilope, 159. arabica, Capra, 144. arabica, Gazella, 158. arabicus, Camelus, 192. arboreus, Mus, 63. Arctictis, 249. arcticus, Gulo, 283. arcticus, Lepus, 118, arcticus, Leucopleurus, 321. arcticus, Rosmarus, 307. Arctogale, 241. Arctomys, 41. Arctonyx, 290. arctos, Ursus, 304. argali, Caprovis, 136. argentoratensis, Arvicola, 92. arianus, Mus, 75. ariel, Belideus, 340. aristotelis, Cervus, 176. aristotelis, Rusa, 176. arna, Bubalus, 129. arnee, Bos, 1209. artemesia, Lepus, 120. arundinacea, Antilope, 164. arundinacea, Cervicapra, 164. arundinaceus, Eleotragus, 165. arvalis, Arvicola, 93. Arvicola, 87. Arvicola, Subg., 93. Ascomys, 9). ashtoni, Viverra, 236. asiaticus, Elephas, 206. asiaticus, Halmaturus, 337» asiaticus, Mus, 63. asiaticus, Rhinoceros, 202. Asinus, 198. asinus, Equus, 200. aspera, Manis, 332. assamensis, Mephitis, 290. assamensis, Sciurus, 18. asseel, Bibos, 125. assimilis, Mus, 79. ater, Arvicola, 92. ater, Ictides, 249. ater, Poephagomys, 102. Atherura, 104. atricapillus, Sciurus, 24. atrodorsalis, Sciurus, 15. atrodorsalis, Sciurus, 18. attenuata, Clymenia, 324. attenuatus, Prodelphinus, 324. attenuatus, Steno, 324. Auchenia, 192. auduboni, Lepus, 120. aurantiacus, Pteromys, 39. aurata, Felis, 222. auratus, Leopardus, 222. auratus, Paradoxurus, 248. aureus, Arctomys, 43. aureus, Canis, 264. aureus, Cervulus, 173. aureus, Cerous (Stylocerus), 173. aureus, Lupus, 265. aureus, Lynx, 233. aureus, Paradoxurus, 247. aureus, Saccalius, 265. aurita, Didelphys, 348. aurita, Manis, 330. auritus, Lagomys, 110. auriventer, Mustela, 281. INDEX. auriventer, Sciurus, 7. aurobrunnea Aonyx, 295. aurobrunnea, Lutra, 295. aurobrunnea, Lutra, 206. auropunctata, Viverra, 251. auropunctatus, Herpestes 251. australasia, Canis, familiaris var., 266, australiae, Chrysaeus, 266. australis, Balaena 312. australis, Belideus, 340. australis, Cavia, 109. australis, Halicore, 327. australis, Petaurus, 340. avellanarius, Mus, 45. avellanarius, Muscardinus, 45. avellanarius, Myoxus, 45. Axis, 174. ; axis, Cervus, 181, axis, Cervus, 182. B Babirussa, 196. babirussa, Sus, 196. bachmani, Lepus, 120. bactriana, Alactaga, \0t. bactrianus, Camelus, 1g. bactrianus, Mus, 74. bactrianus, Spermophilus, 41. badging, Sciurus, 23. badius, Herpestes, 257. badius, Mus, 83. badius, Rhizomys, 97. bahrainja, Cervus, 179. baibacina, Arctomys, 44. baillonii, Arvicola, 93. bairdi, Lepus, 120, Balaena, 312. Balaenoptera, 313. bandicota, Mus, 57, 58. bandicota, Mus (Nesokia), 57. bandicota Nesokia, 57. bangkana Sciurus prevostii, var., 24. banteng, Bibos, 127. barang, Lutra, 294. Barangia, 291. barbara, Galera, 284. barbara, Galictis, 283. barbara, Mustela, 283. barbarus, Canis, 265. barbarus, Cervus, 183. barbarus, Leo, 214. barbata, Cynogale, 250. barbata, Galera, 284. barbata, Phoca, :508. barbatus, Callocephalus, 308. barbatus, Erignathus, 308. 353 barbatus, Gulo, 283. barbatus, Potamophilus, 250. barbei, Sciurus, 27. barclayanus, Mus (Nesokia), §5. Bathyergus, 98. beatrix, Oryx, 156. beavani, Mus, 80. beden, Aegoceros, 144. beden, Capra, 144. beisa, Antilope, 155. beisa, Oryx, 155. Belideus, 340. Beluga, 317. beluga, Delphinapterus, 317. bengalensis, Arvicola, 55 bengalensis, Canis, 271. bengalensis, Cynalopex, 271. bengalensis, Felis, 223. bengalensis, Hystrix, 106. bengalensis, Mus (Nesokia), 55- bengalensis, Nesokia, 55. bengalensis, Sus, 193. bengalensis, Viverra, 238. bengalensis, Vulpcs, 271. bennetti, Antilope, 159. bennetti, Cynogale, 250. bennetti, Gazella, 159. bennetti, Halmaturus 334. bennetti, Herpestes, 256. bennetti, Macropus, ruficoliis var, 334- bennetti, Tragops. 159. bennetti, Viverriceps, 225. berdmorei, Mus, 71. berdmorei, Sciurus, 26. Bettongia, 338. besoartica, Antilope, 155, 162- bezoartica, Ceruicapra, 162. Bibos, 124. bicolor, Arvicola, 8g. bicolor, Macroxus, 7. bicolor, Sciurus, 7. bicolor, Sciurus, 8, U1. bicolor, Tajirus, 198. bicornis, khinoceros, 205. biddulphi, Lepus, i14. bilineatus, Sciurus, 23. billardieri, Halmaturus, 335. billardieri, Kangurus, 335. billardieri, Macropus, 335. binturong, Arctictis, 249. binturong, Viverra, 249. bipes, Dipus, 100. birmanicus, Herpestes, auropuncta- tus, var., 252. Bison, 123. bivittatus, Scturus, 23. blanfordi, Arvicola, 91. 354 blanfordi, Dipus, 100. blanfordi, Mus, 70. blanfordi, Sciurus, 12. blanfordi, Sciurus, pygerythrus vaz., 12. blythi, Arvicola, gt. blythi, Balaenoptera, 314. blythi, Cabra, 143. blythi, Ceratorhinus, 204. blythi, Sciurus, 18. blythianus, Mus (Nesokia), 55. bobac, Arctomys, 41, 42, 43. bocourti, Sciurus, 22. boiei, Viverra, 241. bombayanus, Sciurus, 10 bonapartii, Genetta, 240. bondar, Paguma, 244. bondar, Paradoxurus, 244. bondar, Viverra, 244. booduga, Leggada, 80. borealis, Cystophora, 309. borealis, Felis, 229, 232. borealis, Gulo, 283. borealis, Lepus, 118, 120. borealis, Lyncus, 229, 232. bornensis, Sciurus, prevostii var., 24. Bos, 123. Boselaphus, 154. bougainvillei, Perameles, 345. bougensis, Sciurus, 30. bowersii, Mus, 62. brachyotus, Cercoleptes, 300. brachyotus, Sciurus, 31. brachyura, Felis, 221. brachyura, Manis, 330; 331. brachyura, Nesokia, 55. Brachyurus, 87. brachyurus, Halmaturus, 336. brachyurus, Herpestes, 255. brachyurus, Kangurus, 335. brachyurus, Leopardus, 221. brachyurus, Macropus, 335. brachyurus, Neofelis, 221. brachyurus, Procyon, 2¢8. brasiliensis, Lura, 297, brasiliensis, Lutra, 297. brevicaudatus, Gerbillus, 50, breviceps, Belideus, 340. breviceps, Didelphys, 348. breviceps, Geomys, 99. breviceps, Kogia, 315. breviceps, Petauras, 340. breviceps, Physeter, 315. brevirostris, Orcella, 318. brevirostris, Phocaena, 318. brittanicus, Arvicola, 93. brodiet, Sciurus, 25. broohes, Ovts, 136. INDEX. bruni, Didelphys, 337+ bruni, Dorcopsis, 337- bruni, Kangurus, 333- brunneus, Mus, 61. brunneusculus, Mus, 63. butalina, Antilope, 149. bubalina, Capricornis, 149. bubalinus, Nemorhaedus, 149 bubalis, Bos, 129. Bubalus, 124. bubalus, Bos, 129. Budorcas, 151. ~buduga, Leggada, 8o. buduga, Mus (Leggada), 80. buffelus, Bos, 129. buffelus, Bubalus, 129. burcheli, Asinus, 200. burchelli, Equus, 200. burrhel, Ovis, 140. bursarius, Geomys, 99. bursarius, Mus, 99. bursarius, Pseudostoma, 99. bursarius, Saccophorus, 99. byroni, Phoca, 309. c caama, Alcephalus, 170. caama, Antilope, 170. caama, Boselaphus, 170. caama, Bubalus, 170. caama, Damalis (Acronctus), 170. caama, Fennecus, 273- caama, Megalotis, 273. caama, Vulpes, 273. caballus, Equus, 200. caecutiens, Buthyergus, 98. caffer, Bos, 130. caffer, Bubalus, 130. caffer, Chaus 232. caffer, Herpestes, 256. caffra, Felis, 232. caffra, Viverra, 256. Calictis, 250. californianus, Ovis, 138. californica, Didelphys, 348. californica, Lutra, 297. caligatu, Felis, 232. callotis, Lepus, 120. Calogale, 250. calomith:, Felis, 231. Calotragus, 166. calotus, Mustela, 28. calotus, Sciurus, 28. Camelopardalis, 171. camelopardalis, Cervus, 171. INDEX. 355 camelopardalis, Girafta, 171. Camelus, 191. campestris, Antilope, 166. campestris, Pediotragus, 166. cana, Vulpes, 272. canadensis, Ascomys, 99. canadensis Castor, 44. canadensis, Cervus, 185. canadensis, Dipus, 99. canadensis, Felis, 232. canadensis, Latax, 297. canadensis, Lutra, 297. canadensis, Lyncus, 232. canadensis, Mustela, 276, 282, 297. canadensis, Ovis, 137. cancrivora, Didelphys, 348. cancrivora, Mesobema, 256. cancrivora, Urva, 256. canescens, Felis 231. canescens, Lepus, 118. canescens, Meles, 288. caniceps, Macroxus, 14. caniceps, Pteromys, 36. caniceps, Sciuropterus, 36. caniceps, Sciurus, 13. canigula, Mustela, 280. canigula, Putorius, 280. canina, Phalangista, 342. canina, Phoca, 307. caninus, Trichosurus, 342. Canis, 261. canna Antilope (Oreas), 152. canna, Damalis (Boselaphus:, 153. canna Oreas, 152. Caoti, 298. Capella, 1§1. capensis, Cavia, 208. capensis, Elephas, 208. capensis, Felis, 231. capensis, Georychus, 99. capensis, Hippopotamus, 197. capensis, Hyaena, 259. capensis, Hyrax, 208. capensis, Ictonyx, 284. capensis, Lepus, 119. capensis, Mus 99. capensis, Myrmecophaga, 332. capensis, Orycteropus, 332. capensis, Oryx, 155. capensis, Sciurus, 31. capensis, Sti epsiceros, 153. capensis, XNerus, 31. capensis, Zorilla, 284. capistratus, Sciurus, 29. Capra, 142. capraea, Capreolus, 187. Capreolus, 187. capreolus, Cervus (Capreolus), 187. Capricornis, 147. Caprolagus, 112. Caprovis, 131. capybara, Hydrochoerus, 109. Caracal, 212. caracal, Felis, 230. caracal, Lynx, 230. carcharias, Viverra, 250. carcinophaga, Lobodon, 308. carcinophaga, Phoca, 308. carcinophagus, Stenorhyncus, 308, Cariacus, 187. caribou Rangifer, 188. CARNIVORA, 209. carolinensis, Felis, 233. carolinensis, Sciurus, 29. carolinus, Sciurus, 29. cashmeerianus, Cervus, 184. cashmerensis. Cervus, 184. castaneoventris, Sciurus, 17. castaneus, Rhizomys, 97. Castor, 44. catenata, Felis, 231. cathia, Putorius, 281. Catoblepas, 170. catodon, Beluga, 317. Catolynx, 212. catolynx, Felis, 228. catus, Felis, 232. catus, Felis, 233. caucasica, Capra, 143. caudata, Antilope, 149. caudata, Felis, 229. caudatior, Mus, 69. caudatus, Arctomys, 43. caudatus, Arctomys, 43. caudatus, Chaus, 229. caudatus, Nemorhaedus, 149. caudatus, Urotragus, 149. , caudimaculata, Hapalotis, 84. caudivolvula, Didelphys, 341. caudivolvula, Viverra, 299. caudivolvulus, Cercolept s, 299. caudivolvulus, Potos, 300 caudivolyulus, Ursus, 300. Cavia, 108. cavifrons, Bibos, 124. cawi, Ichneumon, 257. ceilonensis, Sciurus, 11. celebensis, Cuscus, 343. celebensis, Phalanger, 343. celidogaster, Felis, 225. celidogaster, Leopaidus, 225. Cephalophus, 167. Ceratorhinus, 201 Cercolabes, 103. Cercoleptes, 299. Cervicapra, 104. 356 cervicapra, Antilcpe, 162. cervicolor, Mus, 75. cervicolor, Mus, 8o. eervina, Ovis, 138. Cervulus, 172. Cervus, 174. CETACEA, 310. ceylanicus, Herpestes, 255. ceylonicus, Sciurus, 11. ceylonus, Mus, 63. chaltoni, Catolynx, 221. chaltoni, Felis, 221. chaltoni, Uncia, 221. chanco, Canis, 263. chanco, Lupus, 263- Chaus, 212. chaus, Felis, 227. chaus, Lynx, 228. chickara, Antilope, 168. chickara, Tetracerus, 168. chinensis, Felis, 223. chinensis, Leopardus, 219, 223. chinensis, Lutra, 292. chinensis, Sciurus, 19. Chiropodomys, 81. chiru, Antilope, 164. Cholopus, 328. christt, Gazella, 159. Chrvsaeus, 260. chrysogaster, Galidictis, 274. chrysogaster, Hydromys, 45. chrysogaster, Moschus, 172. chrysonotus, Sciurus 13. chrysothryx, Sciuropterus, 35. chrysurus, Canis, 271. cicognani, Mustela, 279. cineraceus, Eupetaurus, 4o. cineraceus, Pteromys, 33. cineraceus, Pteromys, oral var., 33. cinerea, Lutra, 296. cinereo-argentatus, Canis, 273. cinereus, Geomys, 99. cinereus, Phascolarctus, 343. cinereus, Rhizomys, 95. cinereus, Sciurus, 29. cinnamoneus, Mus, 69. cinnamoneus, Sciurus, 22. cinnamoneus, Ursus, 305. civetta, Viverra, 239. civettina, Vive-ra, 237. civettoides, Viverra, 236. Clymene, 324. Clymenia, 324. cobaya, Cavia, 109. coecutiens, Georychus, 98. Coelogenus, 108. Coelogenys, 108, coffaeus, Mus, 84. INDEX, collaris, Arctonyx, 290. collaris, Mydaus, 290. collaris, Ursus, 304. communis, Phocaena, 317. concolor, Felis, 230. concolor, Leopardus, 230. concolor, Mus, 68. concolor, Sciurus, 14. conditor, Hapalotis, 84. conditor, Mus, 84. congicus, Xerus 31. Connochaetes, 170. cooki, Phalangista, 341. cooki, Pseudochirus, 341. cora, Gazella, 158. couguar, Felis, 230. craspidotis, Lepus, 115. crassicaudata, Manis. 330. crassicaudata, Phascogale, 348. crassicaudata, Sminthopsis, 348. crassicaudatus, Podabrus, 348. crassipes, Mus, 63, 73. Cricetomys, 87. Cricetus, 85. crispa, Antilope, 149. cristata, Cystopkora, 309. cristata, Hystrix, 105. cristata, Hystrix, 105. cristata, Mirounga, 309. cristata, Phoca, 309. cristata, Viverra, 258. cristatus, Proteles, 258. cristatus, Stemmatopus, 309. cristatus, Sus, 193. Crocuta, 258. crocuta, Canis, 259. crocuta, Hyaena, 259. Crossarchus, 258. crossit, Ceratorhinus, 204. crossti, Paradoxurus, 243. crossit, Rhinoceros, 204. cryptorhinus, Gerbillus, 50. cuandu, Hystrix, 103. cuja, Viverra, 284. cummingii, Octodon, 103. cunicularis, Mus, 75. cuniculus, Bettongia. 338. cuniculus, Hypsiprymnus, 338. cuniculus, Lepus, 118. Cuon, 260. curzoniae, Lagomys, 110. Cuscus, 343. cuviert, Acanthion, 105. cuviert, Gerbillus, 47. cuvieri, Oedocephalus, 105. cycloceros, Ovis, 138. ynaelurus, 235. Cynailurus, 235. Cynalopex, 267. cynocephala, Didelphys, 346. cynocephalus, Thylacinus, 346. Cynofelis, 235. Cynogale, 240. Cystophora, 309. D dabagala, Xerus, 31. daccaensis, Mus, 55. dalmanni, Pholidotus, 331. Dama, 174. dama, Cervus, 186. darjeelingensis, Mus, 71. darwinii, Felis, 231. Dasypus, 329. Dasyurus, 346. dayanus, Lepus, 115. decumana, Alactaga, 101. decumana, Dipus, 101. decumanoides, Mus, 61, 63. decumanus, Mus. 61. deductor, Globicephalus, 319. degus, Dendrobius, 103. degus, Octodon, 103. degus, Sciurus, 103. dekan, Nyctocleptes, 95. dekan, Rhizomys, 96. delesserti, Sciurus, 26. Delphinapterus, 317, Delphinus, 321. delphis, Delphinus, 321. Dendrobius, 102. depressicornis, Anoa, 130 depressicornis, Antilope, 139. depressicornis, Bos, 130. derbiana, Hemigalea, 241. derbianus, Halmaturus 335. derbianus, Paradoxurus, 241. destructor, Arvicola, 92. Diabolus, 346. diardi, Felis, 220. diardi, Felis, 221. dichrous, Arctomys, 43. Dicotyles, 196. Dicranocerus, 170. didactylus, Bradypus, 328. didactylus, Cholopus, 328. Didelphys, 348. dimorphe, Cervus, 181. dingo, Canis, 266. dingo, Canis, familiaris var , 266 Diplostoma, 99. Dipus, 100. domestica, Felis, 233. dorcas, Antilope, 157. INDEX. 357 dorcas, Capra, 157. dorcas, Gazella, 157. dorcas, Gazella, 157, 158. Dorcopsis, 337. dorsalis, Halmaturus, 334. dorsalis, Macropus, 334. dorsalis, Nasua, 299. dorsata, Hystrix, 103. dorsata, Phoca, 308. dorsatus, Erethizon, 103. dromas, Camelus, 192. dromedarius, Cameius, 192. Dromicia, 339, drummondii, Geomys, 99. dubius, Mus, 55, 71. dubius, Paradoxurus, 243. dugong, Halicore, 326. dugung, Trichechus, 325, dukhanensis, Canis, 260. dukhunensis, Cuon, 260. dumecolus, Mus, 83. dumeticola, Mus (Vandeleuria), 83. dussumierii, Sciurus, 25. duvaucellit Antilope (Nemorhae- dus), 148. duvauceli, Cervus, 179. aduvauceli, Recurvus, 180. dybowskii, Cervus, 182. E Echinoprocta, 103. Echidna, 349. edeni, Balaenoptera, 314. EDENTATA, 327. edwardsii, Antilope (Nemorhaedus), 150. Egoceros, 156. elaphoides, Cervus, 179. elaphoides, Cervus (Recurvus), 180. elaphus, Cervus, 183. elaphus, Cervus, 184. eldi, Cervus, 180. eldii, Panolia, 181. electra, Lagenorhynchus, 321. elegans, Macropus, 337. eleotragus, Antilope (Cervicapra), 164. eleotragus, Antilope (Redunca), 165. elephantina, Phoca, 309. Elephas, 206. elliotanus, Mus(Nesokia), 58. ellioti, Golunda, 83. ellioti, Herpestes, 254. ellioti, Leopardus, 223. ellioti, Lutra, 204. ellioti, Viverriceps, 223. 358 ellipsiprymnus, Antilope, 164. ellipsiprymnus, Kobus, 164. E llobius, 94. elphinstonit, Sciurus, 10. empetra, Arctomys, 44. encoubert, Dasy'pus, 329- Enhydra, 297. ephippium, Macroxus, 7. ephippium, Sciurus, 7. equina, Antilope, 150. eguina, Antilope (Aigoceros), 156. equinus, Cervus, 176. equinus, Hippotragus, 156. Equus, 198. - Erethizon, 103- erminea, Foetorius, 279. erminea, Mustela, 278. erminea, Putorius, 278. erythraeus, Sciurus, 15. erythraeus, Sciurus, 17. erythrogaster, Macroxus, 16. erythrogaster, Sciurus, 16. erythrogenys, Rhiz mys, 96. erythrogenys, Sciurus, 24. erythromelas, Sciurus, 24. erythronotus, Mus, 75. erythropus, Sciurus, 31. erythropus, Xerus, 31. erythrotis, Felis, 228. erythrotis, Mus, 70. erythrourus, Gerbillus, 49, 50. erythrurus, Gerbillus, 49. eschrichti, Delphinus, 321. esculentus, Glis, 45. euchore, Antidorcas, 162. euchore, Antilope, 162. euchore, Gazella, 162. eugenii, Kangurus, 325. eugenii, Macropus, 335. Eupetaurus, 40. Euphractus, 329. Euphysetes, 315. Eupleres, 250. europaeus, Capreolus, 187. europaeus, Castor, 44. europaeus, Lepus, 118. europaeus, Meles, 288. europaeus, Sciurus, 28. eurynome, Delphinus, 323. euryspilus, Helarctos, 504. eustephanus, Cervus, 184. F falconeri, Aegoceros (Capra), 145. falconeri, Capra, 145. falklandica, Cystophora, 305. INDEX. familiaris, Canis, 266. familiaris, Canis, 260. fasciata, Hyaena, 259. fasciatus, Crossarchus, 258. fasciatus, Herpestes, 258. fasciatus, Kangurus, 337. faciatus Lagorchestes, 337. fasciatus, Lagostrophus, 337- fasciatus, Lynx, 233. Jasciatus, Mungos, 258. fasciatus, Myrmecobius, 348. fasciatus, Paradoxurus, 244. fasciculata, Atherura, 104- Fasciculata, Hystrizx, 106. felinus, Paradoxurus, 244. Felis, 212. Senestratus, Dasypus, 329. ferox, Ursus, 303, 304. Serrilatus, Cynalopex, 272. ferrilatus, Vulpes, 272. Serrugineus, Herpestes, 254. ferrugineus, Sciurus, 22. Fiber, 87. fiber, Castor, 44. jimbriatus, Cynictis, 254. jimbriatus, Herpestes, 253. Jjimbriatus, Pteromys, 37. fimbriatus, Sciuropterus, 37. Jintaysonii, Paradoxurus, 243. finlaysoni, Scturus, 22. flavescens, Mus, 63. flavescens, Vulpes, 268, 270. fiavidens, Herpestes, 255. fiavigula, Martes, 274. filavigula, Mustela, 273. flavimanus, Sciurus, 12, 15. flavipes, Antechinus, 347. flavipes, Phascogale, 347. Slaviventer, Belideus, 340. fiaviventer, Petaurus, 340. flavus, Caudivolvulus, 302. flavus, Lemur, 299, flavus, Xerus, 31. floridanus, Lynx, 233. floweri, Rhinoceros, 203. fluminalis, Orcella, 319. foetidus, Putorius, 277. Foetorius, 276. foina, Martes, 275: foina, Mustela, 275. Sontanieri, Felis, 218. Sormosianus, Ursus, 303. Sossor, Wombatus, 344. Sraenatus, Macropus, 336. | frederici, Herpestes, 253. _ frenata, Onychogale, 336. ; frithi, Delphinus, 322. | frontalis, Bibos, 125, INDEX. frontalis, Bos, 126. frontalis, Cervus, 181. frontalis, Gavaeus, 126. Srontatus, Delphinus, 325. frontatus, Steno, 325. fulgens, Aelurus, 300. fuliginosus, Canis, 264. fuliginosus, Sciurus, 29. fuliginosus, Trichosurus, vulpecula vary, 342. fulvescens, Herpestes, 255. fulvescens, Mus, 69. fulvidiventris, Mus, 80. fulviventer, Moschus, 189. fulvolavatus, Hydromys, 46. fulvus, Arvicola, 89. fulvus, Canis, 268. fulvus, Coelogenus, 108. Sulvus, Cricetus, 86. Sulvus, Meriones, 50. fulvus, Sciurus, 28. fulvus, Vulpes, 268. fulvus Vulpes, alopex var., 263. fumigatus, Lepus, 120. Surcifer, Antilope, 171. furcifer, Antilope (Dicranoceros), 171. Suro, Mustela, 277. furo, Putorius, foetidus rar., 278. fusca, Mustela, 270. fusca, Nasua, 299. fusca, Osmetectis, 256. fusca, Viverra, 256. Suscatus, Tragulus, 190. fuscifrons, Gazella, 160. fuscocapillus, Ellobius, 94. Suscocapillus, Georychus, 94. Suscocapillus, Myospalax, 94. Sfuscocapillus, Pteromys 39. fuscocapillus, Sciuropterus 39. fuscus, Herpestes, 255. Suscus, Ornithorhynchus, 349. fuscus, Phascolarctus, 343. fuscus, Schizodon, 102. Suscus, Xerus, 31. Susiformis, Delphinus, 321. G gabbii, Bassaricyon, 299. gadamu, Delphinus, 325. gadamu, Sutalia, 325. gale, Mustela, 279. galeopardus, Felis, 231. Galera, 283. galera, Herpestes, 257. galera, Ichneumon, 257. 359 galera, Mustela, 257. Galictis, 283. galiniert, Herpestes, 257. gambianus, Cricetomys, 87. gambianus, Sciurus, 30. gangetica, Platanista, 315. gangeticus, Delphinus, 315. gaurus, Bibos, 124. gaurus, Bos, 124. gaurus, Gavaeus, 125, Gavaeus, 124. gavaeus, Bos, 126. gayaeus, Bos, 124. Gazella 157. gazella, Capra, 155. gazella, Oryx, 155. gedrosianus, Ursus, 303- Genetta, 240. genetta, Viverra, 240. geoffroyi, Dasyurus, 347. Geomys, 99. Georychus, 98. gerbillinus, Mus, 74. Gerbillus, 46. gerbillus, Dipus, 51. gerboa, Dipus, 100. germani, Sciurus, 22. ghoral, Kemas, 148. gibbosus, Zebus, 131. gigantea, Yerboa, 333- giganteus, Macropus, 333. giganteus, Mus, 57. giganteus, Mus (Neotoma), 57. giganteus, Mus (Nesokia), 57- giganteus, Sciurus, 8. giganteus, Sciurus, bicolor var., 8. gingianus, Sciurus, 23. Giraffa, 171. giraffa, Camelopardalis, 171. glacialis, Lepus, 118. glama, Auchenia, 192. glama, Camelus, 192. glareolus, Arvicola, 89. glareolus, Mus, 89. gleadowi, Gerbillus, 52. gleadowi, Mus, 77. gliriformis, Dromicia, 339. gliriformis, Phalangista, 339. glroides, Chiropodomys, 82. glirvoides, Mus, 82. glis, Mus, 45. glis, Myoxus, 45. glis, Sciurus, 45. Globicephalus, 319. globiceps, Delphinus, 319. gmelini, Ovis, 139. gnu, Antilope, 170. gnu, Antilope Boselaphus), 170. 360 gnu, Catoblepas, 170. gnu, Connochaetes, 170. godmant, Mustela, 276. Golunda, 83. goral, Antilope, 148. goral, Nemorhaedus, 148. gordoni, Sciurus, 16. goudoti, Eupleres, 250. gouldii, Hapalotis, 85. gouldi, Mus, 79. gour, Bos, 124. gracilis, Herpestes, 257. grandis, Pteromys, 30. granti, Calogale, 257. grayt, Bettongia, 338. grayi, Euphysetes, 315. grayi, Hypsiprymnus, 338. grayli, Mus, 79. grayi, Paguma, 247. gray, Paradoxurus, 247. gregarius, Mus, 92. grifithii, Nesokia, 54. grifithii, Vulpes, 270. Grimmia, 167. grimmia, Cephalophus, 168. grisea, Antilope, 167. grisea, Antilope (Cervicapra), 167. grisea, Antilope (Tragulus), 167. grisea, Felis, 231. grisea, Mangusta 253. griseimanus, Sciurus, 12. gtiseimanus, Sciurus, pygerythrus var., 12. griseiventer, Pteromys, 33. griseiventer, Sciurus, 23. griseopectus, Sciurus, 17. griseus, Herpestes, 251, 253, 256. griseus, Lagomys, 110. griseus, Leopardus, 231. griseus, Oreotragus, 167. Grisonia, 283. groenlandica, Phoca, 308. groenlandicus, Callocephalus, 308. groenlandicus, Pagopilus, 308. groenlandicus, Rangifer, 188. grotei, Acanthochoerus, 106. grunniens, Bos, 128. grunniens, Poephagus, 128. guentheri, Arvicola, 93. Gueparda, 225. gularis, Procyon, 298. Gulo, 283. gulo, Mustela, 283. gulo, Taxus, 283. gulo, Ursus, 283. gunni, Perameces, 345. guttata, Cynofelis, 235. guttata, Felis, 235. INDEX. guttata, Gueparda, 235. guy, Manis, 332. gwatkinsti, Martes, 274. Gymnomys, 84. Gymnopus, 276. gymnotis, Lagorchestes, 337+ H habessinicus, Lepus, 119. Halicore, 326. Hapalomys, 82. Hapalotis, 84. Haploceros, 151. hardwickii, Gerbillus, 47. hardwickii, Hemigale, 241. hardwickii, Mus, 5%. hardwickit, Mus (Nesokia) §4. hardwickii, Mustela, 273. hardwickii, Nesokia, 53. hardwickit, Viverra, 241. haroja, Phacochoerus, 197. harrisi, Thylacinus, 346. hazenna, Antilope, 159. Helarctos, 301. Helictis, 284. hemachalanus, Arctomys, 42, 43- Hemigale. 241. Hemigalea, 241. Hemigalus, 241. hemionus, Asinus, 199. hemionus, Equus, 198. Hemitragus, 142. hemprichiana, Antilope, 165. Hepoona, 341. hercynicus, H pudaeus, 80. hermaphrodita, Viverra, 243. hermaphroditus, Paradoxurus, 243. hermaphroditus, Paradoxurus, 244. hernandezit, Procyon, 298. Herpestes, 250. herschelli, Feliis, 223. Hesperomys, 85 heterocurvus, Rusa, 176. Heteropus, 336. hiternicus, Lepus, 118. Aimalaicus, Vulpes, 268. Aimalayana, Capra, 144. himalayana, Felis, 225. himalayanus, Arctomys, 41. hippelaphus, Cervus, 179. hippelaphus, Cervus, 176. hippelaphus, Tragelaphus, 154. Hippopotamus, 197. Hippotragus, 156. hippurus, Sciurus, 18, hippurus, Scturus, 16. Hurcus, 142. hircus, Capra, 147. hirsutirostris, Hystrix, 105. hirsutus, Mus, 84. hirsutus, Paradoxurus, 244. hispidus, Caprolagus, 117. hispidus, Lepus, 117. hodgsonii, Acanthion, 106. hodgsonii, Antilope, 163. hodgsoni, Arctomys, 42. hodgsonii, Hystrix, 106. hodgsonti, Kemas, 164. hodgsonit, Lagomys, 112. hodgsoni, Mustela, 280. hodgsoni, Ovis, 126. hodgsoni, Pantholops, 163. hoffmanni, Cholopus, 328. homourus, Mus, 71. horeites, Mus, 63. horsfieldit, Aonyx, 296. horsfieldit, Leopardus, 223. horsfieldit, Mustela, 280. horsfieldii, Sciuropterus, 39. horsfieldii, Vison, 280. hottentottus. Bathyergus, 98. hudsonica, Lutra, 297. hudsonius, Dipus, 99. hudsonius, Hystrix, 103. hudsonius, Lepus, 120. hudsonius, Sciurus, 29. hudsonius, Sciurus, 40. hudsonius, Zapus, gg. humei, Mus, 70. humeralis, Mustela, 280. humeralis, Scvurus, 7. hurrianae, Gerbillus, 50. huttoni, Felis, 233. huttoni, Mus, 54. huttoni, Nesokia, 54. Hyaena, 258. hyaena, Canis, 258. hyaenoides, Viverra, 258. Hydrochoerus, 109. Hydromys, 45. hydrophila, Nesokia, 58. Hyelaphus, 175. hylocrius, Capra, 146. hylocrius, Hemttragus, 146. hylocrius, Kemas, 146, hyperythrus, Sciurus, 15. hypoleucus, Sciurus, 7. hypsibius, Lepus, 113. Hypudaeus 93. Hypudaeus, 87. Hyracolpea, 208, Hyrax, 208. Hystrix, 104. INDEX, 361 hystrix, Echidna, 349. hystrix, Ornithorhynchus, 349. Ibex, 142. ibex, Aegoceros, 143. ibex, Capra, 143. Ichneumon, 250. ichneumon, Viverra, 258. Ictides, 249. Ictonyx, 284. imberbis, Strepsiceros, 153. inauritus, Ursitaxus, 287. inconspicua, Felis, 228, 232. inconspicua, Leopardus, 232. indi, Platanista, 315. indica, Alactaga, 101. indica, Arvicola, 53. indica, Balaenoptera, 313. indica, Lutra, 292. indica, Mellivora, 287. indica, Meminna, 189 tnd-ca, Nesokia, 55. indica, Spalacomys, 54. indica, Viverra, 238. indica, Viverricula, 238. indicus, Asinus, 199. indicus, Bos, 131. indicus, Canis aureus, 265. tndicus, Canis (Vulpes), 271. indicus, Dipus, 47. indicus, Elephas, 206. indicus, Gerbillus, 47. indicus, Globicephalus, 319. indicus, Globicephalus, 318. indicus, Halicore, 326. indicus, Manis, 330. indicus, Meles, 287. indicus, Mus, 57, 63. indicus, Oxygous, 265. indicus, Pholidotus, 330. indicus, Ratelus, 287. | indicus, Rhinoceros, 202. indicus, Sciurus, ro. indicus, Sus, 193. indicus, Tapirus, 198 tndicus, Ursus, 287. indigitatus Aonyx, 206. indigitatus, Lutra, 296. infrulineatus, Mus, 63. inornatus, Pteromys, 1,6. tnornatus, Sciurus, 12, inornatus, Ursus, 306. insectivorus, Cynalopex, 271, insignis, Sciurus, 28. 362 insularis, Lemnus, 93. intermedia, Mustela, 275. intermedius, Ellobius, 94. interscapularis, Antilope, 159. iodes, Tetracerus, 169. todoprymnus, Herpestes, 257. irbis, Felis, 218. irbis, Uncia, 218. isabella, Gazella, 157. tsabellina, Felis, 229. isabellinus, Cricetus, 85. tsabellinus, Lyncus, 229. isabellinus, Ursus, 302. Isomys, 53. isonotus, Sus, aper var., 193. tsonyx, Arctonyx, 290. Lsoodon, 345. italicus, Sciurus, 28. itatsit, Mustela, 282. J jacquemo.ti, Chorus, 228. jacquemonti, Felis, 228. jaculus, Dipus, 100. jaculus, Dipus, 101. jaculus, Mus, 100, 101. jagouarondi, Felis, 231. japonensis, Leopardus, 218, japonica, Rusa, 183. japonicus, Ursus, 305. jarai, Cervus, 176. jaraya, Rusa, 176. Jjavanensis, Felis, 223. javanensis, Leopardus, 223. javanensis, Mephitis, 289. javanica, Manis, 331. javanica, Manis, 331. javanicus, Canis, 260. javanicus, Herpestes, 251. jJavanicus, Moschus, 190. Javanicus, Rhinoceros, 202 Javanicus, Tragulus, 190. javanus, Pholidotus, 332. javanus, Sbalax, 95. Javensis, Sciurus. 7. jemlaica, Capra, 146. Jemlaicus, Hemitragus, 146. jerdoni, Capra, 146. jerdoni, Felis, 223. jerdoni, Herpestes, 255. jerdoni, Leggada, 69. jerdoni, Mus, 69. jerdoni, Paradoxurus, 246. Jharal, Capra, 146. Joong shaiensis, Lepus, 115. Jourdani, Paradoxurus, 243. INDEX. jubata, Cynofelis, 235. jubata, Felis, 235. jubata, Myrmecophaga, 328. jubatus, Cynaelurus, 235. K kakhyensis. Mus, 72. haleensis, Sciuropterus, 38. kanchil, Moschus, 189. kanchil, Tragulus, 189. kandianus, Mus, 63. kanei, Putortus, 279. karelini, Ovts, 133. kathiah, Gymnopus, 281. kathiah, Mustela, 281. kathiah, Putorius, 281. keitloa, Rhinoceres, 205. kelaarti, Sciurus, 25. Kemas, 147. kemas, Antilope (Oryx), 164. keraudrenit, Sciurus, 22. kerguelensis, Cystophora, 309. kiang, Equus, 199. kiang, Equus, haemionus var., kingit, Halmaturus, 334. kingii, Kerodon, 109. Kinkajou, 299. kirki, “seotragus, 166. Kobus, 164. Kogia, 315. kok, Mus, 55. kok Nesokia, bengalensis var., 55. kokvee, Canis, 271. kudu, Strepsiceros, 153. hudu, Sti epsiceros, 153. kutab, Lutra, 292. kutas, Felis, 228. 199. L labiatus, Melursus, 306, labiatus, Prochilus, 306. lasiatus, Ursus 306. labradorius, Dipus, 49. ladacensis Lagomys, 110, Lagenorhynchus, 321. Lagomys, 109, lagopus, Canis, 264. lagopus, Dipus, too. lagopus,. Leucocyon, 264. lagopus, Vulpes, 264. Lagostomus, 108. Lagostrophus, 337. lagotis, Peragale, 344. lagotis, Perameles, 344. lalandi, Proteles, 258. Lama, 192. laniger, Canis, 262. laniger, Macropus, 333. laniger, Paguma, 249. laniger, Paradoxurus, 249. laniger, Paradoxurus, 247. lanigera, Antilope, 151. lanuginosa, Phalangista, 341. lanuginosus, Mus, 76. larvatus, Putorius, 278. lasiorhinus, Phascolomys, 344. lasiotis, Rhinoceros, 204. lasiurus, Platacanthomys, 46. Lataxina, 201. lataxina, Lutra, 297." laticauda, Manis, 330. laticaudatus, Rhinosciurus, 30. laticaudatus, Sciurus, 30. latifrons, Phascolomys, 344. latizrons, Phascolomys, 344. layardi, Sciuropterus, 39. layardi, Sciurus, 26. leachit, Pleromys, 37. lebrunti, Arvicola, 92. Leggada, 79. legura, Phoca, 308. lehmanni, Lepus, 114. Lemnus, 87. lemnus, Mus, 93. lemnus, Hypudaeus, 93. leutigenosa, Sotalia, 325. lentigenosa, Delphinus, 325. Leo, 212. ; leo, Felis, 214. leonina, Cystophora, 309. leonina, Phoca, 300. leoninus, Macrorhinus, 30g. Leopardus, 212. leopardus, Felis, 218. lepida, Leggada, 80. lepidus, Mus, 80. leporina, Phoca, 308. leptonyx, Aonyx, 266. leptonyx, Lutra, 295. leptura, Manis, 332. Lepus, 112. leschenaultii, Cervus, 176. leschenaltii, Sciurus, 7. lesueuri, Bettongia, 338. lesueuri, Hypsiprymnus, 338. leucas, Delphinapterns, 317. leucogaster, Hydromys, 46. leucogaster, Moschus, 172. leucogaster, Sciurus, 22. leucolachnaea, Martes, 275. leucomystax, Pag uma, 248. leucomystax, Paradoxurus, 248. INDEX. 363 leuconyx, Ursus, 302. leucophueus, Hippotragus, 156. leucopleurus, Delphinus, 321. leucopleurus, Lagenorhy nchus, 321. leucoprymnus, Bos, 127. leucopus, Hesperomys, 85. leucopus, Musculus, 85. leucopus, Mustela, 276. leucopus, Paradoxurus, 244. leucopus, Sciurus, 12. leucopus, Vulpes, 270. leucorhynchos, Nasua, 29. leucoryx, Antilope, 156. lercoryx, Oryx, 156. leucotis, Arctogaie, 241. leucotis, Mustela, 273. leucotis, Paradoxrurus, 241. leucotis, Sciurus, 29. leucotis, Tamtas, 27. leuco-umbrinus, Scturus, 31. leucura, Arvicola, 93. leucura, Manis, 332. leucura, Meles, 289. leucura, Taxidea, 289. leucurus, Arvicola, 92. leucurus. Hystrix, 105. leucurus, Phaiomys, 91, levaillanti, Scturus, 32. leveriana, Viverra, 238. Linsang, 239. Lipurus, 343. - llacma, Auchenia, 102. loempo, Herpestes, 257. lokriah, Sciurus, 20. lokviah, Sciurus, 21. lokroides, Sciurus, 18. longicauda, Hystrix, 106. longicaudatus, Felis, 221. longicaudatus, Hapalomys, 82. longicaudatus, Lepus, 120. longipes, Dipus, 50. longipes, Mus, 50. longipilis, Mus, 79. longirostris, Delphinus, 322. longtrostris, Ursus, 306. lotor, Meles, 208. lotor, Procyon, 298. lotor, Ursus, 298. lunata, Onychogale, 337. lunatus, Macropus, 337. lupina, Lutra, 297. lupulina, Felis, 229. Lupus, 261. lupus, Canis, 262. lupus, Canis, 263. luscus, Gulo, 283. luscus, Meles, 283. luscus, Ursus, 283. 364 Lutra, 291. lutra, Mustela, 292. sutra, Viverra, 292. lutreocephala, Mustela, 282. lutreocephala, Vison, 283. lutreola, Mustela, 282. lutreola, Vison, 283. lutreolus, Putorius, 283. lutris, Enhydra, 297. lutris, Lutra, 297. lutris Mustela, 297. lutris, Poca. 297. lybica, Felis, 232. lybicus, Felis, 228. lybius, Melursus, 306. lynx, Felis, 229. lynx, Lynchus, 229. lyratus, Cervus, 181. dysteri, Sciurus (Tamias), 30. M maccarthiae, Cynichis, 255. maccarthiae, Herpestes, 255. maccarthiae, Onychogale, 255. macclellandi, Sciurus, 27. machlis, Alces, 186. macrocelis, Felis, 220. macrocelis, Neofelis, 221. macrocelts, Uncia, 221. macroceloides, Felis, 220. macroceloides, Uncia, 221. macrocephalus, Physeter, 314. macrodus, Paradoxurus, 246. Macropus, 332. macropus, Gymnomys, 84. macropus, Mus, 58, 84. macropus, Uromys, 84. Macrorhinus, 309. macrotarsus, Dipus, 100. Macrotis, 344. macrotis, Lagomys, I1o. macrotus, Lepus, 116. macroura, Atherura, 104. macroura, Hystrix, 104. macroura, Voluce/la, 340. macrourus, Dasyurus, 346. macrourus, Sciurus, 11. Macroxus, 4. macruroides, Sciurus, 8. macrurus, Podabrus, 348. maculata, Axis, 181. maculata, Crocuta, 259. maculata, Didelphys, 347. maculata, Felis, 233. maculata, Hyaena, 259. INDEX. maculata, Viverra, 346. maculatus, Dasyurus, 346. maculosus, Prionodon, 239. madagascariensis, Herpestes, 256. magnificus, Pteromys, 35. major, Axis, 181. major, Ichneumon, 257. major, Mactopus, 333- malabarica, Hystriz, 105. malabaricus, Mus, 57. malabaricus, Sciurus, 10. malaccensis. Herpestes, 252. malaccensis, Viverra, 238. malaccensis, Viverricula, 238. malayanus, Helarctos, 303, 304. malayanus, Prorhilus, 204. malayanus, Tapirus, 198, malayanus, Ursus, 304. mandoka, Antilope (Neotragus), 165. mandoqua, Anvilope, 168. mandoqua, Cephalophus, 168. mandogqua, Grimmia, 168. manei, Mus, 71. Mangusta, 250. maniculata, Felis, 232, 233. Manis, 329. manul, Felis, 226. maral, Cervus, 184. margarita, Felis, 232. marina, Lutra, 297. marina, Latax, 297. marinus, Ursus, 3 5. maritimus, Bathyergus, ¢8. maritimus, Mus 98. maritimus, Thalarctos, 305. maritimus, Thalassarctos, 305. maritimus, Ursus, 3c5. marmorata, Felis, 221. marmorata, Uncia, 22:. marmoratus, Cutols 1x, 221. marmoratus, Leopardus, 221. marmota, Arctomys, 44. marmota, Mus, 44. MARSUPIALI4, 332. marsupialis, Didelphys, 348. Martes, 273. martes, Mustela, 274. martes, Mustela, 276. martinus, Mustela, 276. maugei, Dasyurus, 347. mauritanicus, Dipus, 100. maximus, Sciurus, 10, 11. maximus, Elephas, 206, 208. Mazama, 187. megabalia, Felis, 235. megaceros, Capra, 145. megaceros, Hircus, 145. megalotis, Felis, 233. megalotus, Cercoleptes, 300. megaspila, Viverra, 237. melampus, Aepyceros, 169. melampus, Antilope, 169. melanauchen, Lepus, 117. melanogaster, Vulpes, 268. melanoleucus, Atluropoda, 301. melanoleucus, Ailuropus, 301. melanoleucus, Ursus, 301. melanopsis, Pteromys, 36. melanorhyncha, Mustela, 276. melanotis, Antilope, 167. melanotis, Calotragus, 167. melanotis, Caracal, 230. melanotis, Hypsiprymnus 338. melanotis, Nanotragus, 167. melanotis, Pteromys, 30. melanotis, Sciurus, 21. melanura, Felis, 231. melanura, Cynictis, 257. melanurus, Viverra, 235. melas, Cervus, 173. melas, Delphinus, 318, 319. melas, Felis, 218. melas, Globicephalus, 319. Meles, 288. meles, Ursus, 288. meliceps, Mydaus, 289. Mellivora, 287. mellivorus, Ratelus, 287. Melogale, 284. meltada, Golunda, 76. Melursus, 306. Meminna, 188. meminna, Moschus, 189. meminna, Tragulus, 189. mephitica, Mephitis, 2gr. mephitica, Viverra, 291. Mephitis, 291. mephitis, Viverra, 291. mergens, Antilope, 167. mergens, Cephalophus, 167. meridianus, Dipus, 50. meridianus, Gerbillus, 50. meridianus, Meriones, 50. meridianus, Mus, 50. meridianus, Rhombomys, 50. Meriones, 46. — Mesobema, 250. mesomelas, Canis, 266. mesomelas, Vulpes, 266. messorius, Mus, 78. mettada, Mus, 76. mexicana, Felis 23. mexicanus, Cariacus, 187. mexicanus, Cervus, 187 microcephalu , Meriones, 99. microphthalmos, Spalax, 94. INDEX, 365 Microtus, 87. micrurus, Cervulus, 174, migratorius, Sciurus, 29. milne-edwardsti, Capricornis, 150. mimenoides, Tragulus, 189. minor, Axis, 181. minuta, Felis, 223. minutus, Mus, 78. minx, Mustela, 282. ' mitchellit, Dipus, 85. mitchelli, Hapalotis, 85. mitchelli, Phascolomys, 344. mitrata, Phoca, 309. modestus, Sciurus, 20, molagan, Delphinapterus, 318. mollis, Lataxina, 297. monax, Arctomys, 44. monax, Mus, 44. monoceros, Monodon, 317. Monodon, 316. MoNOTREMATA, 349. montana, Antilope, 166. montana, Nasua, 299. montana, Ovis, 138, 139, 151. montanus, Haploceros, 151. montanus, Lynx, 233. montanus, Nanotragus, 166. montanus, Paradoxurus, 247, montanus, Scopophorus, 166. montanus, Vulpes, 268. montanus, Vulpes, alopex var., 268, -monticola, Arvicola, 92. monticola, Lutra, 294. monticolus, Herpestes, 255. monticolus, Lutra, 292. moormensis, Felis, 222. moormensis, Leopardus, 222. morungensis, Mus, 55. moschata, Helictis, 286. moschatus, Cervulus, 173. moschatus, Prox, 173. moschiferus, Moschus, 172. Moschus, 171. mouhotii, Sciurus, 26. maulleri, Dorcopsis, 337. mullert, Macropus, 337: multicolor, Sciurus, 30. mungo, Herpestes, 253. mungo, Herpestes, 258. mungo, Viverra, 253. Mungos, 250, mungos, Mangusta, 253. muntjac, Cervulus, 173. Muntjacus, 172. muntjacus, Stylocerus, 173. muntjak, Cervus, 173. Mus, 59. musanga, Paradoxurus, 243, 244. 366 musanga, Viverra, 243. musangoides, Paradoxurus, 243. Muscardinus, 45. muscardinus, Myoxus, 45. musculus, Mus, 78. musculus, Mus, 71. musignant, Arvicola, 92. Mustela, 273. mustelina, Rhabdogale, 284. mutgigella, Herpestes, 257. mutscheltschela, Herpestes, 257. Mydaus, 289. Myodes, 87. Myodes, Subg.. 89. Myospalax, 94. myosuros, Perameles, 345. . Myoxus, 45. Myrmecobius, 348. Myrmecophaga, 328. mysticetus, Balaena, 312. N nageri, Hypudaeus, 89. nahoor, Ovis, 140. nahoor, Pseudois, 140. nair, Lutra, 292, 29.4. namaquensis, Sciurus, 31, nana, Dromicia, 339. nana, Phalangista, 339. Nannomys, 79. Nanotragus, 166. nanus, Gerbillus, 51. nanus, Lepus, 120. napu, Moschus, 190. napu, Tragu.us, Igo. narica, Nasua, 299 narica, Viverra, 299. nasalis, Rhinoceros, 203. nasica, Nasua, 299. Nasua, 208. nasua, Ursus, 209. nasua, Viverra, 298. nasuta, Perameles, 345. natalensis, Antilope, 168, natalensis, Cephalophus, 168. nautica, Phoca, 308. nayaur, Ovis, 136, 140. nebulosa, Felis, 220. neglecta, Arvicola, 93- nemoralis, Mus, 63. Nemorhaedus, 147, nemorivagus, Mus, 58. nemorivagus, Nesokia, 58. nems, Viverra, 257. Neodon Subg,, 93, Neodon, 87. INDEX, Neofelis, 212. Neomeris, 318. Neotragus, 165. nepalensis, Barangia, 295. nepalensis, Calogale, 251. nepalensis, Lagomys, 112. Nesokia, 53. Nesotragus, 166. newera, Golunda, 84. nictitans, Grimmia, 168. niger, Canis, 263. niger, Ceratorhinus, 204, niger, Paradoxurus, 244. niger, Paradoxurus, hermaphroditus var, 244. niger, Sciurus, 29. niger, Sciurus, 29. niger, Ursus, 205. niger, Viverra, 244. nigra, Mustela, 276. nigra, Volucella, 340. nigrescens, Felis, 222. nigrescens, Putorius, 283. nigricaudatus, Ichneumia, 257. nigricaudatus, Lepus, 121. nigricollis, Lepus, 116. nigrifrons, Paradoxurus, 244. nigripectus, Felis, 226. nigripes, Felis, 232. nigripes, Sus, screfa var., 195. nigrovittatus, Sciurus, 23. nilagiricus, Mus, 83. nipalensis, Felis, 223. nipalensis, Gulo, 286. nipalensis, Helictis, 286. nipalensis, Herpestes, 251. nipalensis, Mus, 71. nipalensis, Paradoxurus, 247. nipalensis, Rusa, 176. nipalensis, Vulpes, 268, nitidus, Mus, 63. nitidus, Mus, alexandrinus var., 63. nitidus, Pteromys, 36. nitidus, Sciuropterus, 35. nitulidus, Mus, 76. nivalis, Arvicola, 92. nivalis, Mustela, 279. nivea, Procyon, 208. niviventer, Mus, 79. niviventer, Mus (Rattus), 70. nobilis, Leo, 214. nobilis, Pteromys, 35. nobilis, Sciuropterus, 35. noctivagus, Psammoryctes, 102. norvegicus, Lemnus, 93. notatus, Belideus, 340. notatus, Sciurus, 23. noveboracensis, Putorius, 270. novemcincta, Tatusia, 329. novemcinctus, Dasypus, 329. nubiana, Capra, 144. nudipalpebra, Cervus, 181. nudipes, Lutra, 292. nuttalli, Lepus, 120. Nyctocletes, 95. nyula, Calogale, 254. nyula, Herpestes, 253. oO obesula, Didelphys, 345. obesula, Isoodon, 345. obesula, Perameles, 345. obesus, Gerbillus, 52. obesus, Meriones, 52. obesus, Psammoniys, 52+ ohesus, Rosmarus, 307. obscura, Clymenia, 324+ obscura, Felis, 232. obscurus, Delphinus, 324. obscurus, Procyon, 298. obscurus, Prodelphinus, 324. obtusa, Electra, 321. occidentalis, Pseudochirus, 341. oceanica, Phoca, 308. ocelot, Felis, 231, ochracea, Galerella, 257. ochraceus, Aelurus, 300. ochraceus, Herpestes, 257. echropus, Lipus, 119. Octodon, 102. octomammis, Mus, 69. ocularis, Sciurus, 32. Oedocephalus, 104, ogilbyt, Felis, 221. ogilbyi, Hypsiprymnus, 338. ogtlbyi, Paradoxurus, 248. oistolus, Lepus, 112. oistolus, Lepus, 114. oleracea, Vandeleuria, 83. oleraceus, Mus, 83. olivacea, Nasua, 299. onager, Asinus, 199+ Onychogale, 336. Onychogale, 250. oral, Pteromys, 33. Orcealla, 318. Orcella, 318. Oreas, 152. oreas, Antilope, 1§2. oveas, Boselaphus, 153. orveas, Damalis (Bosclaphus), 153. oregonensis, Geontys, 99. oregonensis, Pteromys, 40. INDEX. 367 Oreotragus, 166. oreotragus, Antilope, 167. oreotragus, Antilope (Tragulus), 167. oreotragus, Nanotragus, 167. orientalis, Cuscus, 343. orientalis, Didelphys, 343. orientalis, Gulo, 286. orientalis, Helictis, 286, orientalis, Helictis, 286. ortentalis, Hyaena, 259. orientalis, Lepus, 116. orientalis, Ovis, 139. orientalis, Phalanger, 343. orientalis, Pusa, 297. ornata. Felis 226. ornata, Ovis, 141. ornatus, Chaus, 226. oonatus, Herpestes, 257. Ornithorhynchus, 349. Orycteropus, 332. Oryx, 155. onyx, Antilope, 152, 155. oryaus, Axis, 178, Osmetect-s, 250. Ovis, 13). Oxygous, 261. P paca, Coelogenys, 108. paca, Mus, 108. paccerois, Tetracerus, 169. pachycercus, Mus, 77. Paguma, 242. pallasii, Capra, 144. pallasit, Paradoxurus, 243. pallasii, Phacochoerus, 197. patlasit, Platyschista, 244, pallasti, Spalax, 94. pallida, Viverra, 238. pallidus, Herpestes, 253. pallidus, Octodon, i03. pallipes, Canis, 263. pallipes, Herpestes, 251. pallipes, Lepus, 113. pallipes, Lepus, 114. pallipes, Lupus, 263. palmarum, Mus, 63. palmarum, Sciurus, 24. palmarum, Sciurus, 25. palmatus, Alces, 186. Paludicola, Subg,, gr. paludinosus, Herpestes, 2©7, paludosus, Athylax, 257. paludosus, Herpestes, 257. 368 pamirensis, Lepus, 114. Panolia, 175. panthera, Felis, 218. Pantholops, 163. Paradoxurus, 242. paradoxus, Ornithorhynchus, 349. paraguaensis, Lutra, 297. pardalis, Felis, 231. pardalis, Leopardus 231. pardicolor, Prionodon, 240. pardicolor, Linsang, 240. pardina, Felis, 232. pardinus, Lyncus, 232. pardochrous, Felis, 223. pardotdes, Felis, 231. pardus, Felis, 218. pardus, Felis, 218. pardus, Leopardus, 219. patazonica, Mirounga, 309. pealei, Pnoca, 307. pearsoni, Pteromys 38. pearsoni, Sciuropterus, 38. peba, Dasypus, 329. peba, Tatusia, 329. Pectinator, 101, pectoralis, t hocaena, 321. peguensis, Lepus, 117. peguensis, Mus, 82. pelandoc, Tragulus, 189. pembertoni, Sciurus, 27. penicillata, Bettongia, 338. penicillata, Didelphys, 347. penicillata, Petrogale, 336. penicillata, Phascogale, 347. penicillatus, Arctictis, 249. penicillatus, Chiropodomys, 82. penicillatus, Kangurus, 336. penicillatus, Macropus, 336. penicillatus, Sciurus, 24, 25. pennantii, Martes, 276. pennanti, Mustela, 276. pennanti, Paradoxurus, 244. pennsylvanicus, Sciurus, 2y. pentadactyla, Manis. 330. pentadactyla, Manis, 330, 331. Peracyon, 345. Peragale, 344. Perameles, 345. perchal, Mus, 57. perdicator, Fiverra, 240. beregrinus, Didelphys, 341. peregrinus, Pseudochirus, 341. beregusna, Mustela, 278. berniger, Delphinus, 323. perniger, Leopardus, 218. perniger, Tursiops, 323. persicus, Gerbillus. 49. persicus, Herpestes, 251. INDF RS, persicus, Vulpes, 270. | personata, Helictis, 286. | personata, Melogale, 28). ' personata, Mustela, 286. pertinax, Arvicola, 92. peruana, Lama, 192. Petaurista, 340. petaurista, Pteromys, 33, petaurista, Sciurus, 33, 36. Petauroides, 340. Petaurus, 340. petaurus, Didelphys. 340. Petrogale, 339. petrophilus, Hypudaeus, 92. Fhacochoerus, 197- phaeus, Cricetus, 85. phaeus, Mus, 85. Phatomys. 87. Phalanger, 343. Phalangista, 343. Phascogale, 347. Phascolarctus, 343. Phascolomys, 343. phayret, Scturopterus, 39: phayrei, Sciurus, 12. phayrei, Sciurus, pygerythrus var., 12. philippensis, Pteromys, 33. Phoca, 307. Phocaena, 317. phocaena, Delphinus, 317. phocaenoides, Delphinus, 318. phocaenoides, Neumeris, 318. Pholidotus, 329. Physeter, 314, picta, Antilope, 154. picta, Antilope (Boselaphus), 154. picta, Capra, 143. picta, Felis, 231. picta, Portax, 154. picticaudata, Gazella, 161. picticaudata, Procapsa, 161. pictus, Leopardus, 251. victus, Myoxus, 45. PINNIPEDIA, 307. piscator, Viverra, 276. piscatoria, Mustela, 276. . planiceps, Ailurina, 222. planiceps, Felis, 222. planiceps, Viverriceps, 222. plantani. Sciurus, 23- Platacanthomys, 46. Platanista, 315. platyceros, Panolia, 181. Platypus, 349. platyrhinus, Phascolomys 344. Platyschista, 242. platythrix, Leggada, 80. INDEX. blatythrix, Mus, 80. plumbea, Sotalia, 325. plumbeus, Delphinus, 325. plurimammis, Mus, 55. pluto, Herpestes, 257- pluto, Macroxus, 24. Podabrus, 348. poecilura, Felis, 218. Poephagomys, 102. Poephag us, 124. poephagus, Bison, 128. poephagus, Bos, 128. poeppigii, Spalacopus, 102. polaris, Thalarectos, 305. polaris, Ursus, 305. poli, Ovis, 133. poliocephala, Viverra, 283. polyodon, Asinus, 199. pomegra, Delphinus, 322. porcellus, Cavia, 109. porcellus, Mus, 109. porcinus, Axis, 178. porcinus, Cervus, 178. porcinus, Hyelaphus, 178. Porcula, 195. Portax, 154. Potamophilus, 249. Potos, 299. povensis, Mus, 83- pratensis, Mus, 78. prehensilis, Cercolabes, 103. prehensilis, Hystrix, 103. prehensilis, Paradoxurus, 242, 243. prehensilis, Synetheres, 103. prehensilis, Viverra, 243. prevostii, Sciurus, 23. primaevus, Canis, 260. primaevus, Chrysaeus, 260, primaevus, Cuon, 260. Prionodon, 239- ProBosciDEA, 206. proboscidea, Cystophora, 300. proboscidea, Phoca, 309e Procapra, 157: Prochilus, 300. proclivus, Nemorhadus, 149. Procyon, 298. procyonoides, Canis, 266. procyonoides, Nyctereutes, 266. Prodelphinus, 324. Proteles, 258. providens, Mus (Neotoma), 55. providens, Mus (Nesokia), 55- Prox, 172. pruinosus, Rhizomys, 96. pruinosus, Ursus, 302. Psammomys, 46. psammophilus, Gerbillus, 50. 369 Psammoryctes, 102. Pseudochirus, 341. Pseudois, 131, Pseudostoma, 99. psova, Procyon, 298. Pteromys, 32. pulchella, Felis, 232. bulchellus, Chaus, 226. puma, Felis, 230. pumelio, Mus, 79. pbunctatissimus, Macroxus, 16. purpureus, Sciurus, 10. Pusa, 297. pusilla, Mustela, 279. busillus, Putovius, 279. pusillus, Vulpes, 270. Putorius, 276. putorius, Foetorius, 277. butorius, Mustela, 277. putorius, Viverra, 2g1. pyctoris, Mus, 63. pygarga, Antilope, 162. pygargus, Ovis, 138. pygerythrus, Sciurus, 11. pygmaea, Didelphys, 339. pygmaeus, Acrobates, 339. pytamidarum, Dipus, 52 pyramidarum, Gerbillus, 52. pyrenaicus, Ursus, 304. Pyrofelis, 212. pyrrhocephalus, Sciurus, 26. pyrrhopus, Sciurus, 31. Q quadricolor, Viverra, 274. feet Antilope (Cervicapra), I quadricornis, Tetracerus, 168. guadrimammis, Hemitrag us, 146. quadriscriptus, Paradoxurus, 244. quasje, Nasua, 299. guasje, Viverra, 208. quinguelineatus, Paradoxurus, 243. quinquestriatus, Sciurus, 21, quiqui, Viverra, 284. R vaflesii, Macroxus, 24. rafflesii, Sciurus 23. rama, Mus, 71. Rangifer, 188. rangifer, Tarandus, 188. 2A 370 vasse, Viterra, 238. ratel, Me.livora, 287. ratlamuchi, Ichneumon, 257. rattoides, Mus, 63. rattus, Mus, 62. ratwa, Cervus, 173. Recurous, 174. vedimitus, Sciurus, 23. Redunca, 164. reduncus, Eleotragus, 165. reevesi, Cervulus, 174. reevesi, Cervus, 174. reevesi, Leopardus, 223. vegalis, Felis, 216. Rhinoceros, 201. Rhinochoerus, 198. Rhinosciurus, 3o. Rhizomys, 95. Rhombomys, 46. vichardi, Halicyon, 307. richardsoni, Mustela, 279. riparia, Arvicola, 89. risia, Damalis (Portax), 154. robustulus, Mus, 63. robustus, Athylax, 257. robustus, Gerbillus, 52. RODENTIA, I. rodolphi?, Sciurus, 27. roensis, Lutra, 292. rosmarus, Odobaenus, 307. rosmarus, Trichechus, 307. rostratus, Delphinus, 315, 324. rostratus, Steno, 324. rostratus, Tarsipes, 339. rouderi, Psammomys, 52. roylei, Arvicola, 1. voylei, Arvicola, go. roylei, Lagomys, 112. rubida, Capricornis, 150. rubidus, Lemnus, 89. rubidus, Paradoxurus, 248. tubiginosa, Felis, 225. rubiginosa, Viverriceps, 225. rubiginosus, Crossarchus, 254. rvubiginosus, Herpestes, 254. rubiventer, Sciurus, 7. rubricosa, Mus, 68. rubrolineatus, Sciurus, 29. rufa, Felis, 233. rufa, Nasua, 298. tufescens, Aepyprymnus, 338. rufescens, Arvicola, 89 rufescens, Bettongia, 338. rufescens, Lagomys, 111. rufescens, Mus, 63. rufescens, Mus, rattus var., 63. rufescens, Vulpes, 271. ruficaudatus, Lepus, 116. INDEX. ruficollis, Halmaturus, 334, 335+ ruficollis, Kangurus, 334. ruficollis, Macropus, 334. rufigenis, Sciurus, 21. rufinucha, Lepus, 120. rufiventris, Sciturus, 29. rufobrachiatus, Sciurus, 30. rufogaster, Sciurus, 18. rufogularis, Sciurus, 23. rufonigra, Sciurus, 23. rufus, Kangurus, 333- rufus, Lynx, 233- rufus, Macropus, 332. rufus, Ornithorhynchus, 349- rufus, Osphranter, 333. rupestris, Antilope (Tragulus), 166. Rupicapra, 151. rupicapra, Antilope (Rupicapra), 151. rupicapra, Capella, 151. Rusa, 174. russa, Cervus, 179. rutilans, Canis, 260. rutilans, Cuon, 260. rutilus, Mus, 89. rutilus, Sciurus, U1. rutilus, Xerus, 31. Ss sabrinus, Sciuropterus, 40. Saccalius, 261. Saccophorus, 99. sagitta, Sciaropterus, 39. sagitta, Pteromys, 38. sagitta, Sciurus, 39. sakeen, Capra, 143. sakin, Ibex, 143. saltatriz, Antilope, 167. saltatrix, Oreotragus, 167. saltiana, Antilope, 165. saltiana, Antilope (Cervicapra), 165. saltiana, Mandoqua, 165. saltiana, Nestragus, 166 saltianus, Neotragus, 165. salyania, Porcula, 195. sandbachii, Pteronura, 297. saramakensis, Macroxus, 24. Sarcophilus, 346. sarmatica, Mustela, 278. sarmaticus, Foetorius, 278. sarmaticus. Putorius, 278. INDEX. 371 saturatus, Moschus, 172. savit, Gerbillus, §2. saxatilis, Lepus, 120. schermaus, Lemnus, 92. Schizodon, 102. schomburgki, Cervus, 180. schomburgki, Recurvus, 180. Scirtetes, 101. Sciuropterus, 37. Sciurus, 4. sciurus, Belideus, 340. sclateri, Phacochoerus, 197. Scopophorus, 166. : scripta, Felis, 221. scrofa, Sus, 195. scrofa, Sus, 193. scullyi, Nesokia, 54. scylax, Chrysaeus, 260. senegalensis, Felis, 231. senegalensis, Hippopotamus, 197. senex, Sciuropterus, 30. serridens, Stenorhynchus, 308. Serval, 212. serval, Felis, 231. serval, Leopardus, 231. servalina, Felis, 223, 2260, 220, 231. servalinus, Chaus, 223, 226. setifer, Mus, 58. setosa, Bettongia, 338. setosus, Paradoxurus, 244. setosus, Pteromys (Sciuropterus), 38. setosus, Sciurus, 32. setosus, Xerus, 31. sexcinctus, Dasypus, 229. shawensis, Delphinus, 315. shawiana, Felis, 227. siamensis, Sciurus, 22. sibirica, Capra, 143. siberica, Mustela, 282. siberica, Vison, 282. sibericus, Gulo, 283. sibericus, Moschus, 172. sibericus, Putorius, 282. sika, Cervus, 183. sikimensis, Arvicola, 93. sikimensis, Aonyx, 296. sikimensis, Neodon, 93. similis, Macroxus, 18. simplex, Sciurus, 31. simung, Lutra, 204. simus, Euphysetes, 315. simus, Rhinoceros, 206. sinaitica, Capra, 144. sinensis, Lepus, 117. SrreniA, 326. skyn, Aegoceros, 143. skyn, Capra, 144. sladeni, Mus, 63. sladeni, Sciurus, 18. Sminthopsis, 348. smithi, Calictis, 254. smithi, Cervus, 180, smithi, Herpestes, 254. socialis, Nasua, 200. soemmerringi, Antilope, 161. soemmerringi, Gazella, 161. Solitaria, Nasua, 299. sondaicus, Bos, 127. sondaicus, Givaeus, 127. sondaicus, Rhinoceros, 202. sondaicus, Rhinoceros, 204. soricinus, Mus, 78. Soricinus, Sciurus, 21. Sotalia, 325. Spaduceus, Pteromys, 40. spadaceus, Sciuropterus, 40. Spalacomys, 53. « Spalacopus, 102, Spalax, 94. spekii, Gazella, 158. spekii, Pectinator, ror. spenserae, Tarsipes, 339. Spermophilus, 41. spiculum, Dipus, 101. spinulosa, Leggada, 80. spinulosus, Mus, 80. splendens, Bathyergus, 98. splendens, Sciurus, 22. splendidus, Scturus, 22. stanleyanus, Moschus, 191. stanleyanus, Tragulus, 191. stelleri, Enhydris, 297. stellert, Lutra, 297. stenbock, Antilope (Cervicapra), 166. Steno, 324. stenocephalus, Rhinoceros, 202. Stenorhynchus, 308. stigmaticus, Paradoxurus, 241, stolicskana, Mustela, 280. stoliczkanus, Arvicola, 89. stoliczkanus, Lepus, 115. stoliczkanus, Putorius, 280. stracheyi, Arvicola, go, Strepsiceros, 153. strepsiceros, Antilope, 153. strepsiceros, Antilope (Tragelaphus), 153. strepsiceros, Damalis (Strep siceros), 153. striata, Hyaena, 258. striata, Viverra, 284. striata, Zorilla, 284, striaticornis, Tetracerus, 168, striatus, Sciurus, 30. striatus, Tamias, 30, 372 strictus, Paradoxurus, 244. ; strictus, Paradoxurus, hermaphrodi- tus var., 244. strigidorsa, Mustela, 282. strigidorsus, Gymnopus, 282. strigidorsus, Putorius, 262. strophiatus, Mus, 75. stuarti, Antechinus, 347. Stylocerus, 172. subflaviventris, Sciurus, 20. subgutturosa, Antilope, 160. subgutturosa, Gazella, 160, subhemachalana, Mustela, 280. subhemachalana, Vison, 280. subhemachalanus, Putorius, 280. subhemachalus, Bibos, 124. sublimis, Mus, 73. sublineatus, Sciurus, 26. subniger, Coelogenus, 108. sub-4-cornutus, Antilope, 168. suillus, Mus, 98. sumatrana, Felis, 223. sumatrana, Sciurus, prevostii var., 24. sumatranus, Ceratorhinus, 204. sumatranus, Leopardus, 223. sumatranus, Tapirus, 198. sumatranus, Rhinoceros, 204. sumatranus, Rhinochoerus, 198. sumatrensis, Antilope, 150. sumatrensis, Antilope (Nemorhae- dus), 150. sumatrensis, Canis, familiaris var., 260. sumatrensis, Capricornis, 50. sumatensis, Ceratorhinus, 204, sumatrensis, Cuon, 250. sumatrensis, Mus, 05 sumatrensis, Nemorhaedus, 150. sumatrensis, Rhinoceros, 204. sumatrensis, Rhizomys, 95. Sus, 102, svineval, Globicephalus, 319. swinhoei, Capricornis, 150, swinhoei, Cervus, 178. swinhoei, Gerbillus, 52. swinhoei, Lutra, 296. swinhoei, Rusa, 178. swinhoei, Sciurus, maclellandii var., 27. sylhetanus, Bos, 126. sylvatica, Antilope, 154, sylvatica, Martes, 275. sylvaticus, Lepus, 120. sylvaticus, Mus, 78. sylvaticus, Mus, 7*,77, 88. sylvaticus, Tragelaphus, 154. sylvestris, Felis, 232, ' INDEX. Synetheres, 103. syriacus, Ursus, 302. rT tabernaculi, Halicore, 326. Tachyglossus, 349. Taeniogale, 250. taenionota, Ariela, 258. taenionotus, Ichneumon, 258. taevanus, Cervus, 183. tafa, Dasyurus, 347. taguanoides, Petaurista, 340. taguanoides, Petaurus, 340. taiouanus, Cervus, 183. tajacu, Dicotyles, 196. tajacu, Sus, 196. Tamias, 30. tangalanga, Viverra, 237. tangalanga, Viverra, 237. Tapirus, 1¢8. Tarandus, 188. tarandus, Cervus (Rangifer), 188. tarandus, Rangifer, 188. = tarayensts, Mus, 55. Tarsipes, 339. tataricus, Arctomys, 41. Tatusia, 328. taurus, Bos, 131. taxicolor, Budorcas, 151. taxoides, Arctonyx, 291. taxus, Meles, 288, temmincki, Felis, 222. temon, Mustela, 281. tenasserimensis, Felis, 223. tendal, Strepsiceros, 153. tennentii, Sciurus, 11. Tenotis, 30. tenuis, Sciurus, 20. terrestris, Mus, 92. terricolor, Mus, 80. Tetracerus, 1€8 tetragonurus, Mus, 63. texitanus, Lepus, 121. texianus Sciurus, 29. thar, Antilope, 149. thar, Capricornis, 149. theobaldi, Mus, 74. thetidis, Halmaturus, 335. thetidis, Macropus, 335. thetis, Halmaturus, 335- thibetanus, Helarctos, 303. thibetanus, Ursus, 303, 305. thricolis, Arvicola, 93. INDEX, Thylacis, 345. Thylacinus, 345. thysanurus, Herpestes, 254. tibetanus, Arctomys, 41, 42, 43. tibetanus, Lepus, 114. tibetanus, Lepus, 1t4. tiberanus, Putorius, 278. tibetensis, Arctomys, 41. tigrensis, Lepus, 119. tigrina, Genetta, 240. tigrina, Viverra, 240, Tigris, 212. tigris, Felis, 216. timidus, Lepus, 118. timidus, Lepus, 118. torquata, Felis, 226, 233. torquatus, Dicotyles, 190. torquatus, Ursus, 303. toufaeus, Martes, 275. Tragelaphu:;, 154. tragelaphus, Ammotragus, 141. tragelaphus, Ovis, 141. tragocamelus Antilope, 154- tragocamelus, Boselaphus, 154. tragocamelus, Portax, 154. Tragops, 157- Tragulus, 188. tragulus, Antilope (Gazella), 166. tragulus, Calotragus, 166. tragulus, Nanotragus, 166. tragus, Rupicapra, 151. Trichechus, 307. trichechus, Rosmarus, 307. trichodactylus, Lagostomus, 108. Trichosurus, 341. trilineatus, Sciurus, 26. tristriatus, Sciurus, 25. trivirgata, Arctogale, 241. trivirgata, Arctogale, 242. trivirgata, Paguma, 241. trivirgatus Paradoxurus, 241, 242. truncatus, Delphinus, 323. tulliana, Felis, 218. tunjac, Cervus, 179. tupaiotdes, Rhinosciurus, 30. tupaioides, Sciurus (Rhinosciurus), 30. turnbulli, Sciuropterus, 38. tursio, Delphinus, 323. tursio, Tursiops, 323. Tursiops, 323. typhlus, Mus, 94. typhlus, Spalax, 94. typus, Pavadoxurus, 244, tytleri, Lepus, 116. tytleri, Mus, 71. 373 tytlerti, Paradoxurus, 247. U ualabatus, Halmaturus, 333« ualabatus, Kang urus, 333- ualabatus, Macropus, 333. Uncia, 212. uncia, Felis, 217. uncia, Leopardus, 218. uncioides, Felis, 218. undata, Felis, 223. undulata, Viverra, 236. UNGULATA, 121. unicolor, Cervus (Rusa), 176. unicolor, Dromicia, 339. unicolor, Felts, 230, 231. unicornis, Rhinoceros, 202. unicornis, Rhinoceros, 205. urbauus, Mus, 71. urinatrix, Mangusta, 257. Uromys, 84. Urotrag us, 147. ursina, Didelphys, 344, 346. ursinus, Bradypus, 306. ursinus Dasyurus, 346. ursinus, Phascolomys, 344. ursinus, Prochilus, 306. ursinus, Melursus, 306. ursinus, Sarcophilus, 346. Ursitaxus, 287. Ursus, 301. Urva, 250. urva, Gulo, 256. urva, Herpestes, 256. Vv vaginalis, Cervulus, 173. vaginalis, Cervus, 173. vaginalis, Montjacus, 173. Vandeleuria, 83. vansire, Atilax, 257. vansire, Athylax, 257. variabilis, Lepus, 118, varians, Mephitis, 291. variegata, Vulpes, 266. variegatus, Canis, 266. variegatus, Isomys, 53. variegatus, Mus, 53. variegatus, Sciurus, 20. varius, Leopardus, 218. 374 varius, Sciurus, 28. venetica, Calogale, 257. vera, Gazella, 158. veterum, Kangurus, 337: vexillarius, Dipus, 101. viculorum, Mus, 72. vignii, Ovis, 139. vignii, Ovis, 138. villosus, Sciuropterus, 38. virgata, Felis, 229. virginiana, Didelphys, 348. virginiana, Vulpes, 273. virginianus, Canis, 273. virginianus, Cariacus, 187. virginianus, Cervus, 187. virginianus, Cervus (Mazama), 187. virginianus, Lepus, 120. virginianus, Sciurus, 29. virginianus, Urocyon, 273. Vison, 279. vison, Lutra, 282. vison, Mustela, 282. vison, Putorius, 282. vittata, Galictis, 284. vittata, Grisonia, 284. vittata, Naswa, 299. vittata, Viverra, 284. vittatus, Gulo, 284. vittatus, Sciurus, 23- vitticollis, Herpestes, 256. vitticollis, Mangusta, 250. vitticollis, Mungos, 256. vitticollis, Taeniogale, 256. vitulina, Phoca, 307. vitulinus, Callocephalus, 307. Viverra, 235- Viverriceps, 212. viverriceps, Felis, 225. Viverricula, 238. viverrina, Felis, 225. viverrina, Phalangista, 341. viverrinus, Dasyurus, 347. viverrinus, Leopardus, 225. viverrinus, Nyctereutes, 266. volans, Didelphys, 340. volans, Petauroides, 340. volans, Sciurus, 40. Volucella, 340. volucella, Sciuropterus, 4o. volucella, Sciurus, 40. vombatus, Phascolomys, 344. vulgaris, Asinus, 200. oulgaris, Dama, 186. gulgaris, Foetorius, 279. vulgaris, Genetta, 240. vulgaris, Hyaena, 259. vulgaris, Lupus, 262. yulgaris, Lotor, 298. INDEX. vulgaris, Lutra, 292. vulgaris, Lyncus, 229. vulgaris, Martes, 275+ vulgaris, Afeles, 288. oulgaris, Mustela, 279 vulgaris, Putorius, 279. vulgaris, Putorius, 277+ vulgaris, Sciurus, 28. gulgaris, Sciurus, 29+ vulgaris, Taxus, 288. vulgaris, Vulpes, 268. vulpecula, Didelphys, 341. vulpecula, Trichosurus, 341. vulpecula, Viverra, 298. Vulpes, 267. aulpes, Canis, 268. vulpina, Didelphys, 342, aulpina, Mustela, 276 vulpina, Phalangista, 342. ovulpinus, Felis, 229. vulpinus, Sciurus, 29. WwW wagati, Felis, 223. wagneri, Mus, 77. wallichii, Cervus, 184. wapiti, Cerous, 185. warryato, Capra (Iiex), 146. mwarryato, Kemas, 146. mashingtoni, Lepus, 120. watsoni, Pelomys, 84. winingus, Mustela, 282. wombat, Phascolomys, 344- Wombatus, 243. wynnei, Arvicola, go. x xanthodon, Spalax, 95. xanthopus, Petrogale, 336. xanthopus, Phalangista, 342. Xerus, 31. Y yagouarondi, Felis, 231. yagouarondi, Lropardus, 231. yarkandensis, Lepus, 115. yunnanensis, Hystrix, 107. yunnanensis, Mus, 63. yunnanensis, Pteromys, 35. INDEX, 375 Zz zibellina, Mustela, 276. Zapus, 99. zibetha, Viverra, 236. zebra, Hemigalus, 241. ztbetha, Viverra, 237. zebra, Paradoxurus, 241. sibethicus, Castor, 87. sebroides, Equus, 200. zibethicus, Fiber, 87. Zebus, 124. sibethicus, Ondatra, 87. zeylanicus, Paradoxurus, 247. Zorilla, 284, seylanicus, Sciurus, 11. zorilla, Ictonyx, 284. zeylonensis, Hystrix, 105, sorilla, Mephitis, 284. seylonensis, Sus, 193. sorilla, Viverra, 284. sibellina, Martes, 276, G.1. C. P, O.—No, 8 1. M,—1-6-91.— 400, Oa ae egy ie “ ie Uy ign i cei Gina OY Ch o en ah e ‘ Df aT bern ane hai ch ei a ed tt tra ing ares a eo sine rn one Hatt At Nesta cai a CE ae rhe Rai Pe RU CI AAT Os A) nt cle ay Chg A Nev)