ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HomME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE GIFT OF PauL PomERoy Ives 2D IN MEMORY OF PAUL POMEROY IVES Cornell University Library SF 65.M19 1903 Ti 3 1924 002 927 246 nam K oOTEPHENSON MAGNER’S STANDARD HORSE AND STOCK BOOK A Complete Pictorial Encyclopedia of Practical Reference for Horse and’ Stock Owners, ., COMPRISING 1 ALL SECRETS OF TAMING, CONTROLLING, AND EDUCATING UNBROKEN AND VICIOUS HORSES, WITH THE DETAILS OF BREAKING UP ALL HABITS TO WHICH HORSES ARE SUBJECT; THEIR ABUSES, DISEASES, AND REMEDIES. ALSO FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND ILLUSTRA TIGNS OF THE VARIOUS BREEDS OF CATTLE; SHEEP RAISING; SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES; THE POULTRY INTEREST; THE DOG AND HIS AILMENTS, BEE CULTURE; FRUIT CULTURE; GRAFTING; INSECTS INJURIOUS TO ‘ FRUIT, Etc.; AND a PLEA FOR BIRDS. '” Comprising Over 1200 Pages and 1756 Zllustrations. a 5 oe By D? MAGNER, = . AUTHOR OF THE New SysTEM OF TAMING AND EDUCATING HORSES, INDORSED BY ROBERT BONNEA, Esy \ AND ALL LEADING EXPERTS, AS THE BEST IN THE WORLD; — ‘ Assisted in Special Departments by Jas. HAMILL, D. V. S., Pres't Nat'l Vet. Med, Ass'n; Cnas. A. Meyer, D.V.S., Hditor Veterinary Gazette, N. Y.; JoHN A. MCLAUGHLIN, D. V.S., Ex-Veteri- nary Inspector N, J. State Board of Health ; D. G. SUTHERLAND, Ex-Pres’t Mich. State Vet. Ass'n ; Paut Paguin, A. M., V.S., Prof. of Vet, Science in State Ag. College, Columbia, Mo.; T. Benr Corron, M. D., V.S., Pres’t O. St. Vet. Ass’n and Vice-Pres. Nat'l Med. Vet. Asa’'n; Dr. B. C. McBeTH, Sec’y Mich. St. Vet. Ass'n, Hon. Mem. N. Y. St. Ac. of Vet. Science; J. A. DELL, V.S., Pres't Mich. St. Vet. Asa’n; A. J. - CHANDLER. V.'S., V.-Pres. Mich, St. Vet, Ass'n; S. BRENTON, V. S., Ex-Pres't Mich. State Vet. Ass’n; WM. JopLine, V. S., Treas. Mich. ‘St. Vet. Ass’; A. I. Root, Author of “A BC of Bes Gultuse;"’ Jonn A. Apams, Horticulturist. 190$ THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING CO. Cuicaco AKRON, ‘OHIO New York * i f COPYRIGHT 1903 o BY : THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY. x PREFACE." ‘HERE are eleven million horses in the United States, and not one man in a million who knows how to educate them to the highest degree of usefulness. We say educate ; for the horse is an animal of high and spirited organization, endowed by | his Creator with capabilities and faculties which sufficiently re- semble man’s to come under the same general law of education and government. Primarily, the word educate means to dead out or lead up; and it is by the process of leading out and leading up a child’s faculties that the child becomes a useful man, and it is by a like process that a colt becomes a useful horse. Now, teachers, like poets, are born, not made. Only a few are gifted to see Ante and through any form of highly organized life, discern its capacities, note the interior tendencies which produce habits, and discover the method of developing the innate forces until they teach their noblest expression, and then apply the true and sufficient guidance and government., .The few who have this gift are teachers indeed, and, next to the mothers of the world, deserve the world’s applause as seme among its ben- ‘efactors. ’ ' Next to child training and government comes horse training and government ; and which is the least understood, i were *This preface was written by a qantiemat well known in the world of let- ters, and especially famous, ‘Bot only as a lover of fine horses, but asa high authority on all matters concerning them. Learning. that I had in preparation a new work, ‘he volunteered to write the preface, which is here given as concise introduction to the author's own labors, with a high appreciation of the compli- ment paid him by the distinguished writer, in the personal allusion, the publi- cation of which demands ro apology when its high source is considered. ie . (it) tv PREFACE. hard to say. Boys and colts, so much alike in friskiness and stubbornness, both are misunderstood and abused in equal ratio. The boys are shaken and whipped, and the colts are yanked, kicked, and- pounded. That high-spirited or slow-witted boys be- come good men, and high-spirited or dull colts make serviceable horses, I conceive is due to the grace of God more than to man’s agency,—that fine grace, I mean, spread abroad through and ex- isting in all His creatures, which operates in regenerating con- | tinually, making the good better, and preventing those whose circumstances forbid their becoming good from becoming ab- solutely bad. The author of this book is known to me as one of the gifted ones of the earth, because he is gifted to discern the na- ture of animals, and educate them for man’s service. The pos- session of this gift suggested his mission, and well has he fol- lowed it, and by it been educated himself to a degree rarely, if ever, attained by man before. I doubt if there be on the gloke his equal in knowledge as to the best method of training horses. Through this volume he seeks to give the public the benefit of his experience. I bespeak for it the careful perusal of the curi- ous, and of those especially whose judgment and _ heart alike prompt them to seek for and promulgate knowledge, which, be-. ing popularized, would make the people more humane and horses more serviceable. | . < j ~ ore pe inn gee : Leading Veterinary Surgeons Who Assisted In Preparing Special Articles in This Volume. L James HAMIL, D.V.S. 2. T. BENT. CorTon, V.S. 3. Pau Paquin, A.M.V.& A. J. CHANDLER, V. S. 5. JOHN A. McLAUGHLIN, V.S. 6. CHas. A. MEYER, V.S. D. G. SUTHERLAND, V. 8S. 8. Dr. B.C. McBETH. 9. J. A. DELL, V.8. 10. S. BRENTON, V.S. LAW OF COPYRIGHTS. eee HE exclusive benefits of copyrights extend to twenty-cight years, then renewable for fourteen years; tf the author ts dead, to the heirs, by re-recording, and advertising the re-record for four weeks in any newspaper in the United States. The forfeiture of all the books, and a penalty of fifty cents on each sheet (sixteen pages) of the work, half to the United States, and half to the author, is the penalty for publishing or importing any work without the written consent of the. author; and the printer ts equally liable with the publisher. ‘ Entries must be sent to the Librarian of Congress at Wash- ington, D.C. The laws are found in Vol. IV. of the United States Statutes, pages 430-439. wes~ This Work, with “ Facts for Horse Owners,” from which the part on the horse is taken, is protected by three separate Copyrights, covering, first, its Title; second, its Literary Compost- ‘tion; and, third, its Engravings. "Gu There are also three patents covering important methods of subjection and treatment given in this book. First, a simple means of subjection by which any horse, however vicious, balky, or un- manageable, can be put in harness, subdued, and driven gently with- out danger of accident. Second, a method by which headstrong, lunging, runaway horses can be. controlled directly, and so subdued by the pressure of the reins upon the nerve centers, that he will soon submit to the ordinary restraint of the bit. Third, a method of preventing and curing contraction and quarter-crack—an ab- solute cure for quarter-crack, with freedom to drive on any road as desired, without causing the hoof to split back as it grows— guaranteed a means of perfect cure. Fourth (patent pending), a method by which most horses pulling or lugging on the bit, will _ drive safely and easily to a pleasant and easy restraint of the reins. pes Purchasers of this Work or “ Facts for Horse Owners” from the author or his agents, will be entitled to the use of either or all of these patents (for personal use only), without extra charge; all others using them will be subject to legal proceed- ings. “Be y) Veterinary Surgeons. WENTY-FIVE years ago, there were but very few veterinary surgeons ‘in the country, and these were located exclusively in the larger cities; and . there were no veterinary schools Sor their instruction. During recent years, the better informed classes of the communtty have become so awakened to the importance of treating the diseases of domestic animals intelligently, tn accordance with scientific principles, that there have been established quite a number of well-conducted veterinary colleges in this country and Canada; andin consequence there are now to be found, in most of the larger towns in all the States, intelligent, well-trained, and competent men, who have graduated from such colleges. Now, Iam in @ position to know that the training in these schools is de- signed to be very thorough, and that those at their head are well qualified for their positions; and a certificate of graduation from any of these colleges should be sufficient to give entire confidence tn the competency of . the person holding it, and entitle him to the encouragement, of stock owners. It cannot be denied that veterinary surgeons trained in this way are, asa class, among the most useful and hard-working men in any of the profes- sions,and should be respected and encowraged accordingly. So, tf you have a horse or other animal that has been injured or become atch, especially if a valuable animal, tt ie by all means advisable to call in a veterinary surgeon, provided there be one within reach; and this should be done at once, without the hadard of delay. No matter how plain the instructions given in this book may seem, the safest and wisest cowrse will be to employ such a man, if available. Even though @ man is not a regular graduae, if he has the reputation of being successful tn practice, tt will be best to emply him. _ In this, as in other professions, there are men who have such natural ability as to become very succesaful in practice. If I had a horse taken sick, even though I knew just what to do; I should be induced to call tn the“ aid of a veterinary surgeon, if there was one obtainable. So do not give the cold shoulder to the veterinary who may come with proper quat- tfleations to locate in your neighborhood, but extend to him the encouragement of your early and cordial support. (v1) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART FIRST. CHAPTER I. Preliminary Explanations. The Instincts of Lower Animals—-Their Remarkable Powers— Adaptation of Domestic Animals’ to Special Wants of Man — Principles of Treatment —Necessary Qualifications for Success in Controlling Vicious Horses. CHAPTER IIL Principles and Secrets of the Art of Teming ana. Educating Horses. ‘Special Points of Importance—The War Bridle—Principles of ite Application —The “W,” or Breaking ‘Bit—Training the Mouth—Four-ring, or Upper Jaw Bit—Half-moon’ Bit—Spoon Bit—Patent Bridle—Foot Strap—Patent Breaking Rig. ; : ; : ‘ ; 3 . . CHAPTER III. ; Colt Training. t 2 52 How to Make the Colt Gentle—Teaching to be Ridden, Handled, and to Follow - —Various Methods—Making a Wild Colt Follow Instantly—How to Make any Sullen Colt Lead— Teaching a Colt or Horse to Follow with the Whip—Making the Colt Fearless of Objects and Sounds—Driving' any Colt in Harness without eee eee the Mouth, Biting, etc. ‘CHAPTER IV. Fear. Susceptibility to Fear—How to Prevent and Overcome It-—Illustrative Cases— Fear of Rattle of Wagon—Jumping out of 'Shafts—Top Carriage—Objects Exciting Fear while Riding. or Driving~-A Robe—Umbrella or Parasol— Sound of a Gun—Hogs and Dogs—Railroad Cars—TInsanity. CHAPTER V. Kicking. Causes of Kicking—How to Prevent and Overcome It—Driving any Kicker without Breeching—Switching Kickers—Kickers in Stall—While Harness- ing—Nervous Kickers—Kicking while Grooming—Runaway Kickers. re (vil) - 106 . 180 . 148 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Running Away. Runaway Kickers—Different Methods of Controlling the Mouth—How to: Hold any Horse—Lugging, or Pulling upon One Rein—Making a Horse Back. 183 3 CHAPTER VII. . Batking. Preventing the Habit—Different Methods of Starting the Balker—How to Break up the Habit—Different Tricks Used—Will not Stand when Getting in or out of a Wagon—Double renee oem Method of fees: a Double Balker. A : z ji . 198 CHAPTER VIII. Bad to Shoe. Taking up the Colt’s Foot—Easy Method of Controlling Colts—Confirmed in the Habit—Simple Method of Making a Horse Stand to be Shod—The Con- trol of Very Difficult Cases—Leaning Over. : ‘ : , : - 209 CHAPTER IX. Hatter- Pulling. How to Prevent any Colt or Horse from Halter-pulling—How to Break any Horse of the Habit—Running Back in the Stall when Unhitched—Standing » Without Being ae pm any Horse so that he will not Pull after Two or Three Minutes. . 7 : 7 ‘ 222 CHAPTER X. Stallions, Care in their Management—Treatment for Headstrong Stallions—Treatment for Very Vicious Stallions—How to Subdue and Control any Stallion so that he can be Called away from a Mare in a few Minutes— Special Tests Illus- . trating the Ease with which thiscan be Done... : : . 3 « 232 CHAPTER XI. ' Checking and Blinders. Cruelty of Checking—The Foolishness of the Practice—Injurious to the Horse \ —Covering the Eyes—A Bad, Senseless Custom. Fi ‘ F ‘ . 246 CHAPTER XII. The Mule. His Subjection and Management. ‘ : ‘ z Fe ‘ A . 268 CHAPTER XIII. Miscellaneous Habits. Oribbing—Wind-sucking—Putting the Tongue out of the Mouth—Pawing in Stall—Kicking in Stall—Getting Cast in Stall—Jumping over Fences— Tender-bitted—Kicking Cows—To Lead a Cow Easily. ‘ i ; . 266 CHAPTER XIV. Teaching Tricks. To Follow by the Whip—To Throw i a Drive without Reins—To Tell the Age, etc., etc. we ¥ ; , 3 ‘ : ‘ » 275 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XV. Equestrianism. Horseback Riding—Its Beneficial Effects upon the Health—Teaching to Ride— Position in the Saddle—A Model Riding Horse, ete. i i . « « 286 CHAPTER XVL Breeding. Principles of Breeding—Methods Adopted in Foreign Countries, ete. . . 296 CHAPTER XVIL Stabling. : Construction of Stable—Air and Light=Form of Manger. : ‘ a We 801 CHAPTER XVIII. ' Feeding and Eee . Cooked Food—Mr. Bonner’s System. . ‘ ‘ "i : - . 807 CHAPTER XIX. How to Tell the Age ieee Caries of the Teeth—Treatment. ; , . . ; . 813 CHAPTER xx. Shoeing. Principles of Shoeing—Tips and Thin Shoes—Contraction—A Reliable Method of Preventing and Curing Contraction—Old Methods of Treating it—Quar- ter-crack—Simple Method of Curing Any Case—Crack, or Fissure of Toe— Corns—-Causes, and Practical Method of Curing—Weak Heels—Their Man- agement—Interfering—Clicking, or Overreaching — Stumbling —- Shoeing Sore or Foundered Horses—Causes of Injury in Shoeing., : : . . B29 DISEASES _ AID THEIR TREATMENT. CHAPTER XXI. The Circulation—General Plan of the Circulatory System—Derangementa of that System the Cause of Disease—Importance of Ventilation. «. : . 401 ‘ “CHAPTER: XXII. . Anchylosis—Caries—Necrosis ~ Exostosis, or Bony Enlargement — Splints — Spavins—Ring-bone—Side-bone, or False Ring-bone—Curb—Bog Spavins and Thorough-pins—Capped a ae RUENOE —Founder—Chronic Founder—Peditis.. ‘ : . : . 411 CHAPTER XXIII. ! a Bxc. 1. Catarrh—Laryngitis—Distemper—Glanders and Farcy—Chroni¢ Cough —Heaves, or Broken Wind—Roaring-~Bronchocele—Nasal Gleét—Infiu- enza, Epizootic, or Catarrhal Fever—Pink-eye—Congestion of the Lungs— Pleurisy—Pneumonia—Hydrothorax—Typhoid Pneumonia—Bronchitis. . 458 x CONTENTS. Sxc. 2. Colic—Flatulent Colic—Inflammation of the Bowels—Superpurgation —Diarrhea—Constipation—W orms—Bots—Inflammation of the Kidneys— Profuse Staling—Inflammation of the Bladder—Retention of Urine—Bloody Urine—Inflammation of the Brain—Vertigo—Sun-stroke. . — . . . 498 Sxc. 8. Spinal Meningitis — Paralysis — Lock-jaw—Stringhalt—Thumps—Lyni- phangitis—Weed—Monday Morning Pipes ee aeeee nee of the Stomach—Acute Indigestion. . . is ‘ ‘ ‘ . 524 CHAPTER XXIV. Src. 1. The Foot—Pricking in Shoeing—Stepping on Nails, Glass, etc. —Foot: Lameness—Seedy Toe—Graveling—Bruise of the Sole—Treads, or Calks— _Overreach—Quittor—Thrush—Canker. 5 ; ‘ ‘ . : . 536 SEc. 2. Sprains, Bruises, etc.—-Sprain of the Back Tendons—Breaking Down —Sprain of the Fetlock—Shoulder Lameness—Swéeney—Hip ‘Lameness— Kuuckling Over—Broken Knees, or Open J oint—Fractures—Dislocation of Patella—Stifie-joint Lameness. é A ‘ ; : x . : 548 , Sec. 8. Cuts or Wounds—Sore Mouth—Fistula of. the Withers—Poll-evil— Diseases of the Eye—Dropsy—Swelled Legs. : ‘i 3 i , . 568 Sxc. 4. Diseases-of the Skin—Surfeit—Nettle. Rash, Hives, etc. —Mange—Hen Lice—Ring-worm—Scratches—Grease—Tumors— Sallenders— Saddle and Collar Galls—Tenotomy—Castration——Parturition—Counter-irritants — Fo- mentations—Poultices—The Pulse—Giving Balls--Physicking—Bleeding— Setons—The Rowe — Tracheotomy—Embrocations—Liniments—Rheuma- tism, Acute and Chronic—Warts. . : : r ‘ ‘ F . 592 tid oe PART SECOND. == DAIRYVTING. CHAPTER -1. Breeds of Cattle. Importance of the Dairying Interest—Desirable Points in a Cow—The Milk Es- cutclieon—The Several Varieties of Cattle— Short-horns—Long-horns— Polled Cattle. “ag . ‘ : : : e - 643 CHistER IL. Feeding Cows, ' Influence of Feeding on the Production of Milk—Importance of Care in Selec- tion of Food—Value of Air and Exercise—Best ‘Kinds of Food—Artificial Feeding—Regulation of Food. ; . ‘ : : - . 652. CHAPTER III. Milking—Raising Calves, Milking To-day and in the Past—Stripping—Sore Teats—Importance of Cleanli- ness in Milking—Calving—Feed and Treatment before and during Calving ~—Rearing of Calves—Anti-sucking Devices. . . . . . - 659 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER IV. Hay-Making. Hay to be-as Nearly like Green Grass as Possible—Time to Cut Hay—Analysia of Clover ee rakes—Hay- -loaders —Drainage—Dairy Barns. . : : 3 p 2 » 668 CHAPTER Y; Mitk, Physiology of Milk—Milk Secretion—Anatomy of the Udder—Composition of Milk—Cleanliness and Ventilation in Milk Houses—Disease Prevepeiet through Milk: 5 ae cee . 676 CHAPTER VL Butter-Making. Fat Globules—Cream-raising—Deep and Shallow Setting—Milk Tanks and Cool- ers—Milk persia Sislae ee ene ee oe Devices’ and Ap- paratus. : ; a. te é ; ‘ - 686 CHAPTER VII. 4 Butter-Making, Continued. Churning—The Old and the New Way—Various Styles of Churn—Working a OR areata aaa a working Machines—Marketing Butter —Tubs and Jars, * phate Ye . a ‘ . - -697 . CHAPTER VIII. Cheese-Making. Milk Vats—-Refrigerating Vats—Self-heating Vats—Curd-mills and Curd-drain- ers — Curd-knives and Curd-breakers—Cheese-preases—Upright and Gang Presses—Cheese- -hoops—Cheese-factories. 7 ‘ . a ; - . 706 CHAPTER IX. City Milk Delivery. Cooling Milk.for Transportation—Different Patterns of Milk-cans—Model De- livery Wagon—Depot Refrigerator—Koumiss—Its Value—Formulas for its Manufacture. j : : . 5 ‘i : 2 ‘ . : . 716 ‘DISHASES OF CATTLE. CHAPTER. X. Conditions of Health. Prevention—Nursing—Proper Care—Alimentary Canal of Horse and Ox—Tem- perament of Cattle—Susceptibility to Diseases of the Blood—Non-suscepti- bility to Nervous Diseases—Administering Medicine—Doses—Difference in Action of Medicine in Cattle and Horses—Importance of Familiarity with the Appearance of Cattle in Health—Normal aout Respiration, and Tem- perature. : . . s é . ~F21 CHAPTER XI. oh . Contagious Blood Diseases. Pleuro-pneumonia — Rinderpest —Anthrax, Charbon, Bloody Murrain—Gloss ’ xii CONTENTS. Anthrax, or Black Tongue-——Black Leg—Splenetic Apoplexy—Epizootic Aphtha, or Foot and Mouth Disease—Cow-pox, or Variola Vaccini. . .726 CHAPTER XIL Non-Contagious Blood Diseases, Plethora—Anemia—Purpura Hemorrhagica—Rheumatism—Uremia—Hemea- turia, or Red-water—Septicemia and Pyemia, é 5 : ; - + TAL CHAPTER XIII. Diseases of Respiratory Organs. Location of the Inflammatory Process—Auscultation and Percussion—Catarrh, Colds—Malignant Catarrh—Laryngitis, or Sore Throat—Malignant Sore Throat—Tracheotomy—Bronchitis— Pneumonia—Abscess of the Lungs— Pleurisy—Tapping of the Chest—Sporadic Pleuro-pneumonia—Asthma, or Emphysema. ; : . : ; : ‘i ‘ : ‘ : » 752- CHAPTER XIV. Diseases of Digestive Organs. | Drenching—Injuries of the Mouth—Inflammation of Mouth and Tongue—Stom- ach of Ruminants—Intestines of Ox—Lymphatics—Hoven—Probang and Gags—Puncturing the Rumen—Impacted Rumen, or Maw-bound—Rumen- otomy—Obstruction of the Gullet—Impaction of Omasum. . - 768 CHAPTER XV. Diseases of Digestive Organs, Continued. Dyspepsia—Rickets—Fragility of Bones—Diarrhea—Dysentery — — Enteritis— , Peritonitis—Abdominal oe ae of Intestines—Casting an Ox—German Method. fe : : ; . ; - 782 CHAPTER XVI. Diseases of Urinary Organs. Urinary Apparatus of Ox—Diabetes—Retention of Urine—Operation for Re- moving Urine—Incontinence of Urine —Albuminuria —— Hematuria, or Bloody Urine—Sthenic Hematuria—Inflammation of the Kidneys—Inflam- mation of the Bladder—Gravel—Protrusion and Inversion of the Bladder. 792 CHAPTER XVII. Nerve, Skin, and Eye Diseases, Apoplexy—Epilepsy—Inflammation of the Brain—Nervous Debility in Parturi- tion—Tetanus, or Lock-jaw--Eczema—Herpes—F oul in the Foot—Foreign Substances in the Eye—Ophthalmia... és , : r . - . 801 , CHAPTER XVIII. Parasitic Diseases. External Parasites—Gad-fly—Lice—Mange—Ring-worm—Internal Paradise = Hoose, or Verminal Bronchitis—Measles—Tape-worm. ee : : - 808 CHAPTER XIX. Parturition. Period of Gestation—Signs of Parturition—Natural Parturition—Expulsion of Placenta—Unnatural Presentations of Various kinds—Retained After-birth. 817 / CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER XX. Parturient Diseases. flooding—Inversion of Uteruas—Dr. Meyer’s Treatment—Original and Success- ful Treatment by ‘Dr. Mc Beth—Inflammation of the Ussroe-Eucrpersl Fever—Parturient Apoplexy, or Milk Fever. ; ; ‘ : » - 825 CHAPTER XXL Parturient Diseases, Continued, Leucorrhea, or Whites—Abortion—Importance of Isolation—Hernia of the Uterus—Sore Teats—Gonorrhea—Mammitis, or Inflammation of the Udder _ Treatment of Calves—Care at Birth—Their Ailments. . . . «835 CHAPTER: XXII. Miscellaneous. Teeth of Cattle—Study of Dentition—Unreliability of Determining Age by Horns—Teeth of Different Ages—Methods of Throwing and Securing the Ox—Throwing by a Single Rope—Rueff’s Method—Securing the Ox in a Standing Position—Securing Hind Leg—Ox Travis—Nose-clamps—Nose- ring—Alsace Nose-ring and Headstall—Vigan’s Apparatus—Devices te Pre- vent Hooking and Running—Yoke for Ox. ; 5 ; § ; - 844 CHAPTER XXIII. Locat Injuries, Dislocations, and Wounds, | Injury of Stifle J oint—Dislocation of Patella—Kinds and Treatment of Wounds —Situres, Needles, Syringes, and Bandages—Inflammatory Action and Fever—Cleanliness, Ventilation, and Disinfection—Forms of Contagious Matter—Disinfecting Agents—Chloride of Lime—Carbolic Acid—Sulphate of Iron—Sulphate of Zinc—Formulas for Disinfectants i in Solid and Liquid Forms—Fumigation—Sulphur—Chlorine Gas. ‘ Be 0% : - 855 “OR SHEEP. CHAPTER XXIV. Breeds of Sheep. Sheep in Ancient Times—Mutton a Modern Product—Statistics of .Sheep-raising in the United States—Breeds of Sheep—Long-wooled Sheep—Short-wooled Sheep—Breeds of Sheep in Asia, Europe, and America—Wild Sheep. . 863 CHAPTER XXV. Care and Management. Pasturage-—- Adaptation of Different Soils—Foods in. Short Pasturage—Dry and Clean Pastures Essential—Treatment of Ewes During Gestation—Treat- ment and Feeding of Lambs—Docking and Castration—Lamb-creep— Weaning time—Selection of Rams and Ewes for Breeding—Dipping for ‘Ticks—Washing and Shearing—Care and Feeding i in Winter—Comparative Nutritive Value of Foods. ; ; : : w 2 - « . 881 - xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVI. Diseases of Respiratory, Digestive, and Urinary Organs. Structure of the Sheep—The Teeth—Causes of Disease—Catarrh—Bronchitis— Pneumonia—Pleurisy—Constipation—Diarrhea—Dysentery — Hoven — In- flammation of the Bladder—Retention of Urine—Sediment in Urinary Canal —Stone in the Bladder. é ‘ ‘ : i - 891 CHAPTER “XXVIL Blood, Nerve, Enzootic, and Epizootic Diseases. “« Pining ”—Dropsy—Lock-jaw— Vertigo — Parturient Paraplegia — Eczema— Ecthyma—Pyroriasis—Solary Ecthyma—Influenza—Red Water—Rot Dropay . —Foot-rot—Foot and Mouth Disease—Small Pox—Anthrax, or Quarter Ill ' —Tuberculosis—Rabies. . : ‘ . ‘ . ‘ : ‘ . 899 CHAPTER XXVIII. ; Parasitic Diseases, Revolution Wrought by the Microscope—Sheep-bots, or Grubs in the Head— The Fluke Disease, or Liver Rot—Different Varieties of Fluke—Vermicular Bronchitis—Turnsick, Sturdy, or Gid. i Z - ‘ : . - 909 ; CHAPTER XXIX. Parasitic Diseases, Continued. The Tape-worm—Its Existence in the Intestines—Mange or Itch—Various Species of Acari—Dog- tick —Fodder-louse—Body-louse—Head- ee re -louse Sheep- tick—Sheep-bug—Man- eating Fly—Tsetse Fly. 7 F - 919 CHAPTER XXX. Lambing and Attendant Diseases, Parturient Fever—Parturient Paralysis—Garget—Castration — Rheumatism— Cancer of the Foot—Docking—Fractures—Sprains—Feeling the Pulse. . 927 S N\A7 TIN =. CHAPTER XXXI. Anthrax and Cholera. Diseases of Swine Largely Due to Improper Food and Management—Administer- ing Medicines to Hogs—Charbon, Anthrax, or Hog Cholera—Nature of An- thrax Diseases—Gangrenous Erysipelas—Malignant or asa Angina —Apoplectic Anthrax—Preventive Measures. . AY 7 ‘ . 933. CHAPTER XXXII Anthrax and. Cholera, Continued. So-called ‘‘ Hog Cholera”—What the Term Implies—Contagious Pleuro-enteritis —Erysipelatous Form--Malignant Sore Throat—Various Remedies—At- tributed to Contagion—Judicious Rules for Treatment. . 5 ‘ - 944 CHAPTER XXXIII. Catarrhal Diseases, ete. ‘ Malignant Epizootic Catarrh—Apoplexy—‘‘ Snuffles ”—Constipation— Diarrhea’ ge eae of the Lungs—Abscess —Anemia —Piles. . . ‘ z é ‘ oof 2 i . 954 , CONTENTS. “EV CHAPTER XXXIV. - Parasites of Swine. Kidney-worms—Hog-lice—Mange, or Scab—Measles in Pork—Trichinosis— The Strongylus—The Ascaris—Symptoms of Worms. . é : - 970 ' ; POULTRY. CHAPTER XXXV. | Breeds and Breeding. Boddane=CrsyocmiryCochins—Piymputh Rocks—Polish Fowls—Brahmas— Silkies——Frizzled Fowls—-Rumpless Bantame—East India’ Fowls—Aseele— Sebright and Pekin Se eee Geese—Nile GuepeBlagk: beaked Turkey—Ducks. ‘ ; s «ore «983 CHAPTER XXXVI. : Food, Feeding, and Marketing. Proper Food for Fowls—Fattening for A eee ee ee and Pack- ing Eggs—Proper Kinds of Food. ‘ z : 3 ; . - 999 CHAPTER XXXVIL Poultry ‘Architecture. General Directions—Portable Poultry Houses—Shelters—‘‘ Warm Mother ”— ‘Cold Mother ”—Coops—Improved Poultry Homes. , ; ‘ 1008 CHAPTER XXXVIII. Eggs and Incubation. Generation of the Egg—Physiology of Incubation—Natural Incubation—Con- venient Hens’ Nests—Egg- protector—Fertility ‘and Egg-testers. - .1008 CHAPTER XXXIX. Artificial Incubation. Artificial Incubators in Ancient Times—Progress in Invention of Incubating ‘Ma. chines—The Graves Incubator—Halsted’s Automatic Incubator—The Boyle ‘ Incubator—Toimlinson’s Automatic Incubator — Thermostatic Incubator— Hearson’s Regulator. ; : ; : . . 1012 CHAPTER XL. Diseases of Pouttry. i 4 Apoplexy— Bronchitis — Bumble-foot — Catarrh — Cholera — - Consumption— Cramps — Crop-bound — Debility— Diarrhea — Diphtheria — Egg-bound— Feather-eating —Frost-bite—Gapes—V ertigo—Swelled Legs—Indigestion— Leg-weakness—Lice—Liver Disease—Pip—Roup—White-comb—W orms in Ducks—Caponizing Fowls. ; . . 3 ‘ ee ; 1020 TIE DOG. CHAPTER XLI. Races of Dogs. The Dog’s Close Relation to Man—His Intelligence—His Origin—Kinship of the | Wolf, Hyena, Jackal, and Fox to the Dog—The Newfoundland Dog— xvi CONTENTS. . Tales of the Newfoundland—The St. Bernard—His Wonderful History and Characteristics—Interesting Incidents. . ote Meh oF 1082 CHAPTER XLII’ Races of Dogs, Continued. , The Shepherd Dog—Incidents Illustrating his Sagacity—The Esquimau Dog—. The Danish Dog—The Bull-dog—The Brutality of Dog-fighting—The Grey- hound—The Blood-hound—Illustrations of his Tntelligence—The Terrier —The Setter—The Dachshund—Pet Dogs. ‘ ah Ss »# ,y (1041 CHAPTER XLII. Diseases of Dogs. Structure of the Dog—Distemper—Diarrhea ‘and Dysentery—Constipation—In- ‘ flammation of the Bowels—Throat and Lung Diseases—@oitre— Hydro- phobia — Parasites — The Round-worm— Giant Strongle—Tape-worm— Blood-sucker — Bird-louse — Ear-louse — Cat-flea—Dog-flea—Remedies for Worms and Mange. A i ‘ 5 ; ‘ ‘ : ; 1058 ame BES-oOVUnrTUn=E. CHAPTER XLIV. Importance of Bee-keeping as an Industry —Effect of Modern, Progress in Bee- culture—Description of Bees—Process of Making Honey—lInternal Econ- omy of the Hive—Swarming—How to Manage and Prevent Swarming—Va- rious Inventions Therefor—Artificial Swarming—Various Kinds of Hives— Bee Pasturage—Preparing Honey for Market—Liquid Honey—Honey Ex- tractor—Comb Honey—lIts Preparation—Root's Improvement on the Long- stroth Hive—Guarding against Robbery of eee Bees for Win- arene Methods of Storing Honey. : : : ‘ 1065 EPRUIT CULTURE. CHAPTER XLV. Importance of the Culture of Fruit—Transplanting, Pruning, and Management —Selection of Stock—Budding—Layering—Layering by Elevation—Ap- proach-grafting—Cleft-grafting—Insects Injurious to Fruits—Remedies for Them—General Hints for Protection of Fruits. . ‘ : ‘ ‘ 1087 PLEA FOR TIE BIRDS. CHAPTER XLVL The Usefulness as well as Delightfulness of Birds—The Benefit they Confer in Destroying Insects— Eloquent Tribute of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher—Chiff- chaff—Yellow Wren—Golden-crested Wren—Fire-crested Warbler—African Beef-eater—Blue-bird— Pigmy Piculet—Rose-colored Pastor—Short-tailed Ant Thrush—European Goat-sucker. . 5 . ‘ ‘ ‘ 1107 INTRODUCTION. For Special Reasons of Interest to the Reader, What is Writ- ten Here Should be Mead First, and wien Care, /— special exhibitions in the art of taming horses, there was but very little known on the subject, and what was known could not be regarded as more than the merest empiricism. Indeed, I had been under the i impression myself at that time, that there was some great secret, giftedness, scent, or medicines by which vicious horses could be controlled and changed in character. This im- pression had misled me greatly ; and it was only by long-continued observation and practice that I was finally able, little by little, to grasp the subject in its true aspect, and learn the real principles of subduing and controlling vicious horses in a practically reliable manner. The drift of my efforts and experiments which enabled me to do this, extended over many years, and during the first decade were necessarily but little more than a series of crude experiments, suc- cess being constantly alternated with: more or less failure; and, in fact, I was deeply interested in the study, and was far from éexhaust- ing it, when I left the road at the expiration of over nineteen years of the most exacting experience’ before the public, and extending to all the older-settled States of the country, But every failure, when made, had been only the means of suggesting new points, revealing to me new and more correct insight into the study, thereby carry- ing me forward, and enabling me finally to accomplish results in the = SUBJECTION OF SPECIALLY VICIOUS HORSES, which were not only a source of constant interest and surprise to myself, but of astonishment to the best horsemen in the country and the world, because of reducing the principles of controlling and educating horses to the basis of an exact science, and not only rev- olutionizing all previous ideas of the control and management of horses, but saving fully eighteen-twentieths of the time usually re- quired in their training, as well as making it entirely safe and simple to do. The power to change, as if by magic, the character of a horse that is perhaps defied all previous effort to be brought (xvii) Pie to 1860, when I was first betrayed into’ giving some xviii INTRODUCTION. under restraint, and proved in consequence to be practically worth- less, frequently in the short period of less than an hour, could not but be accepted as a startling innovation to them, but, if possible, of more interest from the fact that these results were brought about by clear, well-defined principles of treatnient, so plain, simple, and practical as to be easily understood and applied, and within the ability of any ordinary person to master and use. These principles I was compelled to teach as a secret, for which I charged a fee of from five to ten dollars; which instructions were necessarily limited to a few hours, and to a few representative citizens in each neighborhood that I visited; and though I pub- lished a small work, which was included in the instructions, it was of necessity so written as not to impart these secrets, and would give no idea whatever of my methods and principles of treatment to persons who had not attended my lectures, Though possessed, when young, of a remarkably strong consti- tution, the constant struggle and excitement forced upon me in so difficult a field for so many years, gradually undermined and im- paired my health, until, in the early winter of 1878, I finally broke down so seriously as to be compelled to leave the road. I now concluded to carry out at my leisure the purpose which had for some time been developing in my mind,—that of writing out the full details of my system, including such knowledge as I be- lieved to be most valuable to horse owners, and that would bring it within the reach of people generally. I at first intended to make a work of only about three hundred: pages, which would. ‘embody merely the simple outlines I gave to classes, with some additions to the treatment for sickness and lameness which I had already given in my old book. But after writing it up and preparing the illustra- tions I supposed necessary, : I could see so much that should be added, that I was induced to're-write the whole matter, bringing it up to about six hundred pages, with about three hundred and fifty illustrations. When this was completed, I again found it necessary to make still more additions, until it grew:upon my hands to the present size and number of illustrations of my regular book on this subject. With the enlargement of the work grew also upon me the desire to make the departments of Shoeing, Sickness, and Lame- ness equally satisfactory. With this object I made 2 special effort to secure the best veterinary skill I could command ; but in this I en- tirely failed, until fortunate in arresting the attention of Dr. JAMES HaMILL, D. V.S., of New York City, formerly Professor of Patho- logical Shoeing in the Columbia Veterinary College, whom I: found to have attended my lectures in that city in the winter of 1872, and INTRODUCTION. xix who exhibited the kindest interest in my efforts, not only volunteer- ing all the aid in his power to give, but securing for me the aid of two of his colleagues, DR. CHAS. A. MEYER, N. Y. City, and Dr. Joun A. Mc LAuGHLIN, then of Jersey City, N. J., now of Provi- dence, R. I., both of whom occupied high positions in the profession. Dr. HAMILL gave me every aid in his power, not only in preparing the chapter on Shoeing, for which he was specially qualified, but in other departments, and in addition, placed the use of his fine library freely at my disposal. The better to facilitate my work, I had these gentlemen dictate, to me the outlines of treatment required, in the simplest language possible, with permission to make any changes I desired. ‘It is ‘but just, also, to them, to explain that the dictations by them were in all cases made without premeditation, the point in view being to give me the facts most clearly and in the fewest words. This was the more difficult .for them from the fact that they were limited to my ability to take notes, as,,on account of the peculiarly sensitive | condition of my health, I could endure but very brief SonySEseen and but thirty or forty minutes’ writing at one time. ; I was also specially indebted to Pror. E. A. Mc muta of Bridgeport, Conn., who was at the time Lecturer on Shoeing and Diseases of the Foot in Columbia Veterinary College, who gave me / much valuable aid in that department. ‘Dr. B. C. Mc BETH, of Battle Creek, Mich., also rendered me very important assistance: After five large editions of the book had been published, and meeting with the greatest favor, it was strongly urged upon me by a leading book publisher, to add a STocK DEPARTMENT that would - in general character correspond with the rest of the work as it then stood. In support of his assertion, he stated that there was not a single really practical or reliable work published on the subject, and that if I would make such a book, I would not only be sure of a large sale, but confer a substantial benefit upon the farming com- munity. . There had also been from the first repeated and urgent inquir- ies by my agents for such an additional feature, it being given as a reason that while farmers were greatly interested in horses, and needed the instructions given, they strongly desired also the addi- tional departments suggested. ‘Influenced by these considerations, I was led to consider the mat- ter seriously. But I found there was no single professional man in the country, so far as I knew, who could write up all the departments of such a work in the practical manner I required, as men even in the very first ranks of the profession: are only proficient in certain de- xx INTRODUCTION. partments, necessarily depending upon the aid of standard authori- ties. Then, there was no one man in the country whose time could be made available for the purpose, even at a high compensation. ‘In this emergency, and advised by veterinary friends, I deter- mined upon the following plan, as that giving promise of the best and most satisfactory results: First, to obtain all the standard vet- erinary authorities in the English and European languages, espe- cially those in German and French, embodying the highest and most reliable authorities on the subjects treated ; next, the employ- ing of thoroughly trained scholars capable of transla:ing and col- lecting the requisite facts from such authorities, and under my special directions write them out in the plainest language for the treatment of each disease ; and the matter so prepared, on each sub- ject, to be submitted to one or more experts for each department, with instructions to make such changes and additions as in their judgment would be advisable to render the matter of the best prac- tical reference. To'do this work I employed three of the best ‘scholars to be obtained in the country, one of whom was a regular graduate of one of our leading medical colleges. This work re- quired of itself nearly a year’s time. In the meantime I consulted special friends in the veterinary profession to learn who were the best expert practitioners to make the revisions and corrections I required, and was so fortunate as to secure the aid of the gentlemen whose names are here given, and who co-operated with me in the most hearty manner.. , LIST OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERTS. JAS. HAMILL, D. V. S., 416 E. 14th St. New York City, formerly Lecturer on Shoeing and diseases of the Foot in Col. Vet. Col., Pres’t Nat'l Vet’y Med. Ass’n, now Pref. of Oper. Surg’y and Horse Shoeing,, N. Y. Col. of Vet. Sur. and Sch. of Com, Med. CHAS. A. MEYER,* D. V. S., Editor Veterinary Gazette, New York. JOHN A. Mc LAUGHLIN, D. V. S., Providence, R..1L, ex-Veterinary In, spector N, J. State Board of Health. D. G. SUTHERLAND, V. S., East Saginaw, Mich., ex-Pres’t Mich. State Vet'y Ass’n. , PAUL PAQUIN, M. D., V. S., Columbia, Mo., Prof. Compar. Med., Direct. Ex- per. Labratory, State Vet’y Inspector, and Pres’t Mo. Ass’n of Vet’y Science and Compar. Medicine. T. BENT COTTON, M. D., V. S., Mt. Vernon, O., Pres’t Ohio State Vet’y Ass'n, Vice-Pres’t Nat'l Vet'y. Med. Ass'n. DR. B. C. Mc BETH, Battle Creek, Mich., Sec’y Mich. State Vet’y Ass’n, Hon. Mem. N. Y. St. Acad. of Science and Com. Path. J. A. DELL, V. S., Ann Arbor, Mich., Pres’t Mich. State Vet’y Ass'n. A. J. CHANDLER, V. S., Detroit, Mich., Vice-Pres’t Mich. State Vet'y Ass'n. S. BRENTON, V. ’s., Jackson, Mich., Ex-Pres’t Mich. State Vet’y Ass'n, WM. JOPLING, V. s., Owosso, Mich., Treasurer Mich. State Vet’y Ass’n. A. I. ROOT, Medina, ’O, author of AB C of Bee Culture.”’ JOHN A. ADAMS, Horticulturist, Battle Creek, Mich. , * Deceased while this was being put in type. INTRODUCTI ON. xxi The following explanations I deem also necessary in connection with the reference to these gentlemen :— Dr. Cotton was highly recommended to me as a man of much ability in the profession, by a prominent Eastern practitioner, and reference was made to his position among his confréres in the State, as assurance of his fitness for the work desired. ‘Dr. Paquin was known to me personally as a man of much more than ordinary attainments, and I made a special request that he would take charge of one or two of the more important depart- ments. Iam especially indebted to him also for translations from the French of analytical descriptions of the structure of the foot, he being known to me as an exceptionally fine French scholar. I am also specially indebted to Dr. Meyer, not only for special papers, but for translations from the German on the structure of the foot, in which language he was a proficient scholar. In this respect, also, Dr. Hamill rendered me an exceptionally important service. Dr. Paquin, my best French scientific translator, was absent in Paris, engaged in special microscopic studies, and being unable to find a man competent to do the work, I explained the difficulty to Dr. Hamill, who stated that he would himself try to do it for me, and, to my surprise, I found him remarkably proficient, he being able to trace out readily every minute definition from the original; ‘and adapt the explanations to the English, showing himself to be one of the most thorough scientific students of the. Structure of the foot in the veterinary profession. Having personal acquaintance with Dr. Sutherland, who was at the time President of the Michigan State Veterinary Association, it occurred to me to send him sample chapters of the matter prepared, for his examination at the annual meeting of the Association at Jackson, and request him to refer me to those among the members of the Association competent and willing to take part in the work ; and through his aid, as well as that of the Secretary of the Associa- tion, Dr. Mc Beth, who also co-operated with me most cordially, I was able to secure the assistance of Drs. Dell, Chandler, Brenton, and Jopling, and Prof. Grange, of the Agricultural College. The matter was now divided into sections and distributed to each of these experts, with freedom to make any changes: or addi- tions to the text they might deem necessary to make it most reli- able and practical for reference. It was specially requested that the matter should be free from needless technicalities, and embody. the most useful facts for the benefit of the class of readers for whom the work was intended. With the view of making this work as xxii : INTRODUCTION. reliable as possible, special parts on the more ,malignant. diseases were submitted to two or three in succession. After the copy thus distributed had been all returned and put in type, it occurred to me that it would be a feature of special. in- terest to my readers, to have the portraits of these professional friends engraved and placed in. the work; and I was so fortunate (in some instances only after considerable persuasion) as to obtain permission to do so from those'whose portraits are given; and I take great pleasure in presenting them as a good representation of. the class of men engaged at present in the veterinary profession. It is proper in this connection to state that should there appear any minor errors in the text, the responsibility for them must be entirely assumed by the author, as it was not possible, except at great inconvenience, after the matter had been put in type, to sub- mit proofs to the gentlemen who had aided me in this work. I may mention also that I made it a special object to have every detail of the work as fully and thoroughly illustrated as I could, as well'as to include such features as would be most useful to ,the farmer. In carrying out this purpose I inserted in the stock department the large number of 800 figures, and in the horse de- partment the still larger number of 950, among which are eighteen elegant plates. It is only. necessary to state that there is no work heretofore published of this description that has more than a fourth of this number, and these usually of a very indifferent character, while this comprises the enormous aggregate, as will be seen, of 1,700, all having special reference to the text. } Particular attention is directed to the large number of illustra- tions of parasites common to the domestic animals ; ; the great vari- _ ety of: figures illustrating the different diseases; the diversity of breeds of’stock, particularly dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry. Certainly no work yet published can show any approach to the large number and varied character of the illustrations in these respects. Interesting features will also be found in chapters on the. Dog, on Bee-culture, the Growth of Fruit,.including Insects Injurious to Fruit, and a Plea for the Birds, showing their value to the farmer. The chapter on Bees, and that on the Protection of Fruit and Fruit Trees, will be found particularly interesting and valuable. That on Bee-culture’ was prepared with ‘special care, under the supervision of A. I. Root, Esq., author of “The A B C of Bee Culture,” and the highest authority on the subject, and includes the largest number of illustrations for the space occupied, that has yet been given on bees. 4 INTROD UCTION. | “xxii The chapter on Fruit was prepared by a leading horticulturist of large experience, MR. Joun A. ADAMS, and will be found of great value and importance. The large number of fine and_ varied illustrations in this chapter, showing the insects that injure and de- stroy fruit, cannot but be of great interest, and with the text com- prises knowledge of the greatest value to fruit-growers. I would -call especial attention to this chapter, not only as a new feature, but for the practical character of its instructions and suggestions. The Plea for the Birds should be read by every person of hu- mane instincts. This paper is embodied mainly from an address by. the famous and lamented REV. HENRY WARD’ BEECHER. This ad- dress was listened to by the author years ‘before his death, and long before this wotk was prepared ; but it struck him as so beautiful and valuable in every part, that he went at once to the stenographer and engaged him to furnish a copy for his special use. The addi- “tion of this chapter was in a good degree owing to suggestions of leading officers of the American Humane Society. This will be found one of the most interesting features of this work, because most useful and elevating in its influence, and being one of the finest pleas for the birds ever written, showing their value to the farmer, and the duty of protecting them. ‘Tus Autuor. “is O4 ot soe # THE STANDARD HORSE AND STOCK BOOK. CHAPTER I. —to— “PRELIMINARY REMARKS. NCE, while stopping with a () farmer, as a matter of amuse- ment I took a colt that had become unmanageable to him, and made him perfectly gentle. Upon learning what I had done, the farmer was so surprised at the result as to & offer me ‘fifty dollars for the secret. Without thinking, I proposed teach- - f ing him and ten of-his neighbors | how I did it, in addition to other points that might be of interest to them. In this I was entirely suc- cessful, and thus I was unintention- ally drifted into the most trying and exacting field of effort that ever man engaged in, which con- tinued nearly nineteen years. I was necessarily forced into contact with all sorts of people, who were continually ‘ ay ing ee break, nie Fia. 1.— Ideal Head of an Intelligent, down, and in addition I had the Docile Character. most vicious and difficult horses forced upon me to experiment upon; and that I succeeded at all seems to me even now so remarkable as to be beyond belief. But without realizing it, or knowing it at the time, the people who forced. 145) 26 . PRELIMINARY REMARKS. me to these trials were in reality my best friends, because proving the best instructors to me in the world ; and the experiments upon vicious horses were just what was necessary to give me the best opportuni- Fies. 2-4.—Extremes of Vicious Character. ties of observation and practice needed to master the subject. Now, ,in teaching classes I soon found it necessary to make such explana- tions of points and conditions as I could before making experiments ; and in like manner, before taking up the details of instruction, I think it necessary to refer to such points as will be most suggestive in the study of the subject. I may. state that this is somewhat difficult here, because compelled to limit my explanations to less than one half of what I have been able to devote to it in my regular work on the horse, and also to omit many chapters of acl interest to the general reader.. = Maoy of the lower animals possess some qualities by nature that make’ them, in some respects, re- cally superior to man. The dog, for example, can follow the track of -his master through a crowd of strangers, though hours ‘behind, and find him; and he will also find his way home, though distant hundreds of miles—a fact that has been repeatedly proved. The ordinary sheep-dog will -at com- mand find and bring home stray sheep of the flock; and the blood-hound can perform the still more remarkable feat of taking up Fro, 6.—A Porta ota Docle Fem Horse. the track of a criminal hours aft- erward, by the scent of a bit of his clothing, and pick him out from hundreds‘of others who had been his companions —a power that entitles even the commonest cur to our kindest consideration. The eagle and vulture, though miles in the ¢ oe é a PRELIMINARY REMARKS. oT air, can see the smallest ob- jects of prey on the ground—a power far beyond that of man. Thus these superior qualities, exhibited so largely by the lower animals, seem to be a ' special: provision of nature to ‘guard them from. danger and aggression, or to aid them in providing sustenance. Now, this singular power of instinct appears to be a very strongly marked feature of the. . horse’s nature. The wild horse Fra. .6.—A very Intelligent, Docile Character. Of the prairie cannot be ap- proached near enough on the windward side to imperil his. safety ; and even when cornered and unable to get away, his acts of biting, striking, or kicking: are but | his natural promptings: to defend himself. It is also seen that no matter how wild.a colt, when treated with such kindness as to win his confidence, he not only will not show fear of man, but become a pet. A good demonstration of this is shown in the remarkable do- cility of the Arab horses, which are always treated with the t utmost kindness; and ladies j who are specially kind to horses, itis known, _ can’ approach. them ~' anywhere, and make them such pets that ' they will follow, even into the house. Per- haps in no way is this peculiar instinct more strikingly shown than in the repugnance of exceptionally _ sensi- tive, intelligent horses to men who may be ignorantly or thought- lessly cruel to them. Hence it is evident that the true ground of success in the subjection and education of ‘ \ Fia.: 7.—Intelligent, Courageous, but very Sensitive Nature, ! 28 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. the horse, or in breaking up and overcoming bad habits when formed, must be in proportion to the degree to which the efforts can be intelligently addressed to the line of these instincts, holding pas- sive, combating, or overcoming them while addressing the under- standing, without exciting his fears or resistance ; and it is ab- solutely imperative that in his education these conditions should: not be disregarded. Another point: a horse may be moved to intense excitement and extreme resistance by even a mo. mentary impression of fear, without any contact with or cause for feéling direct physical pain ; and again, in like manner, when prop- erly treated, such fear may be overcome without resorting’ to treat- ment that would cause the least physical pain or injury. Another important feature for consideration is the wonderful adaptation in the various domestic animals, not only to the several wants and requirements of man, but to the sections of the world in which we find them. Thus, for example, the Esquimau has not only a ‘dog, but one peculiarly fitted by nature to his- especial wants, acting not only as a fisherman and a hunter, but as a-beast of burden, being in fact the only. animal that could live and be of any use to him so far north. A little Fic. 9.—Nervous, Excitable Horse. farther south, the Laplander : has the reindeer, that lives - ‘on-the moss peculiar to those regions, providing both sustenance and clothing for him, as well as being the very best means of trav- eling over those dreary, frozen plains. The Peruvians have the llama for carrying burdens over the Andes. The Arabs have the camel for their peculiar want, that: of traveling over the arid, sandy Fie. 8.—One of the most Vicious Horses ever Subdued by the Author. \ PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 29 desert, and so constituted as to carry within himself a supply of wa- ter sufficient to last for many days. Not only. do we see here special families, demonstrating this ss principle most strikingly, but such subdivisions of each as adapt them more perfectly. for ‘special uses. Now the horse, which is by far the most noble, valuable, and useful of all the domestic animals, in the ‘man- agement of which we are. spe cially interested, shows this. toa wonderful degree in size, dis- position, and intelligence. For slow, drudging work, we have . the coarse-grained,. patient, Fre. 10.—A Vicious, Treacherous Nature. heavy cart or plow horse, while for quick, long-continued exer- tion, we have the lithe thoroughbred, with the conformation of the greyhound, capable, if necessary,,of running with the fleetness of the wind. From these extremes we have illimitable modifications, adapting them the more perfectly to the various requirements of man. Now, it-is clear that the. nervous, energetic racer or thor- eughbred would be entirely out of place for the cart or plow, and the coarse- grained cart or plow horse for the quick, active exertion of speedy travel’; and that to Make each most useful he must be employed for such work only as nature Fig. 11.—Portrait of a Noted Vicious Horse. best fits him for.. Dependent upon these physical conditions : are others that have a.still more important bearing upon the’ success of our efforts, be- cause they are necessarily more obscure, and we are compelled to study them more carefully to win success, namely, the intelligence and disposition of horses. To illustrate my meaning in part: It is dighe that some horses 30 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. wh a are very much more intelli-: gent and quick to compre- hend than others; that some are by nature of the most perfect docility, while others have a large element of the naturally vicious, dangerous character. Here, then, we are compelled to study and learn, if possible, two _things,—the ' . conditions requisite for the best management of the sen- sitive, intelligent nature, as well as: those that are ‘dull, strong, and naturally vicious. In the first, we must study how to address and win the understanding directly, if possible, with- out a ruffle of excitement ;' and in the management of the second, we must impress the intelligence in such a way as to win bseke- dience most safely and easily. This necessarily requires the careful study of the vital powers, dependent upon the following conditions: First, the intelligence, as dependent upon the volume of brain ; second, the physical strength, as dependent upon size and quality of bodily structure ; third, the peculiar phase and degree of the viciousness. , It is evident that when we have large brain, dense text- - ure of body, good’ digestion, and Jarge, deep chest, we have indicated, first, great natural strength; second, great en- durance, in consequence of ability to assimilate food ; third, capacity to oxygen-. ate the blood rapidly, thus giving great endurance -for Jong-susta’ ned effort. Lack- ing these conditions to any extent,’ even though there may be great, energy and pluck, there will be less ability, to resist ° well-sustained coercive measures. Fie. 12.—Sullen Treachery. Fra. 18.—Sketch from Life of the most Vicious Mustang Pony the Writer ever Saw. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 31 Now, dcpendent upon the order of intelligence and bodily structure are certain peculiarities. For example, a full fore- head, large, clear eyes, tending. to brown in color, set well out on the head, -eyelids thin, medium length from eyes to ears, ears pointed and of medium length, ' placed not very wide. : 4 apart and high between Fig. 14,—Sketch of a Vicious Stallion, them, and large nostrils, will most always indicate the intelligent, steady, reliable, family horse; while a forehead rather narrow, small, round eyes, set well back in the side of the head, eyelids heavy, long from eyes to ears, ears long and flabby, with a tendency to throw them. back a little, nose rounding, and nostrils small, show the opposite, or a dull, sul- len, treacherous nature. If the forehead be of a medium or good breadth, the ‘eyes good size, clear, and setting well out, the lids thin, short from eyes to ears, ears a little longer than common, and nostrils large, there will be indicated intel- o ligence, activity, but great sensibility ; usu- . ally” termed the nerv- ous, sensitive horse, that will not bear ex- citement. ‘From these extremes, again, we have illimit- able modifications, dé- pendent upon, condi- tions referred to. Figs. 1, 5, 6,>and 7 give the best expressions ofa naturally docile, intelligent character. Figs. 1, 5, and 6 are fine illustrations of the best types of the gentle family horse. Fig. 7 is the best type of-a sensitive, but very intel- ligent horse, being a portrait of a noted Arabian horse. Fig. 9 isa good type of a very nervous, sensitive character. . Figs. 8,10, and 11 + Fie. 15.—Portrait of a Noted Vicious Horse in a Rage. 32 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. are modifications of the ‘dull, sullen, treacherous type. Fig.10isa portrait of a very marked case. Fig. 11 is also a portrait | of a very noted vicious horse. Fig. 18 is that of a mustang pony, the most desperate, reckless creature the writer ever subjected to treatment. Fig. 17 is a portrait of a case that up to nine years old had proved utterly unmanageable, | but whose character was made so gentle, after an hour's treatment, that it was afterward used as a family horse. Fig. 21 is a good illustration of the barnyard lunkhead. In addition there is seen to be a large number of illustrations showing combina- tions and contrasts of character which are deserving of careful study. The size of bone, the texture of bodily structure, the length and color of hair, amount of hair in mane or tail, the action in moving, the size and expression of © eye, the peculiarity of head, its length, breadth, etc., are . subjects requiring the most constant and careful con- ‘ sideration in directing i in- telligent treatment. . Principles of Treatment. In the -subjection and education of horses, we have, several natural diffi- culties to’ contend with. First: The horse is much stronger than, man, and just so far as he in any way learns that he can resist man’s control, to that degree will he be encouraged and inclined to resist or combat him: hence, an in- 2 Fie. 16,—Naturally Docile and Intelligent. Fie. 17.—“ Wild Pete.” A Very Pecutiar and Inter- esting Case. NATURAL DIFFICULTIES. 33 dispensable condition of his successful education is that he must be given no opportunity to learn that he is not in every respect subor- dinate to man‘in physical power, until his - character becomes fixed. Second: His methods of reasoning | ‘bee ing dependent upon and limited to the ob- servation and experience of. his senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, and. feeling, to prevent his: becoming excited or frightened at objects and sounds with which he is necessarily brought in contact, he must be convinced in his own -way; through these | faculties, of their harmless and innocent - character. Consequently, if he be treated according to these laws of -his nature, he was can be made to do willingly, without fear Fie. 18.—Doeile, Intelligent. or resistance, anything for which’ he is by ‘nature adapted. Third: The horse, being unable. to understand fhe meaning of articulated language, ¢xcepting so far as words are associated with actions, we must address his intelligence on this plane of his reasoning, because it. is only by doing. so that he can be aie to comprehend our wishes clearly. . _ Fourth: To the degree that the horse becomes ceived, fright- ened, or confused, he must necessarily be ‘both unable to under- stand what is required to be oS _ done, ‘and correspondingly less inclined to submit to re-, straint in his management. Hence, ‘whatever. the ;treat- ment, if must be ofa charac- ter not to.confuse or excite « him,'nor to expose him to such excessive fear as would’ shock and derange his nerv- ous system. | Taking. these conditions in order, we see, for example, ~ Fig. 192—A Noted Vicious Horse. that if a horse learns to pull away, break his: halter, resist the: blacksmith in shoeing, or run away, etc., he will. be encouraged to and.try to do so afterward until the’ habit becomes fixed. On the contrary, when a colt is 3 : ‘ ; B4 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. first haltered, no matter how hard he may resist, if once taught to submit, he will not only readily follow without festraint, but will do so ever afterward; or when the feet are taken up and handled until the operation is fully sub- mitted to, or such restraint brought upon him as to com- pel submission, there will not only be obedience for the time, but all inclination to resist will be radically overcome. Now, the principle is the same in relation to other hab- its, or in overcoming vicious- ness. No matter how wild or unmanageable the horse may be, if he can be so treated that successful resistance becomes impossible, and he is shown that he will not be injured, there will not only be entire submission without the use of force, but if not excited or abused, he will remain permanently docile. But it is impetative that there be at no point such an exposure of weakness as would encourage resistance ; for, though the method of treatment may be in itself right, if not carried to the point desired, the difficulties of the treatment will necessarily be increased to a degree liable to precipitate failure. For example, there may be strength to, take up a colt’s foot ;.but if at any point of holding it it is pulled ‘away, and control resisted, he will be inclined to resist afterward with ~' as much energy as if there had not been sufficient power ‘to take it up at all. Or, in teaching a horse to ead by the halter, if he resists suc- cessfully it will teach him to resist Fig. 21.—Barnyard Lunkhead. the efforts by pulling away. Now, the method of pulling on the halter may be all right, but the point of difficulty would be in not having power to carry it far enough. Not. only this, but it is vital to success to do it properly, or in such Fie. 20.—Strong-Willed, Intelligent Character. Sy PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 35 a way that there would be the least inclination to resistance. If, for example, in tdking up the horse’s foot, by standing forward of the hip, well up near the body, facing backward, one hand is rested against the hip, while at Fie. 22.—Docile Expression. Fig. 28.—Docile Expression. the moment of taking up the foot with the other, there is firm press- ure exerted against the hip, to throw the weight upon the op- posite leg, the. foot can be brought up easily, and then, when sub- mitted to, the simple movement forward will bring it against the knees to be handled with safety as desired. In leading by the halter, if, instead of pulling straight ahead, which gives the horse _, great advantage to resist, the operator stands opposite the shoulder ~ ..not subjected to unusual causes of ' fearless when under the tests of se- and pulls sufficiently hard to bring the horse off. his feet a few times, he will soon follow unconditionally without the least restraint. In a hundred different ways this‘ principle is seen to be illustrated in consequence of the horse’s ‘not being’ ’ sufficiently disciplined to make him entirely manageable in harness and vere excitement. It is for this reason that horses that ‘may have been driven for months, or even years, when managed with care, or accident or excitement, are liable at some unguarded moment, when . Fic. 24.—Coarse, Low-bred Horse. f 36 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. exposed to some exceptional strain, up to which they have not been tested, to become frightened and resist control, thereby resulting in constantly recurring cases of accident, as well as endangering the spoiling of the horse ; which would all have been prevented by the application and proper cane out of necessary treatment in the first place. Second: We see that when an object of fear or,unusual sound is brought suddenly or unexpectedly to the horse’s notice, or in con- tact with any part of his body, it is liable to excite the most intense fear and resistance ; whereas, if brought slowly and gently to his no- tice, letting him smell or feel of it until convinced of its harmless- ness, it can be brought over and around him without causing the least fear or attracting his attention. It makes no difference whether Fie. 25.—Vicious. Fie. 26.—Treacherous. ° Ll it is in driving to a carriage, letting the cross-piece come against the’ quarters, raising an umbrella behind him, the noise of a steam-engine, or anything else, the principle is the sanie. Third: In- relation to making him understand the meaning of special’ sounds or words of command. If a man were simply to re-- peat the word.“ Whoa” to a horse, he might do it indefinitely with- out his being able to understand its meaning and object. But if the ° horse were moved moderately, and immediately after the command. he were ‘pulled upon hard enough to make him stop, he would in a short time, when the word is repeated, learn to stop to avoid being hurt. Or,tin teaching him to back, if after the word is spoken the .. ‘reins be pulled upon sufficiently to force him back, he will, after a few repetitions, learn, when the command is given,:to go back freely, . to evade the restraint and pain. The better to illustrate this I will include here the details of teaching a few tricks. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 37 To teach a horse to make a: bow, first’ prick him lightly on the back with a pin, and repeat this until, in his efforts to avoid the annoyance, he drops his head, after which caress him, repeating the pricking until the héad is again dropped, when again repeat the caress and give him ‘something of which he is fond, and continue to alter- nate in this way with the pricking, caress-. ing, and rewarding, until at the least motion of the hand toward the back he will drop: -his head. - To teach him to tack, mle prick him on the rump until there is an inclination to kick up, when, as before, caress him, and so repeat until the least ‘motion of the hand toward the rump will iadiee him to kick up. In teaching any kind or number of tricks, the principle is the same, the only differ- ence being that instead of a pin, other means adapted to the requirements ‘of the. \ \ease must be used. But one thing should be tanght at a time, and that slowly and carefully re- peated until thoroughly understood. The. duller the horse,‘and the more complicated or difficult to the understanding the point to be taught, the less can be safely at- tempted, and the more time must neces-— sarily be taken; while the more intelligent the horse, and the simpler the thing re- » quired to be done, the moré can be ac- complished. And each point thus made should ‘be made the foundation for the next, until the education is complete. Again, to have prompt obedience, the same signal and word given in teaching the trick, or whatever is re- quired to be done, must be repeated exactly, even to the tone and pitch of Fid 8. the vorce ; otherwise a horse is liable 27-30.—Moditications of Good Character. 38 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT, Fies. 31-86.—Extremes of Low-bred, Vicious Character. . to become more or less confused and unable to understand or obey. The principle’ is the same in teaching a horse to do anything in or out of harness; the point being that such means or methods of treatment are to be used as will give the necessary .control, and at the same time convey to the understanding in the most direct manner the idea of what is desired to be done. / Now, the principle is exactly the same in both preventing and overcoming viciousness or bad habits, no matter what their character or degree; the only difference being that in- stead of teaching a trick, or obedience in any respect, we must aim now to ‘combat the habit already formed, simply repeating until there is entire docility and submission. Again, in resorting to physical power,. the nearer we are able 'to use it so as not to cause pain nor excite the belligerent nature of the horse, the better. If a man were strong enough to take a fighting bully by the shoul- ders and shake him so thoroughly as to show -him that he had power to control the fellow as he pleased, and then treat him kindly and convince him that his intentions were good, it would have a better effect in impressing him with a sense of the man’s mastery, and make him less inclined to resist, than if he had ob- tained control of him after a desperate struggle that would heat his blood and: arouse his pas- sions to the point of recklessness. In like manner, if we could use power directly upon a horse, so as to restrain and control him as we wished, it would be far more effective than if the effort were of a character to cause him to become maddened and heated ; or, if this be impossible, then the resorting, to such indirect measures of coercion as will en- able us to accomplish this most safely and easily. Now, ae treatment herein given dacs this x nearly. as possible to the line of an exact PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 39 with far more ease, directness, and success than has ever yét been accomplished. , It not only enables us to control with the greatest facility, frequently i in a few minutes, not ex- ceeding twenty or thirty, horses that had re- sisted all previous efforts to. subdue or con- trol them, and become practically worthless, -but it gives the proper foundation for making the character safe and reliable afterward, its most remarkable feature being the startling results accomplished in so short a time, ap- parently changing the entire nature of the horse as if by magic. This treatment is the outgrowth of. the “* practice of over eighteen years of the most constant and exacting experimenting, and has been proved, by the results exhibited, to bring the control and education of horses as science, ‘conclusively showing that when horses become vicious or unmanageable, it is the result of ignorance or bad management, ' which the treatment herein given, if properly applied, would have entirely prevented. I could include a great deal of other treatment, and much of it very good, but wishing only to give what is practical, I con- fine myself to such treatment only as I have found in my experience to be best. , Before taking up details, I would state that there is no difficulty in making a horse, even when of a very vicious character, gentle for a short time; but the difficulty is to be able to hold and fix the character in such a way that he will remain gentle. ‘This may be done in quite a variety of ways. Any method of lowering the vitality, such as bleed- ing, ‘physicking, preventing sleep, depriving ._ of food or water, subjecting to. intense pain, or, in fact, any means whereby we can suc- cessfully lower the strength, will make a horse. gentle. But the difficulty is that, how- ever gentle he may be at the time, when the “‘Fies, 37_42. — Modifica. tions of Well-bred Character. 40 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. Fics. 43-48. — Modifica- tions of Vicious Character. effect passes off, or the horse regains his strength, there will be so great a tendency to gravitate back to the former condition that the treatment will nearly always result in dis- appointment. . While it is known that many persons have the power of controlling the will of athers, or: what is termed psychologizing them, and that some of the lower animals secure their prey in this manner, as exhibited by the snake in - charming birds and small animals, various cases of which I refer to (particularly in discussing this subject) in my special work on the horse, the principle does not seem to work in the control of horses ; certainly it has not in my ex- perience, and I have hundreds of times pro-— duced results before classes which seemed so remarkable to them that they would insist upon searching my gloves and clothes for some scent or odor which might account to them for the effect produced ; and even after this they could scarcely realize that it could be accomplished by the treatment illustrated before them. I have had members. of classes repeatedly tell me in private that they knew I must have ac- quired my power by some secret not revealed to them, and be so confident of this that they would offer me large sums for it. I necessarily acquired a certain expert- ness, the result of practice and accuracy of ‘judgment in applying treatment, that often en- abled results, in the control of certain types of resistance and character, that seemed very re- markable. This was frequently shown in the cases of horses afraid of a blanket, a buffalo- : robe, or something of the kind ; in the control of a stallion so as to be led up to a mare and° then called away; the control of a wild and seemingly very dangerous colt that had been proved very unmanageable, so as to drive en- tirely gentle without breeching ; the making of a colt follow, or the making of a halter-puller pica hitched stand quietly without ‘attempt- PRINCIPLES OF. TREATMENT, ' 41 ing to pull. It was no. unusual thing for me to do, when the case happened to be good, within two or three minutes to be able ‘to Frias. 49-51 —Three Types of Good Character. throw a buffalo-robe as I pleased over the head or around the body of a horse that had'previously been quite seriously afraid of it, without the horse caring much about it. In the control of a head- " strong stallion, if a good subject, it rarely required more than four ‘ or five minutes ; ; the hitching up and driving gentle of such a colt as described, in six to eight or ten, minutes; the making of a halter- puller stand submissive under the most severe excitement of’ being Fras. 52-54.—Coarse, Low Character. t whipped over the head, or the cause of the pulling thrown in his face, without his pulling, i in a couple of minutes. Now, it is needless to add that if this treatment had been ap- plied roughly or improperly, this control could only be obtained. after considerable severe treatment that would excite the horse greatly, thus acquiring control only at the expense of considerable time 42 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. andtrouble. This tule, in fact, runs ' through every phase of the ‘treatment, in il- lustratingits suc- cess and apply- ing it properly. SUGGESTIONS IN RELATION TO PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT. If we tie down Fic. 55.—Vicious Horse in a Rage. a horse’s ear, or : é grasp it with the hand and twist it a little, it will be found that a horse that had been very nervous to shoe will .often stand quite gentle to be shod. The jockey has learned that he can frequently make a bad kicking mare drive without kicking by tying thé tail down to the cross- piece of the shafts or forward to the belly-band of the harness, so that it cannot be raised’; because disabling the tail creates such a sense of helplessness as to counteract the inclination to kick. Sometimes checking the head high will accomplish the same result. Putting cobbles or shot in the ears will, on the same princi- ple, sufficiently disconcert a balky horse to make him go right along. Blindfolding by covering the eyes only carries this to a greater ex- tent, and will be found in most cases to make quite a stubborn horse work with excellent success. Fra. 56.—A Noted Vicious Horse. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 43 The secret of the first horse-tamer of whom I have any account —Dick Christian of England—consisted simply'in tying up the fore leg, and then mounting and riding the horse until submissive. The next step in this direction was disabling both fore legs, and thus forcing the horse to lie down, which carried this principle to a greater degree of perfection. This was regarded a very rare secret, and was the basis of the metheds practiced by Bull in England, Sul-' livan in Mallow, Ireland, Denton Offutt in Kentucky, and.O. H. P. Fancher in Ohio, who were the first, most pretentious, and ‘noted, before the advent of Rarey, who learned the secret of Denton Offutt, Fre, 57.—An, Incident in the Driving of a Noted Runaway Horse. at the time a resident of Georgetown, Ky. This was the sole and only secret upon which were based Rarey’s most extraordinary pre- “tensions, and for teaching which he made $100,000 in England ; and probably much more than that was pa in this country for the same knowledge. , t may add, by way of explanation, that the control of Cruiser ‘and other noted cases in England and France, upon which.his repu- tation was based, although it was assumed to be, was not and could not have been accomplished by this treatment. Those interested in a full explanation of all the facts in regard to it, will find the de- tails in the chapter on “Subjection” in my work, “Facts for Horse- Owners.” 44 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. Various remedies have also been assumed to be used for taming horses under the pretense of a great secret, or the guise of fascina- tion, on the principle of using certain scents for attracting and con- trolling certain wild animals or fishes.,; These means have about the same effect upon a horse as good apples, or anything else of which ..the horse is naturally fond. While it is true that horses may some- times, for.example, be strongly repelled by blood or the odor of poi- sonous snakes, and other dangerous animals, and that they are at- tracted and quieted by other scents, I have found nothing of the ‘Fra. 58.—The Famous Horse Jet, of Portland, Me., Subdued by the Author in Thirty Minutes, kind that would accomplish satisfactory results to me in their con- trol, but little more than would be done by good apples, or the giving of anything else. of which the horse is fond. Offutt and Fancher, before referred to, were the most pretentious in their use of such scents, the details of which I include in my other work. Various alterations or modifications of this method of subduing horses were made at different times by different parties ; but it was not until I was, able to bring into use that here described as the First Method of Subjection, that the real power and effect of this principle of'treatment was practically brought out ; which PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 45° has been the outgrowth ofa great deal of peaerien experimenting re-: quiring over fifteen ' years’ time. If in wrestling a man could be thrown diveetiy upon his back as fast as he could get up, it is evident a much more effectual im- pression of his antagonist’s mastery could be made than if he’ were permitted to carry on a doubtful struggle for half an hour, that would’ only occasionally bring him to his knees. The very doubtfulness of the contest would. stimulate him to the utmost_resistance until ex- hausted. Butif he could be thrown at once, and as often as he could get up, his courage and confidence would be soon ‘broken up, con- vincing him of the uselessness of continuing the struggle, and mak-. ing the impression of nate ey all that could be desired. Fie. 59.—An Act of a Noted Vicious Stallion Subdued by the Author in Less than an Hour. Now, the’ effect. upon a horse will be the same. If the control can be made direct, and positive, throwing him on his side as often as ‘he can get up, the confidence which stimulates the resistance is. quickly broken up. ‘The method here given as the First Method of Subjection, bears exactly this relation. to that formerly used. It. gives: just the ad- vantage and power that will enable any ordinary man to throw the ‘strongest. horse as quickly and as often as he can get up; in addition, he. can hold him down or roll him back, as he pleases, thereby making it not only far more effective, but entirely obviat- ing the objections to the old method. Le I have called attention to these interesting facts : first, that the horse is governed, in his actions by cértain instincts or inherent 46 PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. ee powers, and that these must be studied closely as the foundation of his successful management ; next, tha. these con$titutional differences. are only provisions adapting him for special uses ; and that his charac- ter is clearly shown by the peculiarities of his bodily structure, ac- tions, and more especially by the features of the head. This willshow, when looked at carefully, that resistance is only the expression of natural instinct, and that fear or vicious actions are not to be taken as indicating a degree of bad character or viciousness ‘that should Fra. 60.—The Thorough-bred. be considered an obstacle in making the character good, simply requiring greater care and thought in meeting and combating the resistance, whatever it is,. in the most simple, ‘direct, and humane manner.. Though referred to before, it is so important hat. I call attention to it again here, that though the treat- miént may be. applied - just right, if not carried far enough, the failure may be as great as if improper treatment had been used ; and above all, that the better nature is fo be won by patient, per- sistent kindness. I'’have called attention, next, to the various methods of treatment taught me by the experience of many long years of observation, experiment, and study, and have tried faith- fully to make the explanations as simple and plain as I could. PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 47 Now, it ‘is indispensable. that this chapter, at least certain parts of it, which are the key. and groundwork of the detailed aa ‘Fra. 61.—A Good Model of Draught Horse. ‘ ‘instructions in subsequent chapters, should be read very carefully. You cannot understand these principles:too well. Fre. 62.—Shetland Pony. 48 PRINCIPLES OF TREA TMENT. There are sie many points having close relation to this subject, ‘and of great interest to the horseman, which want of space in a gen- eral work of this character compels me to omit: First, the inside history of Rarey’s career, as a means of correcting the false i impres- sions created by his pretensions and assumed success, because with- out it there was necessarily a certain mystery about the performance of this duty that could not well be made plain; second, the details . Fre. 63.—Model of the oe Norman Horse. of the management and history ofa large number of specially repre- sentative vicious horses, as suggestive aids to treatment in similar cases ;, third, the outlines of my experience with reference to many cases and circumstances named, the better to authenticate the facts stated. There are also special chapters on other points having close and important connection with the instruction given on this subject. All these points are very fully given in my regular work on the horse, which can be referred to by those interested. I would now call attention to what I deem the most important condition of success, which should be. considered, above all others, as deserving of the most serious consideration, namely, the judgment and skill with which the treatment is applied. © * PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT ' 49 It is generally supposed that the most important qualification for success in the control of vicious horses, is being a sort of strong- ish bully, gifted with power to master a horse. physically, or whip him into submission. Now, no mistake could be greater. In many hundreds of instances, in fact, it was a matter of almost daily occur- ‘rence, horses were brought’ to me to experiment upon, which the - - most persistent efforts of the strongest and most pretentious or so- called best horse-breakers had failed upon,—horses that were sup- Fro. 64. The Horse Ready to be Thrown. Old Method referred to. poskd to be so bad that nothing ‘could be done with them. Such were almost invariably members of my classes ; and the results I was able to produce before them became of the greatest interest to them, because proving to them the necessity and value of bring- ing into exercise their highest intelligence and ingenuity in the per- formance of this duty ; and that, in its true light, the study of the subject was one of the most interesting and instructive to whicha thoughtful and intelligent mind directed. Finally, above almost any other profession or business, the proper and successful management of horses requires peculiarly fine qualifications ; and while in other:directions one point of excel- lence may be sufficient to give'a’‘man marked success, this not only calls for a combination, but a very rare combination, of good qualities. First, a man’ myst ‘be fine and clear in his perceptions ; that is, he a 50 _ PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT, ‘ must be quick to see, delicate in feeling, with sufficient strength of rierve to carry him through the severest trials without flinching or showing weakness; added to these, sufficient persistence and patience to follow up every point of difficulty, no matter how great _ the obstacle, until successful. If I may. so word it, he must have the delicacy of touch and feeling of a woman, the eye of an eagle, the courage of a lion, and the hang-on pluck of a bull-dog. If he is lacking in any one of these qualities it is a matter of chance \ Fria. 65.—As the Horse is Liable to Rear and Plunge, in his Resistance to being Thrown. only, in critical cases, that there will not, be accident or failure. Now, if you haven’t these qualifications, you can exercise at least that very important one of going slow, studying your case thoroughly, using the greatest care possible, and being patient in your efforts. This alone will frequently enable you to do wonders. Imagine yourself in the horse’s place, unable to talk or under- stand what is wanted to be done or the object of restraint, incited perhaps by great fear or the resentment of previous long-continued _ abuse, to resist contact or restraint, and you will have the truest. instinct in pointing to the best course to be pursued. Not succeed- ing, even after great effort, should “by no means imply failure; the ‘point is to look your difficulties over ’in their every phase, prepare a PRINCIPLES OF TREATMENT. 51 yourself more carefully, trust nothing to chance, and never think you cannot succeed ; and, with the exercise of reasonable patience and care, especially whet aided by the instructions here given, the most. ignorant and least fitted by nature for this work may accomplish wonders. Certainly, this will compensate largely for want of skill ; and, as time should not be considered, this can without difficulty be exercised by every one. Fra, 66.—Usual Position before being Thrown, In the neo chapter we. will’ take up the details of: treatment, comprising three direct methods of subjection, followed by several indirect methods, which give such power and effectiveness in the control of vicious horses as practically to leave but little to be de- sired. These methods of treatment have been the outgrowth ofa. great deal of practical experimenting, and by them I was able to ef- fect results in the subjection of vicious liorses which it is conceded has never been equaled or approached i in ancient or modern times ; ; _ and they give us the true foundation for the: performance of this im- portant duty with entire success.’ ‘CHAPTER II FIRST METHOD OF SUBJEHCTION. S before explained, disabling any part of the horse’s body will A produce in him a corresponding sense of helplessness; and when we disable the whole body, or overmatch his pow- ers wholly, we create in him a powerful sense of our mastery, and a corresponding sense of his own helplessness. The simplest and ‘ most effective means of doing this is by the method here given. , I give two rigs, one of leather and one of rope.’ The leather rig works well, is not difficult to fit, but is troublesome to make, Fie. 67.—Mustang Ponies. and expensive, costing from eight to fifteen dollars. The rope rig works equally well, and can be made of any old rope in a few minutes, at a mearly nominal cost. I include a description of each. For the leather rig the surcingle should be made of two thicknesses of good harness leather, about three inches nite and about eight or (52) ’ FIRST. ‘METHOD. 53 ten inches longer than the size of the body. The buckle should have two tongues, and be made of good wrought iron. When this rig is on and drawn tightly from the part over the backbone, a double strap, the length of fhe back, with a strong crupper, should be attached. Four or five inches on the off side should be fastened, at the front edge: of. this surcingle, a strong two-inch ring. /On the Fie. 68,—Leather Throwing Rig. opposite edge should be attached another strap ‘extending to a ring upon the back strap at the hip. A little pad’ should be fixed to the part coming across the back, to prevent bruising or chafing it. - For the rope rig, procure a three-fourths inch rope, eighteen or twenty feet in length. One that has been used enough to render it ‘pliable is best: Make a simple loop about three inches long at one end, and double the rope ‘about four feet from the loop. Passover : Fie. 69.—Simple Rope Rig. . this double part a three-inch ring made of three-eighths rod. Meas- ure the distance from the tail to where the saddle of ‘the harness comes, to which bring the ring and make a simple knot of both ropes around it, regulating it to the length of the back as it is tightened. Next, put the double part under the tail, twist two or 54 METHODS OF SUBJECTION, three times, and bring the part with the ring to its place about eight inches to the right of the back, with the loop toward the near side. While holding it in position, reach under the body, catch the oppo- 4 : Fie. 70.—Foot Tied Up. Fie. 71.—Foot-strap. site end of the rope, bring it through the loop, and draw down to the “ee size of'the body. Now, while holding it in place by pressing down 4 firmly upon it, make a simple knot in the rope, which forms a button as .. and keeps it from slipping out. It is also necessary to protect the 4 back and tail by winding the part of the rope coming under the \ : Fie. '72.—The Rig as Arranged for Throwing. tail, and putting two or three thicknesses of cloth or blanket between it and the back. Next, put on a strong strap halter with the nose’ part coming well down upon the nose, and draw it up rather close back of the 4 IRST:’ METHOD. 55 jaw ; then take a piece of strong cord, made of the. very best quality of hemp, (that used for the largest-sized war bridle, explained farther on, is best,) from , five-sixteenths to thrée- eighths of an inch in diameter and about twenty feet in length, tie a hard knot in each end, and fasten one end around the rope or surcingle, just above the ring. Pass the other end from’ above down over the strap of the halter back of the jaw, thence back and down through the ring. referred to, until the slack is taken up. -Now tie up the near fore _ foot. The best way to do this is to pass an ordinary hame- strap around the foot, thence to the ‘belly- band, and buckle . short. Though this meth- od, when properly car- ried ‘out, enables throwing a horse on even very hard ground without bruis- _ ing the knees or other parts, still it is -very important, cand | adds J greatly to the ease ™ and safety of throw- . ing, to have good soft ground. The best is that which: is. free from stone, with thick, soft sod, as an erchacd or meadow, a ploughed field, or a place liberally covered with straw or manure. Presuming that such a place has been. selected, stand almost in front of the horse at the right, with a firm. hold of the cord ‘about seven or eight feet from the shoulder, pull gently, but firmly, as shown in Fig. 72. This will draw the head back to the side, | andthe body being thereby thrown out of balance, the horse ‘i is forced © to fall over with a rolling motion on his side. If during the first trial he resists, let him have his own way a little while, and when in ‘a good position; pull quickly, when he can easily be forced off his balance and made to fall over. In cases for which it is adapted, and if well done, the horse will be forced. down so easily and naturally that nothing is left to be desired. Then he can be thrown as easily and just as fast as he can be made togetup. I have frequently been Fig. 73.—Turning a Stubborn Horse ‘around before Throwing. 56 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. able to make nervy, strong horses jump up in this manner as often as ten times a minute. About twelve times is the limit of what such a horse will have the courage to get up before submitting, the treat- ment being always most effective when the horse resists it hard by trying to get up. If a strong-willed, headstrong fellow, disposed to resist hard, perhaps lunging forward, etc., as some horses are liable to do, take'a firm hold of the cord and run around in a circle. until ee. E . REx ree Snes . . Fra. 74—Usual Position ofa a Horse that Resists Strongly before being Thrown. he is made to follow, hopping steadily (as illustrated by Fig. 78), when stop, pull quickly, and he can be easily thrown over on his side. os As soon as the cord is given slack, the horse will usually jump up, when, by again pulling, he can be.thrown, which can be repeated as often as he will get up. After being thrown, should he not try to rise, and it is desired to repeat the operation, stand behind him, keeping firm hold of the cord with the left hand (for position, see Fig. 78), and strike the belly with the hand or touch lightly with the whip, which will incite him to get up; on the instant of his try- ing to do’so, pull quickly upon the cord, which will roll him back helplessly upon his side. If the horse is specially sensitive upon the belly, quarters, or \ FIRST METHOD. 57 feet, first touch these parts with a pole while he is down until he will submit to it, then with the hand, until there is no inclination to ‘resistance, which will be shown by the muscles becéming entirely. Fia. '75.—As the Horse will Usually Fall. rélaxed, and his becoming submissive; after which, he should be allowed to get up, when the handling or, touching is to be again ‘repeated carefully until submitted to unconditionally. But should the case resist very hard, and be somewhat difficult, to throw, after Fria. 76.—Type of Sullen Character upon which this Method will Fail. getting him down once, simply roll him back as before explained, until he gives up, and the effect will. be just as good, will be a great deal simpler, safer, and often save the horse from any strain that may result from. rough or careless handling — an important point. ‘58 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. Sometimes it is necessary to reverse the treatment, and throw the horse on the opposite side, before he will be entirely submissive ; ’ Fic. 77.—Position of the Horse when Down. i - ‘ but after being thrown to the extent of making him lie down sub. missively, it will do no good to repeat the treatment. Fie. 78.—Rolling the Horse Back when Struggling to Rise. But in. any case, if the impression produced ‘by the throwing or rolling back is not sufficient to break uP the horse’s cofifidence and FIRST METHOD. 59 Fie. 79.—As the Horse will Sometimes Roll on his Back. . prevent a repetition of the habit, whatever it is, the treatment must be regarded as not sufficient for the case. : _For example, if the horse y ss : Fic. 80.—As the Mustang or Wild Colt is Liable to Resist. is a kicker, and persists in kicking after the full extent of the treat- ment, it. must at once be supplemented by other: treatment, until \ ‘ 60 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. there is success; but if the habit is given up after being thrown several times, and he submits unconditionally, it would be good treatment, and all, in a general way, that is needed On the other hand, if the horse drops, or lies down submissively, refusing to get up when touched or handled, it will do no good, and should not be tried further., It should not be used upon nervous, irritable, unbroken colts,and especially not on those showing a wild, sulky, or mustang nature. It should in no case be used on mustangs, as they are liable, as soon as the leg is tied up, to lunge, wt ig ‘Fre. 81.—As the wild Mustang is Liable to Throw Himself. , or when pulled. upon to throw themselves recklessly or sullenly ‘down. For the subjection of such cases, it is not nearly so practi- ‘cal, safe, or effective as the other methods, particularly the Second Method, as will be found explained under those heads, for the reason that it is liable to excite them to the most violent resistance. -In many cases, the moment a colt finds the leg tied up, it. seems to frighten him, and he either resists desperately, or throws himself .recklessly. But-ifa man is practiced in this, the moment the colt springs, pulling quickly against him will usually throw him over helplessly on the side ; but if a man is not practiced, such an experi- ment had better not be attempted. In the course of my own experi- ence, though frequently compelled to make experiments on horses f SECOND METHOD. 61 entirely unsuitable to it, including colts, in the midst of a crowd, in very. bad places, and under very unfavorable circumstances, and always feeling apprehensive of more or less danger, I never had an accident or seriously injured a horse in making such experiments. I think it necessary to state again that mustangs should under no circumstances _ be subjected to this treatment. First, it will be found very difficult, in fact ex- poses‘ to considerable danger, to at- tempt putting such a rig on a mustang, fia. 82.—-The Horse Subdued. \ as he cannot be approached or touched without ‘kicking or striking violently, and when put on he is liable to resist, recklessly jumping “* around, and sometimes throwing himself over back—a cause of spe- cial danger.. The Second Method works well upon all these cases, and can be resorted to without difficulty. , SECOND METHOD OF SUBJECTION. If one were to turn around rapidly a few times, he would be- come. dizzy ; were he suddenly to reverse the motion, the effect would be so intensified as to.cause him to fall down helpless. The effect is the same upon a horse, and in the management of a certain class gives not only just the advantage needed, but almost unlim- ited power in their control. I once had an exceptionally vicious horse brought me to experi- ment upon before.a class. When hitched to a buggy, this horse had 1 62 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. been frightened to kick and run away, tearing the buggy to pieces. He was so desperately afraid of a wag- on that it was utterly impos- sible for even ‘several men to put him in shafts, or even bring him near them. After working upon Fro. 88.—Method of Tying Halter to the Tail. him for~two hours, aided by members of the class, and resorting to every device of subjection known up to that time, my efforts were a complete failure, leaving me almost completely exhausted and chagrined at the result. ~ oes. Fie. 84.—Powerful Effect of the Treatment Shown by the Horse Staggering to the Point of Falling when Quickly Untied. Still, I felt bound to succeed ; but “ How?” wasthe question. At this juncture I happened to think that turning around quickly caused-me extreme dizziness and helplessness. This I had learned years before. \ SECOND METHOD. 63 I was aware that, in my extremely exhausted condition, it'would be utterly impossible for me to turn so desperate, strong, and reckless a horse around sufficiently to do the least good ;, so it was clear that I was completely blocked in that way. At this juncture I re- membered having once seen a dog in play catch his tail in his mouth and run around, when it occurred to me that possibly by tying the horse’s head to his tail he would turn himself around. It was a for- lorn hope, but, trying it, I found to my surprise and delight that he went around rapidly, and in a short time fell over, completely dazed | and helpless. He chanced to be exactly of the right temperament Fuca. 85. —Position in anien is Horse Falls, Confused and Helpless, when Turned too Quickly. to be a goed subject for this treatment ; and, tying him a little short, he went round very quickly, and was consequently one of the best of subjects ; but soon recovering from,the dizziness he jumped up and went around again, with the same result: This he repeated three times in succession. (See Fig: 85.) I never witnessed a more: des- perate, insane ‘struggle to resist restraint. As before explained, he: was extremely nervous and afraid of being touched ; so as he went round.I brought the pole against his quarters until he was submis- sive to it. I could not have ‘been made more happy if I ‘had been given a kingdom. It certainly was the best illustration I ever had of the value of ingenuity and skill, Here I had worked over two hours, until completely exhausted, with the aid of several men, and at that 64 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. only making the horse so heated and thoroughly excited as to be desperate, and meeting with utter failure. It may be proper to say that before this I had used the old method of disabling the fore legs and making him lie down, carrying this to the utmost limit of what could be done with it, as well as following it up with other treat- ment. But now, without making scarcely an effort, there was the most complete and satisfactory success. Not only this, but besides having avoided all the cruelty and abuse to which I had necessarily subjected the horse, I had developed and brought to light one of the Fia. 86.—Method of Holding the Strap while Going around witha Doubtful Case. most important and valuable secrets yet discovered | in the art of taming horses. ra : This method is wonderfully eieclives in the subjection of colts and vicious horses, especially those of a certain class of tempera- ment, and in.breaking single balkers.. When combined with the other treatment, it makes easy and simple the control of horses that it would be both difficult and dangerous to subdue without. For ex- ample, a wild, dangerous colt, mustang, or vicious mule, which in many cases it would be exceedingly difficult and perilous to try to confine with straps or other rigging, with the aid of a simple halter can in this way be brought under a few minutes. Or, if in any case this is not sufficient to give the success desired, it will always give the required advantage to subject safely to the other methods of treatment. This we will call the Second Method of Sub- jection. ‘ ‘ SHCOND METHOD. 65 The conditions to be -ob-’' served in its application are as follows :— First, select a soddy place in a field or yard free from stones, stumps, or sharp fence corners. The place should not be too soft, such as a deeply-plowed field, barn- yard manure, or deep straw. Heavy sod with considerable grass ‘is the best. Second, if there are sharp ‘ shoes on the feet, they should be removed before subjecting to this treatment ;: to neglect Fie, 87.—As a Cold-blooded, Sullen Colt will Some- times fans Refusing fo Turn when Tied. this would snuaneer calking or cutting ihe ‘feet badly. _ Third, a strap halter should always be used. After aes Fre. 88.—As the Sulky, Vicious Colt will Veal Kick when Touched. ; the tail, take the strap of the halter Reencks the teeth, so as to ing freedom to use both hands, and tie the hair of the tail into a knot t 66 METHODS OF TREATMENT, ~ Divide the hair above the knot, pass the strap through, and tie into a half-hitch knot. The strap should be drawn just short enough to compel the horse to turn fast enough to divert his attention (some- thing as in Fig. 83) and make him helpless, but not so short as to cause him to fall. The more nervous and excitable the subject, the longer the strap must be left at first, and the more sullen or cold-blooded the horse, the shorter it may be drawn.. If at all doubtful as to the length, when the strap is run through the tail, be- “oe Fria. .89.—As the Sulky, Vicious Colt is Liable to Throw Himself it Tied too Short. fore tying the strap double it in the hand, and go around with him a few times, as in Fig. 86, so that the necessary length can be exactly ascertained ; then quickly tie into a half-hitch knot, and let go. If tied the right length, the. horse will keep moving in a circle as de- scribed ; but if too short, or forced up to the point of falling, the moment he staggers, pull quickly upon the end of the strap, which will pull it loose, and tie again the required length.. Sulky or cold-blooded colts, if ‘tied very short at first, are liable to throw the head against the nose-piece of the halter, and if pushed . are likely to rear up and fall over backward, as shown by Fig. 89.., This can be easily prevented by holding the strap, as before, up near the tail with one hand, as before explained, and the part near the Head with the other, and going around with him a few times, until SECOND METHOD. 67 he is slightly dizzy, then tie quickly and let go. Motion toward the héad while passing, and so continue until he moves steadily. Fre. 90.—A Vicious Colt as he will Usually Strike when the Pole is Brought near his Nose while Turning. ‘Now, take a pole or rake-handle eight or ten feet long and bring it gently against the legs or parts of the horsé most sensitive, until there is complete submission to it. This he is likely at first to re- sist by kicking violently, but simply continue until all inclination to Fre, 91.—A Vicious Horse as he will Usually Kick when Touched with Pole while Turning. ' 68 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. resist is overcome, so that after being untied he can be poled in any manner, or the feet can be taken up and handled without his show- ing the least resistance. Sometimes a young horse or colt will start all right, but when. tested will not go sufficiently fast to enable his control. Under such circumstances, while moving, touch the nose lightly with a light buggy whip, and repeat until he} is forced to the point desired to compel submission. I soon learned by experience that by turning one way only, the impression upon the brain, after a certain point, diminished in pro- Fre. 92.—The ries} Indication of Submission—Submitting to be Poled. | ’ portion to the continuance of the turning, and that to maintain the effect it was necessary to turn the horse much faster. But even then after a certain time it would become inert: To remedy: ‘this I was induced to reverse the action, by tying in the ‘opposite direction, which not only greatly increased the effect, but enabled me to re- peat the treatment to any extent desired with entire success. In bad cases, the horse should be turned one way up to the point of falling, then ‘quickly reverse, at the same,time poling, as before explained. It is necessary under such circumstances to watch care- fully, so as to be able, at the instant there is an indication of falling, to prevent it by quickly pulling the strap loose. The more frequent the reversing and the quicker the turning, the better the effect. . In some cases it may be necessary to repeat it rapidly three, four, five, and even six times before it will be successful. ‘To do this well re- sEconp METHOD. 69 quires care and quickness, and the horse should not be given freedom to run against anything. After the horse has submitted. he should be. thoroughly poled all over, the feet handled, etc., until there: is entire indifference to it, then untied, and the same handling repeated. If the treatment has been prop- erly carried’ out, there should be no: difficulty at this point in handling the. feet, poling, mount- Fis. 93.—Taking up the Colt’s Foot while Tied—One ing, etc. _ of the Tests in Determining his Submission. This method of subjec- tion is the simplest, the most humane and éffective, all things con- sidered, that has yet been discovered. It not only diverts the horse’s brain from acting, but matches. his strength so perfectly | _ against itself, that. without producing the least pain or injury he can be, made almost entirely helpless. It will effect the' entire subjec- tion and docility of the average of the worst of wild, vicious,‘ un- broken colts, no matter how dangerous, in about five to fifteen minutes, depending much upon how it is done, so that they can be ridden, have the feet handled, or allow anything to come against the 70 METHODS OF TREATMENT. quarters, etc. (See Fig. 94.) It gives, in connection with the war bridle, the true key for breaking single balkers. “It is singularly well adapted for supplementing the other methods and effecting the control of extremely vicious horses that have partially or wholly re- sisted the other methods. It is the safest and best method of treat- ment for cases extremely averse to being ridden, bridled, or having the head handled ; also those which have the habit of striking. It is specially adapted for the subjection of mustangs. As an illus- Fra. 95.—One of the Tests Frequently Given by the Writer in Proving the Effect of the Treatment upon a Notably Vicious Case, when Making Experiments f before his Class. tration of this, I have recently had reported to me a number of cases in Montana that had resisted all efforts to break them, which were easily controlled by persons who had obtained copies of my.“ Facts for Horse Owners,” and that so quickly as to be the cause of the greatest surprise to them. One case in particular, estimated to be about sixteen years old, which had defied every effort to be ridden or handled, was controlled so perfectly within a couple of hours as to be ridden easily, and a short time afterward was driven in harness without difficulty. One was broken in Montana, by a lady, so well as to become ‘such a pet to her that she could take it into the house with perfect freedom. It will not work well upon kicking, switching mares and colts of a slow, cold-blooded, sulky. nature. There may also occasionally be found horses of a quick, nervous, and decidedly THIRD METHOD. q1 vicious character, that will at first seem to resist it or fall down too quickly. Upon such the Third Method should be used for a short time, to.tone down their impetuousness, after which they will usu- ally submit to this method without difficulty. Though compelled almost daily to subject all kinds of horses. to this treatment in small barns and other unsuitable places, and surrounded by a crowd of men, by being careful I.never had a seri- -ous accident occur. Of course, ina field or open yard the danger would be immeasurably diminished. Still, I think it my duty to advise the greatest care to ptevent accident, as it would be very easy to injure if not to kill a horse, if at all careless or reckless with a certain class. By going slowly at first and following up cautiously, there can seldom be an accident. THIRD METHOD OF SUBJECTION. It is well known that by hitting a horse at a certain point back ~ of the ear, it is easy to knock’ him down; also, if a horse were to throw himself over backward and strike’ this part ona hub or stone; he is very liable to be instantly killed. At the front part of the atlas bone, or the first of the cer- vical vertebrae, where it articu lates into the occipital bone or back of the head, about an inch: of the spinal cord is not covered ° with bone. If a knife or other sharp instrument were driven. down at this point sufficient to penetrate it, it would ‘cause in- stant death. Now, by bringing gentle but firm pressure upon this part, we have, if properly | used, a very powerful and val- uable method of subjection, and one which is singularly adapted, when necessary, to supplement ‘the other methods of treatment. It is, however, like the other methods, especially adapted for a certain class of disposition and habit, not unfrequently making it easy: to subdue horses upon which - the other methods have failed, such as nervous-tempered, cour- ageous, strong, wild horses that will not bear excitement or any form of treatment that would permit heating the blood. It is, Fia. 96 —Method of Applying the Cord to Put on Pressure. 72 METHODS OF SUBJECTION however, a method of treatment that should be used with great care and judgment. It is easy, of course, to apply this form of press- ure, but the point is to use it on cases for which it is suited, and adapted properly to enforce their submission. Not enough pressure, or applying it carelessly, would cause failure, while too much or too long-continued pressure would not only be needlessly cruel, but dangerous to life. I found by experience that pulling sharply upon a horse with the second form of war bridle, which brings the main force of the’ pull upon this point, would often so unnerve and break up his confidence, that, though previously he could. not be touched around the feet or body, he would now submit to such handling with entire docility; and : that putting the center of a Fie. 97.—Holding Cord when Through the Mouth. cord under the bridle so as to rest upon this point, and bringing both ends through the rings of ‘the bit, and carrying back _ for reins, would usually make a pulling horse drive submissively, in a short time, to a slack rein. I was not, However, led to make any special effort out the key to this principle of subjection, until, in a chance way; I heard of a man who, in breaking colts, brought a cord moderately tight two or three times around the head. This, with the remembrance of the effects before referred to, led me to experiment carefully with a cord in this way.. But, finding it gave but little more advantage than the common war bridle, I abandoned its use. _ At this time I carried canvas, visiting only large centers, which gave me all the opportunity I wished for using the First and Second Methods, and I rarely found a horse that would not submit to these methods of treatment. One day, however, a vicious, kicking mare. was brought in that resisted the utmost resources of my regular. treatment ; for, once. warming up in harness, she would kick, in spite of all that could be‘done, in the most desperate manner. The ex- tremity in which I was placed led me instinctively to try what could be done with this treatment by carrying it to the utmost limit, and, ' THIRD METHOD. . 73 without ‘stopping to reason upon the matter, I kept on, not only winding the cord, but drawing it pretty tight, until I used nearly one hundred feet of hard, well-stretched war bridle. cord. I now let: her stand about eight or ten minutes, when, upon trial, she seemed to be entirely submissive, after which I put her in harness, and she drove entirely gentle. Not being sure what the ultimate result would be, either as to her remaining gentle or not causing injury to her, I told ‘the owner that if she proved to be injured in any way to report to me, and I would satisfy him for any damage. Two weeks later, he informed. me. that she had re- | mained entirely gentle, and was all right. .I was now led, as opportunity permitted, to ex- periment carefully, so as to learn the conditions of ‘carrying out this treatment with most success, 'and ‘its exact effect upon ‘different classes of cases. I found that for ordinary cases the average of three war bridle cords, of about eighteen feet, each drawn so as to give a,moderate pressure, that is, a pulling tension of about four or five pounds, (in some cases a little more would be necessary,) and the time of press- ure from five to eight or ten minutes, according to' the case; and that in some exceptionally bad cases one or two extra cords would be requiréd, and the _ time of. its continuance’ somewhat longer ; in very extreme cases from fifteen to twenty minutes. I did not give this method of treatment to classes, but held it as a reserve until eee my experiments in New York in 1872. MerHoD OF APPLYING 1—SPRCIAL POINTS OF IMPORTANCE, ‘when On. .The simplest and best way of applying this method of treat-_ | ment is as follows: Take a small, firmly wound, smooth hemp. ‘cord, about five-sixteehths of an inch in diameter, that has been ‘well stretched, and about eighteen, feet long, such as, we use for the small size: of war bridle.* Tiea hard knot at one end and a loose tie or knot about. eighteen or twenty inches from this end, bring. around the néck, and slip the end knot through. the loose: tie as for the first. form of war bridle ; stand.a little in front, and at the left of the ines bring the cord through the mouth, and pass it over the co * Finding it difficult to meh a cord of the proper size, strength, and smoothness, I have it manufactured especially o this purpose, and supply it to subseribers at closest rates. , oY Fie. 98.— Cord: Th METHODS OF SUBJECTION. head where the halter rests, pulling down gently ; thence through the mouth again, and hold firmly with the left hand, while the right : is‘again passed over the head and pulled down as before. (See Figs. “96 and 97.) And. so repeat to the end of the cord, winding for the first three or four turns rather loosely, * then gradually, with each repetition, pull a little tighter. Always use care to bring it over the tongue, so as not to tangle or bruise it. Now take another ‘cord and tie to the first one, so that when pulled : down the knot will come on either Fic. 99.—Touching the Horse’s Quarters ide of the head, but not at the top with Pole while the Cord is On. de dn the teenth. “Desay his coud as tightly as thought necessary for the case, and continue to wind until three cords are used, according to the degree of resistance to be controlled. Fasten carefully by bringing the end under the other coils, and tie it so that it will not slip or ‘get loose. The principle involved is that the greater the strength of. will and power of resistance on the part of the horse, the more cord must be . used, the tighter it must be drawn, and the longer it must be left on. The average time it should be kept on is from six to ten minutes In no case of even extreme resistance should it be left on longer than from twenty to ‘twenty-five minutes. Unless in a small place, where there is not sufficient room to run around, attach a strap or cor totwoorthreeofthose around the head and hold by it, or tie to a hitching post. Re The success of the treat- ment will now depend upon what is done after it is ap-' "plied, as it will. practically do no good to put on pressure and do nothing more; that is, the_ efforts must now be directed industriously:to combat and overcome: the resistance, whatever it is, until there is submission. For ex- * s , = Fra. 100.—Manner in which Some Horses Kick when Touched with Pole. : , THIRD METHOD. %5 ample, if a kicker in harness, while the pressure is on take a small pole or rake-stale and bring against the legs and quarters, as shown * in Figs. 99 to 102. If the case is very vicious, this will usually |. - be resisted very hard, the horse kicking violently. This is not to be accepted asa cause for discour- _ _ agement or fear of failure, as in seality all the best subjects for this treatment resist hard at first. “Simply continue the poling gently | until there is entire submission to it, Sometimes a horse may submit én five minutes ; if he does, simply uncoil the rope to the last three or yo, 101,—Manner in which a Vicious Horse four winds, and hold so while the will Kick when Touched with Pole. . pole is again applied to the quarters. . If there is no resistance, unwind and turn the last cord into the first _ form of war bridle, and while holding it test again carefully. This is about the course required with the average of good tem- pered, sensitive horses that have learned to kick. If, however, the case is one of plucky, determined character, that resists violently after a reasonable effort, without there being any indication of sub- mitting, the best course will be to draw the cord a little tighter. In some extreme cases one or two extra cords may be added. A horse of decided courage and deter-_ mination will usually not only resist very hard at first, as stated, but the eyes will fairly snap with fury. If, however, the cord is put oh properly, and’ the poling. applied gently and persistently, it is rare that it will not be submitted to in from five to eight -minutes. When there is. submission, the most prominent signs will be submitting to the pole, the Fie. 102.—Submitting to the Pole after : being Subdued. : ears dropping a little, the eyes softened in expression, with a “slight indication of panting. There is also, in some cases, profuse sweating, which is always a favorable indication. One of the nice %6 METHODS OF TREATMENT. points of success is to force to the point of submission quickly, and as soon as made, as quickly removing pressure, but continue the — poling as before explained, until after entire freedom. The result Fia. 108.—Manner in which Some Extremely Vicious Horses will Resist when Subjected to Pressure. will usually be very remarkable, a horse that had perhaps been one of the most der termined and vi- olent of fighters becoming as do- cile and gentle in appearance as if he had been al- ways So. - While being subjected to this treatment, the central point of observation should be the eye. So long as there is fire in it, and the ears are thrown ‘back, no matter whether the horse kicks or not, it is an evidence that he is fighting hard, and the pressure must be kept on, ‘On the contrary, when there is'a general ceasing of resistance, the eye is softened in its expression asif go- ing to sleep, breathing accelerated, panting a little, and especially if there is rapid sweating, it is sure evidence of unconditional submis- sion. No matter if these indications are shown in even two or three » minutes, the result will, be just as effective as if it had been left on ten. In fact, as soon as these indications are shown, the cord must be’ taken Fie. 104.—As Some Desperately Vicious Horses will Throw Themselves when Subjected to Pressure. THIRD METHOD. QT off at once. To keep on pressure any longer would not as be entirely unnecessary, but abusive. The treatment should now be carried out for driving, as divectea for kicking and other habits, under those heads. If bad to shoe, while the pressure is on attach a rope or strap to the foot, and pull’ back and forward. as in Fig. 108 until the toe rests upon the ground, and there is submission. The cord should then be immediately taken off the head, as before explained, and turned into the war bridle, when the leg is to be repeatedly tested. Fie. 105.—The Horse as he Stands when Subdued. As stated hefore: all good subjects for this treatment will resist hard at first, and make a determined fight, but when they do give. up, will be found entirely manageable ; while those that do not resist when touched while the pressure is on; are, as a rule, not good subjects for iit. This method of subjection reveals the horse's character exactly, whatever it is. If one of great courage and spirit, he. will usually, ° while under pressure, fight at first with great fury, but finally sub- mit unconditionally ; but if-of a sulky, treacherous nature, while the pressure is on he will often stand sullenly, doing nothing. In such cases the Second ‘Method must be depended upon, in connection with-the others. The success with which some kickers can be subdued and broken of the habit by this method, will often be most remarkable.. It « is especially adapted to the subjection of courageous, determined, 78 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. sensitive horses, that will not bear excitement or heating of the blood. It also works well upon biting, strikihg, vicious stallions, especially when. used in connection with the other methods. It works extremely well upon mules, seldom requiring more than ten minutes to subdue even those of the worst character, Cases upon which it will not work well, and for which it. should not be used, are young, unbroken colts, sullen or cold- blooded horses of any character, and, once in awhile, a class of high-strung, sensitive horses of great courage and endurance, that become excited, strike, and resist hard. Such cases are, however, somewhat rare. It is not adapted for balkers; if it must be used upon such, let it be after subjecting to the First or Second Methods, or both, and then but for a few minutes. The reason this method should not be used upon colts, is that they will in the first place usually resist any attempt to put on the cord, or bite and chew upon it to a degree that will bruise or cut the cheeks, which is very troublesome to treat.* (See Fig. 107.) Besides, colts can be controlled so much easier and better by the Second Method, that there is no necessity for using'this upon them. There will occasionally be found an old horse that will bite upon the cord like: colts. In all such cases the treat- ment must at once be abandoned, and dependence placed upon other methods. Those that cut or bruise the cheeks are usually of a surly, obstinate nature, the sullen disposition being prominent, which will usually be denoted by the small, clear eye, set well back on the side of the head, eyebrows rather heavy, fullness below the eye, long between the eyes and ears, ears rather long and heavy, and small nostrils. In a very extensive practice of many years, I found:no practical means of preventing horses’ biting in this way, Fig. 106.—Mouth as Usually Kept Open when Cord is on. Fic. 107.—Appearance of Mouth when Biting upon the Cord. *For special treatment for such possible bruising of cheeks, see Bruises of Cheek. fl THIRD METHOD. 79 so that when we had such cases we found it to be the best course to abandon itatonce. _ He a This. method of subjection is so arbitrary, and in ignorant hands can be so easily made the basis of injury and abuse, that for a long time I have been very reluctant to give it to my classes, or publish it, fearing they would misuse its advantage ; but with anything like ordinary care, it is not at all difficult to determine the cases for which it is suitable, and to avoid needless abuse by it. It is always advisable, before applying this treatment as well as in the applica- _ tion of other methods of treatment, to look the horse carefully over in a general way. Then, if not sure of the character test a little to - be able to determine it with accuracy. . Fie. 108.—Pulling the Foot Back—Bad to Shoe. If a-nervous, excitable, coltish-acting fellow, that has perhaps been seriously frightened in consequence. of carelessness or accident, the Second Method ‘may first be used. Should this fail, or not pro- duce satisfactory results, then this method may be tried. To make its application plainer, first bring the cord through the mouth once and pull down rather tight. Should this be submitted to, it is safe to proceed. But if the horse strikes violently, or resists, showing a disposition to bite upon the cord, especially after. two or three coils have been used, it had better be abandoned and other treatment used. Or, if it is desired to subject the horse to the First Method first, and the cord cannot be put on with safety, subject to the Sec- ond. Method for a few moments, then resort to-the first, after which the impréssion can-be fixed by this. - 4 80 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. ' Fra. ‘109.— Pulling Head of a Vicious Horse around to Avoid his Fore Feet should he Strike, and Observ- ing that the Cord Comes Right in the Mouth. The First Method can- not be repeated with much assurance of suc- cess. If the horse‘will not get up after being thrown, you will have accom- “plished all that you can by this treatment. Also | ‘ the Third Method will, as a rule, prove a success or failure after the first trial. It cannot be repeated with success, and should not be tried. Whatever is attempted by this meth- . od must be done at the first trial. But if the horse will bear it, this trial can be carried to a.considera- ble extreme of pressure, and be continued for some time, though it should not exceed twenty-five minutes, except in very extreme cases. One horse, of a certain temperament and character, may be able to stand pressure for fifteen minutes as well as another espécially sensi- tive horse, perhaps, would the same only two or three or four minutes. So that each case must reg- ulaté just the extent and amount of pressure need- ed. These points I have learned by experimenting for a good many years on a great variety of horses. I would repeat, that the point is to make all the impression possible with Fre. 110.—Looking at the Opposite Side to See that the Cord Comes Right, and Determining the Amount of Pressure Necessary. it when used, and then, if there is failure, resort to other. methods. WAR BRIDLE—FIRST FORM. 81 THE WAR BRIDLE. FIRST FORM. mm? I will take up, next, 'a means of management so simple, yet so practical and valuable in its effects, that it is in some respects indis- pensable, because it gives us in certain ways a degree of control not attainable by any other means. ‘Certainly, for so simple a means, . when skillfully used, it has a won- derful effect. It would not seem. . possible, until witnessed, that an ordinary unbroken colt or stubborn horse, entirely unbroken to lead, could be taught in a few min- utes to follow around ‘anywhere, without the least restraint, even ‘watching a man, turning and fol- lowing him in any manner, like a trained dog. If a horse is restless and will not submit to have the harness put on, resists being bridled, cleaned, or curried, restless in shoe- ing, or being a little nervous when ordinary objects of fear are brought around him, etc., this gives almost immediate control, in addition to being the foundation for other im- — Fra. 111.—First Form of War Bridle. portant management. a Then, it can be modified in a variety of ways to increase’ its power, so,as to show such a degree of restraint upon certain classes of viciousness as to appear most startling. But while it may fre- cy quently enable the accomplishment of what may seem very remark- able’ results, it cannot in reality be accepted as more than subordi- nate or. supplementary to the,other methods. It will be all that i is needed in controlling and making gentle all ordinary colts. It is the best of all means for teaching a colt or horse to lead or follow by’ the halter. In fact, eight tenths of all ordinary cases, with a little care and patience, could be controlled easily by this simple method of treatment alone. It was by this means that I was led to advertise . with confidence to be able to control any urfmanageable,. headstrong stallion so successfully that within ten minutes I could lead him out: to a horse or mare and stand off eight or ten feet and call him to me 6 8 4 8 ~ 82 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. by word of .com- mand only ; and yet simple as this meth- od may seem, it took me fully fif- teen years to catch the full points of its value. DETAILS OF ITS APPLICATION. First, concerning the quality of cord, . and its length. It is very important : to have the best Fig. 112.—First Form of War Bridle. ' possible quality of fiber, and size about right. The point is to have the cord as small as possible, yet suf- ficiently strong to give assurance of its not breaking under the most severe strain to which it can be subjected. I have found the best to be that made from the very best quality of long-fiber Missouri hemp, wound very hard, yet in such a way as to be as flexible as possible. I used the same cord for the War Bridle that I did for the Third Method of Subjection, and found it necessary to have it made spe- cially for this purpose, as I could not find any in the market suffi- ; ciently fine and strong fm to besuitable. The size should be from five six- Fia. 118.—Smallest Size of Cord Used—Five six- teenths to three eighths teenths of an Inch in Diameter. of an inch plump in di- ameter, and in length from fifteen to twenty- ee Se Seamaeeeee two feet. The average Fie. 114.—Largest Size of Cord Used—Three eighths length used by me was of an Inch in Diameter. from eighteen to twenty _ feet. We cut them this length, or divided a roll into four parts, and then we used them as required for either purpose. For the simplest form of War Bridle, take such a piece of cord, tie each end in a hard knot, and make another knot or loop about twenty inches from one end ; bring this end around the horse’s neck, WAR BRIDLE--FIRST FORM. 83 and pass it through the loose knot or loop, regulating the size of the loop to that of the neck, Next, catch the end hanging down, and pass between the cord and neck, forming a loop with the free end on the near side. Pass the loop this forms through the mouth, or over the lower jaw, as shown in Bigs ‘112. This ‘we will term the First Form of War Bridle. ‘This, it will be noticed, gives considerable pulley power side- ways and back upon the mouth. The method of using it is as fol- lows :— Stand opposite the shoulder, about four or five feet away from the head, and give a sharp, quick pull or jerk, when instantly give slack, using more or less force, according to the amount of resistance to be overcome. This will be found to give great power, beitig sufficient, unless the horse is very heavy and slow, .to pull him around easily, ‘when by repeating a few times he will come around freely without being pulled upon. Now, go to the opposite side and repeat the pulling until he will come around in the same manner. The force of the pull must necessarily be . regulated to the resistance of Fig. 115.—Double-Draw Hitch. the horse, a quick, nervous horse requiring but two or three light pulls to bring him: off his feet and make him follow around freely ; whereas a ‘dull, stub- born, or slow horse may be required to be pulled upon with a good deal of force, and the pulling repeated quite a number: of times. to produce the same effect. After doing this, by stepping: ddeways arid ahead, the horse will follow promptly, in circles, tight or left ; then gradually enlarge your circle, until you go straight ahead, and he will follow freely. But should he be a little slow, or not follow promptly as desired, simply repeat the pulling a few times as before, when he will follow freely in any manner, though the cord be thrown over the back, and will afterward do so equally well with the control of a common halter. It will be noticed that this form only gives power sideways. If you were to go in front of the head and pull forward, it would only farew. the head up and back, in fact making the horse resist 84 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. following, and expose your weakness to him. When we want. power to bring the horse straight ahead, should it be necessary, simply Fra, 116.—Second Forin of War Bridle. : change to the Second Form, as shown in Fig. 117, when by pulling a few times he will be made-to come ahead as freely as before sideways. The next step, naturally, is to handle the horse around the shoulders, ‘hips, ‘and legs. If this is done carefully and gently, as directed under that head in Colt-Training, there will not often ‘be | much resistance. But should there be, and this means not be sufficient ,to overcome it, for this or other minor troubles recourse may be had to the ‘regular treatment laid down for such resistance. SECOND FORM OF WaR BRIDLE. — Take off, the cord as now on, and make a single loose knot or . loop about a foot from the end. Put the end knot through the loose -knot or loop, and draw sufficiently tight to prevent its slipping out. The loop thus formed should be only just large enough to go over the lower jaw, because the larger the loop the less power will be ob- tained. Next pass the cord from the off side over the head where the halter rests, and ‘down through this loop back of the jaw, until the slack is ‘taken up as shown in Figs. 116 and 117. Now, step a little side- ways and ahead, and. pull gently, holding the cord taut, and you will find that you have reversed the previous order of working by. its giving _ you power to bring the horse straight ahead. Now, give a sharp pull’ Fig. 117.—Secend Form of War Bridle as it Should be Adjusted. WAR BRIDLE—SECOND | Hee 85 as pitore: ‘when you ail find that’ you ‘will be able ito pull the horse right to you; ‘but if you do not the first’ ‘time, you can at. farthest after a few repetitions. A quick, neryous horse may jump right to you on the first pull, and will follow in the most prompt manner afterward, while one of a slow and sullen nature may resist quite hard for a while, but will always yield in time. : As a means of breaking horses that lag when handled or pulled upon by the halter, or refuse to lead to any point, as, for example, through a door (a common habit), this form ’of the War Bridle will be found to be by far the best means of : ‘management, and becomes the foundation of success in the breaking of double ’ balkers, as -shown under that head, making it.a very ‘easy matter now to control such cases: I would call -par- ticular attention to the fact that the cord must be put just at the point ‘on the head, back of the ears, where the halter pa binadie _Fia. 118.—Cord too far Back on the Neck, with Loop on the ‘rests. If by chance ’ Lower Jaw too Large. will not Work, it should be placed three or four of more inches back, as shown i in Fig. 118, the secret. of its power will be lost. Putting this part over ‘the head about half way back on the neck,, drawing down tightly with the hand, or tying moderately tight, as shown in Fig. 119, will be found all that will be required in the control of all ordinary cases bad to bridle, ‘handle top of head, harness, etc.’ If tied down, it should not be kept so at longest more than a minute or two. THE DouUBLE-DRAW HITCH Form. This gives nearly three times the power of the ordinary forms of the War Bridle: It can be changed or modified in two or three Ways, as may be necessary, and is a very practical and valuable means of control. I may mention here,' that this has been the pein 86 : METHODS OF SUBSECTION. ‘cipal secret (for in difficult cases I could not succeed without it) of performing the apparently impossible feat of being able within ten minutes to control so easily any headstrong or lunging stallion, when great power is required, as before referred to. First, put on a cord as for First Form of War Bridle; but instead of bringing the cord’ down through the loop, bring it from below up; then pass it over the head and back through the mouth, thence through the loop this forms on the near side. (See Fig. 115.) -If desired, this can be modified so as to give still greater power by bringing the cord across under the upper lip, instead of through the mouth, or by making another loop over the head in the same man- Fig. 119.—Method of Tying Down to Make Horse Submit to be Harnessed, have his Head Handled, etc. ner, and by bringing it under the upper lip. By experimenting a little with this, it will be found to increase the ‘power wonderfully. A horse so stubborn and sullen that he can hardly be moved or seem to be in- fluenced by the First Form, can be lifted almost bodily out of his tracks. by this, giving all the power neces- sary for making such a horse follow in a few moments. Where a horse is restless, or somewhat unmanageable, such as resisting the feet being taken up, having a blanket thrown over him, the head handled, etc., he can sometimes be made to submit readily by bringing the cord, after the First Form is adjusted, forward under the upper lip and right around over the head, and through the mouth, and holding moderately tight. But it should not be held so more Fie. 120.—Manner of Tying. ‘ WAR BRIDLE—SECOND FORM. 87 than a minute. Should it be resisted very mic it will be better to resort to regular coercive treatment. There is quite a secret in using the War Bridle. It is, first, in getting the right position and distance from a horse; second, the method of pulling, which is the point here to be explained. Wind the cord once around the right hand, not very tight, while it is passed through the left a little in advance of the right. And now for the secret: it is giving a sharp, quick jerk with both hands, like ‘the cracking of a whip; not a long, heavy, dead pull, mind, but a quick little jerk, as it ~ were, and ‘instantly . ’ slack. You will, of course, place one leg alittle forward of the other to give pur- chase ; the rest must be done by the force of the arms only. I have frequently been able to illustrate this by jerking .heavy horses around freely by pulling upon the cord lightly but quickly with my naked hands, with- Fic. 121.—Modification of Second Form. out the least injury to them; while strong; heavy men, though pulling quite hard in a slow, indifferent way, could scarcely move them, and at that bruise their hands quite seriously. I may say that in hundreds and hundreds of cases, men who had joined my classes and to whom had been shown and explained every point of its application, and had its effect illustrated té them, would ‘often catch the points only so: crudely or imperfectly that they would follow me fifteen or twenty miles to attend another class and have them again-explained to them: This is one of my reasons for being so explicit in giving such full details of this principle of man- , agement, and which must necessarily be frequently referred to in connection with other methods of treatment.. ‘Tam ‘just in receipt of a letter from a mentleiag in California, . who, in relating his success in breaking mustangs, after stating that -he had broken mustangs easily that had been given up by others, 88 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. said he had made a wager that he could make a sixteen-year-old mustang that had not been touched for three years, follow him in thirty minutes, and that he did it so well in seven that it’ would follow him anywhere and thereby astonished those who knew the. mustang. And this he did with the War Bridle. The simplicity of this ferm of control makes it very difficult to realize its real value; neither is it too much to say that it sequires considerable ptactical skill to bring out its full power. If limited to the various forms of the War and Patent Bridles, there should be no real difficulty i in -being able to, control certainly more than half of the average colts’ and vicious horses in the country. “W,” OR BREAKING BIT — TRAINING THE MOourTH. Whatever we do with the horse, however .successful our treat- ment,.we must ultimately come to the control of the mouth; and if not successful i in this, no matter how good our treatment otherwise, Fia. 192,—« W,” or Breaking Bit. Half Size. ‘it must necessarily be regarded as seriously defective. This matter of getting good control of the mouth, simple as it may seem, both- ered me more to catch the points of doing successfully, than any other treatment here referred to. And it is naturally one of the most difficult points for horse men to contend with successfully. This is usually sought to be done by bitting, that is, putting on a bitting- rig, checking the head up, and letting the colt fight it until he gives up, and in the management of runaways, depending wholly upon such bits as will give direct power. The. difficulty is that while the horse may be controlled in this way, the disposition to continue the habit is not overcome, which is the real point important to accom- plish. Then, in many extreme cases, the’ resistance may be so great that it is not possible by any means heretofore in use to hold the horse. It must be borne in mind that this method (bitting) brings dead pressure only upon the mouth, and necessarily cannot teach the idea ‘ * «W,” OR BREAKING BIT. 89 ie os (which is the real point. to be attained) of submitting the head up and back to the easy and flexible restraint of the bit, and give assur- ance of having the horse entirely submissive to easy restraint af the bit under any possible impulse of excitement. The common methods of treatment are defective in various ' ways, and are the direct causes of the many accidents and cases of trouble experienced in the use of driving horses, The colt is simply subjected a short time to a bitting-rig ; there is, perhaps, success in driving him double, or putting him before the plow with another horse, until gentle. It is a matter purely experimental, also, of “being hitched up single. If the ‘colt is exceptionally intelligent and good-tempered, by using ¢ extreme care there is perhaps success in hitching him to a buggy. Now, if he moves off and finally drives _ ordinarily well, he is presumed to be a gentle, broken horse. In- “deed, there would seem to be no other reasonable course of manage- ment. This is the fatal error, and the prime cause of our trouble., To explain this, we will presume now to make an experiment or two. ‘The horse appears to be entirely gentle and manageable, and so he is, as far as he has been trained. But let the rein be caught sud- . ‘denly under the tail, let one of the traces get’ loose, the breeching- strap break, or some other derangement, in itself trifling; occur, and the colt i is startled, frightened, kicks by impulse,” or springs ahead, to free himself from the supposed danger. There i is no assured control by the bit; he has never been made to feel it ; the consequence is, he rushes against it, runs away, and the spoiled. | And this is about the history of nearly all runaway kickers, with their incidental troubles. These were the horses I was‘almost constantly required to experiment upon before my classes. And it always became a matter of the greatest surprise to the best horsemen witnessing my experiments, to see with what success I could drive such in a short time, under the greatest excitement, entirely gentle, submitting freely to what before would have made them kick and run away. ~The secret of course was that I went to work first to remove the cause in the most direct manner, thereby making the foundation for ‘greatly lessening the resistance to the bit. ‘For example, if kicking, was the cause of the indirect resistance, the first point I aimed at was to overcome that, then to go ere to the control of the mouth until successful. Now, these points were what a long course of, I may say, very ignorant and often blind experimenting, forced me to learn. I was soon compelled’ from necessity, as stated, first to make the horse i in a’ gencia way perfectly gentle, and then.come directly to the point 90 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. of resistance, whatever it was. Then, another point I learned was that making one part of the body gentle is no assurance that the other will be so. For example, making the forward part gentle, would not make the hind part so; that I could make one foot submissive to be shod, and yet leave the other foot as difficult to handle and control as ever ;. that making a horse fearless of a handkerchief when brought around his head or in front of him, no matter how indifferent to it he became, if thrown from behind, under his belly, upon his hips, or behind him, would be as‘likely to frighten him as if he had not seen it before. In a hundred ways these little points could be shown, and are fully explained in details of treatment under special heads. But because these conditions are not understood, or those requisite for overcoming them are not known or understood, these troubles necessarily follow. Now, in no respect ‘is this more strongly shown than in the management of the mouth. By experimenting a little upon a variety of horses with the War Bridle in teaching to lead, it will be found that a horse will sometimes at first resist with such persistence that the united strength of several men would not be sufficient to make him lead; yet, by repeating, as explained, the short little pulls in such way as he is the least able to resist, the horse will in all cases soon learn to follow in any manner, even run- ning after the trainer, without being pulled upon or perhaps without the use of the halter at all; and he will do this ever afterward. Now, the principle is exactly the same in obtaining such control of the mouth as will enable securing unconditional submission to the slightest restraint of the bit, —a point that took me at least twelve years of the closest observation and practice to catch the idea of intelligently, and even up to the time of leaving the road I was con- stantly learning new points of advantage in this respect. The results I would sometimes be able to bring about in doing this were really striking, in many cases truly wonderful. Though a digres- sion, I will refer to a few illustrative cases in point. A runaway horse, eight years old, the last time hitched up, jumped over a toll-gate, ran away, had not been driven for over a year afterward, and was regarded utterly unmanageable. After thirty minutes’ treatment he, was driven down a steep hill to a buggy, without breeching, the wagon running against his heels, guided by a six-year-old boy who sat near me on the seat ; and the horse remained gentle afterwards. A strong, large-boned Western horse, in New York City, nine years ald, was sold for $275, on condition that he could be driven to — “W,” OR BREAKING BIT. 91 acart. He was hitched up to a heavy dump-cart, with both wheels blocked, two men held him by the head, and two in the cart held the‘reins. He resisted all restraint, and ran away, and was pur- chased for fifty dollars. This horse, though utterly unmanageable, was controlled so perfectly within an hour, that the slightest re- straint of the reins was sufficient to guide and control him under any excitement, in driving to a single buggy; and this without breech- ing, the tross-piece coming against the quarters. A five-year-old colt, in. Toledo, Ohio, a runaway, and so des- perate that the only way he could be held in harness with’success was to hitch him between two heavy horses, tied back to them by the head,—this horse, in less than an hour’s time, was made entirely manageable, was driven next day through the principal streets per- ' fectly gentle without breeching, and remained so, In Cleveland, Ohio, a trotting-horse that had defied sich such determination every effort to be controlled in single harness as to be regarded as practically worthless, submitted perfectly within an hour, and as a special feat, in the meantime having the treatment repeated, in addition to being trained, was driven next day on the square without reins or breeching, by the control of the whip only. These cases, with others equally striking that could be referred to did space permit, were thus made manageable to the control of the bit by training the mouth with the “W,” or Breaking Bit. The full details of these cases, with thirty-six others, are given in my special work on the horse, under the heading, “Illustrative Cases,” the better to illustrate there the treatment to be pursued in the management of such cases. These results, so far as training the mouth, I could accomplish with a greater or less degree of success, and with. differ- : ent kinds of bits ; but found the ‘“‘W,” or ae Bit, here. given, the simplest and best. It is not a bit for driving, though it may in some cases be used assuch. The secret of its success is not so much in the bit as in the manner of using it, which in principle is practically the same as that given for the War Bridle. As explained in thé use of the cord, there may be at first the most determined resistance to it; but by repetition of the treatment. the horse will in a short time not only cease resisting, but will follow anywhere. The impression made in this way is never forgotten, the horse afterward leading by the merest restraint of the halter. ; In the same manner, when there is at first an effort with this bit to control or force the submission of a headstrong horse, there may be the most desperate resistance to it: but by repetition of the \ 92 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. ; treatment, sometimes requiring considerable perseverance, there will in a short time be such complete submission to it that the horse can be held or controlled afterward, even under the greatest excitement, by the lightest restraint of an ordinary bit. This principle of train- ing is also illustrated in “ Halter-Pulling,” ' and in fact in every step of subjective treatment. The length of the bit should be regulated to the size of the mouth, so that when pulled upon, the bars will come at right angles with the jaw on each side. The averagé length is eight and three fourths inches from center to center of ring-holes when put together. This makes the length of the short bars three and three eighths and the long bars five and three eighth inches from center to center of holes. It may be made much shorter, but it would proportionately lessen the lever power of the bars upon the jaw, which is the key. of its success. The bars should be made of round cast-steel rod, filed and polished perfectly smooth, about five sixteenths of an inch in diameter. Between the bars, at the ends, there should be a small, thin washer., The rings should be made a iron wire, about two and | a half to three inches in diameter. The bars ‘especially should be filed and polished perfectly smooth, so as to leave no rough corners or surfaces anywhere. A round, stiff piece of leather may bestitched . inside the rings ; while this iti be dispensed with, it is desirable to have iton. 4 a A great variety of bits are made on this principle, but their construction is so faulty that they do not work well. They are mainly defective in being too short and rough. This -bit will not bruise or cut the mouth., Some of the points which took me a good many years to. learn, | were, that there was no practical advantage in making the bars twisted and 1ough for the purpose of ‘hurting more ; that the lever power was the point of its success,.and that it would work just as well when the bars were smooth as when twisted and roughened, making the serious objection of cutting and tearing the mouth. j The point ‘of its use is, when put in the mouth the reins are to be brought back through the shaft lugs so as to bring a straight,. even pull upon the mouth backward, and prevent the horse from turning around. A specially important point is that the hand parts of the reins are large and soft, so as to give good hold upon them. Now, stand behind, just beyond the reach of the heels, with a rein twisted once around each hand, and after moving the horse moder-_ ately, call “Whoa!” sharply, instantly following with a sharp, quick, raking pull. The variation of the pull in the arms should not ie “W,” OR BREAKING BI?. 93 fe. more than two or three inches, blended with the direct pulling, which should be with the energy ‘of the strongest ‘blow from the shoulder, the principle simply reversed. ‘In this way, after the command of , “Back” or. “Whoa” is given, whichever it is, repeat at short intervals. In all ordinary cases the, submission will be quick and easy; but in plucky, bad cases, the resist- ance may be very determined. In fact, in exceptional cases it may be so great that it, will seem impossible to make the horse yield ; but this should not by any means be accepted as a reason for’ discouragement. If the horse warms up much, and becomes sullenly indifferent to the pressure of’ the bit upon the mouth, by repeating the lesson it is rare that he will not be found to submit in a few minutes, At any - rate the lesson must be so thorough that there will be unconditional submission. In all my experience I never found more than haif a dozen cases that did not submit to two or three lessons. Success will depend upon how it is done, the main point being to make the . horse submit, if possible, before he warms up, persevering and re- _peating till there is success. But should the horse become so warmed up as-to make it necessary to repeat the lesson, he must be ‘ allowed to: stand Jong enough to become entirely cool, The: better ‘way would be to let him stand over night, or even longer.’ In most. cases, when the lesson is repeated, he will be found to respond i im- mediately, because the mouth has now become very sensitive ; but if not, the only thing to do is to go on as before, carefully, until successful. Another very. important point is, if the case is known to be ‘avery, serious one, and resists with decided courage (this has special reference to. larg¢-boned, rather coarse, but very plucky, determined ‘horses), to move the horse at first very slowly, until the point is gained of making him stop and come back at’a slight pull. In my own prac-. - tice ‘moved the horse ona very slow walk, and repeated ‘making him stop. until he would do so without being pulled upon, then stop and come back, until he would respond to the pull of the bit with the elasticity of a spring., Then I moved him a little faster, and re- peated until he could ‘be moved to a’sharp trot, and would stop instantly at: command without being pulled upon, no matter what the excitement. This I would: repeat over and over until I could put the horse ort a run and do it; and if his character had been | such as to make him at all seriously: doubtful, .this' lesson was re- peated after he had got cool.’ This is what I called testing | what had been done. In most cases the horse will be found entirely man- 94 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. ageable ; but he may, when pushed up sharply, resist quite hard again. If so, the point must be fought out at once, and most thoroughly. The next step is to put before a wagon. In my own experi- ence, I made it a point always, in such cases, to force the horse back suddenly against the cross-piece ; in fact, I impressed him with such power as to entirely discourage him from the least offer of resistance, I then moved the horse a little, pulling the wagon behind him. He ‘being submissive to this, I now attached the harness, got into the wagon and started him again, very moderately, and as before repeated the starting and stopping until I could push him out on arun, and make him stop at command. The lesson in all cases was made without the breeching strap being buckled. Frequent reference will be made to this bit in different parts of the work, more especially in Colt Training, Running Away, and Runaway Kickers. It will also in many cases be found good treat- ment for breaking up the habit of pulling on one rein. It i is the best means, also, of teaching a horse to stand or back. More extended details in the application of this bit will be found in the chapters on “Colt Training,” and “Running Away.” e Four-RING, OR UPPER JAw BIT. As training the mouth by the Breaking Bit is not always desir- able on account of the work of doing it, and the lack of skill and practice in using it, 1 include other forms of bits which will enable the control of ,horses more directly and sometimes with great suc- cess: 1. The Four-ring Bit ; 2. The Half-Moon Bit; 3, The Spoon Fia. 123.—Improved Four-ring Bit. Bit; and 4. The Patent Bridle. Other bits might also be used with success. We describe first the Four-ring Bit. In controlling a horse by the head, we find that one of the most sensitive parts of the mouth is the roof of the upper jaw. If we take a common:snaffle bit and slide two rings over the mouth-pieces, | and connect them by a strap passing loosely over the nose, when the FOUR - RING, OR UPPER JAW BIT. 95 reins which are attached to the outside rings are pulled upon, the center of the bit will be forced upward against the roof of the mouth, producing such acute pain that but few horses can pull against it with much force. This bit has béen in very general use for a number of years, but I do not know when or by whom it was invented. Frank Leslie, of Leslie's Weekly, who witnessed some of my experiments in New York City, told rhe that while in Europe he saw an illustration of such a bit in an old Grecian work. While. the bit works fairly well when not pulled upon véry hard, its power would be almost wholly lost by the rings sliding to the ends of the bars if the resistance against it were at all severe. To prevent this I devised an obstruction fo the rings at a certain point, beyond which they cannot slide. (See Figs. Fra. 124. —Improved Four- ring Bit. Patent Applied for. 123, 124.) By this Improvement the bit will rest easily and naturally _in the mouth, yet be held firmly in place in spite of any degree of _ pulling upon it. This bit will ‘usually work well upon hard pullers’ and side- reiners, especially those that, as they warm up, have more inclina- tion to lug or pull. I have known many horses that would pull so hard upon a common bit as to draw the wagon by the reins, yet would, by the use of this bit, when properly adjusted, submit to an easy rein. It is also one of the simplest and safest means to make a horse’ stand to be shod. For this purpose, when the bit is in the mouth, take-a common War Bridle cord, tie one end into the near ring, and pass through the opposite ring till taut, and tie. Then bring the cord around the horse’s neck as for Second Form of War Bridle, with the cord well back upon,the neck, and pass down back of the jaw. This will be found of special value to horse-shoers, because, with rare exceptions, it compels most horses bad to shoe to stand gentle while being shod. The main point of success in this bit is, first, in having it made right, as shown—the bars a little longer than the ordinary bit, and either constructed so that there is an obstruction at the ring at the 96 : METHODS OF SUBJECTION. inner end of the bar, as shown in Fig. 124, or the bar slotted, as shown in Fig. 128. In either case, the bars must be filed smooth, so as to make the play of the ring free and easy. But the most important point is its proper adjustment to the head. It should be made to hang a little low in the mouth; next the strap across the nose should be, made of nice soft leather: from. an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half wide, the ends buckling nicely into the rings. This strap must come right straight across ‘the nose, and be buckled short enough so that when the bit is pulled upon, the full pressure of the center of the bit, or the ends a the bars, where they come together, will be brought firmly and strongly against the roof of the mouth, yet not fitted so tightly that it will press uncomfortably against the upper jaw when the bit is not pulled upon. If the strap across the nose is in the least - too long, the point of advantage will be practically lost, and there must ‘be dis- appointment. This isa point that must be looked to care- fully. The ordinary simple forms of this bit, as generally sold by har- ness-makers, are not made properly, and in addition they are never properly fitted, and cpaseazently will rarely. give the, satisfaction expected. When in Cleveland, Ohio; a gentleman reported to me having ~ a very fine, fast-gaited driving horse in, every respect all. right, except that hé would pull so hard that he became practically unmanageable. I adjusted this form of bit carefully, when he would: idrive in any manner, fast or slow, to a slack rein, scarcely showing any resistance. A very fine driving mare owned by a physician | in Battle Creek, Mich., was perfectly gentle and fearless, but she would pull the wagon with the reins,— if in the least excited could not, yin fact, be Fig. 125.—Four-ring Bit as Arranged for Use. HALF-MOON BIT. 97 Nox held down at all. I adjusted a bit as described, when she drove entirely gentle, in fact he told me that his wife could drive her afterward. A great many interesting cases could be referred to, showing the value of this bit when properly made and adjusted. It will not “work well on horses that throw the nose up very high, as by the horse. doing this, it will be found that its advantage will at once be lost. Neither is it adapted for rapid speeding. THE HALF-MOON BIT. The point of this bit is in having the lower or inner side drawn to athin edge. The edge can be made straight, or a little concave. The edge should be about as thin as an old twenty- -five cent piece, and filed very smooth, but not sharp enough tocut. The point is i Fie. 126.—Half-moon Bit. hat the small surface brought against the jaw, when pulled upon at all hard, will necessarily cause so much pain that it will not be resisted. It will in many cases work very nicely, while in some cases it will not work well at all; it will’ usually work well on spirited, energetic, ‘headstrong ‘horses. There should be round pieces of leather adjusted inside the rings. This bit will enable driving many headstrong horses easily. The simplest and best form of check for this is arranged about as follows: Put ona small steel bit partly bent, and pass a closely-fitting strap from each ring across the nose. To keep it in place, another small strap should ‘extend from the center of it to the head-piece. The gag-runners | should be attached to the bridle, well up on the head- piece, ona line with theears. The check-rein should be attached to this bit, and drawn short enough to throw the head well up. The next point is to so conform the driving-bit that it cannot be resisted. This~is accomplished by making the part of the mouth- piece coming Sealine! the jaw so thin that more than an ordinary pull a 98 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. upon it will hurt so severely that there will be no inclination to pull against it; next, it should be made circular in form, so that it will give sufficient lateral restraint to prevent pulling or lunging sideways. The length should be from four and seven eighths to five inches from center to center of holes, the bend about one inch forward from a line drawn across the center of the holes, with the edge filed down to about the thickness of the back of an ordinary knife-blade, and rounded to prevent cutting. This.will make the surface bearing against the mouth so.narrow that the most plucky horse can scarcely pull against it. This bit will be found very effective for the manage- ment of spirited, pulling, ‘and lunging horses. THE SPOON BIT.’ The Spoon Bit simply causes sensibility in the mouth in another way, namely, by the pressure of the spurs or flanges against the outside of the jaw to the degree the bit is pulled upon. Fig. 127.—Spoon Bit. It will be found in many cases to work very nicely, though it is not a bit that gives much power. It is more like the Four-ring Bit in compelling an easy submission of the. mouth to the guidance and restraint of the reins. _ The illustration will suliciently, explain its construction. In using any of these palliative bits upon horses known to be liable to run away, it is in all cases advisable to put on-one or two foot-straps, to be carried. back into the wagon, and the horse carefully tested, when, if he should resist the bit and lunge ahead, he can be at once disabled by pulling one foot from.under him. Should this be resisted, follow immediately by pulling the other foot from under him. This i is, of course, simply a precautiondry measure. ye, THE PATENT BRIDLE. 99° THE PATENT BRIDLE. When the horse is found to be extremely reckless in resisting the bit, and especially when the case cannot be subjected to the regular treatment to be trained out of the habit, it is 5 very important, to be able to bring sufficient power upon the mouth to restrain and hold the horse safely. If, in addition to this, the force of the restraint car be made to impress the horse in such a way that he will be disinclined to repeat it; a ' very important point will be accomplished. This we can now do very successfully by what we here denominate the. Patent Bridle, which is es pecially adapted for the con- trol of extremely headstrong. or lunging horses During my early experience, I found an excellent method, se of driving hard-pulling, run- yg, 128.—Ouline of Patent Bridle. away horses was to bring a small cord across over the head under the head-piece of the bridle, then pass the ends through the rings of the bit, and then attach the Re ‘reins. Then, when the horse pulled, the purchase would be brought | directly across me top of the head, and it was found to work in i many cases very finely. I made when I made the point of training the mouth out of resistance by the I.abandoned it. But knowing the inability of many to do this with Fro. 129. the requisite success, in addition to .often requiring considerable work ‘to do it well, to meet this emergency I devised the Patent Bridle, which carries this principle to the highest degree of perfection, _ - It sometimes requires considerable practice: as well as much i various modifications of this, but® Breaking Bit, there being no Special . necessity for this kind of treatment, 100 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. hard work to train a horse successfully by the,Breaking Bit ; also to make a bad puller, or horse having a hard mouth, sufficiently sensi- tive to submit to the control of an ordinary bit. This is an ordinary bit with a pulley in each ring. A. small, oval strap passes under the head-piece of the bridle, at each end of which is a pulley corresponding to those attached to the bit. Tie or buckle the ends of the reins into the rings of the bit, pass them up Fre. 180.—Patent Bridle for Headstrong, Lunging, Runaway Horses. Patented Oct. 20, 1880. through the pulleys on the ends: of the round straps, thence back through the pulleys in the bit rings. On the ends of these round pulley reins is stitched a small, strong string. Another round, extra bit of strong, flexible material (used only for severe cases) is attached to the main bit. (See Figs. 128, 129.) This bridle gives great pulley power, up and backward, against the most sensitive part of the mouth, under the upper lip, making it almost impossible to resist an ordinary pull upon the reins. In addition, the fulcrum of whatever: power is used being brought, by the rounded strap before referred to, directly upon the spinal cord (as explained in Third Method), makes it a ‘direct and powerful means of subjection; so that if there is courage to pull for any length of time, the horse finds himself so overmatched that he will soon cease the resistance, and % FOOT -STRAP. — / 101 drive with an easy or slack rein, when the extra bit, if used, can be removed. In using this bit upon a dangerous or doubtful horse, I would advise first heading up a long hill, and then pulling upon him steadily, as may be necessary until he gives up. A rubber connect- ing the ends of the bit to the rings on the pulley-reins makes the action of the bit upon the mouth the same as any ordinary bit. If at any time there should be much resistance, the rubbers stretch "sufficiently to give play to the.reins upon the pulleys, which will compel submission,— a very important point it the management of plucky, treacherous horses. In breaking a horse to lead, simply reverse the reins through the pulleys so as to pull ahead. By-catching both reins and pulling sideways and ahead, it will give such purchase that the horse can be lifted right or left, or ahead with as much or more power than by the War Bridle. For halter-pulling, pass the reins or cord attached to the rings through the ring or.hole in ‘the manger, and form the end into a noose around the body of ‘the horse back of the shoulders. The instant he begins to pull, the punishment becomes so severe upon his head that he will soon be afraid to pull. This is the only prac- ‘ticable means for breaking bridle-pullers. It is equally effective for breaking double-balkers. For such, the cord is tied to the end of the pole (as explained under the head of '“ Balking”), when, if the balker does not go, the gentle horse jerks him out of his. tracks, making it a very easy and effective method of managing a double- balker. THE FOOT-STRAP. On the same principle, a second foot-strap can be used, when there will be power to control either one or both feet as may be dé- sired. It must be used before the horse gets under much headway, for, if allowed to get under much motion, and then have both fore feet pulled from under him suddenly, it would throw or tumble him over. upon his head. : ‘Another objection is that in throwing the horse forcibly upon the knees, unless the ground is very soft, or the knees well protected by pads, there is serious danger of having the knees bruised or cut. A horse can be very easily ruined in this way ; for, should the syno- . vial membrane of the knee-joint be cut through or ruptured, which can be easily done, it would surely result in spoiling the horse. 102 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. Both legs can without difficulty be pulled from under the horse at the same time with a single strap, and it would work very well so far as bringing the horse upon his knees in a soft spot, and disconcerting him. when moved moderately in harness only, and would enable the control: of quite a bad colt, but cannot be safely hazarded when hitched to a wagon, and especially if the ground , a be at all hard, and the horse is per- "Fra. 181.—Foot-strap. mitted to go at all fast, for the rea- son, before explained, of the danger of tumbling the horse over on his head, and bruising and cutting the knees. If this is attempted, it should be done by the use of two. straps. During my early experience, in fact the second colt I used the foot-strap upon, the owner was elated with the idea that he was allowed to hitch up his colt, and though entirely manageable, to show a friend his power he let him out on a sharp trot a little down % “hill, when he pulled the opposite strap suddenly from under ; the consequence was that the poor colt was thrown directly upon his face, his knees badly cut, and the skin torn from his forehead and nose, in fact i injuring him most seriously. Driving a colt around in harness, where there is plenty of straw or very thick sod, throwing him upon his knees repeatedly, which can be’ easily done with a single strap, by passing it through’ rings attached to a strap on ‘each fore foot and back to the belly- band, will of course enable throwing the horse squarely, without any difficulty ; but it subjects the horse to such a severe jar as to need- ‘lessly strain and worry him. The use of both straps does this far more safely and effectively, because it enables pullitg one foot or the other as may be desired—a great advantage. Should this be used, and the horse resists with energy, the more direct methods of subjection should be used. A single strap can always be used, to advantage, and sometimes ‘ adouble one as a means of security, which can be put on quite easily. An ordinary piéce of good, strong clothes-line, bed-cord, or webbing can be used to advantage, which can be attached to the feet as simple reserve power, should the horse attempt to lunge ahead, but when found submissive to the control of the mouth, are of course to be removed. a BREAKING RIG. 103 THE BREAKING RIG. ’ When a colt or horse is dangerous or reckless in his resistance, it is very convenient to control him by means that will require but . little if any practical skill, and for this purpose I have invented the Breaking Rig, which will be found a valuable acquisition to the other methods here given. To break a kicking, runaway horse or colt, all that i is necessary is to carefully harness him in the rig so that he will not bréak loose, and let him go as he pleasés. The more he struggles to free himself, or tries to kick and run, the quicker ‘he will be Brokers, while the ' Fig. 18S —Simple Form of Breaking Rig. - Patented sity 6, 1880. ‘trainer can sit quietly behind, touching and poling'the horse where sensitive until he becomes submissive.and gentle. The rig should: be constructed as follows: First, set an upright post firmly in the © ground. Next, have two shaft-arms, about twenty feet in length, so fitted that one end of each will turn upon the post. At the outer end of both of these shaft-arms should be fitted a spindle, and a wheel from.a lumber or farm wagon. Separate the ends of the arms at a distance of eleven or twelve feet, or so that the horse can travel between them without touching either. Next place two bars across from one shaft-arm to the other, the inner one about. three feet eight inches from the hub of the wheel, the outer one about two feet from the inside one at the horse’s shoulders, and three feet. at: the quarters, so that an average-sized hofse can travel’ easily between them. Have holes or mortises made through the shaft-arms, and 104 METHODS OF SUBJECTION. the ends of the bars fitted to them. The inner one should be fast- Fie. 133.—Breaking Rig. Patented July 6, 1880. ened permanently, but the outer one so fitted that it can be taken out and reversed, to allow driving the other way. It is best to have i vw ‘ 4 BREAKING RIG. 105 . - the holes or mortises duplicated, so that the bars can be adjusted to fit the size of the horse. . If the wheels are not high eaolieh to support the frame arms, put an extra piece of scantling on the upper side, and make the mortises or holes high enough to bring the bars where the shafts ‘would come in driving. The simplest way of fastening the horse in the rig is, after he is!harnessed in place, to pass a strap under the body from one bar to the other, another over the body and shoul- ders, and a third over the hips. No matter how vicious or headstrong a runaway horse may be, the faster and more determinedly he runs in this rig, the sooner he will from necessity become gentle. He has not the liberty to rear up, throw himself, or kick. If he undertakes to run he will be carried round in a circle so rapidly as to become completely dizzy, and would fall helpless if not confined and supported.. If sensitive about having the head, neck, or hind parts touched; he can now be handled until he is entirely:aubmissive to it. If he is afraid of an umbrella or robe, these objects can be brought around him until he is submissive. If he is afraid of a carriage-top, open and shut an umbrella before his face, over, and:behind him, until he is fearless of it. If afraid of having the rein caught under the tail, and inclined to run under such circumstances, he can now, with entire ease and safety, be made to submit to it. With such a rig made, which is very simple and easy to con- struct, the green colt, kicking runaway horse, or those of other dangerous habits in harness, such as fear,of top, umbrella, or robe, etc.,.can be easily broken by any one. The point is to adjust the | rig to the horse, so that he will not be hampered or feel any serious restraint, except when he struggles to resist ; and then let him go or drive him as explained, until, under the most trying tests, he is proved to be submissive and docile. Not only this, but it will also be found very effective for break- ing single balkers,—a very important: advantage. By modifying the rig a little as shown in Fig. 133, the pole may be allowed to extend to the opposite side of the circle, to which a gentle horse can be attached. Now, with the War Bridle cord on, of course after being previously subjected to it as explained under the head of balking, it is adjusted to the pole in front. If the horse will not go ‘when commanded, the gentle horse at the opposite end of the pole can -be started up, when his whole: power, if necessary, can be. brought upon the cord, which will soon bring the horse forward off his ‘feet, when, after a few repetitions, he will stop. and start freely at command. CHAPTER III. —ror— COLT TRAINING. scholars, so that he can address their understanding clearly. [= successful teacher aims first to gain the confidence of his But were he to transform himself into a dangerous monster, whipping them while talking in an unknown language, indicating by his actions. that he would kill or injure them, they ' would become’so ' frightened and excited that their first im- pulse would be resistance or a desperate strug- gle to get away." Now this is the impression made upon a wild, un- broken colt when hurt, frightened, or excited, in the effort to train and control him, and which in a proportionate degree must in- . is Fie. 184.—Simple Way of Haltering a Dangerous Colt. crease the difficulty of his successful management. It is important, on this account, that every step in the management of these cases be of a character to prevent and overcome fear, when the instruction and training can be carried forward to the degree of the colt’s ability to understand, and there is perfect obedience. In the first place, it is important to discriminate as to character, whether naturally gentle, very wild, or vicious. On this account, for convenience, I will divide them into three classes : First, colts [106] ‘FIRST CLASS. 107 4 that are naturally gentle, but nervous. Second, colts that are some- what wild and unaccustomed to being handled. Third, those that are not only wild, but vicious and dangerous. The— First CLass Usually require but very simple treatment. The first important point is to teach the colt to lead. The War Bridle is by far the best and simplest means of' doing this; but as this may not be available, I willexplain how it can be done in most cases very easily ~ 1 Fie. 185.—Testing a Doubtful Colt before Subjecting to Treatment, with a common halter. Put on quietly a simple rope halter that fits nicely upon the head, the nlose-piece extended ,well'down; tie the noose back of the jaw into a knot, to “Bieyent its slipping or drawing tightly upon the jaw. Now stand opposite the shoulder, oe a firm hold of the hitch~ ing-part, and give a sharp, quick jerk, which will pull him around. toward you. This pulling to be repeated at short intervals until he will come around freely without being pulled upon, when go, to the opposite side and repeat the same. Now gradually, increase your Circle'to a line straight ahead, until he will follow in any manner. If the colt is a little heavy, perhaps sullen, tie up the near fore leg, 108 COLT TRAINING. when he canbe pulled around easily. Once yielding, give the leg freedom, when he will follow freely. After leading well, catch the halter up near the head, and go around with him on a sharp walk at the same time, and bring a pole (one end of which being well back of the arm) against the quarters. The pulling around will sufficiently disconcert the colt to allow this without much resistance, when re- peat, and he will soon learn to submit, after which repeat on the op- It would, however, be much put on the War Bridle if available, and after pulling right and left two or three posite side. Fie. 136 Fh .—About —s the Length the Halter Should be Tied. times, bring a pole against the quarters, legs, and flanks, as before ex- plained. If there is submis- sion to this, it will be all that is necessary to do, and will be just as effective as if the colt was subjected to the severest treatment. Now handle the feet gently. ‘There is quite a sleight in doing this. The point is, when on the -near side to rest the left hand against the shoulder, and as the other is run down to the foot to press the body from you, throw- ing the weight upon the opposite foot, when the near one will be relaxed, and-can be taken up easily. While holding the halter with the left hand extended back to the hip, and holding it short enough to pull the head partly around, pass the right hand down over the leg and along gently, until the fetlock is reached. Now, as there is an effort to lift the foot, press from you with the left hand, and the foot can be easily brought up. At first do not lift it very high, gradually repeating until it can be taken up on a, level with the knees. This submitted to, remove pressure with the left hand, and move forward under the leg, the left arm and elbow coming over the leg above the gambrel, so as to hold it firmly between both knees and hammer it lightly, then put down and take up again. In : FIRST CLASS. 109 this way repeat a few times, gradually; hammering harder until there is no fear or resistance. This to be repeated on the opposite side. ‘Now mount the colt quietly. The best course is to stand oppo- site the shoulder with the left hand grasping the halter and mane, the right resting upon the back. While standing right up to the horse, make a little spring upward, and on the instant of doing so _throw the right arm forward so as to bring the part a litthe forward of the elbow, across the back and hold the body so poised a little Fie, 137.—Pulling the Foot Back with Cord. while. If the submission is at all doubtful, it is better to repeat this two or three times, at each time bringing the body up a little higher, or until the breast will come across’ the horse’s back. This sub- mitted to, gently bring the right leg up over the back, and. gradually ° assume a sitting ‘position. Be careful at this’ stage to caress and talk to the colt. At each progressive step it will +elp your efforts greatly to give him some little present of an apple, or something else of which he is fond; then go on more boldly, and in a short time you can get off or on as you please. ‘ It is desirable at this stage to accustom a colt to. sliding back over the hips, and touching the heels against the flanks. There is quite a sleight in doing this. It is this: While across the back with the leg partly over, catch the halter or bridle rein short enough to 110 COLT TRAINING. pull the head around a little toward the left shoulder. Now gradu- ally slide back, touching both heels gently against the sides, until you can slide back over the hips. Should he at any point resist or jump, you can instantly slip over to the near side, and the head in the meantime being pulled around: toward you, throws the hind part from you. Simply repeat until he can be mounted and will submit to all this in any manner. In teaching to drive in harness, the first thing to do is to accustom the colt to have the hind parts and flanks touched without resistance. The simplest way of doing this is as Fig. 138.—Pulling the Foot Forward. follows: Take an ordinary pole, something like a rake-stale, and see that there are no rough corners or points on it. While standing op- posite the ‘shoulder, with the right hand holding thee pole, its end resting back under the arm; bring the other end quietly to the mane: and scratch along carefully, gradually extending back over the body and legs, then go behind and rub down between the legs, belly, etc., until submitted to. H TRAINING THE MOUTH. The next step is to alk. the mouth. ‘There are two ways of do- ing this—by putting on the Bitting Rig and acetsenune ito the bit TRAINING THE MOUEE, 111 for some time, and driving’ directly with thie bit. In my practice I ‘trained the mouth directly with the bit. If the bitting method is adopted, the course to be pursued is’to put on a bridle with an ordi- nary smooth snaffle bit and leave it on until accustomed to it, then put on any ordinary rig and check at first so as to bring but little’ restraint upon the head, leaving it on thirty or forty minutes. Next. day check a little shorter, and let him ruin in a yard, or be led by the side of another horse. , At each repetition check a little shorter, until the head is brought as high as he will bear, and submit to it. If this Fia. '139.—The Colt as he Stands after Treatment. , ' course be adopted, be careful not to draw too tight at firét, nor leave on too long. Many a colt is ruined or killed by this kind of impru- dence. The error in bitting usually is that the colt is caught and entirely held by force and, while perhaps greatly frightened and ex- cited, the rig is put on and the head checked up high and fastened. there mercilessly. The result is that if a colt of much temper and | courage, he is liable to get mad, rear up, and throw himself over: back, which frequently results in his being killed. In any event he ‘is worried and a degree that causes serious harm. An- other thing: if left on too long, he becomes tired, and to:relieve him- self he rests the head upon the bit, and thus learns the habit of lug- 5 “Eye 112 COLT TRAINING. ging and pulling upon the bit in driving, a very unplvasant as well as mean habit. He is also, from this cause, liable to learn the habits of refusing to rein but one way, or pulling on one rein, throwing the head down when pulled upon, refusing to stand, or to back. These were habits that I -had to contend with almost constantly in colts partly broken that were brought me to experiment upon. A very good and simple Bitting Rig can be made as follows: With an ordinary bridle with snaffle bit and gag-runners, fit a sim- ple surcingle with. loops. at different points on both sides with crouper attachments, as shown by Fig. 150. Next take a piece of cord about the size used for War Bridle, and place the center over the water hook, or to be held by a strap connecting it with the sad- dle part. Now pass the ends forward through the gag-runners down _ Fre. 140.—Wrong Way of Teaching Colt to Lead by Halter. through the rings of the bit on each side, thence back through the loops on each side of the surcingle, and tie into the hip-ring of the back-band, sufficiently short to give the restraint required. The higher the cord is held on each side, the greater the tendency to pull the head up and back, while the lower it is, the greater the tendency to pull the nose in; so the hight on each side should be regulated to suit the case. While by this means there is restraint upon the ‘head up and back, the sliding of the cord through the rings and gag- runners gives sufficient freedom for the head to be brought down to relieve fatigue. Other breaking rigs, and some very good ones, are in use; the only objection. to them is their expense and complication, there being in'some cases arrangements of cross-bars put upon the saddle-part to give more fulcrum in pulling the head up and back. It is evideyt that the end to be attained is to teach the mouth to be submitted freely up and back to the flexible restraint of the bit in driving.» Now, bit- TR ATRING eae MOUTH. 113 ting only holds the head to a ee position of restraint, and does not give the idea of doing this practically, which, as stated, is the point to be attained. This I learned to do easily with the Breaking Bit as follows: Put on an open bridle with smooth snaffle-bit a little longer than common if attainable, with harness which should be so fitted as to rest easily upon the body. I was in all cases in the habit of giving the head entire freedom, and I made it an important point that the horse could see me, consequently used no blinders. The reins should be brought back through the shaft or lug-bearers. Fre. 141.—When Pulled upon Nery Hard, is Liable to Rear and’ Throw himself over Backward. Get directly behind and drive the colt around slowly. When he pulls ahead, give a little raking jerk, then slack instantly, and so re- peat. Do thé same for throwing the head down and lugging, which will bring the head up and back, simply repeating until the mouth is submitted freely to moderate resistance and held in position, Sometimes the colt will fight this quite hard. If he is at all sullen, and resists hard, the Breaking Bit must be substituted. " It will re- quire a good deal of work to make your point, and at best can only | be accomplished: imperfectly with anything like an ordinary driving bit. In'such a case you are to substitute the Breaking Bit, which enables you to make your points very easily and quickly. Even 114 | COLT TRAINING. with this there will be sometimes quite a hard fight fora time. Sim- ply persevere, being careful not to lacerate or bruise the mouth. When the colt resisted too hard, I found it better to-stop until he . became cool, and then repeat, when the point could be made very easily: . ; ‘It will be noticed, in making a horse lead with the War Bridle, . that he may at first resist very hard indeed. It would seem to an Fra. 142.—Right Way of Pulling to Teach the Colt to Lead. inexperienced person that he could not be made to lead at all, but by perseverance it will be found that the horse will give up uncondi- tionally. The principle is the same in training the mouth in this” way with the bit. A horse may resist for a time with great deter- mination. Simply.keep cool, go slowly, repeating as stated, and he will soon learn to submit unconditionally. In any event, there must be perseverance until the point is made and the mouth submitted to the slightest restraint if necessary. The lesson should be repéated. in driving to wagon. The details now will be the same as for the management of the next class, which can be referred to. . SECOND CLASS. 115 ‘SECOND CLASS. Among this class there will sometimes be found a colt that may develop quite a bad character, and it is necessary to proceed cau- tiously.. First learn, if you can, what you have to deal with. Ifa ‘ colt is at all mild, and not easily approached, it is best to turn him quietly into a moderate-sized room or carriage house. There should be no stalls which he can run into, or corners to run against and hurt himself. It would perhaps alarm ‘him too much to try to catch him and put on a halter, and besides, there would be danger of his getting hurt. This difficulty can be easily overcome as fol- lows: Get a pole about ten feet long, and driye two nails into it, Fie. 148. —Simple Method of Making a Sullen Coit Follow Instantly. x about eight inches apart, the first about one inch from the end. Take a common rope halter and form a slipping-noose with the part which slips through it back about two feet, hanging the part which goes over the head on the nails of the stick, so as to be easily ad- . justed upon the head. (See Fig. 134.) If the colt is not very much - excited or frightened as the halter is extended toward him, he will each out his smell and examine it. While he is trying to _ gratify his curiosity in this way, bring the slipping part under his jaw, while the head part is passed over and back of the ears, when _ by turning the stick half round, the halter will drop upon the head. Now, by pulling upon it, the slack will be taken, out, and the halter will be upon him securely. Should you try to teach him to lead now, he may resist so hard as to become very much excited and worried. Even with the War 116 COLT TRAINING. . Bridle on it is not always policy to try it at this stage. The best course to pursue is to subject to the Second Method of Subjection. Reach out as carefully as you can until you can get hold of the tail. It must usually be done very quietly. Tie it into a knot, and run the halter through, drawing short enough to bring the body into a. half circle. Catch the cord and hair with the right hand, and with the left catch the hitching part well up toward the head, and go around with him a few times as shown in Fig. 86; then tie into a half-hitch knot, and let him go around. Be careful not to tie so short that he will go around too quickly, as this would make him so dizzy that he would fall down. As you let go, motion the hand toward the head ashe passes, or catch up a pole which is ready and motion toward the head, and touch lightly around the Fic. 144,—The Colt as he will Usually Follow after Treatment. hind parts. This to be done only when he is going slow, which will force him to go rapidly ; ; and in this way continue until he becomes so dizzy that he will submit himself to be poled around the legs and body in any manner. In most Cases this is.a very simple operation, - and entirely safe; but there are frequently cases. that require con- siderable care and judgment. For example, should a colt be of a sullen, reckless character, if he is tied too short at first and then let ,- him go his own way, he may lunge and throw himself. This can al- ways be avoided by holding the strap part of the halter when passed through the tail with the hand, and then going around a few times until he is a little dizzy, and in the meantime pull just the oe length required and make fast by tying into a half-hitch knot, when - give freedom. Should he go too fast, or there is danger of his fall- SECOND CLASS. 117 ing or throwing himself, catch the end of the strap and pull loose. This is a very nice point, and one that must not be neglected,. whereas, if tied too short at first, causing him to go too fast, it is im- portant that the strap be instantly pulled loose and tied longer. . In either case, the point is to regulate the going around just make him dizzy and no more. There is ‘nothing made by, letting the colt fail, and especial care must be taken’ to prevent his throwing himself. Now proceed with the poling. Touch every, part of the Body that is in the least sensitive while going around, until submitted to; Fre. 145. —teaaing a Colt to. Follow with the Whip ‘then untie and do the same. I mean by this that aheh he will sub- mit to being touched on any part with the pole, go to the opposite ‘side and repeat until there is no fear or resistance shown. Every part of the body must be touched. Usyally the tee can be taken up now and handled. Next get on the back. These points should be made thor- , oughly. As a general thing, this will require but a few minutes’ ef- fort, and the change will seem wonderful., All his fears and sensi- bilities apparently having left him, he acts. the. part of an entirely gentle colt: But some colts, and those too: that may appear quite gentle, may resist very hard when touched or tested in this way, striking and kicking with great fury. This is not to be. accepted as ‘a cause for discouragement. Simply force up sharply to the point 118 COLT TRAINING. of helplessness, and, if resisting this very hard, reverse quickly and tie the other way, and thus repeat until there is entire submission. It is very rare that even a colt of this character, when this treat- ment is applied properly, cannot be made perfectly gentle within from eight to twelve minutes. If the case is a bad one, after making this point, eee as fol- lows: Put on the War Bridle and make~him follow thoroughly. . There will usually be but little trouble in making the colt follow with this in a few minutes. Now take up the feet, as before explained. If this should be resisted, punish a little with Ine cord by pulling ' Fie. 146.—Colt as he will Follow after being Trained with Whip. right and left once or twice and repeat. Asa general thing there will be but little trouble experienced. Sometimes it may be found quite difficult to take up the hind feet without getting hurt. In such a case simply tie a flexible piece of rope or webbing to the hind foot, and while held at the head by an assistant, pull the foot back, This may at first be resisted quite hard, but simply keep repeating until it is submitted to unconditionally. Now gradually catch the foot with the hand, and so repeat until it can be handled without difficulty. (See Figs. 188 and 139.) The opposite foot must be treated in the same manner. If this is resisted very hard, turn to instruction on “ Bad to Shoe,” where full details are given. The next step is to drive in harness. I found I’could accom- plish:my end quicker and better by putting on a nice, smooth SECOND: CLASS. “ 119 Breaking Bit, with wide leather inside the rings to prevent its being drawn through the mouth, then pass the reins back through the -shaft of the harness, and stand behind, holding the reins far enough away to avoid being kicked or hurt. Now touch gently with the whip, and gradually let the colt go any way he will, straight ahead. When he will do this nicely; teach him to stop by calling “Whoa!” | sharply, and immediately giving a short, sharp, raking jerk, just enough to stop him, but immediately slack. Usually the horse will resist this by trying'to go ahead. Simply repeat until he will get the idea and stop prompely at command. It is important that this Fie. 147.—Bringing the Pole Against the Quarters. is repeated until thoroughly learned. Now gradually make him go sideways by pulling the line to the right or left. In any event, this must be persevered in until the colt will stop and. start, turn side- ways, or in circles, as required. Do not commit the error of trying to back him or make him back, too freely. While it is advisable to teach him this now, it must be done, very cautiously. Simply call “Back,” and pull him back just enough to bring him off the feet a little, if you can, backward. This to be repeated until he will move back by pulling gently upon the reins and saying “Back.” Let this be the object of two or ‘three short lessons, so as to get him to come back at command, but not to go back too freely for this reason: If \ 120 . COLT TRAINING. a colt is made to come back too easily, should he become frightened at anything in advance of him, and especially if pulled back suddenly, . he is liable to go back tco far, and thus learn the habit of running back, turning around, upsetting the wagon, and getting away, one of the worst habits a horse can acquire. This point,of coming back accomplished, now stand a little side- ways and. bring the pole across against the quarters, then between the legs and under the body until it is submitted to unconditionally. Next bring back against the pole or rail anything about as high as the cross-piece of shafts when in harness, as shown in Fig. 147. This submitted to unconditionally, with sufficient control of the Fie. 148.—Bringing Pole against Quarters when First Driven in Harness, mouth to hold a colt under any degree of excitement, the next step is to drive in shafts. If he becomes excited or stubborn at any point, particularly if he resists the bit hard, the better way will be to put him away until cool, when by repeating the lesson he will soon work in. At this point there is great danger of spoiling the mouth, because when the blood becomes much heated the sensibility of the mouth becomes so blunted that he will bear to have it cut to pieces without seeming to feel it; but when over the excitement it will be so sensitive and sore that he will be liable rot only to yield too freely, but, as before stated, acquire the habit of running back ; hence the necessity of being careful in this respect. The course I found easiest and best was to get two poles, something like hop’ poles, about twelve feet long, lay them down in the form of shafts ; about ‘six feet from the forward ends lay on a piece of pole and mike fast with pieces of rope or strap, so as to make the poles. at this point” SECOND CLASS. : ‘ 121 about three feet apart ; now hitch the colt into these poles without breeching, and drive along as shown in Fig. 158, repeating the les- son until he can be turned right or left, back against the cross-piece, or submit to any excitement, and can be held and managed easily. This point accomplished, you can next hitch to a wagon. ,, If available, get a two-wheeled cart, which would be much better. Before hitching to wagon or cart, be sure that all fear of any rattle or noise from behind is thoroughly overcome. Next, when the shafts are brought up behind and the colt put in, run. the cross- piece against the quarters two.or three times and push them right Fie. 149. —Method of Backing the Colt against Rail ar Pole. and left apaink the body, then suing and rattle the. wagon, then move him along a little, pulling the wagon behind. Now, attach the tugs and breeching-straps, and if you wish to give the utmost security, attach a piece of cord or strap to the near fore foot, and hold as a third line. Now, should the. colt try to lunge ahead, sim- ply take his foot, when he will become disabled. Usually there will be no resistance. It is simply a measure of precaution. Found | safe, take off and drive moderately. | Another :point: The colt should always be hitched where the road is wide and level, or in a field, giving a chance to drive around and turn easily. At first let him go any way he will, giving him a ‘ moderately slack rein. If the previous work has been well done, the colt will be as gentle and indifferent to excitement as an old horse. But if not subdued and made thoroughly gentle and fear- \ 122 COLT TRAINING. less, as before explained, there is danger, in exceptionally bad cases, of his getting frightened and kicking, ant thus a great point is lost. It is, in fact, almost fatal to success to let a colt by careless- ness or accident resist at any point, as it makes him cunning and doubtful,—a condition that sometimes requires very careful, thor- ough work to overcome. There’ should be no effort to make a drive. until the colt is ac- customed to turning, stopping, and starting, but not to backing; let that come after the going ahead and stopping is thoroughly es- Fic, 150.—Simple Form of Bitting-rig. tablished, when repeat the lesson on backing a little. At first, the driving should be confined to a walk, then gradually let out toa moderate trot, being careful not to drive to the point of exhaustion. Ifthe colt steps well, and it is desired to cultivate a fast trotting gait, there is more necessity for going slowly. First, let him out on | a smooth, moderately descending oad, holding - up often, and speaking to him kindly. Gradually. he can be let out faster and a little farther, but not to the point of breaking, nor so far at any time as to cause fatigue. If it is intended, to hitch to top carriage, drive around first with an umbrella held over the head, bringing it over the back. Next, lead him around so that he can look into the top and sinell of it, then lead him into the shafts and hitch. # THIRD CLASS. ° . 123 The custom of using* blinders on horses, especially as usually put on, in a haphazard way of pressing against and covering up the eyes, is an abomination which should be dispensed with in driv- ing. They are admissible only when the horse is lazy or cun- ning, watching the whip, etc. ° Any horse of intelligence and courage will always drive more reliably when able to see around and behind him. If it is desired to drive the colt double, it is equally neces- sary that he should be subjected to sufficient treatment, such as training the mouth a little, mak- ing him gentle to being handled ‘before ‘being hitched up. It is important that this driving should be carefully repeated, and. at each time of hitching up.that the shafts should be run against the quarters as before described, so as to make the ‘horse thoroughly accustomed to being touched around the quarters and legs. If al- lowed to stand a few days or longer, before hitching in, he should be tested’ carefully. pe ' Fre. 151.—Strained, Unnatural Position of the Head when Checked High. It is important that all these precautions be taken in. the “management of sensitive young horses. If it is well done, there will be no danger of the colt becoming frightened, kicking, and running away from any lit- tle accident such as the breech- ing strap breaking, the cross- piece touching the quarters, catching the rein wnder the tail, etc., as there is close connection in these cases with excessive fear. See chaptér on Fear. Fra. 152.—The Head as Nature Designed frees dee ae, it Should be Carried. 7 \ ; : In this class are to be found sometimes colts of the most difficult character to manage. Some-of 124 COLT TRAINING. the worst cases I ever handled in my life were colts partly or wholly unbroken. Among this class we found our greatest average of sub- jects to be experimented upon before classes. They were usually colts that had been either greatly frightened or excited to kick- -ing and running away, or were naturally so vicious and dangerous as to be very difficult to go near or handle at all with safety. If kickers, they would kick in the most reckless and desperate manner, making it impossible for even two or three men to hitch them in shafts and be able to hold them without their ki¢king or running | away. , In the management of these cases it is necessary to prepare thoroughly. A very important point is to have a roomy place, with soft or sodded ground, or ground covered with something that would make it soft and prevent slipping. The first thing to do isto get the halter on safely and with the least excitement. Next get the horse under sufficient control to be able to subject him to requi- site treatment. The Second Method is by far the simplest and safest in accomplishing this. After turning around quickly almost to the point of falling, untie quickly, and tie the other way, follow- ing up until submissive to being handled. If tthe colt be of a mus- tang character, this will be found by all odds the best treatment. In some cases this may not be sufficient to accomplish your point. If a colt three or four or more years old, and if of a disposition to be safely used, subject 'to the First Method, throwing rapidly and just as long as the horse will getup. Then perhaps it would be advisa- ble to subject again sharply. to the Second Method. This is the course we frequently pursued with great success, but then we had: the advantage of knowing the treatment best suited and applying it most successfully. - \ Next put on the War Bridle, double-draw hitch form, and make all the impression with that you can. ' If this be done properly, thy colt must be very bad indeed that will not yield to it in a short time. In very serious cases we resorted at once to the Third Method, making all the impression we could with it, and again go- ing back to the Second Method. In'some critical cases we had to depend almost wholly uponthe Third Method. But usually the - Second or First will be found sufficient, and certainly, in connection with the double-draw hitch form, there should be no real difficulty experienced in making your point. It is of course indispensable that the conditions and principlesin applying these methods of subjection-should have been read and studied carefully. Another important point to bear in mind: When THIRD CLASS. 125 the case is known to be a very serious one, prepare yourself thor- oughly. First, as stated, you must have a suitable place to work in ; second, you must have everything necessary to work with. Noth- ing should be left to chance. Your War Bridle cord must be of such, size and quality that it will not break or give way at a critical time. ‘It is a cause of the most serious embarrassment, if not of failure, to use anything that would break or give way in making your experi- ments. You must look to the point of even being dressed properly. I mean by this that you should be stripped as if working for ‘your life, because at certain points it is necessary to be very quick and ' < Fre. 153.—Testing the Colt by Driving in Poles. ready for any emergency. In my practice I made it a great point: to have a supply of apples or something else of which horses are fond, and the moment I made the subject submit unconditionally I appealed at once to his better nature by the kindest treatment, but’ in the meantime kept on handling him industriously, and thus con- tinued until the horse was cool and over the excitement, when, after resting awhile, I repeated the handling in the same manner, and then, if necessary, I in part repeated the treatment. In this way I kept on until I felt sure of success. I may repeat that it is simply a matter of exercising care and being thorough. No risks that can be avoided are to be taken. As stated under that head, the Third Method cannot be repeated with success, neither can the First. Whatever is done with these methods must be done at once. The after-treatment to be given the same as described, simply using, if anything, more care. The point with these cases is to make every 126 COLT TRAINING. step thorough, and from every point gained make the next, until the colt can be hitched up and driven with safety. In our experiments before classes we were usually able to hitch up these cases in from fifteen to. twenty-five minutes. For one who is not practiced, and I presume my reader not to be, the point is first to make the » colt thoroughly gentle, and sec- ond, making the point sufficient to driving to poles and cart after thorough control of the mouth. In the management of mus- tangs, which properly comes un- der this head, the point is to get. to the horse and make the first movement with him with safety. This will sometimes be found very difficult, but certainly there . is no treatment that works so well upon the mustang nature as the Second Method, and it must be depended upon mainly for such casés. ’ TEACHING A SULLEN COLT TO LEAD. Sometimes the colt is so sullen that it will be found very difficult a (Pi A & to at first make him lead by the Ay | \ head. The younger the colt the ow, ee : more sullen will be this resist- Mi ance. Sometimes the tempera- bt ment is such that the. colt will fight very hard. Where you find such, the best way is to resort to strategy, which will usually en- able faving your point easily. Take two War Bridles(one not being sufficiently long), unite the ends, and make a noose, which bring around the body, the.noose under, and bring the cords forward be- tween the fore legs. It should be placed about half way between the shoulders and hips. Stand in front, a little to the left, and while holding the halter with the left hand give a little sharp. Fra. 154,—Sullen, Obstinate Colt, as Sometimes Brought for Treatment. TEACHING TO LEAD. 127 “jerk upon the cords, which will contract the noose around the body,: and so hurt and frighten the colt that he will jump ahead. ‘Simply repeat a few times, when he will follow around freely. Sometimes doubling the cord and bringing ‘the two under the tail, then twisting them two or three times over the back, knotting them together in front of the breast, and pulling in the same manner, will work better. The objection is that some colts will kick when | the pressure of the cord is felt under the tail. It will in any event be found a very nice means to make a sullen, unbroken colt lead quickly. It took me a good many years to learn this simple trick. Once a colt ‘was brought in that sulked so badly that he could not be made to lead. On the impulse of the moment, I took the War Fia. 155.—Colts as Usually Made to Follow on a Run by a few Minutes’ Treatment before the Class. : Bridle, brought it under the tail, and gave a quick, sharp pull for- ward. The consequence was, he jumped nearly ten feet ahead, and, ‘in fact, I had all I could do to hold him. This worked very well until I found a colt that it caused to kick, which I remedied: by bringing the noose around the body as described. Once a man in Pennsylvania offered to join-my class’ if we could make a colt he had lead. ‘He stated that the colt was five years old, and could not be led; he would be satisfied if we could make the colt lead across the barn. I directed one of my men to go to the man’s place, to put a halter on the colt, and put on the cord under the tail, as described, and bring him along. The first the people knew he had him run- ing after him into the inclosure. We ther of course trained him by 128 COLT TRAINING. the head with the War Bridle to make him follow, which we did in a few minutes. ae TRAINING TO LEAD WITH WHIP, © Another method of. teaching a sullen colt to lead, and one that works very nicely if done properly, is by training with the whip. After putting on a halter, bring a short whip over the withers, so that the lash will strike the side of the head below the eye (see Fig.. 145), and commence tapping lightly until the head is turned around -a little from it, when stop and caress. This to be repeated until the colt will step around toward you to avoid the annoyance of the whip. Then step ahead a little and touch with the lash over the Fie. 156.—Proper Method of Hitching the Colt at First. _ hips, which will cause him to come ahead, and so continue until he will follow anywhere. This is a little feat of training, but the result that can be accomplished with it in a few. minutes will often be won- derful. During my first tour in Maine, in 1863, I advertised to make any wild colt follow me into the open street within ten minutes with the whip only, not having anything on him. I did it in this way: At first I used a belly-band and surcingle, to prevent the horse get- ting away—that is, when he tried to move I pulled the foot from under him; but he can be held just as'well with a halter, and it is much simpler. HITCHING THE COLT. This is very simple and easy to do by the method here given, but by the old method of treatment is liable to be a very serious matter. After teaching a colt to lead well and making him gentle, provide yourself with a cord sufficiently strong (largest size War Bridle is the best) ; this should be doubled, and make a noose around HITCHING THE COLT. 129 the body ; bring forward between 'the legs, pass through the rings in the manger and tie into the halter, hitching about as long as you usually would a horse to a post. Be careful to hitch in such a posi- tion that he cannot run around. In a large stall will be the best place. The moment you are ready, let the first impression be a sharp one by exciting him to go back with a lunge, but the cord around the body will hurt him so that he will usually jump and spring ahead. Simply repeat until he can be made to go back. It is important that this point be well made, so as to break up all in- clination to pull afterward. I would hitch in this manner for a day or two. . Very full instruction will be found under the head of “ Hal- ter-Pulling” on this point, which'can be referred to. 9 a: CHAPTER IV. —oor—— EXCESSIVE FEAR—ITS EFFECTS. T is quite wonderful to what a degree the nervous system can be shaken or deranged by sudden fright or intense fear. So sus- ceptible is the mind to this influence that not infrequently very trifling causes in themselves make such an impression upon children + \ « 1 Fig. 157.—The Colt Excited by. Fear. and sensitive persons as to produce convulsions and insanity that may in some cases end in death. Even large audiences are some- times so .panic-stricken by the cry of fire, or some other cause of danger, as to seem inseénsible to reason. Under such circumstances, many. men and women become so demented that they are most ‘likely to do just what they should not. For example, they will try to save things of no value, and leave valuable property to be de- stroyed, throw mirrors and other. fragile articles from upper story windows, without realizing they must be broken ; be unable to dress, er will get on garments the wrong way, ete (180) | GENERAL REMARKS. 131 Now the horse is liable to be excited and deranged in the same manner. It is well understood how difficult it is to get horses out of a burning building ; and if by blindfolding, etc., they are taken out, when given freedom their confusion and excitement is so intense that they are apt to rush back into the fire. On the sudden ap- proach of a train, or blowing of the whistle, a horse in crossing the track is liable to become so paralyzed that it cannot be forced across \ Fre. 158. Fra. 159. Fra. 160. Fie. 161. Contrasts of Character. in time to prevent a collision. It is not uncommon to have a horse frightened to death i in this way.. To illustrate, IT will include an account of a few such cases that comprise the record of a few days only ! — “In Rochester, N. ¥., the other day, a horse was so frightened s an engine letting off steam, that it trembled, and in a moment fell dead from fright.” “At White Plains, ‘N. ¥%, a horse was so frightened by .a locomotive whistle that he dropped dead.” “Two very remarkable cases of horses being frightened to death oceurred in Fairmount Park, Phil., within the past ‘few days. Last Thursday the horse of P. Wallace, of Seventeenth ahd Catherine streets, became unmanageable, through fright ata train pf cars on Mifflin Lane. The occupants of the carriage alighted, and Mr. Wallace undertook to drive the horse off to quiet it, when it dropped dead. “ During Monday the horse of Mr. Zeiss, Ridge Avenue and Jefferson Street, ran away from fright at a passing steamboat. Guard Ledlie caught the animal, when Mr. Zeiss said he could then manage the horse, and started off. The horse went off all right for about 60 yards, when he again ran away and went 15 or 20 feet, when he dropped dead.” Colts or unbroken horses are especially susceptible to fear. Al- , most every step in their management, as shown in Colt Training, lies in overcoming resistance excited by fear. It is the principal cause of kicking and running away, as well as many other annoying or dangerous habits, which make the horse ‘partially or wholly worthless for use. A colt that once had the habit of feeding around and poaching in neighboring yards, was so gentle and indifferent to fear that he could scarcely be driven away. In order to frighten him off, an old 182 FEAR—ITS EFFECTS. tin pail was tied to his tail and a dog set on him. At first he cared nothing about it, but when he started to run, the pail rattled and thumped against his heels so. severely that he became frightened, and kicked. The faster he ran, the more the pail rattled and thumped against his legs, and he ran until he was exhausted. As the result, his nervous system was so shaken and injured that after- ward the stirring of the grass, or drawing of a stick on the ground behind him, would so excite him that he would scringe, switch, and kick. The effect is the same upon a colt or horse which by some ac- cident or imprudence has been excited to kick and run away while Fra. 162.—Excited by Fear. hitched to a wagon. The striking of the wagon against thé legs in kicking, makes him think it is the wagon hitting and hurting him; and he tries in the most desperate manner to get away or free him- self from it; so the fear, kicking, and running are increased until freed from the wagon, disabled, or caught. Thus the wagon be- comes the same in respect to frightening and exciting-the horse and spoiling him, that the tin pail was in frightening the colt. The same effect, of exciting and frightening the horse as by sudden or unex- pected contact with objects or sounds, are produced in various ways. Now, as these difficulties are entirely preventable by proper treat-/ ment, the importance of understanding and applying it can be ap- . preciated. A horse’s way of reasoning is limited to his experience in see- ing, hearing, and feeling. When convinced in this way that an ob- GENERAL REMARKS. 188 ject or sound will not hurt him, no matter how objectionable or re- pugnant it may -have previously seemed in appearance, it will be regarded with indifference. It is remarkable also what a degree of insensibility to fear, or how much confidence can be inspired when subjected to proper treatment. Forinstance: Let a pole be brought suddenly or unexpectedly against the quarters of a wild colt, and he ' will instantly jump, snort, and kick, showing the greatest fear of it. . If this be repeated for a. few times, the fear, kicking, and effort to get away will be greatly increased. If, on the contrary, the pole | were slowly and gently brought to the nose, so that he can smell of it, then passed over the mane and back, gently rubbing the parts, and gradually extending it over the hips and across the, quarters lightly, increasing the force of the contact as he will bear, at the same time attracting his attention and quieting his fear by stroking the head, talking to him, or giving apples, etc., a few 'repetitions, re- quiring in all perhaps not more than ten or fifteen minutes, will make the colt entirely fearless and indifferent to being touched. I was once present when a team of four horses was harnessed for the first time to a barid wagon. With the first note, the horses were excited to such interise fear that it was only by the greatest effort they were kept from running away, though the band stopped playing instantly, I directed the men to get out and go back about fifteen rods. In the meantime, I took ‘the ‘most excitable horse by. the bridle, stroked his nose, talked to him quietly, and directed the others to be treated in like manner. They were greatly excited ;, the one I held fairly shook with fear. After a few minutes, I directed the band to commence very lightly upon one or two instruments at first, the others afterward to gradually start in. This slight com- -meficement was repeated several times before the horses would bear it without showing great excitement. I then directed them to play louder, and increase the tone gradually until up to the full force of all the instruments and drums. This point made, while playing they came forward very slowly, got in and commenced again in the light- est possible manner, gradually increasing the sound until they played again with full force. I now directed the band to keep quiet while the team was driven a short distance, then, as before, com- mence lightly and slowly, gradually playing louder until the horses appeared indifferent-‘to the sound. The result was that in less than twenty minutes the band paraded the streets, playing as they pleased, the horses entirely gentle, in fact, appearing to enjoy the music. Here we see such marked excitement and fear shown from hearing a sudden, unexpected sound, as to precipitate the most 184 . FRAR—ITS EFFECTS. violent resistance, and the contiary of soon quieting down and be- coming indifferent to it, by convincing the reason that it would not cause injury. As the resistance of colts‘is almost wholly excited by fear, I had necessarily to give a very full explanation of their man- agement in reference to preventing and overcoming excessive fear, which should be referred to; but their management is so intimately connected with this chapter that I will, at the expense of some rep- etition, give further details. Suppose we wish to accustom a colt to the sight of a piece of paper or a white handker- chief. It is first brought to his nose so that he is able to feel of it, and see it plainly, then rubbed against the head and neck until it ceases to attract attention. If now the operator were to step behind or opposite the flanks, and throw it suddenly behind or under the belly, it would be very likely to excite as much fear and resistance as if he Fie. 163.—Nervous, Excitable Nature. had not before seen or felt it. The difference of position makes it appear a new object of danger to be avoided. Familiarized with it at the head, it should be thrown down carelessly in front, then a little farther back, occasionally rubbing it against the head and nose, and so repeating until it can be thrown anywhere around or under the body ; ; this must also be done on both sides of the body alike. A spirited horse that may have been driven for years to a wagon, gentle, would be just as likely to kick and run away should the breeching break and let the cross-piece or whiffletree come against the quarters, as if he had previously known nothing about them. And so in relation to other objects or causes of resistance. This is particularly noticeable in breaking colts, as shown by the fact that making one side or leg gentle will not make other parts so ; both sides must be treated alike. It is on account of these condi- tions not being understood (the details of which are given in Colt Training, Kicking, etc.). that so mary accidents occur from the use of horses supposed to be gentle and safe They are gentle so far as they have been broken or accustomed to certain objects or ‘sounds ; RATTLE OF WAGON. . 135 but when subjected to changes, the impulse of kicking, running away, etc., is as liable to occur as if they were entirely unbroken. Hence we say that the great majority of such accidents are the di- Fie. 164. Fria. 165, Fia. 166. , Contrasts of Character. ’ sect result of-ignorance and bad treatment. For details, see preced-- ing chapter on Colt Training. , FEAR OF RATTLE OF WAGON. If the horse is afraid of the rattle of a wagon, restrain or.over- “ ‘ come his resistance as may be necessary by one or more methods of . subjection. Next, accustom the horse to being touched on the. quarters, etc., with a pole. Put on the harness with Patent Bridle or Breaking Bit, to insure holding him easily, bring him in front of the shafts, and have some one rattle the wagon until the horse is regardless of it. Now carefully put him between the shafts, and let Fie. 167. Fie. 168. _ Fra. 169. Contrasts of Character. the wheels and bedy of the wagon be shaken again; then drop. the shafts upon the ground and repeat. Should the horse at any time try to run ahead, pull him back sharply until he will stand quietly without resistance. .Now hitch him up and drive’ moder- ately at first, making a noise by a stick running across the spokes, etc. Gradually let him out to a trot and run, compelling him to Foy 136 FEAR—ITS EFFECTS. ‘ a stop occasionally at the command to “Whoa.” In the meantime, as there is submission, treat kindly. This will not usually be found a difficult habit to overcome: In making experiments before classes on this kind of cases, which were very common, it rarely re- ‘quired more than fifteen or twenty minutes to hitch jup and drive such safely, even without breeching. — JUMPING OUT OF THE SHAFTS. _ To make a colt entirely safe and reliable in shafts, he should be thoroughly accustomed to objects striking against his quarters or legs. It is not sufficient that he is accustomed to being touched around the tail, or even flanks; for though brought to submit to Fie. 170 Fre. 171. Fra. 172. Contrasts of Character. this, there will be no assurance of his being gentle should the shafts Strike lower down on his quarters or legs. In my practice I always made it a point, even after the colt was proved gentle, standing be- tween the shafts, to pull them against the legs both ways, letting them drop down sharply.on the ground, until he is entirely indiffer- . ént to their noise or contact. When a horse is not properly trained to this, if the breeching is not unbuckled when he is unhitched, there is danger of his becoming frightened from the breeching pulling the shafts sideways against the legs, and bringing its pressure upon an- other part. Under such circumstances a horse, if at all sensitive, is apt to become very much frightened, kick, and jump around until ‘loose, and is ever afterward, the moment unhitched, ready to jump out of the shafts. The habit, as a rule, is easy to overcome. Simply accustom the quarters to be touched, and treat practically. as before explained. Top CARRIAGE. A little care in preventing excessive fear will save a great deal of trouble. In no respect is this more strongly illustrated than in the fear of a top carriage. Because a horse drives gentle to an TOP CARRIAGE. 18% open carriage, it is taken for granted he must know enough to drive to one with a top, and hence the trouble. The horse should first be driven around moderately, the driver “carrying over his head an open umbrella, which appears to the horse like the top-of a carriage. It should be shaken around and over the horse’s body gently until. it does not attract his attention in the least. Now lead the horse’ to the carriage, and let him feel and smell of the top, and while do- ing so, raise and lower it. Then lead him around the carriage, shaking and rattling the top at intervals. Next lead him into the shafts so as to bring the head over the dash. If sensitive, caress Fia. 173.—Simple Treatment—Bringing the Pole over the Back and Quarters until no Fear of it is Shown. and talk to him, and reward as before. Turn the horse around in the shafts, lowering and raising the top until it can be brought up and thrown back without attracting his notice. While the top is up, put the shafts through the lugs so as to bring the horse into po- sition, attach the harness, and start him on a walk or moderate trot, repeating the raising and lowering of the top until it is disregarded, when he can be driven right along. If an extreme case, it will be necessary to first compel sub- mission by subjective treatment, and getting thorough control of the mouth with the Breaking Bit or Patent Bridle. There must be 138 FEAR—ITS EFFECTS. 4 no half-way: work. Make every step sure, and go slowly until the horse can be put in shafts as before explained, and driven without showing fear. This work must in all cases be done out of doors. It may also be necessary to repeat the lesson once or twice, so far as leading around, feeling and smelling of the carriage, are concerned. It is only a matter of a little work and care in this way to make al- most any horse entirely gentle and fearless, OBJECTS. EXCITING FEAR WHILE RIDING OR DRIVING. In overcoming the horse’s fear of objects while riding or driv- ing, very much depends upon the treatment. If but partially bro- ' ken, and sensitive, it will help very much to put him through a course of subjection. -Sometimes, horses so exceedingly sensitive that they can hardly be driven with any degree of safety, after being treated are entirely fearless in driving. This is seen in the effect Fra, 174, Fie. 175. Fia. 176 Contrasts of Character.- produced by the treatment upon the wild colt. The subjection of “Wild Pete,” referred to at the conclusion of this chapter, is a good illustration of the remarkable effect of this treatment. If the horse: drives gentle, but is afraid of some special object, such as a white stone, stump, sheep, etc., take all the precaution _ possible against his Seeing such things suddenly and unexpectedly. As soon as his alarm is-excited, if at all violent, the best way is to stop him, speak encouragingly, and hold him quiet until his alarm subsides, then let him go on, quieting him until the object is reached or passed by. . Many horses that may appear perfectly gentle, and perhaps used for family driving with entire safety, are consequently sup- posed safe under any circumstances. No mistake can be greater. A horse may be all right, but suppose a threshing-machine or a threshing-machine engine were suddenly met: these are entirely new, and may suddenly frighten the horse. Do not undertake to drive against such objects; you had better turn around and drive x A ROBE. 139 the other way, or lead quietly as you can, ordering the engine to be stopped if necessary. These precautions should be taken ‘with any peculiar object when met; if not, your horse is liable to become so reckless as to resist control and: be spoiled. You cannot afford to take the risk, and no man who has any ereare for his family should undertake it. Many horses comparatively safe are liable to be frightened by suddenly meeting a drove of sheep, load of hay, white cow, sprink- ling wagon, etc. For safety, it is better for a few times to get out and take the horse by the head and hold or lead him in part. Par- ticular care should be taken not to expose him to the sudden meet- ing of a brass band and drums or anything of the kind. Ifhe isa crazy-headed fellow that seems all right until he sees something and then loses his senses, lunging into the fence, or turning around quickly, there is so much danger of being upset that unless there is certainty of making him thoroughly safe, he should be con- demned for such use. If he will keep well up to the bit, there: should be no trouble in preventing his going sme rot by either the Breaking Bit or Patent Bridle. The Bit gives power in but two wava=dileways and ahead ; so if the horse will not go. against it and runs back when suddenly frightened, or turns around quickly, there is practically but very lit-" tle power to prevent it, except what can be done with the whip and speaking sharply. Hence the great danger and imprudence of v us- ing such horses for single carriage driving. A ROBE. The sight of a buffalo robe will sometimes excite great fear in a horse. In ordinary cases the fear of it'‘can be easily overcome as follows: While holding the horse by a halter or War Bridle, which would be better, stand on the off side of the head, and bring the robe up to the right side, so that he can see and smell of it. If this ’ is borne, with a quick jerk-like movement swing it over the head, covering it completely, and go around with him, keeping on either side of the -head -until he will stop and stand quietly. The first movement determines the success or failure of the experiment. . ~The point is to get it over the head so quickly that the horse can- not see the movement, when the terror of it will almost immediately subside. Then draw it backward and forward, finally pulling it off and throwing it on, and so repeat until it can be thrown over the ‘body or around the horse in any manner. If there is failure by this method, which is domething ofa 140 FREAR—ITS EFFECTS. sleight, take the following course: First,.get good control with the War Bridle. Next, while holding the horse firmly with one hand, with the other bring the robe gently to his nose, letting him smell and feel of it, when, gradually, as he will bear, bring it up over the ‘head, neck, and body; then stand off a little way, and throw it. upon him, and repeat until it can be thrown upon him at a distance of eight or ten feet without exciting fear. Both sides must be treated alike. ' No matter what is done, the treatment must always commence at the nose and head, and gradually work back, as before explained. Fie. 178.—Letting Colt Feel and Smell of Umbrella. To overcome all fear of the robe, it may be necessary to repeat the lesson several times. Ifthe robe cannot be brought near the horse with safety by the control of the War Bridle, the resistance must be overcome by First or Second Methods of Subjection. The Break- ing Rig, if available, would be still simpler and better. Occa- sionally there may be found cases in which the intensest fear may be ‘shown, for which the treatment should be made exceptionally careful and thorough. When treated by Second Method, the horse may strike and kick so recklessly as the brought near, it may be necessary UMBRELLA OR PARASOL. 141 to hang it upon the end of a pole to bring it near the head with safety. It will aid greatly to give the horse ‘apples, etc., after sub- mitting. UMBRELLA OR PARASOL. For an ordinary case of a horse being afraid of an umbrella or parasol, bring one, while closed, gently to the nose, passing it back ever the head and neck; then open it a little and repeat until it can be fully spread and brought over and around the body gener- ally.. Now go off some distance and again approach slowly, and Fie. 179.—Bringing Umbrella over the Head. hold it over the head. If at any point there is much fear evinced, close it and let the horse see and smell of i it, when again repeat the .experiment ; so continue until the horse can be approached i in’ any manner while swinging the umbrella over the head, without attract- ing notice. No matter how well the horse behaves, the umbrella should not at any time be forced upon him so quickly or unex- pectedly as to excite him. To do so would endanger undoing the good impression previously made. The lesson should be repeated | as for other objects. | SoUND OF A GUN. If the horse is afraid of the sound of a gun, first snap caps some distance from him, gradually going nearer and repeating until it can ae \ 142 FREAR—ITS EFFECTS. be done over the body, neck, and head, occasionally patting and rubbing the head and neck with the hand; then repeat, putting in small charges of powder and coming nearer, and so continue until a full charge can be fired over or near the horse, as desired. ae Hocs.anp Docs. . ome ‘Sometimes a dog or hog by running under a colt will excite in- ‘tense fear. If very bad, get good control by subjecting to First and Second Methods, and drive around in harness in a small yard where there are hogs, until they. will not attract attention. Next, hitch to a wagon, ahd repeat the driving slowly. These cases usually re- quire several repetitions of treatment. RAILROAD CARS. When a horse has been frightened by’ a locomotive or train of cars, it is sometimes a very difficult matter to overcome the fear, mainly on account of the inability to control the movement of the cars. ' The simplest | and best course for all average cases ’ will be about as follows :— Drive the horse around in harness, so far’ away from the engine as not to excite much fear, and gradually drive back and forth in long circles, and closer, stopping occasionally to give a piece of apple, or something, talking and rubbing the head and neck awhile. Sometimes ssahila: a: Welod Horiaveny Kishor; it may be advisable to use the War after being Subdued. Bridle ; but, as a general thing, it would be better to teach him confidence by driving azound near the train. This should be repeated until he can be driven around, and quite close, without offering resistance. Now drive around to a wagon or sulky ; if to a wagon, get one that will allow turning short circles without upsetting. To work surely, it is necessary to work slowly. Of course it will be necessary to have absolute control over the mouth. In this way a horse can be driven with comparative safety near or about moving or stationary. trains. Anything like complicated rigging for the control of such horses will be found comparatively. worthless. If the horse cannot be driven with safety after the treatment given, the risk is too great; hie had better be discarded for driving near the cars. Fie. 180.—The Press Horse of Go- : _ INSANITY, 143 It may be asked, how I have been able to make horses so fear- less of the cars that they can be led up to an engine or driven near, with indifference. The course I have usually pursued is as follows: First get the horse under good control by a course of subjection, usually by the First or Second Methods, or both; then make ar- rangements with the engineer to let off steam plentifully, and rush the horse, with the harness on, into it until completely covered, when he will soon cease to care anything about the noise, etc. If this cannot be done, drive him around, gradually going nearer the engine until indifferent to it. ‘Much depends, in the first place, upon getting the horse under good control; second, in the management while in the neighborhood of the engine. A good way, some-. times, is to blindfold the horse and’ drive near the train until quiet, then let him see out of one eye, gradually moving him around, and let him see out of both eyes. Very much can be done in this way. The horseshould be hitched to a wagon and driven at ‘every available opportun-. Fia. 181.—Wild Pete. ity about or near the cars, _ There is one point to which I would call particular attention : The horse may appear perfectly gentle after being treated, but when the position is changed, as when taken from a building into the street, or from the street into a building, or if allowed to stand for some time, he will upon trial seem to be as much afraid as ever, but upon repetition of treatment it will require only a very few | minutes to make him as fearless as before. INSANITY. It is not uncommon to find horses intensely afraid of some par- ticular object, as blood, or the sound of the cars, etc., while per- fectly indifferent to other objects or sounds. ‘The causes we cannot always trace, though we can see the effects. In all ordinary cases, there is but little difficulty in overcoming such fear by proper treat- ment, but it is possible. to find cases so extreme as to render: it 144 FEAR—ITS EFFECTS. difficult, if not impossible, to make them reasonably safe. Tam satis- fied that many of the extreme cases of this character which I have treated, have been the effect of prenatal causes. But the nervous system can be so impressed by direct causes of fear and injury, as stated, as to destroy life or produce insanity. One of the worst horses I ever handled was a small bay, in Ver-: mont, that was perfectly gentle, except being afraid of the shafts touching one quarter. This was caused by the shaft having run into his quarter. Ordinary cases of this kind yield to treatment in a few moments. Some nervous systems are susceptible to very in- tense impressions when once excited, and there will be correspond- Fre. 182.—Wild Pete in the Act of Running Away. ing difficulty in overcoming them. ‘Therefore success must be determined as much by the intensity of the habit as by the treat- ment. The success of the treatment will depend upon the direct- ness with which the brain can be influenced ; but success in getting up a reaction and changing the character as desired, must be equally the result of the amount of resistance, viciousness, or de- rangement of the nervous system. These are points which should be studied, since frequently even a minor habit, or apparently trifling form of resistance, may cause a great deal of trouble to be overcome, because of the intensely susceptible as well as positive character of the case. I will include here reference to a very interesting case of this kind of nervous susceptibility, from a number in my special work, to'show the decided effect of proper treatment. ‘This was a nine-year-old bay pony, owned by Mr. Smawley,-a livery keeper in Petroleum Centre, Pa. This pony was so wild and ILLUSTRATIVE: CASES. - 145 reckless that he was in that region of country known by the name of Wild Pete. Every effort to break him had failed. It usually re- quired two men to hold him while being groomed. He could be rid- den, but it was utterly impossible to do anything with him in harness. Once when a harness was put on him, he became so frightened and reckless that he jumped and got away, and when found, all the har- ness excepting the collar had been torn or shaken off. His fear was so great that he was frightfully wicked in his resistance. When I visited ‘the place in 1869, I was confronted with this horse. All said, “ Let us see you drive Wild Pete,” regarding jt asa good joke that they had a horse that could “beat the horse-tamer.” ‘Fra. 183.—Pole Rig. Upon examination, I found him a small, closely-knit fellow, possessing great action and power of endurance. His forehead was broad, and the head in all respects well formed. To test him, I put _on the War Bridle, tied up his near fore foot, and while holding him, with the lash of a straight buggy wHip barely touched his quarters. This. frightened. him so intensely that he sprang over six feet into the air, kicked violently, pulled. away” ‘from me and al- _ though on three legs, repeated this jumping ‘and kicking for over half a mile. I stated to the people that I could not break such a horse in a barn,’ but would form a class, and’ on the following day I would drive him before them without, breeching, entirely gentle and fear- less, and that the money for the instructions might be deposited i in 10 a 3 . 146 FEAR—ITS EFFECTS. the bank, to be delivered to me on fulfillment ofthis condition. As , this was one of the most interesting and marked cases I had found in all my experience, and as it represents a large class of nervous, unmanageable colts, I will include the full details of the treatment used :—— . I first arranged with the owner to have him taken to the Titus- ville trotting park, eight miles distant, and there I subjected him carefully to.Second Method, which was exactly adapted to his tem- perament. I touched his quarters very lightly at first, which he re- sisted by kicking, snorting, and jumping in the most desperate man- ner. But I persisted in the effort, repeatedly reversing both ways Fic. 184.—Wild Pete, as he Appeared Next Day after being Subdued. until he was compelled to submit to it, but not sufficiently to hold gentle. This so toned him down that I was then able'to subject him without difficulty to First Method, which, as he resisted with great courage, was consequently very effective in his case, but not by any means sufficient to make him submit to be harnessed or put in shafts. I subjected him again to Second Method, and now suc- ceeded in making him entirely gentle to submit to having: a pole prought against his flanks, etc. The next step was to drive him, which I knew I could not safely do. To accomplish this, I improvised the pole rig for shafts, re- ferred to in chapter on Colt Training. As soon as he found himself between the poles and was allowed to move, he seemed for a few moments to exert all the energy of despair in trying to get away. ‘But expecting this, I was prepared to meet it and hold him, though his resistance at this stage was very determined. . 1 ‘ ILLUSTRATIVE CASES. 147 This simple rig, though a chance outgrowth of incidental neces- sity, proved not only just the thing for the emergency, but a valua- ble acquisition for the management of colts and horses generally of this character. Turning right or left, the poles come against the legs ; in backing, the ends stick into the ground, bringing the cross- piece firmly against the quarters. There is no danger of their breaking, and by their use the quarters can be accustomed to being touched or run against by the shafts in driving. Submitting to this he was practically broken, and at once harnessed before a wagon ‘with breeching straps loose, and driven back to the American House, much of the way with the cross-piece striking the quar- ters, proving him perfectly gentle. That evening I drove him to Pe- troleum Centre, and the next day, as promised, exhibited him in harness, proving him a model of docility. An incident peculiar to this case is here worthy of mention: Upon visiting this place about three, years afterward, Mr. ‘Smawley informed me that the horse had been used’ asa family carriage horse and was one of the safést in that part of the country, but that _ it was impossible to shoe him with the halter on, while with the bri- dle on he was perfectly gentle to have his feet handled. While treating him, had I taken up his feet after the harness was’ removed, and accustomed them to being handled and pounded upon for a few. moments, he would have been just as gentle while being shod with the halter on as with the bridle. As it was, he could associate sub- mission only in the manner the treatment was used, and this car- ried it no farther than driving with the control of the bit, hence the docility to allow the feet to be handled while it was on. CHAPTER. V. ie KICKING. ICKING is the most common as well as most dangerous habit kK we have to deal with. It not only destroys the value of the horse most seriously, but makes his use, when it is possible to use him, so unreliable and unsafe as to be a constant menace of dan- ger and loss. The greatest average of test subjects brought me to experiment upon before classes were in nearly.all cases kickers rang- Fic. 185.—The Effect of Bad Treatment. ing over the unbroken colt that kicked when touched, the colt that would kick and run away, the one that could not be harnessed or. hitched with safety, determined runaway kickers, and especially ‘horses that kicked when approached, or from mere habit. We often had horses brought us that had been experimented upon so much as to make them so thoroughly vicious and dangerous in their resist- ance as to be practically worthless. A great many interesting cases illustrating this could be referred to did space permit; but to show ' the value of the treatment here given when properly applied, I will refer only to a few Gaaee as an aid to the reader in making experi- ments. — First. A five-year-old stallion, owned in Northern Indiana, that had resisted all treatment. This horse was naturally very gentle, but had been frightened in ne and could not be put in the (148) GENERAL REMARKS. 149 shafts. He was driven entirely gentle in twelve minutes before the ' class. . Second. An eight-year-old trotting-horse in Cleveland,O. This case would kick and run away in spite of all that could be done. The utmost effort made to break him had. failed. The disbelief in my efforts was so great, that, for a test case, I was compelled to buy him at a large price, and was entirely successful in bringing him under the most, perfect control in about forty. minutes; and to the surprise of everybody he was driven next day on the square per- fectly docile, without bridle reins, or breeching. Fie. 186.—Treatment that only Confirms the Habit. Third. In Mansfield, O.,;a thoroughbred trotting-mare, seven years old, had kicked from the time she was three years old, and, in. defiance of the utmost effort, became entirely unmanageable. This was a severe test case, no one believing that she could be broken. She was controlled with entire success and driven in the street within an hour, and proved afterward one of the gentlest and finest driving mares in the country. Fourth. A. seven-year-old horse in Putney, Vt. This was a pony horse: of remarkable courage and pluck, would run away re- gardless of all that could be done, and was one of the most desperate kickers I ever saw. Upon a test, he pulled six men by the bit, three men to a rein, across the floor, and this with the Breaking Bit in. his mouth. He was brought under perfect control in about three quar- ters of an hour, and proved afterward as gentle and manageable as any family horse could be. Fifth. The Hetrick horse, of New York, a large Wéstern sorrel — horse, was sold for $275 on condition that he could be. driven. He had been hitched to a cart both wheels of which were blocked, and oa 150 Fias. 187—192.—Contrasts of Character. KICKING. though held by three men, he ran away, tore the cart to pieces, and proved ut- terly unmanageable. This horse’ was. bought for $50, and brought to me to ex- periment upon as atest case. He was brought under such complete control in less than an hour after I was able to get my hands upon him (which was a diffi- cult matter to do with safety), that he could be driven anywhere without breeching by the control of an ordinary bit only. Sixth. A. four-year-old gale: in Ra- venna, O., of so exceptionally wild and dangerous character that he could only be brought in between two long ropes. It certainly seemed impossible to hitclr this colt in harness, because if touched on any part of the body it would be im. possible to hold him, and yet, without any serious difficulty, he was driven en~ , _ tirely gentle in thirty, minutes without -breeching. Seventh. A four-year-old colt of trot ting blood, in Lancaster, N. H. Thia was one of the most nervous, impulsiv- kickers in that country. This horse was sent over forty miles to one of the bes* horse-breakers in that country to break, who, after working with him two weeks, gave him up as hopeless, but was driven entirely gentle without the least excite- ment or danger within forty minutes. : Eighth. A runaway kicker in Brook- ville, Pa. This horse had not been in ~ harness for two years, and was regarded as entirely unmanageable. After thirty minutes, he was driven down hill without breeching by a little boy. | , Ninth. A seven-year-old horse in Nor- walk, O., had not been in harness for over a year, and was regarded as hopelessly unmanageable. Two horse-breakers who GENERAL REMARKS. 151 visited that country, worked upon this horse for two weeks, result- ing in seriously injuring the horse, and leaving him worse than he was before. This case was entirely controlled in less than fifty minutes’ treatment, and was driven next day eight or ten rods distant in the street without breeching, by word of command only. ‘Fie. 198 Fra. 194, Fie. 195. Contrasts of Character. These apparently remarkable results were accomplished by one or more of the methods of subjection, with the Breaking Bit de- scribed in the second chapter. These, with a great many other in- teresting cases, are referred to in detail in my regular book on the ‘horse. We had cases of this character, brought to us almost daily to be experimented upon, and it was very exceptional cases that we could not hitch up and drive within fifteen to twenty or thirty min- utes. Occasionally we would find cases that we could not control ~ Fie. 196. Fre. 197. "Fie, 198. Contrasts of Character. in one or even .two lessons, but it was seldom we .experienced any real difficulty in doing so by careful repetition of the treatment, the : main point being to apply the treatment’carefully and properly. I think it advisable to call attention, first, to the common causes of kicking. In Colt-Training and Fear special attention is called to the fact that making one part of the body gentle gives no 152 KICKING. assurance of making other parts so; or accustoming a colt ta an ob- ject such as a piece of white paper, blanket, or other ordinary causes of exciting fear,, making him gentle to having it brought near or placed upon one part of the body, is no guarantee, ofhis being fearless ofit when brought to other parts; that making one Fria. 199. Ideals of Suilen, Treacherous Natures: Fie. 200. part gentle in handling will not make another so. Thus, for ex- ample, we bring a handkerchief to the nose, and it is soon submitted to. Now, if it be suddenly thrown under the belly, or over the back, and especially if thrown from behind, it will be found to excite as much fear as if the horse had.not before seen or felt it. So in accus- toming the body to being handled. Making the fore legs gentle to be handled is no assurance of the hind legs being so. _ In making ' Fre. 201. Ideal Expressions of Determined, Fighting Kickers. experiments, I frequently illustrated this very clearly by making one of the hind legs or quarters gentle to being handled or taken up, yet showing that the opposite leg would be resisted as much as , GENERAL REMARKS. \ 153 ifthe other parts had not been touched, This is particularly the - case in relation to the hind quarters.. Now, when a colt or horse is broken as ordinarily done, and goes off all right when put. in harness, it is taken for granted that he is as gentle and safe as can be expected. He has not been subjected to any treatment that would assure his docility when touched from behind ; consequently, if, by carelessness or accident, the rein is caught under the tail, or the _ breeching strap breaks, or there is some other cause of derangement that lets the cross-piece or whiffletree come suddenly against the quarters, these parts being practically unbroken or not accustomed to such contact, the horse is. li- able to be so frightened and ex- cited as to kick, and once started Pie. 203. , Fie. 204. Points Showing the Expression of Confirmed Kickers. _ In the habit, there is increased inclination to do so until confirmed i in it. Now, all this can be prevented without the least difficulty by: fifteen or twenty minutes’ proper treatment, as explained in the chapters referred to (Colt-Training » and Fear),. requiring only, , excepting in very serious cases, the very simplest treatment, and even when the case is very dangerous or vicious, the treatment is not at all difficult, so that in point of fact nearly. every case of this character, no matter how vicious the colt in the light of our. present knowledge and experience, may justly be accepted as invariably the result of ignorance and bad treatment. In the first chapter I have explained that the principle of teaching the horse to do any- thing is exactly the same as in overcoming a habit, the only differ- ence being that it is reversed, so that the key to success is in being able to combat the habit directly and thus overcoming all inclina- tion to resist. If it is a matter simply of overcoming fear, as in the 154 KICKING. case of a green colt, the first thing to do is to accustom all parts of the body to be touched and handled until there is no fear or resist- ance. It will be noticed that a nervous colt may at first resist very violently, but in a short time, if properly done, all this fear will seem to cease, and there will be perfect submission to being handled as desired. . If it isa matter of teaching a colt to kick, the point first is to get him started in the act, gradually. repeating and encouraging for doing so, when by its repetition the horse will be taught to kick as Fra. 205. A Good Expression of the Sullen Kicker. Fie. 206. a trick or habit. Now, when the habit is formed, and we wish to break it up, the point is, if the colt has been excited by fear, to over- come that cause of fear, which is not at all difficult.. Next, when learned ‘as a habit, no matter how vicious or persistent it is, the point is to combat it most directly until it can be overcome, when the better nature is to be brought into co-operation, and thus even the most reckless case can be easily broken of the habit. Now, in the cases referred to in the commencement of this chapter, this is just what I did by the advantages of the treatment here described. In the case of a simple colt, or one that has been spoiled in breaking, no matter how wild or reckless, if overcome. the resist- ance by simple good management, I simply subjected to either or all the methods of restraint or control described, until the habit was given up, when all that was necessary to do was to treat the case gently, at the same time accustoming the horse to being handled until all inclination to repeat the resistance was entirely overcome. ‘ ” DETAILS. 155 DETAILS. For convenience we will divide kickers into three classes: Furst, colts that have been spoiled in their breaking ; ; second, ‘vicious, kick- ing, runaway horses ; ‘¢hird, those that are simply kickers, otherwise gentle, but thoroughly confirmed in the habit. Among these might be included a great many modifications, but as the treatment is very much the same, and in a great measure depends upon the use of the Fig. 207.—Showing the Impulsive, Dangerous Character of Bad Kickers when first Brought for Treatment. means of control described, it would oy confuse to try to give minute details. FIRST Chass. These will usually be found very simple and easy to manage... I would advise first to study your case carefully, if not quite sure of the character of the resistance and disposition. I mean by this, whether’ the horse will show very much resistance at first or after being roused, which will usually be found the worst cases. The colt that is simply nervous and kicks a little can be controlled very easily by the use of the War Bridle, double-draw hitch ‘form, by putting it on and making the -horse cel your. power a little, then accustom 156 KICKING. if the hind parts to being touched with a pole, as,explained in Colt Training. If this is resisted, simply punish with the cord until the poling will be submitted to unconditionally, I will presume that there is not a Breaking Bit available, and only the ordinary resources of the stable at hand. In such a case, put on next a well-fitting harness with an ordinary bit. The longer the snaffle bit, the more power and effectiveness. Treat precisely as advised for the colt} by poling behind and backing up against the rail, so as to come against the quarters where the cross-piece of shafts will strike. This thoroughly submitted to, drive around, at the same time poling industriously until there is no fear of it. Then hitch to poles as directed in that chapter, and make the point thor- SSS —_I Fia. 208.—As some very Bad Kickers will Act when Touched. ough of accustoming. fie quarters to being. touched or being pressed against, without resistance. If there is much fear of the wagon, ‘and the case is at all doubt- ful, put on the foot-strap, and first put in shafts without breeching, as explained for colts, and make the point thorough of submitting to the rattling of the wheels, shoving the cross-piece against the quarters, etc., then hitch in cautiously, holding the foot-strap as a reserve power. Continue driving until there is assurance of the case peeve safe. SECOND CLASS. - Among these will frequently be found some very serious cases. They are usually young horses that have been frightened, kick vio- lently, and run away. Now, let me teil you that there are-certain SECOND CLASS. 15% te temperaments that may make you serious trouble and require care- fulness to manage successfully. They are usually horses of good dispositions, very intelligent, but sensitive, and if thoroughly fright- ened, the effect may be very serious indeed. In any event, if there is much fear, it must be thoroughly mastered. The course usually | pursued is to hitch up the horse as carefully as possible, and then try to drive him. This generally only leads to increasing the trouble, by giving the horse an opportunity to resist again, and thus Fre. 209.—As the Desperate Kicker sometimes Resists when Subjected to First Method. be only more confirmed in the habit, the very point we should try to avoid. Take the horse first into a.quiet corner of a well-sodded field, back yard, or carriage-house with floor well covered with some soft material. See that there are no idlers lounging around to criticise and annoy you; prepare yourself with every necessary requisite for your experiments, even having provided your supply of apples, | sugar, salt, or something else of which the horse is fond. Make up your mind that you will not lose your temper, and that you will work slowly and carefully. Try first the Second Method. If car- ried out properly, the case should be quite a bad ohe that cannot be controlled by it so far as making gentle out of harness. There ‘is 158 KICKING. quite a, sleight in using this treatment, and if not just understood, you should read very carefully explanations of it under that head. Send the horse around at first rather slowly, until sure that he will bear it, then gradually push up to the point of falling, and if known to be very bad, reverse quickly. Lose no time in doing this; it must be done as quickly as possible, so as to give the horse no time to concentrate his efforts in resistance. At any rate, keep on till the poling is submitted to unconditionally. If, however, you find the case resists very hard, try now the Third Method. This in sensi- Fie. 210.—As Extremely Bad Kickers Resist when Touched while Pressure is On. tive, nervous kickers, is certainly very effective. Do not put it on very tight at first, and see what the effect will be. The key of its use is, after being put on, to pole the hind parts until there is no re- sistance. If the [poling is resisted for some time, put on tighter, and repeat. Usually a few minutes’ pressure will be sufficient. ’ If you have a good place and a rig, and you are at all handy, it would also -have a good effect to use the First Method. This will work wonderfully well in some cases, but, singular as it may seem, it may not work at all with satisfaction in others, (if not quite clear, read explanation on page 56,) and it might be supplemented in such cases by either or both of the other Methods. But as this is a matter of experiment, I cannot really describe here the cases it wil] or will not work upon. “At any rate, either or both these Methods SECOND CLASS. 159 of treatment found most convenient and easy to use may be tried until in a general way the horse is made gentle, then carry out your control with the Breaking Bit. A very full explanation of the use of this bit, as applying to these cases, will be found under that head, and should be read. carefully. As there stated, there is a great sleight in its use. First get thorough control of the horse in har- ness, so that he will stop immediately, and come back against the poles or anything else. This point must be made at all hazards, and must be made without much working of the mouth, if possible, for fear of making it too tender. After he will stop and start, start him Fria. 211.—Test often Given by the Author in Proving the Horse’s Docility after being Subdued. ' out on a run, and make him stop immediately at command without pulling. This point made, then hitch cautiously to poles, or cart, or what- ever is most convenient at hand, and carry out your control as described in Colt-Training. The whole point is to be careful and thorough: If your horse kicks with yéu once successfully in shafts, _ you have practically lost all you have gained. This must not be permitted on any condition ; so that the point of real success is to make your groundwork: so thorough that_when you come to driv- ing in shafts, you are able to make it with certainty. If you are at all doubtful, resort to any measure by which you can prevent the horse’s resisting. The foot-strap will in ordinary cases be your sim- ~ Se 160 KICKING. plest measure of doing this. Should the horse ,develop a sullen or sulky disposition if subjected to Second Method, it may be neces- sary to touch him sharply upon the nose with the whip to force him to go along sufficiently quick to produce the effect desired. You may try the First Method, and if you fail, then you must depend upon the Third. You may meet withthe difficulty of his bieing upon the cord. This is so rare, however, that it is hardly worth mentioning ; but if , you should find such difficulty, this treatment must be abandoned at once. With good management there will be but little trouble. If a colt is very wild and much afraid of a wagon, the case is liable to be a very serious one. If a very nervous horse, you must Fia. 212.—As the Horse usually Drives in Harness after being Subdued. be particularly sagt SO as not to injure him. Take your time, and make every step slowly’ and thoroughly, trusting nothing to chance. ‘These cases will sometimes resist with great fury, striking and kick- ing most violently. The, First and Second Methods will usually be your best treatment upon these. If you have a good assistant, you can work sometimes with excellent advantage by putting on two foot-straps, when your assistant can pull one or two feet from under the horse, thus bringing him repeatedly upon his knees. The ob- jection to this is that it worries the horse greatly, and unless the ground is soft and free from stones, there is danger of bruising and cutting the knees; besides, the effect is not nearly so good as can be obtained: by the. treatment described. If the patent Breaking Rig, explained in Chapter IL, were available, it would save, considerable © THIRD CLASS. 161 work in this way. The horse is then held helpless in shafts, as it were, when he can be driven as desired. When the Third Method is used, while the pressure is on bring the poles against the quar- ters industriously. Usually at first the horse will kick hard, but it is rare that there will not be submission in a few minutes. These points made, gradually remove the pressure, and while doing so keep tubbing and bringing the poles against the quarters and flanks, until there is unconditional submission, then continue as explained, driving in harness and wagon. The greatest average of the worst horses I ever found have been iron-gray, sorrel, and black, though I have occasionally found bays extremely bad. It should ' ‘Fra. 213.—A Test to which the Horse should be Subjacted before being Subdued. . seldom require more than thirty or forty minutes to bring a very bad horse under control by these combined efforts of treatment. THIRD Crass. I have in my mind now about the worst class of (iekees) we have’ to deal with. They are either cases that have been made thor- | oughly vicious by ‘excessive fear or running away, or those that are so naturally vicious, and kick and strike so recklessly as to seem to be beyond the reach of any kind of treatment. There is a class of men who think it is bravery to be reckless with dangerous horses. In point of fact, I have found such’ men to be usually the greatest: cowards. In experimenting. before classes, I would frequently have men who would be disposed at sy to censure me for: appearing to ‘ il a 162 KICKING. be overly cautious. I will illustrate by referring to a special case in Michigan. A farmer brought in a five-year-old colt to be experi- Si Fra. 214.—One of the Tests Usually Given by the Author before the Class, Proving the Horse’s entire Submission in Harness. mented upon. He stated that he had been driven in harness, but had got the better of him. I at once saw the colt to be a very dangerous one, and was acting so cautiously with him that the man = THIRD CLASS. 168 openly censured me for presuming to be so timid, and he was about walking up to the horse to show me how easily he could handle him. I simply said, “ Wait a moment ; you do not know your danger ; ;I will show you what kind of a horse you have here, and then if you think best you can handle him as much as you please.” - I+took a small pole and reached i ar eK Th . 3 ee I I it out toward the horse’s nose,’ ’ He ee na : ce ie anny oN a ‘ : Ny when immediately he reared and ' struck at it with the viciousness of a wild mustang. I next touched the hind parts, when he, jumped into the air and kicked with such fury as to clear the floor at once. I then said to _ the owner, “ Let me see you go up and handle him now.” Said he, “I would not go near him for a thousand dollars ; I had no idea he was so bad.” I taught him | and the class a bit of a lesson that I think they never will forget. I then ‘went on: carefully until-I could get to the horse safely, when Isoon had him under‘perfect control, and he became as gentle to be managed and driven ‘as any ordinary colt, not requiring: in all more than thirty minutes. TT ry "hl Fre. 215.—Norman Horse. Naturally Gentle. These cases are liable to resist with great reck- lessness. It is a specially important condition of success that everything needed for. treatment should be ‘carefully at hand, and of: the best quality. It is almost fatal . to success, and especially so in the management of a critical case, to have anything break when a horse is making a de- termined struggle of re- sistance. There should be great care taken not to get injured. The selection of ground, or the place where the wotk is to be done, is Fre. 216.—The Best Type of Intelligent, Courageous Nature. 164 KICKING. a very important con- sideration. In fact, every emergency must be care- fully provided for. I have in my mind now a representative case. A ‘five-year-old colt had been harnessed several times, but each time kicked himself loose and got away. He was ‘brought in at Gallup- Fig. 217,.—Surly, Dangerous Character. ville, N.:Y., and is re- ferred to.on page 414 in my regular work. This’ was a strong, large- boned, courageous colt,. extremely afraid of being touched, and could not be hitched to a wagon. As we were compelled to make experiments in a wagon- house with a plank floor, and with a large number of people around, . it required the best of management to control, him with safety. We. tried first the Second Method, but could ‘not under the circumstances carry it far enough to be at all-effective. The First Method. would have worked well upon this case, but could not be safely’ used on a hardwood floor. I concluded, however, that the Third Method would -be sufficiently effective, and subjected him to the highest. _ pressure we could prudently,.use with four cords. Upon touching . the hind’ parts, he kicked with such fury that he threw the shoes from both hind feet with so great a force that they dented the wall deeply on the opposite side. This resistance was continued for fully twelve minutes. It was a struggle of the most severe character, but after about fifteen minutes he submitted to being poled. We next subjected him sharply to the Second Method, reversing a few times, and now making the impression sufficiently strong to submit unconditionally. The rest of the treatment was the same as previously described. _When harnessed, he resisted control of the mouth very hard, but finally came back to its restraint, and was driven before the class with entire success. As this was a well-known case, I requested that he be taken to the adjoining town the next day afterward, where, after a little repetition of treatment, he was hitched up and driven in the street perfectly gentle, when he acted just as docile and manageable as any family horse. . A six-year-old horse of about the same character, near Lake - THIRD CLASS. 165 Champlain, N.Y., had been badly frightened, and was utterly un- manageable. We had a large, roomy ‘place, giving | us opportunity to use the Second Method with safety, and dependedupon it mainly, requiring but very little treatment with the Third Method. This was a splendid subject, fighting every point very hard, but finally ‘submitting unconditionally. The First: Method _could -have been used with decided advantage, had we had a good, place. ~T will refer to one more among this class. .The Hetrick horse, - referred to on page 149, was perhaps as fine an illustration of a thoroughly vicious horse as I ever handled, and as good an example of successful treatmentas I have ever given. The difficulty was to get this horse, but after being able to do, SO, he submitted readily to 1 t 1 of Fie. 218.—Expression of most Obstinate Cases. Character to Break. Fie. 219.—Most Difficult Type of — f the Second and First Methods, his resistance being. characteristic of the mustang, striking, kicking, and snorting with great violence. The Third Method could not safely: be used upon him. . ‘The best illustrative case showing extreme resistance excited from fear, all things considered, was that referred to on page 144. This herse, though nine years old, was a perfect maniac in his ac- tions. He even could not. be harnessed, and his management was one of the clearest in showing the good effect of proper treatment of any I ever handled in all my experience. This case could not have been broken ‘in any ordinary building with a hard floor. In fact, to be successful it was. necessary to have every condition fa- vorable. To handle this case safély, I was obliged to go eight miles, as I could not get a suitable place to handle him short of this; but - the result was perfectly successtul. \ 166 KICKING. Fie. 220.—Extreme of Bad Character. part repeated until. there is certainty of his being safe. ; I think it advisable; in conclusion, ‘to refer to a specially serious case © where I came very near failing on ac- count of being unable to use treat- ment suited to the temperament, mainly to show the importance in critical cases of using such treatment -as the case will best bear. A man I Fie. 222,—Sullen Nacure. Now, the point in the man- agement of those cases, as will be noticed, was in applying treatment properly, being careful, and making the treat- ment sufficiently thorough until successful. I was in all cases in the habit of making the after-treatment such as to - win the confidence of the ‘horse, so that when I did succeed I had the subject perfectly cool and quiet, yet entirely gentle. As before stated, the horse must often ‘be carefully tested, and if necessary the treatment in Fia. 221.— Ideal of Bad Character. had started in the business, . who had traveled with con- siderable success for several years, visited New York, where his success attracted considerable attention. A very fine-blooded horse, of specially vicious character, was brought in for treat- ment, with orders to this man to break him or kill him, horse was not worth anything unless he could be broken. Everything was THIRD CLASS. 167 Fig. 228.—The Malone Horse. this case for a week to subdue him or so break him down that he could not resist, but the horse being one of great vitality and ’ gourage, the man was unable. to. subdue him, and gave him up, stating that he could not be broken. Cir- cumstances required that I should’ give special experi- ments in New York, and this case was selected as the best subject to experiment upon first. I had pledged myself to forfeit one thousand dollars if I could not subdue in forty minutes any horse that could be pro- duced, and in the limits of a box-stall, without throwing, exciting, ny Fra. 224,—An Incident of the Malone Horse. Result of an Effort by a Horse-breaker to Drive Him. or whipping him, and this was supposed to be the best test case that could be found. I knew this man would use the First Method, and supposed also 168 : KICKING. that he.would use the Second; as it was a part of the treatment I had instructed him in; but not being a man of much ingenuity, he. could not catch the points of its success, and did not practice it. I _ Fie. 225.—The Malone Horse as Driven. Next Day after Treatment, on the Square, without Bridle, Reins, or Breeching. knew the class of horses that must resist this treatment, and that the points were decidedly in my favor to be able to control him by the Third Method, which I had kept up to that time a secret. To io omy surprise, when the case was produced, I found it 'was-not at all suitable for the Third Method ; but _ as I had promised to control the case by trqatment they had never seen, and supposing also that they had seen the Second Method, I was W\, forced to do the best I could with N) the Third. The case, as I ‘sus- ‘pected, resisted it very violently, the features’ of serious objection’ being his showing the true mus- tang nature, striking desperately, ; and biting upon the cords. I how- Fig. 226.—The Hettrick Horse after ever succeeded in making the case being Subdued. gentle, and making what appeared THIRD CLASS. bag “to be a great success ; but both cheeks were so bruised that I knew when he became cool, they would be sore and appear a 7 t *9[0d Ol} 0} Poly OYA Poyseosddy uoYyM pozsisay Oy SE SiO YONHSH BYI—"2S “OLA , seriously injured. I kept the horse in my possession, -until the In- flammation subsided, when I subjected him to the Second Method, 170 KICKING. ‘not requiring in all more than fifteen minutes, and made him per- fectly gentle. Could I have used this Method in the first place, I could have controlled him without the least injury or excitement in about thirty minutes. I refer to this case to show how nice a is to use the treatment adapted to the case, and the temper- ament must determine this. SWITCHING KICKERS.. When a horse is greatly excited and irritated by fear or abuse, his nervous system is liable to become so Sensitive that he will squeal and switch. This is more common to mares, which are more impressible than horses ; consequently, when badly spoiled, they are more difficult to break. In this form it becomes involuntary resist- v ~REILLEV.£8Re Fig. 228.—The Hettrick Horse as Driven in the Street next Day. é ‘ance, or a species of insanity, and in extreme cases very difficult to overcome. The point is, if possible, to make a sufficiently strong, counteracting impression to overcome this. Very much will depend upon how much the nervous system has been shaken, and the pecul- iarity of disposition. Some of the worst kickers: I have ever handled were colts which had been greatly frightened and abused in break- ing. The course I pursue with such is about as follows :— ' If the case is one that will bear impressing sufficiently to over- come the kicking, I subject to regular treatment as advised for ordi- nary cases, directing my attention particularly to accustoming the. _ quartets to being touched. Failing in this, I use direct means of re- ~ straint, such as the kicking-straps.or overdraw checks. The kick- ing will now punish so severely that there will soon be fear to repeat it. The straps should be used in driving for some little time after the inclination to kick is overcome. , KICKING- STRAPS. 171 KICKING-STRAPS. These straps should be cut at least two inches wide; they should be made of two thicknesses of good harness leather, sewed together and fitted so they will come nicely around the leg between the fetlock and gambrel. There should be : a strong wrought-iron D stitched on the front sides. The insides should be lined ' with soft, thin leather, or buckskin, to: pre- vent chafing the leg. If no Patent Bridle is available, use a strong, well- fitting halter, with the strap passing back between the legs over the belly-band ; or it may be at- ‘tached to. the belly-band by a piece of rub- ber. Next, take a strong hempen cord, not less than five eighths of ar. inch in diameter, firmly wound, or a good piece of leather made round like a rein, run it through a pulley or ring attached to the halter-strap - a little back.of the belly-band, and extend to the rings of the foot-straps. - The point is to have the rig so regulated that the position of. the horse will be: perfectly natural in traveling ;' but should he run or kick, both, legs coming back'at once brings the whole force directly upon the nose. The straps should be kept on until the pain caused by the kicking makes the horse so much afraid to kick that he will not re- peat it. ° > Sometimes the straps are connected with the bit so that the . ‘horse will kick directly againsee the mouth. But this is objectionable tea because-when the kicking is severe against the mouth it will be cut and bruised, be- sides it is liable to break the jaw. Even when kicking against the nose, by the re- straint of the halter, there is possible danger of injuring the spinal cord at the junct- ure of the head with the spinal -column. I never had an ac- _ cident occur from such a cause; though I used the treat- Fia. 230.—The Ravenna Colt. ment a great deal in my early _ Fra, 229.—Stevens Horse after being Subdued. 172 _ KICKING.’ . experimenting. I have heard of one case in Maine of a horse break- ing his jaw by kicking against the bit, and one’in Ohio, killed by the severity of the shock upon the neck. It will be found then when the horse kicks against the mouth or nose, he will soon learn to throw the head down to give greater length between it and the legs, as this destroys the force of the blow. With the use of the Patent Bridle the force of the kicking throws the head up, and at the same time punishes with such severity that there will not be much inclination to repeat it, and the habit will soon be overcome. ‘ Fie. 231. adel aed as Arranged for Use. Twenty years ago, a very bad mare defied my utmost efforts to Stop her kicking, and as a matter of experiment I passed a rope from the bit to the hind leg below the fetlock, and thence back to the op- posite side of the bit, and held it in my hand while I excited her to kick. After a few repetitions shé gave up unconditionally. By this means I succeeded in breaking her of the habit, but the rope chafed and tore the skin so badly upon the legs that I had much trouble in curing them. To guard against this in other cases, I put on straps to which I attached rings, and passing the rope through them as be- fore, I irritated her to kick, repeating until ‘there was submission. But as this could not be-carried’ out in driving, the kicking-straps, with the connection made'to the bit, wére devised ; after which the pulley arrangement was added. These. straps are best. adapted to 1a OVERDRAW CHECK. 173 kickers with the nervous system so weakened that the habit is in a great measure involuntary. to the case. “OVERDRAW CHECK. The overdraw check can be modified in various ways, according Sometimes a simple overdraw check is all that is nec- essary. If more power is desired, in addi- tion to the check, the restraint can ‘be car- ried to the hips, thence to the .shafts. (See Fig. 235.) So that in the act of kicking, as | the quarters are elevated, the restraint will be instantly brought upon the head, throw- ing it so high as to disable. This princi- , ple of control was learned ‘by the writer under the following circumstances: In 1861, when in Hendetson, Jefferson Co., N. Y.,a half-witted fellow offered to instruct me oH to drive any’ kicking, runaway horse. He said, “ Bring the center of a slender rope of sufficient length to the top of the horse’s head, and pass the ends down through. the rings on each side of the Bit, and thence back into the wagon as feins.” I afterward used Fie. 232.—Tail-strap. this means of control, and found it would work well in some cases; though not in all. Lancaster, Pa., who modified it into what was afterward known as I gave the idea to a man named. Hartman, in the “ Hartman reins,” which he patented. A great improvement in this for kickers, is to pass the reins. over the hips to. the shafts as explained. co Checking the head. high. will sometimes hold in’ restraint a strong-willed, treacherous horse, that is liable to lunge sideways, or pull heavily. It will usually work well when a horse is a little irritable, and simply needs a little restraint to keep him inside ‘the point of resistance, the same as the tail-strap acts in preventing the horse from kicking by keep ‘ing the tail confined and helpless. The simplest and best way of checking the head high is to pass the check rein through gag-runners, which should be attached to the head part of the. bridle well up Fie. 238.—Tall-strap near the ears, and’ buckle into an extra bit, which » Detached. is to be held up against the roof of the mouth by. 174 ; KICKING. means of a strap passing over the nose. This form of checking the head up and back will be found very effective. A common method in use years ago for kickers was to put a triangular piece of iron, in form like a V, between the collar and bit, the central point resting on the collar; and with both ends attached to the rings of the bit, it held the head up in position as desired. A strong-headed, doubtful horse will frequently drive with entire safety when the head is helplessly held up in this manner; but the check before referred to is the simplest and best means. Sometimes the horse will kick only when the rein is caught Fre. 234.—Simple Method of Forcing the Head up, and Preventing Kicking by the Elevation of the Hips. under the tail. If he is simply irritable, and hugs the rein, the eas- iest way to prevent it is to wind an ordinary crupper with cloth, or cover nicely with chamios skin, or soft leather, until one Half to two inches in diameter, as may be necessary. (See Fig. 240.) This be- ing larger than the rein below makes it impossible for the horse to hug the rein with sufficient. strength to hold it. When the tail becomes very sensitive from the continued chafing of the parts, its action’ becomes involuntary. In such cases it must be confined to make the ‘horse safe. This can be easily done by buckling a small strap around it under the hair about two thirds down the dock, from which, on each side, extends a small. strap to the hip-straps, and fasten short enough to prevent the tail from switching around and catching the reins. ’ H1p-STRAP. - If the horse is irritable around the hips, but drives all right so long as restrained, or unable to bring the hind parts up, simply strapping him down will sometimes be all that is necessary to do in DETAILS OF TREATMENT. 175 order to use him with safety. The best way to do this is as follows: Attach a loop to the harness between the hip and tail ; ‘through this’ pass a strong two- inch strap with ends attached firmly to the'shafts on each side.’ There be should pieces of leather or iron screwed to: the under sides of the shafts to keep the, ends in place. Two points must be kept in mind in order to be successful: 1. The shafts must be so stiff that they will not’ bend much; 2. The strap over the hip should be so strong that it will not break, and just tight enough to be drawn straight when in place, but not so long as to give any freedom to raise the hips. Fic. 235.—The Horse as Disabled when there is an Effort to Kick. FouR-RING BIT. ‘The four-ring bit by its power will sometimes throw the nose up, and occasionally make a doubtful, headstrong horse drive all _ right; but it is the best adapted for the management of headstrong luggers. Sometimes a strong- -headed puller that cannot be held by an ordinary bit will drive gentle with this. The effectiveness of this bit is in the pressure of its center against the roof of the mouth. As made heretofore, when pulled upon very hard, these rings would slide in so far as to prevent the desired purchase against the palate. To prevent this, I devised the slot, or obstruction. Sometimes the Patent Bridle will. work quite well in the ‘man- agement of kickers. 176 KICKING. For the Breaking Rig, see illustration with description in first chapter. It may be asked, “Is there ms medicine by which you can make a horse gentle?” See “Medicine” in “ Subjection.” KICKERS IN STALL. In the first place, for the management of kickers in the stall, a _ great deal depends upon the size of the stall and the adroitness of the man in approaching the horse. A very narrow stall makes it some- what difficult, if not dangerous, to approach even many gentle — horses. Such stalls are not only an abomination for the increased © danger and i inconvenience they cause in going around a horse, but for not affording sufficient freedom for the horse to lie down and step around. It is no reason for stalls being so constructed be- cause somebody who should know better makes them so. If the stall is large, there will be better opportunity to keep out of reach, and, unless the horse is very vicious, there. will be no difficulty in going around him with comparative safety. _ Then, much depends upon the character of the man. A courageous, determined horse soon learns to become aggressive toward a naturally timid man who seems afraid to ap- proach him. If,a ‘horse is very vicious in his stall, he i is like any other dangerous brute upon which nothing short of a thorough course of subjective treatment will produce any impression. But if irritable or cunning, a sharp lesson with the War Bridle until he will follow promptly will usually be sufficient ; after which it may be left on for a day or two. : The treatment for all edinary cases should be about as’ fol- lows : First, put on the War Bridle, second form, which may, if the case is stubborn, be turned into the Double-Draw Hitch Form, and. make him feel its power sufficiently to follow promptly. Lead him into the stall, and while holding the cord, step in and out repeatedly, | ' making him, during the time, keep his hind parts turned in the op: posite: direction. .This treatment may be accompanied by’ giving apples, etc. If the case is important, and it is desired to be very thorough, after putting on the halter, put on the War Bridle, second form, Fie. 236.—Simple Method of Controlling the Head. \ KICKERS IN STALZ. 177 with the part going througn the mouth running through the rings on either side of the halter to keep it in place, and the part over the head well back upon the neck. Now pass the cord back to the end ofthe stallandtie¢toa ring or post, leaving it = sufficiently long to give i the horse room to step ‘around as usual when tied by the halter. ‘When it is desired to go in, if he does not ‘ step around at com- mand, untie the cord and give a sharp pull Pe upon: it, which ‘will Fra, 287.—Fig. 236 in Use. bring the head around, throwing the hind parts to the opposite side, when he can be ap- proached with safety. This may be repeated when first put on for a few times, to teach the idea of stepping around when commanded. After a few repetitions he will soon learn, when approached and. commanded, to step around, é There isa great sleight in approaching vicious horses when in stalls, the disregard of which may sometimes cause a naturally gentle horse'to kick if approached or touched unexpectedly. First, no matter how gentle -a horse is, there should be no effort to go near or ap- proach before attracting his attention by speaking to him. If at all doubtful, the course should be about as Fic. 238.—A Noted Vicious Kicker. follows: When behind, a ‘little to the near side, look directly at the horse’s head and say sharply, “Get around!” re- -peating until the eye is caught, A great deal depends upon the expression of confidence and authority shown. An intelligent, courageous horse will discern instantly any lack of confidence or power, and become correspondingly aggressive. 12 178 KICKING. ' At first the horse may look back and try to measure your strength and be disposed to question your advance. It will be a matter of will power now. Look at him with all the firmness you can, and repeat the “Get around!” with the most thorough vim of expression. If a man of any nerve, but few horses will disobey. If he steps around, no matter if the ears are put back and the eyes partly closed, showing an inclination to kick, there will seldom be Fre. 239.—A Simple Method of Keeping the Head Elevated to Prevent Kicking while Driving. much danger. The eye kept firmly upon that of the horse, will dis- cover any movement almost before it is made; so reach the end of the stall fronting the horse, with head. slightly turned'to hold the eye, and make a quick, gliding leap or long step toward the shoulder. After getting well forward of the hips there will be little danger; watching the opportunity in, this way, and moving quickly, will per- mit getting beyond reach of danger before the horse can kick. This is really the only secret of getting around or into the stall KICKING WHILE HARNESSING. 179 of a doubtful horse without ‘getting. hurt. (See chapter on “Stall- _jons.”) By observing closely, the intentions of the horse. will always be revealed by the expression of the eye and his actions. Danger is shown by the ears being thrown back, eyes partly closed, lips‘drawn “back, and mouth perhaps partly open. If the horse will not move when commanded, but holds his position firmly, especially if one having a dark, lurking eye set well into the head, thick eyelids, and heavy ears, the character is treacherous, and needless risks should not be hazarded. What such a horse does he will do quickly without warning. But if he seems to yield, no matter how bad he is, and ‘there is quickness in getting into the stall, as explained, there will be but little danger. Ihave frequently been able to go into the Stalls of horses that were very dangerous; and have never been kicked or hurt while doing so. _ Many times the horse would kick the stall, but by a sharp, ringing command sufficient to disconcert, and by jumping quickly, I.could always get to the shoulder or head without being touched. In many cases I ‘have been compelled to take the chances from necessity; but by observing these precautions, and calculating my chances. carefully, I would be able to get by, though at the instant of doing so the horse would! kick the stall behind me. Fie. 240.—Crupper as Wound to P: t Catchil When desiring to get out, pull the head a pea sii around after, bringing the ' hind parts well around to the opposite side. The instant the falter is let go, ace or spring beyond reach. WHILE HARNESSING. The habit of kicking while harnessing is‘ always the result of carelessness or bad treatment. Were the horse treated kindly and . the harness put on gently until accustomed to it, there would be no trouble. Not being accustomed to the breeching or the crupper under the tail, a sensitive horse is liable to kick when feeling press- ure upon those parts. I have frequently found horses gentle after the harness was on, yet they would kick violently when the attempt was made to put it on; while others would kick only after it was on. All that is necessary to do in such cases, is to put on the War Bridle, and after giving a few sharp pulls with it, hold firmly in the left hand, and while keeping it taut upon the month, with the right 180 KICKING. spread the harness gently over the back and hips. The pressure of the cord upon the mouth will hold the attention of the horse suffi- ciently to allow putting the crupper under the tail and buckling. _ To break up the habit, it may be necessary to repeat this treat- ment two or three times, punishing sharply for any resistance, and encouraging by kind treatment for allowing it to be put on and off as desired. After gaining the attention by the War Bridle, it may be drawn down and tied as in cut 119, page 86, but not kept so more than thirty seconds to a minute ; after which the harness can be put. on or off as desired. It is very important in these cases to associate kindness with the treatment by giving apples, etc. Fie. 241.—As a Bad Case of this Character will Usually Resist before Treatment. Resistance to having the collar put on, or the neck touched in -~ consequence of having been made sore, is sometimes a formidable difficulty, as the horse may show great viciousness, striking or kick- ing violently. Ifthe treatment named is not sufficient, then more force must be used; but with care, the War Bridle. will be’ found sufficient. In such cases, attention must'be given to having the collar large enough to permit putting easily over the head. Or if an open collar, it should be unbuckled and put on quietly over the neck. In addition, particular attention should be given to curing ' the parts, if sore. A great point also in the management of such cases is in winning the confidence of the horse to bear having the sensitive parts touched by scratching the mane and other parts, and imperceptibly approaching the sensitive parts until it is borne; then follow by caressing, giving apples, etc. ‘ i BAD TO BRIDLE. 181 There may be cases also where resistance to the harness upon the hips, or crupper under the tail, will be very violent. In such cases a regular course of subjection, may be necessary. One of the worst cases the writer ever handled was of this character, compel- ling to resort to the First,’ Second, and Third methods, which were in part repeated to break him of the habit. KICKING AND ‘BITING WHILE GROOMING. | The. habit of kicking and biting while grooming, is in all cases the result of bad treatment. A sharp curry-comb or card is raked recklessly over the legs and belly, regardless of ‘cutting into the skin. The horse may snap, kick, and almost lie down upon the ground in the effort to avoid or relieve the pain; but no more at- tention is given to this than to kick and pound as a means of compel- ling to stand quietly. Sharp curry-combs, or any instrument that will hurt, should not be used upon such horses. Should the horse be - Over-sensitive, the re- sult of former bad treat- ment, restrain a little with the War Bridle until he will submit to being cleaned as directed. In such cases, it is always advisable to commence at an insensible part, and work gradually to the part at which the grooming is resisted. Fia. 242.—As the Horse will Stand Quietly to be Har- nessed after Treatment. BaD TO BRIDLE. Most horses will submit readily to be bridled, by giving a short lesson with the War Bridle, and tying down as explained, when the bridle can be put on or off as desired. Care should be taken to have the bridle large and easy fitting. As there is submission, give more freedom until there is no resistance. Should the horse show viciousness, and resist this treatment, then subject to Second 1 182 KICKING. Method, and while tied, handle the head and put on the brible When untied, restrain with the cord, being careful in such cases to work gently, rewarding liberally for obedience. Able once to take off or put on the bridle without force, repeat for some time, holding the attention by giving apples, etc. Such a horse should be bridled - with care for some time, to outgrow the sensibility. i CHAPTER VI, ——~ 99 RUNNING AWAY. HOUGH the treatment for this habit is, to a great extent, given T" under the heads of “‘ Kicking” and “ Fear,” yet in bad cases it is liable to be so troublesome to manage that I deem it neces- sary to consider it more definitely here. The-main point is to make ‘the mouth manageable to the restraint cf the bit. But if there is rauch viciousness or resistance, it is necessary to tone it down or overcome it by a general course of' subjection, when the control of the mouth can be made more easy and certain. For. example: A nervous, ex- citable colt, so unmanageable as to be both difficult and dangerous to put in shafts by any control: that could be brought upon the mouth, after a, proper course of subjective treatment which would overcome his fear and excitement, would ‘be found to offer but little re- sistance to the control of even a common _ bit. The effect is the same in the 4 management of headstrong, runaway horses, moved by some special cause of excitement, such as the rattling ofa wagon or other object. There are three principles of con- trolling the mouth: 1: By training; as ed done: with the Breaking Bit; 2. By a ' aie 248, —The Patent Bridle. form of bit that will prevent the horse from pulling against it, on account of the pain it may cause; 3. By obtaining such power upon the mouth and head as will control the horse directly. . Of course these conditions run more or less into each other in the different, forms of bits given, the point in all cases being to use such a form of bit or method of treatment as will safely and easily effect the control desired. The Breaking Bit. is undoubtedly the best for making a hard mouth submissive and flexible. The Half-moon : , (188) 184 RUNNING AWAY. Bit will in-many cases also work well: Its thin, bearing surface, , when pressed hard against, hurts so keenly that but few horses will have the nerve to resist it. The Spoon Bit also, in many cases, works excellently by the pressure it brings upon the jaws laterally, thereby making it a good form of bit for cases that will not rein easily, or that will pull on one side. Next comes-the Four-ring Bit, which, with its improvement, is a very simple but powerful means of controlling doubtful, headstrong, lugging horses. It is particularly well adapted for the easy driving of side-reiners, The fourth and last is the Patent Bridle, which has been designed by me especially for the direct control of headstrong, runaway horses. The power of the Patent Bridle is so great that when properly adjusted it is very difficult for a horse to make any prolonged resist- ance to it. It acts in three important ways: First, in its most se- vere form it will produce such intense pain in connection with its great power upon the mouth, that it is very difficult for the most courageous horse to resist its restraint; second, in proportion to the resistance, if any, it brings such a pressure upon the spinal cord that it becomes difficult to bear up against it for any length of time ; third, its impression is so great upon the nervous system that should it be resisted hard for some time, there will rarely be any inclination to pull against it afterward. It is proper to add that these combinations and forms of bits may be varied in different ways to an almost unlimited degree. Properly used, great results can be accomplished with the Breaking Bit alone, as before explained. It requires more work, but is the only bit I have found that works satisfactorily in making the mouth sensitive to the control of an ordinary snaffle bit. As will be no- ticed in the chapter on “ Kicking,” it was by the use of this bit that I was able to perform my best results in ‘the control of runaway kickers. If the mouth is stiff and hard,'and it is desired to make it flexible, put on the harness with this bit in the bridle, run the reins through the shaft-bearers, and get directly behind. Now slowly move the horse on a moderate walk, and suddenly call,“ Whoa!” following instantly with a quick, raking jerk upon the reins. Repeat at short intervals, until at the moment the.command is given the horse will stop instantly to avoid the hurt of being pulled upon. Then gradu- ally increase the gait to a fast trot or run, making him stop as before. At this point it is necessary to be very thorough. There should be no half-way work. The submission must be of the most pro- nounced character. After this is done in harness, so that when the THE PATENT BRIDLE. — 185 horse is put on a keen trot or run, he will stop instantly without being pulled upon. Then, when hitched to a wagon, repeat slowly "seg Ajrensp oy se sobun] V¥—FPPe "PLA until he can be let out on a rapid trot or keen run, and will stop in- stantly at the least intimation of the command to do so, and this to be done without the breeching-straps being buckled. He must 186 RUNNING AWAY, show the most thorough submissiveriess when everything is appar- ently wrong. , In most cases the’ ‘horse will submit in from ten to fifteen minutes ; but if badly set in the habit, and plucky, the resistance may be so strong that this cannot be done in one lesson. The . difficulty is, if the horse warms up very much, the sensibility of the - ‘mouth becomes so blunted or destroyed that he will bear the severest pulling upon without flinching. Then the best plan will: be to put him away until cool; when by a few minutes’ repetition of. the treatment the mouth will usually be found so sensitive that he will submit unconditionally: In this- ~way. it can be determined how much to do without danger of harm. This point accom- plished, hitch to a wagon, and repeat the same treatment. The course ‘pursued by. the writer, as before explained, is to let the horse go a few steps, call “Whoa!” and give a sharp, raking jerk to force thim back a little. Repeat so far as necessary to establish the point of stopping and coming back, then, as before, let out a little faster until proved safe when on a fast trot or run. This point is to be ‘made very thoroughly. If it is thought advisable, the bit can be ‘left on for a few days in driving; but usually this will be unnecessary ; for if the horse is properly trained, he can be controlled by an ordinary snaffle bit. THE HALF-Moon Bir. The Half-moon Bit, an illustration of which is given, will some- times work very nicely upon headstrong pullers. It, seems to work best when the head is well checked up, as shown in Fig. 246. The bit is very simple, merely a circular mouth-piece, with the inner part filed down to about the thickness of the back of an ordinary knife-blade, and rounded to prevent. cutting. This makes the bear- ing surface against the mouth so narrow that even the most plucky horse will not have the nerve to pull very hard against it, while its circular form prevents pulling sideways. It should, however, be tried cautiously upon a dangerous horse. , , ] SPOON Bir. The Spoon Bit is so constructed as to bring the edges of two flanges, when pulled upon,. upon each side of the lower jaw. Fine illustrations of this are given in Figs. 247 and 248. In some cases of badly trained mouths, or of moderately headstrong horses, it will . be found to work very nicely. One point of advantage is its mild- ness, it being only a simple snaffle bit until resisted. It works espe- SPOON BIT. 187 cially well in the management of horses that rein hard. It is not a -2ipg Wey oy) 10 somo oy) BuMOUS—"oFE “OTT bit that i is adapted. for headstrong, dangerous lungers, as it does not give, sufficient power for such cases, 188 RUNNING AWAY. A valuable form of bit, and one which works exceedingly well for the control of some headstrong, pulling horses, is a simple bar made flat or concave on one side, and rounded on the other, from five eighths to three fourths of an inch wide, with a. piece of rounded leather in- side the ring on each end, as shown in Figs. 249 and 250. The flat or concave side is used when the horse pulls, or is inclined to resist the’ bit. When the BES mouth is sensitive and Fra. 246.—The Half-moon Bit Adjusted. manageable, simply turning the rounded side against the jaw makes it extremely easy on the mouth. The length must be regulated to the size of the mouth, or about the average length. of driving-bits. FourR-RING BIT. The Four-ring Bit, Figs. 123, 124, full explanation of which is given in Chapter II., page 94, which can be referred to, is peculiar in respect to the sensibility it causes upon the mouth. While it is not a bit that: gives much direct power, the effect is such that but few horses, outside of lunging, runaway horses, can successfully pull against it. Hence a horse that with an ordinary bit may pull so hard as to make it extremely difficult to restrain or control him, more especially one that as he warms up will pull harder, will some- ~ times scarcely pull at all upon this bit, driving so easily as to hardly ‘straighten the reins. It is not, however, to be risked too much in the driving of a really dangerous horse; for, as before stated, its success depends more upon the sensibility it causes upon the roof of the mouth than upon any real power it otherwise gives. Consequently, should the horse lunge recklessly against the bit, the pain it inflicts not being sufficient to hold him in check, he is liable to get away. When used upon a doubtful horse, he should be carefully tested with “it, first by driving around a little in harness, then as described in the THE PATENT BRIDLE. 189 use of the Half-moon Bit. The foot-strap may be used to enable testing the horse sufficiently hard to know with certainty to what degree he will submit to the restraint. This bit also works very nicely on side-reiners, or those that pull on one rein. Fic. 247.—First Form of Spoon Bit. Easy on the Mouth. PATENT BRIDLE. _ The Patent Bridle, described on page 184, is undoubtedly the most powerful means yet introduced of controlling a headstrong, runaway horse. It ‘does not require any practice or work other than fitting the head-piece and bridle to the head, and setting the horse back a few times. It gives two important points of advan- Fie. 248.—Second Form of Spoon Bit. Gives More Power. tage: First, it is as any common bit in the mouth until resistance is ‘excited, when by an ordinary pull such power is brought upon the mouth that the strongest horse cannot well resist it; second, it brings direct pressure upon the spinal cord so as to affect the whole nervous system most forcibly, and break up the inclination to pull ; so that when a horse submits to it once, he will usually drive with an ordinary bit and slack rein. This is one of the most important secrets in making a horse safe in harness. Now when everything 190 i RUNNING AWAY, is all right, it is reasonably presumed that a horse must be safe. It is a point of testing up to the point of what the horse will usually bear, repeatedly. There must be no nonsensical timidity or mock sentiment shown in doing this. The greatest humanity is to make the horse as safe as possible to those using him. Fra. 249.—Slightly Rounded, or Flat, Concave, with Edges Rounded, when when not Desired to be Severe. More Severity is Required. LUGGING, OR PULLING UPON ONE REIN. The quickest and simplest way to break up this habit is to put on the Breaking Bit, also the First Form of the War Bridle. But. instead of bringing the cord through the mouth, bring it through the tings of the bit. Pull sharply on one side opposite that on which he lugs, until he will bring the head around freely without being pulled upon. Now tie up the cord, take down the reins, and drive around. If he pulls in the least, repeat the lesson, until he learns ta yield Fie. 250.—Rounded Side of the Bar. promptly to the restraint of the reins, when he ought to drive to an ordinary bit ; or the Breaking Bit can be kept on for a day or two. This treatment will make that side of the mouth as tender and sub- missive to restraint as the opposite, and he will pull evenly. The Spoon Bit and Four-ring Bit, just referred to, work espe- cially well for this habit. = WILL NOT BACK. This is the result of bad training of the mouth. Ordinarily it is a very simple habit to manage, but I have found a few cases ex- WILL NOT BACK. 191 ceedingly stubborn and difficult to break. First, in the manage- ment of colts. If a colt is very young, or of a cold-blooded, sullen nature, he will usually sulk and resist the bit when pulled upon to back. With the Breaking Bit, however, it is a very simple matter to do in most any case of this kind. During my early experience, I usually made this point by putting on the War Bridle, first form, and standing at the shoulder, then giving a sharp, quick jerk side-. ways and back, and thus repeating until forced to go back a little, then stood in front and pulled back moderately until the point was made. Another method, practiced upon such cases by me with suc- cess, was, to put on a foot-strap and surcingle; instead of putting the strap over the belly-band, bring it forward, then, after the foot is pulled up, press back gently upon the head, at the same time let- ting the foot go down; it will be put down about ten inches back of the other, making a short step backward. This is to be repeated until the colt will go back freely. Another excellent method was . taking an ordinary jack-knife, or the end of a stick brought to a dull . point, and press gently back inside the shoulder blade, at the same time pressing back upon the head gently. The colt will usually go '- back to free himself from the pain, when caress and repeat. Ihave used all these methods with success. When I caught the point of training. the mouth with the Breaking Bit, I practically abandoned the palliative methods, and depended entirely upon them, by training the mouth as described under that head in Colt Training. Extremely bad runaways would sometimes resist the bit in the most desperate manner. It was not unusual for horses of this character to pull from two to three men on a ‘walk, even against the Breaking © Bit, with the recklessness of insanity: Such horses were usually sub- mitted to the restraint of the bit freely until excited, the very point that had to be overcome. Now we managed all these cases by simple, , sharp little jerks, as explained ‘under the head of “Running Away,” and repeating. If the horse became warmed up and sullen, which would destroy the sensibility of the mouth, we would stop, and repeat after he became cool, when, of course the sensibility | of the mouth would be greatly increased, then repeat until there would be perfect submission. The principle is the same in teaching an extremely bad colt to back. . There is quite a sleight in using this bit in these bad cases. It is, when directly behind, with the reins loose enough to come oneach side of the quartersgto give such a quick, energetic pull that the horse is brought back before he can concentrate his will to resist. It should be a little series of surprises in this way. Let him stand quietly, and suddenly give a sharp little raking pull, 192 RUNNING AWAY. at the same time repeating the word “Back.” I have often been able in this way to take horses that seem to be very bad, and lift them bodily from the ground backward in a few minutes. This will usually work well with warm-blooded horses. If the case is of a cold-blooded nature, eye small, eyelid thick, long from eye to ear, the eye well into the head, if a large boned, strong horse, you have one that will fight like a bulldog. If possible, the point is to get him off his feet the first time. Should he become a little warm, stop .and repeat ; at any rate, keep on until successful. There should be no exception——we never had one. We had cases that would resist very hard, and required two or three lessons, but we never found a case that we could not break. Be careful not to cut or bruise the ’ tongue. This is the point I forgot to mention before. When the horse will sullenly resist the bit, you can easily bruise or cut the mouth without his feeling it. The treatment for bruises, should you have trouble in this way, is dousing heavily with cold water; bathing with callen- dula is probably the most effective treatment. This remedy has the best effect in removing swelling, etc., that the writer has ever used. It seems to have the best healing effect. During 1869, when I was in Painesville, Ohio, a man brought in. a runaway horse of the worst character. He stated that he would wager fifty dollars that if excited he could not be held by the reins, and wished the trial made. The Breaking Bit I then used had short bars, with square, twisted corners. With this in his mouth the horse resisted six men; or three to a rein’ Upon examination of the mouth, I found the tongue to be very badly cut. Using callendula, which was given mea short time before by a practitioner in Cleve- land, Ohio, cured the tongue in three days. We had no trouble ip breaking the horse with the usual treatment of the Breaking Bit. CHAPTER VIL. BALKING. s F a naturally gentle horse be hitched to a tree or other immova- ble object and ‘commanded to pull, he would at first pull all he could; the second time he would not pull with quite so much confidence as at first; while the third or fourth time he would pull but little, or perhaps not'at all. To whip and urge him now to pull ‘Fic. 251.—As the Horse will Sometimes Stand, Regardless of the : Most Severe Whipping. . would only start him in the habit of balking. Or, if a, horse is over-. loaded or so exhausted that he cannot pull the load, and in this condition is whipped and urged to go, he will balk. Or, if he starts - too quickly, and is pulled back violently and whipped till confused -and excited, the habit of balking is begun. Hence we see that this habit is purely acquired, the same as kicking and other habits, for which there can hardly be a reasonable excuse. _ Balking horses are of two kinds: Double-balkers and single- balkers. Balkers in single harness may be divided into two classes : First, horses that refuse to go at all; second, those that will not pull unless given their own way. The mule and ox, and horses hav- 13 a (198) 194 BALKING. ing similarly patient, cold-blooded natures, have little inclination to this habit; while nervous, warm-blooded, fine-grained horses are easily dtaiehe the habit. In teaching a colt to drive, let him go slowly at first and as he pleases. There should be sufficient room so as not to require short turns, as pulling short around before learning to rein is liable to confuse and irritate him to balk. If there appears any inclination to stop, or if he refuses to go, the driver should sit quietly in the wagon, fix the harness, or do anything to take up time until the horse gets over his fret. If he does not feel sure of his going, let him get out and move the colt’a little to the right or left, speaking to him kindly, and it is rare that he will not move off without know- ing that he has balked. If he has an irritable disposition, and ap- pears unwilling to stand, particular care should be taken to teach him thoroughly the lesson of stopping and ‘starting, as described un- der the head of Colt Training. If the habit is only partially learned, and especially if the colt is of a warm-blooded nature, it is by all means advisable to win him out of the habit by, kind: treatment, if possible. I will illustrate by referring to a peculiar case in my early experience :— I often traded horses, and not unfrequently got, very bad ones. Among them was a small pony mare, nine years old,;—a confirmed balker. This I did not’know until after I had traded for her,’ I har- nessed her carefully in the shafts, but she stood stubbornly. Upon touching her with a whip, she threw herself down. I saw’ at once that she was one of the very, worst of balkers, and that in:the effort to break her she had been subjected to a great deal ‘of whipping and abuse. I unhitched her, got her up, tied up the harness and reins, and went into an orchard close by and filled my pockets with apples. I then led her to a back road not much used, and standing near her head with a switch in my hand, touched her lightly over the hips, saying, “Get up!” This caused her to start. After going-a few steps, I called “Whoa!” at the same time pulling upon the reins, when she stopped, for which I gave her a piece of apple, and stroked her nose and head. This I repeated: until she would start and stop at command.. ; This point gained, I next untied the reins, and while standing at the shoulder and holding the reins slack in my hands, I repeated the command for starting, touching her for a few times lightly over the hips. At each repetition I stood a little farther back, until able to get directly behind ‘her, and make her'go or stop at command: I then took her to the top of the hill and hitched her up. This was : BALKING SINGLE. ) 195: the critical point of the experiment, and I did not propose to take any chances of failure. I commenced again at her head,- rewarding as before, until I was able to get on the step, and finally into the wagon, at each repetition being careful to reward her, even getting out of the wagon to do so. ‘It-was soon quite amusing to see how eagerly she would reach round her head in anticipation of her re- ward. Now I required her togo a little farther at each time of start- ing, until able to drive fifteen or twenty rods ; ; then I took her out of harness, and put her in the stable. The next day I hitched her up ‘again, and commenced cautiously as before, spending only a few minutes, but requiring her to go farther.and faster until on a sharp trot or run. I repeated this lesson again next day until she could be driven as desired. The point of . success was that I made the lessons short, and was careful not to do more at a time than she would bear. I could even make her stop in a mud-hole and stand as long as I wished her to, and then: at com- mand she would pull out willingly. Those who knew the mare were quite surprised to see me drive her, ' and regarded it as a great feat. In reality it was no. feat at all, ‘but merely the result of a little patient Fre. 252.—Slow, Patient Nature,—not MEARS eMCHh, which it 3 nee diffi- Disposed to Balk. cult for any one to practice. ‘This | mode of treatment is especially adapted to nervous horses that will not ‘bear pushing. _ There is nothing that so tries a man’s temper and patience as a sullen balker. One may resolve to be patient, but after reasonable efforts with kind treatment, and failing, he determines to see what a whip will do. Some men in anger will strike a horse over the éars, twist and pull his tongue severely, and yet not be able to make the animal flinch. A balking horse of spirit, thoroughly maddened by such ‘treatment, may resist the most severe punishment. Horses ‘have been known, when excited in this way, to sullenly stand even ‘the burning of straw under them. The skin on the legs and body is so thick, and has so little sensibility, that when the blood is thor- oughly warmed -up,. the severest whipping or pounding can be scarcely felt, and it becomes only a means of intensifying the habit. The usual method of whipping, kicking the belly, hitting back of the 196 : BALKING. head with a club, etc., while often liable to kill or seriously i injure the horse. can really have no beneficial effect. - STARTING THE BALKER. Sometimes very simple treatment will start a balky — as kicking the leg lightly below the knee until he lifts his foot ; pass- ing a string over one of his‘ears, and tying it down; letting the horse inhale a little ammonia or red pepper. These are very common tricks, and will sometimes disconcert a horse sufficiently: to cause him to start. The following has been considered a great secret in the treatment of balkers, and will in some cases work with con- siderable success. MEDICINE. Take the oslets or warts growing inside a horse’s leg, dry, and grate them fine, and keep in a tightly-corked bottle, as they lose their strength quickly and evaporate on being exposed to the air. About three-quarters of an hour before the horse is to be driven, ‘blow a thimbleful from a quill into his nostrils. This hasa soothing effect, and will cause the horse to go off all right. An old man who had been a successful horse-breaker, told me that he had used it forty years, and never failed to make a horse go as he desired with it; that he seldom repeated it more than two or three times. When a horse takes a dislike to other horses and kicks at them, the oslets from a vigorous horse, or from the one ob- jected to, used as above, will in most cases overcome such aversion. Sometimes stepping before a horse and moving him to the right or left a little, and stroking his nose, or pulling his ears gently, etc., will cause him to start. Grasping both nostrils with the hand to prevent his breathing until he struggles for freedom, and turning him a little sideways at the instant of letting go, will frequently start quite a bad horse. Tying the tail to the cross-piece will fre- quently start him, as a horse will always pull by the tail. Blind- folding is one of the simplest and best methods of starting a stub- born balker. After being blindfolded, le should be allowed to stand a few minutes, then move him right and left a few times, say encouragingly, “Get up,” and the horse will usually pull steadily against the collar and, move off all right. Tying up the fore leg, and compelling him to stand on three legs till tired, will usually be avery effectual means of starting a balker, and frequently after a few repetitions it will.break up the habit. This method works best on nervous, impulsive horses. n - PALLIATIVE TREATMENT. 197 A MAINE MAN’s METHOD. “When a horse balks, take him out of the shafts, tie the bridle rein into the tail short enough to bring his body into a half circle, and make him go around four or five times. This will make him dizzy ; then put him in shafts and he will go off all right. | at one lesson will not break him, repeating it will be sure to do so.’ _ This is merely palliative; it will frequently enable starting a balking horse, but is not by any means adequate for breaking up the habit. It will be seen farther on that it is part of my regular treat- ment for this habit. I invented it and taught it in that State nearly twenty-five years ago; and the idea of managing balky horses in this way was given by me asa simple method of starting a horse, ‘but not of breaking up the habit. A mare in the habit of balking, although occasionally driving well for weeks at a time, one day got into one of her balking tan- trums. Her owner, becoming angry, determined to kill her. Tak- ing a gun from the hands of a sportsman who happened to be standing near, he fired the charge of ‘shot into the body. It did not kill her, and on recovering, she was put to work as usual. It was found afterward that whenever she balked, simply pointing a stick at her was sufficient to make her start at once. A horse employed in drawing limestone, to a kiln from a quarry close by, was in the habit of balking. One day he refused to pull, and, in defiance of the strength of several men who caught and held the wheels to prevent the accident, backed over the precipice, falling about thirty feet. The cart was broken to pieces, but the horse es- caped with slight injury, He was put to work as usual, but was never known to balk afterward. A farmer who was once a member of my class made the follow- ing statement in relation to his managing a balker: He had a mare that would sometimes work well for a week, and then, perhaps, at a critical time would stand stubbornly, resisting all effort to move her. One day while-drawing in oats she-balked. After working with her a long while, he resolved that she should go or starve. He drove a stake down in the ground, and tied her to it; then putting a sheaf of oats a few rods distant, he went off. This was at ten o'clock in the morning. About five o’clock he returned'and tried to start her, but she would not go. He tied her again to the post, and let her stand until morning. Then he unhitched her, took the reins and tried to start her, but she would not pull. During the afternoon he tried her again, when she went. Upon reaching the sheaf of oats, he let her eat it. He now drove her home, unharnessed and fed her, then put 198 ' BALKING. her to work. She worked all right for a few days, and then balked again. This time he let her stand forty-eight hours, then fed her, when upon trial she went all right, and he kept her at work. ' She never balked afterward. : Another man of much tact ait horses informed me that he al- ways succeeded with balkers by the following treatment: When a horse balked, he unhitched and put him in the stall, and stationed a man behind him with a whip. Every minute or two the man tapped the horse on the quarters with a whip, just enough to annoy him. This was kept up for twenty-four hours, the regular feed and water being given. If he refused to go upon being tried, he was put back, and the same treatment kept up to prevent his going to sleep, until » he would go as ‘desired. It was rarely, after one or two lessons of this treatment, that a horse would not work in all right. Innumer- able instances of breaking ‘very bad horses in this way have been brought to my notice by horsemen who have been members of my classes. It does no good, practically, to subject a horse to treatment in a barn, or where not accustomed to balk. It should be carried out as nearly as possible where in the habit of resisting. Any means that will disconcert a horse when he balks is a step in the right direction. But if we have in addition power to move him as we wish, we have- the key of compelling the entire submission of balkers that have de- fied the greatest efforts to break or drive them. This we can obtain by the Second Method, and other treatment here given. REGULAR TREATMENT. The course I usually” pursue, and which I would advise in the management of bad cases, is about ‘as follows: Put into the wagon, ready for use, a good strap halter, a War Bridle, a light bow whip that will not break, and some good apples. Hitch up the horse as if to make a journey, and let him go as he pleases until a level, isolated piece of road is reached. Now if he doeés not balk, proveke him to do so. Get out quietly, unhitch him, tie up the reins and tugs, put on the halter over the bridle, and subject him to Second Method both ways until well off his balance. If hitched up now he will be likely to go off all right, but will be apt to balk at some future time. As the object should be to effectually break up the habit, it is neces- sary to make the lesson very thorough. This treatment makes a powerful impression upon him in two ways: First, to convince him that there is power to make him move any way desired, which is the point to be established, as he does not 2 REG ULAR. TREATMENT. ‘ 199 know the difference between going sideways and straight ahead. Second, it disconcerts him in the most powerful manner, and thus pre- vents or overcomes the inclination to resistance. But it is also nec- essary to create sufficient reserve power to force him to move should he again refuse to go. To do this, put on the War Bridle, first, or double-draw hitch form, and lift him right and left- When he follows promptly, change to second form. Now pull upon him side- ways and ahead. As he yields, gradually pull more on a line with the body until he will come ahead promptly. . Next, tie up the cord Idogely i in the terret, take down the reins, run them through the shaft-lugs, and get directly behind. Say “Get. up!” pulling one rein a little, and, if necessary, touch the quarters ‘ “sharply with the whip. After going a short distance, call, “Whoa!” If he does not stop, force him to do so by a slight pull of the reins. Repeat this until he will stop and start at command, then reward by giving some apple. ‘Repeat the driving, stopping, and starting un- til he works in all right and is over the excitement of the treatment, then hitch to a wagon, ‘when will come the real test. ‘Stand | near, and i in a low, gentle tone say, “Get up!” and repeat the starting, stopping, and rewarding as before, until he will go as desired. Ifa very bad case, it will be necessary to make the, impression as thor- ough and complete as possible, and it would be best to: ‘put him | away until the next day, when he should be tried, and, so far as found necessary, the treatment repeated until under good.control. | _ Although the horse may go a few times as commanded, yet, after hitching to a wagon, he may balk again. If so, take down the cord, stand in front of him—a little to the right’ or left—and give a sharp jérk, repeating. until he will go at command. Should this be _. vresisted, which is not at-all improbable, repeat the previous course of treatment, which, in some cases, may. be supplemented by the _ other methods of treatment. . It is advisable to test the horse hard before putting to regular work. A gteat point after the coercive treatment, is to; win his confidence by giving him apples, etc. RESTLESS BALKERS, OR SucH, AS. WILL NOT STAND WHEN GETTING IN OR OUT ‘OF A. Wacon, If, when a young horse is hitched toa wagon, he is allowed to start as he pleases a few times, he is liable to. ‘acquire the habit of becoming impatient, so that as soon as hitched up, if not allowed to .go his‘own way, | he may get mad and balk. Or if whipped to start quickly, and then pulled back upon, or if made ,to stand too long while getting into or out of a wagon, he may acquire the habit of. 200 BALKING., balking. A short lesson in teaching to start and stop, as directed in “ Colt-Training,” would prevent this. As it is a very common as ‘well as annoying form of balking, I will include the details of a sim- ple treatment, which can be easily practiced by any one :— First, teach the horse to stand (see “Will Not Stand,” page 201) with the harness on, as explained to stand with the Breaking Bit; then tie up the reins, give a good sharp lesson with the War Bridle, and put him in shafts. If he balks, overcome it with the War Bridle. If of a quick, nervous disposition, this treatment should be sufficient ; but if of a decidedly resolute, plucky character, regular coercive treatment by Second Method, etc., may be necessary. But as there is usually little inclination among owners to resort to co- ercive treatment, for the benefit of such I include the details of sim- ple, winning treatment :— Before putting the horse into the shafts, adjust the harness. Get directly behind, with an ordinary carriage whip touch the hips lightly, and say sharply, “Get up!” After going a short distance, call, “Whoa!” and pull lightly upon the reins to make him. Stop. When there is prompt obedience, givea little apple, etc. Continue driving and stopping until a good foundation is made for the next — step. Next, turn the carriage to face a barn or high fence, and qui- etly hitch the horse in; then go to his head, caress, talk to him, and give him some apple. Be in no hurry, but hold his attention in this way several minutes. When you want him to move, walk ahead a little and say, “Get up!” or “Come!” After going a few steps, stop and repeat the rewarding. There will be less inclination to rush ahead when a barn or high fence is in front, and you are standing directly before him. In addi- tion to this, his attention is attracted by the apples. In this way re- peat until the obstruction ‘is reached, when it will be easy to turn or back short around. Gradually get back opposite his head and shoul- ders, with each repetition going farther back till the wheel is reached, when mount the step and get into the wagon. Repeat this until the horse is obedient to wait for the driver to get in, stopping and start- ng as desired. Now drive farther, and take some one in with you as if to take a journey. First, drive where the horse is least likely to resist, but finally in front of the house, or other place, where there has been most trouble. The hitching and unhitching should be re- peated, and his attention held as before with apples, etc., in the meantime talking, walking around, and rattling the wagon. A little care should be used, especially after idle spells, to hold the attention by giving apples, etc., or have’some one stand at his head and talk WILL NOT STAND. 201 to him, but not to take up the reins until ready to start. If in a barn, keep the door shut until ready to start. WILL NOT STAND. Usually it is not difficult to teach a horse to stand vances there is inclination to balk. If a young horse that is simply a little im- pulsive, treat the same as directed for teaching colts to stand. Usu- ‘ally, with an ordinary mild bit, there will be an inclination to pull against it and fight its restraint. If this is the case, the Breaking Bit can be used as follows :— First, with the harness on, train to stop as explained i in Colt Training. When first hitched to a wagon, let. it- be away from the place where accustomed to be hitched. I prefer to turn the horse’s head toward a high fence or barn, because there is less inclination to go ahead when such an obstruction is in view. Then get in and out repeatedly, occasionally giving him an apple, etc., for.some time. Now move him around, standing hima little farther off at each rep- etition, and: gradually more sideways, until he will stand with his body parallel to the barn or away from it. Next, repeat the lesson where in the habit of being hitched, until he will stand as desired. When hitched in, have the reins in the hand or within easy reach. The moment he starts, give a'sharp pull that will make him stand, go to the head and stroke it for a while, then go back to the wheel. For the least resistance, set him back sharply with the reins. When desired to start, take him by the head, and, after going a few steps, call “Whoa!” If-he does not stop promptly, pull sharply upon the reins until he willdo so. Reward for standing ; punish for mov- ing. Having once learned to stand and wait, get on the step and ‘make a noise; this submitted to, get in quietly and sit down. Re- peat the stopping, starting, and waiting, until the impression is fixed upon the mind. After he will do this properly away from the house, he should be taken where in the habit of resisting, and the lesson repeated, if necessary. . Horses of this character are sometimes very. sensitive, and re- quire nice management, because they are so easily taught to balk. The point is to impress thoroughly the idea of stopping, and make it so habitual that when the horse is most impulsive during cold and chilly weather, it will not be forgotten. A very good plan, should the case be a little doubtful, and seem in danger of working into the habit again, would be to have some one stand in front of him, or near the head, and stroke the nose a little, but not touch the reins. This will disconcert the horse sufficiently to make him stand while ° 202 —~C BALKING. getting in, when by stepping out of his way he will move off quietly. If the Breaking Bit is not available, the following course of treatment, though requiring more time and care, will be found to work very well: | Put on the foot-strap, call “ Whoa!” at the same time pull upon the foot-strap, which will pull the foot up and throw the horse upon three legs. After a few repetitions, he will stop rather than be pulled upon and tripped. Now put him before a wagon, carrying the foot-strap back as a third rein. If he starts, _ simply pull the foot from under a few times, or until he will stand as ‘desired. In some cases, the foot-strap may be put on both fore feet, as a very determined horse may lunge forward upon three feet. If when one foot is taken up there is inclination to lunge forward, simply pull the other foot from under, which brings him forward upon his'knees. This treatment should be given on soft, sodded ground, or sandy road free from stones, to avoid bruising the knees. Put the Breaking Bit into the bridle and commence cracking a whip, yelling, or anything else to attract his attention. If he moves, punish by jerking him back sharply, and say, “Whoa!” Then re- peat, cracking the whip, etc,, until he will stand quietly under the excitement. When he will stand while in wagon, get out and caress him, walk around carelessly, crack the whip, etc. The instant he: starts, call “Whoa!” and jerk him back again. When he will stand, go to his head, caress, give an apple, etc.; so repeat the lesson until he will stand quietly. At first, the cause of excitement should be moderate, gradually i increasing each time. The reins should extend , back into the wagon over. the deat, so they can be caught quickly when necessary. In this way. the horse is ‘made afraid to start for fear of being punished. If it is desired to make the effect still more thorough, boys can be made to run around, make a noise, etc, A simple way to make a horse stand without being hitched; is to buckle or tie a strap or cord around the near fore foot below the fetlock, and tie the other end around the shaft back of the cross- piece, bringing it short enough so that, while not interfering with the limb while standing, it prevents its being brought forward in the effort to stop or go ahead. A horse will: stand quietly by spancel-, © ing the fore legs together ; that is, tying two small cords around the fore legs about six or seven inches apart. As soon as the horse finds he cannot step, he will stand quietly. DOUBLE BALKING. When a horse throws himself back in the breeching sullenly, with his head over the other horse’s neck, as if to. say, “ Make me go ‘ DOUBLE PALEING: 208 a , if you can!” it will: try a man's patience very much, and unless he 2 “ssausep O]qnOg UJ Joy|eq & BuNjeelg J0) juaweButsay—gog ‘ory knows how to overcome the difficulty, he will be likely to retaliate by kicking and pounding, which is likely to do more harm than 204 BALKING. good. Many horses are led into this habit by badly fitting collars, that either choke or make the shoulders so sore that it becomes painful to push steadily or firmly. When hitched to a load, care should be used to prevent pulling so hard and long at a time as to get out of breath. Neither should a stop be made in a soft place, or where a steady, heavy pull ‘to start will be required. The team should be kept fresh, and en- couraged by stopping often and giving the horses a chance to re- cover breath. In pulling up hill or very steep places, a good rest should be given before starting. If one or both horses become con- fused, and balk, let them stand until they recover fully. Then stand i in front, take both by the head, and move them to the right or left.’ It is sometimes advisable'to turn them both ways. When you get them to move together, say gently and encouragingly, “Come, boys!” or any word to which they are accustomed. Much depends upon the tact of the driver in bringing them up against the collar with assurance, and in helping them to break the force of the dead pull in starting, by moving partly sideways. If the wheels are sunk in the mud, and the power and willingness of the horses to pull out is doubtful, a part of the load should be thrown off; better do this than run the risk of spoiling the team. Horses compelled to'pull hard should not be checked up. Let the head have full freedom. Sometimes a horse is so stubborn that he will not go, even when not required to pull any load. Always be governed by circumstances, such as the horse’s disposition and the difficulty to be encountered. If of a sensitive, nervous disposition, try either of the! following tricks, which in many cases will work very nicely: First, tie a strap or cord to the end of the tail, bring it forward between the legs and attach it to the hame ring of the gen- tle horse, or to the end of the pole. ‘Tie it so short that unless the horse will come forward promptly to his place. he will be pulled upon sharply. Or double a piece of cord (that used for War Bridle is best), pass the tail through the center, and twist the ends of the cord three or four times and tie to the hame ring of the gentle horse or to the end of the pole. Or, again, a noose may be formed of a small chain or rope around the body back of the shoulders, and tied to the end of the wagon tongue.’ Now when the gentle horse is made to start, the pull becomes so severe that it startles and disconcerts the balky horse from his purpose, and compels him to go ahead. ‘After adjusting either of these rigs, start the gentle horse quickly so as to make a sharp pull upon the. balker, which will sur- prise and force him to jump ahead. After a few repetitions, he BEST TREA TMEN: T. 205 will jump ahead to avoid being hurt. If the cord under the tail causes the horse to kick, it should not be used. “A BEST TREATMENT. First, put on (under the ordinary bridle) the. Second Form of War Bridle, bring it under the head-piece, and, as in the case of balkers in single harness, pull sideways and ahead, slowly repeating until the horse comes freely without restraint. This lesson should be made very thorough. To prevent chafing or cutting the hands, gloves should be | worn, or the cord may be wound around a piece of broom handle or other stick with which to pull upon. This done, get a stiff pole or Fie. 254.—Patent Bridle Used for Breaking Double Balkers. , sappling about three or four inches in diameter, and about ten feet in length, or so long that it will extend about thirty inches beyond _the horse’s nose. Bore a hole about two inches from each end, and fasten the large end of the pole to the inside end of the gentle horse’s singletree. When the horses are hitched up, pass the War Bridle through the hole at the other end of the pole; and draw it short enough so that when the horse is.up in his place there will be little, if any, restraint upon him, and make fast. . Next, pass a cord under the pole from one hame ring to the other, making both ends fast, and leaving it,just long enough so that when both horses are in their natural positions, there will be no ‘slack. Then pass an- other cord around the pole : and tie both ends into the gentle horse's hame ring, regulating the length so it will hold the pole over the wagon-tongue in position. Or have a ring made about one half to three fourths of an inch larger than the pole. Attach a cord or strap 206 ' BALKING. to connect this ring with the hame.rings on each side. This holds the pole in position over the wagon-tongue, and is a better way than. the first, but more troublesome to make. If there are stay chains on the doubletree, they should be re- moved, so as to give it free play. Get into the wagon (there should be no load) and start the gentle horse quickly. The balker of course refuses to go. The instant the gentle horse starts ahead, if the adjustment i is properly arranged, his whole power is brought di- rectly upon the balky horse’s head, compelling him to start. Find- ing he must go, it will usually be but a very few minutes’ work to make him so afraid of being pulled upon and hurt, that he will be the first to start at the command. This accomplished, put on a lit- tle loading, gradually increasing it until he learns to. use his strength reliably. To fix the impression thoroughly, it may be nec- essary to keep the pole on a few days. The Patent Bridle will be found to work very nicely in the management of these cases. The reins are simply reversed, so as to ‘pull ahead, instead of back, and tied to the end of the pole. This method of treatment makes the breaking of double balkers a very simple. and easy thing to do. It gives powér to force the horse into obedience without danger or cruelty. I will refer toa few cases, showing thé ease. with which horses of this character can be broken by the treatment given. | CasE No. 1.—At Great Barrington, Mass., an Srishmiin pro- posed to join my class and pay a double tuition fee, if I would prom- ‘ise to break his horse of balking. I told him if he would join the . Class I would teach him the principle, and if he could not make his horse work perfectly gentle when he went home that evening, he could so report next day at West Stockbridge, where I was engaged to lec- ture, and I would return his money. He was extremely suspicious and incredulous as to my terms, but finally joined the class. The following day he was at the next town, so well pleased that he stated publicly to his friends that in ten minutes he was able to make the ‘balky horse work as well as the gentle one, and that he could fully indorse all my statements, CasE No. 2.—At Brunswick, Maine, a man introduced himself to me, and stated that he teamed for a living ; that his whole prop- erty was his horses ; ; that one of his horses balked, making his team worthless ; that his only object in going into the class‘was to break ‘this horse of the habit. I assured him that I would put him in the way of breaking his horse without difficulty ; and that if he could not make: him work OVERLOADING. |. 207 and pull as desired when he went home in the afternoon, on the fol- lowing motning he could come to me and get hismoney back. Next day he stated that in less than ten minutes he was able to make this horse work just as well as the other. , CasE No. 3.—When in Northern New York, in 1876, a man in- troduced himself to me as an old scholar, who had attended the lec- tures a few years before, and desired to come into my class again. He said that, he had not had occasion to make ariy use of the in- structions until about a year before, when, in plowing, one of his’ horses balked. He was for some time puzzled to know what to do, when it occurred to him to try this method of treatment. He had forgotten the details, but remembered the general plan. He took a three-fourths- inch rope, and put it on the Second Form of War Bri- dle, as described for balking. He next took a rail from the fence, and tied one end to the gentle horse’s singletree ; to the other end he attached the rope. He then started the gentle horse, and jerked the balky horse out of his tracks two or three times. Using his own language, “ That ’ere horse did n’t wait to be pulled upon the second time, but pulled as if for life, and never offered to balk afterward, though I put the plow down to the beam.” It was by mere good luck that this man succeeded, considering the crude, imperfect manner in which the treatment was applied. It is hardly safe to risk attempting to make a pee horse go directly in this way. He should be made to yield first'to the War Bridle until very sensitive ta its restraint, then the pole should be adjusted very carefully. If too short, or so limber that it will’ bend much, the ex- periment will be liable to fail. OVERLOADING. There is a general inclination among teamsters to overload. This is very: common in large cities. While engaged in making il- lustrations for this work in New York City, I daily passed through Fulton and other streets, and frequently took a side street to avoid witnessing the abuse to which horses were subjected i in consequence of being overloaded. It was no unusual thing to see a team whipped severely while pulling to their utmost power, and finally compelled to'stop for want of strength to go farther. A team never should be compelled to draw more than it is able to pull easily over the worst parts of the road. This should be the rule. The strain and pulling i in this way will sometimes injure a horse more in a few min- : utes than working reasonably hard all day. When a horse is unaccustomed to work before a wagon or plow, 208 BALKING. is unsteady and easily irritated, especially in plowing, it is advisable to let him go around a few times before putting the plow into the ground. A little patience at the beginning, in this way, will fre- quently enable mousing a horse in gentle that would otherwise be easily spoiled. CHAPTER VIII. BAD. TO SHOE. HE average of these cases are very simple and easy to manage, T but there will occasionally be found among them horses of the most difficult character to control. Ordinary cases of this character were of almost daily occurrence, and usually required but a few minutes’ time to make them stand gently to have the feet handled as desired. But we were liable at any time to have a ‘horse of this character that would test our power to the utmost, and such cases frequently made us a great deal of trouble. In the chapter on “Colt-Training” I have given instructions on .Fia. 255.—As a Vicious Horse will Sometimes Act while being Shod. handling the feet, page 108, which may be referred to in connection with this. ' By the use of a little patience and tact, it is rare that even very ‘sensitive colts cannot be made to submit the feet to be handled and pounded upon as desired ; and once done, unless there is some spe- cial cause for disturbance, it can always be done. It is true there is occasionally a young horse that is naturally so wild and vicious as _ to resist all ordinary good management in the effort to take up and handle the feet ; but with our present methods of treatment, even these cases submit readily to control in a short time. ‘ If a colt of ordinary good character, give a short lesson with the First Form of War Bridle, when the feet can be taken up without dif- ficulty. The efficiency o this simple method of control, in making 14 : (209) 210 BAD T0 SHOE. colts submit to be ridden, led, or handled, is very remarkable; and in no respect is it greater than in allowing the feet to be taken up and handled. Pull right and left sharply a few times with the War Bri- — die, or sufficiently to make the colt come around without being pulled upon ; then step back, holding the cord rather tight, pass the right hand lightly down the hip and leg to the fetlock, and lift the foot gently; at the same time, with the left hand, press hard against the hip, so as to throw the weight of the body upon the op- posite leg, which will enable taking up the foot more'easily. If sen- sitive, lift it but a few inches at first, and then let it rest again upon the ground ; then again slide the hand lightly down the limb, and ‘lift a little higher than before, repeating until in a position to rest upon the knees with the gambrel under the arm. With the right Fic. 256. —As the Horse will Stand after Fretinieal hand hammer the foot lightly, put it down and take it up a few times, then stop and caress. - This point ‘made, bring the foot panty. forward, in position: as if to clinch down the nails. Should the colt at any time jerk or pull’ the foot away, let go and give a few sharp pulls with. the cord,.and go on as before ‘until the foot can be taken up and hammered upon as desired. The opposite foot must be treated in the same way. To take up the fore foot, rest the left hand upon the shoulder, pass the right lightly down the limb to the fetlock, and‘ at the instant of lifting the foot, as before explained, with the other hand press upon the shoulder to throw the weight upon the opposite leg, which will relax the, near one, and make it easy to be taken up. Take up and let down a few times, tapping it lightly, and repeat- until it can be pounded upon quite hard; then bring forward upon the knees,,and proceed the same as before. The foot should not be held at any time so long, or grasped so awkwardly, as to produce fatigue, or PALLIATIVE” TREATMENT. 211 frighten so that it would excite inclination to pull away. By being careful at first but little difficulty will be experienced in making any ordinary colt submit the feet to be taken up and hammered upon as desired. Should the colt be so wild or vicious as to resist the War Bridle, subject to Second Method. until so dizzy and helpless that he stops turning. While the head is still tied around, as before, rest one hand: upon the hip, pass the other quickly from the gambrel down to the fetlock, and lift the foot forward. If submitted to, but little more need Fie. 257.—Pulling the Foot Back while Controlled with the War Bridle, be done ; but if resisted, send around again until helpless, when the _effort should be repeated. If submitted to, untie the halter and re- peat the handling. Sometimes, after the head is given freedom and . the dizziness passes off, the colt may, unexpectedly, kick violently. To avoid being struck, stand well forward, and far enough out from ‘the hip to be out of range of the foot, and, as before, while balancing the body by resting the left hand upon the hip, with the right cau- tiously, but firmly, lift the. foot: forward. Should the colt kick -now, thé hand will simply be carried back with the foot without _ doing harm. When the foot is freely submitted, step forward ‘so as to come well under the hip, bringing | the foot upon the knees. If in this position he kicks, the foot will simply be thrown out and back from the knees, so that there will be no-danger of ac- d 4 ¥ 212. BAD TO SHOE. cident. If the case is still unmanageable or doubtful, put on the double-draw hitch form of War Bridle. While an assistant is holding the cord (see Fig. 257), buckle a rein, or tie a cord around the foot below the fetlock. Get directly behind, out of reach, and pull the foot back. This will usually be responded to by a sharp kick, or the foot pulled forward with energy. If so, let the War Bridle be jerked upon once or twice as punishment. Repeat the pull- ing at short intervals until the foot will finally be given back freely, Fria. 258.—The Colt as He will Stand after Treatment. and rested upon the toe. Now step forward to a point a little back ‘of the shoulder, with one hand take a short hold of the strap, at the same time resting the other upon the horse’s back, and pull the foot forward repeatedly. Usually this will be submitted to; if so, catch the foot and bring it forward and back, to test its flexibility or sub- mission to control. If, however, it is resisted, or the control is still doubtful, pass the strap over the neck, back between the fore legs, and up under the part over the back. Pull short enough to bring the leg well forward under the body, and tie into a half-hitch knot. This will bring the weight and pulling of the leg directly across the back and neck in a way that disables greatly. Next touch or lightly slap the leg until it is submitted to freely, PALLIATIVE TREATMENT, 213 when more freedom should be given by giving loose a little. When freely given to the hand, untie, carry the leg back and forward to ‘test it; when take in both hands and pound upon it. as before ex- plained. After the foot. is sub- mitted unconditionally, keep on handling for some time, giving apples, etc. The opposite foot must, practically, be treated in the same manner, and according to the degree of resistance. The blacksmith’s shop is no place in which to handle colts. The fire and hammering add to the general excitement, and greatly increase the difficulty of making the horse submit the feet. ‘In addition, it is not the black- smith’s duty to expose himself to be injured or hurt, or to lose time in trying to shoe.a wild, unbroken ‘colt. Such colts should -always‘be handled at home unt proved geritle, which, by following out the instructions given, ‘will not be found a difficult task. I have often found horses that, in consequence of fear or abuse in a black- smith’s shop, could not be shod ‘ there. I will refer here to but one of many cases in point. During my early experience, while at a town in Southern Penn- sylvania, a horse was brought forward for treatment that could not be shod, his particular cause of resistance being fear of the blacksmith’s leatherapron. When first’ taken to the shop for the | purpose of being shod, the ham- mering and flying sparks greatly “excited him, and as the smith Fic. 259.—Simplest Method of Making a Nervous Horse Stand to be Shod. . 0. —Blindfolding a Nervous Horse : cl . “i aon came forward to take up his foot, the appearance of his leather apron became an object of intense fear. In a short time the colt became so violent that he would not allow any one with an apron to go near him. 214 BAD T0 SHOE. The owner and smith concluded they had a sure thing in this case with which to beat me, and came twelve,miles for the purpose, leading the horse. They said they would both join ‘the class pro- vided I would make the horse sufficiently gentle to allow a man with a leather apron on to go near enough to handle him. "At the same time they told their friends secretly that I could do nothing with the horse, and that they came there for the’ express purpose of , showing me upasa humbug. All felt so sure that the horse would beat me that a large number joined the class to see the fun, expect- ing of course veey: would get their money back. I subjected the horse quickly. to the Second Method and War ‘Bridle, not re- quiring in all more than six or eight minutes, when he could be handled without the least difficul- ty, being per- fectly regardless of the apron. I orderedthe horse taken to the shop, and accus- tomed to the sparks and ham- mering ; to be treated kindly, giving apples, etc. ; also to be shod a few times outside the shop, to make sure of his docility. To show the simplicity of what may appear difficult, it is worthy of mention that at the same place, a party of three men —a father and two sons— were employed over three hours in trying to lead a six-year-old colt, pulling, pushing, and backing him by main force, to the place of exhibition, a distance of not’ over one fourth of a mile. The conditions were that I must make him follow me freely across the barn floor. A few sharp pulls with the War Bridle were sufficient to make the horse run after me, not requiring in all more than two minutes, proving so conclusively the ignorance and bad management of the parties that they were laughed at and ridiculed hy the entire class. (See Fig. 155.) Fie. 261.—As the Cord may be Adjusted for Control of Simple Cases. , PALLIATIVE TREATHENT. Ons CONFIRMED: IN THE Hair. As the main object in the management of most cases is to make them submit to be shod with the least trouble, I will first give the simplest treatment for doing so. Indeed, this simple treatment, with a little care, will often be sufficient for the control of even very bad tases, ; If the horse is very sensitive and excitable, but naturally gen- tle if given his own way, a great deal, of course, depends upon the .good management of the shoer, but as much on, the aid of the. owner. Try the following course : When the smith is in position, and ready, his left hand resting . on the horse’s hip, let the owner,. or some good, quiet man, catch the horse’s ear with one ‘hand, squeezing, or twisting it a little ; ; with the other ‘stroke the nose,, Fie. 262.—Simple Method of Using the Cord for the Control of Horses Bad to or grasp the muzzle, and hold Shoe, Harness, etc. ; firmly ‘but gently, at the same time talking to the horse kindly. If there is resistance to this, try blindfolding. Tie a blanket, or some- thing convenient, over the eyes, at the same time rubbing the nose, etc. With care on the part of the shoer, cases that have proved. very difficult to shoe will submit at once to be shod as desired, If these expedients fail, put on the cord, the First, or Double-Draw ‘Hitch Form, and make the horse feel its power by giving a few sharp pulls right and left. Then step back to the hips, pull the head around a little, keeping the cord taut, and take up the foot, ye punishing instantly for any fe- 268.—Method of Putting on the Cord _ sistance. Or, stand to the head, when the Horse Proves Very Stubborn. and keep the cord drawn rather ; tight to hold the attention of the horse while an assistant takes up 216 BAD TO SHOE ~ the foot. Ifthe horse:is very stubborn, bring the second turn of the cord over the upper jaw, under the lip. This part being very sen- sitive, a slight pressure hurts so severely as to disconcert the horse sufficiently to make him submit. Or the cord, Second Form, can be put on, with the loop brought | over the upper jaw, and ‘pulled sufficiently taut to force submis- _ sion. In either case, gradually BO lect up as the horse submits. In no case should the cord be held tight more than a minute at a time. . The four-ring bit pea used will sometimes work extremely well in making a horse submit to ‘be shod. The bit’is put into the mouth with an ordinary head- piece, and the strap closely ad- justed across the nose. Now tie the end of the cord to the near ring, pass it around and tie to the opposite one back of the jaw; then pass over the neck, well back and down behind the jaw, as for second form of War Bridle. : Now, by pulling down upon the cord, the joint of the bit will be forced up against the roof of the mouth, which hurts so severely that the horse is at once discon- certed, or disabled sufficiently to. permit the foot to be taken up. The amount of pressure or force of the pulling must be regulated according to the resistance. If there is submission in a short time, the lightest pressure will be sufficient to make the horse stand quietly to be shod. There is this, to be said about this method of treatment, as well as that of.the War Bridle: If it works at all, it seems to work so well as to leave nothing to be desired. But if it fails, the failure will be equally marked. It is, however, but just to add that though in many cases failing, the power of the War Bridle Fra. 264.— Showing the Manner of Letting up on the Cord as the Horse Submits. Fie. 265.—Four-ring Bit. Method of Pulling down on the Cord. PALLIATIVE TREATMENT. (917 or four-ring bit, when properly. used, is sometimes wonderful, the horse at once submitting unconditionally. Tying the head to the tail so as to keep the head bent around pretty well, will sometimes make a horse submit to be shod, but not often. This means, with that of putting the cord under the upper lip, which I copy below, has been of late so extensively published as an infallible means of making the most vicious horses stand to be shod, ridden, etc., that I think. it necessary to give some explanation of them here :— “MASTERING Vicious HorsES. “ Recently an exhibition was given at the corner of Ninth and Howard streets of a new and very simple method of taming vicious horses, which is claimed to be su- perior to any in use. The first trial was with a kicking and bucking mare, which, her owner says, has allowed no rider on her back for five years. She became tame and gentle in as many minutes, and allowed herself to be ridden about without a sign of her former wildness. The means by which this result was accomplished con- sisted of a piece of light rope, which was passed around the front jaw of the mare, just above the upper teeth, crossed in her mouth, and then secured back of her neck. It is claimed that no horse will kick or jump when thus secured, and that a bucking. horse, after receiving this treatment a few times, will abandon his vicious ways forever. A very simple method was also shown by which a kicking horse can be shod. It consisted in connecting the animal’s head and tail by means of a rope fastened to the tail and then to the bit, and drawn tightly enough to incline the horse’s head to one side. It is claimed that it is absolutely impossible for a horse to kick on the side of the rope. At the same exhibition a horse which for many years had to be bound on the ground to be shod, suffered the blacksmith to operate on him Without attempting to kick while secured in the manner described.” This is from the same piece as the Maine man’s method of breaking a balking horse, referred to in “ Balk- ing.” As I brought both these methods of treatment into use, and have had almost un- limited experience with-them, I think I am able to determine their value with more ac- Fra. 266.—The Cord as Used with the Four-ring Bit. curacy than it is possible for inexperienced persons to do. While they will secure the control of many, even quite bad cases, as ex- ‘ 218 BAD TO SHOE. plained, they cannot by any means be depended upon for the con- trol of really difficult cases. They were used by me almost daily under circumstances like the following :— —- After subjecting a horse to the Second Method, while still tied, the effort would frequently be made to take up the foot ; but it was rarely, unless thoroughly subdued, that the foot would ‘Be submit- ted. The.same is true of the cord, or War Bridle. It was often a matter of considerable importance to be able to control some cases quickly, and I would, as an experiment, try the most simple and di- ' Fig. 267.—Pulling the Foot back to Test the Horse’s Submission. rect methods of management. I have experimented in this way thousands of times before and after regular subjective treatment with the War Bridle, and cannot regard it as more than palliative, since it would, in a great many cases, prove entirely inefficient. Even with the Double-Draw Hitch, its most powerful and effective form, which until recently we kept a secret, and used only as a reserve, we could not depend upon it. Twenty-five years ago the War Bridle was my principal resource for.controlling colts and bucking horses to ride. But it is entirely inferior to the Second Method for the control of bad cases. Simply tying the head to the tail, and sending the horse around until dizzy, then mounting from the outside, so as not to get entangled by the strap, the horse will be found so helpless that he cannot buck; should he attempt’ it, he would simply be carried around the more rapidly until submissive. ‘The matter of breaking bucking colts and horses was a common, and, sometimes, a very formidable ‘difficulty to meet. One of the SUBJECTIVE TREATMENT. 219 worst cases I ever came across was a ten-year-old mule in Central Mississippi. It was proved absolutely impossible, even by the re- straint,of any kind of rigging, to mount or keep upon this brute’s back. In fact, the case was so bad, and the people felt so sure that I could not ride her, that they made. up a large class for me, knowing _they would get their money back if I failed to do so. I simply sub- jected her to the Second Method sharply, ahd in less than fifteen minutes rode her as I pleased. This would have been impossible by the palliative means referred to. She was a good representative of the mustang nature. This is the only method of treatment by which ° Fig. 268.—As the Foot will be Rested upon the Ground after Submitting. a strong; determined bucker can'be safely and easily mastered. It was frequently the case that we would have for our main sub- ject a-horse that was particularly bad in shoeing. As a test of suc- cess, it would be often required that the horse be shod in a black- smith’s shop. Now after being subjected to regular treatment, there would usually be but little trouble in taking up and hammering upon . the feet as much as desired at the place of treatment ; while we would sometimes have all we could do, even by the most severe use of the War Bridle, to handle such in the shop. TREATMENT FOR VERY VICIOUS CASEs. Very much depends upon the disposition of the horse and the treatment pursued. In most cases the following will be found easy and effectual: Subject to the Third:Method, using more or less ‘pressure, according to the case. While the cord is on, attach a 220 BAD TO SHOE. strap or rein to the hind foot, and pull back as previously explained. At first there will usually be great resistance, the horse kicking with great spitefulness, or pulling the foot forward energetically. But however much he may resist at first, it must not be accepted asa cause for discouragement. Simply keep pulling the foot back at short intervals until there is no resistance. When given freedom, it will be rested upon the toe, then pull forward and back as before ex- plained. In some cases it may be necessary to tie forward by bring- ing the strap over the neck, back between the legs, and making fast to hold the foot firmly untiJ all resistance is overcome. Treat the. opposite foot in the same manner. ; This was the treatment pursued by us with the most success in the management of the worst cases. A good deal of course. will de- pend upon the use of tact and good management, as before ex- plained. A coarse-grained, passionate man can very soon undo a great deal of good work. In the management of these critical cases a great point is made by having a good, quiet man to stand at the head and stroke the nose, and it is needless to state that the smith should be a man of considerable patience ; but when the-case is se- rious it should never be shod in the shop. All this should be done where free from the excitement and annoyance of sucha place. This is a point I would. particularly impress upon the reader—to attend to accomplishing your end well at home, then take such precaution as you can without exciting or annoying the horse much when it becomes necessary to shoe him at the shop.. To give an idea of the power of this treatment wher properly applied, I will refer to its effects upon a few special cases. At Bellows Falls, Vt.,a paper-maker owned a fine horse, which, though otherwise very gentle, was extremely hard'to shoe. A trav- eling horseman of much experience and a great deal of pretension, visited the place and made a small’ class. The owner, wishing ‘to have his horse broken, brought him in to be experimented upon. According to the gentleman’s statement to me, this man worked with the horse about half a day, injuring him very severely,— in the owner’s language, “almost killed: him.” The result of it all was that the horse beat the man completely, and was more reckless and determined in his opposition than before. I requested the ‘gentle- man to let mesee the horse. Finding him to be naturally of a good disposition, and that his resistance proceeded mainly from excite- ment, I told the owner we would have no difficulty at all with the horse, and succeeded in making him perfectly gentle in about fifteen minutes. : SUBJECTIVE TREATMENT. 221 The day following, at the next point we found an eight-year-old mare, considered impossible to shoe. The temperament being suit- able, we subjected her to Second Method and War Bridle, which made her entirely submissive in about ten minutes. The next day, at Putney, Vt., the kicking, runaway. horse was presented. Refer- ence is made to these consecutive cases to show the frequency with which exceptionally vicious horses were brought for experiment and the success in their treatment. In the management of many cases, either or both the First and Second Methods may be used with advantage in connection with the Third Method, but it should always be done at home, where there is time and privacy to apply and carry out the treatment properly. LEANING OVER. There are occasionally horses that will allow the foot to be taken up, but will lie down or lean over upon the blacksmith while. it is held. Usually a few pulls with, the War Bridle, repeating them for each occurrence of lying over, until he learns to stand without leaning, will be ‘sufficient. If this is‘ tesisted, subject to Second Method. While the head is tied around, take up the foot and test until he will stand squarely. If there is any inclination to lean over after the head is given freedom, disconcerting a little with the cord should be sufficient. Sometimes it is advisable to stand at the head ready to punish, while an assistant takes up and holds the foot as if to shoe. Though a horse may for some time be sullen and persist- ent in leaning ‘over, it is not usually a difficult habit to overcome. Once compelled to stand, it is seldom. necessary to repeat the lesson. . It should have been stated in the proper place that there must be no effort to push against the quarters; but the moment there is an effort to lean over, the foot should be instantly dropped, and the punishment with the War Bridle made somewhat severe, and this repeated until there is.submission. * CHAPTER IX. ———100— O | HALTER-PULLING. ALTER-PULLING is one of the simple habits that not only H cause great annoyance, but seriously injure the value of a 4 horse, by making him unsafe to be left hitched in the street. A-horse subject to this habit may stand. all right when not excited, but will be ready to break his neck in the attempt to pull loose should a bit of paper, or anything else, be suddenly thrown down in front of him. There was no habit that troubled me more to fearn how to manage than this one. It was easy enough, with a little . Fra. 269.—As the Colt will Naturally Resist when Pulled upon Straight Ahead. —— { care, to keep a horse from pulling for a short time, but the difficulty was, in bad cases, to break up the habit. _ When there is an effort at first to lead a colt by the halter, the moment the pressure is felt upon the head there will be an inclina- tion to resist or pull back. If the halter is a rough, hard, rope one,| with the slipping-noose back of the jaw, when pulled upon the pain inflicted will increase this tendency to resist and pull away (Fig. 269). In the same manner, when a colt is tied and his freedom re- strained, there is a natural inclination to resist and pull back; and if after a violent struggle the halter is broken, the habit of pulling . will be learned. Usually, the younger the colt the more stubborn will be the inclination to pull, and often he will struggle so desper- ately as to throw himself down. Not only this, but there is danger t (228) METHOD OF TREATMENT, 223° of straining and injuring the neck by the violence of the jerking and pulling, I have known of colts pulling so hard as to ‘make the neck stiff, deforming and spoiling them; and in a few cases even ‘killing themselves by dislocating the neck. Yet there was practically no better remedy i in use than to hitch by a halter so strong that he could not break it. The point be able to so hitch the colt as to induce the least inclination to pull, and that when ‘he did pull he could not break away, strain, or otherwise i injure himself. The first successful experiment I made in the management of. this habit was to pass ‘the, hitching part of the halter through the ring in the manger, thence back over the belly-band, and tie to the. hind foot, leaving it’ so long that the horse could step around as_ usual. = When the horse pulled, the strain came directly | upon the hind leg, which prevented his pulling se- Fia. 2'70.—As the Colt is Liable to Break Loose when Hitched in the Usual Manner. verely. After submitting to this, I next tied the hitching part around the fore leg above the knee, so that should he pull, the leg would be pulled forward to the manger. But I soon discovered two ob-' jections to this method: First, there was danger, by ‘this violent pulling upon the leg, of causing. serious lameness; and secénd, when afterward hitched directly by the head, there was a liability of his repeating the pulling. ' To'avoid this, I took a cord of sufficient lerigth, brought the center under: the tail like a crupper, bringing both ends forward over ‘the back, twisting a few times, and then knotted them together in front of ‘the breast. I then passed the ends: through the rings of the halter, and tied to the post or manger. When the ‘horse pulled, the strain came directly upon the tail, which, in the case of a colt, 224 HALTER - PULLING. would cause him to jump ahead, surprised and frightened. I soon learned, however, that a stubborn horse accustomed to the habit, would quickly learn to pull against it, or pull as bad as ever when it was taken off. I also found that it was apt to make the tail so sore that there was not only liability to cause the horse to kick - when pulled upon, but afterward,:should the rein be caught under | the tail, or he be otherwise irritated. I then devised the plan of making a noose of the cord, and placing it well back around the. body, bringing both cords forward between the legs, and through the hole in the manger, thence back to the halter, and fasten. Thus two important improvements were made ; namely, the serious objection of making the tail sore was re- moved ; and, instead of tying directly to the post or manger, pass- ing it through the ring or hole in the manger, and tying to the hal- ter back of the jaw, the restraint was brought directly upon the head as if ordinarily hitched, but with the advantage of greatly disabling and punishing, while the horse could not. strain or injure himself in the least, no matter how hard he pulled. ; If the subject were acolt, the moment there was an effort to pull, the sudden tightening of the cord around the body frightened ‘and hurt him so much that it compelled an instantaneous jumping ahead, and after repeating two or three times, all inclination to pull was entirely overcome. It was necessary to hitch him in this way only a few times, when he could be tied by the halter directly, without knowing it was possible to pull. If while hitched in this manner he was frightened by a robe, or a piece of paper coming suddenly in. front of him; he was soon convinced of his inability to pull loose. and consequently the inclination to do so was broken up. For especially bad, sullen pullers; however, I found this was not of itself sufficient to break up the habit. It was easy, of course, to prevent the horse from pulling while the rig was on, but when taken off, and the horse tied as usual by the halter, there was lia- bility of his again repeating the pulling. To overcome this diffi- culty, I was led to the expedient, when there was an effort to pull, of inflicting such intense pain as to disconcert the horse from his purpose, even while under the greatest excitement, and on this point I was successful. To give something of an idea how I was led to do this, I will refer to a chance incident :— Two colts that pulled very hard upon the halter— one of them desperately — were brought me to experiment upon. The one that pulled the worst provoked me so much by his intense pulling, that ‘to frighten him out of it I whipped him very hard upon the tip of METHOD OF TREATMENT. 995 his nose, where there is the most sensibility. © Though he made a su- preme struggle, I soon succeeded in this way in making ‘him so afraid to pull fhat, no matter how excited afterward, he could not be made to go back. The other horse submitted i in a few minutes, requiring ' but a slight punishment. Meeting the owner afterward, he informed me that the horse that pulled the hardest'at first never did it after- ward, while he had considerable trouble in breaking the other one of the habit. This led me to experiment upon this principle all I could. When I found a bad case, I treated it, if possible, in private, and was invariably so successful that I soon became convinced that I could i in nis way force the most stubborn pullers into submission in ‘ 1 yaa Fic. 271.—As a Horse of Sullen Temper is Liable to Throw himself down when Pulling. afew minutes. In/making these experiments, I found that in many cases.the lesson must be repeated, in order to fully break up the the habit, and that-it was fatal to success to let the horse feel that » he could resist at any point. Nothing with which the horse is tied should give way. Even'the breaking of the whip, or the. inability to force to the point of complete submission, would be equivalent to defeat. In all cases the experiment should be made at the place’ where in the ‘habit of resisting, or as near it as possible. The Patent Bridle will be found to give still more power, and is indispensable in the breaking of bridle-pullers, In using this, re- verse the reins through the pulley, so that instead-of passing back, \ ‘they will run forward. (See Fig. 2773.) Now, the moment the ~ horse pulls, the punishment upon the head becomes so severe that he will be afraid to repeat it. 15 8 296 HALTER-PULLING. Having learned. these points, I advertised, among other ap- parently difficult feats, to make any halter-puller in two minutes so that he could not be made to pull upon his own halter when hitched. Many amusing incidents could be, given, showing an effort to break me down in this respect. I will give here two illustrative cases, one of them among the worst halter-pullers the writer ever saw :— On the morning of my engagement at a large town in Northern New York, happening to step into a livery-stable, I found several men standing around, laughing and yelling at a mare hitched in the stall. She had a rope under her tail, against which she pulled with great desperation, sitting back upon the ground and bracing herself with her fore legs. There was no lunging, but a steady, reckless Fra. 272.—The Halter-puller Trying to Pull Loose. pull, which settled the cord its thickness into the flesh of her tail. In explanation, they said they were stirring up and practicing the mare to have a good subject for me; that they knew she was the premium halter-puller of that country, and they proposed to fix her so that she would beat me. She was ten years old, of medium size, brownish- black in color, of the most courageous, plucky character imaginable, and one of the © worst possible halter-pullers in the country. She would undoubt- edly have defeated me had I not, in this way, become aware of her extremely bad character, and prepared for the emergency. It was a preconcerted plan to spring the mare upon me, and defeat me, and thus make an excuse to get their money back. Though'I had never seen so bad a halter-puller ‘before, I determined to put a bold ‘front. on the matter, and pass for all I was.worth. In forming a class, I told the people they were to distinctly un- derstand'if I could not control the. mare intwo minutes so that she could not be made to pull when hitched by her own halter, I would a METHOD OF. TREATMENT. : Q27 - give every man his money back ; with this, understanding I made a large class. It now became important for them to defeat me, and for me, if: possible, to succeed. Fearing my whip would break, I secured an extra one, of the best quality I could find, stripped off my coat and vest, attended carefully to every detail of, hitching, and doubled the usual strength of the cord, to guard against the possibility of. breaking. The moment the mare was tied, she went back with all the fury of a maniac. But she had no more than done so when I sent the lash of the whip across the tip of her nose, repeating as rapidly * and with as much force asI could. ' The struggle was a desperate one, and the excitement and anxiety to see which would beat was intense. At the fourteenth or fifteenth blow, the whip broke ; dropping it and catching tlie. other, without losing a blow, I followed up the str uggle Had this whip broken, failure would have been inevitable ; but fortu- nately it held out, and at about the thirtieth blow she. fumiped ahead. But true. to the instincts of her desperate pluck, she immediately went back again. The punishment, however, was too’ hot for her, and after the third stroke she bounded into the air, completely con-_ -quered ; for, i in defiance of the utmost effort, ‘she could. not be made to pull back. I was consequently voted “All right. ” ‘So great was. the exertion on my part, that after she submitted, I was out of breath ‘and completely exhausted. I told the owner afterward that if he wished to break the mare successfully, he-must not permit any fooling with her ; he must lead her quietly to the stable, pack her into the:stall, tie her head to the post, and let her stand until cool and over the excitement, when the es "impression would be so intensified that she would not repeat the | habit ; and as a matter of precaution to test her as thoroughly as he could, then hitch her as I had done. I met the owner a week afterward, when he told me there were not men enough i in the town’ to make her pull hard enough now to break a tow. string. At Marion, N. Y., where’ I made a large. class many years be- fore, I found a twenty-four-year-old mare that had not been hitched for ten years; also a daughter and grand- ‘daughter of the mare,— ‘all confirmed halter-pullers. To catch me, nothing was said about the character of the subjects until the time of making the exper-. - iments. . The youngest mare was led in first, and proved a decidedly good subject, yielding unconditionally in about a minute. They next Jed in the mother, a twelve-year-old mare, saying, “ We have another case we wish tried.” But, upon trial, she yielded, if any- thing, more readily than the first. They jaughed, and said, “Now i 228 HALTER - PULLING. let. us have the old mare; if he can stop her from pulling we will give it up.” This revealed the plot, and she was the reserved case upon which they depended to defeat me. Upon trial, however, the old mare proved no more difficult than the others,— in fact, not making near,so good a contest as the first. Almost daily there were ‘ horses of this character brought me, many of them extremely bad; but in no case was there failure. (Details of hitching a colt, and ac- customing to stand hitched, are fully given in “ Colt-Training,” and can be referred to under that head.) » In breaking up this habit, no possible chances of failure should be taken. First, the cord must be so light and pliable as not to be noticeably felt around the body, yet so strong that it: cannot be Fic. 273.—As a Horse will Rear and Jump Ahead after Pulling. broken by the most desperate lunging. If heavy and cluthsy,. it would teach to discriminate between being. off or on. Second, the manger, post, or ring through which the cord plays,, should be so strong or solid that there will be no danger of giving way. If it is a hitching-ring, and small or rough, it should be wound with - leather or something to prevent its cutting the cord. Third,. the horse should be first tied where in the habit of pulling hardest, or where most accustomed to pull. The degree of freedom should be about the same as when. ordinarily hitched by the halter, and the - point of tying or playing through the ring should be about ona level with the breast. As before explained, in ordinary cases all that will be necessary will be to hitch in this way, and frighten him back a little at first by whatever excites him, until he refuses to go. back, when all inclination to pull will be overcome.’. While in seri- a METHOD OF TREATMENT, 229 ous cases, especially if of a plucky, determined character, punishing sharply with a whip will be necessary. It is important also that the whip be of the right length and best quality, as in many cases the want of this precaution would be suf- ficient to cause defeat. It should be from five to six feet long, rather stiff, with a bow top made of buckskin, and a good hard lash, — It must be of such good material that there will be no danger of its breaking, and so easily handled that the end of the nose can be struck with quickness and precision. If long and unwieldy, it can- not be handled with the effectiveness necessary, as there is danger of hitting around the eyes and head, which must not be done. Another point: The horse must not at first be hitched where he cannot, if necessary, be punished with the whip; when he goes back, punish in- stantly. When he jumps forward, ‘make a noise, crack the whip, or any-. thing else, but do “[ ee not strike him. It 7 = § ‘is advisable to let’ TL him stand quietly 4 pg ; where treated until cool, He may, when‘ © left ‘alone, try to pull again .once or twice, but this will only fix the irhpres- Fra, 274.—A Test to which the Halter-puller was usually’ Sub- sion the . stronger mitted by the Class after Treatment. until he will give. ; up the contest. Next, he should be tested at other points, though not very severely. If he pulls, the punishment should be quick and sharp‘until submissive. It does no good to break a horse only suffi- ciently to make him stand quietly when not excited or frightened. To be effective, he must be made to stand quietly, regardless of any of the usual causes of excitement. Unless this can be done, the “horse should not be risked hitched in the street, or at any place where exposed to causes of fear. Hitching to a limb of a tree, which will give when pulled upon, will prevent the habit during the time hitched, but when tied to an unyielding post or. ‘manger, he is again liable to pull. . ‘ 230. HALTER-PULLING. RUNNING BACK IN THE STALL WHEN UNHITCHED. For ordinary cases of running back in the stall when unhitched, tie a little longer than for halter-pulling ; then untie the halter, and the horse will run back to the point of - being disabled and hurt. This. will cause him to jump ahead. Repeat, at - _ each time tying a little longer, until the nose will come on a line with: the ,. back end of. a’ ‘stall, when he should’ . be hit sharply across the nose until he jumps ahead. ‘This willin a short time make him afraid to run back. As a precaution, ‘it is advisable, the next time he is unhitched, to have a cord on, so that should he try to run back he could he caught by the cord attachment and punished as before. Le ‘Whenever I had a particularly bad case of this. kind, I hitched the horse as before explained, but with the.cord or rope so long that when he went back ‘it let the nose come just outside the stall. I would then stand outside, while some one unhitched him, or made him go back. The moment he went the length of the cord, he was stopped with a jerk, when I stood ready , to.punish him by hit- ting him across the tip of the nose once or twice, causing him to jump ahead. A few repetitions of this would make him so afraid he could not be made to go back. I have at dif- ferent times created Fra. 276.—Second Method of considerable amuse- Making a Horse Stand without ment in the manage- Fie. 275.—First Method of Making a Horse Stand in Harness without Hitching. Fié. 277.—How to Hitch a Horse to a Tree er Smooth . : Post so that the Strap or Belg dlltened ment of these cases, Gord will not Untie or ' by making it impossible for the owner, after Slip Down. the experiment, to back the horse out of the stall. Treated in this way, the management of these cases is easy and simple.. tt. STANDING UNHITCHED. 931 STANDING WITHOUT BEING HITCHED. It is sometimes quite important to have a horse stand without being hitched, as there may be no hitching-post at hand. This can be done in two ways: First, by buckling one end of a strap around the foot below the fetlock, and the other end to the cross-piece of the shafts, just enone enough to hold the foot in a peependicglat po- s ¥Fia. 278,—Taking up the Colt’s Foot while Tied—One'of the Tests in Determining his Submission. \ sition.. When the horse tries to step, being dahl to carry the foot forward, he is rendered helpless. It is’ always’ advisable to try a horse before: leaving him in this way, as it is barely possible he may lunge forward upon three legs if badly frightened ; but only wild, impulsive fellows are liable to do this. Another’ way is to simply tie the fore legs together, as seen in the cut. This method is spe- cially valuable in making saddle-horses stand without being hitched. It is also important to be able to hitch a horse to a tree or smooth post in such a manner as to prevent the’ cord from slipping down. I give an illustration of a method for doing this, which is so plain that it does not need any further-description. — % : CHAPTER Xx —_—oOr— STALLIONS. HERE is no class of horses that require more careful manage- T ment than stallions. They have more intelligence than other horses, and are quicker to take advantage when carelessness or - weakness is shown. They are also more courageous in their re- sistance. In addition, the character of their resistance~-biting and striking — is far more difficult to combat. Mistakes can be made in breaking mares and geldings without doing much more harm than ‘to increase the labor of their subjection ; ‘but in subduing a stallion, a mistake, or even slight, catclesste®, is'in many cases fatal to suc- ~ cess. The whip should never be used upon a horse of this character; for there is great danger, if at all spirited or cou- rageous, of his becoming in con- as ff i Sequence aggressive and vicious. i) if aan _ | A young horse that is very if i a Aaa) gentle, allowing himself to be ; hs te! ‘handled and caressed around K iy ih \ —._-—s« the head, etc., can, by bad treat- ment, ‘easily be made so vicious that his whole character is changed. A great many’ cases Fiu, 210—Porititen Uitectow ame Sind have come under tonian, Sire of the Hambletonian my observation. At one time, Trotters. a gentleman who had previously, : _ attended one of my lectures, told me that he and his brother owned a fine stallion in company. The horse was naturally quite gentle, but one day his brother, ‘becoming impatient with him, hit him sharply with the whip; the result was the horse ever afterward held such an antipathy against him that he could not safely go near or handle him in any way, while toward himself the horse was perfectly gentle. The “ Gifford-Morgan Horse,” sold to Fred Arnd, of Bath, N: Y., and mentioned in the last part of this chapter, is a striking case (232), BEFORE TREATMENT. 233 in point. Had I not been in Bath at the time, and able to treat him properly, he would rave been entirely unmanageable ‘and worthless. “JuoUyeas 210J0q paysisay Ayperisp SuON|EIg BuoAspeoy‘snolnA Sy—O8s “1.7 During my early experience, when in Utica, N. Y., as a test I, was required to experiment upon a horse owned by Mr. Roberts, a prominent citizen. This horse had been perfectly gentle and used ‘ 234 STALLIONS. ra by the family for driving. Mr. . Roberts, smplayed a groom to take care of the horse, who, to show him up and play smart, was in the habit of whipping him. The owner discovering this, the man was discharged. Mr. Roberts afterward, while trying to . handle the horse, was suddenly pitched. at by him and seriously: injured, and would have been killed had not two men who were near: by clubbed him off with arail. Six - months after the accident he had’ not recovered sufficiently to leave his room, the horse in the mean- time running loose in a large stall, and so vicious that no one could go near.-him. This case wasa good. subject, and submitted to treat- ment readily in about twenty min- utes, being driven and handled with as much success as before. This case is ‘referred to as No. 18 n “ ee in -my book on Fie. 281.—The Roberts Horse. the horse. : I could refer to a great, many interesting cases where the char- acter had been spoiled by rough, bad treatment, and I found no horses more susceptible to treatment than: they, being almost the best subjects to experiment ‘upon before classes. I have in my mind a particularly good one, treated in Herman, N. Y. This was a finely bred seven-year-old horse, taken from Canada, where it was re- ported he had killed a man; at any rate, he had not been taken out - of his stall for seven months, and was supposed to be entirely un- ‘ broken to harness. The only clew I could get to his disposition was that he was well- bred, and.I was confident that he would be a good ‘subject when once able to get him before the class. So confident was I of this, that I promised not only to make him entirely gentle, but to drive him in harness without breeching in forty minutes, and failing to do so would return the money. This case not only submitted readily to treatment within that time, but was tested several weeks after and proved entirely gentle. He was led behind a buggy to a point twelve miles distant, and hitched up by me and driven in’the. street without breeching. Of course, it was insisted that the horse | should be treated with great kindness, and he certainly behaved as gentle as.any family horse. TREATMENT FOR HEADSTRONG STALLIONS. 235 I refer to these cases to show to owners the necessity of em- ploying good, careful men to take charge of their horses. A coarse- grained, passionate man should not be employed at any price. Habits of intemperance should in all cases-be sufficient to disqualify : a man for such work. ‘There is no class of horses that submit more readily to treat- ment when taken in time, but they are the hardest to reform when the treatment is not right, or when, by the inefficiency’ of’ the owner or groom, they are afterward allowed successful resistance, On this . Fig. 282.—Vicious Stallion in a Rage. account:] ‘have thought it advisable to refer specially to the man- agement of these cases here. TREATMENT FOR HEADSTRONG STALLIONS. If a colt is simply unbroken and impulsive — perhaps nipping , a little— he can be easily made gentle by subjecting him lightly to the Second Method and following it with the War Bridle. Some- times a horse of this character is perfectly manageable: until led near other horses, when he will try to pull away. I will refer to two or three such cases: While at Pennington, N. J.,a horse that pulled away so badly he could not be taken: into the streets at all if other horses were in sight, was reported for treatment. He was subjected lightly to the Second Method, and then brought under thorough control by the War Bridle, when he was led home as manageable as any horse. Well-bred, nervous- tempered horses of this character will aJ- 236 STALLIONS. ways prove easy subjects to manage ; while those of a sullen, cold- blooded, or draft order may be found quite difficult, and require Fie. 283.—As the Headstrong, Vicious Stallion, after Treatment, could be Called Away from a Mare or Horse. Tests of Control Given by the Writer before the Class upon Horses of this Character. very careful treatment. It is seen that for these simple cases a short lesson with the most severe form of the War Bridle should be all that - TREATMENT FOR VICIOUS STALLIONS. 237 is necessary. Stand opposite the shoulder, four or five feet away, and give a sharp pull, repeating slowly until he will come around ‘promptly. This lesson must be made sufficiently thorough to over- come all inclination to resist, no matter how tried or excited. Five or ten minutes’ treatment, when properly done, should be sufficient to break ae the habit. : \ oe TREATMENT FOR VERY, VICIOUS ST EEIONS: Vicious stallions require very careful management. In deter« ‘mining the treatment, a ‘great deal depends upon the temperament . of the horse, and how greatly his resentment has been excited. A horse that seems — sarees: yer always the hard- est to break; in ym ea | fact, if he has: ; ee -never been fooled i! Vp n9y with much, he ‘may be, in many ‘ instances, . the Ki MeN ee eee 4 is 4, ‘ Weg very easiest to (ie We ek aN manage; and = 8 Mi ‘when once sub- dued. by the methods of sub- jection given —" here, it will not ‘be difficult .to van SN \ whold the charac- << z= 7 ter good by care- Oi Lingo BERK IW ful after-treat- Fia, 284. —Method of Placing the Hand, and Bringing: it ioaiady ‘ment. to the Head, f in Approaching a Vielous Stallion. “Gx If a stallion of ‘moderately good disposition be partially broken or subdued; and that for.a number of times, it may be very difficult to afterward make him: reliably gentle. Or when once thoroughly subdued, if . he is whipped or managed in such a to again excite him to resist, it would. require the most thorough course of treatment to produce the same degree of docility as before ; for by such success- _ful resistance the horse is taught a degree of cunning and treachery that it is next to impossible to break up. On this account it is of 238 STALLIONS. , the greatest impor- tance that thetreat- ment of these cases, when once under- taken, should be very careful and thorough. For a really dan- gerous horse whose : head cannot be Fro, 285.—The Stallion “Jet.” ‘reached with safe- ty, the best course is to sabiedk him first to the Second Method, which will give suffi- cient foundation to use the other. methods'with more success. Sub- ject him next .to ‘the First Method; throwing rapidly as he will get up, or uritil he will not: ‘try to resist. It is rarely this will not make the horse, i in a general: way,, submissive ; ; but as it is nece essary, to make the impression as intense’ as possible upon — these doubtful cases, this treat- _ ' ment should be followed with Fra, 286.—“ Jet” as Led into Portland betore being Subdued. the Third Method, and in some cases it may be advisable to repeat again with the Second, after which the War Bridle should be used. t A . TREATMENT FOR VICIOUS STALLIONS. 239 fF J It is almést needless to state that there should be the most careful attention, while going around the horse, to keep such a re- straint upon him as will prevent his biting. A very little careless- ness, such as taking the eye off from his, turning the back to him, or relaxing restraint upon the head, would: encourage aggression, and - practically undo all that had’ been done. It is easy enough to sub- ject the horse to the various methods of treatment giyen, but it is not so easy to exercise that prudent after-wat¢hfulness which 'is an indispensable requisite in fixing and'-holding the impression made. Fig. 287.—“ Jet” as Led Home after Teenie In going into the stall, the trainer should: give the Gomme an apple or two, or something he likes, to win his’ better nature.- ‘Iti is also im- portant that the horse be worked or driven enough to keep him a little sore or tired. “Above any other class of horses, stallions seem the beat able to determine the strength of character of a man from his actions ; and ‘in approaching them in the stall it is almost fatal to success to abow any timidity or weakness in voice or manner ; whatever the feel- ing of doubt, nothing but the most perfect confidence, and firm: ness must be shown. Fencers always look each other i in the eye to see an indication of the intended movement, and to be ready to ward * off the attack. In the same manner are the intentions and move- : 240 STALLIONS. ments of the horse in a great medsure revealed. Jn approaching a Fic. 288.—The Fred Arnd Horse as Led out of the Stable to be Subdued. eghe = vicious horse in the stall, a fixed, determined expression of the eye and manner will sometimes so discon¢ert him that he will stand un- TREATMENT FOR VICIOUS STALLIONS. 241 decided what to do until approached and made helpless. The usual course to pursue is about as follows: When within reach of the horse, Jook him firmly in the eye, and say, “Get around!” or any other word of command, in a way to make him feel your power. If his eye quails, approach ; if not, stand still. It may be a duel of a few minutes‘to determine ‘which will give up. Should he yield, ap- proach ‘softly, midway between his head and quarters, so as to keep him, as it were, undecided and unbalanced. If standing too near his quarters, he is liable to kick ; if too near his head, to strike or bite. The point is‘to keep him undecided until’ the shoulder is reached ; Fia. 289.—The Fred Arnd Horse as Seen by the Writer Four Years after being Subdued. ‘s then pass the hand quickly up ‘te neck to the ear, thence down, grasping the nose-piece of the halter. He is at such a disadvantage now that unless very violent he cannot do harm. Should he, how- ever, attempt to strike or bite, grab the mane at the shoulder with the other hand, and so keep the head turned straight from you. But _ should he prove too much, the only alternative is to get out.of the , way. Presuming, however, that he is under good control, the point now is to disable him. Have a cord ready, throw the doubled part over the neck and pass over the lower jaw; bring the other part down through the loop tight, and tie into a single hitch. Now put . on another cord, and if necessary tie up one leg to prevent kicking, get.him out of the'stall and subject him to treatment, modifying it according to the case, 5 Should the horsé show a cool, dang expression of éye, with ears thrown back, and standing: sullenly, and Seemingly! indifferent, 1° lk ~ : 242 STALLIONS. no chances should be taken. Such a horse will wait until witnin reach, when he will kick, strike, or bite so quickly that no firmness or quickness of, action would save a man. In such a case resort to any means most convenient and safe that will give sufficient control to enable subjecting him to the regular treatment.. If no halter or bridle is on, the following course may be adopted: Put on a halter as described in “Colt-Training,” tie up the head, put on a bridle, or one or. two War Bridles, get him’out on a sodded place, and subject him totreatment. Of course, ifthe stall or room is large enough, he can be subjected to treatment there. The point of making the horse sufficiently gentle to be handled and used while free from rigging or restraint of any kind, must be’ thoroughly established as a foundation upon which this after-treat-. ment must be based, Unless this can be done, the horse cannot practically be’ made’ safe. In my experience with these cases I make the lesson, if I can, a: quick, overpowering rush of force, which breaks up all resistance, and makes him submit before he warms up, being careful not to strain, bruise, or overheat the horse. - Sometimes stallions, especially of this character, are liable to develop very peculiar whims in the way of affection or hatred.. I will give here a very marked. case, formerly owned by me. A ten- year-old Gifford-Morgan stallion, owned in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., was of a fine, intelligent,. docile disposition naturally, but when excited he showed an undercurrent of great will'and courage. He was raised in Gowanda, N. Y. I bought him for the purpose of | training him to,drive without reins, and succeeded in making him ‘drive very nicely, holding him gentle. For’ a stallion, he was sin- gularly free from all inclination to bite, and other habits.of vicious- ness. Later, I sold this horse, with another, for breeding purposes, to Fred Arnd, a hotel-keeper, in Bath, N. Y.. Mr. Arnd (who was somewhat intemperate in his habits) one day perceiving the horse acted as though about to bite, whipped him severely. Happening ‘in the stable at the time, 1I.found Arnd in the horse’s stall, and greatly excited from the exertion of whipping and kicking. I told him emphatically that he must not whip and abuse the horse in that way. If he did, he would surely in a short time make him so vicious -he could do methine with him. I advised him at once to give the. horse some apples, and handle and caress him until over the excite- ment. But he disregarded the advice, and about a week afterward | I again heard a row in this stall. Proceeding to the place, I found Arnd with hat off and face red with passion, in the act of whipping and kicking the horse. I again told him in the most positive terms { EFFECT OF TREATMENT. 943 that he could not whip and’ abuse the horse in that'‘manner without spoiling him, and that he must on no condition repeat it. As be- ‘fore, I urged him to treat the horse kindly, give apples, etc.; but, as before, my advice was disregarded, and as the result, in less than a week. afterward he came to me and said,“ That horse is so vicious no one can go near him. 1 am afraid he is completely spoiled. If you can and will break him for me, I will do anything you require.” I found the horse perfectly furi- = ous, with eyes like balls of fire, and ready to jump at any one who might approach. He.did not:seem to have the least recollection of me, and it was with the greatest difficulty I was ‘able to get him-out of the stall, and across the street into my tent. I subjected him first .to Second Method, following with First, which he resisted furiously. ‘I ‘threw him fully a dozen times be- ‘fore he gave up-the contest, when he quieted down, and seemed to , fully recognize me. I talked ta him and: caressed him. now for some . ‘time, walking around with him, ~ yo, 990.—vicious Stallion in the Act when he would follow me around - Biting perfectly gentle. I now directed him to be placed in the care of a quiet, careful man, and instructed him to make it his business to visit the. chorse frequently i in his stall, give an apple or two each time, caress and ‘talk to him, and on no account to allow Arnd to go near or in his sight until I advised it. The treatment was continued two weeks, the horse acting just as gentle as before. Now while standing at his head I directed Arnd to come inside the deor of his stall. ‘The horse knew him instantly and became greatly excited, but I managed, however, to keep him quiet while Arnd was near him.* : I soon afterward teft the place, but at the’ expiration: of about four years I again visited that part of the State professionally. At Merchantsville, in the same county, ‘I was surprised to find this horse.: I was ‘informed that at the moment Arnd would come near, ‘the horse would become furiously excited, and’seem ready to jump at him, but was perfectly gentle toward others. Convinced that he sould not .manage him, he sold him ‘to his ‘present owner, a resident 244 STALLIONS. a of Merchantsville, who used him for breeding purposes and for a fam- ily driver. The man told me his wife could hitch up the horse and drive him as, any old family horse, and he could take him out in the street by the halter and play with him with all the freedom he could with any pet horse. “ But,” added ‘he, “were he to see a bald-headed man it would make him so furious he would kill him if he could get at him.” Mr. Arnd was bald-head-.. ed, and the horse retained his pe- : culiar repugnance to such an ap- Fra. 291.—Godolphin Arabian. From pearance. I took him into the Stubb's Picture. By J. C. Beard. streets by the halter, and found he was just as obedient to the : whip as when I owned him, over four years before. Young horses ‘of this character, no matter how apparently vi- cious or unmanageable, were the best subjects to handle before. Fic. 292, —Godolphin uit Noted Sire of the English Thoroughbred. From Stubb’s Painting. classes, and J always preferred them when I could get them, as they were so quick to’ respond to treatment. Indeed; many of the most noted cases referred to in my regular work were stallions. Thereisa % i EFFECT OF TREATMENT. 245 point, however, to which I desire to call special attention in relation to treatment ‘of these horses. If the horse is well-bred, or of a warm- blooded character, not fooled with very much, no matter how vicious he may appear, his treatment should be simple and easy, but the vital condition of success will be in making the after-treatment good. There must be no’ fooling or carelessness. It will be par- ticularly dangerous to whip or scold very-much. The point is to ~watch the case carefully, repress without punishment if possible, and win the good nature. It requires a cool, well-balanced’ man, in a word, to manage these cases with success ; but if the horse i is cold- blooded, of a sullen type, and especially if of the draft order, and has become thoroughly vicious, while there may’ be no difficulty in making such a case submissive for a time, he will be almost sure to break over, and in most cases will be liable to become as bad as be- ‘fore. I have reference to cases now that have been fooled with, and have become thoroughly fixed in vicious habits... : An Act of the Mustang Pony Refered to with Illustration on Page 30, And in “ Facts for Horse Owners,” Page 443, where Full Particulars are Given. CHAPTER XI. CHECKING AND BLINDERS. CRUELTY OF CHECKING. N sitting, walking, or standing, every-person knows how titesome I it is to maintain one position'very long, and that a frequent. change of position is equivalent to resting. It would be compara- i tively easy to move the hand. up or down, which could be done, almost indefinitely without much inconven- ience ; but to hold it in one position perpendicularly. or horizontally, would soon be- come .extremely tiresome . and difficult ;- in fact, so much so that it would be impossible to hold it out horizontally longer than a few’ minutes. A "French subordinate officer, as a punishment, marched his soldiers all day without allowing them the regulation freedom of changing the position of their arms, which so injured them that it was regarded sufficient cause for inflicting upon him the penalty of death. Fra. 298.—Horse in Nature. noe Now, checking horses and BASE forcing them to hold their eae heads unnaturally high and keeping them thus arbitrarily in a fixed position, as I no- tice to be generally prac- ticed, frequently all day, while perhaps being rapidly Fre. 294.—The Horse with Over-check. driven or worked hard, must. be almost equally trying and painful for them to bear, and in connection with the use of blinders-is so much of a fault that it cannot but be regarded as the greatest ingratitude and crime to so faithful and useful a servant. (246) CROPPING AND DOCKING. \ This custom of using ar- bitrary checks upon horses for giving fictitious style to them in driving, at the ex- pense of a great deal of com- fort, freedom, and vital force, is of the same foolish character with various senseless cus- toms of both civilized and savage nations, such as the cramping of the feet of Chi-.' nese women, or the wearing Fre. 296.—A Gentle Family Horse; Show- ing the Discomfort and Pain of High Checking, land, about forty years ago, to crop horses’ ears and manes, illustrations of which are given from an old Eng-,_ lish work, showing the method of doing it. Thirty years ago,.in this country, this was carried to such an extreme by many, that it became the point of ambition of the professional dealer to have a horse with the shortest and most elevated tail, with a short tuft of hair hanging to it. To show that this is true, I give an illustration of such, copied from the English work. before named. Fig. 295.—Let the Drivers Try It. of the finger-nails to such a length as to interfere with the freedom of the hands, flattening the heads of Indian children, and the tattooing .of the body by African and. other :tribes. The custom of checking, ‘in the hands of ignorant people espe-. cially, has become so very common as to demand the most serious. effort to prevent it. . CROPPING AND DockKING. In accordance with these ridiculous notions, introduced, perhaps, by some titled fool, it-was the custom in Eng- Fria. 297.—The Family Horse Trying to Relieve himself from the Res- traint of the Check. 248 CHECKING AND BLINDERS. Fia. 298.—One Position of Head of the Horse Referred to in Text. reliably in the trotting gait. HIGH CHECKING. Soon after the inauguration of trot- ting, it was found that horses of certain temperament and form could be made to trot more reliably and faster by holding the head checked high, and soon considerable ingenuity was dis- played in the development of the best methods of doing this. This was re- sorted to with the same object with which toe weights and other means are now used, to hold and force more Down to about fifteen years ago, tiie check in general use con- sisted of a simple strap, the ends of which were attached to the rings of the bit, passed through the lugs | on each‘ side attached to the throat- latch, and back to the saddle-hook. The shorter the strap, and the higher these lugs were placed, the higher the head was necessarily drawn up and back. A good illustration of the extreme of such checking is shown in Fig. 151. Various improvements were made on this method, based mainly, now, in ad- dition to the points explained, in raising the lugs, or in attaching them well up Pye. 299.—The Horse Trying to Re- lieve himself from the Torture of the Overdraw Check. Fra. 300.—Throwing the Head up to Obtain Rolief from the Check. . near the head-piece of the bridle; next in passing the strap through the rings of the bit, and attaching to the cheek-pieces of the bridle,’ making the purchase straighter up on the head, and giving considerable pulley purchase up and back upon the bit. Various modifications have been made of this form, in connection with powerful curb bits, with the object of elevating the heads of fancy carriage teams in the principal cities of this coun- try and England. © HIGH CHECKING. 249 Finally, a change was made,—that of passing the strap, one end of which was divided and connected with the rings of the bit, back over the head, and at- taching: it to the saddle-hook,, which was called the Kimball-Jackson check. The next change was that of placing» an extra small steel bit in the mouth, with a strap. attached across the nose | to hold it in-place, which was connected ‘to an. extra strap passed up to the top of the head-piece, on which a patent was taken. It was introduced, I believe, by a man named Carroll. This was im- ‘proved upon by an extra strap, bring- ing the check-lugs rather high on. the Fie. 301.—One of the Positions the Horse Assumes in trying to Ob- tain Relief from the Pain of the Check Referred to in the Text. : bridle, and connecting the rein directly with this extra bit. The next step was to attach branches of a straight strap di- rectly to the nose-piece or rings of this extra bit, and pass it back over the head to the witerhook, Fre. 802.—As Driving Horses are Frequently Checked up, Referred to In Text. t as now used, not only simplifying it, but giving. the most arbitrary power of keeping the head elevated. No matter what the form or 250 ' CHECKING AND BLINDERS. - temper of the horse, this form of check holds the head up so arbi- trarily that the horse is helpless to resist it, giving the appearance of style, especially in those that carry the head rather low, and hence their popularity with dealers. These improvements were brought into use, as has been stated before, by the professional trainer, for the sole purpose of making horses trot steadier and faster ; but on account of the appearance of style which they forced (ny {| \" ‘: Up ~ Fic. 808.—The Head as Usually Drawn up with the Overdraw Check. the horse to indicate, and the pride most people exhibit in trying to give their horses the semblance of superior form and style which it conveys, as well as to intimate, as far as they can, the efforts of the professional trainer of trotters, they have, during the past dec- ade, come into very general use. It may be worthy of mention that this check is peculiar to this country, not being, as far as I know,’ used in any other country, only the old form, with its modifications, being used in Europe. In England it is known as the “ bearing-rein.” In originally using this check, or bearing-rein, upon driving horses, the object has been to use only so much restraint as would \ HIGH CHECKING. 251 prevent the horse from throwing the head down below the breast, and ‘to curtail the head to its natural position, or slightly below it, which i is not seriously objectionable. . The want of a proper training of the mouth (which is fully ex- plained on page 88, and also under “Colt-Training”) frequently leads plucky, spirited horses to so lunge or pull recklessly against the bit asto make them unmanageable and dangerous.’ This it is ¥1e. 804.—The Extreme Torture of the Bedouin- or Gag Bearing-rein. ‘sought to overcome by different forms of severe bits. When giv- ing instructions and making experiments, I had almost daily lung- ing, kicking, and runaway horses of the worst character brought: | forward to be experimented upon,—horses that when used at all, could-only be driven by the most severe form of bit ; and I was in- wariably able to drive such without a check, giving the head entire freedom, and I may say, without breeching as well, the most inter- esting feature of which was the simplicity of treatment with which it could be done. In‘a certain class of lunging, headstrong horses, I call attention under that head to checking the head high to repress resistance ; : but it is.given as palliative treatment, in the absence of a better. I call.attention to it also to prevent a horse from kicking, because it is difficult for a horse to kick when checked high. But it is given : i 252 CHECKING AND BLINDERS. ‘i , as a simple means of control, as other treatment is given for objec- tionable habits, and does not apply at alt to the use of the, check upon gentle horses in their driving. Even those most humane in intentions and feelings are liable almost daily to subject the most gentle horses to this very serious cause of discomfort and pain. To illustrate somewhat the extent of this, I will refer to two'cases coming to my notice in one evening, just previous to writing this paper. A banker, who had a promis- Fie. 305.—Comfort. ing three-year-old trotting colt, which he purchased for” his own driving, having him hitched up one day, invited me to fide. The colt’s head was checked so extremely high as to make it unpleasant for me to witness the pain and discomfort of the horse in trying to relieve himself from the restraint. Fig. 302 is a good illustration. I took particular pains to explain to the gentleman that this was not only entirely unnecessary, but a cause of real cruelty, and that I was confident he would not intentionally subject his colt to such needless pain and discomfort, when brought to his notice. He, like thousands of others, had scarcely an idea. what the check was for. He “liked to see the head kept high, as it made the colt appear better ;” “it was the method of hitching up trotting horses, and his colt ought to. trot,” etc. But notwithstanding my utmost efforts, I could not persuade him to leave off the check. | ' HIGH OHECKING. 258 The same evening I saw a gentle'family horse driven by two girls, The horse, one of the kindest of animals, was checked as high as he could be made to carry his head ; and while driving on a walk it was really painful to notice the stralaed manner in which the. poor creature stepped, taking up his feet and putting them down almost like a blind horse, because the nose being pulled up so high, the ‘blinders prevented his seeing the ground before him, at the same . time working. the mouth and throwing, the head right and left in the Fie. 306.—Showing the Discomfort and Torture of High Checking. . free himself from the severe restraint. For a good illustra- tion of these positions, see Figs. 296 to 301. Se This i is only a fair illustration of how many favorite driving and family horses, including even some work horses, are unintentionally checked, up, and compelled to remain so for hours at a time, no mat- ter how worked. : But while the check is less objectionable for light driving, it is not only abuse but real cruelty to’ use restraint upon the head of the | draft horse in this way, as it toa great extent disables the horse from drawing heavy. loads. This need not be demonstrated ; any 254 CHECKING AND BLINDERS. man of observation can see it, and it is finely illustrated in Fig: 308. A high English authority, Prof. McBride, says :— “T most heartily concur in what has been said. about the bad effects of the foolish custom of using the check-rein. It is a very. common cause of roaring in the horse, which statement is indorsed by all veterinarians, seven hundred in England alone.” _ , Figs. 302 and 303 were drawn and engraved expressly for me, showing the great discomfort of horses checked high, though the Fic. 307.—The Ordinary Side Check, Giving an Easy Rein. artist did not fully catch my ideas in his orders, and consequently - did not express the position as fully and clearly. as desired ; in any event, they are not overdrawn. For the privilege of copying Figs. 293, 294, 295, 306, and: 307, which tell the story very plainly, I am indebted to Hom T. E. Hill, of Chicago, Ill, the author and publisher of “ Hill's Manual” and other works. They are taken from “Hill’s Album,” a very fine family work. Figs. 328, 324 are from photographs of what are termed “ burrs” that ‘have been used by drivers in New York City upon the: bits ’ BLINDERS. | 255 of their horses, and are here given for the purpose of showing their. effect upon the horses. The side view (Fig. 319) shows. the ends of the tacks as they extend through the leather. These burrs were placed on the bit on each side. of the mouth, so that the least pull: of the reins would force the ends of the tacks against the cheeks, thereby producing great excitement and-pain. The one copied from was taken from hundreds of others like it in Mr. Bergh’s office. Fig. 817 is given to show their effect upon the horses. -It is copied ’ by permission from a plate owned by the Humane Society. Fra. 308.-The Check-rein on Work Horses. Horses are unintentionally subjected to excessively cruel abuses by ignorant, thoughtless persons, a fair illustration of which is shown in Figs. 321, 322. What as story it tells! What a degree of abuse of a fine horse is here’ shown! See his head tied up helplessly while pushed, perhaps abused, to gratify ‘the pride of a couple of thoughtleds simpletons!, And yet this is only what can be seen almost daily by any observant person in every , Village and town in the country. , BLINDERS. The horse should be able to see plainly. By far the finest and most expressive feature of the horse’s head is his eyes.. They are ‘ 256 .CHECKING AND also the most useful ; Fie. 309. erie the Position of the Eyes in the Head. tals BLINDERS. he depends upon them most largely, and he should have the greatest freedom in their use. this, and to show their location “The better to prove and position in the head, I give illustrations copied from life (Figs. 812, 313), showing how singularly wel! adapted they are to enable a horse to see not only on each side, but be- hind and before, as may be re- quired, and the necessity for giving them the utmost free- dom for doing this. Nature, who does everything right, most wisely requires this, and it is but the hight of ignorance : and folly in any one to assume to change or interfere with her plans. During’ my early public experience, when. I gave exhibitions in driving horses without reins, it was noticeable that every motion: of the whip, though held directly over the horse’s back, was promptly obeyed, —that the horse, in fact, could be controlled quicker and bet- ter by the simple motions of the whip. than he could by bit and reins, giving the very best demonstration of this ‘singular power. Instead of making the apee unsafe, lie is really made safer and more tractable by his being able to see everything around him plainly, that is, when he is so trained, this being the important condition in making him safe. Now, not only are blinders aserious obstruction to the horse’s seeing clearly, but they are often a cause of much injury by striking against the eyes, or by being pressed 2 Fig. 310.—Showing the Position of the Eyes. upon them. In pointing out this cause of harm lately, I found a_piece of wire connected with the ornament of the blind, which became raised and pressed into the BLINDERS. 257 \ - - eye almost a quarter of an inch, so as to cause serious injury. The blinders had been pressed close up to the side of the head, and against the eye to such’ a degree as to attract my notice. This is a common occurrence, as the clinch of the wire holding the ornament. either extends beyond the surface of the leather, or becomes raised more or less, and hence is a very common cause of injury to the eye. I have frequently found the outer edge of the eye. abraided and raw from this cause. ; A horse is naturally suspicious. and afraid of anything he. does not plainly g see, or does not comprehend the nature of, and hence he must either be pre- vented from. seeing objects at all, or be ; : Fic. 311.—Fashion. The Blinders permitted to see them plainly. Any one wactiow Fornod, ‘The Eyes can understand that if compelled to look "Completely Covered. through a small slit or narrow space, it not only in the first place increases the difficulty of seeing, es- a pecially while moving, making it very trying on the eyes, but it clearly impossible to see things as plainly as if the eyes had entire freedom. This is just the effect blinders have upon the horse’s eyes. Now, of late years, in the large cities especially, the fashion has become quite com- mon of making the blinders not only very large, but in the form of a bowl, that is, hollow in the center, and the edges brought forward in saucer shape, carrying it to such an extreme that they really cover ; up the eyes and prevent the horse from seeing at all, or but very little out of the front corner of the eye; and harness-makers throughout the country are foolishly adopting this plan of forming blinders. Fa. 312.—The Eyes so Covered that the Horse Cannot See. 258 CHECKING AND BLINDERS. REPRESENTATIVE CASESs I made a special effort to obtain .the aid of an artist to make Fie. 313.—The Fashion in the Country. photographs of repre- sentative cases, so as to have an absolutely cor- ‘rect illustration’ of a good average’ of them, but found it so difficult .to secure one to do this that | was compelled to be satisfied with draw- ings, which, while not just what I wanted, give a very good idea of the form and position: of . blinders upon the heads of fashionably equipped coach horses, including the pnpeene of rough specimens to be often seen in’ the country, ‘ which will be noticed with interest. ‘In éxperimenting ‘upon such horses as were brought to me be- ‘fore classes for illustrating the ef- fects of treatment, I always gave the fullest freedom of sight, no’ matter what the object, and could always soon make the horse en- tirely indifferent to the object or cause of fear. This is, in fact, one of the most important essen- tials of success. THE HORSE SHOULD SBE. A horse can be driven to'a top carriage with close blinders, when ~ he cannot without; this is be- . cause he was never permitted io Fra. 814.—The Old Farm Horse with Blinds. see the top while in this position, and if permitted to see it sud- denly or unexpectedly, it would be liable to frighten or excite him very seriously, and would be dangerous to have him do So. This is frequently illustrated very forctbly by taking off or changing the bridle on ‘a horse while hitched to a carriage. The, horse being thus permitted suddenly to see the top behind him, which is now a | BLINDERS. 959 an entirely new object to him, will often show such violent fear as to resist all restraint and run away. One of two things must be done; viz., either cover up the eyes so hat he cannot see the top, or give him entire free- dom in seeing it, when the cause of the trouble will be easily overcome. It. is true that blinders may be. ° used in certain cases to over- come natural defects, the same. as.other appliances are used, to overcome certain difficulties ; but they are only necessary, when at all, on account of im- proper or defective education. First, a lazy horse will drive steadier and better when he: cannot see the motions: of the whip, because such will learn to watch the whip when raised for punishment and jump to ‘avoid it, and then slack up‘again until the effort is repeated. But if blinders are used upon: such horses, they should be. so formed that they will not interfere side- ways or forward,.or in any way injure or r touch the eye. they should merely Fie. 315.—The Corners of the Blinders Dang: ling against the Eyes, Serond, a horse which hae an ugly looking head, or a serious defect in an eye, or has suffered’ the loss of an eye, ‘will be improved by the use of skillfully applied blinders, which will serve to con- ceal the defects; and this, as before explained, was the. cause of their intro- duction. Third, if the horse is but imperfectly : trained, and not accustomied when hitched to a top carriage to see it, the careful | covering of'the eyes with blinders will énable driving of the horse with com- parative safety so long as the blinders are kept so, and will pre- vent the occurrence of a large portion of the accidents that are of Boe? pli) Fig. 316.—Blinders Striking against the Eyes. 260 CHECKING AND BLINDERS. daily repetition. throughout ‘the country, resulting in such frightful loss of life and prop- ‘erty. . | I would repeat that there ‘would be no more necessity nor sense in using blinders upon horses driven in harness, if properly trained, than there is in using them upon horses ‘undera saddle ; and who would think of disfiguring and en- cumbering'a horse’s head, no - matter how poor, with blinders when used for the saddle? ‘Look at, these, matters in a reasonable, practical’ manner. Imagine. yourself in the horse’s place, and ey to. feel how you would Fig. 317.—Horses Excited by the Torture of the : Burrs Shown Below. ff ft i ! (i i Fie. 318,—Burrs. Half Size. F 14. 319.—Side View, Showing Length ; : a of Tacks. Half Size. like to be hampered and disabled as horses are forced to be while subject to, the arbitrary: control and often to the most unreasonable abuse of a vain or ignorant driver, while compelled to work hard.: Treat the horse in the same spirit. of generosity you would be yourself treated under like circumstances. Then there are other ® A PLEA FOR THE HORSE. points. There is often shameful neglect of horses when hitched. They are left unsheltered and uncovered in the cold and rain, while their riders or drivers are in some drinking saloon, ' toasting their shins in comfort, drinking from the cup that exhilarates only to deprave or de- stroy the best impulses of their natures. With a i TN en Fre. 321.—1In the Hands of Fast Young Men. without reason and without mercy. They are clubbed, and kicked; and cursed, and, in fact, treated with every conceivable indignity prac- ‘ticed by ‘barbarous tribes upon captive prisoners. There is no spectacle more calculated to excite the pity and sympathy of the be- neyolent and philanthropic, than the faithful old family horse, worn down with serv- _ Fra. 320.—All Day in the Storm. t brain on fire with excite- ment, or benumbed with torpor, the poor horse is driven home again, heated and exhausted, to be fol- lowed perhaps by ‘a chill that often seriously injures or destroys the poor animal by causing inflammation in the feet.(founder) or inflam- mation of the lungs (pneu- monia), etc. They are un- necessarily lashed and sav- agely jerked upon the bit, : ill f si HT ne Fra. 822.—Ruined by Fast Driving. 262 CHECKING AND BLINDERS. “ice, overloaded and whipped into hard drudgery in his last ‘days, when he should _be released from work and - permitted to end his life in peace. Surely there is no domestic creature toward which civilized man displays so much in humanity as to- ward this constant and faith- ful companion of his labors ar ‘and pleasures ; and it would Fi. 823.—The Effect of a Improperly Broken. ' seem that no man with the least claim to being con- sidered a gentleman would need to be appealed to to treat his horses with hu- manity, if not with kind- ness ; yet it is unfortunately the case that such appeals, made by disinterested men a and women of humane im- pulses. and by our humane’. | societies, are often unheed-' .ed or regarded as the mer- est sentiment... — : Fie. $24,—Beaten by a-Cruel Master. a i _.. + It should not be difficult ' for one to see that a reason- . able sense of responsibility should prompt to the mast considerate care of every an- imal onthe farm. Not only does kind treatment make | them more easily managed, but imperceptibly the feel- ing is felt in the hotne, mak- ing the'relations of life more beautiful and happy. Fra, 825.—The Last Days of the old Family Horse. rm CHAPTER’ * - THE MULE. W- frequently had. mules’ brought i in to expérimient upon, and often found them exceptionally good subjects. . A mule when vicious’ is supposed - ‘to be not only very dull but extremely bad, and if the treatment is not made right, becomes really very difficult to manage ; but when managed according to the experience of our later years, we always found this animal among the very best me 826.—A Favorite Mule, of subjects. No matter Bee! bad the’ chatacter of the mule, or how vicious the resistance, he always works i in, in a short time, entirely gentle. The treatment we used with most success at first was the Second Method, and it was rare that we found one that did not sub- ‘mit to this readily, ‘However, it was’ all cases the clear suc- cess we could desire, and we then depended’ upon the simpler meth- eee of treatment, making sometimes a good deal of work ; but when (268) 264 THE MULE. we struck the Third Method in connection with the Second, we found mules to yield to treatment very readily. I have in mind two cases which will fairly illustrate others. When I was in Cleveland, O., after having very decided success for a week or two, the subjection rf NAR, of the Malone horse in the first i place attracting very wide at- tention, parties from the West Side brought over one evening an extremely vicious mule, they feeling sure that’ it would break “me down. I was asked if my _treatment would work upon mules. I answered, “Yes.” A man spoke out, “ Bring in that mule.” I found a very fine, large fellow that had been used to a cart, would kick violently, and would not have the feet handled. ° I subjected him rapidly for a few minutes to the Second Method, using the War Bridle’ a little in addition, when he submitted un- conditionally within six or eight ‘minutes. The success of the ex- periment was a cause of great merriment, and was regarded asa ‘great feat. In point of fact, the greatness of the feat was entirely owing to the great susceptibility of the mule to control. oe At a small town in Central New York certain parties made a great effort to break me down, and depended mainly uponavery ' ' ~~ AUT tut | Fig. 827.—Mule Team as Driven in the South. had been hitched to a fence out- : side, and outrageously abused by’ being punched with ‘a sharp stick, making him perfectly reckless. In this condition he was brought in fortreatment. He was subjected rapidly to the Second Method for a few minutes, followed by the Third Method, and became perfectly gentle within ten minutes, and was driven without breeching : \ i vicious mule to do so. This mulé, , 7 THE MULE. 265 The mule, I think, is, if anything, more susceptible to treatment than the horse, and he is usually more abused and less cared for than . the horse. The popular opinion in relation to him is not at all fa- ‘vorable ; but I have found that mules could learn anything about as easily as any intelligent horse. When I was in Fostoria, O., a man there had a small mule that appeared to be half starved, and, as a matter of pity more than anything else, I was led to buy him. We ‘trained this mule to throw boys, and to do anything that the ponies could do. He would squeal, laugh, and do many amusing ‘tricks, and could throw any living man. I sold him when in New York for five hundred dollars to circus men. : : I'would advise im all cases very kind treatment to mules. Sub- ject rapidly for a few minutes to the Second Method ; it will rarely be necessary to use more, and if the case is not made vicious there should be no exception. If.a mule is treated gently, given little presents, and flattered, and especially if spoken to kindly when ap- ' proached in the stall, there should be no more trouble in approach- ing him than a horse. It is a matter of a little care and good management. I include here an illustration of mules as driven in the South, and it is but just to state that I have never been more in- terested than to see common negroes drive a team of from four to six mules before a spring wagon with a single line. Indeed, I am can- did in admitting that it was a greater feat of nice training than. any we were able to give in driving horses without reins ; and I often felt like taking off my hat to those negroes in admiration of their re- markable success as teamsters. A negro rides the near pole mule, then a long rein is extended forward to the lead one, and either ' pulling or jerking indicates to this leader which way to go; and, so far as I cauld see, they could be driven as accurately around a cor- ner or arly point as could be done with the best of management with reins. ‘The treatment of sickness and injuries for mules is practically - the same as that for horses. For bruises.or saddle gall;I think it advisable to state here that, being so simple, there is nothing su- perior to cold water. Remove pressure from the part, and bathe thoroughly in cold water. This method, simple as it-is, stands over all others for allaying acute inflammation. Simply pour on pure cold water, and repeat as may be necessary. In some cases, as described in the medical department, hot and cold water alternated may be better. It will depend upon the amount of constitutional disturb- ance caused by the intensity of the pain. CHAPTER XIII oe MISCELLANEOUS HABITS. ' CRIBBING. : \ ‘ HIS is a habit for which there has been no practical remedy. i Many claim that it is caused by indigestion, and that by neu- tralizing the gas generated i in the stomach in consequence, a horse will cease to crib. Mr. O. H. P. Fancher, who thirty years - ago traveled extensively as a professional horse-tamer, and who is specially referred to in the first chapter as claiming to tame horses by the use of certain scents or medicines, was the most pretentious ad- _ vocate of this. theory; but I have never known, on any reliable authority, of any case being cured by use of medicine. It has also béen claimed that cribbing is caused by the teeth pressing too closely against one an- other, a reliable remedy for which is sawing between them. I have known of a great many cases treated in this way, but without any success, except that in some cases the habit is prevented for a time by the soreness produced by the filing. Driving wedges between the decth has. also been resorted to, the effect of which would be so much pain as to prevent the horse from cribbing for some time. A horse will not crib on anything that is lower than the knees, consequently a practical way to prevent the habit is to tear away the manger, and feed the horse from the floor or from a basket. \ To break up the habit the only practical remedy i is punishment, as hereafter explained. Saturate the manger, neck-yoke, a and straps, if inclined to bite them, with kerosene oil. Rubbing the parts bitten upon with strong fly-blister, may next be tried; or get cayenne or red pepper pods, boil down toa strong decoction: and wash the parts the horse may be inclined to bite upon thoroughly with the solution. To be re- peated at least once a week, for a month or more. The object is to (266) Fie. 828.—A Horse in the Act of Cribbing. ’ CRIBBING, ‘267 4 make the lips and mouth so sore as to prevent the inclination to bite. This method will often work very satisfactorily ; but, like the treatment first advised, must be done thoroughly to be effective. Covering the parts with sheep-skin will seldom do any good. W. D. Gross, of Kutz.- town, Pa., advertises a device for the cure of cribbing, for which he claims much. Itissimply’ a ‘thin plate of metal ‘placed over the upper front teeth and fastened by small bolts. This will, of course, make the gums sore, if pressed upon to any extent, and will undoubtedly work well, and is worthy of trial; the objection is’ the difficulty of fastening the plate to the teeth. Fra. 829.—The Halter Adjusted for Cribbing. Cribbing can be stopped by buckling a wide, flexible strap, moderately Hehe, around the neck. It should be from three to three and one half ee wide. A narrow strap will not work well. : When in Bath, N. Y., many g years ago, I hoticed that a horse when cribbing at a post in the street contracted the larynx and muscles of the neck forcibly during the act. Instantly ‘it occurred to me to’ make the. experiment of a oe putting such an adjustment "Fie. 880.—Throat-strap with Tacks. upon the throat-latch as to cause sharp pain when there was- an effort to repeat the act. I wentto a harnesspshop, pro- cured some six-ounce tacks, dtove them through a strip of leather about half an inch apart, and filed the points sharp and of equal length. I laid this bit of strap on the inside of the throat-latch, so as to bring the, points of the tacks under the larynx, and kept it in place by winding each end and the center with a piece of waxed- % 268 MISCELLANEOUS HABITS. end. I now buckled the throat-latch long enough so that it would not touch the neck when eating or swallowing, yet so close as to bring the points of the tacks sharply against the throat at the least attempt to crib, and stood by to notice the effect. The first time the horse tried to crib he was hurt so keenly that he jumped almost from the ground. Ina short time he tried it again, with the same result; the third time he only gave a lit- tle nip, and then stood quietly for some time. I now had him changed to another location, with a man close by to’ note the results. Hereported that the horse did not crib any more during the afternoon. I have broken several horses of the habit by this means, and think if the adjustment is made right, and continued ‘long enough, it will be found _ to-be very effectual. Success will depend upon the care with which this is kept ad- justed. If there is large mus- cular development of the neck, the strap must be buckled shorter than when the neck is well cut out, as it is termed. Make the reproof severe at first ; then keep the tacks so adjusted as to touch sharply when the habit is repeated. Ifthe throat-latch is not on a line with the top of the head, the tacks cut the jaw a little below the juncture of the head with the neck. If this is kept on a few days or weeks, and then taken off and again adjusted carelessly, there is likely to be a failure. If the hotse finds he can crib once with this on without hurting ‘himself seri- ously, he will be encouraged to repeat the effort, and will soon pun- ish himself severely to do so. But if punished at first, and this is kept where it will hurt keenly at the least attempt to crib, and is left on a few weeks, it ought to be. successful. It will not do to’ buckle a strap around the neck.. The adjustment must be made to the strap of the halter, and the halter must fit nicely to the head. It made like a bridle, with brow-piece, so that it will not shift or move on the head. A boy broke five horses of this habit a Fia. 331.—Halter as Used by the French. WIND - SUCKING. 269 few years ago; but he became careless and failed on the sixth. There is, once in a while, an old horse of determined character that will crib in defiance of this or any other means. Such cases are, ‘however, rare. A young, nervous-tempered horse will yield readily to the treatment, and but few horsés will attempt to crib while wear- ing a muzzle. a ay Since writing the above I find in a French work an illustration which I copy, giving the same ~ idea but much more complex than the method before given: It is included, however, as a point of value, and can be stud- ied in connection with the ex- planation given. If a strap be buckled rather tightly arpund the neck, a horse will not crib while it ison. This is, however, but ‘a simple pre- ventive. 'There is also the ob- jection that graduatly the horse may learn to resist, to overcome which’ the strap has to ~be' buckled tighter, which of course obstructs the circulation, and ye. gee. —Throat-strap as Used by the French. causes inflammation, thus. pro- ducing serious and permanent injury. If a strap is used for this purpose, it should. be fully three inches wide, and buckled just _ tight enough to prevent the inclination to crib. A wide strap works a great deal better than a narrow one, and is less liable to do harm. WIND-SUCKING. Sometimes a horse sucks wind without the habit of cribbing. I include a cut of a form of bit to prevent this, for which. much is claimed. A practical horseman’ of experience gave me the point. He claimed that-it would work perfectly in preventing the inclina- tion to crib and suck wind. Procure a piece of gas-pipe about seven inches long. Drill a hole across each end, through which put in rings, as seen in cut; next, drill four or five holes, as shown in cut. ‘The theory is that the gas in the stomach cannot escape through the mouth on account ‘of its being closed, and that instinctively the horse will bite on ‘something to open the mouth and throw off the gas. With this bit \ is . ‘ 270 ; MISCELLANEOUS HABITS. in the mouth, the air passes through the small holes in the center, and out through the ends. (See Fig, 333.) * The gentleman referred to positively assured me that i in several cases known to him it worked with perfect success. on “PUTTING THE TONGUE OUT OF THE MOUTH. I If the tongue is put over the bit, have a piece of thin sheet-iron about two and one half inches wide and five inches long, with the ends rounding, and the edges. filed smooth. Drill two small edge, at’ the center, and fasten to the bit. Shorten | the cheek-pieces of the bridle, so that the bit is drawn well up in the mouth. ' This piece of iron renders ‘it impossible for’the horse ¢ to get the tongue over the bit. The simplest and best way of preventing this is. to’ have the smith make a mouth-piece, as represented in Fig. 335, ‘which is seen to be bent up, and comes so high in the mouth that the horse cannot get the tongue over; this works well, and is not inconvenient to drive with. It should be bent up at least two and three fourths to three inches, come well out to the: cheek-pieces, and be filed smooth to prevent cutting or chafing the mouth. (See Fig. 335.) The tongue is some- times, but not often, put out under the bit. For such cases the follow- ing treatment will work well:— — Get three medium-sized bullets, and hammer them out to about an inch and a half in length. Drilla small hole through the end of each, Tie one to the center of the bit by a little piece of wire through. the joint... Attach the ‘others to. the. bit: about an inch from the ‘center (one on each side), so as to “| play loosely. When this bit is in the mouth, these extra arrangements will so disconcert the horse that in his struggles to get them out of- the way, he will forget to put his tongue out. (See Fig. 387.) ~ } Fra. 338.—Bit Made of Gas-pipe, for preventing Cribbing and. Wind-sucking. Fre. 384,—Manner of Pulting:the Tongue out. holes (Fig. 336) near each » KICKING IN STALL. 271 The next best way, is to buckle.a strap, around the nose so that the mouth cannot be opened. This, of course, prevents the tongue being put out, and in a short time, the habit will be broken up. There are bits now made for this habit, which may be obtained of dealers. PAWING IN STALL. A horse will not paw much unless he can hear the noise; so a good method of preventing this habit is to muffle the foot by tying a piece of blanket around it. Next, by attaching a piece of chain or clog to the foot, as follows: Get a piece ofchain about ten inches in length, run a short strap thtough one of the end links, and buckle it around the foot above the fetlock ; or,a piece of light chain can ‘be fastened to a'small block, . and attached to the foot in the. same manner. When the horse attempts to paw, the. clog or chain rattling against the foot so discon- certs or hurts him that he ' will repeat the movement but a few times. | Fie. 335. KICKING IN STALL. Kicking with one foot against the side of the stall is a habit which many horses are liable to learn, and, like pawing, it is some- times very annoying ; therefore it is. important to be able to prevent or overcome it. In the first place, rare that a horse will learn to ‘kick against the side of the stall if it be large and ‘roomy. Large - stalls are, in all cases, very. important for the health and comfort of ‘the horse, as well as for convenience in going around him. The simplest and best way of preventing. this habit is to pad the side of the stall, which will prevent the sound of the striking, when the in- clination to kick will soon be overcome. Or, attach a clog or piece. of chain to the foot, as explained for pawing. Another method is to tie some-thorny bushes together, and sus- pend them over the place kicked, so as to swing freely when struck: When the horse kicks, the rebound will bring the bushes against the legs, so frightening and hurting him that the attempt to kick will be repeated but afew times. A clog may also be ¢ hung over the place 272 MISCELLANEOUS HABITS. struck or kicked, which, when struck, would redct in the same way, and thus prevent a repetition of the habit. Making the stall wide, and padding the sides as explained, are the most simple and practi- cal methods for preventing this habit. ' GETTING CAST IN THE STALL. This is mainly caused by being confined in a stall that is too small. When the horse rolls and turns upon his back, he is so : cramped and restrained by the narrow walls that he is unable to roll himself back to regain his feet. Some- times the division of the stall is so short that in the effort to roll, his body comes across, and in contact with, the ends, and, the head be- ing held fast by the halter, it is impossible for him to Fro. 686. get up; so a large, roomy stall would of itself be al- most a complete remedy. The simplest way to prevent it is to tie one end of a piece of rope or cord tothe beam or flooring directly overhead, and the opposite end to the head-piece.of the halter back of the ears, leaving it just long enough to allow the horse to reach his nose to the ‘ground. As he lies down and tries to roll, being un- able to bring the top of his ‘head to the ground, he is ‘disabled from rolling. A small ring should be stitched to the top of the halter, to which the strap or cord can be easily and securely fas- ‘tened when necessary. Some horses are liable, by ‘pawing, to get the fore foot, and in some cases even the hind foot by scratching the head with the leg, over the halter-strap, thereby becoming tangled and help- “less in the stall. The halter should be hitched higher than com- “mon, though long enough to permit the horse to lie down easily. : Fie, 387. KICKING COWS. 273 \ JUMPING OVER FENCES. Every dairyman knows that a cow of ox will not attempt to jump a fence, pull it down, or run, while a board is over the forehead, attached to the horns in front of the eyes; this simple means will usually work well upon cattle, but will not do upon’a horse, because it gives too much freedom to see over the nose. ‘If a horse or mule, put on a halter that fits well to the head— a five-ring halter is best. Next, find a piece of fine leather (an old boot-leg will do), about as long as the head, and from four to five inches wider than the head is at the eyes. Attach a string at each corner. Attach the upper corners by the strings to ‘the halter, where the brow-piece is attached to the cheek-piece. Tie the cords at- tached to the. lower corners back of the jaw, being careful to leave freedom enough for the jaws to act when eating. Let the ends now pass over the throat-latch, and make fast... The horse is simply dis- abled from looking ahead or over the nose, which will disconcert him sufficiently ‘to prevent jumping or throwing the fence down. If an ox or cow, attach the upper corners to the ‘horns, and pass the strings around the neck instead of over the throat-latch. TENDER-BITTED. Use a large, smooth mouth-piece, with leather cheek-pieces, so as to let the bit rest about an inch lower than usual in the mouth. Next, try winding the bit with a piece of chamois-skin which has been saturated with tannin or alum, to harden the mouth. #KICKING Cows. ' Many years ago a man who attended my class in Herkimer Co., N. Y., reported to me that he had a very bad kicking heifer, a matter of experiment, he put the War Bridle on her and gave her a sharp lesson with it, as directed for breaking a colt to lead and drive. After a few' minutes’ treatment, he found that she stood per- fectly gentle to be milked, and he had no more trouble with her. Some time afterward, while in the dairy counties, I gave this point. to my classes, and I\have since had a good many especially bad kicking cows brought forward to be experimented upon, the treat- ment in all cases proving successful in a few minutes. One of the most amusing incidents that occurred .in making these experiments was at a little town near Jamestown, N.Y. At the time I carried canvas, and after getting through the regular ex- periments, a notoriously bad kicking cow was Brought i in for treat- 18 a 274 MISCELLANEOUS HABITS. ment. As usual, a few pulls of the War Bridle made her stand to be milked as gentle as could be desired. While the class weré amus- ing themselves over the ease with which the cow was controlled, and somewhat at the expense of the owner, with the cord still on, she suddenly, and without warning, rushed through the wall of the can- vas, almost tearing down the whole tent, and ran through the main street of the town toward home. Every dog in the street took after | her, making a most ludicrous scene, no one appearing more amused than the owner. He came into the class on condition that I would make the cow gentle to be milked at home. He never came back to report on the success of the ex- periment. The course of treatment is about as follows :— Put on the War Bridle, second form, pull right and left a few times ; then stand off at a safe distance, and pull a little upon the teats. If there is resistance, punish ; so repeat, until there is no re-, .sistance. Sometimes the teats are sore, and the pain caused by milking is very severe. Take Goulard’s extract 2 0z., sulphate zinc 2.0z., lard 2 0z., and rub upon the parts a few times. This is.a fa- vorite remedy among dairymen for sore teats, cake in the bag, etc. This Prescription I know to have been sold for fifteen dollars, and it is prized by dairymen in Northern New York, where the medicine _is sold especially for their use. ‘Fra. 388.—Arrangement of the Cord for Leading a Cow. ; . To Leap: a Cow EAasILy. Tie a rope around the head under the horns, bringing the knot overthe ear. Now bring the rope forward and under the ear, again ‘forward over and under the cord. By pulling now, the cord will tighten around the ear, hurting so severely that the cow will lead freely. CHAPTER XIV, z TEACHING TRICKS. N this chapter I give the portraits of my old group of trained I horses and ponies, whose performances were regarded with such. _& great interest by all who witnessed them, that for a number of years I was compelled to give an extra exhibition daily for. the benefit of ladies and children, for which a regular admission fee was charged ; and it was universally conceded that these exhibitions were more interesting than those of any circus. The performances of Blind Billy were regarded as especially retharkable, from the fact -of his being totally blind. He was, without question, the most re- markable performing horse that has ever been exhibited in this or any other country. I give a very fine portrait. of fils feniarkable horse, sketched by’a leading artist. _- The’ details of teaching a few tricks, which I give in this die: ter, will be of special interest to farmer. boys, who may desire to train their‘colts in this way. A horse seems more- intelligent and ‘tractable when trained to perform a few simple tricks, such as telling. - the age, kissing, bowing his head, kicking up, turning right and left, ‘or following with the whip, etc., all of which any intelligent boy can easily train a colt to do. 4 ; In training a colt or horse to perform hese tricks, there should be no hurry or effort to teach more than one thing at a time. ‘Make the lessons short, and repeat until thoroughly learned, when another can be ‘taken up; but do not continue the lesson long enough to ex- cite or confuse the horse. To FoLLow BY THE WHIP. One of the simplest and most interesting tricks to teach a horse is to follow at the motion of the whip, without bridle or halter. It is even quite useful, as it teaches a horse to follow at command from — one part of the barn to another, or to come out of his stall without attempting to getaway. Full details of teaching this trick are given in the chapter on “Colt-Training.” ‘ ¢ To Nop ‘His HEAD,. OR Say “ Ys. u To teach a horse to bow, or nod his’ head: ‘prick him lightly 0 on (275) 276 TEACHING TRICKS. the back with a pin, and continue until in his effort to avoid the an- nyaNce he drops his head ; nee instantly’ stop the pricking and : oS Z = g. oF BP, a & 6 a 3s 8 SS: ies $ 5 = a: « ai a. me. 7 : tH : ‘& z Toes lg ude a : S sae m } oe por Te? i i | ' 2 - ¢§ < © A = a F a ate . fo caress him. Repeat the pricking until the head is again dropped, when caress and give him something of which he is fond. Continue to alternate in this way with the pricking and caressing, until at the a Me fae a : OG ae a ee oa a DETAILS. OF TEACHING. QrT \ instant a motion is made toward the back, or even to take a pin from the coat, he will drop his head. . To SHAKE His HEAD, OR Say “No.” To teach a horse to say “No,” prick him lightly on the top of the shoulder with a pin until he shakes his head, when stop and re- ward him, Repeat the pricking until at the least motion toward the withers the horse will shake his head... _ Fie. 340.—Blind Billy, y To TELL His AcE. To ‘teach a horse to tell his age, prick him lightly on the back part of the leg until, to avoid the annoyance, the foot is lifted, or there is an effort to paw; for this, stop and caress him. Repeat until the least motion toward the leg will cause him to paw the ground. In teaching this trick, the body is naturally bent a little while in the act of pricking the leg, and by repeating, the position will soon indicate to the horse that he must paw. This position is to be maintained until he paws four, five, or six times, or as many times as he is years old, when the position is changed, and the pawing ceases. 278 TEACHING TRICKS. To Kick UP. To teach.a horse to kick up, simply prick him on the rump with a pin until there is an inclination to kick up, when, as before, stop and caress him. Repeat until the least motion toward the rump will Fie, 841, eine Billy Running after and Catching his Trainer when Playing Blind Man’s Buft. induce him to kick up; then touch with the whip, and repeat until _at the mere motion of it he will kick up, These tricks may be made quite interesting by talking to the horse somewhat as follows : “Tommy, I want you to tell how old you are; will you do it?” and signal for the horse to shake his head, Fia. 842.—Blind Billy Kicking up. ‘as if refusing. Then exclaim, as if surprised, “Oh, you can’t tell your age, I suppose, without being paid for it! Will'you do it if I give you a lump of sugar?” and’ signal for him to nod his head. You can now signal for him to tell his age, and when he has done so, it gives him an air of sagacity which is very amusing and interesting. Again, you may ask: “What will you do to one who does not treat you well?” Then signal for him to kick. His prompt obedience, of course, indicates to the spectators that he understands what is said to, him, when in reality he is only- obeying the signals which have been taught him. The nice point lies in giving the signals in such a manner that they will not be -noticed or understood by the spectators. a DETAILS OF PREACHING. “ O9 TEACHING TO Kiss. Kissing is a very simple trick to teach a horse, and it adds greatly to the interest of those already explained. Stand facing the horse, with the right side turned partly toward his left shoulder, and let him take a piece of apple from your hand, which is held toward his mouth. Bring it nearer each © ‘time, and finally let him take a piece in the same manner from be- tween the lips. . ‘When, he does not reach forward promptly to take the ‘piece of apple from the lips, prick him with a pin at the point of the shoulder. Repeat until he gets the: idea of avoiding ‘punishment by bringing his mouth to that of the trainer when desired. Now put the _apple farther into the mouth, which Me a will compel him to open his lips to get. ‘it. Commenee lessening the size of the apple, finally giving it to him as a reward after he has -‘performed:the, trick of bringing his mouth to. that of the trainer. This will teach him that by doing this. he will escape paulshment and receive reward. ak - Fie. 843. —Blind Billy Walking on his Knees. To Lik Down. A horse is | taught to lie down or to sit up principally by means of the whip or ‘bridle, as ‘follows: Tap the horse smartly across the shins. until he will drop upon ‘his knees. This method, ment, or it will occasion needless pain and pun- ishment before the horse is made to submit. I. will give the following method, which, though. slower, is better calculated for amateurs :— wei pies Billy ie Tie the bridle-reins into a, knot back of the his Great Act of Walke "eck, throw your strap over the ‘back, ‘under ing Erect. the body,.and tie to the near foot below the fetlock. Now pass the right hand well over the back, and take a short hold of the strap. Cause the horse to - step toward you, and pull’ the foot up. -Then pass the left hand around the reiris, pull back and down upon them in such a manner as to turn the head a little to the off side, at the same time pulling however, requires a. good, deal ofc care and judg- Apt 280 TEACHING TRICKS. down steadily but firmly on the strap over the back with the right hand., As the ‘horse goes down, gradually pull the near rein, so as to bring the head to the left, - at the same time | pressing down and from” you’ firmly with the right, until the horse will lie down. Now pass the. end of the strap through the ring of the bit, draw through gently, step over the neck, and as the horse attempts to get up, pull him back, until he Hes quiet. Rub and caress him, and after lying a few minutes, say, “Get up, sir!”- Repeat in this way a few times, until the, horse will lie down readily. Then while holding him on or near the knee with the strap, hit him on the shin of the other with. a small whip, un- til he will bring it under and lie down. After a while he can be made to come on Fie. 346.—Tommy in his Vicious Act of Defending the Ring. his knees and lie down by simply pulling the head down a little and hitting the leg with the whip, at the same time sayirig, “Lie down, sir!” repeating until the horse will lie down to the motion of the whip. Fre. 345.—Tommy. Sketch from Life. ¢ DETAILS OF TEACHING. 281 To Sit UP. When the horse will lie down promptly, put on him a common collar, and while down take two pieces of rope, each about ten feet in length, tie the ends around the hind feet, carry them forward be- tween the fore legs, and bring them once around the collar. Now. step on his tail, take the bridle- reins in the right hand, while hold- ' ing the ends of the rope firmly in. the left. Give a little jerk on the | reins and say, “Get up, sir}. When the horse throws out the forward feet and springs to raise himself on the hind feet, he finds himself unable to complete the . effort, on account of thé hind feet being tied forward under him, and so brings himself in a sitting po- . sition. Instantly step forward, holding the ropes firmly, rub and ca~ ress the head and neck a little for a few seconds, then as you see the effort to keep up becoming tiresome, let loose and say, “ Get up, sir!” By repeating in this way a few times, the horse will soon learn to sit up when commanded, without being tied. To THRow Boys. Fig. 847.—Tommy as the Model Riding Pony. To teach a horse to throw boys, first. make him kick up as before ‘explained. Then have plenty of straw'on the. ground, put a boy on his back, and while ‘holding the halter make the horse kick up sharply by pricking, or touching ‘him with the whip. The instant he kicks at have the boy throw himself forward over the shoulders, ' for which give the horse a caress and a piece of apple. Repeat until he will, at the motion of the whip, make an effort to get the ‘boy off. When he has done this, put on a larger and stronger boy, so that he must make a greater effort to get him off. Watch the point~carefully, and see that the boy comes off when the horse makes an effort to throw him, otherwise he will soon become dis- Fia, 848.—Tommy in his Great Act of Throwing. 5 982 TEACHING TRICKS. couraged. By persevering in the treatment, he will soon learn to throw the most expert rider. But it, will be ‘noticed that he will make a greater effort sémetimes than at others. When. he does not seem to work well, put on a poorer rider, and work up again gradu- ally. When the horse makes a par- ples, and caress him, for encour- agement. It is important now to ' teach the horse to throw his rider only when commanded, or at a sig- nal. To do this, when the boy is on, lead the horse a short distance around the ring, and then signal for him to throw. Repeat in this a ‘manner, also letting him go around Fie. 849,—Tommy as the Gentle Pony. alone. with-the boy on his back, until he will go ona sharp trot or run, and throw when commanded, : ‘T trained a pony to throw so expertly Gal ne would at times turn a man or boy over in a double somersault, and bring him down squarely upon his feet, The best. throwing pony ever exhibited in this country was admitted to be “Tommy.” (See Fig. 348.) He has been exhibited in all the principal the North; and al- though the best riders, from the bare-back cifcus- -rider to the mius- tang-trainer on the plains, have tried, no‘man has ever been able to sit squarely upon his back one minute after the horse was signaled to throw him. His performances i in this way have been regarded as wonderful. He will even carry two boys on his back for a while, and then at the motion of the finger throw them both. This some- . times afforded a good deal of amusement. First, if a boy'was indi- cated to him as being good, he would allow, him to ride as long as he wished, and then to safely slide off behind. down to the ground, Then another boy would come who perhaps used tobacco, or had some other | vice, when the pony would ‘throw ‘him immediately. ‘Again, if there was a sharp political campaign, a Democrat and 4 Re- publican boy would mount him at the same time, and the one who could ride him the longer time could declare his party the victor. To give something of an idea of the wonderful performances of these ponies, especially the expertness with which Tommy could throw a rider, I give some extracts, from.the press :— Last night.a large number of our leading citizens, by specist invitation, were present at Prof. Magner’s exhibition on Champlain Street. ticularly good point, give him ap-. ‘ DETAILS OF TEACHING. 283 . The first exercise was performed with Blind Billy, a pony stone blind. He sat down as commanded, and walked upright on his hind legs several times around the ring. A handkerchief was thrown down in the ring, and the pony ordered by Kis master to find it. After walking around a few minutes, the pony came to a stand and seized the article in its mouth. Several other interesting tricks were performed by this blind pony, but the most laughable scene took place when the spotted wild horse, Tommy, was introduced. He presented every appearance of a wild steed, and ran restively about with distended nostrils and fiery eye, his mane bristling like the quills of a fretful porcupine, but at the approach of his master he became as tame as a lamb. Every one was invited td try their equestrian skill on Tommy, ang all who ' tried were thrown to the ground, tenderly, but in the twinkling of an eye.’ Mr. Mag: ner offered $100 to any one who would ride Tommy one mintte. Several tried, but none were rewarded with success. One, ambitious: gentleman. threw: off hat, coat, and vest, and said he “would be d——d if he didn’t ride him.” “Tomthy was too Fra. 350.—Tommy in his Vicious Act—Chasing a Boy out of the Ring. much for him. He was thrown several times, and finally concluded that he had bet- ter let Tommy have his own way. — Cleveland Leader. FUN ON THE PARADE. The parade yesterday morning presented such a lively scene as has not heen witnessed for some time. The occasion was the exercise of some trained horses by Mr, Magner. Straw was plentifully strewn on the ground, and expectation was high while the arrangements were going on. A cordon of boys and men were arranged. a rope placed in their hands, and a ring formed around the straw, into which soon pranced the first animal. This one cut up all sorts of circus capers, the most notable and most heartily applauded feat being the dexterous unseating of a-small colored boy, who had the hardihood fo allow himself to be placed astride the animal. Next tame a totally blind animal, which performed miraculous antics at bidding. The last feature was the crowning one. A spotted horse was led into the arena amid the plaudits of the vast assemblage present on the ground, and the Reform Club, which appesred en masse at the windows. After various gesticulations by -the “dorse, a challenge wag sent to the multitude for some one to mount. A large darkey 284 TEACHING TRICKS. essayed the task; but no sooner had he pronounced himself “Ready,” than Spotty raised his hindermost legs, lowered his head, and 1. d. went careering through the air. ‘‘ Golly, boss! dat hoss can’t do dat again ';” and so up he went again, to be treated the same way, only more so. A fairer complexioned auditor then attempted it, but he was treated in like manner. In fact, it is quite impossible for any one to remain seated when that horse takes a notion to unseat. him. The prompt unseat- ing of these two worthies so amused the multitude that Mr. M. thought they had had fun enough for one day, and so announced the show over. His class in this city. was a large one, numbering over forty members, compris- ing our leading citizens, all of whom acknowledge the superiority of his system over those of other trainers who have visited this locality. Fira. 851.—Turco and Gifford, as Driven without Reins. His power over untamed horses is said to be marvelous;—Wew London (Conn. ) Hoening Gazette. A WONDERFUL PERFORMING BLIND HORSE. Among Prof. Magner’s fine troupe of horses is one that is blind. This beautiful pony —for he is beautiful — is a wonder. He seems to understand every word said to him, and will perform the most difficult feats with an ease and rapidity that is surprising. He will go to any part of the ring, find and bring ,a handkerchief, take it from his leg, or any part of his body, ga lame, go right or left, back, go ahead, sit down like a dog on either side, squeal like a Pig, roll over, walk and kick on his knees, put his ears back and forward, kiss, with ‘many other tricks, showing the greatest intelligence and most skillful training. He was not touched with a whip during the whole performance. The professor, simply stood at the center-pole, and talked to him as he’ would to a boy. He is, without doubt, the finest and most remarkable performing horse in the world.— Cleveland Leader, AN EXcITING INCIDENT. Mr. Magner’s tent is crowded daily to witness the performances of his wonder- ful ponies, and attend his lectures. ‘One of these beautiful ponies, among other amusiug performances, will throw any one from his back. Yesterday, when Tommy was introduced, a crack circus-rider came forward to ride him for the reward of one hundred dollars. He stated that he came to Buffalo to get the money, as he could , DETAILS OF TRACHINE. 285 ride Tommy, or any other horse, as long as he pleased. At this turn in affairs a gen- eral stir was manifested, which culminated in the most intense excitement. It was proved that no ordinary man could ride'the cunning little fellow, as shown by his performances for weeks. But here was a trained athlete, that could turn a somer- sault on a horse bare-back without being thrown ; would it be possible to throw him? There were serious apprehensions that he couldnot. Mr. Magner stood silent & moment, with the reserve characteristic of him, contemplating the intruder, as if to say, “You may, perhaps, do it, but not if I can prevent it;” while the other stood with folded arms, showing the most perfect confidence in himself. It was a scene worthy the brush of a painter, ‘The immense throng present were hushed into silence, waiting for the contest. A signal brought Tommy upon arun. The whip was passed around his nose quietly, when the athlete was invited to come forward, who, disdaining help, lightly bounded upon the pony’s back ; but before he had time to say Jack, Robinson, Tommy commenced a series of gyrations that would astonish an Indian, and sent his man fully six feet into the air. It was beautifully and grandly accomplished ; but would he, could he, do it again ? The trial was made, and, as before, the pony went into the air with the quick- ness of lightning, and, after a little more prolonged -effort, sent his man heavily to the ground. But the contest was not yet over. All the ‘desperation that pride and confidence eould excite seemed to be now called ‘into the actions of the man for a final test. He mounted more carefully, and, ‘with a grasp of iron, awaited the onset. It soon came ; for Tommy, seeming to be now conscious of the task upon him, twisted and turned and jumped as if a demon, his. eyes flashing fire, until, with a tremendous ‘bound, he sent the man high ‘i in the air from his back, this time fully vanquished. It was a grand performance. Many, with feelings of intense admira- tion, crowded forward to caress the noble little fellow, while Mr. Magner seemed as proud of his pet as if he had won akingdom. It was the finest and most exciting exhibition we ever witnessed. —Buffalo (N. Y.) Courier. DRIVING WITHOUT REINS. Thirty years ago driving a stallion without reins was regarded as one of the most interesting feats of training ever exhibited. That a spirited ‘horse, or a span of them,—stallions,—could ‘be driven, guided, and controlled by only a whip, seemed so remarkable that people came in crowds many miles to see it done. Yet it is one of the simplest feats of training, and one of the finest illustrations of the ease with which even horses of naturally bad temper can be made manageable when properly treated. I but refer to it hére, as the limited space at my disposal will not admit of giving the details of this feat of - training. Those specially interested to learn it will find full pala? in my work, “Facts for Horse-Owners.” CHAPTER XV. ——_*o0—— EQUESTRIANISM. a HAT there is no exercise to be compared with horseback-rid- BV \ T ing is conceded by all well-read physicians, as well as by all la- dies'and gentlemen who have given it a test. One has only to look at a person returning from a ride on the saddle to see at once the beneficial result. -The tinge on the cheek, and ruddy glow on the whole face and neck, is a positive assurance of the fact. It will prove a sure cure for dys-- its worst form, if one will but persevere in the de- lightful recreation. But some one will say, ‘Oh, I cannot ride horseback ; it is too. violent an exercise.” And why? Simply because the attempt is made , without any knowledge of the art, if it may be so called. The fundamental principle of the art of learning to ride is to learn © one thing at a time, and learn to do that well, before attempt- ing-to do anything else. The first thing to learn is how to sit upon a horse. One should be-. come perfectly at home in a saddle upon a constantly mov- ing horse, so that whether it walks, trots, canters, shies, or jumps, he will either not lose, or will immediately regain, his position. The proper seat is a firm one in the saddle, with the legs below the knee free, and the body above the waist supple and pliable. Whatever movement the horse makes, whether to the right or left, or tipping backward or ferward, the hips must conform to it, while the legs from the knees gomnward . (286) ‘Fi. 852. —Horseback-riding. PRACTICAL HINTS. — 287 are free to obey the rider's will, and the upper part of the body re- tains its balance by accommodating itself instinctively to every movement. If the upper part of the body be kept rigid, its effect will be to remove the hips from their‘place in the saddle. If, on the _ other hand, it be flexible, it will yield and sway with every move- ment, and will be left free to obey the motions of the saddle.. In Tommy’s act of throwing the boys, described in another chapter, whenever a boy or young man would sit in the saddle rigidly, with a firm grasp of the mane, no matter how strong or sup- ‘ Fie. 353.—An Insecure Position, ple he might be, the pony would throw him with: ere ease, and with the force of a bullet, from his back ;, but ‘when a yours man came in who would sit and balance himself. on the pony’s back as if with the greatest carelessness, harmonizing the motions of his body freely, with those of the pony in the attempt to.throw him, it would frequently require the greatest effort to dislodge. the rider. The position assumed in the saddle should be with the weight of the body supported directly: under the hips, the spine curved _in- ward, and the head and chest thrown\backward.. We give two ilhis- trations from Leach, showing the insecure and the secure positions in riding. The rider in the first illustration exhibits the greatest cau- tion and timidity, with his body bent. forward, and his whole at- 1 288 HQUESTRIANISM. titude one of rigidity. The second illustrates the freedom with which the body may be managed when the seat is secure. When a landsman first goes to sea, he finds it extremely difficult to adapt himself to the motions of-the vessel, stumbling and falling like a child learning to walk; but with practice he soon gets what is termed his “sea legs.” The principle is the same in learning to ad- . just one’s self to the motions of the horse in riding. The learner should make no attempt to guide or manage his horse, nor even trouble himself how to mount and dismount. Let Fia. 354.—A Secure Seat. , him get into ‘the saddle, turn his toes inward, press his. knees against the saddle, but riot his calves, bringing the flat of the thighs in the largest contact with it. Curve the spine inward, and throw the shoulders back. Let the arms hang listlessly by the side. Holding mainly by the knees, shift the seat from side to side and from front to rear, with as little swaying as possible of the upper part of the body. Continue this practice, no matter how long it takes, until the seat is firm; and the learner can move in any direc- tion while keeping the spine curved inward. When the*rider has PRACTICAL HINTS. 9° a) accustomed himself to the slow ‘motion of a. walk, let the speed be * increased, until finally the horse is galloped with a long bridle-rein, under all his motions, and the rider feels comfortable and easy,‘and has learned to depend only on his thighs and the flexibility of the body to maintain his position. Having perfectly accustomed himself to the seat, the pupil may, now put his feet into the stirrups, and learn their use. They should. be used as a matter of comfort and convenience, as it is fatiguing to ride with the legs dangling at the horse’s side. -In walking, a gentle Fie. 355.—Ideal Points of a Good Riding Horse. ‘support of the stirrups keeps the body from swaying from side to side as the horse moves. In trotting,—when stirrups are almost in- dispensable,—they permit the horseman to,either “rise to the trot,” or to distribute the shock in “riding hard” between the feet, the seat, and the thighs, so that it is no longer a shock, but becomes a quick, easy movement. The stirrup-leathers should be so adjusted that the iron will just touch the bottom of the feet, giving them sup-'_ port without raising their position, while the inner part of the thighs, as far down as the knees, are pressing firmly and immovably against. the saddle, and the legs below the knees hanging vertically. In ordinary riding it is best to have the ball of the foot touch 19 a : ‘290 EQUESTRIANISM. ‘the stirrups, as the play of the ankle-joint gives more elasticity to the support. But in galloping or leaping it is best to “drive the. . . feet home,” and carry the stirrups in the hollow of the foot. We consider the wooden stirrup in common_use in this country to be the safest and best. The main office of the stirrups is to rest the legs, while at the same time they assist in maintaining a proper position. But in case of any sudden start, the knees and thighs should be at once perform- ing their duty of grasping the saddle. They cannot do this if the ‘Fie. 856.—A Good Model of Riding Horse.— weight is thrown too much upon the feet. It is also important to learn how to stand in the stirrups while the horse is in motion, turn- ing so as to look to the rear, to throw the weight first on one foot and then on the other, and to assume every possible position rapidly ‘and easily ; for all this adds to security, freedom, and grace in the seat. The following is the correct manner of mounting by the aid of the stirrups: First take the reins in your left hand just over the’ horse’s withers. Stand with your right side to the horse, not too ' Fie. 358.—Army Bit. a PRACTICAL HINTS. 291 near, and put the left foot in the stirrup. Grasp the horse’s mane with the rein hand, the pommel of the saddle with the other, give a ‘spring with the right foot, and vault into the saddle, throwing the leg back and over the horse. Now rest the balls of the feet in‘the stirrup, and close the knees against the horse to keep a firm seat while #=—% trotting fast. It is impossible to ride really well on an average horse without a curb bit; but it is impossible to ride well on any horse unless the curb bit is properly made and adjusted. And no one can either ride with pleasure or .become really a good horseman on a horse that is in constant pain from an ill-fitting bit. ‘The beginner should use the reins of the snaffle only, grasping Fie. 857.—Position i Mounting. arein in each hand at a length that will give him command of the horse. ' The proper manner of holding the reins, is, however, in the left hand, the curb reins divided by the little finger, ‘the snaffle reins divided by ‘the middle finger, the ends of both sets carried up through the hand and secured by the thumb, which should be uppermost, and pointed to- the ears of the horse. By bending the wrist to the right, so that the knuckles come — uppermost, the horse ‘is turned to the right. By bend- .ing the wrist to the left, so that the finger-nails come up- permost, the horse will be. turned to the left. There -Fia. 359.—Ordinary Bit. should never be tension on the two bits at the same time. The horse should be ridden upon the curb; the snaffle should be used to fix the hight of the head, and occasionally to take the place of the _curb ‘to freshen the mouth. Particular attention should be given to having the saddle adapted to the size of the person who is to use it. If it is too large 292 EQUESTRIANISM. . for the rider, it will not only give him discomfort, but will increase the difficulty of acquiring a seat. Invalids, or those not accustomed’ to horseback-riding, should select a horse that is gentle and fearless, easily managed, sure-footed,- and elastic in. action. A riding-horse should not be used in harness, as this soon destroys the elasticity and smoothness of action ‘necessary for easy riding. Ifthe horse is at all vicious and unmanageable, he. should be subjected 'to such treat- ‘ment (as explained‘ under that head) as will insure his entire docility and easy management. This is particu- ‘larly necessary before attempting to ride him in the street. Much of the foregoing instruction will apply to ladies learning to ride horseback. The lady should so sit upon the horse that her weight will fall perpendicularly to.the back of the horse, her face directly | to the front, her shoulders drawn back, and her elbows held to her sides. She will permit her body; from her hips upward, to bend with the motions of the horse, in order that she may preserve her balance. The right knee will hold the upright horn close in the bend of the knee. The left foot will be thrust into the stirrup to the ball of the foot, and the heel will, as a rule, be carried down, But when the heel is elevated, the upper part of the left knee should find sup- port in the side horn, and for that end the stirrup-leather should be given such a length as will permit this. A lady should never be mounted —_ yg. 361.—Ordinary Side-saddle. on a weak or stumbling horse. The reins are to be held in the left hand, as already described, and in a line with the elbow. The whip should be carried in the right hand, with the point toward the ground. It takes the place of the right leg of the man, and the horse should be trained to answer Fie, 360.—Holding the Reins. na PRACTICAL HINTS. 293 to its application in exactly the same way ¢ as to the pressure of the man’s leg. The horse should never be struck’ with the whip upon the head, neck, or shoulders, as such whipping will render him nerv- ous, and may cause him to swerve. It does not come within the limits of an abbreviated article of this character to give the details for the training of a horse to the different gaits and tricks of which. he is capable under the sad- dle, as there are a great variety of works im- parting this knowledge .. in full,which are easily ‘vaccessible by those who desire it. With these’ suggestions, and sufficient practice, any’ one may enjoy this, the best of all modes of exercise. If people would gen- erally adopt horse- ‘back-riding, they ‘would starve out half , our doctors, and would live i in the; enjoyment of much better health than they now do. I will give here one of the many cases of restoration to health from this exercise ‘that -have come under my notice: A lady (whose name I will omit) came into my riding- park in a hack from her Sl Fig. 362. er oaltion in the Saddle. - home about a mile distant. I arranged a stand so that she could step. upon it, and sit down in the saddle without any effort. I led _ the horse around at a walking pace for about twenty minutes, when she dismounted, quite exhausted, and was taken home. The next day she ¢ame again in the carriage, and took another short lesson, and so continued to do three or four times a week for about four months. During this time she gained in strength to such an extent that at the expiration of'the time she rode by car to Boston, a distance of twenty-five miles, did some shopping, thence to Cam- bridge to dine with. her mother, and ‘then returned home and rode ten miles on horseback. At the end of her ride she said to me:' / 294 EQUESTRIANISM. “JT feel no more fatigued than I did this morning when I started for’ Boston.” This is only one of the many cases that have come under my observation of regaining health from this exercise. Let every one have good practical training if possible, but get the exercise at all events, if you cannot have the training. In corroboration of what Mr. Robinson says on the beneficial effects of horseback-riding, I copy the following paragraphs from a Fig. '363.—A Good Position. valuable little work on “ Horseback- Riding from a Medical Stands point,” by Dr. Durant, of New York :— Horseback-riding, as we have seen, is one of the most energetic modifiers of the circulation ; it distributes the blood equally to every part of the capillary net-work, giving to each part its dug proportion, by maintaining a due tension in every part by equalizing the temperature ; it prevents equally anemia and hyperemia, and san- guineous stagnation, by the impulsion which it gives to the circulatory phenomena, and aids nutrition by the acceleration of the respiratory and digestive phenomena. Tt is by its effect upon the reactions of the blood to the nervous system that horse- back-riding produces such a happy influence. The effect of horseback-riding upon the functions of the system is especially re inarkable upon that of digestion. It stimulates the appetite, excites and perfects di- 2 a PRACTICAL HINTS. 295 gestion, favors absorption —in fact, to use a trivial expression, ‘ tt makes the bits go down.” These are not the only results of the new energy imparted to the func tions which we have studied, all of which concur in the accomplishment of this spe- cial one; it-exercises a special influence upon the muscular fiber of the coats of the stomach and the intestines. These viscera may be considered as fairly suspended in the abdominal- cavity, where they are barely held and limited in their movements by the folds of the peritoneum. Each shock from the horse shakes them and makes them roll, as it were, upon each other, and causes the changes in the relations of the convolutions of the intestines. These shocks and knocks and rub- bings act as a mechanical excitant upon the muscular fiber, which in consequence contracts with more energy, preserving, however, the peculiar character of the fiber- cells} that is, of contracting slowly and succegsively, the action of the fiber being in- creased and the peristaltic contractions acquiring more. power, there results from it amore intimate mixture of the juices and aliments in the stomach, a more perfect , chymification of the food, and a more prompt and complete absorption of matters al- ready digested ; and, lastly, all those which have as yet escaped the process are brought into the portions of the intestines where their metamorphosis is effected. Re annnunsne: Fie. 864.—An Ideal of the Family Horse. CHAPTER XVI. cer BREEDING. NE of the primary points:.of success in any enterprise is to start right, and in no respect is this more true than in the breeding of horses. The law of like producing. like is inexor- able ; consequently, to raise good horses, good horses must be bred ‘from. Many farmers who are keenly alive to other interests, are Fie. 365.—Arabian Mare and Colt. singularly thoughtless and imprudent in this. If a mare is broken down, and unfit for labor, no matter how coarse or badly formed she is, or what the.evidence of constitutional unsoundness, she is usu- ally reserved to breed from. | On the same principle, no matter how coarse the stallion, if he is fat and sleek, and if his use can be obtained cheap, he is selected (296) ° SELECTION OF STALLION. 297 for the same purpose. The most ignorant farmer is particular to select the largest and soundest potatoes, the . best quality of oats, wheat, etc., for seed, because he has learned that this is true econ- omy ; yet theré is the utmost disregard of this law of prudence in the breeding of horses and farm-stock in general. This sort of economy is like paying a quarter for a puine and giving a dollar to get it carried home. It costs just as much to raise a poor, coarse-blooded colt, as a fine-blooded one. ‘The cost of feeding and care is really the same, the only. difference being in the use of the horse. The first will. possibly sell, when ‘five years old and trained to. harness, for from a hundred to a hundred and fifty dollars. The other is worth from two hundred to a thousand, and possibly more. The first, will scarcely sell for the cost of feeding and cdre. The second insures a large profit, and this for a little additional. first cost. The fact is, breeding from poor, unsound horses is so much a detriment, that it would be a damage to any one to be compelled to breed from such stock, if given for the purpose. Se In Russia, Prussia, and Austria, the breeding of horses is ‘con- trolled by the government, each one having large breeding estab-. lishments, where those wishing, can procure sound stallions, devoid of all hereditary diseases... Each stallion is furnished with a certifi- cate from-the government. No other stallions are allowed to serve mares, under a‘penalty. -The result is that you will scarcely find an unsound horse, except from accidents, etc. Hereditary diseases, such as ‘ophthalmia, roaring, rupture, spavin, ringbone, curby hock, spongy feet, etc., are scarcely known. It would be a source of. un- doubted economy and benefit to the breeders, if the legislature of each State would enact such laws,’ by appointing competent inspec- tors to grant licenses to those'free\ from blemish or hereditary dis- eases or unsounidness. 7 ' - A few years’ breeding, under such restrictions, would materially increase the value of horses in each State, and thus be a real bless- ‘ing to owners and the country. ' In selecting a stallion, first look carefully at his head: The nos- trils should be’ large and well defined ; eyes full, bright, and clear, | and good breadth between them ; the ears lively, rather short and’ tapering, and the head high between the ears. Next, see that the throat shows no enlargement of the glands, indicating a tendency toward a whistler or roarer. The shoulder should be oblique,: strong, -and high, the fore leg not tied in under the knee, for such are liable to spring. 298 BREEDING. The feet should be of good size, and of sufficient depth to give strength to the quarters. Spongy and flat feet should be rejected. The loin should be strong, the back well coupled, quarters broad from point to point of hips, and running nearly. straight out to the root of the tail. The stifle should stand low and well out; hocks. strong and broad; no puffs or windgalls, as these indicate weak- ness. : As a colt from such a horse may at an early age show indica- tions of blood spavin and thoroughpin, look at the inside of the hock for an enlargement at the point of what is called a jack spavin orcurb. Next, see that there is no enlargement at the edge of the hoof, known as ringbone. Weak eyes, blindness, poll-evil, fistula of withers, or in fact any unsoundness, should be sufficient cause for rejecting a stallion. I need not enlarge-upon the fact that the mare should be selected with the same care. The reader will be aided in the study of disposition, bodily form, and the general characteristics of good and bad animals, by reference to the illustrations already given, and especially those in the following chapter. These will enable the: mind to grasp these points better than it would be possible to do by the most extended verbal descriptigns. The following from a leading writer on selection is so much to ie point that I cannot do better than to copy it :— ‘ successful in breeding, special attention should be given to the particular variety of horse required. If heavy draught horses, or even trotting roadsters, or ponies, are required, both the sire and the dam should be: selected with special reference to these points. Desired effects can in a great measure be ptoduced by proper crossings. If the mare is light-boned, or defective in this or in any other respect, select a horse that possesses the contrast of greater strength. But to insure certainty of what is wanted, the thare and horse should be as near the type of what is desired as pos- sible, though not related. Disposition should be an important con- ‘sideration, as its inheritance will be as certain as that of physical qualities. , CARE OF THE MARE. The mare is said to be with foal eleven months, or three hun- dred days; but it is not uncommon for mares to have fully devel- oped foals in much-less time, and in many instances mares Have -been known to go four or five weeks beyond this time. Time should be so arranged in putting mares, that the colts will come at a time CARE OF THE MARE. 299 when there is some ‘grass, as the mare better not to be con- fined to dry feed. ‘The virgin mare, or one that ‘has not had a colt for one season,. must be put when she is found in season.’ The mare that has had a colt will be found in season, and should be put on the eighth or ninth day after foaling ; some prefer the eighth, others the eleventh. Good judges claim that it is dangerous to go beyond the tenth, as the mare is apt to come off her heat soon after, and if allowed to ., go to a later period, the sucking of the likely, to reduce the mare too much to allow conception to take place, and, thus a year’s service of the breeder is lost. After putting a mare, the days for trial are the ninth after serv- ice, the seventh after this, the fifth after this. again.’ Some commence again, commencing with the ninth day, and follow up as before, making forty-two days. Twenty-one days being the period elaps- ing between a mare’s going out of heat, and coming in again, mak- ing ‘her. periodical term thirty days. Tmegey-one! days is claimed to be sufficient to prove a mare. . Reference is made elsewhere in this work to the importance of protecting the breeding mare from excitement, abuse, etc. Especial care should be exercised in this matter, as fright, exposure to bad weather, improper feeding, or any influence that would. seriously disturb the normal condition of the nervous system; will have its ‘certain effect upon the colt, often to the great loss of the owner. The mare and colt should be well fed, and protected from storms. The theory of working a mare ‘hard, and half starving the colt, is the poorest kind of economy, since the mare needs generous feed and rest,'to renew her strength and make her milk, by which ‘of coursé the colt is nourished and made to grow. When size and strength will.indicate that it is time to wean, which is usually i in five or ‘six months, put the colt in a quiet pasture, away from the mare, where it ‘should be closely looked after.. A little oats (better if bruised) should be given daily. The conclusion of careful breeders is, that it is much better for . a colt to run in pasture than to be confined in a stable. If the colt is intended for farm use, castration may be performed when six months old; if, however, the withers ‘are light, it should be post- poned until the head and neck fill up to the degree required, and this may require from one to two years, or even more. If the head is large and‘ heavy, early castration is advisable. Colts should be generously fed, and protected from the inclemency of the weather in winter. They should be treated gently ; may be broken a to 3800 BREEDING. harness, if treated gently and with care. This, however, is hazard- ous, as there is danger of over-driving young colts if they are driven at all. Many seem to take pride in trials to which they subject two or three-year-old colts. It is not what they can do, but what they ought to be required todo. — Fig.2866.—An Arabian Horse. CHAPTER XVII. STABLING. HE stable should be built on a dry, airy location, facing the T south when possible. | It should be warm, well ventilated and lighted, and so constructed as‘ to prevent the exposure of the horse to sudden changes of temperature. The stall should be suffi- Fia. 367, —As a Nines Usually Stands while Resting fa a Field. Ties y ay ciently large to allow, the horse to turn around or lie dow with con- veniences for feeding. The “width should not be less than six feet, but when practicable it would be better to allow each horse ten-or twelve feet, to admit of.a reasonable degree of exercise. This is not --merely a great convenience to the horse, but it has considerable i in- fluence in preventing swelled legs, getting cast, etc. Iti is also im- portant in that it permits a safer approach to a doubtful or vicious horse. It is the common custom to, make the floor inclining back- ward, but this practice is unnatural, as shown by the fact that the horse, when left to choose his own position in a field, will almost in- clon stand with his fore feet the lowest. ‘(See illustration.) /The floor should be level; and to permit this, and at the same (801) da 302 STABLING. time keep it dry, it should be constructed as follows: Incline the floor backward about two inches, making it water-tight, with an’ opening or drain at the back end for the water to pass off. Arrange upon this an extra floor of slats about an inch to an inch and a quarter thick, and five eighths to three fourths of an inch apart- The back ends should be two inches thicker than the front, to com- pensate for the slope of the floor underneath, and thus give a level surface for the animal to stand upon, while the water can pass be- tween the slats and drain off. This upper floor ‘should. be made in two parts, so as to open from the center upward, and stand upon edge while the. lower floor is washed or cleansed as desired. This is the method of construction in one of the most perfect stables in the Fie. 368. —The Accepted Method in General Use. One of the most serious Sbjections to stables as they are usually’ country, to. an examina- tion of which the author is indebted for the idea. The door should be large, with an extra one of slats, which can be used during warm weather ex- clusively for light and ventilation. It would also be well to have screens or mosquito-netting over ‘the door and windows, to protect the horse from flies,—a great annoyance to sensitive animals. constructed throughout the country, is the lack-of proper ventilation. Usually they are nothing but close boxes, and entirely too small.for the number of horses kept in them. The doors and windows are closed, and the bedding, saturated with ammonia, is tucked away under the manger. If there is an upper flooring, it is made the re- ceptacle for hay,-so that it not only obstructs any possible ventila- tion through the stable, but. by becoming impregnated with the poisoned air below, it is rendered unfit for food. Any one going. into such a stable, especially during warm weather, will have the eyes immediately affected by the escape of ammonia, which, with the contamination of the air, caused by being breathed over and over, makes it even sickening to breathe any length of time. It is evident that to supply the wear and tear of bodily'struct- ure, the food must not only be good, but of sufficient quantity to oo SERIOUS: OB.TECTIONS. . 308 supply nourishment to the body. Now,,a horse can live days, and even weeks, without food, while he cannot live five minutes without air. It is needless to enter into details as to the quantity of air a horse breathes in any given time, as every intelligent reader has‘a good idea‘of this; but the fact that'a horse will quickly die when depriyed of air-is not so forcibly impressed upon the mind. Now, it is evident that if the blood is not oxygenated by means of pure air’ passing to the lungs, the system will soon be poisoned ; thus it is seen how necessary it is that there should be plenty of air in the stable, and as pure and free from contamination as possible. If it becomes impure in consequence of there being too many horses in the stable, and also loaded with ammonia from the bedding, it can- not properly purify the ; yk blood or carry away ATAU ATEN Ae through the proper chan- a = wlll ! YS aS ce nels the broken-down, ("¢ na i xi / worn-out particles of mat- a> ter, and thus permit a proper nutrition of the body. Instead of this, all the.various conditions of disease are engendered. ‘This is particularly notice- able as the source of oph- thalmia, grease, glandular swellings,etc. Now, if pure air were obtained only at Fia. 369.—Objectionable Method of Tying. a great expense, it might be a reasonable excuse for not furnishing it in necessary abundance ; but the fact that it is obtainable in all cases with a very little trouble and «care, renders. this neglect little less'than a crime, for which there should be no excuse or apology. . An abundance of ventilation in stables may be supplied in vari- ous ways, but the simplest and best is substantially as follows: A -chimney or opening ‘through the ceiling may be made in the form of a dome or cupola. The top should be roofed over, and have lateral openings by means of weather-boards. The most convenient or comfortable stable the writer has ever seen had such a ventilator, which was so regulated that it could be partly or wholly closed, as desired. This was accomplished by means of two cords attached to opposite edges of a revolving door, and adjusted in ihe lower part 304 STABLING. of this opening or chimney. Another special convenience was a contrivance for obtaining and measuring grain to be fed, which was so ingenious that I give a description of it: The grain was con- ducted from the loft to the feeding-floor by a spout in which were two slides. Pulling out one of these slides a few inches permitted the escape of two quarts, and the other one of four quarts, of grain, which was deposited in a drawer beneath. In the bottom of the drawer was a screw, with a handle projecting from. the side of the spout. Moving this handle right and left a few times shook the bottom like a sieve, and thus removed all the dust and dirt, leaving the grain clean, fresh, and ready for use. I have found two features about the stables as usually con- structed through the country, which are so faulty that I would urge the necessity of having them corrected. First, in the construction of man- gers and racks. The man- ger, an open trough, is usually so high that a. horse of medium ‘hight can barely reach over and put his nose to the bot- tom. Extending over this ‘manger is a rack so high that the horse can scarce- ly reach the hay from it. There is usually more hay ; packed into this than the horse can eat at one time, so it is suffered to remain there until it becomes stale and sour from the horse’s breathing upon it, and the exhalations from the bedding, which ‘is usually packed during the ‘ day under the manger. When the ‘horse reaches for the hay, the dust and dirt which have accumulated are thrown over his head ‘and eyes. In the first place, the horse does not like to eat such trash ; second, it is difficult for him to reach it ; third, he is liable to be annoyed, if not injured, by the hay and a filtering into his eyes and mane. The nearer the horse is made to feed in the stall as he does in the field, the better. But if compelled to eat grain from the ground, there would be waste. To avoid this, a receptacle must be provided in a corner about on a level with the shoulder, from which to eat grain ; but the hay should be measured and put ina corner on the Fra. 870. —Rack too High. PROPER STYLE OF RACK. 305 ground, where it can be easily reached. If there is not too much - given, the horse will eat it clean. The importance of this is now so well understood that all first- class horses are fed in this way. For the ordinary work horse, or for country stables, a simple low rack or manger, one side made into.a box or receptacle for the grain, and the other part for hay, is all that is necessary. If two horses are kept together, the stall should be about twelve feet wide, with grain-boxes at the right and left, and the. manger for hay in the center. Horses accustomed to work- ing together will always agree when kept in the same stall, especially when they have separate mangers, and are prevented Ly their halters from interfering with each other’ s grain. The MANE Oey UC EE RQ c Fic. 871. —The Accepted Form af Single Stalls. mangers and racks should be on a level, and about three feet and four inches from the ground. The manger should not be - less than sixteen or eighteen inehes deep; eighteen inches ‘from — front to back, and twenty or twenty-two inches’ in length. For orie horse, the rack should be about four, feet in length. The advantage of such a manger and rack is, that all the hay that is put into it will | be eatenclean. There will be less danger than by. the common high rack of putting more hay before the horse than he will eat at the time, and thus his mussing and spoiling it will be prevented. It will entirely obviate the objection of dust and seeds falling upon his head and into his eyes, or of pulling the hay out and wasting it under his feet. Some horses are inclined to throw their hay out with their 20 a 306 ss STABLING. noses. This can be effectually prevented by nailing two or three bars across the upper part of the crib from the back to the front. The hitching ring should be on the off or farther side, to prevent the strap from being’caught by the foot. If the horse isa greedy eater, and disposed to throw the grain out of the box, it can be prevented by putting a few round cobbles in the bottom, thus compelling him to take his grain slowly. ‘The division between the stalls should al- ways be high enough to prevent the horses from interfering with each other. If windows are near, they should be so high as to pre- vent any current of air from striking directly. we CHAPTER XVIII 100 FEEDING AND /WATERING.* AY, corn-fodder, oats, and corn constitute the principal food H of horses in this country; hay and oats in the Northern 4 States, fodder and corn in the South. The food should be of the quality and quantity to impart strength, vitality, and elasticity ; and this requires some, discrimination and care, as the food should be harmonized both to the condition of the horse and the severity: of the labor to which he is subjected. Asa rule, the stomach should not be distended with food when’ prolonged, energetic effort is re- quired. This is to be especially guarded against in the feeding of hay. Greedy eaters can and often will eat so much hay as to unfit themselves for active labor, and it usually: results in heaves or broken wind. Heaves are always found in the teamsters’ or carters’ stables where there is no care in feeding. This disease is never found among racing horses, from the fact that the utmost care is used in’ selecting the food and feeding in small quantities, or in adapting it more perfectly to the wants of, the system. It has been demonstrated beyond doubt that the reason horses improve ‘so much in wind by eating prairie hay is,that it is so coarse that they cannot eat it fast enough to overload the stomach. The quantity of hay should be carefully regulated, and never as much given as the horse will eat if at all voracious. The majority of owners pack a large rack full, either allowing liberty to eat too much, or making it unpalatable and. unhealthful by being breathed upon. _From eight to ten pounds is about the average quantity for am or- dinary roadster, to be allowed in twenty-four hours, more or less, according to the size, the kind of work, and the quantity of grain given. Dusty or moldy. hay should never be fed, as it is liable to produce various forms of disease. The food should be clean, and perfect i in quality. Hay is most perfect when it is about a year old. Horses would perhaps prefet it earlier, but it is neither so wholesome nor so nutritious, and may *The main points of this paper were. dictated by Dr. Summerville, of Buffalo, N. Y., to the writer while studying with him. . ' ‘i (807) ‘ 308 FEEDING AND WATERING. Cause purging. When it is a year old, it should’ retain much of its green color and agreeable smell.* Blades of corn pulled and cured in the summer are unquestionably much better than hay. I should certainly prefer this kind of fodder to any kind of hay, for ‘fine horses. It is strange that it is not prized more highly in the North. Oats make more muscle than corn; corn makes fat and -warmth. Hence, the colder the weather, the more corn may be given, and the harder the work, the more oats. Oats should be a year old, heavy, dry, and sweet. New oats will weigh from ten to fifteen per cent more than old ones; but the difference is princi- pally water. New oats are said to be more difficult to digest, and when eaten in considerable quantity are apt to cause flatulency or colic, and derangement of the stomach or bowels. The same may. be said of corn. If not sound and dry, it may be regarded. even much more dangerous than oats, and should not be fed. | Doing so will be at the hazard of the consequences above prentiened.. The quantity of oats given daily may vary from eight to six- teen quarts. If the horse is large, and the work is severe, a little more may-be given. Corn should be fed in the ear, and like oats must be regulated in quantity to the size and labor of the animal ; from five to twelve good-sized ears are a feed. I give a larger pro- portion of feed at night, ‘and less in the morning and at noon. There ‘is ample time for digestion ‘during the night. There is not during. the day, ifthe labor is severe. Experience proves that some mildly cooling laxative food should be occasionally'given. A. bran mash, made: by pouring boiling water on eight or ten quarts of wheat bran, covered over until cool and fed at'night, from one to three times a week, is the finest and: best.. Carrots are a good laxative and alterative before frost, but are too cold and constipating during cold weather. They may be fed ‘in October, November, and December, but in the Northern States not later. ' I feed Irish potatoes, from one to three quarts, with. the usual quantity of grain, from two to three or four times a week, and would recommend their use. Feeding a small quantity of roots and giving bran mashes keep the bowels open and the system in a healthy, condition. Without them constipation is probable, and this is one of the primary causes of diarrhea, colic, or inflammation of the bow- *In packing or stacking hay, salt should be slightly sprinkled through it so as to destroy {n- sects. It seo aids in preserving it bright, and makes it more pasable and healthful for the horse. COOKING THE FooD. 809 els. If it is desired to make a horse fat in a short time, feed corn- meal and shorts, with cut straw, to which add a pint of cheap mo- lasses. Nothing like this for recruiting and filling up a horse that is. out of sorts or poor. ee If the horse is exhausted, or when sufficient time cannot .be allowed for him to eat and partially digest a full meal, he may be greatly refreshed by a draught of warm gruel, or, in summer, of cold water containing a small quantity of meal. COOKING THE Foop. My attention was some time ago called to the advantage of cooking feed for horses. Those who have given the most | careful : study to the principles and best methods of alimentation, state, first, that well-crushed grain is not only more readily, masticated, but more easily digested ; second, that cooking the feed enables the ani- mal to assimilate a far larger percentage of the nutrition than from. the same amount of grain fed in its raw staté. The amount of grain is claimed. to be from 20 to 30 per cent. According to report, the Germans have long used cooked feed for their army horses, and found it to excel all other kinds of feed in giving greater, strength to the horse, and increasing his’ power of endurance. It is also claimed by the most successful stock-breeders in England and on ° the Continent, that horses and cattle. thrive better, and are far healthier, when fed on cooked feed than when fed on any kind of raw feed. I copy from a circular published by the Chicage Steam Cooking Feed Company, some of the advantages of cooked feed for horses::— 1. Many horses are so voracious and eat so rapidly, that they do not properly masticate their feed, and, in other cases, the grain is too hard to be properly masti- cated. 2. Iti is estimated that wines than one half of the diseases which afflict horses, are induced by the use of uncooked feed, and its bad effects upon the digestive ap- paratus. 8. The hard, flinty covering of raw grain can neither be properly ground by the teeth, nor is it soluble-in the stomach, and most of it passes arn the premiagiin mn- digested. 4, All energy expended in attempts to assimilate certain parts of raw feed, is just so much waste and positive loss. . Among the advantages of using properly cooked feed fee do- mestic animals are the following :— i. Cooked and ground feed is much more palatable for the animal, and is very easily masticated. 2. The hard, dry covering of grain, when it has been steamed and: ground, be- f 310 FEEDING AND WATERING, comes as nutritious as any part of the grain, and adds just so much to its food prop- erties. 8. The entire grain-is digested and no portion of it wasted; nor is there any loss in the efforts of the stomach to do the work of the cook and the grist-mill. 4. The loss in feeding raw grain is changed to gain in the cooked feed, a smaller quantity of the cooked grain giving a larger proportion of animal strength. 5. The primary cause of much illness and derangement of digestion in ani- mals is removed by the use of properly cooked feed. It seems to the writer that cooked feed is especially important to horses having weak digestion, and for old, enfeebled horses. When a horse, is “off his feed,” by. overeating or want of proper exercise, the better way is to reduce his usual quantity of grain one half for three or four days or a week, when he will eat again as well as ever. | There give Mr. Bonner’s system of feeding :— In the morning; at five o’clock in summer and six o’clock in winter, each horse is given two quarts of oats. At nine 6’clock two quarts more are given, and: the same quantity is given.again at one o’clock. Before feeding, each horse is given all the water he will take, unless he is to be driven, in which case the allowance is cut short a little. At five o’clock in the afternoon the allowance of hay is given, usually about ten pounds to each horse ; and none is given at any other time during the twenty-four hours. At nine in the evening each horse is given a warm supper, prepared as follows: For ten horses twenty quarts of oats are put into a large ket- tle and boiled, after which is added about the same quantity of wheat bran by meas- urement, with the proportion-of a teaspoonful of. salt to each horse. The whole is thoroughly mixed, and, when sufficiently cool, each is given his share. If not driven, each horse is walked from half an hour to an hour daily, and the greatest care is taken not to expose them needlessly for a moment without blankets. The following i is the routine pursued with Déeters — At six every morning, Dexter has all the water he wants, and two quarts of oats. After eating, he is “ walked ” for half an’ hour or more, then cleaned off, and at nine has two quarts more of oats. If no drive is on the card for afternoon, he is given a half to three quarters of an hour of gentle exercise. At one o’clock he has his oats again, as before, limited to two quarts. From three to four he is driven from twelve to fifteen miles; after which he is cleaned off and rubbed thoroughly dry.’ He has a bare swallow of -water, on returning from the drive, but is allowed free access to his only feed of hay, of which he con- sumes from five to six pounds. If the drive has been a particularly sharp one, he is treated, as ‘soon as he gets in, to a quart of oatmeal gruel; and when thor- oughly cool, has half a pail of water and three quarts of oats, with ‘two quarts of bran moistened with hot water. WATERING. 311. Before any specially hard .day’s work or trial of his speed, his al- lowance of water is still more reduced. ' | Itis a very bad practice, and one that should never on any con- dition be permitted, for grooms or teamsters to give any kind of medicine, either for tonic or diuretic purposes. Many a fine horse’ ’ is completely ruined by ignorant grooms and owners, who think they can help nature by giving niter and other strong medicines; that are never admissible except in certain emergencies, and then. should be given only very cautiously. ~ I am satisfied that many veterinary practitioners give not only too much but too strong medicine, which; though of apparent ad- vantage for ‘the present, must ultimately result in serious harm to the health of the horse. Clean, good feed properly prepared, and given in quantities according to the needs of the animal, is safer and better than to be giving medicine for every little change of .condi- tion. If the horse is out of sorts, overfed in proportion to his work, becomes dainty, or the depurative processes are obstructed by the feeding of too much or of too highly concentrated feed, let up on the grain, and feed more bran mashes or green food. Old horses that are not feeding well, or are running down with- out apparent cause, should have the teeth carefully examined (see article on the “The Teeth”), as sometimes the horse cannot grind his feed. The simplest way of making an examination, is to catch the tongue, and, with the hand closed, let its under part rest upon the lower jaw, with the end of the thumb forced upward against the roof of the mouth. - (See illustration of giving ball.) This will com- pel the horse to keep his mouth open, so as to enable looking into it or passing the hand far enough back to examine the teeth. If they. are found to be the cause of the trouble, they should be filed down, as directed under that head. : ; WATERING. If a large quantity of cold water is taken into the stomach while the system is agitated, by the circulation being so increased as to open the pores of the skin freely, it is liable to chill the stomach and close the pores of the. skin, and thus excite somie one of the com- mon alimentary derangements, as colic or inflammation of the bow- els, etc. Hard water, especially cold well water, is more liable to cause mischief in this way than soft water. Hard water will affect. some horses so much as to almost immediately cause the hair to look rough or staring, and derange the appetite. Horses that are raised 312 FEEDING AND WATERING. and worked in a country where the water is strongly impregnated with lime, are troubled with intestinal calculi ; z.¢., stone in the bladder. Hence soft water should be given, if convenient; but if well-water be given, especially during warm weather, it should-either have the chill taken off or be given very sparingly. The best time to water a horse is about half an hour before feeding. While driving, the rule should be, little and often. None, or only a swallow or two, should be given at the close of a drive, until cool. If very warm, the horse should be walked moderately where there is not a current of air to strike him, from ten to thirty minutes. If any danger is then apprehended, the chill’ should be taken off the water if very cold, and given sparingly, or only a few swallows at atime. The common custom is‘to give about a half bucketful. The safer. course would be to give less and repeat. : The rule for’ ordinary use should be, to give a small quantity. . often during the day, and let the animal pursue his j journey or labor ‘immediately after. If allowed to stand, the system is liable to be chilled, and the absorbents closed, which is the common cause of laminitis or founder, although this disease may not develop itself “until twelve or twenty-four hours afterward... Any cause which will chill the horse— either cold winds or cold water—- will be almost sure to produce this disease. ) CHAPTER XIX, ——09———— HOW TO TELL THE AGE. T is sometimes very important to be able to determine the age of I a horse ; and as this is indicated! most surely by the teeth, I have had made, under my special supervision, a large proportion of- the illustrations here given, which will be found the fullest and most ‘ * Fria. '872.—The Teeth. - complete published in this country. I encountered very serious dif- ficulties in obtaining these illustrations, as I found it next to impos- '! sible to give the artist an idea of the changes occurring in the teeth and form of the jaw with age, but they are as accurate as I could se- ° cure. Ihave tried also to make the description so simple as to enable any ordinary person to determine the age of horses with considerable accuracy, or so nearly as to prevent' being seriously imposed upon. In doing this, I have not hesitated to appropriate the language o Rye. 873.—One Others when adapted to my Week Old. purpose. Fra, 374,—Six Weeks, At first the jaw is small, and . to accommodate the position, temporary, or what is termed milk : teeth, are grown; these are succeeded by permanent teeth, as the jaws become larger and stronger. As the front teeth, or nippers, only are usually studied to/note the changes which determine the. (318) o 314 HOW TO THLL THE AGE. age of a horse up to eight years, I will try to give such an explana- tion of them as will serve to aid the general reader in catching the _ points of these changes most clearly. When the colt is one week old, the two i : central nippers are grown about as represented in Fig. 373. In from five to six weeks, another incisor will appear on either side of the two first, and the mouth will appear something like Fig. 874. At two months they will have reached their natural level, and between the second’ and third months the» ‘second | pair will have overtaken them. They will then begin to wear away a little; and the outer edge, which was at first somewhat raised and sharp, is brought to a level with the inner one; and so the mouth continues until some time between the sixth and ninth months, when another nipper begins to appear on each side of the two first, making six above and below, and completing the colt’s mouth; after which the only ob- servable difference, until between the sec- ond and third years, is in the wear of these teeth. ‘The teeth are covered with a polished, hard substance, called enamel, It spreads Fis.’ 376. Tenn Months. over that. ‘portion of the teeth which ap- pears above the gum; and not only so, but as they are to be so much employed 1 in nipping the grass, and gathering up the animal’s food (and in such employment even this _ hard substance must be gradually worn \ “ away), a portion of it, as it passes over the upper surface of the teeth, is bent in- ‘ward and sunk into the body of the teeth, and forms a little pit in them. The inside and bottom.of this pit being blackened by the food, constitutes the mark of the teeth, by. the gradual disappearance of which, in consequence of the wearing down of the edges, we are enabled: for several years to determine the age of the horse. The colt’s nipping-teeth are rounded in front, somewhat hollow toward the mouth, and present at first a cutting surface, with the Fie. 875.—One Year Old. Fic. 377.—Two Years. i % HOW TO TELL THE AGE. 315 outer edge rising in a slanting direction, above the inner edge. This, hawever, soon begins to wear down, until both surfaces are level,. and the mark, which was originally long and narrow, becomes shorter, and wider, and fainter. At six months the four nippers are beginning to wear toa level, Fig. 375 will convey a good idea of the appearance of the teeth at twelve months. The four middle teeth are almost ‘level, and the corner ones becoming so. The mark in the two. middle teeth is wide and faint; in the two next teeth it is darker, and longer, and nartower ; ‘ and in the corner teeth it is dark- est, and longest, and narrowest. At the age of one year and a half, the mark in the central nippers will be much shorter and fainter ; that’ in the other two pairs will have undergone considerable change, and all the nippers will be flat. At two years this will be more plainly marked. Fig.’377 is intended to show the appearance of the-mouth at this stage. _ Fig. 378 is-intended to show. the appearance of the mouth at two,.and a half to three years old. The next is intended to show Jt at three and a half years old. The-two central permanent teeth are growing down, and are larger than the others, 4 with two grooves in the outer con- vex surface, and the mark is long, narrow, deep, and black. ‘Not hav- ing yet attained their full growth, they are lower than the others. The mark in the two next nippers is nearly worn out, and is wearing away in the corner nippers. ; Between three and a half and four Fra. 379.—About Three and One " years the central nippers have at- eee tained to nearly their full growth, and the ‘second pair will have so far displaced the temporary teeth as to. appear through the gums, while the corner ones will be diminished in breadth, worn down, and the mark become small and faint. At four years the central nippers will be fully developed ; the Fig. 378.—From Two and One Half to Three Years. 316 i HOW T0 TELL THE AGE. sharp edge somewhat worn off, and the mark shorter, wider, and fainter. The next pair will be up, but they wilf be small, with the mark deep, and extending quite across them. hi I aie (th SN ! im AN ut Fra, $80,—At Four to Four and One Half Years. At four years and a half, or between that and five, the corner nippers are shed, and the perma- nent ones begin to appear, something like Fig. 380 The central nippers are considerably worn, and the next pair are commencing to show the marks. of usage. The tush has now protruded, and is fully a half inch in hight; externally it has a rounded prominence, with a groove or hollow in the inside. hi “= oa _ At five years the horse’s mouth is almost per- fect. The corner nippers are quite up, with a long, deep, irregular mark on the inside, and the. other nippers are showing the effects of increased wear. The tush is much grown, the grooves on the inside have almost or quite disappeared, and the outer surface is regularly convex. It is still as concave within, and the edge nearly as sharp as it was six months before. ’' At six years the mark on the central nippers is: worn out. In the next pair the mark is shorter, broader, and fainter; and in the corner teeth the edges of the enamel are more regular, and the surface is evidently worn. The tush has attained its full growth, being nearly or quite an inch in length; convex outward, concave within ; tending to a point, and the extremity somewhat curved. The horse may now be said to, have a perfect mouth, as all the teeth are produced and fully grown. . ‘Fre. 382.—About Four ’ Years. HOW T0 TELL THE AGE. 317 At seven years, the thark, in the way in which we have de- . scribed it, is worn out in the central nippers, and fast wearing away in the corner teeth; the tush also is beginning to be altered. It is ‘rounded at the. point, rounded at ' the edges, still round without, and beginning to get round inside. At eight years’ the tush is .rounder in every way; the mark is gone from all the bottom nip- _pers, and it may almost be said to be out of the ‘mouth. There: is nothing remaining in the bottom nippers that can afterward clearly show: the age of the horse. The upper nippers will give some indi- cations, but nothing certain. After the age of eight years, there are ‘no points that will ‘en- able determining age with any degree of ‘accuracy.. A horse that is fed on corn will show an older mouth than « one that is fed on oats and sloppy feed. Fre, 388.—At Five Years. The usual time for determining a horse’s age is in, May ; but a colt may come any time between then and fall, so that the wearing away of the teeth or disappearing of the -marks or cups may in some cases indicate the horse to be older or younger than he really is. These conditions must be taken into ‘con- sideration.. ' At six years the teeth are rather short, flat, or wide, and the gums aes run across them horizontally, he 384.—At Six Years. something like Fig. 384. After i the eignth’ year the gums begin to recede from the center, and the teeth become longer in appear- artce. By looking at Fig. 890, showing twelve years, we can see ‘that the gum is receded and run to a sharp point. at the center of the teéth.. At twenty years, the teeth are considerably narrower and longer, and the gums are drawn back sharper. ! 2 818 HOW TO TELL THE AGE. By observing the face of the teeth, there will gradually be seen a change to the triangular form, which can best be seen and de- ‘Fria. 385.—About Seven Years. Fra. 386.—At Eight Years. scribed by Figs. 395, 396. From the age of four- ° teen, we see this is more noticeable, the middle. nippers gradually increasing and extending out: to the corner ones, as indicated by Fig. 397.- From fifteen to eighteen this triangular form be- comes laterally contracted, so that at about. twenty and afterward the teeth become biangular. As before explained, there are great peculiarities: in the form of the teeth with advanced age. The most common is shown by Fig. 397. I include a somewhat rare form shown by ex- treme age. (See' Fig. 398.) Many curious Fic. 38'7.—At Eight Years. Fia. 388.—About Eight Years. tricks and methods of telling the horse’s age after eight years old have been shown the writer at various times, such as wrinkles about: the eyes, root of the tail, etc., none of which give'the idea so correctly as the genera appearance of the teeth and ab- -sorption of the jaws. In young HOW TO TELL THE AGE. 319 horses the edge of the lower jaw is round and: full; as the horse becomes older, this edge becomes sharper and thinner. . The most unique trick shown the writer of telling the age was the fol- ° Jane: — If a. gold ring be‘attached to a hair’ - pulled from the tail or mane of a. iF horse, and suspended directly above. his head between his ears,’ it will oscillate, . like, a pendulum, just the. number of tines the horse is years. old, then stop and repeat. I have. repeatedly ‘made the Scpermiene and it certainly seemed. to repeat’ the age of ihe horse ; ; but I could not feel - satiated that the motion . of the ring, was not ina great measure controlled by the involuntary move- ment of the. hand. Tlie ‘man who gave the idea made the experiment in the presence of the writer, with apparent. success. Jockeys frequently re- sort: to cutting down the teeth of aged horses, so as to simulate as much as possi le the, appearance of the mouth at eight or nine years of age : This’ was: formerly done by sawing or filing, but more ae ae recently there has been invented, ‘ ‘by Dr. Lancer, a leading veterinary surgeon of New Jersey, a very in- ‘genious instrument. for s chipping off the teeth, so that the front nip- pers can be cut down very quickly and easily by any amateur. But the breadth of the teeth and other changes of form, as explained, will expose the deception; also the deep hollow and gray hair about “the eyes, with the under lip con- _—‘Fia. 391.—About Twenty Years Old. Fie. 889, —About Six Years a Fi. '800.—About Twelve Years Old. 320 HOW TO TELL THE AGR. ‘siderably pendant. This treatment is called “ Bishoping,” from the name of the man, who introduced it in England, and is practiced very largely by jockeys in the. larger cities of this country, espe- cially in New York. Fie. 392.—About Eleven Years of Age. Fie. 393.—Mouth of the I wish to call attention " the fact that horses, : Mare at Thirteen . Years. especially those advanced in years, are liable to have the teeth in wearing overlap one'an- other, become very rough, and wound the inside of the cheeks ; or the grinders become irregular in length when they do not come opposite each other in shutting, or the teeth become carious and break away when not correspondingly worn with the others, shoot up to a degree to pene- trate the jaw, causing soreness and inflamma- < tion, and: ‘seriously, interfering with eating. ‘The writer saw a very interesting case, of this kind at the Columbia Veterinary College, in which the unobstructed tooth had seriously penetrated into the upper jaw. In the endeavor Fre. 894.—Mouth of the to relieve the pressure of the parts, the animal are at Thirteen Years. evidently masticated the food wholly upon the opposite side of the mouth ; in consequence of this the teeth on this’ side were so worn down that both upper and lower jaws were twisted around more than an.inch out.of line. Sometimes caries, or ulceration of a tooth, produces such serious disturbance that there may be an enlargement of the parts, growth of fungus, of necrosis of the parts. This, too, is much more com- mon than is suspected. Prof. Cressy, of Hartford, called my atten- tion to a-case in whicn back tooth in the lower jaw became ulcer- HOW TO TELL THE AGE. 321 ated, causing much enlargement of the jaw. He first removed the tooth, then divided the. skin. at'the lower: edge of the jaw, and with a drill made'a hole through the , bone. Through this hole he put a seton to keep the parts open until a healthy healing process _ should be produced. A strong : “preparation of carbolic acid was “put upon the seton,’and dressed once a day, which finally effetted a perfect cure. ‘When the Horse, without any apparent cause, is running: -down, munching, or eating his food but Fie. 895.—At Fourteen Years Old. slowly, especially if there is any lateral action of the jaw, examine the mouth carefully to see whether there is any noticeable cause of trouble in the teeth. If rough and irregular, they should be rasped down. The method of doing this is now so well under- stood as to scarcely * need ex- planation. The rasping down of all ir- _ regularities should be carefully done, and if there is a decayed tooth it should be removed by a veterinary surgeon who is eonversant with the simplest and best method of doing it. There are regular-horse-dentistryim- -plements: in general use for this purpose, which can be easily obtained. If the tooth ‘has grown down below the level of the others, it should * be rasped or sawed offtothe =| proper dimensions, and care-. - fully watched afterward so as to remove any undue growth harmful to the opposite parts. Fra. 396.—At Sixteen Years Old. Fra. 397.—From Seventeen to Eighteen Years. ai a 829 HOW 70 TELL THE AGE. = If there is any enlargement of either jaw, more especially of the ‘upper one, with. perhaps a running sore offensive to the smell; and if in addition there is offensive matter running from the nostril: on that side, the trouble may be ‘suspected as arising from a carious tooth, and the jaw on that side must be carefully examined. Fie. 898. sirens hae: woe Fria. 399.—ldeal Coll’s Mouth. It may be asked, How is it, if the trouble arises from a carious ‘tooth, that the matter comes from the nostrils? _ Answer: By the imprisoned matter forming | a sinus into the nasal cavity. The treatment for all such cases is, first, in the removing of the offending cause, namely, the tooth it- self, and also, as far as possible, the | dead or diseased parts, and favoring | a healthy condition of growth. -by cleansing out the parts with a strong solution of carbolic. acid or chloride ce of lime, or any ‘good disinfectant. Fra. 400.—Irregular Growth of Teeth. Next, protect the parts'from the lodg- ment of particles of food, by filling with a pledget of tow saturated ‘with the tincture of myrrh, or any good healing astringent, and dress once a day. If there is diseased bone or fungus growth, it should be treated the same as for other difficulties of the same kind.’ * * Since writing the above, my attention has been. called to an article in the Journal. re Com- parative Medicine and Surgery, of April, 1883, by Dr. Robert Jennings, of Detroit, Mich., in which he refers to a large number of cases of this description. \ CUNTRASTS OF CHARACTER. 323 pags Ly eyes K i Lh SAAT we ie RGN ay i aa as ne eae Hes ee - es a : if. Fie. 402.—The Famous Eclipse Thoroughbred Racing ‘Stallion. 324 ‘ CONTRASTS: OF CHARACTER. ~%! Fria. 406.—Low-bred. Fic. 403.—Low-bred, Coayse. Fras. 404, 406.—Ideals of Well-bred, Good Character. GOOD POINTS. 395 oS Bya,.407. s, ‘Bre. 408. Fre. 409. 326 BAD POINTS. 827 Fig. 412. Fia. 413. 7 es | _ “PUTYEq pIz00J-onC F — “puyyay, ~e coy ‘t ‘OpI# COL wwaeHs suypasss t ye 4 \ tN | ik , Gh a . 4 x | AS (\ vl AO “peoUy-H8O “9 sofeeoae Devin, "9 BORSA) GLa PoIOOpASUC “F “yuouy ay veo oo, °g ‘PIA OL, *% oni t Ys 2 CHAPTER XX, SHOHING. - PRELIMINARY EXPLANATIONS. duced, by the advice of friends, to give what instruction I could on shoe- ing. With this object, I had prepared models of the. hoof, and the best forms of shoes, and was frequently led to give short lectures on the subject. It was not, however, until I visited New York City, in 1872, and had several conversations with Mr. Robert Bon- ner on shoeing, that I was able to obtain anything like a correct idea of the principles of doing this. I found that what was pub- lished in books accessible on the subject, was but the merest rubbish, caléulated in many respects to seriously mislead and do harm. Mr. Bonner had just purchased the mare Princess, the famous old competitor of Flora Temple. Her feet were badly contracted, and the tendons of the legs greatly thick- ened, causing her to move almost as sore and stiff as a foundered horse. He assured me that before I left the city the feet would ]) se my early experience I was in- ‘look entirely natural, and that she would travel with as much freedom and ease as a colt. From my knowledge of the subject, it seemed utterly impossible to cure such a case; and yet, to my astonishment, in less than three_ months afterward she was per- fectly well. I was startled, first, to find that a, | knew nothing of the subject ; second, that Fie. 429.—The Foot and Limb ‘with Hoof Skin Removed. - there was so little known about it practical - ly ;_and third, that a gentleman for his own amusement proved to me that he had a far (329) various: parts most clearly, with other adjusted and balanced by the ligaments others. But if the heels are raised too 330 SHORING. deeper and more correct knowledge of it than doubtless any man of his time.* : _ Atany rate, I was now led to study the subject in an entire- ly different light, and though far from being able to give the ‘instruction on this subject I would like to do, for want of the requisite knowledge, I - have done the best I could to make the instructions so simple and practical that they will at least serve to correct some of the wretchedly bad treatment practiced by sho- ' Fra. 480,—Lateral View of Horse’s Foot alter ee. have tried also to in- Removal of the Moat clude such illustrations of the structure of the foot as would show its features of most interest to shoers. The bones of the foot are so nicely and tendons of the limb, that there is no unequal strain brought upon any joint, but each assists in supporting the high, or the toe left too long, there will be correspondingly increased strain brought upon the ligaments. and ten- dons supporting the back or front part. Fie. 481.—1Inferior View of Foot, In like manner, raising or lowering the ~ with Heol esones * Indeed, this is conceded now by even the leading members of the veterinary professiqn, as will be seen by the following statement by Dr. Going, formerly vet- erinary editor of the Spirit of the Times, which I copy from his Veterinary Diction- ary. He says :— “Tt is said that no man has ever yet reached perfection in any branch of art, science, literature, industry, etc.; but while I am unprepared to join issue with the essertion, I can safely say that the nearest approach which has ever been made in this connection (horse-shoeing and the study of the horse’s foot) has been made by Robert Bonner, Esq., of New York, who, had not the Ledger already made him fa- mous, would undoubtedly have obtained widespread renown ‘throygh his almost su- perhuman knowledge in this department. I have had the pleasure of conversing with him on this subject, and am plebdes to have an CUpOrMnET of stating the im- pression the conversation made upon me.’ . inner or outer quarter would produce a lateral strain upon. the joints and ligaments; which must ultimately cause the foot to grow out of line, and induce ‘serious injury. Consequently, the point to ‘be attended to in removing excessive growth of the wall in preparing it for the shoe, © ‘is to preserve or restore the natural angle and direction SHOEING. 331 Fia. 482.—Coifin Bone Showing Internal Lateral Cartilage, Internal and Posterior View. : of the hoof. This. is one of A, coffin bone; B, internal aspect of the lateral Fie. 438.—Lateral View of the Pastern Bones and Ligaments. cartilage. the important points, in doing which suc- ‘ cessfully the genius of true skill and suc- cess must be shown. A large number of ‘illustrations are given showing good forms and positions of the feet and legs, with faulty forms. ‘Also the various lines of movement of the feet when in motion. These are to be studied in paring the feet to change or modify the action as may be desired. First, in preparing the foot for the shoe, the aim should. be ‘to cut away so much _ ofthe wall as would be a surplus of growth, or so much only as would bring it back to its. natural form and adjustment. As a rule, the wall should be lowered to the level of the unpared sole. The sole and frog should on no account be pared or touched by the knife, nor should the ‘heels be “opened.” The horny sole and frog, unlike the wall, do not grow in- _definitely ; but when they have attained a certain thickness, they throw off the su- perfluous or. old horn in flakes or scales. This natural thickness of the sole and ‘frog-horn is an essential condition for the a, Lateral ligament of the fetlock; i, Anterior lateral ligament of the coffin joint; ¢, Sus- pensory ligament; f, Lateral sesamoidal ligament. x 332 Fie. 484. A, ospedis or coffin bone; B, trans- verse section of lateral cartilage. Second, the shoe should be in form, so that when on, the adjustment of the foot, or its power to obtain hold or grasp upon the ground, will. be what it was -before being shod, and yet sustain the wear for the time it is in- tended to be on, Third,.it should be nailed on firmly, yet so as to break or weaken the wall of the hoof. as little as possible, and not interfere with the free- dom of the quarters or en- largement of the foot as it grows. In its natural condition the outer rim or wall of the foot comes in contact with the ground first ;‘second, the frog and outer edge of the sole; third, the center of the foot B to induce corns. SHOEING. maintenance of the foot in health and its protection from injury. In any event, about all that is necessary to do is to remove those loosened and detached flakes, which, were it not for the shoe, would have exfoliated themselves. Cutting away more than this becomes a serious cause of in- jury. The angles between the bars and crust should be moderately pared out, as accumulations here, with con- tinued pressure of the shoe, are apt The frog does not require paring more than the removal of ragged parts, and even these better not be touched. Fie. 435.—Anterior and External View of Right Front Foot. a, Exterior pédis ligament; b, Suspensory liga- ment. + SHOEING. 383 and spaces between the bars and frog. To show this more clearly, three sectional drawings are made from half-size casts, showing the concavity of the foot at different points between the heel and turn of the hoof, and the necessarily great disturbance of this neeen by ‘Fre. 436.—Right Front Foot, Posterior and Slightly "Lateral View. a, ¢, Perforans tendon; f, - Suspensory ligament. the form of shoe usually’ put on. Fig. A shows the foot at the point of the heels as it rests upon the ordinary thick shoe, with calks raising the frog and sole so un- naturally high from the ground that there can “,be no contact of those parts with it necessary for , obtaining mois- ture and preserv- ing a condition ofhealth. Inad- dition it will be noticed that in the way shoes are usually fitted, the bearing sur- face is very much concaved, tend- ing to crowd the quarters togeth- er. Fig. B shows the same, with form and fitting of shoes as they Fie. 43'7.— Inferior, Lateral, and Pos- “ terior View of the Right Front Foot, Showing Ligaments of Tendons. a, Sensitive frog; h, Perforans’ tendon; f, ‘Suspensory ligament. should be ; Figs. C and D show thé same at relative distances be- tween there and the turn of the foot; D, at the widest part, repre- , (See page 34", Figs. 472-475.) If a colt’s foot grows too long or out of line, it should be leveled dewn so as to make the adjustment natural, the outer edge senting a heavy shoe. 334 SHOKING. rounded a little, and the colt driven barefoot:. are not only tubes. to be as nearly barefoot as possible, or, at least, that the posterior part is so, yét sustaining the attri- tion of wear to which they may be subjected, prevent: slipping, and ‘best preserve the natural adjustment of the feet. TIPS OR .THIN ‘SHOES. ° If tips or thin’steel plates are to be used, simply trim off the wall in front down to a level with the sole, and adjust to, and nail on, with four small nails, a small thin strip of steel, or iron a little broader than the thick- ness of the wall. Steel would be best, be- cause it admits, of being made lighter, and wears longer. The. heels and frog should not be interfered - -with unless one heel is much higher than the other, when it “should be lowered sufficiently to restore the proper adjustmént. The objection to tips is that, as the toe is growing, the heels are’ wearing, which in time would be likely to increase the strain upon the flexor tendon and its appendages. This disproportion of wear would be more rapid and noticeable should the roads be wet and gravelly, as moisture and grit soften the horn and cause it to break and wear away more rapidly, but not , so much as may be supposed. on paved. streets and mud roads. The writer saw It is noticeable that ex- cessive wear is always at the toe, and that the heels rarely suffer, even on bad roads, and this being true, tips or thin steel plates only should be used, and that thick and high heeled shoes certainly unnecessary but seriously injurious—that, in ‘fact, in all cases the best shoeing for ‘the feet, for.all roads-and seasons, when Fie. 438.—Horizontal Section of | in a good condition of health, must the Horny Frog. besuch as will | a, Horn tubes: b, Cells between permit them: ‘Fie. 439.—-Horizontal Section of Horny Wail Enlarged. a, Wall with horny tubes; b, Horn tubes; c,’ Horn lam- ine. . SHOEING. 335 several horses in New York City that had been shod with tips with decided benefit to the health. of the feet, and without any apparent Fra. 440.—Calt’s Foot Three Years Old. disproportion ‘or wearing down of the frog and quarters,. though the iron was worn down fully a quarter of an inch. The parts became, as it were, hardened and polished, thereby resisting the wear althost as much as the iron, As there has been much dis- cussion among writers’ in rela- tion to the use of tips, or thin- heeled shoes, I requested Dr. Hamill and Dr. McLellan, the two best veterinary ‘authorities on this subject in this country, to give me a'statement of the cases for which, in their judg- ment, tips would or would nat be adapted. I give herewith the reply of each, and invite the attention of He reader to the points made,’ and the reasons given therefor. Prof. Hamill says :— *. “* While I am a firm advocate of frog and sole pressure, and-have driven my own horses for years over the pave- ments of New York City with fothing on the feet but what is known. as the English tip or toe-piece shoe, which gives the foot the entire freedom of all its nat- ural movements, yet I must say. it would be absurd, to attempt to shoe every’ horse in this way. There are any number of | cases where this system’ would, be in- jurious to the foot, and even to the limb. But as the foot, or rather that part of it , inclosed within ‘the hoof, is the object oftenest under consideration, I shall ex- plain briefly how it may suffer from extreme frog-pressure. (One point which we should always keep in view is a due proportion, or equal distribution of the weight in all parts of the hoof, and by no other system can the foot be healthy.) ’ Fie. 441.—Colt’s Foot Four Years Qld, From a Cast. 336 SHOEKING. Any foot that is thin in its general structure, bat more so in its vertical position, or from top to bottom, and with the frog full at its pyramidal eminence or body, is not a proper foot for frog-pressure. In such feet the plantar cushion, or what is known as the fibrous or fatty frog, is very thin, is easily made weaker by absorption through extreme pres-: sure or irritation on the horny frog, and therefore offers very little pro- tection to the great flexor tendon where it passes under the navicular bone. But I may be asked, How could this in any way cause injury, if the navicular joint be perfect, as the tendon requires only a slight cushion underneath?, My answer is,‘ that there is a double impingement of the tendon, owing. to.the navicular bone descending on the tendon every time -weighit is thrown on the limb, the eS proof of which is the pain caused Fie. 442.—Half Hoof Removed. by this action on the internal struct- ures of the hoof. I ask, Where is the shoeing-smith who has not seen the agony of a horse while standing on one bare foot on the level floor while the other foot is being shod, and the relief which fol- lowed when the shod foot was placed on the floor? I may be told that such feet have been previously weakened by bad shoeing and bad care, and that a horse which never had been shod would not suffer in this way. Those who make such assertions are entirely ignorant of ‘the anatomy and physiology of the foot. My answer is, that when a horse first comes to the world he has o frog develop- ment, and for the first year of his life, while walking on a level, can have xo frog- ° pressure. Itis only animals that are raised ‘ on low or marshy land that have a great ° development of frog. Horses belonging.‘ to mountainous countries have very little ° frog; and generally narrow or apparently contracted feet, which is no evidence. of disease. Witness the ass and the mule for ~” example; and I may add that ‘although wide heels are generally desirable, they are no evidence in themselves of perfect health. I am well aware that most thin Fira. 443.—Inferior View of the Above. heels, and generally thin feet, have a large frog, but the depth of such a frog is more apparent than real, a8 it will be found on close investigation that the flexor tendon and navicular structure are lower or nearer the ground-surface in such a foot. Therefore we must discriminate in all cases, as SHOKING. 337 one mistake may cause irreparable injury. To be definite, we can safely give extra frog and heel pressure in all cases where the hoof is deep at the quarters, where there is a tendency toward contraction and atrophy of the frog, where the obliquity’ of the pastern is not too great, and where the Seet and limbs are per- Sfectly sound and well proportioned. (This lat- ter will narrow the ‘circle more than most people are aware of.) .No thoughtful man would dare to throw extra weight on the sole and frog of afoot that had long suffered ‘with navicular diséase, however excellent this , ae ae ae would be as a pre- Fie. 444.—Showing the Coronary Band. ventive. N e ither should we throw extra weight on the posterior parts of a foot or limb where there is any soreness of flexor muscles or tendons, or any ligament involved, ad it would . entail greater tension on the parts, while the opposite is what is required, viz., flex- ion or relaxation. I say distinctly, we should only carry frog-pressuré to the extent of bringing into activity all the elastic structures of the foot, which increases the circulation of those patts so liable to atrophy, and only through the circulation can we keep up or restore the health, vigor, and growth''of frog, sole, heels, and quarters of the horse’s foot. Prof. McLellan says :— In reference to the use of tips, I give you only an outline. They are useful in the case of corns, in quarter-cracks, in thrush, in interfering, and in fitting the horse to run at grass. They are not applicable’ to feet that have thin, flat soles, with low heels. They are not applicable to heavy work horses with flat feet and : prominent frogs (such frogs are Fro. 445.—Showing Inside of Hoof. liable to suffer bruises when so exposed, the resulting inflam- mation extending frequently to deeper and more vital structures). They are not ap- plicable to feet having navicular disease. They are not applicable when, in apply- ing them, it is necessary to disturb the normal relation of the bones of the limb, 22 a 7 e 338 | SHOEING. They will be found particularly useful in strong fee that have corns in both heels, and in the case of bad interferers. TRIMMING. Before preparing the foot for the shoe, the smith should go in front and look at it, so as to determine better its adjustment. Sometimes the foot may’ be run over by having one side too high or the toe worn off excessively. If it is desited to be particular, he ; should see how the feet are carried in a sharp trot; whether. too high or a0 low ; or whether he travels too seats endangering inter- fering or cutting — using the. words of a high au- thority, ‘to see whether there are any traces of bruis- ing or.cutting on the inner sides of hoofs, fetlocks, .or knees.” He should also see how the old shoe has been worn. ‘Thé foot can then be taken up, when a look from the. heel forward will enable an observing shoer to determine how much and what part is to be cut away to level it to the proper proportion, and the faults, if any, that can be modified or corrected. If the horse travels high, the: shoes must be light ; if low and subject to stumb- ling, they may be increased ‘in weight a little, and the toe some- what rounded ; if liable to strike, then set close under the wall with edges filed smooth. 1 The point is to cut away or remove the surplus growth in the easiest and best manner, which depends more upon the deftness and ingenuity of the man than upon the use of any special means. The wall should be reduced to nearly or quite on a level with the outer margin of the sole. The bearing surface of the entire wall should be made level, so that an even bearing surface of the shoe will rest upon it fully. The rasp should now be passed around the toe, to cut away the sharp edges and bring it to the size required. Practically, this should be little more than rounding off the sharp edges of horn - to prevent splitting. r Fia. 446.—The Foot Natural. ‘ SHOHING. |. 339 The principle is the same of leveling and preparing the feet of horses that have previously been shod. In such cases, to take off the shoe the best method is, after the clinch-: ers are.cut off, to raise both heels slightly with the’pincers, then pry forward and across the foot a little, when the’ nails can be pulled: out one by one. It is seriously objection- able, as generally done, to pull off the shoe by force, as the severe wrenching endangers tearing the hoof and straining and injuring the foot. This would be especially objec- ‘tionable. if the, hoof be thin and the horse sensitive. Next, any stubs.or nails should be removed. While it is simply intended to ‘pare. down the wall to its natural form, if it is‘ thin and weak, growing but little, ‘especially at the heels, where there is great difficulty to grow sufficient wall for the support of the foot, no more should be removed than is barely ne- cessary to level it. As before stated, there, should be-no interference with sole or frog, excepting to _ chip or cut away the portion of the old horn which could not be exfoliated. F requently the heels are too high, or the toe too long ; _in either case, whatever the ex- cessive accumulation or growth of horn, it should be cut away until the foot is brought back to its natural form and adjust- ment.. Sometimes there is ex- cessive accumulation to the amount of half an inch or more at the heels, or even of the whole _' wall of strong, upright feet, yet to the ordinary observing shoe- ing-smith it may not appear ex- "~ cessive, because cutting away so much would make the foot appear to him to be unnaturally small. Several specimens of .ab- normal growth of feet are given. Fig. 495, page 355, taken from life, is a good representative case, and was seen by the writer at Fia. 447.—Foot Excessively Pared. . Fic. 448.—Foot afler Four Years’ Shoeing. 340 SHOHING. Fulton Ferry, New York City. that of a pony mare driven before a huckster’s wagon. The right foot was so contracted by this excessive accumulation of horn, that its mobility was entirely de- stroyed. It will be noticed that the toe of the shoe is carried. forward something like a sled crook, to enable a rolling motion upon the ground. It was pitiable to witness the pain and misery this poor animal exhibited. She walked with a crippled, sensitive motion, and while standing would put out one foot, then the other, but mostly the right one. The case ‘could have been easily relieved of pain Fie. 449. Fie. 450.—Too Short Fie. 451.—Too Oblique. Fie. 452,—Natural p. and Upright. Obliquity of Ankle. and soreness, by simply. cutting down the feet and thoroughly soaking and opening the quarters, as explained in treatment for “Contraction.” The dotted lines represent the point to which the horn should be cut away, showing an excess of accumulation of over three. inches. THE SHOE. The shoe’ should, in form and size, little more than cover the wall, excepting at the. heels where it should be so much wider and longer as to compensate for the growth of the foot, and be heavy enough to sustain the at- trition, or wear, for the time it is Fre. 454.—Too High-expected to be on. But should Fra. 453.—Heels too High. see eer this require an excessive thick- . ness, then the bar may be made wider, to permit more wearing surface. It should fit closely all the way around to the bearing surface prepared for its reception, so that it may give to the crust all the support it can receive, and SHOEING. 341 carry out in its ground surface, as nearly as possible, the form of the wall before it was cut away. It is a rule, recognized by the best authorities, that the sole should not rest upon the shoe, except around the toe where the outer edge is left full and natural. But if the wall is cut down close, and the sole rather thin (which, as explained before, in no case should be done - except for patholdgical reasons), it is advisable, if it comes too near the iron, to lower the part coming under it. As a rule, the bearing surface should be level, and the ground surface concave, or the in- ner edge of the ground surface so beveled off that it. will not harbor stones and dirt, and be so stiff that it will not bend. ‘As before ‘stated, if the horse is. expected to be driven only oc- - Fira. 455.—Too Short. casionally, and upon common dirt roads, the wear will be but little, and the shoes should be corre- | : spondingly light ; but if much ‘travel is required, on stony or macadamized roads, the weight should be sufficient to sustain such wear. The addition of a small bit of steel, hammered -wellinto the toe, and tempered, would add greatly to its dur- ability. It would be much better to make them wholly of steel, as they would be very much lighter, equally stiff, and less liable to bend. In a condition of health; from a light family driver to the heavy draught horse, the principle of shoeing is the same ; the size, thickness, and weight only differing so as to adapt to each case, with the difference Fic. 456.—Foot too Long. 342 SHOELNG. x that when exceptional power is necessary, as for draught horses, or to prevent slipping, calkins must be used. As a rule, nothing more is wanting, unless necessary for’ extra wear, than just iron enough to protect the outer -crust of the foot, and prevent its break- ing. More iron than this becomes extra weight, and causes fatigue in carrying, like thick, heavy-soled shoes or clogs. It is a question among English authorities whether a shoe should be “rounded at the toe” (a prac- tice known as'the French system) to aid mobility. ‘A moderate rounding at the toe would seem desirable in all cases where there is want of mo- bility. It is especially desirable when the horse is a little stiff or Fra. 457.—Shoe Properly Adjusted. sore, as it enables him to travel much easier. “This is proved when the mobility of the foot is destroyed, and there is necessity for using a rounded shoe to conform with the action. Illustrations of a large variety of shoes of different forms are given, which can be studied. Prof. Will- iams, of Edin- borough Veter- inary College, advises that the calkins and toe-pieces -should be done away with for all kinds of | h ‘ Fre. 458.—Thin Shoe for Fra. 459.—Faulty, Bad Form GESES. ERCeP : _Light Work. of Shoe. those used for heavy draught in towns where the streets are paved and steep. It is urged that all horses required to go beyond a walking pace are injured by shoes with turned-up heels and ‘toes. Farm horses and SHOEING. 343 those employed on macadamized roads are better without than with toe-pieces, although the pace at which they are required to go is never faster than a walk. In fact, all horses, when ‘possible, should be shod with a flat shoe. a NAILING. { The object of nailing should be to hold the shoe firmly to the foot without injuring the wall, .and ee . leave the foot as independent of the _ restraint of the shoe at the quarters. as possible. The nails shoyld be driven where there will be most secure nail-hold; more or less as well as heavier nails being necessary, in pro- portion to the thickness of the wall, weight of the shoe, and severity of the’ work. The wall is thickest and strongest at the toe or front, and be- a ; comes thinner and more flexible to-- ays 40,—Toes too Wide. ward the quarters and heels, especially at the inner heels, where it is sometimes extremely thin and flexible. There has been much speculation during the past few years in relation to the cause of this quarter’s giving out before the other, as nature evidently intended it to stand strain and wear equally with other parts. The cause, undoubtedly, i is the interference i in its mo- bility by bad-fitting shoes and nail-. ing so far back as to interfere with the flexibility of the quarter. This being true, it is evident that the principal nailing should be at the toe and front, because there is more horn there to nail to, and less liabil- ity to do harm by separating and ‘breaking the fibers of the wall. ‘They should not extend any farther -back into the quarters than is barely necessary to give a safe hold of the shoe to the foot. The fewer and smaller the nails driven, the better, providing they are sufficient to hold-the shoe. But much will depend, in doing this, on the ac- curacy of the fitting, thickness of the wall, and weight of the shoe. If the nails are driven well back on the outer quarter, and only round in the toe of the inner side, for the purpose of. affording more Fro. 461.—Extreme Toeing In. 344 SHOEING.. freedom to the quarters, it will be found that'as the foot grows, the shoe will be carried to the outside quarter and toe to such an extent that the inner heel of the shoe will be drawn inside of the wall at the mas gine seen : a ‘ ‘ ‘ : , : ‘ . ee =ewenecoecoen s'aeaansen 2 mee ORS ra EAi , e Y 9 & e Soccer cee wewe ees Ein: Sort ewe reser ee KS *Fig. 462.—Perfect Action. heel, and rest upon the sole, causing a bruise or corn. In addition, so much of the shoe being left unnailed, makes it liable to get loose and work under the quarter, which would cause a rapid wearing or breaking down of struct- ure. All things considered, the best way is to nail back to the turn of the wall securely. Or the nailing may be *Pre, 463, extended a little farther back on the outside, and short- : _ ened a little on the inner side, in any case, giving both quarters all the freedom compatible with security, in re- taining a firm hold of the shoe. As the foot grows, the shoe will be brought forward so evenly under it as not to do harm. For ordinary light shoes, six to seven nails, evenly distributed around the front part, should be sufficient, sometimes extending the outer nail a little beyond or nearer the quarter than the inner one. E But if the shoes are heavy, and the work hard, as for draught horses, 5 tee neem nce nn Co nnn wen nee eee -G hea vier Fro. 464.—Short Upright Fetlook. nails, and from seven to eight in number, will in most cases be required. A small, thin clip turned up at the toe, and one at the outer quarter, will help greatly in holding the shoe firmly i in position ; but they should be turned up thin, and set well out on the edge of the shoe. Perfect Ac- tion. *In connection with figures 462, 463, see page 328. SHOEING. 345 But very little of the wall should be cut away,so as not to weaken or injure it ; but sufficient to enable bringing the shoe to its 3 oor wewwwavnapdia - ~~ wenger” position. The shoes should not be hammered down tight to the wall, but simply sufficient to rest easily against it. Next, if the foot is broken, or much weakened by old nail-holes, punch the holes where there is soundest horn to nail to, as shown by Fig. 596. A thin shoe will not admit of any fullering, because it weakens the shoe, with- out giving any special advantage in nailing. The stamp form of punching the holes should be used; that is, the FOR Sees ° - tn 7" we > - hole made larger at the surface and, smaller at the bot- e < . a € a eas rrwn ny, . - os a -. ‘ = v v = Seca ees > poopues 2 =o =~ 2 eco ee Baw wm wwe oh = es ae © web ag : é . vr” * Fira, 465, zie oro t et ecw anene nnn Lo- aan eonmaeoee ~---&- Too Close. * Fia. 466.—Action with Low Heels and Oblique Fetlock. tom, so that the nail-heads will fit into it exactly. ‘The method of driving the nails is next worthy of considera- tion. There are two methods; one, starting the nail rather near the outer surface and driving high, called the English method, which is practiced very generally in this country ; the other, starting the nail deep and bringing out low, known as the French method, which leading au- thorities concede to be the best. If the nail is driven very near the surface, it is liable to chip or break the horn out, which i injures and weakens the wall very much; whereas driving deep and bringing out low, insures a good hold, and the wall will. be almost grown out by the next shoe- ing. Consequently they should be punched deep over those points where the wall is thickest, and less so toward the quarters where it is thinnest, or proportionately far- ‘ther from the outer margin of the shoe. The common method of fullering all shoes alike, and bringing the nails at the same distance from the edge, can be no moré adapted for all kinds of feet than can 2 Y. =” s wom wee oe 1 ' 4 t ' ‘ *Fia. 467. Action that Strikes. the size of the shoe itself. This. straight-jacket way of punciieg *In connection with figures 465, 466, 467, and 470, see page 827, 346 SHOKING. all alike, brings the nail-holes at the same logation at each repeti-- tion of shoeing, so that if the shoe becomes loose, or is pulled off, this part of the wall is liable to be torn off, or so split and broken ’ Fie, 468. . a -Thin-heeled Shoe Advised by Prof. Williams of Edinborough Veterinary College. Fic. 469. ‘as to leave only a soft, imperfect horn. |'In resetting such a shoe, it becomes necessary to put it farther back under the foot in order to gain secure nail-hold. Not only this, but the portion of the pro- =, ».. ‘being cut down to the shoe, leaves it deformed and jecting wall oo i ow A see = = JJ eae mewuwn eo eee ee fam ¥): fee e e yeaa Z a - * Fie. 470. Faulty Action. Too Wide. injured to an extent that several months’ growth .cannot repair. But if the holes be. punched over parts that would give as secure hold, the shoe can be nailed on sufficiently firm to hold it without doing harm, and thereby preserve the symmetry of the foot. In such a case it may be necessary to nail rather close to the heels ; but even this had better be done for a short time than risk injury and Fig. 471.—Foot Prepared for Shoe. | malformation by the method named. If by carelessness or otherwise a nail should be driven into the quick, which will usually be known by the horse’s flinching, it should be pulled out at once; or should a horse show soreness after being / SHOEKING, 347 taken out of the shop, the foot should be examined carefully by tap- ‘ping over the part, and the nail at the point of soreness pulled out. (For more details, see treatment for Pricking and Rucking.) CLINCHING Down THE NAILS. When the nail is twisted off, the end should be filed down to the proper length, and, with ; the corner of the rasp or lit- tle punch, cut out the pith or raised part under the clinch, and turn down light- ly but firmly. The common custom is to ‘make a deep notch with the corner of the rasp, which extends across the face of the hoof from one nail to the other. ' This is so injurious that it should not be permitted “even to'the smallest degree. No 1 rasping of the outer sur- face of the. wall should be allowed, excepting to touch or smooth any roughness of the clinches, and to round of the edge of the wall dawn near the shoe. It has been explained under the ‘proper head, that the -inner surface’ of the: wall soft’ and, spongy; and that — as it approaches the outer Fra. 476. — najusient at Turn of Foot. surface, it’ becomes hard and 7 ‘bony, and the fibers closer and denser, and that over the surface i isa sort of skin or thin covering of enamel, that prevents too rapid evap- | oration of moisture ; and it is necessary to retain intact this strong fibrous horn, as well as its outer covering, so as to hold the nails firmly, as well as to prevent the excessive evaporation of moisture which would follow. Should the shoe be too short, which is’ liable to aoe to remedy the difficulty it is the. common custom to set it back under the wall, and rasp the thick, strong wall, extending out over the 848 SHOEING. « shoe, down to it. Or, should the shoe be too straight or narrow for the foot across the points of nailing, to drive the nails so deeply as Fic. 476.—Tips. From the French. bone beneath. Fig.523 is a good illustration of this. men from which it is drawn was obtained from Dr. Hamill. not only to endanger ‘pricking, but greatly to weaken the wall. — The excessive rasp- ‘ing not only destroys: the strongest part of the wall, that best able to retain the nail-holes and support concus- Sion, but causes a se- rious internal disease not usually understood, which shows its effect in an absorption of the Fie. 477.—Thin Strip Set in Hoof. From Lafosse. The speci- The small sketch is full size, and shows the exact appearance of its sur- face, and small points of horn which are over a quarter of an inch 5 Fic. 478.—Tips Applied to the Colt’s Foot. +. Fra. 479.—Thin Shoe. long, extending out like pegs. SHOEING THE HIND FEET. There is usually: so little From Lafosse. trouble with the hind feet, that it is scarcely necessary to give any directions. as to their. management. The horn is thickest at the quarters, and the principal nailing should be done there. Some- SHOFING. times there is a curling under or contracting of the heels, which may be the cause of more or less inflammation, extending to the ' sheaths of tendons and other parts of, the leg; in such a case, if thought advisable, either or both | quarters can be treated as ex- | plained under that head in “Con- | traction.” PRICKING AND RUCKING. I think it advisable, in this con-- nection, to say a few words about pricking, which is more common than many suppose. It is not un- usual, indeed. it is a very common 349 Fie 480 —Shoe Adjusted. From the German. occurrence, to drive the nail too near the quick or into it, and thus by a little carelessness cause great harm. First, if the nail be driven so as to go to the quick, in which case the horse: may show it by flinching, it should in-all cases be pulled out at once, and the hole: Fria. 481.—Model Shoes. Fie 482.—Showing Location of Nails. be left vacant. If this is done, no harm will follow. Sometimes the smith, especially if he expects to be scolded, will drive the nail down, which in a few hours or next day’ will show itself by 350 SHOEZING. making the horse lame ; or the nail may be driven so deeply as to go near the soft parts af the inner edge, and when the point strikes the hard horn of the outer surface, it may bend inward or ' press upon and break through to the sensitive parts. This is called rucking, as shown in Fig. 508. The nail shouldbe pulled out at once. Naother cause of harm is what is termed fitting and drawing the nails too closely. If the nails are driven rather deep, and clinched down firmly, they: are liable to bend inward and fress upon the sensitive parts. This is called pinching. If present when the horse is shod, and it is noticed that the nails are driven rather deep for the thickness of the wall, insist upon their being driven farther out. An ignorant or thoughtless man may claim there is no danger, though he is driving the nails much too deep. Should the horse show soreness or lameness within three or four days after . being shod, Saperially if he puts . Fie, 483. —Examining the Shoe. _Fia 484.—Location of Nails. Fie. 485.—French Method of Nalling 6 the foot forward to ease it, give the matter attention at once. First rest the hand lightly upon the hoof to discover whether there is any unusual heat, and if so, at what point; next take a light hammer or small stone, and tap lightly round over the nails, until the horse SHOERING. 351 flinches, when the of- fending nail or nails can be discovered and pulled out. If this is :done soon after being shod or during the same day, all that may be necessary to do is to leave the nail out. i I have had excellent success by pouring a little callendula into ‘the hole. In one case, ‘where there was con- ‘siderable .soreness a few hours after being shod, though the horse was quite lame on ac- ‘count of the nail being driven too deep, after pulling out then ail, a. little callendula was poured i in, ‘aad the shoe again ‘put.on, and the horse in a few hours was free from lameness. But if he shows lame- ness in a day or so after: being shod, cut avey the wall from around : the hole,’ so ‘as to C= let out’ any mat- ter which may have formed. Next’ poultice the ‘foot until thie: in- - flammation | sub- : sides, then cover the hole with a clittle digestive ointment (which is made by melt- ; , ing together equal Fie. 487.—Shoe Properly Adjusted and Nailed. _ parts of tar and hog’s lard, and stirring’ till cool), over which put a little’ tow and put on the shoe. Fie. 486.—The Hoof of a Fore Foot Showing the Bad Effects of Excessive Rasping. CONTRACTION. ITs, CurE. For hundreds of years there has been great effort made to pre- 352 SHOEING. vent and cure con- traction. I give avariety of figures showing some forms of shoesand — methods of ex- panding the quar- ters. Contraction may be divided into three class- es: 1..A general compression, or drawing in of the. wall upon the Fra. 488.—Good Model of Concave Shoe. vascular _ struct- “ure; 2. When'but one or both quarters are drawn in; 3. When the heels are curled in, or pushed forward under the foot. The prevention and cure of contraction must depend upon re- moving excess of horn, frog-press- ure, freedom of the quarters, or, if necessary, opening them mechan- ically as desired, and upon moist- ure. Any of these conditions lacking, there must in ‘seridus cases be partial or entire failure, no matter what the means or Fre. 489.—Ordinary Calks. methods used. If the feet could have conditions that would afford natural moisture, and the shoes be made so thin that the frog and sole could have reason- able contact withthe ground, the quarters so free that they could expand with the growth of the feet, there could be but little if any contraction. ~ H ) of AY vl - FROG-PRESSURE. We see that in all cases Fia. 490.--~Adjustable’ Calk. where there is, reasonable SHOEING. 353 frog-pressure, the frog becomes larger, firm- er, and more elastic ; while raising the frog from contact causes it to become small and lard, the quarters to draw in, and the whole foot to diminish more or less in size. But if not accustomed to pressure, it should be “given gradually, in connection, with keeping Tee 8 SS the feet thoroughly softened, so as not to SSss z excite inflammation or soreness. It would not do for a man accustomed to wearing boots for years to suddenly go: barefoot on. rough, hard ground. The skin on the feet is so thin that they would be made sore, and. would be liable to serious inflamma- tion. In like manner it would not be pru- dent to bring the heels. and frog of a horse’s foot that has long been protected by shoes, suddenly to the ground. If there is but little contraction, with fairly good-condition of the. feet, all that will be necessary to do'is to level down the. feet, and | = : ay @ HU r¢ \ Fie. “491. —Adjustable. Catks. Fra. 492.—Model of Shoe for Express Horses. ; From Dr. Hamill’s Collection. _ Fre. 493.—The Goodenough Shoe. remove any.surplus of old horn’ from the sole, put on thin-heeled shoes, and keep the feet soft by moisture. s The next simplest and best method would be to use the convex shoe. See Figs. 552-554. After leveling and trirhming out the. foot properly, as betore explained, cut away or weaken the arch be- é . 23 a ‘ 3b4 . SHOEING. tween the bars and frog sufficiently. to allow of some elas- ticity of the quar- ters, then fit the heels nicely to the bearing surface of the shoe. In doing this, care should be taken to leave them sufficiently deep to enable matching the bevel of the. shoe nicely without cutting away or lowering the wall too much. No horn should be left pro- jecting inside, as it would form a wall against the inner ; edge of the shoe, and. prevent the heels from spreading. Of course, no nails should be driven back in the quarters. As before explained, the frog should gradually be given contact with the ground. As the quar- ters are opened, the shoe can be taken off, made larger, ‘and reset, until the foot is reasonably expanded, when a level bearing-surface may again be used. - - But for anything like a bad condition’ of contraction, more direct and positive treatment will be necessary. For ex- ample, if the foot is badly contracted, the frog small, and sole forced upward acutely, the whole’ internal structure, ‘in fact, locked and tied, as it were, by ‘the severe compression of the wall, three conditions are necessary: First, complete elasticity of quarters and sole ; second, power to open quarter so as to relieve pressure, and allow the-sole to. settle back to its natural position ; third, gradual frog-pressure so as to restore a Fic. 494.—A Dried Hoof with Frog Removed. Fie. 495.—The Frog. i SHOBING. 355 healthy condition of circulation: tana) strength of parts. The ‘first important step in the treatment is to thoroughly soften the feet. The simplest way of do- ing this in the stables is by tying two or three thicknesses of blanket. around the feet and keeping them wet about twenty- four hours; or better, fill ‘two. small. bags with bran, put a foot into each, and. tie a string loosely around the top of the bag and leg above the fetlock. Put each foot into a bucket of water, and afterward pour on water to, keep wet ; or the horse can be made to standin © mud till the feet are soft. There is usually, a large accumulation of horn, especially at the heel, all of. which must be removed, and the wall leveled down to its proper dimensions. Next, with the drawing-knife pare out the sole ; not enough to make it bend’ to pressure, but more than beyond the removal of the old horn. Then with a small knife, which should be made expressly for the purpose,—let the blade be made straight, with a cutting edge on both sides, and the end turned about a quarter of an inch, tempered and ground down to a keen edge, so as not to cut a channel much more than one eighth to ; three sixteenths of an » inch wide, — weaken i the wall between the bars and frog, by scrap- ing or cutting out the ‘Fra. 497.—Showing Great Excess of Horn. bottom of the channel - back to the point of the heel so much that when: pressure is vere upon the heels outward, there will be no impediment to their opening freely at their upper edge. ' To do this, commence well forward near the point of the frog, and cut back, following the line of the arch carefully. Particu- Fie. 496:—Mobility entirely Destroyed in Right Foot: uot 356 SHOEING. lar care should be taken not to cut so much at any part as to cause bleeding. On this ‘account the op- erator should feel his way cautious- ly, cutting: deeper as he goes back. The: bar should be cut away to within three quar- ters of an inch -from'the point of the heel. No more ; Should ‘be cut ‘away from the rest of the bar, or part coming un- der the clip, than ‘may be necessary to give a straight shoulder for it to rest against. Both sides must be treated alike. Ifthe part has been cut through in the least, it should be protected after the shoe i is on. by melting a little resin and tallow. ,into it, and ‘covering |. ders. A aed with tow. meen Fie. 499.— Concave Bearing-surface of Shoe 498 at Heel. Fic. 498. —Shoe too Wide and Long. Bearing-surface too Concave. There have b een many ignorant and. ae Bt, ee pretentious quacks,. who have presumed to + Frc. 500.—Concave Bearing-surface of Shoe 498 be- “weaken the heel ’ by tween-Heel and Turn of Foot. a se sawing in between the , ‘bars and frog. Only a. Ee, c r.. very small point can be ‘reached in this way, without cutting to the quick. The saw cannot be used here’ at all with advantage. The point is to weaken the horn at the bottom . of the cleft so that it will spread freely, and this can be done prop- erly only with the cutting-knife. The. proper flexibility of the heels can be judged by a slight pressure with the hand. This done, our next object is to remove the compression of the wall. To do this, fit to ita rather thin, flat shoe, made-of good i iron. At the heels it should be made a little wider and longer than the Fie. 501. —Concave Bearing-surface of Same at Turn of Foot. SHOELING. 357 foot, and the nail-holes' punched, as in Fig.565. Lay on the shoe as ' intended to be nailed, and with a pencil make a mark over the inside of the bar at the point of the heel on both sides. This done, accu- _ rately punch or drill) two’ holes through the iron, about ‘three six- teenths .of an inch in diameter. If it can be done, it would be: bet- - tet to have the .. holes beveled on ‘the inside of the bar, extending Ss : up and back at Fia. 502.—View of Hoof with Marked Depression across the the point of the Front, and a Corresponding Bulging downwards of the Sole. heel. Next, take . two little pieces’ ‘ef good iron or steel, about three fourths to seven eighths of an inch long, by about three sixteenths thick, and about five eighths -ef an inch wide. Cut ‘down the end until it will fit the hole in the Fie, 508. —Model Thin-heeled Shoe. Fra. 504.—Light Hind Shoe. shoe, and rivet it, as shown ‘in Fig. 557. These are now to be warmed and bent, and, if necessary, filed so as to lie flat against’ 358 SHOEING. both heels, and, just long enough to come a little short of touch- ing the soft horn above it. Next weaken the'shoe a little on both sides, which may be extended over a much larger space than shown in Fig. 558; or if the shee is not very heavy, it may be spread _ without weak- ening. Regu- late so as to ‘come a little forward of the ' point where the hoof ‘begins to . drawin, Ifthe . shoe is | thin, the inner edge should be. turn up and formed into a, clip, which with a little care, can be filed and fitted. But if the shoe is at all thick, it would be somewhat difficult to do this ; for if the clip is turned up so that 1 he shoe is too large or too small, a very tedious, -annoying bungie would ‘be the result. In addition, it would be difficult to make ‘the clips sufficiently long to enable bringing pressure as high up against the wall as it will admit, which is a very ip pentane point toward ene the upper part of the hoof. A The method before given, which neces- sity compelled me. to devise and adopt, makes this simple and easy to do; and except the shoe is so thin as not to: admit ‘of punching. or drilling, it will be found - by far the simplest and best method of forming the clips. ‘When properly adjust-, = ed, nail on carefully: The nails around Fie. 507.—Heel as it Usually the toe may be larger than those driven | Rests on the Shoe. in the quarters; and while driven so as to give a good hold, and rather high, if the feet are at all sore and tender, great care should be taken that the hammering is not too heavy, nor the nails driven deep.. The clinches should simply be turned down lightly. If the hoof ex- tends out over the shoe at any point, it should be no reason for more rasping than merely to round. off the edges of the horn. Let Iya. 505:—Sofe and Wall Cut away too much. ’ Fie. 506.—Wall not Cut away Quite Enough. it alone. SHOEING. 859 ” It is frequently the case that ‘one quarter is’ more con- tracted. than the other ; in fact, it is not unusual to have one side of the heel very much drawn in, while the other may be very lit- tle, if any, contracted ; so that two conditions must be met; namely, Fie. 508:—Bad Nailing. Fra. 509.—Nail Rucked. Fig. 510.—Good Nailing. first, to open either heel as little or as much as. “may be desired, independent of the other. This the spreaders (which have been devised and patented by the writer) will enable doing in the most perfect manner. Simple as these ‘spreaders are, ‘the writer has found it very difficult to have them made properly. On this ac- ‘count he has found it necessary to have them made according to an Fia,. First, 511.—Transverse Section of the Hoof of the Fore Foot of a ‘Work Horse in which the Sole had Become Convex. exact pattern, and they will be furnished at a moderate’ price to those desiring them. ” However nec- essary it, may _be to have- this part of the work’ well done, it is, in reality, but a preparatory step for what follows. if tongs or a screw be used to spread the shoe, the pressure being made equal on both sides, the. side which is weakest must do ‘ 360 SHOEING. all the bending—opening that quarter too mych without affecting the other at all. Another cause of difficulty is not having the tongs convenient with which to spread the shoe, and it is put off too long; and when finally attempted, done so roughly, or opened so much as to cause violent in- flammation and lameness. With the spreaders, this dif- ficulty is entirely overcome. OPENING THE HEELS. The method of doing this should be about’ as fol- lows: First,. meas- Fie. 512. Fie. 518. Fie, 514. ure between the Shoe Should Conform to Foot. The Shoe Being too Smalland = jtoels of the’ shoe Badly Abjusted, the Foot is Compressed isiage: ’ and Necessarily Injured. carefully, by cut- ting a bit of. straw or stick. the exact length between them, and then estimate how much each heel will bear opening without causing soreness. _Un- less the foot is'very soft and elastic, it is hardly prudent the: first time to open them more than a quarter or three eighths of an inch. It-is well to first open the quarter most: contracted, which, until brought out to balance with the other, should be opened the most. Then measure.again and spread: the opposite side. If opened too much, or enough to cause soreness, a few light taps of the ham- mer against the outside will set it back. The feet should be kept soft by stop- ping with flaxseed-meal, and tying two or three thicknesses of blanket around, pygg, 515, 516.—Very Common Re and wetting occasionally, In the course suit of Wearing Small, Bad of an hour or two examine the condi- Fitting Shoes. tion of the feet carefully. Ifthe horse puts out one foot, or indi- cates the least soreness, the quarters have been opened too much, 2 SHOEING. 361 and they must be at once knocked back sufficiently to relieve the -undue pressure, and be kept wet. It is rarely, however, that the spreading of a quarter, or even three eighths, of an inch, will at first cause any soreness. On the contrary, it always gives relief. Still I think it necessary to use care. The horse can be driven or worked moderately, if desired. In two or three days.the spread- ing can be repeated, but now not so much as before, and again in three or four days following, and so on at longer intervals. If the foot has been properly prepared, two points will be ac- complished by this spreading, namely, the severe compression upon 1c. 517.— Natural Position. Fra. 518.—Effect of Contraction Fie. 519.—Extreme Case Good Shoeing. and Soreness. of Contraction and Soreness. the vascular structure and coronary ring will be immediately re- lieved, and the sole, which in all cases of. this. character has been forced up,.as shown, to an acute angle, will straighten and let down, To aid this, the sole must, by paring, be made so flexible that, as _ the foot is opened, it will settle down and come back to its natural condition. The soreness resulting from the compression of the parts-will be removed, and a better condition of circulation and nu- trition result. By this course the mobility will not only be re- -stored, the horse travel with more freedom and confidence, but as the hoof grows down it will become thicker and of a better fiber. As before explained, ‘to bring about a healthy condition of cir- culation and nutrition, the frog must necessarily be given contact with the ground to the degree it will bear, which should be provided ' 362 SHORING. for by the thinness of the shoe. In some simple cases, nailing the shoe to the heel, as shown in Fig. 558, may be sufficient to hold the . quarters firmly enough to'enable spreading them ‘as desired. The objection is that the wall is so thin at the point of the heels, that it may be difficult to get a good nail-hold. without ‘pricking or break- ing out ; besides, the nailing cannot be repeated. The nails should be stiall and driven very carefully, getting as much hold as the horn will admit of. The supposed objection to this plan of opening the quarters is, that it prevents their natural elasticity by their undue confinement. Put this is not a valid objection ; because in the di- ‘Fies. 520, 521.—How a Horse Stands when Sore-footed or Lame. rection it is désired to give them freedom outward, it only facilitates it, while at the same time it gives a certainty and positiveness | of re- lief that cannot well be secured in any other way. In fact, hérein lies most of the success in the management of all conditions of contraction. In my experience I never have found a smith'who could catch the points of properly preparing the foot and fitting the shoes for such cases. In‘every instance I have been compelled to stand over the shoer and. dictate every. movement or do part of the work myself. First, the want of judgment in prepar- ing the foot ; second, in adapting the weight of the shoe to the foot, and fitting the clips so as to enable opening the quarters easily and surely as desired. MR. ROBERGE’S METHOD. _ Since writing the foregoing my attention has been called to a / SHOKING. 363 very simple and .practical method of opening the quarters for the cure of contraction, which is used with marked success, and illus- trated in Fig. 566, devised by Mr. David Roberge, a practical horse- shoer of great ingenuity and skill, located at No. 106 West Thirtieth Street, New York City. Visions methods of open- ing the heels on this plan are given, which are from French and other'author- ities, to show the great ef- fort that has been made by’ mechanical means to overcome this difficulty. But Mr. Roberge, by giv-- ing more length to the spring, and simplifying its construction, makes it all that can be desired. The spring is made of steel, the exact proportion and adjustment of which is shown i in Fig. 567. The wall is first weakened by sawing down slightly between the heel and frog, when the spring is placed in position with so much force -given to'it as may be thought necessary to press the heels out-, ward, as desired, The shoe is _ then nailed on over it, as ordi- ‘narily done. The pressure is gradual and constant, and must prove just the thing where both quarters will: admit of equal pressure. But should one quar- ter be much more contracted or unyielding than the other, it does not seem to the writer that ees » it would work so well, because _Fia. 528.—The Effect of Internal inflammation, . the full ‘pressure, would then be Caused by Excessive Rasping and Other Causes of Injury. Fic. 522.—Anterfor Section of a Hind Hoo! Made Vertically across the Center, Showing the ‘Thickness of Wall. thrown on the weaker quarter. But this, it is claimed, can be obviated by nailing the shoe well back on the quarter: of the op- posite side, which would prevent that side from: being acted upon ! 864 SHOEING. This spring, with particulars, can be obtained by addressing the patentee, Mr. Roberge. ROL LING MOTION SHOE. I also give fiiustrations! of a form of shoe devised and largely used by him with great success, which he has patented. The object to be attained is, where there is want of mobil- ity, or much soreness and inflammation, to so ' form and adjust the shoe that the foot will partly roll upon the ground, ‘thereby relieving the strain and irritation. To ‘use Mr. Roberge’s words, «“ This shoe, by allowing the foot to roll upon the ground, gives the foot the advantage of an extra joint, and to that degree relieves ie strain or want of mobility, which causes lameness or soreness.” Consequently, it not only enables the horse to travel easier, but aids in making a cure. This principle of treatment he has studied very ce ‘and it is remarkably successful. ‘This principle of ‘treatment has long been in use. I give an il- lustration from Lafosse, showing a side view of the hoof fitted for the Fig. 524.—Transverse Section of a Model Hoof at the Quarters. Fie, 525.—Showing the Usual Arch = Fre. 526.—Showing Effect of Fic. 527.—Sole Bent of the Sole. a Little Contraction. Upwards. Effect of Contraction. shoe ; also a specimen of the French shoe. The principle is to turn up the. hive at the heel and toe about the thickness of the iron. Mr. Roberge’s shoe differs essentially from this, in that he gives a curv- ature sideways as well as with the length of the foot. What he terms his “best shoe,” and which is the most unusual, is Fig. 568, which is a thin plate hammered into a rounded or bowl shape, the SHOEING. 365 1 exact ‘proportions of which are preserved in the drawings given. Fig. 570 is a side view, which will give a good idea of the relative proportion of the curve. By this form of shoe the foot has perfect Fie. 528.—Hinge Shoe. From the French. ‘Fre. 529.—Form of Shoe Devised in Engtand for Preventing Contraction. freedom of motion either way. If the foot is feverish or dry, wet sponge or oakum is pushed in between the shoe: and bottom of the foot. Fig. 572 is a view of the same made a little heavier, the same form of circle being preserved, with the difference of the ‘central part being removed with cross-section of the same. The shoe from which this drawing was made was claimed to’be the same that was worn by Dexter when he made his fastest time to road wagon. Figs. 575,576, show the method of putting on calkins. _In conversa- tion with the writer, Mr. Bonner stated that David Roberge was one of the very foremost ‘living students of the principles of shoeing. He - is an unassuming, practical man, but i is wonderfully successful. ' QUARTER-CRACK. This is the one difficulty next to. con- traction. which seems to have baffled the skill of the best veterinary authorities and horsemen to prevent or cure; because in extreme cases they had no practical treatment beyond that of a bar shoe, cut- ting away the horn so that the part back of the split would have no bearing upon it, or supporting the weak parts by . drawing the edges together with nails, or fastening on a plate with screws, all of which are merely palliative, and not to be depended upon. It would, of course, ey Fie. 530.—Form of Shoe Used by the French for the Cure of Contraction. 366 SHOEING. be easy to grow the foot down by keeping the horse in a stall or small yard where the ground is soft, but when work it would be liable to split down ‘again as before. Consequently it has been one of the most vexatious and annoying of. difficulties, because to do this it was necessary to keep the horse idle from three to six months; and then, when put to work, if by chance he were driven sharply over hard or frozen roads, the quarter was liable to burst, which wouldagain make the loss of use necessary. Or it became’ neces- sary to resort to the palliative measures referred to, and thus in time the value of an otherwise good dort would be destroyed.. | We see, in the first place, that the whole trouble arises from the hoof becoming contracted or too small for the internal parts. This will be most noticeable at the inner quarter by the wall becoming straight or drawn in‘sharply a little below the hair, the part at which the split invariably occurs. This is proved by the fact that the Fra. -532.—Shoe Made in Sec- tions and Riveted together to Prevent Cartrnesl one Fre. 531. Fies, 538, 584, 585.-—Different Forms of Shoes for Cure of Contraction. quarter is most liable to burst or split when the hoof is dry ‘and hard, or when concussion is increased by driving on hard roads. This tendency to split is also increased by the inferior quality of horn. grown; because the contraction of the'parts, or pressing of the wall in against the soft parts, so obstructs the circulation that there _SHOKING. 367 is not sufficient blood. to.grow sound, tough, healthy horn. On this account the only reliable and practical ' cure is opening the quarters , sufficiently to remove pressure. until the new horn is grown, which can be done to-any degree desired, as follows: First, cut down . be- ‘tween the bar and the. frog of ‘the inner - quarter, as- explained for contraction, until fe Pi it will yield readily Fre. 636.—Ordinary English Shoe. to pressure. “Next cut away the edges. ‘of the wall to the end of the split; then make a crease with the firing-iron at the edge of the hair. If the spilt ex- tends well up into the coronary band, this can be omitted, and: in- stead, the i iron pouches lengthways with the split. If, however, the quarter is properly openéd, such _iriter- _ ference with thefiring- iron will. be unneces- sary, as the horn would usually grow down sound without it. Now, fit a shoe as : explained for contrac- tion, putting a clip. only upon the inner _side (as:shown in Fig. 585). The opposite side: is to be. nailed well back to counter- balance it. When the ° shoes are :nailed on, noe : - with the spreaders Fic. 537,—Bearing-surface of Ordinary English Shoe. ‘open the quarter all 368 SHORING. it will bear without producing soreness, or about a quarter of an inch. This done, fill the crack with a little melted resin or tallow, over which put a little tow to prevent gravel or dirt. from working into the quick. It is next advisable to stimulate the growth of tough, healthy horn. This can be done with hoof liniment, which should be put on, as explained, two or three times a week. The hoof should not be permitted to become dry or hard, which can be easily prevented by stopping with: flaxseed-meal and tying two or three thicknesses of blanket around the foot; and keeping wet while standing in'the stable. The horse, if necessary, can be put to work as usual. In the course of a few days, spread a little more, or as Fia. 538. Fie. 589. Forms of Spring Used for Spreading the Quarters. much as may be necessary to make the hoof sufficiently wide to re- move -all pressure from the. weak part. When grown down, the cause will be removed. If an ordinary. case, with ‘but little drawing in of the quarters, simply lower the inside quarter a little so as to remove pressure from the upper edge of the wall, and put on a level shoe. Next, with a firing-iron burn a slight crease across the upper edge of the wall, keeping the foot soft, and stimulating the growth by applications of hoof liniment. This’ will enable growing the wall down without its splitting back. But if the quarter is drawn in perceptibly, then in addition to the creasing, the quarter must be given entire freedom, by cutting down between the bar and frog. . The details of a very in- teresting case, and explanations of how I learned this method of treat- ment, and its success, will be found in connection with this part of treatment special work on the horse. SHOEING. ; 369 SAND: CRACK, OR FISSURE AT THE TOE. _ This is usually the result of a diseased condition or ulceration of the upper anterior part of the coffin-bone, caused by injury to the part. Ina large number of dissections made by Mr. Gamgee, to whom I am indebted for treatment here given, he found cases of the pyramidal process to be common, and’ a depression down in front. to be also frequent. The front of. such feet is weak and deficient both in hoof. and | bone. The bottom of the foot’ must have nothing removed from. it, except to level it down at the quarters. The front of the hoof should be left rather ‘long and deep, the shoe. to come well back under the quarters, and clips to be taken up, one on each side of the toe. = When the shoe is applied, the clips are Fra, 540.—Hinge Bar Shoe for Cure @Cither to be let .into the wall nor ‘ _ "+ of Contraction. roughly hammered up to it, but to be = a drawn just tight enough to support and hold the part firm. For treatment of the fissure, take tar and resin one ounce and tallow a quarter of an ounce, and melt together. Apply this. while warm to the fis-. sure of the hoof and: coronet, then place a layer of tow’ over this dressing,:and bind the wall of the foot with a broad tape, to support its position and keep the part firm. A cure ‘in bad cases is not to ES expected. CORNS. . Corns: are usually to be found at’ the i inner heel; or at the angle be- tween the bar and the crust, and are ¢aused by the shoe vireasingy” upon the part. This will be most likely to occur should the wall break down, or be cut away so much - as to let the shoe rest upon the sole, or should the shoe be nailed well back on the outside and toe, as then, if left on too long, it will be drawn outward and forward so much that the inner heel’ will be 24 a Fra. 541,—Spring Inside Shoe Riveted to Toe Part for Expanding Quarters. 370 at SHOEING. drawn under the quarter, and rest upon this part, bruising it. When the sensitive sole is thus bruised, the effused blood mixes with the horny matter and makes a red spot, and if the irritation is contin- ued so as to produce very much inflammation, ulcera- | tion may take place, which would, in some cases, be suf- ficient to affect the inner wing of the coffin-bone, and cause’ matter to break out at the coronet. Sometimes when. Fia. 542.—Showing the Effect upon the Pedal Bone of Sole Bulging Down. the quarter is very much contracted, the space between the bar and quar- ter being greatly lessened, it causes such bruising or pressure upon the soft parts as to excite inflammation, or cause a corn. The usual remedy isto cut away the parts so that the shoe will not rest upon it, and. put on a. little caustic, or touch it with a hot iron, which destroys sensibility, and changes .the condition of secretion. Butter of antimony or salts of niter are favorite remedies ; then melt in a little tar, resin, and tallow, and cover with a little, tow to prevent gravel or dirt working into the tender part. The usual. way in severe cases, is to put on a bar shoe, so as to enable removing all pressure from the sore ‘part.. This mode of treatment, how-_ ever, as usually done, is only pallia- tive, not curative. The horse will oh , - Faia. 543:—Representation of the travel better, but if the shoe is left on Last Six Bones of the Foot, a little too long, or presses upon the Showing Great Change part in the least, or should gravel or of Structure. SHOEING. dirt accumulate between the part and the shoe, inflammation and lameness will follow. The only remedy - for this is to remove the pressure. Bat in time by this treatment the difficulty i is’ only aggravated and made worse. Hence the usual assertion that “corns cannot be cured.” Gifford, one of my old aenebaing horses, had a very bad bruise (corn) on one of his inner heels, which, if not care- fully attended to, caused serious lameness, After being troubled with it about seven years, it had grown to such proportions’ ‘as to involve the entire angle at the heel, | so that the horn was broken quite through, and phe sensitive structure partly 3871 ' Fie. 544.—Showing Bearing- surface of Shoe Shown in Fig. 544, Fra. 545.—Form of Concave Shoe Used by the French for Expanding the Quarters. ulcerated. At the close of the season’s business, there was considerable inflamma- tion and soreness in the entire foot. All palliative measures having failed, it finally occurred to me totry the experiment of re- moving all" pressure from the part, and. turning the horse. out to grass. But there was another serious difficulty, to which, in part, some of the soreness might be at-' tributed. By the contraction or curling under of the outer heel, it had become so weak that it could scarcely be. made to support his weight in traveling, so I decided to treat this at the same time. The divis- ion between the bar and frog of this side. was well thinned out to make the quarter: flexible. Next a thin shoe of _untempered steel, a little more than an eighth of an inch thick, was made. to fit accurately to. the wall (as shown’. by Fig. 588), the end being turned up for a clip, and fitted fiicely to its place. ‘The part of the op- posite heel of. the shoe coming over the corn, was ‘entirely cut away, leaving simply sufficient to cover the wall, which at this point was very thin. The shoe was now fastened on sufficiently to hold it firmly in place, but with very small. nails. 372 SHOEING. There was no rasping or attempt to beautify,the foot in any way. Figs. 586 and 589 give a very good idea of the appearance of the foot before and after the shoe was put on. The quarter was now care- fully opened about three eighths of Fie. 546. Fie. 547. 1 Devices for Cure of Contraction Used by the French. oN an inch, without causing any irritation. Nothing was put over the bruise or corn, nor was it meddled with in any way.. The horse was now turned out to grass daily. At first he moved very tenderly, | though not lame. In a week the heel was again opened a little more, and again at intervals until opened out as desired. In a few weeks the tenderness, fever, and in- flammation subsided ; and at the expiration of three months the corn was entirely cured,. there being a healthy growth of'sole over the part, leaving only a slight appearance Fic. 548.—Screw for Spreading Shoe. Fig. 549.—The Shoe as Adjusted. of redness, on account of not being entirely grown out. The con- tracted quarter was also out to its natural position, the change for the better in all respects being very gratifying. An ordinary flat shoe was now put on, when he traveled as well as ever. The ma- SHOEING. 373 jority of such cases can. be easily cured while the horse is kept at his usual work, by putting on an open shoe if the foot will bear it, if not, a light bar shoe, with the part coming uader the corn en- tirely cut away, leaving only sufficient to cover the wall. It will not matter whether the bar is cut away or not, as there will be nothing over it to harbor gravel or dirt.. It would be ad- visable to fit the shoe carefully, or even drive two or three nails, to know exactly the position of the shoe upon the wall. Then mark the part to be cut out, wher the nails can be pulled out, the Fig. 550.—The Shoe Made Wider than Foot, with Clips at the Heels for Opening the Quarters. A French Device. part cut or filed away: properly, and the shoe'again nailed in place. The success in the treatment of the case referred to, led me to believe I had made an important discovery, as I had not found it ” three months. - Fig. 551.—Form of Screw Used by the French for Spreading the Shoe. td laid down by any authorities on shoeing. Since then, upon in-. vestigation, I have found that the principle was well understood by many old authorities, though the method of treatment, as will be seen, was slightly different. On page 96 of. Freeman’s work on “Shoeing,” ‘published in 1796, he says :— Ihave frequently bought horses whose feet, on examination, proved to have corns, occasioned by ill-made shoes hav- ing pressed upon them. These were, ‘in general, easily cured by paring the feet properly where the grievance lay, and turning the horse out without shoés for slid or + ir In -the supplement to Coleman’s work, pub- lished in 1802, the writer found, for the cure of corns, the shoe cut away over the corn, as shown by Fig. 587. Bracy Clark’s work, published in 1809, gives an illustration of a shoe with’ that part which would come over the corn entirely cut away. 374 — SHOEKING. ’ The half-moon shoe, or tip, by Lafosse, referred to hereafter, is claimed to cure corns. ‘Cesar Fiaschi, of the sixteenth century, ' gives a figure of a three-quarter shoe, eee almost the same form as that of Bracy Clark’s, for this trouble. White’s work, ‘published in 1820, says :— The only thing to be done is to take off the shoe, and turn the horse out to grass. In slight cases, however, this may not be absolutely necessary, and is often: inconvenient, but it is by far the best plan, and I‘may add, perhaps the only effectual one, when a radical cure is desired. hy WEAK HEELS. If from any cause there has been much fever in the feet for some time, in conse- quence of being driven on hard roads, or being partially foundered, there will be diminished supply of horn, so that the wall will not only grow slower, but thinner. (See reference to inflammation and Figs. 555, 556.) Sometimes the heels are cut down so closely that should the shoe work loose, and wear or break down the quarters, it would be “Fra. 552.—French Convex Shoe. Fic. 558.—Bracy- Clark’s Convex Shoe. Fia. 554.—Ordinary Convex Shoe. From his Book Published in 1819. 2 1 easy to produce a weak, low condition of the heels. This may cause ‘a great deal of trouble, on account of the. slowness with which the horn grows to supply the increased wear. This morbid condition of 4 , t SHOEING. - 375 inflammation also produces another very marked effect, namely, that of sep- arating the wall from the sole, or what is termed becoming shelly. Sometimes, if the shoes are badly fitted and made too wide at the heels (as explained un- ‘ der the head ‘of “ Contraction”), they will soon cause a weak, bad condition of the heels, the quarter gradually ‘giv-| ing way or breaking down ; and if the foot is at all flat, the sole andl frog be- ‘come liable to settle, or are made con- vex. ‘One of the most marked cases of this kind the writer ever saw was that of a cart-horse, ‘brought to his notice in Central Pennsylvania. The feet were ‘Fig. 555.—The Foot of a Pony that had been Calked, Referred to in broad and flat, with the heels drawn Text, after the Inflammation in toa point so that there was scarcely had Subsided, Growing any Deane of them upon the shoe. "Nearly a:Quarter of The result an Inch Larger. of this was that the horn wore or broke away until the line of bearing was over an inch above that of the frog. To remedy the difficulty 1 the calks were —Yraised. correspondingly high to keep the. roe. from the. ground. | (See Fig. 594.) * This ‘horse traveled with great ‘diffi- culty, even onawalk. The’ course most likely to give suc- ‘cess in the ‘management of these cases, is to use a wide shoe that will, give a large bearing-surface to the weak parts, and sustain, them. _ Of course, nothing more should be, ‘cut away from the heels than is sufficient to only level Fia. 556.—The Foot Drawn in and them a little. ‘Special care should be Deformed from Long-continued In- == taken fo prevent them from breaking ieee and wearing down by the shoe, which * Hoof Growing About Half an may be done by placing a piece of Inch Larger after the In- leather between’ the bearing-surface flammation Subsided. and shoe. As the horn will usually’ be 1 i Fic. 557.—Shoe for Cure of Con- traction. Devised by the Writer. SHOEKING. very brittle and weak, it is advisable to use great care in fitting the shoe, with thin clips on each side. At any rate, the shoe must be fastened on so firmly that it will not get loose. In some cases it may be necessary to bring the bar down so as to enable a more accurate line of ad- justment to the shoe and frog. When in Massachusetts, in 1876, a leading horseman called my attention to a fast-trotting stallion that’ had weak feet, and. which caused him a great deal of trouble. He wished to know how to shoe them so as'to improve their con- dition. I-found the feet in good shape, but the sole and wall were very thin and weak, the effect, undoubtedly, of the horse being slightly foundered or over- heated. ‘I advised putting on a shoe that would support the sole and frog, the space between the shoe and frog to be packed with oakum. He objected that this would not do, as the horse would not bear any pressure at all upon. the sole. Some time afterward my , attention was called to a very - high indorsement from this gen- tleman of a certain form of patent shoe that had been used on this horse. It stated that it enabled the horse to travel as well as ever, _and that its utility was all that could-be desired. I was interested to know just what kind of a shoe had been used, and when again in that vicinity, I found one at con- siderable trouble, of which I give an accurate drawing. (See Fig. 598.) While it may be evident that in many such cases the shoe could be made to support the en- tire sole, if hammered out of iron, Fig. 558.—The Shee Adjusted. SHOEING. 377 the increased weight would make it seriously objectionable. The fitting of a thin piece of steel plate, as shown in Fig. 598, would en- able this to be done with but little addition. to‘its weight. The manner of putting it on was simply by bringing the whole sur- face-of the wall ana frog to an even bearing, to which the shoe ‘was carefully adjusted. Next, the space between the shoe and bottom of the foot was filled with oakum, to which was added a. little tar and resin, so as to form an even but firm support all the way round.* The draw- ing of the oakum, as it ap- pears in Fig. 601, is an ex- act illustration of that which was us¢d upon the shoe named, though only. the back part. of it is- shown. Parties who. had ‘used | “the shoe upon feet which had become sore and_ tender from ‘driving upon hard, stony roads in the city and neighborhood, stated ' that it;-enabled the horses to travel much better. If the foot is sore and: sensitive, supporting it with a bed of oakum in this way will serve to break concussion, and consequently make the haa horse go better for a time. 2 ast But for contraction, quar- ter-crack, coffin-joint lame- ness, ete., for which it was ‘advertised as a cure, it cannot benefit, beyond ‘the effect of slightly. breaking concussion, as explained. It would be just the thing for weak heels and for any condition , Fic. 559.—Spreaders in Position to Open the Heels. *A preparation of tar, beéswax, hard soap, and resin, melted and formed into a salve, to be used with oakum as a packing, was given the writer by a horseman of much experience, as the best for this purpose, claiming that it softened the foot and stimulated the secretion of horn. 378 Fig. 560.—Back View of a Hoof Greatly Contracted, the Effect of Long-con- tinued Inflammation. SHOELNG. where the sole and frag need sup- port. As it is,” however, seriously objectionable to cover the whole bottom of the foot when it can be ‘avoided, I include cuts of an im- provement by which the whole bearing-surface of the frog. and’ heels, the important parts, can be supported without the sole being. excluded, ftom moisture or air, which is important for the secretion of healthy horn, In such a case, if desired, the plate instead of being let to the inner edge, can be ex- tended. across the quarter so that the upper surface will come even with the shoe, and be riveted on. INTERFERING. \ The, main point in the management of interfering is to have.the shoe close under the wall at the point of striking, and the offend- . ing part shortened or straight- ened a little, and ‘to have no. nails. driven there, the clinches of which would soon rise and cause cutting. The edge of the shoe should be bev- eled under a little, and filed smooth. There. is usually a good, deal of carelessness in letting the shoe extend outside: the crust at the point of the heel. ‘ It should set well under the 4 wall all the way round, and the wall be filed smoothly to it. In addition, in some cases, the horse will travel better to lower the inside heel a little ; in others, to raise it. It is in all cases advisable, however, if the horse Fie, 561.—Showing two Openings Caused _by Corns. SHOEING. 379 can be made to travel without striking, to keep the adjustment natural by paring the foot level and making. the shoe. of an eel thickness all the way. round, with athe + ade perhaps the inner part strpigntened a little. Sometimes colts driven to a sulky, when a little leg-weary, may strike badly ; in such a case the ankle must be protected. In all cases where the ankle is cut, the swelling | and sore-. ness increase the difficulty, and should be guarded against by cov- ering. If the irritation is kept up, | and this is not done, it may ‘result in permanent enlargement of the part, which would afterward increase the liability. to be hit. This can be. prevented only by coverings, or by being protected by the ordinary sim- ple means, until the inflammation subsides and. the injury heals; Prof. McLellan Baye on this wait ject :— “i d Treatment for interfering, to be rational, must take into account the causations. Thus, if the toes turn out —a very common cause of interfering — they should be in- clined in all that is possible. This can be accomplished by. bending | the outside web _of the shoe from its inner to its outer order, making the edge through which the nails are driven, quite thin. Or if calks are used, the toe-calk can be welded. nearer the inside than the outside toe, and, _ the toe-calk beveled at the expense of its. outer extremity. if the knee is banged, but light shoes are indicated. Lightness in “the shoe is always desirable in the hind feet, and if the season of the year permits, tips will be found very. effective in pre- vention of interfering. The nails should be left out of the hoof at the point where - it strikes, because the clinches are liable , to become raised or loosened, and do in- juty.. _ CLICKING, OR OVERREACHING.* This is a term applied to the striking of the hind shoes against the forward ones’, during progression. It may be due either Se Fig. 562. —Shoe as Nailed on to be Spread. ’ Fic. 563, —As the Heels Appear after Being Spread. * Contributed by Prof, McLellan. \ 380 SHOEING. to a faulty conformation, to weak- ness, or4o disease. In seeking to remedy the defect, we must en- deavor to discover its cause. If it is due to defective form, we may so adjust the hoofs and apply the shoes that the feet shall be placed upon the ground in such relation to the body as to modify in some measure the fault of form. In some cases the toes of the forward feet must be reduced all that is - possible, and the toes of the hind feet lengthened. In others, weights or heavy shoes upon the forward feet answer a good purpose. In some, weights upon the outside of . the hind feet overcome the diffi- culty. If the hind feet are placed upon the ground well forward when the Fria. 564.—Badly Contracted Foot. The Lines B B animal is at rest, heel-calks of Show the Degree to which the Foot may extra length will be found useful. in Time be Spread. ‘Weakness, as a cause of click- : ing, is shown in colts and in horses that have diseased hind feet. In the first, the animal is not able, or has-not learned, to dwell upon the hind feet to give to the body that forward impulse that comes from the dong push ; in the second, pain prevents the extension. In the case of the colt, shoeing must be supplemented by good driving,— the animal should be kept up to the bit, and the head well checked up, and should not be fatigued by overdriving. In the case where the clicking depends upon a diseased condition of the foot or leg, the removal of. the cause is the indication. As genera] rules for the prevention of clicking, the toe of the forward hoof should be re- duced all that it will bear; the shoe should be short, both at the toe and heel; the heels | of the shoe should be beveled at the expense of its ground surface ; when the toe should be beveled, giving the shoe, when applied, the appearance of one partly worn. In many cases concaving the ground surface of the shoe is useful. If the toes are long and the heels extremely low, thick-heeled shoes or heel-calks are indicated. The hind shoes should be light, and long at the heels, giving the heels of the shoe as Fra. 565,—Simpte.Form of Shoe for wide a bearing -as possible. In case the toe Spreading the Quarters. CAUSES, OF INJOR Y. 381 of the hind foot is much worn, and as a consequence | the hoof spread at its plantar surface, clips should be drawn up from each side of: the shoe, 80 as to grasp the wall at its widest part. No attempt should be made to fit the shoe to the squared and shortened toe ; but give it the natural form, and let it project at the toe. to that extent that would indicate the length of the hoof were it unworn. Heel- calles upon the hind shoes aye applicable to nearly. ‘all cases. =~ In all cases of eceiaaiiug or ‘allele: ing, adjusting the hoof and shoe, | 80 that the inside quarter and toe of the hoof are higher. than the outside, will assist in overcoming the difficulty., . “STUMBLING. ~*~ “‘ ¥ Stumbling 38 ‘usually associated - with some diseased condition of the foot. In xe prevention of this disagreeable Fic. 566.—An Outline of Mr. Roberge’s Spring, Fic. 567.—Thick- Fic. 568.—Width with its Position on the Foot. ness of Spring. of Bar. Full Full Size. Size. and dangerous habit, particular attention must be given to cutting the hoof. Reduce the hoof all it will bear without injury ; ; see that the hoof is of equal depth on each side of the‘toe. This you can ascertain best ‘by standing in front of the horse and - comparing the two sides. In fitting the shoe, bend up the toe, giving it the rounded appearance of one well worn. . If calks must be used, weld toe-calk back to inner margin of web, making it low. In the stable use wet swabs to the feet. SHOEING FOUNDERED HORSES. If the mobility of the foot is destroyed, as the result of chronic : founder, or other cause of morbid inflammation, mobility must be ,aided by rounding the entire shoe or toe. If the foot is entirely ‘stiff, the shoe must be so. formed that it will roll upon the ground, which can be easily done by leaving the inner: edge of each side wide, and turning: ‘down in a half circle, as shown in Fig. 609. If, the ‘sole is broken down, or the wall separated at the toe, the result of acute inflammation or founder, weight will be thrown more. upon the heels. For such cases the shoe must be so fitted as to ex- tend well back under the heels ; and if the sole is thin at the toe— bulging down — it may be supported by letting a thin flange of iron i 382 SHOEING. extend well back under it ; or fitting a steel plate across the part so. as to give an even support all the way round, and the adjustment made easy by packing with oakum, though in most cases the sole will not bear pressure, and is simply to be protected’ by a wide shoe. The shoeing of such feet must be in a great Measure experimental ; consequently the ingenu- ‘ity of the owner or smith. ‘must be exercised to con- form with best advantage Fee ao ashi Paes Fra. 569.—Roberge’s Best Form of Shoe to Aid the ’ : Mobility of the Foot in Lameness. irritate or make. the foot ! sore. - It simply must be supported to the best advantage, and the mo- bility ¢ aided by rounding the toe, or setting the calks well back under it. SPECIAL CAUSES OF INjuRY*” ‘Tadd references to a few authorities, showing the bad effect of paring the sole and frog excessively, rasping the outer surface of the hoof, and the use of thick, badly-fitting shoes. I will call attention first to the most prominent sutheteg: Prof. Coleman, from whose teach- ings all the modern works in this cont have been principally guided in. their instruction. In January, 1792, a Veterin- =—=_ ff ary College was started in London. A shorttimeafter- — Fyq, 571.—An Exact Scale of the Curve, ward Edward Coleman was of the Above Shoe. appointed Chief Professor. I better here than to copy from Prof. Gamgee’s ‘work on “ Shoeing,” pub- Fia. 570.—Side View of the Abeve, Showing the Curve. Fie. 572:—Cross-section of the Same. * The illustrations in this article overrun the text, and this will explain why they are not placed opposite the matter referring to them. “a CAUSES OF INJURY. _ 883 lished in London in antes in relation to Coleman’s teaching. He says : — s “In England,'since Prof. Cole- man ruthlessly destroyed the em- pirical knowledge .of the old mas- ters, and substituted forit a system of fantastic and often cruel no- tions, we have been a prey to end- less speculative theories. The result is that with the best horses in, we have a far larger proportion of lame ones than are to, be found in .any other coun- 3 . oe ry, 4 x # Fre, 5Y8.—Ondinary Form of Rolling Motion Shoe. “Thee a. Flag of teaching’ on the foot and on shoeing that did the incalculable ana, I fear, almost irreparable damage which has brought suffering on horses and shortened their ex- , wot istence, which has spoiled farriers, = = by leading them astray, on false ; ‘pretexts, and has entailed dis- Fig. 574, —Cross-section of the Same. ‘credit’ on the English Veterinary ; School. x x x of ‘One change, among others introduced by Mr. Coleman, has entailed, I believe, amore lasting damage on the art farriery than any of his many oth- er. crochets, which have unfortu- nately become thoroughly parts of English horse-shoeing. He intro- duced _ the drawing-knife, and made it supercede the buttress for ey preparing the feet for. shoeing. . Fic. 575.—Side View, Showing Degree of Curve. The buttress is the instrument still in use for paring down the wall surface to receive the shoe. everywhere except in Roget ow es England: and parts of the New ; Cs World, to which English hands ‘and language have, carried our modes of shoeing, such as it hag become only within the present century. ‘Old men can remember the } buttress’s being. in general use , throughout Great Britain; - but: ’ the way it was banished from ’ English practice is known to few ; ' and its supercedence, and these © = > \ °, Femarks on the effects of the Fic. 576.—Ground Surface of Above, Showing . ‘Change, mayastonish many. The Method of Putting on Calkins. _ drawing-knife, or searcher, as it | ; was called, a .small, hooked. 384 SHOFING. crooked little instrument, was formerly kept for the purpose of exploring wounds and extracting foreign hodies from the foot, and was to that extent in vogue on the Con- tinent as well asin England. But theorizing, and a fancy for a change, led the professor to order the general use of the little hooked knife instead of such a broad, level too] as the buttress. He had unfortunately conceived such notions as that the sole of the foot did not bear the weight of the animal, that it was necessary to pare it thin every time the horse was shod, and that the broad, level buttress was not suited for that ; hence the preference for the little scoop- ing, crooked searcher. As these incidents have had a disastrous effect on shoeing, which we have scarcely in any degree begun to re- lieve, I will quote from Mr. Coleman’s work of 1798 :-— ““«Those who supposed that the wae of the animal was chiefly supported by the horny sole, have attributed a function to that organ _Which it does not possess; but, although the laming are capable of sustainmg the animal, yet, as they are elastic, and at every step elon- gate, the horny sole is necessarily pressed down in the same degree, and by first descending and then ascending, as the lamine dilate and ‘contract, the horny sole contributes very materially to prevent concussion. This union of the crust with the coffin-bone sustdins the weight of the animal; the crust supports the weight,even when the horny sole and frog are removed ; if the sole and frog in reality supported the weight, then the foot would slip through the crust when the frog and sole were taken away, “ Fra. 608. fo Ald Mobility. Used by the French. Shoe Raised from the Heel. would be permitted to go unnoticed. But this did not prove to be the case. After the horse had worn this shoe a day or two only, I found the action of the leg was more free than it had ever been before ; for the bars with their covering touched the ground ; the extremities of the web on each side, by being so very thin, having \ \ CAUSES OF INJURY. : 395 bent a little over them, but they were prevented from injuring them by being ex- tended to the cleft which separated the bars from the frog. This pressure of the web on the bars was an assistance to them in the expan- sion of the quarters ; and the shoe was kept so wide at the heels that the exterior parts of it could not: hurt him. This shoe, therefore, acted exactly contrary to other shoes, which, as I before men- ae = tioned, are generally an im- \ pediment to the expansion of the heels, whereas this -be- came an assistance to it, ‘In three weeks I took off this shoe to examine the state of the foot. His frog was found to be increased, and in a better condition than I had Fras. 609, 610.—Shoes Adapted for Stiff Joints. before seen it, Thesame shoe was therefore replaced for three weeks more, ‘at the end of which time his. foot had become considerably larger and straighter. In a week or ten days more the horse was to go‘thirty-six miles on a turnpike road. eee this kind of shoe had sticceeded so well in a riding-horse, I had some doubts about venturing. it on the road. . However, I at last determined to risk it, and had another shoe put on of exactly the same pattern, in which he per- ‘formed his journey without ‘any injury, so that I have ever since continued to adopt it, having found Fic. 611.—French Shoe for it ie answer beyond any expectation I had formed | Aiding Mobility. of it; for that foot which was before: smaller than the other, with the toe turning out, has, by the use of this shoe, become of the same size, and so straight that there is now scarcely any difference between the two feet.” en "18 19 [396] Representative Model Shoes of Different Kinds. From the French. “ 1 Representative Model Shoes of Different Kinds. From the French. [397] 398 SHOEING. e We give here a few specimens of shoes, from Czsar Fiaschi’s work, published in England in the 16th century. The figures of shoes he gives are twenty in number, No. 1. Fore-shoe without calkin ; 2. Shoe with the calkin; @ ’7 Avagonaise. on one side, and the other side thickened; 3. Lunetie shoe, or “tip”; 4. Three- quarter shoe; 5. Beveled shoe, with the Avagonaise calkin on one Figs. 662—681. branch, and the -other thick at the eed 6. Shoe with sczettes, or projecting toothed border, thickened toward ‘each heel to prevent slipping ; %. Thick-sided shoe, thin toward the inner berder, and seated like the English shoe ; 8. Shoe with buttons, or raised catches on the-inner branch, and fickened on the heel of the same side; 9. A shoe which has the inside heel and quarter much thicker and SHOEING. 399 narrower than usual; 10. A shoe with crests or points toward the ground surface on the toe and quarter, and darbettes at the heels; “11. A shoe with the calkins doubled over, and provided with rings ; 12. The foot surface of a shoe with the heels turning up toward the foot ; 18. Shoe with two calkins ; 14. A bar shoe; 15. A jointed shoe to suit any size of foot ; 16. A jointed shoe without nails, and secured by the lateral border and’ the heel-screw; 17. A hind shoe | with calkins ; 18. A shoe with one of the branches greatly thickened at the heel ; 19. A hind shoe with a crest or toe-piece ; 20. A hind shoe with the toe elongated and curled upward, probably for a foot the back tendons of which were contracted, causing the horse to walk. on the point of the toe. Below, in Figs. 682-685, are given a variety: of old Roman shoes found in England, France, and Switzerland, and supposed to _ be from nineteen hundred to over two thousand years old: Fie 682. _ Fie. 683. Fie. 684. 400 SHOEING. Fre. 686.—Forged Steel Shoe, Specimen from a Variety Manufactured by the Bryden Forged Horse Shoe Works, Catasaqua, Pa.* ' err. ; Fie. 688.—Lafosse’s Half-moon Shoe, and Tip of Steel. ~ Fig. 689.—Arabian Shoe. ” Fie. 690.—Syrian Shoe. * This, with other cuts of model shoes manufactured by this company, were by special request forwarded to me for insertion among models of good working shoes, but were received too late to be put in proper place. The patentee, Mr. Bryden, is known to me personally as a man of rare skill as a student of the foot. I am in- debted to him for many valuable points on the treatment of the foot, and the shoes manufactured under his supervision are so good in all respects that I would strongly urge upon shoers and others interested to give them a trial. * : a Fig. I, aS The shoe properly formed, adjusted, and nailed on the hoof (of a five-year- old horse that had never been shod but once, Fig. I. The foot as it is ruined by bad treatment. The shoe and nails are too large; the nails too many in number and driven too deep. The shoe is set back too far. The hoof is rasped away so much as to weaken it and destroy its sym- metry. ” PLATE I. Ww GA RY PLATE II. - PLATE II- A front view of the bones of the fore feet of a horse in their relative position. > The pastern bone. The coronary bone. The navicular bone. The foot bone. The point of insertion of the tendon of the extensor muscle. Yeo O Ww b> A concavity to give attachment to the ligament which unites, the foot bone to the coronary bone at G. Coronary bone. H. A continuation of the same concavity, to which the cartilage of the foot bone is attached. I, I. The upper and lower processes of the foot bone. K, K. A groove in the foot pone, which receives a division of the main artery, coming round from behind. K, L. A groove receiving another division of that artery, which pro- ceeds round the extreme edges of the foot bone. *The plates here given are selected from the author’s special book on the horse, “Faets for Horse Owners,” in which are forty plates. In the extra edition these plates are printed in colors. i Hip PLATE Ill. PLATE III. Fig. 1. A back view of the bones of the fore foot in their relative situation, Pastern bone. Coronary bone. Navicular bone. ’ Foot bone. A cavity which in the natural state is filled with fat. Spy A wb The upper surface of the navicular bone, from which two ligaments arise, and pass round the lateral depression in the coronary bone, marked G. G. Points of attachment on each side of the ligament which unites the navicular bone to the foot bone. . I. Two grooves in which two main trunks of the arteries are. continued into the foot bone. K. The line of insertion of the tendon of the flexor muscle. Fig, fH. A view of the anterior and inferior surfaces of the navicu- lar bone detached from the other bones. ! t PLATE IY. PLATE IV. This cut represents the third phalanx seen from its pos- terior part; and the navicular bone,—inferior, superior, and anterior views. Fig. Fig. Fig. fig. Fig. tl. Posterior Part of the Third Phalanx (ADULT). Semi-lunar crest. Basilar process. Superior border. Spreading out of the articular face. Anterior view of the pyramidal eminence. Posterior view of the inferior face. Glenoid cavity of the superior face. Portion of the articular surface corresponding to the anterior bor- der of the navicular bone. Retrossal process. Edge of the plantar fissure. Posterior border of the third phalanx. Plantar orifice for passage of blood vessels. N Md@R OZERORUP Posterior Part of the Third Phalanx (COLT). Semi-lunar crest. Basilar process. Superior border. Posterior view of the bone. Retrossal process. Plantar fissure. LIT. PO ft ah Inferior Face of Navicular. C. Transverse ridge. E. Anterior border. H. Extremity of the bone. IV. A. Median ridge or bulge of the superior face. D. Anterior superior border. E. Anterior inferior border. G. Posterior border (is very thick, and cribbled or pierced with vas- cular orifices). V. : Anterior Face of Navicular. E. Soft part hollowed under the anterior articular facet. H. Articular facet corresponding to the posterior facet of the third phalanx. ahh me ( if i | ii PLATE Y, PLATE VY. This plate represents the third phalanx of the colt, seen from its lateral, anterior, and inferior faces. Lateral Face. Base of the pyramidal eminence. Vascular porosities. Patilobe eminence. A B Cc E. Pre-plantar fissure. D. Basilar process. K. Pyramidal eminence. R Retrossal process. Fig. I. : Anterior Face. Pyramidal eminence. Porosities and vascular imprints Patilobe eminence. Pre-plantar fissure. . Superior border. Fig. III. A B Cc. D. Basilar process. E F Inferior Face. A. Semi-lunar crest. H. Plantar fissure. J. Imprint of the insertion of the -perforans. P. Inferior face. 8. Edge of the plantar fissure. PLATE VI. PLATE VI. This figure represents the posterior face of the digital region, flexed backward in a manner to show in its full ex- tent the inferior or plantar face of the foot. The skin has been lifted from above the third phalanx, and the enveloping sheaths of the tendons are dissected. The velvety tissue is preserved. A. Pee ey Ue Ow Median part of the pyramidal body (fleshy frog) of plantar cushion, or sensitive tissue of the sole. Branches of the pyramidal body. Cartilaginous bulb. . Angle of inflection of the branches of the pyramidal body. Point or apex of the fleshy frog. Interval of separation of the two branches of the perforatus. Lateral lacune of the pyramidal body. Median lacune of the pyramidal body. Q. Fibrous sheath of union of the two branches of the perforatus. Branches of theperforatus directing th emselves towardtheir point of insertion at the second phalanx. Tendon of the perforatus. Tendon of the perforans at its passage between the branches of the perforatus. Strengthening sheath of the plantar aponeurosis. Lateral bands of the strengthening sheath of the plantar aponeu- rosis, which cross the direction of the branches of the perfo- ratus to go and attach themselves on the lateral parts of the first phalanx. PLATE VII. PLATE VII. i.e This plate shows a longitudinal section of the digital re- gion in its median plane. Its object is to show the spongeous substance in the in- terior of the bone, the fibrous intersections in the plantar cushion of the articular and tendinous synovial sheaths, and of the plantar cushion (or pad) in the interior of the hoof under the third phalanx and the navicular bone. i" A. Inferior part of the pad (cushion). B. Ligamentous bands (filaments) representing the structure of the fibrous body forming the plantar pad. C. Enveloping fibrous membrane of the ‘plantar pad. D. Point of insertion of the plantar pad to the inferior face of the bone of the foot. Spongeous substance of the interior of the second phalanx. Articulation of the first phalanx with the second. Hew Branches of the perforatus at its insertion to the lateral parts of thé second phalanx, or small pastern bone. Insertion of the plantar aponeurosis to the semi-lunar crest. _ . Interior of the first phalanx. . Section of the perforatus tendon. Transverse ligament of the yellow fibrous tissue ‘uniting the an- terior face ‘of the perforans to the posteridr facé of the os Br R ‘coronae, etc. (2d phalanx). ‘ N. Diverticulum of the sheath of the articulation of the foot between ‘the little sesamoid and the third phalanx. O. Little sesamoidal sheath. P. Capsule of the articulation of the foot set superiorly against the cul du sac of the great sesamoidal sheath. T. Perforans tendon.. Y. Metacarpo-phalangial articulation, or fetlock joint. 7 PLATE VIII. PLATE VIII. This plate represents a transverse section of the poste- rior part of the foot behind the phlanges, between the two fibro-cartilages. : It shows the disposition of the bulbs of the plantar pad, or cushion, the stratified layers of the pyramidal body, the hight of the cartilages of the hoof, and the direction of the bars. B. Cc. C’. Bo 4 NO Bulb of the plantar. pad (or cushion). Internal face of the fibro-cartilages, or lateral cartilages. Hight .of the hoof. , Part of the lateral band of the reinforcing sheath of the perforans. Point of junction of the inferior border of the cartilages with the substance of the plantar pad, or cushion. Longitudinal depression of the anterior face of the plantar pad. Stratified layers of the plantar. pad in the pyramidal body. ‘Superior surface of the bars. Thickness and direction of the bars. PLATE IX. PLATE IX. Arterial Vessels. The figure shows the superficial disposition of the dig- ital artery on the lateral face of the phalanges. A, d aH oo be A U, A’, A”. Digital artery from its emerging point above the great ses- amoids to the point where it disappears under the plate of cartilages in N. Anterior transverse branch at the metacarpo-phalangial articula- tion. Perpendicular artery. Ascending branch of the perpendicular artery. Descending branch of the perpendicular artery. Transverse branch forming with the corresponding one the su- perficial coronary ‘circle. Descending ramuscules in the pad of the superficial coronary circle. Ascenditig ramusculés of the podophyllous tissue, “es sensitive’ “lamine. Posterior transverse branches of the metacarpo-phalangial articu- lation. Artery of the plantar pad, or cushion. Circumflex artery. U. Ascending terminal divisions of the digital artery ; they emerge from the porosities of” tle third phalanx, and send ramifica- tions to the podophyllous tissue. Vines te Ea Mae Me “fl pos attare ca a Pat Ab tas Se iN HL A . a5 ian Pi pe ae ‘i A ! oA ‘hs : a " a ra hs a Ui a “| i bare fl Me Hy y PLATE X. PLATE X. Arterial Vessels. The figure represents the superficial disposition of the digital artery at the superior face of the first two phalanges and at the inferior face of the third. A, A’. Digital artery in its passage along the phalanges. G. Posterior transverse branches of the metacarpo-phalangial artic- ulation. H. Branches above one another at intervals. K. Artery of the plantar pad, or cushion. L. Internal branch of the artery of the plantar pad. P, P, P. Circumflex artery. Y, Y. Solar arteries, or arteries of plantar surface. PLATE XI. PLATE XI. - Arterial Vessels. The figure shows the deep disposition of the digital ar- tery at the posterior face of the first two phalanges, and in the interior of the third seen from its inferior face. A, A’. Digital artery. C. Perpendicular artery at its point of origin. H. One of the branches running posteriorly, destined to the per- forans tendon, in which it rgmifies itself. J. Deep-seated branch. K. Point of origin of the artery of the plantar pad. M. Deep transverse branch, completing behind the front superficial coronary circle. 8. Plantar artery or posterior terminal branch, in the plantar fissure, and in the semi-lunar sinus; where it forms with its analogue the © semi-lunar anastomosis. V, V. Radiated divisions of the digital artery emanating from the con- vexity of the semi-lunar anastomosis, and following the direction of the descending canals of the third phalanx to go and con- tribute to the formation of the circumflex artery at the exterior circumference of the notched border of the bone. PLATE XII. PLATE XII. This figure represents the principle nerves of the digital region. The plantar nerve occupies the same situation, but the divisions which emanate from it are more numerous and more anastomotic. P. Plantar nerve. A. Point of emergence of the plantar nerve above the resamoids. B, B. Cartilaginous branch. C, C. Cutaneous branch. D. Digital artery. F.. Bulbous branch. G. Transverse branch behind the metacarpo-phalangial articulation. I. Nerve of the plantar pad. L. Lateral band, or filamentous stay, of the proper tunic of the plantar pad. It crosses obliquely from backward forward, and from upward downward, the direction of the plantar nerve. V. Digital vein. A ¢ f| Hi m “ fn PLATE XIII. PLATE XIII. This figure represents on the digital region, seen from three-fourths behind, the disposition of the plantar nerve on the posterior face of the phalanges of the terminal divisions in the interior of the bone of the foot. Plantar nerve. . Point of emergence of the plantar nerve above the sesamoids. Cartilaginous branch. Cutaneous branch. Digital artery. Occasional divison destined to the cartilaginous bulbs. P A B Cc D H. I, I. Branch of the plantar pad. “K. Transverse coronary branch. M. Podophyllous division. O. Pre-plantar fica Q Dencontiing branch in the patilobe fissure. R. Arterial ramuscules accompanying the digital artery in the plan- tar fissure. ~ V. Vein following sometimes behind the plantar nerve in all its phalangial course. This vessel does not always exist. t PLATE XIV. PLATE XIV. The object of this figure is to show the disposition of the capillary vessels in the tegument of the digital region seen sidewise. A, A. Arterial vessels of the skin. B, B‘. Arterial vessels of the coronary band, or cushion. R. Villosities of the coronary cushion. This vessel does not always exist. This figure represents the principal perioplic bourrelet, the coronary groove and the podophyllous tissue or sensitive laminz. , B. Principal corone (or cutidura) with the villosities covering it. Q > Superior border of the coronary cushion. Perioplic coronary groove. Perioplic (pad) covered with little horny substance. Inferior border of the cushion. Podophyllous tissue, or sensitive laming, . Villosities of the inferior extremity of the podophyllous lamine. Arterial vessels. ARB Raa wD Small arterial branches. PLATE XV. - This figure represents the superior face of the floor of the hoof, formed by the sole and the frog. The wall has been cut at the level of the sole, in order to show the ter- mination of the horny leaves in the edge, or border of the sole A. Circular digital cavity at the point of reunion of the sole and the wall. Superior border of the frog. ~ Termination of the horny leaves in the edge of the sole. Cavity. formed by the superior -face of the frog. Bop Oo bd Ridge of the frog, or frog stay. a Groove of the superior face of the frog. External face of the glomes of the frog. Keraphyllous tissue at the internal face of the bars. Cutigeral cavity at the level of the angles of inflection. Bottom of the angle of inflection. aH OAD Point of termination of the bars at the lateral parts of the frog. View of the hoof from its inferior face: BP, 8. L. A wa GAOn BAY ROBB PLATE XVI. The wall. The sole. The frog. Line indicating the commissure of the sole and the wall, known as the linea alba, or white line. : Angle of inflection of wall“of the heels (buttress). Superior border of buttress. ‘Region of the heels of the foot within the angle known as seat f of corn. Inferior border of the bars. External face of the bars lining the lateral lacune of the frog. Glomes of the frog, or bulbs of the heels. Terminal extremity of the bars ‘at the sides of the frog Point of the frog. Branches of the frog. Regions of the mamellas of the hoof. Region of the toe of the hoof. Median lacuna of the frog. Region of the quarters. } ‘poasn{[pe Ajiedosd aoys y3tm yoo} pury Yo] ‘paysnfpe Ay1adosd soys yim 300} as0y WYSTY DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. CHAPTER XX, THE CIRCULATION. HE phenomenon of the circulation is of so interesting and re- il} markable a character, and its condition has such an influence upon the health, that I think it advisable, as an introduction to the Medical Department, to make some reference-to it. There are so many diseases and difficulties of a serious character which are the ' result of derangements of circulation, that it certainly seems neces- sary to give.some explanation of it, that the reader may be im- pressed the better with the necessity for such prudence and care as would prevent its disturbance.. The writer thinks it also advisable, instead of giving a labored description, which may be easily ob- tained from any physiology, and which’ but, few would take the trouble to read, to do this mainly by the aid of illustrations, a va- riety of which have been included at considerable expense. ; GENERAL PLAN OF THE CIRCULATION. _ The blood is circulated through the body for the purpose of nu- trition and secretion, by means of one forcing-pump ; and through the lungs, for its proper aeration, by another; the two being united to form the heart. This organ is therefore a compound machine, though the two pumps are joined together, so as to appear to the casual observer to be one single organ. In common language, the heart of the mammalia is said to have two sides, each of which is a, forcing-pump ; ; but the blood, before it passes from one side to the other, has to circulate through one or the other set of vessels found in the general organs of the body or in the lungs; as the case may , be. This is shown’ at Fig. 692, where the blood, commencing with the capillaries on the general surface, passes through the 26 (401) 402 THE CIRCULATION. ‘ lg : : : veins which finally end in the vena cava 4, and enters the right auricle c. From this it is pumped into the. right ven- tricle ¢, which, contracting in its turn, forces it on into the pul- monary artery ¢, spreading out upon the lining membrane of the Fic. ‘691.—Theoretical Plan of the Circulatory System. | HYD, C, E, the canal for red blood; E, B, A, G, canal for blue blood, The arrows indicate the course of the blood. The two canals are represented in their, middle portion; A, B, C, D, as isolated; but in nature they are enveloped at this point in a common sac that concurs to form the heart. . lungs, to form the capillaries of that organ at Jf, from which it is returned to the left auricle g through the pulmonary veins. From the left auricle it is driven on through the left ven- tricle; and this, by’ its powerful contraction, forces the blood through the aorta 7, andthe arteries of the whole body to the capillaries a, from which the description commenced. While the venous blood is on its way to the heart, when near it, it is met by the tho- racic duct (see 4, y, Fig. 694), which conveys into this returning blood the nutritive prop- erty of the food extracted from it by the digestive organs. With this new supply of nutritious matter, the blood goes to the heart and lungs to’ be oxygenized by contact | with the air, and thus be continued through the heart and arteries as before explained. The system takes up its material for its wear and tear through the capillaries or hair-like tubes, which are inter- posed between the two great divisions of the vascular system, ar- teries and veins. These little tubes are so small that they are from iyo to aco Of an inch in diameter. The smaller are found in the retina of the eye and brain, the larger in the liver and Fic. 692.—Plan of the : Circulation. |; THE CIRCULATION. 408 lungs. The worn-out tissue of the body is also taken up by the’ . blood, and carried off through the bowels, lungs, kidneys, and’skin, which are the natural sewers or depurative. chahnels of the body. The quantity of blood that a horse contains is about 4 0 of his weight. Fra. 693.—Distribution of the Anterior Aorta. 1. Anterior aorta; 2, Left axillary artery; 3. Right axillary artery; 4. ‘Dorsal artery; 5 Subcostal artery; 12.: "external thoracic artery; 14. Carotid artery; 17. Posterior aorta. A, pulmonary aorta; B, trachea; E,. superior branch of the iliospinal muscle; F, inferfor ‘branch of the same; 'G, great complexus muscle; I, I, originating apuenosie ‘of the splenius and the small anterior serratus muscles; N, sterno-maxillaris me) oF , great pectoral and ‘ sterno-prescapularis muscles turned downward. ; ry A horse weighing 1,000 pounds would. therefore have about 100 pounds of blood, or nearly 50 quarts. Fat horses have proportion- ately less blood than those that are lean; and it is claimed that wild animals generally have more blood in proportion than the domestic ones. Forty pounds of blood have been taken from ‘medium- sized horses without serious injury; and it requires the extraction of about J; of the total weight before life is destroyed. It is a remarkable fact that this large amount of blood in the body makes its entire round of circulation in the short period of from two 4 404 THE CIRCULATION. to three minutes. This has been proved by the following experi. ment, which has been made and repeated many times at the Columbia Veterinary College, New York: The jugular vein was opened on oneside of the neck, into which saline matter or poison was injected ; on the opposite side the carotid artery was tapped. In fif- teen seconds the first traces of the substance injected could be detect- Fic. 694.—The Heart and Principal Vessels ; Left Face. a, Right ventricle; b, Left ventricle; c, Right auricle; d, Left auricle; e, Pulmonary artery; f, Pulmonary veins; g, Anterior aorta; h, Left axillary artery; i, Right axillary artery, or brachio-cephalie trunk; p, Carotid. arteries; q, Posterior aorta; x, Vena azygos; y, Thoracic ducts; z, Embouchure of that vessel, placed near the origin of the anterior vena cava, ed in the blood ; in twenty seconds it was found very plainly. But while it is known that the main -body of blood makes the shorter pulmonary circuit, that part going to the extremities most distant from the heart requires much longer time ; but it is assumed that all the blood in the body makes its entire circuit in the short period of from two to three, minutes. I refer to this fact, which is not familiar to the average reader, to show the great importance of not subjecting the horse,to such in- THE CIRCULATION. 405 — fluences as will derange the circulatory system. The remarkable en- ergy of the circulation through the blood-vessels i is very finely illus- trated by ‘spreading and tying apart the toes of a frog’s foot, and ex- amining the web through a good microscope. The field: of observa- tion will appear like an immense plain cut _up with large rivers intersected by numer- ous small streams, all running, with the rapidity of a torrent, the larger currents running much the faster. The blood-cor- puscles are also clearly distinguishable. Something of an idea of this can be seen by referring to Figs. 696 and 697, which is “smyeseddy Asoyemnosg—-og9 “B1,Z represent such a view of the circulation through the web. When the circulation is in its natural state, that i is, distributed properly to all parts of the body, it implies a state of perfect health, but if, from: any cause, it is withheld or forced from any part of the 406 | THE CIRCULATION. body, there is not enough blood in that part, while there will be an excess in other parts. Thus, if the horse is exposed to acold wind or is chilled by a current of air striking the body, the blood will be forced from its surface to the internal organs, accumulating where there is most freedom for it, or where it is weakest ; usually in. the Jungs and surrounding parts, kidneys, bowels, and sometimes in the feet, the first indication of which would be a shivering fit, followed by fever. Now, it is ev- ident that the object should be, when there is such disturbance, to equalize the circulation again, or force it back to its natural channels as ~quickly as possible, and that treatment by which this can be done most easily and quickly will be the best. The cir- culation is really con- trolled by ‘the nervous system. If the nervous Fia. 696.—Web of Frog’s Foot Stretching between Two system is from any cause Toes, Showing the Blood-vessels and their ' weakened, so that it is ANASHORERe: unable to act with the oe Veins; b, b, b, Asteriee; he capillaries being usual vigor, there is less ability to resist-the in- fluence of disturbing changes, and the horse is, as it is termed, more liable to take cold, which means a disturbance of the circulation. Hence a horse, when warm and exhausted after a drive, if given a little too much cold water, would be liable to have colic, founder, etc.; or if allowed to stand in a cold current of air, to have an at- tack of pneumonia, or some other indication of vascular disturbance before referred to, which would be scarcely felt if cool, and the nerv- ous system in a vigorous condition. It is evident also that the quality of blood being dependent upon the food taken, and the condition of the air breathed, it is necessary that the food should be clean and of good quality. No moldy grain, hay, or other food unfitted for proper nutrition, should be given, and the stable should be well ventilated with pure air at all times, and all poisonous gases, particularly the ammonia which is formed from the urine, should be allowed free egress from the stable, as the animal 4 THE CIRCULATION. . 407 cannot be expected to keep in good health while compelled to in- hale such malaria. It is needless to explain the bad effects, upon the depurative or-) gans of the derangement of the circulation by which these channels are to a greater or less degree “clogged,” or unable to do their: proper work. Now, it is within the province of every owner to prevent these troubles by employing care in feeding, exercise, etc., which is much better and easier than to try to cure them when sick. It is far easier to prevent a house from getting burned up by not letting the fire get started, than to depend upon the power of putting it out, for with the best of energy it may cause a destruction of the build- ing. So in the cure of diseases ; it is a great deal better and safer to Fie. 697.—Irregular Contraction of Small Vessels in the Web of a Frog’s Foot after the Application of Stimuli. take such measures as will prevent them, for derangements once started will often, in spite of the best of treatment, greatly injure, if not destroy, the animal. It is certainly t the owner's duty to guard his ‘horse against unnecessary exposure, or merciless driving until in a profuse perspiration, and then leaving the animal in some cold, bleak place without even a, blanket, or but a very. poor apology for one, and that thrown on carelessly, while the owner is perhaps en-*’ joying himself with his friends in some drinking saloon, toasting his shins, and the poor horse stands shivering at the door. . The effect of such bad treatment will not then have time to develop itself, but will be seen in a few hours, or at farthest on the following day, by a cold or cough, running at the nose, or an attack of pReuipenite lam- initis, or other cause of trouble. The three principal points in preserving the health of a horse o 408 ‘THE CIRCULATION. are feeding, air, and exercise. In the first place, irregularity of feed- ing, even of the best of food, will ‘produce disease; but when with this is combined the giving of tainted or musty hay or grain, the difficulty is greatly aggravated. ee rf €- (07 eT ae SON PINES “i rs e SES Fie. 698.—Sweat Gland, Mag- nified 40 Diameters. b, b, Canal; c, Gland; 4d, Opening on surface; e, Per- forated epidermis, Ventilation.—The stable should be neither too hot nor too cold. The horse will show the effect in a few days by coughing or having slight irritation of the mucous mem- brane of the throat. A horse can take cold as easily by going out of the cold air into a hot stable, as he can by going from a hot stable into cold air, and wice versa. It is the sudden change of temperature which produces the change on the mucous coat of the larynx and of the throat. ; The clothing of the horse in the stable should be neither too heavy nor too light. If kept too warm, he will be more likely to take cold when he goes out to exercise on a -cold or chilly day. To keep a horse doing well, constant at- tention is necessary to little things —watch- fulness in driving ; if the road is heavy, and the horse shows fatigue or is warming up excessively, hold him up and fet out on smooth, descending pieces of road—a very little driving without regard to this pru- ‘dence will often get-a horse “off his feed,” if not cause sickness ; properly clothing and protecting a horse when warm after a drive ; care not to give so much cold water as to chill ; if there is chill or inclination to fever, or the horse is “off his feed” after a drive, giving a little fever medicine, with any other prompt measures to relieve the derangement at its commencement, may prevent a very severe attack of con- gestion or inflammation, if not save the life of the horse. It is in attention to these little things that the real key of the owner’s success lies in the care of his horses. The simplest and best methods of treatment for all the ordinary causes of sickness and lameness will be found on the following pages. j ‘ THE CIRCULATION. 409 I would add in this connection that there are really but. few diseases which are very dangerous or common to horses, and if the | owner can be so aided as to successfully man- age these difficulties, such knowledge must be ‘invaluable to’ him. These difficulties com- prise ‘colic, inflamma- tion of the lungs, found- er, navicular-joint lameness, arid‘shoeing. A horse may die in a -fewhours from’a severe attack of colic, if not promptly treated; yet it is a difficulty easily managed, if one knows what to do, and it is a done promptly. An “Fre. 699.—Horizontal Section Through the Middle Plane attack. of pneumonia of Three Peyerian Glands,’Showing the Distribution of the Blood-vessels in their Interior. V7 X IX) PN EN is a very serious thing; but’ during its first stages it is easily controlled if taken in hand at once. A horse that is foundered, if not treated promptly, is practically ruined, as a change of structure quickly results; yet every case of acute founder or laminitis is curable, — ny and not only this, but the treatment is so sim- ple that it is not at all difficult to comprehend _ or apply. Ih shoeing, a horse badly or improp- ‘erly ‘shod, no matter: how ‘good the feet, ‘if. the hoofs are thin, is’ liable to be soon prac- tically ruined. ec ee = Fia. 700.—Section of the Liver of a Rabbit, with the Hepatic or Introlobular Veins Injected. found to be particularly : careful and thorough. ‘There are, of course, many other difficulties 410 THE CIRCULATION. which it is important’ to know how to manage, for which the best practical treatment is given. In fact, the medical department of this work will be found entitled to the fullest confidence, and must 2. Middle lobe : 3. Right - extremity, or ventriculus of stomach; 4. Right Fig. 701.—The Abdominal Cavity, the Liver and Other Organs. extremity ; 5. Left abdominal wall. 1. Right lobe of the liver ; Sd \ be accepted as invaluable to horse’ owners. The writer would, how- ever, recominend that in all critical cases the safest course is to em- ploy a competent veterinary surgeon, if available. t CHAPTER XXII. DISHASES OF THE BONES. HE skeleton of a horse is made up of 242 bones; and as these T bones are the hard frame- -work of the:animal body, serving ‘for the support and attachment of the softer textures and the pro- tection of delicate organs, they. are consequently liable to the same accidents and diseases as the other parts of. the body. They. are jimposed. of animal and earthy - matters, in the proportion of one | third of the former to two thirds of the latter. . They are covered externally by a sensitive and vascular membrane called the perios- ‘ teum, and lined internally bya similar membrane called the en- ‘dosteum. They. enter into the formation of the joints, their ends being held together by the ligaments, and their adjoining surfaces, being’ covered by cartilage or gristle, with a lubricating fluid be- tween, called synovia, or joint-oil, to prevent? friction and facilitate the miotion of the joint. ‘Diseases of the bones are not very numerous in the lower. ani- mals; the most common are Ezostosis,in which we have an en- Jargement or bony tumor thrown out ‘on the surface of the bone; . . when between two bones, and uniting them together; it ‘is called Anchylosi's Caries, generally defined to be an ulceration or disinte- gration of the bony texture ; Necrosis, which is the ehtire death of the whole or part of a bone; Osteosarcoma, which is a disease more ‘particularly of the ox tribe, in, which we have a tumor on the bone, partly bony and partly fleshy, | occurring commonly on jaws or ribs ; and Enchondroma, consisting ofa. cartilaginous or gristly tumor on. a bone; it is more common in. man, but is also seen’ in cattle, and occasionally i in the horse. « ANCHYLOSIS OF BONE. -Anchylosis is simply extensive exostosis, in which we have the enda of two or more bones united by bony matter, as shown in ring bone, spavin, splint, etc.. Symptoms are enlargements round the idint, which is stiff and inflexible, and in some cases the animal is lame. .. Treatment.—If there is lameness, blister or fire, as may ,be . (411) : t 412 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. XN ; thought necessary, so as to complete the union of parts. The mo- Sion of the joint cannot be restored by any treatment. CARIES OF BONE. Caries is generally defined to be ulceration or disintegration of Fre, 702 —Sketeten of the Horse. the bony texture, and is supposed to be ulceration of the soft tissues; but this is not, histologically speaking; correct. We find in caries the bone undergoes several very marked changes. It decreases in density (owing to the decrease in the pro- portion of organic matter entering into its composition), and presents: a peculiar, worm-eaten appearance, which enables us always to recognize a carious bone in the dried state. (See specimens in chapters on ‘ Na- vicular-Joint Lameness” and “ Laminitis.”) _ DISEASES OF THE BONES. ' 413 Causes.—It may arise from whatever produces inflammation of the bone, or arrests or suspends its nourishment. sequel of fracture in the ribs, sometimes from neg- lect ‘or: mismanagement of poll-evil, or fistula of the -withers ; in’ cattle, sometimes from “foul of the foot.” Whatever destroys the periosteum may produce caries. . ; 1 _ Symptoms.—The surrounding tissues are swollen ; there is an opening into the diseased bone, from which acrid, bad-smelling matter discharges, in which float speculz of disintegrated bone. On examining the bone, it presents a fungus, which readily bleeds when touched ; on pressing the finger into it, sharp processes of bone are felt, which are the bone break- ing up. The bone is easily paneee with a probe or knife. ‘Treatment.—This, i in most cases, is a very tedious affair. It is a frequent Fie. 708.—Ex- ostosis. 1. Splint; 2. 3. Enlargements caused by injury. In the ~ Fre. 704.—Splint, and Small Wind-gall. Fie. 705.—A Splint after Cure. ‘first place, the wound must be ‘freely opened, and the parts touched ‘with dilute hydro- chloric acid several times a day. Mineral and vegetable tonics must be given. When ‘ practicable,‘as on the withers, the diseased portion should be _cut off with a fine saw. Occur- ring in a joint, we must en- deavor to produce anchylosis of the joint, the treatment of which has been explained as for spavins, etc. NECROSIS OF BONE. Necrosis is generally de- fined to be the entire death ~ or mortification of a bone. It differs from caries, in which the bone is discharged in particles, whereas in necrosis not unfre- quently the whole bone dies, and becomes encased in a new bone of exactly the same shape, which is perforated by numerous holes, through which the old bone exfoliates. Causes.—In man it not unfrequently arises from constitutional 414 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. causes,—scrofula, etc.; but jn the lower animals, it generally arises from local causes, mechanical injuries, extensive destruction of the surrounding soft parts, especially if it involves the artery supplying nourishment to the bone. In young thoroughbred horses, we are familiar with it from sore shins, which arises from the animal being put in training too young. The concussion sets up inflammation of the periosteum, which may be followed by caries, but more commonly necrosis of the cannon bone. Symptoms. = The external appearances do not differ very materially from caries. We have sinuses penetrating bone, from which there is a copious discharge of most offensive-smelling matter, in which are occasionally discharged pieces of. dead bone which have escaped through ‘the holes in the new bone. This is called the process of exfoliation. It is easily distinguished from caries by the surface of the bone not being worm- eaten, but smooth, and penetrated by numerous holes. Again, it is not soft, Fic. 706.—Back Inside View of 2S in caries; it cannot be punctured with the Bones of the Hock. " the probe, and it is as heavy as in health, a, Tibia; 'b, Os calcis ; ¢, Astraga- if aot heavier. ; lus; d, Cuboides; e, Navicular} f, Treatment.—It must be treated on the Heat ee Gea sy same principle as caries. The sinuses must be kept open, frequently washed out, and some stimulant injected, as hydrochloric acid (diluted), and tonics, and good food must be given from the first. EXOSTOSIS, ,OR BONY ENLARGEMENT. Exostosis is, in general, the consequence of periostitis, or in- | flammation of the vascular membrane covering the bone, though it doubtless also arises from other causes. It sometimes comes on without having attracted the least attention, or produced the least apparent disturbance to the animal, and may appear on any bone in the body, or on any part of a bone, sometimes so small as to escape observation altogether, and sometimes very large. It may be caused by external injury, or it may be the result of constitutional # * DISEASES OF THE BONES. 415 disturbance, more commonly ‘the former. Its nature, causes, symp- toms, and treatment will be better understood by taking the most common example of splint, spavin, and ring-bone. ' SPLINT, OR SPLENT. Splint is a hard, bony tumor occurring , on the inside of the shank or cannon- bone of the fore leg, usually well up near the knee, which is well represented by ' Fig. 704. It is situated partly on the splint-bone (from which it takes its name), and partly on the cannon. Young horses are most subject to splints. The periosteum in them being more vascular than in old animals, it is more liable to inflammation, which is very readily induced in the ‘unsolidified bones of the young horse when exposed, to concussion or external violence. It occurs on the inside, because the center of gravity falls through that part ; when- there is splint or enlargement on the _ outside, it is usually caused by an injury. Sometimes the opposite foot striking the part will cause so much. inflammation ‘as to produce considerable soreness and lameness, followed by ‘thickening and enlargement of the part. Symptoms. —At the start there’ may be no enlargement, nor anything to indicate ' the seat of trouble. The horse appears all right on a walk or on soft ground ;. but if moving rapidly on a hard road, and especially down hill, considerable ‘lameness will be shown. Running the fingers along. the edge of the bone from the knee down, and pressing with the ends of the fingers, inflammation or en- Fre. 707.—Bones of Leg and Foot. largement. will soon be ‘discovered, both by heat and tenderness, and in time by enlargement. Treatment.—If the inflammation is up near the joint, it will usually be more serious, and cause more lameness ; but as a general \ ‘ ‘ 416 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. * “thing, splints require but very little treatment, and in time will get well of themselves if let alone. During the acute stage, treat simply | with cooling applications. Cold water turned for some time from a pump or by other means of let- ting a steady stream strike the part, which should be continued for at least fifteen minutes, and repeated two or three times a day, would be | best. If this is not done, then tie several thick- nesses of cloth. around the part, and keep wet ; but this will not be so good as the first method. ae ’ a The following is a favor- Fre. 708.—Union of All the Fie. 709.—The Same, ite remedy for any local Bones of the Hock with- with Excessive Bony ‘ inflammation :— out Enlargement. “Enlargement. Muriate of ammonia...,.. .2 dr. Vinegar ............0000.. 2 oz. WEEN 2c tuiis con oteseeainaed 2 o2. ‘Spirits of wine............ 4 oz Mix. The ‘simplest and quickest way of relieving the lame- ness, and that which is now, practiced very generally by veterinary surgeons, is to cut through the periosteum over the part. This is done by catching up the skin between the thumb and finger at the lower edge of the splint, and a with a knife or other instru- fh ment making an incision in it ; Fra. 710.0 then pass up under it a probe-pointed bistoury, or a common nicking-knife, to the top, and cut down to the bone. The part may now be treated as for simple inflammation ;,afterward, Showing a Bad Condition of Spavin. ay DISEASES OF THE BONES. 417 “iy simply by cooling applications. The usual treatment is, after the acute stage has passed off, to clip the hair and blister once or twice. Or, a’ more effectual way would be by fir- ing, the best way of doing which is by the pyro-puncture pro- cess; but this is sel- dom necessary. I give several ex- cellent remedies for splints and ordinary enlargements, either of which may be used ; also a number under the head of Special ’ Remedies,. given ‘near the close of this book, all of which are very good. The following is also used with much success :— Oil of origanum......... cece eees Oil of turpentine. . BICOB OD os5-9 c ccicstsos siasieacosiia dons 4a na earn Fic, 712.—Healthy Hock Dissected. . Fie. '713.—Diseased Hock Dissected. seme eames eee ea nee To be applied night and morning, for a few days at a time. | SPAVIN. - The causes of spavin are numerous — altered bearing, predispo- sition from conformation or mal- Fig. 714.—Action rte. 715.—Action of conformation of the limb, but pro- ceeding mainly from hard work, sprains, or any cause which excites inflammation of this part. But the most common cause lies in the ‘breeding of horses, as very often a A colt is bred from a spavined sire or ' dam; or both, when the colt is sure to inherit the same defect. when Natural. "Badly Sprained Leg, "0 40ms.-—The first symptom usually shown in spavin is a stiff moving on the toe, which causes a peculiar quick catching up of the leg, especially in trotting. This varies according to the amount of 27 a 418 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. inflammation and its location, from being scarcely noticeable at first, and passing off entirely after going a little ways, to severe lameness or stiffness of the hock, which greatly improves or disappears when warmed up during a sharp drive of a few miles, but appearing much worse after such a drive when the blood is again cooled. The hock is.observed to be less freely used than the other. He is worse on the hard road. He limps considerably when he strikes his toe on a stone or the ground. If the leg be taken up and the joint forcibly extended. or flexed, he will limp quite badly. Spavinéd horses gen- erally lose condition, and from the pain ‘caused by rising they fre- quently stand for-a long time. If it is the result of a strain, . causing acute inflammation, the lameness will not pass off by ex- ercise so readily as it will after it becomes chronic. An enlargement usually makes its appearance from the fifth to the- sixth week. Any prominence can be seen by standing in front of the ‘horse about three or four feet from the shoulder, and looking back across the hock, or by standing’ behind the horse and looking for- Fie. 716.—A Healthy Fre. 717.—A Jack Hock. Spavin. _ ward across the hock. The effort. the horse makes to relieve the heels by walking upon the toe, indicates the necessity of removing the shoe, raising the ~ heel-calks, hammering down or cutting off the toe- calks, and round- ing the toe. . Care must be taken not to mistake a natural fullness, known. as “rough hocks ;” and it is always advisable to compare the one hiock with the other. We frequently have inflammation or spavin unit- ing the small bones without the least outward enlargement. Fi ig. 708. Quite often, before any enlargement appears, the trouble may be mistaken for hip lameness. But in this difficulty there is a pe- culiar dragging motion, and for want of muscular action the hip is sametimes fallen in or wasted, while in spavin the leg is lifted and brought forward easily, traveling mostly on the toe, and shows marked improvement by exercise. Treatment.—If there is heat during the first’ few days, use cool- ing applications, such as an ounce of sugar of lead to half a pail of DISEASES OF THE BONES. 419 ice-water, about two weeks, when the inflammation may pass off. A dose of physic may also be given. Or a very simple way, and ac- cording to my judgment the best, is. to throw a strong stream of cold water against the part for twelve or fifteen minutes, re- peating two or three times: a day as before explained. If past the: first stage, and the case has become chronic, the,only reason- able treatment is counter-irritation and rest, or keeping up sufficient local inflammation, without dissolving or blistering the skin, to arouse nature sufficiently to produce anchy- losis, or a union of the bones involved.. There are two methods of treatment for this: First, if not very serious, by blistering ; second, by what is termed “firing.” This is done in two ,ways: First, by burning lines - over the skin with a feather-edged" irom Py¢. 718.—Small Spavin. sufficiently close and deep to produce an th extensive external inflammation, but: ‘without breaking or '‘destroy- ing the skin; second, by burning small- holes into and around the diseased parts, On the dollowing page.are given a few of the best practical remedies. Blistering is adapted for only simple Cases, so that when serious, firing is the most reliable and effectual treatment. In case of either blistering or firing, the hair should first be clipped from two to three inches above and below. the enlargement, and out to the middle of the hind and fore part of the leg. A favorite remedy used _by one of the best practitioners in the country is prepared and applied as fol- lows :— Biniodide of meray: isiuval dcdaamee eaters ,.o ar. Todide of potas8......5.........00008 1 dr. Iodine in crystals, pulverized alate stones 14 dr. Blue ointment (mercurial) ........... ..1 oz. DATOS acsienca ge Sees kes be ba eae 1 oz. Fic. 7219.—Very Large Spavin. Mix, and apply to the seat of the spavin three days. When the parts become sore, omit the. treatment for. the same length of time; then apply once in three days for two ‘weeks, after which stop all treatment, 420 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. Or either of the following blisters may be used, which are among the very best :— Finely powdered cantharides................:0.ccceeeceene eens 1 oz. Powdered euphorbium............. CHiGanee gsters acannon ee 2 dr. DOr ovata tig wake a ates woh sates s Seoreess teat ew aves Seka ieee Weaeaaseaaecs 1 oz OB AG ccc sea SRA AT a eR etd ahead age 2 02 Mix. Thisisa very strong blister, and is regarded as very good. Another favorite perscription is::— Corrosive syublimate .................. eerie estas waisae wake ee ",..2 dr. Lard............ feiss atures eas Slashed Wi atalaveaiban ss | gia iaieeanae say a ’ The following will also be found efficient :— Equal parts of biniodide of mercury and cantharides, cad three parts each of tar and lard. The blister should be thoroughly rubbed on with the hand about ten minutes. Twenty-four hours afterward apply a little vaseline or oil, and repeat night and morning until the action subsides. This will prevent the skin from cracking, as well as lessen the pain. After which, wash with castile soap and warm water. In no case ‘should more than one blistered at a time, especially if the horse is thin-skinned and sensitive, as it produces serious disturbance and fever. A variety of prescriptions for blisters will be found under the head of the best remedies used, if it is desired to use blisters ; also the most famous secret quack cures will be found under that head ; but it is not advisable to use them. FIRING. For firing, put the horse in stocks. If this is not convenient, the next best way is to bring a rope around the neck and fasten to the well leg; or still better, buckle a soft strap around the fetlock, and from a ring attached to the strap, pass a rope around the neck of the horse and draw short enough to raise the-foot from the ground. Next put on a twitch, with the stick part at least twenty inches long ; it should be so arranged as not to hurt the horse until the in- stant of touching with the iron, when the head should be thrown up a little with a slight jerking motion, to divert his attention from oe pain of the firing. I give two illustrations at the firing part of the iron, reduced in size about one third. The larger the iron, the longer it will re- tain the heat. The blade should be of steel (of the form given in the illustration), a little more than a quarter of an inch thick at the DISEASES OF THE BONES. 421 back, and gradually thinned down to the edge, which should be about one sixteenth of an inch in thickness, and nicely rounded. The handle may be nothing more than a straight round bar of iron from sixteén to seventeen inches long and turned back at the end. It is necessary to have at least two irons, so that while one is being pig. 790,—Feather-sdged Fiting-iron. Thiree- used, the ‘other fourths Size. can be ‘heating. It should be heated to a dull red color, and when taken from the fire the edge quickly run over a board or plank to make it smooth. When the edge is turned dark, draw perpendicular lines on the leg, as shown in Fig. 722, from top to bottom. They should be about two inches apart at the top, and not drawn deeply. Lay the edge where desired to start from, and draw steadily ‘and gently to ~ the bottom. Then commence at the top and make cross lines, obliquely, about half an inch-apart. Start the point of the iron from the line'at the right or left; and draw to- ward the center, as shown in Fig. 722. The skin should not be penetrated or cut through, as it would leave a blemish. The cuticle is simply to be de- ‘stroyed, and a dark-brown impression left upon the skin, from which there will exude a glutinous substance soon after ‘the operation. If the iron is red or-too hot, there will be great danger of burning through ; though if the operator is dextrous he can use it quite safely by drawing it proportionately light and quick, but. the work cannot Fia, 721. be so well done as with an iron that is of a dull-red color, or quite dark at the edge. With such an iron, if the first line is not drawn quite deep. enough it can be repeated until the right depth upon ‘the cuticle is obtained, which will be indicated by its color. If the lines are drawn much nearer than half an inch, there will be danger of sloughing, while if too far apart there will be proportionately less inflammation produced. They should be of a certain depth \ ‘s 429 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. and distance apart, and crossed as little as possible, to avoid break- ing the skin. If this is done neatly, when the healing process takes place, the creases formed by the iron will be drawn together, the hair grown éver, leaving no visible trace of the firing. After the operation, the horse should be put in a box-stall. On the following day a little grease, vaseline, or oil should be rubbed over the part, which will keep it soft and prevent.cracking. This may be repeated at any time afterward, should it appear too dry. Should any of the cracks break and threaten to make a sore, dust on a little of the magic healing powder, which will stop it immediately, un- less very severe. _ No bandaging or any such means should be re- Fig. 722.—View of Lines as they Should ; - Fra. 728.—Bad Method of Firing. The ‘be Made with Feather-edged Firing-iron. Lines Cover too Small a Surface. ’ sorted to. ‘Simply see that the horse does not bite or rub the parts. This method of firing is the one ‘that’ has been most generally used. It is very painful to the horse, and requires considerable practice to do it well, although there is no particular sleight or se- cret in doing it beyond making the lines cover tather a large surface, and as near. each other as can safely be done without causing so ‘much inflammation as to extend across the division, and blemish by breaking or destroying the skin between.. The next point. is depth © of the firing. This can be learned reliably. only by practice. The . deeper the firing, the more extensive the inflammation produced, though in no case should it be carried deep enough to break the skin, as this .will surely cause a blemish, while in very slight firing there will be proportionately less inflammation, aad to that degree less effective { ? DISEASES OF THE BONES. 423 THE PYRO-PUNCTURING PROCESS. The method of firing now found to be most effective for this dif- ficulty, and that used most genetally by the best practitioners, is the pyro-puncturing process. It is much easier done, more simple, not so liable to blemish, and far more effective. I give two forms of iron; one representing about three sixteenths of an inch, the other about an eighth ofan inch or less,indiameter. Theruleis,the larger - the iron the farther apart must the. holes be made, and the. smaller | the iron the closer together. The "principle i is to make the punct- ures as near as can be: done safely without producing so much in- flammation as to cause the skin to break of slough between them. The average distance apart is from three, fourths to one inch for the larger iron, and half an inch for the smaller iron, observing not to go near. the vein. If the horse is valuable. it is bést to use the . smaller iron, as there is less danger of blemish-' " ing. The part of the iron used should be suf- ciently long to enable puncturing as deep as de- sirable. I give illustrations of two such irons ; one representing the round part drawn out with | i, considerable bulb behind to give sufficient body « . to retain heat; the other a bulb of iron with a hole punched, into which is fitted a piece of steel or iron: wire of suitable size. These fine- pointed irons for pyro-puncturing should be used only when at a white heat, and never when Fie %24,—Dots. Show- ' ing Usual Number and Location of Punctures in Firing. cooled to a red heat. The reason for this is that there is much less pain felt when the iron is at a white heat, as the sensibility is almost immediately destroyed. It is desirable to.have three or four irons heating at once, so as to be sure of having one continually at white heat. The method of using it is to barely touch the skin at first, to mark the points to be punctured, which should be extended out some little distance beyond the line of enlargement or immediate seat of trouble (as shown in Fig. 724). Then repeat, burning much deeper each time, until the holes are made to a depth of about three eighths of an inch, more or less, according to the severity of the case. Where there is much enlargemient, penetrate to the bone proper over that part. When the firing is complete, rub on thor- oughly a strong blister. The porn simple Spanish- -fly blister is good :— ¢ 424 DISEASES AND THEIK TREATMENT. Spanish flies.......... eee eee eee ees Mie shaareadieie eases 1 07. Thiquid! tari sc: agi swacdwaee cu eeiorsea tenet iisoon ieiaetiace wovensied® } 02. TOPO cc cee caine sve gsNeE Se MOET sa T dE TAG) See ue ee eels 2 02. Mix, and rub on thoroughly from five to ten minutes, putting * on a pretty thick application, and leaving on about forty-eight hours, . when wash off ‘with warm water and soap. When dry, -rub on some grease or lard; and let the animal. rest three weeks. i The princi- ple is to keep - the horse quiet long enough to _ give time for exudate to be thrown out and unite the ‘parts involved, and this requires from three’ to five or eight weeks, and in some obstinate cases possibly even longer, de- pending upon age; the young- er the horse, the more easily and quickly this will be done, while the older Fie. 725.—Small Fie. 726.—Large Pyro- Fic. 727.—Small Pyro- Pyro-puncturing puncturing Iron. puncturing iron. The the horse, and Iron. Wire too Small. the less consti- tution, the slower and more difficult it will be todo. In any event, it must be continued’ or repeated, until the lameness disappears, after which work moderatély for awhile. If, ‘after a couple of months or so, there is any perceptible lame- ness or soreness, an ordinary biniodide of mercury blister may be applied once or twice, as the case requires, or the firing may be re- peated, as before stated, The point is to keep up sufficient counter- irritation to make the cure complete. It will also aid in removing any enlargement that may remain. DISEASES OF THE BONES. 425 RING - BONE. = ” The treatment for ring-bone, splints, curbs, and spavins is prac- tically the same. If . there is inflammation, the result of recent strain, use cooling ap- plications, and give the horse rest until it passes off, when counter-irrita- tion by blistering or fir- ing must be resorted to. A ring-bone is a bony excrescence, or enlarge- ment, about the pastern, most frequently occur- Fic. 728.—Joint Anchy Tin in ‘the hind leg. losed in Ring-bone, with. OMetimes it does not out Enlargement. The cause much lameness, : Roejleisd Appearance while again the. lame- Ee poe nea nene. a of the Bone the Result = ness may be very severe dolet Anenylised and of Inflammation of rites : a tha Perlosiews. and perhaps incurable. This will depend much upon the location of the enlargement upon the joint. Should it be upon the center of the. bone, it may not occasion any trouble ; but if upon the margin of the joint, it is liable to cause much lameness. Fig. 729, taken from a photograph, is a front. view of'an enlarged anchylosed joint, or ring- bone ; Fig. 730 is a view of another specimen: cut through the center, showing the joint grown solid. I include an illustration of quite a bad ring-bone, and the same clipped, lined, and also dotted to show how the firing should be done — by the pyro-puncturing process. At first there may be a somewhat tender and yielding enlargement, which, in the course of time, becomes a hard, bony formation. Second, the horse may effort to relieve the pressure from the heels or toe, according to = the location of the inflammation. Should he yyg, 730,—Longitudinal raise the heels, then raise the heel-calks and Section of Joint after round the toe. If on the other hand he seems : Anchylosis. 426 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. to throw pressure upon the heels, then lower the heel and round the toe. In the fore feet, at any rate, it will be necessary to round’ Fie. 731.—Ring-bone as it Usually Fie. 732.—As a Ring-bone Should be Fired Appears. by the First Method. ‘the’ toe sharply, which will greatly relieve the strain upon the joint by ‘enabling the:foot to roll easily, or turn upon the toe. The best method of doing this is by the Roberge ‘shoe, illustrations of which are given in “Shoeing,” pages 282, 283. Clip the parts, as shown in Fig. 722, then blister or fire, as explained for spavin. Fig. %33.—Method of Firing by the Pyro-puncturing Process. There should be no blistering or firing around the heel under the. fetlock, as this would cause breaking or an irritation of the skin, which would be very annoying and difficult to heal. SIDE-BONE, OR FALSE RING-BONE. Side-bone, properly speaking, is not ex- ostosis, but ossification of an already exist- ing structure, it being ossification of the lateral cartilages of the os pedis, or bone of the foot. It is most common in the fore feet, especially where the pasterns are short and straight. Symptoms: —The lateral cartilages, which in health are soft and flexible, become enlarged, project above the hoof, and are hard and bony. While the inflammatory process is going on, there is heat: and pain in the part, and consequently’ lameness, which in most ‘(an illustration of which is given in Figs. 734, DISEASES OF THE BONES. 427. ‘cases ceases when the ossification is completed ; but there is always a degree of stiffness observable, and the lameness is apt to return if the horse is much used on the road. Causes.—Short, upright pasterns predispose to them ; ‘they are most common in heavy’ draught horses, used for tearning on the road.. campers it arises from a tread from. another horse, which ‘cation of the cartilage, : Treatment.—The same principles must’ be: dhactved i in all these cases. -Rest is most essential ; continued cold applications, -by mak- ing him stand up to the etlecks in soft clay,. with cold water frequently applied, would be the proper. tréatment. until.the acute stage has ‘passed, after which repeated blistering, or, if WW thought necessary, firing would be advisable. CURB. This is a swelling upon the back part of the. hock about five or six inches from the point: 736). If there is heat and tenderness, with more or less lameness,’ use cooling applicatioris. The quickest way to reduce inflammation of this kind is to ‘direct a stream of cold water against the part for ten or fifteen minutes, and repeat at intervals. It would relieve considerably toraise 734. A Well-defined Curb. the heels of the shoe, and when the’ inflammia- tion’ subsides, blister repeatedly. If this doés not’ ‘succeed, fire the part. , ' Curbs are not usually difficult to manage. I include a remedy which is very effective in removing chronic enlargements of this kind. It was first brought to my notice by being used upon one of my baggage-horses during one of my campaigris’in Ohio. I pur- chased this horse cheap on account of his having a large curb, which, ‘though it did not cause lameness, blemished the leg badly. I no-' ticed my manager, Dr. Williams, occasionally ‘rubbing on some medicine. It me like a waste of time to attempt doing anything for it, and so expressed myself... He said, “Wait, and I will show you the effect.” He simply applied the remedy two or three times a week, and in two or three months, to my surprise, the enlargement had almost entirely disappeared. Since then several . cases of morbid joint enlargement have been cured by applying this 428 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMEMXT. remedy occasionally for two or three months, one especially bad, caused by an injury down near the hoof. The following is the remedy :— Oil origanum........... ccc cece cece ene eee nes Gaga Wena See ws 1 oz. Oil of spike.............6. bar's Avaveuth pe onbie 9 e-Wiar ears ita aatenoaesiueet oe 1 oz. Oil of amber..... sissies Wainie Baird tase Seles paws Eee es ba ase 1 oz. Spirits of turpentine 6.6. isc. acc bcs eae ee boas vaee vee ences 1.02. Cam phoresis gained aniiecna cigars some ete Ue araua eed ne nga 1 oz. Mix thoroughly, and rub on the enlargement two or three times a week. The following i is the treatment used by one of the most success- ful veterinary surgeons in this country :— First, put on a high-heeled shoe, then take boiling water, and with a sponge have the curb well bathed for about ten minutes. Then apply the following lnisent — AQUA AMMONIA 50. iiss «sion Vawhae eae ax ENO k Valea neh eae Red oe loz. Tinct. of iodine..... sets halal oc itapiove. aleve snetv'ass H Saacg a aeadalers sortuah a steoaue Wetare eee OMe Glycerine. ... . : BAieGi's 3 aeckrw a Pad ate PREM eo Ghent aalies Gx Gees ah Aote ..8 OZ. Apply to the part two or three times a day, until quite sore. Then stop for a few days, when ‘repeat the med- icine as_ before, and so continue until again sore. BoG SPAVINS AND THOR- OUGH-PINS. ' This disease may be called ' wind-galls of the os hock, caused, us- \ “Fra. '785.—-An Ordinary Curb, Ally, by strain py, ge ap Very Bad Curb. and overwork, q but. principally by lunging back upon the hind legs. When the swelling is inside and front of the hock, it is called a bog or blood spavin. This is caused by a distension or rupturing of the mem- branes which cover the synovial cavity of the joint. The swelling is soft, and yields to the pressure of the finger. Thorough-pin is of the same character—an enlargement on the back, inside of the upper part of the joint, where in its natural con- dition is a hollow. This swelling extends across under the tendon, DISEASES OF THE BONES. 499 ‘forming a tumor between the calcis and thigh bone. It is simply a rupture of the synovial membrane, allowing the synovia to escape. By pressing upon one side, the swelling is pushed through to the other side ; and sometimes there is connection with the swelling in front. These enlargements rarely cause lameness, though some- times they may cause inflammation of the parts involved. There is no satisfactory treatment for these difficulties. ‘One of the best remedies during ; the acute stage is to rub on soft soap and salt. Rub on the part thor- oughly at .night and wash off in the morning, for two or three times. This will sometimes _work wonderfully well. Have used it repeatedly with the best success. This remedy will: work ‘well on acute cases, but its effect is not .satis- factory upon old, GON Fre. 788. —Thorough-pin. firmed cases; for if the enlargement is brought down, sharp driving or straining of the parts will usually. bring back the trouble. Blistering sharply is the treatment usually pursued. If this fails, firing is the last resort. There is no difficulty in bringing down an enlargement of an ordinary bog spavin, by blistering, but as soon ‘as the horse is put to work or strained: in. the least, it is liable to-come back again. I .consider trusses and all that sort of-thing of no special account in- this difficulty. ‘TI have been told repeatedly of parties who punctured these enlarge- ments to allow the secretions to run out, that in each case so much inflammation was excited in the joint as to cause the loss of the horse. Blood spavin is supposed to be caused by a dis- tension of the large vein which passes through the integuments involved in bog spavin. I do not know any distinction between them worthy of mention, especially, as there is no treatment given other than that named. Fie. 787.—Bog: or Blood Spavin. Fie. %39.—Capped Hock. 480 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. CAPPED HOck. This is an injury or bruise at the point of the hock, and is usually caused byistriking the parts against some hard object. If the inflammation is acute, use cooling applications. When the inflammation has subsided, use. any” ordinary stimulant or blister recommended for the pur- pose. WIND-GALLS. Wind-gall was the name given. to: those soft, puffy swellings found at the back part of the fetlock joint, from a supposition: that. they con- tained air. They consist of enlargement of the little sacs, or. bags, which are always found to contain a mucous fluid wherever tendons pass over joints, as at the back of. the fetlock. This form may be termed simple wind-gall. In other cases, the distension is caused by an increased secretion, and bulging of, the capsular ligament of the joint itself. This form may be distinguished as complicated wind-gall. \ _ Few horses that have done. any work are free from them, and unless dependent on some more se- -fious lesion than simple’: distension ‘of these’ bursa — mucos@, they are of no conse- quence. . Pia. 740, a dvials Capped Hock. i Ceuses.—Hard work is the well- known cause of - ind-gall. 1 Bess 7 w s : ga . In Fia. 741.—Natural, Fia.'742.--Showing Fia. '743.—Clearly Marked rapid motion or Healthy Joint. ‘Two Enlargements. Condition of Wind-gall. heavy draught the friction of the tendons is greatly increased ; consequently an ‘increased secretion of synovia is required, and tales place in all synovial sacs during exercise; but if the action be not so violent as to strain the parts, itis speedily reabsorbed. On the other hand, if the exertion be inordinate, these little burs@ mucose@ become injured, inflammation is set up, and they become permanently enlarged. pare DISEASES OF THE BONRS. . 431 ' Again, the exertion, may be so violent as to cause sprain of the tendon, which extends to the capsule, or the joint itself may ' + suffer, and cause distension of the capsular ligament, constituting complicated wind-gall, which is more serious. ‘Symptoms.— Si mple _wind-galls are little puffy swellings, seen at the sides of the tendons as lock joint, most common on the hind leg. They are soft even when the weight is thrown on them. It is very important to be. tween simple and com- plicated, or between the harmless and what is not harmless. If situated be- tween the tendon and the suspensory ligament, it depends on dis- tension of the durs@ through which the tendon passes ; if it feels hard when the: other leg is held up, and is accompanied’ with a Fra. ee Aspirator.*: Fis. 45, —Hypodermic Syringe that Would Answer. ie slight lamenéss, the tendon is: implicated. When placed in front of the suspensory ‘ligament, between it and the bone, it is accom- panied with increase of synovia in the joint itself. Wind- galls generally appear suddenly. Treatment.—There are three methods of treatment: First, during the acute stage they can be easily removed by any firm but they pass over the fet- . able to distinguish bé-’ even pressure by pads and bandages, with cold water, frequently ap- ; plied. *This cut was furnished by John Reynders & Co., Manufacturers of Surgical and Vet- erinary ‘Instruments, ete., 803 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N.¥.,. of whom any veterinary instruments needed can be obtained. 439 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. Second, when it has been long neglected, or the case is com- plicated, counter-irritation or any good stimulating liniment or light blister may be used. The biniodide of mercury ointment may be well rubbed in several times, or a cantharides blister may be used. . Third, letting the synovial fluid out. This is done with an instrument called “the aspirator,” which is a bottle attached toa small suction-pump, or more properly, a syringe attached to a bottle, and worked so-as to draw out the fluid. The method of op- erating is as follows: Force the needle of the aspirator into the wind-gall, and draw off the fluid. When it is all se inject a lit- tle of the following solution into the part :— Tinct. iodine......... LAO baba e oad porate a ahaa } 02 Todide of potassium. ............. 0 cece eee eect eeeaee ae + 20 gr Waters cis oa clam ye ala cdtehtes Salen naeie geaiine dase saat aloe ot 3 02 Bandage well’ and keep the parts wet with cold water, the bandages to remain on from three to five days. This produces an adhesive inflammation of the part. This treatment can be used with safety in all cases where there is enlargement of the sheaths of the tendons. It cannot be safely used in what is called a blood spavin, because there is. danger of puncturing the vein, and sec- ond, may extend" into'the true hock joint, which would induce so much inflammation as to produce a stiff joint’ or even suppuration ‘of the coverings of the bone, which would finally destroy life. The hypodermic syringe, shown in Fig. 745, may be used. NAVICULAR-JOINT LAMENESS. It is estimated that this is the cause of fully nine tenths of all serious and obscure cases of lameness in the fore feet. If neglected or not treated prop- ‘ erly, in from three to six months such changes of.structure, or de- ; = generation, take place in the Fie. 746.—As the Horse Usually Rests his parts as to make cure impos- Toe upon the Ground. sible, when it is termed “ groggy, = or chronic lameness.” In refer- ence to the cause of this lameness, a very able author says :— / 4 NAVICULAR-JOINT LAMENESS. . 433 This is a strain that does more mischief than any other, and entirely from the circumstance of its producing scarcely any lameness in the walk. A horse, there- fore, when strained in the coffin joint, and having no lameness, or scarcely any, in the walk, is usually put to work, or what is nearly as bad, is turned to grass without any regard to the situation, where he is often liable to be driven about. If, instead of this, it were treated like other strains, whose symptoms are more apparent, and which produce a greater degree of lameness, it would soon get well, and with greater cer- tainty than a strain in the back sinews. But as it is a strain in the coffin joint, it is the most intractable kind of lameness we meet with, because at is nearly always neglected at its first occasion. “ in Symptoms.—It sometimes occurs in an instant, as by a horse stepping on a round stone, running in the field, etc., when he may at once be quite lame ;.. at other times its progress, is slow. Some peculiar formations of the foot are more subject to it than others. When the result, of sudden strain, there will be considerable heat in the back part of the foot, with well-marked lameness. When it comes on gradually, a slight ten- derness is observed, particularly at starting, which goes off with ex- ercise. This gradually increases ; the foot is found hot, and asa re- sult of increased. heat, contraction may set in, the hoof*becoming dry and brittle. He. steps on his toe, and when standing, points his foot, that is, places his foot in front, rest- ing on the toe; and if both feet are involved, which is not uncom- mon, alternating the feet. Contraction is not an invariable symp- tom, as feet are subject to it that are entirely free from contraction. Often the foot is found to be round and apparently healthy, the most careful examination by the owner or smith not enabling them to locate any cause for the trouble. In ordinary cases the horse will show no apparent lameness while on a walk; but on a trot may flinch considerably, showing a great tendency to stumble.* Driving Fie. "747.—Usual ‘Appearance of Foot with Chronic Coffin-joint Lameness. *in some cases, usually fast trotters, the horse may at first only point, and gradually show a Mptlé torehitts or-stiffness at starting, or what is termed bobbing — dropping the head. _Irrita- tion th these «hues ts induced very slowly, as hereafter explained. The principle of treatment fe She VWitne,—prompt. removal of the cause of irritation, developing healthy circulation in the parts, aad a{ging es w 434 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. down hill, or on a rough, cobbly road, will greatly aggravate the lameness, be- cause go in g down hill -in- creases the force of concussion ; and a stony. or uneven .yoad .so wrenches and strains the joint, ‘ or exposes the frog to. such in- cidental — press- ure, as to greatly Fia. 748.—Back View of Coffin-bone ana fazhiilar-bone een the a Attached in Place. and soreness. In some cases of acute strain, the lameness may be quite marked, the horse being scarcely able ,to walk, and when he does, keeping the foot flexed by walking upon “the toe, and when standing, resting the toe upon the. ground. As this acute stage passes off, which wilt usually be in one or two weeks, the animal will seem to have grown much better, at times perhaps appear quite _ well, then grow suddenly worse again,’ de- pending upon the part of the joint involved’ and the road he is traveling on. He will go better on hard, smooth, sandy roads, but on soft, yielding ground, is liable to grow lamer, if the sole is thin and the frog prominent, because. of the increased press- ure upon the frog, and thence upon the _ parts involved, by the foot setting into the ground. As the lameness continues, more or less: change of structure takes place in the foot, a gradual drawing in of the quar- ters, the foot becoming perceptibly smaller than the opposite one, the heels’ higher, the frog smaller, and the sole more concave, . the hoof showing a more glossy, hard ap- a — pire inlet ‘the jones of the Foot. - : pearance. The shoe will invariably be widens 18D worn round at the toe. A' result that often follows isia shrinking X NAVICULAR-JOINT LAMENESS. 435 or wasting of the muscles of the shoulder, called “ sweeny,” which is caused by a want of properly exercising them. The symptoms are about the same, so far as the lameness goes, whether the mischief has extended to ulceration. or. not,: the history: of the case) only guiding in enabling to determine how far this has. ‘gone. Of course these conditions will vary in degree, as there may be only a slight extent of: ulceration, or a high degree of simple inflammation. Yet, in the former case, the lameness will,not be so marked as in the lat- ter, notwithstanding the’ prospect for recovery Will be much less. | We will now presume a horse, without any apparent cause, to show a little lameness, and we desire to make a careful examination. First, is there any possible cause from recent shoeing, such as a i 10" Fie, 750.—Position of the Bones of the Foot too Obfique. a, Pastern bone; >, Coronary bone; ¢, Os pedis, or coffin-bone; d, Usual seat of the ‘lameness; e Perforans tendon. | | badly fitted shoe, driving the nails too close, or pricking? Let the shoe be taken off carefully, by raising each clinch in succession, and pulling the nails. out. Now tap and examine all parts. of the foot carefully, and: especially if there is any bruise or corn at the inner heel, or at any part of the sole, which. will be noticeable by being red, and sensitive to light tappings of the hammer or to squeezing of the pinchers. ‘It is always best to make the most thorough and .careful examination, so as to give assurance of being able to point with more certainty to the difficulty under consideration. Pressure with the thumb over the middle of the flexor tendon, on its inner side or its outer, as deeply as.can be reached in the ‘hollow of the heel, the foot being bent back, causes pain ; or catching the foot in one hand and the ankle in the other, and while: twisting. a little, 436 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. pressing against the fender will cause considerable flinching. Tap- . ‘ping lightly upon the bar or sole, on each side of the frog, will cause flinching. Next, if the horse is taken by the head and turned short round, he will show increased lameness. - Upon an examination of these cases by the owner or horse- doctor, if no cause of trouble is discovered in the foot, the lameness is supposed to be in the shoulder, Now, there is no lameness that reveals itself more plainly than shoulder lameness; because when the muscles of the shoul- der or arm are strained or in- jured, the mobility is so serious- ly impaired that the limb is lifted and brought forward with a sort of dragging motion. It is easy to see if a man were to injure his shoulder or arm, that with the greatest effort. he would scarcely be able to lift it to put on his coat. But were the trouble in his hand, or below the elbow, he could do it with- out the least difficulty. The effect is. the same upon the horse. By moving him back and forward, if the trouble is in the foot, or below the knee, the foot will be raised and carried forward naturally, but put down tenderly, as if trying to protect it from the force of concussion ; whereas, if in the shoulder, as explained, the mobility of the limb is greatly impaired, which is shown by the difficulty with which it is raised and brought forward. I would call particular attention to these symptoms, from the fact that after an examination by persons who do not understand the nature of the difficulty, and finding no apparent trouble in the foot, the conclusion is arrived at that it must be in the shoulder, which is treated with liniments, blistering, etc.,as explained, without doing any good, not only punishing the horse unnecessarily, but oc- casioning a loss of valuable time. z I would .also remind, in this connection, that when the lameness continues in one foot for some time, on account of throwing the * _ Fie. 751.—Tendons and Ligaments of the Foot. NAVICULAR-JOINT LAMENESS. 437 weight so much upon the opposite foot to relieve the lame one in standing or walking, there is liability to bring on the same trouble in the well one,—a not uncommon occurrence,—when the lameness will be equally marked in both fore feet. The horse will grow worse when the heel i is lowered by putting on a thin shoe, or by losing the shoe, and will go better when the heel is raised, ‘and especially so if the toe is rounded so as to aid mo- bility. Causes.—The coffin joint is com- posed. of three bones; viz. the _ lower or pedal bone, and the na- vicular and! pastern bones. EE ' Fig. 772.) It will be seen that the navicular bone extends across the back edge of. the coffin joint; that the flexor tendon passes down under it, and inserts itself into the lower surface - Of the pedal bone. This supports ’ the navicular bone when: weight is thrown upon the limb, as the back part of the small pastern rests upon the navicular bone. ‘ Now, if: from any cause irritation is set up in the synovial membrane of this small bone, or of the sheath of the tendon which supports it, or of the sur- Fre. 752.—Attachment of Perforans Ten- rounding parts, whether by sprain, don to Bottom of Pedal Bone. From eo a ae 2 manikiis GARE Ean: concussion, injury, contraction, im- 2 proper shoeing, changing the ob- liquity of the foot, that is, raising or lowering the heel too much, allowing the toe to grow too long, or any cause of changing the proper adjustment of the foot, ‘etc., the effect is practically the same in causing inflammation and lameness. ' The best authorities agree that the most common indirect causes of this lameness are raising the frog from the ground and contrac- tion. An old author of high. standing says :— When the foot is in its natural condition, the frog is is its strong point. of support; and if this support is removed by paring, or by the use of thick-heeled shoes, which raise the frog from all possible contact with the ground, the support is weakened, and there is ‘necessarily great strain thrown upon the tendon. © This is caused by pushing the coronary against the navicular*bone, which, being Tapered at every 438 DISHASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. step or jump the horse takes, strains the tendons, or causes inflammation. By con- traction, because in proportion to the drawing together of. the heels, there will be a compressing or forcing upward of the arches of the commissures and horny frog against the tendon and navicular joint, impeding the action of the joint generally, and liable to cause inflammation of the synovial membrane, ulceration, and change of structure ; it also destroys the natural position of the limb, by making the pastern joint more perpendicular, which, as has been mentioned, increases the jar of the co- ronary on the pedal bone. So that we have involved the lower surface of the navic- ular bone, its synovial membrane, the flexor tendon which plays over it, and some- times the upper surface, when it is called coffin or navicular joint lameness. All leading authorities . concur in the correct- ness of this statement. Treatment.—The first and most important 'con- j - dition of cure is vest; . Fig. 758.—Inferior Articulating Surface of the Navieular ihe horse should be at Bone in a Healthy Condition. once taken from all work; he must not be, as is commonly the case, allowed to run even’ in pasture, or anywhere where there would be any freedom to run or walk around much ; give him simply the limits ‘of a large, level stall, Remove the shoe by raising the clinches, and’ pull out the nails one by one; then cut off or Fig. 755.—Inflammation Progressed 50 Far astoCause hammer down the toe- Caries of the Bone. calk, and partly turn’ up the toe like the ground surface of an old worn-out shoe. Next, raise the heel-calks from five eighths to three quarters of an inch, fit the shoe nicely to the foot, and nail on, being careful not to wrench or hammer it un-: necessarily in doing so. Two important points are gained by this: First, raising the heels from the ground throws the articulation of the pastern bone well forward upon the pedal bone, relieving press- ure of the navicular bone from the tendon supporting it; second, the removal of all pressure of the frog from the ground, which ag- gravates the inflammation, and rounding the toe aids mobility, and thereby lessens the strain upon the joint. \ \ ce NAVICULAR-JOINT LA MENVESS. 439: If there is much lameness and heat in — the foot, provide a tub or box, in which put water as hot as can be ‘borne with ‘the hand, . and sufficient to come up even with the ankle, and let the horse stand with the foot in it for about an hour, keeping the temptrature up to the point stated. Now take a bag or cloth, into which put a suffi-' . cient quantity of bran Re a to envelop: the foot Fie. 756.—Showing e Effect of Long-contiriued Iniflamma- x 1 a4 tion in the Foot. This is Caries of the Navicular Bone >}. thoroughly, sad ite and Pedal Bone Greatly Reduced ‘in Size. loosely around the faba age ; oa foot or ankle ; pour on hot water moderately, and then let the horse stand, allowing the poultice in the meantime to become cool., If , ‘ . i there is much in- flammation and ‘lameness, this method of hot -fomentation may be repeated two -or three times during the day, until all the in- flammation sub- sides. The usual method of apply- ing hot fomenta- tions is to take several thick- nesses of blanket or rugs, and after wringing them: Fic. 757.—The Navicular Bone Fractured. Foot Bone Greatly out of water as Reduced in Size, Weakening the Fiber. hot as can be oe 440. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. borne, bring them around the foot loosely, and repeat at short intervals as they become cool; or a lot of bran’ or mud can be put into a box, and hot water poured on until at the temperature desired, when the foot can be placed in it up to the ankle, as before explained. The general practice is to tie a poultice of bran around | the foot, and keep wet with cold water until the inflammation sub- sides, which would be good treatment ; but if there-is much inflam- mation and lameness, I’ would certaitily advise, as far as practicable, hot fomentations continued for about an hour, then alternating with . cold, and ‘repeated’ two or three times each day ; but letting the poultice or cloths remain on until cool will be sufficient for reaction from the pre- vious application of heat. If cold applications are used, it is impor- tant that there be suf- ficient bran or wet cloths tied around the foot and ankle to keep the parts thoroughly wet and cool, until in- flammation subsides, Fie. 758.—As the Seton Should be Inserted into the Foot. A, A, the seton; B, the sensitive frog; C, navicular in addition to which SCH nner the bottom of the foot should be kept stuffed with flaxseed meal, or anything that will aid in keeping the foot moist and cool. If this is done, after about a week the attack will usually pass off. After the acute stage has passed off—and the wet cloths should be kept on until that time, even if there is no lameness—it is good practice to apply a sharp blister around the heel and coronet. It is in any event necessary, and may be even repeated once or twice, should there still remain any lameness. In the meantime, as’before stated, the horse should - be kept quiet, and if there is much lameness, there should be given in the first place a small dose of physic, with laxative, cooling food. This is all that is necessary to do in any. ordinary case, and es- pecially at an early stage. It is next important not to expose the horse to conditions that - LAMINITIS, OR FOUNDER. 441 ‘would strain or injure’ the foot until fully over the effects of the in- jury. Consequently, the horse should at first be driven ‘very mod- erately for two or three months, or more. If the road is rough, frozen, or Stony, there is such danger of strain- ing, ‘wrenching, or bruising the foot, and thereby causing, a re- lapse, that the horse should not be driven, if it can possibly be avoided. If there is any con- traction of either or both quarters, there should be a special ef- fort to overcome this also during the treat- ment. (See “Shoeing.”) In opening the foot with the spreaders, great care should be taken not to produce _ Fie. 759.—The Navicular Bone Fractured. any irritation. The ' ° quarters should be opened gradually. When the lameness has en- tirely disappeared, bring the frog again slowly to the ground to the extent it will safely bear. If any soreness is indicated, raise the heel a little,. keeping the foot moist to prevent contraction ; and when the soreness passes off, again gradually lower it. It is always advisable to call in a veterinary surgeon if one is available. In ex- treme cases a frog seton is advised. This, of course, can be at- Hempted only by the surgeon. . LAMINITIS, OR FOUNDER, t Laminitis, or Founder, may be described. as simply congestion or inflammation i in the feet. It may be severe or moderate, accord-: ing to the degree of disturbance. If inflammation runs high and is allowed to continue, it is liable to produce so much disorganization as to induce loss of the hoof, which is, however, rare; or so much change of structure in. the feet as to make the horse dltinately so stiff and sore or so much of a cripple as to become practically worth- less excepting for slow, easy work. This loss of substance and change of structure is shown by a variety’ of illustrations. 449° DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. There are two stages of this disease, acute and chronic. The first produces a high state of excitement and inflammation of the sensitive lamina, and more or -less of the internal structure of the Fig. 760.—Position of Horse when Suffering from a Severe Attack of Laminitis. foot generally ; the second, a morbid or insensitive feeling of 'the parts generally. The first or acute stage can be invariably cured, if treated properly, which is not at all difficult to do; the second, or Fia. '761.—As the Horse Usually Lies Down when Suffering from Laminitis. chronic, stage is not curable, but may be palliated to a limited ex. tent. _ Symptoms.—At first, if the result of exhaustion and chill, there will be the marked effects of great disturbance of the circulation, so that there may be a general stiffness and soreness, with high, ’ LAMINITIS, OR FOUNDER. 443 quick pulse, etc., which will be soon followed ‘by tenderness, con- _ gestion, and inflammation of the feet. To relieve the ‘pain in the feet he endeavors to throw his weight upon the hind ones. He ad- vances them in front, resting principally on Fie. 762. —Showing the Foot. she feet. Broken and the Outer Mar- ‘the heels, when the hind ones are drawn well. under him, something like the position shown in Fig. 760. On backing him, he ‘backs with evident reluctance; when forced back, he drags one foot after the other, evincing con- siderable pain in doing so. When moved forward, he walks on the heels, his move- ments being slow and difficult. He will often be found lying down, as removing weight fromthe feet gives relief; and while down, ‘he will usually .point with his nose toward Sometimes the inflammation may gin Turned up. The El be in but one of the fore feet, or sometimes - fect of Founder. © | in the hind feet, which is not common; and in some isolated cases inflammation may be: in all four feet ; but is usually limited to the two fore feet. Causes. =Namiaitis is very apt to occur from overtasking the feet by pounding them over a hard or rough, frozen road, or leaving the horse standing while heated and ex- hausted, and: especially where © a current of cold air strikes him ; indirectly by, prick or Binding with nails, or contin- ued injury from a badly ap- plied, shoe, or any cause of continued strain or injury to the feet; driving through a river "While warm ; washing the feet while warm and neg-. lectingto'dry them ; frequently also from dverloading the stomach hy eating too freely of oats or other grains, as we Fic. 763.:—Showing the Bone Greatly Reduced in Size and Broken. The Effects of Severe Laminitis, or Founder. often see when a horse gets.loose.during the night and gets .to-the oat-bin ; or drinking too freely of cold water when heated and ex- 444 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. Fie. 764.—Arteries of the Foot Injected. hausted. It may also be caused by inflamma- tion passing from other parts of the body. to the feet, but not often ; but by whatever cause, it is the same, namely, excess of blood in the feet. Treatment.—lIt is evident that. when such a large volume of blood as passes through the foot is obstructed, and active inflammation is set up, that there must not only be great lo- cal but general disturbance, and that it is not only necessary but of importance to relieve this as quickly as possible, if results-would be prevented which would destroy the health and ‘mobility of the foot: The inflammation is pri- marily limited to the sensitive lamina and sole, which, if allowed to go on, seriously involves the periosteum and ‘bone, when it is called peditis, which is of a more serious character, and specially referred to farther on. I will first give the treatment pursued by Dr..Sum- merville,* a practitioner of great experience, and success, with whom I studied. I include it mainly because I know of its effectiveness from personal experi- ' ence. If the case can 4——3y be treated as.soon as the disease begins to de- velop, bleed from the F neck vein. from four to *—~{ eight quarts, according ‘" , 1. Transverse section of the 5§-——— hoof, ‘ ‘ 2. Horny lamine. ‘3. ‘Vascular lamine, 4. 5. Small cells between the podophyllous and the keraphyl- lous tissues, : 6. Section of the tubes of the 4£-—— f hoof. ; As will be seen, this beautiful structure is entirely destroyed in 5. : the front part of the foot, as AW shown in Fig. 775. Fie. 765.—Section of Hoof Lamings Largely Magnified. * Dr. William Summerville, No, 127 Erie St., Buffalo, N. Y. i EAMINITIS, OR FOUNDER. ' 445 to the size and condition of the horse ; that is, if the horse is large and fat, and. ee full of blood, and the -attack severe, ther the larger quan- tity mentioned may be taken. Afterward give a purgative ball, not enough to physic severely, but to open the bowels freely, which, as ex- plained. definite- Fia. 766.—A Section of Hoot Showing the SoleBent and ly under the Bulged Downward. - The Effect of Founder. a head of “ Physic- ing,” for an av- erage-sized horse should be ‘from 4 to 7 drachms aloes, Bly drachm ginger, bar soap enough to. make a mass, and made into a ball. After the fore shoes have been removed, poultice the feet thor- oughly with bran and cold water, as. follows: Fill two small bags, sufficiently large to hold three or four quarts, with bran, put a foot into.each, and tie loosely around the top with a string. Keep wet either by pouring on water, or by putting each ° poulticed foot.into a bucket of-water. This’ manner of ' poulticing should be kept up for four or five days, when the shoes may be tacked on and thé horse ex- ercised a little. Cloths wet with cold water should be tied around the’ coronet, * and the soles stuffed with . flaxseed meal, or any other means of keeping the feet Fic. 767.—Front View of the Pedal Bone in a wet for a week or two can Healthy Condition. be used. - The horsé should have tepid water to drink, and warm bran mashes during the operation of the medicine. If'the disease i is stub- born, which is rarely the case, a second ball may be given after an 446 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. interval of four or five days. All the cases coming under my ob- servation in the Infirmary during the year in which I was connected with it, and all ‘that have been treated under my supervision since then, invariably yielded to this treatment. Ifthe case hasruntwoor out treatment or has not been treated properly, I would advise opening both toes their soles, and the feet put into moderately hot water so as to ex- tract a quart or more of blood Fic. 768.—Showing the Extreme Change of Structure and Injury from each. If this to the Foot: The Effect of Laminitis: The Pedal Bone Displaced in an Extreme Degree. From the French. cannot be done, then open the veins freely at the coronet. If treated as directéd, it is rarely that the attack will not pass off in four or five days. Dr. Charles Meyer advises the following mode of treatment, “ which, he has used with great success :— If the animal is taken within’ the past twenty-four hours, have the shoes re- moved, and put the feet into a tub of hot water. Wind flannel wrappings or band- ages around both legs up to the elbows, ‘and keep them constantly wet with hot water for from two to three hours. In the meantime have the horse. well covered with blankets, and give.the following remedy:— ‘Fluid extract aconite inal tia ats Sebeie ee vetes sea Svea ean ne SOlArOps. Oil of sassafras................. Sa dtae coma ye Don sack aac 1 oz. ‘Saltpeter....0 0.000... . cece eee ee Gite para a waaheas ecauateeaavs eaue Fes a tee Main ie 2 oz. Linseed-oil....................00- tiie hteceg A EMU SRA Maes SG RE Eee ORION 1 pt. This is to be given at once. There will be a profuse perspiration in from fifteen to twenty minutes. Keep the blankets on about six hours, then remove and put on dry ones. Keep wet swabs on the horse's feet, and stand him on wet clay. All stiffness and soreness in the-feet will be removed in from thirty-six to seventy-two hours. In the meantime give: one of the following powders :— acd three days with., by thinning out. LAMINITIS, OR FOUNDER. 447 eee e es 8 OF, Bicarbonate of potash - +. 6 02, Nitrate of potash... .. ea ee ee ee ae neee ee Make into six powders, and give two every eight hours until well, CS i Fic. .769.—Showing the Great Change, of Structure Produced by Severe inflammation. ‘Dr. William Shepherd, of Ottawa, III, in an address before the State Veterinary Association, advised treatment as follows :— ‘In the treatment of ‘acute laminitis, as soon as possible after having discovered ti ' Fra. 770.—Internal View of Fig. 769, Showing the Great Displacement of Pedal Bone. The Dotted Lines Show the Point to which the Foot Should be Trimmed. s that the animal has been foundered in the feet, or has acute laminitis, which is the same thing, have the shoes taken off, place the feet in a deep tub of warm water in 448 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. which some hay has been put to form a soft foundation for the tender feet to rest on. Keep them there for about an hour, then take them out and put them in warm poul- tices, composed of equal parts of slippery-elm bark and linseed meal. Be sure the poultices envelop the whole hoof. Have a deep, soft bed placed under the animal. Give a purgative, which should be one half of the ordinary dose, as superpurgation is apt to . follow otherwise. If Barbadoes aloes be the agent employed, four drachms will be found sufficient. Give a dose of aconite, say ten ‘drops, every twenty minutes, until the snimal ‘has been thrown into a profuse perspiration. Cover him with warm blankets. The poultices should be changed twice a day, and after tak- ing them off put the feet in water, as above Fie. 771. —Showing the Direction of ‘ecommended. Continue this treatment for the Bone-cells as Thrown out fram three days at rast. Feed no grain, simply he Podophyltous Tissue. | bran mashes, vegetables, and hay.. When shoeing the animal, see that the shoes are wide-webbed, the hoof-surface being convex, still leaving sufficient flat surface for . the wall of the hoof to rest comfortably on. If it is a valuable beast, have him turned out on lowland pasture jn about two weeks after the commencement of the attack. Should he be stabled, keep damp swabs on while he is housed. This treat- ment is applicable to either acute or sub-acute, which I have here treated as one ca and which, in fact, it is. . Fie. 7'72.—Position of the Bones of the Foot in a Healthy Condition. Dr. HAMILL ADVISES: if there is simply a congestion of the extremities and fever, to treat as a' fever locally. and generally. Give as sedatives aconite and niter internally, with cooling applications locally to the feet. If the inflammation is so extreme as to cause a destruction of the sus- asd” Hh a CHRONIC FOUNDER. pensory power of the lamine; then: it is advisable to bleed quickly. If purgatives are advisable, . give calomel and aloes in the proportion of 1 to 2drachms of calomel to 4 to 7 of aloes. CHRONIC FOUNDER. When the inflammation is very intense, and is allowed to continue very long, there is an exudation or lymph thrown out that separates the wall from the sensitive lam- ine at the toe. In ‘time there are im- morphus horn cells grown from the sen- sitive laminz, or phodofilous tissues of the coffin-bone, making a soft, spongy horn, which, pressing againt the wall in front, forces the anterior part of the bone down-. ward against the sole, making it bulge downward, and in some cases perforating it, with a corresponding falling in of the wall above, producing what is. termed a _drop sole, which will be more or -less marked according to the amount of dis- organization, and 770. The first was obtained by me of Prof. Cressy, connected with ‘the Mas- sachusetts Agricultural College, now of Fig. 774.—The Substance of the Bone Greatly Reduced in Size. Tho Effect of Acute Laminitis. 29 a I give two very interesting . specimens of extreme cases in Figs. 769: 449 Fie. 773.—The Sole at the Toe Broken Through. The Effect of Severe Inflammation in the Foot, or Aeute’ Laminitis. Hartford, Conn.;. the second from a specimen furnished by the Colum- bia Veterinary College, of New York City. They are drawn half size, and are exact reproductions of the originals. When there is inflammation in ‘the feet, involving. the bones, it is surprising to ‘what degree the pedal bone is liable to become absorbed or changed in s 450 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. form, and have its texture weakened. Figs. 776 and 777, which were also obtained from Prof. Cressy, show the great amount of Fra. 775. —A Sectional View of Fig. 771. An Exact Drawing of Specimen Showing Grain of New Growth of Soft, Spongy Horn. change and absorption that may be produced from this cause. They represent the superior and inferior views of a bone that had been very much absorbed.and turned up at the outer edge, cut in two, and united to sections of an ordinary healthy bone, to show the ex-, treme change produced in its form. The part outside the dotted lines was so porous that - it could be looked through: as. plainly as through the texture. of coarse cloth, and its fiber was so weak. that it. would crumble between the fingers. Fig. 778, also. obtained from Prof, Cressy, is another in- teresting specimen showing the upper view of another bone of the same character. Fig. 779 is a side view of this — bone, taken on an exact scale, Fre. 776.—Posterior Sectional View of Pedal Showing the remarkable bend- Bone, Showing Changed and Weakened Con- ‘ing up of the edges, and its dition from the Effect of inflammation. — thinness, it being not over 1 CHRONIC FOUNDER. 451 three quarters of an inch at the pyramidal process,or front of the joint. Fig. 780 is a bottom view of the same kind of bone, and was obtained of the Columbia Veterinary Col- lege. Being engtaved from. a photograph, it did not work. - up so well. Instead of being flat, as it appears, the outer edges were bent upward over | a quarter ofan inch, with the edges ragged and broken. - Tinclude:also a specimen showing effect of inflamma- tion: by the pressure of the oF io a focal and excessive asp- 777 ie wo tae hos Fs ‘ing of the wall. These re- | ' / markable changes of structure in the foot generally, especially in the pedal bone, when compared with that in a state of health, we. ' see to be. very great, and explain the destructive effect of inflam- mation when allowed to con- tinue for any length of time. Reference can also be made to the many interesting speéci- mens following the section on. “ Navicular-Joint | Lameness” showing this. Many of these specimens will show not only ‘the navicular, but the outer. edge’ of the pedal, bone to be fractured. " In. some extreme cases where inflammation runs high) and is. allowed to continue very long, this separation of the wall from Fxg, ‘778. —Showing Absorption and Change the internal structure may be of Form in Pedal Bone,—the Effect of continued Sa tar 4e-to cause Knpiomimation: ulceration of the coronet and loss of the entire hoof; but this is rare. - There is no cure for chronic founder. All that can be done is’ 452 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. to palliate it to the best advan- tage. Some good practitioners, when they suspect any exuda- tion at the toe, and a separation of the lamine, open. the toe, so as to give free vent to it. This I would regard good practice. When there is some dropping of the sole, the best way to produce a. healthy condition of circulation and cell- growth is to put on ed or very thin shoes that will allow pressure upon the sole. (See “Tips” in “Shoeing,” pages 334 and 389.) Better still, in addition, would be allowing the horse to run on soft or gravelly ground. (See Treatment for Peditis.) Fic. 779.—Side View of the Above, Showtng Bending up of the Edges, etc. PEDITIS, OR INFLAMMATION -OF THE OS PEDIS. When there is severe in- flammation of the feet (lam- initis) the periosteum (mem- brane covering the bone) and the pedal bone some- Fig. 780,—Inferior View of Pedal Bone. Last times become involved, Referred to in Text. when it is termed Peditis. This is indicated by the horse showing intense pain, getting up and lying down , often. No local treatment seems to check the structural changes that go on ; it will run from one to two months; the horse has @ ravenous appetite all the time, and as aTule does not lose flesh. If temperature rises, give sedative treatment,—opium, aconite with nitrate of potassa in small doses (not over 1 ounce a day, divided into two parts and given in water). When the temperature gets down to 102”, stop inter- nal treatment, and treat locally about as follows: It is necessary to have a stall witha soft bottom, as'saw-dust, ashes, etc. Occasionally it is best to dampen the ashes a ‘little during the day, and rake them up so as to form a yielding body to the feet. Throw a little bedding over it at night, and also during the ae to give the horse a chance to lie down. Treatment.—Apply cooling applications, such as cold swabs; that is, cover the feet with two or three thicknesses of. blanket, and keep wet with cold water. After the acute symptoms subside, blis- ter. The point is to lower the fever, and check the flow of blood to the feet. CHAPTER XXiIIl —+o2e—_. CATARRH. ' eases of the Air-Passages,” especially on pages 406 and 483, to - the importance of guarding the horse from such variation of temperature or serious disturbance of the circulation as would pro- duce conjestion of those parts ; and what is said on such pages should be studied in connection with this subject. ‘Catarrh, or “cold in the head,” is an affection of the lining mem- brane of the nasal. chambers and cavities of the head. It consists of a conjested or. inflamed ‘State of that membrane, giving rise to a glairy discharge from one or both nostrils, and when the head of the windpipe (larynx) is implicated, accompanied by a cough. Causes may be classed’ under predisposing and exciting, as the majority of young horses under five years of age may be said to be predisposed to this affection. The exciting causes are sudden va- riations in the state of the temperature ; undue exposure to cold when an animal is in a heated state, especially after a hard day's, work or drive ; standing in stables badly ventilated, or any place ex- posed to cold draughts. Pethaps the most common cause in young horses is placing them in warm stables in the fall of the year imme- . diately on taking them off the pastures. A sudden change from a, cold to a hot temperature is more likely to cause catarrh than a ‘change from a hot to a cold one. Symptoms. —If the horse is standing in the stable, he will appear dull, and incline to hang his head in the manger ; the mouth is hot, and the pulse quickened and weak ; the coat is staring, and the lin- ing membrane of the nose is reddened and injected. If the larynx is involved, steady pressure on that region will cause coughing. (458) JR esesets CE is made under the heads of “ Circulation” and “Dis-. , : Z 454 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. This is the congestive stage, which speedily passes off, and -xuda- tion takes place from the vessels, causing a discharge from the nos- trils, at first watery, gradually becoming thicker, and of.a yel- lowish color. In some instances this matter becomes pent up within the sinuses of the head, and comes away in large quantities every three or four hours. A watery discharge from the eye is also very often an accompaniment of catarrh. If these symptoms become aggravated, the appetite is impaired, the bowels are costive, and the feces passed are of a clayey nature, the Jegs and ears are cold, and the breathing accelerated. Ca- tarrh, if improperly treated, or the animal kept at work and exposed to sudden changes of temperature; is very apt to descend to the chest, and is'a prolific source of other and more se- » rious diseases, as inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), or of the covering of the lungs. (pleurisy), or of the bronchial tubes (4ronchitzs). In the ‘majority of cases catarrh is but a simple affection indi- cated by a little increase of pulse, a slight discharge from the nose and eyes, the hair roughened; not much appetite, and some cough, which is sometimes severe, and if the. patient gets anything like proper ‘usage or, treatment no very serious results generally follow. Treatment.—At once place the animal in a comfortable, well-ventilated, loose box, as. should be done in all affections of the chest; blanket warmly, give aconite or some of the fever med- icine ; if the case is serious, as ‘stated, it may run into general inflammation of the air-passages, as bronchitis or laryngitis ; also hand-rub and bandage the legs ; the clothing and bandages must be removed twice a day, and the body ; _ well rubbed over. Give one or two drachms of aloes in solution, combined with one half drachm of powdered ginger. Steam the head by means of a nose-bag partly filled with scalded bran, into which put an ounce or two of turpentine. Hang the bag on the head same as in cut, being Fig. 788. —Nose-bag. careful not to have it so tight around the nose as to heat or scald it, and be oppressive. Many horses have been suffocated by having the bag brought too tightly over the nose. A Fie. 782.—Suffering From Cold. RE AS LARYNGITIS, OR “SORE THROAT." 455 few repetitions of this will cause the nose to run freely. Nurse by giving bran mashes, boiled oats, etc. Rest and care will usually do the rest. In mild cases it is not necessary to use the nose-bag. A few doses of tartar emetic and nitrate of potash may be given daily in a bran mash, and the throat rubbed with a stimulating lin- iment. If there is much inflammation of the throat and air-pas- ‘sages, any good liniment may be applied on the throat and around the chest, and bandaged as shown in the figure. LARYNGITIS, OR “SORE THROAT,” consists of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the head of the windpipe (larynx). It is generally called “sore throat,” and is a very common affection among horses, occurring in a variety of forms, being sometimes of. a very acute nature, and running its course with great rapidity; in other cases of a milder type, and assuming ‘what may be called a sub-acute form. Causes are similar to catarrh, as undue exposure to cold and variations-in the temperature ; but in some seasons it ap- pears as an epizootic disease, large numbers of horses becoming affected about the same time. These cases are always of a typhoid nature, more especially when occurring in stables insuf- ficiently ventilated. Fie. 784.—Simple. Method of _ Covering the Throat. Symptoms of “ sore throat” are well marked. The horse holds his head stiff, with his nose poked out, showing the muscles of the neck prominently; he has con- siderable difficulty in swal- lowing; if he attempts to drink, part of the water is , returned through his nos- trils; the throat is painful to the touch, and the least pressure excites a violent fit of coughing. At the com- mencement of the dtaelde: it: is difficult to distinguish it from “ dis- temper ” (strangles). By the third or fourth day the difference can Fia. 785.—Method of Covering the Throat and Chest for Laryngitis. | From Mayhew. NN 456 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. be easily seen ; the usual.tumor of distemper does not appear. The pulse varies ; in some cases but little altered, in others very quick and weak. The coat is also staring, and the functions of the kid- neys partly arrested. In sevére cases the breathing becomes heavy and laborious. By the third or fourth day from the beginning of the attack, a greenish yellow matter is discharged from the nostrils. Treatment.—The general and local treatment should be very much the same as for cold or catarrh, -with the addition of a free use of counter-irritants to the throat, as mustard well rubbed in, of any good stimulating | liniment, or even a light liquid blister. Aim to keep up the strength by feeding soft, easily digested food; a ‘bran Fia. '786.—Good Method of Covering the Throat for Fomenting or Applying Stimulants for Laryngitis. mash with a little boiled oats in it, carrots, etc. ; any food that he can eat easily. When the bowels are constipated, as is often the case, clysters of soap and water must be freely used. When the cough is severe and hacking, the following ball may be given once or twicé a day :— Camph orn ico lacienigearr eaninndemmiagenengiene ewes auawea hae Powdered opium Ext. belladonna If the horse is threatened with suffocation, the windpipe should be opened, and a tube inserted. (See description of operation under head of “ Tracheotomy.”) , i One of the leading practitioners of the country dictated to the writer the following as his best treatment :— Counter-irritation of the larynx. The best internal remedy would be — with « sufficient quantity of honey to be made into the form of an electuary, and ap- , 1 STRANGLES, OR HORSE DISTEMPER. 457 piled with a spoon to the back of the tongue. Also use one-half ounce doses of chlorate of potash put into a pail of water, and allowed to remain in front of the animal. _STRANGLES, OR HORSE DISTEMPER. This is another form of sore throat occurring mostly in young horses from two to five years old, and which is familiar to \ every one. Its design seems to: be to- throw some poisonous matter from the system, and the object should be to keep the strength of the animal up, and hasten suppuration. The exciting causes are sim- . ilar to catarrh, transition from _ Fia.- 787.—Horse with Strangles. cold to heat, as from the pas- | ture to the stable, change of’stable from the country ‘to the city. It occurs most commonly in spring, and is usually seen’ in cold, damp weather. - +? The general symptoms are very much the same as explained i in the previous difficulties. The distinguishing points are, the horse is out of sorts; the neck becomes sore and stiff; an enlargement appears between the branches of the jaw, which is hot and tender; there is some discharge from the nose. In ordinary cases the tumor goes on to suppuration; a copious discharge of thick yellow matter takes place from the nostrils; in about a week the tumor has matured, become soft, and points, and either bursts or should be opened; continues to discharge for some time, and gradual. recovery takes place. But if the case is very Fra. 788.—Simple Method of Covering Severe it will grow worse, often the Tumor when Stimulated. threatening to cause suffocation. The horse is able to eat or drink but lit- tle, and strength is lost rapidly. Treatment.—Provide a comfortable, well-ventilated stall; clothe warmly ; rub and bandage the legs; nurse by giving bran mashes, boiled oats, carrots, etc. Bowels should be opened by injections. 458 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. Use freely a poultice made of wheat bran and warm vinegar, chang- ing as often as the poultice becomes dry, oe the eight-tailed — Fie. 789.—The Eight-tailed Bandage. bandage until the enlargement becomes soft and can be opened, when relief will be prompt. Or the following treatment may be adopted, which is very good, and in some cases may be preferable: Take spirits of turpentine, two parts; spirits of camphor, one part ; laudanum, one part. Put this on the neck with a brush, if con- venient, or in any way to apply it without ex- citing pain, three or _four times a day until soreness is , caused. After each application, have ready three or four pieces of flannel, f Bae: 790.—The Eight-tailed Bandage as Adjusted. sett should be a good thick article ; put these over the parts, and to encourage the forma- bind on with the eight-tailed | bandage. Or hot fomentations and poultices can be freely ap- plied to the tumor, so as tion of matter. When the tumor points, open it by. cutting through the: skin, and if necessary enlarge the orifice by pushing in the finger, also small doses of saltpeter should be given in the feed, or the following powders night and morn- ing :— Mix and make into six powders. GLANDERS AND FARCY. 459 Sometimes the jnfiatnthationa is so deep as to cause serious sore- ness and swelling of the throat. In this case the horse must be nursed carefully by feeding warm gruel; the drink should. be warm ; grass or anything that will tempt the appetite should ‘be given. GLANDERS AND FARCY.. I consider these difficulties mainly to enable the detection of them to prevent their spreading, as they are extremely contagious to both men and horses. They are incurable, and to guard against the possibility of danger. when a case is suspected, the only safe way is at once either to isolate or to destroy the animal. I depend mainly for my explanation of thése . diseases upon several old authors.* They fully agree with the statements of modern authors that it is practically useless to tamper with glan- .ders. Farcy in its early stage can be controlled without difficulty, but the medicine injures the constitution seriously, and in addition, it is rarely that the disease will not soon break out again or develop glanders, Fig. 792.—An Ordinary Case of Farcy. Symptoms.—The distinctive appearances which glanders present may be alow i in their development, and may continue for years, during which he may feed and work well, constituting chronte glanders; or they may run on rapidly, and in two or three weeks are well marked and soon come to a fatal termination, when it is called acute glanders. \ eA ‘ The coat is rough and staring ; he is usually hide-bound ;. .the belly drawn up, and constitutional disturbance exists, the ‘pulse being easily excited; the membrane lining the nostrils is of a leaden hue; the glands inside the lowet ‘jaw where the pulse is felt become enlarged, hard, and nodular Jike a mass of peas or beans, especially on the side from which the discharge takes place—usually the left, sometimes the right, or even from buth; the discharge is £ clear and watery at first, becoming thicker and sticky, ac- Fie. 798.—A Farcy ° cumulating around the nostril ; cough may be present, but Bud. it is not an invariable symptom. As it advances, the dis- charge increases, becomes ‘purulent, of a greenish color, sometimes aut with streaks of blood; it is of a heavy specific gravity, and if dropped into water, sinks to the bottom ; it. has a very offensive smell ; the gland on the affected side becomes hard and adherent to the side of the jaw ; ulcerating tu- ‘ bercles form on the nostrils, which have a mouse-eaten appearance, being raised and irregular at the edges, and depressed in the center; they run into patches, and spread *Turner, Youatt, M. Volpi, White, and others. 460 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. over the whole nasal septum; weakness and emaciation set in. The ulceration in some cases extends to the cartilages, and even the bones are sometimes impli- cated, when occasional bleedings ensue. Cough is troublesome ; farcy buds appear in some cases over the body, and he dies a disgusting and loathsome spectacle. “Farey.—Farcy and glanders are essentially the same disease, and depending on the same specific poison in the blood, but manifesting itself in a different locality. It often occurs in connection with glanders, but is also seen independent of it, run- ning into glanders as it progresses. Symptoms.—It usually affects the superficial absorbents of the hind limbs in the ’ groin, extending downward on the inside of the thigh, following the line of the lymphatics, also along the absorbents of the neck and shoulders ; little tu- bercles, or farcy buds, form,: which in some cases be- come indurated and lie dormant.for a time, but in most cases they go on to ulcefation, producing angry, irregular ulcers similar to the ulceration in glanders ; the virus being conveyed’ along the absorbents, the buds extend in knots ; lines: of corded and inflamed absorbents are felt extending from below upward, ‘ the hair being rough and bristling along their course ; Fic. 794.—A Piece of Farcied by. and by swelling of the legs sets in; as it goes on he becomes emaciated; the ulceration attacks the nostrils, and glanders‘and farcy are combined, and death relieves him at last.* A disease called watery farcy must not be mistaken for genuine farcy. Skin. From Mayhew. As there is liable to be considerable difficulty experienced in diagnosing glanders from common running of the nose from cold, strangles, or nasal gleet, I include the best description I can find of the symptoms as they progress :— The earliest symptom is an increased discharge from the nostril, small in quan- tity, constantly flowing, of a watery character and a little mucus mingling with it. Connected with this is an error, too general, and highly mischievous, with regard to the character of this discharge in its earliest stage of this disease, when the mischief From contagion ts most frequently produced, The discharge of glanders is not sticky when it may be first recognized. It is an aqueous or mucous, but small and con- stant, discharge, and is thus distinguished from catarrh or nasal gleet or any other defiluxion from the nostril. It should be impressed on the mind of every horseman that this small and constant defluxion, overlooked by the groom and by the owner, and too often by the veterinary surgeon, is a most suspicious circumstance. Dr. James Turner, an old English veterinary surgeon before referred to, deserves much credit for having first or chiefly directed the attention of horsemen to this im- portant but disregarded symptom. If a horse is in the highest condition, yet has this small aqueous constant discharge, and especially from one nostril, no time should be lost in separating him from his companions.T. * Fig. 794 is a very good illustration of a bad case of farcy photographed from life. + Mr. Turner, during his experiments, referred to a fine mare that had simply a slight run- ning of mucus from one of the nostrils, which he pronounced glanders, and highly contageous. e ‘ GLANDERS AND FARCY. 461 This discharge, in cases of infection, may continue, and in so slight a degree as to be scarcely perceptible, for many months, or even two or three years, unattended by any other disease, even ulceration of the nostril, and yet the horse being decid- edly glandered from the. beginning, and capable of propagating the malady. In process of time, however, pus mingles with the discharge, and then another anda characteristic symptom appears. Some of this is absorbed, and the neighboring glands become affected. If there is discharge from both nostrils, the glands within the under jaw will be on both sides enlarged. If the discharge is from one nostril only, the swelled gland will be on that side alone, Glanders, however, will fre- quently exist at an early stage without these swelled glands, and some other diseases, Fie. 795.—A Bad Case of Farcy. Photographed From Life by Prof. Cressy. as catarrh, will produce them. Then we must look out for some peculiarity about these glands, and we shall readily find it. The swelling may be at first somewhat large and diffused, but the surrounding enlarge- ment soon goes off, and one or two small distinct glands remain ; and they are‘not in the center of the channel, but adhere closely to the jaw on the affected side. The membrane of the nose should now be examined, and will materially guide our opinion. It will either be of a dark purplish. hue, or almost of a leaden color, or of any shade between the two; or if there is some of the redness of inflamma- tion, it will have a purple tinge; but there will never be the faint pink blush of. health, or the intense and vivid red of usual inflammation. Spots of ‘ulceration will Regardless of his advice, the mare was sold. Months afterward he found a number of horses in a stable suffering from glanders, all having undoubtedly taken the disease from this mare, she haying been worked and stabled with them, A large number of cases are referred to by others, caused by being put‘into the stalls that had been occupied by horses showing the above symptoms ; in one case one horse was the means of inoculating a whole troop of army horses, making it necessary to destroy them all. So it is best to be on the safe side, by taking the greatest possible precaution when a case is suspected. 462 ‘DISHASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. probably appear on the membrane covering the cartilage of the nose,—not merely sore places, or streaks of abrasion, and quite superficial, but small ulcers, usually approaching to a circular form, deep, and with the edges abrupt and prominent. When these appearances are observed, there can be no doubt about the matter. When. ulcers begin to appear on the membrane of the nose, the constitution of the horse is soon evidently affected. The patient loses flesh ; his belly is tucked up ;, his coat unthrifty, and readily comes off; the appetite is impaired ; the strength fails ; cough, more or less urgent, may be heard ; the discharge from the nose will increase in quantity, it will be discolored, bloody, offensive to the smell ;, the ulcers in the nose will become larger and more numerous, and the air-passages being ob- structed, a grating, choking noise will be heard at every act of breathing. There is now a peculiar tenderness about the forehead. The. membrane lining the frontal sinuses is inflamed and ulcerated, and the integument of the forehead becomes thickened and somewhat swelled. Farcy i is now superadded to glanders, or glanders _ has degenerated into farcy, and more of the absorbents are involved. At or before this time little tumors appear about the muscles’ and face and neck, following the course of the veins and the absorbents, for they run side by side ; and these the tumors soon ulcerate. Tumors or buds, still’ pursuing the path of the absorbents, soon appear on the inside of the thighs, They, are connected together bya corded substance. This is the inflamed and enlarged lymphatic ; and ulcera- tion quickly follows the appearance of these buds; The deeper-seated absorbents are next affected; and one or both of the hind legs swell to a great size, and be- come stiff, and hot, and tender. The loss of flesh and strength is more marked every day. The membrane of the nose becomes of a dirty, livid color; the mem- brane of the mouth is strangely pallid. The eye is infiltrated with a yellow fluid ; ‘and the discharge from the nose becomes more profuse, and insufferably offensive. The animal presents one mass of putrefaction, and at last dies exhausted. As stated before, chronic catarrh is a discharge from the nose, affecting only the lining membrane of the nose; and there may be also enlargement of the glands, staring coat, and debility, so that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one from the other during the early stage.of glanders. Then, again ulcerated teeth may ‘produce the same symptoms of ‘discharge from the nose of a very offensive character, which may be taken for glanders. So that, when there are the characteristic symptoms of glanders, it is very important to look closely to the condition of the teeth—jis there any enlarge- ment or ulcerous secretion in their neighborhood, which may ex- tend into the nasal cavity ? ‘When the horse is valuable, and there is any doubt’ about the case, the best way is to inoculate some worthless horse with some of the virus; if glanders, it will show itself very quickly. , The usual method of doing this is to first cut off the hair from the side of the neck or other part of the body about the size of a half dollar; then take a lancet and pass it under the cuticle, or scarf-skin, only deep enough to bring a few drops of blood. The matter is to be introduced into this opening with a thin slip of wood of the form of the lancet. If the matter is glanderous, the part will become sore in two or three days, and a scab will form on it, which, in a few days wil] be thrown GLANDERS AND: FARCY.. 463 off, leaving a peculiar kind of ulcer, which will often spread rapidly, causing a pain- ful swelling of the adjacent parts, with corded lymphatics and farcy buds. In about a fortnight the glanders will appear. Bed i Prof: Robert Jennings, of Detroit, an old veterinarian of much experience, speaks in the Veterinary Fournal of Comparative Medi- cine of a number of cases supposed to be glanders, which proved to be caused by ulceration of the teeth, which he cured without dif- ficulty. Could refer to a number of cases of this character if neces- sary. The test of inoculation would of course be conclusive. Treatment.—The following are favorite prescriptions for farcy :— For a drench in'a pint of water twice aday.—Prof. Williams. Sulphate of copper:............0.0..eee eee Roan Disa tae ee 1 dr. LOOM Ge... cs 10's cane bates eee ee ows La ORE REE Fae e eae eee 1 dr. Sulphate of copper....... hiasicaed oaks Spaceees sayeiisvo eqn d aus uae dr. Sulphate of 216 ccc wach eartanse wonalecpenkncty eitenionisaaton alee of 3 dr. Amise-seed.. 1... 1. see eee e eee eet et ee eee e eee ec AD dr.’ Make into a ball with common mass, and give once a day. Prof. Gamgee. ~ Sulphate of copper b cahalatntatvac abide Bak desiree eee e ed dt Calomel iii ec acco eigen auaatnace Naaru etn ie Siesta Sievert Gaewnaaicnes 1 ser. Common ‘turpentine. siigieescauda-'aly “anions carts wlateva conn Soveers aieaaviens MAIS 8 dr. to $ 02. Licorice powder, enough to form the ball.— Prof. Coleman. Three drachms of sulphate of copper given every night in the food until the animal refuses to eat. After a few days repeat ; but if ‘the case is bad, give the med- icing in water as a drench, if he will not take it in his food.—An Old Practitioner. The following, which was obtained by the writer years ago in Ohio, was regarded as very valuable for the cure of farcy. It was claimed to be a great secret, and was repeatedly sold for fifty dol- lars as a specific for farcy :— Bight sacticse wanes Dera tr a se OM MSS Sadhu ona Ib. Saltpeters,.. « ssiasscccstacucta hones Ove eee it hie te dead hasns apie $ lb. Black antimony............. rssesta ve onal Rianbiaiats, Sasiess cs aavancuibeaeae as 1 oz. If acute, give one tablespoonful twice a day. If sub-acute, once ‘ortwice'a week, Two parties. who have used the above assured the writer that they had cured farcy with it, and a it as a very valuable prescription. The ulcers are to be opened and dresaéd with disinfectants, and treated as for an ordinary ulcer, great care’ being taken ‘not to get 464 DISHASEHES AND THEIR TREATMENT. any on the person, as, should there be the least abrasion of the skin, it would inoculate the system.. It is proper in this connection to state that glanders may be de- veloped in consequence of being kept in low, damp, badly ventilated stables, when debilitated by hard work and insufficient nourishment ; also as a sequel of weakening complaints, such as neglected or im- properly treated strangles, influenza, etc. When glanders is known to have existed in a stable, or is se- riously suspected, it is advisable to thoroughly cleanse the manger, etc., so as to prevent the possibility ofcontagion. The most careful experiments have proved that glanders can only be communicated by the virus; and though it may be dried and lay for even a year, it has still sufficient vitality to impregnate with the disease. It has been supposed that the only way to get rid of it would be to tear down the stable and build it anew —an old veterinarian of much ex- perience so stated to the author as his opinion. , But the following precautions are now regarded to be entirely: sufficient: The manger, rack, or whatever there has been within the reach of the horse, upon which matter could be thrown or could touch,— and this will include partitions and every part or object in the vicinity,—should be scraped, and scoured with soap and water, and then thoroughly washed with a solution of chloride of lime, about a pint of the chloride to a pailful of water; the walls should be whitewashed.; the-pails newly painted, and the iron work exposed to a red heat ; the halters, clothing, et¢., used upon the case should be burned. The only means of preventing the disease is to keep the stable cool and well ventilated. Hot, close, and badly ventilated stables, it is claimed by all aithors, are strong causes of the disease. There are many jockeys who make it a business to trade for . horses of this character, fix them up by cleansing the nostrils, etc., and trade them off. ‘As before stated, during the early stage it can only be detected by slight running from the nose. Such villainous practice cannot be too severely condemned as a crime, which should be promptly punished to the extent of the law. , CHRONIC COUGH is often a sequel of sore throat (laryngitis), as also of distemper (strangles), and is a disease from which, when once fairly estab- lished, complete recovery seldom otcurs. It consists of a chronic inflammation of the many glands imbedded within the lining mem- brane of the larynx, causing an irritation of that highly sensitive organ. The cough is easily excited by pressure externally, and is CHRONIC .COUGH. 465 .of a deep, hollow nature, differing materially from the loud sonorous sound of a healthy cough. It is often associated with other diseases of the chest, as heokes wind, thick wind, etc. The cough is generally most severe in the morning or after meals, and is always aggravated by gross feeding. In many cases chronic cough interferes but little with a horse’s use- fulness, especially if he is used for ordinary farm work ; but it must be considered an unsoundness. | Treatment.—If the horse has been affected for some time, treat~ ment is generally very. unsatisfactory, and must be more of a pallia- tive than a remedial nature. If only recently, treatment may be ~ undertaken with better chances of success. Give the cough ball as recommended for laryngitis, and apply the following liquid blister, or any good counter-irritant, externally, and in some cases great benefit will attend the use of setons. y Olive-oil, oil of turpentine, aqua ammonia; equal parts. To be shaken well, and rubbed on with the hand. If occurring from intestinal’ disorder, the treatment of course must be directed to the proper seat. The medicinal treatment is greatly assisted by feeding the animal properly and regularly, giving small quantities of food at atime; carrots in winter, and green food in summer should be given. Feeding nice clean corn-stalks is much better than hay ; if hay is fed, it should be bright and clean, or the dust shaken out of it, and dampened .a little, and of this only a lim- ited quantity should be: given. Ifa greedy eater, either remove from his reach the bedding, which he will be likely to eat, or ‘put on amuzzle. The following are also excellent cough remedies :— Cam phor ii: : cicedes sed sxpateewaed asuies QR e aia Satieneeecee’s y.1 dr. Powdered opium...... fg amines a eines bie ate ais ieee ae eats 1 dr. Powdered -digitali 1 dr. Calomel soi: cv cecands Paes anke va dop nce senip esi mans eas eae 1 dr. Make into a ball and give every second morning until six doses are given.. ; ST SPW AUT ceo dis Ase es eae Gow Siva lanl a md oie % olaresa 8. Mladeueno-4snmgnaaternaeas 4 pt Lime-watery. coc 5 siedeeees e838 0e.8 25 OSG 3 Gin EES EE CES Ee eS $ pt. Powdered squills..... 00... ccc eee eee cence eee eeeeneeees 1 dr. This drink every morhing in obstinate coughs. As a sedative to allay the violence of the cough,— Niter..... regulates a SEES URES A Meee atine Seema ordi seas 4 dr. Powdered: Gplem 95 c5- 6 sive gente sd a ia be Sales Satie s Seales ane eens 2 dr. Prussic acid (dilute) :..0¢ bleeding may be repeated to the extent of four to six quarts in three or four hours, If much pain. exists in constipa- tion, give from one to three ounces of ‘tincture asafetida, Feed lightly for a week at least, giving gruel, roots, grass, and bran mashes; and keep quiet. Do not exercise for several days if there ia danger ofa relapse. This is a dangerous disease, and requires prompt treatment. Treatment advised by Charles A. Meyer :— The first stage of inflammation of the bowels is when the animal sits on his haunches like a pig, gradually gets up, and walks around asif in great agony ; makes attempts to lie down, and when he does, goés down. very carefully ; ; may make a few rolls ; will: gradually straighten out again, attempt to rise, and sits on his haunches again like a pig. This position is a sign of bowel inflammation, and to save the pa- tient the treatment must begin in earnest. Should the patient be fat and plethoric, bleed from the neck from two to eight quarts, according’ to the size of the horse. Apply a strong rubefacient to the abdomen, of 1 Ib:, of strong mustard, 2 oz. aqua am- ‘“monia, and water sufficient to make into a plaster ; rub in well, and cover with paper, . to’keep in the heat. Then give the soHowing medicine : — Fia. ‘825.—A Symptom of Inflammation of the Bowels, or Great Internal Pain. j Opium; pulverized....../....... Ses gue ogi lPoied iter cen owe 4 dr. Subnitrate of DISMUED 2 oi.6407 pia tis each oeerece cides eave atest 2 oz. Chloroform... .............-.- cgeeeea Naseceighaveerg sdk sagtaiea ven ee A ar Nux vomica, pulverized. .... scaunieitpeec sagen 8 eeishacuneceelafarsioAsu ecard oem ORs - Tdeorica root... 2.1... eee eee eee eee ee ee ee eten eee tees Q. 8. Make into four balls, give one every 4 to 6 hours, according to the uneasiness of 506 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. the patient, which must be kept quiet, and these balls willdo it. Feed soft, nutritious food, warm water, and no hay, for about one week. SUPERPURGATION, DIARRHEA, ETC. -\ An over-relaxed state of the bowels may arise from various causes. In some animals it is favored by peculiarities of conforma- tion, as is seen in washy horses, animals: with long legs, open ribs, and flat sides, with tucked-up ‘bellies, such being liable to purge from the simplest cause. Change of feed, especially from dry to green, or unhealthful food, and sometimes through nervous excitement, is apt to produce ‘scouring, It is usually the evidence of something wrong, and the effort of nature to remove it. Some irritant or undigested food being lodged in the bowels, the intestinal fluids are poured out in super- - abundance to remove it. The incautious use of purgative medicines is a common cause of superpurgation. It oftén occurs in the latter stages of debilitating diseases, when it is always an untoward symp- _ tom, betokening a breaking-up of the vital powers. The presence of little white worms (ascarides) is occasionally the. cause. It- some- times follows the drinking of cold watet when an animal is in’ a ‘heated state. Symptoms.—The symptoms vary according to the nature of the case, and the causes that give rise to it. It may be simply an in- creased fluidity of the contents of the bowels, as is seen in washy or nervous animals, unaccompanied by paiti or constitutional disturb- ance; or, on the other hand, it may: be (as in superpurgation) at- tended by pain, expressed by uneasiness, pawing, looking to the flanks, etc. He strains frequently, and the’ feces are very watery ; the pulse is small and hard. Rapid and increasing weakness and emaciation, loss of appetite, and unless means are speedily adopted to check it, inflammation of the bowels i is apt to set in. Treatment.—Great care must be exercised in feeding and water- ing washy horses, dry feed being, best suited to them. They should not be allowed to drink too freely of water, especially before work. In many cases it may be necessary to give them some starch or chalk mixed up in the feed. In all cases, the main point is to dis- cover the cause. - If arising from improper food, it must be changed at once. oe / ; If some irritant be suspected, nature must be assisted in her ef- forts, by giving a quart of linseed or castor.oil, followed up by starch or well-boiled flour gruel, keeping the- animal warm. If worms are suspected, or seen in the dung, one or two ounces of spirits of tur- | DISTRIBUTION OF THE GREAT MESENTERY ARTERY. 507 ‘ Fra. 826.—Generai View of the Horse’s o>) - Intestines, Showing the Distribution of Blood to them by the Great Mesen- feric Artery. The Animal is Placed on its Back, and the Intestinal Mass Spread. Out. . A. The duodenum as it passes be- . hind the great mesenteric artery; B. free portion of the small intestine ; C. fleocecal portion; D. excum; E.'F. G. loop formed by the large colon; F. F. point where the colle loop ig doubled to constitute the suprasternal and dia- _phragmatic flexures; pelvic flexure. y 508 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. pentine, or any of the vermifuges recommended, should be added to the oil. Should it not yield to this, neutralize the acids in the bow- | els by giving an ounce and a half of prepared chalk and a dram and a half of powdered catechu, mixed. in a pint of water, Give once or twice a day until purging ceases. Keep the animal without exercise, and do not give much water to drink. If this disease should arise from nervous excitement, give a drachm of powdered opium inthe food once a day for three or four days. Or give the following astringent drench :— Powdered opium Prepared. CHAK ojoice wens ach de gee baat o Gum acacia. : 2... ce cee eee eee Dissolve in warm water, and give in well-boiled flour or starch gruel. It may be given two or three times a day, the gruel being given frequently. If very severe, injections of solution of catechu and starch, with a little tincture of opium, should be given. ° The belly may be stimulated with liquid blister. He must be kept perfectly warm, and the legs bandaged. Care must be taken not to induce an opposite state of the bowels by the injudicious use .of astringents. An ounce each of carbonate of soda and ‘ginger should be given daily for some time after recovery. Rest and good ‘dry food are necessary for some time. CONSTIPATION, ‘Constipation is a condition the very opposite of the above, in which we have a diminished action of the bowels, the dung being dry and voided: with difficulty, leading to dangerous “stoppage of the bowels.” It arises from various causes, especially from being fed on dry, fibrous food. If in pasture in the fall, when the: grass is tough and fibrous, with perhaps a scarce supply of water, the fibrous ingesta are liable to become felted together, and impacted in the bowels. Want of exercise, and feeding too much grain, are also prominent causes. . It is sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the bowels. Horses that are kept up, or not worked regularly, and especially if fed on dry food, should have an occasional bran mash with plenty of water to drink, or small doses of laxatives; aloes is the simplest and best, from two to four drachm doses, with green food. . If ac- companied by colic, or inflammation of the bowels, back-raking, etc., must be resorted:to until relieved. Green grass is about the best laxative. All horses, especially those advanced in years, should be watched tarefully, and when there is any tendency to constipation, it should WORMS. 509 be prevented, as before stated, by giving bran mashes, carrots, and raw potatoes; or, if thought advisable, a little oil or physic, with regular exercise and sufficient water, and there will usually be no dif- ficulty. It is very important to look to this condition; neglecting it, colic, inflammation of the bowels, etc:, may result. WORMS. Worms are most commonly found in the stomach and bowels ; they are also sometimes met with in almost - - every part ofthe body. Investigation shows there are over thirty kinds of worms that infest the horse. Dr. Robert Jennings, about thirty years ago, at that time a ‘res- ident of Borden Town, New Jersey, now of Detroit, Michigan, informed the writer that | he had traced out thirty different kinds in the horse, and among others exhibited a piece of muscle that was perforated by a large number of little white worms from one to two inches long. ' Fra. 827.—Symptom of Worms. Mr. White, an old author, says :— I have found worms in the wind-pipe, in the fnissdhtatio artery, in an abscess in the substance of the abdominal muscles, and according to Lafosse, ay have been found also in the pancreatic and salivary ducts. There are but three or four that are very common. First, the teres lumbrict, a large worm from four to ten inches long, that lives in the in- testines. It looks like the common _ earth-worm, yellowish white, and tapered at both ends. Second, the ascaris, commonly called needle or thread worm, of a dirty white color, usually from one to two inches long. a They are sometimes found in thou- Fic. 828.—The Appearance of aHorse =sands. They have been observed that is Troubled with Worms. chiefly inhabiting the mucous coat of the cecum, on the surface of which, it is supposed, they are developed in little cells, which, when matured, burst, producing con- siderable irritation, and often serious inflammation of the parts. They are also sometimes found to infest the rectum in large num- bers, and to relieve the irritation they produce,-the horse rubs his tail. 510 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. Varieties of strongylt and oxyures.also occur, and are sometimes mistaken: for ascarides. They are, however, distinct species; the former is tapered, and ter- minates in a spine; Whereas the latter is blunted, with a head like a leather sucker. The strongyli inhabit the cz- cum, colon, and duodenum ; the oxyures, the mesentery, spermatic cord, and -in fact almost every organ in the body. The common whip-worm, or long thread- worm, technically called the ¢richoceph- :alus dispar, are found in the cecum. They resemble a whip, the shank being about a third, and the thong two thirds of the length, ‘usually’ about two inches. Bots, which inhabit the stomach, ‘will be referred to especially following this article. There is also a small thread-like worm, called fi/aria, froma half inch to an inch and a half long, which travels all through the system. This is the worm that sometimes gets into the eye and grows there. The sape-worm is sometimes found in the horse, for which I give ‘a. specific’ remedy used by Dr. Meyer with great success. (I give illustrations ofa few worms, though not of all that I desired, on. account of the difficulty of obtaining them. They will not, how- ever, be of any special interest or importance to the general reader-: Fie. 829.— Ascaris Lumbriceides. A. female; D. male (natural -size). cP MTT apnea TTT Fre. 830.—Ascaris Marginata, Enlarged. Hence those obtained are put in without regard to much technical explanation.) Symptoms of worms are debility, feebleness, sluggish move- WORMS. bil ments, ‘emaciation, staring coat, hide bound, skin covered with blotches, irregular and capri- cious appetite, tucked up belly, pallid appearance of the lining membrane of the lip, badly digested feces ; rubs the tail, and when fundament worms exist, a whitish substance will be found about the — fundament. Many horses have worms, and their presence is never suspected till they appear in the dung. Troublesome diarrhea is sometimes produced by the. ‘presence of ascarides in the cz- cum, which are sometimes found in vast numbers in the rectum. Treatment.—The horse should be put on bran mashes for a few days, ther give him nothing but _ water for eight or ten hours, then give the follow- ing drench :— Dinseed- Oui iiss dasiaceuns walnna aware Motes oo 1 qt Spirits of turpentine dil sasinanch nce iisasgrendlaret OS ‘2 02. In an hour after give a warm: bran mash, and. the next morning give a dose of physic. If ., thought necessary, in about a week this may be -repeated. Dr. Summerville ‘claimed there was no better =» Male; b. Female ; medicine for the destruction of worms than cal- 4 The expansion of ; : : : : its anterior part seen omel, and' advised it to be given in the following tom the front and side. combinations : — Fie. 881,—Asearis Mystax. Tartar emetic............... peek pe ce daa eek esees reese unete ieee 1 dr. Mix, and divide into three powders, one to be given at night for three successive nights, to be followed’ in ewenty sour hours with.a good purging ball. . Or,— BIO68 2 eye sie ws noes aE oe 4 dr. Tartar emetic......... Seg 4 GauaNe: ep bsn sh g5E Lait @ CORTES ace aA aki 1 dr. Ginger........ sae aiges tia crane r eer ae sta anEs yee eet tay 2 dr. Calomel about the size, of a ‘bean, and, molasses: -enotigh to make into a ball. To be given’every morning for three days. Dr. Hamill found,. in treating inflammation ‘of the extremi- ties caused by injuries, such as getting a nail in the foot, where ex- cessive, that occasionally after giving a dose of aloes and calomel large numbers of worms were expelled.. Would advise from two to four drachms calomel, with aloes according to size and temperament of the horse. : 512 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. This is also corroborated by. Dr. White, who advises to give one or two drachms of calomel with a dose of physic ; or the calomel at night, and a dose of physic in the morning. Or give a drachm of calomel for three successive nights previous to the physic. The following for worms was given the writer by a veterinary surgeon of very high standing : — Take hickory-wood, sumac-wood, and ordinary white ash, and burn to ashes. Feed a large spoonful twice a day for three days. Then follow up with a cathartic. Prof. Gamgee’s favorite remedy : — : Asafetida data cable Bee aves Ga aa ae ead 2 dr. Calomel and savin...... Brain wiecndua Prnaete bos 1} ar. each. Oil of male fern............ 00... ee eee 30 drops. Mass sufficient to form a ball to be ziven at night, and a purge in the morning. ‘Dr. Sheldon, formerly. of New York City, de- pended mainly upon santonine, by the use of which he claimed great success, and which he -also claims never-faits to clean the worms out: of ‘ ahorse. He treated as follows : — First, give bran mash. In 24 hours give one drachm of san- tonine, which should be dissolved in water ; then mix in a quart of starch, and give as'a drench; in 30 minutes give aloes in ‘solution sufficient to move the bowels promptly. I also include a favorite horse-jockey remedy, ‘which is regarded very ee Fig. 832.—Young Fila- _ AlOCS So cc aeoee anne cA eu sows ae eas Paws 1 oz ria Thread-worm. Spirits of turpentine, .......0...... 00. cece 8 oz. Eggs....... J ititeetews pew ieveties see 3S ion don ites whirl 6. A. young worm as rolled up in the body of the mother; A. the same unrolled in a drop of water; a. Head, with ‘the protuberances and mouth; b. Origin of the tail, with the anus (backside). Make into an emulsion, beaten together ; give to the horse after being fed with two or three bran mashes. Dr. White says : — A run at grass in the spring is perhaps the best ready of all, for it is the most effectual means of invigorating the di- gestive organs and purifying the blood. When it is not con- venient to turn the horse out, he should be fed green grass in the stable. The following was given the writer by a special Richa (a vet- erinary surgeon of high standing), as the treatment he would advise fer the cure of worms; and though in part a repetition of what is ' given, it is so good that I include it : — First, Jumbricoides can be removed by drastic purges of aloes, or aloes and calomel. If calomel be given in from two to four drachm doses, on a fasting stomach of twelve hours, then fast from, ten to twelve hours afterward, after which give small doses of aloes BOTS. 518 . or saline purges, it will destroy nearly all traces of worms or ‘para- sites in the stomach and intestines, even cléaring out bots. The best general treatment advised. is sdtitoniné, areca nut, and male © fern. Of santonine, better known as worm-seed, the dose is from — one to four drachms, according to the size and temperament of the horse. For the small, nervous, well-bred horse, the smallest dose would be sufficient ; while for a large, coarse- -grained cart-horse the larger dose of four: drachms will be necessary. “Of the same quanti-! ties of powdered areca nut and male fern, about one ounce is the average dose. All vermifuge medicine should be taken’ while fast- ing, as better results will thereby be obtained ; let, the horse fast’ Fue, 883,—Strongylus, Entarged. se ten or twelve hours before giving the medicine, and nearly ; as long afterward. It is not necessary | to give: physic after either of these medicines. Nearly all the parasites in horses can be. expelled ‘by the judicious use of calomel. , wd , Bots. - ' As: among most owners and. horse-doctors, every obscure lame- ness in the foot is supposed to be in the shoulder; so, when a horse is taken sick, nine times out of ten it is supposed to be caused by bots. Ifthe horse turns up his upper. lip, looks at his side, shows uneasiness, paws, and rolls, it is taken as a sure sign of bots. It is claimed that as a rule bots are harmless parasites, seldom producing much mischief, and to be found in almost every horse that dies, sometimes in great numbers, adhering to the. coats of. the ‘stomach ; but about. this there is much difference of opinion. Prof. ‘Law on the subject : — ‘Bots are the larve of the gadfly, which are noticed to be so common, pestering -the horse during the summer and autumn, darting at him around his legs and sides, and depositing their eggs on the hair of the parts. These eggs are caught by the horse when he licks the parts in defending himself, and swallowed. In the stomach they develop rapidly. By the aid of the hooks around their heads ‘they attach themselves to the mucous membrane, mainly of the left half of the stomach (see Fig. 33 a 514 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. 884), but often also to other parts, such as the right side of the stomach, the duode- num, or small gut leading from the stomach, and the throat. There they steadily grow in the winter, and in spring pass out in the dung, burrow in the soil, and are transformed into the gadfly. The disturbance they cause depends on their numbers and the portions of the canal on which they attach themselves. In the throat they produce a chronic sore throat and discharge from the nose, which continues until the following spring, unless they are previously extracted with the hand. In the left half of the stomach, which is covered with a thick, insensible cuticle, they do little harm when in small numbers; hence Bracy Clark supposed them to be benefi- cial in stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. : : When very numerous, and above all when attached to the highly sensitive right half-:of the stomach or the duodenum, they seriously interfere with digestion, causing the animal to thrive badly, to be weak, and easily sweated or fatigued, and even determining sudden and fatal indigestion: This last result is especially liable to occur in spring or early summer, when the bots are passing out in great, numbers, and hooking themselves at in- tervals to the coats of the sen- sitive bowels in their course. They will sometimes accumu- late in such numbers as actu- ally to block the passage. Fia. 884.—The Gadfly Depositing Eggs, and Full-grown Bots. ; In discussing the sub- 1. The female fly about to deposit an egg ; 2. the egg ject, White a magnified ; 8. the bot; 4, the eggs magnified, attached They are generally attached to a hair; 5. the newly hatched bot; 6. the bot full to the cuticular or insengible grown ; 7. the head of a bot magnified ; 8. the male fly; coat of the stomach ; but some- 9. the chrysalis. times clusters of them are : found at the pylorus, and even in the beginning of the first intestine, named the duodenum. In one case they were s0 numerous in this last situation as to obstruct the passage completely, and cause the-animal’s death. | Feron, an old writer, says he has paid particular attention to this subject, and has found that when in large quantities, they: are very destructive to horses; that he has seen several horses whose stomachs had been pierced quite through by them, the bots making their way into the abdomen. _ James Clark, of Edinburgh, an author of high standing, quoted in “ Shoeing,” relates a case of a horse's stomach being perforated by bots. BOTS. — 515 In “ White’s Farriery,” vol. 2, page 73, Dr. White says : — I have seen several horses destroyed by these worms. In some of them they esused inflammation of the lungs ; in one frenzy, or mad staggers; and in one horse, the pylorus was completely plugged up with them. There is a remarkable sympa- thy or consent between the stomach and lungs, and it is owing to this that they sometimes cause inflammation of the lungs. ” In the cases which have occurred in my pepeelee: the most remarkable circumstance was the great depression they occasioned. Symptoms. —There is no way, so far as I know, and Ihave consulted a great many veterinary surgeons on the subject, of determining the symptoms of ‘bots. A horse is taken sick, showing all the symp- toms of colic; he is treated for that ‘difficulty, is cured, and the trouble is presumed to. have been colic.. According to the best authorities I can find, the con- clusion is that the symptoms of bots cannot he dis- tinguished from other diseases of the stomach and bowels; that sometimes, when occurring in dense ‘clusters around the pylorus or in the first bowel, they interfere mechanically with digestion, and keep the animal weak and emaciated, and subject to slight attacks of colic, capricious appetite, and irregular bowels. Beyond these indications, which may be identified with other difficulties, there’ is no way of determining whether they are the cause of annoy- ance. Treatment—This is doubtful. I give that which ‘has been advised as the most effectual. White says i:— Fie. 835.—-Eggs : The most likely means of expelling bots is to keep the horse Greatly Magnified. without food during the night, and give him in the morning a quart of new milk ‘sweetened with honey; and about ten minutes after, give four, five, or six ounces of salt in a quart of water. Dr. Feron remarks that— Common oil given in large quantities has sometimes succeeded in detaching bots from the stomach. It is the only medicine that seems to have any effect in making them loosen their hold on that organ. Blaine says that, the continued use of salt mixed with the food appears to be, obnoxious to them ; for sometimes under its use their hold gives way, and they are ejected. The popular remedy for bots is sweet milk and molasses, which is more safe than reliable. The following is recommended : - — 8 drachms each of aloes and asafetida, rubbed down in. hot water, and when 516 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. cool] add an ounce each of turpentine and ether. To be given every second day f+ 8. week, leaving out aloes if bowels become too open. ‘To relieve pain. and uneasiness, any of the colic mixtures are to be given: Prof. Law advises giving potato juice to feed and quiet she bots, adding some colic medicine if thought necessary. In a report by Dr. Adams in relation to the’ subject, published about fifteen years ago in the ‘“ Medical and Agricultural Register,” he stated, having made the following experiments ‘at different times on bots three-fourths grown, that—- tis When immersed in rum, they live 25 hours ; decoction of tobaceo, 11 houts ; 3 , Strong oil of vitriol, 2 hours, 18 minutes ; essential oil of mint, 2 hours, 6 ininutes, * Were immersed without apparent injury in spirits of camphor, 16 hours ; fish oil, 49 hours; tinct. aloes, 10 hours; brine, 10 hours; svlution indigo, 10 hours. A number of small bots, with one that-was full grown, were immersed in 8 strong: ‘solu- tion of corrosive sublimate ; the small ones died in one hour, but the full-grown one was taken out of the solution, six hours Baler its immersion, apparently unhurt. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. .° Inflammation of the kidneys is generally caused by hard work, by slipping, throwing the hind parts ’so suddenly under the belly as to produce undue tension of the lumbar vertebre, or from sudden colds by being exposed to rain and cold, the eating of musty. hay or oats, or unhéalthful food of any kind. Too powerful or tod often re- peated diuretics produce inflammation of the kidneys, or a degree of irritation and weakness of them that disposes to inflammation, from causes that would otherwise have no injurious effect. Symptoms.—Less or more fever of the system generally, and un- ‘willingness to move, particularly the hind legs, dung hard and coated, very sensitive to pressure on the spine. The horse looks anxiously around at his flanks, stands with his hind ‘legs wide apart, and straddles as he walks, shows pain in turning ; the urine is voided in small quantities, and is usually high colored, and sometimes bloody ; ; the attempt to urinate becomes more frequent, and the quantity voided smaller, until the animal strains violently, without being able to pass any or but very little urine. The pulse is quick and hard, full in the early stage of the disease, but rapidly becoming small, though not losing its character of hardness. Introduce the hand into the rectum. If the bladder is found full and hard under the rectum, there is inflammation of the neck of the bladder. Ifthe bladder is empty, yet on the portion of the intestines immediately over it there is more than-natural heat and tenderness, there is in- flammation of the body of the bladder: If the bladder is empty and 7 r | PROFUSE STALING (DIURESIS). : 517: there i is-no increased tenderness-and heat, there is inflammation of; the kidneys. Treatment.—TIf the pulse is high, about sixty, take five or. six. quarts of blood, and give a fever ball ;.to be repeated in three. hours if not better. Fever ball: 4 drachms Barbadoes aloes, 1 drachm tarter ‘emetic, 2 drachms ginger, . calomel. about the. size of a -beaa, , molasses sufficient to make into a ball.’ Counter-irritation, must e a next be excited over the seat of iz the disease. The loins should: be fomented with hot, water or covered with mustard poultice, or, better, heat a peck of salt in an oven,: place it in a bag, and put it over the part affected. If the case is severe and pro- tracted, a sharp. blister may be. used. No diuretics are to. be, given, as they would simply ag-' gravate, and make the disease worse. After the bowels are open, give aconite, and treat'as for fever. After .recovery, the horse should be kept very quiet - fora month, and if in season, turned out tograss. Ifin winter, feed with light, mushy diet; exer- cise lightly by leading, if the animal be valuable and it is desired to aid : recovery by extra care. _ PROFUSE STALING (Drurests): Profuse viata sometimes: called diabetes, consists ‘principally’ of simple, increased secretion of urine, withgnt any apparent struct- -ural disease of the kidney, or much.alteration of the ‘composition of the urine, so characteristic of this affection in man. - Causes.—It arises in a great measure from feeding musty, or Nested hay, exposure to cold, etc. Frequently it occurs as an ac- companiment of acidity of the stomach, or from the improper use of diuretics, as niter, saltpeter, resin, etc., which are frequently given in large quantities for some time by. grooms and ignorant persons, not knowing the harm they are doing thereby. It is of these in- gredients also that most of the “condition powders ” kept - for sale, which are often liberally fed, are composed. - It is not prudent, or at all necessary, to give such medicine,. excepting, for specific purposes, Fie. 886.—A Prominent Symptom when the Urinary Organs aro involved. me f * 518 , DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. and then very cautiously. Intelligent owners give but very little medicine. Instead, they give bran mashes, etc., with good air, reg- ular exercise, and grooming.: Symptoms.—The intense thirst first attracts attention; he is constantly craving ‘for water, and rapidly loses condition ; the coat becomes rough and staring ; he passes large quantities of clear urine, his litter being constantly wet. He will be seen poking among his litter, which he often eats with avidity in preference to good hay. If it goes on unchecked, great prostration sets in, the heart beats tumultuously, the throbbing being often visible at the side, the pulse being irregular and intermittent. : Treatment.—It is generally very easily checked if taken in’ time ; a complete change of diet is indispensable ; give good sweet hay ; carrots are recommended. The bowels must be freely opened. Iodine in-doses of two drachms, once or twice a day, is claimed to be a never-failing remedy, very useful in correcting the thirst and checking the flow of urine. The following ball may be given night and morning :— MOdine: hes eayehe. cette cani'y sake eee A ER ee 1dr. Todide of potassium .... 0... 00.0... ccc cece eee c eves eeeesec ital Gr Barbadoes aloes....... re Bites deed 6 gfe keeePaeeRG ee OAS RE Miata OE aS 1 dr. Licorice and syrup sufficient to make a ball. Or, give one of the following balls every night :— Powdered ‘opitim 3.555 5..0.sclscialsdagiisedaihianed Galseeiew ak gaan whee aes $ 02. -Powdered kino ...... Sette os biog See hele Moues F< ane Gata eae kala ees 1 oz. Prepared chalk ............... ween phan ME A tebe i es ae abit ard 1 02; Mix with aoe and make six balls. Tonics should be commenced early.. In some cases it can b¢ arrested by making him drink water with pipe-clay or pease-meal shaken up in it. A run at pasture will often cure it. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER (CYSTITIS). Causes.—It may arise from the too free use of diuretic medi- cines, or from the injudicious' use of fly blisters of turpentine ; sometimes from the presence of concretions or gravelly deposits in the bladder, or an extension of spasm, or inflammation of other organs. Symptoms.—Almost the same, as those of inflammation of the kidneys. Frequent voiding of urine in: small quantities, quick pulse ; looks frequently at flanks, paws violently, tender when pressed upon under the flanks. , When the body of the viscus is the seat of the disease, it be- / _ BLOODY URINE. 519 comes very irritable, the urine being passed almost as soon as it reaches the bladder, the act of staling being almost wonstenuy going on. The other symptoms are nearly analogous to neptiritis : when examined by the hand in the rectum, it is found empty, hot, and ten- der. When the neck of the bladder is the seat of the disease, it will be found: distended with urine, and, instead of frequent staling, we have almost complete suppression of urine. ‘Treatment.—The treatment resembles that recommended for nephritis, which see. Should the contraction of the neck continue, a gum elastic catheter should be introduced, or a little warm oil ‘may (in the mare) be injected into the bladder. Small doses of bi- carbonate of soda or potash should be given to.neutralize the urine, which is usually acid. Here the principal object is to lower. inflammation and relax: the muscular contraction of the neck of the bladder. Bleed largely, al- most to fainting ; give physic as for inflammation of the kidneys, or a quart of linseed-oil, A drachm of powdered opium, made into a ‘pall, or given in drink every two or three hours, and blister over the loins. Give aconite, as for inflammation of the kidneys. * RETENTION OF ' URINE. The most common cause is keeping the animal active, not giv- ing time to urinate, and a spasm of the neck of the bladder or gravelly, concretions ; any cause of irritation may cause spasm. ‘Symptoms are the same ‘as ih inflammation of the kidneys, except standing very wide behind, and when walking, a straddling gait re- sembling a cow with a very full bag. + The most prompt treatment is to use the catheter, and scarcely anything more is necessary. But if one is not obtainable, bleed freely, and give a strong opiate: 3 oz. tinct. opium, in half a pint of water. ; BLOODY URINE is -generally the result of injuries of the loins, dinwholesoiie food, | ‘violent exercise, etc. Treatment.—Give plenty of linseed tea to drink; if the animal refuses it, drench him.. Give internally, once a day, one of the fol- lowing pills: sugar of lead, 1 0z.; linseed tea, 2 0z. Mix with mo- jJasses.and divide into eight parts. "wit possible, call a veterinary surgeon, who will introduce a catheter, which will relieve the animal immediately. 520 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT? ‘ y DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The nervous system consists of the brain, which is lodged in the _cavity of the skull (cranium) ; the spinal cord, lodged in the cavity of the vertebral chain; and numerous littlé white cords, called nerves, which are given out from the brain and spinal cord, and dis- tributed to the different parts of the body, especially those parts endowed with sensibility, and under the-control of the will. Besides this system of nerves, there is another set, independent of the cere- bro-spinal axis, called the sympathetic or ganglionic system, which supplies the organs of nutrition and other viscera, blood-vessels, etc. -It consists of numerous sniall centers, called ganglia, extending in two great chains from the head to the tail, on each side of the bodies of the vertebrz, closely associated with the other system by intri- cate communication. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN (PHRENITIS). Phrenitis is not a very common disease, though the substance of the brain itself, or, as is more commonly the case, its membranes, or coverings, become inflamed. It thas received various appellations, | N\ — such as mad staggers, Sleepy ee Kh, 8S, etc. 1 Causes—The causes are not thoroughly understood.' Injuries to the skull, metastasis, or the. transference of inflammation from some of the other organs, high ia. 887.—Symptom of folammation condition and overwork, undue ex- of the Brain. -\ posure to a hot. sin, all seem to. be favorable to its production. Horses that are too highly fed are subject to this, while moderately fed horses are scarcely ever inclined to it. ' Symptoms. —It is usually ushered in -by dullness ‘and persistént: ' drowsiness’; he stands with his head between his legs, or sometimes resting against the manger or leaning against the wall; the eyes shut, and the pupils dilated; the pulse is full, soft, and slow; the breathing i is heavy and loud ; he is very difficult to arouse, and when startled, he looks dreamily about ; may take a few: bites of hay, but soon drops | asleep again; the bowels are costive, and the urine scanty and high colored. In a day or two the symptoms are mitigated, or it goes on to ‘i a INFLAMMATION OF THE BRALN. 521 the second stage, when the pulse becomes quick, general excitement takes the place of lethargic stupor; the countenance is wild and ex- cited looking ; the eyes are blood-shot and staring ; delirium sets‘in ; he dashes himself furiously about, reels and staggers, often throws himself violently down ; lies trembling, blowing, and convulsed ; his blood-shot eyes like to start out of their sockets ; 3 he will soon get up, rear and plunge forward, breaking everything around him, : evidently unconscious of the injuries he is sustaining; and, what is | characteristic of the complaint, his destruction is carried on evidently without ‘purpose, as is evinced in rabies, or madness. The convul- sions become more frequent and continuous, and death ends ‘his misery in from twenty to twenty-four hours. , Treatment. Copious blood-letting must. be at-once renbited to; no time should be lost i in giving a strong dose of purgative medicine. One or both jugulars may be opened, or where, from the restlessness of the patient or danger in working about him, this is impracticable, the lancet should be plunged into the temporal’ artery, which will be found about three inches below the ear, between it and the nostril. The following drench should be given :— Barbadoes aloes ...... 0... ccc ccc cece nee c ne eeeeceacesepes 6 dr. ‘Carbonate of soda......... a ogatee aides eTena eile Me er ee Sosa #02. Croton beans, powdered ..,..... sd Fees See aes ewe ves 15 Three drachms of aloes may be given every three hours, with copious injections every hour, till the bowels are freely opened. Sed- atives should also be used, such'as extract of hyoscyamus ' and: cal- omel, a drachm of each shaken up ina little thin gruel, given every two hours. Seldom ‘is repetition of blood-letting advisable ; cold water should be constantly applied to the head; a small hose made to play upon it in a constant stream, where it is convenient, will be found very useful. : pas The favorite prescription of a very successful practitioner is: “ Give on the tongue every six hours about one drachm of the extract of conium.” He gave this after the horse had fallen. Dr. Summeryville’s explanation and treatment of me difficulty are so plain.and. good, that I include them: — Is first noticeable by dullness or sleepiness of the eyes, an unwise to move, general heaviness of the system. This disease i is frequently called megrime, fits, and mad staggers ; but in part only one disease, according to the extent of such disease as the animal may be affected with. The cause of staggers is an undue flow of blood to the brain, which rarely or never occurs in any’ animals except those i in'a plethoric (fat) condition. Some writers and practitioners assert, that thefe is.a disease known as stomach staggers. I have néver seen a case where it was necessary to treat the stomach, but ' 522 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. always direct attention to the brain, as being the seat of the disease, which may be properly called head staggers. In case of megrims, or fits, it is merely a lesser attack, or pressure of the blood- vessels on the brain, and mad staggers is a greater pressure of the same vessels on the same part. The brain is divided into two parts, namely, cerebrum and cere- bellum, which occupy a horny box in the-head. The blood-vessels passing over the brain and coming in contact with the skull, become distended by an-increased quan- tity of blood, and produce the feeling which is thus exhibited. , ‘* here is but one cure for this disease, and that is, remove the cause. Bleed largely from the neck—ten, twelve, or fourteen quarts, or until the eymptoms of fainting. After the horse is convalescent, a sharp dose of physic should be given to regulate the bowels. I would advise owners of such horses to dispose of them. Once taken with the disease, they are subject to a repetition of the attack when the blood- vessels become filled again. Note.—Small doses of aconite (of the quantity for fever) may be given three or four times a day as a good preventive. Turning to pasture horses that may be li- able to this disease will prove both injurious and dangerous. When driven in the hot sun, the head should be protected with some sort of covering, which is now used very generally in many large cities, or a large sponge, kept wet with water, may be tied on the back of the head. MEGRIMS, OR VERTIGO. The form of.nervous complication known as megrims is not uncommon. Its nature is but imperfectly determined. Causes.—It is often connected with worms or other derange- ments of the stomach or bowels, said also to depend on over-accu- mulation of blood in the head. The late Professor John Barlow found tumors in the choroid plexus of the brain. In these cases, it is often connected with over-feeding, and its consequence is derange- ment of the digestive organs. It is most commonly seen in harness horses, usually during hot weather, occurs generally on a heavy pull going up hill, probably from pressure of the collar interrupting the return of blood from the head ; or “the long-continued constraint the bearing-reins put the head to,” may prove the exciting causes in animals predisposed to it. Symptoms.—All at once, when going along the road, he is ob- served to jerk up his head in a convulsive manner ; he seems giddy, reels, staggers, may fall down and lie for a few moments insensible ; he gets up, looks stupidly about, shakes himself, and proceeds as if nothing had happened. At other times he merely stops, experiences a few eonvulaive movements of the head, with slight giddiness, which by letting him stand for a few minutes soon passes off. He is ever after _subject to these fits, especially during the hot summer months. S UN STROKE. 523 Treatment.—When depending on organic changes i in the brain, it is incurable, and is subject to these attacks from time to time. When a fit comes on on the road, stop him at once, throw the collar forward off his shoulders and let him stand; if convenient, pour a stream of cold water over his head. . Bleeding in the mouth has been recommended, but is quite empirical ; it soon passes off. When oc- curring in a young horse for the first time, he should be ‘well phys- icked out, and if worms are suspected, treat as recommended for worms. Tonics are often beneficial, especially arsenic given in doses of from three to five grains daily. Megrim subjects are dan- gerous hacks, and should only be used where they can do no harm to life or property. SuN STROKE. _ This is liable to occur during the hot. summer months, particu- «| larly in large cities. It is usually caused by overwork or hard driv- ing in the sun. Horses. that are fat and. young, and old, feeble horses are most subject to it. Wearing a sun-shade or a large sponge saturated with water on the top of the head, giving cool water occasionally, and sponging out the nostrils, and wetting the head, with of course moderate work or driving, are the best preven- tives. A very good plan, when driving through the country, where accessible, is to tie a few branches well covered with leaves so as to come over the head. They also serve to keep the flies away. For light driving, a breast-strap is better than a collar, because it permits more freedom of the circulation. . Symptoms.—In severe cases the horse will suddenly. stop, pant _violently, possibly drop to the ground and die in a short time. - When the attack is mild, he will flag in his gait, be unsteady in his limbs, spread his legs in standing, and totter. The head is held low, the eyes protrude, the nostrils are dilated, the pupils of the eyes smaller than natural, and the breathing rapid. Pulse is quick and weak,-the heart beating violently and irregularly. Relief must . be prompt. Treatment. == Wahiarneds) and throw pails of cold water over the whole body, especially on the back of the head, neck, and spine. Next, rub the skin’ energetically. with. rough cloths or bagging, or anything convenient. Then repeat the douching. The best of all medicine, it is claimed, is quinire. The quickest way to get its ef- fect would be to inject from 25 to 50 or 60 grains under the skin with a hypodermic syringe. This is the remedy used in the East Indies, and is claimed to be the very best in giving relief. 524. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. ' As a prompt diffusable stimulant during the severe depression, the following may be given : — “Sulphuric ether: 6664460 v4 sio's sealed Seek teste kes Me EES AS 2 oz. t Water.............. ts ogatdndbianaed bi yhe aval me Avena do ay tiancce Shas aha 1 pint. Given asadrench. Or, 15 to 25 drops tincture of aconite, in a pint of ale. After the attack has passed off, the horse should be turned out where he will be well protected from the glare of the sun by trees, etc., and allowed to rest for a few weeks; and if it can be avoided, he should not be driven afterward in the hot sun. AZOTURIA, PARTIAL PARALYSIS, SPINAL MENINGITIS, ETC. rae Under these and other names we will notice a disease which is at times very common in this country, and very alarming: in its as- pect, from the suddenness of its attack and severity of its symptoms, producing almost complete loss of power of the hind quarters. Causes.—It usually occurs in horses which are being “fed up,” or which have been accustomed to hard work, and are allowed to .remain in the stable for a few days, having a liberal allowance of . good feed ; the system becomes plethoric, more blood being formed than the system can dispose of, whereby the vascular organs are overloaded, and consequently, under increased action caused by ex- ertion, they are apt to become congested. _ Symptoms.—The animal is apparently in excellent health end ‘spirits. He starts off lively; but before he has gone far, he sud-_» denly stops, crouches, seems very much distressed. The sweat rolls off him in streams ; he blows and heaves at the flanks; he cannot move ‘for a few minutes. He drops on his hind quarters; can hardly drag them after him. When, made to move, he drops as if his leg was dislocated or broken. The pulse is very high, from sixty to eighty, and the muscles of the quarter are swollen and hard. In some cases he géts down, and cannot get up again; but seldom is loss of power at first complete, or sensibility entirely lost. The urine is generally very high colored ; we have seen it black or coffee colored, which is a sure proof of the trouble, and always voided with difficulty. , Treatment.—When seen in the early stages, abstract’ six quarts of blood,* remove the urine with a catheter, and give from 7 to 8 drachms of aloes. Persistently apply hot-water cloths to the loins, *Thire is some difference of opinion as to the ‘propriety of bleeding. Some of the dest practitioners do not now bleed for this difficulty, and while I ehould regard it good treatment, “it may be’ omitted, as physicking, with other treatment, will usually give sufficient relief; but if the case ia very hearty, short-necked, and full blooded, bleeding would seem to be advisable. PARTIAL PARALYSIS. 525: and cover them up well with dry blankets, changed every half hour. Give 20 drops of tincture of aconite ina little cold water every two hours, till the fever subsides. If the pain is very severe and twitch- ing, give: the following drench :— Sweet spirits of niter.............. Saale Pheaeee Biased a = Tincture of opium ......... Seah et iiGes waive pis i andca tear has ee bee! -& WOld WANE sc ceiid Nae acaclenainn wna aaieie” navencadebiae P hchdastiars Mix. “ae Injections of soap and water should be given, and the legs well , rubbed and bandaged. It is important also that he. be turned gently, about every three hours, and that his bedding be made as comfortable as possible. According to modern practitioners, who have had decided success in the treatment of this disease, it is’ not at all necessary to put in slings. In fact, the better recoveries are made without putting in slings’; neither should he be urged to get / up too soon; will usually do so of his own accord when able, but may be fielped a little. n most cases it will yield to this treatment, and in three or four days he will be convalescent. However, in many the loss of power increases; he makes frequent efforts to get up, but cannot support himself behind. In these cases the spine should be freely blistered with mustard and turpentine, or with the strong ammo-. niacal liniment. Good nursing and care are everything; in fact, . indispensable. Give restricted diet, carrots, bra mashes, etc. When all fever and acute symptoms have subsided, and recovery of power ° is tardy, give the following ball night and morning :— ' 1 drathm nux vomica in powder, made into a ball, with linseed-meal and ex- tract of gentian. Or, 2 grains strychnine, made into a ball in the same way. . The nux vomica or strychnine, whichever is used, should’ be gradually increased, until to ‘the maximum of what the system will bear without serious disturbance, when it should be stopped, or the dose diminished. He should be well bedded up with straw, and as before stated, turned as often as once in every three. to four hours. , It often runs its course in from ‘thirty-six to forty-eight hours, usu- ally, however, in from three to six days. It is more fatal i in stallions { and geldings than in mares. Ifa veterinary surgeon is available, he‘ should be called in promptly when this disease appears. In a conversation with Dr. McBeth of this city (Battle Creek),. on the foregoing disease, he informed the writer that he had treated a great many cases during his practice, with success; that a short time before, directly after a severe storm, which was the cause of keeping the animals idle while kept on their usual amount of food; 526 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. 1 he had six cases, as a consequence, in one week, all of which made good recovery.. One case had been down forty-eight hours, another some eighteen hours, and a third about twelve hours before he was called. This success induced me to make the request that he would give me, in the fewest words; the outline of his understanding of the disease, with his treatment, which I give here as dictated by him :-— This disease is generally common to horses that are worked hard, then stand still with regular feed. When put to work, or when driven, perhaps not going more than a quarter to half a mile, begin to sweat profusely, and in a few minutes afterward show great weakness in the back, acting as if having lost power to move the hind legs; in fact, appearing stiff all over. If not helped quickly, the horse is ‘liable to fall down. The causé of the disease is the horse making more blood, while idle, than the system can appropriate. When put to work, the muscles in the lumbar region be- come congested; and the consequence is the horse loses power to raise or control his ; hind parts. If treated properly, will usually regain his strength in from twenty-four to thirty-six hours. ‘ Treatment.—First give a sharp cathartic, also apply counter-irritants over the re- gion of the kidneys, using sheep-skin or counter-irritants; also use the catheter. Give small doses of spirits of niter, with 10 to 15 drops aconite added, from four to six. hours.apart. When fever subsides, give nervine tonics with strychnine in one half grain doses, or powdered nux vomica in one half drachm doses, in from two to four hours apart. If not very serious, about four hours apart. If the horse is not able to rise, must not let him lie on one side longer than ‘three hours at a time. These cases are nervous and. must not be excited. They. must be handled very gently and walked around very carefully. After this article was written I received a U. S. Veterinary Fournal for December, 18838, published in Chicago, Ill., in which I find an excellent essay on this subject read by W. L. Williams, V.S., before the Illinois State Veterinary Association, and as an additional aid to successful treatment, I copy that advised by him :— The great essential in treatment is careful nursing, without which success is rarely possible in severe cases. As soon as the first symptoms appear, keep the an- imal as quiet as possible. If able to stand comfortably, have him ‘ still as possible ; if recumbent, procure him a good bed of straw at once, and by as quiet means as possible try to prevent any effort at getting up. This can usually be done readily by having a steady man hold the head, or he can be assisted by another man keeping the lower fore leg flexed against the chest by means of a strap upon the foot. Should the animal be standing, but growing more and more liable to fall, lose no time in getting him into the ‘most comfortable place at hand:. When already down, unless the weather be inclement or the location unfavorable, do not attempt to'move him for two or three hours, when he should be removed to a well-bedded, comfortable loose box or shed. He can with little difficulty be rolled on a low sled or a farm gate, when a good span of horses will readily drag him to the stall. door, and five or six men will soon place him where desired. Pass the catheter early, and PARALYSIS. 527 keep it up twice or thrice daily so the animal remains recumbent. Remove the shoes from the fore feet to prevent bruising of the chest and elbows while lying ; apply hot cloths or slightly stimulating liniment to the loins:and quarters. Keep the bowels open by moderate cathartics and enemas, and thus assist the kidneys in. execrating the effete materials from the blood. The kidneys usually act freely enough, but should they not do so, diuretics should not be given during the early stages, as they would most likely increase the already excessive congestion. Allow plenty of fresh water and good, nutritious, easily digested food, if the animal will eat. After the second or third day, should there be great debility, vegetable tonics with alcoholic stimulants should be given in moderation. The animal should be turned from side to side three or four times daily, but on no account urged to get up, nor should slings ever be used, as they only aggravate the case and retard the recov- ery. When the animal js fit to be up, he will get up alone without urging. Should some degree of paralysis remain after two or three weeks, nux vomica conjoined with diuretics are to be used. In mild cases, a gentle cathartic, with 4 day or two of rest, is sufficient. The progress is favorable, most cases making a rapid and complete recovery. In the more severe cases, if the animal becomes quiet after 12 to 80 hours, with regular, not much quickened pulse, the appetite returns, and the animal lies a large part of the time upon his chest ; recovery may be looked for, although the animal may be unable to rise for five or six days. When the animal continues restless and weak, will not lie upon his chest except when-held, refuses food almost entirely, the pulse becomes weaker and quicker, with considerable elevation of temperature, the case is to be considered a very grave one. PARALYSIS. The horse is taken suddenly, falls down, and is unable to rise. Sensation al- most completely lost in posterior ex- tremities. No increase in the pulsa- tion ; temperature will be found at 102° to 103°. The usual remedy is to give a sharp cathartic (see “‘ Physicking ”), and have the animal placed in slings. Next apply stimulating embrocations to the spine, and give one of the following balls every eight hours :— Alcoholic extract belladonna. ....1 02. Bromide potass...............+. 4 oz. ‘Liquorice root sufficient to make into six balls for the first stage. This treatment should be persisted in for the first four days, thoroughly bath- ing the animal’s hind quarters with mustard water, and keeping up the stimulants to the spine until sore. The application of a fresh sheep-skin or a Fig. 888.—Short-necked Horses Most Subject | to this Trouble. _ hot salt bath to the loins would be still better. There is another difficulty which resembles spinal paralysis, namely Azotaria (treatment for which is given under that head). As in the first case, the animal drops, and loses all power to get up. In spinal paralysis. there is a loss of sensation, 528 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. and a constant dribbling of urine, and involuntary fecal passage. Temperature 102° to 108°. No perceptible change of color in urine. In Azotaria the animal has sud- denly partial loss of sensation, the urine and feces not voided. No perceptible rise in'temperature. The urine, if withdrawn from the patient, will be of a coffee- brown color. The animal is uneasy, struggling and sweating over the flanks, and in great pain. This difficulty is usually found in short-necked horses that are fed too much grain. _Bearcely ever find horses i in moderate. condition subject to it.—Dr, Meyer. TETANUS, OR, Lock-Jaw: This éiheaue 3 is: wholly of a nervous character, being a peculiar irritability of the ner-. vous system, inducing constant spasmodic contraction of the vol-: . untary, and after a time the’ involuntary, ‘muscles, and is very fatal unless treated skillfully and careful- ly. It is more com- mon in the extreme South than in the North; and. is more Fre. 839.— Symptoms of Lock-jaw. liable to occur during ‘ the warm months. Symptoms.—In the first, stage there is a disinclination to move ; ; then the tail becomes erect and quivers, the ears set back, and the conjunctiva is. thrown over the pupil of the eye, and the head is el- évated, with'the muzzle and facial muscles contracted, the nostrils open, and the whole expression of the countenance haggard and-ex- cited, evincing great suffering. (A good idea is given by Fig. 839.) As the disease advances, the muscles all over the neck and body become stiff and rigid, and the legs have the appearance of a four-footed stool. - The animal has little or no ‘power to move. For the first few days the teeth remain apart, but as the disease advances, the muscles of the jaw become so contracted as to bring: them close together.. Hence the name “ locked-jaw.” The bowels are constipated, the urine scanty, and passed with difficulty. The pulse is usually not very high, but is easily raised by excitement ; he is very nervous, starts and quivers when any one approaches him. His appetite remains good, and from inability TENTANUS, OR LOCK-JAW. 529 to feed, his hunger amounts to staryation ; he will make every effort to suck up gruel or fluids, when, from the fixity of, the jaws, he is unable to masticate. The breathing, at first. not much altered, be- comes difficult and loud. The symptoms generally reach their cli- max about the third or fourth day. i = The causes of this disease are numerous. It commonly occurs in consequence of wounds, when it is called traumatic tetanus}; ih which case it is not developed until about the period the wound is considered healed ; it may occur from causes not apparent, when it is distinguished as idiopathic tetanus ; but, it is generally produced from a wounded nerve or bunch of nerves, pricking the tail, and very often from docking, punc-. tured wounds in the feet. from glass or nails, and sometimes from’ exposure to cold. Sum- merville says, “I have known one case to occur from fright.” Worms and other intestinal ir- ritation sometimes give rise to it. The pulse is almost normal for the first few days. As the disease advances, the pulse ‘Fra. 840.—A Test for Lock-jaw. “quickens, and the animal i is com- : ‘pelled to stand on his legs’ un- til death, if it terminates fatally. If favorably, .a relaxation of the: muscles begins from the fifth to the seventh day. Treatment.—First, as the disease is of a nervous character, qui- ’ etness is of the greatest’ importance. The animal should be re- |" shoved to an isolated place, or cool, dark, roomy loose box, by him- ‘self, and the cause of. the disease found. If from docking, the next . joint should be taken off the tail. If from a wound in the foot, the wound should be opened up and made new, and an application of digestive ojntment inserted, so as to produce a healthy flow of mat- ter. Or, as soon as opened | up, diligently foment with warm water, ‘after which cover with belladonna, and apply _poultices of linseed tieal, and opium or hyoscyamus to soothe and ‘allay the irritation, and give promptly at the same time a strong purgative, such as— Aloos (Barbadges) ......-.+2-ssesse0 nang hws deca geewemaese dr, Calon 0. sce averstennnes.s sparssayalbiai ste tvcee hoe Giae tan aesoplauabented fester 2 dr. . Given in éclution or ball, as most ‘conveniért. « Injections, of alkaline solution of aloes shculd also: be given, as it is of the greatest importance to get the bowels open early. Bella- 34 a 530 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. donna in half-drachm doses should be given{ four or five times a day. If it cannot be given otherwise, place it up in the ones when he will suck it up. He must be kept perfectly quiet, and the box cool and dark, no one being allowed to go near him but the attendants, and they must go about him noiselessly. A newly flayed sheep-skin should be laid over the loins, and well covered up to excite perspiration. , Very high authorities claim that blisters and other irritating treat- ment must be avoided. He must be treated as in a nervous fever, while average good authorities advise having the spine rubbed well with a strong liniment, such as one part aqua ammonia, two parts sweet-oil; to be repeated daily until the back becomes sore. He should be allowed all the nutriment he will take ; and when he can- not eat, sloppy drinks of linseed tea, barley water, well-boiled oat- meal gruel, etc., should be frequently placed within his reach. 7 _It may run its course in four or five days, or it may continue for one or two weeks. It very: often: proves fatal. _ Dr. Mc Beth, of this city, who has had excellent success in the management of this disease, informs the writer that he has recently had two very severe cases, both zdiopathic. . The ‘worst, owned by W. M: Merritt, of this city, had run four days, with jaws entirely fixed, before being called. His treatment. is, first sharp cathartic, aloes, with enemas to encourage action of the bowels, with half- drachm doses of belladonna, i in some cases even more ; in this case, being a very desperate. one, he gave drachm doses ‘of solid. extract, every three to four hours, with counter irritation over the spine, and generous nourishment as described. He of course found great difficulty in givingithe medicine, being compelled to push the aloes up into the mouth with a piece of stick, until a sufficient amount was taken up to. produce a free action of the bowels. STRINGHALT. This is a peculiar jerking or pulling up of the hind legs when walking or trotting, familiar to every one. It is most severe during cold weather when the horse is led out of, the stable, also after a ‘hard drive, and is much better when driven and warmed up. Many ‘horses that have but a slight touch of it may move off showing so | little evidence of it as to escape notice. If suspected, back the horse up hill, especially after standing awhile, or when cool, and he will show it most clearly. It is claimed that*colts suffering. from worms, and horses suffer- THUMPS: 531 ing from derangement of the digestive organs, will show some tem- porary jerking of one or both hind legs, from which they recover under good keeping and mineral tonics. The writer, has never known a case of stringhalt to be cured. There are a great many theories and ‘pretended cures, but I know ‘of none worthy of mention. \ THUMPS, OR SPASMODIC ACTION OF THE DIAPHRAGM, commonly called thumps, is caused by severe and long-contin- Fie. 841.—The Circulatory Apparatus Indicating the Position of Heart, Arteries, and Diaphragm. ued driving and hard work. Horses of a nervous temperament hav- ing too much cold water given to drink on a cold morning, nervous irritation, severe work or excitement from‘ any cause, may excite this trouble. Symptoms. —A sudden jerking or twitching of the muscles of the sides and flanks; pulse wiry, quick, and low; more or less fever ; ; extremities natural. ‘Treatment.—This disease being of a purely spasmodic ‘character, 532 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. but in this case wholly of a nervous nature, bleeding must be omitted, and must be treated wholly by giving spasmodic remedies. Give asafetida, i in a dose of from 1 to 3 ounces of the tincture, mixed in a half pint of water. Given as a drench, it will stop it almost in- stantly. If necessary, the medicine may be repeated in two hours. ‘Keep the horse well clothed, and all exciting causes away from him. The bowels should be kept loose and regular, by giving bran mashes and moderate exercise. i LYMPHANGITIS—WEED—MONDAY MORNING LEG.. This disease is attributed to high feeding and insufficient exer- cise, , generally in working-horses. Those. having worked steadily are kept standing i in the stable for a few days, given all they can eat, when on a morning the animal will be found lame. This usually. occurs in dray horses. The owner comes in late Saturday night, and feeds ; on Sunday he gives an extta allowance, eriough to last all day ; ; the horse eats all. Perhaps the owner does not come again until. the following day, when he finds his horse is unable to back out of the stall: For this reason the disease is called by some Mon- day morning leg. It usually affects one of the hind legs, and is an inflammation of the lymphatics. The left leg is usually affected. The. leg is swollen, is favored and held from the ground; the swelling extends on the inner side from the foot up to the. body. There is heat, and great tenderness to the touch. Horses that have once been attacked by lymphangitis are liable to a recurrence time after time, until the limb assumes. permanently an enlarged con- dition. Treatment.—Clothe the animal warmly and give. a moderate purge, and bathe the affected limb with very hot salt water 3 or 4 times a day. After each bathing, apply the following lotion :-— Tincture Of APMOR 655 saa is sawelee ven slxmdes wee ssaad vavelesean 2 oz. Water .' ‘Feed no oats or stimulating food, simply bran mashes, to which add plenty of salt ; after the third or fourth day feed one of the fol- lowing powders morning and night:— Todine of potass ..... 0... ccc cece cece eens etenscccvereuans 2 oz. Bicarbonate of potass .......,. diane cares ae Meewecees adicdielecnne 1} oz. Powdered gentian root ................ Perwianeual Hare AGA DEN Dkepe eee 8 oz. Mix and make into 10 powders. In 8 to 10 days, when the symptoms have disappeared, if any PERITONITIS. 533 \ swelling remains, there being no pain, analy for a few times an ointment. _ Mercurial BINGMCW hy he dee aa ewido un ay eee 2 o7. “ Iodine ointment ........7..’ dudes ooavenoeG eae en ener \eaeuGes 1} o7. ° Vaseline ................, Gea Warde AAG wie NERO eh Siecded eStebl inc Beas aetera 4 of, Make into a salve. ' THE PERITONEUM. i The peritoneum is the thin serous membrane which lines the cavity of the belly, and is reflected over the organs contained within it, forming a complete covering to them. It also suspends and re- tains them in their proper rélative positions by its folds and reflec- | tions, vulgarly known as the caul (omenta). This membrane also secretes a delicate serous fluid for the purpose of lubricating the sur- , face, so as to prevent friction during the ceaseless. motions | of the viscera. It is also the matrix over which | the, blood-vessels ; are dis- tributed to the organs contained in the: belly ; ; hence the inflamma- tion of these organs is apt to extend along this vascular-investing membrane, constituting peritonitis. _*s _PERITONITIS. Peritonitis occurs in two forms, acute and chronic. Acute per-. itonitis, as a primary disease, is not very common in the horse. ‘Causes. —It i is usually. caused by external violence, as from. be- ing hooked by a cow’s horn, or staked in jumping a fence; it also sometimes follows castration, operations for hernia, and other oper- ations involving a division of it, and occasionally from exposure to damp and cold, especially when héated. » Symptoms. —lIt usually sets in with shivering’ fits, general uneas- iness in the region of the abdomen; quick, short breathing ;: pulse quick, small, and wiry; tenderness on pressure on ‘belly; lying down and rising frequently ; he moves about uneasily in his box, and is very feverish ; the bowels:are costive, and he strains o¢ca- . sionally. The pain is not so violent as in colic or inflammation of the bowels, for which it is apt to be mistaken. Treatment. —Relieve the bowels by injections, give a brisk pur- gative, as six drachms of aloes, with a drachm of calomel. Drachm doses of extract of belladonna or hyoscyamus should be given every hour, for three or four doses ; ; or tincture of aconite, from fifteen to. twenty drops every two hours, in a little cold water, till the fever is subdued. Apply smart counter-irritation to the whole surface of the belly by rubbing in a strong liquid blister. The treatment of peritonitis does not differ very materially from that of enteritis, or inflammation of the bowels, which see. 534 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. THE STOMACH. The stomach is that pouch or bag into which the food passes from the gullet, and in which it undergoes the primary and essential changes in the process of digestion. The stomach of the horse is a comparatively small organ ; its shape is generally compared to the air-bag on a.pair of bag-pipes, It has two openings, the cardiac, into which the food enters from the gullet, and the pyloric, through which it passes into the bowels, or gut. Its inner ‘surface’ is lined by two distinct, membranes, a cutecular and a villous: The former lines the cardiac portion, and is white and wrinkled; the. latter covers the pyloric, and is yellowish red, soft and velvety to the touch. The latter is the true digestive stomach. In it the gastric juice is secreted, and the essential process of chymification, or the formation of the food into chyme, goes on, the former being merely for macerating and further triturating the masticated food. INDIGESTION. ‘Indigestion in one form or another is very common in the horse. It occurs in two forms, which may be distinguished as acid- ity of the stomach, or heart-burn, and acute indigestion, or total arrestment of digestion. “ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. Acidity of the stomach arises from bad food and irregular feed- ing. Symptoms—The animal is observed to lose condition ; the skin is dusty and unthrifty ; he is continually poking and piéleing among the litter, licking out the corners of the manger, occasionally stretch- ing out the nose, and pouting the upper lip. If turned out, he licks earth or sand, and evinces a depraved appetite ; at work he is easily sweated’; his bowels are irregular, the dung being light-colored and glazed. Treatment.—Change the feed, give sweet, well-cured hay, a few bran-mashes, and gentle welling exercise. Give him the following laxative ball: — Barbadoes aloes.............c00ceceeceesee: aes wea ena ai sreiavesae: Savews 6 dr. Ground “Pim ers oso a.aiecie: sya cecavs arose nh oataasinh ache ara dea evade geal bw Sa 2dr. Carbonate of soda... eee ee cece eee eeeee epee 8 dn: Make into « ball with molasses or lard. Place a lump of rock salt in his manger, and give a little car- ‘ bonate of soda or magnesia twice a day in the feed. When recovery begins, give him tonics for some time, with gentle exercise. If he “a. ACUTE INDIGESTION. 535 persists in devouring the litter, muzzle him up for a few days. This, if neglected, is apt to run on to diabetes or jaupis. ACUTE INDIGESTION. Acute indigestion is very common in this country, especially in the spring, fram the continuous hard work, and necessarily liberal feeding. It is usually induced by overfeeding, that is, eating too much at a time, more especially when the animal has been fatigued and hungry. It sometimes occurs from his breaking loose in the night, and gorging himself at the corn-bin. Another frequent cause. is overloading the stomach with clover or green feed when wet; ' this often induces violent and fatal indigestion. Symptoms.—Digestion may be arrested, either by “the food un- dergoing no change, forming a dangerous load, or running rapidly to frightful fermentation.” Inthe former case the animal is dull and stupid, the pulse is slow, and the breathing oppressed ; he is. stiff, and inflammation of the feet, or acute founder, is apt to set in. If he have access to water, it speedily sets up fermentation, gas being rapidly evolved ; the stomach is greatly distended, the belly swol- len, colicky pains set in, he rolls about in great agony, looking wist- fully at his flank, kicking his belly with his feet ; he tosses about ‘in despair, the bowels being unmoved. He gets up and down fre- quently, the sweat rolls off him in streams, and in many cases death end to his sufferings in from four to six or eight hours, caused by rupture of the stomach or bowels, or violent inflammation of the intestines. Treatment.—It is more easily prevented than cured, by simply attending to the following rules: Never let a horse get too hungry ; never give him too much at a time; never put him to work ona full stomach; and never let him drink too freely after eating, and we will seldom see this fatal disease. ; ‘Treatment must be prompt to be effectual. The following drench will be found useful : — Barbadoes aloes......... oat Re eee ues teaton cer CNS ten 8 dr. Liquor ammonia,.............-. Gaia Soa tersneeN places le ee Tels unerncecaee 1 fl. oz. Or, spirits of turpentine 5 Gaines mag Maho ese ecg altae acne a2 peice ES iesein 2 fl. oz. Dissolve the aloes with a little carbonate of soda, in nearly a quart of warm water, and add the other. Rub the belly well, and apply cloths wrung out of boiling water diligently to it. Give copious injections of soap and water, or a mild infusion of tobacco or tobacco- smoke. If no relief is obtained in one or two hours, give at intervals of an hour, two drachms car- bonate of ammonia, 4 ounce ginger (powdered), in gruel. CHAPTER’ XXIV. : : THE FOOT. PRICKING IN SHOEING, STEPPING ON NAILS, Grass. ETC. HE foot is made up of the coffin-bone (os pedis), the lower end, of T the small pastern bone (os corona), and the navicular bone (os na- viculdris), with the tendon of the flexor pedis, which passes over the navicular bone, and is inserted in the sole of the coffin-bone, a vari- ety of illustrations of which I give. The surface of the coffin-bone is ‘covered . by laminz or thin plates, running from above downward, fitting into corresponding plates on the inner surface of the hoof. The sole is also covered by a sensitive structure which is villous, that is, presenting elevations and depressions, which fit into recipro- cal horny villi on the sole of the foot. At the back part of the sole we have the sensitive or fatty frog, covered in a similar manner by the horny frog. These, with the coronary ligament (which occu- pies the groove in the upper margin of the wall of the hoof, and from which the hoof grows), and the coronary frog-band, blood-ves- sels, nerves, and lymphatics, constitute the foot of the horse. (To make this more plain, I include drawings of different views of the hoof; reference can also be made to jllustrations in ‘ Shoeing.”) Accidents and injuries of the foot constitute the principal bruises,—stepping on stones, sharp bodies, treads, etc., and are’ also causes of lameness, It is liable to injury from various causes, as oc- casionally participating in constitutional derangement ; but by far the greatest amount of injury arises, directly or indirectly, from: shoeing. Sometimes, from carelessness, a nail penetrates the sensitive part of the foot'(usually called the quick). Sometimes the nail itself does not penetrate, but i is driven so close as to cause the wall, in its course, to press on and bruise the quick, (something like Fi ig. 843,) giving rise to inflammation, and usually terminating in suppuration. Serious trouble is also liable to be caused by driving the nails deep and clinching them tightly, as this ‘will bend the nails more or less inward upon the soft parts, causing a pinging, uncomfortable Oat ar” f THE FOOT.. : 537 pressure that produces a soreness, and Sometimes very serious in- ’ flammation. . -Symptoms.—Laimeness May appear in.a day or two, sometimes not fora week. The foot is found to be hot and tender, and the least tap with the hammer causes pain ; in. moving, the animal sets ‘the foot down so as to throw the pressure off the tender part, and when standing he will rest the foot. Sometimes the leg : swells con- siderably ; the swelling is sometimes painful, and is very apt to mis- lead the inexperienced. _. Treatment.,— Remove the shoe, and having with the hammer or pincers discovered the faulty nail, thin the sole around ‘it, and with a fine drawing- knife follow the course of the nail till the matter is evacuated; make a free vent for it, and immerse the foot ina warm poultice for a day or two. -When the symptoms subside, the shoe may be applied, and the sole filled with tow and tar, or F: riar’s bal- sam, tincture of myrrh, etc., retained by cross slips or a leather sole, care being taken not to bruise the sole. The crust at the injured part should not rest on the shoe. (For further details, see page 349 in “ Shoeing.”) . If. the nails are driven so deep as to bind, which, as before stated, is a véry common occurrence, particularly in feet with thin hoofs, the first thing to do is to remove the nails; if much inflam- mation, poultice until relieved ; then let the shoe extend farther out under the crust, and drive smaller nails, using care not to drive deep. If a nail has been driven, into the foot, get the horse to the sta- ble as quick as you can, and take off the shoe. If-not. done before, remove the nail, glass, or whatever it is, from the foot carefully. See that no part remains, and remove a little of the hoof from around the opening. . Drop a few drops of Friar’s balsam or com- pound tincture of benzoin into the orifice, both of which-can be ob- tained in almost ‘any drug store. If this is not obtainable, use the _simple digestive ointment (given.under head of “Cuts”), and cover the foot with: a large flaxseed’ poultice. If the injury is at all severe, give a sharp dose of physic, and let the animal stand quiet. The Fia. 842:—The Horse as he Usually Rests the Foot ' when Lame. 538 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. object is to keep down the inflammation. No hot oils or anything stimulating is to be applied. If there is much inflammation, omit digestive dressing until after it is reduced by poulticing, when dress with digestives. There is liable to be tenderness if the sole should strike the ‘ground afterward, as there may be inflammation of the periosteum, to relieve which, ‘put on a high-heeled shoe, and blister around the coronet. The sole is sometimes bruised by the shoe pressing upon it, causing much inflammation and lameness. ‘Take off the shoe, poultice for twenty-four hours or more ; fit the shoe so as to remove all pressure from the sole; if sore yet, continue the poultice ; if matter is formed, treat as you would any simple ulcer, with a heal- ing astringent. Several good preparations are given in another part of this work. Foot LAMENEsS.* Sympioms.—Horse goes gradually sore, walking tender either behind or before. As a rule comes in one foot; the hind foot, tries to put the hee] down first, Not much fever in the feet. No apparent cause ; hard to locate thetrouble. The only diag- nosis is by tapping the wall of the foot, which will give a hollow sound. It is all due to want of cell-growth or nutrition of horn cells, which will cause the wall or hoof .to separate from the true foot, At the start the horse may travel sore or tender, growing worse gradually for two or three months; finally the horse becomes very lame. There is no fever; no pain by pressure or hammering. The only point noticeable is by the hollow sound of the wall when hammered upon. By examining the sole of the foot at the point where the sole and wall are united, by pricking there with a probe, a granulating substance will be found—little dry Fie. 843.—Rueking. fibers of horn, which are the dead horn-cells. These can be found and pricked clear up to the coronary band, with- out causing any feeling to the horse. ae 7 Treatment.—Clean out the foot properly, and pour nitric acid into the crevice made until all the dead part is cleaned out. Then put on a plain shoe sd as to pro. tect the sole and wall; fill out the bottom with oakum and hot tar; next fire all -around the coronary band, the same as for ring-bone, and apply a sharp blister, and. allow the horse to stand five or six weeks. If by the third week there is no sign of healthy horn, the blister may again be applied. But there is usually after three or four weeks a good noticeable growth of healthy horn. After this, but little more can be done than to exercise the horse moderately, ‘until the new growth of horn-structure has grown down. * Dictated by Dr. Charles A. Meyer. GRAVELING. 539 x SEEDY TOE. This is the name given to a dry, mealy secretion of horn, which is sometimes seen to take place between the horny and sensitive sole at the toe. It is seldom seen in this country, owing to clips be- ing not much used. Causes.—It is generally caused by large clips being hammered firmly on the toe, bending in the hoof, and bruising the part. Symptoms.—Pain and lameness, with heat and tenderness, on pressure at the toe. The horn is dry and micaly; and matter is gen- erally found at the bottom of it. In' bad cases, horny processes are found pressing inward, pro- ducing: absorption of the coffin-bone, -with a tendency for fungus growths to shoot up, producing a very troublesome disease. Treatment.—In a simple case, open it up, cut down to the bot- tom, add poultice for.a few days, when the shoe may be applied ; remove the pressure by cutting down the crust, and fill it up with tow and hot tar, when it will soon get well. In bad cases, with fungus and bony absorption going on, free incisions must be made; sometimes it will be necessary to cut through the wall. Caustics must be freely used, such as muriate of antimony, dilute hydrochloric acid, etc., ‘with pressure judiciously applied ; the process may be arrested, and the part healed. When there is want of cell-growth, with a separation of the wall ‘ from the inner structure, which is very common in horses that have been driven hard, or been partially foundered, another high authority advises the following, which is practically the same as that given for foot-lameness :— Treatment.—Thorough and repeated blistering around the coronet. Next pour boiling hot tar or even corrosive substance, such as muriatic acid, butter of anti- mony, spirits of salts, etc., into the cavity formed. Whenever there is a separation of the wall from the sole, with weak or slow growth of horn, this is effectual if there is any life in the parts. In severe cases, as first explained, the firing-iron is necessary, first cleaning out the dead part and filling in with hot-tar, etc. This is added in order to give a little more extended idea of the, method of treatment. GRAVELING. ns A small stone, gravel, or dirt becoming imbedded under the shoe at the point of the heel between the bar and frog, usually the inner heel, and working through the sole into the quick, is called graveling. If not removed, it will in time work up through the. cor- 540 DISEASES AND THEIR. TREATMENT. onet, or cause matter to form which will burrow between the wall and the sensitive sole. The horse shows more or less lameness on the trot; is aggra- vated when driven over hard ground or trotted: fast. If not inter- fered with, the lameness continues for about three months, when the gravel usually works through the coronet, making a small break in the skin, after which the lameness disappears ; but should the mat- ter be confined to the sole and surrounding parts, it is liable 'to cause considerable disturbance and injury to the foot. When a horse shows lameness without any apparent cause, this part should be carefully ‘examined, 1. To discover if the sole is broken at the point of the heel; 2. By slight tapping against the wall of the part with a small stone or hammer, to find if there is any unusual sensibility ; ; 8. By resting the hand gently upon the part, to see if there is any increased heat, which would of course point to the seat of ‘trouble. Sometimes gravel works into the sensitive part in consequence of the sole being denuded to relieve a bruise or corn. The point is to remove the cause of irritation. If much in- flammation and pain, poultice ; this will lower inflammation, and aid in soaking out and removing any foreign matter accumulated. When this has, been done, saturate a pledget of tow with tincture of myrrh, or tar ointment, or Friar’s balsam, and insert into the part, covering’ it completely:. Next, fita shoe so therelwill be no pressuré upon this part, and nail on. It will usually be found necessary to put on a bar shoe until the heel is Erowa ‘down again and will bear pressure. BRUISE OF THE SOLE. The sole is liable to bruise from the shoe being improperly seated, sometimes from sand: or gravel being impacted in the web of the shoe, or by “ picking up” a stone, which, getting wedged in the foot, bruises the sole. Symptoms. —Lameness first attracts attention to it ; ; In removing the shoe, the sole is found tender, and the foot hot; on paring the sole, it is found discolored at the bruised part. Treatment.—A few days’ rest may be necessary, with the foot . immersed in a poultice, or stopped with some emollient dressing ; and by using a leather sole or felt pads for a short time, it disappears. TREADS, OR CALKS. Injuries to the coronet are very common, especially in the Northern States during the winter months, when horses with sharp calks are driven or worked on rough, icy roads or deep snow, par- TREADS, OR CALKS. 541 ticularly in the woods. Treads, or calks, usually happen on the hind foot, by the horse accidentally setting one foot on the other, or another horse stepping on it. In ordinary cases, if not cut very deep, all that is necessary to to ‘cut the. hair from the. edges, sponge or clean out any hair or dirt that may be driven i in, and pour on a little kerosene oil, followed by a little hot tar, or the parts cov- * ered with hot tar will be sufficient. But if the cut is deep, it will sometimes prove to be a very se- ' rious difficulty, and require prompt attention to prevent serious in- flammation of the parts. The first thing to be done in such a case is to carefully remove any dirt, or other foreign matter. When thoroughly clean, it may be bound up with a pledget of tow dipped Fie, 844.—The Coronet as It Fie. 846.—As the Hair Should Usually Appears when be Clipped from the Edges Badly Calked. ‘* of the Injury. | in tincture of myrrh, or compound tincture of benzoin, or Friar’'s balsam, which, if available, will be found an excellent remedy, The point is now to prevent any excessive inflammation. Keep ‘the horse quiet, feed bran mashes, etc., no grain; and if there is enough inflammation to cause much soreness, cover the foot. with a large hot poultice. If the soreness becomes at all excessive, at once use hot fomentations, following up for at least one or two hours three or four times a day ; after which keep the leg tied up with wet cloths, or poultice. If there is extreme pain, give an anodyne, or inject a little morphine under the skin, as a horse cannot endure pain very long, and continue fomentations industriously ; this, at all events, must not be neglected. In very severe cases it may be necessary to put the horse in 542 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. slings, if he will not lie down. When the inflammation subsides, but little more is necessary to be done than to let the parts alone, . dressed with any of ‘the prepara- tions before given. To illustrate the seriousness of these cases sometimes, I will. refer to an accident of the kind to one _of my own horses. One of my men, who had special charge of and drove a favorite pony, took it into his head during the winter to have the ,calks pointed with steel and made very sharp. While’ the pony was standing in his stall, with one foot resting against the oppo- site, he was suddenly startled by some one approaching, when, throwing his weight upon the ele- vated foot, the inside calk was driv- en well into the coronet of the op- posite foot. I was kept i ignorant of the accident. for several days, when it was made known to me by discovering the horse to be lame. The injury at the surface did not seem tobe ; serious, but it was deep. In conse- quence of being driven on the road, the inflammation soon became so serious that it was necessary, at great incon- venience, to leave the horse behind a couple of weeks, the part in the meantime being thoroughly poulticed and fomented. The inflammation passing off; and. being entirely free from lameness, he was again put ‘to his work on the road, when the roads ‘were breaking up. Driving him through the deep mud for a few miles again brought on such serious inflammation of the parts as to ne- Fra. 846.—As the Foot was Held During the Period of Greatest’ Inflammation. Fig. 847.—The Usual Appearance of a i . Foot Badly Calked, and Neglected cessitate a constant application.of fo-_ or Improperly Treated: mentations for hours at'a time, night and-day, for several days, to overcome it. Fig. 846 is an illustration QUITTOR. 543 of how he stood when he suffered most severely. Ialso give specimens of the usual method of sharpening the calks in winter, and as they should be rounded or filed to prevent serious injury. Owners should not neglect to look to this matter very carefully. . The toe and inside calk especially should be rounded sufficiently to prevent any serious cutting. Concave shoes should be used in winter ; with such, calks Fie. 848.—Caiks as They are Usually Sharpened in Winter. need not belong or sharpto give sufficienthold. Particular care should. be taken not to have any calks or sharp shoes on when there is an Fic. 849.—As the Calks Should be Blunted or Rounded to Prevent Cutting. effort to subdue a horse. ‘This caution must not be disregarded, as a horse under such circumstances is liable to cut himself danger- ously. et . OVERREACH. When a horse, in a fast pace, overreaches the fore with the hind foot, Saeehs. ouweeaeh coena verb adaeehouces co bec 1 oz BORAX zisicistetare x ances See ayels acs s aaa: dcp WISH Saaxeey o Rtdare Ur ee 14 oz: ONC soos sis ccceeso ss dae dee inde bo See OV AGERE 4 SND ARMS TEATS 1 o2. Water eres ekg Huw ie sesh os Mahe em aierbe's Haines whole ames ealiats 1 qt If it is nearly cut across, it may be necessary to remove it, and tie the blood-vessels, and dress frequently with the above lotion. Tincture of marigold; called calendula, is so good for bruises and cuts of this character, that I think it worth mentioning. When in Painsville, Ohio, in 1869, a horse was brought in by a leading gentleman. He stated that the horse-had the habit of pul- ling recklessly ahead against the bit, so much so that he could not be stopped, offering to wager that he would pull six men with the bit. Upon trial, with a breaking bit on, he pulled eight men around the ring. His tongue, becoming caught under the bit, was cut fully half off, and the mouth so badly bruised that it became terribly we } | FISTULA OF THE WITHERS. 575 swollen in a short time. I had a few ounces of calendula with me, which I had obtained to try its effect if opportunity presented. I reduced some of it one third to one half with water, and bathed the mouth and tongue with it thoroughly, repeating two or three times in a couple of hours. Being compelled to leave for Madison the same evening, I di- rected the owner to bathe the part with the preparation four or five times a day at least until my return. I remained at Madison one day, went to Geneva the next, when I’ again returned to Pains- ville to fill my engagement there, being absent three days. Upon examining the case:I was surprised to find all swelling and inflam- mation gone, and the tongue-entirely healed. A horse having lost a part of the tongue, cannot drink without -plunging the head deep in the water. ' CuTs oR BRUISES OF THE CHEEKS. To cure cuts or bruises of the cheeks, use inside— Tanda. Faia eas We acai cadacs Ae ea wt ee AP aa si 1 dr. Borax 0.2.50. 826558 Lenidhie peu aaea enna name.1so eae wees ene 1} o2. Water...... A ohare easter ee cies ee tee Ree nes ne Neco sea nasie ecules 8 or 4 parts Swab the inside of the wound once a day. For the outside dressing, use— Tincture myrrh........... Reha eau v Ou raateeioe aden a Neca < scee tee sd aeedes exes sae aaa eee anew 8 02. Venetian turpentine.......... 06.66. ete e eee e eee ee ene 2.02. Powdered ‘caraway sufficient to form the mass. Divide into balls of a convenient size ; one daily, till diuresis is produced.. Use- ful in swelled legs, dropsical ‘effusion, weed, ete. ANTI-SPASMODICS. \ No. 1. —Sulphuric ether ..... iadsek unas uke Vi dann does eis ees sh 1 oz. Infusion of opium,.............. 2. cee ce ee ee eens A tienda 2 o2. Peppermint water,....... ined e gee eae Cemeeeumae ....1 02, Mix. : To be given in a quart of cold water. Useful in flatulence, spasm, etc. No. 2.-—Ether and chloroform, of each, . da itonctsgueiven tee he } oz. Tincture of opium....... sei Sea hteas See ean. cs china Sis ne 2 02. Tincture Of COTAAMOM: p52 i cite cai 8 a cedeciesreraleleoteane tte 1 o2. To be given in a quart of water.” Useful in-colic.. , ’ 636 DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. No. 3.—Spirits of ammonia (aromatic) ............. . Walaa: p eus 2 02. Dilute hydrocyanic acid.................0....2......20 drops. Tincture of ginger. 2.2.0... 0... ccc close cc ceecsecteneus 2 02. To be given in a quart of beer, well shaken. Useful in spas- modic colic., etc. ANODYNE DRAUGHT, OR DRENCH. No. 4,—Tincture of opium............. dtaieieOag wencclslo Safe teased to 1 oz. * Spirits of nitrous ether.............. ee ee 1 to 2 oz. Essence of peppermint*............ 0.0. cc ccc eceaee 1 to 2 dr. Were oe a cris. ob reirnce cgree a ads cu cacesnls ates tiveowvindeneteniadawee 1 pt. ANODYNE CARMINATIVE TINCTURE. No. 5.—Best Turkey opium... 0.0.00... e cece cece ccc ccccececes 1 o2. Cloves, bruised... 2.2... .. cece e cece eeeeee 74...2 02 Jamaica ginger, bruised ................... By a: bf unsl 9 s:o:apus 8 oz. Old Cognac brandy................ Lafeccecoacnte sree ean 1 qt.— White. DRENCH FOR STOMACH STAGGERS. No. 1.—Barbadoes aloes........... edn oak Pane ees arnt 5 dr. to 1 oz. Calomel io. isc ncvasde bud eaen cians PPbd Ales Sade mused vedas 2 dr. Oil of peppermint................ sbiieTa eliogavtl eve @ AVene ses 20 drops. Warm water... ....... ce cece ce eeeceace fa eciauv Fre. 900.—Compound Butter-worker: ful. An antiseptic called “ glacialine,” for preserving butter, is used with good results. It is tasteless, odorless, and perfectly harmless, and will preserve, butter quite sweet for a much longer period than. will common salt. If it be desirable to have the butter salted, for the mere taste of the salt, this can be done at a later period. _ a MARKETING BUTTER. Asa mere matter for reference we ‘present a number of represen- , tations of conveniences in marketing butter, this being, a field in which "each dairyman’s own experience and own common: sense will serve him in better stead. than any recommenda- tions from'us. In Fig. 901 the but- ter is wrapped in cloths and placed ip Fic. 901.—Butter-carrier. Fra, 902.—Crate for Butter-jars. BUTTER - MAKING. the jars, and the shelves fastened down to pre- vent ‘the butter jolting. The return butter-tub shown in Fig. 903 is of white ash, oak, or spruce ; the upper hoopis adjusta- ble, operated on by a mal- leable iron cam, and when closed, the head of the tub is as tight as the bottom. The return. butter-jar, or pot (Fig. 904), is adapt- | ed to the ctate as shown A in Fig. 902. it is made of earthenware ; around the top are projections that serve as the threads of a bolt or screw, while the iron hooks on thé ‘wooden cover answer the. purpose ee the threads of a nut, adjusted, the j jar is air-tight. Fi, 904. —Return Butter-jar. ‘Thus \ to CHAPTER VIII. CHEESE - MAKING. Mrix-VaTs—REFRIGERATING Vats—SeLF: Heatine Vats—Curp-Mitus ann Curp- + DRAINERS 4 Curp-KNIVEs AND CuRD-BREAKERS — CHEESE- PRESSES — Upricut AND Gana Presses — CHEESE-Hoors — CHEESE-F'AcTORIES. HE greatest difference between butter-making and cheese-mak- ing lies in the fact that whereas inferior butter is scarcely tol- erable, inferior cheese is very generally tolerated, and some- times by persons of very fair taste in other things. And, there being a more variable standard in cheese-making than in butter- making, itis far more difficult to present to the reader any gener- ally recognized set df rules or principles for guidance in the “former than in the latter. The. most = practical . benefit we can confer. up- on: the. dairyman in reference to this” department of his industry, . will be -to furnish him some general facts regarding the process of cheese-making as carried on by the most experienced dairy farmers, together with representations and de- scriptions of the implements and devices employed by them. Fig. 907. —Ipner Shell of Milk-vat. MILK-VarTs. In the chapter on butter-making, we have fully outlined the proper preparation and treatment of milk in the preliminary stages. © The first desideratum in cheese-making is adequate milk-vats. The .796) CHEESE - MAKING. 707 milk, having been carefully strained into the vat, should be set for 24, 36, or 48 hours, according to circumstances, and. all the cream that has risen taken off with care. The skimmed milk is then heated to 75° or 80°, when the but- termilk taken from the cream in butter-making may be add- ed; after which the mass may be further heated to 85° or 90°, ; and then the rennet may be added (Hansen’s extract is a | good preparation of rennet), _in the proportion of one pint to eighty gallons of milk. When. the rennet has been thoroughly mixed with the milk, the vat is covered for from 30 to, 50 minutes, according to circum- stances, at. the end of which time coagulation ought to be complete. As soon as the , curd, which. is the coagulum thus produced, is well sepa- rated from the whey, the lat- ter is drawn off, leaving the curd perfectly: sweet. From . this point the object is to get to press as soon as the curd is sufficiently cool, which is effected by pouring on cold, water till the. temperature is reduced to about 70°. The curd is next salted, —83 lbs. to 100 is a good proportion, —the salt being rapidly and evenly, mixed in; and then the curd is ready to put into the press. Some thoroughly Fig. 909. —Rtrigerating Vat Closed. “a a oo mn a i ce ave 7 a HI ee 7 Fre. 910.—Self-heating Milk-vat, ? DAIRYING. "Fre. 918,—Cheshire Curd-mill drain the curd before put- ting it to press, but the best cheese-makers consider it of more importance to get Wal c it to press while it is still B sweet, as the whey will be strained out in the press. The different processes of straining, breaking, and cutting the curd, where they are employed, and pressing, with others, will be explained hereafter. There are, of course, many methods for making cheese widely different from the one we have de- scribed; but we have sought to present simply the average process in this country. APPLIANCES FOR CHEESE- MAKING. In Fig..906 we give a design of a milk-vat which has been found to work most satisfactorily. It has an outer and an inner shell, the latter shown in Fig.907. The outer .shell is of wood or sheet iron, the inner one of stout tin. The inlet for hot or cold water, and the outlet for the same, are seen in the angular funnel ‘and inthe tap at the end of the vat, in Fig. 906. In Fig. 907 the whey-plug at the end is. soldered to the lowest part of thie shell-bot- CHEESE - MAKING. 709 Fie, 914—Curd-drainer. = tom, so as to drain off all the whey, and passes through the outer shell to which it is attached. This plug is at the opposite end of the vat from the water- -tap, and not seen in the cut. ‘Fra. 915.—Improved Curd-drainer. Fie. 916.—Rack of Curd-drainer. ' A refrigerating vat used in the State of New York is shown in Figs. 908 and 909.: In this vat the milk may be set’at any depth up to twenty inches. The vat for factory service is Senceauy 15 feet long by 3 or 4 feet wide, with a ca- pacity of 600 gallons. Two flat tin cases are suspended the length of the vat, and these conduct cold water ~ through the mass of milk. The cover is of. roofing tin, double, with an air space of one inch. With an econom-, ical use of ice, and a little salt, 5,000 Ibs. of fresh milk may by this ap- paratus be wooled to 40° in a very short time. - Many - sarees fie. vats: have been invented, and without being in- ’ vidious, we present one designed by 7 pu au Vi i Mt Cara mH We Fig. 917.. Curd-knives. a "| 710 DAIRYING. Mr. O'Neill, of Utica, -N. Y. (shown in. Fig. 910), which seems to be a favorite in his own State. A convenient milk-vat is shown in Fig. 911. It is: of stout tin of the best qual- ity, and inclosed in and supported by a strong outer case of wood, between which and the tin is a space under the bottom and around the sides and ends. A stream of water runs through the vat, and as the water issues from the end, it is conducted by a rubber tube to a small water-wheel that is sunk in the CTP floor close by, to which the agitators are Fie. 919. Fra. 920. attached, and the water is thus made to Stirting-rakes. serve a double purpose. , CURD-MILLS AND CURD-DRAINERS. An improved milk-vat, invented in England, and used with suc- cess in some parts of this country, is shown in Fig. 912. The curd, ground by a curd-mill, which is shown in Fig. 913, is seen in the cloth in thé vat, ready to be placed in an oven, which takes the place of the ordinary cheese-press. A is the wooden cheese-vat, B the cylin- Curd-breakes- CHEESE-MAKING. | . Wi coon ae Ii Fra. 928.—The Gang-press. der of perforated tin, and C, C, the skewers inserted to help out the whey. When the vat is removed from the oven, the curd will gen- erally be found to be settled down considerably, and a narrower cylinder of tin then replaces the wider. While on the subject of vats, we give a representation (Fig. 914) Fia. 924. Upright Gang-press. Fie. 925. 712 Fic. 928. Cheese-hoops. DATIRYING. of a curd-drainer of approved pattern, which has a false bottom of -slats,. easily removed in sections,. below which is the drop bottom for the whey to run off and to givé a circu- lation of ‘air under the curd,- ‘An- other curd-drainer is shown in Fig. 915. It is of wood throughout, and is about five feet square and fifteen inches deep. It has a false bottom, consisting of the racks which are seen standing inside. On the false bottom is spread a strong, coarse cloth, on which the curd is placed. The cloth is large enough completely to wrap up all the curd, which then remains about an hour covered up and at rest, except that it is now and then turned over. One of the racks is shown in Fig. 916. CuRD-KNIVES AND CURD- BREAKERS. When the coagulation is so far ad- vanced that the curd will break cleanly over the finger in trying to lift a bit of it, a many-bladed curd-knife (Fig. 917) of steel, the blades tinned to pre- serve them against the effects of acid in the curd, is passed slowly through the miass of curd from one end of the vat to the other, until all is cut. Afterward the curd-knife with hofi- zontal blades, shown’ in Fig. 918, is also passed to and fro through the’ mass of the curd, cutting it into cubes and strips about half an inch square. Fre. 929. ” Fre, 980. Press-bourd. CHEESE - MAKING. 718 The newly formed coagulum being tender, the cutting should be done gently. The operation of breaking the curd is one that requires care. Two curd- breakers are represented in ‘Figs. 921 and 922, which explain themselves. . ' The latter is shaped at the base to fit the bottom of the milk-vat shown in Fig. 907. ~~ Es When the oven is employed, the steaming. of the mass of curd and whey should not be hurried. When the temperature is at 90°, the curd should be agitated by a stirring-rake, two kinds of which are shown in Figs. 919 and 920. \ < CHEESE-PRESSES. ee Ma Fie. 931.—Seamless sBanaee The number of cheese-presses invented in this country is very great. We only present drawings of a few of the more prominent inventions. Fie. 932.—Press- vat. ‘The Hubbell gang- press, shown in Fig. 923, isa favorite one: It presses a horizontal gang ‘of: cheese, with capacity for fifteen, each of seven inches thick. A strong frame = ‘has the pressing ap- Fig. 988.—Self-bandaging Cheese-hoop, paratus attached, which is easily oper- ated by a hand lever, with ratchet aad palls. The Wilson self-ban- daging cheese hosp, ‘shown with this’ illustration, is also shown in Fig. 938. Mh Hee ' 714 DAIR YING. Fig. 934.—Longford Cheese-factory. A totally different ‘style of gang-press is the Upright Gang- ‘press, two of which are shown in Figs. 924 and 925, one of them being for a single gang of cheesé, and the other for a triple gang.’ In Fig. 924, ‘by means of a series of levers with weights, rope, and pulley, the pressure can be regulated to accommodate any. hight of ' cheese. The compound lever- -press shown in Fig: 926 is a most excel- lent one for thick cheeses, two of which cdn be accommodated by it. There being two bottoms to the press, each independent. of the other, the two cheeses are pressed evenly. : A representation of a cheese-stand is given in Fig,927. These are often needed while the cheeses are. waiting to go under the press. | 7 CHEESE-Hoops. In the matter of cheese-hoops, it would seem that nothing is superior to the Miller patent, shown in Figs. 928 and 929. These are made. of galvanized iron, with a perforated bottom and loose, epen rim, and are suitable for any ordinary ‘screw-press. Over the inner spring. hoop, which is raised to the ‘hight of the curd, the ress-board shown in Fig. 980 is placed, and “follower” and rubber i gt & a CHEESE. MAKING. 715 ring are needless. As pressure is applied, the loose ring sinks into the hoop with the cheesge.: The seamless cheese-bandage (Fig. 931) saveited by Mr. E. V. Lapham, of Morrison, Illinois, appears to have been a happy discov-: ery, as it has ‘become very popular. among dairymen of the West. It is a continuous, seamless cylinder. Cut the right length, and the bandage is ready. The self-bandaging cheese-hoop (Fig. eee) has: been before referred to. a ay CHEESE-F ACTORIES. "We close our article on cheese-making with two representations of cheese-factories. One is that of Longford, in England,. showing the way cheese was manufactured in the early times. In connec- tion with this figure, we present (Fig. 932) a cut ofa press-vat of a primitive kind, used in this factory. It was a cylinder of galvanized wrought i iron, without ends, the necessary bottom being formed by the board on which it rested when in press, and the top consisting ‘of a “follower,” ‘fitting inside the hoop, and sinking as the cheese, became more compact. The last representation. (Fig. 935) is that of the curing-room of a model cheese-factory, at Whitesboro, Oneida county, N. Y., built for the storing of the cheese of 1,500 cows. It is the property of Dr. L. L,. Wight, a most popular American dairyman. Fie. 985.—Curing-room, Whitesboro Cheese-factory. CHAPTER I[X. +00 CcIitTS=S Mite DELLivVeak =. Tue City Minx Trape — CooLtine ‘MILK FoR TRANSPORTATION — DIFFERENT ParreRNs oF Mrx-Cans— Mops. DELIVERY. Waaon — Dzpot REFRIGERA« Tor — Koumiss—Its VaLur — FoRMULAS FOR 11s MANUFACTURE. TREATMENT OF MILK FOR THE CITY TRADE. HE city milk trade has become a separate and distinct branch T of the dairy business. The preparation of milk so that it will bear transportation long distances, and remain sweet two or three days, has tasked the ingenuity of our dairymen .for a number of years. ‘Fra. 986.—Delivery-Milk-cans. Experiments which were made some five or six years ago, seem! to have disproved the theory that it is essential to cool milk after it comes from the cow, in order to enable it to bear transportation. In these experiments milk was strained into cans immediately upon coming from the cow,,and when so treated it was found to stand travel better than when previously cooled. The important fact was brought out in these experiments, that the essential point is to seal (716) 8 ’ “Ung pULyOH—"LE6 “PLL eR eckan aie SSE 717 t 718 DAIRYING. the milk hermetically, or as nearly so as possible, immediately upon coming from the cow. Milk-cans for city supply are of various patterns. - Some of the most extensively used are shown in Fig. 936. The one in the mid- dle, with a round top, is the pattern generally used in New York and St. Louis. The one at the left, with a smaller top, is in use in Phil- adelphia, Baltimore, and Cincinnati. That at the right and rear of . the main group, with flanging top, is the Chicago pattern, while the Fie, 938.— Mik Delivery Wagon. little one on the extreme right is the Boston can. The usual size for. railway cans is forty quarts; the Boston can, however, ranges from two to twelve quarts, eight and a half being the size commonly adopted. Mr. -Frank K. Ward, of the Alderney Dairy, of Washington, D. C., has deviséd perhaps the most complete delivery wagon in this country, which is shown in Fig. 938. A useful contrivance, either for cooling milk before sending it away, or for cooling it at the depots where it is stored for delivery, is shown in Fig. 939. The milk is poured into the receiver A, and after running in a thin stream over the outside surface of the series. of tubes, from B downward, is collected at the bottom, and has its exit at Cc. The cold water enters by the pipe D, and passes upward through the inside of the tubes, finally emerging’ at E, so that the descending milk passes last of all over the tube which contains the . coldest water. . CITY MILK DELIVERY. 719 KovumIss. In all the materia medica there is no remedy that has givena better account of itself for the short time it has been before the gen- eral public, than kourniss. Originally an effervescing preparation of mare's milk, it is now made almost exclusively from cow’s milk.. It has a sweet flavor, with a pleasant acid taste, and the caseine and al- bumen contained in it are partially digested, It contains a great deal of carbonic acid, which gives it a sedative value, and has made it such a favorite with the medical faculty. In derangements of the digestive functions it is invaluable. The writer‘of this, when lying very low with gastric fever, found koumiss to be the only substance his stomach would retain. It will be. recollected that during the long illness of President Garfield,. after his assassination, koumiss was administered to him and sustained life for weeks after othe remedies had failed. , pes ' y Fre. 989.—Lawrence’s Refrigerator. Pagatte gives the following as a method of preparing koumiss. from cow’s milk :— MU ois S.G:3 sakes Sees SET ws aA Sees 8 GNSS ERS 1000 parts WG ecco tees cnc tere weoarace Gowgne 4 soe: ea eusg Aa Guay Hi ecenay gia tiers Ses 500“ Weastiic pcncioadedas shee oan s Gees eae ee SE See es 20 “ ONG Yi ios ic he cs eats aw Sein she Naas Mae oR eo UNNA Dec 20“ Alcohol. ceo casas vase wees Ma weeee rs does ves omeaes 30. Wheat four... ooyicacincinatss saan deeb aeee es 15 k 720 DAIRYING. Mix the milk and water and then add the flours. Amalgamate the honey and yeast in a mortar, gradually adding the alcohol. Then mix all in a strong bottle large ‘enough to leave an empty space within, and secure with an air-tight stopper tied down. Keep temperature at 77° to 86° for 24 hours in the summer, and 48 hours in winter, and shake two or three times during such period ; then strain, and pour into strong, air-tight bottles ; leave 24 hours at Tr. frequently shake, and then transfer to a cool place. After a few days it divides into two layers, which mix readily on being shaken. Thus prepared, it keeps for months. Dr. Wolf, of Philadelphia, after repeated experiments, found the following formula a success, and highly commends it: grape sugar $ 02z., dissolved in 4 oz. water; dissolve also in 2 oz. milk, 20 gr. Fleischinan’ s compressed yeast, or well-washed brewers’ yeast. Mix in a quart champagne bottle, filled within two inches of the top, corked and wired, and placed at a temperature not exceeding 50°, and agitated 3 times’ a ‘day. After 3 or 4 days it may be used, drawn witha champagne tap, and should not be kept longer than 4 or 5 days. Fig. 940.—Noonday Rest, DISEASES OF CATTLE. © CHAPTER. X. CONDITIONS OF ETE ALTE, PREVENTION oF DiszaszE-—~Goop NursiIna— Importance or PROPER CARE— Dir¥YERENCE BETWEEN ALIMENTARY CANAL OF Ox AND THaT oF HoRsE— TEMPERAMENT OF CaTTLE — SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DisEAsEs OF THE BLOop— Non-Susckeprisitity ro Nervous Diskases-—— FoRTITUDE oF CATTLE IN Dis- EASE — ADMINISTERING MEpDIcINE — Doszs GIvEN— DIFFERENCE IN THE AcTION oF MEDICINES IN CaTTLE aND Horses—ImporTance or FaMit- IARITY WITH THE APPEARANCE OF CaTTLE IN HeEaLTH— Norma. Puuss, RESPIRATION, AND TEMPERATURE — How To OBSERVE EACH AND Waar TO Nore. it is well to remind'the reader, that, however careful the instruc- tions or full the details which may be given, the real point of importance is the prevention of accident or disease. : [ considering the diseases of.cattle, or other domestic animals, 722 DISEASES OF CATTLE. Fic. 942.—0Ox’s Head—aAnterior Face. 1. Mastola process ; 2. Superciliary foramen ; 3. Zygoma; 4. iacheyml bone; §. Max- Mary spine; 6. Inferior orifice of the supermaxillo- -dental canal, ® Next in importance is the selection of such remedies as are’ most simple and safe in their application and effect. There should be no want of proper nursing in emergencies, and during conditions of debility or exposure. Good and sufficient food, pure water, clean and well-ventilated stables, are essential. There should also be pro- vision for shade in summer, and care taken to prevent harassing by dogs at any time. The importance of these points. will be apparent when the causes of many fatal and parasitic diseases are explained. For instance, the sudden and rapid generation of.gas (hoven), is the result of feeding on too rank or moist pasturage. It is well, there- fore, to avoid pasturing in low or marshy grounds. This, and other precautions, needless to mention here, require constant observance in order to prevent accident and disease. The special characteristics of cattle as ruminating Sungate leave an impress upon their diseased conditions. Thus, the alimentary »canal is of peculiar construction. and arrangement. The ox has four stomachs, which fill the greater part of the abdomen, while the horse has only one stomach,-but a much greater length of intestines. Inflammation of the bowels, a common disease in the horse, is: comparatively rare among cattle. Cattle take but little exercise t CONDITIONS OF HEALTH. and digest the bulky food, of which they consume large quantities, when lying down, Hence they are sluggish in temperament, and of a plethoric condition. They are, in consequence, peculiarly susceptible to those blood diseases, such as An- thrax, and Pleuro- ~pneumonia which develop rap- idly, and. are usually fatal... oes Cattle are not like the horse, fed for muses and nerve, and trained for speed, and so such diseases of the respiratory organs asthe heaves are unknown among them, and those nervous dis- eases common to the horse are very infrequently found. They do not bear up. under disease with the fortitude of the horse. Their lower vitality renders them unable to resist so successfully the encroachments of miasmatic infections °. or con-. tagious diseases. In administering medicine to cattle, the pecu- liar structure of the stomach should be borne, in mind. ' Medicines pass through the first three ‘stomachs, and are mainly absorbed by the fourth Stomach, and by the intestines. A torpid action of ‘the rumen, or first stomach, may delay the passage of the medicine, and sometimes the unskilled, not getting the desired effect promptly, repeat dose after dose. Medicines should always be given to cattle in a liquid form.. It is often well to add some mild ‘stimulant, as ginger ‘or mustard, to arouse action in the first three stomachs, and | hasten the passage of the medicine to the fourth stomach, and the,intestines. RS The doses given to cattle are, as a rule, nearly double those given to horses; and there is a marked difference in the action of certain well- known remedial agents. Aloes, from its irregular and uncertain action, is of little value for cattle, though very efficient with horses, while Epsom salts is an excellent purgative. Calomel must be given to cattle with great caution, as they are Fre. 948. — Fore-arm . and Foot of the Ox. 1. Olecranon; 2. Body of the ulna; 3. Body of the radius ; 4, 5, 6. First, second, and third bones of the upper row of . the carpus ; 7, 8. First and second "bones. of the lower row; 9. es metacarpals ; 10. Principal metacarpals ; 11. External digit ; 12, Internal digit. 6 724 DISEASES OF CATTLE. easily salivated by it. As it is excreted by the milk glands, it becomes a source of danger to sucking calves. Every one who attempts to treat a diseased’ animal, should be thoroughly familiar with its appearance in a condition of health. The normal pulse, respiration, and temperature need to be known, so that any variation can be immediately recognized. The pulse is conveniently felt at the jaw. Here the submaxillary artery, coming from the inside, passes over the lower edge of the bone, and mounts upward on the outerside of the face, in front of the large, flat muscle which closes the jaw. The artery of the left side is felt by means of the first and second fingers of the right hand, which are pressed Fie. 944.—Examination of Pulse in the Ox. upon it towards the inner side of the bone, while the thumb is placed outside, so as to maintain a steady pressure. If the artery of the right side is to be examined, the examiner stands on the left side of the animal. Taking the horn in the left hand, the right is- passed over the neck to reach the jaw, the fingers and thumb being placed as just described. The pulse may also be felt over the middle of the first rib, or at the root of the tail, as in Fig. 944. The number of pulsations in health differs at different ages. In young cattle, it is from 55 to 65 beats per minute; in adults, from 45 to 50; and in old cattle, from 40 to 45. Respiration should be noted as to frequency and character. This may be determined by placing the ear over the chest. The CONDITIONS OF HEALTH, 725 number of respirations per minute, usually from 10 to 15, is in the ratio of 1 to 44 pulse-beats, nearly as cam be easily counted by noting the heaving of the chest. The temperature is most exactly taken by means of the clinical thermometer, inserted in the rectum, though it may be estimated by feeling the skin and the roots of the horns. at ( il ih i A ul My Ty ie Me Wat Ny Fie. 946.—Farmer Thrifty’s Shelter, CHAPTER XI. a CONTAGIOUS BLOOD DISEASES. Pievro-Pyeumonta — RinDERPEST — ANTHRAX, CHARBON, BLOODY Munnar — Gioss ANTHRAX, OR Buack Tonevr—B Lack Laa—SpLENIc APOPLEXY — Erizootic APHTHA, OR Foot anD Mourn Diskzase —Cow-Pox, ok VARIOLA Vaccini. PLEUBO- PNEUMONIA. \HIS is practically an’ incurable disease, and we can give no i remedy for it. It is a malignant fever, almost entirely con- fined to cattle, and, on account of its contagious nature, spreads with great rapidity. Heretofore it has been confined chiefly to the regions east of the Alleghanies, but recently it has threatened an invasion of the Central States bordering on the Mississippi River. So fatal and contagious is this disease, and so uncertain are all known remedies, that stamping it out by killing the affected animal, as soon as its symptoms are recog- nized, is the usual'method of deal- ing with it. Burying the carcass — deeply, or burning it and disin- Fie. 947,—Epizootic Pleuro-pneumonia. fecting thoroughly , isolating sus- pected or exposed animals, and using disinfectants in all places, where the animal virus may be present, are ‘the only measures that can be depended ‘on to check its course. 4 The disease may be conveyed by close proximity to the excre- tions of affected animals, as well as by actual contact. Like other contagious diseases this has a period of incubation, in which the poison lies dormant, without any special indication of its presence. _ This period may extend, in very malignant cases, from 4 to 6 weeks, when the virulence of the epidemic is subsiding, or in cases where the epidemic is of a mild form. od The first stage of the disease is indicated by a rise of tempera- ture, the thermometer indicating 108° to 106° F. There is an increased frequency of the pulse, loss of appetite, a staring condition (726) # aes Fig. 948.—Holland Cow. 728 DISEASES OF CATTLE. of the coat, a hard, dry cough, shivering, diminution of milk, dry muzzle, hot mouth, scanty, high-colored urine, and tenderness on ' pressure between the ribs over the lungs. In a few days the breath becomes fetid, the bowels constipated, the cough more frequent and troublesome, and the skin is yellow and scurfy, the pulse be- comes full and rapid, numbering 80 to 100 beats per minute, and moans of pain accom- pany percussion over the lungs. The animal endeavors to facilitate breathing, by extend- ing the nose and neck in a straight line, the elbows being turned out, the back arched, and the hind legsdrawn up under the body. (See Fig. 947.) Later on a watery, and some- times purulent, dis- charge flows from the eyes and nose, obsti- nate constipation may be succeeded by a thin, fetid. diarrhea, the ex- tremities, ears, and ‘thorns are cold, the tongue is clammy, the animal grows weaker and weaker, and at length dies. In the early stages of the disease, percussion. of the chest gives a clear and resonant sound ; later, the sound will be dull and heavy, on one or both sides, sccordine to the extent of the lung affected. If both lungs are affected, the animal almost invariably dies. No reliable treatment for this disease is known, hence we do Fig. 949.—Lower Jaw of Cow in Rinderpest, CONTAGIOUS BLOOD DISEASES. 729 not attempt to give any. It is cheaper and safer to stamp out the' disease by killing the patient at oncé, than to risk the spread of the contagion, in the doubtful experiment of treatment. The well'ani- mals should be isolated, and the stables and sheds thoroughly dis- infected. This may be done by closing them tightly, and burning © _ sulphur in them for two or three hours. After this, the walls and wood-work should be carefully whitewashed. RINDERPEST, OR CONTAGIOUS ENTERIC FEVER. This deadly disease originated in Asiatic Russia, and is known in Europe as the Steppe Disease, or Russian Cattle-plague. ‘It has extended by the importation of cattle - ~ from infected districts. to other. coun- tries, but fortunately has never gained a foothold in America. We give''sufficient space to include ~ a description of the symptoms; but treat- ment should never be undertaken, under — any circumstances. The eruption of the epithelium of the. mucous membrane of the lower lip, and the erosions on the gum, are plainly shown’ in Fig. 949. These symptoms are characteristic of this disease. Figs. 953 and 954 illustrate some characteristic symptoms. of the. Rinder- pest. ‘There is no known remedy for . .this disease. Attempts to treat it result only in spreading its ravages. Vigorous em exclusion and stamping out are the only measures of prevention or protection to be depended upon. The period of incubation varies from ' two days to two weeks. During this period no symptoms are apparent, al- Fig: 950.—Bloody Extravasation in though the virus is acquiring the power Papillae of Skin. and malignity observed in its subse- , quent.development. The first symptom is a rise of temperature, from the normal average of 101° to 103° or 104°. Dullness and prostration of strength, a husky cough, and slightly staring coat are soon noticed. In about two days the breath becomts fetid, and the mouth is unnaturally red and hot to the touch, and a slight eruption e s— e : "TS6 “OT, af Bite’ ! aaa SAS > im CONTAGIOUS BLOOD DISEASES. 731 Fig. 952.—Section of the Large Intestine, ; ‘Showing the congested and bloated condition of the mucous membrane, particularly in the folds, whene the characteristic eray lines are seen. of small blisters, the size of the head of a pin, appears on its surface. After the fourth day the virus has thoroughly permeated the system. The pulse is frequent and full, breathing labored, bowels consti- _ pated, and the urine scanty. The patient suffers from intense thirst and a painful cough. In a day or two the symptoms grow worse, the vital. ‘powers seem prostrate, the pulse is frequent, feeble or indistinct, and the temperature from 95° to 98°. Death is rapidly, . approaching, and in some cases putrefaction really precedes disso- ‘lution. eS Should the eauiitiy ever be seriously threatened with this disease, the most energetic and stringent measures will be needed to ensure safety. We 732 DISEASES OF CATTLE. cannot be too thoroughly on our guard against the danger of its importariens ‘ ANTHRAX, CHARBON, BLOODY MURRBAIN, BACTERIDIEN, on CHARBONOUS FEVER. This is a malignant and contagious disease of the blood, common to cattle, but communicable to all domestic: animals. ‘It is particu- larly fatal in sheep and swine. It may be communicated to man, and is then “ Malignant Pustule.” In France, where it is Z very prevalent, it is called Charbon, from the word meaning “a coal,” because the. part affected turhs dark. purple, or nearly black, from the decomposition of the ‘blood. This peculiarity of the dis- ease has given rise to such names as “ black leg,” “black quarter,” “black tongue,” and “bloody murrain,” which are common names for two kindred maladies. The contagious principle of anthrax is due to. the presence in the blood of rod-like, vegetable or specifically, Charbon bacter- tdia (Pasteur), or bactllus an-~ thracts. The vitality of these microbes is,wonderful. Grain and hay grown on the soil where diseased animals were buried, have been known to while strong alcohol, and even Fra. 955.—Gless Anthrax, or Black Tongue. stronger drugs, will not affect os their virulence. Anthrax, it seems, occurs most frequently on low, periodically flooded and swamp lands where there are stagnant pools and mias- mal exhalations favorable to the life of germs, or in localities where the water is contaminated by excreta or sewage. The ‘most. common and the most frequently fatal form of an- thrax in cattle, in Europe, is marked by no external lesions. The virulence of the disease expends itself on the internal organs, and is sometimes called Anthrax or Splenic fever. So rapid is its course that frequently no indications of illness are noticed. What the night béfore seemed a healthy animal may be found dead in the thorning: When there is time to note the symptoms, it is found that there is general trembling, the pulse is rapid, weak, and nearly imperceptible, the eyes are red, the'mucous membranes are infected, > Z organisms, known as bacteria,, communicate the disease; » Fie. 956.—Short-horn Durham Cow. 734 DISEASES OF CATTLE. and often show purple spots. The extremities are cold, and the respiration labored and painful,.and the*urine becomes bloody. These symptoms increase in intensity; there is a fall of tempera- ture, a bloody, spumous discharge comes from the nostrils, there are colicky pains, mortification sets in, and death follows in from twelve to twenty-four hours. Gloss Anthrax, Black Tongue, Blain, or Malignant Sore Throat, is that form of Anthrax which localizes itself on the tongue and fauces. It is now conceded by many to be of the nature of Black Leg, of which we shall speak further. It is as remarkable as -other forms of the disease, in appearing without noticeable signs of disturbance. The tongue is seen to be enlarged, especially at the base, and dark in color. The mucous ‘membrane covering the cheek, tongue, and palate, is raised in blisters, exuding a yellowish or red fluid, leaving behind sloughing ulcers on a swollen base. (See Fig. 956.) Bisulphite of s0da.........0..0 ccc cece cece nee e ete eeseeeeene i in water, two or three times a day. ' In all cases great attention should be. given to warmth, cleanli- ness, and ventilation. ‘Easily digested, non- prince food should be supplied. DYSENTERY. This disease, known frequently by the name of Bloody Flux, is es- sentially an inflamma- | tion. of the mucous membrane of the large rectum. It frequently results in ulceration Fie. 1082.—Acute Dysentery. and hemorrhage. Symptoms.—The acute form of dysentery (see Fig. 1032) is us- ually first indicated by shiverings, quick pulse, arching of the back, and discharges of thin, watery, ill-smelling dung, with some blood. The animal strains, with extended tail, and the azus is red and pro- truding. There is. excessive thirst, and gaseous distention takes place i in the rumen. In tbe chronic form of dysentery, which may be the sequel of 8 786 DISEASES OF CATTLE. 7 the acute form, or the first condition, when old or broken down an- imals are the subjects - attacked, emaciation is. especially prominent. (See Fig, 1033.) The animal is hide-bound, with hair erect and filled with lice, skin dirty, harsh, and dry, and rumination and se- ‘cretion are suspended. The discharges are mixed with blood and pus, and - extremely offensive, and are passed involuntarily, and ulcers cover the lining membrane of the rectum. The space beneath the jaws is filled by a swelling, the result of dropsy. ‘ Treatment.—The animal should be kept at rest, and fed with. . moist, easily digestible and nutritious food. To remove irritating eee from the canal, give— . Fie. 1033. —Chronic Dysentery. Follow this with warm emollient injections of linseed tea or soap-suds every hour. The laxative dose can generally be repeated with advantage in 24 or 48 hours. Then give in a quart of milk twice a aay Gallic acid......... hair eekee aussie ican Siokina aiaulet at v1 dr. Fil. ex. of ipecac...... Bd Seals Pa senehies 8b Bn nace, Sia vasbe: Saaaee ave Sgueee SRS 4 drs. The chronic form -of dysentery not infrequently baffles every ‘effort at treatment. Give good feed in small and repeated quanti- ties ; the drink should be bland, and consist of nutritious fluids, as hay or linseed tea, slippery-elm water, flour and oatmeal gruel, or broths, soups, and milk, and the blood of other animals. If the feces are very offensive, two drams of chloride of lime can be given twice a day in gruel, or the following :— AT DONG RCO ais, ccetasias nedies saline Vales suteale bdsig dn ahaa } dr. Gly Cerine ie Hewes Gnas See aa Dna SRA RATS eon Tees .1 02. Chlorate of potash ine sigs N shy accent esos arte dutewois ecelsie erate ate 2 dr. Give in a quart of gruel twice. a day. DIGESTIVE ORGANS—CONTINUED 787 ENTERITIS, This is an inflammation of the bowels, extending to the fourth or true stomach, due usually to active irritation from the nature of ‘the food, exposure to dampness and cold, drinking. cold water when heated, and fatigue from overexertion. There is evidence of inter- nal fever, shown by great thirst, etc. Excessive and continuous pain is indicated by curling of the tail, moaning, and grinding of the teeth. The belly is tender on pressure. The urine is high- célored and offen- sive ; the feces hard, of-. fensive, and coated with mucus and blood. In some instances, constipation contiriues; in others, an offensive diarrhea of putrid fluid ensues. Toward the last, the rumen is swollen, and there is general and excessive wasting of the. body. (See Fig. 1034.) Death usually occurs one or two weeks after the commencement of the disorder. . Treatment. —Purgatives, as a rule, especially of a drastic charac- ter, are to be avoided.. In the commencement, ‘however, the alimen- tary canal should be cleared up with a laxitive, as follows :— Fra. 1034.—Enteritis. -Epsom salts,...........00.0 0 i See ats rime ie Savane sia wre aes 2 Tb. oe OF oc sates acavecont-a acaba SEGUE Hatin Vea TAREE aHTOEES 1 pt. BEET bee e tence eee tee nee ene e teas ene ee ets a Give, i in ‘connection with the, the following enema :— ‘ Linseed oil ..... Rogaid bees oxiarers y Sie du@ie Giiee Sed iiss geatnd Shee aeoat pt Oil of turpentine........... Loaaa nudes exis ae ee ee 4 oz. Soft soap. ........... eee eee i a canscg ced wea Sand ar ahabnce Divas SAAN egal . .$ ar Spirits nitricether.... 0.0... cece eee ences Ba esis sikh starstoss $ OZ. Acetate of ammonia ............. 0 cece cece cere cere ence eees aot Give plenty of water, gruel, etc., as directed. under Dysentery. During convalescence, vegetable and iron tonics, with mineral acids, are indicated. Dropsy, or accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, after peritonitis, can usually be removed by active purgatives and diuretics, combined with iron tonics; either iodide of iron or tincture of chloride of iron may be used. Drawing off the water by trocar and canula is a simple operation, almost devoid of danger. It creates less disturbance than medicines, which are not. always effective or successful. or : DIGESTIVE ORGANS—CONTINUED, 789 ABDOMINAL HERNIA. The term abdominal hernia is applied to' the protrusion through an unnatural opening (rupture) of any part of the bowels, or of any Fie. 1086.—Umbilical Hernia. Fie. 1037.—Truss Applied for Hernia. of the viscera of the abdomen, into a cavity or pouch, distinct from its natural position. There are different kinds of hernia, in accord- ance with their situation and the organs forming them. Umbilical hernia (Fig. 1036) usually exists at birth, or is devel- oped soon after. It consists of a soft tumor, of variable : size, at that part of the abdomen known as the navel. The protrusion will dis- appear if the calf is placed on its back, or it can gentle "pressure upon all sides. Treatment.—Young calves, the only. ones, as a eal, treated, require for this condition a properly adjusted truss or Bad, with har- ness, as shown in Fig. 1037. ; This can be tightened or extended, so as to fit ‘giitists of dif- — ferent sizes, and to keep the pad from slipping ; forward or backward. In severe cases, compression of the skin after the return of the in- testine, either by clamp or ligature, is preferred. Fie. 1088.—Wooden Clamp. Fie. 1089.—Iron Screw Clamp. Two forms of clamps are used, one of wood, the other of iron, and adjustable by means of screws. (Figs. 1038 and 1039.) By the iron one, which is preferable, pressure is more uniform 790 DISEASES OF CATTLE. and certain, and the clamp is less liable to slip off before the work: is completed. Its efficacy is increased by a groove in one side, which receives an elevation or piece of wire riveted in the opposite half. The length of the bars when put together for use is from five to eight inches. In applying the contrivance, the animal should be secured and placed on its back. After carefully seeing that all the intestine is returned into the abdominal cavity, the skin over the rupture is drawn together in a flat fold, corresponding with a cen- tral longitudinal line through the abdomen. The clamp is then put over the skin, as close to the abdomen as possible, the screws'are tightened, and the clamp is allowed to remain till it sloughs off. Instead of the clamps, a ligature of strong cord is sometimes used. Two needles are passed through the skin over the rupture, at right angles to each other, and the cord passed under and betweenthem. This is frequently attended .with danger, as the in- testines are included. In a case of strangulated hernia, where the gut cannot be pushed back, the opening should be cut down upon and en- larged, and the parts returned. The abdomi- nal’ wound should then Fra. 1040.—Ox Prepared for Casting be awed up, #00 2 GaP \ bolized compress bound over it. In strangulated’ ‘scrotal hernia a competent veterinary ° surgeon should be called. “Ventral hernia, in which the contents of the abdomen pass through a rent in the abdominal wall, as the result of being gored by the horns or thrown. upon any projecting ‘body, is treated as fol-- lows, as soon after the injury as possible :— The animal is to be cast (see Fig. 1040), an incision 1s made in the skin, and the intestines are returned ; the wound in the abdom- inal muscles is then united with catgut or metallic sutures, and the outer wound in the skin closed. Admirable success attends these operations when they are performed with cleanliness and care. DIGESTIVE ORGANS—CONTINUED. ' 791 STRANGULATION OF THE INTESTINES IN OXEN—GUT-TIE. This is seen only in steers and working oxen, and ‘may arise from various causes. The small intestine is generally tied with a | distinct cord. Sometimes it is the spermatic cord, which, after un- skillful castration, or by accident, has been retracted into the belly. ‘Oftener it is an unnaturally formed membrane, which has become entangled around the intestine, and assumes the a of a cord. Symptoms. —There is loss of appetite, the sibttaigt apeears to be ‘griped, he strikes at his belly with his hind legs, lies down, and as he gets up bows his back in a peculiar way, and stretching out every limb, gives the spinal column a slightly concave form. The symp-- toms become more alarming. The disease continues six, seven, of eight days, yielding to no medicine, but seeming to be aggravated by - most of the measures adopted. _ j : Treatment.~-Relief is to be obtained only by an operation. The animal i is either held by assistants, as directed for rumenotomy (Fig. 1027), with the /4/¢ side to the wall, or cast, care being taken to place the sufferer on the left side. A noose is formed in the center of a strong rope, and passed around the neck. The ends of the rope are carried between the fore legs, then drawn through the ring upon the hobble on each hind fetlock, and afterwards through the rope collar on each side. The head being secured, force is applied to one rope in a line with the body (the pullers being behind), and to the other at right angles, or from the side. The animal falls, and the ropes must be secured by drawing into knots at the collar, or else around the fetlock of the hind feet. An incision is made in the right flank to admit the hand, at a point opposite that marked ain Fig. 1040. Each ab- dominal ring’ is examined, and the intestine is liberated. The wound should then be sewed up, and the animal afterward treated as directed for rumenotomy. It is best to employ a veterinary surgeon for the operation. CHAPTER XVI. ——00——— DISEASES OF ‘TELE URINARY ORGANS. Urinary APPARATUS OF THE Ox—DIABETES—RETENTION oF URINE—OPERATION For REMOVING THE URINE — INCONTINENCE OF URINE — ALBUMINURIA — HaMaTuRIA, OR BLoopy Urine — Staenic Hamaturia — NEPuRITIs, on In- FLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS—OYSTITIS, OR INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER— Lrraasis, OR GRAVEL—PROTRUSION AND INVERSION OF THE BLADDER. HE urinary apparatus of the ox consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. | The kidneys sectete the urine; the ure- ters convey it to its reservoir, the bladder, and the urethra is the canal through which it is discharged. Fie. 1041. Fie. 1042. Fie. 1048, Kidneys of the Ox. A, right kidney, viewed on its upper and external face; B, left kidney, from its internal and inferior face; #, a, Pelvis; b, b, b, Branches of the pelvis, terminating in calices; c, Ureter; d, Renal artery; C, the calices in the left kidney. The‘contents of the hilus, including the branches of the pelvis, have been removed, to show the tubercles at the bottom of the calices, of which only seven are visible. (792) ; THE URINARY ORGANS. 793 DIABETES. This is usually an effect of indigestion, or of the excessive use of diuretic medicines, and is more properly a symptom of disease than a disease itself. Fria. 1044.—Urethral Canal of the Ox. a, Bladder; b, Urethra; c, Curves of the urethral canal; d, Retractor muscle of the penis. Symptoms.—Copious discharge of urine, which is usually of a different color and density from the healthy secretion, being clear and transparent. There is wasting of the body, and marked weak- Ress, which is often the first symptom to be abserved. The appetite ‘is ravenous, but depraved ; there is excessive thirst, the bowels are irregular, and the coat is staring. Treatment.—There should be an immediate change of diet The profuse urination must not be too hastily checked,.and the animal should be allowed a free supply of food and drinking-water. “The tone of the digestive organs-must: be restored. Give. the following combination :— Epsom, salt8.......0....ceccecceeceeceevecstacsecceucensess 1B OZ. Extract of PATORBOUN spewassass Aha 23 pale Die eare OLN as ae es aa ! Genta a5 Feces etineuisccere soe gaara maids Rae try titan Crontanvieke| Ginger oi. nce ees. ees ousmteete es Secs wlan siege veces sarek Mix the last three ingredients. ina mortar, and rub them toa pow- der.. Mix with the salts and administer i in linseed mucilage. To allay the morbid thirst,’ give’ onan empty stomach every morning — TOGING 5 i hake eae cee CRS aeS Ss OR SeR i hauiteal sig aves oo +d dr. toads of potassium ; nfusion of quassia E RETENTION, OF URINE. This occurs more often in males than in females, owing to the different arrangement of the urethral canal. It is due to various causes, and is frequently a symptom of other diseases. It requires. | immediate attention ; for its continuance threatens rupture of the 794 DISEASES OF CATTLE. \ bladder, as well as endangering the ‘life of the animal from uremia, and sometimes resulting in saturating the system with materials which should be thrown off in the urine. Symptoms.—Frequent but abortive attempts to urinate, great uneasiness, shown by constant shifting of position, an anxious ex- pression of countenance, and frequent turning of the nose to the flank. Treatment. — Explora- tion of the rectum or vae gina will show whether Tre, 408 caine. any cause exists in either of these parts to account for obstruction. Sometimes simple pressure on the bladder will cause it to discharge its contents. Copious injections of warm water may be made by the rectum and vagina. If these measures do not succéed, the catheter (Fig. 1045) must be used. ‘The same‘form of catheter is used for both male and female. It is a metal tube about 24 inches long, with a caliber of five sixteenths of an inch, somewhat curved, blind at one rounded extremity, but perforated at the sides near this end. The left hand, with the index finger over the rounded end of the catheter, is passed into the vulva, and the end of the tube introduced into the urethral opening, on the floor of the canal. When the instrument enters the bladder, a rush ‘of urine takes'place. Whenever acow remains lying down for an Fie. 1046. operon for aces Urine from the Ox. unusual length of time, the bladder should be emptied in this way, as the pressure of the internal organs may prevent the discharge of urine. In the ox, the sigmoid flexure of the penis complicates the passing of the catheter. The course of the urethra must be traced to THE URINARY ORGANS. 795 its extreme posterior part, and an opening made in it at its first curve, over the pelvic bones, through which the catheter must be passed. (See Fig. 1046.) INCONTINENCE OF URINE. This affection is marked by a constant dribbling of urine. 1t may be caused by relaxation of the walls of the urethral canal, or from irritability of the bladder. Treatment.—lIf calculi are: \ present, they must be. removed by operation. If it is the result of other causes, attention must be directed to them. Nux vomica, strychnine, cantharides, iron, and counter-irritation over the sacrum are the most useful measures. Cold water injections into the rectum have been recommended. A form of incontinence that is sometimes met with. in young calves, and occurring shortly after birth, is due to a non-closure of the aperture at the navel, communicating with the tube which car- ried the urine from the bladder before birth. For this, Prof. Gamgee recommends a couple of silver wire sutures through the opening to close it, or the application of sulphate of zinc to the part, to induce granulation and cicatrization. ALBUMINURIA. ¢ This is probably caused by colds, injuries, or such errors of diet as produce anemia at ‘one time and plethora at others, sudden changes;from poorer to richer kinds of food, and vice versa. Symptoms.—The animal shows general weakness, tenderness over the loins, ‘and disinclination to move or lie down. The back is arched, the body contracted, and the feet are drawn together. In the acute form (Fig. 1047) the respiration is labored, the pulse rapid, and the ‘temperature elevated, and there is also straining and diffi- cult urination. In the chronic stage the’ symptoms are: not so urgent. .The patient usu- ally stands stretched out (Fig. 1048) with the back arched downward. In the acute'form the urine shows the presence of albumen un- der the usual chemical test. ’ To the eye it appears thick and gelatinous, and it is ropy and tenacious when : i Fie. 1047.—Traumatic Albuminuria. Acute Form. poured from one vessel to another. Treatment.—This is not always _ satisfactory. Avoid exposure o , 796 DISEASES OF CATTLE. to wet and cold. Keep the bowels open by a diet of warm bran mashes, and give laxatives if necessary. The following may be given :-— Epsom salts.............cceeeeeececeecs “pleased mere aaa dS 8 to 12 oz. PMB OR os sora ais 3 Wasa SAIS Giger dale dig de wrens sg wee EEN 2 02. GONE ADs 5 jisicisss wariied cae ewes Vaule ebeivk ) HER Ree whe eauaien a2 Molasses ................... Fite atin we ahete eaten minded Huse 1 qt. Linseed mucilage..............0c. cece cee cavneeees ania ga 1, ** Repeat, if necessary, in two or three days. If the discharge of albu- men continues, the follow- _ ing formula may be used :-— Sulphuric acid,......... 2 dr. Tincture of cardamoms. .1 oz. Water ............ cee 1 qt. Or— Tannic acid........ 1 to 2 dr. Opium .............605 1 dr Essence of ginger..:... $ 02 Fic. 1048.—Traumatic Albuminuria. Chronic Form. Mix, and give in warm gru el. HEMATURIA— BLOODY URINE, This is usually the result of injury either of the spinal cord or of the structures near the kidneys. Symptoms.—There is always considerable fever. Pressure on the’ spine shows the pain in the loins to be intense. If the animal can stand, it assumes the position shown in Fig. 1049. When obliged to move, it walks with legs wide apart. The attack is sud- den, and all the symptoms are acute. The distinguishing sign of this disorder is the passage of blood with the urine, which not , uncommonly separates after it has fallen, or is discharged i in clots. Treatment.—Separate the animal, and keep it quiet. Unload the rectum by in- jections of cold water, given | at intervals of fifteen min- utes. Purgatives are likely to aggravate the condition of the kidneys. Give one of the following astringents, as circumstances may re- quire :— Powdered nut-galls.................. Miaveid wletns salele wane ee ewes 4dr. Infusion of quassia.............. ia ocacs a wlava'ee's partie eines wen eiaye ai 4 pt. Mix. THE URINARY ORGANS. 797 Or— Solution of perchloride OF TOR bc jeds's kaon epee acaievate syeavela’eansie 1 dr. Infusion of quassia........... Seve ewe aces ee NESE wena 4 pt. Mix. Or— . Powdered nut-galls.......... nae aaieee gla Ro tieigie ew weie avai 2 dr. ~ Powdered opium, ... 2... ..... ccc cece cece secevereeens i eeanratoareG int Water OP Bruel sie. eave. sienna detain gah esses aoe enna ane cameos 1 pt. One of these may be taken, and repeated for several days, or they may be alternated with each other, if necessary. Let the diet be light. It is sometimes well to restrict the use of water, giving small quantities of linseed tea asa substitute. STHENIC HEMATURIA.,. This is a congested state of the blood vessels in the kidneys. Symptoms.—These much re- semble those of traumatic hema- turia, but the febrile signs de- velop more slowly. Sometimes there is- obstinate constipation, and -by degrees the appetite, rumination, and milk are sus- Fre. 1050.—Sthenic Hamaturia. pended. The urine, the charac- ter of which is one ofthe specific signs, is deficient in quantity and discharged with difficulty, and is of a deep but transparent color, gradually changing to an opaque orange-red tinge. Chemical tests show the presence of albumen. The back is drawn up as in Fig. 1050. Treatment.—lIf severe constipation is present, give the following _ drench :— pedal salts Sulphur ..... Calomel . ss Croton olla es a cae as staat eee Ginger and gentian .............. 0c cece cece eee e eee aee 1 02. Mix and administer in two quarts of linseed tea, sweetened with a pint of molasses. Frequent injections of warm water should be, given. Linseed tea forms a good drink, and should be allowed liberally. If the dis-: charge from the kidneys continues after this treatment, give the fol- lowing astringent :— - Powdered opium...........0cseeeeeeees iuvalatiao siaters shale cngishe,s 4 dr. Powdered catechu.,........ 0c. ccce nese rest oneaeeccees ceanegaee Infusion of quassia .......... Saoc ce ena eae baa pineevahEe Tee + pt Mix, and repeat morning and evening. s 798 DISEASES OF CATTLE, It is important, in this as well as in every other disease of the kidneys, to promote the action of the skin by friction and warm clothing. NEPHRITIS—INFLAMMATION oF THE HIDNE‘ WS. The most common causes of this affection are blows and violent strains over the region of the loins. It is usually confined to one kidney. Symptoms.—Abdominal pain, caus- ing great uneasiness, is apparent. A small quantity of urine is discharged with great pain. Its color is deeper and its density greater than natural, and albumen is present. There is a variable pulse, and frequently high with hind’ legs wide apart. (See Fig. 1051.) As the skin and’ bowels are called upon to throw off the. waste products usually expelled by the kidneys, the symptoms be- come worse. Blood- -poisoning has begun; diarrhea ensues, and Fre. 1051.—Nephritis. —, - fever. . The animal is dull, and stands . perspiration rolls from the body, owing to the increased action of | the skin. Finally the urine is entirely suppressed, prostration and coma ensue, and the animal dies, generally within three or four days from the appearance, of the symptoms. Treatment.—Avoid saline purgatives, and use regular injections of warm water. To reduce the inflammatory action, give— Solution of acetate of ammonia.................. minnie 8 or 4 oz. Tincture of aconite ......... cece cen cececseececeeaeces 80 drops. Hinseed Cee so 55 5 ol aceciens achales coe aie Gewib-n acid ween ade Gees -ed pt. Repeat in four hours, reducing the aconite to 20 drops; repeat again in four hours more, with a reduction to 15 drops. In four hours more repeat with ten drops, and continue this proportion every four hours until the circulation ‘is affected. ‘Sheep-skins are sometimes placed on the loins to promote warmth. Mustard poul-’ ‘tices are beneficial when the pulse has been reduced. If the pain centinues, give opium and astringents. Mucilaginous drinks should be allowed freely, and may be injected into the rectum. Working oxen are apt to suffer from a recurrence of nephritis. When such have recovered from an attack, it is well to fatten them for the butcher. THE URINARY ORGANS. ‘ 799 CYSTITIS—INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. This affection, more pronounced in the male than in the female, occurs from the abuse of diuretics, and from feeding on musty hay or overripe grasses, grain, etc. . Symptoms.—Great uneasiness, turn-. ing the nose toward the flank (as in Fig. 1052), colicky pains, efforts to vomit, scanty urine that is voided with difficulty and shows the presence of albumen, and general prostration. As the disease advances, the feces become covered with blood and mu- cus, perspiration is profuse, and death Fie. 1052.—Cystitis. results in from two to five days. Treatment.—Give large draughts of: linseed tea aud: flour and , water, and strong. solutions of gum arabic in water. Evacuate the bladder as soon as possible, by means of the catheter.’ Saline ca-, thartics should be given when necessary to move. the bowels. Sed- atives, as the aconite draught (first recipe in N ephritis), are required, Most cases of cystitis need the same attention as in nephritis. LITHIASIS—GRAVEL.. Asithe character of the urine secreted in health varies according to the kind of food the animal: eats, abnormal conditions may arise in which there i is an excess either of the acid or of the alkali constit- uents. As a consequence, deposits are _sometimes formed in the kidneys or bladder. These vary in form and size, from a pasty mass or powder, or small particles, to positive concretions resembling stones. Thus we have gravel or calculi. The presence of these deposits excites the bladder to contract, and the urine is passed with frequency, though in small quantities. The general treatment consists in washing out the bladder and urethra with a weak solution like the following :— Hydrochloric acid .... 2.0... . cece cece cece cence enn eees jooeeey el Gr. WAlEl 2 iinhasmanveuns igagsagas paehes dane ee eee sree es eee ss om $ pt. | This is easily injected into the urethra of the female by means of asyringe. In the male the urethra must be opened. Give night and morning for a few days, in a pint of gruel,— Hydrochloric acid .............+...005 eee: gai cmenaees 20 drops. Gentian ................ eee seen e aden eceeneensenstoneeeas 8 dr. The carbonates of soda and potash are recommended to provide the necessary alkalies in the blood. The following combination may be used :— 1 800 ' DISEASES OF CATTLE. Bicarbonate:of 80da... 545 ceva i sass eaeews ewes aaa a eeee se wees $ Ib. GOT tan yoo cise ace Susnd Giseoace BA Sie b wiecakab:bannesscercueven omg te seeecem ene oz. TANS OO MOAN ss esses: ¢ whevech a Gece via Fieeavers 0 Save o Bisedce Morea eIp ere © 2 Ib. Give two tablespoonfuls twice a day for two or three weeks. The presence of calculi may be ascertained by a manual exam- ination by the rectum. These must be removed by the operation of lithotomy, which none but a veterinary surgeon should undertake. PROTRUSION AND INVERSION -OF THE BLADDER. : This is usually'a consequence of difficult labor, though it has been known to result from excessive doses of diuretic medicines. ‘The treatment calls for consider- able skill, as the bladder must be replaced without bruising or lacer- ating it. The finger nails of the operator must be short and per- ‘fectly smooth, and the hands an- nointed with carbolized oil. The tumor is carefully gathered at the sides by the fingers. of each hand, so Fie. 1053.—Inversion of Bladder. as to reduce. it to the size of the passage through which it is to be pressed. Then the thumbs are alternately pressed upon the center of the fundus, and portion after portion is pressed on. When it enters the vagina, the whole is directed through the valvular open- ing-to its original position within the pelvis. Pressure should be applied only during the passive states, as, if applied when the ani- mal is straining, there is danger of rupturing the bladder. The rent in the vagina, if there is one, must. be closed by sutures, and the whole vagina lubricated two or three times a day with carbol- ized oil. The straining must be arrested ; if anodynes fail to ac- complish this, the Delwart truss (Fig. 1091) must be put on. In some cases the use of a hollow pessary will be of advantage. CHAPTER XVI - +2 NERVE, SKIN, anpD EYE DISEASES. APOPLEXY — EpILEPsy— PHRENITIS, OR INFLAMMATION OF THE Brain — NERVOUS Desrmrry In Parrouririon — TETANus, OR Lock-Jaw — Eczema — Herpes — Fou. im tHe Foor—Forrien SuBsTaNcEs IN THE Eve — OPHTHALMIA. APOPLEXY. RUE apoplexy is comparatively rare in cattle. The form T attendant upon parturition, as well as that caused by indiges- tion, have been described in other chapters. Symptoms.—The symptoms of true apoplexy are generally sud- den and severe. The animal suddenly drops insensible and motion- less, and dies in a state of coma, unless relieved immediately. Treatment—Bleed from the jugular vein (see page 191) in the first stages, and give a strong purgative like the following : — Epsom salts): ccsjaccsdiscgatet aanccsames Sas \ eeeee see. 1% to 16 oz. Gentian ..............--5 : 1 oa. GIN Ber isis oscewee ata oe chee jp. 2 WOR asasens eded ee arate coum wD eave ara aid us caeesa Mean acatahe v aLO eas 2 qts With this give injections of soap and water. EPILEPSY. This is rarely curable. The main symptoms are severe convul- sions, with coma and foaming at the mouth. Dash cold water over the head and face. Little else can be done. PHRENITIS, OR INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. ' This is riot often met with as an idiopathic disease. .It is usually due to injuries of the head, overdriving, heat, indigestion, plethora, . and the like. — Symptoms.—There is a wild expression of the countenance, hur- ried breathing, and disinclination to move, with stupor. Furious .. delirium follows, and the animal rushes frantically. about. Such a paroxysm may be followed by comparative quiet. Treatment.—Apply cold water .or ice to the head. Give the following purgative ° _Glauber’s salts....... og Giese x weal Wis Wikia's wielehe aia Ss tive bees 12 to 16 oz. Croton Of] ces cs seco 5 sayin oo: loie'n acacia wiarard bain solo ies sine ow 20 to 30 drops. Gentian 5. seis sieles csi otaee amen awe ba we ee dave sa Sone 1 02. GIN Ger. iii. g orcas Mees nine vio viga Vike Fate A NOSE wT die (801) 802 DISEASES OF CATTLE. The following injection may be used in connection with the foregoing :— Olive Of]. cs. cass evecn ese ee ses Povtelapn tae ae oa ne Ga eoaa sete 1 pt. Spirits of turpentine........... 0. cece eee ee cence nee eeee 2 02, Linseed mucilage........... 0.0. cece e ce ceeeee pits esate eekieate 1 pt. During convalescence give tonics and keep the animal quiet. NERVOUS DEBILITY IN PARTURITION. This is frequently confounded with parturient apoplexy and metro-peritonitis, but can be readily distinguished by the entire absence of high fever or coma. There is more or less constipation, but the appetite and spirits do not seem to be impaired. The cow remains in a natural position of rest (Fig 1054). Fie. 1054.—Nervous Debility. Teche —Give a mild purgative and warm injections. After the bowels have acted, put the cow in a warm stable, and cover the body. Give; sloppy but nutritious food, and remove the milk frequently. TETANUS, OR LOCK-JAW. This is an uncontrollable spasmodic. contraction of the volun- tary muscles. So many impressions are thrown upon the motor ‘nerves by the excitation of the spinal cord, and these, follow one another so rapidly, that spasm results. _ It may assume a localora general form. In the one case, the spasmodic action is limited to one part ofthe body, as the jaws; in the other, it extends to a part or the whole of the trunk. NERVES, SKIN, AND EYE. 803 Fie. 1055.—Lock-jaw. j When idiopathic, it is probably due to changes oe temperature, exposure to cold and wet when the skin is heated, or the presence of . irritants in‘the stomach and intestines. Any irritation of the nerv- ous system may produce it.. When traumatic, it is due to wounds or bruises. — : Symptoms.—The first thing usually noticed is a disinclination to feed, and a straddling’ gait, due to stiffness in the hind legs. (See Fig. 1058.) An ex- amination of the mouth shows that the jaws can- not be opened. Soon the muscles become rigid, the muzzle is Sceeuaed: and the tail is slightly straightened. Some- times the. contortions of the body are very severe. When the back is arched downward, as in Fig. 1056, and the head cannot be lowered, the form is termed Ophisthotonos. Fie. Hat: — ophisthotonos. Fie. 1058. —Pleurostholonos. ‘ pee 11 804 DISEASES OF CATTLE. ‘ In Emprosthotonos (Fig. 1057), the head cannot be raised. In Pleurosthotonos (Fig. 1058), the head is drawn to one side. Treatment.—Little can be done except to remove all irritating objects, taking care to ‘seclude the animal i ina darkened stable. If the attack is intense at first, the patient usually sinks rapidly. If it lives beyond the sixth or seventh day, recovery may follow. Give a purgative at the outset, if the animal can swallow; if it cannot, the bowels should be moved by injections. ECZEMA. ' ‘The simple form of eczema is marked by the formation of vesi- cles, crowned with little blisters. These itch intolerably, and when. ' broken, exude a bloody or straw-colored fluid, which leaves the skin and hair moist. As soon, as the vesicles are rubbed off in one part, : they form in another, thus keeping up the irritation. Treatment.—Change the food if possible. Give a purgative once aweek. Bathe the affected parts in a solution of carbolic acid, a half ounce in two quarts of water. ' If eczema is neglected, it degener- ates into the chronic form. The skin thickens, and there are ugly cracks, from which there is a constant dis- charge ofa semi-purulent fluid. This form is located chiefly on the legs. (See Fig. 1059.); Apply hot fomen- _ tations, followed by hot poultices of linseed meal, until the inflam- mation disappears; then rub the affected ‘part well with the carbolic acid solution, and bandage loosely. When the soreness and tenderness is gone, use the following ointment Fie. 1059.—Psoriasis. for a few days :— Alun (powdered) Aviano ERO TeTT: fe Racks aaa a BOB: * Carbolic acid acct maes as csdavanit eles ghar dvseches in aaathe ae ete ava evesalee riences aaiiioty 1 dr. Lard.......... ae anos nies hres wd Gtess be prance Guaiaesacds GAMA REESE NS RSE 4 oz. HERPES... This is a mild form of eruption of the skin, in which the vesicles arrange themselves in a circular form, as shown in Fig. 1060. Fig. 1061 shows the bare surface as it appears after the vesicles have burst, and a thin crust or scab has- formed. The treatnient is the same as in simple eczema, NERVES, SKIN, AND EYE. 805 Fic. 1060.—Herpes. First Form. Fie. 1061.—Second Form. . FOUL. . This is an inflamed condition of the part ‘of the foot between the hoofs. “The hind feet are most susceptible to foul. Perhaps the “most frequent cause of this disorder is the presence of pebbles, dirt, or other foreign substances between the clefts. It is frequent in cattle kept on low, marshy pastures, and is occasioned by the accu- mulation and drying of mud. It hasalso been observed as the result of. irritation from standing on reeking filth or manure. Sometimes it accompanies rheumatism or scrofula. Symptoms.—These vary with the form. There is always lame- ‘ness (often severe), fever, and loss' of condition. Handling the feet between the digits or in front of the coronet causes acute pain, an uhusual degree of heat will be noticed, and there is frequently swelling of the :pastern. Treatment.—In cases of foul, if it be due “ the preserice. of an irritant, treatment is not difficult. Clean the parts 1 with warm water, and remove any foreign substance or ragged bits of horn: If there is much inflammation, apply a hot bran and linseed poultice mixed with charcoal for two or three days. If it is difficult, to, cleanse the hoof, mix the poultice with turpentirfe. Afterward dress with one of the following applications : — os Carbolic acid.............0. 6. 0c. eee eh pt ated Cates 1dr. Water oi 5 eee en enw 2 geet te See eee ere +. 6 02 Apply with a brush, and cover the part with tow wet in the solution. Or— Powdered sulphate of copper (blue vitriol). prteee teens eee dozs Spirits of turpentine b Shania Saad GWe LS Hie $4 Meee x eara wendsharge el att Laid wicaeda ak camueagnae apres snakes Remieseale ta aaeeplaye 4“ Melt the lard and turpentine together, and then add the copper. The following dressing has been recommended in ordinary cases :— Carbolic acid (crude)....... areas Wattle spurs ee ae aici as 1 part. Tinctire:of MYT... . cece aes caw ca cewed peed ea tia eee ew’ 2 parts. Tincture: of srnica ss oc i ose <6 tenied sais bE S ew kaa cs 2 “ Glycerine.......... tar olen aioe de eieioiele Seats ee ere 4 Apply ‘daily with bandage and tow. 806 DISEASES OF CATTLE. In extreme cases, amputation becomes necessary in order to save the animal. It is not a difficult or dangerous operation, but it requires’a surgeon. If this is resorted to, the animal should be fat- tened for the butcher as soon as possible. FOREIGN SUBSTANCES IN THE EYE. It not unfrequently happens that some foreign substance —a _ hay seed or a husk of grain — obtains lodgment in the eye, and per- haps becomes attached to the cornea by effusion from the surface of the latter. The offending substance must be promptly and carefully removed. A silk handkerchief wrapped over the point of a lead pencil may be used. In = _ case the substance is imbedded in the mu- cous membrane, the forceps (Fig. 1062) must Fra. 1062.— Forceps for he used. The animal's head must be secured — by an assistant, and for this purpose the bull- dogs (Fig. 1025, page 184) may be needed. OPHTHALMIA. By the term ophthalmia, inflammation of the eye is understood. The cornea, the iris, or the retina may be affected. For the structure of the eye, see “ Diseases of the Eye,” Part I. Symptoms.—More or less constitutional disturbance always at- companies insane ven of theeye. The pulse is accelerated, full, and hard, the mouth is hot, and appetite and ru- mination are affected, and sometimes entirely disappear. The eyelids are nearly closed, . and the animal resists every attempt to ex- amine the eye. (See Fig. 1063.) ‘If the in- flammatory action -is not checked at this stage, the structure of the. eye becomes in- - ee volved, and the sight dangerously. impaired. gis. 108s: “‘Gehthaniis Treatment.—The first thing to do is to, make a careful’ examination of the eye. Separate the lids gently with the thumb and forefinger. If any foreign substance is seen, it must be removed at orice. When this has been done, the inflammation will often subside; but if it continués, warm fomentations must be used, and exposure to light and drafts avoided for several days. Some such laxative as the following will assist in abating the constitutional disturbance and allaying the inflammation :— Eippomi.: Slt os. cctesn acted pd ok Woe be hue a ame oahes ORAS AS 12 oz, Calomel oo 55:000.5.sscon ceategiyhgras esas Mia sence leas snows Ee OED .-¥ dr. Gentian............. Rs Aseestin, os eran: Mopevauurreamens’ saieeenn cecaieraaaghie Tegeenee ’ 1,02. pp UB OG in c x ciancacasiniesa manesge a caere cumianis wees ain Tumi eae al oz. \ NERVES, SKIN, AND EYE. 807 Apply one of the following lotions with a camel’s-hair brush five or six times a day :— Sulphate of atropia........... seaweeds. (ews tales s Werte weer 2 grs. Water is. icacwcuavaonne si aterararenets eaaas Sekssavets separa cena je'eiscene oat OB Or— Tincture of opium (laudanum)..........c0ccesccneccccesessese 4072. WSOP: csciox Seats cede see RATERS eka eed Vad eenaw kOe | Saas 1 qt. If the cornea becomes opaque, apply nitrate of silver in the fol- lowing solution twice a day with the camel’s-hair pencil :— Nitrate-of silver. ic cssincayew etx dgudavacs beanie peaesben tae 10 grs. Water oc: sais vies mines iaiiene tide cgetaideeaaccsaveecome 1 oz. If the disease does not yield to these measures, and the inflam- mation increases, bleeding inay be resorted to, the vein beneath the eye being opened for this purpose. In purulent and contagious ophthalmia, the inflammatory action is very acute, and is quite rapid in its course. The discharge is | thick and purulent, adhering to the eyelashes and face. The eye- lids are swollen, the structure of the eye becomes involved, and extensive sloughing follows. After an active purgative has been given, stimulants and mineral and vegetable tonics should be used. The pain may be relieved by subcutaneous injections of morphine. Sloughing and ulceration require the use of carbolized oil and nitrate of silver. Constitutional ophthalmia is still more serious, and the treatment is seldom satisfactory. The symptoms are more sudden, severe, and rapid, frequently subsiding only to recur again, until blindness | results. The local treatment prescribed for the previous types may be used at the outset. The later stages demand stronger measures, A blister should be applied at the root of the eye, or aseton may be inserted. Apply to the eye a strong solution of nitrate of silver, 12 \. grains to an ounce of water, and smear the eyelids with some simple ointment in order to prevent adhesion. CHAPTER. XVII. PARASITIC DISEASES. Ectozoa, ‘oR ExTERNAL Parasites — Gap-Fiy — Lick — Maner — Rrneworm -- Entozoa, OR INTERNAL ParAsitEs — Hoosz, Husk, oR VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS ~— M@asLes — Tare-Worm. 6b Pe parasite,” says Van’ Beneden, “is he whose profession jit is to live at the expense of his neighbor, and whose only employment consists in taking advantage of him, but pru- dently, so as not to. endanger his life.”. Of the parasites which infest cattle there are two general divisions, the external parasites, or ectozoa, which infest the skin ; and the internal parasites, or ento- toa, which live within the tissues of the body. EXTERNAL PARASITES, OR ECTOZOA. THE GAD-FLY..- During the summer, cattle may sometimes be seen running about the pasture in a state of great excitement, with heads and necks extended, and tails erect and quivering, or rushing in mad haste to the hearest pond or river. (See Fig. 1064.)' The cause of this unusual excitement is the gad-fly. (Figs. 1065 and 1066.) Such is the dread excited among cattle by this fly, that a single one has been known to turn back a herd in spite of, the efforts of its drivers. Young animals and those in ‘good health are usually attacked -by the gad- fly, for in them the skin is soft-and more easily penetrated. The female punctures the skin of. the beast by means of an oviposi-, tor, and deposits in the subcutaneous tissue a drop of acrid: fluid, and an egg, which is hatched out by the heat of the animal. A small abscess results, upon the pus of which the larva feeds. Above each larva may be seen a sort of tumor, or “bump,” as Réamur calls it. (See Fig. 1067.) The presence of these larve seems to cause no suffering, or at least but very little’ ‘The dread of the fly is probably due to the pain caused by the acrid substance deposited with the egg. In June or July the abscess bursts, and the larva falls to the ground, where it gets under a stone or other. object, or buries itself in the earth to prepare for its last transformation. At the end of about (808) PARASITIC DISEASES. 809 six weeks the perfect insect escapes from its shell, and the female soon peEpetee her egg, and then dies. Another species, the tabanus “SeU-peD Aq pOHOEHY OIL 40 POH Y—FO0T “OMT bovinus, is shown in Fig. 1068. The larva may be ccnaeyed from the tumor, or “warble,” by pressure, when the results of its presence will gradually disappear: 810 DISHASES OF CATTLE. LICE. These troublesome insects abound among ill-cared-for cattle, and sometimes materially retard their growth and development: Sev- eral different forms are described by helmin- _thologists, but the spe- ciés most commonly seen are four in ‘num- ber, and are shown in Figs. 1069, 1070, 1071, and 1072. Of these, the ¢rzchodectes (Fig. 1071) is less common than others. To remove these pests a strong decoction of tobacco water may be used. The following formula is recommended as being both safe and destructive to the lice :— ; Fic. 1065.—Gad-fly (Oestrus Bovis). -Stavesacre seed .. 2... 0... eee cee eee eee eeees oorsice 4 oz. White hellebore..2 sages seuss skgen tees seen ae eeeeae nes Seale. ES WABEER cs siancictinns nats sannans Sesh Tae eas aaa eNO ek bide REN 1 gal. Boil until only two ateite remain, and ‘apply with a brush. MANGE. This unpleasant disease, though more common in the horse and dog, is not rare among poorly-fed and neglected animals. The parts first affected are frequently the face, head, and neck. It is caused by an insect, the derma- “ tocoptes, which lives on the surface of Fre. 1066.—Gad-fly. ’ the skin, occasioning much irritation a, Larva, or “grub;” b, Insect... by biting. The treatment is " prac- tically the same as chet for mange in the horse (Part I.), which see. | Fig. 1074 represents the gamasus of musty hay, which is some- times found on the skin of cattle. . RINGWORM. This affection (Fig. 1075),'an exceedingly troublesome one, is due to. a fungus, or vegetable parasite, originating from a spore which has gained entrance to a hair-follicle. It is very contagious, being communicable from man to the lower animals, and vice versa. PARASITIC ‘DISEASES. 811 Fre. 1067.—Bumps Produced by the Larva of the Gad-fly Symptoms.—The most prominent symptom is the circular patch of scaly crusts, which at first adhere closely, but in time become _. detached from the central point by a purulent uid: The period of incubation is from eight to fourteen days. Treatment.—Separate all affected animals. The crusts must be removed and destroyed. First clean the parts with soap and water; and then apply a mild murcurial or iodine ointment. The following may be used every day:— ee Jodine ............ eh dunsede $ dr. Iodide of potash .............. 1‘ * Cosmoline..... ea eb Gade eee RS Loz Mix for an ointment. Or the part may be painted with the following mixture :— Carbolic acid.........,.....1 part. Fre. 1068.—Gad-fly (Tabanus Acetic acid............424..80 “ : Bovinus). 812 DISKASES OF CAITLE, | INTERNAL PARASITES, OR ENTOZOA. HOOSE, HUSK, OR. VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS. \ This common and frequently fatal disease is due to the presence in the windpipe and bronchial tubes of the strongylus. micrurus, one of the five species of strongyli which infest cattle. It is chiefly | Fra. 1069.—Ox-louse. Fra. 1070.—0x-louse. Fre. 1071.—Calf-louse \(Hematopinus.) (Hematopinus ii ) (Trichodectes of Ox.) met with among, calves, especially those paatuted | in low-lying lands, and occurs most frequently in August and September: Symptoms.—There is considerable irritation of the air passages, shown by frequent coughing or husking, as if trying to dislodge Fie. 1072, Calf-louse. F 1073.—| ; c, . (Hematopinus Vitull.) | ta. 1073. Dermatocoptes. Fic. 1074.—Gamasus of Fodder. some annoying substance in the’ throat. The cough is remarkably forcible, distressing, and of a paroxysmal character. The animal becomes emaciated, diarrhea sometimes setting in. The parasites block up: the air passages. seriously impeding respiration, and an e PARASITIC DISEASES. . 813° sometimes death ensues from suffocation. If at any time late in the summer, calves are found affected with a spasmodic: cough, they should be examined for signs-of this difficulty. *- Treatment.—Separate the affected calves, and place them in a dry stable. A half ounce of turpentine may be given in gruel once a a for several days, or the turpentine may be administered in a ’ half pint ‘of lime-water. Fie. 1076. —Measly Beef. a, Four measles divided by the knife. This may be given twice, once inthe morning, and again at night. The inhalation of chlorine gas has been highly recommended. . This causes: such an amount of coughing that a considerable number of the worms are expelled. The usual method is to collect the calves in a small stable, close the doors and windows, and generate the gas as long as the operator is able to endure it.’ Then the apparatus is removed, and the calves are left exposed to the'gas for a few minutes longer. The system requires a generous support, therefore the diet. should be nutritious. After the expulsion of the worms, sometimes before this takes place, tonics should be given. MEASLES. The cystic form. of the senia _mediocanellata, a tape-worm com- mon to mankind is found in the. muscular tissue of beef. This par- asite, the cysticercus bovis, has not yet been observed in Europe or America, though not infrequently found in India. The flesh thus affected presents the appearance shown in Fig. 1076, which repre-- 814 DISEASES OF CATTLE. sents a slice of beef cut from a roast in Calcutta. It is said that the buttocks of cattle are usually more infested than the rest of the body. Fig. 1077 shows the ox-measle magnified to nine diameters. Fie. 1077.—Cysticercus Bovis. Fic. 1078.—Heart Infested with Measles. , Ox-measle. Fig. 1078 represents the appearance of the heart of a calf when. thus _infested. The cysticercus in the heart does not acquire as great a size as elsewhere, perhaps on account of the density of the muscular - tissue of that organ. Fig. 1079 is an accurate representation of a° = —_ tape-worm measuring thirteen feet in length, re- en duced to one sixth. Such a worm gonsists of about 1,200 segments, or joints, each capable of developing 30,000 eggs. During life the mature segments are cast off at the rate of about 400 a month, so that about one hundred and fifty million of these eggs may be produced annually by a single worm. We have given the more common parasitic diseases of cattle, with the treatment for each. It has been seen that cattle harbor parasites which can be transferred to the human body when beef is eaten as food. The various forms of parasitic diseases vary with the influence of season, soil, and locality. As the health of the public is so largely dependent upon the whole- some condition of our live stock, the subject of WiG, 1079.—Beel Tape- preventing parasitic diseases, as far as this may Worm. be done, becomes one of grave importance. # : PARASITIC DISEASES. 815 Although the subject is very fully treated in Chapter 29, on the parasitic diseases of sheep, we add a few points here, which we con- sider of great interest, as well as importance. Certain forms of parasitic diseases, as the cystic phase of tenia _echinococcus of the dog, are due to the intimate association of dogs with cattle. ‘The proper prevéntive measures in such diseases at once suggest themselves. . The Hoose, or Husk, is one of the most widely spread and destructive parasitic diseases known in Great Britain. It is said by some authorities to be especially prevalent among calves pastured on low-lying, swampy ground. This being a fact, the necessity of draining such lands is at once evident. © Too much stress can scarcely be laid upon the importance of providing clean and pure water for cattle. As illustrating this, we copy the following highly interesting account from the work of James White, a prominent English veterinary surgeon of the early part of the present century. He says :— “T once communicated a circumstance to the Bath Society, which appeared to excite some attention. A piece of, good grass was reserved for some ‘cattle, as they had work to do in some adjoining land. When turned in, they were soon after attacked with violent scouring ; thinking the grass was the cause, they were put into some other pasture where there was no water, on which account they were driven back to the former field to be watered, no suspicion being entertained of the water in that field being unwholesome; on the contrary, it had always been con- sidered very good, being a pond of spring water. The scouring, however, increased; they voided blood with their excrement, and were greatly reduced in flesh and strength. Upon examining the pond, an immense number of different kinds of rep- tiles were found in it. | A considerable. quantity of lime was thrown in and stirred about i in the pond, upon, which an astonishing sight soon presented itself, millions of reptiles were seen coming to the surface and leaping about to escape from the almost boiling water, After some time the pond was cleared out, and two or three wheel- barrowfuls of various kinds of reptiles were found in it. When the pond had again filled, the cattle were put meee into the fleld, and soon recovered from their scouring. os A curious circumstance is related in. the | Medico-Chirurgieal Review for September, 1824, on page 267, which proves that worms or their ova may be taken into the stomach with water. An. infat- uated woman was persuaded that if she got some clay,from the grave of a preacher who had died a short time before, mixed it with water, and drank a certain quantity of such water daily for a certain period, she would be secure forever after, both from disease and sin. Dr. Pickle was called upon to attend this woman. He says: “Of the larvz of the beetle I am sure I considerably underrate it when I say that independently of above 100 evacuated by stool, no fewer ” 816 DISEASES OF. CATTLE. than 700 have been thrown up by the stomach at different times since the commencement of my attendance. The first discharge took place after a violent mental emotion, and was) hoi og by a discharge of blood from the mouth, nose, and ears.”. “We cannot attempt to describe [the reviewers say] the various insects in all stages of larva, pupa, and perfect animal, minutely detailed by Dr. Pickle, and presented in the plates. The doctor and other medical gentlemen were frequently witnesses of the ejection of these ani- mals, and there appears no reason whatever to suspect ay disposi-. tion to imposture on the part of the patient.” It is afterward stated that “for a period of three months a number were thrown up from the stomach almost daily, in some in- stances to the amount of thitty at a time. A great proportion were destroyed from an anxiety to avoid publicity, and many escaped immediately after being vomited, by extricating themselves quickly from the vomit: and running into holes in the floor. Upwards of ninety were submitted for Dr. Thompson’s examination, nearly all of which, ‘including two of the specimens (teredris molitor), | saw my- self thrown up at different times. The average size was about an inch and a half in length, and. four were an inch and a half in length and four lines and a half in girth. The larve of the dipterous insect, though voided only seven or eight times, came up almost literally in myriads ; ; they were alive and moving. The larve of the beetle were vigorous in the extreme, ‘nor was it possible, without a feeling ‘ofhorror,, to view them rushing along the bottom of the veséel i in which they were preserved, occasionally expanding their jaws and extend- ing their denticulated feet. Mr. Clear, of this city, has succeeded in keeping some of them alive now,-after an interval of a year, in little pots filled with clay, and so secured as not to exclude the air.” ' i \ CHAPTER XIX. PARTURITION. Tue Prriop oF Gestarion— Siens or APPROACHING PARTURITION — NaTURAL PARTURITION —- EXPULSION OF THE PLacENtA — UNNATURAL PRESENTATIONS or Various Kinps — ReTainep AFTER - BIRTH. Fie. 1080.—Fetus of the Cow, with its Envelops. a, Cotyledons of the placenta ; b, b, Charion with the allantois covering ite inner face ; ce, ¢, Amnion, which secretes the fetal waters ; d, Fetus, \HE period of gestation in the cow is forty weeks, or about nine T calendar months, though it may fall a little short of this time, or exceed it by a little. Dr.C. A. Meyer observes that the result of his observation places the period at nine months and ten | (817) 818 DISEASES OF CATTLE. days. The approach of parturition is indicated some time before the event is consummated, by various signs. The first important sign is the enlargement of the udder, which may be sudden, and is always considerable. At the same time the vulva becomes swollen, the lips are thickened and lengthened, and the membrane assumes a deeper color. The vagina secretes a copious, yellowish fluid, which some- AN Uy UU 7 fea y ed: oe he Cow at Mid-term. bilical cord. - ‘ ; B, B, cotyledons of the uterus; C, C, placentule ; D, ‘D, Fia. 1081.— Fetal Membranes of t “dide : E, vesicle of the urachus ; F, amnion; G, um! A, uterus opened on its Jeft allantois’; aan) a times hangs from the vulva in long, topy masses. A dropping of ' the abdomen may be noticed, the spine falls, as if yielding to the heavy weight of the abdomen, the flanks become hollow, the “haunches appear wider apart, and the animal walks awkwardly and unwillingly. oo the hour of delivery draws nearer, these symptoms’ ’ PARTORITION. : 819 become more marked. The animal is restless and continually agi- tated, and withdraws from the herd, if in the'pasture, in quest of some quiet and remote spot: The mouth of the womb has been gradually opening since the earliest of these signs was manifested. The membranes surrounding the fetus are the first to extrude. ‘They appear like a bladder, distended as they are with the fetal waters. This fetal fluid, which is secreted by the amnion, is that in which the young embryo floats. The purpose this fluid subséries ts assumed by scientists to be to prevent uterine pressure on the fetus, Fie. 1082. —Blood-vessets In ‘the Liver of the Equine Fetus. and.also to keep up an equal temperature in the fetal body, as well as, by lubricating the vaginal passage, to facilitate birth. By the, uterine contractions of labor pains, the uterus is shortened and greater pressure is exerted upon the fetus. Short periods of rest follow the paroxysms of pain, which grow frequent and more intense. They are also more prolonged. At length the mouth of the uterus becomes fully dilated, the membranes separate from the inner wall of the uterus, and protrude from the vulva as the “water-bag.” The head of the fetus, preceded by. the nose and fore feet, now enters 12 : ' 820 DISEASES OF CATTLE. the mouth of the uterus, and passes, by successive stages, on through the vagina. Soon the fore feet appear, then the head, and finally the fetus is entirely expelled, and falls slowly to the ground, the ‘umbilical cord being often ruptured in the fall. The process of delivery generally occupies upwards of an hour, though its duration varies with the constitution of the cow. Many. animals give birth while in a recumbent position, lying down as soon as the contrac- tions of the uterus assume any degree of intensity. The expulsion of the placenta, or “after-birth,” whose function it is to assist in the nourishment of the. fetus, is in natural . cases brought about by a slight recurrence of the pains. As there is not the same danger from blood-poisoning by its retention in the cow as in the mare, no anxiety need be felt if it is not expelled for a day or two. ‘ ! . The cow requires: assistance in parturition more frequently than any other domestic animal. It is not unusual for.a heifer to need assistance in her first delivery, and if high-bred and delicately reared, she is quite apt to require it. But no aid should be given in any case until it is absolutely necessary. Never interfere until. the water-bags have burst. If after this has, occurred the pains continue for some time without any presentation, an examination should be made to ascertain the nature of the presentation.and to determine the difficulty. Sometimes a rigid condition of the neck of the womb causes delay. In such a case the neck may be Smeared with extract of belladonna, which will often cause it to relax within a few hours. If there is no time for delay, a narrow-bladed, blunt-pointed knife should be passed up' the vagina, and the neck cut to the depth of a ‘quarter of an inch, at four points. It will soon give way, and the bagging of the water will cause the necessary dilatation. As a matter of interest in this connection, we give, in Fig. 1082, an illustration of the. blood-vessels of the fetus ina mare at about mid-term, showing the umbilical vein and the other ducts. angi UNNATURAL PRESENTATION. All forms of presentation of the fetus-different from: that just escribed, are termed false, or unnatural. Various. causes may rought about a change of position of the fetus in. pregnant animals, such as running from fright, or being chased by dogs. An unnatural presentation is not necessarily formidable, because a skillful practitioner may be able to turn the fetus to obviate the difficulty thus presented. Sometimes, in addition to an un- natural presentation, one or more of the limbs may be improperly PARTURITION. 821 placed, thus cre- ating a serious dii- ficulty. Fig. 1083 shows such plication, in which there isa posterior presentation with, one hind leg be- neath the body. Fig..,1084 shows another malpres- entation, but one not so difficult for. the practitioner. Inanatural pres- entation the head © _ and fore feet ap- Fig. 1083.—Unnatural Presentation. pear first, the head . . being between the fore legs, and the back upward. If there is reason to suspect an un- natural presentation, a manual examination must be made, and the nature of the presentation determined. In making this examina- tion, the hand and arm should be thoroughly anointed. with oil or lard, and intro- duced into the va- gina between the pains, or while the cow is standing. If _ one fore foot only and’ the head ap- pear, or both fore © feet without’ the head, or the: head without the feet, or one hind foot ap- pears alone, an ex- amination must be made to ascertain ‘the'position of the missing member. Whatever part is Fra. 1084.—Unnatural Presentation. presented should 822 DISEASES OF CATTLE. be secured by a cord with a running noose (Fig. 1085) before it is pressed back to allow the examination to be made. Care must be taken in adjusting the cord, and in exerting, traction by means of it. We present in the annexed illustra- tions, a nimber of forms of noose or halter, which may be used to secure the head. ~ Ni cleatens Fig. 1086 shows a form . ae . = Noose, and Manner of Fie. 1086 —Halter. of falter which can Be Introducing Noose. easily applied. It con-. sists of two loops, one for the head and anther for the nose, with a movable slide. By means of this, considerable force can be applied when desirable. In Figs. 1087 and 1088 are also shown convenient forms of halter for this operation. In ‘the search for a missing member, the cow should stand with her, head lower than the hips, and if lying down sheshould be placed on the side on which the leg appears. Do not at- tempt to bring up the limb during a pain. Force should be applied to the fetus only whea the cow strains. Some unnatural ‘pres- entations offer so slight a variation from the nor- mal position, that the mecessary steps to be tak- en will readily suggest themselves. There~are : several, however, in which Fra. 1087.—Halter. Fia, 1088,—Halter with the aid of a surgeon is | . Sliding Ring. needed, and, we give the PARTURITION. 823 most common of these, with simple directions for relief in each case. In more serious cases a veterinarian should,be summoned at once. 1, ONE OR BOTH FoRE FEET PRESENTED.— Effort must be_ directed toward bringing the head into proper position. Push the feet back until the head can be feached, then bring the head between the fore feet. No further aid will probably be needed. rsa action between the pains is called for. 2. HEAD ALONE, OR HEAD AND ONE Foot PRESENTED. — Secure the protruding member, then push the calf back, and search for the feet. When the knee is found, bend ine whole Baby: raising it. Bring forward one leg at a time. 3. HEAD ALONE PRESENTED, Bor FORE LEGS BEING STRETCHED BACKWARD. —Exploration is difficult. Put the halter on the head, find one limb, bring it into the genital. canal, and secure it ; then do the same with the other limb. 4. FORE FEET PRESENTED, HEAD TURNED BACKWARD.— If the head is turned back upon the shoulder, or under the brisket, adjustment is tolerably easy. If the neck is doubled, and the head wedged in the canal so that return is impossible, the fetus is prob- ably dead, and the hook must be used. : 5. HIND FEET PRESENTED.—This is an unfavorable position, but delivery is not necessarily difficult. Facilitate delivery as much as is prudent, for delay is dangerous to the calf and, exhausting to the mother. : 6. TAIL PRESENTED.—This may indicate one of two positions : (1.) The back is up, the breech presented, and the feet bent under the abdomen. This is one of the most.difficult forms met with, and suc- cessful delivery,is not always accomplished. Place a noose upon the hocks, and also upon the feet. Raise the cow behind as much as “possible, push back the fetus and. draw up the legs. (2.) The belly is up, the feet pressing against the loins. If the fore limbs and the head can be reached, it will’be advisable to turn the fetus into the natural preséntation. If this cannot be done, the hind legs bent, one at a time, and drawn into the vagina, and delivery attempted by means of traction. Before attempting to turn the fetus, its exact position should always be carefully determined. Prompt and energetic action is often called for, but no harsh usage or undue force should ever be permitted, as it may cause inflammation of the uterus. The cord used should be a piece of soft rope about as large as the little finger, and ten or twelve feet long. The hook may bea 824 DISEASES OF CATTLE. simple one of wrought iron, about four inches jong, the handle being bent into a ring for the attachment of a cord. RETAINED AFTER - BIRTH. If the after-birth is not expelled within forty-eight hours, it may be hasten its expulsion. The hand should be passed into the uterus, and the connection of each cotyledon (see Fig. 1089) — " there are sixty or seventy in all — gently severed. Great care is needed, as severe and dangerous hemorrhage might follow a violent separation. If bleeding: follows, cold water should be dashed over the loins; if it becomes excessive, give two ounces of fresh ergot of rye. , \ Fie. 1089.—Uterus of the Cow, showing Cotyledons. ‘ 2, Ovary cut in two; b, Graafian vesicle; c, Interior surface of the uterus; 4, d, 4, 5 Cotyledons. CHAPTER XX. +100 PARTURIENT DISEASES. Fioopine — Inversion or THE Urervus— Dr. Mrver’s TREATMENT — ORIGINAL AND SuccEssFUL TREATMENT BY Dr. Mc Bera —)Mernitis, on INFLAMMATION or THE Uterus — MrtTRO- PERITONITIS, OR PUERPERAL FEVER— PARTURIENT APOPLEXY, OR MILK Fever. FLOODING. ; [es may sometimes occur after a natural but rapid or difficult | delivery. Vaginal’ hemorrhage i is generally not serious. The blood is bright scarlet, showing that it comes from an artery.. It ‘can usually be checked by injections of cold water. Uterine hemor- rhage may be of a serious nature. It may be caused by injury. to the womb, inflicted during the extraction of the calf, or when taking away the after-birth. It most commonly follows protracted labor or , abortion. If injections of cold water do not check it, give two. ounces of fresh ergot of rye. A piece of ice the size of a walnut may be placed in the womb and left there: Prof. Gamgee recommends, to be given internally,— Compound tincture of cinnamon . mains BE iG whine Macau aaation ee as 8 oz. Diluted sulphuric acid.,........... Sy so lat cay Saucers Ri veanirasestaona Sccuaen He 5 02. Give two tablespoonfuls ina quart of water every hour or two. INVERSION OF THE BEERDS: This is. ‘not fatal in the cow, and seldom occurs in the mare, in which, as a rule, it is fatal. The posi- tion of the cow in this ail- ment is shown in Fig. 1090. Treatment.—Dr. C. A. Meyer, of New York, gives the following :— a Fra. 1090.—Inversion of the Uterus. “Prepare a stall in such a way that the animal stands about one foot higher be- hind than in front. The protruding uterus should then be bathed with water as hot as the hand can bear, for about fifteen minutes. Have your truss prepared. Del- wart’s (see Fig. 1091, page 185) is the most simple, and the one I generally use. (825) 826 DISEASES OF CATTLE. The hot water will contract the capillaries, and reduce the uterus greatly. Then, with assistance, and your hand covered with a towel, gradually force the organ into its position. Should there be severe straining, administer the following drench:— Daud anuss sisi ccna ican nsien tebe cnebe Chae’ peta. weaeia te eundies 24 oz. Spirits: camphor. -ccnis secon roadie wanent- tio see eaaeea ee ees hv Chloroform............. SpE MGs auaad £4 earn eaten 4“ Tinct: capsicum..................00-0 Swi Rie BANA Gie para erete ee i Weateticscccgues esr ain quae notin’ beanie tails eae he a owl Aa ee 1 pt. Mix, and give at once. “This will quiet the animal, and straining will almost cease. When the organ is in position, apply your truss, and let'the animal stand. Should the straining not cease, give chloroform and laudanum in above proportions. Remove the truss within forty-eight hours, and turn the patient out among the other herd. Ice should never be applied, and is injurious as well as dangerous. Should the animal have been neglected, and the organ been out over twenty-four hours, then excision or amputa- tion is the only treatment; but I would advise, in such cases, the destruction of the ahimal, as the flesh is fit for human food.” ; Dr. B.C. Mc Beth, of Battle Creek, Mich., gee the following treatment in inversion of the uterus :-— First cleanse thoroughly with hot water tinctured with carbolic acid in the proportion of three or four drams of the former to three or four gallons of the latter, and having then replaced the organ in position, give the following as a drench :— Tincture of opium................ SEA Ras Ses Gee eG aeons 2 02. CHG TOE Orr 05 agen eo dancer eons opened sep meets Se sage ae ae esis ims a“ Sulphuric ‘ether oi 5 3 sais scacclece testifies action AO Mase w nae o Hb Sitse a Spirits camphor........... hy weeoacane eres ee ee Ly ee Waters ci mcstansr epi ce geese 2s eens isd (hace Bh Trgeacde aise vest .1 pt. After giving this prescription a fair trial, without success, Dr. Mc B. advises a resort to the following treatment, the details of which he furnishes at our special request :— At a point directly over the lumbar region, some three inches forward of the hip,.and about three inches on each side of the back- bone, take up a fold of the skin between.the thumb and finger, and run through it a needle with a waxed thread ; draw over the center of the back, and bring a sharp strain upon the string. This should be done when there is no curve to the back. Give doses of sulphite of soda, as follows :— -, Nitrate:of potash ys 9 ss j604 es esas dante eae etna eames beeen 1 dr. Sulphite of soda....................0005 sis aaapeiaieee Ravage y ates 2s To be administered every fourth hour for twenty-four or thirty hours. After the second day give the following :— NOX “VOMICS oe iecees sie ce oe ee wee Ee sional saeieergatene 4 dr. Or— Quinine ............. i Soe StbSS See Vamen ey sees deEe saatiaesd 3 dr. ’ PARTURIENT DISEASES. 827 This to be alternated every four hours with the previous remedy, and the bowels to be kept loose with Epsom salts in half-pound doses, with two.or three drams of ginger or capsicum, according to size and condition, every twenty-four hours. ; Have the string removed within forty-eight hours, or as soon as the animal ceases straining. Among other cases in which Dr. Mc Beth used this treatment, was one that had been treated by a regular veterinary surgeon of excellent standing as a local practitioner, and whose efforts had sig- nally failed, although he had used the most approved. treatment. Fra. 1091.—Delwart’s Truss. The case had run some forty-eight hours. In ‘this emergency Dr. Mc B. was called to aid in treating the case, and his method proved entirely successful, the case yielding at once to the treatment, The main feature of the treatment thus employed (that et tying a.string across the back) is so peculiar, and so far out of the regula: line, that we have given it in this connection as a matter of specia. interest. To avoid a recurrence of the accident of the inversion of the uterus, it is a good expedient to fill the vagina with a ball of tow, which may be kept in place by the use of the Delwart Truss’ (Fig. 1091). This truss is formed by cords, united by a loop in the middle of each, in such a manner that an oval space (a, Fig. 1092) sufficient 828 DISEASES OF CATTLE. to,inclose the vulva is formed, the lower commissure being left free for the escape of urine. The two ends of one cord (b, b) pass over the back, and are secured toa strap round the neck or chest. Those of the other cord (c, c) pass between the thighs, and are fastened to - the upper part of the band. . The loops should be wrapped in cloth, to prevent chafing the parts under the tail. For small animals, pessaries of the forms shown in Figs. 1093 and 1094 are sometimes used. These are usually made of rubber. ‘Another form of’ truss, Rénault’s, is reiean in Fig. 1095. This ‘consists of a leather neck-strap, and a rope the size of the little finger, and about thirty feet long. The neck-strap is first put on. The cord is then. doubled in the center, and put across the back, behind the withers, so that each portion may fall behind the shoulders and be passed under the chest, where ‘they are crossed, the left passing to the right, and the right to the left. Each side is then carried’ through the neck-strap pack over the front of the shoulder, at the 4% top of which both : } are tied in a sim- ple knot. Ten or Fie. 1092. : Fre. 1098. ; Fie. 1094. ‘ i Dele? twelve inches from —s ae ideas $ this a firmer knot is tied, then several others beyond it at equal distances toward the loins, as far as the root of the tail, where another simple knot is tied. The branches of the cord then sepa- rate to pass each side of the vulva, and are again united in a simple knot below the inferior commissure. Each cord is then carried be- . tween the hind legs, and brought up and tied over the back to one of the loops there, as shown in the illustration. The simplicity of this truss is its chief recommendation. It can be made easy or. tight, as is necessary. . INFLAMMATION OF THE UTERUS, OR METRITIS. This is generally associated with parturition in cases where the labor has been protracted, and where unskillful or rough usage has been. resorted to. It may arise ftom a cold caught during ‘labor, from excessive or injudicious vaginal injections, or from external violence. PARTURIENT ‘DISEASES. 829 Fre. 1095.—Renault’s Truss. Symptoms.—The. disease may occur within twelve hours after parturition, or at any time within a week. The appetite declines, and the animal seems dull. Later, cold shivers.come on. The ther- mometer will indicate 4 rise of temperature, and the pulse will rise - to 90 or 100 beats. The milk decreases, and finally ceases alto- gether; the respiration is. short, and. apparently painful, and the animal stands with rigidly fixed back. If the inflammation extends to the peritoneum, the affection becomes: the serious disease: next desctibed. ; 3 | METRO- PERITONITIS, oR PUERPERAL FEVER. This may bea sequel of Metritis, or it may have an indepen- dent origin. It is an erysipelatous inflammation of the uterus and peritoneum, and has often been. confounded with parturi¢nt apoplexy, or “milk-fever.”’ The early symptoms are({ the same as those described under metritis. There is acute pain, manifested by whisking the tail, stamping, » striking the belly, frequently ‘lying down and getting up, = or remaining on the knees Fra, 1096, —Metr-peritonii, several minutes (Fig. 1096). ‘\ . A’ marked symptom is the { 4 830 DISEASES OF CATTLE. tumefaction of the vulva, from which a chocolate-colored fluid is discharged. The symptoms increase, prostration follows, and the animal usually dies either comatose or in convulsions. Treatment.—\solate the animal, and thoroughly disinfect the premises. As the danger of septic infection is great, the uterus and vagina should be carefully cleansed of all decomposing products. In doing this the operator needs to exercise great care on his own account, as there is danger of contracting the disease if there be any abrasion upon his hands or arms. Carbolized oil (1 part carbolic acid and. 10 parts olive-oil), should be freely used on the hand and arm. Wash out the uterus and vagina with a tepid solution of car-~ bolic acid-(1 part to from 20 to 50 parts of water), or inject the so- lution, and then apply carbdlized oil to these parts. A very good injection is found in, the following combination :— — Carbolic acid ................ cece ipa aee tenable end «1 part Glycerine ......... aris Uhh Saeste cesar gues a ainda oe phones eke 10 parts WAGE os cious os Desens’ recherches i eo train er ave pe anes esses 30 parts Constipation i is usually present at the outset, and’ the following drench will be useful :— "a Epsom SaltS) oo week outa ccnle ee eas Selaceheae. Col a diate 16 oz \ Calomel yo ccsicis scsi ae ciel agiee aealole es bankers bandas seed 1 dr. CrOtOD Olle atarie's athatieninaia nore sa. guns od dkeles canain pa keine 43 does 10 drops Gentian ....... Mingus Sia cuateit Atti 2 tia Sine settee et tc amesum ane 2 oz. Ginger chk anna aparece’ ease eu mon, mene eas — Give in warm linseed tea or hay-tea, but it is not safe to peat it. If this.does not act promptly, He fovowing stimulant may ea every two hours :— ’ Aqua ammonia..,.,.....,...... Siee dackubanke mean Pes decidua 1 oz. woigl GINGOP cs ce seen ea cece sd AeeAinesehe eee wus Si eames cess y 4s“ + Stimulants will be found very beneficial. A soft, nourishing dis diet should be supplied, as the. appetite sometimes remains durin the early stages. Ifthe fever runs high, and there is danger of 's tic infection, give the following uae: — | “ee Biswlphite Ok 80dW 25:2 sie dean ge tee nus reaied eeenaiane 1 or 2 oz. Water cos aunais cptnereers cones Sete rerndaa sae veo 1 pt. Or— ae oe : 7 Carbolic acid (erystals) “gl F Soaked & 4 WAG SS BOING Ba AS ORS Se Sia s 20 gr. Glycerine ....0.5......... Saeeetedievea HLS iia a Gives fase SASS S Da tkaahehes 2 dr. The acid and glycerine must be rubbed. down in a. mortar until the crystals disappear, then add cold, water. sufficient to make up the bulk of the dose:to a half pint. Sometimes the animal becomes too drowsy to take the medicine in the usual way. It must then be administered by means of the stomach-pump and a tube (Fig. 1097). PARTURIENT DISEASES. 831 At this stage, nervous power may be excited by the injection of a solution of strychnine beneath the skin, by means of the hypodet mic syringe (Fig. 991). The following may be used for this purpose :-— Dy Chin Ne aie wads Vee oamaids wine ae es cee eat naw eye mey ee 1» Agr Spirits OL Wie: cise os cescs ss ccssses esttvale a 8 ality w diese aie GG oa BRIE SORE 2 02. Bulphiric acid ses esses sssccxtiee cadis esietciers ¥isctue dis seisieee s alaieesrveiwers om 6 drops Inject thirty drops * at intervals of half an hour, and increase or diminish the dose as required. This disease most frequently runs a rap- & id course, and death ‘ aia ensues from blood- : i 7 TD poisoning. In the ab- ; sence of all septic in- fluences, recovery is possible, and. even very fapid. A cow may seem at the point of death in the evening, and in the morn- ing be found very much improved. The decline of temperature is the earliest favorable sign, and will be indicated by the thermom- eter before any visible signs appear. While the animal is convales- cent, mineral tonics, particularly the salts of iron, are indicated. The food should be nutritious and easy of digestion. but not too stimulating. ai ee ie Fic. 1097.—Stomach-pump. Fie. 1098.—Parturient Apoplexy. . 882 DISEASES OF CATTLE. ° PARTURIENT APOPLEXY, OR MILK - FEVER. This is frequently confounded with Metro-peritonitis. Some practitioners still regard the two diseases as identical, or differing only in respect to violence; but weight of authority seems to be against this view. Parturient Apoplexy is a disease of the blood, and follows parturition in‘cows in high condition that are deep milkers. Fleming says, “An animal which has calved is like one into whose circulation a certain quantity of blood has been trans- fused. This superabundance of blood does not quickly disappear from the body ; it takes, so to say, the place of a new organ. In animals which have just brought forth, the milk secretion expends this blood.” It is the non-expenditure of this blood which causes parturient apoplexy... It never follows difficult or protracted deliv- ‘ery, uterine hemorrhage, abortion, or retention of the after-birth. . Symptoms.—The earliest. indications are a cessation of rumina- tion and appetite, grating of the teeth, uneasiness, unsteadiness of gait;-the pulse is accelerated, the breathing, heavy and ‘hurried, muzzle dry and hot, eyes bright and staring, the expression anxious and bewildered, the udder hot and tender, and sometimes enlarged ; there is a partial suspension of milk,’ and in some ‘cases it amounts: to entire suspension. , “As the symptoms advance, the animal sways from side to side, reels about: and falls, half rises and falls again, and so on, until at last she sinks down altogether frequently in the position shown i in Fig. 1098. "The animal rapidly becomes unconscious. In some cases con- sciousness returns from time to time; in ‘others, the coma is per- sistent until recovery commences or death occurs. If the respiration grows shorter and shorter, the, pulse weaker, and the limbs and body cold, a fatal termination may be looked for. . The duration of the. disease varies. Sometimes death takes place in six hours; on the other hand, -patientsyhave been known to recover after lying in an unconscious state for twenty-four hours or more. As a rule, the crisis may be looked for at about the twelfth hour. An. alternately comatose state is, always: an unfavorable symptom. Treatment.— Dr. Meyer, of New York, ere the following : “Treatment for Parturient Apoplexy should be immediate. I first bleed at the tail. I then: apply an ammoniated liniment, strong, and give 1 oz. antimony. et pot. tart.; about four hours after, 5 drams, and eight to ten hours after, 3 drams. Apply the liniment about | every six hours for four applications. Care must be had in drench- t O PARTURIENT DISEASES. 833 / ing. The tartar emetic is dissolved in about one pint of warm water. Keep the udder well stripped of milk every hour or so, and let the animal rest quietly. In about thirty-six hours consciousness may be observed, and then endeavor to get the animal to stand. Should she appear weak, give 2 dram doses of nux vomica. Under | this form of treatment nine out of ten recover, and by the third day appear well and nurse their young. I always find it in. well-fed animals, never in.thin or poorly-cared-for cows, and labor is al- . ways easy. I have some fine milkers that I have treated every year for the last four years. They are stall-fed, and I cannot induce the owners to keep them down in flesh during gestation.” When bleeding is resorted to, from four to six quarts of blood: may be taken from the jugular vein. This vein cannot be se- cured by the hand alone, as in the horse, nor can _ sufficient - pressure be applied by this means. _ Acord about three-eighths of an inch thick should be passed around the base of the neck, and secured at the top in a running noose, as Fre, 1099.—Ox Prepared for Bleeding. Seen in Fig. 1099. Smooth down : - the hair by means of a wet sponge. This will bring the distended vein into relief, like a large rope _under the skin: The animal must be firmly held by the horns by an assistant, or by means of the bull-dogs applied to the nose (Fig. 1025). A longitudinal incision must be, made, which should be of sufficient length to secure a satisfactory flow of blood. As soon as a sufficient quantity has been extracted, the cord is removed, when the flow ceases. The wound should then be closed “P by means of the common twisted suture (Fig. 1122). If bleeding i is decided upon, the next step should be che admin: istration of a speedy cathartic. If the animal is comatose, use the stomach-pump. The following is sure, and speedy in its action :— Croton oil.............6.4 suisie Races sauna Hes & Sie eetn ais 30 to 40 drops Linseed oil......... Uipolan atirableccesbiate rere euarece tyeunterag ial aans 1 pt. Croton oil is so irritating and drastic that it must never be used unless thoroughly blended with oil. It is important to keep the bladder empty, and the urine should be frequently drawn off by the catheter, The after-treatment should be ‘stimulating. Within an 834 DISEASES OF CATTLE. # ‘hour after giving the purgative, a pint of brandy or whisky, diluted with the same quantity of water, may be given. This should be followed with proportionate doses at regular intervals. As a sub- stitute, $ to 1 oz. doses of carbonate of ammonia may be used with the same frequency. If tympanitis is present, the aromatic spirits of ammonia, given in the same doses, will be found exceedingly use- ful. The udder should be gently and frequently ‘rubbed, and what milk it contains must be continually drawn away at short intervals. The patient should be placed with the fore parts elevated, and the head should be kept well up throughout the case. The first food offered should be gruel. This may be replaced in a short time by bran or linseed mashes, and then a little green food It is a mistake to dose with tonics, such as iron, gentian, and nux’ vomica. The animal is of course weak, but strength is more likely to be gained by good nursing and nourishing food than by medicine. There is liability of a recurrence of the disease at the next labor, and such an animal is a good subject for the butcher. CHAPTER XXI. —e PARTURIENT DISEASES (CONTINUED). LevcorRBEA, oR ‘‘ WHITES” — ABORTION —IMPportaNcE oF IsoLatTion — Hys- TEROCELE, OR HERNIA OF THE Uterus — SorE Treats — GONORRHEA — Mam- MITIS, OR INFLAMMATION OF THE UDDER — TEED oF CALVEs — CARE or TaeM aT Brrete — Tuer AILMENTS. LEUCORRHEA, OR “‘ WHITES.” HIS sometimes follows parturition, as the result of violence or of Tsetse after-birth, but it may occur at other times. It is char- acterized by a discharge from the vulva’ of a white, glutinous, and sometimes ropy substance, It is usually inodorous, but if from retained after-birth, it is muco- purulent ; and offensive. Symptoms.—At first there is little or no constitutional disturb- ’ ance. As the‘disease proceeds, there is more or less fever, a quick- ened pulse, diminished | appetite. and secretion. of anille, and the _ bowels become irregular. : Treatment.—Syringe out the vagina with tepid water, and inject the following twice a day, until the discharge ceases —_ Carbolic acid....... ets J aieiiaenainr sdddaiae eis : ecu heaves 4 OZ. Water. ares Gave ns eeares ofees saree chases wane ce sae Skayscniere ; vere s® ats. Give a saline sathantie: as 12 oz. Epsom. salts, and follow with a course of tonics... The following may be given daily in the feed :— Sulphate of fron (Copperss)... os... eee pte cere ee eet ech coogs 2 dr. -Gentian .-..7...0... . SEMAMGm eb ete CNS jegiasa contained seus og ORs Sen seeangee ciate sp chuasietaledcl Gh ve ahausubua: guavanerefatsiass eo jere sessed ° This treatment, with a: Asseutive diet, sell: often effect a cure. If the discharge is offensive, the following may: be injected after wash- ing out the. ‘vagina with ane carbolic. acid solution :— ‘Pannic acid......... saa Rela es ie ee usted sf eeirese ate ee ee cre ee eee eierace tne 2 qts. Permanganate of potaatr, shee, WSter vicinus Aire eee sii aliale-ecateiae és bvialte a /uisieseacenguasass aedeoiies 836 DISEASES OF CATTLE. ABORTION. i An idea of the extent to which’ this prevails may be gained ~from the fact that in the State of New York the annual loss by abor- tion among cattle has been for several-years more than $4,000,000. The malady frequently becomes: epidemic, and runs rapidly through a herd, the cows aborting one after another. The causes are numerous. It may be due to external violence or accident, to smutty, moldy, or ergoted food, to: riding of animals in heat or teasing by the bull, to overfeeding, and to decaying animal refuse, especially the ahortion discharges of other. animals. The last is probably the immediate cause of its epidemic nature, though the causes that produced it in the original instance have doubtless ren- dered the herd peculiarly susceptible to it. For this reason it is of the greatest importance to isolate every instance of it, remove all vestiges of the fetus and of the after-birth, and thoroughly disinfect and deodorize the premises. Smearing the parts of the cow with tar or stinking oil will help to destroy the smell. It is better to fatten her for the butcher than to risk another pregnancy. Symptoms.—\n the early period of pregnancy, abortion may occur without any premonitory signs, the first intimation of it being . given by the animal’s again being in heat. In later stages, the pre- “monitory signs ‘resemble those of an ordinary parturition, except that the change in the animal is sudden and accompanied with great dejection. In some cases there is a muco-purulent discharge from the vulva. - Treatment.—Where abortion occurs in the early stages of gesta- tion, there is usually little or no constitutional disturbance, hence little active treatment is called for. But under all circumstances the cow should be isolated, and kept from the herd for at least a month. A moderate saline cathartic, followed by mineral tonics and good food, will usually be all the treatment needed. In later abortion the constitutional disturbance is greater, and frequently complications arise. If the after-birth has not been dis- charged, it must be removed with the hand, without delay. Fleming suggests the subsequent injection of a weak solution of carbolic acid. This may be done twice a day for a week or more. In the event of hemorrhage, it must be treated as prescribed for vaginal or uterine hemorrhage. The animal must be kept warm, and free from expo- sure to the weather, if it is damp or cold. Mineral tonics and nourishing food should be given. Preventive Measures.—These are important, and must consist, in the first place, of avoiding, so far as is possible, the causes that have PARTURIENT DISEASES. 837° given rise to abortion. Among these there is no doubt that wet, moldy, and frosted fodder, smutty grain, ergoted corn, rye, and hay, are predisposing causes. So, on the other hand, is the plethoric condition induced by too rich food. If there is reason to think the cause of the epidemic lies in the food, a change in the character or quality of the diet should be made at once. If ergoted hay or ‘smutty corn must be used, feed roots freely at the same time. In order to escape the attacks of ergotism, the selection of pasturage must be carefully made. Wet localities are most liable to ergot in + Fie. 1100.—Hysterocele. ‘the rye-grass. If pastures are grazed, or mown early and allowed to rest until a wet.season, they become prolific sources of ergotized grass. When it is difficult to change the pastures, it is a safe pre- caution to mow down the grass, so as to prevent a second crop’s going to seed. Indigestion, as producing obstinate constipation, diarrhea, © hoven, etc., which sometimes cause abortion, must be avoided by care and the observance of the rules of hygiene. Give daily doses of one half ounce of chlorate of potash to’ ” every pregnant cow, and keep the animals completely isolated, and confined in sheds or stables that have been thoroughly disinfected. If ‘premonitory symptoms appear, large and repeated doses of lauda- num may be given to quiet the system and check the tendency, but if the symptoms increase, isolate the cow at once, for the abortion is probably inevitable. After recovery, a cow should not take the bull until she has run over several periods of heat. If she aborts the second time, there should be no hesitancy in fattening her, as she will be a constant source of danger to the herd. 838 DISEASES OF CATTLE. HYSTEROCELE, 0B HERNIA OF THE UTERUS. This serious form of hernia is happily not common. It is due to violent efforts or external injuries and to weakness of the abdom- inal muscles. It is not usually observed until toward the ‘seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. That part of the cow descends, sometimes nearly to the ground, carrying the udder down with it, or pushing it to one side (Fig. 1100). It can only be treated after parturition, which is usually accomplished: without difficulty. If aid is required, lift the uterus as near as may be into the natural posi- -tion, by means of a sheet held on either side by assistants. Some- times the life of the fetus can be saved only by the Casarian operation. If the cow is safely delivered, she had better be made fit for the butcher. She should never be allowed to become pregnant again. ‘i _ SORE TEATS. Sores, chaps, and cracks are frequently found on the teats of a cow. Continued sucking by the calf, or cold, wet, and filth at any time, may cause soreness. For simple tendernéss or soreness, wash the teats with warm water, and anoint with the following ointment :— Pulverized alum...............00005 1dr Vaseline......... be ieisard AS ata ne meaehen 2 02. Fra. 1101.—Section of the Lard may be used as a substitute for the Cow’s Teat. vaseline, but the latter is decidedly preferable. a, a, Pvincipal lactiferous Or— ducts; b, Lactiferous sinus; ‘ ©, ¢, Acini; ‘d, d, Dartoid tis- Goulard’s extract........ psreie ainmbtes ty 2 02. sue; e, Orifice of the teat. Sulphate of zinc................. ‘gaa , Ward oa sevens a sisvdnsns, 3 espeoanarss se tiWia) Sia. gae 2“ Rub upon the parts a few times. This is a favorite remedy _ among dairymen for sore teats, cake in the bag, etc. This prescrip- tion I know to have been sold for fifteen dollars, and it is. prized ‘ by dairymen in Northern New Vork, where the medicine is sold espe- cially for their use. ‘ Gentle milking with dry teats will prevent much soreness, and no treatment will prove effective without this caré. In severe cases, where milking is very painful to the cow, the milk may be drawn off by-aid of the teat siphon (page 97). Dr. C. A. Meyer recommends as the best: application for sore teats, equal parts of tannin and glycerine. 2 é PARTURIENT DISEASES. | 839 GONORRHEA. This is a disease of frequent occurrence, and often of a trouble- some character. It may be due to local irritation or to an over- heated system, ‘and sometimes the cause cannot be determined. It ‘consists in a thick, white discharge from thé penis. in ‘the male, or from the vagina in the female. Symptoms.—In addition to the discharge named, urination is frequent and painful: The patient stamps, moans, lashes the tail, and voids the urine in jets rather than in a full stream. The sheath is swollen, hot, and tender. Constitutional disturbance i is indicated t by a quickened pulse and by more or less fever. In ‘the female: ‘the vagina is inflamed, and the vulva swollen. Treatment.—This, in the male, is somewhat tedious, as' the ap- plication of remedies is difficult. A bull thus affected should be withdrawn from all service. The. disease i is not only contagious, but it is aggravated by indulgence. Cleanse the parts by syringing _ with tepid water, and inject ae ihe iolowiig: lotion : i— . Acetate of lead .............. eye os see Mee eee Baty et 1 oz. ‘Sulphate of zinc ..... titi mc Rinaeernlesaete Ps casdiveaush tise suena neice 2dr. - Spirits of camphor....... naawale sees Sipalat eae adeie te oanee eed 4 oz. . Boiling water..........- aoexadeisea rapa i eaved surmtasee Waren ec yancs s.-..1 qt. ‘Shake before using. . The bull should be cast, and the penis withdrawn Gon the ‘sheath. This is offen: a difficult task. By moderate pressure the penis may be. made to protrude from the sheath, when it should’ be grasped by the hand, covered with a soft cloth, drawn out and . bathed with tepid water, and then with the lotion. If any chancres are found, ‘touch them with nitrate of silver. In the female the fol- lowing solution may be injected with a 2 glass syringe :— , Nitrate of silvers... ......ccee cece eens ais Ree waeececee JoeB G2 Distilled ‘water... 2 . Fyre, 1129.—Nose-ring. MISCELLANEOUS. ay 851 Fig. 1122 illustrates a method: practiced in Germany, which seems to have some special advantages. At the end of a rope a noose is formed, and passed over the horns of the animal.’ The rope Fra. 1180,—Nose-punch. ‘ is then looped around the neck, and twice arouna the body, as shown in the illustration, the free end . being carried to the right if the animal is to be thrown on the left side, and vce versa. Two as- sistants take hold of the free end, while a third holds the animal by the head, unless the-head is’ .fastened to a post. By pulling on the rope, the three turns of the rope about the' neck, chest, and stomach tighten, and in a few: seconds the animal lies down upon its side quietly, with ‘out- stretched limbs, wHich can then be shackled. Soaping the rope at. the points of contact, lessens the friction and renders the operation easier of performance. Fre. 1181. — Alsace Nose-ring and Headstall. To secure the ox in a stand- * ing position, so as to protect -the operator from injury by the hind legs, various methods are used, of which we mention the two principal ones: 1. Fasten the hind legs to each ‘other by means of hobbles or a piece of rope; 2. Carry the tail inside the hind leg which is to be guarded against, ‘and bring it round in ‘front of the thigh. Here it may be held in the hand of an assistant, who : stands against the animal’s hind quar- ter. (Fig. 1123.) In Fig. 1124 we present a form ¢ . Fie. 1182.—Alsace Nose-ring Applied. of the travis used on the conti- : 14 . 852 DISEASES OF CATTLE. nent of Europe for shoeing oxen, or securing them for any other pur- pose. The head of the ox may be firmly held by means of the “nose-clamp,” “bull-holder,” or ‘“bull-dogs,” an instrument for seizing the nasal septum in a stronger manner than can be done by oa met yy Ki a : A 4 . S\\q A Wy Wy 7 | ee = ey = SS SS Fie. 1133.—Device for Controlling Dangerous Cattle. the hand. We illustrate several varieties, differing somewhat in construction, but in all of which the principle is the same. For an illustration et the “bull-dogs” applied to the nose, see page 134, It is sometimes of advantage to ring bulls and troublesome cows, so that they. may be more easily handled. The ring: ' used for this’ purpose is com, monly an iron or copper ring (Fig. 1129), jointed so that it can be inserted in a hole in the nasal septum, cut out by means of a nose ae (Fig, 1180). . i In Fig. 1131 we show the Alsace nose-ring and headstall, and in Fig. 1132, the ‘same ap- plied. The simple device shown in Fig. 1183 enables a child to _ : control with ease a vicious and Fra. 1184,—Device to Prevent Hooking. powerful animal. This is a MISCELLANEOUS. 853 pole having on one end a staple, through which a common sur- cingle or feather strap passes around-the animal's chest. The other end of the pole is fixed in the socket of an iron handle, which . terminates in a loop large enough to admit the hand. About eight inches from this loop is a fixed iron hook, attached at a right angle ‘SsouseY-xQ YoUBjJ—"oeTT ‘SLA to'the-pole. This hook is inserted in the nose-ring. A strap pass- ing around the horns and over the pole, attaches the latter more _ firmly to the head. : In Fig. 1184 we represent an invention to prevent hooking. Each end of a cord running through holes bored near the tips of the horns, is attached to a wire hook, which is placed in the nostril. A 854 DISEASES OF CATTLE. simpler and more effective device is the common one of a bar of - | -wood, in each end of which a hole is bored to pass over ‘the horns. It is fastened by nails or screws. A _ still simpler. method is to saw off the ends of the horns. . Dehorning, or cutting off the horns, is so painful that it. would be hardly advisable. To prevent cattle from running in the pasture, jumping, or tearing down fences, a strip of leather two to four inches wider than the head at the eyes, and long enough to pass well down over the nose, may be used. The upper corners are tied to the horns. The lower part is split a short distance in the center, anda string attached to each corner, and tied around the jaws loosely, then extended round the neck, and tied in position to keep in place. The ox can now see only sidewise of back, and this entirely prevents him from meddling with the fence or running around. The same thing works splendidly upon a horse, but it must be more carefully adjusted, which can be easily done by attaching it to a well-fitting ‘halter. é As a matter of cay, we add a form of yoke and harness for one ox, used in France. Fig, 1135 explains itself. ’ CHAPTER XXIII. LOCAL INJURIES, DISLOCATIONS, t } AND SMA7OUNDS. INJURY OF THE Strrta Jorvt— DisLocaTion OF THE PaTELLA — WOUNDS, THE Dirrerent Kinps, AND TREATMENT or EAca — Sutures, NEEDLES, SYRINGES, AND Banpacrs — INFLAMMATORY ACTION AND Fever — CLEANLINESS, VENTILA- TION, AND DisinrecTION— Forms OF Conraaious Marrer — Distvrecrine AgEnts — Cuitonipg or Lime — Carsoitic Acm — SuLraate or Iron — Sut- PHATE OF ZINC — For DIsInFECTANTS IN SOLID AND Liguip Forms — . Fumigation — StizHur — CHLoRINE Gas. INJURY OF .THE STIFLE Jour. [ee generally results from kicks, blows, falls; and crowding» through doorways and gates. It is sometimes confounded with dislocation of the patella. Symptoms.—There is — more or less distention of the capsule of the joint, with a soft, fluct- uating swelling on the inner or outer side, or — on both sides of the stifle. In severe cases, _ if the injury has been directly on the face of the stifle joint, the swelling appears in front. The animal , Fic. 1186.—Stifle Joint after Injury. seems unwilling to a stand on the limb, to rest any weight on it, or to lie down. (See Fig. 1136.) More or less pain is present, with considerable fever, and there is an evident loss of appetite. ~ Treatment.— Give a laxative at first, and keep the animal quiet. Apply hot fomentations, and afterward use He following lotion two or three times a day :— Tincture of arnica....... fies WEIRY EMG Vale Sea Ne YS SIRS Ya Rieie 8 Acetic acid...........44 Leesiges Aqua ammonia.............500500- Soap liniment...........-.s0e0es Sia cians a Ssarore bee sioner ore oranaie Gaaraiere 856 DISEASES OF CATTLE. Sometimes, after the fever and inflammation are subdued, counter-irritants and even actual cautery are necessary. DISLOCATION OF THE PATELLA (KNEE-CAP). This is the most frequent form of dislocation met with among Fie. 1137.—Distocation of Patella. cattle. It appears to be a result of weakness, or sprain of the liga- ment. The symptoms cannot be mistaken. The patella is usually displaced outward, appearing as a hard tumor on the external aspect. of the stifle joint. At the front of the joint there is a large depres- sion, which marks the position the patella should occupy. The animal moves on three legs, dragging the affected limb with the foot on the ground. (See Fig. 1137.) ; Treatment.—Reduction is effected by drawing the limb forward. This is best done by means of a loop about the fetlock. Pass the rope between the fore legs, and direct the as- sistants to pull the leg upward and toward the abdomen. At the same . time grasp the muscular part of the leg with one hand, and pull outward, while with the other hand placed on the pa- tella you push inward. The displaced bone will Fie. 1188.—Mode of Securing the Leg to Prevent probably slip back easily __ Dislocation of the Patella.. into position. The limb A DISLOCATIONS AND WOUNDS. 857 should be kept forward for a time. This may be done by means of a rope attached as shown in Fig. 1188. A blister may be applied over the stifle to promote effusion. ' . WOUNDS. The wounds commonly met with in cattle are of four kinds :— °. Inctsed wounds, which are clean cut, as if pro-. duced by a knife or some sharp-edged substance ; Lacerated MOuHAS, in which the tissues are torn asunder ; Punctured wounds, those produced by stabs or pricks ; a Contused wounds, where the flesh has been bruised or crushed. Wounds may heal in either of the following ways :— _ First intention, or the immediate reunion of the parts ; Adhesive inflammation, where lymph exudes on both surfaces ; Fie. 1139. Twisted Suture. ae > ; Fre. 1141. Fre. 1140.—Interrupted Suture. Uninterrupted Suture. a, Thread or silk; b, Wire. Granulation, where new flesh is formed, over which pus is con- tinually poured ;, Scabbing, or crusting, in which nature covers the raw surface: with pus, blood, or lymph, which dries down and forms a scab. INCISED WOUNDS.—These are most amenable to treatment. ‘They unite generally by first intention or adhesion. If not free from dirt, the wound should be thoroughly cleansed, and the edges — ee Fie. 1142.—Large Suture Needles (for wire). brought carefully together, in which position they must be held by plaster or. sutures. Before a plaster can be'used, the hair must be. shaved off. The sutures used are wire, pins, twine, silk, and catgut, the latter sometimes. carbolized. Several varieties are employed as follows: In the twisted suture (Fig. 1139), a pin is passed through 858 DISEASES OF CATTLE. t the lips of the wound, which are then drawn together by means of soft twine, . looped around in the form of the fig- ure 8. Inthe interrupted suture (Fig. 1140), each stitch, so to speak, is fast- ened separately; while in the unin- terrupted suture (Fig. 1141), the thread is passed continuously from one end of. the wound to the other. This is. suitable for small wounds only. There are various other kinds of sutures, but we have given the most common ones. ; In Figs. 1142 and. 1148 different 7 forms of suture needles are shown. Wie, 1148, Smee Sure Needles (for thread). Fig. 1144 represents.a syringe for washing out wounds, and Fig. 1145, one for injecting fluid into wounds. LACERATED WouNDs. — These must heal by granulation. There is seldom danger from bleeding, _as the torn arteries usually contract sufficiently to prevent the flow of blood. If there is excessive hem- ' orrhage, the artery must be secured. If no skin is removed, draw the edges together with sutures, tak- ing care to leave a free passage for the discharge of pus. If this cannot be done, the “many-tailed bandage” (Fig. 1146) must be used. This consists of two pieces of stout cloth, of equal width, one end of each piece being slit into an equal number of strips. One end is glued upon the skin at the side of the wound, the hair being clipped close for this purpose. - \ Fie. 1144. Syringe for Washing out Wounds. Fre. 1145.—Syringe for Injecting Fluid into Wounds. DISLOCATIONS AND WOUNDS. 859 When the glue is dry, the strips are brought forward and tied over the wound, the edges of which are drawn together by this means. Lacerated wounds from dog bites should be cauterized. PUNCTURED WouUNDs. —Considerable skill is required in the treat- ment of these. They ‘are deceptive, is often difficult to deter- mine their extent, or what foreign substances may be left in the wound. They should always be carefully ex- amined, but the probe can be used with safety only by a surgeon. The free discharge of pus must be secured, and such a wound should heal from the bottom, else a deep-seated abscess may result. CONTUSED Wounps.—If these are slight, nature will effect a cure unaided. They are best treated by poultices and fomentations. Liniments of camphor or ammonia. are useful to hasten the restora- tion of vascular action. In all classes of wounds there is'a certain amount of inflamma- tory action, and consequent fever. This is best counteracted by mild aperients, a nourishing but unstimulating diet, and quietude. Fig. 1146,—Many-tailed Bandage. _ CLEANLINESS, DISINFECTION, AND VENTILATION. In the treatment of disease among: animals, proper sanitary _Measutes are efficient agents in checking or preventing the, spread of contagion, alleviating suffering, and promoting a cure. These measures consist of cleanliness, ventilation, and disinfection. _ Cleanliness limits the liability to attacks of disease, and arrests tthe progress of contagion. Good ventilation provides an abundance of pure air. This, so to speak, dilutes contagious matters, and weakens their action. Ill-ventilated buildings deprive the system of pure air, which is essential to a condition of health, and an effi- cient agent in promoting convalescence. Disinfection consists in neutralizing or destroying contagious matter, by subjecting it to a chemical change. Such matter _prob- ‘ably exists in two forms or conditions, the aériform, or gaseous, and the solid. The first form is that thrown off by the lungs and skin, 860 DISEASES OF CATTLE. or evaporated from secretions and excretions ; the second form is that voided by the excretions. Contagious matter may impregnate the air of buildings, and also the external atmosphere. It may render the dung and urine of animals a positive and immediate source of danger. Disinfecting agents must be capable of acting upon contagious matter in both these forms. The agents commonly used for this purpose are the following :— ' 1. Chloride of lime.—This is one of the most efficient agents for the disinfection of dung, urine, etc. It has the great disadvan- tage, however, of a strong, suffocating odor, which often renders injurious its use in buildings occupied by diseased animals, by caus- ing irritation of the bronchial tubes and the lungs. When used in the open air, or in unoccupied buildings, it should be sprinkled over the floor and the substances to be purified. This can be done most efficiently by means of a dredger. 2. Carbolic Acid—This may be used in a variety of ways. It is both an antiseptic and a disinfectant. In the crude ‘liquid form it may be applied with a brush to the wood-work and walls of buildings, or diluted with an equal quantity of water, and sprinkled about by. means of an ordinary watering-pot. Cloths or blankets may be wrung out of a weak solution of the acid, and hung about to destroy floating germs of disease. ‘The odor is disagreeable to flies, and this fact may be often taken advantage of to relieve a suffering animal from the annoyance occasioned by these troublesome pests. It is well to add a little of it to the whitewash used about the buildings. 3. Sulphate of Iron (Copperas).—This is a cheap and efficient agent for deodorizing and disinfecting animal discharges. It may _ be pulverized and used as a powder, or dissolved in the proportion of 4 to 8 oz. to a pail of water. In this way it may be poured into the drains, or sprinkled upon the,walls and floor. 4. Sulphate of Zinc (White Vitriol).— This is more efficient than the sulphate of iron, but much more expensive. The same may be said of sulphate of copper eee vitriol) and the chloride of zinc. These substances act more efisientiy’ in combination than either does alone. We give a few formulas, by means of which the farmer can prepare disinfectants as needed, and at much less expense than the combinations can be purchased :— DISINFECTANTS IN SOLID FORM. 1, Sulphate of On CCOPPETEBY cos ions ddge heels eta oeyyt 12 Ib. Plaster-of-Paris (ground) Carbolic acid Pe mm ee we rere renown semester neneFeeerereerasess DISLOCATIONS AND WOUNDS. 861 2. Sulphate of iron (copperas)........... 0... c cece rene ceeeeees 3 Ib. Plaster-of-Paris (ground) ..............0cecceeceeesecceeeees 6 Ib. Sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) ......:.......ceceeeene neers 2 02. 8. Air-slaked lime......... soi Bema coaae sane SauceaMensen veer: 1 bu. Sulphate of iron (copperas),.............. 0.2 eee ee ene eee ee 2 Ib. Carbolie: a¢id sie oii costs ec sueidases si averse tee ct waat ase 8 oz. Mix the ingredients of each formula thoroughly.. ~ DISINFECTANTS IN A LIQUID FoRM. 4, Sulphate of zinc (white vitriol)....... Wa Migresbeelnaad 3a hes be WEY 2 02, Carbolic acid... 2... cee c cece cc eee e eee tees Senet cise aa 1 02. WAUOP jays i seni: Geared Gee bk SNE Ca eb te eae Bred SeATE TES 2 gal. - 5. Sulphate of iron (copperas)........ dodesatd te scidtay ed Siame ues Date 1 Ib. Chloride of zinc........... VEG e maa ae Pu RIae 2s Rae eae: § Ib. BO MWMOR cso ia ad oheaos sien eauliiecd nigie ed wots oniacain asd AgNO 1 gal. This is poisonous,.but a powerful disinfectant. Use it in the proportion of a pint of the solution to a gallon of water. 6. Chloride of aluminum,.................... Kise nees og s Bienes 3 Ib. Water ................ Age Blaascaes arssdstceianicnsas Sisvevecs gaeid ease 2 gal. This is not poisonous. It was introduced by Prof. Gamgee, and has eS WA RAO @ _ been known as chloral- EGG =) SSS um. SS Dissolve the ingredi- ents of each formula. | The purification of the atmosphere of stables. and sheds may be ac- complished .by fumiga- tion. Sulphur is un- doubtedly the simplest | and cheapest agent to use for this purpose. A small quantity may be Fig. 1147.—Apparatus . Fie. 1148.—Apparatus burned two ae three tor Liberating Sul- for Generating Chio- times a week open phuric Acid Gas. rine Gas. vessel. Its ‘efficacy is ‘increased by burning tar with it, in the proportion of one part sulphur and two parts tar. A simple apparatus for disengaging a small quantity of sulphuric acid gas, is shown in Fig. 1147. This can be safely used in buildings where animals are confined. If a thorough fumigation is needed, the animals should be removed. As the gas is corrosive, it is best to remove all harness, metallic uten- 862 DISEASES OF CATTLE. sils, tools, etc. Close the buildings effectually, to prevent the es- cape of gas, and allow the process to go on for three or four hours. It may then be cleared of gas by chrowing open the windows and doors before any one enters. Chlorine gas is sometimes used for fumigation. It may be gen- erated in the following manner: Put a quantity of the black oxide of manganese in an ordinary glass flask, and cover it with muriatic acid. ' Fix the flask in a stand, and heat it by means of a spirit lamp. A yellowish green gas, of*strong odor is rapidly generated. The animals must. be removed, and the building effectually closed before lighting the lamp. ‘Chlorine gas may be liberated in small quanti- ties by mixing in a saucer one part of the black oxide of manganese, one part of common salt, and two parts of strong oil of vitriol. No heat is necessary, but the mixture should be agitated from time to time. As the gas is heavier than air, the vessel containing the mixt- ure should be placed at a considerable hight above the. floor, to secure thorough fumigation. The animals need not be removed during this process. Avsolution of chlorine gas is sometimes used for washing the walls and floors. It is prepared by conducting the gas through water, as shown in Fig. 1149. Fie, 1149.—Apparatus for Preparing Chlorine Gas. _wool. Later ‘raised simply SHEEP - RAISING. CHAPTER XXIV, BREEDS OF SHEEF. Sueer Iw ANCIENT Times — Murron a Moprrn Propuct— Statistics of SHEEP Raising iN THE Unrrep States— Breeps or SHEEP-—-LoNG-WooLED SHEEP — SHoRT-WooLED SHEEP — BREEDS OF SHEEP or Asta, EvRorz, AND AMER- Ica — Wrp SHEEP. ; : T N the very earliest times the sheep’ was for its pelt, and without regard to the on, however, as civilization spread in the world, sheep were cultivat- ed for their wool, and from the Fig. 1150.—Model Head of Ram. fleece ofsheep and goats the finest of wool was woven in remote periods of ancient ‘history. The shepherd’s occupation is a favored one in all sacred chronicles, and the produce of the sheep constituted the fabric of the richest of attire worn by God’s chosen ‘people. The Jewish maidens were arrayed on their holidays in ‘woolen garments wrought of the finest and softést of fleeces. And it was to the shepherds, (863) 864 SHEEP - RALSING. while watching their flocks by night, that the angel came and an- nounced the glad tidings that heralded the new era of peace on earth and good will to men. The raising of sheep is a matter that interests the small farmer as well as the large one, and when, properly-treated they are the most profitable in their yield of all domestic ‘animals. The diseases and ailments peculiar to sheep are easily cured when understood. “i i S om ~~ = ett ne Po wi at ee 2A Fie. 1151.—Ibex or Steinbock, This animal is the most tender of all domestic ones, and none will more richly repay care and kindness in treatment. We deem it very important to furnish the most thorough instruction in regard as well to the management and nourishment of sheep, as to the treatment of all diseases that affect them; for: the measures and remedies to be adopted in this regard are within the reach of every farmer of even the least intelligence. THE SHEEP OF TO-DAY. To show what degree of perfection may be attained in the breeding and raising of sheep, it may be.mentioned that single sheep have been sold in Vermont as high as $10,000 to $15,000. It is only in modern times that mutton has come into demand as an article of food. In all these capacities the sheep now plays a very important part in the economy and luxury of civilized life. In the earlier periods of the history of this country, the raising BREEDS OF SHEEP. ., 865 of sheep was greatly neglected ; and it is mainly within the present generation that it has assumed proportions that will bear favorable comparison with this branch of industry in any part of the world. Fig. 1158.—Leicester Ram. In the past quarter of a century the number of sheep in the United States has‘more than doubled, being now about 50,000,000. Within the same period the number of pounds of wool produced has more than quadrupled, being at present, as nearly as may be esti- *4 SHEEP - RAISING. 866 mated, over 300,000,000. The disproportion in the i hanced interest taken in ncrease in wool | production shows the en the later day in that department. ores QS'a d Pe AA IOS puiae 5 aos Fie. 1155.—Dishley Ewe. 1 BREEDS OF SHEEP, 867 VARIETIES AND BREEDS OF SHEEP. The fact, adverted to in another place, that the ram exercises a greater influence upon the character of the offspring than the ewe, ; ae NS | Fie. 1156.—Southdown Ram. Fra. 1157.—Southdown Ewes. Bb 868 SHEEP - RAISING. ‘ought to have great weight in the selection of stock for breeding purposes ; and it is from this circumstance that experienced sheép- Fria. 1158:—Afghan Fat-tailed Sheep. raisers are more careful in selecting lambs for rams than for ewes. Me .breeds of sheep that are cultivated-‘with profit are so Fie. 1159.—Long-tailed Syrian Sheep. humerous, and their respective qualities are so varied according to the sections of the country and to the circumstances under which ! » BREEDS OF SHEEP. “869 they are propagated, that it would far exceed the space we have allotted ourselves here, to attempt elaborate details in this regard ; , Fra. 1161.-—-Highland Ram. 870 SHEEP - RAISING. Fie. 1163.—Black-faced Scotch Sheep. BREEDS OF SHEEP. Fie. 1165.—Improved Merino Ram. 871 872 SHEEP - RAISING. — Fie. 1165 a,—Improved Merino Ram. hence we tonfine ourselves to presenting briefly and concisely the facts concerning the different breeds dnd varieties, with illustra- tions carefully prepared of each. The long-wooled sheep have the largest number of varieties, and have the greatest average value. There is no more valuable long- wooled sheep than the ROMNEY MarsH SHEEP, originating in Romney Marsh, in Kent, Eng- land. (Fig. 1152.)° In that lgcal- ity are the richest pastures in the world. _An example of the long-wooled variety is found in the LEICES- TER SHEEP, a fine ram of which is shown in Fig. 1153. This breed reaches its finest development in the low-lying level pasture-lands. of the midland counties of Fig. 1166.—Model Merino Ram. England. A celebrated variety of this breed is the DISHLEY, shown in Figs. 1154 and 1155. f In Figs. 1156 and 1157 are given fine specimens of the SOUTH- | DOWN SHEEP. The name of this breed carries with it,a savor to BLEEDS OF SHEEP. 873 | tempt the gormand. The Southdown mutton takes’ pre-eminence above all other mutton in the world. But the Southdown wool is ‘scarcely excelled in quality by any produced in any country. Our farmers in the United States have been very successful in raising *desys ouLloW—"2OTT ‘old __ these breeds of sheep, and are constantly increasing their reputation ‘throughout the world by importirg ‘from: Europe and Asia the best. varieties of ‘all the most famous breeds, and i improving them upon our shores by mingling them with those which have béen brought to greater or less degrees of perfection here. The AFGHAN FAT-TAILED SHEEP (Fig. 1158) is a remarkably interesting and extremely valuable creature. The tail of one of © these sheep sometimes weighs from 70 to 80 pounds. The fat of the tail is highly valued for various culinary and other purposes. 874 SHEEP - RAISING. The LONG-TAILED SYRIAN SHEEP (Fig. 1159) is also a remarx ably productive and profitable animal. The CASHMERE GOAT is renowned the world over for its mag- & 8 @ Fie. 1168.—Microscopic View of Wool 150 times Magnified. A, Merino ; B, Southdown ; C, Common Sheep. nificent soft, silk hair, or, as it is sometimes called, long wool: The representation we give in Fig. 1160 is that of an unusually fine specimen. Of the same variety is the AN- GORA GoAT (Fig. 1162). - Of similar nature’ to the CASHMERE Goat is the WALLACHIAN or CRETAN SHEEP (Fig. 1164), large in size, with long, fine, rich wool, which constitutes the material of the cloaks for which the peasants of Wallachia and Crete are noted. The HIGHLAND SHEEP partake some- what of the nature of goats, being bold and agile’ A ram of this species is shown in ‘Fig. 1161 and one of a somewhat different breed in Fig. 1163.: Figs. 1165 and 1165 a, show two MERINO rams of the same breed, one with and one without horns, but of identical build, the cuts showing profile and front views of the superb bodies of this wonder- fully fine breed. In Fig. 1167 are also fine specimens of merino sheep, and in Fig. 1166 is a model specimen of a merino ram. e BREEDS OF SHEEP. 875 To give an idea of the fineness of the wool of the merino sheep, we show in Fig. 1168 representations of its fiber as compared with that of the Southdown and also with that of common breeds. Fig. 11'71.—Hampshire-Downs Breed. N The NORFOLK ram shown in Fig. 1169 is a specimen of an old -breed once highly prized in England and this country, but of which the Southdown breed has latterly taken the place. _.876 SHEEP - RAISING. ne of the oldest and most reliable he LINCOLNSHIRE breed is 0 ‘hey are probably the known either in the. old country. or this. a eae S.. —— Fig. 1173.—Aubrace Sheep. longest legged, longest carcassed, and longest wooled sheep known (See Fig. 1170.) BREEDS OF SHERP. 877 The. HAMPSHIRE-DOWNS sheep are very popular in the South- ern States (Fig. 1171): It is a most valuable breed, of large size, and excellent for mutton. Fra. 1175.—Welsh Sheep. The CoTSWOLD breed (Fig.' 1172) is one very highly valued, both in England and America, for producing the finest ‘of wool and most excellent mutton. 878 SHEEP - RAISING. stralia, have of late years gained a The AUBRACE breed, of Au breed is shown in Fig. 1178. fine reputation. An ewe of this ~ oe Fre. 11'77.—Moufflon of Corsica. BREEDS OF SHEEP.. 879 —_ Fie. 1178.—Ibex, or Steinbock. The ExMOOR sheep (Fig. 1174) is a breed of which England i is ’ very proud, and wherever introduced in this country, has given rich rewards for rearing. The WELSH sheep (Fig. 1175), some of the finest of which are found in Glamorganshire, Wales, is a most excellent variety to breed from. ' ‘We. present now two or three kinds of wild sheep. In Fig. 1176 we give a represen- ‘tation of a gigantic race of sheep raised in Siberia, called the AR- ‘GALI, which are as large as the av- erage ox. The horns of a full- Fie, 1179._Hairy Fezzan ‘Shoe. grown male Argali are nearly . four feet in length, and at their base are about nineteen inches in circumference. It produces hair like the goat, and has constituted a puzzle for naturalists. 880 SHEEP - RAISING. Very nearly allied to the Argali is a wild*sheep in a different quarter of the globe, the MOUFFLON, of the island of Corsica (Fig. 1177), an animal which bears né comparison with the Argali in size, but producing the same kind of hair, which is of no especial value as an article of commerce. In this connection may be mentioned the IBEX, or Steinbock, a wild goat, to hunt which is one of the chief delights of the Swiss. (See Fig. 1178.) ‘ : Not a wild sheep, but one of a strange variety, is the FEZZAN sheep (Fig. 1179), an animal which is found in Fezzan, the largest of the oases of the great desert of Sahara. It is nearly as tall as the English fallow deer. Its milk is used for making a peculiar kind of cheese, which travelers hold in high esteem. Its wool, or hair, is also quite valuable: po CHAPTER XXV. —0:— CARE AND MANAGEMENT. PastuRAGE — ADAPTABILITY OF DirreRENT Sorts — ADDITIONAL Foops in SHort Pasturace — Dry anp CLEAN Pasrures Essentia, — Treatment or Ewnse DURING THE PERIOD oF GESTATION — TREATMENT OF Lamps -—~ DockING AND Castration — FEEDING or Lamss— ILLusTration or Lams-Creer— WEANING * Troe — SELECTION or Rams anD Ewks For BReepmve — Dipping ror Ticks — Washing anD SHEARING— CARE AND cen IN Winter— Comparative Nu- TRITIVE, VALUE OF Foops. HE facts and prin- ciples in. regard to’ the breeding and management of sheep are very few and simple, but they are such as are un- fortunately | largely neglect- ed in our coun- try, whose soil, in its adapta- bility to sheep husbandry, is nowhere ex- celled in civil- Fia. 1180.—A Well-situated Sheep Pasture. ized lands. : ; And this remark suggests the key to the successful prosecution of this branch of agricultural industry.. Upon the character of the soil on which sheep are pastured depends, to a controlling extent. the profit to be derived from their cultivation. Land that is well drained, with a sandy loam or gravelly soil and subsoil, bearing spontaneously short, fine herbage, mixed to a large extent with white clover, is that which is best adapted to the (881) 882 SHEEP - RAISING. raising of sheep. Rolling land is more desirable than flat, and if it be quite hilly it is not a material objection. Low, marshy spots, - where aquatic plants grow, should by all means be thoroughly drained. Soils which abound in potash are exceedingly unfavorable for the raising of sheep. It is stated on good authority that even turnips raised on such land sometimes affect the sheep injuriously, producing ‘disease under which they waste away, become watery about the eyes, fall in about the flanks,.and assume a generally un- healthy appearance. The geological formation underlying lands is of great importance in this regard. Sheep flourish best on sand- stone or limestone soils. The Leicester and Shropshire breeds in England are raised on sandstone soils; the Lincoln, on limestone, as also the Cotswold, the Southdown, and other famous breeds ; while in our own country the American merino breed, the finest of al our sheep,.is raised on the limestone hills of. Vermont. In what we have said about marshy land, there should be an exception made in favor of the saline marshes near the sea coast, as the salt herbage acts as a specific against some parasitic diseases. Our Middle States are, as a general rule, well adapted to sheep husbandry, and the same is true of most of the States of the great West. CARE IN SELECTION OF PASTURAGE. * In the selechion of pasturage, the utmost care should be. ob- ‘ served. In the same pasture two kinds of grass may grow, one very beneficial.and the other exceedingly detrimental to sheep. Grass should contain, in order to furnish the proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of sulphur and nitrogen to supply the constituents of wool, one hundred pounds of which contain seventeen pounds of nitrogen and five pounds of sulphur. Grass. should also have’ potash in it, to supply the spapy and oily. substance denominated yolk, which adheres ’to the fleece, and whose abundance is a test of the good quality of the wool. When the wool is dry, it is of a poor quality, and the sheep’s health is affected. The ash of the flesh and blood of a sheep, analyzed, present the following elements, which will con- stitute a basis for calculating the necessary constituents of food :— Blood. Flesh. Phosphate of soda........... Seonatis i suieeola cca assim aches 16.77 45.10 Chloride of sodium.......0 6.0... ccc cece eee cece 59.84 45.94 Chloride of potassium .........00......... Seta eesan 6.12 . Sulphate of soda.....................000 aoe dete atin 3.85 trace. Phosphate of magnesia ............ 00... ceca c eee eens 4.19 Oxide and phosphate of irom ....... 00.2... cece eee ees 8.28 6.84 Sulphate of lime ....... sagan ab subuetusvantud Wealorsutebnaie aah xmee 1.45 ‘ e 100.00. “97.88 CARE AND MANAGEMENT. 883 The grasses or other herbage upon which the sheep subsist must be such as will supply the special needs of the animal, or they must be supplemented by other food containing the constituent properties which they lack. The best kind of grasses for pasturing are Timothy, tall oat grass, Kentucky blue-grass, sheep’s fescue, red-top, false red-top, orchard grass, meadow fox-tail, white clover, narrow-leaved rib-grass, with some others indigenous to peculiar localities. The buffalo grass of the Western plains is an admirable food for sheep. Bone-dust, salt, and sulphate of lime constitute an excellent occasional dressing for pasture-land. | A pasture should be closely cropped, otherwise the herbage becomes hard, unpalatable, and indigestible. The old adage familiar to farmers will well apply here: > Dwenty- fone hours’ grass is best for,a sheep, and eight days’ grass for an ox.” Experienced shep- herds often divide the flock, putting lambs and yearlings on the best and tenderest: pasture. Additional foods should be constantly and promptly supplied whenever a shortage ‘in the - pasture- grass necessitates it ; and the farmer should never fail to bear in mind that no domestic animal suffers as much in this respect as the sheep, and none so essentially requires the unremitting and watchful care of man. Where there is ample pasturage, an occasional feed of corn, oats, bran, or oil-meal may be added. It is to secure a fine quality of wool that es- pecial vigiianes in. the supply of food for sheep is so imperatively demanded. : ‘ Besides the grasses mentioned, parsley, yarrow, and wormwood — plants which possess an astringent character — may be profitably introduced into pastures, for their medicinal effect upon the sheep. Ox-eye and mugwort are also sown as ‘tonics. a The supply of water in.a pasture is of the utmost importance. A spring of clear, flowing water is desirable by all means, and pools are to be avoided. Pond or marsh water is injurious, as is also run- ning water with aquatic plants in it. a The exposure of the pasture is also important. Where possible, it should be broken from: the prevailing winds by hills. Where the pasture has a poor quality of grass, it is well to supplement the lat- ter by sowed green crops, to be fed on the ground or in racks ; such crops are rye, clover, mustard, rape, tares, and oats and peas mixed. The cultivation of turnips as a fodder for sheep, so very general in England, and for a long time common in Virginia, Tennessee, ‘and some other Southern States, is gaining very extensive recognition all over the country, as a cheap and nutritious source of food.. 16 884 ‘ SHEEP - RAISING. MANAGEMENT OF EWES AND LAMBS. From 150 to 153 days constitutes the period of gestation of the ewe. It is well to time the coupling of the ewes and rams so that the lambs may be dropped at a convenient season. From thirty to fifty ewes may be apportioned to one ram, according to the strength and lustiness of the latter ; but the larger figure given cannot safely be exceeded, ‘except whee the ram is exceptionably capable, when the extent may reach Senet or eighty. Upon this question, how- } Fia. 1181.—A Cosy Shelter. ever, opinions widely vary, and a great deal must be left:'to the dis- cretion of the intelligent and experienced farmer. When the ewes are in lamb, bran, crushed malt, and crushed oats and corn mixed, are the best kinds of food to give them. Any food that affects the bowels either way should be avoided. Water should be given in small and frequent quantities, and clear and clean. As the ewes near their time, they should be removed into a part of the stable or barn where each can have a pen by herselfi The lamb once being dropped, and the ewe having owned and licked it, all danger is passed. If the lamb’s first evacuations are not free, a teaspoonful of castor-oil, given in milk, will furnish a remedy. Should the ewe CARE AND MANAGEMENT 885 . refuse to own the lamb, she may be placed in a hurdle, with her head confined so that she cannot butt the lamb. The castration and docking of lambs may be performed within a week after they are dropped, the lamb at this age suffering little, and the wounds healing quickly. -ExTRA FEEDING OF LAMBS. To provide the mean’ whereby the lambs may procure the ex- tra food needed for their rapid development, we know of no contriv- ance better than the one which is shown in Fig. 1182. It consists . Fre. 1182. —Lamb-creep. of a small double gate, or two half gates set at such a distance apart that the lamb can easily force itself through them. An upright roller on each side of the opening assists the lamb in getting through the space, and prevents. it from rubbing or tearing its wool. The gates are pivoted at the top and bottom, so as to open a little either way,a wooden spring being fixed so as to keep them closed after the -lamb has passed in or out. Toward the weaning-time, lambs should be given some addi- tional concentrated and nutritious food. Weaning should not be abruptly but gradually done, for the sake of both lamb and ewe. 886 SHEEP - RAISING. Dams in full flow of milk are by abrupt weaning made liable to engorgement of the udder, and lambs are thus subjected to a stinting of their growth’ After weaning, lambs should have the first choice of pasture and the tenderest cuttings of fodder, and they may be advantageously turned into a field of corn in the month of August, as the corn is then too far grown to be injured, and the suckers only, as well as the weeds, will be nibbled by the lambs. The ewes should at this period be carefully watched, and if their udders’ become too full, they should be milked by the hands, and if the udders are hard or heated, cathartics should be at once adminis- tered, to be followed. by gradual doses of saltpeter, to increase ‘the action of the kidneys. SELECTION OF BREEDERS. The selection of ram and ewe lambs for breeders should be made with the greatest of care. The objects aimed at in this selection should be strength of constitution, largeness of , body, ‘suscepti- bility to fatten- ing, fineness or we length of wool, — and prolific qual- ities. Weakly lambs,, or those which nurse poorly, should be early fattened for sale or slaughtering. Anything savoring of weak- ness in a ram lamb should be by all means avoided, as upon them, far more than upon ewe lambs, depends the character of the future flock. Young rams may be permitted to serve a few ewes in the second year, if vigorous and well grown. Ewes, if properly raised, will do prime breeding in the second year. é Fie. 1188. —Dipping Lambs. DIPPING FOR TICKS: Late in the spring, ticks appear on lambs, and are much more injurious to their constitution than is generally supposed. The best remedy for this pest is to dip both sheep and lambs inthe spring of ¥ ‘CARE AND MANAGEMENT 887 f early summer, and further on in the season if occasion requires, ina decoction of tobacco and sulphur —four pounds of plug tobacco and one pound of flowers of sulphur to twenty gallons of water, brought to a temperature of 120°. This operation of dipping is shown in Fig. 1183. Of course, in the process on a very large farm, a much more capacious tank should be used. Fie. 1184,—Arrangement for Washing Sheep. WASHING AND SHEARING. A clear, running stream, with gravelly bottom, is the most de- sirable in which to wash ‘sheep, and soft water is preferable to hard. The man who is to do the washing enters the stream and receives the sheep from the drivers, plunging them two or three times be- neath the surface., The pulling of the wool of the sheep should be avoided in handling them. Another plan of washing shown in Fig. 1184, for which 888 SHBEP - RAISING. we are indebted to the very complete work of Mr. Stewart, before referred to. A rough dain is made across'a small stream, and a spout or apron placed in the dam, beneath which the sheep. are washed. A sparred roadway is laid across the stream, through which the water will escape. For a large flock the spout may be made to extend across the whole dam, so that several sheep may be washed at the same time. The washing of sheep should be done at least a week before shearing, and in the interval they should be kept in a clean field in the day-time and in a yard at night, so that the fleece may dry and regain sufficient yolk to recover a soft ard mellow handling. Sheep are most advisably shorn when the spting weather has become warm and settled. The month of May is commonly chosen as shearing- time in the United States. Among experienced farmers no inven- tion has yet taken the place of the common shears for shearing. CARE AND FEEDING IN, WINTER. ‘ The sheep, being the most tender and sensitive of all domestic animals, is naturally the most susceptible to the sharp changes in the seasons which characterize the climate of our country. But not only this, no animal i is so easily affected as the sheep by. the requi- site changing ‘of food: from summer pasturing to winter fodder. Sheep need safe and protecting shelter in winter; but they need something more strongly than shelter, and that is nutritious food. Nature makes few mistakes in the food she provides: man makes innumerable ones. He who can feed sheep judiciously and econom- ically in‘winter is entitled to call himself a good shepherd. The barn in which sheep are fed must have a clean and thor- oughly dry floor, and a roof that will keep out as well the rain as the snow, and must have abundant | and proper ventilation. The building should if possible be on a eige hill, and if not, the location should be thoroughly drained. For winter fodder for sheep, a large list of foods may be named, including various kinds of roots, corn, oats, rye, peas, buckwheat, hay, straw, pea and bean haulm; corn-fodder, cotton seed and lin- seed oil-cake, meal, and bran. We compile the following table of the relative values of these different foods from analyses given in an exceedingly valuable little book written by Henry Stewart, entitled “The Shepherd’s Manual,” and published by The Orange Judd Company, New York City,—a work which ought to be in the Bends of every farmer :— CARE AND MANAGEMENT. 889 . 2 [889 COMPOSITION OF HAY, STRAW, AND CORN FODDER. gs 232 5 ieee dr ce <3 (gaa $| S221 2 ee s|gsze IN 100 PARTS OF : oe). b/ a2] & Wes Seca $12)" |ee)oe| € TPE esse | 2/2 |2 |#*| & (255/8e22 Meadow Hay..........} 14.8} 6.2] 79.5 | 8.2] 41.8 |,80.0°]/ 10.0 | 10 tp. Red Clover Hay....... 16.7] 6.2} 77.1} 18.4 | 29.9 | 85.8.]/ 12.5} 8° Pea Straw............ ‘14.8 | 4.0} 81.7] 6.5 | 85.2 | 40.0 ]) 16.57] 6 “ Bean Straw........ ...[17,.8 | 5.0 | 77.7 | 10.2 | 88.5 | 34.0 |] 18.6 | 5g Wheat Straw....... ,.\[ 14.8 | 3.5] 80.0] 2.0 | 80.9:| 48.0 |] 2.0 | 52 « Rye Straw...:..... ...f14.2 | 8.2 | 82.5 { 1.5 | 27.0] 54.0] 1.6] 61 « Barley Straw.......... 14.8] 7.0 | 78.7] 8.0 | 82.7 | 48.0 |} 2.0] 52 « Oat Straw ............[ 14.8] 6.0] 80.7] 2.5 | 88.2] 40.0] 1.8] 55 « Corn Fodder...... ....{ 14.0] 4.0 | 82.0] 8.0] 89.0 | 40.0 || 2.5 | 40 « ‘The comparative nutritive value of roots, according to their ‘constituent elements, is shown in the following analyses by Drs. Volcker: and Lankester, authorities whose reliability i is everywhere conceded : — 2 7 Erne WATER. | conmens.| ronmens. | risen. | 54: Sugar Beets.. ......... 81.5 1.00 | 15.40 1.380 .80 Mangels................. 87.78 | 1.54 | 860 | 1.12 96 Ruta-bagas.............. 89.40 1.44 5.93 2.54 | -62 Yellow Aberdeen Turnips| 90.57 1.80 | 464 | 284 65 White Globe Turnips.....| 90.48 114 | 2.96 2.00 1.02 The most nutritive foods for fattening sheep are admitted on all hands to be ‘cotton seed, free from the husk) and flaxseed. The common peanut is said by those who have tried it to be a very highly nutritious food. When oil-cake meal cannot be obtained, the following mixture will be found to be a very fair substitute :— - Ground linseed............ 00. .se eee Rpiaaaaccacias nena 40 Ibs. Wheat bran....... Hs Sass tele doesnt ae Susissateiniei's aremasrerdavesis ae Se are feat ak 60 Ibs. | | BIOUr Of. DORE esc 2. 3 oes esis a aise cee ne TONE +e a ES ERR TS 4 lbs 104 Ibs. This mixture, analyzed, shows the following constituents :— Flesh-formers (albumen).............. 22s eee eee eee ert eees Fat-formers (fat 11 per cent): faaaaves Ash or saline matter.................. Sune yhGiauees E Aanhiae thew ets 100 Ibs. From a series of experiments made in England, and published 890 SHEEP - RAISING. in the Fournal of the Royal Agricultural Society, in Vols. 1, VIL, VIII, and X., and which are accepted by»Mr. Stewart and other writers in this country as settling the question of the relative values of the most prominent foods for sheep, is compiled the following table, showing the number of pounds of certain articles respectively reauired to produce one pound of flesh :— , Ruta-bagas in open yards............ 0.0 cece eee e eee ence ees 150 Ibs. Ruta-bagas fed under Cover............ 0c cece ence nenecees -100 Ibs. Good Clover: hay is 5. csccas dca na aeae ener eemae pies waa eee es 12 Ibs. Beausor peas’: i... (> ceric a easiness a hades Lae e eee hee 8 lbs. Oats ............ Rea Reba Sees oe Bibedakarecaun Reteata eset 7 Ibs. Barley ..... Sis Sites 6 Aide es aees Vay avis ewes aioe ahem etuesecen 6 Ibs. Linseed oil-cake meal.............. cece tere eee ce eee eeees ‘.. 6 Ibs. Linseed oil-cake meal and peas mixed........... .... 0 ceeeee 4} Ibs. Mr. O. M. Watkins, of Onondaga county, N. Y., in the latter part of 1874, purchased 290 sheep, and having fed them during the winter, sold them at the close of the season ; and these are the prof-' its of the investment as given by himself :— Cost of 290 sheep (nearly 4c per Ib.)...0.....000.0. 00 eee sees $1,260.61 “ Cost of 485 bushels of corn at 80c........... EU oa ave neo eoe 348.00 Cost of 18 tons of hay at. $10............... 0. cece eee ee ehneles 130.00 . : ———— $1, 738.61 Feb. 28. Sold 270 at $8 each.......0.0.0 00. cc cece ceaeceeece $2,160.00 do. Sold 18 culls at $4 each 00.2... eee eee 72.00 Two sheep got cast ; sold pelts for $2 each......... 4.00 ———— $2, 236.00 Profit......... eSMAOIIAYSEs Lied Mea w es aaa ee Gaara ts $497.89 DISEASES OF SHEEP. CHAPTER XXXVI RESPIRATORY, DIGESTIVE, AND. URINARY ORGANS. , Structure or THE SHEEP— Tur TEETH — Causes or DiskasE— CaTARRH — Broncartis — Preumonta — Pizvrisy — Constipation — Drarruea —- DysEn- TERY — Hoven — INFLAMMATION oF THE BLappER — RETENTION of URINE — SFDIMENT. IN THE Urinary CaNnaL— STonE IN THE BLADDER. NE would suppose the circulatory system of the sheep to be weak as compared with other domestic animals, yet it com- pares favorably with that of other ruminants, and is not free Fra. 1186.—Skeleton of the Sheep, from inflammatory diseases. The small space, however, occupied by the heart and- lungs of the sheep, in comparison with the large . (891) 892 DISEASES OF SHEEP. abdominal space, is worthy of notice; it gives ample room for the digestive organs. . The structure of the head of the sheep is such as to give it great strength. The anterior and superior parts of the skull’ consist of powerful ‘bones, named the frontal, parietal, and’ occipital. The bones of the head are joined together by sutures, which are conducive to extreme strength. The head of the ram is much stronger than that of a ewe,’ hence the immense butting qualities of the former. . (Fig. 1187.) as TEETH OF THE SHEEP. The teeth of the sheep con- sist of incisors, or cutters,.and molars, or grinders. There are eight of the former, all in the lower jaw, and twenty-four of the latter. On the upper jaw, in place ‘of cutting teeth, the sheep has a cushion upon which the teeth of the lower jaw impinge when the mouth is closed. The sheep has no canine teeth, or tusks. In Fig. 1188 are shown the incisors of a sheep two years old, in which the intermediate and corner incisors have not yet been replaced. In the group of sets of teeth given in Fig. 1189, are shown out- side views of—1, the incisors at the age of fifteen months ; ; 2, at the age of two years ; 3, at the age of three years; 4, at the age of four years; 5, at the age of five years; and 6, the deceptive appearance of teeth sometimes oc-. curring in four-year-old sheep, when the an: imal may sometimes be taken for a five-year- old. , Fie. 1188, —Incisors of The teeth are exceedingly important in sheep. a Two-year-old Sheep. Sometimes, from inherited constitutional weak- ness or difficult pasturage, ‘the teeth are broken while the animal is yet young, and there is left the only alternative of fattening on soft food for the slaughter-house ; for a sheep’s usefulness for wool- raising is gone when the teeth begin to decay. Fre. 1187.—Skull of a Ram. ra TEETH. 893 Sheep are not exempt from diseases of an inflammatory charac- ter, as was and is supposed, but we know less about them than about the same diseases in other animals.. They are very liable to diseases affecting the di- gestive organs. Sheep readily succumb to ailments in which debility and the exhaus- tive powers of parasites are main factors. Parasites and invisible germs may be said to constitute their greatest enemies. From the fact that they gather together in flocks, infectious and contagious diseases have per- haps freer run among them than among any other domestic animals. The structure of the foot is about that of other ruminants and of the hog, yet it is subject to diseases from which those animals are free, though in this | respect sheep-raisers find fewer annoyances in this country than in Europe. Ordinary diseases in sheep are occasioned mainly by some of the following causes : Overfeeding, underfeeding, irtegularity of feeding, impure and damp air, impure water, worrying, fatiguing or heating in driving, and sudden chahges of temperature. | DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY i ORGANS. CATARRH is inflammation of the mucous membrane of, the nasal cavities and the sinuses of the head. When long continued, the windpipe and the lungs may become involved. . Overdriving by men or dogs, chilling rain-storms, damp. nights, and blows on the head are among. the common causes. Fresh air, ample ventilation, dry bedding, and warm mucilaginous. drinks, such as oatmeal gruel, may be profitably em- ployed. If fever ensues, and the nose and dee ides mouth are dry and hot, the following may Fic. 1189.—Teeth of Sheep at Different Ages. be given :— . Epsom salts,.........0beeeeseee gabe eau cranes s/h PleWaE a cv anscens vem 1 oz. Saltpeter .. vcs cccccs ce siew-gatnne reine beans eu) sual she laratarerasonsveus oaacwenorictases 1 dr. Ground ginger..... eetena aeakeverd fone eden te bare eeee Sate REM ae 1 dr. 894 DISEASES OF SHEEP. Mix with molasses, and place on back part of,the tongue with a long wooden knife or spatula; hold up the head until all is swallowed ; or the dose may be given in a small horn. Half a dram of chlorate of potash twice a day may be given afterward. BRONCHITIS is inflammation of the bronchial tubes, and is exceedingly dangerous, becauses it causes anemia. There is run- ning at the nose of a viscous matter, and a painful, hoarse cough, which is sometimes convulsive. Rumination, or chewing, stops. The treatment should be carried out in a dry and warm stable if possible. Furnigate with scalded'and vegetable tar steam. Give ten to fifteen or even twenty grains of tartar emetic with honey twice or three times a day. Quiet, fresh air, a clean place, and fresh water are indispensable. . PNEUMONIA is not an infrequent disease, and is often firmly seated before the owner of the flock knows of its existence. Wash- ing in streams of cold water, sudden chills from showers, or too close penning in warm or foul stables in cold weather, are common causes of pneumonia. The symptoms are a quick and plaintive breathing, heaving ‘of the flanks, yellowish redness of the eyelids, . discharge of thick yellow mucus from the nostrils, high fever, great thirst, quick pulse, grinding of the teeth, and lack of appetite. Death ensues, unless remedies avail, in from twenty-four to ) torey: eight hours. Bleed in very acute cases. Two ounces of paca salts may be administered at first, as a laxative, if there is constipation; and then the following may be given twice or three times a day in oat- meal gruel, or better in honey, on a spatula, and placed far on the tongue :— Powdered digitalis................ Ddiewe ss whwiow Sawee Meee 10 to 15 grs. Wartar emetie: os ssceaog ssabo vier soviet viecieiee sesie aan’ 10 to 15 grs. Nitrate of potash. . 0.0... 0... ccc cece uence scenes aad nase eauieas 1 dr. When improvement is shown, give a pint of gruel. every three hours, with half a dram of powdered gentian. PLEURITIS, or pleurisy, an inflammation of the: membrane lining the chest and covering the lungs, often accompanies pneumonia, and may arise independently from the same causes. The treatment is the same as for pneumonia, only adding nitrous ether (2 drs). No bleeding. When recovery begins, this tonit may be given :—. Carbonate of iron... ,.. cece cece eee eee een tet eeeneee ed OF Ground ginger............ccseccecenes se: Bahan ve sei eiele Chweea. wINGHE LG 3 dr. Infusion of camomile.......... snicealecatcle'! tapi dheiees a°h placard coeieue aalnniae + pt. DIGESTIVE ORGANS. 895 DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, “CONSTIPATION.—In this ailment the dung is hard, scanty, and irregular, the rectum is red and inflamed, and when voiding dung the sheep moans with pain. Injections of warm soap and water, or of linseed oil, will relieve the bowels, and the latter may be given in doses as well. In long-continued costiveness the sheep stretches itself, spreading the legs apart, curving the back, and extending the abdomen. In such cases, four to five drams of aloes is a good. rem- edy ; or a teaspoonful of sublimated sulphur (flowers of sulphur), mixed with a little syrup or lard, may be placed on the tongue, to be swallowed once a day until the bowels act well. DIARRHEA, OR SCOURING.—This disease is only aangerous as it interferes with the process of nutrition, affecting the blood and superinducing dysentery. It should be taken in time, and then yields easily to proper treatment. It is best first to unload the bowels by raw linseed or castor oil, adding laudanum, and follow up by $-dram doses daily of nitrate of potash and of powdered cin- chona. Some recommend, besides, linseed, gum-arabic, and slip-- pery elm ; and in chronic cases, astringents with tonics and carmin- atives may be profitably employed. The following mixture is a good one to keep.on hand for general sé = Prepared chalk...... Neda ilans Maney neem cee Mia a ae es 1 o2. POW dered Cate Cll. sissies caicic.esugseis ue wides. 03 acsveue ube ow Telata deg dues ested 4 dr., Powdered ginger... 2220.00 yesnne es cinieievislere wera arta toe ag 2 dr. Powdered opium............ ee ee poe ia otic 1 dr. to be mixed with 4 pint of peppermint, and given in doses of one to two tablespoonfuls night and morning. . DYSENTERY.—The symptoms of this disease are at first those of acute intestinal catarrh ; the sheep dungs frequently and with strain- ing, and the dung is fetid. Later it is quite liquid with mucus and blood, and is mixed with shreds sloughed off from the coating of the intestines, and increasingly offensive in smell. ‘The sheep arches its back in the. passages, and the rectum sometimes protrudes. This laxative may be effective in the first stages :— > Raw linseed or sweet oil...............20. Sista ees erates ernie sé 2 o7. Opium (powdered).......... oven hesal Apgigdanetds eiokeaie erases tea 10 to 15 gr. to be given in rice-water, or oatmeal gruel. After the laxative has operated, give daily Dover's powder with ipecac, or catechu, oak bark, etc., with nux vomica (10 gr. doses), sulphate of iron, or simi- lar tonics, rubbing the belly achyel: and applying mustard or giv-. ing a warm bath. Hoven HOoVE, OR DISTENTION OF THE RUMEN (or first stom- 896 DISEASES OF SHEEP. 4 ach), is in some sections of the country annoyingly frequent in sheep, and comes from the rapid fermentations of damp, green food ‘or uncured grain in the stomach. Dashing cold water on the body ‘furnishes temporary relief, by producing eructation ; or the hollow probang passed into the stomach, as for choking, will effect the es- cape of the gas. In urgent cases the paunch should be punctured with the trocar and canula, or, those lacking, with a sharp pocket- knife. In this case insert a large quill into the hole thus made. An alkaline fluid poured into the rumen will alleviate the trouble, such as this compound :— Aqua ammonia............ 0... cece cece e eee ee eees _.1 teaspoonful. WSO ices deniys cece nanneamusaes Bepecaes cata neincsvond si piuitene ouanehevaanaeaae Die Among the anti- ferments recommended for hoven are, aromatic spirits of ammonia, crystalline sesquicarbonate of ammonia, oil of tur- pentine, whisky or brandy, ether, pepper, ginger, oil of peppermint, , wood tar, sulphite, hyposulphite or bisulphite of soda, chloride of ‘lime, or chlorate of potassa. Soap-suds and lime-water will also check the fermentation by neutralizing the acidity. For chronic hoven,, the following mixture will be found good :— ee IN nan ee MER Pac a ian aah canoe domigadalaamadaaarnasa 4 dr. \ Fenugreek, oxide. ...........-- 002 cece eect eee e tenet ene eeees 2 oz. Oxide Ob TOM 5 oi-escvaeanicy. cxaeenauciene teers iste aiayn weosarwoncanetareegn asaceig cle 42 OZ. Carbonate Of 8008... ious pss seas seme esses eeeees beams cane x 6 oz. Common salt......... Deskcathaferae teaver Ise vanleesale Gace tadeiara enc ooa toeavaran vera eee: 6 oz. Dose : 2 drams twice daily. . INDIGESTION IN LamsBs.—This is shown by irregular appetite, swollen and tender abdomen, sour eructations,. profuse and fetid watery discharges, whitish fur on the tongue, dry, scurfy skin, and rapid emaciation. A little wine with an infusion of camomile may prove beneficial. Laudanum may also be given. DIARRHEA IN LAMBS, OR WHITE Scouks. —This disease is caused by a change in the quality of the ewe’s milk, food, etc. It is fre- quently the sequel of the previously named disease, z. ¢., indigestion. -The discharge is the Es Ss passage of undigested milk. The ration of the Fre. 1190.-— Diarrhea in 1amb should be regulated in such occurrences, « a Lamb, or “White Until recovered, the lamb should receive Scours.” the following daily :— Magnesia............-.. li arermeaee 2 eietinre sitanareustnieinis drarera tye Rdassinnaycen 1 ar. Essence of ginger, .. 0.0... cece cece eee cee ern ee tr eneses 1 drop. Water census senses ina nenvbeiiee tee paiva eacninesees ois 1 glassful. A good diet for a lamb in this condition is— URINARY. ORGANS. — 897 White sof emai si31 kis uous nuiie case ae adie baie eealneles 1... 1part. Rice water .......... Wubi bat les tig wae ee waa a ee eine ad meas Soles oat Parts. DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER js ‘not an uncommon disease in sheep, and is supposed to be caused by feeding on second-growth clover (which often contains lobelia), rag-weed, and other irritating » plants, or ‘by drinking hard water, etc. The symptoms are dull, ‘colicky pains, frequent looking at the flanks, straddling gait, twist- ing of tail, slight fever, and thick and sometimes reddish urine, Give spare, soft, watery diet, with linseed tea, slippery elm, or like mucilaginous diet, and injections into the bladder of the following : — y Fluid extract peliadonna, sete belese eit a Rees veadllee a 10 drops. . Blood- -warm linseed WALEl. occa cadevecawesie bate Dunes acaba Pint, RETENTION OF URINE is causéd: by inflammation of the blad- der, or of the urethra, or by calculus or stricture. The following as’ a dose to a large sheep is recommended by: some, but it is often use- less, and it becomes necessary to insert a catheter in the bladder, a very difficult thing todoin the sheep. The treatment, in fact, de- | pends on the cause, and should be in skilled hands. ‘ Linseed off... 0. ccc. cc ceee ones gue ot aia ganas Cate seiteyn a8 ‘L208 OZ Laudanum ..........., Gnas: cRidnt! ee aleve aikiatanaad aisha avseess Ne eeee gence gee Or, SEDIMENT IN ‘THE URINARY CANAL is to be treated by giving abundant clear water. Iti is said that only wethers are affected by Ba, this trouble. The urine-is seen, to pass drop by drop, and the ani- ‘mal manifests great pain and restlessness. All the symptoms of re- tention of urine appear. It is ‘difficult to distinguish between cal- culi. The wether should be placed on his back, and the penis with- drawn and fomented with. warm water, after which an antispasmodic dike the following ‘should ‘be injected with a syringe, to act on the “neck of the bladder :— — Linseed) water ic. sins sient s saul cre satan bat Gee se ene ete soa 3 oz. - Fluid extract‘of belladonna........... ean need sage aiavevsca Giniend?s 40 drops. ° CALCULUS, OR STONE IN THE BLADDER, i isa disease for which there is no remedy except a surgical operation, which skilled ‘practi- tioners only should attempt'to perform. . GONORRHEA may'be treated by applying the lotion mentioned below. There is a discharge of matter from the penis. The pre- liminary symptoms being much like those.of retention of urine, the’... treatment is’ something similar. Withdraw the penis Hom ne: sheath and wash thoroughly with— 898 DISEASES OF SHEEP. Pl.vextr.. belladonna 25. vice esc s eye heeds eee seen to eee OH $ o7. Sugar of lead ....... bo Baa fener e Sine o tgssar pea Saawes evel OZ, Sulphateof 26. 5 cues es eae bs sees eels veaeEew ORT cna eee Sd 2 oz. W Beles cian Sore ease baat paced wardheavadinie Hace inios aiesaine Send ie naise wits 1 qt. Mix and bottle for use. Ifewes have been diseased by contact with the rams affected, a rag may be saturated and applied to their parts. Injections of weak solutions of iocoform, or sulphate of zinc, or of both combined, are beneficial. ' CHAPTER XXVII. Or BLOOD, NERVE, ENZOOTIC, AND HPIZootic DIsShASEsS. CacnEexia, orn ‘“‘ Pruine ” — Ascites, orn Dropsy — TETANUS, oR Lock-Jaw — VERTIGO, OR THE FRENCH’ TOURNES — Parturmenr Parariegta — Eczema — Ecrmyma-Psoriasis —- InsouaTion, ‘oR SoLARY ERYTHEMA — INFLUENZA — Rep Water, on Broopy Urme — Icrero- VERMINoUs CAcHEX1A, orn Ror Drorsy — Foot-Ror — Foor anp Mourn. Diseases — Smaui-Pox — ANTHRAX, oR QuaRtTER-ILL — TUBERCULOSIS — Razres. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. (X\ACHEXIA, ANzMIA, or “PINING,” is generally caused by C excessive dampness, by. the pasturagé becoming rank and watery, insalubrity of stables, bad food, and marshy pastures, but sometimes also by deficient herbage in dry pastures. A change from a bad pasture to a good one, say a corn-field, is one remedy for sheep thus affected ; and, in fact, no better one perhaps can be pre- scribed for this disease than change of locality. Iron tonics may strengthen the system, and bitter tonics will increase the appetite. ASCITES, or DRopsy, is the effusion of a watery fluid in the abdo- men, the lining membrane of which is or. has been inflamed.. It may also be caused by bad circulation, or by feeding on rank, succulent, watery herbage, by which the blood is insufficiently nourished. “In the latter case, a change to dry food will generally alleviate the dis- ease, and a cure may sometimes be effected by the following : — Nitrate of potash.............00eceee cece eee cence anes 3 dr.) Sulphate of soda... 6... ae Band omuaaeata’s peesecesseeed OZ >In one dose. Ginger .... .......- Hw Nios eg can Sic ncn at aos anso aoa ine oa «1 dr. If the animal be in low condition, linseed oil (2 02,). may be sub- stituted for sulphate.of soda. Give daily afterward for a week, one dram of scilla maritima. NERVOUS DISEASES. TETANUS, or LoOcK-JAW, is a disease that occurs sometimes after castration. It is also supposed to be occasionally due to milk produced by ewes fed on roots, residues of distilleries, rank clover, etc. This is doubtful. The first symptoms are weakness, then Wv (899) 900 : DISEASES OF SHEEP. stiffness of the limbs and neck; the head is gradually stretched for- ward, and the nose and tail become almost horizontal with the back. Treatment consists of injections of warm soap-suds in the bowels, administration of a physic of aloes, one half ounce to ‘one ounce, or sulphate of magnesia, two ounces in tepid water. Keep sick animals in dark, quiet places. If due to a cut, inject turpentine into it. Ten drops (more or less according to age) of belladonna may be given twice daily. VERTIGO.—This is a chronic disease due to the presence in the brain of a parasite named canurus cerebralis. It is the embryo of the tenia ccenurus of the dog, that penetrates there through the digestive channel, and thence enters the circulation. The symp- toms are weakness, head carried low, drowsiness, or excitation ; the animals run, shake the head, or carry it to one side. Sometimes they will turn to the right or to. the left for several minutes. The treatment consists of a surgical operation to remove the worm from within the skull. Snow, cold water, or ice kept daily on the head is said to have effected cures. It should be placed in or between thick cloths of wool or cotton, and not directly on the skin. When the worm gets access to the spinal cord, it may cause paraplegia, or paralysis of the hind quarters. PUERPERAL, or PARTURIENT PARAPLEGIA, is pie of the hind quarters, occurring after lambing. It may be immediately after, or a day or so later. It occurs usually in ewes in too fat con- dition, or too richly fed. The ewes, after lambing, fall, and can creep only with the aid of the fore limbs, if indeed they can move at all. Apply cold water to the back for hours, then rub dry. Give ten to fifteen grains of nux vomica twice a day. _NON-CONTAGIOUS SKIN DISEASES. EczEMA.—A vesiculous disease, sometimes mistaken for scabies. Bad food, want of exercise, and atmospheric influences, are said to be occasional causes, especially in the young subject. The vesicles are agglomerated, and a sero-purulent fluid exudes from them. There is sometimes fever. When it passes to a chronic form, it is difficult ta heal. The treatment consists of a carbolic acid wash, a light purgative of say two ounces of sulphate of magnesia in water, then two to four drams of Fowler's solution of arsenic once a day. EcTHYMA.—Due to the action of dampness, typhoid diseases, etc. It differs from eczema. Its symptoms are not simply little vesicles agglomerated, but are pustules with hard bases, and more BLOOD. AND NERVE DISEASES. 901 or less separated from one another. These pustules mature, and a pus which is sometimes bloody oozes from the sore. Puncture the pustules, apply oily or mucilaginous lotions, and later wash with sugar of lead and carbolic acid lotion. PSORIASIS.—This disease in the sheep is characterized by dry, red, and scaly skin. The scales are like bran. When the skin is pinched, it makes a crease that does not disappear immediately ; it has lost its elasticity and softness. The wool is dry and without luster. ca A good wash with castile soap once or twice a week may effect a cure. Sometimes it becomes necessary to apply a sulphurous ointment, and to give small doses of Fowler’s solution of, arsenic, as in eczema, , INSOLATION, or SOLARY ERYTHEMA, is due to. the action of the hot rays of the sun on the skin and the organism, when the sheep are exposed to them after shearing. The skin becomes red in one or more places; it may be only one small part, or a larger one, of a circular form or irregular. Sometimes only the surface of the skin is so affected, but occasionally the burn goes deeper and deeper, and the surface of the skin becomes one or. more large crusts, which eventually fall off. In severe cases there is fever of reaction and sometimes brain troubles. Place the subjects imme- diately in a cool place; bathe with cool lime-milk ; apply ice to the head. On the crust apply carbolized oils. INFLUENZA is marked by redness of the eyes and weeping, run- ning at the nose, cough, loss of appetite, indigestion, and distention of the rumen. It is most prevalent where miasmatic conditions of soil and atmosphere exist. Linseed oil-cake or similar food should -be given, and a dose consisting of twenty grains of chlorate of potash, with fifteen grains of muriate of ammonia, may be adminis- tered, with warm gruelas a diet. When constipation occurs, this or a similar laxative may be given in a quarter pint of water :— Epsom salts...... as Matai uiaihe Segawa whereas Does 1 oz. Ginger. oo... cece eee Saeed -atiens «Wave ng WOKS Aa wes Me edd iain 1 dr. In severe cases the following should be administered :— Tincture of aconite.............0 20 cece cece eee eee at 5 to 10 drops. Acetate of ammonia..:............ 0... c cece cece eee ee 15 to 20 grs. Water: cine pecrainattae s sees 2.5 cad S nieis avers aie la asteapeeaieid neues SREY 4 oz. . To be given every four or six hours. RED-WATER, OR BLOODY URINE (sometimes called Water Braxy), is denoted by dullness, languor, pallor of the skin and ‘ 902 DISEASES OF SHEEP. mucous membranes, weakness, especially of the hind legs, trembling, surface coldness, staring coat, dry and hot mouth and horns, and diminution of the milk, which is watery and frothy, with loss of appetite, great thirst, weak’ pulse, and often colicky pains. Later, the urine becomes bloody, and a more or less bloody discharge may come from the nostrils. The use of salt is strongly recommended as a preventive. If there be no abdominal pain, ordinary purga- tives may be used, but with colic, sweet-oil and other mild materials ‘ should be employed, in preference. The diet should. consist of lin- seed decoctions, bran mashes, etc., with iron tones, and wine or whisky. : ICTERO-VERMINOUS CACHEXIA, OR ROT DRopsy. _This affec- tion is common enough in some countries where sheep are kept on low pastures,’marshy lands, in a damp atmosphere, or in fields which have been overflowed, or fed on watery food. The' scientists at present attribute this disease to a liver-worm — the aistoma — whichis always found in that organ during this malady. In the muscular tissues may also be found smaller animalcules named psorospermies. The symptoms are pallor of the skin and mucous membranes ; soon these become even yellowish. But before that is visible, the disease has sometimes made considerable progress. The animal loses its vigor and vivacity ; it Janguishes, and walks slowly, and behind the flock; thirst augments, and appetite diminishes ; rumination, or showing | is troubled ; the belly is swelled ; the body seems to fatten on account of the watery deposit that takes place in the tissues beneath the skin, etc. ; the vertebral column is painful to pressure ; the urine is scant; weakness gradually augments, until finally the patient does not resist the pulling of its hind legs, and falls down ;easily. Death generally ensues. Give good food, iron and bitter tonics, with alcoholic stimulants, and place the animal on dry pasture or in a dry stable or shed. CONTAGIOUS, OR TRANSMISSIBLE DISEASES. Foor-Rot, FooT-HALT, FouL, Loo, or Low, mean the. same ' affection, which is an ulcerous inflammation of the foot of the sheep. It is contagious, and supposed now to be due to a microscopic parasite.- The other so-called causes, such as irritant soils, damp pastures, foul yards, etc., are perhaps indirectly concerned in pro- ducing this affection, from the fact that they probably constitute favorable grounds for the harboring of the parasites, and then their special irritative properties increase the disease. But all this is not proved. . The first symptom is'a slight lameness, which gradually CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 903 increases in intensity. On. examining the foot, we find+the separa- tion of the horny wall from the tissues underneath. About the sixth or seventh day, we notice the redness of the interdigital canal, commissure, cleft, or crease, at the junction of, the two toes (Fig. 1191); the lameness becomes more apparent. On removing the loose portion of the hoof,..we find a little abcess, which is becoming ulcerous, ' and which, secretes white, offensive matter. The disease keeps chiefly on the inner side of the toes.. One or more feet may become af- fected.’ The ulceration gradually gains ground, and separates more horn from the foot, and se- cretes more offensive matter. , Occasionally the | disease disorganizes the discues of the foot until it affects the bone and tendons. Fever, loss of ‘appetite, and weakness may finally: occur, -and death is often, the result. The disease may last weeks and months if. not, treated very early. In fact, in the treatment of this disease it is imperative that it should be taken in its first stage, and this is the important point to be accomplished by the owner. First of all,, the foot should be thoroughly cleaned off, and the offensive matter entirely removed with tenderness and care, by means of a small knife or probe, and the hoof pared, after which the affected part may be touched or swathed with a feather or soft cloth dipped in the : following, or a similar antiseptic solution : = Fro. 1191.Interdigital Canal. Chloride Of: 91n@ a 5/secnen veterans cused ma ownaeaneann nea 1dr. BWV GOR a accent oct tcaede tie Ss Renee lo pS 0ay un 2 fare ud ade ticecd cose Sgutnancieecapaten 1 pt. - Or, if the case be malignant, in the following: — Creosote... ec eeceeeeeeeeeees icp cot atibemmosiade itch 1 part. , Alcohol .... 16... eect cece eee e eee eens ent eneeseen es eae acaraie 4 parts. One said to be very pepuless in the Bast is— Sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) scanaenneee coated asta aavatanacbes “1Tb. | Acetate.of copper, a Me eiguaneeoane eto vaiasaie-bogiaig oi eisiengteletieiainian a Ur « Jdinseed O1l s.sscie.aeacemicanknmianawianerenssarmawanmomenaes 1 pint. ORR seis acavaxegiiavnspeidverne [ree eee et eees se eeeecenee eee reeeeee 1-qt. : Rub the vitriol and. verdigris in very fine powder, ‘with the oil, then add the tar, and mix thoroughly. The following lotion has proved beneficial in mild cases :— - Chloride of zinc...........- MHOees Rug dew seems eRe eR pe Tincture of arnica s a Aleohol............. aed ULAGaP Ra SERRE LaeGea eeweeuaeays When the raw surfaces: are extended over the foot, it may be, ‘ 904 DISEASES OF SHEEP. wrapped in tow saturatedina solution of carbolic acid, and when the interdigital space is affected, dressings may be applied by a bandage, as in Fig. 1192. Other remedies are phenyline or terebane, butyr of antimony, and iodoform. The following solution will be found an effective preventive of the foot-rot :— ATSODIG is 5cis 275s aversieaciyelalaraveisie aceintgie a Wain epdiana cet eats 2 Ib. Washing 80d@ .......... 0. cece eeeeeeeeee see Shanes 2 Ib. Water cocci etega tecidaeeuls fee neee tt enereees 10 gal. Boil slowly to eight gallons, and fill up to ten, and sponge the hoofs with it thoroughly after cleaning. ‘What we term lime-milk, or lime-water, is a good treatment as a preventive for this affection, )} and it can be administered easily. Put the liquid in a low and long box, which place in such a position in a chute, or in front of the stable door, as to force the sheep to pass through it when entering, or leav- ing such places. It is of the most importance in this disease to Fie. 1192.—Band- remove the’ sheep to other and dryer’ pastures. age for Footrot. Where they are unavoidably kept on wet ground, the following ointment once or twice.a week is said to be very ben- eficial as a protection to the feet :— Barbadoes.tar......... Fidoa Aa leadaavacs taser tata atavtubnae ea cusie uayeushen ei co FIb. Bergundy pith: . 0 iaces seas pisos eemere graced “eaurores aacn > 1 Ib. Mutton suet........... f ehideevedt apes cada Ae we wade seein VaR SSS 1 Ib. Melt the Bergundy pitch and ‘suet over a : aiow fire, then add tar, and- mix thoroughly. FooT AND MouTH DISEASE is a highly: contagious but rarely fatal febrile disease, characterized by an eruption of small blisters in the mouth, between the clefts of the hoof, and along its upper mar- gin at the coronet. The symptoms are unusual heat in the body, an eruption of small blisters on the tongue, the roof of the mouth, and in the nostrils, swollen feet covered with blisters, which break and become sore, causing the animal to shake its feet, or kick, or to lie down persistently. A laxative should first be employed, say of Epsom salts ; an astringent mouth-wash may then be applied, com- posed as follows :— { CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 905 and a dressing for the feet, to. be applied with a feather between the hoofs after cleaning them, which may be composed as follows :— SMALL-POx, or VARIOLA, has, according to Stewart, made its appearance in sheep in this country, although Law and other authors claim that no well-authenticated cases have been discovered here. As, however, it is liable any day to be introduced among us, as almost every other European disease has been, it is well that our people should be informed in regard to it. , Sheep-pox is a malignant and specific variolous fever, peculiar to sheep, and occurring but once, as‘a rule, in the lifetime of the indi- vidual. It has been settled, it seems, that a healthy flock is not secure from attack at a distance of 500 yards from affected animals. Fia. 1198.—Animals Equally Prolific in the Production of Contagious Diseases. It spreads rapidly in a flock, and few escape. The period of incuba- tion may vary from a week to a fortnight. The disease may be divided into two forms, the discrete and the confluent. The period of eruption of discrete small-pox is shown in Fig. 1194, and confluent in Fig. 1195. In order to show the difference between small-pox and ecthyma, a representation of the latter is shown in Fig. 1196. It is often mistaken for small-pox. It isan inflammation of the skin which is non-contagious, and never becomes confluent, though in its eruptive stage very much resembling small-pox. _ The first appearance of small-pox, after incubation, is a sicken- ing on the part of the sheep, the refusal of food, and the breaking 906 2 DISEASES OF SHEEP. out of little pustules under the. armpits, near the eyes and near the nostrils, which in three days come to a head, and take a red and then Fie. 1194.—-Discrete Form. Fie. 1195.—Confluent Form, a, Eruptive stage; b, Pustular stage, a white appearance. _ About the sixth day the pustule is about mature, and it contains a liquid. ' Then there is a discharge, and then crusts. ‘In the confluent condition, the pustules are in connec- tion, the eyes discharge an agglomerated purulent secretion, and are blood-shot, and’ the creature has intense thirst; the breathing is quick, the nostrils may, discharge heavily ; the breath sometimes becomes fetid, and the stench from the disease is almost unbearable. In this case there is a complication of trouble of the respiratory organs. Medicines have little power in the ment is warm, dry stables, acidulated water, avoiding cold, and giving laxative food and warm broth or drinks, and killing hopeless cases. at once. Innac- ulation of the whole flock reduces the Fie. 1196.—Ecthyma. CHARBON, QUARTER ILL, OR ANTHRAX: FEVER, sometimes also called BLOOD STRIKING (see Charbon in cattle), and in the Western States MURRAIN, is speedily fatal, the dead and fetid car- cass being’ usually found in the morning, though the flock appeared healthy at night. The symptoms are plethora, fever, -red eyes, sheep-pox: The only method of treat-" chances of danger and death,and causes ' the treatment to be carried onallatonce,*’. |. CONTAGIO us DISEASES. 907 violet spots on the lips, costiveness, bloody, mucous dung, bloody urine, colicky pains, unsteady ‘gait, breathlessness when driven, flattened fleece, deep-sunken eyes, stupor, and ‘convulsions. , Sheep, it would seem, are af- fected by this disease in two forms, which, by. some authorities, are treated as two distinct diseases; these two forms are called. local- izedanthraxand splenic or charbonous fever. A brisk purge at the out- set is recommended by certain authorities, to relieve the” condition of the blood. The fol- lowing may be given for a drench :— Fria. 1197, —Anthras, Last Stage. Sulphate of magnesia... kkk eee eee eet ete eeees te. -2 OB. Warm water.........) fa ehh aaedtee ene Surawaeeee naveneatients reece ed pt. ' Another is this — : . Molasses... 0.2... ccc eee eee eee odes soda Sioaies Boa Sade 8 pts: Castor-oil ..... 2.0.0... ee eee Leuaa meade baa DA as ewe Ab wa 3 OZ. Calomel ........... Cecqinnieeeses Led Gatolsiorteuénie Ea thea Siaieeecesapsetie $8 12 grs. Charbon is ‘due to a micro-organism ‘discovered by Pasteur. = It: is transmissible to most all kinds of domestic animals -whose normal temperature is not higher than’100° F. Man may get it. As ex- plained in the article on Charbon in cattle, Pasteur has discovered a mode of preventing. this. disease by making a vaccine of the virus, and in- noculating the healthy sheep with it. Medical treatments,.to cure or pre- vent this malady, are, as a rule, useless. Disinfecting the infected buildings with quicklime and chloride of lime, carbolic acid lations, and solutions of bi- chloride of mercury, have some good - effects in Fre. 1198.—Facial Vein of Sheep. limiting and preventing the spread of the disease. 1- In Fig. 1197 we show a sheep i in the last stage of anthrax. Bleeding from the facial vein is said to have been practiced with good effect in recent and even extreme cases (see Fig. 1198). The current of blood is arrested, by pressure on the lower border of the jaw at a, | 908 DISEASES OF SHEEP. TUBERCULOSIS, OR CONSUMPTION.— This disease, by some authors held identical with scrofula, is contagious and transmissible to man. It is due toa germ, and is indicated by a loss of vivacity, tenderness of the withers, back, and loins, and of the walls of the chest, a slight cough, dryness of the nose at, first, and later a slight discharge; heat of the horns and ears, etc. Inthe earlier stages, a preparation of 5 grains of iodide of potassium, or 10 grains of iodide of iron, finely powdered and, mixed with molas- ses, and placed on the = - root of the tongue, and Fia. 1199.—Rabies. | ‘ given daily, may effect at least a temporary cure ;. but if allowed to run along any length of time, no remedies avail; and, indeed, the best authorities unite in despairing of any definite specific for this malady. Tuberculous meat should not be eaten by man. | ‘HYDROPHOBIA, OR RABIES.— This disease, supposed to arise spontaneously in the dog, the wolf, and the cat, is coritagious, and is communicated by their saliva among themselves and to other ani- mals. The symptoms of rabies appear in the sheep after various periods, averaging, perhaps, twenty to twenty-five days after the bite. (See Fig. 1199.) No curable treatment exists so far for true rabies, but Pasteur assures the world that he, by vaccination, pre- vents the development of the symptoms even several days after the biting occurred. CHAPTER XXVIII: PARASITIC DISEASES. REVOLUTION WrouGET BY THE MicROScOPE —,SHEeEP- Bots, oR GRUBS IN THE Heap — THE FLuxKe DIsEASH, ok Liver Rot — Dxscrirrions oF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF Fiuxe —. VERMICULAR BRONCHITIS — TURNSICK, Sturpy, oR Gp. O class of ailments with which sheep are affected occasion more N pain and‘torture to the animals themselves, or cause greater annoyance and loss to shepherds, than those produced by par- asites. These diseases are divided into two kinds,—those in which the parasites infest the internal parts and organs of the sheep, and those in which they infest the external ones. PARASITIC DISEASES OF THE INTERNAL PARTS. The diseases caused by the parasites infesting the internal parts are liver rot, measles, bladder-worms, turnside (or giddiness), vermic- ular bronchitis, etc. The most prominent of these parasites are the different varieties of the fluke, the lung-strongle (or lung thread- worm), hydatids (or bladder-worms) of various kinds, the tape- worm, and the hair-worm ; while the parasitic diseases of the skin are mainly caused by the scab insect, the sheep-louse, the gad-fly, and the blue-bottle fly, the larve of which are the maggots of de- caying animal matter. The microscope has wrought a radical revolution in the. theory and treatment of parasitic diseases. That which was once taken for the effect of certain diseased conditions of the system, is now recog- nized as the cause; and instead of animalcule being bred in dis- eased matter, they themselves generally breed the disease., But, notwithstanding the invaluable contributions which science has made to this branch of knowledge, there is no subject upon which there is less correct knowledge diffused among American farmers. And yet, as stated, the destructive effects of parasitic diseases among sheep as well as among other domestic animals of our country, are appalling, and should command the closest attention and study of every breeder and wool-grower. These parasites are mostly - common to all:domestic animals, although special varieties of them are more numerous in some creatures than in others. o (909) 910 DISEASES OF SHEEP. ‘SHEEP-BOTS, OR GRUBS IN THE HEAD.—This disease is one of. the most serious with which the farmer has to deal, and one which should be attended to promptly ; and it is of the utmost importance that the most thorough means’ should. be re- sorted to for preventing it, . It is caused by the gad- -fly, or breeze-fly (estrus ovis, or ceph- alemia ovis), which at- tacks the sheep in the ‘nostrils and frontal si- nuses, creating great dread of it on the part’ Fre. 1200.—Gad-fly, Greatly Magnified. of the ‘flock. When - struck by the fly, they stamp the ground violently, and manifest every sign of great agony. Deposited at the entrance of the nostril, the larva proceeds upward to the farthest’ recesses. Fig. 1200 shows a greatly magnified rep- _resentation of the sheep gad-fly, and Fig. 1201 (6) shows the insect, natoral size, with its larva (a). a “4. The sheep gad-fly has a less hairy head, but one larger in. pro- portion to its size, than the horse gad-fly. Its face is reddish, its forehead brown, its antenne black or oa brown, with, ‘small black tubercles, and’ belly spotted with white. It lays its eggs onthe edges of the sheep’s nostrils, and the larva lives’ in the frontal ‘and maxillary sinuses. Its head is armed with two horny black hooks, by which it fixes itself to the mucous membrane, ; and lives there in. this state. nearly a Pyg, 1201.—Gad-fly and Larva.. year, when it falls to the ground, and.© : burying itself a few inches, Soon merges into the chrysalis state. Thirty of forty days. after its burial, it develops into its perfect state, and wings its flight. In this state it is scientifically | known as the conops, and lives on humble-bees. It is to avoid the attacks ofthe gad-fly in hot days that the sheep will lie down with their nostrils buried in dusty ruts, or stand up with their heads lowered between their fore legs, and with their noses nearly in contact with the ground. 1 3 0 } the Gad-fly.- Bra, 1202—Sheep Attacked: by 912 DISEASES OF SHEEP. When in the open fields, they gather with their nostrils against one another and near the ground, ’so that those on the outside are alone exposed. (See Fig. 1202.) . The best means of prevention of and relief from the Bade fly i is to smear tar on the nose, around the nostrils, which will prove both distasteful to the fly and fatal to the egg. A most excellent expe- dient is to plow a strip entirely around the field where the sheep are pastured, so that they can place their nostrils in the soft earth, in order to protect themsélves against the insect in the way that instinct suggests to them. Another method is to blow snuff or to- bacco-smoke up the nostrils: from the stem of a pipe, which will cause the sheep to sneeze out the larve. Still another remedy is to inject tobacco-water into the nostrils with a syringe.” The greatest care should be taken to keep the sheep in-dry, upland pastures, and preserve the ground as free as possible from offal and other para- site-breeding substances. . MAGGOTS.—One of the most: common causes of trouble in sheep, and one that must be most care- : fully guarded against, is Fie. 1208. Fre, 1204.—Lancet of the that arising from fly-blow- House-fly. Meat-fly. ing of the flesh in those places where it has beén wounded, or where dirt has accumulated around the tail and other parts. This trouble comes from the common house-fly (Fig. 1203), the meat-fly (Fig. 1204), and the ‘blue-bottle fly (Fig. (1205), all of which deposit their eggs or living larve on decaying animal mat- ter, or in wounds, or in foul places on aie body of the sheep. In the treatment of maggots, the sheep should be carefully looked after as regards cleanliness, in order to guard against fly-blowing. The - application of spirits of turpentine is a sure remedy, as it kills the larve and maggots. Diluted carbolic acid and kerosene have been used with good effect. af Law gives the following treatment Fra. 1205.—Blue-bottle Fly Magnified. for maggots: Pick off the wool and filth. and all the maggots, and apply— PARASITIC DISEASES. 913 Oil of turpentine or of tar..,........... po raeks pea aeyes 1.2.0 0%. COMPNOR isda niarusreececinee dex aoneanes pong secre satel OE Asafetida.......... a iRise aademeasionie sta 6 eieik'n 4 Sark's erelile ess pees ed Gr. r oe THE FLUKE DISEASE, ROT, OR LIvER Rot. —This malady is most insidious. The first symptoms are obscure ; the shesP feeds, and, in fact, gains in flesh, but the spirits are dull, and the skin, especially on the brisket, is of a pale-yellow tint. The eye secretes a yellow fluid; the muzzle becomes yellowish, and also the tongue, while the’ breath is intensely offensive. Sometimes excessive diarrhea prevails, while at other times constipation oc- curs. The wool generally falls , off, or is easily pulled out. The muscles waste, the animal * becomes “razor-backed,” the hip bones project, the belly is pendent, and the back drooped from dropsical effusion. The . head also droops, the expression is haggard, the appetite poor, the ‘thirst great, and the dung filled with myriads of microscopic eggs. : This terrible disease is caused by the most promi- nent, the most dreaded, and at the same time the most inter- esting of.all parasites, the fluke, ; or liver-fluke. Fig. 1206 rep- Fra. 1208.—Mature Liver. Fluke. resents the cyst or case in- . closing | the liver-fluke. The fluke is a flat, whitish, oval-shaped animal, more thickly conical ‘in front, and has ‘a BUGRET: or mouth. Where the thicker part joins ; the flatter. hind part, ‘here isa second sucker on the under side. In . Fig. 1207, @ is the oral sucker, 4 the bulb of a the cesophagus, and ¢ Fra. 1209.—Lanceolated Fluke. the main digestive tube Fre. 1206.—Spore-case of the Liver Fluke, Greatly Enlarged. Fre. 1207.—Liver Fluke—tts Digestive System. 914” DISEASES OF SHEEP. of one side. Fig.'1208 represents the liver- fluke fully matured. A species of this animal, called the lance- olated fluke, is shown in Fig. 1209. There is a non-parasitic order of creatures inhabiting ponds and ditches, termed plan- arians, which is so much like the fluke in appearance that we present an illustratien of the former in Fig. 1210. They, like the fluke, very much resemble leeches, not only in appearance, but in habits. The fluke throws off several thousand eggs,. that pass out with the feces. In a freshet, Fre. 1210.—Planarian . ; : Digestive System. immense numbers of these worms are left on'the meadows, and the sheep eating them with grass, the miniature fluke passes down the main intestine, un- til it reaches the liver duct, which it as- cends, and at once begins its development. In England 2,000,000 sheep died of this disease in 1830. Fig. 1211 ‘represents a sheep affected with this terrible disease. Remedies for the fluke disease consist wholly in preventive measures in the earlier stages. Law gives the following as a tonic mixture : — } Linseed, pea, oat, barley, or unbolted wheat flour Lables ee eae 40 Ibs. owdered gentian or anise BOCD eS cco Sa duaw scat Weta ata cetenta cl 4 Ibs. Common salt..........0......8. Fasadeh ite uchuanteaan Ses Doe yea Oars 4 Ibs. : Sulphate or oxide of iron.......... etden de Peale eS Re Lesa 116 Give half a pint daily to each sheep. | . -8 A leading authority recommends the following combination — Mix with clover, meal, or grain, for 100 sheep. Give twice or three times a week. Or this :— Mustard, flours: oaecaee i atten s oeaide vesins S4-Seies + ORE E ROR 1 Ib. : Juniper berries ............2....0000. sdesebear aaron auayaiees mite ayaa 2 Ibs. ‘Common salt................. Reba de os awe newibaigiame teehee 2 Ibs. Mix with sufficient. erount food for. 100 sheep. A laxative dose, to be given when the affected sheep have been isolated in a separate pasture, is the following :— a PARASITIO DISEASES. 915 Sulphate of magnesia,.......... 0.00. cc cece eneee genre een ee ees Oil of turpentine. ceinaiteietnsn brane euasuna tees ie ye euelate 3 dr. Mix for a drench, and give one third of the quantity every two, eave as a dose.’ An English writer, John Large, claims that the following will destroy fluke in the liver :— ) Yellow resin........ Bred coinangutinacentiass (ae aude o Gaaicele wns Gaus ieee 1} dr. Oil of turpentine.............. ee horaat fio Risa emia ee 1} 02. Calomel ............... SSeS oe aee meas 2 Fcc paen oS sueMe aaa s See 18 gr. Tincture of iodine. Hema Reeds Fae ae ape eel! tas atedere aa aniattanaen . .30 drops. ~ For three doses, one every morning, for three devi in gruel. The sheep should be abundantly supplied with salt. Stewart recommends the following mixture, to be given on the first appear- ance of the suspicious symptoms : — Saltpeter® cases Guselan ile Macs baie eaaas Seeueeres neous 13 oz. Powdered ginger. ............. cesses narace Waite lgeaerentegior ea Aaaalid 1 oz. Carbonate of iron ................ Lis amaraiepese Uopce ean hater 4 0%. Salt ......... Fr scaitt, dene aiadone sates easiest tte (irae. ace eatiat “1 Ib. Boiling water ............ +1 ASR: slid gcuss Bed avess ania ayesvorn alee Hewecnecees 8 qts. The above to be ‘mixed, and when nearly cold, 9 oz. of spirits of turpentine to be added ; the whole to be bottled in quart bottles for use, and when adintuierared, should be well shaken, to mix the in- gredients thoroughly. VERMICULAR BRONCHITIS.—This disease is caused by a white, thread-like worm, the strongylus filaria, popularly known as the lung-worm, the “lung-strongle,” or strongula. (See Fig. 1212.) Fie. 1212.—Thread-strongle (Strongylus Filaria), Greatly Enlarged. The symptoms are essentially those of bronchitis, with the ex- ception that the whole herd is affected, and mucus is coughed up containing the above-described worms, either singly or in bundles, A husky cough is followed by dry, staring coat, embarrassed breath- ing, and advancing emaciation, with diarthea. This disease i is called the hoose when it appears in» ‘lambs. ; The proper treatment is to feed’ liberally on linseed, cake, rape cake, cotton cake, roots, oats, or beans, to which may be added a 18 , > 916 DISEASES OF SHEEP. mixture in equal parts of sulphate of iron, gentian, and ginger, in proportion of four ounces to every ten lambs of three months and over. Abundant dry feeding and free access to salt are desirable. Fo: the intestinal parasites, a teaspoonful each of salt and oil of turpentine may be given in milk every second day, before eating, if possible. The following has been highly recommended: — Sulphate of magnesia : Nitrate of potash....... ech tlds ee auc e esate wvarattnahn eb Gra tye Sieh) aeclaers #e \ ‘Pour on this three. pints of boiling water, and when the solu- tion is milk warm, add— Oil.of turpentine: 66) Ace V ene wanda eeas esas ee eee wees 4 0%. Bole armeniac........ fed ota eee tage irewards Aue mba aco e dulaanaieeny 4 02. Mix well, and give three or four tablespoonfuls every day. The above will suffice for 160 lambs. . Mr. Finlay. Dun recommends that when the lung-worms. prevail, lambs should have throughout the summer and fall months, about once a fortnight, a dose of the following tonic and vermifuge mixture :— . Oil Of turpentine 3. ioeie sg kus eevee FHA EE AOE SEER ES 2 02. Powdered: S@ntians aise wae peat veaienid esters aoe FESO Gee ee 2 oz. Laudanum,............-.0.+-- Sieh aoe s Ban he Russ auapeheie es wate 2 oz. Dissolve in, a quart of linseed tea or iieieewater. This is enough for ten or twelve doses. : Prof. Townsend, of Ohio, a eer auONty gives this formula :— Oil of turpentine...........; Lip es einen eae aee Bn a dea ars yen aes $ 02. Whisky ............ Ce dytanee i doue Whaibvane: tobpaveanestvavanes’ cians in aisie Suse fc 1 pt. Shake together, and give a teaspoonful once a day for a week or two. - TURNSICK, STURDY, OR GID.—This disease is occasioned by the presence in the brain of the hydatid, or bladder-worm, scientifically known as the cenurus-cerebralis. It has been ascertained that this bladder-worm of the sheep is nothing else than a form of the tape- worm of the dog (tenia cenurus), at an earlier stage of its exist- ence. The eggs of the latter, discharged in the dung of the dog upon fields and pastures, are swallowed up by the sheep with the ‘herbage, and the larval state of the worms is developed within their bodies, in either the lungs, the abdomen, or the brain, causing a dis- ease which is often fatal. The larve of the tape-worm exist in the shape of watery bladders, or sacs, which contain the undeveloped worms. These peculiar creatures are what are known as bladder- worms, or hydatids. One of these infests the abdominal cavity of - PARASITIC DISRASRS the sheep, ana is sometimes specifically known as the diving bladder-worm. This is treated of elsewhere Another— polycephalus ovi- nus —infests the brain, and _ causes the disease we are now considering. (See Fig. 1213, with the accompanying explanations. eo The animal is shown in Fig. 1214 in the non-sexual or non-generating condition, in the head of a sheep, in which it produces the feeling of giddiness that gives the disease its name. The formation of the first. segment, head, or scolex of the coenure, is shown in Fig. 1215. ‘ Fre. 1214.—Head of a Sheep, with Hy- -datid in the Front Lobe of the Brain. 917 Fra. 1213.—Ceenurus (Hydatid) of the Sheep. 1. Vesicle containing groups of heads of the’ hyda- tid, natural size; 2. Two groups of heads, enlarged four times; 3. Head still more greatly enlarged. The symptoms of the turnsick in sheep are curious, and well marked. At first the animal staggers and reels, walking round in a circle, and often running against obstacles. Some- times the entire brain is eaten away before death ensues. One of the remedies employed is the introduction of a trocar and canula into‘ the soft spot in the skull, and_ the application of a syringe through the latter. Another’ is to puncture, with the needle of a strong hypodermic syringe, the walls of the cyst inclosing the hydatid, and to in- ‘ject therein some of the following, or of a similar solution : — LOMO sa.cte vieuante f oxeuiaraes 1 gr, Iodide of potash............... 5 oz. WER eb ia viene opines 1 oz. Mix, and use halfateaspoonfulat a time. 918 DISEASES OF SHEEP. In forty-one of Prof. Gamgee’s exper- iments, fifty dogs were employed, and these were fed on the cenuri from the brains of sheep, thirty-three be- | coming, affected with tape-worm. From one cyst alone 400 tape- worms were devel- oped, and from afourth part of one cyst 191 of thesé creatures were produced, the time. oc- cupied being less'than a fortnight, when they were about one tenth of an inch in length ; 1 ‘ It Fig. 1215.—Coenurus (Hydatid) of the Sheep. a, Brain of a sheep invested for three. weeks with the egps of the hydatid, the sheep finally dying of turnsick; b, Isolated passage formed by the worm on the surface of the brain; ce, Vesicle before the birth of the scolex (or head); d, Vealele in which the scolex appears; e, Vesicle which has engendered the scolex, they were one inch long the third week, and four inches long by the ‘end of the fourth week. Those remaining at the end of five months reached the length of 24'to 30 inches. After three to five months the joints were detached singly, and, finding their way with the feces to the ground, reached the stomach of the sheep, where they recommenced their havoc. CHAPTER XXIX, PARASITIC Disa AsEsS (CONTIN UEID). . Tar Tarre-Worm — Irs Ex1sTENce. IN THE INTESTINES — THe Manes, or Itcx— Various Species or AcarI— THE Dog-Tick — Tue Fopner-Louse — Tut Bopy-Louss --. THe Heap-Lousz-— Tae SHrer- Louse — Tue Sugep-Tick — Tue SHeer-Bue — Man-Eatine Fiy — Tsetse Fry. HE Tapre-Worm.—In Figs. 1216 and 1217 the more advanced 1 stage of the many-headed tape-worm is shown, called by Van Beneden the .strobile, or the strobiline condition. The de- tached part in Fig. 1916. represents the scolex, or head, greatly, en- ‘larged and invaginated. The worm in this stage‘ is capable of reproducing itself without the gen- erative process, but by a species of budding or generation. : In Fig. 1218 is shown the tapé-worm as it ap- pears in the peritoneum of the sheep.’ _ TAPE-WORM IN THE INTESTINES (TANIA PLICATA).—Although it has been stated that the intestinal sheep-worm is unknown i in this country, yet avery well authen- ticated case was report- ed in the National Live Stock Fournal in 1875, in which a large flock in Missouri was stated to Fries. 1216, 1217.—The Tape-worm Encysted. (919) 920 DISEASES OF SHEEP. be affected with it, the dead sheep of which were exam- ined and “found packed full of tape-worms.” There is no means of prevention of this disease, as the eggs of the tape-worm may. be dropped by rabbits, squir- rels, skunks, and other wild animals, as well as by dogs. Under the head of Turn- sick we have given the pro- cess of the development of the hydatid in the brain of: ts ! a ‘sheep, from the larva dropped by the dog.. In Fig. 1219 is shown the first segment or _scolex of the tenia, or tape-worm, inclosed in a membranous cyst. Van Beneden calls the parasite in this form the ¢ysticercus tenutcollts. We translate the following synopsis of the transformations of the tape-worm"from Hurtrel d’Arboval’s Dictionnaire de Medicine, de C hirurgie, et d'Hygitne Veterinaires :-—~ Fie. 1218.—Tape-worm of Sheep, Scolex Greatly Magnified. \ “By, virtue of the investigations of Siebald, Yan Beneden, Kuchenmeister, and other great scientists, we know to-day that the cysticercus cellulose, which constitutes the measles in the hog, becomes, in its passage into the stomach of man, the tenia , solium, or the solitary worm ; the cysticer- cus pisiformis of the rabbit becomes in | the dog the tenia serrata; the cysticercus longicollis of the field-mouse becomes the tenia crassiceps of the fox and of .the terrier dog; the cysticercus fasciolaris of the mouse becomes ‘the tenia crassicolis in the cat; the cenurus cerebralis of the sheep becomes the tenia cenurus of the dog ; the echinococeus becomes equally a tenia, and the tenia an echinococcus ; ‘the ' encysted trichina becomes prolific only when it penetrates into the alimentary canal of other animals ; the strongylt pass likewise a portion of their life in the con- dition of non-sexual beings.” The symptoms indicating tape- worm in the intestines are great appetite, alternating with refusal Fra. 1219.—The Scolex or First Segment of Of food; desire to cat dirt, the the Tape-worm, in its Hydatic Condition. passage of soft dung mixed with PARASITIC DISEASES 921 mucus, and evidences of internal pain. The most effective treat- ment is believed to be the following preparation :— dinieed Gl, ico Estee nee unienaneneatence seen shes Pacea 2 oz. Spirits of turpentine,............c.eceeceeres Saee Mee oR $ to 1 02. Repeat. twice a week for two weeks. | If this is not effective, three ounces of pow- dered root of male fern may be given once a week, to be followed by a purga- tive of linseed oil in six hours. See also treatment given on page 509, Part I., in diseases of horses.. Hair WorMs.—The intestines are some- times infested by a species of worm thus called, causing diar- rhea and emaciation. A cough ‘also accom- panies the diarrhea. Salt in doses of half an ounce, given on alternate days, with one dram doses of ‘sulphate of iron, is a pretty sure remedy for these parasites. The food should be of the most nutritive kind. PARASITIC DIS- Fie. 1220.—Organs of Circulation and Respiration in an Insect. EASES OF THE SKIN. A, abdominal portion of the dorsal vessel; B,. aortic or aed thoracic portion; C, air-vessels of the head; D, of the ab- THE MANGE.—The quien, : ; D, most formidable and. annoying of the external parasites of the sheep is the scab insect, or , acarus scabtei, which causes the scab, itch, or mange. It dwells on 922 DISEASES OF SHEEP. the skin, deriving its nourishment from sucking the fluids of the system. It is a minute mite, which attaches itself'to the skin, and penetrates ‘the surface, lodging itself in the tissues, and causing in- - Fria. 1221.—The Scab. tense irritation or itching, and the secretion of a matter which dries on the surface and forms a scab. Scab may be of spontaneous origin, as well as the product of contagion. One female acarus can pro- duce a million and a-half of progeny in ninety days, and this ex- ‘plains the rapidity: with which scab’spreads in sheep. Of parasitic ‘Fre. 1222.—Serious am of Scab. acari, there are three principal species : one that burrows in the scarf-skin, one which lives on the surface among the scabs, and one which lives in the fatty glands of the skin in sheep and dogs. In scab, the animal shows its aggravation by moving its body, and by rubbing against fences or other objects (Fig. 1221). The wool is often torn off from a good portion of the body. PARASITIC DISEASES. . 923 Among the par- asites of this clags that. trouble sheep, - are some which we _ have already men- ' tioned in treating : ofdiseases of cattle. There is one that . is usually classed Fra. 1223.—Dog-tick, Found *™0Ng the parasites on Sheep. of the dog (Fig. Fea. 1224.—Fodder, or Hay-louse. ‘ 1223), which is often found on sheep, and is excessively annoying to them. Another, called the fodder-louse, | or’ hay-louse, sometimes infests sheep, (Fig. 1224.) | ‘ The-vermin that affect the human species are sometimes found on the lower animals, and particularly on sheep. This is true with regard to a ~ both body and head lice.. For a . 4 a A os representation of the former, see Fig. 1225.. Fie, 1225.—Human Body-louse (Pediculus Humanus Corporis), Female. a, Its egg. -In Fig. 1296 is shown the head of the female (A), with one of the mandibles isolated (B). In Fig. 1227 is shown the male of the body-louse, while in Fig. « 1228 will be found a representation of the human head-louse, with its method of affixing its eggs to the hair. ! In Figs. 1229 to 1234 we show a series- of vermin which infest sheep as well as other domestic animals of a kindred nature. In Fig. 1235 is shown the sheep lope and in Fig. 1236, its larva. i Fia. 1226.—Head of Human Body- . louse. 924 DISEASES OF SHEEP. In the treat- ment of scab, after nourishing food, cool, clear air, clean, dry buildings, and the avoidance of huddling the sheep together, oil should be Fie. 1228.—Human Head-louse applie d, and the (Pediculus Capitis), affected parts A, back view of the female; B, ; abdominal extremity of the male; washed with C, egg attached to a hair. soap-suds ; then break up and remove the scabs and crusts ; after which apply with a brush the following :— Fie. 1227.—Male of the Human Body-louse. : Oil of tar....... 1 oz. Whale oil...... 20 oz. Or— DAP eevee edlsei sian 4 Ib. Sulphur......... $ lb. Soap............ 1 Ib. Alcohol. ........ 1 Ib Fra. 1229. Fre. 1230. Fie, 1281. For sheep with heavy fleeces, baths are very efficient. The following prep- : aration will neither Fie. 1282. Fie. 1283. \ Fre. 1234. Various Species of Lice Infesting Sheep, Goats, etc. : stain the wool nor materially endanger the sheep :— MODACCO: sce ca cess Veer eee ceae A eee 16 Ibs wo (OIL tarsal aaa ict ec alles aesas 3 pts. DOA BSD ccna Becvots sawtentals Goes oa Be 20 lbs Soft SOAP: oie. ct wages arias ew a aged dw daa ke aes 4 Ibs. WeBter occ, vp euces Cane dare pase eee 50 gal. Boil the tobacco, and dissolve the other sub- _ stances in a few gallons of boiling water, then (Hippoboscus Ovis). “? add water to make up to fifty gallons, which ‘A wevarsialzay Wy eestty eas will suffice for fiftv sheep. larged. Fig. 1235.—Sheep - louse PARASITIC: DISEASES. | 925 Fra. 1286. Larva of the == Sheep-louse. - Fig. 1287,—The Scab. aes ‘In Figs. 1238 and 1239 we show representations of the sheep- tick and sheep-louse, the first of which may be destroyed by the dips recommended in the Scab, and the sec- ond by rubbing the skin with sulphur ointment or whale oil. LUCILIA Homntv- Fic. 1238.—Sheep-_ {KY Fig. 1240. ORAX, AND GLos- : tick (Hippobosca). Fie. 1239. —Sheep- Sheep-bug. louse (Trichodectes). SINA MORSITANS. — In this connection we present accounts of two very singular insects not belonging to our own country, but which — are terribly destructive to sheep as well as to men in other lands. . The first, Lucila Homnivorax (the man-eating fly) (Fig..1241), is found in French Guiana. It is a quarter,or a third of an inch in length, of a golden green, with the antennz. brown, and. the feet black, with dark-purple thorax and abdomen, and transparent wings. “Fre. 1241.—Man-eating Fly Fie. 1242.—Larva of the Lucilia Hom- (Lucilia Homnivorax). nivorax, or Man-eating Fly. “This beautiful insect is said to be an assassin. M. Coquerel says that it sometimes gets into the mouth of a convict in the peni-" tentiary of Cayenne, when the latter is in an intoxicated condition, t 926 DISEASES OF SHEEP. and lays its eggs there, and when they are changed into larve the death of the victim ensues under terrible conditions. ! On the extreme left, in Fig. 1242, is represented the larva of this singular animal ; next, one of the horny mandibles with which the larva is provided ; and on the right, the head of the larva, greatly enlarged. Fre, 1248.—The Tsetse Fly (Glossina Morsitans). / i The other insect referred to is the Tsetse Fly, shown in Fig. 1243, which is a native of Central Africa.” It is brown, with transverse yellow stripes across the abdomen. It is not dangerous to man, but attacks cattle, sheep, and, other, domestic \ animals, upon which it darts from the top of a bush with the rapidity of an arrow. The African cattle and sheep recognize it at a great .distance by its buzzing, and are thrown into great consternation ‘thereby. The poison ‘is not injected with a sting, or by eggs de- posited beneath the skin, but the proboscis is inserted into the skin, and the venom thus conveyed into the system of the. victim, which does not immediately suffer more than from the bite of a mosquito ; but in a few days the eyes and nose begin to run, a swelling appears under the jaw, and emaciation begins, and proceeds unchecked un- til, in a month or so, purging comes on. and the animal finally perishes from exhaustion. . Fie. 1244.—Foot-louse. CHAPTER XXX. eGo LAMBING AND ATTENDANT DISEASES. Parrurment Fever— Parturient PaRAuyais— Garaet — Castration — RHEUMA- TIsM — GRUB IN THE NostRits — Dockrva—FRAcTURES— SPRAINS — FEELING THE PULSE. : HE. lambing season calls for the exercise of the utmost pa- T tience on the part of the raiser of sheep; and the knowledge gained by practical experience is mainly that upon which he can rely for success in his management. The remedies for the dis- eases and mishaps incident to this period are such as no farmer can afford to be ignorant of, and such as no one need be ignorant of, if he but exercise ordinary observation and discretion, and reads to any extent. ’ When the lambs begin to drop, it is easy to discover those ewes that will come in within twenty-four hours. The genital parts be- come red and swollen, and the udder swells and fills, At this point the ewe should be closely watched to see'that nothing goes wrong. If the lamb be presented i in such a manner that it cannot be ex- pelled, it should be gently replaced by an individual with a small hand smeared with sweet-oil, and then brought into such a position that the feet shall be presented first, with the head lying upon them, and not doubled back. If the hind parts are presented, the feet should be brought up after.the lamb has been pushed back. If the ewe is weak, a little warm gruel, sweetened and. flavored with. gin- ger, may be given. When the pains are deficient, they can be stimulated with ergot, the following being a dose :— .- Powdered ergot iis wtearew ones naiadaae Ee ALON e ae Rune Bag ed SaS see 80 gr. Powdered ginger. ./....1 shal Days oa MAND Seis a nese apcat ols Gee '..,80 gr. ' When the pains are excessive and exhausting, the following, given in gruel, will render them more regular, and keep up iis strength : —) Spirits of camphor.............-+ us lagails Rem agaattibeea wees ya 1 dr. Dawdanum 2 oiccc ciscls sc cbs 84 See sows ew EE aa Saino we co eS 4 02. If the womb becomes inverted, and hangs like a bag from the vagina, as may occur after lambing, the treatment should be sub- (927) 928 DISHASES OF SHEEP. stantially the same. The womb should be well washed with warm alum water, carefully replaced, and retained in position by-a band- age, or, in severe cases, by loosely stitching the lips of the vulva. If this fails to effect the object, and chronic falling of the womb occurs, it should be tightly corded close to the vulva and allowed to slough — ‘ off. Death is sometimes the result of this trouble. ' PARTURIENT FEVER is uncommon in sheep in this country ; but as it sometimes occurs, we give the symptoms, which are loss of ie pg Fie. 1245.—Twin Gestation in Womb of a Sheep : / ‘ appetite, twitching of the hind legs and ears, dullness and weakness, staggering, and the discharge of a dark-colored and offensive fluid from the vagina. It generally occurs a few days before lambing, and the fetus is‘nearly always dead when delivered... The ewe should be separated from the flock, and given the following ora similar laxative :— * LAMBING AND ATTENDANT DISEASES. 929 ‘Nitrate of OLAS cece cece ee cece eee neers tab tesa nes 1 dr. Sulphate of magnesia ........... So. Shaws Seba eet eeets 2 to 8 02. Molasses 3 oz, Ce i Give in a pint of warm linseed gruel. This may be repeated if not opening the bowels in ten hours, and thereafter continue only the niter and two or three drops of car- bolic acid and molasses. while the fever lasts,.the whole to be dis- solved in a little water, and well shaken before administering. ABORTION.—This is by no means unfrequent in ewes, and is often caused by excessive eating of turnips or other roots, though it is sometimes occasioned by the sheep. being chased by dogs. When abortion has occurred, the following may be given with nourishing food :— Powdered camphor .....2......e0seccceees “ ssiateints catia ee $ dr. Laudanum ............ oe eee Peek sieges wea es sahlig een i dr. Epsom. salts........... Meer swee caus cated iadiduarsnieatee acts ve 1 to3 oz, IRRITATION OF THE VaA- .GINA (AFTER-PAINS _ IN EwEs).— This ailment oc- curs the first, second, or. third day, and is shown by panting, straining, heaving of the flanks, a staring coat, scanty, high-colored, and strong-smelling urine, cos- tiveness, and ‘swelling and redness of. the external hinder parts, which at last Fra, 1246.— Liver of a Lamb at Birth. turn very dark. It is easy to prevent this disease by. reducing the condition of the iste when it can be safely done. A bran mash with fifteen grains of saltpeter should be is given daily for a few days, and upon a recurrence of the pains, the following, mixed with mo- lasses and given on the tongue, should be administered at once :— Fie. 1247. —After-pains in Ewes. Camphor.............sece cece een ecees sid aioaaeaces Pe $ dr. Laudanum...... 15 decal a evs o teats aco.Gvasena avepetanalaeveseidh’ Boras a Fosse 60 dropa. 930 DISEASES OF SHEEP. Bleeding is held by good authorities to be injurious, as are also violent purgatives. 4 PARTURIENT PARALYSIS. aie is treated under the head’ of Nervous Diseases. GARGET.—Though not a very prevalent disease among sheep, garget is one which, when it occurs, should be treated with prompt- ness. It is an inflammation of the udder and milk glands. Its symptoms are enlargement of the udder, which becomes red, hot, and so, sensitive that the ewe sometimes refuses the lamb. The udder should be fomented with warm water and a warm linseed-meal . poultice applied for twelve hours or more, removing it to draw the milk. Bleeding to the extent of half'a pint from the large vein which runs under the belly, if the inflammation is high, is beneficial. Mix for one dose, and administer internally— Nitrate of potash.’...............2 00 cece ee ian aun eaauiees } dr. Bi-carbonate of soda........ sae ghar aya sees was te edievacah sia avatieateceta eran OMe Sulphate of magnesia............ "abu © cheetah beasts Rca 8 2k aud DSRS 2 oz. spr rears ded PES os Tiodens 4 Sibi cera OG Damo d Svinte eles Dever Cee 8 02. Then give morning, and night one half dram nitrate of potash and 10 to 20 grains of nux vomica, with say one half | ounce bi-car- bonate of soda. — : MISCELLANEOUS. % RHEUMATISM, when it passes’ from the acute to the chronic stage, causes serious changes in the structure of the joints or muscles , affected. Its symptoms are general uneasiness and stiffness, swell- ing of the joint or joints, diminished appetite, and sometimes sus- pended rumination. The dung is hard and scanty, and the urine high-colored and deficient. A moderate purgative like this may be - given first :— GIN OL 5 pies danas a eielas Gea CER inary Sina woe Sestedicienae ed 1 dr. Epsom salts...... igo hac eeuansene arauece soda sac sunsenadesbin iene ateyta aaestue ars RusaevaNPsads: erase 2 oz. Spirits nitrous ether. ....... 2.0... eee cece cette eee tee ener e et 4 02. Water.:......... Se0 G Sade e Eee a chix eas Visa Cerraslis oa udoaumess 4 02. and afterward give one dram of salicylate of soda to be dissolved in warm water night and morning. ~ Ke CASTRATION.—The earlier'this is performed, the less danger there is of any evil consequence resulting. A lamb a week old may be deprived of the whole scrotum and testicles by a single stroke of the shears, without much danger ; but when it is some months old, and the organ has become fully developed, far more care in the operation must be observed. A good plan is for the operator to sit on a long bench, with one of the lamb’s hind legs beneath each of his thighs, while the fore legs are held by an assistant, then taking ! LAMBING AND ATTENDANT DISEASES. 931 the scrotum in his left hand, and making the skin tight and smooth, effect a free incision with a sharp knife at the bottom of the scrotum, beneath each testicle ; then cut the membranes that surround them, and scrape the cords and blood vessels attached to them, and the operation is completed. To castrate a ram, make a larger incision at the bottom of each compartment of the scrotum ; the object being to permit the pus, which will form within, to escape. ‘ . Fra. 1248. —Feeling-the Pulse. CANKER OF THE FOOT is to’a certain extent a similar disease te ehrush, or canker of the frog, in horses. It is caused by keeping the sheep too closely confined in barns, or in yards where the manure is permitted to collect and ferment, as also from neglected cases of foot-rot. This sometimes necessitates a skillful surgical op- eration with the knife, cutting off the diseased portion. After washing‘ the foot in a solution of one dram of chloride of zinc in a pint of water, apply a pledget of tow or lint dipped in a mixture like the following:— > INTGTIG ACIG) 4.0 aor hci s MaRS SIs ee tea als eels cevne seneee oD 1 part. Water iirc 4 ses tees cee eaae dude samaedae ae oa 6 to 12 parts. DockING should be performed: on lambs within a week after” birth. Hold the lamb between the knees, with its rump against a block of wood; then draw the skin of the tail toward the rump oa 19 , 932 DISEASES OF SHEEP. with the fingers of the left hand, and hold with the right hand a sharp chisel on the tail, below the fingers, and two inches from the rump; a smart rap on the chisel by a boy, severs the tail at one stroke,.and leaves the bone in a condition to heal quickly. FRACTURES OF THE LIMBS are treated under diseases of horses and cattle. . SPRAINS often. occur in large flocks. They are most wisely treated by rest, accompanied by the use of some such liniment as tincture of arnica and spirits of camphor. FEELING THE PULSE.—In Fig. 1248 is a representation of the method of feeling the pure} in the. stnaller domestic animals, such as the sheep. a 1 SWINE, AITD TESts DishAcrs. = CHAPTER XXXI, —1oo— ; ! ANTEHIRAS AND CHOLERA. DiszasEs oF Swink Laraury Due To IMPROPER Foop anp MANAGEMENT— ADMIN- ISTERING MEDIcINEs TO Hoas—/CHAREON, ANTHRAX, OR Hog CHOLERA—NaTURE OF ANTHRAX Diszases—Ganerznous ErystreLAs—MALIGNANT OR GANGRENOUS Anaiva—APOFLECTIC AnTHRAX—PREVENTIVE MEASURES. HE farmers ofthis coun | try have so great an interest in hogs, that we have, at consid-- erable trouble: and large ex- _ pense, not only obtained careful and’ correct _il- lustrations of the best and most se- lect varieties of breeds, but pre- pared the most approved and re- liable methods of Fic. 1249.—Head of Wild Boar. treatment of diseases of swine. To effect this object, the text has - been compiled with the utmost care and thoroughness, and also been submitted to the criticism of several of our most eminent vet- erinary surgeons, for their revision and criticism. Hence, this part will be found particularly valuable for the many useful and excel- y (933) 934 ‘ SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. lent remedies that have been employed with marked success in the cure of the prevalent fatal diseases to which the hog is so generally subject. Millions of dollars are annually lost from this cause, and in some parts of the country breeding of hogs is a precarious bus- iness, on account of their liability to disease. It is not a little singular thatra vicious hog is the most pugna- cious and dangerous of all wild animals, the wild boar of India being more than a match for the jungle tiger. ‘The Barbyroussa,. or wild hog of Malacca, is one of the most formidable and dreaded animals of . the jungle ; while the little peccary, the wild hog peculiar to our own country, is absolutely fearless, and is more than a match for any of the wild animals of the forest, combating any of the savage animals, or man himself, without regard to size or resistance. Illustrations of these remarkable little brutes are ee Fic. 1250. —Wild Boar of Africa. = The diseases of swine are usually caused by i improper food or drink, or by undrained and filthy styes. If, therefore, pigs are prop- erly housed, and the feeding and management are ened, the liability to disease will be reduced to a minimum. On the other hand, if they are allowed to lie on the manure’ heap, to drink foul water, and are compelled to consume offal, disease must be expected ; ‘nor is it, to ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. | 935 be wondered at that the diseases which appear under such cir- cumstances are sometimes of such severity that treatment is of no avail. In ailments of the hog, prevention of disease is emphatically the rule of treatment. i | It should be remembered thatthe appetite of the pig is a raven~ ous one. Ravenous feeding is always liable to produce indigestion, and a pig, if allowed to do so, will invariably eat more than he can digest. Hence it follows that improper management—a cold stye or a wet bed, for example —or a serious change in the temperature, may cause disease. / The better way to administer medicine to a hog, is to mix it with his food or drink. Drenching is seldom satisfactory, and_al- ways dangerous, and we do not advise it. It sometimes happens that the animal refuses to eat. In this case resort must be had to another plan, and we prefer the follow- ing: The animal is caught and roped, as if the tusks were to be re- moved. When firmly secured, the pig will, in his rage, continually pull open his mouth. An old shoe or slipper, the toe of which has been cut off, should be at once thrust ‘in., This he will begin to chew, and the medicine may be poured from a long-necked bottle nD AY HIZO | HS : S MLL 4 ae me Fig. 1251.—Wild Boar of India. into the shoe, through which it will pass down the throat of the pig, without danger of choking him. A method sometimes employed in England is thus described: ‘“‘The animal is roped as for ringing, and the attendant, standing with the pig’s head between his knees, c 936 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. pours the medicine, which must be af least as thin as_oil, first into one nostril and then into the other from a feeding can, similar to those used for oiling machinery.” ae CHARBON, OR ANTHRAX. Much confusion exists, not only in the books, but among the doctors, in regard to anthrax in swine. It has been confounded, at one time or another, with the so-called “hog-cholera.” We invite particular attention to the full and careful outline of symptoms, with the treatment of the disease given in the following pages, and the description of other apparently similar but probably different affections. There will also be found practical and effective prevent- ive measures, based on a close study of the nature and development of the diseases. Anthrax disease in pigs has, generally, as predis- posing causes, either the manner in which the animals are housed and fed, the filth of the soil, or the weather. This disease and those explained in its connection are various types of ‘blood-poisoning, caused by daci/i or other germs,—minute vegetable organisms in 2 Fie. 1252.—African Wild Boar. the blood ; whence the specific blood-poisoning specially character- istic of all the different disorders. In a word, anthrax is the same disease as that described under the same name in the chapters in this work. on diseases of cattle. Dr. Detmers, who has devoted much research to'these diseases, and from whom’ we copy largely, states that they are very liable to originate near stagnant water, or . & ‘ ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. 987 filthy, decaying, and other vegetable refuse. They may be expected on wet or low land in a dry season, or on high and naturally dry land in very wet seasons, if the soil is rich in humus. In such lo- calities, the different forms of anthrax make their appearance as, enzootic diseases. Foods that contain an abundance of nitrogenous compounds, and are difficult to digest, or those of rank and rapid -- growth, as aftermath clover, green rye, wheat distiller’s mash, spoiled or moldy garden vegetables, and smutty grain, may favor, possibly, the development of anthrax. The most thrifty animals in a herd become victims. of the disease, contracting it usually in its most acute and malignant forms, while the poorer animals may escape entirely, or take it in a mild form. It,is contagious alike in cattle or sheep, and very difficult to destroy, as it is spread by the bleed: Fra. 1253.—Wild Boars of Europe. flesh, and. discharges, althqugh carbolic' acid and chloride of lime may be used with good effect. It is very important to realize the fact that too.much care cannot be taken in securing the best sani- tary condition of the herd. There is no specific for the disease, hence the necessity of prevention. The sick should be separated from the well at once, and the latter given free range in-a pasture where the water is pure. ‘The period of incubation may be, only a few hours, or it may,.continue: longer. .In some cases. the disease runs its course in a short time, and in others it ‘takes. much longer. 938 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. Sometimes there seems to be no time for the morbid process to lo- calize itself, and death occurs within a very few hours or even a few minutes. These cases are termed Afoplectic Anthrax. We must give credit to Dr. Detmers for the best American labors on the various forms of swine diseases, some of which, on ac- count of their similarity, might perhaps be grouped under the gen- eral name of Anthrax diseases. The symptoms of anthrax are a loss of appetite, prostration, ears hanging and of a leaden hue (as is also the snout), plaintive cries or squealing, red or bluish spots on various parts of the body, , respiration accelerated and painful, and lowering of the temperature. (See Fig. 1254.) At the moment of death, the defecation (or passage from the bowels) occurs: involuntarily. The succession of these symptoms may last from twenty-four to forty- eight hours. (Szgwol.) In the more rapid or 5 apoplectic form,, which is more common among sheep and cattle, the owner will find his ani- mals dead, or perhaps will come ‘just in time to see them break down and die. ‘It is reported. that ‘pigs thus affected have been known to step back from the trough, turn around, squeal, tumble down,’ and die in less than a minute. Fis. 1254) —Hog Cholera. First Stage. MOUTH OR GLOSS ANTHRAX. This form of the disease is comparatively rare. We are inclined to believe it to be a form of erysipelas. Some authors describe it as follows: Restlessness, loss of appetite, a distressful and staring expression of the eyes, abnormal heat in the mucous membranes of the mouth, gnashing the teeth, and slavoring, are the first morbid symptoms, Within an hour or two, one or more pustules, the size of a pea or bean, appear on the tongue and gums, and in other parts of the mouth. These pustules, surrounded at their base by an ery- sipelatous swelling, are first yellowish white, but they soon change to brown, and finally to black, according to the changes which their fluid contents undergo. The fever at the same time becomes very severe. . If the pustules with their contents are not removed or de- strayed: they will soon break and discharge their gangrenous fluid, . which may cause mortification in every tissue with which it comes ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. 939 in contact. In such a case the animal will die, usually in a few hours. The treatment is difficult. The pustules must be opened, and emptied of their contents by means of a small spoon with sharp or thin edges (one made of tin will answer best), and the remaining sores cauterized with carbolic acid. This operation is attended with some danger to the operator. He should be careful not to soil his hands with the contents of the pustules, and a person with sores: on his hands should not attend to such cases. MALIGNANT OR GANGRENOUS ANGINA. This, called by some a form of anthrax, and by others diphthe- ritic angina, usually presents itself as an enzooty, often complicated with other forms, particularly with malignant erysipelas, to which - ape a a Z Agnes E43 eee Fie. 1255.—Wild Hog of Malacca. affection it is perhaps closely allied. The morbid process has its principal seat in the throat, and in the mucous membranes of the larynx and windpipe, and in adjoining parts, sometimes limited to a certain part, the larynx for instance, and in other cases more dif- fused. The principal symptoms, though not alike conspicuous in every case, consist of ,wheezing and laborious breathing, hoarse grunting, great heat, dryness of the snout, swelling of the tongue, a brown-red color of the mucous membranes of the mouth, difficulty in swallowing food, and attempts to vomit. In the region of the latynx and along the windpipe appears a hot, hard, painful swelling, which often extends downward and backward to the fore’legs, or even to the lower part of the chest and abdomen. The swelled 940 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. parts present at first a red or crimson, afterward a reddish lead- gray, and finally a purple color. The fever is usually very high, the animal breathes with increasing difficulty, and either lies down or sits on its haunches like a dog. The mucous membrane of the ‘mouth changes from a red-brown to a lead-gray color, the tempera- ture of the body falls below the normal height, and the patient dies within one or two days, either of suffocation or in consequence of the spreading gangrene. Sometimes, when the morbid process has concentrated the larynx, the patient dies from suffocation within an hour after the appearance of the symptoms. Malignant angina, as well as other forms of disease that are _apparently allied to anthrax, have, it seems’ certain,.a parasitic origin, brought about by eating the meat, blood, or other means of inoculation or infection, furnished by animals that actually have or have died from the mala- dies ; or else these germs come from the debris or leavings of the same. Fie. 1256.—* Arkansas Railsplitters.” GANGRENOUS ERYSIPELAS. This, sometimes called St. Anthony’s Fire or Wild Fire, i is in some countries a frequent disease of: swine. It seems to be of cryp- togamic origin. The symptoms are more or less pain, though often unobserved. Shortly before the outbreak the animal appears-dull and weak, refuses its food, has an unsteady-gait, lies down a great, deal, and roots in its bedding, or buries its head in the straw. The ‘temperature of ithe ‘body is- variable, cold shiverings and feverish heat alternating ‘in quick succession ; pulse and respiration are ac- celerated.. The skin of the head, neck, and back -becomes colored, and. | covered with blisters, allowing a serous fluid to escape. The ve ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. 944 ’ skin of the body becomes violet in color, cold, and insensitive in patches, and these places become gangrened. There is more or less emphysema. In from twelve to twenty-four hours the symptoms become more characteristic, and death results shortly., If the case lasts longer, we may note also, on the abdomen, some authors say, erysipelatous swellings of a blood-red or crimson, afterward a pur- ple, and finally, if the case is hopeless, of a bluish-black color. The fever increases in intensity ; the breathing becomes labored and. difficult, and the animal ends its life on the second or third day after the appearance of the symptoms. In those cases in which the animal recovers, the recovery is seldom complete. Fre, 1257.—Chinese Hog. Treatment.—For all these diseases, : ‘which good authorities con. sider alike, methods of treatment doinot vary ‘materially. Very seldom ‘are they successful. Dr. Detmers recommends the follow- ing: At first, an effective emetic (powdered white hellebore or tar-— tar ‘emetic in doses of about one grain for éach month of the animal’s ‘age, but not more than sixteen to twenty grains in any case) should be administered. The ‘emetic is easily given by mixing it witha little milk, or a piece of boiled potato.’ If white hellebore, which is considered preferable, is used, it may be sprinkled on the surface of a small quantity of milk. If the patient, will not take it voluntarily, and force is necessary, it may be mixed with a pinch of flour anda little water, or a piece of boiled potato, and given in the form of pills,. but under no circumstances in the form of a drench. Afterward calomel or sulphate of soda’ (Glauber’s” salts) may be given. If the 942 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. latter is chosen, diluted acids, especially diluted carbolic acid (one part of the crystallized acid to two parts of glycerine or alcohol and 100 parts of water) should be given with extreme care, with a spoon, and in repeated doses. This sometimes has a favorable effect, if the treatment is begun before the morbid process has made too much progress. Externally, subcutaneous injections into the swollen parts of diluted carbolic acid (24 or 3 parts to 100 of water) have also proved to be of benefit. Prevention—As there is no specific for anthrax nor any of its kindred affections, the necessity of preventive measures cannot be too strongly urged:. The most important thing to do is to remove the cause. Since the disease is highly contagious, the sick animals should ‘be re- moved from the herd on the first appearance of any of the symptoms, and crude carbolic acid or chloride - of lime used to destroy the con- tagion. . Quick- lime spread on Fic. 1258.—Imported Chinese Sow. the infested grounds is ben- eficial, Care must be taken to feed regularly, and give nothing . but that which is wholesome and sound. Pure, clean water for drinking is absolutely necessary. Troughs, styes, or pens, as well as yards, must be kept as clean and ‘dry as possible. _ In those sections of the country in, which the natural condition of the soil is such as to invite a development of anthrax diseases, where, in other words, the top soil consists of a rich humus, and the subsoil is an impervious clay, or where sloughs and swamps are extensive and numerous, or where the country is subject to inundations, proper draining, thor- ough cultivation, drying of the swamps and wet places, and building dykes or levees, or digging canals, to prevent the inundations, con- stitute the most effective preventives that can be applied. Medi- cines, in such cases, are of no avail; they can be used to advantage only where it becomes necessary to assist the organism in throwing off poisonous and waste material. Anthrax in France is prevented ANTHRAX AND UHOLERA. 943 by Pasteur’s methods of vaccination, as also is the French swine- plague, which, it appears, is somewhat different from what is known here as “ hog-cholera.” ‘Fie. 1269.—The Common Hog of Europe. \ ’ ve t CHAPTER XXXII oe ANTHRAS AND, CSS he (Cotm uD). ot ‘ \ So-CaLLep ‘‘ Hoe-CHoLERa ” — Waar THE ‘Tera InctivpEs — Conradious PLEURO- ENTERITIS—THE ERysrPEnaTous Form — Mazienant SoRE THROAT —Varrous REMEDIES—ATTRIBUTED ‘TO Contactor’ -Jupiciovs Runes FoR ‘TREATMENT: SO-CALLED CHOLERA. OR many" years the State of Illinois has suffered an annual loss F of four or five millions of dollars worth of hogs by the so- called “ Hog-Cholera.” In 1877 the loss in that one State alone from “cholera” amounted to eight millions. of dollars, while ' the total loss in the United Statés in that year was: eatiinated to be fully fifty millions of dollars. Many, forms of malignant diseases among hogs are popularly designated cholera, and the use of this ill- chosen ‘term has led to a wide misunderstanding. of the nature of these diseases, and to many mistakes in treatment, as well as in the use of measures of prevention. The malignant character of these kindred formis of disease, and the heavy loss occasioned by their wide-spread ravages, make a knowledge of the best preventive measures and methods of treatment a matter of unusual importance to the farmer and breeder. We present the result of an extensive and careful collation of the views of all the best authorities in the country, both veterinary physicians and breeders, with the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment.’ The preventive measures given are practical, and have againand again ‘proved successful, and the methods of treatment prescribed will effect a cure, if used in season. - A large class. of kindred diseases of a very malignant, conta- gious, and fatal nature have been described as “Cholera.” In a re- ‘port to the United States Government, Prof. Law, of Cornell Uni- versity, enumerates no less than fifteen different diseases, which he ‘finds to be included under this term. These diseases are all due. to similar causes, and are characterized by similar morbid conditions. and malignancy, while they differ materially in the symptoms they present and in the treatment demanded. (944) ~ \ ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. By 9 945 We give the classification of these diseases adopted by the latest | authorities, a detailed description of the symptoms of each type or variety, as observed in different localities, together with such meth- ods of treatment as have been thoroughly tested. The term “Cholera” is made, to include three well-defined forms of disease: anthrax, contagious pleuro-enteritis, and epizootic ca- tarrh. Anthrax has already been described at length. (P. 294.) * 3 tan : ie oo Fie. 1260.—“ Parian Duokeak/"== Yorkshire ‘Large Breed. . CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-ENTERITIS. a . This is a specific inflammation of the lungs and bowels, accom- panied awith red or purple: blotches on the skin. These “blotches have given it the local name of “The Purples,” or “ The Blue Dis- ease.” This is the ‘most common and dangerous of the epidemic diseases known under the designation of cholera. When it once enters a herd, it attacks every age, sex, and condition, and: there is little hope of cure. The investigations of Dr. Klein have proved that pneumo-enteritis, like anthrax, is caused by a Jacillus, found in the serous fluids and tissues, but not, as in anthrax, in the blood. The symptoms vary with the malignancy of the attack and the part of the animal affected. This fact should be carefully ncted, otherwise the varying features of the complaint. will be apt to con- fuse the-observer. It-appears in two forms—the eae form, and that of maligaant sore throat. 946 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. THE ERYSIPELATOUS FORM.—This is probably the most com- mon form of the disease. The animal seems dull, loses appetite, hangs his head, is unwilling to move, and sometimes tries to vomit. The bowels are usually constipated, the excrement hard and dark colored, while the urine is of a dark color and passed with difficulty. In a few hours the characteristic symptom of the disease appears in the form of dark-red or purple blotches, which pass into a bluish black color. These appear usually on the ears, throat, neck, and breast, and inside the fore legs. _ The discoloration is very apparent, and the blotches whenZonce seen will not be mistaken, A dark- purple fluid sometimes discharges from the nose, the breathing soon becomes difficult, the hind quarters are paralyzed, and the animal reels along with head and hind legs drooping to the ground. A watery and fetid diarrhea sets in, and the animal dies in from one to three days. — Fre. 1261.—* Golden Days”——Yorkshire Large Breed. MALIGNANT SORE THROAT.—This form occurs when the poi- son localizes itself in the tissues beneath the mucous membrane of the throat. At the beginning the general symptoms are the same as those of the erysipelatous form. The dark-red blotches appear on the throat, gradually changing to a dark-purple hue. The local- ization of the morbid process in the throat obstructs the operations of breathing and swallowing. This produces a train of characteris- tic symptoms peculiar to this form. The animal tries to vomit; there is from the outset difficulty in swallowing; the breathing is ANTHRAX AND ‘CHOLERA. 947 é labored to such a degree that the animal sometimes sits on its haunches, gasping for breath, while the livid. and swollen tongue protrudes from its open mouth. Sometimes the larynx swells so suddenly that the animal suffocates within an hour, and before the other symptoms are recognized by the unprofessional ‘observer. Treatment.—If the symptoms are pronounced, there is not much hope of cure, but the progress of the contagion may be checked. There is positive testimony as to the value of sulphate of iron (cop- - peras) and chlorate of potash for the purpose of checking the virus. The sulphate of iron isthe cheapest and most effective of the salts of iron’ used in veterinary practice. A remedy used largely among Illinois farmers and highly praised by them is the following :— Fic. 1262.—*Sir Roger de Coverly,” Yorkshire Large Breed. . Sulphate of iron (copperay)........ 6. epee cece cece e cece eeeeenees 1 bb. Boft 0ap..... cece cect eee eee ee eee eee ete e eee eee tens 1 gal. Boil with four gallons of water, mix with the siop for twenty-five hogs, and when they begin to eat, add a solution of two pounds of soda, to make the slop foam well as they drink it. Repeat the dose every three days until three doses have been given. Mr. J. S. Long, of Iowa; states that he has tried this remedy in thousands of cases, and never had a failure. He adds: “Be sure that every hog drinks. If one will not drink, put him in the hospital, and if you cannot get him to drink then, knock him in the head, for he will give the chol- era to the rest. The next day I go through with the same opera- » 948 SWINH AND THEIR DISEASES. tion. After the second day skip a day, then give for two days, and you may turn them out cured. I generally give the same dose . once a week to my hogs. An important point is to make the hog .drink, and if he will not take it in any other way, add new milk or one “” put in sugar.” Mr. Long, as evidence of his faith in this remedy, offered “to pay ten cents a pound for every hog he could not cure, provided the hog was not past drinking.” a i a Ht il | nl i ce Fia, a al White Yorkshire Pig. Prof. Turner, of Illinois, gives two recipes, either of which, he says, will surely prevent the disease, if used before the hog is attacked. Given freely during the early stages of its progress, they will prove curative. . Ruler ace tele ele alee JeoeReees maak Bie 2 Ib. Sulphate of iron (copperas) . Tp Wencsasocee aetna aeecoe eesenee 2 Ib. Madders aries oc avsarea serve + eeeen 5 seihes re eee 2 Ib. Black antimony,.............cee0e faiiedu- ora ebedarate: siuvaliera chavaraveielondre sie 4-Ib. Nitrate of potash (saltpeter) ......... A a gvane Seog Es dade ae aera tate :4 Ib. PAT BENIC e599 dieccg see Me oaae cd omnes ae. Saheyanoes anova @dbaveseaceutuere 3 4000S -2 02, ‘Mix with 12 gallons of slop, and give a sine toeach hog. The quan- tity is sufficient for 100 hogs. _ An Illinois farmer, who had used, this for several years, gays: “Each time I tried this, I had about fifty head, and not one died that was able to walk to the trough and had enough life left to drink. c f i ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA 949 Common salt .... 20... . eee cece cn eee ee neee ditiereeonees A Ib. Black antimony.............0008. fatale d Sasuke seman MSS vee el Ib. Sulphate of iron (copperas)....:...........206: Vee Ve eases 1 1b: Sulphur ................, Meine ao8k Suse 3G (ine eee eateries Mameiresanas 1 Ib. Nitrate of potash (saltpeter) ......... Uelahghactabaial aw AUS ae davauinare eosin + Ib. WOOUWERES Jc. 5.csa vaanann aig s Same sedan Y see aabbReveae exces 1 peck, put in a trough in a dry place where the hogs can at all times have access to. it. If predisposed to cholera, they will eat it very freely ; . at other times they will eat less, or perhaps none at all. Prof, Tur- ner himself says.of this: “I know of no one who has had any ‘hog- cholera of account from that day (1862), who has persistently made use of it in advance of the appearance of disease.. Hogs should at all times be: supplied’ with stone coal, as they will thén eat less of the above mixture.” ‘A Kentucky farmer gives the following as an “infallible” remedy :— ; Sulphate of iron (copperas).............. Ley ssasavare odtoanestaaykial eras ical 1 Ib. Warm water eee teenie Peewee cane neeee pb soccer enerenaces se Fie. 1264,—Large York Boar—* Holywell Jimmy.” When dissolved, apply the wash about milk warm to the affected an- imal, by dipping him into the solution, or sponging until the skin is thoroughly wet. Wherever the skin begins to look rough and scaly, or of a dark-red color, apply the wash immediately, every day, ' ' t - 950 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. until the scales are removed. Do not wait until the more alarming symptoms (vomiting and purging) set in. Mr. A. C. Moore, the well-known breeder of Poland Chinas, states that he has used the following mixture for many years, with uniform and marked benefit :— Charcoal, in small pieceS.......... 0. cee eee eee eee teen neces "WO0d ASHES 2. ccos Hewes dco SA ewe Ma Sees SR CAME ES SASF Slaked lime... cissacees wees see os dee wees Pha ee ee ee cael Spanish brown... Sulphur. 3 ceca 4 Sees ole chee cls Nitrate of potash (saltpeter) _ Sulphate ef iron (coppers) Pulverize the last two thoroughly ; mix all in a box or bin, and keep it where the hogs can have free access to it, in an open trough, well ‘moistened with good swill or milk. Fic. 1265.—“Emperor”—Improved Essex Boar. If your herd is not large, mix smaller amounts of each ingredient in the same proportion. You will soon see that the animal with which “there seems to be something the matter” will visit this trough when going to or returning from its feed. : Mr. Milton Briggs, of Iowa, the well-known breeder of hogs, says: “J supply all my hogs with compound bituminous coal, wood ashes, or lime and salt. I place it in a bin or box, open, so that hogs can dig out at bottom, and not run upon their feed. I place this bin so that they can have access to it at all times. Five’ tons of what is called slack coal; with four or five bushels of lime, or three to four barrels af wood ashes and one barrel of salt, all mixed,—this quantity will ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. ' 951 feed 100 head of hogs about four months. All hogs having access to this feed will keep free from disease, even if exposed to hogs having the cholera. I have purchased hogs that were diseased, having cholera in its first stages, and turned in with well hogs where there were large numbers running together. All symptoms of disease would soon disappear under this mode of treatment. The cholera hogs would soon begin to cast off their mange or scales from the skin, and. assume a healthy appearance. A composition of carbonate of soda, sulphur, sulphate of iron (copperas), and carbolic acid will arrest the spread of cholera in its worst stages.” Fia. 1266.—Black Essex Pig. Common smart-weed. has been highly praised as a preventive remedy. Messrs. R. Kimberly & Sons, of Illinois, the successful breeders of Chester Whites, speak in strong terms of its efficiency :— “Common smart-weed tea’ has prevented, and we believe will prevent, if used judiciously and in season, not only cholera, but the many diseases known by that name. In its green state we pound the smart-weed i in an iron kettle, press out the juice and mix it, in small quantities, with good swill.. When we discover want of appetite in a hog, (this is the first symptom in nearly all diseases of swine,) we feed them enough of this to make them cough and sneeze greatly, and it has never failed, with us, to bring them around all right. We 952 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. most fully believe that this remedy will not only prevent all cholera, but promote health and thrift. For use through the year, the herb ‘should be gathered when in bloom, tied in small bundles, and hung in a sheltered, When wanted for use, make a tea of it, by boiling.” - Dr. Stitson thinks prevention the aly hope. He says: “ Dis- infectants are the riearest approach to safety from crowd poison that we yet possess. The most valuable is carbolic acid, and since using this eight or ten yeats in my own herd, I have suffered no loss from ‘ \ Fro. 1267.—Black Dorsetshire Pig. this disease. The crude acid, a dark, tarry liquid, costing about one dollar per gallon, is used at the rate of a pint to a bucket of water, and with this the pens and wood-work about them are sprinkled at least once a week. An ounce of the acid is occasionally put ina barrel of swill or water for the hogs to drink.” ag , In Western New York, a spoonful of turpentine is used every few days as a preventive. ‘ Prof. Law advises the immediate separation from the herd of a hog that appears to be sick, and if the symptoms of “cholera” ap- pear, to kill and bury him immediately. In the case of a valuable animal which is to be treated, he.would begin by giving a purge of. two or three ounces of castor-oil, or one to two drams of rhubarb. When this has operated, give —. . Nitrate of potash (saltpeter) ......... Sena ss te ooh eee 20 gr. Bisulphite of soda ...... eee eee been e eee e eens 20 gr. + ANTHRAX AND CHOLERA. 953 Mix and give two or three times a day. Give charcoal in the food or drink, and if the bowels become swollen, twenty drops of turpen- tine from time to time. Major Mellon, of St. Louis, attributes the disease to contagion or a too exclusive diet of grain. He gives the following judicious rules ':— | 1. Separate the sick from the well. 2. Give both a free range in a woody pasture, if possible. 38. Place within reach of both, pul- ‘verized stone coal, or charcoal and salt. 4. Give them free access to plenty of water, and clay to wallow in. 5. Feed all, particularly the sick, with plenty of turnips, or, if these cannot be had, with po- .tatoes, artichokes, or any other roots ‘they like. Do not feed corn. He believes that every hog thus treated, if not too sick to eat a full meal of turnips, will surely get well, and that no well hog thus treated and fed on turnips will take the disease, even by-contagion. Major Mellon attributes the prevalence of “ Cholera” in the mee issippi Valley to a too highly stimulating diet. CHAPTER XXXIII CATARRITAL DISEASES, HTC. % Mauienant Erizootic CaTaRRH — APOPLEXY — CATARRH, OR ‘‘ SNUFFLES ”— CONSTI- PATION — DIARRHEA, OR “‘ Scours” — DieHTHERIA — EPILEPsy — INFLAMMATION or THE Lunas — ABscEss — AN@MIA — PIuEs. MALIGNANT EPIZOOTIC CATARRH. HIS form of “Cholera” is an extremely destructive one. In 1875 and 1876, it prevailed to an alarming.extent in Missouri, Illinois, and the adjacent hog-producing States, sweeping off whole herds in its progress. In Missouri, the State Board of Agri- Fic. 1268.—Skeleten of the Hog. culture assigned to Dr. Detmers the task of investigating the dis- ease in order to determine its specific nature and causes. His investigations were made on living animals in the various forms and stages of the disease, as well as on dead animals. Post-mortem examinations were made of animals killed at different stages of ill- ness, and the localities in which the disease prevailed were carefully inspected. The results of his labors were embodied in a full report to the Board, under date of Sept. 8, 1876. (9543 4 CATARRHAL DISEASES. 955: The disease presents itself in different forms and with different symptoms, varying as the morbid process localizes itself in different parts of the body, there being two principal forms. In'the first, or catarrhal rheumatic form, the morbid process has its main seat in the respir- atory organs. The mucous membrane of the nostrils, larynx, windpipe, and bronchial tubes, is the seat of the affection. The symptoms are a short, hoarse, hacking cough, and difficult breathing, with a panting motion of the flanks at each breath. The head is held in a peculiar, stretched, and somewhat drooping position, the gait is slow and undecided, and the squeal hoarse. Signs of fever are unmistakable. Some animals show a tendency to vomit, and have diarrhea, while others are constipated. Fie. 1269.—Jaw of Three- months Pig. In the second, or gastric rheumatic form, the principal seat of - the morbid process is in some of‘the abdominal organs, especially in the liver, spleen, kidneys, ureters, intestines, and: almost always a Fra. 1270.—Black Suffolk Sow, in the membrane lining the. interior surface of tne abdominal cavity. The symptoms differ slightly from those observed in the catarthal form. The hacking cough is more or less wanting, and the difficulty 956 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. of breathing i is not so great, but the weakness in the hind quarters ‘and the staggering or unsteady, gait are more conspicuous, while the fever is as high in one form as in the other. In severe cases, in which the morbid process is localized in the kidneys and ureters, the animals arch their backs in the lumbar or loin region toa noticeable degree. There is more or less constipation, giving way, if the dis- ease is approaching a fatal termination, to a profuse and fetid diar- ‘Fie. 1271.—Tamworth Pig. rhea. This may. be always looked upon asa sign of death. The average. duration of the diséase is from five to fifteen days. Where animals have died within a few hours apparently after being taken ill, we are inclined to think that the earlier symptoms of illness, as is often the case in ‘diseases of swine, have escaped notice. - The treatment should be both hygienic and medicinal. Sepa- rate the sick animal from the herd, and provide it with a clean, dry, well ventilated resting place, which is not exposed to drafts of air, and which will at the same time afford sufficient protection against heat, cold, and wet. The patient must have pure air to breathe, ‘clean water to drink, and wholesome and easily digested food to eat. If these directions are faithfully observed, many sick animals can be saved by proper treatment, provided they are. put under treatment at an early stage of the disease. Give to each patient, as soon as CATARRHAL DISEASES. 957 the symptoms appear, an emetic of white. hellebore or of tartar emetic, 3 grains. After the medicine has taken effect, the animal will appear to be very sick, and try to hide itself in a dark corner, . Fre. 1272.—Jaw of Six-months Pig. i oe but in two or three hours it. will appear, and will usually accept a little choice food, a boiled potato, or a little milk. Iti is, best to give at. this timé another dose of medicine. ‘In-the catarrhal form, give to a full- “grown animal— . Wartar emetic see cteeeeeeee peneatla@e ere baus Stas heeded 3 gr. and a proportionate amount to a pig. Mix ai a piece of boiled potato; or, if the appetite has not re- turned, mix it with a pinch of flour and a little water, in the form of small, round pills. In the gastric form, cal- omel in the same quantity is to be preferred. Continue either medicine, giving it two or three times a day, for several days in succession, or until a marked change for the better can’ be plainly seen. Apply externally on both sides of the chest in the catarrhal form, and to the abdomen in the gas- ai ‘tric form, a counter-irritant composed of— Olive-oil ........2.0c000 cvpiaeve ness 4 02. Cantharides (powdered) sales amieees. 3 oh 1 oz. Fie. 1273,—Jaw of Six-months Pig. Another View . Boil together moderately for half an hour. Rub the oil Sioroagly ‘in. One application is generally. enough, if the disease has not pro- gressed too far. If no blister or swelling is produced, repeat the operation the next day. During convalescence give daily, for a few 958 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. ’ days, mixed with the tood of the animal, five to twenty grains, ac- cording to the age and size, of sulphate of iron (copperas). Repeated small daily doses (from ten to fifty grains) of carbonate of potash will prove beneficial when the lungs have been severely affected. Fie. 1274.—The Chester White.” Prof. Townsend, of Ohio, recommends the following where there are at the beginning of the attack copious and dark discharges from the bowels :— oS PadopWyllin . 5 'ysks lank eae qess apnea Geazat andigan ane 0 Br 7 Bicarbonate of soda..... cece eed ee eee eens Pood ea 2 dr. ‘In boiled potato, or in milk. If the bowels are constipated, he would give— \ '“Qastor-oil ..S oe... sees. Mamie Breiae dowel ne a. ns plitpale c auaehon cn loz Oil of turpentine......... Aisles Ease eae ecieatolats ORG Gere Toases 1 dr. in milk or gruel.. It must be remembered that the morbid changes which have been described in either form are seldom all found in a single animal or case. One or even more may be wanting, or. but slightly devel- oped. The two forms, also, are seldom found entirely distinct. Sometinies they are so blended and complicated with each othér as to make it very difficult to decide which form predominates. The principal seat of the disease is in the serous membranes which line the interior. of every large cavity of the body, and which also form CATARRHAL DISEASES. 959 ‘the outer coat of almost every internal organ. Hence the disease may localize itself in many: different parts of ‘the body, and be marked by many different symptoms. ' : The Causesi'—We place as the first cause those influences, of ‘ Fra. 1275.—Lower Jaw of Nine-months Pig. whatever nature, which interrupt the perspiratory action of the skin. Exposure to showers, sudden changes of temperature, and insuf- ficient protection from the night air, are among these influences. If 14 S eS : HAS Fra. 1276.—The Poland-China. the functions of the skin are interrupted, additional work is thrown upon the lungs and kidneys. This fact is familiar to any one who has ever suffered from.a severe common cold. Hence those organs with the mucous and serous membranes, are the first | to be affected by the disease. 960 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. ‘The custom of. feeding almost exclusively with corn, a very prevalent _ custom in the West, is a hygienic mistake. No one article of food, and certainly not corn, ‘con- tains all the elements nec- essary to produce healthy and vigorous animals. Hogs fed on such a diet are ptedisposed t to disease, and fall victims to every prevailing epidemic. We cannot emphasize too strongly the necessity of permitting the hog to keep himself clean, which he will certainly do if his sur- roundings make it possible. The hog that seems contented in the \ eT WD Fic. 1277.—High-backed (ron Trough for Four Pigs. ae 1278.—French Boar. midst of nastiness and filth, is so because he does not know any other condition. As there is no more docile nor tractable animal on a farm than a well-bred pig, so there is no cleaner one than a well- brought-up pig. It follows that the best preventive measures con- sist in removing the causes we have named. If hygienic laws are not violated in the management of swine, we believe there will be CATARRHAL DISEASES. 961 no epizootic catarrh among them. . If they are to be herded together -in filthy styes or yards, without clean water for drinking and bath- ing, and compelled to eat food soiled with dirt and manure, epidem- ics will increase in malignancy and frequency. It is hetter to raise fifty first-class ‘animals. than to try to raise two hundred “scalawags’ and lose fifty per cent or more of: ‘them. APOPLEXY. ' This occurs only in fat hogs: The animal moves stupidly for a few hours before the attack, when he drops suddenly as if felled by a blow, the limbs straighten out, and the breathing is labored. Prompt treatment is demanded, Dash cold water freely over the! animal, ‘and cepecially upon the head. Give the following as an Anjection t= i— ‘ eee shale ssaveveew Seaeste oa ayelele Galetasdew avandia a wader weiss oe ee waceees 4 oz. OF of tarpomling o.oo sete seesees kes bia Wisi pbuh ea enaans 2 dr. Soap-suds ..,.... seo aae SOON ahead Be aades wuss a Smee Tea eed pt When. the animal rallies, give a dose of, Epsom salts (4 02.), repeating it every three hours, until the bowels have. been freely’ moved. Bleeding is of doubtful benefit, and external applications are useless. Feed lightly for a few days. CATARRH, OR “SNUFFLES.”* ¥ This i is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, caused | mainly. ray ‘a by, exposure, ce i Little is need- oe shee ed buttoguard = a A against further = .LZ exposure, and keep the an- imal in a clean, . ‘warm, dry stye. If. severe, give 2 to 4 oz. Ep- som salts, fol- lowing this with a warm bran Fre. 1279.—Iron Trough ba Pigs. math. In some parts of the country there is a form of nadal sleet ‘called “Blue Nose.” This is said to be similar to glanders in the horse, incurable and contagious. It is marked by bloody discharges from the nose. 962 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. COLDS AND COUGH. ' An ordinary cold is called, in some parts of the country, a “rising of the lights.” It is unwise to bleed and purge or give tartar emetics and calomel for this, as is often done. The symptoms are a loss of appetite, severe cough,and heaving at the flanks. The animal should be carefully housed and fed. Mustard flour may be moistened and rubbed into the throat and chest, and a tonic of sul- : phate of iron (copperas) given. Mr. A. C. Moore says: “ My ordinary remedy is to place a small amount of tar, as much as could be held in an egg-shell, well down in the mouth by means of a wooden paddle for two or three successive ' Fic. 1280.—French Sow. mornings. If the disease does not yield to three doses, dissolve a pint of tar in a gallon of water, and give one quart, repeating the dose every, morning if required.” ' Mr. E. W. Bryant, of Illinois, a large breeder of Poland Chinas, writes thus: “My remedy for cough in pigs is oats: Feed once or twice a week all they will eat. The cough is caused by costiveness ; the oats will loosen their bowels and the cough will disappear.” CONSTIPATION. This indicates that a change of diet is needed. Sows, after par- turition, and young pigs too highly fed, are often constipated. They eat little, but drink a great deal. In ordinary cases a little green food, a hot bran mash, or linseed tea may be found sufficient. In N CATARRHAL DISEASES. 968 ‘more difficult cases give 1 or 2 oz. of Epsom salts. The use of char- coal will promote digestion, and sometimes remove constipation. ' DIARRHEA, oR * SCOURS.” Suckling pigs, or those lately weaned, are chiefly liable to diar- rhea. With the former the cause is to be found in the mother's milk, and it is often fatal if not attended tointime. If the sow is suffering from cold or catarrh, or if too much grass or clover thas been given to her, change the food of the patient and let’ her out in the air, but let the lit- tle pigs remain in the pen and keep them warm. It is impor- tant to keep the pen clean: Sprinkle ‘dry earth about to ab- sorb the offensive gases, and. scald the. troughs with boiling water. The disease is an evidence of carelessness ornegligence. A'common remedy is to give the sow }-0z. bicarbonate of soda, or potash,.mixed with a little sulphur ‘in her food. Dr. Mulford says: “IT have never _» Fie, 1281. —Circular Iron Pig-trough. Hg eae Haid } ii | reer see o~ Fie. 1282.—French Boar. failed to cure this disease by giving the sow once a day as sane sul- phur of the third decimal ‘trituration_as will stand on a nickel five-cent. piece, in a little sweet milk,“or upon a small piece of bread, one hour before feeding.” pd a1 964 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. Fra. :1283.—Champion Pig-holder, DIPHTHERIA. This disease is much more prev- alent than those people are aware who call nearly all epidemics “ Chol- era.” Its symptoms - are, sudden illness, with loss of appetite, dull, sunken eyes, sore’ throat, extreme weakness, and stiffness’ of ‘back and loins. The pig moves slowly and crouchingly, with raised head, and.a hoarse, nasal grunt. The mouth is open and dry, the tongue livid, and the throat red.and swollen, in which grayish white = patches of false mem- brane appear. These increase until in a few hours they involve. all the air passages and threaten suffocation. ‘There is much swelling, and shreds of thé false membrane are coughed up.. The animal. lies .down, sits ‘on its , i ee ee - . -haunches, or leans Fie. 1285.—Method of Holding the Pig-holder'‘and in: against the fence, ‘and : adie ere Ring = susually dies in,a parox- a me, -ysm of coughing. Treatment must be begun early in ofder to meet with success. See that the herd is put in dry. yards and: pens, and that the‘sick are Open. - Closed, Fie. 1284.—Champion Double Ring. ‘Fig. 1286.—Common Iron Trough. Fre. 1287.—Convenient Trough for Small Pigs. separated from the well. Give each ‘well hog a spoonful of chlorate of potash, daily, in a little milk. . . CATARRHAL DISEASES. 965 Give each sick hog daily the following :— Sulphate of soda............. Castor beans (powdered) ‘Carbolic acid....... bade Biers coe Fig. 1288.—French Sow. Fria. 1289.—Peccary. “This may be given with the swill to those able to eat. For those too sick to eat, add to it alittle molasses, and place it on the back of the tongue. The following solution may be used to remove the false membrane :— 966 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. Chlorate of potash.................... suite Reece remedies 1 oz Carbolic acid (solution)...................0005 se aceapioeasesioocestte’ 2dr. WY BSE, acces iciaramiqodsmiaiinnn ea nsaeee aivamuamingn iad oueiNeoaH as bayoes -.1 qt. This may be applied with a small swab-of sheepskin, with the wool on, attached to a stick. It is well to sprinkle the swab with sul- phur before applying it to the throat. Great attention should be paid to the comfort of the animal, and warm, sloppy food given, to which chlorate of potash may be added in teaspoonful doses. EPILEPSY, OR STAGGERS, This is often confounded with apoplexy. The pig is very rest- less both by day and by night, has red arid inflamed eyes, a quick pulse, and the. bowels are often constipated. Sometimes it walks as ee ‘Fie. 1290.—The Augeron Boar. though it were blind and ascending a number of steps. Prof. Law recommends the following : Dash bucketfuls of cold water over the body. Give as an injection,— Glauber’s salts...........0....cceec cee ee Cueelerans deers Rasadesarwetl 6 oz. Spirits of turpentine........... eens Baia cays .1,to 2 teaspoonfuls. Water cess seas eeiincananie sane lacunar easy auategatmisi ans atainesnnetony ones 10 oz. Setons auvieated with turpentine: may be inserted under the skin, behind the ears, or the back of the neck may be blistered by rubbing-in the following mixture :— Spirits of turpentine. .0. 0... cee cece eee eee nee eees 1 on. Aqua ammonia................... ee eee 1 oz. Cantharides (powdered)............ Hs jandvalaanthieidlesarnniese-e lnGi@viieigitiace a OR | CATARRHAL DISEASES. 967 Mr. Colburn gives this method: Give at once a teaspoonful of calomel. Cut a slit in the skin on the head, above the eyes, clear to the skull. Into this cut put salt and pepper to get up a counter- irritation. If this does not succeed, make a liniment as follows : — Gila ob Seep pass eee seer oeea fateh OE CAPBLCUM 6c ies cic casaclecccearsie's vicidacticea odleni seeeastaeascmvaicyd Os Aqua ammonia....... tt eeeeeeeceneseressceresseesauensoseeeed OZ, Tincture of armich,.....,0.-.cccdscccecgnerarstncveseccacressced OZ Mortar as gacuedicsd we ens aged mre Shake well before using, and rub it on around the upper part of the head and between the base of the ears and around them. Fra. 1291.—The Peregourd (France). ae Dr. Chase says: “Partial recovery will soon occur after secur- ing a free evacuation of the bowels. A teaspoonful of sulphate: of iron (copperas) may be given twice a day for two weeks, abating the food somewhat. Never bleed in this disease, as there is ‘already a poverty of blood.” oo Ny ‘INFLAMMATION oF THE LUNGS, OR PNEUMONIA. This is a disease very likely to prove fatal if not promptly attended to. The symptoms are loss. of appetite, shivering, quick and labored breathing, and severe cough. The animal should be removed to a warm pen, kept thoroughly clean, given an even, nutritious diet, and plenty of fresh water. The following may be given every morning, in a pint of gruel :— ~ : ‘ 968 | SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. Nitrate of potash (saltpeter)........... Lisi eeaeirgecin Sean Menetelns 2 dr. Bisulpbite of soda...........ccescceeceeeeceenceee Vertes sees 2 dr. Mustard, or a blister on the chest, is often ‘beneficial. Another method is, if the bowels are constipated, to give an injection of warm soap-suds, and at the same time take internally one half to two drams of saltpeter,. according ; to size, and one to - three ounces of Glau- ber’s salts. After six hours, and then, three _times a day, give one of. the following pow- Fie. 1292.—Piles in a Hog. t ders by throwing it on the tongue:— : Tartar emetic.... ...... seen ent aaeree 8 3 acces “chaan'ed L2:2M: Powdered opium:. as end BE tone bebinadiacwean wines Pe Nitrate of potash feos: weer eter eee eg gerne tees . 1} 02. Mix, and divide into eight ee When the inflammation ‘has abated, a. half dram of sal-ammoniac, three times a day for several days, will prove beneficial. ' Pneumonia. is caused by exposure ; it is.much easier to prevent it by proper management than to by. medicine. ae ABSCESS. Abscesses: are of two’kinds, acute and- chronic. The acute form, due to sharp local inflammation, i is generally found undet the. throat, at the bottom of the neck, in the groin, or upon the limbs: The best treatment is about as follows: At the commencement, poultice well with linseed a : ..meal. Ifa poul- (tiny) ¥ bi tice aa be } \ i \\ iN. {Hiss My Si ! \ used, ointment SS 7 may be applied. When the tu- “mor has come to a “head,” it should then be opened with the knife. The chronic abscess indicates a general morbid state, which is often owing to bad food or unhealthy styes. This may be treated as above, but it is of the highest importance to adopt, at once, a proper system of feeding and care. —— i i 72777 ee Fie. 1293.—Common Plank Trough. r CATARRHAL DISEASES. . 969 ‘ ANZEMIA, In th.s complaint the blood is poor in quality, and the animal is in a low condition, resulting from bad. feeding. Anifals thus af- fected have a feeble, but rapid pulse, are easily excited, and there is an emaciated and generally weak condition. The appetite is change- able, indigestion and pains are frequently present, the. extremities are always cold, and constipation often sets in. The blood must be . , 7 | converted into a healthy condition, and then tonics may be given, with a diet of the most nutritious: ‘character, and earegi attention to sanitary consisous: anit PILES. | ss Piles are seldom discovered in swine Getire: the disorder has so far advanced that blood passes off with the excrements, and it is gener- ally considered incurable. The main treatment consists in an entire change of food. Sour milk, with light digestible substances, should be fed, with injections of vinegar and water, or, when there is con- siderable pain, of oily substances, and the internal administration of. : castor-oil, or sulphur with cream of tartar. Laudanum may be added, which will relieve the pain earlier. fi —— yy Fra. 1294.—Portable Swill Barrel CHAPTER XXXIV, —_— Woe PARASITES OF S\W7INEL Kxoxry- Worms — Hoa-Licz—- Manas, Itcu, on ScaB — MeasLes —Mauasixs ws Pore —'TRICHINOSIS--THE STRONGYLUs— THE Ascaris — Symproms oF Worms — TREATMENT OF WOUNDS. HKIDNEY-WORMS, OB LARD-WORMS. R. CHASE .says these D worms infest hogs to an alarming extent; other authorities doubt their being of common occurrence. The symptoms attributed to the presence of such worms are: imperfect use of hind legs, in- _Clination to lie down, a seem- ing paralysis of the hind parts, and inability to rise on the hind feet... Dr. Padren says the kidney- worm is not common among Fie. 1295.—Middle White Sow. hogs, though occasionally one or two hogs in a herd may. suffer from its presence. It iscalled the strongylus gigas, and is not found in the substance of the kidney, but in the hollow portion, in which the secretion of urine takes place. A tablespoonful of tur- pentine poured on actoss the loins or small of the back, daily for several days, is said to be a certain cure, even when the hogs have been down for weeks and unable to rise. ’ Another remedy is the following :— Sulphate of iron (copperas) Uae poten aun aes 1 teaspoonful. Bulphuar: soe ttes ee Sega acoad sivnkes tomers So enneste yess bs .1 teaspoonful. Mix, and feed in the night’s meal for three days. Sometimes a longer treatment is necessary. Corn soaked in lye made from wood wakes has — used vith success at the first appearance of the complaint. (97Q) PARASITES OF SWINE. 971 The Lard-worm. (stephanurus dentatus) is an “inch or an inch and a half in length. It is found in all parts, of the body, but oftener _ in the leaf lard, near the SS It is not known to cause any serious trouble. a — LICK. ga These disgusting parasites are wingless insects. That which infests the hog (Fig. 1298) is a blood-sucker, with narrow head, and ‘long, trunk- like sucking tube. The presence of these of- fensive insects always indi- cates that the animal is out of condition. They cause ex- cessive irritation and itching, and_ effectually. prevent an animal from doing well. | Fig. 1297 is another illustration of the hematopinus. | ; _ Fie. 1296.—Head of Small White ied 2. “ee ae - Dr. Paaren recommends the following formula : — ‘Stavesacre seed ..... ree pedir Pi ednatse aoe jena dees ee 4 OZ. Water... ej ean Ss Srp Uubeca Siannctll's Wee ee ela on Apes ipa ewes & ..1 gal. White hellebore ......-... sr deeta lertby eM dentivanace ain opener araatasuh cave aera 1 oz. . Boil until only. two quarts remain. Apply with a brush to all parts where lice or nits are found, and particularly behind the ears and the fore legs, and on the flank. It _is there that the nits are. deposited, and these, unless destroyed, will be . hatched out in about five days. On | a black hog the nits can be plainly: seen. They are about the size of a: Timothy seed, and lie on the hair,. close to the skin. Another remedy is " kerosene, ‘which may be freely rubbed over the animal. Mr. ‘A. C. Moore mixes it with lard-oil, in the proportion Ge en of two parts kerosene to one of the Fre. 1207. —by- Fra. 1298. — Hog- latter. A.simple remedy used in of the louse. (Hemato. Tennessee is to’ pour buttermilk Guinen-pig. pinus Suis.) along the hog’s back and neck a 972 SWINK AND THEIR DISEASES. few times. Whatever remedy is used should be applied several times, as lice may be picked up again from the rubbing-places, or nits on the body may hatch out. If the herd is infested, a persist- ent fight may need to be waged for some time. It is well to whitewash the pens and. all, oak wood work with which the hogs Fig. -1299.—Brown’s Pig. Ring. come in contact, and to sprinkle = the floors occasionally with ashes. CEOSED | MANGE, ITCH, OR SCAB. ‘These names are given to diseases of the skin caused by para- sites. The sarcoptes suis, common to dogs and swine, burrows in canals in.the-scarfskin, and is difficult to find and eradicate. Mange is due to this, and the ‘only means of cure is to destroy the insect and its eggs. These may be found not only,on the body of the pig, f Fra. 1800.—Method of Insérting Brown’s Ring. but on the wood-work of the pen, wherever the hog has rubbed against it. The mange usually appears on the skin, under the arm- pits and thighs, and inside the fore legs, in the form of small red blotches or ‘pimples. The treatment is mainly external. Cover the body with soft.soap (which should be washed off after an hour or ‘two, with warm water). When the pig is ary, cover the body with the following :— PARASITES OF SWINE. “*” 973 The next day wash off with suds, and apply again. Repeat the ape plication in three days, and wash thoroughly on the following day. Or, instead of this,’ one Of the following ointments may be rubbed in :— a Sulphur ........ 402 Oil of turpentine. 1 02, Dard oe: cccssecs eacics 8 oz. | Mix thoroughly. Ore. , Pow'd stavesacre.2 oz. Olive-oil ........ 1 o2. Lard,........... 8 oz. Or the following wash may be used :— Sulphur......... 2 Ib. Quick-lime ...... 1 Ib. Water. ......... 2 gal Boil together until the whole is thoroughly — ye, 1301.—Method of Holding a Pig for Castration. combined, stirring | continually. a Mr. Richardson; i in his work on “Domestic Pigs,” says he has never found a case of mange waich would not yield to the following treatment :— Wash the animal with soft soap- ~suds and warm water. When ‘dry, apply an ointment of— Train of] .....,0cseeceees asa diols: bgawace ne GbEORS tke Vitage sasusemee al pt. Oil of tar . ‘ ‘ ; me . Pacsiue ieee ha Gepiatarelaie ne eee tarian a fecsl On Mix with enough flowers of sulphur to forma thick. paste. Rub in thor- | qughly, and let it remain | on for three days. On the fourth ‘day wash it off with strong soap-suds or soda water, dry the. pig,.and change his bedding. Give internally. with the food, for a fortnight from the beginning of the treatment, the following pow- der :— Fre. 1302.—Iron ‘Trough for Threo Pigs oe 974 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. Use kerosene to destroy the insects on the wood-work of pens and on the rubbing places, or quick-lime slaked. with carbolic acid (1 park to.100 parts of water). MEASLES. oe This disease has, been. attributed to feeding on acorns, to contagion, and to hereditary and various other causes. The only’ true cause, : however, is the introduc- tion of the eggs. of the fenia solium, or tape-worm found in man, into the intestines of the pig. The Solitary Tape-worm (tenia solium) is.a marvelous association of mothers and daughters, which are developed and vege- -tate in a peaceable community. Each seg- ment is a complete being, inclosing within _ itself an entire and very complicated ap- paratus for the production. of eggs. Fig. 1808 shows detached segments, or different parts of the body of the tape-worm. The entire worm is two or three yards long. Each tenia has an average lifetime of two years. It produces in that time 1,600 joints, or segments, and each of these con- tains 53,000 eggs, making i in all 85,000,000. Fortunately the great’ majority of these joints are destroyed. Were they not, -every pig would be measly, and every, man, woman, and child would suffer from tape-worm. Fig. 1304 shows the sexual cloaca of a segment, communicating by a long vagina with the uterus filled with eggs, and forming the black central mass; the second canal which goes from the cloaca toward the uterus is the male organ, These segments of the tenia are nothing else than the tape-worm in all its sexual maturity. , They are still living and wriggling at the moment of their evacua- ‘tion from the human body, or else they’ are dead and dried. In either case, they are full of eggs, each of which is.surrounded by membranes and shells which protect it from harm. If one of these Fie. 1303.—Tasnia Solium (Tape- worm of Man)—Natural size. PARASITES OF SWINE. 975 , Segments is introduced into the stomach of a pig, the process of di- gestion sets the eggs at liberty, and from each an embryo i issues. armed in such a. way that it can bore into the tissues, as a mole bur- ‘Fre. 1804.—Segment of Tenia. rows. into thesoil. Or ifan egg is swallowed bya man, it is hatched in his stomach in precisely the same manner. _ Figs. 1805 and 1806 show the parasite in different stages of de- velopment. The cysticercus of the pig becomes a tenia when introduced into man, with as much certainty as the seed of a beet becomes a beet when sown in the earth. Hence the danger in eating measly _ pork. In this disease the cysts, about the ‘size of a grain of barley, are scattered through the muscles and other tissues of the pig, where they are beyond the reach of med- icine. The flesh thus. in- fested presents the ap- ‘pearance shown in .Fig. ‘1807. The presence of these cysts in the hog may - sometimes. be detected ‘in the eye, or under the tongue. The symptoms | of the disease are a cough, Fia. 1805. —Cysticercus Cellulosus, running from. the eyes, e “Cyst (natural size) laid open to show the eyst!- discharge from the. nose, eexcuis; 2, Body (enlarged), coming out of the vesicle; 5 3, Cyaticercus Pent in the vesicle; 4, Vesicle opened and weakness of the hind to show the sac covering’ the body; 5, The cysticercus legs, with general debility. emerging | 6, ‘Remeienlesged, showy the es When once encysted, the cysts cause no further annoyance to the animal. Small doses of saltpeter and sulphur may be given daily for several weeks. 976 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. Since the disease is caused by the introduction of the eggs of the tenia, the neces- sary preventive measures sug- gest. themselves at once. _ Swine should never be al- lowed to feed upon human excrement. “They should be Fra. 1806.—Cysticercus Cellulosus. kept away from all deposits ofthat nature, nor should they be pastured in land manured with this excrement, Give— “White hellebore ..........0.0se0eeee4 sie oieiaiea RAE Gee aa eee 6 gr. Tpecac.... ........ Behl nacyvafiee sap yecle esata ue atay ond Rea orca aaa 6 gr. Tartar emMetic.s: cons. cae 14 see ean est Guise Mea Mew a BoM MS SIS 4 gr. A little castor-oil in addition will alee prove beneficial. Ifthe animal can swallow, a little niter and sal- -ammoniac, mixed in water, may: be given. Some breeders prefer to bleed in this ‘disease. If bleeding is to be practiced, give at the outset an injection of— |. Epsom salts .3.. 0.060... csc cece eee cece tect ener een teen dened OZ. Oil Of TUTPEMUNE? sie:2 sosssiacs k wince ecsurelt deceit 3-4 mies wane aARLR AS senedeles 2 dr. Soap-suds..,,...... ascidian lain vies Sneed the Sisk uo a hdare aie weed pt. Cast and firmly secure the pig, and with a sharp-pointed knife make a number of incisions in the skin of the throat, just over the swelling, and deep enough to draw blood freely. Apply to these ‘ incisions cloths wrung out _of hot water. Dr. Tellor says that tur- pentine is the most reliable internal remedy. ' It may be given in swill, in two. tea- spoonful doses, if the hog can swallow, If he cannot swallow, fasten a feather to the end of a stick, and swab the inside of the throat, as far as can be reached, with a mixture of equal parts. of turpentine and oil. Fie. 1807.—Measles or Cysticercus in Pork. TRICHINOSIS. Perhaps no parasite has ever attracted so much attention as the little worm about one seventy-eighth of an inch in length and one a PARASITES OF SWINE. 977 . hundred and thirtieth of -an inch in breadth, which | _lives rolled up in flesh, and is called 7; richina Spiralis. oS _.. The ‘existence of the trichina in human flesh was first discovered: in the year 18382, in the dis- secting room of a Lon- A. don ‘hospital. It was recognized as a new worm by Prof. Owen, of the British Museum, who gave it the name of zrz- , china, because as thin as a hair; he added the specific name of spiralis, on account of the man- which the worm is Fra. 1308.—Section of the Heart of Coiled up in the cyst, Measly Pig. * We owe to Leuckart and i : ' Virchow our knowledge of the development of these worms in the body of the pig and in man. ° Trichine are found in the flesh of nearly all the mammals. If any of this trichinous Fia. 1309. flesh-is eaten, t he Sexually Ma worms become free as tre Ma ie rk og ae china. digestion goes on. =~ © They develop with extreme ra- _pidity. Each female Iays*a pro- _ digious number of eggs. ‘From each of them comes a little worm, -which bores through the walls of “the stomach or of the intestines, and buries itself in the flesh, ‘where it lies hidden until it is . introduced into another stomach. ~ ‘Fie. 1810.—Immature Female Trichina Leuckart counted 700,000 tri- \ 978 SWINK AND THEIR DISEASES. DE Bote eee — Lene Bale Cia Rie eOe T hy Wa Pato se Fig, 1811.—Trichina Spirals. A, male; B, female; C, embryo, _ chine in a pound of human flesh, and Zenker speaks of five million being found in a sim- ilar quantity. The trichina produces about a hundred worms at the end of a week. The duration of its life extends from four to five weeks. The number of young. in each mother worm is at least from ten to fifteen thousand. The new-born young soon begin their wanderi#g. They penetrate into the interior of the: ‘separate muscular bundles, and - after fourteen days aequite their full size and organization. The infection of man occurs through feed- ing on the flesh of swine. The trichinz are so capable of resistance that they are not al- ways destroyed by the ordinary methods of roasting, cooking, pickling, and smoking. As a rule, swine obtain trichine from rats, to which latter man, as the natural bearer, con- veys them. Micrdscopic examination of flesh is the only reliable preventive against all danger. It appears that the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, and fat of the pig never contain the trichina. Pork should always be thoroughly cooked, ‘the temperature of the whole mass being raised to not less than 167° F. In this way, the parasites will be destroyed, but danger lurks in all partially cooked or raw pork and — sausage. Fia.. 1812.—Trichina. A, portion of muscle infested with trichize: B, a cyat enlarged; C, the worm, detached. <, Mouth ; b, Anus; c, Casophegus ; a, Sexual or- gan; e, Yellow bodies. nN PARASITES OF SWINE. 979 STRONGYLUS PARADOXUS. Fig. 1315 represents the Strongylus Paradoxus found in the bronchi of the hog, but rarely causing disease. : .Fig. 1816 repre- — , ‘sents the Ascaris th | Lumbricotdes, alarge round worm, which lives in the intestines ofthepig. Thesame jf species is found in the stomach or small ‘intestines of chil-.F ’ dren, and was known inthe time of Aris- '. totle. _Acommon remedy ‘for worms is 4 mix- Fie. 1318.—Trichina and Bune OF wood. aetics Fia. 1314.—Musele with Encysted Cyst (100 times natual size), 2nd soap-suds, given = = Triching a, Coat of cyst, marked by every few days with ‘ irregular concentricstria, show- the food. .Dr. Chase’ pro- ing the laminated structure, ‘. . : and strewn with dirty granula- NOUnces Santonin, the active tions; b, Cavity of the cyst, principle of the plant called . overrun by a calcareous de-: Meteor . posit; ¢, oe transformation WOrmseed, an effectual rem- beginning; d; d, Fat accumu- A C ‘ Iated at a ends of the oe edy for. the round-worm. It is in the ‘form of small white! crystals, and may be given in doses of one third of a _ teaspoonful morning ‘and ° evening, followed by a brisk cathartic. To exterminate the other two, give ° the following injections :— Tincture of asafetida...... ana ate 1 teaspoonful. . Belts std seas ies oat sane tease 1 teaspoonful. Water aio ceces-sicanteaaiteew ia aceite bbe" of pt. Mix, and.warm slightly. RAEUMATISM. Pigs. suffering from rheumatism exhibit dullness, : indisposition to move,. ‘and more: or less lameness. There is tenderness in the affected joints, and this ‘Fie. 1815. — Strong: tenderness shifts about from one joint to another. YS Paradoxus. 1. Male, natural Give a tablespoonful. of cod-liver oil twice a day dee 4 eae Ve aral size ; 8. ‘Anterior extremity of “female, enlarged, a, Csophagus; b, Intestine; c, Genital canal, 4. Caudal extremity of emale. _a, Vagina: b, Intestine. 5. Caudal extremity of the tale, a, b, The two lobes of the sac; ¢, Spicules, ; er in those parts. 980 SWINE Fie. 1316.—Ascaris Lumbricoides. y AND THEIR DISEASES. in the ‘food. This promotes recovery, and improves the general condition. Provide a warm stye, and give cooked food and sour milk. A liniment of turpentine and olive- oil may be applied to the affected parts and rubbed upon the spine. An occasional dose’ of bicarbonate of potash has proved of benefit. If the pig is very fat, a dose of Epsom salts will be of service, WOUNDS. These injuries are difficult. to deal with, as a bandage of any solid application is almost ‘certain to be rubbed off by a pig. In a healthy animal a wound will generally heal itself, the only source of danger being septic influence ftom without. To guard against this, a solution of permanganate of potash may be syringed over the wound. There is no better dressing than tar for a wound in the foot. PARALYSIS OF HIND QUARTERS. This affects both young pigs and. older hogs. Some think that by it are caused worms in the kidneys, which ‘is sometimes though not always thecase. Itis true that a, Female; d, Male, natural the presence of these parasites around the size, kidneys may cause irri- tation of the nerves of | the spinal column and result in paralysis, ‘yet it is ‘oftener 4 weakness and loss of nervous pow- The symptoms in either case (for they cannot be dis- tinguished apart) are weakness of the back, wriggling of the hind parts, and finally settling down on the haunches Fre. 1317.—Potato-cleaner, PARASITES OF SWINE. 981 After some effort the an- imal gets up and runs i quite rapidly in a straight line, but swings to one side for awhile, and then goes over to’ the other side, and fi- ‘nally gets down so that it cannot rise, and can only drag itself about. The appetite is good un- til a day or two before death, | Thereisnobetterrem- ™ 5 edy in the line of consti- Fia. 1318.—Apparatus for Preparing Steamed Food. tutional treatment than > ; nux vomica:or its alkaloid, strychnine. Apply over the loins a -liniment composed of one part of cantharides, two parts of olive-oil, and two parts of oil of turpentine. Internal treatment should begin with a laxative consisting of three drams of powdered castor-bean seeds and eight ounces of tye flour, mixed in a quart of sour milk gruel, of which the animal may drink the first thing in the morning. This may be repeated once a week. Half of the dose will suffice for young pigs. The following internal treatment may be repeated twice or three times daily :— Powdered nux VOMICA ..........0eceeeeeeeaeees ole asnion ce uuonees Agr | Powdered anise seed.........0e.ceeeees (abauniise eevee erg case pwede Cate 4 dr. Powdered. gingers. ccs 's save scane s yaw 6 diene Vawe s Heke avs 3 dr. Mix with a little syrup, and smear the dose well back on the tongue. Half this dose for pigs under three months old. Feed sloppy or steamed food, and give plenty of sour milk and fruit. Treatment of all such cases requires considerable patience and perseverance, and recovery is slow and often uncertain. To PREVENT SOWS FROM EATING THEIR YOUNG. It is well known that sows not infrequently attack and devour their own young ; or, if prevented from doing this, that they will not let down their milk, so that the young pigs necessarily die from want of nourishment. When this state of things is not caused by a dis- eased state of the uterus, the sow can be brought to terms by pour- ing into the ear.a mixture of 10 to 20 grains of spirits of camphor with 1 to 8 of tincture of opium. The sow will immediately lie 982 SWINE AND THEIR DISEASES. down on the side of the ear to whicn the application was made, and remain quiet for several hours in this position without in- terfering with her pigs, and on recovery from the stupor will have lost her irritabil- ity with regard to them. This experiment has been tried in Ger- many hundreds of times, according to one of the agricultural journals, without any Fia. 1819.—Mucous Membrane injurious effects. It is also said that the of a Bronchial Tube, with the eating of pigs by the parent sow can be Capillaries Injected. prevented by rubbing them all over with . . brandy, and making the same application about the nose of the sow herself. oe ‘In the preparation of this.department of our work we have con- sulted freely all the standard authorities on the treatment of hogs - and their, diseases, and taken pains to have all remedies presented by us verified from the best authorities; and at the same time we have made such additions as were necessary to bring them up to the advancing standard of the present day. We desire in this connec- tion to. make special acknowledgments to a number of authors, among..whom. we may mention Clater, Armitage, Martin, Fleming, and Long, the latter being the most recent. and finest work on the ‘ hog yet published, for. which the Orange Judd. Company, of New "York City, are the agents ; and all the works named may be had of W. R. Jenkins, 850 Sixth Avenue, of the same city, who is especially ‘Known to us as an: ‘honorable and reliable dealer in works on vet: erinary peace : CHAPTER XXXV oe ye BREEDS AND BREEDING. ‘ Iwrropuctory: Remarks — Houpans— Crevecarurs — Cocrins — PiyMouTH Rocxs — Porn Fowrs — BRanMas - — Sires — Frizzizp Fowis — Rumruras Ban- Tams — East Inpia Fow1s — ASEELS — Sesricur anp Pexiv Bantams — Sz- BASTOPOL GeEsE — Nz GEEsE —_ Buack-Braxzp TURKEY —Dvexs. T may seem ] singular, but is neverthe- less. strikingly true, that the Egg and Poultry. interest is really the largestsingle branch of pro- @ duction in this country. On this account we have: made.a special effort to present in this depart- ment a concise’ Fre. 1320. and complete . a ¢ synopsis, from reliable sources, of the most useful and. profitable breeds of fowls, and also such general hints and directions in the raising of poultry and the incubation of eggs, as will be of assistance to all those who are engaged therein, together with an extensive and elaborate list of illustrations of representative fowls and of vari- ous styles of incubators and poultry houses, which have been pre- pared with great care and expense. To demonstrate our assertion in regard to the extent of the poultry aatctest in this country, we need only cite the fact that ; (983) 984 | POULTRY. , while, in 1883, the wheat product was officially estimated at $488,- 000, 000, the cotton product at $410,000,000, and the dairy product at $254,000, 000, the poultry product amounted to $560,000,000, being almost half as large again. as the cotton product, and larger, . also, than the iron and steel prod- ‘ucts put together. The reason ofthe surprising growth of this interest among our farmers is to be found in the fact that it pays Fia. 1821.—Houdans. larger and safer net profits on investments than any other branch of farming industry. : BREEDS AND BREEDING. 985 The 1ecent intro- duction and general use of incubators, making it possible to increase the supply of eggs by artificial production to an un- limited extent, has had the effect of stimulating the rais- ing of Poultry in America to a oo er or ‘the general reader. It has been §& said that. “on the | farm to-day Poultry < is King.” — At a meeting. of |, the Farmers’ Club, i in the town of Bedford, N. Y,, in 1886, the Rev. J. Fre. 1928,—Crevemur Cock. Y. Hoyt gave the following account of-an investment in poultry made by him, nee at the same time that. the’ enterprise was made ve under unfavorable circumstances ; . , "and in presenting it to our readers, we may state that other cases not; less striking of the great ‘profitable- a “ness of poultry-raising could be - cited without number :— - “Thave kept an accurate record ‘of the receipts and expenses of my hen-yard for 1885. I begat cents each a plant of $18.75. Dur- ‘ing the year I sold 3,040 eggs for , $63.30. I set 340 eggs and got from them 250 chickens. In Octo- ber I sold 150 of the chickens for $75. In January I sold 50 more for $37.50. The 50 that are left I value at $50. My expenses dur- Fra. 1823.—Crevecoour Hen. ing the year for feed, repairs, and , with 25 hens, representing at .75. 986 POULTRY. the rest, were $125; so that the net profit on the $18.75 plant was about $100.” DIFFERENT BREEDS OF FowLs. We proceed to notice the more prom- inent breeds of: fowls that have been intro- duced into this country, ‘and have been suc- cessfully raised 7 here. The ‘Houdans (Fig. 1821). are a French breed of great beauty, and the finest of eating, while as layers they are unsur- passed. Besides the smallness of | their bones and the fineness of theit flesh, they are of an extra- ordinary _ pre- cocity and fe- cundity. They lay large and® white eggs, and the chickens Z : i ae are fit for the SS >= table at four Fre. 1825.—Cochin Hen. Old Forin. ° BREEDS AND BREEDING. 987 months old. They are, however, indifferent for hatching. ‘The cock whose portrait appears in Fig. 1821 weighed, when in fair condition, nine and a half, and the hen six and a half pounds, The one here shown, owned by an ERB enenC SS breeder, weighed eight and a half ‘i Fic. eer Rocks. pounds. The Houdans make excellent birds for the table at anearly age, and for market are preferable to many other breeds. In Figs. 1822 and 1323, we give a representation of a fine pair of. CREVECQURS, a breed praise in India, but brought ta perfection : in France. In Figs. 1324 and 1395 are shown a cock and a hen of the 988 POULTRY. = | VA aN Vg G an a Fat f JA.» BREEDS AND BREEDING. 989. original CocHIN breed introduced. into. this country, and which long retained its popularity. The Cochin‘ is now bred higher in the tail, and with somewhat more leg and foot feather, than is here. repre- sented. . i The PLyMoUTH Rocks (Fig. 1826) are a breed of New England origin. They-have a cuckoo- | | ; wag like plumage; are large in ‘body, and good layers, the. eggs being, though small; rich. . in flavor. They are great favor- ites throughout this country, and have ‘of late years been i << 3 Fie. 1829.—Polish Fowls. d ¥ ' rs ’ rs ; “ 7 : quite extensively introduced into England. ' ‘The Yoxouamas (Fig. 1327) are natives. of Japan, with tails a yard or more in length. These tails are moulted once in three. 990 POULTRY. Fig. 1880.—Poland Breed. Sub-variety acteristic and its pride. As a rule, the Polish hens are good layers, and do not sit. In Figs. 1330 and 1331; we present representations of a sub-variety of the Poland, which renders very good service. | The LIGHT BRAHMAS (Fig. 1332) are by some consid- ered the most valuable of all fowls. They certainly stand very high with all poultry raisers. $200 has been paid ‘for a first-class bird of this “— breed. They are admirable’ sitters and mothers, and, in fact, excel in every way. SILKY FowLs (Fig. 1333) are excellent for hatching, as \ years, and some specimens are said to have measured 17 to20feet. Itisa wonder- fully. productive breed, and has. been quite frequently introduced into Etrope. The Plymouth Rocks breed well with. other va- rieties.: In Fig. 1828, we - show a pair of fowls which are the result-of this cross- ing, and which are fine lay- ers, and furnish excellent table: meat. ’ ' The PoLisH FowLs (Fig. 1829) are rather singularly named, as they have no ‘possible connection with Poland, where they are no more common than any other fowl. The crest of this fowl is at once its char- Fie. 1331.—Poland. Breed, Sub-variely., e ‘ BREEDS AND BREEDING. 991 Fig, 1832. —Light Brahmas. they are exceptionally good mothers. ‘They are “small-sized, and their’ eggs are small and of a pale buff color. T he FRIZZLED FowLs (Fig. see are bred and domesticated in Java, Sumatra, and on the Phi- lippine’ Islands. They ‘are gener- ally’ white, but there .are some "specimens with. a ‘heavy sprinkling of black and brown. These fowls are rather interesting as a curiosity than val- uable for practical purposes. “The RUMPLESS BANTAM (Fig. 1335) has no espe- | Fra, 1988.—Silky Fowis. cial character- . istic to - - recom- mend it as a breed of game chickens, besides its beauty. 1 992 POULTRY. ——— er Fra. 1384,—Frizzled Fowls. oe y f All ~~ Fae. 1835.—Rumpless Bantams- uy 5 ’ Fie. 13837.—Pekin Bantams. 994 ., POULTRY. The WALLIKIKI FowLs (Fig. 1836):are a breed without tails or rumps. It is a native of. the forests of Ceylon, and its name means “ the cock of the forest.” The. birds of this breed are hardy and very produc- tive. A traveler thus describes these fowls as he saw them in their native jungles: ‘They stood as upright as the Penguin duck, in fact as erect .as a hawk, yet were singularly’ live in their motions, and though strictly rump- less; were as opposed in their gait to all other rumpless fowls as could BREEDS AND BREEDING, _ 995 well be imagined, It was their constant restlessness, combined with remarkably iridescent plumage, that marked:them as being one of the most distinct varieties of poultry I ever saw.” Fra. 1840.—Model Black-beaked Turkey. The Senin or Cocun. BANTAMS (Fig. 1837), are the most re- markable of the bantam breeds. They were introduced into Englan2 Fie. 1341. ; 986 POULTRY. Fia. 1848.—Nile Goose. - BREEDS AND BREEDING. 997 in 1862. They are something like the Cochin Chinas. They will, if successfully bred in this counEry, be a most valuable addition to our poultry stock. The ASEELS (Fig. 1338) are an East Indian eine fowl, perhaps the most quarrelsome and:courageous known. They are good for Fro. 1844. cooking, but amount to little. or nothing as layers. They are rec- ommended by few good authorities. The SEBRIGHT (Fig. 1839) is a superior breed of game bantams which has become famous... It is a remarkably handsome bird, some- times of golden and sometimes of silver color. Fre, 1345.—Bultter-Bow! Ducks. 998 POULTRY. OTHER FOWLS. TURKEYS.—The raising of turkeys is at present and always has been exceedingly profitable in this country. The turkey is an ex- ceptionally healthy and hardy fowl, and its food costs but very little. The turkeys raised in America are the best in the world. Fie. 1346. The BLACK-BEAKED Turkey, a mag- nificent specimen of which we present in Fig. 1340, is one of the most beautiful _ types of domestic fowls. It is the most profitable to raise, and is a fine layer. _ GEESE.—The_ beautiful creature in Fig. 1842 is the DANUBIAN or SEBAS- TOPOL GOOSE, which is a variety of the common goose, and breeds freely with it, the progeny being' very fertile. These fowls are pure white, and they have the peculiarity of having their feathers grow the wrong way, and from the tail and saddle they have long trail- ing feathers beautifully curved. The EGYPTIAN or NILE GOOSE (Fig. 1343) is known through the whole ex- tent of Africa. It is mentioned by Ar- istotle and other ancient writers, and the representations of it on the ancient monuments of Egypt are exact counterparts of the fowl as it exists to-day. It is a beautiful and graceful animal, and lays prolifically in its wild state, though not in captivity. Ducxks.—The pair of ducks we give in Fig. 1345 are fine eating and good layers, and the breed is one worthy of wide cultivation, ° CHAT ER XXXVI. to ‘ FooD, PEEDING, AND MARKETING. Prorer Foop ror Fow1s — Farrenine For Marger — Krine — Packina — PRE- SERVING AND Packina Eaas — Prorrer Kinps or, Foo. J enough material for the making of eggs, or flesh, or bone. \ en0ve stint nor ever overfeed. Stinting means a lack of Adequate food, with proper feeding, repairs the waste of the vital forces, and gives a profit in warmth, or bone, or flesh, or eggs. ‘If you give too little of some of the forms of lime to make bone, then just so far will the frame-work of the fowl fall short of perfection. «If you feed too little of that kind of food containing albumen and oil, _ then you cut off the egg supply. assimilation that change the food to other profitable Products, be- come overworked and break down, and. disease follows in varied forms. If you overfeed, ‘the organs of Feed for the purpose you have in view, according to. the. season, the weather, and the breed, remembering always that food for one purpose may be harmful for another. weather than when the weather is fine. Feéd more in. stormy The larger breeds consume ~ more food than the smaller, and good foragers require less than Hens require less when sitting than when those that range little. laying, and fowls usually require most in moulting time. Chickens must be fed fat-producing food if for an early market, and bone and muscle making food if for a'later age. Belew we give. Dr. Wright’ s table of food elements. . Epona. Luralnigenady dhe eepeeriee sr "| onemeiaies esh + formin: = , ' : _ | SUMSTANCRS, Freche | VACReES® friend Sub] we, | Water nd - Gluten, eto, |Fat or out| Starch, ‘ 45 Ig 4? a) 20 40: 12 3 70 2 1 12 wey q a trace.| 80 a trace. 0 18 |) 6b 0 41 2 0 50} 43 8 5 q 0. 863 Middlings. . 18 6 58 5 4 14 Oatmeal .. 18 6 68 Q 9 9 Beans, Peas. 5 25 ? 48 2 8 18 (999) 1000 POULTRY, ‘So a well-balanced food must contain, In proper proportions, nitrogen, carbon, and mineral, or flesh-forming, warmth-giving, and bone-making'elements. Oats finely ground, hull'and all, is the best balanced of the foods. Wheat'screenings and corn are the best winter foods to give warmth. The latter is one of the best fat-mak- ing foods. Its exclusive use, however, checks laying, and induces apoplexy. It is a good food when ‘fed with two or three times its bulk of other grain. Potatoes have no egg-forming material. Rice is not often fed, ~ but it excels all other foods in warmth. Beans and peas are strongly ‘stimulating, flesh- -forming substances. They strengthen the muscu- ~ lar fiber, and when given exclusively render the flesh tough. Millet and hemp seed are excellent ‘for chicks. Manufactured pure bone meal is excellent. Give some form of'lime for bone, and sand and gravel to aid digestion. Old, crumbly mortar serves both purposes to perfection. Middlings and barley-meal, mixed with boiled pota- toes or turnips, with skimmed milk, is one of the best general foods. Do not give soft or sloppy food ; it induces diarrhea. Have most of the food boiled, warm, and eeunebling. Buckwheat is a good staple food. Hemp seed can be fed sparingly two or three times a 'week in the moulting season, with excellent results. Confined fowls need an occasional supply of meat, and a regular supply of green food. Cab- bage, chopped fine, stem and all, is good, also mangel-wurtzel and grass. Fowls with wide range, except in winter, need neither green food nor meat supplied to them. Give fresh water at all times, as stagnant fluids breed cholera and other diseases. Fill the vessels daily. Keep them clean, and ‘place them in the shade. In the moulting ” season keep in a little sulphate of iron. ; In yards where there are ducks with chickens, feed the latter on a raised platform about two feet high. The ducks will rarely. fly up. Do not feed in troughs, for they become filthy and breed disease. FATTENING. Fowls should be closely penned when they are to be fattened for market. Keep flesh-producing food before them constantly, or, . better still, give a clean supply at regular intervals. Corn, cornmeal mush, and baked potatoes are excellent, but buckwheat meal and cornmeal mixed into a dough, with skimmed milk, is the best.- Al- low no sand or gravel during the last week. Keep the coops clean and well ventilated. One peck of food will fatten almost any fowl. Two to three weeks i is sufficient time. Don’t force the feed. Cram- ming is cruel: . FOOD, FEEDING, AND MARKETING. 1001 . KILLING. . Do not feed within twelve or fourteen hours before killing.. In many cities it is illegal to ship dead poultry with full crops. The undigested food sours, ferments, discolors the flesh, harms the sale, and is dangerous as well as dishonest. In killing, hang fowls by the ‘legs, and run a sharp knife through the roof of the mouth into the brain. Death is instantaneous. They bleed well, and the flesh is at its best. Leave the head and legs on. . Age and tenderness are de- termined by them. For long transportation, do not draw the en- trails. Remove the feathers by scalding, water at 190°. Fowls of ordinary quality sell best scalded. They appear much leaner dry- picked, but fine fowls are better that way. Dry-pick the, legs of turkeys and chickens as soon as killed, to prevent discoloration. Immerse when scalding three or. four’ times. Pick perfectly clean. Be careful not to tear the skin, to bruise the flesh, or to break the bones. Scald ducks and geese, and wrap in a cloth two minutes, then the down and feathers will readily slip. Hang chickens and turkeys by the feet to cool, and water-fowl by the neck, “Plump” poultry, when picked, by plunging into hot water two seconds, and then throw into cold water for ten minutes. ‘ PACKING. Do not pack until the fowl is entirely cold, or the meat will spoil. Slight freezing does but little harm, but discoloration through .. ‘thawing and freezing harms sales. Two hundred pound boxes make the best packages. Barrels are good, but turkeys and geese get twisted out of shape i in them. Use only clean wheat or rye straw in| packing. Turn the head of the fowl round to its breast, have the back up, and the legs straight out behind. Pack snugly, with a layer of straw on each row. Do not bruise, and fasten the cover. tightly down. _ When fowls are shipped intended for special occasions, as for. Christmas or New Year’s, they should be a little ahead of time to get the cream of the sales. 1 Farmers and others ‘can pack poultry in winter by. freezing and wait for better markets: Dry-pick and pack without straw. Put in one layer at a time, and let it solidly freeze. Put in cool places and keep from thawing. PACKING AND, P RESERVING Bees, To keep eggs fresh four weeks, pack i in, egg-crates with big end down. 1002 POULTRY. To preserve eggs, make a pickle of 2 qts. of salt and 65 gallons of water and one bushel of. pure stone lime. . Slake the lime ina part of the water, then put in the balance of the water and the salt ; stir well, let it settle, and then withdraw the clear pickle. When packing, put in about 18 inches of pickle and one foot of eggs. Use’ a large colander with handle to put in the eggs. It isa good plan to pour on each layer a little of the milky sediment of the vessel holding the pickle. When near 3 or 4 inches of the top of the egg- vessel, put in 2 or 3 inches of the slaked lime sediment on top, first, however, placing a factory canvas over the top of the pickled eggs, and then keep it all constantly covered with pickle. When taken out for market, clean the eggs in cool water, wipe off the lime-specks if any, dry quickly, and pack. Fie. 1847. CHAPTER XXXVIIL POULTRY ARCHITECTURE. GENERAL Directions — PorTaBLE Pouutry-Housrs — SHELTERS — “ Warm Morser” —.‘‘CotD MorsEr”— Coops —ImprRovEeD PouLtry HoMEs. \HE three essentials of successful poultry-keeping are breeding, T housing, and feeding. Housing is the most easily managed and most generally neglected. A common, profitable ‘poultry-. house should be clean, facing from east to south, well-ventilated, free from drafts, ERD CREE: well-arranged, and screened by shrub- Fie. 1348. —Portable Poultry-house. bery, which adds to the appearance, gives summer sade: and affords protection from winter storms. Small flocks need small houses ; too large houses occasion roup and colds. _ Have high, dry floors, which will protect against cramp and rheumatism, and at the same time ward off diphtheria and catarrh. Have dust-bins, and empty them frequently, or heat the dust and kill the life-germs. Dust-bins sometimes spread vermin.-’ , PORTABLE POULTRY-HOUSES. The kind of a house shown in Fig. 1848 can be built for $10 or $12. The fowls cost less to keep, securing most of their own food, (1003) 1004 . POULTRY. - and where the house is wheeled over “patch” ground, the soil is thus manured very profitably. The fowls in this way keep thriving and laying better, and disease is far rarer than when they are con- Fre. 1849.—* Cold Mother.” fined in’ narrow spaces. For some, a wire fence attachment would — be advantageous. | To most farmers this kind of a house would be beneficial on account of cleanliness and consequent health. SHELTERS. | Fig. 1849 shows a chicken coop for motherless chicks. It is 12 inches deep, 5# inches front, and three’ inches at the back, and lined with a sheep- -pelt. Tack the pelt at the ends, and let it slightly sag in the middle. If it is placed on,a board sprinkled with aninch or two. of perfectly. ~ dry sand, your ‘cold mother” is complete. Fie. 1850.—* Warm Mother.” Feed near the ‘mother at first, : or even closely confine the chicks so that they will learn to know it. They will thrive well in it. Fig. 1350 shows the “ warm mother,” holding a hot- water tank heated to 80° or 85°. It is placed in the open air in ‘the sunshine. If it be separated into compartments, to prevent over-crowding, chicks just from the shell can, with a little watching, be success- & ‘ * POULTRY ARCHITECTURE. 1005 fully reared in it. The artificial heat is needed only occasionally. Sev- eral broods can be placed under it, and thus save time in feeding and care. The water should never go above 85° nor below 65° when the mother is in use. Coops. There are many kinds of coops, for a hen and her chickens. The main idea in the construction of 2690p should be 9 Fig. 1851.—French Coop. afford protection against storms and enemies. Any box will do if it is made so that there will be a dry, clean floor all the time, and the hen kept sheltered from the inclement ‘weather. Fig. 1351 is a French form, being double, and though rather ex- | pensive, is yet very: ‘complete. Tt is essentially a winter coop, the hen and brood passing into the = _ closed, warmpart. The tophas a glass window. A common bar- rel makes a good nest and coop if raised off the ground an inch, having it face south. Fie. 1852.—Octagonal Poultry-house, PLANS OF POULTRY-.: HOUvSES. An infinite variety of plans of poultry- houses have been de- » vised, some of which on. Nhe are ornamental and - Fra. 1358,—Ground Plan expensive. Wegive Fra, 1354.—Vertical Section of of Octagonat Poultry-house. ‘in Fig. 1352 a dia- Octagonal Poultry-house. 1008 POULTRY. gram of a poultry-house that can be plain or ornamental as the breeder pleases, and which is considered by the Canadian Farmer to bea good one. pectin aa i Saree z Fria. 1355.—Iron-roofed Poultry-house. In the ground plan and vertical section, as shown in Figs. 1853 and 1354, F is the center pillar; C, C a strong shelf on seven sides ; D, D two lines of perches over C, C; E, E nest-boxes under the shelf. The advantages of this structure are that the nests are undefiled ; that there is space underneath the boxes for coops; that the floor is always clean, and that there is a saving of space. It can be constructed several ways. Drive eight posts in the ground and board them with fericing, or-even line it with corn fodder and the roof with hay. The broad shelf should be cleaned and sanded regu- larly. There should also be two sunny windows on the east and south. : POULTRY ARCHITECTURE. 1007 Fig. 1855 shows an improved poultry-house, with runs fenced with wire netting. The roof is of iron, the runs about six feet wide, and there is a space of two feet or more under the house for retreat in bad weather. In building hen-houses, lice or other vermin should from the very first be guarded against, or they will be a great annoyance to both the fowls and their owner. So important is this that if the walls be built very rough or uneven, it is well worth while to give them a little plastering over to make the surface more even. In building wooden houses, a brush. dipped in kerosene or paraffine should be passed along the tongued edges of all the boards as they are nailed in their places, the effect of which will last some time ; but wooden walls also should be regularly lime-washed, and if at any time vermin should get into them, they should be expelled by syr- inging all’ over, either with paraffine or a solution of carbolie acid. The last is. certain death to nearly all insects, one of the most . valuable additions to the resources of the poultry-keeper. CHAPTER XXXVIIL * HSoGS AND INCUBATION. GENERATION oF THE Eaa — PuystoLocy or IncusaTion— Natura Incusation ~ ConvENIENT HEns’ Nests — Eoce-Prorectok — FERTILITY AND Eaa-TEstErs. YT is an adage as old as civilization that every animal comes from | the egg/ the variations in the different animals consisting in the mode of development. .The ovary of a laying hen has the appear- ance of acluster of fruit: The ovary forms the germ and yolk, and holds them to itself by a membrane. These egg-beginnings differ in size according to stage of development. When fecundation has. taken place, the membrane, or inclosing sac, breaks, and the duct, or egg passagé. In the oviduct the germ and yolk be- come enveloped in a whitish, tasteless, glairy fluid called al- bumen (which is the white of the egg), and ata still further point or parchment- like covering which is found inside the shell. Still further in its passage through the oviduct, the .forma- tive egg becomes coated with a calcareous deposit which ‘ con- stitutes the shell, and the egg is complete and ready to be received into the nest. (See Fig. 1357.) If the ovary matures yolks faster than the latter part of the oviduct does shell, there will be soft-skinned eggs ; and if the glands of the oviduct work faster or longer than the ovary, then a little egg with only white and shell is the result. If sometimes the ovary lets two yolks slip into the oviduct at once, both become invested with the albumen, and a double egg is the result, (1008) Fie. 1356.—Ovary of a Hen. ‘ germ slips. down into the ovi- become invested with the skin. EGGS AND INCUBATION.: 1009: PROCESS OF INCUBATION, Ths white of the egg is the principal food wf the growing chick in the shell. It is a bad conductor of heat, and often prevents fatal results to the germ from suddenchanges — ~ in temperature. It also preserves the del- icate egg-germ from concussions. There are two rather thick cords of albumen fastened to the under side of the egg to balance it, . thus keeping the chick always in the upper part of the egg, where it can best receive warmth from the hen. The yolk is absorbed or drawn into the stomach through: the na- vicular cord during the last twenty-four hours, before the chick is hatched, and this is its ‘ food for a day after leaving the shell. Dur- ing incubation the small round spot | in the yolk (that being the life-germ) becomes gradually. larger, absorbing | ‘the white, and, thus making room for itself. On about the he fay Od duct, or Egg nineteenth day the chick’s beak breaksthe . Passage. » air bubble at the end of the egg, and com- mences to breathe by its lungs. On the twenty-fitst day the horn on the tip of the bill fractures the shell, and its egg life is - scensumimatey NATURAL INCUBATION. .. The time to hatch de- pends on the breed and also. upon the purpose in view. Broilers bring fancy prices when very’ early. The smaller breeds should be set later than those which are larger and hover better. Some peo-. ple hatch chicks in the fall for winter'and spring |; use. Early, common sit- >: ters should not have over Fria. 1868.—Hen’s Nest for Sitting Hen. seven or eight. eggs. 1010 POULTRY. Much depends on the season. If they have more, the outer ones become chilled in severe weather, and as the hen daily changes them they all become addled. Larger breeds, like Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Cochins, Brahmas, and others, can cover more and : hover the chicks better. Fig. 1859.—Egg Protector. Set the hen ‘in a quiet, rather dark place, ° with grain food and water near. Do not assist hatching by breaking the shell. Moisten the eggs in dry weather, and give them a good soak. in water of about 105° on the 18th or 19th day. Ifthe nest becomes befouled by broken eggs, etc., remove the eggs to water heated 105°, re-make the nest, and replace eggs and hen. Take the young chicks as soon as hatched, wrap them warm, and return when the hen has com- pletely finished her work. Thus she will not leave her nest too quickly, or trample upon the chicks. Do as not feed the chicks the wll first day. The yolk of hard-boiled eggs is the - proper food the first week. Feed them fre- quently. After awhile feed cornmeal dough and baked potatoes.. Do not give sloppy : food to the hen or . Fra. 1360.—Barren Egg. Fertile Egg. chicks at any time— diarrhea is the result. Give the brood liberty only when the dew is off. Dew is more fatal than. thé gapes.- Always house before sunset, watch for lice, and thoroughly protect them from storms. . In Fig. 1858 we give a representation of a convenient.nest fora sitting hen. It would be better with a wire bottom and a solid top with wire net-work for a door. Thus it would be free from the attacks of rats and weasels,.and a protection. against the weather. A handle on top would make it very handy when the nest is to be moved. The proper size for a Cochin box nest is 14 inches square and 18 inches high. Eggs erdinasily require 21 days to hatch, but cold weather re- EGGS AND INCUBATION. 1011 tards, and fine weather and an attentive mother hasten incubation. Hamburgs will hatch in 20 days, game ban- tams often in 19, turkeys in 26 to 29 days; guinea-hens in 25 or 26 days, peafowls in 28 to 30 days, ducks in 28 days, geese in 30 days, swans TTT A Z in 35 to 42 days. Fre, 1861.—Egg-tester. ~ If valuable eggs are cracked, they can often be remedied by placing a piece of gummed paper over the fracture. Fig. 1359 represents an egg-protector. An egg can lie within ve it, and heavy, clumsy breeds cannot crush their eggs. FERTILITY AND EGG-TESTERS. One common way to test the fertility of eggs is to hold the eee ‘ between the shaded eye. anda candle, in a dark room, after the egg has been un- ' der the hen six or seven days. If fer- tile, jt will be dark ; if unfertile; translu- cent. A’ practiced eye soon becomes expert and reliable. The. appearance of each is illustrated in Fig 1360. There are several egg-testers on the market, and among Fie. 1362, the best is the one shown ‘in Fig. 1361. With this the eggs’ fertility can be determined in from 24 to 36 hours, thus saving for proper consumption all unfertile eggs. If the number of sterile eggs withdrawn be considerable, they can be boiled and used as chicken food, and the remaining eggs distributed under other hens which commenced to sit at the same time. 24 CHAPTER XXXIX. —~-90—— ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. - ArmmicraL INcuBATORS IN ANCIENT Tomes — Progress IN INVENTION oF INCUBATING Macuines— Tue Graves INcuBATOR — HaustTep’s AuTomMatic INCUBATOR — Tae BoytE Incosator — Tomuinson’s AuTomatic INcUBATOR — THERMOSTATIC Incusaton— Hparson’s REGULATOR. RTIFICIAL incubation has been practiced in Egypt and China A for thousands of years. The profession was hereditary, and the secrets of the successful processes “descended from father to son, and were guarded with religious sacredness. The fertile eggs of all animals will produce their kind if they have ’ the requisite amount of heat, moisture, and air. ‘The different ani- mals have many ways ‘of development from the egg. Some snakes’ eggs hatch while in the cold. ground ; some eggs are incubated in the water; others again are hatched i in the body, and still others inthe sun-heated sand, as in Egypt, or in the warm earth, as in other trop- ical countries. ’ : . One of the greatest difficulties to be overcome in artificial incu- bation in the temperate latitudes is the regulation of the heat sup- ply, an obstacle easily surmounted by the ancient nations in their warm climates... The hen supplies a certain amount of heat and’ moisture, admirably regulated by nature, and adjusted to the pur- pose of developing the life-principle in the egg into the organized chick, through the processof incubation. The problem in artificial incubation is to supply, in the requisite degree, this heat and moist- ure, and to preserve and regulate the temperature and state of the atmosphere so as to reproduce, as nearly as possible, the conditions of the process as carried on by nature herself. On the deserts of Africa the Arabs hatch out eggs in the hot sand with great success, the heat. being of just that even temperature required for the pur- pose. In the process of investigation into the methods of producing artificial heat, there have been invented large numbers of incubating machines in all countries, but until within a very few years the in- tricacy of their mechanism and their expensiveness have prevented their extensive adoption. In our own day their simplicity of con- (1012) ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. 1013 ; struction, ease of management, and small cost have rendered them successful, and placed.them within the reach of all. THE GRAVES INCUBATOR. This is a Boston machine, and shows great study on the part.of the inventor. As.the apparatus is shown in Fig. 1363, at the bottom ‘is the cold-water tank for egg-moisture, then follows the egg-tray, - Fia. 1363.—The Graves Incubator. above this the hot-water tank, and at the top the temporary “mother.” The heat regulator, the difficulty of all machines, is shown. The lamp G heats the boiler H, which communicates by tubes with the hot-water tank. J, J are lamp oil-tanks. Under the heating-tank run two glass tubes filled with alcohol, which at the outer end communicate by the bent tube L with the cylinder M, containing mercury, which has a piston float and’'rod N. When the temperature of the tank rises above that for which the valves are ad- justed, the expansion of the alcohol in the tubes acting on the mercury in M, forces up the piston-rod N. The upper end of this rod is attached to a lever O, pivoted on the top, but moving freely at the outer end. Above, the free end of the lever is connected by a rod R with a valve P, and below, by a spiral spring, with the lamp, When, therefore, the piston is raised, the valve P opens, and the over- heated air escapes. Q isa slide at the bottom to lower it still faster, 1014 "Fie. 1864.—The Halsted Incubator. POULTRY. ifnecessary. At the same time this is being done the other parts of the mechanism lower the lamp flame. The reg- ulator, really, is duplicate, and is altogeth- er very ingen- ious. HALSTED’S AUTOMATIC ‘INCUBATOR. Fig. 1364 shows this machine, which is now known as the “Cen- tennial.” the tank, with a two-inch » ‘space: between for the regulator. F and R are return-pipes connected with the lamp and heating-tank. Figs. 13865 and 1366 show the lamp connection still more plain- ‘Ty. There is a conical’ flue (shown in Fig. 1866) in this boiler, opening at F. Over this, reaching’ nearly to the bottom, is a cylinder, making two parti- tions. The pipe R brings water from the tank, runs under the B is the boiler, D the’ See drawer, or nest, above which is Se of the Halsted Incubator. Fie. 1366.—Inside Section of Tank. bottom of the cylinder into the hot-water chamber E, thence under the partition into the inner portion I, surrounding the heated. conical flue: S, and at the top ryshes into the return hot-water pipe F, and thence into the tank T, thus keeping up a constant and rapid circulation. THE BOYLE INCUBATOR. The Boyle machine (Fig. 1867) was one of the old school, costly, intricate in mechanism, but in com- petent hands successful. It had one of the most ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. 1015 sensitive regulators of any incubator known. It is certainly as pre- possessing in appearance as any machine of the kind yet invented. Fig. 1368 is the regulator. A, C, isa glass siphen gauge, connected at B with the heated water A, which extends nearly to the bottom Ut] Fra. 1867.—The Boyle Incuvator. General View. ofthe longer leg of the siphon, pressing on the mercury C, connected by the tube D with the glass'tube E, which expands to the end’ of the cup F, which is epee by a'wire with the lever H, K, moving. on a fulcrum I, and is arefully balanced by a weight L. It is also balanced by a spring G. ‘ The indicator itself is arranged as shown in Fig. 1369. Portions of cotton wool are placed in small holders O-up the center of the egg plate, under which air is freely admitted, keeping the surface cooler than the top. Rows of eggs are placed under arches in the heating-tank P, connected by a pipe Q' with the’ boiler. The eggs; as soon asichipned: are hatched out into the hatching-box R on top of the heating-cistern. The column of water A in the regulator is connected with that part of the boiler which is in con- tact with the flame. There was a great advance in the success of incubators after the 1016 POULTRY., . invention of Rouillier’s Hydro-incubator. The principle of all hot- water machines is that a large body of unexposed hot water, con- , fined by a non-conducting medium, will retain its heat for a long time. In all of them the sides and top are lined with some such ma- terial as felt, sawdust, etc., and the hot-water tank is above the egg- chamber. Lamps are now used with the majority of hot-water incuba- ™ Fie. 1368.—Regulator of the Boyle Incubator. Fre. 1869.—Plan of Boyle Incubator. tors, and when the regulator is efficient, which is the case in many machines, the success is admirable. THE TOMLINSON INCUBATOR. We give in Figs. 1870 and 1371 plans of the Tomlinson incu- bator shown in sections., This machine is constructed on the early ‘principle of a lamp kept con- stantly burning in conjunc- tion with an automatic reg- ulator. A (in both cuts) is the ease, and the shaded space is the packing; C (in both cuts), the tank, traversed by flues; E, door for cleaning ‘same; F, front of egg- : ‘drawer; G, egg-drawer; ES H, H (in both cuts), bottom ventilators admitting air to Fic, 1370.—Tomlinson’s Automatic Incubator. the egg-drawer; D, lamp; First Section. h, h, chambers communicat- =e rn ¢ gn A A o i, f Y 4 ra ri , Ire ed LLL LEO SSS WMLEBERSESIIEWSAS VV ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION 1017 ing with vertical flues at the back. The regulator of A _Tomlinson's. ma- chine is shown in Fig. 1873. It de- pends upon the ex- pansion of air, and consists of a glass SUISSE ESSN | MI o- bh eK © ft p tube sealed at both ends, with a cup- am Ife : shaped opening on H .H 7] 7 the under side, Fia. 1371.—Tomlinson’s Ab ennte Iecinaleh: Second Section. closed by a dia- phragm of India rub- ber tied tightly around its lip diet the temperature is: brought to 90°. When the air expands, the diaphragm swells out and presses down the button at the end of the: lever, and so lifts the valve | connected with theegg-drawer, and allows the i hot air to es- cape. - ENGLISH THERMOSTAT- Ic INCUBATOR. Fig. 1372 rep- aii resents a patent English incu- bator on the thermostatic ‘principle. U is. the tank ; R, R, the pipes ; Fra. 1872, —Thermostatic Incubator H, the boiler ; S, the lamp; B, ventilators; A, valve; L, bottom ventilator ; T, wet canvas; E, wire cage to protect valves, etc. 1018 POULTRY. 1 * The ingenious part is the “ thermostatic”. bar Q. Itisa rule in thermostatics that if two pieces of metal be riveted together, one of which expands with heat more than the other, when both are heated the more expansive metal will curve or curl the other in order to find Fie. 1878.—Regulator of Tomlinson’s Incubator. ’ room for its greater expansion. When heated, therefore, the lever Q bends downward, and pulls D down and raises the valve A, and the is superheated air escapes. HEARSON’S REGULATOR. - Mr. Hearson, i in inventing the Regulator which is shown in Fig. 1874, has made a valuable contribution to the interest of egg incu- Fig. 1374,—Incubator Showing Hearson’s Regulator. bation. The illustration shows an incubator with the Hearson Reg- ulator attached. The action of this Regulator depends for efficiency upon the fixed boiling-point of a fluid. A, A is the tank of water, ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION. 1019 (reduced from the size in ordinary machines,) traversed by the flue L, W from the lamp T. The flue really returns through the tank, so that the outlet W is on the same side as T. The concave egg- tray B is supported in a drawer floored with open strips of wood K, _K. The concavity brings the outer eggs rather near the heat, and obviates the necessity for moving, the eggs about except in turning them. Air‘enters, as in the machines previously described, through | the hole D in the bottom of the incubator, having to pass through , canvas soaking in the water-troughs C, C, whence it passes, impreg- nated with moisture, to the drawer, escaping by the ventilating holes E, E. N is a thermometer. iz The regulation is thus. arranged: The lamp T has a vertical flue, V, above it, as well as the heating flue L; and if this-be opened,, all the heat, escapes vertically instead of passing through the tank. This flue V is closed by a flap- valve, F, at the end of the lever G. Near the pivot of the lever at P is attached'a stiff lifting-wire, pass- ing through a tube, O, in the center of the tank ;.and the bottom of .this wire rests on the capsule, which is simply laid on a small rigid table at S, and as the capsule bulges it lifts Pand F. Should the machine be started thus, the heat would, rise to 98°, when the valve would open. But thé sliding weight H allows more pressure to be put upon the capsule, thus raising the boiling-point. Thus the boil- ing-point may be set anywhere from 98° to 107°, and the heat may be kept: regulated within about two. degrees. This regulator, we may remark, has been unusually, successful in its operations. “ CHAPTER XL Oo DISEASES OF POULTERY. AILMENTS OF Fow1is MAInty THE Resutt oF THER REarrne — APOPLEXY — Bron- cHITis — BumMBiE-Foot — CaTarra — CHOLERA — CoNsUMPTION — CRAMPS — Cror-Bounp — Dresiurry — DiarReEA — DiratHERIa — Eoe-Bounp — Frats- ER-Eatina — Frost-Brre -—— Gares — Grppiness, OR VERTIGO — Gout, oR Swritzep Lees — Inpiexstion — Lee-WxEaKnEss.— Lick —— LivER Diszask — Pr — Roup — Wurre Coms — Worms us Duces — Capronizine Fow1s. NOWLS, naturally subject to but few diseases, have, by high F feeding, poor housing, and bad breeding, been brought under subjection to many ills and ailments. Some complaints have symptoms so obscure as to be practically incurable, for the reason that we de not know what to physic for, and are compelled to leave the fowl to Mother Nature to kill or cure. The chronic maladies of fowls are usually constitutional, ‘and occasioned by errors of breeding; but the acute or sudden diseases arise in most cases from some abuse or neglect in housing or feeding, Prevention is better than cure, and contagion and infection are robbed of their terrors if taken in time. A sick fowl should always be separated from the rest, and in patience submitted to the effects of medicine APOPLEXY. Cause.—Overfeeding, inducing blood- -pressure on or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Sympioms.—Sudden cessation from active volition ; unconscious- uess or paralysis. Treatment.—Disease often fatal. Bleed under the wing by Jons gitudinal slit. If the fowl regains consciousness, stop the flow (by burnt alum if necessary). Separate the fowl from the flock, place itona low diet, and watch it to prevent renewed REmOrHage. BRONCHITIS. This disease consists of inflammation of the: lung passages. Symptoms.—Coughing. Treatment.—Remove to a warm, moist it atmosphere. Tartar emetic Calomel ......... ie Guasave tilegs dar Sseusfisss MONG ct gente oanuyal ssucalienayane: wagers’ 1 gr. Give at night. (Tegtmeier.) (1020) DISEASES OF POULTRY. 1021 ‘Or slightly acidulate the drinking-water with nitric acid, sweeten with glycerine, and season the food with cayenne pepper - or ginger BUMBLE-FOOT. z ri This complaint, which consists of corns | or abscesses on the bottom of the feet, a seems to be common to. the five-toed a breeds (Houdans and Dorkings), and is Pr caused by high perches with narrow foot- 4 rests, and walking on rough sulaces; as i cement, stone, etc. it Treatment. = POMmenMES incurable. + Burn off, warty 2 a . excrescences with phi \ Ca ea we =. lunar caustic, and extract corns with a sharp knife. If there is a tumor or ° abscess with pus, make incision to let out the latter, foment with warm. water to reduce in- . flammation,’ wrap ‘well, and place fowl on straw to roost. CATARRH. This is inflamma- _.tion of the respira- tory passages. ' Symptoms.—Dis- 3 down, common to all Fie. 1452. bees. How to Tell Hybrids from Pure Italians. the sun, they soon become impatient, and often fly off and become lost in consequence. _ A good hiving apparatus may be imade of half-inch basswood boards, about eight inches ‘Square by sixteen 4 ‘inches deep, with ( one end closed , and the other open, nailed to- gether as strongly | as’ possible, and bored full of holes with a three- fourths inch bit. Fasten this box on the end ofa ‘light pele, which is yet strong enough to hold a large ‘swarm and BEE -CULTURE. 1077 not break. Then have a pole of corresponding length, with a hook fastened to the end of it. With these there need be no sawing off of the limbs of | trees, and there is no need to wait for all the bees to alight, but when a half or third of them have clustered, hold the box close under them, and with the hook jar the limb once or twice, holding the box still, and they can thus all be hived at-pleasure. Fre. 1456.—-American Linden, or Basswood. “(The Best Honey-producer.) oT Tatil ii cy Wy Fra. 1455.—Virgin Queen upon the Wing. BEE PASTURAGE. Honey and pollen are sup- plied by nearly all the flower- ing trees and plants of the veg- etable kingdom. The best bee pasturage is found by ex- perienced bee-keepers to con- sist of alders, soft maple, wil- lows, poplar, young basswood trees, buckwheat, Alsike and cut clover, rape, mustard, and. many other shrubs and plants. Catnip, mignonette, and Rocky Mountain bee plarit have their favorites, but are not recom- mended by expert bee-keepers. -Fruit-tree* blossoms, especially apple, peach, pear, and cher- ries, are rich in honey and bee- bread, while raspberries yield the richest of honey. “It is estimated thattwo hun- dred acres of buckwheat and other herbs will furnish honey for one hundred’ colonies of bees. It is authoritatively stat- ed that a colony of bees will frequently pay for themselves 1078 BEE-CULTURE. within ten days during a good yield from natural pasturage. It is much easier to cultivate: and produce enough pasturage, ‘in addition to that from natural sources, to supply one hundred hives of bees, than it is to pro- vide pasturage for one hundred head of sheep, and the profit on bees will more than double that on sheep. The best au- thorities advocate the cultiva- tion of such crops for bees as are also valuable for their grain or seed, the object being to fill Fie. 1457.—Gill-over-the-ground. with the greatest profit the va- cancies between natural sup- plies and afford the bees an uninterrupted succession of flowers in the greatest abundance from Sanne to fall.. Ligui AND ‘COMB HONEY. : As soon as honey begins to comes in a rapidly, so as to fill the Fra. 1458,—Three Varieties of Goldenrod. Fra. 1459.—Buekbush. hives, it is important to decide whether the market calls for liquid honey or honey in the comb. Most markets call for both kinds. ‘ BEE-CULTURE. ' 1079 If liquid honey is to be produced, a honey extractor must be called into requisition, which is now almost universally used, and which has greatly simplified the raising of honey within the past few years. This machine, by the simple application of centrifugal force, empties the combs most thoroughly of the honey, and upon being removed and emptied the bees can proceed to fill them again. : If comb honey is demanded for the market, it should be stored by the bees in section frames instead of boxes, because the former are clean . and 3s neat to ‘handle, - if and can be re- y tailed without ym troublesome * daubing, and be-! cause it will bring a. much higher price in that shape. The sec- tions should be ‘small, and made to, fit inside the regular hive. frame, or, rather, — Pyq, 1460.—Inside. Fre. 1461.—Extractor Compile in a wide frame Novice’s Honey Extractor. _ Made of the same dimensions. This simplifies the work: greatly, because a frame of : sections can then be hung in any hive, and in either the upper or lower story, as there may be occasion. If the bees have been kept in a small space, so that every comb is occupied with brood and pollen at the approach of the honey season, they will start in the sections almost at once, if the latter are given them just as soon as they begin to be crowded for room. Give them a single frame at first, and when they are well at work in this give them another. Do not put on an upper story until they are ready to go into it in large numbers. Do not by any means: let the bees get to clustering on the outside of the hives., They will seldom do this when' honey is to be had in the fields; but if a strong colony gets to hanging out preparatory to swarming, they. must be got into the boxes at all hazards. i When sections are filled, the comb honey can be removed either by taking off a whole. uppet story and letting the bees leave it and go back into the hive before the sections are taken out, or the filled Hf 1080 \ BEE -CULTURE. sections picked out as ‘fast as completed, and, replaced with empty ones. Where there are a large number of hives with the boxes mostly filled, the former plan is perhaps the better one, although there is little choice between them. ‘The bees will work on sections partly filled from another hive just as well as on those from their own. Tin separators . should always be used if clean and true work is desired. To get the bees out of boxes, or off from comb honey, re- quires very nice work. As good. i . a way as any that we have seen if ‘ suggested is to prepare a close- we fitting box with a place of exit similar to that of the chaff hive, and over this exit arrange a Fro, 1402 (6.—Langsot Hv Take a Sin- sort of ‘trap of the following ‘ pave : kind, so that the bees can pass only one way: Take a wooden bar about the size of a lead-pencil, and stick through it a row of common pins, about seven to the inch ; this is to be swung on pivots, so that the pin points may rest on the “jumping-off board.” If the comb honey be placed inside this box, the bees will gradually work their way out, while none can get in. Hives are subjected to robbery by sich invaders as grubs, slugs, bee moths, robber bees, and other insects. The method of defense on the part of bees against these generally to sting them to death ; but they should be assisted by careful attention to these mat- ters on the part of the keeper. | i " HIVES. Nearly all modern hives are good, and there is a great variety, from the most simple to the most complex, each having more or less excellent points of advantage, with some features of disadvantage. This question comprises, in all its ramificatidns, a subject of consid- erable importance, upon which we have not time to dwell, more than to say, if you wish to secure an improved hive, and know its special advantages, consult the makers or those interested i in their manu- facture. ! ' Mr. Root has devised a hive with a pérmanent bottom-board and the old Langstroth portico, with the regular Simplicity hive for BEE -CULTURE. 1081 an upper story. The sides are prolonged to make the portico ; ; the bottom-board is also made to project just 8 inches in front. The sides are made in ‘pairs, and are 234 inches long by 11} wide. The back madé on a miter, like the Simplicity; to hold the front end firmly, arabbet is cut into the sides vhalf an inch wide by three eighths of an inch deep, to hold the bottom-boards se- curely, anda rabbet is also cut in both sides and the | back end. The. bottom- board runs crosswise, and is made in two or more pieces. The portico roof extends over and is nailed on the top edge of the front end- board ; it also has a lip or, Fra. 1S Tewetony Simplicity Hive. projection on its upper back edge that makes the bevel around. the top. By this means the front end-board is simply a plain board 15 inches long by 8§ wide, rabbeted at the ends to fit into the side- boards. In regard to the selection of hives, | we advise consultation with Mr. Root, who has had more practical experience on this sub-' ject than any one else we know. A few years since it was customary to have becchives placed upon benches.or “legs,” with grass and weeds allowed to grow so Fre. 1464.—Clark’s Rustic Chaff Hive. thick and rank on the ground below that if a heavily laden bee missed the hive it was a: chance if it picked its way out in the course of half an hour, | In the present day, under the more intelligent management, the hives are placed so near the ground that those heavily laden with pollen or honey may go in on foot if they , 1082 B#E- CULTURE. find it more convenient to do so, while the ground is now kept clean before the hives, so as to furnish no obstacle to the entrance of the honey-laden bee. ‘Bee-hives should always be put in shady ince facing the south. As stated, such are the improvements in hives that they are now built in compartments, to enable the taking out of. extra honey, yet leaving enough for the winter’s ‘subsistence. _A point also of great importance is that the entrances of the hives should not be larger than, is necessary for the throngs of work- ers to pass in and out; but care should be taken that every, bee has room, so that there is not too much jostling, crowding, and waiting for one another. PREPARING BEES FOR WINTER. In- preparing bees for winter, the first thing is to be sure that there are bees enough in each hive to winter. If there are not, unite swarms until every one is _ strong. It would not be advisable ony unless it would cover easily as many as four ‘Langstroth frames. If the swarm has not as many as four good combs, they must be supplied with : ; comb foundation Fie. 1465.—Folding Bee-hive Tent. and made to build . *themout. If they are to do it in September, it must. be attended to in time. Let the spaces be closed by chaff division boards until there is just easy room for the four frames, put in the foundation where the combs are lacking, and feed the bees every night from half a pint to a pint of food. When the hive is opened, which should be done every _ day or two, the bees should be found rearing brood, building comb, and getting. full of bees, precisely as they do in June. Granulated sugar is advisable for winter food—about half a pound every night until the combs are full. Wher the combs are all covered they are N 1 ‘ a : # to winter any col- _ BEE: CULTURE. 1088 ready to winter, by simply putting a thick chaff cushion over them. This cushion is Fra. 1466. —Bee-hive Tent Folded, made by taking two pieces of burlap, 20 inches wide, and the other way clear across the roll (40 inches) ; sew these together so as to make a single endless seam, and leave the last corner open until the chaff is put in. Do not pack it tight, but pcre Six inches ~ of chaff over the bees will be sufficient. If the winter is very severe, a swarm which would densely cover five or six combs would be much safer than a smaller one. Straw mats to put over the bees have been i in use many years, with excellent results; but it has been found a difficult matter to have them fit as closely over the cluster as do the chaff cushions, and they are not as neat and tidy. \ STORING AND MARKETING Come: HONEY. For marketing comb honey the greatest care should be exer- cised in the preparation of packing or shipping cases. A very good Fra, 1467.—Clark’s Cold-blast Smoker. and convenient case’ is one composed of about two comb sections in hight, four feet long (just as they stand in the hive) by six feet wide. This would make just forty- -eight sections, and they would weigh just about a pound each. The glass is to slide in at the up- per edge after the box is all made. The end-boards are of seven- eighths stuff, nine and a half inches ‘wide by. twelve long. ‘They are rabbeted at both upper and lower edges to let in the tops and bot- toms, which are of three-eighths stuff. The’ends of the end-boards ' are also rabbeted just enough to receive the glass ; ; this is done bya single saw-cut. Strips of three- eighths stuff, one and a half inches wide, are put across above and below’ the glass, and nailed into the f monthly magazine de- ‘ 1084 | BEE-CULTURE. / bottom-board. The case is completed by nailing strips of the same kind on the ends of the end-boards, and it is then ready to slide in the glass. | Honey should be kept clean and free from stickiness. Paste- board boxes for one-pound sections of comb honey are very conven- ient. In order to preserve comb honey when it is desired to hold it for a better market, if should be kept free from damp- ness. If water condenses on the surface of the comb, it soon dilutes the honey, which then Fie. 1468.—-Chaff Cushion. sours. On this account the honey should never be put into a cellar: or other damp room. During damp and rainy weather, . the doors and windows to the honey-room or honey-house should be closed, and opened again when the air is dry. Comb honey should ‘also be stored where it is not likely to freeze, as freezing contracts the wax so as to break the combs and let the honey run. We especially recommend the reader to Mr. Root for further information upon this and other departments of bee-culture ; and we are assured that he is a gentleman who takes pleasure in answer- ing with promptness all: correspondence, with information from the rich stores of his prac- tical experience. He also publishes a semi- voted to instruction in bee-culture. All honey, as a gen- eral thing, candies at the approach of cold weather. It has been suggested that thin honey candies quicker than thick, and such may be the case; for honey that has been perfectly ripened in the hive, that is, has been allowed to remain in the hive several weeks after being sealed over, will sometimes not candy at ‘all, even Fia. 1469.—Sentinel Bees Guarding Entrance to A BHKE- CULTURE. 1085 if exposed to zero femneeieire: As some honey candies at the very first approach of cold weather, and other samples not until we have severe, freezing weather, we cannot always be sure that perfect ripening will prove a preventive. It is very seldom indeed that we find sealed comb honey in a candied state, and we therefore infer that the bees know how they can pre- serve it best for their use; for al- though they can use candied honey when obliged to do so, it is very cer- tain that they dislike to bother with it, for they often carry it out to the entrance of their hives when new honey is coming in, rather than take the trouble of bringing water with which to dissolve it. Now, by following out the plan ‘of the bees, we can keep the honey | in a clear, limpid, liquid state the year round. The readiest means of doing this is to seal it up in‘ or- dinary self-sealing’ fruit-jars, pre- cisely as we do fruit. Maple mo- Fre. 1470.—English Hive. lasses, syrup, ‘and preserves of all kinds, may be kept i in the same way, if- we do our work well, almost as fresh, and with the same flavor, as the day they were putin. The jar should be filled full, and have the contents nearly boiling hot when the cover is screwed on. The bees understood -this idea per- fectly before’ fruit-jars were invented, for they put their fresh pollen in the cells, cover it perfectly with honey, and then seal it up with an air-tight wax cover. To avoid heating the honey too hot, it may be best to set the fruit-jars ina pan of boiling water, raising them up a little from the bottom by athin board. If the honey is over- heated, even in the least, it injures its transparency and also affects ‘its color; in fact, it seems almost impossible to heat. some kinds of honey at all, without giving i it a darker shade. If you allow a barrel of linden or clover honey to become candied, solid, and then scoop out the center after one of the heads is removed, it will be found, after several weeks, that the honey around the sides has drained much after the manner of loaf sugar, leaving the solid portion nearly as white as snow, and so dry that it may be done up in a paper like sugar. 1086 BEE~ CULTURE. / In conclusion, it may be remarked that the _mariagement of bees is like the management of any other bysiness, and it must be watched and the small details attended to withthe greatest care.; Where there is failure, it is the result of neglect of these minor matters of detail. If properly pursued, there is no feature of the industry of the farm, as we have before stated, that is more profitable than bee-keeping ; and this feature may be made ornamental as well as useful, and be a constant source of pleasure no less than of gain. Fia. 1471.—Swiss Hive, FRUIT GUL/TURE. CHAPTER XLY. In JORTANCE OF THe CULTURE OF FRUIT — TRANSPLANTING, PRUNING, AND Man- _ AGEMENT — SELEcTION or Stock — Buppine — LayErina — LAYERING BY ExevaTion — Arproacu-GraFriine — CLEFT- GRAFTING — Inszcts Insunrovs To ‘Frorrs —- REMEDIES FoR THEM — GinmraL Hints FOR PROTECTION OF FRUITS. J SHERE is nothing that rewards the trarts of the farmer so lib- ie the growth of fruit, or gives such an appearance of comfort to the home. It is expected that.every farmer is more or less interested i in fruit. In fact, there is no information that. can be of more importance and interest to the genetal reader fats know- ing how to grow and take care of | good fruit. But as here are ample facilities to obtain from fruit-tree dealers and nurs- erymen all kinds of fruit already grafted, at mod. erate prices; we do not deem it necessary to in- clude more than the merest ' : outline. of the most ap- \ : proved methods. of graft- Fra. 1473. Fro. 1473. Fra. 1474. ‘Fra. 1475, 18 trees, because. hardly within their province to do |: work: that is usually done by experts. But it is of the greatest importance to every one inter ested in fruits to know how to protect them from the ravages of pests in the way of insects; and to aid them in this we have, at considerable expense :and trouble, endeavored to give the farmer such information as would enable him to protect his fruit, as this is entirely dependent on his own exertions. (1087) Pruning. ! 1088 FRUIT CULTURE. Desiring to make this as complete and reliable as possible, we made considerable effort to secure the aid of an expert, practical fruit-grower, and.were fortunate in being able to engage the services of Mr. John A. Adams, of Battle Creek, Mich., a horticulturist, of large. experience ‘and ability, who devotes his atten- tion exclusively to the growing of fruits : sand flowers, and who has carefully supervised the preparation of this chapter. In this department will be found a great deal of important and val- uable knowledge used by experts, —knowledge which alone is worth more to the farmer than the price of this book. PRUNING AND MANAGE- MENT. We deem it also worth the space. to give a few ideas in regard to the Fie. 1477.— Branch of pruning and management of a few ihe Cherry: of the small fruits which are so universally cultivated, The first important operation in growing fruit is to Fre. 1476. have it properly transplanted, and a few general rules : on this will be all our limited space will admit. Do Branch with Fruit and Wood Buds, 7°¢ ignore them, as all future success depends on' start- ing right. - ? Trees should be set out, as nearly as possible, in the same position as that in which they grew, as regards depth and. the position of the roots. All. muti- lated and broken roots should be removed with a sharp knife, and all roots should have a downward tendency from the tree, always digging the holes large enough to admit the roots straight out from Fre, -1478.—Process of Budding. FRUIT CULTURE - 1089 the tree. Never put any manure in contact with the roots of any tree or plant. Put only finely pulverized top soil in among the roots, pressing all firmly by tramping with the feet, being careful not to bruise the roots. Do not fill up around the tree above the surrounding surface ; and leave the surface earth loose, so as not to turn off rains or water put onin ye, 1479, Fra, 1490. Fro. 1481. Fie. 1482. | dry spells. Put some Insertion of the Bud. straw litter or coarse ‘manure around the tree, and in very dry weather water thoroughly not oftener than once a week; too frequent drenching is vey injurious. eS ae Grape-vines. should be, set, we think, from eight to ten inches deep, the ends of the roots cut, back to about six or seven inches for one-year-old vines, and eight to ten inches for ‘two-year-olds, the same general rules being observed as in setting trees. Black and red raspberries and blackberries should be set at least five inches deep, so that the canes will be supported by the earth, and stakes can be dispensed with in the cultivation in the field. Strawberry plants should have one third of the length of root cut off, ‘and be set with the crown just even with the surface. In pruning red and black rasp- berries, one fact should be borne in mind, —that,a large root with small top will bear larger and better-fla- vored fruit, and is not as liable to be affected by drought as a root with as large a top as will -grow from it. Therefore we advise (and: our. - opinion is based on experience) se-. | Fre. 1483,—Budding, A, the nursing stem; C, the bud se- cured in its place; B, the bud removed nae =e fxom the parent branch. vere thinning out and cutting back, ‘ 1090 FRUIT. CULTURE. . and are confident that it will be more satisfactory to the grower. — Plant thickly, two and one half feet in the row, and rows ‘six feet apart, with three to four canes in a hill, and these ‘pinched back in the growing season to form laterals, and let these be severely pruned. To have. the ground ifilled‘ with roots, and a less ‘number ‘of canes more evenly distrib- uted, secures us. more quarts of | ‘fruit, which is - larger in size, better flavored, consequently. commands bet- ter prices ; and then:in dry weather, when others are com- plaining oftheir fruit drying up on the bushes, we will experi- Fie, 1484.—Propagation by Layers. si es ft ‘ence no such results. ‘The principle here described we practice in all our fruit-growing, a “varying it to suit the different circumstances and characteristics of che fruits. BUDDING. 5 Propagation by budding i is performed during the growing season, and usually on young trees from one to five years old, with a smooth, soft bark. It consists ‘in separating a bud, with a portion of bark attached, from a shoot of the current season’s growth of one tree, and inserting it under the bark of another. When this bud begins to grow, all that part of the stock above it is cut away, the bud grows on, and eventually forms’ a tree of the same variety as that from which it was taken. Buds may be inserted in June, and make considerable. growth the same season, as they the South, but — asa general thing this is not desirable in the propagation of fruit- trees. The period from the middle of July to the middle of Septem- ber comprises the budding season in the Northern States, and the condition of growth, other things being equal, governs the earliness ‘ FRUIT CULTURE. 1091 or which a species is budded. Those fulfilling their growth early in the season are budded early, and those that grow until the autumn are budded late. Thus ‘the season extends over a period exceed- ing two months. In all cases, the following. ~ conditions are neces- sary :— 1. The buds must be perfectly devel-. “oped in the axils of the leaves on the young shoots intend- : ed to bud from. ’ 2. The bark must’ raise freely from the stocks to be budded. The implements needed. are a pruning- knife, to dress the stocks by removing Bi ie: Sc aa : ‘any branches that Fra. 1485.—Layering by Elevation. may be in the way of inserting the bud; and a budding-knife, to take off the buds and make the incisions in the stock. The latter should have a very thin, smooth, and keen edge. : The strings for tying in the buds are either taken from basswood mats, or they are prepared from the bark of the basswood. Young shoots, in the condition described, are cut below the lowest plump bud ; and there should be left an inch. or two of the base of every shat, where the buds are very close together ; then the leaves are stripped off, leaving half of each leaf-stalk to handle the bud by. When a considerable number of shoots are cut at once, they should be ‘stripped of the leaves and wrapped in a damp cloth as soon as cut; and they may,be preserved in good order for ten days, by keeping them ina cool cellar among damp sawdust, or closely 4 29 .- 1092 FRUIT CULTURE. enveloped in damp cloths, matting, or moss. " ‘ The operation of budding is per- formed in this way: The'shoot to bud is tak- en in one hand, and the : bud- ding-knife (WY ‘inthe oth- ~ er; the | lower part i ofthe edge : of the knife f s placed on the shoot, . half an inch above the bud to be re- eee Fra. 1486. Fra. 1487 1. f ne jer te the thumb Approach-grafting. of the knife-hand rests on the shoot below the bud B; a drawing cut is then made parallel with the shoot, removing the bud and the bark, to which _it is attached, half an inch above, three- -quarters ‘below it. The cut is made just deep enough to ‘be below the bark. A small portion of the wood is always taken off with it, and if this adheres firmly, it should be allowed to remain; if it parts freely, it should be taken out, but in do- ing so, the root of the bud should be carefully preserved, for if it comes out with the wood, the, bud is useless. (See Fig. 1478.) | A smooth place on the stock, clear of branches, is then chosen, where two incisions are made to “the depth of the bark, one across the end of the . other, so'as to form a T (Fig. 1479); the bark Fra. 1488.—Cleft- on the two edges of the perpendicular cut is grafting. raised (Fig. 1480) with the anoere ivoty handle’ FRUIT CULTURE. 1093 of the budding lrnife: and the bud is inserted be- » tween them (Fig. 1481) ; the upper end of the bark attached to the bud is. cut square, to fit the hori- zontal cut on the stock ; the basswood string is then wound around lightly from the bottom, leaving the bud ‘and the leaf-stalk un- covered (Fig. 1482); and ‘the string is finally.fastened above the horizontal cut. LAYERING. : ' Bending a flexible branch toward the humid soil, the gardener maintains it'in position by pegging it down to the ground and keeping it in that position until it. has thrown out its roots. These roots, as they are developed, manifest all the signs of life, which they contain as fully as the roots of the parent stock. When Fros, 1489. 1490. 1491. the roots are sufficiently strong to sup- port the branch, it may be- separated from the original stem, as it no longer needs its support. This process is technically known to fruit-growers as layering, or propa- '» gation by layers. Chet grating: LAYERING BY ELEVATION: In the operation of layering, every branch which it is desired to layer may be neither within reach of the soil nor sufficiently flex- ible to bend to the extent requisite. In such cases the soil must be raised to the branch. To effect this, vases or flower-pots of various forms are employed, which are filled. with earth, and maintained at the necessary hight ; the branch, being placed in it, traverses the, vase in contact with ‘the soil. The soil being maintained i in a hu- mid state, the portion of the branch in contact with it is not slow to push forth its.adventitious roots, which are soon present in sufficient . numbers. In due time the branches may be separated from the parent stem, and transplanted ‘elsewhere. This process, which re- quires great expertness to accomplish properly, has received the designation, among horticulturists, of layering by elevation. | GRAFTING. In view of the fact that fruit-growing is attended by so many drawbacks or obstacles in the way of insect. pests, droughts, and hard winters, we would recommend that none but valuable varieties aa 1 ut 1094 FRUIT CULTURE. of fruits should be grown, and that these should receive the necessary attention to secure full crops as far as possible. Many “noble old fruit-trees” (noble only in ap- pearance) are allowed to go on from year to year bearing inferior fruit, because the owner dislikes to remove them and com- mence again by planting out young trees. This is the most 2>surd and short-sighted economy, and keeps the grower constantly stocked with poor fruits, shutting out oth- ers that are better and more profitable. For the benefit of such fruit- -growers as may not be thoroughly experienced, we give a brief summary of instructions in the art of grafting, accompanied with illustra- tions carefully designed and executed, so as to render the subject plain to the reader. Grafting is the uniting of a shoot, or scion, containing one or more buds, to a stalk or root, with a view, by their union, to pro- duce a superior fruit upon the inferior stalk. Its object isto attach , one vegetable to another, which is to sustain and furnish matter for its subsistence—to nurse it, in fact. There are various methods of .grafting, but we describe here only two kinds—approach-grafting and cleft-grafting, illustrations of both of which are given. Fig. 1492. Fie, 1493 Cleft-grafting. APPROACH-GRAFTING | is an imitation of nature. We sometimes see in forests certain trees, particularly the hornbeam, in which a branch of one is firmly united to a neighboring tree of the same species. This process is practiced artificially to a great extent in gardening. The operator cuts corre- sponding slices of bark from two trees, brings the two equal places into contact, and lashes them firmly together with cord, which is again covered with some sort of clay, to keep the wound moist until a junction has taken place. (See Figs. 1486 and 1487.) CLEFT-GRAFTING, which is the method usually practiced, is operated successfully on both the trunks and the-roots of trees. It consists simply in split- ting a stock which has first been sawed off square, and inserting on each side a scion tapered down with a sharp knife to a thin wedge- shapé, so that the inner bark of the scion and that of the stock will FRUIT CULTURE. 1095° just meet. To insure. this juncture at some point, the top of the graft is sometimes carried in slightly. The whole is then covered with grafting-wax for the purpose of excluding moisture and air, and the grafts usually take kindly, if the grafting be done at the right time of the year—that is, in the spring, before the leaves ap- pear. The grafts may be cut any time in mild .weather in winter, tied in small bundles, and kept in moist sand until wanted. By means of cleft-grafting the fruit-grower changes with advantage the products of trees of the same species, making the head bear. fruit and flowers other than those belonging to the principal stem. The only-tools for grafting on the farm are a sharp panel saw, a keen pocket- knife, for paring the stalks and sharpening the grafts, a butcher-knife and mallet for splitting the stalks, and grafting-wax for spreading over the mutilated parts. : be ee hod THE BENEFITS OF GRAFTING. Old orchards of inferior fruit, may be entirely remade and re- formed by grafting the limbs with such varieties as we may desire. A new life is by this process often infused into the trees, which is due tothe very. severe pruning they then receive. In renewing an old orchard tree by grafting its head, it will not be a good plan to attempt the whole tree at once, as the pruning would be too severe, ’ and would be followed by a profusion of succulent shoots breaking out from the large branches, such as are called water sprouts. Those who have practiced most, prefer at first to remove about one third of the limbs for grafting, and those should be selected at the top of the tree. The next year another third of the limbs may be grafted, and the remainder the year following. A good grafting- wax is made by melting !togéther four parts of rosin, two of tallow, | and two of beeswax. The necessity for grafting is becoming less frequent of late years, as the large nursery concerns throughout the land are fur- nishing fruit-trees budded or grafted to bear such fruit as we choose to buy. We have now before us beautiful catalogues of the differ- ent varieties of fruits, with long lists of names and descriptions of each, from which we may select such as suit our individual fancy, and order the trees which, in case we deal with a reliable nursery, will bear fruits true to their names. PRACTICAL ‘SUGGESTIONS IN SELECTING NURSERY STOCK. Here let us say afew words to those of our readers who con- template buying nursery stock. Never buy of an agent. When you 1096 FRUIT CULTURE. decide that you need stock, write to some old-established firm, ask- ing them to send you a descriptive catalogue and'price-list. The worst class of swindlers we have. ever met with are the fruit-tree peddlers. They tell you anything necessary to get an order, and then fill it with the poorest trash. The price paid for the stock is often exorbitant, but, high as it may be, it is but little compared to the expense of caring for it for years, if it lives at all, uritil it'comes Fie, 1494.—Larva. Fie. 1495.—Chrysalis. Fra. 1496.—The Beetle in its Perfect State. 4 Round-headed Apple-tree Borer. into bearing, only to discover that it is some worthless variety, and thus find. that time, money, and labor are gone without returns. Buy only of reliable parties ; and when you select trees, let them be " young and small, rather than old and large. A young, vigorous tree or plant will receive less check from transplanting than older stock. A good root is more essential than a large top. The above words ‘of advice we feel free to offer from experience which. ‘we have paid dearly. for ; but purchased experience is valu- able, and not easily forgotten. We only regret that limited space prevents our saying’ many things that suggest themselves on this, to us, interesting subject. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUIT. We now come to that part of our chapter which embraces a subject immensely impor- tant to every fruit-grower,—the protection of his trees and vines from insect ‘pests. Their ravages are becoming more destructive . each succeeding year, and it is now acknowl- - edged that “to the victor belongs the spoils,” ' and if we would be ‘the victors and save our é oe poay; &y Per ‘fruits we must be up and doing. fect insect. Fie. 1497. — Flat-headed Apple-tree Borer. a FRUIT CULTURE. 1097 THE ROUND- HEADED APPLE-TREE BORER. ’ This insect is now very widely and generally known. It prefers the apple, but is at home in, the pear, quince, and mountain ash, The eggs are depos- ited late in June and during July, oneina place, on the bark of the tree, near its base. Within .two weeks the young “worms are hatched, -and at once com- Fic. 1498.—The Yellow-necked Apple-tree Caterpillar. mence with their ; sharp. mandibles to ‘gnaw their way a, Larva; b, Moth; @, Mass of a d, An ege magnified. through the outer bark to the interior. The soap remedy is probably as efficacious as any, being seadily obtained. Take soft soap and reduce to the consistency of thin paint by the addition of a strong solution of washing soda in water. Apply to the bark of the tree, especially about: the base or collar, and up to'the crotches. If applied during the morning of a warm day, it will _dty in a few hours, and is not easily dissolved ‘by rain. This should be applied early in June and a second time during the early part of July. THE FLAT-HEADED APPLE-TREE BORER. ‘Fre 1499.—Woolly Lice of the Apple. ‘ This pest is common almost everywhere. It attacks the pear, plum, and sometimes the peach as well as the apple. It does not confine its work to the base of the tree, but affects the trunk more or less throughout, and _ sometimes the large branches, ‘As a preventive measure, there is nothing better than coating the bark. of the trunk and larger branches with a mixture of soft soap and a solution of soda, as ‘recommended for the Round-headed . ‘Borer. , ‘THE WOOLLY-LOUSE OF THE APPLE. This is the same species as the Apple-root Plant-louse, but in this form the insects attack the trunk and limbs of the apple-tree, 1 , 1098 | FRUIT CULTURE, living in clusters, and secreting over themselves small patches of a cotton-like covering. . The vigorous use of a stiff brush wet with the alkaline solution of soap, secommended under the Round- headed Borer, will be found very efficient ; or a solution made by mixing five pounds of fresh Tinie with one pound of sulphur and two gallons of water, and heating until the sulphur is dissolved. After destroying those on the Fie. 150€. ; Oyster-shel! Fia. 1501.—Male. Fie. 1502.—Female. Bark-louse. Apple-tree Tent Caterpillar. trunk and cutting away all suckers, the earth should be removed from about the base of the trunk, the parts below the surface cleaned, and fresh earth placed about the roots. OYSTER-SHELL BARK-LOUSE. This appears in the form of minute’scales, about one sixth of an inch long, of a brownish, or grayish color, closely resembling that of the bark of the tree, and somewhat like the shell of an oyster in Fie. 1503.—Fall Canker-worm. 8, b, Eggs; c, Side view of seg- ments ‘of body; e, mass of eggs; f, Caterpillar. shape, adhering to the surface of the bark, and placed irregularly, most of them lengthwise of the ' . limb:or twig, with the smaller end’ Fie. 1504.—Codling Moth. . Ay E upward. In some instances the 4, o, Burrowings of the larva; b, Point of branches of apple-trees may, be © oh, cit woe ae eae ote . . . 01 : : found literally covered with these. wings extended; h, head of larva FRUIT CULTURE. 1099 ° scales; and where thus so prevalent they seri- ously impair the health and vigor of the tree, and sometimes cause its death. ' During the winter the trees should be ex- amined and the scales scraped off. Still, it is St almost impossible to cleanse the trees entirely ~ tae =a in this way, especially the small branches ; and hence the insect should be fought also at the time when the éggs. are hatching, which usually occurs late in May or early in June, and the young lice are crawling over the limbs, as then they are tender and easily killed. With this object’ in view, the time -of . hatching of the remnants left after the winter or spring scraping should be watched, and:while the young larve are active the twigs should be brushed with a strong solution of soft soap and wash- ing soda, as recommended un- ‘der the Round-headed Borer, or syringed with a solution of washing soda in water, made by dissolving half a pound or more in a pailful. Fra. 1506.—Apple-tree Root-louse. THE APPLE-TREE TENT- 8, Louse; b, Pupa; ¢, Fly that lays the eggs. CATERPILLAR 4‘ This insect inhabits now almost.all parts of the United States and Canada. The moth is of a pale, dull-reddish color, crossed by two oblique parallel whitish Jlines, the space. between these lines. being usually paler.than the general color. The eggs are deposited | during the month of July upon the smaller twigs of our fruit-trees in ringlike clusters, each composed of from fifteen to twenty rows, containing in all from two to three hundred, hatching .during the first warm days of spring. They usually appear during the last week in April or early in May, depending much on the pre- vailing temperature. Since the Tent-caterpillar is so site detected by its conspicuous nest, it need never become very troublesome, as the larve may easily be destroyed while sheltering within it. Sometimes when the nest. is destroyed a portion of the caterpillars will be absent feeding, and within a few days it may “be Fie. 1507 found partly repaired with the remnants of the host Twig-girdler. ’ “oe ‘ 1100 ‘ PRUIT CULTURE. within it ; so that to subdue them entire- ly repeated visits to ‘the orchard should ‘be made, and not a fragment of anest be permitted to remain. CANKER-WORMS usually hatch about the time ‘when the young leaves of the ‘apple push from the bud, when the little -Canker-worms clus- ter upon and con- Fie. 1508. — The sume the tender. Grapetine ‘Bark Jeaves. When full. , grown, the insect measures about, an inch in length. - These caterpillars are called Loopers, because they alternately loop and ex- tend their bodies when in motion. They are also called Measuring-worms. To attack an enemy with success, it is essential that we know his vul- Fra. 1510.—Larva of Fie. 1511. the Grape-vine Fleas Grapevine beetle. Flea-beetle. nerable points. In this in- stance, since the females are without wings, if they can be prevented from crawling up the trees to deposit their eggs, a great point will be: gained. Tar mixed with oil to prevent its drying, and applied ‘either directly around the body of thé tree ‘Fra. 1509.—The American Procris. or on strips of old, canvas or FRUIT CULTURE. 1101 ’ ‘Fie, TEAR. foes Beetle. é i or less success. They should’ be applied as early as the latter part of October, and. kept on uhtil the leaves ex- pand in the following spring, ; THE CopLINc- MoTH. This is one of the most troublesome insects with which fruit-growers have to contend, ‘and is found in al- most all parts of North. America. The édrly brood ° of moths appear on the wing about’the time of the open- ing of the apple-blossoms, when the female deposits her tiny yellow eggs singly in the calyx or eye, just as Fie 1514.—The Vine Pyralis. stiff paper, about five or six inches wide, and tied in the middle with a ‘string ; refuse sorghum molasses, printer’s ink, and slow-drying varnishes are used in a similar manner. Tin, lead, and rubber troughs, to contain oil, ‘also belong to this class of, remedies, and ‘have all been used with more ‘ Fra. 1518,—Leaf attacked by the Larva of the Grape-vine Flea-beetle. the young apple is forming. In about a week the -egg hatches, and the tiny worm at once begins to eat through the apple to the core. ' The most effective method yet devised for reducing the numbers of this insect, is to trap . the larve and chrys- alids and destroy them. This is -best done by: applying bands around the trunks of of the trees about six inches. 1102 FRUIT CULTURE. in width. Strips of old sacking, carpet-cloth, or fabric of any kind, will serve the purpose ; and, although not so durable, many use com- mon brown paper. Whatever material is used, it. should be wound entirely around sie ae the tree once or twice, Caterpillar of the - E Vine Pyralis, 2nd fastened with a string or tack. . Within such inclosures the larve hide and transform. The bands should. be pyo, 1516 —European Currant Saw-fly. applied not later than the first of. June, and visited every eight or ten days until the last of August, each time taken off and examined, and all the worms and chrys- alids found under them destroyed. They should also be visited once after the crop is secured. All fallen fruit should be promptly gathered and destroyed. ,, aaa ye OKA i OR ze THE TWIG-GIRDLER. This beetle nearly amputates pear twigs during the latter half of August and the early part of September. To subdue the insect, all dead and fallen twigs should be gathered and burned. Fias. 1517, 1518.—Loopers Fie. 1519.—Imported Gooseberry Saw-fly. Hanging by Their Threads. FRUIT CULTURE. 1103 THE PLUM CURCULIO. This insect is without doubt the greatest enemy the plum- grower has to contend with. It,is a small, rough, grayish, or black- ish beetle, about one fifth of an inch long,. with ‘a black, shining hump on the middle of each wing case, and behind. this a more or Fre. 1520.—Small Caterpillar of the Pimpernel. © Fic. 1521. Southern Cabbage Butterfly. less distinct band of a dull ochre-yellow color, with some whitish marks about the middle; the snout is rather short. When the Plum Curculio is alarmed, it suddenly folds its legs ‘close to its body, turns its snout under its breast, and falls to. the ground, where it remains motionless, feigning death. Advantage is taken of this peculiarity to catch and destroy the insect. A sheet is spread under the treé, and the tree and its branches are suddenly jarred, when the beetles fall on the, sheet, where they may be gath-. ered up and. destroyed. THE _GRAPE-VINE BARK-LOUSE. During the month of June there are ‘sometimes found on the branches of the - grape-vine, brown, hemispherical scales, from under one end of which there protrudes a cotton -like sub- stance, which in- creases in size until the beginning of. July, by which time it has become. ‘a mass about four-times as large as the scale. wp concave on the top, that will hold one or two pails of water. Per- forate this cover with small holes, allowing the water to run in slowly. How To CLEANSE A FILTER. Remove the cover, which should be of the size of the vessel used as a filter; then take out the gravel, sand, and charcoal, keeping each separate. The charcoal should be heated to redness in a covered dish, if new coal is not at hand. | The sand and gravel should be boiled for one half hour, and then thoroughly washed, until the water is clear. that comes from it; dry in the open air, and then re- “pack. The tighter the packing, the better, as the water passes through more: slowly, thus extracting more material. The above process should be done once in six months, at least. . All filters should be allowed to stand empty from one to three hours, once in twenty-four or forty-eight hours, for the purpose of allowing the charcoal to take up oxygen from the air; for it is the oxygen that destroys the organic matter. By applying the water ‘test, as given on page 45, you can readily determine whether the filter is doing good work or not. . Avoid stationary filters, as those used: in cisterns, where they cannot be cleansed ; for after a year’s use, they make matters worse by breeding germs, WATER—ITS USE IN DISEASE. Notwithstanding the example set by our forefathers, people of a few years since so lost sight of the value of water in disease, that its use was thought detrimental to all fevers, and it was not allowed even for drinking purposes, other than just sufficient to keep the patient from dying of thirst. But happily for the human race, that time of ignorance and superstition is passed, and the value of water in disease is fast coming to the front, and displacing many of the drugs which are so deleterious to the system. Asan antiphilogistic, or agent in the relief of inflammation, there is no drug that can equal water, applied in the form of hot fomentations frequently changed and long continued; or cold applied continuously for an hour at a time, and then alternated by heat, will subdue the worst cases. As a tonic, water has no equal; and let me say here that there ts no class of abused in all materia medica as tonics; for almost every ailment, charlatans advertise tonics, and people ‘call for them, when the better course would be the plentiful use of hot and cold water, taken both internally and externally, for the ps 1178 APPENDIX C. purpose of cleansing and purifying the system, by dissolving and . washing out the refuse material, and purifying, Who would think of cleaning house by using a little soap and no water? It is equally absurd to think of: cleansing our house we live in, the body, with teaspoonful doses of the various nostrums. People as a whole drink too little water, as is acknowledged by all of the general profession ; cand this is one great source of disease ; for the system becomes clogged up, and this brings on fevers, and especially rheumatism, by a collection of uric acid and urates in the system. One who is subject to rheumatism should form a habit of taking plenty of water daily, for the purpose of keeping in solution ‘-and passing off the deleterious elements. What about tonics in the spring of the year and at other times ‘when we have no appetite? This is a question frequently asked ; and in answer we would say, Nature is the best judge. We have ' just passed the winter, when it was necessary to take more food to keep up animal heat and warm the body’; and as warm weather approaches, and the sun warms the atmosphere, there ceases to be a need for so large a, quantity of food. Then how foolish it seems to dose the system with tonics ; it is better by far to drink two or three pints of water during the twenty-four hours, and thus aid nature in carrying out the desired’ result by use of her own abundant :and great tonic, pure water, \ ; . ' The tonic effect of water applied externally is equally as effica- cious as when taken internally, but one cannot take the place of the other. Many times, in‘weak and debilitated persons, a'daily bath in cool water, either with a sponge or otherwise, will, by its stimu- lating and tonic effect, set nature to rights much quicker than by the use of any other ae ; also hot and cold applications to the spine, as follows : — Take a heavy flannel cloth (or flannel underwear will do), fold up and put into boiling water all but the two ends, which should be kept dry for the purpose of wringing the cloth. As soon as it is - removed from the water, fold it the size required.* Wrap up in one or two thicknesses of dry flannel to protect the person and retain the heat, and apply to spine as hot as can be borne by the skin and not scald. Let it remain two or three minutes, remove, and rub the spine with ice or cold water a few times, then immediately —$ $$ $$$ : * At the Sanitarium, the cloth is folded four or five inches wide and the length of the back. For ordinary cases it is kept on only two or' three minutes. Then ice or cold water is applied quickly, and the fomentation repeated, This repeated’ two or three times, WATER AND GERMS. : 1179 apply the heat; repeat this process three or four.times, and let the patient lie down and keep quiet for an hour or more there- after. The above will be found excellent for nervous people. The use of the hot-water bag * for the spine will act equally well applied for one hour or more daily ; it beats all other nervines known. AS A SEDATIVE. The powerful sedative effect of water is unquestionable. In cases of inflamed joints or bruises, it. should. be applied cold for an hour at a time, alternating for a few minutes each hour with a hot fomentation ; or hot fomentations may be used instead of the ’ cold, with equal or better results. This should be repeated several times a day. As AN ANTISPASMODIC. és When the patient is in a cramp or convulsion, cold water may be used to relieve the immediate difficulty, after which hot fomenta- tions may be applied to the affected parts. Afterward such parts should receive fomentations three times a week, and fomentations _. should also be given to. the spine three times a week. ‘As A DISSOLVENT OR ABSORBENT. In cases of swelling or enlargement of Joints, liver, spleen, etc. fomentations should be kept up from three times a week to several times a day, according to the Severity of the case. In using fomen- tations for jaundice, or in cases of enlarged liver, apply the heat cover the stomach and right side, keeping the cloth well up, asthe | lower edge of the liver, in the normal condition, only reaches to the lower border of the ribs. In many of the above aftections, heat and cold will greatly reduce nearly all the difficulties. In jaundice, bile is absorbed into the system, giving the yellow hue to the whites of. the eyes and the skin ; hence, to eliminate, drink large quantities of hot water or hot lemonade at the same time the fomentations, are given, which will cause perspiration, and thus remove the poison from the system. ‘Packs are’ also good. Other enlarged glands may be treated in a similar way. AS A DIvRETICc, , that is, to increase the flow of urine by acting on the kidneys, WATER is the BEST KNOWN REMEDY, and is harmless. Many people have pain in the small of the back, and a burning sensa- #*There are rubber water-bags now made specially for this purpose; they are about 20 inches long by 5 or 6 inches wide. 1180 APPENDIX ©. tion when they urinate, and think they must have Bright’s disease of the kidneys; but there is not one case in one thousand, thus affected that really has any kidney affection whatever. The feeling of scalding or burning of the urine when passed, is due to irritation of. the urethra, from excessive acidity of the urine in the form of uric acid and urates. Many times you can discover this sediment by passing the water into a clean vessel and letting it stand a few hours. Urates appear as a cloudy deposit, usually light in color, although it may be dark. Uric acid will be found as fine red sand in the bottom and about the sides of the vessel. If these are allowed to remain in the system, and become a chronic affection, they may after a long time set up disease of the kidneys, by irritation of those organs. They are also largely the cause of rheumatism. But get rid of them, and thus obviate any further trouble. These sipsanecac uric acid and. urates, should be further oxi- dized and made. use of by the system; therefore, in such cases, drink plenty of water, three pints to two quarts per day.. A glass or two of hot water in ‘the morning, an hour before breakfast, is an excellent remedy. It not only aids greatly in washing these poisons out of the system, but causes contraction of the walls of the stomach, and washes it out, and thus prepares it for digesting breakfast. 1 Fomentations should be kept up for an hour over the stomach and liver, every day. The hot-water bag will be found almost indispensable for this purpose. It can be had at almost any drug store. Plenty of outdoor exercise should also be taken. CUTS AND WOUNDS.—NEW METHOD OF TREATMENT, The discovery has been recently made that by using a prep- aration of one part of corrosive sublimate (bichloride of mercury) to two or three thousand parts of water, and cleansing out the part with it, covering it over with cotton thoroughly saturated with the solution, a wound will heal by first intention without any inflamma- tion, all ordinary cases requiring no further dressing. This is one of the most important discoveries ever made in the treatment of surgical cases. At the sanitarium where the author makes-his home, the sur. geons, who use this treatment, have no inflammation or trouble in even the most serious cases, unless through some neglect or accident on the part of the surgeon or nurse. They are, in the first place, WATER AND GERMS. "1181 very careful to have all the instruments cleansed with five per cent solution of carbolic acid, and everything else in connection with the operation thoroughly cleansed with the bichloride solution, the wound thoroughly. dressed with it, and then carefully protected from the air; and there is always healing in a few days without ‘inflammation, no matter forming at all, The secret is that all wounds exposed to the air have myriads of germs formed in them; these set up. irritation, and hence the trouble with inflammation and suppuration. “This preparation destroys all germs instantly, and hence its value. I would call your particular attention to the value of this. Bathe all wounds thoroughly with it; keep,from the air, and let the part alone afterward, unless the dressing is removed, or the wound is exposed to the open air. If necessary to open the wound in the future, repeat the process of ClEANaIHg) as before described. ; In case of an abscess formed under the skin (all deep-seated abscesses), it should be thoroughly opened, and the wound douched with the corrosive sublimate solution once or twice daily, taking care that all the solution is removed from the wound or abscess. If: the corrosive sublimate is not at hand, boil water, in order to kill all the germs in it, and douch with this ; but the solution is indispensable. _In large wounds, it is best to have a piece of thin white muslin saturated with the solution and laid on; over this put a layer of cotton. also wet with it; the cloth will not. irritate the wound as much as cotton, and a layer of cotton has been found the best to keep out the germs. It is very important to have the hair around the edge of the wound clipped or shaved closely, as the cotton must lie close to the skin to exclude the air and germs. No adhesive plaster can be used under this dressing ; the parts must be drawn together with stitches, if anything. See regular treatment, page 568, First Part, and page 217, Second : Part. ‘ c ns a oo