SB 38 AG Cor 81.A6 uaranti Ti” 3 1924 See ey PLANT QUARANTINE CONFERENCE--MAY 15, 1922.6 t "~ _. _ For the information of the conference there is presented herewith on anal- ysis of the general subject which is before it for consideration, namely, the ‘necessity, if any, of modification of the classes of plants pemitted entry under Regulation 5 of Quarantine 57, either as to additions or deductions. This portion of the circular amounts merely to a statement of the problem, leaving the decision as to future action to follow any constructive suggestions which may develop at the conference. There is, however, included in subsequent pages of this circular a discussion of a number of subjects which have a direct bearing on Quarantine 37 and its administration. The subjects included in this circular are indicated below: E PURE S Ge Conse reread: +g cwieoa wae ede dceuma baa amiwnen Reha ema ewe Constructive Bugrestions Watitede.sunsiun nw aeneegew ers gueminaeeny’s Paste Principle of Qviereititie 2fuxsenwearannauesnegxaewspeeesaeee Al) Saportetions Field Righ.s se. nnienssauesekies wy ean eneeience Srovisious for Plant tnportationgsss