oe SNS9| DoRS p New ork State Cullege of Agriculture. At Qornell University Dthaca, N. B. | i i 1 Library DATE DUE VOCABULARY OF FOREST TERMS SILVICULTURE, FOREST PROTECTION, FOREST UTILIZATION FOUND IN SCHWAPPACH'S “FORSTWISSENSCHAFT” COMPILED BY - WM. A. A. REINHARDT, A. B. ue STATE FOREST ACADEMY, MONT ALTO, PA... 1909 HARRISBURG: C. E. Aughinbaugh, Printer to the State of Pennsylvania 1909 (2) Pou We hia ‘ct s A bbldttern—peeling off. Abbrennen—burning off. Abjflutung—flooding off. abgdngig—hypermature. Abhauen—cutting. Abhieb—cutting off. Ableger—layer. Absatz—sale. Abschiuss—closing off. Abschiirfen---scurfing, scrap- ing. Adbschwdichung—weakening. Abschwemmung—fi 0 0 d ing off. Abstand—distance apart. Abstellung-—removal. Abstrich—knocking down, abating auction sale. Abstufung—gradation. Abtriebsschlag—final __ fell- ing. Afterrawpe—larva of hymen- optera. Ahorn—maple. Akazie—acacia. Akkordverkauf—a g reement sale. Alterstufung—age grada- tion. Altholzalter—a ge of old wood, old age. anbauen—cultivate. anfallen—tell, cut down. anfertigen—arrange, fix. angehend—young. angemessen—suitable. Anhalt—halt, limit, “indica- tion. Anhaltspunkt—h a lting- place. Anpassung svermégen— adaptability. Antrieb—inducement. Anzucht—raising, rearing. Arbeitsbedarf—labor supply. =kraft—labor strength. =verdienst— remunera- tive em- ployment. Arsenikweizen—a rs enic wheat. Aspe—aspen. Ast—branch. =streu—litter of branches. =stummel—snag. Astung—lopping. Atzkalk—quick lime. Aufarbeitung—working up. =forstung—afforestation. =frieren—trost lifting. =hieb—clearing, cutting up. =lodern—kindling. =plateen—bursting. aufstapein—to pile up. Aujstrich—rising auction sale. =treibung—swelling. =trieb—driving in. Auge—bud. Ausfrieren—frost-lifting. ausgiebig—abundant. < 3 A.—Continued. Aushagerung—i m p o verish- ment. =hieb—extraction, c u t- ting out. auskesseln—to kettle out. =klengen—to cone, husk. Ausléuterung—c leaning, clearing. =roden—uprooting. =rupfen—tearing out. =schcidung—removal, separa- tion. B. Ausschlag—shoot, sprout. =schlagsfahigkeit— abili- ty to sprout. =wiihlen—uprooting. =eugshauung—e x trac. tion of old trees from young woods. austrocknend—dessicating. Auwaldung—forest on land liable to in- undation. Ballenkamp—ball-plant nur- sery. ballentos—unballed. Ballenpflanze—ball-plant. Band—band. Bankskiefer—Pinus siana. Baumfrucht—tree fruit. =schule—uursery. bedrangen—crowd. Beeintréchtigung—injury. Beerkraut—bilberry. Behandlung—treatment. Beherbergung—sheltering. beherrscht—dominated. Beimischung—admixture. Belaubung—foliage. Benutzung-—utilization. Beniitzungsweise—m ann er of utilization. Bank- 4 Berechtigungsgrenze—p rf 0 - scriptive boundary. Bergahorn—m ountain maple. =erle—mountain alder. Berufs-und Gewerbezéhlung —Census of Trades and Occupations. Besamung—seeding Beschaffenheit—c ons titu- tion. Beschirmung—shelter. Beschneidung—pruning. Besenpfriem—c 0m mon broom. Besichtigung—surveying. Bestand—stand, crop. bestandbildend—f orming stands. B.—Continued. Bestandesanlage—formation of woods. =begriindung— foundation of stands. =erziehung— tend-. ing of the crop. =loch— gap in ' stand... =material—e ro p material. =pflege—tending of woods. =schluss— crowded stand. =schutzholze— stand wood. Bestellung—tillage, cultiva-: tion. Betrag—amount Betrieb—management, | tem, operation.: Betriebsart—m ethod management, silvicul- tural system. . Beziige—fees. Biegsamkeit—flexibility. Biegungsfestigkeit—t rans- verse strength. Bindigkeit—compactness. .Bindung—binding. Binnenland—inland. Binse—rush. Birke—birch. Birschpfad—shooting (stalk- ing). path. sys- shelter |: practice, |. of!: Blattwespe—saw-fly... Blaubeere—bilberry. =werden—b ecoming blue. Blockterkauf—block sale, sale of standing trees by area. Blumentopf—flower pot. Blutmehl—dried blood. Boden—soil. =decke—soil cover. =feuer—s urface fire, ground fire. =flora—soil flora. =pfiege-— preservation of. fertility. =schicht—soil layer. =schutzhole— svil shel- ter wood. =streu-—soil litter. =liberzug—soil cover. =vorbearbciting— pr e- liminary working of soil. Bohrkéfer—boring borer. Bordelaise Britihe—Bor- deaux mixture. borkig—barky, scabbed. Béschung—slope. , Brandschaden—fire dam- ages, injurious fire. =stiften—i cen diar- ism. Breitsaat—broadcast ing. Bremse—brake. Brennholz—fuel wood. =kraft—heating power. beetle, SOW- B Con iiliee titaa aia WAS Brombeer e—h i a, € kb eT ry, Bi henspiines ob ¢ ee h brambleberry. Bruch—swamp, bog. ‘Buche—beech. eee ey, beech fungus. Phy MY pile— WSiiee eM ee noth, Buchaweig “en —buckwheat. Biischelp ilifiaung—m ultiple pL. lantink i Metin B noha pias wood. jist wee te hey Dampjfpflug—steam plow. Daseinskampf—struggle for _ | existeiice. Dawer—dity ability, p'ét m a- ence. |, daueriit— —peimanently.” Derbhole Wood ‘ovér'7 cm. : wide at _ the smaller end. dichtgelagert—compact. Dickung—thicket. *”’ Doppelp fiigen—double plow- in Douglasfichte—D 0 i glas - spruce. ™ Drahtgeflecht—wire work. Dr ainrohre—d rainpip @, . draining- tile. gis Drehwuchs—twisted growth. Dr eiecksverband—triangul ar , planting. Dy ‘illmashchin e—drill ae chine. Dr ‘uuckfestigiteit—r é sistance to ‘ertishing. Diingung—manuring, fertil- izing Diinkelschlag—seed cutting. Dur oh patiast Mone ba. Durchfor stung—th Durchfo ratuigbetried— thinning system. durchfihrbar —practicable. Durchw urzelung—s preading of, roots. diir ftig— poorly, spare. ma- ia ant Edelkastanie—s we @'t chest- . nut. Eg gen—harrowing. | Hibe—yew. : Messe t E466ntinued. Biche—oak. oo 7 . - ee Bichel—acori. : Hichenschalwald ung—oak ,, coppice wood for md aan =wickler—oak leaf roller, oak tortrix. Higentumsgrenze—o Ww Der- ship: boundary. . Dinfriediging—tencing= =griff—dttack. a =halien-—adherence, reten- tion.” =legung—beggining, start. =schlag—yield, from fell- in =stufen—dibbling. einschlagen—to heel in. Einzelbaumi ndividual tree. : =bruchi' n a i'vi dual "break. =mischung—m i ixture by single | individ. uals, bay, Fahriissigkeit—negligence. Fallrichtung—direction:... of uae fall. Even enue) ban ting ae single individ- uals. = reibesuaingle Tow. einzelstdndig—isolated. * Blementarereigniss--elemen- tal occurrence." Engerling—cockchafer grib.. Entwisserung—drainage: © Butwicklung—development, Erdbahn—dirt road. *""*" ' =féuer—ground fire, =grube—earth pit. =weg—dirt road. Erhaltwng—support, » tion. Erhebung—elevation: + -*" Erlés—procedds. DR Ernéhr Ung sprozess— process of nutrition. — Erwerbénder- “laborer; wage: earner. Brezeigiis-_product. Erzeugun g—production. * Lire iehung—rearing, ‘paising. Esche—ash. as -reten- re et a a Fangbaum—trap TTR oo =kniippel—trap Dee. ! :=rinde-—trap bark. * Fallungszeit-aseason- ‘of: fell. | Farnkraut—tfern. ing. Faschine—fascine, fa g go t- hurdle. t F.—Continued. Fasernlauf—course of fibres. Fasertorf—fibrous peat. Faulbaum—alder-buckthorn. =stellen—rotting.. féulniswidrig—rot-resisting. Fegen-—rubbing,. Fehlen—failure, . Fehler——defect, fault. fehlerhaft—defective, faulty. Fehlmast—tail mast, failure, : Feldmaus—field, mouse.: Femelschlagbetrieb—s.e1e c- tion system. :. Festigkeit—hardness..: Festlegung—determination. festtreten—stomp fast. . festwalzen—roll fast. Feuchtigkeit—moisture.. . Feuchtigkeitsgehalt—humid- |. ity. Feuergestell—fire line. =mantel—fire belt. Fichte—Norway spruce. Finke—finch. flichenweise—by. areas, spot- , wise. ‘ flachgriindig—shallow. =wureelnd—s hallo w- rooted. Floss—raft. Flugfeuer—flying fire. Flugjahr—swarm year. =sand—drift-sand. fm—Fesimeter—solid, cubic meter. Forstbenutzung—forest. uti!- ization. Forstdiebstahl—forest theft. =frevel—forest offence. =gartenbetrieb— nu r-, sery practice. =politik—forest : policy. =p 0 1% zetiibertretung— forest offence. - =produkt—torest p r o- duct. =recht-forest law. =schutz—-forest protec- tion. =s tra f gesetzgebung— legislation of forest penal laws. =technologie_f ores t technology. =unkraut—f o res t weeds. =verwaltung—f orest administration. =wirtschaft—torest man- agement. =wissenschaf t— forestry. frevelhaft—m is chievous, malicious. Frostleiste—tfrost-rib. =riss—trost-fissure. Fruchtbau—crop_ cultiva- tion. =beisaat— a d ditional crop sowing. =triiger— fruit-bearer. Friihjahrsaat—spring s 0 w- ing. Fillerde—filling earth. Gasse—lane. Gassenbruch—lane-break. Gebrechen—imperfection. Gefdlle—tfall. Gegenfeuer—back-fire. Gegenmassregel-—p reventive measure. ‘Gehéle—wood. ' Geissblatt—h one y suckle, woodbine. Geldénde—land, soil. Gerte—sapling. Gerbstoffgehalt—tannin con- tent. Gertenholz—sapling wood. Gesamtheit—sum total. =euwachs—total incre- ‘ment. . geschoben—shifted. Gésteinstriimmer—rock par- ticles. Gestell—see’ “Feuergestell.?” Gestér—raft séction. Gestréuch—shrubbery. Graben-—ditch. ‘| Grabestreif—ditch-strip. ‘Grasflur—meadow. -=narbe—g rassc ar, thin cover of grass. Grenzbeschretbung—descrip- tion of: boundaries. =gebiet—border region. «=stange—b oundary pole. =zeichen—-b 0 un d ary mark. =zug—boundary line. Grobhacken—coarse hoeing. ~ =rinde—coarse. bark. grobscholtig—coarse (clods). 'Grubenhole—mining timber. Grundbau—foundation. - =bestand— ground cov- er. '-=tsate—principle. ‘Griindigheit—depth of soil. _| grundsdtelich—fundamental- Gewerb—occupation, —prac-| Griindiingung—mulching. tice. '| Gruppenwirischafi—g ro up Gewerbetreibender—mechan- * system. ic. “igeworfen—warped. ‘'H. Hiéckelhacke—pronged hoe. Hackstreif-—hoed strip. =streu—cutting-litter. Hackwaldbetrieb—s ystem of field crops and oak coppice. H.—Continued. Hainbuche—hornbeam. |, ;, Halbfabrikat—in completely manufactured: article.. =lode—small.trans- plant, . (21-50: cm.) H auimatc hauny ee Harke-—rake. . Hare—resin. .: =erguss—- eatin an, o f| Pes resin. =riisselkdfer— resin oy. weevil, Hasel—hazel. , z Haubarkeit—exploitation. ; Haubarkeitsd e s.t a n.d-—ma- iby f ture stand.: A auptberuf—e. hie, ft: -@eeupa: . tion... - eg =holeart—chief.. species. =nuteung—p rin cipal at .. + yield. Hautftigter—hymenopterous . dmsect.. | 4 H egereiser—see ! 2 assreitel,” A pera ae howe fy shkraut~, ee ommon heather. Heidelbeere—bilberry. Heideplagge—heath sod. heimisch—native. Heister—high plant, tree. Heizungszweck—h eatin g - PUPPOse wo Hemmung—hindrance. Her batéaat—f al sowing. small aw capt o% herrschend— predominating oh ;. dominant. F ‘broom. H ibeerginie—talng yield. =cug—felling z series. rae immelsrichtung—c ardi- nal point, direetion. hintanhglten— -hold in check, prevent. roe ippe—billhook. Hl ochbestand—high stand.” =durchforstung—h igh thinning, thinning of .. dominant trunks. ._. Hochwatldbeta ‘ieb—high — for- _, est, system. . . hockivertig—-ligaly valua- A Siioiabnia, ei ght development. ,=riicken—ridge. ; H ole—wood.. coe <5 =art—tree species. .” eo By ., =bahn—wood. road... Sia a eman ad ‘for : wood... =hesiand a tan di i n g a Chop, ,.tree stand. ' =ertrag—wood yield. =gewdchs—wood growth. =nasse—wood volume. _ =nutzung—wood yield. -=riese-—wood -slide.... =sortiment—wood assort- ment: ee hy H.-7;,Continued. papi nena dene, Ho Holgouphiemoet growing. | holeveray heitgads Ww 0 0 d:- working. A ornast—horny knot... horstweise—groupwise. pumifiriort fumitted.. humos—humous. ae ‘umnwagehichir} a ayer bb or: ,, humus. oir rdengatie ry n—rails nf of Hiigelpflanzung—m 0 uD: a aqaal onigfence); railings. planting, . Rca prgees Jahresring—annual ring. Jdten—weeding. .. Joch—length.. of .rail. Kee J ohanniskraut—St. “ John’s ; wort. 2 DNTP ES Kifer—beetle. «° Kéhlabtrieb—clear-eutting. =fliche—cleared area. =frass—an- eating: bare: =schlag-—clearmfelling: « Kalk boden—calcareous-seil. =milch—milk of lime. Kamp—enclosure. Karabiden—Carabidae. Keilspaten—wedge-spade. ~~ Keimbett—germinating bed. |. =kraft—g er min ating}. ..... ... power. =ling-—young seédling. ° =pr obe——test of Berenna: : © tion. =ruhe—arrest of germi-)|:- cote hens" ngtion) ' keimfihig—tfertile. | Keimung-—-germination. ... Kerbe—notch. Kern. (roter)—heartwood. Kernriss—heart- shake, heart- ’ fissure. ; > =wuchs—seed- growth. aA Kiefer—pine. Bn Kiefernbaums chwamm— pine-tree fungus. =eule—pine o w.1 e t- _____._ moth, =markkéjer —p in «¢ “chpbeetles 5 “=reisig+—pine br weh- 4 “wood. tS asyal apie ' oy eomdk es a £ BN a 1 Ik.—Continued. Kiefernriisselkdfer—p ine weevil. =schiittepile—p in e needle-she dding fungus. =spanner— pine loop- er moth. =spinner—pine ‘moth. =triebwickler—p i n e- shoot tortrix. — Kienzopf—top. of. foxy tree. Kiesdecke—gravel surface. Klapppflanzung-—cleft 'plant- ing. Klause—lock. Kleinpflanze—small plant. Klenganstalt—coning estab- lishment. Klima—climate. klimatiseh—climatic. Kloben—split billet. Knochenmehi—ground bone, bone dust. Knollenbildung—formatio n of knobs. (tubercles.) Kniippel—round billet. konsolenférmig—b rack e t- shaped. képfen—to pollard, to top. Kopfholzbctricbh—pollar4- ing. Kraftmaschine—power chine. krénkelnd—sickly. Krebs—canker. ““rOne—Crown. Kronenfeuer—crown-fire. =schirm—leaf canopy. - =schluss—compact crown. Kriimelung—cr um liness, coarseness (of soil). Krummholzkiefer—m o u n- tain pine. Kulturbetrieb—culture sys- tem. =fldche—culture area. =methode— method of culture. =weide—c u 1 t i vated willow. ma- | Kiimmern—starvation. kinstlich—artificially. Kurzhacken—fine hoeing. L. Lage—location, position. Landwirtschaft—a gricul- ture. Langholefldsserei—log raft- ing. Langnutzholz—logs. Léngstrieb—leading shoot. Ldrche—tarch. Lérchenminiermotte—ia r cl miner moth. =pilz—larch fungus. L,—Continued. Larve—larva. Lassreitel—standard. Laubdach—leaf canopy. =hole—broad-leaved tree. Lauffeuer—running fire. =kdfer—ground beetle. Léuterungshieb—cleaning. Lawsonscypresse— Lawson’s cypress. lediglich—merely. Lehmboden—loamy soil. Leitergang—ladder, side gal- lery. lichtbediirftig—l i g h t-d-e manding, intolerant. Lichtbediirfnis—demand for light. =cinfall—light entrance. =genuss—a mount of| light. =schlag—light felling. =standszuwachs—o pen stand increment. Lichtung—heavy thinning. ” Lichtungshieb—light felling, heavy thinning. lichtstellen—to provide light, to interrupt the leaf canopy. Lichtwuchsbetriebh—o p en stand system. Linde—linden. Léchersaat—sowing in holes. =wirtschafi—g rou p system of regener- ation. Lochpflanzung—planting .in holes. locker—loose. Lockerung—loosening. Lode—sprout, medium-sized transplant. Lohléffel--barking spoon, ’ barking iron. Lohporling—Polyporus Vap- ‘orarius. Los—lot. Loshieb—severance cutting. =spilen—washing away. Lottbaum—timber carriage, go-devil. liickig—gaping. luftirocken—air-dry. Lupine—lupine. M. Méachtigkeit—thickness. Maitkéfer—cockchafer, bug. May- minnlich-—_staminate soms). (blos- Markstrahi—medullary ray. Mannbarkeit—ability to bear | Maserwuchs—curly growth. fruit. 18 M.— Continued. Masgenbruch—mass. areal sie “4 Serzeugung—v o lume ~ production. =ver Me Rs wn g—in- crease ip num- ~ bers. : =euwachs—v. olume _““in¢grement, massgebend. _seiu—be measure (for). Massregel—rule, measure. Mast—mast. Méuseplage—mouse plague. Meeresspiegel—sea level. Meistgébot—highest bidding. Mennig—red lead, minium. M inderwng—diminution, M ischbestand-—mixed stand. =holzarten—m,.1-x.e d « species. the]. ,, Misebitdung—dagpstive,. for- op AateQn.. . M itfruchtbaw—si i imultanequs ; crop cultivation. Mitteldure hmesser—m ean diameter. =r ippe—midrib.. : _ =temperatur—m ean __.¢ temperature. .,. ~=wald—coppice with eer a Mollmaus—mould mous vole. Mu ément—tfact, force. Moorerde—moor soil. M ulde-—depression. Mure—landslide. ; Nachbesserung—l| a. ter i wi N déhrstoff—nutritive ‘mater- provement. ial. =hieb—secondary felling. | naturgemaéss—natural, in ac- —lassen—abatement. =teil ~ ~perfluous part. nachhaltig—in a sustained. = "manner. Nadelhol conifer Hee ‘d Dig Nagetier TROP EME score residual part, su- cordance with nature. Naturverjiingung—n atural ~~regeneration. Nebenberuf—subsidiary . oc; — cupation. 9.) Sura inor pro- . duce, .. 5 ' : : aA bee ge ESS, 14, N.—Continued. N cigungegrad—A egree of ' slope. Nesterbruch—n est-break, clump-break. Ni ichtdérbholz—wood not in- cluded , under “Derh- ‘holz,” Niederdur chforstung—. 0..W thinning, . eee hin- _ ning, suppressed trees. ye =schlagsmeng e—|.-. amount of precipi- tation. Ntedtenioalabetriet — coppice system. Nonne—nun, nun-moth. , Ni otjahr—year of scarcity... Nutebarkeit—service, utility, NM utzen—utility. N utzhole—timber. . nutehalatii chtig—of good i tin er. bs ar N utzrinde—timber bark... =wert—yield' value, util. ity value. Obenaufpflanzung—planting Ochsenblut—ox-blood. above surface. Oberforsterei_f orest dis- trict. =holz—overwood. ~~ =stdndéer—standard” (re-| Ortstein—-hardpan. ~ / «ferved) tree. ., he PGi gashe 8 2e Odung—waste, barren land. Orkan—hurricane. O6rtlich—local. ortsangesessen—local. SA ety Te TO yD A awa Beng Se Pachtertrag—lease. .... Pappel—poplar. , , =plantage—p oplar , Plantation, : Peitschen—w lipping. Pflanzenabjall—plant offal, vegetable remains. 15 Pflanzgar den Sn raery. =holez—planting ted =kamp—t ras p lant nursery. | Pflasterstrasse—paved road. Pilz—mushroom, fungus. P.—Continued Pilzerkrankung—tungus dis-| Polyporusart—s pecies of ease. Planieren—leveling. planmdssig—systematic. Polyporus. Preisselbeere—red_ whortle- berry. Plinterbetrieb—s elec tion| Presstorf—pressed: peat. system. =wald—selection wood. Plattensaat—spot sowing. Platz—square. ‘Prozentsatze—p ercenta ge ‘growth. Priigel—round billet. Puppenrduber—ground bee- ‘ tle, (pupa robber). Q. Quadratverband—p | anting | Quellen—swelling. in squares. Quebrachoholz—y u e bracho wood. Querschnitt—cross section. R. Rabattenpflanzung—sow ing on ridges. Rabattierung—bordering. Raff=und _, Leseholz—fallen dead wood. © Rajolen—trench plowing. Rajolstreif—trench -strip. Randbesamung—b order ~ seeding. raschwiichsig—rapidly grow- ing. Raschwiichsigkeit—r a pidity of growth. | Raummeter—stacked Raubfliege—fly of prev. -=insekt—insect of prey. =wirtschafi—_r obber management. cubic measure, stacks. Réumung-—removal. Raupenteim—insect paste. Rebpfahi—vine pole. Rechstreu—litter of dead leaves or needles. 16 R.-—Continued. Rechtsanspruch—1 e g a l claim. Regenguss—heavy down- pour. Rehstand—deer stock. =wild—roe deer. . Reife—maturity.. Reihe—row.. Reihenverband—planting in. rows.. rein—pure, unmixed. - cutting. . Reisig—-brushwood, : wood. Rentabilitét—rentability. Revier—district., Riesen—sliding. Riesweg—slide.. . Rille—rill. Rillendriicker—rill-board. =zieher—rill-marker. Rinde—bark. faggot. . Rindenbrand—bark burning. =gewebe—bark tissue. Rindviehmist—cow dung. Ringschiéle—ring shake. Rinne—gutter. , roden—clear.: Rodung—-clearing. . Roggen—rye. ‘Rohsortiment—rough assort- ment. | Rotbuche-—redbeech. Reinigungshieb—c.1e an ing |: =erle—red alder. =féule—red rot. =wild—tred deer. Rételmaus—bank vole. Rotte—gang, band... riicken—transport, remove. Riickerlohn—transportation wage. Ruckwagen—sledge. ‘Riickweg—slideway.. Rundhole- Riisselkdfer—weevil. Riitteln—shaking. Saat—sowing. =kamp—seed nursery. Sdelatte—sowing lath. Saftzeit—sap: time. =zersetzung— .decomposi- tion of sap. Sagmiihlenbetrieb—saw mill practice. Sdhorn—sowing horn. =maschine—s owing ma- chine. Samen—seed. =beschaffung— procur- ing seed. ability to bear seed. 17. 8.—Continuéd: Stimenhatidlung—s é é & ‘es- ee tablishment. “Sschlag g—seeding a e i iL ing. | Stmerei—seeds.”* Sanandaen sans? | ‘soit ; Sarticksack—-sowing sack for the back. Saitinschtag—strip felling. © Schaft—bole, trunk... schélen—peel. ; schattenertr gota’ hade enduring, ‘tolerant. oe Scheide—sheath'” Schéii i aH nue” ayes Sanam iach a8 i ack e. a timber. fe AO ae Scnilfreed Schirmbestand—s hey “wood? =schlag—shelter wood. felling. tho schirmférmig—u m b rella- shaped. _ ‘=frei—tree of canLOny Schlag—telling area. Sits u Hache” “caboemanes. =fithrung—a rrange ment Jof.fellingsy”. Reldaigrinks-entertodtot rest ie cn from cutting. Schleifhotz—pulps wooed. =weg—-rhad, s lid e, .Lslideway. Schlittweg—sled road. Schlucht—ravine, gully. aye & , , Schuppen—spade” At Schlupfwespe— —ichitiéimn fly. schmalspurig—n _ o W schmar otzend parasitic ae Schmaroteer—parasite. xi schnabelférmig—beak's hi a p- ed, rostrate. “~~~ Schneebr uch—Snow-break: =dr uckgefahr— aaneee of ‘snow pressure. Schneidelstir eu—litter from lopping. Schneisennete—network lanes. Schnittprobe—ciitting test: | Schénheitswaldung—beauty forest. | Senbnung closed wood. of # a Schule—transplant, nursery. ee Schulkainp—transplant nur- sery., er Schutzbediirfnis—d emand for shelter. * =streifen—p r o tective strip. __=waldung— protective forest. Schwarecrle—gatkoeldér.. - =wild=swildsboar: Schweined tinger--swine dung. . : 1 =eintrieb—p a n- mage. -Simndast—8 wine mast, Schwerpunkt—imp ortant : point. herent wee ey ee (ie eae 18 “S.—Continiied. Schibindei™ Bice unken wood. Selareiszedt ing. ' =stangeSslip. Sickérgrabenilateral trench. SitchafichtESitka spruce.’ *! Sonne 6 estrahlung—sun- light. Spaltbarkeit—cleavabi lity. fissibility. -, =pfianzung—n o tc h planting. Spannkette—drag-c His ae titi, spatbliihend + oe Spaten—spade: te Specktorf—rich peat. sperr ig—with wide: ‘spread- ing ‘branches: ’ Spiegel? lade silver bark. ‘Sprédymast—-quarter™ mast. / =sehi'aube—b las ote WIOAE U8? gether, oe THOM Spr iegelzaun—tilt ‘tere sprungweise—abript-* : Spurweite—gaupe: * * Staatsgewalt—e. xecu tive “power. Stamm—stem, trunk. =abschnitt—trunk sec- tion, °° * =achse—stem axis. =feuer—trunk fire. =teil—part of trunk. Stand—stand. =ort—locality. Stange—pole, stem, stalk. eal L, * | Siangenholzalte i— a geo o“f pole, wood. Sor t—pole wood, ~ "" Jocality con- taining pole wood!" Btarktodelarse: eeasisptant Stawwerk—water-s towing works (locks, dams, etc.) stechen—to spade. Steckling—cutting. Stecksaat—dibbling. | Steig—path. | Steinbahn—stone road. stellenweise—in places, spot- wise. Sticktorf—spaded peat: © Stock—stump. =hole—stump wood. Sto ff—material. Stoss—stack. Str afgesetzbuch—p enal code. "' Str auch—shrub. ? * sweide—shrubby wil: low. |. =werk—brishwood. Streichtorf—molded peat. =r ‘ippe—wooden ruD- ; ner. , Streifen—strip. | =saat—strip sowing. Streu—litter. =decke—litter cover. =ertrag—litter yield. =nuteung—r e moval of litter. 19 S.—Continued. Strychninweizen—s t ry ch- nine wheat.. Stiicklohn—piece wage. =eahl—number. stufig—graduated, sturdy. Stummel—snag, stump. Stummeln—lopping. Stummelp flanze—stump plant. Stundung—delay granted in payments, re- spite, grace. Stiirzen—pitching. Tagwurzel—shallow root. Taxe—rate, price. Teer—tar, pitch. =6!—tar oil. =schwelerei—d is tilla- tion of tar, produc- tion of. tar from stumps. Teeren—tarring. Tenne—floor, barn-floor. Terrain—ground, country. Terrassieren—terracing. Thomasschlacke—T homas slag. liefgriindig—deep (soil). =rissig—deep-fissured. =wurzelnd—deep-rooted. Tiergattung—animal species. tierisch—animal. 20. Tonboden—clay soil T'orf—turf, peat. =brei—peat pulp. =mull—peat mould. =stich—spading of peat. Trénkung—saturation, ab- sorption. Tréinkungsfihigkeit—p o wer of/ absorption. Traubenkirsche—bird cherry. Trieb—shoot. Triften—floating. Triftweg—passage for cattle, grazing path. Trockenféule—dry rot. =gewicht—dry weight. =torf—dry turf. Turnus—rotation. U. iibererden—covering with earth. =halter—reserved stand- ard. =schwemmung—tiood. =sieben—sieving over. =wallungsrand—e d ge of wound. Ulme—elm. Umbruch—breaking up. umgraben—dig up. Umhacken—hoeing. umklappen—flap over. Umlichtung—opening out. umschippen—shovel about. umstechen—spade about. Umtrieb—rotation. Umtriebszeit—time of rota- tion. Umwehrung—s ur rv o unding protection. ungleichaltrig—uneven-aged. Unkrautdecke—ec over of weeds. =streu—weed litter. =wuchs—weed growth. Unland—waste land. Unterbau—under planting. =grundpfug—s ubso il plow. =holz—underwood. wnverschult—untransplant- ed. tippig—luxuriant. Urbarmachung—cultivation. Urwald—virgin wood. Vv. Vegetationsruhe—arrest of growth. ; Verangerung—overgrowth of weeds. Verarbettung—working up. Verband—arrangement. Verbreitungsgebiet—r e g ion of distribution. ‘Verbuchung—entering into books, book-keeping. Verdimmung—suppression. Verdunstung—evaporation. Verfahren—procedure, pr o0- cess. Verfilzung—matting. Verjiingung—regeneration. Verkaufseinheit—s elling unit. verkittet—cemented. Verkohlung—c har co aling, charring. Verpflanzung—t r an splant- ing. verpuppen—to change into a pupa. verschulen—transpiant. Verschulungsbeet—t ran s- plant bed. 21 V.—Continued. verschwindend—negligible. Versteiger ung—auction. versuchsweise—e x )) eriment- ally. Vertilgungsmassregel—m e u- sure for extermina- tion. Verunkrautung—overgrowth of weeds. ° ; Verwendungsweise—manner of use. Verwittern—decomposition. Verwitterung—weathering. Verwitterungsboden—dis i n- tegrated soil. Verziehung—distortion. Verzollung—paying (esti- mating) of customs. Vogelbeere—mountain ash. volkwirtschaftlich—e c 0 0 v- mic. Vollsaat—tull sowing. Vorarbeit—p reliminary work. Voraussetzung—p resum p- tion, condition. Vorbereitungshieb—prepara- tory cutting. Vorbeugungsmassregel—pre- ventive measure. Vorfruchtbau—prelimina r y crop cultivation. Vornutzung—yield of thin- nings. Vorschrift—direction. Vorsprung—p rojection, start. voruiegend—prepond era t- ing. Vorwuchs—advance growth. Vorwuchshorst—-group —ad- vanced in growth. W. Wachsraum—growing space. Wachstumsbedingung— con- dition of growth. Wachstumsenergie— energy of growth. Wadel—felling time. Wald—wood. =anlage—f o r est planta- tion. =bahn—forest railway. =bau—-silviculture. = Waldbehandlung—f 0 rest treatment. =besite—forest property. =boden—forest soil. =brand—forest fire. =feldbau-—t orest and field cultivation, combination of field crops with high for- est. W.— Continued. Waldflora—forest flora. =grund—forest soil. =hammer—range h a m- mer. =mantel—shelter belt. =pflug—tforest plow. =rebe—clematis. =teufel—forest devil. =weide—tforest pasture. waldtrocken—forest-dried. Waildung—woodland. Walnuss—walunut. Wanderkamp—temp orary nursery. Wassergehalti—water con- tent. =reservoir—water re s- ervoir. =wirtschaft—w ate r- management. Wegbauten—road_ construc- : tion. : =planum—road surface. Wegenetz—network of roads. Weichhole—soft wood. Weide—pasture. — =vieh—cattle. Weidenheger—willow cul- ture. =hegerbetrieb— willow culture. =korb—willow basket. =rdschen—w illow herb. Weisserle—white alder. =esche—white ash. Weisstanne—silver fir. =tannenpile—silver fir fungus. Welle—faggot. Werfen—warping. Werg—tow. Werterzeugung—value pro- duction. Weymuthskiefer—white pine. widerrechtlich—illegal. Widerstandsfahigkeit—pow- er of resistance. Wiesenanlage—meadow cul- tivation. Wildbach—torrent. =garten—game preserve. =park—game park. Wildlingspfanzee—f orest seedling plant. Wimmerwuchs—wavy growth. Windbruch—wind- break. =mantel—wind-belt. =wurf—wind-warping. Wipfelbruch—top-break. =feuer—t o p. (crown) fire. Wirbelwind—whirlwind. wirtschaftlich—scien tific, economic. Wirtschaftswald—mana g ed wood. Wollappen—woolen cloth. Wiihlratte—vole, burrowing : rat. W.—Continued. Wundhacken—hoeing up. =haltung—k ee ping (the soil) in a turn- ed-up condition. =pfliigen—plowing up. Wurzel—root. =faser—root fibril. =schwamm—r o o t fun- gus. Wurzeltorf—rooty peat. =verbreitung—r 0 ot distribution. =vermégen—r o o t ing power. wurzellos—rootless. Wiiste—waste land, desert. zahe—tough. zerfallen—decompose. Zersetzung—decomposition. | Zersetzungserscheinung—de- composition phenom- enon. Ziehhacke—draw-hook. Zirbelkiefer—Cembran pine. Zopfdurchmesser—top diam- eter, smallest diam- ter. Zuchtpflanzee—cultivated plant. Zufuhr—addition. Zukunftsstamm—f uture trunk. zuwachskraftig—vigorous | ¥ growing. Zwischennutsung—interme- diate yield. =stufe—intermediate stage (or step.)