REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION SY OVWiee Lure = Cy ALS Tech EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN: MICE Bye 2 Cr eC.) a spi WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION oF W asHINGTON 1913 ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEw YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY QH 431.0385. University Library its explana WADE 3 1924 003 057 12 6 nam REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION Bry W. E. CASTLE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE INHERITANCE QF COLOR IN MICE By Cc. C. LITTLE WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1913 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON. PuBLicaTion No. 179. apers Nos. 18 ano 19 oF THE-STATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION aT CoLD SPRING Harsor, New Yors. Copies of this Book were first issued SEP 131913 PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS WASHINGTON, D. C. REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION. By W. E. CASTLE, Professor of Zoology in Harvard University, Research Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Paper No. 18, Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION In 1905 I showed that when black-coated guinea-pigs of pure race mated with red-coated ones only black-coated young are ordinarily produc and that if such young are in turn mated with reds, both black young and ones are obtained. In other words, black is a mendelian dominant to 1 The fact was, however, noted that occasionally the cross of black with causes reversion to the agouti or wild Eine But this may be regarded a “modified condition of black, since the hairs of the agouti animal contain bl: pigment, but disposed in a definite pattern with red, the entire hair being bl: except a terminal or subterminal band of red (or yellow). An examination of the tables of matings published at that time shows t] all the agouti animals so produced were the progeny of a single red anin o0'2054. This animal produced black young as well as agouti ones in cros with black, so it was not clear to what the reversion was due. By a study the progeny of this animal the matter was later cleared up. The black you were found never to produce agouti young in crosses with any red anim unless such reds were descended from 2054. The agoutis, however, produ: a mixture of agoutis, blacks, and reds, when mated with ordinary red anim: These and other corroborating experiments, reported briefly in 19 showed that the agouti reversion in crosses of black with red is due to a fac transmitted by the red parent, never by the b ~ Fe ‘For, as I then show (ty a red animal “which produces the reversion to ee in crosses with | black animal will produce it in crosses with any black animal; but (2) no bl: animal will produce agouti young unless crossed with a red antral which a produces agouti young in crosses with other black animals. For simplicity, the something possessed by red animals which indu reversion, I have called the agouti or A factor. It is invisible in the red anin since the hairs of such animals are. ered throughout ‘their Jength._ Its only C severable function is to exclude black from the terminal portion of the_h: and this function plainly can tot be ‘exercised unless black pigment is prese Now this agouti factor is transmitted like any other simple independent m delian factor. Some reds are homozygous in A and so transmit it in all tk gametes. A very fine female of this sort, kindly loaned me in the summer 1906 by Mr. B. B. Horton, was mated with two different black males (74: and 679538), by each of which she bore five young, all agouti-marked. Th same males when mated to other red females produced only black young. Most of the agouti-producing reds which I have had, including the origi o'2054 (received in June, 1903) and some of his descendants, have been hete zygous in the agouti factor, so that when mated with black animals they r duced in approximately equal numbers agouti young and black ones. 3 4 REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION. reds which I have had, derived from other sources than these two, have failed to produce agouti young in crosses with black animals; see the summary in table 1, p. 8. They may therefore be considered to lack altogether the agouti factor in which wild species of cavy are regularly homozygous. The agouti factor is transmitted through albinos exactly as are other color factors. Accordingly an albino may or may not possess and transmit the agouti factor; if it does possess this factor, it will produce agouti offspring when crossed with a black animal. Several examples of this have been ob- served among the albino descendants of 2054. Thus red 73496, table 1, which when mated with heterozygous black females produced red young and black ones but no agoutis, when later mated with the albino females 4270 and 4262 produced 4 red and 4 agouti young. The father of these albinos, it should be said, was an agouti animal. Agouti animals produced by crossing black with red do not breed true. They produce three classes of young if bred with each other or with ordinary reds. The latter form of test has been more commonly employed in my experi- ments because I had more red animals than agoutis and it was easier to ascer- tain their gametic composition. Fourteen young, however, were obtained from the mating of F; agoutis inter se; they were 2 red, 2 black, and 10 agouti; see table 2, p.9. The mating with reds produced 111 red, 45 black, and 40 agouti; expected, 98:49:49. This expectation is calculated as follows: It is expected that half the young will be red because the agouti parent is known to be hetero- zygous for red. It is also expected that half the young will receive the agouti character, which those possessing black pigment will show, but which those possessing only red pigment will not show. Hence all the reds should look alike, but half the others should be agouti. In the mating inter se of agoutis of this generation the expectation is 4 red :3 black :9 agouti; the observed numbers, as stated, are 2:2:10, in a slightly smaller total, 14. The tests summarized above relate to five different F, reversionary agouti males. Three of them were descendants of my original red male, 2054; the other two (9150 and 9152) were sons of Horton’s red female. All gave similar results. Agouti young produced by the mating already described of an F; rever- sionary agouti with an ordinary red produced the same kinds of young as did the F, agoutis, viz, red, black, and agouti; see the second division of table 2. The tests applied in this case were identical in character with those applied to the previous generation, viz, matings inter se and with ordinary reds (lacking A). Twenty-four different male animals were tested in one or both of these ways, while several females were tested in the first-mentioned way. The data for these are recorded for convenience in connection with the male involved in the same experiment. Only two of the various animals tested failed to pro- duce all three classes of young. In the case of these two, 9602 and 9685, there can be little doubt that a more extended test would have produced the missing class. Male 9602 produced 2 black young and 1 agouti. A further test would almost certainly have given red young, since his mother was red. Male 9685 produced 4 red young and 2 black ones. That he could also have produced REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION. 5 agouti young can scarcely be questioned, since he was himself an agouti. The total progeny of the 24 males by red females is 133 red, 66 black, and 69 agouti, the expectation being 134 :67 :67. By agouti mates they produced 25 red, 21 black, and 63 agouti young, the expectation being 27 : 21:61. These are remarkably close agreements. One of the 24 males, 7932, was also mated with a black female, producing 2 black and 2 agouti young, the expected equality; no red young were to be expected. Agouti animals produced by mating agouti animals inter se are not so uniform in behavior as those thus far discussed. Experiment shows that they fall into four groups: I. Agoutis producing red, black, and agouti young. II. Agoutis producing only red and agouti young. III. Agoutis producing only black young and agouti young. IV. Agoutis producing only agouti young. Group I is represented by nine agouti males, whose parents were both agoutis; they were enumerated in the third division of table 2. Together they have produced (a) by red mates, 34 red, 20 black, and 19 agouti young; expected 36:18:18; (6) by agouti mates, 3 red, 5 black, and 14 agouti young; expected 5 :4:12, if the females were of the same character as the males, as most of them doubtless were; (c) by black mates, 3 black and 3 agouti young, the ex- pected equality, no reds being expected. Group II is represented by the ten animals enumerated in table 3. They proved to be incapable of producing black young in any sort of mating. Mani- festly they were homogyzous in agouti. By red mates they produced 53 red and 52 agouti young. They were accordingly heterozygous in red, and equality of red and agouti young was to be expected. By agouti mates they produced 13 red and 62 agouti young. The expectation in this case varies with the character of the agouti mate employed, which was not in every case definitely determined. If the agouti mate belongs in Group I or II, then the expec- tation is 1 red :3 agouti; but if the mate belongs in Group III or IV, the expectation is all agouti young. If the mates are a mixture of the two sorts, as a random group of F, agoutis should be, then the expectation lies between 75 and 100 per cent agoutis; the percentage obtained is 82.66. By black mates, the Group II agoutis produced 18 young, all agouti, as expected. These were sired by two animals, both of which by red mates had produced red young as well as agouti young. Group III is represented by the 16 tested animals enumerated in table 4. They were incapable of producing red young, and hence were homozygous in black. But since théy produced black young as well as agouti, it is evident that they were not homozygous in agouti. Three females (374,437, and 462) are included only provisionally in this group, since they were not tested by matings with red animals, but only with black ones. They are known to have produced black young, but it is not certain that they could not also have pro- duced red young, in which case they would fall in Group I. The test in the case of several other animals (as 5, 68, and 314) rests upon too small numbers 6 REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION. to be conclusive, but suffices to show that the animals in question were not in all respects homozygous, the condition it was desired to obtain in the experi- ment. These animals were therefore promptly discarded as soon as evidence was obtained that they produced other than agouti young. In the case of animals 191, 6197, 7894, 8020, and 9939, the numbers of young are sufficiently large to establish beyond question their position in Group ITI. The animals included in table 4 together have produced by red mates 51 black and 91 agouti young. If all the red mates used lacked the agouti factor, we should expect equality of black and agouti young; but from this expecta- tion we observe a considerable divergence. It is quite possible that in some of these tests red animals were used which were descended from 2054 and had inherited from him an unseen agouti factor, for in making the later tests some such animals were employed, but it is doubtful whether this accounts for the whole discrepancy, amounting to about 14 per cent. This doubt is strengthened by the similar discrepancy observed in the tests with black mates, where we expect equality of black and agouti, but obtain 5 and 12 respectively. The case of animal 191 looks suspicious; he produced only one black young one in a total of 22, yet the record is certainly accurate. We had provisionally pro- nounced him a pure agouti, when the single black young one came which places him in Group III. It seems doubtful whether the theoretical 50 per cent of his gametes were entirely free from the agouti character. If so, such gametes would seem to have been deficient in vitality. The deviation is, however, not an impossible chance result, though it seems improbable. I regret that this animal was not more extensively tested. The matings of animals of Group III with other agouti animals produced 9 black and 46 agouti young, or 84 per cent agouti, where we expect between 75 and 100 per cent. Agouti animals of Group IV are included in table 5. They represent the “fully fixed’? agouti type breeding exactly like a pure wild species as regards color. Two thoroughly tested animals belong here beyond question, 145 and 0316; two others less fully tested belong here in all probability, viz, 1160 and 01181, while 9 473 is included as a possibly pure animal. She was fully tested qualitatively (by a mating with a brown-eyed yellow animal known to lack both black and agouti), but the number of young obtained is not large enough to make the test conclusive. Similar tests of other females might be included in the table, but they would add nothing to the demonstrative case of #145, which shows that the reversionary character obtained by crossing can be obtained in a homozygous, pure condition, as it occurs in wild species. The five animals enumerated in table 5 have produced only agouti young: (a) by red mates, 52; (b) by agouti mates, 135; (c) by black mates, 26. The occurrence of four different types of F2 agoutis indicates that the F, agoutis, their parents, were heterozygous asregards two independent mendelian unit-characters, in agreement with the interpretation already given. These two characters are: (1) black-pigmented fur; (2) the agouti pattern (visible only in black-pigmented animals). Designating these two units as B and A respectively, the F, agoutis are all of the formula AB (heterozygous in both REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION. 7 units). Their gametes are AB, A, B,O. Ifananimal producing such gametes is mated with a red animal lacking both units, the zygotes formed would be, as regards these units, AB, A, B, and O, or agouti, red, black and red respec- tively, or collectively 2 reds : 1 black :1 agouti, as obtained (table 2). Further, such agoutis as came from this cross would be identical in character with the F, agoutis. This expectation is confirmed by table 2, second division. But if the Fi agoutis are mated inter se, then we expect to get zygotes corresponding with the product of two sets of gametes, each AB-+A+B +0, that is A, Bo* +24.B +2AB,+44B +24 42B+4+4.+B,+0. In appearance these zygotes would fall into three classes, agouti, black, and red, as shown in the accompanying table. The agoutis in this (F2) generation, it will be noticed, should be of four different types, as actually observed. The AB group should produce all three sorts of young, agouti, black, and red, being heterozygous in both characters, A and B. The group designated by A:B would be pure for A but heterozygous for B. All their young Agouti. Black. | Red. would be potentially agoutis, but since part of them would lack black pigment, such would 4 be red. Hence they would produce only the 2 two sorts of young, agoutiand red; see table 3. 2 ABs The group designated by AB» would transmit black pigment to all their young, but only part of these would receive A. Hence they would produce agouti young and black ones, but no reds; compare table 4. The group A2Be would transmit both black and agouti to all their young; hence they would produce nothing but agouti young, however mated; com- pare table 5. The expected proportions of these four groups of agouti animals are obviously 4 :2:2:1. The numbers shown in the tables are 9 :10 16:5. The apparent deficiency of individuals in Group I and excess in Groups II and III is readily accounted for. Not all the agoutis recorded as derived from an agouti X agouti cross were second-generation agoutis; many of them were third- generation agoutis, having been obtained from two successive matings of agouti with agouti. In that case one or both of their parents may have been of Groups IT or III, in which case the expectation for young of those groups is increased, while that for Group I is correspondingly diminished. Therefore both the kinds of agoutis obtained in the experiment and their numerical pro- portions are in harmony with the hypothesis presented in this paper. *The subscript 2 is used (instead of the algebraic exponent 2) to indicate double rep- resentation of a factor, 7. e., a homozygous condition as regards it. (See Castle, 1909.) 8 REVERSION IN GUINEA-PIGS AND ITS EXPLANATION. SUMMARY. 1. The agouti coat characteristic of wild cavies and of most other wild rodents is dependent upon the presence in the fur of black pigment disposed in a definite pattern with red (or yellow). 2. The factors which control, respectively, the development of black pig- ment and the production of the agouti pattern are independent of each other. 3. The agouti coat is obtained only when both these factors are possessed by an individual. 4. Only such agouti individuals as are homozygous in both factors breed true under all circumstances. 5. An agouti animal which is homozygous in A (the agouti factor), but heterozygous in B (black pigmentation), may produce agouti young and red ones, but not black. 6. An agouti animal which is homozygous in B but heterozygous in A may produce agouti young and black ones, but not red. 7. An agouti animal heterozygous in both A and B may produce three sorts of young, agouti, red, and black. All F; (reversionary) agoutis produced by crossing black with red are of thissort. Agoutis of the other three sorts are obtained only in the second or later generations of agouti young. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Castize, W. E., 1905. Heredity of coat-characters in guinea-pigs and rabbits. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication No. 23. 1907. On a case of reversion induced by cross-breeding and its fixation. Science, N.5S., vol. 25, p. 151. 1907a. The production and fixation of new breeds. Proc. Am. Breeders’ Associ- ation, vol. 3, p. 34. TaBLe 1.—Differences among red guinea-pigs as regards the transmission of agouti. Young by Young by ey heterozygous | homozygous ‘i black mates. | black mates. Young by agouti mates. R | B|Ag| R|} B/|Ag| R| Bl] Ag| R | Bl Ag I. Homozygous in A. @ Horton’s red............... sssive [Pvteah le dedys| Shenae cleroaed| OS) “OW LOtt ce sl aptealy sae II. Heterozygous in A. COS oicirs Sparen? oi eaters 10; O| O} 3; 1] 2} O} 38) 1] OF 1] 9 91278, daughter of o’2054....)....)....).... 2] OF Lio hep. 91280, 91281, daughters of C2054 ve sand bu cae a en imedleveale xY2Br2Bed2p2. Expectation, alldBAg. Mating. Parents. dBAg. 416 p3627 x unmarked....| 5 Dilute black agouti x pink-eyed black agouti. Cross 26. Dilute black agouti heterozygous in dark eye, crossed with pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in density. Y2Br.B.d.PpA2 x Y2Br2B,Ddp.A2. Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 pBAg, 1 dBAg, 1 pdBAg. Mating. Parents. BAg.| pBAg.| dBAg.| pdBAg. 368 2255 x pl775..| .. 1 1 Dilute black agouti x pink-eyed dilute black agouti. Cross 27. Dilute black agouti heterozygous in dark eye crossed with homozygous pink- eyed dilute black agouti. Y2Br2Bod,PpA2 x Y2BroBedzp2A2, Expectation, 1 dBAg, 1 pdBAg. Mating. Parents. dBAg.| pdBAg. 522 p unmarked x unmarked..| 3 2 386 2254 x p2339.............. 1 4 560 | p4060 Xx 4244..0.....000.0. 2 se 6 6 58 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Dilute black agouti x brown. Cross 28. Dilute black agouti heterozygous in agouti crossed with homozygous brown. Y.BroBidoP2A xX Y.BroDoP >. Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 B. Mating. Parents. BAg.| B. 227 Unmarked x unmarked ..| 3 1 Dilute black agouti x pink-cyed dilute brown. Cross 28a. Both parents homozygous. Y.Br:B2d2P2A2 x Y2Brodxp,. Expectation, all dBAg. Mating. Parents. dBAg. 586 Unmarked x unmarked.. q 610 TATT X T47B. ee 8 615 7545 x 7603 .. 8 613 Unmarked x unmarked..} 11 34 Cross 288. Dilute black agouti heterozygous in agouti crossed with homozygous pink-eyed dilute brown. Y2Br2B.d,.P2A x Y2Brodop,. Expectation, 1 dBAg, 1 dB. Mating. Parents. dBAg.|\dB. 598 Unmarked x unmarked...| 4 3 617 Unmarked x unmarked...| 4 2 8 5 Cross 28c. Dilute black agouti heterozygous in black crossed with homozygous pink-eyed dilute brown. Y2Br2Bd2:P2A2 x Y2Brodep,. Expectation, 1 dBAg, 1 dBrAg. Mating. Parents. | dBAg. | dBrAg. 585 Unmarked x unmarked .. 4 | 4 Cross 28p. Dilute black agouti heterozygous in black and agouti, crossed with homozygous pink-eyed dilute brown. Y2Br.Bd,P:A x Y2Brodzp,. Expectation, 1 dBAg, 1 dB, 1 dBrAg, 1 dBr. | | Mating. Parents. dBAg.| dB. |dBrAg.| dBr. | 591 Unmarked x unmarked....}|_ .. 3 24 1 EXTENDED SERIES. 59 II. Pinx-ryvep Biacx Acouti, YBBrDpA (Fa. 3). Eyes very deep pink. Ears apparently unpigmented. Hairs on ventral surface dull yellow with bluish base, showing the presence of the agouti pattern. Dorsal hair closely resembling that of the dark-eyed brown agouti form to the unaided eye. More yellow, however, seems to be present in the coat, though it has been seen that this is not because of an increased amount of yellow pigment. There is a tuft of light hairs at the base of the ears. The hairs directly around the anus, however, resemble the other ventral hairs so closely as to be indistinguishable from them. Pink-eyed black agouti x pink-eyed black agouti. Cross 29. One or both parents homozygous. Y2Br2B,Dep.A2 x Y2Br,B,D.p,A2.. Expec- tation, all pBAg. Mating. Parents. pBAg. 112 560 x 559......... 15 136 690 x 691 ........ 7 153 689 x 691 ........ 5 139 692 x 691......... 16 190 690-692 x 691..... 15 58 Cross 30. Both parents heterozygous in black. Y2.Br2BD.p.A, x Y:Br,BD2p,A,. Expecta- tion, 3 pBAg, 1 pBrAg. Mating. | Parents. pBAg.| pBrAg. 120 58 K 5500 i ewes 19 1 101 558 or 560 x 559... . 3 4 22 5 Cross 31. Both parents heterozygous in black, density, and agouti. Y2Br.BDdp.A x Y.Br,.BDdp.A. Expectation, 27 pBAg, 9 pdBAg, 9 pBrAg, 9 pB, 3 pdB, 3 pdBrAg, 3 pBr, 1 pdBr. pB. | pdBrAg.| pdB. | pBr. | pdBr. Mating. Parents. pBAg.| pdBAg. | pBrAg. 300 2018 x 2017....| | 17 2 | 6 | 3 Pink-eyed black agoutt x black. Cross 32. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in agouti crossed with homozygous black. Y.BrB,DoprA XY2BrB2D2P2. Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 B. Mating. Parents. BAg.| B. 152 416 x p409..... 1 2 83 163 x p412..... 2 3 60 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Pink-eyed black agouti x pink-eyed black. Cross 33. Both parentshomozygous. Y2Br,B,Dop.A2 X Y2Br,B,D2p2. Expectation, all pBAg. Mating. Parents. pBAg. 171 pl049 x p898..... 4 174 p985 x p898...... 4 8 Cross 34. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in black and agouti crossed with pink-eyed black heterozygous in black. Y2Br,BD.p,A x Y2Br,BD2p:. Expectation, 3 pBAg, 3 pBrAg, 1 pB, 1 pBr. 1 Mating. | Parents. pBAg. pB.\pBrAg.| pBr. | 84 08 xp. 2 [2 | 1 | Pink-eyed black agoutt x dilute black. Cross 35. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in density crossed with dilute black hetero- zygous in dark eye. Y.Br.B,Ddp.A2 XY2Br,Bod.Pp. Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 dBAg, 1 pBAg, 1 pdBAg. Mating. dBAg.|pBAg.| pdBAg. Parents. | BAg. 413 | 3062 x p1922.... aa) eal Pink-eyed black agouti x dilute brown agouti. Cross 36. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br.B2DoprA2 X Y2Brod2P,A2. Expectation, BAg only. Mating.| Parents. | BAg. 148 682 x p691...; 15 Cross 37. Homozygous pink-eyed black agouti crossed with dilute brown agouti hetero- a zygous indarkeye. Y2Br2,B,Dzp2,A2 X Y2Brod,PpA2. Expectation, 1 BAg,1 pBAg. Mating. Parents. | BAg.|pBAg. 387 p unmarked x 1873..... | 4 2 Cross 38. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in density and agouti crossed with dilute brown agouti heterozygous in agouti. Y2Br.B,Ddp.A x Y2Brod2P2,A. Expectation, 3 BAg, 3 dBAg, 1 B,14dB. Mating. Parents. | Bag. dBAg. | B. | dB. 506 plidl x 4608. | 6 | 3 | a | 1 EXTENDED SERIES 61 Cross 39. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in black and density crossed with dilute brown agouti heterozygous in dark eye. Y2Br.BDdp2A2 X Y2Brod2PpAz. Expecta- tion, 1 BAg, 1 pBAg, 1 dBAg, 1 BrAg, 1 pBrAg, 1 dBrAg, 1 pdBAg, 1 pdBrAg. Mating. Parents. BAg.|pBAg.| dBAg.| BrAg.| pBrAg.| dBrAg. | pdBAg.| pdBrAg. 369 punmarked x 1873...) 10 ee se 5 3 a ze 302 p1923-p1874 x 1873..| 13 15 1 2 3 a 38 344 =| p1875 x 1873........ 1 os 4 2 5 4 1 24 15 5 9 5 4 1 Pink-eyed black agouti x brown. Cross 40. Both parentshomozygous. Y2Br2B.D.p.42 x Y2Br.D2P;. Expectation, only BAg. Mating. Parents. BAg. 252 p1416 x 1561....... 5 187 p1125 x 1527....... 4 286 p1533 X 1405....... 8 202 71396 X unmarked..| 8 223 71368 x unmarked..| 5 198 p1297 x unmarked..| 5 207 1403 x p1099...... 2 206 572 x pl099...... 6 235 1403 x p691....... 16 59 Cross 41, Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in agouti crossed with homozygous brown. Cross 42. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in black Y2Br2B2DopoA X YoBroD2Po. Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 B. Mating. Parents. BAg.| B. 249 p1326 x 1674..........65- 2 1 228 pl062 x 1674............- 14 10 219 p1060 x 1674............. 8 3 279 p1328 x 1561............. 3 1 193 pil48 x 1527...... Se 1 2 209 p1330 x 1404............. 2 2 213 1570 x p1120............ 3 2 161 646 x p1061............ 1 3 239 1488 x p844..........5.. 4 3 227 Unmarked x unmarked..| 3 1 41 28 and agouti crossed with homozy- gous brown. Y2Br2BD2p.A xY2Br.D2P2 Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 B,1 BrAg, 1 Br. Mating. Parents. BAg.| B. | BrAg.| Br. 253 p1448 x 1405..| .. 1 1 2 332 pl972 x 2071. .) 4 2 2 et 4 3 3 2 62 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Cross 43. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in agouti crossed with brown heterozygous in dark eye. Y2Br2B,Dyp.A x Y2Br.D,Pp. Expectation, 1 BAg,1B,1pBAg,1pB. Mating. Parents. | BaAg.|pBAg.| B. | pB. 182 | 1097 x 1526. | 1 ve eg te 181 | 1098 x 1526. 2] 14 1do}1/ i 231 1125 « 1526. “| 2 3 as | i 1) 2 Cross 44. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in density crossed with brown heterozygous in density. Y2Br,B,Ddp.A2 x Y2Br.DdP2. Expectation, 3 BAg, 1 dBAg. Mating. Parents. | BAg.|dBAg. 298 | 2179 x 1922.. i é 9 Cross 45. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in black, density, and agouti crossed with brown heterozygous in density. Y.Br.BDdp,A x Y.Br.DdP,. Expectation, 3 BAg, 83 BrAg, 3 B, 3 Br, 1 dBAg, 1 dBrAg, 1 dB, 1 dBr. Parents. Mating. BAg.| BrAg. = Br., “ABAg. dBrAg. a,b. Bete Cross 46. Pink-eyed black agouti heterozygous in density and agouti, crossed with brown heterozygous in density. Y.Br.B,.Ddp,A x Y2Br,DdP2. Expectation, 3 BAg, 3 B, 1 dBAg, 1 dB. | 229 [710 x15... me 1 Mating. Parents. BAg.|dBAg.| B. |dB. 317 1326 x 1404..... 5 2 4 221 1332 x 1404..... 3 re 0 291 1326-32 x 1404...) 1 2 4 Do eb IV. Pinx-nvep Ditutse Buacx Acouti, YBBrdpA (Fic. 4). Eyes pink; ears, feet, and tail apparently unpigmented. The color of the coat is markedly washed-out in quality. The agouti pattern is distinguishable, but not easily so, because of the ‘‘streaky”’ due to the absence of intense pigmentation. The whole coat resembles a little that of a very light dilute dark-eyed brown agouti. The ear tufts of yellowish hair are prominent. There are no crosses to be included under this variety, though some in which one parent is pink-eyed dilute black agouti have been recorded under the preceding varieties. V. Brown Acouti, YBrDPA (Fig. 5). Eyes a deep rich brown, ears brown pigmented. Hairs on ventral surface yellowish on tip, dull brown at base. Tail brown pigmented. Dorsal hairs brown at the tip, then a yellow band, and finally dull brown to the base, giving the unmistakable “ticked” or “agouti” coat. Whiskers and feet are brown. Light hairs around the anus and at the base of the ears. EXTENDED SERIES. 63 Brown agouti x brown agouti. Cross 47. One or both parents homozygous. Y2Br2D,P:A2 x Y2Br2D,P2A2. Expectation, all brown agouti. Mating. Parents. BrAg. 124 COT 272i ce itr wie bon nla 6 86 SOR M202 se elect tion Sie aiteate 18 143 DOL KDI ors 2 iassiniar need ak ooo 6 414 Unmarked x unmarked.... 7 37 Cross 48. Both parents heterozygous in agouti. Y2Br2D,P24A x Y2Br2D.P,A. Expecta- tion, 3 BrAg, 1 Br. Mating. Parents. | Brag. Bie | 104 586 x 588... .. | 3 1 Cross 49. Both parents heterozygous in density and the color factor. YBr2DdP2A: x YBr.DdP2A2. Expectation, 9 BrAg, 3 dBrAg, 4 W. Mating. Parents. BrAg.|dBrAg. | Ww. 89 | 611.1A x 411.) 3 2 | Cross 49a. Both parents heterozygous in density, dark eye, and agouti. Y2Br.DdPpA. Expectation, 27 BrAg, 9 dBrAg, 9 pBrAg, 9 Br, 3 pBr, 3 pdBrAg, 3 dBr, 1 pdBr. Mating. Parents. BrAg.|dbrAg.|pBrAg.| Br.|dBr.| pBr. | pdBrAg.| pdBr. 631 7679 x 7678-80. ... 6 1 1 3 643 7663 x 7660....... 2 1 1 sh 644 7664 x 7662....... 2 2. 1 10 4 3 3 Brown agouti x pink-eyed brown agouti. Cross 50. Brown agouti heterozygous in dark-eye, color factor, and agouti crossed with pink-eyed brown agouti heterozygous in the color factor and agouti. YBr2D.PpA x YBr.D.p,A. Expectation, 9 BrAg, 9 pBrAg, 3 Br, 3 pBr, 8 W. Mating. Parents. BrAg.|Br.|pBrAg.| pBr. |W. 407 punmarked x 2735....| 8 4 2 2 3 365 2137 x 2735.......... ine 1 2 ne 1 350 p2138 x 2735.......... es 1 2 1 8 | 6 | 6 2 [5 64 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Brown agouti x brown. Cross 51. Homozygous brown agouti crossed with homozygous brown. Y2Br.D.P.A2x Y°Br2D2P2. Expectation, all BrAg. Mating.| Parents. | BrAg. 96 488 x 162... 6 Cross 52. Brown agouti heterozygous in dark eye and agouti crossed with brown heterozy- gousindarkeye. Y2BrD:PpA xY2Br.D.Pp. Expectation, 3 BrAg, 3 Br, 1 pBrAg, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. BrAg.|Br.| pBrAg.| pBr. 405 Unmarked x unmarked.|.. 3 1 sis 305 2129 % 21380. « ¢ eeas sod 6 9 5 2 347 Unmarked x 2130...... 4 6 4 3 10 | 18 | 10 | 5 Brown agouti x pink-eyed brown. Cross 53. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br.D.P2A2 x Y2Br2D2p2._ Expectation, all BrAg. Mating.| Parents. Brag. 7 | | 359 pea 28g 4 Brown agouti x dilute black. Cross 54. Brown agouti heterozygous in density and agouti, crossed with dilute black heterozygous in black. Y.Br,DdP,A x Y2Br.Bd,P2, Expectation, 1 BAg, 1 dBAg, 1 B,14dB, 1 BrAg, 1 dBrAg, 1 Br, 1 dBr. Mating. Parents. [Bao dBAg.| BrAg.\dBrAg. B. | Br. 1 aBr | | 527 sas x 5208. 6 3 1 as a 1 Brown agouti x pink-eyed dilute brown. Cross 54a. Both parents homozygous, Y2Br.D.,P,A2 x Y2Bridzp2._ Expectation, all BrAg. | Mating. Parents. | BrAg. | | 595 Unmarked x unmarked....| 19 603 7505 x 7501............0.. PG | 26 VI. Dinure Brown Acovuti, YBrdPA (Fie. 6). Eyes brown; ears, feet, and tail lightly pigmented with brown. Ventral hairs dull fawn Dorsal hairs showing the agouti pattern. The whole appearance is that of a dull, faded, intense brown agouti. EXTENDED SERIES. 65 Dilute brown agouti x pink-eyed dilute brown agouti. Cross 55. Dilute brown agouti heterozygous in dark eye crossed with homozygous pink- eyed dilute brown agouti, or pink-eyed dilute brown. Y2Br2D.PpA2 X Y2Brodyp.(A2). Expectation, 1 dBrAg, 1 pdBrAg. Mating. Parents. | dBrAg.| pdBraAg. 510 3439 x pt519... | i 10 642a 7650 x 8023..... 1 2 13 12 Dilute brown agouti x brown. Cross 56. Dilute brown agouti heterozygous in dark eye and agouti crossed with brown heterozygous in dark eye. Y2Brod,PpA x Y.Br.D.Pp. Expectation, 3 BrAg, 3 Br, 1 pBrAg, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. .| pBrAg. | pBr. 428 ») o | | 13 | VII. Pinx-Evep Brown Acovti, YBrDpA (Fic. 7). Eyes clear pink; ears apparently unpigmented, as are also feet and tail. Hairs on ventral surface indistinguishable superficially from a deep pink-eyed yellow. When examined more closely they are found to be darker at the base than at the tip, showing the pres- ence of the agouti pattern. Dorsal hair a very rich brownish yellow and deeper colored at the base with dull brownish pigment. Because of the reduction of brown pigment at the tips of the hairs the appearance of banding or “‘ticking”’ is almost entirely wanting. Whiskers, hairs at base of ears, and around the anus are yellow. Pink-eyed brown agouti x pink-eyed brown agoutt. Cross 57. Both parents heterozygous in agouti. Y2Br:D2p.A x Y2Br.D.p,A. Expectation, 3 pBrAg, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. pBrAg.| pBr. 419 punmarked x p2903.... 6 1 399 3109 x p2903......... 4 1 10 2 Cross 58. Both parents heterozygous in density and agouti. Y2Br,Ddp,A xY2Br.DdppA. Expectation, 9 pBrAg, 3 pBr, 3 pdBrAg, 1 pdBr. Mating Parents. pBrAg.| pBr. ‘Brg. | pdBr. 400 | | | | | 2004 x 2903 . | 2 2) 1 | 66 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Pink-eyed brown agouti x brown. Cross 59. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br2D2p.A. X Y2Br.D2P2. Expectation, BrAg only. Mating. | Parents. BrAg. | 360 p unmarked x 2393... 1 Cross 60. Homozygous pink-eyed brown agouti crossed with brown heterozygous in dark eye. Y2Br2Dep.A2 X Y2Br,2D2Pp. Expectation, 1 BrAg, 1 pBrAg. Mating. Parents. BrAg.|pBrAg. 261 p1395 x 1526.......... 9 4 VIII. Pinx-zrep Ditute Brown Acoutt, YBrdpA (Fa. 8). Eyes pink; ears, tail, and feet very lightly pigmented with brown. In both ventral and dorsal hairs this form resembles a dull intense pink-eyed brown agouti, differing chiefly in the comparative lack of bright yellow pigment and in the mealy, washed-out look. The agouti pattern is very weak indeed. Pink-eyed dilute brown agouti x pink-eyed dilute brown agouti. Cross 61. Both parents heterozygous in agouti. Y2Brodop,A xY2Brodxp.A. Expectation, 3 pdBrAg, 1 pdBr. Mating. Parents. pdBrAg.| pdBr. | p? 479 Unmarked x p4519.. 1 2 i 535 p4213 x p4519....... 1 a 3 2 2 3 Pink-eyed dilute brown agouti x dilute brown. Cross 614. Pink-eyed dilute brown agouti heterozygous in agouti crossed with dilute brown heterozygous in dark eye. Y.,BridopoA x Y2Brod2Pp. Expectation, 1 dBrAg, 1 dBr, 1 pdBrAg, 1 pdBr. Mating. Parents. dBrAg.| dBr. | pdBrAg.| pdBr. 596 Unmarked x unmarked. . 1 3 1 2 605 7471 X 7468.0... 000.000. 2 v4 2 1 3 3 3 3 Cross 618. Both parents homozygous. Y2Brodxp2A2 XY¥2Brod:P2, Expectation, all dBrAg. Mating. Parents. | dBrAg. | 609 | Unmarked x unmarked. 2 EXTENDED SERIES. 67 IX. Buacx, YBrBDP (Fie. 9). Hairs on ventral surface not so heavily pigmented as the dorsal hairs, and of a dull slaty black. Tail dark. Dorsal hairs deep, glossy black. Tuft of yellowish hairs at base of ears. A few yellowish hairs scattered along the flanks, sides and feet. The hairs around the anus are light yellowish. The feet are dark. Black x black. Cross 62. One or both of the parents homozygous. Y.Br.B:D2P2 x Y2Br2B,D2P2. Expec- tation, all B. Mating. | Parents. B. 3 401 x 400...) 2 6 200 x 201...] 2 Cross 63. Both parents heterozygous in black. Y2Br,BD2P: x Y:Br.BD2P:. Expecta- tion, 3B, 1 Br. Mating. | Parents. | B. | Br. 1 1x 400..) 6 | 2 Cross 64. Both parents heterozygous in density. Y2Br2B,DdP2 x Y2Br,B,DdP:. Expec- tation, 3 B, 1 dB. Mating. Parents. |B. dB. | 577 [rata x 2... 3 | 3 | Cross 65. Both parents heterozygousin darkeye. Y2Br,B,D,Pp x Y2Br,B:D,Pp. Expec- tation, 3 B, 1 pB. Mating. Parents. | B. | pB. 492 Unmarked x 2948......... | 3 1 168. | 455 COMB. cs cscs nameevnnn aad: a 189 450 x 540...........0000 0 | 6 2 114 Unmarked x 454.......... 12 1 131 DAB CANE os asda deme esse 2 1 135 450 x 444.00000000..000008 7 4 379 Unmarked x unmarked...| 60 { 20 68 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Cross 66. Both parents heterozygous in dark eye and black. Y.Br,BD,Pp x Y2Br.BD2Pp., Expectation, 9 B, 3 pB, 3 Br, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. B. | pB. | Br. | pBr.| p? 361 2596 x 2593............0. 2 1 ae aay laek 376a | Unmarked x unmarked...| 78 | 26 23 5 1 376b | Unmarked x unmarked...| 13 7 5 a eee 247 1706 x 541... eee 2 1 ve 1 318 2031 x 1942.............. 8 2 4 = 316 1948 x 1950.............. 5 4 2 1 267 1948 x 1949-1950......... 3]... 1 is 364 2084 x 2086. ..........06. Qs 2 wa 303 2084-2085 x 2086......... 11 3 3 1 295 2186-87-88-89 x 2184..... 31] 16 6 4 349 2202 X22 tase 5 bee 4 ashes 7 4 2 a 334 DQVB XC 2218 as secig dagen os as 6 5 2 4 358 2210 M2219 iver ckenaa Bo) as 1 1 333 2210-14 x 2219........... 15 2 6 an 444 Q2VG C2219 vies s ch oaeig a Sinage 4 2 re 1 336 Unmarked x 2598. . ali St 1 3 3 447 2945 x unmarked......... 1 1 1 ae 199 | 75 61 19 | 1 Cross 664. Both parents heterozygous in black, dark eye, and density, Y2Br,BDdPp. Expectation, 27 B, 9 dB, 9 pB, 9 Br, 3 pBr, 3 dBr, 3 pdB, 1 pdBr. Mating. Parents. B. | dB. | pB.| Br. | pdB. | pBr. | dBr. | pdBr. 619 7515 x 7513-14-16. .| 4] 2 6 2 1 645 7431 x 7514........ Bill ac bi 2 1 646 7733 X 7734. ....... Dll snd nt ids an 10| 2 6 4 2 Cross 668. Both parents heterozygous in color factor, black, dark eye, and density. YBr.BDdPp. Expectation, 81 B, 27 dB, 27 pB, 27 Br, 9 pBr, 9 dBr, 9 pdB, 3 pdBr, 64 W. Mating, Parents. B. | Br.| W. 625 7490» 7408... 5 | 5 | 3 Black x dilute black. Cross 67. Both parents homozygous, Y2Br2B:D2P: x Y2Br2Brd2P2, Expectation, all B. Mating.| Parents. B. 552 | 4865 x 5789..| 2 EXTENDED SERIES. 69 Cross 68. Both parents heterozygousin darkeye. Y2Br2B,D2Pp x Y2Br2B.d:.Pp. Expec- tation, 3 B, 1 pB. Mating. Parents. | B. | pB. : bee 197 | 1363 1485. 4]. Black x pink-eyed black. Cross 69. Both parents homozygous. Y.Br,B,D2P2 x Y2Br.B.D2p2.._ Expectation, all B. Mating. Parents. B. 306 1695 x p1510...) 16 Cross 70. Black heterozygous in dark eye crossed with homozygous pink-eyed black. Y,Br.B.D2P p x Y.Br,B.Dopr. Expectation, 1 B, 1 pB. Mating. Parents. B.| pB. 548 Unmarked x p5575..... 13 1 571 3290-96 x p5575........ 6 1 220 1363 x p763............ 7 8 | 26 | 10 Black x brown. Cross 71. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br.B,D:P2 x Y2Br2D:P:. Expectation, all B. Mating. Parents. B. 474 Unmarked x 68..} 4 Cross 72. Black heterozygous in black crossed with homozygous brown. Y2Br.BD2P2 x Y.Br2D,P2. Expectation, 1 B, 1 Br. Mating. Parents. B. | Br. 308 1631 x 1950...... 20; 15 383 1931 x 1950...... 7 5 262 1931 x 1949-50...| 10 5 396 2528 x 2122...... 14] 10 51} 35 Cross 73. Black, heterozygous in black, dark eye, and the color factor crossed with pink- eyed black heterozygous in the color factor and black. YBr,.BD,:Pp x YBr,BD22. Expectation, 9 B, 9 pB, 3 Br, 3 pBr, 8 W. Mating. pB.| Br. | pBr. | W. Parents. | B. 420 | Unmarked x 3307.. 3 eae 70 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Black x pink-eyed brown. Cross 74. Black heterozygous in dark eye crossed with homozygous pink-eyed brown, Y2Br.B,D.Pp x Y2Br2D2p2. Expectation, 1 B, 1 pB. Mating. | Parents. B. | pB. 475 | punmerked x8. 1 | 4 Cross 75. Black heterozygous in dark eye and black crossed with homozygous pink-eyed brown. Y2Br.BD2Pp x Y2Br,D2p.. Expectation, 1 B, 1 pB, 1 Br, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. | B. | pB. | Br. | pBr. 493 [wo 2 es | 1 | 2 Black x pink-eyed dilute brown. Cross 75a. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br.B,D2P2 x Y2Brodzp,. Expectation, all B. Mating. | Parents. B. 582 7340 x 7341....0........6. 18 589 Unmarked x unmarked...| 4 | 22 Cross 758. Black heterozygous in dark eye, crossed with homozygous pink-eyed dilute brown. Y2Br2B.D:Pp x Y2Bredop,. Expectation, 1 B, 1 pB. Mating. | Parents. | B. | pB. 620. | 7472.x7475...] 5 | 11 X. Ditute Buack, YBrBdP (Fie. 10). Eyes black; ears, tail, and feet moderately pigmented. Ventral hairs slate-colored. Dorsal hairs are deep blue slate, somewhat washed-out, and at times resembling a very deep- colored dilute black agouti. There is a small tuft of light hairs at the base of the ears. Light yellowish hairs scattered on sides and feet, and around the anus. Unlike the pink-eyed black form next to be described, one would not hesitate in calling the dilute black animal, black pigmented. Dilute black x dilute black. Cross 76. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br.B.d2P2 x Y2Br2.Bod,P2, Expectation, all dB. Mating. Parents. dB. 549 Unmarked x 4980...) 15 457 4502-03 x 4497..... 10 442 4502 x 4497........ 5 EXTENDED SERIES. 71 Cross 77. Both parents heterozygous in the color factor, black and dark eye. YBr.Bd.Pp XYBr.Bd:Pp. Expectation, 27 dB, 9 dBr, 9 pdB, 3 pdBr, 16 W. Mating. Parents. dB. |\dBr.| pdB. | pdBr. | W. 542 5698 x 5699...........0.. 2 1 1 1 511 Unmarked x unmarked...| 3 1 ee 33 550 Unmarked x 5699........ 6 2 4 1 2 11 4 5 2 2 Dilute black x pink-eyed black. Cross 78. Dilute black heterozygous in dark eye crossed with homozygous pink-eyed black. Y.BroBod2Pp X YoBr2B,D2p2.. Expectation, 1B, 1 pB. Mating. Parents. B. | pB. 337 p1049 x 1435....... nf 3 aes Unmarked x 1435..| 2 1 2 4 Cross 79. Dilute black heterozygous in black crossed with pink-eyed black heterozygous in density and black. Y.Br,Bd2P2 x Y2Br,BDdp:. Expectation, 3 B,3 dB, 1 Br, 1dBr. Mating. | Parents. B. | Br. | dB. | dBr. 528 AI 2 2B. 1 2 | 2 Dilute black x brown. Cross 80. Dilute black heterozygous in black, crossed with homozygous brown. Y,Br2Bd2P2 X Y2Br.D2P2. Expectation, 1 B, 1 Br. Mating. Br. Parents. | B. 441 | 2563-64-89 x 4495. . 18 | Cross 81. Dilute black heterozygous in black crossed with brown heterozygous in density. Y2Br.Bd,P, x Y2Br.DdP;. Expectation, 1 B, 1 Br, 1 dB, 1 dBr. Mating. Parents. B. | Br. | dB. |dBr. 451 4501 x 4857..... 1 nd de Ee 437 4501 x 1404..... 3 2 1 2 12 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Dilute black x pink-eyed brown. Cross 82. Dilute black heterozygous in black crossed with homozygous pink-eyed brown. Y.BroBdeP2 X YoBroDep.. Expectation, 1 B, 1 Br. Mating. | Parents. B. | Br. 557 [Unmarked x 5806 aehex 3 | 2 Cross 82a. Homozygous dilute black crossed with pink-eyed brown, heterozygous in density. YoBroBodoP2 x Y2Br2,Ddp.. Expectation, 1B, 1dB. Mating. Parents. B. | dB. 593 Unmarked x —7....... 7 5 612 —8 x unmarked....... 1 3 8 8 Cross 83. Dilute black heterozygous in dark eye crossed with pink-eyed brown heterozy- gous in density. Y2Br.B.d,.Pp x Y.Br.Ddp,. Expectation, 1 B, 1 pB, 1 dB, 1 pdB. Mating. pB.| dB. | pdB. Parents. | B. 503 [4078 x 208. x 2 is 4 XI. Pinx-eyep Biacx, YBrBDp (Fie. 11). Eyes deep pink; ears very lightly pigmented. Hairs on ventral surface light yellowish-gray. Tail lightly pigmented. Dorsal hairs varying from a very light yellowish slate color to a deep lilac. The tufts of light hairs back of the ears are present. No appearance of black pigment in the dorsal hairs, to the unaided eye. The nose whiskers are light. almost yellow. The whole appearance resembles somewhat the dark-eyed dilute brown, The feet are slightly pigmented and the hairs around the anus are light. Pink-eyed black x pink-eyed black. Cross 84. Both parents heterozygous in black. Y2Br2BD2p: x Y2Br2BDyp2._ Expectation, 3 pB, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. pB. | pBr. 172 p845 x p763...... 2 2 342 plgl2 x 1764...... 6 1 313 1421-1812 x 1764..| 10 6 18 9 Pink-eyed black x brown. Cross 85. Both parents heterozygous in thecolor factor. YBr2B2Dzp, x YBr,D.P2. Expec- tation, 3 B,1 W. Mating. Parents. B. | W. 356 2178 x 2175..| 4 1 EXTENDED SERIES. 73 Cross 86. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br.B,Dop, x Y2Br2D2P2. Expectation, all B. Mating. Parents. B. 224 1717 x 1512....... 13 211 1049 x 1630....... 2 230 1042 x 1630....... 4 215 985 x 1630....... 14 234 1638-40 x 1610....) 12 270 1721 x 1609....... 9 296 1765 x 1603....... 3 282 1608 x 1608....... 3 281 845 x 1608....... 6 196 Unmarked x 1603. 7 243 1641 x1194....... 4 236 1520 x 1194....... 9 246 Unmarked x 1194.| 14 205 1524 x 1192....... 12 381 1524 x 2175....... 3 | 115 Cross 87. Pink-eyed black heterozygous in black crossed with homozygous brown. Y2BroBD.p2 X Y2Br2D2P2. Expectation, 1 B, 1 Br. Mating. Parents. B. | Br. 274 Unmarked x 1764....| 3 3 258 1642 x 1764.......... 2 5 245 572 x 1894.......... 2 1 266 —16 x 1894.......... 2 3 280 1421 x unmarked....| 2 3 | re | 15 Cross 88. Pink-eyed black heterozygous in the color factor and black crossed with brown heterozygous in color factor. YBr.BD:sp. x YBr,D,P:. Expectation, 3B, 3 Br, 2 W. Mating. Parents. | 2 Br. | W. 269 | 1812x1661........ 1 | 4 | 2 Cross 89. Pink-eyed black heterozygous in black crossed with brown heterozygous in dark eye. Y2Br,BD.p. x Y:Br.D,Pp. Expectation, 1 B, 1 pB, 1 Br, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. B. | pB.| Br. | pBr. 4 257 1714 x 1526....) 2 | 4 | 2 Pink-eyed black x dilute brown. Cross 894. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br2B.,D2p2 x Y2Brod2P2. Expectation, all B. Mating. | Parents. B. 648 | Unmarked x318...) 19 74 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Pink-eyed black x pink-eyed brown. Cross 90. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br2B,D.p. x Y2Br.D.p,. Expectation, all pB, Mating. Parents. pB. 634 7804 x 7806...| 4 Cross 90a. Pink-eyed black heterozygous in black, crossed with homozygous pink-eyed brown. Y2Br,BDzp. x Y2BriD2p,. Expectation, 1 pB, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. pB. | pBr. 558 5721 x 5806...| 1 2 638 7807 x 7803...) 4 5 640 7809 x 7803...) 4 5 9 12 XII. Pinx-ryvep Diture Buacx, YBrBdp (Fie. 12). Eyes pink; ears, tail and feet extremely lightly pigmented. Coat clearly washed out in appearance, and a real bluish lilac, at times almost silvery. This variety is very characteristic, and is one which, when obtained, is easy to recognize. No one would, without breeding tests, class this form as possessing black pigment. Pink-eyed dilute black x brown. Cross 91. Homozygous pink-eyed dilute black crossed with brown, heterozygous in density. Y2BreBedop2 X Y2BroDdP2. Expectation, 1 B, 1 dB. Mating. | Parents. B. | dB. 449 3627 x 1404..) 11 9 594 19x17....; 1 4 12 13 Pink-eyed dilute black x dilute brown. Cross 91a. Pink-eyed dilute black heterozygous in black crossed with dilute brown hetero- zygous in dark eye. Y2Br,Bdzp2 x Y2Brod,Pp. Expectation, 1 dB, 1 dBr, 1 pdB, 1 pdBr. Mating. Parents. dB. | dBr. | pdB. | pdBr. 604 | 7462 x 7461..... 2 3 ai 2 EXTENDED SERIES. 75 XIII. Brown, YBrDP (Fie. 13). Eyes deep brown; ears and tail brown pigmented. Hairs on the ventral surface are lighter than those on the dorsal surface, and are dull dirty brown. Dorsal hairs deep, glossy brown; lighter yellowish hairs occur, as in the black variety, at the base of the ears, scattered on the flanks, sides, and feet, as well as around the anus. The skin is brown pigmented. Brown x brown. Cross 92. Oneor both parentshomozygous. Y2Br2D2:P: x Y2Br2.D2P2. Expectation, only Br. Mating. Parents. Br. 348 Unmarked x 2291..; 5 345 Unmarked x 2386..| 16 525 5942 x 5840........ 5 26 Cross 98. Both parents heterozygous for the color factor. YBr2D2P2 x YBr,D.P:. Expec- tation, 3 Br, 1 W. Mating. | Parents. Br. | W. | 551 Unmarked x 32...) 4 2 388 2365 x 2374....... 4 2 504 4859 x 4298....... ll 2 B75 | 6225-27 x 6226... ll | 3 | 30 9 Cross 94. Both parents heterozygous in dark eye. Y2Br,D:Pp x Y2Br.D,Pp. Expecta- tion, 3 Br, 1 pBr. Mating. Parents. Br. | pBr. 406 Unmarked x unmarked...| 9 3 408 Unmarked x unmarked...| 22 7 31 10 Cross 95. Both parents heterozygous in dark eye and the color factor. YBr.D.Pp x YBr.D.Pp. Expectation, 9 Br, 3 pBr, 4 W. Mating. Parents. Br. | pBr.| W. 408 Unmarked x unmarked.| 22 7 2 366 Unmarked x 2392.......| 15 4 3 37 ll 5 76 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Cross 96. Both parents heterozygous in density and dark eye. Y2Br,.DdPp x Y.Br.DdPp. Expectation, 9 Br, 3 dBr, 3 pBr, 1 pdBr. Mating. Parents. Br. | dBr.\ pBr. | pdBr. | i 496 Unmarked x unmarked..! 40 16 | 2 | 1 569 Unmarked x 4736....... 3 3 es 4 521 4735 x 4736............- 6 2 1 se 581 Unmarked x unmarked..} 15 8 4 1 632 7597 x 7601-02.......... ll 2 ai oe 635 7439 x 74370-38......... 6 4 1 | 1 81 35 8 | 3 Brown x pink-eyed brown. Cross 97. Brown heterozygous in density, dark eye and the color factor, crossed with pink- eyed brown heterozygous in density and the color factor. YBr2DdPp x YBr,Ddp.. Expectation, 9 Br, 9 pBr, 3 dBr, 3 pdBr, 8 W. Parents. | Br.| dBr.| pBr. pa. Mating. Ww, 538 | aro 3 | | - 1 | 3 I Brown x pink-eyed dilute brown. Cross 97a. Both parents homozygous. Y2Br2D2P. x Y2Bred2p2. Expectation, all Br. Mating. Parents. Br. 583 | Unmarked x unmarked..... 13 Cross 978. Brown heterozygous in density crossed with homozygous pink-eyed dilute brown. Y2Br2DdP2 x Y2Brodxp,. Expectation, 1 Br, 1 dBr. Mating. Parents. Br. | dBr. 584 Unmarked x unmarked....... 3 2 XIV. Ditute Brown, YBrdP (Fic. 14). Eyes brown; ears, tail and feet, as in the dilute brown agouti, are lightly pigmented with brown. Ventral hairs pale fawn. Dorsal hairs dull, washed-out brown, at times resembling a dark, pink-eyed black in general superficial coloration. Ear tufts barely distinguishable from the rest of the coat. Theskin is moderately pigmented with brown. Dilute brown x pink-eyed brown. Cross 98. Both parents homozygous. Y2Brd.P, x Y2Br,D.p.. Expectation, all Br. Mating. Parents. Br. 495 4446 x -—77..| 18 | 504 4859 x 4298..| 11 24 EXTENDED SERIES. 77 Cross 98a. Dilute brown heterozygous in dark eye, crossed with pink-eyed brown heterozy- gous in density. Y2Brid2Pp x Y2Br,Ddp.. Expectation, 1 Br, 1 dBr, 1 pBr, 1 pdBr. Mating. pdBr. Parents. | Br. | dBr. | pBr. 3 C Shee 608 | 770 XTATB....| | XV. Pins-Evep Brown, YBrDp (Fie. 15). Eyes clear pink. Ears, tail, and feet unpigmented. Hairs on ventral surface dull yellowish throughout their length. The yellow hairs at the base of the ears and around the anus are very similar to the rest of the coat, but are, nevertheless, distinguishable from it. The dorsal hairs are rich fawn colored, lighter than the coat of the pink-eyed brown agouti. Pink-eyed brown x pink-eyed brown. Cross 99. One or both of the parents homozygous. Y2Br,Dep. x Y2Br,Dop2. Expectation, only pBr. Mating. Parents. pBr. 391 Unmarked x 3002..} 24 390 Unmarked x 2821..; 10 377 2799 x 3002........ 3 426 3310 x 3309........ 7 524 5805 x 5045........ 11 55 Pink-eyed brown x albino. (Test matings to determine the gametic constitution of the albinos.) Cross 100. Pink-eyed brown heterozygous in the color factor crossed with an albino, poten- tially ahomozygous brown agouti. YBr2D2p2, x Br2D,P2A2, Expectation, 1BrAg,1W BrAg.| W. 6 Mating. Parents. 487 5245 x 4984...) 4 Cross 101. Pink-eyed brown heterozygous in the color factor, crossed with an albino, poten- tially a homozygous brown. YBrDep2 x Br:D.P:. Expectation, 1 Br, 1 W. W.| ? Mating. Parents. | Br. 509 109 1286... 13 | 2 | 4 XVI. Pinx-zvYeEp Ditute Brown, YBrdp (Fie. 16). Eyes clear pink. Very pale pigmentation throughout hairs and skin, a close approximation to a dirty brownish cream but still preserving the streaky washed-out appearance clearly. This form is as characteristic and easily distinguished as the pink-eyed dilute black. The ear tufts are indistinguishable from the rest of the coat. Pink-eyed dilute browns crossed inter se have given 120 recorded young, all pink-eyed dilute brown. It must be remembered that all these descriptions of color varieties are intended to be merely as they appear to the unaided eye. Many of the regions here spoken of as pink or unpigmented have, upon microscopic examination, yielded a small amount of pigment. 78 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. RESTRICTED SERIES. All animals in this series, that is to say, all yellow animals, are of the zygotic formula Rr. The combination RR, if formed, fails to develop. (a) Dark-eyed intense series. This series consists of four types of yellows: XVII. Buack-Evep YELLow Carryine Acouti, YBrBDPAR (Fie. 20). XVIII. Buackx-ryep YELLow Wirnout Acovuti, YBrBDPR (Fic. 17). XIX. Brown-ErYep YeELLow Carryine Acouti, YBrDPAR. XX. Brown-eyveD YELLow Wirsout Acouti, YBrDPR (Fia. 18). Types XVII and XVII are similar in appearance, and are indistinguishable save by breed- ing tests. Types XIX and XX also are only to be distinguished from each other by suitable test matings. (b) Pink-eyed intense series. This series consists of four types of yellow which are indistinguishable in external appearance: XXI. Pinx-zyep YELLow Carryine Buack Acovuti, YBrBDpAR. XXII. Pinx-evep YeLLtow Carryine Brack, YBrBDpR. XXIII. Prvx-rrep YELLow Carryine Brown Acovti, YBrDpAR. XXIV. Pinx-evep YELLOw Carryine Brown, YBrDpR. Test matings are necessary before these forms can be distinguished from each other. (c) Dark-eyed dilute series. In this series also there are four types: XXV. Biack-zYep Ditute YeLLow Carryine Acouti, YBrBdPAR. XXVI. Buack-evep Dinute YELLow Wirsovut Acovuti, YBrBdPR. XXVII. Brown-EYeD Diture YeLLow Carryine Acouti, YBrdPAR. XXVIII. Brown-zrep Dituts YeELLow Wirsovut Acovuti, YBrdPR (Fia. 19). In this series types XXV and XXVI are distinguishable from types XXVII and XXVIII by a careful examination of the eyes. Such a test, however, is not certain enough to be considered final, and a breeding test forms the only sure basis for a permanent classification. (d) Pink-eyed dilute series. As in the pink-eyed intense series the four forms of this series are indistinguishable save by breeding tests. This is because of the fact that the total amount of pigment in the eye is so small that it is impossible to determine whether it is brown or black by any- thing short of a microscopic examination. The gametic formule follow: XXIX. Pinz-rvep Diture YELLow Carryine Biackx Acouti, YBrBdpAR. XXX. Pink-rrep Ditute YeLLow Carryine Buack, YBrBdpR. XXXI. Ping-syep Ditute YeLtLtow Carrying Brown Acovuti, YBrdpAR. XXXII. Pins-ryep Ditutre YELLow Carryine Brown, YBrdpR. Each of these series may now be considered separately. Up to a certain point there were no pink-eyed or dilute mice, yellow or non-yellow in my stock. All the yellows were therefore intense dark-eyed yellows and would group them- selves under one of the first four types (XVII, XVIII, XIX, or XX). Totestthema cross with any type of brown animal lacking the agouti factor would suffice. A list of such crosses follows. Yellows which proved to be of type XVII are included in the following table: RESTRICTED SERIES. 79 : Zygotic formula Mating. Parents. Y. | BAg. of yellow parent. 29 700-702 br. x 508 yel asl 2 5 Y.Br.B.D2P2AR. 34 707 br. x 502.4A yel.. ‘ 6 4 Y.BroB2D2P2AoR. 36 502.2A yel. 4 |) i} 3 Y.BroBeDoP.AiR. 9 10 All these yellows seem to have been homozygous in the factors for black and for agouti. Yellows of type XIX follow: . Zygotic formula Mating. Parents. Y.|BrAg.| Br. of yellow parent. 15-111-85 | 146 yel. x brown. .| 12 8 1 | Y.BroD2P.,AR. 18-19 br. x 571 yel di se 1 5 ae Y.BroD2P2A2R. 56 br. x 148 yel Sgn oe 2 1 ie YoBr2D2P.A2R. 82 502.1B yel.xbr...| 2 3 2 | YoBroDoP2,AR. 17) 17 3 There are two types of zygotes here, those homozygous in the agouti pattern (A) and those heterozygous, the latter giving non-agouti, as well as agouti young. The yellows of type XVIII are also of two sorts, those homozygous in the factor for the production of black (B) and those heterozygous in this factor. Thus in the following table 502.21A yellow is known to be an animal homozygous in the factor B, while all the other yellow animals are heterozygous, producing browns as well as blacks. Type XX, ; . | Sygotic formula Mating. Parents. Y.| B. | Br. of yellow parent. 63 502.21A yel. xbr.... 1 1 | Y.BroBeD2P oR. 11 br. x 505 yel Sider eae 1 2 Y.Bro.BD2P2R. 37 502.22A yel. xbr.... 2 1 | Y2BroBD2P2R. 92 br. x 228 yel........ 2 1 | Y2BroBD2P oR. 100 326 yel. x Bric cae ears 1 1 Y.Br2BDoP.R. 320 2320 yel. x Drs Seti 2 1 Y.BroBD.P2R. 10} 9 6 Yellow x brown. yellows which give browns only, are seen in the following table: : Zygotic formula Mating. Parents. Yo. |) Br. of yellow parent. 62 502.23A yel. xbr.... 2 1 Y.BreD2P>R. 232 br. x 13816 yel Bib Geen 1 t Y.Br.DoP2R. 293 br. x 988 yel........ 3 2 Y.Br2D2P2R. 329 2319 yel. x br....... 3 4 Y.BroD2PoR. 331 2109-2110 yel.xbr..| 1 oe Y.BroD2P2R. 304-314 | 2109 yel. xbr....... 13 3 Y.BroD2PoR. 327-222 | br. x1601 yel....... 5 4 Y,Br,D.P.R. 141-142 | br. x 580yel........ 11 5 Y2Br2D2P.R. 151-170 | br. x 881-883 yel....| 4 9 Y.Br2D2P2R. 597 yels Dr oaiaiers. asa 6 4 YoBroDoP oR. 601 Vel. ¥ brea ed acaie sie 6 3 Y2BroD2P oR. 602 br. x 7488 yel....... 1 6 YoBroDeP oR. 56 48 80 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. It has been shown, then, that yellows of the four dark-eyed intense pigmented types exist. The pink-eyed yellows (types XXI-XXIV inclusive) have been crossed only inter se or with black pigmented forms, but it is certain that they also can occur in the four types com- parable to the dark-eyed intense series. The dark-eyed dilute yellows have been crossed with brown only in a few cases. Chiefly they have been bred inter se to determine whether the 2 : 1 ratio holds good in their case as in the intense forms. Of those tested, one, 97298, is of the zygotic formula Y,Br,Bd2PpA2k and when crossed with a pink-eyed brown has given 1 yel, 1 pdyel, 1 BAg, 2 BrAg, 1 pBAg. This shows that types XXV and XXVII can exist. The other animal, also a female, gave by a pink-eyed brown male, 7 yel, 2 pyel, 2 Blk, 2 Br, 3 pB. This animal was of the formula Y,Br.Bd.PpR, and argues strongly in favor of the existence of types XXVI and XXVIII. Of the pink-eyed dilute yellows few have been tested, but I have, at present, a race of animals which give only two sorts of young, viz, pink-eyed dilute yellows and pink-eyed dilute browns; such pink-eyed dilute yellows are the ultimate recessives of the yellow series belonging to type XXXII, formula Y.Brd.p.R. From the few matings given above, together with the larger number of yellow matings which follow, it is easy to see that yellows may be obtained of the various zygotic compositions foundin the non-yellow varieties, differing from them only by the addition of the restric- tion factor, R. We shall first consider the crosses between yellow animals of these four varieties, which form the intense dark-eyed series. Yellow x yellow, giving only dark-cyed intense young. Cross 102. Giving Y and Br. Mating. Parents. Y. | Br. 127 425 X 424. occa 4 3 38 502.23A x 502.5B....) .. 3 39 Unmarked x 505.1A..) 4 3 255 1410 x 1667.......... 5 1 3801 1747 x 49-1746....... 4 2 297 1723 1827 snxcadgeex 2 1 574 7180 x 7181.......... 6 1 166 893 x 895............ 12 7 37 21 Cross 108. Giving Y, Br, and W (and in one case BrAg). Mating. Parents. Y. |BrAg.| Br. | W. 384 Unmarked x unmarked.| 22 7 6 118 578 x 580...........05. 1 4 1 145 146 x 895.............. 5 8 7 178 146-894 x 895.......... 3 7 a sa 185 894 xX 895.0... ee 1 1 5 2 183 146-893-94 x 895....... 3 a: Ss = 326 V2AT 28 1E os cemeanes 8 1 iL 352 726-1247 x 2311........ 3 1 i 46 1 26 18 RESTRICTED SERIES. 81 Cross 104. Giving Y, BAg, B, and W. Mating. Parents. Y. |BAg.| B.| W. 8 502.1A x 502.5A....) 3 fae AN dae he 9 502.2A x 502.5A....) 10 2 1 3 10 502 X511.......... 7 aie | rakes He 15 509 51). ss cea as 2 2 1 248 1247 x 1316........) 5 Se 3 570 Unmarked x 3297..| 2 1 29 4 1 | 18 Cross 105. Miscellaneous yellows giving Y, BAg, and B. | Mating. Parents. Y. | BAg.| B. | BAgorB. 529 Unmarked x 1938.) 38 1 1 4 283 1723 x unmarked..| .. is 1 oe 264 1666 x 1667....... 1 re es 27 509.1A x 511...... 3 1 14 509 x 510......... 3 1 7 502 x 503......... 5 es 22 514.6A x 505.1A... 1 28 514.44 x 505.1A...| 4 55 3 12 4 Sooty yellow x sooty yellow, giving only dark-eyed intense young. Cross 106. Giving Y, sY, B, and BAg. Mating. | Parents. Y. | sY. | BAg.| B. | Bor BAg. 440 3196 x 3777......... 3 1 a 2 es 471 Unmarked x 3957... 1 8 3 ea ais 502 Unmarked x 3777...| 15 13 4 10 1 | 19 | 2 |] 7 | 12 1 Cream x cream, giving nothing but dark-eyed intense young. Cross 107. Giving cream, or light yellow, B and Br. Mating. Parents. Cream Y.| B. | Br. 284 1248 x 1414..... 4 8 ne 445 3907 x 875...... 2 1 2 122 648 x 647....... ne 2 i 285 1750 x 1745-46... 2 ih 2 8 3 4 82 THE INHERITANCE OF COLOR IN MICE. Cross 108. Giving cream, BAg, B, Br, and W. Mating. Parents. Cream Y.| BAg. | B. | Br. 397 3908 x 875......... 4 2 2 DA 1 469 4068 x 4796........ 1 1 ae IW aes 1 325 2050 x 875......... 7 a 2 4 1 188 1248 x 580......... des iG 1 1 418 Unmarked x 875... 3 2 2 1 6 7 5 | 3 Yellow x cream, giving nothing but dark-eyed intense young. Cross 109. Giving Y, B, BrAg, and Br. Mating. Parents. Y. B. | BrAg.| Br. 450 Unmarked x 3906...| 36 10 3 233 882 x 601........... 1 24 i et Or 37 10 3 6 Cross 110. Giving Y, B, BrAg, Br ?, and W. Mating.| Parents. Y. | B. | BrAg.|B or Br.| W. 273 2049 x 875...) 5 “i 1 1 a 272 2048 x 875...) 4 1 Ae 22 4 9 1 1 1 4 Cross 111. Giving Y, cream, B, Br, and W. Mating.| Parents. Y. |Cream Y.| B. | Br. | W. 146 284 x 875...| 1 5 2 123 284 x 647...) .. 5 1 3 154 882 x 881...; 10 2 1 8 3 11 12 4 11 3 Yellow x yellow, giving intense and dilute dark-eyed young. Cross 112. Giving Y, BAg, BrAg, Br, dY, dBAg. Mating. Parents. Y. |dY.| BAg. |\dBAg.| BrAg. 164 620 x 621..... 2 ifs 2 1 1 250 1658 x 1660....} 10 3 3 ne 12 3 2 1 1 RESTRICTED SERIES. Cross 113. Giving Y, BAg, dBAg, and TV. Mating. | Parents. Y. | BAg. | aBAg. W. 23 | 530 x Bits i) Sh a 5 Yellow x yellow, giving intense dark-eyed and intense pink-eyed young. Cross 114. Giving Y, pY, B, pB, Br, and pBr. 83 Mating. | Parents. Y. | py.| B. | Br. | pB.| pBr. 321 2198 x 2197.............. Co hes 5 | 2 2 ne 311 1947 x 1877.............. 4 | 2 6]... 2 1 393 Unmarked x unmarked..| 3 | 2 1 a ae 14 4 12 2 4 1 Cross 1144. Giving Y, sY, pY, BAg, B, BrAg, Br, pBAg, pB, pBr, and p?. Mating. Parents. Y.| sY.|pY.|BAg.| B.| BrAg.| Br. |pBAg.| pB. | pBr. | p? 477 Unmarked x 5228..} 45 | 3 2 ve | U1 és 6 1 re 1 a 459 Unmarked x4631..| 7 | 1 2 ll |. 4 as . oe aa Se 256 1722 x 1827........ 7/ 1 2 3 2 a6 1 es 7 244 1724 x 1827........ 4/1 5 1 285 2 ee 287 1722-24 x 1827..... 4]... 2 2 2 3 1 67; 6 | 18 | 11 | 16 4 9 1 3 1 1 Cross 115. Giving Y, pY, BAg, BrAg, B, Br, pB, and W. Mating. Parents. Y. | pY.| BAg. | BrAg.| B. | Br. | pB.| W. 430 3299 x 3297....) 5 1 is Bh es 1 3 159 786 x 784..... 4 1 1 2 1 1 9 2 1 2 4 1 1 4 Sooty yellow x yellow, giving intense dark-eyed and intense pink-eyed young. Cross 116. Mating. Parents. Y. | SY. |pY.| BAg.| BrAg.| B. |Br.|pBAg.| pB. | pBr. 251 1826 x 1829............. Qi as Wi! Cases me 1/1 is ts a 240 | 1828 x 1829............. 5 1 Ae