r ge niees ‘ { ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEW YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE GIFT OF PauL POMEROY IvES 2D IN MEMORY OF PAUL POMEROY IvES ‘ornell University Library ommercial poultry raising; a thoroughly y | iif — cae b CT 3 Ny w— XY ; UR ‘7 Sys {y) di INS y LyiyA : 4 ily, = y} we t, 14 © & wns Leer Diagram reproductive organs of laying hen. 1, Ovary, with minute ovules; 2, yolk sacs; 3, suture lines; 5, empty yolk sac; 6, funnel opening into oviduct; 8, yolk in oviduct; 9, albumen- secreting region; 10, the same; 11, albumen being secreted; 12, yolk passing through oviduct; 13, germinal disc; 14, uterus; 15, large intestine; 16, isthmus; 17, glands of uterus; 18, complete egg; 19, vagina; 20, cloaca; 21, egg shell; 22, albumen; 23, yolk; 24, chalaza. COMMERCIAL POULTRY RAISING A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL AND COMPLETE REFERENCE WORK FOR THE AMATEUR, FAN- CIER OR GENERAL FARMER %g *¢ ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE COMMERCIAL POULTRYMAN Containing a Description of All Recognized Breeds of Fowls, Including Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Pigeons; Special Chapters on Artificial Incubation and Brooding, Diseases of Poultry and Their Treat- ment, Breeding for Increased Egg Production, Feeding For- mulas, Fattening and Marketing, also Numerous Working Plans and Descriptions of the Most Improved Types of Houses, Yards, Labor-Saving Appliances and Equipment Generally By H. ARMSTRONG ‘ROBERTS Author of ‘“The Farmer His Own Builder,’’ Etc. WITH OVER THREE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA DAVID McKAY, PUBLISHER WASHINGTON SQUARE 1918 ca EK 6587 Copyright, 1918, by Davi McKay To fal. A.B. WHOSE ENCOURAGEMENT WAS A CONSTANT SOURCE OF INSPIRATION THIS WORK IS AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED INTRODUCTION There are numerous poultry books on the market. Some are valuable works, except that they are out of date. Others have been written by persons who knew more about theory than of practice. Still others were printed because the author had a system to advocate, a farm to advertise, or an axe to grind. Obviously, in reading these so-called systems the beginner gen- erally obtains erroneous ideas, which sooner or later bring about costly mistakes, often failure. In the chapters that follow the author has no hobbies to ride, no theories to advance, nothing to offer, in fact, except the prac- tical information which he has acquired from many years of actual experience raising fowls on a commercial scale, and from the associations of other poultrymen with whom he has come in contact in a business or friendly way. His effort has been to give facts and state principles clearly, so as to establish a solid foundation for the study of poultry culture. The real study, of course, commences with the actual work with the fowls, and cannot be acquired from the printed page alone. No phase of agriculture or animal husbandry has made such enormous progress in the past thirty years as poultry culture. Consequently, literature written on this subject a quarter of a century ago, or even a decade ago, is now mostly obsolete. Not that fowls have changed their habits to such an extent, but because we have learned more about their habits, and how to derive the greatest benefits from them at the least possible cost. Poultry raising on a commercial scale could not be attempted on the methods practised by our grandfathers. It was not until the invention and perfection of appliances for the artificial ‘rear- ing of little chicks in large numbers that poultry keeping really vu viii INTRODUCTION passed the ‘‘pin money” stage. Even then, it was not until we learned something about the scientific manner of feeding, breed- ing and housing the fowls that our efforts were assured any degree of success from the standpoint of dollars and cents. We have long known how to keep fowls; but it has been compara- tively recent that we found out how to make the fowls keep us. There is money to be made from poultry. There is a living to be made from it, and a good living. Some claim there are for- tunes to be had from hens. The author begs leave to differ with this last statement, or rather to qualify it. Fortunes might be made from chickens if it were possible to look after them, personally, in large enough numbers; but this is quite out of the question. Very large flocks necessitate the employment of help, and it is the uncertainty or incompetence of this help that makes success with tens of thousands of birds more or less dependent upon chance. The author has purposely avoided all reference to ‘‘big stories of big profits,”’ likewise the fads and fancies of poultry keeping, which have brought disaster to so many beginners. He has aimed to show that hard work is necessary, that the caretaker must be always on the job, that some of the tasks are not as pleasant as they might be, that common sense is required above theoretical training, that disappointments and mistakes are to be expected, and that it is no get-rich-quick scheme, but a safe, sane, practical business enterprise, and as such it must be con- ducted. Where figures are quoted, especially in respect to profits, if anything the author has been too conservative. These figures, however, are based on prices prevailing before our entrance into the European War. Success does not fall into the lap of the poultryman; he must go out and dig for it. And if he digs hard enough, he is sure to be rewarded. As previously inferred, the author has read most of the litera- ture written about poultry, and having found it either obsolete, incomplete or utterly fallacious, he has endeavored to prepare a work that is the most up-to-date, comprehensive, practical guide-book of its kind. Economy and efficiency are the under- INTRODUCTION ix lying motives of every chapter. They are what he conceives to be the cornerstones of success with poultry. Acknowledgment is herewith made to The Country Gentle- man and Public Ledger, in which publications most of these chapters have appeared, for the rights to publish them in book form. Appreciation is also acknowledged to those who kindly submitted photographs for reproduction as illustrations. H. ARMSTRONG ROBERTS Philadelphia, 1918 CHAPTER aC American Poultry Industry... ........ 00 cece cee eee eee Ill. E Iv. Vv. VI. VIL. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII... XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX, XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLII. XLIV. CONTENTS Analyzing the Different Breeds............... 0000000 e eee se Meat Dual- Breeds. 2c 2c1ciiioinoide yins 4d eas sak casas ee wok Breedsirseagcausiaks wis one ae ay euton ee ORE Sor eeea ee Putpose Breeds. gees. se o5 5 des saa we eee ees eee seeee Ornamental Fowls, Games and Bantams................. A Business Enterprise. ........... 0000s e ee eee ee eee ees Keepi MG RECOLAS | % socv se dud ayaa tiie end adi hwnd DA ate nih ga hs . Principles of Poultry House Construction. ................ Interior Arrangement of Buildings....................... Poultry House Appliances............ 0000.00 eee eee eee Devices for Doors and Gates................... Reig stet's, 2 Trap INGSUSt car dacac bea arg oneeehn Mere mm ares a Misra Heedings 2.5/4 avira cara sakeen qinibdasetn gene Pere ere Available Grains and Meals...............0.....02-0005- Animal and Green Foods. ..........00 200 ccc cece eens Artificial Incubation. ........0.0000 000 cece cece eee Selecting Hatching Eggs.................. 00 cece eee eee Testing Eggs During Incubation....................000. Day-Old-Chick Industry... 0.00000... eee eee Natural Incubation. 0... ..0.65 0008 cnet ea nee ce nn bau Artificial Brooding. ........ 0.0.00. c ec cee ee ee Feeds for Baby: Chicks: s.c <0 Ged Gut nen eee ja epee eattes Care of Young Stock i. .ccccasiwe nunca: mec ane shi sa etree Breaking Up Broodiness............. 0.00000 eee eee eee Surplus Cockerelsi i.<.s.02 fegeyeresdeusaedecaeuel sae5 ent Caponizings « casieua ead osama vneea ances ae us ths ae yees tees Breed Devel ing Principles)... cage ches Oee Tee eh oe NS ELE eee opment of the Egg. sca e cee cog ea die cine wee ole Market Pepe cj. nae dain as, ducaleanas ng seinen S alex wan Be eae Selling Eggs Advantageously. ........ 0.0.0... 0 cece eae Preserving Eggs... ........-.0 0.0 e seen eNcche taeda niretkten occ By-Products of Poultry... 0... cece eee Prepa ring Birds for the Show...................00 000005 Ailments and Diseases... ......000. 0000 ccc cece eee Crop Bounds « a cals w seg wa alion wre aitinen wed eoad Beda Ocha nacsedes WOLTISs o-oo a nae oh aes oon neu ied Gaia ne eae ees White: Diarrhea) 2 6'a0 3 ea eh bons GA dees BOS Ses 1a eae Rex Parasites and. Pests. 3223 .02a.s¢0¢¢.50¢24 e080 4000 8o4R00% Tir keys x va54 atilns ward aiohg Mae a laut da meer earner Swe Guinea Fow]s: 0:2 244-a5+ 9¢4s8e6 esata a Was dae we aaa 4 PIGEONS ic:5 pop sie wear ein wise eS eeu sree ee eee acene Seis he HOE ATES ILLUSTRATIONS Fic, . PAGE Fowl's reproductive organs........ 00.00.0000 seen Frontispiece 1, Petaluma poultry district... 0.0... cee 2 2. Chart poultry production in U.S... 20.00.00... 0000 eee 4 3. Hen with a brood of chicks... 0.0... eee 5 4. Poultry and farm crops......... 0.0000 8 5. Model backyard poultry plant........ 0c ee eee 10 6: Light Brahmas: 3 bn secs kt sens wo te 24 MOV AGA a URS OE TASS HE TE OR 17 7. White Wiyandottess «054 see 2 bic 244 Hae ae bos Smee an cos NES 18 8. White Plymouth Rocks... .....00 00.000 0c ccc eee 19 g. White-Laced Red Cornish Fowls..................0022 2000500 21 10. Single Comb White Leghorns................ 00.0.0: 0 eee eee ee 24 11. Single Comb Brown Leghorns... 02.2.0... 0 eee 25 12. Rose-Comb Buff Leghorns... ..........0000.. 00000 c eects 27 13s Laken veldéfsins iics ces con hee ahs to pan beens Eee BOOMS 28 14. Single Comb Black Minorcas..........000 000000 c cece eee eee 30 15. Single Comb White Minorcas.... 00000000 cece eee eee 31 16, White-Faced Black Spanish............0.0 000. c cece eee eee 32 17; Andalusians... scangs desaes chs ee ced sata Be eeed SAL See Hae ER 34 18. Single Comb Mottled Anconas................. 0.0.02 e eee uee 35 19. Golden Spangled Hamburgs..............0 0000202 cece eee 36 20; Sicilian Buttencupss «ici e2 cas hese es Hod See ERAS ke HS ae ee Oo 37 oT. White Hondanss: $4 s-cs273 ae ash nes vee crane ava Sie sec ay ayaa ean 38 a2. Silver: Can pineS ysic- io sae sigs cass seni tama Meee au hideous Bataan 39 23\ White Aseels: 5. sccnicca nas manngi eta at oemanh Pei iaene him iennda wens os 40 24. Long-Tailed Yokohamas..................0.0. 0.00 cc eee ee 42 25. Silver. Laced -Polisht, so .au.-.ucc auc ed hacer aes ae gee ee een Re 43 26) Brahinias...04 tek nen nad wuld dae MOS? a Keldle kao de Gag meen S 47 37, White: Cochins i cccs-cca pace stented amen eo aes yawlenee Se eas 49 23. Partridge Cochinsx:s acca aitoemns Saag wea eyeteta wlsrandg gauze Alea 50 29. White: Vangshans si icis gainer aii wean aarewlgee AR ses aes 52 30. Barred Plymouth Rocks..........0 0.0.0... cece eee eee eens 54 31. Columbian Plymouth Rocks... . 2.0.0... 55 32°. Silver Wyandotteéss ss sscads dass ee to vacuxese eer eye kee ee yess 56 33. Columbian Wyandottes...... 0... c cece eee eee 57 34,. Rhode Island, RedSiocsg3 sn sue Gnd g wie Aes wesley es 58 BG. sBlaCk: JAN ASS ste cars ssass'e ave eis eduana dik un Unie Sleait 2b Season ged ke Nate Gutslecee 59 30. BUCKEYES 6 enineig wands qameves iu Gave BAe eae haan s MRS REINA 60 37. Black Orpingtonsss vaccethi ana den mene tna ek COR a Ata eee ae ue 62 38; White (OrpingtoOns «sic sccsn vcore emits can Sy e antares neat 64 39, Silver-Gray Dorkings:. 2.0 6605000500 cee ees cdi dee eame ale wae aes 65 40. Rose Comb White Dorkings.............0...00 0.0000 e eee 66 41. White Faverolless: Mammoth incubator with trays arranged in tiers......----- +++ >> Doing the work of four hens with an incubator........---+-----> Sectional view coal-burning incubator... . Plans for hatching egg cabinet.........- End view of egg cabinet...............- Turning and cooling eggs for hatching. .. . Plans for electric egg tester............. Appearance of hatching eggs through tester........ -.-- -- +--+: Testing hatching eggs.................. Simple egg-testing outfit................ Diagram showing growth of air cell...... Double-deck mammoth incubators in large Interior of a California hatchery........ Incubator room in a large hatchery...... 10,000 chicks ready for shipment........ Well-designed incubator building........ Hatchery of 600,000 egg capacity........ Express shipment of chicks............. Double-deck mammoth incubators. ...... Adarm: brood.) sis eaaw aie ng a ages : Simple devices for sitting hens..... .... Broods on a grassy range........... - Section through outdoor incubator... . Plan of coop for sitting hens............ Front elevation of coop for sitting hens. . . Rear perspective of coop............... Dusting sitting hens................... Makeshift coop...............0.-.00-. Rectangular brood coop................ V-shaped brood coop and run........... Hot-water brooding system.......... .. Brooder house with outdoor runs....... Brooder stoves are great labor savers. ... Colony brooders on Government station. . Homemade fireless brooder............ 50-chick size lamp brooding hover. . Outdoor colony brooder................ Brooder—complete outfit............... hatchery.........-..- Sectional view coal-burning brooder stove................ Chicks sleeping around stove............ Combination brooder and colony house. . . Filling coal hopper of a brooder stove... ILLUSTRATIONS xvii Fic. PaGE 203. Sectional view of brooder stove... .......0. 0000 cece cece aes 309 204. Summer chicks require plenty of shade................. 0000 eee 313 205. Feeding frame for chicks... 0... 00... ccc e cece 314 206. Cleaning around brooder stove..... c cece e ee 315 207. Lamp hovers are easily moved....... 0.000000 ccc ce cece eee ees 316 208. Portable yard for young chicks... .........0 0.0000 c cece en aes 317 209. Sectional view of brooder stove............ 0.0 ccc cece eee eens 318 210. Colony house with gasoline brooder.............. 0000s 319 211. Orchard an ideal location for growing chicks...............-.... 320 212. Privacy for the hen and brood. .............. 02.000 cece ees 322 213. Portable hover in simply constructed coop...................00 326 214. Separating the mother hens.............. 0000s 327 215. Covered runaway ico ccna gue ne areae dd ee REPOS Ea dN LS ORE 329 216. A husky brogds..25. 04). wins 4.04 aciceadiaamesnenseetema awed seen ae 332 217. Colony house from piano cases... .....000 0.0 eee 334 218. Inexpensive colony growing coop..............-0 00s veneer eeee 336 219. Secluded spot for the brood. ......... 00.00.0000. c ce eee eee 337 220. Hinged front for colony house...............0.000 00 cece eens 337 221. Indoor coop for discouraging broodiness.................00 ee eee 340 222. Outdoor coop for broody hens. ............. 00.0 c eee eee eee eee 341 223. Contest house at Storrs, Connecticut.................0 000 e eee 343 224. A-shaped colony house..... 0... 2... eee cee nae 345 225. Wire-covered shed for housing cockerels...............2..-.-005 348 226. Homemade fattening crate....... 0.0... 000 eee eee 349 227. Pouring feed in fattening crates... 2... 0.0... cece eee 351 228. Plans for 2-compartment fattening crate.................00 0000. 352 229. Killing and dressing broilers... 0.0. 353 230. Correct way to grasp fowl for sticking. ............ 0.0.0 e cee eaee 354 231. Anatomy of skull showing position of 'veins..................44. 355 232. Heads of fowls with jaws removed.............. 0. cee vee ee es 356 233. Well-finished market fowl.......................- 000s fe gta eae ee 359 234. Capons dressed for market. ......... cece cece eee eens 360 235. Side view of capons dressed for market... ...........0.-20000005 361 236. Caponizing instruments. ...... 000 cence eee aut een 363 237. Layout for caponizing......... 0... eee 365 238. Diagram showing where incision should be made........ id. sire act 366 239. Inserting the spreaders... 0c cece c eee eens 367 240: Using; the probeiic i.0 asa: ciny: don cane eee ne chi Mer aan yee alee aes 368 241. Pushing the intestines aside............. 0... 368 242. Grasping the gland): visa 45445354 8e5 Renae Rae REeS MEE a Swe ATH AE 369 243: Operation finished... o cccsyiewe dead ney teensy dea macseaeen ee aae 369 244. Class in killing and dressing........ 0... cece cece eee eee 370 245. Permanent quarters for pullets.................. 00. cee eee ee eee 373 246. Three thousand pullets on range......... 2.0... 0c cece eee eee ee 375 247. Busy moment for the trap nest....... 02.0... e cece eee eee eee 376 248. Brood coop with slatted run... . 6... eee 377 249. Pullets on a California ranch... 2.0... eee eee eee 379 250. Packing house equipment. ............ 006 c cece eee eee 381 251. Breeders handled in large units... ........ 0... c cece cee eens 383 252. Plans for a catching COOp.... 1.1... eee eee eee eee ee 384 253. Brood coop made from rough lumber.............. 0.000. e caus 386 254. Practical method for catching fowls................- 000. e eae 388 255. Diagram digestive apparatus of a fowl................00ee eee, 392 xviii Fic. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266, 267. 268, 269. 270. 271. 272. 273) 274. 275. 276. 277: 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. ILLUSTRATIONS Outer shell membrane of fresh egg.... 0.0.0... 0000 e reer eres Inner shell membrane of fresh egg... 0.200... 000-00 e eee Sectional view*ol eggs..324 vue agagvierece nde ew sannn de nee EREM PS Yellow yolk of fresh egg... c eee eee ett ttt White yolk of fresh egg... 0... ee eens Class in candling and grading eggs. .........----0 000s reer Changes affecting the appearance of eggs...... ean ee RB Eggs during period of incubation..............- ay ey we Dae Fertile and infertile eggs.................. eee ay Bang RGnEseER Vegetable cellar for storing eggs............. eed, wee Poe Se Gravity test for telling age of eggs..............--- as bas HALA Freight car for shipping live poultry................0 0 cee eee eee A FUL HOUSES. fs se are ood wo sea. waned wana & Hie d buegdi meee: BLEE PRATER A Refrigerator car loaded with poultry................ go geben aes Candling eggs at farmer’s gate........... Sk, heels SEGA SoS eHUAS StolenoneSt: if tLGCs, fog 2 et cad ged Sie GUS Ree eee AS EOE ED TREE SUT Other Stolen MESS iii gos ea eteele Re cee Gon alse RAE Dede e SORES & Typical forms of egg breakage............... 00000000000 e erences Grading and packing eggs. . 0.6. ca eea ccnp wee cee meeeeenesbea es Well-equipped feeding plant..............00.. 0000.00 eee eee ee Interior of a feeding plant... ... 202.0 eee cee Metal chilling racks. .2d0s cop dt bnee cea ceaeedae sed ae tas eet se Bench killing and picking. .......... 000... 00 0. cece eee eee eee eee California type of laying house...............0 0.00. e eee ce eee Elevated laying houses............000.0 ccc cece e eee ee ee Preparing water glass: ga. d4se0eaay ee vaeivertee aan eay eg eew an Receptacles for preserving eggs... 2.00.50 fee eee eee eee Examining eggs by means of candler....................0-0005- Arrangement of houses and runs................. 0000000 eee euee Indiana, poultry Houses.