Cornell University Library QL 548.S62 ynonymic catalog: A SYNONYMIC CATALOGUE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA BY HENRY SKINNER, M. D., Pror. oF ENTOMOLOGY, ACADEMY NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILA, Curator, AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SocreTy. EDITOR, ENTOMOLOGICAL News. Assoc. StaTE ENTOMOLOGIST, PENNA,, Etc. PHILADELPHIA: _{ISSUED DECEMBER 15) 1898. A SYNONYMIC CATALOGUE OF THE NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA BY HENRY SKINNER, M. D., Pror. or ENTOMOLOGY, ACADEMY NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILA. CuRATOR, AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Epitor, ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. Assoc. STATE ENTOMOLOGIST, PENNA, Erc. PHILADELPHIA: (ISSUED DECEMBER 15) 1898. B 405 E bY A irtoso oLs4tl Sb oy, PRESS OF P. C. STOCKHAUSEN. PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. The last catalogue, that by Mr. W. H. Edwards, was published fourteen years ago, and has been out of print for some time. Since Mr. Edward's catalogue appeared, a number of important works have been published and many magazine articles. Quite a number of species have been described and life histories made known. The more important new works on the Lepidoptera have been “ Scudder’s Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada;.”’ the “ Bio- logia Centrali- A mericana,’’ and the completion of the third volume of Mr. Edward’s “ Butterflies of North America.’’ A single line has been devoted to each reference, thus greatly aiding the eye in finding what is wanted. When a species is found outside our faunal limits its entire distribution is given. A few species have been put into the synonymy, but only in cases where it seemed well warranted. No attention has been paid to the genera, as they are in a chaotic state and will require special study by some one taking cognizance of the genera of the world; therefore the genera remain practically the same as in the Edwards’ catalogue. All references of import- ance are included, and it is hoped the catalogue will be found accurate and prove useful. All sources of information were freely taken advantage of, and the compiler must acknowledge his indebt- edness to the catalogues of Morris, Kirby, Scudder, Strecker and Edwards. es Phila., March, 1898. LIST OF AUTHORS. Agas.—Agassiz, L. Aaron, E. M. Ashm.—Ashmead, W. H. Aurivillius, Chr. Bates, H. W. Bd.—Boisduval, J. A. Bean, Thos. E. Beauv.—(de) Beauvois, A. Behr, Dr. Herman. Berge, Fr. Bergs.—Bergstraser, J. A. B. Birch.—Birchall, E. Blake, C. A. Blanch.—Blanchard, Emile Boll, Jacob. Bowles, Robert. Bork,—Borkhausen, M. B. Brown, T hos. Bunker, Robt. Burg.—Burgess, E. Burm.—Burmeister, H. C. C. Butl.--Butler, A. G. Catesby, Mark. Caulf.--Caul field, F. B. Chenu, J. C. Chapm.—Chapman, A. W. Clark, H. L. Clerck, C. A. Cockerell, T. D. A. Cram.—Cramer, Pierre. Cunningham, B. L. Curt.—Curtis, John. Dalm.—Dalman, I. W. Dawson, P. M. De Beauy.—De Beauvois, A. Denton, 8. W. De Prun.—De Prunner. L. Dewitz. Dist.—Distant, W. L. Dodge, G. M. Don.—Donavan, Edward. Doubl,—Doubleday, Edward. Doubl.-Hew.--Doubleday, E. and Hew- itson, W. C. Dunean, J. Dup.—Duponchel], P. A. J. D’ Urb.—D’ Urban, W. 8. Dru.—Drury, Dru. Dyar, Dr. H. G. Edw.— Edwards, W. H. Edw.— Edwards, H. Elwes and Edwards.—E\wes, H. J. and Edwards, James, Emmerton, J. H. Emmous, E. Engr.— Engramelle, M. D. J. Erichs.—Erichson, W. F. Esch., Escholtz, J. F. Esp.—Esper, FE. J.C. Eversm.—Eversmann, E. Fab.—Fabricius, J. C. Feld.—Felder, Cajetan. Fern.—Fernald, C. H. Fisch.,—Fischer, G. Fisher, J. C. Fiske, W. F. Fitch, Asa. Fletcher, Dr. James. French, G. H. Frey. and Frr.—Freyer, C. F. Geddes, G. Geyer, C. Gillette, C. P. Glover, T. Gmel.—Gmelin, J. F, Gn.—Gueneé, A. Godm.-Salv.—Godman and Salvin, Godman, F. D. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. Godt.—Godart. J. B. Geoze, J. A. E. Gosse, P. H. Gray, E. Gray, G. R. Gronov, L, T. Griff—Griffith, E. Gro.—Grote, A. R. Gro.-Rob.—Grote and Robinson. Grub. —Gruber, Aug. Guer.-—Guerin-Meneville, Felix E. Hag.—Hagen, Dr. H. A. Harr.—Harris, Dr. T. W. Hayden, F. Healy, J. L. H. Edw.—Edwards, Henry. Herr.-Scheff.— Herrich-Scheffer, Dr. G. A.W. Hew.—Hewitson, W. C. Hinek.— Hinckley, H. Holland, Dr. W. J. Hoy, J.P. Hub.—Hubner, Jacob. Hufn,— Hufnagel. Humph.- West.--Humpkreys and West- wood, Humphreys, H. N. Hulst, G. D. Iil.—Illiger, C. W. Jones, F. M. Kaden. Kirby, WF. Kirtl._Kirtland, J. P. Knoch, A. W. Koll.—Kollar, V. Lamark, J. B. La Sag.--R. de la Sagra, Latr.—Latreille, P. A. Laurent, P. Led.—Lederer, J. Lee, J. Lef.—Lefebre, A. Lembert, J. B. Letcher, B. Lewellyn, J. T. D. Lewin, J. W. Linn.—Linné, Carl Lint.—Lintner, J. A. Loche, C. F. M. de Luc.—Lueas, H. Lyman, H. H. Mabille, P. Mayer, J. Mayn.—Maynard, C. J. McLach.— McLachlan, R. McNeill, Jerone Mead, Theo. L. Meig.—Meigen, J. W. Men.— Menetries, E. Merian, M. 8. Meyer.—Meyer-Duer, L. R. Mill.— Millard, S. W. Miil.—Milliere, P- Moff.—Moffat, J. A. Morr.—Morris, J. G. Morrn.—Morrison, H. K. Morton, Emily Mosch.—Moschler, H. B. Mueller, P. L. 8. Mundt, A. H. Neum.—Neumoegen, B. Oberthur, C. Ochs.—Ochsenheimer, F. Ottolengui, Dr. R. Pack. -Packard, Dr. A. S. Panton, E. 8. Park.—Parker, H. W. Peale, T. R. Pears.--Pearson, C. W. Perry. Perty, M. Petiv._Petiver, J. Pod.—Poda von Neuhaus, N. Poey, Dr. Felippe. Poll.—Pollich, J. A. Brunner, (de) L. Putn.—Putnam, J. D. Quens.—-Quensel, C. Quaintance, A. L. vi NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA, Ramb.—Rambur, J. P. Rathvon, 8. 8. Ray, John Reak.—Reakirt, T. Rid.— Ridings, James Riley, C. V. Rivers, J. J. Robinson, C. T. Ross.— Rossi, P. Sagr.—Sagra, R. de la Salvin, O. Say, Thomas Schaus, W. Schaeff.—Schaeffer, J. C. Schilde, J. G. Schn.—Schneider, D. H. Schoyen, W. M. Scop.—Scopoli, J. A. Scud.—Scudder, S. H. Scud.-Burg.—Scudder and Burgess. Seba, A. Sepp, C. Shaw, G. Skinner, Dr. Henry Sloane, Sir. H. Slosson, Mrs. A. T. i Smith, Dr. J. B. Smyth, BE. A. Synder, A. J. “Soule, Miss C. G. Spey.—Spever, Adolph Sprague, C. J. Staint.—Stainton, H. T. Steps.—Stephens, J. F. Str.—Strecker, Dr. H. Stretch, R. H. Sulzer, J. H. Swainson, Wm. Tepper, Fr. Thaxt.—Thaxter, R. Thunb.—Thunberg, C. P. Treits.--Treitschke, F. Trim.—Trimen, R. Ohler, P. R. Urban, D’, W.S. Van Duzee, E. P. Walker, F. Walleng.--Wallengren, H. D. J. , Walsh, B. D. West.-Hew.—-Westwood and Hewitson. West._-_Westwood, J. O. Whitn.-- Whitney C. P. Withelm, G. F. Wittfeld, Dr. W. Wolcott, R. H. Wood, W. Worth.—Worthington, C. E. Willard, H. G. Winn, A. F. Wright, W. G. Zett.--Zetterstedt, J. W. Zeller, P. C. WORKS QUOTED AND EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS USED. Abg. Gesch.—Abgekurzte Geschichte der Insecten nach dem Linneischen Sys- tem. Johann Heinrich Sulzer. Winterthur, bey H. Steener u. Comp., 1776. Act. Hol.--Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar. Stockholm, 1791. Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y., V--The Natural History of New York. Ebenezer Emmons, Albany. Van Benthuysen, 1854, Am. Ent.—American Entomologist. Am. Nat.--American Naturalist. Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr.--Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. Ann. Soc. Obs.—Annales des Soc. d’Observation. 1829. Ann. Nat. Hist—The Annales and Magazine of Natural History. London, 1848. App. to Narr. Ross’ Ind. Voy.--Appendix to the Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a Northwest Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the years 1829-1833, London, A. W. Webster, 1835. App. Voy. de Deleg.—Voyage dans l'Afrique Australe notament dans le terriore de Natal dans celui des Cafres Amazoulons et Makatisse et jusqu’an Tropique du Copricorne, exécuté durant les années 1838-1844, par M. Adulphe Scle- gorgue (De Douai) avee une Introduction par M. Albert-Montemont. Paris, A. René et Cie, 1847, 2 vol. Arcana.— Arcana or Museum of Nature. London, Stratford, 1810-1811. Aus. Schmett.--Die Auslandischen oder die Ausserhalb Europa zur Zeit in den tbrigen Welttheilen vorgefundenen Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der natur mit Beschreihungen. E. J. C. Esper. 1, Erlangen, Walther, 1785-1798. Bemerk. Churpf. Gk. Ges—-Churpfalz Giken. Gesellsch., 1779. Berge Schmett.--Schmetterlingsbuch, oder Algemeine und besondere Natur- geschichte der Schmetterlinge, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die europais- chen Gattungen. Nebst einer vollstandigen Anweisung sie zu fangen, zu erziehen, zuzubereiten und aufzubewahren, Fr. Berge. Stuttgart, Hoff- man, 1842. Berl. Ent. Zeit.—Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. Berl. Mag.—Berlinisches Magazine. Biol. Cent.-Amer.—Biologia Centrali-Americana. London. Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist——Boston Journal of Natural History. 1834. Brit. Butt.--British Butterflies and their Transformations, arranged and illus- trated in a series of plates by H. N. Humphreys, with descriptions by J. O. Westwood. London. W. Smith, 1841. Brit. Ent—Outlines of British Entomology. 8. W. Millard. Bristol, 1821. Brit. Ins—Thbe Natural History of British Insects, explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, economy, etc., together with the history of such minute insects as require investigation by the microscope. Edward Donovan. London. Riving- ton, 1813, 16 vols. viil NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Buff. Bull.--Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo, N.Y. 1873. Butt. East. U. S.--Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada. S. H. Scudder. But. N. Am.--The Butterflies of North America. By W. H. Edwards. 3 vols. 1868-1897. Can, Ent.--Canadian Entomologist. Can. Nat.--Canadian Naturalist. Can. Nat. and Geol.--The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, and Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal. 1857. Cat. Brit. Ins.--A Systematical Catalogue of British Insects. J. F. Stephens. London. Baldwin, 1829. Cat. Lep. And.--Catalogue Systématique des Lépidoptéres de l’Andalousie. J. P. Rambur. Paris, Bailliére, 1828. Cat. Lep. B. M.--List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. London, 1844, ete. Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C.--Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company. London. Allen, 1857-1859. Cat. Lep. N. Am.--Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America. John G. Morris, Washington. Smithsonian Institute, 1860. Cat. Met. etc. Mem. Soc. Econ. Hab.--Memorias de la Sociedad Economica. 1846. Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep.—Enumeratio corporum animalium Musei imperialis Acade- miz Scientiarum Petropolitane. Cat. Satyr. B. M.--Catalogue of the Satyride in the British Museum. A.G. Butler. Cent. Lep. Cuba.--Centurie de Lépidoptéres de l’Ile de Cuba. F. Poey. Paris, 1832. Cist. Ent.--Cistula Entomologica sive Insectorium nov. diagnoses. A. G. Butler. 1870-1876. Clerck. Icones.--lcones Insectorum rariorum cum nominibus eorum trivialibus locisque. C. Linnaei Syst. Nat. allegatis. C.A.Clerck. Holmiz, 1759-1764. Coloured Spec. Iil.--Coloured Specimens to Illustrate the Natural History of But- terflies. James Lee. London, 1806. Const. Mis. But.--The Book of Butterflies, Sphinges and Moths, illustrated by ninety-six engravings, coloured after nature. T. Brown. London, Whit- aker, Treacher & Co., 1834. Corr.-Blatt Zool. Min. Ges.--Correspondenz Blatt des Zoologisch Mineralogischen Vereins in Regensburg. Cuv. Reg. An. Ins.--Le Régne Animal distribue d’apres son urganisation, pour servir de base a Vhistoire naturelle des animaux et d’introduction a lanatomie comparee, par Georges Cuvier. Paris, Fortin, Massonet Cie. Les Insects, par Audonin, Blanchard, Doyere et Milne Edwards. Del Animal.--Delectus animalium articulatorum, que in itinere per Brazaliam annis 1817, ect. Dr. M. Perty. Monachii, 1830-1834. Descrip. Hesp.—Description of New Species of Hesperide. W. C. Hewitson. London. Van Voorst, 1867-1869. Diss. Ent. Suec.—Dissertatio Entomologico Sistens Insecta Suecia. C. P. Thun- berg. Upsaliee, 1784-1795. Dup. Icon.--Iconographie et Histoire Naturelle des Chenilles, pour servir de complemént a I’ Histoire Naturelle des Lepidopteres ou Papillons de France par P. A. J. Duponchel (et Guenee). Paris, 1849. Ene. Meth.--Encyclopedie Methodique. Paris, 1819. M. Latreile et M. Godart. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. ix Enc. Meth. Ins. Plates.--Tableau Encyclopedique et Methodique des trois Regnes de la Nature. Six-huitieme partie Insectes. A. Paris, Chez Henri Agasse, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue des Poitevins. L’an V. de la Republic Fran- caise, 1797. Ent. Amer.--Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn. Ent. Carn.—Entomologia Carniolica exhibers insecta Carnioliae indigena et dis- tributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates, methodo Linneana, J. A. Scopoli. Vindohone, Trattner, 1763. Ent. Beyt.--Entomologische Beytrage zu des Ritter Linné Zwélften Ausgabe des Natursystems. Leipzig, bey Weidemann, Erben und Reich, 1777. Ent. Mo. Mag.—The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine. London, 1864. Ent. News.-- Entomological News. Philadelphia, 1890. Entom.—The Entomologist. London, 1841. Ent. Paris, -Entomologia Parisiensis. Paris, 1785. A. F. Foureroy. Ent. Rep. State of Missouri.--Annual Reports on the Noxious, Beneficial and other Insects of the State of Missouri. C. V. Riley. Ent. Russ.—Entomographia imperii russici ; Genera Insectorum Systematice ex po- site et analysi iconographica instructa. Edw. Eversmann. Moscou, 1851. Ent. Syst.--Entomologia Systematica emendata et Aucta, Secundum classes, or- nines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descrip- tionibus, Hafniae, 1793-1794. J. C. Fabricius. Ent. Syst. Suppl—-Supplementum Entomologize Systematice. Hafniae, Proft et Storch, 1798. J.C. Fabricius. Ent. Tidsch.__-Entomologische Tidschrift. Eur. Ins.—De Europische Insecten. Maria Sibylla Merian. Tot Amsterdam. By J. F. Bernard, 1730. Eur. Schmett.—Systematische Beschreibung der europidischen Schmetterlinge. J. W. Meigen. Aachen und Leipzig, 1829-1832. Eur. Schmett——Sammlung Europaischer Schmetterlinge. J. Huebner. Augsburg, 1805-1832.--Geschichte europiischer Schmetterlinge gesammelt von J. Huebner, in Augsburg, 1806-1834. Ex. Schmett.—Sammlung Exotischer Schmetterlinge errichtet von Jacob Huebner. Augsburg, 1806-1824. Faun. Bor. Am--—Fauna boreali-Americaua. J. Richardson. (William Kirby). Pt. 4. London. Longman, 1837. Faun, Ent. And.—Faune entomologique de l’Andalousie. J.P. Rambur. Paris. Art. Bertrand, 1838-1839. Faun. Ent. Mad.—Faune entomologique de Madagascar, Bourbon et Maurice, Lepidopteres. Avec des notes Sur les moeurs par M. Sganzin. J. A. Boisduval, Paris. Roret, 1833. Faun. Etr—Fauna Etrusea, Sistens insecta, que in provinciis Florentina et Pisana presertim Collegit. P. Rossi. Liburni, Thome Masi, 1790. Faun. Gren.—Fauna Grenlandica. Hafniae et Lipsie. Roth, 1780. Otto Fabricius. Faun. Suec.—Fauna Suecico Sistens Animalia Sueciz Regni. C. von Linné. Stock- holmiae. Laurentii Salvii, 1746. Field and Forrest.--Washington, D. C. Gay. Faun. Chil.--Gay historia fiscia y politica de Chile Zoologia. 1852. Gen. Crust. et Ins.--Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum. P. A. Latreille. Parisiis et Argentorat. Amand Koenig, 1806-1809. (#*) x NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Gen. Diur. Lep.-The Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus; illustrated with 86 plates by W.C. Hewitson and Edward Doubleday. Longman. London, 1846-1852. Gen. et Sp. Ins.--Caroli De Geer genere et Species insectoram et generalissimj auctoris Scriptis extraxit, digessit, latine quand. partem reddidit, et termi- nologiam insectorum Livneanam additit. A. J. Retzurs. Lipsie. Crusé, 1783. Gen. Ind. Meth.--Genera et Index Methodicus europeorum Lepidopterorum. J. A. Boisduval. Paris. Roret, 1840. Gen. Ins.--Genera Insectorum eorumque characters naturales secundum numerum figuram, situm et proportionem omnium partium oris adjecta mantissa specierum uuper detectarum. Chilonii, Bortsch. J.C. Fabricius. Gmel. Syst. Nut.--Caroli a Linné Systema Nature. Lipsie, 1788. J. F. Gmelin. Griff. Cuv. An. King.-The Animal Kingdom. Arranged in conformity with its organization, by Baron Cuvier, etc. The Class Insecta, with supplemen- tary additions to each order, by Edward Griffith, Edward Pidgeon and George Gray. London, Whitaker, Treacher & Co., 1832. Vol. XIV, XV. Handbuch.--Handbuch fiir Schmetterlingsliehhaber besonders fir Anfanger im Sammeln. J. W. Meigen. Aachen, la Ruelle, 1827. Harris Ins.—A Report on the Insects of Massachusetts. Cambridge, 1841. Tlurris Ins, Flint’s Ed.—A Treatise on some of the Insects Injurious to Vegetation, Boston, 1862. Hayden’s Rep. Exp. Montana.--Preliminary Report of the U.S. Geog. Survey of Montana. Washington, 1872. Hist. Anim. Sans Vert.--Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertébres. J. Lamarck, Paris. Verdiére, 1815-1822. Hist. Cub. Anim. Art.--Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l’Ile de Cuba par M. Raymond de la Sagra. Paris. Arthus Bertrand, 1857, Hist. Ins.-Historia Insectorum, John Ray. Londoni. A.and J. Churebhill, 1710. Hist. Jamaica.— A Vogage to the Islands of Madera, Barbados, Nieves, 8. Christo- phers and Jamaica, ete. By Hans Sloane. London, 1707-1725. Hist, Nut. Crust. et Ins.--Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére. Des Crus- taces et des Insectes, P. A. Latreile. Paris. Dufart, 1802-1805. Hist. Nat. Ins.--Histoire naturelle des Insectes Orthoptéres, Neuroptéres, Hemip- téres, Hymenoptéres, Lepidoptéres et Diptéres; avec une introduction par M. Brullé. E. Blanchard. Paris. Dumenil, 1840. Hist, Nat. des Lep.--Histoire Naturelle des Lepidoptéres ou papillons de France, descript par M. Godard, peints par M. C. Vautier. Paris, Crevot, 1821. Hist. Sketch Gen. Names, etc.--From Proc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Boston. Hitch. Rep. Geol. Min.-Report on the Geol. Min. Bot. and Zoology of Mass. By Edw. Hitcheock. Amherst, 1833. Hueb. Beitr.--Beitrage zur geschichte der Schmetterlinge. Augsburg. J. Hueb- ner, 1786-1790. Icon. Chen. et Lep.--In Annales de la Société Linnéene de Lyon. 1858-1870. Icon. Du Reg. An.--Iconographie du Régne Animal de G. Cuvier, ou representa- tion d’aprés nature de l’une des especes les plus remarquables et souvent non encore figurees, de chaque genre d’animaux avec un texte descriptif mis au courant de la Science. Ouvrage pourant servir d’atlas a tous les traites de Zoologie par M. F. E. Guérin-Méneville. Paris. J. B. Builliere, 1829-1844, 2 vols. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. xl Icones.--Icones historique des Lepidoptéres d’Europe, nouveaux ou peu connus, Collection avee figures coloriées de Papillons d’Europe nouvellement de- couverts. Ouvrage formant les complement de tous les auteurs icono- graphes. J. A. Boisduval. Paris. Roret, 1832-1843. Ii. Brit. Ent. Haust.—-Illustrations of British Entomology. Haustellata. James Francis Stephens. London, Baldwin and Cradock. Ill, Diur, Lep.--\lustrations of Diurnal Lepidoptera. W.C. Hewitson. London. Van Voorst, 1867-1877. Suppl. 1869. Ill, Ex. Butt.--Illustrations of New Species of Exotic Butterflies. W.C. Hewit- son. London. Van Voorst, 1851. Iu. Er. Ent.--Illustrations of Natural History. Dru Drury. London. White, 1770, 1782. 3 vols. Ill. Mag.--Mlliger’s Magazin fiir Insectenkunde. Ind. Ent.--Index Entomologicus, or a complete illustrated catalogue of the Lepi- dopterous Insects of Great Britain. William Wood. London, 1845. Ind. Ex. Lep.-Index exoticorum Lepidopterorum in foliis 244 a J. Huebnero hactenus effigiatorum. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1821. Ind. Syst. Reg. Corr.-Blatt. - Lepidopterorum Index Systematicus. In Correspon- denz Blatt des Zool.-Min. Vereins, in Regensburg. Ins. Afr et Am.--Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amerique dans les royaumes d’Oware, 4 Saint-Dominque et dans les Etats-Unis pendant les années 17386- 1797. De Beauvois. Paris. Levrault, Schoell et Cie, 1805 1821. Ins. Ga.--The Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterons Insects of Georgia. ineluding their systematic characters, the particulars of their several metamorphoses and the plants on which they feed. Collected from the observations of John Abbott, many years resident in that country. Lon- don. 1797. 2 vols. By John Abbott and James Edward Smith. Ins. Ind.--An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of India and the Islands of Indian Seas. Edw. Donovan. London, 1800-1803. Ins. Lapp.--Insecta Lapponica descripta. J. W. Zetterstedt. Lipsis, Voos, 1840. Ins. Mus. Gree.—Insecta Musei Greecensis, qu in ordines, genera et species, juxta Systema Nature Linnei digessit. N. Poda von Neuhaus. Grecii, Wid- manstad, 1761. Ins. Sur.—Maria Sybilla Merizen Over de Voortteeling en Wonderherlyke Veran- deringen der Surinzemsche Insecten. 1719. Jnl. Ent.—Journal of Entomology. 1862. Jnl. Lin. Soe, Lond.—Journal of the Linnean Society. London, 1857. Joh. Amen. Acad.—Ameenitates Academic, Seu Dissertationes varie Physicze, Medice, Antehac seorsim edite nune collecte et aucte cum tabulus eneis. Lugduni Batavorum Haak. Carl] von Linné. Kirby Cat.—A Synouymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera. London, 1871. Suppl. 1871. i Knoch. Beitr. Ins.— Beitrage zur Insectengeschichte. Leipzig. Schwickert, 1781- 1783. Kotzeb. Reise.—Kotzebues Reise um die Welt. Wiemar. 1830. Lep. Am, Sept.—Histoire générale et iconogoraphique des Lepidoptéres et des Che- nilles de l’Amerique septentrionale. J. A. Buisduval and John E. LeConte. Paris, 1833. Lep. Cal.--Lepidoptéres de la Californie; in Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Vol. XII, 1868-1869, p. 8-94. xii NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Lep. Exot.- Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptéres exotiques. H. Lucas. Paris, 1535. Lep. Erot-—Lepidoptera Exotica, or Descriptions and Illustrations of Exotic Lepi- doptera. A. G. Butler. Lep. Fr. Suppl. I-IV.—Histoire Naturelle des Lepidoptéres de France. Supple- ment. P. A.J. Duponchel. Paris. Mcequignon-Marvis, 1832-1842. Lep. de la Cal.--Annales de la Société Extomologique de France, 2ud Ser. Vol. X, 1852, p. 275-324. Lep. Pedemontana.—Lepidoptera Pedemontana. Leonardo De Brunner. Turin, 1798. Lep. Rhop.-Het.—Lepidoptera Rhopaloceres and Heteroceres, Indigenous and Exotic, with colored illastrations. Ferdinand Heinrich Herman Strecker. Reading, Pa. Printed for the Author, 1872-1878. List. Lep. B. M.--List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. Francis Walker. London. Mag. Ins.—Magazin fiir Insektenkunde. Braunschweig, 1806-1807. Mun. Brit. But.—A Manual of British Butterflies and Moths. H. T. Stainton. _ London. Van Voorst. Vol. I, 1857; Vol. II, 1859. Man, Eur. Butt.--Manual of European Butterflies. W. F. Kirby. London, 1862. Mant. Ins.--Mantissa Insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adjectis synonymis ohservationibus, descriptionibus, emendationibus. Hafnie, 1787. J. C. Fabricius. Mant.--Mantissa Plantarum Altera Generum editionis VI & Specierum editionis Il. C. von Linne. Holmiz, Laurentii Salvii, 1771. Mayn. Man.--Maynard’s Manual, Mem. Acad. Tur.— Mémoires de ]’Acad. de Turin, 1801. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.—Memoirs Boston Society of Natural History, 1869. Mem. Nat. Hist. Is. Cuba.--Memorias Sobre la Historia Natural de Ja Isla de Cuba. F. Poey. Habana, 1851-1858. Morris Syn.--Synopsis of the Described Lepidoptera of North America. J. G. Morris. Smithsonian Institution. Washington. D. C., 1862. Mus. Lud. Ulr.--Museuin §.: e R.: M.: tis Ludoviciee Ulricia Regine Svecorum, gothorum, Vandalorumque ete. In quo Animalia Rariora, Exotica, Im- primis Insecta et Conchilia describuntur et determinantur. ©. von Linné. Holmiz, 1764. wat. Miss.--The Naturalist’s Miscellany. George Shaw, 1790-1813. Nat. Hist. Car.--The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Babama Islands. Mark Catesby. London. W. Innys and R. Manby, 1743. Nat. Lib. Ent.--The Natural History of Butterflies. James Duncan, Edinburgh, 1835. Vol. III, IV and VII of the Naturalist’s Library, Nat. Rep.--The Naturalist’s Repository. Edw. Donavan. London, 1823-1827. Natur, Schmett.--Naturgeschichte der Europaischen Schmetterlinge nach Syste- matischer Orduung. M. B. Borkhausen. Frankfurt, Varrentrapp u. Wenner, 1788-1789. Nut. Schmett.--Natursystem aller bekanntev in und auslindischen Insekten als eine Fortsetzung der von Biffonschen Naturgeschichte, nach dem System des Ritters Carl von Linne bearbeitet Carl Gustav Jablonsky. 1783 -1804. Nene. Beit.-Neuere Beitrage zur Schmetterlingskunde mit Abbildungen nach der Natur. Augsburg, 1833. C. F. Freyer. Neu. Lep.—-Ein Neues Lepidupteron aus der Familie Nymphaliden. From Act. Acad. Leopold. Carol, 5, 28, 1861. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. xiii New. Eng. Farmer.—New England Farmer. Neu. Mag.—Neuste Magazin fiir die Liebhaber der Entomologie. Stralsund, Struck, 1791. Newm. Ent.--The Entomologist. London. Jobn Van Voorst, 1840. Nom, u. Besch. Ins.—Nomenclatur und Beschreibung der Insecten in der Graf- schaft Hanau-Munzenherg, wie auch der Wetterau und der angrenzenden Nachbarschaft dies und jenseits des Mains, mit erleuchteten Kupfertafeln herausgegeben. J. A.B Bergstrasser. Hanau, 1779-1780. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Mose—Nouveaux Memoires de la Société Impériale des Natura- listes de Moscou. Pap. Brit. Icon.—Papilionum Brittanicze Icones, Nomina, ect. James Petiver. London, 1717. Packard’s Guide.--Guide to the Study of Insects. A.S. Packard. Pap. D'Eur.—Papillons d’Europe, peints d’apres Nature par M. Ernst, gravés et colories sous sa direction, Les Chenilles, Chrysalides et Papillons de Jour. Décrits par Engramelle Relig. Augtin Q.8.G. Paris, 1779-1792. Pap. Diur. Chenu.—Enclycopedie d’Histoire Naturelle, ou traite complet de cette Science d’apres les travaux des naturalistes les plus éminent des tous les pays et de toutes les époques Buffon, Daubenton, ect., ect., parle Dr. Chenu. Paris, 1851. Pap. Eur.—Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptéres d’Europe, ouvrage orne de prés de 400 Figures peintes d’apres nature par A. Noel. H. Lucas. Paris, Pauquet, 1834. Pap. Exct.—Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde |’ Asie l’Afrique et VAmerique rassembles et décrits par M. Pierre Cramer, dessinés sur les originaux, gravés et enluminés sous sa direction. Amsteldam, Baalde, Utrecht, Barthelemy Wild, 1779-1782. Pap. Gt. Brit.—The Papilios of Great Britain. J. W. Lewin. London. Jobn- son, 1798. Petiv. Gazoph—Gazophylacii Nature et Artis Decas prima (-V), ect. Jacobus Petiver. Londoni, 1702-1705. Petiv. Mus.—Musei Petiveriani Ceuturia Prima (-X) Rariora nature continens: viz., Animalia, Fossilia, Plantas, ex Variis Mundi Plagis advecta, Ordine digesta. et Nominibus propriis signata. A. Jacobo Petiver. Londoni. Pauli, 1695-1703. Proc. Acad. Nat. Soc. Phil_—Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proc, Am. Ac. Bost.—Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston. 1846. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv, Sc.—Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.— Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural His- tory, 1841. Proc. Cal. Acad. Nut. Sci.—Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences, 1854. Proc. Clev. Acad. Sc.—Proceedings of the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science. Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci.—Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. 1867. Proe, Ent. Soc. Phil.—Proceedings of the Entomological Society, of Philadelphia. Proc. Essex Inst.—Proceedings of the Essex Institute. 1848. xiv NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.--Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1830. Prodr. Lep. Reg. Corr.-Blatt.--Prodromus Systematis Lepidopterorum. Psyche.--Cambrige, Mass. Psysche.-- Figures of nondescript Lepidopterous Insects, or Rare Moths and But- terflies from different parts of the world. Thos. Martyn. London. 1797. Reise Nov. Lep.--Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara. Rhopalocera, Wien, 1864-1867. Cajetan Felder. Rep. N. Y. State Agr. Soc.—Reports on the Noxious and Beneficial and other Insects in the State of New York. 1854. Repts. Peabody Acad.--Reports of the Peabody Academy of Science. 1869, Rev. Zool._-Reuve et Magazin de Zoologie. Paris. Rhop. Afr. Austr.--Rhopalocera Africee Australis. Roland Trimen. Cape Town. W. F. Mathew, 1862, Ruff.—Annual Report upon Explorations and Surveys in the Department of the Missouri, by E. H. Ruffner, First Lieutenant Eng. U. 8. A., being appendix R. R. of the Annual Report of the Chief Engineers for 1877. Washing- ton, D. C., 1877. Sagra Hist. Nat. Cuba.—Historie Physique et Politique et Naturelle de I’Isle de Cuba, Animaux articules. Paris, Bertrand, 1857. Samm. Ausseur. Schmett.—Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuro- paischer Schmetterlinge. Herrich-Schaeffer. Regensburg, 1850-1858. Say. Am. Ent.—American Entomology. Thomas Say, 1824. Schef. Icon.--Icones Insectorum Ratisbonensium Methodo Systematica illustrate: et Indice Systematico aucte a D. Georg. Wolfgango Francisco Panzero. J.C. Scheffer. Editio nova Erlange. J.J. Palmii, 1804. Schmett, Cuba, Corr.-Blatt Zool. Min. Ges.—Schmetterlinge aus Cuba. In the Cor- respondenz-Blatt des Zool.-Min. Vereines in Regensburg. Schmett, Eur.--Systematische Bearheitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa. G. A. W. Herrich-Schaeffer. Regensburg. 1843-1856. Schmett. Schweiz.—Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Schweiz. L. R. Meyer- Duer, 1852. Shaw Zool.--General Zoology of Systematic Natural History. George Shaw. Sill. Jnl. Sc. 2nd, Ed.—Silliman’s Journal of Science. Skand. Dagf.—-Skandinaviens Dagfjarilar. Cronholm, 1853. Sp. Gen.--Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species générales des Lépidoptéres. Tome premier. J. A. Boisduval. Paris. Roret, 1836. Sp. Ins.—Species Insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin adjectis observationibus, descrip- tionibus, Hamburgi et Kilonii, 1781. J. C. Fabricius. Stett. Ent. Zeit —Entomologische Zeitung herausgegeben von dem Entomologische Vereine zu Stettin. 1840. Stgr. Cat.--Catalog der Lepidopteren des Europawischen Faunengebiets. Stau- dinger & Wocke. Dresden, 1871. Sup. Cram.—Aanhangsel van het Werk, de Uitlandsche Kapellen, Voorkomende in de drie Wereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America, ect. Casper Stoll. A. Amsteldam, Chez Nic. Th. Gravius, 1791. Surin Vlind., I[[.—Surinaamsche Vlinders, naar het, leven geteekned. Christ. Sepp. Amsterdam, 1848-1855. Syst. Besch.-Systematische Beschreibung les Europiischen Schmetterlinge. D. H. Schneider. Halle, Hemmerde, 1787. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. xv Syst. Ent.—Systema Entomologic Sistens Insectorum classes, ordines, genera, spe- cies, adjectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Flens- burgi et Lipsie, 1775. J.C. Fabricius. Vol. I. Syst. Nat.--Systema Nature Per Regna tria nature Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Ed. Decima Reformata. C. von Linné. Holmiae, Laurentii Salvii, 1758. Syst. Nat. I, 2.--Systema Nature, Tom. I, Pars.2. Editio Duodecima Reformata. Holmiae, 1767. Syst. Rev. Am, Butt.--In Report of the Peabody Academy of Science for 1871. The Butterflies uf the Eastern United states. G.H. French. 1st and 2d Editions. The Butterflies of New England. (©. J. Maynard. Boston, 1886. Thes. IV.--Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium, ete. Albertus Seba. Tomus IV. Amsteledami, apud H.C. Arkstenm et H. Merkum. et Petrum Schouten, 1765. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc.--Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Phila. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sc.--Transactions of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 1869. Trans. Ent. Soc Lond.—Trausactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1856. Trans, St. Louis Acad.—Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 1856. Treits. Die-—Schmetterlinge von Europa. Leipzig. Friedrich Treitschke. Uhler. Pat. Office Report.—Agriculture. Unt. Nat., 7.--Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte der Insecten. Zweiter Theil. G.T. Wilhelm. Augsburg, 1797. U.S. Agric. Rep.--Reports of the United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. Verh. L.-C. Ak.--Verhandlungen der konigl. Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch deut- schen Akademie der Naturforscher. Dresden. Vetensk. Acad. Handl.--Iu Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. Stock- holm, 1816. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges—Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen-Koéniglichen, Zoologisch Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 1858. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ver—Verhandlung des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien. 1852. Verz. Bek. Schmett.--Verzeichniss bekaunter Schmetterlinge. Verfasst von Jabob Hibner, Augsburg, 1816. Wien. Eut. Mon.—Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift. Wien, 1857. Wien. Verz.—Systematisches Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Wiener gegend, herausgegeben yon einigen Lehrern am K: K: Theresianum. Wien, 1776. By Ignaz Schiffermiller and Michael Denis. Zool. Ill.—Zoological Illustrations. W. Swainson. London. Baldwin & Co., 1820-1832. Zool. Mis.--Zoological Miscellany. W.E. Leach. London. McMillan, 1815-1817. Zool. Lond.-—The Zoologist. London. 1843. Zooph.- -Zoophylacium Gronovianum, Exhibens Animalia quadrupeda, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Mollusca, Testacea, et Zoophyta, Que in Museo suo adser- varit examini Subjecit Systematice disposuit atque descripsit Jaur. Theod. Gronovius, ete. Additis rarissimorum objectorum iconisimis. 2 vols. 1763-1764. Zutr. Exot. Schmett._-Zutraige zur Sammlung Exotischer Schmetterlinge, bestehend in Bekundigung einzelner Flieginuster neuer oder rarer nicht europaischer Gattungen. Augsburg, 1818-1832. Continued by Carl Geyer, 1832-1837. Wheeler’s Rep._-Report upon Geographical and Geological Explorations and Sur- veys. Washington, D. C., 1875. ABBREVIATIONS OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. Antic.— Anticosti. Ark.— Arkansas, Ariz. Arizona. Assa.— Assiniboia, Canada. Atl.--Atlantic. Br, Am,.—British America. Br. Col.--British Columbia, Cala.--California. Cent. Am. C. Am. Col.--Colorado. Conn.—Connecticut. Dak,—Dakota. Ga,—Georgia. Gulf St.—Gulf States. Ia,.—lIowa, Ill.—Ilinois. Ind.—Indiana, Ind. Terr.—Indian Territory. Kans.—Kansas. Ky.— Kentucky. Labr.—Labrador. L. IL—Long Island. Mass.— Massachusetts. Md.—Maryland. Me.—Maine. Mez.—Mexico. Mich.—Michigan. Minn.—Minnesota. Miss.—Mississippi. Mo.— Missouri. \ Central America, SIGNS %. male; 9, female. Mont.— Montana. N. B.—New Brunswick. N. C.—North Carolina. N. E.--New England. Neb.—Nebraska. N. F’land.-- Newfoundland. Nev.— Nevada. N. H.—New Hampshire. N. J.— New Jersey. N. Mex.—New Mexico. N. Sco.—Nova Scotia. N. Y.—New York. N. W. Terr.—North West Territory, Canada. Ont.—Ontario, Oreg.—Oregon. Pa.—Pennsylvania. Pac.—Pacifie. Queb.— Quebec. S. Am.—South America. San Berno.—San Bernardino. Saskatch.—Saskatchawan. St.—States. Tenn.—Ten nessee, U. S.—United States. Va.— Virginia. Vane. Isld.—Vancouver’s Island. W. Ind.—West Indies. Wis.— Wisconsin. Wash.— Washington. W. Va.—West Virginia. USED. * mention of preparatory shages, § or habits of butterfly. Aber.— Aberration, sport. Auct.—On authority of. Coll.—Collection of. By.—Taken by. North American khopalocera. NYMPHALID. DANAINA. DANAIS Latreille. 1. Plexippus Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. 10, 471. 1758. Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 262, 1764. Cram., Pap. Ex. 3, t. 206, E. F. 1782. De Beauv., Ins. Afr. et Am. 172, t. 4, f. 1a, 1b, 1805. Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. 14, 108, 1805. Latr., Gen. Crust. et Ins. 4, 200, 1809. Esch., Kotzeb. Reise, 3, 209, t. 7, 1821. Say, Am. Ent. 3, t. 54, 1828. Peale, Lep. Am. 1, t. 7, 1833. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 245, 1875. Streck., Cat. 105, 1878. Scud., But. East U. S. and Can. 1, 720, pl. 1, f. 7, 1889.* archippus Fab,, Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 49, 1793. Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 6, 1797. Godt.-Ene. Meth. 9, 184, 1819. Brown, Const. Mis. But. 1, 156, t. 23, 1832. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 137, t. 40, 1833. Morris, Syn. 38, 1862. Harris, Ios. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 280, 1862. Riley, 3d Mo. Ent. Rep. 143, 1871.* Saund., Can. Ent. 5, 4, f. 1-5, 1873. Edw., Can. Ent. 5, 9, 1873. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 750, 1875. Edw., Can. Ent. 8, 119, 1876.* Lewellyn, Ent. Mo. Mag. 13, 108, 1876. Dist., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 93, 1877. Edw., Can. Ent. 10, 224, 1878. Edw., Psyche 2, 169, 1878.* Mundt, Can. Ent. 11, 239, 1879.* Bowles-Hagen, Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont. 1880. Burg., Mem. Bost. Soe. N. Hist. 1880. Moff., Can. Ent. 12, 37, 1880. Thaxt., Can. Ent. 12, 37, 1880. Thaxt., 1. vc. 12, 38. 1880.# Fern., But. Me. 34, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 25, 1884. French, But. 144, f. 36, 37, 38, 39, 1885.* Walker, Ent. Mo. Mag. 22, 207, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 2, 1879-1886. Mayn, But. 7, pl. 1, f. 8, 8a, 1886. Moffat, Can. Ent. 20, 136, 1888, Edw., Can. Ent. 20, 84, 1888.* Scud., Psyche 3, 5, 1882.* Gillette, Can. Ent. 20, 133, 1888. Moffat, Can. Ent. 20, 133, 1888. Scud., Psyche 5, 63, 1888.* Emerton, Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. 23, 457, pl. 3, 1888.* Morton, Can. Ent. 20, 226, 1888.* Moffat, Can. Ent. 21, 19, 1889.* erippus Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, t. 3, A. B. 1779. Kirby, Cat. 7, 1871. megalippe Hiib., Samm. Exot. Schmett. 2, 1806-24. menippe Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 16, 1816. Petiver, Mus. 52, 527, 1696-1703. Catesby, Nat. Hist. Car. 2, 88, t. 88. 1743. 2 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Var. fumosus Hulst, Ent. Am. 2, 182, CERATINIA Fabricius. os 3. Lyecaste Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 161, Hab.--U.S., Br. Am., Ont., N. Sco., Vane. 1793. Cosmopolitan. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., 5, 218~ 2, Berenice Cram., Pap. Exot. 3, t. 205, 219, 1865. E, F. 1722, : Reak., 1. ¢. 222. —— Sloane, Jamaica 2, 214, u. 8, t. 239, Kirby, Cat. 26, 1871. f, BG) 1725, Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 246, 1875. Fabr., Mant. Ins. 2, 27, 1787 (erippus). Streck., Cat. 107, 1878. Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 7, 1797* (gilip- Hab.—Los Angeles, Cala. pus). Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 16, 1816 Var. negreta Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. ai . . . a (erippe). Phila, 5, 220, 1865. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 186, 1819 (erippe). Kirby, Cat. 16, 1871. Bdl.-Lec. Lep. Am. Sept. 134, t. 39, Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 247, 1875. 1833. Streck., Cat. 107, 1878. Morris, Syn. 37, 1862. Hab.—Los Angeles, Cala. Kirby, Cat. 7, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 750, 1875. MECHANITIS Fabricius. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2. 246, 1875. 4, Californica Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Streck., Cat. 106. 1574. Phila. 5, 223, 1865. 2 Oy ? = Edw., Cat. 25, 1884, Kirby, Cat. 24, 1871. French, But. 146, 1885. Scud., Buff, Bull. 247, 1875. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 4, 1879-1836. ciocile. Cat 02 1278. Hab.—So, States; Col., N. Mex., Ariz., Mex., Cent. Am., Brazil. Var. strigosa Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1, DIRCENNA Doubleday, 32, 1864. Kirby. Cat. 8, 1871 (var. strigosa). Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 246, 1875. Streck., Cat. 107, 1878. " Edw., Cat, 267, 1884. Edw., Cat. 25, 1884. Aaron. Pap. 4, 175, 1885. Biol. aes 1, 28, 1878-1446. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 4, 1877-86 (berenice), _Hab.—Rio Grande, Texas; Mex., C. Am. Hab.—Texas, Ariz. Hab.—Los Angeles, Cal. 5. Miugii Hib., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 801, 802, 1837. Kirby, Cat. 20, 1871. HELICONIN 22. HELICONIUS Latreille. Lucas, Pap. Ex. t. 50, 1833. 6. Charitonius Linn., Syst, Nat. Ed. Morris, Syn. 39, 1862. 12. 2, 757, 1767. Scud., Buff. Bul). 2, 247, 1875. —— Sloane, Hist. Jamaica 2, t. 239, f. Streck.. Cat. 107, 1878. 15, 16, 1725. Edw., Pap. 1, 210, 1881.* Fabr., Syst. Ent. 462, 1775. Edw., Can. Ent. 13, 158, 1881.* Cram., Pap. Ex, 2, t. 191, 1779. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1, Char. 1882.# Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 13, 1816. French, But. 141, f. 35, 1s5.# Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 210, 1819. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 151, 1879-86. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 140, t. 41, Hab.—N. Car. to Fla.; W. Ind., Cent. 1833. and South America, HENRY SKINNER, M.D. NYMPHALIN. COL-ENIS Doubleday. 7. Julia Fabr., Syst. Ent. 509, 1775. —— Seba, Thes. 4, t. 4, f. 19, 20, 1765. Cram.. Pap. Ex. 3, t. 215, f. A. F. G., 1782 (alcionea). Herbst, Nat. Syst. Schmett. 4, t. 67, 1790, ‘ Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1806-1816. Verz., Bek. Schmett. 32, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 244, 1819. Lucas, 102, t. 53, 1835. Kirby. Cat. 147, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 257, 1875. Streck., Cat. 10, 1878. Edw., Cat. 25, 1884. French, But., 147, 1885. Muller, Zool. J. B. 1, 435, 1886.* Hab.—So. Fla., Tex., Mex., Cent. and 8. Am. 8. Delila Fab., Syst. Ent. 510, 1775. —— Sloane, Hist. Jamaica 11, t. 239, f.. 21,22, 1725. Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 32, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 244, 1819, Kirby, Cat. 147, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 257, 1875. Streck., Cat. 108, 1878.. Dewitz, Verh. L.—C. Ak. 14, 248, pl. 8, f. 6, 6a, 1882.* Edw., Cat. 25, 1884. French, But. 390, 1896. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 168, 1879-86. Cillene, Cram.. 3, 215, D, E, 1782. Hab.—Tex., Mex., Cent. Am. AGRAULIS Boisduval and LeConte. 9. Vanillge Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 482, 1758. Merian., Ins. Sur. 25. 1719. Sloane, Hist. Jamaica 2, t. 239, f. 23, 24, 1725. Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr: 306, 1764. Syst., Nat, Ed. 12, 1, 2, 787, 1767. Cram., Pap. Ex. 3, t. 212, f. A, B, 1782. Fab., Mant. Ins, 2, 64, 1787. Stoll., Suppl. t. 1, f. 7A, 7B, Lar. et Pops 1787-1791, Herbst, Natursyst. 9, t. 254, 1798. De Beauv., Ins. Afr. et Am. 208, t. 11c. f. 2a, 2b, 1805. Hib,, Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806. Hiib.. Verz. Bek. Schmett. 31, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. ix, 262, 1819. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 143, t 42. 1833. Morris, Syn. 40, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 148, 1871. H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. N. Se. 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2. 255, 1875. Streck., Cat. 108, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 12. 122, 1880.* Edw., Cat. 25, 1884. Seud., But, 3, 1814, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 172, 1879-86. Passiflore Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 60, 1793. Sm.-Abb., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 12, 1797.* Hab.—Ariz., Cala., Pa. to Argentina. EUPTOIETA Doubleday. 10. Claudia Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, pl. 69, f. E, F, 1779. Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-16. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 30, 1816. Dbldy., List Lep. B. M. 1, 67, 1844. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur, Lep. 179, 1850-52. Chenu., Pap. Diur. f. 192, 1851-57. Reak., Pr. Ent. Soe. Phil. 6, 136, 1863. Edw., Can., Ent. 2, 163, 1870.* Kirby, Cat. 154, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 750, 1875.* Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 258, 1875. Streck., Cat. 109, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 231, 1880.* Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. Scud., But. 1, 519, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 174, 1879-86. French, But. 165, f. 43, 1885.* Mayn., But. 21, pl. 4, f. 24, 24a, 1886. columbina Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 260. 119. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 183, t. 44. 1833. 11. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Morris, Syn. 44, 1862. daunus Herbst, Natursyst. Schmett. 9, 184, t. 256, 1798. Hab.—Canada to Fla., Col., Cala., Ariz., Mex., Cent. Am., 8. Am. f. E, F, 1782. Kirby, Cat. 154, 1871. Streck., Cat. 109, 1878. Edw., Cat. 32, 1884. Biol. Ceot.-Am. 1, 1879-86. columbina Fab., Ent, Syst. 3, 1, 148, 1793. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 260, 1819. hortensia Blanch., Gay, Faun. Chil. 7, 23. 1852. Hab.—Cala., Tex., Mex., Antilles, Cent. and §, Am. ARGYNNIS Fabricius. 12. Diana Cram., Pap. Ex. %, pl. 98, f. D, E, 1779. Fab., Sp. Ins. 110, %, 1781. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 145, 1793. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 257, 1819. Say, Am. Ent. 1, t. 17, %, 1824. Herbst, Natursyst. Schmett. 9, 169, t. 253, 1798. Bdl.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 149, 1833. Morris, Syn. 42, %, 1862. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 431, 9, 1864. Edw., But. 1, 63, pl. 20, % 2, 1%68. Edw., But. 2, pl. 7, Argyn. 1876. Edw., Can. Ent. 6, 121, 1874.* Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 3, 394, t. 50, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 155, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 258, 1875. Streck., Cat. 109, 1878. Edw., Cat. 26, 1884. French, But. 153, 1885.* Hulst, Ent. Am. 2, 183, 1886. Smyth, Ent. News 6, 244. 1895. Skinner, Ent. News 7, 318, 1896. Hab,—Va. to Fla., Obio, Ill., Ky., W. Va., Tenn., Ark. Hegesia Cram., Pap. Ex. 3, pl. 209, 13. Idalia Drury, Il. Ex. Ent. 1, pl. 13, 1775. Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, t. 44, 1779. Fab., Syst. Ent. 516, 1775. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 145, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Schmett. 9, t. 252, 1798. Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 31, 1816. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 263, 1819. Bd.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 147, t. 43, 1833, Brown, Constable’s Mis. 3, But. 40, t. 2, 1834. Lucas, Pap. Ex. 108, t. 56, 1835. Morr., Syn. 41, 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint Ed. 285, f. 110, 1862. Kirby. Cat. 156, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, p. 258, 1875. Streck., Cat. 109, 1868. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 217, 1879. Skinner, Can. Ent. 14, 20, 1882. Edw., Cat. 26, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 36, 1884.* French, But. 150, 1885. Mayn., But. 22, pl. 3, f. 25, 25a, pl. 4, f. 25, 25 b, v. 1886. Seud., But. 1, 535, 1889,.* Scud., But. 3, 1799, pl. 4, f. 8, 9, 1889.# Fletcher, Can. Ent. 29, 93. 1897. Aber. ashtaroth Fisher, Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 1858, 179, pl. 2; 1. ¢. 1858, 352. Morr., Syn. 47, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 157, 1871. astarte Fisher, Proc. Acad. N. Sci. Phil. p. 179, t. 2, 1858. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 258, 1875. Hab.—Ont., N. Brunswick, Me. to Fla., + Neb., Ark. 14. Nokomis Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. "221, 18627] Edw., But. 1, 73, pl. 23, 1868.(e‘tse) Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 136, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 157, 1871. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 751, pl. 35, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 259, ie? AYA mk Feo anisrur HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 0 Streck., Cat. 110, 1878. Edw., Cat. 26, 1884. Hab.—N. Ariz., 8. Utah. 15. Nitoeris Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 5, 15, 1874. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 751, 1875- Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 259, 1875. Streck., Cat. 111, 1878. Edw., Cat. 26. 1884, t uals Fo bf "OS Cae Aber. sciloe Str. ., Ruff. Rep. pl. 1, f. 3, 4, 1879. Hab.—S. Ariz. to Nev. 16. Leto Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. 2, 173, 1862. Edw.. But. 1. 85, pl. 29, 1869. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 434, 1864. Kirby. Cat. 157, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rkop.-Het. 106, 1875. Seud.. Buff. Bull. 2, 259, 1875. Streck., Cat. 111, 1878. Edw., Cat. 26, 1884. Skinner, Ent. News 4, 318, 1893. cybele Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 60, 1869. Hab.—N. W. Terr. to Utah, Wash. to Cala. 17. Cybele Fab., Syst. Ent. 516, 1775. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 145, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Schmett. 9, 176, t. 255, 1798. Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 31, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 260, 1819. Bd.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 151, t. 45, 2, 1833. Kirby, Faun. Am. Bor. 4, 289, 1837. Morris, Syn. 42, 1862. Edw., But. 1, 67, pl. 21, 1868, Edw., Can. Ent. 6, 121. 1874.* Kirby, Cat, 157, 1871. Saund., Can, Ent. 4, 121, 1872.* Scud., Buff. Buff. 2, 259, 1875. Streck., Cat. 111, 1878. Skinner, Pr. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phil. 36, 1883. Fern., But. Me. 38. 1884. Edw., Cat. 26, 1884. French, But. 155, 1885.* Mayn., But. 23, pl. 3, f. 26, 26a, 1886. Scud., But, 1, 554, pl. 4, f. 7. 1889. Edw., But. 3, 1889.* Skinner, Can. Ent. 24, 128, 1892. Skinner, Ent. News 4, 318, 1893. daphnis Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, t. 57, 1779. Aber. baal Streck., Cat. 111, 1878. Hab.--Atl, and West. St. to Neb., Ont., Queb., Fort Edmonton, Br. Am., Col., N. C., Tenn., Fla. Var. carpenterii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 204, 1876. Edw., But. pl. 11, Arg. 1889.* Hab.—Ariz., Br. America. 18. Charlottii Barnes, Can. Ent. 29, 40, 1897. Streck., Ent. News 8, 117, 1897 (puts charlottii as a synonym of Leto). Hab.— Glenwood Springs, Col. 1y. Aphrodite Fab., Mant., 2, 62, 1767. Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 144, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 264, 1819. Morr., Syn. 43, 1862. Harris, Ins, Inj. Veg., Flint Ed. 285, 286, f. 111, 1862. Edw.. But. 1, 71. pl. 22, 1868. Pack., Guide 253, f. 183, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 157, 1871. Edw., Can. Ent. 6, 121, 1874.* Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 752, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 259, 1875. Fern., But. Me. 39, 1884. Streck., Cat, 111, 1878. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. French, But. 157, f. 40, 1885.* Mayn., But. 24, pl. 3, f. 27, 27a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 563, pl. 4. f. 7, 1889.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 5, Arg. 1890.* daphnis Martyn, Psyche, t. 3, f. 7, t. 4, f. 9, 1797. Hab.--North., Mid. and West. States to Tenn., Neb, Mont., Kans., Ont., Queb., N. Sco., Fort Edmonton, Br. Am. Var. cypris Edw., Can. Ent. 18, 62, 1886. Hab.—Colo., Ariz., Mont. 6 20. NORTH AMERICAN Var. alcestis Edw., Tr. A. E. Sve. 5, 289, 1876. Edw., Can. Ent. 13, 69, 1879.* Worth., Can. Ent. 10, 37, 1878. Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. French, But. 158, 1885. Scud., But. 3, 1802, 1889.* Edw.. But. 3, pl. 6, Arg. 1890.* Hab.—Mich., I)., lowa, Mont., Col., Neb. Nausicaa’ Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 5, 104, 1874. RHOPALOCERA, Owen, Ent. News 4, pl. 11, 1893. Hab,—Colorado,. 25. Eleetpa Edw., Field and Forest 3. 7 1878. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Hab.--Col., Los Vegas, N. Mex.; Mont. 26. Columbia H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci., 6, 1877. H. Edw., Field and Forest 3, 102, 1877. Streck., Cat. 112, 1868. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 752, 1885. Edw., Papilio 2, 6, 1882. Streck., Cat. 27, 1884. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 10, Arg. 1887. qfiab—Ariz. 21. Lais Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 209, 1883. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Arg. 1887. Hab.—-Fort Edmonton, Br. Am. (by Ged- des), Assa. Hab.-- Lakes Lahache and Quesnelle, Br. Col. 27. Hesperis Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 502, 1864. Edw., But. 1, 79. pl. 26, 1874. Mead, Rep. Wheele: Exp. 5, 754, 1875. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 139, 1860. Kirby, Cat. 158, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 261, 1875. Streck., Cat. 113, 1878. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 20, 67, 1888.* 22. Atlantis Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. Hab.--Col., Utah, Mont. 54, 1862. Edw., But. 1, 75, pl. 24, 1868. 28. Hippolyta Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 1. Pack., Guide 252, 1869.* 1879. Kirby, Cat. 158, 1871. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 754, 1875. Hab.--Oreg. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 35, 1877.# Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 40, 1884. . French, But. 160, f. 41, 1885. Mayn., But. 24, pl. 4, f. 28, 28a, 1886. Edw., Can. Ent. 20, 1, 1888.* Seud., But. 1, 571, 1889.* Hab.--N. E., N. Y., Iowa, Ont., Queb., 29. Bremnerii Edw., Tr. A. E. Sac. 4, 63. 1872. Edw., But. 2, pl. 4 of Arg. 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 26, 1875. Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. Hab.—Br. Col., Wash., Oreg. 30. Zerene Bad.. Ann, Soe. Ent. Fr. 2. 10). N. B., N. F’land, Br. Am. 303, 1852. Bebr., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 2, 175, * No. 23. Oweni Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 105, 1892. 9,” 1862. Owen, Ent. News 4, pl. 11, 1893. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 436, Hab. —California. 1864. Kirby, Cat. 158. 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 261, 1875. Streck., Cat. 113. 1878. 24. Cornelia Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 106, 1892. i ‘ HENRY SKINNER, M.D. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 56, 1879. 36. Platina Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 154, Edw., Cat. 27, 1884. 1897. hydaspe Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 60, 1869. Hab.—Utah, Idaho, Edw., But. 1, 91, pl. 32, 1870. 37, Coronis Behr., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 2, Hab.—Cala., Nev. ' n Png ee a 173. 1862, “No. 2.’’ 31. Monticola Behr., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 3, 438, 1864. Sci., 2, 175, No. 8, 1862; 1. v. 3, 84, Kirby, Cat. 158, 1871. 1863. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Edw., But. 1, 81. pl. 27, 1863. Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 436, 1864. Seud., Bull. U. 8. Geol. Surv. 254, Kirby, Cat. 158, 1871. 1878. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 261, 1875. Edw., Cat. 28, 1884. Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Edw., But. 3, pl. 4, Arg. 1887. _ Bide, Veber ARE. neradensis Eaw., But. 1, pl. 33, 1871. Var. purpurascens H. Edw., Pr. Cal. juba Bd.. Lep. de la Cala. 60, 1869. Ac. N. Sei. 6, 1876. Hab.--So. Cala., Shasta, Cala.; Utah : W. Hab.--Cala., Oreg., Nev., Mont.; Summit, Terr., Mont. Belly River and Br. Am. (by Geddes). Crow’s Nest, Br. Am. (by Geddes). a oie Pin Tene ENG, De 38. Snyderi Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 154, ik 1897. Edw., But. 2, pl. 6 of Arg. 1874. Seud.. Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Hab— Dish, Idaho. Streck. (var. R.), Cat. 113, 1878. 39. Callippe Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, Edw.. Cat. 28, 1884. 10, 302, 1852, Hab.—Br. Col., Alberta. Edw., But. 1, 77, pl. 25, 1868. Morr., Syn. 46, 1862. Behr., Proe. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 2, 172. 1858, Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 434, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 158, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Edw., Cat. 28, 1884. 33. Behrensii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 2. 370, 1869. Edw., But. 1, 89, pl. 31. 1870. Kirby, Cat. 163, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Streck., Cat. 113, 1878. Eaw., Cat. 28, 1884. Hab.—Mendocino, Cal. Eadw., But. 3, 1887. 34. HMaleyone Edw., %, But. 1, 83, pl. Hab.--Cala. 28, 1869. 7 2 Kirby, Cat. 158, 1871. 40. Nevadensis Edw., § (not 9), Tr. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1575. ag hte Bt EE ISTO, EB Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 754, 1875, Ere ey uae 2), Bats ay 93, De 38s Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. 1871 (the Q is coronis). Edw., Cat. 28, 1883. Kirby, Cat. 647, 1871. Edw., But. 3, pl. 5, Arg. 1890. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Streck., Cat. 110. 1878. Habe-Col.y Wyom. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 755. 1875. 35. Chitone Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 2, Edw., Cat. 28, lss4. 1879. Edw., But. 3, pl. 5, Arg. 1890. Edw., Cat. 28, 1886. Var. meadii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 5, 69, Hab.--Utah, Ariz., 8. E. Cal. 1872. 8 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Arg. 1875. 46. Semiramis Edw., Can. Ent. 18, 61, Hab.--Nev., Utah, Mont., Calgary, Al- 1886, berta. Hab.—San Bernardino, Cala. 41. Edwardsii Reak., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 47. Inornata Edw.,, Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 64, 1872. Edw., But. 2, pl. 5 of Argyn. 1876. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, p. 261, 1875. Streck., Cat. 113, 1878. Edw.. Cat. 29, 1884, 6, 137, 1866. Edw., But. 1, 87, pl. 30, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 160, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 754, 1875. Streck., Cat., 110, 1878. Edw., Cat. 28, 1884. AG Olay Mer Edw., Can. Ent. 20, 3, 1888.* 48. Atossa Edw., But. N. Am. 3, pl. 8, aglai Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 504, Arg. 1890. 1864, F Hab.—Tehachapi, Cala. Hab.--Col., Mont., Blackfoot Reserve, ; Br. Am. (by Geddes). 49. Adiante Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 61, 7 1869. 42. Liliana H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Behr., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 2, 175, 1862. Sci., 6, 1876. “No. 7,7 1862. Streck., Cat. 112, 1878. Scud., Buff, Bull. 2, 261, 1875. Edw., Cat. 28, 1884. Streck., Cat. 115, 1878. Edw., But. 3, pl. 3 Arg. 1887. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. Aber. baronii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 9, Edw., But. 3, pl. 8 Arg. 1890. 3, 1881. Arg. adiaste (Bdl. MSS.) Behr., Proc. Cal. Hab.—Cala., Utah. Ac. N. Sci. 2, 175, 1858-62; 1. ¢. 3, 43. Rupestris Behr., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. 84, 1863. . Sci. 2, 175, 1862, “ No. 6.” Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 436, 1864. Palka | eRe. teas) Kirby. Cat. 160, 1871 (adraste). . Edw., But. 2, pl. 7 of Argyn. 1879. Hab.--Cala. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil: 3, 435, 1864. 5 5 Kirby, Cat. p. 159, 1871. 50. oo Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 9, 2, Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 261, 1875. : Streck. (var. R.), Cat. p. 114, 1878. Eitye Melee, Teed, Edw., Cat. 1884. Hab.--Col., Nev., Utah, Wyo. irene Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 53, 1879. 51. Clio Edw., 1. ¢. 5, 106, 1874. Var. irene Bd!; egleis var. irene Bd., Streck., Cat. 115, 1878. Lep. de la Cala. 59, 1869. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Mt. Shasta, Mt. Bradley ; Hab.—Mont., Br. Am., Crow’s Nest; Head Weber Mountains. Utab. of Peace River, Laggan, Alberta. 44. Laura Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 49, 1879. 52. Opis Edw., |. c. 5, 105, 1874. Edw., Cat. 28, 1884. Edw., But. 2, pl. 3 of Argyn. 1875. Hab.--Cala., Nev. Streck. (var. .opis), Cat. 115, 1878. a i Edw., Cat, 29, 1884, 45. Maearia Edw., Field and Forest 3, 86, 1877. Hab.—Bald Mt., Br. Col. Streck., Cat. p. 189, 1878. 53. Bischoffii Edw., 1. c. 3, 189, 1870. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. Edw., But. 2. pl. 3 of Argyn. 1875. Hab.—Cala. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 260, 1875. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 9 Streck., Cat, 115, 1878. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. Hab.—Sitka, Alaska. 54. Arge Streck., Cat. 114, 1878. Streck., Br. Bull. 4, 7, 1881. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. 55. Eurynome Edw,, Tr. A. E. Soe. 4, 66, 1872. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Argyn. 1875.* Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 755, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2. 260, 1875. Streck., Cat. 114, 1878. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. astarte Edw. (not Doubl.), Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 1, 221, 1862. Var. errinna Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 33, 1883. Hab.—Col., Mont., Br. Am. + L, Wash ) 56. Montivaga Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci., 2, 174, No. 4,” 1862. Behr, 1. c. 3, 84, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 159, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 261, 1875. Streck. (var. M.), Cat. 114, 1878. Edw., Cat. 29, 1884. Hab.—Sierras, Cala.; Nev. 57. Egleis Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 59, 1869. Streck. (syn.), Cat. 114, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 53, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 30, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 9 Arg. 1887.* Lembert, Can. Ent, 25, 259, 1893.* montivaga Edw. (not Behr), Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 3, 435, 1864. 2 mormonia Bd., Lep. dela Cala. 58, 1869. Hab.—Cala., Nev. 58. Myrina Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, 189, figs. B, C, 1779. Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 30, 1816. Say, Am. Ent. 3, pl. 46, 1828. Bd.-Lee., 155, pl. 45, 1833. Kirby, Faun, Am. Bor. 4, 290, 1837. Morr., Syn. 43, 1862. Harr., 286, fig. 112, 1862. (2) H.-S., Prodr. Lep. Reg. Corr. Blatt. 91, 1865. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 55, 1869.* Kirby, Cat. 162, 1871. Scud., Am. Nat. Sept., 1872. Scud., Buff. Bull. 262, 1875. Edw., Can, Ent. 8, 161, 1876.* Edw.. 1. &. 9, 34, 1877." Streck., Cat. 115. 1878. Edw., Pap. 1, 134, 1881. Grub., Jen. Zeitschr. Nat. 17, 479, pl. 8, fig. 34, 35, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 40, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 30, 1884, Gruber, Pap. 4, 91, 1884.* French, But. 161, f. 42, 1885.* Mayn., But. 25, f. 29, 29a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 593, 1889,* pl. 4, f. 5. Skinner, Proc. Ent. Sect. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. v, 1887. myrinus Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 9, 178, t..255, 1798. myrissa Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 266, 806, 1819. Hab.—N. E. to Mont.; Col., Ont., Queb., N. Seo., Br. Am., Sitka, Alaska. 59. Triclaris Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 2, (1818-24). Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 4, 334, 1860. Stgr., Cat.-20, 1871. Kirby, Cat, 162, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 262, 1875. Mead. Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 757, 1875. Seud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 17, 294, 1875. Streck., Cat. 115, 1878 (var. T.). ossianus Bd., Icon. pl. 19, 1832. Bd.-Lee., 157, 1833. Morr., Syn. 48, 1862. Hab.—Arctic Am., Labr., Col. 60. Helena Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe, 3, 26x, 1871. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 757, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 262, 1875. Streck., Cat. 115, 1878. Edw., Cat. 30, 1884. Hab.—Mont., Col., N. Mex., Ariz. 10 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 61, Montinus Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 166, 1862. Scud., Bost. Jour. N. Hist. 7, 626, pl. 14, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 161, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2. 263, 1875. Streck. (v. M.). Cat. 116, 1878. Edw., Cat. 30, 1884. French, But. 163, 1885.* Mayn.. But. 26, pl. 4, f. 28, 28a, 1886. Send., But. 1, 601, pl. 5, f. 4, 14, 1889.* Hab.—White Mts., N. H. \ 62. Chariclea Schneid., Neu. Mag. 5, 588, 1794. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 10, t. 272, 1800. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. 1, 66, 1807, 4, 114, 1816. Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. ‘769, 770. 1824-26. Dup., 1, 344, t. 48, 1832. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept., 161, 1833. Treits, 10, 1, 15, 1834. Badl., Sp. Gen. 1, t. 11, f. 2, 1836. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 4, 338, 1842, 1860. Morris, Syn. 49, 1862. H.-S., Prodr. Syst. Lep. Reg. Corr.— Blatt, 91, 1865. Stgr., Cat. 20, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 161, 1871. Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 17, 40, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 262, 1875. McLach., Linn. Soc. Jour. 14, 109, 1878. Streck., Cat. 115, 1878. Edw., Cat. 30, 1884. Seud., But. 3, 1808, 1889. Auriv., Bihang Till K. Svenska (t f.1) Vet.-Akad. Handlinger B. 15, Afd. 4, No. 1, 1889. Var. a. artica Zett., Ins. Lapp. 899, 1828. Streck., Cat. 116, 1878. Var. b. odscurata McLach., Linn. Soc. Jour. 14, 110, 1878. Hab.—Arctic America; Lab.; Br. Am.; Greenland; Lapland. 63, Butlerii Edw., Can, Ent. 15, 32, 1883, {Elwes, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 540, 1889, puts this under ohscurata.] Hab.—N. W. Am.; Grinnell Land ; Nova Zembla. 64, Boisduvalii Dup., Sup. 1, t. 20, 1832. Somm., in Bd. Icon. 1, 98, pl. 20, 1832. Hib., Gey. Schmett. 1, f. 1020-1022, 1827-1841. Mosch., Wien. Ent, Mon. 4, 341, 342, 1860. Stgr., Cat. 20, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 161, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 262, 1875. Streck., Cat. 116, 1878. Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. [Elwes, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 540, 1889, puts this as a var. of chariclea.] Hab.—Br. Col.; Crow’s Nest, Br. Am. (by Geddes) ; Boreal Am.; Labr, 65. Freija Thunb., Diss. Ins. Suec. 2, 34, pl. 5, 1791. Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, figs. 55, 56, 1793, figs. 771, 772, 1824-26. * Quens., Act. Hol. 276, t. 10, 1791. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. x, t. 272, 1800. Esp.. Schmett. 1, 2, t. 109 (71790). Hiib., Eur. Schmett. f. 55, 56, 1793, 771, 772, 1807. Ochs., Schmett. I, 1, 78, 1807. Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 30, 1816. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 273, 1819. Meigen, Eur. Schmett. t. 14, 1829-32. Freyer, Neu. Brit. t. 295, 1831-58. Dup., Supl. I, II, t. 19, 1832. “Bd., Ivon. I, t. 19, 1832. Kirby, Faun. Am. Bor. 4, 291, 1837. Zett., Ins. Lap. 897, 1840. H.-S., Eur. Schimett. 1, 36, 1843. Eversm., Ent. Russ., 5, 61. t. 7, 1851. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon, 4, 338, 1860. Morr., 46, 1862. Stgr.. Cat. 20, 1871. Schilde, 8. E. S. 176, 1873. Seud., Pr. Bost. S. N. Hist. 17, 299, 1875. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 11 1 Seud., Buff. Bull, 2, 262, 1875. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5. 756, 1875. Streck., Cat. 116, 1878. Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1805, 1889. freya H.-S., Prodr. Lep. Reg. Corr. Blatt, 91. 1865. lapponica Esp. Schmett. 1, 2, t. 97, 1790? Var. Tarquinius Curt., App. Ross. Exp. 68, 1835.* Kirby, Cat. 16, 1871. Send., Buff. Bull. 2, 262, 1875. Hab.—tWabr. ; Brit. Col., Colo.; Lapland ; Norway; Russia; Siberia. 66. Improba Butl., Ent. Mo. Mag. 13, 206, 1877. Streck., Cat, 118, 1878. Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. Schoyen, Ent. Tidsch. 6, 142, 1885 (syn. of frigga). [Elwes, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 540, 1889, puts this as a var. of frigga.] Hab.— Arctic America. 67. Polaris Bdl., Ind. Meth, 15, 1829. Hiib., Eur. Schmett. I, f. 1016-1019, 1827-41. Bd. Icon. pl. 20, 1833. Ba., Sp. Gen. 1, pl. 11, f. 1, 1836. Dup., Supl. 1, 11, t. 20, 1832. Freyer, Neu. Beit. v, t. 439, 1831-58. Bd.-Lec., 159, 1833. H.-S., Eur. Schmett. 1, 32, 1843. Eversm., Ent. Russ. 5, 65, t. 7, 1851. Wallengr., Skand. Dagf. 91, 1853. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 4, 342, 1860. Morr., 48. 1862. Stgr., Cat. 20, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 161, 1871. Seud., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 17, 303, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 263, 1875. Streck,, Cat. 116, 1878. Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. Skinner, Ent. News, 3, pl. 2, 1892 (not chariclea). Hab.—Labr.: Arctic Am. to lat. 81° 52’; Greenl. 68. Frigga Thunb., Diss. Ins. Suec., 2. 33, 1791. Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 49, 50, 1793. Scud., |. ¢. 17, 306, 1875. Quens., Act. Hol. t. 19, f. 6, 1791. Ochs., I, 1, 74, 1807. Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 30, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 272, 1819. Dup., Supl. I, t. 19, 1832. Eversm., Ent. Russ. 5, 59, 1851. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 4, 337, 1860. H.-S., Prodr., Syst. Lep. Corr. Blatt 91, 1865. Stgr., Cat. 20, 1871. Kirby, 160, 1871. Schilde, S. E. Z. 177, 1873. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 263, 1875. Streck., Cat. 117, 1878. © Edw., Cat. 3, 1884. Var. saga Kaden MSS. 8. E. Z., 359. 1861. Hab.—Labr.; Arctic Am. ;~ Alaska; Col. 69. Bellona Fabr., Syst. Ent. 517, 1775. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 148, 1793. Hib., Zutr. 42, f. 975, 976, 1818-37. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 271, 1819. H.-S., Prodr. Syst. Lep. Reg. Corr. Blatt 91, 1865. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 164, t. 45, 1833. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 287, f. 113, 114, 1872. ‘Morr., Syn. 45, 1862. Pack., Guide, 253, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 159, 1871. Send., Am. Nat. Sept., 1872. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 263, 1875. Streck., Cat. 117, 1878. Edw., Papilio 1, 134, 1881. Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 41, 1884.* French, But. 164, 1885.* Mayn., But. 26, pl. 4, f. 31, 31a, 1886. H. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 162, 1887.* Scud., But. 1, 608, pl. 5, f. 13, 15, 1889.* myrina Martyn, Psyche t. 1, f. 2, 3, 1797. Hab.—Brit. Am. ; Ont.; Queb.; Northern U.S. to Virginia, 12 70. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Epithore Bad., Lep. de la Cala. 58, 1869. Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 3, 504, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 160, 1871. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 756. 1875, Senud., Buff. Bull. 2, 263, 1875. Streck. (var. « and var. U of bellona), Cat. 117, 1873. Edw., Cat. 31, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 108, 1892.* Hab.—Cala, to Oreg.; Nev. Var. kreinhild Str., Ruff. Rep. 1854, 1879. Hab.—Utah, Ariz. Th Alberta Edw., Can. Ent. 22, 113, 1890. Edw., But. 3, pl. 7 Arg. 1894. Hab.—Laggan, Alberta. en Astarte Doubl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. t. 53, f. 5, 1848. Kirby, Cat. 163, 1871. rictoria Edw., Can. Ent, 23, 198, 1891. Streck., Ent. News 3, 218, 1892 (astarte). Edw., But. pl. 7, Arg. 1894. Hab.—Laggan, Alberta. mo io MELITAA Fabricius. Pheeton Dru., 1. pl. 21, 1767. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 3, 46, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 6, 111, t. 142, 1793. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 481, 1775. Cram., Pap. Ex. III, t. 193, C, D, 1782. Bd.-Lec., 167, pl. 47, 1833. Bdl., Sp. Gen. t. 11, 1836. Emm. Agr. N. Y. 5, 212, t. 43, 1854. Harr., 288, f. 115, 1862. Morr., Syn. 50, 1862. Edw., Can. Ent. 1, 59, 2, 36, 1869.# Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 27, 1872. Edw., Can. Ent. 6, 159, 1874.* Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 263, 1875. Streck., Cat. 125, 1878. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Mel. 1875.* Edw., Papilio 4, 68, 1884.* Grub., Jen. Zeitschr. Nat. 17, 476, pl. 8, f. 25-27, 1884.* Fern., But. Me. 43, 1884." Streck., Cat. 125, 1878. Eadw., Cat. 32, 1884. Gruber, Pap. 4, 89, 1884.” Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 108, 1885. French, But. 168, f. 44-47, 1885, Mayn., But. 29, pl. 4, f. 35, 35a, 1886. Hinck., Psyche 5, 54, 1888.* Send., But. 1, 690, pl. 5, f. 2, 1889.* Fiske, Ent. News 7, 87, 1896. phetana Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 28, 1816. phetoneta Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 288, 1819. phedon H.-S., Prodr. Syst. Lep. Reg. Corr, Blatt. 105, 1865. Aber. superba Str., Cat, 125, 1878. Aber, phethusa Hulst, Br. Bull. 3, 77, 1880. Hab.--U. 8. east of Rocky Mts., Ont.; Queb.; Lake of tle woods. 74. Cooperi Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 90, 1863.* Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck., Cat. 125. 1878. Edw., Cat, 32, 1884. perdiccas Edw., Papilio 144, 1881. Hab.—Puget Sound, Wash.; Big Horn Mts., Mont.; Vance. Island. 75. Chaleedon Doubl.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. 1, 180, pl. 23, 1847. Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 1, 222, 1862. Behr, Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 89, 1863. Edw., But. 1, 97, pl. 34, 1871.* Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 757, 1875. Edw., Papilio 4, 63, 1884,¥ H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 5, 167. 1873.* Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 140, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck., Cat. 125, 1878. Rivers, Pap. 3, 123, 1883, Wright, Pap. 3, 123, 1883. Edw., Pap. 413, 1884,* Edw., Can. Ent. 16, 235, 1884. Edw., Cat. 32, 1884, HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 13 Kunze. Can. Ent. 24, 190, 1892. Lembert, Ent. News, 6, 138, 1895.* Hab.—Cala. Var. dwinellei H. Edw., Papilio 1, 51, 1881. Hab.—Mt. Shasta, Cala. 76. Maeglashanii Rivers. Proc. Cal. Ac, Nat. Sci. 2d ser. 1, 103, 1889. 12th Rept. Col. Biol. Asso. Hab.—Truckee, Cala. 77. Colon Edw., Papilio 1, 45, 1881. Edw., Cat. 32, 1884. Cunningham, Ent. News 7, 267, 1896. ‘Hab.—Columbia River, west Washington and Oregon. 735. Anieia Doubl.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. 1, 179, pl. 23, 1848, Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 1, 223, 1862. Behr, Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 91, 1863. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 140, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 758, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 32, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev., Col., Mont. Var. a, beani Skinner. Can. Ent. 29, 155, 1897 (Laggan, Alberta). Var. b. brucei Edw., Can. Ent. 20, 81, 1888. Hab.—Col., Mont., Wash.; Br. Am. 79. Nubigena Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 91, 1863. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 758, 1875.* Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Streck. (var. N.), Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 32, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev., N. Mex., Col., Mont. ; Crow’s Nest, N. W. Terr. Var. wheeleri H. Edw., Papilio 1, 52. 1881. Var. capella Barnes, Can. Ent. 29, 40, 1897. Hab.—Nev. 80. Gillettei Barnes, Can. Ent. 29, 40, 1897. Hab.—Yellowstone Park. 81. Quino Behr, Pr., Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 90, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 32, 1884. Hab.—Mendaocino, Cala. 82. Augusta Edw., Can. Ent. 22, 21, 1890. Hab.—San Benardino, Cala. 83. Baroni H. Edw., Papilio 1, 52, 1832. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 149, 1879.* Edw., Cat, 33, 1884. Edw.. But. 3, pl. 1 Mel. et var. 1887.* Lembert, Ent. News 6, 137, 1895.* Hab.—North Cala. 84, Rubicunda H. Edw., Papilio 1, 52. 1882. ® Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 155, 1885.* Edw., 1. ¢. 20, 83, 1888. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Mel. 1888. Hab.—North Cala. 85. Taylori Edw., Can. Ent. 20, 82, 1888. Danby, Can. Ent. 22. 121, 1890.* Hab.—Vancouver, B. C. 86. Editha Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10. 304, 1852. Morr., 51, 1862. Kirby (var. E.), Cat. 164, 1871. “HH. Edw., Pr. Cal., Ac. N. Sci. 5, 167, 1873. Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. anicia Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Hab.—South Cala. 87. Helvia Scud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 12, 405, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 164, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. 14 Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Unique type prob. destroyed in Chicago fire (Scudder), Hab,—Ramparts, Yueon River, Alaska. 88. Sterope Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 190, 1870. Kirby, Cat, 647,\1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 265, 1875. Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Hab.—Oreg. 89. Acastus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 16, 1874. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 761, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 265, 1875. Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Hab.—Nev., Utah, Mont. 90. Neumoegeni Skinner, Ent. News 6, 113, 1895. Hab.—Utab. 91. Palla Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2,10, 305, 1852. Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 88, 1863. Morr., 52, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 16, 139, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 170, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 5, 167, 1873.7 Mead. Wheeler Rep. 5, 759, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck., Cat. 123, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Hab.—Cala. to W. Terr., Nev., Mont., Br. Am., Crow’s Nest (by Geddes) ; Col. (Bruce). 92. Whitmeyii Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 88, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 170, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 265, 1875. Streck., Cat. 124, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. pola Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 56, 1869. Hab.—Cala., Nev. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 93. Hoffmanni Bebr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 89, 1863. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 140, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5. 760, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck., Cat. 264, 1875. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Var. belcita Bd., Lep. de la Cala, 55, 1869. Hab.—Cala., Nev., Oreg., Col., Mont, 94. Gabbii Behr, |. c.3, 89, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. © Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 264, 1875. Streck. (var. G.), Cat. 123, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. sonore Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 56, 1869. Hab.—South Cala., Utah, Ariz. 95. Harrisii Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins, 3, 167, 1862. Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 165, 1867.* Pack., Guide p. 257, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 257, 1871. Scnd., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 27, 1872. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 266, 1875. Streck., Cat. 123, 1878. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. Fern., But, Me. 45, 1884.* Edw., Can. Ent. 16, 233, 1884.* Edw., 1. ¢., 17, 108, 1885. French, But. 170, f. 48, 49, 1885.* Mayn, But. 29, pl. 4, f. 34, 34a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 674, pl. 5, f. 4, 10, 1889.* ismeria Harr. (nec. Bdl.-Lec.), Ins. nj. Veg., Flint Ed. 288, 1862. Hab.—N. E., N. Y., Mich., Ill., Wis., Ont., Queb., New Foundland (Can. Ent. 18, 204). 96. Elada Hew., Ex. But. 3, Eres. t. 6, f. 45, 46, 1864. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 196, pl. 21, 1879-86. Aaron, Pap. 4, 131, 1885. L uprica Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 189, 1877. Edw., Cat. 33, 1884. imitata Streck., Lep. 14, 1878. Streck., Cat. 189, 1878. Hab.—Texas, Mex. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 15 97. Dymas Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 190, 1877. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884, Aaron, Pap. 4, 131, 1885. larunda Str., Lep. pt. 14, 1878. Streck., Cat. 189, 1878. Hab.—S. W. Texas. 98. Perse Edw., Papilio 2, 136, 1882. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 175, 1885, Hab.—Ariz. 99. Chara Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 209, 1883. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—So. Ariz. 100. Albiplaga Aaron, Pap. 4, 175, 1884. Hab.—Texas. 101, Leanira Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 27, 1869. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 759, pl. 37, 1875. Feld., Reise Nov. II, t. 50, f. 13, 14, 1867. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. N. Sci. 3, 91, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. Scud.. Buff. Bull. 2, 265, 1875. Streck., Cat. 125, 1878. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Var. obsoleta H. Edw., Pr Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, 1876. Hab.—Cala., Ariz., Nev., Mont., Br. Am. 102. Wrightii Edw.. Can. Ent. 18, 64, 1886. Hab.—So. Cala. 103. Alma Str., Lep. pl. 15. %, 1878. Str., Ruff. Rep. 1855, 1879. Streck., Cat. 189, 1878. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—So. Utah, Ariz. 104. Fulwia Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 191, 1879. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—W. Tex., Col. 105. Thekla Eaw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 191, 1870. Streck., Cat. 126, 1878. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—So. Cala., Ariz., Texas, 106. Bollii Edw., Field and Forest 3, 101, 1877. Streck., Cat. 189, 1878. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—8. W. Texas, Ariz. 107. Defimitsa Aaron, Pap. 4, 176, 1884. Hab.—S. W. Texas. 108. Minuta Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 161, 1861. Morr., 325, 1862. Kirby, Cat, 171, 1871. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, pl. 36, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 265, 1875. Streck., Cat. 34, 1878. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—Col., Ariz., N. Mex. 109. Arachne Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 2, 372, 1869. Edw., 1. ¢. ¥, 8, 1881. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 760, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 265, 1875. Streck. (syn. of minuta), Cat. 123, 1878. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—Col., Ariz., W. Texas. 110. Nympha Edw., Papilio 4, 53, 1884. Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Hab.—So. Ariz. PHYCIODES Doubleday. 111. Nyecteis Doubl.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. 181, pl. 23, 1847. Riley, Pr. Am. A. A. Sci. 1874. 108.* Edw., Can. Ent. 5, 224, 1873.* Edw., l. ¢. 11, 101. Chenu., Pap. Diur. f. 200, 1851-52. Morr., Syn. p. 325, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 141, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 173, 1871. 16 NORTH AMERICAN Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 26, 1872. ' Lint., 23rd Rep. N. Y. State Cab. Nat. Hist. 158, 1872.* Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 266, 1875. Streck., Cat. 122, 1878. Grub., Jen. Zeitschr. Nat. 17, 478, pl. 8, f. 30, 32, 1879. Fern., But. Me. 46, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 34, 1884. Gruber, Pap. 4, 90, 1884.* French, But. 172. f. 50, 1885.* Mayn.. But. 28, pl. 4, f. 33, 33a, 1886. Scud., But. 1, 658, pl. 5, f. 6, 1889.* enone Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 166, 1870.* harrisii Edw., Can. Ent. 2, 163, 1870. Saund.,1 ¢. 4, 161, 1872.* cenone Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 762, 1875. Var. drusius Edw., Papilio 4, 57, 1884. Hab.--Me. to N. C. and west; Miss. Val- ley ; Ont.; Queb.; Edmonton. N. W. Terr. 112. Ismeria Bdl.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 168, t. 46, 1833. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Dinr. Lep. 1, 181, N. 22, 1846-50. Morris. Syn. 50, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 174, 1871. Scud., Can. Ent. 4, 85, 1872. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 266, 1875. Streck., Cat. 122, 1878. Seud., But, 3, 1812, 1889.* nycteis Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 1861. carlota Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 141, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 173, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 762, 1875. Edw., Cat. 35, 1884. French, But. 174, 1885.* Dyar, Can. Ent. 25, 93, 1893.* Hab.—Canada, So. and West. States. 113. Vesta Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 371, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 266, 1875. Streck., Cat. 120, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 129, 1879.* RHOPALOCERA, Edw., Cat. 35, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 195, 1879-89. Aaron, Pap. 4, 177, 1885. Form boucardi Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 194, pl. 21, f. 16, 17, 1879-86. Winter form Edw., But. 2, pl. 2, of Phyc. 1878. Summer form 1. ¢. pl. cit. Hab.—Texas, Mexico. 114. Phaon Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 505, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 268, 1875. Streck., Cat. 120, 1878. Edw., Cat. 35, 1884. French, But. 176, 1885. Winter form Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Phyc. 1878. Summer form 1. c. pl. cit. Hab.—Gulf St.; Texas; occas]. Kans. 115. Tharos Dru., Ill. Ex. Ent. 1, 43, t. 21, f. 5, 6, 1770. Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 169, e, f. 1779. Hbst., ix, t. 260, 45, 1798. Stephs., Il. Brit. Ent. Haust. 1, 150, 1828. Morr., Syn. 51, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 142, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 172, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 267. 1875. Streck., Cat. 120, 1878. Edw., Cat. 35, 1884. French, But. 177, 178, 1885.* Mayn., But. 27, pl. 4, f. 32, 32a, 1886. Scud., But. 1, 629, pl. 5, f. 1, 3, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 193, 1878-86. morphea Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 289, 1819. euclea Bergs., Fom. v. Besch. Ins. 4, 23, t. 79, 1780. Hbst., x, t, 274, 9, 10, 1800. Winter form marcia Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 207, 1868. Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 1, 1877.* Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Phye. 1878.# Grub., Jen. Zeitschr. Nat. 17, 477, pl. 8, f. 28, 29, 1884.* Fern., But. Me. 47, 1884.* HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 17 Suminer form morpheus Fab., Syst. Ent. 550, 1775. Edw., But. pl. 2, Phye. 1878.* tharos Dru., 1, pl. 21, 2, 1767. Ba.-Lee., 170, pl. 47. 4 (not 9), 1333. Mead, Can. Ent. 7. 166, 1875.* cocyta Cram., 2, pl. 101, f. A, B, 4, 1779. pharos Harr., 289, 1862. Aber. packardii Saund., Guide 256, 1869. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Phye. f. 11, 12. Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 4, 204, 1877. Hab.—v. S. excluding Pac. St.; Br. Am. to Pac.; Ont.; Queb.; N. Seo.; Antic. ; So, Labr., Mexico. in Pack. 116. Batesii Reak., Pr. E. Soe. Phil. 5, 226, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 172, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 268, 1875. Streck., Cat. 121. 1878. Edw., Cat. 36, 1884. French, But. 180, 1885. Seud., But. 1, 643, pl. 14, f. 5, 1889. tharos Bd.-Lec., 171, pl. 47, f.5, 9, 1833. Hab.—W. Va., Md., N. Y. to Ohio. 117. Pratensis Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 86, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 173, 1871. Scud.. Buff. Bull. 2, 267, 1875. Streck., Cat. 121, 1878. Edw., Cat. 36, 1884. 2 campestris Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 86, 1863. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 142, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 173, 1871. pulchella Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 306, 1852. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 266, 1875. Hab.—Cala., Oreg., Ariz. 118. Orseis Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 206, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2. 267, 1875. Streck. (var. O.), Cat. 121, 1878. Edw., Cat. 36, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 193, 1879-86. (Perhaps Winter form of pratensis.) Hab.—Cala., W. Terr., Oreg., Mex. 119. Camillus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 268, 1871. Mead. Wheeler Rep. 5. 764. 1875. Streck. (syn.), Cat. 121, 1878. Edw., Cat. 36, 1884. 1. Dimorphie form camillus. 2 as ** emissa, Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 269, 1871. Var. pallida Edw., Pr. E. Soe. Phil. 2. 505, 1864. Var. mata Reak.. Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 142, 1866. Str., Lep. pl. 8, f. 11, 1874. Hab.—Col., Mont., Texas; N. W. Terr. Geddes). 120. Mylitta Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 160, 1861. Morr., 324, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil. 6, 142, 1866. Eadw., Proe. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 504, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 173. 1871. H. Edw.. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 1873.# Mead. Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 764, 1875. Streck., Cat. 122, 1878. Edw., Cat. 36. 1884. Dyar. Can. Ent. 23, 203, 1891.* collina Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 3, 86, 1863. callina Bd., Lep. Cal. 54, 1869. Send., Buff. Bull. 2, 267, 1875. epn'a Ba., Lep. de la Cala. 54, 1869. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 266, 1875. Hab.—Cala.. Wash., Ariz., Col., Utah. 121. Barnesi Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 153, 1897. Hab.—Glenwood Springs, Col. 122. Montana Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 3, 85, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 173, 1871. Streck., Cat. 121, 1878. Edw., Cat. 36, 1884. orsa Bad., Lep. de la Cala. 55, 1869. pratensis Scud. (nec Behr), Buff. Bull. 2. 267, 1875. Hub.—Cala.; Lake Tahoe, Nev. (3) 18 123. Pieta Edw., %, Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 4, 201, 1865. Reak., Proc. E. Soe. Phil. 6, 141, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 171, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 8, f. 10, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 267. 1875, Streck., Cat. 119, 1878. Edw., 2, Papilio 2, 21, 1882. Biol. Cent.-Amer. 1, 193, pl. 21, f. 4, 5, 1882. Edw., Cat. 36, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 16, 163, 1884.* canace Edw., 92, Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 206, 1871. Streck., Cat. 119, 1878. Hab.—Col., N. Mex., Ariz., Neb., Texas (Mexico). ERESIA Doubleday. 124. Frisia Poey, Cent. Lep. Cuba 9, pl. 2, 1832. Cat. Met. ete., Mem. Soc. Econ. Hab., 2 ser. 3, 125, 1846. La Sag. Hist. Cub, Anim. Art. 535, 1857 H.-S., Schmett. Cuba Reg. Corr.—Blatt 162, 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 226, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 173, 1871. Send,. Buff. Bull. 2. 267, 1875. Streck., Cat. 119. 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. French, But. 181, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Amer. 1, 203, t. 22, f. 6, 1879-86. gyges Hew., Ex. But. 3, pl. 6, Eres. f. 45, 46, 1864. Hab.—Key West, Fla.; Mex.; Antilles; Cent. and South America. 125. Texana Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 81, 1863. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 5, 226, 81, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 174, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 268, 1875. Streck., Cat. 119, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 127, 1879.* Edw.. Cat. 37, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 200, 1879-86. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. cincta Edw., Pr. E. Soc, Phil. 2, 502, 1864, Kirby, Cat. 177, 1871. smerdis Hew., Ex. But. 3, pl. 5, Eres. f. 33, 34, 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 226, 1865. Hab.—Texas, Neb., Mex. 126. Tulcis Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1, 82, 1864. punctata Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 191, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 647, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 268, 1875. Streck.. Cat. 119, 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 187, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 203, pl. 22, f. y, 1879-86. archesilea Felder, verh. k.-k. zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 471, 1869. Hab.—Ariz., N. Mex., Texas, Mexico. SYNCHLOE Boisduval. 127. Janais Dru., 3, pl. 17, f. 5, 6, 1782. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 392, 1823. Dbl.-Hew.. Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 186, 1846-50. Kirby, Cat. 178, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2. 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 126, 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Schaus., Pap. 3, 188, 1884.* H. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 161, 1887.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 178, 1879-86. Hab.—Washita Valley, Texas; Nev.; Mex., Cent. Am. 128. Lacinia Hib., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 899, 900, 1837. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 176. t. 19, f. 6 to 17, 1879-86. mediatriz Field, Reise Nov. Lep. 3, 395. Kirby, Cat. 178, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 126, 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. : Aaron, Pap. 4, 177, 1885. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 19 adjutrix Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 126, 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 177, 1885. Form crocale Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 5, 17, 1874. Mead, Wheeler Rep. 5, 765, pl. 37, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 127, 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Cockerell, Can. Ent. 24, 198, 1892.* Edw., Can. Ent. 25, 286, 1893.* Hab.—Texas, N. Mex., Ariz., Cent. and South America. (Biologia gives eleven synonyms of lacinia.) 129. Erodyle Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1, 84, 1864. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 186, 1846- 1850. Kirby, Cat. 178, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 127, 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 180, 1879-86. Hab.—Texas, Mex., Cent. Am. CYSTINEURA Doubleday. 130. Amymone Mén., Cat. Mus. Petr. 123, pl. 9, 1857. Kirby, Cat. 217, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 256, 1875. Streck., Cat. 140, 1878 (dorcas}. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 278, 1879-86. dorcas Edw., Syn. (not Fab.). Hab.—Texas, Mex., Cent. Am. GRAPTA Kirby. 131. Interrogationis Fab., Ent. Syst. Sup. 424, 1798. Fabr., Ill. Mag. Ins. 6, 281, 1807. Godt., Ene, Meth. 9, Suppl. 819, 1823. Harris, Hitch Rep. Geo. Min. ete., Mass. Ed. 1, 590, 1833. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 197, 1846- 1850. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 298 f. 124, 1862. Pack., Guide 259, 1869. Lint., Trans. Am, Ent. Soc. 2, 317, 1869. Lint., 1. ¢. 3, 179, 1870. Edw., But. N. Am. 1, pl. 5 of Graptc, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 181, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 10, 1872. Scud., Butf. Bull. 2, 251, 1875. Streck., Cat. 127. 1878. Edw., Cat. 37, 1884. Murtfeldt, Psyche 4, 184, 1884.* French, But. 182, f. 51, 1885.* Mayn., But. 11, pl. 2, f. 12, 12a, 1886. Scud., But. 1, 319. pl. 3, f. 8-13. 1889. # Fiske, Can. Ent. 29, 26, 1897. interrogationis Harr., f. 124, 9, 1862. interrogationis Fab.. 9, Suppl. 424, 1793. Harr., 298 (text, not plate), 1862. Fern., But. Me. 49, 1884.* C. aureum Cram., 1, pl. 19, f. E, 1779. Sm.-Abb., pl. 11, 1797. Bd.-Lec., 4%, pl. 51, 1833. Edw., Psyche, 3, 15, 1880. Var. fabricii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 5, 1870. Edw.. But. 1, 115, pl. 39, 1872.* Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 189, 1882.* Var. umbrosa Lint., Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 313, 1869. Lint., Tr. A. E. Soc. 197, 1870. Edw., But. 1, 111, pl. 38, 1872. Hab.—U. S., except Pacific States: Ariz., Ont., Queb., N. Sco. 132. Comma Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg: Ed. 1, 221, 1842. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 197, 1846-50. Emm., Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 208, 1854, Harr., Flint’s Ed. 300, t. 4, 1862. Morr., Syn. 54, 1862. Edw., Pr. Ent. Soe. Phil. 1, 182, 1862. Lint., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 3, 55, 1864.* Lint., Pr. Ent. Soe. Phil. 6, 143, 1866. Edw.. But. 1, 101, pl. 36, 1871.* Scud., Syst. Rev. Ain. But. 10, 1872. 20 Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 251, 1875. Streck., Cat. 129, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 189, 1882.* Edw., Cat. 38, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 16, 235. 1884. Fern., But. Me. 5, 1884,.* French, But. 185, 1885.* Mayn., But. 12, pl. 2, f. 13, 13a, 1886. Scud... But. 1, 332, pl. 3, f. 1, 4, 1889.* Var. harrisii Edw., Can. Ent. 5, 184. 1873. Var. dryas Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 17, 1870. Edw., But. 1, 109, pl. 37, 1871.* Hab.—Fast., Mid., N. W. St.; N. C., Tenn., Kans. to Texas, Ont., Queb., N. Seo. 133. Satyrus Edw.. Trans. Aw. Ent. Soc. 2, 374, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 648, 1871. Edw., But. 1, 121, pl. 40, 1872. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 168, 1873.* Pears.. Can. Ent. 7, 216, 1875. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 168. 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 252, 1875. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont. 4, 121, 1878. Edw., Cat. 30, 1884. Seud., But. 1, 344, pl. 14, t. 14, f. 1, 4, 1889.* Var. marsyas Edw., Tr. A: E. Soe. 3, 16, 1870. Edw., But. 2, pl. 3 of Grapta, 1879. Kirby, Cat. 648, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 252, 1875. Hah.—Oreg., Cala., Mont., Col., N. Mex., Br. Am., Ont., Queb. 134. Hylas Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 68, 1872. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2, of Grapta, 1875, Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 768, 1875. Streck. (var. hylas), Cat. 130, 1878. Hab.—Col. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 135. Rustieus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 5, 107. 1874. Edw., But. 2, pl. 3, of Grapta, 1879. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. © Edw., Cat. 38, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Vane. Is. 136. Faunus Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. 222, 1862. Edw., But. 1. 99, pl. 35, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 182, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 10, 1872. Seud., Buff. Bull, 2, 252, 1875. Caulf., Can, Ent. 7, 49, 1875. Fern., But. Me. 52, 1884.* Streck.. Cat. 130. 1878 (syn. of C. album). Edw., Cat. 38, 1884.. : French, 187, f. 52, 1885.* Mayn., But. 13, pl. 2, f. 14, 14a. 1886. Scud., But. 1, 348, pl. 3, f. 2. 6, 1889.* Hab.—Mts. of N. E. and N. Y., Mich., Neb., Wash., Brit. Am., Atl. to Pac.: occas]. W. Va. to Ga., New Foundland (Can. Ent. 18, 204, 1886). 137. Silvius Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 108, 1874. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. + Edw., Cat. 39, 1884. Edw., But. 2, text fol. pl. 3 Grapta. Hahb.—Cala. 138. Zephyrus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 16, 1870. Edw., But. 1, 123, pl. 40, 1872. Edw., 1. v. 2, pl. 3 of Grapta, 1879.* H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5. 169, 1873.* Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 769, 1875. Kirby. Cat 648, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 252, 1875. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. Edw., Cat. 39, 1884. thiodamas Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 252, 1875. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. Hab.—Mont., Nev. to N. Mex., Ariz Utah, Cala., Oreg. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 21 139. Gracilis Gr.-Rob., Ann. N. Y. Lye. N. Hist. 8, 432, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 182, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. p. 68, t. 8 1878. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. Edw., Cat. 39, 1884. French, But. 189, 1885. Mayn., But. 14, pl. 2, f. 15, 15a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 359, pl. 3, f. 11, 1889.* C. argenteum Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. 3, 169, 1862. Streck , Cat. 131, 1878. Hab.—White Mts., N. H.: Me.; Queb.. Br. Am., Alaska. 140. Silenus Edw.. Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 15, 1870. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Grapta, 1874. Streck., Cat. 131, 1878. Edw., Cat. 39, 1884. Var. oreas Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 2, 373, 1869. Edw., 1. ¢. 5, 109. 1874. Kirby, Cat. 183, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 252, 1878. C. album Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 123, 1864. Hab.—Cala., Wash., Vane. Is., Mont. 141. Progne Cram., 1, pl. 5, f. E, F, 1775. Fabr., Gen. Ins. 264, 1777 Fabr., Sp. Ins. 2, 93, 1781. Fabr., Ent. Syst, 3, 1. 124, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 7, 61, t. 163. 1794, Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 36. 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 304, 1819. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 188, t. 50, 1833 Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 197. 1846-50. Emm. Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 207, 1854. Fitch, Rep. N. Y. State Agr. Soc. 428, 1856. Morr., Syn. 56, 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 301, 1862, Lint., Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil. 3, 58, 1864.* Reak., Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil. 6, 143, 1866. Pack., Guide 260, f. 188, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 182, 1871. Stgr., Cat. 16, 1871. Send., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 10, 1872. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 253, 1875. Streck., Cat. 132, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 9, 1879.* Fern., But. Me. 53. 1884. Edw., Cat. 38, 1884. French, But. 190, f. 53, 1885.* Mayn., But. 14, pl. 2, f. 16, 16a. 1889. Scud., But. 1, 362, pl. 3, f. 5, 1889.* argenteum Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 292, pl. 3, f. 6, 7, 1837. grogne Fabr., Mant. Ins. 2, 50, 1787. Var. argenteum Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 253, 1875. Hab.—North. and West. St.. Br. Am_ to N. Scotia, Antic., Kamtschatka. Siberia, Japan. 142. J-album Bd.-Lec., 185, pl. 50, 1833. Harr., 298, 1862. Morris, Syn. 56, 1862. Lint., Pr. E. Soe. Phil. 3, 58, 1864.* Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 11, 1872. Seud.. Buff. Bull. 2, 253, 1875. Streck., Cat. 133, 1878. Edw., Cat. 38, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 54, 1894.* French, But. 192, 1885.* _Mayn., But. 14, pl. 2, f. 16, 16a, 1886. Denton, Can. Ent. 21, 164, 1889.* Dawson, Can. Ent. 21, 180, 1889.* Scud., But. 1, 379, pl. 3, f. 9, 1889.* Mut. auriomarginata Cockerell, Entom. 100, 1889. urtice Harris (nec. L.), Hitch Rep. Geo. Min. ete., Ed. 1, 520, 1833. Hab.—North. St. to Wis., Br. Am. Pace. to Nov. Seo., So. Labr. VANESSA Fabricius. 143. Antiopa Linn.. Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 476, 1758. Linn., Faun. Suec. 277, 1761. Linu., Syst. Nat. Ed. xii, 1, 2, 776, 1767- 22 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Pod., Ins. Mus. Graec. 71, 1761. Scop., Ent. Carn. 148, n. 419, 1763. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 503, 1775. Brk., Natur. Schmett. 1, 11, 195, 1778. Esp., Schmett. 1. 1, t- 12, 1777, t. 29, 1778. Bergstr., Nom. t. 37, 112, 1779. Fabr., Sp. Ins. 2, 89, 1781. Fabr., Mant., Ins. 2, 48, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 115, 1793. Hab., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 79, 80, 1793. Herbst., Natursyst. Ins. 7, 96, t. 166, 1794. Don., Nat. Hist. Brit. Ins. 3, 45, t. 12, 1797. Wilb., Unt. Nat. Ins. 2, 91, t. 12, 1797. Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. 14, 83, t. 105, 1805. Ochs., Schinett. 1, 1, 110, 1807. Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 37, 1816. Dalm., Vetensk. Avad. Hand]. 64, 1816. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 308, 1819. Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent. Haust. 1, 45, 1828. Brown, Const. Mis. But. 1, 160, t. 26, 1832. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 173, 1833. Lucas, Pap. Eur. 58, t. 1, 1834. Duncan, Nat. Lib. Ent. 3, 168, t. 18, 1835. Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 293, 1837. Berge, Schmett. 99, t. 44, 1842. Emm., Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 5, 20, t. 6, 1854. Humphreys, Brit. But. 53, t. 14, 1841. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 296, f. 121, 122, 1862. Morris, Syn. 57, 1862. Behr, Proe. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 125, 1864. Lint., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 59, 1864. Reak., J. c. 6, 143, 1866. Pack., Guide 258, 1869. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 75, 1869.* Stgr., Cat. 16, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 183, 1871. H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 1873.* Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 769, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 254, 1875. Streck., Cat. 133, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 55, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 39, 1884. French, But. 193, f. 54, 1885. Mayn., But. 16, pl. 2, f. 18, 18@, 1886, Scud., But. 1, 397, pl. 2, f. 4, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am., 1, 215, 1879-1886. pompadour Poll., Bemerk. Churpf. Oek. Ges. 1779. morio Linn., Faun, Suec, 1, 232, 1746. Retz., Gen. et Sp. Ins. 31, 1783. Godt., Hist. Nat. Lep. 1, 93, t. 5, 1821. —Seba, Thes. 4, 39, t. 32, f. 1, 2, 1765. —Engr., Pap. Eur. 1, 1, t. 1, 1799. Aber. obscura Cockerell, Ent. Ree. 14, 1890. Aber. hippolita Jyman, Can. Ent. 30, 49, 1898. Aber. hygiza Hdrch., Verz. Eur. Schmett. 7, 1851. Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 993, 1829-41, Frey, Neu. Beit. 2, t. 145, 1835. Mill., Icon. Chen. et Lep. 10, 420, t. 94, 1868. Stgr., Cat. 17, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 183, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 254, 1875. lintnerit Fitch, 3rd Rep. Tr. N. Y. State Agr. Soc, 485, 1856. Morris, Syn. 57, 1862. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 7, 1872. Bunker, Can. Ent. 8, 240, 1876. Hab.—North Amer. generally; Europe, Siberia, Mex., Cent. Am. 144. Californica Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 306, 1852. Morr., 58, 1862. Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 123, 1864. Pack., Guide 259, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 184, 1871. Hy. Edw., Proce. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 5, 171, 1875.* Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 769, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 253, 1875. Streck., Cat. 133, 1878. Edw., Cat. 40, 1884. Wright, Can. Ent. 23, 27, 1891.* Hab.—Cala., Oreg., Nev., Colo., Utah. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 23 145. Milbertii Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 307, 1819. Bd.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 187, t. 50, 1833. Db].-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 201, t. 26, 1846. Harrt., Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint Ed. 302, f. 125, 1862. Morr., Syn. 56, 1862. Lint., Proc, Ent. Soe. Phil. 3, 61, 1864.* Reak., 1. ¢. 6, 143, 1866. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 76, 1869.* Pack., Guide 259, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 143, 1871. Hy.-Edw., Proc. Cal. Nat. Sci. 5, 170, 1873.* Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 21, 1872. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 25i, 1875. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 769, 1875. Streck., Cat. 133, 1878. Edw., Cat. 40, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 181, 1885. French, But. 195, 1885.* Mayno., But. 17, pl. 1, f. 19, 19a, 1886. Scud., But. 1, 420, pl. 2, f. 7, 1889.* Var. furcillata Say, Am. Ent. 2, t. 27, 1825. Brown, Const. Mis. But. 1, 180, t. 40, 1832. Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 292, 1837. Var. subpallida Ckll., Ent. 185, 1889. urtice ? Kunze, Ent. News 2, 53, 91. Hab.—North. St. to Mont.; Col., Ariz., Pac. St.: Br. Am: to N. Seo.; N. F'land., Vane. PYRAMEIS Doubleday. 146. Atalanta Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 478, 1758. Linn., Faun. Suec. 279, 1761. Pod., Ins. Mus. Graec. 72, 1761. Scop., Ent. Carn. 148, 1763. Linn., Ed. xii, 1, 2, 779, 1767. Esp., Eur. Schmett. i, 1, t. 14, 1777. Bergs., Nom. t. 20, 1779. Eugr., Pap. Eur. 17, t. 6, 1779. Fab., Ent. Syst. 504, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 90, 1781. Retz., Gen. et Sp. Ins. 31, 1783. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 49, 1787. Brk., Natur. Schmett. i, 12, 196, 1788- Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 118, 1793. Hiib., Eur. Schmett. i, f. 75, 76, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. vii, 171, t. 180, f. 3, 4, 1794. Wilh., Unt. Nat. Ins. 11, 118, t. 15, 1797. Don., Brit. Ins. 8, 19, t. 260, 1799. Schaef., Icon. 2, t. 148, vol. of text, 141, 1804. Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. 14, 86, 1805. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. i, 1, 104, 1807. Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 33, 1816. Dalm., Ventsk. Acad. Hand. 55, 1816. Lamark, Hist. Anim. Sans. Vert. 4, 29, 1817. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 319, 1819. Godt., Hist. Nat. Lep. 1, 99, t. 6, 1821. Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent. Haust. 1, 46, 1828. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 175, 1833. Lucas, Pap. Eur. 57, t. 1, 1834-35. Harr., Hitch Rep. Min. Geo. etc., Mass. Ed. i, 390, 1833. Duncan, Nat. Lib. Ent. 3, 170, t. 20, 1835. Humph., Brit. But. 55, t. 15, 1841. Berge, Schmett. 100, t. 45, 1842. Emm., Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 5, 209, 1854, Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 294, f. 120, 1862. Morr., Syn. 58, 1862. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 125, 1864. Pack., Guide 261, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 185, 1871. Hy. Edw., Proc: Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1873.* Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 770, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 254, 1875. Streck., Cat. 136, 1878. Edw., Cat. 40, 1884. French, But. 196, f. 55, 1885.* Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 179, 1885.* Mayn., But. 18, pl. 3, f. 20, 20a, 1886. Scud., But. 1, 441, pl. 2, f. 6, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 219, 1879-86. admiralis Retz., Gen. et Sp. Ins. 31, 1783. Merian, Eur. Ins. t. 91, 1730. 24 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA,. Seba, Thes. 4, 6, t. 1, f. D. 1-D. 4, 1765. virginiensis Kirby, Cat. 186, 1871. wee; Bop. He, 1g, Ae Tae Hab.—N. Am. generally; Mexico; Cent. Hab.—N. Am. generally ; Europe; Asia; and South Am.; Antilles; Canary Africa; Mexico. Isles. 147, Huntera Fab., Syst. Ent. 499,1775. 148. Cardui Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 475, Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 83, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 45, 1787. Fab,, Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 104, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 7, 165, t. 178 %, 179 9, 1794. Ab.-Sm., Ins. Ga, 1, t. 9, 1797. Hihb., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 3, 1806-16. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 324, 1819. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 180, t. 48, 1833. Harr., Hitch Rep. Geo. Min. ete., Mass. Ed. 1, 590, 1833. Humpbh., Brit. But. 57, t. 15, 1841. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 205, 1846-1850. Emm., Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 5, 210, 1854, Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 292, f. 119, 1862. Morris, Syn. 60, 1862. Lint., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 63, 1864.* Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 105, 1869.* Pack., Guide 261, 1869. Hy. 'Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 5, 1873. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 254, 1875. Streck., Cat. 138, 1878. H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 7, 171, 1878. Edw., Cat. 40, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 58, 1884.% ° French, But. 198, 1885.* Mayn., But. 19, pl. 3, f. 21, 21a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 457, pl. 2, f. 3, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 218, 1879-86. belladonna Petiv., Gazoph. 4, t. 33, f. 5, 1711. virginiensis Dru., Il]. Ex. Ent. 1, t. 5, 1770. iole Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, t. 12, 1779. huntert Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 33, 1816. 1758. Linn., Ed. xii, 774, 1767. Linn., Faun. Suec. 276, 1761. ‘ Scop., Ent. Carn. 150, 1763. Fab., Syst. Ent. 499, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins, ii, 82, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. ii, 45, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 104, 1793. Esp., Schmett. i, t. 10, 1777. Bergstr., Nom. t. 62, 1797. Brk., Natur. Schmett. i, 199, 1788. Hib., Eur, Schmett. i, f. 73, 74, 1793. Wilh., Unt. Nat. Ins. ii, 77, t. 9, 1797. Don., Brit. Ins. ix, 9, t. 292, 1800. Schaef., Icones i, t. 97, vol. of text, 108, 1804. Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. 14, 87, 1805. Fab., Il]. Mag. Ins, vi, 281, 1807. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. i, 1, 102, 1807. Hiib., Verz. Bek..Schmett. 33, 1816. Dalm., Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 65, 1816. Lamarck, Hist. Anim. Sans. Vertebr, iv, 29, 1817. Godt., Enc. Meth. ix, 323, 1819. Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent. Haust, i, 47, 1828. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 178, 1833. Badl,-Faun. Ent. Mad. 43, 1834. Don, Nat. Lib. Ent. iii, 174, t. 19, 1835. Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. iv, 295, 1837. Humph., Brit. But. 56, t. 15, 1841. Berge, Schmett. 100, t. 45, 1842. Bal., App. Voy. de Deleg. 592, 1847. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. i, 205, 1846- 1850. Chenu, Ene. Hist. Nat. Pap. Diur. i, f. 215, 1852. Bdl., Ann. Ent. Fr. 2me Ser. x, 307, 1852. Emm., Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. v, 210, t. 46, 1854. Staint., Man. Brit. But. i, 37, 1857. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 25 Horsf.-Moore, Cat. Lep. Mns. E. I. C. 138, 1857. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint Ed. 291, f. 118, 1862. Morris, Syn. 59, 1862. Trim., Rhop. Afr. Austr. i, 119, 1862. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. iii, 125, 1864. Pack., Guide 261, 1869. Saund., Can. Ent. i, 93, 1869.* Kirby, Cat. 185, 1871. Stgr., Cat. 17, 1871. Hy. E.lw., Proe. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. v, 1873.* Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. v, 770, 1875. Send., Buff. Bull. ii, 254, 1875. Scud., Am. Nat. 10, 392, 602, 1876.* Fern., But. Me. 59, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 1884. French, 199, 1885.* Mayn., But. 19, pl. 3, f. 22, 22a, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 217, 1879-86. Seud., But. 1, 469, pl. 2, f. 1, 1889.* Dyar, Can, Ent. 24, 6, 1892.* belladouna Petiv., Pap. Brit. 2, t. 4, 1717. Linn., Faun. Suec. Ed. 1, p. 235, 1746. Godt., Hist. Nat. Lep. 1, 102, t. 5, 1820. Lucas, Pap. Eur, 57, t. 3, 1854. carduelis Seba, Thes. 4, 6, t. 1, 1765. Cram., Pap. Exot. 1, t. 26, f. 8, F, 1799. —Merian, Eur. Ins, t. 116, 1730. —Engr., Pap. Eur. 20, t. 7, 1779. Aber. minor Ckll., Can. Ent. 22, 57, 1890. CkIL., Ent. Rec. 60, 1890, Aber. elymi Ramb., Ann. Soc. Obs. 2, 03,44, 2 123 Kirby, Cat. 186, 1871. Ster., Cat. 17, 1871. H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, f. 157, 158, 1843. Streck., Cat. 133, 1878. Aber. at2 Streck., Cat. 137, 1878. Hab.—N. Am. generally. Cosmopolitan. 149. Carye Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 1, 1806-1816. Dbl.-Hew.., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 205, 1846- 1850. Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 125, 1864.* Kirby, Cat. 186, 1871. Hy. Edw.. Proce. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 4, 329, 1874.# Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 255, 1875. Streck., Cat. 138, 1878. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 219, 1879-86. Edw., Cat. 40, 1884. Dyar, Can, Ent, 21, 237, 1889.* Lembert, Ent. News 6, 138, 1895.* Hybd. bet. carye and atalanta Hy. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N.S.7, 171, 187s. charie Blanch., Gay, Faun. Chili, 7, 26, t. 2, Atlas, 1852. Aber. muelleri Letcher, Ent. News, 9 38, pl. 3. 1898. Hab.—Vane. to Argentina; Ariz., Nev., Utah. JUNONIA Doubleday. 150. Coenia Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 2, 1316-24, Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 182, t. 49. 1833. Morris, Syn. 61, 1862. Behr, Proe. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 126, 1864. Pack., Guide 216, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 188, 1871. H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. N. Sei. 5 (Oct. 6), 1873. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 255, 1875. Streck., Cat. 138, 1878. Blake. Trans. Am. Ent, Soc. 14, 7, 1879. Sprague, Can. Ent. 12, 100. 1880. Aurivillius, Sv. Ak. Handl. 19, No. 5. 82, 1882. Jones, Pr. Liverp. Soc. 37, 38, 1883.* Fern., But. Me. 60, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. French, But. 200. f. 56, 1885. Mayn.. But. 20, pl. 3, f. 23. 23a, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 220, 1879-86. Scud., But. 1, 494, pl. 14, pl. 14, f. 15, 1889,* Skinner Ent. News 1, 9, 1890.*# Dyar, Ent. News 23, 157, lov1.* genoreva Cram., 4, pl. 290, f. E, F. 1782. 26 NORTH AMERICAN orythia Abb.-S., Ins. Ga. 1. t. 8, 1797. larinia Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 318, 1819. lavinia Harr. (nec. Cram.), Hitech Rep. Geo. ete, Ed. 1, 590, 1833. Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed, 293, 1862. Hab.—Mid. and South. St. to Pac. ; Mass., Me.; Ont.; Alberta; Mex.; Cent. Am.; Antilles. VICTORINA Blanchard. 151. Steneles Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 465, 1758. —Petiv., Gozoph. 20, t. 13, 1702. —Sloane. Hist. Jamaica 2, 217, t. 239, £.9.10, 1725. Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg. 218, 1764. Clerck., Icon. t. 35, 1764. Linn., Ed. xii, 750, 1767. Fab., Syst. Ent. 456, 1775. Cram.. Pap. Ex. I. t. 79, 1779. Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 23, 92, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 12, 108, 1787. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 3, 188, t. 47, 17388. Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 84, 1793. De Beauv., Ins. Afr. et Am. 188, t. 5, 1805. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 378, 1823. Hub., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1806-24. Lucas, Pap. Ex, 125, t. 69, 1835. Bianch., Hist. Nat. Mus. 3, 447, 1840. Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. Ser. 2, 2, 268, 1848. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 265, Atlas, t. 33, 1850-52. Chenu, Enc. Hist. Nat. Pap. Diur. 126, f. 241, 1851-53. Kirby, Cat. 223, 1871. scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 257, 1875. Streck., Cat, 142, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 109, 1885. Frevch, 204, f. 57, 1885.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 289, 1879-86. stenele Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 43. 1816. lavinia Fab.. Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 22, 1793. Hab.—S. W. Tex. (Round Mt., Blanco Co., Tex., Skinner), Fla., Mex., Cent. Am., South Am., West Indies. RHOPALOCERA., ANARTIA Doubleday. 152. Jatrophz Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 289, 1764. Joh., Ameen. Acad. 6,.408, 1764. Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. xii, i, 2, 779, 1767. Fab., Syst. Ent, 493, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins, 2, 75, 1781. Cram,, Pap. Ex. 3, t. 202, 1782. Fab., Mant.. Ins. 2, 37, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 98. 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 7, 134. t. 172, 1794. Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. i, 1806-16. Hiib., Verz. Bek, Schmett. 33, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9. 297, 1819. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1, 216, 1846- 50. Morr., Syn. 62, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 194, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 253, 1875. Streck., Cat. 139, 1878. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. French, 202, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Aiu. 1, 221, 1879-86. Hab.—Texas, Fla., West Indies, Cent. Am., Mex., Brazil. EUREMA Boisduyal. 153. Lethe Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 80, 1793. Don., Ins. Ind. pl. 23, f. 1, 1800. Kirby, Cat. 180, 1871. Streck., Cat. 127, 1878. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. Muller, Zool. J. B. 1, 441, pl. 15. f. 6, 1886.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 212, 1879-86. demonica Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 2, f. 1, 2, 1806-27. Hab.—Texas, occasl.; Mex., Cent. and South Am, EUNICA Felder. 154. Monima Cram., 4, 387, f. F, G, 1722. Herr.-Sch., Reg. Corr.-Blatt. Zool. Miu. Ver. 13, 162, 1864. Streck., Cat. 140, 1878. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884, HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 27 French, But. 202, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 228, 1879-86 (as mo- desta Bates). myrta Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 418, 1823. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 61, 1816. modesta Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1, 113, 1864. Kirby. Cat. 200, 1878. hyperipte Edw., Syn. (not Hiib.). Hab.—Texas, Fla., Antilles, Mex. 155. Tatila Herr.-Schaff., Ex. Schmett. f. 69-72, 1852-58. Kirby, Cat. 198, 1871. Biol. Cent.-Am., 1. 229, pl. 23, f. 4, 1879- 1886. Schaus. Ent. News, 5, 17, 1894. cerula Godm.-Salv., P. Z. S. 64, 1877. Hab.—Lake Worth, Fla. (Schaus), Key West. Fla. (Morrison), Miami, Fla. (Mrs. Slosson), Mex.. Colombia. TIMETES Boisduval. 156. Coresia Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 359. 1823. Blanch., Hist. Nat. Ins. 3, 447. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 263. 1850- 1852. ; Edw., Pr. Ent. Soe. Phil. 1, 224, 1862. Kirby, Cat, 220, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2. 256, 1375. Streck., Cat. 141, 1878. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Ari. 1, 289, 1879-86. zerynthia Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. ii, 1806 -24. sylla Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 151. t 29, 1830-34, Hab.—Texas, occasl. Mex., Cent. Am. 157. Petreus Cram., 1, 87, f. D, E, 1779. Herbst. Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 4, 87, t. 67, 1790. Stoll, Sup. Cram. t. 2, f. 2a, 2b, 2¢, Lar. et Pap. 1791. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. French, 203, 1885. peleus Sulz., Abg. Gesch. Ins. t. 13, f. 4, 1776. Kirby, Cat. 222, 1871. Send.. Buff. Bull. 2, 256, 1875. Streck., Cat. 141, 1878. thetys Fab.. Gen. Ins 264, 1777. Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 87, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 47, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 77, 1793. Swains., Zool. Il. Ins. 2, t. 59. 1832. thetis De Beauv., Ins. Afr. et Am. 189, t. 5, 1805. thetis Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 36, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 358, 1823. Dun., Nat. Lib. Ent. 5, 164,, t. 19, 1837. eleucha Edw., Syn. (not Hib.). Hab.—Indian River, Fla. (by Wittfeld), Mex., Cent. Am., South Am, 158. Eleuchea Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schin. ii, 1816-24. Hih., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 47, 1816. Zutr., Ex. Schmett. f. 197, 198, 151s. H.-Sch., Reg. Corr.-Blatt. Zool. Min. Ver. 18, 161, 1864. Streck.. Cat. 141, 1878. . Schaus, Ent. News 9, 96, 1898. eleucha Dbl,-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 263, Atlas, t. 33, 1850-52. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. pellenis Godt., Ene. Meth. 9. 359, 1823. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 257, 1875. Hab.—Texas, occas].: Miami, Fla.: West Thidies. 159. Chiron Fab., Syst. Ent. 452, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 16, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 8, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. ii, 1, 26, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 3, 222, t. 52, 1788. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 359, 1823. Kirby, Cat. 221, 1871. Streck., Cat. 141, 1878. Edw., Cat. 41, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 288, 1879-86. 28 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA, marius Cram., 3, pl. 200, f. D, E, 1780. Stoll, Suppl. Cram, 30, 1791. chironias Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 47, 1816. Sloane, Hist. Jamaica t. 239, f. 1, 2, 1725. Seba, Thes. 4, 42, t. 34, f. 13, 14. 43, t. 35, f.-3, 4, 1705. Hab.—Texas, oceasl.; Mex., West Indies, Cent. and South Am. DIADEMA Boisduval. 160. Misippus Linn., Mus. Ulr. 264, 1764. Linn., Syst. Nat. 1. 2, 767, 1767. Kirby, Cat, 225, 1871. Edw.. Cat. 42, 1884. French, But. 206, 1885. % bolina Dru. (not Livn.), 1, pl. 14, 1773. Edw., Pap. 1, 30, 1881. Hub.—Indian River, Fla., oceasl. (hy Wittfeld), Banana River, Fla. (Mrs. Cory), India, Africa, Aus- tralia, Guiana, LIMENITIS Fabricius. 161. Ursula Godt. Ene. Meth. 9, 380, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 199, t. 53, 1833.* Morris, Syn. 64, 1862. Riley, Can. Ent. 3, 52. 1871.* Edw., Can. Ent. 5, 10, 1873. Mundt, Pap. 3, 26, 1883. Edw., Cat. 42, 1884. French, 206. f. 58, 1885. Mayn., But. 9, pl. 1. f. 10, 10a, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Ana. 1, 311, 1879-86. ephestion Stoll, Suppl. Cram. 121, t. 25, f. 1, 1a, 1790. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 42, 1819. Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-24, Harr., Ins. Inj Veg., Flint’s Ed. 283, 1862. Pack., Guide 262, 1869. Streck., Cat. 143, 1878. astyanac Fab,, Syst. Ent. 447, 1775. Fah., Sp. Ins. 2, 7, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 4, 1787. Kirby, Cat. 237, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 8, 1872. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 249, 1875. Scud., But. 1, 280, pl. 2, f. 8, 1889.* Hab.— Atl. St., Miss. Valley, Kans., Ont. Var. arizonensis Edw., Papilio 2, 22, 1882. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. 162. Arthemis Dru., Ill. Ex. Ent. 2, t. 10, 1773. Say. Am. Ent. 2, t. 23, 1825. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 202, t. 54, 1833. Dpl., Cat. Lep. B. M. 1, 96, 1844. Dbl.-Hew.. Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 276, 1850-52. Emm., Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 211, t. 43, 1854, Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 243, t. 1, 1862. Morris, Syn. 65, 1862. Lint., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 62, 1864. Reak., ] c. 6, 143, 1866. Pack., Guide 262, 1869. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 95, 1869. Kirby. Cat. 237, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 8, 1872. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 249, 1875. Edw., Can. Ent. 5. 282, 1873. Mead, 1. c. 7, 162, 1875. Streck., Cat. 144, 1878. Edw.. But. 2, pl. 1 of Lim. 1879. Sprague, Can. Ent. 12. 100, 1880. Edw., Pap. 2, 47, 1882 (aberr.). Fern., But. Me. 60, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 42, 1884. French, But. 208, 1885.* Mayn., N. Eng. But. 10, pl. 1, f. 11, 1Ja, 1886. Scud., But. E. U. S. and Can. 1, 294. pl. 2, f. 5, 1889.* lamina Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 118, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 380, 1823. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 29 Form proserpina Edw., Proce. Ent. Soc. Phil. 5, 148, 1865. Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 1, 286, t. 5, 1867. Edw., But. N. Am. 1, t. 1, Lim. 1868. Kirby, Cat. 237, 1871. Streck.. Lep. Rhop.-Het. 70, 1873. Edw., Can. Ent. 5, 232, 1873. Grote, Can. Ent. 5, 143, 1873. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 249, 1875. Edw., But. N. Am. 2, pl. 1, Lim. 1879. Scud , But. E. U.S. and Can. 1, 289, pl. 2, f. 9, 1889. Hab.—Br. Am. and Br. Col., Ont., Queb., N. Sco., North. U.S. 163. Weidemeyerii Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. 162, 1861. Edw., But. 1, 129, pl. 42, 1869. Morr., 527, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 6, 143, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 236, 1871. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 770, pl. 38, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 249, 1875. Streck., Cat. 145, 1878. Edw., Cat. 43, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 107, 1892.* Edw., But. N. Am. Suppl. 1897.* Aber. sine-fascia Edw., Pap. 2, 22, 1882. Hab.—Rocky Mts., Mont. to N. Mex., Ariz., Utah, Fort Niobrara, Neb. 164. Misippus Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg. 264, 1764. Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. xii, 767, 1767. Fab., Syst. Ent. 481, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 54, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 27, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 50, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 7, 30, t. 158. f. 3, 4, 1794. Emm. Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 202, t. 47, 1854. Pack., Guide 261. f. 189, 1869. - Streck.. Cat. 142, 1878. archippus Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, t. 16, A, B, 1779. Kirby, Cat. 237, 1871. Send., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 8, 1872. Scud., Buff. Bull. 250, 1875. Scud., But. E. U.S. and Can. 1, 267, pl. 1, f. 5, 1889,* archippe Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 16, 1816. disippe Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 393, 1823. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 281, f. 109, 1862. disippus Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 204, t. 55, 1833. Morris, Syn. 65, 1862. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 276, 1850- 1852. Lint., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 63, 1864. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 94, 1869. Riley, 3d Rep. State of Mo. 153, f. 68, 69, 70, 1. c. 171, 1871.* Riley, Can, Ent. 3. 52, 1871.* Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 224, 1879.* Fern., But. Me. 63, 1884.* French, But. 210, f. 59-62, 1885.* Soule, Psyche 5, 1891.* Hab.—v. 8. generally: Ont. to N. Sco.; Br. Am. Var. nig Streck., Cat. 143, 1878. Hab.— Fla. Var. pseudo-dorippus Streck., Cat. 143. 1878. Edw., Cat. 48, 1884. Mead, Can. Ent. 4, 217, 1872. Hab.—N. Y., Mass. 165. Floridensis Sireck., Cat. 143, 187s. Streck., Can. Ent. 13, 29, 1881. Mead, Can. Ent. 13, 79, 1881. Edw., Pap. 4, 62, 1884. Holland, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 6, 59, 1898. eros Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 246, 1880.* Edw., But. 2, pl. 2, Lim. 1883.* 30 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Edw., Cat. 43, 1884. French, But. 214, 1885. Hab.—Fla., Ga. 166. Obsoleta Edw., Pap. 2, 22, 1882. hulstiti Edw., Pap. 2, 46, 1882. Hab.—Utah ; Phoenix, Ariz. 167. Lorquini Bd., Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr, 2, 10, 301, 1852. Morr., Syn. 66, 1862. Behr, Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 127, 1864. , Kirby, Cat. 235, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 5, 330, 1874,* Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 770, t. 38, 1875. Send., Buff. Bull. 2, 250, 1875. Streck., Cat, 145, 1878. Edw., But. 1, 131, pl. 43, 1870. Edw., Cat. 43, 1884. Dyar, Can. Ent.. 23, 172, 1891.* Edw., But. Suppl. 1897.* Var. eavesi H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 7, 172, 1878. Hab.—Cala. to Wash., Ariz. Nev., Vane. Is., Br. Am. Crow’s Nest (by Ged- des). HETEROCHROA Boisduval. 168. Bredowii Hib., Zutr. Ex. Schm. f. 825, 826, 1837. Kirby, Cat. 235, 1871. Streck., Cat. 145, 1878. Godm.-Salv., Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 310, 1877. eulalia Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. t. 36, 1850-52. Bdl., Ann. Soc. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me ser. x, 501, 1852. Edw., Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 225, 1862. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 127, 1864, Var. californica Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 485, 1865. Edw., But. 1, 133, pl. 44, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 57. 1871. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. N. Sci. 5, 171, 1873. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 770, t. 38, 1875. Send., Buff. Bull. 2, 250, 1875. Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. Hab.—Ariz , Nev., Mex., Cent. Am. APATURA Fabricius. 169. Celtis Bd.-Lec., 210, pl. 57, 1833. Morris, Syn. 68, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 262, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Apat. 1875.* lycaon Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 228, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 295, 1796. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 392, 1850-52. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 9, 1872. Riley, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 3, 193, 1873. Riley, 6th Rep. State Mo. 137, f. 39, 40, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 249, 1875. Streck., Cat. 145, 1878. Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. Edw., Psyche 3, 114, 1880. Edw., 1. e. 123, 1880. French, But. 215, f. 63, 64, 1885.* Scud., But. E. U. S. and Can. 3, 1788, 1889. Aber. alb, Edw., But. N. Am. 2, t. 1, Apatura, f. 4, 5, 1875. , Hab.—Va. to Gulf Mex., Miss. Valley. 170. Antonia Edw., Field and Forest 3, 103, 1877. Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 178, 1885. Hab.—Texas. : Z Var. montis Edw., Pap. J, 7, 1882. Hab.—Ariz., Col. 171. Leilia Edw., %, Tr. A. E. Soe, 5, 103, 1874. Edw., %, But. 2, pl. 1, Apat. 1575. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 31 174. Flora Edw., But. 2 (in Clyton), 1876. Streck., Cat. 148, 1878 (var. flora). Edw., Can. Ent. 13, 81, 1881.* French, But. 221, 1885.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 1 Apatura, 1891. Streck., Cat. 146, 1878. Kdw., 9, Pap. 2, 23, 1882, Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 178, 1885. Hab.— Ariz. 172. Alicia Edw., But. 1, 135, pl. 45, -Hab.—Fla., Tex. 1868. Edw., Psyche 3, 123, 1880.* Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. French, But. 217, 1885. Hab.—Gulf St., Fla. to Tex. 175. Coeles Lint., Pap. 4, 141, 1884. Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. Hab.—Rio Grande, Tex. 173. Clyton Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. AN-EA Hibner. 208); D8) LESS: 176. Andria Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 248, Morris, Syn. 68, 1862. Streck., Cat. 146, 1878. Edw., Cat. 44, 1884. French, But. 221, 1885.* Seud., But. 1, 241, pl. 16, f. 7, 1889.* herse Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 229, 1793. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 392, 1850-52. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 9, 1872. Riley. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 3, 198, 1873. Riley, 6th Ent. Rep. State of Mo. 140, f. 41, 42, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 248, 1875. Var. proserpina Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 401, 1868. Seud., Trans. Chicago Acad. Nat. Sci. 1, 332, 1869. Edw., But. N. Am. 2, pl. 2, Apatura, f. 5, 6, 1876. Var. ocellata Edw., But. N. Am. 2, pl. 2 of Apatura, 1876. Aber. nig Streck., Cat. 146, 1878. Hab.—N. Y. to Gulf Mex., Miss. Valley, Kans., Mich. 1875. Riley, Am. Ent. 121, f. 81-83, 1870 (qlycerium). Riley, 24 Mo. Ent. Rep. 125, 1870.* (glycerium). Edw., But. 1, 137, pl. 46, 1871 (glyce- rium). Streck., Cat. 147, 1878 ‘troglodyta). Edw., Cat. 45, 1884 (troglodyta). Nenm., Ent. News 2, 175, 1891. Hab.—West. St., from Ill. to Texas; Neb. 177. Portia Fab., Syst. Ent. 507, 268, 1775. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 364, 50, 1823. Skinner, Ent. News 8, 230, 1897 (as troglodyta). Schaus, Ent. News 9, 96, 1898. Hab.—Antilles; Miami, Fla. (Slosson and Schaus). 178. Morrisonii Edw., Pap. 3, 8, 1883. Edw., Cat, 45, 1884. Hab.—Mt. Graham, Ariz.; Mex. SATYRIN&. DEBIS Westwood. 179. Portlandia Fab., Sp. Ins 2, 82, 1781. Fab., Ent. 3, Syst. i, 103, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Sechmett. 5, 285, 1796. Bd.-Lec., 226, pl. 58, 1833. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 360. ‘1850-52. Butl., Cat. Satgr. B. M. 114, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 55, 1571. Scud. Syst. Rev. Am. But. 5, 1872. 32 NORTH AMERICAN Seud., Buff, Bull. 2, 241, 1875. Edw, Can. Ent. 14, 84, 1882.* Fern., But. Me. 70, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 45. 1884. French, But. 229, f. 70, 1885.* Mayn., But. 3, pl. 1, f. 3, 3a, 1886. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Debis, 1888. Scud., But. 1, 180, pl. 1, f. 3, 1888.* andromacha Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-16. Say, Am. Ent. 2, t. 36, 1825. Brown, Const. Mis. But. 1, 195, t. 44, 18382. Gosse, Can Nat. 246, 1840. Morris, Syn. 78, 1862. Hab.—Me. to Rocky Mts. and to Gulf Mex., Br. Am. to Lat. 50°. 180. Creola Skinner, Ent. News 8, 236, 1897. Ab. (under portlandia) Streck., Cat. 148, 1878. Hab.—T.a., Texas, NEONYMPHA Westwood. 181. Canthus Bd.-Lec., pl. 60, 1833. Morr., 74, 1862. Gosse, Newm. Ent. 138, 1841. Kirby, Cat. 55, 1871. Streck., Cat. 159, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 64, 1883.* Fern., But. Me. 68, 1884,* Edw., Cat. 45, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 112, 1885.*. French, But. 232, 1885.* Mayn., But. 5, pl. 1, f. 6, 6a, 1886. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Satyrodes, 1890.* boisduvalli Harr., 305, f. 128, 1862. eurydice Scud. (nec. Linn.’, Syst. Rev. N. Am. But. 6, 1872. Seud., Buff. 2, 242, 1875 Hab.—North, States, Ont., Queb., Col., S. Car. 182. Gemma Hib., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. 1, f. 7, 8, 1818. Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 63, 1816. RHOPALOCERA. Bd.-Lec., pl. 62, 1833.* Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 1850-52. Morr., 73, 1862. Butl., Proce. Zool. Soe. Lond. 500. 18:56. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 244, 1875. Streck , Cat. 150, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 31, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 45, 1884, French, But. 235, 1885.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Neon. 1887.* Scud., But. 3, 1783, 1889.* (as cornelius). cornelius Godt., Ene. Meth. 9. 493, 1823. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 438, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 55, 1871. Hah.—W. Va, to Gulf Mex.; Mex., Cent. Am. 375, 183. Henshawi Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 5, 205, 1876. Edw., 1. ¢. 9. 7, 1881. Streck., Cat. 151, 1878. Edw., Cat. 45, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Neon. 1887.* Hab.—Ariz., So. Col., N. Mex., Mex. 184, Phocion Fab., Sp. Ins. 2. 138, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 92, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3. 1, 218, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 147, 1796. Dhl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep 2,375, 1850- 1852. ’ Kirby, Cat. 55, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 7, 1872. Send., Buff. Bull. 2. 244, 1875. Streck., Cat. 149, 1878. Scud., But. 1, 203, pl. 14. f. 7, 1889." areolatus Abb.-S., Ins. Ga. 1, 25, t- 13, 1797. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 49-4, 1823. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 63, 1833. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 375, 1850-52. Morris, Syn. 74, 1-62. Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 163, 1882.* Edw., Cat. 45, 1884, HENRY SKINNER, M.D. French, But. 237, 1885.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Neon. 1888. Weed, Psyche 7, 130, 1894. areolata Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 498, 1866. Oreas fimbriata helcita, Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-16. Hiib., Verk. Bek. Schmett. 65, 1816. Hab.—N. J. to Gulf Mex. and Texas, 185, Eurytws-Fab., Syst. Ent. 487, 1775. Fah., Sp. Ins. 2, 65, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 32, 1787. Butl.. Proc. Zool. Lond. 465, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 48, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 7, 1872. Send., Buff. Bull. 2, 245, 1875. Streck., Cat. 149, 1878. eurytris Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 157, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 96, t. 196, 1796. Dbl.-Hew.. Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 375, 1850- 1852. Chenu, Pap. Diur. 281, 1851-53. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 306, f. 129, 1862. Pack., Guide 264, 1869. Edw., Can. Ent. 10, 125, 1878.* Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 66, 1884.* French, But. 238, 1885.* Mayn., But. N. Eng. 6, pl. 2, f. 7, 7a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 214, pl. 1, f. 8, 1889.* eurythris Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 494, 1823. Badl.-Lec., Lép. Am. Sept. t. 61, 1833. Morris, Syn. 73, 1862. Saund., Can. Ent. 2, 139, 1870. cymela Cram., 2, t. 182, 1799. cymelia Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 54, 1816. Hab.—Canada, U. 8S. from Atlantie to Kans., Neb, and Texas. 186. Mitchellii French, Can. Ent. 21, 25, 1889. Scud., But. 3, 1785, 1889. (5) 33 Ent. News, 3, pl. 2. f. 12, 1892. Woleott, Can. Ent. 25, 102, 1893. French, But. 391. 1896. Hab.—Cass Co., Mich.: Grand Rapids, Mich.; Dover, N. J. 187. Sosybius Fab., Ent. Syst. 3. 1, 219, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 143, 1796. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 495, 1823. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 63, 1833. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep, 2, 375, 1850-52. Morris, Syn. 74, 1862. Butl., Proc, Zool. Soc. Lond. 474, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 49, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 245, 1875. Edw., Can. 9, 229, 1877. Streck., Cat. 149, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. French, 240, 1885.* Scud., But. 3, 1786, 1889.* Camerta Cram., Pap. Ex. 6, t. 293, f. 1782. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 375, 1850- 1352. Kirby, Cat. 48, 1871. Biol. Cent.-Am, 1, 86, 1850. camertus Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 91, t. 195, 1796. Hab.—N. J. to Tex., Miss. Valley, Mex., Cent. Am., South Am. 188. Rubriecata Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 212, 1891. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 245, 1875. Streck., Cat. 149, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 82, 1879-1886. Hab.—Texas, Ariz., Mex., Cent. Am. COENONYMPHA Westwood. 189. California Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 398, t. 67, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 99, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 244, 1875. Streck., Cat. 159, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. B34 NORTH AMERICAN Edw., Can. Ent. 18, 18, 1886.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Cen. 1887." Lembert, Ent, News 6, 138, 1895.* californius Bdl., Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me ser, x, 309, 1852. galactina Morris, Syn. 80, 1862. Behr, Proce. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sei. 3, 164, 1864, Var. galactinus Bdl., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me ser. x, 309, 1852. Kirby, Cat. 99, 1871. Streck., Cat. 159, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Can. 1897.* Var. ceres Butl., Ent. Mo. Mag. 3, 78, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 99, 1871. Streck., Cat. 159, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Var. eryngii H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6, 1877. Streck., Cat. 160, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884, Var. pulla Hy. Edw., Pap. 1, 51, 1881. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Cen. 1897.* Hab.—Cala., Mont., Nev., Oreg., Wash., Vane. 190, Elko Edw., Can. Ent, 13, 57, 1880. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Hab.—Elko, Nev.: Spokane Falls, Wash. 191. Typhon var. laidon Borkh., Eur. Schmett. 1, 91, 29, t.1, £. 5, 6, 1788. Bucknell, Ent. Rec. 7, 100, 1895. Bucknell, 1. v. 9, 99, 1897. typhon var. h. Kirby, Cat. 100, 1871. inornata Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 163, 1861. Morris, Syn. 328, 1862. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 244, 1875. Streck., Cat. 160, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1782, 1889. Hab.—Europe; Mont., Minn., Br. Am., Newfoundland. : RHOPALOCERA. 192. Ochracea Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phil. 163, 1861. Morr., 328, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 145, 1866, Kirby, Cat. 100, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 772, 1875. Seud., Buff. Pull. 2, 244, 1675, Streck., Cat. 160, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884, Hab.—Mont. to Ariz.; Kans., Br. Am, 193. Ampelos Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 213, 1871. Scud.. Buff. Bull. 2, 244, 1875. Streck., Cat. 160, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884, Edw., Can. Ent. 18, 18, 1886.* Edw., 1. c. 19, 41, 1887.* Hab.—Oreg., Wash., Nev., Mont., Vane. Isld. 194. Kodiak Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 2, 375, 1869. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 244, 1875. Streck., Cat. 160, 1878. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. kodiah Kirby. Cat. 100, 1871. Hab.—Kodiak, Alaska. 195. Brenda Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 375, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 100, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 243, 1875. Streck., Cat. 160, 1878, Edw., Cat. 46, 1884, Hab.—l.os Angeles, Cala, 196. Pamphilus Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 472, 1758. Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. xii, 791, 1767. Linn., Faun. Suec. 273, 1761. Fab., Syst. Ent. 529, 1775. Fahb., Sp. Ins. 2, 66, 1781. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 221, 1793. Esp., Schmett. 1, 1, t. 21, 1777, t. 7%, f. 4, var. 1782. Bergs. Nom. t. 88, 1799. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 35 Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 40, t. 186, f. 7, 8, t. 187, f. 1, 2, f. 3, 4, . ab. 1796. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. 1, 1, 305, 1807. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 549, 1823. Dunean, Nat. Lib. Ent. 3, 207, t. 26, 1835. Kirby, Cat. 99, 1871. Stgr., Cat. 32, 1871. Streck., Cat. 160, 1878. menalcas Poda, Mus. Graec. 78. 1761. Scop., Ent. Carn. 458, 1763. nephele Hufn., Berl. Mag. 2, 78, 1766. Brk., Nat. Schmett. 1, 87, 1788. Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 237-239, 1797. gardettu. De Loche, Mem. Ace. For. 6, 2, 146, t. 7, 1801. pamphiloides Reak.. Proc, Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 146, 1866. Butl., Cat. Sat. B. M. 44, 1868. Scud., Buff. Bull. 243, 1875. Kirby, Cat, 99, 1871. Edw., Cat. 46, 1884. Hab.—Europe; Siberia; California. 197. Haydenii Edw., Rep. Hayden Exp. 1872. Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 5, 19, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 243, 1875. Streck., Cat. 151, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Hrebdia, f. 5, 6, 1888. Edw., Can. Ent. 23, 32, 1891 (9). Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 156, 1897 ( ). Hab.—Mont., Idaho, Colo., Wyo. EREBIA Dalman. 198. Fasciata Butl., Cat. Satyr. Br. Mus. 92, pl. 2, f. 8, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 53, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 243, 1875. Streck., Cat. 152, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47. 1884, Edw., But. 3, pl. 2. Erebia, 1889. Hab.— Alaska: Boreal Am. 199. Discoidalis Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 298, pl. 3, f. 2, 3, 1837. Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 380, 1850-52. Morr., 75, 1862. Kirby. Cat. 67, 1871. Ster., Cat. 26, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 248, 1875. Streck., Cat. 152, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Erebia. 1889. Hab.—Boreal Am. (vesagus, inserted here in other lists, is a South American species; see Streck. Ent. News 3. 256, 1892.) 200. Rossii Curt., App. Ross. Exp. 67, pl A, f. 7, 1835. Dhbl.-Hew.. Gen. 2, 380, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 67, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 243, 1875. Streck., Cat. 152. 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Hab.— Boreal Am. 201. Disa var. mancinus Db1.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. 380, pl. 54, 1851. Reak., Pr. Ent. Soe. Phil. 6, 143, 1866. Butl., Cat. Sat. B. M. 1, 89, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 67, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 243, 1875. Streck., Cat. 152, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Hab.—Alaska; Rocky Mts., Br. Am. 202. Vidleri Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 195, 1898. Hab.—Seton Lake near Lilloet on the Fraser River, Brit. Col. 203. Tyndarus var. callias Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 274. 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 253, 1875. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 775, 1875. Streck., Cat. 151, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 775, 1875. Hab.--Col., N. Mex. (tyndarus in Switzer- land, Hungary, Italy, France). 36 NORTIT AMERICAN 204. Epipsodea Butl., Cat. Satyr. Br. Mus. 80, pl. 2, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 65, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull, 243, 1875. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 775, 1875. Streck., Cat. 151, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Edw., But. 3. pl. 3, Erebia. 1890. Cockerell, Ent. News 1, 58, 1890. Lyman, Can. Ent. 28, 274, 1896.* rhodia Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe, 3, 273, 1871. Var. brucei Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 326, 1889. sine-ocellata Skinner, Can. Ent. 21, 21, 1889. Hab.—Col., N. Mex., Mont., Wash, Br. Am.; St. Michaels, Alaska. 205. Sofia Str.. Br. Bull. 3, 35, 1880. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. ethela Edw.. Can. Ent. 23, 31, 1891. Streck., Ent. News 3, 256, 1892. Hab.—Fort Churchill, Br. Am.; Col., Wyo. 206. Magdalena Str., Br. Bull. 3, 35, 1880. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Erebia, 1888." Hab.—Park County, Col., by Bruce, alt. 10,000 feet. GEIROCHEILUS Butler. 207. Tritonia Edw.. Tr. A. E. Soe. 5, 18, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 241, 1875. Streck., Cat. 148, 1878, Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Geir. 1889. Hab.—So. Ariz. NEOMINOIS Scud. 208. Ridingsii Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 4, 201, 1865. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 145, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 82, 1871. RHOPALOCERA. Str., Lep. pl. 4. f. 6, 2, 1873. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 774, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 241, 1875. Streck., Cat. 156, 1878. Edw., Cat. 47, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Neo. 1893. stretchii Edw. (Chion.), Tr. A. E. Soe, 3, 192, 1870. Hab.—Col., Nev., Mont., Utah, Wyo. 209. Dionysius Scud., Hayden Bull. 4, 254, 1878. Edw., Cat. 48, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 131. 1885. ashtaroth Str., Lep. 14, 129, 1878. Streck., Cat. 191, 1878. Hab.—Utah, Ariz., Col. SATYRUS Westwood. 210. Pegala Fab., Syst. Ent. 494, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins, 2, 76, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 38, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 230, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 524, 1823. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 398, 1850-52. Morris, Syn. 77. 1862. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc, Phil, 195, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 81, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 241, 1875. Streck., Cat. 158, 1878. Edw., Cat. 48, 1884. French, But. 242, 1885.* Scud., But. 3, 1779, 1889. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Sat. 1890. peguia Herbst, Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 208, 1796. alope ( Q ) Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 59, 1833. Hab.—Gulf States. 211. Alope Fab., Ent. 3, 1, 229, 1793. Herbst, Natursyst. 8, 296, 1796. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 524, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 228, 1833. Harris, Hitch, Rep. Geo. Min. ete. Mass. Ed. 1, 590, 1833. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 37 Dbl., List Lep. B. M. 1, 136, 1844. Dbl.-Hew., Lep. 2, 392, 1850-52. Emm.. Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 213, t. 33. 1854. Morris, Syn. 76, 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 305, f. 127, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 145, 1866. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 196, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 81, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 5, 1872. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2. 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 157, 1878. Edw., Cat. 48, 1884. French, But. 243, f. 71, 1885.* Seud., But. 1, 163, pl. 1, f. 2, 4, 6, 1889. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Sat. 1890 (var.). Mayn., But. 4, pl. 1, f. 4. 4a, 1886. Hab.—N. Y. to N. C.; N. Bruns. Var. texana Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 23, 1880. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2, Satyr. 1882. Edw., Cat. 48, 1834. Hab.—Texas. Var. maritima Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 23, 1880. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2, Satyr, 1882. Edw., Cat. 48, 1884. Hab.—Martha’s Vineyard, L. I., east N. J., Grand Manan Island, N. B. Var. nephele Kirby, Faun. Bor. Amer. 4, 297, 1837. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Linn. Lep. 2, 380, 1850-52. Emm., Agr. Hist. N. Y. 213, t. 33, 1854. Morris, Syn. 76, 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 306, f. 130, 1862. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 195, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 81, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 6, 1872. scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 157, 1878. Edw., Cat. 48, Iss. Mayn.. But. 5, pl. 1, f. 5. 5a, 1886. seud., But. 1, 171, pl. 11, f. 1, 1889.* olympus Edw., Can, Ent. 12, 31, 1880. Edw., But. 2. pl. 3 of Satyr. 1882. Edw, Cat. 48, 1884. ariane Bdl., Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me ser. x, 307, 1852. Morris, Syn. 77, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 145, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 81, 1371. Seud,, Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 157, 1878 (var. ariane). Edw., Cat. 19. 1884 (species ariane). Smith, Br. Bull. 6, 130, 1884. Hab.—Ont., Queb., Brit. Am., N. E., N. Y., Ill. to Cala. and Oreg. Var. boopis Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 164, 1864. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 196, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 81, 1871. Sead., Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 157, 1878. Edw., Cat. 48, 1884. Hab.—Cala. to Wash. Sub. var. incana Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 91, 1880. Hab.—Wash. Var. baroni Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 91, 1880. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884 (as species baroni). Smith, Br. Bull. 6, 133, 1884. Hab.—North. Cala. 212. Wheeleri Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 4, 343, 1873. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 773, t. 39, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1875. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 Sutyr. 1877. Streck., Cat. 158, 1878. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. hoffmani Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 31, t. 4, 2, 66, t. 8 4, 1873. Hab.— Apache, Ariz.; Owen’s Lake, So. Cala. ; So. Utah. 213. Gabbii Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Suc 3, 192, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 644, 1871. B8 NORTH AMERICAN Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1874. Streck., Cat. 157, 1878 (var. gabbii). Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. Smith, Br. Bull. 6, 131, 1884. Hab.—Oregon, Utah. 214. Meadii Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 4, 70, 1872. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 774, 1875. Send., Buff. Bull. 242, 1875. Streck.. Cat. 156, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 94, 1880. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Sat. 1891.* Hab.—Col., Mont., Utah, Ariz. 215. Paulus Edvw., Can. Ent. 11, 50, 1879. Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 54, 1880. Smith, Br. Bull. 6, 132, 1884. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev. 216. Charon Trans, Am. Ent. Soe. 4, 69, 1872. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 773, 1875.* Streck., Cat. 156, 1878. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. Edw., But. pl. 3 Sat. 1895.* Var. silvestris Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1861. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sei. 3, 163, 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 145, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 81, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 156, 1878. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 3, Sat. 1895. phocus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 5. 14, 1875. Hab.—N. W. Terr.; Br. Col. to Cala.; N. Mex. to Mont. 217. Oetus Bad., Lep. de la Cala. 63, 18692. Send. Buff. Bull. 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 156, 1878. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. RHOPALOC'ERA. silvestris Kirby, Cat. 81, 1871. Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 93, 1880. Hab.—North, Cala. 218. Sthenele Bdl., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me ser. x, 308, 1852. Morris, Syn. 77, 1862. Behr, Proe. Cal. Acad. Sei. 3, 161, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 81. 1871. Streck.. Lep. Rhop.-Het. 30. t. 4, 1873. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 242, 1875. Streck., Cat. 156, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 92, 1880. Edw., Cat. 49, 1884. Smith, Br. Bull. 6, 132, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 18, 88, 1886. Hab.--Cala. CHIONOBAS Boisduval. 219. Macounii Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 74, 1885. Fletcher, Ent. Am. 4, 15, 1888.* Fletcher, 19th Ann. Rep. Ent. Soc. Ont. 85, 1888. Edw., But. 3, pl. 10, Chion. 1893. Scud., But. 3, 1775, 1889.* Hab.—Nepigon and Morley, Alberta, Can. 220. Nevadensis Felder, Reis. Nov. Lep. 3, 89, pl. 69, f. 4, 5, 1867. Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 163, 1864. Butl., Cat. Satyr. B. M. 161, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 240, 1375. Streck., Cat. 154, 1878. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. Elwes-Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. Lond. 457, 1893. gigas Butl., Cat. Satyr. B. M. 161, t. 2, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Edw., But. 2, t. 1. Chion. f. 5, 6, 9, 1874. Edw., |. v. t. 2, Chion. f. 1, 2, 4. 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 240, 1875. Streck., Cat. 155, 1878. Mosch., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 44, 155, 1883. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 39 Edw., But. 3, pl. 11, Chion. 1895.* Edw., |. c. pl. 12, 1897 (var.). californica Bdl., Lep. Cal. 62, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Edw., But. 2, t. 2, Chion. f. 3-6, 1875. Streck., Cat. 155, 1878. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 12, Chion. 1897.* iduna Edw., But. 2, t. 1, Chion. f. 1-4, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 240, 1875. Streck., Cat. 155, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 143, 1879. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 12, Chion. 1897.* Edw., But. Suppl. 1897. Hab.—Vane. Is., Wash., Oreg., Cala. 221. Chryxus Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 383, t. 64, 1851. Edw., Proc, Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 82, 1863. Seud., 1. ¢. 5, 5, 1865. Reak., |. c. 6, 145, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 240, 1875. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 777, 1875. Putnam, Proc. Davenport Acad, Nat, Sci 1, 189, 1876. Streck., Cat. 154, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 29, 1882. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. Edw.. But. 3, pl. 1 Chion. 1891.* Edw., 1. cv. pl. 2 Chion. and var. 1892. Hab.—Utah, Col. to Br. Am., Rocky Mts. Var. calais Scud., 9, Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 5, 7, 1865. Streck., Cat. 154, 1878 (under taygete). Edw., Can. Ent, 15, 44, 1883. Edw., Cat. 50, 1084. Seud., But. 3, 1777. 1889. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Chion. 1892. Hab.—Rupert House, Hudson’s Bay: N. F’land. 222. Norma Thunb., Diss. Ins. Suec. 2, 36. t. 5, f. 11, 1791. Esp., Schmett. 1, 2, t. 108, f. 4, 1800. Hiib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f.'763-766, 1824- 1826, Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 518, 116, 1823. Moschl., Wien. Ent. Mon, 7, 189, n. 5, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Edw.. Can. Ent. 18, 16, 1886. Edw., But. pl. 8, Chion, 1894. Var. hilda Quens. Act. Holm. 1791, oie. te BF. 7B Var. celeeno Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 152, 153, 1793-94. Var. fulla Eversm., Mose. Bull. 1, 614, 1851. Herr.-Sch., Schmett. Eur. 1, f. 615, 616. 1851-56. bore Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 756 (1825 ?). Hab.— Arctic regions--Europe and Am. 223. Iwallda Mead, Can. Ent. 10, 196, 1878. Edw., But. 2, pl 4 of Chion. 1879. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. Hab.—Nev., east Cala. 224. Alberta Elwes, Tr. E. Soc. Lond. 467, 1893. Edw., But. 3, pl. 14, Chion. 1897.* Hab.—Calgary, N. W. T. 225. Varuna Edw.,, Can. Ent. 14, 2, 1882. Edw., 1. c. 14, 29, 1282. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 4, Chion. 1891. Edw., J. c. pl. 13, Chion. 1897.* Hab.—-Ariz., Dak., Calgary, Br. Am. 226. Uhleri Reak., Proc. Ent. Svc. Phil. 6, 143, 1866. Butl., Cat. Satyr. B. M. 163, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 28, t. 4, f. 5, 1873. : Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5. 776, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 240, 1875. Streck., Cat. 154, 1878. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. 40 NORTH AMERICAN Edw., But. 3, pl. 3, Chion. 1891.* Ckll., Can. Ent. 24, 101, 1892. Hab.--Rocky Mts., Col., Mont. 227. Tarpeia Pall., Reis. 1, 18, 1771. Esp., Schmett. 1, 2, 190, t. 83, 1783. Brk., Schmett. 1, 101, 1788, Ochs., Schmett. 1, 1, 203, 1807. Hib., Eur. Schmett. 1, f 779-782, 1824- 1826. Meigen, Eur. Scbmett. 1, 128, t. 30, 1829. Dup., Lep. 1, 207, t. 31, 1832. Herr.-Sch., Schmett. Eur. 1, 67, f. 61-: 64, 1843 44. Frr., Neu. Beit. 5, t. 427, 1845. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 7, 184, 1863. Butl., Cat. Satyr. B. M. 161, 1868. Ster., Cat. 27, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 2, 239, 1875. Streck., Cat. 155, 1878. Edw.. Can. Ent. 14, 120, 1882. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884, Lyman, Ent. News, 7. 172, 1896. tarpejus Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 32, 1787. Gmel., Syst. Nat. 1, 5, 2285, 498, 1788. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 214, 1793. Herbst. Natursyst. Ins. Schmett. 8, 210, t. 213, 1796. tarpeius, Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 519, 1823. celimene Cram., Pap. Ex. 4, t. 375, 1782. Kirby, Cat. 69, 1871. Hab.— Europe, Aretic Am. (There is considerable doubt as to this species having been found in N. A.) 228. Dauria Streck., Can. Ent. 26, 225, 1894. Hab.--Mt. Graham, Ariz. 229. Taygete Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 3, Nymph. 9, Oread. D. nubiliz 4, f. 1-4, 1816-24, Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 383, 1850-52. Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 57, 1862. RHOPALOCERA. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 7, 213, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 70, 1871. Streck., Cat. 153, 1878. Edw., Cat. 50, 1884. bootes Bdl., Icon. Hist. 191, t. 37, f. 4-6, 1832. Dup., Lep. 1, t. 32, f. 3-5, 1832. Ochs.-Treits.. Schmett. 10, 1, 32, 1834. Badl., Sp. Gen. 1, t. 13. f. 3, 1836. Hib., Eur, Schmett. 1, f. 1025-1028, 1841. H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, 69, t. 80, f. 391, 392, 1843-50. Lederer, Vers. Zool. Bot. Ver. 1852. Walleng., Skand. Dagf. 46, 1853. Morris, Syn. 72, 1862. Mosch., Stet. Ent. Zeit. 124, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 70, 1871. Hub.—Labrador, Alaska, Col. (?), Arctic Europe. 230. Jutta Hib., Eur. Schmett. f. 614, 615, 1800-23. Bal., Icones t. 38, f. 1-4. 1832. Dup., Lep. Sup. 1, t 40. f. 3-5, 1832. Zett., Ins. Lap. 902, 1840. H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, f.116 118, 1843, Dbl,-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 382, 1850- 1852. Wallengr., Skand. Dagf. 46, 1853. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 7, 201, 1863. Scud., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 5, 3, 1865. Pack., Guide 263, 1869. Mosch., Stet. Ent. Zeit. 122, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 68, 1871. Stgr., Cat. 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 241, 1875. Streck., Cat. 152, 1878. Edw., Cat. 51, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 75, 1884. French, But. 248, 1885.* Mayn., But. 2, pl. 3. f. 2, 2a. 1886. Seud.. But. 1, 149, pl. 14. f. 17, 1889.% Fyles, Can. Ent. 20, 31, 1888.* Fyles, 1. c. 21, 12, 1889.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 5, Chion. 1892.* balder Bdl., Icon. 1, 189, t. 39, f. 1-3, 1832. Bdl., Icon. du Reg. An. par. Guer. Ins, t. 80, f. 1, lu, 1829 44, HENRY SKINNER, M.D. Dup., Lep. 1. t. 49, f. 4, 5, 1832. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 216, 1833. Zett , Ins. Lap. 902, 6. 1840. H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, f. 384-386, 1843, Morris, Syn. 71, 1862. norna var. Ochs., Schmett. Eur. 1, 1, 202, 1807. Ochs., 1. v. 4, 134, 1816. Ochs., 1. c. 10, 31, 1834. balderi Hiib., Zutr. f. 981, 982, 1837. Hab.—Norway, Lapland, Sweden, N. Russia, Siberia, Me., Can.. Br. Am., Lab. 231. Semidea Say, Am. Ent. 3, t. 50, 1828. Morris, Syn. 80, 351. 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 304, f. 126, 1862. Send. Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist. 7, 621, t. 14, f. 2-8, 1863. Scud., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 5, 20, 1865. Pack., Guide 263, f. 190, 1869. Mosch.. Stet. Ent. Zeit. 123, 1870. Stgr., Cat. 27, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 70, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 240, 1875. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 776, 1875. Streck., Cat. 153, 1878. Edw., Cat. 51, 1884. French, But. 249, f. 72, 1885.* Mayn., But. 1, pl. 1, f. 1, 1a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 134, pl. 1, f. 9, 1889.* Edw., But. 3, pl. 9, Chion. 1894. Var. nigra Edw., But. 3, pl. 9, Chion. 1894,* Hah.—White Mts., N. H.; Col. 232. GEno Ba., Icones Hist. Lep. 1, 195, t. 39, f. 4-6. Dup., Hist. Lep. 1, t. 49, f. 1-3, 1832. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 220, 1833. H.-S.. Schmett. Eur. 1, 71, f. 59, 60, f. 123, 124, 1843-56. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 7, 211, 1863. Edw., Bull. 15, U. S. Nat. Mus. Edw., But. 3, pl. 7, Chion. 1893. Edw., |. c. pl. 13, Chion. 1897.* (6) 41 Var. assimilis Butl., Cat. Satyr. Brit. Mus. 163, pl. 2, f. 10, 1868. Edw., But. 3, pl. 7, Chion. 1892. Hab.—Labrador ; Col. 233, Peartize Edw., But. 3, pl. 14, Chiou. 1897. Hab.—Winter Cove, Victoria Land. Cambridge Bay, 234. Subhyalina Curtis, App. Ross’ 2nd Voy. 68, 1835. Kirby, Cat. 70, 1871. Edw., Cat. 1884. Elwes, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond, 457, 18933. taygete H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, 70, t. 24, f. 112-115. 1843. Lederer, Verz. Zool. Bot. Ver. 24, 1862. crambis Frey., Neu. Beit. 5, t. 440, f. 3, 4, 1845. Dbl.-Hew.. Gen. 1850-52. Mosch., Stet. Ent. Zeit. 123, 1870. Stgr., Cat. 27, 1871. Streck., Cat. 153, 1878. Edw., Cat. 51, 1884. Edw., But. pl. 3, Chion, 6, f. 1-4, 1892. Edw., l. ¢. pl. 7, Chion. 1892.* Edw.,, |. v. 1893." Diur. Lep. 2, 383, also Mosch., Wien. Ent. Monat. 7, 205, 1863. eno Seud., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 5, 13, 1865. Hab.—Arctic Am.; Labrador. 235. Brucei Edw., Can. Ent. 23, 33, 1891. Edw., But. 3, pl. 6, Chion. 1892.* Elwes, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond. 457. 1893. Hab.—Col.; Alberta. 236. Beanii Elwes, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond. 476, 1893. subhyalina Edw., But. 3, pl. 8, Chion 1x04. Hab.— Alberta; N. W. Terr. 42 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. LIBYTHEIN &. LIBYTHEA Fab. 237, Bachmani Kirtl., Sill. Jl. 2, 13, 336, 1852. Morris, Syn. 63, 1862. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 25, f. 1, 1868. Edw.. But. 2, pl. 1 of Liby. 1874.* Scud., Buff. Bull. 2, 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 105, 1878, Seud., Can. Ent. 13, 226, 1881.* Edw., Cat. 51, 1884. French, But. 250, 1885.* Mayn., But. 31, pl. 8, f. 36, 36a, 1886. Seud., But. 1, 760, pl. 4, f. 4, 1889.* Barber, Ent. News 6, 190, 1895.* motya var. a Kirby, Cat. 283, 1871. Hab.—Atl. States, Miss. Valley, Texas, Ariz., Ont. 238. Carinenta Cram., 2, 108, f. E, F, 1779. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 170, 1819. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 772, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull, 2, 269, 1875. Streck., Cat. 105, 1878. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 360, 1879. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884, Hab.—New Mex., Ariz., Mex., Cent. and South America. Var. larvata Str., Lep. pt. 14, 1878. Edw., Cat. 51, 1884 (syn. of carinenta), Hab.—Texas. ERYCINIDA. ERYCININ&. LEMONTIAS Westwood. 239. Mormo Feld., Wien. Ent. Monat. 3, 271. 1859. Morr., 104, 1862. Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 2, 303, pl. 37, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 324, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 103, 1876. Streck., Cat. 104, 1878. Edw., Cat. 51, 1884. dumeti Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 178, 1865. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 786, 1875. mormonia Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 52, 1869. = Ce Sar. Gat (gp AG Hab.—Cala,, Uta, Ariz., New Mex. 240. Duryi Edw., Pap. 2, 47, 1882. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884, Hab.—New Mex. 241. Cythera Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soe. 4, 345, 1873. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 786, t. 36, 1875. Send., Buff. Bull. 3, 103, 1876. Streck., Cat. 104, 1878 (under mormo). Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 467, 1879. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. 242. Wirgulti Bebr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 178, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 324, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 102, 1876. Streck., Cat. 104, 1878. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 303, 1879. sonorensis Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 2, 303, 1865. Hab.—So. Cala., Mex. 243. Nais Edw. (Chrysophanus), Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 291, 1876. Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 9. 7, 1882. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Lemon. 1883. Edw., Cat. 52, 1684. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 469, 1879. Hab.—Ariz., New Mex., Col., Mex. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 43 244. Palmerii Edw., Tr. Am. E. Soe. 3, 195, 1870. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Lemon. 1883. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 468, 1879. Hab.—Utah, Ariz., New Mex., Mex. 245. Zela Butl., Ann. Mag. N. H. 4, 364, 1870. Butl., Lep. Ex. t. 14, f. 7. 1869-74. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 445, 1879. ares Edw., Pap. 2, 136, 1882. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. Var. cleis Edw., Pap. 2, 137, 1882. Edw.. Cat. 52, 1884. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. CALEPHELIS Grote and Robinson. 246. Coenius Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. xii, 1, 2. 796, 1767. Grote and Rob., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 310, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 319, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 102, 1876. Streck., Cat. 104, 1878. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. French, But. 253, 1885. cerea Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 1, 1816. virginiensis Bdl., Griff. Cuv. An. King. pumila Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 131, t. 37, 1833. Morris, Syn. 104, 1862. Grote, Can, Ent. 5, 144, 1873. cereus Dbl., List Lep. B. M. 2, 16, 1847. Hab.—So. States; Va. to Texas. 247. Borealis Grote and Rob. Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 8, 351, 1866. Grote and Rob., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 310, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 319, 1871. Grote, Can. Ent. 5, 144, 1873. Scud., Butf. Bull. 3, 102, 1876. Streck., Cat. 105, 1878. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. French, But. 253, 1885. Send., But. 2, 788, pl. 6, f. 2, 1889. Hab.—N. Y. to Va.; Mich., Il. 248. Australis Edw., Field and Forest 3, 87, 1877. Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 430, 1879. Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. guadeloupe Str., Lep. pt. 14, 1878. Streck., Cat. 187, 1878. Hab.—So. Texas, Ariz., Mex. 249. Nemesis Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 212, 15, t. 58, 1832. 1871. Guer.. Icon. Reg. An. Ins. 489, t. 81, Edw., Cat. 52, 1884. 1844. Hab.—So. Cala. LYCANIDA. LYCANIN &. EUM AUS Hiibner. 250. Atala Poey, Cent. Lep. Cuba t. 2, 1832. Guerin, Icon. Reg. An. Ins, 489, 1844. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. t. 74, 1850- 1852. Kirby, Cat. 426, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 103, 1876. Streck., Cat. 103, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. French, But. 254, 1885. Send., Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 5 and 110, 1887. toxea Gray, Griff. An. King. 15, t. 43, 1832. Guerin, Icon. Reg. An. Ins. t. 80, 1844. Hab.—Fla., Cuba. 251. Minyas Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-16. Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 67, 1816. 44 NORTH AMERICAN Kirby, Cat. 426, 1871. Streck., Cat. 103, 1878. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 6, pl. 48, f. 1, 2, 3, 1887. toxea Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 826, 1823. Lue., Lep Ex. t. 79, 1835. godartii Boisd., Lep. Guat. 13. tocana Boisd., 1. ¢. Hab.—S. W. Tex., Mex., Cent.-Am., So. America. THECLA Fabricius. Grunus Bad., Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 289, 1852. Bd., Lep. de la Cala, 43, 1869. Hew.,, Ill. Diur. Lep. 67, Supp. 16, t. 6. Morris, Syn. 100, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 403, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 113, 1876. Streck., Cat. 86, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. Dyar, Can. Ent. 25, 94, 1893. Hab.—No. and So. Cala., Nev. #52. 253. Crysalus Edw., Tr. A. Soc. 4, 344, 1873. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 777, 1875. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. Var. citima H. Edw., Pap. 1, 53, 1881. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. Hab.—So. Cala., Ariz., Utah. 254. Halesus Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 98, 1779. Fab.. Ent. Syst. 3, 273, 1793. Hib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 80, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 626, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 83, t. 25, 1833. Morris, Syn. 91, 1862 Kirby, Cat. 383, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 777, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 112, 1876. Streck., Cat. 86, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884, French, But. 225, 1885.* RHOPALOCERA, H. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 162, 1887.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 18, 1887. Seud., But. 3, 1827, 1889.* dolichos Hib., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 219, 220, 1818. dolichus Hiib., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 80, 1816. juanita Seud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 435, 1868, Kirby, Cat. 383, 1871. Hab—Gulf St.; Ill, Nev., Cala. Ariz., N. Mex., Mex., Cent. Am. 255. M-albuan Bd.-Lec., 86, pl. 26, 1833.” Morr., 92, 1862. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 112, 1876. Streck., Cat. 86, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. French, But. 256, 1885.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 2. 40, 1887. Scud,, But. 3, 1824, 1889.* psyche Bd.-Lec., 88, pl. 27, 1833. Hab.—Gulf States; Va., Pa., N. J., Ohio, Wis., Mex., Cent. Am. 256. Telea Hew., Desc. Lyc. 4, n. 10. 1868. Hew., Ill. Diur. Lep. 143, pl. 57, f. 350, 351, 1862-78. Kirby, Cat. 401, 1871. Schaus, Ent. News, 9, 96, 1898, Hab.—Miami, Fla.; Mex., Cent. and 8. America. 257. Martialis H.-S., Corresp. Blatt. Regensb. 18, 164, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 398, 1871. Skinner, Ent. News 8, 123, 1897. Hab.—Biscayne Bay, Fla. (Mrs. Slosson) ; Cuba. 258. Hugon Godt., Enc. Meth. 9. 640, 1843. hugo Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. t. 74, f. 4, 1852. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878. Hab.—Fla., West Indies. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 45 259. Jada Hew., Ill. Diur. Lep. 87. pl. 34, f. 67, 68, 1862-78. Kirby, Cat. 385, 1871. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 35, pl. 52, f. 13, 14, 1887. Skinner, Ent. News 7, 319, 1896. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. 260. Favonius Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, 27, t 14, 1797. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 635, 1823. Dbl., List. Ins. B. M. 2, 31, 1847. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111, 1876. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. French, But. 257. 1885.* Pack., U.S. Ent. Bull. 13, 31, 1887.* Hab.—Guif States; S. Car. 261. Autolyeus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 3, 271, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111, 1876. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878 (and var. a.). Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. French, But. 258, 1885. Hab.—Texas, Mo., Kans. 262. Aleestis Edw.. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 271, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111, 1876. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. Hab.—Texas, Ariz. 263. Melinus Hiib., Zutr. Ex. Schnett. f. 121, 122, 1818; West., Gen. Diur. Lep. 486, 1852. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 778, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 107, 1876. Streck,, Cat. 86, 1878. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 92, 1887. Scud., But. 2, 850. pl. 6, f. 20, 1889.* hyperici Bal,-Lec., Lep. Am. Sep*. 90, t. 28, 1833. Morris, Syn. 94. 1862. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Ffavonius Bdl.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 95, t. 30, 1833." Morris, Syn. 95, 1862. humuli Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. Ist ed. 215, 1841. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. Edw., Cat. 53, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 179, 1885, French, But. 34, pl. 4, f. 42, 42a, 1886. pan Harris, Hitch. Rep. Geol. Min.. Mass. 590, 1833. silenus Db]., List. B. M. 2, 31, 1847. melinus var, pudica H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 6, 1876. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. Hab.—Vane.; Cala., Nev., Ariz. Mont., Mex., Cent. Am.; Atlantic States ; Miss. Valley. 264. Acadica Edw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci, Phil. 55, 1862. Edw., But. 1, t. 1, Thee. 1868. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 109, 1876. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. French, But. 260, 1885. Mayn., But. 34, pl. 6, f. 41, 41a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 889, pl. 6, f. 13, 1889.* souhegan Whitn., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. 12, 162, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 401, 1871. Hab.—Ont. ; Queb.; North. States: Iowa, Mont., Nev., Ariz. 265. Califormica Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 233, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 779, 1875. borus Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 43, 1869. cygnus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 207, 1871. Hab.—Nev., Cala. to Vane. Is. 266. Itys Edw., Pap. 2, 23, 1882. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. 46 267. Auretorum Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 288, 1852. Morris, Syn. 99, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. Hab.—Cala. 268. Dryope Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 9, 3, 19, %, 3, 93, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 400, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 109, 1876. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878 (under acadica). Hab.—Cala., Nev., Utah. 269. Sylvinus Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 287, 1852. Morris, Syn. 99, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5. 778, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 109, 1875. Streck., Cat. 89, 1878. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. Hab,—Cala. 270. Edwardsii Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 99, 1869. Gr.-Rob., Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 172, 1867. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 110, 1876. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. falacer Harr. (not Godt.), 276, 1862. calanus Gr.-Rob, (not Hiib.), 1. v. 1, 173, 1867. fabricii Kirby, Cat. 654, 1871. Hab.—Ont.; Queb.; Brit. Amer.: Me. to Neb., Col. 271. Wittfeldii Edw., Can. Ent, 15, 136, 1883. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884, French, But. 262, 1885. Hab.—Georgiana, Fla. 272. Calanus Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-1824. Hib., Ind. Ex. Lep. 2, 1821. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. DbL., List. Lep. B. M. 2, 30, 1847. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 110, 1876. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 28, 1882. Edw., Cat. 54, 1884. French, But. 263, f. 73, 1885.* Mayn., But. 33, pl. 14, f. 40, 40a, 1886. Scud., Psyche 5, 137, 1888. falacer Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 633, 1819. Bdl.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 92, t. 29, 1833.* Morris, Syn. 95, 1862. imorata Gr.-Rob., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 1, 323, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. Grote, Can. Ent. 19, 179, 1887. Var. lorata Gr.-Rob., Tr. Am. Ent. Soe, 1, 323, 1868 (West Va,). Scud., But. 3, 1823, 1889. Hab.—Atl. and West. St.; Tex., Col., N. Mex.; Ont.; Queb. 486, 273. Ontario Edw.,, Tr. A. E. Soe. 2, 209, 1868. Edw.. But. 1, 145, pl. 48. 1869. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Streck., Cat. 88. 1878. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111, 1876. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884, Scud., But. 2, 885, pl. 6, f. 15, 1889. Fletcher, Can. Ent. 27, 94, 1895. Hab.—Ont.; N. E. 274. Liparops Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 99, t. 31, 1833. Morris, Syn. 96. 1862. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111. 1876. Streck., Cat. 87, 1878. Scud., But. 2, 877, pl. 6, f. 11, 1889. strigosa Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 276, 1862. Morris, Syn. 101, 1862. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 99, 1869.# HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 47 Edw., But 1, t. 11, Thecla 1869. Kirby, Cat. 396, 1871. Fern., But. Me. 77, 1884. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Hab.— Atl. St., Miss. Valley, Mont., Col. ; Ont.; Queb. Putnami H. Edw.,, Pr. Cal. Ac. N, Sci. 6, 1876. Streck., Cat. 86, 1878. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Hab.—Spring Lake, Utah. 275, 276. Spadix H. Edw., Pap. 1, 53, 1881. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. ‘Hab.—So. Cala. 277. Tetra Behr, in Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 19, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 401, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111, 1876. Streck., Cat. 88, 1778. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Hab.—Cala. 278. Chaleis Behr, in Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 376, 1879. Kirby. Cat. 400. 1871. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878 (as sepium). Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Utah. 279. Seepium Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 288, 1852. Morr., 99, 1862. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 109, 1876. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 779, 1875. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Var. fulvescens H. Edw.. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, 1876. Hab.—Cala., Wash., Utah, Nev., Col. 280. Nelsonii Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 43, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 399, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3. 109, 1876. Streck.. Cat. 89, 1878. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Lembert, Ent. News, 6, 138, 1895. Var. exoleta H. Edw., Pap. 1,53, 1881. Var. muirii H. Edw., 1. c. 53, 1881. Hab.--Big Trees and Mendocino, Cala., Col. (Bruce). 281. Adenostomatis H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 6, 1876. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 111, 1876. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884, H. Edw., Proe. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 7. 144, 1878. Hab.—N. and §. Cala. 282. Tacita H. Edw., Pap. 1, 54, 1881. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Hab.—Mt. Shasta, Cala. ' 283. Spinetorum Bad., in Hew., III. pt. 3, f. 198, 199, 1867. Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 42, 1869. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 109, 1876. Streck., Cat. 89, 1878. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. ninus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 20, 1871. Hub.—N., Cala. to Wash., Col. 284. Blenina Hew., Dese. Lyc. 12, 29. 1868. Hew., Ill. Diur. Lep. 127, 201, t. 50, f. 256, 257, 1869. Aaron, Pap. 4, 179, 1885. siva Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 110, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 778, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 109, 1876. Streck., Cat. 89, 1878. Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. = Hab.—Vance., Ariz., Mex. 285. Castalis Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 203, 1871. Streck., Cat. 89, 1873 (as damon). Edw., Cat. 55, 1884. Hab.—Texas. ao = 48 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 286. Damon Cram., Pap. Ex. 4, t. 90, C, Dz 1782. Hew., Ill. Diur. Lep. t, 37, 1867. Harr., Hitch. Rep. 1st Ed. 590, 1833. Kirby, Cat. 387, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 108, 1876, Streck., Cat. 88, 1878. Scud., Psyche 5, 137, 1888. Scud., But. 2, 861, pl. 6, f. 17, 18, 1889.* gryneus Hiib.. Verz. Bek. Schmett. 74, 1816. - damastus Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 640, 1823. Morris, Syn. 100, 1862. smilacis Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am, Sept. 107, t. 33, 1833." Morris, Syn. 98, 1862. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. French, But. 268, 1885.* Mayn., But. 35, pl. 5, f. 48, 43a, 1886. auburniana Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg., Flint’s Ed. 277, 1862. Morris, Syn. 101, 1862. Var. discoidalis Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 156, 1897 (Round Mt., Tex.). Hab.—Atl. and West. St., Texas; Ont. 287. Simzethis Dru., [Il]. Ex. Ent. 1, t. 1, 1873. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 643, 1823. Godt., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1806-24. Kirby, Cat. 398, 1871. Streck., Cat. 89, 1878 (damon Streck. not Dru.). Biol. Cent.-Am. 1, 81, 1887. sarita Skinner, Ent. News 6, 112, 1895 (Comal Co., Tex.). lycus Hib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1816-41. Hab.--Tex., Mex., Cent. and S. Am. 288. Acis Dru., 1, pl. 1, 1773. Cram., 2. pl. 175, f. C, D, 1779. Morr., 101, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 398, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 108, 1876. Streck., Cat. 88, 1878. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. French, But. 268, 1885. Skinner, Ent. News 5, 180, 1894. mars Fab., Gen. Ins. 268, 1777. Fab., Ent. Syst. iii, 1, 265, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 635, 1823. Hiib., Samm. Ex. Suhmett. ii, 1806-24. Hab.—Key West. Fla.; Palm Beach and Biseayne Bay, Fla. (Mrs. Slosson). 289. Ceerops Fab. Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 270, 1893. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9. 636, 1819. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 485, 1850- 1852. Kirby, Cat. 386, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 108, 1876. Streck., Cat. 86, 1878. Seud., But. 3, 1821, 1889. peas Hib., Samm, Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806- 1824. Bd.-Lec., 111, pl. 35. 1833. Morr., 103, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. French, But. 270, 1885. Hab.—So. St., W. Va., Ky., Ind. 290. Columella Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 282, 1793. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 638, 1823. Send., Buff. Bull. iii, 107, 1876. Streck., Cat. 89, 1878. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. French, But. 271, 1885. Scnd., But. 3, 1820, 1889. eurytulus Hiib., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 2, 1806-24. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. modesta Mayn., Am. Nat. 7, 178, 1873. Morr., Buff. Bull. 1, 188, 1874. ocellifera Gro., Buff. Bull. 1, 78, 1873. istapa Reck., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 339, 1866. salona Hew., Ill. Diur. Lep. 159, pl. 63, 1874. Hab.—N. Y.. Fla., Tex., Mex.. Antilles; Brazil. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 49 291. Clytie Edw., Field and Forest 3, 88, H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. June. 1877. 1878. Edw., Pap. 2, 24, 1882. Streck., Cat. 91, 1878 (under augustus). Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 180, 1885 (says proh. = adria Hew.). 297. Fotis Str. Lep. pt. 14, 129, 1878. Streck., Cat. 186, 1878. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. 1. | 292. Leda Edw., Pap. 2, 23, 1882. Hab.—Ariz. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 90, 1887. Hab.—Br. Col. to Ariz., Vane. Hab.—San Antonio, Tex.; Ariz. 298. [rus Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 674, 1523. Ba.-Lec., 101, pl. 31, 1833. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. Morr., 97, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 399, 1871, 293. Imes Edw., Pap. 2, 25, 1882. Seud., Buff, Bull. 111, 104, 1876. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. Streck., Cat. 91, 1878. Pcs Edw., Cat. 57, 1884, Fern., But. Me. 80, 1884. 294, Behrii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 18, Se eae eo: Mayn., But. 37, pl. 5, f. 46, 46a, 1886. Send., Buff. Bull, 3 107, 1876, Scud., But. 2, 834, pl. 6, f. 19, 22, 1889. Streck., Cat. 90, 1878. iris Morris, Syn. 97, 1862. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. kali Str., Lep. pt. 14, 129. 1878. v. es e Graef, Br. Bull. 1, 91, 1881. ar. mossii H. Edw., Pap. 1, 54, 1881. Var. arsace Bd.-Lec., 103, pl. 32, 1833. Hab.——Cala., Nev., Col., Oreg. Hab.—Atl. and West. St., Vane. Isld. 299. Henriei Gr.-Rob., Tr. A. E. Suc. 1, 774, 1867. Streck., Cat. 91, 1878 (var. of trus). Edw., Pap. 1, 150, 1881. Edw., Am. Nat. 16, 123, 1882. Fern.. But. Me. 80, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. French, But. 273, 1885. 295. Augustus Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 298, pl. 3, f. 4, 5, 1837. Harr., 279, f. 108, 1862. Morr., 103, 1862. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 104. 1876. Streck., Cat. 91, 1878. Edw., Cat. 56, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 79, 1884. French, But. 272, 1885, Hab.—W. Va. Mayn., But. 36, pl. 5, f. 44, 44a, 1886. Send., But. 2, 842, pl. 6. f. 25, 1989,.* 900 Eryphon Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1, 10, 290, 1852. augustinus West., Gen. Diur. Lep. p. 468, Morr., Syn. 1862. 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 399, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 395, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 780, 1875. Hab.—Boreal Am., Ont., Queb., East. St. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 104, 1876. Streck., Cat. 90, 1878 (under niphon). 296. Iroides Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. 10,280, 1862, Hab.—Cala., Col. Morr., 100, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 3¥9, 1871. 301. Niphon Hib.. Zutr. Ex. Schmett. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 780, 1875. f. 203, 204, 1823. (7) 50 NORTH AMERICAN Fitch, 4th Rep. N. Y. Agr. Soe. 57, 1858.* Morr., 97, 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 278, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 399, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 104, 1876. Streck., Cat. 90, 1878. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 82, 1884.* Fletcher, Can. Ent. 16, 92, 1884.* French, But. 276, 1885.* Mayn., But. 36, pl. 5, f. 45. 45a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 829, pl. 6, f. 21, 23, 1889. Hab—Atl. and West. States, Col., Out., Queb., N. Sco. 302. Affinis Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 223, 1862. Streck., Cat. 91, 1878 (under dumeto- rum). Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Hab.—Utah. 303. Dumetorum Bad., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 291, 1852. Morr., 100, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 402, 1871. Seud., Baff. Bull. 105, 1876. Streck., Cat. 91, 1878. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Lembert, Ent. News 6, 137, 1895.* viridis Edw., Proc. A. N. Sci. Phil. 223, 1862. Hab.—Cala., Oreg., Nev., Col. 304. Apama Edw., Pap. 2, 137, 1882. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Hab.—Ariz. 305. Sheridanii Edw., Field and For- est 3, 48, 1877. Streck., Cat. 186, 1878. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Bruce, Ent. News 7, 15, 1896. Hab.—Mont., Colo. 306. Leeta Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 55, 1862. RHOPALOCERA. Edw., But. 1, 141, pl. 47, 1869, Kirby, Cat. 401, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 106, 1876. Streck., Cat. 90, 1878. Edw., Pap. 2, 8, 1883. Fern., But. Me. 83, 1884. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. French, But. 277, 1885. Mayn., But. 37, pl. 8, f. 47, 47a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 819, pl. 14, f. 6, 9, 1889.* Q elothilde Edw., Pr. E.S. Phil. 2, 15, 1863. Seud., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. 11, 377, 1868. Hab.—Me. to W. Va.; Atlantic City, N. J.; Ariz., Ont., Queb. 307. Titus Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 297, 1793. Godt., Ene, Meth. 9, 688, 1823. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur, Lep. 494, 1850- 1852. Kirby, Cat. 399, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 105, 1876. Streck., Cat. 90, 1878. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 84, 1884.* French, But. 278, 1885.* Mayn., But. 38, pl. 4, f. 48, 48a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 809, pl. 6, f. 24, 26, 1889. * mopsus Hiib., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 135, 136, 181s. Ba.-Lee., 109, pl. 34, 1833. Morr., 102, 1862. Harris, Ins, Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 278, 1862. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 779, 1875. Hab.—N. E. to Ariz.; Ont., Queb., Old Man’s River, Br. Am. FENISECA Grote. 308. Tarquinius Fab. Ent. Syst. 3, 319, 1793. Don., Ins. Ind. t. 44, 1800. Herbst, Natursyt. Ins. Schmett. 11, 376, 1804, Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 580, 1819. DblL.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 499, t. 77, 1850-52. Grote, Tr. Am. Ent. Soe. 2, 307, 1869. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 51 Kirby, Cat. 345, 1871. Seud.. Buff. Bull. 3, p. 29, 1876. Streck., Cat. 103, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 85, 1884. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. French, But. 279, 1885. Mayn., But. 42, pl. 5, f. 54, 54a 1886. Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 141, 1886.* Riley, Can. Ent. 18, 191, 1886.* Seud., But. 2, 1016. pl. 5, f. 8, 1886. Ent. News 7, pl. 8, 1896. cratzegi Bd.-Lec., 128, pl. 37, 1833. Morr., Syn. 85, 1862. porsenna Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 163, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 345, 1871. Hab,—Atl.St.; Miss. Valley, Ont., Queb., N. Sco. CHRYSOPHANUS Doubleday. 309. Arota Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 293, 1852. Morr., 86, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 343, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 27, 28, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 125, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Dyar, Can. Ent. 23, 204, 1891.* Hab.—Cala. 310. Virginiensis Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 21, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 345, 1871. Streck., Lep. pl. 10, f. 21, 22, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 125, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Hab.—-Cala., Nev., Col. 311. Hermes Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 21, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 345, 1871. Streck., Rhop.-Het. 91, 1874. Scud, Buff. Bull. 3, 125, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev. 312. Xanthoides Bad.. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr, 2, 10, 292, 1852. Bad., Lep de la Cala. 45, 1869. Morr., 86, 1862. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 12, 13, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 126, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Hy. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 162, 1887." Hab.—Cala. 313. Dione Scud., Tr. Chic. Ac. Sci. 1, 330, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 343, 1871. Streck., Lep.-Het. 92, 1874 (var. dione). Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 126, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. French, But. 280, 1885. Skinner, Can. Ent. 25, 22, 1893.* Hab.—Ia. to Kans., Neb., Mont. 314. Editha Mead, Can. Ent. 10, 19x, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Hab.—Lake Tahoe, Nev. 315. Gorgon Bd., Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 292. 1852. Morr., 86. 1862. Kirby, Cat. 343, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 17, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3. 126, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev. 316. Thoe Bdl., Gray Griff. An. King. t. 58, 1832. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 125, t. 38, 1833. Guér., Icon. Reg. An. t. 81, 1844. West.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2. 498, 1852. Morris, Syn. 84, 1862. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 57, 1869.* Kirby, Cat. 343, 1871. Streck., Lep., Rhop.-Het. 91, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 127, 1876. n2 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Streck., Cat., 101, 1878. Edw., Cat. 58, 1884. Bean, Can, Ent. 16, 68, 1884.* French, But. 281, 1885.* Mayn., But. 40, pl. 5. f. 51. 51a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 977, pl. 5, f. 12, 1889. Hab.—Me. to Neb., Ohio, Kans.. Colo., Ont., Queb. ‘ 317. Mariposa Reak., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 149, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 342. 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 25, 26, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 127, 1876. Streck., Cat. 101, 1878. Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. Lembert, Ent. News 6, 138, 1895.* nivalis Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 44, 1869. Hab.—Cala., Col., Mont., Br. Am. 318 Zeroe Bd., Lep. de la Cala, 45, 1869. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 127, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. ianthe Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 211, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 23, 24, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 781, 1875. Hab.—Cala., Col. 319. Helloides Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10. 291, 1852. Morr., 86, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 342, 1871. Str., Lep. 10, f. 19, 20, 1874. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 780, 1875.* Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 128, 1876. Streck., Cat. 102, 1878. Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. Lembert, Ent. News 6, 138, 1895.# Healy, Ent. News 6, 297, 1895.# castro Reak., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 148, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 342, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 781, 1875. Hub,—Mont. to Ariz., Oreg., Cala., Utah, lowa. Ill, Vane. 320. Florus Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 210, 1883. Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. Hab.—Garrett’s Ranch, Br. Am. (by Ged- des). 321. Doreas Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 299, pl. 4, 1837. Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 498, 1850- 1852. Morr., 90, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 343, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 128, 1876. Streck., Cat. 101, 1878 (under epixanthe). Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. Seud., But. 3, 1380, 1889. Hab.—Kodiak, Alaska; Brit. Am., So. Labr.; Mich. 322. Epixanthe Bd.-Lec., 127, pl. 38, 1833. Harr., 274, 1862. Morr., 85, 1862. Mosch., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 114, 1870. Stgr., Cat. Eur. Lep. 8, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 343, 1871. Streck., Lep.-Het. 90, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 128, 1876. Streck., Cat. 101, 1878. Edw., Cat 59, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 86, 1884. French, But. 282, 1885.* Mayn., But. 41, pl. 5, f. 53, 53a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 985, pl. 5, f. 5, 7, 1889.% Hab.—Br. Am., Ont., Queb., N. F’land, Me., N. E., Kans,, lowa, Neb. 323. Hypophleas Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 291, 1852. Morris, Syn. 84, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 344, 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 128, 1876. Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. French, But. 283, f. 75. 76, 1985.* Mayn., But. 4, pl. 5, f. 52, 52a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 998, pl. 5, f. 11, 1889.” phleas Bd.-Lec., 128, 1833. phleas var. americana D’ Urban, Can. Nat. 5, 246, 1857. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 53 americana Harr., 273, 1862. Morris, Syn. 81, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 344, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 9, 1874. Streck., Cat. 101, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 87, 1884.* Aber fasciata Str., Cat. 101. 1878. Var. fulliolus Hulst, Ent. Am. 2, 182, 1886. Hab.—North., Mid., West. St., Cala., Br. Am. to Pac., Ont., Queb., N. Sco. Var. feildeni McLachl., Linn. Soc. JI. pl. 14, 111, 1878. Hab.— Arctic, lat. 81° 45’, 324. Cupreus Edw., Trans. A. E. Soc. 3, 20, 1870. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1, of Chrys. 1874. Kirby, Cat. 345, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 92, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 125, 1876. Streck., Cat. 101, 1878. Edw., Cat. 59, 1884. Hab,—Shasta, Cala.: Oreg. 325. Snowi Edw., Trans. Kans. Ac. Sci. 7, 69, 1881. Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. Hab.—Col.; Laggan, Alberta. 326. Rubidus Behr, Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 208, 1866. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Chrys. 1874. Kirby, Cat, 345, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 92, 1874. Streck., Cat. 100, 1878. Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. rubida Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 126, 1876. Hab.—Oreg., Nev., Mont. 327. Sirius Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 270, 1871. Edw., But. 2. pl. 1 of Chrys. 1874. Str.. Lep. pl. 10, f. 29, 30. 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 781, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 126, 1876. Streck., Cat. 100, 1878. Edw.. Cat. 60, 1884, Hab.—Mont. to Ariz.; Ft. McCleod, Br. Am. LYCAENA Fabricius. 328. Fuliginosa Edw. (Lycena), Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. 164, 1861. Morr., 330, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 364, 1871. Streck.. Lep. Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874 (prob. not this species). Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 106, 1876. Edw., Cat. 57, 1884. Holland, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 6, 57, 1898. suasa Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 51, 1869. Hab.—Cala.; Lake Tahoe, Nev.; Utah. 329. Heterenea Bad., Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 298, 1852. Morr., 89, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 363, 1871. Edw.. But. 2, pl. 1 of Lyc. 1874. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 5, 6. 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 781, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 120, 1876. Streck., Cat. 100, 1878. Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Utah, Nev., Col. 330. Clara H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, 1877. Streck., Cat 100. 1878. Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. Hab.—S. Cala. 331. Lycea Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 507, 1864. Edw.. Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 3, 273, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 377, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 785. 1875.* Streck., Cat. 98, 1878 (under icarioides). Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. rupohe Reak., Proc. Eat. Soc. Phil. 6, 146, 1366, o+ NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Kirby, Cat. 377, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 85, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 119, 1876. Kirby, Cat. 377, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 87, t. 10, f. 14, 15, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 784, 1875. Hab.—Col., Nev., Mont., Ariz., N. Mex. Hab.—Cala. 334. Szepiolus Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 332. Fulla EJjw., Trans. Am, Ent. Soc. 2, 10, 297. 1852. 3, 194, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 653, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 118, 1876. Streck., Cat. 97, 1878. Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. Morris, Syn. 88, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 373, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 90, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 784, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 119, 1876. Streck., Cat. 98, 1878. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 784, 1878.* Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. wzhaja Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 280, 1867. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 121, 1876. achaja Kirby, Cat. 366, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874. rufescens Bdl., Lep. Cal. 48, 1869. fuliginosa Streck,, Lep. Rbop.-Het. 89, 1874, Hab.—Cala., Wash., Vane. 333. Iearioides Bdl., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 297. 1852. Morris, Syn. 78, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 336, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 87, 1874, 120, 1876. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 784, 1875. Scud., Buff, Bull. 3, 119, 1876. Streck., Cat. 98, 1878. ee Nev., Col., Mont., Br. Am., Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. pardalis Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Se. 3, 279, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 374, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 119, 1876. dzxdalus Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sc. 3, 280, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 366, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 90, 1874, Streck., Cat. 98, 1878. Edw., Cat. 60, 1884. erymus Bdl., Lep. Cal, 48, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 366, 1871. 335. Amica Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 5, 1863, Kirby, Cat. 376, 1871. Streck., Lep. Het. 85, 1874. Streck., Cat. 100, 1878. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. orbitulus Scud.. Buff. Bull. 3, 121, 1876. Hab.—Mackenzie River, Br. Am. 336. Pembina Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 224, 1862. ~ Kirby, Cat. 401, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874. Seud., Buff, Bull. 3. 119, 1876. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 86, 1874. : : P P Streck., Cat. 99, 1878. mintha Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 194, Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. 1870. Hab.--Slave Lake, Br. Am. Streck., Lep Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 119, 1876. mincha Kirby, Cat. 653, 1871. 337. Pheres Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 297, 1852. Morr., 89, 262. Kirby, Cat. 362, 1871. Streck., Lep. Het. 85, 1574. Var. maricopa Reak., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 245, 1866. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 55 Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 785, 1875. 342. Antiaeis Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 118, 1876. 10, 300, 1862. Streck., Cat. 97, 1878. Morr., 90, 1862. Scud., Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 4, 256, Kirby, Cat. 371, 1871. 1878. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 84, 1874. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5. 785, 1875. Var. evius Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 49, Scud., Can. Ent. 8, 22, 1876. 1869, Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 117, 1876. Kirby, Cat. 363, 1871. Streck., Cat. 96. 1878. Streck., Lep. Het. 89, 1874. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. Hab.—Cala. to Br. Col., Nev., Col. polyphemus Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 1869. 338. Phileros Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 50, Var. behrii Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil, 1869. 224, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 366, 1871. Var. mertila Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 87, 1874. 206, 1866. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 118, 1876. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 85, 1874. Streck., Cat. 97. 1878. Hab.—Cala., Nev., Ariz. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. helios Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 208. 1871. Aberr. orcus Edw., Tr, A. E. Soe. 2, Streck., Lep. Het. 89, 1874. 370) TEON. Hab.—Cala., Utah, Nev., Ariz. Hab.—Cala. 339. Ardea Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 209, 343. Couperii Grote, Buff. Bull. 1, 185, 1871. 1874. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 86, 1874. Seud., Can. Ent. 8, 22, 1876. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 118, 1876. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 117, 1876. Streck., Cat. 97, 1878. Streck., Cat. 96, 1878. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. Hab.—Nev. Send., But. 2, 952, pl. 14, f. 8, 10, 1889. 340. Kodiak Edw,, Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 20, pembina Str. (not Edw.), Lep. pl. 10, f. 10, 11, 1874. 1870. Kirby, Cat. 376, 1871. Hab.—Anticosti, So. Labr., N? F’land. cea meee ae ee afra Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 211, 1883. cud., Buff. Bull. 3, 120, . oe Streck., Cat. 98, 1878 (under icarioides). ee Ue Godless Brandon, B- Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. reread Hab.—Kodiak, Alaska. 344. Lygdamas Doubl. Entom. 209, 1842. 341. Kereces Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 296, 1852. Morr., 88, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 373, 1871. Streck., Lep. Het. 86, 1874. Seud., Can. Ent. 8, 21, 1876. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3. 117, 1876. Streck., Cat. 97, 1878. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. Hub.—San Francisco, Cala. Hab.—Mich., Wis. to Ga., W. Va. Edw., But. 1, 150, pl. 49, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 368, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rbop.-Het. 84, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 784, 1875. Scud., Can. Ent. 8, 23, 1876. Send., Buff. Bull. 3, 117, 1876. Streck., Cat. 96, 1878. Edw., Cat. 61, 1884. 56 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Western form oro Scud., Can. Ent. 8, 23, 1876. Hab.—Col., N. Mex., Cala. 345. Sagittigera Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 2, 281, t. 35, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 354, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 116, 1876. Streck., Cat. 96, 1878. Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. Biol., Cent.-Am. 2, 103, 1887. catalina Reak., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 244, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 376, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 86, 105, 120, t. 10, f. 1, 2, 1874-76. lorquinit Behr, Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. 3, 280, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 377, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 90, 1874, 120, 1876. rhea Bdl., Lep. Cal. 51, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 367, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874, 105, 1875. viaca Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 209, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874. -dwunia Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 3, 272, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 785, 1875. Hab.—Oreg., Cala., Nev., Col.. Mex. 346. Speciosa H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, 1876. Streck., Cat. 100, 1878. Hy. Edw., Pap. 1, 55, 1881. Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. Hab.—S. Cala. 347. Sonorensis Feld., Reise, Nov. Lep, 2, 201, pl. 35, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 354, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 105, 1875. Streck., Cat. 137, 1878. Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 103, 1887. Wright, Ent. Am. 4, 71, 1888.* regia Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 46. 1869. Kirby, Cat. 336, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Lye. 1874. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 87, 1874. Hab.—S. Cala., Mex. 348. Podarce Feld., Reise, Nov. Lep. 2. 282, pl. 35, 1865. Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. tehama Reak., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 246, 1866. cilla Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 251, 1867. nestos Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 50, 1869. orbitulus Str. (not De Prun., not Esp.); Lep. pl. 10, f. 16, 1874. Streck., Cat. 99, 1878. Hab.—Cala., Nev., Col. 349. Aquilo Bd., Icon. 62, pl. 12, f. 7, ~. 1833. Dup., Hist. Nat. Lep. Suppl. 1, 47, 6, 7. 1832. H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, f. 24, 25, 1843. Walleng., Skand. Dagf. 211, 1847. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 4, 343, 1860. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 86, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 120, 1876. Streck., Cat. 100, 1878. Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. McLach., Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond. J4, 111, 1878. franklinii Curt. App. Ross Exp. 69, pl. A. f. 8, 9, 1835. Hab.—Arc. Am., Labr. 350. Rustica Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 4, 203, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 377, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 783, 1875. Streck., Cat. 99, 1878 (under oabitulus). Hab.—Col., Br. Am. 351. Enoptes Bd., Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 298, 1852. Morr., 89, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 363, 1871. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 57 Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 89, 1874. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. Streck., Cat, 94, 1878. Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Wash., Ariz. 352. Glancon Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 210, 1871. Streck.. Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 782, 1875. Streck., Cat. 94, 1878 (under battoides). Edw., Cat. 62, 1884. «Hab.—Col. 353. Battoides Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N, Sci. 3, 282. 1867. Kirby, Cat. 360, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 87, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 782, 1875. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. Streck., Cat. 94, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev., Col. 354. Shasta Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 224, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 401, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 83, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 121, 1876. Streck., Cat. 94, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. zelmira Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 282, pl. 35, 1865. Kirby. Cat. 359, 1871. calchas Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 281, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 358, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 782, 1875. nivium Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 47, 1869. lupini Ba., 1. ¢. 46, 1869. minehaha Seud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 17, 88, 1875. Hab.—Cala. to Oreg., Utah, Nev., Mont., Col. 355. Melissa Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 346, 1873. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 8, 9, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 783, t. 36, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. Streck., Cat. 93, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Edw., Pap. 4, 91, 1884.* Hab.—Ariz., N. Mex., Col., Nev., Mont.. Kans, 356. Seudderii Edw., %, Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 164, 1861. Edw., 2.1. 6. 225, 1862. Morr:, 329, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 358, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 87, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. Streck., Cat. 94, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Scud., Psyche 5, 13, 1885. French, But. 283, 1883. Scud., But. 2, 964, pl. 6, f. 6, 7, 1889.* Seud., Psyche 5, 13, 1891.* Hab.—N. Y., Mich., Wis., Br. Col., Can. 357. Lotis Lint., 30th Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. 169, 1879. Lint., Ent. Cont. 4, 57, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Hab.—Mendocino, Cala. 358. Aemon Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. pl. 76, 1852. Morr., Cat. Lep. N. Am. 12, 1860. Kirby, Cat. 358, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 782, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. Streck., Cat. 93, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Biol, Cent.-Am. 2, 103, 1887. Lembert, Ent. News 6, 138, 1895. antegon Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 295, 1852. Morris, Cat. Lep. N. Am. 12, 1860, Syn. 87. 1862. Kirby, Cat. 358, 1871. Hab.—Cala. to Wash., Ariz. to Mont. 359. Aster Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 194, 1882. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Hab.—N. Fland. 58 NORTH AMERICAN 360. Amnmetta Mead mss., Edw., Pap. 2, 48, 1882. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. Hab.--Utah. 361. Anna Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 163, 1861. Morr., 329, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 329, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 4, 5, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 782, 1875. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. Streck., Cat. 93, 1878. Edw., Cat. 63, 1884. cajona Reak., Pr. E. Soe. Phil. 6, 147, 1866. argyrotoxus Behr., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 3, 281, 1867. philemon Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 47, 1869. Hab.—Cala. to Col., Oreg.. Mont., Belly River, Br. Am. (by Geddes). 362. pseudargiolus Ed.-Lec. (text, not plate), 118, 1833. Edw., But. 1, 153, pl. 50, 1869. Edw., Can. Ent. 10, 1, 131, 1878.* Edw., But. 2, pl. cit. f. 8, 9 Lc. pl. 3 of Lyc.* Edw., Pap, 3, 86, 1883. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 10, 1885. French, But. 286, 6, 78-80, 1885.% Seud., But. 2, 927, pl. 6, f. 1-8, 1889.* argiolus Abb.-Sm., pl. 15, 1797. Var. lucia Kirby, 4,, Faun. Bor. Amer. 4, 299, pl. 3, f. 8, 9, 1837. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Lye. f. 1, 2, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 89, 1884. Hab.—Alaska, Br. Ain. to Queb., Antic, N.E., N. Y., Col., Vane. Var. marginata Edw., Pap. 3, 86, 1883. Edw., But. 2 pl. cit. f.3, 4, 1884. Fern., 1. c. 88, 1884. Hab.—Ont., Queb. to Long Isld., Col. Var. violaces’ Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 201, 1866. Edw., Pap. 3, 86, et seq. 1883. RHOPALOCERA. Edw., But. 1, 149, pl. 49, 1868; 2, pl. cit. f. 5, 6, pl. 3 Lye. 1884." Fern, |. v. 88, 1884, Edw., But. 3, Suppl. 1897." Hab.—Alaska, Lake Winnipeg. Br. Am., Ont., Queb., Antici., N. E. to W. Va., Col. . Var. nigra Edw., But. 1, pl. 49, 1868; 2, pl. cit. f. 7. Hab.—W. Va., Col. Var. cinerea Edw., Pap. 3, 8, 1883. Edw., But. 2, pl. cit. f. 16, 17. Hab.—Pa. to Ga., Wis., Tenn. Var. arizonensis Edw., But. 2, pl, 2 eit. f. 18, 19. Hab.—Ariz. Var. neglecta Edw., Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Phil. 56, 1862. Edw., But. 1, 155, pl. 50, 1869. Edw., Can. Ent. 7, 81, 1875.* Lintn., Can. Ent. 7, 122, 1875. Edw., 1. ¢. 10, 1, 1878.¥ Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Lyc. f. 10 to 15, pl. 3, larva, ete. 1884. Fern., But. Me. 89, 1884.* Hab.—Ont., Queb., N. E. to W. Va., Mont., Nev. Var. piasus Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr, 2, 10, 299, 1852. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Lye. f. 20, %, pl. 3, f. 26, 27, %, 1884. Biol. Ceut.-Am. 2, 105. 1887. Wright, Can. Ent. 20, 97, 1888. Lembert, Ent. News 6, 138, 1895. Var. echo Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 506, 1864. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2 of Lye. f. 21, 9. Hab.—Cala., Ariz., Mex. Var. gozora Boisd., Lep. Guat. 17, 1870. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. Aber. intermedia Streck., Cat. 95, 1870. Hab.—Virginia. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 59 363. Amyntula Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 294, 1852. Morr., Syn. 87, 1862. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 7, 82. 1874. Seud.. Buff. Bull. 3, 144, 1876. Streck.. Cat. 92, 1878. Edvw., Cat. 64, 1884. Wright, Pap. 4, 126, 1884.* comyntas var. amyntuta Kirby, Cat. 356, 1871. Hab.—Cala., W. Terr., Ariz., Nev.. Cal- garry, Br, Am. 364. Comyntas Godt. Enc. Meth, 9, 660, 1823. Bd.-Lec., 120, pl. 36, 1833.* Morr., 83, 1862. Harris, Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 275, 1862. Kirby. Cat. 356, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 82, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 783, 1875. Send.. Buff. Bull. 3, 114, 1876. Edw., Can. Ent. 8, 202, 1876.* Streck., Cat. 92, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 91, 1884,* Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. French, But. 292, f, 81, 1885.* Mayn., But. 40, pl. 5, f, 50, 50a, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 108, 1887. Hab.— Atl. St. to Rocky Mts., Col.. Mex., Cent. Am. 365. Momiea Reak., Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. 244, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 356, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 10, f. 18, 1874. Streck., Cat. 116, 1878. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884, Hah.—So. Cala., Ariz. 366. Isola Reak., Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phil. 332, 1866. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 84, 1874. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 783, 1875. Scud.. Buff. Bull. 3, 123, 1876 Streck., Cat. 93. 1876. Aaron, Pap. 4, 180, 1884. Bio]. Cent.-Am. 2, 104, t. 58, f. 33-35, 1887. zacheina Butl.-Druce Cist. Ent. 1, 104. alce Edw., Tr, A. A. Soc. 3, 272, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 88, 1874. Edw.., Cat. 65, 1884, Hab.—Col., N. Mex., Ariz., Kans., Mex. 367. Gyas Edw., 1. c. 3, 210. 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 84, 1874. Streck., Cat. 93, 1878 (under isola). Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. 368. Cyna Edw.. 1. c. 9, 3, 1881. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884, Hab.—San Antonia, Texas. 369. Hanno Stoll, Suppl. Cram. t. 39, f. 2, 2 B. 1790. Hub., Sam. Exot. Schmett. 1, 1806- 1816. Kirby, Cat. 350, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 83, 1874. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 106, 1887. antihubastus Hub., Zutr. Exot. Schmett. 19, f. 99, 100, 1818. Dbidy.-Hew., Gin. Diur. Lep. 486, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 350, 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3, 123, 1876. Streck., Cat. 92, 1878. ~ hamo I.ucas., Sagra Hist. Nat. Cuba 7. 612, 1856. pseudoptiletes Bdl.-Lec. Lep. Am. Sept. 114, t. 35, 1833. astenida Bdl., Mss. Lue. Sagra Hist. Nat. Cuba 7, 613, 1856. filenns Poey, Cent. Lep. Cuba pl. 2, 1832. Bd.-Lece., 114, pl. 35, 1833. Bd.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 114, 1833. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 180, 1885. French, But. 295, 1885. Hab.—Gulf States, Mex., Antilles, Cent. aod Sth. Am. 60 370. Isophthalma Herr.-Sch., Corr.- Blatt. Zool. Min. Ges. Regensberg 16, 141. 1862. ; Herr.-Sch., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 73, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 350, 1871. Seud., Baff. Bull. 3, 123, 1876. Streck., Cat. 92, 1378. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. French, But. 295, 1885. psendofea Morr., Buff. Bull. 1, 186, 1784. Hab.—Fla., Ga. 371. Exilis Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. 2, 10, 294, 1852. Morr., 87, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 351. 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 83, 1874. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 124, 1876. Streck., Cat. 92, 1878. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. French, But. 295, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 109, t. 58, f. 30-32, 1887. exile Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 124, 1876. fea Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 211, 1871. Hab.—Cala., Ariz., N. Mex., Col, Texas, Fla., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am. 372. Ammon Luc., Sagr. Hist. Cuba 7, 612, pl. 16, 7, 7a, 1856. Kirby, Cat. 351. 1871. Scud., Buff. Bull. 3, 122, 1876. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Streck., Cat. 93, 1878. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. French, But. 295, 1885. Hab.—Indian River and So. Fla. 373. Marina Reak., Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. 87, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 351. 1871. Seud., Buff. Bull. 3. 124, 1876, Streck., Cat. 92, 1878. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 106, 1887. Hab.—So. Cala., So. Col., Ariz.. Mex., Cent.-Am. \ 374. Theonus Luc., Sagr. Hist. Cuba, 7, 611, pl. 16, f. 8, 82, b, 1856. Kirby, Cat. 351, 1871. Seud., Buff, Bull. 3, 124, 1876. Streck., Cat. 92, 1878. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. French, But. 298, 1895. cassius Morr., Buff. Bull. 1, 187, 1873. Hab.—Fia., Cuba. 375. Striata Edw., Field and Forest 3, 86, 1877. Streck., Cat. 186, 1878. Edw., Cat. 65, 1884. Hab.—San An. Tex., occasl. near Racine, Wis. (by Hoy). PAPILIONID. PIERINE. LEPTALIS Dalman. 376. Melite Linn., Syst. Nat. 1, 2, 775, 1767. Clerck, Icones t. 44, 1764. Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 153, 1779. Fab., Syst. Ent. 3. 160, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 165, 1819. Swains, Zool. Il]. 1, t. 22, 1820. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 422, 1836. Kirby, Cat. 436, 1871. Streck., Cat. 73, 1878. Hab.--New Mex; Mex. NEOPHASIA Bebr. 377. Menapia Feld., Wien. Ent. Monat. 3, 271, 1859. Feld., Rei. Nov. Lep. 181, pl. 25, 1865. Kirby. Cat. 450, 1871. Edw., But. 1, 27, pl. 8, 1871 Edw., Q 1. «. Supp. Not. 1872. Str., Lep. pl. 2, f. 4, 9 1873. Hy. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 5, 165, 1873.* Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 743, 1875. Streck., Cat. 74, 1878. . HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 61 Stretch, Pap. 2, 103, 1882.* Hag., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 22, 134. 1882. Edw., Cat. 15, 1884. Edw., But. 3, 1897. tau Scud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist, 3, 183, 1861. ninonia Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 38, 1869. Var. suffusa Stretch, Pap. 2, 110, pl. 2, 1882. Hab.—Cala., Oreg., W. Terr., Vane. Isld., Col. PIERIS Schrank. 378. Amaryllis Fab. Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 189, 1797. Don., Ins. Ind. pl. 28, 1800. Edw., Cat. 15, 1884. Lint., Pap. 4, 136, 1885. josephina Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 158, 1819. Bd., Spec. Gen. 1, 532, 1836, Hab.—So. Tex., Mex. 379. Ilaire Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 142, 1819. Poey. Cent. Lep. Cuba pl. 19, 1833. Bd., Spec. Gen. 1, 491, 1836. Van Duzee, Can. Ent. 21, 39, 1889. Var. neumoegeni Skinner, Ent. News 5, 110, 1894. Hab.—Indian Riv. Fla., Tex., Ariz. (by Morrison), N.Y., Antilles, Sth. Am, 380. Monuste Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 237, 1764. Linn., Syst. 1, 2, 760, 1767. Fab., Syst. Ent. 470, 1775. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 141, 1819. Riley, U. S. Agr. Rep. 117, pl. 10, 1843.* Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 495, 1836. Morr., 4, 1862. Kirby. Cat. 458, 1871. Streck., Cat. 78, 1878. Jones, Proc. Liverpool Soc. 37, 240, 1883. Edw., Cat. 15, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am., 2, 132, 1887. - wa monusta Cram., 2, pl. 141, f. F, 1779. cleomes Bd.-Lec., 43, pl. 16, 1883.* Hab.—Southn. St., Tex., Mex., Antilles, Cent. and Sth. Amer. 381. Beekerii Edw., But. 1, 30, pl 8, 1871. Edw., 1. ¢. 2, pl. 1 of Pieris 1883.* Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 745, 1875. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N.S. 7, 1876. Mead, Psyche, 2, 183, 1878.* Streck., Cat. 76, 1878 (under chloridice). Hag., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. 22, 139, 1882. Edw., Cat. 15, 1884. Hab.—Nev., Utah, Cala., Oreg., W. Terr., Col., Ariz. 382. Sisymbri Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 284, 1852. Kirby, Cat. 451, 1871. Mead, Psyche 2, 184, 1878.* Streck., Cat. 76, 1878. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Pieris 1883.* Hab.--Cala., Nev., Col., Ariz. 383. Nelsoni Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Pieris 1883. Edw., Cat. 16, 1884. Hab.—St. Michael’s, Alaska. 384. Occidentalis Reak., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 133. 1866. Kirby, Cat. 462, 1871. Mead, Psyche 2, 184, 1878. Streck., Cat. 76, 1878. Edw., Cat. 16, 1884. H. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 162, 1887.* Var. calyce Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 189, 1870. leucodice Bd., (not Eversm.) Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 284, 1852. Hab.— Rocky Mts. to Pac., Cala. to Oreg., Br. Am. 385. Pretodice Bd.-Lec., 42, pl.17, 1833. Riley, Sec. Mo. Ent. Rep. 104, 1870.* Kirby, Cat. 451, 1871. Saund., Can. Ent. 5, 42, 1873. 62 NORTH AMERICAN Streck., Cat. 76, 1878. Riley, U. S. Agr. Rep. pl. 10, 114, 1883.* Edw., Cat. 16, 1884. French, But. 107, f. 23-25, 1885.¥ Mayn., But. 48, pl. 5, f. 65, 65a, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 130, 1887. Scud., But. 2, 1163, pl. 7, f. 1, 2, 1889.* nasturtii Edw., (not Boisd.) Pr. E. Soe. hit Son, 1864. Var. vernalis Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 501, 1864. Edw., But. 1, 33, pl. 9, 1871. Bean, Can. Ent. 9, 201, 1877.* Hab.—Mid., South., Westn. St. to Pac., Br. Am. 386. Napi Linn., Faun. Suec. 27). 1761. Linn., Syst. Nat. 1, 2, 760, 1767. Seba, Rer. Nat. Thes. 4, t. 2, 1765. Esper, Schmett. 1, 1, t. 3, 1777. Hub., Eur. Schmett. 1, f. 406, 407, 1793-1827. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 161, 1819. Bdl., Sp, Gen. 1, 518, 1836. Stgr., Cat. 3, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 453, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. t. 8, 61, 1873. Streck., Cat. 74, 1878. Edw., Cal. 16, 1884. French, But. 110, 1885. Edw., Pap. 1, 95, 1881. Var. bryoniz Ochs., Eur. Schmett. 1, 2, 151, 1808. Edw., Pap. 1, 86, pl. 2, f. 4, 1881. Hab.— Alaska. Var. hulda Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 2, 370, 1869. Edw., Pap. 1, pl. 2, f. 5. Hab.--Kodiak, Alaska. Var. venosa Scud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 8, 182, 1861. Str.. Lep. pl. 8 f. 2, 3, 1874. Edw., Pap. 1, pl. 2. f. 6, 1881. Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. 4, 66, 1887. Hab.--Cala. to Br. Col. RHOPALOCERA. Aber. flava Edw., 1. c. 98, 1881. Hab.--Cala, Var. oleracea-hiemalis Harr., N. E. Farm. 8, 402, 1829. Harr., in Agas. L. Supr. 386, 1850.* Edw., 1. c. pl. 2, f. 8, 1881. Riley, U. 8. Agr. Rep. pl. 1, 108, 1883.* Var. borealis Gro., Buff. Bull. 1, 185, 1873. Edw., 1. c. pl. 2, f. 9, 1881. Hab.—WLabr., Antici. Var. frigida Scud., 1. c. 8, 181, 1861. Hab.--Boreal Am. Var. virginiensis Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3. 13. 1870. Edw., But. 1, 34. pl. 9, 1871. Edw., Pap. 1, 95, pl. 3, f. 17, 13, 1881. French, But. 111. 1885. Edw., But. 3, Suppl. 1897. Hab.—N. Y., Ont., W. Va. Var. acadica Edw., Pap. 1, 87. pl. 3, f. 10, 11, 1881. Hab.--N. F'land. Var. pailida Scud., 1. ¢c. 183, 1861. Str., Lep. 8, f. 5, 9. Edw., 1. c. pl. 3, f. 12, 13. nasturtii Bd., Lep. de la Cala, 38, 1869. Hab.--Cala. to Br. Col, Var. castoria Reak., $, Pr. A. N. Sci. Phil. 31, 1866. Str., Lep. 8, f. 4, 1874. Edw., 1. e. pl. 3, f. 14, 1881. resede Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 39, ‘1869. Hab.--Cala, to Br. Col. Var. oleracea-estiva Harr., in Agas. L. Supr. 386, pl. 7, f. 1, 9, 1850. Harr., las. Mass, 270, f. 99, Edw., 1. c. pl. 3, f. 15, 16, Fern., But. Me. 25, 1884.* Mayn., But. 47, pl. 6, f. 64, 64a, 1886. Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. 4, 65, 1887. Seud., But. 2, 1191, pl. 7, f. 3, 1889.7 HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 63 casta Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, pl. 3, f. 1, 1837. cruciferarum Bd., Sp.Gen. 1, 519, % 1836. Hab.--N. E. to Mich., Ont., Queb. Var. immaculata Skinner and Aaron, Can. Ent. 21, 128, 1889. Cockerell, Ent. 99, 1889. Hab.—Can., Br. Am. to Pacific, N. E. to Cala., Europe. 387. Ochsenheimeri Staud., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 199, 1886. Romanoff., Mem. Sur. les. Lep. 4, 220, pl. 14, f. 1, u, 8, 1890. Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 156, 1897. Hab.—Asia, Alaska. 388. Rapae Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. 10, 1, 468, 1758. Linn., Faun. Suec. 270, 1761. Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, 759, 1767. Esper, Schmett. 1, t. 3, 1777. Hub., Eur. Sch. 1, 404, 405, 1798. Ochs., 1, 2, 146, 1808. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 161, 1819. Badl., Sp. Gen. 1, 520, 1836. Duncan, Nat. Lib. 3, 117, t. 7, 1835. Berge, Schmett. 94, t. 30, 1842. Stgr., Cat. 3, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 454, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 63, t, 8, 1873. Streck., Cat. 75, 1878, Edw., Cat. 18, 1884. French, But. 114, f. 28-30, 1885.* Scud., But. 2, 1205, pl. 7, f. 10, 11, 1889.* Mayn., But. 47, pl. 5, f, 62, 63a, 1886. marginalis Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 8, 183, 1861. Morris, Syn. 321, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 454, 1871. Edw., Syn. N. Am. Lep. 5, 1872. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 63, t, 8, 1873. Edw., Cat. 18, 1884 (var. marginalis). yreka Reak., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 238, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 455, 1871. Edw., Syn. Lep. N. Am. 4, 1872. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 63, t. 8. 1873. Edw., Cat. 18, 1884 (var. yreka). resede Bdl. Lep. de la Cala, 39, 1869. Var. nov.-anglize Scud., Can. Ent. 4, 79, 1872. Scud., But. 2, pl. 7, f. 11, 1889. NATHALIS Boisduval. 389. Tole Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 589, 1836. Morris, Syn, 22, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent Soc. Phil. 6, 134, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 504, 1871. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 747, 1875. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci, vii, 1876. Streck., Cat. 78. 1878. Edw., Cat. 18, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1842, 1889. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 172, t. 64, f. 15-18, 1889. irene Fitch, Tr. N. Y. St. Ag. Soc. 485, 1856. felicia Poey, Mem. Cuba 1, 443, t. 18, 1851. luteolus Reck., Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil. 2, 350, 1863. Kirby, Cut. 504, 1871. Hab.—Iil., Mo. to Cala., N. Mex., Ariz., Tex., Mex., Cent. Am. Antilles. ANTHOCHARIS Boisduval. 390. Lanceolata Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 284, 1852. Lue., Rev. Zoo. 338, 1852. Morr., 4, 1862. Seud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 12, 406, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 509, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 49, t. 6, 1873. Hy. Edw., Proe. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. vii, 168, 1876. Mead, Phsche 2, 183, 1878.* Streck., Cat. 77. 1878. Edw., Cat. 18, 1884. Edw., But. pl. 1, Anth. 1888.* Lembert. Ent. News 6, 138, 1895.* edwardsii Behr., Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 304, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 508, 1871. Hab.—Or., Cala., Nev., Ariz. 64 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 391. Creusa Doubl.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. pl. 7. 1847. Kirby, Cat. 506, 1871. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci, vii, 168, 1876. Streck., Cat. 77, 1878. Edw., Cat. 18, 1884. Hab.—So. Cala., Ariz., Utah. 392. Olympia Edw., Tr. Am. Eet. Soc. 3. 266, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Anth. 1874. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 64, t, 8, %, 1874. Hy. Edw., Cal. Ac. N. Sci. vii, 1876. Streck., Cat. 78, 1878. Edw., Cat. 18, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1844, 1889 Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Anth. 1889. Edw., But. 3, Supp. 1897.* Hab.—W. Va., Ind., Neb., Col., Minn., Summit, N. W. T. Var. rosa Edw., Pap. 2, 45, 1882. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Anth. 1889, Hab.—West Texas. 393. Ausonides Bd., Ann., Soe. Ent. Fr, 2. 19, 286, 1852. Lucas, Rev. Zool. 340, 1852. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil. 2, 81, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 506, 1871. H. Edw., Proce. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 1874. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Auth. 1874, Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 1, 747, 1875.* Streck., Cat. 77, 1878 (var ausonides). Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. Edw., But. Supp. 1897. coloradensis H. Edw., Pap. 1, 1881. Hab.—Col. to Cala., Ariz., Br. Am., Alaska, Vane. Isld. Var. hyantis Edw., Tr A. E. Soe. 3, 205, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 1878. Mead, Psyche 2, 183. 1878.* Streck., Cat. 77, 1878 (under creusa). Edw., Cat. 18, 1884. Hub.—Col., Cala., Ariz. 394, Cethura Feld., Reise Nov. Lep, 2, 182, pl. 25, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 508, 1871. Streck., Cat. 78, 1878. Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. cooperit Behr., Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 304, 1869, Edw., But. 1, 38, pl. 10, 1870. augelina Bd., Lep. de la Cala. 40, 1869, Hab.—Or., Cala., Ariz., Utah. Var. morrisoni Edw., Pap. 1, 143, 1881. Hab.—Kern River, Cala, 395. Sara Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 285, 1852. Lucas, Rev. Zool. 21, 1852. Morris, Syn. 21, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 508, 1871. Edw., But. 1, 39, pl. 11, 1871. Streck.. Cat. 77, 1878. Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. Hy. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 7, 169, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 52, 1892.* Lembert, Ent. News 6, 137, 1895, Edw., But. Supp. 1897.* thoosa Scud., 9 Hayden Bull. 4, 257, 1878. Edw., %, 9, Can. Ent. 11, 37, 1879. Streck., Cat. 184, 1878. Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. flora Wright, Can. Ent. 24, 154, 1892. Var. reakerlii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 2, 369, 1869. Edw.. But. 1, 37, pl. 10, 1870. Edw., Can, Ent. 24, 52, 1892.* Lembert, Ent. News 6, 137, 1895.* Edw., But. Supp. 1897. stella Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 87, 1879. Hab.—Vane., Wash., Cala., Oreg. Var. juha Edw., Tr, A. E. Soe, 4, 61, 1872. Edw., But. pl. 2 of Anth. 1878, Str.. Lep. ‘pl. 6, f. 6, 7, 1873. Str., Cat. 78, 1878. Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. Hab.—Col., N. Mex., Ariz., Mont., Utah. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 396. Pima Edw., Can. Ent. 158, 1888. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Anth, 1889, Hab.—Ariz. 397. Genutia Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 193, 1793. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 565, 1836. Morris, Syn. 20. 1862. Kirby, Cat. 508, 1871. Streck., Cat. 77, 1878. Edw.. 1. v. 2, pl. 2 of Anth. 1878. Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. French, But. 118, 1885. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Auth. 1888.* Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 109, 1892.* Seud., But. 2, 1147, pl. 15, f. 13, 15, 1889.* midea Hub., Ex. Schmett. 1806, 1816. Hab.—Conn., N. Y. to Va., West. St., Texas. CATOPSILIA Hubner. 398. Eubule Linn., Syst. Nat. 2, 743, 1766. Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, 120. 1779. Sm.-Abb., pl. 5, 1797." Bd.-Lec., 74, pl. 24, 1833.* Morris, Syn. 1862. Kirby, Cat. 482, 1871. Butl., Lep. Ex. 58, pl. 22, 1874. Streck., Cat. 79, 1878. Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 9, 12, 1881. Edw., Cat. 19, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 172, 1885. French, But. 119, 1886. Mayn., But. 43, pl. 4, f. 55, 55a, 1886. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 141, 1887. Scud., But. 2, 1053, pl. 15, f. 14, 16, 1889.* senne Linn., Syst. Nat. 1, 2, 764, 1769. Butl., Lep. Ex. 59, pl. 23, 1874. Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. 9, 11, 1881. Aaron, Pap. 4, 172, 1884. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1831, 1889.* drya Fabr., Syst. Ent. 478, 1775. marcellina Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, 163, 1779. (9) Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 92, 1819. Don., Nat. Rep. 1, t. 6, 1823. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 615. 1836. Bates, Jn. Ent. 1, 238, 1861. Morris, Syn. 26, 1862. Hab.—N. Y., R. I. to Fla., Iowa, Ohio to So. Cala. Ariz., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am., Antilles. 399. Statira Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t, 120, Cc. D. 1779. Swains, Zool. Ill. 1, t. 5, 1820-21. Kirby, Cat. 485, 1871. Dyar, Ent..News 1, 105, 1890. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 147, 1889. fabia Fabr., Ent. Syst. Supp. 426, 1798. evadne Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 98, 28, 1819. Boisd., Sp. Gen. 1, 628, 22, 1836. alemeone Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 143, E 1779. Hab.—Fla., Antilles, Cent. and Sth Am. 400. Neleis var floridensis Neum., Can. Ent. 23, 122, 1891. Hab.—Indian River, Florida. 2 401. Philea Linn., Syst. Nat. 1776. Butl., 1. c. 02, pl. 35, 1874. Edw., 1. c. 9, 13, 1881. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. Jones, Proc, Liverpool Soe. 37, 40, pl. 4, f. 9, 1883.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 140, 1887. Hy. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 162, 1887." Hab.—Tex., Wis.. Ill., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am. 764, 402. Agarithe Bad., Sp. Gen. 1, 623, 1836. Butl., 1. v. 121, pl. 45, 1874. Edw., 1. ¢. 9, 13, 1881. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. Gund., Pap. 1, 112, 1881. Lint., Pap. 4, 137, 1885. Aaron, Pap. 4, 174, 1885. Lint., Pap. 4, 137, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 145, 1889. 66 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Var. maxima Neum., Can. Ent. 23, 122, 1891. 4 Hab. Indian River, Fla. Hab.—Fla., Tex., Kans., Ariz., Neb., 8. Ill., Mex., Cent. and Lth Am., Antilles. 403. Argante Fabr., Sys. Ent, 470, 1775. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 1, 189, 1793. Hub., Sam. Ex. Schmett. 1806-1816. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 92, 1819. Swains. Zool. Ill. 1, t. 52, 1820-21. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 622, 1836. Lucas, Lep. Ex. 81, t. 40, 1835. Kirby, Cat. 484, 1871. Butl., Lep. Ex. 119, t, 44, 1872. Streck., Cat. 78, 1878. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 144, 1887. hersilia Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, 173, 1779. Herbst, Nat. Schmett. 5, 192, t. 110, 111, 1792. Butl., Lep. Exot. 106, t. 39, 1872. cypris Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 99, 1779. Hub., Sam. Ex. Schmett. 1806-1816. pallideflavus Geoze, Ent. Beyt. 3, 1, 185, 1779. larra Fabr., Ent, Syst. 428, 1798. Godt., Ene. Meth., 9, 94, 1819. volcanica Perry, Arcana 1811. cnidia Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 93, 1819. auntha Sepp, Surin. Vlind. 2, 75, 1848 Hab.—Fla., Tex., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am,, Antilles. KRICOGONIA Reakirt. 404, Lyside Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 98, 1819. Figured in Hub., Zutr. Exot. Schmett. 843, 844, 1818. Men. Nouv. Mem. Soc, Nat Mose. 3, 119, 1834. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 603, 1836. Morris, Syn. 24, 1862. Dbldy., Hew. Gen. Siur. Lep. 1, 71, 1347. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 356, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 487, 1871. Streck., Cat. 79, 1878. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. French, But. 126, 1885. Aaron, Pap. 4, 174, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 150, 1889. Var. terissa Luc., Rev. Zool, 429, 1852, Kirby, Cat. 487, 1871. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. Lint., Pap. 4, 138, 1885. Aaron, Pap. 4, 174, 1885. French, But. 127, 1885. lyside Hubn. Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 847 848, 1837. Hab.—Tex., Fla., Mex., Cent. Am., Sth. Am., Antilles. 405. Fantasia Butl., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 170, pl. 7, f. 6, 1871. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. Lint., Pap. 4, 138, 1885. Aaron, Pap. 4, 174, 1885. Hab.--Texas. 406. Lanice Lint., Pap. 4, 138, 1885. Edw., Cat. 20. 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 174. 1885. Hab.—Rio Grande, Tex. 407. Unicolor Godam.-Sal., Biol. Cent.- Am. 2, 151, 1889. Skinner, Ent. News 6, 112, 1895. Hab.—Comal Co., Tex.; Mex. Nors.—I believe the names listed under Kricogonia will eventually prove to be but varieties of a single species COLIAS Fabricius. 408. Eurydice Bd., Ann. Soe. Ent Fr 3. 82, 1855. Edw., But. 1, 53, pl. 16, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 490, 1871. Hy. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei., 6, 1876.* Streck., Cat. 80, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 224, 1883. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 67 Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 109, 1885.* Edw.. But. 3, pl. 1, Colias 1887.* Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 175, 1883. Edw., Cat. 21, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 21, 41, 1839. Edw., But. 3, Supp. 1897.* Hab.—Col., Mont., N. Mex., N. W. Terr. wosnesenski Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. 1, 77, pl. 1, 1855, Morris, Syn. 32, 1862. Q rhodoceri lorguini Bd., 1. c. 3, 52, 1855. 411. Ellis Streck., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. helena Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 358, Phil. 24, 1885. 1863. Streck., Ent. Am. 1, 55, 1885. Kirby. Cat, 489, 1863. Bean, Psyche 7, 1895. Edw., But. 3, Supp. 1897.* Var: amorphe Hy. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, 1876. Hab.—Brit. Col., Alberta. Hay, Bale hh te Coles ee, 412, Heela Lef, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 5, 383, pl. 8, 1836. Kirby, Man. Eur. But. 17, 1862. Ster., Cat. 6, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 492, 1871. Streck.. Cat. 83, 1878. Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 32, 176, 1883. Edw., Cat. 21, 1884. Schilde, Ent. Nachr. 10, 335, 1884. Var. bernardino Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Colias 1887. Hab.—Cala., Ariz., Oreg. 409. Czesonia Stoll, Supp. Cram. pl. 41, f, 2, 26, 1790. Hub., Sam. Ex. Schmett. 1806-24. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 98, 1819. Bd.-Lec., 67, pl. 22, 1833.* Lucas, Pap. Ex. 79, t. 39, 1835. Bad., Sp. Gen. 1, 635, 1836. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. 74, 1847. Morr., 27, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 358, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 489, 1871. H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. 1874. Streck., Cat. 80, 1878. Edw., Cat. 20, 1884. French, But. 127, f. 32, 1885. Kdw., Can. Ent. 20, 21, 1888.* Seud., But. 3, 1836, 1889.* Var. glacialis McLach., Jour, Linn. Soc. 14, 108, 1878. Var. hela Streck., Br. Bull. 3, 33, 1880. Var. pallida Skinner and Men., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phil. 156, 1892. Skinner, Ent. News 3, 49, f. 4, 1892. Bean, Psyche 7, 219. 1895. Skinner, Psyche 7, 224, 1895. Hob.—Arctic America and Europe. 413. Boothii Curt.. App. Ross Exp, 65, pl. A, f. 3-5, 1835. Herr.-Sch., Schmett. Eur. 1, f. 39, 40, 1843. Gn., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 198, 1864. Stgr., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 47, 1866. Stgr., Cat. Eur. Lep. 5, 1871. \ Kirby, Cat. 493, 1871. Streck., Cat. 84, 1878. Edw., Cat. 21, 1884. caroliniana Petiv., Gazoph. 2, t. 7, 1702. Var. rosea McNeill, Can. Ent. 21, 43, 1889. Hab.—Miss. Valley, Texas to Cala., Ontario, Minn., Missouri, Mex., Cent, and Sth. Am., Antilles. 410. Meadii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 267, 1871. Edw., But. 1, 60, pl. 19, 1872. Mead., Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 750, 1875. Streck., Cat. 83, 1878. Var. chione Curt., l.c. pl. A, f. 6, 1835. Geddes, Can. Ent, 21, 59, 1889. Hab.—Boothia-Felix. 68 NORTH: AMERICAN 414. Eurytheme Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 286, 1852. Morris, Syn. 29, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent, Soc. Phil. 2, 136, 1866. Edw., But. 1, t. 3, Col. 1869. Kirby, Cat. 493, 1871. Hy. Edw., Proc. Cal. Acad. Se. 5, 162, 1873. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 748, 1875. Streck., Cat. 83, 1878 (under chryso- theme Esp.). Edw., But. 2, pl. 4, Col. 1878.* Boll, Deuts. Entom. Zeitz. 24, 249, 1880. Sprague, Can, Ent. 100, 1880. Edw.. Pap. 3, 182, 1883. Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 173, 1883. Edw., Cat. 21, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 174, 1885. French, But. 128, 1885.* Scud., But. 2, 1126, pl. 15, f. 4. 7, 1889.* Biol, Cent.-Am. 2, 151, 1889 (under chrysotheme Esp.). amphidusa Bdl., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 286, 1852. edusa var. californiana Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 1, 80, 1855. Hab.—-Br. Am., Mid. South and Westn. States, Mex. Var. ariadne Edw., Tr. Am. Ent. Soe. 3, 12, 1870. Kirby, Cat 494, 1871. Edw.. But. 2, pl. 4, Colias 1878. Var. keewaydin Edw.. But. 1, 49, pl. 15, 1869. Edw., But. 2, pl. 4, Colias 1878. Var. entist 217, 1887, Var. intermedia Cockerell, West Am. Scientist 42, 1888. Var. autumnalis Cockerell, West Am. Scientist 42, 1888. Var. eriphyle Edw., Trans. Am. Ent Soc. 5, 202, 1876. Streck , Cat. 83, 1878 (var. of philodice). pallida Cockerell, West Am. Sci-- RHOPALOCERA. Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 169, 1883. Edw., Can. Cat. 22, 169, 1883. Edw., Cat. 22, 1884. hagenii Edw., Pap. 3, 163, 1883.* Edw. Cat. 21, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 19, 170, 1887.* Edw., Can. Eut. 19, 218, 1887. Hab.—Br. Col., Brit. Am., Lake Sup. Col., Mont., Utah. 415. Philodice Godt., Enc. Meth, 9. 100, 1819, Swains., Zool. Ill. 2, 2, t. 60, 1831. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 64, t. 21. 1833. Bal., Sp. Gen. 1, 647, 1836. Lucas, Lep. Ex. 78, t. 39, 1835, Harris, Ins. Inj Veg. 272, f. 100, 102, 1862. Morris, Syn. 29, 1862. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 4, 218, 1865. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 54, 1869. Riley, 2nd. Mo. Ent. Rep. 116, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 494, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 748, 1875. Edw., But. 2, t. 2, 3, Colias 1876. Streck., Cat. 82, 1878. Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 167, 174, 1883. Edw., Cat. 21, 1884. French, But. 133, 1885.* Scud., But. 2, 1111, pl. 7, f. 6, 8, 9, 1889.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 152, 1889. Scud., Psyche 3, 69, 1892.* paleno Cram., Pap, Exot. 1, t. 14, 1774. europome Steph., Ill. Brit. Ent. Haush. 1, 10, t. 1, 1828. Swains., Zool Ill. 2, 2, t. 70, 1831. Humph., West. Brit. But. 17, t. 3, 1848. chrysotheme, nastes et santes Fitch. Rep. N.Y.State Agric. Soc. 8, 378, 1854. Var. anthyale Hub., Zutr. Schmett. f. 307, 308, 1423. Exot. Var. albinic Edw., But. 2, t. 2, Colias 1876. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 69 Ehrman, Ent. News 1, 93, (4) id. 130, 1890. pallidice Scud., But. 2, 1115, 1889. Var. melanic Edw., But. pl. 3, Colias 1876. nigridice Scud., But. 2, 1114, 1889. Aber. virida Streck., Cat. 82, 1884. Aber. hybrida ex philodice et eury- theme Edw., But. 2, t. 3, Colias 1876. Var. luteicincta Wolcott, Can. Ent. 25, 104, 1893. Var. miscidice Scud., But. 2, 1115, 1889. Hab.—Canada, Atl. States, Miss. Valley, Mex., Cent. Am. 416. Harfordii H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 7, 1877. Streck., Cat. 83, 1873 (under Chryso- theme). Edw., Cat, 22, 1584. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Colias 1887.* Var. barbara H. Edw., Proe. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sei. 6, 1877. Edw., Pap. 4. 2. 1854.*. Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Colias 1887. Hab.—Cala. 417. Occidentalis Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 9, 109, 1862. Edw., But. 1, t. 7, Col. 1871. Kirby, Cat. 493, 1871. Streck., Cat. 82, 1874 (under philodice}. Edw., Cat. 22, 1884. Hab.—Fort Simpson, Br. Am., Vane. Var. chrysomelas H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sei. 7, 1877. Edw., But. 3. pl. 4, Colias 1887. Hab.—North Cala., Utah. 4is. Christina Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 79, 1863. Edw., But. 1, 43, pl. 13, 1868. - Streck., Cat. 81, 1878 (under pelidne). Edw., Pap. 4, 30, 1884. Lyman, Can. Ent. 16, 5, 1884. Edw., Cat. 22, 1584. Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 110, 1892. Edw., But. 3, Supp. 1897.* Hab.—Brit. Am., Mt. Judith, Mont. Var. astrea Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 4, 61, 1872. Edw., Pap. 4, 30, 1884. Var. pallida Lyman, Can. Ent. 19, 6, 1884. Cockerell, Ent. 128, 18389. Hab.—Yellowstone and Mt. Judith, Mont., Br, Am. 419. Alexandra Edw., Pr. E. Soe. Phil. 2, 14, pl. 11, 1863. Reak., Proe. Ent. Svc. Phil. 6, 138, 1866. Edw., But. 1, 41, pl. 12, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 494, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 749, 1875.* Streck.. Cat. 81, 1878. Edw., Cat. 22, 1884. Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 156, 1883.* Edw., Can. Ent. 19, 226, 1887. Edw., But. 3, Supp. 1897.* Hab.—Col., Mont., Br. Am. Var. edwardsii Behr, But. N. Am. 1, 55, pl. 17, 1870, Kirby, Cat. 494, 171. Streck., Cat. 82, 1873. Edw., Cat. 22, 1884. Edw., Can, Ent. 19, 229, 1557. Var. alpoa Streck., Cat. $1, 157s. pallida Cockerell, Ent. 128, 1889. Hab.—Nev., Utah, Cala., Br. Am.. Lake Sup. (Can. Ent. 18, 205, 1886). Var. emilia Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 12. 1870. Kirby, Cat. 494, 1871. Streck., Cat. 82, 187s. Edw., Cat. 22, 1884. Hab.—Oregou, Br. Col. NORTH AMERICAN 420. Interior Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 9, 108, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 493, 1571. Streck., Cat. 81, 1878 (var. of pelidne). Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 32, 1884. French, But. 135, 1885. Fletcher, Ent. Am. 4, 159, 1888.* Seud., But. 2, 1105, pl. 7. f. 7, 11, 1889.* Lyman. Can. Ent. 29, 249, 1897.* Lyman, Can. Ent. 30, 49, 1898. philodice var. laurentina Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 18, 4, 1876. Hab.—Cape Breton Isld., Lower St. Law- rence, Queb., Ont., Nepigon River, Saskatch., Me., Newf’d, Adiron- dacks. 421. Seudderii Reak., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 4, 217, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 496, 1871. Edw., But. 1, 59, pl. 19, 1872. Mead., Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 749. 1875. Streck., Cat. 81, 1878 (under pelidne). Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. Edw., But. Supp. 1897.* Hab.—Col., Mont., Br. Col., Br. Am. (by Geddes). 422. Pelidne Bad., Icones pl. 8, 1832. Bd.-Lec., 66, 1833. Bd.-Lec., Sp. Gen. 1, 644, 1836. Herr.-Sch., Schmett. Eur, t. 7, f. 35, 36, t. 8, f. 43, 44, 1843. Freyer, Neue. Beit. 6, t. 511, 1831-1838. Men.. Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 1, 84, 1855. Mosch., Wein. Monat. 4, 349. 1860. Morris, Syn. 30, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 493, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 1 of Colias 1874. Streck., Cat. 81, 1878. Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. labradorensis Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 9, 107, 1862. Hab.—Labr., Ungava Bay, Arctic Eur. Var. skinneri Barnes, Can. Ent. 29, 39, 1897. Hab.—Mont., Wy., Id., Alberta. RHOPALOCERA. 423. Palzeno Linn., Syst. Nat. 2, 764, 1707. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 476, 1775. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 207, 1793. Ochs., Schmett. 1, 2, 184, 1808. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 101, 1819. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 645, 1836. Stgr., Cat. 5, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 493, 1871. Streck., Cat. 80, 1878. Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. europomene Esp., Schmett. 1, t. 42, 1778. Hub., Eur. Schmett. 434, 435, 1793- 1827. philomene Hub. Eur. Schmett, 602, 603, 740, 741, 1793-1827 Dup., Lep. Supp. 1, t. 47, 1832. lapponica Stgr., Cat. 5, 1871. chippewa Edw., But. 1, t. 1, Colias 1868. helena Edw. (name preoccupied), Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 2, 80, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 495, 1871. Var. werdandi Herr.-Schaff., Schmett. Enr. f. 403, 404, 1848. Hab.—Labr.. Fort Simpson., St. Mich- aels, Alaska., Kotzebue Sound, Eur., Asia. 424. Nastes Bd., Icones pl. 8, 1832. Godt., Dup. Supp. Lep. 1, t. 15, 1832. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 648, 1836. Herr.-Schaef., Eur. Schmett. pl. 7, f. 41, 42, pl. 85, f. 403, 404. 1843. Walleng., Skand. Dagf. 142, 1853. Mosch., Wien. Ent. Monat. 4, 354, pl. 9, 1860. Morris, Syn. 30, 1862. Stgr., Cat. 5, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 494, 1871. Edw., But. 2. pl. 1 of Colias 1874. Edw., Cat. 23, 1884, Hab.—Labr., Ungava Bay, Laggan, Can., Hudson Bay, Arctic Europe. Var. rossii Gu., Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 199, 1864. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 71 Ster., Cat. 5. 1871. Kirby, Cat. 495, 1871. Hab.--Boothia Felix. 425. Moima Str., Br. Bull. 3, 34, 1880. Edw., Cat. 23, 18st. Hab.— Hudson Bay. 426. Behrii Edw., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 1866. Edw., But. 1, 44, pl. 13. 1868. Kirby, Cat. 495, 1871. Streck., Cat. 84, 1878. Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. Dyar, Can. Ent. 25, 158, 1893.* Edw., But. Supp. 1897. Hab.— Yosemite, Cala. (Alpine). TERIAS Swainson. 427. Gundlachia Poey, Hist. Nat. de Cuba 1, 246, pl. 24, 1851. Bal., Sp. Gen. 1, 655, 1836. Kirby, Cat. 441, 1871. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 156, 1889. Hab.—Texas, Ariz., Mex., Antilles, Cent. and Sth. Am. 428. Proterpia Fab. Syst. Ent. 478, 1775. Fab., Sp. Ins. 2, 50, 1781. Fab., Mant. Ins. 2, 24, 1787. Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 210, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth, 9. 91, 1819. Lucas., Lep. Exot. 74, t. 38, 1835. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 654. 1836. Morr., 35, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 441, 1871. Streck., Cat. 84, 1878. Edw., Cat. 23, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 155, 1889. Hab.—Texas, Ariz., Mex.. Cent. and Sth. Am., Antilles. 429. Nieippe Craw., Pap. Exot. 3, 210, 17#2. Herbest, Nat. Schmett. 5, 176, t. 107, f. 3, 4, 1792. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 208, 1793. Hub., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. n. 819, 820, 9, 1818. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 103, 1819. Say, Am. Ent. 2, pl. 30, 1825. Bd.-Lec., 55, pl. 20, 1833.*. Lucas, Pap. Exot. 76, t. 38, 1835. Morris, Syn. 33, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 441, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 166, 1873.* Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 750. 1875. H. Edw., Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 7, 1876. Streck., Cat. 84, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 13, 61, 1881. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. Mayn.. But. 46, pl. 4, f. 62, 62a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1066, pl. 15, f. 10, 12. 1886.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 155, 1889. Var. flava Streck., Cat. 84, 1878. Hab.—Pa, to Gulf Mex.. Miss. Valley, Ariz., Cala., occas]. N. Eng. 430. Mexicana Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 653, pl. 3, 1836. Hub., Zutr. Exot. Schmett. f. 917, 918, 1835. Duncan, Nat. Lib. Ent. 5, 125, t. 8, %, 1837. Morr., 36, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 441, 1871. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. Saund., Can. Ent. 16, 52, 1384. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 157, 1889. Scud., But. 3, 1840, 1889. Hab.--Tex., Ariz., So. Cala., Kans., occasl. Neb., Iowa, Ill., Grant County and Racine, Wis., also Point Pelee, Ont. (auct. Saunders), Col., Mex.. Cent. Am. 431. Damaris Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 198, 1865. Edw., Pap. 2, 20, 1882. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. (Godman and Salvin put this under Mexi- cana). Hab.—Ariz. 72 432. Westwoodii Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 666, 1836. Kirby, Cat. 445, 1871. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 163, 1889 (as dina Poey). : dina Hub., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 951, 952, 1837. Hab.--Tex. (coll. Mead), Mex.. Cent. Am., Cuba, 433. Lisa Bd.-Lec., 53, pl. 19, 1833. Bd,, Sp. Gen. 1, 661, 1836. Morr., 34, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 443, 1871. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 32, 1884. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. French., But. 139, 1885. Mayn.. But. 45, f. 60, 60a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1087, pl. 7, f. 4, 5, 1889.* Skinner, Ent. News 1, 8, 1890.* Var. alba Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Hab.—Isle of Shoals, Me. (by Thaxter), south to Gulf Mex.. Westn. States, Ariz., Hamilton, Ont. (by Moffat). Var. clappii Mayn. Man. App. 216, 1891. Hab.—Enterprise, Fla. 434. Linda Edw., Pap. 4, 53, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 435. Delia Cram., Pap. Exot. pl. 273, f. A, 1782. Ba.-Lec., 49, pl. 18, 1833.* Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 663, 1836. Morr., 34, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 444, 1871. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. demoditas Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 96, 1816. daira Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 137, 1819. Hab.—Gulf States. 436. Jueunda Ba.-Lec., 52, pl. 19, 1883. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 665, 1836. Morr., 35, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 445, 1871. Streck., Cat. 85, 1878. Edw., Cat. 24, 1884. French., But. 140, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 168, t. 64, f. 9-12,. 1889. ebriola Poey, Mem. Nat. Hist. Is. Cuba 1, t. 24, 1851. ? albina Poey, 1. «. Hab.—Gulf States, Mex., Ceat. Am. 437. Blakei Mayn., Man. App. 216, 1891. Hab.—Sandford, Fla., West Indies. PAPILIONIN &. PARNASSIUS Latreille. 438. Clodius Mén. Cat. Mus. Petr. 1, 73, 1855. Edw., But. 1, 18, pl. 4, f. 5.6, %, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 513, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, 1876. Streck., Cat. 73, 1878. Edw., Cat. 14, 1884. Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 16, 472, 1882. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 61, 1885.* Elwes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 49, p. 4, f. 1, 2, 1886. Fletcher, Can. Ent. 25, 163, 1893. clarius Bd. (not Eversm.), Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 283, 1852. Edw., But. 1, 17, pl. 1, f. 1-4, 1871. — baldur Edw.. Cat, Lep. 12, 1877. . . Mead, Psyche 2, 180. 1878. Hab.—Cala., Utah, Nev., Mont., Vanc., Oregon. Var. ménétriésh H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 7, 164, 1878. 2b, 0 pit. Hab.—Sier. Nev., Lake Tahoe, Mt. Nebu, Utah. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. ie 439. Smintheus Dbl.-Hew., Gen. Di. Lep. pl. 4, 1847. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 127, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 512, 1871. Edw;, But, 1,21, pl. 5, 6. 7, 1872° Streck., Cat. 73, 1878. Edw., Oat. 14, 188-4. Elwes, Can. Ent. 17, 61, 1385.* Fletcher, Can. Ent. 25, 163, 1893. sayii 2, Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 78, 1863. Edw., But. 1, pl. 5, f. 2, 1872. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 7, 742, 1875. Behr., Pap. 2. 50, 1882, Hab.—Rocky Mts., Col. to Mont., N. Mex., Mt. Bradley, Cala. Var. behrii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 10, 1870. Edw., But. 1, pl. 6, f.3 %, 4 9, 1872. Mead, Psyche 2, 181, 1878.* Hab.--Nev., Utah. Var hermodur H. Edw., Pap. 1, 4, 1381. Edw., Pap. 3, 158, 1883. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Parn. 1895.* Hah.--Col., Mont., Br. Am. Var. nanus Neum., Ent. Am. 6. 61, 1890. Hab.—Brit. Col. 441. Eversmanni Mén., Cat. Mus. Petr. Ly m8, ple l, F4, @. Bc 16, Seud., Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 12, 45, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 513, 1871. Ster., Cat. 2, 1S71. : Edw., But. 1, 27, pl. 7, f. 6,7, 4%, 1872. Streck., Cat. 73, Is7s. Edw., Cat. 14, Isat. 2 wosnesenski Mén.. 1. c. pl. 1, f. 3, 1855. Var. ? thor H. Edw., Pap. 1, 4, 1881. H. Edw., |. c. 2, 148, 1882. Hub.—Alaska, Siberia. PAPILIO Linnaeus. 442. Ajax Linn., Syst. Nat. 1, 2,750, 1767. Var. sedakovii Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 1, 71, 107, t. 1, f. 1, 1855. Neum., Ent. Am. 6, 62, 1890. Hab.--Colo. 440. Nomion Fisch., Ent. Russ. 2, 242, pl. 6, 1823. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 397, pl. 2, 1836. Boisd., Sp. Gen. 1, 397, 2, t. 6, f. 1, 1836. Herr.-Sehaff., Schmett Eur. 1, f. 316, 1-46. Kirby, Cat. 511, 1871. Edw., Cat. 14, 1884. Hab.— Alaska: Siberia. (10) Fab., Syst. Ent. 445, 1775. Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 4, 1797. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 53, 1819. Bal., Sp. Gen. 1, 258, 1836. Morris, Syu. 8, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 558, 1871. Edw., Can. Ent. 7, 236, 1875. Streck., Cat. 68, 1578. Edw., Psyche 3, 3, 17, 1880. Edw., Cat. 10, 1ss4. Grub., Pap. 4, 88, 1884.* Grub., Jen. Zeitschr. Nat. 17, 473, pl. 7, f. 16-19, 1884.* French, 84, 1885, Edw., Can. Ent. 18, 15, 140, 1886.* Scud., But. 3, pl. 15, f. 11, 1889. Scud., But. 2, 1624, 1889. Edw., But. 3, 1597. Var. walshii Edw., But. 1, pl. 1, 1871.: marcellus Cram., 2, pl. 98, f. F. G. 1779. Var. abbottii Edw., 1. c. pl. 1, f. 6, 1871. Mundt, Can. Ent. 15, 87, 1833. ajax Sm.-Abb., pl. 4. 1797. Var. telamonides Feld., Reise Noy. Lep. 1, 60, 1865. Feld., Sp. Lep. 59, 1864. Edw., But. 1, 5, pl. 2, 1871.* ajax Ba,-Lee., pl. 1, 1833. Var. marcellus Bd.-Lec., pl. 2, 1833. Edw., But. 1, 7, pl. 3, 1871.2 74 NORTH AMERICAN ajax Esp. Eur. Schmett. 1. pl. 51, 1780. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schinett. 82, 1816. Hub., Sam. Ex. Schmett. 1806-24. Hab.—Pa. to Texas, Miss. Valley, occasl. Hamilton, Ont. (by Moffat). 443. Sinon Fabr., Syst. Ent. 452, 1775. Fabr., Sp. Ins. 2, 15, 59, 1781. Cram., Pap. Ex. 4, t. 317, C. D, 1782. Fabr., Man. Ins, 2, 8, 67, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 26, 75, 1793. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 53, 1819. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sep. 11, t. 3, 1833. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 260, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 557, 1871. Streck., Cat. 68, 1878. Skinner, Ent. News 3, pl. 4, 1892. Hab.—Florida, Antilles. 444, Philenor Linn., Mant. 535, 1771. Sm.-Abb., pl. 3, 1797.* Godt., Enc. Meth. 40, 1819. Say, Am. Ent. 1, pl. 1, 1824. Hub., Exot. Schmett. 1, 1806-1824. Ba.-Lec., 29, pl. 11, 1833.* Lucas, Lep. Exot. 15, t. 8, 1835. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 324, 1836. Morr., Syn., 6, 1862, Riley, 3d Mo. Ent. Rep. 116, 1870.* Kirby, Cat. 521, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 161, 1873. Streck., Cat. 67, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 13, 9, 1881.# Grub., Jen. Zeitschr, Nat. 17, 474, pl. 7, f. 20-42, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 10, 1884. Gruber, Pap. 4, 88, 1884. Mayn., But. 49, pl. 7, f. 68, 68a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1241, pl. 16, f. 3, 1889.* - Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 204, 1890. astinous Dru., 1, pl. 11, 1773. Cram., 3, 208, f. A, B. 1782. Hab.—U. 8. generally, Ont., Mex. 445 Aeauda Oberthur, Etud. d’Ent. 4, 98, 1880. nezahualcoyotl Streck., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 174, 1885. RHOPALOCERA. corbis Godman and Salvin, Biol. Cent.- 2, 205, t. 66, f. 7, 8, 1890. orsua Godman and Salvin, Biol. Cent.- 2, 205, t. 66, f. 9, 10, 1890. Skinner, Ent. News 7, 318, 1896. Hab.—N. Mex., Mex. 446. Polydamas Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 192, 1764. Dru , 1, 17, 1773. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 447, 1775. Fabr., Sp. Ins. 8, 1781. Cram., 3, 211, f. D, E, 1782. Fabr., Mant. Ins. 2, 4, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 14, 1793. Hub., Ex. Schmett. 1806, 1824. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 39, 1819. Bd,-Lee., 37, pl. 15, 1833. Lycas, Lep. Ex. 33, t. 17, 1835. Bd., Spec. Gen. 1, 321, 1836. Morris, Syn. 13, 1862. Kirby, Cat, 521, 1871. Streck, Cat. 67, 1878. Jones, Pr, Liverpool Soe. 37, 241, 1883. Muller, Kosmos 12, 448, 1883.* Edw., Cat. 14, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 200, 1890. Merian, Ins. Sur. t, 31, 1705. Seba, Thes, 4, t. 39, 1765. Hab.—Indian River, Fla. (by Wittfeld), Mex., Antilles. 447, Machaon var. aliaska Scud., Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 12, 45, 1869. Kirby, Cat, 566, 1871. Streck., Cat. 71, 1878 (Syn. machaon). Edw., Can. Ent. 13. 63, 1881. Edw., Pap. 2. 74, 1882; 3, 50, 1883. Edw., But. 2, pl. 14, 1884. Hag., Proe. Bust. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 105, 1883. Edw., Cat. 11, 1884. Grub., Pap. 4, 86, 1884.* Hab.—Oreg., Br. Am., Alaska, 448, Bairdii Edw., 4%, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 200, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 567, 1871. Mead, Wheeler’s Rep. 5, 740, 1875. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 75 Streck., Cat. 72, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 11, 83, 1879. Edw., But. 2, pl. 10, 1880. Edw., Cat. 11. 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 25, 250, 1893. Edw., Can. Ent. 30, 49. 1898.* utahensis Streck., Cal. 72, 1878. Hab.—Ariz., Col. Var. oregonia Edw., But. 2, pl. 7, 1880. Hag., Pap. 2, 152, et seq. 1882. Hag., Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 105, 1882, Edw., Pap. 3, 45, et seq. 1883. Stretch, Pap. 2, 119, 1882.* Edw., 1. c. 2, pl. 14, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 11, 1884. hippocrates var. oreqonia Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 208, 1876. Hab.—Oregon, W. Terr., Vance. Island., Col. Var. brucei Edw., Can. Ent. 27, 11, 1895. Edw., But. 3, 1897. Hab.—Colo. Var. hollandii Edw., Can. Ent. 24, 50) 1892. Edw., Can. Ent. 25 253, 1893. Hab.—Hahb. Col. 449. Zolicaon Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 281, 1852. Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 1, 69, 1855. Morr., Syn. 4, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 566, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 6, 1875.* H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 5, 163, 1873." Str., Lep. pl. 6, f. 3, 9, 1873. Hag., Pap. 2, 152, et seq. 1882. Hag., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 22, 105, et seq. 1882. Edw., Pap. 3, 45, et seq. 1883. Edw., Cat. 11, 1884. Edw., Pap. 4, 162, 1885. Edw., But. 3, pl. 3, Pap. 1891.* zelicayn Luc., Rev. Zool. 136, 1852. californica Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 1, 69, 1855. Hab,—Oreg. to Ariz., Mont., Col., Vane. 450. Americus Koll., Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Math. Nat. Cl. 1, 354, 1850. Edw., Pap. 3, 55, 1883. Edw., Cat. 11, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 3, Pap. 1891. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 243, 1893. sadalus Luc., Rev. Zool. 133, pl. 10, 1852. Hab.—Ariz., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am. 451. Nitra Edw., Pap. 3, 162, 1883. Edw., Cat. 11, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Pap. f. 1.2, 3, 4, 1886. Hab.—Mont., Regina, N. W. T. 452. Indra Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 123. 1866. Kirby, Cat. 567, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 2, f. 1, %, 1873. Putn., Pr. Dav. Ac. Nat. Sci. 1, pl. 33, ©, 1876. Streck., Pr. Ac. N. Sei. Phil. 150, 1876. Edw., But. 2, pl. 9, 1878. Streck., Cat. 71, 1878. Edw., Cat. 11, 1884. Edw., But. 3, pl. 1, Pap. 1888. Bruce, Can. Ent. 23, 110, 1891. Edw., But. 3, Supp. 1897.* pergamus H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 5, 423, 1874. Hab.—Col., Nev., Cala., N. W. Terr. 453. Breviecauda Saund.,, in Packard’s Guide 245, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 567, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 8. 1875. Streck., Cat. 71, 1878. Edw., But. 2, pl. 8, 1880. Gosse, Can. Ent. 15, 44, 1883.* Edw., Cat. 11, 1884, Scud., But. 3, 1851, 1889.* anticostiensis Str., Lep. pl. 2, f. 2, 4, 1873. Hab.—N. F’land., Antic., Labr., Queb. 76 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 454. Polyxenes Fabr., Syst. Ent. 444, 1775. Kirby, Cat. 566, 1871. Seud., But. 2, 1353, pl. 8, f. 2, 3, 1889." Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 242, 1893. ajax Clerck, Icones, t. 33, 1764. troilus Dru., Ill. Exot. Ent. 1, t. 11. f. 2-5, 1773. Cram., Pap, Exot. 3, t. 207, 1782. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 4, 1793. Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 1, 1797. asterins Cram., Pap. Exot. 4, t, 385, 1782. Esp, Aus. Schmett. t. 11, f. 1, 2, t. 40, f. 6, 1785-98. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 83, 1816. asterias Fabr,, Man. Ins. 2, 2, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst 3, 6, 1793. Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 58, 1819. Badl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 4, 1833.” Lueas., Lep. Ex. 38, t. 20, 1835. Bdl., Sp. Gen. 1, 332, 1836. Morris. Syn. 5, 1862. Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 265, t. 4, 1862. Lint., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 3, 51, 1864. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 164, 1873.* Streck., Cat. 71, 1878. Edw., Cat. 12. 1884. Grub., Pap. 4, 84, 1884.* Edw.. Bat. 2, pl. 14, 1884. Grub., Jen. Zeitsehr. Nat. 17, 467, pl. 7, f. 1-5, 1884,* ‘ Fern., But. Me. 21, 1884.* French, But. 89, f. 14-16, 1885.* Tepper, Ent. Am. 1, 186, 1886. ° Mayn., But. 51, pl. 6, f. 71, 71a, 1886. French, Can. Ent. 29, 263, 1897.* Aber.,calverleyii Grote, Proc. Ent. Soe. Phil. 2, 441, pl. 10, , 1864. Mead, Am. Nat. 3, 332, 2, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 566, 1871. Edw., But. 2, pl. 11, 5, 9, 1877. Streck., Cat. 72, 1878. Edw., Cat. 12, 1884. Var. ampliata Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 2, 99, 1857. Var. alunata Skinner and Aaron, Can. Ent. 21, 127, 1889. Hab.—Ont., Queb., Atl. to Pacific, Mex., Cent. Am., Antilles. 455. Troilus Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 187, 1764. Cram., Pap. Exot. 3, t. 207, 1782. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 83, 1816, Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 60, 1819. Hub., Sam. Ex. Schmett. 1816-24, Lucas, Lep. Exot. t. 19, 1835, Harr., 266, 1862.* Morr., Syn. 5. 1862. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 73, 1869. Streck., Cat. 72, 1878. Seud., Psyche 3, 73, 1882.¥ Skinner, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 239, 1882. Gruber, Jen. Zeitschr. Nat. 17, 471, pl. 7. f. 12-15, 1884.* Gruber, Pap. 4, 87, 1884.* Edw., Cat. 12, 1884. French, But. 93, 1885. Mayn., But. 49, pl. 7, f. 68, 68a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1313, pl. 8, f. 4, 5. 1889.* ilioneus Sm.-Abb., pl. 2, 1797. Feld., Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 14, 315, 364, 1864. Feld.. Sp. Lep. 76, 1864. Kirby, Cat. 567, 1871. Hab.—Atl., Sthn., Westn. States., N. W. Terr. Aber. a. Streck., Cat. 72, 1878. Aber. b. Streck., Cat. 72, 1878. 456. Palamedes Dru., 1, 19. 1773. Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, 93, f. A, B, 1779. Kirby. Cat. 543, 1471. Streck., Cat. 73, 1878. Edw., Cat. 12, 1884. French, 94, 1885.# Skinner, Ent. News 1, 110, 1890. calchas Fabr., Syst. Ent. 453, 1775. Herbst., Nat. Schmett. 3, t. 42, 1788. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 83, 1816. Godt , Enc. Meth. 9, 59, 1823. Bdl.-Lec.. Lep. Am. Sept. 17, t. 5, 1833. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. Bd., Sp. Gen. 1, 373, 1836. Edw., Can. Ent. 13, 119, 1881. Hab.—Gulf States. Fla. to Va., Penna. 457. Turnus Lion., Man. 536, 1771. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 452, 1773. Fabr.. Sp. Ins. 2, 16, 1751. Esp., Aus. Schmett. t. 48, f. 1, 1783-98. Huh., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 83, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 55, 1819. Say, Am Ent. 3, t. 40, 1528. Badl.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. 19. t. 6. 7, 1833.* Badl., Sp. Gen. 1, 338, 1836. Lue., Lep. Ex. 35, t. 18, 1835. Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 268, f. 97, 1862. Morr., Syn. 2, 1562. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 74, 1869. Saund., Can, Ent. 6, 2, 1874.* Edw.. But. 2, pl. 3, 4, 5, 1877. Streck., Cat. 69, 1878. Edw., Cat. 12, 1884, Grub., Pap. 4, 86, 1884.* French, But. 84, f. 17-19, 1885,* Fern., Can. Ent. 18, 50, 1888. Mayn., But. 51, pl. 6, f. 70, 70a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1288, pl. 8, f. 1, 1889.* Van Winkle, Can. Ent. 25, 215, 1893. alcidamus Cram., Pap. Ex. 1, t. 38, A, B, 1776. antilochus Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 207, 1764. Linn., Syst, Nat. 1, 2, 751, 1767. Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina 2, t, 83, 1771. Badl., Sp. Gen. 340, 1836. Hab. - Atl. States, Miss. Valley to Texas. Queb., Out., N. F'land., Alaska, Br. Am., Vane. Var. glaucus 9, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. 190, 1764. Linn., Syst. Nat. 1, 2, 746, 1767. Clerck, Icoges t. 24, 1764. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 445, 1775. Cram , Pap. Ex. 2, t. 139, 1779. Hub.. Verz. Bek. Schmett. 83, 1816. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9. 60, 1819. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 22, t. 4. 9, 1833. ~I -1 Badl., Sp. Gen. 1, 335, 1836. Morr., Syn. 2, 1862. Ridings, Pr. Ent. Soe. Phil. 1, 266, 1862. Walsh, Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 1, 349, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 565, 1871. Edw., But. 2. pl. 3, 4, 1877. Hab.—New York and Sth. and West, Fort McLeod, Br. Am. Var. australis Mayn., Man, App. 215. 458. Eurymedon Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10. 280, 1552. Lue., Rev. Zool, 140, 1852. Morr., Syn. 4, 1862. Seud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 13, 1870.* Kirby. Cat. 565, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 4, f. 1, &, 1873. H. Edw., Proe. Cal. Ac. Nat. Sci. 5, 164, 1873.* Edw., But. 2, pl. 1, 1874 Mead, Psyche 2, 180, 1878.* Streck., Cat. 70, 1878. Edw., Cat. 13, 1884. Var. albanus Feld., Reise Nov. Lep. 1, 93, 1865. G. Edw., Pap. 2, 122, 1882. Hab.—Cala. to Br. Col., Ariz. to Mont., Br. Am. (auct. Geddes). 459. Rutalnus Ba., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2. 10, 279. 1852. Lue., Rev. Zool. 183, 1852. Morr., Syn. 3, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 565, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 5, 165. 1873.* Mead, Psyche 2, 180, 1878.* Streck., Cat. 70, 1878. H. Edw., Pap. 2, 112, 1882.* Hag., Pap. 2, 160, 1882. Edw., Pap. 3, 2, 1883. Edw., But. 2, t. pl. 12. 13, 1884,* Edw., Cat. 13, 1584. Hab.—Pac. States, Br. Col., Col. to Mont. Var. arizonensis Edw., Pap. 3, 4, 1883. Edw., But. 2. pl. 13, 1884. Hab.—Ariz., N. Mex., Col. Var. ammoni Behr., Can. Ent. 19, 199, 1887. 78 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. * Men., Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep. 2, 111, 1857. Feld., Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 14, 310, 460. Daunus Ba., Sp. Gen. 1, 342, 1836. Rid., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 1, 278, f. 2, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 564, 1871. H. Edw., Pr. Cal. Ac, Nat. Sci, 5, 325, 1873.* Str., Lep. pl. 6, f. 1, 2, 1873. Edw., But. 2, pl. 2, 1874. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 741, 1875. Streck., Cat. 69, 1878. Edw., Pap. 3, 2, 1883.* Edw., Cat. 13, 1884. Schaus, Pap. 4, 100, 1884.* Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 240, 1893. Edw., But. Supp. 1897." Hab.—Osoyoos, B. C., Mont., Col, Utah, Nev., Ore., Mex., Cent. Am. Tex., Ariz., 461. Pilumnus B4., Sp. Gen. 1, 340, 1836. Mén., Cat. Mus. Petr. 2, 110, pl. 7, f. 2, 1857. Kirby, Cat. 564, 1871. Str., Lep. pl. 2, f. 3, &, 1873. Streck., Cat. 69, 1878. Edw., Cat. 13, 1884. Schaus, Pap. 4, 100, 1884* (says this sp. belongs near troilus). Edw., But. 3, pl. 2, Pap. 1889. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 241, 1893. Edw., But. Supp. 1897.* Hab.—Ariz., N. Mex., Mex., Cent. Am. 462. Thoas Linn., Man. Plant. 536, 1771. Dru., Ill. Ex, Ent. 1, t. 22, f. 1, 2, 1773. Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 167, A, B, 1779. Godt., Ene. Meth. 9, 62, 103, 1819. Boisd., Sp. Gen. 1. 355, 197, 1836. Hub., Sam. Ex. Schmett. 1806-1836. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. 31, t. 12, 13, 1833.* Kirby, Cat. 541, 1871. Aaron, Pap. 4, 172, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 223, 1890. cresphontes Cram., Pap. Ex. 2, t. 165, 166, 1779. 294, 357, 168, 1864. Saund., Can. Ent. 10, 48, 1878.* Burm., Desc. Phys. Repul. Argent. 5, 1878. Boll, Can. Ent. 10, 154, 1878, Ashm., Orange Ins. 47, 1880.* French, Can. Ent. 13, 177, 1881. Mundt., Pap. 3, 25, 1883. Edw., Cat. 13, 1884. French, But. 101, f. 20-22, 1885,* Mayn., But. 50, pl. 5, f. 69, 69a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1334, pl. 14. f. 12, 1889.* Bethune, Can. Ent. 25, 260, 1893. oxilus Huh., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 83, 850, 1816. Hab.—St. John’s, N. B., Ont., Queb., Conn., N. Y. to Tex., Ohio, Mich., Ariz., Mex., Antilles, Cent. and Sth. Am. 463. Cresphontinus Mart., Psyche t. 3, f. 8. t. 4, f. 10, 1797. Skinner, Ent. News 6, 112, 1895. aristodemus Esp., Aus. Schmett. t. 59, f, 2. _ 1785-98. Boisd., Sp. Gen. 1, 357, 199, 1836. Luc., Sagra Hist. Cuba 483, t. 14, f. 2, 2a, 1857. temenes Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, 63, 104. 1819. dophnis Gray, Cat. Lep. Ins. B. M. 1. 39, 198, 1852. Hab.—Kest West, Fla., Antilles. 464. Mylotes Bates, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 5, 346, 1861. Kirby, Cat. 530, 1871. Streck., Cat. 68. 1872. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 198, t. 64, 1889. Skinner, Ent. News 3, pl.4, $, 2, 1892. Hab.—Sth. Cala., Mex., Cent. Am. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 79 HESPERID. CARTEROCEPHALUS Lederer. 465. Palzemon Pall., Reise 1, 471, 1771. Kirby, Cat. 624, 1871. Mosch., Verh. Bot. Ges. 34, 283, 1884. Bean, Can. Ent. 25, 145, 1893. Skinner, Can, Ent. 25, 257, 1893. paniscus Fabr., Syst. Ent. 531, 377, 1775. Esp., Schmett. 1, 1, t. 28, f. 2, 1778? 1, 2, t. 95. f. 5, 1778. Latr., Ene. Meth. 9, 773, 126, 1823. brontes Wien., Verz. 160, 6, 1776. Hub., Eur. Schmett. 1. f. 475, 476. 1798-1803. mandan Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 20, pl. 5, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 624, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 75, 1872. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 93, 1884. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884. French, But. 299, 1885. Mayn., But. pl. 8. f. 85, 85a, 1886. Fleteber, Ent. Am. 4, 159, 1888.* Scud., But. 2, 1569, pl. 10, f. 2, 1889.* . Fletcher, Can. Ent. 21, 118, 1889.* mesapano Scud., Pr. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist. 11, 383, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 624, 1871. skada Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 196, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 656, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 75, 1872. Hab, Eur., Asia., Alaska to Labr.. Queb., Cala., N. H., Me. 466. Dara Kollar, Hugel’s Kashmir 4, 455, 1848. Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. mesoides Butl., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 1, 554, 1879. See Holland, Jour. N. Y. Soc. 6, 57, 1898. omaha Edw., Pr. E. Soe. Phil. 2, 21, 1863. Reak., 1. ¢. 6, 150, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 75, 1872. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884. French, But. 299, 1886. mingo Edw., |. c. 6, 207, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. californica Seud., Syst. Rev. 54, 1872. Hab. Asia (W. Va., Col., Cala. ?). ANCYLOXPHA Felder. 467. Numitor Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 324, 1793. Don., Ins. Ind. t. 44, 1800. Lat., Ene. Meth. 9, 776, 1823. Dblidy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523 1850-52. Morr., Syn. 120, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 609, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 74, 1872. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Fern., But. Me. 94, 1884. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884. French, But. 301, 1885. Mayn., N. Eng. But. 56, pl. 5, f. 88, 84a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1558, pl. 10, f. 7, 1889.* puer Hub., Zatr. Ex. Schmett. f. 275, 276, 1823. marginatus Harr., 308, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 610, 1871. Hab., Me. to Texas, Neb. 468. Longleyi French, Can. Ent. 29, 80, 1897. Hab.—Chicago, Ill. COP_EODES Speyer. 469. Proecris Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 215, 1871. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884. Plotz, Stet. Ent. Zeit. 45, 284, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 180, 1885. minima Edw., Trans. Am. Ent Soc. 3, 196, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 656, 1871. 80 NORTH AMERICAN candida Wright, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci, 2, 3, 34, 1890. Var. waco Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 122, 1968. Kirby, Cat. 608, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 74, 1872. Hab.—Tex., N. Mex. Ariz., So. Cala. 470. Avene Edw,, 1. c. 3, 214, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 75, 1872. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Edw., Cat. 66, 1804. Hab. Texas, Ariz. 471. Wrightii Edw., Can. Ent. 14, 152, 1832. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884, Hub. Mohave,*Cala, 472. Myrtis Edw., Pap. 2, 26, 1882. Euw., Cat. 66, 1884. Hab.—Ariz. 473. Eunus Edw., Pap. 1, 47, 1881. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884, Hub.—Kern River, Cal. THYMELICUS Speyer. 474. Garita Reak., Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 6, 150, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 93, 1874. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Edw., Cat. 66, 1884, hylac Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 274, 1871. Hab.—Col., Dak., Fort Ellis, Br. Am. 475. Powesehiek Park., Am. Ent. 2, 271. 1870. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 75, 1872. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Edw.., Cat. 66, 1884. French, But. 301, 1885. Scud., But. 3, 1859, 1889. Willard, Ent. News 3, 232, 1592.* Hab.—Ia., U1.. Mont., Col., Utah. -— 476. Edwardsii Barnes, Can. Ent. 29, 42, 1897. Hab.—Denver, Col. RHOPALOCERA. PAMPHILA Fabricius. 477. Massasoit Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins, 3, 171, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 76, 1872. Streck., Cat. 172, 1878. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. French, But. 44, 26, 1885. Mayn., But. 59, pl. 7, f. 92, 92a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 1597. pl. 10, f. 6, 1889. »- Var. suffusa Laurent, Ent. News 3, 15, 1892. French. But. 394, 1896. Hab.——East., Mid. St., Neb., Tex., Col. 478. Zabulow Edl.-Lec. Lep. Am. Sept. t. 76, f. 6, 7, 1833. Dblidy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523, 1850-52, Morr., Syn, 116, 1862, Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1872. Streck., Cat. 172. 1878. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Mayn., But. 59, 1886. French, But. 303, 1886. Jones, Ent. News 8, 121, pl. 7, f. 1, 2, 1897. Hab.--Mid, and Sthn. States. 479. Hobomok Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 313, f. 137, 1862. Morr., Syn., 110, 1862. Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 171, 1862. Scud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 66, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. Streck., Cat. 172, 1878. French, But. 303, 1886. Fletcher, Can. Ent. 4, 159, 1888.* Scud., But. 2, 1618, pl. 10, f. 8, 10, 1889.# Jones, Ent. News 121, pl. 7, f.3, 4, 1897. Var. pocahontas Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 171, 1862. Seud., Proc. Bust. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 381, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. Streck., Lep. Rhop.-Het. 7, 1872. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. Streck., Cat. 172, 1878. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Frencb, But. 303, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1617. pl. 10, f. 9, 1889. Jones, Ent. News 121, pl. 7, f. 5, 6, 1897. quadraguina Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 381, 1868. Hab.—Queb., Ont. to Pa., Miss. Valley. Calgarry, Br. Am. 480. Taxiles Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 9, 5, 1881. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Hab.—Ariz., Utah, Nev.,S. Cala., N. Mex. 481. Ruricola Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 1852. Morr., 109, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Streck., Cat. 167, 1878. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Hab,— Napa Co., Cal. 482. Comma Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. 10, 484, 1758. Linn., Faun. Suec. 258, 1761. Scop., Ent. Carn. 181, 463, 1763. Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, 1, 2, 793, 1767. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 531, 1775. Wien, Verz. 5, 160, 1776. Esp., Schmett. Eur. 1, 1, t. 23, 1777. Fabr., Sp. Ins. 2, 131, 1781. Fabr., Man. Ins. 2, 84, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 325, 1793. Engr., Pap. Eur. 1, 194, t. 45, f. 95d, 177. Brk., Schmett. 1, 179, 284, 1788. Ross, Faun. Etr. 2, 158, 1790. Lewin, Pap. Gt. Brit. 94, t. 45, f. 1, 2, 1795. Don., Nat. Hist. Ins. 9, 17, t. 295, 1800: Hub., Eur., Schmett. 1, 479, 481. Ross, Faun. Etr. 2, 2, 251, 1807. Fabr., Ill. Mag. Ins. 6, 287, 1807. Ochs., Schmett. 1, 2, 224, 1808. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 112, 1816. Godt., Hist. Nat. Lep. Fr. 1, t, 12, f. 4, 1821. Latr., Enc. Meth. 9, 769, 1823. 81 Meig., Handbuch 78, t. 8, f. 8, 1827. Meig., Eur. Schmett. 2, 66, 1830. Steph., Ill. Br. Ent. Haust. 1, 102, 1828. Steph., Cat. Br. Ins. Haust. 28, 1829. Dun., Nat. Lib. Ent. 4, 119, t. 2, 1836. West.-Hu., Br. But. 128, t. 41, 1841 Wood, Ind. Ent. 10, t. 3, 1845. Bdl., Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr. 10, 313, 1852. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur Lep. 2, 522, 1850-52. Chenu, Pap. 226, 383, 1851-53. Morr., Syn. 109, 1862. Stgr., Cat. 35, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 602. 1871. Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 2, 350, t. 10, 1874. Streck., Cat. 167, 1878. Scud., Can. Ent. 20, 149, 1888. virgula Retz., Gen. Sp. Ins, 31, 7, 1783. Hab.—Europe, Siberia, Nth. Am. -—-Var. oregonia Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 150, 1883. ‘ Edw.. Cat. 67, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Nev., Br. Am. Var. columbia Scud., Syst. Rev. 56, 1872. Streck., Cat. 168, 1878. Edw.., Cat. 67, 1884. sylvanoides Scud. (not Bd.), Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 2, 349, pl. 10, f. 21, 22, 1874. Hab.--Cala. — Var colorado Scud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 349, pl]. 10, f. 16-18, 1874. Streck., Cat. 168, 1874. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Wash., Col., Ariz. —Var. idaho Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 148, 1883. Hab.—Cala., Oreg., Wash., Br. Am. —Var. nevada Scud., |. c. 347, pl. 10, f. 1-4, 1874. Streck., Cat. 168, 1878. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Hab.—Nev., Col., Ariz., Br. Am., Vane. Isld. (11) 82 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. —“Var. manitoba Scud., 1. c. 351, pl. 10, f. 8-11, 1874. Streck., Cat. 168, 1878. Edw., Cat. 67, 1884. Scud., But, 2, 1646, pl. 17, f. 1, 4, 1889.* Hab.—Lake Winnipeg, Br. Col.. Wash., Cala., Br. Am., Col., Nepigon. Var. assiniboia Lyman, Can, Ent. 24, 57, 1892, Hab.—Regina, Canada, Var. laurentina Lyman, Can, Ent. 25, 58, 1893. Hab.—Lower St. Lawrence. manitoboides Fletcher, Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont. 19, 86, 1888. Hab.—Nepigon. Var. —=Var. juba Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1872. Seud., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 2, 349, t. 10, f. 19, 20, 1874. Streck., Cat. 168. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Col. Var. viridis Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 147, 1883. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Los Vegas, N. Mex. 483. Sassacus Harris. Ins. Flint’s Ed. 315, 1862. Morr., Syn., 110, 1862. Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 173, 1862. Seud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 77, 1872. Scud.. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 2, 346, t. 10, 1874. | Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Fern., Butt. Me. 96, 1834. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. French, But. 305. 1885. Mayn., But. 60, pl. 6, f. 93, a, b, 1886. Inj. Veg. Scud., But. 2, 1641. pl. 10, f. 1, 16, 1889. Hab.—N. E., N. Y. to Neb., Ga., Fla., Col., Nepigon, Can. (Fletcher). 484. Harpalus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 9, 3, 1881. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.--Nev. 485. Pawnee Dodge, Can. Ent. 6, 44, 1874. Streck., Cat. 167, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Neb., Mont. 486. Ottoe Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 207, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 78, 1872. Send., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, 2, 348, pl. 10, f. 6, 1874. Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Neb., Ind. Terr., Ariz. 487. Lasus Edw., %. Pap. 4, 54, 1884. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—So. Ariz. 488. Cabelus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe, 9, 4, 1881, Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Nev., Cala. 489. Napa Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 4, 202, pl. 1, 1864. Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 150, 1866. Scud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871: Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1872, Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. dacotah Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 277, 1871. Hab.—Col. 490. Metea Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 177, 1862, Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 76, 1872. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 83 Edw., Cat. 68, 1884, French, But. 306, 1886. Mayn., But. 58, pl. 7, f. 88. 88a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1650, pl. 10, f.5, 11, 1889.* ridingsiti, Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 151, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 615, 1871. Streck., Cat. 168, 1878. Hab.—N. H., Coun., N. Y., Penna., N. J.. N.C. Tenn., Mo., Col, Fla, Tex. 491. Rhesus Edw.,, Field and Forrest 3, 116, 1877. Streck., Cat. 191, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Col., Ariz. 492, Carus Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 34, 1883. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—West Tex., Ariz. 493. Uneas Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 19, pl. 5, 4, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. French, But. 308, 1885. Scud., But. 3, 1862, 1889. Hab.--Del. to Ohio, Dak. to Ariz. Br. Am. 494. Lieinus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 275, 1871. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab, -Tex. 495. Attalus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3. 276, 1871. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Scud., But. 3, pl. 17, f. 9, 12, 1889. seminole Scud., Syst. Rev. 55, 1872. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. slossone Skinner, Ent. Am. 6, 138, 1890. French, But. 397, 1896. Hab—-lo., N. J., N. C., Fla., Tex. 496. Yuma Edw., 1. c. 4, 346, 1873. Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Edw.. Cat. 69, 1894. Hab.—Ariz. 497, Snowi Edw., 4, Can. Ent. 9, 27, 1877. © Field and Forrest 3, 117, 1377. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 68, 1884. Hab.—Col., N. Mex., Ariz. 498. Leonardus Harr., 314, f. 138, 1862, Morr., 110, 1862. Seud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 172, 1862. Scud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Seud., Syst Rev. Am. But. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Fern., Butt. Me. 95, 1884. Mayn., 61, pl. 8, f. 95, 95u, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1673, pl. 10, f. 12. 14, 1889.* Winn, Can. Ent. 23, 97, 1891. Hab.--Montreal. Can., N. E. to W. Va., Indian River, Fla., Kans , Queb. 499. Meskei Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 58, 1877. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. straton Edw., %, 9, Pap. 1, 78, 1881. Hab.--Tex.. Indian River, Fla. 500. Nemorum Bad., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 314. 1852. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 166, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. yreka Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 207, 1866. Hab.—-Cala. 84 NORTH AMERICAN 501. Sylwanoides Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 313, 1852. Morr., 107, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Streck., Cat. 167, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. sonora Scud., Syst. Rev. 57, 1872. Hab.—Cala., Neb., Col., Utah, Wash., Vane. Isld. 502. Agricola Bd., Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 314, 1852. Morr., 108, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 166, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 18384. Hab.—Cala.. Nev., Wash. 503. Milo Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 34, 1883. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Hab.--Mt. Hood, Oreg. 504. Pratineola Bd., 1. c. 2, 10, 315, 1852. Morr., 108, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 83, 1872, Streck., Cat. 167, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Hab.--Cala., Wash. 505. Verus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 9, 4, 1881. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Hab.--Havilah, Cala. 506. Campestris Bdl., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 316, 1852. Morr.. Syn. 108, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 78, 1872. ivar.) Streck., Cat. 164, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 180, 1885. huron Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 11, 16, t. 1, 1863. RHOPALOCERA. Reak., |. c. 6, 150, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 164, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. French, But. 312, 1885. Mayn., But. 60, pl. 8, f. 94, 94a, 1886, Scud., But. 2, 1661, pl. 17, f. 8, 16, 1889, Hab.--Atl. St. to Fla., Miss. Valley, Tex., Ariz., Cala 507. Stigma Skinner, Can. Ent. 28, 188, 1896. a Hab.—Tex., N. Mex. 508. Morrisenii Edw., Field and For- rest 3, 116, 1878. Streck., Cat. 191, 1878. Edw., Cat. 69, 1884. Hab.--So. Col., Ariz. 509. Phyleeus Dru.. Il. Ex. Ent. pl. 13, 1770. Latr., Ene. Meth. 9, 767, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 78, 1833. Ddldy.-Hew., Gen, Diur. Lep. 2, 522, 1850 52. La Sagra, Hist. Cuba An. Art. 645, 1857. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Morris, Syn. 118, 1862. H.-S., Reg. Corr.-blatt. 19, 53, 1865. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. Butt, 77, 1872. Streck., Cat. 164, 1878. Chapin. Can, Ent. 11, 190, 1879.* Plotz., Stett, Ent. Zeit. 44, 26, 1883. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Godm.-Salv., Proc. Zool. Soc, Lond. 318, 1884. French, But, 313, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1630, pl. 17, f. 10, 13, 1889. Panton, Jour. Inst. Jamaica 2, 440, 1898.* augias Hub., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f£. 227, 228, 1823. bucephalus Steph., Ill. Br. Ent. Haust. 102, t. 10, 9, 1828. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 85 Steph., Cat. Br. Ins. Haust. 28, 1829. Humph.-West., Br. But. 126, t 40, 4, 1841. Wood, Ind. Ent. 10, 1845. Hab.—-Mid. and Gulf Sts. to Pac., Mex., West Indies., Cent. Am., Brazil to Argentina, 510. Brettus Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 75, 9, 4%), 1833. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523, 1850-52. La Sagra, Hist. Cuba An. Art, 646, 1857. Morr., Syn. 118, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 79, 1872. Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 190, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. French, But. 314, 1885.* Mayn., But. 62, pl. 8, f. 97, 97a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1701, pl. 17, f. 11,15, 1889. % wingina Seud., Proc. Ess, Ins. 3. 173, 1862. Var. brettoides Edw., Pap. 3, 71, 1883. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Hab.—W. Va., N. C., Gulf States. 511. Chusea Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 4, 346, 1873. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Hab.— Arizona. 512. Draco Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 274, 1871. Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Hab.—Col., Br. Am 513. Sabuleti Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 316, 1852. Morr., 109, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 602, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 168, 1878. ~ Edw., Cat. 70. 1884. Hab.—Cala., N. Mex. 514. Otho Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, 31, t. 16, 1797. Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. Streck., Cat. 170, 1878. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. French, 315, 1885. Var. egeremet Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 174. 1862. French, But. 315, 1885. Mayn., But. 62, pl. 8. f. 98, 98a. 1886. otho Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 77, 1833*. etna Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 79, 1872. Seud., But. 2, 1696, pl. 10, f, 15, 19, 1889, ursa Worth., Can. Ent. 12, 49, 1880. Hab.—Atl. Sts.. Miss. Valley, Tex., Ont. 515. Peekius Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 300, t. 4, 1837. Emm., Nat. Hist. N. Y. Agri. 5, 216, t, 32, f. 8, 1854. Harr., Ins. Inf. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 315, f. 139, 9, 1862. Morr., Syn. 120, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 78, 1872. Streck., Cat. 166, 1878. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 97, 1884. French, But. 316, f. 84, 1885. Mayn., But. 61, pl. 8, f. 96, 96a, 1889. Scud., But. 2, 1683, pl. 10, £18, 22, 1889.* % wamsutta Harr., Ins. Inf. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 318, f. 141, 1862. Morr., Syn. 111, 1862. Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 174, 1862. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 66, 1869. _ Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Hab.--N. E. to Wis., W. Va. to Tex.. Kans., Ont., Queb. 516. Mystie Scud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 172. 1862. Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 15, pl. 1, 1863. Saund., Can. Ent. 1, 66, 1869.* Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. 86 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 80, 1872. Streck., Cat. 165, 1878. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 98, 1884.* French, But. 318, 1885.* Mayn., But. 62, pl. 8, f. 99, 99a, b, 1886. Fletcher, Can. Ent. 4, 159, 1888.* Seud., But. 2, 1705, pl. 10, f. 25, 26, 1889.* Hab.—N. E., N. Y., Ohio, N. J., Io., Dak. 517. Siris Edw., Pap. 1. 47, 1881. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. Hab, - Puget Sound, Wash. 518. Mardon Edw., Pap. 1, 47, 1881. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884, Hab.—Puget Sound, Wash. 519. Cernes Badl.-Lec.. Lep. Am. Sept. t. 76, f. 1, 2, 1833. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Plotz., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 44, 26, 1883. Edw., Cat. 70, 1884. French, But. 320, 1885. Mayn., But. 64, pl. 6, f. 102, 1886. ahaton Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 317, f. 140, 1862. Morr., Syn. 111, 1862. Scud., Proc. Ess. Inst. 3, 176, 1862. Seud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. - Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. taumas Scud., But. 2, 1725, pl. 10, f. 17, 1889.* Hab.—Br. Am., Ont., Queb., N. E. to Mont., Utah. Dak., Fla. . 520. Aleima Skinner, Ent News 4, 513, 1893. - Ace Rae Whe EER Hab.—Col. 521. Baracoa Luc., Sagra Hist. Cuba 7, 630, 1857. Kirby, Cat. 606, 1871. Aaron, Pap. 4, 150, 1885. amadis Herr., Schaff. Gundlach Pap. 1, 113, 1881. myus French, Can. Ent. 17, 34, 1884. French, But. 321, 1885. Hab.—Fla., Antilles. 522, Manataaqma Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 175, 1-62. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 380, 1872. Streck., Cat. 170, 1878. Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 100, 1884. French, But. 322, 1885. Mayn., But, 63, pl. 8, f. 101, 101a, b, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1720, pl. 10, f. 23,28, 1889 # cernes Harr., 316, 1862. Hab.—0. S. geverally; B. Am. 523. Verma Edw., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 57, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev, Am. But. 80, 1872. Streck., Cat. 171, 1878. Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. French, But. 324, 1885. Mayn., But. 64, pl. 8, f. 104, 104a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1742, pl. 10, f. 27, 33. 1889.* pottawattomie Worth., Can. Ent. 12, 50, 1880. Hab.—N. Y., Md. to Ga., W. Va. Ohio, Ind., Kans. 524. Metacomet Harr., 317, 1862. Morr, Syn. 111, 1862. Scud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 80, 1872. Putuam, Proc. Dav. Ac. 1, 168, 1876. Streck., Cat. 171, 1878. Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 100, 1884. French, But. 326, 1885. Mayn., But. 64, pl. 8, f. 103, a, b, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1739, pl. 10, f. 29, 30, 1889,# HENRY SKINNER, M.D. rurea Edw., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 58, 1862. Hab.--N. E. to Mont., Kans., Nev., Ont., Queb. Var. vestris Bd., 9, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10. 317, 1852. Morr., Syn. 109, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 597, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 80, 1872. Streck., Cat. 171, 1878. Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. kiowah Reak., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 150, 1866. osceola Lint., 30th Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. 170, 1878. Litn., Ent. Cont. 4, 58, 1878. Hab.—Cala., Col., Indian River, Fla. 525. Bellus Edw., Pap. 4, 57, 1884. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Hab—-So. Ariz. 526. Accius Sm.-Abb., pl. 23, 9, 1797. Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 597, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev, Am. But. 82, 1871. Streck., Cat. 171, 1878. Chap., Can. Ent. 11, 191, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 71. 1884. French, But. 327, 1885. Mayn., But. 65, pl. 8, f. 105, 1054, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1768, pl. 17, f. 3,7, 1889.* monoco Scud., Pres. Ess. Ins. 3, 178. 1862. nortonii Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 287, 1867. punctella Gr.-Rob., Tr. A. E. Soe 1, 1, 1867. Hab.--Gulf St., N. C., East Pa. (auct. Aaron). 527. Loammi Whitn. Can. Ent. 8, 76, 1876. Streck., Cat. 191, 1878. Edw., Cat. 71. 1884. French, But. 328, 1885. regulus Edw., Tr. AE. Soc, 9, 5, 1881. Hab.—Fla., N. C. 87 528. Horus Edw., Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 277, 1871. Streck., Cat. 171, 1878. Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. Hab.—Texas. 529. Deva Edw., 9. Tr. Am. Ent. Soe. 5, 292, 1876. Edw., %, 1. ¢. 9, 5, 1881. Edw., Pap. 2, 138, 1882. Edw., Pap. 4, 55, 1884. Hab.—So. Col., Ariz. 530. Lumus Edw., Pap. 4, 56, 1884. Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. Hac.—So. Ariz. 531. Maeulata Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 4, 201, pl. 1, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. Rep. 81, 1872. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Chapm., Can. Ent. 11, 191, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 71, 1884. French, But. 330, 1885. Sceud., But. 2, pl. 17, f. 6, 1889.* Hab,—Gulf St., oceasl. N. Y. 532. Panoquin Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3. 178, 1662. Kirby, Cat. 608, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 81. 1872. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 22, 1884. French, But. 332, 1885. Scud., But. 3, 1867, 1889. Skinner, Ent. News 1, 8, 1890.* ophis Edw., Tr. A. E. Soe. 3, 216, 1871. Hab.—Gulf St., Atlantic Citv, N. J. 533. Panoquinoides Skinner, Ent. “News 2, 175, 1891. French, But. 398, 1896. — Hab.--Key West, Fla. 88 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 534. Ocola Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, ; 20, pl. 11, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 81, 1872. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. French, But. 332, 1885. Scud., But. 3, 1866, 1889. Hab.--Gulf St., East Pa., Whitings, Ind. 535. Errans Skinner, Ent. News 3, 174, 1892. Dyar, Ent. News 3, 175, 1892.* Hab. —Yosemite, Cala. 536. Ethlius Cram., 4, pl. 392, f. A, B, 1782. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 107, 1816. Kirby, Cat 596, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 82, 1872. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. French. But. 332, f. 85, 1885. H. Edw., Ent. Am. 3, 163, 1887.* Scud., But. 2, 1750, pl. 17, f. 14, 1889.* Cuckerell, Ent. News 3, 78, 1892.* Dyar, Ent. News 9, 163, 1898.* chemnis Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 331, 1793. olynthus Bd.-Lec., pl. 75, 1833. Hab.—Gulf St., oceasl. N. Y., W. Indies, Sth. Am. 537. Pittacus Edw., Pap. 2, 138, 1882. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. 538. Python Edw., 1. c. 2, 139, 1882. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. 539. Cestus Edw., 1. c. 4, 57, 1884. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. Hab.—So. Ariz. 540. Rhena Edw., Field and Forrest 3, 115, 1877. Streck., Cat. 119, 1878. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. Hab.—So. Col. 541. Bimiacula Gr.-Rob., Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 8, 433. 1867. Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 80, 1872. Streck., Cat. 170, 1878. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. _ Fern., But. Me. 101, 1884. French, But. 334, 1885. Mayn., But. 63. pl. 8, f. 100, 100a, b, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1718, pl. 10, f. 20, 24, 1889. acanootus Scud., Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 381, 1868. illinois Dodge, Can: Ent. 4, 217, 1872. Hab.—N. E. to Neb., Ill. 542. Pontiae Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2,17, pl. 11, %, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Streck., Cat. 169, 1878. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. French, But. 335, 1885. Mayn., But. 59, pl. 7. f. 91, 91a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1732, pl. 17, f. 2, 5, 1889. conspicua Edw., |. c. 2,17, pl. 5, 9, 1863. Scud., Pr. Chieago Ac. Nat. Sei. 336, % , 1868. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. Parker, %, Can. Ent. 3, 51, 1871. Kirby, Cat. 606, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1872. orono Scud., Syst. Rev. 58, 1872. Hab.—Mass. to Neb., N. J. 543. Yeh Skinner, Ent. News 4, 212, 1893. French, But. 396, 1896. Hab.—Tenn., Ga., Fla. 544. Dion Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 238, 1479. Edw., Cat. 72, 1884. French, But. 337, 1885. palatka Scud., But. 3, 1863, 1889. Hab.—Neb., Hamilton, Ont., N. Y., N. J. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 545. Witellius Fabr. Ent. Syst. 3,1, 327, 1793. Hub., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 2, Lep. 1, Pap. 2, Gent. 6, Astyci G. Vig 6, s 1816-1844. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schinett. 113, 1816. Streck., Cat. 171. 1878. delaware Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 19, t. 5, f.2, %, 1863. Seud., Proc. Chicago Ac. 336, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 336, 1868. Edw., Can. Ent. 11, 190, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. French, But. 342, 1885.* Aaron, Pap. 4, 181, 1885. Maya., But. 59, pl. 7, f. 90, 90a, 1886. logan Edw., Proc. Eut. Soc. Phil. 2, 18, t. 1. £.5, 9, 1863. —Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 2, 228, 1867. Seud., Proc. Chicago Ac. 336, 1868. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1882. Hab.—Mass. to Fla., Mont., Dak., Kans., Hlinois. 546. Lagus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 9, 5, 1881. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Hab.— West Texas, So. Col. 547. Streckeri Skinner, Ent. News 4, 212, 1893. = eat Hab.—F ia. 548. Arpa Bd.-Lec.. pl. 68, 1833. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523, 1850-52. Morr., Syn. 117, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 597, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 80, 1872. Streck., Cat. 170, 1878. Chapm., Can. Ent. 11, 191, 1879.* Edw., Cat. 72. 1884. French, But. 339, 1885. Hab.—Gulf States. 549. Palatka Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1, 287, 1867. Chapm., l. c. 11, 192. 1879. Edw., Cat. 340, 1885. Hab.—Gulf States, Neb. 89 550. Mowardi Skinner, Can. Ent, 28, 187, 1896. cei Hab.—F\orida, 551. Aaroni Skinner, Eut. News 1, 6, 1890. French, But. 395, 1896. Jones, Ent. News 8, 121, pl. 7, f. 7, 8, 1897. Hab.—Cape May Cwo., N. J., Va. (coast). one 552. Melane Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 312, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Streck., Cat. 172, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Mex. 553. Arogos Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 76, f. 3, 4, 5, 1833. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 523, 1850-52. Morr., Syn. 118, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 600, 1871. vitellins Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, 34, t. 17, 1797. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 52. 1850-52. Morris, Syn. 120, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 603, 1871. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. iowa Scud., Trans. Chicago Ac, 336, 1868. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1872. Kirby, Cat. 610, 1871. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Hab.—lowa, Nebraska, Gulf States. 554. Byssus Edw., Can. Ent. 12, 224 1880. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. French, But, 334, 1885. Hab.—Indian River, Fla., Tex. 555. Phylace Edw., Field and Forrest 3, 117, 1877. Streck., Cat. 191, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Hab.—So. Col., Ariz. (12) 90 556. Osyka Edw., Trans. Am, Ent. Soc. 1, 228, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 79, 1872. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Seud., But. 3, 1865, 1889. Hab.—Gulf Sts., Whitings, Ind. 557. Comus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 5, 206, 1876. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 181, 1885. nilus Edw., Field and Forrest 3, 114, 1877. Hab.—Texas, So. Col. 5538. Eufala Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 311, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 606, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 79, 1872. Streck., Cat. 173, 1878. Edw.. Cat. 73, 1884. French, But. 345, 1855. Hab.—Fla., Texas. 559. Arabus Edw., Pap. 2, 26, 1882. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Hab.—Ariz. 560. Fusea Gr.-Rob., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1, 2, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 607, 1871. Scnd., Syst. Rev. Am, But. 80, 1472. Streck., Cat, 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. French, But. 346, 1885. Hab.—Gulf Sts., Penna. 561. Nereus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 5, 205, 1876. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Pap. 2. 139, 1882. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 562. Hianna Scud., Proce, Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 11, 382, 1368. Kirby, Cat. 599, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 80, 1872. Streck., Cat, 171, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. French, But. 347, 1885. Mayn., But. 65, pl. 8, f. 106, 106a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 1771, pl. 10, f. 31, 32, 1889. Hab.—Mass. to Neb, 563. Viator Edw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil. 4, 202, pl. 1. 1865. Kirby, Cat. 608, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 77, 1872. Streck., Cat, 172, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. French, But. 347, 1885. Scud., But. 2, 1604. pl. 17, f. 20, 1889. Hab.—Gulf Sts., Mass. N. J., Ill., Wis., Hamilton, Ont. 564. Carolina Skinner, Ent. News 3, — 222, 1892. Hab.— Hamlet, Richniond Co., N. C. Hesperia (Pamphila) unna Plotz, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 44, 204, 1883, Hab.—Phila. (unknown to American Entomologists). Pamphila floride Mabille, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 67, 1876. Hab.—F)\a., Tex. (unknown to American Entomologists). AMBLYSCIRTES Speyer. 565. Vialis Edw., Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 58, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 608, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am, But. 75, 1872. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 73, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 101, 1884. French, But. 348, 1885. Mayn., But. 57, pl. 6, f. 86, 86a. 1886. Seud., But. 2, 1582, pl. 10, f. 4, 1889.* Hab. —Orono, Me., Mid., So., West. Sts., Queb., Vane. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 91 566. Nysa Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 191, 1877. Streck., Cat. 175, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. similis Str., Lep. Pt. 14, 1878. Hab.—Texas. 567 Eos Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 3, 276, 1871. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4, 181, 1885. French, But, 349, 1885. Hab.—Tex., Ga.. Fla. 568. Celia Skinner, Ent. News 6, 113, a 1895. Hab.—Blanco, Comal and Neueces Cos., Fla. 569. Samoset Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 176, 1862. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 75, 1872. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 102, 1884. French, But. 350, 1886. Mayn., But. 58, pl. 7, f. 87, 87a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 1587, pl. 10, f. 1,3, 1889." hegon Scud., 1. u. 3, 176, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 613, 1871. nemoris Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 507, 1863. Edw., |. ¢. 4, pl. 1, 1865. alternata Gr.-Rob., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 1, 3, 1867. Kirby, Cat. 606, 1871. Hab.—North. and Mid. Sts., Me. to Ga., Wis., Ia., Ont., Queb. 570. AEmus Edw.. Field and Forrest 3, 118, 1877. Streck., Cat. 191, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Hab.--West Tex., So. Col., N. Mex., Ariz. 571. Simius Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc 9, 6, 1881. Edw., Cat. 74. 1884. Hab.--So. Col., Ariz. 572. Cassus Edw., Pap. 3, 71, 1883. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Hab.--Mt. Graham, Ariz. 573. Namno Edw., Pap. 2, 142, 1882. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Hab.—Ariz. 574. Textor Hub. Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 515, 516, 1825. Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 51%, 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 606, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 76, 1872. Streck., Cat. 174, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. French, But. 351, 1885. oneko Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 176, 1862. wakulla Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 2, 311, 1869. Hab.—N., C. to Texas. PYRGUS Westwood. 575. Ericetorum Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 313, 1852. Morr., 122, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 617, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 72, 1872. Streck., Cat. 177, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. * alba Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 6, 206, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 614, 1871. Hab.—N. Mex., Ariz., Cala., Oreg. 576. Maeaira Reak., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 334, 1866. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 447, 1897. oceanus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 33, 213, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 72, 1872. Streck., Cat. 177, 1878. Edw., Cat. 74, 1884. Leuc. locutia Hew., Ex. But. Leuc. t. 2, f. 19, 20, 1875. Edw., Cat. 83, 1884, Aaron, Pap. 4, 181, 1884. Hab.—Ariz., Mex., Cent. Am. 92 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. 577. Domicella Erichs., Schomb. Reise. 3, 601, 1848. Biol. Cent. Am. 2, 444, 1897. Var. nearchus Edw., Pap. 2, 26, 1882. Hab.--Ariz., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am. 578. Tessellata Scud. Syst. Rev. Am. But. 73, 1872. Scud., Can. Eut. 4, 77, 1872. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. Putnam, Proc. Dav. Acad. 1, 197, 1876. French, But. 352, f. 86, 1885. communis Grote, Can. Ent. 4, 69, 220, 1872. montivaga Scud., But. 2, 1536, 1889.* Hab.--Br. Am., Pa. to Gulf of Mex., Atl. to Pac. 579. Montivagus Reak., Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 46, 1866. Panton, Jour. Inst. Jamaica 2, 436, 1898. Hab.—Rocky Mts., Key West, Florida, Antilles. Mex., Sth. Am. 530. Centaureze Ramb., Faun. Ent. And. pl. 8, f. 10, 1839, Bdl., Gen. Sp. Ind. 36, 1840. H.-S., Schmett. Eur. 1, Hesp. f. 1-3, 1845. Waller., Skand. Dagf. 265, 1853. Ramb., Cat. Lep. And. 1, 78, 1858, Mosch., Wien. Ent. Mon. 8, 193, 1864. Stgr., Cat. 34, 1871. Kirby, Cat, 614, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 74, 1872. Streck., Cat. 176, 1878. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. French, But. 353, 1885. Scud., But. 2, 1542, pl. 15, f. 5, 1889. ruralis Bd., Ann. Soe. Ent, Fr. 2, 10, 311, 1852. Morr., Syn. 121, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 616, 1871. wyandot Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil. 2, 21, pl. 5, 1863. Kirby, Cat. 614, 1871. Hab.--N. Y.. W. Va., Col., Labr., Norway, Lapland. 581. Philetas Edw., Pap. 1, 46, 1881. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. Hab.—West Texas. 582. Coespitalis Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr, 2, 10, 312, 1852. Morr,, 121, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 616, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 74, 1872, Streck., Cat. 176, 1878. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. ricara Edw., Pr. Ent. Soc. Phil, 4, 203, pl. 1, 1865. Reak., I. ¢. 6, 150, 1866. Kirby, Cat, 614, 1871. petreius Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 195, 1870. Streck., Cat. 176, 1878. Hab.--Col., Nev., Cala., Oreg., Vane, 583. Xanthus Edw., Field and Forrest 3, 142, 1877. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. Hab.—So. Col. 584. Scriptura Bd., Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr. 2, 10, 312, 1852. Morr., 121, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 616, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 73, 1872. Streck., Cat. 177, 1878. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. Hab.--Cala., Ariz., Mont. 585. Nessus Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 192, 1877. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. notabilis Str., Lep. Pt. 14, 131, 1878. Streck., Cat. 177, 1878. Hab.--Coast to San Antonio, Texas. NISONIADES Speyer. 586. Brizo Bd.-Lec. Lep. Am. Sept. pl. 66, 1833.* BdJ., Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr, 2, 10, 310, 1852. Dhbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 520, 1850-52. Morr., 114, 1862. Harr., 309, f. 182, 1862. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 93 Scnd.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 289, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 629, 1871. Lint., Ent. Cont. 23d Rep. N. Y. State Mus. t. 7, f. 9, 10, 1872. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71. 1872. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 102, 1884. French, But. 354, 1885. Mayn., But. 55, pl. 7, f. 80, 80u, 1886. Scud., But. 2, pl. 9, f. 3, 9, 1889. Hab.— Atl. to Rocky Mts., Col., Ariz., Br. Am., Ont., Queb. 507. Teelus Lint., 23d Rep. N. Y. State Cab. Nat. Hist. 162, 1872. Send.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 288, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 630, 1871. Lint., Ent. Cont. 1, 30, pl. 7, f. 5, 6, 1872. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Lint., Pap. 1, 72, 1881. Edw., Cat. 75, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 103, 1884. Edw., Can. Ent. 17. 98, 1885.* French., But. 355, 1885.* Mayn., But. 54, pl. 7, f. 79, 79a, 1886. Fletcher, Ent. Am. 4, 159, 1888.* Seud., But. 2, 1507, pl. 9, f. 6, 1889.* Mayn., But. 54, pl. 7, f. 78, 780. 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1458, pl. 9, f 4. 1889.* Hab.—N. Eng., Mid. and Westn. Sts. 590. Persius Scud., Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 170, 1862. Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 286, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 629, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Lint., Ent. Cont. 23d Rep. N. Y. State Mus. t. 7, f. 3, 4. 1872. Streck., Cat. 178, 1578. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 103, 1884. French, But. 359, 1885. Mayn., But. 54, pl. 7, f. 77, 77a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 1468, pl. 9, f. 1, 1889.* Hab.—N. E. to Mont., W. Terr., Col., N. Mex., Ariz., Tex. 591. Ausonius Lint., 23d Rep. N. Y. State Cab. N. Hist. 166, 1872. Lint., Ent. Con. 34, pl. 7, f. 11, 12. 1872. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. French, But. 360, 1885. Send., But. 2, 1498, pl. 15, f. 2, 1889, Hab.--Mid. Sts., W. Va. 592. Afranius Lint. 30th Rep. N. Y. Mus. Nat. Hist. 175, 1878. Lint., Eut. Con. 4, 63, 1578. Hab.--N. E. to Mich., Ill., Fla., Col., Ariz., W. Terr., Ont., Assa, Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. Hab.—So. Col., Ariz. Sos. Somnus Lint., Pap. 1. 73, 1881. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. French, But. 556, 1885. Hab.--Indian River, Fla. 593. Martialis Scud., Tr. Chicago Ac. Nat. Sci. 1, 335, 1869. Seud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 291, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 629, 1871. Lint., Ent. Cont. pl. 7, f. 7, 8, 1872. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Streck., Cat. 178, 1878. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. French. But. 362, 1885. Mayn., But. 55, pl. 8, f. 81, 81a; 1886. ge Seud., But. 2, 1493, pl. 9, f. 12, 1889.* Streck , Cat. 178, 1878 (var. lucilius). Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. Hab.--Atl, St. to Fla., Miss. Vall., Kans., French, But. 357, 1885.* Col. 589. Laecilius Lint. 23d Rep. N. Y. State Cab. Nat. Hist. 162, 1872. Lint., Ent. Cont. 1, 32. pl. 7, f. 1, 2, 1872. Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bust. Soc, Nat. Hist. 13, 287, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 630, 1871. Lint., 1. ¢. 4, 67, 1878.* 94 NORTH AMERICAN 594. Juvenalis Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 339, 1793. Sm.-Abb., pl. 21, 1797.” Latr., Enc. Meth. 9, 789, 1823. Bdl.-Lee., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 65, 1833.* Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 519, 1850-52, Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg. Flint’s Ed. 309, 1862 # Morr., Syn. 114, 1862, Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 297, 1870. Kirby, Cat, 629, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 72, 1872. Streck., Cat. 177, 1878. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. French, But. 363, 1885.* Mayn., But. 56, pl. 7, f. 82, 82a, 1886. Seud., But. 2, 1476, pl. 9, f. 13, 14, 1889*. juvenis Hub. Verz. Bek. Schmett. 108, 1816. costalis Dbldy.-Hew.. Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 518, t. 79, f. 3, 1852. ennius Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 296, 1870. Hab.--Atl. Sts. to Fla., Miss. Valley, Col., Ariz., Ont., Queb., Vance. 395. Petronius Lint. Pap. 1, 70, 1881. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. French, But. 364, 1885.* Hab.—Indian River. Fla. 596. Horatius Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 301, 1870. Seud., But. 2, 1468, pl. 9, f. 7, 10, 1889.7 virgilius Seud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 302, 1870. Hab.--Mass. to Fla. 597. Terentius Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 13, 292, 1870. Scud., But. 2, 1490, pl. 9, f. 15, 1889. ovidius Scnd.-Burg., Proc., Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 295, 1870. Hab.--Mass. to Fla. RHOPALOCERA. 598. Propertius Lint.. Pap. 1, 71,1881. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. Hab.—Cala., Vane. * 599. Nevevius Lint. Pap. 1, 69, 1881. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. French, But. 366, 1885. Hab.--Indian River, Fla. 600. Paeavius Lint., 30th Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. 172, 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont. 4, 60, 1878. Streck., Cat. 178, 1878. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. Hab.--N. Mex., Ariz., Col. 601. Tatius Edvw., Pap. 2, 179, 1882. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Hab.— Ariz. 602. Clitus Edw., Pap. 2, 180, 1882. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884, Hab.—Ariz. 603. Faneralis Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 293, 1870. Lint., 30th Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. 173, 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont. 4, 61, 1878. Streck., Cat. 178, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Lint., Pap. 4, 144. 1885. Aaron, Pap. 4, 182, 1885. Hab.—Tex., Ariz., So. Cala. 604. Tristis Bd., Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 311, 1852. Morr., 115, 1862. Scud.-Burg., Proc., Bost. Soc. N. H. 13, 303, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 630, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Putnaw, Proc, Dav. Acad. 186, 1876. Lint., Ent. Cont. 4, 62, 1878. Streck., Cat. 178, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Aaron, Pap. 4. 182, 1885. Lint., Pap. 4, 144, 1885. Hab.—Cala., Ariz. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 605. Tibullus Scud.-Burg., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 298, 1870. Hab.—Cala, 606. Plautas Scud.-Burg., Proce. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 304, 1870. Hab.—Fla. SYSTASEA Butler. 607. Pulverulenta Feld., Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. 478, 1869. Biol. Cent.-Am.,, 2, 413, t. 87, f. 24, 25, 1845. Skinner, Can. Ent. 29, 156. 1897. zampa Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 5, 207, 1876, Edw., |. ce. 6, 1877. Edw., Can. Ent. 9, 120, 1877. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Hab.—-Ariz., So. Texas, N. Mex., Mex., Ceut. Am. PHOLISORA Speyer. 608. Catullus Fab., Ent. Syst. 3, 348, 1793. Sm.-Abb., pl. 24, 1797.* Don., Ins. Ind. t. 50, 1800. Latr., Ene. Meth. 9, 777, 1823. Reak., Proce. Ent. Soc. Phil. 150, 1866. Kirby, Cat. 630, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 72, 1872. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. French, But. 367, f. 87, 1885. Edw., Can. Ent. 17, 245, 1885.* Mayn., But. 56, pl. 7, f. 83, 83a, 1886. Send., But. 2, 1519, pl. 9, f. 2, 1889.* Hab.—U. S. generally, Vance. 609. Mexicana Reak., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 334, 1866. = Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 441, pl. 90, f. 11, 12, 1897. Hab.—Col. (?), Cala. (?), Nev. (?), Mex. 95 610. Pirus Edw., %, Field and Forrest 3, 119, 1878. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., 9, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 9, 7, 1881. ; Eadw., Cat. 77, 1884. Hab.—So, Col., N. Mex., Ariz., Utah. 611. Ceos Edw., Pap. 2, 140, 1882. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 432, t. 89, f. 7, 8, 1896. Hab.—Ariz., Mex, 612. Hayhurstii Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 22, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 631, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Streck., Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1857, 1889.* Hab.—W. Va. to Kans., Fla., Texas, N. Mex. 613. Libya Scud., Rep. Hayden Bull. 4, 258. 1878. Streck., Cat. 192, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Hab.—Utah, Mohave Cala. 614. Alpheus Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soe. 5, 206, 1876. Streck.. Cat. 179, 1878. Edw., Pap. 2, 139, 1882. Edw., Cat. 76, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 442, t. 90, f. 15, 1897. Hab.—Ariz., Nev., N. Mex., Mex. 615. Lena Edw.,, Can. Ent. 14, 5, 1882. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Hab.—Mont. ACHLYODES Westwood. 616. Thraso Hob., Sainm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806-1816. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 108, 1816. Badl., Sp. Gen. t. 13, f. 6, 1836. Kirby, Cat. 631, 1871. 96 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 70, 1871. Streck., Cat. 180, 1878. Edw., Cat. 77, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 405, t. 87, f. 7, 1895. tamenund Edw., Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 3, 215, 1871. Hab.--Tex., Mex., Antilles, Cent. and Sth. Am. EUDAMUS Swainson. 617. Electra Lint., Can. Ent. 13, 63, 1881. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. Scud., But. 3, 1856, 1889. Hab.—Hamilton, Ont. (by Moffat). 618, Pylades Scud., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 13, 207, 1870. Kirhy, Cat. 578, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But, 71. 1872. Streck., Cat. 163, 1878 (var. pylades). Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. Fern., But. Me. 104, 1884.* French, But. 368, f. 88, 1885. Mayn., 53, pl. 7, f. 76, 76a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1436, pl. 9, f. 5, 1889. Biol, Cent.-Am. 2, 336, t. 80, f. 23, 1894. bathyllus Harr. (not Sm.-Abb.), 312, f. 135, 1862. Hab.—N. E. to Fla, Dak., Col., Cala., Ont., Queb. 619. Mexicana Herr.-Schaff., Prodr. 3, 68, 1868. Biol. Ceut.-Am. 2, 334, t. 80, f.15, 16, 17. nevada Scud., Syst. Rev. 50, 1872. Streck., Cat. 163, 1878. Lint., Pap. 1. 74, 1881. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. ananius Plotz, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 99, 1882. Hab.—Tex., Ariz., Col., Cala., Mex. 620. Bathyllus Sm.-Abb., pl. 22, 1797. Latr., Enc. Meth. 9, 764, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 74, 1833. Morr., Syn. 106, 1862. Seud., Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 170, 1862. Seud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 335, 1868. Pack., Guide 269, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 578, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Streck., Cat. 162, 1878. Edw., Cat, 78, 1884. French, But. 369, 1885. Mayn., But. 53, pl. 7, f. 75, 75a, 1886. Sceud., But. 2, 1432, pl. 17, f. 18, 1889. Hab.—W. Va. to. Fla., Kans.. N. Mex.,, Ariz., Tex. 621. Aemilea Skinner, Ent. News 4, 64, 1893. Hab.- Ft. Klamath, Or. 622. Caicus Herr.-Schaff., Prodr. 3, 68, 1868. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 335, pl. 80. f. 18-20, 1394, ‘ schefferi Plotz, Stett. Ent. Zeit. 99, 1882. moschus Edw., Pap. 2, 141, 1882. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. Hab.—Ariz., Mex., Cent. Am, 623. Hippalus Edw.,, 1. c. 2. 27, 1882. Edw., Cat, 78, 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 340, t. 80, f. 29-31, 1894. Hab.—Ariz., Mex. 624. Outis Skinner, Ent. News 5, 332, 1894. Hab.—Blanco Co., Tex. 625. Drusius Edw., Can. Ent. 15, 211, 1883. Edw., Cat. 78, 1854. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 336, 1894. Hab.—So. Ariz., Mex. 626. Coyote Skinner, Can. Ent. 24, 164, 1892. Hab.—Tex. HENRY SKINNER, M.D. 627. Epigoma Herr.-Schaff., Prodr., 3, 59, 1868, Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 332, t. 80, f. 9-11, 1893. epigena Butl., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 4, 493, 1870. Butl., Lep Ex. 65, pl. 28, f. 6, 1870. Kirby, Cat. 665, 1871. Streck., Cat. 162, 1878. Lint., Ent. Cont. 4, 69, 1878. Edw., Pap. 2, 141, 1882. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. orestes Lint., Mss. Edw. Trans Am. Ent. Soc. 6, 1877. Hab.—Texas, Ariz. 628, Lyecidas Sm.-Abb., pl. 20, 1797.* Latr., Enc. Meth. 9, 751, 1823. Bd.-Lec., pl. 71, 1833.* Dblidy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 572, 1850-52. Morr., 106, 1862. Scud., Proce. Ess. Ins. 3, 170, 1862. Scud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 334, 1868. Kirby. Cat. 571, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 71, 1872. Streck., Cat. 161, 1878. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. French, But. 370, 1885. Mayn., But. 53, pl. 6, f. 74, 74a, 1886. Scud., But. 2, 1418, pl. 9, f. 11, 1889.* lyciades Hub., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 621, 622, 1832. Hab.—Mass. to Gulf Mex., Miss. Valley. 629. Cellus Bd.-Lec., pl. 73, 1833.* Dbldy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 526, 1850-52. Morr., Syn. 105, 1862. Kirby, Cat. 578, 1871. Streck., Cat. 162, 1878. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. French, But. 371, 1885. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 331, t. 80, f. 8, 1893. festus Hub., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 907, 908, 1837. 97 0 ss Dbidy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 1850-52. Kirby, Cat. 571, 1871. 526, Hab.—W. Va. to Gulf Mex., Tex., Ariz., Mex. 630. Hlesus West,-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 631. pl. 78, 1852. Kirby, Cat. 574, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 70, 1872. Streck., Cat. 163, 1884. Edw., Cat. 78, 1884. Aaron, Ent. News 1, 25, 1890. Hub.—Tex., Mex., Cent. Am., Brazil. Zestos Hub., Zutr. Ex. Schmett. f. 615, 616, 1832. Kirby, Cat. 574, 1871. Edw., Cat. 79, 1884. Worth., Pap. 4, 61, 1884, French, But. 372, 1885. oberon Worth., Pap. 1, 132, 1881. tityrus var. oberon Aaron, Pap. 4, 26, 1884. Hab.--Fla., Sanford, Marco Is., Sth. Am. 632. Tityrus Fabr., Syst. Ent. 532, 1775. (18) Fabr., Sp. Ins. 2, 132, 1781. Fabr.. Mant. Ins. 2, 85, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 331, 1793. Abb. Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 19, 1797." Latr., Ene. Meth. 9, 743, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 72, 1833.* Dbidy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 512, 1852-52. Emmons, Agr. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 215, t. 38, 1854. La Sagra, Hist. Cuba An. Art, 632, 1857. Harr., Ins. Inj. Veg. Flin,’s Ed. 310, f. 133, 134, t. 5, f. 1, 1862. Morr., Syn. 112, 1862. © Scud., Proce. Ess. Ins. 3, 170, 1862. Scud., Proc. Chicago Acad. 334, 1868. Pack., Guide 269, 1869. Kirby, Cat. 571, 1871. Scud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 70, 1872. Putnam, Proc. Dacv. Aad. 1, 197, 1876. Streck., Cat. 162, 1878. 98 NORTH AMERICAN RHOPALOCERA. Reed, Can. Ent. 14, 160, 1882.* Moffat, Can. Ent. 14, 200, 1882.* Edw., Cat. 79, 1884. French, But. 374, f. 89, 90. 1885. Mayn , But, 52, pl. 6. f. 73, 73a, 1886. Seud., But, 2, 1339, pl. 9, f. 8, 1889.* Hab.—U. S. generally, Br. Am., Ont., Queb., Antilles, Sth. Am. 633. Proteus Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed, 10, 484, 1758. Linn., Mus. Juad. Ubr, 333, 1764. Linn., Syst. Nat. Ed, 12.1, 2, 794, 1767. Clerek, Ieones t. 42, 1764. Fabr., Syst. Ent. 532, 1775. Fabr., Sp. Ins. 2, 132, 1781. Fabr., Maut. Ins, 2, 85, 1787. Fabr., Ent. Syst. 3, 1, 331, 1793. Cram., Pap. Ex. 3, t. 260, D. E. 1782. Abb.-Sm., Ins. Ga. 1, t. 18, 1797. Hub., Samm. Ex. Schmett. 1, 1806- 1816. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 104, 1816. Latr., Enc. Meth. 9, 730, 1823. Bdl.-Lec., Lep. Am. Sept. t. 69, 1833%, Dbldy.-Hew., Gen, Diur, Lep. 2, 511, t. 79, var. 1850-52. Chenu., Pap. Diur. 224, f. 374. 1851- 53. La Sagra, Hist. Cuba An. Art. 622, 1857. Morr., Syn. 106, 1862, Herr.-Schaff., Reg. Corr.-blatt. 56, 1865. Kirby, Cat. 570, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 69, 1872. Streck., Cat. 161, 1878. Chapm., Can. Ent. 11, 193, 1879. Jones, Proc. Liverpool Soc. 36, 45, pl. 4, 1883. Edw.. Cat. 79, 1884. French, But. 377, 1885.* Mayn., But. 52, pl. 6, f. 72, 72a, 1886. Scud.. But. 2, 1386, pl. 15, f. 1, 1889.* Biol, Cent.-Am. 2. 277, t. 75, f. 1. 1893. Quaintance, Bull. Fla, Agr. Expmt. Sta. 45, 1898.* Hab.—N. Y., Sthn. Sts., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am., Antilles. 634. Simplicius Stoll, Supp. Cram. pl. 39, f. 6, Ge, 1791. Hub., Verz. Bek. Schmett. 104, 1816. Dhidy.-Hew., Gen. Diur. Lep. 2, 511, 1850 -52. La Sagra, Hist. Cuba An, Art, 622. 1857. Kirby, Cat. 569, 1871. Seud., Syst. Rev. Am. But. 67, 1872. Edw., Cat. 79. 1884. Biol. Cent.-Am. 2, 270, t. 75, f. 1, 1893. Hab.—Tex., Ariz., Mex., Cent. and Sth. Am. 635. Protillus var. rauterbergi Skin- esielas RRA BRASS 82 GRINS Se tiniest ereea ce Beets ce eck KA e Sade 43 @aeSO Tay 55 ee esses ease layed Grbes tovenayarie ee 67 CeSpitalisi coeis +3 casi ces toseseeiy 92 CBTAIS ao a wminicoss os spe siae os ces ERE 389 U5 00S ican ces+esandes cxadwesaxeae 46 Calehias is 4:4. schicadye Bt aneckite dab dhavetie 76 Calephelis ...........-...-...- 43 CAICHE ss swale ae esas ee eta ee saree 96 CajOnds <= teerne steateesncs enews 58 OalelAags 54 cece co kiedi te aaa tie 57 Californisinsase ¢¢e0uces 2 ooass sae ees 33 Californianais 4s Gales ie ed pose 68 Californica, Mec......- cee seen ees 2 Californica, Vane...eessee eee eee eee 22 Californica, Het..........0eee cee 30 Californica, Chi......--..-+e.-eeeee 39 Californica, Thec........-...e00-0, 45 Californica, Papsinses¢saraeioaesaes 7D Californica, Car....... eee c eee ee eee 79 CalifORniS 1 cicntalacwemnaues a cpaan Ss 34 Calippes ses ed sarees ssa a a aiiceme oes 7 Cal ieisecesps yacccsdyard nec alete,ala a ceedateuatce as 35 (Calliitt. seer os peratess seats s veaeae < 17 Calverley le vs cede er evees eesaain eee 76 Calycesicecis anesaie panne es cates 61 Camerta ....-- css ec seee eign palaces 33 CAMEGIUG oe. cease weedy ecaera es 33 tr NSS es sa sessanicienn'e: @ arate clea a sdegs he: 17 Campestris, Phy.......-..eeseeeeee a7 Campestris, Pam............0.0000 84 CaNE CE: siers0d se tletu.n suas edebees Be 18 Candidaic cares nanan aes eee ee 80 Cath US nities ced sare Sierscedevvaraincele.d 33 Cape lla.: dees sce eeige erase 4 ose 4 138 Co AUTOM: 4% sais ocean beietelet 19 Cardilelisice sine ad ecte AAC eho 25 Cardiits sss 44.cac tas sees iatecie |) Lene; ATE... ¢ dssusnede necake aca sd aie 8 Hoffmanni, Mel.......--..ccee ve aee 14- | Tréne.. Nath + i934 s4iiae ais ieee 2-06 63 Holland ce ncees és ccnes piensa v95 De ll Tite is ew cape ne i Geren wal dae aKaeoenees 49 TROVatIOG siete os nanan Seas alee anes oe se OA. | Tv OTS: sin ayece cede toienz orstenavio ori cen 2 oieg 49 HROrtenSlais ssiiccdses Siceindie + Renesas e sea Ab | AT Shee: srcearace wiaaivendvs aGuanpsmnace 2 dibsyaaces 49 HOPS: cess 4 cece so ene0s 6a ewes cues BF | Tsiie tia: 2. w2aeders 40544 estes eece 14, 16 HOW ieicoow ex dees ost. nals eo eee, BO: Wise llah ie cacao ce tas sini a.'5: Sivog 5 acl atone Ae 59 FHUg0 - eee e cece ec ence cece eeenee 44 | Isopbthaliia ic ccvsiweden ws eacees oe 60 BRU BOM se sess vies 6 eseneiere, ees eegue' ep sala Bc ee ce re er eee eee 48 HUIS «os sees ee doen so Anes o's Bee G2 | TiS caavowy cren nes 4984 1a hheee Cin 45 ELGIStit cereiccle cote cesar eats 30) || Evallda) wscay vcs canon wacteiens ves 39 viii INDEX. ADELA vosestevern “a eo.jw re.canb od Cvs cele Waves eave tv edovan's AB Je TPO MAagievasaseyacers. Sc o\uavayererose.<, dsdsesanscoun oad ast 95 Dix PADUA 6: so se dyes aessc-toelaaverene danecoumneraosee 21 | LeonarduS.......seecsveveenecenne 83 Janais. .6- cee ccee cee eceeeceeeaes 18 | Leptalis .......--..-.0 0s eeee eee 60 Jatraphees <'s cjasesescosas yewrars as 96) | Othe aesis +e nepsiow Me agewonee 6 © a0 26 Josephina..... ee ce ccceceeeeeeeeees GL. |“ Wetorcesieicvtiwinied cx eaaaue es ecg 5 PUVA TL Ga iio oi sichen Wiik Sinsnob ince aves wie io 6 44 | Leucodice......eeeeseeeeees poveaes Gl Fitba, Are. ae vaciaciae cacti aes eas eawes 7 | Libya oo... ec eee cece seen ceccrenes 95 Joba, Pant ssa0s4s stedacs os yee asioa x 82 | Libythea.. .............-.0055 42 JUCUNAB, « ceeccemes oo Seriew's ayes 4 72 | Libytheimae.......-.eeeeee eens 42 Javits sists err eicne tas o waders ae eis Sawa 64 | Licinus. occ cece cece cece rere eee 83 BU MOMEA . 0 ee ceeeeeeee Dr he Tat] GByrn esseiteidJe8 care aarhe dd Staelin ne ek aes ted 98 SL GUA eisiseecsist oe atures ered See a Sotae SS SE ces AB i) ToD W soca a: grenades esemeararecaacdcace dual weve wy aes 8 JUVENALIS:. «2 ceeic ove cewiss eda eees 94 | Woiamemitis... 2... cee cee eee 28 aU VETS oi send edsesecsiere Crardn ahaes a Scene ois OAS |) STV a) soso aisee e's wieclayler sta es! ate eldelsneo na date 72 Dstt OT esis ae teres. wesc aise eek ase 22 Liparops...--sccee cer ereceeecceees 46 Fa ie auah tira ieataehatetcctal ata ahoamecn ne ADU Tiled: chic erases waeayuen Cee want datean a 72 Keewaydin ......0-csseseececeeees 68 | Loammi......ceeceeeereneeeeecnes 87 Roi wah sé 5: etna eas crate cae a Sale Oaeanare B27) LioGW Hain tices done ne ewnaceeres 91 Kodiahi,.3 iaxicessvadanas cance s B4 | Logan ..essccsceaccacerennsrscenes 89 Kodiak, Coon ..+.+++-eeeee seer ees 34. |) Longloyiisiiies sessieeas ce onness cones 79 Kodiak, Ly¢... eee ceeeseeecee ners 5 || Ligaen tae 4 v vensuy teauea ss tee seae 46 Koretrin hal dd oe sh sisyee ce stcedusie. ce, tyatve ane 12 | Lorquini, Lim........ ssesseeeeeee 30 Kriecogonia dae $iasiies a 84 sense 66 Lorquini, SLAM ied G aoe abana pave Savane 56 Lorquini, Colesishs 64. .snaes aa cet 67 otiSiesiwncns eines sels less oad shaw ce € 57 Labradorensis, ...---+s+eeeeeeeerae TO! A To GH Anitesh as eeu dost soe oaebogcaee sages 58 Lacinia. . 1. eee cere eee oie 6 9 inte a 1B) |) To@edlias sc cs-esacws de cakes 6 emecae 93 TB biivigtesiie aieiwie s eeades Celina’ bO! |) Tsun ne tesier ss saetlet aa biaaeed ees 87 Lagus eee ce cere cere cece eeceeeene 89: | Lupititisscasss isan seseenes se ecarss 4 57 Lais, cc cece ccc n cence en scascnecccncs 6 | Luteicincta .......cccccre nec reeres 69 Laidon oe ecee eee cer cece er ceeeeans 4. | Laste0lugaccis ccaered canene cea scan 63 Lamina. +. ssc eee eecee cere cece eens 28 | Lycaema..... ccc eee eee eee reece 53 Lanceolata..--scccecersecesesi eves 63 | Lycsemidiee......... cece eee eae 43 ERR ee cons tea 3 SS & eee 66 | Lyecsemima............ cee eee ee 43 Lapponica, Arg... -.see sees cee eee LL, | Liyeaste) oscaviiesaseescnsads team ja 2 Lapponica, Col...-....eeeeeeeerees 70 | Liyceas eccce ccm nniee scene enneenns 53 DBT iy a4 nseiese a nee wsesaai sare aie Saslatieeed 26) || yciades, a4. escucasse tiene omens 97 Larva. ccc cece cece cee e reece ee eneee 66: |) Liycidas: aac. 9 crs sguscxeasees oon e2 97 Larunda, .--. see ee cece cece cece eee 15 | Lycus... se sec eee eee eee ercrecnes 48 Larvata oe csc eecesceecesreeeneeee 42 | Lygdamas ....-.... esse eee ee eenes 55 Lasts - eee cere cece cece eee eens BR: | Liysides jessvaces ice wees acetates w slauee 66 Uf eB BRED: capes da 8 ws otase canal elf stab cas ava aie: Dyeapenen 8 fe Laurentina, Col ..-...seeeeeeeeeeee 70 Laurentina, Pam........eeeesee ees B2 | (Macaltas scsceitcswdineed cine cent 8 TAA Bessie sale Shsios bas Hes os Bats 26 | MAGA iaseids eed bee dates. Kn aR 91 Li@an rd 4 ears ses Sloss: BESS SHEEN 15 | Macglashanii. ...-.....0e sees eeeeee 13 Ni@ Aitevevensed oi-d-823 br eas cneid< davies ahaa ws AD |) MACHAGM oe sia's «vei eas a sieqieulswy ae eGSssus 74 Leilia oes cece eee cere cere cence renee 30: | Macounil «acc seewsins vcvemutoweneerse 38 LeEMOniAaS «0... ce eee eee eee 2) Maculatains « ¢ ves scees oe areucsieces we ssie 87 INDEX. ix MipS01N ES vseicuns va eda seas oes Xe 79 Magdalena « « ceisres «a sincctogavasateiecs 36 MB MNS 06s hae ced 8d pe neds d anaes 44 MamtiataaQuts es vsccus cisucsaas auad 86 Mancinus, Era ccsces cssaeascawney 35 Manelwus, Eryrcisssavedane ce rdaces 99 MATIGAN: Ssvess 22665 Sa seccnaeos.cnaune 79 Manitoba 20 sccsinraxeeeens ce reios 82 Manitohoides. ........ 0. cece eee eee 82 Marecellitiaces is cisions carneee deaarna 65 Mateellas, « sc ceases t seiensstieies, ascnas eve 73 MSROaisssieree es on ldan ari gras seeee 16 Mardonivicniee sc tennessee 8 vests ci ecend 86 Mareinalisis icissicceis ts ¢.aciea cts cin cece 63 Margin ata 240 6¢6604 4 diucknied anaes 58 Marginatus ...... ccc ecseeeeeceee 79 Marieopa esse ces eins soaeus as cng aandd MATING ERI ae caches 5:6 2h kee mend 60 MATIDOSS