IN ONE ee oe ae} Lot H. CECIL SHEPPARD es. y Ohi visio ames E Rice MEMORIAL POULTRY LIBRARY CORNELL THE GIFT OF J. M. GWIN ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEw YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HomE ECONoMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY_ university (Oe rae Cornell University Library ‘ii $4,223.00 in One Year ona Town Lot BY H. Cecil Sheppard tn 48) S34 E 12 COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY H CHECIL SHEPPARD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE Several parties have come to my place and sought information regarding my methods of conducting my chicken business. Some have told me they would pay $5.00, others as high as $25.00, if I would tell them how I run my business. I have told them that I have no secret, but it would take considerable writing and time to give them a detailed description of my methods. I decided to write it up and put it in a book so that anyone can have it fora reasonable price. ON A TOWN LOT. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1—THE ROM) TO: SCCCUSS. «5 ccceneeney ney geeeees leis Biiavaydar dias Practical information—Scelecting ihe breed—Start on small seale— Pigeons—Buy good stock to start with—At the poultry shows— Advertising pays well—Importance of advertising—Doubled my ca- pacity cach year—Selecting the vaviely—My actual experience step by step—Living on a town lot—A little para@ise in five years. Caiioor TIA ACUBATOUS 28% DINGOTIUS, cuscugees auks és 5212465498 Placing the eggs in the ineubateur—Importance of cooling the eggs— Running the incubator the right temperature—Kcep the broader clean —Dreparing the brooder for the chicks, CHAPTER TLI—CARE (OW) GHICIN Si sactie eGo: tese or mumsncnddeaies dnstimeil atlas Mahesh Biv oh easintenied Don't chill the young chicks—Right temperature the third and fourth weeks—F ceding the young chicks—Green food necessary for young chicks—Charcoal and grit important—Sprouted oats a great eg; producer—Perfect winter quarters—Automatic feeders for growing stock—Don't force the breeders. GCHAPEDR: SEVP OUD... THOUS TES et ccc ai. ao devise nesaaiarean tahini hae ate @ epee aes Nae Open air houses most sutisfacto Birds singing in zero weather The ideal chicken park—The necessity of cleanliness—My first eggs four months—Imported the best stock obtainable—How I commenced advertising—-My first order for hatching eges—Chickens laying all fall and winter—Increasing advertisiny increases business—Good results at end of year. CHAPTER, VWH=PLEASURE: AND: PROPER. «20 a6 oxscnniiacnmenedciane sso aa aatdoes Sales $9,515.00 sixth year—Gives up everything for chickens—A square deal for everybody—Building up a good character—The science of salesmanship—The four stages of salesmanship—Good stationery and catalog important—Found it necessary to move to a farm. CHaPTeR VI—WIIAT TO DO EACH MONTII OF THE YEAR............. Care of young stock—Ilouses thoroughly cleaned and sprayed—Orders and shipments—How to ship the birds—Birds need extra care in November—Getting the birds ready for the show room. CHAPTER: VIT—MATING STOCKH eqnevaweees in pase ese epee yiaees The male is half the breeding pen—Catalog and mating list—shipment of eggs and baby chicks—How to ship baby chiecks—