Cornell University Library OF THE Hew Work State College of Agriculture 1820 Cornell University Library (The) horse-breeder’s guide and hand boo © GELS EW THE . Mech. ~/ 6,90 HORSE-BREEDER’S GUIDE EMBRACING ONE HUNDRED TABULATED PEDIGREES OF THE PRIN- CIPAL SIRES, WITH FULL PERFORMANCES OF EACH AND BEST OF THEIR GET, COVERING THE SEASON OF 1883, WITH A FEW OF THE DISTINGUISHED DEAD ONES, By S. D. BRUCE, Author of the American Stud Book. PUBLISHED AT Orricr or TURF, FIELD AND FARM, 39 & 41 Park Row. 1883. ie ee SERA BAR ho 356 | Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, By S. D. Bruce, {n the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C. DIN Dx TO THE Stallions Covering in 1883, WHOSE PEDIGREES AND PERFORMANCES, &c., ARE GIVEN IN THIS WORK, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, PAGES 1 TO 181, INCLUSIVE. PART SECOND. DEAD SIRES WHOSE PEDIGREES AND PERFORMANCES, &c., ARE GIVEN IN THIS WORK, PAGES 184 TO 205, INCLUSIVE, ALPHA- BETICALLY ARRANGED. Index to Sires of Stallions described and tabulated in this volume. PAGE Abd-el-Kader .. Sire Of AISETINE: 65.5 Gacidiss sine Malas wonaw nee: 5 Adventurer....... £6 BIyth wood. wus sian soiee ehaeicows s+ 23 AVI os cnaieees weeang eieaiasals wisiacees SO US AMY A co as, save ieee ase aren seaaore yee 75 BEEN ORY oh oie race Ga Ne aoe saeanecreseate ooaesking Seacrest HO) SRV RIG: Daly tiie sede wine vis sceneries 97 Australian .... S6 “Baden: ‘Bad eniviuie ve wvres caress wacae'y's 11 Se OE) pases iaecelitatuhatans gsnatess acetate Siniaure eaten SE “OVO. CHAE Ue. card ceis 3 jac szv-anaieia asaiscous ecko 47 te BE GYCRSARC lS etseieas cay augsie sed dcsnatarajheave cies “Harry O’Fallon..... Sg ite ee EM ME Seg aicitrivate atanare a sian Sen statis te! weates Mela aves He) Spend Mhirltis saws hcese aes decane 147 ER Se ssaxdusie i entiens a enoavels anette luda eventos? “eds FE Springboks vecvevsis ais » VERS 149 es a ByangO GALS 4S Renee aieusete Sahar leoeatNS eivacke 6 WANE Ura asics Sistine are ica ai 177 EG, L Wardyetesscbatiha 1 aatediava oases opdaina o Pecans iat 8 WADIA Gs were) asin etiade ones cee ca ee 179 CAG SHAD fs ctisiis sien so aiateinstdeiaie, claam ives ereiden Seales EE SAX OM jee As seate ! syadavelcarenetatant eakece eae 143 Bel Demo nto vivicictsccsqvecvisns saad ones viene ace WE Me Cht Bes eases aes -- 6 Billet ...25 dN AS sea diieansnoacc Wintel nsm tcensbeaiticads Bia lo “Elias Lawrence....... ae - BF ae «= “© Voltarnd,ces pence 171 Blair Athol. ee) Sf Glen Ath Ol. assess secieis ¢ e 6 wer OS ee tus es SE HIBMIAN GER ccc sean cscareeiaeye 0 cave AS ON gov saSidvsraiia a nse ite sSercliste stares aranenece eheimasitle aks Mo Stonchese.: eoccacies seinescees Basetierale 151 Bonnie BeGHANG kakwse che eens Sees deans EEO Bramble ss ciciccos sass dosndea travaqvaraten oes 25 Ce” seein wiatinays ai iaials Sieeeiatee aaa save | Duke: Blackburn ssu.s eres cacas asae 109 Eee ibaa cleans tesharaveaceantysta tens Me acoso A> PLONIPO 2 sina tn cerk aheereracn woes vert BOStOMe scalars 3 ations's earns s Shida meth hoe odes a «Lexington Y Preatalha@ es «saws s2sce eaexe canals cues a ewes wx 66° TNE SC Cesare arctecia'e:sters asin wiererne '6 CADE! garde: Rieti a eieneatatese otra nates NE “ Glenelg.... COMPCIL Nes stevsisre aie hine Fediae gtdials oe MGraweres wes (CE Mortemers wanes sncce enteiestas es DO TIVO 223, ofecu/atsierand sesvaia- aieadcars atoralasss#iasasevesaianvaas uted «Sir Archy. ; Te UC: voces peaees x eee haus eeBerieye ies “« Muscovy..... seen e cnet eeeeeeneaes DUO Gs a asaisees vsScnacash svelancat eevoleteys Wrorans Syed nyaloes\e a sna? ‘« American Eclipse NeMp ses sik vecin: oresatta dwg cate one Seka ace : Blan Byes ASHI ath s aiaeis alee ser MUQUUTV OR secicts crephiee dracalals ocacdgotillayanensueya avalter baletalasi Sore “Whisper Rataplan “« Dalnacardoch Rosicrucian Be TQS Chia areetennccmncis «. BOCK Siinstarrowcavene can weld att pee aman arE Mant WE Re DEL osaueie eee areney SU 61h nox niceche vooxt stapes svraieccaecanevalaveiets BE AGEN COC sit cesccteare avers Thormanby EE SGELON SANT a isc ia ee: ainvad-arotee prareserse onset Timoleon............. «“ Boston.... Se hee War Dance... Biatlion.. HA” pisteiners tev SF GABON ca vu axa eben pe nRaguees Has WAVERLY iss ckiasetac” ora? qoseestessitarensversialoanipieinr Siva nipaichs «« Duke of Montrose West Australian 1 DOSEN oxen 2 pani wes a zkere ee VA AN oistasensncvase aeera eesti dnd seitsers Mace antendatyedatonie FB «ERE OR ruin whi ae onan eta ou tth Bs. Bae oS al ea nara abstaes oilin te ceul Staan leas Se OE | WANG ics 2301 we seraasian ici athens esessherecoteiece Wea tse a Dyess cebetceracster arcderaresee saree tea cotuaiserotfarhcare BE VI CO Dis risrocerstenacgionenses Man grerneriaasaes Warp woos acritc niteeei sot dete nga te ails ee EE | AUTEN is ia josscis senses cannes epactvacard-sescouannre A. sais aestatsinivigccMetaars o- etsea hs Mimnoangtclans weenie eae att « Virgilian MOM O UR 5a. es scscs casacainrecaiacts se tbPissciaiosevn bacaiesaievetornes TN ccs Asp cesta ad lanl td TO DAMS PBTONIEE ii dears ecitastateeaea a anne ee POPOVUBE cisseis og usedar’ dsttocanare anainareovess Alice Carneal Araucaria... Atlantis .. Bab ta jie casmeveusucune somiioe ade we BOtNICG) 2 crcpeit tree asersvld ciaeeneease Betty Wharton ...........0.0.008 IB IStiO ssc cue eniace aun vesads, & Soteie a Bonny Bellis :2 vives. eaetclg unis ead BUCH cspdaninaniciesudeasctare vive Carbine ......... Carolin .. ; Castianira. DOT Bnei Poise Mees wee tay he soe Ellermire ......... a Eltham Lass ...... Bila jie-ciscic wines capes a savers one ETC StUM Cs oc) -so.s, sracahs Syavastys deanaiaya areeaes Fanny Holton .............0.-05- Fanny Washington.............. Parfaletea scat s sence ceurauans see WOM G11} sorcters.c a) sedans wadaat aes vannnel MVMOUG2 256 aden yes se gane ene Ida Dickey........ iA on init he Idlewild Ivy Leaf... Ivy Leaf Jamaica HOLL Os, sssaisse wecnsns:e wlensters sseseereNerecie ate Dag y Wakes a xand Heaaa coees teeex Dray lOve sséccssschie sveiscs cvsreieie eisresners Lady of the Manor La Henderson.............0ee00+ Lavender. Magenta ......... sees eee eee eens Maggie B. B......... . Matis aapehtte’s Sgt aS Mattte: (990862 oe yay e csie vues oe Sa late alate ee Dam of Felloweraft La endes Sem ee ‘© Highlander seis aia stat nimrete ela «Kyrie Daly ih saladiol o dacalsae Bie “¢ Mortemer Roig BESS AOR ‘© Springbok. a ieee rertidas sins ‘“« Fechter............ Bias ofdavtaataia chased SE" GTA SR OW? sssicietiiies acnie-o a Biers sini edison sts INDEX OF HORSES TABULATED. S diseh Gitar aa Spendthrift . .. “ Lexington... «Rayon @’Or King Ban ease esas arate Sa gnats treaties EEC GVM cross 5 Sapa acoasd se woreeale-vrckcrer dm Saintabevane ipahstsiete fe Bertram. sac c esas meeme Sane eves Uiguin eat ea EES TREDE] cosces te secsiagatene: 4a Me aC nen 6 asectna eens “« Blythewood eee ee “Blue Byeies as we £6. Bille tts wax * Glengarry .. oo fh" Ven tilatonsc stiviics sec ersher a aiannesiaats EE) SSITGATOD Yi. 2.5 cisee ataie agetaiens afelasnne-ciesets swe ateno sary we King Alfonso'cis as weaas nates aos Se eishaymans tenets cha EE SUOMCH ON GO eases a wists cease sie a edie coacece «Wanderer “« — Uneas “« Plenipo « -Thl-Used.. “Kingfisher ... See IR KNs «Australian se Bactiee sacaechets OE ANG MVD Sbiecies sscigeandceneieora Neelda dias ssa. he ee te” Ven Broce coay a anus corns vesn gee Zidvaueis deh ereia is PES 6 HOLS a eb veattaiatese teat sad cay clche Meats acoiios 5 esis S etote es in Falsetto aia ar nite wey : “ic cc ce Pat Malloy. ‘¢ Bullion .... «Glen Athol 1 OV IRGOP canes 3 sawn “cc «Virgil “«« Wildidle 6 Ba Zar sss. ‘¢ | Bramble .. ‘¢ Foxhall... 6 OHAYPal « pway aude eeuue “Tom Ochiltree «Duke of Montrose “Hyder Ali ‘¢ Muscovy “« Virgilian «Baden Baden ER TOPIC sna sn CO Weyer coc AE TORQ UET sco. x «¢ Glenmore «Moccasin «© Powhatan “ Grenada BG - LISDOM sree, weress aise stress “ Duke ot Mapenta..s cises cane nvaee Troquois ..........-..6. vi INDEX. PAGE Of WUIEDEF ve ssae reese sweren ee 175 ANT ANTI cicrsmaushecehs seatdr-aiudrepivevatavetionterotennsee 3 BUS CHING wa ccwcasaaes sea eees 153 Delnaearlot iy sierees peewee caw 31 Phaeton...... ». 201 Monarchist . wx AE CU SO ca: aiiicessraseseca cuties Sissefarare.acoverajettiobe 185 GON 2nc% awieces eae serrees 79 Longfellow... .... cee ee ec cece ence 107 Luke Blackburn.........--.0.000- 109 Al gern eso: .s graces eremis nerveeeieinds 5 Mata Ot cscs isecicidccciners tes siwlewrey Norfolk..........- Ga ay wee ee ae Pantaloon Mare... Leamington..........- Paradigm .... «¢ Blue Mantle.. POY ei salacn tied ecncareing miatinana urate wasters ema Sat «¢ Lelaps........ ‘ USB Yio cccseaseseia,iccinehtarayn one .albaetneestee eseasi-aisasyaiencesicunie oe Wi. couse cee eS Queen Mary: nce issce nice wpesiestnarqyenera: ateaisies «Bonny Scotland PROSE 55ers race vnigcinl ofa votetetsisecrauenet sgcsnisioiolseo suesstsesabiafacsnsclixte «Royalty Rose of Kent.............0005 2 Akos «Athlete Sarong............ ‘© Aristides Songstress see cseeees * Macearoon BOVERELSI Mare’: :siaies.cisiaiaisvareseveseis icreoreiettcs sataioiare “« Grinstead Spectator Mareise, czscessssecsseeeweveas dees “« Diomed Sprightly........ i “Elias Lawrence. Sprightly.... ; « Volturno..... . 171 Stolen: Kisses iiosgni ssa cccsevstee-cemesweeriences 6 RefORms sac-eacansvrneureaeivermourne 137 SUT YSOUMED so asd Seem sioresanstersisuereu®, deverena, ofecdeerduaieies «¢ Harry O’Fallon....... 2.2.00 e eee ee 71 Susan Beane: vassosiiceracesciiaa cameras ccacs 1 “Nevsatlots wis. wns suncorreteoeamoneas 145 Susan Beane...... BE- « MOMOMOM GAY sessile caves seadellans ebiveie 125 Susan Beane..... . < IStatlOrd sexes casdeweme oes ones 155 Sweet Lucy ...... we EY Brigadier aiscce-civivetisn sree ie TAM POUNGs ses caus away xe ES, MGV CMC O Giz. sort er caceh a csiassisteie nate crac BINS 195 Tran Dy Mare). esscsco- assrereinicereiers Wendel coe saceae seen ee Venere 205 Whitetacescoisisccn. seeds ane - ‘ Woodlands.. 181 W ode a lbsyiys sega ees (ib veat “Vottrox ss cas eaccoyeeees 65 INTRODUCTION. THE author in compiling the tabulated pedigrees of the sires to be found in this work has been induced to do so in hopes of their proving useful to those engaged in breeding for the turf, or who are engaged in fostering this most popular national amusement. Very many of our largest breeders seem to ignore the lessons taught in the Stud Book and Racing Calender, and we commend to all the necessity of observing what sources and what course of breeding have produced the best results in England, which may be most properly called the home of the thoroughbred horse. We have given our own views as to the best mode to successfully breed the race-horse and the best mode to select a stallion and brood mare, and the treatment of the same both in the stud and on the farm. We do not expect that all will agree with us, but the ideas expressed and plans suggested will do away with many of the, chances incident to breeding. There is much uncertainty, and always will be, attending the best and most careful mode of breeding, and this opinion is strongly exemplified in the frequent occurrence of one horse being of very high form and an excellent race-horse, and a full brother or sister being only ordinary; yet we differ from a great many in the opinion that breeding depends entirely upon chance. Acci- dents and other unforeseen causes, some of them so unimportant and abstruse as to escape our attention or come within our knowledge, may prevent the best bred and most promising animal from arriving at its natural size and true shape, and a little difference in conformation, symmetry, and constitution may make a decided difference in goodness and speed. The foal may be weak and have a delicate constitution owing to the dam being starved and exposed to hardships while carrying it, or it may have been improperly reared. This only proves that great care and knowledge are necessary in rearing horses for the turf, as well as judgment and attention in selecting mares and stallions from which to breed. The chief points are pure blood, conformation, consti- tution, racing lineage, and hereditary soundness. The nearer we get to true shape with the other points combined, the more certainly we will arrive at excellence. We often find a large horse of’ good shape and racing symmetry; but where there is ~ne good large one, there are a dozen small or medium sized ones. The greater the size, when com- bined with the good qualities, the greater the excellence and his powers, for a good little horse cannot cope withagreat goodone. Hence size with constitution, soundness, and symmetry constitutes the height of perfection While we advocate and commend pure blood, we are convinced that very often pedigree is the only point at which some breeders look, ignoring altogether shape and action; hence failures. The establishment of reputation by a stallion depends on his having good mares, at first, for if he has only bad and indifferent ones, the produce will be in low form and a disappointment, and the horse condemned asa failure. To prove this, it is only necessary to cite the viii INTRODUCTION. Godolphin Arabian and Marske; the former but for the accident of covering Roxana and getting Lath would have died unknown, while Marske who had been standing for half a guinea and was sold for twenty guineas, after siring Eclipse was sold for one thousand guineas and covered at one hundred guineas. Squirt, thesire of Marske, had been ordered shot and was saved by the intercession of his groom ; he afterwards got Marske, Syphon, and the celebrated Squirt Mare the dam of Maiden Purity, Pump- kin, and other famous horses. That many good race-horses have proved failures as stallions, and many poor race-horses successful ones no one can doubt, as instance Lath, who was a famous race-horse but an indifferent stallion, whilst his full brother Cade, was an indifferent race-horse but a most excellent stallion. Flying Childers dazzled the world by the splendor of his career on the turf, yet his brother, Bartlet’s Childers proved far the better stallion. According to my notions, no horse can be a good race-horse or a successful stallion, that. does not possess great symmetry, by which I do not mean beauty, but a show of all those points, such as confoi mation, length, power and muscle justly united, Notwithstanding it is often asserted that horses run in all shapes, it cannot be denied they run better and more frequently where they are well and truly shaped, and of tried and approved conformation. A horse may appear to the eye of ordinary judges very plain and ill-shaped, and still be in high form, and to the eye of a connoisseur right in all the material points for racing purposes; the machinery properly put together is the point. Chances and accidents are closely allied to all pursuits and more particularly to breeding for the turf, and luck very frequently predominates over skill and judgment, and whilst breeding cannot be made a certainty or re- duced to a science it should not be left to chance. It cannot be too minutely studied, investigated or attended to in all its branches, and the breeder who selects his mares and stallions with care, attention and judgment as to purity of pedigree, sym- metry of form, temper, soundness and constitution, in fact, those possessing all those essential qualities of speed and stoutness, must be more successful than one who breeds at haphazard and pays no regard to these established rules, at the same time crossing and preserving the blood of his mares judiciously, and aiming to remedy the defects, deficient properties and inferior qualities of his mares, by the superior conformation, symmetry, admirable properties, and brilliant qualities of the stallion, or vice versa; those who do this will be more likely to produce a more symmetrical, high-typed and successful race-horse than those who pay no attention to these points. Speculative experiments may suit those of large fortunes, but the thinking and judicious breeder, aware of the great expense, constant and unremitting attention necessary for success, will confine himself to the established practise of men whose experience, judgment, atten- tion and success in breeding are worthy of imitation. It is 9 matter uf opinion whether the offspring partake most of the sire or dam. There is no doubt but that they par- take of both, though very often more of the one than the other. Some of the mares breed more after themselves, others more aftcr the stallion, then again one foal will partake more after the mare and the next partake most after the horse. It also occasionally happens that the foal will color and mark after the grandsire or grandam or some other more distant cross, and partake of their qualities, hence the necessity of pure blood, conformation and soundness through many generations. To appreciate what care, attention and sound judgment have done for the thoroughbred horse, it is only necessary for us to look at his origin; unquestionably the thoroughbred horse as he now INTRODUCTION. ix exists in his great perfection originated from a cross of the Arabian Barb and Turkish horse, the representative scions being the Godolphin and Darley Arabians; the former generally conceded to be a ‘‘Barb,” was the sire of Lath, Cade, Regulus, Blank, Ba- braham, Bajazet, Old England, ete. It is said Mr. Coke brought him from France, and that he had actually drawn a cart in the streets of Paris. Mr, Coke gave him to Mr. Williams, keeper of the St. James Coffee House, by whom he was presented to Lord Godolphin, hence his name. He was teaser to Hobgoblin in. the years 1780 and 1731, and on the latter refusing to cover Roxana by the Bald Galloway, she was bred to the Arabian, and from that cover produced Lath, the first colt ever credited to him, which brought him into prominent notice. He was represented 15 hands high. The Dailey Arabian was the property of Mr. Darley, of Buttercramb, near York ; he was the sire of the great Flying Childers, supposed to be the fastest horse in the world, sire of Second, Snip Blacklegs, etc., Bartlet’s Childers and Almanzor, Bartlet’s Childers never raced, but he was famous as a stallion ; he was sire of Squirt (the sire of Marske and Syphon), and the Little Hartley Mare, the dam of Janus, Blank, Old England, Slouck, etc. The Curwen Bay Barb was a present to Louis XIV. of France from the Emperor of Morocco, and was brought into England by Mr. Curwen. St. Victor Barb was the sire of the Bald Galloway, and he was the sire of Roxana that brought the Godolphin Arabian into notice. The Compton Barb was sire of Coquette and others. Hutton’s Bay Barb was sire of Blacklegs. The Byerly Turk was Capt. Byerly’s charger in Ireland during King William’s wars in 1689. It is from this horse that the Herod blood originated. Byerly Turk got Jigg, sire of Partner, who got Tartar, sire of Herod, who got Highflyer, sire of Sir Peter (Teazle). Sir Peter got Haphxzard, Stam- ford, Walton, sire of Phantom and Partisan, Williamson’s Ditto and Sir Oliver. Herod got Fortitude, Woodpecker, the sire of Buzzard, who sired Selim, the sire of Sultan, that sired Glencoe, Bay Middleton, etc. Herod got Florizel, sire of Diomed, who got Young Giantess and Sir Archy, sire of Timoleon, who got Boston, sire of Lexington, Lecompt, etc. Godolphin Arabian got Cade, sire of Matchem, who got Conductor, sire of Imperator and Trumpator. Trumpator got Sorcerer, the sire of Comus, and Smolensko, The Darley Arabian got Bartlet’s Childers, sire of Squirt, who got Marske, sire of Eclipse, who got King Fergus, Mercury, Dun- gannon, Meteor, Saltram and Pot-8-os. Mercury got Gohanha, King Fergus got Benningbrough, the sire of Orville, who got Emilius, the sire of Priam and Plenipoten- tiary, and Master Henry; Muley, thesireof Margrave, Leviathan and others; Hamble- tonian, the sire of Whitelock, who got Blacklock, sire of Brutandorf, Voltaire, ete. ; Sal- tram got Whiskey, the sire of Eleanor and Cressida, the dam of Priam ; Pot-8-os got Waxy, the sire of Web, Whisker, the sire of Economist, who got Echidna and Harkaway, the sire of King Tom. Whalebone, the sire of Camel, who gt Touchstone, the sire of Orlando and Newminster, the sire of The Hermit; Whalebone also got Sir Hercules, the sire of Irish Birdcatcher, the sire of The Baron, who got Stockwell, Rataplan etc., and Faugh-a-Ballagh the sire of Leamington. An examination of the Stud Book and Racing Calender will show that nearly the entire family of great race-horses both in England and America, dates back to the sources mentioned, and that it is extreme folly in our day to expect to improve the present magnificent race-horse by an infusion of the blood of the modern Arabian. We commenced upon the Arab Barb and Turk with a height not exceeding 15 hands, and have, by judicious crossing, generous diet, discreet and careful handling built up the most magnificent specimens of the equine race, x INTRODUCTION. ranging up to 17 hands in height, with bone, muscle, length, action and all the other grand qualities in proportion. In the early days of breeding, from necessity, very many of the best horses were very much inbred, and even incestuously so, and the question of inbreeding is one which commends itself strongiy to mature consideration and examination. According to the maxim that “‘like produces like,” we ought to follow form, blood, speed and other good qualities, and if these good qualities can be maintained and improved by inbreeding, then it must be desirable to a certain extent. Some of the best English and American horses were very much inbred, and the consanguinity of blood did not work deterioration. I am not an advocate of incestuous brecding, either in the human race or the brute creation, but there is no doubt that manly beauty, graceful form and intelectual vigor. have resulted from preservation of those high qualities in the human race where not carried too far, and we can see no reason why the inbreeding of the truest best bred and best shaped racers can work an injury to the equine race. Still we think an out cross of pure blood with the essential qualities of a good race-horse and then back to the superior blood and conformation likely to produce the best results, We will give a few examples of inbred modern horses, in England and the same in America, and in doing so will select those of high character which distinguished themselves on the turf, and in the stud, for instance. The Baron, not only a good race-horse, but sire of Stock- well and Rataplan was by Birdcatcher, by Sir Hercules, by Whalebone, by Waxy, by Pot-8-03, by Eclipse. The Baron’s dam, Echidna, by Economist, by Whisker, own brother to Whalebone, by Waxy, by Pot-8-os, by Eclipse, Echidna’s dam, Miss Pratt by Blacklock, by Whitelock, by Hambletonian, by King Fergus, by Eclipse. Touchstone, a fine race-horse, and one of the best stallions that ever lived, was by Camel, by Whalebone, by Waxy, by Pot 8-os, by Eclipse, his dam, Banter by Master Henry, by Orville, by Beningbrough, by King Fergus, by Eclipse ; 2d dam, Boadicea by Alexander, by Eclipse. The great Stockwell was much inbred on his dam’s side, Pocahontas by Glencoe, dam Marpessa, by Muley, by Orville, by Beningbrough, by King Fergus, by Eclipse. Muley’s dam, Eleanor by Whiskey, by Saltram, by Eclipse. Pocahontas’ grandam was Clare by Marmion, by Whiskey, by Saltram, by Eclipse ; Clare’s dam, Harpalice by Gohanna, by Mercury, by Eclipse. Queen Mary, the dum of Blink Bonny, Bounie Scotland, &c., was much inbred. Gladiator, her sire, was by Partisan, by Walton, by Sir Peter, by Highflyer, by Herod ; her dam by Plenipoten- tiary, by Emilius, by Orville, by Beningbrough, by King Fergus, by Eclipse ; her grandam, Myrrha by Whalebone, by Waxy, by Pot-8-0s, by Eclipse ; her great grandam, Gilt by Y. Gohanna, by Gohanna, by Mercury, by Eclipse, out of a daughter of Sir Peter, by Highflyer, by Herod. Partisan was out of Parasol, by Pot-8-os, by Eclipse. Pocahontas’ best son, Stockwell, was by an inbred horse, and Blink Bonny, Queen Mary’s best daughter, was by a horse Melbourne inbred to Herod and Eclipse, so if the preservation of good blood through inbreeding in these striking cases has been a success, is it not redsonable to suppose that the same results must follow inbreeding to good blood and true shape with other desirable qualities in this country? Boston was inbred to Diomed, as also his best'son, Lexington. Wanderer and Uncas are both much inbred on the dam’s side, being out of a grandaughter of Glencoe, and tracing to an own sister of the Old Hero, Glenmore, one of the best race-horses recently on the turf, and whose performances are of the best at all distances, is very much inbred; his dam, Lotta, is by Hunter’s Glencoe, son of Imp. Glencoe and INTRODUCTION. xi the blue filly Fiatt by Imp. Hedgeford, she out of Lady Thompkins by American Eclipse. Glenmore’s grandam Sally Lewis is by Imp. Glencoe her dam Motto by Imp. Barefoot out of Lady Thompkins by Am. Eclipse. Barefoot was by Tramp and Glen- coe’s dam by Tramp, so that he is, strictly speaking, incestuously bred; yet he was a first class race-horse. Norfolk, a superior race-horse, is inbred to Sir Archy and Dio- med. Falsetto is inbred to Lexington; the dam of his sire is by Lexington, and his grandam by Lexington, and he has nine crosses of Diomed. Imp. Eclipse was much inbred; his dam Gaze was by Bay Middleton son of Sultan and Cobweb by Phantom son of Walton, Flycatcher, his grandam, was by Godolphin son of Partisan by Walton, and his great grandam was an own sister to Cobweb by Phantom. ‘Then if the Lex- ington, Leamington and Glencoe blood is to be preserved to, the country it can only be done by a judicious course of inbreeding, and so uniting the choice of both as to com- bine and render permament the qualities possessed by each. Some regard inbreed- ing as an active cause of degenerating, as unnatural and calculated to develop heredi- tary diseases. These evils can only spring from abuse of the system. If proper care is taken to exclude the weak and those having hereditary tendencies to disease, from participation in reproduction it may be the means of preserving those estimable quali- ties so much desired in the equine race, and transmitting them unimpaired to succeed- ing generations. The greatest success has been achieved by breeding from the nearest affinities of blood, and one should not hesitate to breed a half-brother or sister to- gether where they possess many points of superiority. In the selection of a stallion we want first pure blood, size, substance and confurmation with symmetry, not a tall narrow-chested horse, but one inclined to be thick-set; sll coarseness should be avoided especially in the head, neck, shoulders, ankles and hocks; the eye should be large, clear and bright, with no coarse hair about it, the absence of which is indicative of high breeding in all animals; the jaw bones not too massive or heavy,tapering gradually to the nose, free from beefiness; good space between the jawbones for the windpipe; a clear, full steady eye denotes good temper and enduring qualities, whilst the one showing toomuch white is generally found in flighty, speedy, non-staying horses. The neck of moderate length, deep and not too thick at the crest or curve, nostrils large, full and roomy. The chest moderately wide, the shoulder blade oblique and ixclined backward with sufficient muscle to cover it, with arms long and muscular, cannon bones short and flat, and the pasterns moderately long not upright, knee broad and flat and rather inclined to arch or bend over than backward or calf-kneed, which causes an extra tension on the back tendons; chest deep extending down between the elbows which should be straight, inclining neither in nor out, and toes pointed straight forward, body and barrel round and not too long, muscular arched loins, with good levgth from point of the hip to haunch bone, u slight drooping towards the root of the tail, good length from hip to point of stifle and ‘thence to the hock, which should be broad, finely cut and free from beefiness; the can- non bones flat, tendons detached and well defined, feet strong and hoof not too large or too small, back ribs long, round, and slightly detached from the hip joint. There should be sufficient general length not to be determined by the length of the back, but the ground the horse covers when standing ina natural position. Good blood is essen- tial and necessary, but good form issuperiority. Inthe selection of brood mares, form is as much a desideratum as in the stallion. First select from the most fashionable blood from running families on both sides with conformation, constitution, good temper, and xii INTRODUCTION, speed ; some prefer large mares, others of medium height. Large mares are not pre- ferable because they are large, but if well and tyuly shaped, from running blood, there is no objection to size ; as arule, the deep-chested, large-bodied, short-legged mares with large pelvis, with wide hips and good length, from 15 to 154 hands high, have proved the best and most successful brood mares. The mare, above all things, should be good-tempered and free from all hereditary defects and disease. It does not follow that a mare which may be blemished from some unforseen cause, may not be as good a brood mare as one entirely sound. Mares in good health will breed until twenty-five or thirty years old, but they require attention, air and exercise, with proper shelter from storms and bad weather, with sufficient food to keep them always in good strong condition—not beefy fat, as nothing is more fatal to fruitfulness than obesity. Unless kept in good strong condition, the foals are apt to b: weak and weedy at birth ; the time to make a race-horse is when the foal is in embryo ; in the vernacular to make a race-horse you must do so before he is born. Stallions, to do themselves justice, must have plenty of exercise in the open air; if they cannot he trusted in an open paddock they should be ridden three or four hours cach day. Idleness results in indigestion, loss of vigor, and flatulence, which often prove fatal. The colts, from the day they are fualed should be fed, if the dam does not afford sufficient milk to insure speedy and healthy growth, and broken at weaning time, which should be the last of September or first of October. It is a capital plan to feed the coltsin pens for a mouth or six weeks before weaning them, and we are decidedly of the opinion that foals which come the last of March or first of April have full as much advantage as those foaled earlier before the grasses necessary to afford an ample supply of milk from the dam arrive at perfection. Those who believe in having early foals should always sow down in the early fall a patch of good rye for the use of the mares and foals. Stallions, mares, and colts all require plenty of fresh air and exercise ; air and light is life— darkness, death. Horses, and particularly colts, from their natural activity, require more exercise than any other animals, and whez properly given, is productive of the most salutary effects. It is the more necessary to colts highly fed than to those stinted or fed moderately. It enables you to preserve them in a perfect state of health. The food is converted into whvlesome nourishment, the circulation of the blood promoted, and all the secretions and discharges facilitated. It invigorates the whole system, gives additional flow to the spirits, adds firmness and strength to the muscles, increases the firmness, texture and growth of the bone, promotes insensible perspiration, assists digestion and prevents flatulence and prepares the “system for fresh supplies of aliment. It enables the animal to endure fatigue. In fact without constant and habitual exercise no animal can enjoy perfect health. High feeding without proper exercise produces many evils, such as indigestion, flatulency, cos- tiveness ; the circulation becomes languid, incurable diseases follow, and frequently death terminates the scene. The stallions and mares thus treated, whose b'!ood is pure and uncontaminated, and whose conformatiun, strength, activity and vigor are conspicuous in every movement, must impart to their offspring not only sound con- stitutions, but speed, native fire and energy, which are necessary to support them un- der the severest exercise of their powers. With the variety of suil, perennial grasses, and favorable climate, the Americans should excel all nations in producing the most perfect and the grandest of the equine race. THE HORSE-BREEDERS’ GUIDE HAND BOOK. 2 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ALARM Will be located during the season of 1883 at the Erdenheim Stud, Chest- nut Hill, Pa. He will be allowed to serve mares at $100 each and $5 to the groom. Application to Major J. R. Hubbard, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. ALARM, by imp. Eclipse, was bred by Mr. John Hunter, of the Annieswood Stud, Westchester Co., N. Y., foaled 1869, dam, imported Maud, the dam of Maudina, Mag- net, Telegram, ete., by imp. Australian out of Countess of Albermarle, by Lanercost. Maudina is the dam of Galway, Piccolo, Cloverbrook, Oden, ete. Orlando, the sire of imp. Eclipse, won the Derby in 1844. Stockwell, the sire of Maud, hisdam, won the 2,000 guineas and St. Leger in 1852. : Alarm made his debut asa two-year old at Saratoga, Aug. 16, 1871, in a match of $5,000 a side against Inverary, by imp. Leamington, one mile, which he won in 1:474, carrying 100 lbs. Aug. 17, ran third to Sue Ryder and Joe Daniels in the Kentucky Stakes, one mile, in 1/474, beating St. Patrick, Experience Oaks, Hubbard and three others. Jerome Park, Oct. 7, ran second tu Joe Daniels in Nursery Stakes, one mile, in 1:58, track heavy, beating Woodbine, Inversnaid, Victoria and three others. Oct. 10th, was beaten in the Desert Stakes, one mile, in 1:48, by Inverary. Whenthree years old ran 5 races, and won them all. Jerome Park, June 1, won club purse, three. quar- ters of a mile, in 1:18, beating Midday, Frogtown, Tubman, Platina and four others. June 6, won club purse, 1} miles, in 2:174, beating Rounder, Lord Byron and five others. June 13, won club purse, one mile, in 1:46, beating Alroy, Quintard and four others, Saratoga, July 15, won club purse, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:16, beating Platina, Piedmont, Elsie, Kingfisher and four others. July 17, won club purse, one maile, in 1:42%, beating Fadladeen and Kingfisher, the fastest mile run to that date. This closed his turf career, winning in money $12,500. Alarm made his first season at the Walnut Hill Stud Farm, the property of James A. Grinstead, Fayette County, Ky. After the appearance of Himyar, he was purchased by A. Welch, of the Chest- nut Hill Stud, Pennsylvania, and made the season of 1878 at the Dixiana Stud, Major B. G. Thomas’, Fayette County, Ky. Heis now at the head of the Erdenheim Stud, owned by Commodore N. W. Kittson, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. Alarm is a bright bay horse, stands 15 hands 33 inches with his shoes, has a small star, with white on his tight hind leg above the pastern, white on the left fore leg nearly to pastern, and a little white around the coronet of his right fore foot. He has a neat, expressive head ; great breadth between the eyes ; good width of jaw ; good, strong, well-set neck ; broad oblique shoulders ; good depth of girth ; large, good barrel ; strong, muscular back ; broad, strong hips, with great sweep in his hind quarters ; good hocks, with sound legs and feet, Stockwell, the sire of Maud the dam of Alarm, was the emperor of stallions. He sired St. Albans, winner of the St. Leger in 1860; Caller Ou, winner of St. Leger, 1861 ; The Marquis, winner of 2,000 guineas and St. Leger in 1862 ; Blair Athol, win- ner of both Derby and St. Leger in 1864 ; Lord Lyon, winner of 2,000 guineas, Derby and St. Leger in 1866 ; Regalia, winner of the Oaks in 1865 ; Achievement, winner of the Thousand Guineas, Doncaster Cup and St. Leger in 1867 ; Doncaster, winner of Derby in 1878 ; Gang Forward, winner of the 2,000 guineas in 1878, etc., ete. Lan- ercost, the sire of his grandam was a superior race-horse, was third in the St. Leger, won Cambridgeshire Stakes in 1839, and Ascot Gold Cup in 1841. He was a remark- able weight-carrier and stayer over a distance of ground. He was handicapped $ give the celebrated Alice Hawthorn, when 4 years old 51 lbs. He was sire of Van Tromp, winner of the St. Leger, in 1847, and Goodwood Cup in 1848; War Eagle, winner of Doncaster Cup in 1847; Catharine Hayes, winner of the Oaks in 1858; Ellerdale, dam of Ellington, winner of the Derby in 1856, etc., etc. The pedigree is full of stout and speedy crosses; Eclipse, in addition to Alarm, sired Remorseless, Regardless, Nemesis, etc. His stock were all speedy. Alarm sired Danger, winner of the Vestal Stakes at Baltimore, 110 Ibs., one mile, in 1:424, the Fordham Handicap, 1} miles, in 2:153, 98 Ibs. Himyar, one of the best race horses ever saddled, winner of three out of five of his two-year old stakes, three-quar- ters of a mile in 1:16}, and a mile in 1:44} with 95 lbs. Himyar won three out of five starts as a three-year old. The Belle Meade Stakes at Nashville, 14 miles, in 2:43; the Phenix Hotel Stakes at Lexington, Ky., 12 miles, track very muddy, and the January Stakes at St. Louis, mile heats, in 1:424, 1:434, 105 Ibs. © As four-year old won four consecutive races, one mile and furlong in 1:56, and two miles in 3:35. He won mile heats at five years old, 115 lbs., in 1:424, 1:443, the Merchants and Turf Stakes at Louisville, each 14 miles, in 1:55}, 1:573, and club purse, same distance, in (Continued on 4th page.) The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. PEDIGREE OF ALARM. ALARM. ah ; Waxy (Pot-8-0’s)—Penelope by Trumpator (Conductor)—Prunella by High- 5 Tei pOns, flyer (Herod)—Promise by Snap (Gnip ulia by Bleak (Godol). as 3| 8 Daughter of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter (Hightflyer)—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron 8 o . by Florizel (Herod)—Maiden by Matchem (Cade)—Dau. of Squirt. wo Sieg Orville (Beningbrough)—Miss Sophia by Stamford (Sir Peter)—Sophia by 3 s Master Henny: Buzzard—Huncamuncea by Highflyer—Cypher by Squirrel—Fribble’s dam. ei; & Boadicea. Alexander (Eclipse)—Brunette by Amaranthus (Old England)—Mayfly by : Oo ; Matchem—Dau. of Starling (Ancaster)—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab). 6 S S Selim Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred (Matchem) 3 & : ——Dau. of Engineer (Sampson)—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade. 5ls 8 | Daughter of Walton (Sir Peter)—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly gia ‘ Longlegs byBabraham—Dau.of Cole’s Foxhunter— Cato. by Partuer. 2 aes 4 5 Castrel(Buzzard)—Miss Hap by Shuttle(Y.Marske)—S. to Hap-hazard by Sir ba > “a este Peter—M. Hervey by Eclipse-Clio byY.Cade-D. of OldStarling(BayBolton ay = Olympia Sir Oliver (Sir Peter)—Scotilla by Anvil (Herod)—Scota by Eclipse (Marske le hd : —Harmony by Herod (Tartar)—Rutilia by Blank (Godol.)—D. of Regulus, oO (<2) ai eta Selim Buzzard—D. of Alexander (Ecl.)—D. of Highflyer—D. of Alfred—D. of En- ai Bls : gineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol.)—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. S| |3| 3 Bacchante. Williamson’s Ditto (Sir Peter)—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury (Eclipse)—Dau. x 5 na ji of Herod—Folly by Marske (Squirt)—Vixen by Regulus (Godol). Sid Walton—Julia by Whiskey (Saltram)—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess b S F Phantom. Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham (Godol). i | 2 Filagree Soothsayer (Sorcerer) —Web by Waxy (Pot-8-0’s)—Penelope by Trumpator— 8 3 BTeE: Prunella byHighflyer—Promise bySnap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. S ' : Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-o’s—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— og Partisan. Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Dau. of Bay Bolton. P 5 Sa Ridicule Shuttle (Y.Marske)—Sis. to Oatland’s by Dungannon (Eclipse)—Letitia by a cota ‘ Highflyer—Dau. of Matchem—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Babraham. 3 8\od Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem Ele = cea Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dan. of Cole’s Foxhunter. Fe ga Filagree Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by High- ad BTEe: flyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. st i Whalebone (Waxy)—Peri by Wanderer (Gohanna)—Thalestris by Alexander a a Sir Hereales. —Rival Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone (Herod)—Manilla b Qolaanact. [a 8 Guiccioli Bob Booty (Chanticleer)—Flight by Irish Escape (Commodore)—Y. Heroine B28 . by Bagot (Herod)—Heroine by Hero (Cade)—D. of Snap—s. to Regulus. alts 5 : ay ; : ma| 3 . Whisker (Waxy)—Floranthe by Octavian (Stripling)—Caprice by Anvil— o| a Economist. Madcap by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Blaze (Childers). a a Miss Pratt, |Blacklock (Whitelock)—Gadabout by Orville (Beningbrough)—Minstrel by : a . Sir Peter—Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem. 2 g ult Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. ad 9 Eres of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dan. of Spot. Sl a 8 T line. Tramp (Dick Andrews)—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella n\Ss' ieee by iphiiyer—Pramice by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. a S| 2 Mule Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Match- A} 18} y- em—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. D]} [ol & Cl Marmion (Whiskey)—Harpalice by Gohanna (Mercury )—Amazon by Driver S Po S pues (Trentham)—Fractions by Mercury (Eclipse)—Dau. of Woodpecker. : a , Dick Andrews (Joe Andrews)—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham 3 § femmes (Sweepstakes)—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse. Ay} je] & Daughter of Whisker—Mandane by Pot-8-0’s (Eclipse)—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker 3 2 BUS MECE ots (Herod)—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by the Compton Barb. 3|5| 4 Buzzard—Gipsy by Tr —Si H — 2 — y Trumpator—Sis. to Postmaster by Herod—Dau. of Snap 3 a yet) | eee (Snip)—Dau. of Gower Stallion (Godol Dan, of Childers, z Election (Gohanna)— Skyscraper by Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse 2 2 Grey huneiadant ga ste by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers. ee] o . a| 'B Blacklock Whitelock (Hambletonian)—Dau. of Coriander (Pot-8-0’s)—Wildgoose by o/e| & BOCs Highflyer (Herod)—Coheiress by Pot-8-o’s—Manilla by Goldfinder (Snap) ale| & ‘ Juniper (Whiskey)—Dau. of Sorcerer (Trumpator)—Virgin by Sir Peter— gis|e Daughter of. |" “Hau, of Pot-8-o’s—Editha by Herod—Elfrida by Snap—Dau. of Regulus. 3 2 J Gohanna—Dau.of Herod—Desdemona byMarske—Y. Hag by Skim(Starling) aaa Cerberus. ~—Hag by Crab (Alcock Arabian)—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. A\ 3 2 A Miss Cranfield. |Sir Peter—Dau. of Pegasus (Eclipse)—Dau. of Paymaster (Blank)—Pomona Dau. of Hip by Herod—Caroline by See of Regulus (Godol). (Curwen Bay Barb)—Large Hartly Mare by His Blind Horse (Holderness Turk)—Flying wee ee illiam’s Woodstock Arabian—Dau. of St, Vic- tor Barb—Dau. of Whynot (Fenwick Barb)—Royal Mare. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ALARM.—Continued. 1:54%, He met and defeated the best, Gabriel, another son, ran thirty-three times as a three-year old and won nine races, and thirty-seven times at four years old, winning seventeen races. Amongst them were heats of a mile and a furlong in 1:56, 1:56, with 112 bs, he defeated many of the best-horses of the year. Other creditable per- formers of Alarm’s get are Parthenia, Bruno, Jake White, America, Aliunde, Aureo- lus, City Merchant, Gunnar, Africa, Startle, Judge Murray, Alley, Soubrette, Athos, Breeze, Illusion, Flight, etc. It may be truly said that Alarm has scarcely had a fair chance in the stud, those of his get are the equals of the produce of other stallions from the same mares, and in most cases the best. He traces as an examination of his pedigree will show, to Whalebone and thence to Herod and Eclipse, through the most famous of their descendents, and to imp. Diomed on bothsides of sire and dam. Mares possessing the Eclipse and Stockwell blood should be bred to Alarm to perpetuate the speedy strains of his blood. ALGERINE, (WINNER OF THE BELMONT STAKES AT JEROME PARK IN 18%6,) Will be located in the Algeria Stud, the property of Mr. Win. L. Scott, near Hrie, Pa. Services only by private contract. ALGERINE, by Abd-el-Kader, son of imp. Australian, was bred by Major Thos. W. Doswell, Bullfield Stud, Hanover Junction, Va.; foaled 1873, dam Nina, the dam of Planet, Exchequer, Ninette, Ecliptic, &c., by Old Boston. Algerine did not run as a two-year old; he made his bow to the public in the Preak- ness Stakes at Baltimore in 1876, 14 miles, and was third to Shirley and Rap- pahonnock in 2:442, At Jerome Park he won the Belmont Stakes, 14 miles in 2:403, beating Fiddlesticks, the winner of the Withers Stakes, Barricade, brother to Bassett (Charley Howard) and Red Coat, each carrying 110 lbs. He was unplaced in the Dixie Stakes, 2 miles, at Baltimore; won by Vigil in 3:414, track, muddy. Asa four-year old he started five times, ran second to Parole in the Maturity Stakes at Jerome Park, 3 miles, in 5:39; second to St. James, 2 miles, in 3:491; was unplaced in the All-Aged Sweepstake, 14 miles, won by Tom Ochiltree in 2:43, ‘Won club purse, 2 mile heats, at Baltimore, in 4:024, 3:50, 4:00; track very heavy. Barricade won the second heat; was unplaced in the Bowic Stake, 4 mile heats, won by Ten Broeck in 7:423, 7:40. Abd-el-Kader, his sire, although badly hipped, was a fine race-horse at all distances; he won a dash of 4 miles at Saratoga in 1869, in 7:312, a very creditable performance. Nina, the dam of Algerine, was one of the best race-mares of her day ; she was a winner at all distances, from one to four mile heats, in good time, and produced Planet, one of the best horses in the country, at all distances, and for his chances a successful sire. Algerine is a blood bay, 152 hands, with black points, and no white about him. He is strongly inbred to Sir Archy, and on the sire’s side is a grandson of the great West Australian, winner of the tripple events, 2,000 guineas, Derby and St. Leger, 1n 1853. Boston, the sire of his dam, was the best horse of any day. Algerine has no colts yet upon the turf, but from good mares should get winners and stayers; he traces on both sides of sire and dam many times, to Herod and Eclipse, through the famous Waxy and Dick Andrews, with the Archy and Diomed blood in both sides, through Diomed’s best sons, Nae The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. PEDIGREE OF ALGERINE. ALGERINE. alter as Humphrey Comus (Sorcerer)—Clinkerina by Clinker (Sir Peter)—Pewet ty Tandem gigg Clinker. (Syphon)—Termagant by Tantrum (Cripple by Goldolphin.) ae 2! Daughter of. Cervantes (Don Quixote)—Dau. of Paynator (Truinpator)—Sis, to Zodiac g| 4 by St. George (Highflyer)—Abigail by Woodpecker (Herod)—Firetail. a -jolo . ‘ A ae Camel (Whalebone)—Banter by Master Henry (Urville)—Boadicea by Alex- & s = es Touchstone, ander (Eclipse)—Brunette by Amaranthus (Old Eng.)— Mayfly. q S| 8 37 Emma Whisker Sey a made Fairy by Hermes (Mercury)—Vicissitude by Pi- 2 e ; pator (Conductor)—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matcbem (Cade.) = ne aye Orville (Beningbrough)—Emily by Stamford (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Whiske a 5s Eeatine: (Sulbcum) Ce. Dorimant by Bocimant (Otho) ize) by Blank. 8 ane Shoveler. Scud (Beningbrough)—Goosander by Hambletonian (King Fergus)—Rally & <3 by Trumpator—Fancy by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator (Crab). s| [Blo ; : f i ey S| ete ee omice by Snag Jets by Bleak (Goda) Spectuiore deme a m Variety Selim or Soothsayer (Sorcerer)—Sprite by Bobtail (Precipitate)—Catharine hd Au i by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham (Sweepstakes)—Coquette. 5 S| Virginio Pee Shark (Marcke)Rosetta, by Imp, Centinel. (Blauk)—Diena, a g a8 Lady Burton. Sir Archy (Diomed)—Sultana by the Barb Horse Black Sultan and out of fq} | the Barb Mare presented to Prest. Jefferson by the Bey of Tunis. Sap : ‘ : : : o| o Director (Sir Archy)—Betsey Haxall by Imp. Sir Harry (Sir Peter)—Timo- (ea) 3 Aratus. 3 leon’s Dam by Imp. Saltram (Eclipse)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair. 3 4 |Jenny Cockracy. otomac ,(imp. Diomed)—Timoleon s dam by Imp. Saltram—Dau. of 8 Rn Symme’s Wildair (Imp. Fearnought)—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello.) 8). 4 Orville—Emily by Stamford— Vhiskey— i i= hte ay y by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori pa 3 a S Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank (Godol.)—Dizzy by—Driver Dau. of Smiling Tom. &\ a9 Tearia The Flyer (Vandyke, Jr.)—Parma by Dick Andrews (Joe Andrews)—May = = A, i by Beningbrough (King Fergus)—Primrose by Mambrino (Engineer. ) 8| 4 Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Imp. Robin Redbreast (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Imp. = 8 Sumpter. Obscurity (Eclipse)—Slamerkin by Imp. Wildair (Cade)—Imp. Cub Mare. “| ¢ Lady Gre Robin Grey (Imp. Royalist)—Maria by Melzar (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Pot y y- Imp. Highflyer (Highfiyer)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought (Regulus). 5 2 Florizel (Herod)—Sister to Juno by Spectator (Crab)—Horatia by Blank— ° Imp. Diomed. Dau. of F. Childers (Darley eebe tiee Halve by Grey Grantham. a| Castianira Rockingham (Highflyer)—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus g # 7 (Babraham)—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester (Forester)—Dau. of Coalition Colt. Sh; Eclipse (Marske)—Virago by Snap (Snip)—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.)—Sis. £ ‘S Imp. Saltramn. to Othello by Crab (Aleock Arabian)—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. a is 3 | Dauchter of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Old Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. of Imp. Fal- 3 A R : lower (Blank by Godol.)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus). 7 Ziclad Fi Florizel—Sister to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of Childers ies § = S Imp. Diomed. —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham (Brownlow Turk). ie as Dauchter of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse (Partner)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought =| & acs —Dau. of Imp. Jolly Roger (Roundhead)—Dau. of Sober John. El. = Pot-8-os (Eclipse)—Lady Bolingbroke by Squirrel (Traveler)—Cypron | © |tmp. Alderman. Herod’s dam, by Blaze (Childers)—Selima by Bethel’s Arabian. :| |S 3 Daughter of Imp. Clockfast (Gimcrack)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Imp. S g\A Bue Del Or Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. ma} AG 7 Z a : ., \Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer (Herod)—Dau. of Cardinal Puff (Babra- g | Dick Andrews. ham)—Dau., of Tatler (Blais Dan, of Snip (Childers)—Dau. of Godol. AE Daughter of Gohanna (Mercury)—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker a Bye cn eee (Herod)—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap (Snip). oO alr 3 #/3) 3 Eclipse—Sportsmistress by Warren's Sportsman (Cade)—Golden Locks by le 3 3 Po OisoHeKS (Crab)—Valiant’s dam by Crab—Dau. of Partner. g gly Camill Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to 9 s OuUne ate Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by The Bald Galloway. basal ea ae s S| 8 Ww. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod (Tartar)—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by O/5| Baye Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of B. Childer’s BS] cs Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— is Penel alS| & eee Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. 4 2) 4 ._. [Beningbrough—Dau. of Phoenomenon (Herod)—Matron by Florizel— §| 3 Bay Trophonius.|" yaiden by Matchem (Cade)—Dau. of Squirt (Bartlet’s Childers). &%| A | Daughter of. |siope (Highflyer)—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade (Godol.)}—Beau- fremont's dam by Bro. to Fearnought—Miss Wyndham by Wyndham (Old Hautboy)—Dau. of Belgrade Turk—Old Scarborough Mare by Makeless (Oglethorpe Arabian)--Dau. of Brimmer (D’Arcy Yellow Turk), 6 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ARISTIDES, (WINNER OF THE KENTUCKY DERBY AT LOUISVILLE, THE WITHERS AND JLROME STAKES AT JEROME PARK, AND BRECKENRIDGE STAKES AT BALTIMORE, ALL IN 1875,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Stud farm of Albert Hankins, near Hebron, Indiana, at $50 the season. Apply to A, Hankins, Hebron, Indiana. ARISTIDES, by imp. Leamington, was bred by the late H. P. McGrath, of McGrath- iana Stud, near Lexington, Ky., foaled spring of 1872, his dam, Sarong, is by Lex- ington, out of the Greek Slave, by Imp. Glencoe. Aristides commenced his turf career at Lexington, Ky., by running second to Leona in a sweepstake for two-year olds, half a mile, in 49} sec. ; was unplaced in Juvenile Stakes, half a mile, at Jerome Park ; won by Meco in 504 ; at Monmouth Park was unplaced in the Hopeful Stakes, half a mile ; won by Caroline in 51 sec. ; was second to Sweetlips in the Thespian Stakes, same place, three-quarters of a mile in 1:18. At Saratoga was unplaced in the Saratoga Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, won by Willie Burk, in 1:23; track heavy. Same place won a handicap purse, one mile, with 96 lbs., in 1:46}, defeating a field of five. Jerome Park, fall meeting, ran second to James A. for club purse, three-quarters of a mile, in 1181, four others behind him. Baltimore, Md., won club purse for two year olds, one mile, in 1-444, carrying 100 lbs., the best race made by a two-year old to that date. As athree-year old he started nine times, and won four races. Was un- placed in Phenix Hotel Stakes, one mile and a furlong, won by Ten Broeck in 2:113, track very muddy. Louisville, Ky, won the Kentucky Derby, 14 miles, 100 lbs. on each, in 2:372; in this race he beat Volcano, Verdigris, Bob Woolley, Ten Broeck, and ten others, including Searcher, Bill Bruce and McCreery. Jerome Park, won the Withers Stake, one mile, 110 Jbs., in 1:452, beating Rhadamanthus, Ozark, and ten others, Same place, ran second to his stable companion, Calvin, which McGrath had backed heavy, in the Belmont Stake, 14 miles, in 2:424, Milner, Ozark, Tom Ochiltree, and nine others behind him. Monmouth Park, ran second to Ozark in the Ocean Hotel Stake, 1% miles, in 3:103. Saratoga, was third to D’Artagnan and Milner in the Travers Stake, 12 miles, 3:06}3, each carrying 110 lbs., the fastest race run with the weights to that date. Jcrome Park, Fall . Meeting, won the Jerome Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:43, beating Calvin, Joe Cerns, and five others. Ba'timore, was unplaced in the Dixie Stakes, 2 miles, won by Tom Ochiltree in 3:424, with Viator second, weights 110 lbs. Same place, won the Breck- enridge Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:36}. Viator second, Ochiltree third, he carrying 115 Ibs. to 110 lbs. on the others. Asa four-year old started in and won two races, both run at Lexington, Ky. Won a sweepstake for four-year olds, 2 miles and a furiong, in 3:45}, beating Ten Broeck, each 104 lbs. This was the fastest race ever run at the distance, andsoremained until beaten by Monitor at Baltimore, October 20th, 1880, then four-years old, with 110 lbs., ran the distance in 3:444. Won club purse, 24 miles, 104 Ibs., in 4:274, the fastest race ever run at the distance, beating Bazar, Elemi and War Jig. He ran only one other race, 14 miles, won by Ten Broeck in 2:48}, in which he was unplaced, having bad legs from splints. Henlopen is the only one of his get yet started in public. She won the Clabaugh Memorial Stakes, half a mile, in 51 seconds, at Baltimore, and the Juvenile Stakes, half a mile, in 50 seconds, at Jerome Park, defeating large fields in both races. $15,000 was offered and refused for her after this race. Aristides is a red chestnut, 152 hands high, a Jarge star and both hind feet white ; he is a very finely-shaped horse, with plenty of bone and substance. He is one of the Leamington’s, having a deep infusion of Archy and Diomed blood, with the Waxy blood through Whalebone and Web, he must be a success, as a stallion, Sir Hercules. Peri. Whalebone. Bob Booty. IMP. LEAMINGTON. - Faugh-a-Ballagh. Guiccioli. Castrel. Flight. Pantaloon. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. PEDIGREE OF ARISTIDES. Waxy. Penelope. Wanderer. Thalestris. Chanticleer. Ierne. Trish Escape. Young Heroine. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godok Arabian—Sister to Volunteer by Y Belgrade. Trumpator—Prunella_by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. Gohanna—Catherine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—C Compton Barb.—Sister to Regulus by Godol. Arabian. Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hormet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder —Dau. of Old England—Daughter of Cullen Arabian. Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regu- lus—Dau. of Bart Childers—Dau. of Honeywood’s Arabian, Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by J ustice—Ringtail Galloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Nister to Witty Mare by Hip. Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Black Su- san by Snap—Dau. of Cade—Dau. of Belgrade—Dau. of Clif. Arabian. Bagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus. by Godol- Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake—Gray Wilkes. oquette by Buzzard. Daughter of. Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Byerly Mare. Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dan. of Babra~ - ARISTIDES. Boston. to | Timoleon. kah is. Lexington. Si Sultan. Rowena, Sarpedon..p)) ‘ SARONG. Alice Carneal. Glencoe rampo- line. Greek Slave. Margaret Hunter. Mary Hunt. Margrave. tr Daughter of. ee s Reravian: ham—Dau. of Golden Ball—Bushy Molly by Hamp. Ct. Childers. . 2 Musidora Meteor—Maid of all Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Byphon- Dai. g 4 of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—Warlock Galloway. a op 7 Blacklock Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by s S Bee Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau.of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. Al. 5 Wactail Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of An- 3 4 agua. caster (Blank)—Daughter of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson. Q 4 . * laa. 7 Selim—Podagra by Gouty—Jet by Magnet—Jewel by Squirrel—Sophia by A} sg; Champion. Blank—Diana by Second—Dau. of Stanyan Arabian. z 5 Etiquett Orville—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Ss Me UNe Matchem—Dau. of Ancaster Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. Sir Archy. Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol). Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Tyler’s Driver—Dau. of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus). Ball’s Florizel. Daughter of. Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear. | nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John (Rib). Imp. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade (Godol). Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant Emilius. —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. oe The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Benningbrough—Primrose Tearia. by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank (Godol). Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Imp. Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity Sumpter. (Eclipse)—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub. Robin rey Maile by Melzar—Dau of Imp. Highflyer—Dau. of Imp. Fear- Lady Grey. nought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. . Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Selim. Engineer—Bay Malton’s Dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Bacchante. Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutiton’s Spot. Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau, of Tramp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap (Snip). ney —Pensiope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Web. —dJulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Dau. of Bay Bolton. Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Match- Muley. ‘amt— Molly Lon; logs by Eibiahurd “Day, of Coles Foxhunter. © Election—Fair Helen by Hambletonian—Helen by Delpini—Rosalind by Tommy’s dam. |" “pyoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. i —Eli . Bedford—Imp. Mambrina by Mambrino—Sall Rervtrand: Sir Archy—Eliza by Imp. Bedfor p y y Betty Coons. by Blank—Dau. of Ward (Crab)—Dau. of Merlin (Bustler). Hephestion (Imp. Buzzard)—Spot by Hampton’s quae Aol. Friar)— au. of Imp. Bedford (Dungannon by Eclipse)—Dau of Harlequin (Imp~ Gabriel)—Dau, of Imp, Fearnaught Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. 8 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ATHLETE (Imp.) Athlete will stand the season of 1883 at Kinlock Stud farm near Colum- bia, Boone County, Mo., at $50 the season; dams of Winners free. Application to be made to J. Lucas Turner, Columbia, Mo. Imported by D. D. Withers, Esq: ATHLETE, by Gladiateur, bred by Mr. W. Blenkiron, foaled 1872, dam Rose of Kent. dam of Maiden’s Blush, Hopbine Spartacus, Kentish Rose., etc, by Kingston out of Eng- land’s Beauty by Birdcatcher. Athlete started in three races at two years old, but was unplaced in all. At three years old ran four times, won club purse at Jerome Park one mile for maiden three year olds, in 1:51; track heavy. Heran third to Leander in a handicap for all ages three-quarters of a mile in 1-212 and was unplaccd in the other two races. Gladiateur his sire was the sensational horse of his year and accomplished what no other horse ever did—he won the two thousand guineas, Derby and St. Leger, in England, and the Grand Prix de Paris in France in 1865, and the Ascot Gold Cup in 1866. Kingston, thesire of his dam,was one of the best and most famous race-horses of his day and was truly bred to stay through his Venison and Defence blood. He was sire of Queen Bertha, winner of the Oaks, and Caractacus, winner of the Derby; Rose of Kent, the dam of Athlete, is own sister to Silverhair the dam of Garterly Bell and Silvio ; the latter won both the Derby and St. Leger in 1877. Athlete is very much inbred to Whalebone through his most popular and successful sons, such as Defence, Moses, Merman, Camel and the great Sir Hercules, and is fortified by the blood of Herod and Eclipse. Athlete is a dark chesnut with a small white stripe down his face from the forehead to the nose and is full 154 hands high. We can scarcely see how he can fail in the stud; no descendant of Old Prunella through pure strains of blood has yet failed to breed winners as evidenced by the success of Whalebone, Whisker, Web, Glencoe and others. Athlete traces six times to old Prunella, three times on side of sire and the same on his dam’s side, to the blood of Herod and Eclipse from popular and successful racing sources. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 9 PEDIGREE OF ATHLETE. ATHLETE. “FS Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna a 8 Whalebone. 3 Oe Binnk-Shectator’s dam. ee oor ot ubens—Little Folly by Highland Fling—Harriet by Volunteer—Dau. of Ee a Defiance. Alfred—Magnolia by Marske—Dau. of Babraham. z a 5108 Comus—Rosette by Beningbrough—Rosamond by Tandem—Tuberose b 3 be\* % Reveller. Herod—Gr. Sa by Starling—Coughing Polly. 7 F\s\2 a Desion Tramp—Defiance by Rubens—Little Folly by Highland Fling—Harriet by Ses ep Volunteer—Dau. of Alfred—Magnolia by Marske. oie Sele. Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse a Sx Catton. p Se enone ei of Blank— ase of the Mill. oe . “19 molensko—Lad ary by Beningbrough—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of 3 y by Beningbroug au. 0 ghflye mao) s pa Daughter of. |" Marske—A-la-Grecque by Regulus—Dau. of Aliworthy. 3 Waxy—Penelope by Tr : i romi p ¢ pe by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna | |8| WUndsteer —Julia by Bln pec uiter's dam. pe : . = Aa a Anne Bala Shuttle—Dau. of Drone—Contessina by Y. Marske—Tuberose by Herod— Ea : Gr. Starling by Starling—Coughing Polly. <4 I a Sir Peter—Papillon by Snap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge by Son 2 , a Walton. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon Arabian. fy Bs Parasol Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- eo ale i tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. 2 \3 8 S| 3 M Whalebone or Seymour—Sister Castanea by Gohanna—Grey Skim by lO} 2 Obes Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag by Skim. Ss 3 7 Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander— Quadrill : y ba a eS Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Regulus. 2 “@ Lott Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by =| jos ouberys Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. las Morsi Muley—Miss Stephenson by Scud or Sorecrer—Sis. to Petworthby Precipi- ‘a | 4 orgiana. tate—Sis. to Juniper by Snap—Young Marske’s dam by Blank. a a M Whalebone—Mermaid bv Orville—Dau. of Sir Solomon (Sir Peter)—Miss a es cre Brim by a ae by Squirrel—Helen by Blank. 53! pauchter of Ardrossan—Shepherdess by Shuttle—Dau. of Buzzard—Ann of the Forest. Se augarer or. by King Fergus—Miss West by Matchem (Cade). q r Sir Peter—Papillon by Snap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge by Son a Walton. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Bart Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. 5 PArASOl Pot-8-os—Prunella by Hightlyer—Promise by Suap—Julia by Blank—Spec- da} 7 tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. 3 DQ st 8 - Soreerer—Wowski by Mentor (Justice) Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap- & E Smolensko. —Miss Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer. a> & Jerboa Gohanna—Camilla by 'Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to LS . Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. 3 g' Ma y on a ; 5 be Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of High- nA a Royal Oats flyer—Dau. of Marske—A-la-Grecque by Regulus—Dau. of Allworthy. | & Orville—Epsom Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella b @ | Daughter of P Bers y = ; Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beufremont’s dam. 1 i isa 2 . Stripling (Phoenomenon)—Dau. of Oberon (Highflyer)—Sis. to Sharper b: a] od pling y per by iS 2 2 Octavian. Ranthos (Matchem)—Dau. of Sweepstakes—Sis. to Careless. hea Bl a Daughter of, [Shuttle Y.Cade)—Katharine by Delpini—Dau. of Paymaster (Blank)—Dau. ele B . of Le Savg (Changeling)—Dau. of Rib (Crab)—Mother Western. cy J & gelling jo ‘| € Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap. (e- 5 = a iwtistebont: ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 3 9/2 Peri Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone: Slo ‘ —Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old England (Godol). eo. 2 js y. g sie] a Chanticleer—Ierne by Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss. 3 e a Bob Booty. Patch by Justice—Ringtail Galloway by Curwen Bay Barb. Bla] & Flight I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero (Cade)—Dau. of Snap— FOI & Mgnt. Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Grey Robinson. wml. ee ee es S\E| 3 C 1 Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon S\a\s 2 amen —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. Bb) o| Bo Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus (Old & Blau enter: Eng.)—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. s ay 1 Comus—Rosette by Beningbrough—Rosamond_by Tandem—Tuberose by oth eies Reveller. Herod—Gr. Starling by Starling—Coughing Polly. Zi a Morisca. Morisco (Muley)—Waltz by Election (Gohanna)—Penelope by Trumpator * Emperor given. Seo ee naan by Highflyer (Herod)—Promise by Snap (Snip)— ulia by Blank (Godolphin)—Spectator’s dam by Partner (Jigg)—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton (Grey Hautboy)—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk— Natural Barb Mare. 10 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BADEN-BADEN, (WINNER OF THE YOUNG AMERICA STAKE No. L., 1376, AT NASHVILLE, TENN., AND KENTUCKY DERBY AT LOUISVILLE, KY., 1877, THE JERSEY DERBY AT LONG BRANCH AND TRAVERS STAKES AT SARATOGA, 1877.) Will be used as private stallion in the Ferncliff Stud, the property of Wil- liam Astor, Esq., near Rhinebeck, Duichess Co., N. Y. BapeEn-BabDeEn, by imp. Australian, son of West Australian, bred by A. J. Alexan- der Woodburn Stud, Kentucky, foaled 1874, dam Lavender, the dam of Helmbold, Buchu Barricade, &c., by Wagner, son of Sir Charles, out of Alice Carneal, dam of Lexington, Waxy, Rescue, &c., by Imp Sarpedon, son of Emilius. Imp Australian, the sire of Baden Baden, can be found in this book. West Australian, his sire, was a winner of the double events in England, Derby and St. Leger. Wagner, the sire of Lavender, was the race horse of his day, and defeated the Kentucky crack, Grey Eagle, in the noted four-mile heat races run at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1889, which were tlie fastest to that day. Alice Carneal, his grandam, was the dam of Lexington the incomparable race horse and emperor of stallions. Baden Baden was a first-class race horse, at two years old, started five times. At Louisville, Kentucky, was second to McWhirter in the Belle Meade Stakes (three-quarters of a mile) in 117, with Lisbon and three others behind him. Ran second to Belle of the Meade in the Sanford Stake (one mile) in 1444 (very fast), Sallie McCrea, McWhirter, Glentina, and three others behind him. Was second to Belle of the Meade in Sweepstake (one mile) in 1444, beating McWhirter, Springbranch, and Eva Shirley. At Nashville won the Young America Stakes No. 2 (one mile) in 146%, beating King William and three others. At three years old won the Kentucky Derby (one and a half miles) in 288, beating Leonard, King William, McWhirter, Vera Cruz, Dan K and five others. Was un- placed in the Clark Stakes (two miles), won by McWhirter in 3303. Jerome Park, ‘Was beaten a head for second place in Belmont Stake (one and a half miles) by Loiterer, Cleverbrook winning in 246, track heavy. Long Branch won the Jersey Derby (one and a half miles) in 240%, beating Basil, Rifle and three others. Saratoga won the Travers Stake (one and threequarters miles) in 312}, track heavy, beating Brademante, St. James, Cleverbrook and four others. Was unplaced in Kenner Stakes (two miles), won by Basil in 338}. Baden-Baden was sent away full a hun- dred yards behind, yet at the end of a mile and five furlongs he was in front, and had the race won, when he broke his ankle and was ruined for racing purposes. On his sire’s side he has the Melbourne, Touchstone, Emilius and Whisker blood, and on the dam’s side is much inbred to Sir Archy and Diomed, and goes back to Alice Carneal, the great fountain head of race horses and successful sires. Baden-baden is a dark ehestnut, 16} hands high, with a star in his forehead, the only white about him, He has elegant shoulders, and is a finely-shaped horse all over. His oldest colts, now coming two years old, are promising. The Lk orse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 11 PEDIGREE OF BADEN-BADEN. * Soothsayer given. 2 a Comus. Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- jas della by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Feart’ gs Be Clinkerina, |Clinker—Pewet by ee by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- 556 i son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blackleg’s Dau. of Bay Bolton. oa ien J2ie Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantram—Cantatrice ale = Cervantes. by Sampson—Dau. of Regaine Marsiets am by Blackleys. 5 = 24! Daughter of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St, George—Abigail by 5 2 2 ‘ Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Cade. Be is og Camel. Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon s| jos —Matron by Florizel—Majden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. O)d/2 9 Banter. Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly = £ aa by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. z = Waxy—Penelope by Trum i i : romi ie pator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna 4 Ss a Winsor —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Patinee Bonus Lass, . 5 2 g Gibside Fairy Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Match- ae & * | em—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Young True Blue. a wn ch 3 , Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice q B 3 Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. | fais Emily Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank a = ‘5 i —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. a ery ok Beningbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s dam 5 3 Scud. by Herod—Dau. of Bajazet—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Lon’s Bay Arabian . Re 5 Gossander Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of g a : Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers—Miss Belvoir. 8 a Waxy Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol A 4 : fi So to joe by Y. ppede eek of Bartlet’s Childers, . ae rumpator—frunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— Z S e Penelope. Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. nD A &| + |Selim or *Sooth-|Sorcerer—Golden Locks by Delpini—Violet. by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— A Aa 2 sayer. Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. & ‘ Bobtail—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b a 5 p y q y Q > Sprite. Compton Barb—Sis. to Regutus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. ‘ : : ‘ Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of Childers 4 ale a DOES. —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Granthan—Dau. of a ee Turk—Betty Percival. a S/7=) Castianira, |Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s QA 3 ‘ . Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab.) < os Pacol i i r. C a4 et—Princess by Turk (Regulus)—Fairy Queen by Y. Cade—Black Q Ft a aca Eyes by Crab—Warlock Galloway by Snake—Dau. of Bald Galloway. uw 3 o Dauchter of Commutation (Symme’s Wildair)—Dau. of Dare Devil (Magnet)—Sally s| iA 8 . Shark by Imp. Shark—Betsey Pringle by Imp. Fearnought—-Jenny Dismal. gp = la SikAreh: Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of et Y: Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) a Daucht f Imp. Citizen—Dau. of Imp. Alderman—Dau. of Ashe’s Roebuck (Imp. Eis augater Ol. | Sweeper)—Dau. of King Herod(Imp. Fearnought—Dau. of Imp. Partner. 3 & : se Pacolet—(Blank)—Princess by Turk—Fairy Queen by Y. Cade—Black ed s 3 = Imp. Citizen. Eyes a Crab—Warlock Galloway by Snake—Sis. to Carlisle Gelding. fe SE! paughter of Huntsman—(Moustrap by Y. Marske)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. p 5 aughter ol, of Imp. Fearnought—(Regulus)—Dau. of Imp. Janus—(Janus by Godol.) a a ; Beringbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice so she Geral: by Sanigsoh De, of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. = 5 3 Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant (ito) —Dizzy oe ms by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom (Con’s Arabian). ¥ Bie ' Vandyke,Jr.,(Walton)—Azalia by Beningbrough—Gilliflower by Highflyer— a a = The Flyer. Dea, of Goldfinder— Grasshopper by Marske—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. 3 = P. Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by Mambrino (Engineer) 5 = as —Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second. 5 eS g g ’ Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- = a, | Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wim’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) the Jack Malones and is one of the links to perpetuate the Archy and Diomed blood. Hehas nine crosses of that blood. The Horse-Brecders’ Guide and Hand Book. 13 PEDIGREE OF BAZAR—(Waddell). - Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of $, Sir Archy. Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s Wort oan, of Coblition Colt (Godol). ; & 8! pauchter of. Imp. Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Othello)—Dau. 8g er 2 of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus). Bigs .9] |Diomed—Dau. of Imp.Shark—Dau., of Harris’ Eclipse— ‘Fear ale $x 3 f p.Shar au. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought a 5's Ball’s Florizel. |" pan. of Imp. Jolly Roger—Dau. of Imp. Sober John—Dau. of Shock. al jes Imp. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme's Wildair—Y. Kitt: Daughter of. 1h y y 2. ae fisher by Imp. Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade. A . . = t se Orville—Emily. by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- 3 a ae Enulins. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. H igs Icaria. The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose 5 by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second. oO : 2 a Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Imp. Obseurit: = 2 B Sunipisr. —Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Gab Amaraniaoe dam. : | |S = Lady Gre Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— a a y Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond. a ; Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by B i . € é y Blank—Dau. of Childers mM! |g 8 Diomed. —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival. Oo} ja) 2 Armada Grey Diomed—Dau. of Va Cade—Dau. of Hickman’s Independence— a 5 a e Dolly Fine by Imp. Silvereye—Dau. of Imp. Badger—Dau. of Forester. Fy en ; Mambrino—Dau. of Turf—Dau. of Re i : . S — ; gulus—Dau. of Starling—Snap’s g 3 Z Imp. Messenger. dam by foe by Bay Bolton—Dau. of Newcastle Turk. P . altiga Daughter of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gimcrack—Snap Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— a ZA : Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Dam. of True Blues. 3 ; Ss 2 AS Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 5 Le Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wms opedeae Daa, of Coalition Colt (Godol). ( ) : eS; Daughter of Imp. Citizen—Dau. of Commutation—Dau. of Imp. Dare Devil—Sally = 2 oO; & Shark by Imp. Shark—Betsey Pringle by Imp. Fearnought. 0 be went eee ok ee si <3 els! Bn Sir Archy—Shylock’s dam by Diomed—Dau. of Imp. 8t. George—Dau. of 3 Ss Cleon ree Fearnought—Dau. of Imp. Jolly Rever—iai . Mary Ging. B 3 Daughter of Imp. Bedford—Dau. of Bellair—Dau. of Imp.Shark—Dau. of Wildair—Dau. 7 a ; of Lexington (Wildair)—Dau. of Spanking Roger—Dau. of Jolly Roger. a ibe g Humphrey Comus—Clinkerina by Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tant- < aloe Clinker. rum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. N 3 28 Dauchter of Cervantes—Dau. of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. ;| 8 | Robin Brown’s Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau.of Imp.Vampire. ret a 2 Dam Ball’s Florizel—Dau. of Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Enl a i Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade. a Bl oa Emilius—Icaria by The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Bening- zl313 3 Carpedon. brough—Primrose by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank. = a gq Rawat Sumpter—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer 2 3 : —Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Daun. of Jack of Diamonds. Fe ie 8t. Nicholas Emilius—Seamew by Scud—Goosander by Hambletonian—Rally by | je fee : Trumpator—Fancy Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator, | Og Miss R Tramp—Dau. of Sancho—Blacklock’s dam by Coriander—Wildgoose by 3 Para pec onee Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder. aad . J j BY. fai. Haphazard—Mrs, Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by pay e S| Filho-da-Puta. |" gquirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau, of Cul Arabian. 2 : *) Daughter of.” |smolensko (Sorcerer)—Dau. of Sir Peter (Highflyer)—Dau. of Mambrino rereeereee 5 (Engineer)—Marigold by Herod (Tartar)—Whiteneck by Crab—(Alcock Arabian)—Dau. of Godolphin Arabian—Dau. of Conyer’s Arabian—Dau. of CurwenBay Barb—Dau. of Marshall’s Spot—Dau. of White legged Lowther Barb—Old Vintner Mare. 14 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BERTRAM, (WINNER OF THE JERSEY DERBY AND MONMOUTH SEQUEL STAKES AT LONG BRANCH IN 1876, Will serve mares at Lexington, Ky., at $25 the season and $1.00 to the Groom, dams of Winners free. Application to Dr. E. M. Norwood, Lexington, Ky. Bertram, by Kentucky, the best son of Lexington, bred by Hon. A. Belmont, Nursery Stud, Babylon, Long Island, foaled 1878, dam imp. Bernice by Stockwell, winner of the Two Thousand Guineas and St. Leger in 1852. Second dam, Braxy by Moss Trooper winnea of the Queen’s plates at Doncaster and Lincoln, out of the famous Queen Mary dam of Blink Bonny, Bonnie Scotland, etc., by Gladiator. Bertram ran only one race at two years old; was unplaced in the Champagne stakes at Jerome Park, three-quar- ters of a mile, won by Virginiusin 1:19. At three years old started four times; was unplaced in the Wither’s stake, one mile, won by his stable companion, Fiddlesticks, in 1:464. Some place, won Club purse, one mile and a furlong, for maiden three-year-olds, in 2:01, beating Woodland, Leamington II., Vigil and others. Long Branch, won the Jersey Derby, one and a half miles, in 2:444, beating Fiddlesticks, Rappahannock and Fugitive. Same place, won the Monmouth Sequel stakes, two miles in 3:45, beating Woodland and Shirley; in this race he carried 123 lbs. As a four-year-old started in twenty races, won three, was second in three and third in two. Won handicap purse, one mile, at Saratoga, with 113 lbs., in 1:464, track heavy. Same place, won sell- ing purse, ove mile, 111 lbs., in 1:48}, beating Dan K. and three others. Same place, won handicap purse, one and quarter miles, 114 lbs. in 2:14}, beating Courier and two others, track very muddy. At Baltimore, started in a race of mile heats with seven horses; won the first heat in 1:45, and was crowded through the fence in the second, falling and crippling his jockey. He could not have lost the race. This closed his turf career. Bertram has a double cross of imp. Glencoe, and traces through both dam and sire to the famous Web by Waxy, own sister to Whalebone, Whisker, ete. ; his dam is by the great Stockwell, and his great grandam, Queen Mary, was the dam of Balrownie, Bonnie Scotland, Blink Bonny, the dam of Blair Athol. No descendant of Queen Mary has ever failed to reproduce itself. Bertram is a blood bay, 16} hands high, with small star in forehead, black points—a finely shaped horse all over, with the best of legs and feet. His immense substance and power and winning strains of blood should make him a desirable stallion. He has several crosses of Whalebone and Whisker, two of the best sons of Waxy, by Pot 80’s, son of Eclipse. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 15 PEDIGREE OF BERTRAM. BERTRAM. ; Sir Archy. Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of 3 d : Bos Po . oe ee of one Colt. aie Daugrht _ {tmp. Saltram—Dau. o mme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Othello)—Dau. I aS HEMICE EE of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Resalay } 3 - ala ® + + % $18 S| Baw . Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau.of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought. FAT ag all's Blorizel, |" pan. of di olly Roger—Dau. of Sober J ohne Dan, of Shock. . al les Daughter of. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y Kitty Fisher by 2 a a Imp. Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of .Som Arabian. ; t A Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- 5 E ad Emiltus. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. a Msi aS Tearia. The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose a|? ‘i by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second. a Ol 3 Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- KS oA Sumpter. erkin by Wildair-—-Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. o IK a E Lady Grey Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— S 3 fs Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond. ia d Selim Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred. a 3 i —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. ng alls Bacchante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly s\n i by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. o & 3 Tram Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Wood- | Ba P. ecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. g y Ny: DP a oo Web. axy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap B\ la | 7 —dJulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 5 < | : Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snaj 3 sg ae Banviean Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 3 3| Miss Sophia. Stamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunca by Highflyer—Cypher by sla pala. |" Squirrel—Fribble’s dam by Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. = By Bobadil Rubens—Dau. of Skyscraper—Isabel by Woodpecker—Dau. of Squirrel— 4 ga : Ancaster Nancy by Blank—Phoebe by Tortoise—Dau. of Looby. Om Pythoness Sorcerer—Princess by Sir Peter—Dau. of Dungannon—Dau. of Turf—Dau. ras s of Herod—Golden Grove by Blank—Spinster by Partner. Sa : Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir - a a Sir Hercules. Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder. B1g8 Guiccioli Bob Booty—Flight by I Escape—Y Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero— a 5 8 et Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Grey Robinson. Pai es ro iat tea o| g ; Whisker—Floranthe by Octavian—Caprice by Anvil—Madcap by Eclipse— Fa 3g Economist. Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Blaze—Dau. of Y Greyhound. = 4g Miss Pratt Blacklock—Gadabout by Orville—Minstrel by Sir Peter—Matron by = fc] HBS, REALL Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. g 8 sult Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mereury— Billick Ss a Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. a) 2 T li Tramp—Web by Way ee by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— q|o rampolne, Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. alae i @ Mul Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem 3 B. wey: —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. FA) ea} Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractions by Mer- Oo = Clare. cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena. Zi = - ea eS Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of a B| & Tramp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. ay oO Whisker—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by 3 5 Daughter of. Trentham—Coquette by Compton Bart—Sis. to Regulus. et a 2 . x . ‘ oa ve Orvile—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- Blea Emilius. ieee by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. =|25 5 Scud—Manfreda by Williamson’s Ditto—Tawney by Mentor (Justice)— od wna = Surprise. Jemima by Satellite (Eclipse)—Maria, Waxy’s dam, by Herod. & 4 * Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— ple ec Partisan. Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. a|23 " Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary So Pauline. by Coriander—Miss Green by High flyer—Harriet by Matchem. A . +, : : Sl 5 , Emilius—Harriet by Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally 3 “Shag Plenipotentiary. ‘by Trumpator_—Fancy, sis. to Diomed by Florizel. 3 A Myrrha. Whalebone—Gift by Y. Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to Am- aitor by Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap (Snip)—Dau. of Gower Stallion (Godolphin)—Dau. of Flying Childers (Darley Arabian). 16 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BILLET <(Imp:) (WINNER OF THE ZETLAND STAKES AT YORK, EGHAM STAKES AT EGHAM, THE MARCHAM PARK STAKES AT ABINGDON, AND SELLING STAKES AT WORCESTER IN 1867,) Stands at the head of the Runnymede Stud, Bourbon Co., near Paris, Ky., by private contract only, the property of Messrs. Gco. W. Bowen & Co., Post Office, Paris, Ky. Annaul Sales of Yearlings in May. Bruuet, by Voltigenr, bred by Mr. James Smith, foaled in 1865, dam Calcutta, dam of Bivouac, Watchfire, Eastminster, Gen. Lee, &c., by Flatcatcher, winner of the 2,000 guineas, and son of Touchstone. Voltigeur, the sire of imp. B llct, was a su- perior race-horse, won the Derby, Doncaster St. Leger, and the Doncaster Cup, all in 1850,and was the only horse which ever vanquished the Flying Dutchman; hisstock were all remarkable for their fine, tmproving, and staying qualities ; imp. Billet was him- self afine race-horse. Started seventeen times as a two-year old ; won five races and lost twelve ; won the Zetland Stakes, five furlongs 44 yards, beating Eau de Vie, Stella, and others ; won the Exham Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, beating La Sor- rentina, Rally, &c , won the Marcham Park Stakes at Abingdon, three-quarters of a mile, beating Magna and Irwell. Newmarket First October Meeting, won sweep- stakes for two year old, last half ot the Abingdon mile, beating a field of six. At Worcester won selling sweepstakes for two-year olds, five furlongs, beating Frenzy, Phantom Sail and four others. At Durham ran second to Stella for the Elsmere Stakes (he afterwards beat her) ; ran second to Bismarck in the Eglinton Stakes ; ran second to Traviata in sweepstake at Newmarket Second October Meeting, and ran third in the Enville Plate, beating six others. As a three-year old, ran only once, un-" placed. He usually ran in good company, and the severe ordeal of seventeen rices as a two-year old destroyed his usefulness on the turf and caused his early retirement. He stood, for several years after his importation, in Illinois, where he served but few really good mares, but sired some remarkable race-horses, and from Sprightly, the sister of Monarchist, two excellent race-horses, Volturno, a first-class horse, and Elias Lawrence, a real good one. Volturno won in his two-year-old form four out of five races, at three years old he won six out of ten races, including the United States Hotel Stakes at Saratoga, 14 miles in 2:414, beating Harold and others ; a handicap sweep- stake, 14 miles in 2:102 ; the Atlantic Handicap, 1} miles, at Long Branch, in 2:48, beating Bonnie Carrie, Monitor, &c. ; at Brighton Beach won two handicaps, each 14 miles in 8:084 each; won the Breckenridge Stakes at Bultimore, two miles in 3:35, beat- ing Harold, Aureolus, and Monitor, the latter carricd 112 Ibs., a penalty of 5 lbs. ; asa four-year old won four out of six races, including the Louisville Cup. Elias Law- rence’s performances in the Baden Baden Handicap when three years old wis a won- derful race, With 98 lbs. he ran the distance in 5:284. Other winners by Billet are Kate Claxton, Mollie Lee, Billet Lee, Headlight, Frenchie Shy, Baybee, Pa ti, Zeta, Bedouin, Ballard, Belle of Runnymede, Bengal, Blenheim, Runnymede, winner of Clarke Stakes at Louisville, the Tidal Stakes, one mile in 1:483, 118]bs., the Coney Island Derby, 14 miles in 2:37, beating Forester and Carley B. both at Sheepshead Bay, and the Lorillard Stakes at Monmouth Park, 14 miles in 2:40 ; Barnes, one of the best two-year uld colts of the year, Miss Woodford, winner of six outof nine stakes in which she siarted this year, including the Ladies’ Stakeat Chicago, three-quarters of a mile, the Spinaway Stake at Saratoga, five furlongs in 1:03}, the Misses Stake, three- quarters of a mile in 1:16, the Filly Stakes, three-quarters of a mile in 1:172, and the Colt and Filly Stake, one mile, in 1:444; both at Lexington, Ky. Voltigeur, the sire of Billet, sired Vedette, winner of the 2,000 guineas, and Vedette sired Galopin, win- ner of the Derhy. The stock are remarkable for their fine, improving, and staying qualities. Billet is inbred to Waxy, the sire of Whalebone and Whisker, and traces through his collateral branches maay times to Herod and Eclipse, then: e to the best Oriental sources, He has also three crosses of imp, Diomed, the winner of the first Derby in 1780, His stock must be valuable. ! The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 17 PEDIGREE OF BILLET. BILLET. : spite King Fergus (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer—Monimia by Matchem (Cade ou Hambletonian, —Dau. of Alcides (Babraham)—Dau. of Crab Sues dam by Fox. , Jae Rosalind Phoenomenon (Herod)—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mui by Oroo- 3 2 : noko—Dau. of Old Traveler—Miss Makeless by Y. Graybound. Rat Sac Pot-8-os—Layender by Herod—Dau. of Snap—Miss Roan by Cade—Ma- a . “at 3 - Coriander. dame vy Bloody Buttocks—Sis, to Matchem's dam by Partner. Ale Wildgoose Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder (Snap)—Dau. of ¢ a A ld Eng. (Godol.)—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss Cade by Cade. a : it g Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet (Regulus)—Virago S me Salton. by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Cuil Mie Blamericin. e “et 8 Julia Whiskey (Saltram)—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matcbem—Molly ba : Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. 2 Pele King Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snip (F. Childers)—Sis. to Regulus 3 2 ‘e Overton: ae Godol. Arabian—Gr. pelea b a oe of Snake. 5 =] ‘ alnut (Highflyer)—Dau. of Ruler (Y. Marske)—Piracantha by Matchem a A Gratinide’s dae) "Dau. of Regulus—Jenny Spinner by Partuer—Dau. of Grayhound. cc he 3 F ea : Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by a 5 orp. Compton Barb—Sis, to Regulus by Godol. Arabian.—Gr. Robinson. Pp gu y iS ‘ z Tew Grey Timothy (Delpini)—Lucy by Florizel ae ody tiene by Eclipse—Dau. of Ft WS SEEN: Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Old Traveler. ; 3s PS [ik ns Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Tarmagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice <|=\3 Se: Orville: by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by pecilee a as Fanny Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske—Y. Hag by Skim— 7 JA & > Hag by Crab—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. 3 1 4 So Sir Peter—Miss Hervey by Eclipse—Clio by Y.Cade—Dau. of Starling—Dau. — ie & Haphazard. of Bart Childers—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Byerly Turk. =| j2=! urs. Barnet Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by Squirrel—Principessa by Blank— sae ig Dau. of Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Partner (Jigg). 3 4) 8 Camillus Hambletonian—Faith by Pacolet—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill 2 r by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler—Miss Makeless by Y. Greyhound. 3 Daught f Hyacinthus (Coriander)—Flora by King Fergus—Atalanta by Matchem— a aug ater ok. ass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler—Miss Makeless, oe Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap x 4 Whalebone. J alla by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. &| a Daushiswot Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron by Florizel— 3 2 Aue ner Ol Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam by Mogul. qa S| & _ |Orville—Miss Sophia by Stamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunca by ld 2 Master Henry Hishiver Cy pee by Reuimel—-Fubble's dam by Regulus (Godol.) 3 rg Boadi Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus (Old Eng.)—Mayfly Phe Matchem— 2 a oadicea. Dau. of Ancaster Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper—Dau. of Newton Arab 3 2 3 a Sir Peter—Miss Hervey by Eclipse—Clio by Y.Cade—Dau.of Starling—Dau. 3 % 3 Haphazard. of Barts Ouildere Dat, of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Byerly Turk. Fa leey é Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by Squirrel—Principessa by Blank— Bie Mrs. Barnet. | Dau.of CullenArabian—LadyThigh by Partner—Dau.of Bloody Buttocks o A $ erent Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow (Eclipse)—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of Waxy. Gabi “Sie: to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of B. Childers. z ; ; s Pawn. Tr ator—(Conductor)—Prunella by Highflyer (Herod)—Promise by B. hap (ary dia by Blank (Godolphin)—Spectator’s dam by Partner igg)—B Lass by Bay Bolton (Grey Hautboy)—Dau. of Darley ea ae of ‘Beorly urk—Dau. of Taffolett—Barb. Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Natural Barb Mare. 22 The Horse-Brecders’ Guide and Hand Book. BLYTHEWOOD (Imp.) Blythewood will be located the season of 1883, at the Algeria Stud Farm near Eric, Pa., the property of Mr. W. L. Scott. Services only by private contract. BiyTHEWoop, by Adventurer, son of Newminster, bred by Mr. W. I’Anson, foaled 1878 ; dam Bonny Bell by Voltigeur ; the dam of Bonny Swell, Blantyre, Muscatel, Beauclere, ctc., out of Queen Mary; the dam of Blink Bonny, Balrownie, Bonnie Scotland, etc., by Gladiator. Blythewood started in only one race ; the Colt Sapling Stakes for two-year olds, five furlongs, 44 yards at York, won by Burgie, with Humboldt second, Blythewood third. Adventurer, his sire, was a fine race-horse, although he did not start in the Derby or St. Leger; he won the Loudesborough Plate (handicap), at Doncaster; the City and Suburban Handicap, defeating Am Umpire, Gen. Hesse, Asteroid, and a large field of others, the great Northern Handicap and Flying Dutchman handicap at York, the Craven stakes, at Epsom, and the Queen’s Gold Vase, at Ascot, and was one of England’s most popular sires. Blythewood is a very richly bred horse, being a grandson of the famons old Beeswing, on the side of the sire, Newminster, who won the Doncaster St. Leger, in 1851, and was the sire of Nemesis, winner of the 1,000 guineas; Lord Clifden, winner of the St. Leger; Hermit,winner of the Derby, and the most popular stallion in England. Adventurer is a very popular stallion; he is the sire of Pretender, winner of the 2,000 guineas, and Derby in 1869 ; Apology, winner of the 1,000 guineas ; Oaks and St. Leger, in 1874,.and Wheel of Fortune, winner of the 1,000 gs., and Oaks in 1879; he is also the sire of Mr. P. Lorillard’s great two-year old Pizzarro ; Voltigeur, the sire of his dam, was one of the few horses which won both the Derby and St. Leger, which he did together with the Doncaster Cup, in 1858 ; Bonny Bell, his dam, is half sister to Blink Bonny, the dam of Blair Athol, the best son of Stockwell, and his grandam, Queen Mary, is the dam of Balrownie, Bonnie Scotland, and other famous animals. Bonnie Scotland made a reputation in this country which is as enduring as time. If there is anything in blood and racing lineage, Blythewood should make a good sire. He is a dark bay, full 153 hands, with black points, and a star in the forehead, he possesses substance and power commensurate with his height. The daughters of Bonnie Scotland, bred to him will do much to preserve and perpetuate a popular and successful racing strain in America. He is much inbred to Eclipse, Matchem and Herod, through Whalebone Parasol, Emilius and Highflyer. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide und Hand Book. 23 PEDIGREE OF BLYTHWOOD (Imp.) BLYTHWOOD (Imp), Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by . 3 Whalebone. Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. &| 3 | Daughter of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron by Florizel— g|0 Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. 2 ae a). Orville—Miss Sophia by Stamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunca by : 3 5 Master Henry. Highflyer—Cypher by Squirrel—Fribble’s dam by Regulus. ele] 3 Boadicea Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. % ree} : Starling—Dan. of Grasshopper—Dau. of Newton Arabian. 2 \ Trumpator—Dau. of Mark Anthony (Spectator)—Signora by Snap—Miss z 5 g Paynator. Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belreae. : | sp], 8} Daughter of Beningbrough—Jenny Mole by Carbuncle (Babraham by Gold)—Dau. of #Id . Prince T’ Quassaw (Snip)—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Partner. B r ale Jobn Bull (Fortitude)—Miss Whip by Volunteer (Eclipse)—Wimbleton by 5 8 3 ; padeOs a Evergreen (Herod)—Sis. to Calash by Herod—Teresa by Matchem. oa BS Lady Eliza Whitworth (Agonistes by Sir Peter)—Dau. of Spadille (Highflyer)—Sylvia = a 7 by Y. Marske—Ferret by Bro. to Silvio—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.) a a ; . King Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Dutchess by White- s = Beningbrough. nose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. of Ox Dun Arabian. a pl Evelina Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of 4) 1g} oO , . Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs—Dau. of B. Bolton. iS \ Sir Peter—Horatia by Eclipse—Countess, Delpini’s dam by Blank—Dau. of i ye Pp ’ Pp y, ES a | ramon Rib—Dau. of Wynn Arabian—Dau. of Governor. 3 Dauchter of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver— 3 ry 8 : Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. & 7 Walton Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet (Reg)—Virago, Sal- ica g i tram’s dam by Snap—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.) b 3| 3 ‘i Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- aj Parasol. 9 é tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. oD Ols A : : als ille. Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- fis. Orailis trice by Sampson—Dan. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. Pa | Be Daughter of. /Buzzard—Hornpipe by Trumpator—Luna by Herod—Proserpine, Sis. to a Eclipse by Marske—Spiletta by Regulus. me 8 Whitelock Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass mw . of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler. 2! 3! Daughter of, |Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-o0s—Manilla by ot bal 8 * |” Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian, 8 so | 5 Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem * > ee Ebaicom. —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Foxhunter. 3} 12°! Daughter of, |Overten (King Fergus)—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Ruler (Y. & A 8 . Marske) Piracantha by Matchem—Prophetess. a Si S Golumpus—Lucy Gray by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse Sha 2 Catton. —Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill. Si S Desdeniony Orville—Fanny by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske—Y. 3 s ‘i Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by F. Childers. : et * [=] : : Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel b S 5 3S Filho-da-Puta, Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. = a te ri Treasure Camillus—Dau. of Hyacinthus—Flora by King Fergus—Atalanta by eq ease: Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler. es q Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— ie 1 wae Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. oO § e P 1 Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— Pa] ie x BTAEO Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. o is S18 M. Whalebone or Seymour—Dau. of Gohauna—Grey Skim by Woodpecker— po = OBER: Silver’s Dam by Herod—Y. Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab. a Ss aril Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss > pa Quadrille. Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. a tee ‘* « . . : ® ce any Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- Blas ea Emilius. mant—Dizzy be Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. |) Ploeg Harriet. Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally by Trumpator— Sas ener Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator. a Er Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap 2 E Wnele pune. at ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. x Gift. Y. Gohanna—Sis. toGrazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to Amaitor by Trumpator (Conductcr), Dau. of Herod (Tartar), Dau. of Snap (Snip), Dau. of Gower Stallion (Go’ Arabian)—Dau. of Flying Childers (Darley ‘Arvabian.) 24 The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BRAMBLE, (WINNER OF THE YOUNG AMERICA STAKE NO.2 AND MAXWELL HOUSE STAKE AT NASHVILLE, SARATOGA AND CONGRESS STAKES AT SARATOGA, BALTIMORE CUP, MONMOUTH CUP, WESTCHESTER CUP, SARATOGA CUP, AND OTHER IMPORTANT RACES), Will stand the season of 1883 at the Belle Meade Stud, near Nashville, Tenn., at $100 the season. Application to Gen. W. H. Jackson, lock box 383 Nashville, Tenn. Annual sule of yearlings about May 1st. BRaMBLE, by imp. Bonnie Scotland, bred by Gen. W. G. Harding, Belle Meade Stud, foaled 1875, dam Ivy Leaf dam of Bazar, Brambaletta, etc., by imp. Australian, out of Bay Flower sister to Bayonet, Bayswater, Preakness, etc., by Lexington. Bramble ran seven times as a two-year old; won the Young American Stakes No. 2, at Nashville, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:20, track heavy. In this he beat Milan (who had beaten him previously, the latter taking up 5 lbs. penalty) and others. He won the Saratoga Stakes, at Saratoga, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:174, beating Duke of Magenta, Pride of the Village and others ; ran second to Milan for the Young America Stakes No. 1, half a mile, in :50}; ran second to Pomeroy at Louisville, Ky., for the Alexander Stakes, half a mile, in :49} ; ran third to Milan and Pomeroy, for the Tennessee Stakes, three-quarters of a mile,in 1:16. At Saratoga ran third to Pride of the Village and Duke of Magenta for the Kentucky Stakes, three- uraters of a mile, in 1:18}. Was beaten by Pique in the Special Sweepstakes at Samitoga, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:163. He made his debut in his three-year-old form in the Withers Stake at Jerome Park, one mile; was second to Duke of Magenta in 1:48, each with 118 lbs. ; one of the best races ever run, the track being muddy and heavy—Danicheff and Pride of the Village were behind him ; beat Simoom, Oriole, etc., one mile, in 1:48} ; ran seeond to Duke of Magenta for the Belmont Stakes, 14 miles, in 2:433, Spartan, Danicheff, Bayard and others behind him. Long Branch won dash of three-quarters of a mile, beating Idalia, Egypt, etc., in 1:17 ; same place, was. beaten a match, one and a quarter miles, by Spartan, in 2:16, evidently badly managed or out of condition. Saratoga, ran second to the Duke of Magenta in Travers Stakes, one and three-quarters miles, in 3:08, a capital race ; Spartan, Danicheff and Albert were behind him. Won dash of one mile, beating Lou Lanier, Garrick and Alleveur, in 1:45; won dash of one mile, beating Idalia, Pique, &c., in1:474, track heavy ; beat Oriole, Idalia, etc., one and a quarter miles, in 2:17 ; walked over for purse, one anda half miles ; received half purse and entrance money ; beat Pique, Pride of the Village, etc., one mile, in 1:474, carrying 113 lbs; ran second to Duke of Magenta for Kenner stakes, two miles, in 3:414, beating Spartan, Bonnie Wood, Kate Claxton, Bertha, etc.; won race 14 miles, in 1:58, beating Bonnie Wood, Kate Claxton, ete.; ran second to Bushwhacker, 13 miles, in 3:18%, beating Maumee, Kenny, etc.; he carried 109 lbs. to Bushwhacker’s 105 Ibs. Was beaten one mile by La Belle Helene, in 1:453, beating Bertha, etc. Beat Lady D’Arcy, Bonnie Wood, etc. ; three-quarters of a mile, in 1:19; beat Patriot, Kate Claxton and others, one mile, in 1:453. He was then sent to Louisville, where he won the great American Stallion Stakes, 14 miles, in 3:14}, beating Cammie F., Wartield, Momentum, Day Star and five others ; same place, was second to Warfield, giving him 5 lbs.—14 miles, in 1:56 —the fastest race at the distance during the year. Nashville, won the Maxwell House Stakes, mile heats, in 1:43, 1:44, beating Warfield and Bergamot Baltimore, ran second, 1} miles, won by Bonnie Wood in 2:194, Bertha third. He was stale from his long trip to the West. At four years old started twenty times ; won fifteen races, was second in two, third in one and unplaced in two. Bramble made his first public appearance in 1879, at Baltimore, Md., won dash of 1} miles, defeating Gov. Hamp- ton, Albert and Judith ; time, 2:154 ; same meeting, won the Baltimore Cup, 24 miles, defeating Bushwhacker, Bonnie Wood, Lou Lanier and Bayard, time, 4:012. Jerome Park, won dash of one mile, defeating Una, Franklin, Bonnie Wood and three others ; time, 1453. Same meeting, won the Westchester Cup, 2} miles, defeating his only opponent, Invermore ; time, 4:20}. Summer Meeting, Coney Island Jockey Club, Prospect Park, Bramble, Gov. Hampton, Gen. Philips and Willful started in the Seaside Handicap, 2 miles ; Willful finished first, Philips second and Bramble last ; time, 3:343. Monmouth Park, won the Ocean Stakes, 14 miles, defeating Monitor, Lancewood, Susq ucuanne and Belinda; time, 1:58}. Same meeting, won dash 1} miles, defeating Una and Tom Scarlet ; time, 2:27. Same meeting, won the Monmouth Cup, 24 miles, defeating Lou Lanier, Gen. Philips and Willful ; Bramble carried 5 Ibs. penalty for winning the Westchester Cup; time, 4:18}, Saratoga, ran second to Monitor in the All-Aged Stakes, 14 miles; time, 3:124. Same meeting, won the ( Continued on page 26.) BRAMBLE. The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 25 PEDIGREE OF BRAMBLE. Joe Andrews (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer (Herod)—Dau. of Cardinal Puff & | Dick g eke Drones (Babraham )—Dau. of Tattler (Blank)—Dau. of Snip. a & | Daughter of. Gohanna (Mercury)—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker g (Herod)—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. 6 els Sorcerer (Trumpator)—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexi ing Fer- 4 e 5 Comus. sts Belipse) Lavell ay Y, Nek a Dua Sine Beene se 3 Marciana. amford (Sir Peter)—Marcia by Coriander (Pot-8-0s)—Faith by Pacolet $ A (B-ank)—Atalanta by Matchem (Cade)—Lass of the aL ss ; : Woodpecker (Herod)—Misfor _— iss Buzzard. ipecker (Herod)—Misfortune by Dux (Matchem)—Curiosity by Sna) # (Snip)—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Childers ae : ale ®& | Castrel’s Dam. persuden Rete) ae oe a ee of Alfred (Matchem) >| |S = ie ngincer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol.) fh. : Emilius—Seamew by Scud—Goosander by Hambletonian (King Fergus)— al.. Se St Nicholas: Rally hy Trumpator--Fancy by Florizel—Sis. to Juno. S)a5 . Tramp (Dick Andrews)—Dau. of Sancho (Don Quixote)—Blacklock’s dam ay Miss Rose p( oj} 4 . by Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os, Ai y 3 s' p> Fe ee yeas yea ae, ia aqua \T s | ape Haphazard (Sir Peter)—Mrs. Barnet. by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker— pA < 4 Filho-da-Puta. Heinel by Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul Arabian. S =| Daughter of. |gmolensko (Sorcerer)—Dau. of Sir Peter—Dau. of Mambrino—Marigold by Herod—Toy by Blank—Whiteneck by Crab—Dau. of Go’ Arabian—Dau. of Conyer’s Arabian—Dau. of Curwen Bay Barb—Dau. of Marshall’s. Spot—Dau. of White-legged Chestnut Lowther Barb—Old Vintner Mare. 26 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BRAMBLE-—-Continued. Saratoga Cup, 24 miles, defealing Willful, Lou Lanier, Belle and Danicheff ; time, 4:113, Same place, won dash of 14 miles, defeating Mintzer, Dan Sparling and Dairy Maid time, 2°00, Same place, won dash 1 mile, defeating Bennett; time, 1:49. Same place, won three-quarters of a mile, defeating Annie Augusta, Oriole, Bonnie Wood, Lottery and Gabriel , time, 1:173. Same place, won dash of 1 mile, defeating Oriole and Gabriei time, 1:444. Same place, started in the Summer Handicap, 15 miles, won by Franklin in 2:39}; Bramble carried 126 lbs., and failed to secure a place. Same plac: won dash 1} miles, defeating Gabriel, Dan Sparling and Eunice ; time, 1:58. Same place, won the Congress Hall Stakes, heats of three-quarters of a mile, defeating Shylock, Lady Middleton and Lady D’Arcy; time, 1:19, 1:18. Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, N. Y., ran second to Fortuna in sweepstakes for all ages, 24 miles ; time, 4:02}. Same place, won the Brighton Cup, 24 miles, defeating Franklin by a head ; time, 4:164 ; Fortuna and Mintzer also ran ; Monmouth Park ran third in the Champion Stakes, 14 miles, won by Spendthrift, Report second ; time, 2:414; at 5 years won the Centennial Stakes at Nashville Tenn., 14 miles, in 1:58, beating Beatitude and others ; at 6 years, starting only once; ran second to Ferida ; at Baltimore, mile heats in 1:443, 1:444, 1:48%, Bramble won the first heat. This was his last race. Ivy Leaf the dam of bramble was never trained, Bay Flower his gran- dam was a good race mare at all distances, she beat the famoms Ithynodyne three and four mile heats at St. Louis; four miles, in 7:454, 7:45. Bramble is a rich red bay with Jarge star in forehead, 15 hands 24 inches high, girths 70 inches, length of shoulder 28 inches, around the arm 20 inches, below the knee 8} inches, from hip to point of hock 36% inches, around gaskins 164 inches, from poiut of shoulder to point of buttocks 64 inches, He is full of substance and power, and greatly resembles his sire. He is strongly inbred to Herod and Eclipse through the best sources with the Archy and Diomed blood through Lexington, he was speedy, could stay and pack weight. He should prove a success upon the matrons at Belle Meade. BRIGADIER (Imp.) Brigadier will be located the season of 1883 at the stables of Col. A. R. Wynn, Castalian, Springs, Tenn., and will serve mares at $25 the season. BricaDieR, by Monarque, bred in France, foaled 1869, imported by Mr. J. A. Smith, dam Sweet Lucy, by Sweetmeat. Brigadier ran but once in public in a plate at New- market Second October Meeting won by Nudel, he wasunplaced. Hissire, Monarque, was a fine race-horse, won the Goodwood Cup in 1857, and sired Gladiateur, who not only won the 2,000 guineas, Derby and St. Leger in 1865, but the Grand Prix de Paris same year, and he is the only horse which ever accomplished the feat. Gladiateur also won the Ascot Gold Cup in 1866, and many other important events. Sweetmeat, the sire of his dam, Sweet Lucy, was sire of Macaroni, winner of the 2,000 guineas and Derby in 1863, and of Mincepie winner of the Oaks in 1856, and Mincemeat winner of the Oaks in 1854. Macheath, the crack two year old, of England, for this year 1882, is by Macaroni. The pedigree is full of stout and speedy crosses; the horse served no thorough-bred mares until 1880, and his colts are pronounced very promising. His blood is one of tlie links through which the Sweetmeat and Whalebone blood can be perpetuated in this country, he is strongly inbred to Waxy, through both Whisker and Whalcbone, and to Eclipse through these two stout crosses and through Orville, ‘and Blacklock. Beningbrough, the sire-of Orville, won the St. Leger in 1794, and Ham- ‘bletonian, the grandsire of Blacklock, won it in 1795, both were grandsons of the great Eclipse, both being by King Fergus, the famous son of that horse, and he traces through his dam to Proserpine, an own sister of Eclipse. Brigadier is a brown 16} hands, with little white on one heel behind, is a fine tempered, well shaped horse. The Hovse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 27 PEDIGREE OF BRIGADIER. Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol *The Emperor and Voltaire given. Fy A Wax Pot-8-os—Maria b Ss 5 3 y: Arabian—bis. to Volunteer by Y. Belyrade—Dau. of Bart Childers, S| 'a8 Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 2 § es Bes Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Alo| . : ; 3 Buzzard—Selim’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred— Aa a Rubens. Dau. of Eugineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol). a 3 Little Follv Highland Fling—Harriet by Volunteer—Lady Sarah’s dam by Alfred— ee 8 ci Magnolia by Marske—Dau. of Babraham—Dau. of Sedbury. 3 - 5 Sorcerer—Houghtou Lass by Sir Peter —Alexina by King Fergus—Lardell eh y Sir Pete exina by King Fergus—Lardella B|..| & Comus. by Y. Marske—Dau.of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. 2 Blo © Rosette Beningbrough—Rosamond by Tandem—Tuberose by Herod—Gr. Starling g b 2 . by Starliung—Coughing Polly by Bartlet’s Childers. 3 4 ; Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Tr t —Dau. — y Trentham—Dau. of Wood- Sy a a & Tcamip. pecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena. pla al s Dehancs Rubens—Little Folly by Highland Fling—Harriet by Volunteer—Dau. of 2 m a . Alfred—Magnolia by Marske—Dau. of Babraham—Dan. of Sedbury. x . Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b iS : 8 CGIMEIENG: 9 coe ee eee by Sea Arabian. < - ad} 3 imothy (Whisker or Prime Minister )—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse a 5 8 eae: —Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. ¥ 3 f : ; S] ou Sorcerer—Wowski by Mentor (Justice)—Maria Waxy'’s dam by Herod— eS = Hmolensito: Lisette by Suee ee Windsor by Godol Arabian—Sis. to Voliutess— 7 = Lady Mary. Beningbrough—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Marske (Squirt)—A la Greeque a a 7 by Regulus—Dau. of Allworthy (Crab)—Dau. of Bol Starling. 8 & 5 Waxy Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol Ara- Aa 3 7 bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrader—Dau. of Bart Childers. ‘ ci Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— GS) lait : Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Al: | 5 Q ; < * Y. Marske—Dau. of Vauxhall-Snap—Hip by Herod—Sister to Mirza b Qa a2 Shuttle. Diovo Heaay Gene of Hob a emer Whitefoot. - Ey rone (Herod)—Contessina by Y. Marske—Tuberose by Herod—Gr. Star- a 1m} Daughter of. ling by Starling—Coughing Polly by Bart Childers. ra) | a ' 2 a Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— a : 5 Walton. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. r My) i lel a Parasol Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 3 mu : Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass, 3| Whalebone or Seymour (Delpini)—Sis. to Castania by Gohanna—r. Skim = . 3 es i Moses. by Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag. s Es Quadrill Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss , 8 Pa ae Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. oy} [&* © co Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b iS a S | Blacklock. Pot-8-os— Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. # S/5=) Daught f Phantom—Dau. of Overton (King Fergus)—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut— &. | Butera, Dau. of Ruler (Y. Marske)—Piracantha by Matchem. i] Pee se | : : F : : “| So) ; Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b Ps S S| Blacklock, Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldtinder—Dau. of Old Eng. = > z | Wactail Whisker—Dau. of Sorcerer—Dau. of Sir Solomon (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Y. I faa} eeuaN, Marske-——Dau. of Phoenomenon—Calliope by Slouch. Es : ee = Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna, FS AE | Whalebone. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partr 2r—Bonny Lass, : e Sls Daught f Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron by Florizel— a S e BA LETORs Maideu by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. q By xn ° _ |Orville—Miss Sophia by Stamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunea by {| 2 | Master Henry. Highiiver—-Cyober by Sgt) Dau, of Regulus. g 5 Boadi Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. $ pO agi ceas Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper—Dau. of Newton Arabian, d 5 q Tramp—Mandave by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by 3 82 Lottery. ‘iesnthats—Coqueds by Compton Barb—Sis, to Regulus. Jjea Morei Muley—Miss Stephenson by Scud or Sorcerer—Sis. to Petworth by Precipi- s < orgiana. tate—Dau. of Woodpecker—Sis. to Juniper by Suap. 2] : " <] Phantom—Emmeline by Waxy—Sorcery by Sorcerer—Cobbea by Sky- fq | Young Phantom scraper—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by Squirrel. ao P p iy Oe Daughter of. /Orville—Goldenleg’s dam by Buzzard--Hornpipe by Trumpator (Conductor) —Luna, by Herod (Tartar)—Proserpine Sis. to Eclipse by Marske (Squirt) —Spiletta by Regulus (Godol)—Mother Western by Smith’s Son of Snake —Dau. of Old Montagu—Dau, of Hautboy—Dau. of Brimmer. 28 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BULLION Will stand the season of 1883 at the Minnehaha Stud, Samuel Y. Keene, proprietor, near Georgetown, Scott Co., Ky., and will serve mares at $25 the season. Application to S. Y. Keene, Georgetown, Ky. Buution, by War Dance, son of Lexington, bred by the late A. Keene Richards, Blue Grass Stud, Ky, foaled 1878, dam Gold Ring by Ringgold, son of Boston, out of Ann Percy, by imp. Albion; Ringgold, the sire of Bullion’s dam, was a fine race-horse, and a winner of some good races, he covered but few mares, but got those fine race-horses, Delaware and Onward, both speedy and capable of staying a distance. Albion, the sire of Bullion’s grandam, was imported at a yearling, and was a winner in Virginia at all distances, and in good company, and became noted as asire of winners and successful brood mares. Bullion was one of the unfortunate race- horses, he was cut down when a two-year old in one of his races, and was thought to have been ruined, but he recovered so far that he was trained, and in the Kentucky Derby at Louisville won by Vagrant, he was again cut down when looking dangerous and close up. This ruined him for racing purposes. Bullion started in one race as two years old, and was cut down in the race. He came out as three years old, and won a Sweep- stake at Lexington mile heats in 1:463, 1:454 beating Eaglet, Dailgasian, L’Argentine and others, was unplaced in the Citizen Stake, two miles won by Red Coat in3:344. Bullion carried 111 lbs., and Red Coat, 105 lbs., the other starters, 100 ]bseach. Started inthe Kentucky Derby 14 miles won by Vagrant in 2:383. Bullion was cut down when run- ning third, and ruined for racing purposes. Bullion has covered only a few mares, | those of his owners. The following creditable winners are by him: Fairfield, winner of | the Criterion Stake at Long Branch, three-quarters of a milein 1:17%. Golden Era, Gold Basis, the latter, a good one, Wendover a winner, Rufus L. Bullington, Coinage and Free Gold, who defeated Aella and Hilarity. Bullion isinbred to Old Boston, having the cross through War Dance and Ringgold, he has a Glencoe cross through famous Reel, dam of Lecompte, Starke Prioress, etc., and seven direct crosses of Sir Archy and Diomed, and any number to Herod and Eclipse through his collateral branches. Bullion is a rich chestnut, 16} hands, with one white heel behind, and is a horse of fine temper with great substance and power, and transmits his qualities to his progeny. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hund Book. 29 PEDIGREE OF BULLION. tok Sir Areby Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- g 5 ‘ g HOE of Wm’s Forester. AD , altram (Eclipse)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Oth- a 2 Deugeiey at ello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire. pia : Blod 5 aes B18 0 , 4 Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Imp. [A Ba Ball’s Florizel. Fearnought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober Jobin, a bias Daughter of. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher 2 ae by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher. a| | 8 . Orville—Emily b ; isk : i y by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- 8 = 3 Emalliue. 7 aoe by Pe by Driver. ? 3 \3 e Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose b z 5 vonie: Mambrino—Cricket by Herod. : . . - I ; e| Sir Archy—Robin Mare by Robin Redbr ity— : a Sumpter, r Archy—Robin Mare by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamer- i) |g] 8 ve ecsn by Imp. Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub, : ays Lady Grey. obin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— a 5 ” a 9 Sir Archy—Dau. of Citizen—Dau. of Commutation—Dau. of Dare Devil— lees Sir Charles. Sally Shark by Imp. Shark—Betsy Pringle. S 3 of, [Bess’ Brimmer—Son of Blue Beard, Dam by Mendoza (Imp. Medley)— A | Daughter of. Grandam by imp. Medley. 34 The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. DUKE OF MONTROSE Will be located ut Me Grathiana Stud, near Lexington, Ky., as a private stallion. Milton Young, proprietor, Lexington, Ky. Yearlings Sold Annually. Duke or Montrose, by Waverley, son of imp. Australian, bred by Jas A. Grinstead, Walnut Hill Stud, near Lexington, Ky., dam Kelpie—the dam of Janet, four miles in 7:25—by imp Bonnie Scotland, out of sister to Ruric dam of Grinstead by imp- Sovereign, son of Emilius,the winner of the Derby in 1823, and sire of the two famous Derby winners, Priam and Plenipotentiary, Oxygen winner of the Oaks, and Mango winner of the St. Leger. Sovereign’s dam, Fleur-de-Lis by Bourbon, was one of the best mares of her day. In addition to other races she won the Goodwood Cup in 1829 and 30. Duke of Montrose made his debut as a three-year old, and started in five races and won one race at Gravesend, a dash of 14 miles in 2:12; at Jerome Park was second in the Lorillard Stakes for three-year-olds, one mile and three fur- longs, won by Grenada, no time taken. At Gravesend was second in tho Coney Island Handicap, one mile and three furlonys, won by Luke Blackburn in 2:241; Monmouth Park, was second in the Ocean Stakes, one mile and a furlong, won by Luke Blackburn in 2:084; was second in a Sweepstakes, 14 miles, won by Luke Blackburn in 2:114 Four years old, started in thirteen races of which he won five; Saratoga won a dash in one mile in 1:424, beating Knight Templar and eight others; Monmouth Park, won a dash of one mile in 1:45%, beating Jack of Hearts and two others; won a selling race, one mile, in 1:44; Jerome Park, won dash of three.quarters of a mile in 1:193, beating Clarendon, Valparaiso and nine others; won a dash of one mile in 1:504, beat- jng Marathon and others. In this race, to a false start the horses ran the distance, and Montrose finished firstin 1:45%. At Saratoga, was second ina dash of one mile, won by Fireman in 1:44; Monmouth Park, was second in a dash of one mile won by Sir Hugh in 1:442; was second in a Selling Race, one mile, won by Viola in 1:444 ; Sara- toga was third ina dash of one mile and » furlong, welter weights, won by Boule- vard in 1:59). Jerome Park was third in a dash of one mile, won by Marathon in 1:45} Was unplaced in his other races. It will be observed he ran good seconds to such horses as Grenada and the great Luke Blackburn. This closes his racing career, having given away in his fore legs. Duke of Montrose is a blood bay, full 16 hands high with black points; is a large, fine, well developed horse, and possessed a wonderful turn of speed. He is inbred to Waxy through his famcus sons, Whalebone and Whisker, and traces through the dams of Vandal and Ruric to the famous old Lady Grey, the grandam of Lexington, from whom so many successful sires and brond mares have descended. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 35 PEDIGREE OF DUKE OF MONTROSE. DUKE OF MONTROSE. ‘ ; Comus—Clinkerina by Cliuker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tan- Euan A em eneey trum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. 3 S 2 ‘ Cervantes—Dau. of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sister to Zodiac by St. BI"5| Daughter of. George—Abigail by Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank. s y P nd . = eesti ne : Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by a A 2g Pauchstane: Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. sli8|/58 Wiha. Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by $ Sis" e Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose. Z g Emilius Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- = = pe mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. 8 ‘a Shoveler. Scud—Goosander by Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to id] ; Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by Blank (Godol.) ta] PR — = = Ela ee Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snaj | ls Whisker —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Palen Bonny Lass. e Ps 5 Variety Selim or Soothsayer—Sprite by Bobtail—Catharine by Woodpecker—Ca- Fs Aa a milla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. : E Lotter Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by = Los ite “ Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir = sg Sir Hercules. Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old ae = mS Guicciolli Bob Booty—Flight by I Escape—Y Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero— 2 g eg CeO: Dau. of Snap—Sister to Regulus by Godol. Arabian. on ae pele , Tramp—Dau. of Whisker—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y Camilla by Wood- \O s. Liverpool. pecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb. 2S Rachel Muley—Dau. of Comus—Margrave’s dam by Election—Fair Helen by | ie acne Hambletonian—Helen by Delpini—Rosalind by Phoenomenon. A T Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of = ramps Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. ‘ a Daushier ot. Comus—Marciana by Stamford—Marcia by Coriander—Faith by Pacolet— sl 4 augnter ol. | Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. |e) sZiS| a “ Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred a Sel $ 3 st ens —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton's dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. Ss 8 Daushier of Haphazard—Dau. of Precipitate—Colibri by Woodpecker—Camilla by 3 wi aughter Of. | Trentham—Coquette hy Compten Barb.—Sis. to Regulus by Go. Arabian. 3 5 oF Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Suap— Bl] = Partisan. Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. a a| 2 li Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Soreerer—Canary a s Pauline. by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. 5 3 ‘ 3 Emilius—Harriet by Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally g|a_.|Plenipotentiary. | “by Trumpator—Faney, sis. to Diomed by Florizel. pal |\C oS 4 Whalebone—Gift by Y. Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to is 4 Myrvha. Amaitor by Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap ] : : : 1 : ra a oo Beuingbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice hs & Orville. by Sainpeca=2Daus of Regulus—Marske’s dam. dl & ‘ Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by 2 & Emily. Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. ne eis Sorcerer—Dau. of Precipitate—Dau. of Highflyer—Tiffany by Eclipse—Y o 8 z g| Bourbon. Hag by Skim—Hag by Urab—Ebony by F. Childers—Ebony by Basto. S 35 Stamford—Y Rachel by Voluntcer—Rachel by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem fa} |e | Lady Rachel. [by syphon—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip. 9 a a . wm 3 Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frénzy by Eclipse 2 2 Catton. =a of Teenie Da. of Bie ees of the Mill by Traveler. a .| 2 Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by B a Emma. Sir Peter—Pyrrba by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose. 3 ae Blacklock—Duu. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster a E Tranby. —Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampsun—Dau. of Oroonoko. ge Lucilla. Trumpator—Lucy by Orphan—Lady Gray by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar —Dau. of Higbflyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diaiwonds—Imp. Diamund by Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner—Dau. of Greyhound—Dau. of Curwen Bay Barb—Dau. of D’Arcy Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague Mare. 36 The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ELIAS LAWRENCE, (WINNER OF THE PEOPLE’S LINE STAKES AND BADEN BADEN HANDICAP AT SARATOGA. 1880,) Will stand the seuson of 1883 ut the Nuvkaskia Stud Farm of Messrs. MeCulloughs and Savage near Urbana, Il. Application to J. 8. Me Cullough, Crbana, Ill. Eras LAWRENCE (first called Bilozi then Bilstein) by imp. Billet, son of Voltigeur, bred by Samuel Powers, Decatur, Ill., foaled 1877, dam Sprightly, dam of Volturno by Lexington, son of Boston out of Lightsome by imp. Glencoe. See Billet in this book, Sprightly, his dam, was never trained, and her first thoroughbred foal was Vol- turno one of the best race horses ever on the turf. Lexington, her sire, is referred to in this book. Lightsome, the grandam was the dam of Nevada, dam of Luke Black- burn, Salina and Crucifix all by Lexington, and first-class mares and dams of win- ucrs, Elias Lawrence ran two races at two years old, was third to Luke Black- burn, and Quito in Ocean Stakes, 2 of a mile, at Long Branch, in 1:18}, with three others behind him, was unplaced in his other race. At three years old started 18 times, won six races, was second in six, third in three, and unplaced in three. Suara- toga, ran second to Ferncliff, in Sequel Stakes, 1? miles, in 3:092, beating Dawn and Clarendon, won club purse, one mile and a furlong, for three-year olds, in 2:014, beat- ing Turfman and four others, won People’s Line Stakes, a handicap for all ages, 89 Ibs,, two miles, in 8:373, beating Jericho (4), 98 Ibs. ; Cammie F. (5), 98 ]bs., and three others ; won club purse, one mile and five furlongs, in 2:55, carrying 99 lbs., beating Gabriel (4), 110 Ibs., and two others ; won handicap purse, 100 lbs., one mile and five furlongs in 2:58, beating Checkmate (5), 121 lbs., Oriole (6), 113 lbs., and two others : won Baden Baden Handicap, for all ages, three miles, in 5:28}, carrying 98 lbs , beat- ing Irish King (4), 108 lbs., and five others ; this is the fastest three miles ever run by a three-year-old. He was second to Luke Blackburn in Long Island St. Leger; second to Oden in a dash of 14 miles, in 2:15, with two others behiad him ; second to Ferida, 2 mile heats, in 3:39}, 3:423, beating Clyde Hampton ; all run at Gravesend. Brigh- ton Beach, was second tv Bye-and-Bye in Autumn Stakes, 1} miles, in 3:15, beating Buster. Jerome Park, won club purse, mile heats, in 1:47, 1:48, 1:504, beating Ingo- mar, who won first heat, Bowstring and Harold. He closed his season by a defeat at the hands of Monitor in Jerome Park Cup, three miles, in 5:52. At four years old started nine times, won one race, was second in tw o, third in two, un placed in the others. Baltimore ran third to Grenada, and Oden in the Peyton Handi- cap, mile heats, in 1:434, 1:484, 1:474, Oden won second heat, ran sccond to Monitor in in Baltimore Cup,24 miles, in 4:02, beating Grenada. Sheepshead Bay, won the Handicap Sweepstake heats of 1} miles in 2:11, 2:112, 2:20, beating One Dime, who won first heat, Feridaand Oden. Ran second to Glenmore in the Great Long Island Stakes, four mile heats, in 8:18, 7:40, Lawrence won the first heat, but pulling up lame in the second was withdrawn, being by Billet with Blacklock Waxy, and Touchstone blood on the side of his sire with the Archy, and Diomed blood through Lexington and Boston. and out of the family which produced Ruric, Vandal, Lexington, and a host of other good oncs, with size, substance, power and conformation he should get racehorses. In color Lawrence is a dark bay, 16} hands high, with two white pasterns behind, measures 73 inches around the girth, and weighs 1,100 Ibs. The THorse-Breeders’ Guide und Hand Book. 37 PEDIGREE OF ELIAS LAWRENCE. earl , 2 Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass | 3% Whitelock. “ of as ome Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. - | le : oriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla b z PQ Daughter of. Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. daahian, : 3S RAE die E Tes Hw Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—(Ciantess hy Matchem iS © En eusb EE, —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. ae C. Foxhunter, ; s a Daughter of. Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Ruler—Piracantha by 3 a Matchem—Dau. of Regulus—Jenny Spinner. 2 Bateman Le See Caee ent = {eee eee esis ‘S } ‘att Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse g | Catton: —Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Old Traveler. ct | Desdemona. Orville—Fanuy by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske—Y. 3) = Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by F. Childers—Ebony by Basto. 3 ‘ Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—D f W ker—THei Y al. ae aL y Waxy au. oO oodpecker—Heinel by a — s Filhe-da-Fata. Squirrel—Principessa by Blank--Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh. A) is 3 Preasvre Camillus—Dau. of Hyacinthus—Flora by King Fergus—Atalanta by i . Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. = ‘ FQ eg Gamel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon A (oa ire —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. st 8/3 Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly ey Laie : by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. g lie 7 = 3 ; : S| & | WapacdacPut: Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Ileinel by , {3 3 | Filho-da-Puta. by Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. ial & | Finesse Peruvian—Violante by John Bull—Dau. of eno Eye by Eclipse is A : —Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. 3 ze ysis nhs amuse yop deter ne een es of s 4 ethean Scud—Diana by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Cr. Dorimant by Dorimant +) Ol lst AeCEAC ON: , —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. ey i el oe | Galena Walton—Comedy by Comus—Dau. of Star—Dau, of Y. Marske—Emma by ol | 5 a ‘ Telemachus—A-la-Greceque by Regulus—Dan. of Allworthy. a =) 3 | || Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highf romi ap a ead — pe by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Suap a a) 3 Whisker. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. [a =| 2 Dauciterot Soreerer—Dau. of Sir Solomon—Dau. of Y. Marske—Dau. of Phoenomenon = aughter ol. | _Calliope by Slouch—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. 4 | : wa | Paks Sir Arch Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- i byes AUS ATCO: phorus—Dau. of William’s Forrester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. nl ine = 3 Dauehter of Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp Othello)—Dau. < gio~| Paughter ol. |” of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). 3 leas te pees pe 7 | sige 1s Florizel Diomed—Dau. of Imp Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- PA Ball’s Florizel. |” ponght—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dan. of Shock. A a 2 ht f Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Ktty Fisher |S ae | Daughter of. y _ by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade (Godol). the G cn Emili Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant iS'slee OS —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. \3 BE ‘ The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Benningbrough—Primrose 'E Be Iearia. by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana. = d “ ‘Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- ml Ie] 3 BAnIpte. erkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. =) la] =z Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— = a Lady Grey. Dau. of Ariel--Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian. S ‘ : Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by ‘Alexander—Dau. of Hightlyer—Dau. of Alfred a a Selim. —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’sdam by Cade. pa ie Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by 3| ZB Bacchante. Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hut’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton. uv 3 & Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of |) ag Tramp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyanea by Snap—Miss Belsea. 2 Ee Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highfl yer—Promise by Snap 5 a Web. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 2 2225855 2 St ae Re a ee eras : a 5 ‘Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Luey by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse ct 8 Catton, |" Dee. of Rngineer—Dail, of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Qld Traveler. .| 3 Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir 2 Fa Emma. Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—-Miss Slamerkin. ~ 3\2 Blacklock— Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster aq Tranby. Dau, of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. 3 eA Lucilla. Trumpator (Sir Solomon)--Lucy by Orphan (Ball’s Florizel)--Lady Grey by = Robin Grey (Royalist)—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner—Dau. of Greyhound —Dau. of Curwen Bay Barb—Dau. of D’Arey Ch. Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague Mare. 38 The Horse-Breedcrs’ Guide and Hand Book. ENQUIRER, (WINNER OF THE PHG@NIX HOTEL AND CITIZEN STAKES AT LEXING- TON; CONTINENTAL HOTEL AND ROBINS STAKES AT LONG BRANCH, AND THE KENNER STAKES AT SARATOGA ALL IN 1870,) Will stund for mares the Season of 1883, ut the Belle Meade Stud, Gen. ‘W. G@. Harding, Proprietor, near Nashville, Tenn. Season full Oc- tober 1st, 1882. Application to Gen. W. H. Jackson, lock box 383, Nasheillc, Tenn. Yearling sales annually about May 1st. Enquirer, by imp Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Buallagh, bred by H. F. Vissman, Louisville, Kentucky ; dam Lida, by Lexington, son of Boston, 2d dam Lize, by Am. Eclipse, out of Gabriella, dam of George Martin, by Garrison’s Zinganee, son of Sir Archy. Asarace-horse Enquirer ranks as the best son of Leamington both as race-horse and sire : he started three times asa two-ycar-old in 1869 ; was unplaced in sweepstake at Cinci:nati (une mile) won by Hamburg, in 1:45 ; ran unplaced in Wil- lard Hotel Stakes at Louisville (one mile) in 1:48, won by his stable companion, Lynchburg. Won George Elliot Stake for two-year olds at Memphis (one mile), beating Hamburg, Lynchburg, Mundane, and Kildare, in 1:48. In 1870, when three years old, ran six races and won them al]. Lexington won the Pheenix Hotel Stakes (mile heats) in 1:44%, 1:44}, beating Catina and distancing Longfellow in the second heat ; same place won Citizens’ Stake (two-mile heats) in 3:53, 3:444, beating Lytile- ton ; the first. mile in the first heat was run in 1:434. Cincinnati won sweepstake for three-year olds (two-mile heats) in-3:504, 3:393, beating Conductor and Rest'ess. Long Branch won the Continental Hotel Stakes (mile heats) in 1:47. 1:49, 1:513, beating Lynchburg (who won the first heat and broke his shoulder at the start of the second), Maggie B. B., dam of Iroquois, Haric, Susan Ann. dam of Thora, &c. Same place won the Bobbins’ Stake (two mile heats), beating Kingfisher, who won the first heat, and the Major, in 3:56, 3:54, 4:00; track muddy. Saratoga won the Kenner Stakes (two miles), in 8:483, beating Hamburg, Telegram and Remorseless ; value $10,250, the most valuable Kenner ever run. Value of winnings at three years old, $20,800 ; his leg gave way in his four-year old form, and he was put into the stud, but trained again at seven years old, when he started in one race (two miles) but was unplaced. The family from which he descends is a good racing one. Ilis dam, Lida, and gran- dam, Lize, were not trained. Eclipse, the sire of his grandam, was the race-horse of his day ; he heat all the best horses of his time, and won the great sectional match, the North against the South, run over the Union Course, L. I., May 27, 1823, for $20,000 a side, Eclipse beating Henry, who won the first heat, in 7:373, 7:49, 8:24. Gabrielle, bis great grandam, was by the renowned Sir Archy ; was a fine race-mare, and dam of the noted Geo. Martin, which beat Reel and Hannah Harris (four-mile heats) in 7;33, 7:43. Snquirer has not bad a fair chance in the stud ; he was virtually retired for several years, there being five living foals reported by him in 1878, four in 1879, and three in 1880. Yet he has always held a high position as a winning sire. Amongst the best of his get, all winners, are Leander (Searcher), mile in 1:412; McWhirter, 2 miles, 3:30}; the fastest race was run by a three-year old, Lizzie Whipps (two mile heats), in 3:364, 3:39; Hurkaway (mile heats) in 1:48, 1:42} (two mile heats), in 3:39, 8:354 ; Solicitor, two miles in 3:34) ; Bill Bruce, three-quarters of mile in 1:15}, mile heats 1:43, 1:44, 2 miles in 3:36}; McHenry, Blue Eyes, 24 miles in 1:55}, and 2} miles in 3:582; Goodnight, seven-eighth of mile in 1:288, mile 1:424, and 14 miles, 120 Ibs., in 1:554 ; Getaway, 11 miles in 2:07%, fastest on record 2-mile beats in 3:364, 3:353 ; Falsetto, 14 miles in 2:08%, 2 miles in 3:354 with 118 lbs.: Pinafore, one mile five hundred yards in 2:11. Other reputable winners in good time are Fortuna, Ascot, Enlight, Mannie Grey, Yelton, Clandeboy, Fairy Queen, Lizzie D, Enterprise, Miss Ella, Encjuiress, Caligula, Clarissima, Ed. Turner, Carrie M, Bailey (now Revenge), Response, Bosque Belle, Gen. Jackson, Rambeau, Mascotte. Ie had but four or five representatives on the turf in 1882, and they won a fair share of the races in about the fastest time. Enquirer is a dark bay with an irregular-shaped star in his forehead and a narrow streak of grey hair running down his face and left hind leg, white above the pastern and three white splotches in left flank. He has a neat head and ear, good width of jaw, well-set neck, running into an oblique, strong. broad shoulder ; good depth of girth, well- shaped, round barrel, though rather light near the standing ribs; good, strong hips, though inclined to be angular ; good length from point of hip to whirlbone, and thence to stifle ; good hocks, good sound legs and feet, with the exception of Continued on page 40. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 39 PEDIGREE OF ENQUIRER. ENQUIRER. l¢ Waxy. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lizette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- B 4 g axy . eee tg Volunteer by Y. Belgrade. : : Blae rumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 2 Ee Henelope: Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. i e - it Gohauns—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilia by Trentham —Coquetteb a ; WwW: . a—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b aig 5 Bagere. Compton Barb—Sis, to Regulus—Gr. Robinson. . 5B a Thalestris, |4!exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder a a —Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. i$ = a : 7 . |Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus \2 ae Chanticleer. —Daun. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. Wee é ile 6 Terne. Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail : 3 a Galloway by Cur Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Man by Pelham’s Hip. Zi 9 iO| [S| + | trish B . Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Black a fas} "a ue Brave Susan by Snap—Dau. of Cade—Dau. of Belgrade—Dau. of Clif Arabian. is, = {Young Heroine.|B2g°0t—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Ara- E Fa = bian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake—Gr. Wilkes. a Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— fs : g Bueare, Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. ‘ g a Selim’s dam, |S!exander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay cs 8| eo c Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. 3 rm) ls]. cepask Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of Babraham a Js Ss eH —Dau. of Golden Ball—Bushy Molly by Hamp Ct. Childers. 5 is Musidora Meteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon— 5 ‘ Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—Warl. Galloway. ed Es 5 P= 2 Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by A £ Blacklock. Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. 3 3 Wagtail Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of An- 2 w : caster—Dau. of Dam. Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Orvonoko. a ale . Selim—Podagra by Gouty—Jet by Magnet—Jewel by Squirrel—Sophia by A S 5 Champion. Blank—Diana by Second—Hanger’s Br. Mare by Stan. Arabian. 3.0 Etiquette Orville—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by sm a 7 Matchem—Dau, of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. & Sit Axel Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- g8 y: phorus—Dau. of Wim’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) “42 Imp. Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Othello)—Dau. aj Daughter of. ) 8 8 ; of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus.) a2! & Sigg ig Diomed—Dau. of Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought— ale ‘3S Ball’s Florizel. |" Dau. of Jolly Roger (Roundhead)—Dau. of Imp. Sober John (Rib.) B35] p hter of, |4!derman—Dau.of Clockfast—Dau.of Symme’s Wildair—Y Kitty Fisher by a & AVENE Or Fearnought—Iinp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. 3 Sys ¢ ee Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- 2 = or Enilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. BIEIG™ Tear The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May Py Beningbrough—Primrose by 4 iS Carle, Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana. ‘ S s 8 ro Sir Arehy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- a 9 ump eer. erkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. P = Lady G Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— iS [om] acy Grey. Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond. AB 3 Di a Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Chil- ye pOmee: ders—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau, of Paget Turk. 2 A A a Grey Diomed—Dau. of Va Cade (Partner)—Dau. of Independence (Fear- 3 manga. nought)—Dolly Fine by Imp. Silvereye (Cul. Arabian.) ie “limp. M _|Mambrino (Engineer)—Dau. of Turf (Matchem)—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. | 8/5 2/-mp. Messenger.| of Starling—Snap’s dam by Fox—Gipsy by Bay Bolton. g/t|aa Daushierot Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gimerack (Cripple)—Suap Dragon by Snap—Dau. of fi} BQ augater of, Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. By Di a Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Chil- jas Lome: ders—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. = a Castianir Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s 3s aeaeeee Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab.) alg Bellai Imp. Medley (Gimcrack)—Y. Selima by Yorick (Bellair)—Bl. Selima by S| eee Fearnought—Imp. Selima by Godol, Arabian—Large Hartley Mare. S | Daughter of. Imp. Dare Devil (Magnet by Herod)—Sallard Mare by Imp. Fearnought (Regulus)—Piccadilla by Batt & Macklin’s Imp.- Fearnought—Dau. of Baylor’s Godolphin (Fearnought)—Dau. of Imp. Hob or Nob (Goliah by Fox)—Dau. of Imp. Jolly Roger (Roundhead by F. Childers) —Dau. of Imp. Valiant (Dormouse by Godolphin)—Dau. of Tryall (Imp. Traveler by Partner.) 40 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ENQUIRER—Continued. the injury to his ankle, which caused his retirement from the turf. Enquirer traces through several crosses of Sir Archy to the great imp. Diomed, winner of the first English Derby, and a horse in which the best stock of America can be traced through uncontaminated sources. There is no better line through which to perpetuate and retain this blood, with the Whalebone and Pantaloon blood in- herited through his sire. He is 163 hands high girth 73 in., length of shoulder 29% in., circumference of arm 22 in., around the leg below the knee 9 in., from point of shoulder to turn of the buttocks 69 in., from point of hip to point of hock 384 in., around the gaskins 18 in., and weighs 1,200 lbs. BOLUS, (WINNER OF THE CITY HOTEL STAKES AT BALTIMORE, AND OTHER GOOD RACES,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Ellerslie Stud near Charlottsville, Albermarle County, Vu., aé $100 the scason. Application to R. J. Hunecock, proprietor, Overton, P. O., Vit. Yearlings will be sold an- nually. Eouus, by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Major Thomas W. Doswell, Bullfield Stud, Hanover Junction, Va., foaled 1868, dam Fanny Washing- ton, dam of Rappahannock, etc., by Revenue, sou of imp. Trustee, out of Sarah Wash- ington the dam of Oratrix. Inspector, ete., by Garrison’s Zinganee, son of Sir Archy. Leamington, his sire, can be found in this book. Funny Washington, his dam, was one of the best mares of her day ; was winuer at all distances, 2 mile heats in 3:47%, 3:404, 3 mile heats in 5:43, 5:444, defeating Tar River, and in 5:484, 5:333, she won 4 mile heats in 7:27, 8:02, defeating La Variete, Endorser and others, and beat the best ones on all the tracks ; her full sister, Sue Wa-hington, was also noted as win- ner at all distances. Revenue, her sire, won at all distances, and was the sire of the great Planet, Exchequer and other goud race-horses. Sarah Washington, his gran- dam, was one of the best mares of her day, winner at all distances; 3 mile heats in 5:42, 5:393, and beat the famous Lady Clifden 4 mile heats. She produced In- spector, one of the best race-horses of his day, and Oratrix that beat the noted Bostona. Eolus did not start as a two-year old, but won three out of the six races in which he started a3 _a three-year old, a club purse, 2 miles, at Saratoga, in 3:38! ; a purse, 12 miles, in 3:144, beating such horses as Tubman, Frogtown and others, and the City Hotel Stakes at Baltimore, 14 miles, in the mud, in 2:55 He did not start as a four- year-old, and only won three races at five years old ; 14 miles at Baltimore, in 2:43% ; 1% miles at Saratoga, in 3:15, and one of 14 miles in 2:02. He was clore up in several races in first-class company. When six years old he ran three races, won two, one of 24 miles at Baltimore, in 4:39, and one of two mile heats, in 3:40, 8:394, 3:363, Mart Jordan winning the second heat. This third heat is the fastest and Le-t third heat ever run, andstamped him asa race-horse of the first water, possessing both speed and stamina. He had but one representative on the turf in 1881, Eole, and although much out of condition during the year, he ran creditably in all his rares and won soine of great merit, notably his 12 miles in 3:074, one mile and five furlongs in 2:493, one mile and a fwlong, with 116 lbs., in 1:582, one mileand three furlongs in 2:24, 14 miles in 2:114, 14 miles in 2:394. In 1882, Eole, although saddled with the top weights, won the great Metropolitan Stakes at Jerome Park, 14 miles, in 2'41, defeating General Monroe, Monitor, Parole, etc., and the Jockey Club Handicap, 2 miles, in 3:384, car- rying 125 Ibs. to Monitor's 122, he being second. In the Coney Island Cup he forced Windoo to run the first 2 miles in 3:294, and the 24 miles in 3: 58, the fastest race at the distance during the year. Mole won the Monmouth Cup, 2} miles, in 4:07%, beat- ing Girofle and Monitor. He won theC hampion Stakes, the Morrissey Stakes at Sara toga, and the Autumn Cup at Coney Island, 3 miles, in 5:264, in which he defeated Lida Stanhope, Thora, Glenmore and four others. In this race he carried 120 lbs, and conceded all lumps of weight. When beaten he was out of condition or over loaded by the handicappers. Eolist is the only other colt by him which has been trained. Eolus is a dark bay horse, with star in his forehead and two white hind heels, full 152 hands, and weighs 1,100 Ibs. He is a large, fine horse, of great substance and power, and in addition to his Waxy blood through Whalebone and Whisker, he has four dis- tinct crosses of Sir Archy on his dam’s side, and traces to Eclipse and Herod through his collateral branches. The stock all possess symmetry, constintion and staying powers. He should command the patronage of the public. PEDIGREE OF EOLUS. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. The Horse- Breeders’ Guide und Hand Book. 41 : Waxy. 2 : ee 4 3 aay. _Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. ses Penelope. Trumpator—Prunella by Hightlyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 5 = Spectator’s dam by Partuer—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. & ; . : 5 ' Ww er, |Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b. a am ot peeeret Comp. Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian. ” M Sin) 2 Thalestria, |Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder 3 —Dau. of old Eng.—Dau. of Cullen Arabian—Miss Cade. g al as Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud hy Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus . I s Pp u. of Eclipse—Rosebud hy Snap iss Belsea by Regulus ah 2 = puonUelert —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian, dam of True Blues. BidiaS rene: Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail Jls| Galloway by Cur Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare by Hip. Z| 18 Saree dal i“a, bee O} Pel ys . : Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Black ES eS 4, ach: Heenwes Susan by Snap—Dau. of Cade—Dau. of Belgrade. > = | Young Heroine Bagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—sSis. to Hep ulus by Godol. Ara- 3 & ‘| bian—Gr. Robinson by the Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake—Gr. Wilkes. < a . Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus ia & Baa aet. —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Dam of True Blues. ; a] 2 Selim’s dam Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay & 2/0 ; Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass af the Mill by Traveler. ye]. aut Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of Babraham 6 3 s Berauan: —Dau. of Golden Ball—Bushy Molly by Hamp. Ct. Childers. = a NMusidora Meteor—Maid of all Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. 6 ms 5 Y of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—War. Galloway. = re : . . . 3 oa ae Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by A] | Blacklock. | pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau..of Old Eng.—Dau.of Cul. Arabian. <3 Wactail Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of si ay? Ancaster—Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. ao peli ayy eas it elias lg 2 ee Eile s Selim—Podagra hy Gouty—Jet by Magnet—Jewel by Squirrel—Sophia by x 2 ; Als s Champion. Blank—Diana by Second—Dau. of Stanyan Arabian. mn ac Etiquette Orville—Boadicea by ‘Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by b at auld R Matchem—Dau. of An. Starlingé—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab. ) HA Oo & eri Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette iW 5 pus. | by Comp. Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godal. Arabian—Gr, Robinson. ;|= F ‘Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse—Dau. of Engineer—Dau. v| a Lucy Grey * A 8/5 : of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. nD ae areal. cep $55, s = ; Bl og Fi Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Hig Whisker. en ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. — Seka a = Bae is ermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by 3 | Gibside Fairy. | “Watchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. g : Es Ala) 8 a Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha_ by Trentham—Dau. of > £l_2| Sir Archy. Bosphorus—Dau, of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) (aig ee Dawonteret Commutation—Dau. of Dare Devil—Sally Shark by Imp. Shark—Betsey a e| oO aughter ol. | Pringle by Fearnought—Imp. Jenny Dismal by Dismal. &| (2/3 ‘Sir Archy—Meretrix —Nareissa by hark—Rosetta by Imp. ee Sita y: eretrix by Magog—Narcissa by Imp. Shark—KRosetta by Imp. 2 a a Virginian. Centinel—Diana by Clodius—Sally Painter. & re| 2 | Grandam of |Bedford—-Dau. of Beéllair—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Wildair—Dau. of wn a Trifle. Lexington (Wildair)—Dau. of Spanking Roger. : Searne Mae, idem ot eaten, ete | ree — Stes 3 Tae Smolensko—Louisa by Orville—Thomasina by Timothy—Violet by Shark— a ee HIN Dau. of Syphon—Charlotte by Blank—Dau.of Crab—Dau. of Dy’s Dimple. | : = Emili Abjer (Trufiie)—Emily of Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by a Me. Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. | ; a Po C Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella [| ees Ome: by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. Sa Clinkeri Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant hy Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- | 13°85 ABBE: son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dain by Blacklegs (By Turk). a la, aa 3 Pe ee eo, le 3 | a Garvant Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice Ss! 2 SANE: by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. ae Be Danvhter |Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by iS | a | eels Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Naylor by Cade. | w : ey ‘Risa Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— Sele et BeZards Dau. of Bart’s Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—True Blue’s dam. aE s iia Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Bu Selim’s Dam. Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. =) Peruvi Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of Babraham <. _{icsillues CHUN AAD: —Dau. of Golden Ball—Bushy Molly by Hamp. Ct. Childers. a s yay cs Meteor—Maid of all Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. a! mS Musidora. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—War Galloway. a J ORS Geir ES es ae ee ae eo ee eee ae ees, eae ae aces =" ga : Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir m Bills ae Sir Hercules. Peter—Hornet by ‘Diane tall by (oldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. ! & 2S os ceite Bob Booty—Flight by I Eseape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero— , 412 eA Guleeicl. Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabiau—Gr. Robinson. 5 vo See 30 8d ep d oe ge oie! GEOR GRRE, ORME MEER | Lape iS eee ars aaa ae 3/8 oe oes Tramp—Dau. of Whisker—Mandaue by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Wood- Be lee 5, Piverpools pecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb. i S Lap-dog—Grisette by Merlin—Coquette by Dick Andrews—Vanity by s S Esperance. Buzzard—Dabchick by Pot-8-os—Drab by Highflyer—Hebe by Chrysolite. ~~ < eee ne 1 nti eee hanks lpg pease SL eect, a a ie a Se ecenten” “cieaKsaiesece Feel at a eS A 3 Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by g Touchstone. Tie ne Mayle by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. a Velocipede—Rosalba by Milo—Sis. to Rubens by Buzzard—Dau. of Alex- rh a Verbena. ander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer. ol 3 se ie en re ARS ts = Ss z as Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- 2 Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver. ° a RS : a Apollonia. |Whisker—My Lady by Comus—The Colonel’s dam by Delpini (Highayer) —Tipple Cyder by King Fergus (Eclipse)—9th dam Sylvia by Y. Marske (Marelse)—10th eS Ferret by Bro. to Silvio (Cade)—1lth dam by . Regulus (Godol.)—12th dam by Ld. Moreton’s Arabian—13th dam by Mixbury—14th dam by Mulso Bay Turk—15th dam by Bay Bolton—16th dam by Coneyskins—17th dam by Hutton’s Gr. Barb—18th dam by Byerly Turk--19th dam by Bustler. 46 The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hand Book. FELLOWCRAFT, (THE FIRST HORSE TO BEAT LEXINGTON’S FOUR MILE TIME, 7:193, WHICH HE DID AT SARATOGA, AUG, 207TH, 1874, RUNNING IN 7:19.) Will stand the season of 1883 ut the Dixiana Stud (if not sold), by pri- vate contract. Application to Maj. B. G. Thomas, proprietor, Lex- ington, Ky. FELLowcRAFT, by imp. Australian, son of West Australian, bred by A. J. Alex- ander, Woodburn Stud, Ky.; foaled 1870, dam Aerolite the dam of Mozart, Ruther. ford, Spendthrift, ete., by Lexington 2d, dam Florine, the dam of Idlewild, by imp- Glencoe, out of Melody by Medoc, son of Am. Eclipse. As a two-year-old Fellowcraft started five times and won one race. At Long Branch was unplaced in Hopeful Stakes, one-half mile; unplaced in a dash of three-quarters of a mile; won a dash of three-quarters of a mile in 1:20, beating Marsyas and three others. At Saratoga was unplaced in the Flash Stakes and in the Saratoga Stakes, same place. As a three- year old he started nine tines and won one race. Jerome Park, was unplaced in the Belmont Stakes; was second to Survivor in a dash of 14 miles, run in 2:152 ; was unplaced in the Weatherby Stakes, 14 miles; same place, was third to Tom Bowling and Springbok in the Jerome Stakes, 2 miles; was third in the Grand National Handicap 22 miles, won by Preakness in 4:08%, with Harry Basset second, At Sara— toga was unplaced in the Travers Stakes, 13 miles, won by Tom Bowling in 3:09%. Same place, was second in the Sequel Stakes, won by imp. Il] Used in 3:40}; same place, walked over for a sweepstakes for three year-olds, 2 miles. When four years old he started twelve times and won three races. At Jerome Park was unplaced in the Fordham Handicap; also in the Jockey Club Handicap; unplaced in a race of mile heats won by Kitty Pease in 1:43%, 1:44; was third in purse race, 12 miles ; third in Handicap Sweepstakes, 24 miles, won by Kitty Pease in 4:353. At Long Branch, was unplaced in a race of two-mile heats. Same place, won purse, $1,000, 4 miles, in 7:48. Again, same place, was second ina race of two-mile heats, won by Vandulite n 3:49, 3:57. At Saratoga, August 4, was third in a dash of three miles, won by iSpringbok in 5:423, with Preakness second. Same place, won dash of 14 miles in 2:423, beating Katie Pease, The Governess and Wanderer. Same place, was second in a dash of 24 miles, won by Wanderer in 4:04. Same place won dash of 4 miles in 7:194, beating Wanderer and Katie Pease. This was the best race, at the distanee, ever run up to that date. The first mile was run in 1:474, two miles in 3:38, three miles in §:294, and the four miles as stated. This closed the turf career of Fellowcraft, and since his retirement, while he has had a limited advantage a3 a sire, still he has sired some fast horses. Knight Templar won three-quarters of a mile in 1:14, three-quarter mile heats, in 1:16}. 1:161, and one mile in 1:42, all of which are very creditable, 1:14 being the fastest time on record for three-quarters of a mile. Blue Lodge won heats of three-quarters of a mile in 1:20, 1:19}, beating Brambaletta, Pilgrimage. Maggie C. and others. She ran dead heat and divided Citizen’s Plate with Long Taw, at St. Louis,1}4 miles, in 155}. Blue Lodge won some good races in in 1882. Fellowcraft is only cred. ited with ten foals, three of which are rising two years old. Nearly all that have been trained have won. Fellowcraft is a rich chestnut, with star and two white hind feet, is well formed and a fine blood-like specimen of a horse, 16 hands high. He is hand. somely bred, and was a race-horse with great speed and the capacity to stay over a dis- tance of ground, He is strongly inbred to Diomed and imp. Medley, son of Gimerack by Cripple, son of Godolphin Arabian; he possesses the Waxy blood through Whisker and Whalebone, and numerous crosses to Herod and Eclipse, the pedigree terminating in the blood of Medley by Gimcrack. With a chance he will make a real good sire. " The Ilorse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 47 PEDIGREE OF FELLOWCRAFT. is Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardel- @ 5: na by King Fergus—Lardel ag Comus. la by Young Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s cat, ° 3 25) Clinkerina Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- E ae 7 son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. oa A fay Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice- als ae Cervantes, by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. 3 = on Daughter Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by $| 1A o : Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Naylor by Cade. g , Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon. el V3 g ‘ —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. ©) 5/36 Banter. Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly leg S\G% ° by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. 71 |e Blo d Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap: 4 s A NEES Y, Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton (G. Hautboy.) a @ | Gibside Fair Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by ea Sy y- Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. taal eS a shi see ae Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- = 3 5 Orville. trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. ‘| IBIS Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank g S y —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. Fe Ra Vogt ge Beningbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s dam S 3 Scud. by erod—Dau. of Bajazet—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.) CB Goosander Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Sis, to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of a ms a : Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers—Miss Belvoir. E gi Ww Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Al |S oxy: Arabian—Dau. of Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers. : sae Penel Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— B g S eee eRe: Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Fa 5 Bh Selim or Sorcerer—Golden Locks by Delpini—Violet by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— < ms Soothsayer.* Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. a = Sprit Bobtail—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by oD £ 1 Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian, i Ce ns Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 2 q 8 Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester--Dau. of Coalition Colt. FT |= 8! Daughter of Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Othello)—Dau. of a a m aus: i Fallower (Blank)-—-Dau. of Vampire (Regulus. ) 3 DB F aca - Diomed—-Duu. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Imp. . : n o co - Oo} 6 A Diomed—Dau. of Imp, Shark—Dau. of Harris Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- Als Ball's Florizel. | pought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock. d] {as Daushteroe Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Kitty Fisher by 2 ee giter ol. | Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Somer. Arabian. g ; . : = : = re} .| a fae Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- 8 3 3 Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. ad al & Tears The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose & a canes by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second. n ‘ Oli ces Sumpter. Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Old (| S| 8 Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. S aq = Lady Grey. |Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— = 3 Dau.of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian. A 3 Selim Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of e a | : Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. = g = | Bacchante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly 8 a | sea by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. g ps Aes See ae oe ts fe lo ‘Tram Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of | ag P- Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Suaap (Snip.) laa Waxy—Penlope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap ‘ Web 9, y. g wel) ea 2 —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by B. Bolton. o es isorinhs oO a . : Gohanna—Uatharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by a g Golumpus. Comptom Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. ~~ Pp | 3 Luey: Gia: Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse—Dau. of Engineer—Dau. BO y y of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. ye S S Camill Hambletonian—Faith by Pacolet—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill 5 3 arora by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler—Miss Makeless by Y. Greyhound. 3 Daughter of Smolensko—Miss Cannon by Orville—Dau. of Weathercock—Cora bv a BS Mer Os Matchem—Dau. of Turk—Dau. of Cub—Dau. of Allworthy. 3 . ai ie Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of ae Sir Archy. Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau of Coalition Colt. ae P 2/2 8 Daushterot Citizen—Dau. of Commutation—Dau. of Dare Devil—Sally Shark by Imp. ot © aug ber: Ol: Shark—Betsey Prinkle by Fearnought (Regulus). bp Si Mari Sir Archy—Dau. of Citizen—Dau of Alderman—Dau. of Asche’s Roebuck 2 - ae anon, —Dau. of Haine’s King Herod—Dau. of Imp. Partner. 3 xe Ella Cr Citizen—Dau of Huntsman—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Imp. g a6 a VEUMP: Fearnought (Regulus)—Dau. of Imp. Janus. : = mi og Sult Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— S|! 8 an Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Spot. ‘a) B . . Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— 5 Es J rampoting, Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. Oo f s R a j Sir Archy—Eliza by Bedford—Imp. Mambrina by Mambrino—Sis. to Nay- a = a Bertrand. lor’s Sall by Blank—Dau. of Ward—Dau. of Merlin. a °| 3 * Director (Sir Archy)—Dau. of Potomac (Diomed)—Dau. of Gimcrack z a | Directress. Randolph’s Roan (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Flimnap. ot, iA , : Buzzard—Dan. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse. > oO . *. pa ce Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- ra} is ax Comus. della by Y. Marske—Dau, of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. Pa aig & Clinkerina. Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- ay |B re ) 7 son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. s ek cfm de ec lm ale } xt Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice } ae ‘3 SEEVRTIEE. _ by spay ake ape es seine Mareen con ‘ a s olumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by a 4 Danighter-of Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank. ; 4 ; : a e . Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— is 5 mu aaa Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. a|S&3s Pauline Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary S| . by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. a Bat : . Emilius—Harriet by Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally 5 o PIM OvenManys by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel. oS a Myrrha Whalebone—Gift by Young Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to A : Amaitor by Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap (Snip). “4,;| Whitelock Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass kee = of the Mill by Oroonoko—Daughter of Old Traveler—Miss Makeless. Liss Daughter of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by 3 % Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. SO] a ; ae : 5 : 3 Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem es = 3 Ehantgt, —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. 3 2 | Dauchter of, |Ovetton—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Ruler—Piracartha by OF Aa 8 . Matchem—Dau. of Regulus—Jenny Spinner by Partner. S S| |g Golumpus—Lucy Gray by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse e iS 3 ae —Dau. of Ens ae yale e Hee of the Mill. ‘i = S| 3 Orville—Fanny by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske—Y. ES =. ||| Desdemona: Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by F. Childers. 4 : Pig who, Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by a| fitbo Gaps Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul Arabian. o = —Dau. of Squirt. ha i] iS) ‘ Selim—Bacchante by Willi *s Ditto—8i 8 é Sultan, e by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— B | 8 Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. . aunts i a 8 Trampoline. Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— z Be Promise by Snap—Julia’ by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. 4 “i ; ; a ; Muley. Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Di d—Gi . Sing ey Matchem—Molly Lengless by Beltahan Da of Celats eee me 3 a 3 2 Clare. Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mer- A & cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena. <4 a ee : : A oe Gomis, Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardell S | i _ by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. hie ee igs! Clinkerina. Simon Few) by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by 5 g 3 Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. 3 a 2/5 Cervantes, |Dou Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice S a. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. : a's Daughter of. Ce ot Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by 3 a oodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank —Dau. of Cade. S i Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Ph 2 38 Camel. Mie ee by Fo ee by Maines Dan. of Bee 3/5 Banter. aster Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—May‘fl - 36 2 my is by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Ge achonee! se 5 5 g Pantaloon, |Castrel—Idalia by Peruvian—Musidora by Meteor—Maid of All Work by - mle Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. of Regulus. i | 3 Languish. ae, ae by oo of Weasel—Danu. % a —Dau. ocust—Dau. o angeling. a d Si a ir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— : 4 Walten a ee of Lactate oe by Cris — Mise Slanreheta. : | & Pp , ot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- 8 a BEASO! tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton, re : 4 - © : Sorcerer—Wowski by Mentor—Maria Waxy’s dam, by Herod—Lizette b |= é POLE REEe: Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. ae ae : a & Tebow Gohanna—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to % : Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. a : . = 3 Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of High- be S a Royal Galt. oe of eee reeds by Peoulag. . a al w rville—Epsom Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella b < Daneiter ar Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. - . : a 3| 8 . Stripling (Phoenomenon)—Dau. of Oberon—Sis. to Sharper by Ranthos . & = Oseiam (Matchem)—Dau. of Sweepstakes—Sis. to Hutton’s Careless. | ; Rubens—Dau. of Sk —I cer— irrel— B : ; yscraper—Isabe] by Woodpecker—Dau. of Squirrel] = im obadil Ancaster Nancy by Blank—Phoebe by Tortoise—Dau. of intpe. 5 Pythoness. Sorcerer—Princess by Sir Peter—Dau. of Dungannon—Dau. of Turf—Dau. ze of Herod—Golden Grove by Blank—Spinster by Partner (Jigg). es ; ‘ King Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by White- g Beningbrough. nose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue Dau. of Ox. Dun ‘paar, eats Evelina Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of =o) . egulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs—Dau. of Bay Bolton. |All. Haphazard—Bess by Waxy—Vi 7 ir i y Waxy—Vixen by Pot-8-os—Cypher by Squirrel—Frib- =e 2 Stamford. ie es au. of Bart, Childers. uF one 2 s iskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver 3 = | Daughter of. |" _ Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. = oe 5 : era a a Trumpator—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Long- & g a Sorcerer. 2 legs by Pabrahem a of Cole’s Foxhunter. q . Aj 3 recipitate—Dau. of Highflyer—Tiffany by Eclipse—Y. Hag by Skim—Ha; . Fe s a Daughter of. by Crab—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. e e oO z ene i S|) 5 Lucy. Orphan (Ball’s Florizel)—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar mp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Highflyer (Highflyer)—Dau. of Imp. Fear- Imp. Medley)—D. f Imp. Highfl Highflyer)—D: f I F nought (Regulus)—Dau. of Ariel (Moreton’s Imp. Traveler)—Dau. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds (Cullen Arabian)—Imp. Diamond (Duchess) by Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner (Jigg)—Dau. of Grey- hound (White Barb. Chillaby)—Dau. of Curwin’s Bay Barbe—Dau. of D’Arey’s Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague mare. 70 The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hand Book. i HARRY O’FALLON Will stand the seuson of 1883 near Danville, Ky., limited to twenty ap- proved mares by private contract. Application to L. B. Fields, Danville, Ky. Harry O. Fauton, by imp. Australian, bred by James O. Fallon, St. Louis, Mo., foaled 1869, dam imp. Sunny South, dam of Ozark, by Irish Birdcatcher, son of Sir Hercules, 2d dam Equal, by The Cure, out of Equation, the dam of Diophantus, Archimedes, Artesian, etc., by Emilius. Australian isin this volume. Sunny South, Harry’s dam, was tle dam of the good race-horse Ozark, and others, she by the great Birdcatcher, sire of The Baron,who got Stockwell and Rataplan, Birdcatcher sired Habena and Manganese, winners of the 1,000 guineas, Songstress, winner of the Oaks, Daniel O’Rourk, winner of the Derby, The Baron, Knight of St. George and Warlock, winners of the St. Leger, Chanticleer, Early Bird, Saunterer, Exact, and other good race-horses. The Cure, sire of his grandam, was a fine race-horse; he won the Champagne Stakes, at Doncaster, the Dee Stakes, at Chester, the Suffolk Stakes at Newmarket, the North Derby Stakes, and was second to Faugh-a-Ballagh in the St Leger, 1844. He sired Little Agnes, Dictator, and others. Harry's great- grandam was the dam of Exact, Diophantus, winuer of the 2,000 guineas, and others. Maria, his 4th dam, was the dam of Euclid who was third in the Derby, and ran a dead heat with Charles XIL., for the St. Leger, Extempore, winner of the the 1,000 guineas, and other good ones. Harry O. Fallon ran only two races, when out of condition, and was unplaced. There is no more stoutly-bred horse in America than Harry O. Fallon. He has double crosses of Whalebone and Whisker, the famous sons of Waxy, and double crosses of the speedy Emilius, and a cross of Touchstone, with any number to Eclipse and Herod through his collateral branches. Harry has only sired some six or eight horses which have been trained, and they have all run creditably; amongst them, Krupp Gun, Sam Ecker, Expectation, Marry Doswell, Jack of Spades, and John Davis, the latter a winner of the Citizens’ Plate, 1% miles, at St. Louis, 104 Ibs., in 3: 06%, 14 miles in 2:11, the Garden City Cup, at Chicago, 2 miles, in 4: 304, track very muddy, one mile and 500 yards, 112 Ibs., in 2:182, NorthwesternStakes at Chicago, 117 lbs., in 3:064, and the October Handicap, 111 lbs., in 2:09. Harry is inbred to Waxy through Whalebone and Whisker, both Derby winners, and has many crosses to Eclipse, Herod and Matchem. With a chance he will get race-horses. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 71 PEDIGREE OF HARRY O'FALLON. * Soothsayer given. Pa 2. Comus. Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by Kin Fergus—Lar- ol 5 ; della by Y Marske—Dau. of Gade—Beaufremont’s tam, . : . e\ge| Clinkerina. Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- 5 a a son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. d 5 es Cervantes, |Don Quixote—Evelina by Hi hflyer—Termagapt by Tantrum—Cantatrice Sis)ee by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.)—Marske’s dam by Blackiegs. a a § Daughter of, |Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by 3 A Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Cade. a) lag Camel. Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon els 8 —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. te . é 2 Banter, Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. : : : ol a Whisker. Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna: a ist g —Julia La Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner Bonny Lass. E P et 8 | Gibside Fairy. Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by a ay : __| Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y True Blue. fa ji gs Orville. Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice e 3 = by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. a\ fe 8 Emily. Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy, by Blank a R ___| —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. et 5 Seud Beningbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s dam B)e by Herod—Dau. of Bajazet—Dau. of Regulus. : ah] 2 Goosander. Pee eee Trumpator—Fancy, sis. to Diomed by Florizel— 3 BD Dau. of Spectator—I oratia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers. g aie Pp. ; ; : : 5 Waxy. ‘ot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. s = a axy Arabian—Sister to Volunteer by Y Bueaae, - als Penelope. Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— . s|e Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. = fas i] fs : S| Selim or Sorcerer—Golden Locks by Delpini—Violet by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— a P| 2 | Soothsayer.* |; Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyers Dimple. uP i = Sprite. Bobtail—Catherine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by = > Compton Barb.—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr, Robinson. } : : 2 Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. a gis 5 wey = eee ie et by Y Boy ae of Bartlet’s Childers. ost : rumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— fe 5 | .Penelope Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. - < a Gohanna—Catherine by Wood aa i ; — ; odpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by wd Sle! 5 SUBUITEREE: Compton Barb.—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. ‘a 2) a Thalestris Alexander—Rival of Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder— 3 : i Dau. of Old Eng. (Godol.)—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss Cade. oO oS : . Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus ma; |3 2 eaters —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. e wife FAS Ierne Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by J ustice—Ring- B 2 ; Fa c tail Galloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare by Hip. ft o Ho 31 4 . Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Black ES) i a Trish Escape. Susan by Snap—Ld, Bruce’s Mare by Cade—Dau. of Belgrade. iP = |Young Heroine Bagot—Heroine by Hero (Cade)—Dau. of Snap—Sister to Regulus by mn a 8 ‘| Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake. Ps g Blacklock—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla ie | 3 rctetidors: by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. i | 2 Primette Prime Minister (Sancho)—Miss Paul by Sir Paul (Sir Peter)—Miss Dun- ay ial ; nington by Shuttle—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster. Sid Catton—Desdemona by Orville—Fanny by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed— a 2 Mulatto. Desdemona by Marske—Y Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony. ss S Linda Waterloo Ere eee by Whiskey—Y Giantess by Diomed—Giant- ‘3 a i ess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham. o = ; ; ; i fx 5 A Beningbrough—Eyvelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice Ag Orville, by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. Bl Emil : {Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank 3 a y: —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. os < . ‘ el ‘ Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap a a Whisker. ila by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. =.| Gibside Fairy. Hermes (Mercury)—Vicissitude by Pipator—(Imperator by Conductor)— Beatrice by Sir Peter (Highflyer)—Pyrrha by Matchem (Cade by Godol.) —Duchess by Whitenose (Godol.)—Miss Slamerkin by Y True Blue (William’s Turk)—Dau. of Ld. Oxford’s Dun Arabian—D'Arcy’s Black- legged Royal Mare. 72 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hund Book. HIGHLANDER (Imp.) Will be located at the Fairview Stud Farm, near Gallatin, Sumner Co., Tenn., and will be permitted to serve mares at $50 each, for the season, and $5 to the groom. Application to be made to Charles Reed, Gallatin, Tenn. Annual Sales in July, at Saratoga. HIGHLANDER, by Blair Athol, son of Stockwell, bred by Mr. Gulliver, foaled 1868, dam Bistre, the dam of Verbena, by West Australian, out of Blister, dam of Maidstone and Cheddington by Bay Middleton. Highlander, from an accident, never raced, but he is bred as fashionably aud truly as it is possible to breed a horse for racing purposes. His sire, Blair Athol, was the best son of the great Stockwell. Blair Athol won both the Epson Derby and the Doncaster St, Leger, and was the sire of Prince Charlie, win- ner of the 2,000 guineas, Scottish Queen and Cecilia, winners of the 1,000 guineas, Sil- vio, winner of both Derby und St. Leger, and Craig Miller, winner of the St. Leger. West Australian, the sire of his dam, won the triple events, 2.000 guineas, Derby and St. Leger, and was sire ot The Wizard, winner of the 2,000 guineas,and Summerside, win- ner of the Oaks, He was also the sire of imp. Australian, which was so successful in America. Bay Middleton, the sire of his grandam, was half-brother to Glencoe on the sire’s side, won the 2000 guineas, and Derby, in 1836, and was the sire of Hermit, winner of the 2,000 guineas, Aphrodite, winner of the 1,000 guineas, and of the great Flying Dutchman, winner of the Derby and St. Leger, in 1849, Ellington and Andover, winners of the Derby. He also sired Brown Dutchess, an Oaks winner, Amsterdam, Autocrat, Fly-by-Night, Ellen Middleton, dam of Wild Dayrell, Eunice, the dam of Saunterer, Bridal, dam of Special License, and others. Touchstone, the sire of his great grandam, Hope, was one of the best race-horses of his day, won the St. Leger, the Doncaster Cup, in 1835 and ’36, the Ascot Gold Cup in 1886 and ’37, and was the sire of Flatcatcher and Nunnykirk, winners of the 2,000 guineas, Cotherstone, winner of the 2,000 guineas. and Derby, Orlando, winner of the Derby, and Surplice, winner of the Derby and St. Leger, Mendicant, winner of the 1,000 guineas, and Oaks, Blue Bonnet, winner of St. Leger, and the great Newminster, winner of the St. Leger, whose son, The Hermit, stands at the head of winning sires in England. In addition to his crosses of Glencoe and Priam, both grand ones, he has the Whalebone and Whisker, one of which won the Derby in 1810, and the other in 1815. Highlander has three crosses of Imp. Diomed through his best daughter, Young Giantess, and crosses of Matchem through Maiden, and traces through an own sister of Eclipse to a daughter of Brimmer. The pedigree is rich in blood of the noted winners of the classic events. Highlander cov _ ered a few mares in England, prior to his importation, and Buz, one of his get, has been a winner. None of his colts have started in this country, but, from conformation and constitution, should make their mark. Highlander is a rich brown, 16 hands high, with white blaze in his face. He measures 78 inches around the heart, and below the knee 8 inches. He isa very fine horse through his heart and shoulders, with good body and wide strong hip, and with good mares should get race-horses, or blood from the highest racing sources is a failure. The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 73 PEDIGREE OF HIGHLANDER—(Imp.) (Imp.) HIGHLANDER Bl Ww : : © =| Sir Hercules, halebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestr: y _— j 24 eulss::/|' Poter “Hornet by Deoue Manilla by Gelgiicler Den ct Ola Bag ps Sia 3 Guicciol, [Bob Booty—Flight by I. Eclipse—Y. Tessin by Bagot—Heroine by Hero gee 7 —Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Grey Robinson. ol a Economist, |Whiskey—Floranthe by Octayian—Caprice b Anvil—M di by Ecli |é Ss —Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Blaze—Dau. of Y, Greyiaund. Me ce eee a a Miss Pratt. Blacklock—Gadabout by Orville—Minstrel by Sir Peter—Matron by g 3 Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. ad s 2 o Selim—Bacchante by Willi : — Si Sultan. chante iamson’s Ditto—Sis. t — 2 af 3 ee Dau. of Herod—Folly b Marske—Vixen by eae a ne s| 8 Trampoline. Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— a| 5 Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. gS mins ale “[al a Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Gi i ay i 8, Muley. iskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess b o| |e 4 g y Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Bibistan Dan of Cole’s Foxhunter. les} s & Clare. Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by_Driver—Fractious by Mer- 5 cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse. > pa oa Comus. Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- a e a a bie se oo of eee fim. . on i By §-£) Clivkerina. inker—Pewet by Tamden—Termagant by Tantrum—Cautatrice b 6a 5 Bo Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. - 4 I Cervantes, |Don Quixote—Evelina by ee ee by Tantrum—Cantatrice als| ° by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. B 3 | Daughter of. Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by g A Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank (Godol. ad B . Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—P: ise b — 5 Bh 8 Eariisan: “ie ulia i ee dam b Paer: ? une a\id Pauline. oses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—C st Ss ure by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer. 7 Ee ee re alo ane O| . sayy _|Hmilius—Harriet by Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter— 4-9 Plenipotentiary. by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florteal, ae oa Myrrha Whalebone—Gift by Y. Gohanna, Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Dau. of Aa f Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dan. of Snap—Dau. of Gower Stallion. m gs Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- 3 ad Comus. cine ae Marske—Dau, of Cade—Beanfremont’s dam. p : aig-= : ; inker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice b: 3 Eo Clinkerina. Sampson—Dau. of Regulus Macken aati : -|2 dials. Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice _ = S Cervantes. aie ee wt Kegniug = erie am. z s H olumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George —Abigail b | |A2 Daughter of. |" Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank. , aes 4 As Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon— 7 isa : Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem (Cade). = | 5 2 Banter. Master Henry—Boadicea by Aiexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly 5 me ‘ by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. El. o| & » Waxy—Penlope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna = q Whisker. ie ulia ne atk dam by Partner. aon : . ry a Fi ermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha b ei | | Gibside Fairy. |“ atchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin. 2 * 2 al & Selim Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred FQ 8 = - Dau. of Engineer—Bay Maltom’s dam by Cade (Godol.) 2| 3 Baccnante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by z Ke ; Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. a 3 Phant Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y.Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem >| E antoms Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. S a| 3 Fila Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penlope by Trumpator—Prunella by High- 3 © gree. flyer—Promise by Snap—Jdulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. gD a a] lag Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden of Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon ga ame! —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau of Squirt. |23 Bant Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—May- 3 |X anver. fly by Matehem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. 5 ln bh Priam Emilius—Cressida by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by ge ‘ Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. 4] Daughter of. |Oryille—Golden Legs’ dam by Buzzard—Hornpipe by. Trumpator—Luna by Herod (Tartar)—Proserpine, Sis. to Eclipse by Marske—10th dam Spiletta by Regulus (Godol)—1llth dam—Mother Western by Smith’s son of Snake—12th dam by Old Montague—13th dam by Hautboy 14th dam by Brimmer. 74 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. HIMYAR, (WINNER OF THE BELLE MEADE STAKES FOR TWO-YEAR OLDS AT LOUISVILLE; BELLE MEADE STAKES, NO 1, AT NASHVILLE; PHENIX HOTEL STAKES, AT LEXINGTON ; THE MERCHANTS AND TURF STAKES, AT LOUISVILLE, KY., AND JANUARY STAKES AT ST. LOUIS,) Will stand for mares at the Dixiana Stud, Maj. B. G. Thomas, propric- tor, near Lenington, Ky.. by private contract. Application to Maj. B. G. Thomas, Lexington, Ky. Himyar, by Alarm, son of imp. Eclipse, bred and owned by Maj. B. G. Thomas, Dixiana Stud, Lexington, Ky., foaled, 1875, dam Hira by Lexington, out of Hegira by imp. Ambassador. Himyar made his debut asa two-year old at Lexington, Ky., in the Colt and Filly Stakes. five furlongs, running third to Pomeroy, in 1:044. Won the Colt Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:16, beating Blue Eyes, Leveler, etc. Fall, won the Colt and Filly Stakes, one mile, in 1:444, beating Leveler, Blue Eyes, and five others. Louisville, won the Belle Meade Stakes, three-quarters of a mile in 1:163, beating Leveler and four others. Was third in the Sanford Stakes to Blue Eyes and Day Star, one mile in 1:45. Himyar, 3 years old, started in five races ; won three and was secondin two. Nashville, May 4, won Belle Meade Stake No. 1, 14 miles in 2:43, track heavy, beating Bergamot, Artfuland Glenmore. Lexington, Ky., May 16, won Phenix Hotel Stakes, 1% miles, in 3:224, track deep in mud, beating McHenry, J. R. Swinney and Solicitor. Louisville, Ky., May 21, ran second to Day Star, in Kentucky Derby 14 miles, in 2:374, the fastest Derby ever run in that State, beating Leveler, Solicitor, McHenry and four others. St. Louis, June 4, won Jan- uary Stakes, mile heats, in 1:424, 1:48}4, beating Leveler, Kate Claxton and McHenry. Lexington, Sept. 13, was second in Elkhorn Stakes, 2 miles, in 4:04} ; won by Cam- mie F.; track very muddy. Four years old started four times, won all of his races. Lexington, won a dash of one mile in 1:51%, track muddy, defeating a field of four. Walked over for Club Purse two miles. Louisville, won a sweepstake for all ages,:1} miles, beating Goodnight, Long Taw and four others, in 1:56. Won Club Purse 2 miles in3:35, beating Long Taw and two others. At five years old started twelve times. Lex- ington, Ky., was third to Mendlessohn and Verdict in sweepstake for all ages 14 miles in 2:08. Won Club Purse, mile heats, in 1:42}, 1:444 beating Warfield, Victim and four others. Louisville, was unplaced in Louisville Cup, 2} miles in 4:204, won by Volturno, track very muddy. Won the Merchants’ Stake, 14 miles in 1:55}, beating Blue Eyes, One Dime and four others. St. Louis, was second to L’Argentine, 1} miles in 2:10. Was unplaced in Citizens Plate, 14 miles, dead heat and stakes di- vided between Long Taw and Blue Lodge, in 1:554. Lexington Fall Meeting, was third to Renown and Montreal, one mile in 1:49%, track heavy. Was second to Renown in Club Purse, 1} miles, no time, five others behind him. Louisville, won Turf Stakes. 14 miles, in 1:57}, beating Renown and three others. Was second to Bowling Green in Club Purse, 14 miles, in 2:423, three others behind him. Won Club Purse 13 toiles in 1:542, defeating Montreal and Mattie Walker. Nashville, was beaten by Jim Malone in Citizens’ Stake, mile heats, in 1:46%, 1:474, 1:53. Himyar won first heat. Six years old, Lexington, Ky., was unplaced in Club Purse, one mile, won by Patti in 1:44}. The family is a distinguished racing one. Hira. his dam, was a fine race- mare, Hegira, his grandam, had no equal for speed in her day. She ran two miles at New Orleans in 1850, in 3:344, the fastest time made to that day. Mecca, her full sister, was also a finerace-mare. Flight, his great-grandam, was a superior race-mare and dam of Oliver, a very distinguished race-horse, by Wagner, winner of three-mile heats, in 5:38}, 5:38}. Shylock, Cicero, Pedlar, etc., all distinguished in their day, descended from the family. Himyar isa light bay with a long star and both hind feet white, he has a neat, bony head, broad between the eyes ; good neck ; splendid well-set, oblique shoulders, with abundance of muscle over the shoulder blade ; great depth of girth ; good body, but rather short back ribs, which makes his flank look light ; with broad, strong hips, immense stifle and second thigh, and the muscle run- ning tapering to excellent hocks ; with sound feet and legs. Taking him altogether, he is a very fine, well-shaped horse, with most wonderful muscular power behind. If racing lineage and speed_is worth anything, Himyar should be a success in the stud ; his breeding is unexceptional. The Horse-Breeders. Guide and Hand Book. 15 PEDIGREE OF HIMYAR. Imp. Eclipse. Orlando. Gaze. ALARM. Stockwell. Imp. Maud. ‘Countess of Albemarle. HIMYAR. Beston. Sis. to uckahoe. Lexington. Alice Carneal. Rowena. Sarpedon. T HIRA. Jenny Plenipo- Mills. tentiary. Hegira. Ambassador. Flight. Charlotte Levia- Hamilton. than. ag Camel. Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon ga —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem. 5 2 Banter. Master Henry—Boadicea by: Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly ca by Matchem—Danu. of Ancaster Starling. 2 Laugar. Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— 2 8 Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Foxhunter. 7” Kite. Bustard (Castrel)—Olympia by Sir Oliver—Scotilla by Anvil—Scota by | Eclipse—Harmony by Herod—Rutilia by Blank. os Sultan Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— BS ane Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen ay Nenu : ps Cobweb. Phantom—Filagree by Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator az —Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap. =! Godolphin. Partisan—Ridicule by Shuttle—Sis. to Oatlands by Dungannou—Letitia b. ba ope Highflyer—Dau. of Matchem—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Babraham. e & 8 Sis. to Cobweb. |Phantom—Filagree by Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator § —Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia. a Irish Bird- {Sir Hercules—Guiccioli_ by Bob Booty—Flight by I. Eseape—Y. Heroine 3s catcher. by Bagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus. aus Echidna. Economist—Miss Pratt by Blacklock—Gadabout by Orville—Minstrel by = Sir Peter—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Dau. of Mogul. 7 Sultan—Trampoline by Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator 8 s peenene: —Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap. . ia = Marpessa. Muley—Clare by Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver— = Fractious by Mercury—Dau. of Woodpecker. | ; Sener os . Tramp—Dau. of Whisker—Mandane by Pot’8-os—Y. Camilla by Wood- og Liverpool. packer—Cumilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb. 7 as Otis Bustard (Buzzard)—Greyhurst’s dam by Election—Sis. to Skyscraper by a : Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. a ‘ Blacklock—Dau. of Juniper—Dau. of Sorcerer—Virgin by Sir Peter—Dau. 2 Es Velocipede. oft Fot-t-o/as-Baithe by Herod—Eitrida by Snap. : we erberus—Migs Granfield by Sir Peter—Dau. of Pegasus—Dau. of Paymas- as Dangiver of. ter—Pomona by Herod—Caroline by Snap (Snip). a8, i, Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- zg 8 Bie Arehty. phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. aay Daughter of. Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). Ball’s Florizel. Daughter of. Diomed—Dau. of. Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John (Rib). Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y, Kitty Fisher by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade (Godol). Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of ‘Whiskéy—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- Hornsea’s dam. Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy b Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. - y by Tearia. The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose cama by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank. s tar Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obseurity— EO DECE Slamerkin by Wildair—Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. Lady Gr Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of BT ee of Fearnought— ay Tey: Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamond —Imp. Diamond. Eee Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- ms: mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. Harriet Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally by Trumpator— arrier: Fancy, sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia. gene 7 Waxy—Penelope “by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. ; eee Cerberus—Miss Cranfield by Sir Peter—Dau. of Pegasus—Sis. to Sir Sid- ney by Paymaster—Pomona by Herod—Caroline by Snap. Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by “Diomed—Giantess by Muley. Matchem—Mollie Longlegs by Babraham. : The Dandy’s |Windle—Dau. of Anvil (Herod)—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. dam. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. Sir Charles. Lady of the Lake. Sir Archy—Dau. of Citizen—Dau. of Commutation—Dau. of Dare Devil, Sally Shark by Imp. Shark—Betsy Pringle by Featnought—J enny Dismal. Imp. Sir Harry (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Diomed—Dau. of Imp. St. George (Dragon)—Dau. of Fearnought (Regulus)—Dau. of Jolly Roger (Round- head by F. Childers)—Imp. Mary Grey by Roundhead—Ringbone by Partner (Jigg)—Dau. of Croft’s Bay Barb—Dau. of Makeless (Oglethorpe Arabian)—Dau. of Brimmer (Yellow Turk)—Dau. of Dicky Pierson (Dodwsorth)—Burton Barb Mare. 76 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. HINDOO, (WINNER OF SEVEN OUT OF NINE STAKES AT 2 YEARS OLD, WINNER OF THE KENTUCKY DERBY, AND CLARK STAKES AT LOUSVILLE, BLUE RIBBON STAKES AT LEXINGTON, TIDAL STAKES AND CONEY ISLAND DERBY AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY, OCEAN STAKES, JERSEY DERBY AND LORILLARD STAKES AT LONG BRANCH, THE TRAVERS. AND KENNER STAKES AT SARATOGA ALL IN 1881; LOUISVILLE CUP AND TURF STAKES AND CONEY ISLAND CUP, 1882,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Runnymede Stud, near Paris, Ky., at $100 the season. Application to Geo. W. Bowen & Co., Paris, Ky. Annual sales of yearlings in May. Hinpoo, by Virvil, son of Vandal, bred by D. Swigert, Elemendorf Stud, Ky., foaled. 1878 ; dam Florence by Lexington, son of Boston. out of imp. Weatherwitch, dam of Little Mack and Mollie Cad by Weatherbit, son of Sheet Anchor. Hindoo was the sensa- tional two-year old of his year ; started in nine races, won seven, was second in one, third in one. Hindoo made his first appearance at Lexington, Ky., May 18, in the Colt and Filly Stakes. for two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile, winning in 1:174, beating Alfambra, Brambaletta, Lizzie 8., Edison and five others. Louisville, Ky., May 19, won Alexander Stakes, half a mile, in 50 seconds, beating Banter, Maretzek and eight others ; May 24, won the Tennessec Stakes for two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:16, beating Brambaletta, Ripple, Bootjack and five others. St. Louis, June 9, won the Juvenile Stakes, for two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:17, beating Voltague, Story, Sligo und four others ; June 12, won the Jockey Club Stakes, for two-year olds, one mile, in 1:44, beating Lelex, Voltague and Enniskillen—a fast and good race. Chicago, June 21, won the Criterion Stakes, for two-year-olds, three- quarters of a mile, in 1:15, beating Ripple, Greenland and three others. This was the fastest three-quarters ever run by a two-year-old to that date; June 26, won the Tremont Hotel Stakes, for two-year-olds, one mile, in 1:48, beating Lizzie 8., Ripple and Moses. In all these races, except the Tennessee Stakes, he carried 100 lbs.; in the Tennessee, 105 lbs. Saratoga, Aug. 14, ran third to Crickmore and Bonnie Lizzie in the Windsor Hotel Stakes, for two-year olds, five furlongs, in 1:05, track heavy, beat- ing Thora and four others; Aug. 19, ran second to Thora in the Day Boat Line Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:17+, beating Bonnie Lizzie and three others. In these races he carried-110 lbs. In justice to the colt it must be stated, that he had changed hands and did not run up to his previous form. Three years old, started in twenty races, of which he won eighteen. Lexington, Ky., won the Blue Ribbon Stakes, for three-year olds, 14 miles, in 2:38, beating Getaway, Bend Or, Creosote and four others. At Louisville, Ky., won the Kentucky Derby tor three-year olds, 14 miles, in 2:40, beating Lelex, Alfambra and three others; won the Clark Stakes, for three-year olds, 1} miles, in 2:10%, beating Alfambra, Bootjack, Bend Or and Sligo. : Jerome Park, won a dash of one mile aud a furlong, in 2:024, beating Sir Hugh, Jack of Hearts and Rob Roy ; won a dash of one mile and three furlongs, in 2:34, track heavy. Sheepshead Bay, won the Tidal Stakes for three-year-olds, one mile, in 1:484, beating Crickmore and Saunterer ; won the Coney Island Derby for three-year olds, 14 mile, in 2:474, Baltic the only other starter. Monmouth Park, won the Ocean Stakes for all ages, one mile and a furlong, in 1:57, beating Monitor, Glidelia. and Valentino; won the Lorillard Stakes for three-year olds, 14 miles, in 2:392, beating Crickmore aud Saunterer ; walked over for a sweepstakes of one thousand dollars each with $2,000 added. Saratoga, won the Travers Stakes, for three-year olds, 12 miles, in 3:074, beating a field of good horses, amongst which were Eole, Getaway and Compensation; won tne Sequel Stakes for three-year olds, 1% miles, in 3:21; track heavy. In this race Hindoo carried 123 lbs., including a penalty of five pounds, and beat Greenland and Valentino ; won the United States Hotel Stakes, 14 miles, in 2:36, beating Crickmore, Bonfire and Gladiola ; won the Kenner Stakes. for three-year olds, 2 miles, in 3:32—a fast race. Monmouth Park, won the Cham- . pion Stakes for all ages, 14 miles, in 2:39, beating Monitor and Parole; won_the Jersey St. Leger for three-year olds, 12 miles, in 3:18, carrying 123 Ibs., Bona Fide the only other starter. Sheepshead Bay, won race of mile heats, in 1:428, 1:454, Sir Hugh the only other starter; won adash of one mile in 1:42, beating Sir Hugh and Edendary ; was second in the Brighton Beach Purse, 1} miles, won by Crickmore Continued on page 76. Sultan. Glencoe. Tramp- oline. Vandal. Alaric’s dam. Lucilla. Tranby. VIRGIL. St. Nicholas. Hymenia. Yorkshire. Little Peggy. _ The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Ilund Book. 77 PEDIGREE OF HINDOO. Selim Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of : Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. Bacchante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly i by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. Tram t Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Bs Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. Web. Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Suap ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. ' Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b. Blveklock. Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old England. 4 Daushter of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam Ara- | & : bian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko—Sis. to Mirza. Sir Solomon—Dau. of Hickory—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator—Sis. to Lambinos by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse—Vauxhall Snap’s dam by Cade. ues Orphan—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Imp. High- y- flyer—Dau. ofIm. Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. Emilius. Orville—Emily by S:amford—Dan. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- Trumpator. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. Seamew Scud—Goosander by Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to : if Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by Blank. Tramp. Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. Sancho—Blacklovk’s dam by Coriander—Wildgoose byHighflyer—Coheiress | Daughter of. by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. Med Am. Eclipse—Y. Maid of the Oaks by Imp. Expedition—Miad of the ROE: Oaks by Spread Eagle—Annette by Imp. Shark—Dau. of Rockingham. Grecian Prine Cook’s Whip (same as Blackburn’s Whip)—Jane Hunt by Hampton’s recian FYINCess) " paragon—Moll by Imp. Figure—Old Slamerkin by Imp. Wildair. Blackburn’s ‘Imp. Whip—S8peckleback by Randolph's Celer (Meade’s Celer dam by Whi Sloe)—Speckleback by Meade’s Celer—Dau. of Imp. Sober John (Rib). Pp Duke of Bedford—Dau. of Speculator (Dragon)—Dau. of Dare Devil (Mag- Mary Bedford. | net)—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator—Sis. to Lambinos by Highflyer. HINDOO. Boston. Lexington. Alice Carneal. Rowena. Sarpedon Sister to-Timoleon. of ee, Cripple. FLORENCE. Weatherbit. Sheet Miss Letty. Anchor. Weather-Witch. Daughter of. Trish Colo- Sir Arch Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- AE ANTE Ds phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. ae Saltram (Eclipse)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. th Daughter of. ello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dam of Vampire (Regulus). Ball’s Florizel Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- all's Fiorizel. | nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of nae Shock. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Kitty Fisher by Daughter of. |" Fearnmought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. Orville—Emily. by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant Emilius. —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. ; The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by Iearia. Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank. Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Old Sumpter. Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. eynth. Birdcatcher Robin Gray—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Imp. Highflyer—Dau. of Imp. Lady Grey. Pearnoueat—Dan, of Ariel—Dau. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds. Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by Lottery. Trentham—Coquette by Compton Rarb—Sis. to Regulus. i Muley—Miss Stephenson by Scud or Sorcerer—Sis. to Petworth by Precip- Morgiana. itate—Dau. of Woodpecker—Sis. to Juniper by Snap—Y. Marske’s dam. ; Emilius—Cressida by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Priam. Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. _ |Orville—Dau. of Buzzard—Hornpipe by Trumpator—Luna by Herod— Daughter of |~ Proserpine Sis. to Eclipse by Marske—Spiletta by Regulus. ¥ Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Sir Hercules. | peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder. : ee Bob Booty—Flight by I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero Guicciolli. —Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by G. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. er Brutandorf, (Blacklock)—Primette by Prime Minister—Miss Paul By Sir Physician. Paul (' Se ee ites Dunnington by Shuttle—Miss Grimstone. Camelina. [whalebone (Waxy)—Dau. of Selim (Buzzard)—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon (Herod)—Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem (Cade}—Dau. of Squirt (Syphon)—Lot’s dam by Mogul (Godolphin)— Uamilla by Boy Bolton (Grey Hautboy)—Old Lady, Starling’s dam by Pullein’s Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Rockwood—Dau. of Bustler. 78 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. HINDOO— Continued. in 2:36) ; was third in the September handigap, 12 miles, won by Crickmore, in 3:08, Hindoo carrying 123 Ibs. As a four-year-old, started six times aud won five races. Louisville, Ky., won the Louisville Cup, 24 miles, in 3:57%, beating Checkmate, Glidelia, Lida Stunhope and Blazes. Won the Merchants’ Stakes for all ages, one mile and a furlong, in 1:594, beating Checkmate, Runnymede and Creosote. Wonth: Turf Stakes, 1} miles, in 2:084, carrying 122 lbs, beating Checkmate (aged), 123 lbs., and Creosote (4), 114 Ibs. Sheepshead won the Coney Island Stakes. for three-year-olds and upwards, one mile and a furlong, in 1:57%, Barrett being the only other starter; won the Coney Island Cup, 2} miles, in 3:58, beating Eole and Parole. This was the best race run at the distance during the year, and compares favorably with similar races. There is no question but that Hindoo was the best race-horse which has appeared in this country for more than a decade. It is doubtful if any horse in England could have beaten him in the great classic events. Hindoo is a nicely bred horse, his blood combining all the best strains in England and America, his sire is by the best son of Glencoe, and he hasa large infusion of Diomed blood through both sides, together with a double cross of imp. Buzzard, fortified by the stout crosses Whalebone, Herod and. Eclipse on the dam’s side. We shall expect to see him a great success in the stud. Hindoo is a dark bay, 15 hands 3} inches high, with laree star in his forehead, right. hind foot white to pastern ; heis symmetrically shaped all over or he could not have done what he did. HUBBARD, (WINNER OF JULY STAKES AND GRAND SWEEPSTAKES, FOUR MILE HEATS, AT LONG BRANCH,) Will stand for mares at the stables of his owner in California, by private contract. Applicution to Jas. B. Chase, San Francisco, Cal. Husearp by Planet, son of Revenue, bred at Woodburn Stud, Ky., foaled 1868, dam Minnie Manstield, by imp. Glencoe, out of Argentile, by Old Bertrand, son of Sir Archy. Hubbard, as a two-year old, started four times, and won one race, Monmouth Park, won the July Stakes, three-quarters of a mile in 1:22, beating Experience, Oaks, and two others ; was third in the Thespian Stakes for two-year olds, three-quar- ters of a mile, won by Malita, in 1:19}, and unplaced in the other two races. Three years old, started in six races, winning two. Baltimore, Md., won the Dixie Stakes for three-year olds, 2 miles, ln 3:364, beating Joe Daniels’s True Blue and six others. Saratoga, won a sweepstake for three-year olds, 2 miles, in 3:58, beating imp. Buck- den, Nevada, and Gorlitza. Jerome Park, was second in the Annual Sweepstakes for three-year olds, won by Joe Daniels, in 3:458. Saratoga, was second in the Summer Handicap, 24 miles, won by Defender, in 4:243, and was unplaced in his other races. As a four-year old, started in eight races, of which he won three. Monmouth Park, won the Grand Sweepstakes for all ages, four-mile heats, distancing Wheatly and Bessie Lee in the first heat, run in 7:374. Saratoga won a dash of three miles, in 5:34, beating Wanderer, Harry Bassett, and King Henry. Won dash of 2% miles in 4:584, the fastest on record, beating Boss Tweed and Katy Pease, the only other starters. Monmouth Park, was third in the Mammoth Cup, 23} miles, won by Wan- derer, in 4:34}. Jerome Park, was third in the Jockey Club Handicap, 2 miles, won by Preakness, in 3:38}. Was second in a dash of 1 miles, won by Mate in 3:094. Saratoga, was third ina dash of 2 miles won by True Blue, in 3:32}, Mate was second. Was unplaced in his other races, Hubbard has covered only a few thoroughbred mares. Is the sire of some few win- ners—viz., Warwick, Jim Farley, and Rebecca. He is inbred to Sir Archy and Diomed, in addition to his cross of Glencoe and Trustee, The family is a racing one, and capable of staying a distance. In addition to his crosses of Sir Archy, he traces through a long line of distinguished ancestry to the Old Vintner mare. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 79 PEDIGREE OF HUBBARD. HUBBARD. mage ss Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b 8 Golumpus. " a eee to Re ‘ulus by Godol. ps ar Robinson. si 3 : ‘imothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse—Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of 8 3 Luey Grey. Blank—Luss of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. E Sy Hetin SESS = mn . ou os - Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna a q AW DHSIES ve ulia y Pople epecianers dam by os Lass. 2 . é $5 mn ermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha byMatchem 2 a Gibside Fairy. —Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin. , # a = a b ; aa Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- he A & Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. £ln 3 Daughter of Citizen—Dau. of Commutation—Dau. of Dare Devil—Sally Shark by Imp. 8 8 § . Shark—Betsey Pringle by Fearnought—Jenny Dismal. 5 ; ; ; wal 44 i Sir Archy—Meretrix by Magog—Narcissa by Imp. Shark—Rosetta by Imp. 2 2 Singtnlan, Centinel—Diana by Clodius—Sally Painter. es) (8! 21 Daughter of Imp. Bedford—Dau. of Bellair—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Symme’s | |S 3 8g : Wildair—Dau. of Lexington (Wildair)—Dau. of Spanking Roger. iat a ; Sir Arch Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- a hg AEC phorus—Dau. of Win.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. ay As Daughter of, |!™P: Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello} g Ei SUB Ober Ok: —Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). 8 a) ge awe eG eae 2 B\98 i Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau.of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau.of Fearnought ole 0 . Pp Dp 2 a a al Ball’s Florizel. |" pau, of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John (Rib)—Dau. of Imp. Shock. 23 Daushterot Aldermau—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Kitty Fisher by a a e DBT LEESOdy Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som, Arabian. 8 Poh T Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of =| 5 HOMD Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. 2| = Mand Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla hy Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by ss 3 andanes Comptou Barb—Sis. to Regulus by G. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. g 2 S\os ss Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Z\22| Whisker. ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. e 2/28 Dawsheenet Bay Trophonius—Dau. of Slope (Highflyer)—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. 2 aa aughter of. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. me ; : Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— £ Hezzana, Die of Bart. Childers—Dau of Hon. Arabian. o uses Alexander—Dau. of ee of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay 3|” Castrel’s Dam. |" “yralton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. 3 g| Williamson |Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— 2) bs Ditto. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. | Slag Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of $ 9 | Sis. to Calomel. | Hutton’s Spot—Dan. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub. Q 5 & | Dick A Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff—Dau. of Tatler— | .| g | Dick Andrews. | Dau. of Snip—Dau. of G. Arabian—Dau. of Whiteneck. oe = Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by -| |S) & | Daughter of. Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. a ° 'P y iy’ a a ‘ Pot-8-0s (Eclipse)—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—-Miss Windsor by G. mit [S| 2 Waxy. Arabian—Sis. to Volunter by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of B. Childers, a} |e = Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— a ‘| Penelope. Spectator’s dam by Partuer—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. = : + Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F, Child- Q ay Diomed. ers—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk, Be) tnd ae nee, Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm.’s a = | Castianira. Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. (Godol.)—Dau. of Bustard (Crab). it ny 7 * Be! |e]. Dungannon (Eclipse)—Fairy ‘by Highflyer—Fairy Queen by Y. Cade— 4| @ | Imp. Bedford. |” Routh’s BINLovee by rh —Werler alloway by Snake (Lister Tork). v a 5 Mambrino—Sis. to Naylor’s Sally by Blank (Godol.)—Dau. of Ward (Crab) 3 = |{mp. Mambrina.|" — pau. of Merlin (Bustler)—Dau. of Pert (Ely Turk)—Dau. of St. Martins. a ere pee es © A ) 5 ‘—Hornby Lass by Buzzard—Puzzle by Matchem—Princess by 4 Er Truffle, Seinen of Bianie Spectators dam by Partner. ; |6 E Whiskey—Br. Justice by Justice—Xenia by Challenger (Herod)—Xantippe 3 ar Helen. by Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coal. Colt. Bb} 2 Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem a oe Phantom. —Molly Lonslegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. e a A Daughter of. |Walton—Alegrante by Pegasus (Eclipse)—Orange Squeezer by Een Mop-Squeezer by Matchem (Cade)—Lady by Turner’s Sweepstakes (Old Sweepttakes)—Snutile’s dam by Patriot (Bay Boltoa)—Dau. of Crab (Al- cock Arabian)—Sis. to Sloven by Bay Bolton (Grey Fe ee of Curwen Bey Barb—Dau. of Snot (Selaby Turk)—Dau. of Whitelegged Lowther Barb—Old Vintner Mare. 80 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. HURRAH (Imp.) Wili stand the season of 1883 at the Stud Farm of his owner, John Reber, near Lancaster, Ohio, at $30 the season. Mares not proving in foul can be returned next season. Application to John Reber, Lancaster, Ohio. Hurrau by Newminster, son of Touchstone, bred by the Rawcliff Stud Co., foaled 1882, dam Jovial by Bay Middleton, son of Sultan, out of sis. to Grey Momus by Comus. Newminster, his sire, won the St. Leger in 1851, was son of Touchstone (winner of the St. Leger, in 1884), and the celebrated Beeswing, by Dr. Syntax, who won the Doncaster Cup in 1837 and also in 1840, 1841, and 1842, the only time any animal ever accomplished the feat, carrying in 1840 and 1841 126 lbs. Bay Middleton, sire of his dam, was winner of the Derby in 1836. Hurrah, as a two-year old, started eleven times, won two races, was second in three, and unplaced in the others. Newmarket, won plate for two-years-olds, 5 furlongs 140 yards, beating Zephyr and six others ; ran second to Tragedy in sweepstake, 5 fur- longs 182 yards, beating Bessy. Shrewsbury, ran second to Peignoir in the Racing Plate, one mile, beating Procella and Teddy. Ran second to Antoinette in the Acton Burnel Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, defeating Princess Dagmar; won a Handicap plate, three-quarters of a mile, beating Usher ; was unplaced in his other races. At three-year old, started twelve times, won one race, was third in one, and un_ placed in the others. Won Selling Race, three-quarters of a mile, at West Drayton, defeating Little Pickles and Linus. At four years old, ran ten races, was second in one, third in two, and unplaced in the others. Hurrah is one of the most fashionable bred sires of the present day. Independent of his good looks and soundness, he is one of the stoutest bred animals living. He is a rich bay, without white, over 16 hands high, has capital legs and feet, straight, grand action ; is also sound in every respect, being free from curbs, spavin, roaring, or any other hereditary disease. He cannot be said to have had a fair chance in the stud, as he has only covered a few good fashionable mares, being located in a section where there are not many breeders of thoroughbreds. The best of his get are Chaquita, winner of a mile in 1:44}, 2 miles in 8:37, the Fordham Handicap at Jerome Park, 14 miles, in 2:114, Dill Wiggins, mile in 1:45; 2 miles, 3:36; Huckleberry, Bur- goo, a winner of many races ; Lady Amanda, Lady Mack, Waller, a winner with high weights ; Bonnie Lizzie, three-quarters of a mile heats in 1:15} and 1:14%, 5 furlongs in 1:02}, and other good races ; Ohio Boy, Lady Middleton, Hermit, Dispute, Bonnie Ford, Reber, Louise Gwynne, Little Buttercup, Hippogriff, Lady Blandy, George IV., Nightcap, Nellie Peyton, Red Fox, Tramway, Fanny Cook, Medusa, Wauculla, Brad (Stand Off), Referee, Monk, Hostage, Maniac, and others that were winners. He has a combination of speedy and stout blood, and his daughters should prove valuable in the stud. He traces on both sides to Eclipse and Herod, through reputable horses, to the Burton Barb mare. 4 4 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hund Book. 81 PEDIGREE OF HURRAH (Imp.) HURRAH. (Imp.) b Waxy. Pot-8-0’s—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- as bian—Sis. to Volunteer oy Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. a6 Penelope. Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Suap—Julia by Blank— dq ze Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. g ed Selim Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred 3 2 ° . Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. a 3 Maiden Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomonon—Matron by Florizel — Maiden by 2 1 | 8 : Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam by Mogul—Camilla by Bay Bolton. ai g ee er, Beningbrough — Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- 8 3 2 Cevile: ; ue by ee Regulus—Marske’s dam by acklees. AS2) Mi .. Stamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunea by Hightlyer — Cypher b 3 a | Miss Sophis. Squirrel—Fribble’s dam by Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. Ee a . . aR ak peeip pie Aa fit ne nie :| ig) = ‘Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dan. a Als Slexander. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second—Dau. of Stan Arabian. fa | z Brunette. Amaranthus (Old Eng.)—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau, 2 8 | of Grasshopper—Dau. of Newton Arabian—Dau. of Pert Rl) | 5 iS m Conductor (Matchem)—Brunette by Squirrel—Dove by Matchless—Dau. = 4 3 Teampelci of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper—Dau. of News Arabint, la} 8 e Daughter of. Mark Anthony (Spectator)—Signora by Snap—Miss Windsor by Gold. 'Z, ele Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. a | . ; | 4 ‘ King Fergus (Eclipse)—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess b Ie 5 Beningbrough. é Wiltenore ee ai by Y. True Blue. J # eb arbuncle—(Babraham)—Dau. of Prince T. Quassaw (Snip)—Dau. of Reg- = A deeny sie ulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Partner (Jigg). ae . 3 g Fortitude (Herod) Zantippe by Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm.’ y Wim.’s Fores- a wi} 2 John Bull. ter—Dau. of Coalition colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly. ° gE Miss Whip. Volunteer (Eclipse) Wimbleton by Evergreen (Herod)—Sis. to Calash by 8 5 Herod—Teresa by Matehem—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to An. Starling. a eo) « Agonistes (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Jupiter (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. 2 ee Svntwaete. 5 a nies te Fioneee by a Eng—Dau. of Tiler : a r padille (Highflyer)—Sylvia by Y. Marske—Ferret by Bro. to Silvio.—Dau. init] | Danighter of; Regulus—Dau. of Morton Arabian—Dau. of Mixbury. a : Wovdpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— & Duane: ee of Bats Childers Oat. of Honeywood Alanien. . lB sep exander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Ba: a = Castel 5 Gam, Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. oe . =) 4 eave Ta 31 a ae ; Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet (Regulus)—Virago g A Williamson's Ho nie, Paces: = pe eas by Crab. ae ; - S| B Nees ercury (Eclipse)— Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus— z | a Sister to Calomel Dau. of Hutton’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton. li Ss q Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— » | 2 elon Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab. Bia| % Julia Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs 2 = : by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. 10: 3 Ba ea a + S Sorcerer—Goldenlocks by Delpini—Violet by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— o 5 Soothsayer. Quick’s Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. 4 3 Web Waxy—Penelope by:Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Rast = . Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. iS a Trumpator Conductor—Brunette by Squirrel—Dove by Matchless (Godol.)—Dau. of re 3 P . an Starling—Dau. of COPE te of New. si | 5 . iomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of re - B Momus: Gilutess. Cole’s Foxhunter—Sis. to Cato by Partner—Sis. to Roxana. 5/5). ieee a Pan aa aA F Highflyer—Papillon by Snap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge, by Son : = aha Sn nee of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. : a) |S g Alexina King Fergus—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont's dam > ms 5 by Bro. to Fearnought—Miss Windham by Windham. & g . Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition colt—Dau. Blas 3 Don QULAOIE of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second—Hanger’s Br. Mare (2) = Evelina. Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Reg- B\0| 2 . ulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs—Dau. of Bay Bolton. ala} ° oP Haphazard—Alderney by. Skyscraper—Caelia by Volunteer—Sis. to Phar- = E Don Cussack. amond by Highflyer—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs. oa) Vesta. Detpini (Highflyer)—Faith by Pacolet (Blank)—Atalanta by Matchem ( ade)—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko (Crab)—Dau. of Traveler (Pariner) ——Miss Makeless by Young Greyhound (Greyhound by Chillaby Barb)— Dau. of Partner (Jigg)—Miss Doe’s dam by Woodcock (Merlin)—Dau. of Croft’s Bay Barb—Desdemona’s dam by Makeless open ee I Ara- bian)—Old Thornton by Brimmer ere Y. Turk) —Dau. of Dicky Pierson (Dodsworth)—Burton Barb Mare. 82 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. HY DER. AT, (WINNER OF THE CHAMPAGNE STAKES AT JEROME PARK,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Meadows Stud, near Carlinville, Il, at $50 the Season. Application to Gen. Rich, Rowett, Carlinville, MM. Annual Sales at Chicago, in June. Hyper Aur by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by A. Welch Erdenheim Stud, Pa., foaled 1872, dam Lady Duke, by Lexington, out of Magdalen, dam of Bonnie Lassie, Bonnie Laddie, etc., by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. Hyder Ali as u three-year old started in three races, of which he won one. Jerome Park, won the Champagne Stakes for two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile in 1:20, beating James, A, Finework, and six others; was beaten in a match race of $2,500 each, thrce- quarters of a mile, won by James A, in 1:19; was third in a dash of three-quarters of a mile, won by James A, in1:183. He was injured in the spring of his three-year old year, and did not run again. His dam, Lady Duke, was not trained, and had only afew foals, amongst them Mary Buckley, a good mare and dam of Buckstone. Magdalen his grandam was a good race-mare, and the dam of the great race-mare Bonnie Lassie, and the horse Bonnie Laddie which had great reputation in their day. Bonnie Lassie won the Association Stakes, mile heats, and the Citizen’s Stake, 2 mile heats, at Lexington, Ky., in 1857. She won many important races in the South. Gossamer, another sister to Bonnie Lassie was dam of Leather Lungs, La Rose and Gossip, the latter dam of Lida Gaines, The Sumpter Mare dam of Magdalen was the dam of Kepb, and Leda both successful racers. Hyder Ali is a large, well developed horse, full 16 hands high, with great substance and power. In addition to his being a son of Leamington, he is strongly inbred on tie dam's side to Sir Archy and Diomed, having six crosses of that inestimable blood upon alarge infusion of Medley blood, and thence to the noted Gimcrack by Cripple, son of Godolphin Arabian (Barb). Upon the matrons of the Meadows Stud we expect to re- cord his success. 83 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. PEDIGREE OF HYDER ALI. HYDER ALI. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- ls < 3 Waxy. bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. 2 do Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Ppa or ke by Snap—Julia by Blank— | 5 ee ; a Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. . i Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette ial Wanderer. by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. £4) 2 Thalestris Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder Ss! : —Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. g | ames: . i Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea hy Regulus ai . 2s Chanticleer. —Dau. of Bart, Childers—Dau. of Honeywood’s Arabian. . BIS a 3 Tern Bagot—Dau. of Gamanoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail As 2 fa : Galloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare by Pélham’s Hip. Zl ie : ay Sain 2 oS io Boe . Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Bl. Susan & oO = Tnish Eseaue: by Snap—Dau. of Cade—Dau. of Belgrade—Dau. of Clif. Arabian. eS | 1S Youne Heroine, |Pagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Ara- =| | | 7 ‘| bian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake. < ne Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Re lus. BT Tg Buzzard. —Dan. of Bart. Guides Dau. of Hon. Arabian. es a) 9 tm? Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay A s 8 Belin aidan. Malton’s dam by Cade (ace of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. a a g|l. Peruvian Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of Babraham ad! = : —Dau. of Golden Ball—Busby Molly by Hamp. Court Childers. 3 3 Musidora Meteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. 5 a A of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—Warlock Galloway. 8 a : : : , oy = Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by 3 £ Bipoklonk: Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. Al.| 8 Wagtail Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of An- a} : caster—Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. qa on ; x 5 oe : Selim—Podagra by Gouty—Jet by Magnet—Jewel by Squirrel—Sophia by A 8 Champion. iene Diana by Second—Han. Br. Mare by Stanyan Arabian. 4° Etiquette Orville—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by sm a Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. i 4 Sir Archy. Diomei—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 5 8 phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) jae Daughter. Imp. Saltram (Eclipse)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. 8 Othello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). 2 A n oO SSS ay SI8e ‘ Diomed—Dau. of Shark—Dau. vf Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Imp. Fear- : 5 ea Balle lone. nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock. S| les! Dau hter of, |A!derman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher En ae 8 * | by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. i : = lle a Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimaut by Dori- a\2 ae ale mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. elas Tearia The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose & a2 arte: by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana. . Si a Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- 5 =| Ranpter erkin By Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. > < E Lady Gre Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— a faa} y y: Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. DH 2 D Diomed—Amanda by Grey Diomed—Dau. of Va. Cade—Dau. of Hickman’s A oe moe Independence—Dolly Fine by Imp. Silvereye—Dau. of Imp. Badger. iS a Millers Damsel,|Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gimcrack—Snap Dragon by Snap &| 4 ‘| —Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. Slay. s/o 3 4: (Pegasus (Eclipse)—Active by Woodpecker—Laura by Whistle Jacket Pais (Pap Mapedihion Stoel) Frets Polly by Starling—Sis. to Diana by Second (Childers). 8 Ss = Maid of the Oaks|SPread Eagle (Volunteer)—Annette by Shark—Dau. of Rockingham—Dau. a a ard onwne Vaks! "of Gallant—Dau. of True Whig—Dau. of Imp. Regulus. op ; : , GS 4 i Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- a g A's Sir Arehy. phorus—Dau. of Win's Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) S| 55 irtilla’s @: Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Imp. Obscurity—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. e 2 Fitrtilla’s dam. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam by Second—Dau. of Starling. seat as ; F z a! Ss : . i —Bellona by Harris’ Eclipse (Partner)—Nettle by Granby (Blank) 3 © | Lewis’ Eclipse. Plomedi Eyam yan J anne Poll ee ay Imp. Jolly Roger. a . Craig’s Alfred (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Tayloe’s Bellair (Imp. Medley) A Maria. Sat: of Imp. Medley (Gimerack by Cripple by Godol.) 84 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. [LL-USED (imp.) (WINNER OF THE SEQUEL AND KENNER STAKES, AT SARATOGA, 1878,) Will be used as private stallion in the Nursery Stud, Hon, A. Belmont, pro- prietor, near Babylon, L. I, N.Y. Yearlings sold annually in June. Inu-Usep by Breadalbane, own brother to Blair Athol, son of Stockwell, bred by Col. Townley, foaled 1870, dam Ellermire, dam of Elland, by Chanticleer, 2d dam Ellerdale, dam of Formosa, winner of the One Thousand Guineas, Oaks and St. Leger in 1868, by Lanercost, out of the dam of Colsterdale, by Tomboy. Jl-Used made his first appearance on ihe turf as a three-year old in the Belmont Stakes, won by Spring- bok, but getting a bad start was unplaced. He won tworaces out of three starts. At Saratoga won the Sequel Stakes, 2 miles in 3:404, beating Fcllowcraft and four others. Same place won the Kenner Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:39, beating imp. Strachino, Spring- bok, Waverly, Whisper, Catesby and other good horses. This closed his turf career. Breadalbane his sire is own brother to Blair Athol, and although he did not win any of the great events, the Derby or Leger, he won the Prince of Wales Stakes at As- cot, the Gratwicke Produce Stakes, 14 miles at Goodwood, and otber good races. Ellermire his dam won eight races, at three-years old, including two Queen’s Plates for mares. Ellerdale, his grandam, was also a winner of several important events, in- cluding the Great Yorkshire Stakes. Lanercost her sire was third in the St. Leger to Don John, and won the Ascot Gold Cup, and Cambridgeshire Handicap. He has covered only one or two mares outside of those in the nursery, and has gotten some very reputable performers. Forester won as two-years old, and in 1882 won the Withers Stake, one mile, in 1:464, Belmont Stakes 14 miles, in 2:48, the Barnegat Stakes, 18 miles at Long Branch in 2:54, carrying 123 lbs. ; and Jersey Derby, 12 miles. Jack of Hearts, the Mid-summer Handicap at Long Branch, one mile in 1:484, the Harvest Handicap, 1} miles in 2:11, and a Club Purse, 14 mile in 1:56}, beating Clara D and Parole. Other winners by him are Bellona (Jessie D), 14 miles in 2:11, 14 miles in 1:58; Olivia five furlongs in 1:01, Mosquito, Topsy, Woodcraft, Wood- flower, winner of two out of three races ; Jacobus, Felicia, Gertie M, Florimel, Deli- Jah, Clara, Carnation, Camillus, and others, It would be difficult to find inthe Stud Book, a higher bred horse than Ill-Used. He has a double cross of Whalebone through the famous Irish Birdcatcher, and five other Waxy crosses through Whisker, Web, Pyrrha, Kiss, ete., in addition toa Glencoe cross through Pocahontus and Mel- bourne through Blink Bonny. Jll-Used is a blood bay 15 hands 24 inches high, with a half moon star in his forehead, near fore and hind legs white to the ankle, off hind foot white around the coronet, and white hairs at the root of his tail showing his Bird- catcher descent. He is full of suhstance and symmetry all over, and is destined to make his mark in the stud. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 85 PEDIGREE OF ILL-USED (Imp.) 5 Sir Her ; Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir -| "a es Peter—Hornet by Dione Manila by Goin dude Dau. of Old Eng. a ez 3 Guicciolli, Bob Booty—Flight by I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero é As —Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian. | 3 ‘ Whisker—Floranthe by Octavian—Caprice by Anvil—Madcap by Eclipse ; a a a Reononist: —Dau. of Blank Dea, of Tlese— Dan. of y. Greyhound. ai P =| |S) Miss Pratt. Blacklock—Gadabout by Orville—Minstrel by Sir Peter—Matron by | Bs re Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. iad 3 ae ig ons Sultan. Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— Blal # i Dau. oe by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. al = . ; ramp—We xy— 1 by Trumpator—Pruuella by Highflyer— T : p- y Waxy—Penelope by pator e ij e Es a nemipeling Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Parter aoe -| ja] a : Si [s| 2 Muley Orville—Eleanor Py, Whiskey—Y Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by a S| 2 ” Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. a Al Clare Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mer- rd Si Y cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. A ¢ e Comus Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella a 3 rp i P by. Y Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnonght. fe! ja/S2| Clinkerina, |Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by pal |& e 5 : Sampson—Dau. of Regukis—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. 3 1a ai: Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice Bu S i CEEyaGtBE: by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. 5 2 | Daughter of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by 8 A Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Naylor by Cade. Ad ; : Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— Ss nls 5 Partisan. Julia b Bleak —epecuior's dam by Panner Bonny Lass. : i > FSS Pauline Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary # st 5 by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. ce 8) a Emilius—Harriet 1) Pe icles— i ipyli ir . ly : : y Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally ‘ 3 g Plenipotentiary. by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Biodecl—sie to Juno. a eo 8 Myrrha Whalebone—Gift by Y. Gohanna—Sis, to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to * a . Amaitor by Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap. mn u| ¢ 5 i 3) Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by » 36 5 Whalepoue. Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Pinker Bosag Lass. 4 or 8 Peri Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by 4 3) a Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. se a ai Chanticleer—Irene by Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim (Squirt)— g|4 oi Bok Booty. Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail Galloway by Gurwen Bay De i SlEIBS Flight I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero (Cade)—Dau. of Snap S aS i —Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. a a 5 Buffer (Prizefighter)—Spinster by Shuttle—Dau. of Sir Peter—Bab by Bor- 8 a a Mastet-Roter. deaux (Herod)—Speranza by Eclipse—Virago by Snap. (5 &| Daughter of Sir Walter Raleigh (Waxy)—Miss Tooley by Teddy the Grinder—Lady a . Jane by Sir Peter—Paulina by Florizel—Captive by Matchem. ej eis Waxy. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. ies 2 y: Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. s S| Miss Stavel Shuttle—Dau. of Drone Gee of Matchem—Jocasta by Corn- a L y forth’s Forester—Sis. to Y. Cade by Cade—Dau. of Partner. Ri 3 Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of lac 6 Tram Sy} ois) De Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap (Snip). a 2! © | Daughter of Whisker—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camille by Woodpecker—Camilla by 9 4 B . Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. o a Buzzard—Gipsy by Trumpator—Sis. to Postmaster by Herod—Dau. of eta |) BERENS Gower Stallion (Godol.)—Dau, of F. Childers. x 4 Election—Sis. to Skysweeper by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by a © (Gayhurst’s dam. Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers. = s a J Smolensko—Louisa by Orville—Thomasina by Timothy (Delpini)—Violet Leal or 3 ony by Shark—Dau. of Syphon—Charlotte by Blank. ot & B apleadain Ardrossan (Jn Bull)—Lady Eliza by Whitworth (Agonistes)—Dau. of Spa- g & |Peeswing 6 cam.) dille—Sylvia by Y. Marske—Ferret by Bro. to Silvio—Dau. of Regulus. Ey 3 Whisker. ie eure by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap e —Juli a ’ ‘Ener— Al 8 Lady of the ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Par tner—Bonny Lass. a Tees. Octavian—Dau. of Sancho (Herod)—Miss Fury by Trumpator_ (Con- ductor)—Dau. of Mark Anthony (Spectator)—Signora by Snap (Snip)— Miss Windsor by Godolphin Arabian—Sister to Volunteer by Young Bel- grade (Belgrade Turk)—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Dar. Arabian )—Dau. of Dov. Ch. Arabian—Sis. to Westbury by Curwen Bay Barb—Dau. of Old Spot (Selaby Turk)—Dau. of Woodcock (Old Merlin). 86 The Horse-Brecders’ Guide and Hand Book. IROQUOIS, (WINNER OF THE CHESTERFIELD STAKES AT NEWARKET AND LEVANT STAKES AT GOODWOOD, 1880; THE BURWELL STAKES, DERBY AT EPSOM, PRINCE OF WALES STAKES, DONCASTER ST. LEGER, NEWMARKET DERBY, AND OTHER IMPORTANT EVENTS IN ENGLAND,) Will be located upon his return from England in the Rancocas Stud, Mr P. Lorillard, proprietor, near JSobstown, Burlington Co. N. J, as private stallion. Iroquois by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Mr. A. Welch, Erdenheim Stud, foaled 1878, dam Maggie B. B., dam of Harold, by imp. Australian; 2d dam Madeline, by Old Boston, out of Magnolia dam of Kentucky, by imp. Glen- coe. Asx two-year-old Iroquois started 12times, won four races, was second in two and unplaced insix. He made his bow to the public by winning the Newmarket two-year- old Plate 5 furlongs, defeating Herman, Kuhleborn and three others; his second success was winning the two-year-old stakes at Epsom 5 furlongs, beating Eliacin. At the Newmarket July Meeting ran Bal Gal to a head for the July stakes, 5 furlongs 136 yards, having Neophite, Thebais and seven others behind him; same meeting won the Chesterfield Stakes 5 furlongs, beating Panique, Voluptuary and seven others ; at Goodwood won the Levant Stakes, 5 furlongs, defeating Isola Madre, Canace and three others ; same meeting ran second to Wandering Nun in the Findon Stakes three- quarters of a mile, wit Albion, Ishmaeland Worthing behind him; he was unplaced in his other races. Asa three-year-old made his first appearance by running second to Peregrine in the 2000 guineas, having Don Fulano, Camiliard, Scobel and nine others be- hind him; won the Newmarket Stakes, Ditch mile, beating Lennoxlove; Newmarket Second Spring Meeting walked over for the Burwell Stakes, Abingdon mile ; Epsom Summer Meeting won the 102d renewal of the Derby Stakes 14 miles, defeating Peregrine, Town Moor, Scobel, Geologist, St. Louis, Don Fulano, Tristan and seven others. Ascot won the Prince of Wales Stakes, 1% miles, defeating Geologist, Great Carle and four others ; same place won the St. James Place Stakes Old mile, beating Leon his only opponent. Doncaster September Meetimg won the Doncaster St. Leger Stakes, one mile six furlongs, 132 yards, defeating Geologist, Lucy Glitters, St. Louis, Fal- kirk, Bal Gal and nine others. Newmarket Second October Meeting was third to Bend 'Or, and Scobel in Champion Stakes across the flat one mile two furlongs and 73 yards ; Buckhannon, Falkirk, Muriel and Fiddler behind him ; won the Newmarket Derby 14 miles, beating Ishmael, Lennoxlove and Ld. Clemsford. Thus starting in nine races running second for the 2,000 guineas, third in the Champion Stakes, and winning the Derby and St. Leger, a feat only accomplished nine times in the one hundred and three years it has been run. Surplace in 1848, Flying Dutchman in 1849, Voltigeur in 1850, West Australian 1853, Blair Athol in 1864, Gladiateur in 1865, Lord Lyon in 1866, Silvio in 1877, and Iroquois in 1881; not one of all these won so many good races in the same year. ‘Iroquois is a brown, I6 hands high with white stripe down the face and white around the coronet of the left fore foot; he has a well placed oblique shoulder, good barrel, fine hip and loin and sound good legs and feet. Weshall expect to see him a grand success in the stud. The Horse Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 87 PEDIGREE OF IROQUOISE. IROQUOISE. ea Waxy. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ar a 4 4 ay, bian—Sis. to Volunteer uF Y. Belgesde—Hia, of Bart, Childers. ane 2 ES Penelope. Trumpator—Prunella by ee by Snap—Julia by Blank— 3 Ma Spectator’s dam by Partner— onny Lass by Bay Bolton. i vo 7 a alt]. Wanderer. Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Spl | Compton Barb.—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson, Z/2| x Thalestris, |4!exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder 3 eres —Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. af Cul Arabian—Miss Cade by Cade. as - : ; el Ghanti 5 Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus re 2 2 Hanticleer —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau, of Hon. YAEL Dai of ares Place. 3 S Terne. eee of Pome oe Baty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail : om 2 FQ alloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare by Pelham’s Hip. g — Sie 2! |S). | wish B Commodore—Dau. of Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Bl. Susan by Snap— Es oS = Pee eee: . ee a eide Daw of elgrade—Dau. of Clif. Arabian, ae >, = lYoun ine, 7 280'—Heroine by Hero—Dan. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Ara- 3 fe OURS, Heroine bian—Grey Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of paleo Oe Wilkes. ] Blaze—Dau. of Y. Greyhound—Dau. of Curwen Bay Barb. 3 2 Sl. . Rugantino—Butterfly by Master Bagot— = : e ec g Nabaelitet, Brown by Trunnion— au. of Old hee Daa of Bel Starling. oa g/-)25| Miss Tooley. Teddy the Grinder—Lady Jane by Sir Peter—Paulina by Florizel—Captive iS A _by atchem—Calliope by Slouch—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. wo | Selim—Bacchante by Willi ’s Ditto—Si ' g Sultan. y Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— a Ae a Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. ? : g 2 Trampoline. Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— 3 a Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. 5 : ell ges : Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giant b i —Gi z| slid Muley. M y y—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by o| ‘2\a2 atchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. e a = 2 Clare. Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mer- 5 , cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena. ey 4 ie Camel. Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon a 58 ee by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. & 2 2 Banter. aster Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly a g by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab). Ball as (2/8 Pantaloon Castrel—Idalia by Peruvian—Musidora by Meteor—Maid of All Work by s nm! & : Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip. 4 B Languish. as by co eee Hyacinthus—Sis. to Swordsman by g o * sel—Dau. of Turk—Dau. of Locust—Dau. of Changeling. 3 n j ies c= Camel—Banter by Master Hi —Boadi — Touchstone. y Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette b r p es s OMCHELONE Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. . ° 2 S 2 Decoy. Ale aero nee Py Forest lolanie by John Bull—Dau. of a 5 ighflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. z & ae cos Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiske i i ' o q y—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- oO g|+ 2 Emilius mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. by A ge Variation. Bustard—Johannah Southcote by Beningbrough—Lavinia by Pipator— si © Dick Andrews’ dam by Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff. q d Selim Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred 3 z —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godolphin). o 3| 2 Bacchante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Zz 3 2 ‘ Marske—Vixen by Regulus-——Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. m 8| Dick And i Z| A, rews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of | Sig g Tramp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. 4 Ee Web ee a eee by Ee al lary Saag ta by ee ee by Snap re : —dJulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. q a : S is : Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b e|4 Blacklock. Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Rae. : 3 £ Daughter of gh one te Se by te ee of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam 3: rabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. a 2 : | og _ [Sir Solomon—Dau. of Hickory—Imp. Trumpetta by Trum ator—Sis. to | |3|8 Trumpator. Lambinos by Hichiger—Daw. of Heli pany, of Cade. e 3 <| 3 Lney. 0 pag ey Grey y ia Ore ane by Melzar—Dau. of Imp. 6 7 ighflyer—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel. & & o Ay = {ph F Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant. by Tantrum—Cantatrice Bs 5 2 Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. 5, S Ricanon ee ani Senna! by ones by Matchem—Molly Long- a : egs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s oxhunter—Dau. of Partner. a ; la Gohanna—Ch. Ski i ‘| af —Ch, Skim by Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag by olf © Election. Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by F. Childers—Ebony by Basto. A 2 3 Fair Helen ey ane by. POE ee e A : y Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler. 8 ca oo iy. Bs Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- Z Sir Arch E 3 \2 a z y- phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.) . giSs Roxana Hepheston (Buzzard)—Roxana Py Das Marplot (Highflyer)—Juliet by 5 les ig Imp. Mexican (Snap)—Dau. of Imp. Friar (South by Regulus). slo 2 Sa . Blackburn’s Whip (Imp. Whip)—Jane Hunt by Paragon (Flimnap)—Moll Tiger. B a ee z Bele by Imp. Figure—Slamerkin by Imp. Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub. | Daughter of. |Atbert (Americus by Shark)—Dau. of Algerine (Dey of Algiers)—Dau. of Ea) Grey Alfred (Lindsay’s Arabian)—Dau. of bnp. Medley. (Gimerack by y Pp Cripple by Godolphin)—Dau. of Imp. Shark (by Marske, sire of O’Kelly’s Eclipse)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought by Regulus (Godolphin). 90 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hund Book. KING ALFONSO—Continued. with the top weight Lucy Glitters (3), 91, Tristan (3), 107, Mistake (4), 102, Wallen- stein (4), 97, and twenty-seven others. He won the Ascot Gold Cup in 1882, but has been amiss since. King Alfonso is a red bay, 16 hands, with a star in his forehead, and is one of the truest and best shaped horses in the world ; his head is plain but well shaped. and set upon a good, strong, muscular neck, with wide, deep throttle, the shoulders oblique, broad and well placed, and covered with suitable muscle ; the chest is well shaped and full, with great depth of girth, the body full and round, with the finest back, hip and loin ever put on a horse, being broad, well rounded and slightly curved. He hus great length from the point of the hip to the whirlbone, thence to the point of stifle and hocks, being full of strength and muscle, which run into broad, powerful hocks, the legs and fect being sound and good. His temper is of the best. In addition to his double cross of Glencoe, he has the Waxy blood through Web, Whisker and Whale- bone, and is inbred to Sir Archy and imp. Shark, with many crosses of Herod and Eclipse in the collateral branches. KING BAN (Imp.) King Ban will be located at the Dixiana Stud Farm, near Lexington, Fay- ette Co., Hy., and will be permitted to serve 15 mares, at $150 the sea- son, Application to be made to Maj. B. G. Thomas, Lexington, Ivy. Krtne Ban, son of King Tom, son of Harkaway, bred by Lord Falmouth, foaled 1875, dam Atlantis, dam of Hanpy-go-Lucky, Bower of Bliss, ete., by Thormanby, out of Hurricane, dam of Atlantic, Cataclysm, etc., by Wild Dayrell. King Ban only ran once asa two-year-old; was second to Mourle, by Ruy Blas, in the Granby Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, run at Newmarket First October Meeting. At three years old, ran two races, Newmarket Craven Meeting, was unplaced in the Craven Stakes. Ancaster Mile, one mile 18 yards, won by Thurio with Sefton second; Newmarket First Meeting, ran second to Mida, by Parmesan, in the Coffee Room Stakes, across the flat, 1 mile 2 furlongs and 73 yards, Miss Novel and King o’ Scots behind him. Atlantis, his dam, started nine times as a two-year-old, won five races, was second in one, third in one. and unplaced in two. Newmarket Craven Meeting, won Sweepstakes for two- year-olds, last half mile of the Beacon Course, beating Violet. and Canoe. Newmarket, First Spring Meeting, won Sweepstakes for two-year-olds, Rowley mile, beating Tit- Bit and Violet. Same meeting, walked over for a Sweepstakes, last half mile of the Two-year-old Course. Newmarket Second October Meeting, won the Clearwell Stakes, 5 furlongs, 140 yards, beating Sunlight and six others. Same meeting, won the Pren- -dergast Stakes, same distance, defeating Atlas, Hawthornden and five others. King Tom, his sire, was by the great Harkaway, and although he is not credited with any of the great events of the turf, yet, he sired Tomato, winner of the 1,000 guineas, Tormentor and Hippia, winner of the Oaks, Hannah, winner of the 1,000 guineas, Oaks, and St. Leger, Kingcraft, winner of the Derby, Great Tom, Pheton, etc. Pheton sired Ten Broeck, King Alfonso, and other good ones, He also sired Old Calabar, Wingrave, Mainstone, Breeze, Prince Plausible, and others. Wild Dayrell, the sire of his grandam, won the Derby in 1855. Soothsayer, the sire of his great grandam, won the St. Leger in 1811, and ‘Waxy, the Derby in 1798. The pedigree of King Ban is a happy combination of stout and speedy crosses, and he traces through first-class horses many times to Eclipse and Herod. The oldest of his get are two years old, and they have made a very creditable showing. Punster is one of the most promising two-year olds of the year. He has started nine times, and won five races. Won the St. Nicholas Hotel Stake, half a,mile in .504, a Sweepstake for two-year-olds, half a mile, in 50}, both at Lexington. In these races he heat such good ones as Cipsetta, Vera, Wandering aud others. Won the Alexander Stakes, at Louisville, 5 furlongs, in 1:03}$, beating Ascender, Bond- holder, and eight others, and the Test Stakes, three-quarters of a mile in 1:15%, defeat- ing Bondholder, Clipsetta, Barnes, and Geo. Kenney. Won purse for two-year.olds, at Saratoga, 5 furlongs, in 1:03}, defeating a field of seven. Queen Ban won three outof fiveraces. The Blue Grass Stakes at Lexington, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:16, defeating Bellona, Miss Woodford and others, the West Va. Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:20, and a purse one mile in 1:58; both at White Sulphur, Va. Violator won three out of nine starts. The Selling Purse, half a mile, at Lexington, Ky., in 52, a purse, 5 furlongs, in 1:07, at St.\Louis, and a purse, three-quarters of a mile, at Louisville, in 1:20. Ada Ban, another daughter was also a winner. King Ban is a rich chestnut, 164 hands high, with a star in his forehead. He is a horse of good shape and_muscular development, which he imparts to his progeny in a remarkable degree. He traces through a long line of speedy and stout crosses to the Bryerly Mare, dam of the famous Two True Blues. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 91 PEDIGREE OF KING BAN. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade. Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Stripling (Phoenomenon)—Dau. of Oberon ce to Sharper by Ranthos (Matchem)—Dau. of Sweepstakes—Nis. to Careless by Spanker. Anvil (Herod)—Madcap by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Blaze—Dau. of Y. Greyhound—Dau. of Cur. Bay Barb. Commodore (Tug)—Dau. of Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar (Syphon)— Black Susan by Snap (Snip)—Dau. of Cade—Dau. of Belgrade. Master Bagot (Bagot)—Dau. of Bagot (Herod)—Mother Brown by Trun- nion (Cade)—Dau. of Old England (Godolphin)—Dau. of Bay Bolton. Asparagus (Pot-8-os)—Stargazer hy Highflyer—Miss West by Matchem— Dau. of Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of F. Childers. Sir Peter—Paulina by Florizel (Herod)—Captive by Matchen (Cade)—Cal- liope by Slouch (Cade)—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko (Crab). Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau of Al- fred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol.) Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Merecury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—H yaena by Snap. Waxy—Penlope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. Beningbrough—Evelina by Highfligher—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Long- legs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole's Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. Whiskey—Y. Noisette by Diomed—Noisette by Squirrel—Carina by Marske—Dau. of Blauk—Dizzy by Driver (Wynn Arabian). Gohanna—Amazon by Driver (Trentham)—Fractious by Mereury—Dau. of - Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. Peruvian (Sir Peter)—Musidora by Meteor (Eclipse)—Maid of all Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. of Regulus. Camel—Banter by Master ver ee by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matcbem—Dau. of An. Starling. Filho-da-Puta—Finesse by Peruvian—Violante by John Bull—Dau. of Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyanea by Snap. Orville—Eleanor ny Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. Dick Andrews—Spitfire by Beningbrough—Dau. of Y. Sir Peter (Doge)— Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Wilson’s Arabian—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. Cervantes—Anticipation by Beningbrough—Expectation by Herod—Dau. of Skim (Starling)—Dau. of Janus (Godol.)—Spinster by Crab. Panlowitz et Paul)—Dau. of Paynator (Trumpator)—Dau. of Delpini— Dau. of Y. Marske—Gentle Kitty by Silvio—Dau. of Dorimond. Edmund (Orville)—Medora by Selim—Dau. of Sir Harry (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Volunteer—Dau. of Herod—Golden Grove by Blank. Sultan—Cobweb by Phantom—Filagree by Soothsayer—Web by Waxy— Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer. Malek (Blacklock)—Bessy by Y. Gouty—Grandiflora by Sir Harry Dims- dale (Sir Peter)—Dau of Pipator (Imperator)—Dau. of Phoenomenon. Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— Dan. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. Oiseau (Camillus)—Wire by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank. x = Waxy. 2 z \ Penelope. B| 3 8 3 Octavian. BF) 3s : g & Caprice. s ey Z| ie ‘ S a/S 4 Rugantino. S1a8 2 | so Butterfly. 2 Z > Bl Teddy the sj 4 22 Grinder. S ay = 8 Lady Jane. Io ; a d Selim. a g 3 Bacchante. 8 Jeles Tramp. a| (£2 s/ eB Web. a a 3 a Orville. el | 3 a) Ss Eleanor. act. Zz iS 3 Marmion. < E ; re 5 Harpalice. Uv * | z zs ‘Castrel. M 3 3 Tdalia. ab elt) = Touehstone. gi2| 5 F s a Decoy. é E BS Muley. g/es Eas Nancy. 5 ; [sn] g rt 9 8 g Lottery. aioe at | ; : - - ; aa a Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt bi a} Ss Alexander. (Godol.)—Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second. a 3 Brunette Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grass- le | Z ‘ hopper (Crab)—Dau. of New. Arabian—Dau. of Pert (Ely Turk). ‘= Se Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna 5 5 x 3 Whalebone, —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass, _ e e 21,3 Peri Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Sia? : Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. 3 ae 3 | so Chanticleer—Ierne by Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss 3 3 Bob Booty, Patch by Justice—Ringtail Galloway by Cur. Bay Barb. {@] 8 Flicht. I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero (Cade)—Dau. of Snap 2 =) 5 Bis —Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. o s ge ‘ Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Selim ghily Re & . Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade. .| 3 | Daughter of, |Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs 3 3 BuvenOly by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter (Brisk)—Dau. of Partner. . E a Gohann Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s pa} onan nas dam by Mogul—Dau. of Bay Bolton. 2 Carth Driver—Fractious by Mercury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by A aULAR Ee. Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. ' Ww. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Aa aKYs Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. sia 8 Penel Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 3 ee eNETOPes Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. 3 a Tee lea ae RR aR eae IE * Gohanna—Catherine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Es a ae Wanderer. Compton Barb—Sis to Regulus by Godolphin Arabian—Gr. Robinson. iS nm} © Thalestri Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone (Herod)—Manilla by ed pe BLeser le. Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss Cade. fo] : = 3 Castrel—Miss Hap by Shuttle—Sis. to Haphazard by Sir Peter—Miss Her- a Ale Bustard. vey by Eclipse—Clio by Y. Cade—Dau. of Starling. A 8 S'S | p. Orville—Rosanne by Dick Andrews—Rosette by Beningbrough—Rosamond S 3 q auenter oe by Tandem—Tuberose by Herod—Gr. Starling by Starling. -| |B ; FA ° . Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by >! |g] & Filho-da-Puta, Saubrorel Prntipeses by Blank—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. q ‘a ‘ : Orville—Rovedino’s dam by Coriander—Sis. to Fanny by Weasel—Dau. of . me Brienmiay Turk (Regulus)—Dau. of Locust—Dau. of Changeling. Fa Jie Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- i B Emilius. ant—Diaee by Bian Diy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. i BIS Dauch Rubens—Tippitywitchet by Waxy—Hare by Sweetbriar—Dau. of Justice— iS e 2 aughter of. Dau. of Chymist (Matchem)—Dau. of South (Regulus). a ; S| seed ; Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap ee 8 Whisker. a ulia by Blane -Spectator’s dam by Partner. a a Catton—Dau. of Paynator—Violet by Shark—Dau. of Syphon.—Charlotte a a Daughter of. by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. 9 a ; % ; Sapna 3 a ‘ —Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap ai oy; Whisker. pee ulia by Blank Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 3/52 Octavian—Caprice by Anvil—Madcap by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Sig §/ Floranthe. Blaze—Dau. of Y. Greyhound—Dau. of Curwen Bay Barb. a a i i —Wi *Highflyer—Coheiress b: Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by ‘Highfly y a 2s Blacklock. Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. (Godol.) —_ -,{ Gadabout. {Orville—Minstrel by Sir Peter—Matron by Florizel (Herod)—Maiden by Matchem (Cade)-—Dau. of Squirt (Syphon)—Lot’s dam by Mogul Godol)—Camilla by Bay Bolton (Gr. Hautboy) Old Lady, eee dam i Pullein’s Ch. Arabian—Dau. of Rockwood—Dau. of Bustler (Helms- ley Turk). 98 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. LEGA ick, (WINNER OF THE RESTORATION STAKES, FOUR MILE HEATS AT LONG BRANCH, 1870,) Will stand the scason of 1883 at the Fairview Stud, Prince George Co., Md., by private contract. Application to Hon. Oden Bowie, Bulti- more, Md. ' LEGATEE by Lexington, son of Boston, bred in the Woodburn Stud, Ky., foaled 1866, dam Levity, dam of Ruric, Lever, etc., by imp Trustee, son of Catton, out of Alaric’s and Vandal’s dam by imp Tranby. Legatee made his appearance asa three- year old, starting in five races. Jerome Park was second ina race of 2 mile heats, won by Abd-el-Kader, in 3:54, 3:548, track muddy. Wasthird in the Grand Na- tional Handicap, 23 miles, won by La Polka in 4:184. At Saratoga was third in a dash of three-quarters of a mile, won by Fanny Ludlow, in 1:19, and was unplaced in his other races. As a four-year old started six times, and won one race. Mon- mouth Park won the Restoration Stakes, four mile heats, in 7:45%, 7:522, beating Carrie Atherton and Abd-el-Kader, the only other starters. | Was second in a dash of 14 miles, won by imp. Glenelg, in 2:37. Saratoga was second in a dash of 2 miles, won by the Banshee in 3:353. Was second in a dash of 12 miles, won by Haric, in 3.10. Jerome Park was third in the Jockey Club Handicap, 2 miles, won by Helm- bold, in 3:44, Saratoga was third in a dash of 12 miles, won by Gen. Duke, in 3:10. This closed his turf career. He stood near Willmington, Del., but covered no thorough- bred mare until 1879, Mirth and Fairview are the only ones by him trained, the latter won three-quarters of a mile, in 1:18}, five furlongs in 1:02, and again in1:04. He is a solid bay with black points, and a compact highly shaped horse all over. He possesses the stoutest and speediest of our native cross from Sir Archy and Diomed,. decends from the family of Blacknose, Alaric, Ruric, Vandal and Lexington, all famous as race-horses and sires. His brother, Lever, has been a great success, and he only needs achance to show his quality. Legatee is much inbred to Herod and Eclipse, thence to the Cullen Arabian, Darley and Godolphin Arabians. LEGATEE. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 99 PEDIGREE OF LEGATEE. 2 Diomed Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers ce : —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau., of Paget Turk—Betty Percival. dine Castianira Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau, of Wm’s 8| <4 7 Forester—Dau.of CoalitionColt.—Dau.of Bustard(Crab)—Charm’g Molly. 3 glo ‘ Eclipse—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab (Al- g| Imp. Saltram. iS cock Ae N iss simnicnldit by Y. True Blue. a < ymme’s Wildair (Imp. Fearnought)—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. g 4 Daughter of. of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire ‘Rhea : g g a Di a Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F, Childers als\es pomed: —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. olZe Daughter of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Jolly e a augater Oks Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Imp. Shock (Old Shock). ° : 5 Big; : Pot-8-os—Lady Bolingbroke by Squirrel—Cypron, Herod’s dam by Blaze— iz. ea) ‘S [Imp. Alderman.“ gyjima by Bethel’s Arabian—Dau, of Grabam’s Champion. 5 Sy og Dawentever Imp. Clockfust—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought Fe s rs sup ncewor. —Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian—Bald Charlotte. 4 ; ‘ Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cautatrice bd 3 Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. A) igl a Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank a S a mys —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. 2. = Lyer Vandyke Jr.—Azalia by Beningbrough—Gillyflower by Highflyer—Dau. of La AS The Flyer. Goldfinder—Sis. to Grasshopper by Marske—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. s 3 Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by Mambrino—Cricket ga] | Parma. by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second—Dau. of Stan. Arabian. BI y P My y e ‘ Diomed Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- & 3 Sir Archy. phorus—Dau.of Wm.’s Forester—Dau.of Coalition Colt.—Dau.of Bustard lus 5 Sa tec Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamerkin by Imp. Wild@air—Imp. < Si 5 Flirtilla’s dam. |" Gyb Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam by Second—Dau. of Starling. o| 2 z ? Royalist (Saltram)—Belle Mariah by Grey Diomed—Queen by Imp. St. pa |B Robin Grey. George—Dau. of Cassius—Primerose by Imp. Dove—Stella. ae 3 Melzar—Dau. of Imp. Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel— AS Maria. D. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond (Duchess) by Cul. Arabian. g Merecury—Dau. of Herod—Maiden by Matchera—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam a Gohanna. by Mogul—Dan. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Pullein’s Ch. Arabian. | & x Woodpecker—Camilla by Tientham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to g & Catharine, Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. z . ; Delpini (Highflyer)—Cora by Matchem—Dau. of Turk—Dau. of Allworthy gle les Timothy. —Dau. of Starling—Dau. of Bloody Buttocks—Dau. of Greyhound. 3 Bf Florizel (Herod)—Frenzy by Eclipse—Dau. of Engineer—Dau,. of Blank— gl] Ac Luey. Lass a the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless by Y. Greyhound. E ae B Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Arab- ay) | a2 Waxy. | jan—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Da. of Bart Childers (D. Arabian). 3 3 Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Suap—Julia by Blank— a = Penelope. Spectator’s dam byPartner—BonnyLass by BayBolton—Dau.of D. Arabian. g Mercury—Rosina by Woodpecker—Petworth by Herod—Golden Grove by alice Hermes. Blank_Spinster ByParinet—Daicat Bloody Buttocks-Dau.of Greyhound. Bs “a Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrba by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose c | Vicissitude. —Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. of Ox Dun Arabian. a nd eee bletonian—Rosaliud by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass 4 : 3 Whitelock. oe Mill by Greauske Dau, of Traveler—Miss Makeless. a na Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by &| 3 | Daughter of. Goldfinder—Dau. of Old England—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. ie = Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice |S Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. ! pea E E j Weasel (Herod)—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam. Arabian—Dau. of Samp- eS z Miss Grimstone.| g9n—Dau. of Oroonoko—Sophia, Sis. to Mirza by G. Arabian. na ic} . Tickle Toby (Alfred)—Vesta by Dreadnought (Celer)—Bandy by Imp. : a. Sir Solomon. Ta beet Americus (Imp. Shark)—Dau, of Imp. Fearnoaght. a 85 Hickory (Imp. Whip)—Imp. ‘l'rumpetta by Trumpator—Sis, to Lambinos Pls 3+| Daughter of. by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse— auxball’s dam by Cade. |e io ate : A). *s Florizel (Diomed)—F air Rachel by Diomed—Susan Jones by Imp. ees Orphan. ect ba of Thoruton’s Wildair by Symme’s Wildair. 8 . A Lady Grey. i —Maria by Melzar (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Highflyer — a ae Da, a Imp. Se uicelt (Regulus)—Dau. of Ariel (Mor. ichfl 3 ane Traveler) —Dau. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds (Cul. Arabian)—Imp. Diamond (Duchess) by Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner (Jigg)—Dau. of Greyhound—Sophovisba’s dam by Curwen Bay Barb— Dau. of D’Arcy Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague Mare. 100 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. LELAPS Will stand the season of 1883, at the Dixiuna Stud, near Lexington, Ky., (if not sold) $50 the season, Application to Maj. B. G. Thomas, Lexington, Ky. Le.aps, by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by R. W. Cameron, Clifton Stud, N. Y., foaled 1872, dam imp. Pussy, by Diophantus, son of Orlando- out of Agapemone, by Bay Middleton. Lelaps did not run as a two-year old, but made his first appearance as a three-year old at Jerome Park, running unplaced in Fordham Handicap, won by Wildidle in 2:12; Monmouth Park, was third in a dash of one mile, won by Searcher in 1:442. Won a dash of 13 miles, for beaten horses, in 2:453,. Jerome Park Fall Meeting, unplaced in a Selling Race, 1} miles, won by Picolo in 2:452. Was second ina Selling Race, 12 miles, won by Josie B., in 3:204, was third in a Handicap Sweepstakes, 1% miles, won by Madge in 3:152, was unplaced in a Handicap Sweepstakes, 14 miles, won by Weatherby in 2:514, (4.) At Jerome Park, was second in a Selling Race, 14 miles, won by Spendthrift in 2:16; unplaced in the Westchester Cup, won by Viator, in 4:10}, unplaced in the, Jockey Club Handicap, 2 miles, won by Tom Ochiltree in 3:412. Saratoga, was un- placed in a Selling Race, 1 mile anda furlong, won by Meco in 1:584, unplaced ina Selling Race, 1} miles, won by Arcturus in 2:134, was third in a dash of 12 miles, won by Vigil in 3:08. Lelaps is from a racing family, his dam’s sire, Diophantus, won the 2,000 guineas. Orlando, his grandsire, won the Derby, and was the sire of Teddington, a Derby winner, and Imperieuse, winner of the St. Leger Bay Middleton, the sire of his grandam, won the Derby, and was sire of the Flying Dutchman, that won both the Derby and St. Leger. Lelaps has only covered a very few mares. He is sire of Lelex, winner of the Sanford Stakes for two-year-olds, at Louisville, one mile in 1:45, Green Stake at Nashville,and the Young America Stake, No. 2, one mile, in1:454, both for two- year-olds, At three years old, won the Merchants’ Stake at Louisville, 14 miles, in 1:56, In this race he defeated Gabriel, Bancroft, Checkmate, and six others. Others which promised well, were Tom Bush, Elexor, Hassan, Hatef, Thesis and Juliet M, aud last though not least, Pearl Jennings, winner of the Hotel Stakes at St. Louis, 14 miles, in 2:12%. Lelaps is a blood bay, with a star in his forehead, and black legs, stands 16 hands and } an inch high, is well and truly shaped. His blood is a combination of speedy and stout crosses, tracing to Whalebone on both sides, through Sir Hercules and Camel. He has also a cross of Whisker, and a strong foundation of the blood of Eclipse and Herod, through the best sources. The Horse-Breders’ Guide and Hund Book. 101 PEDIGREE OF LELAPS. LELAPS. Echo. Daughter of. b Pot-8-2s—Maria by Herod—Li = 2a Waxy. § y Hero sette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. “/38 y Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dam of Bart. Childers, 3 za Penelope. Trumpator—Prunelia by Highflyer—Promise b Snap—Julia by Blank— 5g De Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by rey Bolten. od re Sid] og Wanderer. Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette Siu é by Compton Barb—Sis, to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. 3\a Thalestris, |4!exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone (Herod)—Manilla by a 5s Goldfinder—Dau. of Old. Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss Cade. i ~~ a g . |Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Mi - ep 8 Chanticleer. Pp of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regu 3|.3| ree lus—Dau. of Bart Childers—Dau. of Hon: Arabian—Dam of Tine Bluse, |S] 2 Tern: Bagot—Dau of ae by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail 3 31a Galloway by Cur, Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare by Pelham’s Hip. Ol 12) a | a5 Commodore—Dau. of Highflyer—Shif ‘iar— 6| s au. of Highflyer. t by Sweetbriar—B]. Susan by Sna: Es 3) Trish escape: neces eage Mare by Cade—Dau. of Belgrade. ot 7, a : agot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Ara- = f | Young Heroine. bian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake (Lis. Turk). 3 Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— o . be 1s Buzzard. Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Dam of Trug Blues. : Bia Selim’s dam Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau, of Engineer—Bay ey g o : Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. Ry Jai : Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam b irrel— E : CI . ui e’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of Babraham set & s Peruvian. —Dau. of Golden Ball—Bushy Molly by Hamp. Ct. Childers. & 3 Musidora Meteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tamdem by Syphon— = . Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—War. Galloway. op 2 a Whitelock—Dau. of Corinder—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot- A 5 BIBS: 8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. 3| 8 Wagtail Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of An- 3 . caster—Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. my es Selim—Podagra by Gouty—Jet by Magnet—Jewel by Squirrel—Sophia by i s g cheppion: Blank—Diana by Second—Hanger’s Br. Mare by Stan. Arabian. 3.0 Etiquette Orville—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by sq Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. a 3 Catél Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon— a8 Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. q 6 & a Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly So " by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. Bie ce - 5 = Danear Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matechem— a 2 pars Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Daun. of C. Foxhuuter. 3 g' 2 3 Kite Bustard (Castrel)—Olympia by Sir Oliver—Scotilla by Anvil—Scota by 3 a Eclipse—Harmony by Herod—Rutilia by Blank. 2, : ; : ; ° a st Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- | z Oreille: trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. 8/4 Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank 3| a y- Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. 3 SEs aos ye ee eat 7 a) yi Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by pb) (A 2 Whisker. _Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. i a 3 Gibside Fair Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by = 8 y Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin. . s| 4 : Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred 3 8 3 Selim. Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton's dam by Cade. Hi} j2| 3 Bacchant Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by S a ace anes Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. - = 8 Phant Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem aie] B anvoM: Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole's Foxhunter. 6\Aal ‘6 Fil Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by High- a o lBence: flyer—Promise by Suap—Julia by Blank. a PA ; ; & oy Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap ey A 3 Whalebone. ets by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. a| 3B Peri Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by 3 i or Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. > Emilius. Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. Seud or Pioneer (Whiskey)—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Carary by Coriander (Pot-8-os)--Miss Green by Highflyer (Herod)—Harriet. by Matchem (Cade)—Flora by Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Darley Arabian)—Dau. of Bay Bolton (Grey Hautboy)--Dau of Bel- grade Turk. 102 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. LEVER Will stand the season of 1883 at the Elmendorf Stud, D, Swigert, proprietor, near Lewington, Ky., (if not sold) at the season. Timothy. Starling—Dau. of Bloody Buttocks—Dau. of Greyhound. Ee 5 6 Lae Florizel—Frevzy by Eclipse—Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of 2 y: the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless by Y. Greyhound. nD 2 5 Wax Pot-8 os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- a axY: bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. , 3 Panels Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— B = SBSIODE: Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. El» Mercury—Rosina by Woodpecker—Petworth by Herod—Golden Grove b : ercury—Rosina by Woodpecker—Petwor y Hero! olden Grove by e g ia Hermes: Blank—Spinster by Partner—Dau. of Bloody Buttocks. bi 2s Vicissitud Pipator (Conductor)—Beatatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem— EH om enue uchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. > ; : ‘ ‘ Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass 5 aid Whitelock. of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler—Miss Makeless. = 8| pauehter of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by |g Bo} Pausnter ot |" Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. As ; ; ; : : Sia) si . Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice A 5 8 Orville. by ae som—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. ala} d ¥ 4 Weasel (Herod)—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam. Arabian—Dau. of a A Miss Grimstone.| g,mpson—Dau. of Oroonoko—Sophia, Sis. to Mirza by G. Arabian. JZ = a : 3 é x Tickle Toby (Alfred)—Vesta by Dreadnought (Celer)—Bandy by Imp. > Be Sir Solomon. Clockfast- Dau, of Americus (Shark)—Dau. of oo Fearnought. 238 Hickory (Imp. Whip)—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator—Sis. to Lambinos aa% Daughter of. [hy Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse— Vauxhall’s dam by Cade. 3 5 Ball’s Florizel eae Rachel by ee Diomed—Susan Jones by Ay Orphan. Imp. Shark—Dau. of Thornton’s Wildair by Symme’s Wildair. 5 : A Lady Grey. |Robin Gray—Maria by Melzar (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Highflyer we es §6(Highflyer)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought (Regulus)—Dau. of Ariel (Mor. Imp. Traveler)—Dau. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds (Cullen eae Ga Diamond (Duchess) by Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner Jigg)—Dau. of Greyhound—Sophonisba’s dam by Curwen Bay Barb— au. of D’Arcy Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Whitesbirt—Old Montague Mare. 104 The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hand Book. LISBON, (WINNER OF THE ALEXANDER STAKE AT LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, 1876,) Will stand the scason of 1883 at the Woodburn Stud Farm, near Spring, Ky. at $50 the seuson. Application to L. Brodheud, Spring, Ky., Annual sales of yearlings in May. Lisson by imp. Phaeton son of King Tom, bred by Richard Ten Broeck, foaled 1874, dam imp. Lady Love by Stockwell or Caterer, son of Stockwell, second dam Chere Amie by Sweetmeat, out of Blame by Touchstone. Phaeton will be found in this volume, his dam Lady Love was a winner in England at two-years old, and won the Stewards Cup at Chester at four-years old, Chere Amie her grandam was also a race- mare and winner. Caterer the reputed sire of Lady Love was a good race-horse, he won the Findon Stakes at Goodwood when two-years old, defeating Wingrave, Alvediston, Kaiser and others, and was second to the Marquis in the 2000 guineas with Alvediston, Wingrave and thirteen others behind him. Sweetmeat the sire of his gran- dam, was a superior race-horse, won the Queen’s Vase at Ascot, and the Doncaster Cup in 1845, he was the sire of Mincepie and Mincemeat, both Oaks winners, and Macoroni winner of the Derby and 2000 guineas, and second in the list of winning sires in 1882. Touchstone the sire of his great grandam Blame, won the St. Leger, the Ascot Gold Cup in 1886-87, and the Doncaster Cup in 1835-86, and was second to no sire of his day. Lisbon started three times as a two-year old and won one race. At Louisville, Ky., won the Alexander Stakes, half mile, in :492, beating McWhirter and seven others. Was third in the Colt Stakes at Lexington, Ky., three-quarters of a mile, King Faro and McWhirter running dead heat for first place, in 1;18%. In this race Lisbon beat Allen Pinkerton, Headlight, Planetarian and Edingburg. Was third in the Belle Meade Stakes at Louisville, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:17, won by McWhirter, Baden-Baden second. As a three-year old he started only twice, and was unplaced in both of his races. Only a few of Lisbon’s get have appeared on the turf, but the performances of Ripple alone have made him conspicuous as a sire. Ripple, the season of 1881, won seven of his eleven starts. He won the Long Branch Handi- cap, 13 miles, in 2:103, beating Checkmate, Parole and Sir Hugh; also the Shrewsbury Handicap, 1% miles, in 3:093. In this race he carried a penalty of 5 Ibs. and 8 lbs. overweight. He unfortunately died that winter. Lisbon is a red bay, full 15} hands high, with a blaze face and four white ankles, he is a horse of immense substance and power, and in conformation second to none, is very muscular like all of Phaeton’s sons, and great constitution. In addition to his double cross of Glencoe through King Tom and Stockwell, he has a double cross of Touchstone on each side, four or five crosses of Waxy through Economist and Emma by Whisker and Camel and Sir Herculus by Whalebone, fortified by the blood of Herod through the famous Highflyer, and Eclipse through Pot-8-0s and King Fergus. The blood is worth preserving through the grandaughters of Phaeton and daughters of Great Tom, King Ban and King Ernest. The Horse-Brecders’ Guide and Hand Book. 105 PEDIGREE OF LISBON. LISBON. Le Whisker. Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna : ee Heel ae va us ea an oy Puree Bony Lass. ? . HH8 Fl : ctavian—Caprice by Anvil—Madcap by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of ica} 5 Oranthe Blaze—Dau. of Y. Greyhound—Dau. of Cue Bay Barb. af : z= & fled! . Rugantino—Butterfly by Master Bagot—Dau. of Bagot (Herod)—Mother . & 8 g abocklish. Brown by Trunnion (Cade)—Dau. of Old England (Godot) : = 2| Miss Tooley. ere Ginder—Lady Jane by Sir Peter—Paulina by Florizel—Captive & a by Matchem—Calliope by Slouch—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. oe 3 Seli 17s A 2 elim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— Mi 3 Sultan. le Dau. ol Herod ony by Marske—Vixen by Regulus (Goda. : a| 2 . e ramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— 3 S Testapoling: Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Baier : did ‘ i : ; % a| & Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess b a 8 2 Muley. Matchem—Molly Tangle s by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter, e e AY E Glave Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mer- I S : cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena. im ad Camel. Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon ‘ 58 —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. 3 jog Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly ie B a ‘ by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. Bhs | 3 Castrel—Idalia by Peruvian—Musidora by Meteor—Maid of All Work b 8 g Pantaloon. Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Sni = : : g P g z Languish Cain—Lydia by Poulton—Variety by Hyacinthus—Sis. to Swordsman by 3 6 : Weasel—Dau. of Turk—Dau. of Locust—Dau. of Changeling, a 5 Lal Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette BP es £ Touchstone. by Amaranthus—Mayfly e Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. Ss e rs! Deco Filho-da-Puta—Finesse by Peruvian—Violante by John Bull—Dau. of 8 g y: Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. 2 a0) re Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- B|- 2 Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. Alag Pats Bustard (Castrel)—Johannah Southcote by Beningbrough—Lavinia b. Variation 8 8 y 2 e ‘ Pipator—Dick Andrews’ dam by Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff. a Trish Sir Hercules—Guicciolli by Bob Booty—Flight by I. Escape—Y. Heroine 2¢| Birdcatcher. by Bagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. ot Snap. sjae Echia Economist-Miss Pratt by Blacklock-Gadabout by Orville-Minstrel by Sir ele a eaten: Peter-Matron by Florizel-Maiden by Matchem-Dau. of Squirt-Lot’sdam. 3 ‘S i¢ Sultan—Trampoline by Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator— 8 2 g 3 Glencoe. Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank. al) ls a M Muley—Clare by Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver— fe 5 arpessa. Fractious by Mercury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting. 3 . a 3 Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by @ | Touchstone. Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. ad a Langar—Kite by Bustard (Castrel)—Miss Hap by Shuttle—Sis. to Haphaz- § a fo} Vulture, ard by Sir Peter—Miss Hervey by Eclipse—Clio by Y. Cade. jimteisa Ss bs 3 2 E . Blacklock—Dau. of Juniper—Dau. of Sorcerer—Virgin by Sir Peter—Dau. 3 eq Velocipede. of Pot-8-os—Editha by Herod—Elfrida by Snap—Dau. of Regulus. 4 52 Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by 4 ba oe Emma. Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose. a ee — < e = a Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— 4 “ja| Partisan. } Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. al (Siz 3 : Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary Ss g oe Pauline. by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. 5 8 a Starch or Blacklock—Dau. of Phantom—Dau. of Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Wal- [E] + Voltaire nut—Dau. of Ruler—Piracantha by Matchem—Prophetess. BA) Be : * |Blacklock—Wagtail by Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone 3 g Belinda. by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of dam Arabian. 2 fe os Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon a| g Camel. —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. OC}; |2s8 Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly g a @ Banter. by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. alo ~\Jerry—Beeswings’ dam b Ardrossan—Lady Eliza by Whitworth—Dau. eS | ember of Spadille—Sylvia by Y. Marske—Ferret by Bro. to Silvio. Sa Lapwing. Bustard (Castrel)—Dau. of Muley (Orville)—Rosanne by Dick Andrews (Joe Andrews by Eclipse)—Rosette by Beningbrough (King Fergus)— * Caterer given. + Voltaire given. Rosamond by Tandem (Syphon)—Tuberose by Herod (Tartar)—Grey Starling by Starling (Bay BO tae oe Polly by Bartlet’s Childers (Warley Arabian)—Sis. to Thunderbolt by Counsellor—Dau. of Luggs— au. of Davill’s Old Woodcock. 106 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. LONGFELLOW, (WINNER OF THE PRODUCE STAKES AT LEXINGTON, KY., OHIO STAKES AT CINCINNATI, AND CITIZENS’ STAKE AT NASHVILLE, 1873, MONMOUTH CUP AT LONG BRANCH, 1871 AND 1872, SARATOGA CUP IN 1871.) Longfellow will stand the season of 1883 at the Nantura Stud Farm, near Midway, Woodford Co., Ky., at $100 the season. Application to F. B. Harper, Midway, Ky. LONGFELLow, by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Joha Harper, foaled 1870, dam Nantura, dam of Extra, Fanny Holton, &c., by Brawner’s Eclipse, son of Am. Eclipse, out of Queen Mary, by Bertrand, son of Sir Archy. Longfellow was a fast, good race-horse, made his debut at Lexington, Ky., May 16, 1870, in Pheenix Stakés, mile heats, for three-year olds, won by Enquirer in 1:44, 1:44, Catina second, and Longfellow third and distanced. Same place, Sept. 16, won Produce Stake for three-year olds, 2 mile heats, in 3:43}, 3:44, beating Twinkle, etc. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 30, won Ohio Stake, for three-year olds, 2 mile heats, in 3:37}, 3:55}, beating Pilgrim. Memphis, Tenn, October 25, won Post Stake, 2 mile heats in 3:401, 3:40, beating Defender, Morgan Scout, ete. Nashville, Oct. 12, won Citizens’ Stake, 2 mille heats, in 3.413, 3:41, beating and distancing Morgan Scout, etc. Lexington, Ky., May 24, 1871, walked over for purse $400, 2 mile heats. Long Branch, July 5, won Monmouth Cup, 24 miles, in 4:414, beating Helmbold, Re- gards, and Preakness. Saratoga, July 14, won Saratoga Cup, 24 miles, in 4:028, beating Kingfisher ; the first mile was runin 1:40. Aug. 19, walked over for purse of $800, 22 miles. Aug. 23, was beaten by Helmbold, 4 miles, in 7:494. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 12, won club purse, 2 mile heats, in 3:58%, 3:414. Lexington, Ky., May 15, 1872, won purse, 14 miles, in 2,414, beating Metella and Aureola. May 18, won Woolley Stake, 3 miles, in 6:00%, beating Metella, Talaria, etc. Loug Branch, July 2, won Monmouth Cup, 24 miles, in 4:34. July 4, won purse, mile heats, three best in five, in 1:56}, 1:54, 1:43, beating Susan Ann, Metella and Arizona. Saratoga, July 16, was beaten by Harry Bassett for the Cup, 24 miles, in 3:59, the fastest race to that date. The first mile was run in 1:44, the first two miles in 3:30. Longfellow pulled up lame, and with this race closed his turf career, starting in sixteen races, won four- teen, lost two, and won $15,000 in money. Leamington, his sire, will be found in this vol. Nantura, his dam, was a very superior mare and good winner, Brawner’s Eclipse, her sire, was a fine race-horse, and much inbred to imp, Diomed, Queen Mary his grandam was a fine race-mare, Bertrand her sire, son of Sir Archy, was one of the best race-horses and stallions of his day. Longfellow stands nearly 17 hands high, with white stripe down his face, with left hind foot white above the ankle, and a little white on the coronet of the right hind foot. He has a neat ear, broad forehead, with Roman nose, long well-shaped neck, running into strong, well-shaped shoulders, great depth of girth, rather light flank, good strong hips, with good length of whirlbone and stifle, and thence to the hock ; good legs and feet. The following are the best of his get : Thora, a first-class mare, her 3 miles at Saratoga when three years old, with 99 lbs., in 5:25}, was a remarkable race ; also her Pimlico Stake, 24 miles, in 3:474, beating Checkmate and Monitor. Other good ones are Edinburg, Irish King, Jils Johnson, Leonard, Lilly R, Long Taw (ave Moore), Mollie Merrill, Gen. Pike, John Harper, Georgia A, Odd Fellow, Tom Montague, Bell Boy, Coquena (Miss Nailer), Longitude, Long Girl, Wildmoor, Wild- fellow, Freeland, Hospodar, Fellowplay, Minnie D, Lucy Long, Mary Corbett, King Dutchman, Long Girl, Annie G, and some others. In addition to his being a son of Leamington, he is much inbred on the dam’s side to Sir Archy and Diomed, well for- tified with the blood of Herod and Eclipse, upon that of Partner and Regulus, son of the Godolphin Arabian. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 107 PEDIGREE OF LONGFELLOW. \ Waxy. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Wi ; : a 2 z y nae ie yee by Y. Helevate—“ Maus ot B. Cone mar 3 Penelope. rumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— : ks, EP P Spectator’s dam by Patter Hoang Lass by Be Pelton, er A i Ste Wand : Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Cami y Tr — eal oi mcerer aon Pe No Repulse by Godol. peri aai scccmaangied =| 3 Thalestris. exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Mani Z a —Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss cae eee ic | Chanticleer. Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Mi - bp 38 mere ” oe ate pe oT ee of Hon. Aes pees Pee Bl Tenia: agot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch b ice—Ri Fe 3 mA Galloway by Cur. Bay Baie Sie? ta Witty Mare. er epee Qo ol VOY ue Commodore—Dau. of Highflyer—Shi ria. LE : i er—Shift by 8 t — a o 4, Beane 5 er ees Cade Mare te Gide Dae. ne Bagge, Ene rae iS = lyoune Heroine. 2agot—Heroine by ero—Dan. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus b - S & 8 bian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Calonag Daw. of Saat eres ta ss . Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity b: ra E £ Boa age o Ba Childers—Da, of Hone wood ay yeeneteeece ka! la! | selim’s dam. exander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer— Ry [8 5 a ent Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. eee 8 ‘ Sir Pet et P fai eter—Dau. of Budrow—Escape’s dam by Squirrel— i 2 = eruylal Pore iia ha Crate aera Molly by Bann, Cb aa Babmauant AMasiacrs. eor—Maid o ork by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem b. — 8 S aor Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Coufiognan, Sr vee er a Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer— oir 2 g BlneksOeks x Bore oe annie by Goldiinder—Duu, of Old Eng meu te 7 | 3 Wactail. rime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of An- EB z Ra] = ab lal caster—Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Saipson Dau. of Gicouoko. : Oo Seles , Selim—Podagra by Gouty—Jet by Magnet—Jewel by Squirrel— i a A s S Champion. é ee places Diener Br. Mare by Stan. aentat cee 30 Etiquette. rville—Boadicea by exander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly b: 5 so nquens Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Biassnonper (Crab). aoe i 2 Florizel—Sis. to Juno b F i sis. y Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Chil- & 3 S Diomed. a dese Mice Hovalt by os Creat Dan. of Paget Turk. 5 rey Diomed—Dau. of Va. Cade—Dau. of Hick’s Independence—Doll a i : ‘ ene a z= A Amanda: Fine by Imp. Silvereye—Dau. of Imp. Badger—Dau. of Troreston. - : <3} - : 4 BY | at Mambrino—Dau. of Turf—Sis. to Figurante by Regulus—Dau. of Starli 2 g 5 3 Messenger. pee dam De ore by Bay Botton, Be Bene re oltj= a ot-8-os—Dau. of Gimerack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— ie aA Daughton ol Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. i ratian—hrae Blue’s done ° ee Ee Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—D 5 a es rentham—Dau. of Bos- eg ‘3 5 Sir Arehy. # photoes pan os pis Herestee Uae of Coalition Colt (Godol.) 3 iomed—Bellona by Bellair—Indian Queen by Meade’s Pilgrim—Dau. of 5|8 = | Daughter of. | Imp. Janus—Dau. of Imp. Jolly Roger—Dau. of Imp. Valliant. a| a bE Diomed—Amanda by Gr. Diomed—Dau. of Va. Cade— = a la by Gr e au. of Va. Cade—Dau. of Independ 3 ais Duroc. ence—Dolly Fine by Imp. Silvereye—Dau. of Imp. Badger. ‘ Ps a ma Romp Duroc—Dau. of Pot-8-os--Dau. of Gimcrack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Dau. > be . of Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon, Arabian. zs 2 7 Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Chil- s 2 Diomed. ders—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. : es s Castianira Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s alg " Forester—Dau. of Coaltion Colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab). é pet os Dungannon (Eclipse)—Fairy by Highflyer—Fairy Queen by Young Cade— sie g Bedford. Black Eyes by Crab—Warlock Galloway by Snake. 2 7 5 a Mambrina Mambrino—Sis. to Naylor’s Sally by Blank—Dau. of Ward—Dau. of sf : : Merlin (Bustler)—Dau. of Pert (Ely Turk)—Dau. of St. Martin. al jas =e e| |°R ‘i Blue Beard (Imp. Sterling)—Dau. of Mendosa (Imp. Medle )—Arminda b. B/ S| 2 * Brimmer. Imp. Medley—Dau. of Imp. Bolton—Sally Wright. a ¥ iC) Sse" Dauchter of Lamplighter (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Medley (Gimecrack)—Dau. of % a g i Imp. Fearnought (Regulus)—Dau. of Imp. Janus (Janus by Godol.) Flo gy ; iosi ® Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— g ao Buzzard. Dau. of Bart. of Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. . Sa ia iS 5 The Fawn. (Craig’s Alfred (Imp. Medley)—Shepherdess by Wornesley’s King Herod (Imp. Fearnought)—Dau. of Morton’s ay Traveler (Partner)—Dau. of Blue Beard by Imp. Sterling dam Brilliant by Imp. Matchem—2d dam Imp. by Brilliant—as the author believes. * Brimmer given. Imp. Whittington (Whitenose)—Dau. of Imp. Childers (Blaze)—Dau. of Babraham (Godol.)—Dau. of Bethel’s Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s laa of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Old Merlin—[As be- ieved. 108 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. LUKE BLACKBURN (WINNER OF THE TIDAL, LONG ISLAND, 8ST, LEGER AND GREAT CHALLENGE STAKES AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY, OCEAN AND CHAM- PION STAKES AT LONG BRANCH, UNITED STATES HOTEL STAKES, AND GRAND UNION PRIZE AT SARATOGA, KENTUCKY ST. LEGER AND GREAT AMERICAN STALLION STAKES AT LOUISVILLE, KY.) IVill stand the season of 1883 at Belle Meade Stud., Gen. W. G. Hurd- ing, proprietor, near Nashville, Tenn., at $100 the season, Applica- tion to Gen. W. H. Jackson, lock box 388, Nashville, Tenn. Annual sale of yearlings about May 1st. Lune BuackBurn by imp. Bonnie Scotland, bred by Messrs. J. and A C. Franklin, Sumner Co., Tenn., foaled 1877, dam Nevada by Lexington out of Lightsome, dam of Salina, Sprightly and Crucifix by imp. Glencoe. In 1879, as a two-year old, Black- burn ran with indifferent success. He started thirteen times; won two races, was second in six, third inone and unplaced in four. Lexington, May 12, ran second to Knight Templar in the Colt Stakes, half-mile ; time :50; Moscow, Wargentine, Fonso, Amazon and Hamerfest alsoran. Louisville, Ky., Mav 21, ran second to Kimball, in the Alexander Stakes, half-mile; time :49%; eight started. St. Louis, Mo., June 13, again finished second to Kimball, in the Hotel Stakes, three-quarters ofa mile ; time, 1:164; Amazon, Chris. Doyle, Victory and Slicer also started. Chicago, Ill., June 28, ran second to Kimball (third time) in Grand Pacific Hotel Stakes, three-quarters of a mile ; time, 1:18} ; Wargentine finished third, Vapor, Victory and Mistake unplaced. Sara- toga, Aug. 2, ransccond to Lucy George, five-eights of a mile; time, 1:04%; Giroflé and Cassatt also started. Same place, Aug. 12, ran second to Grenadainthe Windsor Hotet Stakes, five-eights of a mile; time, 1:03}; seven started. Autumn Meeting, Coney Island Jockey Club, Prospect Park, Sept. 6, won his maiden race, the Breeze Purse, three- quarters of a mile, defeating Giroflé, Queen’s Own and four others; time, 1:17}. Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, N. Y., Sept 18, won the Ocean Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, defeating Elias Lawrence (Late Bilstein), Quito and three others; time, 1:18}. After this race Luke Blackburn was retired for the season, and became the property of Dwyer Bros., Brooklyn, N. Y., who gave $2,500 for him. In the year 1880, Luke Blackburn started in twenty-four races, lost two and won twenty-two ; his first race was at Lexington, Ky., when he ran third to Fonso and Kinkead in the Phcenix Hotel Stakes, 1} miles, won by Fonso in 2:08%. Black- burn had been sick and was unfit to run. He was then sent East, and won a dash of three-quarters of a mile at Jerome Park in 1:18. defeating Checkmate and three others. ‘Two days after he won a dash of 14 mile in 1:58, beating Scotilla, Check- mate and two others. Three days after won arace of one mile and three furlongs in 2.28}, beating Scotilla and two others. Twodaysafter defeated Monitor, 1} miles, in 2:393, and two daysafterward won the handicap sweepstakes, 14 miles, in 2:13. All these races were run at Jerome Park during the Spring meeting. Sheepshead Bay, June 19, won the Tidal Stake, one mile, in 1:45, defeating Kimball, Kitty J., and Grenada. June 22, won the Coney Island Handicap, one mile and 3 furlongs, in 2:244, beating Duke of Montrose and Vagrant. June 26, was beaten in purse race, 1} miJes, in 2:12, by Duke of Montrose. Blackburn fell after running the first quarter and unseated his jockey. Long Branch, July 3, won the Ocean Stakes, one mile and a furlong, in 2:033, beating Duke of Montrose and Harold. July 10, won sweepstakes, 14 miles, in 2:11}, beating, with 110 lbs. up, Duke of Montrose, 105 lbs., and Grenada, 110 lbs. Saratoga, July 16, won the All-aged sweepstakes, 1} miles, in 2:114, beating Checkmate and Volturno. July 24, won mile and a furlong, in 1:58, beating Gabriel and Giroflé. July 27, won dash of a mile, in 1:434, beating Turfman. July 31, won Summer Handicap, 14 miles, in 2:39, carrying 110 lbs., beating Juanita, 102 Ibs.; Gen. Philips, 112 lbs.; and Ada Glenn, 105 Ibs., conceding Juanita 20, Gen. Philips 23, and Ada Glenn 17 lbs. Saratoga, Aug. 5, won Uniled States Hotel Stakes, for three-year olds, 14 miles, in 2:41, beating Ferncliff, Oden, &c. Aug. 7, won the Grand Union Hotel Prize, handicap, 116 lbs. up, 14 miles, in 3:07, beating One Dime, 110 Ibs., Glenmore, 118 lbs., and three others. In this race he conceded Glenmore, 20; One Dime 32; Cammie F 24, and Gen. Philip 35 lbs. Aug. 12, won the Kenner Stakes, two miles, in 3:354, beating Glidelia and Oden. Long Branch, Aug. 17th, won the Champion Stakes, 14 miles, in 2:34, beating Monitor, Uncas, Grenada and Report, in the fastest and best race ever run at the distance. Sheepshead Bay, Sept. 4, won the Great Challenge Stakes, for all ages, 13 miles, in 2:38, beating Monitor, Uncas and One Dime. Sept. 9, won the Long Island St. Leger, 14 miles, in 4:07}. Sept. 14, won amatch race for $5,000, beating Uncas, each carrying 103 lbs., 14 miles, in 2:42. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 27, won the Kentucky St. Leger, two miles, in 8:42, beating Kinkead. Sept. 30, wen the Great American Stallion Stakes, 14 miles, in 3:04, beating Kimball and Big Medi- pine. In ue race he injured the quarter of one of his fore-feet badly and was stopped in his work. Continued on page 110. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 109 PEDIGREE OF LUKE BLACKBURN. bok on: Waxy—Penel by Tr — —Pr 2'| Whalebone. y—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna ‘ es _—gulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Parner ; . , Blas Margretta. Sir Peter—Sis. to Cracker by Highflyer—Nutcracker by Matchem—Miss ‘is ae Starling by Starling—Dau. of Partner—Dau. of Croft’s Bay Barb. - a] 3 Comus. Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella | A an by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. oe | BS Marciana, |Stamford—Marcia by Coriander—Faith by Pacolet—Atalanta by Matchem $ 3 a < —Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. 4 Buzzard. Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— | & Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon Arabian—Dam of True Blues. 3] B | Castrel’s dam. panes Vat, of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay S| 3 alton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mi!l by Traveler. A [Si 4 Sir Peter—Miss Her ipse—Cli os i s Haphazard. eter iss Hervey by Eclipse—Clio by Y. Cade—Dau. of Old Starlin fe j2 3 P Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Bay Bolton——Dau. of By. Turk. - a]. 5 Daughter. Precipitate—Colibri by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by iS a Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. 7] ; : a Walton. Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— 3 . a ” Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Sinner: y ” Zl ok = Parasol. Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- a | tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. a a ¢ Moses. Whalebone or Seymour—Dau. of Gohanna—Gr. Skim by Woodpecker— SO) Ss Silver’s dam by Herod—Y,. Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony. 5 5 Quadrille. Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss Ss Aa Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Regulus. a de 7 Bacaree ® oF i Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant yz B lai es Sain, —Dizzy by Blanvk—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. : 7 io ol og Harriet. Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally by Trumpator— a SIMS Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by Blank. 5 a og 4 o Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna 9 g = ‘Whalebone. —Julia by Blank: -Seertators dam by Paraek:. = : P M4 a Gift. Y. Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to Amaitor by Trumpator— 5 = Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap—Dau. of Gower Stallion—Dau. of Childers. ; 7 al ge Sir Arch Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- Ay g 8 pce phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. (Godol). | giao Daughter. Imp. Saltram (Eclipse)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. wl: 6s Othello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). M| | $}o8 z : ; 1 Wwls , ig Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Imp. dD i a's Dalle Blonrel. Fearnought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock. a) si jas Daughter of Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher 1 Bp ae J by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. ¥l | a ays Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant iS eS 3 Poets: —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. _ | {8 g. Tearia The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May ie Beningbrough—Primrose by i Fy a 7 Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank. | Sid Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamer- > = 8 Sumpter. kin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus dam. A |) s Lady Grey Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— < 3 i Dau.of Ariel—Dau.of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian. 2 a Selim. Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred a 8 —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. ae Bacchante ieee! pe to ae by ee ee of Bee eee by ° ‘ arske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hut. Spot—Dau. of Fox Cub. a s a Tram Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of ol 1824 P. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. g| |sA Web Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap o| ie 7 Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 8 a : : 5 ron 8 Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse fa 3 Gatton: —Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. aA = ‘Enna Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by ae) : Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose. =o y y a ee 4 a Tranb Blacklock—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster Z g y Dau. of Dam. Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. | so . = | S Lucilla. Trumpator (Sir Solomon)—Lucy by Orphan (Ball’s Florizel)—Lady Grey by "Me . Royalist)—Maria by Melzar (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of y! * Waverly given. Robin Grey eat Imp. Highflyer (Highflyer)—Dau. of Fearnought See pon of Ariel oo Imp. Traveler)—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds (Cul. Arabian)—Imp. iamond (Duchess) by Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner Weel at of Greyhound (White Barb Chillaby)—Dau. of Cur. Bay ee of D’Arcy’s Ch. Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague are. 110 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. LUKE BLACKBURN—Continued. At 4 years old started in two races. Jerome Park, won club purse, one mile, in 1:45, beating Topsy and Potomac. Was unplaced in Coney Island Cup won by Glenmore in 3:58%. This closed his racing career. Nevada, the dam of Blackburn, won the West End Hotel Stakes at Long Branch in 1872; she is own sister to Salina, winner of the Monmouth Oaks, Jersey St. Leger and Robins Stakes ut Long Branch in 1871, and of Sprightly, the dam of the great race-horse Volrurno, by imp. Billet, winner of the Breckenridge Stakes at Bultimore in 1879, two miles, in 3:354; 12 miles in 3:084, and the Louisville Cup the year 1880, and of Elias Lawrence who won the Baden-Baden Handicap, three miles, at Saratoga same year, in 5:284, the fastest race ever run by a three-year old at the distance. Crucifix, another sister, is the dam of Fairplay and Quito. Levity, the great grandam of Blackburn, was the dam of Lever, Legatee, Brenna (the dim of the fine race-mare Bradamante), and of Ruric, by imp. Sovereign, who won two prominent stakes at Lexington, Ky., when three years old, and was sold for $5,000, a high price in those days. The Tranby mare, his fourth dam, was the dam of the great race-borse and superior stallion Vandal, (who won three-mile heats in 5:36, 5:33), Alaric (who was the first horse that ever ran two miles in the thirties in America; this he did at Lex- ington, in 1845, winning a second heat in 3:39), Atala and Volga, etc. Blackburn is a light bay, with large star and two white ankles belind; he stands, fairly measured, 15 hands and 24 inches high, has a fine, well-shaped head, with great breadth of forehead, indicating much brain power, well-set on a good-shaped neck with very wide throttle; his shoulders are well-set and oblique, the shoulder blade being very broad, with great depth of girt, and his body is large, well-ribbed home to very broad, strong and muscular hips, with great length from point of hip to whirlbone, and thence to stifle and hock he has good bone, broad knees and ex- cellent hocks ; measures 69} in. around the girth; length of shoulder, 274 in.; around the arm, 19 in.; below the knee, 8 in.; from point of shoulder to point of buttocks, 64 in.; from hip to point of hock, 38 in.; around gaskins, 17 inches His pedigree is a happy combination of speedy and stout crosses, being much in- bred to Diomed through his best son Sir Archy, and from the family which produced Lexington and Vandal. If high form and racin, ability, with faultless action coupled with high breeding and iacing descent are tokens of excellence, Luke Black- burn is the peer of any horse living, and must prove an invaluable stallion. MACCAROON (Imp.) Macearnon is a private stallion in the Brookdale Stud, Mr. D. D. Withers, proprietor, Monmouth Co., near Holmdel, N. J. Maccaroon by Macaroni, son of Sweetmcat, bred by Mr. T. T. Parker, foaled 1871 ; dam Songstress by Chanticleer, son of Irish Birdcatcher, out of Mrs. Carter by Hum- phrey, sun of Sandbeck by Catton. Maccaroon made his first appearance as two- year-old in the Champaign Stakes, one mile, won by Rutherford, in 1:472, and was un- placed, same mecting ran second to the Asteroid, Sue Washington Colt, three-quar- ters of a mile in 1:184, beating Atilla, Lava and Weathercock. Won a club purse for maiden two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile, in 1:174, beating Weathercock, Mattie W, Mary Buckley and Juliana. As three-year old started four times. Was unplaced in Withers Stakes, one mile, won by Dublin in 1:50, track heavy. Was unplaced in clul purse, one mile, won by Atilla in 1:444. Long Branch, was unplaced in Jersey Derby 14 miles, won by Brigand in 2:448. Was third in Robins Stake, two miles, won by Acrobat in 3:42, beating Bannerette. Macaroni, hissire, won the 2,000 guineas, and the Derby, and is the sire of Spinaway, the winner of 1,000 guineas and Oaks, Camelia, winner of the 1,000 ies sire also of Lamphrey, Ramsbury, Vermicilli, Gloucester, Bonny Jean, and Muacheath, the best two-year old in England in 1882, winner of eight out of eleven prominent events in which he started. Mac- oroni’ is second to Hermit on the list of winning sires in 1882. Chanticleer, the sire of his dum, was son of Birdeatcher, own brother to Faugh a- Ballugh, and sired Habena and Manganese, winner of the 1,000 guineas, Songstress win- ner of the Oaks, Daniel O’Rourke winner cf the Derby, Knight of St. George, War- lock and The Baron, all St. Leger winners. The Baron was sire of the great Stock- well and Rataplan. Maccaroon has not sired a dozen colts which have been trained. Nancy, at two-year old, won Homebred Stakes at Jerome Park, three-quarters of a. mile, in 1:19, beating Oden, Juanita and others, She also won Monmouth Oaks, beating Glidclia, Bye-and Bye and others. Macbethand Macduff both winners at two years old, Macduff won Champagne Stakes at Jerome Park, and in 1882 won a handi- cap purse at Jerome 14 miles, in 1:59, defeating a field of eight and the free handi- cap 14 miles in 2:41, 107 pounds, beating Gen. Monroe (4) 1:05 and four others. He has the speedy crosses of Sweetmeat, Pantuloon and the stout ones of Whalebone and Margrave, and goes through the Herod blood and Sister of Diomed tothe D’Arcy Royal Mare. Maccaroon is a red chestnut, 16 hands and 3 of an inch high, has a small star and snip and weighs 1,180 lbs. He isa tine formed horse, of good temper, and only needs a chance to distinguish himself in the stud. 5 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book 111 PEDIGREE OF MACCAROON (Imp.) (Imp.) MACCAROON * Voltaire given. 7 Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— g Walton. - Pe of pe ee Othello by KSrabe=Miss Slamierlin” oe ale, ot-8.0s—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- § é Parasol. tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolen Dau of D. Aeavlon, a Whalebone or Seymour—Sis. to Castanea by Goh —Grey Skim b aiSls 3 Moses. Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. ae By Sr ce bs Crab. : ¢ S as Quadrille Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Bovecver “Canary by Coriander—Miss 5 : e Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Regulus. o & 5 S Oo e Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress h & oa plaee lees: Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Hie Won. of Gal keapiat \€182| Daughter of Phantom—Dau. ot Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Ruler— B Be & 4 Piracantha by Matchem—Prophetess by Regulus. Sl a Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b cal aS Blacklock. Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old the. -Dau.of Cal Arabian, Im, 3 Wactail Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of 8 a eval: Ancaster—Dau. of Dam. Arabian—Dau. of Sampson. I 3 Gr, Starling by Starling—Coughing Polly by Bart. Childers. Py Pa Sir Peter—Arethusa by D — i A a Walton. ir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Sna) a a Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Grab-=Mice Slamierkie , a es e Parasol. Pe eda e ene ae Bi rl by Blank— ae artner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. F S| 3 Whalebone or Seymour—Dau. of Gohanna—Grey Skim by Wood cker— 5 3 2 Moses. Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag b Slim Hes’ by Cabos, ae als 3 Quadrille. Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or orcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss 3 eS] Ay Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Regulus. oS & Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camill 7 12 Ba Polen ee by Comntes Barb-—Sis, to Reena. pose S| ig 3 ‘ uley—Miss Stephenson by Scud or Sorcerer—Sis. to Petworth by Precip- 2 ie 4 we Morgiana. itate—Dau. of Woodpecker—Sis. to Juniper by Snap. H z fv z = ew Al's. Whalebone—Mermaid by Orville—Dau. of Sir Solomon—Miss Bri 2 E = Merman. Highflyer—Brim by daulenel= Helen by Blank—Dau. of Crab. eeae ss Ardrossan—Sherpherdess by Shuttle—Dau. of Buzzard—Ann of the Forest i =| Daughter of Ci i ° = eater or. by King Fergus— Miss West by Matchem (Cade). A qd Sir Peter—Arethesa by D i y Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— a : 2 Walton: Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slanierkiar ee B | 5 Parasol Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- a Bl] a : tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton—Dau. Dar. Arabian. 3 eZ g Smaiansks: a ore iy ee ee peer oe by Snap— : r . Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer. 8 Ss Gohanna—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Reg- w m Jerboa. ulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by B aaileway = z, ; ; : ; e ; a ¥ Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of High- |) g | Royal Oak. 5 fier Dau. of Manele eteane os Rosalie, . = a/ = rville—Epsom Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Furgus—Lardella b: «| @ | Daughter of. Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. . ° - o| Ss . Stripling—Dau. of Oberon (Highflyer)—Sis. to Sharper by Ranthos 3 & g Octavian. (Matchem)—Dau. of Sweepstakes (Ola Sweepstakes)—Sis. to Careless. eI Shuttle—Catharine by Delpini—Dau. of Paymaster (Herod)—Dau. of Le rs S | Daughter of. Sang—Dau. of Rib—Eclipse’s gr. dam Mother Western. py nw 8 Wax. —Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snaj IZ, 4 KE Whalebone. i ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. Te Ol fs|45 Peri Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by A sg) 3 cre Drone (Herod)—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. 33] 8 | “now Bony, (Opener same WEG ter g by Gur by Babe nn S\a1 3 * atch by ice—Ringtai y ur. Bay Barb. $/4| 2 : I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine By Hero—Sis. to a ea by anal - Flight. Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake. a o S| lag Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon Sidl/sa Camel. —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. bn). iS 2 Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—May- a Ee F Banter. fly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. 5 4 ReeeNes Comus—Rosette by Bey nero ae ee by Tandem—Tuberose by a) s . heveller, Herod—Gr. Starling by Starling—Coughing Polly by Bart. Childers. _ Morisca. Morisco (Muley)—Waltz by Election (Gohanna)—Penelope by Trumpator | mes (Conductor)—Prunella by Highflyer (Herod)—Promise by Snap ep ulia by Blank (Godol.)—Spectator’s dam by Partner (Jigg)—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton (Gray Hautboy)—Dau. of Darle. Arabian—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb—Dau. of lace’s White Turk— atural Barb Mare. 114 The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. MOCCASIN (Imp.) (MOCCASIN, IS OWNED BY MR. P. LORILLARD OF THE RANCOCUS STUD, NEAR JOBSTOWN, BURLINGTON CO., N. J., AND HAS ONLY SERVED A FEW MARES OF THE OWNERS WHICH WERE UNCER. TAIN BREEDERS, HEIS FORSALE AND CAN BE PURCHASED ON APPLICATION TOCOL. 8. D. BRUCE, “TURF, FIELD AND FARM,” N. Y.) Moccasin, by Macaroni, son of Sweetmeat by Gladiateur, bred by Mr. H. W. Deacon, foaled 1874 and imported by Mr. Lorillard when a yearling ; dam Madame Strauss, dam of Rawcliff and Ormelie, by King Tom, son of Harkaway, out of Jetty Treftz, by Melbourne, son of Humphrey Clinker, by Comus. Macaroni thesire of Moccasin, won the 2,000 guineas and the Derby in 1863 and is the sire of Spinaway, winner of the 1,000 guineas and Oaks, Camelia winner of the 1,000 guineas, and of Macheath the best two-year-old in England this year, 1882, and now favorite for the Derby. Sweet- meat, Macaroni’s sire, was by Gladiateur second to Bay Middleton in the Derby. Sweetmeat was a noted race-horse, ran twenty-four times as a two and three-yeur-old, and met but one defeat, he won the Doncaster Cup and other important events. Moc- easin has a double cross of that popular blood Pantaloon, which is famous for speed and staying qualities, and isa true racing strain. Pantaloon’s son Van Amberg was second to Coronation in the Derby, and Sitirist, another son, won the St. Leger, beat- ing Coronation; he is sire of Ghuznee winner of the Oaks and of Cardinal Puff, El- thiron, Hobbie Noble, The Riever, second to West Australian in the St. Leger, Hernandez, winner of the 2,000 guineas, and of Windhound, the sire of Thormanby. Leamington was out of a daughter of Pantaloon. King Tom the sire of his damis too weli known to need comment, sufficient to say he was by Harkaway out of Pochahontas. the dam of Stockwell and Rataplan, by Glencoe. His grandam is by Melbourne, sire of West Australian, winner of the double events, Derby and St. Leger, Blink Bonny winner of the Oaks and Derby, and the dam of Blair Athol winner of the Derby and St. Leger, Sir Tatton Sykes winner of the St. Leger, Cymba and Marchioness winner of the Oaks. The Melbourns are remarkble for size, sub- stance and soundness, large bone and racing shape. Moccasin never raced, but from his colts, all out of mares the refuse of his owner, has sired some very reputable performers. Vampire and Faith won six races out of twenty-four starts in 1881. Vampire three, carried 140 Ibs., and ran a mile 1:463. The two-year-old P. Lorillard, has won four races out of seven starts this year, 1882. Amazon and Disdain are both creditable performers, Disdain won Optional stakes. He is a dark bay -or brown with great substance and power, fine temper and full 16 hands high. He should be invaluable to perpetuate the King Tom strain of blood through the de- scendents of Phaeton, King’ Ban and Great Tom. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 115 PEDIGREE OF MOCCASIN (Imp.) Gladiator. Pauline. Partisan. Sweetmeat. Starch or Voltaire.* Lollypop. Belinda, MACARONI. Castrel. Walton. Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— Bon Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Misa Blamiencir H Parasol, Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spece tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Whalebone or Seymour—Dau. of Gohanna—Gr. Skim by Woodpecker— Moses. gesilver’s dam by Herod—¥. Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab oa @ elim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss Quadrille. Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. ae Blacklock, |Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b acklock Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old En : eedal 2 Danghter of. Phantom—Dau. of Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Wa nut—Dau. of Ruler —Piracantha by Matchem—Prophetess by Regulus. Blacklock, |Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress b acklock. | '"Pot-8-0s—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. : Wagtail. Prime Minister—Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of An- caster—Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson. Buzzard. Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— Selim’s dam. Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Dam of True Blues. Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. Pantaloon. Sir Peter—Dau. of Budrow (Eclipse)—Escape’s dam by Squirrel—Dau. of (Im p.-) MOCCASIN MADAME STRAUS. Jetty Treffz. Dau. of. Ellen Loraine. The Lord Mayor. Lady Mary. Daughter of. a Lora Ni a ee eon Ball—Bushy Molly. 7 a Musidora. eteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Taudem by Syphon— 3 = Heelers Dau, of Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham. vo S| lee ‘ Beningbrough—Evelina by Hightlyer—Ter rum— - = re 3 : g g. velina by ighflyer ermagant by Tantrum—Canta. % = Orville. is “ uP ee of Regulus—Marske’s aah -|89 ‘ : tamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunca by Highflyer—Cypher b. 5 mg) Miss Sophie, Squirrel—Dau. of Reel Dan, of Bart. Childers.” , ue a S| ¢ Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm/’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt— S 38 Alexander. Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Ld. Leigh’s Charming Molly. 3 Brunette Amarauthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grass- 3 : hopper (Marske)—Dau. of Newton Arabian—Dau. of Pert. payee Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap o. .|B2 Whisker. ont! ulia plane opecnoee dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. bm) o"8 etavian—Caprice by Anvil—Madcap by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of fa Floranthe. Blaze—Dau. of Y. Greyhound—Dau. of Cur. Bay Barb. ad fs A eS " Rugantino—Butterfly by Master Bagot—Dau. of Bagot—Mother Brown by f = 3 2 Nabocklish. ruunion—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Bolton Starling. g se : . |Teddy the Grinder—Lady Jane by Sir Peter—Paulina by Florizel—Captive 3 =| Miss Toole. y, a! Fa x by Matchem—Calliope by Slouch. bo a g Sultan Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— lagi : Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. =) 8 Tiampoliné Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— B15 P n Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. 3 ‘als Muley Orville—Eleanor x Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by cls g ey. Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham (Godol.) sto CL Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon_ by Driver—Fractious by, Mer- Ps aXe cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse. b Pe Screerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- o Cc y. ;\BA4 OMe: della by Y. Marske—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. a gf Clinkeri Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by 5 Zo qokermna: Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. S a 5 =a s : a 7 a ; 3 Cervantes: Don Quixote—Evelina byjHighflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank (Godol. Pantaloon. Honeymoon. Voltaire. Lady Moore Carew. Castrel—Idalia by Peruvian—Musidora by Meteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Bypeen (Squirt). Filho-da-Puta—Hybla by Rubens—Larissa by Trafalgar (Sir Peter)—Me- teora by Meteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer. Baleklock—Dau. of Phantom—Dau. of Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Wal- nut (High.)—Dau. of Ruler—Piracantha by Matchem. Tramp—Kite by Bustard (Castrel)—Olympia by Sir Oliver (Sir Peter)— Scotilla by Anvil (Herod)—Scota by Eclipse—Harmony Herod (Tartar) * Voltaire given. —Rutilia, Sis. to dam of Hightflyer by Blank (Godolphin)—Dau. of Reg- ulus a aes of Soreheels (Basto by Byerly Turk)—Dau. of Makeless (Oglethorpe Arabian)—C. D’Arcy’s Royal Mare. 116 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. MONARCHIST, (WINNER OF THE ANNUAL STAKE, 1871, MATURITY STAKE, 1872, AT JEROME PARK, AND METIARIE CUP, AT NEW ORLEANS,) Will be located the season of 1883, at the Elmendorf Stud (North Elk- horn), near Lexington, Ky., and will serve mares at the season. Application to D. Swigert, Muir’s Post Office, Ky. Monarcuist by Lexington, son of Boston, bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Stud, Spring Station, Ky., dam Mildred, dam of Minx, Stamps, Sultana, ete., by imp. Glencoe, son of Sultan, out of Levity, Ruric’s dam byfimp. Trustee, son of Catton. Monarchist is bred to the mark, having in his veins“the blood of the best-known racing families. Through Lexington, his sire, he is decended through the best racing strains of this country, from imp. Diomed, the winner of the first English Derby, in 1780. Out of his grandam Levity, came Ruric, Lightsome, Brenna, Lever and Legatee—all horses of note. Lightsome is the dam of Sprightly (Volturno’s dam), by Lexington, and of Nevada, the dam of Luke Blackburn and other good ones, His third dam was the dam of Vandal, a race-horse himself and sire of the great Virgil, first- on the list of winning sires in America in 1881, and sire of Hindoo. Monarchist was himself a good race-horse, as would be expected from such a combination of blood, and has performances to his credit worthy of the best. He made his first appearance in public as a three-year-old, when he started eight times, and won four races. At Jerome Park, Oct. 14, 1871, he won the Annual Sweepstakes, 2 miles, in 8:584. Same place, won the Grand National Handicap, 24 miles, in 4:09. Won the Post Stake at New Orleans, two mile heats, in 3:524, 3:493, beating Foster and Sentinel. As a four-year-old he started nine times and won eight races. At New Orleans, April 13, won the Grand Inaugural Post Stake, two mile heats, in 3:39, 3:44, beating Frank Hampton, Nellie Ransom and three others. Same place, April 16, won Louisiana Stakes, 2 mile heats, in 3:44}, 3:40. Same place, won the Metairie Cup 2 miles and a quarter, in 4:12, beating Barney Williams, Nellie Ransom and Wanderer. At Baltimore, Oct. 22, won dash of three miles in 6:012. Jerome Park, Oct, 2, won Maturity Stakes, three miles, in 5:344, defeating the great Bassett. Oct. 12, won dash of 4 miles in 7:33}, beating Harry Bassett and King Henry. This closed the turf career of Monarchist. He was relegated to the stud, and has covered only a very limited numberof mares. The best of his get are Little Ruffin, winner of the Tobacco Stakes, at Louisville, Ky., mile heats in 1:44, 1:442, Fireman (Mon- treal), Marchioness, a mile in 1:41, Mate, ch. f. Miss. Hardaway, Experiment, Storey, winner of Chicago Stakes, 14 miles, Una B, Josie H (Louise d@’Or), Frankie B, win- ner of nine races out of fifteen starts as two-year-old, a milein 1:45, and winner of the U. 8. Hotel Stake at Saratoga, 14 miles in 2:404, beating Apollo Boatman, ctc., Ida B, John Sullivan (Darley), Monte, Monarch, three-quarters of a mile in1:14, mile 1:44; Green Stakes at Louisville, and Dixie Stakes at Baltimore, 2 miles 3:44 ; track heavy. Aristocrat, a winner in England. The family is one of the great racing ones of America, The horses have been large winners on the turf, and successful sires, and the mares have almost uniformly been successful and paying investments as brood mares. Soifa racing strain is worth anything. Monarchist must be a successful sire with the strong infusion of Archy blood on both sides, and he is much inbred to the great English Eclipse. Monarchist is a beautiful bay, 16 hands, with a large star in his forehead and snip on his nose, both fore and near hind pasterns white, and is almost a finished model of a race-horse, no extra lumber, but clean-cut and highly finished. A little inbreeding from him will serve to perpetuate one of the best racing families in the world. The Horse-Breeders’ Gudié and Hand Book. 117 PEDIGREE OF MONARCHIST. MONARCHIS?T. 2 Diomed, a ee to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of Childers jee —Miss Belvoir by Gr, Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. d wn 5 Castianira. Rockingham Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s s i e orester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau., of Bustard (Crab). ° — , i eater —£/ | Imp. Saltram. |E¢clipse—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Bis. to Othello b Crab—Miss Em 3 Poo bia ot Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. et Oxdond Dun. Avatar: Si = | Daughter of. Syme 8 Wildair (Imp. See a of Driver (Imp, Othello)}— § A foe ene au. of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus). ale bake oslo : Florizel—Sis. Juno by Spectator—Horatia b — ilders— D : i y Spectato oratia Blank—Dau.of F.Childers mo | aS domed Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Pacet Turk—Betty Percival. 2186 Daughter of. fy Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Jolly 3 fe) oger (Roundhead)—Dau. of Sober John (Rib)—Dau. of Shock. rine . 4| ‘S |Imp. Alderman, |Pot-8-os—Lady Bolingbroke by Squirrel—Cypron, Herod’s dam by Blaze z e oe Mennigs —Selima by Bethel’s Arabian—Dau. of Gr. Champion. a 2 Se Daughter of. Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought | |S Al eee —Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Somerset Arabian. ka Orville. Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- eS = trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. Ia) isl 6 Emily. Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank | a —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. 3 = =e ‘Vandyke, Jr.—Azalia by Beningb —Gi i — [5 The Flyer. andyke, Jr.—Azalia by Beningbrough—(illyflower by Highflyer—Dau. of 3 eB £ nye i Goldfinder—Sis. to Grasshopper by Marske—Dan. of Cul. Arabi, iS § Parma. ‘Dick Andrews—May by Pe SIOuED 2 inner by Mambrino—Cricket 5 fs | by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Ld. Leigh’s Diana by Second. Oo ee ife : nee © 2 Sir Archy. Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- = 24 phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol). <) gj gz Flirtilla’s dam, Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Imp. Obscurity—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. g| 2 Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus dam by Second—Dau. of Starling. E fF Aen tect ‘ ‘ oot 8 ‘ : F Royalist—Belle Mariah by Gray Diomed—Queen by Imp. St. George—Dau. Co gD Robin Grey. of Cassius—Primrose by lar Dove—Stella by Othello. e AG ’ Maria Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of . Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond (Duchess) by Cul. Arabian. — : soa Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— 3 Buzzard. ees a mes Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—True Blue’s dam, a| 2 1 ’ lexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay gs a | Castrel’s dam. Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. B 2 Williamson’s |Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— 3s Ditto. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. a 8 o rs) . Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of % | Sis. to Calomel g y 8 a . ‘| Hut. Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub—Dau. of Coneyskins. Bal ac leas Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Car. Puff—Dau. of Tatler—Dau. | 3 | E : Dick Andrews. of Snip—Dau. of Godol. Arabian—Dau.of Whiteneck— Dau. of Pel. Barb. i ' $ | Dauchter of, |Fohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting S, ag 8 by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. 5 : W: Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Suap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- | le} 3 axy: bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrave—Dau. of Bart. Childers. iB = Pensi Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— pa nerORE: Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. a tI : Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by iS & Golumpus. Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. 3/3 L @ Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse—Dau. of Engineer—Dau. ol Cy Tey: oi Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless by Y. Greyhound. a 3 ; 3 ae | : Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap o q Whisker. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. Bs g Gibside Fairy ieee cs V cicttisde by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Mat- 2 A “| ehem—Duchess by Whitnose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. e ni o . . . . : will ey Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by . g/ 8 Blackloclc. Pat-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau.of Old Eng.—Dau.of Cul. Arabian. 3| 2 Daughter of. Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam. Ara ola SUB RUCK Or: bian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko—Sis. to Mirza by G. Arabian- = ; S| Sir Solomon—Dau. of Hickory—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator—Sis. to 3 3 Trampator. Lambinos by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse—Vauxhall’s dam by Cade. 4 Lucy. Orphan (Ball’s Florizel)—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar ighflyer)—Dau. of Yearnought mp. Medley)—Dau. of Highflyer ( 1 (Regulus) Den. of Ariel (Mor. Imp. Traveler)—Dau. of Jack of Dia- monds (Cul. Arabian)—Imp. Diamond (Duchess) by Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner (J: ee) ae of Greyhound (White Barb Chil- laby)—Dau. of Cur. Bay Barb—Dau. of D’Arcy’s Chestnut Arabian— Dau. of Whiteshirt— Old Montague Mare. 118 The Horse-Brecders’ Guide and Hand Book. MORTEMER (Imp.) Mortemer is located at the head of the Rancocas Stud, near Jobstown, Burlington Co., N. J., owned by Mr. P. Lorillard, and is exclusively Sor private use. Mortemer, by Compiegne, son of Fitz Gladiator, bred in France, foaled 1865, dam Comtesse by The Baron or Nuncio, son of Plenipotentiary, winner of the Derby, out of Eusebia by Emilius, winner of the Derby. Mortemer was a very superior race-horse, winner of many important events on the Continent and in Eng- land. In 1867, as a two-year-old, he started eight times, won two races, viz., Prix Jacques Ceur, balf a mile, at coe beating a good field ; the Omnium, nearly a mile, with 128 lbs., defeating a good field ; ran second to Nuage for the Prix de Morny, three-quarters of a mile ; ran second to Météore for the Grand Prix de la Société des Courses, one mile ; ran second to Cesar in the Criterium, one mile, at Bordeaux; was unplaced in the other three races. He was unplaced in his only race in England that year. In 1868, when three years old, he ran eight times on the Continent, winning four races, viz., the Prix de la Seine, 14 miles; the Eleventh Biennial Stakes, 14 miles, and the Prix des Acacias, 14 miles, all at Paris; won Prix Principal, one mile and 7 furlongs, at Moulins; ran second to Le Petit Caporal in Prix de Lutére, one mile and 3 furlongs; was second to Sedan in the Great St. Leger de France, one mile and 7 fur- longs; was second in the Grand St. Leger International, one mile and 7 furlongs, and third in Prix du Volga, about one mile, at Baden-Baden. Same year ran four times in England. Was third in the Ninth Biennial Stakes at Stockbridge, 14 miles, won by See-Saw; was second to Athena in the Grand Duke Michael Stakes, one mile one quarter and 78 yards, at Newmarket First October Meeting, and was unplaced in two others. In 1869, when four years old, ran eighteen times on the Continent, winning nine races, including the Prix de la Seine, 14 miles, 184 Ibs.; the Eleventh Biennial Stakes, two miles, 182 lbs.; Prix du Printemps, 1% miles, 132 Ibs.; Prix de Satory, 24 miles, 142 lbs.; Prix de la Porte-Maillot, one mile; Prix de L’Em- pereur, one mile and a_ furlong, 153 Ibs.; the Coupe de Deauville, 14 miles, 121 Ibs.; Prix de Bois Roussel, 24 miles, 121 lbs., and the Grand Prix de la Ville, two miles, 184 lbs. He ran second to really good horses in seven and third in one race and was unplaced in one. In 1870, then five years old, ran six times on the Continent; won five races, including Prix de la Seine, 14 miles, 145 lbs.; The Cup un objet d’Art, about two miles, 144 lbs.; Prix la Moscowa, 24 miles, 189 lbs.; Prix de L’Empereur, two miles, 183 lbs.; and the Prix des Pavillons, two miles, 151 lbs.—in this race he beat. Dutch Skater, then four years o}d, 128 Ibs. and others. Ran one race in England; won Stockbridge Cup. In 1871, six years old, ran four races in England; won Sweepstake at Newmarket First Spring Mceting, three-quarters of a mile. Ran second to Glenlivat in Tradesman’s Plate, 2} miles, at Chester, beating a large field; won the Gold Cup at Ascot, 24 miles, 131 lbs. ; ran third to Shannon and Favonius in the Goodwood Cup at Goodwood, beating Dutch Skater and others. An analysis of his pedigree will show that Mortemer is finely bred, and traces to some of the best race and hardest bottomed horses in England, being inbred to such famous horses as Whalebone, Orville, Sir Peter Teazle, Eclipse and Highflyer. Emilius, the sire of his grandam Eusebia, not only won the Derby in 1823, but sired Plenipoten- tiary and Priam, both Derby winners, and a host of other good ones ; in his collateral branches he traces through a host of Derby and St. Leger winners, to the family of Diomed, the winner of the first Derby ever run. Derby winners in pedigree—Diomed; 1780; Sir Peter Teazle, 1787; Waxy, 1798; Whalebone, 1810; Whisker, 1815; Moses, 1822 ; Emilius, 1823; Plenitopentiary, 1834; St. Leger winners— Beningbrough, 1794; Hambletonian, 1795; Filho-da-Puta, 1815; Reveler, 1818. He is the sire of Augusta, Clementine, Champion, Doucereuse, Hallate, La Buzar- diere, Oeillet, Pagnotte, Visite, Miss Rovel, Ambassade, St. Christophe, Vernueil, Reveur, Boyanmont, Chantilly, Isaure, Chamant—the latter winner of the 2,000 guineas in 1877. St. Christophe won the grand Prix de Paris, 1877, and other races. Vernueil was winner both in England and on the Continent; he won the Gold Vase, Gold Cup and the Alexandra Plate at Ascot in 1878. The only time it was ever done by one and the same horse. CJementine won ten races in 1880 and ’81, many of them importants events with top weights. The others mentioned were all winners on the Continent. Mortemer is a large, fine chestnut horse, standing 164 hands, with a large star and short white stripe in his face, and one white hind foot to the ankle. His head is plain, but well shaped and bony, with good ears, ancl wide, capacious throttle; his neck strong, deep, and broad, running into well placed, oblique shoulders, with ample muscle to work the same; great depth of chest, good, strong, short, muscular back, with broad and strong, hips, and great length from the point of hip to whirlbone, thence to stifle and hocks, which are clean cut and well shaped. His legs and feet are good and sound, except the foot which was injured during his turf career. His temper is of the best. The colts by him in America now only yearlings are very fine and promising. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 119 PEDIGREE OF MORTEMER. SS MORTEME * Nuncio given. : | Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Vi by Snap— a | : } : phe irago by Sna 3 | Walken Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. . ul BS . Parasol Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- 3 & : : tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. S| 3 | ‘Whalebone or Seymour—Dau. of Gohanna—Gr. Skim by Woodpecker— 8 Ss oS Moses. Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab. 8 3 Quadrille. Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss a | Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Nerul, o 5 Camus Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella 8 5 i by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. ze e Rosette Beninghbrough—Rosamond by Tandem—Tuberose by Herod—Gr. Starling 4 f by Starling—Coughing Polly by Bart. Childers. Bisa ajog Buzzard—Selim’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred ei Nig 5 Bapens, —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. i Se Brightonia Gohanna—Nutmeg by Sir Peter—Nimble by Florizcl—Rantipole by Blank S 3 E ’ —Sis. to Careless by Regulus—NSilvertail by Whitenose. ml Rn Ay K : Whalebone—Margretta by Sir Peter—Sis. to Cracker by Highflyer—Nut- = a ea Waverly. cracker by Matchem—Miss Starling by An. Starling—Dau. of Partner. g 23! Castrellina Castrel—Dau. of Waxy—Bizarre by Peruvian—Violante by John Bull— B) a : Sis. to Skyscraper by Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap 2 E Fal og Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla b #/8/ 8 Lottery. Trentham—Coquétte by Compton Barb. e : ¥ aje| 8 Daughter of Cervantes—Anticipation by Beningbrough—Expectation by Herod—Dau. ia 2 . of Skim (Starling)—Dau. of Janus (Godol.)—Spinster by Crab. 5 ; Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—L by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse eS 6 p y Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florize enzy by Eclip ‘Sid = Catton. Dau.of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. = | als Desdenioria Orville—by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske—Y. Hag i s : by Skim—Hag by Crag—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. 5 s aa), Beane 1 Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by = 3 ENDS dele. Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh. s S Treasure Camillus (Hambletonian )—Dau. of Hyacinthus (Coriander)—Flora by King . Fergus—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. S| od ‘ Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- e = Orville. trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. Sie Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank *, 8 ics] y —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Daun. of Oysterfoot. 3,2 SO) at 4s 2 Evander (Highflyer)—Dau. of Precipitate—Ospray by Highflyer—Dau. of 3 a a Pericles. ‘ ree au of Ld. aes eters of Bartlet’s Childers. . rll se “ elim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed y es isa] Daughter of. by Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatio by Blank. g a Walt Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet (Regulus)—Virago by a 3 avons Snap—Dau. of Regulus—sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. Q 5 P 1 Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- Sis] m4 arASOl tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Bie ; ; ‘ Pot-8-os—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by I % Waxy. Snap—ZJulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. A 5 Scoti Delpini—Dau. of va Fergus—Caelia by Herod—Proserpine, Sis. to A cous: Eclipse by Marske—Spilletta by Regulus—Mother Western. B ce a = os Rentnchmush King Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by White- ° m | Beningbrough. | nose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. of Ox. Dun. Arabian. o é| & : Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Reg- Evel Se a, a ° penne ulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub. el _. __‘|Sir Peter—Horatia by Eclipse—Countess, Delpini’s dam by Blank—Dau. of ae Stamford. Rib (Crab)—Dau. of Wynn Arabian—Dau. of Governor. d | D Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by 3 a aughter of. | Diver—Dau. of Smiling Tom (Con. Arabian)—Dau. of Oysterfoot. 8 =| a aha , Buzzard—Selim’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred F's a Castrel. —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol.) 5/3 : Delpini—Tipple Cyder by King Fergus—Sylvia by Y. Marske—Ferret by = = | Miss Newton. Bro, to Sylvio—(Cade)—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Mor. Arabian. 3, a ‘ Trumpator—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Long- a| & Sorcerer. legs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. a) = Hornby Lass. |Buzzard (Woodpecker)—Puzzle by Matchem (Cade)—Princess by Herod (Tartar)—Julia by Blank ( Godol.)—Spectator’s dam bv Partner (Jigg)— Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton (Gray Hautboy)—Dau. of Darley _Arabian— Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk —Natural Barb Mare. 120 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. MUSCOVY (Imp.) Muscovy will be located at the Fairview Stud Farm near Gullatin, Sumner Co., Tenn., and will be permitted to serve mares at $50 cach and $5 to the groom, Application to be made to Charles Reed, proprietor, Gal- latin, Tenn. Annwal sale of yearlings at Saratoga, in July. Muscovy by The Drake, son of the great Stockwell, bred by Her Majesty the Queen; foaled spring of 1878, dam Lady of the Manor, the dam of Athbania, Bluestone,ete. ,by Voltigeur, winner of the double events, Derby and St. Leger; 2d dam Hersey, the dam of Bay Celia, Desdemona,etc ., by Glaucus, winner of the Gold Cup at Ascot and Good wood Stakes and sire of Refraction, winner of the Oaks Stakes at Epsom, out of Hes- ter dam of Palmyra, Chatham, The Nabob, etc., by Camel son of Whalebone and sire of the great Touchstone, Launcelot, etc. The Drake, sire of Muscovy, was a winner in his two and three-year-old form and is a stoutly bred horse, being a son of the Em- peror of stallions, Stockwell, and out of a daughter of Pyrrhus the First, a Derby winner, and his great grandam a daughter of Jerry, a St. Leger winner. The Pro- vost, the sire of his grandam, ran a dead heat for second place in the St. Leger won by Charles XII. He has a double cross of Waxy through the brothers Woful, Whisker and Whalebone. Muscovy is bred for speed and stoutness, the pedigree on both sire and dam’s side tracing through a long line of distinguished performers in the great Classic events, and is full of Eclipse and Herod blood through their most famous sons, Pot-80-s and Highflyer, upon the favorite Oriental sources, Godolphin Barb and Darley Arabian. Muscovy never raced; but some of the best sires, for causes, made no repu- tation on the turf. Muscovy is a very dark brown horse, full 16 hands high, with black points, He is truly shaped all over and full of substance and quality. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 121 PEDIGREE OF MUSCOVY. %.-| Sir Hercules, |Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir a 5 . Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. a 4S Guicciolli Bob Booty—Flight by I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero 5 a 3 i —Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian. (Q | 5 : ‘ ; Whisker—Floranthe by Octavian—Caprice by Anvil—Madcap by Eclipse Si d Heonomist. —Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Blaze—Dau. of Young Greynooik : amiss Miss Pratt, Blacklock—Gadabout by Orville—Minstrel by Sir Peter—Matron of Flori- = (e5) : zel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. at : 5 3 3 Sultan Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— Sat 2 ms A Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. MD) a y eg s| 3 Tyarapoline Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— 815 ramp ‘i Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. = ki ee 31 § Mule Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by les} SS ca y: Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. hd i Clare Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mer- a S ; cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse. al ianpar Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— a ee) Oe ears Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. Fy Olympia Sir Oliver (Sir Peter)—Scotilla by Anvil (Herod)—Scota by Eclipse—Har- BS) ig a yMpla. mony by Herod—Rutilia by Blank—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.) el! ae : . S s{ 3 Whalebone—Defiance by Rubens—Little Folly by Highland Fling—Har- ale o Defence. riet by Volunteer—Dau. of Alfred—Magnolia by Marske (Godol.) Ole) & Feweus Moses—Calendulae by Camerton (Hamb.)—Snowdrop by Highland Fling— 5 Ay & a Daisy by Buzzard—Tulip by Damper (Spectator). a ‘an 8 Waverly—Castrellina by Castrel—Dau. of Waxy—Bizarre by Peruvian— Bl jes The Saddler. Violante by John Bull—Sis. to Skyscraper by Highflyer. AS a E Rebecca Lottery—Dau. of Cervantes—Anticipation by Beningbrough—Expectation S a : by Herod—Dau. of Skim—Dau. of Janus (Godol.) 7 2 : Smolensko—Louisa by Orville—Thomasina by Timothy—Violet by Shark b iS a & Jerry. —Dau. of Syphon—Charlotte by Blank (Godol.) b Se Georriana Woful—Shepherdess by Shuttle—Dau. of Buzzard—Ann of the Forest by ° COTE Iana: King Fergus—Miss West by Matchem—Dau. of Regulus. 5 A Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass = ies 4 Whitelock. of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. b 182 Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by g Za- Daughter of. |~ Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Fng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. ra “a : Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem S Phantom hen S ° —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. & i8 hier of Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Ruler—Piracantha by BI Daughter of. Matchem—Prophetess by Regulus—Jenny Spinner. 3 3 6 Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse > | 2,8 Catton. —Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. | Ss Bac Orville—Fanny, by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske— fe ais Desdemona. Y. Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. a pea padres Salient a sl a Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by is) (8) 3 Filho-da Puta. | gquirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh. a} ® Camillus—Dau. of Hyacinthus—Flora by King Fergus—Atalanta by B ae Treasure. Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. a : ; f q Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungaunon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— ml z Walton. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. o al £ ie Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— BS BE Parasol. Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. 5 ; : Be S| g ? Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred Sl a Selim. —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade. & 8 4 Peruvian—Violante by John Bull—Sis. to Skyscraper by Highflyer—Ever- 2 z, Bizarre. lasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. Z ov : ‘ : Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap a g | Whalebone. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. m I Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron by Florizel 3) & | Daughter of. —Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam by Mogul. 2 & 4 Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by z a Muley. Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. a 3 Sis. to Petworth. |Precipitate—Dau. of Woodpecker (Herod)—Sis. to Juniper by Brey (Snip) —Y. Marske’s dam by Blank (Godol.)—Bay Starling by Bolton Starling Bay Bolton)—Miss Meynell by Partner (Jigg)—Dau. of Greyhound White Barb Chillaby)—Dau. of Cur. Bay Barb—Dau. of Ld. D’Arcy’s Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague Mare. 122 The Horse-Brecders’ Guide and Hand Book. NORFOLK, (WINNER OF THE JERSEY DERBY AT PATERSON, 1854.) Norfolk will stand the season of 1883 at the El Aroyo Stud Furm, Winters, Yolo Co., California, only by private contract. Theodore Winters, proprietor, Winters, Yolo Co., California. NorFro x by Lexington son of Boston, bred by the late R. A. Alexander, Wood- burn Stud, foaled 1861, dam Novice by imp. Glencoe out of Chloe Anderson by Rodolph, son of Sir Archy Montorio, by Sir Archy. Norfolk did not run at two-years. old, but made his debut at St. Louis, May 16th, 1864 in the sweepstake for three-year olds, mile heats which he won in 1:46, 1:47, beating Tipperary and four others. June 7th, 1864, won the Jersey Derby at Paterson, N. J., 14 miles, in 2:464, defeating Tipperary and ten others. May 23d, 1865, won two mile heats at San Francisco, California, beating Lodi, in 3:484, 3:422, 3:512. September 18th, 1865, Sacramento, California, won two mile heats, beating Lodi in 3:374, 3:38}. Same place September 23d, 1865, won match three mile heats, beating Lodi in 5:273, 5:294, the fastest and best two heats ever run. Lexington the sire of Norfolk was the best race-horse and stallion ever bred in America. Norfolk is the peer of his best son if not the best one. His dam Novice was a fine race-mare and daughter of the great Glencoe, his grandam Chloe Anderson was by Rodo)lph the best race-horse of his day ; he met and defeated all comers ; beat Angora in the great match between Kentucky and Tennessee, four mile heats and won a second heat of three miles, in 5:40, the fastest ever run at the distance to that day 1836. Norfolk in addition to being u son of the great Lexington and a Glenooe mare, is full of Archy and Diomed blood being very much inbred to those famous horses. Boston the sire of Lexington was by Timoleon by Sir Archy by Diomed. Boston's dam by Ball’s Florizel son of Diomed, Lexington’s grandam was by Sumpter son of Sir Archy by Diomed, Novice, Norfolk’s dam by Glencoe, his grandam Chloe Anderson by Rodolph, by Sir Archy Montorio by Sir Archy by Dio- med, Sir Archy Montorio’s dam Transport by Virginius by Diomed, Belle Anderson his great grandam was by Sir Archy of Transport by Sir Archy by Diomed, dam Transport by Virginius, by Diomed, and her dam Butterfly was by Sumpter, by Sir Archy, by Diomed. Much of his excellence comes from this hard bottomed blood. Norfolk is a bay, truly shaped all over, and for his chances an excellent sire, the follow- ing of his get have been winners: Bill Hazel, Emma Skaggs, Winters, Maid of the Mist, Scamperdown, Boston, Dice Box, Ballot Box, Snap, Twilight, Vanderbilt, Brad- ley, Morphine, Connor, Trade Dollar, Flood, Ralston, Duke of Norfolk, Lonesome, and Duchess of Norfolk, one of the best three-year olds of the year. Won, 1£ miles, in 3:04. The blood from the large infusion of Diomed in it should be valuable. He never lost a race. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 123 PEDIGREE OF NORFOLK. NORFOLE. a Diomed Florizel—Sis. to Juno b Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Chil- |e a) : ders—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. Bla z| Castianira Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s & eds ° Be ; Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- A |es| Sir Arehy. phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. ee Coates oe pea dea ar ld e Virginius (Diomed)—Nancy Air by Imp. Bedford—Annette by Imp. Shar’ 5 Be Transport. Date St Rockingham—Dau. of Gallant. rg |e io Imp. Sir Harry—Imp. Mermaid by Waxy—Promise by Buzzard—Dau. of |p 6 Haxall’s Moses. Preci fate lay Handel by Mark Anthony—Georgiana, z es Cook’s Whip—Maria by Craig’s Alfred ee Medley)—Dau. of Taylor’s z A Daughter of. Bellair (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Medley (Gimcrack). is oe . Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 3/5 dq 5. iP Arehy: phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. als eA ‘ Virginius—Nancy Airby Bedford—Annette by Imp. Shark—Dau. of Rock- = 3 ae Trane pint. ingham—Dau. of Gallant—Dau. of True Whig. mH s Bi i Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- 3)8 .: Sumpter. erkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub. ae = a hs Imp. Buzzard (Woodpecker)—Dau. of Dandridge’s Fearnought (Imp. Oa Daughter of. Peamaedeht dam Imp. Calista)—Dau. of Imp. Janus (Janus). 124 The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. ONONDAGA, (WINNER OF THE JUVENILE STAKES AT JEROME PARK, JULY STAKES AT LONG BRANCH, AND KENTUCKY STAKES AT SARATOGA, 1881.) Will be used as private stullion in the McGrathiana Stud, near Lex- ington, Fayette County, Ky., Milton Young, proprietor. Annual sales of yearlings in May. OnonpDaca by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Mr. A. Welsh, Erdenheim Stud, Pa., foaled 1879, dam Susan Beane, dam of Stratford, Sensation, &c. by Lexington out of Sally Lewis, dam of John Morgan, Hunter’s Lexington, Acrobat, &c., by imp. Glencoe. Onondaga asa two-year old started in nine races, of which he won four; Jerome Park, won the Juvenile Stakes, half a mile in 504, beating Gerald, Memento and twelve others ; Sheepshead Bay, won match three-quarters of a mile in 1:15}, beating Sachem ; Monmouth Park, won the July Stakes for two-year olds, five furlongs in 1:024, beating Gerald, Memento and three others ; Saratoga, won the Kentucky Stakes for two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile in 1:16, beating Nightcap and Glenarm ; Sheepshead Bay was second in the Surf Stakes for two-year olds, five furlongs, won by Stonehenge Julietta Colt, in 1:03} ; at Monmouth Park, was third in the August Stakes for two-year olds, three-quarters of a mile, won by Stonehenge Julietta Colt, in 1:16, and was unplaccd in his other races. Onondaga complaining in his legs was retired ; he is from one of the great racing families of America, is own brother to Sensation, the invincible horse of his year, his dam is own sister to Acrobat and Hunter’s Lexington, and half-sister to John Morgan ; all were good race-horses, and for their chances, successful sires. The pedigree is well- fortified with Archy and Diomed blood, upon the Eclipse and Herod, and traces through the dam of Medoc to the family which gave Lexington and other famous horses to the country. Onondaga is a chestnut, 152 hands, large star in his forehead, and snip on the nose, with white hairs in his flanks, left hind foot white above the ankle ; he is a good shaped horse, and was quite speedy ; the family is a racing one, and upon good mares should reproduce itself. 2 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide und Hand Book. 125 PEDIGREE OF ONONDAGA. ie, Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. 6 a a ee fz ee to Volunteer by Y. elena” , : giao Penelope. rumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 3 ze HEZSRE Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. : 5 eget ee pa aS |, 7" Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b aa _ Wanderer. Comp. Barb—Sis. to ‘Re ane: by Godol. ATAUiEN OF, ecko mua Sig & Thalestris, |A/exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Horvet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder 4 —Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. e z . |Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. Sl lok Chanticleer, —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arablan, Urrere Bi iS 8 Terne. Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail \s\Sy a alloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare. Zz) \3 ea 2 i Shi : BE] a | tr Beowne, Oe ee ete cca Daw ot Semi . = lYoung Heroine. Bagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian c fe —Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake—Grey Wilkes. | |3| 2 Bacchant Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mereury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by cea Sf accnanie: Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hut. Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton. Bla ee as Ty: Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of ge Tamm: Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. 4) ole S Web Wasy— Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Ed 3 EDs —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. fee g T Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of = 2 zap: Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. ee a R a Buzzard—Roseberry by Phoenomenon—Miss West by Matchem—Dau. of £\"e ose Regulus—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of F. Childers—Dau. of Basto. ~ e| & % | es ° Duroc—Millers Damsel by Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gim- 3 g Am. Eclipse. crack—Snuap-Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. dso : e Katy Ann. |Ople's Oscar (Imp. Gabriel)—Y. Maid of the Oaks, Medoc’s dam by Imp. xpedition (Pegasus by Eclipse)—Maid of the Oaks by Spread Eagle (Volunteer)—Annette by Imp. Shark (Marske)—Dau. of Rockingham (Partner)—Dau. of Gallant (Fearnought)—Dau. of True Whig (Fitzhugh’s Regulus)—Dau. of Imp. Regulus (Regulus by Godol.)—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh by Partner (Jigg)—Sis. to Guy Py Grey hound (White Barb Chillaby)—Dau. of Cur. Bay Barb—Dau. of D’ Arey Ch, Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt—Old Montague Mare. 126 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. PAT MALLOY, (WINNER OF THE CUMBERLAND STAKES, NOS. 1 AND 2, AT NASHVILLE, SENATE STAKES, AT MEMPHIS, AND SOUTHERN HOTEL STAKES, AT 8T. LOUIS, MO.) Pat Malloy will be located for the season of 1883 at the Woodburn Stud, near Spring Station, Hy., the property of A. J. Alexander, and will be permatted to serve mares at $50 the season. Application to be made to L. Brodhead, Spring Station, Ry. Aunual sale of yearlings in May. Pat MALLoy. own brother to Jack Malone, by the great Lexington, son of Boston, bred by the late R. A. Alexander, Woodburn Stud, foaled 1665, dam Gloriana, by American Eclipse, son of Duroc, by imp. Diomed, winner of the first Derby ever run, in 1780, out of the famous Trifle, by Sir Charles, son of Sir Archy, by imp. Diomed. Pat Malloy made his debut on the turf at Louisville, Ky., in the fall of 1867, as a two- year-old, running second to Spinola in the two-year-old stakes, one mile, run in 1:464, beating Jessamine Porter, Biddy Malone, Hazard, ete. Nashville Fall Meeting, 1867, Pat Malloy won the Cumberland Stakes, No. 2, for two-year olds, one mile, in 1:50. Memphis, April 27, 1868, won Jockey Club Purse, mile heats, three best in five, in 1:59, 2:01, 2:02, 2:04, 2:064; Transit won the second heat and Nell Gwynn the third. Memphis, April 29, won the Senate Stakes for three-year-olds, 2 miles, in 4:08}; the track in both these races was muddy and heavy. Nashville, May 7, 1868, walked over for the Cumberland Stakes, No. 1, mile heats, for three-year olds. May 8, won Clup Purse, 1} miles, for all ages, in 2:184.. May 9, walked over for the Cumberland Stakes, No. 2, for three-year-olds, 2 miles. St. Louis, May 18, 1868, ran second to The Ban- shee, in Sweepstakes for three-year olds, mile heats, in 1:48}, 1:48}. May 20, won the Southern Hotel Stakes, for three-year-olds, 2-mile heats, in 3:444, 3:432, 3:502; The Banshee won the second heat. Chicago, July 8, 1868, won the Union Stock-Yard Purse, 24 miles, for all ages, in 4:45}. Complaining in one of his legs, he was not trained in 1869. Springfield, Il., June 9, 1870, ran second to Barney Williams in Club Pnrse, 2 miles, in 4:053. June 10, ran second to his stable companion, The Banshee, three miles, in 6:02. Saratoga, July 20, ran third to Helmbold and Vespucius, 3 miles, in 5:50. August 15, ran third to Haric (3), 86 Ibs., Legatee (4), 105 Ibs. Pat Malloy (5), 114 lbs., in a Handicap Purse, 13 miles, in 3:10. Aug. 18, ran second to Helmbold in Club Purse, 4 miles, in 7:324, beating Carrie Atherton. His leg gave way in this race and he was retired from the turf. Pat Malloy was a speedy and very game horse, could pack his weight and stay any distance. With his limited chances in the stud, he has sired some real good race-horses. Ozark and Lord Murphy were probably his best sons. Ozark was third in the Withers Stake to Aristides, ran a dead heat with Milner, for, and divided, the Kenner Syakes, 2 miles in 3:48 Won the Jersey Derby, 14 miles in 3:103, defeating Aristides and others. At Washington, D.C., won 1} miles in the mud, in 2:084, and won the 4 mile purse in 7:40, defeating Nettie Norton and five others, Lord Murphy won the Belle Meade Stakes, at Nashville, 14 miles, in 2:48%, won the Kentucky Derby at Louisville, 14 miles in 2:37, defeating the great Falsctto and seven others. Won the January Stakes at St. Louis, mile heats, in 1:424, 1:45, 1:504, de- feating Goodnight, winner of the first heat, and four others. Won the Kentucky St. Leger, at Louisville, 2 miles, in 3:34, defeating Aureolus, Ada Glenn, and others. Other winners by Pat Malloy are Gen. Harney, Osage, Patrol, Charlemagne, Omega, Mollie Seabrook, Athlone, W. I. Higgins, Alpha, Joe Shelby, Chariton (Osseo), Miss Malloy, Caleb, Pat’s Boy, Mary B, Volusia, Rambler, Little Pat, Lenore, Joe Thompson, Lillie Belle, und others. Pat Malloy is a bright bay, with blaze face, and right hind foot white, and stands 15 hands 14 inches high, is own brother to Jack Malone, a superior race-horse, and is marked very much like his sire, Lexington, with immense muscular development in his back, hips and loins. He evinces great con- stitution, and his colts are almost invariably fine feeders, with great turn of speed. As Jack Malone’s daughters have proved a grand success in the stud, we see no rea- son why Pat Malloy’s daughters should not prove excellent. You get more of the Archy and Diomed blood than is possible from any other source. Boston. Timoleon. Sir Dau. of. Arehy. Ball’s lorizel. LEXINGTON. Sarpedon. Robin Brown’s Dam. Emilius. Dau. of. p Tearia. Alice Carneal. Sumpter, The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 127 PEDIGREE OF PAT MALLOY. Diomed. Castianira. Imp. Saltram. Daughter of. Diomed. Daughter of. Alderman. Daughter of. Orville. Emily. The Flyer. Parma. Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Child- ers—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Granthem—Dau. of Paget Turk. Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab). Eclipse—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab— Miss Slammerkin by Y True Blue—Dau of Ox. Dun. Arabian. Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus). Florizel—Sis, to Juno b Spectator—Horatia b ers—Miss Belvoir by Blank—Dau. of F. Child- r. Grantham—Dau. of aget Turk. ap. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Jolly oger—Dau. of Sober John (Rib)—Dau. of Shock. Pot-8-os—Lady Bolingbroke by Squirrel—Cypron Herod’s dam by Blaze —Selima by Beth. Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s Champion. Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y Kitty Fisher by Fearnought— Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian—Bald Charlotte. Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. Vandyke, Jr.—Azalia by Beningbrough—Gillyflower by Highfiyer—Dau. of Goldfinder—Sis. to Grasshopper by Marske—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second. Sir Archy. Flirtilla’s Dam. Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam by Second—Dau. of Starling. Robin Grey. Maria. Royalist—Belle Mariah by Grey Diomed—Queen by Imp. St. George—Dau. of Cassius—Primrose by Imp. Dove—Stella by Othello. Melzar—Dau. of Highfiyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian—Ld. Thigh. Duroc. PAT MALLOY. Am. Eclipse. Amanda. Diomed. Imp. Mes- senger. Florizel. Sister to Juno. Herod—Dau. of Cygnet (Godol.)—Dau. of Cartouche (Bald Galloway)— Ebony by F. Childers—Ebony by Basto—Massey Mare. Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival by L. Arabian. Grey Diomed. Daughter of. Imp. Medley (Gimcrack)—Dau. of Sloe (Partner)—Dau. of Vampire—Imp. Calista by Forester—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Hobgoblin. Va. Cade—Dau. of Hickman’s Independence—Dolly Fine by Imp. Silvereye —Dau. of Imp. Badger—Dau. of Forester—Dau. of Silvereye. Mambrino. Daughter of. Engineer (Sampson)—Dau. of Cade—Dau. of Bol. Little John (Partner)— Durham’s Favorite by Son of Bald Galloway. Turf (Matchem)—Sis. to Figurante by Regulus—Dau. of Starling—Snap’s dam by Fox—Gipsey by Bay Bolton—Dau. of Newcastle Turk. Miller’s Damsel. Dau. of. GLORIANA. Sir Arehy. Pot-80’s. Daughter. Diomed. Castianira. Eclipse—Sportsmistress by War Sportsman—Golden Locks by Oroonoko —Valiant’s dam by Crab—Dau. of Partner—Thwait’s Dun Mare. Gimerack—Snap Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Bartlet’s —Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Byerly Mare dam of Two True Blues. ” |Florizel—Sis. to Juno by 8 ectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Child- ers—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab). Trifle. Sir Charles. Cicero. Dau. of. Daughter of. Dau. of. Imp. Citizen. Daughter of. Sir Archy. Daughter of. Imp. Bedford. Daughter of. Pacolet—Princess by Turk—Fairy Queen by Y Cade—Black Eyes by Crab —Warlock Galloway by Snake—Dau. of Bald Galloway. Commutation—Dau. of Imp, Dare Devil—Sally Shark by Imp. Shark—Bet- sey Pringle by Imp. Fearnought—Imp. Jenny Dismal. Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tahbitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- phorus—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. Diomed—Dau. of Imp. St. George (Dragon)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought— Dau. of Imp. Jolly Raver ney, Mary Gray by Roundhead. Y. Cade— Dungannon (Eclipse)—Fairy by Highflyer—Fairy Queen = Geran r. Gelding. Black Eyes by Crab—Warlock Galloway by Snake—Sis. to Bellair (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp, Shark (Marske)—Dau. of Wildair— Dau. of Lexington (Symme’s Wildair)—Dau. of Spanking Roger (Jolly -Roger)—Dau. of ae Jolly Roger Rr Comic Miss Belle by An, Starling—Dau. of Cade (Godol.}—Dau. of Counsellor (Shaftsbury Turk)—Dau. of Snake (Lister Turk)—Dau. of Luggs (D’Arcy White Turk)—Dau. of Davill’s Old Woodcock. y 128 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. PLENIPO Will stand the season of 1883 at the Richland Stud, near Nashville, Tenn., at $25 the season. Application to B. F. Cockrill, proprietor, Nashville, Tenn. Pienipo by imp. Bonnie Scotland, son of Iago, bred by B. F. Cockrill, Richland stud, Tenn., foaled 1874, dam Dora by imp. Australian, son of West Australian, ou, of Lindora by Lexington, son of Boston. Plenipo was one of the most promising colts in Tennessee, but like many others, his trainer was not satisfied with good work and great speed, so he fell a victim to too many trials, the fate of very many good horses. At three-year old ran second to Melvern in Commercial Hotel Stake, at Nashville, 14 miles in 2:14, track heavy; in this race, Felicia, Joe Burt, Alice Murphy and two others were behind him. Complaining he was laid up and started in one race, when six years old, and was unplaced. Plenipo was named from his striking resemblance to the famous Lion of Doncaster, Eng., Plenipotentiary, and is from one of the racing families of America, from it came Picayune, the great grandam of Plenipo, she was a fine race-mare, and the dam of the famous race-horses Doubloon, Florin, Louis D’or, she was also the grandam of. Quartermaster, the great grandam of Madge, Ventilator, and the great grandam of Vagrant, Bounce, Ella and other good ones. He has an infusion of the blood of Tramp, Buzzard, Plenipotentiary and Whalebone, through Bonnie Scotland, and the Melbourne, Emilius and Whisker blood through Australian, which is well fortified through his dam with Archy and Diomed, and doubled on that of the Godolphin Arabian (Barb). Plenipo is a chestnut, with white stripe in his face, and very much resembles the pictures of the great English horse, Plenipotentiary, hence his name. He is full of substance and quality, with good legs and feet, and taking him all over it would be difficult to find a finer specimen of a race-horse. Tago. Don John. Selim. opiates Tramp. Scandal. IMP. BONNIE SCOTLAND. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. Dick Andrews. Daughter of. Comus. Marciana. Buzzard. Castrel’s dam. 129 PEDIGREE OF PLENIPO. Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff—Dau. of Tatler— Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Godol. Arabian—Dau. of Framp. Whiteneck. Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus—Dau. of B. Childers. Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. Stamford—Macia by Coriander—Faith by Pacolet—Atalanta by Matchem —Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler. Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian—Dam of True Blues. Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makes, Mel- PLENIPO. bourne. ina. West Australian. Mower- Imp. Australian. Emilia. DORA. Lindora. Picayune. Lexington. Medoc. ees Boston. Persian. Y.Emilius. Sally Howe. Daughter of. m Sir Peter—Miss Hervey by Eclipse—Clio by Y. Cade—Dau. of Old Starlin, = i Haphazard. —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau of Byerly Turk. e B'S Daughter of Precipitate—Colibri by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by 3 7 Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. ; Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— : 3 ERODES «3 Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. g u| B Parasol Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- 3 3 2 : tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. al, es 3 $ Moses ‘Whalbone or Seymour—Dau. of Gohanna—Grey Skim by Woodpecker— aio6| 2 : Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab. a 3 Quadrille Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss e & i Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Regulus (Godol.) = LS aye Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant 3° Bs Be Heating: —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. PIS|ss Hariet Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally by Trumpator— iS & aS . Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator. | - hah Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap | & Bi iy Whalebone. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. ‘elAles Gift Y. Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis to Amaitor by Trumpator— aA is Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap—Dau. of Gower Stallion—Dau. of Childers. Humphrey |Comus—Clinkerina by Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum Clinker. —Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. Cervantes—Dau. of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank. Touchstune. Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by a Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose. Emilius Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant . —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. Shovel Scud—Gossander by Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy by Flor- OvErst izel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank (Godol.) : Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Whisker. aT ulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. Variet Selim or Soothsayer—Sprite by Bobtail—Catharine by Woodpecker—Ca- aneny: milla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb.—Sis. to Regulus. Timoleon. Sir Archy—Dau. of Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver Robin Brown’s (Imp. Othello)—Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire. Ball’s Florizel—Dau. of Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s dam. Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade. 8 a Emilius—Icaria by the Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Bening- ar pecens brough—Primrose be Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia. R Sumpter—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer OWeNe: Dau of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. “ Duroc—Millers Damsel by Imp. Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Am. Eclipse. Gimecrack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Dau.of Regulus—Dau. of Bart.Childers. Y. Maid of the |Expedition—Maid of the Oaks by Spread Eagle—Annette by Imp. Shark— Oaks. Dau.of Rockingham-Dau.of Gallant-Dau.of True Whig—Dau.of Regulus. Sir Wm. of |Sir Archy—Transport by Virginius (Diomed)—Nancy Air by Imp. Bedford Transport. —Annette by Imp. Shark—Dau. of Rockingham. Robi Robin Grey (Imp. Royolist by Saltram)—Dau. of Quicksilver (Imp. Medley Lady Robin. by Gimcrack)—Dau. of Mede’s Celer (Janus by Janus by (odol.) 180 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. POWHATTAN, (OWN BROTHER TO PAROLE), Will stand the season of 1883 at the Woodburn Stud, A. J. Alexander, proprietor, near Spring, Woodford County, Ky., at $50 the season. Application to L. Brodhead, Spring, Ky. Annual sales of yearlings in May. Pow#attan by imp. Leamington, son of ,Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Mr. A. Welch, Erdenheim Stud, Pa., foaled 1879, dam Maiden, dam of Parole by Lexington, son of Boston, out of Kitty, Clark by imp. Glencoe. Powhattan started in only one public race, that at Long Branch, meeting with an accident he was unplaced. He was considered quite promising, and ran a very fast trial at Jerome Park, in the spring. Leamington, his sire, can be found in this Vol. Parole, his own brother, has been one of the noted popular favorites of the Turf. After racing in his three, four and five-year old form in this country, he was sent to England, and won the Newmarket Handicap, last 1} miles of the Beacon Course, beating the great Isonomy, Lina and three others. He won the City and Suburban handicap, 14 miles, 119 lbs., beating Rdiotto, Cradle and fifteen others, and the great Metropolitan Stakes (handicap), 2} miles, 124 lbs., beating Castlereagh ; the Great Cheshire Handicap Stakes, 14 miles, carrying 154 lbs., defeating Reefer, Sir Joseph, Ridotto and four others, and also won the Epsom Gold Cup, 14 miles, 125 lbs., beating Alchemist and Primrose. The family has always been a successful racing one. Maiden, his dam, won the Travers Stakes at Saratoga ; the grandam and great grandam were all winners, and from the stock have come such horses as Mary Morris, Wild Irishman, Frankfort, Falsetto, Felicia, Fortuna, Sumpter, Childers, Rattler, Ringgold, Fiirtilla, Mary Wynn, Tom Kimball, Cassandra, The Countess, Turco, John Bascomb, Helen Mar, Ann Merry, Tiger, Ann Innis, Hebron, Meteor, George Kinney, and in the early days of racing, Old Slamerkin. Then on the score of blood and racing lineage, Powhattan should commend himself to the public. Powhattan is a solid bay, with large star, left fore and right hind ankles white, his head is bony and expressive, with large, full eyes, high at the withers like his noted brother, good barrel, great depth of girth, with good loin and fine coupling, and has the Lexington hind leg ; he is 16; hands high : whilst he has not the racing record of his great brother, he is a Leamington from a racing family on both sides, and as all the Leamington’s are successes in the stud, he should be. Flying Childers electrified the world by his brilliant racing career, but his brother, Bartlet’s Childers, excelled him in the stud, as also did Cade, his famous racing brother, Lath. Powhattan is much inbred to Sir Archy and Diomed, and traces back without a flaw, through Amaranthus dam to the Layton Barb Mare. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 131 PEDIGREE OF POWHATTAN. oO * a Waxy. Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- 4 3 xy Fp etna a me Von ve ae Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Chillers, 2 Penelope. rumpator—Prunella_by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 8 2 ‘ Sor ee Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. a Oo | Faas) Wanderer. Gohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b Be ie qe eee a pee by eoeel Arabian—Gr. Robie = Sl) 5 Thalestris, xander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet rone—Manilla by Goldfinder ae ean Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Alabina — Mies Gade, ‘ 8 ‘ Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—R: —Mi . h: : p au. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regu- Eh) lob CHB RHIEIEEE lus—Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hoss ATA BL, oe 1 |g = g 8 Terie: Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ring- ls Fa s a tail Galloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare by Pelham’s Hip. 2 : . ol fsi . | DishkE : Commodore—Danu. of Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—B], Susan by 8nap— BS & 4 nied escape o EA Meee a Ee of fe ae of Clif. ye re ‘eo ly, Heroine, |Bagot— Heroine by Hero— Dau. of Snap —Sis. to Regulus b Godol. g = oe enone rabian—Gr, Robinson by Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake. : 8 Paragon. Imp. Buzzard—Indiana by Columbus np Pantaloon)—Jane Huntby Paracel Imp. Filimnap)—Moll by Imp. ae (Gr. Figure)—Slamerkin by Imp. Wildair eae Cub Mare by Cub (Fox)—Amaranthus’ dam by Second (I. Childers)—Dam of Leed’s Flash and Fop by Starling to Vane’s Partner by Croft's Partner (Jigg)—Sis. to uy by Greyhound (White Barb'Chillaby)—Brown Farewell by Makeless Oglethorpe Arabian) — Dau. of Brimmer (Yellow Turk) -- Dau. of ees White Turk—Dan. of Dodsworth—Layton BarbMare. aed Bolton)—Sis. 182 The Horse-Breedirs’ Guide and Hand Book. RAYON D'OR (Imp.) (WINNER OF THE CLEARWELL AND LEVANT STAKES IN 1878; ST. JAMES’ PALACE STAKES, THE GREAT CHALLENGE STAKES, CHAM- PION STAKES AND DONCASTER ST. LEGER, IN 1879,) Will stand the season of 1883 ut the Algeria Stud, near Hie, Pa., the prop- erty of Mr. W. L. Scott, as private stallion. Rayon D’OR (Ray of Gold), by Flageolet, son of Plutus, bred in Dangu Stud, France, foaled 1876, dam Araucaria, dam of Chamant, Camelia, etc., by Ambrose, son of Touchstone, out of Pocahontas, dam of Stockwell, Rataplan, King Tom, etc., by imp. Glencoe. Rayon d’Or made his debut in England as a two-year old by winning the Levant Stakes, half a mile, at Goodwood, carrying 122 pounds, beating Flavius, | Galantha and two others, At Doncaster, in September, he won a sweepstake, at at three-quarters of a mile, with 129 pounds, beating Charibert and Reconciliation At the Newmarket Second October Meeting won the Clearwell Stakes, carrying 131" pounds, with such horses as Ringleaderand Bay Archer, 122 pounds each, second and third, and three others; the Glasgow Stakes, at the Newmarket Houghton Meeting, three-quarters of amile, beating Ringleader and Glencairn. During the winter and spring which followed, Rayon d’Or was much fancied both for the 2,000 guineas and Derby, but his running was adisappointment. He was third to Charibert and Cad- ogan for the 2,000 guineas, and was unplaced for the Derby, won by Sir Bevys. At Ascot, on the first day, he was third for the Prince of Wales Stakes, to Wheel of For- tune and Adventure, but on the third day he won the St. James Palace Stakes with 122 pounds, over the severe ‘‘ Old Mile,” beating Charibert, Ruperra and seven others. At Goodwood Rayon d’Or won the Sussex Stakes, one mile, beating Ruperra, Leap Year and Exeter, and won the great Doncaster St. Leger, Ruperra second and Exeter third, and fourteen others unplaced, including the winncr of the Derby, Sir Bevys. The next day Rayon d’Or ‘‘ walked over” for the Zetland Stakes, Mr. Crawfurd’s Pell Mell Colt saving his stake. At the Newmarket First October Meeting won the Great Foal Stakes with 131 pounds, beating Discord, Palmbearer and three others, but at the same meeting was beaten by Bay Archer for the Newmarket St. Leger, he yielding 7 pounds, alter which Rayon d’Or won the Select 8takes, Rowley Mile, beat ing Discord and three others; the Champion Stakes, across the flat, one mile 2 furlongs. 73 yards, beating Placida, the Oaks winner, Exeter and five others, and the Grea Chailenge Stakes, Bretby Course, six furlongs, beating Lollypop, Placida, Parole and others. He ended his three. year-old career by running third for a handicap ‘‘ Across the Flat” to Out of Bounds, who carried 110 pounds to Rayon d’Or’s 126 pounds. His earnings for the year amounted to $87,735. Asa four-year-old Rayon d’Or began by winning the Prix du Cadran, 2 miles_and 5 furlongs, beating Zut, Salteador and others, and the Prix Rainbow, 3 miles and a furlong, beating Zut and Clocher at the Paris Spring Meeting in March. He was immediately afterward sert to England, where, on the 16th of April, at Newmarket, he ‘‘ walked over” for the Post Stakes (the two middle miles). At the Newmarket First Spring Meeting—two wecks later— he walked over for the Prince of Wales Stakes (the Cesarewitch Course). At Ascot he won the Rous Memorial Stakes over the New Mile, carrying 132% pounds; but in run- ning for the Hardwicke Stakes at the same meeting over the Swinley course (mile and a half) he was beaten a head by Exeter, to whom he was giving 10 pounds. This race closed his turf career. Flageolet, his sire, was a superior race-horse. He won his first race in France at two years old, defeating a large field. Won the Hopeful Stakes, one-half mile,fat New- market, 128 pounds; won the Rutland Stakes, three quarters of a mile, 129 pounds, beating His Grace and two others; won the Forlorn Stakes, Rowley mile, 128 pounds, beating Lord Mayo, 122 pounds; won Burwell Stakes, 5 furlongs, 128 pounds, defeat- ing Amalie Von Edelreich, 122 pounds, was unplaced in Middle Park Plate, won by Surinam. Ran second to Andred in the Prendergast Stakes, Surinam and three others behind him. Wou the Criterion Stakes, three-quarters of a mile defeating Paladin, Kaiser and four others. As three-year old ran second to Boiard in the Prix du Jockey Club (French Derby), and second to him in the Grand Prix de Paris in 1873. He was also second to Apollon in the Prix du Cédre, same year. Crossing the channel, he was unplaced in the 2,000 guineas, won hy Gang Forward; ran second to Cremorne in the Gold Cup at Ascot; won the Goodwood Cup, in which he beat both Favonius and Continoted on page 134, The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 133 PEDIGREE OF RAYON DOR (Imp.) Imported and owned by W. L. Scott, Erie, Pa. RAYON D’OR. (Ray of Gold.) Chesnut horse foaled 1876. Bred at Dangu, France. FLAGEOLET. ARAUCARIA. * Emperor given. 8 Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexandcr—Brunette b e < Touchstone. Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. i a, & Vulture Langar—Kite by Bustard—Miss Hap by Shuttle—Dau. of Sir Peter—Miss 216 - Hervey by Eclipse—Clio by Y. Cade—Dau. of Old Starling. Bi Sandbeck—J i i —Johanna by Selim—Comical’s dam by Skyscraper—Dau. of é ¢ Redshank. Dragon—Fidget’s dam by Matchem—Dau. of 8 ohoae B “ B Oxygen. Emilius—Whizgig by Rubens—Penelope by ‘Lampator— Pronela by 3 3 Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. a a $ ; Sultan—Cobweb by Phantom—Filagree by Sooth ‘—Web by Waxy— & 3 y 0 gree oothsayer e a wa Bay Middleton. Penelope by Oe ee by Highflyer—Julia. 2 , Sass Plenary Emilius—Harriet by Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally 8 Pa by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed, by Florizel. cS i abl. ‘ Partisan—Fawn by Smolensko—Jerboa by Gohanna—Camilla by Trentham o 3 LP Venison. —Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. 7 et g' a Darkness Glencoe—Fanny by Whisker—Dau. of Camillus—Dau. of Precipitate— x : Mendoza’s dam by Paymaster—Pomona by Herod. oe Ae Whalebone—Defiance by Rubens—Little Folly by Highland Fling—Har- ae a Defence. riet by Volunteer—Dau. of Alfred—Magnolia by Marske. = es a Dauctier of Reveler—Design by Tramp—Defiance by Rubens—Little Folly by High- See & ; land Fling—Harriet by Volunteer—Dau. of Alfred—Magnolia. a ° Sete, rite : a) e Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of as 3 a Royal Oak. Highflyer—Dau.of Marske—A-la-Grecque by Regulus—Dau. of Allworthy = = Ada Whisker—Anna Bella by Shuttle—Dau. of Drone—Contessina by Young S < . Marske—Tuberose by Herod—Gr. Starling by Starling. 5 ee spree acute peme Fx s Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— al. 2 ie Partisan. Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. = 5 A gles Pauline i osea—-Candiile by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary als 7 by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. _ . a/ 2 Heraule Rainbow—Amable by Election—Aladdin’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Jav- 3 g . elin—Sis. to Spadille by Highflyer—Flora by Squirrel. 4 Elvira Eryx—Sis. to Buzzard—Bennington’s dam by Perey Arabian—Dau. 3 P of Herod—Dau. of Snap—Chalkstone’s dam by Shepherd’s Crab. “ Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna g| 3S | Whalebone. | _Futia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. ace a & Daushitero? Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron by Florizel— B10 & - Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. aq Bl os Orville—Miss Sophia by Stamford—Sophia by Buzzard—Huncamunca b al 2 Master Henry. Highfiyer—Cypher by Squirrel—Fribble’s dam. : 3 a Boadicea Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An- 9 aa) 3 caster Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper—Dau. of New Arabian. it g : ili Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- < g Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. of A id Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs 2) Cressida. by Babraham—Dau. of Cole's Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. oie ES Sorcerer—Dau. of Hiphiiyer —Pouce’s dam by Marske—A-la-Grecque by Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. Puy og | gy Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Long- é Ss Eleanor. legs by Babrahan—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. & ‘ “ Whiskey—Y. Noisette by Diomed—Noisette by Squirrel—Carina by b= z Marmion. Marske—Thunder’s dam by Blank—Dizzy by Driver. 5 Harpalice. |Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mercury—Dau. of Wood- pecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Reg- ulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Bartlet'’s Childers (Darley Arabian)—Dau. of Honeywood’s Arabian—Byerly Mare dam of the Two True Blues. 134 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. RAYON D’OR (Imp.)—Continued. Cremorne, the Derby winners of 1871 and 1872. He ran second to Uhlan in Brighton Cup; won the Grand Duke Michael Stakes at Newmarket First October Meeting; won a free handicap sweepstakes across the flat, and the Jockey Club Cup at the New- market Houghton Meeting. Asa four-year-old he ran second to Boiard twice in France; won the Claret Stakes at Newmarket, England; was second to Boiard in the Gold Cup, and third to King Lud and Boiard in the Alexandra Plate, both at Ascot. This closed his turf career. Plutus, his sire, was unplaced in the Derby of 1866, but won some races and ran creditably in others. Araucaria, Rayon d’Or’s dam, was the dam of Camelia, winner of the 1,000 guineas, and ran a dead heat and divided the Oaks Stakes with Enguerrande. Chamant, by Mr. Lorillard’s Mortemer, out of Araucaria, won the Middle Park Plate and the Dew- hurst Plate in England at two years old, and at three won the 2,000 guineas. The blood on the sire side is a combination of Touchstone through Orlando, a Derby win- ner, Bay Middleton, son of Sultan, a Derby winner, Venison and Glencoe, through Darkness, a winner of the Ascot Stakes. On the dam’s side Touchstone, St. Leger winner, Priam, Derby winner, and Glencoe, through Pocahontas, dam of Stockwell, Rataplan, King Tom, etc. An analysis of the tabulated pedigree will show that he is richly and fashionably bred; he has a double cross of Glencoe, a triple cross of Diomed, a double cross of Touchstone, fortified by the blood of Whalebone, doubled in upon the Herod and Eclipse blood on both sides to the Byerly Mare, dam of the Two True Blues. Rayon d’Or is probably the most magnificent specimen of his race ever imported. He is the highest-priced horse ever shipped across the Atlantic. His cost delivered at his home is little short of $40,000. In color he is a rich true chest- nut, with a large, rather faint, star in his forehead, standing 16 hands, 34 inches in height. He has a beautiful head, very broad between the eyes, with a very fine, cleax and tapering ear; neck long, but broad where it enters the head; shoulders well set and broad, with great depth of girth; good, round barrel, with splendid back, hip and loin. Wis hips will be found broad, with great length from the point of the hip to whirlbone, and thence to stifle and hocks, the latter clean cut and well placed, and the finest, soundest and best set of legs ever seen under a horse; in fact, it is one of his great excellent points, and certainly nothing is more essential toa good race-horse. Rayon d’Or (Ray of Gold) deserves his name. Bred to the daughters or grandaughters of Lexington pussessing the Australian or Glencoe blood, or to the daughters of Bon- nie Scotland with the Lexington Glencoe and Archy blood, he must and will bea grand success in the stud. REPEL Will stand for the season of 1883 at the stables of Capt. W. Cottrill, near Mobile, Ala. Services only by private contract. ReBEL, by Socks, son of imp, Albion, bred by John L. Connally, Haze Co., Texas, foaled 1861, dam Betty Wharton, by Othello, son of imp. Leviathan, out of a daughter of imp. Consol, by Lottery, she out of Lady Huntsville, own sister to John Bascomb, by Bertrand. Rebel may have been a first-class horse as a racer, but we have no record of his performances. Socks, the sire of Rebel, was a fine race-horse; he beat Planet in the Hutchison Stakes, mile heats, at Charleston, S. C., in 1859, in 1484, 1:474, and the following week won the Hutchison Stakes, same place, 2-mile heats, in 3:41, 3:48!, beating Fanny Washington and Hennie Farrow. Albion, the sire of Socks, was imported as a yearling. as a winner at from one to three-mile heats, and famous as a stalion. On the dam’s side, Rebel is exceptionally well bred, and is. descended from one of the oldest and most noted racing families in America. Othello, sire of his dam, out of Sally Burton, by Sir Archy, was a very fine race-horse at alk distances. Imp. Consol, the sire of his grandam, was a successful sire, having gotten the prodigy, Miss Foot; she won a second heat of four miles in 7:35, and in the fall of 1842, beat Argentile and Alice Carneal, Lexington’s dam, four-mile heats, at Lexing- ton, Ky., in 7:42, 7:40, the best and fastest race run in the state to that date. His great grandam, Lady Huntsville, was own sister to the great race-horse, John Bascomb, the conquerer of Post Boy in the great match over the Union Course, L. I., by the celebrated Old Bertrand. 'The family has always been a racing one, Ratler, Childers, Sumpter, Wild Irishman, Frankfort, Parole, Falsetto, and a host of others, trace back to the imp. Cub Mare, through Old Slamerkin by imp. Wildair. The best of Rebel’s get are Sam Harper, Ella Hurper, Little Reb, Capt. Fred. Rice. Judith C, Bessie Davis, Tunic, Col. Sellers (alas Tug Wilson, aléas Little Dan), Texan and others, all of which have been winners. Rebel is a dark brown horse, full 16 hands high, with gray or silvered legs.. He is a well shaped horse, possessing great constitution which he im- parts to his progeny. + The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 135 PEDIGREE OF REBEL. al, ; conoy, |Kiug Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by White- a 3 Bening Proves nose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. Tie Blue, ° Hla) Mi PB Baas of Hesuiee Din, of Lone bay cuties “Dow of Bey Bone: % zet—. i gulus—Dau. of Lons’ Bay Arabian—Dau. of Bay Bolton. 7 : . e i 5 ty lack _ |Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot- na 83 Blacklock 7 cae ek oy oer ee of vo Mag tau. of Cul. ‘Ayeblan. sls : uniper iskey)—Dau. of Sorcerer—Virgin by Sir Peter—Dau. of Pot-8- 4 Se Daughter of. os—Editha by Herod—Elfrida by Siuapesbade of Regulus. s a a . Golumpus—Lucy Gray by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse ail 2 Canton: Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Bin ae on the Mill by Traveler, ° 2 | Miss Garforth Walton—Dau. of Hyacinthus—Zara by Delpini—Flora by Regulus—Dau. 5 ‘| of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Belgrade Turk. a ee of d John Richards. ae snide Wilders ae ee ee ee a of ee oe of 3 2 —Dau. npariel (Imp. Fearnought). Ay. 5 Selima Top. Gallant—John Bull by Imp. Gabriel—Active b. Chathatw (Regulus)— s 5 : Shepherdess by Imp. Slim—Shrewsbury by Imp. Figure. Bl a as Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 4 ey 33 Sir Archy. 3 oe Ae Forester—Dau. of Colition Colt. a ‘ ilverheels (Ogle’s Oscar)—Equa by Imp. Chance—Dau. of Republican a - Pandora 2d. President (Imp. Highflyer)—Dau. of Imp. Ranger—Dau. of Lind. Arabian. A : ‘ Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice : ; 5 Orville. mmiee, ce aes of Regulus—Marske’s dam. a: 3 indle (Beningbrough)—Dau. of Anvil (Herod)—Virago by Snap—Dau. , a = | Daughter of. | “of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin by y True Blue. ,eyn . Slag Z Beningbrough—Mary Ann by Sir Peter—Dau. of Y. Marske—Dau. of 3 ag Windle. Matchem—Dau. of Tarquin—Sis. to Antelope by Y. Belgrade. E el Dauchterot Anvil (Herod)—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab 3 a > & 4 —Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. of Ox Dun Arabian, o | * * a * 2 é ‘ Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Chil- CO) eB Diomed. ders—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham. z gim’e Castianir Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wms. 11g 4 asuanine Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Bustard. Zi a: = io i 5 Imp. Buzzard (Woodpecker)—Dau. of Imp. Pantaloon (Herod by Tartar a 2 2 Junius. Pianets Steger’s Imported Mare. ‘ . i eS Be | 3 D Pex Imp. Citizen (Pacolet by Blank)—The Imp. Barb. Mare sent to his Ex- Si 1A aughter. celency Prest. Jefferson in 1806 by the Bey of Tunis. e : ~~ |Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of a 7p y by) |.) amp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyanea by Snap. a 9 + Mand Pot-8-o’s—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette fa) | 8 aneanes by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian, est 2 a 4 Gohanna—Dau. of Herod—Desdemona by Marske—Y. Hag by Skim—Hag wile > Cerberus. by Crab—Ebony by F. Childers—Ebony by Basto. i) & 3 F Delpini—Tripple Cyder by King Fergus—Sylvia by Y. Marske—Ferret b, 5 a Merlin’s dam Bro. to Silv! Dau. to Regal s—Dau of Mo i bi ¥ 5 : TO. io—Dau. us— : r. Arabian. a ae Z . “|Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 3\3 a Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wm’s. Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. Ale) 2 : Imp. Bedford—Mambrina by Mambrino—Sis. to Naylor’s Sally by Blank— = Pp 2 a Eliza. Dau. of Ward—Dau. of Merlin—Dau. of Pert. a os Pp Sie ‘Imp. Citizen—Mary Gray by Tippoo Saib— (True Whig)—Dau. of Goode’s 2 ee acolet. Brimmer (Harris’ Eclipse)—Dau. of Imp. Silvereye. oO 3/55] Sally Sneed. Imp. Buzzard—Jane Hunt by Hampton’s Paragon (Flimnap)— Moll_by a Imp. Figure (Gr. Figure)—Slamerkin by Imp. Wildair (Cade)—Imp. Cub SSE * Acteon given, see Royalty for Cain + Blacklock given. Mare by Cub(Fox)—Amarantbus’ dam by Second (F. Childers)—Dau. of Starling (Bay Bolton)—Dau. of Croft’s Partner (Jigg)—Sis. to Guy by Greyhound (White Barb. Chillaby)—Brown Farewell by Makeless—Dau. of Brimmer—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Dau. of Dodsworth—Layton Barb. Mare. 136 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. REFORM, (WINNER OF THE SEQUEL STAKES, AT MONMOUTH PARK, 1874,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Erdenhein Stud, Chestnut Hill, Pa., at $100 the season, and $5 to the yroom. Application to Maj. J. R. Hubbard, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Rerorm, by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Mr. R. W. Cam- eron, Clifton Stud, N. Y., foaled 1871, dam imp. Stolen Kisses, by the Knight of Kars, son of Nutwith, out of Defamation, by Iago. ‘Defamation, his grandam, was the dam of Saccharometer, winner of the Newmarket two year-old Plate, the July Stakes, and Chesterfield Stakes, and was second to Macaroni for the 2,000 guineas. As atwo-year-old, started in six races. At Jerome Park, was second in the Nursery Stakes for two-year olds, one mile, won by Rutherford in 1:472, Atilla, Saxon, and others behind him, and was unplaced in all his other races. Asa three-year-old, started in nine races, of which he wontwo. Monmouth Park, won the Sequel Stakes for three-year-olds, 2 miles, in 3:37}, beating Dublin, Vandalite, and five others. Saratoga, won adash of 12 miles, 88 lbs., in 3:05%, beating Dublin, London, and one other. This was the fastest race to that date at the distance. At Jerome Park, was third to Dublin and Vandalite, in the Withers Stakes, one mile, in 1:50, track muddy, Grinstead, Maccaroon, and nine others behind him. Saratoga was third to Vandalite and Grin- stead in the Sequel Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:403, Madge and three others behind him. Was third to Stampede and Acrobat, in the Kenner Stake, 2 miles, in 3:42, Rutherford be- hind him. At four years old, was second to Ballinkeel, in Westchester Cup, 2} miles, with Botany Bay and Shylock behind him. Was second to Aaron Pennington in the Woodburn Stakes, 2} miles, in 4:364, beating Grinstead and Rutherford. At six years old, was second to Frederick the Great, in arace of mile heats, the first heat in 1:47, was then withdrawn. Frederick won second heat in 1:47. Was unplaced ina Club Purse, 14 miles, won by Hattie F, in 2:013. Aged, won arace of three-quarters of a mile heats, in 1:24, 1:24, defeating n field of four, and one of mile heats in 1:55, 2:00, beating Gasconade and Odd Fellow, both run at Ambler Park, Pa. Reform has only a few colts on the turf, and they have run creditably. Little Fred (Yorkshire) won a mile in 1:43 and in 1:44: 1} milesin 2:13}. Tonawanda, three-quarters of a mile in 1:163, one mile in 1:48}, five furlongs in 1:02. Miss Lumley by Leamington, or Reform by the later, mile in 1:48, and won the Hunter Stake at Jerome Park, 12 miles, in 3:20, track muddy, beating Amazon and six others. Tuscaloosa, by Leamington, or Reform evidently by the latter, won the Army and Navy Stakes at Washington, 14 miles, in 2:40%, beating Free Gold, La Gloria, and three others, and the Delight filly a winner. Reform is a brown, 15 hands 8% inches high, white face, wide expanding nostrils, large prominent eyes, clean cut, with no superfluous lumber, and possesses much quality, but has the Melbourn ear, having a double Pantaloon cross, with the Glencoe Whale- bone, and traces through a long line of Herod blood to the dam of the Two True Blues. He will be a success. The Horse-Breeders’’ Guide and Hand Book. 137 PEDIGREE OF REFORM. REFORM. * Waverley given. i Pot-8-0’s (Eclipse)—Maria by Herod (Tartar)—Lisette by Snap(Snip)—Miss 3 S g Waxy. ‘Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade (Bolarade 3 ao Penelope Trimpator (Conductor)—Prunella by Fe ae aie a by Snap—Julia 5 ze DE: by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner (Jigg)—Dau. of Bay Bolton. 2 Gehanna (Mercur ; i ‘ ‘y)—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham— eh = ‘ Wanderer. Coquette by the Compton Barb—Sis. to eeuras b Golo). Arabian. 31h 2 Thalestris, |4!exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by rone—Manilla by Goldfinder 3 —Dau. of Old Eng. (Godol.)—Dau. of Cullen Arabian—Miss Cade by Cade g : . . |Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus | |oF Shanteleer: —Dan. of Bartlet’s Childers—Dau of Hon. Arabian. ee 5 ).318 8 Terie: Bagot—Dau. of Gamahoe—Patty by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail |=is] alloway by Cur. Bay Barb. é Z| 18 : O| tal; j Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Bl. Susan b BR 3 a Tesh See: " Snap hore Braces Mare: Dy eee of Belgrade. : = ine.|Bagot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Ara- g & Sung Hibeoite bian—Grey Robinson by Bald Ga!loway. E —Piracantha by Matchem—Prophetess by Regulus. 3S o/s Catton—Desdemona by Orville—Fanny by Sir Pet i - ks > 3 a MMulatio: Desdemona by Marske 1. Hag by Sider Ha fronk ae a S 4 Leda: Filho-da-Puta—Treasure by Camillus—Dau. of Hyacinthus—Flora by King 5 Fergus—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. 2 qd . Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os— i i g g P : alton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sna = 3] 2 ‘artisan —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Bartaer Benny Lass by B. citer, ms Faw Smolensko—Jerboa by Gohanna—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by g > Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Grey Robinson. Sy 2 ; Camel. Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon S Be —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. S| Margellina. Whisker—Manuella by Dick Andrews—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Young Ca- = milla by Woodpecker—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. os oz Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella es Comus. by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s ais by Bre. e Fearnought. eles Clinkerina Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- 5 go 5 son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs (Bay Turk.) 5 Bass Ala Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice 2 © Cervantes. by Sampson—Dau. of Resilas Mandela a A l Williamson’s Ditto—Esther by Shuttle—Dau. of Drone—Dau. of Matchem rabella. —Jocasta by Cornforth’s Forester—Sis. to Y Cade. A | Vi 3 Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— 3s Walton: Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. a Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highfiyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spec- a Parasol. tator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. di Sorcerer—Wowski by Mentor—Waxy’s dam by Herod—Lisette by Snap— e Smolensko. Miss Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer. \ & Gohanna—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Comp. Barb—Sis. to Regu- Jerboa. lus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. Si — Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem Muley. —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. Bustard (Castrel)—Mignonette by Sorcerer—Symmetry by Sir Peter—Phan- tasmagoria by Precipitate—Dau. of Herod. Blucher. Spell. Waxy—Pantina by Buzzard—Dau. of Trentham—Sis. to Drone by Herod —Lilly by Blank—Peggy by Cade—Sis. to Wid. Mare. Sorcerer (Trumpator)—Dau. of Mark Anthony Geena Soe by Squirrel (Traveler)—Carina by Marske (Squirt)—Thunder’s dam by Blank (Godol, )}—Dizzy by Driver (Wynn Arabian)—Dau. of Smiling Tom (Con- yer’s Arabian)—Dau. of Deere pan of Merlin (Bustler)—Dau. of Commoner (Place’s White Turk)—Coflin Mare by Selaby Turk—Dau. of Place’s White Turk. 144 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. SENSATION, (WINNER OF JUVENILE AND NURSERY STAKES AT JEROME PARK, JULY, CRITERION AND AUGUST STAKES AT MONMOUTH PARK, SARATOGA AND FLASH STAKES AT SARATOGA, AND CENTRAL STAKES AT BALTIMORE, 1879.) Sensation will stand the season of 1888 at the Bolingbrooke Stud, near Middleburg, Md., at $100 the season. Application to R. W. Walden, Middleburg, Md. SeNnsaTIon by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by Mr. A. Welch, Erdenheim Stud, Pa., foaled, 1877, dam Susan Beane, dam of Stratford, Susquehanna, Onondaga, etc., by Lexington, son of Boston, out of Sally Lewis, dam of John Morgan, Hiunter’s Lexington Acrobat, etc., by imp. Glencoe. Sensation was truly the sensa- tion of his two-year old year. Started eight times and won all of his races. Jerome Park, May 31, won the Juvenile Stakes, half-mile, defeating Ethel and nine others ; time, :50. Monmouth Park, July 8, won the July Stakes, five furlongs, defeating his stable companions, Grenada and Rosalie, who finished, respectively, second and third, and ten others ; time, 1:07. Saratoga, July 22, won the Flash Stakes, half-mile, Grenada and Rosalie again finishing second and third, five others came in behind them ; time, :493. Same meeting, July 29, won the Saratoga Stakes, three-quarter mile, defeating Grenada, who finished second, Beata, Glidelia, Giroflé and By-and-By ; time, 1:18. Monmouth Park, Aug. 23, won the August Stakes, three-quarter mile, defeat~ ing Grenada, who ran second, and seven others ; time, 1:18}. Same meeting, Aug. 26, won the Criterion Stakes, three-quarter mile, carrying 5]bs. penalty, and defeated Grenada, second, and five others ; time, 1:22; track slow and heavy. Jerome Park, Oc. 2, won the Nursery Stakes, three-quarter mile, defeating Ferncliff, Grenada and four others ; time,1:18. Baltimore, Oct. 23, won the Central Stakes, one mile, de- feating Grenada and Oden; time, 1:50}. Total winnings, for the year, $20,250. He met and defeated all the best two-year olds of his year, winning from a half to one mile. He bursted his foot in the spring of 1880, which compelled his retirement. He is from one of the great racing families of the country. Acrobat and Hunter's Lexington, full brothers to his dam, were fine race-horses and could stay a distance. John Morgan, a half brother, was also a superior race-horse, and for his chances a very successful stallion, Motto, Nannie Lewis, Aldebaran were all good ones. Glen- more is also from the same family, and his dam traces back to the dam of the great tace-horse Medoc, who was the most successful sire in any day on all sorts of mares. Sensation is a brown, full 16 hands high, with a white stripe down his face and a lit- tle white on the pastern of his left fore leg. He has a fine well placed shoulder and is symmetrically formed all over with faultless action and good temper. From being a son of Leamington, and tracing to a racing family and being an uncommon fine race- norse, he should get race-horses. He has the Pantaloon and Whalebone crosses on the sire’s side, and the Glencoe on the dam’s with the blood of Sir Archy and Diomed through its best sources. The Horse- Bre‘ ders’ Guide and Hand Book. 145 PEDIGREE OF SENSATION. doeat Pot-8-os (Eclipse)—Maria by Herod (Tartar)—Lisette by Suap (Snip)—Miss .|@ ? ala a Bae: Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade. 3 = 3 Penelope. Trumpator—(Conductor)—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— E ; Julia by Blank (Godol.)—Spectator’s dam by Partner (Jigg). ralss) Goh i = i ‘ ; i eel te ‘ ohanna (Mercury)—Catherine by Woodpecker (Herod)—Camilla by Trent- bp) “| 5 Wandelee. ham (Sweepstakes)—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus. 3 Ay Thalestris Alexander (Eclipse)—Rival by Sir Peter (Highflyer)—Hornet by Drone fa : (Herod)—Manilla by Goldfinder (Snap). 3 mes a BS . Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse (Marske)—Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea— oo) 56 Chonsiclesr: Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Bart, Childers (Darley Arabian). 8 |S [ra a Tere Bagot (Herod)—Dau. of Gamahoe (Bustard by Crab)—Patty by Tim : ad 3 ‘ (Squirt)—Miss Patch by Justice(Litton Arabian)—The Ringtail Galloway. Al fs : oO S| 43 ‘ Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer (Herod)—Shift by Sweetbriar Ee So a Trish. scape. . Oy Sod ke Susan ee im eee cade ee é = ‘Oi agot (Herod)—Heroine by Hero (Cade)—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by g Et, | Moune Hleroime: Goal, Arabian—Grey Robinson by the Bald Galloway. 8 rer (Tr : ; : o.: C : orcerer (Trumpator) Houghton Lass by Sir Peter (Highflyer)—Alexina by Jag ors King Fergus eae a ardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade (Godol.) 3 a Clinkerina, (Clinker (Sir Peter)—Pewet by Tandem (Syphon)—Termagant by Tantrum E 5 S (Cripple by Godol.)—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dan. of Regulus. oid | .|2 Don Quixote (Eclipse)—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum— 5 S S Cervantes. Cantatrice by Sampson (Blaze)—Dau. of Regulus —Marakee'e dam. 3 3 | Daughter of Golumpus (Gohanna)—Dau. of Paynator fear to Zodiac by $ Al ms a St. George (Anvil)—Abigail by Woodpecker (Herod)—Firetail by Eclipse. % coke aq} ose. Whalebone (\Waxy)—Dau. of Selim (Buzzard)—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. el! rest arael: of Phoenomenon (Herod)—Matron by Florizel Glersay /a/29 Banter Master Henry (Orville)—Boadicea by’ Alexander (Eclipse)—Brunette by e = 2 J Amaranthus (OldEng.)—Mayfly by Matchem (Cade)—Dau.of An. Starling. zi 5 Wax, i : eed y (Pot-8-os)—Penelope by Trumpator (Conductor)—Prunella by High- 5 Ss 4 Whisker. flyer—Promise by Snap (Snip)—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. a & | Gibside Fairy Hermes (Mercury)—Vicissitude by Pipator (Trumpator)—Beatrice by Sir a i) ‘| Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin. EY a2 & * Beningbrougb (King Fergus)—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tan- 2 7 = Orville. trum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Hegalue—Matshe'a dam: | i! 8 Emil Stamford (Sir Peter)—Dau. of Whiskey (Saltram)—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- a -\5| a y- mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. ete ci ae bol 5 Scud Beniogbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s dam 18} 3 : by Herod (Tartar)—Dau. of Bajazet (Godol.)—Dau. of Regulus. o| 8 Goosander, |Hambletonian (King Fergus)—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed ila 3 . by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator (Crab)—Horatia by Blank. 4 ul Pot-8-os (Eclipse)—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by FA BY} we . Godol. Arabian—Dau. of Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers. eed Penélope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— e a,e Be Spectator’s dam by Partner—Dau.of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Darley Arabian. fy e e Selim, or Sorcerer—Golden Locks by Delpini (Highflyer)—Violet by Imp. Shark— i 4} | *Soothsayer. Dau. of Syphon (Squirt)—Quick’s Charlotte by Blank. wa § Sprite Bobtail (Precipitate)—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham— n > Prive: Coquette by the Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus byGodol. « a : Sir Arch Imp. Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham (Highflyer)—Tabitha byTrentham og Ete: —Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dan. of Coalition Colt. a 8 S Dauchter of Imp. Saltram (Eclipse)—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. a ae AME Avr Ol. Othello)—Dau. of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire. A a 3 oie8 “i Imp. Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Imp. Eclipse—Dau. of oe Da se Ball’s Florizel. Ti, Fearnought—Dan. of Imp. Jolly Roger—Dau. of Imp. Sober John, a) |S hter of Imp. Alderman ube os Daa. of Imp. Clockfast (Gimerack)—Dau. of 2, a 3 Daughter of. Symme’s Wildair—Kitty Fisher by Imp. Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher. aq € & Emili Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant Sigias mous. —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver (Snake). sz, . The Flyer (Vandyke, Jr.)—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beniugbrough 5 5 5, Tearia. —Primrose by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia. —_ = 3 Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Imp. Robin Redbreast (Sir Peter)—Dau. of | [21 3 Sumpter. Imp. Obscurity (Eclipse)—Slamerkin by Imp. Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare. z < is Robin Grey (Royalist)—Maria by Melzar (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. High- a g Lady Grey. flyer—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel (Imp. Traveler). zB : : ‘Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred fy 3} § Selim. (Matchem)—Dau. of Engineer (Sampson)—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade. 4 3 3 t Williamson’s Ditto (Sir Peter)—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury (Eclipse)—Dau. Bi a Bacchante. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. i 4 Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau.of Wood- Bag Tramp. ecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. : 8 ga iiss Beriblope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap g eo Web. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner a igg). 8 wep ‘| Duroc (Diomed) Millers Damsel by une Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-0’s— Fa 8 Am. Eclipse. Dau. of Gimcrack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Fribble’s dam by Regulus. -| 3 | Young Maid of |Imp. Expedition (Pegasus)—Maid of the Oaks by Imp. Spread Eagle—An- ¢ eS the Oaks. nette by Imp. Shark—Dau. of Rockingham—Dau. of Gallant. — |) a : x |% Imp. Sir Harry (Sir Peter)—Mermaid by Waxy—Promise by Buzzard—Dau. = Bg Haxall’s Moses. at Pp sctaltata (Mobeni aay Harriet by Mark Anthony (Spectator). a 3 7| Daughter of. |Blackburn’s Whip (Imp. Whip by Saltram)—Maria by Craig’s Alfred (Imp. ee Medley by Gimcrack)—Dau. of Tayloe’s Bellair (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Medley—The Bellair Mare was brought from Virginia to Kentucky and certified to be thoroughbred. 148 The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hand Book. SPRINGBOK, (WINNER OF THE BELMONT STAKES AT JEROME PARK, SARATOGA CUP AT SARATOGA, AND MANY OTHER RACES,) Will stand the season of 1883, at the Edgewater Stud, Harrison County, Evy., at $100 the season. Application to Hon. 1. J. Megibben, Lairs Stution, Hy. SPRINGBOK by imp. Australian, son of West Australian, bred in the Woodburn Stud, Ky., foaled 1870; dam, Hester by Lexington, 2d dam, Heads I Say, dam of Maggie Hunter, Hazard, etc., by imp. Glencoe out of imp. Heads or Tails, by Lottery. Springbok came out as a two-year old, started in two races. Jerome Park won a dash of five furlongs for two-year olds in 1:05}, beating Minnie Mac, Katy Pease and others, and was unplaced in the Saratoga Stakes, at Saratoga, three-quarters of a mile, won by Catesby in 1:173. As a three-year old started in seven races, of which he won three. At Jerome Park won the Belmont Stakes for three-year olds, one mile, 5 fur- longs, beating Count D’Orsay, imp. Strachino, Waverley and six others, among which were Fellowcraft and imp. Ill-Used. Same place won a race of mile heats in 1:454, 1:44}, beating imp. Buckden and two others ; won mile heats in 1:464, 1:48, 1:48}, Minnie Mac won the first heat. At Monmouth Park was second in the Jersey Derby for three-year olds, 14 miles, won by Tom Bowling in 2:45%; at Jerome Park was second in the Jerome Stakes for three-year olds, 2 miles, won by Tom Bowling, no official time given ; at Saratoga, was unplaced in the Travers Stakes, for three-year olds, 14 miles, won by Tom Bowling in 3:094, and was third in the Kenner Stakes for three-year olds, 2 miles, won by imp. Il-Used in 3:39. Asa four-year old, started in nine taces of which he won eight. Jerome Park, won a selling race, 1$ miles, in 3:14}, carrying 115 lbs., and beating Mate, Fellowcraft and others ; won a handicap sweepstakes one mile and 5 furlongs, in 2:53; at Utica, N. Y., won the Citizens’ Handi- cap Stakes, for allages, 2 miles, in 3:364, beating Artist and Katy Pease; same place won the Hotel Purse, mile heats, in 1:45, 1:423; at Saratoga won a dash of 1} miles, in 2:092, beating Mate, Survivor, and Dublin ; won the Saratoga Cup, 24 miles, in 4:114, beating Preakness, Katy Pease and Wanderer ; wona dash of 2 miles and a furlong in 3:56, won a dash of 8 miles in 5:423, beating Preakness and Fellowcraft; Jerome Park, was second in the Jockey Club Handicap, 2 miles, won by Preakness in 3:42. As a five-year old, he started in six races, winning four and running dead heat in one. At Jerome Park, won a dash of 14 miles, in 2:484, beating Mate, the only other starter ; won arace of mile heats in 1:44}, 1:404, beating Spendrift, Big Fellow, and Bill Bruce ; won a dash of one mile and a turlong in 1:584, beating Bob Woolley, Mate and four others ; at Saratoga, ran dead heat with Preakness in the Saratoga Cup, 2¢ miles, jn 3:56}, the fastest race ever ran at the distance ; at Jerome Park won a dash of 12 miles in 3:12, heating Milner, Big Fellow and two others ; at Saratoga was se cond in a Sweepstakes, 1} miles, won by Grinstead in 2:082. As a six-year old, started once in a race of mile heats and was distanced in the first heat. In this race Freebooter was the winner, with 101 lbs., while Springbok carried 124 ]bs, Springbok was a first class race-horse, and is descended froma racing family on both sides; he is much inbred to Waxy through Whisker, Whalebone, and Web, and traces on his dam’s side to Eleanor by Whiskey, the first mare to win both the Derby and Oaks. In addition to his Diomed blood through Lexington, his dam traces to Dio- med’s best daughter in England, Young Giantess, the dam of Sorceror, and a sis- ter to Roxana, who first brought the great Godolphin Arabian into notice to a daughter of Spanker. Only a few of his get have been trained. Clipsetta was one of the hest two-year olds of the past year. Won the Ladies’ Stake at Louisville, Ky., five . furlongs, in 1:033, and Tennessee Stake, three-quarters of a mile, defeating such ones Ella, Vera, Bondholder, Ascender, etc. She unfortunately died early in the season. Springbok is a bright chestnut, 16 hands high, with star and snip over his left nostril, and white spot between the nostrils, and black spot over hisright eye, left foreleg white over the ankle, both hind feet white nearly to the hocks. He is a horse of great substance and power, highly finished all over without a particle of lumber, and will make his markin the stud. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 149 PEDIGREE OF SPRINGBOK. SPRINGBOK. S Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexinaby King Fergus—Lardella ys a a§ Commas: ie Y:. sla origin of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. $ | Bet $ “ inker —Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by E ea a Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. om!” j2].. Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice 8 Ss 2 Cervantes. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dem by Blacklegs. rau ced Daughter of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by $ = : Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Cade. 4 ha oe Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by St. Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon 2| Ios . —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. 13/28 Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly = Sia 2 ‘ by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. zi) [Sf I ee = 25 icici Waxy — Penelope by Trumpator— Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by 5 iS q Whisker. Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bouny Lass. a = | Gibside Fairy, |Hertmes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Match- la] fc] vs em—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. HE ma . ¢ Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice e 7 3 Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. | (Sf Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank 3 5 a y. —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. a cs sees re bc] 8 Scud Beningbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s dam als by Herod—Danu. of Bajazet—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Lon’s Bay Arabian. . 5 5 Goosander Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel Ss bs a —Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers. a a Wax Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- as y- bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. sae Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— ig iS Re: Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. _ 4 ee Selim, or Sorcerer—Golden Locks by ay eae by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— a) 3 Soothsayer.* Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dy. Dimple. 5 : Bobtail—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by > Sprite. Compton’s Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Grey Robinson. od Sir Arch Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- as TCDS? phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau.of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Bustard. oe Daughter of Imp. Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)— 8 4 Baber: 0 Dau. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire (Regulus). nlo 8 3/24 ; Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- AP iss Boilie Hlonzel- nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Danu. of Sober John—Dau. of Imp. Shark. El sec Dauchter of. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher Sp ae ene neh Or by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. a : | JAS] Ariss Pratt, |Blacklock—-Gadabout by Orville—Minstrel by Sir Peter—Matron by Flori- z . zel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. o x a ta ee eee tack S 2 Selim—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mereury— ea . s Sultan Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. : a| 9 Trampoline Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer— 3 B : Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. a ; ; ; : . ; Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by a a 3 4 e ateieys Matchem—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. ma] [ee 8 Clare Marmion—Harpalice by Gohanna—Amazon by Driver—Fractious by Mer- Es : cury—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena. iv 2 Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- =e as Cini. della by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade. . . is 5 ga Clinkerins Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- ma) 15 Bo ‘ son—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. Q JS] 4 Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice & zl ° Cervantes. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. a a Daughter of Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Bis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail by |g A 8 : Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Naylor by Cade. ne 5 va Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— = a] 3 Partisan. Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. a)a 3 Pauli Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorecerer—Canary tj a s aE by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. a Sos we aves ee o ‘* sie J tel so : a Ort: * eb) | ES) eteatuotgntiany alae Sis ty Paelie Day of Eel pay ne by a Eater 4 8 Myrrha. Whaltbone—Gift by Y. Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Dau. of A q y ; Trumpator—Sis. to Postmaster by Herod—Dau. of Snap. aq a dq Walton Sir Peter—Arethusa by gy Seer of Prophet—Virago by Snap— Zz 4 . Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. fe Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— Parasol e s\< . : Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. @ wn g 2 Sorcerer—Wowski by Mentor—Waxy’s dam by Herod—Lisette by Snap— > |e Eg Smolensko. Miss Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer. d a 3 Jerboa Gohanna—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to i] Fa ‘ Regulus by Godol. Arabian—G@Qr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. 3 ob ar Na ; a ; Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of | | g | Royal Oak. Highflyer—Dau. of Marske—A la Grecque by Regulus. aS Daushter of Orville—Epsom Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella by a| 2 aug neroh. Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. 8 es : Stripling (Phoenomenon)—Dau. of Oberon—Sis. to Sharper by Ranthos 15) 5 Octavian. (Matchem)—Dau. of Sweepstakes—Sis. to Careless by Regulus. 2 7 7 bian—Sis. . Le eel by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. . rumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— g Penelope. * Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Pa ee lay Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon . oY ' —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. Sai a Bs Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly f qiae . by Matchem—Dau. of An, Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. a w Bl oa Peat Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap tf 5 g Whisker. ae ulia b Biep eccenuoe ae by Partner—Bonny Lass. Gah Oo 8 ah at . ermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem x | Gibside Wairy: —Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin. oe ss aq ee a ‘ Hambletovian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass oD Ls 3 “ , Whitelock. és of ale eee hu eerer of Traveler. pcs atic ESS : oriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by < a ; Daughter of. Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. a a e Bilt ok & -j8| 3 Eclipse—Sportsmistress by War Sportsman—Golden Locks by Oroonoko m eS E a Pot-8-0's. Valiants dam by Crab—Dau. of Partner. 3 a Y. Camilla Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by the Compton Barb— pa S : Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. a : : 5 a ; . Trumpator—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Long- g a 3 Sorcerer. 5 legs by At eee ee e Cole’s ee ‘i - ne 29 ir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade = 3 3 Houghton Lass." _“peaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. 2 Sh En Stamford Sir Peter—Horatia by Eclipse—Countess, Delpini’s dam by Blank—Dau. fe BIS a ererone: of Rib (Crab)—Dau. of Wynn Arabian. | iAlSs Marci Coriander—Faith by Pacolet—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by be = areas Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler—Miss Makeless. fA : mae : Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Reguluse— Pb & Buzzard. Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Honeywood Arabian. s .| o lim’s D Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay a) |e} % Selim’s Dam. /"Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. Ss @|, %| Williamson’s |Sir Peter—Arethusa by Sip ae pee of Prophet—Virago by Snap— eed 38 Ditto. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab. So} lm Sia Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of 5 S Sis. to Calomel.)" Futton’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton. ‘Sp Se, . Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice a|'| 2 Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. AY g Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs g iS Eleanor. by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. 3 & Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. x & Waxy. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. 3S AA Witchery. |Sorcerer—Cobbea by Sh yerra ier (Highflyer)—Dau. of Woodpecker (He- rod)—Heinel by Squirrel ( *Voltaire given. raveler)—Principessa by Blank Soe Dau. of Cullen Arabian—Grieswood's Lady Thigh by Partner i. leg Dau. of Greyhound (White Barb Chillaby)—Sophonisba’s dam by Cur- wen Bay Barb—Dau. of D’Arcy Chestnut Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshirt —Old Montague Mare. 154 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. STRATFORD Will be used as private stallion in the Chester Valley Stud, Chester Valley,, Pa., the property of A. J. Cassatt, Esq. STRATFORD (Leamington 2d), by imp. Leamington, son of Faugh-a-Ballagh, bred by A Welch, Erdenheim Stud, Pa., foaled 1873, dam Susan Beane, dam of Sensation, by Lexington, son of Boston, out of Sally Lewis, dam of Hunter’s Lexington, John Morgan Acrobat, etc., by imp. Glencoe. Stratford was an exceedingly promising horse as a two-year old, but having been taken with a severe attack of distemper, was totally unable to start and the disease left him in such a poor plight, having injured hislungs, so that whilst he had speed, he was unable tn stay a distance. At three years old he started in fifteen races, winning two, running second in five, third in one, and un- placed in the others. Point Breeze Park, Pa., won purse three-quarters of mile a in 1:173, beating Durango, Paladin, and four others ; same place won purse heats of half a mile in :492, :494, :49%, beating First Chance, who won first heat, Hobkirk and’Grey Lag, the fastest three heats ever run. Jerome Park, ran second to Ambush, one mile in 1:48, beating Woodlands. Long Branch, ran second to Romney, three quarters of a mile in 1:18. Faithless Hattic F, and three others behind him. Point Breeze Park ran second to First Chance, three quarters of a mile in 1:15, beating Culpepper and two others. Ransecond to Waco, one mile in 1:44, beating Hobkirk, Emma G and another. Washington, D.C., ran second to Burgoo, 14 miles in 2:14, beating First Chance, Fadladeen and one other. As a four year ran unplaced in three races. Stratford is a highly bred horse, own brother to the great Sensation, and is bred from one of the great racing families of America, a family which were almost uniformly large and profitable winners on the turf, and very success- ful as stallions and broad mares, the family which produced Sensation, John Morgan, Acrobat, Hunter’s Lexington, Motto, Nannie Lewis, Glenmore, and a host of others, possessing speed, conformation, racing lineage and blood he cannot fail as a sire. Stratford isa brown, 152 hands, with a Leamington blaze in his face and black legs, he has magnificient shoulders, good middle piece, good back hip and Join, and excellent legs and feet, He much resembles his sire in general conformation and appearance. The Hlorse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 155 PEDIGREE OF STRATFORD. STRATFORD. : Waxy. Pot-8-os— Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- # bian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers, 3 Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— ° : ) 7 xg g a Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Palen} = a G a ; alr W. Sales ohanna—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette b 3 a sndener: agen Baro e Regulus by Godol. Ration, he a = + exander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder a Thalestris. —Dau. of Old Eng—Dau. of Cullen eavlan. 7 3 = a ES : Woodpecker—Dau. of Eclipse Rosebud by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus pe zee Chanticleer. —Dau. of Bart. Childers—Dau. of Honeywood Arabian. Ne s za s Tene Bagot—Dau. of ees by Tim—Miss Patch by Justice—Ringtail i 2 B alloway by Cur. Bay Barb—Sis. to Witty Mare. pa 3 Oo}; fs] # si Commodore—Buffer’s dam by Highflyer—Shift by Sweetbriar—Bl. Susan E S| Ep Intel, Beene’ - by Snap—Lord Bae Dau. of rae of Beletade. = waa agot—Heroine by Hero—Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian E f |Young Heroine. r. Robinson by Bald Ballowey Dau. of Broke : Imp. Childers (Blaze)—Dau. of Babraham (Godol.)—Dau. of Bethel’s - Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s Champion—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dan. of Old Merlin. 158 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. TOM OCHILTREE Will be located the season of 1883, at the Bolingbrooke Stud, near Middleburg, Md., and will be permitted tou serve mares at $25 the season. Application to R. W. Walden, Middleburg, Md. Tom OcunILTREE by Lexington, son of Boston, bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Stud, near Spring Station, Ky., foaled 1872, dam Katona, the dam of Metarie and San- ford, by Voucher, son of Wagner, out of Countess by imp. Margrave, winner of the St. Leger in 1882; Lexington will be found in this book ; Wagner, the sire of Voucher he the sire of Katona, was closely inbred to Sir Archy ; he defeated the great Grey Eagle in the two memorable contests, four mile heats at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1839; Voucher was a fine race-horse and was held in high esteem in his day ; Margrave, the sire of his grandam, was a large, fine horse and a very successful sire; sired Brown Dick, whose three miles in 5:30, 5: 282 has not often been excelled, he was.also sire of Blue Dick, a famous horse, and of Molly Jackson, whose famous third heat of three miles in 5: 28%, has never been equalled. ‘Tom Ochiltree did not run in his two-year old form, but scored his first victory at Baltimore, and won four out of the nine races in which he started in his three-year old form ; Baltimore, won dash of three-quarters of a mile in 1: 248, beating Audubon and seven others; won the Preakness Stakes a Sweepstakes for three-year olds, 14 miles in 2/434, beating Viator and seven others ; Jerome Park, won the Annual Sweepstakes for three-year olds, 2 miles and a furlong in 4:094, beating Chesapeake and Ascension ; Baltimore, Md., won the Dixie Stakes for three-year olds, 2 miles in 3:424, beating Viator, Aristides, Rbadamanthus and other good horses ; was third in the Breckenridge Stakes for three- year olds, 2 miles, won by Aristides, Viator second in 3:36}, he carrying a penalty of five pounds, and was unplaced in his other races; four-years old, started in ten races and won eight ; Baltimore, Md., won the Baltimore Cup, 22 miles in 4:09, beating Stampede, Viator and four others; Jerome Park, won the Jockey Club Handicap, two miles in 3: 41%, beating Kildare, Chesapeake and five others ; won the Centennial Stakes for all-ages, 2? miles in 5:09}, beating Acrobat and Olitipa; Monmouth Park, won the Monmouth Cup, 24 miles,in 4:48}, Stampede the only other starter; won the Capital Stakes for four-year olds, three miles in 5:3858, beating Chesapeake and Ascension ; at Saratoga, won the Saratoga Cup, 2} miles in 4:064, beating Parole, Big Sandy and Madge; Jerome Park, won the Maturity Stakes for four-year olds, three miles in 5:43}, beating Chesapeake, Mattie A, and Grey Nun; won the Centennial Cup, four miles in 7:36, beating Acrobat, Big Sandy and D’Artagnan ; at Saratoga, was second in the All-aged Sweepstakes, 1} miles, won by Parole in 2:12%; was unplaced in race of two mile heats, won by Add in 3:474, 3:482 ; Ochiltree won first heat, but was distanced in the second ; five years old, started fourteen times and was first in nine races; Baltimore, Md., won the Baltimore Cup, 2+ miles in 4:14; won race of two mile heats in 3:43, distanced the field first heat; Jerome Park, won the Westchester Cup, 24 miles in 4:09%, beating Athlene and Fellowcraft; won a dash of 2} miles in 4:363, Athlene the only other starter ; Saratoga, won a dash of 2 miles in 3:39}, beating Athlene and Aunt Betsey; won a handicap dash of 2 miles in 8:423, beating Cloverbrook, Oriole and two others ; Ochiltree carried 120 }bs.; Jerome Park, won the Grand National Handicap, 24 miles in 4:184, carrying 124 lbs., beating Parole, Inspiration and Galway ; won dash of 12 miles in 3:14, beating Virginius and Warlock, track heavy ; Saratoga was second in the All-aged Stakes, 14 miles, won by Vera Cruz (3), Ochiltree carried 124 lbs.; was second in the Saratoga Cup, 24 miles, won by Parole in 4:04} ; was second in a dash of 2} miles, won by Wiper in 4:02 ; was second in a dash of 13 miles, won by Vera Cruz in 3:17; at Baltimore, was third ina dash of 23 miles, won by Parole in 4:373, track very heavy. Tom Ochiltree is one of Lexington’s best sons, he could run fast and stay under heavy weights, his great size, coupled with symmetry of form, should commend him to breeders. He is deeply inbred to Diomed through his many Archy crosses, and the Eclipse cross is an addition through a staying family, fortified with a triple cross of Orville, through his sons, Muley and Emilius. Ochiltree is a bay, 16 hands 24 inches high, no white except a small star. He is one of the truest and best shaped big horses in the world, all bone aud muscle without a particle of lumber. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 159 PEDIGREE OF TOM OCHILTREE. TOM OCHILTREE. Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers 5 e a Biome: —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. 5 ee Castianira, |Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm.’s 3 Forester—Dau. of Coa. Colt—Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly. iw E = pi. 1S Saltram. clipse—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Misa a 3 anwar, - Seay ie ae Tanaanee: oe ae Arabian—Royal Mare. d _ |Symame’s Wildair (Imp. Fearnought)—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. g : A Daughter of of Imp. Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Imp. Vampire unis °|8 ; é Alsal«s Di Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers i 5 3g iomed. —Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival. aia 38 Daughter of. Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau, of J: olly 2 & Roger—Dau. of Sober John (Rib by Crab)—Dau. of Shock. Bl ay > ma} 6 Pot-8-os—Lady Bolingbroke by Squirrel—Cypron, Herod’s dam by Blaze— iz! 1s (3 Sldeaian. Selima by Bethel’s Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s Champion. ‘ So} 'S: 2} pauehter of, |Clockfast—Dau.of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought—Imp. cS eS A ie Kitty Fisher by €ade—Da. of Som. Arabian—Bald Charlotte by Old Royal. et | bg ‘je. |Beningbrough—Eveli i = i : g gbroug! velina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice IK wey Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by oenie ip i alg Emily Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank ZA E —Dizazy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. ian i ot Vandyke, Jr.—Azalia by Beningbrough—Gillyfiower by Highflyer—D. f 1] a) of , yke y Bening 2 y: Y. ye au. O (2) & The Flyer. Goldfinder—Sis. to Grasshopper by Marske—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. = 2 Parma Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by Mambrino—Cricket iS 7 by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second—Dau. of Stan. Arabian. Oo a ® 3 ‘ Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- = e Sir rene: porte. Deu of Wm.’s Poe ea of Coa. Colt—Dau. of Bustard. is atil]a? obin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub & a Ee Maa by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam by Second—Dau. of Starling. 's Woh. 2 fe gas Royalist—Belle Mariah by Grey Diomed—Queen by Imp. St. George—Dau. Aa | Hopi Rey of Cassius—Primrose by Imp. Doye—Stella by Othello. | ac Maria Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of ; Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian—Lady Thigh. g Gat Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- He Bie Arehy: phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. es as Daughter of, |Imp. Citizen—Dau. of Commutation—Dau. of Dare Devil—Sally Shark by c o 8 : Imp. Shark—Betsey Pringle by Fearnought—Imp. Jenny Dismal. op Sy os Marion Sir Archy—Dau. of Imp. Citizen—Dau. of Imp. Alderman—Dau. of Asche’s e 58 . Roebuck—Dau. of eee (lmp. Fearnought)—Dau. of Imp. Partner. a se Ella Crum Imp. Citizen—Dau. of Huntsman (Mousetrap by Y. Marske)—Dau. of 4 P Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Fearnought (Regulus)—Dau. of Imp. Janus. 3 Te : : ; S| <| py us Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice > 3 a Orel. by Stiipeen Dau, of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. a = Eleanor. Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Longlegs By ; by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. : j Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff—Dau. of Tatler— : a! & | Dick Andrews. Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Godol. Arabian—Dau. of Framp. Whiteneck. | .| 2 | Blacklock. | pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. g 3 Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam Ara- | & | Daughter of. bian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko—Sis. to Mirza. nD 2 d Sir Solomon—Dau. of Hickory (Imp.-hip)—Imp. Trumpetta by Ttumpa- 2| = |. Trumpator. tor—Sis. to Lambinos by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse. <| 8 Orphan—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer 3 Lucy. —Dan. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. al) Whalebone—Dan. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon Joe Camel. —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. BIBS Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander-—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly Oe 2 Banter. by Matchemm—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab). 2 a g| ' Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap : s 5 Whisker. eee by Bink Saeekaters dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. a Oisg ay 3 etnies —Vieiesitnds by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by 5 fq | Gibside Fairy. |” yatchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. Z fares Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of 4 2 Royal Oak. Highflyer—Dau. of Marske—A la Grecque by Regulus. Slo| 2 Orville—Epsom Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella by g a Daughter of. Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. a ; ~~ |Selin—Bacchante by Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury— Slee Sultan. Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus. Se Trampoline. |Tramp—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator (Conductor)—Prunella by Highflyer (Herod)—Promise by Snap (Snip)—Jdulia by Blank (Godol.) —Spectator’s dam by Partner (Jigg)—Bony Lass by Bay Bolton (Grey Hautboy)—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Natural Barb Mare. 162 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. VENTILATOR Will be located for the season of 1883, as private stallion, in the Brook- dale Stud, near Holmdel, Monmouth Co., N. Y., Mr. D. D. Withers, proprietor. VENTILATOR, by Vandal, best son of imp. Glencoe, bred by Gen. W. G. Harding, Belle Meade Stud, near Nashville, Tenn., foaled, 1872, dam Carolin, the dam of Bounce, By-the-Way, Ella, etc., by imp. Scythian, son of Orlando, by Touchstone, 2d dam Rosette, dam of Quartermaster, by imp. Yorkshire, out of Picayune, the dam of Doubloon, Florin, Louis d’Or, etc., by Medoc, son of American Eclipse. Ventilator made his first appearance as a two-year-old in the Young America Stakes, No. 1, one mile, at Nashville, Tenn., running second to Katie Pearce in 1:454, with Elemi, Leona, Bob Woolley, and six others behind him. Ran dead heat with Elemi, for the Young America Stakes, No. 2, one mile, in 1:463 ; Elemi beat him the deciding heat in 1:49, Behind him in this were Katie Pearce, Bob Woolley, and five others, At three years old was unplaced in the Clark Stakes at Louisville, won by his stable companion, Vol: geur. In1876 and ’77, he was in retirement. In 1878, he came out in poor hands, ran econd in one race and unplaced in seven. In 1879, started in 21 races, all over timver, won four, was second inthree, third in five,and unplaced in the others. He ran 2} miles over the Steeple Chase Course, at Sheepshead Bay, in 4:274, and won the second heat in a hurdle race of heats, 14 miles in 2:28. In 1880, started in 14 races, won seven, was second in five, and unplaced in two. His races were all over timber, and some of them fast ones, beating such horses as Judith, Bertha, Pomeroy, Chimney- sweep, etc. During bis retirement he covered three mares, and got Mary Anderson, Bagdad, and Ventriloquist, all of them winners in good company. The family isa famous racing one on both sides. On the sire’s side belong Lexington, Vandal, Mon- archist, Volturno, Ruric, Alaric, Luke Blackburn, Hindoo, Monitor, and others of the best horses of the American turf. On the side of his dam the family is perbaps equally famous, such horses as Doubloon, Florin, Louis d’Qr, the best horses of their day, as also Quartermaster, Vagrant and Bounce. Ventilator is a dark chestnut, with a small leaf-shaped star in the forehead, 154 hands high, but very stout, well shaped and muscular. He weighs 1,055 lbs. He will get race-horses with a fair chance. ‘The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 163 VENTILATOR. PEDIGREE OF VENTILATOR. 5 B ‘d. Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— & uzzard ee ee vee ee pa of Hon, Arabian—Dam of True Bick, -| 3 | Qastrel? exander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Ba: 3 io Beinel's dame Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler. 2 =] oO : s Stay = acm ak &| 8 | Williamson’s |Sir Peter—Arethusa by pee ee of Prophet—Virago by Snap— 3 Ditto. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. S Ol: Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of s| |g Sis. to Calomel.| Hutton’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolfon—Dau. of Fox Cub. a 2 a ln; : Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff—Dau. of Tatler Sls] 8 Dick Andrews. —Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Godolphin Arabian. s g Daughter of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting S B - by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. a Waxy Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. | : Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belyrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. Es} Ee Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— a : Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. Ga ca tolo Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomevon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lase S er Winelocks é of im eee eet of ee Makeless. |S 9 oriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot 8-os—Manilla by B pa Daughter of. Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss Cade. 3 Jel 3 : Beniugbrongh—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrurm—Cantatrice g Be = Orville. by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. ey 8 Miss Grimstone Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson— @ a ‘| Dau. of Oroonoko—Sis. to Mirza by Godol. Arabian. oO "es 1 ‘ Imp. Tickle Toby (Alfred)—Vesta by Dreadnought (Celer)—Bandy by 4 a's pir Salomon: louktact Dan. of Americus (Imp. Shark)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought. ai2a Dauphter of Hickory (Imp. Whip)—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator—Sis. to Lambinos aie ‘ by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse—Vauxhall Snap’s dam, by Cade. a Be eee EG aT ey Ea eaten ee pane Berets joe Bh Ball’s Florizel (Diomed)—Fair Rachel by Diomed—Susan Jones by Imp. ir B ‘Onpnes. Shark (Marske)—Dau. of Thornton’s Wildair (Symme’s Wildair). 5 Lady Gre Robin Gray—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— y y: Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. dias Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon |$8 A Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. o}|6 2 Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly q Es A by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab). S o Tanear Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— , 5 Ber: Molly Longlegs by Babrahan—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. a a . Bustard (Castrel)—Olympia by Sir Oliver—Scotilla by Anvil—Scota by 5 Kite vp. y = > ‘ Eclipse—Harmony by Herod—Rutilia by Blank. S Ba ees 7 Blacklock—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla R a Brutandorf. by Trentham—Coquette by Comp. Barb—Sis. to Regulus. :l22) Daughter of, |COMUs—Marciana by Stamford—Marcia by Coriander—Faith by Pacolet— 2 fast & ; Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. 5 8 Slane Royal Oak—Dau. of Orville—Epsom Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King -| |2] 8 ; Fergus—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. 4 £ | gis. to Cobweb Phantom—Filagree by Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpa- a a : ‘| tor—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia. FG a aye Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dor 3 a Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. 2 ae Sea-Mew Scud—Goosander by Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to al ¢ ee : Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia. a 5 . T Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of rH1 28 Taine. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. ;| |e Sancho—Blacklock’s dam by Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Co- 3) |ae Daughter of i 2 : heiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old England. o Q : 3 5 . Eclipse, [Duroc—Millers Damsel by Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gim- 2 8 Am Be ipse crack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of B. Childers. | & | Y- Maid of the |Expedition—Maid of the Oaks by Se Eagle—Annette by Imp. Shark g = Oaks. —Dau. of Rockingham—Dau. of Gallant—Dau. of True Whig. 2 “ Tiger Cook’s Whip—Jane Hunt by Hampton's Paragon—Moll by Imp. Figure— a 2 : 1BOE: Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. aS Lady Robin Robin Gray (Royalist)—Dau. of Quicksilver (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of x acy 7 Meade’s Celer (Janus by Janus, Son of Go. Arabian). 164 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. VIATOR, (WINNER OF THE SEQUEL ‘STAKES AT SARATOGA, WESTCHESTER CUP AT JEROME PARK, AND PHILADELPHIA CUP AT PHILA- DELPHIA, PA.), Will stand at the Cloverbrook Slud. Property »f Mr. Usher Clabaugh, neur Middleburg, Md., at $25 the season, dams of winners free. Viator by Vauxhall. son of Lexington, bred by E. A. Clabaugh, foaled 1872, dam Heatherbelle by imp. Balrownie, son of Annandale, out of L’Anglaise by Hobbie Noble. Viator made his appearance asa three-vear old, started eight times and won two races. Saratoga, won the Sequel Stakes for three-year olds, 2 miles, in 3:43}, beating Gen. Harvey, Vagabond, and Paul Pry ; won the Three-year old Stakes, 14 miles, in 2:48}. Baltimore, was second in the Preakness Stakes, 14 miles, won by Tom Ochiltree in 2:431 ; was second in the Dixie Stakes for three-year olds, 2 miles, won by Tom Ochiltree in 3:42} ; was second in the Breckenbridge Stakes for three- year olds, 2 miles, won by Aristides in 3:363. At Monmouth Park was third in the Jersey Derby for three-year olds, 14 miles, won by Calvin in 2:43} ; was un- placed in his other races, Asa four-year old started in eight races, of which he won four. Baltimore, won a race of 2 mile heats in 3:41, 3:43, beating Joe Cerns and three others. Jerome Park, won the Westchester Cup, 24 miles, in 4:103, beating St. Martin, Joe Cerns and Lelaps. Point Breeze Park, Pa., won the Philadelphia Club Cup, 24 miles, in 4:371, beating Chesapeake, Shirley, and Madge. Saratoga, won a dash of 2 miles in 3:37, beating Preston and Brother to Bassett (Charley Howard). Saratoga, was second in a dash of 4 miles won by S'. Martin in 7:44, only two starters. Baltimore, was third in the Baltimore Cup, 22 miles, won by Tom Ochiltree in 4:09. and was unplaced in his other races. Viator isa highly bred horse, his sire, Vaux- hall, was one of Lexington's best sons, and traces back to an own sister of Muley Mo- lock. Viator has the Diomed and Orville blond on the side of his sire, and the blood of Old Queen Mary, coup'ed with that of Whalebone through Touchstone and Sir Hercules, with the Herod and Hclipse through reputable sources. Viator is a bright chestnut, 16 hands high, with star in his forehead and one hind foot white. He measures 74 inches around the girth, and is finely and well developed. The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hund Book. 165 PEDIGREE OF VIATOR. VIATOR. . es Diomed—Castianira hy Rockingham—Tabith — = : Sir Archy. y Rockingham—Ta' a by Trentham—Dau. of Bos 3 g y 4 oe a hes ee of Conlliion Colt. = 8 altram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. I ee Ler en of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire. is : Ble i $1 S| Ball's Florizel. (Piomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- | 3's Ones nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock. g 2S) Daughter of. Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty £) | ei Fisher by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade. ¢ aj Emilius. Orville—Emnily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- Sis Be mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. o|ac Tearia. The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose g by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana. & Sumpter. Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- a| 12 2 erkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. Ia) id} 6 Lady Grey. Robin Gray—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— s ao Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond. o 8 as Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- eS eas Emilius. mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. # iS s|2g Sea-Mew. Scud—Goosander by Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to 3| & Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by Blank. q 3 2 Tramp Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of = BE Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Suap—Miss Belsea. Se Daughter of Sancho—Blacklock’s dam by Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Co- & . heiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. ig ; : ; |e : F Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta- im 2 Orville. trice by Se a of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. ad| = Rleanor Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Match pi —Molly Longleg’ 3) a : by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. 7 a 2) 2 : Joe Andrews (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Car. Puff—Dau. of a > Dick Andrews. |" “‘Tatler—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Go. Arabian—Dau. of Framp. Whiteneck. a Spitfire Beningbrough—Dau. of Y. Sir Peter (Doge)—Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of a B : Wil. Arabian—Dau. of Hut. Spot—Dau. of Mogul. ss Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon & jog . Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. 2 3 3 Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly S| ® : by Matchem—Dau. of An, Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab). a S g Lotter Tramp—Mandane by Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camillé by i a 3 y- Trentham—Coquette by Comp. Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Go. Arabian. & 3 Daughter of, |Cervantes—Anticipation by Beningbrough—Expectation by Herod—Dau. S ag 8 : of Skim—Dau. of Janus (Godol.)—Spinster by Crab. ° : = 4 & : Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap— a re 2 Eanrieans Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. S| Pauline Moses—Quadrille by Selim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary s s by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. a Bsa i é Emilius—Harriet by Pericles—Dau. of Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally i & | © Plenipotentiary. by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator. ra) io Myrrh Whalebone—Gift by Y- Gohanna—Sis. to Grazier by Sir Peter—Sis. to Am- bs A YEE, aitor by Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap. =| Castrel Buzzard—Selim’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Hightlyer—Dau. of Alfred— HK) }3| 2 : Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. < 2 = Idalia Peruvian—Musidora by Meteor—Maid of All Work by Highflyer—Sis. to fe Zz, 8 Tandem by Syphon—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Snip. Ay Oo Slog Camel—Banter by Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by s a a HONSHSLONE. Amaranthus—Mayfly by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling. Sim) & Deco Filho-da-Puta—Finesse by Peruvian—Violante by John Bull—Dau. of ‘3 a y- Highfiyer—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. oo] | 5 oe : . Whalebone—Peri by Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir S aa eons Peter—Hornet by Drone—Manilla by Goldfinder. . 2 as Guicciolli Bob Booty—Flight by I. Escape—Y. Heroine by Bagot—Heroine by Hero alas Cena —Dau. of Snap—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. S| a a Lansar Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— 5 Bars Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. a Delenda. _/Gohanna(Mercury)—Carthage, Sis. to Hannibal by Driver (Treatham)— Fractious by Mercury (Eclipse)—Dau. of Woodpecker (Herod)—Ever- lasting by Eclipse (Marske)—Hyaena by Snap (Snip)—Miss Belsea by Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Dar. Arabian)—Dau. of Honeywood’s Arabian—Byerly Mare dam of the Two,True Blues. 166 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. VIRGIL, (WINNER OF THE SEQUEL STAKES, TWO MILES, AT PATERSON, N. J, IN 1867,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Elinendorf Stud, Fayette County, Ky., at the season. Application to D. Swigert, Muir's P. O. Ky. Annual sales of yearlings in May. Vireit by Vandal, son of Glencoe, bred by Hymen C. Gratz, Woodford County, Kentucky, was foaled spring of 1864, dam Hymenia, dam of Anscl, Mollie Wood, etc., by imp. Yorkshire, son of St. Nicholas by Emilius. Virgil was a good race- horse, he won at Paterson, N. J., in 1867, mile heats, in 1:514. 1:51, beating Dot, Mittie and Metarie, track heavy ; Jerome Park, won mile heats, in 1:48, 1:503, 1:49, Beating Morrissey, No. 3, and others ; at Saratoga, won three-quarters of a mile in 1:184, beating Annie Workman, Luther and others ; was second to Ruthless in Sequel Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:373; at Paterson Fall Meeting, won mile dash, beating the noted James A. Connolly, Redwing, etc., in 1:48} ; same place, won Sequel Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:482, beating Morrissey. After the death of Mr. R. A. Alexander, in 1867, he passed into the havds of Mr. Swigert, and ran a few races ; was then sold and put at work over timber. In 1871, won 14 miles, over six hurdles, in 2:483, and two mile heats, over eight hurdles, in 4:08, 3:58; ran a dead heat in one with Blind Tom ; was second in two others, and third in one; in 1872, ran second in one race. Vandal, the sire of Virgil, was the best son of Glencoe, not only as a race-horse, but asa sire ; his turf career was short but brilliant ; he won three mile heats, in 5: 36, 5:33. Imp. Yorkshire, the sire of his dam, was a very successful stallion, being the sire of Zampa, Magic, Modonna, Princeton, Wagram, Waterloo, Lodi and a host of others. Virgil’s first foals came out in 1875 ; as two-year olds, he had only nine living ; Vagrant won nearly all the two-year old stakes at Lexington and Louisville, and the following year, won the Phenix Hotel Stake at Lexington, 14 miles, in 1:56}, the Kentucky Derby at Louisville, 14 miles, in 2:38}, beating Creedmore, Parole avd others; he also won the Grand Exposition Stakes at Philadelphia, 14 miles, in 2:423. Vigil, another son, in 1876, then three years old, won the Summer Handicap at Saratoga, 1% miles, in 3:074; the Grand National Handicap at Jerome Park, 2+ miles, in 4:11; won Dixie Stakes at Baltimore, 2 miles, in 3:414, beating Parole, Heretog and Algerine, track heavy, and taking up a penalty of five pounds ; won the Breckenridge Stakes, 2 miles, in 3:37}, beating Parole and Virginius, he also won other good races. Vera Cruz, another of the same year, was a first-class horse, won the Sweepstake for all-ages at Saratoga, 1877, 14 miles, defeating Ochiltree and Parole; won the Breckenridge Stake at Baltimore same year, 2 miles, in 3:40}, and the Kentucky St. Leger, 2 miles, at Louisville, in 3:35; other good ones by him are Virginius, Virgilian, Vermont, Fairplay, Blossom, Santa Anita, Valparaiso, Pride, Virginia, Valleria, Vinita, Frank McLaughling, Vici, Joe Rodes, Memento, Vanguard, Uberto, Carley B, a winner of the Travers Stakes, 1882 ; the Reliel Stakes, and a mile and a furlong in 1:55. Anglia, Clarence, Cliquot, Mistral, Mamie O, Harry Hill, a real good horse, Nana, Little Katie, Kite, and last, though not least, Hindoo, the best horse which has appeared in this country for more than twenty years, for his brilliant performances. I must refer you to his card in this book. Virgilis a dark brown, standing full 16 hands, with a bright star in his forehead. He has quite a neat head and ear; fine, good neck ; well placed, oblique shoulders ; good depth of girth ; well-shaped body, ribbed home to broad, strong hips, with good sweep in his quarters. He was roughly used toward the end of bis racing career, and, in consequence, his legs show the effects of his knocks over the timber. He is yet vigorous and in fine health, and was. at the head of the list of winning sires in 1881, and bids fair to earn greater laurels as a sire. He has crosses of Diomed and American Eclipse, and is very much inbred to the famous English Eclipse on both sides, and to the Godolphin Barb. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 167 PEDIGREE OF VIRGIL. : 3 ‘Woodpecker—Misfortune by Dux—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus— & Buzzard. ae os Ba Childers—Dau. . Hon. Arabian—Dau. of True Blea -| Oo sal? exander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Ba: 8 ae Castrel’s dam. Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill by Traveler—Miss Makeless. : Sl ¢ a iD a Williamson’s |Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet—Virago by Snap— 3 = Ditto. Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin. 8 Seles Mercury—Dau. of poet ee by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of a| | é Sis. to Calomel.| Hutton’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub. bere) 5 : - 3 ‘ " Joe Andrews—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff—Dau. of Tatl : a ghflyer—Da au. of Tatler & | g Dick Andrews. —Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Godol. Arabian—Dau of Frampton’s Whiteneck. & a 2 Daughter of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Woodpecker—Everlasting by 3) e . Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. =) ce = ai. Waxy Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. £32 : Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. s| jE = Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 4 . Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. fan Zz, i Whitelock Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass q 4 Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank s fa mys —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. Qo | Beningbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s 3 a 5 Scud. dam by Herod—Dau. of Bajazet—Dau. of Regulus. le q : . |Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel— aq < Goosander y 3 & O98 Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers. 5 ‘ é Joe Andrews (Eclipse)—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Cardinal Puff—Dau. of ae a Dick Andrews. |" “Tatier—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Godoi. Arabian’ Blg| 8 Daushter of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Treutham— Dau. of Woodpecker— Everlasting 5 S| & auenper ols by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus. ia] lee Bl a Saneh Don Quixote—Dau. of Highflyer—Sis. to Tandem by Syphon—Dau. of al ay ances Regulus—Dau. of Snip—Dau. of Cottingham—Warlock Galloway. <4 = Blacklock’s a Coriander—Wildgoose by Hightlyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Ss acklock's dam)" Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian—Miss Cade. a A = : eli Duroc—Millers Damsel by Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gim- pH | 8 ae oe crack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus. 3 | Y. Maid of the |Expedition—Maid of the Oaks by Spread Eagle—Annette by Imp. Shark— | = Oaks. au. of Rockingham—Dau. of Gallant—Dau. of True Whig. a ae athe Baw ‘ Imp. Whip (Saltram)—Speckleback by Randolph’s Celer (Meade’s Celer 5 & 2 Cook’s Whip.* cae by Beer mene by Meade’s Celer—Dau. of Sober John. > og Hunt Hampton’s Paragon (Flimnap)—Moll by Imp. Figure—Slamerkin by Imp. of SE Jane Hunt. Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare hy Cub—Amaranthus’ dam by Second. o — Ay = : , zi F Saltram—Dau. of Herod (Tartar)—Dau. of Oroonoko (Crab)—Creampot’s s Pa oe Imp. Whip. dam by Cartouche—(Bald Galloway)—Seabright Arabian Mare. 5 3182! speckleback Randolph’s Celer (Meade’s Celer dam by Sloe)—D. Speckleback by Meade’s E|SE| Speckleback. Celer (Janus by Janus by Godol.)—Dau. of Sober John (Rib). o 2 2) ; Imp. Bedford (Dungannon)—Dau. of Voltaire by Imp. Janus by Godol.)— B re Duke of Bedford Nancy Washington by Imp. Master Stephen (Son of Peoutuny 8p) 8 : oe | Daughter of. ltmp. Speculator (Dragon)—Dau. of Dare Devil (Magnet)—Imp. Trumpetta ES by Trumpator (Conductor)—Sis. to Lambinos by Highflyer (Herod)— * Same as Blackburn’s Whip. Dau. of Eclipse (Marske)—Vauxhall, Snap’s dam by Cade (Godol.)— Dau. of Bolton Littlejohn (Partner)—Durham’s Favorite by Son of the ‘ Bald Galloway—Daffodil’s dam by Sir T. Gascoigne’s Foreign Horse. 168 The FHlorsc- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. VIRGILIAN Will stand the season of 1883, at the Bolingbrooke Stud, near Middleburg, Md.. at $25 for the season. Application to R. W. Walden, Middle- burg, Md. VirRGILIAN, by Virgil, son of Vandal, bred by Mr. M. H. Sanford, foaled, 1874, dam La Henderson, dam of Ferida, by Lexington, out of Kitty Clark, dam of Maiden by Glencoe. Vorgilian, at three years old, started eight times. Galveston, Texas, was second in the Gulf City Stakes for three-year-olds, 14 miles, won by Ella Rowett, in 2:421. Houston, Texas, was second in a race of mile heats, won by Belle Barclay, in 1:46, 1:464, 1:51. Virgilian wor the first heat. Won race of mile heats in 1:52, 1:53, Austin, Texas, was second in arace of mile heats, won by Ella Rowett, in 1:514, 1:54. Was second in a dash of 14 miles, won by Ella Rowett, in 2.18}. Was second in a race of mile heats for beaten horses, won by Belle Barkley, in 1:45, 1:444, 1:484., Virgilian won the first heat. Galveston, Texas, was second in a dash of 1} miles, won by Ella Rowett, in 2.1384 ; was second in a race of mile heats, won by Ella Rowett in 1:51}, 1:54. At (4) started three times. At New Orleans, was third in a dash of 1 miles, won by Conrad in 1:56$. Cincinnati, was unplaced in a race of mile heats, won Tolono in 1:474, 1-473. Won a dash of one mile in 1:444. Was second in a race of mile heats, three in five, won by Shortline in 1:472, 1:46, 1:47. At (5) started in 33 races. At Savannah, Ga., was second in a dash of one mile and a furlong, won by Egypt in 1:59; unplaced in a dash of one mile, won by Essillah, in 1:47. Charleston, was third in a race of mile heats won by Essillah in 1:452, 1:47. New Orleans, was second in mile heats, three in five, won by Verdigris in 1:572, 1:58}, 2:05, track muddy ; was second ina dash of 14 miles, won by Kingsland, in 2:17 ; won handicap mile heats in 1:46, 1:46}, 1:48}. Blue Gown won the first heat. Won a dash of one mile in 1:46}. Louisville, Ky., was unplaced in a race of mile heats, won by King Faro, in 1:44, 1:423, 1:45; was second ina selling race, one mile and a furlong, won by Egypt in 1:57; was third in a selling race, one mile and a furlong, won by Egypt in 1-562 ; was third ina dash of one mile, won by Bill Bass in 1:444. Cincinnati, Ohio, was unplaced in adash of one mile, won by Claudia in 2:174; won race of mile heats, three in five, in 1:45), 1:453, 1:464. Chicago, was second in a dash of 1} miles, won by Mintzer in 2:16} ; unplaced in a race of mile heats, three in five, won by Janet in 1:482, 1:46, 1:54%, 1:59. Detroit, Mich., won race of mile heats in 1:45%, 1:441; was second ina mile dash, won by Glenmore, in 1:42%. Sheepshead Bay, was third in a race of heats of three-quarters of a mile, won by Janet Murray, in 1:19, 1:191; was second in a dash of 1} miles, won by Shylock in 2:18; won race of heats of three- quarters of a mile, in 1:224, 1:23; was second ina race of mile heats, won by Baton Rouge in 1:463, 1:462 ; won a race of three-quarters of a mile heats, in 1:20, 1:214, 1:23}. Monmouth Park, unplaced in a dash of 1} miles, won by Invermoor, in 2:15; was second in a dash of one mile and a furlong, gentlemen riders, won by Erastus Corning (aged), with 145 Ibs., in 2:18}. Virgilian carried 160 lbs.; Was second ina Handicap sweepstakes, 1} miles, won by Checkmate in 2:132 Prospect Park, was third in a Handicap sweepstakes heats of one mile and,a furlong, won by Glenmore in 1:58%, 2:00, 2:022, Chiquita won the first heat and Virgilian was ruled out in the third; was unplaced in a race of mile heats, won by Edwin A, in 1:45, 1:448, 1:47; was un- placed in a dash of one mile. won by Egypt in 1:45 ; was unplaced ina race of mile heals, won by Mollie McGinley, in 1:44, 1:45, 1:46, 1:494, 1:51, Virgilian won the first heat; was unpliaced in a race of mile heats, won by Warfield in 1:44, 1:45. Baltimore, was unplaced in a dash of 1} miles, won by Juanita, in 2:194. Washington, D. C., was second in a dash of one mile and a furlong, won by Serge in 2:05; was third in a dash of 2 miles, over eight hurdles, won by Lizzie D in 8:57. Vir- gilian is descended from a racing family ; he is by Virgil, sire of the great Hindoo, and his dam is dam of Ferida, and his grandam the grandam of the popular favorite, Parole. Many other distinguished race-horses have descended from the family. In addition to a double cross of Glencoe, he is much inbred to Sir Archy and Diomed, and traces through the imported Cub Mare to the Layton Barb, Mare. Virgilian is a blood b y with black points, stands full 153 hands high, with great substance and power and an excellent temper. The Tlorse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. \ 169 PEDIGREE OF VIRGILIAN. ag Selim Buzzard—Dau. of Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of | 8 ; Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. 3 3 Bacchante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by | @ Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot—Dau. of B. Bolton. . Ay Tramp Dick Andrews — Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of = 8a ‘ Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea. ASS Web Waxy — Penelope by Trumpator— Prunella by Highflyer —Promise by 3 eB : Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. RB a Ka pala Whitelock—Dau. of Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by > dla Blacklock. Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arab’n. S| 2 Daughter of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster—Dau. of Dam an : Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. POH. te ‘B) . Sir Solomon—Dau. of Hickory—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator—Sis. to S| Trumpator. Lambinus by Highflyer—Dau. of Eclipse. bs <4] 3 Lucy Orphan—Lady Grey by Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer me A t —Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds.c iG g Emilius Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- > Jh"o : mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. ¢ 2 Sea-Mew Scud—Govsander by Hambletonian—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to 3 7, : Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by Blank. as = , eee ai Dick Andrews— Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham —Dau. of (Le P. Woodpecker—Everlasting b Foe ees by ig Se Belsea. s =3 Daughter of Sancho—Blacklock’s dam by Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheir- 8 : ess by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng. e cS) Medoe Am. Eclipse—Y. Maid of the Oaks by Expedition—Maid of the Oaks by mz py} & 7 Spread Eagle—Annette by Imp. Shark—Dau. of Rockingham. | 2H =’ larecian Princess C°0k’s Whip—Jane Hunt hy Hampton’s Paragon—Moll by Figure—Slam- a) O erkin by Imp. Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. i= y imp P y . ‘o % sine , « « |Imp. Whip-—Speckleback by Randolph’s Celer (Meade’s Celer dam by 2 = et Cook's Whip. Sloe)—Speckleback by Meade’s Celer (Janus)—Dau. of Sober John. a A) Pe Mary Bedford, |Puke of Bedford — Dau. of Speculator (Dragon) —Dau. of Dare Devil a ae ‘y * | (Magnet)—Imp. Trumpetta by Trumpator. e oi o ie : Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- ¢ » te a Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. pa les Daughter of. - Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. b> iS a 8 - of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). a Di e ‘ris? Ecli c\sé " iomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau, of Fear- ? . a Ball’s Florizel. nought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock (Jigg). a g 8 2 =| Daushter st Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher 2] iS augnter'ors by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. 30 ae £ Pp y. shes mil, Emili Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dovi- Sie mus mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. [sis2 Yeavi The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by 5|? Carla Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank. Z ian — a ag eee Z| iol g 8 a Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- 3S = a MEAD HER: erkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’s dam. me) oa fade Gies Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— ie lie aay ORGY: Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond. i Seli Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred ize] g eta —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton'sdam by Cade—Lass of the Mill. Le 3| = nant Williamson's Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod — Folly De 9 a Bacchante. by Marske—Vixen by Begulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. 2 \ , Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of |] Ba ramp: Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eellpse—Hyaena by Snap. rs} ac5 Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap at =) Web. —Julia by Blank—Spectators’s dam by Partner. $ Baodio| ca, Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- = Be 3 Sir Archy. phorus—Dau. of Wm.’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. Mysleg lirtilla’s a Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub B|a~ | Flirtilla’s dam. |" yrare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam by Second—Dau: of Starling. B : yi 2/ ¢j|— He i ee Ol pe Ti Cook’s Whip—Jane Hunt by Hampton’s Paragon—Moll by Figure—Slam- 2) iger. erkin by Wildair—Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. 28 aes = rons Paragon. Imp. Buzzard—Indiana by Columbus (Imp. Pantaloon)—Jane Hunt by = # : Paragon (Imp. Flimnap—Moll by Imp. Figure (Grey Figure)—Slamer- * Same as Blackburn’s. kin by Imp. Wildair (Cade)—Cub Mare by Cub (Fox)—Amaranthus’ dam by Second (F. Childers)—Leede’s dam by Starling (Bay Bolton)— Sis. to Vane’s Partner by Partner (Jigg)—Sis. to Guy by Greyhound (White Barb Chillaby)—Brown’s Farewell by Makeless (Oglethorpe Ara- bian)—Dau. of Brimmer—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Dau. of Dods- worth—Layton Barb Mare. 170 The Horse-Breeders’ tuide and Hand Book. VOLTURNO, (WINNER OF THE PLANTERS’ HOUSE STAKE AT ST. LOUIS, 1878; UNITED STATES HOTEL STAKE AT SARATOGA; BRECKENRIDGE STAKE AT BALTIMORE, 1879, AND LOUISVILLE CUP IN 1880,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Stud Farm of his owner, Mr. Samuel Powers, near Decatur, ill., by private contract, Vouturno by imp. Billet, son of Voltigeur, bred by Samuel Powers, Decatur, Ill., foaled 1876, dam Sprightly own sister to Nevada, dam of Luke Blackburn, Salina and Crucifix by Lexington out of Lightsome by imp. Glencoe. Volturno at two years old started in five events; won four, and ranthirdinone. St. Louis, Mo., June5, won Planters’ House Stakes, three-quurters of a mile, in,1:18, defeating Goodnight, Athel- stane and two others. Same meeting, June 8, ran third in the Lucas and Hunt Stakes, one mile, won by Lah-tu nah, in 1:454, Goodnight second; four others were behind him, including La Favorita, who, as well as Volturno, carried 5 lbs. penalty. Saratoga, Aug. 21, won 5-furlong dash in 1 :04%, defeating Boardman, good second, and three others. Sara- toga, Aug. 28, won three-quarters of a mile handicap, for all ages, in 1:17, beating Alle- veur, Janet Murray, Franklin, Fusillade, and St. James. Boston, Mass., Sept. 6; won Revere House Stakes, one mile, defeating Scotilla (late Jessie Donaldson) easily in 1:543. Three years old started ten times; won six races, was second in two, third in one and unplaced in one. Volturno, who gave unmistakable evidence of great promise in his two-year-old form, unfortunately went amiss early in the season, and had to forego his Spring engagements. His first appearance in 1879 was at Saratoga, July 25; ran second to Franklin in dash of one mile; time, 1:46}; Enterprise and Bennett also ran. Same place, July 30, finished third in a field of ten to Dan Sparling and Jennie B, one mile; time, 1:448. Same place, Aug. 5, won the United States Hotel Stakes, 14 miles, de- feating Harold, Bulwark, Rochester and Audax; time, 2:413. Same place, Aug. 15, won handicap sweepstakes, 14 miles, defeating Gov. Hampton and Mary Ann; time, 2:102. Monmouth Park, N. J., Aug. 28, finished fourth in the Champion Stakes, 14 miles, won by Spendthrift; Report second, Bramble third, Harold fifth, Bonnie Ouks last; time, 2:41}. Same place, Aug. 30, won the AUlantic Handicap, 1} miles, defeat- ing Bonnie Carrie, Monitor, Dan Sparling, Claudia and Farley; time, 2:43. Brighton Beach, N. Y., Sept. 16, won handicap, 1} miles, d-feating Enterprise, Gov. Hampton, Peter Hynes, The Nipper, Lizzie D, and Le Roi; time, 3:084. Same place, Sept. 23, won the Sequel Handicap, 13 miles, defeating Gen. Philips and Lady Middleton; time, 5:08}. Jerome Park, Oct. 9, ran unplaced in Handicap Sweepstakes, 1 miles, won by Lou Lanier; time, 3:10; ten started. Ended a brief and brilliant season by winning the Breckenridge Stakes, at Baltimore, Oct. 25, distance 2 miles, defeating Harold, Aureolus and Monitor; time, 3:354; Monitor carried 112 lbs., which included 5 lbs. penalty for winning the Dixie Stakes; the rest, 110 Ibs. each. Four years old started six times, won four races and was unplaced in two. Lexington, May 14, won Club Purse, 2 miles and a furlong, in 3:51, beating Jils Johnson and two others. Louisville, May 18, won Club Purse, 1} miles, in 2:124, beating One Dime and Bucktie. May 21, wou Louisville Cup, 24 miles, in 4:204, beating Blue Eyes, Cammie F., Himyar and two others; track very muddy. St. Louis, June 10, beat Turin for Club Purse, 2} miles, in 5:014; he afterwards complained in his near fore leg and has not run since. If high breeding and racing lineage is worth anything in breeding race-horses, Volturno should make his mark. His dam Sprightly, is own sister of Nevada, dam of Luke Blackburn, Crucifix, dam of Fairplay and Quito and Salinaa famous race-mare, Vol- turno is a blood bay, highly finished, of great substance and power, with the best of temper. He was a fine feeder and was both a speedy anda game horse. He should succeed in the stud. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book, PEDIGREE OF VOLTURNO. 171 i : Hambletonian—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass cis Whitelock. F of ue An Py, Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. = ASS oriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla b Z FA Daughter of. Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian : 3 S| a Walton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem iS 2 Phantom. —Molly Longle: s by Babraham—Dau. of C. Foxhunter. : : 3 | Daughter of. Overton—Gratitude’s dam by Walnut—Dau. of Ruler—Piracantha by 3 Q ‘ Matchem—Dau. of Regulus—Jenny Spinner. bp s 6 Golumpus—Lucy Grey by Timothy—Lucy by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse Ss : = Catton. —Dau. of Engineer—Dau. of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Old raveler. é 3 Desdemons: Orville—Fanny by Sir Peter—Dau. of Diomed—Desdemona by Marske—Y. ‘ Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by F. Childers—Ebony by Basto. | = y a : Haphazard—Mrs. B: t by Waxy—D —Hei al. vre phazar rs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel b. a 5 a Filho-da- Puta. Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau, of Cul. Anabial Endy Thigh. = Fa S| 3 MP PeAB ULE Camillus—Dau. of Hyacinthus—Flora by King Fergus—Atalanta by i Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. S pA a Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon As Jog , —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. St a|es Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly Ay jie? . by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. » 3 : O| Wh 0-da- Haphazard—Mrs. Barnet by Waxy—Dau. of Woodpecker—Heinel by 3 S Filho-da-Puta. by Squirrel—Principessa by Blank—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. als] 2 Finesse Peruvian—Violante by John Bull—Dau. of Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse 3 A : —Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea by Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. is Soe cee Bes 2 4 Scud—Diana by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant S|. 3 a Actaeon. —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. g 3B Gaiaua Walton—Comedy by Comus—Dau. of Star—Dau. of Y. Marske —Emma by = | Telemachus—A-la-Grecque by Regulus—Dau. of Allworthy. . = pues ; : a . Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap o 2 8 Whisker. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner. 4 =| & Dauchierot Sorcerer—Dau. of Sir Solomon—Dau. of Y. Marske—Dau. of Phoenomenon G = § ob —Calliope by Slouch—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko. bp BR L Bip Ave Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 4 Bs ap are nye phorus—Dau. of William’s Forrester—Dau. of Coalition Colt. ° Hee a8 Davshter vt Saltram—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Dau. of Driver (Imp Othello)—Dau. > ig aughter ol. | of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus). le " : 5 7 ote , Diomed—Dau. of Imp Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- _ A ae Ball’s Florizel. |” yought—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock. a Ze D ht f Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Ktty Fisher =) |28) Causheerot. | py Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade (Godol). EI a ee ve Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant , Emil y Sidi&a AIUss —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. oe 6 Tear The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose 5 ae Carlee by Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana. 2 a Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast--Dau. of Obscurity—Slam- mi || 3 Sumpter. erkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. A) mlz Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— Fs 2 Lady Grey. Dau. of Ariel--Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cul. Arabian. S ‘i , Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred pa a Selim. —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade. ee gl Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly by 3| G Bacchante. Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hut’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton. 3 & Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of HPOlag Tramp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyanea by Snap—Miss Belsea. z Ee Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promisé by Snap 3 a Web. —Juia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. 8 fee ee ee eee eee 23 = 5 Gol —L Grey by Timothy—Luey by Florizel—Frenzy by Eclipse o olumpus—Luce y by y y by ‘y by P 2 3 Catton. —Dau. of Tneincer—Dan, of Blank—Lass of the Mill by Old Traveler. 8 E Whisker—Gibside Fairy by Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir = a rome Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin. i= 3 2 Tranb Blacklock— Dau. of Orville—Miss Grimstone by Weasel—Dau. of Ancaster Se Pays —Dau. of Dam Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. of Oroonoko. ag : 2 A Lucilla. Trumpator (Sir Solomon)—Lucy by Orphan (Ball’s Florizel)--Lady Grey by Robin Grey (Royalist)+Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds—Imp. Diamond by Cullen Avabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner—Dau. of reyhound —Dau. of Curwen Bay Barb—Dau. of D’Arcy Ch. Arabian—Dau. of Whiteshkirt—Old Montague Mare. 172 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. WANDERER, (WINNER OF THE RAILROAD STAKES AT NASHVILLE, 1872; THE MONMOUTH CUP AT LONG BRANCH, AND WESTCHESTER CUP AT JEROME PARK, 1873.) Will stand the season of 1883 at the farm of Mr. T. J. Nichols, Bourbon Co., Ky., at $100 the season. Application to Thos. J. Nichols, Paris, Ey. WANDERER by Lexington, son of Boston, bred in the Woodburn Stud, Ky., foaled 1868, dam Coral, dam of Uncas by Vandal, son of Glencoe out of imp. Cairngorme by Cotherstone, winner of the 2,000 guineas and Derby, son of Touchstone, winner of the St. Leger. Wandcrer is descended from one of the most noted racing families of England, tracing back through 2n own sister to imp. Glencoe to the famous Web by Waxy. The family has furnished some of the most noted race-horses and successful sires of the English turf. From it came Whalebone, winner of the Derby in 1810; Whisker, winner of the same event in 1815; Cobweb, winner of the Oaks and 1,000 guineas in 1824; Riddles- worth, winner of the 2,000 guineas and Derby in 1836; Glencoe, winner of the 2,000 guineas in 1831; Bay Middleton, winner of the 2,000 guineas and Goodwood Cup in 1834; Blue Gown, winner of the Derby in 1868; Silvio, winner of both Derby and St. Leger in 1877, and a host of others. Wanderer made his first appearance as a three-year-old and was unplaced in the Belmont Stakes at Jerome Park, and the Jersey Derby at Long Branch, both events having been won by his half brother, Harry Bassett. At Long Branch he won a club purse, mile heats, in 1:48%, 1:48}, defeating a field of seven. In hisfour-year-old form, at New Orleans, he won a race of mile heats in 1:51, 1:474, 1:474, beating Frank Ross, winner of the first heat; Niagara and Glenrose; won the Railroad Stakes at Nashville, Tenn., two-mile heats, in 8:41}, 3:38), beating Hollywood, Frogtown, etc., and walked over for club purse, two-mile heats. Asa five-year-old he won the Monmouth Cup at Long Branch, 2} miles, in 4:343, beating Preakness, Hubbard and others; won the Westchester Cup at Jerome Park, 24 miles, in 4:04, beating True Blue, Eolus and others. At Saratoga ran second to Hubbard, 3 milesin 5:34, beating Harry Bassett and King Henry. Same meeting, ran second to Arizona, 14 miles, in 2:38, beating Boss Tweed and Eolus. As a six-year-old won club purse at Savannah, Ga., 2 miles, in 3:431, beating Granger and four others, and also same meeting, a club purse, 1} miles, in 2:18%, beating Ortolan and Tabitha. Nashville, Tenn., won the Johnson Stakes, 24 miles, in 4:064, beating Planchette, St. George, and two others. At Jerome Park ran second to Shylock, son of Lexington, in the Westchester Cup, 2+ miles, in 4:13, beat- ing Lizzie Lucas, Abd-el-Koree and two others, track heavy. Saratoga,won club purse, 21 miles, in 4:004, beating Fellowcraft, Jack Frost, Galway and Katie Pease. Same place, ran second to Fellowcraft, 4 miles, in 7:19!, the fastest race at the distance ever run up to that date. In this race Wanderer beat Katie Pease and was timed the distance in 7:20. Wanderer has been quite a success in the stud, having only a few mares he sired One Dime a winner 14 miles in 1:55}, 14 miles in 2:093, mile heats in 1:444, 1:444. Elkhorn S'akes 1% miles in 3:053. Minnie C. (Mrs. Chubhs), winner of the filly stakes at Lex- ington. Jnanita 14 miles in 2:10. Lizzie S filly stakes at Lexington half-mile in 0:49. Coyuette Stakes at St. Louis, three-quarters of a mile in 1:184; five furlongs in 1:02; three-quarters of a mile in 1:16}; one mile in 1:43. Mary Limphier, Farragut, Nomad, Waketield, Cash Clay, Waterford, Prophet, Rambler, Wandering winner one mile in 1:453, and Capital Stakes one mile in 1:44}, and others all winners. His colts are the best the dams have produced. He is a rich golden chestnut, with the marks of his sire; is handsomely shaped and of very blood-like appearance, muscular and highly finished. His sire was the best race-horse and stallion this country has produced; his dam is by the best son of imp. Glencoe and traces through an own sister to Glencoe and Web by Waxy toa natural Barb Mare. This is one of the pure sources through which the blood of Lexington and Glencoe should be preserved. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 173 WANDERER. PEDIGREE OF WANDERER. Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Duau. of F. Childers —_——aa hy High flyer (Herod)—Promise : Di f a® rouge nae by Gr. Grantham. gl2e Castianira. ockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bosphorus—Dau. of Wm’s S| <4 Seer Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt—Dau. of Badan. Sia : 3 a3 ; 3 __| Imp. Sattram. PSitmerkin by Y. Trae Blue Dou. cf Ox. Dun, Arabian. He 2 . a : . . a i Bo Daughter of. Symme’s Wildair (Fearnought)—Dau. of Driver (Imp. Othello)—Dau. of di & Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire (Regulus), eld e = : % g ES Dioméd. Florizel—Sis. to Juno by Spectator—Horatia by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers 0 |r mS . ae Helen by en Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk. «\36) Daughter of, |!mp. Shark—Dau, of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fearnought—Dau. of Jol], Z Fae Been Roger—Dau. of Sober John—Dau. of Shock (Old Shock), = ole Pot-8-os—Lady Bolingbroke by Squirrel—Cy rod? . ais : : gbroke uirrel—Cypron, Herod’s dam by Blaz z es 5 of Ein, Aldepraen: coe ye Arabian-—Dau. of Grahan’s Champion. : = ° _— y * 7 . = Dauchter of. ockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher by Fearnought— ES 3 3 SUBRLEEO Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. 7 a eZ Baninebr ay. . ‘ Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice a 3 Orville: by Sampson—Dau. of Resale Mamslors a f 4g Fe Emily. Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank 8 a —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. o ey) os Vandyke, Jr.—Azalia by Beningbrough—Gillyflower by Highflyer—Dau. of 3 a £ The Flyer. Goldfinder—Sis. to Grasshopper by Mavelce—- Darn oe Cul Rabiaa, g 3 Parma. Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by Mambrino—Cricket g a by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second—Dau. of Stan. Arabian. Oo s ‘ Diomed—Castianira by Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 8 = Bir Archy. ne a, of Ae oo of Coalition Colt (Godol.) Ssh setitla? obin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Slamerkin by Wildair—Imp. Cub 2: GoinaE: Sorcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella as me | by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dan ae Ss a 8! Clinkerina, |Clinker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Samp- | p Zo son—Dau, of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. 3 ae fa ° Don Quixote—Evelina by Highfyer—Ter ‘ i 2. “vantes. y Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice Si3lsa Convenes | by Sampson—Dau, of Regulus—Marske’s ee by Blacklegs. ‘s =IQ°! Dauchter of. |Golumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by “St. George—Abigail by £ = Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Cade. 4 a * Soothsaver.| Quick’s Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. = a Bobtail—Catharine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by e > Sprite. ; Compton Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson. 4 Bas Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon em ga . —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt. B 6lo8 Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus—Mayfly 3 ee : by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. = % Tanear Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— |O| B ear. Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. s | Kite Bustard (Castrel)—Olympia by Sir Oliver—Scotilla by Anvil—Scota by a > Eclipse—Harmony by Herod—Rutilia by Blank. 4 a ; ; : 5 ; : roy 2 ayy Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice gl.) 2 Orville: by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. Als 4 Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank e\A Ne —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot. 3 es al es : Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap A Fl os Whisker. eee by Blank—Spectator’s on by anor e 1a = shee . lermes— Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem - = | Gibeide: Balrys —Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Bue. . lod Seli | Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred 3 aI Ss earn —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade—Lass of the Mill, A) |8! 3 Bacchante Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly ‘ a| ace ‘ by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. a) os S| 3 Whlton—Julia by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem g 2 = ERanvOm, —Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. 8 a 2 Fil Soothsayer—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by High- o BETeEN flyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam. a fs s 3 Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap = 4s d Bate Ones —Jdulia by Blank—Spectator’s dam, by Partner. Noe Peri Wanderer—Thalestris by Alexander—Rival by Sir Peter—Hornet by Drone g x aie —Manilla by Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cul. Arabian. I ! o . + . . . : a Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau., of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant i 3 Headlines —Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. 9 en pa ond, sanity Wad | gases aerial oy meet haes, whens erie hee hae alee pom ESE, fl) Daughter of. |geud or Pioneer—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Corian- * Soothsayer given. der (Pot-8-os)—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem (Cade)— Flora by Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Darley Arabian) —Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Belgrade Turk. 178 The Horse- Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. WILDIDLE, (WINNER OF THE NURSERY STAKES, FORDHAM AND JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAPS AT JEROME PARK,) Will stand the season of 1883 at the Stud Farm of J. C. Judson, Santa Claru, Cal., at $100 the season. Application to J. C. Judson, Santa Clara, Cal. WILDIDLE, by imp. Australian, son of West Australian, bred in the Woodburn Stud, Ky, foaled 1870, dam Idlewild, by Lexington out of Florine by imp: Glencoe. Wild- idle made his bow to the public by winning the Nursery Stakes, one mile, at Jerome Park, in 1:48, defeating Long Branch, Catesby, and eleven others. He was out of con- dition, and ran unplaced in one race asa three yearold. At four ycars old, was second to Catesby, in Maturity Stakes, 3 miles, in 5,36, beating Carver and Ransom ; was unplaced in purse 13 thiles, won by Grinstead in 3:10 ; was second to Acrobat in purse, 24 miles, in 4:33%, beating Whisper—all run at Jerome Park. At five years old, 104 lbs. Jerome Park, won the Fordham Handicap, 1} miles in 2:12, beating Spindrift, aged, 118 lbs, Preakness, aged, 131, and nine others ; won the Jockey Club Handicap, 111 lbs., two miles in 3:384, beating Preakness, 130 lbs. ,Grinstead (4), 110 lbs., and Tub- man (aged), 1151bs. Monmouth Park, was beaten by Aaron Pennington and Ballenkeel in Monmouth Cup, 24 miles, in 4 34; was second to Rutherford, in 4 mile dash, run in 7:348, Big Fellow and Bessie Lee behind him; won Club Purse, 2-mile heats, 3:40, 3:474, bealing Dublin. Saratoga, was unplaced in Saratoga Cup, 24 miles, in 3:56, dead heat, and stakes divided between Preakness and Springbok—this is the fastest race ever run at the distance ; was second to Rutherford in Club Purse, 8 miles, in 5:38, beat- ing Madge ; was second to Grinstead (4), 110 lbs, in the Summer Handicap, 2 miles, in 3:374, Wildidle (5), 114, beating Mattie W (8), 93 lbs.; won the Club Purse, 4 miles, in 7:39, beating Rutherford. San Francisco, Cal., won the Wise Plate, 4 miles in 7:254, beating Grinstead, Sherman and Revenue, Jr. Wildidle comes honestly by his racing qualities. His dam wassecond to no mare ever raised in America. Sheran 4 miles over the Centreville Course, L. I., 1863, when 5 years old, with 117 lbs, in 7:264, and this was the best time ever made by a mare, until beaten by Ferida, in 1880, when she ran a first heat in 7:23}. Wildidle, for his chances. has been a successful sire ; the best of his get are, Tillie C, May D, Record, Jack Douglass, Ellen Douglass, Belshaw, Jim Douglas, winner of ten out of fourteen races in 1881, Wildidler, Lottie J, and some others. Wildidle is inbred to Waxy on the sire’s side, and has much of the blood of Sir Archy and Diomed, in addition to a cross of Eclipse, through his famous son, Medoc, and three crosses of imp. Medley, son of Gimcrack, by Cripple, son of the Godolphin Arabian, The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 149 PEDIGREE OF WILDIDLE. WILDIDLE. *Soothsayer given. a 8 mz ts >. orcerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lar- \s 5 Comus. della by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade (Godol.) ae $ 5 S| Clinkering, |Climker—Pewet by Tandem—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by 5 a5 2 Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam. o;u ‘ 5 eh. Don Quixote—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice a 3 S Cobsaities. nt ee o egulus—Marske’s dam. d = 3 olumpus—Dau. of Paynator—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George—Abigail b g a Daughter of. Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Sis. to Carest by Blank. i u S P| ; Camel Whalebone—Dau. of Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon ev! jae . —Matron by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem. O} 4/59 Banter Master Henry—Boadicea by Alexander—Brunette by Amaranthus— Mayfly e 4 &@ : by Matchem—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper. z| |S ee ee Ey. : Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap 5 Ss a Whisker, Julia by Blank—Spentatir’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. a 2 | Gibside Fair Hermes—Vicissitude by Pipator—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by es a Y- | Matchem—Duchess by Whitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. ma oh ais ¢ Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Canta-, Bi g 5 Orville. trice by Sampson—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by ee .| |S] a Emil Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by g 8 & y- Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. to] A) Teg 5 Seud. Beningbrough—Eliza by Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwick’s dam Blea ae foe a ea aR a slag up — i 2) & ambletonian—Rally Tumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel— sl] 3 Goosander. Dau. of Sheetater -Earaiva by Blank—Dau. of F. Childers. = mn g x Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Ara- [<3] Wax y a y- bian—Sis. to oe a Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bart. Childers. sh ge Peneloné Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— g\ co Pes Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton. a) y OQ & s Selim or Sorcerer—Golden Locks by Delpini—Violet by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— Pay 8 Soothsayer.* Quick’s Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. = ; Bobtail—Catherine by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Ss Sprite. Comp. Barb—Sis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Rubinson. Sir Archy. Diomed—Castianira b Rockingham—Tabitha by Trentham—Dau. of Bos- 3 Melson: Dano Symunels WildaiicUan of Delve (imp, Olhellol--De : aitram—Dau, a . raver mp. ello )—. u. 8 é Daughter of. of Fallower (Blank)—Dau. of Vampire—(Regulus. ) QD o S\8e : Diomed—Dan. of Imp. Shark—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse—Dau. of Fear- if BS Ball’s Florizel. |” pought (Regulus)—Dau. of Jolly Roger—Dau. of Sober John. &! 128] pauehter of Alderman—Dau. of Clockfast—Dau. of Symme’s Wildair—Y. Kitty Fisher 2 ne sUgnberr ot: by Fearnought—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian. £ 3 a3 Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dori- ae a Emilius. ar Fae Hara li Bid & mant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom. o| Teari The Flyer—Parma by Dick Andrews—May by Beningbrough—Primrose by E| a Carl Mambrino—Cricket by Herod—Sophia by Blank—Diana by Second. . a ss ay. Sir Archy—Flirtilla’s dam by Robin Redbreast—Dau. of Obscurity—Siam- S|) i= = umpeers erkin by Wildair—Cub Mare by Cub—Amaranthus’ dam. al ia] 3 Lady Gr Robin Grey—Maria by Melzar—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Fearnought— Ss ma aey keys Dau. of Ariel—Dau. of Jack of Diamonds. le A Seli Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred a 8 eum. —Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol.) aa ée| 2 wait Williamson’s Ditto—Sis. to Calomel by Mercury—Dau. of Herod—Folly 3 |2-| -Bacehante, by Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot. 2 aes des Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxiuella by Trentham—Dau. of Sigs Tramp. Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap (Snip). ‘ gS Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap Oi ES Web. —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. & 8 a Duroc—Millers Damsel by Messenger—Dau. of Pot-8-os—Dau. of Gim- Fa 3 Am. Eclipse. crack—Snap-Dragon by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. o| = Y. Maid Expedition—Maid of Oaks by Spread Eagle—Annette by Imp. Sbark— aa of the Oaks. Dau. of Rockingham—Dau. of Gallant—Dau. of True Whig. a a : o/s. Sir Harry (Sir Peter)—Mermaid by Waxy—Promise by Buzzard—Dau. of = = q Haxall’s Moses. Pesoioiete bady Harriet by Mark Anthony—Georgiana by Matchem. a8 87) Daughter of. |Blackburn’s Whip (Imp. Whip)—Maria by Craig’s Alfred (Imp. Medley)— Dau. of Tayloe’s Bellair (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Medley—The Bell- air Mare was brought from Virginia to Kentucky and certified as thoroughbred. 180 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. WOODLANDS (Imp, (WOODLANDS, WINNER OF THE FINDON STAKES, AT GOODWOOD, AND THE CORPCRATION STAKES, AT BRIGHTON, IN 1874,) Will be located for the season of 1883, at the Hrdenheim Stud, Chestnut Hill, Pa. He will be allowed to serve mares at $50 the season each, and $5 to the groom. Application to be made to Major J. R. Hub- bard, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Woop.tanps, by Nutbourne son of the Nabob, bred by Mr. James Terry, foaled 1872, dam Whiteface dam of Miss Needle Hermitage, Review etc., by Turnus, out of Nan Darrell by Inheritor. Woodlands made his debut asa two-year old at Goodwood in the Findon Stakes, three-quarters of a mile, which he won defeating Galba, Stray Shot, Prince Arthur and Caledon. At Brighton he won the Corporation Stakes, half a mile, beating Galba and Zanzozee ; at Newmarket was unplaced in the Middle Park Plate, won by Plebian by Joskin ; at Newmarket Houghton Meeting, was unplaced in the old Nursery Stakes, Rowley mile, won by Trojan by Adamas ; at three-years old started four times, was unplaced in the City and Suburban Handicap, won by Dalham, a four-year old carrying 99 lbs ; was unplaced in the Derby, won by Galopin by Vidette; was unplaced in the Royal Hunt Cup (Handicap) at Ascot, won by Thuringian Prince ; Newmarket Houghton Meeting, was unplaced in the Cam- bridgeshire Stakes (handicap), won by Sutton, a four-year old carrying 83 lbs ; at four years old, started six times, ran second in two races, and unplaced in four; was un- placed in the Lincolnshire Handicap, one mile, won by Controversey with Brigg Boy second, thirty-two started ; was unplaced in the City and Surburban at Epsom, won by Thunder, twenty-three started ; was unplaced in the Chesterfield Cup (handicap) at Londonderry, won by Coomassie by King Tom, twenty three started ; at Newmarket second October Meeting, ran second to Rosebery by Speculum (4) 101 Ibs ; Woodland (4) 99 lbs ; in Cesarewitch Stakes, (handicap) with Merry Duchess, Hampton, Coom- assie and twenty-four others behind him; Newmarket Houghton Meeting, was un- placed in the Cambridgeshire Stakes (handicap) won by Rosebery, the only time the Cesarewitch and this race was ever won by the same horse except when won by Fox- hall ; Liverpool Autumn Mecting, ran second to Footstep (3) 83 lbs ; Woodlands (4) 99 lbs., in the Liverpool Autumn Cup (handicap) with Lord Gowran, Thorn and twenty others behind him ; as a five-year old ran only one race, was second to Harbinger (3) 89 lbs. by Pero Gomez in the Brighton Stakes (handicap) at Brighton, Woodlands (5) 118 lbs., with Peterboro, Dalham, American Mate and three others behind him ; at six years old started five times, won two races, was second in one and unplaced in two. At Epsom Spring Meeting was unplaced in the Great Metropolitan Stakes (handicap) won by Mida, by Parmesan (3) 77 lbs., thirteen started, seven finished behind Wood- lands ; at Chester ran second to Pageant by Elland (aged), 124 lbs.; Woodlands (6) 114 lbs., for the Chester Trades Cup (handicap), Jester, Hopbloom, Ridotto and five others behind him. The next day he won the Great Cheshire Handicap Stakes, carrying 113 lbs., defeating Antient Pistol, Footstep and Avontes ; at seven years old ran unplaced in the Epsom Summer Handicap Plate, won by Chippendale, this was his last race. Woodlands served no mares in England, and has no foals in this country old enough to race, but he is strongly inbred to Herod and Eclipse through popular and success- ful sources, and should get race: horses. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 181 PEDIGREE OF WOODLANDS (Imp.) * Morisco given. 6 ti Walton—Parasol by Pot-8-os (Eclipse)—Pr . Hi —Pr Part: : 'y Pot-8-os (Eclipse)—Prunella hy Highflyer—Promise b 5 UhEBR Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Pacinor: ‘i : 2) 8 Nanine. Selim (Buzzard)—Bizarre by Peruvian (Sir Peter)—Violante by John Bull Z| 6 (Fortituae)—Dau. of Highflyer—Everlasting by Eclipse. o . . J|s| 3 Emilius. Orville—Emily by Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant. 6 ER 5 Dizzy by Blank (Godol.)—Dizzy by Driver (Snake)—Dau. of Sm. Tom. S S| Whizgig. Rubens—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap S ° | —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. ol | 34 Waxy—Penelope by T tor—Prunella by Hi -—Promi ap a | halebone. : pe by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Sua a 5 ' Whalebone —Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Pacttee onsy Lass. 7 P fc & | Daughter of. Selim—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron by Florizel— 3s Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam by Mogul. &| 3 2 : | ba| 3 Muley. Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey (Saltram)—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess 8 4 y by Matchem (Cadley Molly Lon legs by Babraham, . a 8 |sis. to Petworth,|Precipitate (Mereury)—Dau. of Woodpecker—Sis. to Juniper by Snap— 5 |= Y. Marske’s dam by Blank—Bay Starling by Bolton Starling. S| ja : a 2! Royal Oak. Catton—Dau. of Smolensko—Lady Mary by Beningbrough—Dau. of Higb- | |e a ec flyer—Dau. of Marske—A la Grecque by Reeaue—- Dad. of Allworthy. S| @ | Daughter of. Orville—Dau. of Buzzard (Woodpecker)—Hornpipe by Trumpator—Luna ‘St , by Herod (Tartar)—Proserpine, Sis. to Eclipse by Marske. Plog ; : ; = =| | Little John, |Octavius (Orville)—Gr. Skim by Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. ; Ss 2 a : Hag by Skim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. é\o/ © Daughter of. Phantom—Sis. to Election by Gohanna—Ch. Skim by Woodpecker—Silver’s 3 e g : dam by Herod—Y. Hag by Skim (Starling) Hag by Crab—Ebony. . 2 j eeseae é gs). Langar. Selim—Dau. of Walton—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— BI 2 | Molly Lapis by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Sis. to Cato. =|) Olympia. Sir Oliver (Sir Peter)—Scotilla by Anvil (Herod)—Scota by Eclipse—Har- - iS | mony by Herod—Rutilia by Blank—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.) oO Ff pa Q a 2 “3 Tramp. Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna—Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of Wood- Z g a & pecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap—Miss Belsea, & Se Filagree. Soothsayer (Soreerer)—Web by Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella A oO by Hightflyer—Promise by Suap—Julia by Blank (Godol.) nt A | ig Sg Muley. Orville—Eleanor by Whiskey—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Match- Oo fs ig = em—Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. oO iB] ao Aquelina. Eagle (Volunteer)—Sis, to Petworth by Precipitate—Dau. of Woodpecker is is Ee Sis. to Juniper by Snap—Y. Marske’s dam by Blank—Bay Starling. (By 1S fla. . |Sorcerer—Goldenlocks by Delpini—Violet by Shark—Dau. of Syphon— . 3 # ae ha is toe Charlotte by Blank—Dau. of Crab. = a . elim—Canary Bird by Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander (Pot- A aS uaa 8-os)—Miss Green by Highflyer—Harriet by Matchem. : a g Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Suap oO .| # Whalebone. —Julia by ee en dam by Partner. Se Defiance Rubens (Buzzard)—Little Folly by Highland Fling—Harriet by Volunteer Z2/A : —Dau. of Alfred—Magnolia by Marske—Dau. of Babraham. = t | Ol 2 : Whiskey—Y. Noisette by Diomed—Noisette by Squirrel—Carina by Marske iS g Marmion. —Thunder’s dam by Blank—Dizzy by Driver. a rat Harpalice Gohanna—Amazon by Driver— Fractious by Mercury—Dau. of Wood- ra ‘i pecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. = Bm Tram Dick Andrews—Dau. of Gohanna— Fraxinella by Trentham—Dau. of cm | 3 Bs Woodpecker—Everlasting by Eclipse—Hyaena by Snap. = 518 Mandane Pot-8-os—Y. Camilla by Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Bla : the Compton Barb—NSis. to Regulus by Godol. Arabian. o Ai i Sir Peter—Arethusa by Dungannon—Dau. of Prophet (Regulus)—Virago os a 2 A gg wale. by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab. fe 5 ie Anticipation, |Beningbrough (King Fergus)—Expectation by Herod—Dau. of Skim—Dau. A = P * | of Janus (Godol.)—Spinster by Crab—Spinster. a ; Fi ; ac, a ' A Hambletonian (King Fergus)—Rosalind by Phoenomenon—Atalanta by 4 |ox ‘WEtelock: Matchem—Lass of the Mill by Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler. as Coriander—Wildgoose by Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by a ma) Daughter of, Goldfinder—Dau. of Old Eng.—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. a a w Comus Soreerer—Houghton Lass by Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus (Eclipse) 3 = : —Lardella by Y. Marske —Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam. S> Lisette. Hambletonian — Constantia by Walnut (Highflyer) —Contessina by Y. Marske (Marske)—Tuberose by Herod (Tartar)—Gray Starling by Star- ling (Bay Bolton)—Coughing Polly by Bartlet’s Childers (Darley Ara- bian)—Dau. of Counsellor (Shaftsbury Turk)—Dau. of Snake (Lister Turk) — Dau. of Luggs (D’Arey White Turk) — Dau. of Woodcock (Merlin). THe HORSE-BREEDERS’ GUIDE HAND BOOK. PART II. By reed iho mS —_ e 184 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. AMERICAN ECLIPSE, (WINNER OF THE GREAT SECTIONAL MATCH BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH, RUN OVER THE UNION COURSE, Iu. 1, MAY 277n, 1823, BEATING HENRY.) EcurpseE, by Duroc, son of imp. Diomed, bred by Gen. Nathaniel Co‘es, Desoris, Queens Co., L. I., foaled May 25th, 1814, dam Miller’s Damsel, by imp. Messenger,. son of Membrino, out of imp. mare by Pot-8-03s, son of the great English Eclipse. Eclipse was trained at three years old, and tried; and again at four years old ; but ran his first race at five years old, at Newmarket, Long Island, 2-mile heats, which he won, beating Black-eyed Susan, by Sir Archy, and Sea Gull. March 15th, 1819, Eclipse was sold to Mr. Van Ranst, and in June, 1819 won Club Purse, at Bath L. I., defeat- ing Little John, by Potomac, Bond’s Eclipse, and James Fitz James. October, same year, won Club Purse at Bath, 4-mile heats, beating Little John, Fearnought, and one other, in 8:18, 8:08. In 1820 and’21 he covered mares on Long Island. October 15th, 1821, won the Club Purse, Jamaica, L. I., 4-mile heats, defeating the noted Lady Lightfoot, then nine years old, Flag of Truce and Heart of Oak, in 8:04, 8:02. Lady Lightfoot was distanced in the second heat. In May, 1822, won Club Purse over the Union Course, L. I,, beating Sir Walter, by Hickory, in 7:54, 8:00. October, 1822, won Club Purse, 4-mile heats, over Union Course, beating Sir Walter, Duchess of Marlborough, and Slow and Easy, in 7:58, second heat no time. A challenge having appeared in a New York paper in which Jas. J. Harrison, of Virginia, proposed to run Sir Charles by Sir Archy, against Eclipse, 4-mile heats, for $5,000 or $10,000, the race to be run over the Washington Course, the challenge was accepted by Mr. Van Ranst, and $5,000 forfeit put up on each side, the race to be run November 20th. Both horses came to the post and the riders were mounted, when Mr. Harrison an- nounced that in consequence of an accident to Sir Charles, he would pay forfeit, but proposed to run a dash of 4 miles, for $1,500 a side. This was accepted, and the horses started. The first two miles were run in 3:50, when Sir Charles broke down, and Eclipse galloped the balance of the distance. Sir Charles carried 120, and Eclipse 126 lbs. On the evening of the same day, Col. Wm. R. Johnson, of Virginia, propos- ed to produce a horse on the last Tuesday in May, 1823, to run 4-mile heats against Eclipse, over the Union Course, for $20,000 a side. The challenge was immediately accepted by John C. Stephens, Esq. John Richards, intended for the match, broke down, and Henry, by Sir Archy was substituted. The race was run May 27th, 1828. Henry won the first heat,7:374, Eclipse the second and third in 7:49, 8:24, Eclipse car- ried 126 Ibs., Henry (4) 108 ]bs. Col. Johnson again challenged to run Henry against Eclipse, the same race, for $20,000, or $50,000, but the challenge was declined. Eclipse was as famous in the stud as on the turf. He stood in New York, Virginia, and Kentucky. The most famous of his get were, Ariel, Lance, Lady Jackson, Black Maria, Shark, Goliah, O’Kelly, Godolphin, Maryland Eclipse, Rocker, Medoc, Midas, Mingo, Ten Broeck, Monmouth Eclipse, Bay Maria, Tom Kimball, Gano, and many others. Ariel was the great mare of herday. She ran fifty-seven races and won forty-two, seventeen of which were 4-mile heats. Black Maria also ran a large number eleven winning ones, at 3 and 4-mile heats. Lclipse was a chestnut horse, 154 hands high, with a star in his forehead and vear hind foot white; was heavy set, and full of bone and muscle. The following were some of his measurements : head 23% in.; neck 25 iv.; from point of shoulder to point of buttocks 65% in.; girth 74 in.; around the arm, 214 in.; below the knee, 72 in.; around the tibia 18% in.; the hock 162 in.; from hip to point of hock 874 in.; he measured the same around the flank as girth 74 in., and the same height at hip as withers,61 in. An examination of his pedigree will show that he was very much inbred to the Darley Arabian, through Childers, and to the Godolphin Arabian through Blank, Cade, Regulus and Cripple. Eclipse died the property of Jilson Yates, in Shelby County, Ky., in Aug, 1847, then in the 84th year of his age. The Horse-Breelers Guide and Hand Book. PEDIGREE OF AMERICAN ECLIPSE. Herod. : Diomed. Sister to Juno. Florizel. Horatia. Spectator. Dau of. DUROC. Grey Diomed. Va Cade. Dau. of. Medley. Amanda. Partner—Meliora by Fox (Clumsy)—Milkmaid by Sir Wm. Blacket’s Snail Tartar. (Partner)—Dam the Shield’s Galloway. Cypron Blaze (F.Childers)—Selima by Bethel’s Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s Cham- . pion—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Merlin. Cygnet. Godol. Ae ee of F. Childers—Miss. Belvoir by Daughter of. Crab. Daughter of. Grey Granthem—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival. Cartouche (Bald Galloway)—Ebony by F. Childers (Dar, Arabian)—Ebony by Basto (Byerly Turk)—Massey Mare by His. Black Barb. '|Aleock Arabian—Sis. to Soreheels by Basto—Sis. to Mixbury by Cur. Bay Barb—Dau. of Spot—Dau. of Whitclegged Lowther Barb. Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton—Dau. of Dar. Arabian—Dau, of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taftolet Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk. Blank. Daughter of. Godol.Arabian—Lit. Hartley Mare by Bart.Childers—Flying Whig by Wm’s Woodstock Arabian—Dau. of St. Victor Barb—Dau. of hynot. F. Childers—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival by Leede’s Arabian—Dau. of Spanker. Ginemek Crippple (Godol.)—Miss Elliott. by Grisewood’s Partner (Partner)—Caelja a , by ST an of Bay Buttocks—Dau. of Greyhound. Se nap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge by a son of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Arminda. Bart. Childers—Dau. of Hon. ‘Atabied m Sioa. Partner (Moreton’s Imp. Traveler)—Imp. Blossom by Sloe (Crab)—Dau. Daughter of. of Regulus (Godolphin Arabian). pg Vampire (Regulus) Imp. Calista by Forester—Dau. of Crab—Dau. of obgoblin—Bajazet’s dam by Whitefoot. Fearnought. Daughter of. Regulus—Silvertail by Henage’s Whitenose (Hall’s Arabian)—Dau. of Rattle—Dau. of Dar. Arabian—Old Child Mare. Jolly Roger—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade—Dau. of Som. Arabian—Bald Charlotte by Old Royal—Dau. of Beth. Castaway—Dau. of Brimmer. Daughter of. Dolly Fine. Silvereye. Daughter of. Cul. Arabian—Dau. of Cur. Bay Barb—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Cur- wen’s Spot—Dau. of Whitelegged Lowther Barh—Vintner Mare. Imp. Badger (Bosphorus)—Dau. of Forester—Dau. of Imp. Silvereye—Dau. of Imp. Monkey (Lonsdale Bay Arabian). Eng’n’r, Sampson. Daughter of. Blaze (F. Childers)—Dau. of Hip (Cur. Bay Barb)—Dau. of Spark (Honey- comb Punch)—Dau. of Snake (Lister Turk)—Lord D’Arcy’s Queen. Young Greyhound (Greyhound by White Barb Chillaby)—Dau. of Cur- wen’s Bay Barb. Mambrino. Vauxhall Snaps dam. AMERICAN ECLIPSE. Cade. Daughter of. Godol. Arabian—Roxanua by the Bald Galloway—Sis. to Chanter by the Akaster Turk—Dau. of Leede’s Arabian—Dau. of Spanker. Bolton Little John (Partner)—Durham’s Favorite by a son of the Bald Gal- loway—Daffodil’s dam by Sir T. Gascoigus Foreign Horse. Messenger. Turf. Matchem. Daughter of. .Cade—Dau. of Partner—Dau. of Makeless—Dau. of Brimmer—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Dau. of Dodsworth—Layton Barb Mare. An. Starling—Dau. of Orford Turk—Dau. of Merlin (Bustler)—Dau. of Daughter of. Sis. to gurante. Q MILLER’S DAMSEL. Eclipse. Fi Pot-8-0’s. Sports- mistress. Daughter of. Daughter of. Snap- Gim- crack. Dragon. Pert (Ely Turk)—Dau. of Commoner—Coppin Mare. Reeul Godol. Arabian—Grey Robinson by the Bald Galloway—Dau. of Snake— cous: Gr, Wilkes by Hautboy—Miss D’Arcy’s Pet Mare. sd Fox—Gipsy by Bay Bolton—Dau. of Newcastle Turk—Dau. of By. Turk— Snap’s dam. Dau. of Taffolet’s Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Nat. Barb Mare. Marsk Squirt—Dau. of Blacklegs—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub—Dau. A BESIes of Coneyskins—Dau. of Hut. Grey Barb—Dau. of Hut. Royal Colt. : Regulus—Mother Western by Smith’s Son of Snake—Dau. of Ld. D’Arcy’s. Spiletta. ld Montague—Dau. of Hautboy—Dau. of Brimmer. : " ‘Warren’s Cade—Silvertail by Henage’s Whitenose—Dau. of Rattle—Dau. of Dar. Sportsman Arabian—Old Child Mare by Gres, Bay Arabian—Vixen. . * |Oroonoko (Crab)—Valiant’s dam by Crab—Dau. of Partner—Thwait’s Dun Golden Locks. | Mare by the Akaster Turk. i Godol. Arabian—Blossom by Crab—Dau. of F. Childers—Miss Belvoir by Cripple. Gr, Granthem—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival. Miss Elliott. Grisewood’s Partner—Caelia by Partner—Dau. of Bloody Buttocks—Dau. of Greyhound—Brocklesby Betty. Snap. Daughter of. Snip—Dau. of Fox—Dau. of Newcastle Turk—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Barb Mare. Regulus (Godo.1)—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Darley Arabian)—Dau. of Honeywood’s Arabian—Byerly Mare, dam of the Two True Blues. 186 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. AUSTRALIAN (Imp.) {WINNER OF THE DOSWELL STAKE AT NEW ORLEANS AND PRODUCE STAKES AT LEXINGTON, KY., 1861.) AUSTRALIAN by West Australian, son of Melbourne, bred by Mr. W. E. Duncombe, imported by the late A. Keene Richards, along with his dam in 1858, then a suckling, -dam Emilia by Young Emilius, son of Emilius by Orville. West Australian, his sire, won the three great events—the 2,000 guineas, Derby and St. Leger in 1853. Enmilius, his grandsire, through his dam, won the Derby in 1823, and Whisker, his great grand- sire, the Derby in 1815, and his sire, Waxy, won it in 1793. Australian was a fine race-horse, running under the silver and gray of Richard in the name of Millington. He made his début in the Doswell Stakes at New Orleans, April 1, 1861, mile heats. ‘This he won handily, with 5 lbs. overweight, in 1:49}, 1:484, beating Regret, Tom Reddy, Uncle True and Ninette; Louisville, May 20, ran third and fifth in the Association Stake, mile heats, in 1:483, 1:48, won by Lillie Ward, Myrtle second, Nannie Craddock third, Rubicon fourth ; same place, May 24, ran third in the Galt House Stake, 2 mile heats, won by Lillie Ward, in 3:383, 3:40; Rubicon second ; ‘Lexington, Ky., June 8d, ran second tu Lillie Ward in the Association Stake, mile heats, in 1:52}, 1:514, track muddy, beating Rubicon, John Morgan, Crichton, Wells, &c.; same place, ran second to Kansas in the Citizens’ Stake, 2 mile heats, in 3:44, 3:46, 8:45, track muddy ; Millington won first heat and was second in the last, heat- ing Rubicon, Myrtle, Nannie Craddock, &c.; Lexington, Ky., September 23, 1861, Produce Stakes, for three-year olds, mile heats, 12 starters; John Morgan won, Myrtle second, imp. Millington third ; Myrtle won the first heat in 1:463, Millington second ; Millington won second in 1:463 ; John Morgan the last two in 1:47). 1:49; September 27, Produce Stakes, for three-year olds, two mile heats, 9 starters, imp. Millington won in 3:48}, 3:403, John Morgan second, Myrtle third and distanced. In the Fall of 1861, Millington was purchased by the late R. A. Alexander, and his name was changed to Australian. He ran one race under his colors. Lexington, June 7, 1862, 3 mile heats, for all-ages, 6 starters ; John Morgan was third, first and first ; Idlewild won the first heat, in 5: 433, and was drawn after the second; Ella D, by Vandal, was fifth, second and second ; Australian fourth, fifth and third; John Morgan won second and third heats in 5:41, 5:45}. As a stallion, Australian ranks second to none ever imported. The best of his get were Fellowcraft, 4 miles, in 7:194, the first horse to beat Lexington’s time, 7:19}; Abd-el-Kader, 4 miles, 7:31}; Abd- l-Koree, 4 miles, when three years old, 7:33 ; Wildidle, 4 miles, 7:25} ; Rutherford, Spendthrift, Mozart, Springlet, Zoo Zoo, Lizzie, Lucas, Trinidad, Baden Baden, Albert, Nellie Booker, Silent Friend, 4 miles, 7:30}; Helmbold, Wilful, Atilla, Mate, Leinster, Pride of the Village, Madge, Maggie B B. dam of Iroquois, Farfaletta, dam of Falsetto, Ivy Leaf, dam of Bramble, Brambaletta, &c.; Hilarite, Springbok, 24 miles, 3:561; fastest on record ; Hazem, Queen’s Own, Sunlight, Blanche J. Baronet, N. Y. Weekly, and many others. Australian was a dark chestnut without white, and measured 15% hands in height, had neat head and neck, broad forehead, great breadth between the jaws ; oblique shoulders, with great depth of girth ; round, good barrel ; good flank, good hip and urched loin; good length from the point of hip to whirlbone, and thence to the hock, which was bony and strong ; sound legs and feet and good length of pasterns. He combined the Eclipse blood through Whalebone, Whisker, Don Quixote and Mercury, and Herod and Matchem through the best sources and traces, through a sister of the great Regulus by the Godolphin Arabian to the Sedbury Royal Mare. Australian died at Woodburn Stud, the property of A. J. Alexander, October 15th, 1879. His descendents will keep his memory green. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 187 PEDIGREE OF AUSTRALIAN (Imp.) AUSTRALIAN (imp.) “EMILIA. WEST AUSTRALIAN, * Soothsayer given. 3 a Sorcerer. ‘Trumpator (Conductor)—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem— aig Molly Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. = @ |Houghton Lass. Sir Peter—Alexina by King Fergus (Eclipse)—Lardella by Young Marske = o iat Nee —Dau. of Cade—Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought. ek Si ge Clinker, ir Peter—Hyale by Phoenomenon (Herod)—Rally by Trumpator—Fanec 3 a a a Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Horatia by. Blank. » elas Pewet. iauden (Syphon)—Termagant by Tantrum (Cripple by Godol.)—Cantatrice is, y Sampson (Blaze)—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. aoe . . Slats $1 Don Quixote, |Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Go- SYS Sa Q dol.)—Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second. ( 8 S Evelina. eee ace by Tantrum—Cantatrice Py Seupen Dap. of Reg- 4 ulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs (Bay Turk)—Dau of Bay Bolton. a) Golumpus. Gohanna—Catherine by Woodpecker (Herod)—Camilla by Trentham Als (Sweepstakes)—Coquette by Compton Barb.—Sister to Regulus. 3 | Daughter of. Paynator (Trumpator)—Sis. to Zodiac by St. George (Anvil)—Abigail by A Woodpecker—Firetail by Eclipse—Dau. of Blank—Dau. of Cade. 3 | Whalebone, |Waxy—Penelope by Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise b. 3] 2 | ne Snap—Julia_ by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Parner _-Boany Lass. 51S | Daughter of. Selim (Buzzard)—Maiden by Sir Peter—Dau. of Phoenomenon—Matron 2 | by Florizel—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt—Lot’s dam. Ol at . 7 A iat | Mast: _ |Orville—Miss Sophia by Stamford (Sir Peter)—Sophia by Buzzard—Hun- adel a selon Meany camunea by Histtiges—Cyoler by Squirrel—Fribble’s es by Regulus. € a Boadicea. Alexander (Kclipse)—Brunette by Aramanthus (Old Eng.)—Mayfiy by 2 Matchem (Cade)—Dau. of An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper (Crab). = 5 Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod (Tartar)—Lisette by § ip)—Mi i i : y Snap (Snip)—Miss Windsor = 2 Wass - by Godol. Zabel to Volunteer by Y Belgrade. :| a rumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— a = Fonelanes Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bouny Lass by Bay Bolton. 8 5 lg Mercury (Eclipse)—Rosina by Woodpecker—Petworth by Herod—Golden i | E Heniies, Grove by Blank—Spinster by Partner—Dau. of Bloody Buttocks. : 2s Vicissitude. |Pipator (Conductor)—Beatrice by Sir Peter—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duch- |S . ess by Whitenose (Godol.)—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. o : , King Fergus (Eclipse)—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by id Benipeneouen: hitenose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. of Ox Dun. Arabian. ale . Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice by Sampson—Dau. of Reg- oO Evelina. 2 ulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub 18 Sir Peter—Horatia by Eclipse—Countess by Blank—Dau. of Rib (Crab)— 5 Ra 2 Stamford. Dau. of ye ae of Governor—Dau. of Al. Arabian. i . Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank—Dizzy by Driver & | auebier a —Dau. of Smiling Tom—Dau. of Oysterfoot—Dau. of Old Merlin. of j A King Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Ducbess by White- 5 = Beningbrough. nose—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue—Dau. of Ox. Dun. Arabian. 5 5 B Eliza Highflyer—Augusta by Eclipse—Hardwicke’s dam by Herod—Dau. of 3 : ajazet—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Lon’s Bay Arabian. >) ow o| o . . fares 7 ais a King Fergus—Dau. of Highflyer—Monimia by Matchem—Dau. of Alcides ae Hambletonian. (Babrahan)—Dau of Crab cock Arabian)—Snap’s dam. = Rall Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed by Florizel—Dau. of Spectator—Ho- 8 ade ratia by Blank—Dau. of F, Childers—Miss Belvoir by Gr. Grantham. 6 Eclipse—Sportsmistress by Warren’s Sportsman—Golden Locks by Oroo- K Pot-8-0's. aako-—valant's dam by Crab—Dau. of Partner. H/E Mari Herod—Lisette by Suap—Miss Windsor by Godol. Arabian—Sis. to Vol- a Bray unteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Dar. Arabian). wn . S| 2 T Conductor—Brunette by Squirrel—Dove by Matchless (Godol.)—Dau. of = 2 rumpator. ‘An. Starling—Dau. of Grasshopper—Dau. of Newton Arabian. d a P 1 Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank—Spectator’s dam by Part- a a runes ner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton—Dau. of Darley Arabian. & pa 38 : i i I : Trumpator—Y. Giantess by Diomed—Giantess by Matchem—Molly Long- A aa Rorceren ieee Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter. 38! Golden Lock Delpini—Violet by Shark (Marske)—Dau. of Syphon—Charlotte by Blank— & oe olden LOCKs. | Dau. of Crab—Dau. of Dyer’s Dimple. a| 3 ‘ Precipitate (Mercury)—Bobtail by Eclipse—Faith by Herod—Curiosity by P| Ss pouty Snge Das of Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Childers. S , : na Catharine. |Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by the Comp. Barb.—Sis. ns +6 Resulus by Godol. Arabian—Gray Robinson by the Bald Galloway (St. Victor Barb.)—Sis. to Country Wench by Snake (Lister Turk)—Grey Wilkes by Old Hautboy (White D’Arcy Turk)—Miss D’Arcy’s Pet Mare out of a Sedbury Royal Mare. 188 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. BONNIE SCOTLAND (Imp) (WINNER OF THE LIVERPOOL ST. LEGER AND DONCASTER STAKES. IN 1856.) Bonnie Scotuanp, by Iago, son of Don John, winner of the St, Leger in 1838, bred by Mr. W. I’Anson, foaled 1853, imported by Capt. Cornish into Boston in 1857, dam Queen Mary, dam of Balrownie ; Haricot, dam of Caller Ou and Blink Bonny, dam of Blair Athol by Gladiator. Bonuie Scotland was badly hurt at two years old, but. he came out when three years old and started’ in four races, winning two, running second in one and unplaced in the other. He won the Liverpool St. Leger, twenty- three subscribers, 14 miles, beating Omar Pacha, Tom Thumb, and two others ; was fourth in the Great Yorkshire Stakes at York, 176 subscribers, won by Fazzoletto, with Brother to Bird on the Wing second, Stork third. He ran second to Warlock for the Doncaster St. Leger, 133 subscribers, twenty-five starters, St. Leger course. In this race he beat Ellington (winner of the Derby), Artillery, Rogerthorpe and others. He won the Doncaster Stakes, 14 miles, ninety-three subscribers, heating Ellington (the Derby winner), Brother to Bird on the Wing, Manganese, Alleppo, California and others. This was his last race. After his importation he was purchased by Messrs. Reber and Kutz and taken to Ohio. There being few thoroughbred mares in that State he made no reputation, sired Malcolm, Dangerous and Ontario; he passed into the hands of E. A. Smith, when he got Frogtown, a capital good horse. Smith sold him to Messrs. Parks, of Illinois, where he got Experience Oaks and Nathan Oaks. From Parks. he passed to the hands of Gen. W. G. Harding in 1872, and commenced his brilliant career as a sire of winners ; the first of his get were Belle of the Meade, an excellent two-year-old, and Bushwhacker, winner of the Bowie Stakes and the Great Long Island Stakes, both 4 mile heats. Although dead, he stands, in 1882, at the head of winning sires, and his winning sons and daughters are a legion. The following, the most noted, will show his quality as a sire: Aranza, Brambaletta, 5 furlongs, in 1:024; 7 furlongs, 1:30; one mile and a furlong in 1:54, the fastest on record. Bye the Way, Bonnie Wood Bramble, mile heats in 1:48, 1:44 ; 14 miles, 118 Ibs., 1:58 ; 24 miles, 4:01%. Boardman, milein1:403. Boatman, 115 lbs., 2 miles, 3:34. Barret, three-quarters in 1:14, the fastest on record ; 14 miles, 118 lbs., in 1:56}. Ben Hill, Bonnie Carie, Baton Rouge, Belle of the Highlands, 14 miles in 1:553. Bye and Bye, Bushwhacker, 2 miles in 3:30 ; 4 miles, 7:31 ; 2 mile heats, 3:36, 3:364, 3:38}. Balance All, Beatitude, Boulevard, Bayard, Bounce, mile heats in 1:42, 1:414 ; mile and 3 fur- longs in 2:28}. Bride Cake, Boswell, Bingin, Bathgate, Bombast, Bonnie Castle, Brooklyn, Bliss, Big Medicine, Bootjack, mile in 1:42; 1,4 miles in 1:49% ; Baltic, Bosworth, Bancroft, Duke of Kent, Joe Howell, three-quarter heats in 1:144, 1:144, 1:15, fastest on record ; Julia Bruce, Maggie Ayr, Luke Blackburn, 14 miles in 2:34, fastest ever run ; 12 miles, 3:04; 2 miles, 8:354 ; Glidelia, 12 miles in 3:01, the fastest in the world ; J. W. Norton and a host of others. His daughter, Kelpie, produced Janet, 4 milesin 7:25. Ontario produced McWhirter, 2 miles in 3:304, the fastest ever run by a three-year old. Being a half brother to Blink Bonny, the dam of Blair Athol, and from a family which has produced the greatest number of noted horses, his de- scendants should be valuable in the stud. The long list named speaks volumes for the Belle Meade Stud, as nearly every animal named was bred there Two sons of the old hero are located there and the blood should be preserved to the country, and there is no better opportunity than to cross his sons on the Lexington and Glencoe blood, and it will prove our theory that in breeding is the surest and best mode to rear the race horse and the only way to preserve and perpetuate pure blood and racing strains. His stock are all remarkable for soundness, symmetry, muscular power, good action. with the best of feet. He died at Belle Meade, Feb. ist, 1880, in the twenty-seventh year of his age, game to the last moment. BONNIE SCOTLAND. The Horse-Breeder’ Guide and Hund Book. 189 PEDIGREE OF BONNIE SCOTLAND. Be or Wax Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. ele g y- | Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade (Belgrade Turk). 2\s 2} Penelope Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— | 5 27 " Spectator’s dam by Partner—Dau. of Bay Bolton. ish ~~ ebiivancPaalion Gr Bae ira | oe ae ts Highflyer—Papillou by Snap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge by § - S HILYe P y snap evela y Regulus on ig ao S| Bete ey Rowdee oats of Bartlet’s Childers—Dau. of Hon. aabigee sclatig 7 ., |Highflyer-—-Nutcracker by Matchem—Miss Starling by Starling—Dau. of S| 3 a | Blscto Giakee, artner—Dau. of Croft’s Bay Barb—Dau. of Mukeloes, 2 > ‘ g i | G | Sorcerer ‘Trumpator—Y. Giantess by Diomed — Giantess by__Matchem — Molly a S| 3 = | _Longlegs by Babraham—Dau. of Cole’s Foxhunter—Dau. of Partner. ey | g ‘Houghton Lass, Sit Peter—Alexina by King Fergus—Lardella by Y. Marske—Dau. of Cade g| 5 | a —Beaufremont’s dam by Bro. to Fearnought—Miss Windham. | = tl Sir Peter—Horatia by Eclipse—Countess by Blank—Dau. of Rib (Crab)— = 3 | Siamaera: Dau. of wee Arabian—Dau. of Governor—Dau. of Alcock’s Arabian. '@ 2 ee Coriander—Faith by Pacolet—Atalanta by Matchem—Lass of the Mill by 8 Marcia. | On D a : S [a S. roonoko—Dau. of Old Traveler. g | ‘S|! Woodpecker, Herod—Miss Ramsdem by Cade—Dau. of Lonsdale Bay Arabian—Dau. Pa si I . of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Dar, Arabian—Dau. of Byerly Turk. \ | c Misfortune, |DUX (Matchem)—Curiosity by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Bartlet’s ig) a " 7 Childers—Dau. of Honeywood’s Arabian. ! 3 ' em . * p2-a 4 ; . |Eclipse—Grecian Princess by Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt ° ey =) Alexander. (Godol.)-—Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second. Pe ee S! Dauehter of, |Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade 3 ig Bees —Lass of the Mill by Old Traveler—Miss Makeless. si! a ; ee . Highflyer—Papillon by Snap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge by § ae AE Sir Peter. Son of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers. e2\6 3 S| Miss Hervey, |#clipse—Clio by Y. Cade—Dau. of Old Starling—Dau. of Bart. Childers— 5 = y: Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Bustler. a Ob) gi wae Mercury (Eclipse)—Dau. of Herod—Maiden by Matchem—Dau. of Squirt Bre Ereespitaite: —Dau. of Mogul—Dau. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Pul. Ch. Arabian. Als Colibri Woodpecker—Camilla by Trentham—Coquette by Compton Barb—Sis. to a : Regulus by Godol. Arabian—Gr. Robinson by Bald Galloway. ui 2 ‘ Highflyer—Papillon by Snap—Miss Cleveland by Regulus—Midge by 3 Sir Peter. Son of Bay oon ee of HeEehs aromaen . — 5 | ;| ‘ Dungannon (Eclipse)—Dau. of Prophet (Regulus)— irago by Snap—Dau. ; a| = Arethusa. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello by Crab. ie al ‘ Eclipse—Sportsmistress by Warren’s Sportsman (Cade)—Golden Locks =] 2 | Pot-8-0's. by Oroonoko—Valiante’s dam by Crab—Dau. of Partner. & By Pradell Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass by Se ae que Bay Bolton—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Byerly Turk. i , ; 5 : ; 3 ; : - |Delpini (Highflyer)—Bay Javelin by Javelin (Eclipse)—Y. Flora by High- S 3 enon flyer—Flora by Squirrel—Angelica by Snap—Dau. of Regulus. : S Gohanna—Gr. Skim by Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag by a Daughter of. Skim (Starling)—Hag by Crab—Ebony by Childers—Ebony. Ra & y y yt 3 x Seli Buzzard—Castrel’s dam by Alexander—Dau. of Highflyer—Dau. of Alfred fa] P| ets (Matchem)—Dau. of Engineer—Bay Malton’s dam by Cade. < 3 ways tees: Whiskey or Sorcerer—Canary by Coriander—Miss Green by Highflyer— = & Canary Bird. Harriet by Matchem—Flora by Regulus—Dau. of Bart. Chiiders. A : : ; ; : ‘| a J Beningbrough—Evelina by Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum—Cantatrice al |e & Orville. by Saiipeon— Dau, of Regulus—Marske’s dam. >] is ‘'g ‘1 Stamford—Dau. of Whiskey—Gr. Dorimant by Dorimant—Dizzy by Blank oS al a Emily. —Dizzy by Driver—Dau. of Smiling Tom (Con. Arabian). 2 aM B, 3 ‘ Evander (Delpini)—Dau. of Precipitate—Sis. to Ospray by Highflyer— ailal = Pericles. Dau. of Snap—Dau. of Orford Barb—Dau. of Bart. Childers. ole a Selim—Pipylina by Sir Peter—Rally by Trumpator—Fancy, Sis. to Diomed gH | Daughter of. |" py Plorizel—Dau. of Spectator—Dau. of Blank (Godol.) Sp g Pot-8-os—Maria by Herod—Lisette by Snap—Miss Windsor by Godol. a 2 Waxy. Arabian—Sis. to Volunteer by Y. Belgrade—Dau. of Childers. A} | 2 Trumpator—Prunella by Highflyer—Promise by Snap—Julia by Blank— 28 Penelope. Spectator’s dam by Partner—Bonny Lass. | - |Gobanna—Gr. Skim by Woodpecker—Silver’s dam by Herod—Y. Hag by =|, | ¥.Gohanna. |” giim—Hag by Crab—Ebony by Childers—Ebony. +e & | Sis. to Grazier. Sir Peter—Sis. to Amaitor by Trumpator—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Snap— * Waverly given. + Seymour given. (Snip)—Dau. of Gower Stallion (Godolphin)—Dau. of Flying Childers (Darley Arabian), 190 The Horse-Breeders Guide and Hand Book. BOSTON, (WINNER OF THIRTY-FOUR MILE HEAT AND NINE THREE MILE HEAT RACES.) Boston by Timoleon, son of Sir Archy, bred by John Wickham, Va., foaled in 1833, dam sister to Tuckahoe, by Ball’s Florizel, son of imp. Diomed, out of a daughter of imp. Alderman, by Pot-8-os, son of English Eclipse. Timoleon, the sire of Boston, was the best race-horse of his day, started in seventeen races, won nine, walked over for four, and lost two. Florizel, the sire of his dam, had no equal in his day, he never lost a heat or paid a forfeit, ‘never knew the touch of a spur or heard the flourish of a whip.” Boston made his debut as a three-year old at Broadrock, Va., mile heats, but was beaten by an indifferent colt, by bolting. Petersburg, Va., won purse 2 mile heats in 4:01, 4:00, track muddy, defeating a field of five. Hanover Court. House, won Club Purse, 3 mile heat in 6:25, 6:19, track deep in mud, defeating Betsey Minge and five others. This was the first race in which he started under the name of Boston, derived from a popular game of cards. National Course, Washington, May 4th, 1837, won Club Purse, 3 mile heats, in 6:04, 6:10, track heavy, defeating a field of five. Same Course, October 5th, won Club Purse, 3 mile heats, in 5:55, 5:53, beating Prince George, Mary Selden, and five others. Baltimore, Md., won purse, 3 mile heats, in 5:51, 6:08, defeating Camsidel and Cippus. 1838, Camden, N. J., won Club Purse, 3 mile heats, in 5:51, 6:02, beating Betsey Andrew. Union Course, L. I., walked over for purse, 3 mile heats. Beacon Course, N. J., won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Dosoris, in 8:04, 8:01. Camden, N. J., won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Decatur, in §:36, 8:41, track very heavy. Union Course, L. 1, won Club Purse, 4 mile heats, beating Charles Carter, in 7:40 ; Carter was withdrawn after the first heat ; $15,000 was refused for Boston that day. Beacon Course, N. J., won Club Purse, 4 mile heats, beating Duane, who won first heat, in 7:52, 7:54, 8:30, track muddy. Peters- burg, Va., won Club Purse, 4 mile heats, in 9:25, beating Polly Green. Baltimore Central Course, won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Balie Payton, in 8:05, track muddy ; Payton withdrawn after the first heat. Kendal Course, received half purse to with- draw. Camden, N. J., received half the purse, 4 mile heats. to withdraw. Union Course, L. I, won pur-e, 4 mile heats, beating Decatur, in 8:00, 7:574, track muddy. Beacon Course, N. J., won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Decatur, in 8:12, 8:26, track very heavy. 1839, Petersburg, Va., was beaten by Portsmouth, in match $10,000 a side, 2 mile heats, in 3:50, 3:48. Broadrock, Va., won purse, 3 mile heats, in 5:46, Lady Clifden and Brocklesby withdrawn after first heat. Washington, D. C., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 7:53, 8:06, beating Tom Walker and three others. Camden, N.J., walked over for purse, 4 mile heats. Trenton, N. J., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 7:57, 8:24, beating Decatur and Vashti. Uuion Course, L. I., won purse, 4 mile heats, beat- ing Decatur and Balie Peyton, in 7:47, 8:02. Petersburg, Va., won purse, 4 mile heats, beating The Queen and Omega, in 8:02, 7:52. Camden, N. J., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 7:49 ; Omega second, and withdrawn. Trenton, N. J., won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Decatur, in 7:57, 7:56. 1840, Petersburg, Va., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 7:50, 8:04, beating Andrewetta, who won first heat and was drawn after the second. Washington, D. C., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 8:02, 8:06, beating Reliance, and Cippus, track muddy. Petersburg, Va., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 7:57, beating Bandit, drawn after the first heat. Broadrock, Va., won purse, 3 mile heats, in 5:56, 5:49, beating Texas and two others. Augusta, Ga., defeated Gano in match for $10,000 a side, 4 mile heats, in 7:57, Gano drawn after first heat, track muddy. Same place, won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Santa Anna, and Omega, in 7:52, 7:49. The owners of Boston then challenged Wagner, fresh from his victories over Grey Eagle and the whole United States, but no one accepted. Two English gentlemen challenged to run against Boston or the best American horse, 4 miles ; the owner of Boston at once accepted, and offered to run Boston against any horse they could produce, for $50,000 a side, one race to be run in the United States and the other in England ; this was declined. The owner of Boston then offered to bet $50,000 to $40,000 and run Boston 4 mile heats against any number of horses they might import, allowing them to name their horse at the post; this was also declined. 1841, Boston then went to- the stud in Virginia, and covered 42 mares at $100 each ; in the full he was trained again, and at Washington, D. C., won purse, 4 mile heats, in 7:59, 8:24, beating Acci- dent and two others. Baltimore, won purse, 4 mile heats, beating Mariner, who won first heat, in $:004, 8:05, 8:10, track very muddy. Camden, N. J , was distanced the first heat in the 4 mile heat race, won by Fashion, in 7:42, 7:48 ; John Blout won first heat and broke down in the second. The result of this race led to a challenge to run Boston against Fashion, 4 mile heats, over the Union Course, L. I., for $20,000 a side, half forfeit ; the race was run May 10th, 1842, and resulted in the defeat of Boston, in Continued on page 192, The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 1928 PEDIGREE OF BOSTON. BOSTON. “i H ’ Tartar—Cypron by Blaze (Childers)—Selima by Bethell’s Arabian—Dau. of” 3 S i é PRGA Dar ckOn. of Darle Arabian, 2 Daughter of. yene odol.)}—Dau, of Cartouche (Bald Galloway )—Ebony by Childers— g = ebten ef bony by Basto—Massey Mare by His. Black Barb. si A Crab (Aleock’s Arabian)—Dau. of Partn i : : . : er (Jigg)—Bo Lass by Bay Bol- BS 3 Spectator. ton—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Baty Tavke Sear 2 | Bla 5 Horatia. Blank (Godol.)—Dau. of Childers (Darley Arabian)—Miss Belvoir by Gr. 3 ne (irantham (Brownlow Turk)—Dau. of Paget Turk. oy 5 ; Herod—Rachel by Blank— lf H a achel by Blank—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Soreheels (Basto)— a ‘€ a a ighflyer Dau. of Makeless (Oglethorpe Atibldai— RG al Mare. ( ) a a Purity. Matchem (Cade )—Dau. of Squirt (Bartlet’s Childers)—Lots dam by Mogul ¥ a (Godol.)—Camilla by Bay Bolton—Old Lady by Pullein’s Ch. Arabian. Og 2 Sweepstakes (Gower Stallion)—Miss South by South (Regulus)—Dau. of bz: my 3 Txeotham, Cartouche—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto. eee Ss 8| 4 Daughter of. Bosphorus (Babraham)—Dau. of Wm’s Forester—Dau. of Coalition Colt 5 es (Godol.)—Dau. of Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second. ° ae M Squirt (Bartlet’s Childers)—Dau. of Blacklegs (Hutton’s Ba: ; Barb)—Dau. a| |g) & Mateke: of Bay Bolton (Gr, Hautboy)—Dau. of Fox Gub fchimeyy a al a Spiletta. Regulus (Godol.)—Mother Western by Smith’s Son of Snake—Dau. of g)8 1d Montague—Dau. of Hautboy—Dau. of Brimmer. ‘s — 48 Snip (Childers)—Sis. to Slipby by Fox (Clumsy)—Gipsy by Bay Bolton— S . y Bay on et = op Snap Dau. of Newcastle Turk—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb. Sle! = | Daughter of. pepe to Othello by Crab—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue— 5 > (Wm’s Turk)—Dau. of Oxford Dun Arabian. a : ; ; Ey oe | Imp. Regulus—Silvertail by Henage’s Whitenose (Hall Arabian)—Dau. of Rat- Zla3)£; Fearnought. tle (Son of Harpur’s Barb)—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Old Child Mare. AIS ES! pauchter of, |Imp. Jolly Roger (Roundhead)—Imp. Kitty Fisher by Cade (Godol.)— 5 we 2 Dau.of Som. Arabian—Bald Charlotte by Old Royal (Holderness Turk). s —} BL) od hae |Imp.Othello(Crab)—Millia by Imp.Spark (Honeycomb Punch—Queen Mab- B) Oo Driver \ eS : 7 ‘ by Seve eee of Hampton Court Childers. 3 mp. Fallower by Blank by Godolphin Arabian—Dau. of Imp. Vampire b. a Cavers or Regulus by Godolphin Arabian. : y lta Herod Tartar—Cypron by Blaze—Selima by Bethell’s Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s. z aN : Champion—Dau. of Darley Arabian—Dau. of Merlin. 3 ‘ Cygnet—Dau. of Cartouche—Ebony by Childers—Ebony by Basto (Byerly Ble | Dacghter ot Park) Massey Me by His, Black Laeh a ets ; Crab—Dau. of Partner—Bonny Lass by Bay Bolton—Dau. of Darley Ara- g = £6 Spectator. bian—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffolet Barb. B\4\a8 Horatia Blank—Dau., of Childers—Miss Belvoir hy (ir, Grantham—Dau. of Paget ze nr =e Turk—Betty Percival by Leede’s Arabian—-Dau. of Spanker. 2 ash Marek Squirt—Dau. of Blacklegs—Dan. of Bay Bolton—Dau. of Fox Cub—Dau. 2:5 ao ATS ie: of Coneyskins (Lister Turk )—Dau. of Hutton’s Gr. Barb. ) a he ee ° Snap—Warwickshire Wag’s dam by Marlborough (Godolphin Arabian)— iS) hele, PAMENtet of. |" Natural Barb Mare grandam of Tiney. “Mare. Arabian—Dau. of St. Victor Barb. im a : S rl chased by Mr. Darley, a merchant abroad, who presented him to | ¢ | Darley Arabian. ee Mod : Drcwetar Danie of Buttereramb, now Aldby Park— El He covered but few mares besides Mr. Darley’s. 3s i Betty Leedes. /Careless—Sis. to Leedes by Leede’s Arabian—Dau. of Spanker—Barb Mare. a Be) i land by Lord Brownlow in 1770. The : Brownlow Turk, brought into England by BI a ‘6 {Grey Grantham. "Stud Book does not ie Grey Grantham’s dam. Ales Paget Turk—Betty Percival by Leede’s Arabian—Dau. of Spanker—Barb as Daughter of. Mare. 194 The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. DIOMED (Imp.)—Continued. Corporal ; Cressida, the dam of imp. Priam. There is scarcely a good horse in England of this day but what has some of his blood. In America, he sired Sir Archy, called the Godolphin Arabian of America ; Ball’s Florizel, Duroc, sire of Am. Eclipse; Top-Gallant, Potomac, Stump the Dealer, Vingt’un, the dams of Henry, Shylock, Cicero, Lady of the Lake, Richmond, Diomed Eagle, Duchess of Marlborough, Maria Archy, Fanny Hill. He also sired Lady Chesterfield, Wringjaw, Miss Jeffer- son, Peacemaker, Hamiltonian, Hanie’s Maria, the best mare of her day ; Wonder, Virginius, St. Tammany, Truxton, Herod, Madison, Sting and a host of others. Diomed was a solid chestnut, without white except on the heel of his right hind foot ; 152 hands high, with great substance and muscular power, which he transmitted to his stock. He died in Virgiania in 1808, aged thirty-one years. He left behind him a name and fame which will endure to the end of all time, and crowned with laurels of the two great racing countries of the world, England and America. GLENCOE, (WINNER OF THE TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS AT THE NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING, 1834, AND THIRD FOR THE DERBY AT EPSOM TO PLENIPOTENTIARY ; AND WINNER OF THE GOODWOOD CUP SAME YEAR; ALSO WINNER OF THE GOLD CUP AT ASCOT IN 1838. ) GLENCOE, by Sultan, was bred by Lord Jersey in 1831. He was a beautiful golden chestnut, with both hind legs white half way to the hocks, and a large star in is fore- head. His head was a little Roman, very expressive in character. with fine thin muzzle, well set on a stout neck, which ran into well-shaped shoulders, being oblique and rather light in the blades. He had good length, with round barrel, well ribbed to strong broad hips, a little swayed in the back, with heavy muscular quarters, big stifles, and sound legs and rather flat feet. Glencoe commenced his racing career by winning the Riddlesworth Stakes at the Newmarket Craven Meeting in 1834, and ran second to Plenipotentiary in a sweepstakes over the Rowley Mile at the Newmarket First Spring Meeting, and defeated Ganges for the Desert Stakes across the Flat. Same meeting won the 2,000 Guineas Stakes, Rowley Mile, beating Flatterer, Bentley and four vthers. He ran third to the great Plenipotentiary for the Derby Stakes at Epsom, Shilelagh second; nineteen others started. At Ascot Heath he saved his stake from Plenipotentiary in a walk over for the St. James’ Palace Stakes. Won the Goodwood cup at Goodwood, defeating Colwick, Famine, St. Giles, Marpessa, and five others. Same meeting won the Racing Stakes, Drawing Room Stake Course. At Newmarket Second October Meeting won the Garden Stakes, two middle miles, beat- ing Glaucus and Colwick. At Ascot Heath, 1835, won the Ascot Gold Cup, 23 miles, defeating Bran, Nonsense and six others. At the Newmarket Second October Meet- ing Lord Jersey challenged for the whip and named Glencoe; the challenge was not accepted. James Jackson, of Alabama, sent an order to England to purchase the best horse in the market, and named Plenipotentiary, Priam and Glencoe. Glencoe was purchased at a round sum and made the season of 1836 in England as the property of Mr. Jackson. He sired that year Pocahontas, Darkness, Glimpse, Malaga, Ruthless, Vapor and Wardan. Pocahontas, his daughter, in England, has placed his name imperishably upon the scroll of honor through her three great sons, Stockwell, Ratap- lan and King Tom. Stockwell sired Lady Augusta, Repulse and Achievement, win- ners of the 1,000 guineas; The Marquis, Lord Lyon, Bothwell and Gang Forward, winners or thé 2,000 guineas; Blair Athol, Lord Lyon and Doncaster, winners of the Derby; Regalia, winner of the Oaks; St. Albans, Caller Ou, The Marquis, Blair Athol, Lord Lyon and Achicvement, winners of the St. Leger; King Tom sired Tomato, winner of 1,000 guineas; Hannab, winner of 1,000 guineas, Oaks and St. Leger; Tormentor and Hippia, Oaks winners; Kingcraft, » Derby winner; Imp. Great Tom, sire of Tennyson, Tocsin and Ella; Imp. Phaeton, sire of King Alfonso and Ten Broeck, Imp. King Ban, sire of Punster, Queen Ban, and King Ernest, sire of Re- port; Marathon, Kingcraft, &c. There is scarcely a good stallion in England to-day that does not possess a strain of the blood of this great horse, viz.: Blair Athol, Ber- tram, Controversy, Cremorne, Cornelion, Cardinal York, Chevron, Craig Millar, Clan- ronald, Doncaster, Forerunner, Geo. Frederick, Hollywood, Hopbloom, Isonomy, Julius, Kaiser, Kingcraft, King Lud, Kisber, Lord Roland, Mask, Maximilian, Mar- tyrdom, Master Kildare, Nuneham, New Holland, Prince Charlie, Petrarch, States- man; Straun, Sir Bevys, Silvio, Skylark, Springfield, Uncas, Wenlock, Winslow, etc. The most distinguished of his get in America were Adelgasia, Aduella, Budelight, Continued on page 196. GLENOOE. The Horse-Breeders’ Guide and Hand Book. 195 PEDIGREE OF GLENCOE. Tartar—Cypron by Blaze (Childers)—Selima by Bethell’s Arabian—Dau. of 3s Herod. Graham’s Champion—Dau. of Darley Arabian. 3 S 3 Miss Ramsden. cate . er tate oe of Bay Bolton—Duu. = _0 : : N F Matchem (Cade)—Duchess by Whit: Godol.)— pki Dux. ry itenose (Godol.)—Miss Slamerkin by Y. zZ se 5 ae oe Shek otaee dant: oo Dun Arabian. q ~“S Curiosity. P (Snip)—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Bartlet’s Childers (Darle J = s SHY: - Arabian)—Dau. of Honeywood Arabian. ‘ m io a8 Eclipse. Marske Squirt)—Spiletta by Regulus (Godol. —Mother Western by Smith’s v2 g RS Ps Son a Snake—Dau. of ene a Hautboy. . 3/4 8|Grecian Princess| Vm.’ Forester (Forester)—Dau. of Coalition Colt (Godol.)—Dau. of = Bustard (Crab)—Charming Molly by Second. (3 s Highflyer. Herod—Rachel by Blank (Godol.)—Dau. of Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of : ig 3 ganyer. Aiteea We a a of Makeless—Royal Mare. : Z| OO} 8 |Sister to Doctor re atchem)—Dau. of Herod—Dau. of Engineer (Sampson)—Bay <; . |A ‘| Malton’s dam by Cade (Godol.)—Lass of the Mill. | |. > (ss A} shel om Herod—Rachel by Blank— : | flyer. chel by Blank—Dau. of Regulus—Dau. of Soreheels—Dau. of P = = ightlyer Makeless (Oglethorpe Arabian.)—D’Arcy’s Royal Mare. 2| Papillon. ie are ey er eae ed Re emg end by Son of Bay Bolton—Dan. of 2) oe artiet’s Childers—Dau. of Hon. Arabian. VN SOD ine see ol ; 21 B Eclipse—Aspasia by Herod—Doris by Blank—Helen by Spectator (Crab)— | g a Dungannon. e ee Godol. eee = : ( s 2.5) o es rophe egulus)—Virago by Snap—Dau. of Regulus—Sis. to Othello b 5 = 4 Daughter-of: Crab—Miss Slamerkin ty Y Trae Blue. = ‘i al CL er Vi Marske—Spiletta ty Regulus—Mother Western by Smith’s Son of Snake— g : Ss 2 | Eclipse. Dau. of Mortarae Dan. of Hautboy. S| z | Daughter of Tartar (Partner)—Dau. of Mogul (Godol.)—Dau. of Sweepstakes (Oxford : s S ‘i Arabian)—Sis. to Sloven by Bay Bolton. (Se) seg : Tartar—Cypron by Blaze—Selima b Bethell’s Arabian—Dau. of Graham’s oS 2 Herod. Champion (Harpur’s Arabian). : ‘2, 8 Folly Marske—Vixen by Regulus—Dau. of Hutton’s Spot—Dau. of Bay Bolton \za| a . (Gr. Hautboy)—Dau. of Fox Cub (Clumsy). al : Marske—Spiletta by Regulus—Mother Western by Smith’s Son of Snake- 2/8 5 Eclipse. Dau. of Mgntague—Dau. of Hautboy—Dau. of Brimmer. 5 a Ataris: ase ne ee oe Blank— Fancy by Crab (Alcock Arabian) fal Q a a a 2 JO] 4 Jigg—Sis. to Mixbury by Cur. Bay Barb—Dau. of Spot—Dau. of White- = wo RASH: Teg ged Lowther Barb—Old Vintner Mare. 3 3 Bonny Lass. Bay Bolton—Dau. of Dar. Arabian—Dau. of Byerly Turk—Dau. of Taffo- 3 Q let Barb—Dau. of Place’s White Turk—Natural Barb Mare. 3 se, eoey leche a : -ahian |rhe most famous of all the Eastern sires. Purchased in Paris by Mr. Coke. 3 4 ogel eee oan: Died the property of Earl Godolphin in 1753. : Ble ‘s Little Bart. Childers—Large Hartley Mare by His. Blind Horse—Flying Whig “| | Hartley Mare. | by Wm.’s Woodstock Arabian—Dau. of St. Victor Barb. ao 2 si ‘ F Darley Arabian—Betty Leedes by Careless—Sis. to Leedes by Leedes’ Ara- = = Flying Childers. Go ook of Spanker—Barb Mare dam of Spanker. k : is rey Grantham—Dau. of Paget Turk—Betty Percival by Leedes’ Arabian , A Sse HO aws Dau. of Spanker (Yellow Turk. ) ! Ia Tartar Partner—Meliora by Fox—Milkmaid by Sir Wm. Blacket’s Snail (Croft’s \ cs ¢ Partner)—Dam the Shield’s Galloway. a) Goran Blaze—Selima by Bethell’s Arabian—Dau. of Gra. Champion—Dau. of Dar- = © EON ley Arabian—Dau. of Old Merlin (Bustler.) = ot Blank Godol. Arabian—Little Hartley Mare by Bartyet’s Childers —Flying Whig aiml § _ by Woodstock Arabian—Dau. of St. Victor Barb—Dau. of Whynot. 3 9 D ter of Regulus (Godol.)—Dau. of Soreheels (Basto)—Dau. of Makeless (Ogle- a, fc ape ons thorpe Arabian)—C. D’Arcy’s Royal Mare. a : ig eS & & Cad ‘Godol. Arabian—Roxana by the Bald Galloway—Sis. to Chanter by Akas- 3 A nee | ter Turk—Dau. of Leede’s Arabian—Dau. of Spanker. ee). 2 D ht f Partner—Duu. of Makeless—Dau. of Brimmer—Dau. of Place’s White Turk = 3 angbuerol —Dau. of Dodsworth—Layton Barb Mare. = ad Squirt Bart. Childers—Sis. to Country Wench by Snake—Grey Wilkes by Haut < S anes boy—Miss D’Arcy’s Pet Mare—Dau. of Sed. Royal Mare. & 3 Totedain. Mogui—Camilla by Bay Bolton—Old Lady by Pullen’s Ches. Arabian— Zz, A Dau. of Rockwood—Dau. of Bustler. as 8 Rosalind Phoenomenon (Herod)—Atalanta by Matchem (Cade)—Lass of the Mill by Ome . Oroonoko—Dau. of Traveler (Partner)—Miss Makeless by Y. Greyound. Z a 8 Pot-8-os—Lavender by Herod—Dau. of Snap—Miss Roan by Cade—Mad- Es a S Coriander. ame by Bloody Buttocks—Dau. of Partner. a 3 Wila-Goos Highflyer—Coheiress by Pot-8-os—Manilla by Goldfinder (Snap)—Dau. of a| 1A ne €- | Old England (Godol.}—Dau. of Cullen Arabian. F o : King Fergus—Dau. of Herod—Pyrrha by Matchem—Duchess by White- Eli) & | Beningbrough. | “jose (Hall Arabian)—Miss Slamerkin by Y. True Blue. a= E Eveli Highflyer—Termagant by Tantrum (Cripple)—Dau. of Sampson (Grey- 5(°. Nena: hound)—Dau. of Regulus—Marske’s dam by Blacklegs. a o i Ln 8 Ww. 1 Herod—Dau. of Eclipse—Dau. of Brilliant (Florizel)—Dau. of Shepherd’s | | 32 easels Crab (Crab)—Dau. of Godol. Arabian. A; |A ae Daustiter ot Ancaster (Blank)—Dau. of Damascus Arabian—Dau. of Sampson—Dau. ee a aughter Ol. | of Oroonoko—Sophia by Godol. Arabain. oO ao : 5 5 bel a at Alfred (Matchem)—Caelia by Herod—Proserpine, Sis. to Eclipse by ie wos 2 Imp. TickleToby|" Marske (Squirt)—Spiletta by Regulus—Mother Western. : Hl |S 2s Vest: Dreadnought (Meade’s Celer)—Bandy by Imp. Clockfast (Gimerack)—Dau. a 12 2 pres of Americus (Imp. Shark)—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought. Bj a Im ip (Saltr: ; i —D f . . p. Whip (Saltram)—Dido by Imp. Dare Devil (Magnet)—Dau. o E 4 Hickory. Symme’s Wildair (Imp. Fearnought)—Dau. of Imp. Clock fast. ; d a Trumpator (Conductor)—Sis. to Lambinos by Hightlyer—Dau. of Eclipse a A |Imp.Trumpetta.|""_Vauxhall, Snap’s dam by Cade—Dau. of Bolton Littlejohn. oO 3 . F : ute? . a “i Imp. Diomed—Dau. of Imp. Shark (Marske)—Dau. of Harris’ Eclipse lek © | Ball’s Florizel. Pacey of Imp. Fearnought (Regulus)—Dau. of Sober John. si rR Imp. Diomed (Florizel)—Susan Jones by Imp. Shark (Marske)—Dau. of BO Fair Rachel. Thornton's Wildair (Symme’s Wildair). 5B Ale in G Imp. Royalist (Saltram)—Belle Mariah by Grey Diomed ae Medley)— SS Robin Grey. Queen by Imp. St. George (Dragon)—Dau. of Cassius—Primrose. Pe Maria. Melzar (Imp. Medley)—Dau. of Imp. Highflyer—Dau. of Imp. Fearnought —Dau. of Ariel (Imp. Traveler)—Dau. of Imp. Jack of Diamonds (Cullen Arabian)—Imp. Diamond by Cullen Arabian—Lady Thigh by Croft’s Partner (Jiggz)—Dau. of Greyhound (White Barb Chillaby )—Sophonisba’s dam by Curwen Bav Barb—Dan. of D’Arey’s Chestnut Arabian—Dau of Whiteshirt—Old Montague Mare Ubi il Ao hi