iit Rew Dork State College of Agriculture At Cornell University Ithaca, N. D. Librarp MOUNT ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS, (GFREENESBURGH, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, PENN’A. CHECK-LIST OF THE FRUIT-BEARING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES, NUT, AND OTHER FOOD-PLANTS, IN THE PARK AND ORCHARDS OF Pia FRANK COWAN, MEMBER OF GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY oF LISBON, PORTUGAL; CORRESPONDING MEMBER oF ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, ACADEMIES OF SCIENCE OF PHILA- DELPHIA AND DAVENPORT, AND HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF PENNSYLVANIA AND WISCONSIN; MEMBER OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY, PENNSYL- VANIA STATE, AND NATIONAL MEDICAL SOCIETIES, WEST- MORELAND AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY Bars, ETC. ee GREENESBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA: THE OLIVER PUBLISHING HOUSE: 1890. LP css & eae Mar C2 BY TYR ECCE SIGNUM. LIST of SIGNS to indicate the NURSERYMEN from whom the stock was obtained and the NUMBER and CONDITION of the plants at the date of the publication of this cata- logue, 15 September, 1890. ak — Akin Seedling Company, Olney, Ill. al— Edwin Allen, New Brunswick, N. J. ba—C. B. Baldwin, Plymouth, Conn. bb — Daniel W. Babcock, Dansville, N. Y. bl—Joseph H. Black & Son, Hightstown, N. J. bu — Bush & Son & Meissner, Bushberg, Mo. e—John S. Collins, Moorestown, N. J. ce — Coe & Converse, Fort Atkinson, Wisc. ch — John Lewis Childs, Floral Park, N. Y. cl — Cleveland Nursery Company, Lakewood, O. er —N. P. Creely, Burlington, N. J. a —Samuel C. DeCou, Moorestown, N. J. eb — Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y. fe — Cowan Homestead in Greenesburgh, Pa. fs — Frank Ford & Son, Ravenna, 0. # — Green’s Nursery Company, Rochester, N. Y. hia — George C. Hanford, Makanda, [1l. hb —T. S. Hubbard Company, Fredonia, N. Y. ho — Stephen Hoyt's Sons, New Canaan, Conn. je—J. Jenkins, Winona, 0. jh—R. S. Johnston, Stockley, Del. jo — George S. Josselyn, Fredonia, N. Y. js— Johnson & Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa. 1t — William 8. Little, Rochester, N. Y. lv —J. T. Lovett Company, Little Silver, N. Y. mn— The Wm. H. Moon Company, Morrisville. Pa. mh — John R. & A. Murdoch, Pittsburgh, Pa. mito — Mt. Odin. n— Native or indigenous. o— The Oakland Nursery Company, Forgy, O. pa — William Parry, Parry, N. J. pe —W. M. Peters'& Son, Wesley Station, Md. pu— A.M. Purdy, Palmyra, N. Y. rb — Josiah A. Roberts, Malvern, Pa. rg —S. E. Rogers & Son, Mount Holly, N. J. ro — Lewis Roesch, Fredonia, N. Y. sh — The Storrs & Harrison Company, Painesville, ©. spl— Smiths, Powell & Lamb, Syracuse, N. Y. st —Jacob Steelsmith, a former owner of Mt, Odin tract. t—Sidney Tuttle & Company, Bloomington, Il. Number — The number of specimens obtained from any particular source is under- stood to be one, except where indicated by figures or prefatory notes, as in the ease of Grapes, Raspberries, and Strawberries. 00 — Several or many. Condition — Good, except where indicated by a + — dead. MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. CHECK-LIST of the FRUIT-BEARING TREES, SHRUBS, and VINES, NUT, and other FOOD PLANTS, (with the exception of « score or so of long-standing wild and cultivated varieties,) set out in the Spring of 1890. ALMONDS. Hard-shell 2lv_ Paper, or Soft-shell Russian Qlvif - APPLES. Akin Seedling 2ak Brownlee’s Russet Alexander d g Buckingham, or Fl Qn American Blush g Burham Sweet + Sum’r Pearmain g Campfield Arabskoe eb Carlough Arkansas Black fs Carpenter’s Horse Aucuba-leaved Reinette eb Carthouse Aurora t Caxton Bachelor’s Blush pa Chandler Bailey’s Sweet g Charlenoff Baldwin g OOmto Charlottenthaler Basin Sweet mh Chenango Strawberry Beauty of Kent o Clark’s Orange Belborodooke o Clayton Belle de Boskoop g Clermont Belmont, or Gate rh g Clyde Beauty Ben Davis rs g Colton Benoni eb Colvert Bentley 2je Cooper’s Market Bethel g Cornell’s Fancy Black Detroit g Cox’s Pomona Blue Pearmain g Cranberry Pippin Borsdorf g Danvers Sweet Bottle Greening. g Delaware Greening Brightwater pu He Red Winter 2lvit > i 2 => © ome Bae thea e ‘3 = wm PO FPO IR © se ose wm > oh 4 MT, ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. dg pe g Dickinson Dominie Duchess of Oldenburg Duke of Wellington Dunbar Early Harvest «Joe * Red Streak “ Strawberry Edward’s Early Empress English Codling “Russet Enormous Esopus Spitzenburg Ewalt, or Walker’s Beauty ih 5 a Td tet BI OC OTe TIE WG o% Si Fallawater g Fall Brown d “ Jenneting | It “ Orange “ Pippin gt “ Stripe t Fameuse g Fanny g Fink ak mh Flora Belle g Flushing Spitzenburg g Fourth of July 0 Fulton t Gano lv Gibbs pe General Lyon lv Gideon g Gilly Flower g Golden Blush rg “Medal mh “ Pippin rb “Russet g “Sweet bl g Grand Sultan 0 ¢ Gravenstein Green Rhode Island Pip uk “Sweet spl Grimes’ Golden g Haas g Hagloe (Summer H) lv ° Haskell Sweet eb Hawley g Hawthornden It Hayes’ Wine c Henrv Sweet al Holland Pippin mh Hollow Core bl Horse t Hubbardston’s Nonsuch g Huntsman’s Favorite ps Hurlbut Hyde’s King of the West g fs Imperial t Indian lv o Isham’s Sweet t Ivanhoe dts Jacob’s Sweet g Jefferis g Jersey Sweet ¥ Jonathan g June Market ° Keim g Kentish Fill-basket g Keswick Codling g King of Tompkins County g Kirtland’s Keeper g Knowles’ Early “rb Krausser g Lady eb “ Henniker g “Sweet g Lankford Seedling pe Large Fall Rambo mh “Winter Rambo mh Late Strawberry It Lawver pe Lippincott’s Early pa Limber Twig pe Little Seedling t Longfield g Long Island Russet mn Lord Nelson, or Blenheim P g “~ Suffield eb Lowell mh Loy lv Lyman’s Pumpkin Sweet eh MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS, Magog Red Streak Magnum Maiden Blush Mann McDonald McIntosh Red McMahon Marquis of Lorne Marshall’s Seedling May of Myers Melon Milam Milligan Minch Missouri Pippin ‘“« Superior Monmouth Pippin Moore’s Sweet Mother Mountain Pearmain Munson’s Sweet Nansemond Beauty Nero New Brunswick Newtown Pippin Nickajack Nodhead Northern Spy Northwest Greening Norton’s Melon Nottingham Brown Nyack Pippin Occident Ohio Nonpareil Ontario Orange Pippin’ Palmer’s Greening Paradise Park’s Keeper Parry’s White Pattie Grimes Peach Peck’s Pleasant Pewaukee Pennock Penn Red Streak pe g spl g g O0mto g mh g ce oO lvt ha g o t mh c ha t lt sh 2lv t eb bl g rg eb pe pe g g pe ho g fs 0 rb lv eb fs sh c eb | g ha pa pe g g lv oO on Perry Russet t Peter sh Pilot mh Pine pa Plumb’s Cider g Pomme Grise g Porter g Pound Sweet g Powell’s Beauty spl Price’s Sweet ha t Primate g Prince’s Early rg Princess Louise d Pumpkin Sweet g Pyle’s Red Winter d Raibinaska c Rambo g Ramsdell’s Sweet t Rawle’s Janet’ eb Red Astrachan g “ Bietigheimer d g “Canada g “ -Cheek Makakoff g “Cider pa “Detroit rb “June g “ Romanite rb “Russet eb Reed’s Golden Pippin bl Repka 0 Revel t Rhode Island Grnng g OOmto Ribston Pippin g Ridge Pippin pa Rock Pippin t Rolfe g Roman Stem g Rome Beauty pe Roxbury Russet g Rubicon ¢ Salome rg dg Saxton g Scott’s Winter g Shannon g Sheepnose bl Shiawassee Beauty g 6 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. Shockley Hill Small’s Admirable Smeeling Smith’s Cider Smokehouse Sops of Wine Staat’s Sweet Stark St Lawrence St Peter Stump Summer Pearmain ee Queen oi Rose Surprise Sutton Beauty Swaar Sweet Bough “« June Pear Switzer Tallman’s Sweet Tart Bough Tetofsky a Tewkesbury Winter Blush mn Three Year Keeper Titovka Townsend Trumbull Sweet Tuft’s Baldwin Twenty Ounce Unknown Varieties Alberge de Montgamet Alexander Alexis Blenheim Breda Byram Canino Grosso Catharine De Coulange Dr. Evatt Dubois Early pe g Utter’s Red g eb Vandevere eb o Wagener g g Walbridge g It Washington Strawberry eb eb Waskaroe ° al Walter al g Waxen Juicy oO g Wealthy g sh ce Westfield Seek-no-further g g Whinnery’s Late Red lv tg White Carver mh g “Cherry Valley It eb ‘Doctor rb 0 “Hoss t g “Pippin eb g Whittet ce g Williams’ Favorite eb t Willow Twig lv It t Windsor Chief ec ct Wine rg g Wine Sap pe g spl! Winter Blush rb g “ Pearmain t “Streak t 0 “ Stripe g eb Wolf River d ¢ th Yellow Bellflower g sh “Horse ha eb “May t goc¢ “Transparent g OOmto York Imperial a APRICOTS. eb Early Golden g g ‘Moorpark eb g Gibbs g eb} Heimskirke eb eb Jackson al lv J. L. Budd g eb Kaisha eb g Large Early Montgamet eb eb Malcomb’s Breda ebt lv Moorpark eb alt Nicholas 5 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. 7 Orange eb Roman alt g Oullin’s Early Peach eb Royal g Peach eb Russian pa ro Preib lv Sardinian ebt Purple eb Smith lv Red Masculine eb St. Ambroise eb Rener lv Turkey eb ASPARAGUS. Barr’s Mammoth 100g Moore’s Cross-bred 50¢ Conover’s Colossal 100g Palmetto 50lv BEECH. American O00mto BERBERRIES. European 2lv Purple 2lv Thunbergii 2lv BLACKBERRIES. Agawam 6g Minnewaska 6g Ancient Briton 6eb Missouri Mammoth 21sh Brunton’s Early 6pa Needham’s White 6t Child’s Everbearing ch Nevada 6pu Crystal White 6lv New Rochelle or Lawton 6eb Dorchester 6eb 6pa Snyder 6g Early Cluster 6g Stone’s Hardy 6g “Harvest 6g Taylor’s Prolific 6g “ King 6lv Thompson’s Early Mam 2lv Erie 6g Wachusett Thornless 6g Freed 6fs Wallace 6fs Hoosac Thornless 6fs Western Triumph 6fs Kittatinny 6g Wilson Jr 6g Knox 6fs Wilson’s Early 6g BLACK HAW. American Sloe, (Viburnum prunifolium,) 00mto BUTTERNUT. White Walnut, (Juglans cinerea,) 0O0mto CHERRIES. Amber al Amber Heart bl 8 MT. ODIN Belle de Choisy Black Eagle “ Tartarian Bleeding Heart Carnation Cleveland Dayton Downer’s Late Dyehouse Dykeman Early Purple “ Richmond Elton Fmpress Eugenie English Morello French June Governor Wood Ida Kirtland’s Mary Knight’s Early Black Late Duke “Richmond Luelling Louis Philippe May Duke American Chinquapin, or Dwarf Early Prolific Eureka French Nonzillard Chicayo Coral Currant Dartmouth Florence General Grant Gideon’s No. 4 Golden Hewes’ Virginia Hudson River Hyslop PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. lv Mezel eb eb Montmorency g g a Large eb trbt Murdoch’s Bigarreau mht pa Napoleon g eb Nelson’s Kentish 2t g Olivet g g Ostheim g g Oxheart pa al Reine Hortense g eb Rockport eb g Rostraver Bigarreau mht pa eb Schmidt’s iS rh g yg Shadow Morello mht g Sparhawk’s Honey eb d Tradescant Black eb g lt Triumph of Cumberland mht psl Utah Hybrid t eby White Graffin d eb “Grafton ¢ eb “Griffin bl eb Werder’s Early Black bl It Wild, (Cerasus Serotine.) OOn eb Windsor bl g g Yellow Spanish g CHESTNUTS. 00n Japan Giant ch ly mnt “Sweet pa pa Numbo d ly pa Paragon pa pa Spanish or Maron lv CRAB APPLES. eb Lady eb eb Large Red Siberian eb eb “Yellow Siberian eb eb Marengo eb t Martha t gy Minnesota Winter eb t Montreal Beauty eb t Oblong eb It Orange eb g Orion eb g Paul’s Imperial eb MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. 9 Picta Striata eb+ Transcendant g Powers’ Large Red sh Van Wyck eb Quaker Beauty ebt White Arctic t Red Siberian eb Whitney’s g Soulard ho lt Wild, (2. Coronaria,) 00n Telfer Sweet eb Yellow Siberian eh CRANBERRIES. Bell 100lv} Large Cherry 1001v+ Tree, or High, (Viburnum. opulus,) 7g CURRANTS. Black Champion 2g Prince Albert bel “English “6beb “of Wales beb “Naples 6eb Red Dutch 6g Cherry 6g Ruby Castle 2ts Crandall Tree 2ch Short-bunched Lon. Red Geb Fay’s Prolific 6g Versailles 6g Knight’s Large Red 6t Victoria 6g Lee’s Prolific 6g White Dutch beb Long Branch Holland 6t “ Gondoin 10sh Missouri Fragrant 2t “Grape 6g DEWBERRIES. Bartle’s Mammoth 6fs Lucretia 6g ELDERBERRY. Common, or Bortree 00n FIGS. Brown Turkish lv Sugar lv FILBERTS. Cosford 2ly English 2lv Davianna 2pa 2mn Kentish Cob 2lv GOOSEBERRIES. Champion 6cl Industry 6g Crown Bob 6g Mountain 6pa Downing 6g Pale Red 6eb Golden Prolific 2g Smith’s Improved 6g Houghton 6g Triumph : pa White Smith 6g B 10 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. GRAPES—-AMERICAN. NotE— Two vines except where indicated by flgures. Adirondae Advance Agawam Allen’s Hybird Alma Alvey Amanda Amber Amber Queen Aminia Ann Arbor Antoinette ‘Ariadne August Giant Augusta Autuchon Bacchus Baroness Barry Beauty Beauty of Minnesota Belinda Belvidere Berckmans Black Defiance “Eagle “ Hawk “Pearl “Taylor Blood’s Black Bottsi Brant Brighton Burnet Cambridge Canada Carlotta Cassady Catawba Centennial Challenge Champion, or Talman Clevener hb2+ ro hb hb hb hb ro hb hb bu hb cl hb bu hb hb bu hb t bu hb 25hb1} ro hb hb hb bu 25hb3t hb bu 25hb hb Clinton hb Concord hb O0mto Chasselas hb S Muscat ro iE Mammoth bult Conqueror hb Cornucopia hb1t Cottage hb Creveling hblt Cunningham bu Cynthiana hb Delaware 50hb3+ Muscat hb Devereux, or Black July bu Diana hb Downing bu Dracut Amber hb2+ Duchess hb Early Dawn hb “Victor hbly+ Eaton hb El Dorado hb Elsinburgh hb1t Elvira hb Empire State 25hb1} Essex 2hb = 2cl Esther ljo Etta 2hb 2bu Eva hb Eumelan hbly+ Excelsior c Faith hb Florence hb1t Geertner hb Gazelle bul} Geneva hb Goethe hb Golden Drop hb Green Mountain hb Grein’s Golden hb1} “No. 7 el Hartford hb Hayes hb MT, ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS.” Herbert Highland Humboldt Ida Imperial Tona ' Iowa Excelsior Tron Clad Irving Isabella Israella Ives Janesville Jefferson Jessica Lady “ Washington Lenoir Lexington Linden: Lindley Louisiana Lutie Marion Martha Mary Ann Mason’s Seedling Massasoit Maxatawney Merrimac Mills Missouri Riesling Monroe Montefiore Moore’s Diamond “Early Moyer Naomi Nectar Neosho New Haven Niagara Noah Norfolk North Carolina Norton’s Virginia 2hb hb hb bu hb1y eb hb bu hb hb1+ hb hb1t hb hb hb hb 25hb hb hb hb hb hb hb pa hb 25hb bult bu hb hb hb hb2t hb c 2bu hb 25hb hb hbl+ fs bult hb 27hb hb hb bu hb Northern Muscadine ' Norwood Oneida Oriental Othello Peabody Pearl Perkins Peter Wylie Pizarro Pocklington Poughkeepsie Red Prentiss Progress Purity Purple Favorite Quassaic Rebecca Rentz Requa Rochester Rockingham Rockland Rockwood Rogers No. 2 ce be 5 co ce 8 rc ae 11 46 co 13 “ce 74 re 66 cc 24 ce oe 32 4c cc 84 ce rT? 86 Roscoe Rulander Salem Secretary Senasqua Taylor, or Bullit Telegraph, or Christine Transparent Triumph Uhland Ulster Prolific Vergennes 11 hb hb hb hb hbl1t bu hb hb hbi1t c 25hb hblit hb cl bu hb bu hb bu hbit+ pa djot hb hh hb1t hb1t+ hb hb1+ hbit hh hb, hb hb hb 25hh hb hb hb hb hbit+ bu hb 25hh 12 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. Victoria hb Winchell Waverly bu Witt Welcome ce Woodruff Red Whitehall bu Worden Wilder hb Wyoming Red Wilding hb York Madeira GRAPE—-FOREIGN. ‘Gros Colman d2+ HICKORIES. eb fs hb 25hb 25hb bu Shag-bark, (Caryaalba) O00n Shell-bark, (Carya sulcata) OOn Pig-nut, (Carya porcina) O00n HOP. Golden Cluster 6g HUCKLEBERRY. Sucker State 5t JUNEBERRIES. Common Dwarf 6lv Success MULBERRIES. Black English sh Japanese Silk “ Ttalian ebt New American Downing’s Everbearing eb Purdy’s Everbearing Fastigiata eb Russian Hick’s Everbearing lv Tea’s Weeping White c MUSHROOMS. English js French NECTARINES. Boston eb Lord Napier Downton eb Milton Early Newington eb Newton “Violet eb Pitmaston Orange Elruge eb Rivers’ Orange Goshawk eb Spenser Hunt’s Tawny It Stanwick Victoria eb eb eb eb eb eb eb eb MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. 13 ORANGE. Trifoliate - 2ch PAWPAW. Northern Banana, or Custard Apple 2pa PEACHES. Alexander g Early Louisa 3bl1t Alexandra Noblesse eb “Rivers g Alpha put “Silver eb Amelia 3bl “Tillotson 2bl Amsden lv “ York g Baldwin’s Late t Elberta lv Barnard’s Yellow lv Ellison lv Beer’s Late Melocoton lv Ford’s Late White lv “ Smock lv Foster g Bergen’s Yellow t Fox’s Seedling lv Bilyeu’s Late October 2bl Freeman’s Late 2halt Blood-leaved 2rb Garfield, or Brigdon lt Bradley 2bl1¢ Geary’s Hold-on 2pe Brandy wine lv General Lee 3bl Bray’s Rareripe 2bl “ — (St’new’l) Jackson lv Brevoort eb George IV t Camden 6cr Gibson’s Late 2bl Canfield Cling mh Globe rg g Captain Eads 2ha Good lv Carroll’s Late Yellow 2pe Governor Garland t Chair’s Choice 2c lv Hale’s Early 2lv Chinese Cling 2pe Hance’s Golden : lv Christiana 2blit Hancock’s Superior 6er Clarissa 2c Harrison Hat 2cr Columbia 2pe Harker’s Seedling pa Conkling 2pe Heath Cling lv Cook’s White Rarer ipe2bll1}+ Hills Chili g Cooledge’s Favorite lv Honey 2bl Cowan Seedlings OOmto Honeywell t Crawford’s Early g Hyatt lv Late g Hynes’ Surprise lv Darby Cling 2bl Indian Blood Cling lv De Corse Heath 2pe Irland’s Choice 2pe Downing g Jacques’ Rareripe 2bl jh lv Druid Hill lv Japanese Hardy 2ch Dyer’s Red June 3c John Haas 6d Early Beatrice 2b1 Kenrick’s Heath eb “ Canada g Keyport White lv 14 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. Kilbourn lv Labone 2al Lady Ingold 2pe Laneworthy’s Late Rareripe lt Large Early York lv Late Admirable lv “Melting eb “Mixon 2pe Lemon Cling lv 2ts 2pe Levy’s Late lv Lord Palmerston lv 2d Love-all lv Lovett’s White lv Lulu 3e Lyon Cling It Magdala eb Magnum Bonum 2pe Malta eb Mammoth White Cling 2pe Mary’s Choice 2pe lv McCollister’s Late Yellow 2pe Melocoton g Missouri Mammoth 2half Moore’s Favorite lv Morris County Rareripe mn Mountain Rose 8 Mrs. Brett eb Muir lv Nectarine eb Newark Seedling Bbl1 fF Newington Cling 2pe Nix’s Late Cling 2bl lv Old Mixon Cling lv g Paul Bouyon hb Peters’ Seedling No. 1 2pe Picquet’s Late 2pe Poplar t Pratt lv Pride of Franklin 2bl Princess of Wales eb Prince’s Rareripe 2jh Prize pe Purple-leaved It Red-Cheek Melocoton 2pe Reed’s Early Golden lv tveves’ Favorite lv Reeves’ Late Yellow 2jb Richardson’s Mammoth 2pe Rogers’ Improved Foster rg Roser 3b] 2jh Royal George eb “ Kensington eb Ruding’s Late Red 2b] Salway g Saunders 3c Schumaker lv Sener 2rb Shanghai eb Shipley’s Late ly Shuester’s Choice 2pe Silver Medal 2pe Smock Cling 2pe Snow eb Squire 2d Southern Early lv Steadley lv Stephens’ Rareripe lv St. John 2bl Stump the World g Surpasse Melocoton eb Surprise 2jh Susquehanna lv Taylor’s Cling 2pe Temple’s Late White 2pe Thurber lv Townsend 2pely Troth’s Early Red 3bl Tuskena Cling 2bl Van Buren’s Golden Dwarf lt Variegated Free 2b] Wager g Walburton’s Admirable eb Walter’s Early lt Ward’s Late Free 2b1 Washington Cling f Waterloo g Wheatland g Wilder 2rb Wilkins’ Cling 2Qpe Early 2pe Willett lv Wilsonia 2rb MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. 15 Winter King Wonderful XX Yellow t g 2cr 2b] PEARS-STANDARD. Admiral Farragut Ananas (’Eté Andreé Desportes Ansault Bartlett Belle Lucrative “ Williams Bessemianka Beurré Bosc “ — Boussock “ Clairgeau “« @Anjou “ Diel “ —_H. Coussai Bicolor d’ Hiver Bloodgood Brandywine Buffum China Sand No. 23 a e co 1404 1405 1407 cc 6h 66 6c “ce ee “ Snow Cincincis Seedling Clapp’s Favorite Cocklin, Ch Hyb Coles’ Seedless Comet, or Lawson Daimio, Jap Dana’s Hovey Dearborn Des Nonnes Dix Dodge, Ch Hyb Doyenné VEté Dr. Reeder Duchesse, Ch Hyb Duchesse d’Angouléme It lt eb eb g g lt lt ce g eb gs g lt mh mh lt g gs pa pa pa pa pa pa g pa sh ge pa g 2g spl mh pa eb g g pa g Duchesse de Berry VEté It “ Bourdeaux |lt g Yellow Mystery lv “ Rareripe 2rb “ $t. John lv Duhamel du Monceau eb Early Harvest, Ch Hyb pa “Wilder g Easter Beurré eb Edmonds g Flemish Beauty g Frederick Clapp g Garber, Ch Hyb pa Garfield pu Gavoska 2 Genesee lt Giffard eb Golden Beurré de Bilboa It Goodale lt Gris d’ Hiver It Hardy eb Hawaii pa Hoosic eb Howell eb Idaho lv India Queen 2ro Jones eb Josephine de Malines g Kieffer, Ch Hyb pa ¢ g lv Kingsessing lt Kirtland lt Langelier It Lasher mh Lawrence Le Conte, Ch Hyb pa Iv g Longworth No. 1 t Louise Bonne de Jersey g Madame Von Siebold, Jap pa Madeleine g Manning’s Elizabeth eb Mikado, Jap pa Mt. Vernon g Napoleon lt Onondaga g Osband’s Summer g 16 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. Oswego Beurré It “« d’Esperen eb Ott It Sterling g Petite Marguerite g Sugar Loaf g Pratt It Superfin ebf President g Tyson g ms Drouard g Unknown Varieties O0Omtoe Rostiezer lt Urbaniste eb Rutter ho Vicar of Winkfield lv Seckel g Warner g Sheldon g Washington It Smith, Ch Hyb pa White Doyenné spl Souvenir du Congrés g Winter Nélis eh PEARS—-DWARF. Anna Nélis eb Fortunée Boisselot eb Bartlett g Howell g Beacon eb Jacques Molet eb Belle de Beaufort eb Josephine de Malines 2 “Lucrative g Kieffer g Beurré Clairgeau g Lawrence g “dW Anjou g Louise Bonne de Jersey g * delAssomption eb Madaleine g Brandywine g Mme. André Leroy eb Brockworth Park eb “Millet eb Buffum g “ Treyve eb Clapp’s Favorite g Mt. Vernon g mn Comet, or Lawson g Osband’s Summer g Comice eb Paul Ambre eb Directeur Alphande eb President Gilbert eb Doyenné d’Eté g “Mas eb Duchesse d’Angouléme g¢ Rutter mn t Precoce eb Sarah eb Eugene Appert el Seckel g Emile d’Heyst eb Therésé Appert eb Fondante de Biborel eb Tyson g Vicar of Winkfield, or Le Curé lv PECANS. Common lv Paper-shell pat PERSIMMONS. American 2pa Japan 2palt MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. 17 PLUMS. ; Arkansas Lombard fs Japan, Kelsey’s Early pa Bassett pu Late pa Bavay’s Green Gage g * Largest pa Behman’s pat “ — Ogon lv pa Belle de Septembre eb “Satsuma Blood lv pa Blackman t “Yellow pa Bradshaw It g Jefferson lt Bryanstone eb Kingston eb Burbank al Lafayette eb Caddo Chief e Lawrence It Chinese, Prunus Simoni g lv pa Lincoln lv Clinton pa Lombard e Coe’s Golden Drop g Lone Star lv “ Purple “ spl Lucomb’s Nonsuch eb Copper eb Mariana g pa Cumberland bl Miner It Czar eb Monroe It De Caradeuc eb c¢ Moore’s Arctic eb g Deep Creek lv Newman ebt De Soto lv Niagara is Duane’s Purple lt Orange alt Early Red pa Oullin’s Golden eb Forest Garden lv Peach It ¢g Garfield pa Persian, P. Pissardi ly pa g General Hand lv Peter’s Yellow Gage eb German Prune g Pond’s Seedling g Golden Beauty pa Pottawatamie lv Goliath eb Prince Englebert eb Grand Duke eb Quackenboss g Green Gage ebt Red Egg spl Gueii It .“ Gage bl. Hawkeye fs Reed t Holland Mirabella mh Richland ¢ g mn Horse al Robinson ly Hudson River Purple lt Rolling Stone fs Huling’s Superb eb Saratoga ¢ Ickworth Impératrice eb Shipper’s Pride g Imperial Gage g Shropshire Damson g “ Ottoman lt Smith’s Orleans g Indian Chief pa Spaulding is Japan, Abundance pa g St. Lawrence eh “ Botan pa Transparent eb “ Hottankin pa Underhill t “ Kelsey’s lv Union Purple pa 18 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. Unknown Varieties OOmto Wild Goose Victoria It Wolf Wangenheim ebt Wuase Warner’s Late It Yellow Egg Washington g “ Gage Weaver eb “Transparent QUINCES. Angers g Missouri Mammoth Champion g 25pa00t Orange Hongkong ech 25pa00t Rea’s Mammoth Meech’s Prolifie yg 25pa00¢ Unknown Variety RASPBERRIES. eb pa sh pa ho g al eb pa mh g g OOmto Nore —Six plants except where indicated by figures; and an Italic d substituted tor the ¢ — signifying dead. Ada gd Hudson River Antwerp American Everbearing 2cld Japanese Wineberry Antwerp, Yellow eb3d Johnson’s Sweet Arnold g2d Kentucky, or Duncan Brandy wine eb3d_ = Knevet’s Giant Brinckle’s Orange eb3d Mammoth Cluster Bristol pad Marlboro Canada Black pa8d Muskingum Carman gdd Naomi Caroline g3d Nemaha Crimson Beauty fs3d Older’s Seedling Cromwell lvid Ohio, or Alden Cuthbert g2d Palmer Davison’s Thornless pa Philadelphia Doolittle pad Pioneer ‘Earhart’s Everbearing lv5d_ Progress Eureka 2pu Rancocas Fastollf eb3d Reliance Fontenay eb2d Seneca Black Cap Franconia eb5d_ Shaffer’s Colossal Golden Queen gd Souhegan, or Tyler Gregg g Springfield Hansell eb5d = Spry’s Early Herstine ebd Superb Highland Hardy 10sh5d Surprise Hilborn g2d Thompson’s Early Hoosier padd Thwack Hopkins c3d pad Turner Hornet eb Winant ebd 2ch god puld eb gd g fs5d el gd ec4d gd g4d mnd g lv3d eb4d eb2d pud g5d gdd cl4d - ecld pusd MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. RHUBARB. Early Red fc9 Myatt’s Linneus Unknown Variety fe9 STRAWBERRIES. Note — Six plants except where indicated by figures ; and an Italic d substituted for the ¢ — signifying dead. Acme cl Agriculturist pad Arlington eld Atlantic pad Belle de Bordelaise lv Belmont gd Bidwell pud Bomba lv Boyden’s No. 30 d Bubach No. 5 g s 24 lvd - 132 lv a 187 cl Burt gd Captain Jack lv Carmichael lvd Charles Downing g Charleston cl Cinderella pad Cling-to lv3d Cloud g Cohanzick pad Cornelia cl Coville’s Early Crawford lv Crescent g Crimson Cluster d pa Crystal City lv pu cl Cumberland Triumph gd Daisy lv Daniel Boone pud Downer’s Prolific pu Eureka lv pa Felton dd_ pad Gandy gd Garretson lv Glendale lv Gold Great American Green Prolific Gypsy Hatfield Haverland Henderson Hoffman Indiana Itasca James Vick Jersey Queen Jessie Jewel John Little Jucunda Jumbo Kentucky Lady Rusk Lennig’s White Logan Longfellow: Lord’s Seedling Louise Luella Lyda Mammoth Manchester May King Miami Michel’s Early Miner’s Prolific Monarch Monmouth. Montreuil Mrs. Garfield Mt. Vernon dd dd 12¢1} lv lv pu el lv 20 MT. ODIN PARK AND EXPERIMENTAL ORCHARDS. New Hamden cl Summit dpa Ohio cl Surprise g Old Iron-clad gd Thompson’s No. 7 el Ontario pad = 9 cl Parker Early lv o 25 cl Parry g Tippecanoe gd Pearl Iv pu Triomphe de Gand lv Pine-apple g Viola cl Piper’s Seedling g Walton lv Porter’s Seedling lv Warfield g Prince of Berries dd pad Warren pad Royal Hautbois lv White Novelty lvd Sharpless g Wilson g Shuester’s Gem lv Windsor Chief pud g Stayman’s No. 1 ly Woodruff ig Sucker State pu Wonderful pad Yale lv WALNUTS. Black American 00n French Mayette pa Butternut, or White Am 00n “ Thin-shell pa French Chabert pa Japan pa “« Franquette pa Preparturiens, or Dwarf pa Mt. Odin, overlooking Greenesburgh, the capital of Westmoreland County, and commanding an extensive view of Southwestern Pennsylvania, is one of the many western foot-hills of the Alleghany Mountains—a stepring-stone from the barren heights of Appalachia into the fertile depths of the valley of the Mississippi. The Park includes u ten-acre patch of the forest primeval, and contains a note- worthy number and variet} of native irees of grand proportions, Chestnut, Walnut. White, Red, and Black Oak, Shellbark and Pignut Hickories, Ash, Gum, Locust, Sugar Maple, Beech, and the imperial magnoliads, the White, or Hickory, Tulip-tree, and the Yellow, with typical specimens of the smaller forest-growths, Sassafras, Honey Locust. Dogwood, Wild Cherry, Laurel-leayed Oak, Butternut, and their congeners. The Orchards are Old and New: the former containing a variety of fruit-trees set out betimes during the past twenty years by the present proprietor, and the broken ranks of two apple-orehards planted by his predecessois, the first perhaps three quarters of a century ago, and the second, some five and twenty years. The New are especially the Experimental Orchards, and — con amore—are designed for the testing of all kinds of fruits for the region of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and the propagation of the best. Altogether, Mt. Odin Park and Experimental Orchards embrace sixty-four acres; und range in elevation above the circle of the sea froin 1125 to 1315 feet; in expo- sure, from point to point the circuit of the compass; and in soil, from the toughest ot limestone clay to nearly pure sand. Accordingly, New Fruits of probable utility in the region of Southwestern Penn- sylvania are wanted and solicited from all middle-temperate parts of the world, and will receive such attention, horticultural and reportorial, as the contents of this ckeck- list evinee the proprietor is capable of bestowing in a favorite pursuit. . , ——— ——— i fH via Hi