a ee AM New York State Qollege of Agriculture At Gornell University . Ithaca, N. Y. Library ornell University Libra Tea STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ANIMALS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES BY JAMES A. MERRILL, S. B. (Harvard) DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SUPERIOR, WIS. NEW YORK - CINCINNATI - CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY CopyRIGHT, 1902, By James A. MERRILL. ENTERED At STATIONERS’ Haut, Lonpon. STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY. W. Pet PREFACE THIs volume is not intended to add anything to the science of Zodlogy. It is not for the investigator, it is for the be- ginner. The author has found that laboratory guides are as a rule too dry and conventional to accomplish the best results and he has accordingly attempted to make these directions simple and suggestive as well as comprehensive. The plan of these studies was worked out in the Manual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo., where it was thoroughly tested with students of all grades of the high school. The book has also been tested in two Normal Schools and in several high schools and has been found to warrant the claims made for it. Information about animals comes to the child from three sources, viz.: from a study of the animal itself, from a study of the environment, from reference books and lectures by the teacher. This book emphasizes the first and second of these sources and it is expected that the teacher will see that the third is not neglected. ~The author has gleaned from so many sources that it would be impossible to acknowledge them all, but he desires to make special mention of the assistance of his associate, Mr. A. N. Young, on the Branch Vermes and on various other parts of the book. All the tables of classification are 3 4 PREFACE credited to their proper authors. The attempt has been made to get classifications that can be understood by the students of the grade in which this book will be used, rather than those intricate tables which can be used only by a trained naturalist. For any errors in the classifications or in other parts of the book, the author alone is responsible; and the corres- pondence of his fellow teachers concerning any part of the book which may be improved, is earnestly solicited. J. A. MERRILL. State Normal School, West Superior, Wis. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION. 4) ze a a ee wee w we ww Soe ® Laporatory EQUIPMENT . . . 2. ee ee es . 12 REFERENCE BOOKS 3 4 2 & «@ 3 » “we =e & & 2 e = TA Directions For Cottectinc INsects . . . . . . 2... IS JARTEFROPODS) a> ho ae Ae Ch hoe eh Re 20-105 The Grasshopper By $20) oh 9 Soe ve libs A Yoke a Rt ee 4 20 The Cricket . . . . . . gs ee oe ae The Meadow Locust , sere all ae ago ae Sg 35 Whe Mantis: Goo So ee me eg nalts fy oa: aeog5 The Butterfly . Br Bie Jae: Ai bo) Gee ke wet thes 40 The Moth . . . fe Oe 8 ee : 42 The Squash Bug. . .. . ee ae . . 49 The Beetle. . ‘ tata sks wom Ob on 4 The Honey Bee Ee eae Se oe Oe 65 The House Fly . . bo
THE CRAYFISH IolI artery posteriorly to the telson and anteriorly to the sternal artery. : (4) The organs extending lengthwise under the heart are the reproductive organs. In the female are found the ye-lowish ovaries in which at certain seasons of the year the spherical eggs may be seen. Note the position of the masses and their relation to the other viscera. Examine the tube leading from the ovaries to the surface at the third thoracic leg. This is the oviduct. In the male the reproductive organs are similar in shape to those of the female though smaller in size. Study the color, position and shape. The was deferens is the tube leading to the surface at the first thoracic segment. Follow it. (5) Carefully cut away the roof of the head. Find the stomach with a thin wall in which is a hard framework. Re- move the soft tissues from around it. Do you see the esoph- agus, or gullet, extending from the mouth to the stomach? (6) The large reddish or brownish masses around the posterior end of the stomach are the lobes of the iver. Pick one to pieces and study its structure. (7) Observe the white muscles which extend forward from the abdomen along the sides of the body cavity. (8) Beginning at the anterior end of the abdomen cut through the tergum on each side down to the telson. Seize this roof with the forceps and remove it, cutting the muscles with the scissors if any adhere. The mass that you now see is the mass of abdominal muscles. (9) Running lengthwise in the middle is the intestine. Follow it up to the stomach. Follow it down to the poster- ior end, the anus, and observe any variations in size. Draw the entire alimentary canal. 102 ARTHROPODS (10) Note the shape and outer appearance of the stom- ach. Probe through the mouth into the stomach, and note the varying hardness of the different parts. Find the in- sertion of the muscles of the stomach. Are there any pouchlike extensions of the pyloric portions? The organ is chitinous in places and resembles the outer carapace. Open the stomach with the scissors. Note the hardened areas and make out the uses of the projections. Draw interior view of the stomach. (11) The nervous system being on the ventral side has not yet been injured. It consists of a series of ganglia connected by nerve cords. The following may be found: The supra-esophageal ganglion, composed of two ganglia fused together, is under the rostrum behind the antenne. From this mass the two cords, or commntissures, pass around the esophagus and unite to form the infra-csophageal gan- glion. Behind these, the ganglia and commissures extend to the posterior portion. Study them. Do the ganglia corre- spond to the number of body segments? Do you find the large nerve cords by which the muscles and other parts are sup- plied with nerves? These are really bundles of nerves which divide and sub-divide until the single nerve only remains to act upon the tissue. Make enlarged drawing of the nervous system. DeEvELOPMENT.—In the early spring the eggs of the cray- fish are laid and carried on the swimmerets of the female. When the eggs are hatched the young still cling to the swimmerets until they are able to care for themselves. The shell is molted several times during the growth of the animal and occasionally after it has reached maturity. In molting, the carapace splits and the animal extricates itself THE CRAYFISH 103 by great physical effort. Accidents frequently occur during molting in which the animal loses one or more appendages, but as they are quickly replaced, it soon recovers its complete form. The hard parts of the stomach are shed at each period of molting. Why? Why does the crayfish molt? What is the condition of the animal when molting has been completed? Read the complete life history of the crayfish. Hasits.—What food do crayfish relish? How can they choose their food? Can they live out of water? How do they breathe out of water? How do they spend the winter? How do they defend themselves? Do they fight often? Are they courageous when attacked? How do they show it? If they lose appendages how do they repro- duce them? CLASSIFICATION.—Summarize the principal types you have studied, by a comparison, including similarities and differences, of the grasshopper, spider, centipede and cray- fish. Tabulate the summary as before. STM ILARITIES. Sea )-y. — vee Appendages. aes Metamorphosis. Branch. DIFFERENCES. Name of Regions “Number of — ae N. f Class. Type Animal. of Body. Appendages. Respiration. ame of Class: Grasshopper. Spider. Centipede. Crayfish. 104. ARTHROPODS While they are all alike in the characteristics necessary to put them in a single group, a branch of the animal kingdom, yet they differ sufficiently to put them in different classes. The branch to which these four types belong is Arthro- poda, a word which refers to the segmentation of the legs. The class to which the crayfish belongs is Crustacea, a word which refers to the covering of the animal. The crayfish belongs to the order Decapods, family As- tacidae, and the Genus Cambarus. The following synopsis of the more common forms of Crustacea is abridged from McMurrich’s Invertebrate Mor- phology. Examples are given under each division. CLASS CRUSTACEA I. Subclass Entomostraca.—Number of segments varies; abdo- men without appendages; larva a Nauplius. 1. Order Psytroropa—Number of segments variable; appen- dages with branchiae. 1. Suberder Brancuioropa.—Body plainly segmented and seg- ments of thorax more numerous than six. Branchipus (sand flea). 2. Suborder CLapocerA.—Body indistinctly segmented; with bivalved shell; four to six thoracic appendages...... Daphnia. 2. Order Ostracopa.—With bivalved shell; body indistinctly seg- mented; two thoracic appendages...............000 0000 Cypris. 3. Order Coperopa.—Without shell; five pairs of thoracic limbs; many forms parasitic and degenerate. 1. Suborder Eucoreropa.—First thoracic segment only fused with head; abdomen cylindrical and segmented except in highly degenerated forms. ........... ccc cee eee eee eee Cyclops. 4. Order Cirruipepta.—Sessile or parasitic; segmentation indis- tinct; six pairs of thoracic appendages; pass through Cypris SEARIC fc: wisar ace Sar ah Migtmnnc olan gadiaesinra 4:4 aoe nlsnMAS eee GCL OSS CLASSIFICATION 105 II. Subclass Matacostraca.—Number of segments constant; tho- racic segments eight; abdominal seven or eight. 1. Order LeptostracHa.—With bivalved shell; abdomen with eight segments. 2. Order THoracostraca.—With carapace covering the whole or a part of the thorax; abdominal segments seven. 1. Suborder ScuHizopopA.—Thorax completely covered; tho- racic appendages biramous............cceseeeeceveeee Mysis. 2. Suborder Cumacea.—Last four or five thoracic segments not covered by the carapace; eyes sessile or rudimentary. 3. Suborder Stomatorpopa.—Last three or four.thoracic seg- ments not covered by the carapace; eyes stalked; five maxil- Tipe sei s.cu. Ses avaeeaisnnticeses-aed 6 4 SNM tees BS a Qeannlolentanes Squilla. 3. Order Decaropa.—Thorax completely covered; five posterior appendages uniramous and three maxillipeds; otocysts in an- tennules. I. Suborder Macrura.—Abdomen usually well developed. Crayfish, Lobster. 2. Suborder Bracuyura.—Abdomen small and concealed be- neath cephalothorax more or less perfectly............. Crav. 4. Order ArtHrRostrAca.—No shell or carapace as a rule; with seven (or six) walking limbs; eyes sessile. 1. Suborder Isopopa—No carapace; first thoracic segment fused with head; body flattened dorso-ventrally; branchiae on abdominal appendages........... Sitges Oniscus (sow-bug). 3. Order Ampuipopa.—No carapace; first thoracic segment fused with head; body flattened laterally; branchiae on thor- ACIS AP PCNdaSeS: Ges iiocd sialauercuacs sooes we b's as Mehtawear ed Gammarus. PROTOZOANS. How to Finn Tuem.—Protozoans. may be obtained in large quantities by any of the following methods: (1) Ina vessel boil some dry hay in water. Pour con- tents of vessel into a jar and allow it to cool. Into this infusion put some fresh hay. Amoebae will appear in two or three days. (2) Take a pond lily or other water plant from the water of a pond or pool and put it in water allowing it to remain a week or more, until the plants are partially decayed. This water will generally contain a cilliate infus- orian, Paramecium. It will also often contain many other genera of protozoans. (3) Scrape the slimy mud in the bottom of a pond or pool and place it in a bottle or tumbler with several inches of water on it. Allow it to stand for several days in a dark, warm place, and pour into it occasionally a little fresh water. Many different kinds of Protozoans will generally be found in this and it will often contain amocbac, and some- times cyclops (a crustacean), and larval mollusks. Proto- zoans may generally be distinguished by a flattened form and the lack of definite appendages. How to Stupy Tuem.—With a pipette, or medicine 106 PROTOZOANS 107 dropper, take some of the water from the above prepara- tions and place it on a glass slide near the middle. Carefully clean a cover glass and put it loosely on the slide. Change the water on the slide as often as necesary. The specimens may be fed by putting water at the edge of the cover glass and letting it run under the slide by capillary attraction. (1) General Examination: Look carefully at the slide with the low power of the microscope and see how many different forms you can find. Notice shape and variations in size. What determines the shape of the body? Is there a distinct head? How are the motions of the body pro- duced? Do you find blood? A heart or organ correspond- ing to a heart? Do you find gills? Eyes? Nervous sys- tem? Do you find an alimentary canal or any part of one? Do they seem to choose their food or the path they travel? Is there a protection for the body? Draw four or five dif- ferent forms in a general way showing the outline of the organs studied. (2) The Ameeba: This specimen is generally distin- guished by its irregular outline and its uncertain motions. Examine it carefully and note its general outline in the different positions. What is its shape? Is the shape the same in different positions? Do you find pseudopodia (parts of body extended into fect)? What is the shape of a pseudopodium? How many has a single specimen? Make sketches of the animal at different times showing the pseudopodia. Distinguish the following parts: a. LEctosarc (outer, clear, layer of protoplasm). How much of the body does it form? b. Endosarc (inner, granular mass of protoplasm). 108 PROTOZOANS Study the nucleus. Position? Shape? Size? Is it in the same relative place in the different specimens? Drop a small drop of aceto-carmine on the side of the cover glass and watch the effect on the amceba. Is there more than one nucleus? Find contractile vacuole. It may be known by its pul- sating movement. Position? Shape? Number? Has it any definite contents? What function does the vacuole seem to perform? Make an enlarged drawing of the amceba naming the parts. (3) The Paramecium (slipper animalcule): Examine as you did the amoeba. How does it compare with the ameeba in size? In shape? Does it change its shape during its movement. Find the cuticle, or cell wall. Note its ex- treme transparency. Is it present over the entire surface? Is it entire or has it openings? Find the ectosarc and endosare and compare with those of the amoeba. Do you find food vacuoles, i. ¢., particles of food-ingested substances? Do you find contractile vacuoles? How many? Where situated? Examine several specimens to see if the vacuoles are constant in number and position. Find the nucleus, and, if possible, a micro nucleus beside it. Note size and position. Compare nucleus with that of the amoeba. Do you find cilia covering the body? Do they cover the body entire? Why? Examine a single ciliuj and draw it. Are the cilia all of the same size and shape? The trichocysts are seen directly beneath the cuticle. How are they arranged? What is their shape and structure? Do you find the mouth? What is its position? Shape? Is the position constant? Is the shape of the mouth perma- PROTOZOANS Iog nent? How is the mouth closed? Compare with the amceba in this respect. Find the esophagus and anal opening. Are the positions of the two constant? Does the animal appear to have a nervous system? Does it seem to perform actions of its own accord? Does it seem to be irritated when other objects come around it? Do the cilia on the different sides codrdinate in movement? Has the slipper animalcule the sense of touch and of taste? Make a large drawing of the paramecium showing and naming the parts studied. Note.—If amoebae cannot be found, the white blood corpuscle of the frog or of any mammal may be used, as they have all the com- mon characteristics of amoebae. (4) The Vorticella: It is likely that some of the slides prepared will show this simple form of life. It may be readily distinguished by the fact that it is bell-shaped in form and has a stem by which it is generally attached to leaves or sticks in the water. Examine under microscope. Note its shape and length and compare it with Amoeba and Paramecium. Do you find the ectosarc, endosarc, nucleus, and vacuole as in the Paramecium? Study the base by which the animal is attached. How is it attached? Re- move one with a needle. Is it difficult to remove? Do you think it could remove itself and attach itself? Why? Does it grow singly or in colonies? Study the stem. Does it seem to have the same structure as the body? Does the body have the power of movement? Look at the size of the heads. Do you find any in the process of division? Do you find a mouth? Where? Of what use are the cilia? Reproduc- tion may take place by simple fission as in the Amoeba. and IIo PROTOZOANS by conjugation of a free swimming head with a stalked head? Draw several forms and show as much of the structure as possible by the drawings. Compare Amceba, Paramecium, and Vorticella, bringing out especially the increasing complexity of structure. SUMMARY. One celled animals are not only simple and primitive in form, but the life processes in them are carried on with the least mechanism possible. As the entire cell is in con- tact with the food medium, the organization for nutrition is necessarily almost wanting. Yet there is a perceptible increase in complexity as we go from the Amceba to the Vorticella. Other Common Forms: Protozoans are everywhere pres- ent and furnish part of the environment in which all ani- mals must grow. The number of species is very great and they inhabit in countless numbers and conditions every part of the known world. They are supposed to have been the first forms of life on the earth, and during this time they have developed many variations in form and mode of life. Parasites: Many protozoans are parasitic in habit, their size, and simplicity rendering them particularly well fitted for such life. In the human body, the germ of disease which causes dysentery, and the malarial parasite which by mul- tiplying causes malarial fever, etc., are protozoans. Gre- garinidz are also parasites and live in the intestines of the centipede, crayfish and other animals. Marine Forms: The water of the ocean, though clear in PROTOZOANS III appearance, contains myriads of protozoans. So abundant are they that a celebrated naturalist has said that they fur- nish food, directly or indirectly, for all the animals of the sea. Many of these forms are protected by shells, which are secreted by the microscopic animal. In this way they are partially protected from surrounding dangers. The Globigerinz are forms that extract calcium carbonate from the sea water and make it into calcareous shells. On the inside of these shells the animal lives and through the perforated surface, protoplasmic arms, called pseudopodia, are extended. These animals live in countless numbers in the surface water of the ocean and when they die their shells fall down, forming a mass of calcareous matter at the bottom of the ocean. After a very great length of time has elapsed, this mass solidifies into limestone, or chalk beds. This has been going on for ages and many of such beds have been elevated to the surface, and form the mineral strength of the most fertile soils known. The Radiolarie are forms with shells of a siliceous nature and their shells form flint beds in the ocean, which may afterward become land. SPONGES THE Sponce SKELETON.—Examine carefully a piece of commercial sponge. Note the location of the smaller and larger openings and their relation to one another. Make out the general circulation of the water in the sponge and make a diagramatic section of the sponge showing the system of circulatory tubes. Tear off a piece of the sponge and mount it in water under a cover glass. Are the fibers single threads or branched? Describe briefly the structure and make a drawing showing the points noted. THE SIMPLE SPONGE (GRANTIA CILIATA).—(1I) Gen- eral Method of Examination:—The entire specimen should be examined with the unaided eye and then with pocket lens. Keep it in fifty per cent. alcohol in watch crystal while examination proceeds. For making sections after the gen- eral work is completed a sponge should be run through the alcohols and stained (sce Appendix, IIT), then mounted in paraffin and cut into thin sections with the microtome. These sections may be mounted in balsam after dissolving out the paraffin with turpentine. Another specimen should be prepared by allowing it to stand twenty-four to thirty-six hours in two per cent. solution of chromic acid. This dis- 112 SPONGES. 113 solves the spicules leaving the cellular tissue hardened. The decalcified sponge may then be passed through the alcohols and finally cut and mounted as before. The spicules may be obtained for mounting by boiling a piece of sponge in potassium hydrate (caustic potash) which dissolves the flesh and sets free the spicules. Then after washing thoroughly allow spicules to settle and pour off the water. The spicules at the bottom may be removed with the pipette and mounted on the slides as other material. (2) Study the shape of the entire specimen. Is it sym- metrical? Can you distinguish an upper and lower end? How? Is the sponge attached or free? Is its shape modi- fied to suit this attachment? How? Do you find anything unusual in the shape of any of the specimens? Can you ex- plain it? Do you find evidences of budding? If so, from what part of the parent sponge does it grow? Explain the process of budding. At the upper end look for a large opening, the osculum, surrounded by spicules. Can you tell its use? Do you see anything on the sides which in any way compares with the opening at the end? Do you find spicules on the sides? Put the specimen on a slide and examine with the low power without using cover glass. What do you find? Measure your specimen. Make a large drawing (x3) showing the points studied. (3) Cut the specimen longitudinally with the scalpel and examine the internal structure. The osculum at the end should be studied carefully. The internal chamber is the cloaca, or gastral cavity. What is the shape of this cav- ity? How far down does it extend? Does its diameter vary? Study a side of the body wall with the high power. STU. IN ZOOL.—8 Ii4 SPONGES Do you see the spicules? What seems to be their office? Do you find the radial canals, or incurrent orifices extending outward from the body wall? Draw one half of the sponge as it appears now and show the parts studied. (4) Examine a slide made according to direction and trace out the parts studied, 7. e., the cloaca, radial tubes and fleshy portion. Study the arrangement of spicules and note how they are disposed about the openings. Make a large drawing of the section. (5) The spicules mounted according to direction may now be studied and the different forms noted. Note in what part of the body each shaped spicule is found? Can you suggest any reasons for these shapes? Draw spicules. THE Compounp Sponce (FresH WatTer).—(1) Ex- amine a fresh-water sponge. Note the general appearance and compare with the simple sponge just studied. Is it at- tached or free? Study its surface. Can you find the open- ings? Of what use are they? Are they all the same size? Do you think they all carry water in the same direction? Explain how a simple sponge may grow into this form. Draw complete form. (2) Is this sponge soft like the commercial sponge? What causes the difference? Has it fibers or spicules? Remove a small portion of it and find out the nature of its framework. Study the spicules as in the simple sponge. Are they siliceous or calcareous? Why? Draw spicules. (3) Observe the mottled appearance of the sponge. The small round bodies are called gemmules. Where are they located? Remove a few and study them under the low power of the microscope. Note the shape, size and ar- rangement. Do you find spicules of a peculiar nature SPONGES 15 imbedded in the mass of gemmules? Spicules and gem- mules may be better studied if a portion of the sponge con- taining them be placed in weak nitric acid and allowed to remain until the fleshy portion is destroyed, and afterwards mounted. On the outer coat of the gemmule look for the foranunal aperture through which the embryonic sponge emerges. Draw gemmules and accompanying spicules. Make a diagram representing a section of the entire sponge. Read McMurrich’s “ Invertebrate Morphology” on the structure and growth of sponges. SUMMARY. (1) What part of a sponge is valuable commercially? Do all sponges have skeletons? Are all skeletons of sponges alike? What determines the commercial value of a sponge? A sponge represents a simple combination of cells which differ very little from a mass of protozoans; but while each cell of the protozoan performs all the functions necessary to sustain life, the cells of the sponge are slightly differentia- ted so that different functions for the life of the whole may be performed by cells specialized for the purpose. Although the specialization is slight, and each cell, even when it is enclosed in the mass, gets its own food and in a measure se- cretes it own protective spicules; yet as the sponge becomes more complex, the organization increases and the cells become more dependent. This organization of unlike cells which results from dif- ferentiation of like cells gives rise to the metazgoans as con- trasted with protozoans. The sponges are generally con- sidered the simplest form of metozoans. Read a larger zoology on the life processes of sponges. 116 SPONGES Economic VALUE.—Sponges have long been known as articles of commerce. The valuable sponge is the one pos- sessing the horny, fibrous frame-work and its value depends upon its softness, fineness of fiber and size. They abound in the tropical regions and the ones that are found in the Mediterranean Sea are most highly prized. COELENTERATES SEA ANEMONE Metrideum sp. Observe the shape and general contour of the body. Distinguish between the upper and lower disks. Study the lower disk. What does its shape and form indicate as to its use? Is the animal free in the water or attached to some- thing? If attached, how? Draw the lower or basal disk (sr). Examine the upper disk. Find the mouth, the lips and the tentacles. Are the tentacles arranged in a definite order? Are they of the same length? Is the mouth alike in all parts? Notice the extremities of the mouth to find any thickening or specialization of any kind. Draw the animal from the side showing the cylindrical barrel and the upper disk. With a scalpel cut the body into two parts at right angles to the barrel. This exposes the tube on the inside which extends down from the mouth. This is called the esophagus. Look below the esophagus for another coelenteric chamber limited by the wall of the body of the animal and divided, or partially so, by radially arranged partitions called septa, or mesenteries. Examine the septa closely. How many extend to the ccelen- 117 118 COELENTERATES teric canal? How far do the others extend? Make out the primaries, the secondaries and tertiaries. How many of each? What seems to be their function? Make an enlarged drawing of the base of the animal showing the arrangement of the septa (X2). Look on the inside of the mesenteries for muscles, small strips about midway between the mesenteries. Between the mesenteries are found the reproductive organs, the excretory organs and circulatory fluid which nourishes the body, which is composed of the digested food and sea water. This is circulated principally by the movements of the body. Enumerate the motions of the anemone which you think possible from its form and structure. Tue CoraLt.—Study the common star coral and see if you can trace any relation between the framework of the coral and the plan of the sea anemone. Explain the relation, if any be found, and discuss the pro- cess of coral building and reef making. THE FRESH WATER HYDRA Hydra fusca Specimens of fresh-water hydra may usually be obtained in pools of water near the school and because of their gen- eral distribution are good forms for study. The living forms may be watched in a basin of water, and then hardened in alcohol for sectioning. (1) Note the general form of the animal. Find tlre body, the tentacles and the base. Can you make out a definite struc- ture to the outside of the body? If possible find one with buds growing from the side. Note the number, arrange- THE FRESH WATER HYDRA T1Q ment, size and length of the tentacles. Between the ten- tacles, in the central disk, find the mouth. Note its position, size, shape, etc. Make a drawing of the specimen (5). (2) Under a microscope study the tentacles. Note the large circular bodies dotting the surface. These are thread cells or nematocysts. Note their size, number in various parts of the tentacles, and apparent structure. Watch them under the microscope using low power. Tap the slide with pencil and note what follows. (This usually causes the extension of the lasso threads from the cells). Study the lasso threads and note their uses. In a watch crystal of water containing fresh hydra put an infusion containing paramecium. If the hydra uses them for food notice the method of capture. Draw a tentacle showing a lasso thread. (3) If a bud is found study its relation to the body. How does it differ from a tentacle? It is a young hydra growing out from the parent hydra. What will finally become of it? This form of reproduction is called budding. Hydra reproduces also by eggs, which are developed in the ectoderm of the body. Cut a hardened specimen length- wise with a sharp scalpel or scissors. Do you find an inner cavity? What relation does it have to the mouth? Has it an opening into the body? What becomes of the indigesti- ble portions of the food of the hydra? Make a drawing of the longitudinal section of the hydra (X5). (4) In like manner using a hardened specimen make a cross section of the body just back of the base of the tenta- cles. Do you find the parts found in the longitudinal sec- tion? Draw (Xs). What seems to be the office of the cells on the outside of the body? Of the cells in the sac on the inside of the body? 120 COELENTERATES (5) In the reproduction of the hydra, the egg leaves the body surrounded with a shell-like secretion of its covering. In this condition the egg sinks to the bottom of the water and may remain for sometime before developing further. After a lapse of considerable time, if conditions are favorable, the animal develops into an adult hydra. By this power of remaining inert, the hydra can pass success- fuily through vicissitudes of coldness and dryness that would otherwise destroy it. SUMMARY. The structure of the hydra is very simple. Its body consists of an outer layer of tough cells which is called ectoderm, and an inner layer of softer cells, endoderm. Between these two layers is a row of scattered, poorly de- veloped cells, called mesogloea. In the process of growth from the egg, the outer primitive layer called blastoderm is folded at one point producing a saclike interior like the folding in of one sidy of a hollow rubber ball. From this the animal develops into the adult form with its tough ectoderm on the outside and the hollow digestive tract, sur- rounded by the cells of the endoderm, on the inside. The sea anemone is a higher form with a more compli- cated though similar structure. Its development from the egg is similar to that of the hydra, but the mesogloea is so developed that it forms muscles on the sides of the mes- enteries. Indeed the mesogloea is so well developed here that it perhaps deserves the name that it receives in the high- er animals, viz.: mesoderm. Find the meaning of these words. The animals that secrete coral are called coral polyps, polyp being the name applied to each individual of the col- THE STARFISH I2I ony. The harder parts of the coral are secreted by the ecto- derm, but in some kinds as the sea fan and red coral, an additional layer of loosely connected particles of carbonate of lime is secreted in the mesoglcea. THE STARFISH Asterias sp. GENERAL SuGGESTIONS.—The starfish is the best repre- sentative of this branch for laboratory study. Specimens may be obtained from any of the supply laboratories, and may be kept in two per cent. formalin or seventy per cent. alcohol for an indefinite period. Dried specimens may be made to serve the purpose of this study if soaked for a while before using in hot water. A few specimens with water vascular system injected should be obtained with the others, and kept on hand for reference. If possible a few specimens of sea urchins and sea cu- cumbers should be on hand for comparison. Driep SPECIMEN.— (1) Examine the specimen as a whole. Note its shape, length of arms, and differences be- tween the two sides. (Each arm is a ray, the sides are oral and aboral, the ‘central body is the disk.) (2) Note the covering of the aboral side. Remove one of the spines, examine it carefully as to length, attachment, and size. (3) Note the arrangement of the spines on the oral and aboral sides. Find between two of the arms on the aboral side an oval plate covered with radiating grooves; this is the madreporic body. Examine and draw the aboral side (XA). 122 COELENTERATES ALCOHOLIC SPECIMEN.—(I) Briefly review the points noticed in the dried specimen. Notice especially the ar- rangement of the spines on the oral side, and the ambu- lacral feet, in the furrow. Observe the arrangement, size and attachment. Note the arrangement of spines around the mouth. : (2) Compare the spines of different areas as to size, shape and degree of flexibility. Look around the spines for a ring of sniall projections. These are the pedicellariae. Remove one and put it under a microscope. Find a stalk bearing pincherlike parts for grasping. These are used to clean the spines and remove foreign matter from the body. Make drawing. (3) Press apart the ambulacral or tube feet and exam- ine the opening, and if a yellowish line is found it is the nerve cord. Trace it back toward the disk and find a nerve ring surrounding the mouth. Look in one of the other rays to sec if it is present in all. Follow the nerve to the end of the ray and find the eye at the end. Draw nervous system. The eye spot is borne on a distinct plate. Draw oral side. (4) The arm opposite the madreporic body is the anterior ray. Cut through the aboral wall near the outer end with scalpel, and from this point cut with scissors toward the disk about two inches. Raise the flap to see that you are not injuring the internal organs and cut to the disk. The branched body under the aboral side is the liver. Along the middle line of the aboral wall is the extensor muscle — a yellowish streak. Along the floor of the ray find little sacs, (sometimes distended, but generally flat in alcoholic specimens). These ampullae are the ambulacral vesicles. THE STARFISH 123 Find the connection between them. Observe the specimen which is injected with coloring matter. Near the base of the ray on each side are the reproductive bodies. (5) Cut along the sides of the two rays lying on either side of the first ray cut, and extend the opening nearly across the disk, being careful not to cut into the body parts. Raise up the parts severed and find the membraneous stomach, Pass the bristle in at the mouth and explore the interior. (6) Observe the lobes of the stomach. Do they extend into the rays? Lift one of the lobes and see if you can find how the muscles are attached. Trace the liver toward the stomach, do you find where the opening is? (7) Do you find the anus on the top of the stomach next the aboral side?’ Remove the roof from the three rays and make a drawing showing the organs exposed. (8) Remove the stomach by cutting across the esopha- gus. This exposes the crooked S-shaped stone canal ex- tending downward from the madreporic body. Trace this canal to its lower end and find that it forms a ring — the circum-oral water ring — which conveys the water from the madreporic body to the ampuliae and thence to the am- bulacral feet. This system of circulation is the water vas- cular system. (9) Cut across a ray in two places about an inch apart and notice all that is included in the part thus cut out. Remove the liver, noting how it was attached to the body wall. Notice the part through which the ambulacral feet ex- tend. Probe with a needle the middle portion of the ambulacral 124 COELENTERATES furrow and see if a channel can be found through which the water runs. (10) Make out how the ampullae are connected with the tube feet. Remove an ampulla and its corresponding foot and make drawing. Make drawing of cross section of ray showing all the points you have found. (11) Scrape the aboral side of a ray to see if there 1s anything of a skin or of a membraneous structure at the base of the spines. Do the spines seem to be attached to the skin? Do the aboral tentacles come off with the skin? Do you find a skin under the hard plate? The hard part is prohably developed from the membrane. (12) Make a drawing of the water vascular system in the disk and in one ray. SumMAry.—The animals of this branch are not much sought after for food by other animals in the ocean. The spiny skin after which the branch is named is generally modified into some form of defense. What is the nature of this defense in the forms you have studied? Some forms, as the sea urchin, act as scavengers, but otherwise they are of no value. Do you notice any general plan in the structure of all? Notice the forms, sizes, and relative freedom of motion of the spines in the various forms. CLASSIFICATION.—The relationships of the common forms may be seen by the following outline of the Branch Echinodermata: Class 1. Asteroidea. Starfish. Class 2. Ophiuroidea. Serpent Stars. Class 3. Echnoidea. Sea Urchins. Class 4. Holothuroidea. Sea Cucumbers. WORMS THE EARTHWORM Lumobricus sp. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS.—The earthworms burrow in the ground to considerable depth, swallowing the earth re- moved from the burrow. The digesitve juices dissolve out the organic substance from the soil swallowed, and these are absorbed. At night they leave their burrows and crawl about. In the daytime, when at rest, they lie in their bur- rows with the head at the surface of the burrow. In winter they go deep down into the earth below the freezing point. Fresh specimens may be kept all winter by providing them with earth and a convenient place in which to burrow. Specimens carefully prepared by running them up from fifty per cent. to ninety-five per cent. alcohol should be kept on hand for study of internal anatomy. ExTERNAL MorpHotocy.—(1) Examine a live worm. What is its general shape? Are both ends alike? Which is the head end? Are the two ends alike in shape? How do they differ? Has the worm the same diameter through- out its length? Are both dorsal and ventral sides alike in shape? 125 126 WORMS (2) Note its color. Is it the same on both sides? Notice a streak of red in the mid-dorsal line. This is the dorsal blood vessel showing through the body wall. Can you see blood moving in it? In what direction? Look on the ventral side for a similar red line, the ventral blood vessel. (3) Has it eyes? Where? Can it feel? Hear? Con- sult reference books to answer these questions. (4) Note the circular rings which make up the entire body. Count them. Are they all the same size? Each ring is called a segment or annulus. (5) Notice the thick white girdle, the clitellum, near the anterior end. How many segments is it from the front end? This is connected with reproduction. Is it in the same position in all worms? Sketch the entire worm. (6) Kill a worm in chloroform. Strip off the outer skin, or the cuticle, and examine with the microscope. Note markings and thickenings. Sketch. (7) Place a live worm on a piece of paper and watch its movements. Draw it backward, ventral side down, over the finger. Is there any resistance? With a dissecting micro- scope look for spines. Where are they located? How many tows? Are they in each segment? These are called setae (sing., seta). Can you now determine how the animal moves? Boil a piece of the body wall of an alcoholic speci- men in caustic potash to free the setae. Wash in water. The setae will fall to the bottom. Pour off the water and mount some of the residue in glycerine or balsam for study. Draw. (8) Look for the mouth. Where is it? In front of the mouth note a projection, the prostominm. Look for the anus. Where is it? Look for two slitlike openings in THE EARTHWORM 127 the fifteenth segment on the ventral side. They are the openings of the vas deferens. Exactly in front of these on the fourteenth segment are the two openings of the oviduct. These are not very easily seen. DIssEcTION OF THE EartHworm.—(1) Kill a large worm by placing it in ether, chloroform, or alcohol. Ex- tend the worm under water in the dissecting pan, dorsal side up. Put a pin through the extreme anterior and poste- rior ends. With a fine-pointed pair of scissors cut through the body wall on dorsal side near the posterior end. Con- tinue the cutting forward along the mid-dorsal line, being careful not to cut deep enough to injure the organs below. Pin back the body wall on both sides, slanting the pins so that they will not interfere with dissecting. Notice a milky liquid exuding from the cut. With a pipette put some of this liquid on a slide and examine with the high power lens. White blood corpuscles should be found moving about in it. Draw. (2) Notice the dark-colored digestive tract extending from mouth to anus. What gives it its color? Can you now see clearly the dorsal blood vessel referred to above? Trace it out. Notice the oval white bodies dorsal to the digestive tract near the tenth segment. These are reproduc- tive organs. Notice the muscular walls between the seg- ments. These were partially cut through in laying back the body wall. What is their relation to the digestive tract? To the body wall? Compare these with the external seg- ments. Note the relation. These portions are called septa. These divide the body cavity, or coeluwm, into small cham- bers. What is the shape of a septum? Represent by a sketch. 128 WORMS (3) Trace the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. That part extending from the mouth to about the tenth segment is the pharynx. From this point to the seven- teenth segment is the narrowest part, and is called the esophagus, or gullet. This opens backward into a dilated. portion, the crop. Just behind the crop is another dilated part, the gizzard. The remainder of the alimentary tract to the anus is the intestine. (4) Notice a brownish coat covering the intestine. This is the so-called liver. (5) Remove the digestive tract, being careful not to injure other structures. Just below will be seen the ventral blood vessel already mentioned. (6) Scrape carefully the other loose tissue from the floor of the body cavity, and below in the mid-ventral line will be seen the white nerve cord. Remove the tissue from it, tracing it forward, being careful not to break it. Now place it under a dissecting microscope, still attached to the body wall, and examine. Is it a single or a double cord? Do you see enlargements along this cord? How many? They are called ganglia, Are there any nerves arising from them as side branches? Trace it further forward till you find where it divides, forming a collar around the esophagus. This is called the esophageal collar. Just where the cord begins to divide is a large double ganglion, the infra-eso- phageal ganglion. Above the esophagus, where the two parts of the esophageal collar unite again, is the supra- esophageal ganglion. It is double also. (7) You can also now see the nephridia, little white coiled tubes between the septa. These are organs of excre- tion. Study one and see if you can trace it in its windings. THE EARTHWORM 129 (8) Put a living earthworm in water. Does it seem to be comfortable? What vital process is cut off while it is in the water? Did you find any provision for breathing in the animal? Do you think it breathes? Take it out of the water and see if it revives. Can the earthworm breathe in dry air? Since the blood vessels appear to be near the surface, can you suggest its method of breathing? Why do so many earthworms come to the surface after a rain? Describe the process of respiration. (9) The anatomy of the earthworm may be better un- derstood by studying a cross section. Use a specimen that has been hardened in ninety-five per cent. alcohol. Cut a piece about two inches long from the center of the worm, and wash out the intestine so that it may be further studied. Cross sections of this piece may be made thin enough for class study by holding the piece between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand and cutting sections with a razor. Examine the body wall. The cuticle is a thin chiti- nous layer of an iridescent luster. Below this is the epi- dermis, which consists of a single layer of cells elongated in the vertical direction. Below this is a layer of connective tissue, the dermis. This can scarcely be distinguished. The next layer of the body wall is the circular muscles. The layer within the circular muscles is the longitudinal mus- cles. These are featherlike, and stand at right angles to the circular muscles. They are interrupted, and appear to be divided into bundles. How many? By examining two or three cross sections the exact position and arrangement of the setae may be made out. Can you see where the nephridia open to the exterior? Study.the nephridia and see if you can make any clear statement about their shape STU. IN ZOOL.—9Q 130 WORMS and position. In the center is the intestine. Notice a large fold of the intesine hanging from the dorsal side. This is the typhlosole. Of what use is such a structure? Just dorsal to the ventral bundle of longitudinal muscles may be seen the nerve cord. Do you see nerves extending to right and left of it? Just dorsal to the nerve cord and ventral to the intestine is the ventral blood vessel. Make a sketch of the crass section, showing all the parts studied. - (10) Cut an earthworm in two, place the pieces in some moist earth in a box. Keep moist, and see what becomes of them. The earthworm belongs to the class Annelida. Economic VaLuE.—Every student should read Darwin’s “Vegetable Mould” in connection with the study of the earthworm. If we consider the vast work of mixing the soil with subsoil, the opening of passages for water and air, and the working over of minerals unfit for absorption by plants, then we may have some slight idea of the inesti- mable value of the earthworm to man. THE NEREIS The Nereis lives in burrows in sand on the seacoast near low-water mark. In the breeding season it leaves its bur- row and swims about. (1) Note its color. Its length. Its shape. Are the anterior and posterior ends alike? Tas it a dorsal and a ventral side? Note the appendages along each side. Is there a pair to each segment? They are called parapodia. Cut off a parapodium close to the body and examine with THE LEECH 131 a dissecting microscope. Notice the larger fleshy portion. This is a branchia. What is it used for? On the dorsal side of the branchia is a small projection called the dorsal cirrus. Below the branchia are three sets of setae. What is their use? Just below the last bunch of setae is another cirrus called the ventral cirrus. Just beneath the ventral parapodium may be seen the openings of the nephrida. Draw (x4). (2) Examine the anterior end of the body. Note the prostomium. Does it project over the mouth? Notice the slender projections from the front segment. These are tentacles. How many pairs? What is their function? Note the two fleshy projections. These are palpi. (3) Do you find eyes? How many? Where are they? Slit the worm open, beginning at the head, for seven or eight segments. Note the large proboscis. This is now folded in. It may be rolled inside out like the fingers of a glove. Do this and note the two powerful jaws. Does this suggest its kind of food? What is its food? Draw proboscis showing all the parts, THE LEECH Leeches live in water. They may be found on the under- side of old boards, rocks or other objects near the edges of ponds and ditches. (1) Examine a live leech. Note color. Is the color the same all over the body? (2) Has it organs of locomotion? Place one in water. 132 WORMS Can it swim? How? Take it out of the water. Can it move? How? Can it live out of water very long? (3) Notice the sucker at the anterior end of the body. Look in this sucker for the mouth. What is the sucker used for? Has it another sucker? What is it used for? Do you find an anus? (4) This animal is called a blood sucker. Why? (5) Draw the entire animal, ventral view. In what respects is it like the earthworm? How does it differ externally? Draw (x2). A PLANARIAN WORM Planaria are usually abundant in fresh water ponds or lagoons at all times of the year. They may be found crawl- ing over water plants such as philotria, chara, pondscum, etc. Pull these plants up with a hook and place them in jars in the laboratory. Soon the sides and the top of the vessel will be covered with planarian worms. (2) Examine a living animal in water under compound microscope. Note its color. Is the color the same on both sides? Why? Is this of any advantage to the animal? Has it an anterior and a posterior end? A dorsal and a ventral side? Describe fully its shape. Is its shape adapted to its mode of life? How? Look on the dorsal front end for eyes. How many? Color? Examine the ventral side as the worm crawls over the glass vessel. Do you find a mouth? Where is it situated? How does the worm move? How does it hold fast to an object? Notice its slimy feel. Make a sketch (4). THE LIVER FLUKE 133 (3) Place the animal on a slide and put a cover glass over it in order to flatten it. Back of the middle portion look for a cylindrical muscular body. This is the pharynx, which connects with the mouth by a very short esophagus. The pharynx can be protruded through the mouth. Do you find a digestive tract leading from the pharynx? Trace it to the anterior and posterior parts of the body. How many main pouches has it? Has it an opening to the ex- terior? How does it get rid of indigestible food material? (4) This peculiar arrangement of the alimentary tract suggested the name of the order, Triclada, to which Pla- naria belong. What does the word mean? Draw, showing points mentioned (Xs). (5) Look underneath the eyespots for a light-colored ganglionic mass, the brain. How many parts to it? Are there nerve cords arising from it? How many? Draw. (6) With the high power examine the margin of the animal for cilia. Do you find any? (7) Cut a Planarian in two and place the two pieces in a tumbler of water. Examine every day, and note what becomes of them. Planaria belong to the class Turbellaria. THE LIVER FLUKE SuccESsTIONS FoR CoLLEcTING.—(1) The Liver Fluke, Distomum, inhabits the larger bile ducts of the sheep, where it lives upon the biliary matter. This part of the sheep’s liver may be obtained from the slaughter house, the bile ducts opened and the contents scraped out into 134 WORMS water. The worms may be cleaned by placing the contents in a warm normal salt solution. (2) Specimens may also be obtained from the lungs or the urinary bladder of the frog if the above source is net convenient. # (3) To mount Distomum, place the worms between two cover glasses on a slide; leave in ninety per cent. alcohol for twenty-four hours; stain faintly in borax -carmine, and mount in balsam. OBSERVATION.—(1) Examine a living worm under the compound microscope. Do you find the anterior and pos- terior ends? Dorsal and ventral sides? Give reasons for your answers. Is it colored? Why? What gives it its color? Has the surrounding bile a tendency to color it? Describe fully its shape. Does its shape suit its mode of life? (2) Has it eyes? Why? Examine the anterior end, Here is situated the anterior oral sucker, in the center of which is the mouth. Do you find any other suckers? What are they used for? The mouth leads into a thick muscular pharynx lying just behind. That part of the alimentary tract lying just behind the pharynx is called the esophagus. Trace the remainder of the-alimentary tract. How many branches? Are there any external openings? Compare the alimentary tract with that of the Planaria. (3) At the posterior end may be seen the excretory pore and by careful observation the excretory tube may be traced forward from it for a short distance. Draw the entire worm, showing points mentioned. State resemblances and differences between Distomum and Planaria. THE TAPEWORM 135 DEVELOPMENT.—(1) The rediae, one of the stages of development of the Fluke, may be found in the liver of the common pondsnail, Limnoea. Break the shell of the snail and remove the animal. Place the body of the snail in a shallow dish of water, and with the aid of the dissect- -ing microscope pick the liver to pieces with dissecting needles. This will probably free the rediae. Note their size and shape. Do you find a mouth? A pharynx? Anintestine? Eyes? Do they need eyes? Draw (X Io). (2) Do you find germ cells, or young rediae inside the animal? Draw. When we find an animal living upon another, deriving its nourishment from the latter, the former is called a parasite and the latter its host. Explain how this applies in case of the snail and the fluke. Notz.—This animal has a very interesting life history, which may be worked out by the students from references or given by the teacher in a lecture. THE TAPEWORM (1) The Tapeworm is found in the alimentary canal of the rat, the cat, the dog, the rabbit, and many other verte- brates, including man. Sufficient supply for class use may generally be obtained by killing a dog or a cat and looking at once for tapeworms. Open the intestine for one or two feet, beginning at the stomach. Scrape the wall of the in- testine closely so as to secure the heads which are buried in the tissue of the canal. They may be kept alive for 136 WORMS several days in common water to which a little white of egg has been added. (2) Examine the Tapeworm for dorsal and ventral sides; anterior and posterior ends. Has it any color? If not, why? (3) Examine the head (Scolex). Do you find anything by which it may attach itself to the intestinal wall? What is the nature of the attaching organ? Do you find a mouth? Has it an alimentary tract? If not, how does it secure its food? Has it organs of locomotion? Does it need any? Is the worm segmented? Each division is called a pro- glottid. Are the proglottids all alike in shape and size? Can a proglottid live free from the rest of the animal? Try it. (4) Just back of the scolex is the neck. Is it segmented? Trace a worm from the head backward, noting differences in segmentation and size of proglottids. In what respects is the Tapeworm like Planaria and Dis- tomum? How does it differ? Tapeworms belong to the order Cestoda. Note.—Both Trematoda and Cestoda have interesting life his- tories which should receive considerable attention on account of economic and medicinal reasons. CrassiFicaTion.—The following table will give an idea of the relationships of the common animals of this branch. 1. Class PLATYHELMINTHES. 1. Turbellaria. Planaria. 2. Trematoda. Fluke. 3. Cestoda. Tapeworm. 2. Class NEMATHELMINTHES. 1. Nematoda. Trichina. 2. Acanthocephala. Hook-headed worms, parasites. CLASSIFICATION 137 3. Class ANNELIDA . 1. Subclass Cuartopopa.—Metamerism usually well marked; with dorsal and ventral rows of setae along the sides of the body. 1. Order PotycHarta.—Marine forms; with the setae usually upon lateral lobes of the body (parapodia). 1. Suborder ARCHIANNELIDA.—Without parapodia. 2. Suborder Errantia.—Elongated swimming or creeping forms; metameres more or less similar............... Nereis. 3. Suborder SEpENTARIA.—Usually tubicolous; anterior meta- meres more or less different from the rest........... Serpula, II. Order OxtcocHarta.—Aquatic or terrestrial forms; with setae, but without parapodia; hermaphroditic. i. Suborder NamomorpHa.—For the most part aquatic; fre- quently reproducing nonsexually; nephridia serve as repro- AUGHVE MAUCES? ciesraete ss Hodeens Seis ae Aa AEN Oe ESS Nais. 2. Suborder LumpricomorpHa.—For the most part terres- trial; not reproducing nonsexually; special reproductive ducts. Earthworm. II. Subclass Hrruprinea.—Metamerism well marked; without setae; with anterior and posterior suckers. 1. Order GNATHOBDELLIDAE.—Mouth with three more or less well developed teeth; pharynx not protrusible.............. Leech, 2. Order RHYNCHOBDELLIDAE.— Without teeth and with protusible Phar yax .ccaccaoesd cv eee eae See we Clepsine. III. Subclass GepuHyrea.—Metamerism indistinct; without para- podia. 1. Order EcutureAr.—With setae........... aiaina lasidie-ss Echruls. 2. Order SIPUNCULACEAE—Without setae........ Phascolosoma. MOLLUSKS THE FRESH WATER MUSSEL Anodonta, or Unio GENERAL SUGGESTIONS.—(1) The mussel is found in all streains and lakes of this country, and is therefore an easy specimen to procure. If it is desirable to use the com- mon quahog (venus), which is for sale in the markets at all seasons, the following directions with slight additions about the orifices, incurrent and excurrent, will be found applicable. (2) Specimens may be obtained from the streams and ponds with a rake or dredge of any kind that will reach to the bottom of the water. At certain times they may be found near the shore, and when the water has fallen con- siderably they may be found in the mud and sand. (4) If an aquarium, or a tub, be filled with water and a bed of sand be put in the bottom, mussels may be kept alive for an indefinite period. (4) Have present during the study several shells that may be made to fit together in the right order, and if pos- sible other bivalve shells, as oyster, quahog, mya, and other forms that may be convenient. (5) The preserved material may be kept in seventy per 138 THE FRESH WATER MUSSEL 139 cent. alcohol or two per cent. formalin, but at least one muscle should be cut and the liquid allowed to penetrate the interior. (6) It is desirable that the students go to the natural habitat to collect the specimens if possible. Tue EXTERNAL STRUCTURE.—(1) The Living Animal. Study the animal in its natural surroundings. Note the covering, the shell, and the tendency of the animal to keep it shut so tight that nothing can enter between the margins. Does it ever open the shell? Why does it? What makes it close it? Note the feshlike fringe where the shell opens and closes. Touch this fringe with a needle or scalpel. Is it sensitive? Does the animal seem to have control over it? What relation does it assume to the bottom of the water? Watch for movment. Does it move on the sand or through the sand? How is this movement accomplished ? (2) The Shell. Hold the shell in your hand with the narrow edge down and the beak, umbo, pointing from you. The part on your right is the right side, the front is the anterior end, and the top is the dorsal side. Where is the left side? The ventral side? The posterior end? How many parts has the shell? It is called a bivalve. Why? Does it have bilateral symmetry? Select two shells that fit together like the shells of the animal you have. Examine umbo and the hinge on the dorsal side, the margin on the ventral side. Is there an indication of an epidermal cover- ing on the outside of the shell? Notice the lines on the outside. What point do they seem to surround? Are they lines of growth? Examine them carefully? How many? Look at the one next the margin and compare its outline with the margin. If the animal should add more to its 140 MOLLUSKS shell, what would the present margin become? What has each line of growth been? What does this suggest con- cerning the past history of the animal? On the dorsal side of the shell behind the umbone, look for the edge of the shell. What color is the shell at the. union of the two valves? Is it the same material as the other part of the shell? This is the spring of the hinge. Draw outside of the shell, and name all the parts you have found. (3) Study the inside of the shell. Note the differences between it and the outside. The inside is called peari. Why? Observe the line parallel with the margin, the pallial line. Note the hinge and the modification of the shell for it. Can you find out now how the hinge works? Fit the parts of the shell together and find of what use each part is. Draw inside of shell. Break the shell across, or saw it, and note its structure. Can you tell now how each line of growth was added? When a line of growth is added is it added on the margin only? Can you account for the position and shape of the umbones? Draw a section of shell. What is the composition of the shell? Drop a little weak hydro- chloric acid on a piece of the shell and note what follows. What does this show? (4) The Body. (a) Open the shell by thrusting the scal-. pel under the right valve at the anterior and posterior ends, and severing the rigid, tense muscles. The shell now opens. Note the mantle, a membraneous covering of the body. Is it attached to the shell? Where? Is it the same thickness throughout? Examine the margin of the mantle, and com- pare it with the margin of the shell. Do you think there is any connection between them? How is the shell formed? (b) Follow the mantle carefully around to the posterior . THE FRESH WATER MUSSEL 141 end. Is the upper part still separate from the lower? Note the method of union. Find two openings, or siphons. With a needle or bristle trace the openings of each backward toward the body. The water enters at the incurrent siphon, bathes the gills, and passes out at the excurrent siphon. Which is the incurrent orifice? Which the excurrent? (c) The gills have perhaps already been observed lying flatly on the body under the mantle. Observe them carefully. What is their general appearance? How many on the right side? Are they attached to one another? Can you find out how the water which enters at the siphon reaches them? Remove a piece of gill with the scissors and lay it on a slide in water. With a needle try to find whether it is single or double. What shape would a section across the gills of one side be? Put a small piece under the micro- scope and find the minute structure. The water tubes may be seen, and if the specimen is fresh the action of the cilia is also visible. Draw the structure as seen through the microscope. Under the gills may be seen the body. Follow it an- teriorly and find the fleshy, muscular foot, and the labial palpi surrounding the mouth. How many labial palpi? Examine the mouth. Has it jaws or teeth? What kind of food does the mussel eat? InTERNAL STRUCTURE—(I) On the dorsal side near the hinge the stringlike heart may be seen through the thin mantle wall. Locate it carefully and then sever the mantle wall and remove it from the body. This exposes the ventricle of the heart with a tube, the intestine, running through it. On either side of the heart find a white mem- brane extending from the gills to the heart. This is the 142 MOLLUSKS auricle, somewhat conical, with the small end at the heart. Do you find its opening into the heart? The blood is gath- ered into the auricle from the gills, thence to the ventricle, where it is received and sent out mainly through an artery leading forward toward the foot, from which it is distributed through the body and returned to the gills. Has any other animal you have studied a circulation like this? Draw dia- gram of the circulatory system as it appears to you. Remove the animal from the shell. Observe the large muscles at anterior and posterior ends, the adductors, which hold the valves of the shell together. Do you find other muscles at the anterior end attached to the shell back of the anterior muscle? These are the retractor muscles. What do they, retract? Of what value are they in the movement of the foot? Turn the animal over, fold back the mantle, and make drawing as now exposed, showing and naming all the parts studied. (2) Using an alcoholic specimen, find the mouth, and insert a bristle into it, and follow with the scalpel, cutting from the outside. The alimentary canal is rather crooked, but may be followed if care is used. Do you find the liver? The kidneys? Follow the intestine through the heart and find where it empties into the siphon. Which siphon does it empty into? Draw digestive system. (3) The nervous system is somewhat difficult to trace, but the general plan may be worked out. It is best to use alcoholic specimens for this work. The cerebral ganglia may be found at the base of and between the labial palpi. These nerves go to different parts of the body, and with care nerve cords may be traced downward toward the foot to a larger group of pedal ganglia located where the foot THE FRESH WATER MUSSEL 143 joins the body a little back from the mouth. A nerve may also be traced to the visceral or posterior ganglion, on the under surface of the posterior adductor. Note the irregu- larity in the plan of the nervous system. Draw nervous system. (4) The reproductive organs are found in the posterior region on each side, and open into the gill cavity. The eggs of the mussel are hatched in the gills and the young mussels may be found there if the animal is studied at the proper time. After awhile they pass out into the water through the siphon. SUMMARY.—(1) What are the advantages and disad- vantages of a shell like that of the mussel? Can it be suc- cessfully attacked by any animal that you know? What is the origin of the pearl in the shell? The pearl of com- merce is usually made by this or some other species of bivalve when something of an irritating nature gets between the shell and the mantle. Why does the animal deposit pearl under such circumstances? Formerly pearls were all obtained from pearl oyster, but recently many of con- siderable value have been obtained from the mussels of the rivers in the northern part of the United States. (2) Compare an oyster shell with that of the mussel just studied. Are the valves of the oyster alike? Does either valve show signs of being attached to something? Since it lives in the ocean, would the oyster need such support more than the mussel? Why? Oyster raising is a great industry in certain sheltered , places along the eastern coast of the United States. The greatest menace to the oyster beds is the starfish, which devours the young oysters. 144 MOLLUSKS THE SNAIL Limnaea or Physa GENERAL SUGGESTIONS.—These animals may be found in almost any lake or stream, and can therefore generally be ob- tained fresh for study. They may be kept alive in water in the laboratory for an indefinite period by keeping the water fresh and providing for them cabbage leaves or other plants suited to their taste. They may be killed extended _ in warm water, and put in fifty per cent. to seventy per cent. alcohol, or two per cent. to three per cent. formalin for preservation. THe ExtTerNAL Form.—(1) Study the living snail in a glass jar. Note its extended body and the relation it bears to the shell. Has it a distinct head? Do you find eyes? Does the animal have vision? What seems to be the use of the tentacles, or feelers? Observe the fleshy foot. How does it use this for movement? Study the mouth? Can you determine how it eats? Does it bite the leaf on which it feeds? Does this animal have a mantle? Where? Can you tell how it breathes? Do you find a breathing pore? On a living animal note the method of disappearing within the shell. Is the disappearance com- plete enough to be of any advantage? (2) The Shell. Is the shell in one piece, univalve, or in two pieces, as the mussel? Find the apex (the pointed end); the. aperture (the opening); and the /ip, or outer edge of the aperture. Do you find lines of growth? Begin with the lip and trace the lines of growth around as in the bivalve? How does this shell differ from one valve of the THE SNAIL 145 bivalve? How large was the animal when it began to build this shell? The line around which the shell coils is called the columella, and all the part included in the whorls is called the spire. Draw shell. (3) Take an alcoholic specimen and break away the shell to expose the lower part of the body. Find the parts noticed before, and further up notice the respiratory orifice. What relation has it to the mantle? With a scalpel cut open the orifice and find the structure of the interior? What seems to be its origin and use? What is the advantage in having it located at the edge of the shell? (4) Find the mouth. Note its position, size and shape. Cut open the flesh surrounding it and look for teeth. What is the use of that ribbon-shaped tongue? Remove it entire with the muscles at either end. It is called the radula, and works by moving back and forth like a handsaw. Draw entire radula with muscles. Put a piece of it under the microscope and observe the teeth. Draw. The systems of digestion and reproduction are situated up in the spire of the shell, with openings near the mantle rim. REPRODUCTION.—The eggs are laid in thin transparent capsules, and may be found in the aquarium where the snails are kept for a short time. These may be studied in a watch crystal under the low power of the microscope, and their development watched from day to day. The shell appears as a cap on a small matrix, and continues to enlarge until it covers the animal, after which it coils as the animal grows. Under the direction of the teacher this life history of the snail becomes a very interesting and profitable study. STU. IN ZOOL.—IO 146 MOLLUSKS Mussels and snails are the most common representatives of the great Branch, Mollusks. SumMary.—What special preparation is made by the snail for its life in the water? Can a snail remain for an indefinite period under water? What change in structure would be necessary to enable the snail to breathe in water? The gastropods that live in the sea have that specialization. Land snails are used extensively for food, but water snails are not generally considered edible. Which has a stronger shell, a land or a pond snail? Can you give a reason for this? The cephalopods constitute another class of Mollusks. They have arms, or tentacles, surrounding the head, and are usually destitute of external shell except the Nautilus which has a coiled, chambered shell. Are the cephalapods which have no shell as able to pro- tect themselves as shelled Mollusks? Is passive protec- tion among animals as successful as active, aggressive pro- tection? Give examples of each. BrancH mMoLLusca.—Adapted from McMurricu. I. Class AMPHINEURA.—Visceral hump not developed; bilaterally symmetrical; shell represented by scattered spicules or by a series © of calcareous plates; anus terminal. 1. Order SoLenocastres.—Shell represented by scattered calcir- COUS SPICES: co sicn cunieweredowsceveeaes ieiaecg cea wali Neomenia. 2. Order PotypLacopnora.—Shell formed by eight plates on dor- Sal surtace Oh bod yiwceicans acide ionsmonmuceicdaw a Chiton. II. Class Gastrropopa.—Visceral hump usually well developed; body asymmetrical; shell univalved and usually spirally coiled, sometimes absent; anus not terminal. 1. Order ProsopraAncuiA.—Ctenidia present, situated in front of the heart; auricle in front of ventricle; mantle edge not fused with body, CLASSIFICATION 147 Dentition taenioglossate. With creépitig: habity . .. ccsc cece eb ea siwenreeice e's Strombus. With pelagic habit (Heteropoda)..........0.005 Atalanta. Dentition rachiglossate. ......... teeseee. Murex, Buccinum. Déntition:. toxiglossates scx.s% caenvoewatens te odes Conus. 2. Order. OPIsTHOBRANCHIA.—Ctenidia frequently absent, when present behind the heart; auricle behind ventricle; mantle when present not fused by its edges to body-wall; shell frequently absent. Mantle present (Tectibranchia). Foot with broad flat sole; with creeping habit......... Bulla. Foot with winglike parapodia, pelagic............. Pteropoda. With shell (Thecosomata)..........0ceeceeeeeees Styliola. Without shell (Gymnosomata)..........2..eeeeeeee Clione. Mantle not developed (Nudibranchia).........000cee eens Doris. 3. Order Pu_tmMonata.—Ctenidia wanting; mantle fused by its edges to body-wall; terristrial or aquatic. Eyes at base of tentacles (Basommatophora)...... Pond Snails. Eyes at tip of tentacles................. Land Snails and Slugs. IlI. Class ScarHoropa.—Visceral hump developed; bilaterally sym- metrical; shell cylindrical, open at both ends......... Dentalium, IV. Class LAMELLIERANCHIA or PELECyPopA.—Visceral hump not developed; bilaterally symmetrical; mantle forms two lateral folds; shell bivalved; anus terminal. I. Order Protroprancuia.—Gill a true ctenidium; pleural gan- glia not united to cerebral............... 0. eee ee eee eee Nucula. 2.. Order Firrprancnia.—Gill filaments elongated and bent up- wards at ends; cerebral and pleural ganglia fused..... Mytilus. 3. Order PsEupOLAMELLIBRANCHIA.—Gill filaments turned up at ends and with interlamellar junctions; cerebral and pleural wane ba. UNiled 25). c0u aqcieei te dy wie teahemoa te AALS nat Oyster. 4. Order EvLaMELiipraNcuta.—Gill filaments united to form a platelike gill; cerebral and pleural ganglia united. Venus (Quahog). 5. Order SeprreraAncuta—Gill reduced to a muscular perforated septum between the mantle and suprabranchial chambers. , : Cuspidarta. 148 MOLLUSKS Heart with two auricles; two nephridia............. Haliotis. Heart with a single auricle and a single nephridium. V. Class CEPHALOPoDA.— Visceral hump developed; bilaterally sym- metrical; mantle a circular fold; foot (propodium and mesopo- dium) forming armlike structures provided with suckers and sur- rounding the mouth. 1. Order TrerraprancHia.—With four ctenidia and with external chambered shell. c:.4%0sss0ceuuesandav sees ees tea teres Nautilus. 2. Order DrpraANcHIA.—With two ctenidia; shell if external not chambered, usually internal. With eight arms to foot (Octopoda)...... Octopus (Devil Fish). With ten arms to foot (Decapoda)........... Loligo (Squid). VERTEBRATES THE FISH Perca sp. [Note.—These directions with but slight alterations will answer for the study of any fish in the markets.] EXTERNAL MorpuoLocy.—(1) Straighten the fish out in the dissecting pan and measure its longitudinal and lat- eral axes. How does the dorsal differ from the ventral side? How is the head joined to the body? How does the right side differ from the left? Animals that have the right and left sides alike are said to be bilaterally symmetrical. Has the fish perfect bilateral symmetry? (2) How many fins are there? How are they arranged with reference to one another? The fins at the anterior end on the side are the pectoral fins. Examine one care- fully. Of what does it seem to be composed? The spines that run through it are called rays. Are all the rays bony? Examine a piece that is not bony through the microscope, low power. How is the fin attached to the body? Are all the fins attached in the same way? Draw pectoral fin (2). 149 150 VERTEBRATES Back of the pectoral fins on the ventral side find a second pair, the ventral fins. Examine them and compare with the pectoral fins.. Are they separated or attached on the ven- tral side? Compare these two pairs of fins to the upper and lower ‘limbs of a person. Back of the ventral fins is found the anal fin. Study it and compare it with the others. With refer- ence to the right and left sides, where is it? Do you find a fin on the dorsal side? Note its shape and position. It is the dorsal fin. Is it made of hard or soft spines? Are the rays segmented? How is it attached to the body? On the posterior end of the fish, find the caudal fin. Note its structure and compare it with the others. How is it attached to the body? What motions has it? Are the lobes equal or unequal? (3) Examine the covering of the body. Is it like any covering yet studied? Take out one of the scales, examine it where it was attached, and examine the skin at the point where it was removed. Does it look anything like the scales on the wing of the butterfly? Note the shape and size of the scales at the different parts of the body. Do the fins and head “ have scales? Scrape carefully both sides of a scale and place it under the low power of the microscope. What is its struc- ture? Has it grown out from the body like a feather? Do you think it has had a rapid growth? Make a drawing of a scale (10). If the scale is round it is called cycloid, if it is toothed it is ctenoid. (4) Do you notice spots of coloring in different parts of the body? Is the coloring on the outer parts of the scales or on the skin under the scales? These spots are pigment cells and are simply bundles of coloring matter. Can you THE FISH 151 determine their shape? Are they the same color in all parts of the body? Do the fins have pigment? (5) Find the lateral line on each side extending nearly the entire length of the fish. Is it on the scales, in them, or under them on the body? Remove one of the scales along this line and examine. Insert a needle in the place to see - if the line is continuous. What is its function? (6) Study the skin on the head next to the mouth. Compare it with the skin on the other parts of the body. Observe the covering of the inside of the mouth. How does it differ from that on the outside? Do you find teeth? Where are they located? Do they have a regular arrangement? Study the shape, size and firmness of attachment of a tooth. Compare it with a scale. Pull the lower jaw down; this will draw out the bones of the upper jaw the premavillary bones. Study their shape, size and attachment, both at the top and at the bottom. Draw a premaxillary bone (4). Behind the premaxillaries are the bones of the maxillary proper. Observe their shape and note how they fit the pre- maxillary. The lower jaw is composed of the submaxillary bones which are similar to the lower jaw bones of other animals. Do you find teeth on the upper jaw? On the lower? Look in the upper part of the mouth for teeth. If teeth are present there they are situated on the vomer. Find the shape and size of this bone. Notice the covering of the tongue. Rub the finger over it to ascertain the nature of the covering. Notice the covering on different parts to find the variation of the papillae, or taste bulbs. Do you think a fish can taste? 152 . VERTEBRATES Where is the tongue attached? For what is it used? (7) Note the location, size and color of the eyes. Are they simple or compound? Do you find eyelids? Can a living fish change the direction of its vision? How many nostrils? Are they connected with each other or with the mouth? Probe with bristle to find out. (8) Lift up the gill cover, operculum, which lies flat on the surface of the body in front of the pectoral fin. What is the nature of the gill cover? How many bones in it? What is its covering? Of what use is it? Look just under the gill cover for a membrane which lies close to the edge of the cover and is attached to it fur- ther back. How does this membrane compare with a fin? This is the branchiostegal membrane. (9) Beneath the branchiostegal membrane are the red gills. Raise them with the needle. How many? How attached? Are they separate from one another? Note shape of each. Note that the gill consists of the bony frame- work, or arch, the filaments on the posterior edge, and the gillrakers on the anterior side. How do the filaments and the rakers differ from one another? Open the mouth and depress the tongue. How does it affect the gills? What do you think about the principal uses of the gill rakers? Of the filaments ? Explain the process of passing water through the gills of the living fish. Remove the first gill below the operculum by loosening it carefully at the ends. Is it fastened by a true joint or is it merely a continuation of the arch into the framework of the body? Study the filaments. What gives them their red color? Pick out a single filament. Is its color as red THE FISH 153 as before? Look up next to the arch for a blood vessel. Is it an artery or a vein? How is the blood purified in the gill? Study the filaments under the low power of the mi- croscope and also under the high power. Make drawings of each. Draw entire gill (<2). Look on the under side of the operculum for a red spot. What do you think it is? Observe it closely, noting its position, shape, color, etc. (This is not present in all fishes). Do you think it is a rudimentary gill? Draw a fish from the left side (X™%). THE SYSTEMS OF THE VISCERAL Caviry.—(1) Hold the fish in the left hand with the tail towards you and thrust the point of one blade of the scissors through the body wall between the ventral and the anal fins just in front of the anus (near the anal fin), and cut forward to the ventral fins. Look carefully at the organs within; cut upward toward the dorsal region of the fish as far as the abdominal cavity extends being especially careful not to cut anything but the body wall, as the air bladder lies in this part of the body. Now cut forward to a point a little above the pec- toral fin. Turn the flaps forward or cut them off, and note the silvery membrane, the peritoneum, lining these flaps. In the front part of the body cavity is a reddish or brown- ish mass, the liver. Find the hepatic vein passing forward from the liver through the thin partition in front. How many lobes to the liver? Turn it aside and find under it a greenish or yellowish sac, the gall sac. This sac contains a secretion of the liver called bile. With a needle find how the gall sac is connected with the liver. Can you find an opening of the gall sac into the stomach? Into the intes- 154 VERTEBRATES tine? What use has the bile? (2) Lay the fish on the right side and turn the liver downward gently tearing away its threadlike attachments. This uncovers a pinkish sac, the stomach. Pass a probe back into the stomach through the mouth. Note its shape and relation to the intestine. When the intestine comes out of the front end of the stomach, it is said to be caecal. Is the stomach of this fish caecal? Do you know of any ad- vantage this may be? Observe the intestine as it leaves the stomach. How does it compare with the stomach in size? As you follow it down does it get larger or smaller? (3) In many fishes, there are near this point of union of stomach and intestine several wormlike branches matted together. These are pyloric cacca. How many? How arranged? (4) Trace the intestine to its external opening, the anus, and notice the thin membrane by which it is held in place. That is the mesentery; observe blood vessels in it. Find a small, deep red body near the intestine, the spleen. Draw entire alimentary canal (x1). (5) In this intestinal cavity, you have probably already seen the reproductive organs. These organs vary in size with the season of the year and consist of one structure in the female and two in the male. Examine these as to size, color and composition. In the female search for a small tube, the oviduct, leading from the larger mass, the ovary. Where does it lead? In the male search for an opening from each of the lobes, or spermaries which unite into a tube or duct, the vas deferens as before. Find its place of opening. THE FISH 155 Draw reproductive organs of the specimen that you have (Xt). (6) If the fish is studied during the spawning season, the entire body cavity of the female will be filled with eggs. The ovaries will then have to be removed before studying the alimentary canal. In this case the reproductive organs should be studied first. (7) Back of these and above, is the urinary bladder; a sinall, pink sac. In the upper part of the body cavity is the air bladder. Make a diagrammatic drawing of the organs above noted, showing position. Look closely to sce if there is any connection between the air bladder and the stomach. The air bladder is supposed to have originated from a fold in the stomach or some part of the alimentary canal. Scrape away the peritoneum and note the thin wall of the air bladder. Do you see blood vessels in it? Remove the air bladder. Of what use is it? (8) Above the air bladder find the dark red kidneys. Trace one of the kidneys to its termination in the urinary bladder. Remove all the organs studied, except kidneys. Draw. (9) Return to the partition between the body cavities. Notice again the gathering of the blood in the hepatic veins. Cut carefully through it to see the heart. Remove the peri- cardial membrane out to the sides. The red angular portion of the heart lying hindermost is the ventricle; the darker, more irregular portion lying (when in natural position) above the ventricle, is the auricle. The larger blood cavity back of the auricle, is the venous sinus, and the light colored body in front of the ventricle is the arterial bulb. This nar- - rows forward into an artery which branches, one branch 156 VERTEBRATES going to each gill. After passing through the gills they reunite to form the dorsal aorta which passes backward just beneath the spinal column, and after going over the entire body returns to the gills. This is called a single circulation. Draw heart (3). Make a diagram of the circulatory systein. (10) Open the mouth. See the thin membrane form- ing the floor of the mouth on each side of the tongue. Cut through this thin membrane close to the inner border of the lower jaw. Continue the cutting backward on each side of the gill cover and the branchiostegal membrane and wholly separate them. Turn back this flap and again ex- amine the gill. Note the joints in the gill arches. Where the gills unite above and below are the pharyngeal teeth. The bones supporting these teeth are the pharyngeal bones. They represent a fifth gill arch. Where is the gill? (11) Examine the Nervous System. a. With a scalpel open the skull from the dorsal side. Note the successive coverings of the cranium (1) a tough skin, (2) a cartilege, thicker, (3) a gray soft membrane of cellular tissue, still thicker. After removing the last the brain is exposed. Observe the color and relative size of parts. Notice the general shape and structure of the brain. How many lobes do you find? Are the lobes in pairs? Trace the brain back to the spinal cord, the white exten- sion from the base of the brain. Observe the largest lobes of the brain. These are the optic lobes. What shape are they? In front of these are the cerebral lobes called cerebral hemispheres. Note their shape, size, location, etc. Lift THE FISH 157 these up carefully at the end and find the small olfactory lobes, from which small nerve cords may be traced, toward the nostrils. b. Back of the optic lobes is the cerebellum. Note its size, shape and location in socket. The enlargement back of this has important work of its own to accomplish and is known as the medulla oblongata. Draw brains (x4). c. The nerves to the eye, optic nerves, may now be seen by lifting up the olfactory and the optic lobes. How do they appear at the base of the lobes? How many nerves go out from the brain? Trace the nerve to the eye (cut out the skull where necessary). Does the nerve branch before leaving the eye? Remove the eye from its socket and notice the muscles attached. Are they arranged in pairs? How many? d. Dissect the eye from the front. Cut the cornea, or front part, at one side and allow the thin aqueous humor to run out. What is the use of this humor? Do you think it could help vision in any way? With the scissors remove all of the cornea. What is now exposed? With a needle lift up this curtain, the iris. How thick is it? What is its color? What is the opening called? What is meant by the color of the eye in any animal? Look closely around the edge to see if there is any increase in thickness. Remove the iris by cutting around the eye next to the outer wall. Back of the pupil find a thickened ball of trans- parent matter suspended in a transparent liquid mass. This is the crystalline lens suspended in the vitreous humor, of which it is a specialized part. Remove the crystalline lens and lay it on a piece of news- paper. Can you see the letters through it? How does it affect them? 158 VERTEBRATES, In the same manner put some of the vitreous humor on a printed page. How does it affect the appearance of the page? Return to the eye and observe the inside of the ball. Find a filmy gray mass on a black coat. This is the expan- sion of the optic nerve, called the retina, over the black cho- roid coat of the eye. Do you find these two coats all over the eyeball? Stick the needle from the outside through the optic nerve into the inside. Where does it penetrate the choroid coat? Scrape the black coating off of the interior of the eye and see if there is anything left. This coat is tough and durable and gives shape to the eye. It is the sclerotic coat. Make a large diagram showing a section of the eye from the front to the rear, including all of the parts studied. THE SKELETON.—(1) With a scalpel cut down by the side of the dorsal fin to the ribs. Remove the flesh from both sides of the fish from the head to the caudal fin. Note the arrangement of the muscles under the skin and the position of the small bones. Are the spines of the dorsal fin attached to the central back bone, or skeletal axis? Are the ventral and pectoral fins attached to the backbone? (2) The bones to which the pectoral fins are attached form a ring around the body called pectoral, or shoulder girdle. Are these bones attached on the dorsal side? On the ventral? What is the advantage of this girdle? (3) Do you find a similar girdle at the ventral fins? Make out its parts as before. This is the pelvic girdle. After cleaning away the entire skeleton remove a vertebra from the spinal column about half way between the pectoral and the ventral fins. THE FISH 159 Note the main part, the centrum, and the processes ex- tending above and below. Above the centrum find a cavity formed by two spines which grow together. This cavity is called the neural arch. What do you find in it? (4) Below the centrum are the ribs branching out so as to form an arch. This is called the haemal arch because the main artery of the body runs down the vertebral column in it. Draw an end view of this vertebra. (5) Remove a vertebra with its processes from the column behind the anal fin. Look carefully for the two arches. Draw (X2). (6) These two cavities are in the main the same in all vertebrates. The neural cavity contains the spinal cord and is enlarged to give place to the brain, while the haemal cavity is enlarged into the visceral cavity which contains the heart and alimentary canal. Make a sketch of the skeleton of the fish showing the location of the parts studied. ReEpropucTiIon.—The eggs of fishes are called spawn and are deposited usually once each year. The fish generally seeks a secluded spot in which to place the eggs, but when they are hatched or before, they are used for food by other fishes or even by the one that laid them. To offset this de- struction a fish sometimes lays thousands of eggs. (2) Some of the food fishes from the ocean as cod, herring, salmon, .often go many miles up the river to spawn. These are breathers of salt water at all other times, and will die if placed in fresh water at any other time than during the spawning season. Some of the eels, a class of vertebrates lower than fishes, after hatching, go up the rivers and creeks for hundreds 160 VERTEBRATES, of miles from the ocean and are oftentimes two years old or more when they reach the ocean. Small eels are found in nearly all the streams tributary to the Mississippi river. SumMary.—(1) Watch a fish in water. Can it turn its eyes? Can it lower and raise itself in the water? Can it swim in a definite straight line? Observe the use that it makes of its fins. When the fish is swimming slowly does it use the same method as when moving rapidly? Of what use is the dorsal fin? The anal? Of what use are so many fine bones found in many fishes? (2) Does a fish swim with the current or against it? If it should go down a stream which direction must its head bef Why? (3) What constitutes the principal food of fishes? In order to catch a fish what kind of bait must be used? Can the same bait be used for all fishes? Can a fish be deceived with things that are not food? How does that deception take place? What is a game fish? (4) How do fishes spend the winter? Can they be caught in the winter? How? What is the source of oxy- gen that the fish gets from the water? Could fishes live in places where the water is frozen over all the year? Why? CLASSIFICATION.—(1) Notice that the fish has disclosed an entirely new structure to us. As in the arthropods the nervous system extends along the longitudinal axis, but instead of lying down on the ventral skeleton, it lies on the dorsal side and is held up by a succession of large bones articulating with one another so as to form a strong frame- work, or backbone. This framework forms a support for all the organs of the body, and to it are attached bones which form the internal skeleton. THE FROG 161 The neural arch is enlarged in the head to form the skull for the brain while the Aaemal arch is enlarged below to hold the vital organs. Animals with these characteristics are called vertebrates. (2) The class Pisces, or fishes, occupies a median posi- tion between the lowest and highest classes of this branch. The principal subclasses are as follows: (1). Selachians — fishes with cartilaginous skeletons. Examples, sharks and rays. (2). Ganoids— fishes with cartilaginous and bony skeletons, and usually having ganoid scales. Example, garpikes. (3). Teliosts—fishes with skeletons composed aitogether of bony matter and having cycloid or ctenoid scales. Examples, all common food fishes. (3) Read about the various food fishes, the manner of catching, preparing, and using them. For what other purpose are fishes used besides food? Find out all you can about the fish industry. (4) In order that we may understand the position of fishes in the branch vertebrates, the classes are given below: (1). Tunicates. 2. Lancelets. (3). Lampreys. (4). Fishes. (5). Frogs. (6). Reptiles. (7). Birds. (8). Mammals. THE FROG. Rana sp. [Note.—If the living specimen cannot be obtained nearly all of the following questions can be answered from an alcoholic speci- men.] GENERAL SuGcEsTIONS.—(1I) The frog is the most com- mon and best known form of the Amphibians. It is harm- less and is always interesting to the observer. Specimens for STU. IN ZOOL.—II 162 VERTEBRATES study can be obtained at almost all times from April to De- cember, and while the structure may be studied at any time, it is desirable to study the development in the spring, when the eggs may be easily obtained and observed in process of change. There should be if possible at least three speci- mens for each student and at the beginning of the study one should be prepared for the study of the skeleton. If the teacher has a microtome, much interest may be aroused from the study of the egg in different stages of develop- ment. Frogs may be kept for an indefinite period by feed- ing them on small water animals. They are especially fond of crayfish, but care must be observed to keep the larger frogs separate from the smaller, as they do not hesi- tate to eat a smaller one of their species. (1) Where are frogs most abundant? When danger ap- proaches what protection do they seek? Why? Cana frog remain under water for an indefinite period? Why? What are its enemies on land? Does it find enemies in water also? (2) Notice the covering. Is the frog moist after it has been removed from the water for sometime? Is this an advantage to the frog? Can you find out whether the moisture comes from the body or the air? Study closely the color of the dorsal covering. Is it the same in all frogs? ExtTerNAL Morpuotocy.—l. Tue Livinc SpecIMEN.— Is it the same in the same frog at all times? Can you think of any advantage in the coloration as you see it now? De- scribe the surrounding conditions suitable to the color of the frog you have before you. If it changes describe the probable cause for such change. Observe the color of the lower surface. What apparent difference is there in the colors of the upper and lower surfaces? Notice on the THE FROG 163 sides how they grade into each other. Is the color of the lower surface the same in all frogs? Does it change as does the color of the upper surface? (3) Observe the frog in a sitting posture. Note the position of the front limbs, and also the hind limbs. Note the disposition of the toes of both front and hind feet. Ob- serve the well defined hump on the back. Pass the fingers down the back and see what makes the hump. Is it similar to the hump on the back of a cat in a sitting posture? (4) Notice the general shape of the head. Is it joined toa neck? Observe and describe the articulation of the head with the body and the motions resulting from such articu- lation. Note the position and shape of the eyes. Discuss these items with reference to the safety of the animal. Have the eyes eyebrows or eyelids? Touch an eye with the finger or a pencil. What follows? Describe the eye cover. It is called the mctitating membrane. Do other ani- mals have such a membrane? Compare the frog’s eye and the human eye in this particular. Notice the throat, nos- trils, and the sides of the body. Can you detect the process of respiration? Describe the process as it appears from this view. What do the movements of the nostrils and throat indicate? Look over the body for indications of heart action. How does it compare with your own pulse? (5) See the frog jump and study the process of move- ment. Does it jump straight forward or at an angle? Is there any advantage in this? Is the body adapted for such a movement? In what ways? Watch the swimming pro- cess. How do the movements of the legs compare in the two methods of locomotion? Is the body adapted for swim- ming? In what ways? 164 VERTEBRATES EXTERNAL Form.—(1) In the chloroformed specimen notice the general shape of the body and compare it with that of the fish and insect. Observe the divisions of the body into head, thorax and limbs; with the fingers try to determine where the bones are and thus trace the main features of the skeleton. Has ita tail? Describe briefly the general plan of the framework. (2) Study the head. Note the appearance of the dor- sal side of the head. Find the nostrils, anterior nares; note their lining, color and size. Find the ears, tympanic membranes; study their size, shape and markings. Be- tween and below the eyes, find a round spot, the brow spot or pineal eye. Note its location between the eyes and the nose. Look carefully for eyelids. Do you find the external parts of the eye similar to those of the fish? Draw the posterior of the head (x2). (3) Open the mouth as wide as possible; study the tongue, noting its size, shape in front and back, its point of attachment and the freedom of motion possible to it. What use is made of this free motion of the tongue? Is there anything else about the tongue that will help in catch- ing prey? Remove the tongue and study its surface. Do you find papillae or tastc bulbs? Does there seem to be a regularity about the furrows? Observe the upper part or roof of the mouth. Do you find a soft palate, the tonsils? Describe what you find and compare the tongue and roof with like parts of the mouth of the fish. Draw the tongue from the top (3) and make a diagrammatic section from the side showing its attachments to the bottom. Study the jaws; note shape, size and movement. Do you find teeth in both THE FROG 165 jaws? Where? Of what value are the teeth? Does the frog masticate its food? The back part of the mouth, the region of the throat, is caled the pharynx. Pass a bristle into the nostrils and see where it enters the mouth. Make an opening in the tympanic membrane and insert a bristle through the mouth. This is the eustachian tube. With the bristle find an opening into the esophagus and a narrow opening at the front into the bronchial tube. Make a list of the openings that communicate with the pharynx and state briefly the use of each. This prepares us for a study of those systems that are centered in the protected thoracic cavity. INTERNAL StTRucTURE.—I. Tue THoracic Caviry.—(1) It is well to dissect the frog under water or in a very weak solution of formalin. Pin the frog securely on the dorsal side. With scissors or scalpel cut along the midventral line sev- ering the thin outer skin from the posterior end of the body to the mouth. At right angles to this line cut on both sides under the front limbs, turn the flaps back as far as possible and cut them off, thus exposing the body wall, the abdom- inal muscles. Note the arrangement of muscular tissue and follow them both ways to their places of attachment. What effect would their contraction have? What position would that give the body? This muscle is called rectus abdomin- alis. Note the broad fan-shaped muscle running from the central portion of the breast bone to the front limb. It is called the pectoralis. What is ‘the function of this muscle? How is its work performed? Look in the muscular walls for evidences of circulation of blood. Follow the blood ves- sels as far as youcan. Do you find many blood vessels going to the surface? Of what use can they be at the surface? 166 VERTEBRATES, Draw this view, showing the muscles and blood vessels. (2) Open the muscular walls along the mid-ventral line from the posterior end to the shoulder girdle being careful not to injure the soft breast bone. Cut across near the middle on both sides and turn back the flaps thus expos- ing the vital organs. Do you find the peritoneum? II. Tue Dicestive System.—(1) Open the mouth and pass a probe through the esophagus into the stomach. Push the lobes of the liver aside and study the stomach. Note its shape, location, size and color. Compare it with the stomach of the fish. Is it caecal? Carefully trace the in- testine from the stomach down to the anus. In the first fold find a pale V-shaped mass, the pancreas. What is the function of the pancreas? Note the difference between the small and the large intestine and observe the enlarge- ment, the cloaca, above the anal opening. Draw the digestive organs, including the liver and esophagus. (2) Study the liver. How many lobes? Do you find the gall bladder? Where? Describe it. Trace the gall duct from the liver to the intestine. Squeeze out the gall into the intestine. Find the spleen, a dark red body in the mes- entery near the large intestine. Is it connected in any way with the intestine? III. THe Orcans or Crrcutation.—(1) The heart is found above the liver. Note its shape and position. Com- pare it with the heart of the fish. The lower pointed part is the ventricular portion, the upper part is the auricular portion. Do these portions appear to be further divided? Study the blood vessels at the auricular end of the heart. The firmer ones are arteries and the flabby ones, the veins. Note the large arterial trunk extending upward and sub- THE FROG 167 dividing. Can you tell which division of the heart this comes from? This arterial trunk is called the aorta. Find its point of division, from which two branches (right and left carotid) go to each side. Dissect away carefully the surrounding tissues and disclose the divisions of each branch. Where does the first branch leave the main artery? Where does it seem to go? It is called the anterior carotid and supplies the head. Follow the artery along to the next branch, where it divides going to the lungs and the skin. What is the office of this blood vessel? Is there a reason for its going to the skin? Does this help to explain why the frog can stay so long under water? Trace the third artery, noting its anterior and posterior divisions. Where does the anterior division go? Trace the posterior division back to the formation of the large dorsal artery by uniting with the corresponding branch of the other side. (2) Follow the dorsal aorta back. Does it give off branches? Where? What is the object of each? Follow it down to the posterior end, and note its separation into two divisions, the iliac arteries, which go to the legs. (3) Trace the veins back toward the heart. Do you find a corresponding vein for each artery? Do you find a dorsal vein in close proximity to the dorsal aorta? Can you trace the ventral blood vessel that was seen before the opening of the body wall, back to the dorsal vein? Study closely the circulation of the kidneys. From what vessel does the blood which enters the kidney come? To which one does it go after circulating through the kidneys? The cir- culation through the kidneys is called the renal circulation. Trace the vein formed from both kidneys forward to the liver and notice the additions made to it from the mesenteries, 168 VERTEBRATES, This is the portal vein. Trace the veins back into the mes- enteries and make out their connection with the intestines. This is the portal circulation which carries most of the digested food, as new blood, into the regular channels of the circulation. Follow this large blood vessel into the dorsal vein, now the postcaval, and into the right auricle of the heart. Lift the apex of the heart and see the large veins, the precaval, entering the same auricle from the an- terior part of the body. \4) Find if you can a blood vessel to the left side. Trace it back to the lung. Is it divided? You have already found the method of supplying the lungs with blood, now find the passage back to the heart. Compare this method of oxygenating the blood with that of the fish. Make a diagrammatic drawing of the entire circulation. (5) Remove the heart and study it. The membraneous covering is called the pericardium. Remove it and study the form, shape, and general structure of the heart. Note the number and location of the openings into the heart and the aortic arch going from the heart. Draw the heart (2). Cut the heart from right to left exposing the inner cham- bers. How many? The upper ones are the right and left auricles, the lower one the ventricle. Note the struc- ture of each and explain how the work of the heart is ex- pedited by the structure. Study the valves at the base of the auricles and explain their use. Compare the heart with that of the fish. Make an enlarged drawing of the inner view of the heart. (6) What is the condition of the blood when it flows into the right auricle? What is its condition when it emp- THE FROG 169 ties into the left auricle? What is its condition when it leaves the ventricle? Does this circulation of impure blood affect the temperature of the body? How? What is a cold blooded animal? (7) Slightly chloroform a frog and tie the toes apart on a notched board so that the web may be placed on the stage of the microscope. Under the microscope notice the blood vessels and the biood moving in them. Do you see the arteries and capillaries? Can you distinguish between arteries and veins? Do you see corpuscles in the blood? Draw what you see much enlarged. Increase the amount of chloroform until life is extinct and open the body as be- fore. The heart will probably be still pulsating. Watch the movements. Circulation of blood in capillaries may be plainly seen also in the tail of the tadpole. (8) Remove a drop of blood and mount it on a slide. Notice the pale red circular disklike bodies, the corpuscles, and the fluid, plasma, engulfing them. Do you find also irregular white masses? These are white blood corpuscles and are really living cells, similar in some respects to amoeba, which live in the blood and have an aimless uncertain mo- ton. Draw red and white corpuscles. (9) The circulation of the kidneys has been described. Remove from the body, the alimentary canal, the liver and lungs, and expose the kidneys and the reproductive organs. Trace the urinary tube, the ureter, from the kidneys down to the cloaca. Draw the urinary system. What is the office of the urinary system? IV. Repropuctive System.—Look close to the dorsal side for reproductive bodies; in the male these are testes, rounded, somewhat yellowish bodies; and folded or lobed 170 VERTEBRATES ovaries in the female. Trace the connection of each of these with other systems of the body, and with the cloaca. Find the oviducts, irregular, somewhat convoluted tubes through which the eggs pass to the cloaca. Is this connected with the ovaries? If not how do the eggs reach the ovaries in passing out of the body? V. Respiratory SysteM.—(1) Remove the lungs from the body, following them up to the mouth and being careful not to injure the larynx. Notice how the larynx fits into the V-shaped hyoid cartilage. Draw outer view of lungs. (2) Open lungs and note the structure. Can you trace the plan of circulation in the walls of the cells or chambers? How is the blood aérated? Have you studied another method of cleansing blood in the frog? Compare the pro- cesses of respiration through the skin and through the lungs. Do you see anything about the circulatory and res- piratory systems to make the frog cold blooded and slug- gish? VI. Nervous System.—(1) After removing the ab- dominal viscera just referred to, there may be seen white nervous cords on the dorsal side. Observe them closely. Are they arranged in pairs? Trace them from their origin in the vertebral column to the various parts of the body to which they go. Note the difference in size. Do they go singly to the body? A union of two or more nerves forms a plexus. How many do you find? One near the posterior end is called the sciatic plexus. Trace the nerves to their union into the sciatic nerve which supplies the legs. The one at the front legs is called the brachial plexus. Begin- ning with the nerve in front of the brachial plexus, count the nerves toward the posterior end. They are known by THE FROG 171 their position from the first, which is called the hypoglossal, in order down to the tenth. What nerves form the brachial plexus? Find the fourth, fifth and sixth. Of what nerves is ‘the sciatic plexus made? Note the enlargements on the nerves near the spinal column. Nerves coming from the spinal cord are called spinal nerves. Turn the animal on the dorsal side and with the scalpel lay bare the spinal cord and the nerves just observed leading out from it. Do the nerves come out by one root? Do you find a swelling on the nerve just as it leaves the spinal cord? Draw the spinal system of nerves, showing what you saw on both sides. The brain may be exposed by cutting into the soft bone covering it. Remove the bony covering from the cervical vertebra to the front of the skull. Find the tough mem- brane surrounding the brain just under the skull, the dura mater. Remove this and find another softer membrane closely enveloping the skull, the pia mater. Do you find these coverings on the spinal cord also? (2) The lobes of the brain are now exposed. Compare the different parts with those of the fish, in location, name, and size. Beginning with the anterior portion find the olfactory lobes, almost hidden by the central hemispheres. Behind the cerebrum find the pineal body, which in some reptiles supplies a nerve to the pineal eye before noted. What does this fact suggest to you? Find next the optic lobes and trace the nerves to the eyes. What are the nerves called? (3) Find next the cerébellum and the medulla oblongata, Note the division of the brain into halves. What is such symmetry called? Why? How do the different parts com- pare with those of the fish? Draw the dorsal view of the 172 VERTEBRATES brain (X2). Turn the brain to one side, cut the nerves that become visible on the under side, and sever the cord below the medulla. The nerves that go out from the lower surface are cranial nerves. The olfactory and optic nerves have been noted, the others supply sensory nerves to the organs of hearing, taste and touch; and motion to the different movable parts of the head, and to the heart, lungs, etc. Draw ventral view (2). (4) Examine the eye. Find the cornea, the iris, the pupil, and the optic nerve. Do you find a crystalline lens? Do you find the different coats, the sclerotic and the choroid? Compare with the eye of the fish. Make a diagram showing the structure of the eye. (5) Study the ear. Examine the membrane, the tym- panum, and remove it. Look carefully beneath it for the labyrinth. Trace the membranes back, find the shape and arrangement of the tube and if possible find the auditory nerve at the end. Draw a diagram of the section of the ear. VII. Tue SxeLeton.—(1) For this study it is prefer- able to take a fresh specimen or one kept in weak alcohol or formalin. The flesh should be carefully removed with the scalpel and the bones allowed to remain at for least forty-eight hours in weak potassium hydrate. This will enable one to remove the flesh and leave the bones attached by the ligaments. (2) Note the general framework of the skeleton; the head, the spinal column, the shoulder girdle and fore limbs, the pelvic girdle and hind limbs. (3) Tur Heap.—Note the general shape and size com- pared with the framework. Note the size and position of the upper and lower jaws, the mavillaries. Study the mode THE FROG 173 of attachment of the lower jaw to skull. Look again for teeth on the jaws. Make out the following bones of the skull: a. Beginning with the front of the skull, the one at the top is the premavillary, back of this are the bones of the upper jaw, the maxillary, and in the angle of meeting of the maxillaries two irregular bones, the vomers. Look on the ventral side of each vomer. What do you find? Are these teeth of any value to the frog? b. Back of the vomers find the nasal bones which ex- tend back to the angular, quadrilateral girdle bone or sphen- ethmoid. From this the parieto-frontal bones extend to the base of the skull. Notice how these bones form a bridge from the maxillaries over the brain. c. On the base of the skull find the prodtic bones leading out on either side to the squamosal, a triangular hammer- shaped bone which is connected with the maxillary bone anteriorly by the pterygoid and posteriorly by a small bone, the guadratojugal. Draw dorsal view of skull (X1). d. On the under side of the skull find the large cross- shaped bone, the parasphenoid, which forms the floor of the cranium. From this bone the slender palatines extend to the maxillaries on either side. Note how the skull is composed partly of bone and partly of cartilage. How does it compare with the skull of the young frog in this respect? Do you suppose the skull of the young frog has proportionately as much bone as the older one? Why? What is the difference between cartilage and bone? (4) Tue Sprnat Cotumn.—At the base of the skull look for 2 large opening, the occipital foramen, through which the spinal cord passes into the vertebral column. 174 VERTEBRATES Find the vertebrae. How many? At the posterior end find the peculiar flat branched bone, the uwrostyle. Separate the fifth vertebra from the others and study the bone. Find the main body or centrum, the neural arch through which - the spinal cord passes, and the processes on either side. How many processes are there, and of what value are they? Compare the vertebrae with the corresponding bone of the vertebral column of the fish. Draw lateral and end views. (5) Tue Limps.—a. Study the shoulder or pectoral girdle. Trace out the sternum, or breast bone, the flat shoul- der blade, or scapula, the collar bone, or clavicle, and the coracoid by which the pectoral arch is attached to the ster- num. Note how the clavicle, scapula, and sternum are braced with reference to one another. Draw the shoulder. (6) Observe the bones of the fore arm. The humerus, the long bone joined to the shoulder, the radius, the larger, and the w/na, the smaller of the bones of the fore arm grown together; the carpus, or wrist bones; the metacarpus, a transverse row of cylindrical bones; the phalanges, or fin- gers ending in the smaller tips of the digits. Draw arm. Study the joints, move them back and forth to find the free- dom of movement, and note the method of articulation. Sever the tissue at the elbow joint and study it. Note the white ligaments which are modified from the covering of the bones. Study their attachment and the method of crossing the joint. Are these ligaments elastic? Note the modification of the bones at the joints. Of what value is it? Note the covering of the bones at the ends. Of what value is it? Draw the joint showing the things referred to. The joint at the shoulder is called a ball and socket joint; THE FROG 175 the one at the elbow, a hinge joint; and the one at the wrist, a compound joint. Describe the characteristics of each. c. In the same way the bones of the hind limbs, or pel- vic girdle, may be studied. Find the bones composing the socket in the spinal column, the femur with the ball fitting into it; the double bone, tibia and fibula, united but shown by the grooves; the tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges in order similar to those of the fore limbs. Draw. Is the pel- vic girdle an arch? Why do you think so? Draw it and compare with the shoulder girdle. CLASSIFICATION.—The position of the frog in the branch of ver- tebrates is given in the study of fishes. It remains to give the class- ification of the class Amphibians. Class AMPHIBIA. Body long, eel-like, with persistent gills. Hind limbs absent................ Order Trachystomata (sirens). Gills not persistent, gill openings usually absent. Tail present, 4 appendages (rarely 2) present. Order Urodela. (Salamanders). Body short, larvae tailed, adult tailless, four limbs. Order Anura (Frogs, toads). Families of Anura. 1. Thoracic region capable of expansion. a. Upper jaw toothless, toes webbed —terrestrial. Bufoni- dae (toads). b. Upper jaw with teeth, fingers and toes more or less dilated at tips forming disk, order Arboreal. Hyledae (Tree frogs). 2. Thoracic region incapable of expansion. Toes webbed and usually fingers, upper jaw containing teeth, tympanum conspicuous — Family Ranidae (Frogs). DEVELOPMENT.—The development of the frog is an easy and interesting subject and should be watched by every stu- dent. In the early spring the eggs may be obtained in 176 VERTEBRATES almost any pond, and may be identified as small dark bodies floating in a jellylike mass. They should be put in a shal- low basin, in a warm room with plenty of sunlight in it, and to insure growth the water should be changed every day. If everything goes well the student may study the changes that take place from the day the eggs are collected. -By putting the eggs under a dissecting microscope or the low power of the compound microscope, the student may see the segmentation of the yolk, the expanding and extending of the mass and finally the appearance of the head and tail of the young frog, or tadpole. The animal now moves about freely, breathes by external gills, and grows rapidly. Study a specimen every day until the external gills give way and the internal gills are used. Find how the water reaches the internal gills. Study the structure of the gills under the microscope and make drawings. Note the appearance of the hind legs. Study their form. Are they perfect when they first appear? Draw the animal in this stage. Dissect to see the structure of the alimentary canal and heart, and the relation of the gills to the heart. When the front legs appear the gill opening closes. Where do the front legs appear? What takes place then? Do the young frogs spend all the time in water now? Do they spend much of their time on land? What is the food of a tadpole? Of a frog? Dissect the tadpole in which the front legs have appeared. Do you find any change in the digestive system? Study the structure of the lungs. Do they seem to be related closely to the alimentary tract? Do they seem to be folds in the pharynx? Draw. What advantages does this change from water life to land life bring? What disadvantages? THE PIGEON 177 Make drawing of tadpole in various stages of develop- ment. SumMARy.—What are the principal changes in environ- ment as the frog goes from the water life to the land life? What are the changes of structure undergone to meet these conditions? What are the advantages of the change to the frog? What are the disadvantages? What does this change suggest as to the past history of the frog? THE PIGEON Ectopistes migratorius ExTERNAL MorpHoLtocy.—(1) The pigeon should be killed with chloroform and the feathers removed from nearly all of the body. Lay the specimen down with the head from you and the ventral side up. Note the extension of the vertebral column anteriorly forming the neck, and the short, blunt extension of the vertebral column into the tail. (2) Observe the shape, form and place of attachment of the wings and legs. Move them to ascertain the range of motion of each. How many principal segments in each? Are the limbs especially modified? Explain. How many toes? How located? Study the toes and their freedom of motion. Are the feet webbed? What is the nature of the pads? Of what use are they? (3) Observe the size and shape of the liead and its at- tachment to the neck. Turn it in various directions to test its range of motion. Observe the nostrils. How many? Where located? Do you find eyelids? How does a bird wink its eye? Find on the inside lower corner a membrane, STU. IN ZOOL.—12 178 VERTEBRATES the nictitating membrane, which serves the purpose of a third eyelid. Can you find a nictitating membrane in your eye? Find the ears. Of what do they consist? Are they protected? Open the mouth by pulling down the lower bill, or mandible. Note the method of attachment to the head. Is it attached directly or does it have another bone at the point of union? Move it back and forth to test it. Is the upper mandible movable? Grasp the base of it with the fin- gers and attempt to move it up and down. Look in the mouth. Do you find a lower and an upper jaw as in the frog? Do you find any indication of teeth either above or below? Observe the tongue. Can it be extended like the tongue of the frog? Do you find any indication of nerves of taste? Give reason for your answer. (4) Study the covering of the body. Is there a covering where the feathers have been removed? What is it? Study one of the hairlike projections under the microscope. Draw (X2). Scrape the skin gently with the scalpel, put a por- tion of the material obtained under the low power of the microscope. Compare it with the scales of the fish. Study the various parts of the body. Is it covered entirely with feathers? Locate carefully the feathered and unfeathered areas. Is this feature an advantage to the bird? Study the covering of the legs and feet. How does it compare with the covering under the feet? How do the parts of this covering join on the sides? Draw several of these plates showing this union (4). Study the nails and the bill, What is their method of union with the body? Do they grow out of the body? How do they compare in color, texture and hard- ness with the scales on the toes and legs? What seems to be the special use of the nails? THE PIGEON 179 (5) Remove a large feather from the wing and study it. a. Notice the place on the wing from which it came. Is the feather torn from the wing, or does there seem to be a natural depression? Is there anything left in the depres- sion? If so remove it and study it carefully to see if it resembles any other part of the covering. b. Study the lower part of the feather, the quill, Does it show evidence of direct union with the flesh, or does it seem to come out of a socket? Observe the point of the quill. Does it have an opening in it? Is there any evidence there of a direct connection with the body? Cut a section of the quill and observe the interior. Do you think it grew from the inside or the outside? How does the quill com- pare with the other coverings of the body? c. The remaining part of the feather consists of the shaft, or rhachis, extending up the middle of the feather ; and the vane, or flattened part, attached to the rhachis. Separate the parts of the vane and note their attachment to the rha- chis. Do they extend into the rhachis or do they come from the epidermis only? What do you think is their origin? Study the parts, or barbs of the vane. Why do they cling together? If you pull them apart, do they return at once to their former condition? Put a few of them under the low power of the microscope. What do you find? The small projections from the barbs are the barbules. Draw several barbules enlarged. Make a drawing of the entire feather (X34). d. Look among the feathers for an undeveloped feather, the “pinfeather.” Study its connection with the body. Has the feather emerged? What do the walls seem to be com- posed of? Cut across the pinfeather. What do you find 180 VERTEBRATES on the inside? How does the feather grow? Where does it get its nourishment? Does it have any direct communi- cation with the blood in the body? What causes the dif- ference in plumage in the different birds? Does the pin- feather explain this? Returning to the original feather now can you find any trace of the old pinfeather capsule upon it? When do you think a feather stops growing? e. How many different kinds of feathers do you find? Those from the last segment of the wing are primary quills, those on the next to the last segment are the secondary quills, those at the tail are the rectrices, those covering the bases of the quills are the coverts, and the remainder are the contour feathers. Get one of each, put them in a group and study their differences. f. Make a list of the various kinds of covering found on the bird. InTERNAL Srructure.—I. The Bopy Watit.—(1) Ob- serve the ridge on the ventral side and follow it backward and forward to its limit. With the scalpel cut through the skin on the right of this ridge and sever the flesh from the hard portion. This bone is called the keel, or sternium. Note its shape. Cut the flesh backward to the end of the bone and pull it outward. This exposes two muscles. What is their shape? What are their relative sizes? One is called pectoralis major and the other, pectoralis minor. Can you tell to which muscle each name belongs? How are the mus- cles attached to the keel bone? Follow them up to the wing and find how they are attached to the wing bone. Where the muscle ends in a whitish tissue is it a part of the muscle or something added to the muscle? This whitish substance is called a. tendon. What seems to be its origin? THE PIGEON ‘181 (2) Remove the muscles from both sides of the sternum and expose the bones connecting it with the framework of the body. Observe the union of these bones with the ster- num. Is there a movable joint? Is there anything between the bones at their union? What is it? These are the cora- coid bones, and they unite with the scapulae which run back over the ribs. Do you find another bone present in front of these? Note its shape, length and way of attachment. What name is generally applied to it? It is the clavicle which in other vertebrates forms a principal part of the shoulder girdle, but in the bird it is not as highly devel- oped as the coracoid bones. (3) Loosen the coracoid bones from the shoulder, cut away the ribs from the side of the sternum and remove the - sternum, the coracoids and the clavicles. This exposes the internal organs. With the scissors cut the skin up to the throat and spread it out on the sides. II. Tse ViraL OrGANS OF THE VISCERAL Cavity.— (1) Beginning with the head, find the opening at the back of the mouth. Loosen the sides of the jaw, note the esopha- gus, and follow it down the neck, loosening it from the sur- roundings organs as you proceed. Running along by the side of the esophagus will be found the trachea, or wind- pipe, which may be separated from the esophagus and studied apart. (2) Is the esophagus the same size all the way down? What is the object of the enlargement? What is it called? What advantage does it give the bird? How does the bird swallow? Can it swallow with head down? Why? Tie a string tightly around the esophagus, behind the crop, cut the esophagus in front of the string, and remove it. Ex- 182 VERTEBRATES amine the contents of the crop. What do you find? What does it show concerning the food of the pigeon? (3) Observe the base of the tongue. Do you find a bone there? What is its shape? Through an opening in this, find the zrachea. Is it open or closed? In life is it open? When the bird swallows its food, does it go di- rectly into the esophagus or does it pass first over the trachea? Do you see am apparatus there to prevent the food from passing into the trachea? Insert a tube into the trachea and inflate the lungs. Do the entire lungs come up at cnce, or do they expand part at a time? What part first? Observe the trachea from the throat down to the lungs. Is it the same size all the way down? Where is it largest? The enlargement at the top is called the larynx, and the one just above the lungs is called the syrinx. The latter is the place where the organ of voice in birds is located. The divisions of the trachea are called bronchi. Are they the same size? (4) Study the pear-shaped organ, the heart. Carcfully lift up the lobes of the lungs and see if there is any con- nection between the lungs and the heart. Do you find blood vessels running to and from the heart? How can you tell which vessels run to the heart and which ones run from the heart? Find the pulmonary artery and pulino- nary vcin. Do you find the great aorta? Follow it as far as you can, noting the branches that go out from it. Find the venae cavae — the large veins that gather the blood from all parts of the body, and bring it back to the heart. On which side of the body is it? Why? (5) With a small stout cord tie in two places each of the vessels carrying blood to or from the heart, as far from THE PIGEON 183 the heart as you can. Draw the cords tightly, and after a secure knot is made, cut off the blood vessels between the cords and remove the heart. Preserve the heart in alcohol for further study. (6) Remove the lungs and dissect them further. Follow the bronchial tubes out in their subdivisions as far as pos- sible. Do you see tubes other than bronchial tubes in the lungs? What are they? (Blood vessels). How can you tell them from bronchial tubes? Remove a small piece of the lung and place it under the low power of the micro- scope. From its appearance and from what you have found out, of what do you think the lung is composed ? (7) Study the alimentary canal. Trace the esophagus down to the slightly dilated stomach. Observe the tube closely to find traces of muscular bands or coats. Do you find any such structure at the end where it has been cut off? Below the stomach is the gizzard, the large rigid body lying in the folds of the alimentary canal. Turn it to one side. Where does the alimentary canal enter? Where does it leave the gizzard? Is the gizzard caccal? (8) The part of the alimentary canal lying just back of the gizzard is the duodenum. In a fold of the duodenum is the pancreas. What work is performed by the pancreas? Where are the ducts leading into the intestine? The liver has already been noticed perhaps. What part of the body cavity does it occupy? Turn the lobes aside and find the gall sac. What does it contain? Of what use is it? How does this liquid get into the alimentary canal? Find two ducts leading from the liver to the duodenum. Note the folds in the intestine below the duodenum. How are they held in that position? What is the nature of this mem- 184 VERTEBRATES brane? What is it called? Observe the blood vessels in it. Where are they smallest? Where largest? Where do they carry the blood? These vessels unite in the portal vein, which carries the absorbed food to the liver, from whence it goes to the heart. Follow the alimentary canal down to the cloaca, the enlargement at the anal portion. In front of the cloaca is the rectum, which extends from the small rectal glands to the cloaca, and in front of this extend- ing to the duodenum is the small intestine. Place the parts of the digestive system that have been studied so that they can be seen and make a diagrammatic drawing showing all in their proper relation. (9) With a small cord tie the small intestine in front of the rectum in two places and sever the canal between them. Remove the alimentary canal. Cut off the gizzard and ex- amine the arrangement of the muscles on the outside. The hard, light-colored portion acts as a cartilage for the at- tachment of muscles. How many muscles can you find on the outside? Cut the gizzard across at right angles to the edges. Note its internal structure. What do you find in itr How does the pigeon masticate its food? Have you found a similar contrivance in any other animal? Draw cross section (1). (10) The reproductive organs are found in the dorsal side. The male is distinguished by two oval bodies, the testes, and the female by an ovary which often has eggs of different sizes in it. Sometimes these show all the different stages of development. These reproductive or- gans are connected with the cloaca by a duct, the oviduct in the female, and the vas deferens in the male. Draw reproductive organs (1). THE PIGEON 185 Behind the reproductive organs, lying in the cavity of the roof of the body, are found the soft kidneys. What is their position? How many? How many divisions in each? Do you find a duct leading from the kidneys? Where does it go? Draw kidneys (X1). II. Ture Heart.—Cut open the pericardium if it has not been already destroyed. Note the rough outside and the soft inside enclosing a thin oily substance. This lubricates the heart while it is engaged in its ceaseless work of. pump- ing the blood through the body. Can you tell which is the right and which is the left side of the heart? Lay the heart down with the point toward you and the blood vessels from you. Trace the line of fat around the upper part of the heart. Above this are the auricles, small chambers with flabby walls. Can you find blood vessels opening directly into them? How many empty into each? Which side of the heart is the hardest? Compress it with the fingers to find out. The soft side is the right side and the hard, the left. Lay the heart before you in its natural position and draw (X2). Cut the end off about a half inch from the point. Note the relative development of the right and left ventricles. Why is this? Look at the upper part of the heart. From which ventricle does the great aorta come? From which does the pulmonary artery come? The blood leaving the aorta is carried by the arteries to the capillaries in all parts of the body and comes back through the venae cavae. What ventricle sends it? What auricle receives it? The blood leaving the pulmonary artery is carried through the capillaries in the lungs and comes back through the pulmonary veins. What ventricle sends 186 | VERTEBRATES it? What auricle receives it? Through how many open- ings? This is a double circulation. Are there any mark- ings on the outside of the heart which show the boundaries of the ventricles? Cut the heart through from right to left, severing the auricles and ventricles. Note the openings be- tween the auricles and ventricles. When the blood comes into the left auricle, what hinders it from running into the left ventricle if it be expanded? When the ventricle con- tracts, what hinders the blood from going back into the auricle? Look just below the auricle to find some walves which are forced together in the contraction of the ventricle and prevent this. Notice how they are anchored to the walls of the ventricle. These are called the mitral, or bi- cuspid valves. In like manner the valves on the right side are called tricuspid valves. Can you give a reason for the names? With a probe find where the blood leaves each of the ventricles through the arteries? The blood goes rapidly through the body and the temperature is eight or ten degrees higher than in any other animal. The heat is made in the capillaries, where the oxygen is used in burning up waste tissue. Explain the process. Draw the heart thus exposed (2). Make an outline of the different systems and organs in the visceral cavity. a III. Tue SkeLEtoN.—(1) The skeleton may now be stripped of all the flesh so that the bones may be studied. (2) The shoulder girdle has already been found. Re- move the last remaining bone, the scapula, with the wing. Place it beside the coracoid and clavicle already removed to see how the girdle is made to support the wing. Observe the wing bone, the humerus, its shape, length, attachment THE PIGEON 187 to the coracoid, and freedom of motion. Note the wing bones, radius and ulia, which are below the humerus. Ob- serve their form, size, relation to one another. Note the peculiar extension of the ulna back of the joint. Of what advantage is this? Below are found the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges, strangely modified into a hand in which the phalanges are short and degenerated. Draw bones of wing (XI). (3) The pelvic girdle may be studied in the same way. The bones of the leg are femur, tibia, tarsometatarsus and phalanges. Do you see any indication of a fibula? Can you find the place of union of the tarsus and metatarsus to form the tarsometatarsus? How are the phalanges ar- ranged? Make a drawing of leg (<4). The bones forming the pelvic girdle are: (a) the acetabu- lwm, which receives the head of the femur; (b) the ileum, which extends a considerable length before and behind the acetabulum; (c) the ischiui, projecting horizontally back- ward from the acetabulum; (d) the pubis, which extends downward and backward on the ischium. These bones are very much modified to suit the peculiar structure and habits of the bird. Study and explain the relation of the habits of the bird to its structure. (4) The spinal column may next be studied, begin- ning at the head. Sever the head from the first vertebra of the neck, being careful not to injure the bones. Note that the spinal column consists of four regions: (a) the cervical vertebrae, sixteen in number; (b) the thoracic, five in number; (c) the sacrum, fourteen or fifteen vertebrae fused together to support the ilium; (d) the caudal, four or five free ones and a terminal pygostyle. 188 VERTEBRATES Remove the eighth vertebra and study it separately. Note the centrum, the neural arch, and the transverse processes, which are really small ribs. The opening at the base trans- mits the cervical artery. The other irregularities are called cygapophyses. Of what use are they? Draw end view (X2). (5) The first vertebra next to the head is called the atlas, and the second aats. Study their relation to one an- other and how they fit together. Can you see why the respective names were given? Have all the vertebrae true ribs? Observe how the ribs project from the spinal column, and also how they are supported. (6) Study the skull. The opening into it from the spinal column is the foramen magnum. The bones surrounding this are the occipitals. The bar connecting the front with the back part is the quadratojugal bar. At the back end of this is the quadrate bone attaching the lower jaw to head. The upper part of the skull is composed of the parietal, the frontal and the nasal bones, ending in the premavillary, or upper mandible. Draw the under and upper surfaces of the skull. IV. THe Nervous System.—(1) Cut off a portion of the roof of the skull, being careful not to injure the eyes or the internal parts. This exposes a portion of the brain which is similar in appearance to the brains of the other animals studied, but is more compact and fits its cavity closer. Remove the surrounding bones and lay the brain bare. (2) Examine the surface of the brain. Can you name the parts? How do the parts compare with the same parts of the brain of the frog? Of the fish? What part is most THE PIGEON 189 highly developed here? Find the pineal body (in the angle between and behind the hemispheres), the optic lobes, the olfactory lobes and the medulla oblongata. What are the uses of each? Draw dorsal view (x2). (3) Cut the brain along the cavity between the hemi- spheres, thus exposing the right and left halves. How many cavities do you find? The front one is the third ven- tricle, the next the Sylvian aqueduct, and the last, the fourth ventricle. Draw left half (x2). (4) Trace the nerve to the eye. What do you find when you trace it back to the brain? This crossing is the optic chiasma. Remove part of the bone from around the eye socket. Note the lining of the eye and the eyelids. Are the eyelids movable? Are they both movable to the same degree? Break away the bone until the muscles are ex- posed. How many pairs of muscles? Can you find the muscle of the nictitating membrane? Dissect the eye. Do you find the parts of a perfect eye? Describe each of the parts. What is the difference between the iris of the fish and that of the bird? Can birds see as well in the night as in the day? What structure of the eye enables some birds to see better at night than others? (5) Note the roots of the cranial nerves as they leave the brain for different parts of the head. Do the places to which they go suggest their function? Do you find nerves leading off from the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord? What are they called? Conscious or Unconscious Activity.—(a) The or- ganization of the nervous system of the pigeon, consisting 190 VERTEBRATES of ganglia and nerve threads, is essentially the same as in all of the other animals studied. The ganglion in the head is called the brain, and is supposed to be the thought center, but is not always the largest ganglion in the invertebrates. The ganglia, composed of gray matter, are supposed to pro- duce on irritation a certain nerve force which is conveyed along the nerve threads like electricity along the telegraph wire. In the higher vertebrates if the irritant is without the nervous system, and more especially if it is without the body, the force which originates in the small granglia is sent to- ward the brain, and if it reaches it, produces a sensation. If the nerve force is originated within the brain, as in thinking, the force, if carried outward by the nerves to the muscles, produces motion. Hence we see the connection between sensation and motion. This is conscious activity. (b) However, there are many activities that do not de- pend upon the brain, but are carried on by the nerve cen- ters below the brain, the principal one of which is the medulla. The beating of the heart, the digestion of food, and the secretion of fluids by glands are of this class. All of the processes which are connected directly with the sus- tenance of life are carried on without the brain, and in a manner in which the animal is unconscious. There are many kinds of unconscious activity some of which are partly conscious. Do all animals have conscious activity? Do all have unconscious activity? V. Repropuction.— (1) The pigeon is reproduced from eggs which are deposited in a nest carefully built in some secure place, and are cared for by the mother pigeon until they are hatched. The eggs of a hen will answer the purpose for study quite as well as those of a pigeon. THE PIGEON IgI (2) Boil an egg about four minues, or until it is hard. Note the outside covering first with the unaided eye, then with the magnifying glass. What is the general shape of the egg? What is the nature of the surface? Break the eggshell and pick it off without injuring the membrane be- neath. Study this membrane as you did the outer shell. Does it have the same general appearance? Does it have the same texture? Do you think this membrane has grown to its present size? Has the shell grown, or was it merely deposited? Cut the egg across at right angles to its longer axis. What do you find in its composition? Draw (X%). (3) After the egg is deposited it remains inert until subjected constantly for a considerable time to a temperature equal to that of the body of the bird. How is this secured? When this condition is reached, the embryo which has al- ready begun to grow, enlarges, using in the meantime the yolk and the white for food, until finally it bursts the shell and comes forth in ali respects like the adult except in size. In its immature condition it is fed by food prepared by its parents until it is able to select its own food. (4) In the development of birds the egg during the period of incubation passes through the fundamental process of segmentation, as.do the eggs of all other animals. The first layer of cells developed on the outside of the yolk is called the blastula, or blastoderm, which, after folding in at one end leads to the development of the three primitive germ layers already referred to, the ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm (called by some authors, respectively, epiblast, mesoblast and hypoblast). From the ectoderm arise the cuticle and its modifications, the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord 19zZ VERTEBRATES and nerves, parts of the eye and the bones of the internal ear. From the mesoderm arise the muscular system, the organs of the circulatory system, the bones of the skeleton and the reproductive system. From the endoderm arise the lining of the digestive tract, the liver and other glands, and the lungs. Each part appears as an aggregation of cells in its own particular location, and grows by further development until it is complete and united with other de- veloped organs around it. Sometime before the chick leaves the egg the organs are all completed and in perfect working order. When it leaves the egg it is essentially like the adult form, which it becomes in a greater or less time by nutri- tion and growth. (5) The nesting of birds is a most interesting charac- teristic and can be studied in the field with great profit. Do all pigeons build nests alike? Do all sparrows? If condi- tions should change, do you think the birds would change their way of nest-buiding? Hasits.—Why are pigeons usually found around barns or cotes made for them? Are they ever found wild? Do they migrate in the winter? Are they gregarious or soli- tary? Are doves gregarious? Do doves migrate? Why do some birds migrate? How do doves defend themselves from their enemies? How do other birds defend them- selves? What kind of food does the pigeon use? Do the shapes of the bill and toes indicate any specialization for food-getting ? CLASsIFICATION.—The pigeon belongs to the great class, Aves, which includes all living genera of birds and some of those found fossil. The different orders of birds are classified mainly on the CLASSIFICATION 193 structure of the bill and toes. The following classification is simple and though old, will be found of value in the classroom. I. Sternum smooth; wings rudimentary. Subclass I, Ratitae. Ostriches. II. Sternum keeled; wings well developed. Subclass II, Carinatae. Doves. Orders of Carinate Birds. 1. Wings small and short; diving birds. Pygopodes. Penguins, grebes and loons. 2. Wings long, pointed; anterior toes webbed. Longipennes. Petrels, Gulls and Terns. 3. Feet wholly webbed, including the inner toe. Steganopodes. Pelicans and Cormorants. 4. Bill lamellate, 4. e., both mandibles with teethlike projections. Lamellirostres. Ducks and Geese. 5. Waders; legs long, naked above heel, bill usually long and SLEH OH ios dine netnde aise eases Grallatores. Cranes and Snipes. 6. Land birds; four toes, three in front, one behind, tibia often Spurred iccaisian's Gallinae. Domestic Fowls, Quail and Grouse. 7. Toes alike, 6; bill horny and convex at tip. Columbae. Pigeons and Doves. 8. Bill curved, hooked and large; feet large; not yoke-toed. Raptores. Hawks and Owls. 9. Feet yoke-toed; bill stout, strongly hooked. .Psittaci. Parrots. 10. Toes in pairs, two in front, two behind; wings with ten primaries....... iia une Ween away Picariae. Woodpeckers. 11. Perching and singing birds; feet adapted for grasping; hind toe opposed to others............. Passeres. All common birds. Following is a synopsis of the Families of Order Passeres from Jordan’s Manual of the Vertebrates. Families of Passeres. A. Tarsus with its hinder edge rounded; encircled by a single horny envelope divided into scutella anteriorly and on outer side. this sometimes extending all round (though separated by a seam along inner side), but often widely separated on inner side, or behind, or both, the intervening space occupied by granular scales, reticulations, or plain naked skin; musical apparatus imperfect; STU. IN ZOOL.—1I3 194 VERTEBRATES primaries 10, the first about as long as second. (Clamatores.) B. Inner toe free at base from middle toe; tarsus not reticulate behind; bill hooked at tip, with long rictal bristles. Tyrannidae, The Flycatchers. AA. Tarsus with its hinder edge compressed, forming a sharp, nearly undivided ridge (except in the Larks, which may be known by the long, nearly straight hind claw); musical apparatus highly developed; primaries properly ten, but the first short, or spurious, or sometimes rudimentary and misplaced, so that but nine are evident, in which case the first developed primary is about as long as second. (Oscines.) C. Hinder edge of tarsus not compressed, rounded and scutel- late like anterior edge; hind claw very long, straightish; developed primaries 9............004- Alaudidae, The Larks. CC. Hinder edge of tarsus compressed, forming a sharp ridge, for the most part undivided. D. Primaries apparently but 9 (the first minute and dis- placed); the first developed (7. e. second) primary about as long as the next; bill not hooked at tip. E. Bill not fissirostral, the gape little longer than the culmen; outer primary never twice as long as inner. F. Bill * conirostral,” stout at base, with the commissure forming a more or less distinct angle at base of bill, “the corners of the mouth” drawn downward. G. Bill rather long, often longer than head, without notch at tip or bristles at the rictus. Icteridae, American “Orioles,” and “Blackbirds.” GG. Bill shorter than head, often notched near tip, and usually with bristles at the rictus. Fringillidae, The Finches. FF. Bill not truly conirostral (the corners of the mouth not evidently drawn downward). H. Bill stout (conical in our species, the cutting edge with one or more lobes or nicks near its middle) ; nostrils placed high, exposed; (plumage chiefly red or yellow, in our species). Tanagridae, The Tanagers. CLASSIFICATION 195 HH. Bill rather slender, not conical; angle of gonys not before nostril. I. Hind claw short and curved, mostly shorter l than its toe; tertials not elongate, not nearly reaching tips of primaries. Mniotiltidae, The Warblers. Il. Hind claw long and straightish, mostly longer than it toe; tertials much elongate, nearly reach- ing tips of primaries. .Motacillidae, The Wagtails. EE. Bill fissirostral,— the culmen very short, the gape very broad, its length more than twice the culmen; wings very acute, the outer primary more than twice length of inner- MOSE: dca vs Sag xatrarcnive sae% Hirundinidae. The Swallows. DD. Primaries evidently ten, the first developed, but short, rarely half the length of the next; (first primary obsolete in some Vireos, known by the slightly hooked bill). J. Tarsus distinctly scutellate. K. Tarsus not longer than middle toe with claw; bill short, depressed; (head crested; tail tipped with yellow, in our species). Ampelidae, The Chatterers. KK. Tarsus longer than middle toe and claw (or if not, other characters not as above). L. Bill strongly hooked and toothed at tip, somewhat like a hawk’s bill. Laniidae, The Shrikes. LL. Bill slightly hooked at tip; plumage more or less olivaceous. Vireonidae, The Vireos. LLL. Bill not evidently hooked at tip. M. Tail feathers stiff, pointed; bill de- curved......... Certhiidae, The Creepers. MM. Tail feathers more or less soft and rounded. N. Nasal feathers directed forwards, usually covering the nostrils. O. Large birds; (wing more than 4). 196 VERTEBRATES Corvidae, The Crows and Jays. OO. Birds of small size; (wing less than 4). P. Bill not notched. Paridae, The Nuthatches and Tit- mice. PP. Bill notched toward the tip, very slender. Sylvidae, The Old World War- blers. NN. Nasal feathers erect or directed backward, not covering nostrils; bill rather slender, the culmen convex; first primary not very short. Troglodytidae, The Wrens and Mocking Birds. JJ. Tarsus booted, without distinct scutella ex- cept near the base’ rictal bristles present. Q. Birds of small size; (Wing less than 3); young unspotted. Sylvidae, The Old World War- blers. QQ. Birds of moderate size; (wing more than 3); young spotted. Turdidae, The Thrushes. SUMMARY.—Why is the normal temperature of the body of a bird several degrees higher than that of any other animal? Do you suppose it would be warmer if it were stripped of its feathers? Does it hurt a goose to pluck its feathers? What would become of the feathers if they were not plucked? Do you think birds are sensitive to pain? Do you think the singing birds should be killed? Do you think wings and bodies of birds are proper ornaments for hats? THE PIGEON 197 How does the food of birds reach the blood? How does the blood reach and become part of the tissue? How does the tissue waste away and get out of the body? What is the process of locomotion in birds? Is it any harder for a bird to fly than it is for an insect? Why? Can a bird move in the air without flapping its wings? Are any of the birds awkward flyers? Is there any connection between the keel and the flight of the bird? Why? Make a list of the birds that migrate. At what time of the year do they migrate? Why do they not all migrate? Make a list of the singing birds and of the birds that do not sing. Are birds friends or enemies of insects? In what way do they affect insects, and at what stages of development? Are birds injurious or helpful to man? Should they be protected by law? Make a list of birds that are helpful to man, and also a list of those that are injurious. Investigate the following birds; find where each belongs in the classification given, and also whether useful or in- jurious to man: Owls. Bluebird. Kingbird. Swallow. Jay. Warbler. Crow. Lark. Robin. Woodpecker. Oriole. Thrush. Phoebe. Pigeon. Cuckoo, Goose (Wild). Blackbird. Vireo. Bobolink. Martin. English Sparrow. Woodpecker. Hawk. Quail. 198 VERTEBRATES THE RABBIT Lepas sylvatius GENERAL SuGGESTIONS.—The common rabbit is the most satisfactory mammal to dissect, and hence this study is introduced here. The directions will apply with but few changes to the cat or dog. If the specimens can be obtained alive without being wounded, they should be studied to find out movements, favorite positions, and keenness of eyesight and hearing. Kill the specimen with chloroform or ether, and when it is quite dead cut the left jugular vein to relieve the body of a part of its blood. If the instructor so desires, the arteries and veins may be injected, but very satisfactory work may be done without injection. I. Externay Features.—(1) What colors are found on the body, and how are they distributed? What colors are present when viewed from the front? From the rear? Of what value to the animal is the white color of the tail? Note the hair on the different portions of the body. Where is it the longest? The thickest? Note the hair on the face and the nostrils. Of what value are the bristles? Are they all the same length? Look below the nostrils at the parting of the lips. Of what value is it? Note the location of the eyes and ears. Does this arrangement benefit the animal? Study the covering at the toes of the feet. Is it of any value to the animal? How? How many toes on each foot? Compare the claws of the front and hind feet. For what are the claws used? THE RABBIT 199 (2) Cut the skin around the neck just back of the head, and pull it over the head. Is the skin the same thick- ness on the dorsal and ventral sides? Why? Notice the muscles running to the ears. Note how they meet on the neck. To what are they attached? What motions have the ears? Of what value are these movements? Notice the ring of cartilage around each ear. Describe it. Re- move the skin from the head. Do you find indications of bilateral symmetry? What are they? Cut down through the muscles and see if you find other indications of bilateral symmetry. (3) Remove the brain in the following manner; Insert the bone forceps or scissors into the skull just over the base of the ear and cut forward to a point between the eyes. Cut from the base of the other ear in like manner to the same point. Then cut across at the base of the skull and remove the bone. If the cutting has been carefully done the brain will be uninjured. Remove the remaining bone at the base of the skull, exposing the medulla oblongata. Cut the spinal cord just behind the medulla, lift brain from back forward, cut the nerves as far from the brain as you can, and finally remove the brain and put it in sixty per cent. alcohol or in Mueller’s fluid. Put the brain aside for future study. Observe the inside of the brain cavity. Do you find joints? What kind? Compare with brain cavity of frog and bird. Explain the differences. (4) At the base of the skull note the articulation of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas, with the two projec- tions, the occipital condyles, of the skull. Twist the head to find out the freedom of movement. Study the articula- tion of the second cervical vertebra, the avis, with the first, 200 VERTEBRATES What provision do they have for articulation on the ventral side? On the dorsal? Twist the first vertebra on the second. Do you find the “axis”? Is it attached to the first or the second vertebra? II. OrGANS oF THE THORACIC AND ABDOMINAL CAVITIES. (1) Open the skin along the mid-ventral line extending from the breast bone to the pelvic arch. Sever the skin for- ward to the neck and remove the skin from the entire body. Notice the blood supply to the skin in the region of the fore limbs, and also in the region of the hind limbs. Is the skin attached loosely or closely to the body? After removing the skin, note its softness. Would it make good fur? Why? (2) Study the distribution of blood vessels in the su- perficiai muscles of the body on both dorsal and ventral sides. Make note of any peculiar or prominent vessels. (3) Look for indications of bilateral symmetry on dor- sal and ventral sides. If it is a female, count the mammary glands on either side and note their location. Study the muscles of the body as now exposed. Name as many as you can from your knowledge of the muscles of the frog. Do you find any which are not present in the frog? (See page 165.) (4) With a sharp scalpel open the abdominal wall from the breast bone to the pelvic arch. Look for the lining of the cavity. What is its nature? What is it called? Note the general position of the abdominal viscera and their method of folding. Do they seem to be segmented? Of what use can that constricted form of intestine be? (5) Sever the ribs by cutting the cartilaginous attach- ment along the side of the sternum. Pull them slightly THE RABBIT 201 apart. Find and notice position of the following things in order: Lungs, heart, diaphragm, liver, stomach, and in- testines. Make a diagram of all the organs exposed. (6) Study the diaphragm. Note its structure in differ- ent parts. What use is made of that peculiar arrangement of muscular fibers? Is the liver attached to the diaphragm? Describe the liver. How many lobes? Look under the large lobe on the right hand side for a depression in which is located the bile sac. Trace its duct down into the mesen- teries below the liver. Note the shape, location, and size of the stomach. Is it caecal? At the distal end of the stomach find the duodenum which folds back behind the stomach then runs forward again for some distance. Lift the stomach lightly and study the mesenteries attached to the concave side. Find the pancreas, a light pink, fat- like mass in the mesenteries, in the fold of the duodenum. Trace the duct from the liver to its entrance, about a third of an inch from the origin of the duodenum. Look for the duct of the pancreas further down, beyond the bend. (7) Tie the esophagus tightly with a string just above the stomach and cut it above where it is tied. Notice a large blood vessel, which divides going to liver and stomach at the base of liver. Cut the mesenteries near the stomach and the duodenum, and gradually unfold and pull away the alimentary tract. Sketch the stomach (x4). Follow the duodenum until it passes insensibly into the small in- testine and thence into the caecum, a large, constricted body, which ends in a thick fingerlike tube called vermi- form appendix. Note the circulatory vessels in the con- striction of the caecum and their connections with the mes- enteries. Measure the caecum. Note the entrance and the 202 VERTEBRATES exit from it, and make a drawing of it (x%). From the caecum onward the alimentary tract is called the large in- testine. Note its sacculated form in the upper part, becom- ing smoother in the lower. The lower part of the canal is called the rectum. Measure the length of the entire ali- mentary canal, approximating as nearly as possible the length of the esophagus, and make a diagram showing and naming the different parts of the entire system. Tie the lower part of the alimentary canal and sever it at the anus. Remove the canal, tie the duodenum in two places about an inch apart. Cut out a small section between, and study the structure of the canal. Find the outer serous coat, the inner muscular ring, and the mucous lining. What use has each? This illustrates the structure of the entire canal. Draw an end view (X2). If alimentary canal were shorter, how would it affect digestion? If longer? What then de- stroys the bilaterality of the abdominal viscera? Make a list of the parts of the alimentary canal, and give the prob- able uses of each. (This item is optional and requires a lecture by the teacher or the use of reference books on physiology.) (8) The alimentary canal having been removed, the urinary and the reproductive systems are plainly shown. (a) Ifthe specimen is a female, note the ovaries and the oviducts converging toward the dorsal opening. (b) If it is a male, find the festes and the vas deferens. Find the kidneys in the dorsal part of the abdominal cavity. Note their relative position. Are they opposite? Is there any advantage in their arrangement? Remove the fat from them and trace the urinary ducts down to the bladder at the pelvic arch. Draw the renal and reproductive THE RABBIT 203 systems, showing their relation. Tie the bladder at its base and remove it, cutting behind the place tied. (9) CircuLaTion AnD CircuLatory SysteM.—(a) Cut the diaphragm away and study the heart. Where is it? Is it an advantage to have it on the side rather than in the middle part of the body? Note its shape and relative po- sition with reference to lungs and esophagus. (b) Note the large dark blood vessel, the vena cava, extending from the liver across to the heart. Where does it enter the heart? Lift up the lobes of the liver and trace the vena cava back and find the hepatic vein running from the liver into the vena cava. Look in the mesenteries which have been cut from the stomach and intestines for a large dark blood vessel which seems to be formed from the veins returning from the alimentary canal. Trace it to the liver. It is the portal vein. What does it contain besides inipure blood? Trace the large vein backward and note the veins coming from the kidneys, the renal veins, to the place where the veins from the legs unite to form it. Do you notice any sudden change of size? Where? Trace the veins on the right side of the heart forward toward the head. Do you find a union of two veins just anterior to the heart? The vein from the head, the right jugular, unites with the vein from the shoulder, the right subclavian. The union of these forms the right anterior vena cava. Trace it to the right auricle. On the left side find a similar vessel, the left anterior vena cava, formed by the union of the left jugular and the left subclavian veins, and crosses at top of left lung, emptying into the right auricle. On the left side find a similar vessel, the left an- terior vena cava, formed by the union of the left jugular 204. VERTEBRATES and the left subclavian veins, and crosses at top of left lung, emptying into the right auricle. Make a diagram of the venous circulation as now shown. Follow the left jugular vein and find, near its entrance into the vena cava, a large white blood vessel opening into it. This is the thoracic duct, which contains a large part of the drain of the body and the unassimilated food from the intestines. Trace it back to the mesenteries below the liver. It is the principal duct of a great system of drainage and cleansing, which works over the partially waste matter and part of the new food by passing it through glands called lymphatic glands. The pink gland just anterior to the heart, the thymus, is one of them. The circulation through this cleansing system is known as the lymphatic circulation. Find the dark blood vessel running from the heart to the lungs. Where does it seem to leave the heart? It is called the pulmonary artery. Find the place of division into right and left pulmonary arteries. How many branches of these arteries do you find in the lungs? Do you find returning blood vessels from the lungs to the heart? They may be distinguished in a specimen not injected, by a lighter color and thinner walls. Trace these returning veins, pulmonary veins, from both lungs into the heart. How many? Where do they enter? Make a diagram of the circulation of the blood in the lungs. What work is done by the lungs? Tie the posterior vena cava between the heart and liver in two places, about a half inch apart, and sever it between the ties so as to prevent bleeding. In the same way tie the vena cava above the kidneys. Remove the liver. Carefully cut away the thymus gland from above the heart and expose the arteries, which are more firm in tex- THE RABBIT 205 ture and lighter in color than the veins. Find a large curved blood vessel, aorta, coming from the heart and curving back on the dorsal side. From what part of the heart does it come? On top of the arch a short distance from the heart find a large branch turning to the right of the animal, the innominate artery. This soon divides, send- ing one branch, the Jet carotid, to the left side of the neck and head, and divides into the right subclavian, going to the right side and shoulder; and also the right carotid, going to the right side of the neck and head. Trace these as far as you can without mutilating the specimen. Returning to the aorta, the left subclavian artery leaves the arch beyond the innominate artery and goes to the left shoulder. Trace it as far as you can. Just beyond the left subclavian on the aorta there arises the first pair of intercostal arteries. Others arise between each pair of ribs. From the sub- clavian arteries on either side, an artery is seen running posteriorly under the ribs. These are the mammary ar- teries, and they return to the mammary veins which were seen on the outside of the muscular wall. (f) Trace the aorta, which is called the dorsal artery, backward, lifting the left lung, to the posterior part of the body. Just back of the diaphragm it gives off the coelic artery, which further divides, giving one branch to the liver and one to the stomach. Further back it again divides, fur- nishing the renal arteries to the kidneys, the femoral ar- teries to the hind legs, and the Jambar arteries, which go dorsally to furnish blood to the strong muscles of the back. Trace these arteries as far as you can conveniently, and make a diagram representing the arterial circulation as you have it exposed from the left side of the animal’s heart. 206 VERTEBRATES (g) Make a tabulated list of the blood vessels on the left side and those on the right side of the heart. Tabulate the similarities and differences between the veins and ar- teries. How does the blood reach the arteries from the veins? (h) Cut the veins and arteries as far from the heart as you can and remove the heart with the delicate pericardium that surrounds it. What blood vessels can you trace from and into the heart? Make a drawing from the ventral side showing all the tubes at the top of the auricles. Make a diagrammatic drawing of the entire circulatory system. (i) Dissect the heart as in the pigeon. (See page 185.) Find all the valves. Make out their uses. Draw interior view (X4). (10) THe Resprratory SystEM.— (a) Above the lungs notice the trachea. Remove carefully the enveloping membrane, exposing the trachea from the lungs to the mouth. Are there muscles connected with it? What is its position with reference to the esophagus? Is it open or collapsed? Why? Trace the trachea down to the lungs, and note its divisions into the right and left bronchi. Do these tubes further divide? How many lobes to the lungs? Lift the lungs and sever them and the trachael tube from the esophagus, being careful not to cut the lung tissue. Study the muscles at the top of the trachea which sur- round the /arynx. Remove the lungs and the trachea, being careful not to injure the bone at the base of the tongue. Spread out the lobes of the lungs and make a diagram of the ventral view. (b) With a blowpipe inflate the lungs through the larynx. Note the amount of expansion. THE RABBIT 207 (c) Remove a ring of the trachea about half way down. Is it the same structure throughout? Draw the end view. What is the advantage of this structure? Of what value is the cartilage in the respiratory system? Cut a piece of the lung tissue as thin as possible (with microtome, if there is one in the laboratory; if not, with razor) and study under the low power of the microscope. Do you find both air tubes and blood tubes? Explain. Draw. (11) Vocat Corps anp Voice.—(a) Study the larynx. Note its situation in the throat. From the ventral side note the epiglottis, a movable membraneous cartilage at the top. Behind is the thyroid, a heavy circular cartilage ex- tending almost around, On the ventral side find the cri- coid, a flat thick cartilage in between the ends of the thyroid; and behind are the lobes of the arytenoid cartilage. Draw dorsal and ventral views. of larynx. (b) Look down into the larynx and see the voice box, in which can be distinguished a pair of membraneous vocal cords. Where are they attached? How are they tight- ened and relaxed? Locate the muscles that do this. For what are these cords used? Make diagram representing them open and also closed. Compare voice box with that of bird. (See page 182.) III. Tue Nervous System.—(1) Remove the kid- neys and the muscles of the interior of the back, looking for white-cords, or nerves, which may be found near the yertebral column. Do you find a nerve cord on either side with occasional attachments to the spinal cord? These constitute the sympathetic nervous system. It is connected with ganglia in different parts of the body, the largest of which is the solar plexus in the region of the stomach, 208 VERTEBRATES What is the use of the sympathetic nervous system? (2) Just under the femoral artery of the hind leg find the sciatic nerve, which may be traced into the leg and also back to the vertebral colunin. What is the office of the sciatic nerve? Do you suppose the rabbit ever has an attack of sciatica? Look at the vertebral column on both outside and inside and find the spinal nerves. How many? To what parts do they go? Make a diagram of the spinal system as you have found it. (3) Remove the brain from alcohol and lay it down with dorsal side up. The following parts are easily dis- tinguished: The cerebral hemispheres, beneath which are the olfactory lobes, and back of which is the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, tapering posteriorly to the spinal cord. Between the cerebrum and the cerebellum may be seen the pineal body and the optic lobes. Draw dorsal view of brain (X1). From the ventral side of the brain may be seen the twelve pairs of cranial nerves, which may be more easily found by reference to the drawing below. Find the roots of each of these, and tabulate them, giving the uses of each. Compare the brain of the rabbit with that of the pigeon. (See page 180.) If the brain has been removed carefully, the ventral side will resemble the cut on the following page. On the right side of the cut the temporal lobe has been removed to show the corpus geniculatum and several other parts that would otherwise be covered. By putting the brain of the rabbit in the same position as the one shown in the cut the various parts may be found and drawn. THE RABBIT 209 Lepus cuniculus. The ventral surface of the brain of the rabbit (2).—After MarsHALL. BRM sd you 8 CC, crus cerebri. CG, corpus geniculatum. D, descending cornu of left lateral ventrical. H, hippocampus major. LF, floccular lobe of cerebellum. LL, lateral lobe of cerebellum. OC, optic chiasina. OT, optic tract. P, pituitary body. PV, pons Varolli. T, temporal lobe of cerebral hemisphere. I, olfactory lobe, with roots of olfac- tory nerves. II, optic nerve. III, third nerve, or motor oculi. IV, pathetic nerve. V, trigeminal nerve. VI, sixth or abducent nerve. VII, facial nerve. VIII, auditory nerve. IX, glossopharyngeal nerve. X, pneumogastric nerve. XI, spinal accessory nerve. XII, hypoglosgal nerve. STU. IN ZOOL.—1I4 210 VERTEBRATES (4) Remove a nerve and dissect it as in the bird. See page 189.) Find the parts and make a diagrammatic sketch of a section running from cornea back through the optic nerve. IV. Tue Heap.—(1) Under the lower jaw find im- bedded in the muscles the salivary glands, pink, roundish bodies. Find four pairs, the parotid, the largest, just under the ears; the submaxillary, just in front of the parotid; the infra orbital, just below and in front of the eyes; and the sublingual, under the tongue near the meeting of the bones of the lower jaw. Of what value are the salivary glands? Find their ducts leading to the mouth. Care- fully remove the tongue. Note its connection with the esophagus. At the base of the tongue find the triangular bone, the hyoid, embedded in the muscles. Was it at- tached to any other bone? Of what use is the hyoid? Study the tongue. Note the muscular base, the furred surface and the shape. Has the surface the same appear- ance in different parts? Explain. Examine the surface for evidences of taste bulbs, or papillae. A section of a por- tion of top of tongue would perhaps show this latter. Draw surface of tongue. Of what value to the rabbit is the tongue? (2) Remove the muscles from the jaws. Note their thickness and mode of attachment. Explain the advantages of such form and arrangement. (3) Remove the lower jaw. Notice especially the nerves which run into the jaw from the head. Find tube leading from the mouth into the ear, the Eustachian tube. Note the opening from the nasal passage into the mouth, the pharyny. Notice the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. How many ® THE RABBIT 2ir in the back part? These are the jaw teeth or molars. Notice how they articulate with each other: Note the front teeth, incisors, above and below. Note how they articulate, and how they are used. Do you think the rabbit is likely to have toothache? Note the area without teeth. Is this an advantage? Why? Study the roof of the mouth. Are the corrugations of any value? Draw upper surface of mouth, showing and naming the parts studied. V. (1)—TuHeE SKELETON.—(a) Note the divisions of the skeleton into skull, spinal column and appendages. Sever the head from the cervical vertebrae, noting the method of articulation of the condyles of the head and the atlas of the spinal column. (b) Replace the bone which was cut out to remove the brain and study the bones of the skull. The following bones may be easily seen: the occipital, through which the spinal cord goes; the small interparietal, between the two larger parietals, larger and curved; the frontals, the nasals above the nostrils, and the premavillaries, from which the incisor teeth grow. How are the bones of the skull connected? Note the bones on the outer boundary of the eye orbit, the eygomatic process. Draw upper view of the skull. (c) View the skull from the lower side. The maxil- lary bone is behind the premaxillary, and contains the molar teeth. Then follow several small bones, which terminate at the ear bone and unite with the squamosal, the larger side bone which joins the occipital. Study the ear bone, the tympanic; cut open the coil and note the winding bone, the cochlea, through which sound is conveyed to the inner part of the ear and finally to the auditory nerve. What is the value of such a bone? Between the tympanic membrane 212 VERTEBRATES and the cochlea find three articulating bones, the hammer, anvil and stirrup which convey the sound from the outer to the inner ear. Of what pecular value is the external ear? In different parts of the skull note small openings through which nerves pass from the brain. These are foramen. A prominent one is seen on the inner surface of the eye socket. (2)—Tue Spinat Cotumn—(a) Identify the following divisions of vertebrae: cervical (neck), the thoracic (rib- bearing), the /umbar (without ribs), the sacral (united ver- tebrae of pelvis), and caudal, or tail. Count the number of vertebrae in each. Study the ribs in the thoracic region and compare them with the projections or transverse pro- cesses of the lumbar vertebrae. Of what value are the ribs? The processes? Why would it not be better to have ribs the entire distance? (b) Remove the vertebra bearing the sixth pair of ribs by cutting through the cartilaginous joints. Find the cen- trum, the neural arch containing the spinal cord, the ribs, and the cartilage which unites the ribs with the sternum. Study the cartilaginous packing at each end of the ver- tebra. Of what use is it? Does the rib grow out of the vertebra? Is it movable? Explain the attachment: What is the advantage or disadvantage of having movable ribs? Study the attachment of the ribs to the sternum. What is the nature of the sternum? Is it divided into segments? How many ribs are attached to it? Sketch the sternum with its attachments. Make drawing of the typical seg- ment just studied (1). (c) Remove the fifth vertebra of the lumbar region. Study as before the centrum, neural arch, and the neural THE RABBIT 213 spine above it, the transverse processes corresponding to the ribs and the articular processes on the dorsal side. Compare these parts in size and strength with the corre- sponding parts of the first vertebra studied, and give rea- sons for your conclusions. For what are the processes used? Compare the cavities above and berieath the centrum with the neural and haemal arches of the fish. (See page 159.) Draw the posterior end view of the vertebra under consideration. (d) With a scalpel carefully cut away the neural arch and expose the spinal cord. Notice the openings, sinuses, in the sides of the vertebrae where the spinal nerves leave the cord. Remove the cord, noticing carefully which is anterior and which posterior parts. Study the origin of the spinal nerves in the anterior and posterior roots. Draw the segment of cord thus studied. (e) Remove the flesh and the hind limbs from the pelvic arch and study the bones which compose it. How many bones? How are they articulated? Are they ver- tebrae? Could they have been specialized from the typical vertebra just studied? Explain what changes have taken place, and give reasons. Draw dorsal and ventral views of the pelvic arch. How many bones in the caudal region? Are they ver- tebrae? Why? (3)—Tue Limps.—(a) The bones of the limbs are easily distinguished. In the front limbs the shoulder girdle can be traced, consisting of scapula and clavicle, a small, almost cartilaginous bone, extending through the flesh and uniting with the sternum. Do you find the coracoid bone? What office does it fill? (It is a process extending from the scap- 214 VERTEBRATES ula over the end of the humerus). Other bones beginning with the shoulder are the humerus, the radius, the smaller ; and the ulna, the larger; below the elbow, the carpal, wrist bones; the metacarpal, or palm bones; and the phalanges, or toes. Study and describe the articulation in each of these bones. Make a diagrammatic drawing of front limb. Compare with wing of bird. (b) In the hind limb the bones are equally easy to dis- tinguish. Beginning with the pelvic girdle, find the femur, with its deep ball and socket joint; the tibia and fibula, be- low the knee joint, which is covered with a patella or knee cap; the tarsus, the metatarsus and phalanges. Draw a dia- gram of hind limb. Compare with leg of bird. CrassiFication.—Adapted from Pacxarp.—The rabbit belongs to the family Leporidae, order Glires, and class Mammals. The class mammals contains the following orders which can be fully worked out by reference to a larger Zodlogy. Orders of Mammals. Subclass I. With long toothless jaws like a duck’s bill, young carried in a mammary pouch..............+000 Ornithodelphia. Order 1. Monotremata. Duckbill. Subclass II. Young born alive, but kept for awhile in a pouch. Didelphia. Order 2. Marsupialia. Opossum. Subclass III. Young born of considerable size and perfect de- velopment; nourished before birth through a placenta; brain in most cases possessing convolutions............ Monodelphia. Order 1. No incisor teeth; sometimes entirely toothless. Bruta: Sloth. Order 2. Rodents; with large incisor teeth...... Glires: Rat. Order 3. Fore limbs often adapted for burrowing; teeth sharp; feeding: on 1nSects mica cine ceri wswase Reman Insectivora: Mole. Order 4. Fore limbs long, webbed, and adapted for flying. THE RABBIT 215 Order 5. Cetaceans; body fishlike in shape; no hind limbs. Cete: Whale. Order 6. Body fishlike in shape; teeth like those of ruminants. Sirenia: Manatee. Order 7. Snout prolonged into a proboscis. Proboscidea: Elephant. Order 8. Long curved incisor teeth; feet with pads; toes hoofed. Hyracoidea: Hyrax. Order 9. Toes hoofed................05 Ungulata: Horse, Ox. Order 10. Teeth pointed for tearing flesh; claws large. Carnivora: Dog, Cat. Order 11. Nails usually present; walking on all fours; or using fore legs as hands; or erect and walking on the hind legs. Primates: Monkey, Ape, Man. SuMMary.—The rabbit is taken as a type of the class mammals, or milk givers. It is a highly specialized ani- mal. Make a list of the specializations you have observed, and tell the advantages or disadvantages of each. Is it solitary or gregarious? How does this benefit it? Has the rabbit a good method of defense against enemies? What method of escape does it select? What animals are ‘its ene- mies? Since it is hunted by so many animals, and has such a poor means of defense, why does it not become extinct? (Reproduction.) What preparation does it make for its young? Does it care for its young? What is its food in summer? In winter? Is it injurious or beneficial to man? Why ? APPENDIX I. THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE The foilowing simple outline is given for the use of beginners with the microscope. It may be enlarged by the teacher : PARTS. I Strawn, a. Base: The part on-which the instrument rests. 2. Joint: Allows the upper part to move on a hinge. 3. Body: The part above the joint. 4. Adjustments : a. Coarse, upward movement accomplished by the rack and pinion. b. Fine, accomplished by the thumbscrew usu- ally at the top of the stand. TI. Srace. 1. Floor: The surface of the stage bearing the clips or holders. 2. Diaphragm: Contrivauce under the opening in the stage, to regulate the amount of light trans- mitted. 3. Mirror: A mounted adjustible mirror situated below the stage to reflect the light through the the object into the objective. 217 218 APPENDIX III. Barren. 1. Eyepiece or Ocular: The lens at the top of the draw tube. 2. Draw Tube: The tube capable of being with- drawn, containing the eyepiece at the upper end and the objective below. 3. Objective: The lenses at the lower end of the draw tube, ordinarily ranging in focal distance from 1 inch to 1-6 inch. They are named from this focal distance. 4. The Revolving Nosepiece: A contrivance for hold- ing two or three objectives for immediate use. SUGGESTIONS ON THE USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. 1. Put the slide on the stage under the clips with the object to be studied over the opening in the diaphragm. 2. See that the lens is in the proper position in the barrel (always use the low power, 7. ¢., the longest focal distance unless otherwise directed), and with the coarse adjustment bring the objective close to the cover glass. Place the eye over the eyepiece and look for the object; lift the barrel with the coarse adjustment until the object on the slide appears clearly defined. It is now said to be in focus. 3. After the object is in focus, use the fine adjustment to clear up the different parts of the specimen. Move the specimen until all the parts have passed the field of the mi- croscope. It will be noticed that the image is inverted as well as magnified. An explanation for this should be sought from the teacher or from a good text on the micro- scope. 4. The compound microscope is a delicate instrument, APPENDIX 219 and should be handled with extreme care. It would be well to memorize the following cautions and try to use them until they beconie habitual : Never touch the lens of the eyepiece or objective with the hand. Cleanse them with a camel’s-hair brush or a piece of soft silk. Never move the lens downward while the eye is at the eyepiece, always focus upward, especially if you are using the coarse adjustment. Before leaving a microscope, rub it dry and clean it with a piece of flannel or chamois skin and put it in its proper place. Never leave a microscope in the direct rays of the sun or where dust may gather on it. ll. HOW TO USE THE TABLES OF CLASSIFICATION. To a student who has not used the Tables of Classifica- tion, the following suggestions may be found helpful. It will be easier to trace to its family the type specimen which has been thoroughly studied as its characteristics are fresh in the mind. Some of the tables have the different divisions in figures, and some have letters. The difference between these will be apparent at a glance. These tables do not carry the classification further than the families; classification into genera and species can be made by consulting specialists on the different classes of animals. Suppose that we have a beetle which we desire to trace to its proper family. We proceed as follows: 220 APPENDIX Look at the specimen carefully, noting its external fea- tures. Read the first line A (see page 59). If your specimen agrees with this e.ractly, then its family is found somewhere under A, the subdivisions of which are set in farther to the right on the page. If your specimen does not agree with A, then, omitting all the subdivisions of A, go to AA on page 64, and com- pare that description with your animal. If AA describes the specimen correctly, then the family is under this group. Suppose the specimen belongs under A. Read B. If this is true, the proper family belongs under this heading. Read C. If this is true of your specimen in every particu- lar, it belongs to the group Phytophaga, which contains several families. Read D. If this is correct the specimen belongs to the family Spondylidae; if it is not true, look at DD, which is coordinate with D and includes the families described in E and EE. Suppose your specimen does not belong under C, then read CC at the bottom of the page. If this be true, trace to the proper families in the manner above described. In like manner, if B is not true of your specimen, turn to BB on page 63. If this description be true, read C, D and E to find one that is true. If you find nothing there which fits your specimen, turn to CC on page 64 and follow these descriptions in the same way. In the tables where figures are used the same general plan may be followed. Read the descriptions until you find one that coincides exactly with the specimen in your hand. APPENDIX 221 The difficulties in the way of using these tables, which may at first seem great, will be easily overcome by tracing three or four specimens through to their proper families. Ill. REAGENTS IN COMMON USE. Only the most common reagents are given, as it is sup- posed that the teacher will have access to technical books for all delicate experiments and tests. ALcoHoL.—As commonly obtained for laboratory pur- poses, alcohol is ninety-five per cent. pure. This may be diluted to the required strength by calculating the amount of water to be mixed with ninety-five per cent. alcohol to produce the amount of liquid required. It may be obtained for school purposes free of internal revenue by complying with certain formalities required by law. Such alcohol is of the best quality — ninety-five per cent. generally — and can be obtained at a great reduction from the regular retail price. For information address Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. Formattn.—This is a hardening agent, which has much the same effect on hardening tissue that alcohol does, ex- cept that it expands the tissue slightly. For all general purposes it is equal to alcohol and has the adidtional ad- vantage of being much cheaper. It is used in strength from one to two per cent solution in water. Osmic Acip.—One and one-half to two and one-half per cent. solution used for killing microscopic animals. It should be kept in the dark and should be diluted with water when used. 222 APPENDIX Borax CARMINE (Grenachcr’s).—Solution of powdered carmine and borax in water and alcohol. The beginner should order it in solution, and not dry. It is used for staining, and is perhaps the most serviceable for general use. It may be used cold or at a temperature of 50° C. Macenta.—Solution of % grm, of roseine in 1 liter of water, add 5 c.c. absolute alcohol. It is used io stain fresh preparations for immediate and temporary use. OL oF CiLoves.—A clearing agent. Used to clear a specimen of alcohol before permanent mounting. Should clear the object, but not stay on the slide too long, or it will make the section brittle. TURPENTINE.—May be used as a clearing agent. Also used to remove paraffin from sections before mounting. SaLt SotutTion.—Normal solution of 7.5 grms. common salt in liter of water. Used for examining living or freshly killed tissues. GLYCERINE.—Used pure or diluted with water for mount- ing objects for microscopic study. CanapA BartsAm.—The common name for balsam fir of commerce. May be used as bought from druggist or evaporated to dryness, powdered and dissolved in alcohol or turpentine. It is the most commonly used medium for mounting stained sections for microscopic study. ParaFFin.—Used for imbedding objects for permanent mounting. Paraffin with melting point 56° C. may be used alone or mixed with paraffin the melting point of which is 4o° C, SHELL-LAC.—Dry shell-lac dissolved in absolute alcohol, allowed to stand for some time is ready for use. Used to fix the sections to the slide for mounting. APPENDIX 223 CoLLopion.—Mixed with an equal part of oil of cloves. Used for fixative in the same way as shell-lac and alcohol. IV. METHODS OF PREPARING MATERIAL FOR MICRO- SCOPIC EXAMINATION. In fully equipped laboratories the teacher and student will have at command special books on microscopical technique and methods, but for the benefit of those who may not have access to such books the following brief suggestions are given: The particular methods to be used depend upon the nature of the tissue and the kind of observation to be done. Asa tule, the softer tissues have to be hardened, and the harder softened or cleaned, before making permanent mounts. 1. Kittinc: The method of killing depends upon the animal, but as a rule that method should be used that will leave the body in natiiral form with tissues uninjured. Chloroform ‘for the crustaceans and vertebrates, potassium cyanide for the insects, spiders, and centipedes, warm water for the mollusks and earthworms, can in general be rec- ommended; and for lower forms special methods may be found by consulting books on histology. 2. Harpeninc: For ordinary purposes alcohol is the best hardening agent. The specimen should be placed first in weak solution, about sixty per cent., then in seventy per cent. then eighty per cent. and ninety per cent. and finally, before beginning the work of imbedding, it should be placed in absolute or one hundred per cent. alcohol. Considerable alcohol should be used each time, except the last, and the 224 APPENDIX time for the entire process on ordinary tissue should ex- tend over two or three days. 3. STAINING: lf the specimen is for temporary observa- tion, the stains magenta or methylene blue may be used; but for permanent mounts it is better to use alcoholic stains, of which borax carmine (Grenacher’s) is perhaps the most desirable. The object should be placed in the stain from sixty per cent alcohol, and should remain in the stain until saturated to the degree of color desired. The length of time required for this will have to be determined by trial and depends upon the size of the spcimen, as well as its penetrability. After staining, the object should be run up to ninety per cent. and then to absolute alcohol, as di- rected in 2, on hardening. Alcohol is useful for removing an excess of stain, used with hydrochloric acid (3 to 6 drops to 100 c.c of seventy per cent. alcohol) it will give a better result from staining with borax carmine. The stained ob- ject should be left in the acid alcohol for a time varying from one-half hour to three hours.. This staining may be done if desired after the sections have been cut and mounted, 4. CrearinG: After staining, the alcohol must be re- moved by oil of cloves or turpentine. A short time only will be necessary for this, and the specimen is then ready for imbedding. 5. ImpBepprwc: For this purpose paraffin, melting point 50° C., should be melted and kept in a water bath at not above 60° C. A softer paraffin will be found better some- times, especially in cold weather. Drop the specimen to be imbedded in this paraffin, and allow it to remain until it is thoroughly permeated with paraffin. The length of time varies from thirty minutes to an hour. APPENDIX 225 Make a small paper trough, considerably larger than the object to be imbedded; fill it with the melted paraffin, and drop the saturated object into it in the exact position de- sired for cutting the sections. When this is done cool the paraffin as quickly as posible by putting it in a basin of cold water, being careful to keep the water away from the paraffin until it is hard enough to prevent injury. When it is thoroughly hardened, the paper may be removed and the object is ready for cutting into sections. It has been suggested that glass tray salt cellars will accomplish the work of the paper trough. 6. Sectioninc: The paraffin block may be fixed on the microtome by the method most convenient, and the sections cut of the thickness desired. The particular method of manipulating the microtome depends upon the structure of the instrument. MountTINnG: Prepare a glass slide as follows: The slide should be free from flaws, and should be ground at the edges. See that it is thoroughly dry, and has a temperature of about 60° C. Spread on the center of it a thin layer of cement, or a diluted alcoholic solution of shell-lac, and allow the alcohol to evaporate almost to dryness. Next spread a bit of oil of cloves or turpentine on the slide, and place the section on the moist slide. Allow the slide to remain for a while in a warm place free from dust, in an oven if con- venient, until the section is thoroughly cemented to the slide. Now put the slide in turpentine, or put turpentine on the slide and allow it to remain until all the paraffin is dissolved out of the tissue. When this is done the slide should be taken out of the turpentine, a drop or two of balsam let fall on it, the size STU. IN ZOOL.—I5 226 APPENDIX of the drop depending upon the size of the section, and a thin clean cover glass placed lightly on top of the balsam. Keep the slide in a warm place until the cover glass sinks down flatly on the slide, and put the slide away for drying. After drying for several days the balsam will become hard and the slide may be cleaned with alcohol and the proper label placed on the side. The label should contain the name of the object, the thickness of the section, and the stain used on one side of the cover glass; and the name of the prepara- tion and the date, on the other. Then put the slide away ina slide box, properly labelled. GLOSSARY Words that are clearly explained in the text are not defined here but reference is made to the page where the explanation occurs. Adduc’tor, 142, A’erated, mixed with air. The water is aerated before sup- plying the gills. Al'ulet, 74. Ambula’cral, (Lat. Ambulare— to walk). Pertaining to the walking tube feet or their areas, A’nal. Situated near the anus or in the posterior region. Anal’ogous. Applied to organs in animals that are put to similar uses but are different in origin and structure, as the wings of a grasshopper and bird. Anas’tomosing. the mixing of veins of differ- ent directions. Annel’ida. A group of animals with bodies composed of simi- lar segments without jointed legs. An'nulated. Mixing as in Surrounded by bands or rings of different colors, An‘nulus, 126. Ap’erture, 144. Appendic’ulate. appendages, Apposi’tion. Placed side by side. Ap’terous. Without wings. Aquat’ic. Living in water. Arach’nida, (Gr. Arachne—a spider). A class of Arthro- pods. Arthrop’oda, (Gr. jointed feet). A branch of animals distin- guished by having segmented appendages. Having small Asymmet’rical. Not symmetri- cal. Auditory. Pertaining to the sense of hearing. Bar’bules, 179. Beak. The sucking tube of some Hemiptera. 227 228 Bicus’pid. Composed of two cusps or flaps. Bi‘fid. Two divided or folded. Bira’mous. Two branched. Bi’valve. A mollusk having two shells hinged together. Blas’toderm, 120. Boot’ed. Having an undivided, horny, bootlike covering. Birds sometimes have booted tarsi. Bran’chia, pl. branchiae. Res- piratory organs for breathing air from water. Branchios’tegal. Pertaining to membrane covering the gills of fishes, Cae’cal. Pertaining to baglike projections from alimentary canal. Cap’itate. Headlike in form. Car’apace, 95. Car’inate, Shaped like the keel of a boat. Carot’id. One of the principal arteries of the neck. Cau'dal. Pertaining to the tail. Cephal’ic. Pertaining to the head. Cephalotho’rax, 88. Cer’ci, 27. Cerebellum. The posterior lobe of the brain. Cer’ebrum. The anterior por- tion of the brain. Chi’tin. The horny outside skeleton of Arthropods. GLOSSARY Cho’roid, 158. Cir'rus. A hairlike projection. Cla’vate. Thicker toward the top. Cla'vicle, 174. Cloa’ca, 166. Coelentera’ta, (Gr. Hollow In- testine). A branch of the ani- man kingdom in which the entire digestive canal is one tube. Co’'lon, 32. Coleop’tera, (Gr. Sheath-wing- ed). An order of insects which have hard outer wings. Columel’la, 145. Com'missure. Nerve fibers con- necting ganglia or other parts of the nervous system. Con’fluent. Uniting and running together. Coniros’tral. Pertaining to a strong conical bill. Con’nate. Growing from one base. Convolu’tion. Irregular folding of the brain of vertebrates. Cor’acoid, 174. Cor’puscles, 169. Cos’tal. Relating to the ribs or sides. Cranial. Relating to the skull. Ctenid’'ia. Gills of mollusks. Cu’bitus, 41. Cul’men. The dorsal ridge of the bill of a bird. Cu’neus. A wedge-shaped part. GLOSSARY Decid’uous. Pertaining to being shed or cast off, as the gills of a frog. Del’toid. Triangular in shape. Diaphragm. Muscular partition between chest and abdomen as in mammals. Dip’tera, (Gr. Two Wings). An extensive order of insects that have but two fully developed wings. Duode’num, 183. Du'ra ma’ter, 171. Ec’toderm, 120. Ec’tosarc, 107. El’ytron, pl. Elytra. The hard- ened outer wings of some in- sects, En’doderm, 120. En’dosarc, 107. Envi‘ronment. The conditions surrounding an animal which influence its growth and de- velopment, Epim’eron, pl. epimera. The part just outside of the basal segment of an appendage in Arthropods. Esopha’geal. esophagus. Excre’tory. Having the power to excrete or throw off. Pertaining to the Exten’sor. The muscle that causes extension. Ex’serted, Projecting beyond some other part. 229 Fa‘cet, 28. Fe'mur, pl. femora. The thigh bone. Filiform. Having the shape of a thread or filament. Fissiros’tral. Having the bill cleft beyond the horny part. Flabel'late. Fanlike in shape. Fora’men. A small opening. Gan’glion. A collection of nerve cells through which nerve fib- ers pass. Gas’tric car’ca. Blind sacs ex- tending from the stomach. Genic’ulate. Bent abruptly at an angle. Go’nys. Under outline of a bird’s bill from the tip to the point of union of upper and lower mandibles. Grub, 57. Gu’'la. The part of the neck next to the chin. In insects the plate under the submen- tum. Hae’mal. Pertaining to the heart or blood vessels. Ham'uli, 67. Haustel'‘lum. The sucking tube or proboscis of insects. It is made of modified mouth parts. Hemip’tera, (Gr. Half Wings). An order of insects having outer wings part hard and part membraneous., 230 Hepat’ic. Pertaining to the liver. Heteroc’era. A group of Lepid- optera having the antennae variable in form. Heterop’tera. A group of Hem- iptera having base of front wing thickened. Hi’bernate, 85. Homologous. Having similar origin and structure but differ- ent use, 96. Homop’tera. A group of Hem- iptera having wings of similar texture. Hymenop’tera, (Gr. Membran- eous Wings). An order of insects having both pairs of wings membraneous. In’fra. Ima’go, 42. Below or posterior to. Keel. A projecting ridge on the sternum of birds. Lar’va, 42. Lig’ament, 182. Lepidop’tera, (Gr. Scale Wings). An order of insects having wings covered with scales. Malpi’ghian Tubes, 32. Mam’mary Glands. Milk-pro- ducing glands of mammals. Mantle, 140. Medul’la oblonga’ta. Enlarge- ment of the spinal cord below the brain. GLOSSARY Mes’oderm, 120. Mes’enteries. The thin mem- branes holding the intestines to the walls of the abdomen. Mesoster’num. Middle segment of the sternum of the thorax. Met’amere. One of the similar divisions of the body of an animal, same as somite. Metaster’num. Last segment of the sternum of the thorax. Metamor’phosis. In insects the passing of the larva through more or less complete changes to the adult form. Morphol’ogy. The study which deals with the forms and structure of animals. Myriop’oda, (Gr. Thousand Legs). A class of Arthropods having many jointed legs borne upon similar segments, Nau’plius. The larval stage of some of the crustaceans. Nephrid’ia, 128. Neu’ral. Pertaining to the nerves or the nervous system. Neurop’tera, (Gr. Nerve Wings). An order of insects having membraneous wings with nu- merous veins, Ni'ctitating Membrane, 178. Noctur’nal. Active by night, as many of the moths, Nymph, 709. GLOSSARY Occip’ital condyle, 199. Olfac’tory. Pertaining to the organs of smell. Op’tic. Pertaining to the organs or nerves of sight. Os’cines. The group of birds that sing. Orthop’tera, (Gr. Straight Wings). An order of insects which have straight outer wings. O'viduct, 33. Ovipos’itor. An organ compos- ed of several specialized parts of the abdomen with which many insects place their eggs. Pal’lial, 140. Papil’lae, 164. Paraglos’sae, 55. Pata’gia, 46. Pec’tinate. . Shaped like a comb, with toothed edges. Pe’dal. Pertaining to the foot. Ped’icel, 65. Pelag’ic. Living in the sur- face waters of the ocean. Pericar’dial. Situated around the heart. Peritone’um, 153. Phar’ynx, 165. Pia mater, 171. Pig’ment cells. Cells that give coloring to the animals. Pi’neal gland. A glandlike body in the brain of vertebrate ani- mals. It is sometimes con- 231 nected with a rudimentary eye called the pineal eye. Placen’ta. The vascular appen- dage connecting the young to the parent before birth. Plas’ma, 169. Pleu’ral. Relating to the pleu- rum, 23. Plex’us. A network of vessels, nerves or fibers. Plumose’. Feathery. Porrect’ed. Extended horizon- tally. Preda’ceous. Living by prey. Pri’maries, The long feathers on the last joint of the bird’s wing. Probos’cis. In insects a hollow sucking organ usually made by the combining of several mouth parts. Prono’tum, 23. Proster’‘num. The first division of the sternum of the thorax of insects. Protrus‘ile. Capable of being protruded or thrust out. Pulvil’li, 75. Pu’pa, 42. Pygid’ium. The tail plate of crustaceans and insects. Pylo’ric caeca, 154. Quad’rate bone. The small bone between the lower jaw and the base of the skull in most vertebrates below mammals. 232 Rachiglos’sate. Having three longitudinal rows of teeth on the radula. Ra’dius, 41. Rad‘ula. Tongue of a gastero- pod mollusk. Re nal, 167. Retic’ulate. Having veins or fibers crossing like network. Ret’ina, 158. Retract’or, 142. Rhopaloc’era. The group of Lepidoptera having clubbed antennae—butterflies. Ric’'tal. Pertaining to the cor- ners of the mouth. Ros’trate. Beaklike. Sclerot’ic, 158. Scutel’lum, pl. scutella. Trans- verse scales on the tarsi and toes of the bird. Sec’ondaries. The feathers on the second section of the wing of a bird. Sep’tum, pl. septa. Radial par- tition of a coral cup. A trans- verse partition in worms. Si’nus. A detached vessel or canal.