ULE UL LWT my UL - SF oe ALBERT R. MANN 1279 LIBRARY NEw YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY EVERETT FRANKLIN PHILLIPS BEEKEEPING LIBRARY Lia 6281 €2D'EzS 4s Aueiqny Aytsuant oD UN [1aus0. Card og Lge Art. 124 [qto. 2- pera fa gph/ lt IF QUINBY’S NHW BEE-KEEHPING. The Mysteries of Bee-Keeping Explained. COMBINING THE RESULTS OF FIFTY YEARS’ EXPERIENCE, WITH THE LATEST DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS, AND PRESENTING THE MOST APPROVED METHODS, FORMING A COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL BEE-CULTURE. + BY . L. C. ROOT, PRACTICAL APIARIAN. WITH 100 ILLUSTRATIONS, AND A PORTRAIT OF M. QUINBY, NEW YORE: ORANGE JUDD COMPANY, 245 BROADWAY. 1879. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by the ORANGE JUDD COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, CONTENTS. PREPACE, ...css00neeserse dca eielaiacnainnane MEMORIAL OF M. QUINBY.. ....... INTRODUCTION......... 020.202 cece ee BEE-KEREPING ; THE OLD AND THE NEW CHAPTER I.—TuE Honey-BeEx. Simple Facts in Its Natural History—The Queen—Workers—Drones— Construction of Comb—Gathering and Storing Pollen—Gathering and Storing Honey—Propolis and Its Use—Brood Rearing—When it Begins—Form of the Brood-nest—Process of Egg-laying—Prep- arations for Swarming—Facts and Theories Concerning Generation —Fertile Workers... CHAPTER II.—Iratran Bees. Italian or Ligurian Bees—First Introduced into America—Characteristics ~—How to Procure Italians—Color not an Absolute Test of Purity— Other Varieties ....:..04..0««: aitpieistmelene steels se dsieeeesneESEHHeSAETecE CHAPTER III.—Sourcets or Honey. Sources of Pollen—Early Honey Plants—Singular Fatality Attendant on Silk-weed — Basswood—-Later Honey Plants—Buckwheat—Honey Dew—Do Bees Injure Grain and Fruit !—Injury to Ripe Fruit—How far will Bzes go for Honey ?—Best Season for Honey................ CHAPTER IV.—TsHe Aptary. Preliminary Study—Location—Immediate Surroundings—Bee-Keeping in Cities and Villages—Arrangement of the Hives—Distance Between Hives—Hives should Set Level—Disadvantages of High Stands— Marking the Location—Moving Bees Short Distances—Shade—Bee Houses—House Apiary— When to Purchase Bees—Where to Buy— Transportation Beneficial—How to Select Swarms—Expense of Bees and Fixtures—Transporting Bees—Taking Bees on Shares—Financial Results—Overstocking........... wiareratetaty