Cornell University Library THE GIFT OF ee A.2¢0767 | 29|kifa ENGINEERING LIBRARY iy 747.K4A4 Kentucky fossil corals; a monograph of th _ KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, J..R. PROCTER, Diitecror,, ce | s Gene 2 Kentucky Fossil Corals | _- A MONOGRAPH OF THE FOSSIL CORALS é Pe a o 1 te ‘Silurian nd Devonian Hacks of entucky TN ag Sern! “Gadi Bate," ee Boe Part i] i ; ib Bessie gs ¥ al 5 ; We - ; e 4 “ ‘ a “ s 2a ae | FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY J “9 55: 848 a Besctmorteo AND: ‘PRINTED, BY Joun D. ‘Woops, Pwauic Paine , ite co 1885" “s ee KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, J. R. PROCTER, Director. = Kentucky Fossil Corals A MONOGRAPH OF THE FOSSIL CORALS OF THE Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky BY WILLIAM J. DAVIS [In Two Parts Part IT] FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY Joun D. Woops, PUBLIC PRINTER 1885 EN: COPYRIGHT, 188%, » BY KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY [RIGHT OF TRANSLATION RESERVED BY THE AUTHOR] LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR. Mr. John R. Procter, Director Kentucky Geological Survey: Dear Sir: As you know, several years have passed since I began the work of describing and illustrating the fossil corals of Kentucky. The delays incident to preparing such a work for the press, occupied as I am most of the time with engrossing public duties, have suggested that now, since the plates and the explanations of the plates have been completed, it is best to publish these as Part II., simply prefacing them with an alpha- betical index. The text of Part I. will be finished in a few months. Parr I. consists of 1, An Introduction, which treats of the growth and habits of coral- making animals, their place in nature, etc.; 2. A Descriptive Text, which classifies the fossil corals found in the Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky, showing the relations of families, genera, and species, and describing them; 3. A chapter of Popular Notes, which, following the technical descriptions, presents the salient traits of structure or function characterizing the skeletons of species of the same genus, on the modifica- tions of which the differentiation is based, and collates comprehensively the resemblances and differences of related genera and the more widely divergent family peculiarities; 4. A Glossary, in which are given the meanings and, in most cases, the etymologies of the technical terms used in the text; 5. An Index, systematically arranged. The literature of this subject is diffused through many volumes of State and Government reports and society periodical or casual publications. Many zealous students of paleontology, confused by synonymy or per- plexed by descriptions and figures of badly-preserved fossils, have aban- doned research among these interesting and beautiful forms for the easier study of mollusks, crinoids, worms, or crustaceans. May I express the hope that the present work will prove a uscful manual to the student ? As will be seen, the number of plates is one hundred and thirty-nine, the number of specimens figured about one thousand. The number of species described is more than three hundred; of these about ene hundred and seventy are new and heretofore undescribed. The beautiful condition in which these fossils occur in Kentucky and the care with which they have been freed from their matrix have permitted a satisfactory photo- graphic delineation by the ‘‘artotype” process. Mr. E. Klauber, of Louisville, has done this part of the work under my supervision in the most artistic style. My thanks are due to this gentleman for the assist- ance he rendered me in ‘“‘setting up” the fossils before the camera, and for his amiable co-operation during the several years we have been engaged together in plate-making. Permit me also to thank you, sir, the Director of the Survey, and the other officers of the State of Kentucky, whose generous consideration has given me the opportunity to publish this contribution to the geology of the country in so handsome a volume. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Lovisvitue, 1885, POLY F 1. ZOANTHARIA TABULATA. HELIOLITID., CoLUMNOPORA CLIDTIUOTIMNIS: 3.6 Olena eee ea PER Oe R ee A Bohne Shek tk eee eee ee ee ere ero eee ese ere reer eee eee eee eee eee ee euroee HELIOLITES TNCEPStINCbUS o.i.6 o 28 hae Re RES Re eo Ae Saw EA wart WICCASTONNG: wae es ce ieee: s RE ON awE De PORN EWS HOR OSE Ue te Ras Rees PN TUOMIN eed Satay Cole ate a te Ae ee bead aaa ye SUOMI near BY lala weet re ae peat Al oawes ela yerwes LYELLIA AMO TIUCAIMAL 6.4 so-a 0a) pas5 eka Ba ae SAS ORE AS OO REE AOOS GISCOMled atc apatite ube weet eseed ue Rbbncune pee eeoeannbae Plabta cues cae ae akan s oa panne udaeeeaee esate Papllatd scapes oueineeeled ee eine ee aeesse iar aektenasaed PUCIE: chad oid ncewe Pee etewseewe ee ee eee REE S Seeee Nee eS ORe PLASMOPORA Ce PLates. 5,6 5, 6 j—_ aa 2,3, 4 2, 51 a INDEX TO PLATES. FAVOSITIDZ. ALVEOLITES oo OTSAHS Lobecereaag 28050 POR EER NS Ce ewe eor eee mwe mee ae 43 CPMTAESL .ckouiserananes snore dann ers Rowe ROeoRAe ee ame +H PPO hdc mick nckdee sree eciese. CAGeavneneeeraweauer ies 46 IGUISMINIEHSS cucaccadaccah $oySeeds ks oxo spose Ooo eae ee we 46 (MIS. Sadeeaee Gon een ereastiRe PEESSRERG ER Ges ees 43, 44 (ONE OSG AC AE RESe “GERbonel noeSuReeuheaee Seeee ees 45 HIAGONENSIS a. Liaciknsee EP ERER EG ESTEE Renee eee 46 scandularis ..... bon pie PaneoedeS Gee ceees HAsbetesoeess 44 SQUAMOSUS 2.0.0 e eee e seen tere ene e eae nnecee sean eenens 43 ANTHOLITES SPCCMSUM “LOB OMPHYMA VERUUCOSS: 2. och e Ceaue cheheemewendieus peekew cou hea sseee 104, 105 PHILLIPSASTREA PIG a cures RUieenEel Seen eset eee aca c ste kee: 118 INGOUS daaheardeacoasaaene Aakoualawreeeecareegeeeened 118, 119 PrycHOPHYLLUM GO MCP wad Bae icn ee Ge eas o6. bt Be at 8.2 Gres Rae oie 106 MAPPING uci eeee eeassedesaekersncgeedeesiwesesaeeeat 106 INVASINAUIN. die ie Se Geaw sei Qket bane ees abkee ae eeose ees 105 IPOUNO Hn .te hacky Seine Moeeiveneet soe eeeeteeuseuerees 104, 105 BLO RCOhu4s dau aig GUN tau eae O Ae MeRNe wee IRs ae Re REN NS 105 CPO PCM ng eG hace Rie ease pares eae Wee weg ta eens 106 LY PICU Se kea be hae? medi ae Deda teen eE ee eawe eeRneenes 106 INDEX TO PLATES. xil STROMBODES PLarEs. (NCOPUUS feiccas Sou feeds pe bwaee eas eKeR Sea eee ied were A Res 123 LOltl wore dvadared cepenecew se Lee eee eek Coeee nae eeee ee 120 THA he eee akene eens nya dine b aaa 123 PONTASONUS ecenacainevyoatsewr ese wateeeeane Pore eer ee 121 PYCIMCUSsbanpaeei bese sean eee eee nee tne ReneS 123 quadraneulariscceincs uoasiaeertea eee hearer sees taseies 122 SINGMUTIG oetovn.ed esas Meeees eee arenas Sea eseees 121, 122, 123 Bit Ae ous sei bama shee ee eh SESE SR uae Odee ae eee tees 121, 122 MICH 2. oan BeReeemlieeen cose eenedie pie eas eae eee ee aden 122 ZAPHRENTIS COM PROCESS: 44.2 Cosas Pn PesRhacaa eas MaRS NEE eee Ss 134, 138 CONGR pani acusaes ease pe hensa ee wer HEE een ee 134, 138 Coil WSs oa sae Aw ao REE DURE: SHES ERE SR EAT Ree aas 133 CONNGINE 2t6ci510 eed coo yew ageeeMgetesaiseusseaiwmn vans o7 Cormeulinl, aac3c2eri Sire wkseeseentakee beeaiGae Sour bess 132, 138 CMS Be See eS ee SOO eat. SERS RROD See TENORS 134, 138 SAMA GA: 5.5. oo wind atnay ete e a ate eee n ee eae aa eee 134 CUINCHICE sseennceyeskidsdeeyscesiap sagen digeieewnener ss 97 PICA Siar ee seaweeds 424i eRe ESE ES ea ORS e SEEKS 137, 138 PUCONAM Gl ai lintce aie Vee RRR CRIA KoA E SRE RRO eS a WE 78 TMMIANIS Sade ge Reese nee s seen aes RUae hee gee ed 80, 188, 139 LiNHeyl :cocpegadeurs ieee eauna gear key aeeaeensogbeease 133, 138 MaCOme ai2o552ie sae tenes het eouteane Lia ehesateakeus 136 PRS PUMA EEA, pe Oi 5 he i a ance aac Babar Sa Se Bah oT NOGWION. ocranpnie ie eeoboraneeatsatenged weaukaed 130, 134, 138 ORUCUE, pace kt oem wanes user ee hee umers atau 133 Palens aibugecwese benrehitaegesegakien pet ee ere t oowews 133 Polio a treee Geer Oeeeeenoe peda cosereans sebuban gee Bet, Aad KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 18. PLATE 18. Favosites quercus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. Lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 19. Favosires Quercus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a corallum of medium size from the Lower Devonia j, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. FavosiTEs RAMULOSUS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Views of two fronds from the upper portion of coralla from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. FAVOSITES TUBEROSUS. Devonian. 3. Lateral view of a corallum of bacillate shape from the upper strata of the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. Net- telroth. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 19. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 20. PLATE 20. FAVOSITES RADICIFORMIS. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a corallum, whose older corallets have their tubes closed by opercula; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 2. Lateral view (prostrate) of a corallum, split at the upper end so as to show a longitudinal section of the corallets; from the same horizon and locality. Collection of the author. 3. Lateral view of a jejune frond; corallets extraordinarily small; horizon two feet above that of examples 1 and 2; Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 21. FavositEs Bacuus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. 2. 3. Lateral views of three several coralla from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Zaphrentis exigua, it will be remarked, is attached to the matrix in which example 3 is imbedded. Collec- tion of the author. 4, Longitudinal section of the upper portion of a small corallum from the same horizon and place. Collection of the author. FAVOSITES DIGITATUS. Devonian. 5. Portion of a corallum from the dark red clay of the encrinal lime- stone underlying the shale which separates the Devonian and Sub-carboniferous formations, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 21, - KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 22. PLATE 22. FavositEs ARBOR, Nov. Spec. Devonian. Lateral view of the upper fronds of a corallum twenty-eight inches long, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The entire left frond is incrusted with Stromatopora granulata; on its end appears a basal expansion of Favosites limitaris. Collection of the author. PLATE 23. Favosttes arpor, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a fragment of a frond from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. McConathy. Favosites cymosus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Lateral view of a corallum from the blue clay of the Middle Devo- nian, falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 3. Upper surface of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 4. Lateral view of a corallum from the same place and horizon as example 3. Collection of the author. 5. Lateral view (prostrate) of a ‘“ sprout,” or cyme, of uncommonly elongated growth, from the horizon and locality of example 2. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 23. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 24. PLATE 24. FAavosITEs FRUTEX, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 2. Upper portion of a frond from the same place and horizon. Collec- tion of the author. FAVOSITES CRISTATUS, varietas MAJOR. Magara. 3. Lateral view of a fragment with squamous walls, from the white clay of the upper Niagara strata, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy. FavosITEs 1mpepitus, Nov. Spec. Devonian.. 4, 5. Lateral views of coralla from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. FAVOSITES CLELANDI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. View of a portion of the upper surface of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 25. FAvVosITES GoopWINI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. The two examples in the lower right corner are coralla of compact, non- ramous growth. Lateral views of them are exhibited. A view of the upper surface of a corallum is presented in the figure occupying the upper right corner. The views offered by the other examples are lateral. Found in the encrinal limestone, and the dark red clay derived there- from, lying just below the shale of the Upper Devonian. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 25. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 26. PLATE 26. FavosiTEs Eximtus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a corallum from the dark red encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. FavositEs FusTIFoRMIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Lateral view of a corallum, showing the tubes of some corallets in section and the epithecal secretion on the outside of walls where new departures of growth occur; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 3. Lateral view of a corallum, with base incrusting a fragment of a frond of Cladopora expatiata; from the horizon and locality of example 2. Collection of the author. PLATE 27, MICHELINIA INSIGNIS. Devonian. 1. View of the epithecated under surface of a corallum, showing the semi-cylindrical ‘shape of the outer walls; to the left of the center several of the corallets become temporarily disjunct, but again unite with their neighbors by approximation; from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. FavositEs CoNVEXus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. View of the under surface of a corallum from which the epitheca is removed so as to show the mural pores and squamous walls; from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Col- lection of the author. 3. (Central small specimen.) View of the under surface of a small corallum, covered with a deeply-wrinkled epitheca; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. Favosites Munbus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Upper surface of a corallum in which the larger sub-rotund tubes are more regularly recurring than is common; from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. FAVoSITEs ROTUNDITUBA, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 5. Upper surface of a corallum from the encrinal limestone clay just below the shale of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collec- tion of the author. Favosites proxtmus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. Upper surface of a corallum of expanded discoidal shape, composed of corallets whose tubes are above average size; from the ferru- ginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. FavosiTEes Eximtius, Noy. Spee. Devonian. 7. Lateral view of a corallum of turbinate form, from the dark red encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 27. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 28. oe Se : «I eae eS CO ge a a wari Mby ye> rues Soo caes Eee? PLATE 28, Favosires mMunpvs, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a corallum from the ferruginous clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. Lateral view of a corallum, the tubes of many of whose corallets are closed with opercula; from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. FAvVosITES proximus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. Lateral view of a sub-ramous corallum, in some of whose tubes appear imperfect opercula; a basal expansion of Favosites clausus is attached to its upper portion; from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author, PLATE 29, FAVOSITES CANADENSIS. Devonian. 1. 2. Upper surface of fragments of coralla having the common form, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 3. Lateral view of a corallum of rarely digitate growth, from the hori- zon and locality of the preceding examples. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 29. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 30. PLATE 30. FAVOSITES LIMITARIS. Devonian. Lateral view of a corallum (two thirds of the natural size) from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio, Collection of the author. PLATE 31. FAVOSITES LIMITARIS. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of the upper fronds of a corallum, partly freed from its matrix, in which the corallets at their orifices are more oblique to the axis than is common; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. McConathy. FavosirEs cartosus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Front lateral view (prostrate) of the base and trunk of a corallum, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PES RR URS SER GS CAS? kh KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 31. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 32. PLATE 32. FavosiTEs cartosus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Rear lateral view of the base and trunk of the example figured in Plate 31. 2. Rear lateral view of a typically marked fragment of a frond, artifi- cially attached to the matrix of example 3 for delineation; from the horizon and locality of the preceding specimen. Collection of the author. 4, Front lateral view of a fragment from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of. the author. FAVOSITES INTERTEXTUS. Devonian. 3. Lateral views of portions of fronds imbedded in the matrix, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Dr. Knapp. FAVOSITES EMMONSI. . Devonian. 5. Vertical section of a fragment (prostrate) showing the squamous tubes and incomplete tabule proper to the species; from the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. MICHELINIA CYLINDRICA. Devonian. 6. Longitudinal section of a fragment showing the complicated sub-ves- icular tabulee; from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Dr. Knapp. PLATE 33. FAVOSITES CAVERNOSUS. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of the base and fronds of a nearly perfect corallum, from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 2. Well preserved fragment from the same horizon, east of Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. 4. 5. Fragments such as are commonly obtained, with walls abnor- mally incrassated; from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 33. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 34. ot hak: AN etd or) pends PLATE 34, THECIA MAJOR. Niagara. 1. Upper surface of a corallum, gathered from its rock matrix twenty- five feet below the Niagara and Devonian passage-beds, near Lou- isville. Collection of the author. 2. Under surface of a corallum, covered with an epitheca, from the white clay five feet below the passage-beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. Upper surface of a fragment from the ferruginous clay of the Upper Niagara strata, near Louisville. Collection of the author. THECIA MINOR. Magara. 4. Upper surface of a portion of a corallum from the upper white clay beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 7. Upper surface of calcified tube-casts of a corallum [Labechia con- ferta ]. THECIA SWINDERNANA. Niagara. 5. Upper surface of a fragment from the upper red clay strata, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 6. Upper surface of portion of a corallum from the white clay eight feet below the passage-beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. THECIA VETUSTA. Hudson River Group. 8. Upper surface of a corallum incrusting Streptorhyncus planum- bonus, near Milton, Ky. Collection of the author. 9. 10. Similar views of coralla from the same horizon and locality. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. PLATE 35. THECIA RAMOSA. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a nearly perfect corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. [Nors. —The apex of growth of this example is just above the figure 1.] 2. Upper portion of a frond (inverted) from the same horizon and place. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 35. atte Aq) aed ee KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 36. PLATE 36. MICHELINIA CYLINDRICA. Devonian. Upper surface of a corallum from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 37. MICHELINIA FAVOSITOIDEA. Devonian. Upper surface of a corallum from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. [Norr.—With a lens of low power observe the papillose surface of the tabule and of the walls, the latter dotting the longitudinal ridges. The author recommends the use of a double-convex lens, with a power of about two diameters, in examining all the illustrations of this work. Viewed with such a lens, all characteristic structural details will appear as they seem in the fossil itself, and “an atmos- phere” so invests the figure that it may be studied almost as advantageously as the natural object.] ft KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 37. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 38. PLATE 38. MICHELINIA PLANA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a corallum from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. Under surface of a corallum, with epitheca partially preserved, from the yellow clay of the Upper Devonian, near Crab Orchard, Ky. Collection of the author. MICHELINIA FAVOSITOIDEA. Devonian. 3. Upper surface of a fragment from the red clay of the Middle Devo- nian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 39. MICHELINIA CoRRUGATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a corallum from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. MICHELINIA NIAGARENSIS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 2. Portion of the upper surface of a corallum from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. MicHELINIA PRIMA, Nov. Spec. Magara. 3. Upper surface of a weathered specimen, in which the walls of the several corallets are seen separated; from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 4, Artificially attached to Figure 6 is a corallum whose lateral view showing epitheca is presented. Not photographed satisfactorily on account of its color. From the same horizon, near Louis- ville, as example 3. Collection of the author. 5. Upper surface of a fragment showing tube-walls delicately spinulous, in exquisite preservation; from the same horizon and place as the preceding example. Collection of Mr. McConathy. MICHELINIA PLANA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. Lateral view of a corallum from the dark red clay beds derived from the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. MICHELINIA INSIGNIS. Devonian. 7. Upper surface of a corallum whose corallets have thinner walls than the average specimen; from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 39. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 40. (0 ere PLATE 40. MIcHELINIA PRIMA, Nov. Spec. Magara. 1. Under surface of corallum previously figured in Plate 39; Fig. 4. MICHELINIA PLANA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Longitudinal section of a fragment from which the tabule are removed so as to show the mural pores; from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. Longitudinal section of a fragment showing tabule; from the horizon and locality of the preceding example. Colléction of the author. MICHELINIA INSIGNIS. Devonian. 4. Oblique view of the upper surface of a corallum, from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collec- tion of the author. 5. Upper surface of a corallum from the horizon and locality of example 4. Collection of the author. 6. Vertical section of a corallum, showing tabulee, froin the same horizon and locality as the preceding examples. Collection of the author. PLATE 41. MICHELINIA CLAPPI. Devonian. 1. Vertical section of a fragment, showing the tabulate septa extrane- ous to the corallets’ walls; from the ferruginous clay of the Mid- dle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. Upper surface of a fragment from the same horizon as example 1, near Louisville. Collection of the author. Procrerta (Nov. Gen.) MICHELINOIDEA, N.S. Devonian. 3. 4. Upper surfaces of coralla. 5. Lateral view of a corallum. 6. Under surface of a corallum, showing the papillose exothecal secre- tion. 7. 9. Under surfaces of fragments, showing the radiation of corallets from the central apex. 10. Under surface of a corallum, from which a portion of the papillose exothecal secretion is removed, so as to show the mural pores perforating the epitheca. 12. 13. 14. Views of tube-casts and pore-casts similar to those observed in Pleurodictyum problematicum. All the above examples are from the decomposed hornstone of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 8. Under surface of a fragment from the limestone on which rests the uppermost chert layer of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. Gaines. 11. Under surface of a corallum from which a portion of the exothecal layer has been removed, so as to disclose a tube-cast beneath; from the horizon and locality of example 3. Collection of Mr. McConathy. PRoOcTERIA PAPILLOSA, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 15. Upper surface of a corallum, showing papillose exothecal layer sur- mounting the corallets’ walls. 16. Under surface of a corallum, showing papillose exothecal secretion and the concave margins of the outer walls of the prostrate corallets. 17. Lateral view,of a corallum. 19. Upper surface of a small corallum with thinner walls than the average. 18. 20. 21. Under surfaces of coralla. All the forms of this species have been found in the decomposed chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The examples figured are from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 41. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 42. PLATE 42. MICHELINIA CLAPPI. Devonian. 1. Oblique lateral view of a corallum from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Upper surface of a corallum from the same locality and horizon. 3. Upper surface of a corallum from the ferruginous clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. 4. Lateral view of the example figured in Plate 41, Fig. 2. The specimens figured are from the collection of the author. PLATE 43. ALVEOLITES CONSTANS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a corallum from the red clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. ALVEOLITES SQUAMOSUS. Devonian. 2. 3. Upper surfaces of coralla from the horizon of the preceding species, near Louisville. Collection of the author. ALVEOLITES MINIMUS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. - KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 43. alain anna KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 44. PLATE 44, ALVEOLITES SCANDULARIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a fragment of a corallum from the encrinal lime- stone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. ALVEOLITES GOLDFUSSI. Devonian. 2. Upper surface of a corallum from the horizon of A. scandularis (Fig. 1), near Louisville. Collection of the author. ALVEOLITES MINIMUS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. Upper surface of a corallum from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 45, ALVEOLITES MORDAX, Nov. Spec. . Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a corallum from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2 Lateral view of a small corallum, with corallets of the smallest size, from the same horizon, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 45. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 46. PLATE 46. C@NITES VERTICILLATA. Niagara. 1. Lateral view of the cylindrical portion of a corallum. 3. Lateral view (prostrate) of the cylindrical portion of a corallum, with a verticillate expansion. 2. 4. Under surfaces of expanded verticillate plates. These examples are from the ferruginous clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. ALVEOLITES LOUISVILLENSIS, Nov. Spee. Niagara. 5. Upper surface of a corallum from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 6. Upper surface of a weathered corallum, from the same horizon and locality. Collection of the author. ALVEOLITES NIAGARENSIS. Niagara. 7. Upper surface of a fragment from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy. ALVEOLITES FIBROSUS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 8. Upper surface of a corallum from the Upper Niagara clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. Miuveria (Nov. Gen.) LaminaTa, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 9. Oblique view of the upper surface and side of a corallum, showing the successive thin laminar expansions; from the Upper Niagara ferruginous clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 47. CLADOPORA RETICULATA. Niagara. 1. Lateral view of a corallum from the Dpper Niagara white clay, thirteen feet below the Niagara and Devonian passage-beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. View of a corallum, with its apex of growth centrally situated, and its fronds radiating in all directions therefrom; found in the horizon - of example 1, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY] PLATE 47. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 48. PLATE 48, CLADOPORA AcULEATA, Noy. Spec. Niagara. 1. Lateral view of a fragment from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CLaDoPoRA orpINaTA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 2. Lateral view of a small fragment from the same horizon as C. acu- leata, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA PROBOSCIDALIS, Nov. Spee. Miagara. 3. Lateral view of a fragment from the same horizon and place as the preceding species. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA MENIS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 4, Lateral view of the upper portion of a frond showing the tricho- tomous branching; from the horizon and neighborhood of the examples preceding. Collection of the author. 5. Pedicle of a corallum with a portion of the trunk; from the horizon and place of example 4. Collection of the author. CLapopora sTRIATA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 6. Lateral view of several fronds of a corallum, from the horizon of the above examples. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. CLADOPORA EQUISETALIS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 7. Several fronds springing from the same base; from the same horizon as the above. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. CLADOPORA LAQUEATA. Magara. §. Corallum, pedicle wanting, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 9. Nearly entire corallum from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louis- ville. Partly invested by Stromatopora concentrica. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. PLATE 49. CLADOPORA COMPLANATA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 1. Lateral view (half inverted) of a portion of a frond from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. CLADOPORA ACULEATA, Nov. Spec. Magara. 2. Lateral view (half inverted) of a portion of a corallum, from the horizon and place where the preceding specimen was gathered. Collection of Dr. Knapp. SYRINGOPORA TUBIPOROIDES. Devonian. 3. Section of several corallets, partly imbedded in the rock matrix, showing the conical invaginating diaphragms; from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Dr. Knapp. FAVOSITES CLAUSUS. Devonian. 4. Portion of a corallum from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 49. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. | PLATE 50. ; PLATE 50, CLADOPORA ASPERA. Devonian. 1. Front lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. -Collection of the author. ' CLADOPORA EXPATIATA. Devonian. 2. Portions of fronds with part of pedicle, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. Front lateral view of a corallum (prostrate) from the Lower Devo- nian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 51. CLADOPORA DENTATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Under surface of basal expansion and rear lateral view of portions of fronds of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Dr. Knapp. CLADOPORA FRANCISCI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Front Lateral view of fragment from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Dr. Knapp. STRIATOPORA HURONENSIS. Niagara. 3. Fragment imperfectly freed from the matrix; from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. ERIDOPHYLLUM SENTUM, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 4. Lateral view of a fragment from the ferruginous clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. LYELLIA -PUELLA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 5. Upper surface of a corallum from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. Nicuoxusonta (Nov. Gen.) CANADENSIS. Devonian. 6. Corallum incrusting Spirifera oweni, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 51. soe KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 52. PLATE 52. CLapopora BIFURCA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Portion of a corallum investing Favosites ramulosus, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA CRYPTODENS. Devonian. 2. Dichotomously branching example, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 3. Frond (inverted) from the same horizon and locality. Collection of the author. 4. Fragment from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA BILLINGSI. Devonian. 5. Fragment (inverted) from the Lower Devonian clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA ALPENENSIS. Devonian. 6. Fragment from the horizon and place of example 5. Ciapopora acupPicra, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. 8. Portions of fronds from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA DESQUAMATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 9. Portion of a corallum with its pedicle attached to the interior of the calyx of Zaphrentis ungula, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 53. CLADOPORA IMBRICATA. Devonian. 1. 2. 3. Fronds of different sizes and modes of growth. 4. Pedicle of a corallum from which fronds are beginning to spring. The examples are from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio, an . belong to the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 53. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 54. PLATE 54. CLADOPORA PINGUIS. Devonian. 1. Front lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Basal expansion with portions of fronds, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. 3. Basal expansion with portions of fronds, from the encrinal limestone dark red clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. CLADOPORA RGMERI. Devonian. 4, 5. 6. Fragments found in the red clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. The examples figured in this Plate belong to the collection of the author. PLATE 55. CILADOPORA PINGUIS. Devonian. 1. Front lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Dr. Knapp. 2. Upper surface of a basal expansion, showing corallets of different sizes; from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. Front lateral view of the pedicle with portions of fronds, showing differently sized corallets; from the horizon and neighborhood of example 2. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA REMEBRI. Devonian. 4. Fragment from the Lower Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Col- lection of Dr. Knapp. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 55. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 56. PLATE 56. CLADOPORA REMERI. Devonian. 1. Corallum (prostrate) partly imbedded in its matrix; from the Lower — Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA BIFURCA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Upper fronds of a corallum partly imbedded in its rock matrix; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 57. CLaDopora TELA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Front lateral view of a portion of the base and fronds of a nearly perfect corallum, from the Middle Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA FIBRATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Front lateral view of the reticulating fronds of a fragment, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 57. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 58. PLATE 58. CLADOPORA RADULA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. (Upper specimen.) Front Lateral view of a corallum, pedicle want- ing, invested by Stromatopora texilis; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA ROBUSTA. Devonian. 2. Front lateral view (prostrate) of a frond from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA ACUPICTA, Nov. spec. Devonian. 3. (Lower specimen.) Fronds (inverted) partly imbedded in rock ma- trix. Projecting from the matrix, in the lower right corner, are the terminal branches of a frond of Favosites ramulosus. fa 3 Bs * KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE G2. PLATE 62. CLADOPORA DISPANSA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a sub-cymous corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. Ciapopora crassa, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Upper surface of a fragment of typical growth. 3. Upper surface of a specimen with corallets less erect than those of the preceding example. . Both specimens from the Lower Devonian strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 63. CLADOPORA DENTATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Front lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Fragment of a frond from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devo- nian, near Louisville. 3. Portion of a pedicle obtained in situ two feet above the horizon of example 1, Falls of the Ohio. Criapopora RIcTA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Rear view of a fragment showing fronds laterally joined by approxi- mation. _5. Front lateral view of the base of an example. Both specimens gathered from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Puiatyaxum (Nov. Gen.) roLtiatum, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. Front lateral view of the lower half of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. DENDROPORA ORNATA. Devonian. 7. Side view of a corallum from the dark-red clay derived from the decomposition of the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. DENDROPORA PROBOSCIDALIS. Devonian. 8. (Artificially attached, for convenient photographic delineation, to the side of the Cyathophyllum imbedded in the rock matrix of C. Dentata, Fig. 1.) Frond from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens figured in this plate belong to the collection of the author, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 63. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 64. PLATE 64. CLADOPORA IOWENSIS. Devonian. 1, 2. 3, 4. Fragments from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. In Fig. 3 the specimen is inverted. Collection of the author. STRIATOPORA HURONENSIS. Niagara. 5. Fragment from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Col- lection of the author. 6. Front side view of an eroded specimen, showing mural pores and faint longitudinal strize, from the white clay of the Upper Niagara. Collection of Mr. McConathy. STRIATOPORA LINN ZANA. Devonian. 7. Fragment (prostrate) from the Lower Devonian rocks two feet above the Niagara ‘and Devonian passage-beds, near Louisville. Col- lection of the author. 8. Fragment (prostrate) from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devo- nian, near Louisville. Occurring in a horizon eight feet above that of example 7. Collection of the author. STRIATOPORA ALBA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 9. 10. 11. Portions of fronds from the red clay beds of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CLADOPORA GRACILIS, Nov. Spec. _ Devonian. 12. 13. Fronds from the rotten chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Example 12 is artificially attached to the matrix of example 13. The latter fails to photograph satisfactorily because of its color. Collection of the author. PLATE 65. DENDROPORA ELEGANTULA. Devonian. 1. Portion of a frond partly imbedded in its rock matrix, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. DENDROPORA ALTERNANS. Devonian. 2. Fragment from the red clay of the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. DENDROPORA NEGLECTA. Devonian. 3. 4. 5. Fragments from the horizon and vicinage of D. alternans. DENDROPORA ORNATA. Devonian. 6. Fragment from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louis- ville. DENDROPORA OSCULATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. 8. 9. Fragments from the horizon and vicinage of D. alternans. 10. Two fronds inosculating or joining by approximation; from the same place. 11. Portion of a basal expansion with parts of fronds intimately united ; from the horizon and neighborhood of the preceding specimens of the species. The examples herein figured belong to the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 65. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE G6. -PLATE 66. » DENDROPORA oscuLATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. Front lateral view of a portion of a corallum of great size, showing the base and the fronds disjunct and again anastomosing; from the upper strata of the Middle Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Col- lection of the author. PLATE 67. HALYSITES CATENULATUS. Niagara. 1. Upper surface of a portion of a corallum, in which the corallets are of average size; from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. Upper surface of a fragment whose corallets are below the medium size; from the ferruginous clay of the Upper N iagara, near Lou- isville. Collection of the author. 3. Upper surface of a jejune corallum, from the horizon and neighbor- hood of example 2. Hatysires nexus, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 4. Oblique lateral view of a corallum from the Upper Niagara white clay, two feet below the Niagara and Devonian passage-beds, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy. 5. Upper surface of a divaricating chain, imbedded in its chert matrix; from the ferruginous clay of the Upper Niagara, just below the passage-beds above referred to, near Louisville. Collection of the author. nENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 67. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 68. PLATE 68. SYRINGOPORA HISINGERI. Devonian. 1, Upper surface of a fragment from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. SYRINGOPORA STRAMINEA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. (Upper right specimen.) Lateral view of a fragment whose horizon is about one foot lower than the lowest stratum in which S. hisingeri is found; from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devo- nian, near Louisville. . . SYRINGOPORA TABULATA. Devonian. 3. Lateral view and also an oblique view of the upper surface of a fragment from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louis- ville. SYRINGOPORA BOUCHARDI. Devonian. 4. Under surface of a corallum whose appressed corallets indicate the form of the marine object to which the incipient community was attached; from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. 5. Upper surface of a corallum incrusting Cyathophyllum corniculum, from the upper rock strata of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens figured in this plate belong to the collection of the author. PLATE 69. SYRINGOPORA TUBIPOROIDES. Devonian. 1. Oblique view of the Upper surface of a corallum from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. Upper surface of a corallum from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. Gaines. 3. Basal expansion incrusting Favosites emmonsi, from the. Lower De- vonian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy. SYRINGOPORA PERELEGANS. Devonian. 4. Oblique section of a corallum from the upper strata of the Lower Devonian group of rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 5. Variety (inverted) from the same locality as example 4, but whose horizon is a little higher, showing more widely separated corallets, and more remote processes of connection. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 69. i KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 70. PLATE 70. Drymopora (Nov. Gen.) FASCICULARIS. Niagara and Devonian. 1. Lateral view (inverted) of a fragment from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. 2. Base of a corallum attached to Stromatopora concentrica; from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 3. Portion of a corallum invested by Stromatopora, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. 4, Portion of a corallum similarly inclosed, from the manganese lime- stone of the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. DRYMOPORA COMMENSALIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 5. Vertical section of a corallum growing in commensality with Stro- matopora texilis, as it is the habit-of the species to do with some form of Stromatopora; most of the corallets appear larger than their proper size because of their investiture; from the manganese limestone of the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 6. 7. Upper surfaces of coralla, the orifices of the corallets showing at the surfaces of the sarcodemes; from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. All from the collection of the author. PLATE 71. DRYMOPORA NOBILIS. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Upper surface of a corallum, from the same horizon and place. 3. Upper surface of a corallum of procumbent habit; from the same place. 4, Basal corallets of a young community, attached to Cyathophyllum halli; from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Examples from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 71. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 72. PLATE 72. DRYMOPORA AULOPOROIDEA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. . 1. 2. 3. 4. Front lateral views of corallets of prolific habit. Lateral views of two inosculating coralla. 10. 11. Coralla of biserial growth. 8. Examples of quadriserial growth. A triserial form. et SS 12. Basal corallets of a jejune community, attached to the upper surface of a Chetetes. Examples 1-11 are found in the encrinal limestone dark red clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Specimen 12 was gathered from the rotten chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. DryMopora FRUTECTOSA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 13. Upper surface of a corallum composed of large corallets. 14. Upper surface of a corallum whose corallets are of medium size. 15. Under surface of a corallum. 16. Front lateral view of a corallum. All from the horizon and vicinage of D. auloporoidea, Figs. 1-11. DRYMOPORA INTERMEDIA. Devonian. 17. Rear lateral view of corallets invested by Stromatopora granulata, from the Lower Devonian ferruginous clay, near Louisville. Specimen 1 belongs to the collection of Mr. Gaines. The other specimens herein figured are from the collection of the author. PLATE 73. AULOPORA EDITHANA. Devonian. 1. Corallum incrusting the dorsal valve of Strophomena hemispherica, from the rotten hornstone of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 2 RoMINGERIA INCRUSTANS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Corallum, somewhat eroded, incrusting Cyathophyllum pocillum. 3. Under surface and lateral view of a corallum. 4. Upper surface of a corallum. From the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. AvLoporA PYGM@a, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 5. Corallum incrusting Thecia swindernana, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. 6. Example incrusting Stromatopora concentrica, from the Upper Ni- agara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. AULOPORA CORNUTA. Devonian. 7. Corallum incrusting interior and margin of calyx of Cyathophyllum corniculum, from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Col- lection of the author. 8. Corallum incrusting fragment of Cyathophyllum scyphus, from the Upper Devonian dark red encrinal limestone clay, near Louis- ville. Collection of Mr. Gaines. AULOPORA. CULMULA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 9. Corallum incrusting a jejune frond of Favosites clausus, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. NicuHousonia (Nov. Gen.) CANADENSIS. Devonian. 10. 11. Corallets incrusting a Fenestella, from the rotten chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. [The corals and bryozoa both being white, the photographic deline- ation of the former is unsatisfactory, although the examples are good. | AULOPORA PROCUMBENS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 12. Corallets incrusting a species of Stromatopora, from the Lower Devonian ferruginous clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. : 13. Corallets similarly incrusting Stromatopora, from the horizon and place of example 12. Collection of Mr. McConathy. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 73. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 74. PLATE 74, AULOPORA SERPENS. Devonian. 1. (Upper left-hand specimen.) Corallets incrusting under surface of Stromatopora texilis, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. ‘ 2. Cornilets incrusting a fragment of Favosites, from the Lower Devo- nian red clay, near Louisville. DRYMOPORA INTERMEDIA. Devonian. 3. View of the corallum figured in Plate 72. 4. Basal corallets attached to a fragment of Favosites canadensis, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. RoMINGERIA INCRUSTANS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 5. Corallets incrusting a frond of Cladopora cryptodens, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Diorycuopora (Nov. Gen.) TENUIs, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 6. Corallum (inverted) from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Lou- isville. DRYMOPORA FASCICULARIS. , Devonian. 7. Fragment from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collected by Dr. Theiss. CLADOPORA FRANCISCI. Devonian. 8. Upper fronds of a corallum from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens herein figured are from the collection of the author. PLATE 75. RoMINGERIA VANNULA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 1. Upper surface of corallets from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 2. Similar view of corallets from the same horizon and locality. Col- lection of Mr. Gaines. 5. Similar view of corallets attached to a Favosites, from a lower horizon of the same group, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. Under surface of two inosculated cymes, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. RoMINGERIA UvA, Nov. Spec. Niagara and Devonian. 6. Basal corallets incrusting a Fenestella frond, from the rotten chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 7. Corallum from the Upper Niagara white clay stratum three feet below the passage-beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. RoMINGERIA UMBELLIFERA. Devonian. 4. Upper surface of two cymes, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 8. Fragment showing verticillate sprouts, from the Lower Devonian red clay. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 9. Similar fragment from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. 10. 11. 12. Fragments from the horizon and place of example 9. Col- lection of the author. 13. J ejune corallets from the same place. Collection of the author. RoMINGERIA FASCICULATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 14. 15. 16. Lateral views of corallets from the decomposing chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. , 18. Upper surface of corallets from the same place. Collection of the author. RoMINGERIA INCRUSTANS, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 17. Corallets incrusting Cladopora imbricata, from the Lower Devo- nian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 75. Pe eis KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 76. PLATE 76. RoMINGERIA UMBELLIFERA. Devonian. 1. Rear lateral view of verticillate umbels, showing spinulous inner- walls, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. ROMINGERIA INCRUSTANS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Corallum incrusting Zaphrentis gregaria, from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. Gaines. AULOPORA EDITHANA. Devonian. 3. Corallum attached to Favosites hemisphericus, from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. SYRINGOPORA HISINGERI. Devonian. 4, Lateral view (inverted) of example figured in Plate 68, Fig. 1. SYRINGOPORA STRAMINEA, Noy. Spec. Devonian. 5. Upper surface of corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. CLADoPoRA bDEsSQquAMATA, Noy. Spec. Devonian. 6. Corallum partly imbedded in matrix, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. - PLATE 77. CYATHOPHYLLUM HALLI. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of corallum, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Right lateral view of corallum, from which the epitheca is worn; from the Lower Devonian ferruginous clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 77. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 78. PLATE 78. ANTHOLITES (Nov. Gen.) spEctosus, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 1. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the dark-red clay derived from the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. 2. Sectional view of the same specimen, showing avitous corallets attached to a crinoid column. CYATHOPHYLLUM PuSTULOsUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. Oblique front and right lateral view of a corallum of typical shape and size. 4, Calyx of a corallum. Found in the vicinage of the antholite, but in a horizon about a foot lower. CYATHOPHYLLUM INSIGNE, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 5. View of the calyx of a corallum, found associated with the former species. CHONOPHYLLUM MULTIPLICATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian lime- stones, Falls of the Ohio. “ CYATHOPHYLLUM EXIGUUM. Devonian. 7. View of the calyx of a huge corallum, from the Lower Devonian clay, near Louisville. CYATHOPHYLLUM GREENI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 8. Rear lateral view of an adult corallum. 9. Left lateral view of a weathered example. 10. A jejune specimen. Cut from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. PLATE 78.—Continued. CYATHOPHYLLUM FLOS, Nov. Spec. Niagara and Devonian, 11. View of the calyx of a proliferous corallum, from the stratum of white clay seven feet below the Niagara and Devonian passage- beds, near Louisville. 12. Central view of a corallum of average size, from the same horizon and place. 13. View of the calyx of a small corallum, from the Lower Devonian clay, near Louisville. 14. View of the calyx of a large corallum, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS GREENANA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 15. Right lateral view of a medium-sized corallum. 16. View of the calyx of a corallum. From the Middle Devonian clay, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS ROMINGERI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 17. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Nicuousonra (Nov. Gen.) CANADENSIS. Devonian. 18. Corallets of continuous growth attached to a zaphrentis, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. NICHOLSONIA ADNATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 19. Corallets incrusting a zaphrentis and overrunning a portion of the less robust N. canadensis. The specimens figured in this plate belong to the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 79. PLATE 79. _ CYATHOPHYLLUM CORNICULUM. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of corallum of uncommon altitude, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. 2. 4. Left lateral views. 3. 5. Right lateral views. 6. Central view. 7. View of calyx. 8. View of gemmiferous calyx. The several coralla are from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. CYATHOPHYLLUM JUVENE. Devonian. 9. Central view. 10. 11. Right lateral views. 12. View of calyx. The several coralla are from the dark-red encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisvilie. CYATHOPHYLLUM BREVICORNE, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 13. Apertural view. 14. Central view. 15. 16. Left lateral views. 17. 18. Views of calyces. The coralla are from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Examples herein figured are from the collection of the author. PLATE 80. CYATHOPHYLLUM TORNATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Exterior apertural view of a corallum from the superior stratum of the encrinal limestone dark-red clay, near Louisville. CYATHOPIHYLLUM JUVENE. Devonian. 2. Right lateral view of a young corallum. 6. View of the gemmiferous calyx of a corallum. 7. Apertural view of a corallum of more than average altitude. 8. Explanate calyx of a corallum of medium size. From the horizon and vicinage of examples figured in Plate 79. CYATHOPHYLLUM ETHELANUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. Lateral and apertural-gap view of corallum of slender, tortuous growth. 5. Oblique anterior view of a corallum of medium size. Found from three to four feet below the shale which caps the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. CYATHOPHYLLUM TRAUTHANUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Right lateral view of a corallum of average size. Associated with C. ethelanum. CYSTIPHYLLUM CUYAGAENSE. Devonian. 9. Right lateral view of corallum with flattened apex. 10. View of the calyx of a corallum. Both examples from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. CHONOPHYLLUM NANUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 11. Left lateral view of a corallum of average size. 12. Similar view of a ccrallum of unsymmetrical growth above medium size, . 13. View of the calyx of a small corallum. Irom the dark-red clay of the Upper Devonian encrinal limestone, near Louisville KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 80. PLATE 80.— Continued. CYATHOPHYLLUM GREEN], Nov. Spec. Devonian. 14. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. NIcHOLSONIA CANADENSIS. Devonian. 15. Corallets attached to Stromatopora, from the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. NIcHOLSONIA ANGULATA, Nov. Spec Devonian. 16. Corallum incrusting Stromatopora texilis, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. CYATHOPHYLLUM MULTIGEMMATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 17. View of confluent calyces of corallets, from the Middle Devonian waste, Marion county, Kentucky. ZAPHRENTIS IMMANIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 18. Central view and oblique view of calyces of twin coralla, from the Middle Devonian clay, near Louisville. The examples figured in this plate belong to the collection of the author, PLATE 81. CYATHOPHYLLUM POcILLUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Central view of a rapidly expanding corallum. Collection of Mr. McConathy. 2. Central view of a corallum of typical size and shape. Collection of the author. 3. Calyx of a corallum. Collection of the author. 5. Corallum of gigantic dimensions, with oblique section of the calyx- wall, showing the sub-vesicular cellulose tissue of the interloculi. Collection of the author. Found in the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. BLoTHROPHYLLUM coriuM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Right lateral view of corallum, with apex flattened by attachment to an extraneous object, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 81, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 8&2. PLATE 82, CYATHOPHYLLUM FIMBRIATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Central view of a flexuous corallum, with epitheca denuded, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Right lateral view of a weathered corallum, from the same horizon and place. 3. Calyx of a corallum; the figure also shows the margins of some of the inferior invaginated calyces; from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM INSIGNE, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Right lateral view of a jejune corallum, with apical scar of attach- ment during growth. PLATE 83. CYATHOPHYLLUM MULTICRENA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Right lateral view of a corallum of slender habit, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. 2. Left lateral view of a symmetrical corallum of average size, from the same horizon and neighborhood. 3. Right lateral view of a young corallum, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Calyx of a corallum. Calyx of a very large corallum of which the circular elevated rim of the diaphragm has been fortuitously broken down. Examples 4 and 5 are from the horizon and locality of example 3. ae as CYATHOPHYLLUM cpIPUus, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. Left lateral view of a small corallum, from the Lower Devonian ferruginous clay, near Louisville. 7. Central view of a small corallum. 8. Left lateral view of a corallum of medium size. 9. Right lateral view of a corallum. Examples 7, 8, 9, are from the horizon and vicinage of example 6. CYATHOPHYLLUM FLOs, Noy. Spec. Magara. 10. Calyx view of a corallum from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. CYATHOPHYLLUM CORALLIFERUM. Devonian. 11. .Calyces of corallets, varying in size, imbedded in Stromatopora, as is usual with the species; from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. CYATHOPHYLLUM PUMILUS, Noy. Spec. Devonian. 12. Left lateral view of a corallum slightly below medium size, with apical scar; from the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. CYATHOPHYLLUM WINCHELLI, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 13. Right lateral view of a corallum of average size, with small cir- cular apical scar. 14. Calyx of a corallum. From the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. The examples figured in this Plate are from the collection of the author, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 83. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 8&4. PLATE 84. CYATHOPHYLLUM cpIPuS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. Composite corallum, partly imbedded in rock matrix, from .the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 85. CYATHOPHYLLUM ROBUSTUM. Devonian. - 2. 3. Adult corallum: left lateral view. Right lateral view of a corallum. Calyx of a corallum, the linear edges of whose lamellae are broken down so as to show the cellulose inner walls. Right lateral view of a young corallum. (Central specimen.) View of calyx and central exterior of an un- symmetrical jejune corallum, with well-preserved acute lamelle but abnormally shaped diaphragm. The examples figured were cut from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Example 4 is from the collection of Mr. Gaines; the others from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 85. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 86. PLATE 86. CYATHOPHYLLUM RADICULA. Niagara. 1. Left lateral view of large corallum, with the gem of an inferior calyx still adherent, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Gaines. 2. 3. 4. Typically flexuous coralla: example 4 from the Upper Niagara red clay, the others from the slightly lower horizon of the white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 5. A sessile corallum, with calycinal gem, from the horizon and neigh- borhood of example 4. Collection of the author. 6. Right lateral view of a stout sessile corallum, with inchoate root- like processes of attachment, common to most Niagara cyatho- phylloids; from the horizon and locality of example 4. Collec- tion of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM ToRNATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. Left lateral view of a corallum from the inferior stratum of the dark-red encrinal-limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 8. Exterior view of a corallum, showing rounded apex and wrinkled epitheca, from the horizon and neighborhood of example 7. Collection of the- author. 9. Calyx of a corallum, from the same horizon and place. Collection of the author. ‘ 10. 11. Left lateral views (prostrate) of unusually long and slender coralla, from the horizon and vicinage of the previous examples. Collection of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM SCYPHUS. Devonian. 12. Right lateral view of a corallum of geniculated form. 13. Left lateral view of a corallum of medium size, with circular apical scar. 14. Calyx of a corallum, with gem. From the horizon and vicinage of C. tornatum, figured in this Plate. Collection of the author. PLATE 87. CYATHOPHYLLUM MULTIGEMMATUM, Nov. Spee. ‘Devonian. View of exterior apertural side of ancestral corallet. The central form is not a corallet of the community, but is held in embrace- ment. Cut from the Lower Devonian limestone, near Louisville. Collection of the author. [Nore—Turn the Plate so as to view it from the right side.] KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 87. ee KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 8&8. PLATE 88. CYATHOPHYLLUM MULTIGEMMATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View along the line of the apertural gap of the ancestral corallet ; right and left lateral views of its progeny. From the horizon and locality of the specimen figured in Plate 87. CYATHOPHYLLUM LIGATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Right and left lateral views of inosculating gems detached from the maternal corallum, with epitheca removed so as to show the con- cave interlocular dissepiments. From the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 4. Calyx of a corallum, with bell-shaped wall, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. CYATHOPHYLLUM DETEXTUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. View of a corallum (prone), the lower half of which shows the exterior right lateral gap-line, and the upper half the exterior surface symmetrical with the line of the apertural gap. From the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens figured belong to the collection of the author. PLATE 89. DIPHYPHYLLUM VERNEUILANUM. Devonian. 1. Exterior lateral view of a corallum from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM MULTIGEMMATUM, Nov. Spec. - Devonian. 2. Exterior lateral views of inosculated corallets accidentally broken from their parent, from the Middle Devonian waste of Marion county, Kentucky. Collection of Mr. Linney. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 89. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 90. PLATE 90. CYATHOPHYLLUM RUGOSUM. ~ Devonian. ' Upper surface of a corallum from the Middle Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 91. CYATHOPHYLLUM COLLIGATUM. Devonian. 1. Under surface of a corallum from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. 2. Upper surface of a corallum from the same horizon and _ neighbor- hood. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 92. PLATE 92. CYATHOPHYLLUM COLLIGATUM. Devonian. 1. Vertical section of specimen Fig. 2, Plate 91. CYATHOPHYLLUM HALLI. Devonian. 2. Calyx of corallum Fig. 1, Plate 77. 3. Calyx of a corallum of medium size, bell-shaped, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM MULTIGEMMATUM, Nov. Spec. — Devonian. 4. Three small inosculated gems fortuitously detached from the inferior corallet; from the Middle Devonian waste, Lincoln county, Ken- tucky. Collection of Mr. Linney. PLATE 98. CYATHOPHYLLUM OVOIDEUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Upper surface of a corallum from the decomposed chert of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. CYATHOPHYLLUM DAVIDSONI. . Devonian. 2. Upper surface of a corallum from the rotten chert of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. CYATHOPHYLLUM RUGOSUM. Devonian. 3. Upper surface of a fragment showing cristate calyx-walls, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 93. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 94. PLATE 94. ACROPHYLLUM ONEIDAENSE. Devonian. 1. (Oblique) anterior, or central-gap view of a corallum of average size, with calyx wall broken so as to show the cone-shaped _ diaphragm; from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Right lateral view (prostrate) of a small corallum, more conical than the typical specimens. From the horizon and locality of the preceding example. ACROPHYLLUM ELLIPTICUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. Anterior, or central-gap view of a corallum, with wall removed so as to show the bottom of the calyx; from the horizon and place of C. oneidaense. The specimens belong to the collection of the author. PLATE 95, AULACOPHYLLUM SULCATUM. Devonian. 1. Anterior, or central-gap view and view of the calyx of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Left lateral view of a weathered corallum, from the Middle Devo- nian red clay, near Louisville. 3. Posterior, or apertural-gap view of a weathered corallum, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. [Nore.—-The arrangement of the lamelle about the line of the apertural-gap may be observed.} AULACOPH YLLUM PARVUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. View of the central-gap line and of the calyx of a corallum, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. AULACOPHYLLUM UNGULOIDEUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 5. View of central-gap line and of the calyx of a corallum of medium size, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. {Nore.—In this specimen are conspicuously shown the four gaps proper to Cyathophylloids, and the consequent fascicular grouping of the lamelle.] 6. Similar view of a corallum, in which the central and lateral gaps are obscure, but showing the lamella occupying the center of the apertural-gap fovea. 7. Left lateral-gap view of a corallum (prone). This and example 6 are from the same horizon and place as example 5. [Nore.—The arrangement of the lamella about the line of the left lateral gap is noticeable.] 8. View of the calyx of a weathered corallum, from the Lower Devo- nian ferruginous clay, near Louisville. (Notz.—In this example some of the lamellae beyond the lateral gaps remain erect, and by their co-incidental meeting have the appearance of continuous plications from opposite margins of the wall.] AULACOPHYLLUM INSIGNE. Devonian. 9. View of the central gap and of the calyx of a corallum, whose lamellee are fortuitously broken down in the calyx bottom. From the manganese limestone of the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The examples are from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 96. PLATE 96, AULACOPHYLLUM MUTABILE, Nov, Spec. Devonian. 1 2. 3. - Left lateral view of a weathered corallum. View of central-gap side and posterior portion of the calyx of a corallum, indicating the formation of the calyx floor. Right lateral view of a corallum with anterior wall broken down. Posterior view of a corallum. - Oblique lateral view of a badly weathered corallum, whose lamelle were incrassated by the process of fossilization. Front, or central-gap view of a corallum with anterior wall fortui- tously removed, showing the sub-cellulose structure of the wall. View of the calyx of a corallum (prone), showing: a secondary calyx of cystose structure. Anterior view of a corallum in which the secondary calyx is lami- nated. Specimens 1-6 are found in the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. ; Specimens 7 and 8 are found in the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. The examples figured belong to the collection of the author. PLATE 97. BLoTHROPHYLLUM LIRATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of a weathered corallum, with epitheca denuded, showing the ridge along the line of the apertural gap; from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. AULACOPHYLLUM CONIGERUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Calyx of a corallum from the dark-red clay derived from the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. ACROPHYLLUM CLARKI, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 3. Right lateral view of a corallum of medium size, with flattened apex, 4, Left lateral view of a large corallum with flattened apex. 5. Posterior view of a corallum, with apex taking shape from the object to which the corallum attached in the early stages of growth. s 6. Posterior view of a corallum from which the epitheca has been removed by weathering. Examples 3-6 are from the horizon and vicinage of A. conigerum, Fig. 2. CYATHOPHYLLUM INFOVEATUM, Novy. Spec. Devonian. 7. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian red clay, near Louisville. 8. Similar view of a corallum, from the Upper Devonian encrinal limestone dark-red clay, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS GALLICALCAR, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 9. Posterior view of a corallum of adult size. 10. Anterior view of a corallum. . 11. Right lateral view of a corallum. 12. 13. Views of calyces of coralla. 14. Left lateral view of a young specimen. 15. Left lateral view of a jejune corallum of irregular growth. From the horizon and vicinage of A. conigerum., KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 97. PLATE 9%7—Continued. ZAPHRENTIS CORNALBA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 16. Left lateral view of an adult corallum. 17. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum. From the horizon and vicinage of A. conigerum. ZAPHRENTIS NETTELROTHI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 18. Left lateral view of an adult corallum. 19. View of the calyx of a corallum. Found in the vicinage and horizon of A. conigerum. AULOPORA PRECIUS. ; Niagara. 20. Corallets incrusting an eroded fragment of Strombodes. pentagonus, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. CLADOPORA PROBOSCIDALIS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 21. Front lateral view of frond partly imbedded in rock matrix, from the white clay strata of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. CLADOPORA ALCICORNIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 22. Upper fronds of a corallum. 23. Front lateral view of a frond of typical form. From the horizon and vicinage of A. conigerum. CLADOPORA GULIELMI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 24. Front lateral view of fronds partly imbedded in a fragment of decomposing encrinal limestone; from the horizon and neighbor- hood of A. conigerum. With the exception of example 4, which was collected by Mr. Gaines, the specimens figured in this Plate belong to the collec- tion of the author. PLATE 98. BLOTHROPHYLLUM DECORTICATUM. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of an adult corallum of average size and usual form, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. .2. Lateral view of the upper portion of a corallum partly imbedded in its rock matrix, with closely set explanate rims of the invag- inating calyces; from the rocks of the Lower Devonian formation, near Louisville. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 98. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 99. PLATE 99. BLotHROPYLLUM DECORTICATUM. Devonian. 1. View of the calyx of a corallum, with depressed floor. 2. View of the calyx of a corallum, without a diaphragm. 3. View of the calyx of a corallum, with the diaphragm as it com- monly appears. From the horizon and vicinage of example Fig. 1, Plate 98. BLOTHROPHYLLUM SESSILE, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 5. Similar view of the calyx of a corallum, from the same horizon and place. BLOTHROPHYLLUM LOUISVILLENSE, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 6. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum, from the horizon and locality of B. sessile, Figs. 4. and 5. BLOTHROPHYLLUM CINCTUTUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. 8. Right lateral view of a small corallum, from the same horizon and place. BLOTHROPHYLLUM APPROXIMATUM. Devonian. 9. Upper portion of a corallum, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. BLOTHROPHYLLUM NIAGARENSE, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 10. Lateral view of a flexuous corallum, from the Upper Niagara - white clay stratum, ten feet below the Niagara and Devonian passage-beds, near Louisville. The specimens figured in this Plate are from the collection of the author. PLATE 100. BLOTHROPHYLLUM PARVULUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. 2. 3. Lateral views of adult coralla, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. BLOTHROPHYLLUM cincTUTUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Lateral view of an adult corallum of flexuous form, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 'Norz.—The apex and several inches of the lower part of the corallum are concealed from view by geniculation. ] 5. Anterior view and oblique view of the calyx of the upper portion of a corallum, from the same horizon and locality. 6. Calyx of a corallum from the same horizon and locality. BLoOTHROPHYLLUM LOUISVILLENSE, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. Anterior, or central-gap view of the upper portion of a corallum. 8. View of the calyx of a corallum. Both from the blue clay beds of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. BLoTHROPHYLLUM SESSILE, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 9. Left lateral view of the corallum figured in Plate 99, Fig. 4. 10. Left lateral view of a corallum from the same horizon and locality. 11. Central gap view of a corallum with small apical scar of attach- ment, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. 12. View of the calyx of a corallum from the horizon and neighbor- hood of the preceding example. CysTIPHYLLUM pLIcaTUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 13. Posterior view of a corallum from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. [Introduced here for comparison with the Blothrophylla, to which it bears a superficial resemblance. ] BLOTHROPHYLLUM APPROXIMATUM. Devonian. 14. Lateral view of the upper portion of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. 15. View of the calyx of a large corallum from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Specimens figured in this plate are from the collection of the author, with the exception of Cystiphyllum plicatum, Fig. 18, which belongs to Mr. Gaines. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 100. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 101. PLATE 101. CYATHOPHYLLUM POCILLUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Longitudinal section of a corallum, from the Upper Devonian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CALCEOLA PROTEUS, Nov. Spee. Niagara. 2. Inner surface of an operculum, from the Upper Niagara white clay beds, near Louisville. Collection of Dr. Knapp. CHONOPHYLLUM MAGNIFICUM. Devonian. 3. View of the calyx of a coralluin of medium size, from the man- ganese limestone rocks of the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. BLOTHROPHYLLUM LOUISVILLENSE, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. 5. Similar view of a corallum, from the same horizon and place. BLOTHROPHYLLUM cincTUTUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. Longitudinal section of a fragment, showing arrangement of the diaphragmns, etc., from the locality and horizon of the preced- ing species of Blothrophyllum. Collection of Dr. Knapp. CYATHOPHYLLUM PUMILUS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. BLoTHROPHYLLUM corRIUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 8. Left lateral view of a corallum, from. the upper part of which the epitheca has been fortuitously denuded; from the Middle Devo- nian red clay, near Louisville. 11. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. 9. View of the calyx of a sessile corallum, from the horizon and neighborhood of example Fig. 8. The specimens are from the collection of the author. AULACOPHYLLUM PARVUM, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 10. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum, with small apical scar; from the Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author, PLATE 102. BLOTHROPHYLLUM LIRATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View of the calyx of the corallum figured in Plate 97, Fig. 1. AULACOPHYLLUM CONIGERUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Left lateral view of a flexuous corallum, from the dark-red clay of the Upper Devonian encrinal limestone, near Louisville. 3. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum (in- verted), from the same horizon and neighborhood. ACROPHYLLUM CLARKI, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 4. View of the calyx of corallum figured in Plate 97, Fig. 3. 5. View of the calyx of corallum in Fig. 4, Plate 97. 6. View of the calyx of corallum in Fig. 5, Plate 97. 7. View of the calyx of corallum in Fig. 6, Plate 97. BLoTHROPHYLLUM ZAPHRENTIFORME, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 8. Left lateral view of a corallum of average size. 9. Similar view of a corallum. 10. Right lateral view of a corallum. 11. Left lateral view of a stout corallum. 12. Right lateral view of a corallum. 13. Right lateral view of a corallum, whose epitheca has been fortui- tously removed. 14. Right lateral view of a corallum of gigantic dimensions. 15. 16. Views of calyces of coralla (inverted). The examples of this species figured, with the exception of ex- ample 14, which is from Crab Orchard, are from the ‘horizon and vicinage of Aulacophyllum conigerum. The specimens figured in this Plate belong to the collection of the author. Pgs KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 102. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 103. PLATE 103. NetreLroruia (Nov. Gen.) CRATERIFORME, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View of the under surface of a sarcodeme. 2. Lateral’ view of a sarcodeme (inverted). From the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louis- t ville. [Nore.—This form does not belong to the Polypi, but to the Protista. For this reason it is not described in the descriptive text of this work. It will be described in another work now in prepa- ration. ] HADROPHYLLUM D’ORBIGNYI. Devonian. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Views of calyces of coralla. 8. 9. 10. 11. Lateral views of coralla of varying form and size. , From the red clay of the ‘Middle Devonian, near Louisville. me CHONOPHYLLUM MAGNIFICUM. Devonian. 12. Lateral view of a corallum, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. 13. Lateral view of a corallum, with epitheca denuded, from the man- ganese limestone of the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 14. View of a portion of the calyx of a well preserved fragment, from the horizon and neighborhood of example in Fig. 12. With the exception of example 14, which belongs to Mr. McCon- athy, the specimens herein figured are from the collection of the author. eM PLATE 104, CYATHAXONIA GAINESI, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 1. View of the calyx of a corallum. Anterior view of a young corallum. Left lateral view of a corallum. Right lateral view of a corallum. Posterior view of a corallum. Anterior view of a corallum. From the lowest strata of the Niagara period, near Louisville. ea gee oe PrycHOPHYLLUM Ipoma@a, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 7. (Upper left specimen.) Under surface of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. OMPHYMA VERRUCOSA. Niagara. 8. (Central specimen.) Right lateral view: of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara ferruginous clay, near Louisville. 9. (Right central specimen.) Right lateral view of a corallum, from the white clay beds of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 10. Posterior view of a corallum, with part of the calyx wall broken off. 11. Anterior view of a large corallum, with partially denuded epitheca. Examples 10 and 11 are from the horizon and vicinage of exam- ple 8. All the specimens are from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 104. FZ KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 105. PLATE 105, PTYCHOPHYLLUM ‘STOKESI. Magara. 1. 2. 3. St-9) ee Left lateral view of a corallum of average size. (Upper central specimen.) View of the calyx of a corallum. (Central Specimen.) Posterior view of a corallum attached by its radicels to an extraneous object. (Left central specimen.) Lateral view of coralla mutually attached. View of the calyces of three inosculated coralla. (Left upper specimen.) View of a proliferous corallum. View of the calyx of a corallum, invaginated within the inferior calyx. All from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Example 5 from the collection of Mr. McConathy; example 6 from the collection of Mr. Nettelroth; the others from the collection of the author. PTYCHOPHYLLUM INVAGINATUM, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 8. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, one foot below the Niagara and Devonian passage- beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PTrYcHOPHYLLUM :pomaa, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 9. View of the calyx of the corallum figured in Plate 104, Fig. 7. 10. (Lower central specimen.) Oblique right lateral view of a young gemmiferous corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. OMPHYMA VERRUCOSA. Niagara. 11. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 106. PrycHoPpHYLLUM TRoPEUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. (Lower right specimen.) Anterior view of a corallum of average size. 2, (Lower central specimen.) Posterior view of a corallum. 3. View of the calyx of a large corallum. From the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. PTYCHOPHYLLUM DIAPHRAGMA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4, (Lower left specimen.) Left lateral view of an adult corallum. 5. View of the calyx of a corallum, with portion of the right wall fortuitously broken. From the horizon and vicinage of the preceding species. PrycHOPHYLLUM TyPicuM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian clay of Lincoln county. 7. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. PTYCHOPHYLLUM CONIFERUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 8. (Right of center.) Right lateral view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian clay of Lincoln county. 9. (Left of center.) Posterior view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 10. Right lateral view of a corallum. 11. (Upper central specimen.) Right lateral view of a corallum, with calyx wall broken down so as to show the sub-vesicular cen- tral cone. Examples 10 and 11 are from the horizon and vicinage of exam- ple 9. The specimens figured in the Plate are from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 106. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 107. + NC CMR if PLATE 107. ERIDOPHYLLUM ERUCIFORME, Nov. Spec. Niagara. Front lateral view of corallets, from the Upper Niagara red clay near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 108. ERIDOPHYLLUM SENTUM, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 1. Upper surface view of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. DIPHYPHYLLUM BELLIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. Upper surface view of a corallum, from the Middle. Devonian red. clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. DIPHYPHYLLUM ARCHIACI. Devonian. 3. Lateral view of a ¢orallum, from the dark-red clay derived from the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. Collected by Mr. Goodwin. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 108. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 109. es PLATE 109, ERIDOPHYLLUM RUGOSUM. Niagara. 1. Rear lateral view of corallets (prostrate), from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. [Jejune example. ] ERIOPHYLLUM HURONICUM. Niagara. 2. Front lateral view of a fragment, from ‘the horizon and neighbor- hood of E. rugosum, Fig. 1. ERIDOPHYLLUM DivipuuM, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 3. View of the upper surface of a composite corallum, partly imbed- ded in chert, from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 4. Lateral view of a composite corallum, from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 5. Lateral view of a composite corallum, from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 6. Lateral view of two corallets detached from their parent, showing connective processes; from the ‘Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 7. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. 8. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 9. Right lateral view of a small corallum. 10. View of the calyx of a corallum. 11. Lateral view of a small gemmiferous corallum. 12. View of the calyx of the parent corallet, with gems adherent. The last four specimens are from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. : With the exception of specimen 5, the examples figured in this Plate belong to the collection of the author, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 110. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 111. PLATE 111. ERIDOPHYLLUM HURONICUM. Portion of longitudinal section through corallum, from the stratum of white clay of the Upper Niagara, ten feet below the Niagara and Devonian passage-beds, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 112. ERIDOPHYLLUM SIMCOENSE. Devonian. 1. Lateral view of corallets, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. ERIDOPHYLLUM ARUNDINACEUM. Devonian. 2. Lateral view of corallets, partly imbedded in rock matrix, from the Lower Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. DIPHYPHYLLUM ARCHIACLI. Devonian. 3. View of the upper surface of a corallum, whose corallets are above the average size; from the dark-red encrinal-limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. These specimens are from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 112. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 113. PLATE 114. DIPHYPHYLLUM STRICTUM. Devonian. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the Middle Devo- nian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. . Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 114. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 115. PLATE 116. DIPHYPHYLLUM conJuNCTUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the Middle Devo- nian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 2. View of the upper surface of a corallum, showing the up-springing of young corallets from the floors of the polygonally compressed older calyces; from the ferruginous clay of the upper strata of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 3. Vertical section of a fragment, from the horizon and locality of the preceding specimen. . DIPHYPHYLLUM BELLIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Oblique view of the upper surface of a corallum, from the upper rock strata of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 116. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 117. PLATE 117. DIPHYPHYLLUM COALESCENS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the upper rock strata of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. DIPHYPHYLLUM COAGULATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 2. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the horizon and neighborhood of the preceding species. Collection of the author. PLATE 118. PHILLIPSASTREA GIGAS. Devonian. 1. View of the upper surface of a fragment, from the Middle Devo- nian waste of Marion county. Collection of the author. 2. View of the upper surface of a fragment, from the Middle Devo- nian red clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy. PHILLIPSASTREA INGENS, Nov. Spec: Devonian. 3. View of the upper surface of a fragment, showing the upraised rounded rims between the central pits and the perimeters of the explanate calyces; from the Middle Devonian waste of Marion county. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 118. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 119. PLATE 120. StroMBoDES KNOTTI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View of the upper surface of a fragment, from the Lower Devo- nian clay of Marion county. Collection of Mr. Knott. 2. View of the upper surface of a fragment, showing somewhat larger central pits. View of the upper surface of a fragment. View of the under surface of a fragment. 5. View of the under surface of a fragment, with a part of the epitheca fortuitously stripped so as to show the terete apical part of a corallet. Specimens 2, 3, 4, 5, are from the horizon and vicinage of example 1. Collection of the author. 6. View of the upper surface of a moderately well preserved example, me oe with extra-sized central pits and calyx walls better defined than is common. From the horizon and neighborhood of the other specimens. Col- lection of Mr. Linney. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 120. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 121. PLATE 121. STROMBODES STRIATUS. Magara. 1. View of the upper surface of a weathered corallum, from the ferru- ginous clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. STROMBODES PENTAGONUS. Niagara. 2. View of the upper surface of a fragment, from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 3. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the red clay of the passage-beds between the Niagara and Devonian rocks, near Louisville. Collection of the author. STROMBODES SINEMURUS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 4, View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the horizon and neigh- borhood of S. pentagonus, Fig. 2. Collection of Mr. McConathy. PLATE 122. STROMBODES STRIATUS. Niagara. 1. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. View of a vertical section of a weathered corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. STROMBODES QUADRANGULARIS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 3. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the lower strata of the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. ° STROMBODES UNIcuUS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 5. Lateral view of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. STROMBODES SINEMURUS, Nov. Spec: Niagara. 4. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 6. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 122, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 123. PLATE 123. STROMBODES PYGMEUS. Niagara. 1. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. STROMBODES INCERTUS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 2. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. STROMBODES SINEMURUS, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 3. View of the upper surface of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy, STROMBODES MAMILLARIS. Niagara. 4. View of the upper surface of a small corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. PLATE 124. CYSTIPHYLLUM NIAGARENSE. Niagara. 1. Left lateral view of an adult corallum. 2. Anterior view of a gemmiferous corallum. 3. Anterior view of a small corallum. Examples 1, 2, 3, are from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 4, View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a small corallum. 5. View of the calyx of an adult corallum, in which three of the four foveal gaps proper ¢. © yathophylloidea are conspicuous. Specimens 4 and 5 are from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. CYSTIPHYLLUM INCURVUM, Nov. Spec. Magara. 6. Left lateral view of a small corallum, with denuded epitheca, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. 7. Posterior view of an adult corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. McConathy. 8. Anterior view of a corallum, from the horizon and neighborhood of the preceding example. From the collection of Mr. McConathy. CyYsTIPHYLLUM AMERICANUM. Devonian. 9. Posterior view of a corallum of robust habit, with warped apical scar of attachment; from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. 10. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 11. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens figured in this Plate, with the exception of Figs. 7 and 8, belong to the collection of the author, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 124, KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 125. PLATE 125, CYSTIPHYLLUM SULCATUM. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of a symmetrical adult corallum. 2. Left lateral view of a slender corallum. 3. View of the calyx of a corallum similar to example 1. From the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. CYsTIPHYLLUM SQUAMOSUM. Devonian. 4. Posterior view (prone) of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. 5. Right lateral view of a weathered corallum of unusual altitude ; from the horizon and neighborhood of the preceding specimen. 6. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the blue clay of the Mid- dle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. CYSTIPHYLLUM NETTELROTHI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. Right lateral view of a corallum. 9. Posterior view (prone) of a corallum. 8. View of the calyx of a corallum, whose radial lamellz are some- what obscured by siliceous deposition in annular dots. From the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. CYSTIPHYLLUM CICATRICIFERUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 10. Posterior view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 11. View of the calyx of a corallum of sessile growth, whose circular apical scar has the dimensions of the calyx; from the encrinal limestone clay of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. CYSTIPHYLLUM OHIOENSE. Devonian. 12. Left lateral view of a corallum. 13. Posterior view of a corallum. From the red clay strata derived from the encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. The specimens herein figured belong to the collection of the author. 10 PLATE 126. CYSTIPHYLLUM GRANDE. Devonian. 1. Anterior view of an adult corallum, with a portion of the wall removed, so as to show the delicately laminated calyx wall and the floor; from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. CYsTIPHYLLUM LIMBATUM, Nov. Spee. Devonian. 2. Left lateral view of the upper part of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 126. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 127. PLATE 127. CYsTIPHYLLUM HIspiDUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. Left lateral view of a corallum (prone), from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 128. CysTIPHYLLUM LINEATUM, Nov. Spec. Niagara and Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. 2. Right lateral view of an adult corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 3. Exterior view of a corallum, from the passage-beds between the Niagara and Devonian formations, near Louisville. 4, View of the calyx of a large corallum, from the horizén and neighborhood of specimen 1. CYSTIPHYLLUM PLICATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 5. 6. 7. Right lateral views of small coralla, with apical scars of. attachment. 8. Anterior view of a corallum, with apical scar. From the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. CYsTIPHYLLUM EDWINANUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian, 9. View of the calyx of a gemmiferous corallum. From the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. CysTIPHYLLUM TUMIDoSUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 10. View of the calyx of a corallum of average size. From the horizon and locality of C. edwinanum. CYsTIPHYLLUM THEISssI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 11. Posterior view of an adult corallum. 12. Left lateral view of a corallum. 13. Anterior view of a gemmiferous corallum. 14. View of the calyx of a corallum. From the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens figured in this Plate are from the collection of the author, 2 KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 128. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 129. PLATE 129, CYSTIPHYLLUM HIsPIDUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. View of the calyx of the corallum, figured iw Plate 127. CyYsTIPHYLLUM VESICULOSUM. Devonian. 2. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. CYSTIPHYLLUM PLICATUM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 3. Left lateral view of a large corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author. PLATE 130. ZAPHRENTIS TRIGEMMA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of a portion of a corallum, partly imbedded in the rock matrix. 2. Anterior view of the superior portion of a corallum. From the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. ZAPHRENTIS NODULOSA. Devonian. 3. Anterior view of a large corallum, with a portion of the rock matrix attached; from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. CYSTIPHYLLUM PLicaTuM, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Posterior view of a corallum, with epitheca denuded, and the successively invaginating calyx-wall margins fortuitously worn off, showing the radial lamelle. 5. View of the calyx of a corallum. From the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. CYsTIPHYLLUM 0s, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 6. 7. Lateral views of coralla, with spreading apices, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. CYATHOPHYLLUM GREENI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 8. Left lateral view of an adult a jejune corallum. 9. Right lateral view of the upper portion of a jejune corallum. From the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. The examples figured in the Plate are from the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 130. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 131. ‘7 ~O ~ PLATE 181. CaLcEoLA PROTEUS, Nov. Spec. Miagara. 1. Anterior view of a proliferous corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. View of portions of some corallets partly imbedded in rock matrix; from the Upper Niagara strata, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 3. Posterior view of a large corallum, from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 4. Posterior view of a corallum of average size, from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 5. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum, from the horizon and neighborhood of example 4. Collection of the author. 6. View of the calyx and oblique posterior view of a corallum, from the locality of specimen 5. 8. 9. Oblique views (8 inverted) of small coralla, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 7. Oblique view of a corallum, whose calyx is closed by an opercu- lum; from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 14. 15. 16. Oblique views of coralla, with calyces closed by opercula; from the horizon and vicinage of specimen 7. Collection of the author. 13. View of the exterior surface of the operculum of a corallum of average size; from the horizon and neighborhood of example 7. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 17. View of ‘the operculum of a small corallum from the same place. Collection of the author. 10. View of a gem detached from its parent. 11. Posterior view of a gemmiferous corallum. 12. Posterior view of a fortuitously detached gem. Specimens 10, 11, 12, are from the Upper Niagara red clay strata, near Louisville. Collection of the author. {Norz.—In Fig. 18 an oblique posterior view of a corallum of Culceola sandalina, an European form said to be from the Devonian strata of the Eifel, closed by an operculum, is here presented for com- parison with our Niagara species.] PLATE 132. ZAPHRENTIS CORNICULUM. Hudson River Group. 1. Left lateral view of an adult corallum, from the Hudson River Group of the Lower Silurian formation, near Milton. . Oblique view of the calyces of two small inosculated coralla from the same place. 3. View of the calyx of a small corallum from the same place. wo ZAPHRENTIS SPONGIAXIS. Niagara. 4. Right lateral view of a corallum, from the white clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 5. Lateral view of a corallum, with part of the calyx wall removed, so as to show the spongiose central cone; from the red clay of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 6. View of the calyx, with walls fortuitously removed, and oblique anterior view of a corallum, from the horizon and neighborhood of specimen +. Collection of Mr. Gaines. ZAPHRENTIS UNICA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 7. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the red clay strata of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 8. Similar view of a geniculated corallum, from the white clay beds of the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. 9. Right lateral view of a corallum. 10. Posterior view of a corallum. Specimens 9 and 10 from the horizon and vicinage of example 8. ZAPHRENTIS RADICANS. Niagara. 11. Anterior view of a corallum, with apex broken off, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 12. Left lateral view of a corallum, with anterior calyx wall fortuitously removed, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 13. Posterior view of a young corallum, from the horizon and vicinity of specimen 11. AMPLEXUS SHUMARDI. Niagara. 14, Fragments of two coralla, partly imbedded in chert matrix, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. The specimens figured in this Plate, with the exception of 6, belong to the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 5 PLATE 132. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 133. yA PLATE 133. ZAPHRENTIS SCUTELLA, Nov. Spee. Niagara. 1. Left lateral view of a corallum, with calyx filled with rock, from the Upper Niagara, near Louisville. Collection of the author. 2. Similar view of a weathered. corallum, from the Upper Niagara red clay, near Louisville. 3. View of the exterior of a corallum, from the Upper Niagara white clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author, _ ZAPHRENTIS PATULA. Magara. 4, Right lateral view of a .corallum, from the lower strata of the Niagara period, near Brunerstown, Jefferson county. Collection of the author. 5. View of the calyx of a corallum. 6. Oblique views of inosculated coralla. Examples 5 and 6 from the locality of specimen 4. Collection of the author. . ZAPHRENTIS SOCIALIS, Nov. Spec. -. Miagara. 7. Right lateral view of a corallum. 8. 9. Views of the calyces of coralla. From the horizon and vicinage of Z. patula. Collection of the author. ZAPHRENTIS PATENS, Nov. Spec. Magara. 10. Left lateral view of a corallum. 11. View of the calyx of a corallum. Both from the horizon and vicinage of Z. patula and Z. socialis. Collection of the author. ZAPHRENTIS CONULUS. Niagara. 12. Right lateral view of a corallum. 13. Posterior view of a corallum. 14. View of the calyx of a corallum. From the Upper Niagara ferruginous clay, near Louisville. Col- lection of the author. PLATE 133—Continued. ZAPHRENTIS OBLIQUA, Nov. Spec. Niagara. 15. Left lateral view of a corallum. 16. Posterior view of a corallum. 17. View of the calyx of a corallum. From the horizon and vicinage of Z. conulus. Collection of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM EXIGUUM. Devonian. 18. View of the calyx of a large corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks,. Falls of the Ohio. Collection of Mr. McConathy. 19. View of the calyx of a corallumn of average size, from the horizon and locality of example 18. Collection of the author. 20. Posterior view of a corallum. 21. Right lateral view of a corallum. 22. View of the calyx of a corallum. [Norr.—In example 22 the lamellz from the inner rim to the outer rim of the calyx wall seem to be faintly carinated. Other examples are so obscurely carinated as to superficially resemble Zaphrentis, with which genus they have been classed by Rominger.] . Specimens 20, 21, 22, are from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. Collection of the author. CYATHOPHYLLUM EXIGUUM, varietas ELONGATUM, Nov. Var. Devonian. 23. Left lateral view of a robust corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 24. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian ferruginous clay, near Louisville. Collection of the author. ZAPHRENTIS REYNOLDSI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 25. Anterior view of a corallum. Collection of the author. 26. Left lateral view of a corallum. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 27. View of the calyx of a corallum. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. From the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS LINNEYI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 28. Posterior view of a corallum. Collection of the author. 29, Left lateral view of a corallum. Collection of the author. PLATE 133—Continued. 30. Anterior view of a large corallum. Collection of Mr. Nettelroth. 31. View of the calyx of a corallum. Collection of the author. From the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS UNGULA. Devonian. 32. Posterior view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 33. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the same place. 34, Anterior view of a slender corallum of unusual altitude, with lami- nated structure obscured by the deposition of silica in annular dots during fossilization; from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. 35. View of the calyx of a corallum, from the horizon and neighbor- hood of the preceding specimen. Collection of the author. PLATE 134, ZAPHRENTIS CONIGERA. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of a corallum. 2. Right lateral view of a corallum. Both from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. ZAPHRENTIS COMPRESSA. Devonian. 3. Posterior view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. x ZAPHRENTIS EXPLANATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 4. Anterior view of an elongated conical corallum of medium size. 5. Left lateral view of a corniform corallum. 6. View of the calyx and oblique anterior view of a corailum of common form. From the dark-red clay derived from the decomposition of the _ encrinal limestone of the Upper Devonian, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS EXILIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 7. Posterior view of a corallum. 8. Anterior view of a corallum. From the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. ZAPHRENTIS TORQUATA, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 9. 10. Lateral views of coralla. 11. View of the calyx of a corallum. From the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS NODULOSA. Devonian. 12. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 13. Left lateral view of the lower portion of a corallum, from the ferruginous clay of the Lower Devonian, near Louisville. The examples figured in this Plate belong to the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 134. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 135. PLATE 135. ZAPHRENTIS PROLIFICA. Devonian. 1. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS RAFINESQUI. Devonian. 2. Lateral view of a flexuous adult corallum. 3. Left lateral view of a corallum. 4, Right lateral view of a corallum of medium size. 5. Left lateral view of a young corallum, with radiciform processes of attachment. 6. Posterior oblique view of a corallum, with radiciform processes of attachment. From the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. ZAPHRENTIS YANDELLI. Devonian. 7. Right lateral view of an adult corallum. 8. Right lateral view of a corallum. Examples 7 and 8 are from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian, Falls of the Ohio. 9. Right lateral view of a fragment, with a portion of the wall re- moved, so as. to show the lamelle and the diaphragm of the calyx, and the siphuncular fovea connecting the calyx with the interior cavity; from the red clay of the Middle Devonian, near Louisville. ZAPHRENTIS ROMINGERI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 10. Posterior view of an adult corallum, from the .Middle Devonian blue clay, Falls of the Ohio. The specimens figured in the Plate are from the collection of the author. PLATE 136. ZAPHRENTIS MACONATHI, Nov. Spec. Devonian. 1. Right lateral view of a corallum of medium size, from the blue clay of the Middle Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 2. Left lateral view of a corallum, from the same horizon and locality. 3. Anterior view of the upper part of a corallum of gigantic dimen- sions, with wall broken down, so as to show the radial lamellze and the smooth plane diaphragm of the calyx; from the Lower Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. 4. Right lateral view of a young corallum, from the Middle Devonian red clay, near Louisville. The specimens figured in the Plate belong to the collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 136. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLATE 137. Pee od 10. i, 12. 13. PLATE 138. View of the calyx of Zaphrentis gigantea. View of the calyx of Zaphrentis immanis. View of the calyx of the Amplexus shumardi in Plate 132, Fig. 14. View of the calyx of Zaphrentis compressa, with anterior wall partly broken. View of the calyx of the Zaphrentis linneyi in Plate 133, Fig. 30. View of the calyx of the Zaphrentis ungula in Plate 133, Fig. 32. View of the calyx (anterior wall removed) of the Zaphrentis nod- ulosa in Plate 134, Fig. 12. . View of the calyx of an adult corallum of Zaphrentis corniculum. View of the calyx of the Zaphrentis prolifica in Plate 135, Fig. 1. View of the calyx of the Zaphrentis exilis in Plate 134, Fig. 8. View of the calyx of Zaphrentis yandelli. View of the calyx of Zaphrentis conigera. View of the calyx of the Zaphrentis rafinesqui in Plate 138, Fig. 2. Collection of the author. KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 138. "6El ALV Id "ASAYUNS 1V919010439 ANINLNAN PLATE 139. ZAPHRENTIS IMMANIS, Nov. Spec. Devonian. Right lateral view of a corallum, half natural size, from the Middle Devonian rocks, Falls of the Ohio. Collection of the author.