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AEBS “ON “INSP eo) VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR WAR TRAINING INDUSTRIES THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ALBANY — FEBRUARY 1943 — COPYRIGHT APR = 1948 BY THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPT. PREFACE This monograph on SHOP TALKS ON INSPECTION is the last of a series dealing with inspection practice in the fields of machined parts, tools and gages, and of aircraft manufacture, prepared for use in war training classes by the Curriculum Laboratory at Cornell University. Many of the technical staff which prepared the previous monographs on inspection practice contributed to this mono- graph. Most of the work of gathering the material and of preparing it for publication was done by George A. Zellar, Assistant Toolroom Foreman and Tool Inspector, Allen-Wales Adding Machine Corporation, Ithaca, New York. He was assisted by Roger L. Geer, Instructor, Materials Processing, College of Engineering, Cornell University, and by Philip C. Martin of the Curriculum Laboratory staff. The material was prepared for publication under the gen- eral direction of Lynn A. Emerson, Professor of Industrial | Education, Cornell University, Ithaca. The work of preparing this monograph was done in the National Defense Curriculum Laboratory, Cornell University, as a part of the War Industries Training Program of New York State, under the direction of Eugene D. Fink, Supervisor of Industrial Education, State Education Department, Albany, New York. L., A. WILSON Deputy Commissioner of Education OAKLEY FURNEY Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education and Director of National Defense Training Albany, New York February, 1943 INTRODUCTION This is a teacher's monograph -- prepared for the teacher of classroom work on inspection practice. Organized programs of training in the field of inspection practice usually include both inspection laboratory practice and related classroom instruction which supplements the work in the laboratory. Two series of laboratory monographs dealing with in- spection of machined parts, tools and gages, and with inspection practice in aircraft manufacture have already been prepared. Each of these series consists of three laboratory monographs and one monograph dealing with the organization of the laboratory courses. This monograph on SHOP TALKS ON INSPECTION has been prepared for use in connection with these laboratory programs. It contains a series of outlines for ‘Shop Talks' or classroom work dealing with many of the more important topics found in inspection practice, It is not intended that this series of outlines should be used in its entirety as a course of study. It is suggested that only those topics be used which are pertinent to the local situ-. ation. Certain of these topics pertain primarily to the inspection of machined parts. Others pertain to tool inspection, or to special aspects of inspection practice in the. manufacture of aircraft. The teacher should select those which fit his particular Situation, and omit the rest. It should be clearly understood that the outlines have not been planned to cover single sessions or classroom periods. Some of the topics may be readily covered in a single two-hour session, Others may require several class periods. The outlines in Shop Mathematics, and Blueprint Reading, for example, cover whole courses rather than single topics. These particular subjects may be taught in separate classes, or may not be necessary at all if the trainees have sufficient background in these fields. They are included in this monograph mainly for their use as review material, or to help the teacher in selecting those specific points on which the trainee may need additional instruction. | Lynn A. Emerson, Director National Defense Curriculum Laboratory Ithaca, New York February, 1943 TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit ! Page 1 introduction: 70: Measuremens.. . sx Fai oe 4's oo be Z Shop Mathematic S eeoocoeoeeodoee@?e;geee¢edscgseeseseeoeesoseeeeeeoeeeeeaeeccetmlUcOCmCUOWClUhcUOWUlcOUlUchOhOlUlUCPlUwe TT Blueprint Reading *eoee 82eoe