ll y Gorell University Library Ithaca, New York THE: LIBRARY OF EMIL KUICHLING, C. E. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK THE GIFT OF SARAH L. KUICHLING 1919 Cornell University Library TC 824.C2A4 igations in C Avi A 3 1924 004 975 086 5 08 engr, anx U.S. Dept. of Agr, Bul. 100, Office of Expt. Stations irrigation Investigations. PLatTeE I. RELIEF Map OF CALIFORNIA. BULLETIN No. 100. 7 805 U.S: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, Director. Irrigation Investigations, Elwood Mead, Expert in Charge. bid OT OF IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS EX CALIPORMA UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HLWOOD MEAD, ASSISTED BY WILLIAM E. SMYTHE, MARSDEN MANSON, J. M. WILSON, CHARLES D, MARX, FRANK SOULE, C. E, GRUNSKY, EDWARD M. BOGGS, and JAMES D. SCHUYLER. went = Tirana Ks WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1901. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS ON IRRIGATION. Bul. 36. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. By GC. 8. Phelps and E. B. Voorhees, Pp. 64. Price, 10 cents. Bul. 58. Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. By Elwood Mead. Pp. 30. Price, Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. Bul. 60. 70. 73. 81. 86. 87. 90. 92, 96. 10 cents. Abstract of Laws for Acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its Tributaries, with the Legal forms in Use. Compiled by Elwood Mead. Pp. 77. Price, 10 cents. Water-Right Problems of Bear River. By Clarence T. Johnston and Joseph A. Breckons. Pp. 40. Price, 15 cents. Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. By J.C. Ulrich. Pp. 64. Price, 10 cents. The Use of Water in Irrigation in Wyoming. By B. C. Buffum. Pp. 56. Price, 10 cents. The Use of Water in Irrigation. Report of investigations made in 1899, under the super- vision of Elwood Mead, expert in charge, and C. T. Johnston, assistant. Pp. 253. Price, 30 cents. ( Irrigation in New Jersey. By Edward B. Voorhees. Pp. 40. Price, 5 cents. Irrigation in Hawaii. By Walter Maxwell. Pp. 48. Price, 10 cents. The Reservoir System of the Cache la Poudre Valley. By E. 8. Nettleton. Pp. 48. Price, 15 cents. Irrigation Laws of the Northwest Territories of Canada and Wyoming, with Discussions. By J. 8. Dennis, Fred Bond, and J. M. Wilson. Pp. 90. Price, 10 cents. FARMERS’ BULLETINS. 46. Irrigation in Humid Climates. By F. H. King. Pp. 27. 116. Irrigation in Fruit Growing. By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 48. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. By E. J. Wickson. Pp. 40. For those publications to which a price is affixed application should be made to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Union Building, Washington, D. C., the officer designated by law to sell Government publications. 2 SE2530 pe? LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U.S Department or AGRICULTURE, Orrice OF EXpeRIMENT STATIONS, Washington, D. C., June 15, 1901. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith, and to recommend for publication, a report on irrigation investigations conducted in California during 1900 by the Office of Experiment Stations in cooperation with the California Water and Forest Asso- ciation, under the supervision of Prof. Elwood Mead, expert in charge of irrigation investigations in this Office. The investigations consisted of observations by irriga- tion experts on the existing legal, engineering, and agricultural conditions along nine typical streams used for irrigation in the State. The growing value and increasing scarcity of water are creating an imperative need for better laws to control the dis- tribution of streams in California, and there is much public interest in this subject in the State. The general conclusions agreed to by all of the agents and experts taking part in the investigations, with the views set forth in their separate reports, will, it is believed, indicate the nature of the reforms required to put agriculture under irrigation in California on a more enduring and satisfactory basis, and thus to promote the more rapid and successful development of the State’s resources. Respectfully, A. C. Trur, Director. Hon. James WItson, Secretary of Agriculture. LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS, Cheyenne, Wyo., June 1, 1901. Str: I have the honor to submit for publication the report of an investigation of the irrigation problems of California made under my supervision during 100, but carried out by the experts in charge with only general directions from me. The reports of these experts aim to present an accurate statement of existing conditions along nine streams in different parts of the State, which are believed to be typical of what exist elsewhere. The names of those in charge and the location of their labors are as follows: Name of expert. Name of stream. William E. Smythe <: sescccceesesscnccaesss Susan River. Marscen Manson ...----------------------- Yuba River. James M. Wilson ...-...-.-.--------------- Cache Creek. Chis Grunseys: Gascate seed! 1 ccabteeimioscy Kings River. Frank: Soulé.c.c.essvecesctcen ees caeemaneen, San Joaquin River. Oy Ds Matieds «2+ =o teteican tee eee eae Salinas River. Edward M. Bogys...-..-.-.-..---------+--- Los Angeles River. James D: Schuyler. sssc..s000 sess soxeexeces San Jacinto River and Sweetwater River. In submitting their reports these experts have acknowledged their obligations for assistance received from the following persons: William E. Smythe to his assistants, Albert Halen, C. E., of Standish, and W. D. Minckler, of Susanville; Marsden Manson to Mr. H. D. H. Connick, assistant engineer, and Mr. F. F.S. Kelsey, draftsman; Mr. J. M. Wilson to Mr. Frank Adams and Mr. P. N. Ashley, assistants; C. E. Grunsky to his two field assistants, Mr. E. F. Haas and Mr. F. C. Hermann, and to Mr. J. C. Henkeniux, draftsman. Acknowledgment of courtesies from parties not directly employed in the inyes- tigations are also made. To the engineers and officers of a nuniber of mining and water companies on Yuba River; to the chamber of commerce and officials and citizens of Yolo, Lake, and Colusa counties; to a number of professors of the Uni- versity of California and Leland Stanford Junior University; to railroad companies; to canal companies, and to many individuals. The large number of persons who have cooperated with these experts and assisted in this work prevents a more detailed acknowledgment of courtesies extended. To the California Water and Forest Association special acknowledgment is due 5 6 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. because of the financial aid received. The substantial character of this assistance is shown by the amounts of its contribution, as given in the following summary: Kings RIVER 25556 Si 2ecce cc need eecdd Gbasecieeccd oanasecscorsklwanacecesees $1, 125. 00 San Joaquin River ........22 2-2-2 ee ee eee eee eee 1, 125. 00 Salinas: River’ sci ncedess sip deeeeee ss esteem nce: suet eeeeer ese dees ee 375. 00 Midlbas RLVEM ayia ce ches. cregaces we He Saieevne alasind $645: a SUR INE BEER 375. 00 Honey: Lake: Basin: 226i aaasn-canet bhehaasscedarenswisansecteae ohaeeReeeee 375. 00 Cache: Cre6hsicccccwkic ois lidente stele seo ebontakuhins eld anche een ieeake 625. 00 Maps; reports etehn's 23 4 sseeetedss ve cee eeteee se semensGeek sos ee saseeobne ass 625. 00 In addition to the above, individuals and local associations have contributed $250 toward the expenses of work on Stoney Creek, now being carried on by the Department of Agriculture, but not included in this report. The work in southern California was paid for entirely by the Department. This included the reports of Messrs. Schuyler and Boggs, and studies of the duty of water carried on by Mr. Irving to be published in a later bulletin. Acknowledgment is also due to Mr. R. P- Teele, editor of this office, for assist- ance in editing these reports and preparing them for publication, and to Mr. C. E. Tait, draftsman. Respectfully, Eiwoop Mrap, Irrigation Expert in Charge Dr. A. C. Trur, Director. CONTENTS. Page THE AGRICULTURAL SITUATION IN CaLiFoRNIA. By Etwoop MEAD........---.--.2----+--+--- tT Introductions jovsd teed ox dseavianke tien Sse se Sess dekeew oe ecepeecoweseane oonsecaseinddeeis 17 Reform of water laws a State matter ......-..-2---2-. 0-2-2022 eee eee eee eee eee 20 The scope and purpose of this investigation -............-2.2-2-2-2-2-2--2---0222 eee eee eee 20 e- SDuty of investigated vas c2- cd cduece Scenics cau ucitos see dawantetae eeedidgenenweueits 21 Plansot Phe works ce tesla oaiacks te leinns oy std arlesosiciseiinies Gos slag Soles wie et ee gee ce 22 Reasons for restricting discussion of water-right problems to fotion bud eae Mewes 24 The present and future of irrigation in California........-.-..----..---------------------- 25 Irrigation in southern California -.........-2...---.---2---2-------2-202 2222 eee esas 25 Irrigation in northern California .........2-.22.. 220.202.2222 2-2 eee eee eee eee eee ee eee 26 Diversified farming under irrigation .........-....----------- 2-222 eee eee eee ee eee 28 California, Egypt, and Malyscompared.... scciseccnceies y Sentsitesecinie see enigieciclsionits 29 Obstacles: to: developments. + sacjccoeeae bind coe i cedeneeaee ys se: kedeeeetewen oes eaiseees eee 29 Californiaand: Utah compared 21.2.0 sos seedeetddes ees ve eaeesiete dese seeds sees eee 31 ()P positions tO WMIPAON, = 22a cee ose ecient cd oes eee a nctcemaere Seema eae 7 31 The desire for large enterprises ........---- 2-2-2222 2222220 e eee ee eee ec eee eee eee eee 32 Controversies over district enterprises ...---..---- succes dae annenedcnecsessicadasaees 33 Obstacles presented by inadequate water laws.........-----..--------+--------------- 34 Appropriations for sale, rental, or distribution ........--..---.--------------+------- 38 Riparian rights)... 20 o.c¢es.neieendetebeet seeeeeeeekee sows eemeseeeees oe'eeeenmkeeees 42 Legislation respecting riparian rights in English colonies...........-.---------------- 49 Canada pecacatetuancontadueseceed seceemaisecge 228 aedeiee cee cess cceeenaeescs 49 Province of Victoria, Australia ..-..---2--2 22-0 - eee eee eee ee eee eee eee 51 Province of New South Wales, Australia..........-----.-----------------+------ 52 Need of adequate State control of streams........-.--.------------------------- +2 eee eee 53 The need of a special tribunal to settle existing rights............-..----.----2------- 58 Abstract of litigation over rights to Kings River..............--..--------------- 2-5 58 Attorneys and courts not responsible ...-.-.-.-----------------+--+---+-+++--+-+-+-+- 62 The nature of rights to water ..-.-.-.-----------+-+-- +22 +2 eee ee ene eee eee ee 63 Should appropriations be made perpetual or be limited, like franchises, to a number of years -..------ 2. --- 2 een nn ee ee eee en ee eee eee ee eee eens 64 Concluding suggestions .......------------+---- +--+ 2-2 eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee 65 Jurisdiction of special tribunal ..-.-.-.---.----------------------------- +22 eee eee 65 The importance of adequate preliminary surveys and investigations -......-..-.-----. 66 The favoring conditions for these adjudications .-.-.-.-.-.-...---.-------+---26---5- 66 The protection of rights to water .-...-.--------------------------+----------2-++--- 67 The acquirement of rights hereafter -.....-------------------+------+--- 22-22 ------- 67 Navigation rights on Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers-..-..--.-------------------- 68 Term of Off. os. eoctec swe annweweeen ee ae ete cree rece ree eeeimcsence ses eeemeetwieneee 69 8 CONTENTS. Page Tiik IRRIGATION PROBLEMS OF Hongy LaKer Basry, Cau. By Wriiitam E. SmMyTHe......----- 71 Introductory ....-...-. Boe terete te 3 a acces cate tot Sate thane ters tan ah reac aa ner at Seu ee eat 71 History antlresournces).<'. cesdewies yes cere scenes eee ee esueees saeaeeewete 71 Description of the country.....----...-------.--- Laan Ss ed atas eee eter Sa ne fae 72 Clinateand products... 4.0 en e)-'s eeeeteay suse plseeae ey ss eee eke ses eee eee 72 Purrounding TesOuTrcese wees adel ys eds ease ose Seinceehatk s ee cist deeeweaiene Sake 73 A variety of problems ..........--2--.--- Sisco aca ayer wait aa ESI 73 The water supply of Honey Lake Basin......-..-..---.----------- 22-2 e eee eee eee eee eee 74 Honey Lake serves to measure the supply ....--...--------------------- eee eee eee ee 75 Character of watershed. __.......-....------- 22-22 eee ee eee eee eee 76 StOTapeSItES 35. de Soci ce coos awleee vaso araee dione ¢aanadineudeda nd ahetetnsadess aaetenes 77 PAGE Ta oko atactcncs tase tava cl oie Slieh hee ocsnatelo eo ate haalchdtara tateiste wleTeiletaos cheese sclaaniets i 78 Recent water measurements ..............- 22222222222 cence eee eee eee eee eee eee 80 Appropriation and distribution of water .......-....------ 2-2-2. eee ee eee eee eee ee eee eee 80 The law of appropriation at work ............---.-.-------------+----- Pes eaten ns 83 Claims on Susan River .......... yeceseiseaguerccaness alaeesetees Leeann 84 Claims to Willow Creek ...... 222.22 22 ee ne ee cee eee eee eeeee 85 Dalls' Canyon Claims. s.veee v