THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO FROM THE Conservation and Use of its Present Resources | SER SUPEY | SAN FRANCISCO | ———_—_—_ “aacweac- — eaneets T5471 bates eee “ae 27,070 T9380: itn ie am ts 11,611 T4902 see, | aay 4,247 10,396 26,962 ..... + 3,147 16,881 37,928 BiyLAG! =, Gegeace «Reale 31,793 66,517 QeZ03™ aces. «= astenes 3,372 15,442 wowte. eSees- Hee Goeeies 57,637 295700 sigeea> $$ a@aeee Wale “dareere 5,554 1,382 ABA. iwi la widhiesd Note: The quantities given for the Crystal Springs, San Andreas and Pilarcitos Reservoirs are quantities meas- ured in the reservoirs, and represent the net yield after deduction has been made for evaporation, while all other quantities represent measured run-off at the various gaging stations. For the developed portions of the resources of the Spring Valley Water Company long records of actual volumetric measurements are available. The compilation of these gives directly their per- formance during a period of many years and without question their safe dependable yield. Conclusions as to dependable yield from the Alameda System, the Coast Streams ag an in- tegral part of the Peninsula System, aud the Covote System have been drawn from careful and detailed analysis of available rainfall and run-off data, the deductions being based upen sound scientific principles. Estimates of the dependable yield of the Alviso and Ravenwood wells have been taken from reports by Mr. Hermann Schuss- ler, who created the works of the Spring Valley Water Company, and who as its Chief Engineer for many years made the study of its resources his life’s work. Mr. Schussler is al- ways conservative in his estimates of water pro- duction, and by reason of his long experience, intimate knowledge, and painstaking investi- gations of these resources, is considered the most competent man alive to judge the amount of water that may safely be withdrawn from the sources in question. In this report, analyses have been made in the following order : Peninsula System. Developed. Undeveloped. Alameda System. Coyote System. The computations of drafts are expressed to second place decimals to obtain uniformity and to prevent confusion by rounding them off. It is not intended to convey the idea that these quantities can be determined with this degree of precision. PENINSULA SYSTEM. The Peninsula System lies directly south of end adjoining San Francisco within that range of mountains separating San Francisco Bay from the Pacifie Ocean, and terminating abruptly at the Golden Gate. This system is logically divided into two parts, the developed and the undeveloped, The Developed Portion of the Peninsula System Will Safely Yield Twenty-three Million Gallons Daily. The developed part consists of Lake Merced, PRODUCTIVITY OF THE PENINSULA SYSTEM. 5 lying wholly within the City limits of San Fran- cisco, the Crystal Springs and the San Andreas and Pilarcitos Reservoirs, lying from 7 to 17 miles south of the City. The catchment area of the last named reservoirs contains 35 square miles of mountains, culminating on the north in Peak Mountain (1900 feet elevation) and on the south in Sierra Morena (2400 feet elevation). These mountains are covered with a very dense growth of trees and shrubs and are subject to an average annual rainfall ranging from 36 inches to 52 inches. By reason of this very high rainfall the cateh- ment areas of the Peninsula System have proved to be exceedingly good water producers. Prac- tically the entire catchment area is owned in fee by the Spring Valley Water Company, thereby insuring water of the highest purity. Great skill and ingenuity have heen displayed in this de- velopment, whereby wide latitude is given the operation of interchanging the waters of the three reservoirs and of permitting one reservoir to assist the others in storing any surplus. At the present time the developed storage is nearly large enough to care for the entire run-off of the catchment area, except in the seasons of excessive rainfall. Additional storage of 40,000 M. G. may be obtained by increasing the height of the great Crystal Springs Dam, which was provided for when the dam was constructed. The elevations and storage capacities of the constructed reservoirs of the Peninsula System are as follows: Present. Future. Capac- Eleva- Capac- Eleva- ity, tion, ity, tion, Reservoir— M.G. Feet. M.G. Feet. Crystal Springs...... 23,000 283 63,000 337 San Andreas......... 6,000 440 6,000 440 Pilarcitos ........... 1,000 692 1,600 692 Lake Merced......... 2,500 19 2,500 19 By reason of the strategic position of Lake Merced, lying wholly within the City limits of San Francisco and completely protected from contamination, its value in case of war or catas- trophe is beyond the expression of figures. It is seen that all of the other reservoirs deliver water into San Francisco by gravity. 1869-71 Prof. Geo. Davidson, U. S.C. &G.S.......... 1871 Gen. B. S. Alexander, U. S. Army Engineers.... 1875 Mr. T. R. Scowden, Hydraulic Engineer..... 1877 Col. Geo. H. Mendell, U. S. Army Engineers.... 1886 Mr. J. P. Campbell, Civil Engineer.......... 1908 Mr. C. E. Grunsky, Hydraulic Engineer.... . Measurements covering a period of 45 years show the following safe net drafts from these sources : Crystal Springs Reservoir.............. 9144 M.G.D San Andreas and Pilarcitos............ 10 re Lake Merced ...........0cc cee e ee eaeee 3% oe Total: iiss ceseta ss Cees sa BROe 4b Hew Faw 23 3 Undeveloped Portion of Peninsula System. The undeveloped part of the Peninsula Sys- tem is usually referred to as the ‘‘Coast Streams.’’ though it also includes that portion of the catchment area of West Union Creek lying just south of the Crystal Springs Reservoir. In developing the Coast Streams it is proposed to intercept the waters of the upper Pescadero and San Gregorio Creeks. at such an elevaticn that they will flow by gravity into the Crystal Springs Reservoir through a tunnel eleven miles long and with a capacity of one hundred million gallons daily. The waters of those streams, which will be contributed below the gravity diversion, will be intercepted by the Pescadero Reservoir, having a storage capacity of 30,000 M. G., with a dam 300 feet high. (See Plate G-4.)* The waters so stored will be pumped into Crystal Springs Reservoir through the tunnel above mentioned. The location of the component parts of the Coast Streams project in its relation to the developed part of the Peninsula System, is shown on Plate G-1. Many Engineers Have Reported Favorably on Coast Streams. The Coast Streams project as a future water supply to San Francisco has been under consid- eration since 1869, since when it has been very favorably reported upon by the following emi- nent engineers, who were not connected with the Spring Valley Water Company: *Wherever numbered maps, diagrams or plates are mentioned in this report they refer to and are contained herein, and wherever maps, diagrams or plates are men- tioned by number prefixed by a letter they refer to maps, en or plates in the appendix bearing the prefixed etter. ... 90 =M.G.D. in wet years. 30 M.G.D. in dry years. 471% M.G.D. ... 58 M.G.D.' §Gravity supply only. re) NG, D-oNo storage in Pescadero. ... 60 M.G.D. §Gravity supply only. 20S Me GD UNo storage in Pescadero. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. ON PESCADERO CREEK. A Station for the Measurement of This Stream was Established in 1886 and Accurate Record Kept -> 4243 Until the Fire of 1906. COAST STREAMS ARE GOOD PRODUCERS. 7 Throughout this period, Mr. Hermann Schuss- ler investigated the Coast Streams in detail, es- tablishing gaging stations on the streams as early as 1865. From these records Mr. Schussler esti- mated that by the use of storage in the Pesca- dero Reservoir the streams would support a draft of 50 M. G. D. Unfortunately some of these records were destroyed in the conflagration of 1906; those now available are: (a) Rainfall at Camp Howard on Pescadero Creek for seventeen years from 1889 to 1906, and (b) run-off of the Pescadero at the same place for the two years 1887 to 1889 and Lor the six full seasons, 1899-90 to 1904-5. Camp How- ard is located on Peseadero Creek just above the mouth of Peters Fork. These seventeen years of rainfall record show an average an- nual precipitation of 54.55 inches. Above Camp Howard the Pescadero has a catchment area of 16 square miles. The average run-off at Camp Howard for the six seasons’ record was 17.85 M. G. D., or an average of about 1,115,000 gallons per square mile per day. Large Flow of Water in Coast Stream Country. Comparing the water product of this catch- ment area with the combined catchment areas of the Pilarcitos and the San Andreas Reservoirs for the same six seasons we find that with a catchment area of 13.7 square miles the Pilarcitos and San Andreas watersheds furnished an av- erage of 11.03 M. G. D., or an average rate of 805,000 gallons per square mile per day. It is to be noted that the period ecvered by this six seasons’ run-off record is wholly within the extraordinary cyele of eight dry scasons, 1898-99 to 1904-05, which was experienced all over the Pacific Slope, and which is fully dis- cussed in another part of this report. The catchment area of the ‘‘Coast Streams’’ is one of consistently high rainfall and run-off, and is well covered with a virgin forest of firs and redwoods. Being on the ocean side of the inoun- tain range, the temperature even in midsummer is cool, and the weather damp and foggy. These several factors combine to regulate the rate of run-off, and produce a marked increase in the summer flow. Therefore, the conditions for diversion of the Coast Streams are exceedingly favorable. In addition to the Camp Howard precipitation record, other records at Boulder Creek, Pilarcitos and along the Pacifie Ocean are available and have been used in the study of the water yield from the Coast Streams area. All these records show this area to be one of very high rainfall. Detailed analysis of the Coast Streams project is given in Appendix G, which has been prepared by Mr. I. E, Flaa, Assistant Engineer in charge of the headquarters division of the Spring Valley ‘Water Company Engineering Department. Aside from his experience with the complex hydraulic problems of this Company, Mr. Flaa has had ex- tended and valuable experience as Designing Engineer for the Pacific Gas and Electrie Com- pany in their large hydraulic developments in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, How Coast Streams Will Be Developed. Although the tunnel piercing the backbone of the Peninsula through which the waters from the Coast Streams will be conducted to the Crystal Springs Reservoir will have a capacity of 100 M. G. D., it is planned that the maximum flow by gravity to it will be 70 M. G. D., thereby leaving an excess capacity of 30 M. G. D. that may be utilized by the pumps at Pescadero Reservoir during the period of maximum gravity flow, which is estimated at two months per season. For the remaining ten months much more than this 830 M. G. D. capacity is available for pumped water. Run-off from the upper reaches of the water- sheds in excess of 70 M. G. D., together with the run-off of the lower reaches of the same streams, will be intercepted by the Pescadero Reservoir, and pumped back to the tunnel. The Pescadero Reservoir thus becomes in reality a large regulating reservoir, the with- drawal from which will vary at such rates as the character of the season and good manage- ment demand. In this manner the Coast Streams project becomes one of the component parts of and tributary to the Crystal Springs Reservoir. For the purpose of this report we have assumed a maximum working pumping capacity of 50 M. G. D., with an additional spare unit of 25 M. G. D. Thus in times of Hood, estimated to cover sixty days per season, the rate of pumping ‘SHIONHDUANH UOA UIOAUASAY AHL NI SNOTIVD NOIT TIM 000°8 DNIAVA'I SAVM'TV HIOAUESAY SONIUdS TVLISAUD WOU ATIVG SNOTIVD NOITTIN 09 UAAO JO GTIHIA V SHUNSNI .SWVAULS LSVOO, AHL DNIaav I Id Ki120009 OW 0008P Mo/eg DQWLOP = £4017 fa “jeg DW 00055 eq /jimM wonYdap xop/ 2/7 a ae cong MOT P YL/IYED BW G00E9 = 1/orlasay yo KyjoadeQ /2f2L IWLEG =4f/O1G SSoLQ KAjlog : 00-66 5-26 GLE L-I6 9-96 §-VE P-£b E-CS 27-16 1-06 06-88 , WONYTSTSY CONIYGAS TKLEAYD ea WVHIVIT SSVLV Te : South Meme , { Bay. Ocean Q ——— Ohue eS TS a % Fig. 106 AS As to the efficiency of an underground reser- voir, Mr. J. R. Freeman, in discussing the Long Island underground supply in the same report, cn page 546, says: “This is, without doubt, one of the most remarkable, most extensive and most uni- form gravel deposits in the world, and it would be difficult to imagine more ideal con- ditions for the gathering of a large and un- failing ground water supply. All require- ments for the expense of storage reservoir is rendered unnecessary, for the interstices oi the ground form a more capacious stor- age than is ever constructed by damming and flooding a valley and this subterranean reservoir is shielded from evaporation and from pollution, and will in all probability yield a larger safe yield per square mile of watershed than the highest line on Figure 49.” The Only Problem Is Amount of Water that Alameda System Will Yield. The quality of the water being the best, the problem resolves itself into one of quantity. Stated in other words: When the Alameda Sys- tem is completely developed, what will be the safe annual withdrawal that may be made from it? This will be decided mainly by the following factors: 1. Precipitation—amount, distribution and oc- currence, 2. Run-off. Storage. Other methods of conservation. Losses: Evaporation and waste. . Efficiency of operation. Over the first factor we have no control; the second may be modified to a slight degree by forestation; while the other factors, with the exception of evaporation, may be largely regu- lated by artificial measures. To satisfactorily analyze the problem in hand, it is essential to segregate the run-off into thet So Se ce 14 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. which is tributary to the various storage rescr- voirs, both surface and underground, that it is proposed to utilize in developing and perfecting the Alameda Project. Where sufficient detail run-off data are avail- able, the problem is very much simplified, but where such data are incomplete an intimate knowledge of the catchment areas is essential, that the run-off data may be used in conjunction with those of the available rainfall. Measured run-off data are available for a long period in Alameda Creek below Sunol, and for shorter periods at other points within the watershed, the more important of which are at Calaveras and Arroyo Valle Reservoir sites. Because of the fact that run-off data are not available over all of the catchment areas, indirect methods must be employed in order to determine the distribution of the run-off to the various catchment areas. Good Judgment and Intimate Knowledge of Local Conditions Essential. Judgment, based on intimate knowledge, both as to western conditions in general and as to local conditions within the Alameda watershed in par- ticular, must be used in combining the rainfall and run-off data. Because of these ramifica- tions the problem becomes involved and complex. Several methods to distribute the total run-off from an entire catchment area into the propor- tional parts originating in its subsidiary catch- ment areas are common in engineering practice. All of these are dependent to a greater or less degree upon rainfall and judgment. Though in the last analysis the source of all run-off is rain- fall, yet an absolutely rigid relation between the annual run-off and the annual rainfall does not exist. This is due to the fact that run-off depends also upon other important factors, such as the occurrence and intensity of the rainfall. Thus, if a heavy rainfall is well distributed over sev- eral months, the resulting run-off will be less in quantity than if the same rainfall had occurred in a shorter time. The character of the watershed is also a large factor to be con- sidered, as well as the position of the ground water within the catchment area. This latter factor cannot be expressed in figures. With a number of cbservations, however, average rela- tions may be obtained, which, in lieu of actual measurements and when used with discretion, serve closely to approximate the distribution of run-off that is required for this study. The Rainfall Must Be Studied Carefully. It has been necessary to make a careful study of the rainfall in order to arrive at an accurate determination of the run-off in the Alameda System. Climatic conditions along the Pacific Coast are much more favorable for an analysis of run-off based on rainfall, than is the case at other places in the United States. The reason for this is that although there may be wide variation within the season between nearby rainfall stations, the seasonal rainfall at any one station is a very fair index of the rain- fall at other stations in that vicinity. Long records of rainfall are therefore of great value in expanding shorter records in the same general region. Advantage has been taken of this by many engineers in the development and solution of water problems on the Pacifie Coast, and this method was lately used by Mr. C. E. Grunsky, then City Engineer, in his investiga- tion of the resources of the water supply of San Francisco. Regarding the reliability of a single rainfall record in California as an index of rain- fall in that region, Mr. Grunsky, on pages 497 and 498 of Vol. 61 of the ‘‘Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers,’’ says: “Rain does not fall in California in every month of the year, as in the Eastern States. The rainy season begins in November and ends in April. So little rain falls from May Ist to the end of October that this period may be called rainless. There is no rain during this period which has any effect worthy of note upon the flow of streams. “Throughout the State, however, there is great variation in the normal annual rain- fall, and, in the coast and central valleys, this is generally from 15 to 30 in. It rises to more than 70 in. in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 150 miles northeasterly from San Francisco, and to more than 90 in. in the extreme northwesterly portions of the State; it is only 10 in. at some points of Sacra- mento Valley, and less than 6 in. in parts of San Joaquin Valley; it drops to only 2 to 3 in. in the Cahuilla (Salton) Basin. One feature, however, is especially noteworthy. PRODUCTIVITY BASED ON ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS. 15 The rain storm is ordinarily an atmospheric disturbance of large extent. It is not of the same nature as eastern thunder storms, but is of the general type of winter storms which, in the East as in the West, sweep over vast areas. Owing to the wide distribution of rain in ordinary rain storms, and to the freedom from local storms, the rainfall rec- ords at single stations are better indices of the amount of precipitation on large tracts than is ordinarily the case for records of rain in the Hast and in the Middle West. “With a view of illustrating the breadth of the storm area, it may be stated that the same atmospheric disturbances which brings rain to the Pacific Coast northerly from Cali- fornia, also brings rain to (or threatens with rain) all northern and central parts of California as far south as Tehachapi, where a mountain spur connects the Coast Range with the Sierra Nevada Mountains. As a rule, the greater the fall of rain at central points of this storm area the greater the surface extent of any cyclonic disturbance. The recurrence of rain storms (from six to twenty in a rainy season of 6 months) has the usual equalizing effect of repetition, and thereby increases the probability that the fall of rain in the course of a year, at any point of the central and northern portions of California, will bear a fairly uniform re- lation to the rainfall at some central point of observation, such as San Francisco or Sacramento. Exceptions to such a law are sure to occur, and have occurred. A notable exception was the rain distribution in 1867- 68, in which an abnormally heavy fall of rain in the mountain region tributary to the San Joaquin Valley was not indicated by the rainfall conditions of that year at points in latitudes northerly from San Francisco.” Long Rainfall Record Is a Very Good Index of Precipitation Around San Francisco Bay. This phenomenon has been used in utiliz- ing many of the short and otherwise useless records within the watershed of Alameda Creek. This is particularly true of the large number of records in the neighborhood of Mt. Hamilton which are given by Messrs. Haehl & Toll, on pages 534 and 535 of Vol. 61 of the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. By comparison with longer records and by means of primary and secondary base stations all available rainfall records have been expanded to 63 years, and isohyetose lines have been constructed which, it is believed, represent very closely the normal annual rainfall at all points within this water- shed. These are shown on Plate A-2. The nor- mal annual rainfall varies between about 32 inches at Mt. Hamilton and about 14 inches near Altamont, The mean area rainfall for the various catch- ment areas for the last 63 years has been de- termined to be as follows: Mean Area Rainfall for 63-Year Name of Drainage Area. Area in Period Sq. Miles. in Inches. Calaveras Creek ............-.000- 98.30 28.55 AVAIVG Mai 3. oy sede dias PS due werayada a Rakes 35.32 27.75 San Antonio ............. cece 38.70 23.93 Arroyo Vall@ iveessseevsi wer racews 140.80 20.80 Drainage of Sunol Gravels........ 49.08 23.00 Livermore Gravels Drainage, includ- ing Arroyo Mocho and floor of WO a ece cea, 5:4 wae ow dee Sas Gnesi oe a 258.34 18.55 Potal @r@@. sinc c.. cee se tain ee dace 620.54 21.84 In Appendix ‘‘A”’ is given the detailed study of the rainfall determinations and the methods by which the mean area rainfalls for each catch- ment area for each of the last 63 years were obtained. Appendix ‘‘A’’ has been prepared by Mr. J. J. Sharon, Assistant Engineer, in the Engineer- ing Corps of the Spring Valley Water Company. Mr. Sharon is equipped with a very intimate knowledge of the hydrology of this region by reason of the fact that for many years he was assistant to Mr. Hermann Schussler. Measurements of Stream Flow Have Been Made. The run-off of the whole Alameda System has been measured at Niles and Sunol Dams for the last 23 years, and shows an average daily flow of 145.00 M. G. D. for that period. At Calaveras the run-off has been measured for the seasons of 1898-99 to 1907-08 and 1910-11 to 1911-12, and shows an average daily flow per year ranging from 25.21 M. G. D. to 81.83 M. G. D. At Arroyo Valle the run-off has been measured for the seasons of 1904-05 to 1907-08, and shows an average daily flow per year ranging from 9.25 M. G. D. to 87.03 M. G. D. Measurements cover- ing less than one season have been made on the Laguna, Arroyo Mocho, the Positas and San Antonio Creeks. Comparing the actual measured run-off at Sunol with that at Calaveras and Arroyo Valle 16 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. for the periods covered by the two latter we have the following: Arroyo Sunol Cal. Valle Seasons Years 620.5 98.3 140.8 sq. mi. sq. mi. sq. mi. M.G.D. M.G.D. M.G.D. 1898-9 to 1907-8 10 109.7 50.7 1898-9 to 1907-8 and 1910-12 12 115 50.4 1904-5 to 1907-8 4 146 60.4 38.5 1904-5 to 1907-8 and 1910-12 5 122.7 51.5 31.4 NOTE: Prior to 1900 the Alameda Creek was measured at Niles Dam, the tributary catchment area being 631.0 square miles; since 1900 it was measured at Sunol Dam, the tributary catchment area being 620.5 square miles. Alameda Creek Measurements Covering Period of 23 Years Are Conservative. Measurements have been taken of the run-off of Alameda Creek for the last 23 years, as pre- viously stated, the measurements being taken at Niles Dam prior to 1900 and al Sunol Dam since 1900. Daily gage heights were kept at the Niles Dam from 1889 to 1900. In 1900 the Sunol Dam be- came the place of measurement of the Alameda Creek, and gage heights were taken daily during low water flow and at more frequent intervals during flood, the frequency depending upon the fluctuations in water depth over the dam. Dis- charge was computed by the ordinary weir formula, no allowance being made for the great increase of flow due to velocity of approach nor to decrease due to submergence. Recently these discharges have been recomputed from the origi- nal data by a commission composed of Mr, C. E. Grunsky, Consulting Engineer; Prof. C. D. Marx, Professor of Civil Engineering at Stan- ford University, and Prof. Charles Gilman Hyde, Professor of Sanitary Engineering at the Univer- sity of California. These gentlemen were ap- pointed by the City of San Francisco, at the re- quest of Mr. J. R. Freeman. In examining the original records this commis- sion found that in previous computations over a considerable period of the years 1901 to 1903, gage rod readings 414.” to 6” less than the ac- tual were used by the Spring Valley Water Com- pany, so that regardless of what formula or method be used in the computations of flow, the discharge over Sunol Dam would be very ma- terially increased for these years. They kindly called my attention to these errors. Professor Le Conte Makes Scientific Analysis. At about the same time that these gentlemen were engaged in these recomputations, I re- quested Prof. J. N. Le Conte, the eminent hydraulic specialist of the University of Califor- nia, to make an independent determination of the discharge curves to be used in computing the flow over Niles and Sunol Dams. After very careful consideration, he elected to make a series of experiments with models 1/20 of the actual size of these structures. He went into the ques- tion of submergence and of velocity of approach in detail, and by means of recognized hydro- dynamic laws constructed a discharge curve for each of these dams which I believe is more reliable than any theoretic deductions unsup- ported by experiment on these exact types of dams. Computation of discharge from channel meas- urements check the results found by Prof. Le Conte for high water stages. Prof. Le Conte’s report on his experiments was made available to Messrs. Grunsky, Hyde and Marx, and it is to be regretted that the results of the work of these gentlemen were suppressed. Prof. Le Conte’s report, together with inde- pendent channel and weir computations for the highest stage of water in the flood of March, 1911, made by Mr. T. W. Espy, are given in Appendix ‘‘C.”’ From Prof. Le Conte’s curves and the original data, I have recomputed the discharge of Ala- meda Creek for the 23 years ending July 1, 1912. These are given in detail in Appendix ‘‘B’’ on “‘run-off,’’ prepared by Mr. J. J. Sharon, a sum- mary of same being as follows: 17 DISCHARGE OF ALAMEDA CREEK. ‘ad ‘DW €° 8SSTT TRIOL 0°SFT T°SrOLT2L 8 €°SL29— 86S STLGE 8° TL848 G°O9TTTE G°99669S 4° €9LETS &°SSLOCL P'SP8Ts 6° 9LLL 6°SLEL 8° 8h68 b° LE60T 6° 2S 8°3r9 6° S0TT G° 8262 G°LSOT T OTST 0°sT9 0°SSg¢ P'LSG €°L0¢ 9°0¢9 yLT9 Stree G FLY §° LOST 6 TILES 6° O0S6IP 9° 068FT L° 96182 S SbF L°¥63 L°9%3 L°OtF 6° 81S ¥° 68S L° F088 9°89 L° $81 €° 699% 6° TL9S G°9CSP 6° S9FTT 9°80€8E POLE 8° SEG G6 E8Ph 6° 90E 9°SLS vOLP6L T1t9 G° 6&8 P°S66T 8° LPS9 L°864F1E o°STEese g°9Es L363 3608 8° LEP T’ L0P 9° 62S T° €0L06 9° PSS 0°8&8 6° T60T 0°6T9E 8°899F 6° 9F8P 6 GLET G°LL9 SLPS L°LbG 6 68L 0° OLTT &° 9S8F0T 6°STPT b°SE9S G°89GL P'S8LEes 6° 9TL8 S°9FTSS 6° 8089 G PGP &°09F S° TOG 6° EGS S°GL19 PF LOOLO 6° LZ9T Pp LI9G 0°0898 §°080L2 Pp y66L G°OGGLT G98 9°89% €° E82 8° 61& 6° TSF 8° OTS 8° 0SF0z T'€89 6° 160% 6° SERS 1°$969 0° LIOF L°TPSt 9°T09 G°LLg €°P9s T'9g8 €' LP L°FtG 9° €9F9E T°TOL 8° 163s 6° FSes 0° SL8ST 0° etss 8° 929 §° 60S L°968 8° ose 9°96 GerP T° 69S 0° VS8Lé 8° P69 v 6SET 8° LS90T v' Esler 3° 0609 b'O03bF 6°08 9°90F F663 F'TLS 6 OPE 6 V6 F T9808 619 T'OPET 8° 9898 6° 61FEST 0° 2066 G’PTS oLTL F162 G88 F882 G°P6E 6° ors €°Se00r €°S8L 6° F6FT T' 06ST PF SLhs T'O08L8T @' LSE 9°ZOET §°S69L 6° S3P PCS T 8&3 0°0S2 8° S806T g°s06 2° 8g9 GS" PPG 9° SLbs 3° $98 T6666 £° 9682 g°Lg9 €° Shs 8°91 L183 8° 9 T° T60€¢ 9°SSE ¥° 0G §°S9CL L°S@68T 8° Els 6° &h9 6°98E P T&S 6°96¢ 9°9FT 9° 9FT L°6LT 6° LOFP &° P&S 6° LCE G°TéP OPS G°tL6 6 FIG S° TST 8°80 8° FSS 8°SZo 6 S83 L°8Té Pp TLLLY 0°F9S 0° PSer GS 80LP 0° 88Lz 9° L062 1° 689% 8° T19S 6° S99T LSPS ySTe 088 9° FSP G°9966E T'0gh 0° 9812 8° S666 0° LLES 0°S61Z &° LOP6T L°4ts 6° LLP 68h 9°0¢8 o° PSE g° L6g 6° T3P9s g°989 G°6LT obs Geshe PF PTLeL 8° 6899P 6° 66SLT 9° 006 8° 6FE 6° TLT &° LES 6° SEF &° 20264 T'6Lg 9°0T8 9° L8TT 9° 00EF T OTSéé 0° Tee9T 8°09 6°SS& 0°96 6° 88s T’ 81g g°8s9 6° OLTSLIT T° 3&9 O°STHS 9° LSPS G°*POTs8T 6° LL0GS 0° LG9ET 6° 9L96E L°86FPT T° 90T G°96T 8° T8T 6° 8T9 T° $0602 6°8GL 6° SSbs €°89LE 3169S 6° 6LLT 0°SSLT 8° THSé &° 861 S03 8°008 §°Sge 9° 08S T T868é &° 606 6 P6ET T6708 G°SOPFL @° ST6cr S°OFET ¥ LCT T° S69 8°969 ‘P°S99 0°01 9°68 0° L06S9T S'TSIL 0° 9882 0° €L8F 0° L868T ' SE8Ze 1° 49889 8 OTS98 . as cee eee oe Saies S ‘T21OL eune ABIN jwdy TOIe IA “qa ‘uer ‘00d “AON "~poO ‘ydag ‘any Aine C‘stoTIey UOT) “SL-TI6T 9} 06-688I—HDUVHOSIG MAAHO VAANVTV CL-TL6E TT-OT6T OT-606T 60-806T 80-LO6T L0-906T 90-S06T S0-PO6T b0-S06T £0-C06T 60-TO6T T0-006T 00-668T 66-868T 86-L68T L6-968T 96-S68T S6-FE8T ¥6-§68T &6-C68T 66-T68T T6-068T 06-688T T8 ‘ON UAdVd ATddNS UALVM NI GHHSIIdNd SV ‘NAHUO VGEWVIV JO MOTH AHL ALNdWOD OL AMAUYONS TVOIDOTOND SALVLS GCHLINN AHL AG GASN WV SATIN HHL AO VAUV UALVM AHL SMOHS HOLAMS AHL fj PId ‘(1g Jedeg A[ddng 1J07e@M) UWOT}Oes 9G} J[VY Uvy} sseT posn ‘§ “HO ‘S ‘Q 24} POO Jo sported Sulinp ey} 9}0N ‘AVG SHTIN LV NOLLOWS SSOUO YALYM V-S 931d Uugp Jo Wo, anoqo 13824 0) Vy bla ‘WOp yO {sad WOOL, ULIOBAL{SUMOD 432s CL 02f{O020/ 4AMOL AOG210 YOO [OfUOELIOf) ; & Jona ~ A: Tre V7 { (INN > | aa 3 : s i ts gov yy és . & "2 (Aci 3 Alii 6 oly eh” oieoy04 Vi 10,000? oh (ec 646" vd A oO " gu “Toyo JUOLIND & YM osplig Worsuedsng WoOlJ poinsve| a1 SMOTT USTH ‘SMO[ MOTT JOT pasQ SI AIA, oJaIIN0D oT “MHHUD SVUAAVIVO NOILVLS DNIYASVENM AN AMAZING MISTAKE. 21 Results in Bulletin No. 81 Are Too Low. A partial estimate of the flow of the Alameda Creek over Niles Dam from 1889 to 1900 is given in Water Supply Paper No. 81, of the U. S. Geological Survey, which is a compilation of a great many water measurements in California prior to 1902. Accuracy in the results pub- lished therein is particularly disclaimed by the author, The estimates of flow in Alameda Creek, given in this bulletin, were obtained from a series of daily gage heights indicating the depth of water over the Niles Dam as given in a certain Exhibit No. 11, in the case of ‘‘Clough vs. the Spring Valley Water Company’’, in the Superior Court of Alameda County, no discharges whatever be- ing given in this or any other exhibit in this case. Taken over the period covered, the estimates given in Water Supply Paper No. 81 give results about 32% less than those used by the Spring Valley Water Company prior to the Le Cuute ex- periments, and about 37% less than those de- termined from the Le Conte experiments. It is a striking fact that in periods of low water flow the estimates in Bulletin No. 81 are in excess of those of the Spring Valley Water Company, while in flood periods they are very much smaller, Realizing that, by reason of the fact that ne allowance had been made for the great effect of high velocities of approach in the unrevised dis- charge tables of the Spring Valley Water Com- pany, the quantities contained therein sheuld properly be inereased instead of diminished, search was mace for the books of the U. 8. Geo- logical Survey which contained the computations of the discharge over Niles Dam given in Bulletin 81. Mr. Lippincott, who had gathered the data from which the results in this bulletin were com- piled. found the computations in four books in the Los Angeles Office of the U. 8. Geological Surveys. (Nos. 281, 282, 283 and 284.) An Amazing Mistake. The sketch on the front page of book No, 281 shows that a weir crest 60 feet long was used throughout in making the computations, the depth of the 60-foot notch in the Niles weir being considered as 13 1-2 feet high instead of 12 inches as is the actual condition. Plate 2 is a photostat of the front page of book No. 281. Thus it is seen that when the depth of watcr was over 12 inches, less than one-half the proper cross-sectional area of the stream was used, which obviously gave results that in some cases were less than 50 per cent of the proper amount. On Plate 2-A (page 19) is shown the cross- sectional area used in bulletin No. 81 together with that which was omitted, but which should have been used in addition to what was used. Floods Were not Included. In some places where Exhibit No. 11 indicated a crest. length of 120 feet, the man who com- puted the discharges in Bulletin No. 81 was evi- dently at a loss to know what to do. The result was that he omitted entirely the discharge on these dates. Obviously this increased the error in this work. Numerous trials reveal the fact that in com- puting the discharge, summation of which is given in Bulletin No. 81, the ordinary Francis weir formula was used, no allowance being made for either the increase due to velocity of ap- proach or the decrease due to submergence. It is therefore seen that the partial records of the discharge of Alameda Creek, as given in Water Supply Paper No. 81, are of no value whatsoever. Calaveras Has Record of Twelve Years’ Stream Flow. Run-off measurements at Calaveras Creek are available for the periods 1898-9 to 1907-8 and 1910-11 to 1911-12. Discharges from the original measurements have been reeemputed, the details being given in Appendix ‘‘B’’. Records of computation for the period 1898- 1903 are not available, though computations of the period 1903-4 to 1907-8, made under the di- rection of Mr. Cyril Williams, Jr., are avail- able. The computations of the period 1898-9 to 1902-3, as given in this report, have been made by Mr. Sharon under my direction, while the recomputation of the so-called Williains meas- urements has been made under the direction of Mr. G. G. Anderson, Consulting Engineer, who has had vast experience in hydraulie problems in Colorado and contiguous states, as well as on 22 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. the large hydraulic developments in various parts of British Columbia. The results of the recomputations for the period 1903-8 differ considerably from the pre- vious computation made under the direction of Mr. Cyril Williams, Jr., and used heretofore by the Spring Valley Water Company. Following is a record of new computations and a comparison of the results with those made un- der the direction of Mr, Williams. CALAVERAS GAGINGS. Anderson’s Williams’ Season computation. computation. 1903-04..% 45ers gu ny nas are 19,380 M. G. 16,485 M. G. W904 QB ie jisise aon 82g Srands gr ee ace 14,902 “ 16,503 “ 1905-06. 6s siege ners wee 26,962 “ 32,551 1906-075 ccc ecaieh ce wares 37,146 54,407 “ 1907-08................ 9,203 ‘ 14,147 Arroyo Valle Has Five Years’ Stream Flow Record. Run-off measurements at Arroyo Valle are available for 1904-5 to 1907-8 and a part of 1911-12. We have been unable to find the original rec- ords in the files of the Spring Valley Water Company, and Mr. Cyril Williams, previously in the employ of the Spring Valley Water Com- pany, states that the earlier ones were outside of the vault in the fire of 1906 and were conse- quently destroyed. Fortunately, however, I ob- tained a copy of the records from Mr. F. Gainor, who was watchman at the Arroyo Valle at that time and made a copy of the records he took. This copy was used in computing the discharge of Arroyo Valle for the period 1904-5 to 1907-8. The measurements for a part of 1911-12 were made by current meters and weirs. The results of these computations are as follows: ARROYO VALLE RUN-OFF From F. Gainor’s Gagings—In Seasons. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 M. G. M. G. M. G. M.G. DULY esiditesiates *30 *30 *30 *30 AUS sai cased *30 *30 *30 *30 Sept. ........ *30 *30 *30 ¥*30 Oey es amiss as *50 *30 *30 *30 NOV sucon nea *60 *30 #30 #30 DOG. sei 50% *200 *50 1,495 294 JAM 4 crs se ped *500 6,234 10,618 1,613 BOD. aie ra thas 589 788 1,195 1,095 Mar, osccuas 2,290 7,967 18,125 *100 ADP. wae cee x 222 1,457 *100 *60 May ........ 185.70 199 *80 *30 June ....... *60 36 *30 *30 Totals . ... 4,246.70 16,881 31,793 3,372 NOTE: *—Indicates estimated quantity. The Niles-Sunol record of Alameda Creek is the only one that is long enough to give repre- sentative results, as it covers cycles of wet and dry years. From these records with the aid of run-off data available for the subsidiary catchment areas and the corresponding rainfall records, a run- off curve has been plotted for each subsidiary catchment area, These run-off curves represent average results for various rainfalls and are used for the period 1849-£0 to 1889-90 by apply- ing to them their respective mean area rainfall. They are shown on Plates Nos. B-1 to B-4, in- elusive, Appendix ‘‘B’’. It is realized that a single run-off curve for a catchment area will give only average results, and that any single determination from such a curve may be either considerably less or consid- erably more than the actual run-off, Such curves serve their purpose very well where, as in this case, they are used to ascertain whether the record in hand, covers all conditions of wet and dry year cycles that may be encountered. In this case, we have a 23-year record at Sunol with an expanded rainfall record of 63 years. Appli- cation of these run-off curves to the rainfall rec- ords reveals no cycles nor even single years more severe than are found in the 23-year measured run-off record. To show this clearly the run-off prior to the 23-year record is shown in con- junction with that of the 23-year record on the mass curves for each of the various subsidiary catchment areas. (See Plates B-2, B-3, B-6, B-7, B-10 and B-11, Appendix ‘‘B’’.) Closer Results Obtained by Grouping Years on Series of Curves. Because of the fact that a single run-off curve gives but average results, and in order that for the 23-year period we may obtain more close-' ly the run-off for the same rainfall under various conditions that are reflected in the measured run- off records of this period, where we have a num- ber of actual gagings representing the run-off from the subsidiary catchment areas within the Alameda watershed, a set of five run-off curves has been made for each subsidiary drainage area. The purpose of this is to group the seasons ac- cording to run-off conditions. Thus the seasons in which for one reason or another the run-off ALAMEDA RUN-OFF AVERAGES 173 M. G. D. is a high percentage of the precipitation are rep- resented on a curve which gives results somewhat higher than does the curve for the years where the conditions were not so favorable for high run-off. Likewise that group of years which for One reason or another yielded very small run- offs for the rainfall is represented by another line which fits their conditions, (See Plates B-5, B-6 and B-7, Appendix B.) By use of these curves we are enabled to deter- mine very closely the annual run-off froin the various subsidiary catchment areas for each year, as the curves thus constructed are based upon run-off conditions reflected by the measured run-off from either the entire Alameda catch- ment area or one of the subsidiary catchment areas. Detailed discussion of the wonstruction of these run-off curves is given in Appendix ‘‘B”’. The Gross Run-off of Alameda System Averages 173 Mil- lion Gallons Daily. The fina] results of the run-off of the various subsidiary catchment areas for the 23-year per- iod, details of which are given m Appendix ‘‘B’’, are as follows: 23 The summation of the run-off from each of the subsidiary catchment areas shows an average gross water crop of 173.39 M. G. D. from 620.5 square miles, equal to an average of about 275,- 000 gallons per square mile per day. This is two-thirds the average rate of run-off from the Crystal Springs catchment area, and about one- fourth that of the Pilarcitos catchment area. The difference between this gross water crop of 173.39 M. G. D. and the average measured run-off over Sunol and Niles Dams of 145.00 M. G. D. represents the average loss in transit, in- cluding the evaporation from saturated soils in the western portion of Livermore Valley. From the foregoing measured run-off data, we note that the Alameda Creek furnished a bountiful supply of water. Taking the records of these 23 years, it averages 145.00 M. G. D., equivalent to approximately four times the present needs of the City of San Francisco, Sufficient to serve the City of San Francisco until about the end of the present century. Destruction and Suffering Due to Alameda Creek Floods. Single floods running as high as 17,830 M. G. D., or equivalent to 48.9 M. G. D. for a whole RUN-OFF FOR SUBSIDIARY CATCHMENT AREAS FOR 23-YEAR PERIOD 1889-1912. Upper San Arroyo Sunol Livermore Calaveras Alameda Antonio Valle Drainage Drainage 620.54 Season 98.30 35.32 38.70 140.80 49.08 258.34 sq. mi. sq. mi. sq. mi. sq. mi. sq. mi. sq. mi. sq. mi. Total M. G. D. M. G. D. M. G. D. M. G.D. M.G. D. M. G. D. M. G.D. 1889-90..... 0.0 cece eee 126.50 43.73 38.25 100.54 48.50 129.20 486.70 1890-31 cas ve tea ee bese es 43.60 11.40 5.99 31.85 7.94 27.81 128.40 1891-992 ch teks ess 39.8 11.8 5.99 13.41 6.43 13.55 90.97 1B 9229 Bia. t atria dik eae? aampens 100.7 32.6 22.50 88.50 23.95 56.44 324.86 189329 4:6: ctaccuia as ow 4 73.6 21.0 13.37 38.55 12.85 27.72 187.10 1894-95 ices esas oareares 82. 29.4 19.36 52.30 20.45 52.33 255.80 1895-966 jccccs os ee eos aes 50.4 14.3 7.88 26.83 8.76 27.72 135.80 1896298 ie bec sen tera ee? 69.10 22.88 14.29 43.56 15.19 55.34 220.30 BB 97298 oecica sean ene hae Ss 8.9 2.0 .55 2.01 MeT2 aes 14.65 1898-99... ....cccee eee 37.6 9.9 7.37 11.40 8.18 12.31 86.77 1899-0062 cieee sce ee ves’ 39.9 10.1 6.92 6.70 6.54 9.24 79.37 1900-01 ss vince saci 24 Sas 56.3 18.1 13.83 23.47 18.23 17.24 147.10 1901202 ios sien eens a esis 36.7 9.67 6.92 22.13 7.01 15.39 97.82 1902-03 oi. ea cased vases 42.4 11.3 7.01 32.18 7.60 30.78 131.30 1908-04... ccc ci eea es ees 53.1 14.3 8.85 23.46 12.15 24.63 136.50 1904-05........ 0 eee eee 40.8 13.6 10.14 11.63 9.82 18.47 104.50 1905-06... ....- 0 ee ee eee 73.8 16.8 13.79 46.25 18.23 61.57 230.50 1906-08 acca cede geese’ 101.8 26.2 22.49 87.02 29.23 119.50 386.20 1907208 x24 seed ox a Sa 25.2 5.9 4.61 9.25 5.26 12.31 62.53 1908-09... ....-0 eee eee 82.0 23.9 16.13 46.93 21.04 55.37 245.30 1909-10..... 00. e eee eee 35.6 9.25 7.84 20.11 8.18 23.40 104.30 1910-11 eds cee ow ess nee 81.4 25.65 23.05 65.71 34.35 70.20 300.30 1911-12). oe esaeta sie sass 15.2 3.78 3.69 2.66 5.37 0 30.72 Average M.G.D..... 57.23 16.86 12.21 35.06 14.62 37.41 173.39 24 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. year, have passed down the Niles Canyon, creat- ing havoe on the way and finally destroying the crops on many square miles of farms between Niles and the San Francisco Bay, besides en- dangering the lives of residents in its path. Bridges, roads and railroads are washed out, the roads being made impassable for weeks and even months at a time. These large fluctuations within the season are typical of all western streams to a greater or less degree. Aside from the fluctuations within the season, the annual stream flow of western streams is subject to fluctuations covering longer periods of time due to pronounced cycles of wet and dry years. This is common knowledge among hy- draulic engineers conversant with western con- ditions, making long period run-off data such as those of the Alameda Creek exceptionally valuable. Concerning this characteristic, Mr. C. E. Grunsky, on pages 498 and 505 of Volume 61 of the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, says: Grunsky Says Storage Similar to Spring Valley Works Nec- essary in the West. “One of the early observations made by the engineers who from time to time have been consulted on the subject of an ade- quate water supply for San Francisco was the recurrence in succession of so-called dry winters, that is, of rain years with a fall of rain so far below normal as to be classed as minimum years. Two such years now and then follow each other, and there may be a series of year, up to about ten, of which none materially exceeds the normal. As the years of minimum rainfall produce practi- cally no run-off from areas near San Fran- cisco, and years of normal rainfall only a moderate amount, the conclusion was reached that the storage capacity when com- pared with the run-off from the area tribu- tary to a reservoir should be relatively large, and that the aggregate storage capacity should be equivalent to about 900 days’ supply. “It remains to be stated that all three of these reservoirs are of relatively large capacity when compared with the small tributary areas. There are, therefore, many seasons in which there is no waste, in which all water is caught. This is particularly true of Crystal Springs Reservoir, which has been full only twice. There is, more- over, a certain interdependence between the reservoirs. The relation in which the Pilar- citos Reservoir stands to the San Andreas Reservoir is so close, in fact, that it has seemed advisable to combine the two and treat them as a single reservoir in this dis- cussion. The arrangement is such that the waste from the Pilarcitos flows to the San Andreas until the conduit capacity is ex- ceeded, whereupon some water goes to the stream. Any excess of water received by the San Andreas Reservoir is in turn deliv- ered to the Crystal Springs Reservoir.” Alameda Creek Record Excellent, Because It Includes Cycle of Extremely Dry Years. It is observed that the record of the run-off of Alameda Creek below Sunol includes cycles of this character, which may be brought out by dividing it into three periods of about eight years each, ALAMEDA CREEK RUN-OFF FOR 23 YEARS FROM ACTUAL GAGINGS. Annual Flow in Seasons Length of Million Gallons Period. Average Max. Min. 1889-90 to 1896-97—8 yrs... .25,940 165,907 20,905 1897-98 to 1904-05—8 yrs.... 9,233 40,038 4,498 1905-06 to 1911-12—7 yrs....17,580 104,856 10,937 Fortunately the record of Alameda Creek in- cludes the extremely dry cycle of eight years from the season of 1897-8 to the season of 1904-5, As previously stated, this cycle exceeds all others indicated by the 63-year rainfall record, both as to duration and lack of moisture. The testimony of old men living at the time of this extremely dry period establishes it as the most excessive within the memory of man on the Pacifie Coast. Other very dry years have occurred singly or in pairs, or distributed between very wet years and moderately dry years in groups of three. This eight-year dry period prevailed all over the Pacifie Coast. The cycle of dry seasons is in the middle third of the Alameda record, therefore we may be sure that calculations based upon data in which it is included will be well within the limits of safety. Long cycles of this sort are not to be found along the Atlantic Coast. One of the longest and dryest of which we have record covers the three years just passed, and created great uneasi- ness among hydraulic engineers in eastern prac- tice. STORAGE AVAILABLE TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. 25 Storage Is Common Sense Method of Meeting Cycle of Dry Years. Series of wet and dry years are typical of western climatic conditions and are anticipated by western hydraulic engineers just as the busi- ness man and the farmer anticipate series of years in which good and bad crops will be har- vested. The common sense method of storing enough in the years of plenty to tide over the time of drought is equally applicable in both cases. This is what we propose to do in the Alameda system, so that storage of water be- comes a cardinal factor in its development as in other western projects. What Storage Did for San Francisco. Because of its extensive stored water supply on the San Francisco peninsula the people of San Francisco had ample water during the cycle of eight dry years above noted, and at the end of this period there still remained sufficient stored water to supply the City for 500 days longer. During this period the stored water was drawn upon constantly, the water surface of the reservoirs being gradually lowered. For an in- terval of nine years the water surface of the Crystal Springs Reservoir was continuously be- low its flow line. This practice is not looked upon with favor in some parts of the humid At- lantie Coast, where effort is made to limit the interval of time to two or three years. What Some Engineers Do in the East. This view and the reason therefor are ex- pressed in the report of Messrs. Burr, Hering and Freeman on the New York Water Supply, page 23, where they say: “It is essential not to overestimate the yield of a given territory in which reser- voirs are to be constructed, for the reason that the daily draft of the distribution sys- tem will at times deplete the storage and expose a margin around the perimeter of the reservoir. If this uncovered margin is ex- posed through too long a period, vegetation will spring up on it and prejudice the qual- ity of the water when the reservoir is again filled.” More Eastern Practice. In New England, in the effort to produce wholesome water, the soil within the reservoir has been stripped to such a depth as to remove all organic growth. This heroic treatment has proved futile and expensive and has been re- pudiated by the builders of the reservoirs for the water supply of Greater New York now un- der construction, What They Do in the West. The exposed margins of the Crystal Springs reservoir were kept scrupulously free from weeds, ete., by the Spring Valley Water Com- pany during the successive years its water sur- face was below the flow lne. Contrary to the contention that the water would deteriorate in quality because of this practice, the quality of the Crystal Springs reservoir water remained uniformly good. It may be that the care taken with regard to the margin of the Crystal Springs reservoir, — together with the climatic conditions which pre- vail here, account for the different results ob- tained in the East and in the West in this mat- ter. However this may be, Western experience and particularly the experience of San Francisco itself, leads to the only reasonable conclusion that it 1s not alone harmless to maintain a reser- voir water surface below the flow line for a long number of years, but that it would be wasteful and the height of imprudence not to take ad- vantage of the climatic and the physieal eondi- tions with which we are favored. Western Practice Applied by Eastern Engineers. Due regard was taken of this difference be- tween eastern and western conditions by the Board of Consulting Engineers (Messrs. Free- man, Stearns and Schuyler), who approved the plans of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, that great work to bring the waters of the Owens Valley to Los Angeles which was conceived, designed and built by Mr. Wm. Mulholland, and which is now practically completed. This Board of Engineers includes in the final project the Long Valley Reservoir, the office of which is ‘‘to provide against a series of dry years’’, by maintaining a continuous, uniform flow equal to the capacity of the aqueduet under con- ditions of full development. In the study of the Long Valley Reservoir, discharge from the 2 } AGRan = i A 4g a MABS CURVE 4 WY FOR 2 ¢! DETERMIN'NG [THE STORAGE CAPACITY of f ‘ REPUREO AT Z 4 LONG MALLEY 7, z q TO MALNTAUN A MEAN YEARLY O:SCHARGE OF A CMAN EL DRAGLN EL LE BIEL q 280 SEC. FT AT ROUND VALLEW FROM (G5! TO 1906 oh ves, (YO6 = 240 ORO ACRE FEET | q eG | / Z 4 t Sasi a $4 LtOLe S Qe. a ee er a a y LW MOTE. KURVE SLOWED FROM YEARLY AGGREGATES COMPUTED Y OX APPLYING, THE % VARIATION CF HE RAIEFALL FROM TY WORMAL AND FOOTHILL GEOURS TO THE NORMAL\MIEAN Y2 a DEXEHARGE OF OWENS RIVER AT OLIN VALLE THE VAPLATION BF THE SAINOFE OE RINGS LAVELLE FORE Nd NQRMAL WAS APPLIED WHERE POSS/BLLE\ (879 TOVEED ANDO 1836 70 Y9O8, ~ ) Y 7 y y J YA de iq y Qq \y q § : : q 4 ; , q ; q s ‘ g ees ZZ Plate 3. THE MASS CURVE STUDY OF LONG VALLEY RESERVOIR (LOS ANGELES AQUEDUCT) SHOWS THE WATER SURFACE BELOW THE FLOW LINE FOR AS MUCH AS 14 YEARS. THE PURPOSE OF THE LONG VALLEY RESERVOIR IS “TO PROVIDE AGAINST A SERIES OF DRY YEARS” AND WAS APPROVED BY MESSRS. FREEMAN, STEARNS AND SCHUSSLER. ALAMEDA STORAGE AGGREGATES 177,000 M. G. 27 tributary catchment area was estimated back- ward as far as 1850, and a mass diagram, repro- dution of which is shown on Plate 3, was made to determine the necessary storage to sustain the proper draft. This mass curve shows that a maximum storage of 240,000 acre feet is re- quired, and that the water surface im ithe reser- voir would be continuously below the flow line for 14 years from 1873 to 1887, and again for 9 years from 1887 to 1896, and again for 9 years from 1898 to 1907, This plan received the ap- proval of Messrs. Freeman, Stearns and Schuy- ler. Thus it is seen that the Long Valley Reservoir will have its water surface below the flow line for longer periods than any of the storage reser- voirs of the Spring Valley Water Company. Great Storage Available in Alameda System. Within the Alameda catchment area are three large surface reservoirs which will be utilized in the development of the Alameda System, enum- erated as follows: Storage Reservoir Capacity Elevation Calaveras os s<42s ceca earns 55,000 M.G. 800 San Antonio .............. 11,674 M.G. 443 Arroyo Valle .............. 13,830 M.G. 800 Total for surface reser- VOITS 2s do esiwedses tes 80,504 M. G. These reservoirs and their value as water pro- ducers, will be described later in this report. In addition to these surface storage reservoirs, it is proposed to utilize two subterranean reservoirs —that at Sunol, commonly referred to as the Sunol Filter Beds, and that underlying the Liv- ermore Valley, from which, at the present time, this Company is drawing up to 11 M. G. D. with but a single centrifugal pump. Geologists Say Gravel Deposits in Alameda System Are Very Large. These two gravel deposits cover very large areas and are exceedingly deep. By the unique actions of nature they are hemmed in on all sides by impervious: rock, making them in effect two huge sponges which greedily absorb flood waters that would otherwise go to waste, and retain them until withdrawn by artificial means. These gravels have been the subject of very careful and extended examinations by Dr. J. C. Branner, Professor of Geology and Vice-President of Stan- ford University, and Dr. Andrew Lawson, Pro- fessor of Geology of the University of California, and reference is here made to the reports upon this subject by these two geologists. Both these scientists have international reputations, and are undoubtedly better equipped to determine the ereat water bearing capabilities of these gravels than any other men. Among other distinctions, Dr. Branner has recently been the recipient of the Hayden medal, which stamps him as the foremost geologist of his day, and both have zained renown in solving the mysteries of West- ern geology, the most intricate and complex in the world. Each has made an independent report and they agree that these gravel beds are prob- ably the greatest of their kind in the world. They find that these gravels exist under prac- tically the whole of the Livermore Valley for a depth of at least 4000 feet, and under the Sunol Valley for a depth of 500 to 1000 feet. Of course, we all know that in speaking of gravel the geologist means intermingling deposits of gravel, sand and denser materials, yet both at- test to the enormous water carrying capacity of the gravels as a whole. Dr. Branner and Dr. Lawson have used the term just as Dr. Crosby has used it in connection with the Long Island gravels and sands. From borings both in the Livermore Valley and at Sunol, it appears that at Sunol the porous gravel and sand constitutes a much higher per- centage of the entire mass than is the case at Livermore. It is estimated that the Valley fill at Sunol will have an available porosity of at least 25 per cent. The area of these gravels is, in round numbers 1300 acres, Therefore, if we figure on only an average depth of 100 feet in these gravels, their storage capacity becomes 10,000 M. G. It is physically practicable to de- plete these gravels to a much greater depth by means of pumps, and in point of fact is being done in many places in California today, by several types of pumps, notable among them being the multiple stage centrifugal pump that operates inside the ordinary well casing, and the air lift pump. 28 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Storage of Alameda System Aggregates Over 177,000 Million Gallons. Similarly, the storage of the underground reservoir beneath Livermore Valley for the top 100 feet is estimated by assuming a percentage of porosity of 14 per cent as described later on in this report, and is found to be 87,000 M. G. The total storage in the Alameda system is, therefore, as follows: Surface Reservoirs: M.G. M.G. GalaVEraS 2. cd add ae ahaa dacs 55,000 San Antonio ..............006 11,674 Arroyo Valle scsireina diy cee 6 13,830 80,504 Underground Reservoirs: Sun Ole iss ->-0 esi cind ail ve a On es 10,000 LiverMore: as vad eevee ses ss 87,000 97,000 Total, StOTASE soc ..d ice sein Sa wi Se 177,504 This aggregate storage does not include that of the Pliocene gravels upon which Dr. Branner lays so much stress. That artesian wells whose source of supply is the Pliocene gravels will be found in the valley floor, is made certain by the fact that on the foothill slope near Pleasanton there already exist artesian wells in these same gravels. In this matter I have been conservative in that I have omitted the supply that may be obtained from wells supplied by these Pliocene gravels, and have not taken advantage of the enormous storage available below a depth of 100 feet, both of which it is practicable to real- ize. Liberal Deduction Is Made for Evaporation from Reservoirs. It is essential to provide for evaporation in estimating the safe yield from reservoirs. From surface reservoirs evaporation proceeds continuously from the water surface. Measure- ments to determine the amount of this evapora- tion as well as its monthly distribution have been made in several parts of California, as well as in other parts of the United States. The sub- ject is thoroughly discussed in Appendix ‘‘D’’, and for the purpose of this report the evapora- tion is taken as 48 inches per year, which in lieu of actual measurements at each reservoir site, is believed to be as nearly correct as can be ob- tained by comparison with measurements else- where. The evaporation from water surfaces is a loss that cannot be recovered in any way. In deducting for loss due to evaporation credit should be given to the precipitation that falls upon the surface of the reservoir itself. The catchment tributary to a reservoir includes the area oceupied by the reservoir, and in compu- ting the run-off the same percentage of rainfall has been applied to both areas. Deductions Are Excessive for Sake of Conservatism. Manitestly all of the rain that falls upon the water surface of the reservoir is added to the stored water, and the water crop for that season should be increased by the difference between the run-off in inches as applied to the whole catchment area and the inches of rainfall at the reservoir. The most simple manner to account for this addition is to deduct it from the sea- sonal evaporation. Taking the actual mean rainfall as recorded at Calaveras for the Calaveras reservoir, and the actual mean at Sunol for the San Antonio reser- voir, both for the 23-year period during which I have actual stream measurements, I get the following: Amount which fell on Mean of Amount reservoir in excess of actual credited credits and should be rainfall to run-off added to the net draft Calaveras. ....26.42” 12.22” 14.20” 1.44M.G.D. San Antonio ..22.22” 6.61” 15.61” 0.90 M.G.D. From this it will be seen that the safe de- pendable yield of Calaveras reservoir should be about 1144 M. G. D. in excess of that given in this report, while that of San Antonio reservoir should be nearly one M. G. D. more than that given. For the sake of presenting conservative estimates, I have neglected these additions that rightfully should be made. Great Loss by Evaporation from Saturated Soils near Pleasanton. Evaporation to an even greater degree than from a water surface, proceeds from soil sur- faces in various degrees of saturation. This is also discussed in detail in Appendix ‘‘D’’. Appendix ‘‘D’’ has been prepared by Mr. T. W. Espy, Civil and Mining Engineer, who has had wide experience as manager of one of Cali- fornia’s hydraulic mines, and who for several years was in charge of the hydrographic work and reconstruction of the Imperial Valley Irri- UNDERGROUND SUPPLIES EXTENSIVELY USED IN THE WEST. 29 gation Project, embracing 300,000 acres of land and about 1000 miles of canal. This evaporation is pertinent to the under- ground reservoir in Livermore Valley, where by reason of the artesian pressure the water im- pounded in the gravel reservoir in seeking an outlet is forced upward through the denser ma- terials in the western end of the valley com- monly called the ‘‘clay cap’’. This causes the overlying soils to be in a state of saturation, from which a surprisingly large amount of water is lost by evaporation. That the source of this water is from the underlying gravels is mani- fest from the fact that in small, swampy spots, where this upward pressure has been relieved by means of a number of large shallow wells, the soil near the wells dried out sufficiently to cul- tivate. This Loss Can Be Recovered and Used. This loss is at present a constant draft upon the underground reservoir and is lost to any use- ful purpose. By keeping the plane of saturation at least 10 feet below the ground surface, evap- oration from the soil surface will cease and the water heretofore lost in the air will be recovered and delivered in conduits for the use of the peo- ple of San Francisco. This is not mere theory, but has been accomplished in many parts of Cali- fornia, as for instance, near Chino, where large saturated areas were reclaimed and made tillable, and the recovered water used elsewhere for ir- rigation. In this act the benefit derived was two- fold—first the wet lands were reclaimed; and second, other desert lands too dry for successful farming were irrigated and made to produce abundantly. This Has Been Done on Large Scale in Southern California. Similarly, just south of Los Angeles, 50,000 acres were relieved in a like manner from sat- uration due to the underground waters of the Los Angeles River, and where before there was nothing but waste, there now are 50,000 acres of very valuable property, and this, too, after the City of Los Angeles drew 45.0 M. G. D. from this same underground supply. At the present time a project located about midway between Los Angeles and Long Beach, and of the same character as above described, is being constructed. It will cost upwards of $1,000,000, and has for its purpose the reclama- tion of 100,000 acres of land by unwatering a saturated area and irrigating lands with the water drawn therefrom. Water May Be Stored by Artific- ially Soaking the Gravels. To fully utilize the vast underground storage of the Livermore Valley it will be necessary to conduct some of the flood waters from their natural channels over broad areas of porous gravels. Measurements in the Arroyo Valle Channel indicate that water entered these grav- els, even under the unfavorable conditions of the winter of 1911-1912, at the rate of 10 cubic feet per square foot of superficial area, per day, which with a porosity of 3831/3 per cent gives a velocity of 30 feet per day. Naturally, therefore, with an increased superficial area, water will be absorbed much more rapidly by the gravels, and a larger percentage of the flood waters will enter them. It is proposed to utilize sufficient superficial area, In conjunction with the Arroyo Valle Reser- voir, and the present stream bed, so that very Lttle water will escape into Laguna Creck and be wasted. Exception may be taken to this method of conservation because of fear that the gravels may become clogged up with silt, but let it be borne in mind that in the first place there is not a large amount of silt in these waters, and in the second place, their velocity is abruptly checked when they enter Arroyo Valle Reser- voir, and they will drop whatever silt they carry into the bottom of this reservoir, before being conducted to the gravels. Furthermore, the Arroyo Mocho has been spreading out over the gravels near Livermore for untold years, very rarely running through to the Laguna Creek, and there is no evidence of a decrease in the absorptive powers of these gravels by reason of its action. This Is Being Done in San Ber- nardino Valley. This practice of spreading flood waters over gravels has been in progress in San Bernardino Valley, in Southern California, for several years past. Just below where the flood waters of the ‘S[BABIN) [OUNG PUY BLOWIIEALT Ul oFes0Ig a} esvaL0U] OF PeMOT[OM Od TITAL SpoyyW IVIIWIG ‘STHAVUD NI ADVUOLS ASVAUONI OL UAAIWN VNV VINVS HO SUMLVM GOOTH AHL ONIGVAUdS THE CALAVERAS A GREAT PRODUCER. 31 Santa Ana River debouch from the mountains, they are diverted by means of dam and canals and spread over the gravels of the stream bed, much in the same way that broad irrigation is practiced. In this manner great quantities of flood waters are absorbed by the gravels, increasing the under- ground supply from wells for a distance of sixty miles below. Officers of the various companies profiting by this work, state that the increase is very marked, and that they are repaid a thousand fold for the expense incurred to spread the waters. It is probable that the velocity with which the water enters the gravels in this case is about the same as it will be in the Livermore Valley. I visited the site of this work last year while the work of spreading water was under way and saw how greedily the gravels drank up the water. Even where water is spread in soils it is ab- sorbed with surprising rapidity. In Imperial Valley, while Chief Engineer of the California Development Company, I have many times observed water entering the soils at the rate of 1 to 3 feet per day in the dense clayey soils predominant in the greater part of that valley; and this with water that is notoriously muddy, carrying several thousand times the quantity of silt that the Arroyo Valle does. As development proceeds it may be found necessary to handle the waters entering Sunol Valley in the method above deseribed, though it seems probable that this will not be the case. Calaveras Reservoir Is Largest in the Alameda System and Excellently Located. Calaveras Reservoir, one of the largest in Cali- fornia, is located 36 miles from San Francisco and is the largest storage reservoir in the Ala- meda System. In the Calaveras Valley nature has provided a huge bowl 3 miles long and 1 mile wide, with a deep and narrow outlet at its northeasterly corner. The bowl offers a splendid opportunity to form a large lake, while the nar- row outlet affords an admirable damsite whereby the lake may be readily formed. As if appreciating the great opportunity and anticipating the necessity of large storage within easy reach of the people of San Francisco, na- ture also provided a large tributary catchment area where the run-off from ample snows and rains is conducted to the reservoir where it may be conserved for domestic use. The watershed of the catchment area directly tributary to Cala- veras Reservoir covers an area of 98.3 square miles. The largest stream within its borders is the Hondo, which is formed by the junction of the Ysabel and Smith’s Creeks, the last named streams passing around the east and the west flanks of Mt. Hamilton and its sister peaks which rise in lofty grandeur to an elevation of 4400 feet. In topography this area ranging from 550 to 4400 feet above sea level, is for the most part steep and rugged, broken by canyons lead- ing to the main streams, and is largely covercd with a dense mantle of trees and shrubs. Precipitation in Calaveras Water- shed Is the Greatest in the Alameda System. Precipitation occurs both in the form of snow and rain. Snow very often makes the mountain inaccessible in the upper reaches and isolates the astronomers at Lick Observatory from direct contact with the world at large. Even in ex- . tremely dry seasons, as the one just past, there is a considerable snowfall, and intemperate weather is experienced. Record of precipitation has been kept at two stations within the Calaveras watershed—that at Calaveras for 38 years, and that at Lick Observa- tory on the crown of Mount Hamilton for 31 years. These records, when expanded by means of the San Francisco rainfall record, show a 63- year normal precipitation at Calaveras of 26.73 inches and at Mount Hamilton of 31.88 inches. Many other short period records of precipita- tion have been taken within the watershed, not- ably the group of 15 given by Messrs. Haehl and Toll on page 534 of Volume 61 of the Transac- tions of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers. These records for the most part cover periods of two years, and cannot be given the same weight as longer records. That they are probably too low is shown by the investigation of the late Col. Geo. Mendell, U. S. Army Corps of Engi- neers, who on page 815 of the Municipal Reports of San Francisco for the year 1876-77, says: “The stations were on Mt. Hamilton and on each side of it. The positions and alti- tudes are as follows: ‘GL-LI6L JO Wosvag AI oY} Ul UsyVT ‘Yo-uny prdey we oansuy sadorg snowdierg YUA SUTeIUNOW YSTH ‘CHUHSUYALVM SVYUHAVIVO HHL AO SNOILVAH TH YAHDIH AHL 9 10 nites: oa ‘6 15 ca 22 or . / _ALAMEDA COUNTY __ SANTA CLARA COUNTY Plate 4. N ———~ * vgneres Distance =/.6 Miles ee Fall = 624 per mle Slope a ONEF R- ——- = 2. 282 f# Velocity = 6 VRS 2 (60 V2T52x OBE Quentity = AreaxVelacit = 092! « 2g B75 = BSEL7 Cy 12007, 500 =£037.MG.D. APPROVED BY | | Bins — anh MAP AND SECTION PROPOSED TUNNEL UPPER |. oc coes prawn Cfllling hed ALAMEDA TO CALAVERAS pcaaeeaiee * U “<5 > reacen Maugham SPRING VALLEY WATER CO i pave 5G0%M4, le ALAMEDA SYSTEM bi cae THE WATER OF UPPER ALAMEDA CREEK WILL BE CONSERVED IN CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. 33 34 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. “No. 1—In valley of Smith’s Creek at west- ern foot of Mt. Hamilton. Altitude 1,950 feet. “No. 2—Western flank of Mt. Hamilton. Altitude 3,000 feet. “No. 3—Eastern fiank of Mt. Hamilton. Al- titude 3,450 feet. “No. 4—Isabel Valley at the eastern foot of Mt. Hamilton. Altitude 2,250 feet. “No. 5—On flank of mountain on east side of Calaveras Creek, and four miles north of Mt, Hamilton. Altitude 2,200 feet. “No. 6—On the western flank of the west- ern mountains bounding Calaveras, therefore not in Calaveras Valley, but to the west of it. Altitude 1,450 feet. “The observations show very clearly that the rainfall in the Calaveras basin is in ex- cess of that on the western flank facing Santa Clara. They also appear to indicate no greater fall on the mountains than in the valley. On the contrary, Isabel Valley gives a greater fall than any point above it.” All Rainfall Records Expanded to Sixty-three Years. For the purpose of this report and to be con- servative in the estimated safe yield, these rec- ords have been expanded to 63 years, and, together with other records, form the basis of the isohyetal lines shown on Plate A-2. In addition to these records I have obtained: two records of precipitation on the ridge dividing the Hondo and the Upper Alameda about 12 miles north- west from Mount Hamilton, for the season 1911- 1912. These records indicate that along this ridge the precipitation is nearly, if not quite, as high as that around Mount Hamilton. From these various rainfall records, which are fully discussed in detail in Appendix ‘‘A’’, the mean areal precipitation of the Calaveras watershed is found to be 28.55 inches per season. The minimum areal rainfall is 9.53 per season, and the maximum is 47.67 inches per season. Ex- amination of the daily precipitation record shows wide divergence in its occurrence and intensity. At Calaveras the maximum recorded daily pre- cipitation is 3.60 inches. 14.94 inches of rain have falien in one month and 25.12 inches in two months. These are, of course, very favorable conditions for high rate of run-off. Large Quantities of Water Pass Down Calaveras Creek. The run-off from the Calaveras catchment area is discussed in detail in Appendix ‘‘B’’. Actual run-off measurements are available for the sea- sons of 1898-99 to 1907-8 and 1910-12. ‘These measurements show that while in summer the flow may get as low as 1 cubic foot per second, in winter floods upward of 12,000 cubic feet per second oceur. At the present time these floods go to waste and contribute their share to the destruction in the lower lying lands. When the Calaveras Reservoir is completed this destruction will in part cease and the flood will becoine a useful agent in supplying the people of San Francisco with pure, wholesome water. By the use of the run-off curves as developed in Appendix ‘‘B’’ and shown on Plates B-1 and B-6, run-off from the Calaveras catchment area has been estimated for each of the seasons from 1849-50 to 1911-12 where actual measurements are not available. The Upper Alameda Will Be Diverted into Calaveras Reservoir. The Upper Alameda Creek is in the next catch- ment area lying directly northeast of the Cala- veras area, and joins the Calaveras Creek just below the gorge in which the Calaveras dam is located. By means of a tunnel 1144 miles long, the waters from the upper 35.32 square miles of the Upper Alameda will be diverted and deliv- ered into the Calaveras Reservoir, as shown on Plate 4. Like that of the Calaveras, the catch- ment area of the Upper Alameda is picturesque in its ruggedness and is blessed with a high pre- cipitation. Though less than half the size of the Calaveras watershed, the Upper Alameda resembles it in many ways, and particularly as to rate of run-off. Reliable measurements of the flow of Alameda Creek are available only for the season of 1911-1912 and for a portion of the season of 1910-1911. Prior to 1910 a few sceat- tering measurements of floods were taken by Mr. Cyril Williams, Jr., simultaneously with the measurements he took at Calaveras. These are very crude, however, and are probably too high, as was found to be the case with those he made at Calaveras. From the determination of precipitation and run-off of the Upper Alameda, as found in Ap- pendices ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’, the probable flow of ‘SUOT[VH TOTTI 008‘9F JO 98V10IG [VMION B PUS SUOTIV) COMTI 00G'ZG JO 98B101G WNUMIXey B OJ SOplAoIg ANVdWOO UALVM AGTIVA DNIUdS AHL UuOd WVASVUAAVIVO AHL JO NDISAGC SNVNGAYA UN AO NOILONGOUdaY LON 4133S UL TY PER OH BIND Lamaharfate) CapPEIDEAE CHL, wouuerin cig paris x Uosiiuay En Aq uMo1g Bed ‘agoz =I AES ‘Ty ‘s2uepincig daaurBug Suryreues wewaais'y UuOr ‘ NOLLO3ZS SSOYD WAWIXYW wvd SVYy3AVIVS S ap paid os Nerw2 2uen, Bot a yu He eia ay, Sunenes t's Jozsun Bers WYO JO WILINIOD owe, NOILOIS SSOUD ae (soz ewe) aS ye eer tite ober om Td FLATE- § wuay paysaSau a wep ay jo Wso} Pryre 41 JO {2ajj@ BuuayBurss av, euoypucs prunece ey abpun quawou Buuanssarc aigieecd 4S21e845, sa dnpoud YIM IEA JO dur] Yo UCED0) BUUMONG wvy9vId SS3YLS \ EL Pap o, A SS sara ———alinma_oi toa. 44180 URS60| PE pe so, NY umes es PSST has | wes = ease om mT = bese get ae taeee Te sony spear omc le ode 6 198 8 borne 2 Sates oe ZIO mot payee? A Bueds. 1 Se sees a A NN ee. EL, b eee = - ‘ de TT aoe auerd ayo vo we! 2: beet peters sey unrun pRuape put psu: a," be Jour uo + «wes Bulan aan it ee Pag ¥aau) euaeH, Sey PRESS TPO 7 [eS hema aicre ‘apao aaa po er —— oe Se, Pe st et pean oa a | wena ee pach ey oun oe peel 4 iio man Pees sary is ren ra weyrnigucs Gaune pacn Anening wane) Erg jo pS ORL " Z 0fS 1) red jsomey 04 “hi s2doig 1 2 \ bes THE z pn [fevers aS euieg gy vonsadeuy Mace vs 2S uss 2 = & eg ery . c o fe peo * 4 - x ra ae 4 ‘ s Lb fe AY ow LL _& yr oe ot yu bro Z Po Ae 3” ane 9-6 ————___—o/ Ya we hla : pit a A eo auiesp sadam puoteg Le ye e a Om US wied a 80 a1 wap jo ares rs rs) WRD0CeBLG peoy Any Woy 2 3 . Oy pemnwee s! eunccasg Ijudn BE . LA ip é £ ‘ re i Wa we & a $9.2 oP <8 90 Le : LE er Ke l fe $2134 i bo ff. Ly LS pasha = Fees ean ok : asang prerd Keupaoesira = OGL A] Seaton: sso. ‘ie Wem uname proces ge aed & pee oa = oa = s 00013 aj 0 gad cqiser Asuosapy jo adm paunsey sasos 9 euNgeaud jeuolyPPe 329 {eilanpend 33m ui 16 rere, 1 amur Sa (eyo, = Osta sajsaied piss S29 B (42j0™) SPIOA, we Wy $@q yo Ma sad Wm DSUNSSy 35 ‘aUISMIVG 9} 1B VB1IOF 9Y} JO SSOUMOIIEN OY] 9ION ‘uUvMeaIIY “YW ‘Cf IW AQ papusmModsy ‘ALISNVA SVYUHAVIVO We SBIBALTVO JY} JO SAUITINO sUL 36 HEIGHT OF CALAVERAS DAM INCREASED BY J. R. FREEMAN. 37 Alameda Creek for each season of the period 1849-50 to 1911-12, has been computed. Plans for Calaveras Dam Have Been Considered Since 1875. Plans for the construction of Calaveras Dam have been proposed by different engineers at various times since 1875, and extensive explor- ations have been made to determine the proper location, and character, and depth, of bed rock. All the earlier designs called for a dam about 150 feet high. Finally the design of an earthen dam 220 feet high, together with the available exploration, hydrographic and meteological data and topographical maps of the reservoir and damsite, were submitted for approval to Mr. J. R, Freeman, an eminent authority on the de- sign of dams, by the officers of the Spring Val- ley Water Company. These plans did not meet with Mr. Freeman’s approval, and, at his own suggestion, in April, 1911, he presented to the officers of the Spring Valley Water Company a preliminary design of a combined concrete and earthen dam having a height of 250 feet, as a substitute for the design previously submitted to him. He recommended further exploration because the location of the dam proposed by him differed somewhat from the location of that submitted to him. (See Plate 5.) Plans of Calaveras Dam Pre- pared by Freeman. In June, 1911, construction on the Calaveras Dam, according to the Freeman preliminary de- sign, was begun by stripping the loose material from the canyon wall with a hydraulic monitor. When the stripping of the east abutment was well under way Mr. Freeman again visited the damsite, examined the bed rock conditions, ex- pressed himself as well satisfied with them, and instructed me to strip the abutments 10 feet higher, as it was his intention in his final design to increase the height of the dam in his pre- liminary design by that amount, making a total height of 260 feet. The Storage Capacity of Calaveras Reservoir. Comparing these various designs and the physical data relating to each, we have: Length. Storage capacity of Design. Height. on top. reservoir. Presented to Free- 875 30,500 M. G. man for approval. .220 ft. Freeman’s prelimin- 246,300 “ normal ary design ........ 259 “ 900(52,500 “ maximum Freeman’s final de- 252,500 “ normal SION wanes aeradaas 260 “ 940§58,300 “ maximum The storage that will obtain under the Free- inan final design has been used for the purpose of this report. It is proposed to have the nor- mal flow line 10 feet below the crest of the dam, arranged in such a way, however, that the 5 feet above the flow line may be utilized when neces- sary, making the water surface at such times 5 feet below the crest of the dam. Thus while the storage capacity at the normal flow line is 52,500 M. G., its storage capacity that may be used when necessary is 55,000 M. G., and if used in the same manner as proposed by Mr. Freeman in his preliminary plan, the water surface in case of a cloudburst may be level with the crest of the dam, in which case the storage becomes 58,300 M. G. The Calaveras-Alameda Tunnel Designed to Carry Extreme Floods. As above explained, the purpose of this tunnel is to deliver water from the Upper Alameda into the Calaveras Reservoir. It must be compara- tively large to accommodate the floods of the Upper Alameda. Measurements of Upper Ala- meda floods are very few in number. There were no large fioods in the season of 1911-1912, though in 1910-1911 we have record of what is probably a maximum flood. This flood, at its peak, was running at the rate of 2100 million gallons per day. I have designed a tunnel connecting the Up- per Alameda with the arm of the Calaveras Res- ervoir that extends up the Hondo. With a gerade of 6214 feet per mile, this has a capacity of over 2000 M. G. D. A small reservoir will be created by the diversion dam in the Upper Alameda, which will act as a regulator, and by reason of the fact that the peak of the high floods lasts but for a few hours, there is every reason to believe that practically all the waters of the Upper Ala- meda will be stored in the Calaveras Reservoir. Even though the peaks of extreme floods do escape, the loss will not exceed 1% of the total run-off. Z0006e—F, A &_ Bo, 2000 @ ©1060Q000 ie As | ee ink [ \SE-8 sto co oy ) 500.000 / ees storage ci / f of j (000000 ‘f 7 y Ge J i 7 ( f re 1500000 0 gy) $ toe /0000 v FF i B4- v9 J 6 @ f al Z s i [52-4 [ Ke-6 400000 7 8 6, S2-4 wo if 02-4. 7 Ly 4400000 G0-2 ji ll GI-50 S082 ie eZ / pe, tee tae WH 300000 */( } B00 (700006 7 6 / a pgp OO? ye 7 yy i 1300000 oy j HW) A 7 we 70-72 ee GO-2 iy | oe J} d a Va || I4-6 L 2Z0Q000 L } 160Q000 oo p, ! ee c VW eee 2D ae: +—| 200000 ~ / I2-F J L MASS DIAGRAM It | | CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. Wo-é 0-2 63 year Feriod. i} — 600.000 Q/ | W1Cliai ji 7 Galaveras Car i sebeie iia eh) 1100 000 Yyrer Alameda Car nw ZI8G2 0 : y freservorr- Cap.= $5000 MG. i, { y Critical Period’ 1897-8 70 (9O8-E fre ag Ow Oo TEL. pitas LONGEST CYCLE OF DRY YEARS OCCURRED DURING LAST 23 YEARS. MEASUREMENTS OF STREAM FLOW IN THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM COVER THIS PERIOD. 38 — ‘NEMVL GHYAM MARUO VGENVIV JO SLINGNAUNSVAN IVOLOV HOIHM DNIHUNG GCUOOHU UVAA-EZ AM NMOHS ATIVA SNOTIVS NOITTIIWN 09 HHAO GIGIA AIGAVS TIM HIOAMASHY SVUHAVTVO Lid {6-26 DEVE NCO O6-GEON , DW EFI | FeF “ OOODS| JOY Ef 0s “ OOF E/ | LE-96 i 2 > . LL 7 Bee a joe? Lb-%. I-95. Sot VEL 4 : "0056 | PE-E6 /P PF i DW 00SH | £6-26G/ cS ou O0F%- g SIITASATS SYVTA 10-006! 00-6 6-86 SE-LE| a Obs Lira 57 STI DOSAGE SP 90-00 ¢0-£0 £0-20 2010 va - rae a GE 60-80 BOLO L090 H0-S0) La | on Mm ow 000%5\40 ebaipE™ , ree 604 Of ffO4O SG PIL T. ow ye uP Bz a iN iF WONLASB2S [PAOLO Z/-11 11-01 WEO pes youll. Purresbwtapufy JOURS Of Y8PID SBIBAL/OD ee ng (MGR Smee Ajipuen spline [/y 240 ae SF oul es DW W059 = Aproedag ee i | “in 2EGE = 4 Yoo LLat/oy/ fy vada7 = 4) SW bo EGE = POA4SY $OD SOxHBAL/OD OSD DW PIOI = FSG u fNV “ 99% = POAT " PEaoy72/O7 DWOED =4fO41G SWAT SSO/L ‘2/-116/ OF OC -EGE/ SHOR (OWUOSLAC eal WNT TS SSTY SVYFINY TD NMEYOIVPIT SSFW 39 CALAVERAS AESERVO/A Capacity and Area Contour Area i \ Capacity Llevation \_ Acres OMG. 560 - 0.37 O00 380 4.2 3770 600 33.7 183.93 620 /Z3.8 697.67 640 26/.0 195!.70 660 418.0 4165.78 680 643.0 7623.41 700 845.0 1247419 720 1078.0 /8 744.30 740 1291.0 | QEAES. 53 760 1531 O 35 665.93 780 1736.0 46 315.58 800 1930.0 58.257.40 Crest of Dam -E/ev 800° Max. Warer Heght Elev 795" Capacity $9,000,000,000 Gals. Acres o S00 /000 /500 2000 0 70 20 30 Thousand Mi/tior Gallorrs. Calculations trom Map F-8/ Plate 8 2500 3000 Crystal Springs Datum. py. AV Aruimeyer ___ CAPACITY AND AREA CURVES Pe cieeean DRAWN oo - Se eee CALAVE RAS RESE RVOIR pone i oars a ee SPRING VALLEY WATER CO, /—————— SCALE... -- ALAMEDA SYSTEM SHOWING THAT WHEN THIS DAM IS BUILT TO THE HEIGHT PROPOSED BY J. R. FREEMAN IT WILL CONTAIN FOR SAN FRANCISCO NEARLY TWICE THE STORAGE OF ALL THE PRES- ENT LAKES OF ITS SUPPLY. 40 ‘ISOM OY} Ul SITOAIOSEI JSOSIV[ 9} JO 9UO 9q [TIM SIUL ‘OOSTOUeIT USGS WOAJ sollu gy ATWO pue ‘dD ‘W 09 GUAM ApAeIs Aq OOSTOURIW, UG GATOS [[IM WoIyM ‘AWOVded ALOAIOSeL JeoIS pue OHS Wep [evap JO UOl}eUIqMoOD s[QqVyIeWIII 94} 9JON ‘NVWOAUA “UY f£ AG GANDISAC ‘NVC JO NVId AUVNIWITAUd CNV YIOAUASHU SVUAAVIVO AO dVW TIVOIHAVUDOdOL WONATST LY SVYTAVTKI 10 WG 10 NOILIIS P Avy ie og fio GOs yuog siodg Plate 9 v ro 00% 024 $224 Ob -/OP4BZUT INOZUOD 56L (UONMIIG UOUISL 4 ) Weg 10 NO/LITS Bor [2UURL 42.91 = $44 771" OOP 17) ~ ‘ one es anung “Ay1sede5 SUOLIOD UOl//y puosnoy 09 or J) 7 Su” OOre 0 008 oom eo oor So4opy O07 = ee SLIG ee SVAFIAV TKD lf i. Nv . “ om t a one” 0) 09 (( (oO ego ~ _SF yi weg 09s 009 ove 099 O2L O9L 008 UONLDADIF sNQLUAD 41 42 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. The Calaveras Reservoir Will Safely Yield Over 60 Mil- lion Gallons Daily. In computing the safe yield of the Calaveras Reservoir I have therefore used the combined catchment areas of the Calaveras proper, and the Upper Alameda as a feeder, aggregating 133.62 square miles. By combining the run-offs where actual measurements are available and the estimated run-offs as determined in Appendix ‘‘B’’, we are enabled to construct the mass diagram shown on Plate 6, giving the approximate run-off at Calaveras for a period of 63 years. From this diagram it is seen that the most severe test on the draft from the reservoir oc- curs during the 23-year period in which records of run-off from the Alameda System are avail- able. By reason of this another mass curve has been made, Plate 7, on which is shown cumulatively the run-off at Calaveras for the last 23 years. Of the 23 seasonal records massed in this dia- gram, 12 are actual measurements, while the others have been ascertained by much more ac- curate methods than those used for the 63-year mass curve, the latter being merely an index to show where the most severe test shall be applied. Using the maximum storage of Calaveras Res- ervoir in accordance with Mr. Freeman’s final plans, the draft line for the safe continuous gross draft from this reservoir is found in this mass eurve to be 65 M. G. D. After deducting for evaporation from the lake surface at the rate of 48” per year (see Appendix ‘‘C’’) the safe net withdrawal from the Calaveras Reservoir by utilizing the combined catchment areas of the Calaveras and Upper Alameda (133.62 square miles) is found to be 60.14 M. G. D., which alone is approximately 70% greater than the present daily consumption of San Francisco. From the mass diagram, Plate 6, showing the summation of approximate flow for the 63-year period, it is seen that prior to 1889-90 surplus would probably have occurred five times, as fol- lows: Approximate Season. surplus, M. G. WS 6126 22s ica cite ieee, ate oa cguaaeaioas diene tavsnapne 17,000 WO6T-O8 ci pas case Re een BENET SR LE AwE Be 30,000 DOES BO ook bdi sak pce SeN ee ap mAs Sea 12,000 TRG ekan wee Aue ga ten cree es wee es 4,000 DS De Gaile: cede v 3s sb mate ed io Sysok bene uaa bad KA 4,000 The waste in 1867-8 ig far in excess of that which would have occurred in the other years. By reference to the mass diagram, Plate 7, for the period 1889-1890 to 1911-12, during which we have actual measured run-off and rainfall data in the Alameda Watershed covering a period of 23 years upon which to compute more closely the seasonal run-off, it is seen that there would have been a surplus of water four times, and disregarding this surplus the reservoir would be again full after the floods of 1910-11. At these four periods the surplus water would have been as follows: Approximate Season. surplus, M. G. 1892-93 kaa Sacer ee eluates Kons emne var 18,500 NB OBO 4 ec seis caus on wedsenn leatenal sede caat than Spas Soe 4,500 DS 94 OG sacs anc che ois apes as art apta'a ce agate as wand weed 17,500 LS 9G Olin daced 2g Bate EE a ho eee 13,500 Total oe vcéuten eevee bad ie bes onde Ee yes 54,000 This surplus has not been included in the es- timate of the dependable draft from Calaveras Reservoir. Distributed over the 23 years it amounts to about 6.4 M. G. D. The surplus water above shown will flow down Calaveras and Alameda Creeks to the Sunol Val- ley, where it will assist in sustaining the draft from the Sunol Gravel Reservoir. From this mass diagram it will be noted that the reservoir would be just empty at the begin- ning of the floods of 1905-6 and full again at the end of the floods of 1910-1911. In the summer of 1912, following the remarkably dry winter of 1911-1912, the reservoir would still be about 34 full. The relation between the catchment area of 133.62 square miles and the storage in the Cala- veras Reservoir is almost ideal, as, even exclud- ing the surplus water, about 9214% of the total run-off is conserved. Rarely is such an exten- sive and favorable reservoir site available below such a large and productive catchment area and in such proximity to a metropolis. Plate 8 shows the storage capacitv and area of water surface for different depths in the Cala- veras Reservoir. Plate 9 shows a topographical map of Calaveras Reservoir and section of dam. San Antonio Reservoir Favorably Located with Regard to Sunol Gravels. The San Antonio Reservoir is located on the 7500 7 Me Z & OW 167 200007 —f 63-5 /) IFS a 7 H-3 5000 vi oy oy 7 ae /7500 Ws y, a 59-61 - A / 57-9 ip yi 87-9 Li J ec GS-7 a Vi SEF : of 150000 LZIS00 | y LAL of \ as Tle SIS 5 - \ J 3 V A J (Tt WY) a3 ‘a 7 7 d [ BF 77-8/ | 271 / e_/ J oO y 49-51 f 77-3 j / 125000 Z j x” J org 250,000 rT ao / 75-7 x of | 2] Depletion lintt ror ¢ Wy i, [storage of 14674 MG. WS °°) 5 v a5-7 /f Vv of Lt yf YE | L # 77-3 f Q3-$ /00 00. 7 5-7) 7, Va Orne LEE 000 Li MASS DIAGRAM t—~ |99-O/ ‘ 7 AESERVOLR, 63 year Feriod. J\ 672 ov Cat Area = 38.7 59./1. 0 GS-7 ws = a , oe LAG. TUTIC 11 OAAO97-E-19O4-S, Aga Gag er Plate 10 BY INSPECTION IT IS SEEN THAT THE LONGEST CYCLE OF DRY YEARS IN 63 YEARS OCCURS WITHIN THE 23 YEARS OF ACTUAL GAGINGS AT NILES AND SUNOL. 43 ‘STMAVUD TIONOS HDONOUHL CHYALIIA BA TIM ATIddNS YIOAUHSHU OINOLNV NVS Il 232d E-LE 2b (EOE 06-8 | | P&E Zz Of 2-//bl Of 06-699! SIOB (OU0SbAS £96 9-56 ea ea Be tap AS Pre WONGLS ZL _O/NOLNY NUS ge oe WVADEIT SSVI SLC 00 00-68 6B O-Lb OOEL} oF DW LLGI) fo PbBIOLC F240 b£0 E20 Z0-10 | oe VOL f(t} Luorade7 \ ran OF 2! 11-0 Of-60 6-80 PLO L-90 9-50\\ eel bs l e ane +o | a 04 iia saa zai a r | { |! iN Ba eet a por _~ aa v py? O1/ BWEOD "eae “ £9 = FfY7 i SW 7 DOLE Jefe “ LOY AIT, u PALO/ITL/OI OOF = 9. ie eee “_OOBZ ae a DW S601 “PONT MEG SEAS 7 OQl7 $6 -£6- : DW OOS £6 — 26G/ DW #LI// = Jo7 SIOASPSALY XOpy/ SIT TA ATS” oy KSA WS LRE= Daly fUAWY HOD 44 SAN ANTONIO WILL YIELD 9 M. G. D. 45 San Antonio Creek, a branch of the Alameda Creek, the confluence of which is about 1 mile above Sunol. The reservoir itself is located about 244 miles from Sunol, with an elevation of 450 feet above sea level. It occupies the La Costa Valley and its proximity to the Sunol gravels and gathering point of all the waters of the Ala- meda System, lends an additional value to this reservoir, While treated in this report purely as a stor- age reservoir, it will, when constructed, be oper- ated largely as a regulating reservoir in con- junction with the Sunol Gravel Reservoir. In this manner its efficiency, together with that of the Gravel Reservoir, will be greatly increased. Catchment Area. Its tributary catchment area ranges from about 500 to 3800 feet in elevation above sea level, and is not so uniformly rugged nor as well covered with trees and shrubs as are the Cala- veras and Upper Alameda catchment areas. On its north side are gently rolling hills, while on its south the mountains are bold in outline, culmina- ting in Maguires Peak, which has an elevation of 3800 feet above sea level. To the evst rises abruptly the main range dividing the waters of the Calaveras from those of the Arroyo Valle. Its watershed encloses a catchment area of 38.7 square miles. The only stream of size entering the San Antonio Reservoir is the San Antonio Creek, the waters of which now disappear into the Sunol Gravels, except in floods, and in this sense the San Antonio Creek is at present a tributary to the Sunol filter beds. Precipitation. Precipitation over the catchment area occurs mostly in the form of rain, though the high peaks to the south are often covered with snow. The station nearest San Antonio Reservoir where precipitation records have been kept is at Sunol, where rainfall has been measured for 23 years. In Appendix ‘‘A’’ the mean seasonal areal precipitation for the San Antonio catchment area is found to be 23.93 inches, with a minimum of 7.86 inches, and a maximum of 50.71 inches. The seasonal areal precipitation is tabulated in Appendix A. The regimen of the San Antonio Creek is simi- lar to that of the Calaveras and Upper Alameda. During the wet season of the year it is often a torrent, while during the summer time its flow diminishes to a small stream. Run-off. Run-off records of the San Antonio Creek are available only for the flood periods of 1905-6, and for the last half of the season of 1911-1912. Run-off curves for San Antonio catchment area have been constructed and are shown in Ap- pendix ‘‘B’’ on plates B-2 and B-6. By combin- ing these curves with the areal rainfall, as given in Appendix ‘‘A’’, the probable flow of San An- tonio Creek for each season during the period 1849-1850 to 1911-1912 has been computed. Storage Capacity of San Antonio Reservoir May Be Increased When Necessary. The present design of the San Antonio Dam calls for an earthen structure 145 feet high, creating in the San Antonio Reservoir a storage of 11,674 M. G. Explorations have been made determining the character and position of bed- rock. These are excellent, and should it be found desirable at some future date to increase the height of the dam, it may be done in all safety to the limit of height for this type of structure. San Antonio Reservoir Will Safely Yield Nearly 9 Million Gallons Daily. To determine the safe yield of the San Antonio Reservoir, the probable run-off for the 63 years’ period is shown cumulatively in the mass dia- eram, Plate 10. From this, as in the case of the Calaveras, the period which, together with avail- able storage, largely determines the safe draft occurs within the last 23 years where we have actual measurements of run-off. The run-off of San Antonio Creek, as more closely de- termined for these 23 years where run-off meas- urements are available in the Alameda System, is shown on mass diagram, Plate 11. Upon this mass diagram is indicated -the safe continuous draft that may be made upon this reservoir with due consideration for the available storage. Reference to this diagram reveals that sur- plus water beyond what is necessary for a full SANANTONIO RESERVOIR Paetire Capacity and Area Contour Area Capacity Elevation Acres jnMG 3/0 a0 0.0 320 6.2 101 330 ; 214 55.0 340 450 163.3 350 84,0 3720 360 128.0 7/2,0 370 176.5 12081 380 222.8 1934.1 390 269.9 2661.4 400 33/16 3641.4 410 3941 4823.7 420 453.6 6204,8 430 529.7 7C06.9 440 S594,2 9638.0 450 656.0 M6749 Crest of Darn - Lfev. 450° Mex. Water tleight Flev. 450 Capacity- 1 1, 674,000,000 Gals Cres oO 50 100 150 200 250 300 AG, 400 450 $500 550 600 650 700 50) Thousond Million Got/ons. Calculations Frotm Map F-53 Elevation Shown-mius626 =C.5. Datum. APPROVED BY | ] BY Au AQWTIELEC.- CAPACITY AND AREA CURVES SGGERSEDES. ects meee ee SAN ANTONIO RESERVOIR oS ACED . , SEDED BY_.....- ie iat wd eneas dnt SPRING VALLEY WATER CO. Seale ce oaboancuaieael ALAMEDA SYSTEM WATER WILL BE STORED IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE SUNOL GRAVELS. 46 Plate 13 VWONYTSTY O/NOLNY NYS - LD WV AO NOILIAG ¥ dJvL/ : WVO JO NOILII. paints sii ta ae ‘ Re OE SOfQAY So (SBE Leora ZF aag Of 55S WOHOAY 7. O9e WOIONA/ 7. | O02 =/OA1AfU{ ASTIOLLIOL) BLICS YHONSTSAY OINOLNY NYS 10 Soy ‘STTV9 (TIHIW NI ALIOVdEPVOD oO § NOILVATTA etTOLNOD s 47 48 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. reservoir occurred four times, one of which was large and the other three small. The surplus waters are as follows: Season. Amount, M. G. 1892293 sec cis gar ey alee dee ee ae GOS Dee oes 900 1898294 veces tommy sinensis sewiea ware ple arses O3d39 bas 1,100 1894-96 cscs sees pded seas ee wee ev eee dew 2,800 N89 G29 Tac ha.acsin ce edu} ebueceld eo mtane oe astmealnantior 300 LOGAN Siac sadioie te auece stevens: eee a Bee Soaye 5,100 The reservoir was just empty at the begin- ning of the floods of 1905-6, at which time the storage increased rapidly in spite of the draft upon it, and was practically full at the end of the floods of 1910-11. The gross draft from the San Antonio Reser- voir under these conditions is found to be 10.95 M. G. D. By deducting an evaporation loss of 48” per year over the area of the water surface of the reservoir the net safe yield becomes 8.92 M. G. D. Surplus Water From San Antonio Reservoir Enters Sunol Gravels. The surplus waters in the seasons above enu- merated will be discharged into the Sunol Gravel Reservoir, where they will assist in maintaining the draft from the Sunol gravels. The San Antonio Reservoir and the Sunol Gravel Reservoir are so closely related that they will always be operated in unison, San Antonio Reservoir being, in fact, a regulator. Effort will be made to keep the water in the gravels rather than in the surface storage reservoir in order to reduce loss of evaporation. For, where- as in a storage reservoir the surface of the water is subject to the action of the direct ray of the sun as well as thirsty winds, in the gravels the water is covered and cool, and capillary tubes, which form lke so many myriads of pumps in the denser soils and thereby pull the water to the surface to be evaporated, do not form in gravel and sand, such as make up the great body of gravel at Sunol. Fortunately these gravels are for the most part uncovered with soil, and where soil does exist it is a thin laver. Thus it is seen that probably both the effi- ciency and productiveness of the San Antonio Reservoir will be increased by its use in har- inony and conjunction with the Sunol gravel reservoir. Plate 12 shows the storage capacity and area of water surface for different depths in the San Antonio Reservoir. Plate 18 shows a topographical map of San Antonio Reservoir and section of dam. The Arroyo Valle Reservoir Is Located a Short Distance from Livermore Valley. The Arrovo Valle Reservoir is located in the Arroyo Valle Creek, about 7 miles from the town of Livermore. It is 4 miles upstream from the Cresta Blanca Winery and Vineyard, where the Arroyo Valle debouches from the hills and begins to sink into the great gravel reservoir underlying Livermore Valley. It is a rather long, narrow valley, about 3 miles long and about one wide in the widest place, surrounded on all sides by rugged mountains. Catchment Area. Above the site of the Arroyo Valle Reservoir there is a tributary catchment area of 140.8 square miles, striking in a general southeasterly direction past the eastern flank of Mt. Hamilton to the headwaters of the Coyote River. Exposed rocky slopes are to be observed very generally throughout the watershed, some of the most inaccessible parts of the Alameda System lying within its limits. Personal examination of this catchment area shows it to be one of fairly good rainfall, favorable to high run-off, though not equal to the productiveness of the Calaveras watershed. Precipitation. Precipitation oceurs both in the form of rain and snow. Even in the exceptionally dry winter of 1911-12, snow fell in this watershed. No precipitation record covering long periods has been kept within the watershed, the longest being at the Arroyo Valle Reservoir site, which covers the seasons of 1904-5, 1905-6 and 1911-12. The result of two years’ observations at 18 stations lying in the extreme southerly end of the watershed is given by Messrs. Haehl & Toll in Vol. 61 of the Transactions of the Am. Soe. of C. E., and previously discussed. The longest record near to the watershed is at Livermore, lying out in the open Livermore Valley. This record covers 41 years, from the _£/./000 Puecane, ee Re jen 7 to a GIF Fa , EIT 7 3 t Test Holes +. CG fest a of Frop. Dara B05, Plate 14 Poth: a Cretaceous ffodhks Po tt Altered Sandastore NE.-SW Section across Arroyo de! Valle at rhe upper darnsite looking uo-strean APPROVED BY | BY SCALE - DRawN A“ arufmeyer TRACED .... Date 2eet/Z (le GEOLOGY ARROYO DEL VALLE RESERVOIR SITE ” re SPRING VALLEY WATER CO ALAMEDA SYSTEM SUPERSEDES | scons cc seana SUPERSEDED BY............ GEOLOGICAL SECTION OF ARROYO VALLE DAMSITE BY DR. J. C. BRANNER. Dr. Branner Pronounces this Damsite Excellent. Explorations Made Confirm Selection. 50 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. season of 1871-72 to the present date. The loca- tions and means of the stations after expanding to 63 years are shown on Plate A-2 and are dis- caused in detail in Appendix ‘‘A’’. From the isohyetal lines on Plate A-2 the mean areal pre- cipitation is found to be 20.80 inches. (Ap- pendix ‘‘A’’.) During the past 23 years the minimum areal precipitation is found to be 11.20 inches per season, and the maximum 37.10 in- ches per season. Actual Gagings of Arroyo Valle for Five Years. The run-off from the Arroyo Valle catchment area is discussed in Appendix ‘‘B’’. Actual run-off measurements at Arroyo Valle Reservoir are available for the period 1905-6 to 1907-8 and for the first half of the year 1912. The measurements show that the regimen of the stream varies between wide limits, the low water flow being less than 1 M. G. D., while floods in excess of 3000 M. G. D. have been measured. Naturally, the entire low water flow sinks into the Livermore gravels, as does also perhaps half of the flood waters, the remainder escaping into Laguna Creek and contributing to the disastrous floods below Niles, previously mentioned. When these works are completed the floods will inflict far less damage on people living be- low, and the water will be put to useful pur- poses. Utilizing the run-off curves developed and dis- cussed in detail in Appendix ‘‘A’’. From the Arroyo Valle Catchment area has been esti- mated approximately for the period 1849-50 to 1888-89, and with greater accuracy for the 23- year period, 1889-90 to 1911-12, where we have complete record of discharge measurements for the whole Alameda System, and numerous other discharge measurements for the subsidiary catch- ment areas. Where actual measurements are available they are, of course, used. Arroyo Valle Dam Has Excellent Foundations. Plans for the Arroyo Valle Dam call for an earthern structure 155 feet high. The site is a very gcod one, as indicated both bv geological examination and by exploration work. The ex- ploration werks consist of both shafts and drill holes. Plate 14 shows the geological formation as determined by Dr. Branner. The results of exploration are shown on same plate. The height of this dam is limited to 155 feet, not because of any foundational conditions, but because this is believed to be amply high to con- serve all the waters of the Arroyo Valle when used in conjunction with the Livermore gravels. Should it be warranted by longer records and expericnee, this dam, like that at San Antonio, may be inereased in height to the practical limit ot that type of structure. Ample amounts of excellent dam material are available very close to the site. Storage. The Arroyo Valle Reservoir as designed, with a height of 155 feet, will have a storage capacity of 13,830 M. G. By increasing the height to 195 feet, 20,000 M. G. storage would be made available. Arroyo Valle Reservoir Will Regulate Floods and Conserve all Water. The Arroyo Valle Reservoir, because of its strategic position with regard to the Livermore underground gravel reservoir, may be used in two ways, cither as a purely storage reservoir, or as a regulating reservoir, in which latter capacity it will serve very materially to increase the amount of Arroyo Valle water which will be ab- sorbed by the Livermore gravels. This great ad- vantage will appeal to anyone versed in the operation of water supplies. If used purely as a storage reservoir, effort would be made to keep the reservoir full, regard- less of the size, occurrence, or character of floods, and much waste and loss by evaporation would result. On the other hand, if used as a regulating res- ervoir, effort would be made to keep it empty. By this I mean, that its office would be to retard the floods, letting the water down into the under- ground gravel reservoir as rapidly as the gravels could be made to absorb it, and thereby provid- ing an empty reservoir to smooth out the flood wave of the next flood. These floods are of very short duration and extremely high intensity, and without such regulation would rush out over the gravel too rapidly to be completely absorbed. ‘STHUAVUD HYONUHAIT HHL ONILVYDLVS ATISVG JO ATAILdHOSNS HLVA V LV UALVM DNIYAAITAG ‘UOLVINDEU V SV GHAYHS TIM G@TTIVA OAOUUVY HHL MOH ‘WHLSAS VGHUNVIV AHL JO SdOOTA LSADUVI AHL AO ANO NI SONIDVD TVOLOV WOUA DNIMOHS SI 92e1g sb tiakel ie BIIM WONMaSAll W//A4 WKo4y FO WY/Y WM PLUS T MYf Ul SUOIZLHTA DTS ye yotyn ut Sbitbob [O4oO UsOtg" PEl/o4go B/OM l/loOASs 1 fP SIOZ v/ [(PPRst7 Saigipuosre a4 ="BfAWV/ LO6Y 9067 50 Apap wap ey yay 8 927 verse 20N 4290 Ces bay hip unr hoy (oy Lon 7@d vor}2eG 7AN Bear A Oo a ae fa ‘ol a“ Ze pa a sl ao : sf Of : A Vy 4 er S f . GF +--+ we. =a | 8 | ] or ® = g S og © ‘BASND SSE HOaKEZ 885 SfhfO4D 1ayyO /O/ a BLO, LOE) Y241OpYf FO KIYS SOf Syvajom pooly jo ests EiiiMoys LOGY Of Of GOES AOL YAaly STITA OAOYYY ———— WEADIETU SSVW 51 ne a2 B99000-—* on ECS ty , 750 0067 12 J .Y 7 wy BI-9! f @ / $57 \er9 f i, 7 } f a Jf / * O57 fc OFF 4Q000 F et 200 000 } 450000 700006 q 6 fa y yy | 4 57 7 GIG aM A Depletion Limi?- Ww £0000 AG. Storage. 57-3 2 GIF \ Wp GIS A: Y 7 letron Lrrmtt— Uy, —— /ZSOO MG. SYorage. 2000 Oe | /5Q000 i ay Zz pag £80000 me A 20000 ia ] 29-0/ Y y_- f FPG ie Loe 2 59-61 i i W-12 A r i IE-7 1ogo00\ ft) A py 74000 7 500000 A A ; [ ZI-F Y ae ae ene / Wh Ye W-? f 4 69-7/ | LP-F 300000 of —| £92.000 ( MASS DIAGRAM Ze HF ARROYO VALLE RESERVOIR, 63 yeor Feriod Catchment? Area =/FOE8 5G MI. Mex. (res. Cap. = 12600 /4.G. Criheal Fertod -1897-8 fo 102-3. £00000 ME? FG OY GFF EF3/ a a G Cc Plate 16 ARROYO VALLE RESERVOIR WILL BE MORE EFFICIENT AS A REGULATOR THAN AS A PURELY STORAGE RESERVOIR. ‘ATIVG SNOTIVS NOITIIW 12 UAAO GCIHIA GINOM ANV ‘ADVUOLS SNOTIVD NOITTIIN 00002 AAVH OL LINE ad Gi1NOM LI ‘YOLVINDAY V SV JO GVHLSNI ANVYOLS YON ATHTIOS CHSN BA OL AUAM UIOAUASAY ATIVA OAOUUV UAT Li r1d Le CDN II i fO PPfOWYSA S/ UOUoOIO rape BY ‘ QD Al DOD SO HMHONANDSAT B L/S, SY 90°51 GLI B99 008 &1 sa OO oa £I6/ 967 GZ 00007 &-26 2-16 1-06 06-60 0 YA MAL COAT MOG GAIT MYIQT ODUM SEV PHOUTYOD = =Ssorgp Cn Say 2) ee OF a6 GLE LIC GSE FOE b-EE ow TONS SS SE ST ICN OKAOLATY yo” AF ae D es NVALDOTT SSVW ah | 7p a lO 5.19 1-00 0-66 6-06) BEL / fader p Le CAF ony 9 oy Pe. G-G0 FLO b-£0 E20 Es pee Ns bo, OY Lyle LI lok: SF Aap COP} s BOOLAS HH 298 EY a a eee \ |Z TF 12 oe ‘BODIAES? Dip) OO0GZ = phtei/7| Ol fp B/ TH. LT P06 bi LIA TL "ee a AY LAW og 12 ZIM 1-01 ee fe ign? z WN : 946-2 ai ove eas 7 ~ 9 f Boer ae oe 2 SUBALL// Of BIO At Oo 24 ORF al SafQl Bison te eee Ekd9 ol “HYE PYO MOF WlOy/li77 GP fOYMBLIOS DO LO S/AADIH oA = B~YOLLY aA. 7 of Sale ee rE fel VHILOM Oa LtAAOS/D £ ie SL ON EV SO eee as aq Koco Oe KfOMT SPZOWMPU! BUTT AfOSWT WOALAS ALY BEQIQAS SO pasi7 H/QALBSOL A/D ohAoL py 4vasatdet S8L7T7 SSOTD —~“ALON 54 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Taking the seasons 1905-06 and 1906-07 as an example, where we have actual measurements of the stream flow at Arroyo Valle, the peak of the high flood in this case, which occurred March 23, 1907, was at the rate of over 3000 M. G. D. These seasons have been plotted in the form of a mass diagram on Plate 15, which shows the rapid jumps in the flow during storms. By using the reservoir as a regulator and letting the water out at the rate of 211 M. G. D., the reservoir would never have been more than full. Thus, instead of an abrupt and intense flood of 3000 M. G. D. reaching the surface of the underground gravel reservoir, water would be applied to the eravel at a rate not to exceed 211 M. G. D., which is a very convenient amount of water to handle. Similarly, for the flood of March, 1906, instead of contending with a flood at the rate of nearly 2500 M. G. D., by using the Arroyo Valle Reser- voir as a regulator, even less than 211 M. G. D would have to be applied to the gravels. It will be noted that in this way the water handled is at: the rate of less than 10% of the flood rate, show- ing the great efficiency of the Arroyo Valle Kes- ervoir in arresting the floods from its catchment area. Observations made on the gravels in the creek bed of the Arroyo Valle Creek showed that water entered them freely at the rate of 10 cubie feet per square foot per day, or approxi- mately 180 M. G. D. per square mile of superficial area, and this in the winter of 1911-12, when the entire flow of the Arroyo Valle sank into the Livermore gravels. I have analyzed the Arroyo Valle Reservoir in both ways. Plate 16 shows a mass curve of flow at Arroyo Valle Reservoir as estimated for 63 years and Plate 17 shows the mass curve for Arroyo Valle Reservoir for the flow for 23 years, as determined in Appendix ‘‘B’’. On this latter plate is also shown the gross safe draft from Arroyo Valle Reservoir if considered purely as a storage reser- voir, which is nearly 17 M. G. D., with many waste periods. If used as a purely storage reservoir, the height of the dam would be increased about 40 feet, giving a storage of 20,000 M. G. In this case the gross safe draft would be 21.6 M. G. D., with the following waste: Season M. G 189029 Laie eae tkadaie ite edad da sas ees 3,800 1892-9 Biase tanec stante eerie dam Bare 2S Be 20,000 1B 9B ess caggiracd eaeaes gobs anarg wie BUR grantuk eee 6,100 1994295 ssidiocg ralacsae as aus ern varaleta eA Meee Weis 11,200 18950296 5 sos dace aceaue Sa cae Pewee BA OS 1,800 SOG E97 sce ice. sien die Re Mig ko a wee Mee la a 8,100 19060 Tei tees caamwaeee seaweed va wey a vee 17,600 TOO S20 Diets aeaks diene, a baalarnleree tienes hte eae 6,100 T9I0 Vine yea ve wind Mamas Sacra er ee sUeee 13,600 TOtAl glsuichalecaand ce vure ad cawen aware 88,300 It is seen from Plate 17 that the period 1897- 98 to 1905-6 determines the safe draft. Regulation by Arroyo Valle Reservoir Simplifies Handling of Floods. Considering the Arroyo Valle Reservoir now as a regulator with a storage of 13,830 M. G., we find (Plate 17) that without more than filling the reservoir at any time the maximum draft that will be required is at the rate of about 250 M. G. D. in 1889-90. The next greatest draft is 211 M. G. D. in 1906-7, all the others being less than 100 M. G. D. These drafts represent the rate at which water must be applied to the surface of the under- ground reservoir from the Arroyo Valle Water- shed. Unless they oceur when the gravels are in a state of complete saturation, it is a simple mat- ter to force the gravels to absorb water at these rates. It is very common for irrigation projects to handle more than this amount and to force it into the ground, In the Imperial Valley, in Southern California, many times this amount of water has been handled and forced into the minute pores of the dense clayey soils, instead of such surface as the open, porous gravels of the Livermore Valley. The Colorado River water used in Imperial Valley probably deposits more silt in a single ir- rigaticn than would the whole of the flow from the Arroyo Valle Watershed in a century. Arroyo Valle-San Antonio Tunnel. The Arroyo Valle Reservoir may be connected with San Antonio Reservoir by means of a tun- nel four miles long, whereby, if it is found desir- able. the waters stored in the Arroyo Valle Res- ervoir may be discharged into the San Antonio Reservoir, where they may be held temporarily, Plate 18 ARROYOVALLE RESERVOIR ov Capacity and Area Contour Area in Copacity Flevoron Acres DMG. 650 0.00 0.0 660 1.98 3.0 670 12,89 274 680 39.37 124 690 109.00 3640 7O0O /66.00 792.0 7/0 207.00 1380.0 — 720 248.00 2/10.0 730 285.00 3085.0 740 346.00 4050.0 750 400.00 5290.0 760 45700 66900 770 506.00 83/0.0 780 54700 /0040.0 790 585,00 11 910.0 G00 630.00 138300 Crest of Dam Elev 800° Mex. Water Height Elev 795 Capacity - /3800,000,000 Gals Acres 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 § 8 & uy S £ § Fousand Nillion Gations Coltulotions fromm Mao FSO Crystal Sorings Datum APPROVED BY | | By... Ax, ARUTTIEVeL:. CAPACITY AND AREA CURVES DRawn 4/APULTENEL ARROYO VALLE RESERVOIR SUPERSEDES. __----.._.. hai aee cia SPRING VALLEY WATER CO. SUP SR REDER PMs sexier ATE GOK (8, (U2... | : Ss eee ALAMEDA SYSTEM WILL BE USED TO REGULATE LARGE FLOOD IN THE ARROYO VALLE. WITHDRAWALS WILL BE MADE IN CONVENIENT AMOUNTS TO SATURATE LIVERMORE GRAVELS. 55 ‘SIUAVUD AUOWUAAIT AHL WOU ATIVG SNOTIVD NOITIIW Ss 4O GTHIA V HUNSNI ANY OTIVA OAOUUVY PHL JO SUALVM GOO FHL AO NOILLWINOGY aquoddv OL SV GHLVALIS OS UIOAMHSHY ADUV'T SIHL Plate 19 UNLOAA FZ 4MO{UCD YOAUASTL ATIBA T7GQ VACUA} SO Weg 20 NOD WNrvg 10 NO/MLITG ? ADIN Pics “[X : Ses 0S9 Ty } ~ — Ge a0 Sez /Z aaa 20, 4 ae 92k Vat ADA SY 7 eq, (W49g {4 Of vu a @ oN * oN GN NN JLIG YIOAXISIY FT7IVA 797 COA py 40 Av (A Q 2 : RS * c » IG LEG JAIND ALIODVAYD sugyjoh Uuoll/yA PUOSNOYy 1 iz. 2 i 89 8 © 00L 009 005 O0Or sop LIVERMORE VALLEY GRAVEL STORAGE. 57 or whence they may be conveyed to San Fran- cisco, Because of the fact that the Arroyo Valle Reservoir is 350 feet higher than the San Antonio Reservoir, power may be developed by this water. Plate 18 shows the storage capacity and area of water surface for different depths in the Arroyo Valle Reservoir. Plate 19 shows a topographical map of the Arroyo Valle Reservoir and a section of the dam. Livermore Underground Reservoir. The Livermore Valley comprises an area of about 60 square miles, Lying in the easterly por- tion of Alameda County, California, at an eleva- tion of between 350 and 600 feet. It is quite flat in topography, having a gentle slope from its easterly to its westerly edge, a distance of 13 to i+ miles. The Aoor of the valley is traversed by frequent depressions, marking the meanderings of the old stream channels as they swung back and forth in their pendulum-like motion, forming the valley fill. ‘The valley is surrounded by foothills of varying character. Those to the west and north are quite steep and precipitous, while those to the east and south have more gentle slopes. A narrow range of hills om the east separates the Livermore Valley from the San Joaquin, while the hills to the north and south are undulating foothills to more extensive ranges. On the west the mountains rise abruptly from the plain form- ing the great scarp that designates the location of the San Ramon-Calaveras fault. Up to within the last few years the western or lower end of this valley was one vast marsh and shallow lake, embracing between three and five square miles, with an abundance of such vege- tation as is indigenous to soils in marshy conditions. During the entire year water from this marsh spilled over its boundaries into Laguna Creek, which earried it seaward through Alameda Creek und Niles Canyon, During flood stages the surface streams of Livermore Valley flowed through this marsh and lake as they wasted into San Francisco Bay, and, because of the ease with which these waters eould reach Laguna Creek, but little of them remained behind. Artesian Waters Supply Loss from Marsh Land. The loss from evaporation from this broad sheet of marsh lands and lake was constantly re- placed, and the elevation of the water surface therein was maintained from subterranean sources under stress of artesian conditions. It has long been known by interested and ob- serving persons that the waters which entered this marsh from subterranean sources were the reappearance of waters from the surrounding watershed. These waters sank into the porous floor of the valley during the wet season, and, in point of fact, the lake and marsh were but the spillway of an underground lake of large pro- portions. The availability of a large water sup- ply from this source has long been recognized by the management of the Spring Valley Water Company, and steps were taken to acquire prop- erty and rights which would enable this Com- pany to avail itself of the abundant water which was here annually going to waste in the form of surface run-off, evaporation and transpiration, and to utilize the great storage basin which was excavated and hemmed in by Nature. Tributary Streams. The Livermore Valley is the final catchment of the water product of some 400 square miles of watershed. Besides several streams of less im- portance, three main streams enter it from the east and southeast. The Arroyo Valle Is the First. Of these three, the Arroyo Valle is the largest, serving about 140.8 square miles of watershed. This stream rises in the high Mt. Hamilton range and traverses a territory whose precipita- tion ranges from 7 to 37 inches per year, and whose topography and geology are favorable to good run-off. It enters the valley on the south side at a point about three-quarters the distance from its westerly to its easterly extremity and nearly due south of the town of Livermore. After entering the valley the creek flows northeast, along a very wide and shallow channel, near to and parallel with the foothills which form the southern boundary of the Livermore Valley. All along the conrse of this channel are seen depres- sions and benches which indicate the direction ‘AUTRE SUOTIVD UOTTITN GG IaAQ JO YWRIG & WOddNSE [ILM S[eARIN ISO} ITOAIASIY aI[TVA OAOAIW YA AGTIVA AUYONUYAAIT AO STHAVUD TIVOIdGAL 58 LIVERMORE VALLEY TRIBUTARY STREAMS. 59 the stream followed in the past as it wandered through the valley. All of these branches and depressions are made up to a large extent of gravels and sands, which are now hidden, with only a small amount of gravelly soil. The Arroyo Valle continues in a northeasterly direction for some six miles, until near the town of Pleasanton it swings to the west and continues on through Pleasanton to Laguna Creek, having traversed the valley in its meanderings for a distance of over nine miles. Just a short distance from the point where the stream turns to the west, it leaves the wide gravelly beds through which it has been passing and enters a more restricted channel, the banks of which are a fine, silty, sandy loam. This fine sandy soil continues to Laguna Creek, The Arroyo Mocho Is the Second. The Arroyo Mocho is the second largest creek entering Livermore Valley. It hes to the east of the Arroyo Valle and drains from the south in a general northwesterly direction, paralleling the Arroyo Valle and serving a watershed of about 4614 square miles. It enters the Livermore Val- ley near the southeast corner about five miles southeast of the town of Livermore, and con- tinues in a northwesterly direction across the valley floor, passing just to the south of Liver- more. Upon entering the valley the Mocho fol- lows a very wide, flat, gravelly channel, with wider gravelly overflow plains on either side. The width of this overflow plain increases as the stream approaches Livermore, where the banks are so low that it has been known to overflow and force great streams of water over the streets of the town, more than a mile away from the main channel. About one mile below Liver- more the main stream channel runs through a fine, sandy loam. As the stream emerges from this loam soil, about two miles west of Livermore, its waters spread out over the broad floor of the val- ley, and when the ground is not already com- pletely saturated they disappear. Of recent years the owners of the lands sub- ject to this inundation have endeavored to pre- vent the waters from spreading broadeast by constructing an artificial canal westerly, and at the present time it may be said that there is a well-defined artificial channel to a point within three miles of Santa Rita. Beyond this point, however, there is no distinguishable channel, even at this time, proving conclusively that the waters sink into the gravels. The building of the canal to carry the Mocho waters throws much light upon the character of the material over which these waters naturally spread and into which they have al- ways disappeared. For the entire distance along this canal the levees are made up almost entirely of gravel and coarse sand, there being very little soil of any kind. Applving the same conditions to the large area over which the flood waters spread, one can readily understand why the Mocho waters so rarely escape to Laguna Creek. The Arroyo Las Positas Is the Third. The ereeck of third importance is the Arroyo Las Positas. This creek drains a low altitude watershed to the northeast, as well as the eastern portion of the Livermore Valley, comprising in all 81.7 square miles. The run-off from this watershed enters the main portion of the valley just north of Livermore, where the low hills separate the main Livermore Valley from Caye- tano Creek to the north. The Cayetano joins tie Arroyo Las Positas as it emerges from the hills and runs in a westerly direction, this joint stream gradually bearing away from the north- erly edge of the valley and originally continuing until their waters joined those of the Mocho overflow about one mile southeast of Santa Rita. The soil and general topography of the country indicate beyond doubt that the water of the Arroyo Las Positas, during times of flood, overflowed its banks and spread out to the south, joining the flood waters of the Mocho that spread over the porous gravelly area west of Livermore. Of late years the Arroyo Las Positas has been confined within its banks by a system of levees, which extends from Laguna Creek for many miles along its course towards the point where it enters the valley. Unlike the Arroyo Valle auc: the Arroyo Mocho, the Arroyo Las Positas at no place along its course traverses any ex- tensive exposed beds of sand or gravel, but, on the centrary, all of its course lies in clayey adohe and clay loam. In fact, with as small a discharge as four or five second feet at the point where it enters the main Livermore Valley, it will de- 60 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. crease only a small amount between there and the point where it joins the artesian waters just east of Santa Rita. Diablo Drainage Feeds from the North. Sixty-nine square miles of watershed, lying just north of the Livermore Valley are served by Collier, Cottonwood, Tassajero and Alamo Creeks. The first three of these emerge from the hills and continue in a general southerly direc- tion, discharging their waters into the Arroyo Las Positas. The Alamo Creek is the most west- erly of this group. It drains a watershed of about 26 square miles and enters the val- ley near its northwestern corner. It runs in a southwesterly direction, cutting across Amador Valley and joins Laguna Creek just east of the town of Dublin. All the streams entering the valley from the north traverse beds of clay adobe soil and ouly in limited areas do their courses show soils of sandy nature. None of the streams from the northern side of the valley are afforded oppor- tunity to enter the soils because these soils are constantly in a state of saturation from the artesian waters that are forced up from the gravels beneath. Arroyo de la Laguna Carries Away Waste Waters. The water, leaving Livermore Valley by sur- face channels, does so through Arroyo de la Laguna. This creek rises in the Amador Val- ley, the extreme northwestern branch of the Livermore Basin. It follows in a general south- erly direction at the base of the steep Pleasanton range of hills and prominent fault scarp prev- iously mentioned, which form the western boundary of the Livermore Valley. Upon leav- ing the valley it continues down a gorge of vary- ing width, until it joins Alameda Creek near Sunol, the water of the two continuing toward the sea by way of Niles Canyon. The Laguna Creek, in passing through the Livermore Valley, traverses for a considerable distance a sticky elay adobe soil, after which it runs through var- ious mixtures of fine, silty, sandy and clay loam, and not until it enters the canyon does its bed contain gravels to any extent. Dr. Branner Studies Geology of Valley. A most comprehensive discussion of the Liver- more Valley in regard to its geological forma- tion and adaptability as an underground reser- voir is to be found in a report of May 6, 1912, by Dr. J. C. Branner, Professor of Geology and Vice-President of Stanford University, one of the foremost geologists in the world, and who is now preparing a geological monograph of the very complex geology of this region for the Uni- ted States Geological Survey. I have spent weeks in the field, either with Dr. Branner or his assistants, and know that most eareful and painstaking measurements and in- vestigations were made to determine the true history of this most complex geology. He and his men have worked early and late with in- domitable energy. With great interest I have watched this master mind pick up the tangled threads of field observations and weave them into a_ perfect fabric. His long experience in work on the un- derground waters around San Francisco Bay was of invaluable aid to him in this instanee, In view of this most enlightening report it might seem superfiuous for me to more than re- iterate those salient features which more espec- ially bear on my quantitative deductions. Dr. Branner Finds Enormous Depth of Gravel. Dr. Branner finds two distinct sets of gravels underlying the Livermore Valley: 1. The Pliocene Gravels. The hills south and southeast of Pleasanton, and south and southeast of Livermore, in fact, all the hills directly ad- jacent to and forming the southern boundary of the Livermore Valley are composed of exten- sive Pliocene deposits of interbedded lenticular kidneys and beds of gravels, sands and clays, many of the beds being of a very coarse and porous nature. Dr. Branner finds that these de- posits are of fresh water origin and dip quite uniformly toward and under the Livermore Val- ley at an angle of from 20° to 23° The total thickness of these deposits he finds to be the enormous depth of 4000 feet, with an exposed area of 47 square miles. These Pliocene deposits extend from the ex- GRAVELS FURNISH UNLIMITED STORAGE. 61 treme western edge of the valley to the extreme eastern edge, and from the hills on the south to a line near the northern edge of the valley, ex- tending through Dublin and the north edge of the town of Livermore. ‘lo the north of this latter line the geological formation underlying the valley fill is much older, there having been a great uplift in which the beds of the Pliocene gravels and clays were raised to an elevation much higher than the present valley fill. The upper part of this uplift has been eroded away and a large part of the present valley fill repre- sents the coarser residue of this erosion. A similar uplift has taken place along the western edge of the valley, shutting off all pos- sibility of the underground waters escaping in that direction. Thus Nature has provided a cup of gigantic dimensions, filled with porous mater- ial, creating this enormous underground lake. The Pliocene gravels vary greatly in character, being open water-bearing sands and gravels in some places, and compact, clayey beds in others. When long exposed to weathering and oxidation they often take on the appearance of being quite impervious, while deeper down and well under cover, where the weather cannot affect them, these same beds are quite open and full of water. The knowledge of the occurrence of the Phio- cene gravels in the region of San Francisco Bay is by no means new. Those near Pleasanton are portions of the same beds of gravels that under- ly the northerly portion of Santa Clara Val- ley and some of the margin around San Franeises Bay. They are exposed on the foothills along the western slope of Santa Clara Valley, and, like the exposed portions of the Pliocene gravels near Livermore Valley, they appear impervious. Yet these are the selfsame gravels that are tapped hy the deeper wells of Santa Clara Valiey that yield an unfailing and abundant supply of water from a depth of from 700 to 1000 feet below the surface of the ground. Pliocene Gravels Are Found to be Rich in Water. IT have examined these exposed beds of Plio- cene gravels of Santa Clara Valley, in conipany with Dr. Branner, and have been amazed at how easilv one not familiar with them may be de- ceived into believing them impervious. The sources of subterranean water around San Francisco Bay are fruitful fields for gelogical study and investigation, and Dr. Branner has covered this field thoroughly for many years. Through many years of work with and intimate knowledge of the subterranean waters oi Santa Clara Valley, I am very familiar with the copiousness of their supply. Statements, there- fore, that stamp the Phocene gravels as im- pervious are based on either superficial knowl- eclge or prejudice. The absurdity of relying upon the apparent surface imperviousness is well illustrated by the artificial lake recently constructed in the Plio- cence beds at Stanford University. In discussing this, Dr. Branner says that the outerop showed: “close compact Pliocene beds, but wken the excavation was carried on some twenty-five feet or more into the formation, and water was turned into the basin, the water es- caped underground and caused a marked rise in the water level in wells about Menlo Park, 2 miles away.” Dr. Branner further states that the saturated surface condition along the north side of the Livermore Valley that prevents the waters of the Arroyo Las Positas and streams from the north from sinking is caused by artesian waters from the Piocene gravels rising along the fault line and forcing their way through the overly- ing denser materials, “Tt is now evident that the Pliocene beds that have a thickness of more than 4000 feet in the hills south of Pleasanton, as pointed out in my former report, dip northward at an angle varying from ten to twenty-five de- grees, and pass far below the valley floor. The rocks forming the south face of the hills on the north side of the valley belong to an older series, and the Pliocene beds cannot therefore pass beneath them, but must either bend very abruptly upward, or they must have been let down by a fault against the older beds. In either case the waters that enter the Pliocene gravels in the region south of the valley must follow down along their bedding planes and rise to the surface along the north side of the valley where the fault or the upturned beds allow them to escape. “The accompanying figure, representing a north-south section across the valleys, will make my meaning clear:” SV. F Line, 47 Lire o = < “Ze ‘ FLEASANTON PROPERT I: Soring alley Water Co. SHOWING Location of Wells. LEGEND Wan Original Tract Cl) Fecen? firchases Plate 20 LOCATION OF WELLS. 62 DATA AVAILABLE FROM WELL LOGS. 63 Soursh de (Or; Fresh fyater Lwermore vata” ee LY) SSS Vanfs Margarita Phocene Beds. That the Pliocene gravels are water-bearing and even artesian is further illustrated by sev- eral artesian wells above the valley floor in the Pliocene gravels south and goutheast of Pleasanton. Upper Gravels Have Great Wealth of Water. 2. Alluvium Valley Fill. Dr, Branner finds that widespread alluvial deposits of gravels, sands and clays have been gradually deposited over these Pliocene gravels as the great uplift along the Calaveras fault line proceeded. These materials vary greatly in thickness and alteruate with each other irregularly, and, as they form the upper water-bearing strata from wihich water is now being withdrawn and which it is proposed further to develop, they are of especial interest and importance, The uplift west of the Calaveras fault line is the accumulated displacement of untold cen- turies, as Nature worked inch by inch in remodel- ing the topography of this region. Years have no place in accounting the time cccupied in this change, the formation of the gravels probably going back to the glacial period. Because of this, these alluvial gravels were deposited by run-off, whose quantity and velocity were very much greater than at the present time. There- fore to a great extent they must be very coarse and porous, The stream of the present age has, however, carried down light material and formed a blanket, as it were, over the older deposits, so that an inspection of the surface conditions does not readily indicate the ereat extent to which the valley fill is composed of coarse material, and it is only by an examination of the logs of wells that this is brought out. Dr. Branner Studies Records of 200 Wells. In studying the geology of Livermore Valley Dr, Branner and his assistants interviewed the residents of the valley and collected the logs of over one hundred wells widely distributed over the valley, the location of which are shown on Plate 20. He found that only very rarely had inhabitants kept accurate record of the mate- rial penetrated in boring, But he was able to obtain considerable data of the more recent bor- ings from logs kept by the well borers them- selves. He found that, while the well borers of Liver- more Valley were doubtless very practical and efficient in the art of well boring, their records were very crude, and the actual notes seemed in in many instances to conflict with the recorders’ interpretation of them. However, Dr. Branner collected enough reli- able information to convince him that the upper valley deposits were no different in general character from the deposits west and southwest of Pleasanton, which the Spring Valley Water Company had extensively explored by well borings. These wells were put down in a tract of about 1000 acres, at the throat or lower end of Liver- more Valley, acquired by the 8S. V. W. Co., be- ginning in August, 1898. This work was in harmony with the general policy of the Com- pany to acquire and begin to develop water re- sources far in advance of actual needs, with the end in view that ample water would always be available to the people of San Francisco. With marvelous foresight Mr. Hermann Schussler realized the great value of this project and demonstrated it by sinking these wells. More than one hundred wells have been bored on the Spring Valley Water Company’s 1000 acres, the records of all wells being kept with much care and under the direction of trained engineers, so that their logs are by far the most reliable record obtainable of the general under- ground structure. It was after a careful study of these logs, together with the logs of wells col- lected by Dr. Branner (making in all the logs of over 200 wells), that Dr. Branner most emphati- cally reiterated and confirmed his preliminary statements as to the Livermore Valley fill be- ing irregular lenticular deposits, more or less indirectly connected and laid down by abundant waters of shifting streams of the glacial period and since. The logs of all the wells considered are to be found in Appendix ‘‘E’’, The wells in the property of the Spring Val- ley Water Company’s 1000-acre tract are ar- ranged in lines and close enough together along ‘A'TIEISSOdGWI SI SIHL LUVdV UVa AUV AGHL GUAHM LOG ‘AGCVW NOILOGS IVOIDOIOND GNV GULVIGHUOO Ad AVW SNOT HITHL UAHLENOL ASOT AUV STIAM HUHHM 1d 93%Id YQ) UOLUOSO ef Joa AQ{Q Paxl[n = WY ~0 Hi], 2 TO he DUMOLD JO UOIaS SCOTT yng = Koy Mo//ar = r O&¢ LES YU pualeT Ore OSZ > o9z -OLZ Paez O62 Poor BOLL YbILf POG UOMLNY TF Oe poze anes ‘UIT. 2 vO Saf yO WOYe207 mN bm LY Lt Ww rw ® a ro g y NV 2 x x © D 3 sq N ore i / LIVERMORE GRAVELS ARE PERVIOUS. 65 the lines (rarely more than 100 feet apart), that one may trace the lines of demarcation be- tween gravels and denser materials along the lines of the wells, as shown on Plate 21. Wells Too Far Apart to Draw Geological Sections Across Valley. The lines of the wells, however, are too far apart to correlate and determine the distribu- tion of gravels and clays between them. This must of necessity be true because of the man- ner in which they were laid down. The wells not within this 1000 acres are so widely scattered that even to suggest lines of con- tact between gravel, sands and clays between them is impossible; lines which Dr. Branner says ‘‘a professional geologist would not venture to draw.’’ A study of the logs of these Spring Valley Water Company’s wells, especially when plotted and placed side by side, materially aids in real- izing the magniture of the underground reser- voir in the upper gravels and in this way one’s superficial observations as to the impervious character of these deposits is most quickly cor- rected. The logs of wells outside the 1000-acre tract, when used in conjunction with other geological data and phenomena, but indicate the extent of the underground reservoir, and may be used to determine in general the proportions of the var- ious classes of materials, “Clay-Cap”’ Is Very Fine Sand or Silt. The well logs show that as a rule over this total area the upper 35 feet of material is com- posed of surface soil, clays, fine sand and silt, and some gravel deposits. The surface mate- rial is relatively dense when compared with the underlying strata of very porous coarse gravels and sands. On account of its nature this first 30 or 35 feet has been termed by many a ‘‘clay cap’’ overlying the gravels, and it is so used in this report, at all times remembering, however, that the largest bulk of this deposit is not a true clay at all, but is in most cases a sand or a very fine silt in which decomposition of the feldspar content may have taken place. This so-called ‘‘clay cap’’ covers all the area at the western end of the valley, extending from the foothills on the south to the hills on the north and from the steep western range east for a distance of about one mile east of Pleas- anton. At the eastern edge of this area the coarser material underlying the ‘‘clay cap’’ appears in lenticular deposits of interbedded porous grav- els, and sands, and clays. These same inter- bedded gravels, sands, and clays continue west- ward under the ‘‘clay cap’’ and are known as the artesian gravels. The Spring Valley Water Company’s wells have penetrated into these ar- tesian gravels for an average distance of 40 feet and very little clay deposits are traversed, which are composed almost entirely of water-bearing gravels and sands. Many of the wells have been sunk to depths of over 200 feet, and they show that the clays and water-producing gravels and sands exist in about even proportion. From the well records it is impossible to state to what depths the water bearing material extends, as the deepest wells did not penetrate to the bot- tom of the water bearing deposits. From the general geological features, however, Dr. Bran- ner states that it extends for over 4000 feet. Plainly, although the borings on the Spring Valley Water Company’s lands show the dis- tribution of gravel, sand, and clay near the surface, they in no way fix the extent or depth of the water bearing gravels beneath the floor of Livermore Valley. Gravels Are Free from Silt. From borings it is very hard to determine the detailed character of the gravel deposits, as in the process of boring much of the very fine material, if any exists, may have been washed away, and fine material from the clay strata is constantly being carried into lower strata and obviously comes from them. Because of this. the records of well borings, no mat- ter with how much care they are taken, will not give as good a criterion of the amount of fine silt and clay as can be determined by an inspection where these gravels reach the sur- face and are exposed in the upper valley, as for instance the pits of the Grant Gravel Com- pany near Pleasanton. From these pits many hundreds of thousands of tons of gravel have been excavated and still the supply appears in- 66 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. exhaustible. About two-thirds the bulk of these gravels is over 14” in diameter and is quite free from silts and clays. At present the gravels are being excavated by drag line scrapers, and, when possible, the bottom of the pits is kept at a lower elevation than the water table. In this way the seraper, passing backward and forward, agitates the waters so that the gravels are constantly washed, the fine particles being held in suspen- sion. The small amount of clay is well shown when the water table in an abandoned pit falls and leaves these particles in a thin covering over the bottom of the pit. During the latter part of 1911 these abandoned pits could be seen where many hundreds of thousands of yards had been excavated and the small amount of clay washed from them formed only a very thin coating over the pit bottom. Soils Are Sandy, Overlying Gravel. In deseribing the channels of the Livermore Valley streams some mention was made of the class of soil through which they passed. The facility with which water may enter an under- ground reservoir has a large bearing on its prac- ticability and value. The character of the soil through which the tributary water must enter the reservoir, therefore, bears an important part. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Soils has issued a bulletin describing the soils of the Livermore Valley. This soil investigation supports the above statements as to the character of the valley fill. We are most interested in three groups of soils described in the Bulletin, classed as the Mocho, the Livermore, and the Santa Rita series. The Mocho and Livermore groups of soils are the most important in studying the practicability of augmenting the amount of water entering the underground reservoir. These two groups com- prise by far the largest percentage of the ex- ceedingly porous surface of 24 square miles of the reservoir, and that portion which is the mest susceptible to artificial saturation. The Mocho series is the most recent, being the alluvial deposits of present and recent forma- tions. They embrace several grades of sandy and gravelly soil, underlain in all cases by coarser material. This series of soil composes and is directly adjacent to the Mocho and Valle stream channels. The Livermore series is made up of older al- luvial and colluvial deposits of sandy and gravel- ly sandy soil, and in rare cases of a clay loam. They are underlain in nearly all instances by coarser deposits of sands and gravels. The Santa Rita series, lying in the north- western portion of the valley, is composed of silty and clayey loams and an adobe deposited quite recently under swampy conditions. The statements of the Bulletin indicate that this class of soils is not particularly adaptable to the rapid absorption of water, though it allows of a slow percolation. Another type not conducive to rapid absorp- tion is the Dublin clay adobe along the north side of the valley through which the Arroyo Las Positas runs. The soil report does say, however, that the subsoil is subject to considerable varia- tion, in eases being quite sandy, with occasional pockets of gravel. Land-Formed Clays of Livermore Are Pervious to Water. The formation of the Livermore Valley, and more especially the clays, must not be confused with the lacustrine or lake-formed impervious deposits, which are constantly being laid down as great blankets over the floors of lakes and large water bodies, from the light material held im suspension and brought down by tributary streams. Dr. Branner eliminated these Liver- more deposits from the lacustrine type of de- posits by the conditions under which they were formed and which are well explained by Messrs. Mulholland and Lippincott in their report of July 2, 1912. Mr. Mulholland is Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles Aqueduct and Water Department. Most of his engineering career has been spent in the development of underground water supplies of Southern California. His experience in under- ground water has been more extensive than that of any other man in the United States, and, being a man of keen intellect and perception, he unquestionably stands without a peer in this type of development. It was he who developed over 45 M. G. D. from the underground water of San Fernando Valley, a project very similar to that of the Livermore Valley, VERMICULATED CLAYS. 67 Mr. Lippincott is Assistant Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. He has had wide experience in hydraulic engineering in the West for many years, having been in charge of the California hydrography for the United States Geological Survey, and Supervising Engineer of the United States Reclamation Service. He organized and directed the investigation of underground waters of the United States Geolog- ical Survey and has been intimately connected with a great number of the underground water developments in Southern California. In their report they say: “First, as to the structural geological features of the valley, as bearing on the probability of the valley fill being largely composed of impermeable clays. It is with diffidence that we approach this subject, for the reason that you have in your possession a geological report covering the region from a most eminent authority. There are cer- tain features, however, that are obvious even to the layman with engineering train- ing. The fact that there has been a great down-throw of the land to the east of the Alameda ridge, or an uplift of Alameda Ridge, or possibly a combination of both of those movements, along the fault line approximately following the east base of the ridge, is evident even to the un- skilled observer. That the movement was a profound one is also evident, but it does not follow and would be wholly inconsist- ent with all the observed occurrences of such movements, to reason that this great displacement occurred suddenly as a single cataclysm, or in increments of very decided displacements. Such faults occur, as far as can be observed, by slow degrees—inch by inch, and sometimes, though rarely, meas- urable by feet, and covering almost incon- ceivable periods of time. This being the case it is almost impossible to imagine a condi- tion at any time that would create a lake of any great depth in the Livermore Valley to the east of the fault line due to these movements, as the slowly relatively rising rim would be eroded down by natural pro- cesses about as fast as the displacements occurred, or, if not quite as fast, at least slowly enough to permit a filling of the de- pressed side of the valley floor witb ordi- nary alluvial debris. The records of the wells about Pleasanton, however, are sufii- cient to discredit any such theory; the logs disclose soils, occasionally clay beds and thick bedded gravels, with no evidence that the clay deposits were lacustrine in origin; in fact, the formation differs in no particu- lar form from the formations in other valleys throughout the State, that resemble this in configuration and conditions of stream flow.” The deposition of clay that takes place under the conditions described by Mr. Mulholland is, therefore, not that a aluminum silicate material —the result of the complete decomposition of feldspar rock, and which is so light that it often remains in suspension for great lengths of time, even in still water—but of fine particles of min- erals and rocks in the form of fine sand and silt carried along by the swift moving streams and deposited in lenticular and irregular bodies along its course where the velocity and movement be- come small. The materials of the true clays may be deposited under these conditions also, but more often the real clay present in these so-called land- formed clays is the result of decomposition of minerals after they have been deposited, and only form a very small per cent of the total bulk as well as only occurring at surfaces exposed to oxidation and weathering. In addition to being much more pervious on account of the composition and size, land-formed clays have the great advantage of plant and ani- mal growth development through their struc- ture, which is another great factor for such marked contrast in porosity to the common lacus- trine clays. Instances where apparently impervious lacus- trine clays have been found by close examination and experimentation to be quite porous, due to the development of plant and animal life, have come to the attention of all engineers, and it is principally to break up the structure caused by this development that puddling is resorted to. An instance of this has just been brought to my attention by Mr. J. B. Lippincott, of which he writes: (Extract from Letter J. B. Lippincott to F. C. Herrmann of July 16, 1912.) “The day after I left you I went to San Luis Obispo to investigate the water leakage in the oil reservoir which we were testing with water. This reservoir was made in an adobe flat by excavating some eight or ten feet of soil from the center, and using se- lected material to make dykes around the side. It was then roofed over in order to prevent evaporation losses from the oil. We found that our water in this reservoir was dropping at the rate of a quarter of an 68 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. inch per day, and floats indicated that the seepage was occurring through a certain piece of ground about fifty feet in diameter. This was near the center of the reservoir and at the lowest point, and as the area of the water surface contracted the rate of fall on the water surface increased, which indi- cated that the leakage was occurring through some rather definite and small outlet. We thereupon drew off the water and excavated the soil at this point. It was a sandy clay which had the appearance of being fairly tough and impervious, but which showed, on analysis, that it contained about 35% of clay, the rest being sand and silt. The interesting feature of this soil, however, when we come to examine it, was that it was filled with worm holes. These holes were close together and by taking a small glass dropper, such as you fill a fountain pen with, we could take a fragment of this soil, drop some water in the upper end of one of these small holes and observe the water run through.the clod. This soil came from a depth of from eight to ten feet be- neath the original surface of the ground. Probably underlying this was a stratum of gravel or sand through which the water was disappearing. At any rate, it was a very clear illustration of exactly what we were talking about in the Livermore country and confirmed the ideas that I previously had on the subject.” : Permeability Due to Plants and Animal Life. Vegetation, in its growth, carries on an endless process of extending its roots and _ rootlets through the soil in all directions and to great depths. After they have performed certain func- tions they die and decay, then sending others to meet the same fate. This process is augmented by the abundant growth of animal life in the form of worms and burrowing species which tun- nel through the soil in their search for the mi- nute roots. In this way is created a vast net- work of minute tunnels and shafts, as it were, through which water may fimd ready egress. In lacustrine deposits this effective plant and ani- mal life develops only after the formation as- sumes a position above the lake surface because of an uplift or other cause, and this develop- ment extends only to a limited depth. With the land-formed deposits the porous structure ex- tends through their entire depth, as at no time during the many ages of formation were the constructive agents absent. As the streams build up the formation, placing perhaps a few inches or feet during one season, then divert to some other quarter for a year or ‘greater period, the tunneling process is al- lowed to continue uninterruptedly; then again, the streams shift back in their oscil- lating motion, more material is placed over the first—perhaps this time coarse gravel in- stead of the fine sands and silts—-covering the vegetation, which decays and again leaves avenues of easy egress for the waters; here, then, is a com- bination of all of Nature’s forces trying to pro- duce a material through which the waters falling upon the earth’s surface can find escape, while with the lake-formed deposits the opposite occurs, for here are laid down deposits, the sole purpose of which seems to be to retard and pre- vent the escape of water. Evaporation from Saturated Soils Can Be Stopped. The loss of water through evaporation and transpiration from the saturated area at the western end of the Livermore Valley may, by lowering the water table, be stopped and the water utilized. The amount of this loss has varied as conditions of drainage have developed. The official map of Alameda County in 1874 shows a swamp of 2136 acres, while the testimony of old residents around Pleasanton is that the area was much larger. Mr. Peach, who has had charge of much of the drainage for the Alameda Sugar Company since 1891, indicates an ad- ditional area of 1600 acres, which, he says, was a part of the swamp at the time of his going to the valley. Another record of this original swamp is the survey made by G. F. Allardt, County Surveyor of Alameda County, in 1880. This survey shows an area of 1340 acres of tule and willow swamp, with an additional area of 400 acres saturated lands subject to overflow, supporting a dense growth of vegetation. The tule swamp condition continued until about the year 1906 or 1907. Since that time the extreme surface drainage of this area has gradually be- come effective and cultivation followed. A sur- vey made in June of this year, after an unusu- ally dry winter, shows an area of 8259 acres from which evaporation is taking place. Over 255 acres of this area the water table is between 0 and 2 feet from the surface, over 2538 acres be- WELL FLUCTUATIONS Depth in Feet to Warer Level 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1010 1911 MH2 We Noss Depth in Feet to Water Level 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 (90 1H/ /We Wetl NO pire Np 22. THE FLUCTUATIONS IN THE WELLS SHOW THEIR QUICK RESPONSE TO THE DISCHARGE OF WATER INTO THE GRAVELS. 69 Wet FLUCTUATION. LIVERMORE VALLEY Elev. HE/. to Wofer 1907 1908 1909 /HO 1 _ IE = Wet No 2b Depth 1 Feet to Water Level 1905 1906 1907 /908 1909 /HO 7H 72 We No Depth in Feet to Water Level 905 1906 1907 1908 1909 (HO 79U/ 1HE Went Nol in Feet to Water (905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Weue No 42 Hate No 23 THE QUICK RESPONSE OF THE WELLS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY INDICATE VERY POROUS AND OPEN GRAVELS WITH LARGE STORAGE CAPACITY. EVAPORATION FROM SATURATED SOILS. 71 tween 2 and 6 feet, and over 5466 acres between 6 and 9 feet from the surface. Evaporation from Saturated Soils is Very Great. Without actual field measurements to deter- mine the amount of evaporation from this area, we must be guided by results obtained at other places. Because of their geographical position and climatic conditions, we have chosen the rec- ords of water surface evaporation obtained by Mr. C. E. Grunsky at Kingsburgh, California, by the California Experiment Station at Berke- ley, and by Mr. Edwin Duryea in the vicinity of San Jose, California, as most nearly repre- senting the area under consideration. Mr. Dur- yea carried on experiments over three areas tributary to Coyote Creek and found the water surface evaporation to be 44 inches, 45 inches and 52 inches per year. Mr, Grunsky, in his ex- periments at Kingsburgh, California, found an average annual evaporation of 49 inches. The Berkeley experiments conducted at the University of California for the U.S. Irrigation Investigation under the direction of Dr. Samuel Fortier, gave an evaporation of 41.5 inches. Dr. Fortier, now Chief of the U. 8. Irrigation In- vestigation, is one of the foremost authorities on irrigation and has made extended studies of evaporation from soils. In view of these records of average annual evaporation we estimate 48 inches as being a very close approximation of the average annual water surface evaporation in Livermore Valley. For detailed discussion of evaporation, see Appendix ‘‘D’’, The problem of determining quantatively the evaporation and, transpiration loss from the saturated area in the Livermore Valley is a very interesting one. We have made this determination in two classes: First, the swamp area supporting the dense prolific growth of tule, willow, bullrush, wild celery, ete., and second, the less saturated alkaline areas of salt grasses and kindred plant life. From a study of available data shown in Ap- pendix ‘‘D’’ we have accepted for that area, covered by vegetation common to swampy con- ditions, a transipration of 66 inches per annum or 1.38 times that from free water surface (48”). In determining the evaporation from the rest of the area we are guided largely by results obtained in Owens Valley over areas covered with salt grass, and have accepted 52.53 inches as being the annual evaporation when the water table is at the surface. This evaporation de- creases directly in proportion to the depth un- til at nine feet it is zero. The tabulation below shows the evaporation computed under the conditions of the three surveys. The total area in acres over which evaporation occurs in the survey of June, 1912, is accepted for the other two surveys; this is obviously low as with a higher water table the area would increase. EVAPORATION FROM SATURATED AREA OF LIVERMORE VALLEY. Enclos- Average Area Evaporation. ing con- water in Depth in tours. depth. acres. Inches. M.G. D. 0—2 ft. 1.5 ft. 255 66.0 1.24 Survey of 2—6 ft. 4.0 ft. 2,538 29.5 5.57 June 13-17, 6—9 ft. 7.5 ft. 5,466 9.0 3.66 1912. 8,259 10.47 0—0 ft. Surface 1,340 66.0 6.58 Allardt o—9 ft. 4.5 ft. 6,919 26.5 13.63 Survey of 1880. 8,259 20.21 0—0 ft. Surface 2,136 66.0 10.48 Alameda Co. 0—9 ft. 4.5 ft. 6,123 26.5 12.06 Official 1874. 8,259 22.54 Inspection of the hydrographs of the well measurements over the artesian area for sev- eral years past, as shown on Plates 22 and 23, indicates that the average position of the water table is more than four feet above what it was at the time of the survey of June 13-17, 1912. Also that during the summer months, when the cvaporation is the greatest, it was as much as eight to ten feet higher. A study of the profiles further shows that, because of the vast network of drainage ditches, this water table rises less rapidly when within a few inches of the surface, All data indicate that the average annual evap- oration, under the present conditions, is as much as, or more than, the 20 million gallons per day computed for the condition indicated from Mr. Allardt’s survey. This 20 million gallons per day is supplied from the water product of the catchment areas tributary to Livermore Valley, though because it has eseaped through the atmosphere it has not entered into the measured run-off below Sunol. Because of this, the actual amount of water S Plate 24 weYr i a Oistributing Cora Collectirn Conduits lomve Gaging Stations. ser trecen SL ppl hs OF Gravel Fes. UL2LIVERMORE VALLEY i SROWIAG Canal Systern for eae & collecting water 4o ard Som Greavels. WITH ONLY NOMINAL DEVELOPMENT BY SIMPLE CANALS AND DITCHES THE ABSORBTIVE GRAVELS OF THE LIVERMORE VALLEY WILL DRINK IN VASTLY MORE WATER THAN AT PRESENT. 72 POROSITY OF GRAVEL BEDS PROVED BY MEASUREMENTS. 73 produced from the 620.5 square miles of the Alameda System is greater by 20 M. G. D. than is indicated by the 23-year, discharge record of Alameda Creek below Sunol. Therefore, instead of an average daily run-off of 145 M. G., as determined in Appendix ‘‘B’’,; the total gross water crop of the Alameda System is approximately 165 M. G. D. The loss of water through evaporation and transpiration from the saturated area at the western end of Livermore Valley estimated to average 20 M. G. D. during the past 23 years, with sufficient storage capacity, can be saved by lowering the water table and sustaining it at a lower level. Storage in Upper Gravels Alone is Enormous. The older Pliocene gravels are undoubtedly saturated with water and may be drained of great quantities. Dr. Branner believes they will support arterian wells. For the pur- pose of this report, however, we consider only the upper 100 feet of the recent loose al- luvial valley fill which we may expect to utilize as the bulk of our working underground reser- voir. From a study of all the obtainable geo- logical information and an extended personal ex- amination I am of the opinion that a conserva- tive estimate of the extent of this ultra-porous area covers 30 square miles. The map shown on Plate 24 indicates this area. Within this area I have not included a considerable area of the porous fill where the Mocho, Valle, and Seca Creeks emerge from the hills, and which will absorb run-off whose final destination is the gravel reservoir. One method of estimating the storage capac- ity of this reservoir is by a determination of the porosity of the loose alluvial fill. Over the east- ern portion of the reservoir the data are far too limited to do more than suggest the general character of this fill. But in the Spring Vailey Water Company’s properties there are enough records to show the geology to a depth of up- wards of 100 feet. The logs of many wells west of the Santa Rita- Pleasanton road, selected at more or less regular intervals over the area and representing average conditions, show the average per cent of coarse material to be 28 per cent, the lowest per cent being 10, and the highest being 44. The mean depth of these wells is 82 feet. The logs of wells to the east of Santa Rita- Pleasanton road are not nearly so numerous, and their logs in many cases are not obtainable. Twenty-six wells, with a mean depth of 82 feet, seattered rather irregularly over the valley floor above Pleasanton, show an average of 29 per cent of sands and gravels. This corresponds so closely with the lower area that it is fair to assume 28 per cent sands and gravels as apply- ing to the whole reservoir. Numerous experiments to determine the voids in sands and gravels give results that vary from 30 to 40 per cent. The average of eight porosity tests made on the Mocho gravelly sandy loam showed 34.1 per cent of voids. And 28 tests of “‘Liivermore gravelly sandy loam’’ showed 27.3 per cent of voids. A conservative estimate of the voids capable of depletion would then be 25 per cent of the sands and gravels and 10 per cent of the remaining less porous materials, or 14 per cent of the total bulk. Fourteen per cent of the cubical capacity of an area of 30 square miles to a depth of one foot is 876 million gal- lons, or for a depth of 100 feet it is 87,000 mil- lion gallons. Because of the fact, as Dr. Bran- ner states, that ‘‘it is impossible to draw cross- sections of the Livermore Valley from the well logs available, showing the disposition of the gravel, sand and clay, no better estimate of the available storage may be made’’. In analyzing the absorbing capacity of this reservoir, two divisions readily suggest them- selves: the highly porous gravelly and sandy materials of the Mocho and Livermore soils, and the more dense soils composed of elays, adobes and loams. By consulting the soil map it will be noticed that the first class comprises a greater part of the reservoir area east of the Santa Rita- Pleasanton road, while the latter includes the area to the west of this road. It is over the first area that we propose to spread the flood waters of the wet season. Actual Measurements Prove Great Porosity of Gravel. A survey made during March of this year showed that 80.5 million gallons of water dis- appeared into an area of less than one million square feet of the Arroyo Valle channel in 27 74 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. hours, or at the rate of 10 cubic feet per square foot of superficial area per day, or equivalent to the water velocity of about 30 feet per day. At this rate, 1 square mile would absorb over 2000 million gallons per 24 hours. Mr. Fred H. Tibbetts, C. E., in a report made in 1907 on the artesian basin of the Livermore Valley, cites an instance of absorption in the stream bed of the Arroyo Valle, of which he writes: “The first (stream) measurements on January 14, 1906, were made about 18 hours after the first flood of the season had com- menced. The measurements at the Cresta Blanca Bridge showed a discharge of about 1136 cu. ft. per second. At Pleasanton about 600 cu. ft. per second. The seepage loss indicated was 536 cu. ft. per second, or over 47%.” ! The avidity with which these gravels absorb water, as shown by these flood measurements, even after the flood had been pouring into the gravels for 18 hours, indicates how very porous these gravels in this reservoir must be. Still this is hardly more astonishing than the obser- vation made by Mr. J. B. Lippincott and my- self on January 27th, 1912, when we witnessed a flow of 45 sec. ft. of water completely dis- appear into the gravels of the Arroyo Valle stream bed in a length of 3000 feet. The porosity of these gravels, where they le un- der the so-called clay-cap, is shown to be at least as much by the measurements of the under- eround water velocities in these gravels made by Mr. F. H. Tibbetts, in 1906. Using the Schlicter method (the same as used by the U. 8. Geological Survey) he found velocities of the underground waters as follows: Date of Well Velocity, feet Direction measurement. No. per day. of flow. Feb. 22, 1906....... 7 24.5 Southwest Apr. 9, 1906....... 9 22.6 S.15° W. Aug. 1, 1906....... 9 25.1 a Apr. 8, 1906....... 13 10.9 Southwest June 20, 1906....... 13 15.2 es July 19, 1906....... 13 19.4 ss May 5, 1906). 242.4 26 43.6 = Aug. 16, 1906....... 26 57.1 ¥ In his investigation of the underground waters of Long Island, Mr. J. R. Freeman in his ‘‘New York’s Water Supply’’, page 540, SAYS: “This proves that near the conduit line the water must be moving seaward at the rate of about one mile per year, or about 15 feet per 24-hour day; but this is the place of maximum velocity, for obviously as we go north the volume of water passing a given vertical east and west section rapidly be- comes less as the northern border of the watershed is approached, while the depth of the saturated gravel probably lessens in smaller degrees.” The remarkable freedom with which the water passes through the Livermore gravels even as compared with the Long Island supply, shows how very open they must be, and what an enormous amount of water they hold. Under the present conditions, both as to soil and saturation, the fiood waters of the creeks on the northern side of the valley pass over the adobe soil, of the northern part of the valley to Laguna Creek, down which they escape. These soils are by no means impervious. They are common in all California valleys. Around the margin of Santa Clara Valley, noticeably in the eastern and southeastern part are to be found adobe soils much more dense, and containing much more clay, than do these in question, and the Santa Clara Valley adobes absorb practical- ly all the water running off the slopes of the ad- jacent mountain sides. This is further demonstrated by the fact that adobe soils lend themselves very readily to irri- gation, and it is well known by experienced irri- gators that adobe soils drink up as much water, if not more, than do lighter soils. A portion of the flood waters of the Arroyo Valle are absorbed by its gravelly beds and the rest passes on to the Laguna Creck and escapes, and all the waters of the Mocho are absorbed by the gravels so long as they are not completely saturated. Broad frrieation Will Assist Storage of Flood Waters. To prevent this waste of flood water we have outlined a canal system shown on map on Plate 24, to spread the water. This indicates the waters of the Alamo being diverted soon after they leave the hills and carried by canal in a general southeasterly direction to spread over the lands north of Pleasanton which are now saturated by artesian waters. With a depleted reservoir there will be no hindrance of these flood waters sinking to the ‘ATIVG SNOTTVO NOITIIN $¢ UMAO GTIHIA ATHAVS TIIM UOLVINDAY ATIVA OAOUUV HLIM NOILONOSNOO NI STUAVUD AWTIVA AUONYAATT GZ °3"I1d + EF EE EZ WOOOSH| _(2¢2L QOOZ | (/-O WOOP | 6-96 : 80007 | 9%6-5E DW O00LE = SLJPAOLED) YO Ayloadon OOOl/ | 5-26 “Q00E | b6-€6 x he Web Ob- S/ONABPSAL A/O) ©. AOLS Y aaeer Eee €-26 Z16 (6-08 Ob wee QOOE | 16-06 ee CG oF MOT SL TAHY7S) a VFA [2 OF eel L-96 9-56 F-2E P-EG) ODOE: gar WONGASTY STINVALD FYONAAA wage obow |H#® p LV EPSIDEIC SSRPW aH / 006 +E sic 4920-00 00-66 6-86 O-LE" ae a ae DO // + opozae | ss iIs77/IV16> POO Ps G-LO b-E0 E-2Z0 2-10 a a ea yr La — OE pn? 6-80 8-LO L-90 9-50 sole aaa eas. sage _— P ce] — N DW COOLP JO P4DIOLE Pe] FoF 00e ar SO, f(Li1/\ UOlpyIay7 att 1 ye: J TO? OSE 9 2-11 1-0) Of-60\ tT | BE ale oe J | eg = 9 COWBESF = 44/PIG LAV G00F 310 “ 4“ GIG = HOlroTpag 109 CIW FFO9 =4f/EAT Ssole — GOW B/E = fPFEL WOW OF7 = vordunsueg /0207 “ ID = Say Ay a a CDW = Sf[l0s Woig POAT - GoTo Po sjarol6 purosbtlapuy JOUNS pt KBAMagOM /OLT7LOU UMOD MOLf Of PEMa//O Sryasns //p - ON WOO b) 666 = RBI fUBUI ZOD /B{Zoy ne 7) W/OASES ALY Aa//O4 OXKOL Spe b or WS BEOSZ = 0a/y BE6OWUOIG BOWIIAN/ YF OPly fOD ‘AUTIVA AUOWUAAIT NI UALVM JO TOVYOLS SHIAITANIS UIOAUHSHU ATIVA OAOUUV LV NOLLVINDGY WIONNPSALY 2//24 ONCOL YY WiOt) 44017 Wie 9Z °3%ld ‘oaspy ebouloig aloww/aAzy Ca ADM vadeid paip 260 a//ay cKkowtipy Usanjeg Mysuolyojat wr) 0 Buym OYsS aA OF SW/ONGP ASSAY TINGYP 96 9-96 6-66 b-c5\ YOUER ss ONTOZIBYASONT F2A7ONYA LAT aS ; sg? wou fe 70 | 0 Ue rE OS/ GY LHI YOOZ MA os SP £-o0 2-EO E-ZO 2Z-/0 "OL eo 1 “al” -GO BLO L-90 9-50 IE 8 |_—<4109 pv py¥ Or V a? " OS yo \ lM U0 OLE 0 ga ee | * 0? rot ee SY books 'sjanQlg purolbrepuyy foul 009 of AoMiapom joie UuMap MOY of pemoyjo srjdins // iLO AQ 4/1 G6E = Cote FeO lo “« BGORS = AIOASASAL/ B//Q2A WAo1sy WO PE OFZ = C8lpy aboulioig BAOMISBAIT O81 FOP “ “ 76 LIVERMORE GRAVELS WILL YIELD 55 M. G. D. 17 lowered water table through the same channels by which the artesian waters now rise. In like manner the waters of the Las Positas and Cotton- wood Creeks will be carried by canal as shown on the map to the porous gravelly beds west of Livermore. The Arroyo del Valle is the most important single producer of the Livermore Valley. Flood discharge at the rate of 3000 M. G. D. was measured in the Arroyo Valle, for short dura- tion, on March 238, 1907. This represents a run-off of something over 20 M. G. D. per square mile. If the intensity of this flood be doubled it would be 40 million gallons per square mile per 24 hours, or about 5500 M. G. D. Those ex- treme floods are very rare and their peaks would perhaps last but a few hours. At present these flood waters pass down over the absorbent beds, in much too large quantities for the porous gravels to completely absorb, to Laguna Creek. On the above mentioned map is shown a system of canals capable of spreading these flood waters over 3 square miles of the gravelly surface of the valley floor. This area, together with the 30 million square feet ot the stream channel between Cresta Blanca bridge and the gravel pits absorbing water at only three-quarters the rate measured in March, 1912, or 1500 million vallons per square mile per day, can be made to absorb more than 5500 million gallons per day. As previously stated, the floods of the Arroyo Valle will be regulated by the Arroyo Valle Reservoir, and it has been shown that the rate of discharge from the Arroyo Valle will by this means be reduced to about 250 M. G. D., or ap- proximately 400 cubic feet per second. At the rate at which the flood of March, 1912, entered the gravels in the Arroyo Valle Creek bed (10 feet per day per square foot) a stream of this size, under the same conditions, would be ab- sorbed by less than 100 acres of gravel. If by reason of the different conditions this rate of absorption be decreased to one-half that meas- ured in March, 1912, a stream of 250 M. G. D. would be absorbed in less than 175 acres. One square mile would absorb it if the conditions were so unfavorable as to permit of a velocity through the gravels of only 114 feet per square foot per day. The Arroyo Valle is hy far the largest water producer of the streams tributary to Livermore Valley, so it will be readily seen that a provision of 3 square miles of superficial area of gravels is ample to absorb all the waters fed into it. Livermore Gravels Will Safely Yield Over 55 M.G.D. Using the Arroyo Valle Reservoir as a regu- lator, the run-off of the catchment area tributary to the Livermore underground gravel reservoir of 399.14 square miles, is shown in the form of a mass diagram on Plate 25, The mass run-off line is formed by adding the run-off of all the catchment areas tributary to Livermore Valley, except that of Arroyo Valle above the Reservoir, to the draft from the Res- ervoir, as shown on Plate 17, the Arroyo Valle Reservoir being used as a regulator. On mass diagram Plate 26 are shown these two divisions of run-off, 7. ¢., that from the Arroyo Valle Reservoir and that from the rest of the catchment area tributary to the Livermore Val- ley, and it will be noted that for nearly onc-half the seasons shown, the water product from these two divisions would have been approximately equal, For 6 years the water product from the catchment area above the Arroyo Valle Reser- voir would have been considerably in excess of that from all the rest of the tributary catchment areas combined, and for 5 years the reverse would have happened, so that over the whole period these two divisions about equal each other in water production. By reference to the mass diagram, Plate 25, it is seen that the years of light flow occurred between the seasons 1897-98 and 1904-5, and this period determines the gross draft that may ob- tain without drawing upon more than the 87,000 M. G. storage, within the 100 foot depth. This is a purely arbitrary limit and not the limit, by any means, of practicable pumping. From the mass diagram it is seen that the gross draft is 60.54 M. G. D. From 1891 to 1897 there are 8 years when the gravel reservoir will always be full. From 1897-98 to 1904-5 the draft will be greater than the inflow for each season, and the plane of saturation will gradually recede, until at the end of the summer of 1905 the limit of the 87,000 M. G. of storage is reached. In the season 1905-6 and 1906-7 the flow into ‘JMSWYOIV) IBAV'T IOJ I[QVAOARY ST PayS19IVAA 9} 0} Joodsoy YIM S[eaAeIH 9q} Jo uoT}VIOT IYL ‘Sddd THAVUD TIONNS WATER TABLE BEYOND THE EFFECT OF CAPILLARITY. 79 the gravel reservoir ig in excess of the draft to such an extent that by the end of the season 1906-7 the reservoir is nearly full. From the season 1906-7 to 1909-10 the flow into the reservoir is practically equal to the draft, and in the following season, 1910-11, the reservoir is completely filled, beside a surplus of 2000 M. G. This unit of the Alameda System, when de- veloped, will be so operated that the line of saturation on top of the 100-foot prism used as a reservoir will be kept at least 9 feet below the surface of the ground. In this way, as has been done in other parts of California, the loss due to evaporation from saturated soils, which during the past 23 years is estimated at 20 M. G. D. will be prevented. This loss is fully discussed elsewhere in this report. It is probable that this will not be wholly successful, though fortunately any sur- face saturation that does occur will be in the winter months when evaporation and transpira- tion loss it at a minimum. This is also true of any evaporation loss that may occur in spread- ing the waters over the gravel surface. With efficient operation under complete de- velopment, it is believed that the loss due to evaporation from saturated soil will much less than 2 M. G. D. By reference to the mass diagram of the Ar- royo Valle Reservoir, Plate 17, it is seen that in using this reservoir as a regulator, the draft is seldom large. For the most part it may be easily carried in a moderate sized conduit to the main artery, which will collect the water from the Livermore gravel reservoir. Loss due to evap- oration from this source will, therefore, only occur to a sinall degree and for the purpese of this estimate may be neglected. average A liberal allowance for local consumption in the Livermore Valley is 114 M. G. D. It is estimated that by using the Arroyo Valle Reservoir as a regulator the evaporation from it will be 1.66 M. G. D. To get the net safe yield, therefore, it is neces- sary to deduct 5.16 M. G. D. from the gross draft of 60.54 M. G. D., from which the net safe yield becomes 55.38 M. G. D. Surplus from the Livermore Underground Reservoir occurs as follows: Season. Mil. gals 189029 Laan inne oped gies anes Sate ak 3,000 V8 OD OB cree ae seed Pde An. eaees Gee Bay BO 10,000 1893-94 cts 3 o5 tee Motorman trann bans nae BS 9,000 1894-95 2. ce ay wn py ances Ws ee See da Mewes 11,000 LB 950108 i550 oi we ho Sine 6 ai ailen eiaagucnGueanel 2,000 UB OOS O Ts cass us ised Steal soayengiendg Gpaed ay e-icwerte ale, 8,000 TOO GOT ee. sit Sint Cail Settee gs Geers pinay bea 6 2,000 DOT OA ieicatsoss Slee ar wis ye eae ee Mabe ey oe 13,100 ADOC ego aGuarscaunteuecn ave guarte augers hauaws's 58,100 This total, if spread over the period of 23 years, will average about 544 M. G. D. This surplus flows into the Laguna Creek and does its share in sustaining the storage in the Sunol gravels, Water Will be Extracted by Pumps. Water will be extracted from the Livermore Underground Reservoir by means of a series of pumping stations drawing water from lines of wells across the valley tloor, somewhat as indi- cated on Plate 24. By distributing the wells properly and oper- ating them in harmony, the surface of the water plane may readily be controlled. By controlling the water surface, the loss due to evaporation from saturated soil surface, previously discussed, will be eliminated. The water so pumped will be gathered by conduits which lead to the main conduit from Pleasanton to Sunol and thence to San Francisco. Sunol Gravels Are Very Deep. The Sunol Underground Gravel Reservoir has been briefly discussed under ‘‘Storage’’, in this report. Dr. Branner states that, ‘‘similar to the Liv- ermore gravels, the Sunol gravels are of great depth”’. Recent borings show that these gravels are very much deeper than we previously believed. So far, only approximately the upper 20 feet have been drawn upon, their function being to serve as an enormous filter through which the surface water of the Alameda System passes, before being conveyed to San Francisco. Obviously none of the great storage lying below the filter galleries, aud which Nature has provided for us, can be utilized without pump- ing. But by this method the gravels may be depleted, and the basin serve to conserve the floods and the surplus waters from the Calaveras and San Antonio Surface Reservoir, and the Livermore Underground Reservoir. Consequent- ‘ATIVG SNOTIVO NOITTIW ST ATUVEN GHOVUAAV TIM NOANVO SH'TIN NMOG HLISVM FHL “ATIVG SNOTIVS NOITTIIN IT UAAO AO LAVUG V NIVLISAS TIM IONNS LV STIGAVUD dead AHL SE L@ 31d " 591 \Wragiony OQOOE2Z/|_(f2L ” 00521 | 17-07 “ 0007 6-80 WMOASESOL /PADSLD PUrOLLLB OLY/7 - Le soe BIOLLNBAIT PUD O/LIOLL py tec ‘SOLIBAL/OFD « QOOT 9-56 WOLF S/7 220 Adi SO SaOlUf¢UOly srydings "“OOOLE| F-t6 &-26 2-16 16-06 06-69 ve oa ” 0003! | P-&6 ba BHOOOPE | £6-2E| yp SLSUM| YHIA —_— OZ WONT SIP TINVGD eres Biaroes ee ONTIOPDAFINTT TONTIS Aa \? aod obo ref] ve NVYHIEIT SSVI st =a a9 2-10 1-00 00-66 6-96 ORT : PP 08 0G0LEs" | ee 9-50 §-¢0 b-£0 E-20 = G00, yl OW 00001 yo Blois : opoe1 sf or pg? SOL flelil/ apearer\ ge yo O-60 6-80 BLO _L-90 Pa 6 P — Wl iW fo HE 91 yor” OF 74. aaa v 09 2-17 11-O/| 00a? oz vol! cos Arr O22 ee SHIN) ¢SOd 29g ea age SQYI¢LOTIO BLSOM //y "Aason ‘OW 0000/ i) YMg0 M/S Afl20d709 WS 8066 = DBI YuleuUiLj IZOD 80- CONSERVATIVE YIELD OF ALAMEDA SYSTEM 135 M. G, D. 81 ly, this becomes a purely storage reservoir, from which filtered water will still be drawn. Sunol Gravels Will Safely Yield Over 11 M.G.D. Plate 27 shows a mass diagram of the summa- tion of seasonal run-off of the Sunol drainage, together with the surplus water from other reser- voirs, as determined in the preceding pages of this report. From this diagram we see that the period of low flow which tests the reservoir most severely is between the seasons 1897-98 and 1905-06. With a storage of 10,000 M. G., as shown here- tofore, and starting with a full reservoir in the season of 1889-90, a safe gross yield of 11.36 M. G. D. may be made upon the reservoir with the following result: From 1889-90 to 1892-93, the draft will be slightly in excess of the inflow. From the sea- son 1892-93 to 1894-95 considerable waste will oceur each season. In the season 1895-96 the draft and inflow are about equal. In the season 1896-97 there is again waste. From the season 1897-98 to the season 1905-06 the draft is equal to, or in excess of, the inflow, with the result that, at the end of the summer of 1905-6, all of the 10,000 M. G. of storage have been used. Tn the seasons of 1905-6 and 1906-7 the inflow is greatly in excess of the draft, causing the reservoir to fill and waste during the season 1906-7. From 1906-7 to 1910-11 the inflow is in excess of the draft. causing small waste in 1908-9 and great waste in 1910-11. Because of their great porosity, even at the surface of the ground, no eapillary tubes will form in the Sunol gravels, and any evaporation will. therefore. be negligible, and the safe net yield of the Suncl Underground Reservoir is equal to the gross vield, or 11.36 M. G. D. Following is a tabulation of waste that nasses down the Niles Canyon on its way to San Fran- ejseco Bay: Season M.G TWRGOG8s 4 co eesasee ves dee eae sy) B4000 RGR OS essere AeA aee wudacdles Ratio daaveets OS 16.000 TSAR, yeas OA eR oO Pat se PER eee 37.000 WRO ROG S oc scdvsreiaun ties eae DRE MoD Ba lee ag was 1.000 VROGEDE ocose cued ao aire oe Rae eS Oe wena a eG 15.000 VONGIO’ 5 acdc de eee eee See ew eG Rae ee 1.500 GQ) REO ors. sc aise de aiatraion: ara Seavene an dean denser) 1.000 TOL OST so hares evo pases geste sae a Ree 17,500 PGtAl: cis eee HR ROA Hal 123,000 Distributed over the 23 years this amounts to 5350 M. G. per year, or 14.6 M. G. D. Alameda System Will Safely Yield Over 135 M.G.D. The Calaveras Reservoir, with a storage ca- pacity of 55,000 M. G., may be depended upon for a safe net yield of 60.14 M. G. D. The San Antonio Reservoir, with a storage capasity of 11,674 M. G., will safely yield 3.92 M. G. D. By utilizing the Arroyo Valle Reservoir as a regulator in conjunction with the Livermore Underground Gravel Reservoir, which, by draw- ing to a depth of only 100 feet, has a storage capacity of 87,000 M. G., the Livermore gravels may be made to safely yield 55.38 M. G. D. The Sunol gravels, if used as a reservoir in- stead of purely as a filter bed, and drawing a depth of only 100 feet, will make available 10,000 M. G. storage and will safely yield 11.36 M. G. D. COYOTE RIVER SYSTEM. The Coyote River rises just south of Mount Hamilton and flows in a general southeasterly, westerly, and northwesterly direction for a dis- tance of about 30 miles, where it debouches into the Santa Clara Valley at a place about 70 miles southeast of San Francisco, commonly called the Upper Gorge. After entering the valley it flows northwester- ly through the valley trough emptying into the southerly extremity of San Francisco Bay near the town of Milpitas. That part of the river above the Upper Gorge and lying wholly within the mountains is referred to as the Upper Coy- ote, whose tributary catchment area is 193 square miles. About 11 miles upstream from the Upper Gorge, at damsite ‘‘D’’, it is proposed to con- struct the Coyote Reservoir, having a storage capacity of about 9100 M. G., as shown on Plate F-4, its relation to Coyote catchment area being shown on Plate F-1. The reservoir has a tribu- tary catchment area of 115 square miles, which in topography is very similar to that of the Calaveras catchment area, though not quite so productive of water. The seasonal precipitation over this catch- 82 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. ment area as indicated by records given by Messrs. Haehl and Toll in Vol. 61 of the Transac- tions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, is in excess of 26 inches, or about 2 inches less than that of Calaveras. Actual gagings cover- ing a period of 7 years and made in conjunc- tion with the precipitation records, above men- tioned, are available for this analysis. Detailed discussion of the computations of precipitation and run-off are given in Appendix ‘*B”’, prepared by Mr. H. Munett, of the Engi- neering Corps of the Spring Valley Water Com- pany. From these computations has been prepared a mass diagram, Plate F-3, showing the cumula- tive run-off of the Coyote Reservoir for the 23 vears, 1889-90 to 1911-12. On this diagram is also shown the dependable draft that may be made from this reservoir. The gross draft is 23.01 M. G. D., which after allowing for evap- oration, at the liberal rate of 48 inches per sea- son, is reduced to a net draft of 21.16 M. G. D. ‘Waste occurs as follows: Season. M.G TS88929 0 nin edad ahalds ehiedy whine uuees & 32,000 T8909 Thy x. c.acadie’s kano Seaeiheldetin a6 low oat 2,000 V9 AO 8 og os Siies ava cueatiavesusta as sascaunn teens 4,500 VEO 49S st ccna duet a tees cine tient a 1,000 1895296 wy c-saen se came y eae seated. ea pe eeu 10,200 US 96°9 ( se wate aged Eshae oa eae ae ORES 7,600 189829920 net bi cae e cae same 2,500 1902208 04s vsies v5 oes aee s ERS oe ead 3,600 W905 OG rox s2hevelee- Sage edea aval ace 9 duces ihe, Seaneaass 11,000 V906-0 8. ccd ait paraene ea eee jd Wenelae ae 32,000 N90 8509 secs igen mragi ties Me cree ae wrateuretaals 25,000 1909-90 oon cae eee te edt cae RES Sc 4,200 VOUVO TY as. ssiwie cece eetsaea sie 64 Quek Bs ae eee cs 10,000 TOCA | giant tascieaalee sage caer SR Sens AS 145,600 Averaged through the 23-year period this waste amounts to 17.34 M. G. D., which is dis- charged into the Santa Clara Valley. The con- tribution from that part of the Upper Coyote lying below the Coyote Reservoir amounts to an average of 28 M. G. D., making a total con- tribution to the Santa Clara Valley after the Coyote Reservoir is in operation of 45 M. G. D. ALVISO-RAVENSWOOD SYSTEM. This system consists of a large body of arte- sian land surrounding the southern extremity of San Francisco Bay. This territory has been explored by a large number of wells which in- dicate that a large supply of water may be ob- tained from this source. As previously stated, for the purposes of this report, I have accepted the estimate of Mr. Hermann Schussler of safe dependable yield of this source which is 21 M. G. D. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER. The San Joaquin River is one of the largest rivers in California. It serves a catchment area of 6000 square miles, carrying to the San Fran- cisco Bay all the waste waters from that por- tion of the Sierra Nevada Mountains lying south of the Calaveras River. Always Available for Distant Future. It lies about 20 miles east of the Livermore Valley, and at such time in the remote future, when the needs of San Francisco shall have be- come equal to the safe dependable yield of the resources of the Spring Valley Water Company, an almost unlimited supply of water may be readily obtained from this source. By pumping and conveying only 20 miles this water may be delivered into the Livermore Val- ley, whence it may be filtered by the unlimited natural filtration gravels and conveyed to the City of San Francisco. CONSUMPTION OF WATER. The average daily consumption of water in San Francisco for the year 1911, as indicated by the records of the Spring Valley Water Com- pany, was 37.7 million gallons daily. During the last few years the consumption has increased at the average rate of about 114 M. G. D. per annum. For many years the future requirements for San Francisco have been the subject of careful analysis and thought by all investigators of the water supply of this City, and many elaborate compilations and deductions have been made. These results are based upon estimates of increased population and of indus- trial activity, and at best can be only approxima- tions. So many unforeseen factors may predominate in a few years, tending either to stimulate or to hamper the growth of a city, that estimates as to the increase in population are but speculative. To this is added the uncertainty as to the change in the per capita consumption, which may be similarly affected by various factors. Among these are the installation of meters, changes in methods of living and industrial development. ‘OOSIONVUA NVS HO NOIL -¥VIndOd NI SSVAMONI AIGVAOUd FHL OL SV SUBANIONA SNOINVA WO NOINIdO HHL NI NOILVIUVA AAIM AHL MOHS SHAUNO ASHHL i 8Z °Id A YSITID 73 ODSIIWO SY UOQ fO SPALM7TD MISCO BI 7 = YOMLEITIOQ) P2fOLUYSS P fJUESNT SUES LG UUW STO] == j ony Oo SS YOWNET SUOSUO{N) UOPSIL{Al —-——~-— GLOBK Ny \ NS S& KS Ny Xs N N N ~N N N ~N ~N ~ S ~N N So S S Ss 8s S 8 % © © & % © % % © GS ®@ ® ® oa &® Se Se Se Se Se SSR Ps € ee Ss 8 8 | == | =~ hs Ee a | PTAA pe ae Z 000 00¢ bas L | Pa ce a v \ Ke a WF YY 9 i | FG xe 4 Aw 4 ‘ o> Fie 0000091 a | | A / Q 7 a ; / RS ! VY YX L / Q Fe / S va Pay 7 000 00S 1 Z eo ly i A. Z| a \ Lf gE 3 y 7 7 ! S A A-Y t 0000002 000005 27 YfM O4£) P2AfOUWMLST Yp¢MO41L) [OA 2 i 84 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Estimates of future population of San Fran- cisco have heretofore been very excessive, as shown by those made 30 years ago by eminent engineers who anticipated that the population of San Franciseo in 1900 would be 1,000,000, or approximately three times the actual of 1900. In estimates of the future consumption of water, it has been customary to allow 100 gallons per capita per day, though in his report on *‘ New York’s Water Supply’’, Mr. Freeman estimated that with proper inspection and meters on all taps, from 42 to 67 gallons per capita per day would be ample. Similarly, in 1904, Mr. Dexter Brackett, Chief Engineer of the Metropolitan Water District of Boston, in his report on ‘‘ Meas- urement, Consumption and Waste of Water,”’ said that the quantity actually required for all uses in the Boston District was 5514 gallons per inhabitant per day, and that all use above that amouut was waste. At the present time the per capita consump- tion in San Francisco, as shown by the records of the Spring Valley Water Company, is 84 gallons per day. This low per capita consump- tion prevails for many reasons, chief among them being: 1. That the cool summers and warm winters prevailing here obviate the necessity of summer sprinkling, and of running water continuously from taps to prevent frozen pipes, as is the cus- tom in most cities. 2. The tendency in San Francisco to house people in flats and apartments, as evidenced by the fact that while 25 years ago there was an average of 6 people to one water service, at the present time the average is 9. 3. The ease with which salt water and pocr water from wells may be obtained for con- densing purposes in industrial plants. Taking all these factors into account, as well as the past use of water in San Francisco, we be- lieve that an allowance of 100 gallons per capita per day is a liberal one. At this rate of con- sumption, the 210 M. G. D. of the Spring Valley Water Company available for the City under complete development will serve a population of 2,100,000 people. Previous Estimates by Engineers. Messrs. Hermann Shussler, C. E. Grunsky, Marsden Manson, C. D. Marx, E. H. Hopson have made estimates of the population of San Francisco for various future periods, and none of these estimates is as far in advance as 2,100,- 000 people. However, by projecting each of their population curves in its same general diree- tion, using constantly increasing increments, we find that they will reach the 2,100,000 popula- tion mark, as follows: Hermann Schussler.......... 1998 C. E. Grunsky.............-. 2040 Marsden Manson ........... 1955 Cr De Marx. sno.ea sarees 1978 E. H. Hopson.............- 2005 On Plate 28 are shown the projected curves indicating the estimates of future population made by each of these gentlemen. If we use a decreasing increment, as Mr. Free- man did in estimating the future population of the so-caJled Metropolitan District of San Fran- cisco in his report of July 15, 1912, it would be many years after the beginning of the next cen- tury before the 2,100,000 mark is reached by all these authorities. The mean of the five estimates given above gives a population of 2,100,000 to San Francisco City in the year 1995. On this basis, therefore, the present water resources of the Spring Valley Water Company available for the City of San Francisco will be sufficient, when fully devel- oped, to serve this City until about the beginning of the next century. Plenty of Water for Metropolitan District. If we take in addition to this amount, that additional quantity available for the Metro- politan District from Spring Valley Water Company sources of 42 M. G. D., making a to- tal of 252 M.G.D., and apply it at the rate of 100 gallons per capita per day to Mr. Free- man’s estimate of the future population of the Metropolitan District, as given on page 76 of his report above referred to, we find that water avail- able from the Spring Valley Water Company re- sources alone will serve this Metropolitan Dis- trict until the year 1975. Further, if to the ultimate development of the Spring Valley Water Company we add that amount of water available from other sources, serving, or available to serve, other communities within this Metropolitan District, as indicated CONCLUSIONS OF by reports for the City of San Francisco, it will make a grand total of about 350 M. G. D., which, when applied to Mr. J. R. Freeman’s population curve at the rate of 100 gallons per capita per day, will supply this Metropolitan area until about the year 2000. Summary of Conclusions. Summarizing the results of this report, I find that the Alameda System is capable of furnish- ing a dependable yield of 135.80 M. G. D. The Peninsula System, including the coast streams and Lake Merced, may be relied upon for a safe yield of 74.20 M. G. D. This gives a total of 210 M. G. D. available for the City of San Francisco, which, with the F. C. HERRMANN. 85 ample per capita consumption of 100 gallons per day, will serve a population of over 2,000,000 people. From an average of the estimates of various engineers, this will occur about the be- ginning of the next century. In addition to this there is the combined sup- ply from the Coyote and Bay Shore Systems available for the region around San Jose, which is within the proposed Metropolitan District. This, together with nearby sources other than those of the Spring Valley Water Company, will supply the Metropolitan District with a popula- tion of 3,000,000 people, using a per capita con- sumption of 100 gallons per day. According to Mr. Freeman, this will occur at about the beginning of the next century. FILTER GALLERY AT SUNOL. JUNCTION OF TWO GALLERIES, SUNOL. Subterranean Water Being Drawn from the Gravel Fill of Sunol Valley. Nearly Half San Francisco’s Water Supply is Thus Drawn Daily. THE BASIN OF THE WATER TEMPLE AT SUNOL. Here the Filtered Waters from the Galleries at Suno] Meet the Arte- sian Waters from Livermore Valley. PRESENT WORKS OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY WITH THEIR PROPOSED FUTURE EXTENSIONS Letter of Transmittal. San Francisco, May 1, 1912. Wm. B. Bourn, Esq., President of the Spring Valley Water Company. Dear Sir:—I herewith transmit to you my re- port of May 1, 1912, on ‘‘The Present Works of the Spring Valley Water Company with their Proposed Future Extensions.’’ The two reports, which I prepared for you during the past year, namely, the report of August 19, 1911, ‘‘On the Resources of the Ala- meda System’’, and the report of November 14, 1911, ‘‘On the Water Resources of Livermore Valley’’, were brief digests of the respective situations, and were not encumbered by copies of a mass of statistical data, plats, surveys, cross-sections, ete., used in their preparation; as, at your request, they were to be condensed in form, and, owing to the limited time then available, these reports were to be preliminary in their nature, My report of May 1, 1912, presented herewith, and entitled ‘‘The Present Works of the Spring Valley Water Company with their Proposed Fu- ture Extensions’’, outlines the company’s gen- eral plan of future development of its present and proposed system. It shows that by this proposed development, the supply capacity of its Peninsular works will, by the development of the Coast Streams, be in- creased from 22 million gallons, as at present, to fully 70 million gallons per day, and the sup- ply capacity of the Alameda System, from about 16 million gallons as at present to 120 million gallons per day. That, when required to add to its system, a practically unlimited supply of many hundreds of millions of gallons per day, a portion of the spring freshet waters of the nearby San Joa- quin River, will be utilized. The utilization of the supply from the San Joaquin is only practi- cable by the full control and use of the large combined filtration and storage facilities of the Spring Valley Water Company’s Alameda and Peninsular Division, This report furthermore shows that by the development of the company’s artesian and other properties around the southerly portion of San Francisco Bay, the large suburban boroughs of Greater San Francisco can easily be fur- nished with a supply of 50 million gallons per day, which will comfortably take care of 500,000 additional inhabitants in that region alone. The main feature pervading the entire re- port of May 1, 1912, and one which cannot be too strongly emphasized, is the ‘‘Unit idea’’ of combining the subdivisions of the company’s works into one closely connected and interlocked system, by which not only the greatest degree of water conservation will be effected, but also that one division can assist the other by either furnishing it with water or storing its surplus waters, thereby reducing waste to a minimum. Respectfully, H. SCHUSSLER, Consulting Engineer of Spring Valley Water Company. PILARCITOS SIDE FLUME. In this beautiful region the Spring Valley Water Works began its first operations in the early sixties of the last century. 88 pian COOLS Ty 32 Peucuioro St-ruge Reservoir. Pescadoro Pumping Stutlon. Sorisa cf short tumele. - ---~- = --) oug Taman) sroaaiug Comet Renge.- ~ - - ~ Gonal. 46-46, Tuunels, 47-47, Canal - Poscadero Crack Intaxe keservol-.- - - - - Tunnel froo Sen Gregorio Croak te Pescedero Reservoir: Gondult fron Pescadero Pump FZVII, te Peacedo ro Orevitet: ation Agu Aqueduct 48. uct. ———"Watnreiwd-line of Alarela Orésk System, be seteeon revlon tribatary te Pleasanton Artesian belt and Divioieniine to Sanel Yaller direat. sty a z region tri Snb-divioion Llase within these two reciona. yaterehed line of three San tateo Coanty storage ressrvoire. » terened ling of two coast streams: Peecadere wid San Gregorio, with oP jab-divieion lina. SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY PROPOSED OF THE WITH THEIR Future EXTENSIONS THE PRESENT WORKS ComPILeo & DRAWN —**Scale e— LEGEND: CONSULTING ENGINEER E een MAC L812: SVWCo. ad “ 1 San Aucres prosont and proposad pips- 22 Prop. northerly outlet tunnel from 1. wes 1 PEL INE lime and truach pipe 4 to XII. aA Connasting cate between 20 ani 18. coon BL 2 Freveat Jen Andra tume : 25 Sanel Dan. AU AL S Present orystel springs Fipeline- : 26 Diverting dam on Calrveras Creak to LL? eR %e Mein Cryvtul Springs Tumoel. Canal 29. .LLSRY 4 Tanna] ond pipeline from XII to xv. 27 Sunol filtered, rain *tlter Gallery. corre ONORETE oRDOIT 5 Lower Pilaroitoe Aqueduct to 1. 28 Pipe and Canal line from Laymina Creek , Pump YII to propesed Canal 29, a TERARINE & Agueduot from ZVI to x“. PIPES 29 Prop. Cnlaverse Canal along Bast aldo ‘ 7 Proaent gan indres branch pipe to UX Sanol filterbeda and Talley. = SDIMED FonLe-Resarvoly I7 AVI oRTSTAlr S rele, 20 c pipeline te 18. 42 re a eee soort tarmels, peing pipeline te 42 wtozic Ian and damal. te 29, XII PLLARCLTOS XVI SEUIOST NOTEr- 7) cajain River ZV SAR UMASS SVuOL EAVIL PESOADER vy VS puasaray v1 fali a. proxi wal glavaticn: sterly po’ small of the ow, locate taken from the official Too remainder of thi portion a for on of too Aaoada watersned, an well as te Llee northesstwardly from Altamont, were sof Alaneda und Santa TAD we reproduced from tae "nich Blec shows lars Coutics Geolegian) laps. 88a PRESENT WORKS OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY WITH THEIR PROPOSED FUTURE EXTENSIONS BY HERMANN SCHUSSLER, Consulting Engineer, Spring Valley Water Company. San Francisco, May 1, 1912. W. B. Bourn, Esq., President, Spring Valley Water Company. Dear Sir:—The following is an outline of my views as to the best and most economical method of future development of the works of the Spring Valley Water Company. The Public Misinformed. The public, in the past and particularly dur- ing the last decade, has been persistently misin- formed regarding the amount of water which can be developed on the properties owned by the Spring Valley Water Company, thus spreading the erroneous idea that the water supply obtain- able from the present and proposed works of the Company would in the near future become in- adequate for the needs of San Francisco. I take pleasure therefore in herewith submitting to you the following review on this subject, which deals only with the facts as they exist. Basic Facts Relating to United System. In order to fully illustrate the situation it will be necessary to review not only the Com- pany’s present and future water product, but also the question of what will constitute an ample supply for San Francisco in the future. Much has been said in the past on the latter subject, by both the City and the Company. For the purpose of comparison I shall quote from my testimony in 1904-5 in the U. 8. Cir- cuit Court and from my affidavit of June 20, 1908, filed in the U. 8S. Cireuit Court, in both of which my views on the subject are plainly set forth. Before making these quotations I wish to call attention to the fact that, in order to produce and utilize under our extremely variable cli- matic conditions the best average results from the annual runoff of a watershed, two conditions are necessary, viz: Furst, that ample storage facilities are available in order to reduce waste of water during rainy seasons to a minimum while gathering the maximum runoff, and sec- ondly, that the annual supply drawn from such storage reservoirs must be of such proportions, as to make room in the reservoirs for the runoff of the succeeding rainy season. Only by a com- bination of these two conditions can the waste of water be reduced to a minimum. The water supply furnished to San Francisco during the past 50 years, which has been mainly based upon a combination of the above two con- ditions, fully illustrates this principle. The Company has provided in the past and intends to provide in the future as large storage facilities on its properties as are required and as the topographical and physical conditions permit, in order that while drawing its water supply from them, to store most if not all of the runoff product of the succeeding seasons, large average and small. From the successful experience and knowledge gained on this subject during the past forty-five years on its Peninsular Reservoir System, dur- ing which long term the Company has succeeded in reducing the waste of water from its reser- voirs to a minimum, coupled with its observa- tions and experience gathered since the season of 1889-90 regarding the runoff and storage con- ditions on its Alameda Creek System, studies have been made and plans have been prepared 90 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. hy the Company for the gradual and fullest de- velopment of the Alameda System, and the aver- age daily net water product that can be devel- oped on this system has been very closely ascer- tained. In many of my reports to the Company as well as in my testimony I have placed great em- phasis on the principle, that in order to obtain under our variable climatic conditions the best results as to net water yield from the Company’s Peninsular and Alameda Systems, it is absolute- ly necessary to construct and operate the respec- tive works, and connect them with each other in such manner that both systems will form one complete wnat. Thus by providing the largest available stor- age facilities for the main branches of each of the two systems and by connecting both by con- duits of capacity ample to convey the water from the reservoirs on the Alameda System into the large Peninsular Reservoir storage which will be provided over and above the requirements for the water product from the direct watersheds of the latter reservoirs, the waste of water from either portion of the combined system will be reduced to a minimum. Works Constructed and Operated as One Closely Connected Unit. The following quotations relating to my views on the necessity of constructing and operating the Company’s properties and works as one closely connected unit are taken from my above mentioned testimony of 1904-5 in the U. 8S. Cir- euit Court: Answer to Question No. 919:—‘‘When in former years the water supply of San Fran- cisco was solely drawn from the peninsula sources, the combination of these reservoirs, watersheds and water rights was always more accentuated in the future as with the constantly growing consumption the amount of water annually hereafter drawn from Ala- meda Creek will constantly grow in volume while serving as a feeder to the Crystal Springs reservoir, in which reservoir such waters from the Alameda Creek on their way to San Francisco will be accumulated, together with waters coming from other sources into the same reservoir. This shows that now as well as hereafter, when the works of the Company are eventually com- pleted as contemplated, all of the properties as reservoir sites, watersheds, water rights, rights of way and works are and always will be one inseparable unit. The unity of the en- tire combination enables the works to furnish an economical, interchangeable, constant, reliable and abundant supply of potable water.” Part of Answer 958:—“So that, at any time when required, surplus waters from the Alameda Creek System that would run to waste from the full reservoirs there if no pro- viso was made on this side of the bay to store such surplus waters, those surplus waters will then be run over and stored in the Crys- tal Springs reservoir. It is plain, therefore, that the one part of the works, the peninsula part, will then need the Alameda Creek por- tion for additional supply, while the Alameda Creek portion will need the peninsula system of reservoirs for assisting in the storage of its surplus waters. In that manner, by prop- erly -carrying out the very carefully devised plans in the future of gradually, as the City’s demand for water grows, increasing the stor- age facilities on the properties of the com- pany, and also increasing, necessarily, the conduit lines in capacity, the daily supply for San Francisco can gradually, economically, and always ahead of time be brought up to about 135,000,000 gallons a day, which is the probable consumption, as approximately esti- mated, in about sixty or seventy years from now.” handled, managed and treated as a unit. Since then, owing to the growth of the water consumption in San Francisco, and in order to meet such growing demand, it became nec- essary to join the supply from Alameda Creek to that from the peninsula, and the two sys- tems have become so intimately connected and interwoven with each other that they can neither be separated nor treated nor valued separately from each other, as they form one inseparable unit and must always be handled and valued as such.” Answer to Question 923:—“This unit idea will be still more the case and will be still The above quotations from my testimony very elearly and unmistakably show the method by which, and the reasous for which, the Spring Valley Water Company proposes to save most if not all of the runoff waters from both the Pen- insular and the Alameda branch of its united system. As an evidence that this plan had been adopted by the Company a number of years before my above testimony of 1904-5 was given, I will quote from my estimate furnished to the Board of Supervisors at their request, in my report DEVELOPMENT PLANNED IN ADVANCE. 91 to them of February 5, 1901, on the cost of gathering and storing water in Calaveras Val- ley (I on accompanying map) and conveying 30 million gallons per day into Crystal Springs Reservoir (XI on map), and from there to San Francisco, (See pp. 34-35 of my report of February 5, 1901, to the Board of Supervisors of San Fran- cisco. ) “11,700 feet Tunnel No. 1, capacity one hundred million gallons daily” (19 on map). “120,000 linear feet, Al American iron pipe (not steel) 46” clear diameter, capacity thirty million gallons per 24 hours” (18 on map). “7,000 feet Tunnel No. 2 of two hundred and fifty million gallons capacity per 24 hours” (westerly end of 18 on map). The above quotations show plainly by the large daily carrying capacity of Tunnel No. 1, (being the main westerly outlet tunnel of Cala- veras Reservoir (19 on map), then planned for a capacity of 100 million gallons per day, or fully three times the daily capacity of the first 46 inch pipeline, then proposed to run from there to Crystal Springs Tunnel [T18 on map] ) that tunnel 19 was intended to carry principally during rainy seasons the excess water of Cala- veras Reservoir into the Crystal Springs Reser- voir and thus prevent waste from the former reservoir down Calaveras Creek, or at least re- duce such waste to a minimum, The quotations furthermore show that Tunnel No. 2, the main tunnel (T 18 on map) piercing the divide between the Santa Clara Valley and Crystal Springs Reservoir, through which the first as well as future additional pipelines across Santa Clara Valley were to pouc the sur- plus water of the Calaveras Reservoir into Crys- tal Springs Reservoir, being made of a capacity of 250 million gallons per day, was intended, besides carrying the water from the Coast Stream Project and other sources, to also carry the 100 million gallons per day of storm water eventually to be brought from Calaveras Reser- voir via the route 19-18-T-18, the pipe capacity of line 18 meanwhile being increased up to the 100 million gallons per day capacity of Tun- nel 19. oy Sinee writing the above report of February 5, 1901, eleven years have elapsed and by a thorough study of the potentiality of the Ala- meda System during this long intervening period, I became more than ever convinced that my original plan as shown in the above quota- tions from my above report of February 5, 1901, as well as in my testimony of 1904-5, fur- nished the most economical, practical and suc- cessful method of reducing the waste from the proposed Alameda System (when under its full- est development in the future) to a minimum.. In my report of August 19, 1911, on the re- sources of the Alameda System (in case the Company should decide to build the Calaveras Reservoir to a capacity of 30,000 million gal- lons only) I stated that the Calaveras Tunnel (19 on map) might then have to be enlarged to a daily capacity of fully 200 million gallons per day, so as to bring its daily carrying capacity to equal that of three future 60-inch pipes each of 75 million gallon daily carrying capacity. During the rainy season and whenever there was danger of losing water by waste from the 30,000 million gallon Calaveras Reservoir the full capacity of the Calaveras Tunnel (19 on map) of say 225 million gallons per day could then be discharged through the three 60-inch pipelines (18 on map) across Santa Clara Val- ley and through the Crystal Springs Tunnel (T-18 on map) into the enlarged Crystal Springs Reservoir. The Spring Valley Water Company rather than to go to the expense of the third one of these 60” pipelines contemplates increasing the storage capacity of the Calaveras Reservoir by raising the highwater mark to 790 feet elevation above tide, thus giving it a maximum storage ca- pacity of about 53,000 million gallons. Thus by means of this proposed enlarged storage capacity at Calaveras and the two 60” pipelines to Crystal Springs Reservoir of a joint carrying capacity of 150 million gallons per day (or from 2% to 3 times the daily average water product of the Calaveras Reservoir with its feeder from the adjoining Alameda Creek watershed) the Company by using proper fore- sight and caution will be able to reduce the waste from the Calaveras Reservoir to a mini- mum, even during the severest rainy seasons re- corded. Meanwhile the two other proposed storage reservoirs for the Alameda System, viz.: On the Arroyo Valle and on the San Antonio Creeks respectively, will be constructed of a storage ca- pacity of about 12,500 million gallons for the 26 CORTICSIED FECPILM OF “2 CONSING STOEL OF TZS SPRING TALENT RATA CUTAN, SOT TWa THR CURATED on S107 OF Ins RYOTRE OT TOUS AD ENG, AS TELL 48 TO INTER y Fommx' acd arabte E | ] SARISOS VaLcar rine porns BAY or San Pees fees 1 wo yAb ey 29 ° SERCH SSS ages pe RSS RSG 28 SQgee sas sugges : me SS S88 583 ee 85 --—-—_— RCPS Tek eases u CsgagH Qe Qgerez ‘eo y 2 — SSS SSS ASRS 25. eee < as ATS. epee = S: Se SSS = S THE FUTURE SYSTEM OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY. Condensed Profile of the Combined System Showing the Compactness and Comanding Situation of Its Reservoirs and Watersheds as Well as the Inter- locking of the Three Subdvisions of the Same by Tunnels, Canals, Pumping Stations and Other Works, thus Combining Them into One Reliable Unit Capable of Practically Unlimited Extension. ULTIMATE STORAGE OF RESERVOIRS. 93 Arroyo Valle Reservoir with a water surface elevation of about 800 feet above tide and of a storage capacity of about 10,500 million gallons for the San Antonio Creek Reservoir, with a water surface elevation of about 445 feet above tide. Regarding the proposed increase of the stor- age capacity of the Crystal Springs Reservoir on the Peninsula, in my above mentioned affi- davit of June 20, 1908, filed in the U. S. District Court, p. 6, I say on this subject: “ce. The Crystal Springs of about 19,300 million gallons capacity, which latter capacity, by raising the dam twenty feet, can be easily increased to about 30,000 mil- lion gallons capacity and which capacity, by adding a northerly concrete extension to the present dam, and by raising the entire struc- ture 43 feet above its present height of 145 feet, the capacity of the Crystal Springs Reservoir can be increased up to about 45,000 million gallons.” Based upon studies made by me on the sub- ject during the latter part of 1911 the Spring Valley Water Company proposes to still further increase the future storage capacity of the Crys- tal Springs Reservoir by raising the highwater line of the Crystal Springs Reservoir to an ele- vation of 340 feet above tide (instead of 323 feet, as shown in the above affidavit), for which raising, the present dam is of ample cross sec- tion and strength, thereby increasing the stor- age capacity of the Crystal Springs Reservoir to about 58,000 million gallons. RECAPITULATION OF THE ULTIMATE PROPOSED STORAGE CAPACITIES OF THE COMPANY’S RESERVOIRS. By the construction of the three proposed storage reservoirs on the Alameda Creek Sys- tem, viz.: The Calaveras, Arroyo Valle and San Antonio, and by increasing the storage capacity of the Crystal Springs Reservoir as above out- lined, the following total joint storage capacity will be created to which the combined runoff product of the Alameda and Peninsular Systems will be made tributary. PROPOSED STORAGE CAPACITY IN MILLIONS OF GALLONS (ROUND FIGURES). Alameda Creek System— Calaveras Reservoir .. Arroyo Valle Gan ANtONiO cee s eve c renee een nenne Crystal Springs ssecea dees cates edo eeerele wee 58,000 To which must be added— San Andreas Reservoir...........0eeeeeeee 6,000 Pilarcitos OE ba acres BAER Ie EE a 1,000 Lake Merced Reservoir, (present capacity 2500 million gallons) which can very easily and economically be enlarged by raising the lake surface between 15 and 20 FOOE,: Tis aca wiecaareie Sew: sus sRedudee. w pusdelen’ sndeare elaws 5,000 Thus creating a proposed total storage capacity of the (8 Alameda and 4 Penin- sular) reservoirs combined of.......... 146,000 If at some time in the future Lake Mer- ced Reservoir should be eliminated from use for domestic supply purposes then in that case the above proposed total storage capacity of the remaining six reservoirs, viz: Calaveras, Arroyo Valle and San Antonio on the Alameda Creek Branch, and Crystal Springs, San Andreas and Pilarcitos on the Peninsular Branch of the en- tire United System will be 141,000 million gal- lons, or in round figures 140,000 million gallons. THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESENT AND PROPOSED RESOURCES OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COM- PANY. As fully shown in the first portion of this re- port the future development of the Company’s present and proposed resources will proceed successively as the demand for water increases, while combining and operating all branches of its system as one complete wnit, thus continuing the same method of operation as has been em- ployed in the past. For the purpose of meeting the daily require- ments of San Francisco proper, culminating about the year 1950, in a minimum supply of 110,000,000 gallons per day from the combined Peninsular and Alameda Creek System alone, and without the development of the coast streams or other present or proposed resources of the Spring Valley Water Company, the Com- pany proposed at that time to gradually develop the Alameda Branch of the system, by succes- sively building storage reservoirs at Calaveras, San Antonio and Arroyo Valle, by which works the resources of the Company’s Alameda System would have been partly increased. The full development of the Alameda System would follow thereafter whenever required, as it was then expected that long before that period the complete ownership of the properties and rights requisite for such additions would be vested in the Company. COPY OF MY MAP OF 1903,— showing the relative gsographiosl Nocetions of the upper waterahede of the KOXPLO® - STANISLAUS — ‘TUOLIRRE HIVERS on ths one hand, ~ and the watereneds of the SPRING TALLEY WATER COMPANY ourroanding the BAY OF SAN FRANOIGIO, - on the other nnd; - 81eo ehowing ty a Light ui the approzinate route of tas Maniolpal Ggndult, from the bea [UYER TO sak FRANOISCO. SOTZ:- Into thie old map I have the looation on TEE also the ronte of its pro ponte and other works snd - 36 - 1X - 37 - 3a - 29 - ; M al. gre May 1912. 4 , S ss I Veh oventire Oona. Engr. B+ V. We Coes MAP SHOWING RELATIVE GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS OF SIERRA SY STEMS TO SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY SYSTEM. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER FOR REMOTE FUTURE. 95 The San Joaquin River as a Future Addition. This latter source which I investigated from time to time since 1877 and early came to the conclusion that by using the Alameda System with its unparalleled gravel deposits acting as natural filter systems, and with its compact ar- tesian and reservoir system lying just to the west of the San Joaquin Valley, through which latter from four to six months in spring and summer of each year a vast amount of water passes on its way from the melting snows of the Sierra to the sea, the natural next step of a suc- cessful water supply having the present Spring Valley System as a basis, would be to make the floodwaters of the San Joaquin River tributary to the filter and reservoir systems of the Ala- meda Creek region, and to the Crystal Springs and San Andreas Reservoirs, on the Peninsula. Owing to the subterranean natural filtering system of the Company in both Livermore and Sunol Valleys, and owing to the facility with which the waters from the San Joaquin could either be passed through the natural filtering process in Livermore and Sunol Valleys direct, or passed partly through the filtration and ar- tesian process of the Livermore Valley and part- ly (with or without the waters from Arroyo Valle Reservoir) into the San Antonio Reser- voir, and from there to and through the Com- pany’s natural filtering process in operation in Sunol Valley, this proposed addition of the San Joaquin during its freshet stage, offered to the owners of the Spring Valley Water Company’s properties on the Alameda System and on the Peninsula a most effective, rapid and economi- eal addition to its works with a supply capacity of almost unlimited extent. I was aware of the fact that at about the point VIII (See accompanying Map A) selected by me for locating the main intake on the San Joa- quin River (consisting of steam or electri- eally driven centrifugal pumps, lifting the water from the river into a series of extensive settling basins at an elevation of between 50 and 60 feet only, above tide) that the river carried the outflow or runoff from over 5,000 square miles of Sierra Nevada watershed, the main trib- utary snow water feeders of which are the San Joaquin, the Merced, the Tuolumne and the Stanislaus Rivers, all known for the large amount of water passing annually from the snow covered portions of their respective water- sheds. The location (VIII on map) which I made for the main intake station on the San Joaquin, being just below the points where the Tuolumne and Stanislaus Rivers join the former, gave great assurance of an ample water supply dur- ing the snow melting season, as the great abund- ance of runoff water from these four main feeders would always be a safeguard against a short supply at the point of intake. Before proceeding with a description of the proposed method of developing the San Joaquin Branch of the system and also before touching on the proposed preliminary development of the Alameda System, and its ultimate development in connection with the San Joaquin River as a feeder, I shall quote from the records of the United States Senate Land Committee, before which, on February 12, 1909, I briefly referred to the San Joaquin River as the nearest addi- tional large source of water supply to be con- nected with the present and proposed works of the Spring Valley Water Company. I shall here quote from Page 70 et seq. of the official record of this meeting in Washington in 1909: “Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Site. Hearing be- fore the Committee on Public Lands, United States Senate, on the Joint Resolution (S. R. 123) to allow the City and County of San Francisco to exchange lands for reservoir sites in Lake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy Val- ley, in Yosemite National Park, and for other purposes.” Question by:—Senator Smoot: Is the Sac- ramento River feasible? Answer by:—Mr. Schussler: Yes, but it would be very expensive. You would have to go a long way. But there is one source probably as good as any, except that the qual- ity has been doubted, and that is the San Joaquin River. Now, the San Joaquin River lies right to the west* of part of our head- waters on the Alameda Creek System. I discouraged our directors years ago not to make any investment whatsoever in the Sierra Nevada, because it was too expensive, and because we could get all the water for many decades nearer home; but I have said to them: If you want to increase your water supply over and above the capacity that we can develop the works, which with the coast *Misprint, should be East. 96 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. streams on the Pacific Coast is somewhere in the neighborhood of 135,000,000 gallons a day,— Senator Smoot: That is the San Joaquin? Senator Fulton: No; he says that they could develop from what they have. Mr. Schussler: I have told them that if they wanted to go far beyond that, then they could go to the San Joaquin River, across the range, not far from our easterly boun- dary, and do just the same that the city pro- poses to do—pump the water over Livermore Pass and run it onto the Company’s filter bed that we have-—1300 acres of deep gravel beds, where we now filter our water.* Senator Smoot: Out of the San Joaquin, how much could you develop? Mr. Schussler: One hundred and fifty mil- lion to 200,000,000 gallons a day. Senator Newlands: Would that be less ex- pensive? Mr. Schussler: Very much less; but no- body could handle that comfortably unless they had the big filtration works that we have. Senator Newlands: Are those filtration works natural or artificial? Mr. Schussler: Natural filtration works. We simply ran a tunnel underneath this prehisitoric lake bottom, which is filled with gravel, and which tunnel we have lined with concrete, and put in a good many thousand 1¥%-inch galvanized pipes, and through this tunnel we draw nowy 14,000,000 gallons a day, which we can increase easily to 80,000,- 000 or 90,000,000 gallons a day. Senator Newlands: And the filterbed *The Sunol Filterbeds. jEarly in 1909. would be adequate to all requirements for the future? Mr. Schussler: We can filter 150,000,000 to 200,000,000 gallons daily.’’§ As will be seen from the above quotation, when on the subject of filtering the San Joaquin water I alluded solely to the proposed enlarge- ment of the filtering capacity of the present Sunol filterbeds, in order not to draw undue at- tention to the proposed extensive additional use of the San Joaquin water in the gravel beds and sinks of the Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo Valle, in Livermore Valley, which sinks are tributary to the Company’s artesian belt near Pleasanton, in the westerly portion of Liver- more Valley, and especially to the land-hold- ings on and over this artesian belt, to which the Spring Valley Water Company, since the above mentioned meeting of the Senate Land Committee, on February 12, 1909, has added many thousands of acres of artesian and other water-bearing land. For the purpose of a clear understanding of the proposed additions to the unit-sytem of the combined Peninsular and Alameda Creek Works, I refer to the map (A), herewith, which, together with its many notes in the “Tegend’’, will give an outline of the manner of interlacing and interconnecting of the pres- ent and future works on the Alameda branches of the Company’s System, with the proposed feeder from the San Joaquin above alluded to. §(Through the Sunol Filterbed System, when properly enlarged and extended southwesterly and provided with a sufficient number of lateral bcanch galleries similar to the present ones.) THE FUTURE COMBINED SYSTEM. 97 THE FUTURE COMBINED SYSTEM BEING COMPOSED OF THE PENINSULAR, THE ALAMEDA CREEK AND THE SAN JOA- QUIN RIVER SYSTEMS. A—The Peninsular Division. My former reports and testimony, as well as my affidavit of June 20th, 1908, gave a large amount of information on the subject of the Company’s Peninsular Works and their pres- ent and future supply capacity. I shall there- fore not go into details and shall simply state that more than four decades of actual use in the supplying of water to San Francisco has demonstrated that the net average water-prod- uct, over and above evaporation, from the three storage reservoirs in San Mateo County, viz.: Pilarcitos, San Andreas and Crystal Springs, is fully 18,000,000 gallons per day, and during two consecutive decades was fully 19,500,000 gallons per day, but in all my estimates on this subject I have heretofore placed it at the con- servative figure of only 18,000,000 gallons per day. The above average daily supply of 19.50 mil- lion gallons per day is derived from the run- off from the combined watershed of these three Peninsular Reservoirs of about 36 square miles. This average net water product of fully 19.50 million gallons per day, when divided by the 36 square miles of tributary watershed, shows an average daily net product over and above evaporation of fully 543,000 gallons per day for each square mile of tributary water- shed. The above result could have never been ob- tained if it had not been for the three above Peninsular storage reservoirs, of a present total capacity of nearly 30,000 million gallons, which are so located in reference to each other and are so thoroughly interconnected with each other, that the overflow from the upper smaller one, Pilarcitos Reservoir, discharges into the San Andreas, or the Crystal Springs Reservoir, or into both, and that also the overflow from the San Andreas Reservoir runs into the large Crystal Springs Reservoir. Owing to the uncompleted condition of the Crystal Spring Reservoir, water has had to be wasted at times, and may have to be wasted again during heavy winters. I have hereto- fore placed the average net water yield of the three above reservoirs, with their tributary watersheds, at only 18,000,000 gallons per day, although, with the proposed completion of the Crystal Springs Reservoir, there is no doubt that waste therefrom can be practically elim- inated, and the average net water yield from the above Peninsular portion of the Spring Val- ley Water Company’s system can then be safely placed at 19,000,000 gallons per day instead. A further important feature in the above net supply-result from this combination of three reservoirs, in obtaining the average supply of about 18 million gallons per day from the same, has been the fact of our judicious with- drawal from the gross storage of water re- quired in San Francisco. If it had not been for such carefully regu- lated and proportioned average daily supply, so withdrawn from the accumulated storage, the reservoirs would have become overfilled and the result would have been large waste from the reservoirs and thus the above aver- age net yield of about 18 million gallons per day could not have been obtained. In order to emphasize (under and with our extremely variable climatic conditions and run- off results), the necessity of providing large and abundant storage facilities for the run-off water from the combined watersheds, and also of pro- viding a most perfect, effective and ample sys- tem of conduit-intercommunication between the various storage reservoirs of the system (by both of which measures the waste of water from the reservoirs can be reduced to a minimum), I here give the following table from our records of the three reservoirs on the Peninsular branch of the company’s system: 98 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. TABLE OF RAINFALL AND PERCENTAGE, WHICH THE RUN-OFF CAUGHT BEARS TO TOTAL PRE- CIPITATION ON THE TWO MAIN DIVISIONS OF THE PENINSULAR PORTION OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER CO.’S SYSTEM, ALSO GIVING THE ACTUAL QUANTITY OBTAINED FROM THE ENTIRE WATERSHED OF ABOUT 36 SQUARE MILES, DURING 21 CONSECUTIVE SEASONS. (From June ist to June ist.) SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY’S PENINSULAR RESERVOIRS AND WATERSHEDS. PILARCITOS-SAN ANDRBAS COMBINED GROUP Tributary Watershed, 12% sq. miles from 1889-90 to 1898-99 Tributary Watershed, 13.7 sq. miles from 1899-00 to 1909-10 Average sea- sonal rainfall Water gained Total net on combined ornetrun-off water supply CRYSTAL SPRINGS GROUP Watershed From 1889-90 to 1898-99 = 231% sq. miles 1899-00 to 1909-10 = 22% sq. miles Total gain from entire tributary watersheds of about 36 square Seasonal rain- Water gained Total water miles (million Pilarcitos and equals follow- obtained dur- fallon Crys- or net run-off gained gallons) from Season San Andreas’ ing percent- ing season tal Springs equals follow- from Crys- seasons watersheds ageoftotal fromtributary watershed ing % of total tal Springs June ist to (in inches) precipitation ait Gale (ininches) precipitation watershed June ist‘ 1889-90 ......... 73.67 44.7 7,159 72.68 53.20. 15,786 22,945 1890-91 ......... 37.69 22.8 1,869 31.92 24.4 3,183 5,052 1891-92 ......... 43.10 13.3 1,249 24.16 8.0 780 2,029 1892-93 ......... 58.25 24.4 3,091 47.07 34.3 6,598 9,689 1893-94 ......... 54.90 21.8 2,604 33.08 29.9 4,045 6,649 1894-95 ......... 66.93 25.2 3,668 47.69 39.6 7,722 11,390 1895-96 ......... 49.45 21.0 2,261 32.62 16.2 2,164 4,425 1896-97 ......... 50.47 34. 3,736 35.65 19.3 2,809 6,545 lost. DE 9FR=98 aie canes ss 26.26 9.6 548 18.17 0.0 450 942 (lost by evap. 1490) 1898-99 ......... 42.56 17.7 1,635 30.37 11.5 +1,427 3,062 1899-00 ......... 44.72 37.0 3,937 28.99 16.0 1,812 5,749 1900-01 ......... 43.91 30.0 3,138 32.96 7.0 981. 4,119 1901-02 cae vey ens 40.68 33.3 3,226 30.46 6.9 823 4,049 1902-038 ......... 38.00 49.3 4,460 30.80 20.5 2,469 6,929 1903-04 ......... 48.63 46.6 5,399 36.98 35.3 5,108 10,507 1904-05 ......... 44.80 37.50 8,995 36.51 15.8 2,261 6,256 1905-06 ......... 38.51 36.4 3,336 35.58 24.1 3,356 6,692 1906-07 .....-... 42.65 65.0 6,604 42.58 37.4 6,226 12,8380 1907-08 ......... 28.72 36.36 2,487 26.22 10.75 1,902 4,389 1908-09 ......... 52.27 49.36 6,144 45.86 40.12 7,185 13,329 1909-10 ......... 33.49 37.87 3,020 27.93 12.15 1,327 4,347 TOtAlS a. seonsscdenser dk Beeos 73,566 M. G. TOGE 86.3 Sucve uena es 76,474M.G. 150,040M.G. or A daily average of... 9,595,000 Gal. This table shows the great variation of the seasonal rainfalls and the excessive and most er- ratiec variability of the percentage which the actual net run-off from a watershed bears to the quantity of water that fell as rain during the respective rainy seasons. This excessive variation in the net percent- age caught even between two or more seasons of practically equal rainfall, shows the great difficulty in prognosticating run-off data from watershed and rainfall data alone. If on the other hand run-off data of reliable character are available for a fairly long period of seasons, then with the aid of rainfall data and a thorough knowledge of the varying char- acteristics of the watershed, it is possible to approximately subdivide and proportion the total run-off into the separate run-off contribu- tions, that each of the several main branches of the gross watershed may be expected to fur- nish, or or A daily average of. .9,975,000 Gal. 19,570,000 Gal. Great Variability in Percentage of Seasonal Run-off. In examining the above Peninsular Rainfall and Run-off Table it will be found that it would have been impossible for anybody, un- less acquainted with the characteristics and habits of the separate streams in the various subdivisions of the watersheds, to determine from a list of former rainfall records alone as to what would have been in the past, or might be in the future, the net run-off from the watershed, due to any year’s rain record, or what would be the average annual run-off for a series of years, of which period rain-records only are in evidence, but no run-off records. The following table, which quotes several years of seasonal rainfall that closely resemble each other from the foregoing Peninsular run- off table, shows the great variation of the per- centage of run-off and net quantity of water produced from the combined watershed tribu- tary to Pilarcitos and San Andreas reservoirs: NET RUN-OFF OF PENINSULAR SYSTEM. 99 A—PILARCITOS AND SAN ANDREAS COMBINED. Seasonal Run-off in Net run-off Rainfall. Percents from of total Watershed Season— (in inches.) Precipitation. (in M. G.) 1890-91......... 37.69 22.8 1,869 1902-03......... 38.00 49.3 4,460 1905-06......... 38.51 36.4 3,336 1891-92......... 43.10 13.3 1,249 1898-99......... 42.56 17.7 1,635 1900-01......... 43.91 30.00 3,138 1906-07......... 42.65 65.0 6,604 1893-94....... 2. 54.90 21.8 2,604 1908-09......... 52.27 49.36 6,144 The following table shows a still more er- ratic variation in the percentage of seasonal quantity of run-off from the Crystal Springs watershed. In this table, as in the other one, several years of similar seasonal rainfall are grouped together: B—CRYSTAL SPRINGS RESERVOIR. Seasonal Run-off in Net run-off Rainfall. Percents from of total Watershed Season— (in inches.) Precipitation. (in M. G.) 1890-91. ......... 31.92 24.4 3,183 1895-96.......... 32.62 16.2 2,164 1898-99.........0 30.37 11.5 1,427 1900-01.......... 32.96 7.0 981 1901-02.......... 30.46 6.9 823 1902-08.......... 30.80 20.5 2,469 1893-94.......... 33.08 29.9 4,045 1896-97.......... 35.65 19.3 2,809 1908-04.......... 36.98 35.3 5,109 1904-05.......... 36.51 15.8 2,261 1905-06.......... 35.58 24.1 3,356 The above tables A and B show that even in an ideal watershed regarding location, topography, rainfall, ete., as that of the Com- pany’s Peninsular division and with practi- cally equal seasonal rainfalls grouped together, the percentage of run-off in the different sea- sons of a group varies in some instances in the proportion of more than one to three. These tables are very instructive, in that they not only give the practical net run-off results for a long series of years from a region of good rainfall, precipitous and wooded water- shed and provided with good reservoir facil- ities, but also show that although rainfall, watershed and reservoir conditions are very favorable, still the run-off conditions are ex- cessively variable. As prior to actively entering upon the Ala- meda project our Company had become gen- erally familiar with the fact that rainfall con- ditions there as well as the erratic action of many of the streams indicated a still greater variability than on the Peninsula in the pros- pective run-off result, it entered upon the new enterprise with its eyes open, but fully con- vineed that, although not expecting a yield like the average net result of its Peninsular works of fully half a million gallons per day per square mile of watershed, the extensive properties planned for the Alameda System could by proper works be made to yield per day per square mile of watershed between 30 and 50 per cent of the average daily yield per square mile of its Peninsular watershed and works. Average Daily Net Run-off from Peninsular System. During the first decades of the Company’s existence the net run-off from the Peninsular watershed, including Crystal Springs, had been placed in round figures at fully 500,000 gallons per day per square mile of watershed. The above Peninsular run-off tables show the total average daily net product of the entire watershed of about 36 square miles for the above 21-year period as tabulated to have been 19.57 — -—==543,000 gallons per day per square mile 36 of watershed. It furthermore shows that the average net run-off from the Crystal Springs watershed alone of an average area (during the above period) of about 23 square miles was: 9.97 —— =433,000 gallons per day per square mile 23 of watershed. The table finally shows that the average net run-off from the combined Pilarcitos-‘San An- dreas watersheds of an area varying during this period from 12.50 to 13.70 square miles, or aver- aging, say, 13.10 square miles, was 9.59 —— =732,000 gallons per day per square mile 13.1 of watershed. It was next to impossible to keep a separate run-off record between the water products of Pilarcitos and San Andreas Reservoirs, but from observation in the past, and considering the heavier rainfall on the higher, steeper, better wooded and less absorptive Pilarcitos portion of the combined Pilarcitos-San Andreas water- shed, it was evident that the net average pro- duct from the former, per square mile of water- shed per day, was fully double that of the latter. 100 As the direct watershed tributary to the Pilarcitos Reservoir, including say 50% of the watershed tributary to the side-flume, repre- sents about 4.7 square miles out of the average area of about 13.1 square miles tributary to both reservoirs combined (during the above period shown in the table), it will not be very far from the fact to estimate that the 4.7 Pilar- citos square miles contributed about 1,100,000 gallons per day per square mile, or an average total of about 5,170,000 gallons per day, while the remaining 8.4 square miles of watershed (tributary to San Andreas Reservoir) probably contributed at the rate of about 525,000 gal- lons per day per square mile of watershed, or at an average of about 4,410,000 gallons per day. By adding together these two average net daily contributions from the Pilarcitos and San Andreas regions we have from Pilarcitos 5,170,000 gallons per day and from San An- dreas 4,410,000 gallons per day, making a total of 9,580,000 gallons per day, which result is very close to the average net water yield derived from the above run-off table of 9,595,000 gallons per day from the combined watershed of Pilarcitos and San Andres of a total average area during the above 21-year period of about 13.10 square miles. The following is a recapitulation of the above run-off results from the three separate divisions, as well as from the gross area of the entire Peninsular watershed of about 36 square miles: Approximate Average daily Average daily area of net water net water watershed yield yield per (in Square (Round square mile Miles.) Figures.) of watershed. From— Pilarcitos ....... 4.7 5,170,000 1,100,000 San Andreas .... 8.4 4,410,000 525,000 Crystal Springs.. 23. 9,970,000 433,000 From entire water- shed of the three above reservoirs combined...... 36.1 19,550,000* 543,000 This shows that where the average daily net product from the entire combined watershed of 36 square miles is about 543,000 gallons per day per square mile of watershed, the Pilar- citos region, which is most favorably situated from a geographical, topographical and hydro- *Above main run-off table shows 19,570,000 gallons per day (see page 98), which difference results from not hav- ing rounded off the figures in that table. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. graphical point of view, produces a water yield per square mile of watershed of about 1,100,000 gallons per day, or fully double the average product over the entire watershed; the San Andreas division, which comes next in regard to favorable location, produces about 96.50% of the average daily product of the entire watershed; and finally, the Crystal Springs di- vision, which is the least favored portion from the three above viewpoints, produces about 80% of the above average net. yield of 543,000 gallons per day per square mile from the en- tire tributary Peninsular watershed of about 36 square miles. The observations and experiences of the past, although not as fully crystallized then as they are at the present time (owing to shorter periods of observation and to greater scarcity of data), were still of inestimable value to the Spring Valley Water Works and its successor the Spring Valley Water Company in accumu- lating knowledge and ripening its judgment, so as to properly guide them in making remark- ably accurate forecasts in the now distant past, as to the probable net water yield that might and could be expected from properties that were largely in the natural path of future water development for the Company as well as for the City of San Francisco. The two most prominent water producing properties which owing to their comparative proximity to the Company’s Peninsular basis of its water works naturally received the first attention, were the coast streams on the Pacific slope of the Peninsula on the one hand and the magnificent Alameda Creek System on the east side of the bay on the other. The coast streams are separated from the Company’s Peninsular Reservoir System, as then proposed and since inaugurated, by the Coast Range only, but as the points from which the water of the two main coast streams, the Pescadero and San Gregorio Creeks, were to be taken, were found to be of sufficient eleva- tion to carry a large portion of the storm waters of these streams into the Crystal Springs Reser- voir, steps were taken by the Spring Valley Water Works, and thereafter by its successor. the Spring Valley Water Company, to secure property at strategical points on one and water rights on both of the streams. ALAMEDA SYSTEM TO BE DEVELOPED FIRST. Inauguration of the Alameda Creek System. Studies, observations, computations and oc- casional preliminary surveys regarding both these important future sources for the city’s supply, viz.: the coast streams and the Ala- meda Creek System, were inaugurated by me in the late fall of 1865, and were carried on with more or less interruptions until about the year 1875, when, after and upon my urgent re- peated advice to the Company during the pre- vious decade, it was decided to acquire a sub- stantial foothold on the Alameda System first, leaving the coast streams for some future day. During 1875 the Water Company acquired the key to the hydrographic situation on the Alameda Creek System by purchasing extens- ive water rights on the same, as well as prop- erty at the mouth of Niles Canyon and at the proposed Calaveras Dam and Reservoir site; the former, the Vallejo Mills water right being one of the oldest rights in California and the key to the Alameda Creek system. The great importance of acquiring and maintaining the integrity of this strategic point cannot be over- estimated. Subsequently more water rights and prop- erties were purchased on the latter system, en- abling the Company, during 1887 and 1888, to construct its original Alameda Creek works. Thereafter, and particularly during the last years of the past century and the first years of the present one, large additional properties and rights were acquired by the Company and the water yield from the system was considerably enlarged by constructing new works, particu- larly designed for the development on its prop- erties and transportation to San Francisco of subterranean water, In the latter part of the decade just past and up to the present time the Company has still further added to its extensive holdings on the Alameda System, based upon thorough hydro- graphic and other studies and has also made additions to its water rights there. It also, by the construction of works, has increased the water output from its subterranean sources on the Alameda System, from about 14,000.000 gal- lons per day in or about 1908, to nearly 17,- 000,000 gallons per day in 1909-10 and there- after. 101 It goes without saying that during this long period, dating from the first inception of the Alameda Creek plan in 1865, until the present time, and particularly since the first important -foothold was acquired by the Company on the Alameda Creek, in 1875, I devoted a great amount of study to that system in order to as- certain not only the possibilities of surface water storage, but also for the proposed devel- opment of the subterranean sources that were strongly in evidence in portions of this system. The main object of these studies, observa- tions and computations was to ascertain what might be the ultimate practical development that this magnificent system, if properly owned and controlled, could be expected to yield, if brought into intimate connection with the Com- pany’s Peninsular System, as proposed. I have here gone into a portion of the past history of the present Alameda Creek System in order to show that when the time had ‘come, about the middle of the eighties (in the past century), that, owing to the City’s rapidly grow- ing consumption, it had become imperative that not only must the main Crystal Springs Reser- voir be started at once so as to add to the Company’s Peninsular supply, by stopping the waste from the Peninsular watershed, but also must the water supply be increased by connect- ing with these reservoirs additional outside sources as direct or indirect feeders, As before stated, the two main sources of consequence that offered themselves were the ‘coast streams, Pescadero and San Gregorio, on the one hand and the Alameda Creek System on the other. The Company Decides to Develop Alameda Creek System Prior to Coast Systems. Upon being asked by the Board of Directors of the Company which one of the two sources in my opinion could be connected with our Peninsular Reservoir System in the shortest space of time, I naturally decided in favor of the Alameda System, as the construction of the long tunnel through the Coast Range, and of other works, would consume a number of years and make the much-needed help come too late, while, on the other hand, on the Ala- meda System, the main strategic keys, includ- ing water rights, had been purchased fully ten 102 years previously; and secondly and mainly, as my studies of this magnificent system for the then past period of over twent consecutive years had full yimpressed the Company, not only with the vast development possibilities of the Ala- meda System proper, but also with the absolute and positive conviction that if or whenever in the then far distant future the proposed future unit system of the Company, consisting of the Peninsular and Alameda divisions combined with the coast streams, should require enlarge- ment of its resources in order to increase, equalize, compensate and safeguard San Fran- cisco’s growing water supply, that the Ala- meda System would form the only and abso- lutely necessary conecting link between the Peninsular division and such future additional feeders as would be brought from the well- watered region immediately east of Livermore Pass. The present unique position of the Spring Valley Water Company on the Alameda Creek System is the outcome of the wise and prompt action of the Company’s Directors at that time and ever since in inaugurating the construc- tion of the Alameda System at that time (now about a quarter of a century ago) and in con- tinuing, ever since and until this day, to ex- tend its now vast holdings of land and rights on this system, as well as the works thereon. After this digression, I shall now return to the question of the coast streams, considered as future feeders to the Peninsular portion of the Company’s works. THE COAST STREAMS. Considered as Future Feeders to the Crys- tal Springs Reservoir, and Thereby Becoming a Subdivision of the Future Water Supply System of San Fran- cisco. The original plan for developing the south- erly group of coast streams, viz.: the Pesca- dero and San Gregorio Creeks, so as to act as gravitation feeders to the Crystal Springs Res- ervoir, included a proposed reservoir in the valley of the San Francisquito Creek, located between the Coast Range and the bay. The construction of this reservoir was be- gun and the dam was partly finished to a height of about sixty feet, thus complying with a clause in a contract for the principal water rights requisite on the latter creek. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. This partly finished structure was named the ‘‘Portola Reservoir.”’ Subsequently, for a number of reasons, I have again taken up a former plan of mine, which proposed a combination of gravitation, storage and pumping, for the purpose of in- creasing the water output which would have been obtainable from the two coast streams, by the adoption of the original gravitation plan mentioned above. Although various reports on the coast streams made from time to time by engineers in the em- ploy of the City practically admitted that the ownership of the Crystal Springs Reser- voir controlled the future proper development of the Pescadero and San Gregorio creeks on account of the absence on either of the two ereeks of suitable storage reservoir sites, I succeeded, in 1893-4, in finding a first class dam and reservoir site in the valley of the Pescadero Creek at an elevation where the bed of the creek was about one hundred feet above tide. Col. G. H. Mendell of the United States Engineer Corps, who during 1876-7 was em- ployed by the City authorities to investigate the water situation of San Francisco, states on the subject of these coast streams, in his re- port of August 6th, 1877, to the Water Com- mittee (consisting of the Mayor, Auditor and District Attorney), on pages 826-827: “The rapid fall of the country permits no reservoir site of any value. The storage res- ervoir must be in the Crystal Springs Valley. We have already seen how prominent a feat- ure the reservoir system is in any discussion of the production and utilization of water. The reservoir sites are the strategic points of the Peninsula, and the Spring Valley Water Company is entrenched upon them. This consideration makes the supply of the western slope, if it is at all considerable, necessarily an adjunct and feeder of the Spring Valley System.” In 1893, when I first discovered this Pesca- dero storage reservoir site, I contemplated, as I then reported to the Directors of the Com- pany, a storage reservoir of only about 10,000 million gallons capacity. Subsequent investigations showed me _ that a masonry dam could be constructed on that site of a much greater height than originally contemplated, so that a dam of a height of about 250 feet above the creek bed would create a res- METHOD OF DEVELOPING COAST STREAMS. ervoir which would hold probably about 25,000 million gallons, This was an approximate esti- mate, made without the aid of a survey of the site, The Company, besides purchasing the rocky cliff which will form the northerly abutment of the proposed dam, succeeded during sub- sequent years in purchasing an almost continu- ous chain of water rights along both sides of Pescadero Creek and from near the above pro- posed damsite down to the Pacific Ocean. The location, from where the Pescadero- Crystal Springs gravitation aqueduct will start on the Pescadero Creek, was purchased as early as 1886-1887, thus establishing the Com- pany at these two important points on the system. Vigorous development of this produc- tive and nearby system may be undertaken at any time. As the Company, at the time when my report of September, 1903, was written, as well as at the time of my affidavit of June 20th, 1908, owned but a comparatively small portion of its present artesian land holdings in Liver- more Valley, I did not include in the above consumption-and-supply diagram of 1908 any additional water that might have been ob- tained from the extensive subterranean sources in Livermore Valley, but, instead, from and after the year 1935, I show on the diagram that the water supply capacity of the Com- pany’s works from and after 1935 are ‘‘to be further increased to 110 million gallons daily and over from other Spring Valley Water Com- pany’s sources.’’ Chief amongst these proposed ‘‘other sources’’ to be added as direct feeders to the Company’s Peninsular System was the contemplated development of the ‘‘coast streams,’’ notably the Pescadero and San Gregorio creeks, to fully 50 million gallons per day. As heretofore shown in the table recapitu- lating the net water products from the three separate subdivisions of the Company’s Penin- sular Reservoir System, with its 36 square miles of tributary watershed, the Pilarcitos portion of the same furnishes an average net run-off in round figures of about 1,100,000 gal- lons per day per square mile of watershed. The watershed tributary to the proposed coast stream works, if only the gravitation branch from the Pescadero and San Gregorio 103 to Crystal Springs Reservoir were developed, would in round figures be 41 square miles. If, on the other hand, the proposed large storage reservoir on the down stream portion of the Pescadero is added to the above gravi- tation scheme as contemplated, the watershed will be increased by about 19 additional square miles, making the total tributary watershed equal to about 60 square miles. The water, which during severe storms in the rainy season (after filling the gravitation aqueduct leading to Crystal Springs Reservoir) would overflow over the two respective diverting dams on the Pescadero and San Gregorio, would find its way into and would be accumulated in the large proposed storage reservoir on the Pesca- dero Creek (see map), the overflow water from the latter creek finding its way into the stor- age reservoir by running along the natural bed of the stream, while the overflow water from the San Gregorio would be conducted into the reservoir by a tunnel, about 1% miles in length. (49 on map.) In the above mentioned table, which gives the rainfall, etc., of the Peninsular works dur- ing the seasons from 1889-90 to 1909-10, the average rainfall given in the second column states the combined or average rainfall on the Pilarcitos and San Andreas divisions. A separate rainfall table for Pilarcitos alone is shown in the table here following, for fif- teen consecutive seasons (out of the above 21), while at the same time giving the rainfall rec- ord kept on the Pescadero watershed during the same 15-year period: Seasonal Seasonal rainfall at rainfall at Pilarcitos Pescadero Creek Season— (in inches). (in inches). 1889-90......... 0, eevee 72.09 93.67 U8 90 OT werenaa me mgges 39.02 46.71 1891-92 os te anda Pate wun de 52.76 40.76 1392-98 «ob aeiied Sana aed sie 67.00 72.83 1893-94. 5 oi ceesienes gees 67.87 49.94 1894-95 so talented Avtust ne 76.10 68.94 1895-96 .. sis a ane suey es 56.34 54.72 1896297 .. ae segna natch a 58.57 63.13 31.16 24.35 51.48 42.53 52.75 47.73 52.28 52.20 48.54 45.50 39.47 48.47 56.86 55.88 Average pcr scason....54.80 53.80 Pilarcitos Pescadero Judging from the above rain records and all other conditions combined surrounding the region of these two coast streams, it has been found that they are practically analogous with 104 the conditions prevailing at Pilarcitos. As shown in the last rainfall table, the aver- age rainfall conditions during the continuous 15-year period quoted are practically the same on the coast streams as at Pilarcitos, the aver- age seasonal rainfall in the former being 53.80 inches to 54.80 inches in the latter. The topographical features of the coast stream watersheds are similar to that of Pilar- citos, with the difference that the average steepness of the mountain slopes is greater in the former than in the latter, thus expediting the run-off during storms. The coast stream watershed is forest-covered to a somewhat greater degree than that of Pilarcitos, especially that on the Pescadero portion. Stream gagings on the Pescadero Creek at a point where the tributary watershed is about 16 square miles in area, were carried on by the Company with the following results, and as a matter of comparison I shall place along- side of these Pescadero run-off results the net water product gained for the corresponding seasons from the 13.7 square miles of com- bined Pilarcitos and San Andreas watersheds (see main table): Run-off from 16 Net run-off from 13.7 square miles of square miles (dur- Pescadero ing this period) watershed, of Pilarcitos and San \Andreas watersheds (M. G. combined. Season— round figures.) (M. G.) 1899-00......... 2,650 3,937 1900-01......... 9,180 3,138 1901-02......... 5,650 3,226 1902-03......... 4,500 4,460 1908-04......... 9,740 5,399 1904-05......... 7,390 3,995 Totals ...... 39,110 24,155 Annual average 6,518 4,025 Daily average 17.85 11.02 Daily product per sq. mile of watershed 1,115,000 804,000 Ags heretofore shown, the average product per square mile of watershed for a period of 21 years, from the combined watersheds of Pilarcitos and San Andreas, was 732,000 gal- lons per day. For the above six seasons (shown in last table) the average daily run- off per square mile of Pilarcitos-San An- dreas watershed was 804,000 gallons. In other words, the average product per square mile per day of the above 21 seasons is equal to about 91 per cent. of the average water THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. product per square mile per day for the six seasons. It is therefore fair to presume that the av- erage run-off during the same 21-year period from the above Pescadero watershed would have also been about 9 or 10 per cent. less than it was during the 6-year period from 1899-1900 to 1904-1905. Ninety per cent. of 1,115,000 per square mile per day would be 1,003,500, or in round figures 1,000,000 gallons per day per square mile of watershed, which will represent the average daily run-off from the watershed of about 60 square miles of Pescadero and San Gregorio combined. Even allowing a 10 per cent. reduction from this average gross result for loss by occasional waste at San Gregorio and evaporation com- bined, which latter, owing to the nearness of the ocean and the practical absence of winds from the sheltered main reservoir location, will be comparatively light, we have 900,000 gal- lons average daily net product per square mile of combined watershed of an area of about 60 square miles. This represents an average net product, that can be developed on the combined Pescadero and San Gregorio properties under the plans hereinabove outlined, of 54,000,000 gallons per day,* which net daily supply in my estimates I have rounded off to the conservative figure of 50,000,000 gallons per day. BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE PROPOSED COAST STREAM WORKS. In order to develop in the coast stream project an average net water supply of fully 50,000,000 gallons per day a concrete lined gravitation aqueduct (shown on accompany- ing map A by aqueduct numbered 47-46-45-44- 43 with arrows pointing northwardly) will be constructed of a capacity of, say, not less than 100 million gallons per day, which aqueduct, except during and for some time after heavy freshets, will transport by gravitation all the run-off from both streams and their tributaries, into the Crystal Springs Reservoir. The overflow water, that is, the water that *A gaging station was established on the upper Pesca- dero Creek in 1886 and stream measurements were made continuously from 1886 until 1906, which were confirmatory of the productivity as herein shown for the ‘“‘Coast-Stream Division”. Unfortunately these records were destroyed in the fire of 1906, except for the six seasons from 1899- 1900 to 1904-5. STORAGE IN ALAMEDA DIVISION. during and following severe storms cannot be carried away by the aqueduct, will be stored in the main Pescadero Reservoir (XXVI on map) into which the overflow water from the San Gregorio will also be brought (as above stated) by a concrete lined tunnel about 1% miles in length (49-49a) having a. carrying capacity from the lower diverting dam (49) on the San Gregorio, to and into the Pescadero main stor- age reservoir, of, say, 100,000,000 gallons per day. The proposed main Pescadero storage reser- voir, as stated above, will be formed by a substantial masonry or rather concrete dam. built in the narrow rocky gorge of the valley, located about six miles above the mouth of the creek. No special survey has as yet been made of this reservoir and its probable storage capacity. The United States contour maps of this region, however, which were published a num- ber of years after I made the location of the reservoir in 1893, give a very fair idea of the approximate storage that may be obtained. Approximate estimates made therefrom indi- cate that for a dam of a height of about 250 feet above the creek-bed a storage capac- ity of about 25,000 million gallons may prob- ably be obtained. It is therefore evident that, based upon the United States Geological charts of this region, there is ample storage capacity available in the coast stream project, so that between di- rect gravitation transportation into the Crystal Springs on the one hand and storage of the overflow freshet waters on the other, coupled with a properly designed and constructed pumping plant (XXVII on map) to deliver, when required, Pescadero storage water (via the pumping conduit, 50-50) into the gravita- tion aqueduct (45), thus sending towards and into the Crystal Springs enlarged reservoir an average net supply in excess of 50,000,000 gal- lons per day which can be depended upon from the coast stream division if developed and oper- ated as above outlined. By adding the above net water product of the proposed coast stream division of fully 50 million gallons per day to that of the original Peninsular Reservoir Division, of fully 19 mil- lion gallons per day, which latter comprises the net product of Pilarcitos, San Andreas and 105 Crystal Springs Reservoir combined from the present watershed area of 36 square miles, and being exclusive of the average net product of fully 3 million gallons per day from Lake Mer- ced, we have a total net average product to which the Peninsular Division, including the coast stream division, can be developed of about or in excess of 70 million gallons per day. The Alameda Creek Division of the Spring Valley Water Company’s Supply System. In the foregoing portion of this report the proposed development of the Alameda Division of the Company’s water supply system has been alluded to from time to time and a list of the contemplated storage capacities of the three proposed storage reservoirs in this divi- sion, the Calaveras, Arroyo Valle and San An- tonio, has been given. Regarding the question of the water supply that can be developed on the Alameda Creek Division of the Company’s System, I stated in my ‘‘Review’’ of January 22d, 1912: “In my reports in the past, both oral and written, I have maintained that the average net daily water yield per square mile of watershed of the Alameda System would fall considerably below that of the San Francisco Peninsular watersheds above mentioned; my estimate for the entire Alameda System be- ing about 40% of that of the Company’s Pen- insular Reservoir System, which difference is due mainly to the lesser rainfall. “This placed my estimate of the average water yield of the entire watershed of the Alameda System at 40% of 500,000, or at about 200,000 gallons per day per square mile of watershed.” In one of my reports, made to the Board of Directors of the Company in the latter part of the nineties, urging them to continue the acquisition of lands in and around the artesian region of Livermore Valley, as well as of other needed lands and rights in the balance of the Alameda Creek System, I made an approximate rating as to the comparative water yield that the various subdivisions of the proposed Ala- meda System could be made to furnish by proper grouping, development and works. The region tributary to the Pleasanton ar- tesian belt, including Arroyo Mocho, but exclu- sive of Arroyo Valle, I then rated at a daily net water yield of about 100,000 gallons per square 106 mile of tributary watershed, while the Laguna Creek, Sunol, San Antonio and Arroyo Valle divisions I placed at an average of about 200,- 000 gallons per day per square mile of water- shed. The balance, consisting of the Alameda Creek and Calaveras Division, I rated at about 400,000 gallons per day per square mile of watershed. In making this approximate estimate I had the benefit of nearly ten years of run-off data taken at the Niles dam, and my general intimate acquaintance of over thirty years with all the vital features of the Alameda System, as to to- pography, hydrography and general habits of the various streams during and after rainy spells and seasons, In the same ‘‘Review”’ of January 22d, 1912, quoted above, I showed that the Alameda Creek Division, above Sunol dam, if fully developed and properly utilized, could, in my opinion, be made to produce an average net supply of about 120 million gallons per day, which daily average total was in that report divided into two subdivisions, viz: Forty-six million gallons per day obtained from the Arroyo Valle Reser- voir and from subterranean development com- bined, from a gross watershed then approxi- mately estimated at about 360 square miles tributary to the large gravel sink and artesian belt in Livermore Valley, and the balance of 74 million gallons per day from the combined remainder of Alameda Creek watershed, esti- mated in that ‘‘Review’’ of January 22d, 1912, at about 270 square miles area. Since the above ‘‘Review’’ report was writ- ten, I have made a new map of the Alameda Creek region, composed partly of geological survey sheets and partly of portions of the respective county maps. By planimeter meas- urement this map area shows an area of about 620 square miles. The question whether the watershed area contains 630 or 620 square miles will make no difference in the total average annual or daily run-off result from the combined system when completed. But, as the gross watershed area in this ease will be of interest, in order to segre- gate it into its various subdivisions and in order to proportion as near as practicable the closely known total actual annual run-off from the entire watershed, among the main subdivi- sions of the same, I have in the following adopted my last result of round 620 square 9 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. miles as the gross watershed of the Alameda Creek region above Sunol dam. OUTLINE OF WORKS AND METHOD OF OPERATION OF ALAMEDA CREEK SYSTEM, In the future operating program for the Ala- meda Creek Division with its three contem- plated reservoirs: M. G. Calaveras, with a storage capacity of......... 53,000 Arroyo Valle, with a storage capacity of...... 12,500 San Antonio, with a storage capacity of...... 10,500 Or with a total storage capacity of........... 76,000 and with its two large subterranean water regions, the smaller one at Sunol acting mainly as compensating and filtering medium, while by far the larger one in Livermore Valley, acts aS a compensating, filtering and storage medium combined. These properties and works will be divided into the three following main subdivisions : (a) The Calaveras Subdivision. This subdivision will have a combined water- shed of 135 square miles, being round 100 square miles for the Calaveras direct water- shed, and about 35 square miles for the adja- cent feeder, Upper Alameda Creek. The Cala- veras reservoir will have a contemplated stor- age capacity of about 53,000 million gallons. This reservoir will have a main westerly out- let tunnel (19 on map) of not less than 150 million gallons daily carrying capacity from the westerly outlet of which one and eventually two 60-inch iron pipe lines, if required (18 on map), each of a carrying capacity of about 75 million gallons per day, will deliver the water from the Calaveras storage reservoir through a tunnel (T 18 on map) of a carrying capacity of between 250 and 350 million gallons per day into the Crystal Springs Reservoir. The second outlet from the Calaveras stor- rage reservoir will be by a tunnel through the westerly bluff and around the westerly end of the proposed Calaveras dam (23 on map), thus allowing water to discharge from the reservoir and run down the Calaveras Creek to and into the gravel sink in the Sunol Valley, which sink has an approximate area of two square miles and from which gravel bed, by means of the present and future largely extended filter gal- lery system, the waters so liberated from the Calaveras Reservoir, jointly with the waters from other sources, will pass through a thor- ough, automatic filtering process before con- ‘SNOISIAIG VORNVIV GNV UVIOSNINGd JO LNAWHOLVO JO ATIN GUVOlS YAd AHONONU DNIMOHS Hd VUDOUCAH ce ¥o i ul ia ret Hy 107 108 veying it away for purposes of domestic con- sumption. The above outlined southerly, or rather southwesterly subdivision of the Alameda branch of the unit-system of the Company, hav- ing 135 square miles of watershed tributary to the Calaveras Reservoir of a proposed storage eapacity of 53,000 million gallons, I shall here- after call the CALAVERAS SUBDIVISION, or ALAMEDA SUBDIVISION A. (b) The Arroyo Valle-San Antonio Subdivision This subdivision consists of the watershed directly tributary to the proposed Arroyo Valle Reservoir, of about 140 square miles, and of that tributary to the proposed San Antonio Reservoir, of about 40 square miles of water- shed, making a total watershed of about 180 square miles for both reservoirs combined. In other words, where about 140 square miles are directly tributary to the Arroyo Valle Res- ervoir of a proposed storage capacity of round 12,500 million gallons, and where the San An- tonio Reservoir of about 10,500 million gallons storage capacity has a direct watershed of nearly 40 square miles, and where, furthermore, an additional watershed ‘area of fully five square miles in lower Arroyo Valle and just below the reservoir location, can also be made tributary to the Arroyo Valley-San Antonio tunnel (see 41 on map), it appears that the watershed that will be made directly tributary to the San Antonio reservoir from these sources has an area of about 185 square miles. As above stated, this gross watershed area of about 185 square miles contains the two storage reservoirs of Arroyo Valle and San An- tonio, of a joint storage capacity of 23,000 million gallons. Thus, if at any time the Arroyo Valle Res- ervoir during a rainy season threatens to be- come too full and needs relief, the surplus can be sent down stream, via Arroyo Valle Creek and tunnel 41, into the San Antonio Reservoir, thus making up such deficit in the latter’s own storage, as may have been caused by insufficient run-off from its own watershed, or by insuf- ficient supply sent into it from other tributary sources. On the other hand, if at any time it is de- sirable to either replenish the water in the sub- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO, terranean gravel beds and in the Company’s artesian belt in Livermore Valley, the required supply, instead of diverting it all through tun- nel 41 into the San Antonio Reservoir and from there into and through the Sunol filter beds, ean be partly or wholly sent down along the porous, gravelly bed of the Arroyo Valle, and from there can be either allowed to sink into the vast porous gravel bed underlying the cen- tral and westerly portion of Livermore Valley or can wholly or partly be extracted (as de- tailed in my former reports, and especially that of November 14th, 1911) by an extensive subterranean filter gallery system (32-32-32 on map), paralleling (and crossing with branch galleries*) the broad, porous, gravelly bed of the Arroyo Valle, and thus be conveyed in a filtered state by gravitation through aqueduct (31-31 on map) directly into ‘‘the meeting place of the waters’? in Sunol Valley (X on map). Meanwhile, as shown in my former reports and as outlined on the main map accompany- ing this report, a complete and effective sys- tem of artesian wells, suction pipes, pumps (30-30-30 and IV-V-VI) and main conduit lines (31-31 on map) will be constructed on the Company’s artesian belt in the westerly por- tion of Livermore Valley, similar to and in connection with the plant at present in opera- tion on that property. The water so extracted from the large subterranean storage in the ex- tensive gravel beds there, either by the pres- ent pumping method or by air lifts, or both, will be delivered into the main aqueduct (31- 31-31 on map), which in turn will deliver it by eravitation to and into the main receiving chamber of the Sunol filter beds, at X on map. This main aqueduct (31-31-31 on map) will be of sufficient carrying capacity to convey to Sunol Valley not only the water extracted from the Pleasanton artesian belt by the well, pipe and pumping system (IV-V-VI 30-30-30 on map) and the waters gathered from the filter beds (32-32-32) of the Arroyo Valle, as well as those of the Arroyo Mocho (32-a), but also to carry to the same destination in Sunol Val- ley (X on map) the waters that, after having been delivered from the San Joaquin through Livermore Pass tunnel (38-38 on map) into *See accompanying cross sections of branch and main subterranean filter galleries in the Sunol gravel beds. The extensive filter gallery system in the gravel beds of Arroyo Valle and Mocho, in Livermore Valley, will be of similar construction. UNIQUE LOCATION OF and through the lateral canal (39-39-39) in the easterly portion of Livermore Valley, are al- lowed to sink (at 39-D on map) into the gravel bed of the Mocho, or, at 39 D-D, into the gravel sink of the Arroyo Valle. Such portion of the San Joaquin waters therefore as have not been sent ahead through tunnel 41 into the San Antonio Reservoir, and from there into and through the Sunol filter beds via the distributing canal (42-29 on map), but, instead, have been dropped at 39 D and at 39 D-D into the gravel sinks of the Mocho and Ar- royo Valle, respectively, and after having passed for several miles subterraneously in a general westerly and northwesterly direction, respec- tively, through the extensive gravel bed under- lying that portion of the Livermore Valley, having been thus thoroughly filtered, will be extracted again from the underground gravel strata by means of and through the filtering gal- leries, 32-32, on the Arroyo Valle, and 32a on the Mocho. Such portions of the San Joaquin water as are not thus extracted by either or both gal- leries, 82-32 and 32a, will, by gravitation, find their way subterraneously in a westward direc- tion, until they join the other waters gathered in the vast Pleasanton artesian belt of the Com- pany, which have there accumulated from their own natural watershed, with or without assist- ance from the Arroyo Valle Reservoir. STRATEGIC LOCATION AND IMPORT- ANCE OF THE LIVERMORE GRAVEL BEDS. The above brief outline of the eventual de- velopment of the present and proposed water resources, which will find their way into and through the Livermore Valley, with its unique automatic filtration and artesian facilities, shows the wonderful versatility of this magnifi- cent property located in the heart or center of gravity of the northerly and northeasterly sub- division of the Company’s magnificent Alameda project. What makes the feature of its geo- graphical location all the more valuable is the fact that in addition to gathering, filtering and compensating its own direct water prod- uct, it lies, figuratively speaking, within a stone’s throw of the point where a kind Provi- dence delivers during spring and summer, from many thousands of square miles of the high, snow-clad Sierra Nevada, a practically in- exhaustible supply of good potable water, after LIVERMORE GRAVELS. 109 passing through rockbound and indestructible natural aqueducts, the canyons of the San Joaquin, Merced, Toulumne and Stanislaus rivers. By means of the hereinbefore and hereinafter detailed method, all embodied in, and made possible by the proposed development of the Alameda and Peninsular Unit-System of the Company, the waters coming from the melted snow of the Sierra, conducted to our very doors by indestructible, natural aqueducts, can and will be filtered, compensated, conveyed, stored and delivered into San Francisco and its future suburbs, thus taking care of the future needs of its coming millions of inhabitants. The fact that only by means of the magnifi- cent and large filtering and storage facilities of the Spring Valley Water Company on both sides of the Bay, the vast, but periodical sup- ply of the snow waters of the Sierra Nevada can be utilized, adds an enormous increment to the already great value and utility of the Company’s combined properties. Before describing the plan of connecting the San Joaquin supply with the Alameda Division of the Company’s system, I will enter more fully into the extent of the water supply that can be obtained by the full development of the Alameda Division in intimate connection with the Peninsular Division, as well as with such other feeders, as will assist in the maximum de- velopment of the water resources appertaining to the Alameda Division proper. THE WATER RESOURCES OF THE ALA- MEDA DIVISION WHEN FULLY DE- VELOPED. By observation, studies and computations, my former conviction has been fully confirmed, that the gross amount of water that has actually passed over both the Niles and the Sunol dams during each year of the 19-year period from 1889-90 to 1907-08, inclusive, is in excess of that shown in the run-off tables used in the Spring Valley Water Company’s office. It has always been the Company’s policy never to overestimate the potentiality of its water resources, but, instead, to be very con- servative and rather err on the safe side. I therefore advised retaining the same method of computing the run-off as heretofore used with the knowledge that the results so obtained would be very conservative. NILES DAM PLAN I é c A % v | a . c ‘ A ie Se mk tay a ee Seale § LONGITUDINAL. SECTION SECTION DD” « 8 were] Ze Scole of Cross Sections “AA. B-B, C-C&D-D SUNOL DAM o LONGITUDINAL SECTION =~ A ae — ee CROSS SECTIONS a \ — Meaeroser cx e 4 SECTION ‘B8" SECTION ‘A-A La 8: 4 e wrcer Mt nd Scale of Cross Sections BBEAA GE UV : Gwe. Emag tS. Kn &. PLAN AND SECTIONS OF NILES AND SUNOL DAMS. DIORARGR OVER SURE Bs (OF MELLIONS OF GALLONS Paul (0H MILLIONS OF GALLONS FEB DAY) CURVE 3: 1S BASED POS PORMULA:- Q = 4,200 BH" YET, ‘Ti WHICH THE VARIATIONS I THE WHICE, a ence. ro oe TESULTS \OMEWHAT LOW, — VALUE OF Cy - USED Iu cowuring DAILY 2H WEIOH(.7HR VARIATIONS TN SEE ARE DUE:- DISCHARGE UNDER TEE VARIOUS VALUE OF C) HEADS HKECORDED. ‘ARE DUE:- To oe reloeity: of To the Tees sparsctor: Dam, # one epenying . DISCHARGE, SO DETERIED, IS BASED UPOU:- varying looal depths of water fivriog slauitanconoly over the four sections of the DAILY DISCHARGES REPRESENTED BY BOTH CURVES A-A-A AND ‘B-B-B AEE PURTHENORE BASED UPOR LONGITUDINAL S7 “taTO8 oF WILES DAM, SHOWS ABOVE “Gerfeel” cnoxs SECTION PAPER (0X10 ~1 INCH EUOENE DIETZGEN Go DIAGRAM OF COMPARATIVE DISCHARGE CURVES COMPUTED FOR DAILY RUNOFF UrOn IN MILLIONS OF GALLOWS, BASED THE 3. V. W. 00.'8 BAILY GAUGE READINGS af MILES DAM,* POR ELEVEN BBASOVS, FHOX . 1sbs 7? Serra, FOVEMBER, (Bore: reciysrve} :- juan EDNOFF ey 166,248 million gullens. 1895-1900, “ Watershed about 630 equare miles. ** See uy report of May lst, 1912. BY H a. fo the velooity ef be To the loos! Ant form ef the ere water fim depthe of Tater ever «the twp ti the latter. “Ghefeol ” rnoss SRETION PAPRA 10X83 EUGENE DIETTOENC SCHUSSLER, SHOWING GROSS 8k HRCAPITULATION OF THR GROSS SEASORAL EUNOFFS FROM "RE ALAMEDA WATERSHED OVER wares DAK TaD SUEOL DAE, EEPSNTIVICY, DORLNG THE CONTINVOUS PERIOD OF AINETRED YRARS FROM 1889-90 TO 1907-08 {BOTH INCLUSIVE) .* SEASOS: TOTAL rs DoRtse SEASOs: 1689-90, 156,148 million gallons. 1890-91, 35,125 en-s2, 19,051 1922-95, 102,676 1632-44, 85,155 1594-95, 1,827 1596-96, 87,232 1686-97. 63,478 GROSS SEASONAL HUNOFF OVER 1887-98, 45,775 SUWO maw, -' ‘1898-99, 4,49 BY ABOVE FOREULA ‘1899-1900, 18,168 4,400 BE” VE, - 1900-01, 2,108 FOR-DAILY HUBOFF IN MILLIONS OF GALLONS, BASED ‘1901-02, 19,717 UPON THE S. V. W. CO.'S DAILY GAUGE READINGS - FOR EIGHT SEASONS, FEOW 19e2-03, 23,600 ‘SeroREE 1900, TO eon, ‘1908, - (BOTH LACLUST¥E) :-*-* : ‘1303-04, 36,154 ‘1904-05, 20,256 1905-06, 63,134 1806-07, 102,917 © 1507-08, 2288 . Total for 19 seasons: 916,435 million gallons ae E a 2 i pinsause BER 1906-07, ‘1907-08, aa or an average of: 49,233." " per enum, or 132 million gallons. por day. ee * watershed about 620 square miles. ** gee oy of May lst, 1912. AV EE Cover. eagT. SY 7 oe Pigfeol” cAoss SECTION PAPER. 10% 10-1 INCK. EUGENE DIETZGEN | NAL RUN-OFF OF ALAMEDA CREEK OVER NILES AND SUNOL DAMS FROM 1889-90 TO 1907-08. 110a NILES DAM BUILT TO HOLD VALLEJO LOCATION. The Niles dam was built for the purpose of holding the original General Vallejo location of intake to the former mill race, and, secondly, to divert the water of the creek into the ‘‘ Niles aqueduct’? of the Spring Valley Water Works. The dam was not built with the view of act- ing as a weir for the purpose of measuring the water flowing over it. I know from personal observation that this low diverting dam (be- ing built no higher than necessary in order to divert the water from the creek into the com- paratively small ‘‘Niles aqueduct’’), would, during flood seasons on the creek, be so over- whelmed by the large volume of water rushing with great velocity down the steep Niles Can- yon, that it would only be noticed during high water by a comparatively small parabolic drop, thus apparently disposing of any attempt to ascertain the quantity of water by so-called “‘weir measurements.’’ The main idea at that time was to record the depth of the water in the stream and to approxi- mately, but conservatively, determine the aver- age annual or daily gross water yield of the en- tire system. From my many years of experience, I fully realized that, once having the gross annual run- off from the entire system, it would be easy, by the aid of rain and local run-off records, to ascertain the average water yield from the various subdivisions of the system. After making several series of current obser- vations during the years subsequent to the first diversion by our Company of the Alameda Creek water, at the same time watching the action of the water as it passed over the Niles dam, I found that a very close approximation to the actual quantity in the stream could be had by using a simple and compact formula of mine. Although both dams (Niles and Sunol) dur- ing high freshets act practically as submerged weirs, in that the water below the dam at times backs over the crest of the same to a height amounting to from 60 to 80 per cent of the total depth of water above the dam, still the velocity with which the torrent approaches the dam is so great as it jumps with a flattened parabolic curve over the dam and into the tail-water be- low the same, that it plunges through the latter, down to the very bottom of the creek bed. The increased velocity and general action of the stream is further facilitated by the fact 111 that especially during the higher stages of water, the cross-section of the stream where it passes over the dam is somewhat smaller than that of the stream approaching it. It is also aided by the fact that gravel and other debris (carried with the freshets over the dam) have rounded off and smoothed the top of the low timber bulkhead and that on account of the comparatively small amount of end-contraction in the overfall, friction is reduced and the velocity increased. Thus, the combination of the conditions sur- rounding Niles dam, and the water passing over the same, allows the great velocity of approach to overcome the frictional resistance. The otherwise retarding effect of the flat surface on top of portions of the same, are more than off- set by the velocity of approach. All of which contributes to make the run-off results as heretofore computed by the Company quite conservative. A similar condition as to run-off results, as here detailed for the Niles dam, prevails, with some modifications, at the Sunol dam, the main difference being that the top of the latter dam is of a more even structure than the former, and that it is therefore better suited than the Niles dam for obtaining run-off results. Still, during high water the Sunol dam hag been known to be submerged by the tail-water from below to fully 80 per cent. of the depth of the water over the dam from above. The wooden crest had a beveled slope on the upstream side, favoring the overflow of the water and at the north end of the dam a con- erete wingwall assists in guiding the water to and over the dam. The up and downstream edges of the main portion of the top of the concrete dam are beveled; all of which favors the flow of water over the same. With the great velocity of approach, aided by the shape of the dam (favorable to the overflow), the resistance of the back-water on its crest is easily overcome, so that the over- flowing stream dives into the water below the dam, clear down to the deep bed of the creek. Current observations, computations, and studies relative to the quantity of water dis- charged over the Sunol dam at various depths of the stream as well as innumerable experi- ments made by me in former decades, with free as well as submerged weirs, flowing both from 112 still water heads or with velocities of approach, proved to my satisfaction that the formula adopted by me for the Niles dam could also with a slight modification be employed for the Sunol dam, insuring results that could be de- pended upon as being conservative and well inside of the facts. The Run-off From the Alameda Creek Division of the Spring Valley Water Company’s System Based upon gagings of the depths of water over the Niles and Sunol dams, respectively, during the 19-year period from 1889-90 to 1907-08 (inclusive), the following table, giving the gross seasonal run-off from November 1st to November 1st of each year, has been con- structed. With the exception of a former clerical error in the run-off of 1897-98 (which has heretofore been and is herein corrected) it is the same as given in my ‘‘Review’’ of Janu- ary 22d, 1912: GROSS RUN-OFF FROM ALAMEDA WATERSHED. Season Total run-off from Nov. 1 during to Nov. 1. season. VS8929 On, cies ed, Seca ateie % vated ane Se coe Se 156,148 1890291 sox Sweex raevesusacg ae seened 35,125 F899 De 9.5. asendverg oudcduate susie sacraue de avauene dee 19,051 199 98 oct aseeniinw coe aaun Reree oes oe 102,676 189329400 scam cate eei es ch eas 55,155 TRA Bs seca se, auciins a ot Qaace a ovguane iaiayeiier ese uae 81,827 189529 Gee sana é cies) sees sa Ghaue wadiaiaies 37,232 1896297 oes see P08 seb ees bee ees 63,472 189729 Bic. oo cicuanignn ak ere Seda wai aNea 3,775 1998799 6 oc ae tar ad dees ea Mink Bee eS 24,849 TS 992006, oncie cannes tiechavace id Auenace acai p aSectualg 18,158 190020 Disease dea epitic nea an ene eee gee a 32,102 1909202 wise cee ii tates thes ee ade eis 19,717 V9 0220 Biss o.a: stile dive 5 eee 7H titel wage Yao. 23,500 1903204 ob hes aainawied ee aed ev els aeere 36,154 1904505 0-8 os nasties o4 aed eA wd eae 20,254 190520 Giese ve ctnisctecw a einen e ae Diate Eocene tN ere 63,134 190607 6 cei ewe yeas tended ba tees 102,917 V9 T20 Bisse c. susie Giraud s dordcn d San Baas 21,189 Total for 19 seasons............. 916,435 Or an average of— M. G. per annum................ 48,233 Or, M. G. per day.............6. 1382 PROPORTIONING THE ABOVE AVERAGE GROSS RUN-OFF RESULTS AMONGST THE VARIOUS SUBDIVISIONS OF THE ALAMEDA CREEK SYSTEM. A—Calaveras Run-off. Run-off records at the Calaveras reservoir site are available for two separate periods, the first series being for the 5-year period from THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 1898-99 to 1902-03 (inclusive), the results of which from my investigation appear to be very close to the facts. The second period of run- off measurements, cover the four seasons from 1904-05 to 1907-08 (inclusive). Although, during my studies on the subject in the summer of 1911, I accepted them for my computations, I have since come to the belief that, unless re- vised, their average is perhaps 10 per cent. too high. In my ‘‘Review’’ report of January 22d, 1912, I say on this subject: “The Calaveras stream gagings, * * * which at that time * * * were furnished to me and which I accepted as being accurate, were * * * for the seasons from 1904-5 to 1907-8, inclusive, + * * used by me in my report of August 19th, 1911, but I am of the opinion * * * that the result of the gagings are somewhat high.” In the following table the run-off results of Calaveras and Arroyo Valle, computed by the Spring Valley Water Company during the pres- ent spring, are set side by side with the re- spective seasonal gross run-off data recorded for the entire Alameda Creek watershed for the four consecutive seasons, 1904-05 to 1907-08 (inclusive). Gross Run-off Run-off com- Seasonal computed puted for Runoff for Cala- Arroyo Valle from veras (as Reservoir Entire furnished site (com- Alameda mein Au- puted in Creek gust, 1911). spring of watershed. 1912). (M. G.) (M. G.) (M. G.) Season— round figs. round figs. 1904-05........ 20,254 16,540 4,200 1905-06........ 63,134 32,550 17,000 1906-07........ 102,917 54,500 31,700 1907-08........ 21,189 14,140 3,300 Totals ...... 207,494 117,730 56,200 Average— Per annum.. 51,873 29,430 14,050 Per day .... 142 80 38.5 ‘With, say, 10 per cent deducted from the above average Calaveras result of 80 million gallons per day (as suggested by me above), we shall have the following gross average results for this 4-year period for: Entire Alameda Calaveras ‘Arroyo Valle System Reservoir Reservoir 142 M.G. 72M. G. 38.5 M.G. per day. per day. per day. If we carry out the above 10 per cent. re- duction from the average records at Calaveras for each individual year of this period, we would have the following yearly run-off results, which in my opinion represents approximately ***In January, 1912. HYDROGRAPHIC RECORDS FOR LONG PERIOD. the average annual run-off at Calaveras for this period, in round figures: 113 ervoir site for the 5-year period from 1898-99 to 1902-03, inclusive, give the following results: Calaveras gaging Season— Total Or an annual average of........... Or, in round figures, per day....... This represents the probable gross average daily run-off from Calaveras during said period. By placing the run-off figures for the Arroyo Valle region side by side with the Calaveras results so corrected we have the following com- parative run-off table for this 4-year period from 1904-05 to 1907-08: Calaveras gross run-off Season. (in mil. gals.), round figures. 1904-05 ha vse ee cea vn Bares 14,800 1905-06 saccieeec ede eee 29,300 VQ OG OT ace dearest wide Seen arash 49,000 W907 8 sos se ce eas Fa Seis 12,700 TOUS os eis see ahaa dis es, 105,800 Average per annum........ 26,450 Average per day........... 72 mil. gals. The gaging records taken at Calaveras Res- records if run-off Arroyo Valle gross run-off (in mil. gals.), round figures. 17,000 31,700 3,300 56,200 14,050 38.5 mil. gals. polated Run-off gaged at Calaveras modified Reservoir Site as above. Season. (in mil. gals.), M.G. round figures. 14,800 V898209 casey gee tac ei eta d eens 13,200 29,300 1899-00 | WT O60, —SITIM TT Peril. OLSI00f) SE “ eh ieee ua ane e 22,000,000 Pik) sccaeepireerees 129,000,000 In my “‘Review Report’ of January 22nd, 1912, after going carefully over my two last reports of August 19th, 1911, and of November 14th, 1911, on the subject of the water yield of the Alameda System, I segregated the system into two main subdivisions and estimated the relative net water yield of each, as follows: That of the southwesterly and westerly region, designated on map A herewith, by letters A-B- D-E, and comprising 100, 35, 40 and 80 square miles respectively, or 255 square miles collec- tively, and comprising the Calaveras, Alameda, San Antonio and Sunol-Laguna watersheds, at 74,000,000 gallons per day. That of the easterly and northeasterly region, consisting of the water- sheds of Arroyo Valle C, of 140 square miles; the lower Arroyo Valle C-1, of 5 square miles; and the remaining region tributary to the ar- tesian belt in Livermore Valley (including Ar- royo Mocho), of round 220 square miles, making a total tributary watershed area of 365 square miles (comprised on map A under letters C, C-1 and F). I placed this region at an average net water yield, when fully developed, of 46,000,000 gallons per day. Thus the combined result of these latter two estimates was a total average net yield of 120,000,000 gallons per day. During the last thorough investigation (as detailed in this report) made by me on this im- portant subject (in which I made full allow- ance for possible waste of water during extra heavy winters, as well as an extra allowance for Joss by evaporation), I took into con- sideration the conservative run-off as given by the Company’s Niles and Sunol records, as well as other records of local run-off and rainfall. This resulted in the conclusion that the average 127 net run-off from the entire Alameda Creek watershed was 120,000,000 gallons per day. In the following table a brief recapitulation shows the future development proposed by the Spring Valley Water Company, whereby the in- creasing demands of San Francisco as well as of Greater San Francisco will be amply met for an indefinite future: Average net daily supply (in mil. gals.) round figures. A. Peninsular Division Pilarcitos, San Andreas and Crys- tal. SPLINES sow aidna deine ees ia 19 Coast streams fully............. 50 B. Alameda Creek Division Calaveras) .e.ics se ioaye cca diay ots 58 AAT COO A: scale! aosar ce cag lente dv Stara s ae 10 ATTOVO: VAN Gy a gies Gartner: a isudietenae tate 30 Lower Arroyo Valle, San An- tonio, Sunol-Laguna........... 15.66 Livermore Valle, incl. Mocho, excl. Arroyo Valle............ 17.60 OCA SLOSS: wea ic vtads ees ae ware 131.26 Total net, 120.* C. San Joaquin Division With its practically unlimited supply as hereinabove shown. D. Santa Clara Valley Division (For suburban purposes only) Coyote River project ............ 20 South of S. F. Bay Artesian..... 21 South of Gilroy Artesian........ 14 TOGA. ai. - rushes eietepeibtaee yd anne 55 ee eee 50 The System is a Unit. All through this report I have emphasized the unit idea in constructing as well as in oper- ating the Company’s unequaled system. Under our variable climatic conditions, as illustrated herein, large storage reservoirs are absolutely necessary. But this alone is not sufficient; they must also be interlaced and interconnected with each other so thoroughly that any part of the combined sys- tem can quickly and reliably be assisted by the other portions that have resources to spare. (See map A and diagram E.) If such assistance can be given by gravitation, well and good; if not, pumping will be resorted to. For this purpose, as well as in order to make some of the lower but very prolific reservoirs of our combined sys- tem quickly and economically available, our Com- pany’s plan of development includes several high duty pumping stations, located at strategic points from where water can be sent to the point where it is required, for a comparatively *On page 118 of this report is shown under what condi- tions the above net water product of the Alameda System may be increased from 120 million gallons per day to between 130 and 140 million gallons per day. CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Note the Uneven Topography, Showing the Difficulties Which Must ’e Overcome in Supplying Water. Elevations Run from Sea Level to 900 Feet, and Lie Irregularly. COMPACTNESS AND INTERCHANGEABILITY OF SYSTEM. small capital expenditure as well as under a low operating cost. Owing to the very uneven topography of San Francisco, the use of pumping plants, for the purpose of distributing water to the inhabitants living on the slopes and summits of the many more or less isolated hills and ridges within the City, has been resorted to in the past, and will have to be resorted to in the future. ‘With the exception of water supplied by way of the Spring Valley Water Company’s San Andreas Reservoir (which will deliver water by gravity to the proposed ‘‘Industrial School Res- ervoir’’ at an elevation of 310 feet above tide) all other water supplies arriving in this City by way of the Crystal Springs res- ervoir and its future large gravitation tunnel- aqueduct (3-a on map A), whether coming from any of the subdivisions of the Spring Valley Water Company’s System or from Sierra Ne- vada, by gravitation or otherwise, will probably not reach San Francisco at an elevation higher than about 190 feet above tide. With the above exception, therefore, all of the future supplies which will be required above the level commanded by the main distributing reservoirs at an elevation of about 190 feet above tide, will have to be lifted by proper pumping- stations, located within the City at such points where the supply can be conveniently delivered from the outside works, and in the reasonably near neighborhood of which the respective higher elevations or summits, to which the water is to be delivered are conveniently located. Water arriving in the lower main distribut- ing reservoirs in San Francisco will supply that portion of San Francisco located between the shores of the bay and ocean on the one hand, and about the 100-foot contour on the other. The percentage of respective areas covered by the regions located between the contour lines: Below the 100-feet contour............ 40% Between 100 feet and 200 feet........ 24% “a 200. " “ 300 sesecamns 20% fs 300 “« “ 400 “ .....eee 8% ee 400 “ “ 500 “ ......6. 5% ee 500 “ “ 600 “ ....eeee 1% Above 600 feet ......... cece eee neces 2% MOtall: ws anwG. Ok ash Odes ea tie Meets 100% This table shows that practically 60 per cent of the surface area of San Francisco will have to be supplied by the use of pumping plants. The Spring Valley Water Company has found 129 that the compactness of its system, which com- bines great versatility and a high degree of in- terchangeability with short safe lines of inter- communication between the various main subdivi- sions, as well as between them and the City, presents a strong array of factors of safety as well as factors that make for economy of con- struction and of operation. Our Company has had a vast amount of experience not only in the construction of proper works for water sup- ply purposes, but also regarding the actual cost of works of this character under the prevailing conditions of labor and materials, and has thor- oughly studied the plan of construction as well as the probable cost (even under the best management obtainable) of the various plans proposed to it for bringing by gravitation its future additional water supply from one of the Sierra Nevada sources. In these estimates it was contemplated to cross the San Joaquin Val- ley by means of so-called inverted syphon pipe- lines, discharging the water by gravitation through a tunnel under Livermore Pass at prac- tically the same elevation as outlined in this report for its San Joaquin Division. Subsequently, the investigations were concen- trated upon the three distinct Sierra water- sheds lying directly opposite to our proposed Livermore Pass tunnel (30 on map A), being that of the Mokelumne River of about 500 square miles, that of the Stanislaus of about , 640 square miles, and that the Tuolumne of about 700 square miles of watershed area, re- spectively. Outside of the necessary head works for each of these three _ specific cases (the aqueducts terminating in the foothills of each respective canyon, at an eleva- tion of 1,000 feet more or less above tide), one or more so-called inverted syphon pipes were to be constructed, reaching from the westerly termini of the respective aqueducts, across the San Joaquin Valley to the easterly or inlet end of the Livermore Pass tunnel. The total fall of these pipelines crossing the San Joaquin Valley (about 400 feet), between the easterly and west- erly termini of the respective ‘‘inverted syphon pipelines,’’ gave a fall or grade of about 6 feet per mile of pipe. This fall, for the contemplat- ed pipelines of 62 inches diameter, corresponds to a discharge capacity for each line of about. 60 million gallons per day. My cost estimates for these pipelines were 136 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. based upon.a quality of American laminated iron equal in every respect to that employed by the Spring Valley Water Company in the con- struction of its 44-inch Crystal Springs pipe- line as well as of its 36-inch Alameda pipeline. Both of these lines, through their long period of successful service, have proven the true economy of proper proportions, high-grade ma- terials and workmanship combined. The actual cost of construction of gravitation works from the most favorably located one of the above three Sierra Nevada sources, per mil- lion gallons per day delivered by gravitation at the easterly or inlet end of our proposed Livermore Pass tunnel, was found to be more than three times the cost of works delivering the same amount of water by pumping from the San Joaquin River during the snow-melting seasons, as proposed by our Company and as outlined in thig report. The annual cost of operating the latter sys- tem, including all cost such as fuel, wages, in- terest, depreciation, etc., was found to be be- tween one-half and two-thirds of the annual cost of the Sierra Nevada gravitation plan, in- eluding interest, depreciation, labor, ete. Besides, the adoption of the Company’s plan of taking the water out of the’ San Joaquin during the snow-melting period, not only con- nected our works with a source near home, of vastly greater furnishing capacity, but also, while saving a vast sum in the initial capital expenditure, it entirely avoided costly and tedious future litigation as to water rights, and, as above stated, the cost per million gallons de- livered at the Livermore Pass tunnel inlet was between one-half and two-thirds only of the cost delivered by gravitation from the Sierra sources. Thus it was evident that the plan adopted by the Spring Valley Water Company of connect- ing the San Joaquin River directly with the Alameda Creek Division of its works was by far the most practical, economical and rapid solu- tion for its future extension, particularly, too, as thereby its resources became practically un- limited, ahd all ideas, therefore, of eventually adding a Sierra Nevada source to its system by gravitation were abandoned in favor of the plan herein outlined. Where kind Providence has placed close to the eastern boundary line of the Alameda sys- tem in the San Joaquin River the marvelous run-off result from the snow-clad Sierras we are highly gratified at having selected this much more economical, as well as more safe and reliable source of future additional supply. In short, the works of the Spring Valley Water Company (as outlined in this report) can furnish an abundant supply of water of first class quality, to the regions surrounding San Francisco Bay during the remainder of, and be- yond, the present century. “The properties and works of the S. V. W. Co. occupy such a unique position that they will always constitute the nucleus as well as the only safe basis for all future water supply projects for San Francisco and the cities on both sides of the Bay.” Respectfully yours, HERMANN SCHUSSLER, Consulting Engineer of the Spring Valley Val- ley Water Company. AVERAGE DAILY GROSS RUN-OFF FROM THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM AS RECORDED BY THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY, COMPARED WITH THE COMPUTED RUN-OFF, FURNISHED TO MR. FREEMAN BY MR. C. WILLIAMS, JR., IN THE LATTER’S REPORT ON THE WATER-YIELD OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. COMPILED BY HERMANN SCHUSSLER, CONSULTING ENGINEER, S. V. W. CO. OCTOBER, 8TH, 1912. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. Mr. Williams’ Estimated List Annual Run-off Record Mr. Williams’ (Col. 4) With of the Spring Valley Run-off Estimated List His Estimates Water Company for as Calculated by (Col. 4) With of 168.1 for Niles and Sunol Dams. Mr. Williams from his Average Daily 1908-09 and Estimated Rain-Tables Run-offt of 74.9 for 1889-90 and Run-off Curves 420.9 M. G. Inserted Omitted, but With in Millions of Gallons for Season S. V. W. Co.’s Average Daily per Day.7 of 1889-90. Record of Gross Run-off Run-off in 420.9 for 1889-90 per Season in Milions of (Nov. 1 to July 1) Season. Million Gallons. Gallons. Inserted.§ 1889-90...........0.. 156,148 BOT) = coda t 420.9 420.9 189029 Vise: ns cvs yea ees 35,125 96.2 57.9 57.9 57.9 1891292 esa sek ee 19,051 52.1 89.3 89.3 89.3 189298 0.6 a8 tance aa as x 102,676 281.3 247.8 247.8 247.8 TSO 804i ons son iiss heel 3 55,155 151.1 102.5 102.5 102.5 1894-95 35.2 esceines awe 81,827 224.1 238.4 238.4 238.4 1895-96. ............. 37,232 102.0 104.8 104.8 104.8 189629 Tis vies ie wee no 63,472 175.8 139.6 139.6 139.6 1897298 ss oss. cice saan a 3,775 10.3 17.7 17.7 17.7 1898-99... ida es cae 24,849 68.0 56.8 56.8 56.8 1899200 ce ccwes na eee eR 18,158 49.7 79.7 79.7 79.7 1900-01.............. 32,102 87.9 152.1 152.1 152.1 190920202 essence wna e es 19,717 54.0 80.9 80.9 80.9 1902-030 s 264 ATA ODSIDNE ES NES ANOPIDWOD APILOM AFTION IPAS WOT STK PIAO MOTs Yor GSTIAPAID VOALHISIPA FAILEGALPSNWOD 477A WI LWHO/FH FOOD 134 “MUGUO VOEWNVIV JO MOTE ONILAdWOO NI UAISSOHOS NNVWUAH “UW AM GHSN AUOMOLHUYAH AAUNO AAILVAUHSNOD DNIMOHS L4FIFS WM LHOIFH FOLD Se #2 MoT 4a pevr0v2 CYS y Be pognmwoD eer ATAr OISIDN MAS NES €-3 uosuspuy ANEAWOD AILOM AFTICA IOPNIASS WOT TOMNS PIAO MO7Txs wor GINAID SIACHISIA SAILO IL ASNOD ONODTIS PIS LIFS DIGND SO SOW LSIOSL ee 12 of or eo as Ww gl a sf a “ or é e LAV DIF FOOD LPT a se 135 136 Records of Overflow Measurements at Niles and Sunol Dams Form the Basis for a Correct Statement of Stream Discharge. The records of gage heights at the dams have been minutely examined and great care has been exercised in the notation of the re- spective widths of the dam, to which these heights apply from time to time. These gage heights have, apparently, been accurately kept, and if due cognizance is taken of their relation to the lines of the structures, especially of the Niles Dam, they are satisfac- tory as a basis from which to build up a sub- stantially correct statement of the stream dis- charge. As is common in such observations, and was more common some years ago than it is now, the measurements of flow over the Niles Dam were made 24 hours apart, and only a few interme- diate gagings were made at flood stages dur- ing the period of 12 years of observation at this dam. More frequent records during such floods would have given a more accurate presentation of the total discharge. At the Sunol Dam, much more frequent ob- servations were made. The result is a profile of gage heights more closely following the fluctuations of the stream. Increase in Flow Over the Niles and Sunol Dams, Due to “Velocity of Approach,” Entirely Neglected in Computations Heretofore Used by Spring Valley Water Company. The tables of stream discharge over the dams heretofore used by and in the files of Spring Valley Water Company were calculated from the gagings by means of a weir formula, that may not apply with sufficient accuracy, alike in regard to the form of the dams, the feature of submergence, and, most vitally important of all, the neglect of all consideration of the effect of ‘‘velocity of approach’’, which on both struc- tures is quite marked. The discharge has therefore been recalculated, using the most recent and generally adopted methods and experiments, in order to arrive at rating curves that would correctly and conserv- atively indicate the discharge at the various stages. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. The curves established by Prof. Le Conte, as a result of his recent experiments, have been duly considered. In these experiments the dams were reproduced in a small scale. The adopted run-off curves parallel in the main those of Prof. Le Conte and other investi- gators, but give slightly greater discharges for depths below 9 feet and smaller discharges above that depth. The greater discharges on low heads have been confirmed by careful computation, and are justified by the conditions and form of the structures. The higher heads are rarely reached in the 23 years’ observations. Use of the higher curves would not materially affect the total discharge. There is no hesitation in the assertion that the curves which have been adopted fairly rep- resent the actual discharges. All computations for discharge have been carefully checked, and the statement of stream discharges is as accurate as can be made from the data available. Errors in Discharges Over Dams Due to Single Daily Observations, Eliminated by Compensation in Period of Years. It may be suggested that run-off deduced from gage heights recorded only once in 24 hours will result in excessive discharge. Consideration of the records will, however, prove the probability of compensation as shown by the following. The increase of the floods was generally much more rapid than the decrease. This is well illustrated on several occasions, notably in 1891 and in 1892, when the records of flow at the Niles Dam were as follows: GAGE HEIGHTS—NILES DAM. 1891 1892. Feb: 224 eacaaso% 0’ 6” Nov. 28 BO D8 e248 Be oad 6’ 6” “29. PM a se eieee ah 4° 0” “30. ee Cee 3’ 0” Dec. 26 eaten wands 2’ 1” cy Os DME oils bebe Ot ce 2’ 3” s vat ND sre, Secueendce oe 4’ 3” « MAR Die esisgnecets 7 4” sf nf Daa tion 3 Xe 4° 11” e . Bie Sts a Blea 3’ 5” eS Ae Bea aiave.tens 2’ 9” se Big tank, Seay, 1’ 5” In both cases, the discharges calculated for the first day, on the depth given for that day, would unquestionably represent a smaller vol- EVAPORATION LOSS FROM LIVERMORE VALLEY. ume than was discharged during the 24 hours. Most likely the increase began some time dur- ing that first day, and would swell the discharge for that day above that due to the gage height shown. In the ease of extremely high discharges con- tinuing for only a few hours, as from ‘‘cloud bursts’’, infrequent measurements might miss the discharge entirely, or if the depth has been taken at the peak flood of the flow, show dis- charges greatly in excess of the actual run-off. But the record of gage heights show little or no evidence of the occurrence of such torrential floods, the fluctuations being due to normal rise of the stream, following the rains, and marked by a sudden increase of considerable depth. The discharge for each day has been calecu- lated from the depth of water noted that day, for instance, 6 inches depth on February 22nd, 1891, as in above statement, and not for the average depth of that day and the next succeed- ing day. Conditions similar to those quoted in the years 1891 and 1892 prevail more or less ac- centuated, at the beginning of the period of flood in each year when the gagings were made at the Niles Dam. As previously stated the notations of gauge heights were more frequently made, especially during flood stages, at the Sunol Dam than at the Niles Dam. To determine the difference in the results ob- tained from the daily gage heights and from the varying heights recorded during flood stages, the discharges over the Sunol Dam, from the season 1900-01 to the season 1911-12, inclusive —have been computed, first from the fluctuat- ing heights as recorded, in some instances 15 minutes apart, and second from the height of gage recorded at 8 a. m. on each day, and the comparative results are shown below: FLOW OVER SUNOL DAM. Computed Computed From From Season. Varying Heights 8 a.m. Gage Heights M. G. M. G. 1900-01........ 38,936 40,130 1901-02........ 25,472 25,051 1902-03........ 34,945 31,097 190804. haw ce 29,907 29,837 1904-05........ 14,579 14,579 1905-06........ 60,565 63,063 1906-07........ 100,154 98,307 137 1OROS 4.2ie52 14,723 14,957 1908-09........ 78,002 78,711 19OS1 0: se bs 25,264 24,495 190 ose 87,049 88,056 POND a Sia os 5,043 5,627 Total........ 514,639 513,840 8 a. m. gage heights—99.8 per cent of vary- - ing heights. The total difference, in these 12 seasons, amounts to 799 million gallons, or 66.6 million gallons per annum, or 182,466 gallons per day less by computing from the daily gage heights recorded then from the fluctuating gage heights recording during the floods. The greatest difference in any one season is in 1902-03, when the result computed from the daily gage heights is less than that from the varying heights in a total volume of 3,848 mil- lion gallons, or 89 per cent of the volume ob- tained by the varying heights. The next greatest difference is in the season 1905-06 when the result computed from the daily gage heights is more than that from the varying heights in a total volume of 2,498 mil- lion gallons, or 4.12 per cent more than the vol- ume obtained by the varying heights. That illustration justifies the conclusion that the quantities obtained by computation of the daily gage heights over the period of years at the Niles Dam will result in a close approxi- mation to the quantities that would have been obtained from more frequent gagings at shor- ter intervals, that compensation occurs, and that the maximum in any one season will not mate- rially affect the results in that season, and be entirely eliminated in a period of 10 or 12 years. Present Evaporation Loss From Saturated Soils in Livermore Valley 20 M. G. D. In some respects the eastern portion of Ala- meda Creek Drainage Area resembles those water systems that exist in South Central Oregon and elsewhere. There are in that territory several complete drainage areas that have no outlet to the sea. The streams rise in mountain ranges, and flow some distance, and then discharge into a lake, having no outlet and impervious bottom. 5 EL Gy enpauagy Lag DOHBLUM ATTIVA SNIKSS SO/SSNY XS WOU a fy 29] Wa /OUNS aroga /osaZ | WOT TOMS OL APLITSIALL |S 710F| SHUN FRET, WLeA_ Ona GSHSETLEM NOLNUSETIS osr2|— 724aL Sea | za waboy [eure oor = Buady TOS p= | peo. | So wavenza7 _] er C3HSUFLEM TONS By Gry MILO COFMYTY SO OFHSSPLEM COsUely UES OD HELV AT TIVA ONLS SNIMOHS Cll WIT TONS OL Ad VLNE (el PPLE At PAD AG POSOTOLD GO COSALG IS (oe TW DEZo| LET [OUD oF Geely FOL, 2007, Yaoi sajenGo7 | See YR GOEL SF Oe Cfsan Shorty | lever OO [a CROFT a DUGG 46019 9 ByiS OD UAE UDEyo EjOf Kati Zoe Year CiaTojy TOE soe wobey Aajen [OAS Z AB/jOA BLCLIONT SOMOT iz Abie LBA] TELE iz Fea TapTaF_| 7 YER CLR/OEEOL Zoe YeRI7- Cua ih OFMSHTLEM 138 FLOW OF ALAMEDA CREEK 172 M. G. D. In such water systems, the evaporation losses from the water surface of the lake and river equals the entire observed stream flow. The level of the lakes fluctuate but little from year to year. Some of these rivers carry large vol- umes of water and drain large areas. As shown in more detail by Report on Evapo- ration from Wet Lands in Livermore Valley (page 482) a lake or lagoon has been known to always exist, in the lower part of the valley. On the basis of most recent and accurate tests made, the loss of water by evaporation from this lagoon has been established as averaging 20 to 24 M. G. D. before the drainage works recently put in operation were constructed. The further loss by evaporation, sustained while the water is flowing in natural channels, from the subdivision points, at which impound- ing works would be constructed, to Sunol, has not been determined. That loss is considerabie and would be largely obviated by the construc- tion of closed conduits conveying the water from the impounding reservoirs. Addition of some volume representing this saving to the estimates of segregated flows could therefor2, justly be made. The fact that this has not been done adds a margin of safety to the cal- culations. Total Flow From Alameda System, Including Recoverable Losses From Evaporation, Not Less Than 172 to 176 M. G. D. The total discharge at Sunol for the seasons 1889-90 to 1911-12, amounts to 1,278,890 M. G., giving an average discharge for the 23 seasons of 55,604 M. G. per year, or 152.33 M. G. daily. In order to determine the total water yield of all the separate drainage areas, the various losses sustained, must be added as not appearing in the volume at Sunol. These are due to evapo- ration from the saturated areas, to loss in tran- sit, and to local consumption. Of these, evapo- ration from Pleasanton Lagoon alone amounts to from 20 to 24 million gallons daily. The tributary stream flow within the drain- age area above Sunol must therefore amount to a total of not less than 172 to 176 M. G. daily average flow for the 23 year period. In this is not included loss from river flow and local con- sumption, which would swell the total of the 139 discharge that could be gaged or measured out of each tributary drainage area. Flow From Various Tributaries of Alameda Creek Can be Completely Regulated. The sites for reservoirs and impounding works contemplated for complete regulation of the natural stream flow from season to season and year to year are located on the various tributaries. The total available regulated flow from the system, will be the sum of the flow delivered in proper conduits from the various parts. It is therefore necessary, in order to derive conclusions as to the safe yield from the streams, to distribute and segregate the total flow, and apportion the same to the various subdivisions. These subdivisions are shown on the accom- panying maps as proposed by previous investi- gators. For these investigations subdivision shown on map (page 138) has been used. Comparatively little data is available, di- rectly showing the stream flow of tributaries, and a greater number of observations, main- tained over a period of years, at gaging sta- tions throughout the various areas would have been desirable. Available Records Enable Accurate Determination of Contribution of Flow From Various Tributaries. The period of 23 years during which observa- tions have been made is sufficiently long to embrace, in all probability, the extreme varia- tions of flow. With the observations available, it is possi- ble by careful study of the rainfall records, the hydrographic characteristics of the areas themselves and the flow at Sunol, to arrive at fairly accurate conclusions of the separate amounts from each tributary, if the losses oc- curring during the flow of water from the trib- utaries are borne fully in mind. Rainfall records for a great, number of sta- tions, covering the whole period of observa- tions at each of them, have been prepared after thorough examination of original records (page 445.) No attempt has been made to interpolate or estimate precipitation in seasons for which ob- “SNOSVUS eT SNIYAAOD SONIOVD 'IVOLOV Ad CHNINUDLAC SVM UIOAUASAY SVUAAVIVO AHL LV A4O-NOU GNV TIVANIVY NEGMLAG NOLLVIGY FHL CALAVERAS HYDROGRAPHIC DATA. servations are lacking. The records submitted represent only an accurate statement of ob- served rainfall. The rainfall tables have been utilized in the distribution of the total run-off among the various drainage areas composing the total watershed. Full consideration has been given to annual, seasonal and monthly differences at the various stations in the immediate vicinity of the drainage areas considered. In general it has not been attempted to build up theoreti- cal curves of run-off from these records of rain- fall. Calaveras Hydrographic Data of Material Assistance in Determination of Run-off. Calaveras Creek occupies the most important section. While its drainage area is not the largest, it is the most productive of water, by reason of its position and characteristics. It has greater rainfall than any other section. Rainfall observations within the area have been maintained at Calaveras Damsite since 1874, with the exception of two seasons, and at Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, since 1881. The stream flow was observed continuously from 1898 to 1908, with exception of part of 1905, and subsequently from 1910 to the present time. The work was not very methodical be- fore 1910, but the discharges computed from all of the records obtainable, prove of material assistance in the determination of the relation of the Calaveras run-off to the total Sunol run- off. In the first period of these observations, ex- tending from 1898-99 to 1903-04, the records vary from depths over a weir, to depths and widths over prescribed lengths of channel. The original notes do not set out the cross section of the stream, but some data in this regard is available in the Spring Valley Water Cémpany files. Careful investigation of all data, shows results that are undoubtedly substantially cor- rect, The records for the remainder of the period are not so clear, though with care in examina- tion and computation, resulting in many altera- tions of the results formerly used by the Spring Valley Water Company, volumes that bear a reasonable relation to the rainfall recorded in the various years have been established. 141 From the stream flow observations, it is evi- dent that run-off commences almost invariably, immediately following an accumulated rainfall of 5 inches, The observed flow for the season of 1911-12 is reliable. Regular and methodical observa- tions of depth were made, and the discharges are based upon current meter measurements. The observations are of special value as show- ing a comparatively low yield in a year of next to the lowest rainfall, observed at Calaveras, since 1889. The above two items provide starting points for the rainfall and run-off curve presented on page 140. In order to determine the flow each year, the records of rainfall at Calaveras were considered for each season, month by month, and in some instances, daily. To determine the yield, de- duction was made of 5 inches at the beginning of each season’s precipitation, as the amount re- quired for original saturation, and of 2 inches per month after saturation for evaporation. The balance was considered as ‘‘effective’’ rain- fall, and the whole volume, from that precipita- tion on the entire drainage area, plotted on a diagram. The result was then reviewed, taking into consideration the effect of the rainfall at Mount Hamilton upon the upper, and larger, portion of the drainage area. The seasonal flow thus obtained for the whole period was compared with the volume of flow calculated from the observations from 1898 to 1908. These calculated stream flows, to- gether with the run-offs adopted in each year, and the corresponding rainfall are shown on the Diagram of Rainfall and Run-off. (Page 140.) Run-off Varies With Meteorological Conditions. The investigations show a difference in run- off, from the same or approximately the same total rainfall. This is inevitable, and would be experienced, due to the different intensity of the rainfall in the various periods. The great run-off in 1889-90, with the greatest rainfall, 45.5 inches, is readily accounted for by consideration of the rainfall record for that season. After two months of more than av- erage rain (9.60 inches total), follow two months with a precipitation exceeding 10 inches in each month, and following them again, two 142 months of more than average precipitation (9.19 inches total). The conditions result in excessive saturation and extreme readiness to flow. The large volume of the observed flow in the season of 1906-07 may be explained on similar conditions. In that season of comparatively high rainfall (32.98 inches at Calaveras), prac- tically 65 per cent of the total effective rainfall occurred in one month, March, preceded by one month of rainfall just above the allowance for evaporation and preceeding that, two months of excessive precipitation (14.44 inches). In addi- tion to these conditions, the rainfall at Mount Hamilton during that season was 30 per cent in excess of that at Calaveras, being 43.34 inches for the season. The maximum monthly rainfall at Mount Hamilton oceurred in the same month, March, as at Calaveras. As the results of all the considerations closely agree, the conclusion is inevitable that the vol- umes of run-off adopted for each year at Cala- veras must correctly represent the discharge of the stream. They will afford a reasonable foundation for apportioning the remaining vol- ume of the total Sunol run-off to the other divisions of the tributary area. Determination of Run-off From Upper Alameda Creek. The only data available for comparison of the run-off of the Upper Alameda Creek with that of Calaveras Creek, or with the total Sunol run-off, consist of observations of flow from March, 1911, to the present time. The flow has been established by current meter measure- ments. For the period preceding July, 1911, these observations show a run-off of 29.4 per cent of the Calaveras Creek run-off. For the period from July, 1911, to June, 1912, the run-off is 31 per cent of Calaveras. The relation is, natur- ally, one of marked variations. The dry season flow of Upper Alameda Creek is low, actually and comparatively receding to 5.48 million gallons for the month of October, 1911; and during that period the percentage falls as low as from 5 to 11 per cent. During the period of high flow the percentage increases, ranging from 20 to 39 per cent, The hydrographic conditions of Upper Ala- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. meda Creek differ from those of Calaveras Creek in some respects. All conditions indicate the probability of slightly reduced rainfall, due to topographic features and position of the area in relation to the direction of prevailing winds. Soil conditions are such that a reduced run-off would result from the same rainfall. Altogether the conclusion would be that, from the same rainfall, the run-off per square mile from Upper Alameda drainage area would be about 70 per eent of the Calaveras Creek run-off. As the Upper Alameda area is 34.6 per cent of the Calaveras area, this would result in a total slightly in excess of 24 per cent. In distributing the total Sunol flow, it has been assumed that the contribution from Upper Alameda Creek is 25 per cent of the total run- off of Calaveras Creek. From this general rule, one exception must be noted, the season of 1889-90. Reference has already been made to the intensity of the rain- fall in that season, and it is believed that the conditions leading to an excessive run-off for Calaveras Creek area would exist on Upper Ala- meda Creek area. For that season, the run-off per square mile on the Upper Alameda Creek is considered to be the same as from Calaveras Creek. Results From Run-off Curve for San Antonio Conform in Variation to Ran-off at Sunol Dam. For the San Antonio Creek drainage area there are neither rainfall observations, nor stream measurements available. The western and upper part of the area would undoubtedly be affected by a rainfall similar to that of the Calaveras drainage, though undoubt- edly reduced, as the clouds, passing over the high ridges enclosing the Calaveras area, are stripped of the greater part of their moisture. The rainfall in the lower and eastern section of the area, would probably more nearly ap- proach the precipitation in the Livermore Val- ley. The soil conditions in the San Antonio area are not quite so favorable to effective run-off as Calaveras, indicating somewhat greater ab- sorption. On the other hand, the run-off condi- tions of Calaveras would more nearly govern than those of the Livermore Valley. ‘ATIVOIHAVUD NMOHS SI IVNYON HHL WOUd TIVANIVY TIVNOSVHS JO AUNLUVdHd AHL YOULIOPY UObf SBbDLBALY BA 1SSE1bL04f 12aK~ easy SP Sannyiadeg Fo WolssatidxXZ SYONY SAT Lig? NOILVLIAS/ DASHA TWNOSVTS (-WVYIVIT ‘SEYOL/ [BSY Sl /1bf Of ZLG HOLL BIOUIIBAIZ 40 VOM OID) P Pal [Oly wvoay y 3 UWE! /-O06/ 1 ‘SayoQu Us aunpiodeg 8 143 144 After thorough consideration, the rainfall as recorded at Livermore, applied to the run-off curve for Calaveras was adopted as applicable, and the adopted amounts varied in relation to the general proportion of the total Sunal run- off, as these vary from season to season. Run-off per Square Mile From Sunol Area and Sinbad Creek Resembles San Antonio. In the Sunol area, rainfall observations have been maintained at Sunol for the whole period of 23 years. Using the same method as for Calaveras, that is, making deduction, first for original satura- tion, and monthly thereafter for evaporation, but altering the amounts to 8 and 3 inches. re- spectively, total seasonal run-offs are obtained, bearing reasonable relation to the run-off per square mile in the other areas. The results show run-offs per square mile which, on the whole, resemble those of the San Antonio area. Topographical conditions and general characteristics indicate the probability of a better yield. Hydrographic Data at Arroyo Valle Indicates Conditions of Its Stream Discharge. The data available for Arroyo Valle are con- fined to rainfall records and stream flow ob- servations for only four seasons, 1904-05 to 1907-08. The results from the flow observations are shown in the tabulation of Arroyo Valle gaging. (Page 478.) The records are not complete for any entire season, although the main periods of flow no doubt were those to be recorded. The calculated flow, therefore, must be taken as indicative of general conditions of stream discharge, rather than as showing the exact amount of water. The conclusion is inevitable that the lower section of the area will be affected by a rainfall similar to that at Livermore, and the upper sec- tion by a rainfall as at Mount Hamilton, or rather by that rainfall somewhat reduced in volume. On both sections, the run-off will be governed by conditions differing from Cala- veras. The areas considered are, first, that part of Arroyo Valle, lying above the reservoir site, THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. and second, that part below as shown by the two divisions indicated on the map. (Page 138.) For the lower area, the rainfall at Livermore was adopted and distributed for each season on the basis of 8 inches for original saturation, and 3 inches per month evaporation. For the upper area, the Mount Hamilton rainfall reduced 10 per cent was adopted and distributed on the same basis as in the other area. The preliminary results were checked against run-off from all remaining sections of the area tributary above Sunol. Taking the rainfall at Livermore and calculating the run-off by first deducting 8 inches for complete saturation and 3 inches per month, subsequently for evap- oration, results were derived that, with some modifications due to local and seasonal varia- tions, compared closely with the results ob- tained for Arroyo Valle Creek. They confirm the conclusion that Arroyo Valle yields ap- proximately one-half of the total run-off from the upper area outside of Calaveras, Upper Alameda, San Antonio and Sunol-Sinbad areas. The proportion varies with the seasons and the intensity of the rainfall. Run-off From Livermore Valley Indicates Greater Loss From Evaporation Than Other Tributaries. The method of determination of run-off from Livermore Valley follows the lines set out in the preceding pages. The rainfall at Livermore was adopted for the whole area and run-off calculated deduct- ing first 8 inches for saturation, and subse- quently 3 inches per month for evaporation. This method will frequently show a lack of run-off from a greater rainfall than 8 inches, or even 11 inches, and will ag frequently show lack of run-off for dry years. This is believed to be consistent with the actual conditions. The flow from the whole area was distributed to the various portions of the Livermore Valley in direct relation to their areas, with the excep- tion of Arroyo Mocho. Run-off per Square Mile From Arroyo Mocho Nearly 60 per Cent of Run-off per Square Mile From Arroyo Valle. The Arroyo Mocho area was considered as ALAMEDA SEGREGATED FLOW 163.29 M. G. D. bearing to the Arroyo Valle approximately the same relation as Upper Alameda does to Cala- veras, probably with a lower percentage of run- off per square mile, being more nearly 60 per cent than 70 per cent of the Arroyo Valle run- off, The final findings, showing the segregated flow from each of the tributaries, are assembled in the Tabulation of Segregated Flow. 146.) The sum total of all segregated flows amount to 163.29 M. G. D. (Page 145 In the chapter of Total Flow has been shown that the sum of flow at Sunol, and loss by evap- oration from water in transit, corresponds to a total flow from tributaries of 172 to 176 M. G. D. The results of the segregation studies are therefore low and conservative. In view of the entirely different methods by which the two re- sults have been derived, the conclusions agree remarkably well. 82°S9T eVvy 99°S T7'8 Gs 68° OL 619 orte 06 TT 92°0T 68°9T 0s'+9 Aep Jad “ay 009°68 GT9‘T 696 690°8 826 Pea‘ 8g2 292s 69F'TL Grey erL‘e S9T‘9 epg'eg wnuue Jod ay GOS‘OLeT 6PT‘LE 08'S SLS‘OL 9E8'TS LLE‘83 686'S LZ0°3S 96L°893 086‘66 £80°98 Z08'THT P8PTPS ST@1OL GEL‘ST ggg OFS 090‘T ST 0&F 06 OBL 00s‘ GEE 006 00S‘T 000‘9 ZT-LI6T €80°S6 OLZ‘S g96'T ST2‘9 088'T 008° gzg Shor 0002 €£9'8 0g9'F ogL'L 000‘TS TL-OT6T 89e‘cE TIg 008 0&6 G8z 088 08 F69'T 000‘8 899° GL8‘T GT's Q0S‘ZT - OT-606T £98°68 SPB‘ OTLT Gor‘s geo GLUS Gcy GLL‘S 000‘8T g99‘L 0g6'F 0S2'8 000‘8¢ 60-806T ZSP‘9Z LLG one 960‘T SEE OFF 86 9T0'T 008‘F 398s 0g9'T OSL‘ 000‘TT 80-L06T GPS‘ZIL 098 F 029° 0828 gos‘ GE's 00L OT8‘g 000‘8 Gh2'8 09¢'¢ 0g2'8 000‘SE L0-906T 029‘F9 9g8'T SILT Geg‘e 0L0‘T OSFT 962 029° 000‘ST 028° OSL‘s 092'9 000°S 90-S06T LE8‘LZ ge TZ 99 02 9% g P8P 00g‘ 082° GOOFS 000‘F 000‘9T GO-P06T 492 bP Ore G02 949 S61 092 ¥S 026 00F F FP0'S osh'e 0gL'g 000'82 ¥0-206T O8L‘9F g89'T O10T 002° 896 882'T 693 080° 000‘0T 088‘ 00FS 000‘F 000‘9T €0-Z06T FLZ‘98 oL6 ¥8g oss‘ 09g PPL 9ST 892 000‘9 osT’e 0923 OSL‘8 000‘ST Z0-T06T 096‘6h OTST GL G62'S +69 £36 e6T OF8‘T 0088 088° osT’e 0932'S 000‘TS T0-006T 86012 ae eee ee eee ea Wee ee eee eee ae wee ee eee 00FF 869'T , 0Gz‘e OGLE 000‘ST 00-668T ose‘Ts eee oe ee eee eaves eee ee ee eve ees oe elm OOT‘S 08s‘s 00F‘S 000‘F 000‘9T 66-868T. oLs‘s aoe sets seas hes ce Se athe ak athe 002° OLT OSF 02 000° 86-1681 GG8‘Sh 9F6S oge'T OL3‘F 16ST GILT 09g F063 000‘FT goed 16S‘F og9°L 80908 16-9681 GGZ‘eF SLOT L9L osr's G&L GL6 G0Z 00S‘T 0ea'h Ors‘s 929°3 268'P OLG‘LT 96-S68T Z82'86 Ores 99L‘T 009‘ 069T 092‘ OLF 9geF 000°TZ O9L‘L 007s 000‘6 000‘98 G6-F68T 689th gots 862'T Ost t OFZ‘T FS9'T Ore 963° Z19‘eT 999'F ose’ OS3‘L 000°6Z ¥6-8681 Gr9‘6TL 098‘s 310°C 0Lg‘9 G26'T C9Gs 98g 133‘ 000‘S% 009‘F 00g‘ OST‘SE 009‘8F £6-Z68T €13'8Z ee eee eeeee eeeee en eee ee eee eee ee eae 002'F £18 ogs‘z 0&2'F 000°2T 26-1681 8S8'SP T2P'T 3g8 00L'S 918 060‘T had 888'T 0006 9LZ T89°2 T08'F 908°LT T6-068T GLY‘PST 82g‘G 028‘ 00S‘0T O8T‘S 082'F Gas res‘9 ¥S0'TE SOT‘FT 006‘FT S8T‘SS 000‘L9 06-688T “DTA “'D - ‘DT ‘DTA ‘DCW ‘OW ‘DA “DT ‘DW ‘DA ‘DCW ‘OTL ‘DCW “IB9K TeIOL ‘WPS L°2P ‘TAPS T'92 ‘TOS LTS “TI “DS F'FS “TI “DS 1°28 “HAL PS 6°9 ‘TIT ‘DS PSP ‘HA OS S88 “TW OS Ssh TAL PS 28 “HAL PS 9 FE “TA “PS 00T yeo1p o1efesseL ysIoIp @IOWISAYT B1OUIIOALT oTIPA eyooKn sTIe A joung omo1uy epewely SBIIABIED ouVely SseyIsOd IaMO'T a90ddy oAOLIV osO1LW oAOLLY ues Joddn IdMOT VauUV HOV -NIVUGC MAAMO VGANVIV TVLOL JO SVAUV AOVNIVUC SNOIUVA CHL WOU MOTH GHLVOEUDES HO NOLLVWINEVL 146 &T &T §T §T 8T ST «9 6 6° Se eee 6°9 «8° ST &@ 8h 09 8 FT oL-TI6T S°9L €°qL 0°92 O°LL 9L 96 u8 TS 6ST : f 6G ub 86 OCT $66 OTs ul 86 TL-OT6T 6° TT 9°TT 9°TT LTT 9°TT gs wf PL 8g Ses? gg G8 8P 06 Set ter OT-606T 9°99 g°g9 6°99 0°19 99 SL 9 8T OST toy 8ST wl’ SG Ser OFS Oss oe we ae 60-806T Ss" éT 6° &T PST 9°ST g°sT TS «66 SE rade . S8Ph ue OT oF 08 OrT aS LT 80-L06T T° SOT F°00T § TOT 6° SOT ¥ TOT OCT aL 86 G06 OLT «866 9€T 0G¢ OSE 0° $8 10-906T g°éP 9° CF T&F TPP 8h 6s wu 6T L8 0eT ue SS 96 08T 0S¢ «0° 8S 90-S06T 8° 8° 3° 8° L Or «8° ST 8I Lt 8 8S 69 TT 09T uh 8B 90-F06T 0°8 6°L 6°L 0°83 8°L 61 aS §T C& FOr ue 6G 06 99T 0&3 uG LE F0-E06T 68 L°8é T° 68 L°68 0°68 SP «8 FT GL 08 «0° 6T 69 SIT O9T uO GS €0-06T L°GE F°SE 9° 3s 6°26 9°3s 9¢ u8 "OT &P +9 aG 6T 8g 80T OST u& "ES 60-L06T §° 8 L° 13 T'8s ¥°8S 8 8§ oh 6T $9 08 ab GS T8 OST 01s ub 08 T0-006T sii pieraran Sea shy gees ack oe Seas ira Ze ge 88S gg 80T 0ST _8°SZ 00-6681 Beets SA uta Cae akee Saas ie ha pee uf 6 Le 08 uf 91 29 SIL 09T 0° 2S 66-8681 aha citer toni aoe Gerane sass Shes ieee wes 16 6 g'e SOL ral 1Z 0g UB ’et 86-L681 $°SS LTS GS 6°CS GGG 09 aS LT TOT ae 06 a6 6G STL 18s 90€ a6 TS 16-968T 0°08 $° 66 L°62 0°08 G66 TS uv OT 6S ae gL a9 LT 89 PCL 9LT «8° GE 96-S68T 8°89 L°L9 g°89 §°69 T°89 06 ub FS TST i : 09T a0" LE 68T 092 098 «9 8E S6-P68T L°0S L° 6h ¥'0S 8°0¢ $6 6g uG LT 86 a ee 96 uh TB GIT OTs 062 «8 0E $6-S68T L°8h TLL 0°82 8°8L 8° LL 80T u& 96 08T ee 6 uo LE 68T ose 98h a 6§ 86-C68T Sieh 88 ta 38 2 ae She aaa Bena as LZ PL oe occ gt SOL 19 FZL OLT BSS 26-1681 $°&& 9°CE L°3é b° SS && 68 uG PT g9 ogy tank L’g uw FT 19 Or 6LT au 06 T6-068T ¥°6eT 6° LET $°8eT Ost 8er S&T ul’ 86 ¥66 Trees 663 «0° 6§ G8 0L9 0L9 uG' GP 06-688T ‘DW DW ‘DW DW ‘DW ‘DW ‘DW DW DW ‘DW DW ‘DW *‘yo-unt ‘yo-uni ‘qyo-uns ‘yo-uni ‘yo-uns ‘yo-uni ‘jJjo-uni ‘][eyurel ‘Jjo-und “‘Treyuresr ‘yo-unil ‘[yeyurer ‘yjo-und ‘yjo-uni ‘Jjo-una ‘jpeyures ‘Siva yz owevly o1efessel, seyIsoq d10UIaA]T 10ULI2ATT "A OAOIIW OOO, S1OUMI@ATT, TPA OfOIIY early joung oluojuy epowery SBIIALTED: TaMO'T w3ddQ IaMOT OAOIIV ues Jedd ‘MOTH CALVOHYOES WOU VaUV AOVNIVUC MAEYO VAEWNVIV TVLOL NI GACOTIONI SVAUV ADVNIVNC SNOTUVA NO ATIW TUVOOS Ud AAONOY AO NOSIUVdWOO AHL AO NOILVINGVL 147 CALAVERAS FESERVO/IP Capacity and Area Contour Area in \ Capacity Elevation \__Acres WAIG 360 0.37 0.00 I8O “1.2 37.70 600 33.7 [83.93 620 123.8 697.67 640 26/.0 1951.70 660 F/E.0 4/65.78 680 643.0 7623.4/ 700 845.0 /2474/9 720 1078.0 18 744.30 740 1291.0 2646553 760 1531.0 35 665.93 780 1736.0 46 3/5.58 800 1930.0 58 257.40 Crest of Dam- Elev. 800", Max. Water Height.- Elev 795 Capacity - 54.000, 000,000 Gals. Acres 0 500 1000 /500 2000 2500 3000 40 50 60 0 70 20 30 Thousand Wiilliore Gal lors Calculations from Wap F-&/ Crystal Springs Datum. From Frecords of SVVV-Co. SPRING VALLEY WATER Co. Lrawn by... AS feut ms Sar Fraricrsco. = OG pe Wc ily 1912 Compared € Checked by 7. Ope Anderson C-1 CALAVERAS RESERVOIR WILL BE ONE OF THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. 148 CAPACITY OF CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. REGULATED FLOW FROM ALAMEDA SYSTEM. In order to arrive at a conclusion of the safe daily yield from the whole Alameda System it is necessary to consider what regulated flow can be drawn from the various subdivisions and the method required in each case to regulate the flow. In the previous chapter has been shown the tributary stream flow of the subdi- visions. Regulated Flow From Calaveras Reservoir. Calaveras Reservoir will be supplied by the natural flow of Calaveras Creek, together with diverted flow of Upper Alameda Creek. It is proposed to construct the dam to ele- vation 800, with a highwater line at elevation 780. At that latter elevation, the storage ca- pacity of the reservoir will be 46,315 million gallons. The storage capacity at elevation 795, or 5 feet below the crest of the dam, will be 55,000 million gallons, or an addition of 8,685 million gallons; this will be regarded as re- serve storage capacity. In the following derivation of regulated flow from the two streams a capacity of 46,315 mil- lion gallons only is first considered. Excess flow is then noted, and regulated by additional stor- age as subsequently commented upon. With a dam constructed on Calaveras Creek, all of the waters of that Creek would be avail- able for storage. This might not be true of the peak floods of the Upper Alameda Creek, as these might be in excess of the transporting capacity of the diversion canal to be constructed, connecting Upper Alameda with Calaveras Res- ervoir. Good judgment must be exercised in deter- mining the dimensions of the diversion canal. This is specially true, as the knowledge of ex- treme fioods is not too extensive at this time. There is to be noted a peak flood of 51 mil- lion gallons per day per square mile on the Upper Alameda Creek in 1906, equivalent to, approximately, 79 cubie feet per second per square mile, or about 2,730 cubic feet per second from the whole area of 34.6 square miles. There is no record of the duration of this flood. The later continuous measurements of Upper Alameda Creek from 1910 to the present time 149 show a maximum flood occurring in March, 1911, with a discharge of 2,341-8 million gal- lons in 24 hours or 3,625 cubie feet per second with about one half of that volume on the pre- ceding and about one-fifth of it on the follow- ing day. With an aqueduct, preferably a tunnel, of ordinary capacity, say from 1,500 to 2,000 eubie feet per second, there would, doubtless, be oc- casions at long intervals, when for a_ short period, the peak of the flood might be lost. Some of that loss could be prevented by mak- ing the diversion dam of some height, not so much for the purpose of creating a small stor- age in Upper Alameda Creek itself, as for in- creasing the head on the tunnel during short periods of flood. At any rate, the amount of loss incurred would be a very small percentage of the total volume in any year, and, in a long period, would probably not amount to 1 per cent of the total flow. The following tables (pages 151-155), showing the distribution of the combined Calaveras and Upper Alameda Creek flows over the whole period from 1889 to the present time, are largely self-explanatory. The total flows previously developed in the general distribution have been distributed monthly, in proportion to the total Sunol run- off. The table assumes the reservoir empty at the beginning and a continued draft of 57 million gallons daily. Evaporation has been deducted monthly, on the basis of a total of 4 feet per annum, dis- tributed on ratios shown in the accompanying report on evaporation. (Page 482.) Nothing has been added on account of the saving caused by the seasonal rainfall falling on the water surface of the reservoir. This would be a total gain, and could be fairly added to the final results. From the first analysis of these tables it is evident that, from the combined flow of Cala- veras and Upper Alameda Creek, a daily dis- charge of 57 million gallons could be secured and that there would be stored at the end of the period, 26,866 million gallons. There would also be a surplus of 145,312 million gallons. The lowest storage reached is 7,116 million gallons at the beginning of February, 1904. 150 But, as shown later, there were still 8,685 mil- lion gallons in reserve at Calaveras Reservoir and 3,150 million gallons in reserve at Crystal Springs Reservoir, a total of 18,951 million gal- lons, or slightly over 90 per cent of one year’s supply on a daily consumption of 57 million gallons. This condition was immediately pre- ceding the season of run-off. The lowest storage at the beginning of any dry season is 16,989 millions gallons, at the first of July, 1903. At that time there were 8,685 million gallons in reserve at Calaveras Reser- voir, and 9,600 million gallons in reserve at Crystal Springs Reservoir, a total of 35,274 mil- lion gallons. This is 1 year and 8 months sup- ply on a daily consumption of 57 million gal- lons. In order to regulate, as far as possible, the surplus of 145,312 million gallons, part would be held by the additional storage capacity in the Calaveras Reservoir of 8,685 million gal- lons, from the water line of elevation 780 to the line 5 feet below the crest elevation 800, or ele-. vation 795, and part would be diverted to Crys- tal Springs Reservoir through an aqueduct to THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. be constructed with a capacity of 250 million gallons per day, Crystal Springs Dam to be raised and capacity increased. In view of the large volume of the floods, it is entirely possible that some portion of this surplus of 145,312 million gallons would be wasted. The capacity of the Crystal Springs conduit might not be large enough to transport both the daily draft and the excess waters as they came. With the best judgment exercised in the limitation of the dimensions of that con- duit, it might not be economical to attempt te conserve all of that flow. The following table showing conservation of the surplus is based on a conduit capacity of 250 million gallons per day, conveying, first, 57 M. G. D., as the daily draft, and, second, its full capacity beyond that to Crystal Springs Reser- voir, any quantity beyond the combined amount of 250 M. G. D. being considered waste. The tabulation shows that, of the total, 145,312 million gallons, 123,249 million gallons can be conserved corresponding to 14.67 M. G. D. for 23 years additional to the daily draft of 57 M. G. D., and that 22,063 million gallons or 2.63 M. G.D. would be wasted. (Page 156.) ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 57 M. Stored at first Inflow for of montn, month. M.G. ' SULY? aoe Get ee eas ei AUIPUSE toc has k Heels Coecons September . ....... ..... October .. ........ ..... November .. ...... ..... December .. ...... ..... January. ........ 18,130 February .. ...... 46,315 March .. .......... 46,315 April. cia iecies« 46,315 MAY oy Cees. eae i ndeecewe 46,315 JUNE oe ih ma secede 45,722 JULY 42 als a wla’es 44,249 AUBUSE os earceseeee 42,498 September ........ 40,722 October .......... 39,021 November . ....... 37,426 December .. ...... 35,952 January .......... 34,770 February .. ...... 338,634 March ............ 39,471 April’ 2 secssecse 45,995 MAY? s4 Goantcemaieuae oe 45,667 JUNE 4, weticdaa res 44,380 UT Ye a bd ate, beast, eet 42,792 August ........... 41,062 Septembcr.......... 39,161 Oetober « s sixceass 37,336 November .. ...... 35,597 December......... 33,971 January .......... 35,555 February ......... 35,474 March ........... 35,567 ADTs. Geew cote ene 39,897 May fis Sc sk bare Saale 42,037 SUHE 4 6 nes ks Hu RaAS 42,452 JULY eae eek wae a 41,070 AUZUBE: ov <% aca 39,113 September... ...... 37,105 October .. ........ 35,173 November .. ...... 33,328 December ......... 39,867 January .......... 46,315 February .. ...... 46,315 Mareh «+ se siceceas 46,315 PET a ay Kee Raos 46,315 May 5 a warigeenees 46,315 June ake wean ses 45,532 JULY sm 26 Seekers ass 43,780 August .. ......... 41,900 September .. ..... 39,990 October .. .......-. 38,128 November .. ...... 36,318 December .. ...... 34,668 January .. ........ 33,132 February ........ 41,015 March...........- 46,315 April ¢-% 44eecees208 46,315 May 4. ss secssweeen 45,008 DUME: sb. este Seay Set 43,369 M.G. 19,911 37,666 17,951 10,205 2,499 1,400 550 390 336 305 317 317 625 670 7,473 8,400 1,540 704 430 405 205 175 170 163 3,390 1,726 1,786 6,200 4,000 2,400 630 170 90 60 60 8,330 23,840 7,385 13,120 3,245 2,970 1,210 270 260 200 140 100 140 270 9,690 22,010 2,290 560 350 240 CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. 1889-90. Draft. for Re- month. mainder, M. G. M. G. 1,767 18,144 1,767 54,029 1,596 62,670 1,767 54,753 1,710 47,104 1,767 45,943, 1,710 44,562 1890-91. 1,767 42,872 1,767 41,067 1,710 39,317 1,767 37,571 1,710 36,033 1,767 34,810 1,767 33,673 1,596 39,511 1,767 46,104 1,710 45,825 1,767 44,604 1,710 43,100 1891-92. 1,767 41,430 1,767 39,500 1,710 37,626 1,767 35,739 1,710 34,050 1,767 35,594 1,767 35,514 1,653 35,607 1,767 40,000 1,710 42,187 1,767 42,670 1,710 41,372 1892-93. 1,767 39,473 1,767 37,436 1,710 35,455 1,767: 33,466 1,710 39,948 1,767 61,940 1,767 51,933 1,596 57,839 1,767 47,793 1,710 47,575 1,767 45,758 1,710 44,092 1893-94. 1,767 42,273 1,767 40,333 1,710 38,420 1,767 36,461 1,710 34,748 1,767 33,171 1,767 41,055 1,596 61,429 1,767 46,838 1,710 45,165 1,767 43,591 1,710 41,899 151 Surface area end of month, acres. 1,055 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,728 1,700 1,672 1,636 1,603 1,570 1,541 1,509 1,480 1,608 1,734 1,728 1,705 1,677 1,644 1,608 1,572 1,537 1,492 1,531 1,531 1,531 1,615 1,659 1,666 1,643 1,605 1,566 1,529 1,489 1,615 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,726 1,693 1,670 1,620 1,584 1,547 1,505 1,466 1,636 1,736 1,736 1,715 1,693 1,649 area, acres. 528 1,395 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,732 1,714 1,686 1,654 1,620 1,587 1,556 1,525 1,495 1,544 1,671 1,731 1,716 1,691 6 2 ’ ’ oc RODS 2 Be ee OOS a I 14 1,512 1,531 1,531 1,573 1,637 1,663 1,655 1,624 1,586 1,547 1,509 1,552 1,676 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,736 1,731 1,710 1,682 1,645 1,602 1,566 1,526 1,486 1,551 1,686 1,736 1,725 1,704 1,671 Evapora- Evapora- Total at Average tion for tion loss month, for month, month, feet. 08 .08 08 .20 28 40 56 .68 64 56 28 .16 .08 .08 08 .20 28, 40 56 68 64 56 28 16 .08 .08 .08 .20 28 40 56 .68 64 56 16 .08 .08 .08 .20 28 40 56 68 64 .56 28 16 .08 08 .08 .20 28 .40 -56 M. G. 14 36 45 113 158 226 313 374 345 296 145 81 40 39 40 109 158 224 308 368 339 290 142 79 39 40 40 103 150 218 302 360 331 282 138 81 44 45 45 113 158 226 312 373 343 292 143 80 39 40 44 113 157 222 305 end of M. G. 18,130 53,993 62,625 54,640 46,946 45,722 44,249 42,498 40,722 39,021 37,426 35,952 34,770 33,634 89,471 45,995 45,667 44,380 42,792 41,062 39,161 37,336 35,597 33,971 35,555 35,474 35,567 39,897 42,037 42,452 41,070 39,113 37,105 35,173 33,328 39,867 61,896 51,888 57,794 47,680 47,417 45,532 43,780 41,900 39,990 38,128 36,318 34,668 33,132 41,015 61,385 46,725 45,008 43,369 41,594 In reser- voir, 18,130 46,315 46,315 46,315 46,315 45,722 44,249 42,498 40,722 39,021 37,426 35,952 34,770 33,634 39,471 45,995 45,667 44,380 42,792 41,062 39,161 37,336 35,597 33,971 35,555 35,474 35,567 39,897 42,037 42,452 41,070 39,113 37,105 35,173 33,328 39,867 46,315 46,315 46,315 46,315 46,315 45,532 43,780 41,900 39,990 38,128 36,318 34,668 33,132 41,015 46,315 46,315 45,008 43,369 41,594 Sur- plus, M. G. 7,678 16,310 8,325 631 15,581 5,573 11,479 1,365 1,102 15,070 410 Stored at first of month, M.G. DULY. G. "g.eedeeety eaten 41,594 AUSUSE os sages ews 39,607 September .. ...... 37,596 October .......... 35,679 November ........ 33,890 December. ...... 32,159 JANUWEIY «sa eseenes 39,490 February 2 6 sods. 46,315 March « « dance sense 46,315 ADEM is ok au-crae anaes 46,010 IMLAY favse! cenenats. ewe a8 45,208 PUNE x es Sasens gatdinareets 44,024 TUT Y ack: Sopuaiseaenal es 42,258 AUSUSE .6 ws oceecces 40,273 September ....... 38,311 October .. ........ 36,453 November ........ 34,735 December ......... 33,137 JANWUALY 6 asneenwe 31,552 February ......... 41,015 March ............ 40,434 ADT saw teins 39,744 May 22 aoe ss eoeees 43,556 JUNE os ae ged cade ¢ 42,940 DULY x yf osaes Hadvows 41,256 AUSUSE « ss veecuas 39,353 September. ........ 87,439 October .. ........ 35,630 November. ...... 33,930 December ......... 33,063 January .......... 32,683 February ......... 32,343 March ......... ,. 45,436 PBT, soe ct ah eX RR 46,315 MAY? Os cisuscoth deus Sas 46,315 TUNE 6o- een atte ea 45,028 DWP os were des sacs 43,283 AI UST: ts ae ces elelaig mitre 41,351 September ........ 39,448 October .. ......-.-. 37,637 November .. ...... 35,938 December ......... 34,319 January .......... 32,629 February. ....... 31,019 March. sase.eaes 30,306 ADL os e202 osetiee 29,149 MAY". 2..cie se aes teats 27,671 SUNG) 2. aieecasoweine wale 26,004 JUly sd waeexreticeos 24,282 AUVEUSE « e a4 kekua es 22,890 September .. ..... 20,497 October ........... 18,706 November .. ...... 17,014 December ......... 15,424 JaUMALY « «ease ien 13,809 February ........ 12,485 MAPel . » 44 ewsse awe 11,064 RDU ge es oanyetec ate So 26,191 Mays sgn erentleta ah 25,281 JUNC sh ose ene SEVER 23,688 Inflow for month. M. G. 142 88 77 116 55 9,138 25,157 6,532 1,575 1,065 805 250 147 140 138 189 190 220 11,270 1,114 1,182 5,672 1,370 330 225 185 185 205 920 1,425 1,465 14,730 15,400 2,540 705 275 205 204 189 210 170 115 194 920 700 355 270 218 145 115 120 170 170 175 465 195 16,960 915 335 235 CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 57 M. G. D.—Cont’d. Total for month. M. G. 41,736 39,695 37,673 35,795 33,945 41,297 64,647 52,847 47,890 47,075 46,013 44,274 42,405 40,413 38,449 36,642 34,925 33,357 42,822 42,129 41,616 45,416 44,926 43,270 41,481 39,538 37,624 35,835 34,850 34,488 34,148 47,073 60,836 48,855 47,020 45,303 43,488 41,555 39,637 37,847 36,108 34,434 32,823 31,939 31,006 29,504 27,941 26,222 24,427 22,505 20,617 18,876 17,184 15,599 14,274 12,680 28,024 27,106 25,616 23,923 1894-95. Draft. for month. M. G, 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 Re- mainder, M.G 39,969 37,928 35,963 34,028 32,235 39,530 62,880 51,251 46,123 45,365 44,246 42,564 1895-96. 40,638 38,646 36,739 34,875 33,215 31,590 41,055 40,476 39,849 43,706 43,159 41,560 1896-97. 39,714 387,771 35,914 34,068 33,140 32,721 32,381 45,477 59,069 47,145 45,253 43,593 1897-98. 41,721 39,788 37,927 36,080 34,398 32,667 31,056 30,343 29,239 27,794 26,174 24,512 1898-99, 22,660 20,738 18,907 17,109 15,474 13,832 12,507 11,084 26,257 25,396 23,849 22,213 152 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,653 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767. 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 Surface area end ot month, acres, 1,613 1,574 1,540 1,489 1,441 1,615 1,736 1,736 1,728 1,717 1,695 1,664 1,628 1,587 1,551 1,509 1,469 1,423 1,633 1,624 1,613 1,687 1,677 1,649 1,608 1,572 1,536 1,489 1,465 1,453 1,447 1,720 1,736 1,736 1,715 1,684 1,648 1,611 1,574 1,539 1,495 1,453 1,411 1,393 1,363 1,327 1,280 1,237 1,186 1,130 1,083 1,019 955 895 845 784 1,285 1,260 1,217 1,172 area, acres, 1,631 1,594 1,557 1,514 1,465 1,528 1,676 1,736 1,732 1,722 1,706 1,680 1,646 1,608 1,569 1,530 1,489 1,446 1,528 1,628 1,618 1,650 1,682 1,663 1,628 1,590 1,554 1,512 1,477 1,459 1,450 1,584 1,728 1,736 1,726 1,700 1,666 1,630 1,592 1,556 1,517 1,474. 1,432 1,402 1,378 1,345 1,304 1,258 1,212 1,158 1,106 1,051 987 925 870 814 1,034 1,272 1,238 1,194 Evapora- Evapora- Total at Average tion for tion loss month, for month, month, feet. 68 64 56 28 16 .08 .08 .08 20 28 .40 56 68 64 56 28 16 08 -08 08 20 28 40 56 68 64 56 .28 16 -08 -08 .08 .20 28 40 -56 .68 64 56 28 16 08 08 -08 20 28 40 56 -68 64 56 28 16 -08 -08 -08 20 28 40 56 M. G. 362 332 284 138 76 40 44 45 113 157 222 306 365 335 286 140 78 38 40 42 105 150 219 304 361 332 284 138 77 38 38 41 112 158 225 310 370 340 290 142 79 38 37 37 123 170 230 270 241 201 95 50 23 22 20 66 115 161 218 end of M. G. 39,607 37,596 35,679 33,890 32,159 39,490 62,836 51,206 46,010 45,208 44,024 42,258 40,273 38,311 36,453 34,735 33,137 31,552 41,015 40,434 39,744 43,556 42,940 41,256 39,353 37,439 35,630 33,930 33,063 32,683 32,343. 45,436 58,957 46,987 45,028 43,283 41,351 39,448 37,637 35,938 34,319 32,629 31,019 30,306 29,149 27,671 26,004 24,282 22,390 20,497 18,706 17,014 15,424 13,809 12,485 11,064 26,191 25,281 23,688 21,995 Sur- plus, M. G. In reser- voir, M. G. 39,607 37,596 35,679 33,890 32,159 39,490 Fae 46,315 16,521 46,315 4,891 46,010 re 45,208 44,024 42,258 40,273 58,311 36,453 34,735 33,137 31,552 41,01 40,434 39,144 43,556 42,940 41,256 39,353 87,400 35,630 33,930 33,063 32,683 32,343 45,436 46,315 46,315 45,028 43,283 12,642 672 41,351 39,448 37,637 35,938 34,319 32,629 31,019 30,306 29,149 27,671 26,004 24,282 22,390 20,497 18,706 17,014 15,424 13,809 12,485 11,064 26,191 25,281 23,688 21,995 Stored at first of month, M. G. OW Y ois ets he ace 3 bas 21,995 AUZUSt oo sasarasae 20,258 September .. ...... 18,526 October .. ........ 16,880 November .. ...... 15,288 December .. ...... 14,150 January .......... 14,249 February ......... 22,935 March . ¢ sai ces es 22,058 ADT fe dea veatenses 22,454 MAY oa de Shatsarasaguai donee 21,468 JUNE os iweweieevs 20,113 DULG. isd de otis a se 4s 18,512 AMEUSE . 6 evaesaeed 16,674 September .. ...... 14,858 October .. ........ 13,131 November ........ 11,562 December ......... 14,956 January .......... 13,930 February ......... 16,158 March... .......... 25,708 SDE sp. a tas ie caters Sarees 26,013 May . « saeeames ss sia 25,112 TUNG 5s) Geass sane hee 24,053 UD Yess eh alssiadis te Spuatiove se 22,572 August .. ......... 20,864 September ........ 19,101 October .. ........ 17,387 November .. ...... 15,721 December .. ...... 14,162 January .......... 12,803 February ......... 11,229 March... .......... 15,352 ADT We &/ greeeaasews 22,016 May ee adudt was sac 21,791 JUNG 2 x tee kexeoax 20,604 JULY 50 aie exes ce 19,080 August .. ....--e 17,301 September ........ 15,564 October .. ........ 13,828 November ........ 12,140 December ......... 10,595 January .. wsseeeee 9,009 February ......... 10,718 March. ..« scecieiess 11,951 ADP ox a. eee va nave eae 15,990 May w 62 tei arn esis 19,810 JUNE. sg aes ewe ae 18,576 JULY. ie aie bade 16,989 August .. ....6-6- 15,487 September .. ...... 18,900 October .. ......-. 12,335 November .. ...... 10,769 December .. ...... 9,680 January .. ..-...6- 8,355 February ......... 7,116 Mareb «3 .ic seuss 11,994 APTI oa, da sretieaees 22,562 May ac Giereeas ewe os 25,081 JUNE. sss watee gaia 24,911 Inflow for month. M.G. 285 265 255 265 620 1,890 10,480 750 2,240 830 560 310 160 155 150 275 5,150 765 4,020 11,175 2,155 925 870 450 318 238 192 193 200 440 215 5,742 8,500 1,592 730 390 225 240 145 158 207 200 3,495 2,850 5,865 5,625 675 315 485 375 305 275 660 460 545 6,550 12,400 4,340 1,760 595 CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 57 M. G. D.—Cont’d. 1899-1900. Total for month. M. 22,280 20,523 18,781 17,145 15,908 16,040 24,729 23,685 24,298 23,284 22,028 20,423 18,672 16,829 15,008 13,406 16,712 15,721 17,950 27,333 27,863 26,938 25,982 24,503 22,890 21,102 19,293 17,580 15,921 14,602 13,018 16,971 23,852 23,608 22,521 20,994 19,305 17,541 15,709 13,986 12,347 10,795 12,504 13,568 17,816 21,615 20,485 18,891 17,474 15,862 14,205 12,610 11,429 10,140 8,900 13,666 24,394 26,902 26,841 25,506 Draft. for Re- Surface area end of month. mainder, month, M. G. M. G. 1,767 20,513 1,767 18,756 1,710 17,071 1,767 15,378 1,710 14,198 1,767 14,273 1,767 22,962 1,596 22,089 1,767 22,531 1,710 21,574 1,767 20,261 1,710 18,713 1900-01. 1,767 16,905 1,767 15,062 1,710 13,298 1,767 11,639 1,710 15,002 1,767 138,954 1,767 16,183 1,596 25,737 1,767 26,096 1,710 25,228 1,767 24,215 1,710 22,793 1901-02. 1,767 21,123 1,767 19,335 1,710 17,583 1,767 15,813 1,710 14,211 1,767 12,835 1,767 11,251 1,596 15,375 1,767 22,085 1,710 21,898 1,767 20,754 1,710 19,284 1902-03. 1,767 17,538 1,767 15,774 1,710 13,999 1,767 12,219 1,710 10,637 1,767 9,028 1,767 10,737 1,596 11,972 1,767 16,049 1,710 19,905 1,767 18,718 1,710 17,181 1903-04. 1,767 15,707 1,767 14,095 1,710 12,495 1,767 10,843 1,710 9,719 1,767 8,373 1,767 = 7,133 1,653 12,013 1,767 22,627 1,710 25,192 1,767 25,074 1,710 23,796 153 acres. 1,127 1,078 1,019 950 909 911 1,195 1,167 1,183 1,154 1,120 1,078 1,008 948 880 819 944 903 985 1,275 1,282 1,259 1,232 1,195 1,146 1,099 1,043 974 909 856 796 954 1,171 1,168 1,135 1,094 1,043 969 905 826 767 701 771 825 977 1,111 1,078 1,022 965 905 845 775 730 676 611 824 1,185 1,256 1,253 1,217 area, acres, 1,150 1,103 1,048 984 930 910 1,053 1,181 1,176 1,168 1,137 1,099 1,043 978 914 849 882 923 944 1,130 1,278 1,270 1,245 1,213 1,170 1,122 1,071 1,018 942 882 826 875 1,062 1,170 1,152 1,115 1,068 1,006 937 866 797 734 736 798 901 1,044 1,094 1,050 994 935 875 810 752 703 644 718 1,004 1,220 1,254 1,235 Evapora- Evapora- Total at Average tion for tion loss end of month, for month, month, feet. 68 64 56 28 16 08 .08 08 .20 .28 40 56 68 64 56 .28 16 .08 .08 08 .20 .28 40 56 68 64 56 28 16 08 .08 .08 .20 28 40 56 .68 64 56 28 16 -08 08 -08 20 28 40 56 68 64 56 28 16 08 -08 .08 .20 28 40 56 M. G. 255 230 191 90 48 24 27 31 77 106 148 201 231 204 167 17 46 24 25 29 83 116 162 221 259 234 196 92 49 32 22 23 69 107 150 204 237 210 171 79 42 19 19 21 59 95 142 192 220 195 160 74 39 18 17 19 65 111 163 225 M. G. 20,258 18,526 16,880 15,288 14,150 14,249 22,935 22,058 22,454 21,468 20,113 18,512 16,674 14,858 13,131 11,562 14,956 13,930 16,158 25,708 26,013 25,112 24,053 22,572 20,864 19,101 17,387 15,721 14,162 12,803 11,229 15,352 22,016 21,791 20,604 19,080 17,301 15,564 13,828 12,140 10,595 9,009 10,718 11,951 15,990 19,810 18,576 16,989 15,487 13,900 12,335 10,769 9,680 8,355 7,116 11,994 22,562 25,081 24,911 23,571 In reser- voir, M. G. 20,258 18,526 16,880 15,288 14,150 14,249 22,935 22,058 22,454 21,468 20,113 18,512 16,674 14,858 13,131 11,562 14,956 13,930 16,158 25,708 26,013 25,112 24,053 22,572 20,864 19,101 17,387 15,721 14,162 12,803 11,229 15,352 22,016 21,791 20,604 19,080 17,301 15,564 13,828 12,140 10,595 9,009 10,718 11,951 15,990 19,810 18,576 16,989 15,487 13,900 12,335 10,769 9,680 8,355 7,116 11,994 22,562 25,081 24,911 23,571 Sur- plus, M. G. Stored at first of month, M. G. July ic casweaaness 23,571 August ........... 22,081 September _.......... 20,533 October .. ........ 18,965 November .. ...... 17,470 December .. ...... 16,091 January. ........ 14,916 February ........ 14,633 MET ON 5s: covers 4 soeeaeens 16,918 ADEM 24 dosed aacinwe 21,996 Maye ine au tudmatas Gas 22,486 JUNG 2 « Vea sewaones 22,549 OU sea rewe eens 21,286 AMBUSE . -2s44 eee 19,508 September ....... 17,721 October .......... 15,961 November .. ...... 14,234 December .. ...... 12,593 January .......... 10,940 February ......... 17,294 March ¢ « avcieiues 19,380 ADEs aaa retain dois 29,667 May 2 atesaeaiwene 32,194 JUNE sony stvene 31,460 DALY cco “aetce. Academe 30,213 August. ......... 28,409 September... ...... 26,571 October ss saxcivig 24,826 November . ...... 23,127 December ___.......... 21,526 January .. ........ 22,399 February ......... 29,379 March ............ 31,369 ADPYil 2. waceciwe es 46,315 MAS eit bis eal aa ye a8 46,315 JUNE s eisevaxeess 45,348 JUWY 4k ogites eevee ss 43,879 AUBUStH. i ocak eis 42,470 September .. ...... 40,871 October .. ........ 39,230 November. ...... 37,684 December ......... 36,356 JARMETY 2 sc mesteee 35,830 February __....... 37,149 MAPCll a4 ¢skgecxa ee 38,267 ADP) g.. coed acne & 38,871 IMA ahs. lads creas aseies 37,732 DUNE ccc aw ees ads 36,320 EL co a ecae yexe 34,676 August ........... 32,844 SeptemLcr.. ...... 30,986 Qctober ss saseseees 29,202 November .. ...... 27,472 December. ...... 25,854 January. ........ 24,234 February .¢ «2.805% 40,280 March .. ......... 46,315 ADP) «4x nn ectwae ae 46,315 Mayo ah ea teed nae 45,407 JUNE 6 < edieeg weed 43,853 Inflow month. M. G. 542 460 345 369 384 617 1,508 3,906 6,916 2,307 1,985 661 240 205 135 125 115 135 8,145 3,710 12,135 4,365 1,220 720 267 205 198 180 170 2,670 8,780 3,622 23,035 3,045 1,025 553 731 513 365 366 463 1,281 3,126 2,812 2,475 715 558 345 265 210 180 160 160 180 17,850 15,905 4,615 960 435 330 CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 57 M. G. D.—Cont’d. 1904-05. Total for month, M. G. 24,113 22,541 20,878 19,334 17,854 16,708 16,424 18,539 23,834 24,303 24,471 23,210 21,526 19,7138 17,856 16,086 14,349 12,728 19,085 21,004 31,515 34,032 33,414 32,180 30,480 28,614 26,769 25,006 23,297 24,196 31,179 33,001 54,404 49,360 47,340 45,901 44,610 42,983 41,236 39,596 38,147 37,637 38,956 39,961 40,742 39,586 38,290 36,665 34,941 33,054 31,166 29,362 27,632 26,034 42,084 56,185 50,930 47,275 45,842 44,183 Draft. for month. M. G. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 Re- mainder, M. G. 22,346 20,774 19,168 17,567 16,144 14,941 14,657 16,943 22,067 22,593 22,704 21,500 1905-06. 19,759 17,946 16,146 14,319 12,639 10,961 17,318 19,408 29,748 82,322 31,647 30,470 1906-07. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 28,713 26,847 25,059 23,239 21,587 22,429 29,412 31,405 52,637 47,650 45,573 44,191 1907-08. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,653 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 42,843 41,216 39,526 37,829 36,437 35,870 37,189 38,308 38,975 38,876 36,523 84,955 1908-09. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 33,174 31,287 29,456 27,595 25,922 24,267 40,317 54,589 49,163 45,565 44,075 42,473 154 Surface area end of month, acres. 1,177 1,135 1,092 1,037 9380 935 928 1,008 1,167 1,185 1,190 1,154 1,108 1,048 980 913 849 783 1,025 1,097 1,374 1,444 1,424 1,395 1,351 1,299 1,253 1,201 1,154 1,179 1,367 1,423 1,736 1,736 1,722 1,695 1,669 1,639 1,605 1,572 1,545 1,535 1,560 1,581 1,595 1,574 1,547 1,513 1,466 1,416 1,369 1,320 1,275 1,231 1,620 1,736 1,736 1,721 1,694 1,662 area, acres. 1,197 1,156 1,114 1,064 1,008 958 932 968 1,088 1,176 1,188 1,172 1,131 1,078 1,014 946 881 816 904 1,061 1,236 1,409 1,434 1,410 1,373 1,325 1,276 1,227 1,178 1,166 1,273 1,395 1,580 1,736 1,729 1,708 1,682 1,654 1,622 1,589 1,558 1,540 1,548 1,570 1,588 1,584 1,560 1,530 1,490 1,441 1,392 1,344 1,298 1,253 1,426 1,678 1,736 1,728 1,707 1,678 Evapora- Evapora- Total at Average tion for tion loss month, for month, month, feet. -68 64 56 28 16 .08 .08 .08 20 28 40 56 68 64 56 .28 16 08 08 08 20 28 .40 -56 -68 64 56 28 16 .08 .08 .08 20 .28 40 56 68 .64 56 28 16 .08 .08 .08 20 28 .40 .56 68 64 56 28 16 08 -08 08 .20 .28 40 56 M. G. 265 241 203 97 53 25 24 25 71 107 155 214 251 225 185 85 46 21 24 28 81 128 187 257 304 276 233 112 61 30 33 36 103 158 225 312 373 345 296 145 81 40 . 40 41 104 144 203 279 330 301 254 1238 68 33 37 44 113 158 222 306 end of M. G. 22,081 20,533 18,965 17,470 16,091 14,916 14,633 16,918 21,996 22,486 22,549 21,286 19,508 17,721 15,961 14,234 12,593 10,940 17,294 19,380 29,667 32,194 31,460 30,213 28,409 26,571 24,826 23,127 21,526 22,399 29,379 31,369 52,534 47,492 45,348 43,879 42,470 40,871 39,230 37,684 36,356 35,830 37,149 38,267 38,871 37,732 36,320 34,676 32 844 30,986 29,202 27,472 25,854 24,234 40,280 54,545 49,050 45,407 43,853 42,167 In reser- voir, M. G. 22,081 20,533 18,965 17,470 16,091 14,916 14,633 16,918 21,996 22,486 22,549 21,286 19,508 17,721 15,961 14,234 12,593 10,940 17,294 19,380 29,667 32,194 31,460 30,213 28,409 26,571 24,826 23,127 21,526 22,399 29,379 31,369 46,315 46,315 45,348 43,879 42,470 40,871 39,230 37,684 36,356 35,830 37,149 38,267 38,871 37,732 36,320 34,676 32,844 30,986 29,202 27,472 25,854 24,234 40,280 46,315 46,315 45,407 43,853 42,167 Sur- plus, M. G. 6,219 1177 8,230 2,735 Stored at Inflow first of month, M. G. DULY? 6 sos oa ove wee « 42,167 August . ......... 40,335 September .. ...... 38,477 October .. ........ 36,720 November .. ...... 35,088 December ........ 33,550 January .......... 33,455 February ......... 87,048 March. is gctee ies es 37,666 April. ss. sos seeeee ows 38,601 lye css Sauslhess. bey a 37,992 JUNE 2m waved sees ee 36,591 FL | a 34,931 August ........... 33,073 September .. ...... 31,229 October .. ......... 29,444 November .. ...... 27,654 December. ...... 26,011 SOUWALY bs dyes ee en 24,406 February .. ...... 35,298 March .. ......... 38,861 ADT osaiaaedeces 46,315 MAY= ented shia ween 45,432 JUNE: gar Sag casies ve 43,923 Eo “kG in ees 42,192 AUBUBE 50s. ascn Gade 40,447 peptember ........ 38,760 October ......... 37,100 November .. ...... 35,564 December ......... 34,162 January . ........ 32,770 February .. ...... 31,872 MMAPER 4 ewneveca ky 30,880 APPL Gone dow RG aie. Ge 31,105 MAS aa sa wepa ren ede 29,984 ALINE) 96 oe jest soreness fesse 28,478 for month, M. G. 300 245 240 275 250 1,710 5,400 2,255 2,805 1,245 570 330 240 225 180 100 135 195 12,695 5,200 18,030 985 480 285 388 416 339 372 387° 413 907 698 2,084 717 439 340 CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 57 M. G. D.—Con’td. 1909-10. Total for month, M. G. 42,467 40,580 38,717 36,995 35,338 35,260 38,855 39,303 40,471 39,846 38,562 36,921 35,171 33,298 31,409 29,544 27,789 26,206 37,101 40,498 56,891 47,300 45,912 44,208 42,580 40,863 39,099 37,472 35,951 84,575 33,677 32,570 32,964 31,822 30,423 28,818 Draft. for mouth, M. G. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 Re- mainder, M. G. 40,700 38,813 37,007 35,228 33,628 33,493 37,088 37,707 38,704 38,136 36,795 35,211 1910-11. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,596 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 33,404 31,531 29,699 27,777 26,079 24,439 35,334 38,902 55,124 45,590 44,145 42,498 1911-12. 1,767 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,767 1,653 1,767 1,710 1,767 1,710 40,813 39,096 37,389 35,705 34,241 32,808 31,910 30,917 31,197 30,112 28,656 27,108 155 Surface area end of month, acres. 1,628 1,592 1,557 1,518 1,476 1,474 1,558 1,570 1,589 1,577 1,552 1,518 1,471 1,421 1,374 1,327 1,277 1,234 1,521 1,593 1,736 1,722 1,695 1,662 1,630 1,597 1,565 1,531 1,492 1,455 1,432 1,406 1,414 1,385 1,349 1,307 area, acres, 1,645 1,610 1,574 1,538 1,497 1,475 1,516 1,564 1,580 1,583 1,564 1,535 1,494 1,446 1,398 1,350 1,302 1,256 1,378 1,557 1,664 1,729 1,708 1,678 1,646 1,613 1,581 1,548 1,512 1,474 1,444 1,419 1,410 1,400 1,367 1,328 Evapora- Evapora- Total at Average tion for tion loss month, for month, month, feet. .68 .64 56 28 16 .08 .08 .08 .20 +20 -40 56 68 64 56 28 16 08 08 .08 .20 28 40 56 68 64 56 28 16 08 .08 08 .20 28 40 56 M. G. 365 336 287 140 78 38 40 41 103 144 204 280 331 302 255 123 68 33 36 41 108 158 222 306 366 336 289 141 79 38 37 92 128 178 242 end of M. G. 40,335 38,477 36,720 35,088 33,550 33,455 37,048 37,666 38,601 37,992 36,591 34,931 33,073 31,229 29,444 27,654 26,011 24,406 35,298 38,861 55,016 45,432 43,923 42,192 40,447 38,760 37,100 35,564 34,162 82,770 31,872 30,880 31,105 29,984 28,478 26,866 In reser- voir, M. G. 40,335 38,477 36,720 35,088 33,550 33,455 37,048 37,666 38,601 37,992 36,591 34,931 33,073 31,229 29,444 27,654 26,011 24,406 35,298 38,861 46,315 45,432 43,923 42,192 40,447 38,760 37,100 35,564 34,162 32,770 31,872 30,880 31,105 29,984 28,478 26,866 Sur- plus, M. G. 8,701 156 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. CALAVERAS RESERVOIR. DISTRIBUTION OF EXCESS FLOW. At high water line, 780.00 feet, capacity is 46,315 M. G. At maximum water line—795.00 feet (5 feet below crest) capacity is 55,000 M. G., providing additional storage of 8,685 M. G. Increase of Crystal Springs Reservoir gives conditions as follows: Present water line 288.00 feet—capacity 23,500 M. G. Ultimate water line—323.00 feet—capacity 55,000 M. G., providing additional storage of 31,500 M. G. It is proposed to connect these reservoirs by conduit of 250 M. G. D. capacity. Calaveras Reservoir Calaveras Reservoir Crystal Springs Surplus Additional Capacity Additional Capacity 1889-90. M. G. M. G. M. G. PADUWAT Ys supccd data cvevactta oe iayene's wichenn ts wie wame Sale 7,678 7,678 BeDruary? oni wine ecitin td miaeieomneas hex Sd emisies 16,310 1,007 5,404 Marebi® & snot geseig ws eicad Sars don Sovtimon boateeadeeaadcene br 8,325 5,983 ADT, 5 scesauaidel a oreny as ais oa mate ses usdais wosaeee teh aval ove 631 631 32,944 8,685 12,018 1892-93. DeGem Der, 25 ac aivsd gia wascd Stnanees da Suenarace wed Ha das Rhdverd 15,581 8,685 5,983 PANUARY. susp acwignh sod WAG aa,na pow sade haley SeIomes 5,573 5,573 RGDPUARY sascccenins curaidala ntgelnodeow se aadeoac ispe se ea 11,479 5,404 MATCH. “ocdea cs gue Scone ce eee acee a Re. es See 1,365 1,365 PNPOTU ZS so rete sagas: eaten ls Reoalac eed naeaus sravega ar oe eae 1,102 1,102 35,100 8,685 19,427 1893-94. FlG@brUary: seis 2 ve ct gw hes Warts Lint wa ane 8k 15,070 8,685 5,404 Ia CIN siciahes Soest dense eis ditig. dae cease sand. ow nan sued evn ee 410 410 15,480 8,685 5,814 1894-99. JADUATY: .vioe0yc 4 Be an tone wk ars oe shee eens hai Ree 16,521 8,685 5,983 PODEUATY. <:55 Svatets oo. discs faanengee dbus eee se 4,891 4,891 21,412 8,685 10,874 1896-97. March -i.46ne0 7 yelne« weet ey Ae teed ee ee Kee 12,642 8,685 3,957 PSTOTNY ssc shes, sista war bs Shas saul dG acelin al auenaed Sawa a aM ceuee oe 672 672 18,314 8,685 4,629 1906-07 NRYOR pant e485 BERR BO ow Se wR ES 6,219 6,219 PPVTNM 8 seni, ga sieecds aha ta uassi ah x (ates 0 bce taney Seen erue epaaes 1,177 1,177 7,396 7,396 1908-09 MAPOM «x sa dex viewed eee ee es Pee ee eee SRS LR 8,230 8,23 ADP) eds wcataciede sed ane Sauda Se eee ears 2,735 4 2,280 10,965 8,685 2,280 1910-11 March, ascdeeess seven sity 04 wes eee wee eee eS 8,701 8,685 16 8,701 8,685 16 Total. ay siete wasesny se base Gia OS eae Rte eR ee 145,312 68,191 55,058 Lost M. 9,899 2,842 913 6.075 981 1,853 22,063 NOTE.—The excess flow from Calaveras to Crystal Springs is carried at the rate of 250 M. G. D.—less 57 M. G. D. The total surplus for 23 years from Calaveras Reservoir is 145,312 M. G.; of this 123,249 M. G. are available for storage, equivalent to 14.67 M. G. D. and 22,063 M. G., escape as waste, equivalent to 2.63 M. G. D. As is subsequently shown, of the total 123,249 M. G. available for storage, 39,885 M. G, equalization of the Gravel Reservoir, leaving 83,364 M. G. directly available for storage, would be used in the equivalent to 3,625 M. G. per annum for the period of 23 years, and a daily yield of 9.93 M. G., which latter figure is finally used. SAN ANTONIO WILL SUPPLY 8.5 M. G. D. Regulated Flow From San Antonio Reservoir. It is proposed to build the San Antonio Dam 140 feet high to an elevation of 450 feet. The reservoir would have a maximum capacity of 10,500 million gallons at elevation 445 feet, giv- ing five feet freeboard. The water surface, at high water line will have an area of approxi- mately 620 acres. Treating the total flow from San Antonio drainage in the same manner as shown for Cala- veras Reservoir the results shown on the ac- eompanying table are obtained. The table commences at the beginning of the season 1897-98, assuming a full reservoir. This is justified by review of the annual discharges prior to that time. The table has been built upon annual dis- charges as sufficiently indicative of the result. It must be borne in mind that it would not be necessary to maintain a constant draft from San Antonio. When operating Alameda Creek System as a whole, it would be essential to treat San Antonio Reservoir merely as a regulating or equalizing reservoir, to hold flood waters at such time as the discharges from the Sunol- Sinbad Creek areas would produce water to fill the Sunol filter beds and the total capacity of the conduit commencing at Sunol. When this flow recedes only sufficient water would be withdrawn for the capacity of the Sunol filters. 157 The tabulation shows a safe yield of 8.5 mil- lion gallons per day, with a balance in storage at the end of the period, equivalent to over 7 months’ draft of 8.5 M. G. D. Regulated Flow From Sunol Area and Sinbad Creek. Of the total flow from this area, a large pro- portion would, at first consideration, appear to be waste, because it is a direct, unregulated flow. The Sunol filter beds cannot be regarded as a storage reservoir. But regulation could be arranged by using San Antonio Reservoir, con- serving the floods from that area, and also by regulation of the pumpage flow from Liver- more Valley area. That latter feature would to some extent be governed by the advisability of keeping the storage in both San Antonio and Arroyo Valle Reservoirs as low as possible, and the water in the gravel reservoir depressed, in order to provide room for and retain all flood waters. For the aqueduct leading out of Sunol a ea- pacity of not less than 100 M. G. D. should be provided. As before stated, Calaveras water will be diverted directly from that reservoir and not reach Sunol; the Sunol aqueduct should therefore carry from gravel reservoir, 30 M. G. D.; Arroyo Valle Reservoir, 18 M. G. D.; San Antonio Reservoir, 8.5 M. G. D.; evapora- tion, 12 M. G. D.; total, 68.5 M. G. D., to which SAN ANTONIO RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 8.5 M. G. D. Stored at First Inflow Total Surface Average Evapora- efoiee of Season. for Season.for Season. Draft Remainder. Area. Area. tion Loss. of Season. M. G. M. G. M. G. M. G. M. G. Acres. Acres. ot Gre M. G. 1897-98 10,500 450 10,950 3,102 7,848 542 584 761 7,087 1898-99 7,087 2,400 9,487 2,840 (a) 6,647 475 508 661 5,986 1899-00 5,986 2,250 8,236 3,102 5,134 407 441 575 4,559 1900-01 4,559 3,150 7,709 2,865 (b) 4,844 398 403 525 4,319 1901-02 4,319 2,250 6,569 2,864 (c) 3,705 335 366 477 3,228 1902-03 3,228 2,400 5,628 2,840 (d) 2,788 278 306 399 2,389 1903-04 2,389 3,450 5,839 2,664 (e) 8,175 302 290 378 2,797 1904-05 2,797 2,400 5,197 8,103 2,094 233 268 349 1,745 1905-06 1,745 3,750 5,495 2,575 (f) 2,920 286 260 339 2,581 1906-07 2,581 5,250 7,831 3,103 4,728 389 338 440 4,288 1907-08 4,288 1,650 5,938 2,839 (g) 3,099 297 343 447 2,652 1908-09 2,652 4,950 7,602 2,600 (h) 5,002 402 350 456 4,546 1909-10 4,546 1,875 6,421 3,108 3,318 311 356 464 2,854 1910-11 2,854 4,650 7,504 2,575 (i) 4,929 399 355 463 4,466 1911-12 4,466 900 5,366 3,103 2,263 244 322 420 1,843 (a) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in March, saved all draft that month. (b) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in February, saved all draft that month. (c) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in February, saved all draft that month. (d) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in March, saved all draft that month. (e) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in February and March, saved 438 M. G. draft in these months. (f) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in January and March, saved all draft in these months. (g) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in January, saved all draft in this month. (h) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in January and February, saved all draft in these months. (i) Direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area in January and March, saved all draft in these months. SANANTONIO FESERVO/R Capacity and Area Contour Area in | Capacity Llevation Acres in MG. 3/0 0.0 0.0 320 6.2 104 330 LIA. 55.0 340 45.0 /63.3 350 84.0 373.0 360 /28.0 7/2.0 370 176.5 1208.1 380 222.8 1934.1 390 L699 266/ 4. 400 JSG 364/.4. 4/0 394] 4823.7 420 4S3.6 6204.8 430 929.7 T8069 410 5G4.2 9638.0 450 656.0 NW6TAGD Crest of Darm- Elev. 450° Max Water Ei deg Flev. AAS Capaci7ty- /0,500,000,000 Gals Acres 350 150 200 250 JOO 400 450 Thousand Niul/1or Galloris Calculations Fromm IWiao F-F3 Datum =LElevatior shown ririus 6-76" From Frecords of SUW Co. SPRING VALLEY WATER Co Prawn by Al eutmeyer_ ale, FrQ’7C/8CO Compared & Checked by Ht: plies pa, Uy -/H2 Anderson C-2 This Reservoir is close to Sunol Gravels and will be used in conjunction with them. 158 APRROYOVALLE FESERPVOlR Capacity and Area. Contour Area ir | Capacit, Llevation Acres 7M a 650 0.00 0.0 660 / 98 3.0 670 12.89 274 680 soar 24 690 109.00 364.0 700 166.00 792.0 7/0 207.00 /380.0 720 248.00 2//0.0 730 285.00 3085.0 740 546.00 4050.0 750 400.00 5290.0 760 457.00 66900 770. 306.00 83/0.0 780 547.00 10040.0 790 585.00 /1 910.0 800 630.00 13 830.0 Crest of Dam - Flev. 800° : Max Water Hergh? - Flev. 795 Capacity - 12.9 7.000. 000 Gals eS 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 750 700 ? 2 3 S 6 FB go 70 W/ 12 13 4 Thousand Milliora Gallors Calculators From Wiap F £0 Crystal Springs Datiurn. From Fecords of SV W Co SPRING VALLEY WATER Co, Sarr Fravrrcrsco LAP CLIUED LOY annie OES a ag Sully 1912 Compared & Checked by. AH: Manles Anderson C-3 This Reservoir is just above Livermore Valley and will regulate all the floods of Arroyo Valle and permit their gradual absorption by the gravels below. 159 160 about 50 per cent should be added for peak de- mands. In time of flood the total capacity of 100 M. G. D. would be available, to carry away storm-flow from the area. Examining the records of estimated monthly flow, and segregating and discarding the vol- umes exceeding a daily discharge of 100 M. G. D., the following volumes are found available for the system, from the direct stream-flow of the Sunol-Sinbad Creek area: M.G. TS 89-90 so sae heseiaeaeatanes Madea ee ve 8,490 DS GOZO siciaia counts vassal oud b/mird t tysiendd te laca ce 284 DS ONO 2 oie sacar ens maa eeaweGle scree 748 LS Ot O8 ele reRussecaisiauec sae eigun oi oencua le) soalaions 4,637 NS OBOE is: coanslers ie Sealy wcatlgies wa ls Busey ga ielgiere’s 5,900 S94 95 ie cea ens odes, Wane s oa REE SS RES 5,900 D8 9 52965 sts asics late Ss Rested 8 Geuaala Rauber se v3 Jacana ae 3,600 18969 Cacwidaie is gee deine SEEN GeiRgds a 4,442 SOTO 8 5s ead ew. epee a a enticed Seon eereae es 180 18980 isc acienies Was Painehe dma oan 3,100 TS99=00. eoitision. ae shady odie te aes hued eaergey'ets 1,690 D000 Mas ics: geelenissica a Sadabr acai sinus eves hinds at guapnaree oe 2,800 TOOT SO De ates. d-piiearsneng oe ater mere uniie 3,087 1902-08 6c keerevnwe cawee vaates beasts Ven 3,911 DOO 8-4 ou.c:anessnnce suaie sie Bedtavn ava aya tonne dectuanel a: #4 5,270 TODOS 0 Gis caiash ave wearers inaiingy Ge see eee dag ay ah 2,336 1905-065 sss esaniciecs one ess 6055 9 tie 6,264 DOO GO: cas isescacaiie duane ereisiatn sts Guotsv elas at-miuen-e aos 4,480 AQOT=O8 craic ecameeea mG Cenurerg huh oa 2,380 LOO S=O0%5 5 cacao win gee Sis Metis itaieet 28 Greens 8 6,018 AGO DELON 2 crassa ti isc S ne Wabed Sa ae eyel By ond Stones Ste 2,720 DO LOEDD i cangns amin sieve Oe bei a eae Soa eke 6,213 DOL TI, i iets GbR ease Mah RFS OHA Saeed aoners as 327 84,777 For the period of 23 years this gives an aver- age yield of 3,686 M. G. per year, or a daily yield of 10.10 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek areas. The total flow averages 11.90 M. G. D., showing a waste of 15.12 per cent. This natural, THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. utilized flow will be equalized from Arroyo Valle and the Gravel Reservoir, in addition to the regulation by San Antonio Reservoir, already mentioned. Regulated Flow From Arroyo Valle Reservoir. It is proposed to build the Arroyo Valle Dam 150 feet high, to an elevation of 800 feet. The reservoir will have a maximum storage capacity of 12,900 million gallons, at elevation 795 feet, giving 5 feet freeboard. The water surface at high water line will have an area of approxi- mately 607 acres. Treating the total flow estimated for the Ar- royo Valle drainage in the same manner as in the other drainage areas, the result obtained is shown in the accompanying table. In this case, as at Calaveras, the table com- mences at the beginning of the season 1889-90, assuming the reservoir empty at that time. The tabulation has been built up on annual in place of monthly discharges, as sufficiently indicative of the result. In this case, as with San Antonio Reservoir, this basin is treated as an equalizing or regulat- ing reservoir, in connection with operation of the Gravel Reservoir in Livermore Valley. The stream flow of the Arroyo Valle Creek would be retained during the period of maximum flow, or when the flow from the other areas tributary to the Gravel Reservoir were sufficient to keep the latter fully supplied. At other seasons, the ARROYO VALLE RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CONTINUED DRAFT OF 18 M. G. D. Stored Evap- Stored at First Inflow Total Draft Re- Surface Average oration at End In Res- of Season. for Season. for Season. for Season. mainder. Area. Area. Loss. of Season. ervoir. Surplus. M. G. M. G. M. G. M. G. Acres. Acres. M.G. M. G. M. G. M. G. 1889-90 0 31,054 31,054 6,570 24,484 607 304 158 24,326 12,900 11,426 1890-91 12,900 9,000 21,900 6,570 15,330 607 607 791 14,539 12,900 1,639 1891-92 12,900 4,200 17,100 6,588 10,512 557 582 758 9,754 9,754 Away 1892-93 9,754 25,000 34,754 6,570 28,184 607 582 758 27,426 12,900 14,526 1893-94 12,900 13,612 26,512 6,570 19,942 607 607 791 19,151 12,900 6,251 1894-95 12,900 21,000 33,900 6,570 27,330 607 607 791 26,539 12,900 13,639 1895-96 12,900 7,230 20,180 6,588 13,542 607 607 791 12,751 12,751 x pee 1896-97 12,751 14,000 26,751 6,570 20,181 607 607 791 19,390 12,900 6,490 1897-98 12,900 1,200 14,100 6,570 7,530 481 544 709 6,821 6,821 1898-99 6,821 Transfer at once to Gravel Reservoir. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle subsequently ‘di- rectly to Gravel Reservoir until Jan. 1, 1906. 1905-06 Jan.1 0 11,596 11,596 3,285 8,311 506 253 132 8,179 8179. saties 1906-07 8,179 28,000 36,179 6,570 29,609 607 557 726 28,883 12,900 15,983 1907-08 12,900 4,800 17,700 6,588 11,112 570 588 766 10,346 10,346 3 ..... 1908-09 10,346 18,000 28,346 6,570 21,776 607 588 766 21,010 12,900 8,110 1909-10 12,900 8,000 20,900 6,570 14,330 607 607 791 13,539 12,900 639 1910-11 12,900 22,000 34,900 6,570 28,330 607 607 791 27,539 12,900 14,639 1911-12 12,900 3,500 16,400 6,588 9,812 542 574 748 9,064 9,064 ..... ARROYO VALLE RESERVOIR A REGULATOR. stored waters would be withdrawn in accord- ance with the needs of the Gravel Reservoir, drawing the stored water from Arroyo Valle Reservoir as rapidly as possible, for the pur- pose alike of reducing evaporation from the sur- face, and making room for any additional flood waters that may come down the creek. The tabulation of performance has been pre- pared, having the above conditions in view, leav- ing the reservoir empty during the period from 1898-99 to 1905-06. To determine the flow se- eured from Arroyo Valle Creek, the tables of Arroyo Valle Reservoir and the Gravel Reser- voir must be considered together. For the purpose of ascertaining the safe yield of the Arroyo Valle drainage area, as a part of the whole system, a regulated flow has been shown of a steady draft of 18 M. G. D. as the safe yield of the area thus regulated by the reservoir, leaving at the end of the period 9,064 M. G., accumulated and stored, equivalent to one year and four and a half months’ supply of 18 M. G. D. It will be noted that the large amount of surplus, totalling 93,342 M. G. for the period of 23 years is regarded wholly as wasted. Regulated Flow From Gravel Reservoir in Livermore Valley. All the other drainage areas not previously considered would be designed to contribute directly to the Gravel Reservoir in the Liver- more Valley. These would be the Arroyo Mocho, Arroyo Valle below the reservoir site, the upper and lower Livermore areas, Positas, Tassajero, and Alamo Creeks. In order to determine the amount of water that can be drawn from the Gravel Reservoir, it is necessary to determine, not only the amount of flow tributary to the area, but also to what extent the flow can enter into the gravel basin. Tf all the flow of one year were to enter as one sudden flood, part of the water would not have time to soak in and sink into the gravel, and a great portion would pass off as waste. In the following will be in detail considered how, and in what amounts the flow enters into the gravel basin. Construction of Arroyo Valle Reservoir will hold back the floods, until such time as it is 161 convenient to release the flow, and eliminates the flow from that area as contributing to the gravel reservoir during the periods of flood flow. As the distribution has shown, the dis- charge of the Arroyo Valle Creek averages one-half of the whole contribution to the Liver- more Valley. The flow of the Arroyo Mocho will naturally find its way into the gravels; its discharge has rarely, if ever, contributed to the surface flow of the Creek in the vicinity of Pleasanton. This is also the case with the flow from the Arroyo Valle below the reservoir site, and the upper and lower Livermore areas. There is, therefore, only to be considered if the discharges coming from the Positas, Tassa- jero and Alamo Creeks can enter into the gravel beds during their period of flow. From the Tabulation of Segregated Flow (page 146) it is seen that the combined dis- charges of the Positas, Tassajero and Alamo Creeks are as follows: M.G. PRS 900. dea ccttlisa eevanatea eee 19,348 1890-91 ewes sane ceaenmaneh cece ae 4,973 de GAGE saacemalciabeaihe seas agledie ou ae N89 020 9h ted (Goria), tail et diet ae dae 11,742 ae Ge 2 taint kan ae Al an ae 7,581 1894-95. cece eee cece scene eee ceeees 10,306 1995-96: xine cteniews Rpusé-ne 2 eeeeescaees 4,472 TSO 600 ems anek cee osc ss aa 7,866 TS9T-98 ck oc chun Porton ceamaen a raewepuaes BS 1598-09: svn eaten es name ane weal sie 1899200), icc kceal vacewioniarinanwse nade + sibs ONO vie dale ssauaue cee on ae erin 4,230 TG 01025 adie osc ys erunncrnerecs perenne sls 3,406 1909-08. gc cc ena sua gewsavscnaesd eu 5,895 1903-04 1,191 T90607 5 seve ea tienes etaten a wen os wee ne 15,260 AGOT-08 ose rste ed ghee savage peeiune anbee 2,019 1908209 4 starstocs lerronsecintanenneagte + 9,960 AOU0 10 ote tts Reranch acne 1,761 MOTO Uli eeceet na tren tere ine 11,450 AQUA veces whe: doen easing bak Wek exeeris 1,955 In the years of high discharge, 1889-90, 92- 93, 94-95, 1906-07 and 1910-11, examination of the total run-off will show that the high dis- charges continue over a period from 3 to 4 months, with usually one month of extremely high discharge in that period, ranging from two to three times the average discharge of the remaining months of the period of flow. On the assumption of a distribution of the flow over four months, it will be noted that the maximum discharge, occurring in 1889-90, means an average monthly discharge of 4,837 million gallons, or 161 M. G, D. 162 To be more exact, the following is the month- ly volume of discharge from the Positas, Tassa- jero and Alamo Creeks, from December, 1889, to June, 1890, inclusive, distributed im the proportion credited to these areas for the season 1889-90. Per Average Month Per Day M. G. M. G. December .............--5- 4,073 131.4 SANUALY .44 accu dereiee can 7,706 248.6 February .. ......eseeeeee 3,673 131.2 Martel: . socio dnn aioe ands ce dpe 2,088 67.4 ADTil cosets shay he ese 511 17.0 MA Yo ic cam ate pe ate eRe ela dand 286 9.2 JUNE: fo. Subhsidpwkea ne Mite oies 110 3.7 Observations of the absorption by the gravel beds are none too numerous, but from what are available a reasonably accurate conclusion can be found of the limitation of such absorption. Mr. F. H. Tibbetts made two observations in 1906. On the first occasion, Jan. 14th, 1906, of 1136 cubic feet per second passing the Cresta Blanca bridge, only 600 eubic feet per second passed the Pleasanton bridge. The difference absorbed, 536 cubic feet per second, means 346 million gallons per day. On the second occasion, December 27, 1906, with 270 cubic feet per second observed on the upper section, there were 249 cubic feet per second at the lower, an absorption of 21 cubic feet per second, or 1314 million gallons. On January 27th, 1912, Messrs. Mulholland and Lippincott observed a complete loss of 45 cubic feet per second—29 M. G. D. in a distance of 3,000 lineal feet of stream channel. The following are a series of observations of absorption made by Mr. T. W. Espy of the Spring Valley Water Company: Length Lower of Upper Measure. Meas- ‘'Chan- Date, 1912. ure. nel. Cc. F.S. M.G. D. eas Lin. ft. March 13.......... 142.5 92 0.0 3,800 wr O18 117.6 76 0.0 3,800 14 87.8 57 6.0 4,800 " 15 64.0 41 0.0 aed ‘ 16.. 83.0 54 0.0 i 16.. 72.0 46 0.0 1a 44.0 28 0.0 aaa i 18 35.0 23 0.0 2,550 It will be noted that the extreme daily flow from the Positas, Tassajero and Alamo Creeks, 248.6 M. G. per day, January, 1890, does not reach the maximum absorption of 346 M. G. ob- served in January, 1906. All the other daily THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. flows from these creeks, in that season, are be- low the absorption observed by Mr. Espy. It has also to be noted, as will be later evi- dent, that the total volume of flow in the season 1889-90 was otherwise so large that waste was inevitable and has been allowed as such in the table of distribution submitted. In subsequent years, the tables submitted show an inflow that can be absorbed with read- iness, except in such years when the excess is treated as waste in any event. Further, all these observed absorptions oc- curred in the natural channel of the creek it- self. Development would naturally involve the spreading of the stream discharges over broad areas. There is, therefore, no doubt entertained of the certainty of absorbing all of the waters secured from the three streams remaining as the direct source of supply to the gravel beds during the flood periods, even in seasons of high flow as indicated. In seasons of normal flow, the water would naturally be readily absorbed. Further, it would be the purpose to keep the water table depressed partly to prevent evapor- ation loss and partly to provide storage space for flood waters. This would improve absorp- tion conditions. In this connection there is to be considered the possibility of diverting the Positas, Alamo and Tassajero waters, so that such discharges as do not now enter the gravel beds by reason of the impervious character of the stream beds may be led to suitable locality for absorption. It is not necessary to enter at this time into any discussion, more or less speculative, of the geological conditions in the vicinity. It is well known that the gravel beds exist, that there is a very large surface area of pervious material, in passing over which water will be absorbed by the gravels. The location of that area is tol- erably well defined; it is relatively close to the Positas Creek at one point, and it is not greatly removed from either the Tassajero or Alamo Creeks. From any or all of these creeks, it is a comparatively simple task to create diverting channels, through which their waters can be conveyed to the area known to be absorptive. The following tables show the estimated per- formance of the Reservoir in Livermore Valley from 1889 to date. The inflow is composed of the annual dis- GRAVEL RESERVOIR STORAGE. charge from the following drainage areas— Arroyo Mocho, Arroyo Valle below the reser- voir site, the upper and lower Livermore Val- leys, Positas, Tassajero and Alamo Creeks, and from 1899 to January 1, 1906, Arroyo Valle above the damsite. A daily draft of 30 million gallons is assumed, equivalent to an annual draft of 10,950 million gallons. The flow would be regulated by pumping, or when possible, by drawing from the excess stor- age in any of the surface reservoirs, particu- larly Calaveras, Crystal Springs and Arroyo Valle. ba The table (pages 164-167) is largely self- explanatory, but some comments in detail may more clearly convey the method of operation. Commencing with December, 1889, at the be- ginning of the period of observations, the vol- umes for the balance of the season are so great that the assumed draft is not sufficiently heavy to take away the flow and the season would end with the reservoir full to the ground surface. In 1890-91, while the seasonal inflow is less than the seasonal draft, the latter is not sufficient to more than reduce the water table to a height of 4.44 feet above the zero line (which is con- sidered as being 8 feet below the ground sur- face). The volume embraced in one foot of depth being computed at 850 M. G. on the basis of an area of 24 square miles in the Gravel Res- ervoir, with 17 per cent porosity. In the following season, 1891-92, the total de- ficiency of 10,980 million gallons—the total draft, as there was no inflow in that season, meant a depression of the water table by 12.89 feet, bringing it to a point 8.45 feet below the zero line. In 1892-93 there is a total inflow of 21,992 million gallons, an excess of 11,042 million gal- lons over the draft. The water table, at the end of the period, is 5.45 feet above the zero line. The condition of water table above zero line prevails, in varying depths, until the end of 1895-96. On several occasions during that period, the increase of height above zero line would be above the ground surface and when that oc- eurs the excess is treated as waste, and subse- quent reductions of the water table treated as being from the ground surface. In all proba- ~ 163 bility, however, in such periods, the draft from the Gravel Reservoir could be increased and les- sened upon the other sources of supply, always with the object of reducing the water table, at least to the zero line, to save, evaporation loss, and below that, to provide storage room for the next volume of inflow. Beginning with 1897-98 a series of years fol- low one another in which there is an inflow greatly inadequate for the supply of the annual draft commencing with three seasons of no in- flow at all. At that time, at the end of the season 1896-97, there was an accumulation of excess storage from Calaveras Creek of 40,185 M. G., 8,685 M. G. in the Calaveras Reservoir and 31,500 M. G. in the Crystal Springs Reservoir, and this accumulation and the direct flow from the Sunol-Sinbad Creek area would be drawn upon directly when required to meet the deficiency in the Gravel Reservoir as long as it would last, as the tables show, until 1904-05. In other words, the draft upon the surface reservoirs and Gravel Reservoir would be interchangeable, increasing upon the several sources as the demand and the supply would require. Following upon the season 1904-05, when the excess storage in the surface reservoirs would be exhausted, the deficiency would be met directly by pumping from the Gravel Reservoir, resulting in a maximum depression of the water table, in 1905-06, of 19.61 feet, below the zero line. As noted on the tables, there were 7,396 M. G. accumulated in the Calaveras Reservoir during the season of 1906-07, which could be drawn upon in place of pumping from the Gravel Res- ervoir, thereby saving the depression of the water table to the depth equivalent to that vol- ume, or 8.7 feet. Similar accumulations occur later, in 1908-09, of 8,685 M. G. for Calaveras Reservoir and 2,280 M. G. for Crystal Springs, and again in 1910-11, of 8,685 M. G. for Calaveras Reservoir, and 16 M. G. for Crystal Springs. These accumu- lations could be drawn upon, in place of continuing draft on Gravel Reservoir. Such a course would lessen surface evaporation in these reservoirs, and increase the height of water table in the Gravel Reservoir, The latter effect might not be desirable; it might be better to have the water table low, as a glance at the monthly positions in those years will show. In Decem- 164 ber, 1910, the water table is 7.99 feet below the zero line; in January, 1911, it is 0.12 feet above, and in March, 1911, it is 13.72 feet above. In other words, the storage capacity provided by a depth of 8.00 feet was not sufficient to give room to the large inflow in these months, without ris- ing above the zero line. The illustration fully indicates the advisabil- ity of maintaining a steady and relatively high draft upon the Gravel Reservoir and affords proof of the value of the interchanegability of the various parts of the system. With these notes the tables submitted on the following pages set out clearly that a draft of 30 M. G. D. can be safely maintained through the entire period, with an extreme depression of 19.61 feet, in one month, December, 1905, GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Assume water plane at 0.00, 8 feet below ground surface at start. Consider flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area. 1889-90. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. araft. loss. loss. table. M. G. M. G. M. G. Feet. Feet. DéC.. 63-34 7,542 600(a) + 6,942 + 8.16 + 8.16* Jan...... 14,263 ...(b) +14,268 -+16.78 +24.94* Feb...... 6,801 ---(c) + 6,801 + 8.00 +32.94* March... 3,870 930(d) + 2,940 + 3.46 +36.40* April 953 900(e) + 53 + .06 +36.46* May..... 537 930 — 3893 — .46 + 7.547 June 211 900 — 689 — .81 + 6.73 34,177 1890-91. + 6.73 July 155 930 — 75 — 91 + 5.82 Aug. 132 930 — 798 — .94 + 4.88 Sept 118 900 — 782 — 92 + 3.96 Oct...... 124. 930 «= — 806 — 95 + 3.01 Nov..... 124 900 — 776 — 91 + 2.10 Dec...... 253 930 — 677 — .80 + 1.30 Jan...... 273 «930 = — + 657 — .77 + 53 Feb...... 3,159 840 + 2,319 + 2.73 + 3.26 March... 3,553 930 + 2,623 + 3.09 + 6.35 April 643 900 — 257 — .80 + 6.05 May..... 288 930 — 642 — .75 + 5,30 June..... 172 900 — 728 — .86 + 4.44 *Above ground surface (waste). 7Starting from ground surface. (a) 330 M. G. for December from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, (b) 3,100 M. G. for January from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area (full capacity of conduit). (c) 2,800 M. G. for February from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area (full capacity of conduit). (d) 1,720 M. G. for March from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 1,380 M. G. capacity to fill draught. (e) 540 M. G. for April from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 2,460 M. G. capacity to fill draught. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 1891-92. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. draft. loss. loss. table M. G. M. G. M. G. Feet. Feet. + 4.44 July 0.0 930 — 9386 — 1.09 + 3.35 Aug..... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 + 2.26 Sept 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 + 1.20 OcCti2e6 2 0.0 930 — 930 —1.09 + 0.11 Nov..... 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 — 0.95 Dee...... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 2.04 Jan...... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 3.13 Feb...... 0.0 870 — 870 — 1.02 — 4,15 March 0.0 930 — 930 — 109 — 5.24 April 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 — 6.30 May..... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 7.39 June 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 — 8.45 1892-93. — 8.45 July.. 60 930 — 870 — 1.02 — 9.47 AUR sess 33 930 — 897 — 1.05 —10.52 Sept.. 22 900 — 878 — 1.03 —11.55 Ob. asc 22 930 — 908 — 107 —12.62 Nov..... 8,015 900 + 2,115 + 2.49 —10.13 Dec...... 8,639 930 + 7,709 + 9.07 — 1.06 Jan...... 2,671 930 + 1,741 + 2.05 + 0.99 Feb...... 4,752 840 + 3,912 + 4.60 + 5.59 March... 1,172 163(a) + 1,009 + 119 +4 6.78 April.... 1,074 900 + 174 + 0.20 + 6.98 May..... 437 930 — 493 — 058 + 6.40 June..... 95 900 — 805 — 0.95 + 5.45 1893-94, + 5.45 July.. 90 930 — 840 — 0.99 + 4.46 Aug..... 67 930 — 863 —1.01 + 3.45 Sept.. 45 900 — 855 — 1.00 + 2.45 Oct... 64s. 29 930 — 901 — 1.06 + 1.39 Nov..... 47 900 — 853 — 1.00 + 0.39 Dec...... 94 930 — 836 — 0.98 — 0.59 Jan...... 3,673 ...(c) + 8,673 + 4.32 + 3.73 Feb...... 8,855 .-.(b) + 8,355 + 9.83 +13.56+ March... 860 930 —_ 70 — .08 + 7.92 April.... 206 900 — 694 — .82 + 7.10 May..... 124 930 — 806 — .95 + 6.15 June..... 81 900 — $819 — .96 + 5.19 13,671 1894-95. + 5.19 July.. 61 930 — 869 —1.02 4 417 Aug..... 38 «869380 —— 892 — 105 4+ 3.12 Sept.. 34 «6900 360s — 866 ~— 1.02 + 2.10 Oct...... 50 930 — 880 — 1.04 + 1.06 Nov..... 24 900 — 876 — 1.038 + 0.03 Dec...... 3,871 930 + 2,941 + 346 + 3.43 Jan...... 10,655 ...(d) 410,655 412.54 +15.97+ Feb...... 2,768 -..(e) + 2,768 + 3.25 +19.227 March 669 930 — 261 —0.31 + 7.69 April 453 900 — 447 — 053 + 7.16 May..... 342 930 — 6558 — 0.69 +4 6.47 June 107 = 900 3 — 793 — 0.98 + 5.54 yAbove ground surface. (a) 2,987 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 163 M. G. to capacity of conduit. (b) 2,800 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek capacity of conduit. (c) 3,100 M. G. Sunol-Sinbad capacity of conduit. (d) 3,100 M. G. from capacity of conduit. (e) 2,800 M. G. from capacity of conduit. area—full Creek Creek Creek from area—full Sunol-Sinbad area—full Sunol-Sinbad area—full PERFORMANCE OF GRAVEL RESERVOIR. 1895-96. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. draft. loss. loss. table. M. G. M. G. M. G. Feet. Feet. + 5.54 July..... 60 930 — 870 —1.02 + 4.52 Aug..... 58 930 — 872 — 1.02 + 3.50 Sept..... 57 900 — 843 — 0.99 + 2.51 Octievsss 17 930 — 853 — 1.00 +4 1.51 Nov..... 78 900 — 822 — 097 + 0.54 Dec...... 89 930 — 841 — 0.99 — 0.45 Jan...... 4,551 400(a) + 4,151 + 4.88 + 4.43 Feb...... 451 870 — 419 — 0.49 + 3.94 March 480 930 — 450 — 053 + 3.41 April 2,293 900 + 1,393 + 1.64 + 5.05 May..... 557 930 — 3873 — 044 + 4.61 June 136 900 — 764 — 090 + 3.71 1896-97. + 3.71 July. 65 930 — 865 — 1.02 + 2.69 AUB ais 50 930 — 880 —1.04 + 1.65 Sept. 49 900 — 8651 1.00 + 0.65 Oct...... 56 930 — 874 — 1.038 — 0.38 Nov..... 326 900 — 574 — 0.68 — 1.06 Dee...... 515 930 — 415 — 049 — 1.55 Jan...... 530 930 — 400 — 047 — 2.02 Feb...... 5,516 840 + 4,676 + 5.50 + 3.48 March 5,768 741(b) + 5,027 + 5.91 + 9.39* April 935 900 + 385 + 0.04 + 9.43* May..... 244 930 — 686 — 0.81 + 7.19 June. 82 900 — 818 — 0.96 + 6.23 1897-98. 4. 6.28 July 0.0 930 — 930 —1.09 + 5.14 Aug..... 0.0 930 — 9380 — 1.09 + 4.05 Sept 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 + 2.99 Octe: esas 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 + 1.90 Nov..... 0.0 900 — 900 —1.06 + 0.84 Dec...... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 0.25 Jan...... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 1.34 Feb...... 0.0 840 — 840 — 0.99 — 2.33 March 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 3.42 April 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 — 4.48 May..... 0.0 930 — 930 — 1.09 — 5.57 June. 0.0 900 — 900 — 1.06 — 6.63 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Withdraw all stored water in Arroyo Valle Reservoir at beginning of season—=6,821 M. G.= 8.02 feet. Put all Arroyo Valle water directly into gravei reservoir. Draw Arroyo Valle daily draft, 18 M. G. D., directly from reservoir. Draw equivalent of 30 M. G. D. for gravel reservoir from Crystal Springs Reservoir (holding 31,- 500 M. G. at start). —6.63 at beginning. Add Arroyo Valle= 8.02 at beginning. +1.39 at beginning. (a) 2,700 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad area, leaving 400 M. G. for gravel reservoir. *Above ground surface. (b) 2,359 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 741 M. G. to capacity of conduit. 165 1898-99. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. draft. loss. loss. table. M. G. M. G. M. G. Feet. Feet. + 1.39 July..... 29 558 — 529 — 62 + 0.77 AUB. cada 22 558 — 5386 — .638 + 0.14 Sept..... 23 540 — 517 — .61 — 0.47 Oct...... 37 558 — 521 — 61 — 1.08 Nov..... 37 540 — 503 — 59 — 1.67 Dece...... 38 558 — 520 — 61 — 2.28 Jan...... 113 558 — 445 — 52 — 2.80 Feb...... 43 504 — 461 — 64 — 3.34 March... 4,363 .--(a) + 4,368 + 5.138 + 1.79 April 231 540 — 309 — .86 4+ 1.48 May..... 80 558 — 478 — 56 + 0.87 June..... 84 540 — 456 — 54 + 0.33 5,100 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all Arroyo Valle water directly into gravel reservoir. Draw Arroyo Valle daily draft—18 M. G, D. directly from gravel reservoir. Draw equivalent of 30 M. G. D. for gravel reservoir from Crystal Springs Reservoir=(10,950 M. G. during year.) 1899-1900. + 0.38 July..... Be 558 — 505 — 0.59 — 0.26 Aug..... 50 558 — 508 — 0.60 — 0.86 Sept.. 47 540 — 493 — 0.58 — 1.44 Oct...... 50 558 — 508 — 0.60 — 2.04 Nov..... 136 540 — 404 — 0.48 — 2.52 Dec...... 447 558 — 111 — 0.13 — 2.65 DAT saan 2,547 558 + 1,989 + 2.34 — 0.31 Feb...... 168 504 — 336 — 0.40 — 0.71 March... 533 558 —_— 25 — 0.03 — 0.74 April.... 187 540 — 3538 — 0.41 — 1.15 May..... 121 558 — 437 — 0.51 — 1.66 June.... 61 540 — 479 — 0.56 — 2.22 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle and other tributaries directly into Gravel Reservoir. Draw all of Arroyo Valle—18 M. G. D. from it. Draw all of Gravel Reservoir—30 M, G. D. from it. 1900-01. — 2.22 July..... 95 1,488 — 1393 — 164 — 3.86 Aug..... 931,488 — 1,395 — 1.64 — 5.50 Sept.. 87 1,440 — 1,353 — 1.59 — 7.09 Oct...... 169 1,488 — 1,319 — 155 ~— 8.64 Nov..... 3,282 1,440 + 1,842 + 217 — 6.47 Dec...... 484 1,488 — 1,004 —118 — 7.65 TAN. a se 2,558 1,488 + 1,070 + 126 — 6.39 Feb...... 7,130 -.-(b) + 7,180 + 8.39 + 2.00 March 1,370 = 1,488 — 118 — 0.14 + 1.86 April 585 1,440 — 855 — 1.01 + .85 May..... 547 =: 1,488 — 9941 —111 — 26 June 280 1,440 — 1,160 — 136 — 1.62 (a) 3,100 M. G. from J Sunol-Sinbad C oa capacity of conduit—in March. Be Eines sare Pest) (b) 2,800 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbaa capacity of conduit. ore eee ea 166 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle and tribu- taries into Gravel Reservoir. Draw all of 30 M. G. D. from Gravel Reservoir. Draw all of 18 M. G. D. (Arroyo Valle) from Gravel Reservoir. 1901-02, Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. draft. loss. loss. table. M. G. M. G. M. G. Feet. Feet. — 1.62 July 202 1,488 — 1,286 — 151 — 3.13 BMB oc pe 149 1,488 — 1,339 —158 — 4.71 Sept 119 1,440 — 1,321 — 1.55 — 6.26 OCbrnases 119 =1,488 — 1,369 — 1.61 — 7.87 Nov..... 125 1,440 — 1,315 — 155 — 9.42 Dec...... 280 81,488 — 1,208 — 1.42 —10.84 Jan...... 1385 1,488 — 1,353 — 1.59 —12.43 Feb...... 3,728 763(a) + 2,965 + 3.49 — 8.94 March 5,521 1,488 + 4,038 + 4.74 — 4.20 April 1,030 1,440 — 410 — 0.48 — 4.68 May..... 470 1,488 — 1,018 — 119 — 5.87 June 246 1,440 — 1,194 — 140 — 7.27 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle and trib- utaries into Gravel Reservoir. Draw all of 30 M. G. D. from Gravel Reservoir. Draw all of 18 M. G. D. (Arroyo Valle) from Gravel Res- ervoir. 1902-03. — 7.27 July..... 229 1,488 — 1,259 — 148 — 8.75 Aug..... 191 = 1,488 — 1,297 — 1.53 —10.28 Sept..... 144 1,440 — 1,296 — 1.52 —11.80 Oct...... 159 = =1,488 — 1,329 — 1.56 —13.36 Nov..... 209 1,440 — 1,231 — 145 —14.81 Dee. 5:4 201 = 1,488 — 1,287 — 1.51 —16.32 Jan...... 3,598 1,488 + 2,110 + 2.48 —13.84 Feb...... 2,933 1,344 + 1,589 + 1.87 —11.97 March... 6,037 569(b) + 5,468 + 6.44 — 0.41 April.... 5,790 1,440 + 4,350 + 5.12 — 0.41 May..... 688 1,488 — 800 — 94 — 1.85 June..... 319 1,440 — 1,121 — 1.32 — 2.67 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle and other tributaries into Gravel Reservoir. Draw equiv- alent of 30 M. G. D. from Crystal Springs Res- ervoir or Calaveras Reservoir surplus. Remain- ing in Crystal Springs at beginning of season (a) 2,087 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 763 M. G. for full capacity of conduit. (b) 2,531 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area in March, leaving 569 M. G. for capacity of conduit. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 9,600 M. G.—and 8,685 M. G. in Calaveras Res- ervoir surplus. Total draft for season—10,980 M. G. would leave—7,305 in Calaveras. 1903-04. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. draft. loss. loss. table. M. G. M..G. Feet. Feet. — 2.67 July.. 109 558 — 449 — 0.53 — 3.20 Aug..... 82 558 — 476 — 056 — 3.76 Sept.. 86 540 — 454 — 0.53 — 4.29 Oct...... 62 558 — 496 — 0.58 — 4.87 Nov..... 153 540 — 887 — 045 — 5.32 Dec...... 98 558 — 460 — 0.54 — 5.86 Jan...... 103 558 — 455 — 0.54 — 6.40 Feb...... 1,625 ...(a) + 1,625 + 191 — 4.49 March... 3,088 558(b) + 2,530 + 2.98 — 1.51 April.... 1,072 540 + 582 + 063 — 0.88 May..... 427 558 — 131 — 0.15 — 1.03 June..... 135 540 — 405 — 048 — 1.51 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle and other tributaries in Gravel Reservoir. Draw 18 M. G. D. (Arroyo Valle) direct from Gravel Reser- voir. Draw 30 M. G. D. from Calaveras Reser- voir surplus up to 7,005 M. G. to February 18, 1905, leaving 300 M. G. in Calaveras surplus. 1904-05, — 151 July.. 90 558 — 468 — 0.55 — 2.06 AUB e355 112 558 — 446 — 0.52 — 2.58 Sept. 60 540 — 480 — 056 — 3.14 Oct...... 63 558 — 495 — 0.58 — 3.72 Nov..... 65 540 — 475 — 0.56 — 4.28 DEG 0 cise 100 558 — 458 — 0.54 — 4.82 Jan...... 235 558 — 3823 — 0.388 — 5.20 Feb...... 600 804 — 204 — 0.24 — 5.44 March... 1,058 1,488 — 4380 — 0.51 — 5.95 April.... 358 1,440 — 1,082 — 1.27 — 7.22 May..... 308 =—-1,488 — 1,180 — 139 — 8.61 June..... 108 1,440 — 1,332 — 157 —10.18 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- ' TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. Put all run-off from Arroyo Valle and other tributaries into Gravel Reservoir until January 1, 1906. After that hold Arroyo Valle run-off in Arroyo Valle Reservoir. Draw 30 M. G. D. continuously from Gravel Reservoir. Draw 18 M. G. D. from Gravel Reservoir until January 1, 1906. After that from Arroyo Valle Reser- voir. (a) 2,800 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area—full capacity of conduit. (b) 2,470 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 630 M. G. capacity in conduit. REDUCTION OF EVAPORATION LOSS. 1905-06. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources. draft. loss. loss. table. M.G. M.G. Feet. Feet. —10.18 July. 189 1,488 — 1,299 — 1.53 —11.71 Aug..... 170 =: 1,488 — 1,318 — 155 —13.26 Sept. 121 1,440 — 1,319 — 155 —14.81 Oct...... 107 1,488 — 1,381 — 1.62 —16.43 Nov..... 105 =1,440 — 1,835 — 1.57 —18.00 Dec...... 118 1,488 — 1,370 — 1.61 —19.61 Jan...... 3,070 ...(a) + 3,070 + 3.61 —16.00 Feb...... 1,400 840 + 560 + 0.66 —15.34 March... 4,566 .-.(b) + 4,566 + 5.87 — 9.97 April 1,646 900 + 746 + 0.88 — 9.09 May..... 461 930 — 469 — 0.55 — 9.64 June 274 900 — 626 — 0.74 —10.38 GRAVEL RESERVOIR. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE UNDER CON- TINUED DRAFT OF 30 M. G. D. 1906-07. —10.38 July 167 930 — 763 — 0.90 —11.28 AUB. 6 «1 127 «869800 = 809 = 0.94 — 12.22 Sept 122 900 — 778 —0.91 —13.13 Oct...... 110 +930 — 820 —0.95 —14.08 Nov..... 105 = 900 Ss — 795 — 0.93 —15.01 Dec...... 1,675 930 + 745 + 0.88 —14.13 Jan...... 5511 930 + 4,581 + 5.39 — 8.74 Feb...... 2,272 840 + 1,432 +168 — 7.06 March...14,463 930(c) +13,533 +15.92 + 8.86# April.... 1911 900 + 1,011 + 119 +10.05* May..... 642 930 — 288 — 0.34 + 7.66 June..... 345 900 — 555 —0.65 + 7.01 1907-08. ee July ... 210 930 — 720 —0.85 + 6.16 Aug. ... 150 930 — 780 — 0.92 + 5.24 Sept. ... 105 900 — 795 —0.94 + 4.30 Ott. ace 108 980 — 627 — 007 4+ 5.38 Nov. 130 900 — 770 —091 + 2.42 Dec. ... 362 930 — 568 — 0.67 + 1.75 Jan..... 886 720(d) + 166 4 0.19 + 1.94 Feb. .... 797 870 — 73 —0.09 + 1.85 March .. 701 930 — 229 —0.27 + 1.58 April 202 900 — 698 —082 + 0.76 May ... 157 930 — 1773 — 0.91 — 0.15 June... 97 900 — 803 — 0.94 — 1.09 1908-09. = July ... 110 930 — 820 0.96 — 2.05 Aug. ... 85 930 — 845 —0.99 — 3.04 Sept. ... 78 900 »— $97 — 097 — 401 Oct. .... 65 930 — 865 —1.02 — 5.03 Noy: ..» 68 900 — 837 — 0.98 — 6.01 Dee. ... 74 9830 — 856 — 1.01 — 7.02 Jan. ... 7,811 ....(e) + 7,811 + 9.19 + 217 Feb. ... 6,961 140(f) + 6,821 + 8.02 +410.19* March .. 2,017 930 + 1,087 + 1.28 +11.47* April... 416 900 — 484 —0.57 +4 7.43 May 186 930 — 744 — 0.87 + 6.56 June... 139 900 — 761 —0.89 + 5.67 (a) 3,100 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area in Jan- uary—full, eapacity of conduit. (b) 3,100 M. G. from Sunol- Sinbad Creek area in March —full capacity of conduit. *Above ground surface. (c) 3,100 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area—full capacity of conduit—if needed. (d) 2,380 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 7220 M. G. for full capacity of conduit. Surplus at Cala- veras Reservoir this year, 5,273 M. G. (e) 3,100 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area—full capacity of conduit. (f) 2,660 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area, leaving 140 M. G. to full capacity of conduit. 167 1909-10. Inflow Gain Gain Height from all Monthly or or of water sources, draft. loss. loss. table M. G. M. G. M.G. Feet. Feet + 5.67 July ... 69 930 — 861 —1.01 + 4.66 Aug. ... 64 930 — 866 — 1.02 + 3.64 Sept. .. 63 900 — 837 — 0.98 + 2.66 OGRE ce e-2g 73 930 — 857 —1.01 + 1.65 Nov. ... 65 900 — 8385 — 0.98 + 0.67 Dec. 460 930 — 470 — 055 + 0.12 Jan. 1,468 930 + 5388 + 0.63 + 0.75 Feb. . 607 840 — 237 — 0.28 + 0.47 March . . 57 930 — 173 — 0.20 4+ 0.27 April ... 335 900 — 565 — 0.66 — 0.39 May .... 1538 930 — WT — 0.91 — 1.20 June ... 86 900 — 814 — 0.96 — 2.16 1910-11. — 2.16 July 125 930 805 — 0.95 — 3.11 Aug. ... 120 930 — 810 — 0.95 — 4.06 Sept. ... 95 900 — 805 — 0.95 — 5.01 Oct. ... 50 930 — 880 — 1.03 — 6.04 Nov. ... 75 900 825 — 0.97 — 7.01 Dec. .... 100 930 — 830 — 0.98 — 7.99 Jan, .... 6,890 ...(a) + 6,890 + 811 + 0.12 Feb. ... 2,820 840 + 1,980 + 2.338 + 2.45 March 9,785 207(b) + 9,578 +11.27 +13.727 April... 530 900 — 3870 — 0.44 +4 7.56 May .... 260 930 — 670 — 0.79 + 6.77 June .. 150 900 — 750 — 0.88 + 5.89 1911-12. + 5.89 July ... 181 930 749 — 0.88 + 5.01 Aug. ... 195 930 — 735 — 0.86 + 4.15 Sept. ... 160 900 — 740 — 0.87 + 3.28 Oct. .. 175 930 — 755 — 0.89 + 2.39 Nov. ... 180 900 — 720 — 0.85 + 1.54 Dec. .... 193 930 — 737 — 0.86 + 0.68 Jan. 423 930 — 507 — 0.60 + 0.08 Feb. . 3825 870 — 545 — 0.64 — 0.56 March . .. 968 930 + 388 + 0.04 — 0.52 April ... 335 900 — 565 — 0.66 — 1.18 May .... 205 930 — 725 — 0.85 — 2.03 June ... 160 900 — 740 — 0.87 — 2.90 Water Secured From Reduction of Evaporation Loss. Upon this feature, reference is made to the accompanying report on Evaporation from Wet Lands in Livermore Valley (page 482), in which the results observed by the Los Angeles Aque- duct Commission are considered in relation to the Livermore Valley, following a thorough field in- vestigation of the existing conditions. It is there shown that the average annual loss by evaporation and transpiration from the wet lands in the Livermore Valley, prior to effective drainage, amounted to 21 M. G. D. and had been reduced, in the dry season of 1912, to 10 M. G. D. Of the total of 21 M. G. D., considering that some portion of the total area may not drain yAbove ground surface. (a) 3,100 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area—full capacity of conduit in January. (b) 2,893 M. G. from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area in March, leaving 907 for eapacity of conduit. 168 readily and that a complete saving could not be economically effected, 75 per cent is assumed or a total of 15.7 M. G. D. It is intended, in the development of the Gravel Reservoir, to maintain the water table at 8 feet below the ground surface, and as the tables of draft submitted show that it would not always be possible to maintain the water table below that level, some further reduction of the gain should be made. Assuming this amount at 25 per cent, there would be a gain of 11.775 M. G. D. from this source, or say 12 M. G. D. Local Consumption of Water in Livermore Valley. ‘The information regarding the present con- sumption of water in the Livermore Valley, con- sisting, outside of the domestic supply of the towns of Pleasanton and Livermore, of house- hold supply on the various farms, for industrial uses, road sprinkling, ete., is not very extensive. The town supplies are given as approximately 800,000 gallons per day, and the other uses about 700,000 gallons per day, or a total of 1,500,000 gallons per day. This appears to be a high estimate, and con- sidering future developments, it is believed that an allowance of 2 M. G. D. will fully cover the THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. consumption of the Livermore Valley for some time to come. SUMMARY OF REGULATED FLOW FROM ALAMEDA SYSTEM. Calaveras Reservoir. The tabulation has shown that there is a safe daily yield of 57 M. G. D. In addition to that, there has been a surplus accumulated during the period of 23 years, stored in either Calaveras or Crystal Springs Reservoirs, and used as supple- mental when and where required, a total of 123,249 M. G., of which amount 39,885 M. G. has been utilized to equalize the Gravel Reser- voir, leaving 83,364 million gallons available. This is equivalent to an annual yield of 3,625 M. G., or a daily yield of 9.93 M. G. D. San Antonio Reservoir. The tabulation has shown this reservoir to be able to supply a safe yield of 8.5 M. G. D. sup- plemented by direct flow from Sunol-Sinbad Creek area. Sunol-Sinbad Creek Area. For this area has been shown a controlled flow aggregating 84,777 M. G. for 23 years or TABULATION SHOWING DIRECT FLOW FROM SUNOL AREA USED TO EQUAL- IZE FLOW FROM OTHER RESERVOIRS. Gravel Reservoir. Arroyo Valle cece San Antonio Lele M. G. 1892-93 March 767 1893-94 Jan. 930 Feb. 840 1894-95 Jan. 930 Feb. 840 1895-96 Jan. 530 1896-97 March 189 1898-99 March 558 1898-99 March 263.5 1900-01 Feb. 840 1900-01 Feb. 504 Feb. 238.0 1901-02 Feb. 77 Feb. 504 Feb. 238.0 1902-03 March 361 March 558 March 263.5 1903-04 Feb. 522 Feb. 246.5 March 191.5 1905-06 Jan. 930 Jan. 558 Jan. 263.5 March 930 March 558 March 263.5 1907-08 Jan. 210 Jan. 263.5 1908-09 Jan. 930 Jan. 263.5 1908-09 Feb. 700 Feb. 238.0 1910-11 Jan. 930 Jan. 263.5 March 723 March 263.5 Total 11,657 3,762 3,260.0 Grand Total. M. G. Gravel Reservoir 11,657 Arroyo Valle Reservoir 38,762 San Antonio Reservoir 3,260 18,679 SAFE DAILY YIELD OF ALAMEDA SYSTEM. 10.10 M. G. D. From that has to be deducted the direct draft used to equalize other parts of the system, in this instance the Gravel Reservoir, Arroyo Valle Reservoir and San An- tonio Reservoir. The foregoing tabulated statement shows the amounts used for these various reservoirs, with the dates, and these amounts have been deducted from the yield of the Sunol-Sinbad Creek area. For the whole period of 23 years the flow used to equalize the reservoirs amounts to an annual average of 812.1 M. G., giving a daily average of 2.2 M. G. D., which, deducted from the total average of 10.10 M. G. D., leaves 7.9 M. G. D. as the safe daily yield from the Sunol-Sinbad Creek area. Arroyo Valle Reservoir. Arroyo Valle Reservoir has been shown to be capable of delivering a safe daily yield of 18 M. G. D. Gravel Reservoir. The Gravel Reservoir has been shown to be capable of supplying 30 M. G. D. Evaporation. Lowering of the water table will reduce evapo- ration losses from the wet lands. Correspond- ing increase of flow is estimated as 12 M. G. D. Local Consumption. To provide for local consumption has been set aside a flow of 2. M. G. D. Safe Daily Yield of Alameda Creek System 140 M.G.D. In final review the items from the various sources may be once more briefly set out and summarized. The following is submitted as a conservative statement of the safe daily yield from the Alameda Creek System: M. G. D. Calaveras Reservoir, direct....... . 57.00 Calaveras Reservoir, storage of surplus 9.93 San Antonio Reservoir................ 8.50 Sunol-Sinbad Creek area.............. 7.90 Arroyo Valle Reservoir............... 18.00 Livermore Gravel Reservoir.......... 30.00 Evaporation in Livermore Valley...... 12.00 143.33 Less for local consumption........... «2.00 141.33 Say 140 million gallons per day as the safe 169 yield of the Alameda Creek System, over a period of years, full development being made of all reservoir systems and the feature of the in- terchangeability of the system as a whole being fully taken advantage of. It remains to point out that at the end of the period of twenty-three years considered there was in reserve storage the following amounts: M..G. Calaveras Reservoir, direct.......... 26,866 Calaveras Reservoir, surplus stored.. 10,981 San Antonio Reservoir .............. 1,843 Arroyo Valle Reservoir.............. 9,064 48,754 which, on the basis of 128 M. G. D. draft, leav- ing out of consideration the 12 M. G. D. secured from evaporation, would be sufficient to care for the whole supply for more than one year, with- out increment from any source, and that does not include any amount obtained from the Gravel Reservoir, the water table of which, at the end of the period, was 2.9 feet below the zero line. PENINSULA SYSTEM. The Peninsula System comprises three reser- voirs, Crystal Springs, San Andreas, and Pilar- citos with appurtenant works. In order to determine the safe, dependable daily yield from the system, consideration has been taken of the storage accumulated in them throughout their history, the draft made upon them, and the waste, or surplus, that may have passed over their spillways. As commented on in detail, the three reser- voirs are considered as operated in one system; draft and storage being increased or decreased for each of them as conditions and good man- agement dictate, with the purpose of securing full conservation of the run-off from the tribu- tary watershed. The system lends itself par- ticularly to interchangeable operation of the supply, and, unless recognition is taken of that valuable feature, full advantage of the available stream flow will not be secured, and the reason- able capacity of the system, as a whole, will not be realized. In the following analysis, each reservoir has been considered separately, and due notations have been made of occasional temporary changes of continuous draft, due to increased Capacity and Area. Calculations From fP- 27a. Thousand Nt/llior Galloris . Note:- Capacity Curve above 290 Contour qoproxinare ory. CRYSTAL SPRINGS frESERVOlR Contour | Area in Capacit Elevation cress Val MG 166 36.8 0.00 780 9352 296.36 200 177.4 /1 76.62 220 J8B2.6 2998.22 £240 678.4 6454.22 260 9/6 //631.28 ZLEO 1326.4. 18 913.63 290 1533.6 23573.0/ 3/0 38000.00 330 69000.00 Crest Max HtofWarter Capacity — Outlet Present 288.85F¢ 288 Ff. 23500NMG. 17787 FF Utimate 328.00 Ft 325 Fr 55000MG = 17787 FF 0 on Gauge -/66F*?. Acres 2 4 6 8 1000 V2 /4. 46 48 2000 22 a4 26 28 Crystal Sorings Datur. From Frecords of SKI Co. AS trutmeyer..... Drawn by Cormpared & Checked by... Suly-H2 SPRING VALLEY WATER Co. Sar Fraric/1sco Anderson C-4 SHOWING THAT STORAGE OF 63,000 M. G. MAY READILY BE OBTAINED ONLY 16 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO. 170 SAFE YIELD OF or decreased demands on the parts of the sys- tem. Crystal Springs Reservoir Will Safely Yield 9.8 M.G.D. The water withdrawn from Crystal Springs and conveyed directly to the City, has been de- livered into University Mound Regulating Res- ervoir, in conjunction with the supply from the Alameda Creek. The total inflow at University Mound is measured by a weir, and the records of inflow have been thoroughly checked. By deducting the quantity of water from Alameda Creek as shown by the record of the Belmont pumps, established in connection with the flow of the Alameda Creek, the inflow from Crystal Springs is determined. Occasionally, additional draft has been made upon Crystal Springs by the Millbrae pumps, and by the Crystal Springs pumps. All the records of draft made by any of these means since 1889 have been examined, as well as the records of the storage in the reservoir. The following tabulation, showing the total available water supply from Crystal Springs Reservoir, contains complete and accurate rec- ord of the flow. CRYSTAL SPRINGS. 171 The table commences with the year 1890. Records for a previous period exist, but those of 1889 were destroyed in the fire of 1906. Ex- amination of the records prior to 1889 indicates, however, that the continuous draft shown by the tabulation could have been maintained in the preceding years. The tabulation commencing 1890 sets out the accumulated storage at the beginning and at the end of each year. The difference, whether gain or loss, is added to the draft recorded for that year, the result giving the total net inflow. The records of depth of water stored record actual conditions, taking into account the loss from evaporation and all other causes. The total net inflow, less the amount of continuous draft, is added to the quantity stored at the beginning of the year. The result shows the quantity in storage at the end of the year. The condition of the reservoir is thus shown throughout the period of the 21.5 years consid- ered. The tabulation shows that a continuous draft of 9.8 million gallons per day can be main- tained. The lowest storage at the end of any year, is in 1908, immediately preceding the period of run-off in the streams, being 1056.1 million gallons. TABULATION OF PERFORMANCE—CRYSTAL SPRINGS RESERVOIR. SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY RECORDS. In Stor- In Stor- age First age End M. G. of Year. of Year. Gain. Draft. M. G. . G. M. G. Total 1890 .........-. 7,196 8,730 1,534 1,660 TOL ve aaettess 8,730 10,788 2,058 1,180.6 B92 as aucia nares 10,788 11,400 612 1,612.8 18986 oi aie ert 11,400 14,439 3,039 2,050.6 18945 eg ee stess 14,439 18,380 3,941 2,401.3 1895..........6- 18,380 16,127 —2,253 2,619 1896..........-- 16,127 16,580 + 458 2,429.6 1897... 06-00 ee 16,580 14,650 —1,930 3,719.1 1898.........-.- 14,650 9,200 —5,450 3,778.2 1899... cee sees 9,200 7,200 —2,000 4,327.9 1900......-...-- 7,200 6,050 —1,150 2,446.8 1901.....-.-005- 6,050 5,230 — 820 1,538.9 1902.........06- 5,230 4,828 — 402 1,478.3 1908.........+-- 4,828 6,936 +2,108 658.0 1904............ 6,936 10,846 +3,910 1,183.8 1905...........- 10,846 10,227 — 619 2,433.4 1906.....-.5--6- 10,227 12,560 +2,333 1,093.2 1907. .....----5- 12,560 17,392 +4,832 1,000.7 1908..........-- 17,392 16,368 —1,024 1,848.3 1909........005- 16,368 18,382 +2,014 2,645 1910.....----06- 18,382 16,167 —2,215 2,722 1911.......-..-- 16,167 19,494 +8,327 2,709 To July 1,1912 .. 19,494 18,207 —1,287 1,147 ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE. Esti- In Stor- M. G. M. G. M. G. age End Waste. Inflow. Draft. Remainder. of Year. Total mated M. G. M. G. 6,737 +9,931 3,577 +6,354.0 13,550.0 +3,238.6 3,577 — 339.6 13,210.4 2,224.8 3,586.8 —1,362.0 11,848.4 +5,089.6 3,577 +1,512.6 13,361.0 See +6,342.3 3,577 +2,765.3 16,126.3 4,674 +5,040.0 3,577 +1,463.0 17,589.38 are +2,882.6 3,586.8 — 1704.2 16,885.1 1,770 +3,559.1 3,577 — i179 16,867.2 s9 ae —1,671.8 8,577 —5,148.8 11,718.4 +2,327.9 3,577 —1,249.1 10,469.3 +1,296.8 3,577 —2,280.2 8,188.1 + 718.9 3,577 — 2,858.1 5,331.0 +1,076.3 3,577 —2,500.7 2,330.3 +2,766.0 3,577 — 811.0 2,019.3 +5,043.8 3,586.8 +1,457.0 3,476.3 +1,814.4 3,577 —1,762.6 1,713.7 +3,426.2 3,577 — 150.8 1,562.9 +5,832.7 3,577 2,255.7 3,818.6 eid + 824.3 3,586.8 —2,762.5 1,056.1 3,511 -+ 8,170.0 3,577 +4,593 5,649.1 és + 507 3,577 —3,070 2,579.1 1,600 +7,636 3,577 +4,059 6,638.1 — 140 1,783.6 —1,923.6 4,713.5 Average safe yield—9.8 M. G. D. SAN ANDRES PESERVO/IP Capacity and Area Contour | Area in | Capacit, Llevatior | Acres Va, WG J50 0.00 0.00 J60 2.87 468 370 13.74 31.74. J8O 55.78 145.02 J90 119.2/ 430/2 400 179 95 W7 56 4/0 255.16 1626.47 £0 324.79 257/37 430 JG4.63 3743.48 440 458.68 SIS3.7S 450 549.00 6773.75 Crest of Dam-Flev 449.5" Qutlet Elev F765, Max Mt of Water. 446.25" 0 or Gauge 360.0 Capacity - 6,229,524, 000 Gaks. Acres 250 300 350 400 450 300 I50 600 650 700 7501 50 100 150 200 4/0 Thousand Milton Gallors Crystal Sorings Datum. From Records of SKW Co. SPRING VALLEY WATER Co. Drea I rps sk nc dy ( Sarr Frar7c/sco. TAVTT PY CUTSTIOSL OL. sywes, ee ly “/9/2 Corrnpared & Checked a MMW... Calculations from Yiao F-20 Anderson C-5 The San Andreas Reservoir occupies a commanding position ten miles from San Francisco. 172 SAFE YIELD OF SAN ANDREAS RESERVOIR. Safe Continuous Yield of San Andreas Reservoir is 5.5 M.G. D. The records for this reservoir go back as far as 1871, excepting for the year 1889, in which the record is lost. 173 For that year the draft re- ported in the Municipal Report for 1901-02, p. 793, has been accepted. The records have been subjected to detailed examination and the tabulation represents the TABULATION OF PERFORMANCE—SAN ANDREAS RESERVOIR. SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY RECORDS. In Stor- In Stor- are First age End of Year. M. G. ASA, Atednsedet 1,120 VBI cares twigs s 1,484 1873 ss pos cmueek 3,351 VST cody sage we hy 2,841 18%bs sieeeeoeee ue 8,165 1S8NGs coees ae sows 2,279 Si. (estes eiartnce aceeeue 3,160 LSB cadena OS vas 521 LSU. Soke P Sacchectite 2,851 LS 805s seis ai annn zee 2,880 TS Stee iid kes avons 4,371 ABB Oi Ghee sucntoubece live 4,073 18838 oa ciate cscs 1,887 VOSA. east sae ee ours 562 WS SB isice cosas geoces 1,481 TS8Ccavcdcwiaavan’s 1,109 PSST aielstcieta saves 2,737 W888 vce e gs wa en aes 1,810 1889. bs eae ces 738 1890s oes coger eal 3,867 WS9DL i chcxsiies Hes 5,236 ISOS cei as seedee 4,530 L898 subse wee 4,558 1894 oe asSe eames 4,348 WOO sisciisc aves ine iecie’s 5,220 Leia Wed eet s 3,656 WET nn bade ena ess 2,658 W898 ss vc wwac ies s 1,785 1890 wore cabeaeee 752 TOW tesavacnas 2,012 W9OL aca en acee 1,702 1902 oe oes eaten 400 1908......00006- 521 W904 iis ew onl s dqets 1,038 1905... .. ee eee 2,518 1906.......+005- 1,875 TG OT essen aa aoe aves 2,642 1908...---0 eres 4,406 1909: co enea ae eceaie 2,946 1910s cede eesccie: 4,528 D911, ese og ge sre 3,830 Total of Year. Gain. Draft. M. G. M. G. M. G. 1,484 + 364 1,109 8,051 +1,867 1,541 2,841 — 510 1,798 8,165 + 324 1,877 2,279 — 886 2,314 3,160 + 881 2,825 521 —2,639 2,608 2,851 +2,330 2,173 2,880 + 29 2,779 4,371 +1,491 2,829 4,073 — 298 3,074 1,887 —2,186 3,318 562 —1,325 1,861 1481 + 919 2,068 1,109 — 372 2,137 2,737 +1,628 738 1,810 — 927 2,026 738 —1,072 2,388 3,867 +38,129 1,019 (a) 5,z36 = +. 1,369 801 4,530 — 706 1,163 4,558 + 28 1,198 4,348 — 210 1,724 5,220 + 872 1,598 8,656 —1,564 1,999 2,658 — 998 2,423 1,785 — 873 2,624 752 —1,033 2,049 2,012 +1,260 407 1,702 — 310 2,207 400 —1,302 3,053 521 + 121 2,146 1,038 + 517 2,380 2,518 +1,480 2,656 1,875 — 6438 2,802 2,642 + 767 2,946 4,406 +1,764 3,130 2,946 —1,460 3,756 4,528 +1,582 8,756 3,830 — 698 3,204 4,249 + 419 4,162 Surplus) secs scascadde es Te Su GaSe wea Raa Oe end Total Inflow. M.G. +1,473 +38,408 +1,288 +2,201 +1,428 +3,706 — 31 +4,503 +2,808 +4,320 +2,776 +1,132 + 536 +2,987 +1,765 +2,366 +1,099 +1,316 +4,148 +2,170 + 457 +1,226 +1,514 +2,470 + 435 +1,425 +1,751 +1,016 +1,667 +1,897 +1,751 +2,267 +2,897 +4,136 +1,659 +3,713 +4,894 +2,296 ++5,338 +2,506 +4,581 8642 814 7828 M.G. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE. Esti- rated Draft. Remainde:. M. G. M. G. 2,007.5 — 534.5 2,013.0 +1,395.0 2,007.5 — 719.5 2,007.5 + 193.5 2,007.5 — 579.5 2,013.0 +1,693.0 2,007.5 —2,038.5 2,007.5 +2,495.5 2,007.5 + 800.5 2,013 +2,307 2,007.5 + 768.5 2,007.5 — 875.5 2,007.5 —1,471.5 2,013.0 + 974 2,007.5 — 242.5 2,007.5 + 358.5 2,007.5 — 908.5 2,013.0 — 697.0 2,007.5 +2,140.5 2,007.5 + 162.5 2,007.5 —1,550.5 2,013.0 — 787.0 2,007.5 — 493.5 2,007.5 + 462.5 2,007.5 —1,572.5 2,013.0 — 588.0 2,007.5 — 256.5 2,007.5 — 991.5 2,007.5 — 340.5 2,007.65 — 110.5 2,007.5 — 256.5 2,007.5 + 259.5 2,007.5 + 889.5 2,013.0 +2,123.0 2,007.5 — 348.5 2,007.5 +1,705.5 2,007.5 +2,886.5 2,013.0 + 283.0 6,230 2,007.5 +8,330.5 2,007.5 + 498.5 2,007.5 +2,573.5 Av. = 190.9 M.G. Ann. (a) Records taken from Municipal Report 1901-02. (b) Reservoir capacity 6230 million gallons—all above that figure is surplus. 0.52 M.G.D. In Stor- age End of Year. Remarks, M. G. 585.5 1,980.5 1,261.0 1,454.5 875.0 2,568.0 529.5 3,025.0 3,825.5 6,132.5 6,901.0 Surplus 6,230.0(b) +671toC.S, 5,354.5 3,883.0 4,857.0 4,614.5 4,973.0 4,064.5 3,367.5 5,508.0 5,670.5 4,120.0 3,333.0 2,839.5 3,5UZ.u 1,729.5 1,141.5 885.0 —106.5 —340.5 —110.5 — 256.5 +259.5 1,149.0 8,272.0 2,923.5 4,629.0 Surplus 7,515.5 1,285.5 toC. 8S. 6,230(b) +283.0 “« 6,230 6,230 6,230 +3,330.5 * + 4985 “ +2,573.5 “ PILARCITOS FPESE/PVO/R Capacity and Area Contour Area ir | Capacity Flevation |_ Acres nMG. 650 J8B.85 0.00 660 56.135 154.69 670 70.30 360.59 6&0 86.04 6/5.2/ 690 /02.84. F283 700 124.99 1293.87 Crest of Dara - Elev. 698.75" Outlet Elev - 650.75 ' Mar. Ht of Water Llev. 696.75" Oon Gauge . 650.75 Capacity 1.083,000,000 Gals Acres /0 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 10 120 130 140180 0 700 0 S00 7000 7500 Nil for Gallons Calculations frorm Map F-18 Crystal Springs Daturn. From fecords of SV Co SPRING VALLEY WATER Co. Qrawn by... —- Alt AR uPA YO Yar Frar7c/sco WCCO = Compared € Chectred by Mas LN saps sa ad Anderson C-6 PILARCITOS RESERVOIR LIES IN A REGION HEAVILY TIMBERED AND OF HIGH RAINFALL. 174 PERFORMANCE OF PILARCITOS RESERVOIR. 175 conditions under operation in the same manner as described for Crystal Springs Reservoir. Maximum capacity of San Andreas Reservoir is 6,230 million gallons. Full reservoir would be reached in 1881, and the surplus of 671 million gallons would either be stored directly in Crystal Springs Reservoir, or the draft from San Andreas increased and from Crystal Springs decreased to utilize this volume, which would otherwise be wasted. In the four years from 1898 to 1901, both inclusive, there would be deficiency in San An- dreas Reservoir to supply the continuous draft established, in amounts as shown on the table, totalling 814 M. G., or 143 M. G. more than had previously been turned over to Crystal Springs TABULATION OF PERFORMA NCE—PILARCITOS RESERVOIR. SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY RECORDS. ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE. In Stor- In Stor- Esti- -In Stor- age First age End Total Total mated Re- age End of Year. of Year. . Gain. Draft. Inflow Draft. mainder of Year Remarks, M.G M.G. M. G. M. G. M. G. M. G. M.G. M. G. M. G. LSC eta evs tie aun bee ad 414 522 +108 979a +1,087 1,095 — 8 406 LSG8e 6 acisg axon 522 471 — 51 1,064 +1,013 1,098 — 85 321 1869s ieieccc ce ae cise 471 511 + 40 1,177 +1,217 1,095 +122 443 DSTO siscdaaw eee 511 301 —210 1,375 +1,165 1,095 + 70 513 ABTA eo Gioa alana at 301 826 +525 578 +1,103 1,095 + 8 521 VSTi sg ace we piece 826 788 — 38 949 + 911 1,098 —187 334 1878). sere yt oa as 788 744 — 44 892 + 848 1,095 —247 87 IST a seers ea ap Roe 744 595 —149 1,229 +1,080 1,095 — 15 72 VST5 sca Gemacaaas 595 649 + 54 1,219 +1,273 1,095 +178 250 VST a sie sity see ee 649 395 —254 1,130 + 876 1,098 —222 + 28 MSE heist Wrerstgtrede ces 395 180 —215 701 + 486 1,095 —609 — 581 TST 8 ses. og tel eased 180 663 +483 1,156 +1,639 1,095 +544 + 544 W879 sc eases ava s 663 781 +118 1,018 +1,136 1,095 + 41 + 585 AB BOS ceo 5 Gren sheen 781 818 + 37 1,105 +1,142 1,098 + 44 + 629 SSM teeny danas 818 517 —30L 1,239 + 938 1,095 —157 + 472 1882) vce aoadn gy es'6 517 246 —271 1,448 +1,177 1,095 + 82 + 554 1888i-c03 sages oe 246 193 — 53 1,501 +1,448 1,095 +353 + 907 VS84e is sricacina axe 193 874 +681 1,371 +2,052 1,098 +954 +1,861 Surplus 1,083b +778 M.G.toC.S DBS Bi sine e a seas 874 €54 —220 1,544 +1,324 1,095 +229 1,083 +229 M.G.toC.S L886 ines erg as ens 654 368 —286 1,393 +1,107 1,095 + 12 1,083 + 12M.G.toCc.S ROS oo ek ew ea X 368 lod —206 1,435 +1,229 1,095 +134 1,083 +134 M.G.toCc.S 1888s. ayn gh goe 162 711 +549 1,046 +1,595 1,098 +497 1,083 +497 M.G.toC.S LB S89is cone eee gas 711 867 +156 968 (a) +1,124 1,095 + 29 1,088 + 29M.G.toCc.S 189 Oho fe cedsacesaie Ge 867 3877 —490 1,463 + 973 1,095 —122 961 L891 ave weces 377 456 + 79 1,267 +1,346 1,095 +251 1,212 +129M.G.toc.S 1,083 1892 0.4 ne is'e 456 713 +257 216 + 473 1,098 —625 458 TB OB bes sense lene ie. cue 713 626 — 8&7 1,201 +1,114 1,095 + 19 477 LO OSs 202s eae Bae 626 737 +111 893 +1,004 1,095 — 91 386 TB9D ee ecs ny gee ate 737 258 —479 1,273 + 794 1,095 —301 + 85 189 Gia pie cases ate 44 258 641 +383 1,270 +1,653 1,098 +555 + 640 DOOR cst a het ed 641 401 —240 1,418 +1,178 1,095 + 83 + 7238 L898. oe case eee 401 437 + 36 236(a)-+ 272 1,095 —823 — 100 1899 ssa rac wndes 437 710 +273 118(a)+ 391 1,095 —704 — 1704 1900: csacie oh 710 871 —839 1,451(a)+1,112 1,095 +17 + 417 T9OL sachin aes 3871 276 — 95 1,219 (a) +1,124 1,095 + 29 46 V9O2 0 encase Gps san 276 498 +222 941(a) +1,163 1,095 + 68 114 1903. 6 eso% weeks 498 628 +130 1,490 +1,620 1,095 7525 639 1904 ag ser nites 628 344 —284 «1,716 = +1, 432 1,098 +334 973 1905 a castor nents 344 261 — 83 1,653 +1,570 1,095 +475 1,448 Surplus. 1,083 (b) +365 M.G.toC.s 1906. 0 eka eee ee 261 193 — 68 1,640 +1,572 1,095 +477 1,003 477M. G.toC.S 1908 ia ate 193 206 + 13 1,596 +1,609 1,095 +514 1,083 514M.G.toC.s 1908 sce ese waaes 206 225 + 19 1,150 +1,169 1,098 + 71 1,083 71M.G.toC.S 1909 eo 54 geese 225 417 +192 1,529 +1,721 1,095 +626 1,083 626 M.G.toC.S 1910... .-csv93 se es 417 224 —193 1,359 +1,166 1,095 + 71 1,083 71M.G.toC.s POT oie gcc aeeire son 8 224 223 — il 1,537 +1,536 1,095 +441 1,083 441M.G.toC.S Safe yield—3.0 M. G. D. (a) Records taken from Municipal Report 1901-02. (b) Reservoir capacity, 1088 million gallons—all above that figure is surplus. 176 from San Andreas. That net deficiency of 143 M. G. would be withdrawn from Crystal Springs, which, at the end of the period had ac- cumulated, practically a year’s supply of the draft from both reservoirs combined. Subsequently, during 1907, a large surplus would be conveyed from San Andreas to Crystal Springs, and added to annually for the follow- ing four years. The tabulation shows that from San Andreas Reservoir, a continuous safe daily yield of 5.5 million gallons can be developed, with an ac- cumulation of a surplus, after balancing all de- ficient periods, equal to .52 million gallons per day throughout a period of 41 years. Pilarcitos Reservoir Will Safely Yield 3 M.G.D. The records for this reservoir go back as far as 1867—really as far as 1866—in which they are not quite clear and, in 1867, are on file for cight months. In that latter year the draft re- ported in the Municipal Report for 1901-02 has been accepted, as also in the year 1889, for the same reason as given in the case of the San An- dreas Reservoir, and also in the years 1898 to 1902, inclusive, the records of which show some confusion in the amounts drawn directly and solely from the Pilarcitos Reservoir. Some of the same uncertainty exists in the record for 1883, in which the draft as ascertained from the record has been entered in the tabulation. As with the other reservoirs, the tabulation represents the conditions in the same manner as described for Crystal Springs Reservoir. The maximum capacity of Pilarcitos Reser- voir is 1083 million gallons. Full reservoir is reached in 1884, and, as before, in the San An- dreas Reservoir, the surplus of 778 million gal- lons in that year, and the amounts of surplus in the following years would either be stored di- rectly in Crystal Springs Reservoir, as it is fig- ured in the tabulation, or the draft from Crystal Springs and San Andreas reservoirs decreased, and from Pilarcitog increased to utilize the ex- cess volume which would otherwise be wasted. Prior to that year 1884, when the reservoir would be filled to its maximum storage, a de- ficiency of 581 million gallons, on the steady draft of 3 M. G. D., would occur in 1877. An equivalent amount would have been drawn off THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. from either Crystal Springs or San Andreas Res- exvair, Another deficiency occurred in the seasons of 1898 and 1899, in the amounts of 100 and 704 million gallons, and the total of that deficiency would have been drawn from Crystal Springs Reservoir out of the volumes previously turned over to it in the years from 1884 to 1891, in- clusive. The total of the surplus amounts are 1808 M. G. from 1884 to 1891, inclusive, and 2565 M. G. from 1905 to 1911, inclusive, altogether 4373 M. G. while the deficiencies are 581 M. G. in 1877, 100 M, G. in 1898 and 704 M. G. in 1899 —altogether 1385 M. G.—leaving a total sur- plus of 2988 M. G. for the period of 45 years, an annual surplus of 66.40 M. G., or an addi- tional amount of 181,900 gallons per day. Present Safe Yield of Peninsula System 19 M.G.D. At the end of the period, the San Andreas and Pilareitos Reservoirs would be filled to their maximum capacities and Crystal Springs Res- ervoir to one-third. The combined storage, at the end of 1911, in a total of 13,951 million gal- lons, would provide for the combined continu- ous draft from all the reservoirs for more than two years, without any addition from any source. Summarizing there is— Crystal Springs Reservoir... 9.8 M.G.D. safe yield San Andreas Reservoir.... 5.50 oi a ee es te as 162) “from surplus Pilarcitos ef ..-. 3.00 . < fs peobtien. a ae” 8 9 os QF ze $6: g GO p 36S Sirs 3 9 GEE 02 VO Ss off baum 8 BIS CON = BE a Sag” ae 2e | PT nee ony 6, |e 420 gg og tr 8 4 pes 12 Abel sc) ¥ 8 RIS 62 “SY oe 8S sk Se 6 AON = s hey 7A] vd nob &, NK 88 jor ¢ oun LiF yo Ee 8 S 2 Ss <__ bese , ~~ e < a PF 22 40K o ae S ger © $ PP Ll) S S & & y S & Lg Dn 8 ~ wie Lb le A ( 9% & XS. pe Vi Lo OD d 2 BE 2 Ory » Y : 7 wT aU i. S BIS 5 Kos ~ Q < CI eS IY eseeeey asgliz ven X Ke % ( . sil Od 4B verge = ae sp Ae 8 x : Le se dey ka 2 3S Bop 6 toy ee is - g 9 c a ee pizes & § g ager & S 2 +S RB oor S 8 § NE Stem 8 § Na v et Ie *K ‘ TT 5b 646, _ § x Se baer & S N s IP te mn S 8 Blo brid S 8 s LE Ley 8 ® x 3 XR Q a 3 © & & N = Sth Ss . Ss g N % née 25 4 8 % g | oS e &| | § 8 q BL gy an s x Lo 9 4 fe E89 Baby & we” 40 § ge 633 ha S| 2 299 2 2Unf = &< a 09 62 g > Cl ER Fw e w42Z 17 227 ct ) yelZ bf sae ‘ % Rely¥2 auap x Q 80 g 2 sayouy ui [124M Ogy SUOSORS> g 8 8 g YIAIL Ul MO/Y PU0IES sad Jad Y GND 189 7H 16.09 10.60 19.72 6.72 79 3S 18.65 19.30 M72 L9H 12.63 /6./8 Los Angeles River bears the same relation to San Fernando Valley that Laguna Creek does to Livermore Valley. SSS Seasons Farntall 706 Inches 190 the east, north and west of Livermore Valley have their counterpart in the San Fernando, as described above, as also do the denser soils in the valley floor. The Livermore Valley has a so-called ‘‘clay cap’’ over 12 square miles near its outlet, producing artesian conditions which Jo not occur in the San Fernando, but re- sembling conditiuus above Colton in the San Bernardino Valley. This is an advantage to the Livermore Valley, as it improves the storage conditions. The water drains naturally from the San Fernando Valley, and forms the Los Angeles River by percolation, this outflow be- ing uniform throughout the year except when sudden flood waves pass through. Laguna Creek does the same from Livermore Valley, but not so freely on account of the ‘‘clay cap’’ condi- tions. For this reason, the flood waves passing through the Livermore Narrows are probably relatively greater. If, however, the water is ex- tensively drawn from the valley by means of wells, then the opportunities for storage will be increased correspondingly. The flow of the Los Angeles River has been measured at the Narrows at Crystal Springs from June, 1898, to April, 1912. Exclusive of Hood waves, the mean for that period of 14 years was 54 second feet. This does not include pum- ing by irrigators in the San Fernando Valley, which amounts to about 10 second feet, and the unaerflow escaping past the Crystal Springs, which will amount to five second feet more, a total of 69 second feet or 45 million gal- lons daily. During the midsummer months the inflow to the valley from the surrounding moun- tains is negligible. The estimated run-off for the Livermore Valley, based upon 36.4 per cent. of the Sunol measurements, and exclusive of evaporation losses, is 50 million gallons daily. Adding estimated evaporation losses in the Pleasanton bottoms, it is 62 million gallons daily. Based upon computations of rainfall and run-off made by us, we estimated the mean annual contribution to the Livermore Valley at 51.5 million gallons daily, which amount we accepted. As the mountainous portion of the basins above Laguna Creek and Livermore Val- ley is greater than in the case of the Los Angeles River, and as the rainfall in the former is fully as great, we believe it reasonable to expect as large a water crop therefrom as from the Los Angeles River. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Development of the Underground Water of the Drainage Basin of the Santa Ana River. The Santa Ana River is an interesting ex- ample of the action of surface and return waters. This stream rises on the western slope of the San Bernardino Mountains. There is a total drainage area above Colton of 483 square miles of high mountains, and 267 square miles of foothills and valleys, making a total of 750 square miles in all. Above a point known as Rincon or the Auburndale bridge, on the same stream there is 555 square miles of mountains, 383 square miles of foothills and 525 square miles of valley, or a total of 1463 square miles. (See map in U. 8S. G. S. Water Supply Paper No. 59.) These latter areas are at a lower point on th. same stream, and are referred to later in the discussion of the underground waters. The rainfall in the floor of the valley is from 10 to 15 inches, and in the mountains between 20 and 30 inches. This district was investigated for the U. S. Geoloyical Survey for two years prior to 1902, and Water Supply Papers No. 59 and 60, by J. B. Lippincott, were issued concerning it. The principal feature of this report is a dis- cussion of the underground waters. During the summer season all of the streams entering the San Bernardino Valley are completely di- verted for purposes of irrigation at the mouths of their mountain canyons. They are spread over the higher valley lands near the foothills first, and percolating towards the thalweg of the valley, they reappear as seepage or return waters, These percolating irrigation waters are augmented by the absorption of the winter floods in their porous delta cones. During the past two years the winter floods have been spread over the coarser gravels for the purpose of accelerating their absorption. One and one-half miles northeast of Colton there is an outcropping of clay known as Bunker Hill. This region is the lower limit of the upper Santa Ana artesian belt. It also serves to force to the surface the return waters from irrigation that are percolating or flowing west- ward above a clay cap, which covers the lower portion of the valley, as in the case of the Liver- more Valley. Six-sevenths of the water of Riverside is obtained from underground sources above this range of clay hills. PARALLELS IN FUNDAMENTAL CONDITIONS. A somewhat similar condition is repeated at Rincon, where the Santa Ana River has cut its way through the lower Coast Range. At this point the underground waters are again forced to the surface and furnish the water supply for Anaheim, Santa Ana and Fullerton near the coast. Beyond these lower Narrows there is an open plain to the sea, and the Santa Ana River makes no further reappearance except in an artesian district below the 100-foot contour. This artesian and percolating water yields a very uniform flow. The development works near Colton and San Bernardino draw from this reservoir as a spigot draws from a tank. The flow is relatively uniform, and the tank is filled by winter floods and by seepage. The capping or uncapping of numerous wells in a neighbor- hood has little immediate effect on the flow of any well until the full discharge capacity of the underground conduit is approached. When that oceurs, the water in all the wells is lowered and pumping must be resorted to. The flat valley area above Colton comprises 132 square miles, and it is reasonable to esti- mate that 100 square miles of this consists of gravel deposits eroded from the mountains. These gravels are of unknown but great depths. Numerous wells have been put down to 900 feet and no bed rock has been encountered. In 1901 a record of 890 wells in this area was compiled. As the water plane is drawn down throughout this mass, its capacity to absorb subsequent floods at its rim, where the mountain streams debouch, is increased. It is a great regulating reservoir, sufficient in capacity to carry the ir- rigation communities through cycles of dry years, and to be recharged during those of copious rainfall. From data available in 1902, a withdrawal of 140 second feet of water, or 90 million gallons daily, was believed to be reason- ably safe. In the same ratio per square mile of total drainage area, the Livermore Valley should yield 49 million gallons daily. In September, 1900, there was being obtained above Colton from the valley floor 71 cubic feet per second of developed water, and 54 eubie feet per second of natural flow. On June 30, 1898, the Riverside Water Company alone was obtaining 69.40 second feet from this valley at the end of a period of five dry years. This was considered a normal summer flow from their various sources of supply. The Gage Canal 191 which serves the Riverside District constantly diverts from one-half to two-thirds as much as the Riverside Canal, and all the waters of the Gage Canal are developed. These two canals serve the greatest orange-growing district in the State of California and probably the richest horticultural region in the world. The following table indicated the return waters coming in above Rincon from the drain- age basin of the Santa Ana River. The year 1898 was a dry year during a dry cycle: ——1898—_ June Sept. Sec. Ft. Sec. Ft. Mountain streams above Colton..... 80 63 Mountain streams below Colton..... 21 17 Total summer streams from rouwun- TAINS tard + 5,5 cco aes cate canbe aeh 101 80 Return and developed water above COMMON v2.6 des icasenh Soweto wes Sew oe 138 145 Return water between Colton and Riverside Narrows ............... 75 62 Return water between Riverside Nar- rows and Rincon ................. 61 53 Total return water above Rincon.. 274 260 The discharge from the mountain streams, as previously stated, is all diverted. The seepage water that is flowing from the outlet of the valley ig the return irrigation water and the regulated flood which has been absorbed by the gravels above. Of course, the outflow from the valley can be no larger than the inflow, when averaged through the different months of the year and through different terms of wet and dry years. The table is given as indicative of the very substantial nature of these: under- ground waters, All these seepage return waters are completely used and are sustaining the popu- lation and horticulture of this district. Development of the Underground Water of the San Gabriel River. The same sort of a showing is made by the San Gabriel River. In July, 1898, a very dry year, the total flow of all the streams in the drainage basin of the San Gabriel River above the Narrows at El Monte, was 15.71 second feet, while the seepage and return waters at the Nar- rows Was 62.85 second feet, and in August of the same year, the mountain streams were flowing 7.49 second feet and the return waters were flowing 52.6 second feet, or about 37 million gallons daily of seepage water. The San Gabriel 192 River drains about 319 square miles of the south- ern face of the Sierra Madre Mountains, and 246 square miles of valleys and foothills, about 20 miles easterly from Los Angeles, After leav- ing its mountain canyon, the flood waters pass over a great gravel cone, in which they largely disappear, and are again forced to the surface, together with return irigation waters, where the valley is contracted by the low foothills south- east of the city of Los Angeles. Conclusions. This discussion of the underground waters of Southern California could be materially ex- tended. They exist in the Cajon Valley in San Diego County, in Ventura County and else- where. The reference to them is made here to show that on this coast we do not hesitate to build up great communities on water supplies of this character. In fact, we believe that under- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO, ground water supplies stored in gravel beds of this character are the more reliable, freer from contamination, and usually are not subject to evaporation losses. Also they can be extracted in larger or smaller volumes, as circumstances require. We believe the physical characteristics of the Livermore Valley closely resemble these condi- tions in Southern California. We have been connected with the study of these underground waters and their develop- ment during the past twenty years or more, and in almost every instance, the amounts of water that have been obtained from these sources of supply have been greater than at first estimated. Very truly yours, WM. MULHOLLAND, J. B. LIPPINCOTT. REPORT ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF LIVERMORE VALLEY, USING DATA FROM THE REPORT MADE BY CYRIL WILLIAMS, JR., ON ALAMEDA CREEK SYSTEM, TO JOHN R. FREEMAN BY Wan, MuLHouuanp, Chief Engineer of Los Angeles Aqueduct, AND J. B. Liprrincort, Assistant Chief Engineer of Los Angeles Aqueduct. San Francisco, Cal., July 2nd, 1912. S. P. Eastman, Esq., Vice-President and Manager Spring Valley Water Co., San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sir :— Supplemental to our report of February 2d, 1912, on the subject of the ‘‘Resources of the Spring Valley Water Company in the Liver- more Valley,’’ and responding to your inquiries prompted by that report, and other information and data on the subject now in vour possession, we beg to respond to those inquiries in the order of their presentation : Livermore Valley Filled With Porous Materials. First, as to the structural geclogical features of the valley, as bearing on the probability of the valley fill being largely composed of im- permeable clays. It is with diffidence that we approach this subject, for the reason that you have in your possession a geological report cov- ering the region from a most eminent authority. There are certain features, however, that are obvious even to the layman with engineering training. The fact that there has been either a great down-throw of the land to the east of the Alameda ridge, or an up-lift of the Alameda ridge, or possibly a combination of both of those movements, along the fault line approximately following the east base of the ridge, is evident even to the unskilled observer. That the move- ment was a profound one is also evident, but it does not follow, and would be wholly inconsist- ent with all the observed occurrences of such movements, to reason that this great displace- ment occurred suddenly as a single eataclysm, or im inerements of very decided displacements. Such faults occur, as far as can be observed, by slow degrees—inch by inch—and sometimes, though rarely, measurable by feet, and covering almost inconceivable periods of time. This be- ing the case, it is impossible to imagine a con- dition at any time that would create a lake of any great depth in the Livermore Valley to the east of the fault line due to these movements, as the slowly relatively rising rim would be eroded down by natural processes about as fast as the displacements occurred, or, if not quite as fast, at least slowly enough to permit a filling of the depressed side of the valley Hoor with ordinary alluvial debris. The records of the wells about Pleasanton, however, are sufficient to discredit any such theory; the logs disclose soils, occa- sional clay beds and thick bedded gravels, with no evidence that the clay deposits were lacus- trine in origin; in fact the formation differs in 193 194 no particular from the formations found in other valleys throughout the State, that resemble this in configuration and conditions of stream flow. Value of Watershed as Integral Part of System Greater Than as a Unit. Your second inquiry relates to the difference of appraisement as a water producing unit to be assigned to the watershed, when considered in its relation to the Spring Valley Water Com- pany’s Peninsula property, and attached thercto as against its consideration as an independent unit, as though it were the sole source, for in- stance, of supply of a city requiring approxi- mately for its use, year by year, the total output of its watershed. It must be manifest that there can be but one answer to this question, and that is, that the drainage area is vastly more useful as an adjunct to the Spring Valley’s peninsula supply, than it would be standing as an in- dividual unit, for the reason that, in periods of low yield, the great impounded water sources of the Spring Valley Water Company can be relied upon to meet the deficiencies, and per contra, in the years of great yield, the excess production can be conveyed either directly to the great impounding basing on the Peninsula, the property of the Company, or delivered direct to the consumer, conserving for lean years the water already im- pounded in those basins. This, we believe, is the plan that has always been contemplated, anu intended ultimately to be carried out in connec- tion with this source of supply, so that it is unfair and unreasonable to confine any consid- eration of its value to the amount of water it may yield in the year, or series of years, of ex- treme drought, and unattached to the rest of the property of the Spring Valley Water Company. Ultimate Water Yield of Livermore Valley. Answering your third question as to the computed probable ultimate yield of the water- shed, as given in the original report, it may be said that the quantity there given amounts to about .155 second feet per square mile of the area of the shed, including the valley floor, and in fact, all the area, both mountain and valley, embraced in the subdivisions shown on the map THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. tributary to Laguna Creek. This quantity ex- pressed in depth in inches, over the catchment area, or over the whole basin, is 2.1 inches, and is somewhat less in amount than that obtained from the San Fernando Valley, which supplies the City of Los Angeles with water at the pres- ent time, which has a somewhat less rainfall on the average, and is more subject to intermittent and protracted visitations of drought than is the Livermore Valley, there being a record of recent date of a period of seven years grouped in succession in which the aggregate rainfall was but 60 per cent of the normal. Indeed we have no hesitation in asserting that, by having proper recourse during years of drought to the Livermore Valley gravels, the estimate given, viz.: 35 to 40 million gallons per day, was very conservative, It has been called to our attention that, for some reason altogether unexplained, no value is attached to the 140 or 150 square miles of terri- tory lying to the north and west of the Liver- more Valley, comprising the Alamo, Tassejero, and Positas Creek watersheds. This is alleged to have been done for the reason that the goil is said to be tight and unabsorbent, also that the precipitation is small on these watersheds. On the latter point the rain gages in the vicin- ity of Dublin, and westerly therefrom, which are the ones most adjacent and applicable to those regions, indicate precipitation which is rather greater than the average, and from the peculiar mountain conditions of the country it may, al- most with certainty, be expected that along the Diablo range to the north, the precipitation is at least equal to the average of that of the whole shed, for the reason that the saturated winds from the ocean come without interception, or with comparatively little interception, to rob them of their water burden, across the gap in the coast created by San Francisco Bay, and reach the elevated country in this range on which to precipitate their first contribution in the way of rainfall in their easterly trend across the continent. Porosity of Valley Fill. As to the second point, that of tightness of the soil: We cannot see where there can be any material difference in the porosity of the soils or rocks composing this mountain A VAST UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR. region, from that of the valley of Arroyo del Valle, for instance. The fact that the streams do not debouch on great superficially visible gravel fans, as do the streams of the Arroyo del Valle, and Mocho, does not mean that the waters are not in large measure absorbed and slowly released into the gravels of the valley floor that lap the flanks of the moun- tain beneath the present soil surface. A very cursory examination of the country lying to the east and north of Dublin will show that nearly the whole flat area is in a state of saturation, and, as pointed out in the report al- ready rendered, is probably underlaid with gravel deposits that reach up to the rock rim. To assign no value to this great area would be tantamount to declaring that different mater- ials used in roofing a building will shed more or less rain than other materials. In short, we have no hesitation in emphatically declaring that developed wells along the west and north edge of the valley floor will produce quite as abund- antly as wells in any other portion of the val- ley, and that the water derived will have its origin in this area which has been so ecavalierly disregarded. As stated in the former report, there is noth- ing to indicate that these so-called clays are any- thing more than land formed soils of somewhat clayey composition. The valley of what is known as San Jose Creek, the mouth of which lies about 20 miles east of the City of Los Angeles, the val- ley itself being about 12 miles long, and draining an area of about 40 square miles, the formation of which is almost wholly of tight appearing sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone and shales, yields as much water per square mile as the San Fernando Valley, although the rainfall in it is somewhat less, and its mountain area much lower in elevation and slope. The deposits of debris in the thread of the valley are, moreover, very narrow, shallow and restricted in volume, not- withstanding which its water yield sustains many thousands of acres of highly productive orchards and alfalfa farms. The seepage into these gravels is laterally from the sides of the valley, and is, with the exception of a very few places, subsurface and invisible, and we would expect the same condi- tion to exist with reference to the Alamo, Tas- sajero and Positas drainage systems, and we 195 feel free to assert that there is strong local evidence that this condition does exist. The Livermore Valley floor itself, with the rel- atively copious rainfall of this region, can be relied upon to contribute no small share to the maintenance of the water supply in the gravels that underdrain it. Ground water, sustaining perennial river flows in flat countries in other portions of the United States, can be cited in support of this assertion, and iliustrates that mountain catchment areas are not prerequisite to the existence of abundant ground water, neither as to quantity nor constancy of yield. Livermore Valley a Vast Underground Reservoir. The fourth question, which is to the effect that, assuming the existence of a record that only showed a water crop for two years in succession of about 14 million gallons per day, to what extent the gravels of the valley, when fully developed by intelligent grouping and placing of wells, with pumping equipment, could be relied on to supplement the supply, we will say that computation, based on the disclosures derived from the well logs of the formation existing in the valley floor, leads to the conclu- sion that the voiding of the top 40 feet of the water plane provides sufficient volume to yield about 20 M. G. D. for 2 years, and the feat of mechanically raising it can be accomplished without doing violence in any way to practic- ability, and is being commonly done in many regions in Southern California at present, and for many years past. Partial Review of the Report of Cyril Williams, Jr., Relative to a Water Supply From the Livermore Valley. There are three salient points to be considered relative to obtaining a permanent water supply from the Livermore Valley: Ist. What is the annual water crop, or run- off, projected on to the gravels? 2nd. What may be considered as the reason- able inflow into the gravels? 3d. What amount may be extracted from the gravels? Ran-off. The discussion of the rainfall and run-off along theoretical lincs is relatively unimportant, in UGENE DIE NCO, NEw YORK 196 “ , THE CONTROLLING FACTORS. view of the measured records of Alameda Creek at the Sunol dam. We agree with Mr. Williams, that the most reliable run-off data are actual stream ineasurements in the basin, and we will accept with him the Sunol gagings. (Pages 148 and 160.*) The only purpose of a theoretical study of run- off data of Alameda Creek is to permit the dis- tribution of the amounts measured at the Sunol dam to the various portions of the basin. Four independent distributions of this measured Sunol flow have been made for Livermore Val- ley: Mr. Schussler’s from personal observation.... 36.4% Mr. Williams’ report, see table page 203...... 34.3% Mulholland and Lippincott ................. 44.0% Mir. PEEPMMAN NE 5 j.c00)s acc aia Siete badass heb ess 43. % Mr, Williams’ ratio of 34.3% is accepted here, and a mass curve has been made, founded on this per cent. There is no valid reason that we see for eliminating the first year of observation (1888-9) at Sunol. The Sunol mean flow, by this process, is lowered from 138 to 120 m. g. d. (Page 157 Williams’ report.) This, however, does not af- fect results for the critical period. MASS TABLE BASED ON 34.3% OF MBASURED FLOW AT SUNOL DAM AND 12 M. G. D. EVAP- ORATION LOSS FROM WET LAND. M. G. M. G. 34.38% evapor. M. G. Season at from + 4380 total for Sunol Pleasanton per year Pleasanton 1889-90 153,634 52,600 56,980 56,980 1890-91 36,590 12,520 16,900 73,880 1891-92 19,348 6,630 11,010 84,890 1892-93 102,039 34,950 39,330 124,220 1893-94 55,638 19,080 13,460 137,680 1894-95 81,565 27,980 32,360 170,040 1895-96 37,231 12,770 17,150 187,190 1896-97 63,825 21,850 26,230 213,420 1897-98 3,732 1,280 5,660 219,080 1898-99 24,623 8,440 12,820 231,900 1899-00 17,960 6,150 10,5380 242,430 1900-01 31,828 10,920 15,300 257,730 1901-02 19,793 6,780 11,160 268,890 1902-03 23,199 7,950 12,330 281,220 1903-04 37,771 12,920 17,300 298,520 1904-05 20,254 7,000 11,380 309,900 1905-06 63,134 21,810 26,190 336,090 1906-07 102,917 35,200 39,580 375,670 1907-08 ~ 21,189 7,250 11,630 387,300 1908-09 83,989 28,750 33,1380 420,430 1909-10 33,949 11,610 15,990 436,420 1910-11 74,852 25,610 29,990 466,410 Estimated 22 yr. mean flow over Sunol dam from Pleasanton................ 46.1M.G.D Estimated evaporation from Pleasanton PORIOM. saa s cavecke saa ecw e i see se esa ae 12.0 zs Total evaporation and stream flow.. 58.1 " *The page references herein made relate to the Cyril Williams, Jr., report on Alameda Creek system filed August 1, 1912, in San Francisco, Cal., with the Advisory Board of Army Engineers, a copy of which report when originally prepared early in 1912 was furnished the Spring Valley Water Company. 197 Note an evaporation of 12 m. g. d. is here used, though we believe that this annual loss is higher (17.311 m. g. d.), because in handling this storage reservoir in the gravels it may not be possible to prevent all this loss. A mass curve is made from the above table, based on a withdrawal of 37.5 m. g. d, as given in our report of February 2nd, 1912, as the available supply without surface reser- voirs. The controlling period is from 1897-8 to 1905-6, or 8 dry years. This shows a storage necessary to meet this drought of 17,000 m. g. We take 12.1% of the total volume, as the yield from the gravel reservoir, as deter- mined from the fall of the water plane dur- ing the 100-day period, as described below, 17,000 m. g., divided by 0.121 voids, gives 140,- 500 m. g. as the volume of gravels to be drained to meet the conditions of the mass curve, of 431,335 a. f. over 24 square miles, the estimated total area of the gravel reservoir. This would call for a depth of 28 feet. To this 28 feet should be added the 8 feet necessary to hold the water below the influence of the surface evaporation, or 36 feet in all of storage to se- cure the flow of 3714 m.¢.d. These figures are modified from those of our report of February 2nd, 1912, in an endeavor to accept Mr. Wil- liams data, so far as it seems tenable. The discharge from the north side of the val- ley, or other floods, may be put over the Sunol gravels, and these may be more vigorously at- tacked, as contemplated in our former report. It is also possible to put Positos and Cottonwood waters on the gravels of the Arroyo Valle on the south side of the valley. It is not just to con- sider all of this water wasted, as Mr. Williams does on page 158. In our judgment there is no continuous clay cap over the Pleasanton region. Mr. Williams states that it has ‘‘springs and holes’’ through it, and the water comes up through it (pages 254 and 260). If the water will come up through, the ‘‘clay cap,’’ when drained below it would admit surface water downward. In our opinion there is no justifi- cation for concluding that there is an impervious barrier between the north and south sides of the valley northwest of Pleasanton. Our observa- tions here, and elsewhere, are that the clay and gravel are laid down in irregular masses, or lenses, that are not continuous. See logs, pages 286 and 287, of closely adjacent wells. We con- Ot ‘ITOAIOSOI [OABIZ 9} Ul SeUIN[OA oq} 07 aSeS & SB UOY¥e} oq AVI SUOTEN}ONY sz Jey pue [eorddé} St Soye}S SUIVTTTTM “TIN OIG [To Od ST SIqL ‘AGU TIVA AUONUGAIT NI TIHM AO HdVAYDOUCAH one), ee a Bul Ce SY aul MIC 40 Yor e067 =< Cr SEES “087 _ 508) ie we Be ET Soeewsy Ne 198 INFLOW INTO LIVERMORE GRAVELS. sider the Geological Sections given by Mr. Wil- liams, on line N. & S. 4, page 278, and E. and W. 7, page 272, show the gravels as practically coming to the surface at well 30-A. Geological Section N. & 8. 3, page 277, indicates that there really is no dyke across this valley between wells 93 and 63. Also see ‘‘F’”’ line of wells, page 285, and ‘‘H”’ line, page 287, which show sand at sur- face in places. Alkaline waters, crowding in from the north, would show their characteristic, whether they were in motion or not. Their dif- ferent mineral contents may show a separate origin, but not a different destiny. (Pages 365 and 366.) Inflow Into the Gravels. Mr. Williams has extensively discussed the capacity of a certain prism drained during a 100-day period, the volume of which is com- puted from the observation on the fall in a large number of wells distributed throughout the Livermore Valley. We have checked and ae- cepted the volume of this prism of 22,000 m. g., but have modified the amount of water that he ‘estimates as withdrawn from it during the 100- day period, from 6% to 12.1%, for reasons stated in the discussion of ‘‘Outflow,’’ below. Bran- ner’s well No. 96 (Williams’ No. 103 and Tib- betts’ No. 37) is 3300 feet north of the 8. P. R’y, and 7500 feet east of the Santa Rita road, and fairly within the gravel reservoir of the valley. Mr. Williams states that this is a typical well, and that its fluctuations may be taken as a gage to the volumes in the gravel reservoir. He stated (page 350) ‘‘the fall of 4 feet in 100 days in well No. 103 represents a loss in storage avail- able at Pleasanton of 1270 m. g.’’ For reasons given below, we increase this output to 2659 m. g. for this prism, or 664 m. g. per foot of fall in the well. If the fall of 1 foot represents a loss of 664 m. g., a rise of 1 foot would represent a gain of an equal amount. Fortunately we have a record of this well, covering a period of five years, one of which appears, however, to be defective. A hydrograph is attached showing this record. From this record the computed in- flow into the gravel is shown in the following table: 199 INFLOW INTO THE LIVERMORE GRAVELS, AS INDICATED BY THE RISE IN WILLIAMS’ WELL NO. 103 (BRANNER NO. 96 AND TIB- BETTS’ NO. 37) BASED ON THE VOLUME OF WILLIAMS’ 100-DAY PRISM, BUT WITH 12.1% VOID DRAINABLE. Est. rate Total Total outflow est. out- outflow Rise Indicated Period during flowdur- and Season in inflow of period ing period inflow feet. M.G. Rise of rise of rise in M.G. days M.G.D. M.G. 1905-6 15.8 10,491.2 163 26.593 4334.8 14,826.0 *1906-7 11.5 7,536 111 26.598 2951.9 10,487.9 1907-8 No record 1908-9 16.2 10,756.8 243 26.593 6462.3 17,219.1 1909-10 5.3 3,519.2 150 26,593 3988.9 7,508.1 1910-11 18.1 12,018.4 185 26.593 3590.1 15,608.5 Est. total % flow Equivalent Seasons sinking inflow runoff into M.G. D. M. G. D. gravels 40.6 71.9 56.5 28.7 108.4 26.5 47.1 90.7 52. 20.6 43.8 47. 42.7 82.1 52. We, therefore, have the following ratios of run-off, as measured at Sunol, to inflows as in- dicated by this computation, eliminating the sea- son of 1906-7, which we believe to be a defective record: TO0b Ges cccdvaueanoss 56.6 per cent. 1908204 occa aetdied Bomex 52.0 " ” W909 Ow coh. ssw ee e-ae AG. 2h om V9LOAD sea cee gees Jae 52 me Mea 3.5.x neasneeees es 52 wo MP As more water cannot enter gravels that are already saturated, we consider that a higher per cent would have entered into the gravel reser- voir if it had been depleted by more extensive pumping prior to these flood discharges, and if the waters had been artificially spread over larger areas than the natural storm channel of the creeks. Also the effect of the run-off of the N. W. portion of the basin would have little effect on this well. (Williams No, 103.) With one exception (1909-10) these were years of high run-off, and that one exception was estimated as a (43.8—58.1) 75% year. If we assume that the above 52% inflow may, by spreading and more extensive withdrawals, be increased to *Note: The small amount of water sinking into the gravels during the season of 1906-07 is readily understood when it is known that the reservoir was already full. This is shown by Williams’ hydrograph on page 353b and by Tibbetts’ hydrograph. ‘The condition of high water table of that season is also shown by other wells near by. Wil- liams’ well No. 77, situated a short distance to the north of 103, began flowing on April 1st of 1907 and continued until July. 200 65%, and taking the mean product of the basin as given on the mass table as 58.1 m. g. d., we have as a possible inflow capacity of 37.8 m. g. d., which is as much as the amount estimated upon in our report of February 2nd, 1912. During the dry year of 1911-12 all of the water of the Valle and Mocho sank into the eravel reservoir. MEASUREMENTS OF INFLOW BY T. W. ESPY FOR THE S§. V. W. CO. ON THE ARROYO VALLE CREEK DURING 1912. First point Length of meas. on Date Upper Lower of ‘Arroyo Valle 1912 Meas- Meas- Channel at Clay ures. f. ure Bridge Jam. 27 svwe.e 45.5 0 BTTO” salad wuendnte ai Mar. 13, 9 a. m. 142.5 0 T3800" aswecesa se Mar. 13, 5 p. m. 117.6 0 183,800) =... 2... eee Mar. 14, m. ... 87.8 0 14800" oe vgre Se xe Mar. 15 ....... 64, 0 14,800° wevan sects Mar. 16,6 a.m. 83. 0 14;800° awe ue dae Mar. 16,6 p.m. 72. 0 145800" sb iwiars cstane Mar. 17 ....... 44, 0 14,800" ows tee cee Mar. 18 ....... 35, 0 T2500" ae owas odin ON 'THE MOCHO. Date Upper Lower Length First point 1912 Meas- Meas- of of measure ures. f. ure (Channel Still bridge Jan. 26,5 p.m 7.5 0.4 BSQ0" ca seacae a8 oes Jan. 26,9 p.m. 11.4 0. B20" | Aas ees Jan. 27,9p.m. 7.5 0. AB20F° — ecdiushass ak hvee Mar. 12,7 p.m. 49.0 0. @3208) «late ees Mar. 12,10p.m. 59. 0. W320" Slane ee ways Mar. 13,2 a.m. 43. 0. A320? ava naa wee Mar. 13,6 a.m. 27. 0. AS200 sense woes Mar. 13, 12 m.. 19.3 0. TL,2008 scstscegiiere dees Mar. 13,8 p.m. 14.5 0. 11,200") ksiiesicacves Mar. 14,7 a.m. 11.4 0. 11,200% vanceden as During the rains the waters of the Tassajero Creek discharged into drainage ditches, and ran through them to Laguna Creek. All of the Valle and Mocho water sank into the gravels. It has been suggested that the muddy storm waters projected for a long period onto the gravel cones would seal them with silt, so that they would be- come impervious. This, in practice, does not occur. On Jan, 27, 1912, we personally saw 45 s. f. (29 m. g.) sinking in 3000 feet of the channel gravels of the Arroyo Valle. We know, from the continued effective use of the Sunol eravels, and the fluctuations of the wells in Livermore Valley, that water does freely enter the gravels. While silt is deposited in the streams by absorption imto the gravels, the next high flood, by rolling and shifting the gravels, scours them, and washes the silt on to lower levels. Outflow from the Gravels. Study of the withdrawal during the 100-day period, from Williams prism, Oct. 1, 1911, to Jan. 9, 1912: THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Mr. Williams states that the outflow from this prism during the 100-day period was (page 349) His only measurement, made on Laguna Creek at Sunol during this period, was 5,508,000 g. p. d. on Nov. 17, 1911 (page 348). This was in the mid- dle of this period. Some rains fell dur- ing the 100-day period that confuses the condition, but the prevailing flow of the Laguna Creek was greater, rather than less, than the above amount, as in- dicated by a hydrograph of the 8. V. W. Co. He accepts a lower measurement, made Feb. 9, 1912, 31 days after the 100- day period, of 4,500,000 g.p.d. (page 348). From his measurements, and those of the 8S. V. W. Co., we believe there was a mean fiow in Laguna Creek of at least 5,508,000 g.p.d. Therefore, we add to Mr. Williams’ estimate of outflow...... We see no reason for making any deduction for the flow of the Positas, on the theory that this water does not enter the gravels (page 348). Atten- tion is called to this note on profile of water plans, page 424, which shows one point where the gravels drain into the the Positas. Mr. Williams states that water comes up through the ‘‘clay cap’’ in springs, and is drained off by canals (page 229). If it will come up, it will also go down when the underground reservoir is drained. Mr. Williams states (page 231): ‘‘A secondary loss is that which occurs as the result of the evaporation of waters forced upward locally through lines of weakness in the ‘clay eap’.’’ ‘We believe there are numerous openings of this nature, and of substantial area. In June, 1912, at the end of a dry winter, and after the construction of drainage ditches, and the operation continuously of the pumps of the 8. V. W. Co., there is an area of 255 acres N. W. of Pleasanton which is saturated to the surface. While Mr. Williams refevs to the evap- oration losses from the Valley floor (page 231), he makes no allowance for them in 12.709 1.008 18.717 OUTFLOW INCREASED BY CONSERVING EVAPORATION. his estimated outflow from the valley. In our report of February 2, 1912, from observations of the water plane at that time, we state this evaporation loss was 12.028 m.g.d., using round figures, 12.0 m.g.d., which was lower than actual computation. The actual computation shows (1.83’X 640aX12 mi.3.07 865 days, 12.544 m. g.d.). Our statement at that time, therefore, was too low by .516 m.g. d. m.g.d. m.g.d. 12.544 13.717 From data that has been ob- tained since the writing of our report (Feb. 2nd, 1912) on the evaporation from soils in Owens Valley, owing to the develop- ments of plant and root growth in the soil in the pans, we find that the figures then used were too low by 15%, which should here be added. This will prob- ably increase further.......... This gives We used, on Feb. 2nd, 1912, an evaporation as a basis of comparison from a water sur- face in Livermore Valley of 40” Mr. Williams states (page 439) that the evaporation losses in this region are 48” per annum, or 20% greater than we used. Therefore this 20% should be added: 14.426.20 equals... 2.885 Therefore the total annual evaporation loss from the 12 square miles should be......... 17.311 From the Owens Valley rec- ords we find the ratio of evap- oration for this period from Oct. 1 to Jan. 9 is 72% of the mean annual rate, so that 72% of 17.311 m.g.d. should be added to the surface stream flow from the valley during the 100-day period. 12.464 26,181 201 On page 231 Mr, Williams states that water is escaping down the Sunol Canyon, and shows an inflow to the Laguna Creek, by seepage above the Sunol Bridge, of 823,000 gal. in 21% mi. of the canyon, or at the rate of 33 m.g.d. per mile of canyon. On page 558, on Nov. 17, 1911, he finds 18.648 m. g. d. at the Sunol Dam, of which 17.649 m, g. d. can be accounted for from measured sources, leav- ing 1.000 m. g. d. to be ae counted for by seepage from the Sunol gravels or from seepage into Laguna Creek. The distance along the creek from the bridge to the dam is 1144 mi. If the rate of increase, due to underflow into Laguna Creek continues for this 144 mi. we have .33 m. g, X 1.25 412 26,593 This quantity is indefinite, but there is no reason to believe that this inercase stops at the last point of measurement on Laguna Creek at the Sunol Bridge with a bed rock dam 1/4 mi. below and a large bed of gravel intervening. We, therefore, have a total estimated outflow from the entire Pleasanton region of 26.593 m. g. d., as compared to Mr. Williams’ 12.709, or an increase of 109%. Mr. Williams finds that the voids drained in his prism amount to about 6% when he used an outflow, of 12.709 m. g. d. By using our revised outflow figures of 26.593 m. g. d. for the 100-day period, this is increased to (2659.3 m. g.+-22,000 m. g.) 12.1%. This 12.1% we con- sider too low, but it is used in this argument. Mr. Williams states that 40% of the valley fill is gravel, and that but 15% of this gravel is available storage, thus obtaining the 6%. This 6% we consider obviously too low a figure, and it does not accord with his determination of voids given on page 378. It is our opinion that the voids in sands and gravel are 35%, and we have used 35% in our report which agrees with the per cent of voids determined by Mr. Espy, and given in the table attached. Accepting the volume of the Williams prism 202 as 22,000 m. g. (page 349) the volume of water withdrawn as (26.593 m.g.d. xX 100 days) 2659.3 m. g., we have 12.1% of the mass drained. This is 71% of the figure which we would apply from our report of Feb. 2d, 1912. It is probable that the denser material is not as freely drained as the gravels, and probably these denser mate- rials have not fully yielded their water during the 100-day period, Also some of the wells used to show the 100-day drop in the prism we believe to be affected by local pumping: e.g. his No. 185. For the sake of the discussion we will accept 12.1% of the gravel reservoir as voidable, though we believe it too low. This is the per cent of water estimated to have been drawn from the prism as defined by Mr. Williams in the 100-day interval. Mr. Espy, for the Spring Valley Water Com- pany, made a determination of voids in the vari- ous soils of the Livermore Valley, as given in the following table. This was done by pouring the soil into the water and then shaking, instead of trying to pour water into the soil. Voids in the Soils of Livermore Valley. Sample Class taken of near Sample % Voids AV. % soil contact No. with: Mocho Mg 9 34.0 30.0 gravelly Meg 39 38.7 35.5 sandy Liverm. Loam 3 46.1 35.9 loam Lg 27 26.4 26.4 34.1 273.0 Mocho 54.0 silty fine Ll 15 45.0 sandy loam — 99.0 49.5 Livermore 4 27.5 25.9 gravelly Lg 10 15.6 15.2 sandy loam 11 18.7 18.1 31 23.3 22.5 32 27.6 27.9 36 24.2 25.8 43 27.5 26.6 44 80.4 31.7 45 29.6 27.9 47 30.6 27.2 ‘ 48 31.0 29.5 Lf 5 44.4 46.7 Pl 2 29.6 24.0 Pl 6 28.4 27.3 764.6 27.3 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Livermore Lf 40 37.9 34.2 fine Ll 41 38.7 37.9 sandy loam ——__——_ 148.7 37.2 Livermore 38.7 silty fine Lf 13 45.0 sandy loam — 83.7 41.6 Livermore Lg 42 41.2 40.0 loam Li 28 30.9 32.6 29 32.3 32.8 30 29.3 30.2 38 42.6 40.0 351.9 35.2 Pleasanton Pl 1 36.8 loam 7 86.7 8 33.0 34.3 33 29.2 170.0 34.0 Santa Rita sl 14 44.6 49.1 loam 37 37.0 35.4 166.1 41.5 ‘Livermore Ll 35 34.6 47.9 clay Ll 46 33.6 30.8 146.9 36.7 Ulmar 34 36.4 43.3 loam —————— 79.7 38.8 See also Williams’ determination of voids, page 378. Conclusions. From the further consideration of the avail- able water supply of the Livermore gravels, and the study of the additional data furnished us by you, we see no reason for the modification of our report of Feb. 2nd, 1912, which was that ‘“without the construction of the Arroyo Valle reservoir, from 35 to 40 m. g. d. continuous flow ean be developed from the gravel beds of Liver- more Valley. With the Arroyo Valle Reservoir this amount may be made to closely approximate the full mean annual water crop of the drainage basin, estimated at 51.5 m. g. d.’’ Very respectfully, WM. MULHOLLAND. J.B. LIPPINCOTT. ee Ae 531 Ares? YA BP ( VAL ey ee Nt LIVE RMOR ie Take 4 LY ES EN eee ye MAP Showing the distribution of the Pliocene gravels & sands. South of the Livermore Valley by J C.Branner +0 Location of We//s. [1 Aecent Valley depos/7s. C3 Procene Grave/s. 1 a Contour interval 2 [Djttum is mean sea-level 202a REPORT OF THE GEOLOGY OF LIVERMORE VALLEY BY Dr. J. C. BRANNER, Vice-President of Stanford University and in charge of the Department of Geology. Stanford University, Calif. December 1, 1911. Spring Valley Water Company, San Francisco, Calif. Gentlemen: I beg to submit the following report upon the underground water conditions of the Liver- more Valley. Work Done. A few years ago I had my assistants work out the general geology of the entire area covered by the Pleasanton and Tesla sheets of the U. S. Geo- logical Survey, in which the Livermore Valley lies. During the past two and a half months I have had two assistants at work on the Liver- more Valley and the surrounding region, and I have myself also gone over the valley and the geology around its margins. I have received from the office of the Spring Valley Water Company 157 records or logs of wells about Pleasanton and within the Liver- more Valley. Other logs to the number of 54 have been collected by Mr. Hook, under my direction, along the northern margin of the valley, and in the vicinity of Livermore. The general geology of the region surround- ing the valley has also been worked out, not only on the Pleasanton sheet, but on the topo- graphic sheets east and south of it. Upon the data thus collected the conclusions given below are based. The Wells in the Valley. The total area of the flat-floored part of the Livermore Valley is about 58 square miles. 203 Within this area, but very irregularly scattered over it, I have the logs of 211 wells. These wells average 82.7 feet in depth. The deepest ones in the filled-in materials are in the town of Liver- more (212’); another near the race track west of Pleasanton has a depth of 214 feet, The deep- est of all is just south of Pleasanton and has a depth of 275 feet, but this is probably mostly in the older gravels. Geology of the Wells. All of the logs of wells have been platted to seale in the hope that they would throw lght upon the underground water conditions in the valley. In some places where the wells are close together, as they are in the southwest end of the valley, at and near the pumping station, the records show the geology very well to the depth penetrated, and the layers or beds of gravel, sand, and clay can be readily identi- fied from one well to another. In that part of the valley lying south of Arroyo del Valle and southwest of the race track and town of Pleasanton there are rec- ords enough to show the geology to a depth of about 100 feet, but over the rest of the valley the wells are generally too far apart to do more than suggest the general character of the geology. The materials penetrated by the wells are com- posed of the soils, clays, sands, and gravels that have been washed into the valley from the surrounding hills. The clays have the widest distribution and the greatest thickness; the sands are next in abundance; and the gravels are least abundant throughout the entire val- ley. These materials vary greatly in thickness, ‘and alternate with each other variously. VRY SPONIOLIAD $/PAOAQ IY IIO//y shy) puw “spues! s/aig |4Ua7ay EI | z Saati (10/\ 29G AIVMLUG 7 Va 4g SY 27). VIIS (FUOL AIG AYOUXCMTT ha/ly AAOMAIN 7 PUL (PRION G L COMIIS LSAN - gly LA zI/HhIGL aD a DIOL AORIT QPP tp UYUOSLYY 6 i BLY /OCE and PPOW, 204 ORIGIN OF MATERIALS IN VALLEY FILL. Inasmuch as the gravels form the principal water-bearing strata they are of especial in- terest and importance. The sands and clays are light enough to be moved by water having a low velocity, but the gravels are so heavy that they could be moved only by streams hav- ing strong currents. The pockety or uneven distribution of the gravels also suggests that they have been car- ried to their present resting places by streams. All the available data go to show that there is no single widespread water-bearing gravel bed beneath the valley floor. The water-bear- ing beds are lenticular, and more or less ir- regular, though they appear to follow the lines of the ancient and shifting drainage as if it had swung from one part of the valley to an- other. Origin of the Material Filling the Valley. The materials that fill the valley have been washed down from the higher ground surround- ing it. This is suggested by the drainage, but it is fully borne out by the geology of the region from which the streams come. The greater part of the area draining into the valley lies to the east and southeast of the main valley. Some of these streams go completely dry dur- ing the summer, but in the rainy season great floods pour out of the surrounding mountains and sweep into the valley enormous quantities of sands, gravels, and cobble stones. The heaviest of these materials lodge around the margins of the valley where the streams debouch on the flat valley floor, but some of the heavy gravels are swept along the entire length of the stream channels, while the muddy waters spread over most of the valley and make the widespread deposits of finer silts. Distribution of Rainfall. The peculiar seasonal distribution of rain- fall in this region strongly accents, and is indeed a most important factor in, this wide distribution of the coarse materials over the floor of the valley. The great vol- ume and velocity of the streams, espe- cially of the Mocho, and of the Arroyo del Valle, which together drain a mountainous area of something more than 215 square miles where the streams head above an elevation of 3000 205 feet, enables them during flood time to sweep down and out, not only the sands and gravels, but even large boulders and in large quantities. This arrangement of the materials also en- ables the waters that flow into the valley at other seasons of the year to sink promptly into the coarse gravels where they enter the valley region, and to gradually move toward the low- est part of the valley. Faalts Across the West End of the Valley. The structural features of the geology of the region around the Livermore Valley have been worked out, and inasmuch as these features have an important bearing upon the amount of water naturally stored in the valley they are given here briefly. A large fault crosses the west end of the Livermore Valley, running approximately from Verona to and past the village of Dublin. This fault I have called the Calaveras fault; it is only a small part of a great fault that extends for many miles to the northwest and the south- east. It is shown on the accompanying map by a broad broken line. There is another fault in the hills north of Sunol station, which fault follows the Sinbad Canyon toward the north- west and is here called the Sinbad fault. Still another fault that I have called the Stonybrook fault follows Stonybrook Canyon along part of its course. The positions of portions of these faults are indicated approximately on the ac- companying map. All three of these faults have their downthrow on the east. The total displacement along the main fault cannot be stated exactly at present, but it is probably in the neighbrood of 2000 feet; it is certainly more than 1000 feet. This faulting has let down the valley region east of the Pleasanton Ridge so that parts of the sand and gravel beds that are exposed about the east end of the Livermore Valley and in the hills southeast of Pleasanton, have been let down until they are carried well below the present valley floor. The general geologic structure of the valley and the hills to the west and to the southeast is shown approximately in the accompanying section. (Fig. 1.) The location of the great fault along the east face of Pleasanton Ridge leads to the assumption that the deepest part of the materials deposited OUT] WN] UoMTeY UBVS-SBIIAB[VO 1eIIS ay} Jo esnedeq AaT[VA e1OUWIEATT UL In900 yidep yea18 jo S[aABayy 206 STORAGE AFFECTED BY GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. in the valley is along the eastern base of Pleas- anton Ridge. The Rock Rim of the Water Basin. In order to determine the relations of the gravels in the valley east of the faults to the rock rim exposed in the Niles Canyon, a line of levels was run along the _ bed of Laguna Creek from the Sunol dam up to the pumping station near Pleasanton, and was connected with several of the wells put down in the valley as far east as the town of Livermore. The profile accompanies this re- port and is marked A-B-C. On it are placed, to the same vertical scale, the 80’ piles driven into gravels in the bed of the creek at the West- ern Pacific railway bridge over Laguna Creek, and a few well records near Pleasanton. These piles and well records show that the gravels east of the Sunol dam have been let down far below the level of the rock rim of the valley in Niles Canyon. Just how much lower these gravels go it is not possible to say at present. Effect of the Faulting upon: the Storage Capacity of Livermore Valley. The downthrow of the region east of these faults has produced an unusual effect upon the water-storing capacity of the valley. Under ordinary circumstances such a valley has a hard rock floor underlying a limited amount of water-bearing materials, and this rock floor usually slopes gently toward an out- let through which surface streams flow and the underground waters tend to drain. In the present instance the rock floor has been lowered behind, or to the east of, the faults that converge near Sunol, thus deepening the valley itself, while the streams have continued to fill up this depression with sands, gravels, and clays washed down from the mountains. Most of the wells in the valley end in the gravels wells above the level of the rock rim, in only a few cases do the wells go lower than that rim. It seems evident therefore that the water- storing capacity of the valley is much greater than it would be under ordinary circumstances. How much greater cannot be positively stated at present, for none of the wells, not even the deepest of them, have entered the rock floor of the valley. 207 Facts about Older or Pliocene Gravels. The high gravels that rise into and form the hills south and southeast of Pleasanton are here spoken of as Pliocene, but no fossils have yet been found in them that make it possible to know their age with certainty. It is also as- sumed that these gravels are of fresh water or- igin, though for lack of fossils this also is still somewhat doubtful. The facts about these older gravels of chief importance in the present connection are: First, they are made up of a series of water- laid sands, gravels, and clays. Second, the materials are mostly coarse. Third, the general dip of the beds is toward the Livermore Valley, except in the case of beds around Vallecitos and La Costa valleys, Fourth, they have a great thickness. The exact thickness cannot now be given, but it is more than a thousand feet. Fifth, they cover an area of 47 square miles, though it is probable that about 15 square miles of these beds drain into the Sunol Valley. Relation of the Older Gravels to the Water. The character of the old gravels is such as to lead to the belief that, in those parts of the Livermore Valley where they dip beneath the later deposits that cover the valley floor, they form a large natural reservoir filled with water, and extending below the level of the valley. Out of the 211 wells put down in the valley, the deepest has a depth of only 214 feet. Evi- dently this does not nearly reach the older grav- els, to say nothing of penetrating their great thickness, No Outlet by Way of San Ramon. It has been suggested that there may be an underground outlet for the waters of the Liver- more Valley northward through the San Ramon Valley. The contour of the present surface and the relations of that surface to the outlet through the Niles Canyon make such a theory untenable. The Niles Canyon through which the waters es- cape from the Livermore Valley has been cut. 208 down by the stream that flows through it just as fast as the fault has lifted the rocks across its bed. The direction of the stream was originally determined by the slope of the so- called Pliocene gravels, and it has been flowing there ever since Pliocene times. Moreover a cross fault that passes into and under the Livermore Valley from the moun- cains southwest of Dublin suggests that even the underground waters are turned southward, rather than northward. Conclusions as to Geology and Water Bearing Beds of Livermore Valley. 1. The Livermore Valley is underlain by water-bearing beds to a depth that has not been penetrated by any of the wells put down. 2. There is no single water-bearing stratum, but there are many water-bearing beds of sands and gravels that are irregular in thickness and form. 3. Around the margins of the valley, and es- pecially about the east and southeast sides whence most of the waters come, the materials deposited by the streams are coarse, and the water sinks into these beds promptly. 4. The up stream ends of these beds of coarse materials form the intake for the sur- face waters. 5. The old river channels and the beds of gravels and sands form irregular underground channels along which the waters pass. 6. The underground waters pass slowly toward the outlet of the valley, though, owing to the nature of the beds through which they move, their courses and velocities may vary considerably by the way. 7. The groups of wells of the Spring Valley Water Company near the lower end of the valley are so located as to get much of this underground water from the shallower beds, but from the structure and history of the val- ley, it appears that the supply available is THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. much larger than that which is now being taken out. 8. The water-storing capacity of the Liver- more Valley is enormously larger than would be formed under ordinary climatic and geo- logic conditions. 9. The unusual depth of the water-bearing beds in the valley is due to their having been let far down behind the edge of the rock basin that forms the lip or outlet of the valley in the Niles Canyon. 10. The water-storing capacity of the val- ley is further increased by the concentration of rainfall in this region. This concentration of the rainfall makes the creeks very large when they are running, while the steep grades of the mountain streams enable them to carry down and spread widely over the valley floor unusually coarse materials. Into these coarse materials the water from the streams sinks dur- ing the whole year. 11. The group of faults across the west end of the valley shuts in all of the water below the level of the rock floor at the Sunol dam of the Spring Valley Water Company. 12. The older gravels that underlie the large part of the valley still further increase the underground storage capacity of the basin. 13. There is here a great natural reservoir of unknown dimensions which can be drawn upon in case of emergency with the assurance that the water will be restored in seasons of heavy rainfall. 14. I know of no reason for supposing that water is escaping northward from the Liver- more Valley basin by way of the San Ramon Valley. 15. It is quite possible that further geologic studies may develop the fact that deep arte- sian wells may be found by sinking into the older gravels near the foot of the hills east of Pleasanton. Yours truly, J. C. BRANNER, Consulting Geologist. REPORT ON THE UNDERGROUND WATER CONDITIONS OF THE LIVERMORE VALLEY AND OF SUNOL VALLEY BY Dr. J. C. BRANNER, Vice-President of Stanford University and in charge of the Department of Geology. Stanford University, California. May 6, 1912. Spring Valley Water Company, San Francisco, Cal. Gentlemen: Since my preliminary report made to you December 1, 1911, upon the underground water conditions of the Livermore Valley, I have done, and have had done under my own direc- tion, a good deal of field work on the geology of the region with a view to testing out the statements made by me in that report, and to the further comprehension of the geology of the Livermore and Sunol valleys, with especial reference to underground water. Work Done. Several years ago the general geology of the area covered by the Pleasanton, ‘Tesla, Mt. Hamilton, and San Jose topographie sheets of the U. S. Geological Survey was worked out by me and by my colleagues and assistants in the department of geology of Stan- ford University. During the last seven months especial attention has been given to the study of the geology of the Tesla and Pleasanton areas with reference to the underground water conditions in the Livermore and Sunol valleys. In this work I have had the help of two as- sistants in the field as it was required in addi- tion to the co-operation of the engineers of the Company in running lines of levels, the collec- tion of data, drafting, ete. I have received from the Company’s office 157 logs of wells put down about Pleasanton, and more than fifty additional logs have been collected in the vicinity of the town of Liver- more and along the northern margin of the Livermore valley. All of these data have been taken into con- sideration in reaching the conclusions here pre- sented. Wells in the Livermore Valley. The total area of the flat floored part of the Livermore Valley is about 58 square miles With- in this area, but scattered irregularly over it, more than 200 wells have been put down; of these wells I have the logs of 211. They average 82.7 feet in depth. Of the three deepest one of 212 feet is in the town of Livermore; another of 214 feet is near the race-track just west of Pleas- anton; a third, just south of Pleasanton, is 275 feet. deep. A remarkable fact in regard to these wells is that they are all in loose materials of one kind or another, not one of them having reached the hard rock fioor of the valley. Deductions from the Well Records. The logs of all the wells have been platted to scale in the hope that they would throw much hght upon the underground water conditions within the valley. In the southwest end of the valley near the pumping station, where the wells are close together, the logs show the underground geology well to the depth penetrated, and the 209 m GEOLOGY Gr OF THE REGION %, AROUND SUNOL VALLEY ve MILE Recent. ; [~__] Pliocene. * [7] Santa Margarita. ” [teal Miocene. Cretaceous. Pre-Cretaceous, fe a> fu Thy ‘ OT 210 ORIGIN OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF LIVERMORE VALLEY. beds of gravel, sand, and clay can readily be identified from one well to another. In the part of the valley lying south of Ar- royo del Valle and southwest of the Pleasan- ton race-track there are records enough to show the geology to a depth of one hundred feet; but over the rest of the Livermore Val- ley the wells are too far apart to do more than to suggest the general character of the geology. The logs of the wells show that the materials penetrated are soils, clays, sands, and gravels. The characters of these materials show that they have been washed into the valley from the surrounding hills and mountains. The clays have the widest distribution and the greatest thickness; the sands are second in abundsnee and thickness; while the gravels are least abundant throughout the valley as a whole, and the gravel beds are less constant in thickness and have a smaller areal distribution than the other materials. All of these materials vary greatly in thick- ness and alternate with each other irregularly. The sands and clays are light enough to be moved by water having a low velocity, but the coarse gravels are so heavy that they could be moved only by streams having strong currents. And, as, in this series of deposits, the gravels form the principal water-bearing strata, they are of especial interest and importance in con- nection with the present report. All of the available data go to show that there is no single widespread water-bearing gravel bed beneath the valley floor. The water- bearing beds are more or less lenticular in form and more or less irregular in width, thickness, and direction. They appear to follow the an- cient shifting stream courses as they swung from one part of the valley to another. Origin of the Materials Filling the Valley. The materials that fill the valley basin have been washed down from the higher ground sur- rounding it. Most of the coarse materials have come, either directly or indirectly, from the high mountainous region around the head waters of the Mocho and Arroyo del Valle whose drain- age basins lie to the east and southeast of the main valley. Much of it has come from an old series of gravels that form the high hills imme- diately south of Pleasanton and Livermore. 211 The geographical and geological conditions under which the gravels accumulated have had such an important influence upon the character of the deposits themselves, and upon their water-bearing capacity, that it is important to consider in this connection what those condi- tions have been, and in what way they have affected the gravels and other water-bearing beds of the Livermore Valley. Distribution of the Rainfall. The peculiar seasonal distribution of the rain- fall in this region accents in a remarkable man- ner, and is indeed an important factor in, the wide distribution of the coarse materials over the floor of the Livermore Valley. Without going into details it is only necessary to call attention to the well-known fact that the rainfall in the region under consideration is usually concen- trated into three or four months of the year. The Mocho and Arroyo del Valle drain an area of something more than 215 square miles, and these streams head in mountains more than 3000 feet high. (See map, page 202a.) The result of this combination of a concentrated rainfall and a steep mountainous topography is that the weak streams of the dry summer and fall months are commonly swollen to powerful mountain torrents during the rainy season. The Conditions During the Glacial Epoch. The concentration of the run-off was further emphasized during the glacial epoch by the geo- eraphic conditions of that period. At that time the Mt. Hamilton range, and the entire area of the state stood at a much greater elevation, and the winter precipitation in the high moun- tains around the Livermore Valley was largely in the form of snow. In the spring the snows must have gone off rapidly with the early spring rains, so that the streams were very much larger during the glacial epoch than they are now when there is much less snow on these particular mountains than formerly. Effect of the Concentrated Run-off on the Water-Bearing Gravels. The great increase in volume and velocity of the streams, both during the glacial epoch and since then, has enabled them to sweep down into 212 213 214 the valley enormous quantities of the loose and coarse materials picked up along their channels. On reaching the edges of the flat valley, the velocity of the streams is checked and the heaviest of these materials are dropped, but even the heavy gravels and coarse sands are carried far down the streams and spread over the valley floor. This arrangement of the loose materials with the coarser portions around the margin of the valley is highly favorable for receiving and retaining water. At all seasons of the year the waters flowing into the valley sink promptly into these coarse beds as soon as they enter the flat region and move slowly toward the lowest part of the valley. The fact that this process has been in operation since the early part of the glacial epoch suggests a great thickness and a wide distribution of the coarse water-bearing beds in the Livermore Valley. Fault Across the West End of the Valley. The geologic structure of the region around the Livermore Valley has been worked out, and such of those features as bear upon the water- bearing deposits of the valley are here given briefly. The sequence of the rocks, their structure, and their relations to each other show that a great vertical fault or displacement of the rocks passes across the region under considera- tion. It is not meant that the fault blocks were lifted or depressed vertically, but that a relative vertical movement was prodiced by a slight westward tipping or revolving of the fault blocks. We have called this the Calaveras-Sunol fault. At the south edge of the Pleasanton sheet this fault appears where the road from the Calaveras Valley passes northward over the divide to Alameda Creek. From this point it follows northward down Alameda Creek toward Sunol, crosses Laguna Creek just west of the Southern Pacific railway bridge, passes up on the east side of Pleasanton Ridge for a THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. mile, descends to Laguna Creek near Verona station, and follows thence along the east base of Pleasanton Ridge in the direction ef Dub- lin. To the east of this fault line the westward tipping or revolving of the faulted block caused a westward tilt of the old surface or valley floor. Possibly this obstruction was formed in part by an uplift on the west side of this fault; in any case the movement along the fault pro- duced a great natural rock barrier across the west end of the Livermore Valley. The formation of a great natural water stor- age reservoir in this manner is so unusual that it seems advisable to set forth briefly some of the reasons for the conclusions reached. Geologic sections have been worked out at several places and the results are shown on the accompanying sections. The Rosedale section (Fig. 3) shows the structure across the fault at Rosedale school house at the extreme southern end of the Sunol Valley. The profile given is the true profile as taken from the topographic sheet. The se- quence of the beds and the structural features are taken from direct observations made for the specific purpose of determining the amount of this displacement. The horizon from which measurements were made is a very fossiliferous and readily identified Tertiary bed that seems to be constant over the area involved. The dips of the beds as shown in the section are the true dips as observed at the surface. This section shows that the downthrow along the fault at this place ig on the east, and that the vertical displacement amounts to about. 3600 feet. The Maguire Peak section across the fault (Fig. 4), about a mile further north and nearly parallel with the Rosedale section, passes through Mission Peak Ridge and Maguire Peak. the high peak of the cluster east of the Sunol Valley. This section exhibits the same series of rocks and nearly the same structure. This Maguire Peak section shows that the downthrow on the fault is on the east, and that the vertical displacement is about 3400 feet. Although the Calaveras-Sunol fault continues northward along the east base of the Pleas- anton Ridge, the absence of an easily recog- nizable bed or horizon in the Pleasanton Ridge or in the mountains west of there makes it difficult or impossible to determine exactly the GREAT DEPTH OF GRAVELS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY. amount of the displacement along the western edge of the Livermore Valley. The area of Santa Margarita Tertiary beds exposed with their steep west dips in the West- ern Pacific railway cut near Verona station, and the occurrence of beds of the same series at the Southern Pacific bridge about a mile northeast of Sunol station and dipping steep- ly westward toward the Pleasanton Ridge, show that the fault crosses Laguna Creek not far below the bridge mentioned, that the down- throw is still on the east side, and that the displacement must be something more than the height of the Pleasanton Ridge, that is, it is clearly more than 1000 feet. (See Figs, 11 and 12, page 220.) But the rocks forming the crest of Pleasanton Ridge are all Cretaceous, while the Tertiary beds that formerly covered them have all been removed from the ridge west of Verona sta- tion, and the Tertiary beds exposed at the Southern Pacific railway bridge are the tufts at or near the top of the marine Tertiary of thig region. The amount of the displacement on the fault at the Southern Pacific bridge therefore is equal, at least, to the height of Pleasanton Ridge above the Tertiary tuffs in- ereased by the total thickness of the Santa Margarite Tertiary beds and by an unknown thickness that has been removed by erosion from the top of the ridge. The thickness of the Santa Margarita Tertiary beds as shown in the Maguire Peak section is at least 2500 feet: the height of Pleasanton Ridge above the Tertiary tuffs is about 1000 feet (see topographic map, page 210). The total vertical displacement on the western edge of the Livermore Valley near Verona is therefore 3500 feet plus an unknown additional amount. These amounts are so close to those obtained from the Maguire Peak and Rosedale sections across the fault at the south end of the Sunol Valley that they must be accepted as very near the truth. A downthrow of 3000 feet on the east side of the fault about the southwest corner of the Livermore Valley may therefore be regarded as a conservative estimate. Bearing of the Sunol-Calaveras Fault upon the Water-Bearing Gravels of the Livermore Valley. Ordinarily mountain valleys have hard rock 215 floors with a limited amount of loose material spread over them in the form of sands, gravels, clays and soils. The rock floors of such valleys usually slope gently toward an outlet through which surface streams flow, and toward which the underground waters tend to drain. In the ease of the Livermore Valley, however, the rock floor has been let down along its western margin, and especially about its southwest cor- ner, until it has been carried down fully 3000 feet below its former position. It is not meant to imply, however, that the valley has been filled up to a depth of 3000 feet with gravel. Faulting might occur and still leave the valley floor of hard rock and covered like other val- leys, with only a thin veneer of loose materials. Other evidence, however, goes to show that the fault has let the old rock floor down to a considerable depth below the rock rim over which Laguna Creek flows through Niles Canyon. The Rock Rim of the Livermore Water-Basin. Laguna Creek, the stream that drains the Livermore Valley, runs over a hard rock bed in the lower or western end of the Niles Canyon. This rock bed is exposed here and there as far east as the Spring Valley Water Company’s dam three-quarters of a mile west of Sunol station. From this dam upstream the rock bed is nowhere else exposed along the stream for seven or eight miles above the town of Pleasan- ton on the Arroyo del Valle, and for six or seven miles above Livermore on the Mocho. Depth of the Gravels in the Livermore Valley. The deepest wells put down in the Liver- more Valley have penetrated the gravels and accompanying beds to a depth of 275 feet. The question arises as to the relations of the bottom of this and other deep wells to the rock rim of the basin at the Sunol dam. A line of levels for the purpose of determin- ing these relations was run along the bed of Laguna Creek from the Sunol dam to the pump- ing station near Pleasanton, and this line was connected with the wells as far east as Liver- more. and also with the piles driven into the bed of Laguna Creek for the foundations of the bridge piers where the Western Pacific railway 216 erosses it above Sunol, These piles are said to have penetrated the gravels to a depth of 80 feet. The profile of the creek bed, the rock rim at the dam, some of the deep wells in the val- ley, and the depth of the piles at the Western Pacific bridge are all shown on the accompany- ing section. (Page 206.) This section makes plain the fact that the eravels of the Livermore Valley have been let down to a considerable depth below the rock floor or rock rim where it is exposed in the bed of the stream in Niles Canyon. Data are lacking at present for the precise determination of the depth of the gravels in the Livermore Valley. They certainly and greatly exceed the depth of the deepest wells thus far put down in them. This subject will be taken up again in con- nection with the subject of the Plocene eravels. The Older or Pliocene Gravels. The hills south and southeast of Pleasanton, and certain hills south and southeast of Liver- more are shown on the accompanying map as be- ing made up of Pliocene deposits—interbedded sands, clays and gravels, many of the beds being of very coarse materials. (Page 202a.) Fossils found within 340 feet of the base of the series at Cresta Blanca on Arroyo del Valle and elsewhere show that they are of fresh water or land origin. Erosion has cut into them on the hills so that fully 250 feet of their thickness is openly exposed at several places. Through the hills south and southeast of Pleasanton these gravel beds dip uniformly toward and beneath the Livermore Valley at an angle varying from 20° to 23°. In order to show the approximate thickness and the structural relations of these gravels to the Livermore Valley a profile has been drawn to scale from the top of the ridge southeast of Pleasanton to Eliot station in the valley (Fig. 6), and another has been drawn from the crest of the same ridge northeastward to the county bridge over Arroyo del Valle (Fig. 7). The dips of the beds as observed in the field have been put on these profiles so as to exhibit the general geologic structure. Although these sections do not include either the lowest or the highest beds of this-series of THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. deposits, the total thickness of these Pliocene deposits here exhibited amounts to considerably more than 4000 feet. An isolated remnant of these same gravels half a mile west of Livermore leads to the conclusion that they extend far out beneath the valley, but the absence of the beds from the north side of the valley shows that they do not pass entirely across it. These facts taken in connection with the geology worked out on higher ground west of the valley, lead to the inference that there is probably an east-west fault crossing the Liver- more Valley from somewhere in the vicinity of Dublin passing about through the town of Livermore and eastward in the direction of Ar- royo Seco. The downthrow of this fault is on the south side and is probably greatest about two and a half miles north of Pleasanton and a mile and a quarter north of Eliot, while it dies out or has a less throw at its extremities to the east and west. The facts of chief importance in regard to these Pliocene gravels in this connection are: 1. They are mostly coarse water laid mate- rials such as are likely to be water-bearing under cover. 2. Over an area of 47 square miles they dip towards and beneath the Livermore Valley at an angle of about 20°. 3. They have a thickness of more than 4000 feet. 4. It seems probable that deep wells proper- ly located with reference to the geology, and penetrating these gravels where they pass be- neath the valley, may yield artesian water. 5. They are of fresh water or land origin 6. Even if these gravels do not yield ar- tesian water, they form a great natural reservoir beneath the valley. 7. There is no great thickness of gravels along the northern margin of the valley. No Outlet by Way of San Ramon. The possibility has been suggested of an under- ground outlet for the waters of the Livermore Valley northward by way of the San Ramon Valley. I know of no good grounds for this idea. The Niles Canyon through which the drainage of the Livermore Valley escapes has been cut down by the stream flowing through it. The 218 GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SUNOL VALLEY. position of the stream was apparently deter- mined by the original slope of the Pliocene gravels, and it has been flowing there ever since those gravels were deposited. The Gravels About Sunol. In the vicinity of Sunol the Pli- cene gravels are exposed in the hills north, east and southeast of the town, and in the bluff near the water temple three quarters of a mile southwest of the station. In the Sunol and Pleasanton ridges north of the town and in the ridge southwest of the town these gravels rest upon folded Cretaceous shales. In the hills east of the town they rest for the most part on the folded fossiliferous Tertiary beds like those exposed in the Maguire Peak region and east of Verona sta- tion. The arrangement of the cobbles in the - best exposed of the gravel beds shows that the streams in which they were laid down were flowing westward or in the direction of the Niles Canyon. At present the beds do not dip in that direction. In the bluff near the water temple the dip is toward the east at an angle of seventeen degrees. (Fig. 10.) It is just possible this is not a true dip, but that it is caused by a dislocation of the beds. However, in Pleasanton Ridge the dips are nearly south at an angle of about 17°; from the Pleasanton Ridge to Scott’s corner the dip is toward southeast at an angle of from 16° to 20°. (Fig. 8.) If, as it seems, these beds were deposited while the water flowed westward or toward Niles Canyon, there has been a depression along the east side of Sunol Valley since the deposition of the gravels. If it be assumed that the streams in which the gravels were laid down had a slope of about two degrees,* then there has been a depres- sion that has let the gravels down about 1200 feet in the deepest part of the Sunol Valley. The question of the depth of the gravels in the Sunol Valley may also be approached from the point of view that the surface of Cretaceous shales on which they were laid down was an approximately even one, and that the dips of the gravels continue unchanged beneath the valley. This old Cretaceous surface is toler- ably clear in the Pleasanton Ridge. It there “*The highest angle obtained on the stream beds in the Livermore Valley is on the Mocho just below the Mocho school] house, where it is: about one degree. 219 slopes toward the Sunol Valley as shown in the accompanying Sunol Valley sections. (Figs. 8, 9 and 10.) If this old surface continues, as it appears to do, and if the gravels beneath the valley have the same dips as they do on the hills, the gravels are deepest in the Sunol Valley about a fifth of a mile southwest of Scott’s corner where they have a depth of from 600 to 900 feet. It seems probable that these deep Pliocene gravels of the Sunol Valley are of sufficient thickness to form an important water basin. If the structure is what the facts seem to in- dicate, wells, in order to penetrate these beds, should not be put down south of the mouth of San Antonio Creek unless developments show the geology to be different from what it now ap- pears to be. The most promising locality seems to be be- tween Scott’s corner and the Spring Valley cottages and from 500 to 1000 feet southwest of the public road. Stonybrook and Sinbad Faults. It has been pointed out that the displacement along the Sunol-Calaveras fault has the down- throw on the east at this place. The theory of a depression in the gravels west of the fault line seems to be in conflict with the former statement. It should be noted, however, that the down- throw on the east side of the Sunol-Calaveras fault is a very large one, amounting to more than 3000 feet, while the depresssion in the Sunol Valley seems to be local and to amount to only about one thousand feet. Furthermore the geology of the region north of the Niles Canyon shows that besides the Sunol-Calaveras fault that passes along the east side of the Sunol Valley, and along the west side of the Livermore Valley, two other faults, the Stonybrook fault and the Sinbad fault, converge in the northern end of the Sunol Valley. (Page 210.) The position and structure of these faults are shown on the accompanying geologic sections across the Sunol and Pleasanton ridges. (Figs. 11 and 12.) Geology of Sunol Valley only Re- motely Related to that of Livermore Valley. The geology of the area where these faults LIVERMORE VALLEY ENORMOUS RESERVOIR. converge is necessarily complicated in addi- tion to being concealed beneath the wash in the valley. It seems probable that the deep gravels do not extend south of the mouth of San Antonio Creek; in other words, they un- derlie only the northern half of the Sunol Valley. The geology of the Sunol Valley is only remotely related to that of the Livermore Valley. Conclusions as to Geology and Water Storing Capacity of Livermore and Sunol Valleys. 1. The geologic structure and the history of the Livermore Valley show it to be a very unusual valley in regard to its water storing capacity which is much greater than it would be under ordinary geologic and climatic con- ditions. 2. It contains two distinct sets of water- bearing beds, and possibly three. 3. The newest beds are those recently washed into the valley from the surrounding mountains. 4. Beneath and merging into these new beds are probably wide spread and deep deposits of gravels and sands washed into the valley dur- ing the uplift and heavy run-off of the glacial epoch, 5. Still older beds of Pliocene Tertiary age form the high hills south and southeast of Pleasanton and Livermore, and dip far be- neath the floor of the valley. 6. These Pliocene gravels have a thickness of 4000 feet or more. 7. They are of land or fresh water origin. 8. An east-west fault, from somewhere near Dublin and passing about under the town of Livermore, seems to have let the northern end of these beds down to a great depth beneath the valley. 9, The northern ends of the Pliocene gravel beds are concealed beneath the later gravels washed into the valley during and since the glacial epoch. 10. The later deposits in the valley contain many water-bearing beds of sands and gravels, but they are irregular in form and thickness so that there is no single definite bed from which wells receive their waters. 11. .Around the margins of the valley, 221 and especially about the eastern and south- eastern sides whence most of the water comes, the stream-deposited materials are coarse, and the water sinks into them promptly. 12. The water-storing capacity of these newer deposits is increased by the steep topo- graphy of the region drained and by the con- centration of the rainfall which make the streams very large for a short period during the year, and thus enables them to carry down and spread over the valley coarse materials. Into these beds the water from the streams sinks during the whole year, and moves toward the outlet of the valley. 13. The groups of wells of the Spring Val- ley Water Company near the lower end of the valley are so located as to get much of this underground water from the shallower beds, but the geology of the valley leads to the be- lief that the available supply is very much larger than that which is now being pumped. 14. A great fault across the west end of the valley and crossing Laguna Creek three-quar- ters of a mile above Sunol station, has let down the region east of it three thousand feet or more. 15. This fault has carried the water-bear- ing gravels of the Livermore Valley down far below the level of the rock floor exposed in the Niles Canyon at the Sunol dam. 16. The Livermore Valley is therefore an enormous natural reservoir of unusual origin and unknown dimensions that can be drawn upon in case of emergency with the assurance that the water will be restored in seasons of heavy rainfall, 17. I know of no reason for supposing that the water is escaping northward from the Livermore Valley by way of the San Ramon Valley. 18. It is quite possible that deep artesian wells may be obtained by sinking in the deep Pliocene gravels near the south margin of the valley. 19. The geologic structure of the Sunol Val- ley shows that the Pliocene gravels that cap the surrounding hills dip beneath the northern end of that valley and form a basin the center of which is from 500 to 1000 feet southwest of Scott’s corner. 20. The gravels in the center of this Sunol THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. basin probably have a thickness of from 600 to 900 feet or even more. 21. The deep gravels underlie only the northern half of the Sunol Valley. 22. Whether the deep gravels of the Sunol basin form a valuable reservoir can only be determined by practical tests. Respectfully, J. C. BRANNER. Illustrations Accompanying Report of May 6, 1912, of Prof. J. C. Branner, on Un- derground Water Conditions of the Livermore Valley and of the Sunol Valley. 1. Map of the valleys showing drainage basins, lceations of wells, land lines, ete. (Page 202a.) Geological map of Sunol Valley. Section at Rosedale schoo] house, Fig. 3. Section at Maguire Peak, Fig. 4. Profile up Laguna Creek from Sunol Dam to pumps, ete. (Page 206.) Two sections in the Pliocene at Eliot Sta- tion, Fig. 6, and County Bridge, Fig. 7. Sections across Sunol Valley, Figs. 8, 9, 10. Sinkad and Stonybrook faults, Figs. 11 and 12. 2 (pn REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND THE UNDERGROUND WATER SUPPLY OF LIVERMORE VALLEY BY Dr, Anprew C, Lawson, In charge of Department of Geology, University of California. Berkeley, Cal., May 31, 1912. Mr. 8. P. Eastman, Vice President Spring Val- ley Water Co., San Francisco. Dear Sir: I have read Professor J. C. Branner’s report of May 6, 1912, on the underground water con- ditions of Livermore Valley and of Sunol Val- ley, and with his observations and conclusions in mind have examined the territory with which that report deals. My examination has been limited to a rapid review of the salient features of the geology and I have made no attempt at detailed mapping of geological boundaries. The maps and sections which accompany Professor Branner’s report and my own _ familiarity with this field have greatly aided me in the examination, and I have been able to reach con- clusions which I feel well justified in putting forward, notwithstanding the limited time given to the present field work. Methods of Study. It would be rather remarkable if any two geologists acting independently, as Professor Branner and I have done, should agree at all points in the interpretation of the phenomena presented by this most interesting and some- what complicated field. If we had both precisely the same geological experience there would still be room for differences of opinion due to the personal equation in all those questions in which data necessary for a settled conclusion are only partially obtainable. But Professor Bran- ner’s experiences in the general field of geology have been different from my own and with ref- erence to this particular field he has approached it from one side and I from the other. We therefore come to the consideration of the prob- lems raised in the Livermore Valley with quite naturally different points of view. Professor Branner is more familiar with the stratigraphy, structure and geological history of the region south of Livermore Valley; while I, on the other hand, have a greater familiarity with the geology of the country north of the valley. I mention these matters so that if, in reading the remarks which follow, you detect here and there observations or opinions which seem to differ from those expressed by Professor Bran- ner in his very excellent and most valuable re- port, you will not be unduly surprised. Such differences are usual and, indeed. in complicated fields where full data necessary for sure in- ference are difficult to obtain they are inevitable. It would be a miracle if any two geologists should study quite independently any ecompli- eated field and arrive at the same conclusion on all phases of its problems. The usual procedure, and the way in which science makes progress, is for one geologist to study the field, map its formations, interpret its structure and write its geological history. These results he presents to the geological world for criticism and correction. If the field is sufficiently interesting he will get these in abundance. Geological science, like most other sciences, adds to its certitudes quite as much by eriticism and correction of error as by original effort to ascertain the truth, Both functions are necessary ; for no man’s statements are scientific unless they are verifiable, and science is after all but the concensus of expert opinion. 223 224 Concurs With Prof. Branner’s General Conclusions. With this preface, which is intended to fore- stall any anticipation on your part of a complete agreement between Professor Branner’s observa- tions and deductions and my own, I hasten to say that I entirely concur with him in certain general conclusions, which, I take it, are from your point of view, the most important in his report. I agree with him in his conclusion : 1. That Livermore Valley is an underground storage reservoir of exceptional and remarkable structure. 2. That it is underlain by two series of for- mations, one of Pliocene age and one of an age extending into the present, both of which have a large proportion of gravel in them. 3. That these gravels afford a great storage space for underground water. 4. That these formations lie in a basin which is enclosed on all sides by older and practically impermeable rock. 5. That the rocks of Pleasanton Ridge, which bounds the basin on the west, are an ef- fective barrier to the escape of those waters below a certain level determined by the out- let of the drainage of Alameda Creek. 6. That this hard rock barrier preventing the escape of the stored waters below the level referred to is the remarkable and exceptional feature of the basin. 7. That this relation of the sediment-filled basin to the barrier of Pleasanton Ridge is due in part to a fault which lies at the eastern base of the ridge. 8. That there is little likelihood of the escape of these stored waters to the north by way of San Ramon Valley. 9. That the northern half of Sunol Valley is a smaller basin similarly occupied by water- bearing gravels to a sufficient depth to warrant its being regarded as a reserve supply. Having stated my conclusions in summary form in so far as they agree with those of Pro- fessor Branner as to the question of most inter- est to you, I.may now proceed to indicate some- thing of the observations and reasoning upon which these conclusions and others are based. To clear the way for this it will be first neces- sary to make a brief general statement regard- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. ing the geological formations with which we are concerned. The General Geology. The oldest rocks are those of the Franciscan series, These are partly sedimentary, partly igneous and partly metamorphic. They are the hardest and most resistant rocks of the region. Pebbles derived from them are common in all the conglomerates of later sedimentary forma- tions and these are usually easily recognizable as fragments of Franciscan rocks. The Franciscan rocks were uplifted, folded and faulted, greatly eroded and then the eroded surface was depressed below the sea and upon this sea floor there accumulated a great thick- ness of eretaceous sediments comprising sand- stone, slates and conglomerate, known as the Shasta-Chico series. The Eocene and Miocene formations are represented in the region, but do not appear in the territory with which we are immediately concerned. The next group of rocks is the San Pablo group. This consists of marine Tertiary sediments of early Pliocene age, which were deposited unconformable upon the worn surface of the Franciscan and Shasta- Chico series. The region was again disturbed and again subjected to erosion. The erosional surface thus established was then depressed but not sufficiently to admit the sea, and in the basin thus formed accumulated a great thickness of lacustrine and fluviatile deposits known as the Orindan formation. These are the Pliocene gravels of Professor Branner’s re- port. The Pliocene gravels of Professor Branner’s report appear to me to be a southerly extension of the fresh water beds which are extensively developed in the hills between Berkeley and Mt. Diablo, and which were some years ago described by me and named the Orindan for- mation. These beds have an aggregate thick- ness of several thousand feet and comprise not only thick strata of gravel which are evidently fluviatile in origin, but also strata of clay, limestone, and sandstone, all containing fresh water fossils which were evidently deposited in a lake. Besides these there are occasional beds of voleanic ashes or tuff. It is clear from the fact that flood plain and delta gravels occur at several horizons in the Orindan for- mation that the basin in which these deposits EXTENT OF FORMATION. Were accumuiating tilled up from time to time, since such gravels could not have been spread out in deep water. It is also clear that since the formation aggregates several thousand feet in thickness that the basin in which they were accumulating was subject to progressive sub- sidence during the course of that accumulation. That is to say, the Orindan formation accumu- lated in a geosynelinal trough which wag in course of development in late Pliocene time and which served as a trap to intercept the erosion- al waste of the adjacent uplands in its normal path to the sea, just as the Great Valley of California is today intercepting the erosional waste of the Sierra Nevada and so causing an extensive deposit of fresh water beds in that depression. It is further evident from these conditions that the development of the trough or basin in which the Orindan beds were accumulating involved a slight deformation not only of the pre-Orindan surface, but also of the lower beds of the Orindan formation itself before the com- pletion of the Orindan deposition. The char- acter of the Orindan beds is naturally not con- stant’ over the extent of the formation. The lower beds are coarser and more gravelly than the upper beds. In those portions of Orindan time when the basin had temporarily filled up, the flood plain gravels would be spread far and wide, and such stages of the accumulation are represented by more or less persistent sheets of gravel. At another stage when, in consequence of excessive subsidence, the basin was occupied by a lake, the deposition of gravel would be confined to the margins of the lake where deltas of inflowing streams were being built up. This condition is represented by locally thick beds of coarse gravel which are not persistent for great distances. After this process of subsidence and conse- quent infilling had produced a deposit of sev- eral thousand feet of lacustral and fluviatile sediments, the region was affected by the acute disturbances which characterized the close of the Tertiary in this region, and the Orindan beds were folded, faulted and uplifted into the zone of erosion. Owing to their softness and lack of coherence in comparison with the older rocks of the region, the Orindan beds have been exceptionally susceptible to the at- tack of erosional forces except in portions of 225 the region where they have been protected by sheets of lava which at certain centers of post- Orindan volcanic activity were poured out upon these beds and so served to protect them. These protecting areas of lava are, however, not extensive, and owing to the prevailing soft- ness of the Orindan beds the widest and long- est valleys of this portion of the Coast Ranges have been carved out of them by erosion. Livermore Valley is one of these. Extent of Orindan Formation. The western boundary of the Orindan forma- tion from Hacienda station on the Western Pa- cific railway to the vicinity of Dublin is the east- ern base of Pleasanton Ridge, but for the greater part of this distance the boundary is con- cealed by later fluviatile deposits which cover the floor of Livermore Valley. To the north of Dublin the area occupied by the Orindan beds is divided by a belt of Older Tertiary rocks occurring in Las Trampas Ridge. The portion which lies to the east of Las Trampas Ridge extends from Livermore Valley north- westward, gradually passing into a well de- fined overturned syneline, the axial plane of which dips down to the northeast toward Mt. Diablo. The end of this syncline spoons out a little beyond the town of Walnut Creek. The southern limit of the Orindan from Sunol Valley eastward is well shown on Pro- fessor Branner’s general map showing the dis- tribution of the Pliocene (Orindan) gravels on the south side of Livermore Valley. The north- eastern boundary lies along the lower south- ‘west flank of Mt. Diablo where the Orindan beds pass beneath the San Pablo formation with an inverted dip. That portion of the Orindan formation which lies north of Livermore Valley is practically continuous with the area mapped by Professor Branner on the south side of the valley on the northeast side of the Arroyo del Valle, and the beds are of the same general character, being chiefly clays, and clayey sands, with oc- casional and quite subordinate beds of gravel, except perhaps at the base of the section. The portion of the Orindan which occupies the hills between the Arroyo del Valle and Sunol, extending south from Pleasanton to San Antonio Creek, as shown on Professor Bran- 226 ner’s map, is on the other hand characterized by a great abundance of gravel in thick beds with beds of finer material of the nature of sandy clay intervening. It is evident that in this part of the Orindan basin there were recurrent delta conditions due _ to the influx of a considerable high grade stream from the uplands to the south. This stream dropped its load of heavier detritus on the margin of the basin as a great alluvial or gravelly cone in much the same way as the alluvial cone of San Antonio Creek in the valley of Southern California is being built up at the present time; and in the lacustral stages of the basin this cone doubtless extended out in the Orindan Lake as a delta. Whether as a fan or ag a delta the detritus spread out by this stream became finer to the north and northeast and eventually passed into sandy and clayey silts. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Orindan beds on the north side of Livermore Valley are finer grained and that the gravel beds are thinner and fewer in number than in the hills south of Pleasanton. Origin of Valley. The dissection and erosion of the Orindan formation which has given us Livermore Val- ley and other similarly wide valleys in this part of the Coast Range was induced by up- lift of the region. But that uplift has not been a simple, uniform elevation, but rather a com- plicated, fitful and uneven buckling or warp- ing of the earth’s crust. This is apparent from the contrast of the erosional history of the two sides of Livermore Valley as revealed in the forms of the resulting slopes. On the south side of the valley the profiles of the hills, par- ticularly in the lower half of the slopes, are vharacterized by a series of well defined ter- races, extending down to the floor of Liver- more Valley on the one side and to San Antonio Creek on the other. These terraces were once the flood plains of streams which for each par- ticular terrace had attained to base level and remained at base level long enough for the evolution of a broad valley floor. This indi- cates that in the course of the uplift of the region there were stages of repose, each repre- sented by a terrace on which the stream evinced no tendency to vertical corrasion; and that these stages of repose were succeeded by THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. a renewal of the uplift which caused the stream to cut down to a lower level where after find- ing base level it carved a lower flood plain. These terraces or flood plain remnants were all heavily veneered with gravel due to the meandering of the stream and its tendency to aggrade as the flood plain became more ex- tended. This veneer of gravel upon the ter- races is liable to give the impression that the Orindan formation out of which the terraces have been cut is more gravelly than it really is; and this impression must be guarded against in any attempt to judge of the amount of gravel present in the make-up of the hills. Now this terracing which is so marked a feature of the hills south of Livermore Valley is not observable in the hills on the north side of the valley. The conditions of erosion here appear to have been those of completed uplift rather than those of uplift by stages. Nature of Valley Fill. In contrast with the evidence of uplift of two different kinds on the two sides of Liver- more Valley, the valley itself has suffered de- pression. The process now in progress on the floor of Livermore Valley is one of aggradation in contrast to the degradation which is going on in the surrounding hills. The valley is fill- ing up with product of the degradation of the hills. The material which is swept into the val- ley in the rainy season is added to the surface in successive layers so that the floor of the valley is gradually rising. That this process is in active operation is impressively shown by the fact that the older fences in some parts of the valley are now buried in the accumulating sediment. In the distribution of this alluvial filling there is a distinct sorting of materials. The coarse gravels brought down notably by the Arroyo Mocho and the Arroyo del Valle are dropped by the streams as soon as the lat- ter begin to spread out on the valley floor and thus tend to accumulate in the southeastern part of the valley; while the finer sands and clays are carried forward by the floods and tend to accumulate in the western part of the valley floor. But at an earlier stage of this infilling of the valley, before the grade of the streams had become flattened by the process of infilling, the gravels were carried down on the flood plain-to the very west end of the val- FORMATION FAVORABLE FOR STORAGE. ley. Owing to the filling up of the valley the grades of both the Arroyo Mocho and the Ar- royo del Valle have become so flat that the gravels cannot now be carried so far, and the gravels which were brought down to the west end of the valley in former times are now buried by forty feet or more of fine clayey silt. For the purpose of distinguishing these deposits, which thus fill Livermore Valley up to its present floor, from the older Orindan deposits upon which they rest, I shall refer to them as the Livermore formation. In consid- ering the distribution of the underground water of Livermore Valley we shall have to give attention to the gravels of both the Orin- dan and Livermore formations. Drainage Line of Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo del Valle Diverted to South. Now before the depression which inaugur- ated the deposition of the Livermore forma- tion and the consequent infilling of the valley, the latter had been cut down to a valley floor now buried. This vailey floor was carved out of the Orindan beds and the outlet of the val- ley during the time of its formation by ero- sion was probably northward by way of San Ramon Valley to Suisun Bay. This valley though now occupied by a very small and in- significant stream, is the former drainage line of the confluent Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo del Valle, aud is the result of the erosion by that drainage. In consequence of the warping of the region, a small tributary of Alameda Creek, cutting back from Sunol along a line of structural weakness has been enabled to capture the drainage of Livermore Valley and carry it to the south through the Arroyo de la Laguna. The upbuilding of: the alluvial fan of Bollinger Creek at San Ramon perhaps contributed to this diversion of the drainage from San Ramon Valley to Alameda Creek; but in my opinion this was an unimportant factor. The fact that the Arroyo de la Laguna is now trenching the upbuilt alluvial plain of the lower end of Liver- more Valley and that this plain extends as far as Verona indicates that the diversion of the drainage may have been a comparatively recent event and may have occurred only after the infilling of the valley had lifted the flood 227 waters so as to enable them to pass over 1 low divide in soft material in the pass near Verona. It may be pointed out in this eon- nection that movements on the Sunol-Calaveras fault mapped and described by Professor Bran- ner may have contributed to-this diversion of the drainage by creating a zone of weakness in the pass near Verona which might be readily cut into by the Arroyo de la Laguna in the northward progress of its head water erosion. Formations Like Fill of Livermore Valley Practically Unknown in Eastern United States. Thus far I have outlined the general ge2o0- logical history of the region about Livermore Valley and we may now review the facts and see what their significance is from the point of view of underground water. In doing this we may with advantage consider the Livermore formation which occupies the valley carved cut of the Orindan beds. This formation although abruptly terminated toward the west by abut- ment upon the base of Pleasanton Ridge is nevertheless of the nature of an alluvial fan or zone. Such alluvial fans are characteristically the natural underground storage reservoirs of vast supplies of water. They are peculiar features of the western part of the country and they are practically unknown in the eastern United States. They occur in many parts of California and other western states usually where a narrow high grade canyon opens ab- ruptly upon a wide valley in which flows a com- paratively low grade stream, This relationship of narrow torrential canyon entering large val- leys transversely is usually due to the fact the large valley owes its existence to geologically recent movements, such as faulting, which have allowed the ground under the valley to be depressed and so give rise to a large structural trough, whereas the narrow canons which emerge upon it from the mountains, which bound it owe their existence wholly to the erosion of the stream itself. The same relation- ship may, however, be also due in other cases to the presence of very soft formations adja- cent to hard resistant rocks. The soft rocks are rapidly removed by erosion and a wide valley may be formed, but the same streams which are able to evolve a large feature in the soft formations may have been competent to cut only a narrow canon in the nearby hard 228 and resistant rocks. In this way we would have gradually developed a system of drainage involving narrow high grade streams flowing into a wide valley. This, as I have already pointed out, is the case in regard to Livermore Valley. Now in either case when the narrowly confined torrential stream reaches the broad valley with its load of detritus it tends to spread out and so lose velocity. The immediate result of this is that part of the load of detritus which the stream is carrying, consisting of the boulders, cobble stones and pebbles, can be carried no farther. They come to rest and pile up as an embankment in front of the mouth of the canon. The sand is carried further down and the clay still farther. This recurs each rainy season and eventually the embankment grows so high that the stream running over it is in an unstable position and takes a short cut down the slope of the embankment to lower ground on one side or the other. Here the piling up of coarse detritus takes place and the stream is once more caused to change its path. This recurs over and over again, but all the various courses taken by the stream in its many shifts are radial from the mouth of the narrow canon. The channel of the stream at any given time is gravelly far down the slope of the fan and in times of flood, when the water spreads out over the entire slope the fine silts are deposited over the previous gravelly channel. In this way every channel is not only built up into an elongated lens or ridge of gravel extending far down into the valley, but every such lens or ridge is sooner or later buried by fine clayey silt and go sealed; and every such sealed lenticular ridge is in direct connection with the apical dump of coarse gravel. The net result as the process becomes advanced is that there is a radial sys- tem of cylinder lenses of gravel radiating in all directions outward from the apex of the fan, diverging in the vertical sense as weil as in the horizontal, sometimes interconnected and sometimes not, and all below a certain level in the upper part of the fan imbedded in imper- vious clay. In the state of nature these cylin- der lenses of gravel remain saturated with water up to the level of the upper edge of the outermost cover of clay. Above this edge the water drains out of the gravels during the dry season. Below this it is permanently sealed, THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. But if far down the slope of the fan a series of wells be bored so that the gravel channels are tapped the water will rise as an artesian flow, the head of which will be determined at first by the level of the clay edge. But if a heavy draft be made upon this stored water, then the water plane in the gravels will be lowered below the clay edge and the head of the artesian flow will be correspondingly diminished. And of course the water plane may be lowered so far that the water in the wells will not rise to the surface but will have to be lifted. This is precisely the condition that we have in the Livermore Valley. Gravels Will Store Twelve Billion Gallons of Water. The deposits which I have called the Livermore formation are nothing more than the combined alluvial fan of the Arroyo del Valle and the Arroyo Mocho. In the lower part of the val- ley there is below the surface a plexus of gravel channels sealed in clay. These gravel channels are full of water. Their capacity is very great. At the present time I would not venture to estimate that capacity satisfactorily in figures, as that would take more time than I have at my disposal involving an elaborate compilation of data much of which is insuf- ficient for the purpose. Such an estimate would moreover fall rather within the pro- vince of the engineer more familiar with all the details of the field than I am. But on an as- sumption that the gravel aggregates an aver- age of 30 feet in thickness under an area of eight square miles and that it holds 25’ per cent of its volume of water, these being con- servative assumptions, the gravels would store over 12 billion gallons of water. Such an esti- mate to be reliable, however, should be checked up by a series of wells so distributed as to limit the area occupied by the gravels and at the same time give us a better basis for computing their average thickness. The esti- mate is intended merely as a suggestion of the probable capacity of these gravels. The esti- mate, such as it is, applies only to those gravels which I can confidently refer to as the Liver- more formation. There may, however, be still deeper gravels belonging to the Livermore for- mation which, with our present knowledge, cannot be discriminated with certainty from IMMENSE SUPPLY FROM GRAVELS. the underlying gravels of the Orindan forma- tion. Water Storage Nearly Stationary and Constant. The large supply of water thus stored in the Livermore gravels remains in the natural con- dition nearly stationary and constant. During the rainy season, particularly in winters of heavy precipitation, the gravels become filled to overflowing. They can hold no more, and the surplus runs over the gravelly intake por- tion of the fans and floods the lower part of the valley. Under these conditions, the water table of the lower part of the valley is above the surface of the ground. The pressure in the eravels below the clay mantle is sufficient in many places to break through the latter so that we have a natural artesian escape. The waters which flood the lower end of the valley come not only down the surface of the valley past the upper edge of the clay cover, but also through the gravels and up through these nat- ural artesian vents. In this way the water of the flooded surface is in direct continuity with water contained in the buried gravels. When the flood subsides the water gradient, of course, falls to a point at first determined by the level of the edge of the clay cover between Liver- more and Pleasanton and then to lower posi- tions determined by the draft made upon the gravels at the lower end of the valley. But even with the heaviest draft that has thus far been made upon these gravels, the water gradient has fallen but a few feet and has never reached the gravels themselves in the lower part of the valley. These always remain full and under a head which causes the water to rise well up into the overlying clay cover. The effect of even the heaviest draft that has yet been made upon this reservoir is to lower the level of the water in the gravels near the intake and so cause the gradient to fall a very moderate amount, leaving the great body of the gravels constantly full of water. Regulation of Floods Will Contribute to Economic Control of Water. It is clear from these facts that if the re- plenishment of the gravels at their intake could be regulated, so that a much larger pro- portion of the normal annual run-off of the Ar- 229 royo del Valle and the Arroyo Mocho could be caused to enter the gravels at their intake in- stead of running off in floods, then the draft upon the gravels at the lower end of the valley could be very greatly increased. In fact, as I see it, the only way to make use of the largest possible proportion of the available waters coming into Livermore Valley, is to force the draft on the gravels at the lower end of the valley so as to keep the water gradient perma- nently low. The effect of this will be to keep the gravels at the intake from being gorged with water. They will always be in a recep- tive condition to absorb the waters that come to them. Of course in times of extreme heavy flood the water would still rush over the in- take, but this loss would be greatly minimized. The restraint of the floods by dams in the canons of the Arroyo del Valle and the Arroyo Mocho would greatly contribute to this eco- nomic control of the water. Such reservoirs of the flood waters could be drained out steadily during the summer months so as to flow into the sinks of the two streams between Liver- more and Pleasanton and thus regularly replen- ish the gravels which are at the same time beinz drawn upon at the lower end of the valley. In this scheme of regulated replenishment at the intake of the gravels and forced draft at the lower end of the valley, the gravels become merely a filter on a large scale. If the floods of winter can be wholly controlled, and that is for engineers to say, then the whole of the waters of the ‘Arroyo del Valle and the Arroyo Mocho can be made to pass into the gravels if the draft at the lower end of the valley can be made sufficiently heavy to keep the water gradient at a permanently low level. From this point of view, and assuming that the flood waters of the Arroyo del Valle and Arroyo Mocho ean be wholly controlled, then the prob- lem of the available water supply obtaimable from Livermore Valley may be reduced to very simple terms. Those terms are that all the run- off of the two streams, or the waters that they bring to the valley may be filtered through the gravels of the Livermore formation and com- pletely utilized at the lower end of the valley. Estimated Supply From Livermore Gravels 75 M.G.D. Estimating the hydrographic basin of the Arroyo del Valle and the Arroyo Mocho as 200 230 square miles and the annual run-off from this area as 8 inches of the total rainfall, the sup- ply available figures out about 75 million gal- lons daily. This is of course a theoretical value and must be discounted for the exceptionally dry winter, but on the average it is not far from the truth. It hag at least this value, that it is an expression for the limits of the supply and good engineering will undoubtedly in the course of years work up gradually and eventually very closely to this hmit. Conclusions Reached Independent of Water Bearing Capacity of Orindan Grauvels. Now you will observe that this discussion and the conclusions reached are quite inde- pendent of any consideration of the water bear- ing capacity of the Orindan gravels. I have shown that the Livermore gravels occupy the fioor of a valley carved out of the Orindan. In the Orindan of the hills south of Pleasanton there are thick beds of feebly cemented gravel, and these undoubtedly pass under the Liver- more gravels across the floor of the valley in which the latter lie. In other words, the Livermore gravels lie unconformably upon the worn edges of various horizons of the more or less inclined Orindan formation. It results from this that the Orindan gravels below Liver- more Valley and also those below the hills south of Pleasanton up to the level of the water table of Livermore Valley are saturated with water to an unknown but very great depth— several hundred feet at least. In one point of view these Orindan gravels constitute a very large underground storage of water in addi- tion to the storage capacity of the Livermore eravels. But I do not see that they contribute anything to the available supply since from the foregoing discussion it must be apparent that such supply is limited absolutely by the in- flow to Livermore Valley, and this for prac- tical purposes is measured by the discharge of the canons of the Arroyo del Valle and the Arroyo Mocho. The outcropping edges of these Orindan gravels do, to be sure, afford addi- tional intake facilities feeding the underground THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. reservoir; and the continuity of these gravels from the floor of Livermore Valley through the hills to Sunol Valley may be of importance from an engineering point of view in the prac- tical exploitation of the supply, but the ex- istence of this deeper reservoir in the Orindan formation can never add to the available total supply from this general basin. It might, how- ever, be drawn upon by heavy pumping in times of emergency such, for example, as an earthquake disaster affecting adversely the galleries at the lower end of Livermore Valley. It is of course of interest to know that there is a large, deep reservoir of underground water below the Livermore gravels and should it turn out, contrary to my present expectation, that it is desirable to exploit this reserve I should be happy to give further consideration to the matter. Sunol Valley. Sunol Valley is veneered with the flood plain eravels of Alameda Creek, but the Orindan gravels which lie to the north of Sunol as well as those exposed in the stream cliff south of the town dip in a general southeasterly direction beneath the valley floor. It, therefore, appears extremely probable that there is a considerable body of Orindan gravel below the valley and that these would have a greater depth toward the east side than elsewhere. These gravels are probably in thick strata separated by sandy clay, and it may be necessary to go through one or more beds of this sandy clay before reaching the main body of the gravel. I am not quite clear as to how this water in the gravels below Sunol Valley could be exploited without interfering with the existing filtering plant, as I am not familiar with the details of that plant. As I have al- ready pointed out, the Orindan gravels are probably continuous from Sunol Valley through the hills to Livermore Valley, and a heavy draft on the Sunol portion of the Orin- dan underground reservoir would doubtless affect the water gradient at the lower end of the Livermore valley. Yours sincerely, ANDREW C. LAWSON. PROF. BRANNER AND PROF. LAWSON IN ACCORD ON THE CONCLUSION THAT LIVERMORE VALLEY IS A GREAT STORAGE BASIN, CAPABLE OF ENORMOUS DEVELOPMENT Leland Stanford Junior University. Office of the Vice-President. Stanford University, Cal., June 3, 1912. S. P. Eastman, Esq., Spring Valley Water Com- pany, San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sir: Dr. A. C. Lawson has kindly sent me, with your approval, a copy of his report made to you on the underground water conditions of the Liv- ermore Valley and dated May 31, 1912. In view of Professor Lawson’s conclusions, it does not seem necessary for me to do more than to call your attention to the fact, mentioned by Professor Lawson himself, that in so far as the Spring Valley Water Company’s interests are concerned, we are substantially in accord. I regard this agreement upon the main facts as of the greatest importance to the company, for it suggests, if it does not prove, that how- ever geologists may approach the problems in- volved, whether the gravels have been let down by faulting or by folding, the inevitable con- clusion is that the Livermore Valley is a great storage basin of unusual and remarkable struc- ture, and capable of enormous development. Very truly yours, J. C. BRANNER. 231 ERRONEOUS GEOLOGICAL CONCLUSIONS ON FORMATION © OF LIVERMORE VALLEY ADOPTED IN FREEMAN REPORT BY Dr. J. C. BRANNER, Geologist. Stanford University, Cal., Oct. 4, 1912. S. P. Eastman, Esq., Manager, Spring Valley Water Company, San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sir:—This is in reply to the memoranda sent me in regard to geological points mentioned in Mr. John R. Freeman’s report to the Mayor and City Attorney of the City of San Francisco on the Hetch Hetchy water supply. The page numbers here used refer to the pages of Mr. Freeman’s printed report bearing date of July 15, 1912. At pages 190-191 Mr. Freeman appears to ac- cept without question the correlations made of the gravel and other beds in the Livermore Val- ley region by Mr. C, Williams, and at pages 200-201 he even regards my statements as con- firming the statements and conclusions of Mr. Williams. I have already stated in my letter of July 3d, 1912, and I here reaffirm my conviction that my experience of such deposits leads me to con- clude that most of the geologic correlations made by Mr. Williams in his report on the Livermore Valley are not only not to be trusted, but that they are a source of serious weakness in all the conclusions based upon them.* I myself attempted to make such correlations, using the well logs over the same region. In order to leave as little as possible to the imagi- nation. my sections, in place of having an ex- ageerated vertical scale, were platted to the same horizontal and vertical scales. I found that where the wells are only a short *The conclusions of Mr. Freeman are based upon these geological sections. 232 distance apart trustworthy correlations are pos- sible, but as the distance apart of the wells increases, correlations not only become worth- less, but they are liable to be entirely mislead- ing. The sections given at pages 89 and 90 illustrate what I mean. In one group near the pumping station west of Pleasanton the wells are only 50 feet apart, and the materials passed through can be identified readily and correlated with reason- able certainty. But it is one thing to correlate a gravel bed by means of well logs 50 feet apart; it is quite another matter to correlate beds over a distance of three thousand feet without inter- vening wells to support the correlation. At page 90 such correlations are made repeatedly. The streams in which these gravels were laid down were little if any larger than the Arroyo del Valle of to-day, and only occasionally are the gravel deposits of that stream more than a couple of hundred feet wide. To be sure, the gravel deposits might be identified with greater certainty over longer distances if we could study them along the axes of the streams, but unfor- tunately we cannot be sure of the axes of the ancient streams, owing to their meanders. So far, therefore, as this is a geological prob- lem, I feel that Messrs. Schussler, Mulholland and Grunsky wisely omitted to make the correla- tions undertaken by Mr. Williams and com- mended by Mr. Freeman at pages 190 and 193. At page 191 it is said that some exposed beds classed as gravel by me were inspected by Mr. Freeman’s assistant, who found them nearly im- pervious as regards practical water supply. The statement is quite correct as it stands, but it is PLIOCENE GRAVELS WATER BEARING. also quite misleading. The gravel beds referred to in this statement are the older Pliocene grav- els, sands, and clays that underlie the whole or nearly all of the valley, and are described in my report to you under date of May 6, 1912. It is a feature of such deposits that the porous beds invariably break down under weathering agencies, while the more impervious ones resist and form the natural outcrops. If one examines the outcrops of the water- bearing deposits of the Santa Clara Valley, he finds the exposed: beds almost invariably appar- ently water-tight. But wells put down in this same series of beds find abundant water. Another point in regard to beds that appear on their outcrops to be impervious is that it not infrequently happens that they are impervious on account of oxidation and alteration of the materials when they have been long exposed to weathering, while the same beds, under deep cover, may be quite porous. An interesting case illustrating this fact occurred here at Stanford University some years ago: An excavation was made for an artificial lake in a bed of Pliocene gravels that appeared on the outerops to be quite impervious. When the work was done and the water was turned into the basin, it ran out about as fast as it ran in, while the water in wells about Menlo Park, two miles away, rose considerably above the usual level. ‘terials 232a These and many other illustrations that I might cite lead me to infer that the Pliocene beds south of Pleasanton may reasonably be regarded as water-bearing until the contrary is shown to be the case. As a matter of fact, there are at least two artesian wells near Pleasanton receiving their waters from these Pliocene beds, and you are quite right in think- ing that I regard them as conclusive evidence that these gravels will yield water; and I think that any geologist would agree with me. At page 197 it is stated that the foundation of the Sunol gallery rests on an impervious bottom. Everything I know of the geology of that val- ley leads me to infer that the bulk of it is filled with gravels, sands, and clays to a depth of several hundred feet. The exact depth, however, cannot be predicted with certainty, owing to the presence of local faults; but inasmuch as most of the valley is carved in the hard black Creta- ceous shales that are well exposed through the Niles canyon, there can be no doubt about the bed rock when that is reached, for it is of ma- entirely different from the filled-in materials. Very truly yours, J. C. BRANNER, Consulting Geologist. A REVIEW OF CERTAIN CONCLUSIONS PRESENTED BY MR. JOHN R. FREEMAN ON THE DEPENDABLE YIELD OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY BY Wm, MULHOLLAND. Chief Engineer Los Angeles Aqueduct, AND J. B. Lippincott, Assistant Chief Engineer of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. There has been presented to the Board of Army Engineers, as requested by the Secretary of the Interior, a number of reports dealing with the resources of the Spring Valley Water Company, of which one report by Mr. F. C. Herrmann, Chief Engineer of the Spring Val- ley Water Company, fully discusses the avail- able water supply owned and controlled by the Company. Thorough Studies Made of Alameda System. Mr. Herrmann was born and raised at San Jose and received his engineering training at Berkeley, all practically in the district under discussion. His professional work has in- cluded official water supply investigations for the federal government, and responsible charge of extensive hydraulic works. He is sur- rounded by a corps of engineers, some of whom have spent years of study and observation of the Spring Valley system. To assist this regu- lar engineering organization, he has called in consultation Dr. J. C. Branner, Vice-President of Stanford University, and Dr. A. C. Lawson, Professor of Geology of the University of Cali- fornia, both eminent geologists, especially familiar with the bay regions through years of geological study thereof. He also has had in consultation the engineering staff of J. G. White and Company, Mr. George G. Anderson, an eminent engineer of Denver, Captain A. O. Powell, C. E. of Seattle, and General Hiram M. Chittenden, retired, of the corps of engineers of the United States Army. Gen- eral Chittenden has specialized for years on the hydrography of arid America. All of these gentlemen, together with ourselves, have gone over the districts under discussion in the re- ports, in detail with Mr. Herrmann and have conferred with him both in the field and in the office. The deliberations have been ex- tensive and a mass of data has been compiled by Mr. Herrmann and his assistants which is presented in their reports. It therefore fol- lows that the conclusions reached by Mr. Herrmann are worthy of respectful considera- tion and should be given weight in reaching final judgment. Mr. Herrmann has presented a report which is a clear and concise review of much detailed matter contained in seven appendices and many maps and diagrams which are referred to therein. It is not in the nature of a report produced under high pressure in the short period of two or three months’ time by one who is a non-resident and but briefly familiar with Pacific Coast conditions, and the ordinary sources of our domestic water supplies, cover- ing one-third of the second largest, state in the Union, involving estimates of construction 232b SAFE DEPENDABLE YIELD OF ALAMEDA SYSTEM. cost running into staggering figures and un- precedented plans, but is rather the findings of men who have made good in their life work in this particular locality. Livermore Valley Gravels. It is the conclusion of Mr. Herrmann that the Livermore Valley gravels are good for a safe yield of 55.38 M. G, D. of pure water, when the Arroyo Valle reservoir, the site for which the Company owns, is constructed. The figures are based upon mass curve studies of the capacity of the Arroyo Valle reservoir to regulate the flood waters of that stream to such an extent that the gravels of the lower valley can abscrb them, as determined by actual observations on that stream itself. He has determined the capacity of the Livermore gravels by a survey of their surface area, a collection of well logs, geologic studies and field determinations of the void content of the aggregates. In turn a mass study has been made of the hypothetical status of this underground reservoir during the period of the last 23 years, during which gagings have been made on the lower reaches of Alameda Creek, and five years’ Arroyo Valle gagings. His deductions are clear and logical. Calaveras and Upper Alameda Streams. Mr, Herrmann has made a similar study of the supply available from the Calaveras and up- per Alameda streams, the reservoir sites and much of the watershed of which the Company owns. Studies of run-off have been made, based upon the observed flow at Niles and Sunol dur- ing the 23-year period and 12 years’ stream record at Calaveras. A mass curve has been drawn for a dam and reservoir capacity as recommended to the Company for the Calaveras site by Mr. Freeman of 55,000 M. G. capacity. Due allowance is made by Mr, Herrmann for evaporation and surplus from the reservoir and he concludes there is a safe available supply therefrom of 60.14 M. G. D. This water will come from a high mountainous catchment area of 133.62 square miles, almost devoid of oceupa- tion and the quality of the water is unques- tioned. Mr. Freeman recommends the construc- tion of this dam, both to the Company and to the City of San Francisco. ‘above referred to. 233 San Antonio and Sunol. On the San Antonio branch of Alameda Creek is another reservoir site, which the Com- pany owns, of 11,674 M. G. capacity, with a tributary catchment area of 38.7 square miles of mountains. Mr. Herrmann in a similar way has computed its safe yield at 8.92 M. G. D. To secure the position of the Company against ad- verse claimants, both physically and legally, it has purchased 37,000 acres in and surrounding them, together with the 14,600 acres of riparian lands along the streams to tide water in San Francisco Bay. This is in addition to pur- chases in Livermore Valley by the Company. The holdings of the Company in the Alameda System aggregate over 55,000 acres. There are 49.08 square miles of drainage area, ranging from 200 to 3,800 feet in elevation, that is not controlled by any of the regulations This is tributary to the Sunol gravels, which are 1,300 acres in area, all owned by the Company and with a known depth of 200 feet and an estimated storage capacity of at least 10,000 M. G. for an average depth of 100 feet. The surplus waters from the Calaveras and the San Antonio will also pass over this gravel bed, the efficiency of which is already established by the Company’s filtra- tion galleries. Other waters escaping from Livermore Valley can be cheaply diverted onto this area. By the use of wells and pumps to an average depth of 100 feet Mr. Herrmann estimates that the Sunol gravels may be relied upon to pro- duce 11.36 M. G, D. of water of good quality. The following conclusion is reached as to the total available safe yield from the Alameda Creek System, with its 620.5 square miles of area: DEPENDABLE SAFE YIELD FROM THE ALA- MEDA SYSTEM. M.G. D. Calaveras and Upper Alameda........ 60.14 Sam ANtONIO wo. bce cece eee meee 8.92 Sunol Gravels ....cecce cess weenaewe 11.36 Reservoir and Liver- Arroyo Valle more Gravels The estimated average gross water crop from this entire basin, including evaporation and wastes, is given as 173.39 M. G. D. for the 23- year period for which gagings are available, of which the 135.80 M. G. D. may be conserved. The 234 Company is now obtaining but 16 M. G. D. from this source and is holding the available balance for the future necessities of the City of San Francisco, exclusive of the streams on the coast side of the Peninsula. Even if the claims of the Niles Cone must be recognized to the extent that Mr. Freeman suggests (30 M.G.D.), which is not here admitted, there remains an available supply from Alameda Creek alone, the quality of which cannot be questioned, equal to three times the present consumption of the City. of San Francisco. This supply is large enough to at least relieve the apprehension of the present generation. In addition, Mr. Herrmann esti- mates the supply that may be obtained from Peninsular streams on the western or ocean slope, on which the Water Company owns riparian rights, as 51.2 M.G. D. This is a region of heavy precipitation, of practically no agri- cultural possibilities, the water crop from which wastes directly into the ocean. COMMENTS ON MR. FREEMAN'S REPORT. The purpose in writing our reports of Febru- ary and July, 1912, concerning the available water supply in the Livermore Valley, was with the hope of assisting the Spring Valley Water Company, and through it the City of San Fran- cisco, to meet the increased demands owing to the rapid growth of the city, and particularly to meet extraordinary demands for water an- ticipated by the Panama-Pacifie Exposition. Our report of February, 1912, was made in response to inquiries of the Spring Valley Water Company, it having in contemplation ex- tensive purchases of additional property in the Livermore Valley and was for the purpose of expressing our views in regard to the prospect of developments in addition to those already in use by the Spring Valley Water Company. Pur- suant to that report the Company subsequently made extensive purchases, partly on the basis of the conclusions of our report. Mr. John R. Freeman, consulting engineer for the City, finds in his report of July 15, 1912 (p. 97), that ‘‘As a whole, the additional quan- tity available from all the sources owned by the Spring Valley Water Company is probably no more than sufficient to supply the increasing de- mand until the Hetch Hetchy works could be THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. completed, if begun within the next three years.’ Productivity of Livermore Valley 50 Million Gallons Daily. The fact that we consider it possible to obtain about 50 M. G. D. in the Livermore Valley, as we have done in the valley of the Los Angeles River, was not and is not considered by our- selves as an objection or opposition to the grant- ing of rights of way to the City of San Fran- cisco for the Hetch Hetchy aqueduct. We are not antagonistic to the Hetch Hetchy project for the ultimate needs of the communities around San Francisco Bay. We believe that it would be just as unnecessary and just as unfair for the engineers and officers of the Spring Valley Company to oppose the granting of these rights to San Francisco and her affiliated cities, as it is for the representatives of San Francisco to be- little the local available water supplies which are now required by the City and which we believe to exist in the basin of Alameda Creek, and for them to build up such a public sentiment and array of alleged physical facts as will tend to incite opposition, bitterness and litigation against the Spring Valley Water Company, or its successors, in its efforts to meet the neces- sities of the City. Spring Valley Water Company Not Antagonistic to Sierra Supply. Nothing has been said in any of the reports which we have seen by any of the representatives of the Spring Valley Company in opposition to the City’s claims for a Sierra water supply. The Secretary of the Interior, however, has specifi- eally requested the Spring Valley Water Com- pany to file a statement with the Department, showing the extent of the local water supply and of their water systems, and they naturally and properly object to having properties that they have been cherishing and developing for a generation and upon which they have spent millions of money, unfairly belittled. As engineers of the Los Angeles aqueduct, we have taken pleasure in freely placing before the numerous investigators, representing the City of San Francisco, all the data and statisties that were available, showing the cost of the con- struction of the Los Angeles aqueduct, as a PREJUDICE SHOWN BY SOME INVESTIGATORS. guide in making estimates for the Hetch Hetchy project. This data has been accepted, used and published by them. We feel an interest in see- ing successful completion of this great enter- prise, which we believe in part to have been stimulated by the energies of our city. Yet when we asked for conferences with Mr. Free- man at which we could discuss the differences which had arisen between us relative to physi- cal facts in the basin of Alameda Creek we were surprised at being denied this privilege, and we are equally astonished that our reports and esti- mates on the Livermore Valley, which also were presented to him, have been made the subject. of practically a hostile attack, in view of the fact that we believe that these local supplies are necessary and valuable for the health and safe- ty of the metropolitan community. Mr. Freeman in Position of Trader. On page 194, Mr. Freeman states that in esti- mating the available water supply from Ala- meda Creek ‘‘the buyer should have the benefit of doubts.’’ He considers in his report that every doubtful question, and apparently in every question involving judgment, all the de- cisions should be cast against the Spring Valley Water Company. This is very apparent in read- ing his report. Mr, Freeman places himself in the position of a trader who wishes to get the best possible price for his client and as- sumes that the way to accomplish this is to depreciate the property. He says on page 190: ‘‘In the purchase of a mine, or of anything where the element of value has dimly defined boundaries, it is the general principle of business to construe the doubt mainly in favor of the purchaser, and it is invariably the rule of conservative engineers to decide the doubtful points on the side of safety when planning a domestic water supply.”’ In his reports on the water supply for the City of Brooklyn, quoted in detail by Mr. Herrmann, it is stated that the underground sources of water supply may be determined there with certainty. This course may possibly be eood trading, but it is not judicial, nor is it scientific reporting. These re- ports should be a presentation of facts to a board of engineers. Possibly he con- siders this trading attitude justified by the fact 235 that the City is now negotiating for the purchase of the property of the Spring Valley Water Company, and also that he desires to show a dire necessity on the part of this community, in his application to the Secretary of the In- terior, This, however, has nothing to do with an application for-a right of way over public lands. In case of the purchase of this property by the City it is feared that the report which Mr. Freeman has written will be the cause of grave embarrassment to the municipality in the development which he considers necessary in the Alameda Creek basin. Prejudicial Attitude Shown in Constant Reference to Alleged Legal Difficulties of Spring Valley Supply. The prejudicial attitude which Mr. Freeman has taken (page 94) is indicated by his per- sistent reference to the legal difficulty of de- priving the lands of Niles Cone of their water supply, and yet (on p. 175) he states that while the total output from this cone is 14 M. G. D., 814 M. G. D. of this amount is being diverted for uses outside of the cone, by other domestic water companies, about 8 M. G. D. being sent to Oakland and % M. G. D. to Haywards, and in stating the legal inability of the Spring Valley Water Company to utilize extensively the waters of Alameda Creek he makes no reference to the fact that the Company has bought over 55,000 acres of land in that drainage basin to protect its rights; that it owns complete riparian hold- ings from the Livermore Valley and the Cala- veras reservoir site, through to San Francisco Bay, and that it has purchased over 6,500 acres of water bearing land at a cost exceeding two million dollars, in the strategic portion of the Livermore Valley where the greatest opportuni- ties exist for the development of the under- ground water, and in localities where the flood waters would naturally sink into the ground. These latter lands have a most direct and posi- tive bearing both on the ability of the Spring Valley Water Company to withdraw water from the Valley and also as a protection against the encroachment of local users, which Mr. Freeman so fears. No Reference Made to Possible Legal Complications of Sierra Supply. On the other hand, we have seen no reference in Mr. Freeman’s report, to the legal complica- tions which would arise from taking 500 million gallons daily (775 see. ft.) from one of the most important rivers of California, away from the largest valley in the state, where irrigation is essential, and yet in its infancy, removing it from its drainage basin and using it for do- mestic supplies around San Francisco Bay, in the face of adverse rulings of our courts. The City of Los Angeles considered it neces- sary to purchase 130,000 acres of land, inelud- ing both banks of the Owens River, from the diversion point of the Los Angeles aqueduct to the mouth of the river at Owens Lake, and in- eluding many miles of riparian lands around the lake, and thousands of acres of irrigated lands, to protect its proposed diversion. The necessity for similar procedure has been recognized in the past by the Spring Valley Water Company, as may be noted from maps showing its holdings on both sides of the Bay, which indicate the completeness with which it has guarded against the attacks of lower riparian claimants, Evaporation Losses Enlarged Upon. Again, Mr. Freeman enlarges upon evapora- tion losses that will occur from storage reservoirs which may be built in the drainage basin of Alameda Creek. He places these at from 8 to 10 M. G. D. On page 199, in discussing the evaporation losses from swamp lands near Pleas- anton, he considers the estimates used by us as too low. We believe these losses to be over 12 M. G. D. This is an absolute loss of no benefit whatever to the people in the Niles Cone or any- where else. The stopping of this evaporation loss, which is proposed by us, would be a true conservation of a lost natural resource. More careful and elaborate studies than were possible for us to make have been prepared since we ealled attention to this subject last February. Mr. Charles A. Lee, who has made a special study of this subject for the City of Los Angeles and also for the United States Geological Survey. estimates: this loss, which may be saved, at 15.7 M. G. D., and Mr. F. C. Herrmann, having stud- ied the subject during the past summer, places it (Appendix D) at an average of 20 M. G. D. for the last 23 years, while the figure used by us was 12 M. G. D., or more. Yet Mr. Freeman gives no credit to the Spring Valley Water Com- pany for its ability to lower the water plane by THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. pumping and thus save this loss. This amount alone is as much as Mr. Freeman is willing to admit can be obtained in the way of an addi- tional water supply from the entire 620 square miles of Alameda Creek, involving in his esti- mate one unit alone, the construction of the Calaveras Dam, at his estimated expenditure of two years in time and two and one-half millions in money. The evaporation loss is mostly oc- curring on lands that are now owned by the Spring Valley Water Company. Weir Measurements at Niles and Sunol Dams not Exaggerated. Again, in discussing the weir measurements (pp. 84-5), made at the Niles Dam, Mr. Free- man galls attention to the fact that these weir measurements indicate excessive volumes, be- cause the head on the weir is submerged and be- cause of eddies in the approaching stream; yet he ignores the fact that the velocity of approach to this weir would be very high, probably as great as from 10 to 15 feet per second, and that the bay above the weir being filled with gravel will prevent complete contraction of the jet. Both of these factors would tend to make the indicated flow, as computed by the Francis weir formula, too low, and, judging from observations made on models and elaborate computations made by a number of eminent engineers, these two factors more than compensate for the submergence of the weir. The figures taken from the tables of the Spring Valley Water Company, based on Mr. Schussler’s formula, which is a form of the Francis formula, and which have been used by various engineers in this discussion for the twenty-two-year period from 1889 to 1911, amount to 137.7 M. G. D. The fow for this period as computed by Mr. George G. Anderson was 158 M. G. D., and the flow computed by means of the Le Conte and Herrmann models for the Spring Valley Water Company, was 149144 M. G. D. The computa- tions of the committee of engineers appointed at the request of Mr, Freeman, consisting of Messrs. Grunsky, Marx and Hyde, which were made for the City of San Francisco, (Page 82) have not been published by Mr. Freeman, but as he accepts Mr. Schussler’s results, it is to be inferred that their computations show at least as much as Mr. Schussler’s figures. Their re- ACTUAL CONDITIONS EXCEED CLAIMS. port should be presented to the Board of Army Engineers. Coming back to the gaging at the Niles and Sunol Dams, which afford the basis from which proceeds all the discussions of the surface yield of the Alameda watersheds, it will be noticed that Mr. Freeman deduces the strange conclusion that all the conditions in which these dams de- part from true weirs militate against accuracy on the side of exaggeration of the discharge and offers in support of his contention views of dif- ferent stages of flow on the Sunol Dam. Two of the views, Nos. 7 and 8, show the river in mod- erate flood and are accompanied by the note that they were computed by the Spring Valley Water Company as for ideal weir conditions. If this were the case and all the other flood discharges were computed likewise, without doubt the discharge has been minimized at all times when the depth over the lip of the dam exceeded two feet or probably even at a lesser depth. ‘ In the Freeman report the view marked No. 7 is shown as a noteworthy example of the ef- fect of the backwater presumably in retarding the velocity over the dam, whereas as a matter of fact the flat trajectory of the onrushing tor- rent clearly indicates a velocity far in excess of what would be induced by a four-foot depth of water over an ideal weir. The mean velocity of overfall in an ideal weir, considering the entire notch area for a depth of four feet is about 6 2-3 feet per second and prob- ably in the very center of the vena contracta does not exceed 7% feet, while here we have a stream with a fall of 26 feet per mile bounding tumultuously down its course with a velocity that the most conservative stream flow formula will not place at less than 10 feet per second and supremely contemptuous of such puny ob- struction as this dam offers to restrain its be- havior to conform to the placid requirements of the Francis formula. Surely this is a case where not the remotest semblance of the essential conditions for the use of this elegant and classic formula exists. The double wonder is first that this dam should be regarded as a weir, when it came to the meas- urement of considerable flows and secondly that Mr. Freeman with his oft repeated expressions of caution and after his evident examination of 237 the channel in which he pronounced it, ‘‘excel- lently straight’’ should hold and express the opinion that ‘the obstruction exaggerated the actual flow. The catchment area of the Alameda Creek Basin is one which, from its fan-like shape and subdivision into many finger-like branches of comparatively short distance to their mountain- ous heads, favors the rapid delivery of floods to the common outlet at Niles Canyon, hence is it not worthy of note that the greatest recorded measurements only show by the system used in computing the discharges, 45 second feet per square mile in a region of such copious precipi- tation, comparatively little of which is in the form of snow, as against a discharge of over 100 second feet per square mile for the Los Angeles River, with storms of less intensity and much less favorable topography for rapid runoff. In view of all these facts the conclusion is justified that the amount of runoff, during floods of even moderate intensity is greatly, if not grossly, minimized. Surely if the accepted meas- urements are correct, Alameda Creek should be awarded a medal for deportment. Is there any logical reason to be assigned to the fact that the San Leandro watershed should yield one-fifth of a million gallons daily per square mile into Lake Chabot for storage in ad- dition to an abundant flood flow not retained by the dam, with a less rainfall than the neighbor- ing watershed of Alameda Creek, whose total flow is not in this voluminous report considered to be equal, flood waters and all, to half this yield? Ultimate Use of Surface Reservoirs. On page 187, and under the subject heading “Practical Yield Smaller than Maximum The- oretic’’, the statement is made—‘‘It is widely recognized among water supply experts that it is disadvantageous to hold storage reservoirs partially empty continuously over more than from two to five years in succession, because of the growths of weeds on the exposed beds, ete.’’ This on the authority of Stearns, Fitzgerald and other water supply engineers. If memory may be relied upon, these are the gentlemen who required the stripping of surface soil for a depth of from three to eight feet in the Wachussetts Reservoir site, and we of the West 238 think that with all our experience in reservoirs, we may be permitted, at least with regard to our own climatic conditions, to dissent from such heroic and expensive treatment. Experience here has shown that areas sub- merged are much benefited by occasional ex- posure and aeration, the process tending to kill and oxidize the water organism accumulating in the bottom of the reservoir and in general sweetening the ground. The assumption that the growth of land plants over the uncovered area will not be prevented implies more than a physical change and carries with it the idea of a complete revolution in the social condition of the country, calling as it does for the utter extinction and disappearance from our social life of that much exploited character ‘‘The man with the hoe’’. It surely would not prove an expensive matter and does not in fact prove very expensive to keep the margins of receding lakes free from the growth of land plants, and there is nothing in the contention that reservoirs should not be drained below certain levels, as their contents should be available, when neces- sary, to the full extent of their capacities. It would prove an unfortunate experience for the City of Los Angeles in her Aqueduct enterprise should this theory of the complete unwatering of a reservoir be applicable to the Long Valley Reservoir site, for instance, and Mr. Freeman in his very valuable report on that project gave no hint of impending danger from this cause. It might be asked ‘‘ What are reservoirs for if they are never to be emptied ?’’ We fail to see any merit in the proposition that a water works should not be developed to the utmost extent, especially with relation to conveniently located supplies, as it might fre- quently happen that the very last million gal- lons that might be thus obtained would have the . utmost importance in tiding over the effects of some unforeseen catastrophe. This is especially true where the ultimate development involves no greater relative expenditure than that of any earlier portion of the work. The City of Los Angeles has been enabled to proceed with her present rapid development only by resorting to the very ultimate exploitation of her present water resources. Another noteworthy proof is the existing full development of the Peninsular water supply of the Spring Valley Water Co. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Underground Waters. Among the exhibits of Mr. Freeman’s report on page 89, is what purports to be a number of sectional views of the alluvial formations of the Livermore Valley by Cyril Williams, Jr. As an instance of the cavalier-like method used in interpolating between wells, attention is called to the horsetail-like mergence of the gravel beds shown at the right hand end of Plate E W 6, into a huge bed of clay. This extraordinary formation is easily under- stood by anyone having knowledge of the va- garies of the average well borer’s classifications of material. In Southern California astonish- ment is often experienced at the productive ‘yield of some wells with but a few feet thick . of gravel underlying beds of so-called clay. The phenomenon is accounted for by the fact that this material is found to be charged with water, notwithstanding a high clay content, which driz- zles down freely over a broad area, when the sub- lying gravel is relieved by pumping. There are frequent instances within our knowledge of this condition in Southern California. If the gravel of the valley formations was the only material that yielded water, over one-half of the productive irrigated area of Southern California would still be a sheep pasture. ‘It will be generally conceded that ‘‘Gravels will not give out more than they drink in’’, but materials other than actual clean gravels also absorb water and when gravel veins or sheets are interbedded with it, giving facility for un- derdraining it, the process of unwatering it is easily affected by the medium of wells, as is done on a large scale in Southern California in for- mations absolutely similar in character to that of the Livermore Valley. In fact it may be here stated that all the large cities and towns in Southern California except San Diego are supplied by ground water. alone and not includ- ing the City of Los Angeles, their joint popula- tion aggregates nearly 300,000, and the City of Los Angeles itself, with a population of over 400,000 is supplied with what virtually is ground water, making a grand total of approximately three-quarters of a million people. Our faith in the underground water supply is based upon years of investigation and devel- opment in Southern California on account of the limited nature of the surface streams. South UNDERGROUND SUPPLIES RELIABLE. of the Tehachapi during a normal summer there is over twice as much water developed from un- derground sources as is or ever was diverted from surface reservoirs and streams. From ex- tensive federal investigations we believe that the future development of the state for irrigation and domestic supplies south of San Francisco and Sacramento, will depend, to a greater extent, upon the development of underground water than from the building of storage reser- voirs for the impounding of floods. Mr. Freeman shows (Page 176) of his report that during the year 1911, 69% of the total supply of the People’s Water Company used in Berkeley, Alameda and Oakland, came from un- derground sources. Nearly one-half of the pres- ent supply of the Spring Valley Water Com. pany comes from underground sources from the basin of Alameda Creek. He is familiar with the fact that the entire supply of the City of Los Angeles of 45 M. G. D., which is an amount greater than the total use of the City of San Francisco, all comes from underground waters. In addition, the domestic supplies of Fresno, Stockton, San Bernardino, Redlands, Riverside, Pomona, Long Beach, Santa Ana, Pasadena and Santa Barbara all are derived completely from underground sources. For the portion of the state south of Sacramento very few communi- ties use surface waters. Mr. Freeman has had important and extensive connection with the de- velopment of the underground water supplies for the City of Brooklyn. Mr. Herrmann quotes him as follows: ‘‘I am inclined to regard the underground water stored in the interstices of the saturated yellow gravel above the blue clay, as affording the very best of storage, ample in volume, removed from pollution and in many ways cheaper and better than the storage to be obtained from surface ponds or reservoirs.’’ (Page 537, Report on New York Water Supply.) Consequently it is difficult to justify his state- ment given on page 191 of his San Francisco report that ‘‘Surface reservoirs here promise better than those underground’’, and that from his studies of similar problems on Long Island, for the City of New York, he doubts the feas- ibility of reclaiming any large amount of water here. 239 Good Judgment Shown by Spring Valley Water Company in Purchase of Livermore Valley Lands. The Spring Valley Water Company has shown its entire good faith in its claims for an extensive underground supply from Alameda Creek in that it has purchased 6,000 acres of water-bearing land in the Livermore Valley at a cost of over two million dollars, and also the water-bearing lands in the Sunol Valley to the extent of 1,300 acres. By regulating the flood waters of the largest tributary to the Livermore Valley in the Arroyo Valle Reservoir, Mr. Schussler estimates that 46 M. G. D. can be ob- tained from that source, while Mr. George An- derson considers 48 M. G. D. available Mr. F. C. Herrmann, Chief Engineer of the Spring Val- ley Water Company, and his assistants, place this figure at 55.38 M. G. D. and we have de- termined it at a maximum of 5114 M. G. D., provided the Arroyo Valle floods are regulated. Mr. Freeman (Page 97) states that the estimates made by Mr. Schussler and ourselves are ‘‘ gross exaggerations’’ and assigns to the Pleasanton region little or no value above the ‘‘6 M. G. D.”’ now being developed (Page 190). The best answer on the part of the Company to this crit- icism is to put in the wells and the pumping plants near Pleasanton and to start actual de- velopment. This they are now doing upon the recommendation of their Chief Engineer and of ourselves. The Companies officials have the fullest confidence in the safe dependable ulti- mate yield of this source. Similarity Between Livermore and San Fernando Valleys. We are naturally continually impressed with the similarity between the Livermore and San Fernando Valleys. We have discussed this more at length in a letter which we prepared, calling attention to the development of underground water in Southern California, and to which we again call your attention. The various tribu- taries of the Los Angeles River discharging on to the fill of the San Fernando Valley are mostly absorbed by it, without surface storage regula- tion and reappear in the lower portions of the 240 valley in surface streams, filtration galleries and wells. While the area of the Livermore Valley above its narrows is but 406 square miles, that of the San Fernando Valley is 503 square miles, but the high mountainous portion of the Liver- more Basin is 257 square miles above the Arroyo Valle Reservoir site and the Mocho, against 174 square miles of high mountains in the basin of the Los Angeles River. The foothill area of Livermore Valley is 138 square miles and of San Fernando 153 square miles. The rainfall in the basin of the Livermore Valley is greater than in the case of the San Fernando Valley, and the valley fill near Livermore is as favorable to the development of underground water. The out- put of ground water in the San Fernando Val- ley is fully 50 M. G. D. and we see no reason why that from the Livermore Valley should not be as great, especially if the major floods are regulated through the Arroyo Valle Reservoir. Storage Capacity of Livermore Gravels. The situation in the San Fernando Valley has been under our personal observation and study during the last twenty years, and it is sustain- ing the domestic requirements today of a city of over 400,000 people. What has been done in the San Fernando Valley has been done in many other localities in Southern California. These facts are unusual to the eastern engineer and consequently are difficult for him to appreciate. Mr. Herrmann, from an extended study of the area of the valley, the logs of wells and the voids in the gravels, places the storage capacity of the underground reservoir of Livermore Val- ley at 87,000 M. G. D. for a depth of but 100 feet, or greater than the surface capacity of the Calaveras, San Antonio and Arroyo Valle Res- ervoirs combined. He shows, by a mass curve study for the controlling dry years, that the Ar- royo Valle Reservoir can regulate the floods of this main feeder of the valley to a maximum flow of 250 M. G. D. and that from actual ob- servations of the rate at which the gravels in the valley have absorbed flood waters that were measured, this amount will naturally sink into the underground reservoir. He shows that the floods of the Mocho, except in years of excessive stream flow, all sink without any regulation. He makes a mass curve study of the conditions THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. of the water plane in the underground reservoir during the cycle of controlling dry years and concludes that 55.38 M. G. D. can be safely with- drawn from these gravels. His argument is clear, logical and convincing. The value of this underground storage is enhanced by the fact that it may be used in conjunction with and supple- mental to the surface reservoirs on the Pen- insula. Evaporation Loss Reduced to Minimum. One marked advantage in storing and obtain- ing underground waters is that they may be handled in such manner as to be practically free from evaporation losses or pollution. The stor- age capacities of these underground gravel beds are enormous, and as in the case of the Liver- more Valley, far in excess of ordinary surface storage reservoirs. The world-wide rule, re- ferred to by Mr. Freeman on page 188, that one should ‘‘seldom or never go beyond what the records show can be depended upon during the two or three consecutive years of smallest known discharge’’ does not apply to these underground gravel beds. The application of such a rule to the water supplies in the Southwest would con- demn almost every hydraulic enterprise in that region. While evaporation losses in the arid regions from surface reservoirs through a period of five or six years of holdover is serious, it does not follow that these losses occur when under- ground bodies of water are covered by eight or more feet of soil. Livermore Valley Floods. The estimates which we have made on the water supply from the Livermore Valley are based on mass curves covering a period of the eight driest years, beginning with 1897-8. Mr. Free- man estimates that a material portion of the flood water from the drainage basin tributary to Livermore Valley would pass over the gravels unabsorbed, and he shows the record of daily gagings on the Sunol Dam to confirm his state- ment (Page 87). This is unfair because: Ist. He selects one of the highest floods of record. 2nd. The greater portion of the high flood waves that pass over the Sunol Dam come from the more precipitous portion of the drainage A WEALTH OF HYDROGRAPHIC DATA AVAILABLE. basin southeasterly from Sunol, which produce two-thirds of the water crop, which waters do not pass over the Livermore gravel beds at all. If from the waters which pass over the Sunol Dam, that quantity originating in the Calaveras, San Antonio and Upper Alameda drainage area is deducted, then a very different appearing hy- drograph than that shown by Mr. Fréeman on page 87 will be obtained. 3rd. The saturated gravels of the Livermore Valley cannot act as a regulator when they are already charged as at present, or until the water plane has been lowered by extensive withdrawals, 4th. That with the construction of the Ar- royo Valle Reservoir the flood waves that are now being discharged to the Livermore Valley can be regulated, as is demonstrated by Mr. Herrmann for the year shown by Mr. Freeman, at such rate as to permit of their absorption. In dry years there would be complete regulation. Sth. That we have suggested the diversion of the flood waters from the northerly portion of the Livermore Basin on to the gravel beds in the southern portion of the Livermore Valley or on to Sunol Valley. This should be done par- ticularly when the Calaveras and San Antonio Dams are built. Stream Gagings. Mr. Freeman makes extensive criticisms of the stream records of the Spring Valley Water Company. This Company has kept a daily record of gage heights and of the quantities of under- ground water developed in the Alameda Creek Basin for a period of twenty-three years. There is a fair agreement between the computations that have been made by Mr. Herrmann Schussler, Mr. George G. Anderson, and by Messrs. Le Conte and Herrmann, from experiments with models. The record which has been used is that of Mr. Schuss- ler, which is the lowest of the three. The com- putations by Messrs. Grunsky, Marx and Hyde have not been presented to the Board of Engi- neers. In a letter which has been written by Mr. Lippincott to the Manager of the Spring Valley Water Company for presentation to the Board of Army Engineers, a copy of which has been sent to the Hydrographer of the United States Geological Survey at Washington, it is shown that the computations of discharge made 241 by the United States Geological Survey for the Niles Dam, and which they specifically state in Water Supply Paper No. 81, are considered in- accurate, were based on testimony given in a certain lawsuit in which fragmentary records of gage heights alone were given for a weir de- scribed as 60 feet long. No computations of flow whatever were given in this testimony, nor were they then available. There were no criti- cisms or corrections made of any computations by the Company, as stated by Mr. Freeman. The original records of computations by the Geologi- cal Survey have been examined and they clearly show that no weir lengths in excess of 60 feet were taken into consideration. It is now fully known by all who are familiar with this discus- sion that when the heights on this 60-foot weir exceeded one foot, the length of the weir became greatly enlarged and for this reason the compu- tations of the Geological Survey show quantities far too small for flood discharges. This govern- ment record calls attention to this fact, but there was no adequate appreciation of the extent of this inaccuracy at the time the federal compu- tations were made. Considering the long gage record on the Niles and Sunol weirs, despite their defects, besides the gagings at Calaveras and Arroyo Valle, and the extensive hydrographic data on the Penin- sula, there are few instances in the West where so much is available for the consideration of the engineer engaged in making studies of a new source of water supply. During the past fifteen years, the City of San Francisco has had under consideration the ex- tension of the water systems for this Bay Region. There has been almost continued discussion of the water supply during this period, and it would appear that the City had plenty of opportunity to have made extended investigations and obtain such data as it might have deemed necessary. Surface Storage vs. Groundwater. Mr. Freeman states (Page 160 M.) that the Calaveras Dam should be built to a height of 250 feet, at a cost which he estimates at two and one-half million dollars, that it will require two years to build it, and at least one vear to fill it, and that perhaps if he has years of fair rain- fall, a supply of 20 M. G. D. may be obtained. therefrom while the Hetch Hetchy tunnels are 242 being driven. As compared with this estimate, we believe that either the Spring Valley Water Company or its possible successor, the City of San Francisco, can take the lands now owned by the Company in the Livermore Valley and in the Sunol Valley, and by the erection of pumping plants and wells at an expense of approximately two hundred thousand dollars, they can get an additional supply greater than this amount within the six months that it would be necessary to install this equipment; that these under- ground reservoirs arc already filled with pure filtered water, the quality of which Mr. Free- man so highly comm nds; that these diversions can be increased grad ally as necessities require, and that the amount of water that can be ulti- mately so obtained will be double that which Mr. Freeman estimates as available from Cala- veras Reservoir, irrespective of whether the years are wet or dry, at a cost of less than ten per cent of his estimate of cost of the Calaveras Dam. Surely under conditions even remotely approximating the figures given above, it would appear that the development of the groundwater supply should precede the construction of Cala- veras Dam, On page 197 Mr. Freeman describes the Sunol filter bed as having its foundation resting for nearly its entire length upon a hard, impervious stratum of mingled gravel, sand and clay. With- in the past few months the Spring Valley Water Company has put down several wells in the Sunol Valley and found the depth of open, por- ous and satuated gravel to be much greater than the average hundred feet that Mr. Her- mann estimates he desires to pump from. (See Mr. Herrmann’s appendix E for logs.) Mr. Freeman refers (Page 86) to the surface slope of the Livermore Valley of from 20 to 25 feet to the mile, and that these gravels drain down quickly on account of this slope. This slope we consider a distinct advantage in connec- tion with the pumping of deep wells located in the lower end of the valley. He says: ‘‘Long be- fore autumn, whatever storage came into these upper gravel beds during the flood, has drained out down to the level of this outlet’’. The pro- files of the waterplane in the valley and its con- tours clearly indicate that Mr. Freeman is mis- taken. Mr. Williams’ profile of the waterplane in the fall of 1911, prepared for Mr. Freeman. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. shows distinctly a slope giving a rise of 250 feet above the outlet in a distance of six miles, On Page 68 Mr. Freeman claims that the fil- tering of turbid flood water into the gravels clogs them, which statement is not in harmony with that on the previous page, which indicates that they now, are producing from 8 to 17 M. G. D. by drainage. The Sunol filtration galleries have now been in effective operation for 12 years and are today producing as freely as ever. In the San Fernando Valley very few floods pass entirely over the gravel beds and by the city, and the water issues entirely clear from the lower side of the valley. These gravels are as clean today as ever and who can count the centuries during which this filtration process has been going on. He also states (Page 94) that on the Niles Cone at the extreme lower end of Alameda Creek (where the denser materials naturally would be expected to occur), that 30 M. G. D. of water is absorbed during the floods in about eight miles of river channel, and he states on Page 175 that 14 M. G. D. is extracted from these gravels on the Niles Cone and that they expect to extract much more. He ap- parently prefers the theory that the gravel beds ought to be clogged and filled to the fact that they are not. That the gravels are not clogged is proven by the way in_ which the flood waters sink not only in the Livermore and Sunol Valleys, but in the Niles Cone (which case he exploits) and rise again in artesian wells and springs and filter galleries, as has been shown in the Livermore Valley, in the Sunol galleries, and in the Niles Cone, and as in fact occur on most of the delta cones of the southern half of California. On Pages 92 and 93 are given nine views showing the great amount of water that can be developed by pump- ing plants on the Niles Cone, and yet no views nor any reasonable credit is given to the possi- ble development of similar water from the gravels in the Livermore Valley, and slight, if any, mention is given of the large number of natural artesian wells that occur in that region. One is constantly forced to accept Mr. Free- man’s own statement of his attitude in this re- port on Page 194, that ‘‘the buyer should have the benefit of the doubt’’, and regard him as a trader in this case, who is trying to get posses- sion of the Spring Valley System and possibly WHY NOT USE RELIABLE DATA? is endeavoring to use the Hetch Hetchy rights which he is seeking, as a club to intimidate the owners of the present city water works. Hydrographic Data Reliable. Mr. Freeman lays particular stress on the un- certainty and vagaries that occur in estimates of stream flow which are based on computed rainfalls and doubtful percentages of run-off from various types of drainage basins. Appar- ently the effort is made to throw the responsi- bility for this method of estimating upon the representatives of the water company. Mr, Cyril Williams, Jr., working under the direction of Mr. Freeman, has very extensively used this method of determining the water crop from the entire basin, as well as from its various divisions and Mr. Freeman commends and ac- cepts this report. There was less use made by Mr. Freeman of the gagings of the various trib- utaries than might have profitably been made. Mr. Herrmann has reviewed, in his report, the old records at Calaveras and Arroyo Valle and has deduced a dependable record for 12 years at Calaveras, 5 years at Arroyo Valle, and with these and the Sunol records, Mr. Herrmann makes his deduction. We agree with Mr. Free- man that estimated runoff percentages, based wholly on theoretical rainfall curves, are un- eertain and should not be used where stream gagings are available. The only purpose on our part of having considered run-off curves at all was to give a check for our own satisfaction of the statements of stream flow presented by the Spring Valley Water Company, and its distri- ‘bution to the various portions of the drainage area. It is not necessary to rely wholly on data of this character in these estimates. We consider that the investigations of the Livermore Valley that have been made by Mr. Fred H. Tibbetts, C. E., are scientific and com- prehensive, and we commend them to the Board of Army Engineers. Particularly Mr. Tibbetts’ measurements of the movement of underground water in the Livermore Valley (which is at an nnusually high rate), show not only the diree- tion of the flow, but its velocity. It demonstrates the porous character of the valley fill. The con- tours of the water plane, clearly indicate that there is a broad, and sustained movement of the underground waters of the westerly portion 243 of the Livermore Valley toward the outlet of the valley southwest from Pleasanton. This un- derground body of water is continuous and con- nected, else these contours of the waterplane and the direction of movement would not be as shown by Mr. Tibbetts. Mr. Herrmann quotes from Mr. Freeman’s report on the New York water supply as follows: ‘‘ Water flows down hill in percolating through porous gravel just as cer- tainly as on the surface and by determining the elevation of the ground water and plotting its eontours, the direction of flow and the true limit of the watershed could be made known with cer- tainty.’’ Valley Fill Is Pervious. We agree with Mr. Freeman and Doctor Bran- ner that the deposits in the valley fill are in detail lenticular and irregular, consisting of al- ternate bodies of gravel, clay and sandy loam, but the clay beds are not in the nature of imper- vious barriers or dikes or broad stratifications, but the alternate bodies of clay and gravel have heen laid down irregularly by the floods. We decidedly. disapprove of-the efforts that have been made to draw continuous stratifica- tions of valley fill as has been done by Mr. Wil- liams on Pages 89 and 90 of Mr. Freeman’s re- port. Dr. Branner, in referring to the sections presented by Mr. Williams and used by Mr. Freeman on his Page 89, which show continuous stratifications of clay, ete., says that Mr. Wil- liams ‘‘has drawn conclusions which a profes- sional geologist would not venture to draw and with which I do not agree’’. Conclusions. In conclusion we wish to maintain— Ist. The reasonableness of developing a large quantity of water which we estimate at 50 M. G. D. from the gravel beds of the Livermore Valley, and that this development does not rely on working along new and uncertain paths, but is based upon a generation of continuous exper- ience in similar localities in California. 2nd. That it is unfair either to the interests of the City of San Francisco or to the Spring Valley Water Company to assume, in presenting this case to the Secretary of the Interior, that the city is in the nature of a buyer entitled to the benefit of the doubt, and that it therefore becomes necessary for the representatives of the 244 city to depreciate the local water supply and to embarrass the development in the Livermore Valley by skeptical and carping reports and local agitations. 3rd. We have reviewed Mr. Herrmann’s re- port, covering the available water supply from the proposed Calaveras and San Antonio reser- voirs and from the further development of the Sunol gravels, and estimating a total water sup- ply from the Alameda Creek of 135.80 M. G. D. While we have not gone through the computa- tions in detail, from our knowledge of this drain- age basin and many others in the state, we ac- cept Mr. Herrmann’s conclusions as reasonable and the works necessary to control these waters as being within the scope of good engineering practice. ‘We desire it understood that we are not an- tagonistic to the Hetech Hetchy grant, when it may be found advisable for the use of San Fran- cisco, and we hope that in accomplishing this THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. purpose her representatives may cease to fol- low the policy of antagonism and opposition as manifested by Mr. Freeman to the development of local supplies, which we believe to be imme- diately important for the service of the great area around San Francisco Bay. During this discussion we have noted nothing on the part of the officers of this Company save a broad minded, liberal policy of assistance to this community either in the way of proceed- ing with their own developments to meet local requirements, which we know they can supply for a generation to come, and which we know would be a great economic waste to neglect, or in stepping aside in case the City desires to take over the water plant and proceed with a more elaborate metropolitan water system. The engi- neers of the company naturally object to seeing their work, which is the result of years of care- ful labor, criticised unjustly and unnecessarily obstructed. DECIMALS WITH REFERENCE TO CERTAIN CRITICISMS OF JOHN R. FREEMAN ON RELIABILITY OF HYDROGRAPHIC REC- ORDS OF SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY BY F. C. HEerrMann, Chief Engineer Spring Valley Water Company. In his report on the Water Supply of San Francisco, Mr. Freeman made statements con- cerning the measurements of flow from the Ala- meda System, which upon reflection or consider- ation would have appealed to him as grossly in error. The one bedrock fact which is the basis for the yield of the Alameda System is the long record of gagings at Niles and Sunol Dams. These records Mr. Freeman criticizes as being unreliable and crediting Alameda Creek with an exaggerated flow. There is not the slightest doubt that Mr. Freeman is in error in these statements, and that his impressions concerning these records were formed by the wide discrep- aney existing between them and some incom- plete records published in the U. 8. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper No. 81, which have been shown to be erroneous. Where is the Hyde-Grunsky-Marx Report of the Alameda Creek Flow Prepared at Request of Mr. Freeman? At Mr, Freeman’s request a recomputation of flow of Alameda Creek over the Niles and Sunol Dams was made from the original data of the Spring Valley Water Company by Messrs. Grunsky, Hyde and Marx. Our many efforts to obtain a copy of this report from City officials have been unavailing. It would seem inconceiv- able that Mr. Freeman suppressed the report of these gentlemen because it substantiated the records of the Spring Valley Water Company, yet there can be no other logical inference. Any unbiased investigator would be gratified to find stream flow records covering such long periods, and it is seldom that an engineer is called upon to analyze a water problem where such wealth of data is available. The longest record is that of the flow of Alameda Creek over the Niles and Sunol dams. This Mr. Freeman attacks because in the computations of flow the ordinary Francis weir formula was used, and dwells at length throughout his report on the fact that no deduction was made for the drown- ing effect of backwater. That his prejudicial attitude may be understood, it is only necessary to note that nowhere in his voluminous report has he mentioned any factor, the effect of which would increase the flow over that referred to by the Company. The most important factor of this character is that of the velocity of the water as it approaches the dam. In the Alameda Creek with a fall of about 25 feet per mile this velocity of approach in large floods is very great, .even greater than that induced by the fall over the dam. Submersion or drowning only occurs in the very high floods and, if Mr. Freeman is familiar with recent experiments on submerged weirs in India and elsewhere, he knows that the backwater below the dam may be above its top as much as from one-half to two-thirds the height of the water flowing over it before the submergence causes retardation of flow. It has always been known that both the veloc- ity of approach and the submergence would mod- ify results obtained by the use of the Francis formula, though, because it was believed that 245 » 246 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. in the Alameda Creek the decrease due to sub- mergence nearly offset the increase due to veloc- ity of approach, the conservative results obtained by the Francis formula were used. It would seem a matter of common sense that the flow of Alameda Creek could not be exag- gerated, as Mr. Freeman states, when computed, as in this case with an ideal weir formula, in which no account was taken of the velocity with which the water approaches the dams. Why Does Mr. Freeman Hope to Discredit the Records of the _ Spring Valley Water Co.? In view of these facts, the thought would nat- urally suggest itself to one who has had the experience that Mr. Freeman states he has had in matters of this kind, that the record of dis- charge of Alameda Creek as published in Water Supply Paper No. 81, was based upon erroneous assumptions either as to proper gage heights or as to dimensions of the dam or weir, and be- cause of the fact that no effort was made by him to investigate the data upon which the U. S. Geological Survey computations of flow were based (as was done by the Spring Valley Water Company), one can scarcely escape the conclu- sion that Mr. Freeman referred so often to them to ereate the impression that the Spring Valley Water Company’s records are unreliable, and to support his contention that the Alameda Sys- tem cannot be made to develop the quantity of water claimed for it by the Spring Valley Water Company. Review of the original computations of the quantities given in Water Supply Paper No. 81 reveal the fact that, although they were based upon the ordinary Francis formula, an errone- ous length of weir crest was used for flows when the depth of the water over the dam was in excess of 12 inches. Errors Due to Misplaced Decimal Points. Mr. Freeman has endeavored to impress his readers with the unreliable computations of flow of Alameda Creek made by the Spring Valley Water Company, and adopts a lesser yield from that System than claimed for it by the Company because of the discovery of the misplacement of a “‘decimal point’’ in one of the annual quantities of run-off. To add to the seriousness of this error, Mr. Freeman stated that the records, which included this erroneous one, were testified to in the U. S. Cireuit Court by Mr. Schussler. Had Mr. Freeman continued his investigation of this very same Court record, he would also have discovered that correction of this record was made by Mr. Schussler. Had Mr. Freeman been as careful in watch- ing the decimal points of his own computations, he would not have fallen into the error of stat- ing that the San Miguel (Rock Creek) Reservoir with a total capacity of only 500 M. G. would supply the present demands of San Francisco for 44% months (135 days), in case of a break in his proposed Hetch Hetchy conduit, when as a matter of simple arithmetic it would last only 131% days. Under state of complete develop- ment even the short period of 131% days will be greatly reduced. Nor would he have given the elevation of San Miguel Reservoir at 38.5 feet instead of 385 feet when he considered the feasibility of conducting water thereto from Lake Chabot, which according to Mr. Freeman’s proposed plans will be raised to an elevation of about 350 feet. Further, it is to be noted for the sake of the record that Mr. Freeman’s correction of the misplaced decimal in the Spring Valley Water Company’s record needs correction, for in his ambition to minimize the flow from Alameda Creek, he applied a correction to the amount of water pumped at Belmont, which was in nowise in error. The final result, therefore, is that the run-off at Niles dam for the season 1897-98, corrected by Mr. Freeman as 3612 M. G. should be 3775 M. G. Storage Minimized Without Good Reason. Another remarkable attitude taken by Mr. Freeman is that with regard to storage in the Alameda System. As in all Western projects, the safe yield of the Alameda System depends very largely upon storage. Depending upon the gross run-off the greater the storage the greater will be the safe draft that may be made upon the System. Mr. Freeman uses the results of his as- sistant, Mr, Williams, as to the safe draft from the Calaveras Reservoir of 30 M. G. D. based upon a storage capacity of only 28,800 M. G., resulting in a large amount of waste. This is hard to understand in view of the fact that Mr. DECIMALS. Freeman, himself, prior to the time Mr. Wil- liams began his work, designed the Calaveras Reservoir for a maximum storage of 52,000 M. G., or nearly double that used by Mr. Williams. Had Mr. Williams used the storage planned by Mr. Freeman, he would have found a safe gross diaft of about 47 M. G. D. from the Calaveras Reservoir, and had he used the proper stream flow instead of those estimated by him at a flat rate of 40% of the volume of Sunol and Niles dams, he would have found the safe gross draft of Calaveras Reservoir to be about 60 M. G. D., or 50% more than Mr. Freeman reckons can be developed by the whole Alameda System. Similarly, Mr. Williams, whose results Mr. Freeman accepts, minimizes the safe draft from the Arroyo Valle Reservoir by limiting the height of the dam because of foundation con- ditions, while Mr. Freeman in his report to the City says these conditions are amply good for a dam high enough to conserve all the stream flow. With the limited storage upon which Mr. Wil- liams has based his calculations there would also be an enormous amount of waste from the Ar- royo Valle Reservoir, which would have been very largely conserved had he used the proper storage capacity. In this case he would have obtained a gross safe yield very much larger than that given in his report. — What Are Reservoirs for? Mr. Freeman would limit the length of time that the water surface of a reservoir may be held below its flow line, because of a fictitious belief on the part of a few Eastern engineers that weeds will spring up on the uncovered margins of the lake. All reservoir margins should be kept clean. However this may be, under his contentions withdrawals might be stopped with reservoirs still holding ample water. In this connection, it seems strange that Mr. Freeman puts a limit of this sort on the reservoirs of the Spring Valley Water Company, while in his ap- proval of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, conceived, designed and built by Mr.Wm. Mulholland, he re- garded no such limits as essential or even worthy of remark. The plans of the Los Angeles Aque- duct call for the building of Long Valley Reser- voir to tide over ‘‘a series of dry years.’’ Mass curve studies made at that time show that, over a period of 50 years, the water surface in this 247 reservoir would be below the flow line continu- ously for one period of 14 years and two other periods of 9 years each. The natural inquiry is why this should .be allowed in Los Angeles and denied to San Francisco? Geology of Livermore Valley Determined Sufficiently to Prove Water Capacity Mr. Freeman classes the Livermore gravels with mining, evidently intending to convey the idea of uncertainty; or undermining. To sup- port his conclusions in this regard he reproduces from Mr. Williams’ report what purports to be geological sections, but of which Dr. J. C. Bran- ner says: “The two hundred and more well logs ex- amined by us show that this statement is quite misleading. In the southwest end of the valley, especially near the pumping sta- tions, the wells are close enough together to enable one to identify the beds from one well to another, but when the distance between wells amounts to 500 or 1000 feet, to say nothing of a greater distance, one can feel no confidence in such correlation. The condi- tions under which the valley was filled pre- clude the probability, or even the possibility, of continuous beds over the entire valley. Indeed, at page 384 of his report, he himself speaks of the sections as showing “a far from homogeneous or continuous formation in the upper gravels.” Finally, I have not attempted to take up all the geological points mentioned in Mr. Williams’ report, and I doubt the necessity of my doing so. I realize, as Mr. Williams probably realized himself, that he had a vast amount of miscellaneous but incomplete geological data from which he has drawn conclusions that a professional geologist would not venture to draw, and with I do not agree.” Yet in the investigation of the underground waters of Brooklyn Mr. Freeman states that not only can the available supply of water be very closly estimated, but that he considers under- ground waters as better, safer and cheaper than surface waters. In this connection, it should be borne in mind that geological conditions, as de- termined by Drs. Branner and Lawson, are much more favorable for the storage and retention of water in the gravels of the Livermore Valley than they are in Long Island. Mr. Freeman finding himself generally in ac- cord with Mr, Williams, relies upon a set of meas- 248 urements of water surfaces in wells covering a period of 100 days for the determination of the safe vield of Livermore Valley. Fallacious Deductions in Livermore Valley. The fallacies of the deductions from these measurements are: First, that the evaporation from soils sur- charged with artesian water was not considered ; Second, that error was made in proposing to unwater only one end of the 100-foot prism ; THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Third, that there was insufficient data to de- termine the water contours ; Fourth, that assumption of porosity of the val- ley fill was based upon the erroneous ‘‘geologi- cal sections’? made up from certain well logs in some instances over a mile apart. Giving due consideration for these various fac- tors, it will be found that the safe draft from the Livermore Valley upper gravels will be about four times what Mr. Williams suggests, or over 50 M. G. D. METHODS PURSUED IN ATTACK ON THE RESOURCES OF THE PRESENT WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO ILLUSTRATING THE DESTRUCTIVE CAMPAIGN CARRIED ON WITH STUDIED AND PERSISTENT EFFORT TO DESTROY CONFIDENCE, PROMOTE ATTACK, AND TO UNDERMINE THE INTEGRITY OF THE POSITION OF SAN FRANCISCO’S WATER SUPPLY. In paragraph 66 on page 80 of the report o£ John R. Freeman on ‘‘The Hetch Hetchy Water Supply for San Francisco,’’ in discussing the yield of the present sources, Mr. Freeman states in part when dealing with the subject of under- ground waters in the San Francisco Bay region that ‘‘the data now in course of collection at my request, by Mr. Dockweiler, indicates that the plane of saturation is already being pumped be- low sea level over large areas.’’ Again he states in paragraph 67, with refer- ence to the Niles Cone region ‘*T have been informed that the Spring Valley Water Company was prevented* from withdrawing waters from lands which it had purchased near the Bay shore at Ravenswood on which it had sunk deep wells which it soon quit pumping be- eause of injury found or expected to occur tu the sources used for the supply of communities in the vicinity of Palo Alto”’ On page 189 of Appendix 4 to his report, re- lating to the dependable yield of Alameda Creek, he states: ‘‘Beyond this there must be consid- ered the questions as to whether the complete diversion of every gallon of flow from the Niles Canyon will be permitted by the farmers and other local users of ground by pumping, and by the courts, for so long a period as six or eight years.’’ On page 192, when treating of the expediency of building reservoirs, he states: ‘‘The question may also very properly be raised, if on a broad view of the situation it will not be better for the cities and for California as a whole to leave all the water that will remain after the Calaveras and Alameda Creeks have been dammed and di- verted, for local use in agriculture and manufac- ture within the Livermore Valley and on the Niles Cone.’’ *This is without foundation. MASS MEETING. CENTERVILLE, NEAR NILES. TOWN HALL. MONDAY, OCT. 30, 1911. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN C. RUNCKEL (EDITOR ‘‘WASHINGTON PRESS”, A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED AT NILES.) J. H. DOCKWEILER, ENGINEER, AP- POINTED BY JOHN R. FREEMAN, TO WORK UP DATA FOR HIM WITH REF- ERENCE TO THE POSITION OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY RELATIVE TO THE NILES CONE. Speech of J. H. Dockweiler from the notes of T. J. Wilder taken at the meeting. J. H. DOCK WEILER, SPEAKER. Every community requires the best source of water supply possible. The sowrce being the primary requisite and the price to obtain water from that best source, a secondary consideration. The City of San Francisco is to get its water from the Lake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy. Be- bore bringing its waters from the mountains it will first acquire the Spring Valley properties and thus be able to store its mountain water in the reservoirs now owned by Spring Valley Water Company. The local supply however, will be sufficient for some time to come, but as we all know, water cannot be manufactured and couscquently when the demand becomes greater the necessity for the taking of more water becomes apparent and as you know that increased demand will have to be satisfied from this Alameda Water- shed. 249 250) I do not think it just, that one community should be able to take more water than it can use, at the time of taking, from another com- munity which latter has need of it for irriga- tion. For a city is as limited in its growth as the limits of its water supply and right here you have the condition of the privately owned Water Companies, taking water from a district that needs it and as a consequence the growth and development of this territory will be checked, if it has not already so suffered. And what makes it worse here is the fact that San Fran- cisco, Oakland, Berkeley, ete., could get their water from a region where there is plenty and where none is required for irrigation, namely, the Sierras. To illustrate the way in which these privately owned companies get water rights years in ad- vance of the time they will need the water: In 1874 the Spring Valley Water Company bought the Calaveras water rights, paid $1,000,000 for them, but not a drop of water was diverted for its own use until 1888. From all this it would seem to have been decidedly more just for the Water Companies to have taken and to con- tinue to take only such water as is needed for its immediate needs and to go into the moun- tains when the growth of the cities shows that a heavy tax will be necessary on the watersheds in this fertile country. Instead the water com- panies bought and continue to buy lands and rights that are not. needed for present use but are purchased simply to reserve them for future needs, and now these Companies own thousands of acres of land which they are simply holding in anticipation of the future. I believe the sit- uation in a nutshell to be this: The Water Companies should be allowed to store only enough water for present use, from these lands, and the balance should go towards the irriga- tion and local use. In 1899 the Legislature passed an Act known as the Municipal Water District Act. The ob- ject being to enable several communities to incor- porate and by sharing the expense of bringing in the water make the burden easier as it could of course be done cheaper, there being but one set of officers necessary under one management. The District would sell the water wholesale to the different communities, who in turn would dispose of it at retail to its inhabitants. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. The condition here in Niles Cone is serious, As you can plainly see, it spells havoc for this district if the time comes when more water is taken from Alameda Creek than is contributed to it annually. Hence it follows, that if your wells are not as plentiful as in former years the reason must be due to the fact that too much water is being taken from these lands now, and as more and more is taken, so will the wells become less and less plentiful. Here is your case, then, Ladies and Gentlemen, for the courts do not accept theories in deciding cases—if you can show by observation of the actions of your wells that the water is being depleted through the Water Companies taking too much water from these lands, then you would have a case, and a strong one, but you must have the facts which can be obtained by the observation of your wells. I believe your salvation lies in backing San Francisco in its fight for Hetch Hetchy. The City has voted $45,000,000 in bonds for this supply, these bonds have been passed upon by one of the biggest bond houses in the United States, so that there is no reason why the thing should not be put through. Unless these waters of the Sierra’s are brought into San Francisco, more and more water will be taken from these Alameda Creek watersheds and as a consequence the condition of the people of this region be- comes worse and worse. There is absolutely no other way out of this condition of things except to bring in the Hetch Hetchy waters and for the people of Oakland to purchase the Peoples Water Company and the people of San Fran- cisco to purchase the Spring Valley plant. My advice to the people of San Francisco is to buy the Spring Valley Water Company, lock, stock and barrel. I am afraid of these subsidi- ary corporations of theirs and therefore urge the purchase of everything they own. When Captain Payson made an offer to sell the Spring Valley Water Company for $32,000,000, I was present, and I immediately urged upon one of the supervisors that they get the offer in writing at once and snap it up. Question: Mr. Dockweiler, did not the Water Company win a recent case against the City of San Francisco, the de- cision being given by Farrington ? A STATE OF MIND. 251 x Dockweiler: Well, they claim to have won. I want to say that two decisions like that one would put them out. I can’t see how they claim to have won when the court sets a valua- tion of $25,000,000 on a property which their engineers have claimed to be worth anywhere from 40 to 70 millions. Question: Did not the City make a mistake when it failed to purchase Spring Valley for $35,000,000? Dockweiler: It certainly did. Question: What are the Spring Valley’s plans for the future? Dockweiler: Well, I have not been the confi- dential man for Spring Valley and everything I have learned about its plans, ete, I have gained through hard knocks. However, there is such a thing as ‘‘moral certainty’? and I know of moral certainty many things but could not state them here as facts. Their Chief Engineer has stated that they intend to build a reservoir on the San Antonio, the Calaveras and the Arroyo Valle. So you see there won’t be much left when they get through. RESOLUTION ADOPTED AT MEETING. “Resolved, That we view with the gravest anxiety the situation that is being forced upon us, and earnestly pray that every ef- fort be made by San Francisco, Oakland and other Bay Cities to hasten the time when: they shall draw their water supply from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and to the end that the splendid resources of our township may be conserved and devoted to the uses which nature has ordained; and be it further “Resolved, That we petition the Federal Government to speedily grant the City of San Francisco the Hetch Hetchy water sup- ply, that the further diversion of our water supply, with the consequent devastation to our township and county may be stopped.” Meeting adjourned. =e MASS MEETING TO CONSIDER THE Water Supply Question At Town Hall CENTERVILLE Tuesday Eve. May 28 Addresses by J. H. Dockweiler of San Francisco and Other Speakers. Everybody Come. | Important Notice! Property owners in Washington Township are urgently requested to furnish information to H. A Noble, Assistant to Consulting Engineer of San Francisco, now at work here. It isof the highest importance to our people that all information be given freely and promptly. SIGNED.---- CHRIS RUNCKEL F. V. JONES J. B. FAIR reas Print Niles Committee Associated Chambers of Commerce. Photographic reproduction of notice posted in conspicuous places throughout Niles region. Copy is about one-quarter size. NOTE: Runckel is editor of The Washington Press, of Niles. 252 DOCKWEILER AND THE WASHINGTON PRESS. 253 Che Washington Dress Che Washington Press HE ALAMEDA COUNTY PRES THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PRESS NILES, ALAMEDA COUNTY CAL." PRIDAY, MANE 1912 ES, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL, FRIDAY. JU MASS MEETING ~ MPORTANT MOVE(ir' Will Be Held Next Tuesday Evening ap ss a Cankaryille QUESTION - Kind t 2 and apis 3 Peo s 3 s ‘evea{Cltizens of Township Will Consider a ‘ ey i x ire Water Supply Quoation a Companies and Cities Warned Further th io , : : < fs was PEs ° o y ee Drainage Will Be Resisted. ms me rIhood A meeting of the citizens of Washington Township will be held in ee B . « oxo OM Massa-}the Town Hall at Cunterville nexy Tucsday evening. It has been called a0 The first important step on the assembled in reference to the taking Ri oman-| by the Associated Chambers uf Commerce to consider the water supply] The the|Part of the people of Washiugton|of waters and the threat to further] i). Mige in | question, Since the meeting callcd by the Press last fall the develop: | Hirse fol-| Township to’ resist the further ag-|take more waters from below the Mes ‘ng a| ments on the water question have come thick and fast. The danger will t he|gressions of the Woter Companies surface of the ground, a motion Th bom | Which we pointed out at thal timezis uow more fully realized because No _ was taken this week. At’ a joint was “unanimously adopted that the mus'¢ as | wore evidence has been brought to tight to sul stantiate our assertions. evénin "|]meeting of the Water Committee] Chairman of said Meeting. li atrcet sr | The acquisition of the Jarge holdings of land near Newark by the Union a ‘appointed at the recent mass meet Joseph C. Shinn, appoint a Com: has ha .| Water Co., the boring of wells by that company upon the Jand acquired, ane ing in Centerville and the Associa-| mittee of five land owners of said out = and the general unfolding of (heir plans has brought home to our peuple|> 2 ” , {ted Chambers of Commerce held in] Washington Township with au-|spiena, a scuse of a new danger that is quile imminent. Added to this is the tis z/Niles, Thursday evening, notice to} thority to represeut the Muss Meet- by. bo danger that the Peoplé’s Water Co will be compelled to increase its de- ington 2 the Water Companies was submitted | ing and to serve notice upon wenties +] mands upon our gection and the lic lihood that the City of Oakland wilt | ‘et! ’s.| by the committee and after a lengthy The Union Water Co., T3a ‘b] soon become the owner of that systcra and Will follow up that move by ; #20 a and exhaustive disgussion of all The Peoples“ Water Co., een 4n€/ another to embrace our entire district ma consolidated city and county tral: uch phases of the question, the Asso- The United Properties Co., H.C, are! government and thus prevent any action on our part as a community to | 0m oe ciased Chambers unanimously in- The Spring Valley Water Co., gallles mun-| defend our interests. ‘The liklibood that the Union Water Co. will be| ist “| doxsed the report of the Committee | and al! other corporations or persons} ating « been | absorbed by cither the Spring Valley interests or acquired by the City af| pro ‘teland .recommended that.each local who may be concerned, notify them sa « weak | Oakland adds further to the menaae. And overshadowing it alll is the |ltne Shamber of Commerce be asked to|to people Be was enlargement of the Spring Valley Water Co.’s plan to block the Hetchy| a opproval to the action taken -TAKE NOTICE wane. “to the | Hetehy cuterprise until the City has been forced to pay the added mil-|tnay mittee and support the} We have been informed that you ae sriday | lions which it has piled upon its price of two years ago. During the] Th ~erlor some of you are commencing te ‘vers | past few months the secret operations of this company at Pleasanton | lergc: work which would indicate her have been revealed. Its claima fur a greatly increased water supply jed in ‘er | from the Alameda Creek watershed have been unfolded. The gigantic | eatire M1) nature of the contest to gobble up all the available surface and under- |9°Me ie ground water supply by these three cumpanies has been made plain to pore q{our people. Our very future prosperity is threatened more ominously, oe 70 than ever. The time for action was here a year ago but our people 1 .d} could not be made to see it- Evey day adds to our danger and calls Ne IS ng ton ress be acti Sf we hs w people are Lo Safeguard our im set ie pubigese and is being played for’ by powerfal salar. If fe ZHE ALAMEDA gt PRESS s,J | action is to be taken it must be taken NOW or it may be years before = Jor: }we can oven alenee to extricate ourselves from the net that is being wa woven about ur Ts, se “The Press has repeatedly warned our people of their danger and has| noon. LET EVERYBODY HELP late h Mt, | repeatedly urged them to united action. Again we urge our people to] Mrs ‘epent attend the meeting at Centerville next Tuesday evening. If there is a e Irv-| ¥aY left us'to escape with safety Ict us try to find it. ; ae ‘ 1 SAN FRANCISCO IN NILES, ALAMEDA COUNTY =i. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1912 seh Let every citizen who would guard the best aud highest interest of] yy a Me our township attend the meeting. Urge your friends tocome. Let us aang get al! the light we can on the subject, bring all the information we can o , MAKING OUR FIGHT to the meeting and be prepared if possible to evolve some plan to protect > PRC! the future prosperity of our section. ee de & It is of the highest importance that the meeting be well attended. = 3 . The la ta no} The Committce in charge has asked J. H. Dockweiler, Consulting|° | Every property owner of this township who has any|tion is b and | Engineer of San F EetieD eaeat ae our people. He is probably |‘ infinterest in its future development should help to give H. | Muntetpat d| more conversant with the water problem than any man in the State and Se * ‘ . . . formed at ye will surely be able to answer auy questions which our people may ask ae Noble and his assistants all the information possible. trlet tate of him This is the first time any effort has ever been put forth to|the peop eens meneame eee siget the evidence that shall protect our water supply. San|ary HIRRARY ANIM 's| Francisco is spending thousands of dollars in doing a work «jthat will help our section more than it will help that city. |, N, pota- 3 cr *|We have been sold out and bunkoed so often in the past swites. ; to tjthat it is hard for our people to realize the unselfish as ay work now being done by the great city on our water sup- eSS eS ply question. Th ve for bil We ought at least be willing to help ourselves by let-|Pel4,, pon a cs ting others help us. Let every property owner in the pnt district being covered make it his business to secure all | hear t place ; the information possible for the men now at work here. |9"4, "° {| her : ‘ is Talk-it over with your neighbors. Explain the situation. |tvs. d for i any DEOperty OwneE In. this Yow: col Get them to help. The time is short. The data must be|reduy ship has measured the depth to water in secured in a few days. The more complete it is the bet- ihe, viol She in the past two or three weeks it, t ter for us all. This is the best opportunity our people|ea » by her a he information ™! have} ever had to protect their own property. It sure-|7rese ed e eae ee a cal ae ly never will be done for you again FREE oF Cost. Get ign oF o he k hall t i for | all your infurmation to the people at work here and don’t and hee and }ter this wee we sha not as , wait to be called upon. music : cen | @ny further data as the report to the Hunt up Mr.Noble and help him-out. His headquarters | ona D ye | S0vernment must be filed next month at present are at the Belvoir in Niles. ae and nd more data from us can * oven 254 Che THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PRESS ashinglon Press night bal- oofs led as an es ric to ty, for the red it ent Do You Realize What This Means It..'séems. « almost inconceiyable that. ‘the importance of the work | now “being. done by the city of San Francisco’, ty ‘our midst could , be misinterpreted or misunderstood:ar lied abont. “And yet it is so? ‘Suppose. “you ask yourselves these question.” Do you want the peo- ple of San Franéisco to believe that | © | they cari get all the waver they need ‘from the’ Alameda Creek watershed? Do you! want the United States governnient. to “believe it? Or do you helieve San Francisco should go to the Sierva’s for ita rapidly i inéreasing nees? ‘Do, you want to flow that no mare water'can be taken from this district without injyring this dis- trict? If you do, then help San Fran-~ ‘cisco to know what it has meant al- ready to take 16 million gallons of | water every day from a section that needs. every drop of water it can get.> Help them to realize what it will “mean to take twice or three or four times that amount. “ Do you realize what that means to the future of our section?’ Do you realize what it means to your own property? ‘ ‘Ifour people, could but realize the nature of the Ganger now threatening them, they would be up in arms. We have warned you re- peatedly. ‘#he-time is here now, | RIGUT THIS _WEEK to protect a SSE NILES, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL., “ERIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 How to Help on the Water Question Do youasa property owner in this township. want to help protect your water supply You can doit-if you wish but you must right now. Before another issue of The Press reaches our readers the evidence concerning our water supply will have been gathered. Whatever that evidence shows will be used by the city of San Francisco in the hearing before the Board of Army Engineers in Washington. The better the showing the more céertam will be the protection afforded: our people in the near fu- ture. The time for appzaling. to our people to do some- thing for themselvas is now past. Those whoare making the investigation want the fullest evidence. So far, al- though much effort has been made to get it, the evidence is still very inwmplete. Here is how you can help: Med- sure the depth down to the water level in your well. Send the result of your H. A. Noble at once or send it to The Press office and we will turn it over to Mr. Noble. If your well has not already been measured get busy yourself aid do this right away. Don’t delay it. DO IT NOW.’ Measurements ave desired from every well in the township if possible. Answer these questions right away. How far from the surface of the ground is the water in your well! Is it further now to water than ithas been in the past? How much? . Whatever data is gathered will be a public recore. It is of the GREATEST importance that this knowledge is obtained at AT ONCE. Will you help your own cause by taking a half hour to help get this informe- mation? a Dees Niles Notes mo ens a euskal aise 3 ‘ 4. ey eee a ley at the opening of thenew year ASSOL The As: merce of at Decot the offi the Ch the excej A repi that suf assured egates Towns the Cr Ped « to be good produ visito tion <« the C Creek will ti throug ado's , ing roe back t and Wa San Jos. be serve at Palma In repi the Assoc Chamber it saw no Associate¢ ent regr koped it and parti Phe cx reported at Cente sion of cipitated who fea the con rsult in Sullivan men on their rij Valley motive being cisco. My, Runs let ‘ of study, and © 4 forth 254 DOCKWEILER AND THE WASHINGTON PRESS. _____ THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PRESS NILES, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1912 The Washington Press REPORT ON NILES CONE —_—— Englneer Dockweiler Files His Report to Army Board. Late on Wednesday night of this week the report of Consulting Engin- eer J. H. Dockweiler of San Francis- co gn the water supply question was ‘ith the Board of Army Engin- v people who are not ac- ~ the scope of the work ~— smnart- THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PRESS NILES, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1912 MEASURE THE WATER IN YOUR WELLS, We urge upon our people’ the im- mediate necessity of keeping at least a monthly measurement of the depth to water in the wells. If your well isn’t fixed so you can make these measurements a very trifling expense of boring an opening so that. it can be done should be met at once by avery owner of a well. This data should be secured and gathered dur- ing the next two months. It is VERY, VERY important that it gets into he hands of he proper people before the final decision is mace by ‘he government. We appeal to our yieople to see that it is done. In the near future the Press will vive its readers a more complete of the report that was filed this week, Si The "2 ofe ole oft ofe of The Washington Press pr en, vac wit M dau the bee illn unc piti pla: seri pan fru thi dar WATER MEETING WELL ATTENDED _—_— Water Supply Question Ably Discussed. The meeting held at Centerville last Tuesday evening to discuss the water supply question drew out a good audience. Although made to drum up a crowd, the town |’ hall at Centerville was well filled’ by an interested body of property owners of the township. One of the features of the meeting was that it was almbst exclusively made wp of men. J. C. Shinn acted as chairman. The pur- pose of the mecting: was stated by C. Runckel, of the committee of the Asuociated Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was called at the request. of a number ef citizens of Centerville and was to have beeri held the latter part of last month, but was _ post- pend to the present time owing to the pressure of other questions: J. H. Dockweiler, consulting engi- neer of the city of San Francisco, was the speaker of the evening, and in a very able manner convinced the audience of the libetal attitude of that city on the- water question. Mr. Dockweiler stated that the city. was preparing a report at the suggestion of the federal army board of engi- neers, which is to pass upon the Hetch, the néar fu- ture. The city authorities are gather- ing data on all available water sup- plies that may be utilized by the city. The investigation of the Niles cone sortant relation to the supply. no effort: was | we ful “A pari Was. 300, Pleasi 100, a ‘amount The paid “were amount compa to pay proper siderec tentior Pape Page, | aie every nish, t possib At quest’ zens was purcl Com Hie 256 The Washington Press The Washington THE ALAMEDA COUNTY PRESS od sts mnefs- k On OL ire 2d to. thoir Leitch the nian nly THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. THE ALAMEDA Ct COUNTY PRESS Whiy Logs of Wells Are Necessary — What is the log of a well? We ‘have been aSked this question. It is the description of the nature of the earth through which your well is bored, For instance a well may be bored the first 18 feet through silt and the next 20 feet in gravel. Or it might be 18 feet of silt or loam, 40 feet of clay and 5 feet of gravel, etc. A description of the diferent kinds of earth through which the well is bored is the “log of the well.” If the logs of many wells through- | out the township are studied we tan ‘tell pretty. accurately what the un- derground formation is, where the water comes from and what effect the taking away of darge amounts of waters will baye on, our underground water supply. 1. more logs of wells we have the our people Will Know of the eal xituation and the more wisely they cau ct to pro- tect themselves. The work now being done by ...41 Francisco is the most valuable work ever done for our people in this township.. And still many of our pec- ple are slow to realize it. Have you the log of your well? Do you know who bored it? Send your informa- tion at once to H. A. Noble, Hotel Belvoir, Niles, Cal. —_——_0-———— Decoto Th tonde Acad che Als list do’ de cl ere pro: ing M, 4 A. B mitt annu year- fair \ by a cided iste) sch ing in to Foi wo) catic Tr en. VA *M era) I in 1 us Cro Mr ‘Press NILER ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, Cie een ~— Sor mething for | Pleasanton to | Ponder Over.) ‘The town of Pleasanton- is con- conted with a situation as a result of she acquisition of so much of, its very best land by the Spring Valley Water ‘Company that ought to give its people un opportunity to realize What has Seen done to the future of the town, ind what might have been the situa- ion had there been a more public pirited course pursued by {tS political éaders. 7 The very future of the town hinges pon the outcome of the present con- -roversy between the Spring Valley Water Company and the city of San Francisco. ‘In spite of the apparent policy of the Spring Valley Water Company to offer liberal terms tu leasers of its lands, the fact remains “at with the titlé, of so much of its “Madd in the hands of one great clud tion hold ot the Spring Valley Company supe on the Pleasanton section, the men] desig who have long been the political dic-| party tators of Pleasanton had marked out| filiate: 4 policy that ‘would have served notice isa on the company that its efforts to fur- ther intrench itself would be resisted. Suppose these men had thought of the future of their town that had al-|/"8 6 ways so generously supported them,| the ow anid had united the sentiment against | election further aggressions an the part of the water ‘company. Suppose they had co-operated with the people of Wash- ington township in fostering a union| /ate the for the protection of the water supply | litical «| fur actual settlets, and had enlisted | tors, av the support of the entire county to fight off this menace would the Spring Valley have been so eager to ofap onstra people and no the party their dit “7 expect that full buy up 2“ -+ tand, knowing that it me wise wee” increase the ent amo not alw: THE BOUNDARIES AND AREA OF THE NILES CONE FROM A STUDY OF THE GEOLOGY OF NILES CONE AND THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY BY Dr. J. C. BRANNER, Geologist. Leland Stanford Junior University. Office of the Vice-President. Stanford University, Cal., March 21, 1911. Spring Valley Water Company, San Francisco, Calif. Gentlemen : I have gone over the region about Niles and west, southwest, and south of that place, with a view to determining the probable area over which the underground water supply is lkely to be affected by the diversion of the waters which, under natural conditions, are discharged through the Niles Canyon. I am also acquainted with the geology of the Niles Canyon, and of the Mount Hamilton range, from which the Ala- meda Creek receives its waters. The General Geology. The question of the subterranean waters in the region under consideration is directly related to the geology of the valley floor in the area between the Coyote Hills west of Newark and the Contra Costa range at Niles and northwest and southeast of that place. The geology of the Contra Costa range of mountains and of the Coyote Hills is entirely different from that of the valley. The former are composed of old, hard rocks that are usually much folded, while the valley is filled with loose materials of various kinds that have been washed down from the higher grounds of the mountains. : In order to understand the origin, materials, and method of formation of the valley floor, we must go back in our imaginations to a time when the valiey between the Coyote Hills and the mountains at Niles was considerably deeper than it now is. The streams flowing from the moun- tains on the east and northeast brought down sands, gravels, clays, and all kinds of silts, and deposited them along the bases of the hills and spread them out over the low lands. This pro- cess of filling up the valley has been going on for a long period of time. Naturally the larger streams brought down more materials than the smaller ones and spread these materials over wider areas, but always with that irregularity and patchy distribution commonly observed in stream and flood-water deposits. Just what areas have been filled in by this and that stream cannot be stated with absolute precision, but in a broad sense it is reasonable to suppose that the areas covered by floods of the streams of the present time closely approximate the areas filled in by those same streams in the past. For example, it seems probable that the ma- terials of the valley floor at Decoto were brought down from the mountains north and east of that town, the materials on which the town of Center- ville stands, came down through the Niles Can- yon, while the materials of the plain about the town of Irvington were brought down from Mis- sion San Jose and from the mountains east of Irvington. Origin of the Underground Waters. The history and nature of the deposits form- ing the valley floor and the well-known be- havior of the streams of the region especially during the dry weather show beyond rea- sonable question that the waters found 257 Alameda ip Map forming a part of the report of J. C. Branner on the under- ground water conditions west of Niles. i Area of provable under- ground supply from Niles Canyon, Area of prohable supoly from the Laguna drain- age. L Doubtful area, probably supplied by either or both the Niles Canyon the Laguna drajnage. al and Seale I" - I mile a Sase map'of U.S, Geological Survey * Turon City Works OTRERY DE/ALOS ee a (Or \on 7% } Ne ioe phere, DR. BRANNER’S MAP OF NILES CONE. LIMITED AREA SUPPLIED VIA NILES CANYON. in the deep wells over the valley are those that soak down through the gravels, especially about the margins of the beds where the materials are usually coarsest. It follows that the diversion of any one stream must. affect the underground water supply of the area fed by that particular stream. Limited Area Supplied by Niles Canyon. The accompanying map, forming a part of the report, shows in red the area believed to be supplied by waters fed into the valley gravels by the Alameda Creek where it enters the val- ley near Niles. This area forms a triangle having the mouth of Niles Canyon at its eastern apex, the town of Newark at the southern apex, while the north- western aper is about one mile northeast of the town of Alvarado. It should be noted, however, that while there can be no serious question about the under- ground waters of this area coming from the Niles Canyon, as the distance from Niles increases, the difficulty of proving that the underground water actually comes from that canyon wmcreases pro- portionately, For this reason the area shown on the map cannot be extended further toward the west, northwest and southwest with certainty. Whether the diversion of the water from the Niles Canyon has affected the wells of the val- ley is a matter that can be determined only by well records. A Doubtful Area. I have indicated as doubtful a strip of land beginning at Tule Pond, a _ mile south of Niles, and running southwest in the direction of Newark. This belt is now with- out direct connection with the drainage from the mountains. There is evidence of an old drain- age that formerly flowed through a gap in the low ridge west of Tule Pond, and followed along this belt in the direction of Newark. The low ridge that shuts in Tule Pond on the west has the appearance of a break made at the time of 259 an earthquake and this break has brought about a rather recent change in the drainage. The posi- tion and direction of this doubtful zone suggests the possibility of its having formerly been the area or part of the area along which the water from Rose Canyon flowed across the valley. The Laguna Drainage. The low relief of the valley floor south of Niles might lead one to sup- pose that the entire region between Niles and Irvington received its underground waters from the Niles Canyon. This, however, is not the case. The water from Rose Canyon, a mile south- east of Niles, runs southward and Sows into the Laguna north of Irvington, while all of the drainage from the mountains from Rose Canyon southeastward to Mission San Jose flows into that same Laguna, and overflows towards the south. It is therefore to be assumed that the under- ground waters of the Laguna area follow ap- proximately the same course as the surface waters and supply the region south and east of the zone marked as doubtful on the accompany- ing map. Peculiarities of Chemical Analysis in Endeavor to Trace Origin of Underground Waters. I have read the report of Professor E. W. Hil- gard upon the waters of the region here dis- eussed. I hold Dr. Hilgard in the highest es- teem as a geologist and as a chemist, but I am obliged to disagree with him in regard to the probability of the waters of the region under consideration having come from the southern end of the Santa Clara Valley. The peculiarities brought out by the analyses of the well waters are interesting, but in my opinion the explana- tion of their composition must be sought within the drainage area of the streams that now flow and have been flowing into this part of the val- ley for a very long time. The theory of the re- versal of the Santa Clara Valley drainage is not tenable. Yours respectfully, J. C. BRANNER. “AQTTCA PIOWIIATTs *, UOLZ9I SIG} JO ASoO[oOas oy} UodN AjIIOYINe YAM Yyeods ‘SMO[[OJ 9B louUURIg “Iq SoyI[enb UvMaeLA “A JLOdeI SITY JO 007 e8ed UQ—:9]0N 0} JouueIg “Iq UPY) peyl[end 19}}0q SUIAI] UP OU ST dIOTL,, ‘YAOU OY} OF O[IUL 9UO “JYSII attlodjxXo ay} yw JO proysut ‘uod “URL ASOY JO JoTJNO oY} JW puNoIse10F oY} UL ST 9UO;) SeTIN oy} Jo xode oy} Jey. uotssordwt sy} SAoauoa oanjzord Sty, 2A RB RR BRED AE ER OR OE Be Oe Oe saree eke le ne $ * LOAUUBAL Id Aq auory SOTIN yo dorado “uel Aq paydaose AalaMyood Aq attoD So[IN Jo asraloy satoe 998‘8 Sa1de OE LF « VAUV HNOO SHIIN LOHUYYOONI CNV LOHUUYOO,, Ales. _f Yauy aNog] | STUN W4Leneq e SYaNNVag aq] * ® 5 | S : : : Z r “VIS SNOD SINS ‘ : a . : = oS SS < . Se S : mS 4Lu0dS4 NvWases ™ Mwons ey Waev SNO2 S3TIN SNOSNOYuA ! 260 WHAT ARE THE WATER REQUIREMENTS OF THE NILES CONE? BY F. W. Roepine. Manager of the Agricultural Department of the Spring Valley Water Co. Mr. Roeding was Irrigation Manager of the Irri- gation and Drainage Investigations of the United States Department of Agriculture. In Charge of the Central Division comprising the States of Colorado, Wyoming and Texas, and later in charge of the Pacific Division, comprising the State of California. Dr. Branner defines the Niles Cone as follows: ‘This area forms a triangle, having the mouth of Niles Canon at its eastern apex, the town of Newark at the southern apex, while the north- ern apex is about one mile northeast of the town of Alvarado. It should be noted, however, that while there can be no serious question about the under- ground waters of this area coming from the Niles Canon, as the distance from Niles in- creases, the difficulty of proving that the under- ground water actually comes from that canyon increases proportionately.’’ A strip marked ‘‘Doubtful’’? by Dr. Bran- ner rises in a small tule pond half way be- tween Niles and the Lagoon from which it par- allels and adjoins the southerly leg of the tri- angle and has a width of one-half to three- fourth of a mile. Referring to Page 109 of Mr. Freeman’s re- port, he says: ‘‘In the present instance we were fortunate in securing the aid of Dr. J. C. Branner, Vice-President of Stanford Univer- sity, than whom there is no one with more pro- found knowledge concerning the geology of the region, ete., etc.’’ In spite of Mr. Freeman’s high regard for Dr. Branner’s knowledge, he accepts without question Mr. Dockweiler’s re- port on the area of the Niles Cone and Mr. Dockweiler’s figures on the water require- ments of this area. Dr. Branner’s report on this region and the boundaries marked by him, include 8860 acres, while Mr. Dockweiler covers the entire area between the bay shore at the edge of the tide lands from the outlet of Mowry’s Slough on the south to a point half way between the mouths of Alameda and San Lo- renzo Creeks on the north, or 47,360 acres. To anyone familiar with the territory and with the slightest knowledge of geology the fallacy of Mr. Dockweiler’s contention must be self-evident. The Coyote Hills, consisting of a ridge from 100 to 300 feet high with frequent outcroppings of rock, extend from the edge of the tide lands near Mowry’s Slough to about one mile south of Alvarado, thereby cutting off any connection of Alameda Creek with these tide lands. Even Mr. Dockweiler did not have the boldness to include these hills in the cone area and, therefore, he de- ducts them, but he does not explain how Ala- meda Creek was able to perform the hydraulic gymnastics of forming the twelve to fourteen thousand acres of tide land adjoining this five mile stretch of hills on the west, unless he con- siders that the prehistoric winter floods were able to float these massive hills to their present position. (Plate page 274.) Referring to the accompanying photographs of the Niles Cone, as shown on Page 203 of the Freeman Report, the point from which this pano- rama was taken is one mile south of the apex of the cone. It gives the impression that the fore- ground, the most fertile part of this region, which is unquestionably in the cones of Mission Creek and other small streams to the north, is within his boundaries. From the observation of the writer it appears that the limits of the Niles Cone, as described in the city’s report, were drawn with a bold free hand and without any 261 ‘AYO yeo1s & JO yALed 9q UWOOS [[[M 90d SeTIN ILL ‘PURTAeO JO AIO OY} JO OUT] ALepUNog Iq} OSTe ST Yaedd STY} Jey} e10U Jo AYPIOM ST ZT “OUD ot[} JO aZIS dy} 0} SB sdUepPIAa SIAIZ ple YIelQ OLpuvay ueg JO asinod 9Y} SozYedIPUL SUT] PI}}0P OTL ‘g0180p says 9} 03 pedopsssp Sl ZUIMIAIVJ SATSUO}U]T ‘saB0k JE IOJ Wed JOgVYO oyeT sy} Aq popunodut useq suraey Ajddns Jaye S}I ‘payesTIdl JOU SI JOLIISTP aatponpoid ATYSIQ SIL \ Ss q S wal gy rE oe we SEIS ES ag s 2 dr ISN XS 3 2 es ay “eae “~s S a Kf aS! ee a < eve uk a 4 ivnh ” FY n = -— -HSYVW za ——~ Ba ~~ z ot. Yo < XS ye tk LE ¥ SININGSA LLLP oy WH LEZ ee pas on NESS oy tps a } 8 SA | pe apf n RR TN aM 0 N ees OA —|— 1 xGaav Wows SATIN 4g Ps aq adv wWous| Ga = —1—= D ae uw > & o = = % & > o 0 N ‘auBTd 13d}@M OY} 0} ddVJAINS puNoIs 94} WOM (JJ ZH) BOULISIP 94} 910N ‘“ANOO SH'TIIN JO UALNAO UVAN AOVId UAMOVUAAO NO LAO auna 268 WATER REQUIREMENTS OF THE NILES CONE. fields follow a strip of land along the easterly side of the county road from Decoto to Newark westward from the Centerville-Alvarado county road to the edge of the tide lands. There is every evidence that one of the former channels of Alameda Creek is here and owing to the slight elevation above tide, this land has always been moist and always will be. Occasional wil- lows are still growing on this land and doubt- less it had to be cleared in order to plant alf- alfa. Grain and Hay. The lands east and southeast of Newark and those along the base of the cone, although suited to other crops, seem to have received little atten- tion in their development, and it is here that we find the bulk of the grain and hay farming. With the subdivision of these lands and their sale in small parcels, more intensive cultivation will follow, and it is safe to predict that as this section develops the greater portion of them will be devoted to summer crops and alfalfa-- growing. Pasture and Waste Land. Outside the bed of Alameda Creek all waste and pasture land lies near this channel in the vicinity of Alvarado. A short distance east of Alvarado, this creek is more or less on a level with the surrounding country and forms a wide delta, a considerable portion of which is farmed this year, a fact made possible only by the ab- sence of floods this past winter. In a year of nor- mal rainfall this land is overflowed during the winter months and remains wet until so late in Spring that very little of it can be farmed. North of this channel and just outside the ex- treme northerly corner of the cone, the land is so alkaline that it cannot be farmed. Nursery. The California Nursery Company owns about 600 acres adjoining Niles on the west. This area is not entirely planted to nursery, as fifty acres have been leased for strawberry culture, and as nursery stock makes an unusually heavy draft on the soil it is necessary to vary the crop so that at the present time there are pos- sibly 400 to 450 acres in actual nursery, includ- ing variety orchards, the balance being planted to annual crops. 269 Town Sites. Only the business portions of the towns of Niles and Centerville are included in the area. The residences comprise from one to three or five acres each and in this report have been treated as small farms, their acreage being summed with the orchards. Irrigation and Water Requirements of Crops in This Region. SUMMER CROPS. The present season has been a most se- vere test on the growing of crops with- out irrigation and the results obtained are a high tribute to the farmers of this and adjacent sections. Summer crops, which cover nearly one-half of the area of the cone, have received no additional moisture outside of the rainfall (with the exception that tomatoes when trans- planted to the open ground are always given about one quart of water to each plant) and their growth shows no effect of the drought. By cultivation, the moisture can be retained in the soil and the well-kept condition of all fields of summer crops testifies to the knowledge of the farmers in this respect. Plates on pages 264 and 266 show tomatoes grown this season without irrigation on the for- mer overacker place, near Centerville, and on land of E. H. Dyer (Bell Ranch), between Cen- terville and Decoto. On the former the water table was measured in a well on the property and showed elevations throughout the season far below the reach of rooots.* The plate on page 266 shows the dry bed and steep banks of *(Plate No. 1.) Height of water table during 1912, as measured from ground surface in a well on the former Overacker Place, near Centerville, showing that excellent summer crops and orchards have thriven without irrigation, although the water table was far beyond the reach of plant growth. Date Date 1912 Feet 1912 Feet Jan. e June ‘ Feb. 5 July Mar. : Aug. : : Sept. Apr. 5 ? ¢ 33. Oct. May Dolavavewe ac kcanbrnis 33.3 aS Alameda Creek at the edge of the tomato patch with corn. summer squash and var- Ja}je JYSNOIp JO susIs ON ‘adnjoId UL po}yeoIpUL UOSvaS STYy} JO YIMOIS MAN ‘“Uosves AIp 9} “CL6T ‘FL 10q0}00 UdYe} MOTA ‘“BSurAuvdmo0o0e soye[d UI UMOYS 9[qQe} 19}VM OY} JO YORI UIYIM Useq T9AIU GACY S991} VSI} JO S}JOOL OY, “a[[IALa]UID AVI Vd AIYOVAIAQ AIWIIO} VY} UO (P[O SIBak 9) PAeYoIO JooTIde poszyesI41UugQ ‘SHHUL LOOINUdVY GCHLVOIYYINN MOISTURE REQUISITE FOR CROPS. ious vegetables growing in the distance. The banks of Alameda Creek at this point are twenty-five feet high and the soil ig a fine silt mixed with sand and is naturally well drained. None of these crops has been irrigated and their growth shows that they need no irri- gation, Tillage alone has maintained the win- ter’s moisture in the soil and even though the rainfall this past season was below normal good crops were grown on this well drained soil. The business of farming, as it is being recognized at the present time, is first to maintain the fertility of the soil by rotation, fertilizing, etc., and then to produce adequate and profitable crops with the smallest outlay. Irrigation means an initial expense of from $10 to $50 an acre under large gravity systems, while with individual pumping plants the expense is much greater and in- ereases in proportion as the area decreases. Outside the initial cost of water, there is land to be leveled, ditches to be built, surface irriga- tion pipe to be purchased, the cost of fuel, etc., ditch assessments and the labor of irrigating. Where the rainfall is sufficient to produce vari- ous good crops and the climate is favorable, it stands to reason that the additional expense of irrigation will be viewed by the farmers as a matter of dollars and cents, and if they are making satisfactory returns with Nature’s pro- vision of moisture they will not greatly increase the cost of production by artificial irrigation when the additional returns will not justify such cost. In climates and soil conditions far less favor- able, and with a rainfall of one-half to three- quarters that of the Niles region, there have been ample demonstrations in the past five years that good crops can be grown by careful and proper tillage that will conserve the rainfall, The annual sessions of the Dry Farming Congress, made up principally of farmers throughout the ereat American Desert, testify to the results which have been obtained and the great interest which is being developed in this important branch of agriculture. Not only summer crops, such as potatoes, peas, beans, corn, beets and grain of all kinds have been grown on the dry, wind swept prairies of Wyoming, the Dakotas, Colorado, New Mexico, Western Nebraska and Kansas and the Panhandle and Western Texas, but there are a number of orchards throughout this region that have never received a drop of 271 irrigation water and are thrifty and producing crops. Orchards. Of the orchards within the boundaries, only three were found in which actual irrigation had taken place, viz.. those of J. C. Shinn, Mrs. Ty- son and F. A. Donley, totaling only about 100 acres. J. CO. Shinn has probably the oldest or- chard in this district and as a former large owner in the Washington & Murray Township Ditch he has always used water for irrigation. For this reason the roots of his orchard trees are close to the surface and it is more than likely should he discontinue the practice that his trees would suffer. In the second instance berries are grow- ing among the orchard trees, while F. A. Donley is endeavoring to interest farmers in electrical pumping plants. As the bulk of the orchards are apricots and cherries, both ripening early in the year, they would not require water, especially when the tillage of the soil is so well maintained. However, with cheap electric power, pumping plants are being installed in a number of orchards and it is quite likely that many of the orchardists may adopt irri- gation as a means of increasing and insuring their crops in dry years, although the addi- tional cost with no apparently additional re- sults may deter many from installing or using their pumping plants in a normal year. As an illustration, an apricot orchard on the banks of Alameda Creek near Centerville (Plate page 270) may be mentioned. This orchard is six years old and has never been irrigated. The land is well drained and is approximately twenty-five feet above the bed of Alameda Creek. In this year the water table, ag re- corded in a well on the property, stood at heights shown in the table, Plate No. 1, on page 269, at various times during the year and was, therefore, always beyond the reach of the roots. The trees, as shown by the photo taken October 14th. have made a growth of from four to six and seven feet this season, and at the time the photograph was taken they showed no sign of any lack of moisture. Strawberries. The strawberry plantings already referred to, on land of the California Nursery Com- pany, are of interest in their water require- ‘TlejJuret [VMOU jnoqe Jo uoS¥aS B UI UdHeL ‘adInosar [ean}eu WSO. WV ‘90D SaTIN day} JaAo0 passed savy YoIyUM ‘YoaoID Bpolle[TY JO S19}VM 9jSeM ay} Aq ‘aSeTII} ITI] SUIPUZAIA ‘SpUR] d[T}4aJ JO S}oVI} YeaIS Jo UOTJEPUNUI sy ‘“9Us0S J9}UIM JUONDIIT W ‘OdVUVATV LY SdooTa RRR ect ALFALFA IRRIGATED AND UNIRRIGATED. ments as furnishing a basis of what would be needed, provided this crop were extensively grown in the cone limits. Driscoll Bros., who are the owners of these strawberry patches, have for some time been interested at Watsonville in the same industry and are, therefore, experienced in their culture. Their representative maintained that it was necessary to irrigate every third day during the summer months, extending from about May Ist to about October 15th. They operate an electrically driven No. 6 certifugal pump for about ten hours each day, irrigating about 16 acres, which would mean 11% acre inches per acre per irrigation, or roughly six feet in depth over the surface per season. As the ground is never allowed to dry out the quantity required for each irrigation is cor- respondingly small. It is very questionable whether this area of strawberries will ever be increased in this district as this commodity is very perishable and must depend entirely upon local consumption. Furthermore, the Wat- sonville district is somewhat earlier, thereby getting the higher prices, and the summer climate of the Pajaro Valley is cooler and more subject to fogs, so that its production during the season is heavier. Alfalfa. Alfalfa comes next on the list of crops requir- ing irrigation. No account is taken of small patches of fractions of an acre to one or two acres, which are included in many of the house lots and are sprinkled by hose. Mention has been made that only 16 per cent or 100 acres of the total area in this crop are irrigated. The best field is that under lease to Sam After- gut & Co., near the junction of the Centerville- Alvarado and the Decoto-Newark county roads. This field contains 34 acres and is irri- gated by two 4-inch Caton centrifugal pumps and portable gasoline engine. The land is very uneven and both slip-joint pipe and canvas hose are used. Each pump has a capacity of 600 gallons per minute and in a day of eleven hours three acres can be irrigated by each. This field has been irrigated three times this year and five crops have been cut. There will be another crop this fall but it will not need irrigation. According to the above figures, this land has required 114 acre feet per acre for the season and results were excellent. In 273 fact, this field is as good an alfalfa field as can be seen anywhere in the State. J. B. Rose, near Newark, has some 50 acres planted to alfalfa with a No. 8 centrifugal pump and 15-horsepower electric motor. No record is kept of water pumped or area irrigated, which is by means of slip-joint pipe, but pump is run almost continuously during the three summer months, provided the power is not shut off. This field is not as well handled as the first mentioned and it appeared as though the water used could have been employed better and more systematically on a much larger area, as part of the alfalfa plantings were suffering severely for water and did not appear to have received any during the season. Other irrigated fields were those of C. H. Patterson and one opposite the former Beard property on the Centerville-Alvarado county road, but both fields are small and no data could be obtained. F. H. Sayles, near Newark, is at present installing an irrigation plant for his alfalfa field, which will be ready for oper- ation next season. The most remarkable fields are those already mentioned near Newark, which follow a probable former channel of Alameda Creek. These fields looked even bet- ter than some of the irrigated ones and six crops had been cut on many of them this season. However, gophers are destroying so many of the plants that many of the far- mers talk of irrigating for the sole purpose of destroying these and other rodents. The limits of this strip of land are well defined by the growth of the alfalfa, as inside the limits the plants are a bright, healthy green and vigorous, while outside they are stunted and dry. Eucalyptus. The one grove already mentioned, on the C. H. Patterson land, has received no irrigation since planting. The ground between the young trees is kept in a high state of tillage, as in an orch- ard, and apparently this is maintained until the trees become too large. Grain and Hay. These crops are obviously not irrigated and it is a matter of only a short time when large fields of cereals will give way on these and similar high priced lands to crops of higher productive value. ‘Spuel OPI} 91 wo (.10de1 UBULIeTY) SUOD SITIN Pe}esassexa ATVIIZ ay} JO PUS YNOS 9y} YO Zur}jNo YRNo[g S,AIMOW PUB YIeMaN WaeM}0q STITH 9}040D OUL “UHIYUVaA AHL MUVMAN SO LSAMHLNOS STIPE, ALOAOD 274 IS TIDE LAND RECLAMATION FEASIBLE? Tide Lands. As one of the City’s Engineers in his report refers to tide lands and their reclamation by irrigation, the writer took occasion to visit these tide lands between Alvarado and Newark, al- though outside of the Niles Cone, The owner- ship of the larger part of these tide lands is held by large corporations and they are used for the production of salt and show that this is and will be their most valued product. Over 10,000 acres between Alameda Creek and New- ark Slough belong to three salt companies or their associates, and it is unlikely that the reclamation of these tide lands will take place as long as these lands can be used for the pro- duction of salt. On Page 204 of the Freeman Report it is asserted that about 1500 acres of tide lands have been reclaimed to date in his grossly exagger- ated boundaries of the Niles Cone, giving the impression that these lands were similar to those shown in the panorama view (Plate page 260). As a matter of fact, this area is at the edge of the actual tide lands and was affected onlv partly by the highest tides, so that reclama- tion, both on account of the absence of sloughs and the freedom from overflow of salt water during the greater part of the year, was a very simple matter. Of the lands which are covered daily by the tides practically none have been re- claimed and there is little prospect that they will be. Although one engineer for the City re- fers to the interesting experiments ear- ried on by Mr. Oliver, he has failed to give any statement of the cost of reclaiming salt marshes, and this will be found to be commercially pro- hibitive. Aside from the expense of levees, the filling in of small sloughs, leveling the land and irrigating it for three or four years, or even two years, without any returns, there will always be 2 yearly expense for the maintenance of levees. Even should this reclamation be successfully handled, and the land be placed in condition for crops, it is a self-evident fact that only summer or shallow-rooted crops will be grown. As already shown, these require no irrigation, pro- vided the soil is properly tilled so as_ to yield the largest and quickest returns with the least expense, the ideal condition for any business or farm. The statement of a city’s rep- resentative that these marsh lands, if reclaimed, 275 will require water for irrigation is therefore misleading, as such irrigation will only be re- quired during the period the salt and alkali are being leached from the top soil. It is also a mis- take to incorporate such an area as reclaimable, for the reason that a large portion of these lands will be found to contain such high percentages of lacustrine clay that the percolation of water through them, which is absolutely essential for the leaching process, is impracticable for reclamation of commercially productive acres. IRRIGATION FROM TUOLUMNE RIVER AND FROM ALAMEDA CREEK COM- PARED. High Duty in the Modesto- Turlock Districts. Referring to Appendix 17 of the Free- man Report, in the matter of the irrigation re- quirements of the Modesto-Turlock Irrigation Districts, whose water supply has the same source as the proposed Tuolumne River project, great pains have been taken to show the exces- sive use of water in the districts, and conclusions have been drawn that when the entire area is de- veloped, the duty of water is to be two and one- half acre feet per acre, although ‘‘examination of the local conditions show that a duty of 1% acre feet of water per year should be sufficient as an average.’’ There is also presented the curious argument that when 21 acre feet per acre are applied annually upon the 206,000 acres in the districts 51,620 acre feet of water will have to be pumped annually by the districts to keep the ground water ten feet below the sur- face, this water to be used for further irriga- tion. No account seems to be taken of the re- quirements of plant life when the entire area is developed and irrigated, as the argument seems to be based upon the use during 1911 when ir- rigation was practiced on only one-half the area. If Mr. Freeman had cared to explain the exces- Sive use and the present high water table in the districts he would have been to no great trouble to do so as he doubtless knows the very sandy character of the soil throughout a large part of both districts ; that the ditches have been filled to their capacity since water was first turned into them; and, furthermore, that the seepage losses in these ditches have been and still are very large. ‘SMOLIG AQ PoBOIPUL SB VaAIV PITIIVJ MOlaq }92J OF B[Ae} 1a}eM ‘JedJF GZ UOTIBABIKS Jo IOOQ AIG ‘SADdIUd ALNNOOD MON HAO SUI YOU SATIN LV NOILVYAVOX4 276 IRRIGATION IN THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AND THE BAY REGION The annual rainfall is stated by the report to be ten inches and the mean annual temperature 63.9° No mention is made of other important climatological data, viz:—The summer tempera- ture is high, the air is dry, while the cold of win- ter is greater than in the bay regions. Until irrigation was introduced this area was a sea of waving grain in the spring months and dry, parched stubble fields during the summer and fall. No attempt was ever made to raise summer crops, orchard trees or alfalfa on these sandy plains without having the necessary water for irrigation. Low Duty in the Niles Cone. In the Niles Cone with an almost uniform mean daily temperature throughout the year, with summer fogs, with a soil highly retentive of moisture when tilled, and where crops of all kinds have been grown for many vears solely under an average annual rainfall of 20 inches, or double that of the above mentioned districts, here it is suddenly discovered by the engineers of the city that water to the extent of two acre feet per acre will be required (See Page 204 Freeman Report) to prevent 80% (?) of that vast Niles Cone area from becoming a barren, uninhabitable waste. Why is Mr. Freeman so frugal with these irrigation districts where no one can question the need of irrigation and where the rapid develop- ment now going on will in a few years place highly cultivated farms on every acre ineluded in their boundaries, while in the Niles Cone he finds there will be need for almost the same duty of water? Accordingly the Niles Cone would require annually 2 acre feet for irrigation plus 20 inches of rainfall or a total of three and two-thirds acre feet of moisture per acre, while the Modesto-Turlock Districts need only two and one-half acre feet for irrigation plus 10 inches rainfall or three and one-third acre feet. Why does Mr. Freeman place the water requirements of the Modesto-Turlock Districts with a dry hot climate at one-third an acre foot per acre less than in the humid climate of the Niles Cone? Among other misleading facts of the Freeman Report are a number of photographs on Pages 92 and 93, showing irrigated areas, all alleged to be within the Niles Cone, and giving the im- 277 pression of the extent to which this practice has been carried. Two pictures are shown of ‘‘Irrigation on the Bell Ranch, 185 acres in truck products.’’? Of this 185 acres, S. Morimoto, one of the tenants, irrigated only 20 acres in tomatoes and veeeta- bles (the only tomatoes irrigated in this section), which is the photograph shown. Ben Massei, another tenant, irrigated 10 acres in vegetables but the balance of 155 acres received no irriga- tion whatsoever, although as correctly stated the cntire area was in truck products. Attention is called to Plate on page 266 of this report, “Tomatoes on land of E. H. Dyer (Bell Ranch) ’’, showing the unirrigated portion. California Fruit Canners’ Association, 120 Market Street, San Francisco, October 30, 1912. Mr. 8. P. Eastman, City. Dear Sir: With regard to tomatoes grown on irri- gated land as compared with those grown on non-irrigated land, there can be no question but that in a normal season the latter will be preferred for canning purposes. ‘In a dry year, such as that through which we are now passing, some land in Alameda County, which would ordinarily bear su- perior tomatoes without irrigation, has suf- fered from the drought and yielded a product inferior to tomatoes grown under irrigation. Ordinarily we get a better product from Ala- meda County from non-irrigated land than from any other district. Yours very truly, M. J. FONTANA, General Superintendent. J. K. ARMSBY & CO. October 28, 1912. Dear Sir: I beg to advise you that in purchasing to- matoes for canning purposes, canners, as I understand the matter, always give prefer- ence to tomatoes raised on unirrigated soil, as tomatoes so raised carry a smaller per- centage of water than is the case with to- matoes raised on irrigated soil, Yours very truly, GEORGE N. ARMSBY. S. P. Eastman, Esq., Spring Valley Water Co., San Francisco. (A similar letter from the Central Cali- fornia Canneries Co. was also received.) Two views, on opposite pages, are of irrigation of nursery stock by the California Nursery Co. 278 “600 acres.’* It should be noted that these small trees are receiving water furnished by the Spring Valley Water Co. No illustrations are shown of older trees being irrigated, nor is any explana- tion given, that the actual area in nursery stock is not more than 480 acres, for if the entire property were planted, where would the ground for the next season’s planting be? Three photographs are reproduced, two on one page and one on the opposite page, of the straw- berry farm, which is part of the 600 acres of the California Nursery Co., although the report has overlooked stating so. Trrigating alfalfa on the Gregory Ranch, De- coto, gives the impression of vast areas. This ranch has been subdivided and sold years ago, and what is shown consists of one of the five- acre subdivisions. Both this and the one remain- ing view are outside the Niles Cone boundaries. Acknowledgement must be made that irrigation scenes are scarce in this region, and the City’s Report deserves high commendation for having succeeded so well in securing these views. Under the eaption, ‘‘The Niles Cone Needs This Water for Irrigation,’’ on Page 94 of the Freeman Report, he says: ‘‘If two feet duty or net depth of water per year over the surface of the land is required, which is the minimum we have assumed for Turlock and Modesto under a less intensive kind of farming, this would call for, etc., etc., 26 billion gallons per year, chiefly in the growing months.’? What is Mr. Free- man’s conception of intensive kind of farming? Why is the duty of water in Southern California the highest in the United States if this intensive kind of farming does not conserve the scant sup- ply? Why has intensive farming been preached by renowned writers on agricultural subjects for centuries, and why is it now the basis of the most important investigations of the United States De- partment of Agriculture, if not to conserve the moisture in the soil for plant growth and increase the duty of water, whether by irrigation or rain- fall? Does Mr. Freeman know that the Niles Cone today would be producing nothing but hay or grain if it were not for this intensive kind of farming? Intensive farming means stirring the soil sur- face so thoroughly that capillarity will be broken and the moisture conserved as much as possible THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. for the use of the plant, so that it may not be wasted by evaporation from the surface, and it is thus possible to grow more valuable products. Experiments of the United States Department of Agriculture, carried on by the writer while in that service, showed that with a dry, pulverized soil ten inches deep overlying a moist soil, there was no evaporation loss, the loss increasing grad- ually with lesser depths of mulched soil, while with an uncultivated soil all moisture was quickly lost. The greater the tillage the smaller the loss by evaporation, Agriculture in the San Leandro District. For comparison, the productive San Leandro Cone which is in the drainage of the San Leandro Creek, was also studied and examined. The upper drainage of this creek is im- pounded in the Lake Chabot Reservoir, which was constructed in 1874-5, and, therefore, this district is taken as a fundamental parallel of the condition in the Niles Cone, when the devel- opment of the Spring Valley Water Company is carried out. No water was wasted over this dam in the years 1907-1908, 1909-1910, 1911-1912, while the waste from 1901 to 1912 inclusive, a period of eleven years, amounted to 11 M. G. daily, as against 14.6 M. G. daily which the Spring Valley Water Co. proposes to waste over the Sunol dam. Mr, Freeman proposes to increase the height of the Chabot dam and thereby store more of the flood waters of San Leandro Creek, although he recognizes the needs of the San Leandro Cone for a portion of these waters and is willing to con- cede a sufficient flow to protect this region from the devastation which is predicted for its south- ern neighbor. But it is evident that Mr. Dock- weiler did not figure the area of this cone as he did the Niles Cone, for had he done so the entire flow of this creek would now be required to meet demands for irrigation and domestic supply as well as reclamation of its tide lands. This district, extending from where the creek leaves the foothills to a point about one mile west of San Leandro, where the channel turns to the north near the edge of the tide lands, is without doubt the most highly developed agri- cultural land in the northern portion of. the state. Orchards of cherries and apricots, which THE FUTURE OF THE NILES CONE. cover possibly one-fourth of the area, are kept in a high state of cultivation, while the other three-fourths are devoted to summer crops, berries, rhubarb and asparagus. The soil is a black adobe on the lower portion, shading to a clay loam near the hills. If irrigation is prac- ticed anywhere throughout this district, it is on such isolated areas as would require a house to house canvass and would then possibly be found only in one or two small orchards. The berries, which are mostly currants, and the perennial plants, rhubarb and asparagus, are not irrigated anywhere in the district, while summer crops, as in the Niles Cone, require no irrigation and yield returns which pay a good interest on the high values placed on this property ($800.00 to $1200.00 per acre). The soil is so productive under the splendid method of intensive tillage that even the land between the orchard trees produces large crops of commercial leguminous plants, and the rights of way of both the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads not occupied by the tracks are yearly farmed to rhubarb, beans, peas, corn and other high class products. CONCLUSION. Agricultural Future of the Niles Cone. The growing of crops in the Niles Cone, on account of the high valuation of the land, will always be confined to products bringing the largest returns with the least expense, the foun- dation of any business. It is an undeniable fact that summer crops, such as potatoes, beans, peas, corn, tomatoes and vegetables, with cur- rants, raspberries, rhubarb, etc., can be grown © under the most favorable conditions with the rainfall alone and with returns most commen- surate with land values, made possible by the earliness of this district and its close proxim- ity to large centers of population. The westerly and northwesterly portions of the cone are overlayed by a thick clay cap, rising toward the surface two miles up Alameda Creek from Alvarado and dipping deeper westward. Does Mr. Freeman contend that the roots of plants penetrate this thick cap of clay to find their way to water below it? Does Mr. Freeman desire to deny the fact that excellent crops of all kinds have been grown without irrigation throughout this 279 district for a good many years on the well drained lands along Alameda Creek, where the water plane is anywhere from thirty to fifty feet below the level of the ground surface dur- ing the critical periods of plant growth (those cf flowering and reproduction) and therefore far below the reach of the roots? This district is in a very high state of tillage and is produc- ing per acre as large a net profit as any lands in the State. The record of the well on the former Over- acker property (the center of the cone) during a period of years, as shown in the following table, is ample evidence of the ability of this district to produce crops without irrigation, no matter where the water table is located. Height of water table, as measured from ground surface in a well on the former Overacker Place, near Centerville, during the normal year 1910, the wet year 1911 and the dry year 1912, Date Date 1910 Feet 1910 Feet Sept: Ulsecevceecans 37.07 NOV. 16isss isons s cde 39.53 Oct. Lijescravecarec soiree 37.99 DOGi 7 Bsici setssersiact hace 39.91 s DD scdcays sara echoes 4 38.62 ee DD ee oiaca ease ares 40.24 NOV: Qieigesveeess 39.16 Date Date 1911 Feet 1911 Feet Jan. Siawwie sens 40.87 Jy Vian a aeerese 27.24 “ LED ausicseys ertvaneaats 34.66 ff DS icrecsvesan suas v6 27.91 Feb. Fe 4 easels ae ote ge 27.74 AUSs Mscidese estes ae 28.99 Mar. 1 te 15 Apr. 1 ‘. 15 May 3 re 17 June 1 es 15 Date Date 1912 Feet 1912 Feet Jan. De ses tetay' oe a5ate 36.7 TUM Vesricaseis cer dsrcisie 35.3 a " ADs asa atics a ample as 36.2 SUN. 4 5 22s Sis Ses axa tabranars 37.2 ss DG sis fveisn ce ash 37.75 AUG Liiingintas aves 38.4 ms DBS cs teoare eyntstsoeyy 39.65 ODE Bed e-ecrdes dn secs 40.1 fs Ts ec ctestmave aoa RRS 40.65 Oct. IMs stones savas 41.0 + DL isis a gancs ange ircas 42.2 Future Irrigation Requirements. Even allowing a contention that the water table will be lowered by the storage on Ala- meda Creek, irrigation will be confined entirely to the orchard area and to that planted to alfalfa, nursery and_ strawberries. In the case of the former, the expense of in- stalling pumping machinery and the cost of power and maintenance will act as a deterrent where under normal conditions of rainfall the apricots and cherries will produce as large crops THE HETCH HETCHY WATER SUPPLY FOR SAN FRANCISCO IRRIGATING TOMAY One hundred anc 700 GALLONS PER MINUTE PUMPED FROM 8-INCH WELL Equivalent te one million gallons in 24 hours, if kept up ' Pp Only 25 mm sallons pumped during on, which is equivalent to a uniform dre only 0.068 million ¢ ns per 24 hours A. WELL ON THE BELL. RANCH, DECOTO, CAL. About four miles northwesterly from apex of Niles Cone. One hun- dred and eighty-five acres ufdgarden truck FIFTY-ACRE STRAWBERRY FARM, NILES IRRIGATING SCENE, CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY, NILES IRRIGATING A FIFTY-ACRE YRAWBERRY FIELD NEAR NIL pipes. Gross valuue of crop said to be over $50,000 annually. O2 Six hundred acres near apex of the underflow, uses over 150 million gallons annually, about one-third of which comes from Spring Valley REPRODUCTION OF PAGES 92 AND Of the 47,360 acres claimed by Freeman as the area of the Niles Cones, only one per cent is nnder irrigation. On this and the opposite page, three pictures are presented of the same 50-acre strawberry tract, two of young nursery stock of the California Nursery Co., whose lands include the 50-acre straw- 5 Two pictures are beyond the limits of the cone as fixed by Dr. Branner, and the two remaining are of 20 acres of “truck products.” 280 berry tract referred to. CROUND WATER AT THE PUMPING PLANT OF THE NILES STRAW- BERRY FARK Fifteen-horsepower electric motor; 700 (gRllons per miny THE BART BROWN W ARDEN, NEAR NEWARK. ON THE SOUTHWESTERN MARGIN OF THE NILES CONE IRRIGATING YOUNG APRICOT TREES, CALIFORNIA Pumping ground water from well for the irrigation of an alfalfa NURSERY, NEAR NILES field July 1, 1912. 93 93 OF THE FREEMAN REPORT. These illustrations of irrigation on the Niles Cone represent only one per cent of the area of the alleged cone described by Mr. Freeman. 281 282 on unirrigated as on irrigated areas, so that irri- gation of orchards will be merely an insurance against dry seasons. The area in orchards is about at a standstill at the present time, for the new plantings will hardly compensate for old orchards whose trees are being removed and the land devoted to summer crops. So it is more than safe to assume that the present area may be taken as the future area. As regards alfalfa, the district near the tide lands in which the water is always bound to be near the surface and where alfalfa can be grown with the least cost, will be the scene of its greatest development, which will be limited to about double the present area within the de- scribed boundaries. One and one-half acre feet per acre have been shown to be sufficient to secure six good crops in this, a dry year, and therefore this may be taken safely as the duty of water for this crop. Beginners in irrigation al- ways use more water than is needed, but where they have to pump the water and pay for the cost of operation and maintenance of their pumping plants they soon learn to use it eco- nomically and to the best advantage. Further- more, it is the opinion of the writer that at least a large number of the alfalfa farmers will use water more for the purpose of destroying ro- dents than for the increase in yield, and that they will learn when the young of the gophers, etc., are in the burrows, so as to confine irriga- tion to those periods and obtain the best results. As regards marsh land reclamation, even if it were included within the cone limits, it may be disregarded entirely on account of the ex- cessive cost and the use of water only during the period of reclamation. Therefore, summing up, we find that of the 8860 acres included within the cone, the present acreage in summer crops, which is much more likely to increase than to decrease, requires no irrigation and will not require any, no matter where the water table is located; the orchards, on account of the early ripening, will need at most two irrigations in years of severe drought, but in ordinary years none, and even in the former case 50 per cent of the orchardists will take chances with the season rather than go to the extra expense. Therefore, it is safe to as- sume that one-half an acre foot per acre on one- half of the area would be the maximum in any year, or 513 acre feet for this purpose. The area THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. in alfalfa, as placed for the future at 1200 acres, is a liberal allowance, considering the high values, and 114 acre feet per acre per year is more than enough, as much of this area will not be irrigated more than once or twice, and a portion will receive no water whatsvever on ac- count of the expense when six or seven crops can be grown without going to that expense. In the nursery area there are large blocks of ornamental trees and variety orchard of such age that they do not require irrigation and will not require any if cultivation is properly main- tained. Only the younger trees need water dur- ing the growing period; or to be liberal, say 200 acres, allowing three acre feet per acre. Berries may increase to an area of say 200 acres with water requirements of 6 acre feet per acre; therefore, we have the greatest possi- ble future requirement for irrigation: Maximum Yearly Requirement of Water for Irrigation in the Niles Cone. Acres. Acre Feet. 4,500 Summer crops—no irrigation. 2,050 Orchard, 1% or 1,025 acres at % acre FOOE PEL ACTC: kiscesereudie se % gee swine 8S 513 1,200 Alfalfa at 1% acre feet per acre... 1,800 200 Grain—no irrigation .............. 200 Nursery at 3 acre feet per acre.... 600 280 ae —no irrigation .......... 200 Strawberries at 6 acre feet per acre 1,200 45 Eucalyptus—no irrigation. 185 Townsites, pasture, house, lots, etc. —no irrigation ............ee0ee 8,860 4,113 The hill drainage of Alameda Creek below the Sunol Dam amounts to approximately 16,000 acres, with a run-off of about six inches, which is equivalent to 8000 acre feet to store within the limits of the cone, or nearly double the irri- gation requirements. Upon complete develop- ment of the Spring Valley System, Mr. Herr- mann’s report of August 1st, 1912, shows that there will be an average waste over the Sunol Dam of 14.6 M. G. daily, or 16,400 acree feet per year. Possibly one-fifth of the irrigation water would be used before June 15th, or during the period in which the cone would be receiving an ample supply from all this drainage. A city representative estimates that the present storage capacity of the Niles Cone above sea level, with the water table as at the time of his report (July. 1912), is approximately 20,000 acre feet. It is REAL WATER REQUIREMENTS OF NILES CONE. safe to assume that in any normal year this storage will be at this figure on June 15th. After this date 3,300 acre feet might be required for irrigation. For domestic use, 1,500 acre feet of water would be needed, estimating that the entire area will be subdivided into small farms and that the towns of Niles and Centerville will increase vreatly in population, or to a total of say 10,000 people, with a per capita consumption of 150 gallons per day. Therefore, the water require- ments of the cone would be: Acre Feet. For domestic use ...................+ 1,500 PAPUA CVON: —20e5 ius lave iene dacaoins Saas Shek 4,113 19) MR er 5,613 The run-off from the 16,000 acres drainage below Sunol Dam in a normal year of 20-inch rainfall is 8000 acre feet, while in a rainfall of this amount, and dependent upon the intensity of the storm, there will be a considerable per- centage of water falling on the surface of the cone area (8860 acres) which will percolate be- yond the reach of plant growth and be added to the storage in the gravels. Placing this amount at only 5 per cent of the rainfall would mean 750 acre feet; therefore it is quite evi- dent that even with the entire flow above the Sunol Dam cut off, which Mr, Herrmann shows to be 16,400 acre feet after all the Spring Valley Water Company’s resources have been developed, there would always be more than enough water to supply the requirements of the cone. In its final solution the future of the Niles Cone must be sought in its agricultural condi- tions and possibilities and not in hypothetical 283 facts of enginea ng. Under the floor of San Francisco Bay aid its salt marshes are bodies of fresh artesian water as determined by engi- neers, but crops cannot be grown on these salt marshes unless reclaimed, nor on the floor of the bay, nor does the discovery of artesian waters place crops on these grounds. Engineers have also located large bodies of water under the Niles Cone, but can any of them prove that the crops on the overlying lands receive moisture required for their growth from a depth of twen- ty-five to fifty feet. The success of the farmer, the greatest returns per acre, depend upon the fundamental principle of intensive tillage of the soil and not upon any investigations into hy- draulics by even the best known of engineers. F. W. ROEDING. ADDENDA. "Yearly water supply requirements of the Niles Cone after complete development of the Spring Valley Water Company’s resources: Acre feet Waste over the Sunol Dam............ 16,400 Hill drainage below Sunol Dam........ 8,000 Percolating rainfall on cone area...... 750 Lt 2 ei ehaead Pe ee A ag etek 25,150 Maximum water requiremants of the CONG Se sa grh a oe caged dal wearin let 5,613 DUEPLUS toned eae eid wae es 19.537 The surplus over the maximum requirements in round numbers is therefore 6,000 million gal- lons or 16.5 M. G. D. Appendix A. RAINFALL OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM BY J. J. SHARON, Assistant Engineer Spring Valley Water Company. A continual circulation of water is in pro- gress on the surface of the earth. Water evap- orates from water surfaces and moist soil sur- faces, rises into the atmosphere in the form of vapor, sometimes partially visible as clouds, mist and fog, and is afterwards precipitated as rain. The distribution of precipitation is by no means uniform. In California there is a great diversity of rainfall sometimes within short dis- tances, and even within the same catchment area. The great variation in the distribution of the rainfall in the various portions of the Ala- meda System may be judged from the records showing the average rainfall at three points within that system. At the Lick Observatory (elevation 4200 feet) for 31 vears (1881-82 to 1911-12) it is 31.26 inches; at Calaveras Reservoir (elevation 600 feet) for 34 years [1874-75 to 1911-12 (the rec- ords for the years 1886-87, 1887-88, 1908-09 and 1909-10 are missing)] it is 26.40 inches; and at Livermore (elevation 485 feet) for 41 years (1871-72 to 1911-12) it is 15.66 inches. Topography Influences Rainfall. In general the rainfall is influenced by topo- graphical features and altitude. On the Pa- cific Coast and in the Sierras the higher rain- falls occur in the mountainous regions. The mountain ranges intercept the moisture as it comes from the ocean, thus causing heavy rain- falls in those higher altitudes. In fact the in- tervention of the mountainous regions on the Peninsula and in the Alameda System may be said to be the cause of the much smaller rain- fall in the San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara and San Joaquin Valleys. On Plate ATI the re- lation between the rainfall in the mountainous regions on the Peninsula, in the Alameda System, and in-the valleys is shown diagram- atically. The mean rainfall and the elevation of the stations are plotted as ordinates, and the distance inland of the station as abscissae. On Plate A 2 there is shown a list of all the rainfall stations whose records were studied, together with the periods of observation, the ob- served average rainfall and the expanded long term average rainfall for each station. These rainfall stations have been located on the Map (Plate A 2) of the Alameda System. Value of Long Records. The quantity of rain falling upon a eatch- ment area, fluctuates yearly, and within the year, and its distribution may be subject to ex- treme variation from month to month. The westerly portion of the Alameda System is well within the relatively humid portion of California, while the easterly portion is not far distant from the relatively arid San Joaquin Valley. It is noteworthy, however, that most of the storms in the Bay region of California cover extended areas. Local intense rains over re- stricted areas are unusual, with the result that seasonal rainfall at any one station in this re- gion is a fairly good index of the precipitation elsewhere in the region. Long rainfall records have much greater weight than have those cov- ering shorter perids, and it is customary in en- gineering practice to expand short records by comparison with the longest available records. 284 OBSERVED FECORD an uy Xt 28 Ye Kw aa xR ~ Fa Og Qy cg aR Se Ss RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ALAMEDA SYSTEM SPRING VALLEY WATER CO. AUGUST 1912. Isohyetose lines represent normal seasonal rainfall for period 1849-50 to I9II-12. Primary Base Station - San Francisco. Lick Observatory Livermore Secondary Base Stations- / San Jose an Niles , Giles Newman < Tracy, Calaveras PLATE -Aa@. 254a OIMAS Lat sne OP all) - bay fo7 ‘ATTVOIHGVUD NMOHS AGTIVA NINOVOL NVS GHL OL NVAOO O1MIOVd AHL WOUM TIVANIVY JO NOILASINLSIG J-2BLO ae Be eran 2 OIMAS Se WO fLUBLILYOLOI Bem. Bas OF Geary) Giyino7 WO YVOIfOAA/T a7/ ABISOD DL// Yf/(M [[2fUM2L FQ Lolfojet OuUiIMOYS NWNYY2DE/CT Y ‘ NM Q Q q SF x +e Se Seay S y pees, voc $8 9 0, SES OSS Pk SON OVE Pe sf” Of ¢ #® Runde laes g§ » a pe ee GF ES N N § 005 + Ny N “= * q Ny woand) ® y Sh Nowgrody a. a ~ @ e our > < 8 v q COST 9 : oor | v 3 a hy tS v YUL ~O AOR” x x : SS : ere + 3 aS DN h > a Sy ah OM SSRS 8 . S > = 3 ‘ UE y EG y N DM; S s » 3 9? : % 3 DOO S g * § 3 I DOSE iS § 285 286 That the length of time required to make such records safe as a basis for future estimates, is an important point in the consideration of rain- fall records, will be seen from the following comparison of short term records at San Fran- cisco to that station’s long term record: If San francis- eo’s rainfall record The average rainfall for The average rainfall for this period compared with the including 1911-12, this period actual full record at was would be 8S. F. would be 10 yearslong 21.09 inches 92.50% of the full record 20“ “ 28.18 “ 10180% “ = « 25 a 21.16 “ 92.80% - oS en. BT 95.26% “ « 40 “ © 22.17 “ 97.23% ee 50 “ ss 22.37 =“ 98.12% gs se 55“ =f 22.78 “ 99.91% ef “ 63“ ns 22.80 “ 100. % i “ Comparisons of this kind for the short periods at stations where the records are known for a long period will show departures from the long period averages at those stations. The conclusion reached, therefore, is that the longer the record, whether it be an actual rec- ord, or one that is expanded by comparison with a longer record, the more closely will the longer record approximate the true average rainfall. Then, too, it is probable that no departure from the actual normal, either for a single year or for a series of years, will ever exceed that which occurred in the long term record. Stations Used in Determination of Rainfall of the Alameda Catchment Area. The records in the vicinity of the Alameda System have been carefully studied in this man- ner. The stations whose records have thus been studied are situated on the Peninsula of San Francisco, in the Santa Clara Valley on the east side of the Bay of San Francisco, in the Alameda Watershed, and on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. They were chosen for the purpose of indicating the distribution and amount of rainfall from the ocean eastwardly, in the mountains as well as in the valleys. The station at San Francisco was taken as a pri- mary base because of its value in covering the longest period in these parts, extending over the 63 consecutive seasons, 1849-50 to 1911-12. Livermore, within the drainage area, and San THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Jose, outside of, but within the immediate vi- cinity of the Alameda drainage areas, have the longest records of any of the stations in the vicinity of the Alameda System. These two stations have been combined, and their means for each year from 1874-75 to 1911-12, have been used to expand to a similar term of years (1874-75 to 1911-12) the seasonal records of Calaveras, Lick Observatory, Niles, Newman and Tracy. The latter five stations, together with Liver- more and San Jose, have been selected, because of their geographical locations, to form the sec- ondary base, (San Francisco being the primary base) from which to expand all the stations named and located on Plate A 2 to long term (63 years) normals. The records of these five stations were ex- panded to the same term as the San Jose and Livermore records by comparing their means with the mean of the means of Livermore and San Jose for a period corresponding to their term of record. The records of each of the seven stations were then expanded from 1874-75 to 1849-50 by com- paring their mean record with the mean of San Francisco for a corresponding period of time. The seven station records thus expanded to 63 year normals, were combined and used as the secondary base station from which to ex- pand all the other rainfall records which were studied. In expanding the records as above outlined, the ratio of the mean of the short term record to the mean, or the mean of the means of the long term record, was assumed to apply to the whole term of years and the short term record was corrected accordingly. In this manner the records were reduced to the same basis. The following table shows the rainfall record, actual and expanded, for each year since 1849-50, to and including 1911-12 for each station whose record has been studied. Figures enclosed in parenthesis are estimated in accordance with the method outlined above. Figures under each station refer to its number on Plate A 2. SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. 1850-51 1867-68 18€9-70 1870-71 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83. . 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 San Francisco 1887-88. . 1888-89 1885-90... 1820-91 1891-92... 1892-93. . 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98.... 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02. . ... 1902-03... . 1903-04 1904-05. 1905-06. . 1906-07. . 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 J910-11.. 1911-12 -10 42 46 26 87 76 66 -91 81 22 27 «12 27 -74 08 -73 -93 92 84 85 231 11 18 66 i) .56 19 04 18 44 .66 86 .14 .12 38 -10 05 04 74 3.86 .85 .58 53 275 47 - 70 25 43 88 87 47 17 -98 28 .59 45 42 hit 85 57 -52 .49 00 Lick Obser- Liver- San Jose Niles Newman Tracy Calaveras vatory more (21) (5) (3) (7) (42.26) (23.17) (22.70) (28.13) (15.32) (24.92) (38.83) (10.37) ( 5.19) ( 5.09) ( 6.31) ( 8.48) ( 3.34) ( 8.70) (25.81) (12.92) (12.66) (15.69) ( 8.54) ( 8.32) (21.65) (49.28) (24.68) (24.19) (29.97) (16.31) (15.89) (41.36) (33.36) (16.71) (16.37) (20.29) (11.05) (10.76) (28.00) (33.20) (16.63) (16.30) (20.20) (10.99) (10.71) (27.87) (30.26) (15.16) (14.86) (18.41) (10.02) ( 9.76) (25.41) (27.82) (13.94) (13.66) (16.92) ( 9.21) ( 8.97) (23.35) (30.50) (15.27) (14.96) (18.54) (10.09) ( 9.83) (25.58) (31.08) (15.55) (15.24) (18.89) (10.28) (10.01) (26.06) (31.12) (15.59) (15.28) (18.93) (10.31) (10.04) (26.12) (27.57) (18.80) (13.53) (16.76) ( 8.92) ( 8.88) (23.18) (68.85) (34.49) (33.80) (41.87) (22.80) (22.21) (57.80) (19. ( 9.62) ( 9.48) (11.68) ( 6.36) ( 6.19) (16.12) (14.10) ( 7.06) ( 6.92) ( 8.57) ( 4.67) ( 4.54) (11.82) (34, (17.31) (16.96) (21.02) (11.45) (11.15) (29.01) (32. (16.05) (15.73) (19.49) (10.62) (10.34) (26.90) (48. (24.44) (28.95) (29.68) (16.16) (15.74) (40.96) (54.26) (27.19) (26.64) (338.01) (17.97) (17.51) (45.56) (29. (14.95) (14.65) (18.15) ( 9.88) ( 9.62) (25.04) (27. (18.52) (138.25) (16.41) ( 8.94) ( 8.70) (22.65) (19. ( 9.88) ( 9.68) (11.99) ( 6.54) ( 6.36) (16.55) (43 19.06 (21.11) (26.16) (14.24) (13.87) (35.50) (21 10.69 (10.74) (138.31) ( 7.25) ( 7.06) (18.37) (34 12.26 (16.96) (21.02) (11.45) (11.15) (29.01) (18 11.67 7.90 (11.84) ( 6.50) ( 6.32) 16.28 (39 19.99 19.47 (24.07) (13.11) (12.75) 40.50 (10. 6.01 4.83 ( 6.61) 3.60) ( 3.50) 12.15 (38. 17.66 19.28 (22.54) (12.28) (11.93) 29.02 (30. 10.11 16.40 (16.16) ( 8.81) ( 8.56) 21.48 (28. 15.98 13.77 (18.14) ( 9.88) 9.20 27.69 (26. 16.45 12.45 (17.63) ( 9.60) 10.68 25.03 29. 11.70 11.75 (14.30) ( 7.79) 7.27 22.32 3. 13.86 10.59 (14.92) ( 8.18) 8.10 21.40 58. 22.75 20.08 (26.12) (14.23) 12.85 37.26 44, 12.04 11.27 (14.20) ( 7.74) 4.91 19.63 31. 16.17 20.63 (22.45) (12.28) 12.30 31.66 24. 11.17 11.36 14.85 ( 7.48) 7.27 (18.94) 30. 13.13 12.17 14.94 ( 8.41) 6.65 (21.28) 21. 15.81 Ib.71 15.97 (10.48) 10.31 19.87 45. 28.66 30.30 85.91 23.67 21.92 45.54 24. 14.16 12.88 14.83 9.68 9.34 20.23 27. 14.25 16.51 16.39 9.08 8.98 25.24 37. 26.29 25.17 23.46 16.28 11.63 39.20 35. 17.16 12.92 21.91 4.88 9.17 30.81 36. 24.37 23.32 27.30 14.11 12.11 38.63 29. 16.35 13.69 19.58 10.23 8.86 25.82 82. 17.28 16.56 24.02 11.27 9.39 31.20 17. 9.11 6.87 11.99 5.67 7.20 13.37 25. 9.27 10.02 15.89 6.27 9.11 20.98 29. 12.72 13.87 18.55 11.58 14.42 25.84 31. 19.72 19.88 24.16 12.08 14.10 30.66 27. 16.80 12.98 18.17 8.27 7.72 23.27 30. 14.25 13.89 17.16 9.26 10.28 24.95 33. 13.33 10.47 14.52 7.04 8.68 27.49 28. 15.81 17.96 23.47 14.85 15.15 28.72 38. 19.32 15.12 23.89 14.73 11.77 28.04 43. 23.14 22.71 28.33 15.99 15.73 32.98 23. 9.93 11.69 12.90 7.68 7.00 17.34 BU: 18.58 18.31 22.64 11.50 12.26 (31.02) 26. 14.50 14.52 18.33 9.83 8.56 (24.41) ex 21.28 22.65 20.58 11.36 10.07 28.12 18. 9.50 10.58 11.52 6.72 5.55 14.79 31. 15.95 15.63 19.39 10.56 10.29 26.73 287 SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. Calaveras (23) 1849-50........ (41.45) 1850-51........ t $29) 1851-52........ (23.12) 1852-53........ (44.17) 1853-54........ (29.89) 1854-55........ (29.76) 1855-56........ (27.138) 1856-57........ (24.94) 1857-58........ (27.32) TSG8-B9 ies os wee (27.84) 1859-60........ (27.90) 1860-61........ (24.65) 1861-62........ (61.72) 1862-63........ (17.22) 1863-64........ (12.63) 1864-65........ (30.98) 1865-66 50.65 20% (28.73) 1866-67........ (43.74) 1867-68........ (48.66) 1868-69...... .. (26.74) 1869-70........ (24.19) VS TORT AD wise soins (17.68) TTA -T2s as caked (37.87) TBT2TS aca na nat (20.71) 1873-74........ (29.88) 1874-75........ (17.35) 1875-76........ (37.12) 1876-77........ (10.27) 1877-78. ....... (33.08) 1878-79........ (24.54) L879-30 04 es ves (27.00) 1880-81........ (25.98) 1881-82........ (22.84) ASS2-B8. wx ca eax (25.02) 1883-84........ (41.91) 1884-85........ (25.06) 1885-86........ (32.16) 1886-87........ (20.83) 1887-88........ (23.35) 1888-89........ (24.08) 1889-90........ (50.62) AS9ODL. 22.5 wee (23.03) 1891-92........ (25.83) cr (39.41) 1893-94........ (29.07) 1894-95........ (38.65) 1895-96........ (27.21) 1896-97........ (31.09) 1897-98........ (15.74) 1898-99........ (21.29) 1899-00........ (27.65) T900-01 «cca eaaw (33.34) 1901-02........ (25.16) 1902-038........ (26.29) 1908-04) ...... 22... MNGi te 56.81 ASO44S: |) cae sae wanes 1905-06........ (33.13) 1906-07........ (39.90) 1907-08........ (19.81) 1908-09........ (33.23) 1909-10........ (25.45) 1910-11........ (32.27) 1911-12........ (16.83) Mean 28.58 Calaveras (19) (40.43) ( 9.06) (22.54) (43.07) (29.15) (29.02) (26.46) (24.32) (26.64) (27.15) (27.21) (24.04) (60.19) (16.79) (12.32) (30.21) (28.02) (42.65) (47.45) (26.07) (23.59) (17.24) (36.93) (20.20) (29.14) (16.92) (36.19) (10.02) (32.26) (23.94) (26.33) (25.34) (22.28) (24.40) (40.88) (24.44) (31.37) (20.32) (22.77) (23.49) (49.37) (22.45) (25.19) (38.44) (28.34) (37.69) (26.54) (30.32) (15.35) (20.77) (26.97) (19.32) (32.41) (24.82) (31.47) (16.41) 27.88 Calaveras (20) (42.37) ( 9.50) (23.63) (45.15) (30.56) (30.42) (27.74) (25.50) (27.92) (28.46) (28.52) (25.20) (63.09) (17.60) (12.91) (31.67) (29.37) (44.71) (49.74) (27.33) (24.73) (18.07) (38.71) (21.17) (30.54) (17.74) (37.94) (10.50) (33.82) (25.09) (27.60) (26.56) (23.35) (25.57) (42.84) (25.62) (32.88) (21.30) (23.87) (24.62) (51.74) (23.54) (26.40) (40.29) (29.71) (39.50) (27.81) (31.78) (16.09) (21.77) (28.27) (34.08) (25.72) (26.88) 29.22 288 Calaveras Calaveras Calaveras Calaveras Calaveras (22) (24) (41) (40) (29) (38.41) (41.13) (35.85) (27.42) (38.48) ( 8.61) ( 9.22) ( 8.04) ( 6.15) ( 8.62) (21.42) (22.94) (20.00) (15.29) (21.46) (40.93) (43.82) (38.20) (29.21) (41.00) (27.70) (29.66) (25.86) (19.77) (27.75) (27.57) (29.52) (25.74) (19.68) (27.62) (25.14) (26.92) (23.47) (17.95) (25.19) (23.11) (24.75) (21.57) (16.50). (23.15) (25.31) (27.10) (238.63) (18.07) (25.36) (25.80) (27.62) (24.08) (18.41) (25.84) (25.86) (27.68) (24.13) (18.45) (25.90) (22.84) (24.46) (21.24) (16.31) (22.88) (57.20) (61.22) (53.39) (40.82) (57.29) (15.95) (17.08) (14.89) (11.39) (15.98) (11.71) (12.53) (10.93) ( 8.35) (11.73) (28.71) (30.74) (26.80) (20.49) (28.76) (26.62) (28.50) (24.85) (19.00) (26.67) (40.53) (48.40) (37.83) (28.93) (40.60) (45.09) (48.28) (42.09) (32.18) (45.17) (24.78) (26.538) (23.138) (17.69) (24.82) (22.42) (24.00) (20.92) (16.00) (22.45) (16.38) (17.54) (15.29) (11.69) (16.41) (35.09) (37.57) (32.75) (25.05) (35.15) (19.19) (20.55) (17.91) (18.71) (19.23) (27.69) (29.64) (25.84) (19.76) (27.78) (16.08) (17.22) (15.01) (11.48) (16.11) (34.41) (36.82) (32.10) (24.55) (34.45) ( 9.52) (10.19) ( 8.88) ( 6.79) ( 9.53) (30.66) (32.82) (28.62) (21.88) (30.71) (22.74) (24.35) (21.23) (16.28) (22.78) (25.02) (26.78) (23.35) (17.86) (25.06) (24.08) (25.78) (22.47) (17.19) (24.12) (21.17) (22.66) (19.76) (15.11) (21.20) (23.18) (24.82) (21.64) (16.55) (23.22) (38.84) (41.58) (36.25) (27.72) (38.91) (23.23) (24.87) (21.68) (16.58) (23.27) (29.80) (31.91) (27.82) (21.27) (29.85) (19.31) (20.67) (18.02) (18.78) (19.34) (21.64) (23.16) (20.19) (15.44) (21.67) (22.32) (23.89) (20.83) (15.93) (22.36) (46.91) (50.22) (438.78) (33.48) (46.99) (21.34) (22.84) (19.92) (15.23) (21.37) (23.94) (25.63) (22.34) (17.09) (23.98) (36.53) (39.10) (34.09) (26.07) (36.59) (26.93) (28.84) (25.14) (19.23) (26.98) (35.81) (38.34) (33.48) (25.56) (40.14) (25.22) (27.00) (23.54) (18.00) (25.26) (28.81) (30.85) (26.89) (20.56) (28.86) (14.59) (15.62) (13.62) (10.41) (14.61) (19.73) (21.138) (18.42) (14.08) (19.77) (25.63) (27.44) (23.92) (18.29) (25.67) (30.90) (33.08) (28.84) (22.06) (30.95) (23.31) (24.96) (21.76) (16.64) (23.35) (24.36) (26.08) (22.74) (17.39) (24.40) ee anaes 24.57 area seks 52.63 56.85 ..... 39.54 52.74 Sueter « yaldantdal (27.37) Datars ee (30.70) (32.87) (28.65) (21.91) (30.75) (36.98) (39.59) (34.52) (26.39) (37.04) (18.35) (19.65) (17.18) (13.10) (18.389) (30.80) (32.97) (28.75) (21.98) (30.85) (238.58) (25.25) (22.01) (16.83) (23.62) (29.90) (82.02) (27.91) (21.34) (29.95) (15.60) (16.70) (14.56) (11.18) (15.63) 26.48 28.36 24.76 19.91 26.60 SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. Calaveras Calaveras Calaveras Calaveras Calaveras (16) (18) (30) (14) (15) 1849250): Geass Danis sea Bayne aro ida Aedes (42.72) (39.32) (40.05) (44.56) (42.53) 1850-51 os pus an ee hee. ones ve Bas eae odes ( 9.58) ( 8.81) ( 8.97) ( 9.99) ( 9.53) TBHP ODs visas rireeersaens mveuansl sue teal d Sug aus raetnaue (23.83) (21.938) (22.33) (24.85) (23.72) MB GAD Bs * bya bts Ws dd Reems Asis deen mneelrsng beamed (45.52) (41.89) (42.67) (47.48) (45.32) ESO ccstents a cnare eeiiate areas Se Bae cea NS (30.81) (28.35) (28.88) (32.138) (30.68) TS54-55) akan osccet 64 Gade ne tee aid eed eens (30.67) (28.22) (28.75) (31.99) (30.53) USHSD GO). “sl. ecsetonn hehe ds raed bonne aay aes (27.97) (25.74) (26.21) (29.17) (27.84) VOD GOT coche eee tite ae ge ee ice Ste ae (25.71) (23.66) (24.10) (26.81) (25.59) 1857-58) sessing eke se Hes eevee sakes < baee (28.16) (25.91) (26.39) (29.37) (28.03) D8 Oe ieee casidieus ed Mie easwieue Saihee OR eons (28.69) (26.40) (26.89) (29.93) (28.56) 185960) viswowet seas Soteene er aareesets (28.76) (26.46) (26.95) (29.99) (28.63) USCOG:, | coke Gaye thee GA earn ee diteeeon (25.41) (23.38) (23.81) (26.50) (25.29) US61-62)) cies 8 eeaae wee y sage re eee sewed (63.60). (58.54) (59.62) (66.34) (63.33) TSG 268 ict ees ah dna a Me Be eae eon dane (17.74) (16.33) (16.63) (18.51) (17.66) PSGCS G4. x cag. cal hoard ais cause Mae ean eae (13.02) (11.98) (12.20) (13.58) (12.96) WS864:65° acct na ct eee en co eeea awe (31.93) (29.38) (29.93) (33.30) (31.79) TS65-66. eastern wae ovis sanie.a Gla anata nnaiodss (29.61) (27.25) (27.76) (30.88) (29.48) TS66-67 cfs smaceeeacaduss SERS no eee aes (45.08) (41.48) (42.25) (47.02) (44.88) US GUAGSS 83. Stas subcimte Bad pueun ase Suan eres Selden sects (50.15) (46.15) (47.01) (52.30) (49.93) VSG8269: sa cine otras Salas ans ae be WO ean (27.56) (25.36) (25.83) (28.74) (27.44) T869210) ee oasaieiece ita apa ait Sete eee) Raa as (24.93) (22.94) (23.37) (26.01) (24.82) USTO21. ai niess wees Ghd ewes Saxe. ao xs (18.22) (16.77) (17.08) (19.00) (18.14) DSTA T 2: iy sutsanaiavereactalaaud ate woes ea-entes Bites (39.03) (35.91) (36.58) (40.70) (38.85) (19.64) (20.01) (22.26) (21.25) (28.34) (28.86) (32.12) (30.66) (16.46) (16.76) (18.66) (17.81) (35.20) (35.85) (39.90) (38.08) ( 9.74) ( 9.92) (11.04) (10.54) (31.38) (31.96) (35.56) (33.95) (23.28) (23.71) (26.38) (25.18) (25.61) (26.08) (29.02) (27.70) (24.65) (25.10) (27.93) (26.66) (21.66) (22.07) (24.56) (23.44) (23.73) (24.17) (26.90) (25.67) (39.75) (40.49) (45.06) (43.01) (23.77) (24,21) (26.94) (25.72) (30.51) (31.07) (34.57) (33.00) (19.76) (20.13) (22.40) (21.38) (22.14) (22.55) (25.10) (23.96) (22.84) (23.27) (25.89) (24.71) (48.01) (48.90) (54.42) (51.94) (21.84) (22.24) (24.75) (23.63) (24.50) (24.95) (27.77) (26.51) (37.38) (38.08) (42.37) (40.44) (27.57) (28.08) (31.25) (29.82) (36.66) (37.33) (41.55) (39.65) (25.81) (26.29) (29.25) (27.92) (29.49) (30.03) (33.42) (31.90) (14.93) (15.21) (16.92) (16.15) (20.20) (20.58) (22.89) (21.85) (26.23) (26.72) (29.73) (28.38) (31.62) (82.21) (35.84) (34.21) (23.86) (24.30) (27.04) (25.81) (24.94) (25.40) (28.26) (26.98) 57.08 54.88 139.59 133.24 (31.42) (32.00) (For 4 years) (37.85) (38:55): oo saw@ecsi Maresleela (18.79) (19.14) (21.29) (20.32) (31.52) (32.11) (35.73) (34.10) (24.14) (24.58) (27.36) (26.11) 1910-11 : (30.61) (31.17) (34.69) (33.11) VOLTA > ei. a oe septa eo meas Se Sae eee (17.35) (15.97) (16.26) (18.10) (17.27) Wea sesdiad 4 gua Se hORE RS Se Rese Ra Soe oe 29.46 27.16 27.61 30.72 29.32 289 Calaveras (31) (42. (9. (238. (45. (30. (30. (27. (25. (27. (28. (28. (25. (63. (17. (12. (31. (29. (44. (49. (27. (24. (18. (38. (21. (30. (17. (37. (10. (338. (25. (27. (36. (238. (25. (42. (25. (32. (21. (23. (24, (51. (23. (26. (40. (29. (39. (27. (31. (16. (21. (28. (34. (25. (26. 29. (32. (33. (40. (20. (33. (25. (32. (17. 32) 48) 60) 09) 52) 38) 70) 46) 89) 42) 48) 17) 00) 58) 90) 63) 33) 65) 68) 30) 70) 04) 66) 14) 50) 72) 89) 49) 17) 06) 56) 53) 32) 54) 79) 59) 84) 27) 84) 59) 68) 51) 37) 24) 67) 45) 78) 74) 07) 74) 23) 04) 68) 84) 00 30) 82) 74) 22) 93) 98) 94) 18) 29 39 SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. Arroyo Valle (25) 1849-50........ (39.56) 1850-51........ ( 8.87) 1851-52). wa aes (22.06) 1852-53........ (42.15) 18538-54........ (28.53) 1854-55.......- (28.40) 1855-56.......- (25.90) 1856-57.......- (23.80) 1857-58.... .. (26.07) 1858-59........ (26.57) 1859-60.......- (26.63) 1860-61........ (23.53) 1861-62........ (58.90) 1862-68........ (16.43) 1863-64.......- (12.06) 1864-65.......- (29.57) 1865-66........ (27.42) 1866-67.......- (41.74) 1867-68.......- (46.44) 1868-69. ......- (25.52) 1869-70......-- (23.09) 1870-71........ (16.87) 1871-72... 2 ea eae (36.14) V8 T 227 Bice cecncs: = (19.77) 1878-74. ewes (28.51) 1874-75........ (16.56) 1875-76........ (85.42) 1876-77. ......- ( 9.80) ASTT-T8s ccna ees (31.57) VST 827 Gee ew dns (23.42) 1879-80.......- (25.76) 1880-81........ (24.80) 1881-82........ (21.80) 1882-83........ (23.88) 18838-84.......- (40.00) 1884-85........ (23.92) 1885-86 ....... (30.70) 1886-87.......- (19.88) 1887-88 ....... (22.28) 1888-89........ (22.98) 1889-90........ (48.31) 1890-91. ....... (21.97) 1891-92........ (24.65) 1892-93. 5. ces. (37.61) 1893-94........ (27.74) 1894-95........ (36.88) 1895-96........ (25.97) 1896-97........ (29.67) 1897-98........ (15.02) 1898-99........ (20.32) 1899-00......-. (26.39) 1900-01........ (31.82) 1901-02........ (24.01) 1902-03........ (25.09) 1904-05.......-. 54.21 1905-06........ (31.62) 1906-07........ (38.08) 1907-08........ (18.90) 1908-09 ......- (31.72) 1909-10........ (24.29) 1910-11........ (30.80) T9TI-T2 en ges oe (16.06) *19038-04....... ..6-- Mean 27.28 Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arro Valle Valle Valle Valle Valle ii (42) (10) (11) (39) (43) (28) (27.93) (31.93) (29.63) (29.77) (31.42 31.31 ( 6.26) ( 7.16) ( 6.64) ( 6.67) ( on ( 7 05) (15.58) (17.81) (16.53) (16.60) (17.52) (17.46) (29.76) (34.02) (31.57) (31.72) (33.48) . 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(ts (17. (33. (22. (22. (20. (18. (20. (21. (21. (18. (46. (18. ( 9. (23. (21. (33. (36. (20. (18. (13. (28. (15. (22. (13. (28. ( 7. (25. (18. (20. (19. (17. (19. (31. -05) 44) 83) 74) -30) .47) -50) 63) -95) .09) 37) 68) -63) -96) -18) 08) 34) -12) 98) 18 50) 06) 57) 56) 72) 61) 62) 95) 76) 16) 20) 73) 90) 08) 60) 53) 83) 24) 98) 32) 38) 43) 78) 74) 71) 19) 21) 81) 14) 65) 52) 75) 36) 01) 85) SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Valle Valle Valle Valle Valle Valle Valle Valle (33) (45) (36) (8) (9) (35) (27) (26646) 1849-50......... (26.65) (28.23) (28.07) (28.26) (25.96) (26.52) (29.96) (30.69) 1850-51......... ( 5.97) ( 6.33) ( 6.29) ( 6.33) ( 5.82) ( 5.94) ( 6.71) ( 6.88) 1851-52.....54.. (14.85) (15.74) (15.65) (15.76) (14.48) (14.79) (16.71) (17.12) 1852-53........- (28.39) (30.08) (29.90) (30.11) (27.66) (28.25) (31.92) (32.70) 1858-54......... (19.22) (20.36) (20.24) (20.38) (18.72) (19.12) (21.61) (22.138) 1854-55......... (19.13) (20.26) (20.15) (20.28) (18.63) (19.03) (21.51) (22.03) 1855-56......... (17.44) (18.48) (18.37) (18.50) (16.99) (17.36) (19.61) (20.09) 1856-57......... (16.03) (16.99) (16.89) (17.00) (15.62) (15.95) (18.03) (18.47) 1857-58......... (17.56) (18.60) (18.50) (18.62) (17.11) (17.48) (19.75) (20.23) 1858-59......... (17.89) (18.96) (18.85) (18.98) (17.48) (17.81) (20.12) (20.61) 1859-60......... (17.93) (19.00) (18.89) (19.02) (17.47) (17.85) (20.16) (20.66) 1860-61......... (15.85) (16.79) (16.69) (16.80) (15.44) (15.77) (17.82) (18.25) 1861-62......... (39.67) (42.03) (41.79) (42.07) (38.65) (39.47) (44.61) (45.70) 1862-63......... (11.07) (11.72) (11.66) (11.74) (10.78) (11.01) (12.44) (12.75) 1868-64......... ( 8.12) ( 8.60) ( 8.55) ( 8.61) ( 7.91) ( 8.08) ( 9.13) ( 9.35) 1864-65......... (19.91) (21.10) (20.98) (21.12) (19.40) (19.82) (22.39) (22.94) 1865-66......... 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(25.65) (27.18) (27.02) (27.20) (24.99) (25.53) (28.84) (29.54) 1907-08......... (12.73) (13.49) (13.41) (13.50) (12.40) (12.67) (14.32) (14.66) 1908-09......... (21.36) (22.63) (22.50) (22.66) (20.81) (21.26) (24.02) (24.61) 1909-10......... (16.36) (17.33) (17.23) (17.35) (15.94) (16.28) (18.39) (18.84) 1910-11......... (20.74) (21.98) (21.85) (22.00) (20.21) (20.64) (23.32) (23.89) 1911-12......... (10.82) (11.46) (11.41) (11.48) (10.54) (10.77) (12.17) (12.46) Mean...... 18.37 19.40 19.35 13.48 17.90 18.28 20.66 21.16 291 SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. Westley 1849-50.........08. (14.18) 1850-51........-.0. ( 3.18) WSSU vices isiae Oe ( 7.91) 1852-53. .c cc eee ee (15.11) 1853-64: ose eee (10.23) 1854-55 dais cave ce hee (10.18) 1855-56 ck eee tie es siete ( 9.28) A856°5 Ts ea es was oes ( 8.53) 1857-5858 ch cae ess ( 9.385) 1858-59............ ( 9.53) 1859-60............ ( 9.54) 1860-61............ ( 8.44) VS 616 2g .ciicsccs sie 5 oa ane (21.11) 1862-63 wc5 26 ges i asie ( 5.89) 1863-64............ ( 4.32) 1864-65...........0. (10.60) 1865-66..........-. (10.44) 1866-67............ (14.96) 1867-68............ (16.64) 1868-69............ ( 9.17) 1869270 oi... ee eae ( 8.61) W870-T1 sec vee esas ( 8.07) NSA AE 1 Diss iiss andi Sebi eoee (13.00) NOT ET Biss wes ie eee ( 7.07) 1813914 es cos sa nage (10.22) 1874-75... . eee ee ( 5.85) 187521665 die ee aes (12.70) VWSTGT 1. ees cwe sane < ( 3.52) WTB igc os os asin ( 4.18) 1878-79. 2... cee eee ( 8.40) 1879-80........005- ( 9.24) 1880-81............ ( 8.87) 1881282 oc sae ee eam ( 7.81) VSS 2283.05 6 eects wes ( 8.55) 1883-84.........006 (14.32) 1884-85..........-. ( 8.57) 1885-86............ (10.99) 1886-87............ ( 7.11) TS8%-88 ie cardi soz aisle ( 7.98) TS88-89020 ce ctaeles 4.60 1889-90.........005 17.01 1890-91............ 7.09 1891-92 2.56.08. 8.98 1892-98............ 14.65 1893798 oie tony gar Sin 7.62 1894695 cscs awed s 13.92 1895-96............ 10.44 1896-97............ 14.06 1897-98.........4.- 4.18 1898-99............ 7.84 1899-00..........-- 10.14 1900-01............ 13.71 1901-02............ 7.87 1902-08044 us ea bee 11.08 1903-04.........-.- 7.68 1904-05..........0. 11.65 1905-06............ 13.18 1906-07. ........-.. 16.87 1907-08. .......--6. 7.64 1908-09............ 9.78 1909-10...........- 8.91 POLO AD eos ey canes 12.84 1904-19 2 see vn snes = 8.47 Means nce vcoceeas 9.91 Gilroy (28. ( 6. (15. (30. (20. (20. 72) (18 (17. (18. (19. (19. (17. (42. (11. ( 8. (21. (21. (30. (33. (18. (17. (12. (26. (14. (20. 15. 31. 6. 28. 16. 22. 23. 14. 15. 24, 14. 21. 11. 16. 14. 37. 14. 18. 24. 12. 28. 24. 21. 10. 19. 14. 23. 18. 17. 18. 25 23 29. 28. 14. 27. 19. 19. 13. 20. 62) 42) 96) 48) 64) 54) 21) 86) 23) 26) 03) 60) 88) 72) 39) 07) 20) 58) 50) 37) 20) 22) 26) 62) 12 04 53 03 76 38 42 09 19 60 74 45 11 78 44 75 84 91 50 91 81 70 82 44 44 54 17 41 48 26 42 98 25 81 47 38 87 15 Pleasanton (S. V. W. Co.) (2) (36.77) ( 8.24) (20.51) (39.18) (26.52) (26.40) (24.07) (22.13) (24.24) (24.70) (24.75) (21.87) (54.76) (15.27) (11.21) (27.49) (25.49) (38.80) (43.17) (23.72) (21.46) (15.68) (33.59) (18.36) (26.51) (15.39) (32.93) ( 9.11) (29.35) (21.77) (23.95) (23.05) (20.26) (22.20) (37.05) (22.24) (28.53) (18.48) (20.71) (21.37) (44.91) (20.48) (22.92) (34.97) (25.79) (34.29) (24.14) (27.58) (13.97) (18.89) 22.52 31.68 21.14 22.30 26.92 23.82 29.16 2.03 15.85 31.14 22.20 32.39 16.57 25.29 292 Pleasanton (S. P. R. R.) (1) (24 ( 5. (18. (25. (17. (17. (15. (14. (15. (16. (16. (14. (35. (9. ( 7. (17. (17. (25. (28. (15. (14. (10. (22. (11. (17. (9. (21. ( 5. (19. (14. (15. (15. (18. (14. (24, (14. (18. (12. (13. (18. (30. (18. (14. (22. (17. (22. (15. (18. ( 9. (12. (16. (19. (14. (15. (14. (18. (19. 22. 9. 20. 15. 20. 9. .05) 39) 41) 61) 34) 25) 73) 46) 84) 15) 18) 30) 79) 98) 32) 97) 71) 37) 21) 54) 59) 25) 03) 99) 33) 92) 53) 96) 19) 24) 56) 06) 23) 49) 28) 52) 63) 05) 52) 95) 33) 34) 95) 83) 47) 39) 77) 02) 11) 33) 02) 21) 83) 24) 64) 33) 19) 94 97 63 06 12 61 16 56 Sunol (4) (31 (7%. (17. (33. (22. (22. (20. (18. (20. (21. (21, (18. (46. (138. ( 9. (23. (21. (33. (36. (20. (18. (18. (28. (15. (22. (18. (28. (7. (25. (18. (20. (19. (17. (18. (31. (18. (24. (IE. (17. (18. 38. 14. 16. 27. 21. 27. 17. 22. 10. 20. 22. 25. 19. 19. 22. 23. 25. 29. 16. 25. 18. 28. 15. 21, 34) 02) 48) 39) 60) 50) 51) 86) 65) 05) 09) 64) 66) 02) 55) 42) 72) 06) 79) 21) 29) 36) 63) 66) 59) 12) 06) 77) 01) 56) 41) 64) 27) 91) 69) 95) 32) 75) 65) 21) 99 05 54 19 72 02 a9 22 51 41 27 57 46 02 16 29 21 78 70 18 53 43 81 58 SIXTY-THREE YEAR RAINFALL RECORD EXPANDED BY COMPARISON WITH SAN FRANCISCO. Skunk San Hollow Felipe (44) (18) 1849-50......... (39.04) (35.96) 1850-51......... ( 8.75) ( &.06) A Ends a) ee ee (21.77) (20.06) 1852208 cna ev eokee 2 (41.59) (38.32) 1858-54......... (28.15) (25.94) 1854-55......... (28.02) (25.82) 1855-56......... (25.55) (23.54) 1856-57......... (23.49) (21.64) 1857-58......... (25.73) (23.70) 1858-59......... (26.22) (24.15) 1859-60......... (26.27) (24.21) 1860-61... .. (23.21) (21.39) 1861-62......... (58.16) (53.54) 1862-68......... (16.21) (14.94) 1863-64......... (11.90) (10.96) 1864-65......... (29.18) (26.88) 1865-66......... (27.05) (24.93) 1866-67......... (41.19) (37.95) 1867-68......... (45.82) (42.21) 1868-69......... (25.18) (23.20) 1869-70......... (22.78) (20.99) 870-1 ace wins (16.64) (15.34) VOLT Dees aes (35.66) (32.85) 1872-91335 5 hace a aes (19.50) (17.97) 1873-74......... (28.14) (25.92) 1874-75......... (16.34) (15.06) 1875-76......... (34.95) (32.20) VSTOETT science cakes ( 9.67) ( 8.91) USTT-18 sce ca eas (81.16) (28.70) 1878-79......... (23.11) (21.29) 1879-80......... (25.42) (23.42) 1880-81......... (24.47) (22.54) 1881-82......... (21.51) (19.82) 1882-83......... (23.56) (21.71) 1883-84......... (39.47) (36.36) 1884-85......... (23.60) (21.75) 1885-86......... (30.29) (27.90) 1886-87......... (19.62) (18.08) 1887-88......... (21.99) (20.26) 1888-89......... (22.68) (20.90) 1889-90......... (47.67) (43.92) (19.98) (22.41) (34.20) (25.22) (33.53) (23.61) (26.97) (138.66) (18.48) (23.99) (28.93) (21.83) (22.81) % 49.28 1904-05......... (29.80) aw ae ee 1905-06......... (31.20) (28.74) 1906-07......... (37.58) (34.62) 1907-08......-.. (18.65) (17.18) 1908-09......... (31.30) (28.84) 1909-10......... (23.96) (22.08) 1910-11......... (30.389) (28.00) 1911-125. cia ees (15.85) (14.60) Mean...... 26.96 24.79 San Felipe (17) (39. ( 8. (21. (41. (28. (28. (25. (23. (25. (26. (26. (23. (58. (16. (CAA, (29. (27. (41. (46. (25. (22. (16. (35. (19. (28. (16. (35. (9. (31. (23. (25. (24. (21. (23. (39. (238. (30. (19. (22. (22. (47. (21. (24. (37. (27. (36. (25. (29. (14. (20. (26. (31. (28. (24. 29) 80) 91) 86) 33) 20) 72) 64) 89) 39) 44) 36) 50) 32) 97) 36) 23) 45) 12) 34) 93) 15) 89) 63) 32) 45) 18) 74) 36) 26) 59) 63) 65) 71) 73) 76) 48) 75) 13) 83) 98) 82) 48) 36) 55) 63) 79) 47) 92) 18) 21) 293 San Felipe (32) (33.55) ( 7.52) (18.71) (35.75) (24.20) (24.09) (21.97) (20.19) (22.41) (22.53) (22.58) (19.95) (49.96) (13.94) (10.238) (25.08) (23.25) (35.40) (39.39) (21.64) (19.58) (14.381) (30.65) (16.77) (24.09) (14.05) (30.04) ( 8.31) (26.78) (19.87) (21.85) (21.03) (18.49) (20.25) (33.93) (20.29) (26.04) (16.86) (18.90) (19.50) (40.98) (18.64) (20.91) (31.90) (23.58) (31.28) Arroyo Valle (34) (25. (5. (14. (27. (18. (18. (16. (15. (16. (aT. (17. (15. (38. (10. (7. (19. (17. (26. (30. (16. (14. (10. (23. (12. (18. (10. (22. ( 6. (20. (15. (16. (16. (14. (15. (25. (15. (19. (12, (14. (14. (31. (14. (15. (24. (17. .85) .79) .19) -72) 114) .07) 58) 73) 27) 26) 45) 36) 75) 39) 86) 18) 22) 21) 09) 62) 80) 12) 73) 99) 03) 50) 93) 91) 37) 78) 44) 71) 90) 34) 42) 15) 66) 04) 10) 44) 86) 47) 85) 86) 41) 86) 24) 21) 94) 32) 94) Arroyo Valle (37) (24.42) ( 5.47) (13.62) (26.01) (17.61) (17.53) (15.98) (14.69) (16.09) (16.40) (16.43) (14.52) (36.35) (10.14) ( 7.44) (18.25) (16.92) (25.76) (28.67) (15.75) (14.25) (10.41) (22.30) (12.20) (17.60) (10.22) (21.86) ( 6.05) (19.49) (14.46) (15.90) (15.31) (13.45) (14.74) (24.69) (14.76) (18.94) (12.27) (13.75) (14.19) (29.82) (13.56) (15.22) (23.22) (17.12) (22.76) (16.03) (18.31) ( 9.27) (12.54) (16.29) (19.64) Upper Alameda (12) (39. ( 8. (21. (41. (28. (28. (25. (23. (25. (26. (26. (28. (58. (16. (11. (29. (27. (41. (46. (25. (22. (16. (35. (19. (28. (16. (35. (9. (31. (23. (25. (24. (21. (23. (39. (23. (30. (19. (22. (22. (47. (21. (24. (37. (27. (36. (25. (29. (14. (20. (26. (31. 26) 80) 90) 83) 31) 18) 70) 62) 87) 37) 43) 35) 46) 31) 96) 34) 21) 42) 09) 32) 91) 74) 86) 62) 30) 44) 15) 73) 33) 25) 57) 61) 63) 70) 70) 74) 46) 73) 11) 81) 95) 81) 294 Distribution of Normal Rainfall. The normal rainfall at these stations was used to locate the position of some of the isohyetal lines also plotted on Map (Plate A 2). In plotting the isohyetal lines in such portions of the drainage areas, where no rainfall records existed or were available, consideration was given to the topography of the land, and to the character of its vegetation, as well as to the rate of increase or diminution of rainfall in the mountainous regions due to altitude. The isohyetals plotted are lines of equal mean rainfall. The rainfall is for the period of 63 years. The mean area rainfall over each water- shed or drainage area of the Alameda System, as well as for the entire Alameda System, was computed with a planimeter, by determining the area between lines of rainfall and assuming the mean between two lines bounding that area as the mean rainfall to be applied to the area. The cubical quantities of precipitation thus computed for each watershed or drainage area were added together and the total sum divided by the area of that watershed or drainage area. The resulting quotient was taken as the mean area rainfall for that portion of the Alameda System. In like manner the mean area rainfall for the 63 year period for each watershed or subdivision of the Alameda system, as well as the entire sys- tem was computed, and is as follows: Mean area rainfall for 63 Area in Sq. year period, Name of Drainage Area. Miles. in inches. Calaveras Creek ................ 98.30 28.55 Upper Alameda ................ 35.32 27.75 San Antonio ................... 38.70 23.93 Arroyo Valle ................005 140.80 20.80 Drainage to Sunol Gravels....... 49.08 23.00 Livermore Gravels Drainage, in- cluding Arroyo Mocho and floor Of “Valley eis sess essed oiesee wae ane 258.34 18.55 TOtAL: ATC scsi sey tee weg a ante 620.54 21.84 Mean Area Rainfall for Subsidiary Catchment Areas. The mean area rainfall of the Alameda Sys- tem of 21.84 inches was found by comparison with the means at various stations to approxi- mate the mean of the means of two stations, viz. : Inches. Calaveras? scsce creas, tae Savoet can ka WES eee SES 29.47 26.90 24,31 23.60 21.47 18.76 T8C6267 \. eric wancd ddan weaned wae. Fe 44,88 40.96 37.01 85.93 32.70 28.56 1867-68: o2 seeds ad Shae eed aad ss 49.91 45.56 41.17 39.98 86.37 31.76 TSGCS 69 eee eans Gacca ie ave wae Sepa aw pone LSE 27.43 25.04 22.62 21.96 19.99 17.46 TSGO-T) oc ekeehe yee sides ceee daw Re 24.82 22.65 20.47 19.87 18.08 15.79 SATU cu xedsbi ee 84 ee ee Ree ES Sa REE 18.18 16.55 14.95 14.52 13.21 11.54 DRA DEGZE, sii goa wc Wik Sich Gud ia ea atler'gcin Gi onan SEE 39.25 35.50 32.06 31.11 27.28 24.87 UST QT) a wassio es Rugs ea eee g eee AA 20.13 18.37 17.01 17.01 14.53 12.81 VST Be case iu adage Ke han Bar DS SAAT es 31.79 29.01 25.80 24.55 20.63 20.23 DBTAST DT o.c.cece acs dee arnctd Gets eave a nae ths 17.50 16.28 14.70 14.25 13.97 11.39 VSTb-06) Sakae ps sha ed Gadceu- ane pie are e854 40.05 40.50 34.28 80.49 30.24 26.80 DETCHLT. oe ucesia henge sews Ghar anh Mais wea Buk 11.19 12.15 9.96 8.44 9.08 T.87 VST TTS. cans cian erees waseemua a aende BAN ge 33.69 29.02 27.01 27.18 23.34 20.65 VS7879. seveg cased ee Ses Seles Pee SHS 26.03 21.43 19.99 20.16 15.77 15.12 VS TOtB 0. acs esses Riese Pos eed hua eevee: HPED) 28.21 27.69 24.05 22.18 21.83 18.78 MS SOB. aie ssiveisg seis ss chicos, Nahstigavaanmsern age dow 25.91 25.03 22.33 21.34 20.74 17.31 TESLBS cs4 2263 oe 154 eR ET ee a eee 25.73 22.32 19.79 18.76 17.01 15.05 AEBS fe deed 4 ae eR ER 2 R Pewee nw teed O8 29.33 21.40 20.15 20.55 17.63 14.76 VS83-B4 costings ge ceiand he gies oe aCe retard i 47.67 87.26 34.47 84.37 30.00 25.74 TS B4BD ani eue di aideud eG te O9 ROSE OF wl eee 32.15 19.63 15.29 20.59 15.83 13.68 ESR5 SO cc te cei wa ed cen ree ees oe Re ORS 31.54 31.66 27.99 26.42 23.91 21.94 TERE va ee base sa Soe Gee ea eeee deme 21.51 18.94 17.34 17.11 15.05 13.21 US SUABS: hs .diuetha vusaenin mien ws susie D8 Cer ash ae 25.65 21.28 19.46 19.18 17.20 14.84 DSSSESOs oe ci ne. Wis coe ee Rae Mere eee ha 20.86 19.87 19.04 19.79 17.84 15.17 TRBU90 cc cave tes eae bare a ves ee ence ee 45.35 45.54 42.26 41.95 37.10 34.60 LOOUOL pease tiene eek eeRES b ehESe ORBED 22.14 20.22 17.14 17.24 17.19 14,95 TOOU! nog ee bees ee wk DEN eee ER Ble 26.36 25.24 20.89 19.73 19.74 17.16 ABO 2OS whey aes he eens Sey sone ee eee 38.56 39.20 83.19 31.08 82.74 27.74 AB OBES 52s -n2 awe mega ee wdra. de doareeneee 83.32 30.81 26.26 23.75 23.98 17.84 TSG 4A O 5 ane ts aa srierigiaspuigwae estes teie a wae Melts tines 37.62 38.63 32.82 30.65 31.50 26.37 1895296 jie tea nach ne hes. de oe TES aaa 27.79 25.82 21.70 20.86 21.08 18.02 ARGENT 220446. ae hu G eRe aw Dee ee AERO 81.71 31.20 26.71 24.90 24.24 21.23 1897-98 sawiedawer eee etanaacaadseeds 15.51 13.37 11.94 12.24 11.24 9.52 (oe ere eee re cree es eT 23.35 20.98 20.69 19.65 15.62 13.60 TE0DSO 3 bs wale ee Odd ORS LER EER ORS 27.57 25.84 24.05 22.39 19.28 18.71 TOGO). c25 54 oe bev Ga ad ede eee eee OS® 31.15 30.66 28.11 28.62 25.19 21.37 POUEOR. cay be ed bSADL ROA GS ER ESRES POOLE 25.44 23.27 21.36 20.30 20.03 15.77 TOU2 08 gas cane ga cesecaw deena dhe ws 27.62 24,95 21.98 20.66 19.60 17.10 1908-04. ssaviceces nan siwavecase ae 74 30.63 27.49 24,82 24.54 20.41 17.26 UO QEOS = secre doch awe cwdrer warned ee wee BS 28.63 28.72 26.00 23.55 22.26 21.78 P90 D=06 setaed: lane sieratig Sug ie ede arene ras SSncs RSI 33.23 28.04 26.62 27.18 23.68 21.38 1906-07 aun es Gar kbeaws eae hs Seo tates, 38.16 32.98 31.38 30.90 28.06 24.48 DQ OGEOS” «ries cece cenig Pips eG aeodes Weinaal ws deste BS 20.63 17.34 17.02 16.27 13.63 12.51 THG8-00 : ex bed ene ee gee ee eo he be ewe Rae 34.22 31.02 28.10 28.16 24.80 21.26 DSDO-1G: cacao see RAED REREAD HY CERES TOES 25.21 24.41 21.47 20.36 19.45 17.12 POI) ng See hee he ee eR RESTS CON 30.70 28.12 28.27 30.41 24.70 19.74 TOUTE pay as aes ces elena ee rwy eee te 16.51 14.79 15.30 16.19 12.14 10.75 MAD chi taga sia oeaaune aadina dest 29.81 26.73 24.17 23.47 21.35 18.65 Calculated from Isohyetal Map....... 28.55 27.75 23.93 23.00 20.80 18.55 Mean for last 23 years.............. 29.19 28.64 24.70 23.98 22.07 19.16 295 296 reason that the mean of their rainfall for the 63 year period, 21.58 inches and 25.29 inches respectively, or 23.43 inches, corresponds closely with the mean area rainfall over the Sunol drainage, of 23.00 inches, The mean of the means for the 63 year period (Calaveras Station, 26.73 inches, and New- man, 10.56 inches), of 18.64 inches, so closely corresponds with the mean area rainfall over the Livermore Valley drainage (258.34 square miles) of 18.55 inches, that the mean rain- fall for these two stations, for each season of the 63 year period was taken to represent the probable mean area rainfall for the Livermore catchment area for that season, An estimate was also made of the probable seasonal rainfall for each season of the 63 year period over the Arroyo Valle watershed of 140.80 sq. miles. The relation existing between THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. the mean area rainfall for the 63 year period over the Arroyo Valle watershed of 20.80 inches as compared with the mean of the means for the same period at Calaveras (26.73) and Liver- more (15.95) or 21.34, is such that the mean of these two stations for each year was applied as the probable mean area rainfall over the Arroyo Valle watershed for the corresponding season. Using the various means above indicated, each for its respective subsidiary catchment area, in the manner above described, the area rainfall for each of the 63 seasons, beginning with the season 1849-50 and ending with the season 1911-12, has been estimated for each sub- sidiary catchment area. The results of these es- timates, given in the foregoing table, have been used in conjunction with available run-off data to determine the distribution of the water crop of the Alameda System: Appendix B. THE WATER PRODUCT OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM REPORT ON THE RUN-OFF FROM THE ALAMEDA WATERSHED BY J. J. SHARON, Assistant Engineer Spring Valley Water Company. Run-off is the measure of the available, de- pendable quantity of water, year after year, which may be utilized. Its origin is rainfall, which escapes from the ground upon which it falls, in four ways, viz.: through evaporation, surface run-off, seepage run-off and percola- tion. The portion of rainfall which escapes by evaporation is that quantity which passes into the atmosphere in the form of vapor from water and soil surfaces, and from objects rest- ing upon such surfaces, including vegetation. The loss due to evaporation from water sur- faces cannot be prevented, nor is it recoverable. ‘Rainfall which escapes by surface run-off is the amount which, from the time of falling until its exit from the drainage area on which it falls, passes over the surface without entering into the ground. Rainfall which escapes through seepage run- off, is that which sinks into the soil, but which later reappears on the surface at lower altitudes and becomes a part of the surface run-off. Its extent is not directly measurable, and, in this discussion, it is included in the surface run-off. Run-off which escapes through percolation passes below the soil surface, by seepage into the soil pores, and becomes thereby a part of the underground waters. Of these three natural subdivisions of rain- fall—evaporation, surface run-off and percola- tion—only the surface run-off is easily meas- urable. Surface run-off, appearing in natural 297 water courses which drain the area or source of the run-off, is generally styled the stream discharge or stream flow of that water course or of the area which is drained by that water course. The amount of the stream flow is meas- ured by gagings, and wherever available, reli- able stream gagings, covering a period of years, are the best index of the quantity of water that may be relied upon from the catchment area above the place of measurement. Available Stream Gagings. The Alameda System of the Spring Valley Water Company represents the summation of increments that have been added from time to time since 1875. Its acquirement has been the product of careful thought and investigation, commencing with the Calaveras Reservoir, and followed by such steps and acquisitions as diversion from Alameda Creek above Niles, the utilization of the Sunol Filter Beds, the San Antonio Reservoir, the Arroyo Valle Reser- voir, underground development at Pleasanton and at Sunol. These have followed in natural sequence, by reason of the far-sighted policy of the Spring Valley Water Company, the ear- dinal factor of which is to secure opportunities for extensive development in advance of actual needs—that the people of San Francisco will always have at hand an abundant supply of pure, wholesome water. Under these circumstances, it is not to be ex- pected that there should be complete and ex- Se Mt Diablo. Contra Costa_Co. - _ Alameda Co ] a 8 4 sels 8 Miles. Gerreral Map or Soaring. valley Warer Co. System P/ate-B Eb THE WATER RESOURCES OF THE SPRING VALLEY WATER COMPANY ARE ALL LOCATED NEAR SAN FRANCISCO. 298 ‘QATVAIOSUOD O1OM AUVdUIOD JaIVM ATIVA SuTAdg Aq Wea SIN 1e S}USTIeINsveM UveT}S snoTAeid Jey} SMOYS 9}U0D OT ‘JoId AQ UOTESTISOATT OYTUSPS 6 SHS WVU SSTIN SO WOT SA!f/ $0 UOMLOAYT P UOfe/ NOILITS CNY FAW/TO FOAVHISIC a ee Bur] 470 P?E ® : LO 20: GF UOT fO UWOVLIAS~ SUOL/OD LIOI yy PUOBSTION { Oo 6 9 x go + e £ Z 7 ‘OAT WEDD YUOfS VOSS, IXY %¥ Y WN © yaay Ul [yblafy 2606 GW pec emeseae DNMID SALUOD AT QNMTD SLA/SSTIUOS sayou! Lil YfPIAA = M sayou! ul {ybIey 2008 = Y oe ‘Ap sad SUO//O9 =O 15 WOnfSONT “YY 002¢ =O =L/WULt04 ALLOYISIG % We SAUIUT Li flblaf4 2004 S N 299 300 act run-off data, covering all the component parts for a long period of time. Available data, from which run-off in the Alameda Sys- tem may be computed, are as follows: Flow Measured at Niles, Sunol, Calaveras and Arroyo Valle. Daily gage heights kept at the Niles Dam from 1888 to 1900. At the Sunol Dam, which succeeded the Niles Dam as the point of diversion of the Ala- meda waters in 1900, daily gage heights, dur- ing low water, and more often during floods have been taken to date. These two dams were built primarily for di- version purposes and not for stream gaging. At Calaveras particular attention was paid to stream gagings. Available measurements were taken from 1898 to 1904 by Mr. George Hadsell, and from 1904 to 1908 under the di- rection of Mr, Cyril Williams, Jr., and during 1910-11 and 1912 by Mr. P. F. Jones. At the Arroyo Valle damsite, a gaging sta- tion was established in 1904, and measurements were made for the seasons of 1904-5 to 1907-8. . All of these records are not now among the rec- ords of the Spring Valley Water Company. Some months ago I was advised by Mr. Cyril Williams, Jr., formerly in the employ of the Spring Valley Water Company, that it is his be- lief that some of them were destroyed in the fire of 1906. Fortunately, however, I have been able to secure duplicates of most of the gaging rec- ords from Mr. Gainor, who made the measure- ments and preserved a copy of a portion of the records, Gagings taken at a point in the Upper Ala- meda just above its junction with the Cala- veras are available for a portion of the season 1910-11 and all of the season 1911-12. At the San Antonio damsite gagings cover- ing the flood months of the season 1911-12 are available. Measurement of Alameda Creek Begun at Niles 23 Years Ago. The first place where gagings were taken in Alameda Creek was at the Niles Dam, which was constructed in 1888 at a point about 214 miles above the town of Niles. It is a low masonry diversion weir, with a system of heavy THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. wooden bulkheads, or flash-boards, surmounting the crest. The position of Niles Dam and its relation to the Alameda System are shown on Plate B-8. The plan and cross-section are shown on Plate B-9. The catchment area of Alameda Creek, above Niles Dam, is 631.5 square miles. The purpose of this weir was to divert water from Alameda Creek; diversion at this point and the water right incident thereto date back as early as about 1840. Original Computations too Conservative. Judging by the enormous floods, issuing from Alameda Creek as it debouched from the mountains, it was generally known that great torrents passed through Niles Canyon, and the Niles Dam was therefore designed as a mas- sive low structure. For the purpose of obtain- ing the regimen of the Alameda Creek, a gage rod was installed, and daily readings taken from December, 1889, to October, 1900. Ap- proximate computations of quantities of dis- charge over Niles Dam have been made from the gage readings, heretofore mentioned, by using a weir formula of the type Q=Cbh °/”, with all dimensions in inches, and C=4,200, the discharge being in gallons per day. On Plate B-9 is shown the discharge curve of the Niles Dam, based on the above formula. In this formula no provision is made for the veloc- ity of approach, nor for submergence below the dam. It has always been recognized that both these factors enter largely into the determina- tion of flow over this weir, though it was be- lieved that, taken over the wide limits of varia- tion of depths as indicated by the rod readings, omission of the effect of these two factors would ‘give conservative results. That the velocity of approach is a factor that very greatly increases the flow over the dams in Niles Canyon may be judged from the fact that, during the flood of March, 1911, it amounted to fully 13 feet per second, the current being so swift that reliable current meter measurments were impossible. For the purpose of this report more accurate knowledge of the stream flow at Niles Dam was required. Careful analysis indicated that, by reason of the irregularity of the weir crest and cross-section, and the complexity of the problem, a discharge curve, based on purely SCIENTIFIC CHECK OF FLOW OF ALAMEDA CREEK. theoretical deductions, would give uncertain re- sults. This was equally true of the Sunol Dam. Flow of Alameda Creek Recomputed From Experiments of Models by Prof. Le Conte. It was therefore decided to investigate the problem by means of a model weir. The models were exact duplicates of the Niles and Sunol Dams, on a small scale, and the same stream cross-sections for 200 feet above the dams was duplicated in miniature. Extended experiments were made with these models by Professor J. N. Le Conte, the eminent specialist in hydrau- lies on the Pacific Coast. The experiments were made with various depths of water passing over the models with corresponding velocities of ap- proach and different degrees of submergence. The height of water over the crest of Niles Dam and its degree of submergence during the high water of the flood of March, 1911, were computed from the data kindly furnished by Messrs. Grunsky, Hyde and Marx, who were investigating the measurements over the Niles and Sunol Dams at the request of J. R. Free- man. The data were obtained by them from surveys made of high water marks left by the flood of March, 1911. Professor Le Conte’s re- port is given in full in Appendix ‘‘C’’, which also gives the computations of discharge for the flood of March, 1911, by channel measurements, showing a substantial check on Prof. LeConte’s results for that gage height. The conditions at Niles Dam at the present time are considerably different from what they were at the time the gagings were taken. Just below the dam, and extending into the stream channel on its left-hand side, is a tunnel dump, which was made a few years ago. The shape of the crest of the dam has changed from what it was at the time the measurements were made. In Professor Le Conte’s experi- ments, the models conformed with the original shape of the crest and the stream channel at that time. Contrary to expectations, the de- gree of submergence of the Sunol Dam, as computed from observations made by the Spring Valley Water Company at the time of the flood of March, 1911, is greater than that of Niles Dam, as computed from data gathered by Messrs. Grunsky, Hyde and Marx one year subsequent to the same flood. The discharge 301 curves of the Niles and Sunol Dams, developed by Prof. LeConte have been used in this re- port to determine the stream flow over Niles and Sunol Dams from gage heights in the rec- ords of the Spring Valley Water Company. The Niles discharge curve conforms with the only actual discharge measurements made by the United States Geological Survey, and pub- lished in Water Supply Paper No. 81, pages 34 to 39. Rod Readings Prove to be an Accurate Index of Total Flow. It is recognized that rod readings, taken once a day, do not show all the variations in stream flow over a weir, by reason of the fact that the stream may fluctuate considerably between times of observations. This is well il- lustrated by the following facts regarding the flood over Niles Dam in the early nineties. At the regular time of day for taking gage rod readings, Mr. Severance, the watchman, ob- served the height of the water, and also noted that a large log had been lodged on top of the forebay during the previous night. From this evidence the water had necessarily been several feet higher during the night, but no account was made of this in computing the stream flow. These fluctuations of short duration are of small consequence when compared with the variations over long periods of time, and it is believed that errors due to them compensate throughout a record as long as the one in hand. This is well illustrated by a comparison of the results of computation of discharge over Sunol Dam, as given in this report, taking into account all variations of gage height dur- ing day and night, and a computation over the same period for the same discharge based on one reading a day. For this purpose I have used the gage reading taken at 8 o’clock each morning, just ag the records at the Niles Dam were taken, assuming that this reading prevailed throughout the 24 hours. The results given below show that sometimes one method gives a little higher result than the other, and sometimes the contrary is true, the largest variation in any one season being Jess than 7%. Taken over the whole 12 years, the result from observations taken once a day is almost identical with that obtained by taking ‘ATdOd NOITTIIN ZNO UAAO YO UALVM ATddNS TTIM GHAYHSNOO NGHA HOIHM ALSVM SNOWYONH DNIMOHS HdVuoOudaAH O1E- ld TT -IONTS SUO//DL UOl//ipy UW! ffOU/7y /O4QL we WVYDV/G ASASON/TY a/-/l 14-Of Of-. iF = SGP PhD pill £5 a | SannUuong Hayy apissyblig ¥ ung suoujag Cl) A424 302 ‘d ‘DW SPI SI YoorD Bpourely JO JYo-undI oSVIIAe }eY} SMOYS UOTVSI}SOAUL $,9}U0D OT ‘Jog Wl I OF 24 (= Weg 70 Yf{Oua arlpoaya Suimoys wesObI7 — LOT f° YOUWMIAS-SSAlD Sst] 7 GET : yyblray fuasald a buS121 LZ CEE //< ase OY HOUT WEG 40 ~SB1D YO WOK 1/K,97 — afas2uQg7”_| AAS Sos X oP ebee is OT ess YOWMIANM (7 \ Ye Pos Susi) poe BoUb LSI ‘xOlddy WYO TONTTIS vO NOILITS CNY SNY7TD SIDYVHISIC ‘WOT fUBSBL/ ~{O UO/7/ pee §Z102 (7 'SUG/ED VOU) PUOSTIOUL 4 Of Z 9 £ , —------- BAST GefVOD a7 BANTI S1a/ssnyoas ‘SOYQU1_U! GLRI4 =M ssayoul ut ZYblaty ebb =Y¥ kop sad suoyjep =2 Muh, Y 00 =0 = O/f1LttOf 26102817 ‘Saou UI tyblay abo TVR VLEVLg wey oy 8 % t N yea o 44biay abep N 303 304 into account all the fluctuations of the stream height, the latter being 99.8% of the former. These results show that the true discharge over Niles Dam is almost identical with that ob- tained by computing the flow shown by the daily gage rod readings, as given in this report. MILLION GALLONS. Computed by Computed by considering taking only Season all minor one gage fluctuations reading per day 1900-01... 0.0... eee ee ee ee eee 36,848.84 38,217.34 TOOL-O2 ng ne os sew ea ee be 27,187.90 27,187.90 L80208 1 wae ded ener ene 33,269.30 31,158.70 1903-04). ead es seis ou see rw ates 31,000.40 31,000.40 L904 OD is acini: ie ecniensia ty wuss 9G guess 15,044.73 15,044.73 TO05-06 i425 oe yn wee eee x 63,640.24 65,359.37 VO0G-O7 vce ow QR Ee VRE DA KOS 99,228.47 97,004.77 VO OT=OS . ciscecccecae te wnat bs canara 14,626.38 14,512.18 1808-09. cass dew ea pee ee ee oe 74,923.85 77,493.28 2909-14. a6 nawe ste eousens 25,931.58 25,365.58 POLO oo su ee ea ween canes 87,332.58 87,346.48 PO1d 42 oo isd dee eee rei were 4,856.04 4,856.04 TOtAligsss+ sSeieedes 513,890.31 514,546.77 In order to obtain the run-off available at Niles Dam, or the water crop from the catch- ment area above Niles Dam, there must be added to the discharge over that dam the amount of water diverted at that structure. Most of this water went to the Belmont Pumps, no account being made of water used between the pumping station and the dam, amounting to about one and one-half million gallons per day at the present time. On pages 305 to 308 is given a toble which contains the quantity of water that passed over Niles Dam for the period 1889-90 to 1899-1900, as determined by Professor Le Conte’s dis- charge curve, together with the amount that was delivered at the Belmont Pumps during the same period. This is also shown graphi- eally in Plate B10. report and that the estimates of water yield may be conservative, the amount used between Niles and Belmont has been neglected. On Plate B-9 is shown Prof. Le Conte’s dis- charge curve for Niles Dam, together with the discharge curve heretofore used and based on the formula Q—4,200 bh*?”, Q being in gallons per day, and b and h in inches. Flow of Alameda Creek Measured at Sunol Dam Since 1900. The Sunol Dam was built in 1889, and was changed to its present form in 1900. It is a conerete structure considerably higher and For the purpose of this” THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. with more regular lines than the Niles Dam, and serves the double purpose of retaining the waters in the Sunol gravel reservoir and of providing a means of conducting the filtered water from the Sunol gravel reservoirs across Alameda Creek. This filtered water is deliv- ered directly into the Niles Aqueduct and the Alameda pipe line. Beginning with the year 1900, the Sunol Dam superseded the Niles Dam as the point of diversion for the water of the Alameda System destined for San Francisco; consequently, the Alameda run-off was measured at the Sunol Dam subsequent to this date. The location of the Sunol Dam and its re- lation to the Alameda System are shown on Plate B8. Plate B11 shows the plan and cross-section of this dam since gagings have been taken at that point. During periods of very low water flow, the water surface upstream from the dam is raised slightly by a temporary bulkhead. During such times the water which is in excess of that withdrawn from the gravel reservoir is measured in the fish-ladder. As a matter of fact, the temporary bulkhead, as are all structures of this character, is never com- pletely water-tight, leakage through the same often being equal to that measured in the fish- ladder. No account is kept of this leakage, so that the amount of water which actually passes over Sunol Dam in low water periods is greater than the records indicate. The catchment area above Sunol Dam is 620.5 square miles, or about 11 square miles less than that above the Niles Dam. Gage rod readings have been taken at the Sunol Dam from 1900 to date, recording all the fluctuations of Alameda Creek. During times of flood the gage rod has been constantly watched, rod readings being taken often enough to determine all changes in the stages of the creek, the time interval being as low as thirty minutes. In the case of the Sunol Dam, approximate computations of discharge have heretofore been made by the same type of formula as was used for the Niles Dam, the value of ‘‘C’’ at Sunol being 4.400. Similarly, in computing the dis- charge over the Sunol Dam, no provision has heretofore been made for velocity of approach nor for submergence. Plate B11 shows the discharge curve over the Sunol Dam computed LONG RECORD OF FLOW OF ALAMEDA CREEK. from the formula Q=4,400 bh®/, and on the same Plate is shown the discharge curve for the Sunol Dam as developed by Prof. LeConte’s experiments, account being taken of the influ- ence of both the velocity of approach and sub- mergence. Large Amount of Water Taken From Sunol Gravels. A large amount of water is extracted from the Sunol underground reservoir above Sunol Dam, whence it is carried through the Niles Canyon Aqueduct on its way to San Francisco. Subsequent to 1900, except in cases of emergency and repair, these waters passed from a large tank at Brightside provided with effective baffles over a battery of four 30” sharp-edged weirs, where continuous automatic records of depth over the weir have been kept. Excluding the quantity used between Niles and Belmont, and estimated at present to be about one and one-half million gallons per day, all this water passes through the Belmont Pumps, where quan- titative records are also kept. Prior to 1903 the record of pumpage at Belmont is the only meas- ure of the amount of water withdrawn from the Sunol gravel reservoir. This, of course, does not include the water used between Niles and Bel- mont, above mentioned. By combining these two records and neglecting the amount of water di- verted between Alameda Creek and Belmont, the total flow from Alameda Creek is determined. The total run-off at Sunol Dam is the sum of the measured run-off over the Sunol Dam and the amount of water flowing through the Niles Aqueduct. Flow of Alameda Creek for Last 23 Years. Following is a table of discharges over the Niles Dam from 1889-90 to 1899-1900 and over Sunol Dam from the year 1900 to July Ist. 1912, together with the withdrawal through the Niles Aqueduct, as measured at Belmont Pumps, during the period 1889-90 to April, 1903, and as measured at the Brightside Weir from April, 1903, to July 1st, 1912. By com- bining these quantities the run-off of Alameda Creek is obtained. This is shown graphically in Plate B10. 305 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. JULY. Season. Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 0 0 1889-90.......... 0 0 0 1890-91.......... 680.00 144.65 824.65 1891-92.......... 287.00 243.64 530.64 1892-93 ces ceecws 374.75 243.45 618.20 1893-94.......... 405.25 233.29 638.54 1894-95 ssc ye ean en 261.00 161.94 422.94 1895-96.......... 311.00 86.48 397.48 1896-97.......... 214.50 240.13 454.63 1897-98.......... 318.75 No pump 318.75 1898-99.......... 0 179.70 179.70 1899-00.......... 32.69 231.11 263.80 1900-01.......... 18.66 231.31 249.97 1901-02.......... 226.29 316.58 542.87 1902-08.......... 68.95 325.26 394.21 1903-04.......... 24.06 535.01 559.07 1904-05.......... 23.34 521.39 544.73 1905-06.....5.... 1.81 508.96 510.77 1906-07.......... 213.74 461.73 675.47 1907-08.......... 633.40 536.64 1,170.04 1908-09.......... 8.90 520.72 529.62 1909-10.......... 91.55 484.03 575.58 1910-11.......... 92.80 446.61 539.41 TQTVA-T 2. es ieee & 117.80 499.57 617.37 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. AUGUST. Season. Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 0 0 1889-90.......... 0 0 0 1890-91.......... 487.50 252.53 740.03 1891-92.......... 28.00 227.27 255.27 1892-938.......... 0 181.81 181.81 1898-94........0. 273.25 239.87 513.12 1894-95.......... 78.75 158.53 237.28 1895-96........05 84.00 240.22 324.22 1896-97.......... 78.75 241.45 320.20 1897-98.......... 129.50 156.35 285.85 1898-99.......... 3.00 143.63 146.63 1890-00........5- .69 231.07 231.76 1900-01........-. 1.18 231.86 233.04 1901-02.......... 78.22 316.24 394.46 1902-03........5. 31.52 314.69 346.21 1908-04.......... 0 443.66 443.66 1904-05........-- 3.60 469.69 473.29 1905-06........6. 64 451.26 451.90 1906-07........-. 29.14 494.09 523.23 1907-08. ......... 242.20 547.02 789.22 1908-09.......... 4.95 402.18 407.13 1909-10.......... 124 505.93 506.17 1910-11.......... 24.55 494.31 518.86 1911-12.......... 93.30 527.25 620.55 306 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. SEPTEMBER. Season. Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 91.30 91.30 1889-90.......... 0 0 0 1890-91.......... 429.00 236.36 665.36 1891-92.......... 0 200.78 200.78 Te92-O6 . sce bes 0 126.55 126.55 1893-94.......... 215.00 168.87 383.87 1894-95.......-.. 25.00 146.15 171.15 1895-96.......... 91.00 229.62 320.62 1896-97.......... 82.25 233.17 315.42 1897-98.......... 69.92 155.92 225.84 1898-99.......... 0 _ 146.58 146.58 1899-00.......... 0 216.81 216.81 1900-01.......... 26.00 196.37 222.37 1901-02.......... 0 288.36 288.36 1902-08.......... 0 271.43 271.43 1903-04.......... 0 356.65 356.65 1904-05.......... 0.48 355.63 356.11 1905-06.......... 0 319.83 319.83 1906-07.......... 12.36 489.09 501.45 1907-08.......... 34.79 512.90 547.69 1908-09.......... 92.50 345.30 437.80 1909-10.......... 3.25 480.00 483.25 1910-11.......... 9.50 401.22 410.72 1911-12.......... 50.70 456.62 507.32 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. OCTOBER. Season. Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.........- 0 61.39 61.39 1889-90.......... 0 0 0 1890-91.......... 454.75 242.03 696.78 1891-92.......... 0 205.20 205.20 189229 8% sci csi see 0 126.09 126.09 1893-94.......... 112.00 150.96 262.96 1894-95.......... 187.75 162.01 349.76 1895-96.......... 201.50 237.91 439.41 1896-97.......... 102.29 241.39 343.68 TBO 0-O Sie isc ciesecast 101.12 153.75 254.87 1898-99.......... 20.72 206.22 226.94 1899-00.........-- 45.00 197.29 242.29 1900-01.......... 188.11 235.86 423.97 1901-02.......... 0 288.54 288.54 1902-08.......... 0 299.40 299.40 1903-04.......... 0 332.81 332.81 1904-05.......... 0.14 364.17 364.31 1905-06........-. 0.03 283.31 283.34 1906-07.......... 45 459.80 460.25 1907-08........-. 36.52 510.82 547.34 1908-09........-. 3.10 » 306.12 309.22 1909-10.......... 36.59 499.26 535.85 1910-11. acs c eae 3.89 222.82 226.71 TOUT 2s ise secur 40.93 516.46 557.39 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. NOVEMBER, Season. Alameda. Belmont. 1888-89.........- 0 118.46 1889-90.......... 0 0 1890-91.......... 459.75 235.30 WS9192. oe caaces 0 198.17 1892-98.......... 14,372.80 125.91 1893-94. 5.5 se scene 208.00 145.90 1894-95.......... 153.25 47.33 1895-96.......... 245.00 232.88 1896-97.......... 1,479.48 184.49 1897-98.......... 52.50 156.30 1898-99.......... 18.20 213.18 1899-00.......... 544.46 112.87 1900-01.......... 7,520.09 175.25 1901-02.......... 8.12 289.32 1902-08.........- 104.33 302.30 1903-04.......... 513.92 382.78 1904-05.......... 0.34 377.20 1905-06.......... 0.13 268.50 1906-07.......... 45 423.79 1907-08........-. 182.40 495.12 1908-09.......... 6.07 286.64 1909-10.......... 25.97 450.46 WDIO-AL ss cs eee cae 4.36 290.32 1911-12.......... 63.24 491.80 Total. 118.46 0 695.05 198.17 14,498.71 353.90 200.58 477.88 1,663.97 208.80 231.38 657.33 7,695.34 297.44 406.63 896.70 377.54 268.63 424,24 677.52 292.71 476.43 294.68 555.04 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. DECEMBER. Season. Alameda. Belmont. 1888-89.......... 0 166.76 1889-90.......... 36,310.80 NoP. 1890-91.......... 1,043.25 204.18 1891-92.......... 3,151.25 190.51 1892-98.......... 39,625.34 50.84 1893-94.......... 508.75 132.06 1894-95.......... 17,529.15 No. P. 1895-96.......... 305.00 240.69 1896-97.......... 2,438.82 173.00 1897-98.......... 108.25 43.26 1898-99.......... 5.63 221.27 1899-00.......... 2,161.75 134.57 1900-01.......... 989.10 313.54 1901-02.......... 397.82 319.32 1902-08.......... 13.53 366.65 1908-04.......... 5.16 504.18 1904-05.......... 193.48 408.12 1905-06.......... 1.59 284.93 1906-07.......... 5,882.03 421.87 1907-08.......... 895.60 476.65 1908-09.......... 22.10 314.43 1909-10.......... 2,832.52 476.04 1910-11.......... 16.77 426.50 1911-1235 sce esac « 85.80 526.21 Total 166.76 36,310.80 1,247.43 3,341.76 39,676.18 640.81 17,529.15 545.69 2,611.82 151.51 226.90 2,296.32 1,302.64 717.14 380.18 509.34 601.60 286.52 6,303.90 1,372.25 336.53 3,308.56 443.27 612.01 REVISION OF STREAM FLOW DATA. 307 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. JANUARY. Season. Alameda. 1888-89.......... 0 1889-90.......... 68,825.19 1890-91.......... 1,141.50 1891-92.......... 1,594.50 1892-93.......... 13,519.75 1893-94.......... 16,162.65 1894-95.......... 46,689.80 1895-96.......... 19,286.06 1896-97.......... 2,639.75 1897-98.......... 264.23 1898-99.......... 480.09 1899-00.......... 9,889.15 1900-01.......... 3,538.40 1901-02.......... 194.00 1902-038.......... 4,028.00 1903-04.......... 122.16 1904-05.......... 1,059.90 1905-06.......... 16,610.49 1906-07.........- 21,675.40 1907-08.......... 4,390.40 1908-09.......... 31,355.10 1909-10.......... 10,870.70 1910-11.......... 28,310.71 A9VV=1 2. aie cece 696.50 Belmont. Total. 0 0 40.50 68,865.69 199.02 1,340.52 157.53 1,752.03 137.23 13,656.98 58.31 16,220.96 No P. 46,689.80 121.28 19,407.34 No P. 2,639.75 No P. 264.23 163.14 643.23 110.04 9,999.19 308.83 3,847.23 320.55 514.55 392.43 4,420.43 504.61 626.77 481.79 1,541.69 360.88 16,971.37 470.92 22,146.32 456.52 4,846.92 332.95 31,688.05 595.25 11,465.95 485.95 28,796.66 513.62 1,210.12 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. FEBRUARY. Season. Alameda. 1888-89.......... 0 1889-90.......... 32,833.35 1890-91.......... 12,751.48 189192.5. 60558 e808 1,567.00 1892-938.........- 22,016.80 1893-94.......... 33,310.04 1894-95... 4 06 caw 12,714.40 1895-96.......... 2,195.00 1896-97. ......065 25,507.63 1897-98.......... 827.09 1898-9968 sve ea os 68.54 1899-00.......... 655.75 1900-01.......... 18,523.44 NO OTE vas wow ow 9,611.40 1902-08 cass cee 5,585.10 1908-04.......... 8,061.74 T90L 05 ne bev ew ns = 3,580.40 1905-06.......... 7,539.30 1906-07........6- 8,252.80 1907-08.......... 4,200.00 1908-09. .......-- 31,354.12 1909-10.......--. 4,020.40 1910-11.......--- 14,540.60 1911-12........-- 576.80 Belmont. Total. 0 0 No P. 32,833.35 161.74 12,913.22 212.92 1,779.92 43 22,017.23 No P. 33,310.04 No P. 12,714.40 No P. 2,195.00 No P. 25,507.63 145.46 972.55 205.27 273.81 208.41 864.16 256.62 18,780.06 290.59 9,901.99 435.07 6,020.17 451.23 8,512.97 436.61 4,017.01 455.15 7,994.45 463.39 8,716.19 468.86 4,668.86 144.56 31,498.68 506.09 4,526.49 350.03 14,890.63 480.70 1,057.50 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. MARCH. Season, Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 0 0 1889-90.......... 18,987.00 0 18,987.00 1890-91.......... 14,363.67 98.89 14,462.56 1891-92.......... 5,463.50 227.68 5,691.18 1892-93 6 oa -sien y 4 ate 18,104.50 0 18,104.50 1893-94.......... 4,282.00 18.59 4,300.59 1894-95.......... 3,483.50 0 3,483.50 1895-96.......... 2,377.00 0 2,377.00 1896-97.......... 27,288.00 0 27,288.00 1897-98.......... 658.83 183.83 842.66 1898-99.......... 18,811.68 114.03 18,925.71 1899-00.......... 2,264.00 148.56 2,412.56 1900-01.......... 3,102.70 310.72 3,413.42 1901-02.......... 13,101.40 318.57 13,419.97 1902-08.......... 12,215.80 507.63 12,723.43 19038-04.......... 15,373.80 504.21 15,878.01 1904-05.......... 6,472.60 491.14 6,963.74 1905-06.......... 26,580.72 499.61 27,080.33 1906-07.......... 53,421.10 367.30 53,788.40 1907-08.......... 3,100.10 518.88 3,618.98 1908-09.......... 6,452.10 395.73 6,847.83 1909-10.......... 5,116.70 555.20 5,671.90 1910-115 s.2ses gece 41,516.50 434.37 41,950.87 TPQTIT 2s. ic. 5 teasecats 2,404.18 524.33 2,928.51 RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. APRIL. Season. Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 0 0 1889-90.......... 4,873.00 0 4,873.00 1890-91.......... 2,856.00 193.19 3,049.19 1891-92.......... 3,591.50 176.76 3,768.26 1892-98.......... 5,457.65 0 5,457.65 1893-94.......... 1,032.25 155.39 1,187.64 1894-95.......... 2,194.25 0 2,194.25 1895-96.......... 9,995.78 0 9,995.78 1896-97.......... 4,708.50 0 4,708.50 1897-98.......... 198.15 233.30 431.45 1898-99... ic eas 1,071.54 190.76 1,262.30 1899-00.......... 722.00 222.47 944.47 1900-01.......... 1,284.80 305.32 1,590.12 1901-02.......... 2,323.40 313.42 2,636.82 1902-03.......... 10,243.98 413.82 10,657.80 1903-04.......... ‘4,869.60 485.29 5,354.89 1904-05.......... 1,949.70 486.21 2,435.91 1905-06.......... 8,330.95 349.10 8,680.05 1906-07.......... 6,759.80 508.68 7,268.48 1907-08.......... 586.40 505.50 1,091.90 1908-09.......... 1,521.30 474.08 1,995.38 1909-10.......... 2,109.46 542.80 2,652.26 1910-11.......... 1,989.30 482.59 2,471.89 VOUT ies esse 600.40 503.52 1,103.92 308 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. MAY. Season. Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 0 0 1889-90. ......... 2,886.00 0 2,886.00 1890-91.......... 1,153.25 240.99 1,394.24 1891-92.......... 2,201.00 221.93 2,422.93 1892-93.......... 2,415.00 0 2,415.00 1893-94.......... 649.00 161.62 810.62 1894-95........4. 1,792.50 0 1,792.50 1895-96.......... 2,736.00 0 2,736.00 1896-97.......... 1,354.00 0 1,354.00 1897-98.......... 65.17 242.05 307.22 1898-99. ......... 273.59 228.78 502.37 1899-00.......... 420.61 232.61 653.22 1900-01.......... 1,177.80 317.08 1,494.88 1901-02.......... 915.20 324.86 1,240.06 1902-038.......... 889.50 499.90 1,389.40 1908-04.......... 1,779.50 512.33 2,291.83 1904-05.......... 1,580.70 511.18 2,091.88 1905-06.......... 2,452.90 164.47 2,617.37 1906-07.......... 2,089.20 543.24 2,632.44 1907-08.......... 313.80 524.22 838.02 1908-09.......... 328.60 530.88 859.48 1909-10.......... 666.20 517.54 1,183.74 1910-11.......... 665.60 541.72 1,207.32 OVALE ise nangtens 121.08 521.75 642.83 Early Measurement of Cala- veras Creek. Measurements of the flow of Calaveras Creek at the Calaveras Reservoir have been taken during varying intervals of time since 1874. The first measurements were made by Mr. T. R. Scowden, Engineer for Water Supply Investi- gation for the City of San Francisco, and cover a period of 120 days in the season 1874-5. The results of these gagings are to be found in the Municipal Report of 1874-5. While this rec- RE-COMPUTED FLOW OVER THE NILES AND SUNOL DAM, REPRESENTING THE RUN- OFF OF THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM, JUNE. Season Alameda. Belmont. Total. 1888-89.......... 0 0 0 1889-90.......... 1,151.25 0 1,151.25 1890-91.......... 667.75 234.51 902.26 PS9W=92 once casera 526.75 232.17 758.92 VB9298 i. oie eis wees 603.75 ° 28.36 632.11 18938-94.......... 432.75 156.40 589.15 1894-95.......... 636.50 0 636.50 1895-96.......... 618.25 131.90 750.15 1896-97 occas a 564.00 0 564.00 1897-98... 2... eee 8.63 225.65 234.28 1898-99.......... 102.11 223.44 325.55 1899-00.......... 77,17 226.32 303.49 1900-01.......... 478.60 306.68 785.28 1901-02.......... 332.20 286.96 619.16 1902-08.......... 88.84 506.00 594.84 1903-04.......... 204.12 496.93 701.05 1904-05.......... 180.05 503.05 683.10 1905-06.......... 1,218.80 403.17 1,621.97 1906-07.......... 892.00 523.97 1,415.97 1907-08.......... 10.77 523.84 534.61 1908-09.......... 148.00 493.09 641.09 1909-10.......... 158.00 480.59 638.59 1910-11.......... 158.00 516.21 674.21 T9111 iss goig erecirs 5.31 519.58 524.89 ord is only for 120 days, it includes the period of run-off for high flow, as well as the record of rainfall for the same period. Gagings coy- ering the remainder of the season were taken by the Spring Valley Water Company, and the results, as a whole, are given by Col. Mendell in the Municipal Report for 1875-6 as 1,116 million gallons. By adding this to the amount reported by Mr. Scowden, the total run-off for the season 1874-5 becomes 13,464 million gal- lons. A copy of these tables of run-off and rain- fall, reported by Mr. Scowden, follows: WATER DISCHARGE OF CALAVERAS CREEK. . 809 WATER SUPPLIES. TABLE Il.—DAILY DISCHARGE OF CALAVERAS CREEK FROM DECEMBER 2, 1874, TO MARCH 31, 1875, INCLUSIVE. Date— Discharge. Date— Discharge. December 2, 1874................ 23,470,000 gallons February 1, 1875...............06 113,993,000 gallons December 3, 1874................ 23,470,000 Ms February 2; 181bsees case ya quesceds 113,993,000 o December 4, 1874................ 23,470,000 February 3, 1875............0000- 113,993,000 December 5, 1874................ 23,470,000 3 February 4, 1875...........0cee0. 83,954,000 ~ December 6, 1874..............45 23,470,000 S HODEUary 5, UST Sica sgainwas ame one te 69,754,000 in December 7, 1874................ 23,470,000 oF Bebruary 6, U8%5cdscc cad cncca saad 50,255,000 ig December 8, 1874................ 23,470,000 February 7%) U8i%5e....s 00000 ae eee ns 50,255,000 - December 9, 1874.............0.. 23,470,000 “ February 8, 1875.............00- 41,842,000 ie December 10, 1874..............4. 23,470,000 - February 9, 1875 ec66 coc .e eee ven 41,842,000 December 11, 1874............00.. 23,470,000 nf February 10, 1875..........-..-02- 41,842,000 a December 12, 1874................ 23,470,000 es Hebruary 11, 180s ccc cess sae ees ee 41,842,000 3 December 13, 1874................ 23,470,000 i February 12; 18 75 iiss sciscauso mee tate 41,842,000 sf December 14, 1874................ 23,470,000 of February 13, 1875.........-.-.004- 41,842,000 December 15, 1874................ 23,470,000 as February 14, 1875.............608- 41,842,000 “ December 16, 1874................ 23,470,000 “ February 15, 1875..............055 32,144,000 December 17, 1874................ 23,470,000 a February 16, 1875.............--65 32,144,000 December 18, 1874..............4- 23,470,000 - February 17, 1875...............-- 32,144,000 December 19, 1874................ 23,470,000 oe February 18, 1875.............--6% 32,144,000 Bs December 20, 1874...........02008 23,470,000 us February 19, 1875..............0.. 32,144,000 " December 21, 1874.............455 23,470,000 “3 February 20, 1875..............085 32,144,000 % December 22, 1874................ 23,470,000 February 21, 1875................. 32,144,000 a December 23, 1874............0005 23,470,000 e February 22, 1875............-.005 32,144,000 “ December 24, 1874.............0.. 23,470,000 ie February 28, 1875 5.55 sessesws ss nos 32,144,000 ¥ December 25, 1874................ 23,470,000 “ February 24, 1875.............0-5- 32,144,000 December 26, 1874................ 23,470,000 ~ February 25, 1875 << ouus4 cance ees xe 29,668,000 ~ December 27, LST4.4 cs cee sesue ends 23,470,000 e February 26, D870 ..24 2+ 28ae0s0008% 29,668,000 December 28, 1874.............05. 23,470,000 ss February 27, 1875..........00000es 29,668,000 a December 29, 1874..............-- 23,470,000 2 February 28, 1875..............066 29,668,000 December 30, 1874.............05. 23,470,000 ms December 31, 1874.............4-5 23,470,000 * Janvary. 1, W875. 25 ves we ax niece 4 23,470,000 ne March. 1) 2876s «40504 483 os sneer soo 29,668,000 “ JANUARY: Qe TS TD. sees Be aie ee ee Rove 23,470,000 = Mareli, 2): U8 75 is. 10s acaieuere dt de ecu 29,668,000 " January 8. L875 sa. Si aneseg on wee se 23,470,000 a March, 3, 1876. 0e:scasceye a ges ates 29,668,000 = January 4, 187Tbs ov accceucsaue a. aces 23,470,000 Mareh 4.1875. s00..sosc2s Oe 2 80° meee til AE cee 2 5" 7 ee Y Mte. A Pel Gh zc Va as : a lg. WB - if he Clive OLR pS Cocoied we lt ks ‘ 4. pt yer Mee Jotdhp Re g? OO « QO «x Bhd Lk Ft Cs te te fj i Sah SBME Lao ft Moe. elinn — iol oy a ae w CAC Mrdlh bhi $bee0~~ eb is 26H OF «2 Me agen Sy Wz fore bi Gh Holes IS 29 te O6 « teudl bo LAL prt is thf alo is 30 14 Dafa) yrkerliy (& whey] sa4 oe 3 1% * 9a/ Lndhek = GS: I feo. je. ake Imta& 15" 36 xs of olla Ya doen ave Mander dt 9 ef g aa “2h orn fle wee his offiek, Lt14 Lod, LK bey Loe VC Dou sheaf 6 Mb. wie 7) /) 9 . a Le Co L5ot G/ ss ae Sk bpike _— VU Plate-B/2 Mr. Hadsell’s remarks show that rain often fell in other parts of the Calaveras Watershed when none fell at Calaveras. 311 Report of Flow of Water in Calaveras Creek, ary ae [ied 7 ve from ‘Ach 188 18— , to the 2384 inclusive Depth Width Velocity Rain DATE, in in for REMARKS. Inches Feet LO Feet. footie: Fil 1¢ 30 1G @ee Yor biel plas an a Oe ie Rpokl, the! the yrlocily 28 1S Q2¥ Ee a not” fr Berrt. buoys, al 7 26 al jee Beene Leh Te oa 20 a6 On 2 puhenr Wx, eek b Ae chy LT O94 as, Whe 9 ee ab bral eit 22 G¢ 10 a Var Sonn’ 3f Left Lhty hha ale 23 7L // P nb af Hu Baha bufhe 24 Sv (@ 4 OU Aer~ ae <3, 7 iS - 97, Oo. ol Gawo- ted, Haake Seton (00- fates a ee ja of Carnre 9 Qeesaasen bras ort Bail Tg Litt. Pee dae bil fog Aoi or Wx beeacl waled 2 Nhe CSokebenrdod Ibo bell, f of, herr ae i ae ce oe ell Fate -B 43 Mr. Hadsell’s observations show that he was keenly alive to his work. 312 Report of Flow of Water in Calaveras Creek. from Wor oh Jb" 48 77, to the re inclusive. Depth Width Velocity Rain DATE. in in for cra REMARKS. / % 4 G Inches Feet 7.0 Feet. Inches. J Meseh ig" 72 Il6se 7S es 7 ee 12: si se pe SraSirrt is” b0 /3 - 2 0, Of / ge " i SS Sp ie ee Ohare ale aot 14 i: Lisl btLebor (099 o QI CF fh e 229% © # me Ren fall fr fos » BBY Of un LIN Mes 09% » Bf YO Wo 10 before bacl Mer 1 st, as OX il t n 26 bof 2 fy ee 7 OU is “r { Dot “¢ M “4 40 ag /3 th 74 ‘ SIL EH ip u Jee $ b faced Eo CHWs ea Get BoLLA Fate -D (4 Mr. Hadsell appreciated the value of comparative hydrographic data. 313 Report of Flow of Water in Calaveras Creek. from Measah 12 1&8 GF, to the je inclusive. Depth Width Velocity ——- Rain DATE. in in for Fall REMARKS. /¥9 g Inches Feet J). Feet. ae Me. eh e jo 7 ab Se0ercls March Le” ao sia o eo Va, FO cll flor . 37H Fs fe Lier 4 : Erich’ fen on add- & Odaeke Mes. C Be ve as te ‘i hed bttar 3, oO oe “ - a Sag i bhi wee brn ir ae a aS a a i ae Hose (ie & fm 4 i joe » & @ & teteeosr, Diy eps ee ” 3 73,607 (8G BH Veith Bippe. GE Te. ae ie . 8 Strnrr cleLe 16,36 a: f > a oz js ee 1G 23a if | oclacke (Men Le”) ox Wah er ba 02 & Wad fl 7 Ches. peloesty /¥8cevrele c.f b.otleeR P I if Wes agar oe ./0 ee: Mery a jee oe S27 Lrt11 ss 4M frate-B (8 Mr. Hadsell realized the effect of intensity of rainfall on the run-off. 314 Report of {low of Water in Calaveras Creek. from Max ja YG 4 2 : tE , to the oe inclusive. Depth Width Velocity Rain for Fall REMARKS. in in Inches Feet ree Feet. Inches. “7 rs : 3° Bt i Le . eG ¢* et ea sf 20 17 G4 BL Ror NW Dale 2946 1 2 Same chbles! Gabor. 24,43 2m 2 J Ce whted~ 48 Hea QO ,. mates ovis 2 ont Oe . a 2/ » ee She he. Wha b/ 22, 4 co ink wee. a4. ae es Fey ee og a a : ae Cope Bee Gg PI ee ee ek 16 4 Pal heintr Corrll f. o, 26g tne SY owned frsrxe, 2 « Letl Sipser Min, oda BS on le 8 y Ce) eee, CR. 3 ane! fred firvioqw Via a Dry faced i8 Cosh = ee ala Bde Z Shed IG acl bcll, fyYore-B 6 Such comments as these show that Mr. Hadsell was exceedingly conscientious. 315 ‘“HIdHd HLIM ALIOOTHA NI ASVAYMONI GIdVU AHL ATIVOIHAVHD SMOHS SIHL Ll- YY S22 OL IO, 9PU0IEE Lil BLLULY J924 Ul 2004 HESPOf] ® NG PILMLGO SO UOLMLIAC AOAO UYyAGO ~OUO YBQLQL Of allil, Uaan{ag UOl{bfad OLUMOYS Y8BIQ SOLBND/ODZ vl 316 | C9 rr or fc ovvnnnonnnnnnfennn oer * OS LE x hes x tate OO/*K \ \oe oo oe -- =f == \ ee. A Nice et re te a is: \ LOIN \ Ne eo \ OF * 7s. ~ ia Sc, Yan 13,1911 3 PM Gage 53 Jan /4/9// (PM 8 S $8 a mone o% Sty % — S S es VG Sw S & Git S Q: = Ss VS c = Flare-B/8 A SERIES OF FLOAT MEASUREMENTS AT CALAVERAS WERE USED TO DETERMINE THE RE- LATION BETWEEN SURFACE AND MEAN STREAM VELOCITY. 317 318 some of his reports, which show this character, are given in Plates B-12, B-13, B-14, B-15 and B-16. His records are so replete with notes of value, as to inspire the utmost confidence in the results reported by him, as well as to af- ford to one unfamiliar with the Calaveras drainage area a fairly complete knowledge of the habits of its streams. Attention is called to the reports ending March 15 and March 31 (Plates B 14 and B15), where note has been made of greater flow -at 5 p. m. on the loth of March, than is reported for the morning of either the 15th or the 16th of March. In the computation of flow from Mr. Hadsell’s records, no account has been taken of any departures from the depths ob- served on the morning of the day for which the observation was made. The depths used throughout have been recorded in the column marked ‘‘Depth in inches.’’ It has been as- sumed, in this connection, that whatever fluc- tuations may have occurred in the computed discharges above and below the actual flow, have been compensating, and it is believed that the computed discharges for each season repre- sent closely the actual discharge for that season. The method of computing the stream tlow at Calaveras from the data recorded by Mr. Hadsell was as follows: Method of Computing Flow from Hadsell Measurements. The velocities (surface, in the thread of the stream or the time in seconds required to travel 70 feet in length) fluctuated for the same depths, for reasons already stated, as noted by Mr. Hadsell in his reports. The fluctuations, however, varied within practically the same limits from year to year for the period covered by these records (1898 to 1903), indicating that no changes of any consequence had occurred in the channel section. It was therefore assumed that the maximum surface velocity for the vari- ous depths was approximately a mean between the fluctuating velocities recorded in the reports. The various lengths of time required in seconds to travel 70 feet, as recorded in the reports, were plotted (Plate B-17) as ordinates, and the cor- responding depths were plotted as abscissae. A curve was drawn approximately through the means of the points, and was assumed to repre- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. sent the maximum surface velocity for the corresponding depth, and Mr. Hadsell’s records of velocity were corrected accordingly. Thus, in the computations of flow, from Mr. Hadsell’s records, only the depth, as recorded by him was used. Coefficients Are Determined from Actual Gagings. From the curve (Plate B-17), showing the time required for a float to travel 70 feet in the thread of the stream, the maximum surface velocity was obtained. In order to arrive at the proper percentage to apply to the maximum sur- face velocity, to obtain the mean stream velocity, consideration was given to the hydraulic ele- ments of the channel. There were also available a series of float gagings, made in the Calaveras Creek by Mr. P. F. Jones during some of the flood discharges in 1911 and 1912 in practically the same location and with practically similar conditions of stream bed as obtained in the 70- foot section used by Mr. Hadsell, The depth of water in the channel during these experiments varied from 3.4 feet to 13.2 feet on the gage. In conducting these experiments for the pur- pose of establishing a rating curve, Mr. Jones surveyed three sections in the course over which his measurements were taken, In this channel he took current meter measurements up to a gage height of 614 feet. Above this height the velocity and interference from drift wood were so great as to render the work with a current meter im- practicable. For greater depths than 614 feet, float gagings were made by obtaining the velocity in longitudinal sections, approximately 10 feet apart. To check the accuracy of the flood gagings, similar experiments to that above stated were made at shallower depths than 614 feet. Diagrams showing the results of the float ex- periments are shown in Plate B-18. The results obtained from the Jones gagings were found in close agreement with the results of the experiments of many eminent hydraulic engineers upon the flow of water in channels of this kind. A curve was therefore made in accordance with these various experiments which shows, for various gage heights, the probable relation exist- ing between the mean stream velocity and the ‘SLNGWIYAdXA TVWOLOV NOdN GHSVEA MAAUO SVUAAWIVO JO SLNAWHUASVAW BZOVAUNS HHL OL AWITIddV SLNAIOIWWH-0O0 AHL 67G -Pf42/f Se Oe. € ‘ 2 O9E: 7 _ 2007 oF MPALAD SVAPFNVTVO ae AZ/OO/OA a= ‘xQpy at KyID0/aA PII e $0 siupay 2/170-4PK fy burmoys- FAGTO ae ZOE P ESH/ £2 ae fO SOBL BIDALLzOD SO s BANTD Pat apd WIMOYS — FAGTD CHY OIF 07S Agjocjen BOWING “xop ox O2L i204, woop 40 wbojusstay-o9 SUPEY 2 0PLPAL, -~ 2 ¢7f OS WwW Lap- O95 II G9 O/ OL0/ Q0O/ 509 “/ SO cites fe yore ° is spy bray abo yy ALIQO/BA BIOYINS UNTULIXOULS AL URBL/ YO abawa2sed/ VEEMLEI WO/4O/BA/ SMOYS .C, BAIND $7286 40 pes 277e4phy puo szybiay ab0b Usams—ag UoYyo/al Moye 5.9, SeAI7D ty OS “W/ 28/0 PUD fax u/ tyblay 2608 UBOMALID YOUYLO/BL SMOYS oY, AAMTZ 319 ‘HAUNO ADUVHOSIG SIHL WO SNVEW AG GHIIdWOO SVM SCUOORU TIESCVH FHL WOU MOTI NVAULS OCP YT every oe Ag suolorstesqgo Wal, AQT O SuUoL/OO “oly abioy2ng # fy biayy 2000 4aq UOYLYE1 BUIMOYS AMT PLIAJISIG YOR) SOLPAQOD SAYIUT P/O GY 42938 P/ Of /02/ 320 oi ok Be fone Caw Chip Clart’ fins. £ $i ing Valtay igs a Fate BP THESE INSTRUCTIONS SHOW THAT SURVEY OF CROSS-SECTION WAS MADE WHERE MEAS UREMENTS OF FLOW IN CALAVERAS CREEK WERE TAKEN BY MR. HADSELL. 321 ‘NOMVL GUAM SLNGWaHO oc-4 27% d SVAW TIHSGVH GAYHHM LNIOd LV ‘306 Il4dV NI GQVW SVUBAVIVO JO SNOILOUS SSOUO “HOMI [+ OFX OL “UEEVd HOLLIES E0U7 F24fray “ROWE Bo OF On madd 322 DETERMINATIONS BY ACTUAL SURVEYS. maximum surface velocity, determined from curve, Plate B-17, and shown on Plate B-19. The increase in the hydraulic radius with the increase in gage height was also used as a guide in developing the curve showing the relation be- tween maximum surface velocity and probable mean stream velocity. The product of the mean stream velocity, thus found for each gage height, applied to the area of the channel at that height, gave the discharge. These discharges were plotted for each foot on the gage, as abscissae, while the gage heights. were plotted as ordinates and the points were connected by a curve, which was adopted as the discharge curve for Calaveras Creek to be ap- plied to the Hadsel]l. measurments. This is shown on Plate B-20. Cross-Sections Determined by Actual Surveys. In October, 1889, a survey of the section used by Mr. Hadsell, and computations of area for various depths of the same, were made by Mr. George Schussler (see Plate B-20). This sec- tion was used by Mr. Hadsell throughout the entire period covered by his records. During the time intervening between October, 1889, when Mr. George Schussler’s section was sur- veyed, and the time when the records of Mr. Hadsell, now available, began in 1898, several wet winters occurred, notably, 1889-90, 1892-3. 1894-5, and 1896-7, so that considerable of the change in section, from that surveyed by Mr. George Schussler in 1889, and that surveyed by Mr. L, B, Cheminant in April, 1902, probably occurred during the seasons named. Mr. Cheminant was instructed to survey the section where the Hadsell measurements were taken as will be seen from the letter to Mr. Hadsell (for which refer to photographic copy, Plate B-21) and that he surveyed the section at that point will be seen from the memorandum noted on the map of the survey, made by Mr. Cheminant (for photographic copy of which see Plate B-22). Mr. Cheminant made both the sur- vey and the map of the same. The following table shows the areas at differ- ent elevations of the section surveyed by Mr. George Schussler in 1889, and of the survey by Mr. Cheminant, in 1902: 323 Areas, Areas, Depth George Schussler, L.B.Cheminant, in Section Section feet. Square feet. Square feet. 1 14 12 2 43 38 3 76 77 4 113 121 5 153 170 6 197 223 7 245 282 8 297 341 9 357 403 10 419 468 11 484 537 12 551 fe 13 623 14 700 In making the computations from the Hadsell records, a curve (Curve A on Plate B-20) was adopted which, it is believed, closely rep- resents the actual cross-sectional area curve dur- ing the period covered by these gagings, viz.: from 1898 to 1903. ‘ Results from Computing the Hadsell Measurements. The following table shows the computed dis- charges of Calaveras Creek during the period of the Hadsell records, at one foot intervals, from cne foot to fourteen feet on gage: Gage Height. Discharge. Feet. Million Gallons Daily. 1 9.0 43.0 3 109.0 4 198.0 5 315.0 6 477.0 7 670.0 8 930.0 9g 1,274.0 10 1,685.0 11 2,147.0 12 2,757 .0 13 3,574.0 14 4,511.0 The following summary shows the estimated ‘flow, by months, in million gallons, for the sea- sons of 1898-99 to 1902-03, based on Mr. Had- sell’s measurements: SEASONS: 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 M.G. M.G. M.G MG MG. JUV 22x wane stings 14 248 484 1,047 870 August ........ 5 35 137 581 304 September ..... 4 12 51 224 32 October ........ 9 55 184 297 11 November ..... 4 1,225 6,149 312 326 December ..... 5 3,213 638 842 542 January .. 2,641 5,414 5,074 612 2,321 February ...... 317 497 4,348 4851 3,148 March ........ 7,763 1,706 1,353 8,286 4,256 April fiecaces2s 1,861 954 591 838 2,973 MAY ci eacdne dates 592 709 ~=1,089 430 387 JUNG ved es saeles 505 492 434 71 306 Totals .-13,720 14,560 20,532 13,391 15,471 324 From the rainfall records, discussed in Ap- pendix ‘‘A’’, the estimated mean area rainfall, on the Calaveras drainage area, for the seasons covered by the Hadsell records, was as follows: TSB 9S OO. te euakdises Voss ehseey aca ae olese ariaresa gies tee 23.35 inches 1899-00). wcccsem ce singee tenes ee ve swe ees 27.57 iy 9 O20 2 sare sao. Ameer viata al areeti aha a ats Rea 31.15 im 1901-02 5 igs aern ose axe See eee HES SERS 25.44 1902-08 5 ern. ang Saiever acre 20 aoe Sem td el ane 27.62 ae By reducing the run-off in million gallons for each of these seasons, to inches of rain for the Calaveras drainage area, we have the following: Run-off. Rainfall. Inches. Per cent. TSIS= 99 io uae aay a steonenlailee ogieua 8.04 34.26 1899-00's...5 24 need bated bee etree ae 8.54 30.97 1900-0di cave ncwdie coun tee ace ea 12.00 38.52 1901-023 sense ee beeen eee aneare 7.83 30.78 1W902-08).cccatnnseeereka eed saree 9.06 32.8 The Williams Measurements. Beginning in 1904, an effort was made to ob- tain more careful measurements of the flow of Calaveras Creek. Under the direction of Mr. Cyril Williams, Jr., a course 200 feet long, just above the Calaveras Damsite was chosen, in which to measure flood waters, and a concrete weir constructed to divert the stream during ex- ploration work for the Calaveras Dam, was used to measure the low water flow. Careful cross-section measureinents of the 200- foot eourse were made every 25 feet. This course was straight, uniform of section, and as gvod as the 70-foot course, besides being longer, though because of interference with the flow at the lower end of the course, the latter portion of the Williams measurements was confined to the apper 100 feet of the 200-foot course, new chan- nel cross-sections being taken every 20 feet of the 100 feet. Change in Section Used by Williams Is Uncertain. Rezorded gagings indicate that measurements over the 100-foot course began in 1906, though the map of cross-sections made by Mr. Williams bears the date of 1908. Unfortunately, the field books containing the notes of this survey, which would relieve all doubt on this question, were destroved in the 1906 fire. It is quite probable, of course, that the filing map of these sevtions was made a year after the surveys were made, and as the recorded gagings indicate this to be THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. the case, I have accepted the change from the 200-foot course to the 100-foot course to have taken place as indicated in the gage records, and have disregarded the date given in the map made by Mr. Williams. As in the case of the 70-foot course, record was made of the time it took a float to travel over the course along the thread of maximum surface velocity. Instructions were issued not to use the concrete weir when the water was in excess of 18” above its crest. From the original records of the Williams measurenients, re-computation ef the flow of Calaveras Creek at Calaveras, during the seasons vf 1904-5 to 1907-8, inclusive, were made. The flow for the first part of the season of 1903-4, viz.: from July Ist, 1903, to Feb. 7th, 1904, was computed from the records of Mr. Hadsell, taken at the 70-foot course and for the latter part from Feb. 8th, 1904, to June 30th, 1904, the flow was computed from the records over the 200-foot course, From the results obtained in the distribution of the rainfall over the Calaveras drainage area, a computation was made of the probable rainfall over the area for each year of the 63-year period. In analyzing the run-off due to the rainfall for each year from 1898 to 1908 and from 1910 to 1912, it was found that the run-off computations made from the Williams data were for the most part so unreasonably high as compared with the rainfall that grave doubt arose as to reliability of the results. A recomputation of the data was therefore de- cided upon. Williams Computations Are Erroneous. It was found in checking the area of the nine cross-sections in the 200-foot course and of the six sections in the 100-foot course from the maps of these sections made by or under the direction of Mr. Williams, that the mean area of the nine and the six sections’ area, respect- ively, at different gage heights was taken as representing the area of the 200-foot course and of the 100-foot course for corresponding gage heights. These areas were found to be in error as much as 25%, because in the origi- nal computation of areas for corresponding gage heights (the gage in both cases being at the upstream section), the areas in each of the nine and the six sections, respectively, of the “LNIOd SIHL LV MUNDO SVUBAVIVO NI AAVYD AHL SMOHS “UL ‘SNVITTIM "IINAO AM GHSN NOILVLS DNIDVO AHL JO ABAUNS IVOIHAVUDOdOL TOAAUVO SLINILNOP SO PTTL (002. S27 ane os Ss Ra =e e a ee ° j NOILKAF7TI B099 = GOL NO OWIZ E2G@-FLV Td es s YTIG? SUPTNVTO SO NOMAS SO PUW Y#ITALNO? — 7 ° eve? ir mh vs eqie PP a 7 wy “92 a9 “Se 325 en tS) TBAsADE eo nQUDIS SSOUD euraRVS 2 > sewn owns) UUM Oo YOUDTS SSCHD owwoNss PLATE -B24a._%: Boek || Ls a REPRODUCTION OF THE UPPER FOUR CROSS SECTIONAL AREAS USED BY WILLIAMS IN COM- PUTING THE FLOW OF CALAVERAS CREEK OVER THE 200-FOOT COURSE. NO ALLOW- ANCE WAS MADE FOR SLOPE IN WATER SURFACE IN THIS 200 FEET. wrt]. oO A ae yeeee ae t r : | i i 326 ‘ ‘ { i d eas Ts Ee = at REPRODUCTION OF THE LOWER FIVE CROSS SECTIONAL AREAS USED BY WILLIAMS IN CoM- PUTING THE FLOW OF CALAVERAS CREEK OVER THE 200-FOOT COURSE. NO ALLOW- ANCE WAS MADE FOR SLOPE IN WATER SURFACE. ‘ASUNOO GHUNSVAW UHAO HOVANNS UALVM AO AdOTS YOM AONVMOTIV FAC LAOOMLIM SVAUV IVNOIL “OUS-SSOUD NO GHSVA DNIAG SMOIA UAHDIH YOU LUVd AHL ‘(SWVITIIM) MHHUO SVUGAVTIVO HO MOTH HOAX SHAUND ADUVHOSIA a ize PPS gx _| PLATE-B25. 328 PLATE -B26: CROSS-SECTIONAL AREAS USED BY MR. WILLIAMS IN COMPUTING FLOW OF CALAVERAS CREEK OVER 100-FOOT COURSE. HERE AGAIN PROPER ALLOWANCE FOR SLOPE OF WATER SURFACE WAS NOT MADE. 329 GHL DYNILAdWOO NI SWVITTIIM 1 + MOMLVATTZ | ‘UW A ‘YOUU NI SI SIHL ‘“MHHUO SVUGAVIVO HO MOTTA aSUNOD LOOW-00l HHL UAAO GCHSN SVAUV TIVNOILOUS-SSOUO Ald DHL dO VAUV GOVYRAV FHL : ‘EOVUUNS UALVM NI dO IS YOM AONVMOTIV GNG LOOHLIM SVAUV IVNOILOUS-SSOUO NOdN GHSVd MHRUO SVUMAVIVO AO MOTTA AHL DNILOGWOO NI SWVITIIM ‘UI AD GHSN AAUNO YOLOVA rd mm 4 “sve zav Ty? FO = |ouiw2go wor szaune .._| aes We Oe os Ze 9.025 aye es weecesr- | sks ‘SSLNGWAYNSVAW SHNOL AHL YOM GHIALLOGU SVM HOIHM LNG “IHAMT LON SVM DNIM LSVH ASOHM ‘HINM ALEAYONOO V HDNNOUHL agua ‘SVGW GUAM SLNHWAUNSVAW SNVITIIM NI MHAUD SVUBAVIVO JO SMOTH UALVAM MOL | q N a8 * Q 332 VND ye De 3 ~ oy | OF F-2f YS 2f812U02 /O SNA SQSAAD/AI “ Maff W-------- WV f9a7 aL 2 os of g 0. a o 4 29 € = GIF SIDA 4 bi a hous tray “RG Libore sear “see Pas? y rt AD Sp ee < LG x Pa [HOLS HEN = 4 Y 089 + % y+ * + + + y % & x a a & S S . « « ee y Xo & 8 8 N gs > 333 334 200-ft. and 100-ft. course was computed up to the level of the gage height. Thus it will be seen that the water surface was considered level with the gage height throughout the 200-foot course, obviously a condition of no velocity and, no flow, and there- fore clearly in error. From the elevations shown on the contour map of the 200-foot course (Plate B-23) it will be seen that this course has a drop of about one foot in 200 feet. In the recomputations of the areas, allow- ance was made for the depths in each section, due to the slope of the channel. There are inserted here photographic repro- ductions of the nine cross-sections in the 200. foot course, with table of computed areas of each section (Plate B24); rating curve of 12- foot weir and table of flow through the 200-foot sections (Plate B-25); six cross-sections in the 100-foot course with table of areas for each sec- tion (Plate B-26) ; table of mean area of the five cross-sections (Plate B-27); factor curve for 100-foot section (Plate B28); and cross-sec- tions of 12-foot weir (Plate B 29). These diagrams and maps were all made by or under the directon of Mr. Cyril Williams, Jy., and were used as a basis for the original computations of flow at Calaveras from Febru- ary 8th, 1904, to June 30th, 1908, heretofore used by the Spring Valley Water Company. It will be seen by referring to Plate B 25, showing rating curve for 12-foot weir and table of flow for the 200-foot section, that in the formula used in computing the flow through the 200-foot section the mean stream velocity was taken throughout at two-thirds (66 2-3%) of the maximum surface velocity, regardless of changes in the hydraulic elements of the chan- nel due to variation in depth. By computation it was found that the data shown on the factor curve (Plate B 28) was de- duced by also using the same ratio (66 2-3 %) of the maximum surface velocity to obtain the mean stream velocity at all depths. It will thus be seen—assuming the computa- tions of flow from the data to be correct—that the discharge so computed must necessarily be very excessive because of the use of excessive areas and excessive velocities mentioned above. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Williams Measurements Recomputed. A recomputation of the flow from the rec- ords taken from 1904-08 was made by Mr. G. G. Anderson, making due allowance for errors heretofore committed and above referred to, whenever possible. Mr. Anderson calibrated the channel with the 12-foot weir. The results found by him for these seasons, together with those obtained by the methods deduced by Mr. Williams for this period, are summarized as fol- lows: G.G. Anderson. Williams. 1908704, ack eredesatadead aie 19,929 16,485 190420 Sica goace tse vB Ginacdrnaine es ardoans 14,902 16,503 19.05-0G is o5 decace sina pyhaeners 26,962 32,551 190620T a ¢ csc catnes ee hae me eee 37,146 54,507 T90 TO Sie sire. ois bee 8 oases oe a cease arpa 9,203 14,147 Jones Measurements. Measurements made by Mr. P. F. Jones at Calaveras are available for the seasong 1910-11 and 1911-12. For low water the concrete weir constructed just prior to the Williams measurements has been used. During the Williams measurements over the 12-foot weir a constant amount was added after a depth of 1’ 5” had been reached, to account for extra quantity of water passing over the end of the weir due to a depression in the crest at that point (Plate B29). At the beginning of the Jones measurements over this weir the depression had been filled up and made level across the entire width. (Plate B-30.) It was intended to use a current meter for all high-water measurements, but this was found impracticable above a gage height of 614 feet because of drift and excessive velocity of the water. In using the current meter the average vertical velocity was determined by lowering and raising the meter from the surface of the water to the bottom of the stream and back to the surface at a uniform rate. The ver- tical velocities were determined at intervals of 5 feet, and a summation of discharge made, using products of the vertical velocities and the area to which they applied. The section used for meter work was under the suspension bridge, directly upstream from the concrete measuring weir. The float measurements were taken over a ‘SLNGWAHUNSVEW LVOTH GNV YUALAW LNAUYNO Indauvo WOU GANINUALAG SI (LNAWHUNSVAW SHNOL) MAAUYO SVUAAVIVO YOOX AAUNO ADUVHOSIG AHL (EFP-PLY_ | BALNTI abIOY2S17 pup VOUNZIAS — SSOLZD MASTYD SVYWSNV TIVO DP PHOIB GS aos oe yaad Waf aaogy @ aL 09 OF OF Of oz or oO a Supeay aay = Arts aa asl a = ri ia Sena > buipoay 2606 40/7 © ee ar et a ! Pope ‘ Bt Tnamy a it $a $l 0° BEA i a eo ! Bae i _ ne / S 8 S S$ + ; - > > + : ; = + + : N N & % AAS w S S g Z & S e 8 ep o&&s te mg Ip iQ be = N Bi |S x W” 8 be yaay W ty blay eb2D E/ 335 336 course of 100 feet just above the suspension bridge. The course has a rocky point pro- jection on one side, and is not a particularly favorable one. Floats were started at different points of the stream surface width, and note taken of the time consumed in passing over the 100-foot course and the portion of the stream width they traversed. By plotting these, the surface velocities at various portions of the streams were determined. The average ver- tical velocity was assumed to be 6-10 of the surface velocities in all cases. This factor was used because of the character of the stream bed. From the gagings, both by meter and floats, a discharge curve (Plate B 31) was constructed to which gauge rod readings were applied. During storms half-hourly gage readings were taken. + le The results of the 1910-11 gagings give a run-off of 56% of the total mean area rainfall for that year. This seems rather high, though it can be explained by the abnormal character of the rainfall during the season of 1910-11. Practically all the rain came in three storms closely following one another, the first oc- curring after the ground was fairly well sat- urated. The intensities of the storms were also abnormal. These two factors satisfy the condi- tion for a maximum run-off from the recorded rainfall. Plate B31 shows the cross-section of the Calaveras Creek at the place of gaging by Jones, together with the discharge curve de- veloped from his gagings. Plate B 36 shows the location of gage for measuring stream. The formula used for the discharge over the weir was the one used in the Williams measure- ments. (Plate B 25.) Measurements of Flow of the Arroyo Valle. Gagings of the Arroyo Valle at the damsite were taken by the Spring Valley Water Com- pany over a period of about 4 years, covering the seasons of 1904-5 to 1907-8, inclusive. Al- though diligent search was made through all the records of the Spring Valley Water Company we were unable to find these gagings. Subsequently a copy of most of the records taken at Arroyo Valle was obtained from Mr. F. Gainor, the watchman who took the meas- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. urements. This copy covers all the flood sea- sons of these three years though not all of the low water periods. While it is not the original document, it is an authentic copy of the same, made by the man who took the measurements at the time they were being taken, and is ac- cepted as correct. Estimates have been made of the low water flow not contained in the record, by comparison with other recent low water flow records. Careful cross-section measurements of the channel at the gaging station were made by Mr, L. B. Cheminant. This course was laid out with a length of 150 feet. During the first sea- son the course was used over its entire length, though for the seasons following only the upper 75 feet was used. As in the case of the Williams and the Hadsell stream measurements, the maximum surface velocity was obtained by recording the time it took a float to pass over the length of the course along the thread of maxi- mum surface velocity at varying stages. Simul- taneously with the velocity measurements, the depth of water on the gage rod was also recorded. The course was a very good one except that the cross-section of the stream at this point con- tains gravel of a considerable area, permitting some underflow to pass without measurement. Methods Used in Computing Flow of Arroyo Valle. In arriving at the discharge represented by these gagings, several methods of computation were used resulting in approximately the same quantities as that which was finally used and is here described in detail. The gagings and recorded time show some discrepancies, For instance, from the table of gagings on Jan. 14th, 1906, we have a gage height of 3’ 0” corresponding to a time of 20 seconds for a distance of 75 feet, and on Jan. 31st, 1907, we have a gage height of 0.90 feet and a time of 20 seconds for 75 feet. These differences in depth corresponding to the same time may be accounted for by the possibility of the recorder placing the float in a part of section outside of the path of the maximum surface velocity, or by the direction of the wind, or a combination of both. A wind blow- ing upstream would-retard the velocity of the float, while a wind blowing downstream would increase it. In order to overcome this exigency ‘UALVM FHL AO HLdad THL HLIM ATGIdVU AUWA SHSVANONI MOTH WVEULS AHL GNV ALIOOTHA BOVEUNS AHL GE-F HY S GOU0IBCO LM JB2OLG/ Of Ollily JOUOG) 4 AQ PENtESqO SO UOlfIAS JSEeAO YsidaD PUO {824 GL JO4 ally Lia@njag LIOLLL{B1 BUIMOYS ONMTD ALIYAA A /Q oly N YOMDAO ABAD f22Y W YyYWET 337 338 ate B34. THE CO-EFFICIENTS APPLIED TO THE SURFACE VELOCITIES DEPEND UPON THE HYDRAULIC RADIUS. Arroyo Valle Curves Showing relation befweer deoth 17 reer op gage and area Ip square reer and percentage of Near velocity fo Maxirurm Surrace velocity ard tyatalliic Fads with Gainor Measyurments Nore -Curves used i Conprectior 339 ‘SLNGNGUYUNSVEAW WVEULS TNAAHUVO SUVHA UNOA WOU ATIVA OAOUYV AO HANNO ADUVHOSIAG GE GS-HY ef §0-L0-G06/ GO-P06/ SOMO) 4 Aq SUOL{OALESGO UuOL, NAT O SUOJOD LOI {YAY UI BOMYINT ¥ 4YOlapf BO0D Laem {aq er ae zs Uol{tYjad BUIMOYS -BWALMTD ALIOYISIG Y981 9 Of O A/QA oho1Iy GJ {22/ 340 wy lpg Km a, Sy |/RVINGTON tH NIssion Jaa SAN SOSE 9 © ig ee a Calaveras Se. Fresecvolr Viop showing Location of Gaging Statioras Alameda System Fate B36 STREAM GAGINGS ARE BEING MADE AT MANY PLACES IN THE ALAMEDA SYSTEM. 341 342 a time curve (Plate B32) was very carefully drawn as a mean of all observations, the co- ordinates of each observation being represented by depth of the gage and time required to traverse the 150-foot course. From this time curve the maximum surface velocities were vomputed for various depths as indicated by gage rod readings. Stream Section Very Favorable for Good Results. A glance at the stream bed sections (Plate B 33) through which the gagings were taken, will show that sections numbered 2 and 3 are very nearly identical in general conformity while sections numbered 1 and 4 differ materially in shape. It was considered logical to build up a composite of these sections giving double weight to sections 2 and 3 and correspond- ingly smaller significance to sections 1 and 4. Af- ter building up this composite section, the areas and the hydraulic radii for dif- ferent gage heights were computed. In terms of the gage heights the areas and the hydraulic radii were plotted and smooth curves drawn through these points. From a study of Mr, C. E. Grunsky’s Sacramento River investi- gations, as per Report to Commissioner Rose, and making similar investigations on the Arroyo Valle sections for depths of from 1 foot to 5% feet, we find that the ratio of mean sectional velocity to maximum surface velocity varies from .43 to .80. A percentage curve was drawn between these limits, as shown on Plate B-34, and following the general trend of the hy- draulic radii for these different depths. From the area and percentage curves thus obtained, a discharge curve (Plate B 35) was plotted and the quantities for the storm periods of the sea- THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. song 1904-05 to 1907-08, inclusive, were ob- tained. These with the addition of the esti- mated dry season flow are given by months in the following table: ARROYO VALLE RUN-OFF. From F. Gainor’s Gagings in Seasons 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 M.G M. G. M.G. M. G. DULY sine na wie s *30 *30 *30 *30 AUS S seit dienes *30 *30 *30 *30 Sept. ....... *30 *30 *30 *30 OGte: caine ees *50 ¥*30 ¥*30 *30 NOV: ea228 wae *60 *30 #30 *30 Dec. ....... *200 *50 1,495 294 Vale, saaiucac *500 6,234 10,618 1,613 Feb: sas ie ins 589 788 1,195 1,095 Mar. ....... 2,290 7,967 18,125 *100 ADTs) sages 222 1,457 *100 *60 May ........ 185.7 199 *80 *30 June ....... *60 36 *30 *30 Totals 4,246.7 16,881 31,793 3,372 Note: *—lIndicates Estimated Quantity. The flow for 1911-12 was made under the direction of Mr. T. W. Espy by Standard Cur- rent Meter methods. Measurements to Determine Rapidity of Water Entering Livermore and Sunol Gravels. Beginning with January Ist, 1912, gaging stations were established at four places on the Arroyo Valle, three places on the Arroyo Mocho, two places on the Arroyo Positas, two places on the Laguna Creek, and one place on the San Antonio Creek. The relative location of these gaging stations is shown on Plate B 36. These measurements were taken with weirs and current meters, effort being made to obtain all fluctuations of flow, Following is a tabulation by months of dis- charges in million gallons at these various sta- tions: Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Arroyo Positas, Positas, Laguna, Laguna, San 1912. Valle, Valle, Valle, Valle, Mocho, Mocho, Mocho, Mocho, No. 1. No. 2. No. 1. No. 2. Antonio No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No.4. No.1. No.2. No. 3. No. 4. * x Jan. ..117.85 154.48 61.03 0 26.31 0 2.16 54.59 45.53 82.39 224.35 271.07 114.5 Feb. .. 62.50 78.48 35.64 0 10.19 0 85 19.88 25.27 7.22 119.78 105.56 40.6 Mar. ..411.77 423.63 356.58 0 62.61 0 0 23.09 35.01 9.88 153.95 162.64 202.9 Apr. ..106.57 96.88 69.19 0 11.22 0 0 9.50 14.78 0 125.80 134.67 56.5 May .. 60.94 60.27 28.23 0 7.71 0 0 5.70 6.83 0 105.17 110.85 31.2 June... 7.93 35.72 9.47 0 1.65 0 0 1.87 3.51 0 65.81 51.23 8.3 At all of these stations there is more or less underflow that of course is not included in these measurements. At Arroyo Valle No. 2, located at the Cresta Blanca Bridge, bedrock is exposed on the east bank of the creek, though it does not appear in the bottom of the stream bed. The bridge at this point has two concrete piers, the south- ‘SSNVUDVIG SSVI HO WUOd HHL NI NMOHS GUV sT6l JO AIVH LSHld AHL YO AATIVA HYOWUAAIT ONIAVAT GNV DNIUALNA SWVAULS AO SLINAWAHUNSVOAW AO SLTASHU AHL VOE G-HYOl7 SY¥aaDD CYION F SLYISQS B/Q AOL OUTIOD 7 0 SDT) SOL LON OY20py OhOIIp 2/6/ area pdag bap Ayan aul AON sp SLY gay uo J ZW AW KNorp fae bap AMD. awa AQ. shy SOW. gay wor [7 a { 7 Z ce ——— rR ES JON SOffS0qy OKOLIp 8 $IAOr orp Ap aump soy 4a YOY, gay von “4 g rg Os ae ON QurTrbo7 (was bry wr aun Ao dp AON gay vor va 343 Be. alee “OT6T ayes 40 JIVH LSUId AHL YO ATIVOIHAVUD NMOHS GUV GZONVUVAddVSIG AO SLNIOd AHL LVOOT FHL ‘Saad WVAULS YIGHL NI SLNIOd SNOINVA LV SUVAddVSIG AUTIVA HUHOWUAAIT ONIUULINA YUALVM FHL LE- HAYS OYIYN F B/G) SOLISOY ONO WY. Z6/ 40 SINMTD BOUBIDACAOSIT ory Ay amp Aon spy AON Jay ua 7 z / ‘ 092 j ES x 7 ; zz 8 [ i z a i Fi a Af Zig 7 al ee ae ae a | : by aes > 0Y20py OKOAI py WA ia = < > f— *f > 4 21 » 7 Q 7 VS Y / =} § \ \ \ < 7 \ e Be \ WEA OXCATL SEBO] OAOT Af pean ee yaaa obo of Yybordigg SMO/Y ~+--~--~ ~~~ 2 oO 344 EACH CATCHMENT AREA STUDIED. erly pier being in the center of the trough of the stream bed, not resting on bed rock. At this gaging station there is probably less sur- face stream flow than at any other of the sta- tions on the Arroyo Valle. At Arroyo Mocho No. 1, located about 6 miles southeast of Livermore, the east bank is clay, probably the edge of a clay kidney, there being no evidence of its continuing across the stream channel. There is probably less under- flow at this station than at the others in the Arroyo Mocho. The same is relatively true of Positas No. 1. Plate No, 36 A contains mass curves of the flows at these various stations. Weekly observations were made of the place of disappearance of waters in the Arroyo Valle, Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo Positas. These are indicated diagramatically on Plate B 37. Estimated Run-off from the Various Drainage Areas of Alameda System. From the foregoing statement concerning run- off in the Alameda System it may be briefly stated that the records available are as follows: Daily computations of flow over Sunol and Niles Dams from December, 1889, to July 1st, 1912; Daily computations of flow at the Calaveras Reservoir site since July Ist, 1898, to July Ist, 1912, with two seasons, 1908-09 and 1909-10, and another gap of a few days duration missing ; Daily computations of flow for the rainy sea- son at the Arroyo Valle damsite from 1904- 05 to 1907-08 and from January 1st to July Ist, 1912; Daily computations of flow from January Ist to July 1st, 1912, at each of the following sta- ‘tions: 4 on Arroyo Valle on Arroyo Mocho on Arroyo Las Positas on Laguna Creek at San Antonio damsite. These latter stations are located on Plate B36. Were storage facilities adequate in the Sunol Valley to regulate the flow of the streams in the Alameda System, the ascertainment of the safe dependable yield from that system based on the 23 years’ continuous record of stream flow would be a simple matter. me DO bd bw 345 No such simple regulation exists, however, and it is necessary to regulate the flow at various points within the drainage area, viz., at the three surface storage reservoirs, Calaveras, San An- tonio and Arroyo Valle, and at the two under- ground storage reservoirs, at Livermore Valley and Sunol Valley. The flow tributary to all these various stor- age points is not accurately known and. must be estimated from such data as is available. The data includes that gathered at the three Penin- sula Reservoirs, as well as that—heretofore men- tioned—gathered in the Alameda System. Flow from Each Catchment Area Estimated for the Last 63 Years. To ascertain the run-off from each of the drainage areas for each year of the 63-year period, recourse was had to the use of run-off curves, obtained by uniting points representing run-off in adopted units (in this case the units being million gallons per square mile per sea- son) for each progressive increase in rainfall. Since the run-off from any drainage area de- pends upon a great number of controlling fac- tors, as for example the condition of the sur- face upon which the rain falls, temperature, wind, vegetation, degree of evaporation, etc., total precipitation is never fully realized in run- off. The ideal run-off curve should inelude all these factors, and should consider as well the very important element of rainfall distribution, in order to determine the true relation with ref- erence to complete run-off. In the practical consideration of run-off it is found impossible to differentiate all the methods of rainfall disposal. Evaporation, wind and atmospheric pressure varies from year to year. Evaporation also varies with different classes of vegetation and from different kinds of land surface. Because of the influence of these factors it is also impossible, even if the data were at hand, to determine the run-off due to the various quan- tities, rates and intensities of rainfall. In the construction of the run-off curves to apply to the different drainage areas in the Alameda Svstem from 1849-50 to 1889-90 (a period of 40 years), the available run-off data during the 23-year period from 1889-90 to 1911- 12, as well as the run-off data for the Calaveras ‘ATIVA OAOUUV LV GNV SVUHAVTIVO LY SONIDVD 'IVOALOV WOUd GHNINYALAG SNOILIGNOO AdO-NOU GNV TIVANIVY NAAMLAG NOLLVWIGU AHL DNIMOHS 1P-2/4Qf V/QfLMOALL Saou Se Oe SE OE SZ OF Sf of F “W/ UL, oS/ED) YO/ O07 37 Si 346 8 Sie SIG + 2/-1181 Qf 06-699/ Poltad ayy Ui Papryour Sr1eax” AZo Ota VOSMIOALIOD “YW O6-EB9/ Pf OF-ELEH/ Posed YOaA Op JOY sioak Ap PUO Yan YO SHQKD 4O Lvolryauip pe fUVOALX® BUILITALAP OY oO wok ayy of PIST7 B/1amM GYL/TIS OS BOODASOBNAD Butar SOAWTO esay/ —-IfON/ WALSAS VOHNVIV ZHL NI SLNHWHUNSVAW OL YOIUd SUVHA ALYOMA YOM GHHS UALVM OINOLNVY NVS HOd Gasn Aa4O-NOU GNV TIVANIVY NHAMLAG NOILVIAY ADVUAAV PFI -~ PLU [[PfUM Oss SAY2LL/ St Or GE OF GF OF Fl Ov ace ‘I -//61 OF 06-699) Ported aly UW; papryoul sseak Ap aye BIKD BY yg YIM wWostitedLll0D LW 06-629/_% 0¢-6bo/ poltad soak Og YO, sioek AYO UO fan Yo Sa/Dh2 Z? UO, BITY2 ae fUPLXE Alii /BZap os LEST Som syrseas aboter® buirih arin siyy -TSZOM LALA BIhQ tad Suo//jag 347 ‘WALSAS VOHNVIV AHL NI SLNAWAYNSVEW OL YOINd SUVAA ALYOA YOM VGRWVIV UAddA AHL WOU AdO-NONY ANINYUALAC OL GASO SVM .d», HAWN EGS-PF YS [[OfUlO gy Sayoti/ GE OF GZ OF 5l o ¢ N“N aha 4ad Suopjan “vorssip/ Safer ae 06-6891 poltad ay, ul paprjou! soak Kip fo af2k2 ayy Yyyim UOSIIOAULOD Li! 06-699) %¢ OF-6be) ported oak Op sOfX Seek Alp PUD 4EM JO SA2AB YO LVO/YOITIP PUD ~Ua{xa BlLiIW1ALAD a pasr som syrisal ebboiann buinih aria Siyy -FazOH 348 ‘WALSAS VGHWNVIV AHL NI SLNANWHUNSVAW OL YUOIUd ADVNIVUC AUOWUAAIT YOA AAO-NNU ANINUALAG OL GSN SVM .H., HANNO PE 242 e/ 2-/161 Of 06-E89/ Pollad eYf Wi peaporyou! soak AGP fo B/2KD aYyf YYyIM VOSIIODLIOD LW O68 -66EG/! Of OF -ELG/ Peltad oar; Oe AO SlbeK AYO OUD fEM YO Sa/QKD YQ VOVYLOLIP UE fa{xea BUI 13a4aO a pas ate syjrse/ BboserD buinib aring ayy —FBfOM [12H 2g] S2Y OU] IP Or SE OF IZ OF S/ oO F Q . 8 S SYOL/OD VONV/LILY o/ 8 § ‘e/lL] +e OOP 'SEYOUO fO Peas! of fo bullae B/Q) OKOSY SB BuliIoSs ay S/ BAITD sins -:BfON 06-691 °¢ 05-6¢G/ UlOL, ETITA AOP +10 B0OW/OLT BIOWISAATT OL Sayddo AAWIDQ SIY.L 349 350 Creek for the years 1874-75, 1875-76 and 1876- 77 as found in the Municipal Reports, were used. Average Results Used Prior to Time of Measurements on Alameda Creek. The total run-off in each drainage area was reduced to run-off per square mile and plotted with reference to the estimated mean area rain- fall over the corresponding drainage area. Curves were then taken representing mean progressive lines of run-off for progressive in- creases in depths of total rainfall. From rain- fall and run-off data at hand, and from obser- vations of the topographical features of the Alameda System it would appear that in the beginning of the rainy season the first five inches of normal rain would produce no run-off at Calaveras, and that no run-off would be pro- duced from the Upper Alameda, San Antonio, Sunol Drainage, Arroyo Valle and Livermore Drainage, until after 6 inches, 8 inches, 8 inches, 8 inches and 10 inches, respectively, of normal rainfall had fallen upon these various drainage areas. These points were taken as starting at the lower end of the run-off curve for each drainage area. The run-off curves thus constructed, together with points used, are plotted on Plate B-1. These two curves ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘B’’, respectively, repre- sent the mean run-off curves for Calaveras and Arroyo Valle drainage areas. Upon carefully considering the normal rain- fall, characteristics of drainage areas, and the probable quantity of rainfall lost before run-off begins on the various areas, judgment dictated the use of curves of the same shape as curves “A” and ‘‘B’’, but starting with greater loss in rainfall before run-off begins as noted above. Thus the run-off curve adopted for Upper Alameda, San Antonio and Sunol drainage is the same as the Calaveras curve, but started at 6 inches, 8 inches and 8 inches for each of the respective drainage areas, instead of at 5 inches for the Calaveras curve; and the Arroyo Valle eurve (Curve ‘‘B’’ on Plate B-1) was used for the Livermore Drainage with the exception that it was started at 10 inches instead of at 8 inches. The curves thus constructed for the various drainage areas are plotted on Plates B 2, 3 and 4. By applying the mean area rainfall for each THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. drainage area for each year of the 40-year period 1849-50 to 1888-89 to the run-off curve adopted for each drainage area, the probable annual dis- charge from that area was determined. The quantities so obtained are summarized as follows: PROBABLE ANNUAL RUN-OFF IN M. G. FOR EACH SEASON NAMED FROM: Upper Liver- Cala- Ala- San An- Arroyo more veras. meda. tonio. Sunol. Valle. Dr. Sq. Miles. 98.3 35.32 38.70 49.08 140.80 258.34 Season 1849-50. .41,244 10,772 9,076 10,796 27,388 32,035 1850-51.. 1,179 WW 19 0 70 0 1851-52..13,860 2,895 2,244 2,601 6,055 5,426 1852-53. .40,890 12,200 10,256 12,270 31,190 37,200 1853-54..22,510 5,470 4,412 5,202 12,532 13,175 1854-55..22,312 5,430 4,373 5,154 12,390 12,660 1855-56. .18,2838 4,851 3,464 4,024 9,505 9,559 1856-57..15,334 3,532 2,767 3,190 7,850 7,233 1857-58. .18,578 4,450 3,522 4,073 9,768 9,817 1858-59..19,364 4,660 3,715 4,319 10,915 10,330 1859-60..19,462 4,680 3,715 4,368 10,279 10,590 1860-61..14,941 3,421 2,670 3,092 7,252 6,975 1861-62..71,950 20,680 17,918 21,790 58,085 74,400 1862-63.. 6,389 1,183 909 1,031 6,899 1,290 1863-64.. 2,949 371 271 294 493 0 1864-65..24,082 5,950 4,799 5,693 13,728 14,210 1865-66..20,641 5,010 3,986 4,711 11,194 11,370 1866-67..45,120 11,900 10,042 12,0238 30,556 36,430 1867-68. .53,380 14,800 12,229 14,720 37,878 46.240 1868-69..17,890 4,190 3,328 3,877 9,151 9,300 1869-70. .14,352 3,248 2,554 2,944 6,758 6,458 1870-71.. 6,881 1,308 987 1,129 2,323 1,292 1871-72..35,975 9,049 17,547 8,932 20,699 25,834 1872-73.. 8,843 1,801 1,471 1,865 3,309 2,583 1873-74. .24,082 5,951 4,644 5,202 9,927 14,210 1874-75... 6,291 1,254 929 1,080 2,873 1,292 1875-76. .37,255 11,656 8,650 8,540 25,909 31,260 1876-77.. 1,867 424 193 74 634 ..... 1877-78. . 27,031 5,952 5,148 6,626 14,009 15,240 1878-79..16,022 2,755 2,380 3,092 4,407 5,425 1879-80. .18,872 5,369 3,909 4,024 11,617 11,370 1880-81..15,728 4,203 3,212 3,582 10,068 8,783 1881-82..15,531 3,108 2,302 2,502 5,632 5,425 1882-83..20,446 2,755 2,438 3,239 6,266 4,909 1883-84..49,740 9,995 8,746 11,042 25,557 28,160 1884-85..24,770 2,155 2,148 38,239 4,435 3,617 1885-86..23,789 7,206 5,612 6,184 14,856 18,340 1886-87..10,420 1,925 1,548 1,865 3,777 2,842 1887-88..15,335 2,720 2,206 2,650 5,843 4,909 1888-89... 9,633 2,296 2,051 2,944 6,477 3,100 It must be noted that these quantities are only average quantities produced by seasonal amounts ‘SVEUV LNAWHOLVO LNXOVIGV HLIM NOSIUVdWOO CNV SONI DVD 'IVOLOV WOU GHNINUALAG SVM SUVHA JO SdNOUD YHOU SHAUND HO NOILISOd FHL GE -PFYo/ [Qf UM OLf SEY2L/ ge Of SZ OF S/ aw SF Q woak atjsodda P2efOUb/SZO BQAMTD Bs!7 PAOD UMOYS' SIDEK BY 12d / 5@-1Q- 00-$6, g 26; E87 WOAW AS17 £E-- 0G; E& | O(-#0-20-96-#6, aeeur 6 Q-£, 6, 2 2 -90,- EO-66-SE HLSOWTLY SOYIL/ = MU 80-L0~16, AWA FST? SV TA HOS . Spe PAG? LO LE9/ fA "Py AALID tO ad Eye PAW? YO 60 OT BOOWIOIG BIOL en Joo ey ‘ZI-T187 Of OB -CGRT ia Porta” VK EF 404 FO Deer = EEOS? + SS PIYSIOLO o, BLOLIONI See AT? pio B74 IP uo “Eros P42 77247 YaIAMKAG WO/fLb/a~ buimoys SBATTA 351 ‘SSLNGWOAYNSVaW IVOLOV WOUd CHNINUALEG GUAM SNOILIGNOO JAWO-NOUY OL ONIGHOOOV SUVAA HHL ONIdNOUD SHAUNO AO SNOILISOd AHL 9 F -FAY_7 lle SOYIL/ 4 GE o/ : S Qo ubak atisod@o paoubisap BALI aSl7 BACIJL “UMoys SIDak Bij JO+f / GO-00-86/ 2 |bO-£0-20-10-269/ E82 £6 -066/ YU E Ol-90-96-PEG/ oy 60-LEG/ Yo ZF 2/-GO-LO-66&/ 8 S SLOWLY SOY OL a Ss //-168/ SYA “N X GF ZET ED Ot CB-CER? LOE AF SEGEFEFGIE SPEYSIALZOY BbOL/DIT (OTIS Ue OTTOLLY TAS’ OPattil] |Y ‘SOTAAL/OFD wo o PUO [JBL WeeMag “voroja/ buimoysS SBATTI ol ca “SUVHA HHUHLALNAML dO GOINAd V UMAO SLNAWHUNASVAW WVAULS TVOALOV AM SNOILIGNOO AMO-NOUY OL DNIGHOOOV GadNOUD NEHA AAVH SUVHA AHL LG -Af2S ‘BHOLIABAIT 39 SOBA [OfWM2Lf SEL/IL] SOD fO UOBY/-//2fUlOgy , LOD EFOZOP GE OF GZ OZ Gl O/ Ss WALSKS VISNV TY a AASONM 727 IN QAYIDLT AAS SUO/{OD VOU {Mp ffOUTLY § 3 354 of rainfall, and entirely disregard the influence upon the run-off, of factors such as rates and in- tensities of rainfall, evaporation, etc., noted above. It is believed, however, that the results are invaluable in that they. indicate in a long series of years the frequency of maximum and mini- mum run-off, their departure from the normal, and what is perhaps more important, the longest continued cycle of dry years. As will be shown later from mass diagrams of these results, compared with mass dia- grams of results of :un-off from each of the drainage areas during the 23-year period from 1889-90 to 1911-12, no greater period of drought existed in the 63 year: than that which occurred in the latter 23 years: f that period. More Accurate Results Obtained for 23 Years of Alameda Measurements by Grouping Years. In constructing the run-off curves to apply to the various drainage areas during the 23-year period from 1889-90 to 1911-12, more data was available in the shape of run-off records making it possible to characterize certain years as nor- mal or abnormal in run-off. In plotting the run-off in inches for the en- tire Alameda System resulting from practically similar rainfalls it was noted that the season 1911-12 was more productive of run-off due to small rainfall (11” to 12”) than was the year 1897-98, and that for years of rainfall slightly above normal (about 25”), the rainfall during the season of 1910-11 produced over twice the quantity which was produced by the same pre- cipitation in the season 1900-01. In continuing these comparisons of run-off at Niles and Sunol Dams, Calaveras, Arroyo Valle and the Penin- sula, it was found practical in the 23-year Niles and Sunol records, by the use of 5 lines or curves to classify certain years with respect to their productivity as affected by normal and abnormal run-off conditions. The run-off at Calaveras for the 12 seasons, and at Arroyo Valle for the 5 seasons, when plotted assumed practically the same relation with respect to years as did the Niles and Sunol records, thus clearly indicating the propriety of characterizing the various years as normal or THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. abnormal in run-off due to the rainfall and of making 5 different classifications of years as in the case of the entire Alameda System. To com- plete the 23-year record at Calaveras and Arroyo Valle from the five curves deduced for each, the year whose run-off was desired was given a position corresponding to one of the five curves at Calaveras and at Arroyo Valle as that year occupied with reference to the 5 curves of the entire Alameda System. (Plate B 7.) As has been noted above the run-off curves for Upper Alameda, San Antonio and Sunol drain- age conform in appearance .to the Calaveras curve but were started later with respect to total rainfall; and that to Livermore drainage was applied a similar form of run-off curve to that applied to Arroyo Valle, but with greater loss of rain before starting run-off. Thus owing to the fact that run-off does not start in the Upper Alameda until after 6 inches of normal rain has fallen, that San Antonio does not start run-off until after 8 inches of normal rain has fallen and that Sunol Drainage run-off does not com- mence until after 8 inches of normal rain has fallen, the five curves of Calaveras have been shifted horizontally one inch, three inches and three inches respectively to meet the conditions of run-off of Upper Alameda, San Antonio and Sunol Drainage. In like manner the 5 curves of the Arroyo Valle have been shifted horizontally two inches to meet the conditions of run-off from the Liver- more Drainage, where 10 inches of normal rain- fall oceurs without producing run-off. It is to be noted that the middle or approximate mean line of the 5 curves used in the 23-year period 1889-90 to 1911-12 for each of the drainage areas is identical with the single curves (Plates B 1, 2, 3 and 4) used for the 40-year period 1849-50 to 1888-89 for each of the corresponding drainage areas. The 5 curves adopted for each drainage area are plotted on Plates B 5 and 6. By applying the estimated area rainfall for each year to the proper curve there is obtained the total quantity of run-off for each drainage area for each year of the 23-year period from 1889-90 to 1911-12. The quantities so obtained are summarized as follows: PROBABLE ANNUAL RUN-OFF IN M. G. FOR EACH SEASON NAMED FROM: Cala- veras. Sq. Miles. 98.3 Season 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1895-96. 1896-97. 1897-98. . 1898-99. 1899-00. 1900-01. 1901-02. 1902-03. 1903-04. 1904-05. 1905-06. 1906-07. 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12. -46,180 - 15,900 . 14,530 . 36,760 - 26,850 - 29,930 - 18,380 - 25,220 3,250 *13,720 *14,560 *20,531 *13,391 *15,471 *19,380 *14,902 *26,962 *37,146 . -*9,208 . 29,920 . .12,990 . *29,700 .*5.554 Upper Ala- meda. 35.32 15,960 4,145 4,298 11,970 7,675 10,740 5,219 8,350 737 3,623 3,684 6,601 3,530 4,144 5,219 4,973 6,140 9,579 2,149 8,719 3,377 9,364 1,382 * Actual Gagings. San An- tonio. 38.70 13,960 2,187 2,187 8,210 4,879 7,066 2,860 5,216 202 2,692 2,524 5,048 2,524 2,557 3,230 3,701 5,034 8,211 1,682 5,889 2,860 8,413 1,346 355 Sunol. 49,08 17,700 2,900 2,346 8,743 4,692 7,464 3,199 5,544 426 2,985 2,388 6,653 2,559 2,772 4,435 3,583 6,653 10,670 1,919 7,677 2,985 12,539 1,962 Arroyo Valle. 140.80: 36,700 11,624 4,894 32,300 14,070 19,088 9,789 15,900 734 4,160 2,447 8,565 8,076 11,745 8,565 *4,247 *16,881 *31,793 *3,372 17,130 7,340 23,982 *970 Liiver- more Dr. 258.34 47,150 10,115 4,945 20,600 10,115 19,104 10,115 20,200 Appendix C. DISCHARGE OVER SUNOL AND NILES DAMS. BY F. C, Herrmann, Chief Engineer, Spring Valley Water Company. Records of the depth of water over the Niles Dam have been kept by the Spring Valley Water Company from November, 1889, to October, 1900, and over the Sunol Dam from October, 1900, to the present time. From these records computa- tion of the volume of run-off water at these dams has been made by applying a weir formula of the ordinary Francis type, the units used being in inches for linear dimensions, and gallons per day for rate of flow, thus: for Niles Q—=4200 bh’? for Sunol Q=4400 bh®”? These formulae do not take into consideration either the impulse of the water due to its velocity as it approaches the weir, the retarding effect of submergence below the weir, nor the shape of the weir crest. No measurements have been made to determine the effect of these factors, it being assumed that in the aggregate they offset one another. Neither of the dams is ideal for measuring the flow of water, and the great number of irreg- ularities entering into the problem make it very complex. The method by which gage rod readings have been taken adds further to its com- plexity. At the Niles Dam the readings, except for low water flow, have been taken at the fore- bay, which is well below the crest of the dam. At the Sunol Dam the readings for other than low water flow have been taken at a series of points, which progress upstream from the crest of the dam as the stage of the water increases to a cer- tain depth, after which the measurements were taken just above the crest. All rod readings for both dams are well within the curve of water sur- face as it falls over the dam. Results of experiments on various types of dams of irregular cross-section have been pub- lished, which show coefficients that vary between wide limits for the different types considered. A study of these results impresses one with the fact that large variation in the coefficient exists for comparatively insignificant changes in cross- section of the dam. None of the types of which we have published experimental results are ident- ical with either the Niles or the Sunol Dam in cross-section. Theoretical solution of the flow over these dams must, therefore, be built up as a modification of some standard weir formula, changing it by combining the effects of the var- jous irregularities as expressed in published ex- perimental data, with weirs containing one or more of these irregularities, together with com- putations of the forces due to accelerations from irregularities not expressed by these experi- mental data. As noted above, for some stages of flow the Niles and Sunol Dams must be considered as submerged weirs. Standard formulae for weirs are unreliable when the difference in elevation of the water above and below the weir, or the af- flux, is less than 35% to 50% of the depth of water over the weir, Accurate Results Determined by Experiments With Model Dams. From the foregoing it is seen that theoretical solution, unsupported by the proper experimental data, will be clothed with uncertainty. By rea- 856 EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH MODEL WEIRS. son of this, the services of Prof. J. N. Le Conte, of the University of California, were secured for the purpose of making the necessary experiments to determine the proper discharge curves for the two dams under the conditions of gage rod read- ings which obtained when they were made. Prof Le Conte has made a special study of hydraulics and is in charge of the work in hydro- dynamics and higher hydraulics at the Univer- sity of California, and is an authority on that subject. Prof. Le Conte elected to make a series of ex- periments with models of the Niles and Sunol Dams. These models, together with the stream beds above them, were exact miniature counter- parts of the structures as they existed during the times of stream flow obesrvations. Results obtained from these models were expanded by the laws of hydrodynamics to apply to the dams themselves, and discharge curves were computed therefrom which are true for thesé dams, under the method of measurement which obtained during the period of the records. For ordinary and high-water flows the results obtained by Prof. Le Conte are much more re- 357 liable than those obtained without experimental data of this sort. For very low flow, published experimental data is available, upon which theoretical deductions may be made. After Prof. Le Conte submitted his report there were made, under my direction, by T. W. Espy, several theoretical deductions by recog- nized weir and stream formulae of the dis- charge over Sunol Dam with the water at its highest recorded stage, which occurred in March, 1911, and of which the records are guides. These theoretical solutions were made for a comparison with Prof, Le Conte’s results and are incorporated in this appendix, together with Pref. Le Conte’s report in full. The following summary of the discharge of Alameda Creek at its highest gaged quantity, in March, 1911, shows a substantial check of the results obtained by Prof. Le Conte’s experiment, indicating that, if anything, his results give smaller quantities than actually occurred : C.F.S. M.G.D. Lie ‘Conte c.g se neg se eee 28,800 18,600 Kutter sacs 00 feeews 30,900 19,900 Bligh tavieomagecay 31,000 20,000 Molitor .:savesa.vaaes 23 26,700 17,300 METHOD OF TESTING MODELS OF THE SUNOL AND NILES DAMS BY Pror. J. N. Le Conte. Mr. F. C. Herrmann, Chief Engineer, Spring Valley Water Company, San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal., June 22, 1912. Sir—I submit the following report on the methods of testing the small models of the Sunol and Niles Dams, and on the method of applying the results of said tests to the large dams in place. The object of the tests was to determine with such data as was obtainable the rate of flow over the large dams in terms of the gage readings, or in other words to determine an approximate rating curve for each of these dams. The dams are irregular in profile, causing the stream to assume different cross-sections at various heights. The location of the gages was not in midstream and beyond the influ- ence of the surface curve, but in the case of the Sunol Dam was on the wingwall of the north bank, and in the case of the Niles on the up- stream face of the intake tower. Both of these positions are well within the surface curve. Fur- thermore, at times of high and moderately high water the dams discharged against a submerged head, and no record has been kept of the amount of this submergence corresponding to different gage heads. These various complex conditions make the computation of the discharge curve difficult, and therefore it was suggested that tests on models of these dams be made, and the results extended so as to apply to the large dams. Conditions for Experiments. The models were constructed of wood. The Sunol model was exactly 1/20 the size of the large dam in every dimension. The Niles was about 1/19 the size of the dam. The upstream channel was made of cross-section similar to the present cross-section of the stream bed above the large dams, This section may have been different at times of high water, but no better data are obtainable. The stakes and other bench marks from which gagings were made were located in their proper relative positions. In addition to this a hook gage reading to 0.001 of a foot was located in midstream 5 feet above the crest of the model, and the main upstream head was taken with this. A 2” x6” timber was placed across the channel 5 feet downstream from the erest, and this furnished a bench mark from which the downstream head and hence the submergence could be measured. Baffle boards about 40 feet downstream served as a means of varying the submergence through any required range. The flow over the models was measured by means of two sharp-edged fully contracted weirs, the weir box being amply large to eliminate the effects of velocity of approach. The head on the weirs was taken on a standard hook gage reading to 0.001 of a foot. The testing box was located on San Mateo Creek, and was fed by water from the flume lead- ing from the first Pilarcitos tunnel. Main ad- justment of the supply was effected by operating the gates at Lake Pilarcitos. Closer adjustment was obtained by wasting water above the weir box into San Mateo Creek. Sunol Model Dam Experiments. The test on the Sunol model was made on June 13, 1912. The hook gages were leveled with ref- erence to the dam and weir crests with an engi- neer‘s level, and all bench marks leveled in a similar way. The Pilarcitos gate was opened about 8 feet, which corresponded on the model to high water. The hook gage on the weir was set and read. All baffle boards were removed so that the discharging vein made a clear overfall. The hook gage above the dam was set and read (h). 358 DISCHARGE CURVE MADE FROM MODEL DAMS. With an ordinary rule the position at the surface of the gaging point was then noted (g). Then the position of the drownstream surface was taken with a rule, giving the downstream head (h,). Owing to the disturbed condition of this surface no more accurate method of measuring was necessary. - Allowing the same quantity to flow over the model, baffie boards were inserted below so as to raise the downstream surface, and the above described measurements were repeated. Then more baffies were put in, and so on till 5 to 7 complete sets of measurements had been made h-h, on one rate of flow, or till the ratio — dropped to about 2/10 or less. The waste gate above the weir box was then opened a small amount, allowing less water to pass over the weirs and to the model. After conditions became steady, the entire set of meas- urements was repeated, starting with a clear overfall. This method was followed till the quan- tity was reduced to as small an amount as the 30” weirs could handle. Niles Model Dam Experiments. The test on the Niles model was made on June 16, 1912, and was identical with that made on the Sunol model, with the exception of the measurements at the gage points (g). In the latter instance five measurements were made at different points around the gate tower. The discharge curves for the models were first computed. The flow over the sharp edged weirs were computed by means‘of the standard for- mula _— Q=c 2/3 2¢ b h *” the coefficient ‘‘c’’ being taken from Hamilton Smith’s tables for contracted weirs. For each complete set of measurements, that is, for each single value of Q, a ok was plotted h-h, showing the relation between —, h be called the ‘‘submergence ratio,’’ and h, the upstream center head. These curves are shown on plates C la, C 1b, C le for the Sunol model, -and plates C 5a, C 5b and C 5e for the Niles model. One fact is clearly seen from this set of curves, namely, that ‘‘h’’ is constant, or is unaffected for all ratios of submersion down to about 6/10 or %. It may be stated that the effect of back water down to ratios of submergence of Y% is so slight as to be practically negligible on both models. In these tests with a given upstream head h, the quantity flowing over is practically which may 359 the same for a submersion ratio of 1% as it is for 1 As the ratio — h below 1%, the upstream head h begins to rise, at first slowly, and then more rapidly; the con- a free overfall. is reduced 1 dition — ==0 being manifestly impossible. Next the discharge curves for the models were plotted. These are shown in plate C 2 for the Sunol, and plate C6 for the Niles models. They give the discharge over the models in second feet in terms of the midstream hook gage head 5 feet upstream. The lowest curve is for a submersion ratio of 5/10, and this curve also corresponds to all larger ratios including free overfall. The next curve above is for a ratio of 4/10, ete. These are rating curves, exactly as measured, and bear no relation to any discharge formula. All effect sof velocity of approach and of variable cross-section of the escaping stream are included in them. Application of Experimental Results. So far the problem is merely one of measure- ment or calibration of the models. The exten- sion of these results to the large dams, however, it is a matter of theoretical investigation purely. Apparently the required result can be obtained by the following method of procedure. The point given by the great flood of 1911 ean be located at A and B on a reduced seale of heads but for identical submersion on plates C 2 and C 6, and similar probable discharge curves for the models can be drawn. These would repre- sent the discharge over the models if operating under a varying submersion in exactly the same way that the large dams operate. Then by the use of standard submerged weir formulae, the seale of these last curves can be extended to that of the large dam. The standard formula for the free overfall is Q=c b h?”. If h, is the head corresponding to the velocity head of approach Q=cb [(h+h,)3/2—h,?/?]. 7 For a submerged weir, ra (h— =] where h, is the difference in level between the upstream and downstream heads, or h-h,. Finally, if velocity of approach is taken into account, Q=cb [(h+h,) (h.+hy)”—1/3 (h,+h,)*/? —2/3 hy?/?] Now, if a weir or dam is extended in linear dimensions n times in each direction b’=nb, h’=nh, h,’=nh,, and h,’=nh,. 360 This latter, though slightly approximate, may be seen as follows: The flow over a dam varies as the 3/2 power of the head and directly as the breadth. or as the 5/2 power of the linear dimen- sion n. But the cross-section of the channel varies as the square of n, hence the velocity of approach or — varies as n’/?/n?==n'’/?, and the a square of the velocity of approach varies directly as 1. Hence, substituting in the above formula for the submerged weir, we have Q’=enb [n(h--h,)n/?(h,--h,) 1? — 1/3n*/? (h,+h,) 9/2—2/3 n?/2h,2/2?]—=Q nd/2. Hence in order to exaggerate the probable dis- charge curve of the small dam to such a scale as to represent the flow over the large dam, we must multiply the heads h by n and the discharge Q by n°/?, In a dam like the Niles, we have two separate portions, a rectangular notch or series of notches in the middle, and two sloping sides which to- gether form a triangular notch. The flow over such a combination will be Q=e,b,h,?/?--e,byhy?-+- — — — +e,kh,*? and since b,’=nb,; b.’=nb,; h,’=nh,; ete: Q’=Qn’? The same will be true if velocity of approach is taken into account. It will be observed that this method requires no knowledge of the coeffi- cient ‘‘e.’’ This is taken care of in the assumed discharge curves of the models on plates C 1 and C 5. Now, in the case of the Sunol model n=20, n’?—=1789. With this the discharge curve on plate C4 is computed. In the case of the Niles dam n—19, n°?—=1574. From these figures the discharge curve on plate 8 is plotted. Finally for each hook gage reading on the model, we have a surface measurement corre- sponding to that of the main gage on the dam. The ratio of these two measurements is taken directly from plates C1 and C5, where the readings are plotted along the short cross curves. The discharge curves on plates C4 and C8 show the flow over the dams in terms of the gage heads. This final curve is the one which should be used in computing the flood discharge of the creek in years past. Yours truly, J. N. LE CONTE. THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. June 10, 1912. S. P. Eastman, Esq., Manager, San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sir—Replying to your inquiry of Satur- day, as to at what points the gagings of the overflow of the water at Sunol and Niles Dams were taken, will advise that at Sunol the gag- ings were taken from the top of the concrete at a point 4 feet north of the fish ladder. When the water surface was above the top of the con- crete at this point, the gagings were taken from one of a series of stakes according to the stage of the water. These stakes were located as follows: Stake No. 1—1 foot above and 8 feet upstream. Stake No. 2—2 feet above and 12% feet upstream. Stake No. 3—8 feet above and 17 feet upstream. Stake No. 4—4 feet above and 21% feet upstream. Stake No. 5—5 feet above and 26 feet upstream. Stake No. 6—6 feet above and 30% feet upstream. top of concrete top of concrete top of concrete top of concrete top of concrete top of concrete For all depths of water above this last stake, measurements were taken from a point, on the top of the concrete wingwall 8 feet upstream from the upstream face of the north end of the dam. The gagings at the Niles ‘Dam were taken from the top of the upstream face of the dam at a point about 4 feet north of the fish-ladder. When the water reached this height the gag- ings were taken from the top of the concrete 2 feet upstream from the inlet to the aqueduct. ‘When the water reached this height the gagings were taken from a gage painted on the brick- work on the upstream face of the tower, allow- ances being made for the height caused by the current of the water striking the brickwork. The information regarding the Niles Dam I have verified by old employes. Very truly yours, W. B. LAWRENCE, Superintendent Water Division, Spring Valley Water Company. ‘WVGC HHL YAAO YHLVM HO HLIddd GHL sean 4O SCYUIHLOML LOOdV SI YALVMMOVE AHL NAHM AINO WVG IONNS NO LO#@4ade DNINMOUC AHL MOHS SLINSAY AS WOA MAM-OOVDIHD'OD N2O21910 ANION 361 A *3N-O9VD1IHD'OD NBOZ13910 anaona dad TIONOS LV GONHDYUAWENS ‘WVd 'IONNS FHL YAO ADUVHOSIG HHL SLOGAAV LI GHOWHEA AWHYULXE Ad LSNW WV 362 MMOA MEN ODVIHD OF N39243 0 BABOND ‘Vd 'TIONNDS YAHLaNA GHL YAAO MOTH AHL SLOAMAV LI TUOMHA LVAUD AYA AA LSAW AONHDUAWENS LVHL MOHS SLNAWIYAdXa 363 C-D-P4Y eS FAL) SIAVHISIC WV TSCON TONTTS ¥2A7Y PU0IIS =—9 OF 24 a “ o/ 8 Z 9 Ss e & 4 / % a N NX —B NK WAYS fO A/POIll Ul UO BACIO ,O0/ PafOI/ e506 YOO v “N 864 ‘GHAMAUNS ATTINGHUVO SVM WV IONDS MOTHE GNV HAOGY ‘TI6l ‘HOUVW JO qdoota FHL dO ANIT YUALVM HOIH GAHL CUGENE DIETZGEN CO CHICASO NEW TORK 365 ‘HINOO @T ‘dOUd AM SLNEWIUAMXH WAISNALXG WOUd CHUVdHUd ‘WVC "IONOS HOM GTAUNO ADUVHOSIA P-O - 24 ANAM PD FSOYVHISIT WV TONTTS $2874 PU02AS =P 000te BE GE EE O00 G27 92 be 7 OO0W WW tl 21 WO! @ 9 #F F + N 8 ®o sry abo6 =y br 8 yay ul p78 Ss S = N Q 366 MMOA MMM-0909 4D 99N7071919 INTON? aH ‘UALVM HDIH AUMA NI LdHOXA AONADYAWANS AM CALOAAAV LON SI SATIN UAAO MOTH 367 n c a m z n g A a N a a z 0 0 ° a o > a be z 5 = < 3 a a ‘HOIH ATHWEUI XA SI UMLVMMOVA SSHIND CHLOWAAV LON SI ADUVHOSIG LVHL MOHS SLINSHY ASaHHL 368 B ove MOA MBN-ODVD1HD' OD H9O7L30 INBONA ‘dVGH HHL dO SGUIHLOML ATHLVWIXOUddV SI UALVMMOVA NAHM ee LddOXd ALVUNSOV SI HOVOUddV HO ALIOOTHA UO GHLOMNUOO WINWHOd SIONVUM AHL LVHL MOHS SL1NsH 369 CQ@LNOO G1) ‘GONTDUAWANS JO SHHUDAC LNAUAAMIG JO LOAAAD DNIMOHS ‘WV SATIN JO IHGOW YOd TANNO AOUVHOSIA ~2 — 248d “AAMT D SIAVHISTS WYO 7SCOW SATIN BZ El 22 1 OF Cf Gf Ll wl Ef f2AY PUODOLS =O 2 Ww a 6 8 ¥ © NS CO! PPf22A/ 2605 your al & Q 8 Q Q 4 s: 3 Y : a RN : 3 370 n c 3 a z a © a 4 “ 3 a 2 ° a e 4 Q 8 i € « ° a = ‘TI6L ‘HOUVIN FO UALVM HDIH NI WV SA'IIN LV HOVAHNS WVAULS HO AdVHS FHL 371 “LNAWNYAAOD HHL Ad FAVW SLNAWAYNSVAW 'IVOLOV ATNO HHL MOWHO GHAUND AHL AO LUVd UAMOT HHL “SLNGWIYEdIXA OITNVUGAH INMHUVO GNV GAISNALXA WOU WV SATIN YOd TANNO ADUVHOSIG AHL GCANINUYALAG ALNOO al ‘Woud BD-PLDe_/ “SAGO FO9AVHISIC WYO CFST/N f98Y PU0IBS = 07 0000r SE. GF bE Z2E 0000 BZ 9F FZ 22700007 BF WH tbl 2 000i GP GG F FZ x . YON i) foes ur 4yblay 2605 =4 % 372 Weir | Dam\ Back | Festi / = Wal Hook | Hook | Heater Wf eage Vieng ook | Heo | 2 | 2° | |S, / ee LOSE | 20% |*/Down % | 0963 | 0659 | 1500 | -0/72 | 126/ | A639 set carer | ee 2 “Le Q659 40.255 | 06/3 | 0639 1419 | (068 | /3% u Ys O669 0385 | 0425 | C639 ees 4 oe ZS “ x oe 0697 Q505 | 0276 | 0675 . / / /0f4 “ oer Q7E0 QOE4A V5 | Q779 2 4320 | 0999 | 204g |*/Lown| 1% 2664 | 0600 | 1279 |-0225 | 1375 | Q562 £320 | Q999 | [44g Vl-LDown| /% 2600 40287 | 05/9 | O5BZ ee é Oe | w ee 7 x Q6/7 Q42ze | OBIE | O5S97 f 6 La a /4 OC3E O45 | 0269 | ObI3 1320 _\ 1063 | //% au %, O6C4 Q525 | 0209 | Qb649 4320 | 1092 | (04g 2 B- OO93 0609 | Ol2/ 0666 3 1254 | 0952 \ 2/ *"/LDown| 2/3 0.798 | 0453 | 1139 \-a245 | (443 | 0590 L254 \ 0952 \ (SF “ Lf OSSS 40.255 | Q539 | 0540 L254 | 0959 | (378 uw ZH Q560 2370 | 0340 | O550 4254 | 0.960 | [3 “ EA Q58/ 0422 | 0274 | OF7/ 1254 | (004 | 12 “/-Down\ / f2 O6OS OS05 | O165 | O592 1254 | 1029 | 11% uw 1% QEIO QO536 | o/49 | 0608 4 4197 | O88 | 2) fa \*/-Down| 2% O74! | 05/9 | 1022 \-0a265 | 1$10 | O03 4/97 | OWHB | (5% ut 246 Q51P ; 40/93 | 0626 | O5OF £1397 | 0332 | /#4¥a uw Lg OS RZ OW8 | 0404 | O5/9 4197 | O947 | 1378 “un Lite : OS4E O39! | O287 | OS3E 1197 | 098/ | /2% os 1% QOSEZ 0464 | 0206 | OS7/ 4 4130 _|\ 0874 | 21% \"-Down)| 3he OC74 | Q475 | G66 |-0298 | (627 | 0462 4/130_\ 0874 | 16 n 346 OFTS 40/72 | 0638 | 0462 L130__| Q885 | /48 a 26 0485 2296 | O39/ | OABF WE OBIE | /4 1 2 6 O4SG 0.339 | O32/ | Q493 1130 | 0918 | (3% u ale OSG O39 | A247 | Q509 L/30_\ 0968 | (2% 2” 14g OSED 0490 | 01389 | QS76 6 L058 | 0629 | 22 * 6 ‘a 0602 | 0430 | 75/_ |-0330 | (767 | 0425 | 0439 LOSE | Q829 | (5 Te | * {pon 3* 430 4O/32 | 692 | 0425 | 0439 1056 | 0639 | 14% | *fDorn|-332 0440 0265 | 0398 | 0435 | 0450 LO5E | 0856 | lhAle |"oonn| 3% Q4AST 0297 | O350 | 0446 | 0460 1058 | 0890 _| (3la_ | "/Dow7| 2% OAG! O40/ | O/83 | OF83 VTE 4058 | 0969 | /2 a 1% OS70 GSO0S |. OME QEES 7 OSE | O782 \ 22 wise ‘4g 0530 | 0383 | 624 | -0329\ 1/859 | 0400 O9GE | 0782 |/7 ” le OIGO3 40089 | 2760 0400 OIE | 0785 | 16 u O- O3EE OM72 | 0555 | 04/0 QIEC | A793 | (Sle *O Ug O3SIF4- 02/4 | Q457 | 0403 OIE | OBOE | /4Alz Z Ys C406 0297 | 0268 | Q4/3 AKXSE | 0839 | (358 ” % 0440 O40! | QO89 | 0446 O4/9 | OF6 | 443? | -Q370 | 2/70 O.334 o OIE 70/40 | 0.560 | O32 O323 0203 | 037/ | 0339 OPEB 0297 | Q/506\ OKC g 0325 | 0249 | 3045 | -C4// | 2650 | 0248 O24? -Q079 | 13/7 | 0248 0249 -0.005 | 1020 | 0248 C250 tQIGO CFEO OZ4IG 0283 . | 4az45 | ofet | 0284 Jo 0.226 | 0/83 | L795 0./05 | 0OG8S | O577 Zero reading on Lom Hook = 337 feer Leve/ on Lam Cres? = 4/73 “a « Vamber £5 Ft below = 3668 “” a » SF we # = 2652 Length OF Crest 6-9" + 9%" Zero Of Hook Gage Oo? Well =.456 SUNOL DAM MODEL RESULTS OF TESTS YSUNE SE, 1312. PLATE - C-9. RESULTS OF PROF. LE CONTE’S EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE THE FLOW OVER SUNOL DAM. 373 A OGS4 QOS4 Ay 2 Q66F\ 2 OEP3 | OF7F 173 | QS50- a. 6/3 | 0 a2 0666 68/ a “a “a ” = ope Zero reading o7 30" werrs hook gauge = 0.456 “a “” uo Lpstreamn ” =Q4/0 Zeve/ rod readings : - On crest of Gatn of center = $2/5 LZench rmrark $ Feet down streom = 3.746 On roo rower = F487 Llevation “berch mark above crest = 1469 Llevartorn op Yorrer above crest =O0628 For readings 6 40/0: Lere/ row reedngs of crest = £220 “i ” ~ op Lerch mark §& feet down stream =32748 Elevation of Lerch mark obove crest =/A472 NILES DAM MODEL PESULTS OF TESTS PLATE -C./0. RESULTS OF PROF. LE CONTE’S EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE THE FLOW OVER NILES DAM. es =~) He —— Regulating Wasteway Setting Tank Water, from Fularcitos Fes 30" Weirs 30" Lab eece eer Bulkhead... * ou | Creeh Section | 13' Locatyon of Hook Gaye x. GB. . 7 . g * Locatibn|oF Dams adyring test % 8 Z GB : e Q = GB. ; SS so] 8 » x S | Greet Section < & NK) ‘or OB ® 8 % S g c Ke a S *K > 9 Baffle Boards LFF Drop OF z Note: G.8.-Gage Board coe 4 oe 4 1 Say | Shetch oe Test Flume as Qa “ San lyiateo Creek i S| ie Flate-Cl/ THE FACILITIES FOR PROF. LE CONTE’S EXPERIMENTS WERE IDEAL. 375 ‘SNVG HAOdV LHW 002 OL TVNOILHOdOUd AONVLSIG V YOM GCALVOITdNAG DNIGd saga WVAULS DNIHOVOUddV FHL ‘SWVC TONNS GNV SIIN HHL JO SLUVdUALNNOO LOVXE AYAM ALNOO AI AOUd AT CASN STBGOW AHL OD) DYUOlY LUD JOUNG {O LUOMBAYT P UOld 00077 Ort 17 YPYY) UAT /OUNS & SY/VV sO Ld SUOMLIAG P UOLOAA/ FT “UO ee LTT UAG $0 WOlsag +, Sc/p° an OOO *Aa/7 *fSen> 's0° I Ae? . 4 “ae Sze" vszo" | ae | (87,8477 sete 1 | § : $20" | 4appo7 Ysipre 8 4 4 . LEG Safi) % : 0 UOMLONA/T F UO 929 Bat 412 | > op eer ae 960° ma a Ze! Es S210" 4aMOz } eg? 376 THEORETICAL SOLUTIONS—DISCHARGE COMPUTED BY STREAM AND WEIR FORMULAE BY T. W. Espy, Assistant Engineer, Spring Valley Water Company. During the flood of March, 1911, gage height records kept at Sunol Dam show a depth of 14.1 feet as the maximum depth over the crest of the dam. A few days after the flood subsided a survey of the high water marks was made for a distance of over a mile upstream from Sunol Dam. A profile of this high water line for two thousand feet above Sunol Dam, together with a profile of the same high water below- the dam, are shown on Plate C-13. On Plate C-14 are shown cross sections of the Alameda Creek chan- nel at 200-foot intervals above and below Sunol Dam. During this flood the waters overflowed the banks of the main stream channel and spread over the flat on the east side just above the dam. The banks on either side of the main channel are lined with a dense growth of trees and brush. This vegetation extends well down into the main portion of the channel, and at one time extended as far ag the center, where the stumps may still be seen. Kutter Formula. In computing the maximum discharge of this flood by the Kutter formula, different portions of the cross section are governed by varying coeffi- cients. After a careful inspection of the channel on.the ground I have decided to divide it into three portions and compute each separately : 1. The area on either bank which is densly covered with trees, consisting of a strip extend- ing from the foot of the bank slope back thirty feet on the east side and all the area above the foot on the bank slope on the west side. In com- puting the discharge for this portion I have assumed, on account of the obstruction of trees and vegetation, that only one-half the area was effective; and have used for the coefficient of roughness ‘‘n’’ a value of .045. 2. The portion overflowing the bank on the east side and beyond the dense tree area, I have computed with ‘‘n’’=.040. 3. The remaining area or main channel I com- pute assuming ‘‘n’’=.035. The tabulation (Table C15) shows subdivi- sion of the ten cross sections from Station 20 above the dam. It also shows the wetted peri- meter and mean hydraulic radius for each case. In determining the wetted perimeter it was assumed that each of the four sections was sep- arated from the other by a wall. The maximum discharge of the flood of March, 1911, when the water was 14.6 feet over the crest of Sunol Dam, computed by the Kutter formula as described above and tabulated (Table C 16), was 30,900 cubic feet per second. 377 ‘GHLVILNVISHNS WUV SLTASAY S.ALNOO WT ‘dOUd ‘TI6T ‘HOUVW NI AdOIS UALVM AO SLNAWAUNSVAW TVOLOV WOU EVD - 242 : cosa ° g e 7 040 Z > 9 e 0080 a cd + o bonar W161 LD Y2LOW LIAS fO POoly f~O a/tfOty buimoys WYO TONTIS SUOYLONY FT Qyany gy vososa 49 umgp uiom SoM) WET 429 f#SPID BY VEIL G YPLOPY JO UAHKS JO BUY fy -!3fON JOLNYOQY - 2/225 weg $0 Wolas WO fog wyaas7. 378 Overtlow Channe/ (4 Main Channel West Bank /00 oO: : 100. 200 ! Station Area 2 57 Ft 20400 203 4 2 /8+00 3/03 /6+00 2587 22 /44+00 3247 200 /24+00 L979 220 10t00 = =33/6 ay ~~ 8100 3516 ¥ 200 v Pa Gy 6400 J020 200 22. 4100 2948 Lt00 3000 Zz /4t00 2/47 100 oO 0 200 300 Cross_ Sections of Alameda Creek above and below SuNoL Dan for Storm of March 6&7/41/ Note.-A// Elevations, Crystal Jorings Base Harte - C /4. AT THE HIGH WATER OF MARCH, 1911, MANY CROSS-SECTIONS OF THE STRAIGHT CHANNEL OF ALAMEDA CREEK ABOVE SUNOL DAM WERE SURVEYED. COMPUTATION FROM THESE CHECK PROF. LE CONTE’S RESULTS. 379 380 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Weir Formula. head and tail water, or the afflux. The depth of the film is termed as before, d, and that By utilizing the discharge factors found ¥ $ : 8 of the submerged portion of the film is above, we may compute the discharge by existing (a-H).” formulae applicable to submerged weirs of the. “The passing film thus consists of two por- type of Sunol Dam. The formulae which I have tions, the upper having a free overfall and chosen are ‘‘Bligh’s Formula’’ and the ‘‘ Molitor Formula.’’ It is not my purpose to discuss the merits of these formulae, but I take them as being perhaps a more thorough solution of the problem than some of the more simple formulae commonly used. Bligh’s Formula. In his work entitled ‘‘The Practical Design of Irrigation Works,’’ Mr. G. W. Bligh, M. Inst. C. E., formerly Executive Engineer of India P. W. Fig. 4. Dept., in discussing weir formulae says (see page the lower being what can possibly be consid- 122): ered as a submerged orifice, but without any “Fig. 4 represents a submerged or drowned top contraction. There can, likewise, be no weir. As in the case of a submerged orifice, bottom contraction or friction in the upper the head “H” is the difference in level of the portion. Some authorities, as Jackson, cal- TABLE (C15. SUBDIVISION OF CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF ALAMEDA CREEK FLOOD WATERS ABOVE SUNOL IN MARCH, 1911. Area Area west bank east bank East and west banks Sta- Total covered covered covered with trees. Overflow channel. Main channel. tion. area. with with One-half W.P. R. Area. W.P. Area. W.. PB, i trees. trees. area. 20 2,903 144 408 276 105 2.68 488 100 4.88 1,863 180 14.3 18 3,103 200 372 286 106 2.70 516 120 4.30 2,015 128 15.7 16 2,587 176 310 243 96 2.53 227 86 2.64 1,874 138 13.6 14 3,247 378 346 362 118 3.07 292 92 3.17 2,231 155 14.4 12 2,979 274 360 317 110 2.88 400 133 3.00 1,945 188 14.1 10 3,316 284 400 342 106 8.23 797 172 4.64 1,835 138 13.3 8 3,516 240 390 315 111 2.83 931 176 5.30 1,955 128 15.2 6 3,020 140 340 240 92 2.61 728 162 4.50 1,812 126 14.4 4 2,958 120 408 264 103 2.56 512 162 3.16 1,918 130 14.7 2 3,000 120 422 271 104 2.60 612 148 4.13 1,846 136 13.6 2,916 rarer 27.66 5,503 39.72 19,294 wavs 143.3 292 ee 2.77 550 ae .97 1,929 ren 14.3 Note.—One hundred foot stations with Station 0+ 00 at Sunol Dam. TABLE C16. COMPUTATION BY KUTTER’S FORMULA OF MAXIMUM FLOW OF ALAMEDA CREEK ABOVE SUNOL DAM IN MARCH, 1911. Obstructed channel, Overflow channel. Main Channel. Y% area=292 sq. ft. Area==5a0 sq. ft. Area=1929 sq. ft. R=2.77; \/ R=1.66; R=3.97; VR=1.99; R=14.3; VR=3.78; S=0.003 ; /S=0.0548 ; S=0.003 ; \/S=0.0548 ; S=0.003 ; VS=0.0548 ; n=0.045 ; c=38.8; n=0.040; c=47.4; n=0.035 ; c=67.6; V=c Vy RS=3.53 ft. per sec. V=cV RS=5.17 per sec. V=cV RS=14 ft. per see. Q=AV=1,031 cu. ft. per see. Q=AV=2,843 cu. ft. per sec. Q—AV=27,006 cu. ft. per sec. Total discharge equals 30,880 cu. ft. per sec. RECENT CALIBRATIONS VERIFY MODEL MEASUREMENTS. culate the discharge of each portion with two separate values of c, the upper by formula (8), and the lower by formula (2) or (8). “Tt is clear, however, that the coefficient for the whole film must be a varying one, and the variation must be as “H” to “d”. When “H” is very small in proportion to “d”, the value of the coefficient will approach unity. This principle has been recognized in the “Madras Manual of Irrigation’, where the solution of this difficult question of the single varying coefficient has been attempted. The matter has, however, quite recently been placed on a more satisfactory basis by the results of experiments lately made in Upper India on actual works. These proved the important fact that in submerged fall when the ratio of H:d::1:38, then the discharge is prac- tically identical with that of a free overfall; and when this proportion is exceeded, then only the discharge begins to be subject to the conditions prevailing in a submerged fall. This apparent paradox is due in part to the depression, or trough caused by the falling water in the tail pond, which neutralizes the back pressure at the tail water. On these premises the coefficient can be estimated with some degree of certitude, as it lies between two known values.” The formula that Bligh refers to as No. 8 is commonly known as ‘‘Francis Formula.’’ Formulae (2) and (8) are also the commonly used formulae for submerged orifices. Mr. Bligh presents the following formula for solving the discharge over submerged weirs where the back water is more than two-thirds the total height of the water over the weir crest (Bligh, page 123): Q=el[ V2 gH x 1/3(3d-H)] where Q=discharge in cubic feet per second 1=length of crest d=depth of water over crest or head H=difference in elevation. of back water and water over crest c=emperical coefficient varying between d .8095, when — =3, and 1.00, when — =—100. H H The above formula is for discharge where there is no velocity of approach. Where there is veloc- ity head to be considered, Bligh uses a second coefficient or multiplicand obtained by the for- mula: (10) h h e=e (14+ — )?2—( — )#/ - (9) 3H 3H : as modified to fit our conditions. 381 h=head due to velocity of approach=.0155 v? Hand c=same as in above formula (10). One hundred thirty-five feet of the weir crest of Sunol Dam is at elevation 201.25, and 16 feet at elevation 204.90. Dividing the weir into two sections and solving as two separate weirs, we have for one portion: H=3.2 ft.; d=15.5 ft.; e=.814; 1=135 ft.; and in the second section of the weir we have H=3.2 ft.; d=11.8 ft.; e=.811; 1=16 ft. 4 2 fecorded 2168 Computed Rap “19. slope fo: T Substituting in Bligh’s formula we have: Q,=.814 & 135 [8.02 * 1.79 1/3 (315.5 3.2) ]==22,800 cubic feet per second for the dis- charge over the 135-foot section, and Q.=.811X16 [8.021.79X1/3 (3X11.8— 3.2) ]==2,000 eubie feet per second for the 16- foot section, making a total of 24,800 cubic feet per second, not taking into account any velocity of approach. Substituting our values and solving Bligh’s formula for the effect of velocity of approach, we have h=.0155 V?=.0155 (12)?==2.23. h h (1+ —)—(—)”" 3H 3H 2.23 2.23 —=(1-+ —_)#2_(__) 9/1 95, 9.6 9.6 24,800 1.25=31,000 cubic feet per second as the discharge over the dam, with a depth over the crest of 14.6 feet. Molitor Formula. David A. Molitor, C. E., in his ‘‘ Derivation of new and more accurate formulas for the dis- charge through rivers and canals obstructed by weirs, sluices, ete., according to the principles of Gustav von Wex’’ and published in his work entitled, ‘‘Hydraulics of Rivers, Weirs and Sluices,’’ establishes the following formulae for the solution of discharge over incomplete over- fall weirs (see page 130, Molitor Hydraulie’s) : 382 ae nv? Q=2/abV2¢ [u (8,8) Fu, (H,——) ( 2g where ve B-b @ nv? ——— 1+ — cos? —| ; S,=S+H,+ 5 2g b 2 2g y ) 2v?BK cos? — 2 S.=8,+ es ae nv? bg (H,— — ) Io a .00799 2/3u=.4001-++- —— +.000146b ; H. 2 u,==.5346-+.000146b ; in which S=pressure along surface filament. S,=pressure at depth H,, or at surface of back water. S.—pressure along the filament at weir crest. b=width of weir; n=.67; u and u,— coefficients of flow. @—=angle wing wall makes with direction of flow. y—angle upstream face makes with direction of flow, and the figure below shows the other factors: s20° a7 "Recorded = 216% ‘Cpmpyred by by pprajecting ie Te | SG Recorded” To compute the discharge over Sunol Dam these formulae must be modified somewhat, as our wing walls are at different angles and the velocity of water striking these wing walls is much less than the velocity of approach over the main dam. Being guided by results obtained by Kutter’s formula we assume a velocity of 12 feet in front of the weir as in the solution of Bligh’s formula, and a velocity of 5 feet per sec- ond striking the wing walls. _ THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 8,28, 9/7 — S.—8, Then Vv B-b @ a fi+(—) cos? — 2g becomes v*v,? -B-b @, B-b @, S=— + — | — cos? — -+ — cos? — 2g 4¢°b 2 b 2 Assuming discharge—=30,500 30,500 Area 100 ft. above dam==2747 ; then v= —— 2747 =11 ft. But as the dam lies directly in front of the main portion of the stream channel which we found by Kutter’s formula to have velocity of 14 feet, we are justified in increasing ‘‘v’’ to at least 12 feet per second. Area 100 ft. below dam=—3399; then V= 30,500 —— =9 ft. 3399 From diagram T=18.8 ft.; T,=19.6; H=15.5; H,=12.3; H,=3.2. Assume y—20°; K=3 ft.; B-b—=24 ft.; @ on one side =90°; @, on other side=45°. Substituting the proper values in these equa- tions, we have: 12? 5? 24 90° —= — +— | — cos? —+ elas ~] 64.5 129 *151 2 151 =2.27; nV? 9? S,=S+H,+ — =2.27+3.2-+0.67 — =6.31; 2g 64.5 y 2v? BK cos? — 2 S.=8,+ nv? bg (H,— a) 2g At Sunol Dam ‘‘B’’ in this equation equal ‘‘h,’? then substituting we have: PANAMA CANAL FORMULA SUPPORTS MODEL DEDUCTIONS. 383 20° 2 (12)?151X8 eos? — 2 8.=6.31+ — =8.58 ; 7X9? 151 32.2 (12.3— ) 64.5 0.00799 2/3u—0.4001+ ——— -+0.000146X 151=.4228 ; u=0.635 ; u,==0.5346-+-0.000146b=.556 ; 3.2 nv? §,3/2—S, 3/2 Q=2/sbv2g [u (8,78) +u, (H——) (—— ) 2¢ S.—S, 7X9? ~—-8.58%/2_6,313/2 =2/3X151X8.02 [.635 (6.312.279) +.556 (12.3— ae ge 27,300 cubic feet per second. In the above solution we have assumed all the weir crest at the same elevation, and neglect the fact that 16 lineal feet is 3.65 feet higher, as is shown in sketch of Sunol Dam on plate B 11. We must, therefore, reduce the above computed discharge by the amount that would flow through this area. This will be readily accomplished by deducting 16/151 of the difference between the above computed discharge and a discharge from the surface down to the elevation of the crest of the 16-foot section, or when H,=12.3—3.6=8.7 then we have S=2.27; 8,—=6.31; u=0.635, a, =. 556; y 20° 2v? BK cos? — 2x (12)? 3-+e0s? — 2 2 Sa eT nV? 0.67 (9)? bg (H,— —) $0.06 7 __} 22 64.5 a nv2 8,38, 3? Q,=2/3b 2g [u (8,°2—8*?) +u, (H,— — ) (———) oA 2g S.—8, U 3 67 (9)? 9.62/2_6.313/2 ————)]=21,300 cu. ft. per sec. ==807.35 [0.635 (6.319/2—2.279/7) 0.556 (8.7— 64.5 9.62—6.31 16 — of (27,300—21,300)—600 cu. ft. per sec. 151 The discharge over the Sunol Dam under the condition of March, 1911, with a 14.1 gage, as computed by Molitor formula, was 27,300—600=26,700 in feet per second. To summarize, we have: 30,900 Kutter 31,000 Bligh 26,700 Molitor Mr. Le Conte’s discharge curve gives a discharge of 28,800 cu. ft. per second for the same gage height of 14.6 feet. Note that the lip on the crest of Sunol Dam was worn away about six inches in Mareh, 1911, which was not taken into account in recording the gage heights for high waters, consequently in comparing with Le Conte’s discharge curve we have taken a gage height of 14.6 instead of 14.1. Py e OS VX ——- SENRS a 7 yas S} S| I | Sole S S| & Fd WS} e ga"3 : ws 3 See X_ &g S RX Mae SS VEL Sng SS Qn aGy 6S VY Dd S~xQ e & | S Z. ] by SS 0 OF OH w h . ‘ P S S . S S IR 5 QS ali NS SENT SI | { N / Ne N We | y k& i . he tox ON, . th ui ii Co Te NS, Au) 4 Jao 7 | 2 SS So] = 4 |||: 5466 Cece | Boer GREAT QUANTITIES OF WATER ARE LOST IN THE WESTERLY PORTION OF LIVERMORE VALLEY BY EVAPORATION FROM SATURATED SOILS. 384 Appendix D. EVAPORATION BY T. W. Espy, Assistant Engineer, Spring Valley Water Company. (Mr. Espy is a Civil and Mining Engineer with many years’ experience in hydraulic mining. He was for several years in charge of the hydrographic work and reconstruction of the Imperial Valley Irrigation project, embracing 300,000 acres of land and 1000 miles of canal.—F. C. Herrmann.) For the purpose of this report consideration must be given to evaporation from large water surfaces and to that from surfaces of soils with varying degrees of saturation. Evaporation from water surface must be applied to the vari- ous surface storage reservoirs as it is a loss that 18 operating constantly, and as this loss is not preventable nor recoverable it affects the possi- ble safe draft to a considerable extent. It is necessary to consider evaporation from saturated soil surfaces because of the condition that exists in the westerly or lower end of Liver- more Valley. EVAPORATION FROM WATER SURFACE. The amount of evaporation from a free water surface depends upon the temperature of the water surface and upon the dryness of the air, and is caused by the difference in the vapor pressure at the water surface temperature and the vapor pressure in the air. Several factors affect these causes; those that are most easily measured are the temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity. The temperature has by far the greatest affect as it acts upon the dew point inversely to the vapor pressure. The air move- ment affects evaporation rate principally by its secondary effect upon humidity, as without air movement the air in contact with the evaporat- ing surfaces soon approaches saturation and evaporation becomes a minimum. Wind Velocity. That wind velocity has a great effect upon the rapidity of evaporation is recognized by the most unscientific persons. Perhaps the simplest dem- cnstration of this fact is found in the drying of wet garments. All housewives know that the drying of the weekly wash is much facilitated by placing it in a current of air and they in- variably take advantage of this fact. If the gar- ments are dried within doors, all windows are thrown open to give freedom to air movement, and when outside, they are placed on the roof or away from a sheltered place. The effect of wind velocity upon evaporation is well shown by experiments made by the U. S. Signal Service on evaporation and wind velocity. These experiments were made with the air at a temperature of 84° and a relative humidity of 50%, by whirling Piche’s Hygrometers at vary- ing velocities on an arm 28 feet in length. The evaporation was found to be 2.2 times as great with a velocity of 5 miles as in a calm, 3.8 times at 10 miles, 4.9 times at 15 miles, 5.7 times at 20 miles, 6.1 times at 25 miles and 6.3 times at 30 miles an hour. These results, plotted on Plate D2, show that the evaporation due to the in- crease of wind velocity is very rapid at first but eradually decreases until at after 30 or 35 miles an hour the evaporation is but little affected by increased wind velocity. Of experiments made at the Colorado State Agricultural College, on evaporation, the Agri- eultural Experiment Station’s Bulletin No. 45 savs (page 18): “The effect of the wind is to increase the amount of evaporation by bringing unsatur- ated air in contact with the water, and to give opportunity for the diffusion of the 385 ‘NOILVHOdVAN HHL SHSVHUONI GNIM AHL MOH SMOHS AAUNO SIHL CUGENE OIETZGEN'CO CHICAGO-NEW YORK NO34e @ 386 EVAPORATION INCREASES WITH TEMPERATURE. water vapor. From the working formula derived from the observations in 1889, each mile of wind increased the evaporation by about 2 per cent. Mr. Fitzgerald’s experi- ments at Boston indicate an increase of 2 per cent for each mile of wind.” Evaporation is further shown to be closely governed by wind velocity by Plate D3, taken from U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Bulle- tin No. 248. MILES PER HOUR ‘ter surface average wind Fra. 23.—Mean , end at Davis, Cal., July 1909. Water Temperature. As a rise in the water temperature increases the vapor pressure and causes a larger evapora- tion, other conditions being the same, a record of the water temperature would be a gage upon: the amount of evaporation. This was well dem- onstrated by experiments carried on in several widely distributed stations in California during 1904-05 by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and shown in table below (Bulletin 248, page 69). AVERAGE THMPERATURE AND EVAPORATION THEREFROM. Average Temperature Daily of Water Surface Evaporation oF. Inches. 53.4 0.09 61.3 0.19 73.5 0.36 80.4 0.48 88.7 0.60 These records show a direct relation between water surface evaporation and temperature as is easily seen by referring to Plate D4. In general, water temperature is not obtain- able and some other method must be employed in estimating evaporation for a given locality. Air movement, humidity and water temperature 387 are all governed to a large extent by air tem- perature, therefore the latter has been adopted by many who have had oceasion to study evap- oration loss as a gage of water surface evapora- tion. In commenting on the results shown in the above table the Bulletin says (page 69): “As the temperature of the water depends directly upon and follows closely the atmos- pheric temperature, the latter must be rec- ognized as one of the controling factors in evaporation loss.” Mr. C. E. Grunsky in his article on ‘‘Evapor- ation from the Salton Sea’’ states (page 163, Eng. News, Aug. 13, 1908): “It may be allowable to compare the rate of evaporation during a moderately long time unit, as for a month, directly with the mean temperature of the air for the same time, and to apply the relation so estab- lished between temperature and evapora- tion to regions that are known to have climates similar to those at which evapora- tion measuremenis have been made.” The direct relation between evaporation and air temperature is well shown in Plate D-5, 6, and 7, taken from U. 8. Department of Agri- eulture’s Bulletin No. 177, pages 36 and 37. 70 50 «0 DEGREES FANRENNEIT INCHES 4 40. 8 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT OCT NOV. DEC 1909 9OS €10, 10.—Diagram showing relation between temperature and evaporation at Berkeley, Ca) drones: $ Ave SEeT Oc HOY OFC. JAN FED MAR APR MAY JUNE UL OCT MOY DEL JAM FEB MAR APR FAY 08 Fig. 12.—Diagram showing relation between temperature and evaporation at Chico, Cal. ‘UaLVM FHL AO AUNALVEEdIWaAL AHL NO SGNHdad NOILVYOdVAR WOU SSOT AHL EUGENE DIETZGEN CO CHICAGO-NEW YORK. = 346 388 EXCELLENT LOCAL DATA. Evaporation Records. Considerable data has been obtained of the water surface evaporation in various places, but just how close these records apply to the evapor- ation that would take place from large water surfaces is in all cases questionable. FANRENMEIT 8 APA MAY aud WLY AUE. (ORC. Jan. an ocr ore, mos Yc, 13.—Dlagram showing relation between temperature and evaporation at Tulare, Cal. Two methods ordinarily used are cither to record the evaporation from tanks fivated by means of a raft in a large body of water—as a canal, reservoir or lake,—or to measure the evap- oration from a tank sunk into the ground until its top is level with the ground surface. It has been considered by many that the latter method gives results much higher than should be applied to a large water surface. Mr. Edwin Duryea, Jr., consulting engineer, made exhaustive observations during the yvars 1904 and 1905 (results published in Engineering News of Feb. 29, 1912, page 380), in the Santa Clara Valley, near San Jose, California, with eight land plans and three floating pans. While his results as given on table D-8 show the float- ing pan to evaporate 73.3% the first year and 70% the second year of the land pan, he adopts 80% as his safe reservoir evaporation for Laguna Seca and Upper Gorge reservoir. This excess of land pan evaporation over water or floating pan evaporation was also found in observations at Kingsburgh, of which Mr, C. E. Grunsky writes (page 164, Eng. News, Aug. 13, 1908) : “The purpose of the Kingsburgh observa- tions was not to establish any law of evap- oration but to ascertain the probable annual total from a water surface. The four-year record at that point showed 3.85 feet as the depth of water evaporating annually from 389 the pan floated in the river, and 4.96 feet as the depth of water evaporating from the pan on the ground.” This water pan evaporation of 78% of the land pan evaporation is believed by Mr. Grun- sky to be lower than the actual evaporation from a large water surface, and he continues: “It is believed that the evaporation’ measured from the pan floating in the river at Kingsburgh was somewhat less than would have occurred from a large body of open water, mainly for the reason that some protection was afforded to the pan by high river banks, a fringe of low trees and a near- by bridge, and for the further reason that the river temperature was probably a little below what would have been the tempera- ture of an open body of water. But the pan on the ground probably showed evaporation in excess of what would have taken place from a large water surface, particularly for the reason that the water in this pan was warmer than the water surface of any large water body would have been.” Experiments Conducted by U. S. Department of Agriculture. Experiments carried on by the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture in Wyoming and published in Bulletin No, 104 shows well the relation be- tween land pan and water pan evaporation (page 208): “To find roughly the difference in the rate of evaporation from the surface of water running in a canal and from the water of an evaporation tank, two records were kept during the season of 1900 at Wheatland. An evaporation tank was placed in the ground in the usual manner. Another tank of similar dimensions was placed in canal Mo. 2. The latter tank was supported on a raft which was anchored to the banks. All precautions were taken in both cases to pre- vent water being lost through any other source than evaporation and it is believed that the results of the test are quite ac- curate. The table give: below shows the depths lost during each week from June 2 to October 16. The greatest loss occurred during July, the total evaporation during that month being 19.33 inches from the tank on land and 16.72 inches from the tank in the water. The table given below shows the evaporation from each tank and the ex- cess of evaporation from the land tank over the one in the water for each week and for the season. ‘goog eunsey] jdeoxe Auedwm0g JaiVA SaTHO ARG 94} JO Survet}s oY} [[B 1OJ ayes A[dure oq [[IM-‘IVaA Jad SoyoUl GF ‘UOTJeIOdeAd BBI0H JoddQ pojdope oy} }vy} poaadlj[eq SI J ‘“AlOAIeseY oB104y Joddy 9m} OJ JeY} AT[Vloedse ‘ayes A[dure aie San[ea poJdope 9} }8q} Peas]][eq ST If INq ‘pepxeSoisip yeYMOUIOS AT}UeIedde sy (%9 88) A %1qBL JO WOl}elII-% vuoO ‘eAOge Spiloosy Anoiy pue Spilosay-ueg ey} [1e WWM Uostiedw0o Tenprarpuy [NjJorvo B Jaye ATWO TO Pex o1aM Suor}es0deEne IIOAIBSaL pojdope oy, ‘1vah Jed seyqoul gp Avs=sued purl jo %08 Aves— * suolze10deae IIOALISAL 8S10H J9ddQ ALWIL, TOG SODUL 9G ABS Sse Fe teens toe ree ste tear A siete gS eee ne shah Se stere Se ee hen cul Beg ge Sep aia ee ee ar ate “sued purl esi0p 1eddy ‘Ieak Jad sayour 7g Aes=sued purl jo %08 Aes= * SUOT]BIOUVAD I[OAIASAI BOOg BUNSYT TABOL, TOG SSUOULE PG AS ae SPE Se hee ee elise eos eta ge aN Seat eS a ES Rs RUE a TERN Ms Oe A in Bice Ns ayia 9S a a “sued purl voog veunse’y ‘Ivak Jod sayoul pp AVs—sued purl Jo %0g Avs=— * SUOT]BVIOUBAD ILOAIOSAI AOT[VA 9}OLOD TABOR LOG SOGOU PG: Mes aae ei eee tie eetesee dep strc its ick #, etic gn en ise aca ity ig aebiea gos sgmentey a aes kee Greer se teas “c++ +sued purl AaT[eA 930400 (Z16T “62 “AH ‘SMUN ‘ONG ‘IA AIGVL) ‘UVHA Ud SAHONI ‘SNOILLVHOdVAG UWIOAUNSHU AAVS AaLdOav StL OL SeL creseess ss Gorerodeas wed-8ur} V0, %00T % 001 %0OT creseeceses 9s Gorerodeae ued-puey T —suvowW dnoixy Jo uvay reo =2-28 6RG Sc tees 6S = FOS =$'e) RRS Ctbe Ree - yey ere OF ‘**Suneoy ‘e805 szaddQ ‘TT ‘oN weg %00T=0'TS MOTH pt * %®00I= 9g WOOT] rr fort 00t= Gor orpocrt puy ‘asiop Jeddy ‘oT ‘oN ueg L8P ul 0 Ts oe . eee ewes ZGP ‘Ul USP Ctakteee Vee ke oe LP L purl “ITOAIOSO1 adt[aq ueg 6 ‘ON ued eee eens ee wee ne £°3G a a LP gE ‘'o*puel ‘mep odijaq ueg 8 ‘ON Utd ‘ ; —dno1y e810 1sddQ ‘ aie sei SS ae eee eG % fare . 069 = CT " 0O'8F Tg Sul}Vop sve vosg vuNse’T] ‘2 ‘ON Ug T6L =8' FP 0°S8 “Ul § 8h rf 2 these gg) = TSh SSL Ul STP Uccees een = BER Tg Supeoy sem voog eunsey] ‘9 “on ueg ee LM BG on gn i ST %00T= ES BE **PULT ‘Isom Boag vuNseT ‘g “ON ue %00T=L'9S %00T="Ur 69S %001= eg nae ¥'09 %00T="Ul 99) %OOT= — "ESD TE * puel ‘YW1ou voeg vunser] ‘F “ON ued eee ee eee ewes Pg a Cd ges eg “c'"**puel ‘anueae Aopieg ‘f ‘oN Ueg 5 —dnoiy voog vunsey . ‘ BS OY OE ree, © feenkeeny . 8'SF 2 ; eee ewes ee L'6P 62 nee DUR °93103 JaMOT 2 ‘ON ued 0'8F ur2'9F } sentinte ..horatn Se LOF Ur 86h)... re oaseneee gig BB SH OEEOH = “DEEN GAqSAA "EON. Oe —dnoiy Aa[[VA 9}0L£09 % yenbo ‘ut ‘sdnoig jo suvayw ‘sued Jo slte@q ‘uol}e10 ‘sdno.13 Jo suvoyy ‘sued JO salVvq ‘uol}e10 ‘ou ‘si1Boh ‘ued puy Jo -deao ‘ued puryt jo -devao ‘93e3 ‘qnouD OA} jo sUBOTT queo ied se ued 3ul} eo]. soyouy = jod se ued 3ulyeo,y seyoul -UIBI S SO6T ONS FOGT Aqrean (ZI6T ‘62 ‘Wa ‘SMAN “ONG ‘A WIAVL) ‘NOILVHOdVAG NVd-GNVI JO LINGO Udd V SV NOILVUOdVAD NVdDNILVOTA ONV ‘VINHOMI'TVO ‘ALNOOO VUVIO VINVS ‘SNOILVUOdVAG ATUVHA GHAUASHO AO SISHONAS ‘8—d &TAVL 390 EVAPORATION TESTS EXCESSIVE. EVAPORATION AT WHEATLAND, WYO., 1900. Evapo- Evapo- ration ration Excess from tank Date. from from on land tank on tank in land water Depth Per- centage Week ended— Inches Inches Inches JUNE 9 orice eer 3.50 3.00 0.59 17 June 16 ....... 3.95 3.35 0.60 18 June 23 ....... 4.00 3.60 0.40 11 June 30 ....... 4.28 3.78 0.50 13 JULY The mete'as 4.75 4,25 0.59 12 July 14 ....... 4.18 3.98 0.20 5 JULY 21. av neeses 5.59 4.39 1.20 27 JULY 23 csieces 3.98 3.58 0.49 11 August 4 ..... 3.50 2.60 0.90 25 August 11 ..... 3.63 2.63 1.00 38 August 18 ..... 3.40 2.60 6.80 31 August 25 ..... 3.40 2.40 1.00 42 September 1 3.40 3.00 0.40 13 September 8 .. 3.40 2.20 1.20 55 September 15 .. 2.94 2.44 0.50 20 September 22 2525) 1.75 0.50 29 September 29 .. 1.98 1.48 0.50 34 October 6 ..... 2.02 1.67 0.35 21 October 13 ..... 2.25 1.75 0.50 29 MOC se-aiais S438 66.40 54.45 11.95 22 It is interesting to note that there is al- ways an excess of evaporation from the land tank and that it never exceeded 1.2 inches for any week. Why the difference in the loss between the two tanks should vary as much as it does can not be explained. It is prob- ably in a large measure due to the fact that the earth heats more quickly than the water. The evaporation from the tank on land would, under this assumption, be more quickly affected by every change in the tem- perature than from the tank in the water. It will be noticed that during the time the record was kept 66.4 inches, or 5 feet 6.4 inches of water in depth, was lost from the tank in the ground, and 54.45 inches, or 4 feet 6.45 inches, was lost from the tank in the water. The difference between the losses in depth from the two tanks is therefore about one foot. When it is considered that the water in the canal is constantly moving and is sub- ject to more or less disturbance the loss from its surface will probably more nearly approx- imate the results from the land-tank meas- urements. The results obtained from the tank in the water will probably more nearly apply to the loss of water from the reservoir surface. However, it will likely be excessive for anything except quite shallow basins.” It must be noted that the above water pan was placed in a flowing canal and that on account of the water movement in the canal the evaporation from the canal water was obviously greater than from the still water of the pan. Also that on ac- 391 count of the greater evaporation from the canal water it must have been constantly drawing upon the pan for heat, thus reducing the amount of evaporation that should have taken place in the pan, had the water in the canal not been in motion. This ability of flowing water to reduce the The Bulletin says (page 23) : “A similar tank was placed in the Arthur ditch where it passes through the College grounds. Observations were taken daily. While not the same as reservoir conditions it gives data for comparison: é Inches.— June, 1889... 2.89...Record based on 16 days July, 1889... 4.13... “ = 31 “ Aug., 1889... 3.94... . 2A From the above data we obtain the basis for estimating the evaporation at the same rate for the calendar months: water pan evaporation is shown by experiments made at the Agricultural Experiment Station at Fort Collins, Colorado, and published in Bulle- tin No. 45 of the State Agricultural College. these experiments observations of water pan evaporation were made upon a pan placed in a ditch passing through the State College grounds and upon several small lakes or reservoirs in the immediate neighborhood. In TABLE XIII. Lee Lake, 1896. Lee Lake, 1897. Evapora- No. Evapora- No. Month _ tion days Month _ tion days inches Record inches Record May... 4.31 24 June... 6.36 15 June... 9.55 21 July... 9.11 32 July ... 8.53 21 Aug.... 7.25 31 Aug.... 8.61 32 Sept... 5.20 32 Sept... 8.40 31 Oct.... 4.17 28 Oct.... 4.60 32 Loomis Lake, 1897. Claymore Lake, 1897. May... 7.89 20 May... 5.22 14 June... 7.91 26 June... i ii ANY cack 87 20 MUI se daleey a Aug.... 9.02 32 Aug.... 8.93 10 Sept... .... “3 Sept... 4.81 21 Oct.... 4.89 82 Oct.... 1.62 23 Warren's Lake, 1889. Warren’s Lake, 1890. May... May... 7.71 13 June... .... ad June... 8.40 7 Uy oo. 17.87 ay July... 5.41 29 BUG sec. ants wee Aug.... 8.06 38 Sept... 7.25 30 Sept... .... be Oct.... 5.61 21 Oct.... It will be noticed that the evaporation from the tanks as given is much greater than the corresponding tank on the grounds of the Agricultural College. This difference is partially but not entirely due to tempera- ture. The tanks in the lakes are more freely 392 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. exposed to the wind than the standard tank, and this would therefore make a great differ- The tanks are more or less agitated by waves, and in consequence the water surface ence, exposed to the air is larger than the cross section of the tank. A film of water is also left on the metal sides of the tank with every movement, and this is apt to be of higher temperature than the water in the lake or in the tank, and evaporates more rapidly. The influence has been noticed by Mr. Trim- ble, who made the observations in 1896 and some of those in 1897, and suggested as a cause of some of the excess of evaporation observed from the lakes. The effect may be but how much is uncertain. The wave action differs in the different In Lee Lake the weeds extend so near the surface that there is little opportunity considerable, lakes. for wave formation. In the other two lakes the effect is greater. As the waves also in- crease the area of the surface of the lakes which is exposed to the air likewise, the re- sults are possibly closer to the loss from a lake exposed to the wind than if the tank had been stationary. The effect of such increase of surface may We have made no experi- The only ones reported are some by Maurice Ay- be considerable. ments to determine the possible effect. mard, a French engineer stationed in Al- geria, whose report on Irrigation in Spain as preliminary to the construction of a reservoir which has but recently been built, in classic in irrigation literature. The observations were carried on for less than four days in 1849. and 2 feet high were made. Tanks 20 inches (50cm) in diameter In one the water was still; in the other an iron disk nearly of the same diameter as the tank, with holes through it, was slowly raised and lowered in the tank. numerous small holes kept the surface in The water passing through the agitation, something like the surface in small ditches with rapid fall. conditions was more than a third more from The loss under these agitated than from quiet water, or a loss of 1.66 inches from the quiet water, and 2.32 from the rough water.” The conclusions to be arrived at from the fore- going study is that evaporation from a large water surface is much less than 1s obtained by the usual land pan method, and that perhaps 80% is a safe factor to apply to land pan ob- servations. A wide range in the total annual evaporation under differeut climatic conditions is shown by the following table taken from Prof. Hilgard’s work on Soils: TABLE SHOWING EVAPORATION FROM WATER SURFACE EXPOSED IN SHALLOW TANKS NEAR WATER OR GROUND SURFACE. Years. Inches. Rothamsted ....... England ....... 9 17.80 London ........... Re stat ae 14 20.66 OXfORd) ws ssagee secede og gia ated 5 31.04 MUNICH, gies css oes Germany ...... 2 24.00 BHAPUD as secaee os Denmark ...... 10 27.09 Cambridge ........ Massachusetts .. 1 56.00 Syracuse .......... New York...... 1 50.20 LOGAN 5 icg9sceang wade Utah. ose \s eeedasitine cies. Gales Lie 8 Clean gravel 2.0.02. .0.cccc sew eu aes 11 Clean gravel ............. 11 Clean gravel ...00.5660006 ceuceaen 13 Hard yellow clay. ........ ...... 5 Pipe is cut from 113 to 100 and from 70 to 48 feet. Well No. 16—Line ‘‘C’’ 14-inch pipe is 28 feet deep. Black. S01) ackeieGawtactasadeseaueas Black sand ...... Bebe de ernssatete Sandy gravel ...........-....-2005- Yellow clay Blue clay Plies Clay: sy sedi Gack gees ers eas Yellow clay .. Gravel .. Gravel . Gravel ins cae craeewcede hea Yeas ee Yellow clay ............ cee eee eee Well is finished at 90 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 80 to 50 feet, Well No. 18—Line ‘‘C'’’ 14-inch pipe is 20 feet deep. Black soil g2s4scae e yon Sees wick ws Black sandy clay.. ........ 0 ....... Yellow Sand ecu sasyeee kee de eeeancus Gray sandy clay.................... Blue: clay: gi2eges app ie aens Heese Sandy gravel ..................05. Loose gravel ee bo Or H GO 410 Material. Depth, feet. Var PPAVEL | seicct.o bud Seiwa L en ieee bens Hard eTavel . co. ceases e wey desi Tieht ‘erdvel gasccdeauees aeereee ss Yellow: Clay” o2.cexues whussackeveavies Well finished at 92 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 90 to 46 feet. Well No. 138-—Line ‘‘C'’’ 14-inch pipe is 18 feet deep. MOOI, dye. HAR heey She rans atest arenes cart Yellow Clay ccsveuy. seag mee aes sare Blue clay weecag asen sing eos Grace acta Blwes Clay aourees rane ak yw eda wees Yellow clay ............. 000002 e eee Gravel vs jvevs crwaticcieuweeasmines Gravel uch Sawvkark Baeaakaaeus GPAVEl acc oud Beebe ee eds deed Mixed: Gla sve ctaincsins oa ian Sos Well finished at 70 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 65 to 45 feet. Well No. 4—Line ‘‘C”’ 14-inch pipe is 15 feet deep. GI) Free eadaeer dane vin alee aerate Blue Clay 20st Siegen, awh Tedd Wiellow: Clay esses fussed eae cytes ver Blue :elas saws e.ncaidesd vee Se ee res TSG Clay sack descr andecd ec eee teacestasa wee teele ee Gravel yes cedotmtieded cs ab aaee en. COATS CLAY waitresses eee essai Yellow clay ..............-00-5. ite Well is finished at 66 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 62 to 40 feet. Well No. 12—Iine ‘C.”’ 14-inch pipe is 12 feet deep—not finished. SOil. goo auseuy Re Sethe ba ek Foes Shs Yellow sandy clay..............-.00- Yellow: clay sedan esealeds Yellow sandy clay (14inch pipe 25 feet déép) 22: genase nea cn is Gray sandy. clay................005- Blue sandy clay...............0005- Yellow Clay © say ewig eee Gee ES Gravel) au oxecewsnseetwses hese t ews Yellow clay: c...0c0sa0u0cee eves ee eias Well is finished 65 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 63 to 51 feet. Well No. 14—Line ‘‘C”’ 14-inch pipe is 15 feet deep. IO ODE: ae ashton eae dr acteracs tetas thay aed mm or THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Material. Depth, feet. Yellow sandy clay ...............0.. Light blue clay .......... 2.0.00 0000 Yellow Glay 0 sceeawcey sees esp ae we Yellow: clay: sta 2uchscdeu sews ain sets eye ses Gravel! voy Aare henna ee ee Mellow clays vate paavndeteaws weeds Well is finished at 68 feet. Pipe is cut from 64 to 57 feet. Well No, 10—Line ‘‘C’’ 14-inch pipe is 13 feet deep. OM. age nchek Ress Aue har Swot ta owe ate ee Yellow sand ..........-00 0c cece eeee Sand clay sveceweresusnesee ckaecs Mixed. Clay’ «uu. peu bie Guou ee eae cde Dark oray Clay sic vee wetness wees Sandy: Clay a as wiecasden hss are aaiee eaves Ale Gravel 20 2st tok Matava AAW, ecole stash, ances lava hen nan Gand eck Yellow slay sc: ciated et av nattiwe eases BUC Clay pe Sas acs Sa cane geen Wiens eye ‘Well is finished at 67 feet. Pipe is cut from 64 to 50 feet. Well No. 9—Line ‘*C’’ : 14-inch pipe is 16 feet deep. MOU sas tepeqeerine fetus ag hers Cee gaa aga Me Ned IB lite Clay 208 zy! acto Seid pines Aga cate oe A CUGW CLAY wren guiness tie eee ioe Blue Clay ge snweed wt oe sec theo eeeeee Yellow Clay oct eneeseacy. dyke reeves Yellow: clay accu d bal elec igeoratdlacdante GEAVEL a0 Dowsteeetad eakoreteeees Gay el dog bce sscig Ger scat Hid we Me cencsoeeene Vellowsclay sic.cs deawG ese waw acca eeee ‘Well is finished at 64 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 62 to 42 feet. Well No. 11—Line “‘C”’ 14-inch pipe is 16 feet Geep. Soil... ... Jirkeae itaena cya eek BIC ICl ay git cen shoeeoe aban anal eas Yellow clay scsi neue cealdectecen denn BIMGHCIB ys oho 3 55 o oerine eager ec aachtats Ble: clay? sia seue c goatina se aueuedensaeuss i GRAVEL 4.2 2 saiideneidd eset Yellow: clay sa-ccvisie te stance ieseiel ect Well No. 7—Line ‘‘C’’ 14-inch pipe is 15 feet deep. SOM oooh catia cen Sialshaa esata eee LOGS OF WELLS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY. Material. Depth, feet. Very fine gravel................0000. 3 Blue clay o.sscadies ie vedresue se enes 20 Bl ive Clay tetas Gra nativas ene Ree eters Ghani 2 Ibodse- gravel, a.¢eaeveeee news hes aatees 12 Tight gravel. ccc -asee ees dea oe eee a 10 Tight;-oravel) iv cwacds eee eee eee ee 6 Yellow clay: cc. .22.4 cavicuve eed 2 Well finished at 63 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 61 to 45 feet. Well No. 21—-Line ‘‘C’’ 14-inch pipe is 20 feet deep. SOU an geeaniesuaivedeee eee e ee ad 2 Yellow clay ............. eee eee eee 10 Blue clay icc cennvee csacws ees ewes 22 Yellow clay scccse.eeserdan daeeeeaie 3 Yellow clay wnvserysessbasereveeen 6 Gravel o2 -caacsepeimare vee eau 4 12 VelOw Clay x geeurvweee deaaiwe eae aes 3 Well finished at 58 feet deep. Pipe is cut from 51 to 45 feet. Well No. 6—Line “‘C”’ 14-inch pipe is 12 feet deep. VIG Cl aly aicana sited sew sia suing ake otras. Gie 5 Daidy Clay guide sicily unes ewe wo wes 5 Blue: clay axisiere dinette dang gaeceacnacn 4 4 Gravel, o4. vivgekivgcaved fanaa ee 7 Dandy Clay sce vce a veati ve a a eaieds 2 Blué Clay) .icncekd daa cakes glee ee 2 Dirty sand -ce.¢4 sce a seg Asie ace 21 GRAVEl Gd, ccna Me are Re ee ek, 17 Yellow clay ...... 2... c cece eens 3 Well is finished at 66 feet. Pipe is cut from 61 to 41 feet. Well No. 8—Line ‘‘C”’ 14-inch pipe is 13 feet deep. DOL: ads aceahaeoaivicalnceussd eee sasvens aoaenutanens 2 Blue Clay wigaiweued bed wide sweaeehe 14 Mixed clay .......... 0.0 ccc cece eee 18 Sand and gravel.................... 18 Gravel ics dea endian: Bae bh pees 10 Yellow clay .......... cece cee eee eee 1 Blue (clay 4 ovcevaaa gee teeea iain vies 1 Well is finished at 64 feet. Pipe is cut from 62 to 40 feet. Well No, 54%4—Line “C”’ 14-inch pipe is 12 feet deep. Ol) 224d age tee eae 2 Yellow clay .......... eect eee eee 7 Material. Blwenclay wii.) nome ad oakaidtacewss NOLOGY: ays eae ota eu gions Yellow clay GRAY Clie me aise gs Oia rwalnd (aah eee dur eel Coarse sand Gravel Gravel Vellow lay” a2estdeuesadarshwcs aly Well finished at 59 feet. Pipe is cut from 56 feet to 50 feet. Pipe is cut from 44 feet to 32 feet. Well No. 19—Line ‘‘C’’ 14-inch pipe is 17 feet deep. DOU ae aasada heat Aa eNom ade need Yellow sandy clay................... Blue clay Gray clay Dold on BAsrlecra ids Yellow sandy clay...............000. Sand and eravel................20.. Coarse cemented eravel.............. Loose gravel ............ Tight gravel Loose gravel cece eee eee Gravel and clay mixed.............. Loose sand and gravel... ............ Gravel and clay mixed.............. Yellow lay s. ssemxe wedi eeawieraes 40 Gravel, cn oahu apasa See abou yee 17 Gravel cicssoudaa ped ien sien tes 13 Gravel) ese ee ics Mover iowenhasd 15 416 Material. . Depth, feet. Gravel, o.c.uecssacace vase eee ee ees 13 Gravel) eé0o4.oo02 borne at ee aaae a ] Yellow clay 24 :ea0% cas edeeeheeee 2 Well finished at 131 feet. Pipe not cut. Well No. 19—Line ‘*G”’ 14-inch pipe is 21 feet deep. JGOaIi so" ses ee ete ee ie ee ete 13 Fine: Gravel, oacn2as masse aaa See aides Sige 7 Pyne: Gravel: saica454 igs ees Wa ase ery ys 12 Dark gray clay..................00. 2 Yellow sandy clay................0.. 2 Dark gray clay..............00.0 0 2 Gray sandy clay.................... 10 Dark gray sandy clay................ 1 Gray sandy clay........ ........... 7 Blue: clay -ise-14 sev Geen ees a eee 2 Yellow sandy gray clay.............. 4 Light blue. clay..n.4.2.c.ceses ewes des 3 Light yellow clay. .................. 6 Yellow sand s2assguiesvwiwy seus eeiek 1 Hine gravel josaie. eoieo, Saeed ae pee 3 Coarse gravel .............02-00 eee 1 Hard. gravel 2....22e000s8ees races sass % Welléw clay s.24s.0¢0csecdenachve dew ss 1 Yellow clay vas. esos desev see ie dewen 1 Clay and gravel mixed............... 1 GAVE lah iu ate) hai tea tees rtd Gente bls dhe 4 Gravel a5 nec eed.. oe ee See 4 Clay and gravel................0005- 2 Licht (oravel) scecds sys ex ewes sey eae eas 3 Tight: Oravel wc caawan ohaeeinde 4 hace 10 Tight gravel: oie seedwek weeny eae 6 Yellow clay ............... cece eee 1 Yellow gravel and cement............ 1 Blueelage> seasataweaeneey cies einens 2 BUG: Clay caesayasnpseewace pales eos a hes 8 Yellow clay’ s7-424gndvavewame sun cae 1 Hard yellow clay...................- 4 Dirty gravel snc. ccegec hse ieavas 1 Grayel 4+. ogenes wee eae 13 Graveles:, cs idaeiednws eens 2 NV CMOW ClAY 3 css ia nantes eu ack 2 Well finished at 145 feet. Pipe not cut. Well No, 10—Line **G’’ 14-inch pipe is 18 feet deep. DO a. ey we ceed ncaa gaan eauste ca aatearanates 6 Dark clay 2cusickes ea ence ed alae 10 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Material. Yellow clay Dark clay Yellow clay Dark clay Yellow clay Gravel Yellow clay Blue clay Gravel . Gravel Gravel .. Clay Well finished at 121 feet. Well No. 7—Line “‘G’’ 14-inch pipe is 23 feet. 14-inch pipe not cut. Might: soil 6.5664. 3-8G ae aslo ha Dark ground Dark ground Yellow sandy ground................ Dark lay cceveviaceevwde dees eaves Dark gray sandy clay................ Yellow sandy clay.............-.080- Yellow sand .........---..-0ee ee eee Fine loose gravel...................4. Hard gravel Yellow clay Gravel .. Gravel oo hie airaee io ianeieasnG Hard gravel ‘Yellow sand Gravel .. Yellow clay Blue-clay ....... 0.00. cece eee eee Well finished at 65 feet deep. Pipe not cut. Blue Clay cys screeds ea eee Yellow clay Gravel Pe Be me ee eee ee CTA Lees. aaah Beets encase se eae Jatt Hard cement .............. 00.0. 000. Well finished at 110 feet. Well No. 14—Line “‘G’’ 14-inch pipe is 22 feet deep. Dark loam Tough clay Gray clay Sand Depth, feet. LOGS OF WELLS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY. 417 Meterial. Depth, feet. Material. Depth, feet. Gray clay ... ....... patty Hpi e eee 4 Well No. 6—Line ‘I’? Gay (clay gia: see-4u sees heme Mets on ali 14-inch pipe is 20 feet deep. Yellow clay .. «1... ....e. see eee. 7 POM Bere piiaukhs, jar alae a Stee ite 2 Coarse gravel ....... Gee ne pe LD Light blue clay................. .. 18 Coarse gravel .... 0... 2... ee eee, 9 Light blue clay........ ens ee, BO Coarse gravel .... ........... .... 16 Gravel .. ........ EM: Seta ie cee ee, AG Coarse: gravel 26 goa wenn ne sien AD Yellow clay. ......... Scie: Fotilaieee 15 Bing“ Clay aus s4s ¥una teen Mae nere 2 Yellow clay and gravel mixed. ... . 10 Blue clay take! “Whee ad. Ge Stara Sree Ga gisdee ie wea Rie 17 Clean gravel eee Reine Ses, 5 Blue clay She oR Sa BSS OE ee Se anaes 7 Clean gravel a5 Diana: ug tye) = ht biel 10 Gravel: © Sasiace was amma eat tae, WB Gravel . |... ... 2... Cielo: Soul guatewiaeeantardeees 4 Cle akeeekeven pice cesutucnes 1 Yellow clay ic Sa a6 eae aes riep 6 Well finished at 78 feet. Yellow Clay sc - sexes oe xeon 9 304 fae Pipe cut from 77 feet to 60 feet. Dine lage acai ye sae ages bite tae, A Well N Piney ATP Bw. Clay wen ye spews beoe SG le See 5 o a os ae z 14-inch pipe is 20 feet deep. Well No. 1—Line ‘‘G’’ SONY, dio, Gene hr ta en Bleeds hn, ike reaars 1 14-inch pipe is 30 feet deep. Black adobe... PAD “Gbernaen tea ds : 4 Light Iam cass vsereese snsedes hist, Ge Mellow elay csp. shed Gees) eudues 11 Datel MGW J nacnaawan dace enandacee ae 2 Mellow lay xeex aves wweeeeuess 28 Yellow sandy clay.. ....... ee ca, Gravel) cus. Gpuiecy@ak wh aves ooae 4 Dark pray clay. .....ccuesnix eas sax 1b Gravel... 0... eee. pine FIRE 16 Gray sandy clay .. ............ eee Tight gravel .... .... pale a hae i Yellow sandy clay.. ......... ...... 1 Tight @ravel :4ic-scee Ginn cases 5 Yellow sand ........ 00.0. c eee eee 2 Cement. Clay sxcer ve cnt sons nanen i ul Sand and gravel.... ... .... ... 2 Well finished at 81 feet. Gravel s.. chaniscek x sechwien 8aeeee 8 Pipe is cut from 80 feet to 50 feet. Hard tight gravel.... ....... eo. 12% Well No. 25—Line “H”’ Yellow clay se any he Sanaa aa! eT Ma SS AN oe 214% 14-inch pipe 29 feet deep. Well finished at 70 feet deep. DOUG ane sea wes ae dets ula ka ees 1 Pipe not cut. Soft gray elay.......... 10 Well No. 1—Line ““H” eae ey elay.... 41 14-inch pipe is 15 feet deep. et Fane eee as Sand... ..... etn Sales 3 POOL ies yo ati’, daha guat Nat Saas re haa 4 ; Clean coarse gravel... ............... 15 Mixed sand) ess by scorned acta 3 : : Clay and gravel mixed... .... .... 2 Fine gravel ........... 0.2.0 e cence 4 Coarse gravel ...... Seta. Papeete esau 6 Yellow sandy clay.. ... .....-..-... 3 Gravel and rock.... ........ 6 Hard yellow clay.... ............0.. 2 Coarse gravel ..... ........ nce 4 Soft) Gray ClaYs.norvgcn raed eves ... : Light gray clay.... ©... ......... 7 Hard gray clay.................. see, A Hard blue clay ... .............. 19 Yellow sandy clay................... 2 i Hume Sand | teh aes wig asia, ae vanend 9 Yellow: Sand: 2s gcx careewik wok suet 1 : ‘ Hine Cravell soe Sea se cen Mauda eee a x 18 Fine loose gravel............. 0.0... 6 : Yellow clay so.c6c05 whe ceee et ene ] Fine loose gravel..... ............ 6 C 1 13 Bite Clave gous okwigid see bulecs 2 OATSE CRAVE! joie 5 schs ais Hawes ewes Weil Aniched ab I5T feet. Coarse gravel ... ......-..2. 0000 514% Dina ae Yellow clay ......0000ccceeeeeecees ih " Well finished at 66 feet. Well No. 7—Line “‘H’’ Pipe not cut. 14-inch pipe is 75 feet deep. 418 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Material. Depth, feet. SO) is: aipate een eee aa ea iets 6 Clay ace id ase re eda ech Sie a eae oe 20 Blue sandy clay............0.0 2-2 ee 6 Fine gravel ........... eee eee eee eee 2 Yellow lay: cc cc. signees sees ee 31 Yellow clay: cas dawsoniveees sys eee 4 ANCL acedtenwaieincucae eyes Whee 7 Gray sandy clay.................... 7 Gray Clay soi. digo wuskatsanlchc a csade 27 Coarse sand. ssc. ca esi e ews a oeed nee 5 GRAVEL: 2. cb ete ened e Hare seamen. 21 Ble. clay gas secgeeks eaane veda 5 Sand and gravel .................... 7 Gravel! Cis u.ceeron amie ee nieces Gs 6 Sand and eravel.................... 9 Yellow clay .............0...0 eee 11 LOGS OF WELLS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY. Material. Depth, feet. Hine “Cravel, tiie ives eerie. 15 Yellow cemented clay............... 3 Yellow Sand! acu ypeke cae aaa eases 4 Yellow cemented gravel.............. 19 Well No. 2 Sandy loam! occas yente alee 16 Blue = Clay a28 seu ey eis vis eA 13 Gravel! se. coe Wisse cataaeeea aneeae 5 BIG: ClAyexicivatenas ease eeewa ee 11 Soft clay and gravel................. 18 Well No. 5 (Similar to row west of hop yard.) Sediment, top-soil .................. 17 Stiff clay, dark..................0.. 18 Mud and lay. 2.0. since cseuvawe ccs 15 Bune: Crave acieG sn eek nace’ 22 Coarse gravel ..........0. 00000 cc eee 18 Well No. 7 (Under Flow Station No. 1.) Surface SOtl, ios ace ade wdiew cane ban 8 BMeMGay> neste eeueteectae asians 41 Med. gravel, tightly packed.......... 4 GRavel:. Os «tiie Mend ws hedoteteormwase§ 8 Well No. 9 SO a 4odedaades Wotan eves onan 14 Olay iad sir aue holy iontaates oduea hoses ew aii 6 46 Gravel, uy suki ras saan eee 10 Log of old well 100. Yards South of No. 9 SOI. haps Vaan edeeeeete tastes 16 Sand and clay ............2--00000. 2 BUG -Glay he desahge cies. Goes ged 16 Gravel and sand...............0-005 YY Blue and gray clay................. 28 Dani Fe. chyeedsnats akc Ae coe 2 Gravel x5 \vasv kes seeediyesdegen edad 2 Well No. 11 SO! Boies ea he ora gad Rate eae eee os 8 Sand and gravel.................... 12 C1AY ayy sb pee ea Rete selena 30 Gravel a5 gue ee lees DRS ee 4 Well No. 13 (Under flow Station No. 3.) Top soil (yellowish, sandy).......... 10 Clay! a gr ee eae aes 17 Blue: Clay cig gas cya tenn Oe Seas 34 419 Material. Depth, feet. Gira els) 3. ce lrene Dali aa asl cede toe jy Well No. 14. (Test well.) Top soil (hardpan-gravel)........... 9 Sandy clay .............00c00ee eee 28 Well No, 15 (Test well.) VOD: S01). gerd gdna: dbehGenss Howes 5 Coarse sand ...........0.0c cece ee 8 Red sandy clay ..............000005 49 Hardpan (gravel) ..............2... Well No. 16 AOD) 2c ENG Se Mg BE Nciia tah aarhccae nih bod 2 Sandy 10am ccs coresa oroseaeesvwee 5 Sand and eravel.................... 1 Brown. clay 2s cance bbe ekeewkwnceeaes + Yellow sand clay...............0000. 13 GuaVel quo Uiwiads aod Ae ee ieee 9 Yellow sand clay................... 2 Gravel and sand................000.. 9 Yellow sand clay................00.. 6 Gravel: is eea eye Vaan ede ater ds 11 Well No. 10 (Under flow Station No. 2.) Sand loam ............0.00e cee ceee 4 Heavy loam 2.52 25:0¢ eee sae weve ven 314 Nandy loam ec nasecee a eee ohne 4%, Fine Pravel acdasatepadeeseweanweis 34 BIEN GIES. acs cctals labreanins @ dD ieee 46 Yellow sandy clay.................. 3 Gravel 2c nee Deel Eee see. Wes 7 (At bottom of clay, coarse gravel is very tightly imbedded, forming almost hard- pan. Well No 17 (Test well.) LOPS SOU) caesar dae y oa wate ae Maasai cea Light, sandy clay.... .............. Hard bed clay and gravel............ Hard, coarse gravel................. Well No. 18 Pity SUrte Olle pocreuesearep Pas e ated ont Graveli crg-can ana palew een cies Yellow sand clay...............05. Cement gravel .................00.. Yellow sand clay................0... GRAVEL. sys. aes pags etsoe steven das Sas ae Yellow sand clay.................... Gravel .. This changes to a med. gravel.) 420 Material. Depth; feet. Yellow sand clay...............00005 5 Cement gravel ...........-...000005 2 Yellow sand clay................0005 4 Gravel oa) armieiscoe ess ee ere ad 6 Yellow sand clay.................-4 2 Gia El, orate dhe Pert A a areas 4 Yellow sand clay.................... 1 Hard cement gravel. ............... 44% Well No, 26 (Test well by 8. V. W. Co.) Surface soil ........ 0.20.0. c eee eee 8 Gravel and sand.................. : 34, Ble: lay cies soit ae ate e aeeae Seaecee ig 411% Artesian gravel ... ..........-.000- 6 Well No, 40 SOt.s, scare vuetawicndenraweioss 3 NANG ing ditsampmaaetiage Greets 7 CGS yk. As Thiet elaeaates ee web Beha eee se 39 Gravel 2. cadevayageeuiedoutn cous Sue hale, 14 Well No. 42 SOM, ss ves ek coder iowe eae ee ee 5 Sand (little water).................. Teed Gray to blue, clay................... 8 Blue clay seses.e2 eesesieee wire sees 7 Gray Clay? eens eewis sein ken Aaa ede 13 Yellow sediment ............ ...... 10 Blue clay and sand......... .... 3 Blue clay and gravel................ 4 Coarse water gravel............. .-. 17 Fine gravel and sand...... .... ... 13 Yellow clay .......-...0.000e eee eee 10 Blue clay, somewhat sandy........... 5 Clay (blue and gray)................ 2 Gray sandy clay, mostly sand......... 7 Bite clay 44.244 < etangin ase pen sea g ae 25 (Total depth = 130 feet.) Well No, 46 (Test well.) Blue clay ........ 0.2.02 cee cee eee 8 Sand and gravel. ......... ........ 1 Blue clay ................. ten Sas 34 Yellow clay ............ 2.0 ccc eee 314 Gravel. ictus ee teu ey es Seems eee es Well A (At present S. V. W. Co.) DOL ahs seek eae eee Ee ea 7 Quicksand . .... 2... eee ee, 2 GAY Clay as eens ee Heese anaes 37 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Material. Depth, feet. Well B (At present S. V. W. Co.) OID gas eeawea beccancah nantes wie Ge aeeacoaad Maced 4 Bite: Clay: i pses yearn Gee ee ae sani 43 Well No, 34 DUPEACE SOL casos weds pelea wees 18 CHa ide, aesaebenias a dae eran ae wieteatnliaa rials Vy Gravel and fine sand (loose quicksand) Well No. 36 Olas Sele Aher drain daha cuucttes ane a 1 RAINY ome ve tertile aaa sa ah Re a 9 Clay( yellow) ............0 0.000 c eee 39 Gravel s.4. criantdaaaiachWeekemeaetions 3 Well No. 38 Surface soil .................00000, 38 Gravel (Med.) ....... ......... 00. 6 Well C MOU laksa elt ec cintt oaea Baa gars We 7 QiiCkKSAHd. nace cues anes be cone eeieees 4 Blue Clay” cds gcse heen iui eal a os 13 GAVEL: antes an sdase Gods dads 17 Blue clay s.4 6505 aeeed vitae deaes 24 Hard pan. ic vex cagsea eed eee 2 Giavel. ¢ fee ew Saas 38 Bliie.. Clayt Gace, gaseauiy Giese eatin dawg al 41 Gravel SroGahn dh a> sedan eet ayo ea 10 BIW: Clay sisceseae: “pes eecatnncsas 24 Quicksand ... 0... 0.0... 0. cee 5 Gravel) ndeo sched GHSe. ood deeare 7 Blue lay? ots.ceeee gee’ Cee. Brae 2 Gravel rock .......0 2... cece cece 12 Blue clay and rock.................. 5 Gravel and rock.................... 3 Well D DOLE eee get yeletyegh ahh Sek oa tn eS ae 6 IEDC Se. Bide HAASE, -helviaaaae loth mocked ae Quicksand ... ......... cece 4 Blue Clay 23.2 244 te aetetuew eas 37 Gravel cseuse eke ayes apnea a 25 Clay and sand. ... ........ 2.0... 30 Well E OM ameter eas hehe. eeu cas 3d Quicksand .. 0 .........020.0000.. fet GAY aa. qk hbase cies 37 Gravel “srgeauikeae. canvas asa 4 Well F OM: | lund Pe Supine Mette hes 1 LOGS OF WELLS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY. 421 Material. Depth, feet. Material. Depth, feet. Clay: oe ee ae als ahi ean 18 CHA ics end Rek SARE Sa a an Se 5 Hardpan® 2:2 oe2ce.s Geeereetevee vies 14 Gravel ones he aanene ey eukee ed 35 Gravel. gies akirceenisaae se waters wal 3 Water rises to within 6 feet of top. Well G Well No. 52 DOLL sphere ant een abana tne aa ae 2 M. Lopez well Clay and rocks ............ guieine 38 40 SAU y SOIL as owhasaeoy es Cawaeeaed 14 Gravel and hardpan................. 18 ClAY css eacao ieee tats eee Vea 2 BIUE “Clay et ed-resne tele ones ani 90 Gravel and quicksand... ......... 24 GAWD de eases a RAED eck eo cts 3 Depth :sceg sia weraitssg. anit ys dots eptavsotesec Ge 40 Soapstone, blue .................0.. 25 (Water within 12 feet of surface now, and never more than 19 feet from Well H surface.) 1 a aN CEL IETS g Well No. 36 OIEMNONd Loc wacdiw cs vadsseccaree! 3 Remillard Brick Co’s well Clas Sandia Gite eee Are acne Saket 9 Pure gravel ........... 0 ......-0s - 46 Hard pant 452 2g witos wid dewey 39 Clay (hard yellow)...... .... ..... 6 Bitte Clay ciaica cates So essed ay 18 Plenty of water. Did not go through Quicksand ........... 0000 cece eee 4 clay. Hard pant >s.25.403-ha. 2 edad toe peas 32 Well was in bottom of creek, hence no Ble Clayissunemity ean ee eee eae eek 43 soil. iii BOG ey oneug he chennai nee oars 84 Gravel from smallest grain to size of Blue clay and shale................. 35 fist—none larger. Franciscan material. Well No. 49 . Well No. 53 Well of Theo, Gier Wine Co. on place Me: Sarena teavall ee Cn Er ceed ee cee aaa etre eerC ee 30 (Sunk by Brenzle) Gravel ......... 22... rien. RAIA 35 All gravel and no clay... ........... 60 Tate ot sae Does not flow. Well No. 54 Well No, 48 Grant Gravel Co.’s well Well of Theo. Gier Wine Co. on place Clean gravel ..... 2.0... 2 eee eee eee 50 of Blaise Cortade, Hard yellow clay ........... ..... ai OE (Sunk by Brenzle) Remainder clay and gravel..... cave 2S Hard gravel and clay............... 60 Weil area yee ghee eee teas 85 Pure yellow clay ................... 110 Dug in bottom of creek. First was Quicksand seo EDU RS CTR OSA Roa E Ee 4 blue eravel, second was brown cravel Then tapped a flow. mixed with clay. Artesian well flows year around. Well No. 55 Well No. 50 Mr. Stoeven’s well Well of Theo. Gier Wine Co. on main Sandy loam .............. 000020000 20 ranch. Clean gravel, no clay...... ........ 50 (Sunk by Brenzle) Well No. 56 Cla Grades cae emsmgaumese Gries 40 Mi We a Hiolives® wall Gravel: sips ees ewe eles saiioae's 20 Soil 4 aE aS DENEOS OF Bee) Black loam with pebbles......... . 12 Well No. 51 Hed Chive « cwuleasaiposet pause eeaet 10 Well of Samuel Jackson Clay, with pebbles which increase in Gravelly: S01 cs swe Gees wes ee ees 15-20 size with depth................... 380 422 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Material. Depth, feet. Remainder water-bearing gravel...... 56 Depth: » vssuwee eter asd wea teases 112 Struck strong flow at bottom of well and lost all tools. Uses windmill. Well No. 57 Mr. Holmes, Sr. well (Sunk by Brenzle) Clay ssa eae Nea eY Oe OF EER 70 Clay and gravel .............00.004. 40 Well No. 58 Jacob Rees’ well (Sunk by Brenzle) Gravel and clay mixed............... 60 Well No. 59 Mr. James A. Bennet’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Gravel and soil mixed.................. 80 Well No. 60 Mr. J. Waggoner’s well Black gravelly soil .................4. 4 Coarse gravel with clay.............. 56 Clear Clay” snks shag habe t esis 12 Gravel es soy ares eels eee a wy hese 5 DSP GM ace seeped Sess ai awatae Meee ees 17 Well No. 60 (a) Mrs. Freedenstall’s well (Sunk by Draghi) TiOamMy SOU ia iia nies eae aes 2 Hard clay with very little gravel mixed Gravel and clay mixed, mostly gravel. 20 PUP “Clay honcne 3 oavele tare See aes 30 Water-bearing fine sand.............. 6 Pure water gravel ................-. 18 (No mud.) Did not go through gravel. Well No. 61 Mr, Ludwig’s well (Sunk by Draghi) Clay and gravel.............0...004 50 BIW Clay st.c6 eel onGea eeweath eee ile 50 Blue hard conglomerate.............. 50 (Probably compact gravel.) Well No. 62 Mr. Sweeney’s well (Sunk by Draghi) Loose gravel ..........0 00. c eee 6 Clay and gravel ...............0000- 34 Pure yellow clay... ..........-..000- 15 Material. Depth, feet. Loose gravel ........ 00.0 cece eee eaes 10 Hard conglomerate ................. 95 Loose gravel ....... 0.00.2 c ee ee eee 2 Hard conglomerate to............... 212 Well No. 63 Mr. Draghi’s well (Sunk by Draghi) Black soil and gravel................ 6 Yellow clay and gravel............... 46 Water gravel ........... cece eee eee 4 Clay and gravel................-005- 20 Depth: sissies sete Seed ee eae ws 76 Well No, 64 Mr. Huddleson’s well (Sunk by Draghi) Gravel and soil .............. 00000: 15-20 Gravel and clay mixed............... 40 Hard yellow clay................005 2 Depths ¢cvare comacsuae erent = 57 (Water in gravel below) Well No. 65 Mr. C. A. Smith’s well (Sunk by Draghi) Loose gravel ........ 0. cee cece 20 Wellow lay: 3444 vycna eee des eee wes 25 (Not very hard) Clay and gravel ................00.0. 10 ALG Goce ayaias decease abe ANd ye Ses 1 Gravel and clay to.................. 62 Remainder in hard clay............. 5-6 Well No. 66 Mr. Maguire’s well (Sunk by Draghi) Gravel and loam .................... 12 Cas Sareea areata cy ale en es oxen, 18 Loose gravel with water.............. 15 Clay ho seinih £mhiatee Sh oka ees eds 10 Clay and gravel about............... 10 Depth, sexe yetecd ds ge aice ks a eek dee 55 (Very good well) Well No. 67 Mr. C. True’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Hard yellow clay.................005 110 Then gravel and water. Well No. 68 Captain J. Miller’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) LOGS OF WELLS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY. Material. Depth, feet. Gravel and clay ................005- 72 Mixed to bottom. Well No. 69 Mr. H. Mangel’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) “Depth xaswyciikaet Serie sgte ee 47’ 6” Water (from surface)............... 14 (Brenzle says all gravel and clay.). 60 Well No. 70 Mr, Maldonado’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Depth (all gravel)................. 40 Water from top................-008- 4 Well No. 71 Mr. Bissell’s well (Two wells about 60 yds. apart) (Sunk by Brenzle) Well No. 1 on upper bench near house Gravel and soil ..................0.0. 22 (Not water-bearing) Blue and yellow clays................ 22 (Mixed, each layer 4 to 5’ thick) Gravel—water-bearing ..............-. 12 Water comes to 23’ of surface. Yellow clay with trace of small gravel MIKE (occ otaeeRng ae aoe Ree 15 Dry elay gsiarese eves eases sue ews 129 Depth» sn. giiitiee in ie Hea Ge ee ST 200 (This well pumps 20,000 gals. every 24 hours. Water from 12’ water- bearing gravel.) Well No. 72 Mr, Bissell’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Well No. 2 on lower bench, which is 19’ thick. Dug well. Depth 2 ctwc eee aps ee he 16 Water nearly at surface. Never goes dry. Allin gravel ....... 0.0050 e eee ee eee 16 Well No. 73 Livermore Water & Power Co.’s well (Sunk by R. Wiley) Well No. 1 Blue ¢lay: oa cae ed oe % eee ew see T (Water 4’ from surface) Blue clay with old roots............. 2’ Blue clay is gritty..............005. 3” 423 Material. Depth, feet. Yellow clay with small gravel........ V5” Coarse gravel and yellow clay........ 0’ 6” Loose gravel ....... 0.0.0... cece ee 2’ 0” Bie Wand ‘axicared sy Seceaeekea sia bape 2’ 0” VeUOW: Clay? ain chinaickieteneeataated 2’ 0” Fine sand mixed with clay.......... 4’ 0” Hime Salid is x.¢e cin Se ie ete ee ek ee 0’ 6” Coarsesand. aici scecax gesvnened tas 0’ 6” OIG TSAI sia Sos cca tree eh aad pect akes 5’ 0” Pin sand xx cutee cy ale aes 4’ 0” Vellow Clay? asua ~ddeediek ata oa 12’ 0” Reddish clay ...............0.0000- 2’ 0” Yellow clay (very dry)............. 2’ 0” PCP dace aes ghecas elatc wens as ue mig Hee es 50’ 3” (Drilling was stopped here) Well No. 74 Livermore Water & Power Co’s well Las Positas Springs Test Well No. 2 (300 to 500 ft. from well No. 1) BANG (6) \oaee Ooe at Sa are ene ee ee 7’ 0" Blue clay—old roots..............0. 3” 0” Light blue clay—eritty.............. 3” 0” Sandy Loose gravel—coarse ............00. 5’ 0” Medium fine gravel and sand........ 4’ 0” Vellow: Clay voc achy ean deen ae ds 2’ 0” Yellow clay—egritty ............... 8” 0” Yellow sand, rock, dust............. 2’ 0” Sand rock dry ...............0000- 2’ 0” Yellowish red clay ..............-. 2’ 0” Bluish yellow clay ................ 4’ 0” Glay and gravel. 2 eccs cscs. e nee sane 3” 0” Bluish clay and sand............... 2’ 5” Stitt LEC: Clayy ie deknadees Gaww Gos V’ 0” Stitt red clay siiuvc.8eiase wens siews 1’ 5” De Ptht ccd cea Gb avai ok Mae atateencacs 50’ 0" Well No. 75 Joe Brown’s well (Sunk by Lefever) Sandstone and water ............... 340’ Hard sandstone .............. . 640’ (This is an artesian well.) Well No. 76 Mr. Jas. Anderson’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Yellow and blue clay............... 20’ Sand and gravel ................... 30’ Yellow clay with small gravel....... 25’ Hard yellow clay .................. 8” 424 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Material. Depth, feet. Yellow clay with small sand mixed... 82’ Hard yellow clay .................. 10’ Gravel with artesian water.......... 6’ Blue clay with small gravel mixed.. 40’ Blue clay, hard................60-. 66’ Loose sand, good flow water... ..... 10’ Brown clay .......... 02. eee eee 10’ Blité: clay acs ont a sd sees y ee Wen 10’ Black sand (water-bearing 129,000 gals. per day) Hard blue clay ................00-5 13” Blue sand and clay................. 26’ Gray clay, hard.................... 10’ Hard lay a. s.sccicene Geer twee aes 16’ Loose sand and water............ Bie LAO" Deptheca.o faces ose eee ea . 398’ (Flows slowly from this depth.) Well No. 77 Livermore Pottery well (Sunk by Draghi) Clay and gravel ..... ee ee 48’ Loose gravel ... ........-.5-. hepasne Waa Clay and gravel ...............005: 50’ Well No. 78 Mr. James Whalen’s well Clay 01k .scsycducaaiete er cawe sees 12’ Gravelly loam .......... 0000-000 eee 24’ Hard yellow clay .......-........5. 10’ Gravel ..ccuessssces SrA) sevee arse 6” Well No. 79 Schween Co.’s well Gravelly S01). scsacarsseetewess arses 20’ Gravel and clay ................05- 15’ PubecGlay: occcsge. wy dee Wes eos ea: 10’ Pure @ravel ascsvdene aude gieuk ens 6’ Well No. 80 Mr. Freitas’ well (Sunk by Oxsen) Hoamy 0). veee ss esp ieee sedan ... 30’ Yellow soft clay. .... 0 .......0.005. 15’ Hard yellow clay ........ ..-....5- 3” Water gravel .............0 0002 e eee 5” Water is 15’ below surface. Well No, 81 Ben Oxsen’s well (Sunk by Oxsen) Gravel—no clay ......... ..2-.+00- 58” Water 6 to 7’ from surface. Material. Depth, feet. Well No. 82 C. R. Nissen’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Loam, (blaek): ..6.esse seiee eee eee 5’ CA gas aan See ce anno n ta acasnenine 5” Gravel) -accioreir Aoath abet a dass 22’ Water 6’ from surface. Well No. 83 F. H. Green’s well TVG Dp baat tea can tora eh ees GaN ea oe 10’ Water 7’ to 8’ from surface. No gravel. Well No, 85 H. M. Jorgensen’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Gravel and soil mixed.............. 28” Sand, gravel and clay............ .. 71’ Water 28’ below surface. Well No, 86 Albert Cojemann (Sunk by Brenzle) Red clay and gravel............. .. 140’ (Coarse gravel) (Water 40’ below surface) Well No. 87 Otto Ramkie’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Loam, gravelly soil................. 30’ GrAVEl, 244 oacdae nese dipeweadye eee e 20° Gravel—water-bearing .... ........ 10’ Water stands 35’ below surface. Well No. 88 Morx Ramkie’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Loam, gravelly soil................- 30’ Gravel on 26 Biche Ses Sealed Bem ee 20’ Water oravel. «c.g. 55 vee ues WES 10’ Water stands 35’ below surface. Well No. 89 John Galloway Sr. well (Sunk by Brenzle) Alternate strata of sand and clay.... 90’ Sand 1 to 5’ thick Clay 5 to 10’ thick Water 14’ from surface Well No. 90 John Galloway Jr. well 6 wu LOGS OF WELLS IN LIVERMORE AND SUNOL VALLEYS. Material. (Sunk by Brenzle) CLA! Biss satsccaea siacsidy Sentence ages Gravel and clay mixed.............. Water is 25’ below surface Well No. 91 Dan Enman’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Gravel and clay mixed........ Water 50’ below surface First water was struck at 50’ Well No. 92 Holmes, Sr., well (In field 14 mile south of house) (Sunk by Brenzle) Clay Gravel, clay and boulders......... Water rose to 70’ of surface Well No. 93 Pete Kruger’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) TOA sora adie gece ghee Ge ean ees Red clay and gravel................- Very little water Well No. 94 DeWitt Dougherty’s well (Sunk by Brenzle) Red gravel and clay mixed........... No water Well No. 95 Mr. Cassidy’s well Depth, feet. 45’ 63” 425 Material. Depth, feet. (Sunk by Brenzle) GEAV EL) wis win Giaata Qasr eee jae cas WO? Clay and gravel ........... 0 ....-4. 30’ Loam, gravel and sand...... ....... 70’ This is up in the soft Miocene country. Well No. 96 H. P. Mohr’s well (Sunk by Oxsen) Loamy soil ........ JAAS EP eet ae 30’ Gravel .... This well was never artesian. A well belonging to Mohr about 34 mile north of this well was artesian in 1909 and 1911. LOGS OF SUNOL WELLS. Between Scott’s Corner and Water Temple. Well No. 1 GYAVEl) exc boraeedceee eigen eds 37’ Sand and lays weecs saeea ds aeewnees 14’ GPAVel 5 cass 5 Guieuesee coed ow cen er cates’ 29’ Clay and gravel......... ......... 18’ AIG: oh alan, jonathan Gat ee eahen eee wate 237 Well No. 2 MOLI i rad isk OG aed Gen te no sesso aes te nneeeoneats 9’ Gravel ii) cutee cata Oe Bese. ee 31’ Sand. ylarccoacietse yaw eee ween ees 23’ Gravel oss cid Seg Seg bok seat Staceos el aes 62’ ClaY Anas ehnla ati sca tere ee nated 11’ GRAVE: pcre tyre wet a hp to et oes Saas Bets 26’ Shale: is. sess Woerahucnacs ne Rian e cea 48” Appendix F. REPORT ON COYOTE RIVER SYSTEM BY H. Monert, Assistant Engineer, Spring Valley Water Company. The upper Coyote River and its tributaries has a watershed whose topography is very simi- lar to that of Calaveras Creek. The upper reaches of the Coyote River watershed, to the south of Mt. Hamilton and ranging in ele- vation from 3600 feet in the extreme northern part to about 500 feet in the south, is in the north as effective a water-producer as the Cala- veras territory. In the extreme south this pro- ductiveness is probably diminished materially, but over a range of country stretching from the Spring Valley Water Company’s proposed dam- site ‘‘D,’’ as shown on the map, Plate (F-A-1), to the ridge separating this watershed from that of Calaveras the rainfall is comparatively high and the percentage of available run-off is above the average for this region of California. Rainfall. From the rainfall data collected by Messrs. Haehl and Toll and published in Vol. 61 of the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers (pages 531-532), a portion of the rainfall data shown on Plate (F-A-1, F-A-2) was obtained. There are records of thirteen sta- tions covering from two to seven seasons within the 115 square miles of watershed, the drainage area above the proposed damsite desig- nated as damsite ‘‘D’’ by the Spring Valley Water Company. These 13 station records have been expanded over 63 years by means of per- centage comparisons with the means of two sec- ondary base stations, San Jose and Gilroy, these two stations being previously expanded, as sec- ondary base stations, to cover a 63-year period by comparison with San Francisco, the longest rainfall record available in these parts. fils This percentage comparison was made as fol- lows: The actual records of San Jose and Gil- roy cover a period of 38 years, from 1874-75 to 1911-12. Computing the ratios of the means of these two stations to the mean of San Fran- cisco, the primary base station for the same period, we have two factors to use in multiply- ing the remainder of the San Francisco record from 1849-50 to 1874-75, which gives us a continuous estimated and actual rainfall record for the two secondary base stations (San Jose and Gilroy) for the 63 years, 1849-50 to 1911-12. A mean of these two records gives a composite base upon which the 48 records shown on Plate (F-A-2) were, by a method similar to that de- scribed above, expanded for the same 63-year period. The method above described is in conformity with the best engineering practice of treating rainfall records, having been frequently used by engineers experienced in studies of rainfall and run-off in this vicinity, and probably gives the most reliable results where long period rainfall records are not available. An inspection of Plate (F-A-1) shows the thoroughness with which this rainfall survey was made, all possible areas where local conditions might vary the seasonal precipitation being covered. The 13 stations inside the 115 square miles of watershed under consideration vary from a minimum of 17.36 inches to a maximum of 33.37 inches in the neighborhood of Mt. Hamilton. The stations being well scattered over the watershed, it is a fair assumption to use the mean of these 13 gagines as the mean rain- fall over the area considered, This mean is 26.56 inches. 426 LL. YEA ross IT Se 44 gr \ % “SS ~ RAMID PERAK \ 5 Es ay ep 43 37 A014 BE, POE . a5 ® $08 les GUAKNS |) % 4, eh CO ne © ay x \ Salis 7 ‘ —— s 7 oP LOR ae ; s hp KL 3 35 %o »® ay 2. \ yY 20 at \\ 2/7 ®@ So £ 7 , “s Va + ) \ g ; v - Zz Ss % \ > =F $5 a le SS % , 33 ‘ an e Sy Morgan 6 * Hil BS C x we A ofS ‘ : 2 > By ec 5 ° Q > @7 & a5 © k : o S a He 3 v6 8 | 3 3 0 = HI Ie > Se) / M e 6 - en « 6 e a2 I 0 N ZO x ° nm 2 f a iE x ¥ @e i & & SS > 2 y 3 Se o7 1 / 43 << 4 4 as o e EN 6 é F 9 a OW: Rucker; s 2 6 ° $ } : Orn 7 ¢ 453 ¥) a5 ., Ss a, Sy e ‘ ° @ 3 3 Ss 4 A |g cS 3 2 G “SZ v a a: ° Sy, > vy é e Z 43 Ke d - ‘ 9 SS, Q ‘5 7% z VY x, Ke MAP SHOW/NG 4 I, a ee LOCATION OF RAINFALL STATIONS f : Ss ALONG COYOTE AIVER. o* . ty & Xs = / [PLA TE-FA /. THE COYOTE CATCHMENT AREA LIES JUST SOUTH OF MT. HAMILTON. MANY RAINFALL RECORDS HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN THIS VICINITY. @ Indicates rainfall record. ‘SUVAA 89 OL GHCNVdXd DUAM WHLSAS YUAATY HLOAOO AHL dO GOOHYOSHDIAN @HL NI SGUOORU TIVANIVY AIAVIIVAV TIV ‘SdaOOaN UADNOT UAHLO HLIM NOSIYVdWOO AG eo ba -FLY Ted Of 2F | —— —— | aH (OBZ O9392/ | (€9+ | LFEF “ u se LE CEO/ SOFQL FEEF u O6¢t2/ | 1€9¢ | Seze |en om 4” Tez GP 27 a OF 221 | OF 901) /F OE \BQ4QV-LOVO NGS | OF FZ ca OZ OE! | 5509 | 9269 POUIY -OUEY EZ &2 OF a OS #91 | OF 20 | LISE/ FOC 667OS|LAl 72S 7 OL b2/ | E156 | SEB// \eQIOW 4 Ne OL? - “ O7F2E/ | le 9% | EZTI Y -EQuUY EZ GH @ 86°59 | PEPE | FO0E a “\l2 £P6/ “ GIO | OF Pl | FIE/ KDATP-tO CK St] 9072 ue OP 21/1 \ PELE | EEE “ -§Q TIS |OZ GFL ” OFfS |) 2626 | oszZ “a “ er || Eeszz ” OF LE/ | (ED | 9289 “ -GQUOL\6/ EV G1 “u WLE | 862° | 190° LORW-OCNES| coss ¥ oe eE/ | bebe | 29% |” wv | Ej a IELE | OF B/ | lOB/ (QR Y-20 Tae 2292 4 W€¢/ | e6¢E | 100s | 4 -EQdar{Z/ EF L/ Z LE ES HLF | LEES DOO -OCest/F||_ // OZ 4 OF OF/ | (E962 \ 1LE9 4 ~-EQUOL\ HY IF GZ a O22F/ | OF 2P | ZEL// POUNCE CaClos|| Seve By OFS OL/ | LE¢E | EF OS 9a Oly -59 WAC |S/ OfE6/ & Of EO/ EV SE LEGS |\SO~O 6E || ZE9/ u OF 08 12521 | GC EI \GQOY -66, TAS |P/ £0 9/ a PF 9E | PELE | ELEC “ -€QO TAS bE || 96°97 “ OEE) | (© 9% | 2°99 4 “a lE7 EV G/ MG SOLE” (EGO BE FP |SO OY - 9 VOMNLE SLLZ MG OG 8L/ (EGER LP SI u au a/ EZ L/ a 9225 | SEZP | 9F 92 \LooIy uv |9E] 7E2Z2 el OZ GP/ \ 1€9% | 6929 | 4% -—Q4eF|H/ ES L/ “ SPE | PebE | ELZE “a a GE\| SPF ” OZ 9E/ \ BEBE | 6Fze [FQ OMY- 4 To OF B/ uv OS G6 | tEeE | tebe [pO Op 1 bell ezve a OV0CL/ \ B1L5 \ G7LE \9O OY -EQ IR & EEG/ “ 896 | 862 | LEIS LOVR-EQ TATE | 9952 “ OELE/ uv OLED u “ 2 EZEZ “ OLP?/ | 19E G2 \ E9OLF “ -EQUYO\ZE|| O22 7 OL GL/ u EELI a ao Z 5 OP u OP 20/ | PERE | LILE u u VE | EveZ “ OF L1/ ” OL LS ” a ee) GLE/ u Ob 50/ | berE | OLE “ €Q7aSl|OE | se rz “ OP FEV ” 79°19 a a 7 LOZ a OG FI | (6 92 | G/F a % 627 || 9627 “ OB G11 ” OS GF a a e Y SE OF uw 0680/ | 1€9e | BLO « Quay |o2| 9ELZ/ 4 O6b 26 ” LOC “a “ Ee 15 OF a O860/ | BEBE | GESE u “ |Z2| LE EE ” OP GL/ “ 69 4 ” 2 LPG | 898! | 0996 |rerE | SeLE |sQoy-cO0eES |97\| Se 2% | B99 |OLEZ/ | (6 9¢ | 9400 |ORIY-~OUOF|/ ose |e | wwoovad |S 2599) Se Ree lavosay yo aurz|oy/| 28 | HOeW | yueaiay ES Le | PLORew Laiosay 40 2x1, [Vy UOSLEAS* EDS UOSDaIS €9 ‘DEL! WOSOPS FF PPADWTP|Ao Yy4/M WO 20g Wy svoty 79 JO WwW Learih So JEM BONO WO SPIODGY) /7BZLTOG 428 THE COYOTE The Gilroy station, being in the immediate vicinity, is the best available index of the rain- fall over this watershed for periods not covered by the records within the watershed, and its actual mean of 19.95 inches was multiplied by the factor 1.331 (the ratio of 26.56 to 19.95) in RESERVOIR. 429 order to give the proper value to each successive year in the mean rainfall over the entire area. Having a complete table (shown below) of the probable mean rainfall over this area from 1849-50 to 1911-12 as given here, the run-off conditions are as follows: TABLE SHOWING EXPANDED GILROY RAINFALL, SAN FRANCISCO USED AS A BASE STATION. Gilroy Gilroy Rainfall Season— Rainfall. x 133.10% 1849-50 satiny odie eek 28.62 38.07 DS5025 7 as vine ante eases s 6.42 8.55 WSS 152s 0 sands dime pe 15.96 21.24 LB 5 2D Bsc cae we oe ew 30.48 40.57 DB 5 3B 4 ye puch gars aera an 20.64 27.47 1854-55.........-..5. 20.54 27.34 1855-56...........00. 18.72 24.92 TBS 625 Tia. cc eos ce cea 17.21 22.91 T85 7-58 soi ea ne ecwew an 18.86 25.10 1858-59. .........0..8. 19.23 25.60 1859-60.....0........ 19.26 25.64 1860-61.............. 17.63 22.67 ARG IG 2s occa reg eatans G38 42.60 56.70 1862-63.............. 11.88 15.81 1863-64. ............. 8.72 11,61 1864-65....... 00022 21.39 28.36 1865-66.............. 21.07 28.04 1866-67.............. 30.20 40.20 1867-685 .% we saa peices 33.58 44.70 1868-69...........00. 18.50 24.62 1869-70 one dior eg seers wees 17.37 23.12 PSOE THs oc coisas ea ae 12.20 16.24 WOTET2 ss cave cates 26.22 34.90 UST 2-T8er5% crass Sas 14.26 18.98 PBT (ie. g ach de one Hib 20.62 27.45 USTED. cance apts on aaee 15.12 20.12 TAVG-T6 cs ce hase een eee 31.04 41.31 TRIG TG iicay eames sues 6.53 8.68 TST FT Bie aie seg ete aegis 28.03 37.31 1878279)2. ckaawee aes 16.76 22.31 1879-80..........00-. 22.38 29.79 1880-81...........28- 23.42 31.17 USS 1-82) oa ceeeice acess 14.09 18.75 VBS IRB rarest caus eantantars 15.19 20.22 Raun-off. The accurate gagings made in conjunction with the precipitation records, above discussed, and covering seven complete seasons are shown in the following table: GAGINGS OF COYOTE RIVER. Tributary Catchment Area 193.20 sq. mi. Rainfall Run-off Run-off 133.10% Season M. G. inches of Gilroy 1902-03 ......... 27,070 8.066 23.27 1908-04 ......... 11,611 3.460 24.30 1904-05 .......-- 10,396 3.098 30.94 1905-06 ......... 37,928 11.300 39.16 1906-07 ......... 66,517 19.820 38.57 1907-08 ......... 15,442 4.602 18.97 1908-09 ......... 57,637 17.170 37.02 Total ........ 226,601 67.516 212.23 Mean .......- 32,731 9.645 30.71 M.. G. Ds. tases 88.69 0” .02643 1” over watershed = 3356 M. G. Gilroy Gilroy Rainfall Season— Rainfall. x 183.10% 1883-84...........0.0. 24.60 32.74 1884-85...........08. 14.74 19.62 1885-86 s2ccawneea was 21.45 28.55 TS86287 soe ss pads inks 11.11 14.77 VS87288). cc: aman ows s 16.78 22.33 1888-89). ou ees baa ees 14.44 19.22 1889-90...........048. 37.75 50.21 LS9O= OM sie ssn pag wane 14.84 19.75 1891-99) ..o. ee eeaieg ae 18.91 25.17 1392-933 crane katara ne 24.50 32.61 1893-94.............. 12.91 17.18 1894-95....... 0.0080. 28.81 88.35 1895-96...........00. 24.70 32.88 1896-97... cee ce ees 21.82 29.04 1897-98.............. 10.44 13.90 1898-99. 2 cciea aes 19.44 25.87 1899-00.............. 14.54 19.35 1900-01.............. 23.17 30.84 1901-02.............. 18.41 24.50 190808 ..0cs4c5 e24ee nas 17.48 23.27 1903-04.............4. 18.26 24.30 1904-05......-....2.. 23.25 30.94 1905-06............06 29.42 39.16 1906-07.........0.00. 28.98 38.57 1907-08 3. cs aeven ences 14.25 18.97 1908-09.............. 27.81 37.02 1909-10...........4.. 19.47 25.91 1910-14 2 ce cen ey pede 19.38 25.80 POET doco d cee eterns actin 13.87 18.46 Total: .asc62 a0 1269.67 1689.75 Mean ercaciwe acces 20.16 26.80 These gagings were taken at a point several miles below the damsite of the proposed Coyote Reservoir, designated as damsite ‘‘D.”’ From studies of the measured run-off of Ala- meda Creek (see Appendix B), it was determined that within the 23 years, 1889-90 to 1911-12, there existed a cycle of eight dry years. It was also found that the run-off varied for different seasons having practically the same seasonal precipitation, and that reliable results could best be obtained by arranging the 23 seasons into five groups, each of which fulfilled different conditions of run-off. There is every reason to believe that this same grouping applies to all the catchment areas in this vicinity and the same method has, therefore, been used in computing the run-off for the ‘GUNIVLEO HA AVW SLINSHY AIAVITIGU AUDA ‘AMONOU AO ADVINHOURd OL DNIGUOOOV SUVAA FHL DNIdNOUD AG CS AYA 2-1lel & 06-695) Ue LOE SOR €F7 1Ol Wy OC G// JO P2EYAHLDNA AAA BLONOD 7 10-50-56 WO LfOLI7LY PUP [OALMELY deeM{E7 UOLf{YES OUIMOYS FFAA177) Z Z6- €6- 20-00 see ema € 20 06- 96-0/-06-LE ee re P 66-26-2/-60 /1-16-80-LO-€0 SY VATA SfONMTLY ~ SAYDL/ 430 THE COYOTE RESERVOIR. 431 Coyote River above the reservoir for the 23 years, 1889-90 to 1911-12. Therefore, the meas- ured run-offs, expressed in inches, and their cor- responding precipitations were plotted co-ordi- nately, resulting in five curves (Plate F-2.), indicating as nearly as possible the run-off with consideration for the important factors, namely: intensity, amount, and distribution of rainfall. From the table of gagings the season 1902-03 has a rainfall of 23.27 inches and a run- off of 8.07 inches, while the season 1903-04 has a rainfall of 24.30 inches and a run-off of 3.46 inches, from which it is seen that with a differ- ence of only 1.03 inches in rainfall there is a difference in run-off of 4.61 inches. This is due, of course, to the factors mentioned. The data being at hand to enable a complete study to be made of the rainfall and run-off of the Alameda Creek System for the 23-year pe- riod from 1889-90 to 1911-12, which shows sim- ilar climatic variations to that of the Coyote drainage area, such data was used as a basis for determining the flow of Coyote River for the same period, as is particularly shown in the following table. From this calculation a pro- eressive summation or mass curve was pro- jected, as shown on Plate F-3. Capacity of Reservoir. A survey of the reservoir site made by the engineers of the Spring Valley Water Company in 1903 (Plate F-4), gives a capacity of 9065 M. G. with a dam 150 feet high. A detailed analysis of this mass diagrain showed that the determining period or the crite- rion for deducing the dependable draft for the given storage occurred in the years from 1899- 1900 to 1902-03. Reference to the mass diagram shows that a gross draft of 23.01 M. G. D. would just empty the reservoir in the season of 1901-02. From this gross draft, allowance must be made for loss due to evaporation. By means of a contour map the estimated area of the water surface five feet below the top of the dam was determined to be 517 acres. On page 382 of the ‘‘Engineering News’’ of February 29, 1912, Mr. Edwin Duryea, Jr., gives the results of some experiments on the evapora- tion of water from water surfaces. These ex- periments were made at the Upper Gorge, about 11 miles from the proposed reservoir. His re- sults are given in Appendix ‘‘D,’’ and indicate that the seasonal evaporation from a water sur- face in this locality amounts to 45 inches. Assuming the evaporation to amount to 48 inches a year, in order to make a conservative estimate, the quantity over this water surface is 1.85 M. G. D., or a net draft of 23.01—1.85 = 21.16, M. G. D. TABLE SHOWING RELATION BETWEEN RAINFALL AND RUN-OFF FOR 23 YEARS. Mean rainfall Run-off Season over 115 sq. mi. in inches 1889-90) cid esis eo tube 50.21 22.75 1890291) ccc. see ceda vane 19.75 5.00 AS91902 cca wevei ey vauers 25.17 4.00 1892-93 se sya. 8.5 ahiie wie auc 32.61 7.50 1898-94 sees eek ns eens es os 17.18 1.25 1B 94D: os seo toiie a ose saeeeal oA 38.35 7.00 1895296 sci ise Ree ee 32.88 10.50 1896-97 sisse aces cee sa we 29.04 8.00 1897-98) as. sie haareen 69 eae ane 8 13.90 1.50 1898-99) oc cea sd edegeeess 25.87 8.10 1899-00): sac at tue ois siege 19.35 1.80 V90020L, ities sos diese ctew ev oe 30.84 3.20 1901-02) isis eco ees Se emer 24.50 5.50 1902-08) io eccceais 08 asessebune 23.27 #8.07 1903-045 vs. ce:cie eae dud oe are 24.30 #3 .46 1904-05 ...... 2. cee enna 30.94 #3.10 1905206) oss ieee she tie sstce 6 39.16 #11.30 1906-07 sigec seen eure ees 38.57 #19.82 1907-08 ....... ee eee eee 18.97 #4.60 1908-09) secede cesar caress 37.02 #:17.17 1909-10) iiess ecrerniost Yea aes 25.91 6.30 AQLOL erie sundenes ote Pars 25.80 9.50 191T°12 secede cece sa ees 18.46 4.30 Total) «se xedvd gore nose 642.05 173.72 MGA o65 ccd eee as.s 27.91 7.554 MeiG: Devaidtaaswaase S5eeer = = 8 § gudtios #Actual gagings. Run -off in Run-off in mill. gall. mill. gall. Area ll5sq. mi. Area 193.2 sq. mi. Difference 45,430 76,360 30,930 9,985 16,780 6,795 7,988 13,423 5,435 14,980 25,170 10,190 2,496 4,196 1,700 13,980 23,490 9,510 20,970 35,240 14,270 15,980 26,850 10,870 2,996 5,034 2,038 14,980 25,170 10,190 3,595 6,041 2,446 6,390 10,740 4,350 10,980 18,460 7,480 16,120 27,070 10,950 6,910 11,611 4,701 6,191 10,396 4,205 22,570 37,928 15,358 39,580 66,517 26,937 9,186 15,442 6,256 34,290 57,637 23,347 12,580 21,140 8,560 18,970 31,880 12,910 8,587 14,430 5,843 345,734 581,005 235,271 15,030 25,260 10,230 41.18 69.21 28.03 \LOIULSIG NVLIIOGOULHN BHL YOL AIAVIIVAV SI WHLSAS UAAIY ALOAOO GAHL WOU “d ‘9 "W T¢ UHAO FS - 27 _2WH12 = 4/217 42N 44 GY/ (= UOMDIOSOAZ E-26 216 1-06 06-69 OW I0EZ =4fO17 SSO/L) Be | DW £906 =lloALasady fo Ayj20007 apoE A WES G1] =OANY fUBUYILOD £96 9°56 596 4-6) | a ic SOVNIVHO CaHSUALUM weet || HSN Y ALOAOD pas voor _| Wav’ SSVW a jou been aor gid (-00 00-66 6-96 bg 7 Lop $40 P-£0 €-20 2-10| __dosz per Le] 6:90 8-40 L-90 9-90 er | ley PEL? Nae [— G09 E- OOP SA/\| /2A2L Ae ee no Q000/ | //-a/ pouTy bes ie pu OOZ% | O/-60 oe FA yo: 00057 | 60-80 7 2 oil? OOOZE | LO-90 ZL WO O-60|_ poe Inez 7 OO01/ | _90-F0 ovove] z OO9E E0-20 Le OOS2 | 68-96 ee | see O09L | LES (Coco 0020/ | 9-56 9 O00) | 56-6 OOS & LE-L5 0002 | 16-@& QOOZE | 6-EP DW SY2aK SOOlYFS FLSVM 432 SURPLUS WATER. The reservoir would be full in the years shown in the following table as waste years: TABLE SHOWING WASTE YEARS. Season M.G. 1889-9 0%. sre srehenetas ations da ayn ae aheun yaar 32,000 1890294. ee. acceso wg ogee Meo Seaane: acd aoe 2,000 WSO DOD soos edie ce artepansy Rear ava ieee de ie 0 1892-93 asscweistesrcae ceemes nas 4,500 1893-946 aoa nas queen dates hae 0 TOO kG 55 x cain lous ane! gate eas esd Site Kae 1,000 TRO 5 AOG: soa snacs octane doavGual habe mune. a aduaine 10,200 PROG OT sa ocean taraaneads adttiig wanecte aay 6 7,600 1897-98) geass es aden bes be esas 0 1898-99) dicts! oahiaw owner wa aa 2,500 1899-00) cd-cie asus inka ea aie ex ges 0 1900-00 ig ose three hae at eased on canes 0 TOOVOD ceone vad ate cimnenee ae ware wars 0 1902-03 s.ane: eae es ewe eteeeeens 3,600 AG 03204 «2 5 audsivasnssan de avaute ea aaecacach lanes 0 EQOSOS:. 5 stiste ns aig as sue eo aegee wy a seas 0 1905-06 scamvesawes detec ameeame s 11,000 TVOOG OT. 2 xdisieecapians Sheehan se epee 32,000 POOT=O8' sarang ve wth caepare a age oo ded 9 0 1908209: os. on keds 24 He ba Ree Bee 25,000 AQO9ENO! « cecaie vo-spariie Wii td ater 4 aac 4,200 TOLODT. csteecewxy eadan ante des eed 10,000 VOUT aoe cat leks oa STEERER 0 PROCAL: «..siaso ashen Gx aie @ areas R Livers 4 145,600 EVE Gis Dive cietens cates: canals sane eee RS 17.34 433 A table has been constructed giving the total amount of run-off measured at the place where the seven years’ gagings were taken (above which there is a catchment area of 193.2 square miles), together with the difference between this amount and that derived from the 115 square miles above the Coyote Reservoir. This difference gives an average of about 28 M. G. D., which is carried on down into Santa Clara Val- ley. The table on Plate F-3 shows the fre- quency and amounts of the waste over the 23- year period. The sum of these wastes makes an average total of 45 M. G. D. going into the val- ley below. An analysis of the table of gagings shows a mean discharge for the seven years of 88.69 M. G. D., with a rainfall of 30.71 inches, or a mean seasonal run-off of 9.645 inches. The mean in inches for the 23 years is 7.554 inches with a rainfall of 27.91 inches. “LOIMLSIG NVLIIOGOULHW AHL JO ASA AHL YOM SGOOTA AHL HAUHSNOO 'TTIM YIOAUASAU ALOAOD AHL 3 “DLO eZ AY cf tee ‘LIC LOG ~adegn ‘SIONGAISFTYT FLICAGD eee Gp Has (SE 10 ZHAN WV AO NOILIFS 2 SAWN FL GZ = /OASBLLY SOZLOD #284 oobe co, OOS OMG MOALBISGLY BLOK0] 7 °o copy ~eay O07 oo oO "PA OICS LT. YfptIOF fO UOlIEg~ SPO PRT UL Pa ‘eAN119 Afpl20002 SUOJER LAY }IWf PUDSTION L ib QF & Z VOLLOAB, 434 WATERSHED CATCHMENT\ MEAN AREA SUBO/V/S/ONS AREA /N L771.) RAINFALL La Honda 9/4. 43.87 ers C 7.3, 4. e Cree. 7.70 50.40 Cc sO 16, ower Honda 446 5/.8O la2) 19.65 6427 2.99 pe yo PLATE-GI. RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION PENINSULAR SYSTEM SPRING VALLEY WATER CO. AUGUST 1912. Isohyetose lines represent normal seasonal rainfall for period 1849-50 to I9II-12. Primary Base Station - San Francisco. ‘4 F Roy 5 y fs RS 3 i, JT eres y MEAN SEASONAL FAIN A : OBSERVED |ACTIAL _ RECORD MEAN | IEAN 1899-1903 25. 2422 1868-69-1/-12 | 4/68 | 4257 (864-65-/1-12 | 51.78 | Sy. 1875-75-11-12 |, 3608 | 36.9 1891-92112 | 3/49 | 3448 /843-95/1-12 |\*3/.62 | 248 1874-75-12 | 2/. 2/54 1899-1903 | 1742 | 16.56 /8.93- 13| 3228 | 3378 1892-93-05-06| 31/2 |»31/.08 =90-05-06| 5455 | 539 WHWA/2 | 5627 | $E/5 -1903 23.6/_| 23.67 434a Appendix G. REPORT ON COAST STREAMS AND WEST UNION CREEK BY I. BE. Fuaa. Assistant Engineer Spring Valley Water Company. The catchment area of the coast streams is on the western or ocean slope of the penin- sula mountains. It is covered with a virgin forest of firs and redwoods. The mean seasonal rainfall at Pilarcitos (elevation 695’), whose watershed joins that of the coast streams on the north and east, is 51.78 inches as determined by 37 years of actual records. The actual mean sea- sonal rainfall of the Boulder Creek catchment area is 56.27 inches and is determined by 22 years’ gagings at Boulder Creek (elevation 470’), whose watershed joins that of the coast streams on the south. The mean seasonal rainfall on Pescadero Creek at Camp Howard is 54.55 inches, as de- termined by 17 years of actual gaging. This rainfall is high, due to frequent fogs, and the temperature, even in summer, is cool. These several factors combine to regulate the run-off and produce a marked increase in the summer flow. In this report only San Gregorio and Pesea- dero Creeks are used in the proposed develop- ment. Pescadero and San Gregorio Creeks. It is proposed to divert the run-off of Pesca- dero and San Gregorio Creeks, by gravitation and pumping, into Crystal Springs Reservoir through a system of concrete-lined conduits and tunnels. (See Plate G-1.) All that portion of the catchment area above 422 feet elevation is available for the gravity system, or about 40.16 square miles out of the 64.27 square miles above Pescadero Reservoir site. All run-off in these upper catchment areas in excess of the conduit capacity is impounded in the Pescadero Resger- voir to be pumped back into the conduit system. The catchment area tributary to the conduit is 40.16 square miles (see Plate G-1), divided as follows: Upper La Honda ........ 9.14 sq. mi Peters Creek ... ........ 7.32 : Alpine Creek ..... ...... 7.70 se Upper Pescadero ........ 16.900 pe SEO GEEM gs Ses herd te Geel ee eee 40.16 * The catchment area of Pescadero Reservoir, excluding 40.16 square miles tributary to con- duit, is 24.11 square miles, the total area of Coast streams being 64.27 square miles. The Pescadero Reservoir has a storage capacity of 30,000 M. G., with a 310-foot dam. (See Plate G-4.) Rainfall. Nineteen rainfall stations on the Peninsula having records for a period ranging from 5 to 63 years, were expauded into a 63-year period by comparison with the 63-year record of San Francisco and other long period records. The mean annual rainfall for 63 years for each sta- tion was then determined. (See table.) The mean annual records so determined were then located upon a map and curves of equal rainfall or isohyetose lines were drawn. (See Plate G-1.) From this map, by use of the planimeter, the mean area rainfall over each subsidiary eatch- ment area, as well as the entire catchment area, was determined in the manner described in the preceding Appendix ‘‘A’’, 435 ‘ADVUOLS ‘SNOTTVD NOITTIW 00008 DNIGIAOUG GNV TIVANIVY HDIH ATTVOSONOD JO GHHSUALVM CHLSHUOA ATASNEG V NIHLIM DNIAT | 7OD- of te Sf WOOL, ABLTOUOD Pasodety YO UOl{oAa/Z JQ o1apoo2say rey Y) le eee Ne, Wa Y WIONT TASTY OFFIVOSaa Ci pe ~ Oo y " & FP uu OW o00be =Kys00d07 J S Ne NOILVA A 1a ¥ IVA ee ; Wey, SISAGISIY OTIIVIE 2 wu, JO avn D fSOAD O27 7 s Gs 436 RAINFALL AND RUN-OFF. MEAN SEASONAL RAINFALL. Observed Station Record San Francisco .......... 1849-50—1911-12 Boulder Creek ......... 1888-89—1911-12 Crystal Springs Cottage ..1894-95—1911-12 Crystal Springs—-Lower . .1891-92—-1911-12 Crystal Springs-—Upper ..1875-76—1911-12 Los Gatos ............ 1885-86—1911-12 Menlo Park ........... 1878-79—1911-12 PESCAGEFG:?: 4 caste aw eae 1889-90—1905-06 Pilarcitos .eaca0c ese a> 1864-65—1911-12 Portola. , owicccwannewews 1892-93—1905-06 San Andreas ........... 1868-69—1911-12 San Jose .............. 1874-75—1911-12 San Mateo ............ 1874-75—1911-12 Santa Cruz ............ 1878-79—1911-12 Woodside . .........4.- 1893-94—1902-03 Pt. Montara ........... 1899-1903 Redwood City ......... 1899-19038 So. San Francisco ....... 1899-1903 Millbrae . ...........-. 1899-19038 437 No. of Actual Expanded Years Mean Mean Blevation 63 22.80 24 56.27 58.15 470 18 81.62 34.80 300 22 31.49 34.48 300 37 36.08 86.90 300 27 33.89 384.69 600 34 16.99 17.10 64 17 54.55 53.90 48 51.78 51.82 695 14 31.12 31.08 370 44 41.68 42.57 445 38 15.28 15.382 95 38 21.23 21.54 22 384 27.66 28.31 20 10 32.28 33.78 600 5 23.81 23.67 5 17.42 16.56 5 19.95 20.48 5 25.90 24.22 The results of these calculations are shown in table below: Mean Area Rainfall for 63-Year Area in Period Catchment Area Square Miles in Inches Upper La Honda ....... 9.14 43.87 Peters Creek ........-. 7.32 49.90 Alpine Creek .......... 7.70 50.40 Upper Pescadero ....... 16.00 52.58 Lower La Honda ....... 4.46 51.80 Lower Pescadero ....... 19.65 48.50 Total: 2 «anes eases 64.27 Mean. .49.50 Run-off. Daily rainfall records for 17 years, 1889-90 to 1905-06, and stream gagings for a period of 7 years were taken on Pescadero Creek at Camp Howard (catchment area 16 square miles) by the Spring Valley Water Company, from which the seasonal run-off per square mile of catch- ment area of Pescadero Creek for 6 years, 1899- 1900 to 1905-06, was determined as follows: PESCADERO RUN-OFF. Pescadero Areal Actual Run-off per Season Rainfall Run-off Square Mile In. M.G. M. G. 1899-1900—45.5 2655.13 165.95 1900-1901—49.9 9178.98 573.62 1901-1902—46.6 5658.85 353.68 1902-1903—45.9 4507.50 281.70 1903-1904—53.6 9742.80 608.99 1904-1905—54.0 7395.20 462.20 Pilarcitos and San Andreas Reservoir catch- ment areas are of a similar nature to that of Pescadero with respect to location, elevation, topography, size of catchment area and climate. Actual rainfall and run-off records for a period of 43 years, from 1869-70 to date have been taken and are tabulated below. RAINFALL AND RUN-OFF PILARCITOS AND SAN ANDREAS. Run -off Rainfall Season M. G. per Sq. Mi. Inches 1869-70........ 168.4 43.13 1870-71........ 62.4 85.09 ESTEE T 2 xe wre ws 444.0 80.58 187-2273 wwe es 197.4 39.17 U8 78=T4.04 acces 253.5 48.97 LSTA ST BS cassie acess 6 125.0 44.37 1875-765 cae ces 475.0 69.48 1876-77........ 6.1 22.37 AST TATE i cscs 487.0 72.85 AS T8=T9 oxen x 288.0 56.10 1879-80........ 344.0 56.55 1880-81........ 405.0 53.89 1881-82 iia sw sas 178.0 384.27 1882-838...... 138.0 33.91 1883-84........ 320.0 54.99 1884-85........ 203.0 88.21 1885-86........ 399.0 51.94 1886-87........ 177.0 35.66 1887-88........ 194.0 38.75 1888-89........ 204.0 41.17 1889-90........ 576.0 73.67 VSi90 Gog asi wean 152.0 37.78 1891-92........ 103.0 43.13 1892-938..... 250.0 58.30 1898-94........ 211.0 54.86 1894-95.. ..... 296.0 66.93 1895-96. 6. ewes 184.0 50.44 1896-9 Ta. cess 304.0 50.47 1897-98........ 47.0 26.26 1898-99........ 134.0 42.56 1899-00........ 290.0 44.71 1900-01........ 232.0 43.87 1901-02........ 238.0 40.68 1902-03........ 328.0 38.00 1903-04........ 397.0 48.70 1904-05........ 294.0 44.79 1905-06........ 246.0 37.82 1906-07........ 485.0 43.47 1907-08........ 184.0 28.07 1908-09........ 452.0 52.37 1909-10... 8500. 223.0 82.90 P9DORDL ice oes 347.0 47.78 1914-12 beg eres 72.0 23.70 These records were used in conjunction with the 7-year records of Pescadero (see table, page ‘SUVHA & UOA WVEULS LSVOO NO AMO-NOU GNV TIVANIVY NEEMLEE NOILVWIGU FHL 25 -BfE// A -116/ Of O6-68H/ LOL (Ie/OLJ C1Z2D ISA J UFLAS JGISUILTRY SOL POST SOALTD JOLY ZL 96 66 4 |€6 F696 SL C6ELLIL yal 62 ORL LPLOLO 2 | PO767068 16 96 & £0 O/ 80 BAINA DOL OLGOOISGS ° {OTL SOJ/DLO[lf Os SIYILIL Li L[[OfJWEL/ SP Op GE OF 74 O2 Sl Or S S Q Q yyy able 41a7 suojjOe) uous 438 CALCULATION OF RUN-OFF. 437) in the construction of five curves showing the run-off in M. G. per square mile per inch of rainfall. (See Plate G-2.) Five curves are used, each one showing different conditions of intensity and distribution of yearly precipita- tion. They depart quite materially from the average curve of run-off to precipitation. Fur- ther discussion of the development and con- struction of these curves is unnecessary, as they are similar to those used in the discussion of the Alameda Creek System (Appendix B), and also to those used in the discussion on Coy- ote Creek rainfall and run-off (Appendix F). The actual run-off of 16 square miles of Pes- cadero Creek was expanded by area rainfall relation, to cover the remaining 40.16 square miles by comparing this rainfall (50 inches) to that of Pescadero (53.4 inches), or 92%. Ap- plying this percentage to the expanded rainfall at Pescadero, we obtain the annua! area rainfall for the 40.16 square miles over a period of 23 years, as shown in column 1 of the table. Applying these mean area rainfalls to the proper run-off curve we obtain the run-off as shown in column I! of same table, with the ex- ception of the six seasons, 1899-1900 to 1904-05, where the actual run-off at Pescadero was used. For calculating the overflow quantities dur- ing the storm periods the daily run-off from the upper Pescadero catchment area was used as a base. As the problem to be solved involves both a gravity flow conduit and a reservoir of known capacity, the contents of which are to be pumped into a conduit that leads to Crystal Springs Reservoir, if was necessary to assume certain capacities for the various gravity flow conduits. The assumptions are made as fol- lows: Upper Pescadero ......... 28 M.G.D Peters Creek 4 sa éeuc eevee ue 13 a North La Honda............ 16 Alpine Creek ............-. 13 a Total gravity flow ........ 70 s The sections of this conduit increase in carry- ing capacity as follows: Upper Pescadero ........... 28 M. G. D Between Peters and N. La Honda: 3. 4-aa-d eas aot 5 41 = Between North La Honda and AIDING... cick eee Se 57 Between Alpine and Tunnel. 70 es 439 The run-off and the conduit capacity of the Upper Pescadero area being known, the overflow quantities were calculated from the daily read- ings. As the same rate of run-off was assumed for all other areas, the run-off was calculated as follows: PGCORS: a tamerecedoeres 45% of Upper Pescadero North La Honda ..57% ne Alpine ......... 48% a The capacity of the various feeders also being known, the overflow quantities were calculated by the same methods used for the Upper Pesca- dero. The total overflow quantities were found for the area of 40.16 square miles to be as fol- lows: 1899-1900 ce tne aces 3,640 M. G. 1900-1901 . savereseeews 7,580 > TIOTHLGO 2 os arom areata es 9,175 a 1902-1908 . «... eee. 4,690 # L903 DIO. 6 Sete e eee ees 17,800 Ge LO O4AL 905 oy. oid ogous a ode 7,420 The actual run-off quantities from the Upper Pescadero are as follows: T899=0900 aacciasewrars 2,655 M. G. 1900-1901, 6 cesar deernees 9,178 a TOQTHAL9O2 ve ovis te see wie nar 5,658 ad EOO2Z51908 . 24s weenie em ees 4,507 e 1903-1904 ~ saceas eee aa ss 9,742 ee 1904-1905 ... ee eee eee 7,395 As the total catchment area that involves the gravity flow conduit is 40.16 square miles, the total run-off was taken as approximately 2.5 times the actual run-off of the Upper Pescadero catchment area, The actual quantities of run- off, conduit flow and overfiow are as follows: Conduit Season Run-off Overflow Flow 1899-1900. 6,625 3,640 2,985 1900-1901...... 21,950 7,580 14,370 1901-1902...... 14,150 9,175 4,975 1902-1903...... 11,250 4,690 6,560 1903-1904.... 24,350 17,800 6,550 1904-1905...... 18,490 7,420 11,070 For expanding over a period of 23 years a rate of run-off per square mile was used de- pending upon the seasonal rate of rainfall, ap- plied to its respective curve as shown on Plate G-2. This value multiplied by the total area of ‘HIOAUHSHU OUNCVOSHd HHL SHHOVEA HOIHM LVHL CNV UOAURSHY SDNIUdS IVLSAUD AHL OLNI ATLOAYIC DNIMOTA UALVM AO ALILNVNOD AHL DNIMOHS HdVUNOUdAH EO-HOle] ‘SOON 7 JUBUYLY{Q) OGOUOY OF 48VG/) ¥ OUT Slala/ GEESE 180) SO WRIDDIT] (LOLITAS IDEA SUDA /QUOSDAD MOY SONQ Ayyweng pnpueg Aywwak =] Kia AM 11-01 Of-60 60-90 80-L0 L0-90 90-90 50-%0 0-€0 £0-20 20-10 10-00 00-66 66-96 86-L6 LE-96 96-56 56-06 6-€6 €6-26 26-16 16-06 06-69 ro y y LM. L) Ly aN SS Nv © © g 440 YON xg g Q SUO//OF) LIOI//IAl PUOSTION L N N eZ 92 82 OF ‘WVUOVIG SIHL NI NMOHS SALVU LV HIOAUHSHU SONINdS IVLISAUO OL GCHYUAASNVUL Wd GINOM UIOAUASHY OUHAVOSHd WOU YALVA ap ate DW F/ = Uvolotodonz Kjlog DW O000E = SIONSAS BLY pasodosy #0 K4/20065 /ef¢OL E26 26-16 16-06 06-69 weak ul Syywoul 2-~K/100 OW of as a SFfOWTTLY YO Pf BLY 2 110A12S9, & Sb (fo /21a7 “oar GE al > Wee . 067? £96 9-56 5-06 $66 | 7~ oi DW 9 KApropdeg buiduiny xoy ow ! 5 se] ie S w SE W/ONGTS-FE OS SOVWIS ATA 10°00 00-86. 6-86. OLEST™ = is = Se WVADVIS SSVW 5-20 P-£0 E-20 Z0-l0 & Ss oo] fey ; / rT & % Syme C2/ 5 hy gy Ob/ Aerodt 5-80 G-LO £90 9-50, | 297 1N e s a LU yo! | al & y im OG/ | p 4) & F cuol 2-1/1 11-O/ 1-60 & Y 07 a ee ‘Euclid yo sepps af 8 4 T ZP BOQ PU! AlUlf ffO41P LapuTT SatTbly @ od ee 7 “ ” DPUOLY/ OF OYflIOG un” “" 8 TT DAY YOD C41QQOISAY HAMOT YO KfOL7yY /OEfOL a 97 a “ ID BOUOY OT YF+~ S| Bw, 7) ” “a OL lid wl g [| ew ” ” YOBL2 a7 x OBIY YOD C13202S8ay s2e0d7 WOOLY Sayyuony MYp~IENQ Fgoryjou usowtboig SteLL —“FLON 441 442 40.16 square miles gave the expanded values of run-off, found in table. From a series of five percentage curves found by plotting the known run-off quantities of the Pilareitos, San Andreas and the six known quantities of the Pescadero areas the overflow values were found which are given in the above mentioned table. The difference between run-off and overflow quantities gave the amount of water running in conduits for seasonal years, as shown by columns III and IV of table, and diagramatically on Hydrograph Plate G-3. The Lower Pescadero or Reservoir Catchment Area. The reservoir being supplied by the over- flow quantities of the above mentioned catch- ment areas and the run-off of the area itself, to- gether with the Lower La Honda drainage (see Plate G-1), it is necessary to calculate run- off from the areas mentioned. There being an intervening ridge between the catchment area of the Lower La Honda and the reservoir, all the water will have to be passed through a tun- nel. The same methods of calculations were used as mentioned in first part of description years, as shown in column 1 of the table. TABLE OF RUN-OFF FROM UPPER PESCADERO, PETERS, ALPINE AND UPPER LA HONDA CATCHMENT AREAS. Yearly Total Conduit Season Rainfall Run-off Overflow Flow I II III IV 1889-90..... 86.0 26,130 11,190 14,940 1890-91..... 42.1 7,236 3,100 4,136 1891-92..... 37.4 8,136 983 2,153 1892-93..... 66.8 12,945 4.060 8,885 1893-94..... 45.8 5,628 1,760 3,868 1894-95..... 62.8 10,895 3.417 7,478 1995-96..... 50.3 7,156 2,242 4,914 1896-97..... 58.0 14,471 6,200 8,271 1897-98..... 22.3 1,045 447 598 1898-99..... 389.1 5,000 1,822 3,178 1899-00..... 43.8 6,625 3,640 2,985 1900-01..... 48.0 21,950 7,580 14,370 1901-02..... 44.8 14,150 9,175 4,975 1902-03..... 44.2 11,250 4,690 6,560 1903-04..... 51.6 24,350 17,800 6,550 1904-05..... 52.0 18,490 7,420 11,070 1905-06..... 55.4 20,100 13,200 6,900 1906-07..... 47.6 21,227 16,560 4,667 1907-08..... 32.4 10,211 7,800 2,411 1908-09..... 51.2 17,288 11,380 5,908 1909-10..... 37.2 11,658 8,500 3,158 1910-11..... 48.6 14,000 6,180 7,820 1911-12..... 24.0 2,934 2,058 876 M. G. D.. .... 34.29 18.0 16.28 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. TABLE OF RUN-OFF OF LOWER PESCADERO AND LOWER LA HONDA CATCHMENT AREAS AND OVERFLOW QUANTITIES FROM OTHER CATCHMENT AREAS. Lower Lower Season Pescadero Overflow La Honda Total I II Tit IV 1889-90..... 9,460 11,190 2,165 22,813 1890-91..... 2,620 3,100 632 6,352 1891-92..... 1,920 983 824 3,727 1892-93..... 5,370 4,060 1,356 10,786 1893-94..... 5,380 1,760 1,389 8,529 1894-95..... 6,340 3,417 1,730 11,487 1895-96..... 3,770 2,242 948 6,960 1896-97..... 6,660 6,200 1,676 14,536 1897-98..... 1,220 447 324 1,991 1898-99..... 3,095 1,822 829 5,746 1899-00..... 6,810 3,640 1,722 12,172 1900-01...... 5,400 7,580 1,331 14,311 1901-02..... 5,720 9,175 1,593 16,488 1902-038..... 2,460 4,690 1,048 8,198 1908-04..... 8,740 17,800 2,204 28,744 1904-05..... 5,544 7,420 1,414 14,378 1905-06..... 4,855 13,200 1,248 19,303 1906-07..... 8,266 16,560 2,055 26,875 1907-08..... 8,520 7,800 907 12,227 1908-09..... 7,670 11,380 1,914 20,964 1909-10..... 4,150 8,500 1,073 13,723 1910-11..... 5,570 6,180 1,439 13,189 1911-12..... 1,387 2,058 358 3,803 M.G.D... 13.81 18.00 3.59 35.41 The results in last column of the table were plotted in mass curve (Plate G-5), from which the draft or pumping from Pescadero Res- ervoir was determined. The reservoir being used only for the storage of storm flow and being some 200 feet below con- duit level, it is necessary to raise the water to this level. The rate of pumping being arbitrary, depending upon the level and capacity of reser- voir, it was found that the best conditions would be to pump a maximum daily capacity of 30 M. G. for the months of January and February. For the other remaining months a maximum pump- ing capacity of 75 M. G. could be used, depend- ing, as mentioned above, on the reservoir level. From mass curve (Plate G-5) it is seen that 75 M. G. would only have been used for two periods of 10 months each in the past 23 years and that a quantity of 50 M. G. would be a more constant one. Conclusions as to Productivity of Coast Streams. The Coast streams are capable of producing a gross run-off of 51.69 M. G. D. Deducting 1.5 M. G. D. for evaporation, in Pescadero Reser- voir, we have a net draft of 50.19 M. G. D. ‘HIOAUHSHU SONIUdS TVLSAUO AHL OL MHHYO NOIND ISAM WOUd THNNOL DNILUGAIC AO TIVLEdC GNV NVWId 99-HO_ OF 5 / - YO2S PIA Oe YYTTA) LIOMM) JEW 70 WOLI28E (GULL F CLLY & 6 MO" ®t 602 *Kyoode) 089 1B Lf /1 HOON 000] 12d F-adojg JOULNTL JO UOlLIES om WAU SSZNa | EEMIMWZAs 9 do Mee eet gf MELON O RT FE ‘ Ww 443 444 Of this 50.19 M. G. D. about 16.28 M. G. D. will flow by gravity, while 33.91 M. G. D. will be pumped into Crystal Springs Reservoir via the gravity conduit and tunnel. West Union Creek. The West Union Creek catchment area is on the eastern or Bay slope of the peninsular mountains, adjoining that of Upper Crystal Springs Reservoir on the south. With respect to location, topography, climate and vegetation it is practically the same as that of Crystal Springs Reservoir. In this project it is proposed to divert the run- off from 1.95 square miles of West Union Creek and 1.04 square miles of McGarvey Gulch, a tributary to West Union Creek, into Crystal Springs Reservoir, by about 500 feet of con- crete-lined conduit and 2775 feet of concrete- lined tunnel. (See details on Plate G-6 and lo- cation on Plate G-1.) No rainfall or run-off records for West Union Creek being available, the run-off per square mile from the Crystal Spring Reservoir ecatch- ment area was applied to the 2.99 square miles THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. of West Union Creek for a period of 23 years, 1889-1890 to date, the results being as shown on following table. From these results it is seen that West Union Creek produces an average of 1.54 M. G. D. TABLE OF RUN-OFF OF WEST UNION CREEK CATCHMENT AREA (2.99 SQ. MI.) Season. 1889-905 wc soca dered ts tae eee 1900-01 1901-02.. 1902-03. 1903-04. 1904-05. 1905-06. 1906-07. 1907-08. 1908-09. 1909-10... 1910-11... 1911-12 Appendix H. HYDROGRAPHIC DATA Compiled by GrEorGE G. ANDERSON, C. E. The data given in the following tables were compiled and used by Mr. An- derson in the determination of the productivity of the Spring Valley Water Company’s ultimate development in his report on ‘‘The Possible Yield From the Alameda, the Peninsula and the Lake Merced Systems.’’ 445 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 446 69°13 10°98 66° ST GL’ 9F 86°81 Lg°L§ 98°0F 0S Fe 80°08 Ore 69°96 6G" 6T 60° Ss g9°98 98 °CT 88° ST 06° SS 98° FS ol Le 86° 8S 08° Le LG" 66 L6°8& ¥6°LE T8°&& 89°LT F6°CS FL 02 yenuuy oT6T Ti6T OT6T 606T 806T L06T 906T GO6T PO6T S06T CO6T TO6T 006T 668T 868T L68T 968T S68T F68T €68T G68T T68T 068T 688T 888T L887 988T S88T Ieoz TO'eg ccc tt osesoAy ¥6°8T 80°S8 60° Se ¥6°0F LT°02 0° CF 99°TS 9h 62 LT LE 68°C OF FE 6G 9Z 10° ¥¢ 6L°9¢ Tg Tt 66° FS 88° ES &8°68 GE" Se SITs 68°TS 08°88 L0° 6% FE 02 $9 °8¢ OF ST 69° PE woseag 0g°0 0€°0 0 LT'0 0 86°0 gs°0 Ye) o 1 oo rnd o oo oN i nN ue N oqooooooooooooooooeoeooeo°®. eune oo No 6 00 oD SSSCCHHONOCONAHAOCHHSCOCOONWOOCOCOON NWWMIANME ANH WWMWANAWADMNWAMWAS OO NIL NI 00 6 0D 00 LO XH CON Aer ONTHMNOMUOMHAOM ALO Moons POW W HOH DWT MPHARDONNNMNHAOCnMCONnRNNANNNNANNANAOOCOOCONN Cee ee on HDs Co eae creas CORDHrH o mo Pm oO Soir a 8's ot's 8E°P 92°F 88°0 9¢°@T Lg°L oo P 89°6 68° Lh 61 € OTT 61'S tT S&T LTT 80°F 06°S 8°? 66 °0 L6°L L9°S 10's 9t'é 06°S 6é°G 9L°0 60°? 8F0 Wore ‘COLT NOILVAHTA—SOLdV LV TIVANIVE oOoN a 0 onto n rr cd nN sOoooooonoonooonooroooNMmooooooces ti 0 ow SO 10 19 LO a NH or LO 1D Hr OO 4 > oO © ~ Soa HOONS Nn HHO DHOOM O19 19 D190 INMOMOOHAMANMIMO HMO DODMI WH bh N oD 00 PMOMANDOHErIADEARDUOADARDOCS 2 OO P= 10 WIANDTOMMONAMOSDHWANNWMAMNONHOSO hr 10 Ooo wMne “Oo ss 10 DPDOMWOMMMOHWBDOnAWONID HOD o ISOC CCC OOO DOS OSD OSC OSC OS OOOO OCOOS “No -onm > »-oooocoooooooooooocooccoceococ*ece[w“ +0 one +» oy o mn (‘plooey JWSMIUIIAOY ) CLTT6r TT-OT6T OT-606T 60-806T 80-LO6T L0-906T 90-S06T $0-P06T $0-806T 80-206T 60-TO6T T0-006T 00-668T 66-868T 86-L68T L6-968T 96-S68T G6-P68T ¥6-S68T &6-68T 66-T68T T6-068T 06-688T 68-888T 88-L88T 18-9881 98-S88T S88T uoseesg 447 DATA USED AS BASIS FOR ANDERSON REPORT. 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Go's SLT 667 ‘09d 62°0 9¢°0 piose1 UayOIg 7g°0 0 66°0 GL°0 8L°0 80°T 91°0 ert 8e°F TES 02°0 &T°0 9T'F 06°0 860 $90 LLT L0°0 0 66°T “AON. "erurozipegQ ‘AJUNOD snNeTsIue}g ‘LAG 06 ‘NOILVAHTE—AATLSAM LV TIVANIVY a 8 tNdoSCHOSO OH SOOHSSOSOSOOSOSCS SSO eo 0S ~ mN SHWOMID TI H “10 rst mH OBDoOOW “Oo oe co wae) o ° of NX a> wo N wD co aoocococoococcoocoocoocoocoooncosooocoe mMonmnonrn NHOOM OD rd “Weg ‘0D “AA ‘A ‘'S Spsl000y $0-806T 80-206T 60-TO6T T0-006T 00-668T 66-868T 86-L68T L6-968T 96-S68T G6-F68T F6-E68T tosveg (‘palooey JUSTAUABAOY ) Hoaecoscosesooose co -oocooooo°o ‘sny wo oD -eoocooocoocooocooocooooooooeoeoc So Arne oL-Tt6r TL-OT6T OT-606T 60-8061 80-L06T 20-906T 90-S06T G0-P06T 40-S06T §0-c06T 60-T06T T0-006T 00-668T 66-868T 86-L68T L6-968T 96-S68T G6-F68T ¥6-868T 86-G68T 66-T68T T6-068T 06-688T 688T uwosveg 476 Season. 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 Season. 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 Season. 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 July. 10 168 106 31 26 210 596 113 90 112 July. 582 185 90 291 148 202 115 208 16 July. 145 244 243 233 162 86 240 180 231 232 317 325 533 517 478 434 492 491 477 459 462 Aug. 42 47 32 239 5 26 91 Aug. "366 13 161 35 37 35 59 Aug. 253 227 184 240 159 240 241 156 144 231 232 317 316 428 457 429 457 523 378 483 490 524 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 4s 37 10 13 49 Sept. "318 111 23 41 36 43 OVERFLOW OVER SUNOL DAM. Alameda Creek—Million Gallons, Oct. 191 41 38 42 Nov. 8,116 9 97 399 1 1 184 8 28 5 62 Dec. 903 354 16 7 197 3 6,015 1,418 Jan. 6,153 3 6,584 123 1,016 15,940 20,718 4,196 35,380 10,276 29,727 818 Feb. 17,750 8,670 5,252 7,675 3,460 6,974 8,277 3,714 31,775 4,028 12,050 538 March. 3,149 12,954 11,200 14,954 6,411 23,780 55,289 3,171 8,866 5,082 42,498 2,555 OVERFLOW OVER NILES DAM. Oct. "337 52 92 134 12 67 14 33 Nov. 344 16,269 148 74 142 1,561 24 7 511 40,731 988 3,223 46,909 413 19,947 192 2,580 78 4 1,901 Jan. 77,019 1,086 1,595 14,412 19,322 54,917 22,074 2,830 204 433 11,462 Alameda Creek—Million Gallons. Dec. Feb. March. 36,726 20,879 14,730 16,649 1,542 6,002 25,841 6,379 44,022 4,558 14,260 3,438 2,193 2,328 29,359 30,697 826 556 43 21,906 575 2,280 April. 1,171 2,162 10,731 4,885 1,812 8,455 6,851 556 1,459 1,978 1,845 556 April. 5,113 2,833 3,843 5,848 978 2,325 11,170 4,990 141 994 632 FLOW PUMPED THROUGH BELMONT PUMPS. Sept. 91 236 201 126 169 146 230 233 156 153 217 196 288 271 335 344 301 454 504 318 464 390 454 No Slippage Deducted—Million Gallons. Oct. 61 242 205 126 151 162 238 241 154 206 197 236 289 299 325 369 265 424 501 287 502 204 508 Nov. 123 235 198 126 146 47 233 184 156 218 113 172 289 301 382 384 255 402 502 277 458 301 510 Dec. 167 204 191 57 132 241 173 43 221 135 314 319 365 501 420 290 427 490 311 463 420 527 Jan. 41 199 158 117 58 "421 163 117 309 321 391 516 493 370 477 466 291 522 479 519 Feb. March. April. "162 270 145 205 194 257 291 433 468 448 460 464 480 472 308 490 "99 228 “49 184 114 149 311 318 512 504 506 507 340 518 334 527 408 510 "193 177 “155 233 191 222 305 313 503 496 496 301 499 506 434 505 477 501 May. 1,068 806 824 1,637 1,472 2,325 1,943 308 322 613 615 130 May. 2,864 1,111 2,205 2,388 542 1,757 2,702 1,314 202 323 May. 241 222 "162 242 229 233 317 325 508 517 515 130 525 520 519 521 511 519 June. 400 804 88 196 179 1,084 802 9 140 151 150 6 June. 1,103 571 413 499 320 540 519 450 76 54 June. 235 232 156 132 226 223 226 307 287 529 502 489 377 524 502 488 498 508 498 Total. 38,936 25,472 34,945 29,907 14,579 58,565 100,154 14,469 78,002 25,264 87,049 5,043 184,435 39,915 19,021 118,635 70,918 97,556 41,734 74,039 2,256 23,681 17,787 Total. 442 2,444 2,553 1,007 1,621 676 1,521 1,312 1,695 2,242 2,265 3,188 3,674 4,753 5,507 5,438 4,163 5,427 6,004 4,128 5,892 4,955 6,022 Season. July. Aug. 1888-89 1889-90 nee tains 1890-91 127 619 1891-92 429 240 1892-93 333 184 1893-94 524 401 1894-95 310 194 1895-96 288 277 1896-97 355 276 1897-98 208 215 1898-99 180 146 1899-00 247 231 (Niles Dam) 1900-01 242 233 1901-02 485 359 1902-03 431 363 1903-04 564 428 1904-05 543 461 1905-06 481 430 1906-07 644 489 1907-08 1,088 762 1908-09 499 383 1909-10 590 484 1910-11 549 516 1911-12 574 615 OVERFLOW AT NILES DAM OR SUNOL DAM + BELMONT (Sunol Dam) DATA USED AS BASIS FOR ANDERSON REPORT. Sept. 91 554 201 126 280 169 271 269 199 153 217 220 288 271 335 345 301 469 541 328 468 403 503 Oct. 61 579 205 126 203 254 372 313 221 220 230 427 289 299 325 369 265 425 542 292 540 215 550 Total Flow—Million Gallons. Nov. 123 579 198 16,395 294 121 375 1,745 180 220 624 8,288 298 398 781 385 255 403 686 285 486 306 572 Dec. 167 40,731 1,192 3,414 46,966 545 19,947 433 2,753 121 225 2,036 1,217 673 381 508 617 293 6,442 1,908 335 3,415 439 611 Jan. 77,060 1,285 1,753 14,529 19,380 54,917 22,195 2,830 204 596 11,579 6,462 324 6,975 639 1,509 16,310 21,195 4,662 35,671 10,798 30,206 1,337 Feb. 36,726 14,892 1,812 25,841 44,022 14,260 2,193 29,359 971 248 769 18,007 8,961 5,685 8,143 3,908 7,434 8,741 4,194 31,775 4,500 12,358 1,028 March. 20,879 16,748 6,230 6,379 4,577 3,438 2,328 30,697 740 22,020 2,429 3,460 13,272 11,712 15,458 6,917 24,287 55,629 3,689 9,200 5,609 42,906 3,065 April. 5,113 3,026 4,020 5,848 1,133 2,325 11,170 4,990 374 1,185 854 1,476 2,475 11,234 5,381 2,308 8,756 7,350 1,062 1,893 2,483 2,322 1,057 PUMPAGE. May. June. 2,864 1,103 1,352 806 2,427 645 2,388 527 704 476 1,757 540 2,702 651 1,314 450 287 231 431 299 556 280 1,385 707 1,131 591 1,332 617 2,154 698 1,987 668 2,455 1,461 2,468 1,326 828 511 841 628 1,134 649 1,126 658 649 504 FLOW THROUGH SUNOL AQUEDUCT GAGED AT BRIGHTSIDE WEIR. Million Gallons. Aug. 495 547 51 506 291 527 Aug. 10 60 16 21 8 139 70 46 168 51 33 138 Season. July. 1906-07 462 1907-08 537 1908-09 521 1909-10 484 1910-11 447 1911-12 480 Season. July. 1897-98 54 ae 1898-99 22 1899-00 200 1900-01 34 1901-02 46 1902-03 13 (Hadsell) 1903-04 241 1904-05 127 1905-06 112 1906-07 265 1907-08 109 1908-09 71 (Williams) 1909-10 see 1910-11 : 1911-12 207 (Jones) Sept. 472 513 345 480 CALAVERAS CREEK AT CALAVERAS DAMSITE, Run-off in Million Gallons—Drainage Area, 100 Sq. Mi. Sept. 9 25 15 15 8 37 46 30 99 45 "109 ¥Incomplete records. Oct. 460 511 306 499 48 Oct. 15 67 88 16 8 132 100 31 66 52 "98 Nov. 424 495 287 451 492 Nov. 8 1,392 5,376 15 336 927 97 32 103 92 "142 Dec. 422 477 276 476 284 526 Dec. 11 3,964 649 653 512 219 363 70 3,351 774 "162 Jan. 471 457 321 596 417 497 Jan, 3,157 6,470 6,257 123 2,706 224 773 9,783 9,164 2,754 "926 Feb. March. April. 447 469 145 489 310 481 Feb. 314 476 5,336 5,815 3,892 5,345 3,030 2,492 *2,193 2,368 “274 362 519 396 555 396 524 March. 9.456 2,120 1,726 3,740 3,768 8,121 6,541 9,555 *18,722 2,106 2,485 509 506 474 543 474 504 April. 239 2,334 1,088 576 978 4,804 2,827 1,478 3,122 1,803 439 753 May. 543 524 531 518 542 522 May. 122 574 703 1,264 398 547 1,453 2,013 1,086 811 280 "255 June. 524 524 493 481 517 June. 68 464 225 402 66 433 264 264 603 401 133 477 Total. 442 184,476 42,359 21,574 119,642 72,539 98,232 43,255 75,351 3,951 25,923 20,052 42,124 29,146 39,698 35,414 20,017 62,728 105,581 20,473 82,130 31,156 92,004 11,065 Total. 5,591 6,079 4,146 6,078 3,678 Total. 16,374 16,790 21,739 11,886 17,035 19,929 14,902 26,962 37,146 9,203 5,638 478 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. FLOW OF UPPER ALAMEDA CREEK, Gaged at Diversion Point—Million Gallons. Season. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March. April. 1905-06 svete biter as eh hig sds Stet wee. 4,641 1906-07 20% ieee ee paket 1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1911-12 53 49 12 5 8 14 287 17 976 151 (Jones) May. 85 June. 87 ARROYO VALLE—GAGINGS OF FLOW ATS. V. W. CO.’S DAMSITE. Million Gallons. Season. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March. April. 1904-05 sa Sah anit es fst saskads ee 705 =3,071 214 1905-06 Seay Beis es er swe .... 6,848 1,056 8,587 1,538 1906-07 Sead betes ana sate Sok 1,850 138,481 1,582 21,872 ees 1907-08 postin ihe Sue aA rates 377 =-2,057 =: 11,898 fesfice DRAFT ON CRYSTAL SPRINGS RESERVOIR. Million Gallons. Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. 1888 1890 67. 124 240 216 220 220 155 89 83 87 1891 63 116 189 69 73 69 88 102 113 120 1892 138 15 88 146 119 96 106 143 191 191 1893 168 267 291 299 284 255 46 39 83 112 1894 182 232 233 107 175 166 181 196 208 173 1895 294 283 305 307 303 302 244 119 117 + 1380 1896 213 327 342 335 349 200 143 120 80 76 1897 295 285 322 330 355 391 450 296 252 231 1898 328 166 209 222 409 428 443 459 383 176 1899 395 286 440 369 357 353 371 374 374 402 1900 259 154 257 171 196 196 213 210 231 204 1901 117 119 117 109 114 139 137 137 132 172 1902 95 80 109 109 115 159 165 169 187 174 1903 11 ders ft tek aia 30 rer 4 106 182 207 1904 3 11 16 12 22 26 21 90 193 186 1905 eee ens 13 21 13 31 62 118 239 308 1906 179 36 77 33 78 89 101 89 91 128 1907 32 20 193 48 73 48 114 106 106 111 1908 79 82 66 59 73 82 112 218 248 303 1909 281 547 303 198 1385 144 168 169 184 174 1910 76 156 146 153 172 212 267 210 290 469 1911 208 316 279 191 228 207 275 210 268 240 1912 121 110 187 314 304 415 ee Sea ws its eee 6 *Six Months’ Total. May. 222 197 Nov. 84 80 149 95 262 115 111 208 246 378 252 137 79 111 234 285 115 61 254 148 327 149 June, 24 Total. 1,774 Total. 4,212 18,250 38,735 3,832 Total. 1,660 1,181 1,613 2,051 2,401 2,619 2,430 3,719 3,778 4,328 2,447 1,539 1,478 659 1,134 1,355 1,093 1,001 1,848 2,645 2,722 2,710 *1,451 Year. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1806 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 Jan. 83 68 153 155 154 221 251 133 195 221 239 242 275 97 226 122 15 187 68 84 91 101 162 110 222 192 214 3 95 248 124 163 225 84 282 242 316 291 297 224 247 Feb. 15 48 145 135 146 212 235 84 169 199 199 216 161 70 200 119 33 213 104 24 82 - 84 146 103 205 176 204 57 82 227 93 134 199 80 248 225 286 276 255 253 224 DATA USED AS BASIS FOR ANDERSON REPORT. DRAFT ON SAN ANDREAS RESERVOIR. Mar. 76 100 158 149 158 209 291 55 205 204 232 268 123 110 222 107 51 247 7 86 101 89 170 118 208 204 221 15 96 270 117 152 216 76 246 242 310 341 218 393 290 *Six Months’ Total. Apr. 78 105 158 150 168 214 281 86 209 208 234 275 117 100 213 99 84 190 25 89 98 103 175 123 119 227 220 114 260 129 173 224 69 217 251 305 349 214 447 262 May. 109 141 149 155 198 241 269 224 233 238 269 293 116 206 257 108 132 218 46 98 105 149 128 151 169 230 214 172 271 165 190 236 80 237 261 300 361 244 431 281 Million Gallons. June. 92 142 151 163 194 227 265 215 249 255 250 287 151 189 250 123 222 227 56 105 92 171 117 157 211 229 212 3 175 270 235 212 236 219 263 251 307 357 339 421 272 July. 79 159 146 162 201 235 241 234 245 255 284 298 173 245 285 17 233 225 31 130 100 175 131 199 203 234 222 9 188 278 203 226 297 267 260 257 319 375 347 367 Aug. 107 153 164 165 200 256 224 236 267 271 294 282 150 230 159 16 237 269 34 112 101 173 128 192 237 233 221 17 226 257 210 230 322 294 273 253 328 372 359 373 Sept. 108 149 147 159 208 262 227 248 276 258 287 288 182 214 231 11 231 153 89 108 104 171 119 226 226 231 211 20 278 247 243 229 256 294 262 216 321 262 267 366 "116 169 159 148 241 261 129 244 273 257 296 297 168 200 28 293 187 ‘121 115 111 177 116 205 223 227 75 272 268 243 230 229 307. 276 313 326 237 263 341 Nov. 11 97 153 136 153 216 236 104 210 235 234 247 284 133 196 13 246 118 119 109 107 164 106 202 200 220 23 91 254 234 197 2138 133 290 137 297 315 214 237 296 204 223 288 112 211 34 249 154 101 103 106 167 100 213 200 221 12 111 255 223 187 228 83 292 245 322 323 321 164 250 479 Total. 91 1,109 1,541 1,798 1,877 2,314 2,825 2,608 2,173 2,779 2,829 3,074 3,318 1,861 2,068 2,137 738 2,026 2,388 1,019 801 1,163 1,198 1,724 1,598 1,999 2,423 2,624 2,049 407 2,207 3,053 2,146 2,380 2,656 2,302 2,946 3,130 3,756 3,756 3,204 4,162 *1,576 480 Year. 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 | 1899 | 1900 + 1901 | 1902 J 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 Jan. Feb. Mar. 78 88 92 103 80 100 100 81 126 32 28 55 96 41 87 88 56 81 64 100 86 72 76 98 96 65 89 71 37 95 44 56 166 72 58 60 74 71 83 93 75 96 100 63 86 90 106 97 118 107 72 142 149 127 119 120 117 122 99 107 87 72 72 Records incomplete 110 81 81 93 89 102 6 5 11 86 87 136 52 50 85 110 128 143 57 67 56 96 98 100 Records incomplete. 123 152 156 49 36 168 64 160 185 85 93 165 74 160 93 3 203 84 148 46 69 62 80 212 73 41 44 61 58 30 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. *Six Months’ Total. DRAFT ON PILARCITOS RESERVOIR. Million Gallons. 74° Apr. May. Sac 84 89 92 99 130 112 135 25 31 79 93 67 120 109 114 114 U7 105 69 65 167 81 72 83 67 103 85 116 103 132 132 128 103 124 111 155 99 131 112 131 99 96 Ss. V. W. Co. 103 123 106 115 26 31 168 188 103 34 150 161 76 142 151 172 June. July. 87 86 86 96 114 121 132 147 64 75 83 83 79 82 107 108 115 135 107 112 52 52 94 94 110 98 107 114 107 120 133 143 142 144 119 139 138 151 118 129 140 142 92 99 Total used. 138 152 121 161 38 18 131 90 sua 141 176 7 165 142 173 215 S. V. W. Co. Totals used. 177 185 131 93 74 51 79 55 148 16 159 176 154 98 72 20 51 39 155 6 150 174 160 139 75 4§ 182 160 Aug. 90 93 110 135 60 88 77 94 142 109 47 104 107 126 139 171 151 148 139 126 135 102 135 142 16 79 159 107 121 192 136 157 175 145 180 99 211 160 Sept. 9 95 10 133 64 80 75 159 109 102 63 96 98 109 121 149 155 136 126 110 151 179 209 203 150 205 103 155 146 82 185 133 237 199 161 212 209 161 44 178 219 205 155 167 205 155 114 "49 30 30 97 Total. 611 1,064 1,177 1,375 578 949 892 1,229 1,219 1,130 701 1,156 1,018 1,105 1,239 1,448 1,501 1,371 1,544 1,393 1,435 1,046 968 1,463 1,267 216 1,201 893 1,273 1,270 1,418 236 118 1,45] 1,219 941 1,490 1,716 1,653 1,640 1,596 1,150 1,529 1,359 1,537 *192 Year. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 | 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 | 1899 1900 1901 } 1902 | 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 Jan. Feb. Mar. No records. 7 87 141 156 157 155 32 8 97 ‘138 16h—C 188 184 130 96 Records incomplete. 158 136 137 10 89 17 100 91 100 99 90 86 33 Records incomplete. “81 94 40 64 81 122 225 *Six Months’ Total. 79 89 40 9 46 74 207 DATA USED AS BASIS FOR ANDERSON REPORT. 94 96 17 158 19 136 DRAFT ON LAKE MERCED. Apr. 141 158 94 118 168 S. V. W. 160 "96 "87 Ss. V. W. 166 124 87 201 "42 May. 169 79 97 "45 182 Co. 155 “109 "130 Co. 183 118 104 102 209 42 69 Million Gallons. June. 138 77 97 3 166 172 Total 153 104 58 142 Totals 56 109 101 81 90 41 42 July. 153 82 110 147 169 176 used. 158 120 100 10 used. 80 117 89 91 98 110 Aug. 145 103 93 154 165 151 143 "126, 100 85 159 94 100 102 Sept. 1 118 100 50 118 139 54 108 96 28 96 196 183 164 110 Oct. 97 124 100 157 129 114 "98 100 100 102 68 176 185 125 Nov. 92 116 111 109 111 17 101 96 97 137 37 185 178 153 Dec. 91 144 105 115 126 "400 100 100 42 98 21 36 33 208 222 481 Total. 281 1,483 1,354 1,051 175 1,588 1,262 712 1,254 233 1,245 655 969 75 None. None. 1,127 1,330 565 116 1,774 1,696 1,333 1,096 1,257 1,228 908 1,143 1,718 1,120 *721 Appendix I. EVAPORATION AND TRANSPIRATION FROM THE WET LANDS IN LIVERMORE VALLEY BY C. H. Les, Hydrographer Los Angeles Aqueduct. The following report containg a description of the method employed to determine the amount of water lost from the wet lands of Livermore Valley near Pleasanton. The conclusions are based on a field examin- ation of the area under consideration and ap- pleation of the results of experiments carried on by Los Angeles Aqueduct Commission in Owens Valley, modified to correspond with local conditions. Elevation of Water Table. Four days (July 7 to 10, 1912) were spent near Pleasanton going over the ground study- ing conditions. The map prepared by F. W. Roeding of the Spring Valley Water Company showing the position of the contours of 9 ft., 6 ft. and 2 ft. depths to ground water June 13-17, 1912 (see accompanying Map No. 1), was carefully checked on the ground, by measure- ments to water surface in shallow wells and ditches, by actual tests with a soil auger, and by the knowledge of vegetation as influenced by shallow eround water, gained during three years’ experience with a similar problem in Owens Valley, where extensive field measure- ments were made. The location of the contours shown by Mr. Roeding is substantially. correct. The only im- portant change is between Tassajero and Alamo Creeks on the north side of the Valley where the 9 ft. contour was found to be north of the position shown for a distance of 114 miles, the greatest deviation being, 14 mile, near the first Ne WMS oe : , SE ay Sat tt. Bee north and south road from the Livermore- Dublin road west of Santa Rita. This change would add between 150 and 200 acres to the area between the 6 and 9 ft. contours. The final result would not be appreciably affected by changing the location of contour. The drainage work carried on in the valley for agricultural purposes, since about 1907, has been so effective that the original tule swamp which existed in the center of the valley has al- most entirely disappeared. The original area of this swamp is an import- ant factor in the computations, and an effort was made to determine its boundaries. Mr. Peach, who has been a resident of Pleasanton since 1891, in the employ of the Alameda Sugar Company, and more or less engaged in the drainage work, and familiar with early condi- tions, kindly went over the ground and indi- cated the approximate boundaries of the tule swamp prior to drainage. (See accompanying map.) His recollections were quite definite in re- gard to that portion in the central valley north and west of Pleasanton, but not so definite when it came to the long arm reaching up Amador Valley, and the arm eastward toward Livermore from the Santa Rita Road. Soil Capillarity. In order to determine from what depth the soils of the valley would draw water by capil- larity to supply evaporation, tests were made by borings with a soil auger. 482 Z \ Is a wwe [i SSHgNe — ae tp ee Oe ~s Says 9ft contour os \ corrected WAN AN) SS NSS WR SN \ A KG oe, MO GET, Os Ee *

~scnehinssatie ae sta saree eda 113., 115, 117, 449 Calaveras watershed, heavy .........::eeeeee renee 31 Calaveras watershed, Me@Nesasnvasniexivensss 294, 295 Calaveras and Run-off diagram .........eeeeeeeee 140 Camp Howard in Pescader0............seeece eens 7 Coyote RIVER: c-s.dcree Stk kde's same es eee ees 428 Coyote RéServolr: oa a. oases chad ae aeees 125, 450, 426 CRYSTAL SPrines: 4 peecis ac en verasvaas 98, 99, 450, 455, 474 Distribution of, Livermore Valley ..............45 211 GilTOY. «mea earearea sheed os Yenee se Boa Seek 429, 451 Influence on, by topography .............seeeeeee 284 Intensities, Calaveras, noted by Hadsell........... 310 Knowledge Western conditions necessary in com- inne saital tsa cide occ wide axe ciedbis ae Acintaip cached 14 Thick? ODSEPVELOLY: | od cnaes wesuiotes wecsane Speen sited 452, 113 Livermore ee rr re 113, 117, 148, 453, 485, 488 Livermore Drainage, mean ...........4005 294, 295-296 Location of stationS .......... ccc eect eee ees 427 Long term records indicate departures from MNOKMAl , eepeay se eiwas se Aemaws shies bceiie oes 286 Long records of great cee eee eee 14 M0 GAUSS ps era eewipawens ase oehdgedavesiansyoeu ye 454 Mean area various catchment areas past 63 years 15 Menlo: Park’ 4 idan as wages od ees OR Oo akied bier ede 456 MANS CONSE Ss. sccstese b tse obece ine wianavaan’e aye joai'oce avamlpyte cok Sots 457 IMGMECKEY — _ “scérevhceatees Rae ce Atha parece Soil wader ae eo Saks 458 INGWMAN: 2) veils alvsyuteisae s alafatecs usimere Shee Race ehece 459 NUS a beers ere eed ULdRIA DE eae eeiwad exaede 460 Normal, annual, Altamont................... eevee 15 Normal, annual, Mt. Hamilton................ ... 18 Normal isohyetose lines constructed to represent. 15 Oakdale oleate" ge WeW BS SH mediante Shien detains eheake 461 Oaklang sou wares gaia’ dasecis wlss Gann weimedie antes 462 Origin, distribution and variation of............... 284 PROSCAD ETO a. ox vibaaiite Wade there tan cola seung aonnonnie 108, 463 Plarcitosi y sae 24 coctawncanseirwsaa xe 98, 99, 103, 464 Pleasanton 2) 6 usec atm exauiin aS rua s eucees 118, 117 POrtOla 4. csivncdescrina eas SN gas SHUNT 4 Siege wen anne 465 Records, value of long...............0cc0ceecee 284, 286 Records expanded to 63 years.................. 15, 34 Records, Mr. Grunsky on reliability of...........,. 14-15 Record, Mt. Hamilton, Haehl and Toll............. 15 Relation of, in mountains and valleys, diagram... 285 Run-off, per cent, Calaveras, 1898-1903 Run-off, per cent, Coyote River..........., 426, 430-431 San Andreas ie 18. Ripe bape att glee wed, Gaetdude ace Fn 88, 99, San ANCONiO' ws a aay wtsavecceadeanvvwes ganar se - San Antonio watershed, mean.................. 294-295 INDEX. xili Page Rainfall— San Francise0:. scisdsae er ieeia cv ieetivs eee 467 SAM: STOSE: so. cec be spaad cata yecavee ed BRANT 2 yume a Shear eden. 469 San: Leanne «ac aadeasinia ated scasaversae om wwe iene 468 San, Mateo. 2 a sas yeiecesd Sie eoey Peeeu ee omeme ea ree 470 Santas Cruz < «4-0 0asenis Saeko ee Suk Seen e Ss 471 DUNO] i So jar ea celal odnuevens Bot havent w Ryeseu Nae hess wees 472 Stations, location of, indicate distribution......... 286 Stations; location of 4 as aye 123 Peninsula, interchangeability of, Grunsky........ 24 Pescadero Storage: s « . es eenienress in eead s dems a oes 123 Site, Pescadero ‘Creele oie csieied doce tas ce naenn oie 102 Surface, storage capacity . Suebip aol epiasees apkinals ey 28 Underground, Mr. Freeman on efficiency of........ 13 xiv INDEX. Page Page Reservoirs— Run-off— Underground, storage capacity .. ....seeeeee eee . 28 Data shows Alameda Creek furnished bountiful Resolution adopted at Centerville meeting........... . 251 SUD DIY: tei piecriyae a Fania ties ena: Paes bean teeeee see 28 Resources— Dependent on occurrence and intensity of rainfall. 14 Developed, long records, measurements available. 4 Factor in development of Alameda System........ 138 Present, capable of large extensions........ samanae dee From Alameda System, Appendix “B’’....... »297-355 Of water supply of San Francisco—determination Line mass, Plate 25, formation Of.........seeeeeee 15 Gf Engineers: cc svcues se View sie veassd's vies ke ix ‘Livermore drainage, annually, 1849-1889 . ......... 350 Restricted areas, local intense rainfall on, unusual... 284 Livermore drainage, 1889-1912. 6 eee eeeee seer ees Hoe 4 es Livermore Valley . . ..eeeee eee e cere e cere rer eceee 196 Review of Williams’ Report . . ......e. cece cece eens -. 196 Livermore Valley, indicates great loss from evap- Riparian Rights— OFAUON ww 4s Wiwred Madead Medals eee sia acon 144 Alameda Creek 4 c.ccssie esc siscaeeae steers s 101, 120 Measurements, Alameda Creek . ...---.-+seeeeeeee 16 Pescadero Creek . . 1... ee see e esse cece etree ences 103 Merced River 5. - viccesaiias oe eneah ss Apres g voters td ees 119 Rochester, population within catchment area.......... 11 Niles and Sunol Dams, based on Mr. Schussler’s Rock barrier across west end of Livermore Valley..... 214 POL als Gs oeieg 2 wheat este torre eae a fale 236 Rock bed exposed in Niles Canyon..........+eeeeeeeees 215 Niles and Sunol Dams, past 23 yearS.......--...005 15 Rock rim of the Livermore water basin..........+-+6 215 Orlein, Of 4: 4.0 hatad t wemae stare eshed PiseRee FES .. 297 Rod readings, single daily, prove accurate index to flow 301 Peninsula division & aS Pethiaieoeineays cones 97- 99- 100 Roeding, F. W.— Pescadero Greely « p sexnc dn dadpaad Ween ee cesses eee 104 What are the water requirements of the Niles Pilarcitos and San Andreas, combined....... 104, 127 CONG? sae a 4 vear a saben «teases « eaSipe's Se 261 to 283 oy ATGONIG xvcinee deve sh eeess ovawedan dee 45, 117, 127 Survey of water table, Livermore Valley...... 482-483 San Antonio, results. ......... Meigen seeee 142 Run -off— San Antonio, annually, 1849-1889..........seeeeaee 350 Alameda Creek, by months, 23 years, table...305 to 308 San Antonio, annually, 1889-1912 . ..........6.. oe 855 Alameda Creek, comparison between 8S. V. W. Co. San Joaquin River. . ..... eee eee e eee e nent ee eeee 119 and C. Williams, Jr., results . 1 ....... eee ee eee 131 Segregated, Alameda System, annually, 1889-1912 Alameda Creek, by Grunsky, Hyde, Marx.......... SOL kab Ssledeaattede ee Deda AS enV Ooh nae eysleca ate 146-147 Alameda Creek, does not include water used along Stanislaus River . . .....c cece cece e ene e eee e neces 119 Alameda pipe line ....... eee eee ee eee eee eens 304 Sunol, compared with Calaveras and Arroyo Valle.15-16 Alameda System, annually segregated, "1889- 1912. Sunol drainage .. wee cece eee eee eee eee eens 144, 347 dias oiwe: oR Ae sees oe eos tee See's vee a hd 146- 147 Sunol drainage, annually, 1849-1889............... 350 Alameda System, drainage areaS.............-...- Sunol drainage, annually, 1889-1912 . .........-.... 355 pbbadu Hawke came sas pean 112, 118, 115, 127, 345, 355 Sunol-Laguna . prdsehaascwensia tines es roklly TT Alameda System, including recoverable evapora- Tuolomne River ...--e.eeee eee e eee eee ence eeeaes . 119 CTO, oa, HBO SE eR Sete oe reds Sees bales 139 Upper Alameda, determination of . ...........eeee 142 Alameda, Upper, annually, 1849-1889 . ...... sueseins 350 Varies with meteorological conditions . .......... 141 Alameda, Upper, annually, 1889-1912) ...........- 355 West Union Creek . . oc. cece cece e ence erences 9 Arroyo Mocho 46 ss ssaeseeteaeecraesis's oeeea ee 118-144 Arroyo Valle, annually, 1849-1889 . ............005. 350 Safe basis for rainfall estimates, value of long records Arroyo Valle, annually, 1889-1912 . ..............+- 355 EOI for fe eh “as vasvniees aie Nee ceee MEN De tana eae ereacnayereieeapaaes 286 Arroyo Valle, hydrographic data for............ 22, 144 Sale of works, offer of Spring Valley Water Company Arroyo Valle, measurements...... 112, 113, 114, 127, 336 tO: Citys cc 2dnuae we Sicsiaiesn Shas Hoguaiia ein baad el WBE oe gloile &. eg tata edocs a8 ere 286 Resources of water supply of—determinations of engineers on safe dependable yield............. ix San Francisquito Creek . oo... cece eee e cece cece eet eeee 102 San Gregorio Creek (see Pescadero, also Coast Streams) 2 a.) sans o's edivnsw es neds s aamad 100, 101, 102 Development 2.4 wc f.e5s Hees Ve Nee Ss Sewage tae 5 PeCSCAMErOin es Kien s WEARS Sean wie ee nea ee He 103 Pescadero Aqueduct . we. cece secre cece eee eeneees 123 San Joaquin River— Availability as a future supply.................. 82, 95 DDIVISTONE ie.) Yi seein ies we seae res SS eas Gs SR TR Sa le 118 Future -AdGittOn: + vacsaa nec ages dies « owes s oases 82, 95 NAVE ACS + 7.35574 Gap veers ceeueuaue a eeacesectys Weasel ange se ays Bo tad ese Se 94 Investigations of 1877 . 0... c cece eee ee ee eee erences 95 POWEr Station ag Weses gigwsuew peek aiding ys Hains: svete ans 125 Pumping Station. ...... (Us EU PeW TAs Beeaees ore 124 Quotations from Tuolumne hearing. ............. 95 Run-off oo RR ale BA ager Nees ee Mina aha cose 119, 127 Walerehed. «4 <2 ener ee souess Hiee rae sincere as eeees ¢ 116 San Joaquin Valley, cause of small rainfall............ 284 San Leandro Cone 2.1... eee cece eect cece eee e eens 262, 278 San Leandro; rainfall 0... 0cceeis cays cais cies ven 468 San ‘Mateo, rainfall ....cs0:04 cases sy uraiw sd eeews sevass 470 San Pablo Group, geology Livermore Valley, Lawson 224 fan Ramon, no outlet for Livermore Valley by WAY Of “52a celavis ovr ees se yelniay es ereemey sd ages wee 216 Santa Ana River, spreading water (photo)............ 30 Santa Clara Valley— Cause of small rainfall ......... cece eee eee eee 284 Contribution to after Coyote Reservoir built 45) Ms 1G DDS aaeicc dan cee 04 Wvowine d wateectia oe ine ecenbye oars 82 Run=Off 3) <¢ ances leg te iiee eu pies ep mine ez sees 127 Santa Cruz, rainfal] ...........-. ea PRA eRaUhS HEY 471 Santa Rita, Pleasanton road, logs of wells west and east of show geology .....---+ eee ceeceeeees Gannaesace 3 73 Saturation—Pliocene gravels with water.............. 73 Schussler, H.— Alviso and Ravenswood WellS.........:ss cece econ 4, 82 Estimate of population of S. F........-- esse eee eeee 84 Discharge Curves, Niles and Sunol] Dams........ 110a Formula, run-off based on hiS............6+-- 111, 236 Gaging stations established by.......---------+.+5 7 Report of present works of Spring Valley Water Co., with their proposed future extensions.88 to 130 Map of present works and proposed future ex- TENSIONS: 6.0 ep conia¥eaeie Benin ec lngd See ae GTS E lepers s 88a Testimony correcting misplaced decimal point.... 246 Scientific experiments by Le Conte to determine flow, Alameda Creek 2... cece cere cece ttre ee te eerie 301 Scowden, T. R.— Measurements at Calaveras .....-.....-+-eeee 308, 309 Yield, Coast Streams ..... cece cee reece cece eeeeee 5 Seca Creek—Porous area of not included........... » 73 Section and discharge curve, Sunol Dam..........-.-. 303 Page Sections— Arroyo Valle ........ algal a seco als Weagice aa SRS A 338 Calaveras Creek, Hadsell measurements, letter and profile ........ Wiauicakevaas anata a aM RAVEN Cer 321, 322 Calaveras Creek, Williams measurements, pro- FLIES: “CtCs; sca cxcnapirin seni ee tices eee aR 325 to 333 Coyote: River! Dam. 2:3 6iciaets as Qienaadasemareedvadios 434 Niles: DAM, asses noeas hs Reise eagle es he weal 2 Ae 110, 299 Seepage Into— Laguna, Creek 2. .caciscassseecstseaaas caceess oa cie 201 Livermore: Valley: ciseds ea nesses Socks ee eee o ete 196 Losses, Imperial Valley .........ce see ce renee eeeee 31 Sharon, J. J.— Report on Rainfall of the Alameda System..... «.. 284 Report on Run-off of Alameda System............ 297 Shasta-Chico Series, geology Livermore Valley, Lawson =f aiaddvawye cdieis don vaei se ceded eee 224 Sierra Nevada proposed projects discussed........... 129 Silt— GIGY CAD IS: csseewiciowee is dees bet seaea ae oAes Not in Livermore gravelS............0eseeeee recess Sinbad fault, geological section of Single daily rod readings prove accurate index to PLOW is-, say” sous euahsyaihsotecaney fees Bh onetdcatorarerSusiage feral dseuep estes lallt 301 Skunk Hollow, rainfall, annual table.................. 293 Soil— Capillarity, Livermore Valley ...........eeeeueeee 482 BVAporation fPrOM cis eeeinee-osie sine Ga) pw vi ease sees 4 npn 395 Evaporation Livermore Valley ........ Sai asiiea tae vis 485 Quality of, Livermore Valley ................e eee 485 Sandy overlying gravel ait ge 7 66 Sound and conservative estimates and deductions.... 132 Spreading floods, Santa Ana River (photo).......... 30 Spreading of water over gravelS............e eee ee eens 29 Spring Valley developed resources; long records of measurements available ........ cc cece eee tee eee 4 Spring Valley System, genera] map............eee sees 298 Spring Valley Water Company— Company not antagonistic to Sierra supply....... 234 Sources completely developed adequate to serve 2,100,000 population ...... 0... cece eee e eee ee 84 Storage greater than Tuolumne System........... 3 Stanislaus River— FRUNSO ff 5: Gar ~ Galea avd veined se oid a wes Aen oe 119 Watershed! 5. wa wirdyrg's eeahie uae ww shea eo ksi 94, 116 Stationary and constant, water storage nearly, Liv- EGEMOLFE: Valley: secaaieeevs dcreciece ¢ sia ova ed themes eee ee 229 Stearns, Freeman and Schuyler, approved plans Long Valley reservoir 2.05106 deeds ee ohare ss ceed oe ee 25-26 Stonybrook and Sinbad faults ......... ccc eee ee eee 219 Stonybrook fault, geological section of................ 220 Storage capacities (see capacity). Storage— Additional possible by raising Crystal Springs Dats, 4 1¢ eieasree cileacse wilamasle se aaes Rovetioe axe 5 Alameda System, 177 billion gallons............. 28 Alluvial fill considered to depth 100 feet in Liver- THOTES “Vale ye as sedsiie d scscaid ies Seeeueds a a cnr atione dasa 13 Calaveras increased to 53,000 Mill. Galls. ...... 91, 106 Capacity, Arroyo Valle ..............00- 50, 91, 106, 108 Capacity, Livermore Valley ..............0005 106, 240 Capacities of S. V. W. Co.’s reservoirs........... 93 Common sense method of meeting cycle of dry VOATS 5 —dging eo vice edasnave si oihione re wha area sania ees ERIS 25 Coyote River reServoOir ........ cece cee eee ee tenes 81 During cycle eight dry years San Francisco had BMpPle: “Water, cc¢%saadev ogy go uy meas MEY a ede 25 Factor in development, (Alameda System.......... 13 Long Valley reservoir to provide against a series Of: ATY ‘VeaTs: sass osama atulbaas exmlnds ea deus ae Ye 25 Loss: by evaporation os.scé:secs ceesewed os ues cee 385 Minimized without good reasons by Mr. Freeman 246 Nearly stationary and constant, water, Livermore Valley . Obtainable by soaking gravels xvi INDEX. Page Page Storage— Sunol Gravels— Pescadero Creek ...........ccccccccecesces 102, 108, 105 Estimated storage, 10,000 M. G. ....-eeceee recone 81 Peninsula, Alameda, Coyote ...... ieaeitexn ay fuee 8 Evaporation from, negligible ..........+-+ yaueveos. Se San Antonio, 10,500 Mill. Galis. ............ 93, 106, 108 Great Gé6pth Ofvescss s+ aenetinll Ne cee lero esha 4 Sunol Drainage— Telegram to J. R. Freeman re Grunsky, Hyde, Marx Mean rainfall .....c0.ccssucesceeeecccsaveseace 294, 295 Report seers eee cece eee e eee eee eee teen eee eee 502 Regulated Mow sisi cciecawiiea evening cd gains ed caweka 157 Temperature— Run-off, annually, 1849-1889.................0.0005 350 Diagram, various localities ..................... 484 Run-off, annually, 1889-1912........... 0c... cece eee 355 BOPMULA ea aig fasta os tae oceans lake sees ase 485 RUN Off CULV: assesses catiaeso eeseesdanere a Saba: GaSe 347, 352 Mable” 2s “hag escapee piegs d dae ea Mees eae ad 489 Run-off per square mile................ eee ee eee 144° Terms of offer of S. V. W. Co. to sell to City...... 495-498 Sunol filter beds, subterranean reservoir............. 27 Tertiary eds, exposure Ofsacce worn coaecre ceeaewes vx 215 Sunol Filtration System described.................... 96 Testimony— Sunol Gravels— Correcting misplaced decimal point................ 246 Absorption measurements, 1912 ..............0.000. 342 Crystal Springs Reservoir .. ......... eee ee eee 93 Conserve surplus from Calaveras and San Antonio Population around San Francisco Bay............ 122 surface reservoirs and Livermore underground.. 79 RIC AACA we. sscacemra iden chinese oh tansy ecemidehaese whens eo Bebe 89 INDEX. xvii Page Page Thickness of Pliocene deposits . ....... ee cee cece eee ees 216 United System, basic facts relating to...........+++ vy BS Tibbetts, F. H.— Unit idea emphasized .. ....... bene eee n ene e eee enee 127 Measurements of underground water velocities, Shown on profile . 92 OMG AVSAIMUO o 2 4a cieweakes cee endeereundeaas 74 Testimony : 89 Report scientific and comprehensive . ............. 243 Upper Alameda (see Alameda Creek, Upper)— Tide lands adjoining Coyote Hills............. 262, 274, 275 SS Eiedh eee lee ba SE ewOTS 6 NEWER Eee eS on Tihage, intensive, Niles Cone... scone csiwevetdranesads 271 Rona eae. Vi -veas patad 7 : ; : : : : ; : ne es 23 Toll and Haehl— Upper Crystal Springs rainfall........ cece eee e neces 474 Rainfall data, Arroyo Valle........ eee eee ee eee eee 48 Rainfall data, Calaveras .. .... eee e eee eee eee ee 15, 31 Valle (see Arroyo Valle). Tomatoes, letters of cannerS ..... ee eee eee eee eee 277 = Vallejo Mills water right...........cseeeee ener eee ene 101 Tomatoes, unirrigated, illustration . ..............005- 264 Valley fill, nature of Livermore, Lawson........-.-++++ 226 Topography— Value of bacteriological analysis...........0.0eeeeee as 12 infli@encas vainiall 0 .iicees itrateiacdieceiasasaees 284 =Value— Of San Francisco, uneven. ............ hana eps sutieaigies 129 Elements of, overlooked in City’s offer............ 494 Torrential streams, Arroyo Mocho and Arroyo del Long records of rainfall . ...... cece eee eee ee eee 14 Malle: > iwc he ananiucton aneea dain as yedienee Ceuees 211 Report on, by J. G. White . oo... cece eee reece eee 493 Tow sites, Niles Cotte 4 ag. sasas cc pewni ye siociw oe deuwnn 269 Underground supply, Long Island .......++-++++. 12 Tracey, rainiall os. aux esiawes a hexensaa wai aan 287, 473 Waiter Supply Paper No: Sls seunscereeiee seer se ene 20 Transpiration rates, by German investigators......... 486 Variability, seasonal rainfall, Peninsula system....98, 99 Transpiration rates, Livermore Valley.............654. 486 Vegetation, transpiration from ......-seee cere ee eeeee 402 Transpiration from vegetation . ....... ce cece eee eee eee 402 Velocity Curve— Tributaries, Alameda System . ..... see eee eee e ee eee 10 APYOYO" Vallee 6.0 dan bhe nee tae Sear e s Yen e cele 337 Tunnels— - For Hadsell measurements, Calaveras Creek...... 316 Calaveras, Alameda, will carry extreme........... 37 Velocity of Approach— Calaveras, Crystal Springs . ........... eee eee eee 91 No allowance for in original formula, Alameda Coast streams to Crystal Springs . ..........-...48. 7 ‘Greek: dischareé-¢ o1cwiieuwains yi¥emee sa vads wees 300 Force pipe to San Andreas........ cece eee eee 122 Increases flow, Niles and Sunol] Dams. ..........- 136 Outlet from: Calaveras: . a caeciee secieaa ge tee ce ewe 123 At Niles and Sunol Dams... .....-.. eee ee eens 111, 236 West Union Creek to Crystal Springs Reservoir.. 9 Not considered by Mr. Freeman at Sunol on Niles Tuolumne River and Alameda Creek irrigation com- TDA S 5 oc»: Gckgeese ete at Spates WSS He SER EROY Gee RS Oa ee 245 PANCO 4 Air Sate wETe SD a tg ee Dee e TS 275 Vermiculated Clays— oo... ccc rec cece cent eee ercnsevene 67 Tuolumne River, hearing, Washington, quotations..... 95 Voids— Tuolumne River— - All soils show average of 14 per cent total bulk... 73 RuneOft'— 2c Wwercscwicwssactewareceaeed ie niaases dee 119 In Livermore Valley gravels............ 73, 198, 201-202 Wiattershed. ic a = sedcanns bo pitadire a stamens S ecdminig ge cee 94, 116 In sands, experiments to determine give results from, 30: t@:40 Per CONE so oi ircs ce gvine es werosnee see ensdee 73 Unavailing efforts to obtain Grunsky-Hyde-Marx re- 34,1. per Cent, OW. the MoCnhOs4s csiseosassaais ax rawr +9 73 TOUR | se sass o cucvomcainis se ceo eicane ae ea ea ap dao Wy OHA ag 499 to 505 Volume, evaporation, Livermore Valley............... 489 Underground Reservoir— Mr. Freeman, on efficiency Of...........eeeeceeeaee 18 Washington Press (see newspaper clippings). Livermore Valley oss. e eee eect eee eee 57 Waste— Storage capacity — saaccwsveasanwdw neice suisse osu 28 Calaveras Reservoir, prevented. .....s cece cence 91 Sunol, large amount of water taken from.......... 305 @oast: Streams; A) gondud wecndia. Hechevbinw # dmeangs « epicevee 104 Underground Sources— Coyote River, table Offsic. ca ccacen ceweee oes 82, 432, 433 Mr. Freeman, on safe yield..........ce cee cece eens 12 Factor in development, Alameda System.......... 13 Mr. Freeman, advantage Of .. .... eee eee eee eee 13 Land and pasture, Niles Cone..............+e00.00. 269 Underground Storage— Down Niles Canyon... tiecseeescceentevvenines caane 81 ‘Capacity to depth 100 feet, Livermore Valley, 87,- Water basin, rock rim of, Livermore Valley.......... 215 000 million gallons . wo... eee ec eee eee eee 73 Water-bearing ‘beds of the Livermore Valley, geo- Mass diagram, Livermore gravels................ 76 graphical and geological conditions affecting..211, 214 Method of determining capacity of................ 73 Water-bearing Gravels— Underground Supply— Effect of the concentrated run-off, Livermore Val- Mr. Freeman, on value of Long Island............. 12 LEY? fs Yee ARON SoS Eg eR Ba eee Sie See Be 211 Water conditions of the Livermore and Sunol Of the Livermore Valley, bearing of Sunol-Cala- Vealleyrs a'av \ alaind. cniemetniyo conan ei nge smvatrene eS dere he 211 Veras' fault. On... se escestudsain sedwces sane oes 215 Livermore Valley, report on geology, Lawson.... 233 Water conditions of the Livermore and Sunol Valleys, Southern, California. scsesivssie erie asegaaenss aoe 238 MAGETSROUIMG. ceo sececs wie gt Bassist nite 8 iG toe qlecsrat bse Oacane 211 Underground Waters— Excerpt from Messrs. Burr, Hering and Freeman. 11 J. R. Freeman, on Long Island.................000. 74 Livermore Valley, Lawson . ..... eee eee cece ences 227 INITE'S (COT Gs gy eds eee be acsttedd Osta atere Se dep leva hs writes © BE 261 Sunol and Livermore Valleys .............-.e eee 11 Undeveloped, Peninsula System, consists of Coast SETEATNS. go a. acess aw egera tec aceasayaaie ee alo rsnete bw: enbienave ree des 5 Unirrigated apricot trees, Niles Cone (illustration)... 270 Unirrigated summer crops, Niles Cone (illustration)... 266 Unirrigated tomatoes, Niles Cone (illustration)........ 264 United States Geological Survey— Sketch showing water area used in Water Supply Paper Nd, 8les. co S4.scaniiia sn iansn ae dole means sm 18 Results of Water Supply Paper No. 81............. 20 Water Supply Paper No. 81, actual measurements Water crop, average gross daily Alameda System WALETSNEM i sgustg ing were s Kosudraa y VAS MS OF YE 23 Water disappearance, rate of, in Arroyo Valle channel 74 Water districts elevation in San Francisco............. 129 Water— High duty of, in Modesto-Turlock Districts....... 275 Large amount of, from Sunol gravels.............. 305 Low duty of, in Niles Cones sis scgiucis ese es seine s Oy 277 Method determining amount of, reaching Crystal Springs Cach S€ASOMN. wissen sede dg Bae ee Fs 8 Water Plane— Control of, eliminates evaporation . ............... 79 Of the Niles Cone. ..............0200. 266, 269, 276, 279 Water product, the, of Alameda System, Appendix ‘‘B” dy AP wpindis ois dere wa eeails EK sla eA Sates ae eos 297 to 355 Water Requirements— Of alfalfa, Niles Cone = ssssaecadicieds eas teenie 273 xviii Page Water Requirements— Of Crops, Niles Cone. wo... eee eee eee tee eee eee 269 Of the Niles Cone, what are?...... baie neers a oe 261 Of orchards, Niles Cone . oo... cece cee eee eee ene 271 Of strawberries, Niles Cone............. 0c eee eens 271 Of summer crops, Niles Cone............cce eee eee . 269 Of tide-lands;, Nilés Cone)... csc chee anacis os bolas ae 84 275 Water Rights— Alameda. Creek. ssansiswnndestiwd vunkies cetaleds 101, 120 ThA WSUTtS 4c > (Beasts ob hasavd:S cee iouers Ane ees eae LOS 490 Pescadero: Creek wy acasiesacawogr itr eaaene ioe oad 108 Small portion valued by Farrington...............- 495 Watersheds (see Catchment Area—Catchment)— Areas tributary to Sunol Dam (map)............. 138 Character of, large factor in combining run-off Gata: 2 as sieeve siseniew se heaeee dias sees eee BY 13 Map showing Sierra Nevada and Spring Valley Water Compaiy’s sa: caxccasccgsceseeeoune sbakerune 116 Water-storing capacity of Livermore and Sunol Val- leys, conclusions as to geology and.............. 221 Water supply, abundant, far-sighted policy to secure. 297 Water Supply Paper No. 81........ccceceeeecceesecees 490 Actual measurements agree with Le Conte........ 301 How results were obtained . .............cceceeuee 20 BW OGGOT 2,