Pennsylvania) ociely Sons of TheRevelution Cornell Mniversity Library THE GIFT OF RNR B BN ce cetera [Mf oe, Cornell University Library E 202.4.P41D2 cennial r: as ‘iL 3 1924 0 olin, ovel The acknowledgment by letter of the receipl of the Register ds respectfully’ ne- guested by the Compiler and Cdilon, Cras Alen “PLeasen, LOCK BOX 713, Phila delph ca, Ponna. i Flags of the Pennsylvania Societ RSS OOo ED Cr © WWeeenntal BWegister of the ennsploania Society of Sons of the Revolutions OF 1888—1898 Exegi monumentum xre perennius PHILADELPHIA Printed bp J. B. Lippincott Company MDCCCXCVIII ‘ w BASO-SA1TS A. \Aa2 33) COMPILED AND EDITED BY ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER, C.E., M.Sc., Secretary. - PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR SUBSCRIBERS, JULY 4, 1898. One Thousand Copies Printed. wo. tobf. Contents. py PAGB ILLUSTRATIONS ; 5 ‘ : : ; é ‘ és : 5 OBJECT OF THE SOCIETY ' , 5 é i , ‘ ‘ 7 INTRODUCTION : 3 : : . : ; ; ; . 9 FOUNDERS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION . 3 ; A : : 3 ‘ 4 : 22 OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY, SONS OF THE REVOLUTION, 1896-99 2 ‘ ; : : ‘ : ‘ : & 23 BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION, 1898-99 . . . ; : ; - 24 DELEGATES AND ALTERNATE DELEGATES . 3 : : a, 25 STANDING COMMITTEES . é 3 ; ‘ ‘ é ‘ . 26 CoLoR GUARD : ; : : j é ; ; ‘ . 28 OFFICERS, MANAGERS, DELEGATES AND ALTERNATE DELEGATES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, 1888-98 ‘ A 5 Z : 29 ROLL OF MEMBERS, 1888-98 . : ‘ > : 5 7 : 33 TRANSFERS TO OTHER STATE SOCIETIES . ‘ j : «225 In MEMORIAM—ROLL OF DECEASED MEMBERS ‘ i ‘ . 227 TABULAR STATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP, ETC. . ‘ ; - 235 ROLL OF ANCESTORS, 1775-83 3 i : i : : = 237 VALLEY FORGE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS IN History, ADDRESS OF Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D., JUNE 18, 1898. ‘ ‘ 3 , ; ‘ ‘ ; ; - 449 ees Tlustrations. py FLAGS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION . : ; ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ Frontispiece GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON . : : g . Facing page 7 MAJOR-GENERAL ARTHUR ST. CLAIR . é ‘ , ee “54 MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS MIFFLIN 3 : ; ; ae “82 Major-GENERAL JOHN ARMSTRONG ‘ : a “106 Contributed by John Armstrong Herman. CAPTAIN NATHANIEL IRISH . ‘ : 2 ‘ : ag 118 Contributed by Dallas Cadwallader Irish. MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG . a “156 Contributed by Hon. Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, LL.D., and Ethan Allen Weaver. PRIVATE SAMUEL HUMES ; ‘ : ‘ ‘ ; as « 184 Contributed by Edward Stalker Sayres. BRIGADIER-GENERAL EDWARD Hanp . ; : 3 “193 BRIGADIER-GENERAL WILLIAM IRVINE . : : : ie 904 LIEUTENANT IsAAc ANDERSON : 5 : ; 3 oe “BAe Contributed by Hon. Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, LL.D. BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN PHILIP DE Haas, Sr. ; a «288 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. ; ; ; ; ; . iH “304 Contributed by James May Duane and Russell Duane. CHAPLAIN SPENCE GRAYSON . : x , i “ “310 Contributed by Charles Prevost Grayson, M.D., and Clifford Prevost Grayson. Joun Harr . ‘ ‘ = “315 Contributed by Horace Magee. 6 Tlustrations. MICHAEL HILLEGAS : Contributed by Captain enw: Hobart Bellas, U.S.A. SURGEON-GENERAL JAMES HUTCHINSON Contributed by Charles Hare Hutchinson. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JONATHAN JONES ; Contributed by Charles Henry Jones and Rican Legh Jones. PRIVATE JOHN KEEN . Contributed by Gregory Bernard Keen. CORNET JOHN LARDNER Contributed by James Lawrence Lardner. CAPTAIN SAMUEL MorrIs Contributed by Effingham Buckley ) Morris, Frederick Wistar Morris, and Joseph Sansom Perot. Major JOHN POLHEMUS i Contributed by Horace Magee. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ANDREW PORTER Contributed by Henry Martyn Dechert. Major Gustavus HENRY JOHANN, BARON DE ROSENTHAL REv. WILLIAM SMITH, D.D. z Contributed by Captain Henry Hobart Bellas, U.S.A. Major-GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE Contributed by William Wayne. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL JOHN WILKINSON Contributed by Ogden Dungan Wilkinson. ‘““BRANDYWINE.’’ Fac-simile of music played at the Meschianza, Philadelphia, 1777 : From a copy owned by Hon. Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, LL.D. CONTEMPORARY MAP OF VALLEY FORGE. From the original owned by Hon. Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, LL.D. . Facing page 322 330 334 336 341 368 386 388 401 417 437 443 454 aod Object of the Society. yy T being evident, from a steady decline of a proper celebration of the National Holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect, on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes, to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which they lived; therefore, the Society of the Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men, who, in the military, naval, and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the Independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, and other documents relating to that period; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers; and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. Mntroduction. PR ITH the dawn of 1876, after a long slumber, public interest was awakened to the memories of the Revolutionary struggles for independence—in the country at large by the projected Centennial celebration in the City of Philadelphia, and in the City of New York by the arrangements for the cele- bration of the hundredth anniversary of the battle of Harlem. Mr. John Austin Stevens, for some time librarian of the New York Historical Society, and well known as a historical writer, recognizing this feeling, in the month of January, 1876, formu- lated a plan for an organization with the name “Sons OF THE REVOLUTION,” whose purposes were: first, to revive and main- tain the American spirit of our forefathers; second, to promote the collection and preservation of historical papers of the Revo- lutionary period. The Society was thus organized, but lack of public interest held it dormant for several years until in the progression of Centennial anniversaries which ensued the American spirit was aroused and pride in Revolutionary ancestry was openly avowed. On December 4, 1883, the one hundredth anniversary of Washington’s farewell to his officers was celebrated by a din- ner at Fraunces’ Tavern, New York City, and there, in the very “Long Room” where occurred that touching scene, the plan of the proposed Society was submitted, and on the following New Year’s eve, on the same spot, it was agreed to, signed, and a permanent organization effected. In the latter part of the year 1887, the existence of such an organization became known to Mr. John Woolf Jordan, Assistant Librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, whereupon 2 9 10 Mntroduction. he entered into correspondence with the Secretary of the State Society in New York, which resulted in a meeting on April 3, 1888, in the office of Dr. Herman Burgin, 1429 Market Street, Philadelphia, of descendants of participants in the Revolutionary War, when the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolu- tion was organized by the fifteen members who constitute the “Founders” of the Society. On April 19 following, the first permanent officers were elected, and on May 4 the Society adopted a constitution and by-laws and the same day the Board of Managers met and organized for the first time. The Pennsylvania Society was from the beginning designed to be a perpetual organization, and recognizing this, its founders wisely provided for the incorporation of the Society and the creation of a permanent fund. A charter was obtained September 29, 1890, and the permanent fund at this time amounts to $11,772.34. The adoption of an insignium early engaged the attention of the Pennsylvania Society, and in October, 1888, a committee consist- ing of Col. Oliver Christian Bosbyshell, Mr. John Woolf Jordan, and Dr. Herman Burgin was appointed to secure designs, with instructions to consider those submitted by Major L’Enfant to the Society of the Cincinnati in 1783. Finally, on January 14, 1889, the present design was accepted, and subsequently adopted by the New York Society, and since by the General Society as the insignium of the “Sons of the Revolution.” During the same year committees were appointed to consider designs for a rosette and of a Certificate of Membership; on November 11 the rosette of the New York Society was accepted and has since been adopted by the General Society; action with reference to a Cer- tificate of Membership was deferred from time to time pending the formation of a General Society, when the present design was adopted. In the early part of 1889 a disaffected element in the New York Society formed a new organization, similar in name to our own, with objects and purposes almost identical, but claiming for it a National existence. Repeated efforts have been made to amalgamate these two organizations under a new constitution, Mntroduction, II but the Pennsylvania Society, conservative in its opinions, honor- ing its traditions, and loyal to its constitution, has seen no reason why it should abandon the original Society for a new one, or in any way change any of its conditions. The movement towards the formation of a General Society was inaugurated early in 1889, and the present constitution, drafted by the Hon. Clifford Stanley Sims, D.C.L., of this Society, was agreed upon at a conference of delegates from the New York, Pennsylvania, and District of Columbia Societies, held in Philadelphia, February 12, 1890, and the same was ratified by the Pennsylvania Society, June 11, 1890. An early act of the Board of Managers was to provide for an annual banquet, and October 4, the anniversary of the battle of Germantown, was selected for the occasion, but it was found that the absence of many of the members at this season of the year made this date undesirable, and December Io, the anniversary of the beginning of the encampment at Valley Forge, was substi- tuted. Several banquets have been given upon this date, in addition to those given the general officers and delegates attend- ing the General Society meetings held with the Pennsylvania Society, April 4, 1891, and April 19, 1897. The opinion pre- vailing, however, that informal receptions would better promote the feeling of friendship among the members, these too have been held annually since the formation of the Society. On November 11, 1889, Mr. Elon Dunbar Lockwood pre- sented a resolution to the Board of Managers providing for the appointment of a committee to examine into the expediency of marking, by guide-posts, the roads in the vicinity of Philadelphia over which the American Army marched, and places where it encamped, or which were otherwise made historic in connection with the War of Independence; this was the initial movement towards marking historic sites, since so successfully carried out by the Society. On March 20, 1890, the committee recommended the erection of suitable tablets at Swedes Ford Road, near Centreville, to mark the location of General Wayne’s headquarters in 1777-1778, and at Germantown, on the spot where General Nash was mor- 12 TMntroduction. tally wounded; the latter project was, however, temporarily aban- doned, and a stone to mark the site of General Howe’s threatened attack near Fort Washington was recommended. These tablets were soon afterwards erected, and on October 17, 1891, they were viewed by members of the Society and its invited guests, in a trip covering the historic ground between Paoli and Valley Forge. On June Io, 1893, the Society dedicated the monument erected at Gulph Mill to mark the locality where the main Continental Army encamped, December 13-19, 1777, before going into winter quarters at Valley Forge. This monument, a huge natural boulder, properly inscribed, is the gift to the Society of Mr. Joseph E. Gillingham, of Philadelphia, and the site was donated for the purpose by Mr. Henderson Supplee. The encampment of Washington’s army, August 1-8, and September 12-14, 1777, immediately before and after the battle of Brandywine, having been definitely located on the high ground between Falls of Schuylkill and Germantown, the Society erected a handsome granite monument to perpetuate the memory of the encampment, and dedicated it on November 9, 1895. Upon both occasions the late Mr. William Spohn Baker delivered an his- torical address. A mural tablet to the memory of Captain William Shippin, who was killed in the battle of Princeton, was unveiled upon the anniversary of his death, January 3, 1896, in St. Peter’s P. E. Church, Philadelphia (in whose graveyard, adjoining, his body was buried), when the Rev. George Woolsey Hodge, Chaplain of the Society, preached the dedicatory sermon. In 1897, two bronze tablets to mark historic locations were erected by the Society. One marks the location of the house in Philadelphia occupied by Washington as the presidential mansion, from November 27, 1790, to March 4, 1797, and was placed without ceremony upon the site, No. 528 Market Street, May 8, 1897. Another, erected on Colonial Hall of the Young Ladies’ Seminary and College for Women, Bethlehem, Penna., is in mem- ory of the soldiers of the Continental army who suffered and died in that building, which was used as a military hospital from De- cember, 1776, to April, 1777, and September, 1777, to April, 1778. Introduction. 13 A number of these memorials were designed by Mr. Washington Bleddyn Powell, a member of the Committee on Monuments and Memorials. By ordinance of Councils, passed June 18, 1894, the City of Philadelphia donated to this Society the cannon along Water Street and Delaware Avenue, for the purpose of placing the same from time to time around its monuments. On January 23, 1890, a paper was read before the Society by Dr. William Henry Egle, on “The Associators, the forerunner of the Pennsylvania Line;” and on November 10, one by Major Richard Strader Collum, U.S. M. C., on “The Services of the Marines during the Revolution.” A communication from Mr. George Cuthbert Gillespie, in March of 1890, suggesting the propriety of the Society holding special religious services annually, was favorably considered by the Board of Managers, and a standing committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements. Services were first held on the Sunday nearest to the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, but afterwards changed so as to commemorate an event of the Revolution connected with Pennsylvania, and the anniver- sary of the beginning of the encampment at Valley Forge was selected. These services are held alternately in the only two remaining church edifices of Philadelphia whose history is closely identified with that of the Revolution, and within whose walls worshipped most of the distinguished men of that period. ANNUAL SERMONS PREACHED BEFORE THE PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY. APRIL 20, 1890. CHRIST CHURCH, Rev. GEORGE WooLsEY HODGE, Chaplain of the Pennsylvania Society. Rector of the Church of the Ascension, Philada. APRIL 19, 1891. CuristT CHURCH, Rev. SAMUEL D. McConngELL, D.D., Rector of St. Stephen’s P. E. Church, Philada. Decemesrr 13,1891. CHRIST CHURCH, Rev. CHARLES ELLIS STEVENS, LL.D., D.C.L., Rector of Christ Church, Philada. 14 Mntroduction. December 18,1892. St. Peter’s CHURCH, Rev. J. Lewis Parks, $.T.D., Rector of St. Peter’s P. E, Church, Philada. December 17,1893. CHRIST CHURCH, Rt. Rev. LEIGHTON CoLEMAN, S.T.D., LL.D., Bishop of Delaware. December 16,1894. CHrist CHURCH, Rev. GEORGE WILLIAM Douctas, D.D., Rector of St. John’s P. E. Church, Washington, D. C., Ex-Chaplain of the District of Columbia Society. DecEMBER 22, 1895. CHRIST CHURCH, Rev. RANDOLPH Harrison McKim, D.D., Rector of Epiphany P. E, Church, Washington, D. C., Chaplain of the District of Columbia Society. DecEMBER 20, 1896, St, PETER’s CHURCH, RrEv. Cyrus TOWNSEND BraDy, Archdeacon of Pennsylvania. Decemser 19, 1897. St. PeTsr’s CHurcH, Rev, WILLIAM WALLACE SILVESTER, S.T.D., Rector of the George W. South Memorial Church of the Advocate, Philada. At the annual meeting in 1890 ways and means for the preser- vation of the camp-ground at Valley Forge were discussed, and a committee appointed to prepare a Memorial to Congress urging that body to purchase it; Congress having failed to act, a recon- noissance of the ground was made in the following year by members of this Society, and the purchase of portions of it was recommended. These movements and the indefatigable efforts of a member of this Society, Francis Mark Brooke, Esq., have contributed largely towards bringing to the attention of the public the importance of preserving this still well-defined land- mark of the Revolution, which is gradually being accomplished through a State Commission appointed for the purpose, in which the Society is represented by eight members. At the same meeting resolutions were adopted and widely published by the press inviting the attention of the public to old papers, letters, etc., in their possession, urging the care of them, and requesting the transmission of copies of such as relate to the Revolutionary War to this Society for preservation. In this manner much historical information has been discovered and preserved. Tntroduction. 15 On March 9g, 1891, a flag for this Society was adopted from a design furnished by one of its members, and on April 4 following the General Society adopted it as the standard of the Society. A resolution was passed by the Board of Managers on January 9, 1893, creating a Committee on Flags and authorizing the purchase from time to time of fac-similes of the flags used during the Revolution. This collection, which now numbers thirteen, comprises the following : STANDARD OF THE SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Two vertical buff stripes, with a blue stripe in centre bearing the insignium of the Society. FLAG OF FLOATING BATTERIES, 1775. White field with green pine tree in centre, with motto, “ An Appeal to Heaven.” CONTINENTAL, OR GRAND UNION FLAG. Thirteen alternate red and white stripes and “ English Jack” in canton. First unfurled at Cambridge, Mass., January I, 1776, at the organization of the new Conti- nental Army. FIRST NATIONAL FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES. Thirteen alternate red and white stripes, with thirteen stars arranged in a circle in a blue field. Adopted by Continental Congress, June 14, 1777. SOUTHERN RATTLESNAKE FLAG. Thirteen alternate red and blue stripes, with a rattlesnake in a moving position, with motto, “ Don’t tread on me.” Used in the army in 1776. FRENCH BOURBON FLAG. White field bearing fleur-de-lis in gold. ARMS OF WASHINGTON. On shield-shaped design, white field, two red stripes, three red stars on upper white stripe. CRESCENT FLAG OF MOULTRIE. Blue field with white crescent in dexter corner, with motto, “ Liberty.” 1775. NATIONAL FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES. 1895. STANDARD OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1897. 16 Introduction. PULASKI’S BANNER. Crimson field embroidered and edged with gold fringe. On reverse, the “U.S.” encircled by “ Unita Virtus Forcior”; on the obverse, the ‘“all-seeing Eye’”’ in a circle of thirteen stars surrounded by “Mon Alius Regit.” Made by the Moravian Sisters of Bethlehem, Penna. 1778. FLAG OF THE INDEPENDENT BATTALION, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, PENNA. Crimson field with cross of St. George in upper right corner. In centre a rattle- snake coiled with head erect in the attitude of striking, and underneath the motto, “Don’t tread on me.” 1775. FLAG OF THE FIRST REGIMENT, PENNSYLVANIA LINE. Green field with crimson square in centre bearing a hunter in the attitude of striking a panther with a spear. Motto, ‘“‘ Domari Nolo.” Since November, 1894, the Society has furnished a flag which is floated daily from the redoubt near its monument, at Fort Washington. The Board of Managers on May 8, 1893, endorsed a move- ment inaugurated by the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America to designate the fourteenth day of June as “Flag Day” and to observe the same by the display of the national flag. The Society has since annually circulated resolutions to this effect to the President of the United States, Governors of the States and Territories, various public officers, the members of this Society, and the press of Pennsylvania, the result of which has been a marked interest in and increased respect for our national flag. Twice in the history of this Society has it been its privilege to have charge of the ceremonies at Independence Hall to com- memorate the event enacted therein on July 4, 1776. In 1891 the exercises consisted of addresses by Persifor Frazer, D.Sc., Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, Mayor Edwin S. Stuart, and Vice-President Richard McCall Cadwalader, Esq.; the reading of the Declaration of Indepen- dence by Major James Edward Carpenter, and Washington’s Farewell Address by Theodore Minis Etting, Esq.; and Chap- laincy exercises by the Rev. George Woolsey Hodge and Rev. Samuel D. McConnell, D.D. The music was furnished by the Mtroduction. 17 Washington Grays Band and the singing by a trained chorus of male and female voices. Again in 1895, by invitation of the city authorities and the arrangements by a committee of which Charles Henry Jones, Esq., was chairman, President William Wayne made the opening remarks; the Declaration of Independence was read by Russell Duane, Esq., and the Hon. A. Loudon Snowden, ex-minister to Spain, delivered the oration. Bishop Whitaker opened and closed the exercises with prayers; music by the Germania Band and the singing of patriotic songs by the United German Singers added to the interest of the occasion. The first observance of “Evacuation Day,” commemorating the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, and the simul- taneous retirement of the American Army from Valley Forge, June 18, 1778, took place on June 19, 1893, by the dedication of the monument at Gulph Mill, and the pilgrimage to Valley Forge. The day has since been annually observed by an excur- sion to some historic location connected with the Revolutionary War, and aside from the interest attached to the sites thus visited, valuable contributions have been made to the history of the times in the papers which have been read upon these occasions. June 19, 1893. GULPH MILL AND VALLEY FORGE. “The Camp by the Old Gulph Mill,’ by Mr. WiLt1AM SpoHN BAKER, at the dedication of the memorial stone at Gulph Mill, erected to mark the position of the Continental Army prior to going into winter quarters at Valley Forge. June 18, 1894. RED BANK AND THE FORTS ON THE DELAWARE. “ The Defences of the Delaware River,” by CAPTAIN HENRY Hopart BELLAS, U.S.A., and “ The Occupation and Evacuation of Philadelphia by Lord Howe,” by Mr. WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER. June 18, 1895. BATTLEFIELD OF BRANDYWINE. “The Battle of Brandywine,” by FREDERICK D. Stone, D.Lit., Librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; and ‘ Family Recollections of the Battle of Brandywine,” by Persiror Frazer, D.Sc.; both delivered in the Birmingham Meeting- House. 18 Mntroduction. June 18, 1896. BATTLEFIELD OF PRINCETON, N. J. “The Battle of Princeton,” by Rev. HENRy CLay CAMERON, D.D., Professor of Greek in Princeton University; delivered near the spot where General Hugh Mercer fell. June 19, 1897. BETHLEHEM, PENNA. “ Bethlehem and its Military Hospital,’ by James MonTcomery BEck, Esq., United States District Attorney, at the unveiling of a tablet to mark the Military Hospital, and in memory of the soldiers of the Continental Army who suffered and died there in 1776-78. June 18, 1898. VALLEY FORGE, “ Valley Forge, and its Surroundings in History,” by Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. In the latter part of 1893 the Committee on Monuments and Memorials was instructed to procure designs and devise means for raising a fund for a monument in Philadelphia to Major- General Anthony Wayne. At the annual meeting in 1895 in Independence Hall, the project was brought to the attention of the Society, and a committee of thirteen was appointed to pro- mote this patriotic object and carry the same into effect. The protracted illness and subsequent death of Mr. George Mecum Conarroe, Chairman of the Committee, and the depressed financial condition of the country which followed, have retarded the pro- gress of the work. The vacating by the city authorities of the rooms long occu- pied by them in the State House was early brought to the atten- tion of the Board of Managers to secure, if possible, the use of the upper rooms of Independence Hall. After some effort an ordinance of Councils, approved February 11, 1895, gave to the Society possession of these rooms from April 4, 1895. On April 3 the annual meeting was held there, an address appropriate to the occasion was delivered by Judge Pennypacker, and a commit- tee was appointed to take charge of the rooms and provide ways and means for their restoration. Our tenure, however, was of short duration; a similar privilege of occupancy was granted to Introduction. 19 another society, and the impracticability of both occupying the same place at the same time needed no demonstration, and this Society, on March 10, 1896, relinquished its right. Subsequent events have shown that a continued occupancy under the restric- tions imposed would have been undesirable. In order to stimulate the study of American history, the Society in 1894 founded in the University of Pennsylvania two prizes, of seventy-five dollars and twenty-five dollars respectively, to be awarded each Commencement Day to the students whose essays on a subject connected with the history of Pennsylvania during the Revolution should be adjudged worthy of the awards. The subjects have been: 1895. BOTH PRIZES. “THE COMING OF THE REVOLUTION IN PENNSYLVANIA.” 1896. FIRST PRIZE. ‘«‘THE First PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT OF INFANTRY.” (Second Prize not awarded.) 1897. FIRST PRIZE. ‘©THE BARON VON STEUBEN AT VALLEY FORGE.” SECOND PRIZE. “THE PART PLAYED IN THE REVOLUTION BY THE ENGLISH, SCOTCH, IRISH, AND QUAKERS OF PENNSYLVANIA.” 1898. FIRST PRIZE. “THE TRANSITION FROM PROVINCIAL TO COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT IN PENNSYLVANIA.” SECOND PRIZE. “THE REVOLUTIONARY CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA.” The Society has published registers of members, reports of the Board of Managers, sermons, historical addresses, and several amplified registers ; the last amplified register was issued in 1893, the fifth year of its organization. Contributions have been made by the Society in furtherance 20 Mntroduction. of the historical objects of other organizations: to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; and to the Ephrata Monument Asso- ciation to aid in its purpose to complete a monument to the memory of the Revolutionary soldiers who died in the hospitals at Ephrata, Penna. The Society has received from various sources valuable con- tributions to its collections; chiefly among these are published letters relating to the Revolution from Rev. Alfred Langdon Elwyn; two silk flags, and a gavel made from one of the original joists of Independence Hall, from the late Mr. James Mifflin; an autograph copy of “America” by the author, made when eighty- six years of age, contributed by Mr. Ethan Allen Weaver; a cannon-ball from the battlefield of Brandywine from Mr. Henry L. Bennett of Dilworthtown, Penna.; a cannon unearthed on the Delaware river-front from the firm of Armstrong and Printzen- hoff; a gavel made from a tree which grew within the cellar walls of the house in which Washington was born, in Westmoreland Co., Va., by Mr. William J. Crawford of Buffalo, N. Y.; a portrait of Washington by Lambdin after Stuart, purchased by the So- ciety; various historical publications by purchase, and by dona- tions from Miss Mary S. Clark, Mr. John Woolf Jordan, Mr. William Augustus Patton, the Bureau of Rolls and Library, De- partment of State, Washington, D.C., the various State societies of the Sons of the Revolution, the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America, and kindred organizations. Without any attempt to present in narrative the history of this Society, the most important acts have been referred to chron- ologically to show the extent to which it has carried out the object for which it was founded. Located within a territory rich in historic associations, it has already contributed much towards perpetuating the memory of the men and of the events connected with the war for American Independence, and in preserving the few remaining landmarks of those stirring times. Founders, Officers, (Managers, Committees, Etc. 1888—1898., 22 Pennsylvania Society INSTITUTED APRIL 3, 1888. INCORPORATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1890. FOUNDERS. OLIVER CHRISTIAN BOSBYSHELL. GEORGE Horace BurGIn. HERMAN BuRGIN. RicHaRD McCaLL CADWALADER. James EDWARD CARPENTER. * ROBERT PORTER DECHERT. WILLIAM CHURCHILL HousTon, Jr. JoHN WooLr JORDAN. Jos1AH GRANVILLE LEACH. * ELON DUNBAR LOCKWOOD. CHARLES MARSHALL. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER. JoHN BIDDLE PORTER. WILLIAM BROOKE RAWLE. WILLIAM WAYNE. OFFICERS OF THE General Society, (Organized at Washington, D.C., April 19, 1890.) 1896-’99. General President. Hox. JoHN Lez Carroii, LL.D., Of the Maryland Society. General Vice-President. GarRETT DorsETT WALL Vroom, Of the New Jersey Society. Second General Vice-President. JOHN SCREVEN, Of the Georgia Society. General Secretary. JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, Of the New York Society. Assistant General Secretary. WILLIAM Hatt Harris, Of the Maryland Society. General Treasurer. RICHARD MCCALL CADWALADER, Of the Pennsylvania Society. Assistant General Treasurer. Henry CADLeE, Of the Missouri Society. General Registrar. FRANCIS ELLINGWOOD ABBoT, PH.D., Of the Massachusetts Society. General Historian. GAILLARD Hunt, Of the District of Columbia Society. General Chaplain. Rr. Rev. Henry BENJAMIN WHIPPLE, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Minnesota, Of the Minnesota Society. 23 BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE Pennsylvania Society, 1898-’99. OFFICERS. President, WILLIAM WAYNE. First Vice-President. RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER. Second Vice-President. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M.D. Secretary. ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER. Treasurer. CHARLES HENRY JONES. Registrar. Maj. RICHARD STRADER COLLUM, U.S.M.C. Historian. JosIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. Chaplain. THE REVEREND GEORGE WooLsEY HoDGcE. MANAGERS. JaMEs EDWARD CARPENTER, Chairman. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. Rev. Horace EDWIN HAyDEN. WILLIAM MACPHERSON HoRNoR. THOMAS HEWSON BRADFORD, M.D. Isaac CRAIG. JOHN WOOLF JORDAN. FRANCIS VON ALBADE CABEEN, CapT. HENRY HoBarRT BELLAS, U.S.A. 24 DELEGATES AND ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO THE General Society. 1898-’99. DELEGATES. James EDWARD CARPENTER. CHARLES HENRY JONES. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. Maj. RICHARD STRADER COLLUM, U.S.M.C. FREDERICK PRIME, ALTERNATES. JosIAH GRANVILLE LEACH, FRANKLIN PLATT. ALEXANDER KRUMBHAAR. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS BIDDLE, M.D. GREGORY BERNARD KEEN. 3 25 Standing Committees, yy EX-OFFICIO MEMBER OF ALL COMMITTEES. JAMEs EDWARD CARPENTER, Chairman Board of Managers. ON APPLICATIONS. Jos1AH GRANVILLE LEACH, Chairman. Cart. HENRY HoparT BELLAs, U.S.A. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. ON EQUESTRIAN STATUE TO MAJOR-GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE. Epwarp DEVEAUX MORRELL, Chairman. RICHARD DECHARMS BARCLAY. ALEXANDER BIDDLE. FRANCIS VON ALBADE CABEEN. THEODORE MINIS ETTING. SAMUEL FREDERIC HovusTon. CHARLES Henry JONES. JosIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. CALEB JONES MILNE. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. GEORGE RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. Hon. CHARLEMAGNE Tower, Jr., LL.D. EDWARD STALKER SAYRES, Secretary. ON MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS. CHARLES HENRY JONES, Chairman. JOSEPH TROWBRIDGE BAILEY. JoHN WooLr JorDAN. FRANK WILLING LEACH. DANIEL SMITH NEWHALL. SAMUEL Davis PAGE. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. WASHINGTON BLEDDYN POWELL. WILLIAM WAYNE. 26 Standing Committees. 27 ON PRIZES, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. WILLIAM Wayne, Chairman. WILLIAM MACPHERSON HOoRNOR. JoHN WooLF JORDAN. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. ON FLAGS. Capt. HENRY HopartT Bettas, U.S.A., Chairman, GEORGE CUTHBERT GILLESPIE. WILLIAM MACPHERSON HORNOR. ON ANNUAL CHURCH SERVICE. WILLIAM MAcPHERSON Hornor, Chairman. ON LECTURES. JoHN WooLr JorDAN, Chairman. Cart. HENRY HoparT BELLAS, U.S.A. Tuomas HEwson BRADFORD, M.D. ON CELEBRATION OF EVACUATION DAY. FRANCIS VON ALBADE CABEEN, Chairman. ON COLOR GUARD. FRANCIS VON ALBADE CABEEN, Chairman. 28 Color Guard. yy ALEXANDER WILSON RUSSELL, JR., U.S.N., Captain. WILLIAM HEMPHILL BELL, M.D. Davip KNICKERBACKER Boyp, JAMes HopkINs CARPENTER. Howarp GiBps CHASE. WILLIAM DARLINGTON EVANS. JosEPH CAMPBELL LANCASTER. CALEB JONES MILNE, JR. Jacos Gites Morris. JONATHAN CILLEY NEFF. WILLIAM CAMPBELL Posey, M.D. RALPH CURRIER PUTNAM. JAMES HOLLENBACK SHERRERD. LEAROYD SILVESTER. OGDEN DUNGAN WILKINSON. OFFICERS, MANAGERS, DELEGATES, AND ALTERNATE DELEGATES O@ THE Pennsylvania Society from its Organization, April 8, 1888. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT. ELectep. 1888. WILLIAM WAYNE, VICE-PRESIDENT. 1888. RIcHARD McCALL CADWALADER, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. 1894. RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. 1894. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M.D., SECRETARIES. 1888. GEORGE HorAcE BurGIN, M.D., 1892. Davip LEwis, Jr., 1892. ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER, TREASURERS. 1888. * RoBERT PORTER DECHERT, 1892. SAMUEL EMLEN MEIGs, 1893. CHARLES HENRY JONES, REGISTRARS. 1889. JOHN WOOLF JORDAN, 1894. Capt. Henry Hospart BE.tas, U.S.A., 1897. Maj. RICHARD STRADER COLLuM, U.S.M.C., HISTORIAN. 1890. JOSIAH GRANVILLE LEACH, CHAPLAIN. 1890, THE REVEREND GEORGE WOOLSEY HODGE, MANAGERS. 1888, OLIVER CHRISTIAN BOsBYSHELL, 1888. HERMAN BurcIN, M.D., 1888. JAMES EDWARD CARPENTER, 1888. 1888. 1888. 1888. 1888, Joun WooLr JorDAN, Jos1AH GRANVILLE LEACH, * ELON DUNBAR LOCKWOOD, CHARLES MARSHALL, Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D., RETIRED. 29 1894. 1892. 1892. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1897. 1891. 1891. 1889. 18g0. 1891. 1891. 30 Managers. ELecrep. RetTIRED 1888. WILLIAM BROOKE RAWLE, 1890. 1889. WILLIAM Henry EGLE, M.D., 1894. 1890. * Hon. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L., 1891. 1890, * THomMas McKEAan, 1892. 1891. Isaac CrRaIc, 1892. 1891. Rev. Horace EDWIN HAYDEN, —— 1891. WILLIAM MACPHERSON HORNOR, — 1891. CHARLES HENRY JONES, 1893. 1892. * WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER, 1897. 1892. ¥* GEORGE MECUM CONARROE, 1896. 1892, * JAMES MIFFLIN, 1895. 1893. THoMAS HEwson BRADFORD, M.D., — 1894. IsAAc CRAIG, — 1896. JOHN WOOLF JORDAN, — 1897. Hon. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, JR., LL.D., 1897. 1897. FRANCIS VON ALBADE CABEEN, — 1897. Capt. Henry Hopart BELtas, U.S.A., — DELEGATES AND ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO THE GENERAL SOCIETY. Organized April 19, 1890. 1890. DELEGATES. RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER. JaMES EDWARD CARPENTER. JostAH GRANVILLE LEACH. * HON. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L. HERMAN Burein, M.D. 189gI. DELEGATES. JAMES EDWARD CARPENTER. JosIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. * HON. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L. HERMAN Burein, M.D. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. ALTERNATES. GEORGE RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. Joun CADWALADER. ARTHUR VINCENT MEIGs, M.D. Tuomas HEWSON BRADFORD, M.D. Hon. JAMES TYNDALE MITCHELL, LL.D. Delegates and Alternates. 31 1892. DELEGATES. JAMEs EDWARD CARPENTER. JOsIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. JOHN CADWALADER. JOHN CLARKE SIMS. ALTERNATES. * WILLIAM CHURCHILL HousTon. Maj. RICHARD STRADER COLLUM, U.S.M.C. THomMas HEWSON BRADFORD, M.D. Hon, JAMES TYNDALE MITCHELL, LL.D. IsAAC HIESTER. 1893. DELEGATES. James EDWARD CARPENTER. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. EDWARD STALKER SAYRES. GEORGE CUTHBERT GILLESPIE. HAMPTON LAWRENCE CARSON. ALTERNATES. Rev. CHarLes ELtis STEVENS, LL.D., D.C.L. THOMAS WILLING BALCH. * TRAILL GREEN, M.D., LL.D. RICHARD RANDOLPH PARRY. GEN. WILLIAM FARRAR SMITH, U.S.A. 1894. DELEGATES. JAmMEs EDWARD CARPENTER. THomas DEWITT CUYLER. CHARLES HENRY JONES. JosEPpH TROWBRIDGE BAILEY. Hon. WILLIAM SEBRING KIRKPATRICK. ALTERNATES. RICHARD DECHARMS BARCLAY. SAMUEL STANHOPE SMITH PINKERTON. REV. SAMUEL D. McConneELL, D.D. Cot. EUGENE BEAUHARNAIS BEAUMONT, U.S.A. THEODORE Minis ETTING. 32 Delegates and Alternates. 1895. DELEGATES. JAMES EDWARD CARPENTER. CHARLES HENRY JONES. MAj. RICHARD STRADER CoLiuM, U.S.M.C. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. JOSIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. ALTERNATES. FREDERICK PRIME. HENRY WHELEN, JR. * GRANT WEIDMAN. ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER. WASHINGTON Hopkins BAKER, M.D. 1896. DELEGATES. JAMEs EDWARD CARPENTER. CHARLES HENRY JONES. JOsIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. Hon. HarMAN YERKES. EDWARD DEVEAUX MoRRELL. ALTERNATES. WILLIAM POTTER. James May DUANE. JoHN JAMES PINKERTON. GEORGE WHARTON PEPPER. SAMUEL DavIs PAGE. 1897. DELEGATES. JAMEs EDWARD CARPENTER. CHARLES HENRY JONES. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. Maj. RICHARD STRADER CoLLum, U.S.M.C. EDWARD STALKER SAYRES, ALTERNATES. Jos1aw GRANVILLE LEACH. JOSEPH TROWBRIDGE BAILEY. ALEXANDER KRUMBHAAR. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS BIDDLE, M.D. * JoHN HILL BRINTON, JR. Roll of Members, 1888-21898. Membership Roll. vy INSIGNIA ELgcTep To NumBer. MEMBERSHIP. * ABBOTT, HARRY BARTLETT, Oct. 8, 1894 Great-great-great-grandson of Captain JONATHAN OLIPHANT (1739-1804). ABERCROMBIE, FRANK ENGLE PATTERSON, Feb. 11, 1895 Bedford, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant James ENGLE (1757-1821). ADAMS, JEDIDIAH HOWE, M.D., May 14, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain STEPHEN ABBOT (1749-1813). 426. ADAMS, HON. ROBERT, JR., June 30, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES Morris JONES. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel BLATHWAITE JONES. ALISON, FRANCIS JOHN, May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Grandson of Surgeon FRANCIS ALISON, JR. (1751-1813). 35 36 Roll of (Members. InsiGnia ELecTEeD TO Number. MEMBERSHIP. ALISON, ROBERT HENRY, M.D., Feb. 9, 1891 Ardmore, Penna. Grandson of Surgeon FRANCIS ALISON, JR. (1751-1813). ALLEN, EDWARD HALKET, Feb. 9, 1897 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM WILSON. 1552. ALLEN, FRANCIS OLCOTT, May 14, 1894 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private Moses ALLEN (1746-1826). Ensign NATHANIEL CHAPIN (1738-1831). Great-great-grandson of Private SAMUEL PEASE (1718- ). Private EPHRAIM TERRY (1701-1795). 392. ALLEN, LOUIS JOSEPH, Chief Engineer U.S.N., May 12, 1890 Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Great-grandson. of Ensign JACOB STREMBECK, SR. (1755-1841). ALLEN, RICHARD JACOBS, JR., Nov. 13, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM GIBBONS (1737-1803). ALLEN, WILLIAM HERVEY, Oct. 13, 1896 Pittsburgh, Penna, Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM WILSON. Roll of Ghembers. 37 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MempBeErsuip. 2158. ALLISON, WILLIAM CLARE, Feb. 11, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain Moses Este (1752-1836). 2001. ANDERSON, ISAAC LANE, Nov. 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major PATRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). 545. ANDERSON, JOSEPH WILSON, M.D., June 9, 1890 Ardmore, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant Isaac ANDERSON (1760-1838). Great-grandson of Major PATRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). 1689. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN, M.D., April 9, 1894 Wayne, Penna. Great-grandson of Chaplain JAMES FRANCIS ARMSTRONG (1750-1816). 326. * ARNOLD, CRAWFORD, Jan. 13, 1890 Grandson of Surgeon PHILIP PADELFORD (1752-1812). Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ARNOLD (1723-1793). Private ELIJAH MACOMBER (1718-1802). ASH, EDWARD TWELLS, Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ASH (1750-1830). 38 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED To Number. MembBersuHipP. 1098. ASH, GORDON MONGES, Jan. 9, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ASH (1750-1830). Great-great-grandson of Colonel JacoB Moreau, JR. (1742-1802). Great-great-great-grandson of JacoB MorGan, SR. (1716-1792). ASH, HENRY ST. CLAIR, M.D., June 8, 1891 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ASH (1750-1830). * ASH, JAMES, M.D., June 8, 1891 Grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ASH (1750-1830). * ASH, JOHN MORGAN, Dec. 9, 1889 Son of Lieutenant JAMES ASH (1750-1830). Grandson of Colonel JAcoB Moray, JR. (1742-1802). Great-grandson of JacoB MorGav, SR. (1716-1792). 2295. ASH, JOHN MORGAN, JR., June 9, 1890 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ASH (1750-1830). Great-grandson of Colonel Jacop Morgan, JR. (1742-1802). Great-great-grandson of JAcop Moreau, SR. (1716-1792). Roll of Members. 39 INSIGNIA ELEcTED To NuMBER. Memsersuip. * ASHHURST, FRAZER, March 31, 1890 Great-great-grandson of Captain MANUEL EyRE (1736-1805) Brigadier-General PERSIFOR FRAZER (1736-1792). ASHHURST, RICHARD LEWIS, March 10, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN CONNELLY ( -1827). Captain MaNuEL Eyre (1736-1805). ASHHURST, WILLIAM HENRY, June 9, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELInv HALL (1723-1790). 2048. ASHMEAD, DUFFIELD, Nov. 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain JacoB ASHMEAD (1742-1814). 1746. ASHTON, TABER, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon COMFORT CAPRON (1743- ). 1915. ATHERTON, THOMAS HENRY, Feb. 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great.grandson of Private JAMES ATHERTON, JR. (1751-1828). Colonel WILLIAM HENRY (1729-1786). Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN PERKINS ( -1777). 40 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numeer. 449. 1188, ATLEE, BENJAMIN CHAMPNEYS, Lancaster, Penna. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS ATLEE (1735-1793). ATLEE, JOHN, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS ATLEE (1735-1793). ATLEE, JOHN MAXIMILIEN, Wayne, Penna. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS ATLEE (1735-1793). ATLEE, JOHN MAXIMILIEN WALTER, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM AuGusTUS ATLEE (1735-1793). ATLEE, LOUIS WILLIAM, M.D., Surgeon U.S.N. Philadelphia, Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS ATLEE (1735-1793). AYRES, HENRY, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM AYRES (1720-1784). AYRES, LOUIS HARLOW, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM AYRES (1720-1784). ELEcTED To MemBersuIp, March 12, 1894 Dec. Jan. Oct. Oct. II, 12, 13, 13, March 24, March 24, 1894 1891 1890 1890 1893 1893 Roll of Members. AI INSIGNIA ELEctTep To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. * AYRES, WILLIAM, March 24, 1893 Grandson of Private JOHN AYRES (1752-1825). Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM AYRES (1720-1784). 2 862. BAILEY, CHARLES WEAVER, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JOSEPH BRIGGS (1749-1830). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain CLapp RayMOND (1730- ). 863. BAILEY, JOSEPH TROWBRIDGE, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain CLAPP RAYMOND (1730— ). 883. BAILEY, JOSEPH TROWBRIDGE, JR., March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JOSEPH BRIGGS (1749-1830). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain CLapp RAYMOND (1730- ). , 2241. BAILY, JOEL JACKSON, May 12, 1896 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain Jacop HumpPHREY (1751-1826). 323. BAIRD, ABSALOM, Brigadier-General U.S.A., Dec. 9, 1889 War Department, Washington, D.C. Grandson of Surgeon ABSALOM BAIRD (1755-1805). 4 42 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. 2416. 84. 2413. BAIRD, EDGAR WRIGHT, Merion Station, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain HENRY Darra ( -1782). BAIRD, THOMAS EVANS, JR. (Life Member), Haverford, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN BROWN (1725-1802). BAIRD, WILLIAM, Captain U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Surgeon ABSALOM BAIRD (1755-1805). Great-great-grandson of Colonel James LIVINGSTON (1747-1833). BAIRD, WILLIAM JAMES, Darby, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain HENry Darrau ( —-1782). BAKER, FREDERICK DILLER, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain GEORGE Ross (1730-1779). BAKER, JOSEPH WEAVER, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL BAKER, JR. (1758-1834). Great-grandson of Private MICHAEL BAKER, SR, (1727-1779). Captain GEORGE NICE (1739-1812). ELECTED TO MembersHIp, June 8, 1897 Dec. 14, 1897 Nov. 11, 1889 June 8, 1897 Feb. 9, 1891 Oct. 17, 1893 Roll of Members. 43 INSIGNIA ELgcTED To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 882. * BAKER, RICHARD ROWLEY, March 22, 1892 Great-grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL BAKER, JR. (1758-1834). Great-great-grandson of Private MICHAEL BAKER, SR. (1727-1779). Captain GEoRGE NICE (1739-1812). 177. BAKER, WASHINGTON HOPKINS, M.D., June 17, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Captain GEORGE Ross (1730-1779). BAKER, WILLIAM BOYD, Nov. 11, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Captain GEORGE Ross (1730-1779). BAKER, WILLIAM LUDWIG, May 14, 1894 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL BAKER, JR. (1758-1834). Great-great-grandson of Private MICHAEL BAKER, SR. (1727-1779). Captain GEORGE NICE (1739-1812). 108. * BAKER, WILLIAM SPOHN, Feb. 28, 1889 Grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL BAKER, JR. (1758-1834). Great-grandson of Private MICHAEL BAKER, SR. (1727-1779). Captain GEORGE NICE (1739-1812). 44 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTEeD To Number. MeEmBeErsHIP. BALCH, EDWIN SWIFT (Life Member), Feb. 1, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain STEPHEN BLOOMER BALCH (1747-1833). Great-great-grandson of Chaplain ROBERT BLACKWELL, D.D. (1748-1831). THOMAS WILLING (1731-1821). Great-great-great grandson of Colonel JAcoB BLACKWELL (1717-1780). 708. BALCH, THOMAS WILLING (Life Member), May 11, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain STEPHEN BLOOMER BALcH (1747-1833). Great-great-grandson of Chaplain RoBeRT BLACKWELL, D.D. (1748-1831). THOMAS WILLING (1731-1821). Great-great-great grandson of Colonel Jacos BLACKWELL (1717-1780). BALDWIN, FREDERIC AUGUSTUS RAUCH, Nov. 14, 1892 Allentown, Penna. Grandson of Private ICHABOD BALDWIN (1757~1839). Great-grandson of Private NAPHTALI ByRAmM (1749-1812). Private Isaac Dopp ( ~1804). 1208. BANKS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, March 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant JOSEPH BANKS (1713-1802). BANNARD, CHARLES HEATH, June 28, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel DANIEL WHITING (1732-1807). Roll of Members. 45 INSIGNIA NuMBER. BARBER, EDWIN ATLEE, West Chester, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SaMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). 291. BARCLAY, RICHARD DECHARMS, Philadelphia. Grandson of Colonel HuGu Barcuay (1747-1807). BARNES, HARRY GILLUM, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private RICHARD BARNES (1747- ). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN TOWNE (1729-1820). 1214. BARNES, JOHN HAMPTON, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private Moses HAMPTON (1762-1825). Great-great-grandson of Captain Moses BARNES (1740-1781). BARNES, PAUL HENRY, JR., Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Paymaster MEMUCAN HUGHES (1739- ). 1213. BARNES, WILLIAM HENRY, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain Moses BARNES (1740-1781). ELEcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. May 11, Dec. 9, June 30, May 24, Dec. 14, April 10, 1891 1889 1890 1892 1897 1893 46 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numper, MEMBERSHIP. 781. BARTON, JOHN WALTER, Nov. 9, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign JAMES VOGAN (1744-1824). 1356. BARTOW, HENRY BLACKWELL, June 28, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN PHILLIPS (1757- ). BARTOW, JOSIAH BLACKWELL, June 28, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN PHILLIPS (1757- ). BASHORE, HARVEY BROWN, M.D., May 12, 1890 West Fairview, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private SIMON PETER KREISHER (1750-1803). BATTLES, FRANK (Life Member), March 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL GILMAN (1732-1799). BEALE, HORACE ALEXANDER, JR., March 25, 1895 Parkesburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JONATHAN JONES (1738-1782). 1339. BEALE, JOSEPH, Lieutenant U.S.N. (Life Member), Oct. 9, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN BEALE (1740-1777). Lieutenant RICHARD BLow (1746-1833). Captain James McDowELL (1740-1815). Roll of Members. 47 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. 7 MEMBERSHIP. BEAUMONT, ANDRE ALDEN, Feb. 11, 1895 Wilkes-Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private IsArAH BEAUMONT (1757-1835). Great-great-grandson of Private CHARLES CIST (1738-1805). Ensign MatTuHi1as HOLLENBACK (1752-18209). 985. BEAUMONT, EUGENE BEAUHARNAIS, June 13, 1892 Colonel U.S.A., Wilkes Barre, Penna. Grandson of Private IsAIAH BEAUMONT (1757-1835). 117. BEAVER, HON. JAMES ADDAMS, LL.D., Dec. 10, 1888 Bellefonte, Penna. Great-grandson of Private GEORGE BEAVER (1755-1836). BECK, JAMES MONTGOMERY, May II, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private ELIAKIM DARLING, SR. BEISEL, REUBEN ALVAN (Life Member), Dec. 14, 1897 Hazleton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN L. GEIGER (1763-1838). BELL, DAVIS BATES, Feb. 8, 1898 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of HuGu ALEXANDER (1724-1777). 48 Moll of (Members. INSIGNIA ELecTED TO Number. MeEmBERSHIP. I1oo. BELL, EDMUND HAYES, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General WILLIAM THOMPSON (1736-1781). BELL, WILLIAM, May 12, 1890 Mifflintown, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL BRYSON (1750-1799). BELL, WILLIAM HEMPHILL, M.D., Jan. 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain Jos—EPpH MCCLELLAN (1747-1834). 590. BELLAS, HENRY HOBART, Captain U.S.A., April 13, 1891 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). Captain JacoB RUDOLPH (1744-1795). Rev. WILLIAM SMITH, D.D. (1727-1803). BENNERS, GEORGE BARTLESON, May 14, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL BAKER, JR. (1758-1834). Great-great-grandson of Private MICHAEL BAKER, SR. (1727-1779). Captain GEORGE NICE (1739-1812). 540. DE BENNEVILLE, JAMES SEGUIN, Jan. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private EBENEZER GREENOUGH (1753-1827). Roll of Members. 49 INSIGNIA ELECTED To NumBer. MeEmBERSHIP. 113. BENSON, EDWIN NORTH (Life Member), Nov. 12, 1888 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CaLeB NorTH (1753-1840). 2209. BENT, STEDMAN, April 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private EBENEZER BENT (1737- ). Private EBENEZER STEDMAN. 2122. BERGSTRESSER, JAMES CALVIN, Nov. 12, 1895 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL ASHMUTY (1753- Ne BIDDLE, ALEXANDER (Life Member), March 26, 1889 Philadelphia. Grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). 228. BIDDLE, ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, M.D., May 13, 1889 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). Surgeon-General BENJAMIN RUSH (1745-1813). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD STOCKTON (1730-1781). * BIDDLE, ALGERNON SYDNEY Feb. 28, 1889 Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). * BIDDLE, ARTHUR, Feb. 17, 1890 Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). 50 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELgcTED TO Number. MEMBERSHIP. BIDDLE, CADWALADER, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). BIDDLE, CALDWELL KEPPELE, June 9, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). BIDDLE, LOUIS ALEXANDER, May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). Surgeon-General BENJAMIN RUSH (1745-1813). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD STOCKTON (1730-1781). 324. BIDDLE, THOMAS, M.D. (Life Member), Feb. 28, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). 352. BIDDLE, WILLIAM FOSTER, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of OWEN BIDDLE (1737-1799). 878. BIDDLE, WILLIAM LYMAN, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). 1847. BINDER, HORACE, March 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JacoB BINDER (1736-1804). Roll of Members. 51 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MemBeERrSHIP. 2011. BIRKEY, HENRY WIKOFF, M.D., Oct. 14, 1895 Newportville, Penna. Great-grandson of Corporal PETER BIRKEY (1744-1826). BISHOP, GEORGE CONARROE (Life Member), March 13, 1893 Camden, N. J. Great-great-grandson of Major WILLIAM MEcuUM (1730-1790). Great-great-great-grandson of Dr. THEODORUS VAN WYCK (1729-1789). Great-great-great-great-grandson of Colonel Dirck BRINCKERHOFF. 568. BISHOP, REV. GILBERT LIVINGSTON, Oct. 13, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Dr. THEODORUS VAN WYCK (1729-1789). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel Dirck BRINCKERHOFF. 380. BISPHAM, GEORGE TUCKER, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private EBENEZER TUCKER (1757-1845). BISSELL, FREDERICK MEADE, May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Davip BISSELL, JR. (1732-1799). Brigadier-General IsRAEL Morey (1735-1809). BLACKWELL, REV. JAMES MAGEE, March 9, 1897 Mechanicsburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private EL1 TAYLOR. 52 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numper. Mempersuip. 1204. BLAKSLEE, CHARLES ASHLEY, April 10, 1893 Mauch Chunk, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL ASHLEY (1720-1792). 2551. BLAKSLEE, JAMES IRWIN, JR., June 14, 1898 Mauch Chunk, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL ASHLEY (1720-1792). * BLIGHT, CHARLES PENROSE, Feb. 12, 1894 Great-great-grandson of Colonel Jacop MorGan, Jr. (1742-1802). JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). Great-great-great-grandson of Jacop Moreau, 8r. (1716-1792). BLIGHT, ELIHU SPENCER, Feb. 12, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Jacop Morgan, Jr. (1742-1802). JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). Great-great-great-grandson of Jacop Morean, Sr. (1716-1792). BLIGHT, WILLIAM SERGEANT, May 24, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel Jacos Morea, JR. (1742-1802). JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). Great-great-grandson of JacoB Moraga, Sr. (1716-1792). 465. BLISS, JOHN HORACE, Nov. 24, 1890 Erie, Penna. Grandson of Paymaster JOSEPH BLIss (1757-1819). Major ANDREW ELLICOTT (1754-1820). Roll of Members. 53 INSIGNIA ELEcTED To NumpeEr. MEMBERSHIP. BOLLES, COURTLANDT KIMBALL, Oct. 13, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant THomMAS MERRILL (1745-1803). 234. BONSALL, WILLIAM MARTIN, June 11, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN Crossy (1748-1822). BOOTH, GEORGE RODNEY, Oct. 12, 1891 Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel HENRY FISHER. JOHN RODNEY (1725-1792). BOOTH, HENRY DRIVER, Feb. 11, 1895 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of MaTTHEW DRIVER, JR. (1740-1798). 425. BORIE, BEAUVEAU, June 30, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel THomAs MCKEAN (1734-1817). 724. BOSBYSHELL, CHARLES ALBERT, March 9, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Marine JAMES REX WHITNEY (1760-1822). 61. BOSBYSHELL, OLIVER CHRISTIAN, April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Marine JAMES REX WHITNEY (1760-1822). 54 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numoper. MEMBERSHIP, BOURNONVILLE, ANTOINE, Nov. 9, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM MOULDER (1724-1798). BOWMAN, ROBERT SEVERS, Nov. 24, 1890 Berwick, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel RoBerT CLark (1740-1821). Private JOHN WILSON (1748-1826). BOYD, DAVID KNICKERBACKER. March 24, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant DANIEL St. CLarr (1764-1833). Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN KNICKERBACKER, JR. (1751-1827). Major-General ARTHUR ST. CLAIR (1734-1818). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel JoHN KNICKERBACKER (1723-1802). BOYD, HERBERT HART, Dec. 8, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN JAMES (1739-1794). Great-great-great-grandson of Surgeon VALENTINE STANLEY (1740-1787). BOYD, PETER KELLER, Dec. 14, 1897 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM Boyp (1733-1808). 1501. BOYD, WILLET LIVINGSTON, Feb. ; Wayne, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major HENRY LIVINGSTON (1714-1799). 12, 1894 Moll of Members. 55 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NomBEr. MembersuHip. BRADFORD, CHARLES SYDNEY, JR., May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel THomas BRADFORD (1745-1838). Paymaster SAMUEL CALDWELL ( -1798). Captain JOHN INSKEEP (1757-1834). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM BRADFORD (1721-1791). 280. BRADFORD, THOMAS HEWSON, M.D., May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel THomMas BRADFORD (1745-1838). Paymaster SAMUEL CALDWELL ( -1798). Captain JOHN INSKEEP (1757-1834). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM BRADFORD (1721-1791). 979. BRADY, REV. CYRUS TOWNSEND, April 5, 1892 (Admitted from the Colorado State Society, January 14, 1896.) Archdeacon of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN Brapy, JR. Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN BrapDy, SR. (1733-1779). BRICE, PHILIP HOWARD, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of MATTHEW TILGHMAN (1718-1790). BRIGHT, GEORGE DENIS, June 13, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JacoB BRIGHT (1729-1802). PETER LONG ( -1776). 56 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numser, MemBeERSHIP. 788. BRINLEY, CHARLES A., Feb. 1, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Commissary-General JEREMIAH WADSWORTH (1743-1804). Great-great-grandson of Major-General ISRAEL PUTNAM (1718-1790). BRINTON, JOHN HILL, M.D., March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel JaMES BurD (1726-1793). * BRINTON, JOHN HILL, JR., Nov. 14, 1892 Great-great-grandson of Captain DANIEL Hanp (1732-1816). Great-great-creat-grandson of Colonel JaMES BurD (1726-1793). 752. BROCK, HORACE, Dec. 12, 1891 Lebanon, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY MILLER (1751-1824). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELinu HALt (1723-1790). 751. BROCK, JOHN WILLIAM, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY MILLER (1751-1824). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel EL1nu HaLt (1723-1790). 619. BROCK, ROBERT COLEMAN HALL, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY MILLER (1751-1824). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELIHU HALL (1723-1790). Roll of Members. 57 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MeEmBERSHIP. 541. BRODHEAD, ALBERT, Jan. 12, 1891 Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). 1350. BRODHEAD, JOSEPH DAVIS, Nov. 13, 1893 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). BRODHEAD, LUKE WILLS, April 13, 1891 Delaware Water Gap, Penna. Grandson of Colonel LUKE BRODHEAD (1737-1806). 2045. BRODHEAD, ROBERT PACKER, Oct. 8, 1894 Kingston, Penna. Great-grandson of Private NORMAN EASTON (1758-1806). Great-great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). Private ANDREW DINGMAN (1753-1839). Captain SAMUEL DRAKE, BROOKE, BENJAMIN (Life Member), Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). Corporal HuGH JONES (1748-1796). 710. BROOKE, BENJAMIN, M.D., Nov. 9, 1891 Assistant Surgeon U.S.A., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Great-great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). 5 58 INSIGNIA Numper. 1072, 4gl. 1398. Roll of Members. ELgcTgD To MEMBERSHIP. BROOKE, FRANCIS MARK, Oct. 12, 1891 (Endowed Membership), Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). Corporal HuGH JONES (1748-1796). BROOKE, GEORGE, April 21, 1892 Birdsboro, Penna. Grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). BROOKE, GEORGE, JR., Feb. 8, 1892 Birdsboro, Penna. Great-grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel MatrHEW IRWIN (1740-1800). FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG (1750-1801). BROOKE, HUGH JONES (Life Member), Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). Captain WILLIAM Hayman (1740-1 823). Corporal HuGH Jonzs (1748-1 796). BROOKE, HUNTER, Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). Corporal HuGH Jones (1748-1796). BROOKE, HUNTER, JR., Dec. 11, 1893 Media, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). Captain WILLIAM HAYMAN (1740-1823). Corporal Hueu Jones (1 748-1796). Roll of Members. 59 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NumBEr. Mempersuipr. 2323. BROOKE, JOHN RUTTER, Major-General U.S.A., June = 8, 1891 War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). BROWN, FRANK WIGTON, Nov. 24, 1890 Concordville, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL WIGTON (1737-1812). BROWN, GEORGE HERBERT, Jan. 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain RoGeR Kirk (1751-1809). BROWN, GEORGE LE ROY, Captain U.S.A. Nov. 9, 1891 War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN DENISON (1743-1789). Private JOHN WALKER (1741-1776). 1554. BROWN, HENRY RIEHLE, May 14, 1894 Norristown, Penna. Grandson of Captain WILLIAM BROWN (1734-1808). BROWN, JOHN DOUGLASS, JR., May 24, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private DAVID FLICKWIR (1744-1793). BROWN, LE ROY HYDE, March 8, 1898 Rogersville, Tenn. Great-great-great-grandson of Private JOHN DENISON (1743-1789). Private JOHN WALKER (1741-1776). 60 Roll of Members. ELECTED TO MemBersHIP, BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY, April 13, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ROGER Kirk (1751-1809) INSIGNIA Number. BRUEN, HENRY TUNIS, Feb. 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Quartermaster JESSE BALDWIN, (1757-1839). Lieutenant CALEB BRUEN (1735-1818). 920. BRUNDAGE, ASA RANDOLPH, March 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Grandson of Captain IsRAEL BRUNDAGE (1756-1839). Great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). BRUNDAGE, RICHARD BULKELEY, Oct. 12, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain IsRAEL BRUNDAGE (1756-1839). Lieutenant-Colonel ELIPHALET BULKELEY (1746-1816). Great-great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). BRUNER, ABRAHAM, Dec. 14, 1897 Roanoke, Va. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant JAMES EVANS (1724-1801). BRUNER, DANIEL PASTORIUS, June 8, 1897 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant JAMES Evans (1724-1801). Roll of Members. 61 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. BRUNER, WILLIAM WEISER, May 11, 1891 Sunbury, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM GRay (1750-1804). 2405. BUCKMAN, JOHN WILSON, Oct. 10, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Isaac ANDERSON (1760-1838). Great-great-grandson of Major PaTRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). BUEHLER, HENRY BUEHLER, M.D., June 11, 1894 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant HENRY BUEHLER (1740-1801). Captain PETER NAGLE (1750-1834). 1352. BUEHLER, WILLIAM GEORGE, April 10, 1893 Chief Engineer, U.S.N., Portsmouth, N. H. Great-grandson of Lieutenant HENRY BUEHLER (1740-1801). Captain PETER NAGLE (1750-1834). 1752. BULLUS, WILLIAM ELLISON, Jan. 12, 1891 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CHARLES RUMSEY (1736-1780). BUNTING, DOUGLAS, March 12, 1895 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major NEHEMIAH WADE (1736-1776). 62 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numprr. Ioo. 2245. 784. 1685. BURGIN, GEORGE HORACE, M.D., Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SETH BOWEN (1748-1815). Lieutenant JOHN BURGIN (1735-1793). BURGIN, HERMAN, M.D., Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SETH BOWEN (1748-1815). Lieutenant JOHN BURGIN (1735-1793): BURROUGHS, JOSEPH HOWELL, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Drummer WILLIAM LEE (1745-1828). BURTON, GEORGE, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JosEPH THORNE (1733-1823). BUSH, GEORGE TOME (Life Member), Bellefonte, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN PUTNAM (1767-1841). BUTCHER, THEODORE FRANK, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private RICHARD POWELL (1749-1818). BUTLER, GEORGE HOLLENBACK, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). Private ABEL PIERCE (1736-1814). ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. April 3, April 3 Feb. 11, Feb. I, Nov. 9, Oct. 8, March 9, 1888 1888 1895 1892 1897 1894 1891 Roll of Members. 63 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 2460. BUTLER, HENRY COLT, Oct. 9, 1893 Carbondale, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). BUTLER, PIERCE, Oct. 9, 1893 Carbondale, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). BUTLER, PIERCE, March 9g, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). Private ABEL PIERCE (1736-1814). BYERS, ALFRED WEITZEL, Nov. 9, 1891 Meadville, Penna. Great-grandson of JOHN WEITZEL (1752-1799). 1973. CABEEN, FRANCIS VON ALBADE, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ALEXANDER ANDERSON. CADWALADER, CHARLES EVERT, M.D., Dec. —g, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). Brigadier-General JoHN CADWALADER (1742-1786). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon THOMAS CADWALADER (1707-1779). 64 Roll of Members. InstGNra Numpar. 52. 2210. ELECTED TO MemMBERSHIP. 9, 1889 CADWALADER, JOHN, Dec. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel CLEMENT BIDDLE (1740-1814). Brigadier-General JOHN CADWALADER (1742-1786). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon THOMAS CADWALADER (1707-1779). CADWALADER, RICHARD McCALL, April Philadelphia. Grandson of Colonel LAMBERT CADWALADER (1742-1823). Great-grandson of Surgeon THOMAS CADWALADER (1707-1779). CALDWELL, HENRY BANCROFT, April Tacoma, Wash. Great-grandson of Paymaster SAMUEL CALDWELL ( -1798). CALVERT, JOHN, April Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon-General BENJAMIN RUSH (1745-1813). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD STOCKTON (1730-1781). CARPENTER, EDMUND NELSON, April Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Ensign JOHN CouDRICK (1740-1818). 3, 10, 13, 14, CARPENTER, EDWARD, Lieutenant U.S.A., March 25, War Department, Washington, D.C. Great-grandson of Private EDwARD Dorr (1757-1 844). Great-great-grandson of Adjutant THoMAS CARPENTER (1752-1847). 1888 1893 1891 1896 1895 Roll of Members. 65 INSIGNIA ELectep To Numper. Mempersuip. 2044. CARPENTER, FRANK, March 25, 1895 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain THomas CARPENTER (1740-1815). Brigadier-General JoHN Lacey (1755-1814). Major BARZILLAI NEWBOLD (1710- ). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel THoMAs REYNOLDs (1729-1803). 56. CARPENTER, JAMES EDWARD, April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Adjutant THomas CARPENTER (1752-1847). 723. CARPENTER, JAMES HOPKINS, Nov. 9, 1891 Camden, N. J. Great-grandson of Adjutant THoMas CARPENTER (1752-1847). 233. CARPENTER, LOUIS HENRY, Colonel U.S.A., Nov. 11, 1889 War Department, Washington, D.C. Great-grandson of Adjutant THOMAS CARPENTER (1752-1847). 174. CARPENTER, THOMAS PRESTON, Dec. 10, 1888 Buffalo, N. Y. Great-grandson of Adjutant THoMAS CARPENTER (1752-1847). CARSON, HAMPTON LAWRENCE, March 10, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Quartermaster-Sergeant Levi HOLLINGSWORTH (1739-1824). 66 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA NuMBER. 2151, 2150. 755: 1081. CARSTAIRS, DANIEL HADDOCK, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN WHITE (1759-1838). CARSTAIRS, JOHN HASELTINE, Philadelphia. : Great-great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN WHITE (1759-1838). CARTER, WILLIAM ERNEST, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN REDINGTON (1757-1830). CARVER, CHARLES, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel JONATHAN Buck (1719-1795). CASE, DAVID BRAINARD, Marietta, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Paymaster JOHN RALSTON (1735-1795). CASSATT, ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, Haverford, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign JAMES JOHNSTON ( -1842). CASTLE, JAMES MANDERSON, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). Sergeant JABEz FIsH (1747-1814). ELECTED TO MempersHip. Feb. 11, 1896 Feb. 11, 1896 March 8, 1898 Dec. 12, 1891 Dec. 12, 1892 Jan. 12, 1897 March 13, 1893 Roll of Members. 67 INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NumBeErR. MEMBERSHIP. 584. CASTLE, WILLIAM HENRY, March 9, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). Sergeant JABEZ FISH (1747-1814). 1797. * CATTELL, REV. WM. CASSADY, D.D., LL.D., Feb. 11, 1895 Grandson of Captain ELIJAH CATTELL (1751-1803). 2325. CHAMBERS, WALTER LEE, Dec. 8, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM CHAMBERS (1753-1799). CHANDLER, THEOPHILUS PARSONS, June —g, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain Isaac PARSONS (1740-1825). CHAPLIN, JOHN MONTOUR, April 14, 1896 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Major Isaac CRAIG (1742-1826). Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General JOHN NEVILLE (1731-1803). 2215. CHAPLIN, MELCHOIR BELTZHOOVER, April 14, 1896 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Major Isaac CRAIG (1742-1826). Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General JOHN NEVILLE (1731-1803). 68 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numser. 880. 1055. 1745. ELEctTEeD TO MEMBERSHIP. CHASE, EDWARD HENRY, May 4, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. - Grandson of Private BENJAMIN CHASE (1760-1825). CHASE, HOWARD GIBBS, Jan. 12, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private NATHANIEL CHASE (1761-1853). Great-great-grandson of Private ELEAZER CHASE (1722-1808). Captain DANIEL DorsEy (1757-1823). CLAGHORN, CLARENCE RAYMOND, March 22, Vintondale, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Captain CLapp RAYMOND (1730-— ). CLAGHORN, JAMES RAYMOND, March 22, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain CLAPP RAYMOND (1730- ). * CLAPP, EBENEZER HERBERT, June 11, Great-great-grandson of Captain ROBERT SWAN (1725-1802). * CLARKSON, SAMUEL, Feb. 8, Great-grandson of Surgeon GERARDUS CLARKSON (1737-1790). CLAY, ANTONY ALEXANDER, June 11, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN ASHMEAD (1738-1818). 1897 1892 1892 1894 1892 1894 Roll of Members, 69 INSIGNIA NuMBER. CLAY, RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN ASHMEAD (1738-1818). 2211. CLAY, RICHARD EDEY, JR. (Life Member), Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private SAMUEL POLLOCK (1738-1821). CLEAVER, ALBERT NEWTON, South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private SAMUEL PARTRIDGE (1749-1834). 441. CLEMENT, CHARLES MAXWELL, Sunbury, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JOSEPH THORNE (1733-1823). CLIFF, GEORGE HOWARD, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major SAMUEL WALL. 2524. CLOSSON, JAMES HARWOOD, M.D., Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private THOMAS DICKINSON. CLYDE, SAMUEL DYER, Chester, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN ASHMEAD (1738-1818). ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. June 11, 1894 April 14, 1896 April 9, 1895 March 31, 1890 Nov. 10, 1896 Oct. 7, 1897 Jan. 11, 1898 70 Roll of Members. InsIGNIA ELectepD To Numoer. MembersuHip. CLYDE, THOMAS EDWARD, May 14, 1894 Chester, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN ASHMEAD (1738-1818). CLYMER, EDWIN SWIFT, Oct. 10, Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel DANIEL CUNYNGHAM CLYMER (1748-1810). * COCHRAN, WILLIAM ALLISON, Jan. 9, Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN CAMPBELL (1750-1810). CODDING, JOHN WESLEY, April 14, Towanda, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CONSIDER Woop (1758-1822). 2161. COLKET, CHARLES HOWARD (Life Member), Nov. 14, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private RICHARD CURRIE (1750-1776). 786. COLLUM, RICHARD STRADER, Major U.S.M.C. June 9, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain Moses CHAPLINE (1754-1812). 1691. COLTON, JOHN MILTON, May 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private LUTHER COLTON (1756-1803), 1892 1893 1896 1892 1890 1893 INSIGNIA NumsBer, 2585. 982. 116. Roll of Members, COLTON, SABIN WOOLWORTH, JR., Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private LUTHER COLTON (1756-1803). COMEGYS, EDWARD TIFFIN, M.D., Major and Surgeon U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN MarRIM (1751-1815). COMEGYS, WILLIAM HENRY, Major and Paymaster U.S.A., New York City. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN MARIM (1751-1815). COMSTOCK, GEORGE STEDMAN, Mechanicsburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of TL ELEctgep To MEMBERSHIP. May = 8, 1893 June 14, 1898 March 29, 1898 April 21, 1892 Brigadier-General ANDREW WARD (1728-1799). * CONARROE, GEORGE MECUM (Life Member), March 26, 1889 Great-grandson of Major WILLIAM MECUM (1730-1790). Great-great-grandson of ANDREW SINNICKSON, SR. (1719-1790). CONVERSE, CHARLES ALLEN, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Corporal ENocH ALLEN (1744-1789). CONVERSE, JOHN HEMAN, Rosemont, Penna. Great-grandson of Corporal ENOCH ALLEN (1744-1789). March 8, 1898 June 14, 1898 72 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Number, 2474. 1211. 1340. 1365. COOK, EBED STODDER, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private ROBERT COOK (1757-1831). Private SAMUEL STODDER (1759-1838). COOKE, JAMES WELCH, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of NICHOLAS COOKE (1717-1782). COOKE, MILLER HORTON, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM COOKE (1737-1804). Lieutenant JoHN HorRTON. COOKE, WILLIAM CARY, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM COOKE (1737-1804). COOKMAN, JAMES DE WAELE, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES GORDON (1746-1792). CORSON, JOSEPH KIRBY, M.D., Major and Surgeon U.S.A., Conshohocken, Penna. Great-grandson of Private BENJAMIN CORSON (1743-1811). ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. Jan. II, 1898 March 13, 1893 Feb. Nov. Nov. Dec. 9, 1891 12, 1895 13, 1893 II, 1893 Roll of Members. 73 INSIGNIA ELgcTED To NumpBer. MEmbBErSHIP. 1063. CRAGIN, CHARLES ISAIAH, Nov. 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant FRANCIS CRAGIN (1742-1826). Private JOSEPH LORING (1747- ). 182. CRAIG, ISAAC, Dec. 10, 1888 Allegheny, Penna. Grandson of Major Isaac CRAIG (1742-1826). Great-grandson of Brigadier-General JOHN NEVILLE (1731-1803). 2061. CRANE, CHARLES JUDSON, Captain U.S.A., Oct. 17, 1893 War Department, Washington, D.C. Great-grandson of Major JAMES Moore (1756-1813). CROSBY, PEIRCE, Rear Admiral U.S.N., June 22, 1888 Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN Crosby (1748-1822). 2469. CROSMAN, JAMES HERON, JR., Nov. 12, 1895 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELinu HALL (1723-1790). 782. CROTHERS, STEVENSON, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Private DANIEL BENEZET (1723-1797). 1169. CROZER, GEORGE KNOWLES, Jan. 9, 1893 Upland, Penna. Grandson of Private JOHN CROZER ( -1816). Great-grandson of GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). 6 74 Roll of Members. ELECTED TO MempersHIp, CROZER, GEORGE KNOWLES, JR., March 8, 1898 Upland, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN CROZER ( —1816). Great-great-grandson of GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). INSIGNIA Numper, 2311. CROZER, SAMUEL ALRICH, JR., Jan. 14, 1896 Paris, France. Great-great-grandson of GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). CUNNINGHAM, THEODORE HILL, June 8, 1897 Kishacoquillas, Penna, Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ALEXANDER BROWN ( ~1789). Great-great-grandson of HuGu ALEXANDER (1724-1777). CURTIN, WILLIAM WILSON, Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private HuGH WILSON (1761-1845). Great-great-grandson of Private ANDREW GREGG (1755-1835). Major-General JAMES POTTER (1729-1789). 469. CUTHBERT, ALLEN BROOKS, Feb. 11, 1889 Edgewater Park, N. J. Great-grandson of Captain ANTHONY CUTHBERT (1751-1832). 582. CUTHBERT, MAYLAND, Feb. 11, 1889 Edgewater Park, N. J. Grandson of Captain ANTHONY CUTHBERT (1751-1832). Roll of Members. 75 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NumBgr. MeEmBERSHIP. 172. CUYLER, THOMAS DEWITT, May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major THomas DEWITT (1741-1809). Ensign JEDEDIAH WATERMAN ( —1828). DAHLGREN, ULRIC, June Princeton, N. J. Great-great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY WISNER (1720-1790). Brigadier-General JAMES REED ( -1807). II, 1894 391. DALE, RICHARD, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant RICHARD DALE (1756-1826). 1849. DAMON, ALBERT FORSTER, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private Isaac DAMON (1739- ). Great-great-grandson of Private THoMAS DAMON (1703-1796). Chaplain JacoB FORSTER (1732-1798). 1520. * DAMON, EDWIN ADAMS (Life Member), Jan. 8, 1894 Great-grandson of Private Isaac Damon (1739- ). Great-great-grandson of Private THomas DAMON (1703-1796). Chaplain JacoB FORSTER (1732-1 798). 347. DANA, CHARLES EDMUND, Feb. 17, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant ANDERSON DANA (1735-1778). 76 Roll of Members. ExLectep To MemBeErsHIP. DARLING, THOMAS, Feb. 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel THomas BULL (1744-1837). Colonel ROBERT SMITH (1720-1803). INSIGNIA Numpare, 1184. DARLINGTON, JOSEPH GAZZAM, March 13, 1893 Haverford, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain HORACE SEYMOUR. DARRACH, HENRY, March 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel THomas BRADFORD (1745-1838). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM BRADFORD (1721-1791). 397. DARRACH, JAMES, M.D., June 9, 1890 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel THomas BRADFORD (1745-1 838). Colonel Joun Hastet ( -1777). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM BRADFORD (1721-1791). DARTE, ALFRED, JR., Oct. 12, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Grandson of Quarter-Gunner ELias Darter ( 1828), 2471. DARTE, HON. GEORGE LOCKHART, Dec. 11, 1894 U.S. Consul at Martinique, West Indies. Great-grandson of Quarter-Gunner ELtas Dar TE ( -1828), Great-great-great-grandson of Private PIERCE ALDEN (1718-1804). Roll of Members. 77 INSIGNIA NuMBER, 2092. 601. 2308. 285. ELxcTgeD To MEMBERSHIP. 8, 1892 DARTE, LUTHER CURRAN, Feb. Kingston, Penna. Grandson of Quarter-Gunner ELias DarTE ( —1828). DAUGHERTY, THOMAS, May Allentown, Penna. Grandson of Private JAMES DAUGHERTY (1757-1825). Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM LaIRD (1727-1820). DAVIS, CHARLES GIBBONS, May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL Davis, JR. (1746-1824). DAVIS, CHARLES LUKENS, Major U.S.A., Nov. War Department, Washington, D. C. Grandson of Captain JoHN Davis (1753-1827). Great-grandson of JoHN MorTON (1724-1777). * DAVIS, EDWARD MORRIS, JR., May Great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL Davis, JR. (1746-1824). DAVIS, ISAAC ROBERTS, May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL Davis, JR. (1746-1824). 20, II, II, 4, 4, DAVIS, JOSEPH CORBIT, March 8, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL Davis, JR. (1746-1824). 1891 1891 1889 1891 1891 1898 78 INSIGNIA Numsgr, 1189. Roll of Members. ELECTED TO MemBerRsHIP. DAVIS, WILLIAM WALLEY, JR., March 10, 1896 Roanoke, Va. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN Davis (1753-1827). Great-great-grandson of JoHN MorTON (1724-1777). DAVIS, WILLIAM WATTS HART, Dec. 9, 1889 Doylestown, Penna. Grandson of Ensign JOHN Davis (1760-1832). Great-grandson of Colonel JosepH Hart (1715-1788). DEACON, HOWARD RIDGWAY, March 24, 1893 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain WILLIAM RiIDGway (1755-1833). DEANS, JOHN STERLING, March 8, 1898 Pheenixville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Corporal JEDEDIAH Lyon. DEARMIT, WILLIAM PIPER, Jan. 15, 1895 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JAMES PIPER (1735-1776). DECHERT, HENRY MARTYN, June 22, 1888 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant ROBERT PoRTER (1768-1842), Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-181 3). Roll of Members. 79 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 183. DECHERT, HENRY TAYLOR, March 26, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ROBERT PORTER (1768-1842). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-1813). 60. * DECHERT, ROBERT PORTER, April 3, 1888 Grandson of Lieutenant ROBERT PORTER (1768-1842). Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-1813). DEHAVEN, HOLSTEIN, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of PETER DEHAVEN (1720-1815). DERR, ANDREW FINE, Oct. 14, 1895 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JACOB DERR (1752-1829). Captain ANDREW MELICK (1729-1820). 428. DIEHL, EDWARD CLARKE, Oct. 13, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain NIcHOLAS DIEHL ( 1819). 2256. DIFFENDERFFER, FRANK RIED, Jan. 14, 1896 Lancaster, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant DAVID DIFFENDERFFER (1752-1846). 80 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. ELgcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. 1049. 2006. 1701, 1586. 569. DILLARD, HENRY KUHL, Dec. 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). FREDERICK KUHL. * DODSON, RICHARD TOWNSHEND, Nov. 12, Great-grandson of Captain JAMES WAUGH. DONALDSON, FRANCIS ADAMS, Oct. 7 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain GEORGE NICE (1739-1812). DONALDSON, FRANK, Dec. 11, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Quartermaster SAMUEL MCNEILL (1753-1817). DORCY, BEN HOLLADAY, May 14, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Marine NATHANIEL HOLMES DOWNE (1763-1838). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW SYMMES (1735-1797). DORR, DALTON, March 9, Cynwyd, Penna. Grandson of Private EDWARD DorR (1757-1844). DORRANCE, BENJAMIN FORD, June 8, Dorranceton, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel GEORGE DORRANCE (1736-1778). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELEAZAR LINDSLEY (1737-1792). 1890 1895 1897 1894 1894 1891 1891 Roll of Members. 81 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 641. *DORRANCE, CHARLES, Grandson of ELECTED To MEMBERSHIP, March 9g, 1891 Lieutenant-Colonel GEORGE DORRANCE (1736-1778). DOTTERER, HENRY SASSAMAN, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain MICHAEL DOTTERER (1735—I8I1). 279. DOUGHERTY, CHARLES BOWMAN, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant ELISHA BLACKMAN (1717-1804). DOUGLASS, REV. BENJAMIN JOHNSON, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel Jacop Moreau, JR. (1742-1802). Great-great-grandson of Jacos Morgan, Sr. (1716-1792). DUANE, JAMES MAY, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-1811). Great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). DUANE, RUSSELL, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private EZEKIEL LINCOLN (1759-1828). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-1811). Captain JoHN INSKEEP (1757-1834). Great-great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). Nov. Nov. May June May 12, Il, 12, 28, 24, 1895 1889 1890 1892 1892 82 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numpgr, MEMBERSHIP. 872. DuBARRY, JOSEPH NAPOLEON, JR. (Life Member), Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia, Great-grandson of Lieutenant EBENEZER DENNY (1761-1822). Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN WILKINS, JR. (1733-1809). DuBOIS, PATTERSON (Life Member), Feb. 11, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain PereR DuBots (1734-1795). Major ROBERT PATTERSON (1743-1824), DUFFIELD, THOMAS TILLINGHAST, April 13, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE HEYL ( -1815). 119. DULL, CASPER, Oct. 8, 1888 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain CasPER DULL (1748-1829). Private Davip Lusk. 2324. DULL, DANIEL MATTHIEU, Nov. 12, 1895 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain CasPER DULL (1748-1829). Private Davip Lusk. DUNLAP, SALLOWS, April 12, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ROBERT SHEWELL (1740-1825). Roll of Members. 83 INSIGNIA NuMBER. DUNNELL, HENRY NEWCOMB, M.D., Scranton, Penna. Grandson of Private HENRY DUNNELL (1762-1805). DUNTON, WILLIAM RUSH, M.D., Germantown, Philadelphia. Grandson of Ensign WiLL1am Rusu (1757-1833). DYER, WILLIAM ASHMEAD, Chester, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JouN ASHMEAD (1738-1818). 2365. EARLE, GEORGE HOWARD, JR. (Endowed Membership), Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL VAN LEER ( —-1825). EATON, FREDERICK HEBER, Berwick, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN DICKERMAN (1765-1848). ELgcTeD To Memsersuip. Oct. 13, 1896 Nov. 9, March 4g, April to, ECKARD, REV. J. McINTOSH LONGSTRETH, Nov. g, Northumberland, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel JOHN BUBENHEIM BayARD (1738-1807). Major-General LACHLAN MCINTOSH (1727-1806). Lieutenant-Colonel JAMES READ (1743-1822). ECKARD, REV. LEIGHTON WILSON, D.D., Easton, Penna. Great-grandson of March 22, Colonel JoHN BUBENHEIM BAYARD (1738-1807). Major-General LAaCHLAN MCINTOSH (1727-1806). Lieutenant-Colonel JAMES READ (1743-1822). 1891 1897 1897 1893 1897 1892 84 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER, MeEmMBeERSHIP. 1209. EGBERT, JOSEPH CRAWFORD, M.D., Pu.D., Dec. 12, 1891 Wayne, Penna. Great-grandson of Private LAWRENCE EGBERT (1746-1821). Great-great-grandson of Sergeant-Major CONRAD ROHRMAN ( —1796). 118. EGLE, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D., Oct. 8, 1888 Harrisburg, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant VALENTINE EGLE (1756-1820). Great-grandson of Private Caspar EGLE (1725-1804). Ensign Martin THomas (1737-1804). 1380. ELLIS, EDWARD DIMICK, Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHn (1742-1827). Private BILDAD FLOWER (1750-1782). Private GEORGE RANNEY (1747-1822). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL HALL. 1241. ELLISON, HENRY HOWARD, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private THomas DaRRAH ( —-1799). Sergeant NATHANIEL Moore ( —1798). ELLISON, RODMAN BARKER, April Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant NATHANIEL Moore ( 1798). 13, 1897 2364. ELLISON, WILLIAM P., March 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant NATHANIEL MOORE ( -1798). Roll of Members. 85 INSIGNIA ELECTED To Numpegr. MEMBERSHIP. 1282, ELLISON, WILLIAM RODMAN, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private THoMas DARRAH ( -1799). Sergeant NATHANIEL MOORE ( —1798). 385. ELWYN, REV. ALFRED LANGDON, Jan. 14, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel JOHN LANGDON (1739-1819). Corporal JoHN MEASE (1738-1825). ELY, THEODORE NEWEL, Jan. 12, 1897 Bryn Mawr, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant ADRIEL ELY (1744-1829). 378. *EMERY, TITUS SALTER, March 31, 1890 Great-grandson of Private CALEB EMERY (1741-1825). Captain T1Tus SALTER (1725--1790). ERMENTROUT, FITZ-DANIEL, May 11, 1897 Reading, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Captain JacoB METZGER (1746- ). 603. ESTE, CHARLES, April 13, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain Moses Esré (1752-1836). Captain WILLIAM CHURCHILL HousToN (1740-1788). 667. ETTING, CHARLES EDWARD (Life Member), May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private REUBEN ETTING (1762-1848). 86 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. 666. 59: * ETTING, EDWARD JOHNSON, Grandson of Private REUBEN ETTING (1762-1848). ETTING, JOSEPH MARX, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private REUBEN ETTING (1762-1848). ETTING, THEODORE MINIS, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private REUBEN ETTING (1762-1848). EVANS, CHARLES THOMAS, Germantown, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private JOHN FIFIELD (1762-1843). EVANS, FRANK BROOKE, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN BROOKE (1740-1813). Private JAMES Evans (1748-1823). EVANS, FRYSINGER, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Peacock Major (1748-1829). EVANS, MONTGOMERY, Norristown, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN BROOKE (1740-1813). ELgCTED TO MeEmBERSHIP. March 22, March 22, May 4, June 8, Feb. 28, May Io, March 9, 1892 1892 1891 1897 1889 1898 1897 Roll of Members. 84 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Number. Memerrsuip. * EVANS, MORDECAI DAWSON, May 11, 1891 Great-grandson of Private JACOB HULL (1750-1804). EVANS, PENNELL COOMBE, Nov. 9, 1897 Easton, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant ABRAHAM HORN (1757-1826). Great-great-grandson of Captain MELCHOIR Hay (1726-1794). EVANS, POWELL, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel LEVIN POWELL (1737-1810). 327. EVANS, SAMUEL, Jan. 13, 1890 Columbia, Penna. Grandson of Captain SAMUEL Evans (1758-1805). Great-grandson of Colonel EvAN Evans (1732-1794). Colonel ALEXANDER LOWREY (1723-1805). EVANS, SHEPLEY WILSON, June 8, 1897 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private JOHN FIFIELD (1762-1843). 544. EVANS, WILLIAM DARLINGTON, May 12, 1890 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain NATHAN EVANS (1755-1810). Brigadier-General Joun Lacey (1755-1814). Great-great-grandson of Colonel THoMAS REYNOLDS (1729-1803). 88 Roll of (Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 2067. EVANS, REV. WILLIAM WILSON, D.D., Dec. 10, 1895 Sunbury, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant PEacocK Major (1748-1829). 642. EVERETT, HENRY LAWRENCE, June Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SETH ELLISON (1757-1827). 2300. EWING, ISAAC PRICE, Nov. Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain DANIEL STILLWELL (1747-1805). 2298. EWING, JAMES HUNTER, June Philadelphia, Great-grandson of Brigadier-General STEPHEN MOYLAN (1743-1811). 8, 1891 10, 1896 12, 1893 1948. EWING, WILLIAM BEER, M.D., March 25, 1895 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant AMos CHASE (1760-1849). Great-great-great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL CoIT (1708-1792). 681. EYERMAN, JOHN, Oct. Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Butz (1756-1821). Captain JAcoB HELLER (1750-1822). Corporal JAcoB KACHLEIN (1758-1833). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel PHILIP BAHL (1739-1820). Sergeant ANDREW HERSTER ( -1776). Lieutenant-Colonel PETER KACHLEIN (1722-1789). 12, 1891 Roll of Members. 89 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. FAGAN, MAURICE EDWARD, Dec. 10, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN WALSH (1743-1828). 1904. FASSETT, TRUMAN MILTON, Oct. 8, 1894 Canton, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JONATHAN FassETT (1745-1818). 2309. FELTON, EDGAR CONWAY, Dec. 8, 1896 Steelton, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant CHARLES LIpPiTT (1754-1845). FIELD, THOMAS YARDLEY, Colonel U.S.M.C., Oct. 8, 1894 Wayne, Penna. Grandson of Surgeon JOHN WHITE (1759-1838). FILSON, JOHN BAILY, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain Jacop HumpuRey (1751-1826). FINDLEY, JOHN THOMAS, Oct. 14, 1895 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM AMBERSON (1752-1835). FISHER, WILLIAM READ, May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of GrorGE READ (1733-1798). 7 go Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTepD To Numobgr. Mempersulpr. FLAGG, STANLEY GRISWOLD, JR., March 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Corporal PHILIP MAXWELL (1753-1817). Great-great-grandson of Ensign PHINEAS RICE (1728-1819). FLICKWIR, JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, May 24, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private DAVID FLICKWIR (1744-1793). 2250. FOOTE, ARTHUR REDINGTON, Feb. 11, 1896 Scranton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Corporal Isaac FOOTE (1746-1842). FORBES, WILLIAM INNES, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel EL1jAH CLARK (1732-1795). Lieutenant-Colonel JoHN Ross (1752-1796). Great-great-great-grandson of Rev. JOHN BRAINERD (1720-1781). Surgeon ALEXANDER Ross (1713-1780). 1582. *FORNANCE, JAMES, Captain U.S.A., Dec. 11, 1893 Killed at the battle of Santiago, Cuba, July 1, 1898. Great-grandson of Captain CHRISTIAN PIERCY ( -1793). 1234. FORNANCE, JOSEPH, May 8, 1893 Norristown, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain CHRISTIAN PIERCY ( -1793). WRoll of Members, — gi INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NuMBER. MempBgrsHIP. 2252. FORNEY, JAMES, Colonel U.S.M.C. Dec. 14, 1895 (Admitted from the New Hampshire State Society, February 8, 1898,) Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Fifer-Major PETER SHINDLE. 2350. FOSTER, RUFUS JAMES, Jan. 12, 1897 Scranton, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant DANIEL FOSTER (1762-1833). Ensign JAMES McCaMAntT (1753-1825). Great-great-grandson of Private THOMAS FOSTER (1726- ). * FOX, DANIEL MILLER, June 17, 1889 Grandson of Private DANIEL MILLER (1755-1836). 180. FOX, HENRY KORN, June 17, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private DANIEL MILLER (1755-1836). 169. FOX, WILLIAM HENRY, June 17, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private DANIEL MILLER (1755-1836). 1070. FRALEY, JOSEPH CRESSON, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private FREDERICK FRALEY (1742-1823). 2544. FRANKLIN, CLARENCE PAYNE, M.D., May 10, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major GEORGE PAYNE (1730-1795). 92 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numper. MEMBERSHIP, 721. FRAZER, JAMES PATRIOT WILSON, Oct. 13, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM FRAZER (1752-1817). Captain JOHN STEELE (1758-1827). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN CARPENTER (1737-1798). 589. FRAZER, PERSIFOR, D.Sc. Un. de France Oct. 8, 1888 (Life Member), Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Brigadier-General PERSIFOR FRAZER (1736-1792). Major JOHN HOLLINSHEAD (1748-1798). 1666. FRAZER, REAH, Paymaster U.S.N., Dec. 11, 1893 Navy Department, Washington, D.C. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM FRAZER (1752-1817). Captain JOHN STEELE (1758-1827). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN CARPENTER (1737-1798). FRETZ, JOHN EDGAR, M.D., Oct. 7, 1897 Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM MCHEnRY (1744-1808). 2231. FRYER, GEORGE GROSS, May 12, 1896 Syracuse, N. Y. Great-grandson of Captain ENocH ANDERSON, GALLONEY, FRANK HUTCHINSON, Jan. 12, 1897 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain DavID KIRKPATRICK (1752-1839). Roll of Members. 93 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 2465. 2294. 2380. 106. 1631. ELECTED TO MeEmBERSHIP. GEARHART, CHARLES PERRY, Feb. 11, Danville, Penna. Great-grandson of Private MICHAEL BLUE (1749-1833). Private JOHN CHILDS (1753-1804). Captain JACOB GEARHART (1735-1813). GEARHART, JESSE BEAVER, March 10, Danville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE BEAVER (1755-1836). Captain JacoB GEARHART (1735-1813). * GEARHART, WILSON METTLER, April 14, Great-grandson of Captain JacoB GEARHART (1735-1813). * GEIGER, JOHN L., Nov. 10, Grandson of Private JouHN L. GEIGER (1763-1838). GERHARD, JOHN SERGEANT, March 29, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of JonatHaN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). GILLESPIE, GEORGE CUTHBERT, June 11, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ANTHONY CUTHBERT (1751-1832). GILPIN, CHARLES MONTEITH, Oct. 8 Elkton, Md. Great-great-grandson of JOSEPH GILPIN (1725-1790). Colonel HENRY HoLLINGSwoRTH (1737-1803). 1896 1896 1896 1896 1897 1888 1894 94 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numper, MEMBERSHIP. GILPIN, WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, May 8, 1893 Linwood, Penna. Great-great-grandson of JosEPH GILPIN (1725-1790). Colonel HENRY HOLLINGSWORTH (1737-1803). 1688. GLENN, THOMAS ALLEN, Oct. 8, 1894 Ardmore, Penna. Great-great-gyandson of Private WILLIAM OGDEN (1742-1818). 94. GOBIN, JOHN PETER SHINDEL, Sept. 16, 1889 Lebanon, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain CHARLES GOBIN. 789. GODFREY, LINCOLN, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain RuFus LINCOLN (1751-1838). GOODHUE, SAMUEL AMORY, Nov. 13, 1894 Jamison City, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private ZACHARIAH ATWELL (1755-1836). Corporal Ezra BRown (1750-1820). Private DANIEL Ross (1757-1854). Great-great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM ATWELL ( —1805). GOVETT, ANNESLEY RICHARDSON, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOSEPH GOVETT (1739- ). Roll of Members. 95 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 1578. GOWEN, MORRIS WICKERSHAM June 11, 1894 (Endowed Membership), Viareggio, Italy. Great-great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM BROWN (1734-1808). GRAY, JEROME BETHEL, March 13, 1893 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant JEDUTHAN GRAY (1756-1830). GRAYSON, CHARLES PREVOST, M.D., Jan. 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN COULTER (1751-1823). Great-great-grandson of Chaplain SPENCE GRAYSON (1734-1798). Colonel ALEXANDER McCASKEY. GRAYSON, CLIFFORD PREVOST, Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN COULTER (1751-1823). Great-great-grandson of Chaplain SPENCE GRAYSON (1734-1798). Colonel ALEXANDER MCCASKEY. GRAYSON, FREDERICK WILLIAM, JR., Dec. 8, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN COULTER (1751-1823). Great-great-grandson of Chaplain SPENCE GRAYSON (1734-1798). Colonel ALEXANDER MCCASKEY. 96 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Execrep To Numeser. MemsersHIP. 2411. GREEN, EDGAR MOORE, M.D., March 9, 1891 Easton, Penna. Great-grandson of Private NAPHTALI ByRAM (1749-1812). Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). 1686. GREEN, FRANK DELAPLAINE, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JAMES FERRELL (1758-1854). Private ROBERT McCay (1753-1823). Great-great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM McCay (1721-1791). * GREEN, TRAILL, M.D., LL.D., April 13, 1891 Grandson of Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). 1659. GREEN, WALTER DAVENPORT, M.D., Nov. 13, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel CHARLES STEWART (1729-1800). 645. GREENOUGH, EBENEZER WILLIAM, June 8, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private EBENEZER GREENOUGH (1753-1827). GREGG, DAVID McMURTRIE, JR., April 10, 1893 Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel JOSEPH HIESTER (1752-1832). Major-General JAMES POTTER (1729-1789). oll of Members. 97 INSIGNIA EvecreD To Numser, MEMBERSHIP. GRIFFING, GEORGE HIRAM, Pay Inspector U.S.N. April 9, 1895 (Life Member), San Francisco, Cal. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN GRIFFING (1737-1822). GRIFFITH, MANUEL EYRE, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain MANUEL EyRE (1736-1805). GRIFFITH, ROBERT EGLESFELD, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel THomas ROBINSON (1751-1819). GRISCOM, CLEMENT ACTON, JR., June 11, 1894 New York City. Great-great-grandson of OwEN BIDDLE (1737-1799). GRISCOM, RODMAN ELLISON, Dec. 11, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of OWEN BIDDLE (1737-1799). GROSS, EDWARD ZIEGLER, May 4, 1891 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN Gross (1749-1823). GROSS, JOHN KUNKEL, Feb. 11, 1895 York, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JouHn Gross (1749-1823). 98 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numpegr, MEMBERSHIP. 2546. GROVES, EDWARD AUGUSTINE, June 14, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JACOB GRAFF, JR. (1751-1793). GUILLOU, VICTOR, March 14, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JamES SEARLE (1730-1797). 452. GUMBES, CHARLES WETHERILL, M.D., Nov. 24, Oaks, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of JacoB MorGav, Sr. (1716-1792.) GUMMEY, CHARLES FRANCIS, JR., Feb. 11, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN GUMMEY, SR. (1743-1811). 1348. HADDOCK, STANLEY BRICKETT, Nov. 13, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN WHITE (1759-1838). HAGER, CHRISTOPHER, March 14, Lancaster, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General WILLIAM THOMPSON (1736-1781). HALDEMAN, DONALD CAMERON, Nov. 12, Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Corporal JacoB HALDEMAN (1722-1783). Lieutenant JAcoB RUPLEY (1724-1793). 1892 1890 1895 1893 1892 1895 Roll of Members. 99 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 2290. HALDEMAN, HORACE LEANDER, Nov. 10, 1896 Chickies, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Corporal JacoB HALDEMAN (1722-1783). Corporal MARTIN LINDEMUTH (1757-1829). HALDEMAN, RICHARD CAMERON, Feb. 11, 1896 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Corporal JacoB HALDEMAN (1722-1783). Lieutenant JACOB RUPLEY (1724-1793). HALE, ARTHUR, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-yreat-great-grandson of Brigadier-General ANDREW WARD (1727-1799). 2457. HALE, GEORGE, M.D. (Life Member), Jan. 12, 1897 Frankford, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoNATHAN HALE (1718-1776). * HALE, JOHN MILLS, Feb. 1, 1892 Great-grandson of Captain CHARLES SEYMOUR (1738-1802). HALEY, EDWIN JAMES, Dec. 14, 1897 Ridgway, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain W1LLIAM Hayman (1740-1823). HALL, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Nov. 10, 1896 St. Mary’s, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain ANTHONY CARNER (1752-1834). 100 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numobgr. 2152. 2434. ELgcTgeD To MempersHIp. HALL, HARRY ALVAN, Feb. Ridgway, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain ANTHONY CARNER (1752-1834). II, 1896 * HALL, JOHN HANCOCK, M.D., Surgeon U.S.N., Oct. 8, 1894 Great-grandson of Captain Esatas PREBLE (1742-1812). HALL, WALTER FERDINAND, Nov. Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM HASLETT. HALL, WILLIAM MACLAY, JR., Feb. Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel EL1nu Hatt (1723-1790). HAMERSLY, EDMUND GRAFF, Feb. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAcoB GraFF, JR. (1751-1793). HAMILL, SAMUEL McCLINTOCK, M.D., Nov. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN Lyon (1752-1826). Private SAMUEL STEWART ( 1803). ANDREW Topp (1742-1833). HAMILTON, DAVID KURTZ, May South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM RIDDLE (1750-1796). 9; Il, 12, 12, 14, 1897 1896 1894 1895 1894 Roll of Members, IOI INSIGNIA NuMBER. 2527. 588. ELEcTED To MEMBERSHIP, HAMMOND, WILLIAM BUEHLER, Jan. 14, Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel REzIN HAMMOND. HAND, HENRY JESSOP, April 21, Wayne, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN KEEN (1747-1832). HANDY, CHARLES, April 21, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant EDWARD FITz RANDOLPH (1754-1837). HANOLD, FRANK WILDBAHN, Feb. 8, Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private MosEs CRAIG (1702-1777). HANOLD, HIESTER MUHLENBERG, Jan. 11, Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private Moses CRAIG (1702-1777). HARDING, JOHN SLOSSON, March 9, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain STEPHEN HARDING (1723-1 789). Lieutenant Lewis MILLs (1738-1782). HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY, Feb. 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM Harrison, JR. (1720-1787). 1896 1892 1892 1898 1898 1891 1898 102 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numszr. 1560. 2461. 1039. 492. HART, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel JosepH Hart (1715-1788). HART, JOHN, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Joun Hart (1711-1780). HARTRANFT, LINN, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JacoB WEYGANDT (1742-1828). Great-great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS WEYGANDT (1713-1799). HARTRANFT, SAMUEL SEBRING, Sheridan, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JacoB WEYGANDT (1742-1828). Great-great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS WEYGANDT (1713-1799). HARVEY, RICHARD WISTAR (Life Member), Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). HATHAWAY, FORREST HENRY, Major U.S.A., Philadelphia. Great-grandson of ELEcTED To - MEMBERSHIP. May Dec. Feb. Oct. Jan. June Private LUTHER BARTHOLOMEW, SR. (1758-1839). HAVERSTICK, GEORGE HENRY, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Jan. Lieutenant WILLIAM HAVERSTICK (1753-1823). Captain GEORGE MUSSER (1741-1806). 14, 12, 12 14, 12, 1894 1896 1892 1891 1891 1898 1891 Roll of Members. 103 INSIGNIA ELECTED To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. HAY, HENRY GURLEY, Oct. 14, 1895 Cheyenne, Wyo. Great-grandson of Major HENRY AXTELL (1738-1818). Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM Hay ( —1812). 570. HAYDEN, REV. HORACE EDWIN, June’ 9g, 1890 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private MICHAEL Hause (1751-1797). Adjutant THomas HAYDEN (1745-1817). Private JacoB HuLL (1750-1804). Quartermaster DANIEL ROBINSON (1738-1832). HAYDON, PERCY HOWARD (Life Member), April 9, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private SAMUEL PARTRIDGE (1749-1834). * HAYDON, HON. WILLIAM, Oct. 13, 1896 Great-great-grandson of Sergeant ARCHIBALD MCBRIDE. 2399. HAYES, ROBERT GOODLOE HARPER, M.D., Nov. 13, 1894 Bellefonte, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM Gray (1740-1807). HAYS, FREDERIC WILLIAM, Oct. 14, 1895 Oil City, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL WALLACE (1730-1798). HAZLEHURST, EDWARD, Feb. 11, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Joun Dunap (1747-1812). 104 Roll of Members. ELECTED TO MemsersHIp. HAZLEHURST, FRANCIS, June 17, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN DUNLAP (1747-1812). INSIGNIA Number, HEBERTON, CHARLES MULLER, M.D., Dec. 11, 1894 Cynwyd, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN BROOKE (1740-1813). Lieutenant JOHN CRalIG (1733-1821). Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-1813). 904. HEBERTON, CRAIG, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN CRAIG (1733-1821). 1057. HEBERTON, GEORGE, May 24, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN CRAIG (1733-1821). HEBERTON, GEORGE VAN GELDER, Dec. 12, 1892 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN CRAIG (1733-1821). HEBERTON, ROBERT, Dec. 14, 1897 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN CRAIG (1733-1821). 1516. HECKMAN, REV. GEORGE C., D.D., LL.D., June 11, 1894 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel PETER KACHLEIN (1722-17809). WRoll of Members. 105 INSIGNIA NuMBER. ELEcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. HECKMAN, JOHN HERSTER, April 9, 1895 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel PETER KACHLEIN (1722-17809). HEILMAN, SAMUEL PHILIP, M.D., Jan. 12, 1891 Heilmandale, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN ADAM HEILMAN (1745-1827). 2244. HEITSHU, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, May 12, 1896 Lancaster, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant PHILIP RUPERT (1738-1829). HELLER, JACOB BUTZ, M.D., June 12, 1893 Easton, Penna. Great.grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Butz (1756-1821). Private GEORGE GRAY ( -1803). Captain JacoB HELLER (1750-1822). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant PHILIP MIXSELL (1731-1817). HELLICK, CHAUNCEY GRAHAM, Dec. 10, 1895 Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN ARNDT (1748-1814). Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). HELME, WILLIAM EDWARD, June 8, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private ADAM STULL (1758-1821). 8 106 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numeprr, MeEmpersHIP. HEMPHILL, ROBERT COLEMAN, Oct. 12, 1891 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ROBERT COLEMAN (1748-1825). HENDERSON, WILLIAM HENRY, JR., May 11, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain NICHOLAS DIEHL ( -1819). Chaplain SAMUEL JONES, D.D, (1735-1802). 176. HENDRY, PAUL AUGUSTINE, Jan. 14, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private ROBERT CHAMBERS (1758-1813). Captain SAMUEL HENDRY (1738-1824). Great-great-grandson of Private EZEKIEL ANDERSON. HENRY, CHARLES SETON, March 8, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major LEONARD BLEECKER (1755-1844). HENWOOD, WALTER LINCOLN, June 8, 1897 Scranton, Penna. Great-grandson of Private GIDEON BUSHNELL (1756-1830). 564. HERMAN, JOHN ARMSTRONG, Oct. 13, 1890 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Private MARTIN HERMAN (1732-1804). Great-great-grandson of Major-General JOHN ARMSTRONG (1725-1795). Roll of Members. 107 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. HERSH, GRIER, Jan. 12, 1897 York, Penna. Great-grandson of Major EL1 Lewis (1750-1807). Great.great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel DaviD GRIER (1741-1790). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel ROBERT MCPHERSON (1730-1789). 232. HESS, ABRAM, Sept. 16, 1889 Lebanon, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign JOHN PuiLip DE Haas, Jr. ( —1826). Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General Joun Puitip DE Haas, Sr. ( -1786). Captain WILLIAM SHIPPIN (1750-1777). 4so. HEWES, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS (Life Member), Oct. 13, 1890 Pottsville, Penna. Great-grandson of Major FRANCIS NICHOLS (1737-1812). Quartermaster WILLIAM NICHOLS (1754-1804). Great-great-grandson of MricHaEL HILLeGAs (1729-1804). HEWSON, ADDINELL, M.D., Nov. 24, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Jacop Morea, Sr. (1716-1792). HEYL, CHARLES HEATH, Major U.S.A., June 12, 1893 War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Private Davip HeaTH( —_- 1820). 1971. HEYL, GEORGE ANTHONY, Oct. 14, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private GEORGE HEYL ( —1815). 108 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numper. MemBgERsHIP, HEYL, JACOB ESHER, March 25, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign PHILIP HEYL (1739-1811). 281. HIESTER, ISAAC, May 13, 1889 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Major-General JOHN PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG (1746-1807). HILL, WILLIAM, Jan. 9, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon GERARDUS CLARKSON (1737-1790). HILLARD, LORD BUTLER, May 4, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). HILLARD, TUTHILL REYNOLDS, May 14, 1894 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JosEpH HILLIARD (1737- ys HOBART, DAVID McKNIGHT, Feb. 9, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). Captain JAcoB RUDOLPH (1744-1795). Rev. WILLIAM Situ, D.D. (1727-1803). Roll of (embers. 109 INSIGNIA ELECTED To NumBeEr. MEMBERSHIP. HODGE, CHARLES, May 12, 1890 Louisville, Ky. Great-grandson of Surgeon HuGH HopcE (1755-1798). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-I8I1). Captain JoHN Lapp HowELL (1739-1785). Captain GEORGE JANEWAY (1741- ). Sergeant THoMAS LEIPER (1745-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). HODGE, REV. FRANCIS BLANCHARD, D.D., March 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Grandson of Surgeon HucH HopGE (1755-1798). Great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-1811). Great.great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). 581. HODGE, REV. GEORGE WOOLSEY, April 14, 1890 Philadelphia. Grandson of Surgeon HucH HopGE (1755-1798). HODGE, HUGH BAYARD, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon HucH HonpcE (1755-1798). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-1811). Captain Joun Lapp Howe. (1739-1785). Captain GEORGE JANEWAY (1741- ). Sergeant THomas LEIPER (1745-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). IIO Roll of Members. INSIGNIA E.gctgp To Number. MEMBERSHIP. 583. HODGE, JAMES MONROE, March 26, 1889 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private GEORGE PALMER RANSOM (1762-1850). Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL RANSOM (1737-1778). HODGE, THOMAS LEIPER JANEWAY, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon HuGH HODGE (1755-1798). Great-great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-1811). Captain Joun LaDD HOWELL (1739-1785). Captain GEORGE JANEWAY (1741- ). Sergeant THOMAS LEIPER (1745-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). HOFFER, ALLEN DAVID, Jan. 14, 1896 Pottstown, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN CARMANY (1760-1840). HOFFMAN, JOHN RITTENHOUSE, May 14, 1895 Pottsville, Penna. F Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN HOFFMAN (1746-1831). HOLLAND, JAMES WILLIAM, M.D., May = 8, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant GEORGE HOLLAND (1733- ). Roll of Members, III INSIGNIA ELECTED To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. HOLLIDAY, ROBERT LOWRY, Oct. 8, 1894 Dover, Del. Grandson of Captain JOHN HOLLiDay (1747-1823). HOLMES, ROBERT JOHN, Dec. 8, 1890 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant THOMAS LEIPER (1745-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN CrosBy (1748-1822). GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). HOOPES, BERNARD, Jan. 15, 1895 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain EDWARD YORKE (1740-1791). 547. HOOTON, FRANCIS CARPENTER, Oct. 13, 1890 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain THoMAsS CARPENTER (1740-1815). 1050. HOOTON, MOTT, Captain U.S.A., Oct. 10, 1892 War Department, Washington, D.C. Great-grandson of Captain THOMAS CARPENTER (1740-1815). HOPKINSON, JAMES SWAIM, Dec. 11, 1894 Lock Haven, Penna. Great-grandson of FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Great-great-grandson of Colonel JosEPH BORDEN (1719-1791). 112 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELgCTED TO Numper. MempersHIp. HOPKINSON, OLIVER, JR., M.D., Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Great-great-grandson of JOSEPH BORDEN (1719-1791). HOPKINSON, WILLIAM FRANCIS, Dec. 11, 1894 Williamsport, Penna. Great-grandson of FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737-1791). Great-great-grandson of Colonel JOSEPH BORDEN (1719-1791). 2379. HORD, REV. ARNOLD HARRIS, March 29, 1897 Holmesburg, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private THOMAS Harris (1747- di Captain FRANCIS TRIPLETT (1728-1795). HORN, CHARLES ROBERT, Oct. 7, 1897 Catasauqua, Penna. Great.grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Butz (1756-1821). Captain JAcoB HELLER (1750-1822). Sergeant ABRAHAM Horn (1757-1826). Major RoBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). Great-great-grandson of Captain MeLcuior Hay (1726-1794). HORN, REV. EDWARD TRAILL, D.D. Oct. 9, 1896 (Admitted from the South Carolina State Society, January 11, 1898), Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Butz (1756-1821). Captain JacoB HELLER (1750-1822). Sergeant ABRAHAM Horn (1757-1826).. Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). Great-great-grandson of Captain MeLcHior Hay (1726-1794). Roll of Members. 113 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. HORN, FRANK MELCHIOR, Oct. 7, 1897 Catasauqua, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Butz (1756-1821). Captain JacoB HELLER (1750-1822). Sergeant ABRAHAM Horn (1757-1826). Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). Great-great-grandson of Captain MELCHIOR Hay (1726-1794). HORN, HARRY YOHE, M.D., Oct. 7, 1897 Coplay, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Butz (1756-1821). Captain JacoB HELLER (1750-1822). Sergeant ABRAHAM HorRN (1757-1826). Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). Great-great-grandson of Captain MELCHIOR Hay (1726-1794). 111. HORNOR, WILLIAM MACPHERSON, Oct. 8, 1888 Bryn Mawr, Penna. Great-grandson of Major WILLIAM MACPHERSON (1756-1813). 1465. *HORSTMANN, FERDINAND ODEN, Feb. 12, 1894 Great-great-grandson of Private THomaAs DARRAH ( -1799). HORSTMANN, WALTER, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private THomAS DARRAH ( —-1799). 2240. HOSKINSON, THOMAS JULIUS, Nov. 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private BASIL HoSKINSON (1752-1834). 114 Roll of Members, INSIGNIA NuMBER. 1079. 1080. Io. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. HOUGH, OLIVER, Dec. 12, Philadelphia, Great-great-grandson of Private Isaac HouGH (1726-1786). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain NICHOLAS DIEHL ( —1819). * HOUSTON, HENRY HOWARD, Dec. 12 Grandson of Surgeon JOHN Houston (1742-1809). HOUSTON, SAMUEL FREDERIC, Dec. 12, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon JoHN Houston (1742-1809). Great-great-grandson of Quartermaster MATTHEW CLARKSON (1733-1800). * HOUSTON, WILLIAM CHURCHILL, Jan. 13, Grandson of Captain WILLIAM CHURCHILL HousTON (1740-1788). HOUSTON, WILLIAM CHURCHILL, April 3, Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM CHURCHILL HousToN (1740-1788). HOWARD, DANIEL WALDO, May 14, Philadelphia. Grandson of Matross PETER SLATER (1760-1831). HOWE, FRANK PERLEY, Nov. 12 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain PERLEY Howe. 1891 1892 1892 1890 1888 1894 1895 Roll of Members. 115 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MemBeErsHI?r. 1887. 1358. 787. HOWE, HERBERT MARSHALL, M.D., May 14, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain PERLEY Howe. HOWELL, BENJAMIN PASCHALL, April 13, Knoxville, Tenn. Great-grandson of Captain Joun Lapp HOWELL (1739-1785). Private MorDEcaI LEwIs (1748-1799). HOWELL, CHARLES HARKNESS, Dec. 11, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JACOB Cox (1753- ). Private AARON HOWELL. * HOWELL, JOSHUA LADD, May 12, Great-grandson of Adjutant THomas CARPENTER (1752-1847). Captain JoHN Lapp HowELt (1739-1785). HOYT, HENRY MARTYN, JR., Feb. 1, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private DANIEL Hoyt (1756-1824). Private CHRISTOPHER HuRLBUT (1757-1831). Corporal JosEPH LOVELAND (1747-1813). HUBBELL, FREDERICK BROOKS (Life Member), May 24, Baltimore, Md. Great-grandson of Major JOHN Brooks (1728-1803). RicHAaRD Law (1733-1806). Great-great-grandson of Colonel Puitip LoRENTZ GREENAWALT (1725-1802). 1895 1897 1893 1890 1892 1892 116 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NuMBER. MeEmpersHIP. HUDSON, CLARENCE WALTER, March 29, 1897 Pheenixville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain BARNES SMOCK. 543. HUGHES, HENRY DOUGLAS, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Ensign SAMUEL HUGHES (1742-1785). 2305. HUIDEKOPER, THOMAS WALLIS, March Io, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel EvaN Evans (1732-1794). HULBURD, DAVID WENDELL, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private OLIVER SELFRIDGE (1759-1845). HULICK, FRANCIS RADER, Easton, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Major JOHN CORYELL (1730-1799). HULICK, WILLIAM HENRY, Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major JOHN CORYELL (1730-1799). HUNT, CHARLES PARRISH, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private ELEAZAR MILLER (1757-1793). June Feb. Feb. Oct. 14, 8, 9; 14, 1898 1898 1897 1895 Roll of Members. 117 INSIGNIA NuMBER. ELEcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. * HUNT, WILLIAM, M.D., June 30, 1890 Great-grandson of Chief Engineer ARTHUR DONALDSON (1734-1797). HUTCHINSON, CHARLES HARE, Feb. 11, 1889 Philadelphia. Grandson of Surgeon-General JAMES HUTCHINSON (1752-1793). HUTCHINSON, FRANCIS MARTIN, Feb. 12, 1894 Sewickley, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JONATHAN Cass (1753-1830). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL SELDEN (1723-1776). HUTCHINSON, GEORGE CASS, May New York City. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoNATHAN CAss (1753-1830). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL SELDEN (1723-1776). oo , 1893 HUTCHINSON, PEMBERTON SYDNEY, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Grandson of Surgeon-General JAMES HUTCHINSON (1752-1793). HUTCHINSON, SYDNEY EMLEN, March 10, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon-General JAMES HUTCHINSON (1752-1 793). Great-great-grandson of Tuomas WHARTON, JR. (1735-1778). 118 Roll of (Members. ELgcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. HUTCHINSON, SYDNEY PEMBERTON, Dec. 11, 1893 Haverford, Penna. Great-grandson of Surgeon-General JAMES HUTCHINSON (1752-1793). Great-great-grandson of THOMAS WHARTON, JR. (1735-1778). INSIGNIA Numeegr. 2522. ILLIG, EDWARD SMITH, Dec. 14, 1897 Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM SMITH (1732-1806). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JONATHAN JONES (1738-1782). INGHAM, ELLERY PERCY, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain Jonas INGHAM (1746-1820). 2094. INGHAM, WILLIAM HENRY, Feb. 1, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major EBENEZER HOWELL (1748-1791). Captain ANDREW SINNICKSON, JR. (1749-18109). Great-great-grandson of ANDREW SINNICKSON, SR. (1719-1790). IRISH, DALLAS CADWALLADER, March 9, 1897 Pittsburgh, Penna. Grandson of Captain NATHANIEL IRISH (1737-1816). 1700. IRWIN, JOHN HOLMES (Life Member), Dec. 11, 1894 Newport, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL BRYSON (1750-1799). Roll of (hembers. 119 INSIGNIA ELEcTED To Numer. MempBeErsHIP. ISRAEL, REV. ROGERS, March 12, 1894 Scranton, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant REZIN SIMPSON (1758-1828). * JACKSON, LEWIS BUSH, March 26, 1889 Great-great-grandson of Captain JOHN BusH (1755-1806). 2360. JACKSON, STUART WELLS (Life Member), April 14, 1896 Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Private DAVID JACKSON (1736- ). JAMES, BUSHROD WASHINGTON, M.D., Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel THomas Ports (1735-1788). 184. *JAMES, CLARENCE GRAY, June 22, 1888 Great-grandson of Colonel THomas Potts (1735-1788). JAMES, WILLIAM ALDEN, June 11, 1894 Georgetown, S. C. Great-grandson of Major JuDAH ALDEN (1750-1845). JANEWAY, PRICE WETHERILL, May 12, 1890 Media, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain GEORGE JANEWAY (1741- ys Sergeant THoMAS LEIPER (1745-1825). Great-great-grandson of GEORGE GRAY (1725-1800). Great-great-great-grandson of Jacop MorGav, Sr. (1716-1 792). 120 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELgctep To Numer. MEMBERSHIP. JANNEY, JOSEPH ALLISON, Jan. 8, 1894 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of SAMUEL Morris, SR. (1711-1788). 1073. JANNEY, SPENCER MOSES, Dec. 12, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of SAMUEL MorRIs, Sr. (1711-1788). 175. JONES, CHARLES HENRY, Jan. 14, 1889. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JONATHAN JONES (1738-1782). Quartermaster WILLIAM RODMAN (1757-1824). JONES, EDWARD RUSSELL, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Chaplain SAMUEL EAKIN (1745-1783). Lieutenant TiTus MATLACK (1738-1796). JONES, EDWIN HORN, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ELIsHA BLACKMAN (1717-1804). JONES, REV. HENRY LAWRENCE, S.T.D., Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private ASA BULLARD (1730-1803). JONES, OLIVER BLACKBURN, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major THOMAS JONES (1737-1812). May 12, 1896 April 13, 1891 Feb. 12, 1894 April 14, 1896 Roll of Members, 121 aan ELecTgep To UMBER. MEMBERSHIP. JONES, RICHARD OSCAR, Oct. 10, 1892 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant ELIsHA BLACKMAN (1717-1804). 387. JONES, RICHMOND LEGH, Feb. Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JONATHAN JONES (1738-1782). Quartermaster WILLIAM RODMAN (1757-1824), 16, 1889 1699. JONES, STOCKTON WHITE, May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Chaplain SAMUEL EAKIN (1745-1783). Lieutenant Tirus MaTLack (1738-1796). 14, 1894 JORDAN, EWING, M.D., April Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN EWING (1755-1799). Sergeant FREDERICK JORDAN (1744-1784). Trumpeter Lewis WOOLF (1747-1830). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM HENRY (1729-1786). 12, 1898 JORDAN, GEORGE FREDERICK, March 8, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN LINTON (1749-1824). 55. JORDAN, JOHN WOOLF (Life Member), April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN EwING (1755-1799). Sergeant FREDERICK JORDAN (1744-1784). Trumpeter Lewis WooLF (1747-1830). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WiLL1AM Henry (1729-1786). 9 122 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Exvscrep To Numoer. MEMBERSHIP. JORDAN, REV. WALTER, April 13, 1897 Oak Lane, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN EWING (1755-1799). Sergeant FREDERICK JORDAN (1744-1784). Trumpeter LEw1is WOOLF (1747-1830). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM HENRY (1729-1786). JUDSON, CHARLES FRANCIS, M.D., April 13, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private OLIVER BURNHAM (1760-1846). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB PaRRy (1734-1776). 722. *JUDSON, OLIVER ALBERT, M.D., April 13, 1891 Grandson of Private OLIVER BURNHAM (1760-1846). JUDSON, OLIVER BOYCE, April 13, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private OLIVER BURNHAM (1760-1846). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB PARRY (1734-1776). 644. KEASBEY, HENRY GRIFFITH, May 4, 1891 Ambler, Penna. Great-great-grandson of EpDwarRD KEasBEy (1726-1779). Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB Parry (1734-1776). 1205. KEAY, NATHANIEL SEAVER, Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant NATHANIEL SEAVER. Roll of Members. 123 INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numper. MEMBERSHIP. 2500. KEELER, WALTER BRADLEY, Feb. 8, 1898 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel PH1LIp BuRR BRADLEY (1738-1821). 181. KEEN, GREGORY BERNARD, June 22, 1888 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private JOHN KEEN (1747-1832). Great-grandson of Private GEORGE MELIN. 350. KEESE, FRANCIS SUYDAM, March 10, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN KEESE (1755-18009). 876. KEIM, BEVERLEY RANDOLPH, Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN KEIM (1749-1819). 325. *KEIM, GEORGE pe BENNEVILLE, Jan. 13, 1890 Great-grandson of Captain JoHn Ker (1749-1819). 381. KEIM, HENRY MAY, March 10, 1890 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain Joun Keim (1749-1819). Great-great-grandson of Captain GeorGE Douetass (1726-1799). KELKER, LUTHER REILY, May 14, 1895 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ANTHONY KELKER (1733-1812). Captain JoHN REILY (1752-1810). 124 Roll of Members, INSIGNIA ELzcTzD TO Numser. MEMBERSHIP. KELLER, JOHN PETER, Oct. 8, 1894 Harrisburg, Penna. Grandson of Ensign CHRISTIAN KUNKEL (1757-1823). 684, KELLY, HENRY KUHL, Nov. 9, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). FREDERICK KUHL, KELSEY, ALBERT, Dec. 11, 1894 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant JOHN KELSEY, JR. (1743-1822). 1094. KELSEY, ALBERT WARREN (Life Member), Jan. 9, 1893 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant JOHN KELSEY, JR. (1743-1822). 1242, KENNARD, JOSEPH SPENCER, JR. June 12, 1893 (Endowed Membership), Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private Jacop Cox (1753- ). Great-great-grandson of JosEPpH Huce ( —-1796). 2462. KENNEY, HENRY FLETCHER, Oct. 13, 1896 Ridley Park, Penna. Grandson of Sergeant JEREMIAH McINTOSH (1751-1843). Roll of Members. 125 INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NuMBER, MemBeErsHIP. Io5t. KENT, HENRY THOMAS, Nov. 14, 1892 Clifton Heights, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM THOMPSON (1746-1816). 1056. KENT, SAMUEL LEONARD, Oct. 10, 1892 Clifton Heights, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM THOMPSON (1746-1816). KERLIN, JOHN WARE SHARPLESS, March 14, 1892 Elwyn, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major-General ARTEMUS WARD (1727-1800). 2307. KEYSER, ANDREW DAVIS, Dec. 8, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES Davis (1758-1804). 669. *KEYSER, PETER DIRCK, M.D., Feb. 28, 1889 Great-grandson of Colonel JeHU EyRE (1738-1781). 2239. KIMBALL, WILLIAM SPOONER, March 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private NoaH B. KIMBALL. Great-great-grandson of Captain AARON KIMBALL (1729-1807). 395. KING, WILLIAM CLARENCE, June —g, 1890 Williamsport, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM KING (1745-1802). 126 Roll of Nembers. INSIGNIA Numper. 2066, 1357. 390. ELEcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. KIRK, CHESTER HUGHES, Nov. 12, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain ROGER KIRK (1751-1809). KIRK, WILLIAM THOMPSON, JR., March 13, : Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain RoGER Kirk (1751-1809). KIRKPATRICK, HON. WILLIAM SEBRING, April 13, Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JacoB WEYGANDT (1742-1828). Great-great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS WEYGANDT (1713-1799). KOCH, CHARLES HOWARD, Dec. 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM KocH (1747-1832). KOLLOCK, SHEPARD KOSCIUSZKO, Dec. 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant SHEPARD KOLLOcK (1750-1839). KOONS, SAMUEL BISPHAM, May 24, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE KLEBER (1740-1825). KRUMBHAAR, ALEXANDER, March 31, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM TURNBULL (1751-1822). 1895 1893 1891 1896 1896 1892 1890 Roll of Members. 127 INSIGNIA NuMBER, ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. KUHNS, LEVI OSCAR, March 9, 1897 Middletown, Conn. Great-grandson of Private FREDERICK BROWN (1755-1807). Private GEORGE Kuntz (1762-1835). KULP, HARRY EUGENE (Life Member), Dec. Wyoming, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant THomas WILLIAMS (1756-1839). 1256. KULP, JOHN STEWART, M.D., Dec. Assistant Surgeon U.S.A. (Life Member), Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant THoMAS WILLIAMS (1756-1839). LAIRD, HERBERT RUSSELL, Feb. Williamsport, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM LaIRD (1727-1820). 1512. LAMBERTON, JAMES McCORMICK, Feb. Concord, New Hampshire. Great-grandson of Ensign WILLIAM HARKNESS (1739-1822). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant HENRY BUEHLER (1740-1801). Captain PETER NAGLE (1750-1834). 12, 1891 12, 1891 11, 1896 13, 1893 * LAMBERTON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, LL.D., June 12, 1893 Grandson of Ensign WILLIAM HaRKNESS (1739-1822). 128 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Noumper, MEMBERSHIP. LAMMOT, DANIEL, JR., June 13, 1892 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ROBERT SMITH (1752-1838). 2467. LANCASTER, JOSEPH CAMPBELL, Jan. 9, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN CAMPBELL (1750-1810). 2214. LANDELL, EDWIN AUGUSTUS, JR. (Life Member), Feb. 11, 1368. 668. 879. Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Major JosepH LINDSLEY (1735-1822). LANDIS, JOHN FULTON REYNOLDS, June 12, Captain U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D.C., Great-grandson of Captain SamMuEL Moore ( -1795). LANDRETH, BURNET, JR., April 13, Bristol, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Private CORNELIUS PHILLIPS ( -1777). Captain JOHN PHILLIPS (1757— ). LANDRETH, LUCIUS SCOTT, Feb. 8, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major JacoB PERKINS (1731-1792). JoHN RODNEy (1725-1792). * LANDRETH, OLIVER, March 14, Great-grandson of JOHN RODNEY (1725-1792). 1896 1893 1891 1892 1892 Roll of Members. 129 INSIGNIA ELECTED To Numssgr. Memeersuip. LANDRETH, SYMINGTON PHILLIPS, Feb. 13, 1893 Bristol, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Private CORNELIUS PHILLIPS ( -1777). Captain JoHN PHILLIPS (1757- ys 861. LANDRETH, WILLIAM LINTON, Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major JACOB PERKINS (1731-1792). JOHN RODNEY (1725-1792). * LANE, AUGUSTUS HETICH, Jan. 8, 1894 Great.grandson of Captain NICHOLAS BITTINGER (1725-1804). 1555. LANE, THOMAS HETICH, May 14, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great.grandson of Captain NICHOLAS BITTINGER (1725-1804). 2145. LANING, ROBERT HODKINSON, Feb. 11, 1896 Towanda, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign MATTHIAS HOLLENBACK (1752-1829). Private ROBERT LANING (1747-1828). LANSDALE, WILLIAM MOYLAN, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major THomas LANSDALE (1748-1805). Brigadier-General STEPHEN MOYLAN (1743-1811). 866. LARDNER, JAMES LAWRENCE, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Cornet JOHN LARDNER (1752-1825). 130 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA E.zcrep To Numser. MEMBERSHIP. LATHROP, WILLIAM ARTHUR, March 12, 1894 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Fifer EPHRAIM BEARDSLEY (1738-1806). LATTA, JOHN SANDERSON, March 8, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Chaplain James Latta, D.D. (1732-1801). Private JOHN WILSON, JR. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Quartermaster JOHN WHITEHILL (1729-1815). Private JOHN WILSON, SR. LATTA, SAMUEL WHITEHILL, M.D., June 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Chaplain James Latta, D.D. (1732-1801). Private JOHN WILSON, JR. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Quartermaster JOHN WHITEHILL (1729-1815). Private JOHN WILSON, SR. LATTA, THOMAS LOVE, Feb. 11, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Chaplain James Latta, D.D. (1732-1801). Private JOHN WILSON, JR. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Quartermaster JOHN WHITEHILL (1729-1815). Private JOHN WILSON, SR. Roll of Members. 131 INsIGNIA ELECTED TO Numprr. MezmMeBersHIP. 1399. LATTA, WILLIAM JAMES, Dec. 11, 1893 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Chaplain James Latta, D.D. (1732-1801). Private JOHN WILSON, JR. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Quartermaster JOHN WHITEHILL (1729-1815). Private JOHN WILSON, SR. LAW, ERNEST, Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of RICHARD Law (1733-1806). 2261. LAWRENCE, HENRY HORTON, May 12, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Ensign DANIEL HorTOoN (1744-1807). 230. LEACH, FRANK WILLING, Jan. 14, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign LEMuvEL LEACH (1745-1825). Corporal ISRAEL MANNING (1756-1821). Private JOSEPH SMALLIDGE (1747-1829). LEACH, JOSEPH GRANVILLE, March 10, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign MATHIAS GILBERT (1746-1823). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN GALLoway (1740-1780). Ensign LEMUEL LEACH (1745-1825). Corporal ISRAEL MANNING (1756-1821). Private JOSEPH SMALLIDGE (1747-1829). 132 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Exgctep To Numper. MEMBERSHIP, 57. LEACH, JOSIAH GRANVILLE, April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign LEMUEL LEACH (1745-1825). Corporal ISRAEL MANNING (1756-1821). Private JOSEPH SMALLIDGE (1747-1829). LEACH, MEREDITH BIDDLE, March 8, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign MATHIAS GILBERT (1746-1823). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN GALLOWAY (1740-1780). Ensign LEMUEL LEACH (1745-1825). Corporal IsRAEL MANNING (1756-1821). Private JOSEPH SMALLIDGE (1747-1829). LEAMING, THOMAS, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Adjutant THomas LEAMING ( -1797). Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General JOHN Morin Scott (1730-1784). 1978. LEE, BENJAMIN, M.D., March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of JOEL WHITE (1705-17809). LEE, CHARLES WILLIAM, April 13, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain ANDREW LEE (1739-1821). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN JAMESON (1750-1782). Lieutenant-Colonel Lazarus STEWART (1734-1778). Roll of Members. 133 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NumpBer. MEMBERSHIP. 1344. LEE, EDMUND JENNINGS, M.D., May 8, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB GARDNER (1739-1806). Henry LEE (1729-1787). RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732-1794). 453. LEE, EDWARD CLINTON, Nov. 24, 1890 Haverford, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon’s Mate SETH LOTHROP (1729-1815). Lieutenant JosEPH POPE (1742-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of Corporal CALEB ARNOLD (1725-1784). Ensign JAMES BROWN, JR. (1731I- ). THOMAS JENKS (1700-1797). Great-great-great-great-grandson of Private JAMES BROWN, SR. (1706-1777). Private BENJAMIN BUFFINGTON. 2401. LEE, FRANKLYN ADAMS, April 13, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JAMES FERRELL (1758-1854). * LEE, WILLIAM JENKS, Nov. 9, 1891 Great-great-grandson of Surgeon’s Mate SerH LorHRop (1729-1815). Lieutenant JoSEPH POPE (1742-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of Corporal CALEB ARNOLD (1725-1784). Ensign JAMES Brown, JR. (1731- ). THOMAS JENKS (1700-1797). Great-great-great-great-grandson of Private JAMES Brown, SR. (1706-1777). Private BENJAMIN BUFFINGTON. 134 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Number. MeEmpBeErsHIP. 1052. LEIDY, JOSEPH, JR., M.D., May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JacoB LEIDy (1755-1811). Private MICHAEL MELLICK (1756-1818). Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM PHILLIPS (1755-1836). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain ROBERT POLK. * LEIDY, PHILIP, M.D., June 30, 1890 Grandson of Lieutenant JacoB LEIDy (1755-1811). Private MICHAEL MELLICK (1756-1818). LENNIG, GEORGE GROSSMANN, Jan. 9, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM THOMPSON (1742-1777). LEVIS, SAMUEL WHITE, June 28, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM LEVIS ( —18109). Great-grandson of Commissary-General WILLIAM CRISPIN ( —-1797). LEWARS, GEORGE HENRY March 8, 1892 (Admitted from the New York State Society, Feb. 8, 1898), Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private Henry FiIss. 114. LEWIS, ALBERT NELSON (Life Member), June 22, 1888 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant JosepH Lewis (1747- ). Roll of Members. 135 INSIGNIA NuMBER. LEWIS, ALFRED ELI, Milford, Penna. Grandson of Major Ext Lewis (1750-1807). LEWIS, CLIFFORD, JR., Utica, N.Y. Great-great-grandson of Captain THomas NASH (1743-1815). Great-great-great-grandson of ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. April 9, 1894 Oct. 10, 1892 Brigadier-General Lewis NicoLa (1717-1807). 2159. LEWIS, DAVID, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain THoMAS NASH (1743-1815). Great-great-great-grandson of Jan. 12, 1891 Brigadier-General Lewis NIcoLa (1717-1807). LEWIS, WILLIAM BURR NASH, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain THomas NasH (1743-1815). Great-great-great-grandson of Jan. 15, 1895 Brigadier-General LEw1s NIcoLa (1717-1807). LEWIS, WILLIAM FISHER, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private MorDEcAI LEwIs (1748-1799). 2381. LIGGETT, SIDNEY BYRON, Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Private MATTHEW SHARP (1751-1796). May 8, 1893 March 29, 1897 136 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numser. MEMBERSHIP, LINDEMUTH, ELMER ELLSWORTH, March 8, 1898 Clearfield, Penna. Great-grandson of Private PETER LINDEMUTH (1750-1830). 493. LINDERMAN, GARRETT BRODHEAD, Jan. 12, 1891 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). Captain SAMUEL DRAKE. Private Moses SHAW. LINDERMAN, HENRY RICHARD, June 30, 1890 Newark, N. J. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). Captain SAMUEL DRAKE. Private Moses SHaw. 1053. LINDERMAN, ROBERT PACKER, Nov. 14, 1892 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant GARRETT BRODHEAD (1755-1838). Captain SAMUEL DRAKE. Private Moszs SHaw. LINNARD, GEORGE BROWN, Feb. 11, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM LINNARD (1749-1835). LINNARD, JOSEPH HAMILTON, Feb. 11, 1896 Naval Constructor, U.S.N., Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM LINNARD (1749-1835). Roll of Members. 137 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. LISLE, ROBERT PATTON, Paymaster U.S.N., June 8, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN LISLE (1726-1807). 542. *LITTELL, CHARLES WILLING, March 9, 1891 Great-grandson of Captain EL1akiIm LITTELL (1742-1805). LITTLE, ARTHUR HUTCHINSON, March 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain THomas LITTLE (1741-1810). 864. * LITTLE, ARTHUR WILLIAMSON, March 22, 1892 Grandson of Captain THomas LITTLE (1741-1810). LITTLE, JOSEPH DOTY, March 13, 1893 Springfield, Ohio. Great-grandson of ' Captain THomas LITTLE (1741-1810). 1347. LITTLE, THOMAS, March 22, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain THomas LITTLE (1741-1810). LITTLE, WILLIAM AGNEW, March 13, 1893 Denver, Col. Great-grandson of Captain THomas LITTLE (1741-1810). 10 138 Moll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Number, MEMBERSHIP. LITTLEFIELD, HENRY WARREN, Jan. 14, 1896 Germantown, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private DAVID CHUBBUCK (1760-1824). Great-grandson of Private THOMAS CHUBBUCK (1732-1802). Sergeant RuFuUS PIERCE (1751-1812). Great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM PIERCE (1727-1793). 389. LIVINGSTON, JOHN HENRY, April 14, 1890 Clermont, Tivoli-on-Hudson, N.Y. Great-grandson of ROBERT R. LIVINGSTON (1746-1813). Great-great-grandson of PHILIP LIVINGSTON (1716-1778). 53. LLOYD, HOWARD WILLIAMS, Feb. 11, 1889 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel HucH Lioyp (1742-1832). 983. * LLOYD, ISAAC, April 21, 1892 Great-grandson of Surgeon HENRY MALCOLM (1756-1831). Great-great-grandson of Captain JOSEPH OLNEY (1737-1814). LLOYD, JOHN, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon HENRY MALCOLM (1756-1831). Great-great-grandson of Captain JOSEPH OLNEY (1737-1814). 54. * LOCKWOOD, ELON DUNBAR, April 3, 1888 Great-grandson of Captain GILBERT LocKWooD (1725-1804). Sergeant EPENETUS WEBB (1740- ). Roll of Members. 139 INSIGNIA ELecTEeD To Numser. MEMBERSHIP, LONGCOPE, THOMAS MOORE, June 8, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private MARTIN GIBBS (1732-1820). 2303. LONGSHORE, WILLIAM RIGHTER, M.D., Oct. 13, 1896 Hazleton, Penna. Great-grandson of Quartermaster WILLIAM WILSON (1746-1837). LUTZ, WILLIAM FILLER, Nov. 10, 1896 Bedford, Penna. Great-grandson of Private FREDERICK FILLER ( -1797). Captain JoHN HOLLipay (1747-1823). Great-great-grandson of Private ADAM HOLLIDAY ( ~1801). Great-great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM CAMPBELL ( —1803). Colonel ALEXANDER LOwREY (1723-1805). LYTE, ELIPHALET ORAM, March 13, 1893 Millersville, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant JosHuA PEELING (1744-1837). * LYTE, FRANCIS ASBURY, March 13, 1893 Great-grandson of Sergeant JOSHUA PEELING (1744-1837). LYTE, JOSHUA LOUIS, March 13, 1893 Lancaster, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant JOSHUA PEELING (1744-1837). 140 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. Wilmington, Del. Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN WAUvUGH (1745-1828). E.gectep To MEMBERSHIP. McCLARY, WILLIAM JONES (Life Member), June —_8, 1897 McCLINTOCK, ANDREW HAMILTON, Feb. 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CHARLES CIsT (1738-1805). Ensign MatTHias HOLLENBACK (1752-1829). 2098. McCLOUD, CHARLES MALCOLM, Jan. 14, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Chief Engineer ARTHUR DONALDSON (1734-1797). McCORD, JOHN DAVIDSON, JR., Jan. 15, Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN LIVINGSTON (1743-1821). 2508. McCURDY, REV. IRWIN POUNDS, D.D., LL.D., Feb. 11, Kansas City, Mo. Great-grandson of Private NATHANIEL Dory (1761-1848). Private ALEXANDER McCurpby (1754-1839). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant GEORGE BOCKOVER (1735-1814). Ensign JOSEPH BULLMAN (1738-1793)- Private JOHN COLYER, SR. (1709-1779). Private JONATHAN Dory (1724-1810). Private WILLIAM DRUMMOND (1730-1777). Private SAMUEL HENDERSON (1730-1790). Captain WiLt1aM McCurby (1730-1822). Captain JOHN POUND, SR. (1720-1789). Great-great-great grandson of Major WILLIAM BAIRD (1716-1794). Private BLEKER WHITEANACK ( -1777). 1896 1895 1896 Roll of Members. I4I INSIGNIA ELEcTED To Numegr. MEMBERSHIP. McCURDY, JOSEPH ALEXANDER, Feb. 11, 1896 Greensburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Private NATHANIEL Doty (1761-1848). Private ALEXANDER McCurpy (1754-1839). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant GEORGE BOCKOVER (1735-1814). Ensign JOSEPH BULLMAN (1738-1793). Private JOHN COLYER, SR. (1709-1779). Private JONATHAN Doty (1724-1810). Private WILLIAM DRUMMOND (1730-1777). Private SAMUEL HENDERSON (1730-1790). Captain WILLIAM McCurpby (1730-1822). Captain JOHN POUND, SR. (1720-1789). Great-great-great grandson of Major WILLIAM BAIRD (1716-1794). Private BLEKER WHITEANACK ( -1777). 2547. McELROY, CLAYTON, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private SEBASTIAN ALLGAIER (1757-1846). June 14, 1898 McFETRICH, REV. FRANCIS, Nov. 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JoHN McFETRICH ( -1785). 1553. *McGOWAN, WILLIAM DANA, M.D., Dec. 11, 1893 Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM DANA (1745- ). Captain JONATHAN STONE (1751-1801). 142 Roll of Members. ELectTEep TO INSIGNIA MEMBERSHIP. Numser. 2407. McILVAIN, EDWARD MORTON, Oct. 10, 1892 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major SKETCHLEY MORTON (1750-1795). ABRAHAM ROBINSON (1740-1787). WILLIAM SMITH (1732-1806). Private PETER STICHTER (1760-1843). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JONATHAN JONES (1738-1782). JOHN MoRTON (1724-1777). 2523. McILVAIN, WILLIAM, Nov. 14, 1892 Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major SKETCHLEY MORTON (1750-1795). ABRAHAM ROBINSON (1740-1787). WILLIAM SMITH (1732-1806). Private PETER STICHTER (1760-1843). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JONATHAN JONES (1738-1782). JOHN MORTON (1724-1777). McINTIRE, CLARENCE STANLEY, Pu.D., June 14, 1808 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private FRANCIS BULKLEY (1757-1813). 451. McKEAN, HENRY PRATT, JR., June 30, 1890 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel THomAs MCKEAN (1734-1817). THOMAS WHARTON, JR. (1735-1778). 170 *McKEAN, THOMAS, March 26, 1889 Great-grandson of Colonel THomas MCKEAN (1734-1817). Roll of Members. 143 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 1408. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. McKEAN, THOMAS, JR., Nov. 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel THomas McKEAN (1734-1817). THoMAS WHARTON, JR. (1735-1778). McKEE, THOMAS McKEE, May 11, 1897 Jeannette, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Private AARON MERSHON ( -1776). McKIBBIN, CHAMBERS, Feb. 12, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Corporal JEREMIAH MCKIBBIN ( —1816). McKNIGHT, JOHN WILLIAM RICHARDS, Oct. 14, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private MATTHIAS RICHARDS (1758-1830). McNAIR, THOMAS SPEER, June 9, Hazleton, Penna. Grandson of Private THomas McNAaIR (1737-1830). McPHERSON, HON. JOHN BAYARD, Dec. 8, Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM McCPHERSON (1757-1832). Great-great-grandson of Colonel ROBERT MCPHERSON (1730-1789). 1895 1890 1896 144 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. 1544. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. MACLEOD, GEORGE INGELS, JR., M.D., June Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain GEORGE INGELS (1746-1827). MADDOCK, THOMAS EDGAR, June Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major SKETCHLEY MORTON (1750-1795). Great-great-great-grandson of JoHN MorTON (1724-1777). MADEIRA, HENRY, May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHEW GRIER (1714-1792). * MADEIRA, LOUIS CEPHAS, May Great-grandson of Private MATTHEW GRIER (1714-1792). MADEIRA, LOUIS CHILDS, JR., May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHEW GRIER (1714-1792). MADEIRA, PERCY CHILDS, May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHEW GRIER (1714-1792). MAGEE, HORACE, May Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major JOHN POLHEMUs (1738-1831). Great-great-great-grandson of JoHN Hart (1711-1780). 12, 4, 4 4, 14, 1893 1897 1891 1891 1891 1891 1894 Roll of Members. 145 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 1776. *MANN, WILLIAM BENSON, Nov. 9, 1891 Grandson of Private JOEL BENSON (1749-1837). MAPES, GEORGE EGBERT, March 10, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private BENJAMIN BENNETT ( -1779). MARBLE, JOHN MINER CAREY, May 24, 1892 Los Angeles, California. Great-grandson of Private JOHN CAREY, SR. (1756-1844). MARCH, FRANCIS ANDREW, JR., April 13, 1891 Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain VALENTINE PEYTON (1756- ). THOMAS STONE (1743-1787). 282. MARSHALL, CHARLES, April 3, 1888 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL (1709-1797). MARSHALL, CHARLES, JR., April 9, 1895 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL (1709-1797). * MARSHALL, FRANCIS RIDGWAY, Dec. 8, 1890 Great-great-grandson of CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL (1709-1797). 146 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELgctEp To Numpsr, MEMBERSHIP, 1905. MARSHALL, SAMUEL (Life Member), May 14, 1895 West Chester, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel HuGH LiLoyD (1742-1832). MARSTON, JOHN, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant JOHN Marston (1756-1846). 1707. MARTIN, EDWARD, M.D., Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private OLIVER MarTIN (1762-1829). MARTIN, JAMES, Oct. 14, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL MCCAUSLIN. 229. MARTIN, JOHN HILL, June 11, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN CrosBy (1748-1822). MARTIN, JOHN SELBY, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM TURNBULL (1751-1822). 881. MARTIN, JONATHAN WILLIS, March 22, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private OLIVER MARTIN (1762-18209). Roll of Members. 147 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEmpBeErsHIP. MASON, JOHN HAZLEHURST, Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN DUNLAP (1747-1812). MATTHES, ANDREW EVANS, Nov. 12, 1895 Ridley Park, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain NATHAN EVANS (1755-1810). 1891. MAXWELL, HENRY DUSENBERY, Feb. 12, 1894 Easton, Penna. Great-grandson of Private HENRY DUSENBERY (1760-1825). Captain JOHN MAXWELL (1739-1828). Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Davip Nevius (1758-1825). Great-great-great-grandson of JoHN SCHUREMAN (1729-1795). 562. MEIGS, ARTHUR VINCENT, M.D., March 9g, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of JARED INGERSOLL (1749-1822). ALEXANDER WILCOCKS (1741-1801). Great-great-grandson of Major JOHN BENJAMIN (1731-1796). Assistant Quartermaster-General CHARLES PETTIT (1736-1806). 382. MEIGS, SAMUEL EMLEN, March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major JOHN BENJAMIN (1731-1796). 148 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELgcTED To Noumpsr, MeEmBERSHIP. 440. MEIGS, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, M.D. June 30, 1890 (Life Member), Philadelphia. Great-grandson of JARED INGERSOLL (1749-1822). ALEXANDER WILCOCKS (1741-1801). Great-great-grandson of Major JOHN BENJAMIN (1731-1796). Assistant Quartermaster-General CHARLES PETTIT (1736-1806). MENGEL, LEVI WALTER, Dec. 10, 1895 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN SODER ( —-1817). MERCUR, EDWARD GUERNSEY, Oct. 9, 1893 Pittston, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant FRANCIS WATTS ( —-1808). Great-great-grandson of Sergeant JAMES WATTS ( -1779). 346. MERCUR, JAMES WATTS, March 26, 1889 Wallingford, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign JoHN Davis (1760-1832). Colonel JostaH Hart (1749-1800). Lieutenant FRANCIS WATTS ( —1808). Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM Davis ( —-1799). Colonel JosePH HART (1715-1788). Private WILLIAM SIMPSON, SR. (1732-1816). Private ARTHUR WATTS (1733-1809). Sergeant JAMES WATTS ( -1779). ‘Roll of Members. 149 INSIGNIA ELecTED To NumBgEr. MEMBERSHIP. MERCUR, JOHN DAVIS, M.D., March 26, 1889 Towanda, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign JoHN Davis (1760-1832). Colonel Jostan Hart (1749-1800). Lieutenant FRANCIS WATTS ( —1808). Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM DavlIs ( -1799). Colonel JosEPH HaRT (1715-1788). Private WILLIAM SIMPSON, SR. (1732-1816). Private ARTHUR WATTS (1733-1809). Sergeant JAMES WarTTSs ( -1779). 367. MERCUR, RODNEY AUGUSTUS, Dec. 9, 1889 Towanda, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign JOHN Davis (1760-1832). Colonel JostaH HART (1749-1800). Lieutenant FRANCIS WATTS ( —1808). Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM DaviIs ( —1799). Colonel Jos—ePpH Hart (1715-1788). Private WILLIAM SIMPSON, SR. (1732-1816). Private ARTHUR WATTS (1733-1809). Sergeant JAMES WATTS ( -1779). MERCUR, ULYSSES, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign JOHN Davis (1760-1832). Colonel JostaH Hart (1749-1800). Lieutenant FRANCIS WATTS ( —-1808). Great-great-grandson of Private WILLIAM Davis ( -1799). Colonel JosepH HarT (1715-1788). Private WILLIAM SIMPSON, SR. (1732-1816). Private ARTHUR WATTS (1733-1809). Sergeant JAMES WATTS ( -1779): 150 oll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Number. MEMBERSHIP. 605. MERRILL, JOHN HOUSTON, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JESSE MERRILL (1762-1840). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN HOUSTON (1742-1809). Paymaster ROBERT MARTIN ( —-1813). Captain SAMUEL MERRILL (1737-1801). * MERRILL, LEWIS, Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.A., May 4, 1891 Grandson of Private JESSE MERRILL (1762-1840). Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL MERRILL (1737-1801). MERWIN, WALTER LEE, June 12, 1893 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Private BENJAMIN PALMER (1752-1834). Great-great-grandson of Corporal JONATHAN RUSSELL (1731-1813). MESSLER, REMSEN VARICK, Dec. 11, 1893 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CORNELIUS MESSLER (1759-1843). * MESSLER, THOMAS DOREMUS, April 13, 1891 Grandson of Private CORNELIUS MESSLER (1759-1843). 561. MIFFLIN, GEORGE BROWN, March 9, 1891 Wayne, Penna. Grandson of Colonel JONATHAN MIFFLIN (1753-1840). INSIGNIA NuMBER. 620. 2060. 1456. 1513. Roll of Members, 151 ELECTED To MemBERSHIP. ® MIFFLIN, JAMES, June 8, Great-grandson of Paymaster GEORGE MIFFLIN (1746-1785). Great-great-grandson of Private THOMAS POULTNEY (1762-1828). Private Evan THOMAS (1738-1826). MILLER, ELIHU SPENCER, March Io, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). MILLER, HOBART, March to, Coeburn, Va. Great-grandson of JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). MILNE, CALEB JONES (Life Member), April 9, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of JOSEPH PARKER (1722- ). MILNE, CALEB JONES, JR., Feb. 12, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of JOSEPH PARKER (1722- ). MILNE, CLYDE, May 14, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of JOSEPH PARKER (1722- )- MILNE, DAVID (Life Member), April 9, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of JOSEPH PARKER (1722- ). 1891 1890 1890 1895 1894 1894 1894 152 Roll of Members. ELgcTgzp To INSIGNIA Numeper. MEMBERSHIP. I913. MINER, ASHER, May 24, 1892 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JAMES ATHERTON, JR. (1751-1828). Private WILLIAM Ross (1761-1842). Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN ABBOTT (1741-1778). Ensign SETH MINER (1742-1822), Sergeant WILLIAM SEARLE (1751-1817). Great-great-great-grandson of Private CONSTANT SEARLE (1728-1778). MINER, CHARLES ABBOTT, March 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN ABBOTT (1741-1778). Ensign SETH MINER (1742-1822). Sergeant WILLIAM SEARLE (1751-1817). Great-great-grandson of Private CONSTANT SEARLE (1728-1778). MINER, SIDNEY ROBY, June 12, 1893 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JAMES ATHERTON, JR. (1751-1828). Private WILLIAM Ross (1761-1842). Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN ABBOTT (1741-1778). Ensign SETH MINER (1742-1822). Sergeant WILLIAM SEARLE (1751-1817). Great-great-great-grandson of Private CONSTANT SEARLE (1728-1778). 1643. MINNICH, MICHAEL REED, June 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL MINNICH (1738-1800), Roll of Members. 153 INSIGNIA ELEcTED To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 348. MITCHELL, HON. JAMES TYNDALE, LL.D., Feb. 17, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain EDwaRD MITCHELL (1760-1837). MITCHELL, JOHN NICHOLAS, M.D., May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN COWELL (1759-1789). Major SAMUEL NICHOLAS ( —1790). MITCHELL, ROBERT, Nov. 13, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Davip MITCHELL (1742-1818). MOLTEN, ROBERT POTTER, June 11, 1894 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL MOULTON (1757-1820). Colonel Davip POTTER (1745-1805). MONTGOMERY, ARCHIBALD ROGER, Feb. 9, 1891 Bryn Mawr, Penna. Great-grandson of Major WILLIAM MONTGOMERY (1752-1815). MONTGOMERY, JOSEPH LINGLE, Feb. 11, 1896 Bellefonte, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE LEADER (1753-1845). 379. MONTGOMERY, THOMAS HARRISON, April 14, 1890 West Chester, Penna. Grandson of Private JOHN MONTGOMERY (1750-1794). Great.grandson of Chaplain WILLIAM WuitTE, D.D. (1748-1836). II 154 Roll of (embers. INSIGNIA Numer. 289. 1663. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. MOODY, NICHOLAS HARRIS, Feb. 17, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant PauL Moopy (1743-1822). MOORE, JAMES W., M.D., May 4, 1891 Easton, Penna. Grandson of Private SAMUEL Moore (1754-1798). MORGAN, JOHN BUCK, May 13, 1889 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JosEPH Buck (1758-1803). MORRELL, EDWARD DE VEAUX, Nov. 13, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDRE LouIs DE TousARD ( —1817). MORRIS, EFFINGHAM BUCKLEY (Life Member), Feb. 28, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). MORRIS, FREDERICK WISTAR, May 24, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). MORRIS, FREDERICK WISTAR, JR., Jan. 8, 1894 Villa Nova, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). Roll of Members, 155 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER, MegmbBeErsHIp. 1351. MORRIS, GALLOWAY CHESTON, June 8, 1891 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Quartermaster-Sergeant LEvI HOLLINGSWORTH (1739-1824). Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). 173. MORRIS, HENRY, M.D., May 13, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES MARKHAM MARSHALL (1764-1843). ROBERT Morris (1734-1806). Great-great-grandson of Colonel THomas MARSHALL (1730-1802). 984. MORRIS, ISRAEL WISTAR (Life Member), June 9, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL MorRrIs (1734-1812). 1705. MORRIS, JACOB GILES, April 9, 1894 Easton, Md. Great-grandson of Captain JOHN McCOLLum. Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). MORRIS, JACOB GILES, March 14, 1892 Bryn Mawr, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JouN McCoLium. Captain SaMUEL Morris (1734-1812). MORRIS, JOHN ROGERS, Oct. 8, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN ROGERS (1744-1796). 156 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numeer. MEMBERSHIP. MORRIS, THOMAS MILNOR, Dec. 11, 1893 Jeanesville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL MORRIS (1734-1812). MORRISON, JOHN LELAND, June 8, Greenville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain DaviID PHILIPS (1742-1829). Great-great-great-grandson of Private CHRISTOPHER PALMER (1735-1818). 1565. MORTON, THOMAS GEORGE, M.D., June 11, Philadelphia. Grandson of Commissary GEORGE MORTON (1756-1799). MUHLENBERG, FRANCIS BENJAMIN, Feb. 9, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major-General JOHN PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG (1746-1807). 709. MUHLENBERG, FRANK PETER, Nov. 9, Galesburg, Mich. Grandson of Major-General JOHN PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG (1746-1807). MUHLENBERG, FREDERICK HUNTER, Oct. 8, Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel JosEPH HIESTER (1752-1832). MUHLENBERG, WILLIAM FREDERICK, M.D., Oct. 9, Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Major-General JOHN PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG (1746-1807). 1897 1894 1891 1891 1894 1893 Roll of Members, 157 INSIGNIA ELgcTED To NuMBER. MemsersHIP. 1613. MUMFORD, JOSEPH PRATT, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Drum-Major JosEpH PrRatT (1748-1838). MYERS, DAVID JAY, JR., May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM MILLS ( ~1842). 2070. MYERS, JOSEPH MILTON, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ANDREW BAERSTICKER (1747-1796). MYERS, WILLIAM HEYWARD, Dec. 11, 1894 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Brigadier-General JoHN Twiccs ( -1816). 2468. NEAD, BENJAMIN MATTHIAS, Feb. 11, 1895 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN WUNDERLICH (1733-1818). Great-great-grandson of Major PETER DECHERT ( -1784). Captain BENJAMIN SPYKER (1747- ). NEAD, DANIEL WUNDERLICH, M.D., Nov. 13, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN WUNDERLICH (1733-1818). Great-great-grandson of Major PETER DECHERT ( -1784). Captain BENJAMIN SPYKER (1747- ). 158 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numser. 1892. 1369. 294. ELgecTgD TO MEMBERSHIP. NEFF, JONATHAN CILLEY, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel JOSEPH CILLEY (1734-1799). NEILSON, FREDERICK BROOKE, March 25, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ABRAHAM GEORGE CLAYPOOLE (1757-1827). NEILSON, LEWIS, Dec. 9g, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ABRAHAM GEORGE CLAYPOOLE (1757-1827). NEILSON, WILLIAM DELAWARE, Dec. 9, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ABRAHAM GEORGE CLAYPOOLE (1757-1827). NELSON, REV. RICHARD HENRY, Feb. 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major NATHANIEL DELAVAN (1746-1804). NEWHALL, DANIEL SMITH, Dec. 9, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel Ezra NEWHALL (1733-1798). NEWHALL, FREDERICK CUSHMAN, June 8, 1891 London, England. Great-grandson of Colonel EzRaA NEWHALL (1733-1798). Roll of Members. 159 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 345. 292. 1850. 287. ELEecTEeD To MEMBERSHIP. NICHOLS, CARROLL BREWSTER, Feb. 17, Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN WaRrD (1760-1831). Great-great-grandson of Private JAMES NICHOLS (1745-1824). Major EBENEZER SPENCER (1756-1844). NICHOLS, HENRY KUHL, Dec. 9, Philadelphia. Grandson of Major FRaNcIs NICHOLS (1737-1812). Quartermaster WILLIAM NICHOLS (1754-1804). Great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). NICHOLS, HENRY SARGENT PRENTISS, Dec. 11, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain HENRY DaRRAH ( -1782). NORRIS, ALEXANDER WILSON, Oct. 8, Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM BRown (1736-1825). Lieutenant ABRAHAM STINE (1724-1807). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JacoB RuPLEY (1724-1793). NORRIS, CHARLES COTESWORTH PINCKNEY, May 13, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon-General JamMES LyNAH (1737-1809). Henry MIDDLETON (1717-1784). NORTH, CLARENCE, March 14, Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CaLeB NorTH (1753-1840). 1890 1889 1894 1894 1889 1892 160 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numerr. Memoersuip. 1914. NORTH, GEORGE BELFORD, May 11, 1891 New York City. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB NORTH (1753-1840). 115. NORTH, GEORGE HUMPHRIES (Life Member), Nov. New York City. Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB NortTH (1753-1840). NORTH, HERBERT ALLIBONE, Nov. Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CaLeB NorTH (1753-1840). NORTH, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Oct. Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CALEB NORTH (1753-1840). NORTON, CLAUDE RICHARD, M.D., Nov. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JONATHAN LEAVITT. 320. O'NEILL, JAMES WILKS, M.D., Nov. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN O’NEILL (1740-1796). OBERTEUFFER, HERMAN FREYTAG, Jan. Haverford, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM MOULDER (1724-1798). 12, 1888 13, 1893 12, 1891 11, 1889 11, 1889 15, 1895 Roll of Members. 161 INSIGNIA NumBeEr. 1858. 1690. ELECTED To MEMBERSHIP. OSBORN, BENJAMIN BROWN, Jan. Germantown, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private ETHAN OSBORN (1758-1858). OSBORN, JOHN ANNIN, Nov. Philadelphia. Grandson of Private ETHAN OSBORN (1758-1853). OSBORNE, JOHN BALL, Nov. Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Private DaviD GODFREY (1761-1801). Lieutenant WIGGLESWORTH MESSENGER (1743-1818). Private THOMAS OSBORN ( -1778). Private EPHRAIM SMITH (1743-1827). OSBOURN, THOMAS REHRER, Jan. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Lewis GRANT (1737-1785). Private JOHN OSBORN (1733-1783). OTTO, CHARLES WITMAN, Dec. Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon Bopo OTTO (1709-1787). 14, 24, 13, 12, Il, PACKARD, JOHN HOOKER, M.D., March 14, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private ASA PACKARD (1758-1843). PAGE, SAMUEL DAVIS, March 13, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM NELSON (1754-1813). 1889 1890 1894 1891 1894 1892 1893 162 Roll of GNhembers, INSIGNIA NumsBer. 2068, 1038. 293. 178. ELEcTED TO MempersHilp. PAINTER, PARK, Oct. 14, 1895 Allegheny, Penna. Great-grandson of Private THomMAS HARDIN (1756-1847). * PARRISH, CHARLES, April 13, 1891 Grandson of Private ELEAZAR MILLER (1757-1793). PARRY, RICHARD RANDOLPH Dec. 9g, : 1889 (Endowed Membership), New Hope, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant EDWARD FITZ RANDOLPH (1754-1837). PARTHEMORE, E. WINFIELD SCOTT, May 12, 1890 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant LUDWIG BRETz. * PARVIN, THEOPHILUS, M.D., LL.D., Oct. 12, 1891 Great-grandson of Colonel THoMAs RODNEY (1714-1811). PATTERSON, CHRISTOPHER STUART, May 13, 1889 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CHRISTOPHER STUART ( -1799). PATTERSON, HORACE, Dec. 11, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel JAMES BuRD (1726-1793). Great-great-grandson of EDWARD SHIPPEN (1703-1781). Roll of Members. 163 INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NuMBER, MEMBERSHIP. 1499. PATTERSON, ROBERT EMMETT, Dec. 11, 1893 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ENGLE (1757-1821). PATTERSON, THEODORE CUYLER, March 12, 1895 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel CHRISTOPHER STUART ( -1799). 1354. PATTISON, HON. ROBERT EMORY, LL.D. Dec. 11, 1893 (Life Member), Overbrook, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel THOMAS WOOLFORD. PATTON, JAMES LEE, Oct. 14, 1895 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JAMES FERRELL (1758-1854). 2089. PATTON, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, March 22, 1892 Radnor, Penna. Grandson of Private JOHN PATTON (1757-1836). Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN SIMPSON (1744-1807). Great-great-grandson of Captain JAMES MurRRAY (1729-1804). PAUL, LAWRENCE TAYLOR, June 13, 1892 Villa Nova, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JosEPH THORNE (1733-1823). 164 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. 398. 670. 1067. PAULDING, TATTNALL, Germantown, Philadelphia. Grandson of Private JOHN PAULDING (1758-1818). * PAULSON, CHARLES HENRY, JR., Great-great-grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Mowry. PAULSON, FRANK GORMLY, Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private CHRISTIAN Mowry. PAXTON, REV. JOHN R., D.D., New York City. Great-grandson of Private THomas DILL (1750-1833). Great-great-grandson of Colonel MATTHEW DILL. PEALE, JOSEPH MEGARY, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JAMES PEALE (1749-1831). PEALE, WASHINGTON JAMES, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JAMES PEALE (1749-1831). PEARSON, FRANK, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Drummer GEORGE ESHER (1766-1855). ELgcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. Dec. 12, June 9 May 14, Nov. 9, April 14, June 28, May 10, 1892 1890 1894 1891 1896 1892 1898 Roll of Members, 165 INSIGNIA ELscTEeD To Nuoger. MEMBERSHIP. PEARSON, GEORGE, April 9, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN PEARSON (1740-1829). 2410. PECK, GEORGE LUTHER, April 13, 1897 Scranton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Corporal Jess—E PECK (1735-1777). PENNYPACKER, JAMES LANE, June 14, 1898 Haddonfield, N. J. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Isaac ANDERSON (1760-1838). Great-great-grandson of Major PATRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). 58. PENNYPACKER, HON. SAMUEL W., LL.D., April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Isaac ANDERSON (1760-1838). Great-great-grandson of Major PATRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). 1261. PEPPER, EDWARD, M.D. (Life Member), June 12, 1893 Paris, France. Great-grandson of Major JoHN HOLLINSHEAD (1748-1798). PEPPER, GEORGE WHARTON, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Tuomas WHARTON, JR. (1735-1778). 166 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numper. 1077. 495. PEPPER, WILLIAM, JR., M.D., Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). PERKINS, EDWARD LANG, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain FRANCIS PERKINS (1732-1812). PERKINS, EDWIN STANLEY, M.D., Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major JACOB PERKINS (1731-1792). PEROT, EFFINGHAM, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). PEROT, ELLISTON, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL (1709-1797). PEROT, REV. ELLISTON JOSEPH, Wissahickon, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). PEROT, ELLISTON LUKE, Clementon, N. J. Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). ELgcTeD To MEMBERSHIP. April 14, 1896 Dec. 9g, 1889 June 11, 1894 June 9g, 1890 March Io, 1890 Feb. 11, 1896 May 14, 1895 Roll of Members. 167 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 466. ELECTED TO Mempersuip. PEROT, JOSEPH SANSOM, March 14, 1892 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). PEROT, THOMAS MORRIS, Nov. Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL (1709-1797). II, PETERS, RICHARD, JR., March 29, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain RICHARD PETERS (1744-1828). PHELPS, FRANCIS ALEXANDER, Nov. Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain DavID PHELPS (1733-I8I1I). PHELPS, JOHN BELL TILDEN, Dec. Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant JoHN BELL TILDEN (1761-1838). * PHELPS, JOHN CASE, Nov. Great-grandson of Captain DaviD PHELPS (1733-1811). PHELPS, WILLIAM GEORGE, Dec. Binghamton, N. Y. Great-great-grandson of Captain DAvID PHELPS (1733-1811). 9) 10, 9 12, 1889 1898 1891 1895 1891 1891 168 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELecTep To MEMBERSHIP. Numpgr. PHELPS, ZIBA BENNETT, Feb. 12, 1894 Binghamton, N. Y. Great-great-grandson of Captain DAVID PHELPS (1733-1811). PHILIPS, GEORGE MORRIS, Pu.D., Oct. 14, 1895 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN PHILIPS (1745-1790). von PILCHAU, BARON GEORGE CHAS. PILAR Nov. 13, 1893 (Life Member), St. Petersburg, Russia. Great-great-grandson of Major Gustavus HENRY JOHANN BARON DE ROSENTHAL [JOHN ROSE], (1753-1829). 1509. PINKERTON, JOHN JAMES, c Feb. 9, 1891 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Major JOHN CULBERTSON (1739-1794). Captain ROBERT LocKkaRtT ( -1788). Private JOHN PINKERTON (1735-1818). 586. PINKERTON, SAMUEL STANHOPE SMITH, April 13, 1891 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Major JOHN CULBERTSON (1739-1794). Captain RoBERT Lockart ( -1788). Private JOHN PINKERTON (1735-1818). Roll of Members. 169 INSIGNIA ELgcTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. PINKERTON, WILLIAM WOODS, Jan. 14, 1896 Wayne, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Chaplain James Latta, D.D. (1732-1801). Private JOHN WILSON, JR. Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Quartermaster JOHN WHITEHILL (1729-1815). Private JOHN WILSON, SR. 1330. PLATT, FRANKLIN, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private EBENEZER GREENOUGH (1753-1827). PLUMLY, CHARLES EDWIN, Feb. 11, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private GEORGE PLUMLY (1753-1813). PLUMLY, GEORGE WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private GEORGE PLUMLY (1753-1813). POLK, RUFUS KING, June 30, 1890 Danville, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel WiLLIaAM POLK (1758-1834). Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General THomas POLK (1732-1793): PORTER, ISAAC, JR., Feb. 11, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel GAD STANLEY (1735-1815). 12 170 Roll of (Nhembers. INSIGNIA Evecrep To Numpsr. MEMBERSHIP. PORTER, JOHN BIDDLE, April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private CHARLES BIDDLE (1745-1821). Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-1813). PORTER, HON. WILLIAM WAGENER, Feb. 12, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-1813). oo POSEY, LOUIS PLUMER, M.D., Jan. Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private PHILIP HINKLE. » 1894 POSEY, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.D., Jan. 8, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private PHILIP HINKLE. POTTER, JOHN IRVIN, Dec. 12, 1892 Bellefonte, Penna. Great-grandson of Major WILLIAM WILSON ( -1813). Great-great-grandson of Major-General JAMES POTTER (1729-1789). 1og2. POTTER, LELAND BARKER, Jan. 9, 1893 Scranton, Penna. Grandson of Corporal DANIEL POTTER (1760-1828). Roll of Members. 171 INSIGNIA Numer. 167. 168. 1760. 1122. 231. 1066. 1093. ELECTED To MemeersHip. POTTER, THOMAS, JR., June 17, 1889 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JAcOB BOWER (1752-1822). POTTER, WILLIAM, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JacoB Bower (1752-1822). June 17, 1889 POTTER, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Germantown, Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain WILLIAM POTTER (1753-1838). May 11, 1891 POTTS, CHARLES WILLIAM, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac HUGHES (1747-1782). Private CHRISTIAN KUNKLE (1746-1813). THOMAS POTTS (1729-1777). Dec. 12, 1891 * POTTS, WILLIAM JOHN, Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac HuGHES (1747-1782). Tuomas Potts (1729-1777). March 26, 1889 POWELL, FRANCIS WHITING, Boston, Mass. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel LEVIN POWELL (1737-1810). Lieutenant-Colonel CHARLES SIMMS (1755-1819). June 28, 1892 POWELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON, JR., Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private RICHARD POWELL (1749-1818). Jan. 9, 1893 Roll of Members. 173 INSIGNIA NuMBER. ELECTED TO MempersHIpP. PRICE, WILLIAM GRAY, JR., April 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL PRICE (1750-1801). PRIME, FREDERICK, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of CoMFORT SANDS (1748-1834). 1207. PUGH, ACHILLES HENRY, April 10, 1893 Cincinnati, Ohio. Great-grandson of Ensign JOHN PuGH (1747-1840). 2366. PURVES, GUILLERMO COLESBERRY, March 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Corporal DaviD KENNEDY (1741-1802). PUTNAM, RALPH CURRIER, April 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant PETER MARSTON (1750-1811). Great-great-grandson of Adjutant BENJAMIN FELTON (1739-1820). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL FLINT ( -1777). 2519. QUAY, ANDREW GREGG CURTIN, March 8, 1898 Captain U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Major PATRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). 174 Roll of Members, INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numpgr, MEMBERSHIP. 179. QUAY, HON. MATTHEW STANLEY, Jan. 14, 1889 Beaver, Penna. Great-grandson of Major PATRICK ANDERSON (1719-1793). 1828. RANKIN, JOHN HALL, Feb. 11, 1895 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN JEFFRIES (1759-1832). Great-great-grandson of Captain SIMON COPPENHEFFER (1726-1802). Colonel JOSEPH JEFFRIES (1736-1814). RASER, JOHN BERNARD, Dec. 10, 1895 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Private AUGUSTUS STOUGHTON (1759-1837). Great-great-grandson of Ensign PHILIP HEYL (1739-1811). 2409. RATHBUN, ROBERT PACKER, March 13, 1893 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant SAMUEL RATHBONE (1705-1780). RAWLE, FRANCIS, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELrnu HALL (1723-1790). 283. RAWLE, WILLIAM BROOKE, April 3, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN BROOKE (1740-1813). Lieutenant-Colonel ANDREW PORTER (1743-1813). Major EDwARD TILGHMAN (1750-1815). Roll of Members, 175 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 817. RAYMOND, HENRY WARREN Feb. 10, 1892 (Admitted from the District of Columbia Society, May 8, 1893), Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain URIAH RAYMOND (1746-1810). Great-great-great-grandson of Major JONATHAN PADDOCK ( -1810). 1759. REA, CHARLES, Jan. 15, 1895 Pittsburgh, Penna. Son of Captain JOHN REA (1755-18209). 1503. REA, SAMUEL, Sept. 16, 1889 Bryn Mawr, Penna. Grandson of Captain JOHN REA (1755-1829). Great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL CULBERTSON ( -1817). 351. READ, JOHN JOSEPH, Captain U.S.N., March 10, 1890 Mount Holly, N. J. Great-grandson of JosEPH READ (1739-1814). Great-great-grandson of Private ZACHARIAH ROSSELL (1723-1815). 706. READ, JOHN RUE, Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private DAVID READ (1752-1838). 1539. READ, LOUIS WERNWAG, M.D., May 14, 1894 Norristown, Penna. Great-grandson of Private BENJAMIN CORSON (1743-1811). 176 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numeer. MemBeERSHIP. READ, WASHINGTON DUNLAP, April 9, 1894 Ardmore, Penna. Great-grandson of Private DaviD REaD (1752-1838). REATH, THOMAS, June 28, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel BENJAMIN BRANNAN (1739-1825). * REED, HON. HENRY, Nov. 11, 1889 Great-grandson of Colonel JOSEPH REED (1741-1785). REED, JOSEPH ABRAM, Oct. 13, 1896 Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant MICHAEL MINNICH (1738-1800). 2353. REEDER, WILBUR FISK, Jan. 12, 1897 Bellefonte, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN REEDER (1751-1813). Great-great-grandson of Private JOSEPH FISHER (1734-1819). REPPLIER, JACOB LANCASTER, June 12, 1893 Reading, Penna. Great-grandson of Private SEBASTIAN ALLGAIER (1757-1846). 2003. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Nov. 12, 1895 Bellefonte, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ADAM HUBLEY, JR. (1752-1793). Roll of Members, 177 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. Mempersuip. 875. RHODES, JAMES MAURAN, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain CHARLES JOSEPH MAUuRAN (1748-1813). Great-great-grandson of Captain DANIEL ABORN (1749-1783). 1529. RICE, LEWIS, Nov. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private SILAS BALL. Private WINSLOW BRIGHAM (1756-1837). Private THOMAS FISHER (1761-1850). Sergeant ABRAHAM MUNROE ( —1828). Lieutenant SETH RICE (1737-1815). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel LEvI BRIGHAM (1716-1787). Colonel JoB CUSHING (1728-1808). 396. RICHARDS, HENRY M. MUHLENBERG, June 9, 1890 Lieutenant U.S.N., Reading, Penna. Grandson of Private MATTHIAS RICHARDS (1758-1830). Great-great-grandson of Private BENEDICT GARBER (1732-1817). 2414. RICHARDSON, HARRY ALDEN, June 8, 1897 Dover, Del. Great-grandson of Corporal NATHAN RICHARDSON. Great-great-grandson of Private SIMEON ALDEN (1740— ). Captain GEORGE HAMMOND (1 734-1782). Private SETH MENDALL. 178 Roll of Members. InsIGNIA ELECTED TO Numser. MEMBERSHIP. RICKETTS, WILLIAM REYNOLDS, March 29, 1897 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant EDwaRD RICKETTS (1759- ). Great-great-grandson of Private JOSHUA FULLER (1753-1815). Private WILLIAM HOLBERTON (1740-1797). Private DAVID REYNOLDS (1734-1816). Lieutenant ABRAHAM SMITH (1734-1796). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain JoseEPH FULLER (1723-1795). Private WILLIAM REYNOLDS ( —-1792). RIERA, JOHN HARTMANN, M.D., April 14, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ANDREW GEYER (1747-1833). 2412. RITCHIE, CRAIG DORSEY, March 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain CRAIG RITCHIE (1758-1833). 1074. RITER, FRANK MILLER, Dec. 12, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ANDREW CALDWELL (1760-1797). RITTENHOUSE, DANIEL SMITH, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JosEPH NORMAN (1756-1842). RITTENHOUSE, HENRY NORMAN, March 24, 1893 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private JosepH NORMAN (1756-1842). Roll of Members. 179 INSIGNIA ELECTED To Number. MEMBERSHIP, 2446. RITTER, JOSEPH MAXFIELD, Nov. 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain SIMON WILMER WILSON (1754-1801). ROBB, THOMAS, JR., Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain THomMas NASH (1743-1815). Great-great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General LEwis NicoLa (1717-1807). ROBERTS, ELIHU READ, Nov. 12, 1895 Norristown, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private BENJAMIN CORSON (1743-1811). * ROBERTS, GEORGE BROOKE, April 21, 1892 Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ALGERNON ROBERTS (1751-1815). Great-grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). Colonel IsAAC WARNER. 2000, ROBERTS, GEORGE THEODORE, May 14, 1895 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain ANTHONY CUTHBERT (1751-1832). Lieutenant-Colonel ALGERNON ROBERTS (1751-1815). Great-grandson of Colonel Isaac WARNER. 1661. ROBERTS, WILLIS READ, Oct. 8, 1894 Norristown, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private BENJAMIN CORSON (1743-1811). 180 Roll of (embers. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numper, MEMBERSHIP. ROBERTSON, BRYAN, Feb. 12, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JoHn SPoTswoop. ROBERTSON, NORMAN, June 12, 1893 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JoHn SPoTswoop. ROBINSON, ANTHONY WAYNE, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant THomas ADAMS (1749-1829). ROBINSON, CHARLES NORRIS, May 24, 1892 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Jacop Morgan, JR. (1742-1802). Quartermaster DANIEL ROBINSON (1738-1832). JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). Great-great-great-grandson of JacoB Morey, Sr. (1716-1792). Chaplain ELinu SPENCER, D.D. (1721-1784). ROBINSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, Nov. 13, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain ALEXANDER PARKER (1753-1792). ROBINSON, REV. LUCIEN MOORE, Dec. 10, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Gunner THoMAS MOoore™ (1757-1817). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant INCREASE ROBINSON (1739-1817). Roll of Members. 181 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. ROBINSON, ROBERTS COLES, March 10, 1890 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Colonel JacoB MorGAN, JR. (1742-1802). Quartermaster DANIEL ROBINSON (1738-1832). JONATHAN DICKINSON SERGEANT (1746-1793). Great-great-great-grandson of Jacop MorGan, Sr. (1716-1792). Chaplain ELtnu SPENCER, D.D. (1721-1784). ROBINSON, THOMAS ADAMS, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant THomas ADAMS (1749-1829). ROBINSON, WILLIAM THOMAS, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant THOMAS ADAMS (1749-1829). 1245. ROCKWELL, ALMON FERDINAND, June 12, 1893 Lieutenant-Colonel U.S.A., Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JAMES MIRICK (1730-1777). Private JABEZ ROCKWELL (1740-1826). 1870, ROCKWELL, CHARLES FOX, March 25, 1895 Honesdale, Penna. Grandson of Private JABEZ ROCKWELL (1761-1847). RODGERS, JOHN GILMOUR, Nov. 13, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Sergeant JAcoB HELLERMAN (1762-1 822). 182 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numper. MEMBERSHIP, 1775. ROWEN, WILLIAM SMITH, Feb. 11, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Fifer MIcHAEL COLLAR (1754-1816). Private CHRISTOPHER ROWEN (1732-1837). Ensign CHRISTOPHER SMITH. Drummer PETER WILLIAMS ( -1807). ROWLAND, BENJAMIN, Feb. 8, 1898 Ogontz, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JONATHAN ROWLAND (1751- ). ROWLAND, EDWARD KOONS, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JONATHAN ROWLAND (175 1- ): RUSH, BENJAMIN, Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon-General BENJAMIN RUSH (1745-1813). RUSSELL, ALEXANDER WILSON, Dec. 12, 1891 Pay Director U.S.N., Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant ALEXANDER RUSSELL (1759-1836). Great-grandson of Colonel RoBERT MCPHERSON (1730-1789). 790. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER WILSON, JR., Dec. 12, 1891 Ensign U.S.N., Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant ALEXANDER RUSSELL (1759-1836). Great-great-grandson of Colonel ROBERT MCPHERSON (1730-1789). Roll of Members. 183 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 874. 785. 1349. 1889. ELECTED To MEMBERSHIP. RUSSELL, BENJAMIN REEVES, Captain U.S.M.C., Nov. 9, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN RUSSELL (1759-1836). RUSSELL, HUBERT HUGHES, April Io, Williamsport, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant Evan RUSSELL (1760-1838). RUSSELL, SLATER BROWN, Feb. 1, West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain RoGER Krrk (1751-1809). SADTLER, SAMUEL PHILIP, Pu.D., Dec. 8, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant TAVERNER BEALE ( -1810). SAHM, WILLIAM KOPP TRITLE, M.D., April 12, Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHIAS SAHM. SAWTELLE, CHARLES GREENE, June 28, Brigadier-General U.S.A., Governor's Island, New York Harbor. Great-great-grandson of ABNER ELLIS (1733-1781). SAWTELLE, CHARLES GREENE, JR., May 8, Lieutenant U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D.C. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM Munro (1743-1827). Great-great-great-grandson of ABNER ELLIS (1733-1781). 1891 1893 1892 1896 1898 1892 1893 184 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numsgr, 1243. 618, 2289. ELEcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. SAWTELLE, EDMUND MUNROE, June 28, New York City. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant WILLIAM MuNRO (1743-1827). Great-great-great-grandson of ABNER ELLIS (1733-1781). SAYRES, EDWARD STALKER, June 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL HUMES (1755-1836). Captain MATTHIAS SAYRES (1746-1792). SAYRES, HARRY, June 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL HuMES (1755-1836). Captain MATTHIAS SAYRES (1746-1792). SCAIFE, OLIVER PERRY, JR., Dec. 11, Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant HEZEKIAH FRISBEE ( -1822), SCAIFE, WALTER BELL, Nov. 12, Allegheny, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant HEZEKIAH FRISBEE ( —1822). SCHERMERHORN, FRANK EARLE, April 14, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private REUBEN EATON (1750-1818). Captain Lucas JACOB SCHERMERHORN (1732- ). Great-great-great-grandson of Major JosHua HATHAWAY (1727-1807). 1892 1891 1891 1894 1895 1896 7277 © ACTI2? Roll of (Members. 185 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. SCHERMERHORN, LOUIS YOUNGLOVE, Nov. 10, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major JACOB CORNELIUS SCHERMERHORN (1743-1822). SCHMUCKER, FRANCIS STEENBERGEN, Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant TAVERNER BEALE ( -1810). 1541. SCHMUCKER, GEORGE WILLIAM, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. : Great-grandson of Lieutenant TAVERNER BEALE ( -1810). 2007. SCHNURE, HOWARD DAVIS, Nov. 12, 1895 Selins Grove, Penna. Great-grandson of Major ANTHONY SELIN ( -1792). SCHNURE, WILLIAM MARION, June 14, 1898 Selins Grove, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major ANTHONY SELIN ( -1792). SCHOBER, FREDERICK (Life Member), March 8, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-granason of Private SAMUEL Moore (1754-1798). SCHOCH, IRA CHRISTIAN, June 14, 1898 Selins Grove, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant FRANTZ ZELLER (1751-1820). 13 186 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELgcTED To Numoegr. MempersHip, 2463. SCHOFF, FREDERIC (Life Member), March Io, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ELisHa NYE (1745-1833). Private JOHN SCHOFF (1762-1801). SCHOOLEY, HARRY BARNUM, March 29, 1897 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN JENKINS (1751-1827). SCHULTZ, EDWARD MAGILL, March Io, 1896 Danville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM MONTGOMERY (1736-1816). SCOTT, ALEXANDER HARVEY (Life Member), Jan. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). Brigadier-General JoHN Morin Scott (1730-1784). 1304. SCOTT, CHARLES HENRY June 28, 1892 (Admitted from the Maryland State Society, October 17, 1893), Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Gustavus SCOTT (1753-1801). SCOTT, JOHN CAILE, Dec. 11, 1893 Haverford, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private AMOS BENEDICT (1756-1848). Captain THomAS CARPENTER (1740-1815). SAMUEL LOVE ( —1800). Gustavus SCOTT (1753-1801). Roll of Members. 187 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 2363. SCOTT, JOHN MORIN (Life Member), Dec. 9, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SaMUEL Morris (1734-1812). Brigadier-General JoHN Morin Scott (1730-1784). * SCOTT, LEWIS ALLAIRE (Life Member), Dec. 9, 1889 Great-grandson of Brigadier-General JoHN MoRIN SCOTT (1730-1784). 494. SCOTT, LEWIS ALLAIRE, JR. (Life Member), Jan. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SaMUEL Morris (1734-1812). Brigadier-General JoHN Morin Scott (1730-1784). 1366. SCOTT, LOUIS SLESMAN, Dec. 11, 1893 New York City. Great-great-grandson of Gustavus Scott (1753-1801). SCOTT, THOMAS SEYMOUR, Jan. 11, 1898 Bala, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM Scott (1743-1815). Private NATHANIEL SEYMOUR (1757-1846). Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN CARTER (1730-1819). 1342. SELDEN, EDWIN VAN DEUSEN, June 12, 1893 Oil City, Penna. Great-great-granason of Colonel SAMUEL SELDEN (1723-1776). Lieutenant AARON WRIGHT ( -1811). 188 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA EvscTep To Numper. MEMBERSHIP. SELDEN, GEORGE DUDLEY, June 11, 1894 Erie, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL SELDEN (1723-1776). SELLECK, WALDRON YATES, May 10, 1898 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private PETER SELLECK (1756-1840). 974. SELLERS, COLEMAN, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain CHARLES WILLSON PEALE (1741-1827). Private NATHAN SELLERS (1751-1830). 1071. SELLERS, COLEMAN, JR., Dec. 12, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain CHARLES WILLSON PEALE (1741-1827). Private NATHAN SELLERS (1751-1830). Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE ROBERT TWELVES HEWES (1742-1840). SELLERS, DAVID WAMPOLE, Feb. 11, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private PHILIP SELLERS (1728-1808), 1836. SELLERS, EDWIN JAQUETT, Oct. 8, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOSEPH JAQUETT ( -1776). Private PHILIP SELLERS (1728-1808). Roll of (embers. 189 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NumpBer. MeEmBERSHIP. 783. SELLERS, HORACE WELLS, Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain CHARLES WILLSON PEALE (1741-1827). Private NATHAN SELLERS (1751-1830). Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE RoBERT TWELVES HEWES (1742-1840). 1o40o. SENER, SAMUEL MILLER, Oct. 10, 1892 Lancaster, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE LEONARD (1758-1847). 1823. SEWELL, WYNN REEVES, Nov. 13, 1894 Allegheny, Penna. Great-grandson of Sergeant JOHN SEWELL ( -1805). SHACKFORD, JOHN WILLIAM, May 14, 1894 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private JOHN SHACKFORD (1755-1840). SHARPE, RICHARD, JR., April 13, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel NATHAN DENISON (1741-1809). SHARPLESS, SAMUEL FRANKLIN, Feb, 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JoHN CRAIG (1733-1821). SHARPLESS, WILLIAM PRICE, June 11, 1894 West Chester, Penna. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL PRICE (1750-1801). 190 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numner, SHATTUCK, FRANK RODMAN, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private DAVID SHATTUCK (1758-1840). SHEPHERD, GEORGE ELWOOD, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN YEAGER (1754-1819). Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHEW SHEPHERD. 2253. SHEPHERD, HARRY CLAYTON, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN YEAGER (1754-1819). Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHEW SHEPHERD. 2254. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM CARVER, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN YEAGER (1754-1819). Great-great-grandson of Private MATTHEW SHEPHERD. SHEPPARD, FRANK LITTLE, Altoona, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Major WILLIAM MECUM (1730-1790). Great-great-great-grandson of ANDREW SINNICKSON, SR. (1719-1790). ELrcTED TO MeEmseErsuIpP. Oct. 14, 1895 April 9, 1895 March 25, 1895 March 25, 1895 June 8, 1891 Roll of Members. 19! INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 2177. SHEPPARD, FRANKLIN LAWRENCE, March 10, 1896 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JEREMIAH BENNETT ( —-1808). Private EPHRAIM HARRIS (1732-1794). Private JOSEPH SHEPPARD (1727-1782). Captain SAMUEL WESTCOTT ( -1792). Great-great-great-grandson of THomas Harris ( -1781). 2004. SHEPPARD, HOWARD REYNOLDS, Nov. 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JEREMIAH BENNETT ( —-1808). Private EPHRAIM HARRIS (1732-1794). Private JOSEPH SHEPPARD (1727-1782). Captain SAMUEL WESTCOTT ( -1792). Great-great-great-grandson of Tuomas Harris ( -1781). 386. SHERMAN, CHARLES POMEROY, March 10, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain DANIEL PoMEROy (1737- ys Private THOMAS SHERMAN (1722-1803). 1664. SHERRERD, JAMES HOLLENBACK, June 28, 1892 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private HENRY DUSENBERY (1760-1825). Private BENJAMIN FORD. Captain JOHN SHERRERD. Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELEAzAR LINDSLEY (1737- ). 192 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Evsctep To Numsrr. MEMBERSHIP. 1869. SHICK, ROBERT PORTER (Life Member), March 12, 1895 Reading, Penna. Great-.grandson of Ensign ELIJAH STINSON (1751-1840). 1062. SHIPPEN, EDWARD, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). SHOEMAKER, ARCHIE CARVER, Pittston, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of Captain STEPHEN HARDING (1723-1789). SHOEMAKER, JAMES KLINE, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JacoB SOMMER (1749-1817). * SHOEMAKER, LAZARUS DENISON, Grandson of Colonel NATHAN DENISON (1741-1809). May 11, 1897 Feb. 11, 1895 May 11, 1891 Lieutenant ELIJAH SHOEMAKER ( -1778). SHOEMAKER, LEVI IVES, M.D., Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel NATHAN DENISON (1741-1809). April 21, 1892 Lieutenant ELIJAH SHOEMAKER ( -1778). SHUTE, HENRY DAMON, Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon IsAAc CHENERY (1742-1822). Nov. 12, 1895 Roll of Members. 193 INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. SIEGRIST, HENRY WARREN, Nov. 9, 1897 Lebanon, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN CARMANY (1760-1840). 2232. SILL, HAROLD MONTGOMERY, May 12, 1896 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ROBERT SHEWELL (1740-1825). 1280. SILVESTER, LEAROYD, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon JoHN THOMAS HAMPTON (1752-1794). Captain JoHN WESTCOTT (1742-1813). Great-great-great-grandson of Captain HEZEKIAH HUuTCHINS (1727-1796). 1687. SILVESTER, REV. WILLIAM WALLACE, S.T.D., Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain HEZEKIAH HUTCHINS (1727-1796). SIMONS, GEORGE STUART, March 13, 1893 San Antonio, Tex. Great-grandson of Captain Jacop ASHMEAD (1742-1814). 1703. SIMONS, JOHN FARR, Dec. 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JoHN CORNISH ( —-1805). 194 Roll of Members. InsiGnia ELEcTED TO Number. MEMBERSHIP, SIMS, CHARLES ABERCROMBIE, May 14, 1894 Mount Holly, N. J. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel EL1jAH CLARK (1732-1795). Lieutenant-Colonel JOHN Ross (1752-1796). Great-great-great-grandson of REV. JOHN BRAINERD (1720-1781). Surgeon ALEXANDER Ross (1713-1780). 112. *SIMS, HON. CLIFFORD STANLEY, D.C.L. Jan. 14, 1887 (Admitted from the New York State Society, December 10, 1888), Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELIJAH CLARK (1732-1795). Lieutenant-Colonel JoHN Ross (1752-1796). Great-great-grandson of REV. JOHN BRAINERD (1720-1781). Surgeon ALEXANDER Ross (1713-1780). SIMS, JOHN CLARKE, June 17, 1889 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELIJAH CLARK (1732-1795). Lieutenant-Colonel JoHN Ross (1752-1796). Great-great-grandson of REv. JOHN BRAINERD (1720-1781). Surgeon ALEXANDER Ross (1713-1780). 1og99. SINNICKSON, CHARLES PERRY, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ANDREW SINNICKSON, JR. (1749-1819). Great-great-grandson of ANDREW SINNICKSON, SR. (1719-1790). 1511. SITER, ELIJAH HOLLINGSWORTH, M.D., April 9, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel NICHOLAS FAIRLAMB (1743-1815). Private SAMUEL PRICE (1750-1801). Holl of Members. 195 INSIGNIA ELecrEep To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. SLAUGHTER, FRANCIS WILKINS, May 10, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JAMES SLAUGHTER (1754-1833). 1244. SMALL, PHILIP ALBRIGHT (Life Member), June 12, 1893 York, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain PHILIP ALBRIGHT. Lieutenant-Colonel JaMES LATIMER (1720-1807). 1307. SMALL, SAMUEL (Life Member), Nov. 13, 1893 York, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain PHILIP ALBRIGHT. Lieutenant-Colonel JaMES LATIMER (1720-1807). SMALL, SAMUEL, JR. (Life Member), Jan. 14, 1896 York, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain PHILIP ALBRIGHT. Lieutenant-Colonel JamMES LATIMER (1720-1807). SMITH, ABRAHAM LEWIS, Dec. 11, 1893 Media, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant GEORGE DUNN (1743-1805). 604. SMITH, ARTHUR DONALDSON, M.D., May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private Jorst SMITH (1755-1835). Great-great-grandson of Chief Engineer ARTHUR DONALDSON (1734-1797). 196 Roll of Members. InsiGnia ELectgep To Numoer, MEMBERSHIP. SMITH, BENJAMIN HAYES, Dec. 11, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant GEORGE DUNN (1743-1805). SMITH, CHARLES WILLIAM, April 13, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOSEPH SMITH (1747-1794). 1054. *SMITH, EDMUND, June 13, 1892 Grandson of Captain ROBERT SMITH (1752-1838). 1046. *SMITH, FRANK PERCY (Endowed Membership), Oct. 10, 1892 Great-great-grandson of Private DANIEL BENEZET (1723-1797). 566. *SMITH, JESSE EVANS (Endowed Membership), May 12, 1890 Grandson of Private JoEST SMITH (1755-1835). 1938. SMITH, NORMAN MACALESTER, June 11, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel EpwaRD THOMAS. SMITH, PERSIFOR FRAZER, Feb. 11, 1895 Allegheny, Penna. Great-grandson of Brigadier-General PERSIFOR FRAZER (1736-1792). Colonel ROBERT SMITH (1720-1803). Roll of Members. 197 INSIGNIA ELecrep To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. SMITH, PHILIP HENRY WADDELL, Jan. 8, 1894 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Hiram SMITH (1756-1833). 1212. SMITH, ROBERT HOBART, April 10, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ROBERT SMITH (1752-1838). 295. SMITH, ROBERT WILLIAM, Dec. 9, 1889 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain ROBERT SMITH (1752-1838). SMITH, WALTER GEORGE, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain Jacop Pratt (1747-1834). SMITH, WIKOFF, May Io, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private WILLIAM WIKOFF (1756-1824). 1355. SMITH, WILLIAM FARRAR, Major U.S.A., March 31, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JOSEPH SAFFORD (1742-1804). SMITH, WILLIAM POULTNEY, May 24, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon JOHN WHITE (1759-1838). 198 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELecTgp To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP, 616. SMITH, WILLIAM RUDOLPH, June 8, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). Captain JACOB RUDOLPH (1744-1795). Rev. WILLIAM SmitH, D.D. (1727-1803). SMITH, WINTHROP, June 11, 1894 Glenside, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private DANIEL BENEZET (1723-1797). 1584. SMITH, WINTHROP BRENTWOOD, June 11, 1894 Glenside, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain ELIsHa CHAPMAN (1740-1825). Private EL1as TULLY (1752-1849). Great-great-great-grandson of Private DANIEL BENEZET (1723-1797). Major JOSEPH BOWMAN (1740-1818). 685. SNIVELY, REV. SUMMERFIELD EMORY, M.D., Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ROBERT CULBERTSON (1755-1801). SNODGRASS, FRANK PEALE, Nov. 13, 1894 Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private THomas McNair (1737-1830). Private BENJAMIN SNODGRASS (1731-1804). Private SAMUEL STURGEON ( -1801). Roll of Members. 199 INSIGNIA ELectTgep To NumpBer. MEMBERSHIP. 2387. SNOWDEN, ARCHIBALD LOUDON, May 13, 1889 Haverford, Penna. Great-grandson of Surgeon LEMUEL GUSTINE (1749-1807). Quartermaster Isaac SNOWDEN (1732-1809). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon WILLIAM HOOKER SMITH (1724-1815). SNOWDEN, CHARLES RANDOLPH, March 8, 1898 Haverford, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Surgeon LEMUEL GUSTINE (1749-1807). Quartermaster IsAAC SNOWDEN (1732-1809). Great-great-great-grandson of Surgeon WILLIAM HOOKER SMITH (1724-1815). 51. SNOWDEN, GEORGE RANDOLPH, March 26, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Surgeon LEMUEL GUSTINE (1749-1807). Quartermaster Isaac SNOWDEN (1732-1809). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon WILLIAM HOOKER SMITH (1724-1815). 2040. SNOWDEN, LLEWELLYN RANDOLPH, Jan. 8, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ENGLE (1757-1821). Surgeon LEMUEL GUSTINE (1749-1 807). Quartermaster Isaac SNOWDEN (1732-1809). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon WILLIAM HOOKER SMITH (1724-1815). 200 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 2012. SNOWDEN, ROBERT PATTERSON, June 12, 1893 Camden, N. J. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES ENGLE (1757-1821). Surgeon LEMUEL GUSTINE (1749-1807). Quartermaster Isaac SNOWDEN (1732-1809). Great-great-grandson of Surgeon WILLIAM HOOKER SMITH (1724-1815). SNYDER, FREDERIC ANTES, April 10, 1893 Williamsport, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel PHILIP FREDERIC ANTES (1730-1801.) 1587. SNYDER, GEORGE DUNCAN, Dec. 12, 1892 Williamsport, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel PHILIP FREDERIC ANTES (1730—1801.) SNYDER, JOHN ANDREW, Feb. 9, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private ANDREW SNYDER (1739-1815). SOUDER, EDMUND ALPHONSO, June 8, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN KEEN (1747-1832). Captain EsalAs PREBLE (1742-1812). SOUDER, THOMAS MIFFLIN, April 10, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JOHN KEEN (1747-1832). Captain Esatas PREBLE (1742-1812). Roll of Members. 201 sa Evectep To UMBER. MeEmBERSHIP. 2057. SPANGLER, EDWARD WEBSTER, Dec. 10, 1895 York, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain Yost HERBACH (1741-1831). 394. SPARHAWK, CHARLES WURTS, June 9g, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel EL1jaH CLARK (1732-1795). 399. SPARHAWEK, JOHN, JR., June 9g, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELIJAH CLARK (1732-1795). 980. SPARHAWK, RICHARD DALE, June 28, 1892 Philadelphia. Great.great-grandson of Major JOHN POLHEMUS (1738-1831). Great-great-great-grandson of JoHN Hart (1711-1780). 290. SPENCER, JOHN THOMPSON, Dec. 9, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES RINGGOLD. Surgeon WALTER SMITH. IsAAC SPENCER. Colonel JOHN THOMPSON. SPROAT, HARRIS ELRIC, Oct. 8, 1888 Westtown, Penna. Great-grandson of Major WILLIAM SPROAT (1757-1 793): STAPLES, CHARLES BOONE, Oct. 12, 1891 Stroudsburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN STAPLES (1 754-1843). 14 202 Roll of (Members. INSIGNIA ELectTep To Numpgr. MEMBERSHIP, STARR, ISAAC, JR., May 4, 1891 Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Cornet JOHN LARDNER (1752-1825). Great-great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN HOPPIN (1747-1809). Private THomMAS WELD PHILBROOK (1760-1841). STAUFFER, JOHN KEIM, Nov. 10, 1896 Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHN KEIM (1749-18109). Great-great-great-great-grandson of Colonel ARCHIBALD Cary (1720-1786). STEARNS, IRVING ARIEL, Oct. 12, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant ABNER TYLER (1710-1779). 2528. STEARNS, LAZARUS DENISON, May 10, 1898 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel NATHAN DENISON (1741-1809). Lieutenant ELIJAH SHOEMAKER ( -1778). Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant ABNER TYLER (1710-1779). 2046. STEINMETZ, JOSEPH ALLISON, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private ANTHONY CADWALADER MorRrIs (1745-1798). Great-great-great-grandson of SAMUEL MorRrIs, SR. (1711-1788). Captain NATHANIEL STOUT. Roll of Members. 203 INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NumpBEr. MEMBERSHIP. 865. STENGER, WILLIAM SHEARER, June 13, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain CONRAD STENGER. 754. STEVENS, REV. CHARLES ELLIS, LL.D.,D.C.L., Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Ensign JOSIAH STEVENS (1752-1827). Great-great-grandson of Colonel JOSEPH MARSH (1726-1811). Captain THomas PITKIN (1724-1818). ELIHU STEVENS (1731-1814). 2433. STEVENS, HENRY ALEXANDER, Oct. 8, 1894 Norristown, Penna. Grandson of Quartermaster-General NICHOLAS PARISET (1750-1795). STEVENS, JOHN CONYNGHAM, Oct. 17, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private DAVID HAYFIELD CONYNGHAM (1756-1834). Seaman WILLIAM STEVENS (1756-1834). Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). Private ABEL PIERCE (1736-1814). STEVENS, WILLIAM CHASE, April 13, 1897 Riverton, N. J. Great-grandson of Private JOB STEVENS. STEVENS, WILLIAM COPPEE, Oct. 17, 1893 St. Louis, Mo. Great-grandson of Seaman WILLIAM STEVENS (1756-1834). 204 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numer. 467. 1772, ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP, STEWART, CLEMENT, Oct. 10, Easton, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant THoMAS STEWART (1752-1836). Great-grandson of Major ROBERT TRAILL (1744-1816). * STICHTER, THOMAS DIEHL, Nov. 24, Grandson of Private PETER STICHTER (1760-1843). Great-grandson of Captain NICHOLAS DIEHL ( —1819). STINE, HENRY MOORE, M.D., May 14, Harrisburg, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant ABRAHAM STINE (1724-1807). STOCKER, GEORGE FITZ RANDOLPH, Oct. 8, St. David’s, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ANDRE LOUIS DE TOUSARD ( -1817). STOCKHAM, EDWARD VILLEROY, June 12, Camden, N. J. Great-grandson of Private GEORGE STOCKHAM (1736-1821). STOCKTON, EDWARD ALEXANDER, Dec. 8, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain DAVID STOCKTON ( —-1807). STODDART, CURWEN, Feb. 9, Rydal, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Isaac ASHTON (1742-1777). 1892 1890 1895 1894 1893 1896 1897 Roll of Members. 205 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 2356. 2466. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. STODDARD, GIDEON, Nov. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Isaac ASHTON (1742-1777). STOEVER, WILLIAM CASPAR, Nov. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES PATTERSON (1731-1789). STONE, HON. CHARLES WARREN, Jan. Warren, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JONAS STONE (1737-1816). Captain JAcoB WILLIAMS (1755-1829). STOUT, ABEL LUKENS, Nov. Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JoHN StTouT (1762-1846). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN JENKINS ( —1805). STOVELL, CHARLES LEWIS, Feb. Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major JoHN HOLLINSHEAD (1748-1798). STOVELL, FREDERICK DAVANT, Feb. Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major JoHN HoLLInsHEAD (1748-1798). STREALY, MATTHEW WELSH, Oct. Chambersburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOHN KERR ( -1807), 9 oh) 9) 12, 12, 12, 13, 1897 1891 1893 1895 1894 1894 1896 206 Roll of Members, INSIGNIA Numser. ELgecTEpD To MeEmegrsHIP. STUBBS, THEODORE KIRK, June 28, 1892 Oxford, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain ROGER KIRK (1751-1809). STULL, ADAM ARBUCKLE, Dec. 9, 1889 Philadelphia, Great-grandson of Drummer SAMUEL NIGHTLINGER. Private ADAM STULL (1758-1821). STURDEVANT, EDWARD WARREN, April 13, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain THomas Huston (1739-1824). Private EBENEZER SKINNER (1731-1804). Private SAMUEL STURDEVANT (1740-1828), STURDEVANT, JOHN, Nov. 13, 1893 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private EBENEZER SKINNER (1731-1804). Lieutenant ASA STEVENS (1734-1778). Private SAMUEL STURDEVANT (1740-1828). STURDEVANT, RICHARD MATTHEWS, May 11, 1897 Lieutenant U. S. R. C. Service, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Private SAMUEL STURDEVANT (1740-1828). STURDEVANT, WILLIAM HENRY, March 9g, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private EBENEZER SKINNER (1731-1804). Lieutenant ASA STEVENS (1734-1778). Private SAMUEL STURDEVANT (1740-1828). Roll of Members. 207 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 1515. 1546. 682. 2230. 388. TATE, HUMPHREY DILLON, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES HAMILTON (1743-1815). * TAYLOR, CHARLES HENRY, Grandson of Colonel JoHN TayLor (1751-1801). TAYLOR, GEORGE MUIRSON TOTTEN, Pittsburgh, Penna. Grandson of Colonel JoHN TayLor (1751-1801). TERRY, HENRY CLAY, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private ASAPH TERRY (1756-1839). * TERRY, WILLIS, Great-great-grandson of Private ASAPH TERRY (1756-1839). TEVIS, JOSHUA, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JoHn Crospy (1748-1822). THOMAS, JOSEPH BAYLIS, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. Nov. 13, April 9, May 14, Nov. 9, May 12, March 31, Nov. 13, Quartermaster PETER BELLINGER, JR. (17 58-1851). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel PETER BELLINGER, SR. (1737-1823). Private DANIEL PETRIE (1732-1782). 1894 1894 1894 1891 1896 1890 1893 208 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. THOMAS, ROBERT CARR (Life Member), March 12, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN BROOKE (1753-1834). 490. THOMAS, WALTER CUTHBERT, Nov. 11, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ANTHONY CUTHBERT (1751-1832). THOMPSON, PAUL, June 11, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General JoHN Lacey (1755-1814). TINGLEY, CHARLES LOVE SCOTT, June 12, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Gustavus SCOTT (1753-1801). 1545. TITMAN, GEORGE WILLIS, M.D., Feb. 12, 1894 Hackettstown, N. J. Great-grandson of Captain JoszePpH CURTIS (1751-1834). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant LAWRENCE LOMMASSON ( —1809). Ensign NATHANIEL WRIGHT (1747-1828). 1068. TOBEY, ARTHUR WADDINGTON, May _g,_ 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SETH SPRAGUE (1760-1847). 1221. TOWER, HON. CHARLEMAGNE, JR., LL.D., May 8, 1893 Minister to Austria-Hungary. Great-grandson of Private JEDUTHAN TOWER (1756-1817). Roll of Members. 209 INSIGNIA Numer. 944. 468. 383. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. TOWNSEND, FRANK EVANS, Oct. Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL PRICE (1750-1801). TRACY, CHARLES LOCKWOOD, April Towanda, Penna. Grandson of Lieutenant SoLoMON Tracy (1756-1835). Great-grandson of Captain THEOPHILUS MUNSON (1747-1795). TUBBS, BENJAMIN REYNOLDS, Feb. Kingston, Penna. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL TuBBS (1755-1841). Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel GEORGE DoRRANCE (1736-1778). TUBBS, CHARLES, May Osceola, Penna. Great-grandson of Private SAMUEL TUBBS (1755-1841). Great-great-grandson of Private REUBEN Cook (1747-1829). Lieutenant-Colonel GEORGE DoRRANCE (1736-1778). TURNER, CHARLES PEASLEE, M.D., May Philadelphia. Grandson of Lieutenant ZACCHEUS PEASLEE (1763-1810). TURNER, JAMES VARNUM PETER, June Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain DANIEL TURNER (1 750-1837). Surgeon PETER TURNER (1751-1822). Great-great-grandson of CROMEL CHILD. 8, 1894 14, 1896 11, 1895 11, 1891 12, 1890 17, 1889 210 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numpgr. MEMBERSHIP. TUSTIN, ERNEST LEIGH, Dec. 11, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOSIAH PHILIPS (1751-1817). TYLER, HARRY BLAKE, Feb. 11, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain DANIEL TYLER (1750-1832). 877. TYLER, SIDNEY FREDERICK, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain DANIEL TYLER (1750-1832). VANCE, CHARLES THOMPSON, Feb, 8, 1892 Chester, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM Hay ( -1812). 322, VANUXEM, LOUIS CLARK, Dec, 9g, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel ELIJAH CLARK (1732-1795). 2125. *VAUX, JACOB WALN (Life Member), Feb. 11, 1896 Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL Morris (1734-1812). 546. VINTON, CHARLES HARROD, M.D. Feb. 9, 1891 (Life Member), Wernersville, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOSIAH VINTON (1755-1843). Roll of Members. 211 INSIGNIA ELECTED To Numser. Mempersuip. VOGELS, EDWARD PAGE, Dec. Io, 1888 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain JosepH MOouLDER (1729-1 779). WAINWRIGHT, CHANDLER PRICE, May 4, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel Jenu Eyre (1738-1781). 1343. WALBRIDGE, THOMAS CHESTER, Dec. 12, 1891 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN KNICKERBACKER, JR. (1751- 1827), Ensign Jonas Moran (1752-1824). Colonel EBENEZER WALBRIDGE (1738-18109). Great-great-grandson of Colonel JOHN KNICKERBACKER (1723-1802). Major Epwarp Mott. 1306. WALLACE, HERBERT FAIRFAX, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Major WILLIAM BROOKE (1746-1829). Captain EL1yjAH WEED ( -1793). Great-great-great-grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). WALLACE, THOMAS KITTERA Dec. 28, 1891 (Admitted from the District of Columbia Society, February 8, 1898), Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Major WILLIAM BROOKE (1746-18209). Captain EL1jAH WEED ( -1793). Great-great-grandson of MATTHEW BROOKE (1719-1806). 212 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED To Numser. Mempgrsuip. WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART, Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant HuGH Lone ( -1778). JAMES WALLACE ( -1777). WALLS, WILLIAM CAMERON, June 12, 1893 Lewisburg, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain JOSEPH GREEN (1720-1802). Private JOHN SHEPLEY. WALSH, REV. GEORGE HERBERT, D.D., Feb. 8, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain WILLIAM BULL (1751-1817). WALSH, STEVENSON HOCKLEY, Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM BULL (1751-1817). 1543. WARD, JOSEPH RIPLEY CHANDLER, May 14, 1894 Wayne, Penna, Great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL WARD (1740-1812). WARFIELD, ETHELBERT DUDLEY, LL.D., March 8, 1898 Easton, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Brigadier-General WILLIAM CAMPBELL (1745-1781). Colonel WILLIAM PRESTON (1729-1788). WARREN, EBENEZER BURGESS, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Sergeant JOSIAH JACKSON (1730- )- June 8, 1897 Roll of Members. 213 INSIGNIA NuMBER. ELEcTgD To MEMBERSHIP. 2236. WARREN, HENRY MATHER, Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Corporal EDWARD CARLTON (1749-1835). Captain SAMUEL FAIRFIELD (1733-1803). 1909. WARREN, LUCIUS HENRY, Jan. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Grandson of Private IsAAC WARREN (1758-1834). WASHINGTON, GEORGE STEPTOE, Feb. 28, 1889 Riverton, N. J. Great-great-grandson of THOMAS BLACKBURN (1740-1807). RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732-1794). Colonel JoHN AUGUSTINE WASHINGTON (1736-1787). 2242. WATERHOUSE, ARCHIBALD NISBETT, March 10, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JAMES EATON (1733-1777): 349. * WATKINS, SAMUEL POTE, JR., March 10, 1890 Grandson of Lieutenant JEREMIAH SIMMONS (1748-1793). WATTS, HON. ETHELBERT, April 14, 1896 Vice-Consul General U. S., Cairo, Egypt. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY MILLER (1751-1824). 753. WATTS, WILLIAM MEREDITH, Dec. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY MILLER (1751-1824). 214 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA EvgcTep To Numper. MEMBERSHIP. 98. WAYNE, WILLIAM, April 3, 1888 Paoli, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Major-General ANTHONY WAYNE (1745-1796). 286. WAYNE, WILLIAM, JR., March 11, 1889 Paoli, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel SAMUEL JOHN ATLEE (1739-1786). Major-General ANTHONY WAYNE (1745-1796). 1345. WEAVER, CLEMENT, April 10, 1893 Darby, Penna. Great-grandson of Private JOSEPH BRIGGS (1749-1830). 171. WEAVER, ETHAN ALLEN, March 26, 1889 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private PHILIP CORRELL (1736-1803). Lieutenant GEORGE STECHER (1737-1808). Captain JACOB WEYGANDT (1742-1828). Great-great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS WEYGANDT (1713-1799). WEAVER, REV. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, May 11, 1897 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain HENRY WEAVER. 384. *WEIDMAN, GRANT, June 22, 1888 Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN WEIDMAN (1756-1830). Roll of Members. 215 INSIGNIA Numper. 2464. 427. 1517. 560. ELscTEep To MEMBERSHIP. WEITZEL, EBEN BOYD, Oct. 12, 1891 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant SoLoMON ELLSWORTH (1737-1822). JOHN WEITZEL (1752-1799). WEITZEL, PAUL ELMER, Oct. 12, Oak Lane, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant SOLOMON ELLSwoRTH (1737-1822). JOHN WEITZEL (1752-1799). WEITZEL, PAUL ROSS, June 30, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of JOHN WEITZEL (1752-1799). WELLES, HENRY HUNTER, JR., Oct. 14, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Ensign MatTu1as HOLLENBACK (1752-1829). Great-great-grandson of Captain GORDON HuTCHINS (1733-1815). WEST, JAMES, April 9, Sheldon, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel JoHN NIxon (1733-1808). WETHERILL, ALBERT LAWRENCE, March 9, Philadelphia. Great-great-great-grandson of Jacosp Morgan, Sr. (1716-1792). 1891 1890 1895 1894 1891 216 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO NuMBER, MEMBERSHIP. 2091. WETHERILL, JOHN PRICE, June 12, 1893 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-great-grandson of JacoB MorGan, SR. (1716-1792). WETHERILL, SAMUEL, May 12, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of JacoB MorGaNn, SR. (1716-1792). 1111. WEYGANDT, CORNELIUS NOLEN, Jan. 9, 1893 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain JacoB WEYGANDT (1742-1828). Great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS WEYGANDT (1713-1799). 1065. WHARTON, HENRY REDWOOD, M.D., April 13, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major JoHN Boaes (1732-1796). WHEELER, JOHN HOWELL, March 14, 1892 Philadelphia. Grandson of Quartermaster READING HOWELL (1743-1827). 1367. WHELEN, ALFRED, M.D., March 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ISRAEL WHELEN (1752-1806). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel JAMES BuRD (1726-1793). Roll of Members. 217 INSIGNIA NuMBER. 1235. 707. 1359. 288. 602. ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. * WHELEN, EDWARD SIDDONS, May 8, 1893 Grandson of Captain ISRAEL WHELEN (1752-1806). WHELEN, HENRY, Oct. 12, 1891 Philadelphia. Grandson of Captain ISRAEL WHELEN (1752-1806). WHELEN, HENRY, JR., June 30, 1890 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ISRAEL WHELEN (1752-1806). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel JAMES BuRD (1726-1793). WHELEN, KINGSTON GODDARD, Dec. 11, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain ISRAEL WHELEN (1752-1806). Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel JAMES BuRD (1726-1793). * WHITE, FLOYD HALL, March 11, 1889 Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel BENJAMIN TALLMADGE (1754-1835). Great-great-grandson of Colonel WILLIAM FLOYD (1734-1821). WHITE, HUGH LAWRENCE, _ May 4, 1891 Williamsport, Penna. Grandson of Colonel HuGH WHITE (1737-1822). Great-grandson of JOHN WEITZEL (1752-1799). 15 218 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTED TO Numpgr. MEMBERSHIP. 429. WHITNEY, FRANCIS NICHOLS, March Io, 1890 New York City. Great-grandson of Major FRANcis NICHOLS (1737-1812). Quartermaster WILLIAM NICHOLS (1754-1804). Marine JAMES REX WHITNEY (1760-1822). Great-great-grandson of MICHAEL HILLEGAS (1729-1804). WICKERSHAM, ROBERT O'NEILL, Oct. 14, 1895 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN O’ NEILL (1740-1796). 1660. WILBUR, ROLLIN HENRY, Nov. 13, 1894 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private PHILIP ABBOTT (1751-1834). 2408. WILBUR, WARREN ABBOTT, Nov. 13, 1894 South Bethlehem, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private PHILIP ABBOTT (1751-1834). WILCOX, JOHN FLEMING, May 14, 1895 Everett, Mass. Great-grandson of Fifer JOSEPH NORTH. Private JosiaH WILCOX (1750-1796). Great-great-grandson of Private DANIEL WILCOX (1715-1789). WILCOX, MONTGOMERY, April 21, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Quartermaster READING HOWELL (1743-1827). Great-great-grandson of Private GEORGE CAMPBELL (1730-1810). Roll of Members. 219 INSIGNIA ELECTED To NuMBER. MEMBERSHIP. 873. WILCOX, SAMUEL, Feb. 1, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private GEORGE CAMPBELL (1730-1810). 683. WILHELM, WILLIAM HERMAN, Oct. 12, 1891 Lieutenant U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Private PHILIP CORRELL (1736-1803). Captain JACOB WEYGANDT (1742-1828). Great-great-great-grandson of CORNELIUS WEYGANDT (1713-1799). 1498. WILKINSON, OGDEN DUNGAN, March 12, 1894 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private EL1as DUNGAN ( —1804). Private MICHAEL GRAHAM (1746-1814). Private FRANCIS LASHER (1746-1793). Lieutenant-Colonel JOHN WILKINSON (1711-1782). 1346. WILLIAMS, CHARLES, Feb. 13, 1893 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant EZEKIEL WORRELL ( —1781). 2065. WILLIAMS, FRANCIS CHURCHILL, Jan. 9, 1893 Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain WILLIAM CHURCHILL HousTON (1740-1788). WILLIAMS, RICHARD NORRIS, Oct. 13, 1890 Conyngham, Penna. Great-great-grandson of RICHARD BACHE (1737-1811). Great-great-great-grandson of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790). 220 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELECTED TO Numsgr, MEMBERSHIP, WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM FINLEY, Oct. 13, 1896 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JOHN WILLIAMSON (1727-1794). WILSON, ALAN DICKSON, March 22, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private HuGH WILSON (1761-1845). Great-great-grandson of Major-General JamES POTTER (1729-1789). 393. WILSON, REV. CALVIN DILL, May 12, 1890 Franklin, Ohio. Great-grandson of Private THoMas DILL (1750-1833). Private THOMAS SANDERS ( —1821). Great-great-grandson of Colonel MaTTHEW DILL. 2520, WILSON, EDWARD HOWELL, March 8, 1898 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Colonel Jacop SAMUEL HOWELL (1749-1793). 1048. WILSON, JAMES DALE, Oct. 10, 1892 Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Captain SAMUEL DALE (1741-1804). WILSON, REV. MAURICE EMERY, D.D., Nov. 24, 1890 Dayton, Ohio. Great-grandson of Private THomMas DILL (1750-1833). Private THOMAS SANDERS ( -1821). Great-great-grandson of Colonel MaTtTHEW DILL, Roll of Members. 221 INSIGNIA Numper. 1632. 1360. ELEcTED TO MEMBERSHIP. WILSON, THOMAS WALLACE, May 14, Holmesburg, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private JOHN BENDER (1755-1818). WILSON, WILLIAM CURRIE, March 29, New Centreville, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Private RICHARD CURRIE (1750-1776). WINDSOR, FREDERIC ERNEST, Oct. 8 Warren, Penna. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel STEPHEN WINSOR (1744-1825). WISTER, ALEXANDER WILSON, May Il, Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Private MorDEcAI Lewis (1748-1799). WISTER, LEWIS WYNNE, May It, Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private MorDEcal Lewis (1748-1799). WOOD, ALAN, JR., Oct. 17, Philadelphia. Great.grandson of Colonel THomas BULL (1744-1837). Colonel WILLIAM DEWEES, JR. WOOD, EDWARD RANDOLPH, Feb. 28, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant EpwARD Fitz RANDOLPH (1754-1837). 1894 1898 1894 1897 1897 1893 1889 222 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA Numerr. 2216. 1305. 2058. WOOD, FREDERICK, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of Private JOSEPH PLATT (1740-1792). WOOD, HOWARD, Conshohocken, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel THomas BULL (1744-1837). Colonel WILLIAM DEWEES, JR. WOODRUFF, WESLEY ELLSWORTH, Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private THOMAS WoobRUFF (1764-1840). WOODWARD, GEORGE STANLEY, M.D., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Major SAMUEL RICHARDS (1753-1841). Great-great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). WOOLSTON, JOSEPH LONGSTRETH, Germantown, Philadelphia. Great-great-grandson of WILLIAM AuGUSTUS ATLEE (1735-1793)- WORRELL, THOMAS WORCESTER, Frankford, Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Captain DEMAS WORRELL (1742-1825). WREN, WILLIAM CULLEN, Lieutenant U.S.A., War Department, Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Private BRIGHAM EATON (1754-1828). ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP. Dec. II, Oct. 17, April 14, May II, Oct. 14, March 25, May 8, 1894 1893 1896 1891 1895 1895 1893 Roll of (hembers. 223 INSIGNIA ELECTED To NuMBER, MEMBERSHIP. WRIGHT, GEORGE RIDDLE, Feb. 9, 1891 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Colonel ZEBULON BUTLER (1731-1795). 442. WRIGHT, JACOB RIDGWAY, June 30, 1890 Wilkes Barre, Penna. Great-grandson of Private CHARLES CIST (1738-1805). Ensign MATTHIAS HOLLENBACK (1752-1829). WRIGHT, WILLIAM HOWARD, May 12, 1896 Pittsburgh, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Captain BENJAMIN LIVINGSTON (1743-1821). 1747. * YARDLEY, JAMES MARTIN, Oct. 8, 1894 Great-grandson of Private OLIVER MARTIN (1762-1829). YERKES, HON. HARMAN, April 9, 1894 Doylestown, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain ANDREW LONG (1730-1812). Private HARMAN YERKES (1721-1804). YOUNG, HIRAM, March 13, 1893 York, Penna. Great-grandson of Captain HENRY SHEAFFER (1738-1803). * ZEILIN, JOHN HENRY, April 14, 1896 Great-grandson of Private GEORGE PIPER (1755-1823). 224 Roll of Members. INSIGNIA ELEcTep TO Numper. MembersuIp. ZELL, THOMAS BURD, May 24, 1892 Reading, Penna. Great-great-grandson of Colonel ALEXANDER LowREy (1723-1805). Colonel JaMES BuRD (1726-1793). 1353. *ZIEBER, EUGENE, Dec. 11, 1893 Great-great-grandson of Quartermaster HENRY VANDERSLICE (1726-1797). ZIEGLER, JAMES PATTERSON, M.D., May 11, 1891 Mount Joy, Penna. _ _Great-grandson of Lieutenant JaMES PATTERSON (1731-1789). 587. ZIEGLER, WALTER MACON LOWRIE, M.D., April 13, 1891 Philadelphia. Great-grandson of Lieutenant JAMES PATTERSON (1731-1789). NUMBER OF MEMBERS . . . . II70. Members Transferred to Other State Societies. yy NEW YORK. WILLIAM DALLIBA DUTTON. May 4, 1891—May 14, 1895. ROBERT CARMER HILL. January 9, 1893—November 12, 1895. THOMAS BLAIR REA. December 11, 1894—November 12, 1895. REV. SAMUEL D. McCONNELL, D.D. Insignia number, 321. January 13, 1890—May 13, 1896. CHARLES PINKERTON. January 15, 1895—October 13, 1896. MARYLAND. MOZART WILLIAM HAYDEN. October 12, 1891—May 9, 1892. EDWARD GRAY ALLEN. Insignia number, 563. June 30, 1890—January 9, 1893. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. HON. EDWARD EVERETT ROBBINS. April 9, 1895—June 8, 1897. WEST VIRGINIA. HON. JOHN MARSHALL HAGANS. March 13, 1893—-October 8, 1894. TEXAS. COLE LESLIE HARWOOD. March 13, 1893—April 9, 1895. 225 In Memoriam. yy DANIEL MILLER FOX. 1819-1890. ALGERNON SYDNEY BIDDLE. 1847-1891. -PHILIP LEIDY, M.D. 1838-1891. CHARLES HENRY PAULSON, JR. 1860-1891. EDWARD MORRIS DAVIS, JR. 1837-1891. ELON DUNBAR LOCKWOOD. 1838-1891. CHARLES DORRANCE. 1805-1892. CLARENCE GRAY JAMES. 1856-1892. FRANCIS RIDGWAY MARSHALL. 1844-1892. 227 228 In Memoriam. JOHN CASE PHELPS. 1825-1892. THOMAS DIEHL STICHTER. 1846-1892. LEWIS BUSH JACKSON. 1858-1892. SAMUEL POTE WATKINS, JR. 1815-1892. FRAZER ASHHURST. 1867-1892. JESSE EVANS SMITH. 1824-1892. FLOYD HALL WHITE. 1843-1893. THOMAS DOREMUS MESSLER. 1333-1893. JOSHUA LADD HOWELL. 1842-1893. ROBERT ALEXANDER LAMBERTON, LL.D. 1824-1893. LAZARUS DENISON SHOEMAKER. 1819-1893. GEORGE DE BENNEVILLE KEIM. 1830-1893. In Memoriam. 229 EDWARD SIDDONS WHELEN. 1813-1894. TITUS SALTER EMERY. 1825-1894. ROBERT PORTER DECHERT. 1842-1894. JOHN MILLS HALE. 1839-1894. SAMUEL CLARKSON. 1833-1894. FRANK PERCY SMITH. 1850-1894. FERDINAND ODEN HORSTMANN. 1846-1894. JOHN MORGAN ASH. 1810-1895. WILLIAM ALLISON COCHRAN. 1859-1895. CHARLES WILLING LITTELL. 1832-1895. HENRY HOWARD HOUSTON. 1820-1895. CHARLES PENROSE BLIGHT. 1855-1895. 230 in Memoriam. EDMUND SMITH. 1829-1895. JAMES ASH, M.D. 1818-1895. JOHN HANCOCK HALL, M.D. 1850-1895. GRANT WEIDMAN. 1839-1895. WILLIAM JOHN POTTS. 1842-1895. EBENEZER HERBERT CLAPP. 1838-1895. JAMES MIFFLIN. 1840-1895. AUGUSTUS HETICH LANE. 1838-1896. HENRY REED. 1846-1896. LEWIS MERRILL. 1834-1896. CLIFFORD STANLEY SIMS, D.C.L. 1839-1896. EDWARD JOHNSON ETTING. 1840-1896. In Memoriam. 231 LOUIS CEPHAS MADEIRA. 1819-1896. WILLIAM HUNT, M.D. 1825-1896. WILLIAM CHURCHILL HOUSTON. 1816-1896. WILLIAM DANA McGOWAN, M.D. 1831-1896. FRANCIS ASBURY LYTE. 1854-1896. WILLIS TERRY. 1874-1896. HARRY BARTLETT ABBOTT. 1860-1896. LEWIS ALLAIRE SCOTT. 1819-1896. GEORGE MECUM CONARROE. 1831-1896. WILLIAM BENSON MANN. 1816-1896. EDWIN ADAMS DAMON. 1866-1896. RICHARD TOWNSHEND DODSON. 1842-1896. 232 In Memoriam. JOHN HENRY ZEILIN. 1834-1896. CHARLES PARRISH. 1825-1896. CHARLES HENRY TAYLOR. 1832-1897. GEORGE BROOKE ROBERTS. 1833-1897. ARTHUR BIDDLE. 1852-1897. PETER DIRCK KEYSER, M.D. 1835-1897. TRAILL GREEN, M.D., LL.D. 1813-1897. JOHN L. GEIGER. 1827-1897. RICHARD ROWLEY BAKER. 1858-1897. WILLIAM JENKS LEE. 1865-1897. EUGENE ZIEBER. 1858-1897. WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER. 1824-1897. fn Memoriam. 233 JAMES MARTIN YARDLEY. 1853-1897. OLIVER LANDRETH. 1830-1897. ISAAC LLOYD. 1840-1897. CRAWFORD ARNOLD. 1829-1897. THEOPHILUS PARVIN, M.D., LL.D. 1829-1898. REV. WILLIAM CASSADY CATTELL, D.D., LL.D. 1827-1898. WILSON METTLER GEARHART. 1847-1898. JOHN HILL BRINTON, JR. 1870-1898. THOMAS McKEAN. 1842-1898. ——— MORDECAI DAWSON EVANS. 1834-1898. OLIVER ALBERT JUDSON, M.D. 1830-1898. ae WILLIAM AYRES. 1823-1898. 16 234 Gn Memoriam. WILLIAM HAYDON. 1817-1898. JACOB WALN VAUX. 1849-1898. ARTHUR WILLIAMSON LITTLE. 1819-1898. JAMES FORNANCE. 1850-1898. Tabular Statement of the Condition of Membership of the Pennsylvania Society on Fuly 4, 1898. WITH REFERENCE TO THE MEMBERS ADMITTED IN EACH FISCAL YEAR. oe" ° al a se) t+ w oO mE | 0 |O 00 . e a a a a a om a oa oa +“ a 2 FISCAL YEAR. 2 2 3 “ & 2 < th S & s < s a 12 oo oO co i) co co 9 | 0 as fg ee 4 4 4 4 mos] le 2 Founpgrs. 15 —_— 15 Admitted b a election since the 56) 95 125 | 199] 137 | 137| 158 | 103 | 84} 84] 21 1199 founding. Admitted from other State LS 2 I;—| 4 8 Societies. pe, TOTAL ADMITTED INTO THE PENNSYLVANIA 72] 95] 125 | 199 | 137] 139} 158] 104 | 84] 88) 21 |1222 SOCIETY. & eet ne, aa 5 Endowed. —| I I I I I I I 7 a pestis a pts z = Life. 9 2) 7; 7] 5S! 7] 6] 8] 31 7 61 $ Ee n A Annual. 63] 92) 117 | 191 | 131] 131 | 151] 96] 80} 81] 21 [1154 Insigni deed 55} 61} 69] 89) 64) 64} 69] 40] 30) 15} 5 | 561 Certificates an of Membership to 18} 12] 35] 34] 23] 37) 14/18) 6 4] arx issued. Transferred 3 to other State — 2 I 2 3 2 |= Io G Societies. g Deceased. 13/11] 9] 21] g| g| 6] 2] 5 85 5 et sa & Resigned. Sp sp sa) a ct 1} — iz Z eee ss aM Dropped from Roll ie faruou-payinace ili oo 5 6 7 8 2 aaa 31 & of dues, 7 etl a TOTALS. DEATHS, RESIGNA-| 13/15) 18] 31] 23] 18] ro] 4] 5 137 TIONS, ETC, oh TOTAL ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP | 59} 80] 107 | 168 | 114] 121] 148 | 100] 79] 88) 21 |1085 JULY 4, 1898. 235 Roll of Ancestors, 177521783. = \ Ue SINE Roll of Hncestors. ye ABBOT, STEPHEN (1749-1813), Lieutenant, Captain Benjamin Farnum’s Company, Colonel Ebenezer Francis’s Regiment, February 14, 1777; Captain, Eleventh Regiment, May 28, 1778; Captain, Colonel Benjamin Tupper’s Regiment, Janu- ary I, 1780—January I, 1783, Massachusetts Line; at Stillwater. JEDIDIAH Howe Apams, M.D. ABBOTT, JOHN (1741-1778), Private in the troops commanded by Colonel Zebulon Butler at the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778; a month afterwards he was killed and scalped by Indians. : ASHER MINER. CHARLES ABBOTT MINER. SIDNEY RoBy MINER. ABBOTT, PHILIP (1751-1834), Private, Captain James Stedman’s Company, Windham, Connecticut Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ 1775. ROLLIN HENRY WILBUR. WARREN ABBOTT WILBUR. ABORN, DANIEL (1749-1783), Commander of the privateer ‘‘ Chance,” of Rhode Island, April, 1782 ; captured by the British frigate ‘‘ Belisarius,’’ and confined on prison- ship ‘‘Jersey.”’ James Mauran RHODES. ADAMS, THOMAS (1749-1829), Lieutenant, Captain John McCalla’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Phila- delphia Militia, April 15, 1780. ANTHONY WAYNE ROBINSON. THomas ADAMS ROBINSON. WILLIAM THOMAS ROBINSON. 239 240 Moll of Ancestors. ALBRIGHT, PHILIP, Member of the Committee of Observation of York County, Pennsyl- vania, 1775; Captain, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 19, 1776; resigned January 23, 1777. PHILIP ALBRIGHT SMALL. SAMUEL SMALL. SAMUEL SMALL, JR. ALDEN, JUDAH (1750-1845), Second Lieutenant, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regiment, Massachu- setts Militia, May—December, 1775; First Lieutenant, Twenty-third Regiment, January 1—December 31, 1776; Captain, Second Regi- ment, January 1, 1777, Massachusetts Line; Brevet-Major, September 30, 1783; served to November 3, 1783; Member of the Massachu- setts State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM ALDEN JAMES. ALDEN, PRINCE (1718-1804), Private, Captain John Franklin’s Independent Company of the Wyo- ming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line. Hon. GEORGE LOCKHART DARTE. ALDEN, SIMEON (1740- ), Private, Captain Josiah Hayden’s Company, Colonel Bailey’s Massa- chusetts Regiment of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-23, 1775 ; Private, Captain Theophilus Wilder's Company, Colonel Dike’s Regiment, January 8—March 1, 1777; Private, Lieutenant Benjamin Bates’s Company, Major Eliphalet Cary’s Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Regiment in the ‘‘Rhode Island Alarm,’’ July 30— August 1, 1780; Private, Captain Luke Bicknell’s Company, Lieu- tenant-Colonel Ebenezer Putnam’s Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Regiment, September 3, 1781—December 3, 1781, Massachusetts Militia. HARRY ALDEN RICHARDSON. ALEXANDER, HUGH (1724-1777), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Con- vention of 1776; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1776-1777. Davis BaTes BELL. THEODORE HILL CUNNINGHAM. Roll of Ancestors. 241 ALISON, DR. FRANCIS, JR. (1751-1813), Surgeon, Twelfth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October 14, 1776; Senior Physician and Surgeon of the General Hospital, Middle District, January 10, 1777. FRANCIS JOHN ALISON. ROBERT HENRy ALISON, M.D. ALLEN, ENOCH (1744-1789), Private, Lieutenant Samuel Bartlet’s Company of Ashfield, Massachu- setts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 22-27, 1775; Pri- vate, Captain Ebenezer Webber's Company, Colonel John Fellows’s Regiment, April 27—-November 22, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Ephraim Jennings’s Company, Colonel David Wells’s Regiment, September 22— October 18, 1777, Massachusetts Militia. CHARLES ALLEN CONVERSE. JoHN HEMAN CONVERSE. ALLEN, MOSES (1746-1826), Private, Captain John Mills's Company, Colonel Charles Webb’s Regi- ment, March 1, 1777—April 11, 1780; Private, Fifth Regiment, July 1 —December 16, 1780, Connecticut Line; at White Marsh, Valley Forge, Monmouth, and Stony Point. FRANCIS OLCOTT ALLEN. ALLGAIER, SEBASTIAN (1757-1846), Private, Captain George Wesser’s Company, Colonel George Ross’s Regiment, 1776 ; Private, Captain Kreider’s Company, 1777; Private, Captain Conrad Geist’s Company, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Daniel Hunter, 1777; Private, Captain Charles Gobin’s Company, Colonel Joseph Hiester’s Battalion, 1778, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia. CiayTon McELRoy. Jacosp LANCASTER REPPLIER. AMBERSON, WILLIAM (1752-1835), First Lieutenant, Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, 1776-79; Deputy Mustermaster-General of Pennsylvania, 1779. Joun THOMAS FINDLEY. 242 Roll of Ancestors. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, Lieutenant-Colonel, First Battalion, Colonel Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, April 19, 1776. FRANCIS VON ALBADE CABEEN. ANDERSON, ENOCH, Sergeant, Captain Abraham Miller’s Company, Colonel William Thompson’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, June, 1775; First Lieutenant, September 30, 1776; promoted Captain, December 7, 1777, Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; at Brandywine and Germantown. GEORGE Gross FRYER. ANDERSON, EZEKIEL, Private, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line; one of the three guides who led the forces of General Washington to the camp of the British on the night previous to the ‘‘ Princeton Surprise,’’ January 2, 1777. PauL AUGUSTINE HENDRY. ANDERSON, ISAAC (1760-1838), Ensign, Sixth Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Richard Thomas, May 17, 1777; First Lieutenant, Fifth Battalion, Colonel John Bar- tholomew, May 24, 1779, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia; carried despatches between General Washington at Valley Forge and the Con- tinental Congress at York, Pennsylvania, 1777-78. JosEPH WILSON ANDERSON, M.D. JOHN WILSON BUCKMAN. James LANE PENNYPACKER. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. ANDERSON, PATRICK (1719-1793), Major, Colonel Anthony Wayne’s Battalion of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania Minute Men, July 21, 1775; Captain, Colonel Samuel John Atlee’s Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, March 15, 1776; battalion designated Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot, October 1, 1776, and Thirteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, November 12, 1777; served ye RE BE 5 ype Z y, Mbt renter. 0 Ou20nfraee pt DOM lal 92 ththel Ov, Atti Vay 2474 Wp rarber- nf Oonapredd 18 ee berltadl wav lhe peadbcaov of baer Dow, Sinmuth | Pore Roll of Ancestors. 243 to July 1, 1778; at Long Island; Member of the Pennsylvania Assem- bly, 1778 and 1779. Isaac LANE ANDERSON, JOSEPH WILSON ANDERSON, M.D. JOHN WILSON BUCKMAN. JAMES LANE PENNYPACKER. Hon. SAMUEL WHITAKER PENNYPACKER, LL.D. Captain ANDREW GREGG CURTIN Quay, U.S.A. Hon. MATTHEW STANLEY Quay. ANTES, PHILIP FREDERIC (1730-1801), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Con- vention of 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Thomas Potts’s Battalion, 1776; Colonel, Sixth Battalion, 1777, Philadelphia County, Pennsyl- vania Militia. FREDERIC ANTES SNYDER. GEORGE DUNCAN SNYDER. ARMSTRONG, REV. JAMES FRANCIS (1750-1816), Private, Captain Peter Gordon’s Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia, 1776; Chaplain, Colonel Moses Hazen’s Second Canadian Regiment (‘‘ Congress’s Own’’), Continental Army, November 3, 1776; Brigade-Chaplain, Second Brigade, Maryland Line, July 17, 1778—January 1, 1781; Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN ARMSTRONG, M.D. ARMSTRONG, JOHN (1725-1795), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, July 12, 1774; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, March 1, 1776; resigned April 4, 1777; Lieutenant of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, March 21, 1777; Brigadier-General, April 5, 1777; Major-General, January 9, 1778, Pennsylvania Militia ; served to close of war; commanded the Pennsylvania Militia at Brandywine and Germantown. JOHN ARMSTRONG HERMAN. 244 Roll of Ancestors. ARNDT, JOHN (1748-1814), Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Captain, First Company, First Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Battalion, Colonel Peter Kachlein, forming part of the ‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Joseph Hart, July 9, 1776; wounded in the arm at Long Island ; Agent to receive subscriptions for the Continental Loan, December 16, 1777; Commissary of Purchases, Pennsylvania Militia, February 19, 1778 ; Commissioner of Exchange, April 5, 1779 ; Member of the Council of Censors of Pennsylvania, October 20, 1783. CHAUNCEY GRAHAM HELLICK. ARNOLD, CALEB (1725-1784), Corporal, Colonel Robert Elliot’s Rhode Island State Artillery, 1776; Member of the Rhode Island Provincial Congress, 1773-1778 ; Deputy to the Rhode Island Assembly, 1778; Member of the Rhode Island War Committee, 1780. EDWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. ARNOLD, JAMES (1723-1793), ; Third Lieutenant, Captain Job Randall’s Company, Warwick, Rhode Island Militia, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, Kent County, Rhode Island Militia, 1778 ; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence of Rhode Island, May 10, 1776; Assistant to the Governor of Rhode Island, 1775-1776, 1778, 1780; Member of the Rhode Island Council of War, 1777; Member of the Rhode Island Assembly, 1775, 1782; Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Warwick, 1782-1783. * CRAWFORD ARNOLD. ASH, JAMES (1750-1830), Lieutenant in General John Cadwalader’s Brigade, Philadelphia Militia, 1777. Epwarp TWELLs ASH. GorDOoN MonceEs AsH. Henry St. Ciair Asu, M.D. * james AsH, M.D. * JOHN MorGAN ASH. JoHN MorGan Asu, JR. Roll of Ancestors. 245 ASHLEY, SAMUEL (1720-1792), Member of the Provincial Conference of New Hampshire, 1774; Member of the Provincial Convention of New Hampshire, 1774-1775 ; Member of the New Hampshire Committee of Safety, 1775 ; Mustering Officer and Paymaster, New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Member of the New Hampshire Council of Safety, 1776-1780; Colonel, Thirteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, 1776-1780; Aide-de-Camp to General John Stark, 1777, and served until Burgoyne’s surrender. CHARLES ASHLEY BLAKSLEE. James IRWIN BLAKSLEE, JR. ASHMEAD, JACOB (1742-1814), First Lieutenant, October 27, 1775 ; promoted to Captain, September 6, 1776, First Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel John Philip De Haas, Sr.; Captain, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October, 1776 ; resigned May 16, 1780. DUFFIELD ASHMEAD. GEORGE STUART SIMONS. ASHMEAD, JOHN (1738-1818), Naval Constructor, appointed by the Marine Committee established by Continental Congress, 1776; Captain, Brig ‘‘Eagle,’’ Pennsylvania Navy, 1777; engaged in action various British Privateers, 1779. ANTONY ALEXANDER CLAY. RANDOLPH CLAY. SAMUEL DYER CLYDE. Tuomas EDWARD CLYDE. WILLIAM ASHMEAD DYER. ASHTON, ISAAC (1742-1777), Second Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Massey’s Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, August 27, 1777; died in service, September 7, 1777. CURWEN STODDART. GIDEON STODDART. 246 Roll of Ancestors, ATHERTON, JAMES, JR. (1751-1828), Private, Captain John Franklin’s Independent Company of the Wy- oming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line. THOMAS HENRY ATHERTON. ASHER MINER. SIDNEY RoBy MINER. ATLEE, SAMUEL JOHN (1739-1786), Colonel, Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, March 21, 1776; captured at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776; exchanged August 6, 1778; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1778— 1782; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1782, 1785, 1786; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, October 21, 1783. EDWIN ATLEE BARBER. JOHN SANDERSON LATTA. SAMUEL WHITEHILL Latta, M.D. Tuomas Love Latta. WILLIAM JAMES LATTA. WILLIAM Woops PINKERTON. WILLIAM WAYNE. WILLIAM WAYNE, JR. ATLEE, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS (1735-1793), Member and for some time Chairman of the Committees of Inspection, Observation, and Safety of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1774- 1775; Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Car- penters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1777; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners, 1776- 1778; Dedimus Potestatem, September 25, 1778; Lieutenant of Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, March 31, 1780. BENJAMIN CHAMPNEYS ATLEE. JOHN ATLEE. JoHN MAXIMILIEN ATLEE. JOHN MAXIMILIEN WALTER ATLEE. Surgeon Louis WILLIAM ATLEE, M.D., U.S.N. JosEPH LONGSTRETH WOOLSTON. Roll of Ancestors. 247 ATWELL, WILLIAM ( -1805), Private, Captain Eleazar Lindsey’s Company, Colonel Samuel Gerrish’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1775; also in service February 3— July 3, 1778; at Concord. SAMUEL AMORY GOODHUE. ATWELL, ZACHARIAH (1755-1836), Private, Marblehead, Massachusetts, Company of Minute Men in the ‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-21, 1775; Private, Captain Joseph Hiller’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Titcomb’s Regiment, Massachu- setts Militia, June 11—August 11, 1777. SAMUEL AMORY GOODHUE. AUCHMUTY, SAMUEL (1753- di Private, Captain Stephen Chambers’s Company, Twelfth Regiment, 1776; transferred to Third Regiment, July 1, 1778, Pennsylvania Line ; discharged January 25, 1781. JAMES CALVIN BERGSTRESSER. AXTELL, HENRY (1738-1818), Major, Eastern Battalion, Morris County, New Jersey Militia; Major, Colonel Jacob Ford’s Battalion of New Jersey State Troops, 1776. HENRY GURLEY Hay. AYRES, JOHN (1752-1825), Private, Captain Matthew Smith’s Company, Colonel William Thomp- son’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, 1775; Private, Captain James Murray’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776. * WILLIAM AYRES. AYRES, WILLIAM (1720-1784), Private, Captain Richard Manning's Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776. HENRY AYRES. Louis HarRLow AYRES. * WILLIAM AYRES. 248 Roll of Ancestors. BACHE, RICHARD (1737-1811), Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Secretary, Comptroller, and Register-General of Pennsylvania, 1775-1776; first Postmaster-General of the United States, 1776-1782; Chairman of the Board of War of Pennsylvania, 1777. James May DUANE. RUSSELL DUANE. CHARLES HODGE. Rev. Francis BLANCHARD HODGE, D.D. HuGH Bayarp HonpGE. THomMAS LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. RICHARD NORRIS WILLIAMS. BAERSTICKER, ANDREW (1747-1796), Sergeant, Pennsylvania State Regiment of Artillery, Colonel Thomas Proctor, June 28, 1777; Sergeant, Captain Isaac Coren’s Independent Company of Artillery, 1779; Sergeant, Lieutenant Benjamin Hoey’s Independent Company of Artillery, 1780; Sergeant, Captain Andrew Porter's Company Pennsylvania State Regiment of Artillery, Colonel Thomas Proctor, 1780; Second Lieutenant, Captain Isaac Coren’s Independent Company of Artillery, May 3, 1780, Pennsylvania Line. JosePpH MILTON MYERs. BAHL, PHILIP (1739-1820), Sub-Lieutenant, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, in charge of military affairs of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1780. JoHN EYERMAN. BAIRD, DR. ABSALOM (1755-1805), Surgeon’s Mate in Hospital at Fishkill, New York, August, 1779; Surgeon, Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin’s Regiment of Artillery Artificers, Continental Army, March 20, 1780—March 29, 1781 ; at Stony Point. Brigadier-General ABSALOM BAIRD, U.S.A. Captain WILLIAM BaIRD, U.S.A. BAIRD, WILLIAM (1716-1794), Captain, November 6, 1777; promoted First Major, Second Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. IRwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litr. D. Jos—EpH ALEXANDER McCurpy. Roll of Ancestors. 249 BAKER, MICHAEL, SR. (1727-1779), Private, Captain Jehu Eyre’s Company of Artillery, General John Cad- walader’s Brigade, June 5, 1777; Private, Captain Peter Browne’s Company, First Regiment of Artillery, Colonel Jehu Eyre, September 11, 1777, Philadelphia Militia. JOSEPH WEAVER BAKER. * RICHARD ROWLEY BAKER. WILLIAM LUDWIG BAKER. * WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER. GEORGE BARTLESON BENNERS. BAKER, MICHAEL, JR. (1758-1834), Private, Captain Jehu Eyre’s Company of Artillery, General John Cad- walader’s Brigade, June 5, 1777; Private, Captain Peter Browne's Company, First Regiment of Artillery, Colonel Jehu Eyre, September II, 1777; Lieutenant, Second Battalion, May 25, 1782, Philadelphia Militia. JosEPH WEAVER BAKER. * RICHARD ROWLEY BAKER. WILLIAM LUDWIG BAKER. * WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER. GEORGE BARTLESON BENNERS. BALCH, STEPHEN BLOOMER (1747-1833), Captain, Calvert County, Maryland Militia, October 1, 1775—Decem- ber, 1777. EpWIN SwiFT BALCH. Tuomas WILLING BALCH. BALDWIN, ICHABOD (1757-1839), Private, Essex County, New Jersey Militia; at Princeton and Mon- mouth. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS RAUCH BALDWIN. BALDWIN, JESSE (1757-1839), Private, Captain Squire’s Company, Second Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia; Ensign, Lieutenant, and Quartermaster, Essex County, New Jersey Militia; Quartermaster, Quartermaster-General’s Department of New Jersey. Henry TuNIS BRUEN. 17 250 Holl of Ancestors. BALL, SILAS, Private, Captain Josiah Fay’s Southboro’, Massachusetts, Company of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-24, 1775; Private, Captain Josiah Fay’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Ward’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, April 24—August, and October, 1775. Lewis RICE. BANKS, JOSEPH (1713-1802), Sergeant, Captain James Green’s Company, Ninth Regiment, Connecti- cut Militia. GEORGE WASHINGTON BANKS. BARCLAY, HUGH (1747-1807), Assistant Deputy Quartermaster-General, Continental Army, January 16, 1777. RICHARD DECHARMS BARCLAY. BARNES, MOSES (1740-1781), Sergeant, Captain Daniel Barnes’s Company of Marlboro’, Massachu- setts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Lieu- tenant, Continental service, 1775 ; Captain, Fourth Regiment, Middle- sex County, Massachusetts Militia, 1776; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Perces’s Regiment from Massachusetts Bay, in the service of the United States, 1779; wounded in action. JouN Hampton BARNES. WILLIAM HENRY BARNES. BARNES, RICHARD (1747- ), Private, Captain Seth Morse’s Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Private, Captain Seth Newton’s Company, Colonel Whitney’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia in the ‘‘ Bennington Alarm,’’ August 21, 1777. Harry GILLuM BARNES. BARTHOLOMEW, LUTHER, SR. (1758-1839), Private, Captain Isaac Bostwick’s Company, Nineteenth Regiment Colonel Charles Webb, Connecticut Line; at Trenton. Major FoRREST Henry HaTuaway, U.S.A. Holl of Ancestors. 251 BAYARD, JOHN BUBENHEIM (1738-1807), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Car- penters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, September 11, 1776-1777 ; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, November 28, 1776; Speaker of the Pennsylvania As- sembly, November 6, 1778; Member of the Board of War of Penn- sylvania, March 13, 1777 ; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, October 12, 1781—October, 12, 1782; Colonel, Second Battalion, 1777; Colonel, Fourth Battalion, 1779, Philadelphia Militia ; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown. Rev. JamMES McINtosH LoNGSTRETH ECKARD. Rev. LEIGHTON WILSON EcKarD, D.D. BEALE, JOHN (1740-1777), Private, Captain James McDowell's Company, Fourth Battalion, Colo- nel William Montgomery, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, July 24, 1776; died in service at Head of Elk, Maryland, January 25, 1777. Lieutenant JosEPH BEALE, U.S.N. BEALE, TAVERNER ( —1810), Member of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence of Dunmore County, Virginia, June 16, 1774; First Lieutenant, Eighth Regiment, Colonel John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, Virginia Line, May, 1776; resigned March I, 1777. SAMUEL PHILIP SADTLER, PH.D. FRANCIS STEENBERGEN SCHMUCKER. GEORGE WILLIAM SCHMUCKER. BEARDSLEY, EPHRAIM (1738-1806), Fifer, Second Company, Captain Samuel Whiting, Fifth Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury, Connecticut Militia, May 10o—September 10, 1775; at Ticonderoga. WILLIAM ARTHUR LATHROP. 252 Roll of Ancestors. BEAUMONT, ISAIAH (1757-1835), Private, Twentieth Regiment, Colonel John Durkee, Connecticut Line, April, 1776—January 3, 1777; wounded at Princeton. ANDRE ALDEN BEAUMONT. Colonel EUGENE BEAUHARNAIS BEAUMONT, U.S.A. BEAVER, GEORGE (1755-1836), Private, Captain Caleb North’s Company, January, 1776; transferred to Captain Thomas Church’s Company, April, 1776, Fourth Pennsyl- vania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne; at Ticonderoga, Three Rivers, and Trenton. : Hon. JAMES ADDAMS BEAVER, LL.D. JESSE BEAVER GEARHART. BELLINGER, PETER, SR. (1737-1823), Colonel, Fourth Battalion, Tryon County, New York Militia. He par- ticipated with his regiment in the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777, and in resisting and repelling the Indians and Tories in the Mohawk Valley, 1776-1783. JosEPH BayLis THOMAS. BELLINGER, PETER, JR. (1758-1851), Captain, and Quartermaster, Fifth Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Peter Bellinger, Sr., Tryon County, New York Militia, June 12, 1779— December, 1780, 1781, and 1782; active in resisting the invasion of the Indians and Tories in the Mohawk Valley. JosEPH BayLis THOMAS. BENDER, JOHN (1755-1818), Private, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Timothy Matlack, Philadelphia Asso- ciators, October, 1776; Private, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, May I, 1778-1781 ; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. THOMAS WALLACE WILSON. BENEDICT, AMOS (1756-1848), Private, Captain Stone’s Company, Colonel Brewer's Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Militia, May, 1778—February, 1779. JoHN CAILE SCOTT. Roll of Ancestors. 253 BENEZET, DANIEL (1723-1797), Private, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1781. ‘ STEVENSON CROTHERS. * FRANK PERCY SMITH. WINTHROP SMITH. WINTHROP BRENTWOOD SMITH. BENJAMIN, JOHN (1731-1796), Sergeant, June 5, 1777; Lieutenant, September 12, 1778, Colonel John Lamb’s Continental Artillery ; resigned November 14, 1780; Captain, 1780; promoted Major, May, 1782, Fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia ; at Ridgefield, where he was wounded, and at Stony Point. ARTHUR VINCENT MEIGs, M.D. SAMUEL EMLEN MEIGS. WILLIAM MontTGoMERY MEIGs, M.D. BENNETT, BENJAMIN ( -1779), Private, Colonel Benjamin Tuston’s Regiment, Orange County, New York Militia ; killed in the battle of Minisink, 1779. GEORGE EGBERT MAPES. BENNETT, JEREMIAH ( —1808), Captain, First Battalion, Cumberland County, New Jersey Militia ; Captain, Colonel Enos Seeley’s Battalion, New Jersey State Troops. FRANKLIN LAWRENCE SHEPPARD. HowarD REYNOLDS SHEPPARD. BENSON, JOEL (1749-1837), Private, Captain Jacob Van Doozer's Company, 1776; Private, Cap- tain Van Ormand's Company, 1777, Colonel Abram Van Schaick’s Regiment, Albany County, New York Militia ; three times wounded in actions. * WILLIAM BENSON MANN. BENT, EBENEZER (1737- ), Private, Captain Josiah Vose’s Company of Milton, Massachusetts Militia, defending sea-coast, April, 1776. STEDMAN BENT. 254 Roll of Ancestors. BERKY, PETER (1744-1826), Corporal, Second Troop, Armand’s First Partisan Legion, Pennsylvania Line, 1777-1782 ; at Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. HENRY WIKOFF BirRKEy, M.D. BIDDLE, CHARLES (1745-1821), Private, Captain Joseph Cowperthwaite’s Company, ‘‘ Quaker Light Infantry,’’ Philadelphia Militia, January, 1776. JOHN BIDDLE PorRTER. BIDDLE, CLEMENT (1740-1814), Deputy Quartermaster-General of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ July 8—De- cember 1, 1776; Commissary-General of Forage, July 1, 1777—June, 1780; Quartermaster-General, Pennsylvania Militia, with rank of Colonel, September 11, 1781, to close of war ; Aid-de-Camp to General Nathaniel Greene, Continental Army ; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandy- wine, Germantown, Valley Forge, and Monmouth. ALEXANDER BIDDLE. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS BIDDLE, M.D. * ALGERNON SYDNEY BIDDLE. * ARTHUR BIDDLE. CADWALADER BIDDLE. CALDWELL KEPPELE BIDDLE. Louis ALEXANDER BIDDLE. Tuomas BIDDLE, M.D. WILLIAM LYMAN BIDDLE. CHARLES EvarT CADWALADER, M.D. JOHN CADWALADER. BIDDLE, OWEN (1737-1799), Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, June 30, 1775—July 22, 1776; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsyl- vania, July 24, 1776—March 13, 1777; Chairman of the Pennsylvania Board of War, March 13, 1777; Forage-Master, Pennsylvania Militia, June, 1777; Assistant Commissary-General of Forage, Pennsylvania Militia, April 1, 1779. WILLIAM FOSTER BIDDLE. CLEMENT ACTON GRISCOM, JR. RODMAN ELLISON GRISCOM. Roll of Ancestors. 255 BINDER, JACOB (1736-1804), Private, Captain Campbell’s Company, ‘‘ City Guard,’’ Philadelphia, 1776; First Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Captain Elijah Weed, Third Battalion, Colonel Jacob Morgan, Jr., August 25, 1777; Lieutenant, Fifth Company, Captain William Bowers, Second Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel Benjamin George Eyre, commanding, 1780, Philadelphia Militia. Horace BINDER. BISSELL, DAVID, JR. (1732-1799), Second Lieutenant, Second Company, Fourth Regiment, Colonel Ben- jamin Hinman, Connecticut Militia, April, 1775. FREDERICK MEADE BISSELL. BITTINGER, NICHOLAS (1725-1804), Captain, York County, Pennsylvania Militia, August, 1776; captured at Fort Washington, New York, November 16, 1776. * Aucustus HETICH LANE. Tuomas HeETIcH LANE. BLACKBURN, THOMAS (1740-1807), Member of the Committee of Safety of Prince William County, Virginia, 1774; Member of the Virginia Convention of 1775; volunteer aid on the staff of General Washington ; severely wounded in the thigh at Germantown. GEORGE STEPTOE WASHINGTON. BLACKMAN, ELISHA (1717-1804), Lieutenant, Captain William Hooker Smith’s Company, Twenty-fourth Regiment of Militia, attached to the Connecticut Line. CHARLES BowMAN DOUGHERTY. Epwin Horn JONEs. RICHARD OSCAR JONES. BLACKWELL, JACOB (1717-1780), Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1775-1777; Mem- ber of the Committee of Safety of New York; Colonel, Queen’s County, New York Militia, 1775-1776. EpWIN SwiFT BALCH. THOMAS WILLING BALCH. 256 Roll of Ancestors. BLACKWELL, REV. ROBERT, D.D. (1748-1831), Chaplain, First Brigade, Pennsylvania Line, General Anthony Wayne, Continental Army, May 20, 1778—January, 1781 ; Surgeon and Chap- lain in the Camp at Valley Forge. Epwin Swirt BALcH. THomMas WILLING BALCH. BLEECKER, LEONARD (1755-1844), Second Lieutenant, June 28, 1775; First Lieutenant, May 14, 1776; Captain Marinus Willett’s Company, First Regiment; Captain, Third Regiment, November 21, 1776; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1783, New York Line; Brigade-Major under General Lafayette, May—October, 1781; Brevet-Major, September 30, 1783; served to close of war; at Trenton, Princeton, and Yorktown. Member of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati. CHARLES SETON HENRY. BLISS, JOSEPH (1757-1819), Second Lieutenant, Third Continental Artillery, February 1, 1777; transferred to Corps of Artillery, Continental Army, June 17, 1783; Paymaster of the Corps of Artillery, Continental Army, January 29 1784—June 20, 1784. JoHN Horace BLIss. BLOW, RICHARD (1746-1833), First Lieutenant, Fourth Regiment, Virginia Line, March 11, 1776. Lieutenant JOSEPH BEALE, U.S.N. BLUE, MICHAEL (1749-1833), Private, Captain Conrad Ten Eyck’s Company, Second Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia. CHARLES PERRY GEARHART. BOCKOVER, GEORGE (1735-1814), Lieutenant, Captain Carter’s Company, ‘‘ Eastern Battalion,’’ Lieutenant- Colonel Benoni Hathaway commanding, Morris County, New Jersey Militia ; Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Bockover’s Company, Second Regi- ment, Sussex County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. Irwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. JosEPpH ALEXANDER McCurpy. Roll of Ancestors. 257 BOGGS, JOHN (1732-1796), Major, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Joseph Armstrong, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, January, 1777. Henry REDWooD WuHaRTON, M.D. BORDEN, JOSEPH (1719-1791), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775 ; Member of the Committee of Safety of New Jersey; Colonel, First Regiment, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia, 1776; resigned September, 1776; Quartermaster, September 28, 1776. JAMES SwaiIm HOPKINSON. OLIVER Hopkinson, Jr., M.D. WILLIAM FRANCIS HOPKINSON. BOWEN, SETH (1748-1815), Second Lieutenant, Captain Richard Howell's Company, Second Bat- talion, First Establishment, November 29, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Yard’s Company, Second Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, November 29, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain James Lowrie’s Company, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, afterwards Captain-Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Hugg’s ‘‘ Western Company of Artillery,’’ New Jersey Line; Assist- ant Quartermaster in Quartermaster-General’s Department; Quarter- master in same, with rank of Captain, New Jersey State Troops ; wounded at Monmouth. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. GEORGE Horace Burein, M.D. HERMAN BourGIn, M.D. BOWER, JACOB (1752-1822), Sergeant, Captain George Nagle’s Company, March 30, 1775; Quar- termaster, January 18, 1776; Lieutenant, January 18, 1776, Colonel William Thompson’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen; Captain, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,” July 29—December 1, 1776; Captain, Sixth Regiment, February 15, 1777; transferred to Second Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line ; served to June 3, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Tuomas POTTER, JR. WILLIAM POTTER. 258 Roll of Ancestors. BOWMAN, JOSEPH (1740-1818), Ensign, Captain John Granger's Company, Colonel Jonathan Warner’s Regiment of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,”’ April 19—May 5, 1775; Second Major, Fourth Regiment, Colonel Jonathan Warner, January 12, 1776; Second Major, Fourth Regi- ment, Colonel James Converse, February 7, 1776, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia; Second Major, Colonel Job Cushing’s Regi- ment, General Warner’s Brigade, in ‘‘Bennington Alarm,’’ 1777; Mustermaster of Worcester County, Massachusetts, November 29, 1780. WINTHROP BRENTWOOD SMITH. BOYD, WILLIAM (1733-1808), Private, Captain James Cowden’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, March 13, 1776; Private, Captain John Rutherford’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, August 12, 1777; Private, Captain John Gilchrist’s Company, on detached duty under command of Captain John Rutherford, April, 1779, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. PETER KELLER Boyp. BRADFORD, THOMAS (1745-1838), Captain, ‘‘Chestnut Ward’? Company; Captain, Seventh Company, Colonel William Bradford’s Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, 1777-1778 ; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners, with rank of Lieutenant- Colonel; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. CHARLES SYDNEY BRADFORD, JR. THomMAS HEWSON BRADFORD, M.D. HENRY DARRAH. James Darran, M.D. BRADFORD, WILLIAM (1721-1791), Captain, Second Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania ; Major, Second Battalion, Colonel John Bubenheim Bayard, July, 1776; Colonel, First Battalion, July 12, 1777, Philadelphia Militia ; Chairman of the Navy Board of Pennsylvania, 1777; Member of the Court of Inquiry respecting militia officers of Pennsylvania, May 12, 1779; at Trenton, and Princeton where he was severely wounded and pro- Moll of Ancestors. 259 moted Colonel; in command at Billingsport, July and August, 1777, and participated in the defence of Fort Mifflin. CHARLES SYDNEY BRADFORD, JR. Tuomas HEwson BRADFORD, M.D. HENRY DARRAH. James Darrau, M.D. BRADLEY, PHILIP BURR (1738-1821), Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel David Waterbury’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, February—April, 1776; Colonel, Battalion of Connecticut Militia, General James Wadsworth’s Brigade, May—December, 1776; Colonel, Fifth Regiment, Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777—January I, 1781; at Long Island, Ridgefield, Germantown, Valley Forge, and Monmouth. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. WALTER BRADLEY KEELER. BRADY, JOHN, SR. (1733-1779), Captain, Twelfth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October 14, 1776; wounded at Brandywine; Captain, Colonel Thomas Hartley’s Pennsyl- vania Regiment of Rangers; killed by Indian scouts near Muncy, Pennsylvania, April 11, 1779. Rev. Cyrus TOWNSEND BRADY. BRADY, JOHN, JR., Private, Captain John Brady, Sr.’s, Company, Twelfth Regiment, Penn- sylvania Line ; wounded at Brandywine. Rev. Cyrus TOWNSEND BRapy. BRAINERD, REV. JOHN (1720-1781), An ardent patriot whose eloquent appeals aroused the people against the tyranny of Great Britain, in vengeance for which the British burned his church at Mt. Holly, New Jersey; Superintendent of Indian Affairs in New Jersey. WILLIAM INNES FORBES. CHARLES ABERCROMBIE SIMS. * Hon. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L. JoHN CLARKE SIMs. 260 Roll of Ancestors. BRANNAN, BENJAMIN (1739-1825), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Penn- sylvania, December 20, 1774; Member of the Committee to sign Continental Currency, February 17, 1776; Sub-Lieutenant of Chester County, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1782. THOMAS REATH. BRETZ, LUDWIG, Private, Captain Albright Deibler’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, March 14, 1776; Sergeant, Captain Martin Weaver's Company, Tenth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. E, WINFIELD ScoTT PARTHEMORE. BRIGGS, JOSEPH (1749-1830), Private, Captain Jeremiah Olney’s Company, Colonel Daniel Hitch- cock’s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia ; at Bunker Hill. CHARLES WEAVER BAILEY. JOsEPH TROWBRIDGE BAILEY, JR. CLEMENT WEAVER. BRIGHAM, LEVI (1716-1787), Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Regiment, Colonel John Golden, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia, March 23, 1776. Lewis RICE. BRIGHAM, WINSLOW (1756-1837), Private, Captain Morse’s Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘Lexington Alarm,” April 19—May 2, 1775; Private, Captain Silas Gates’s Company, Colonel Artemus Ward’s Regiment, December 4, 1775—January 30, 1776; Private, Captain Houghton’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Smith’s Regiment, 1776; Private, Captain Timothy Brigham’s Company, Colonel Job Cushing’s Regiment, July 2, 1776— January 1, 1777; Private, Captain Ebenezer Belknap’s Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade’s Regiment, June 23, 1778—January I, 1779, Massachusetts Militia. Lewis RICE. Roll of Ancestors, 261 BRIGHT, JACOB (1729-1802), Captain, Major Lewis Nicola’s ‘«City Guard,’’ Philadelphia Militia, 1776-1777. GEORGE DENIs BRIGHT. BRINCKERHOFF, DIRCK, Colonel, Second Regiment, Dutchess County, New York Militia, October 17, 1775—1778 ; Member of the New York Colonial Assembly, 1768-1777 ; Member of the first Provincial Congress of New York. GEORGE CONARROE BISHOP. Rev. GILBERT LIVINGSTON BISHOP. BRODHEAD, GARRETT (1755-1838), Private, 1776 ; Sergeant, 1778-1783, Sussex County, New Jersey Militia. ALBERT BRODHEAD. JosePpH Davis BRODHEAD. ROBERT PACKER BRODHEAD, ASA RANDOLPH BRUNDAGE. RICHARD BULKELEY BRUNDAGE. GARRETT BRODHEAD LINDERMAN. HENRY RICHARD LINDERMAN. ROBERT PACKER LINDERMAN. BRODHEAD, LUKE (1737-1806), Sergeant, Captain Abraham Miller's Company, Colonel William Thompson’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, November, 1775 ; Third Lieutenant, May 28, 1776; Second Lieutenant, October 24, 1776, Captain Lewis Farmer’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regi- ment, Colonel Samuel Miles; wounded and captured at the battle of Long Island, and confined in the ‘‘Sugar House’’ and on a prison ship; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieutenant Wellington, Twenty-sixth British Foot ; Captain, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, February 15, 1777; retired June 21, 1778, on account of im- paired health; commissioned Colonel immediately preceding his retirement ; at Short Hills, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. LUKE WILLS BRODHEAD. 262 Roll of Ancestors. BROOKE, BENJAMIN (1753-1834), Lieutenant, Third Battalion, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Asso- ciators, March, 1776; Captain, Sixth Battalion, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 12, 1777. BENJAMIN BROOKE. Assistant-Surgeon BENJAMIN BROOKE, M.D., U.S.A. FrANcISs MARK BROOKE. HuGuH JONES BROOKE. HunNTER BROOKE. HunTER BROOKE, JR. ROBERT CARR THOMAS. BROOKE, JOHN (1740-1813), Captain, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Frederick Antes, 1777-1778, and Colonel Peter Richards, 1779, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia. FRANK BROOKE EVANS. MONTGOMERY EVANS. CHARLES MULLER HEBERTON, M.D. WILLIAM BROOKE RAWLE. BROOKE, MATTHEW (1719-1806), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776. GEORGE BROOKE. GEORGE BROOKE, JR. Major-General JOHN RUTTER BROOKE, U.S.A. * GEORGE BROOKE ROBERTS. EDWARD SHIPPEN. HERBERT FAIRFAX WALLACE. THOMAS KITTERA WALLACE. BROOKE, WILLIAM (1746-1829), Captain, Fourth Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, May 14, 1777; Major, Fourth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Willing commanding, 1779; Major, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, May 10, 1780, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia; Commissioner to seize personal effects of traitors, October 2, 1777. HERBERT FAIRFAX WALLACE. Tuomas KiTTERA WALLACE. Roll of Ancestors. 263 BROOKS, JAMES (1729-1812), Private, Captain Giles Mead’s Company, First Regiment, New Jersey Line. SAMUEL ALDRICH PRICE. BROOKS, JOHN (1728-1803), Second Lieutenant, Captain William Rippey’s Company, Sixth Penn- sylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine, January 9, 1776; Adjutant of same, January 9—December, 1776; Assistant Commissary of Issues with rank of Major, 1777-1780. FREDERICK BROOKS HUBBELL. BROWN, ALEXANDER ( -1789), Second Lieutenant, Captain Jeremiah Talbot’s Company, Sixth Pennsyl- vania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine, January 9, 1776; reorganized into the Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 1, 1777; resigned March 20, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Arthur Buchanan, July 31, 1777, and May 14, 1778; Lieutenant- Colonel commanding Eighth Battalion, May 10, 1780, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. THEODORE HILL CUNNINGHAM. BROWN, EZRA (1750-1829), Private, Captain David Parker's Company of Lynn, Massachusetts Minute Men in the “Lexington Alarm,’’ 1775; Private, Captain Ezra Newhall’s Company, Colonel John Mansfield’s Regiment, May 4, 1775; Drummer in same, August 1, 1775; Private, Captain Ezra Newhall’s Company, Nineteenth Regiment, November 4, 1775 ; Corporal, Captain Staples Chamberlain's Company, Colonel Dean's Regiment, March 7— 14, 1781, Massachusetts Militia. SAMUEL AMORY GOODHUE. BROWN, FREDERICK (1755-1807), Private, Captain Joseph Howell’s Company, 1778; Private, Captain Peter Gosner’s Company, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line served until 1780. Levi Oscar Kuuns. 264 Roll of Ancestors. BROWN, JAMES, SR. (1706-1777), Private, Colonel John Topham’s Regiment, 1776; Private, Colonel Robert Elliot's Regiment, 1776; Private, Colonel Archibald Cary’s Regiment, 1776, Rhode Island Militia; Third Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, Bristol County, Rhode Island, October 28, 1776. EDWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. BROWN, JAMES, JR. (1731- ), Ensign, Third Regiment, Colonel Thomas Church, Rhode Island Line, May 3—December, 1775. EDWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. BROWN, JOHN (1725-1802), Sergeant-Major, January 1, 1777; promoted Ensign, June 1, 1778, Second Regiment, New York Line; resigned February 15, 1781 ; served also as Lieutenant, New York Levies. THOMAS EVANS BAIRD, JR. BROWN, WILLIAM (1734-1808), Captain of Marines, ship ‘‘Montgomery,’’ Pennsylvania Navy, Feb- ruary 16, 1776; effected exchange of British prisoners on man-of-war ‘‘Liverpool,’’ 1776; commanded Marines at the battle of Princeton, 1777; Captain, September 21, 1776, and in command of Floating Battery ‘‘Putnam’’ in Count Dunop’s attack on Fort Mercer, October 23, 1777- HENRY RIEHLE BROWN. MorRIs WICKERSHAM GOWEN. BROWN, WILLIAM (1736-1825), First Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Erwin’s Company, Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, December 2, 1776; Commissary of Purchases, 1782; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1780-1781-1782. ALEXANDER WILSON NorRRIS. BRUEN, CALEB (1735-1818), Second Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Alling’s Company of Minute Men, Essex County, New Jersey Militia, February 21, 1776. HENRY TUNIS BRUEN. Roll of Ancestors. 265 BRUNDAGE, ISRAEL (1756-1839), Private; Fifer ; Captain, Essex County, New Jersey Militia. ASA RANDOLPH BRUNDAGE. RICHARD BULKELEY BRUNDAGE. BRYSON, SAMUEL (1750-1799), First Lieutenant, Seventh Regiment, March 20, 1777; transferred to Fourth Regiment, January 17, 1781; transferred to Second Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line; served to end of war; wounded in right leg at Germantown. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM BELL. JouN Hoimes IRWIN. BUCK, JONATHAN (1719-1795), Colonel, Fifth Regiment, Lincoln County, Massachusetts Militia, February 8, 1776, July 5, 1779, August 12, 1779, and March 6, 1780; Commandant of Fort Pownall and various coast defences. CHARLES CARVER. BUCK, JOSEPH (1758-1803), Sergeant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February, 1777— February, 1779; Ensign, Second Regiment, February 1, 1779; Lieu- tenant, Second Regiment, January 1, 1781, New Jersey Line; served to close of war; Captain by brevet. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. Joun Buck MorGAn. BUEHLER, HENRY (1740-1801), Third Lieutenant, Captain John McKown’s Company, First Battalion of the “Flying Camp’’ of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Colonel James Cunningham, 1776; at Long Island. Henry BUEHLER BUEHLER, M.D. Chief Engineer WILLIAM GEORGE BUEHLER, U.S.N. James McCormick LAMBERTON. BUFFINGTON, BENJAMIN, Private, Colonel William R. Lee’s Additional Continental Regiment, December 24, 1777—May 1, 1778. EpWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. 18 266 Roll of Ancestors. BULKELEY, ELIPHALET (1746-1816), Captain, Colchester, Connecticut, Company of Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel David Water- bury’s Regiment, Connecticut State Troops, May, 1776; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Colonel Elias Worthington, Connecticut Militia, May, 1780; Deputy to the General Court for Col- chester, Connecticut, October, 1778, and January, 1779. RICHARD BULKELEY BRUNDAGE. BULKLEY, FRANCIS (1757-1813), Private, Captain John Chester’s Company of Wethersfield, Connecticut Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April, 1775; Private, Ninth Company, Captain John Chester, Second Regiment, Colonel Joseph Spencer, May 12—December 17,1775; Private, Third Company, Cap- tain Chester Wells, Sixth Battalion, Colonel John Chester, General James Wadsworth’s Brigade, July—December, 1776, Connecticut Mili- tia ; at Bunker Hill and Long Island. CLARENCE STANLEY McINTIRE, PH.D. BULL, THOMAS (1744-1837), Lieutenant-Colonel, Chester County, Pennsylvania, Battalion of the “Flying Camp,’’ Colonel William Montgomery, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel, First Battalion, 1779; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Battalion, May 10, 1780, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia; Colonel, Second Battalion, Militia Light Horse of Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1780- 1781; captured at Fort Washington, New York, and confined on prison-ship ‘‘Jersey’’ twenty-one months. THOMAS DARLING. ALAN WOOD, Jr. HowarpD Woop. BULL, WILLIAM (1751-1817), Second Lieutenant, February 22, 1777; First Lieutenant, September 16, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, July, 1779; Captain, 1780, Colonel Oliver Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment; retired January 1, 1781; at Valley Forge. Rev. GEORGE HERBERT WALSH, D.D. STEVENSON HOCKLEY WALSH. Roll of Ancestors. 267 BULLARD, ASA (1730-1803), Private, Captain Staples Chamberlain’s Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,”’ April 20, 1775. Rev. HENRY LAWRENCE JONES, S.T.D. BULLMAN, JOSEPH (1738-1793), Ensign, Captain Carter’s Company, ‘‘ Eastern Battalion,’’ Lieutenant- Colonel Benoni Hathaway commanding, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. IRwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. Jos—EPH ALEXANDER McCurpy. BURD, JAMES (1726-1793), Colonel, Second Battalion, September 18, 1775; Colonel, Fourth Battalion, 1776, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia; Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Joun Hivu Brinton, M.D. *JouN HILL BRINTON, Jr. HoRACE PATTERSON. ALFRED WHELEN, M.D. HENRY WHELEN, JR. KINGSTON GODDARD WHELEN. THomas BurD ZELL. BURGIN, JOHN (1735-1793), Second Lieutenant, Captain David Platt’s Company, Second Battalion, Cumberland County, New Jersey Militia, November 3, 1777. GroRGE Horace Burein, M.D. HERMAN BurGin, M.D. BURNHAM, OLIVER (1760-1846), Private, Colonel Thomas Knowlton’s Connecticut Rangers, 1776; cap- tured at Fort Washington, New York, but escaped, and served six months in Colonel Roger Enos’s Regiment ; Private, Colonel Bezaleel Beebe’s Regiment, 1780, Connecticut Militia; wounded near Rye, New York, January, 1781. CHARLES FRANCIS Jupson, M.D. * OLIVER ALBERT JuDSON, M.D. OLIVER BOYCE JUDSON. 268 Roll of Ancestors, BUSH, JOHN (1755-1806), Ensign, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine, June 24, 1776; First Lieutenant, Seventh Regiment, March 20, 1777; Captain- Lieutenant, Seventh Regiment, April 17, 1780; transferred to Third Regiment, January 17, 1781; Captain, Third Regiment, December 11, 1781, Pennsylvania Line; retired January, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. * Lewis BusH JACKSON. BUSHNELL, GIDEON (1756-1830), Private, Captain Isaac Gallup's Company, Colonel Samuel McLellan's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, September, 1777. WALTER LINCOLN HENWOOD. BUTLER, ZEBULON (1731-1795), Justice for Westmoreland County, Connecticut, 1774-1776; Delegate from Westmoreland County, Connecticut, to the Connecticut Assembly, 1774-1775; Colonel, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, May 28, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Regiment, January 1, 1777; Colonel, Second Regiment, March 13, 1778; transferred to Fourth Regiment, 1781; transferred to First Regiment, 1783, Connecticut Line; served to June 3, 1783; commanded the Continental Troops at the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. GEORGE HOLLENBACK BUTLER. HENRY COLT BUTLER. PIERCE BUTLER. PIERCE BUTLER. JAMES MANDERSON CASTLE. WILLIAM HENRY CASTLE. LorD BUTLER HILLARD. JOHN CONYNGHAM STEVENS. GEORGE STANLEY WOODWARD, M.D. GEORGE RIDDLE WRIGHT. Roll of Ancestors. 269 BUTZ, CHRISTIAN (1756-1821), Private, First Company, Second Lieutenant Jacob Buss, commanding, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Abraham Labar, Northampton County, Penn- sylvania Militia, July 30, 1778. JOHN EYERMAN. Jacos Butz HELuer, M.D. CHARLES ROBERT HORN. Rev. Epwarp TraILtyt Horn, D.D. FRANK MELCHIOR Horn. Harry YOHE Horn, M.D. BYRAM, NAPHTALI (1749-1812), Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS RAUCH BALDWIN. EpGarR Moore GREEN, M.D. CADWALADER, JOHN (1742-1786), Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1775-1776 ; Member of the Committee to Inspect Military Stores, July 6, 1775; Captain of a Company known as ‘‘ The Greens’”’ or ‘‘ Silk Stockings,’’ 1775; Colonel, Third Battalion, 1775, Philadelphia Associators ; Briga- dier-General, Pennsylvania Militia, April 5, 1777, to close of war ; twice declined the appointment of Brigadier-General, Continental Army ; commanded the Pennsylvania Troops at Trenton and Princeton; he was also at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. CHARLES EVERT CADWALADER, M.D. JoHN CADWALADER. CADWALADER, LAMBERT (1742-1823), Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Signer of Bills of Credit, June 30, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel John Shee, January 4, 1776; promoted Colonel, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October 25, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, New York, and paroled ; resigned January 22, 1779. RICHARD McCaLL CADWALADER. 270 Roll of Ancestors. CADWALADER, DR. THOMAS (1707-1779), Examining Surgeon, Pennsylvania Militia, December 25, 1776. CHARLES EVERT CADWALADER, M.D. JOHN CADWALADER. RICHARD McCaLL CADWALADER. CALDWELL, ANDREW (1760-1797), Corporal and Sergeant, Captain Bernard Roman’s Company, Pennsyl- vania Artillery, February 20, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Isaac Coren’s Independent Company of Artillery, Pennsylvania Line, April I, 1777; resigned July 23, 1779; Surgeon's Mate, Hospital Depart- ment, Continental Army, June, 1780; served to close of war. Mem- ber of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. FRANK MILLER RITER. CALDWELL, SAMUEL ( -1798), Private, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1776-1781 ; Paymaster, Continental Army. CHARLES SYDNEY BRADFORD, JR. Tuomas Hewson BrApForD, M.D. Henry BANCROFT CALDWELL. CAMPBELL, GEORGE (1730-1810), Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1775-1 776; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1776-1777 ; Private, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1776-1777, 1780-1781 ; at Trenton and Princeton. MONTGOMERY WILCOX. SAMUEL WILCOX. CAMPBELL, JOHN (1750-1810), Private, Captain George Latimer’s Company, Delaware State Troops, 1776-1777. * WILLIAM ALLISON COCHRAN. JosEPH CAMPBELL LANCASTER. Roll of Ancestors. 271 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM (1745-1781), Captain, Fincastle County, Virginia Militia, 1775; Captain, First Regiment, Colonel Patrick Henry, Virginia Militia, December 15, 1775 ; served with Brigadier-General Andrew Lewis in the attack on Lord Dunmore at Gwynne’s Island, Virginia, July 9, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel, 1777; promoted to Colonel, Washington County, Virginia Militia ; his regiment began the attack at the battle of King’s Moun- tain, October 7, 1780, and Congress passed a resolution and general order in recognition of his distinguished services in this victory ; com- manded a regiment of Virginia Riflemen at Guilford Court-House ; Brigadier-General, Virginia Militia, June 15, 1781; served with Lafay- ette in the Virginia Campaign until his death in the field near York- town, Virginia, August 22, 1781. ETHELBERT DUDLEY WARFIELD, LL.D. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM ( —1803), Private, Captain James Chambers’s Company, Colonel William Thomp- son’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, 1776. WILLIAM FILLER LUTZ. CAPRON, DR. COMFORT (1743- ), Surgeon’s Mate, Colonel Timothy Walker's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 3—August 8, 1775; Surgeon’s Mate, Chelsea Camp, Massachusetts, August 20, 1776; Surgeon, Colonel John Daggett’s Regiment, General Esek Cornell’s Brigade, January 13—April 1, 1778 ; Doctor's Mate, Colonel Abiel Mitchell’s Regiment, July 13—October 31, 1780, Massachusetts Militia. TABER ASHTON. CAREY, JOHN, SR. (1756-1844), Private, Fourth Company, Captain Obadiah Johnson, Third Regiment, Colonel Israel Putnam, Connecticut Militia, May 19—December 15, 1775 ; Private, Captain Robert Durkee’s Company and Captain Simon Spalding’s Company, January 1, 1777-1780, Independent Companies of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line. JoHN MINER CAREY MARBLE. 272 Roll of Ancestors. CARLTON, EDWARD (1749-1835), Private, January, 1776; promoted Corporal, February, 1776, Captain James Osgood’s Company, Colonel Timothy Bedel’s Regiment of New Hampshire Rangers. HENRY MATHER WARREN. CARMANY, JOHN (1760-1840), Private, First Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ Colonel James Cunningham, 1776; at Long Island. ALLEN DAVID HOFFER. HENRY WARREN SIEGRIST. CARNER, ANTHONY (1752-1834), Private, Captain John Thompson’s Company, First Regiment, North Carolina Line; served also in the Pennsylvania Line, and on the frigate ‘‘ Confederacy,’’ brig ‘‘ Langobe,’’ and ‘‘St. Helena,’’ a Letter of Marque, and became a Captain, Continental Navy ; several times captured ; at Brandywine, Germantown, Valley Forge, and Monmouth. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HALL. Harry Atvan HALL. CARPENTER, JOHN (1737-1798), Second Lieutenant, Captain Peter Grubb, Jr.’s, Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, April 16, 1776; promoted First Lieutenant, August 9, 1776; served until November, 1776; First Lieu- tenant, Eighth Company, Captain Henry Kendrick, Seventh Battalion, Colonel John Boyd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777; wounded at Long Island. James PaTRIOT WILSON FRAZER. Paymaster REAH FRAZER, U.S.N. CARPENTER, THOMAS (1740-1815), Captain, First Company, Third Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Hannum commanding, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia ; at Long Island ; captured at Brandywine. FRANK CARPENTER. FRANCIS CARPENTER HOOTON. Captain Mott Hooton, U.S.A. JOHN CaILE SCOTT. Roll of Ancestors. 273 CARPENTER, THOMAS (1752-1847), Ensign, Captain John Roane’s Company, Colonel Samuel Dick’s Battalion, Salem County, New Jersey Militia, 1776; Adjutant of same, November, 1776—January, 1777, and in 1778; Paymaster and Quar- termaster, Gloucester and Salem Counties, New Jersey Militia, March 19, 1777, to close of war; at Trenton and Princeton. Lieutenant EDwarRD CARPENTER, U.S.A. JAMES EDWARD CARPENTER. JAMES HOPKINS CARPENTER. Colonel Louis HENRY CARPENTER, U.S.A. THoMAS PRESTON CARPENTER. * JosHua Lapp HOWELL. CARTER, JOHN (1730-1819), Second Lieutenant, Fifth Company, July, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Daniel Benedict's Company, August, 1776; Captain, Ninth Company, May 13, 1777, Colonel Heman Swift’s Regiment, Connect- icut Militia; Captain, Company of Minute Men in attack upon Morri- sania, New York, 1780. THOMAS SEYMOUR SCOTT. CARY, ARCHIBALD (1720-1786), Lieutenant, Spottsylvania County, Virginia, Minute Men, September 12, 1775; Colonel, Virginia Militia; Member of the Virginia Convention, 1775-1776; Speaker of the Virginia Senate, 1776-1778. JouN KEIM STAUFFER. CASS, JONATHAN (1753-1830), Corporal, New Hampshire Militia, 1775 ; Ensign, November 8, 1776; Second Lieutenant, August 4, 1777; First Lieutenant, May 1, 1778, Third Regiment; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1781; Captain, Eighth Regiment, December, 1782, New Hampshire Line ; served to close of war; at Bunker Hill, Trenton, Princeton, and Germantown. Member of the New Hampshire State Society of the Cincinnati. Francis MARTIN HUTCHINSON. GEORGE CasS HUTCHINSON. 274 Roll of Ancestors. CATTELL, ELIJAH (1751-1803), Captain, First Battalion, Salem County, New Jersey Militia. * Rev. WILLIAM CassaDy CATTELL, D.D., LL.D. CHAMBERS, ROBERT (1758-1813), Private, Captain James Bruere’s Company, Colonel Elisha Lawrence's Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia. PAUL AUGUSTINE HENDRY. CHAMBERS, WILLIAM (1753-1799), Second Lieutenant, Captain John Maxwell’s Company, Colonel Oliver Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment, August 1, 1777; retired April 22, 1779. WALTER LEE CHAMBERS. CHAPIN, NATHANIEL (1738-1831), Ensign, Second Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Comfort Sage’s Regiment, General James Wadsworth’s Brigade, Connecticut Militia, June, 1776—December, 1776; at Long Island and White Plains. FRANCIS OLCOTT ALLEN. CHAPLINE, MOSES (1754-1812), First Lieutenant, Eighth Company, First Battalion, Colonel Charles Greenberry Griffith, Maryland ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ June—December, 1776; First Lieutenant, December 10, 1776; promoted Captain, Feb- ruary 20, 1777, Sixth Regiment, Colonel Otho Holland Williams, Maryland Line; at Trenton, Princeton, Cowpens, where he was wounded, Guilford Court-House, and Ninety-six. Major RICHARD STRADER COLLuM, U.S.M.C. CHAPMAN, ELISHA (1740-1825), Captain, Eighth Company, Colonel Samuel Selden’s Regiment, June— December, 1776; Captain, Colonel Samuel McLellan’s Regiment, General John Tyler's Brigade, August—September, 1778; Captain, Seventh Regiment, 1778-1779, Connecticut Militia; in the ‘“ New Haven Alarm’’ to repel Tryon’s invasion. WINTHROP BRENTWOOD SMITH. Roll of Ancestors. 275 CHASE, AMOS (1760-1849), First Lieutenant, Ninth Company, Sixteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, 1776. WILLIAM BEER EwIneG, M.D. CHASE, BENJAMIN (1760-1825), Private, Massachusetts Line. EpwarD HENRY CHASE. CHASE, ELEAZER (1722-1808), Private, Captain Richard Mayberry’s Company, Eleventh Regiment, Colonel Ebenezer Francis, December 14, 1776; Private, Captain Richard Mayberry’s Company, Colonel Benjamin Tupper’s Regiment, January 25, 1778; Private, Captain Thomas Trott’s Company, Colonel Timothy Pike’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia; in Continental ser- vice, November 24, 1778. HowarpD GIBBS CHASE. CHASE, NATHANIEL (1761-1853), Private, Captain Nathan Merrill’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Mitchell’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, in the ‘‘ Penobscot Expedition,”’ July 8—September 25, 1779. Howarp GIBBS CHASE. CHENERY, DR. ISAAC (1742-1822), Surgeon, Captain James Davis’s Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19—May, 1775; Surgeon, Colonel Nathaniel Wade’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, April 1, 1778—January 3, 1779. Harry DAMON SHUTE. CHILD, CROMEL, Member of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1764-1789 ; Mem- ber of the Board of War of Rhode Island, 1776; Member of the Committee of Safety of Rhode Island, 1776; a Signer of the Declara- tion of Independence of Rhode Island, May 10, 1776. JAMES VARNUM PETER TURNER. 276 Roll of Ancestors. CHILDS, JOHN (1753-1804), Private, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia. CHARLES PERRY GEARHART. CHUBBUCK, DAVID (1760-1824), Private, Captain Heman Lincoln’s Company, Colonel Lovell’s Regi- ment, December 14-18, 1776; Private, Lieutenant Jabez Wilder's Company, Colonel David Cushing’s Regiment, Colonel Lothrop com- manding, February 27—March 5, 1778 ; Private, Captain Elias Whiton’s Company of Guards, Colonel Symms’s Regiment, March 9—April 28, 1778, Massachusetts Militia. HENRY WARREN LITTLEFIELD. CHUBBUCK, THOMAS (1732-1802), Private, Captain Jotham Loring’s Company, April 27—June 22, 1775, and Captain Charles Cushing’s Company, June 22—August I, 1775, Colonel John Greaton’s Regiment ; Private, Captain Charles Cushing’s Company, Thirty-sixth Regiment, October, 1775; Private, Captain Theophilus Wilder's Company, Colonel Benjamin Gill's Regiment, August 24—November 29, 1777; Private, Captain Elias Whiton’s Company of Guards, Colonel Symms’s Regiment, March 9—April 28, 1778, Massachusetts Militia, HENRY WARREN LITTLEFIELD. CILLEY, JOSEPH (1734-1799), Captain, New Hampshire Volunteers in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ 1775 ; Major, Second Regiment, May 20, 1775; Major, Eighth Regiment, January 1, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Regiment, November 8, 1776; Colonel, February 22, 1777, New Hampshire Line; retired January 1, 1781; at siege of Boston, Ticonderoga, Bemus Heights, Monmouth, and Stony Point. Member of the New Hampshire State Society of the Cincinnati. JONATHAN CILLEY NEFF. ’ CIST, CHARLES (1738-1805), Private, Captain George Esterly’s Company, Colonel William Brad- ford’s Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, June 25, 1777; Commissioner to sign Continental Currency. ANDRE ALDEN BEAUMONT. ANDREW HAMILTON MCCLINTOCK. JacoB RIDGWAY WRIGHT. Roll of Ancestors. 277 CLARK, ELIJAH (1732-1795), Lieutenant-Colonel, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia; resigned November 6, 1777 ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775-1776. WILLIAM INNES FORBES. CHARLES ABERCROMBIE SIMS. * HON. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L. JOHN CLARKE SIMS. CHARLES WuRTS SPARHAWK. JOHN SPARHAWK, JR. Louis CLARK VANUXEM. CLARK, ROBERT (1740-1821), Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1775; Captain, First Company, First Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp’’ of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Colonel James Cunningham, August 11, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Battalion, Colonel John Rogers, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777; Sub-Lieutenant of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, April 26, 1780. ROBERT SEVERS BOWMAN. CLARKSON, DR. GERARDUS (1737-1790), Surgeon, floating battery ‘‘Putnam,’’ Pennsylvania Navy, 1777; Surgeon, Pennsylvania Board of War, 1776-1777. * SAMUEL CLARKSON. WILLIAM HILL. CLARKSON, MATTHEW (1733-1800), Quartermaster, First Battalion, Colonel John Dickinson, Philadelphia Associators, 1775; Auditor of Accounts, Continental Army, 1775- 1776; Marshal of the Court of Admiralty of Pennsylvania, April 28, 1779; Agent to receive subscriptions to the Continental Loan, 1777- 1778. SAMUEL FREDERIC HOUSTON. CLAYPOOLE, ABRAHAM GEORGE (1757-1827), Ensign, Company of Foot, Third Battalion, Philadelphia Associators, July 8, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, Colonel John Patton’s Additional Continental Regiment, January 14, 1777; promoted Captain in same, 278 Roll of Ancestors. June 10, 1778; regiment incorporated into the New Eleventh Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Line, December 16, 1778; transferred to Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 17, 1781; retired, January 1, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. FREDERICK BROOKE NEILSON. Lewis NEILSON. WILLIAM DELAWARE NEILSON. CLYMER, DANIEL CUNYNGHAM (1748-1810), Private, May 1, 1775; First Lieutenant, June 22, 1775, Captain John Little's Company, Second Battalion, Philadelphia Associators; Lieu- tenant-Colonel, Fifth Philadelphia Rifle Battalion, April 8, 1776; Secretary of the Military Convention, held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners, 1777; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1782-1783. EDWIN Swirt CLYMER. COIT, SAMUEL (1708-1792), Colonel, Eighth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, 1776; resigned, June 13, 1776; Judge of the Maritime Court. WILLiamM BEER Ewine, M.D. COLEMAN, ROBERT (1748-1825), Second Lieutenant, Second Company, Captain James Watson, First Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp’’ of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Colonel James Cunningham, 1776; at Long Island. ROBERT COLEMAN HEMPHILL. COLLAR, MICHAEL (1754-1816), Fifer, Captain George Forepaugh’s Company, Colonel William Brad- ford’s Battalion, June 25, 1777; Fifer, Captain Philip Pancake’s Com- pany, Colonel Jonathan Bayard Smith’s Battalion, August 25, 1777; Fifer, Captain Christian Shaffer's Company, Colonel Robert Knox's Battalion, October 12, 1777, Philadelphia Militia. WILLIAM SMITH ROWEN. Roll of Ancestors. 279 COLTON, LUTHER (1756-1803), Private, Major Andrew Colton’s Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20-30, 1775; Private, Captain Gideon Burt’s Company, Colonel Timothy Danielson’s Regiment, April 28—August 9, 1775, Massachusetts Militia; also in service, October, 1775. JOHN MILTON COLTON. SABIN WOOLWORTH COLTON, JR. COLYER, JOHN, SR. (1709-1779), Private, Captain Gavin McCoy's Company, First Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. IRnwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. Jos—EpH ALEXANDER McCurpDy. CONNELLY, JOHN ( —1827), Captain-Lieutenant, Captain John McCulloch’s Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, July 12, 1777; Captain, Eighth Company, Philadelphia Artillery Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Marsh commanding, April 15, 1780; Captain, Philadelphia Artillery, May 1, 1783, Philadelphia Militia. RICHARD LEWIS ASHHURST. CONYNGHAM, DAVID HAYFIELD (1756-1834), Private, Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1779-1780-1781. JOHN CONYNGHAM STEVENS. COOK, REUBEN (1747-1829), Private, Pennsylvania Militia. CHARLES TUBBS. COOK, ROBERT (1757-1831), Private, Captain Samuel Nelson's Company, Colonel Aaron Willard’s Regiment, January, 1777; Private, Captain Hayward Peirce’s Com- pany, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regiment, September 25—October 28, 1777, Massachusetts Militia. EBED STODDER CooK. 280 Roll of Ancestors. COOKE, NICHOLAS (1717-1782), Deputy Governor of Rhode Island, 1775 ; Governor of Rhode Island, 1775-1778. JAMES WELCH COOKE. COOKE, WILLIAM (1737-1804), Member of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland County, Penn- sylvania, February 8, 1776; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Penn- sylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Member of the Pennsyl- vania Assembly, 1781-1782; Colonel, Twelfth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October 2, 1776; resigned January 16, 1778; Assistant Forage- master, Pennsylvania Militia, April 5, 1780. MILLER HORTON COOKE. WILLIAM CARY COOKE. COPPENHEFFER, SIMON (1726-1802), Member of the Committee of Observation of York County, Pennsyl- vania, 1774-1775 ; Captain, Third Company, Second Battalion, Colonel William Rankin, York County, Pennsylvania Militia, October 1, 1777, and April 5, 1778. JoHN Hai RANKIN. CORNISH, JOHN ( —1805), Second Lieutenant, Captain William McCullough’s Company, Colonel William Will’s Battalion, September 9, 1777; First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Captain Edward Paschall’s Company, Colonel William Bradford’s Battalion, August 21, 1779; Captain, Eighth Company, Fourth Battalion, 1780, Philadelphia Militia. JouN Farr SIMONS. CORRELL, PHILIP (1736-1803), Private, Springfield Township Company, Third Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel John Wilkinson commanding, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 21, 1775. ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER. Lieutenant WILLIAM HERMAN WILHELM, U.S.A. Roll of Ancestors. 281 CORSON, BENJAMIN (1743-1811), Private, Southampton Township Company, Captain John Folwell, First Battalion, Colonel Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775. Major JosEPpH Kirspy Corson, M.D., U.S.A. Louis WERNWAG READ, M.D. ELIndu READ ROBERTS. WILLIS READ ROBERTS. CORYELL, JOHN (1730-1799), Captain, Solesbury Township Company, First Battalion, Colonel Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 21, 1775; Major, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 6, 1777. FRANCIS RADER HULICK. WILLIAM HENRY HULICK. COUDRICK, JOHN (1740-1818), Ensign, Third Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. EDMUND NELSON CARPENTER. COULTER, DR. JOHN (1751-1823), Surgeon, man-of-war ‘‘ Defense,’ Continental Navy, 1775 ; Surgeon, Military Hospitals, Baltimore, Maryland, 1776; Member of the Mary- land Convention, 1778. CHARLES PREVOST GRAYSON, M.D. CLIFFORD PREVOST GRAYSON. FREDERICK WILLIAM GRAYSON, JR. SUTHERLAND MALLET PREVOST. COWELL, DR. JOHN (1759-1789), Surgeon, New Jersey Militia. Joun NicHoias MITCHELL, M.D. COX, JACOB (1753- ys Private, Third Battalion, Colonel Richard Somers, Gloucester County, New Jersey State Troops. CHARLES HARKNESS HOWELL. JosEPH SPENCER KENNARD, JR. 19 282 Roll of Ancestors, CRAGIN, FRANCIS (1742-1826), Sergeant, Colonel Enoch Hale’s Regiment, October 22—November 16, 1776; Sergeant, Captain Gershom Drury’s Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Thomas Heald’s Regiment, June 29—July 12, 1777 ; Sergeant, Captain Gershom Drury’s Company, Colonel Daniel Moore’s Regiment, September 29—October 26, 1777, New Hampshire State Troops; at Ticonderoga, Bennington, and Saratoga. CHARLES ISAIAH CRAGIN. CRAIG, ISAAC (1742-1826), Lieutenant of Marines, 1775; Captain of Marines, ship ‘‘ Andrea Doria,’’ Continental Navy, 1776; Captain, Pennsylvania State Regi- ment of Artillery, Colonel Thomas Proctor, March 3, 1777; promoted First Major to rank from October 7, 1781; served to June 17, 1783; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, where he was severely wounded, Valley Forge, and Monmouth. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Joun Montour CHAPLIN. MELCHOIR BELTZHOOVER CHAPLIN. Isaac CRAIG. CRAIG, JOHN (1733-1821), Sergeant-Major, April 5, 1776; First Lieutenant, May 7, 1777, Cap- tain Elisha Walton’s Company, First Regiment, Colonel Nathaniel Scudder, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia. CHARLES MULLER HEBERTON, M.D. CRAIG HEBERTON. GEORGE HEBERTON. GEORGE VAN GELDER HEBERTON,. ROBERT HEBERTON. SAMUEL FRANKLIN SHARPLESS. CRAIG, MOSES (1702-1777), Private, Company of Minute Men, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia. FRANK WILDBAHN HANOLD. HIESTER MUHLENBERG HANOLD. CRISPIN, WILLIAM ( -1797), Commissary of Supplies, Pennsylvania Militia, December 16, 1776; Commissary-General, Pennsylvania Militia, April 5, 1777; Commissary, Roll of Ancestors. 283 Pennsylvania Navy, August 3, 1778; Collector of Excise for Philadel- phia, November 27, 1778 ; Commissary-General of Sustenance, Penn- sylvania Militia, 1781. SAMUEL WHITE LEVIS. CROSBY, JOHN (1748-1822), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, December 20, 1774; Captain, Third Battalion, Colonel Hugh Lloyd, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia; captured and confined on prison-ship ‘‘ Falmouth,’’ harbor of New York. WILLIAM MARTIN BONSALL. Rear-Admiral PIERCE Crossy, U.S.N. ROBERT JOHN HOLMEs. JoHn HILt MartTIN. JosHua TEvIs. CROZER, JOHN ( —1816), Private, Captain William Price’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel John Hannum, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, June 22, 1777. GEORGE KNOWLES CROZER. GEORGE KNOWLES CROZER, JR. CULBERTSON, JOHN (1739-1794), Major, First Battalion, Colonel James Moore, Chester County, Penn- sylvania Associators, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Major, Seventh Bat- talion, Colonel William Gibbons, May 17, 1777; Major, First Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Gardiner commanding, May 10, 1780, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia. JoHN JAMES PINKERTON. SAMUEL STANHOPE SMITH PINKERTON. CULBERTSON, ROBERT (1755-1801), Captain, Fifth Battalion, July, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Bat- talion, Colonel James Dunlap, July 31, 1777, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Associators ; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Battalion, Colonel James Dunlap, May 14, 1778; Major, Sixth Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel James Dunlap commanding, May 10, 1780, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia; Agent to receive subscriptions to the 284 Roll of Ancestors. Continental Loan, 1777-1778; Wagon-Master and Commissary of Supplies for the Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania, 1778-1781, REV. SUMMERFIELD Emory SNIvVELy, M.D. CULBERTSON, SAMUEL ( -1817), Captain, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Joseph Armstrong, December 8, 1776; Colonel, Sixth Battalion, July 31, 1777, and May 14, 1778; Colonel, Fourth Battalion, May 10, 1780, Cumberland County, Penn- sylvania Militia. SAMUEL REA, CURRIE, RICHARD (1750-1776), Private, Chester County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘ Flying Camp,” Colonel William Montgomery, 1776; taken sick in camp at Amboy, New Jersey, and died in Philadelphia on his way home. CHARLES HOWARD COLKET. WILLIAM CURRIE WILSON. CURTIS, JOSEPH (1751-1834), Lieutenant, Captain David Woodward’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Chase’s Regiment, 1776; promoted Captain, 1777, New Hampshire Militia. GEORGE WILLIS TiTMaN, M.D. CUSHING, JOB (1728-1808), Captain, Colonel Artemus Ward’s Regiment, Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19—April 28, 1775; Major, Sixth Regiment, March 23, 1776; promoted Colonel, June 16, 1777, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia. Lewis RICE. CUTHBERT, ANTHONY (1751-1832), Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Moulder’s Philadelphia Artillery Company, 1776; Captain, Sixth Company, Artillery Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Marsh commanding, 1780, Philadelphia Militia; at Trenton and Princeton. ALLEN BROOKS CUTHBERT. MAYLAND CUTHBERT. GEORGE CUTHBERT GILLESPIE. GEORGE THEODORE ROBERTS. WALTER CUTHBERT THOMAS. Roll of Ancestors. 285 DALE, RICHARD (1756-1826), Lieutenant, Virginia State Navy, 1776; captured and confined in prison-ship at Norfolk ; entered Continental Navy as Midshipman on ‘‘Lexington,’’ Captain John Barry; captured and imprisoned in England; escaped and was recaptured, and again escaped, 1778; First Lieutenant, ‘‘Bon Homme Richard,’’ in the engagement with the ‘‘Serapis,’’ September 23, 1779, and received thanks of Con- gress; served also with Paul Jones in the ‘‘ Alliance’ and “ Ariel ;” wounded three times in actions. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. RICHARD DALE. DALE, SAMUEL (1741-1804), Captain, Fourth Company, Second Battalion, Colonel James Potter, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Associators, January 24, 1776; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1778. JAMES DaLE WILSON. DAMON, ISAAC (1739- ), Private, Captain Joseph Smith’s Sudbury, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel James Barrett's Regiment, Minute-Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775. ALBERT FORSTER DAMON. * EDWIN ADAMS DAMON. DAMON, THOMAS (1703-1796), Private, Captain John Walton’s Reading, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel David Green's Regiment, Minute Men in the ‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775. ALBERT FORSTER DAMON. * EpwiIn ADAMS DaMoN. DANA, ANDERSON (1735-1778), Member of the Connecticut Assembly; First Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant, Connecticut Line ; killed at the Wyoming Massacre, 1778. CHARLES EDMUND DANA. 286 Roll of Ancestors, DANA, WILLIAM (1745~ )i Sergeant, Captain Timothy Bigelow’s Company, Colonel Artemus Ward’s Regiment, Massachusetts Minute Men in the “ Lexington Alarm,’’ 1775 ; Captain-Lieutenant, Captain Edward Craft's Company, Colonel Richard Gridley’s Artillery, Massachusetts Militia. * WILLIAM Dana McGowan, M.D. DARLING, ELIAKIM, SR., Private, Captain Solomon Stone’s Company, Colonel Moses Nichol’s Regiment, General John Stark’s Brigade, New Hampshire Militia, 1777 ; at Bennington and Stillwater. JAMES MONTGOMERY BECK. DARRAH, HENRY ( -1782), Private, New Britain Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Second Company, Captain William Roberts, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Joseph Hart, July 9, 1776; Captain, Seventh Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, May 6, 1777; Captain in a detachment commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel John Lacey, December 3, 1777; Captain, Colonel William Roberts’s Battalion, September 21, 1778; Captain, Eighth Company, Fourth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Macllroy commanding, May 10, 1780, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia. EDGAR WRIGHT BaIRD. WILLIAM JAMES BaIRD. HENRY SARGENT PRENTISS NICHOLS. DARRAH, THOMAS ( —-1799), Private, Bedminster Township Company, Captain Robert Robinson, Third Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Wilkinson commanding, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775. Henry Howarp ELLISON. WILLIAM RODMAN ELLISON. * FERDINAND ODEN HORSTMANN. WALTER HORSTMANN. DARTE, ELIAS ( -1828), Private, Connecticut Militia; wounded and taken prisoner at New London, Connecticut, in the attack on Fort Griswold, Connecticut, Roll of Ancestors. 287 September 6, 1781; Quarter-Gunner, Captain Benjamin Durkee’s Company of Artillery, Connecticut Militia, June 1, 1782—June 1, 1783. ALFRED DARTE, JR. Hon. GEORGE LocKHART DARTE. LUTHER CURRAN DARTE. DAUGHERTY, JAMES (1757-1825), Private, Captain Hawkins Boon’s Company, Twelfth Regiment, Penn- sylvania Line, 1778. THOMAS DAUGHERTY. DAVIS, JAMES (1758-180-), First Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Seventh Battalion, Colonel John Boyd, 1777; Ensign, Sixth Company, Eighth Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel James Ross commanding, August 26, 1780, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. ANDREW Davis KEYSER. DAVIS, JOHN (1753-1827), Lieutenant, Colonel Samuel John Atlee’s Pennsylvania Musketry Bat- talion, March 19, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Lewis Farmer’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, April 6, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island; Captain, Ninth Regiment, November 15, 1776; transferred to First Regiment, January 17, 1781, Pennsylvania Line; retired January 1, 1783; at Three Rivers, Paoli, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, Green Spring, and Yorktown. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Major CHARLES LuKENS Davis, U.S.A. WILLIAM WALLEY Davis, JR. DAVIS, JOHN (1760-1832), Private, Captain William Hart's Company, Bucks County, Pennsyl- vania Battalion of the “Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Joseph Hart, 1776; Private, Captain Thomas Butler’s Company, Third Regiment, 1777 ; transferred to Captain Joseph McClellan’s Company, Ninth Regiment, 1780; transferred to the Second Regiment, 1781, Pennsylvania Line ; Ensign, Second Battalion, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia; at Trenton, Paoli, Brandywine, Germantown, Valley Forge, Monmouth, 288 TRoll of Ancestors. Stony Point, and Yorktown ; wounded at the Block House, New Jersey, July 21, 1780. WILLIAM Watts Hart Davis. James WatTTs MERcuR. Joun Davis MERcur, M.D. RopNEy AuGustTUS MERCUR. ULyssEs MERCUR. DAVIS, SAMUEL, JR. (1746-1824), First Lieutenant, Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, December 14, 1776; retired February 16, 1779. CHARLES GIBBONS DAVIS. * EDWARD Morris Davis, JR. Isaac RosBerts Davis. JosrePpH CorBiT Davis. DAVIS, WILLIAM ( -1799), Private, Upper Makefield Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August, 1775. James WatTTs MERCUR. Joun Davis MErcur, M.D. RopNeEy AuGusTus MERCUR. ULyssEs MERCUR. DECHERT, PETER ( -1784), Captain, Eighth Company, Berks County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Henry Haller, 1776; Captain, Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Robert Magaw, January 5, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island and at Fort Washington, New York; resigned February 1, 1777; Major, Fourth Battalion, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777. BENJAMIN MattTuias NEaD. DANIEL WUNDERLICH NEaD, M.D. DE HAAS, JOHN PHILIP, SR. ( -1786), Colonel, First Pennsylvania Battalion, January 22, 1776; Colonel, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October 25, 1776, to rank from January 22, 1776; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, February 21, 1777—November 3, 1783. ABRAM HEss. Roll of Ancestors. 289 DE HAAS, JOHN PHILIP, JR. ( —1826), Ensign, First Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel John Philip De Haas, Sr., August 6, 1776; appointed Ensign, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, but never joined the Regiment. ABRAM HEss. DE HAVEN, PETER (1720-1815), Superintendent of Gun Lock Factory and Public Stores, French Creek, Pennsylvania, appointed by the Pennsylvania Board of War, 1777; Agent for Forfeited Estates, April 21, 1779. Ho.steIn DE HAVEN. DELAVAN, NATHANIEL (1746-1804), Captain, Third Regiment, Colonel Pierre Van Cortlandt, September 20, 1775; promoted Major, June 25, 1778; Major, Fourth Regiment, Colonel Samuel Drake, October 21, 1779, Westchester County, New York Militia. Rev. RICHARD HENRY NELSON. DENISON, JOHN (1743-1789), Private, Captain Waterman Clift’s Company, Sixth Regiment, Colonel Samuel Holden Parsons, Connecticut Militia, May 10o—December 15, 1775. Captain GeorGe Le Roy Brown, U.S.A. Le Roy Hype Brown. DENISON, NATHAN (1741-1809), Justice for Westmoreland County, Connecticut, 1774-1778; Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Westmoreland County, Connecti- cut, June 1, 1778; Member of the Connecticut Assembly, 1776-1780; Lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Colonel Zebulon Butler, Connecticut Militia, May, 1775 ; promoted Colonel, May, 1777 ; nego- tiated the articles of capitulation with the British and Indians, which was followed by the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778, where he com- manded the left wing of the Continental forces. RICHARD SHARPE, JR. * LAZARUS DENISON SHOEMAKER. Levi Ives SHOEMAKER, M.D. LAZARUS DENISON STEARNS. 290 Roll of Ancestors. DENNY, EBENEZER (1761-1822), Ensign, First Regiment, 1778-1779 ; transferred to Seventh Regiment, August 4, 1780; transferred to Fourth Regiment, January 17, 1781; promoted Lieutenant, May 23, 1781; transferred to Third Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line; served to November 3, 1783; Aid-de-Camp to Major-General Arthur St. Clair; in the Northern Campaign with General St. Clair and at Yorktown. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Jos—EPpH NAPOLEON DuBarRY, JR. DERR, JACOB (1752-1829), Private, Captain Thomas Church’s Company, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January 3, 1776—January 24, 1777; wounded at Brandywine. ANDREW FINE DERR. DEWEES, WILLIAM, JR., Colonel, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. ALAN WOOD, JR. HowarpD Woop. DEWITT, THOMAS (1741-1809). First Lieutenant, Captain Jacobus S. Bruyn’s Company, Third Regi- ment, Colonel James Clinton, June 28, 1775 ; Captain, Third Regiment, Colonel Peter Gansevoort, June 26, 1776, New York Line; resigned January 7, 1780; Major, Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Pawling’s Regi- ment, May 11, 1780; Major, Lieutenant-Colonel Marinus Willett’s Regiment, April 10, 1782, New York Levies. THomAs DEWITT CUYLER. DICKERMAN, JOHN (1765-1848), Private, Captain James Blakesley’s Company, Colonel Samuel Fletcher's Regiment, Vermont Militia, February 1o—November 25, 1781. FREDERICK HEBER EATON. DICKINSON, THOMAS, Private, Plumstead Township Company, Captain William McCalla, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsyl- vania Associators, August 21, 1775. James Harwoop C osson, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 291 DIEHL, NICHOLAS ( -1819), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, 1774; Captain, Third Battalion, Colonel Hugh Lloyd, 1776; Captain, Fifth Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, May 14, 1777, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia ; served also in Colonel Caleb Davis’s Sixth Battalion of Volunteer Light Horse Militia, of Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1780-81 ; at Long Island. EDWARD CLARKE DIEHL. WILLIAM HENRY HENDERSON, JR. OLIVER HouGH. * THOMAS DIEHL STICHTER. DIFFENDERFFER, DAVID (1752-1846), Private, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; Private, Captain David Wilhart’s Company, German Regiment, Colonel Nicholas Haussegger, Pennsylvania Line, October, 1776; Ensign, same Regi- ment, Lieutenant-Colonel Ludwig Weltner commanding, July 23, 1778 ; Lieutenant, Seventh Company of Foot, Fourth Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 1, 1783; taken prisoner near Mon- mouth, New Jersey, May 3, 1777, and confined in the ‘‘ Sugar House,”’ New York, until exchanged, March, 1778; retired January 1, 1781; at Trenton, Princeton, Valley Forge, Monmouth, and in Sullivan's expedition. FRANK RIED DIFFENDERFFER. DILL, MATTHEW, Lieutenant-Colonel, Fifth Battalion, Colonel William Rankin, July 28, 1775; Colonel, Fifth Battalion, August, 1776, York County, Pennsyl- vania Militia; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Commissioner to seize the personal effects of traitors, October 21, 1777; Sub-Lieutenant of York County, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1780. Rev. JoHn R. Paxton, D.D. Rev. CALvin DILL WILSON. Rev. Maurice Emery WItson, D.D. 292 Roll of Ancestors. DILL, THOMAS (1750-1833), Private, Captain Moses McClean’s Company, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine. Rev. JoHN R. Paxton, D.D. Rev. CALVIN DILL WILSON. Rev. MauricE EMEry WILson, D.D. DINGMAN, ANDREW (1753-1839), Private, Sussex County, New Jersey Militia, 1776-1783. ROBERT PACKER BRODHEAD. DODD, ISAAC ( —1804), Private, Essex County, New Jersey Militia. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS RAUCH BALDWIN. DONALDSON, ARTHUR (1734-1797), Engineer in charge of the defences of the River Delaware. * WILLIAM Hont, M.D. CHARLES MaLcotm McC town. ARTHUR DONALDSON SMITH, M.D. DORR, EDWARD (1757-1844), Private, Captain John Merritt’s Company, Colonel John Glover's Marblehead Regiment, Massachusetts Militia; at Bunker Hill. Lieutenant EDWARD CARPENTER, U.S.A. DaLton Dorr. DORRANCE, GEORGE (1736-1778), Major, May, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, October, 1777, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Colonel Zebulon Butler, Connecticut Militia ; commanded the left wing of the troops under Colonel Nathan Denison at the Wyoming Massacre, where he was wounded and captured July 3, 1778, and murdered by Indians the next day. BENJAMIN FORD DORRANCE. * CHARLES DORRANCE. BENJAMIN REYNOLDS TUBBS. CHARLES TUBBS. Roll of Ancestors. 293 DORSEY, DANIEL (1757-1823), Captain, Third Battalion, Colonel Josiah Carvill Hall, Maryland Bat- talion of the ‘Flying Camp,’’ August 5, 1776; Captain, Fourth Regiment, Maryland Line, December 10, 1776; resigned August 5, 1777. Howarp GIBBS CHASE. DOTTERER, MICHAEL (1735-1811), Captain, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Frederick Antes, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 26, 1777. HENRY SASSAMAN DOTTERER. DOTY, JONATHAN (1724-1810), Teamster, Captain Asabel Hinman’s Team Brigade, Wagonmaster- General’s Department of New Jersey. Rev. InwIN Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. JOSEPH ALEXANDER McCurpy. DOTY, NATHANIEL (1761-1848), Private, Captain Carter's Company, ‘‘ Eastern Battalion,’’ Lieutenant- Colonel Benoni Hathaway commanding, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. Irwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litr.D. JosEPpH ALEXANDER McCuRDY. DOUGLASS, GEORGE (1726-1799), Captain, Seventh Company, Berks County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Henry Haller, 1776; at Long Island, Henry May KEIM. DOWNE, NATHANIEL HOLMES (1763-1838), Marine, ship ‘‘ Protector,’’ commanded by Captain John F. Williams, January 26—August 17, 1780, and October 15, 1781—April, 1782; Marine, ship ‘General Mifflin,”’ commanded by Captain George M. Babcock, September 9, 1780, Massachusetts Navy ; captured May 5, 1781, by the British war-ships «Roebuck’’ and ‘‘ Media,” and con- fined on ‘‘Jersey’’ prison-ship and afterwards sent to Ireland; con- 294 Roll of Ancestors. demned to go to Mill Prison, February 6, 1782, for six months; ex- changed July, 1782; discharged August 14, 1782; six times wounded in actions. Ben Houtvapay Dorcy. DRAKE, SAMUEL, Lieutenant, Lower Smithfield Company, Captain Jacob Stroud, North- ampton County, Pennsylvania Associators, May 22, 1775; Captain, Fourth Battalion, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776. ROBERT PACKER BRODHEAD. GARRETT BRODHEAD LINDERMAN. Henry RICHARD LINDERMAN. ROBERT PACKER LINDERMAN. DRIVER, MATTHEW, JR. (1740-1798), Member of the Maryland House of Delegates, 1775-1785 ; Member of the Council of Safety of Maryland. HENRY DRIVER BOOTH. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM (1730-1777), Private, Captain James Broderick’s Company, Colonel Oliver Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment, April 15, 1777; killed June 24, 1777- Rev. Irwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Lirt.D. Jos—EPH ALEXANDER McCurpy. DU BOIS, PETER (1734-1795), First Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Du Bois’s Company, Second Battalion, Salem County, New Jersey Militia, September, 1775; promoted to Captain. PATTERSON Dv BoIs. DULL, CASPER (1748-1829), First Lieutenant, Philadelphia Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Robert Lewis, 1776; Cornet, Philadelphia Light Dragoons, 1777; First Lieutenant, November 20, 1777; Captain, September, 1778 Philadelphia Militia. CASPER DULL. DANIEL MATTHIEU DULL, Roll of Ancestors. 295 DUNGAN, ELIAS ( —1804), Private, Northampton Township Company, Captain Henry Lott, First Battalion, Colonel Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Asso- ciators, August 19, 1775. OGDEN DUNGAN WILKINSON. DUNLAP, JOHN (1747-1812), Private, August, 1776; Cornet, December, 1, 1776—January 24, 1777, and September—October, 1777; Lieutenant, September, 1779, June, 1780, and January 5-11, 1781, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris. EDWARD HAZLEHURST. FRANCIS HAZLEHURST. Joun HazLeuurst Mason. DUNN, GEORGE (1743-1805), Lieutenant, Captain William Price’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel John Hannum, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 14, 1777. ABRAHAM LEWIS SMITH. BENJAMIN HAYES SMITH. DUNNELL, HENRY (1762-1805), Private, Captain Samuel Lamb’s Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment, April 23, 1778—January 1, 1779 ; Private, Captain Benjamin Allton’s Company, Colonel John Rand's Regiment, July 9—October to, 1780, Massachusetts Line. Henry Newcomsp DuNNELL, M.D. DUSENBERY, HENRY (1760-1825), Private, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. Henry DUSENBERY MAXWELL. James HOLLENBACK SHERRERD. EAKIN, SAMUEL (1745-1783), Chaplain, New Jersey Militia. EDWARD RUSSELL JONES. STOCKTON WHITE JONES. 296 Roll of Ancestors. EASTON, NORMAN (1758-1806), Private, Captain Nathan Hines’s Company, Thirteenth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, August 15—September 14, 1776; at Long Island. ROBERT PACKER BRODHEAD. EATON, BRIGHAM (1754-1828), Private, Captain Joseph Elliot’s Killingly, Connecticut, Company of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April, 1775. Lieutenant WILLIAM CULLEN WREN, U.S.A. EATON, JAMES (1733-1777), Private, Captain Thomas Eaton’s Reading, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel Greene’s Regiment of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,”’ April 19, 1775. ARCHIBALD NISBETT WATERHOUSE. EATON, REUBEN (1750-1818), Private, Captain Andrew Elliot’s Sutton, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel Ebenezer Learned’s Regiment of Minute Men in the ‘Lex- ington Alarm,’’ April 19-26, 1775; Private, Captain Andrew Elliot’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Holman’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, September 26—October 22, 1777; at Saratoga. FRANK EARLE SCHERMERHORN. EGBERT, LAWRENCE (1746-1821), Private, Captain Joseph McClane’s Company, First Battalion, Philadel- phia County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1778-1780. JOSEPH CRAWFORD EGBERT, M.D., PH.D. EGLE, CASPAR (1725-1804), Private, Captain John Huber’s Company, Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania Associators, 1776. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M.D. EGLE, VALENTINE (1756-1820), Private, Captain James Ross’s Company, Colonel William Thompson’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, August 18, 1775; Private, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; Lieutenant, Seventh Company, Eighth Roll of Ancestors. 297 Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel James Ross commanding, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, August 26, 1780. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M.D. ELLICOTT, ANDREW (1754-1820), Major, Twenty-second Battalion, Anne Arundel County, Maryland Militia, 1777-1778. Joun Horace BLIss. ELLIS, ABNER (1733-1781), Representative to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1771-1781; Delegate to the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, 1775. Brigadier-General CHARLES GREENE SAWTELLE, U.S.A. Lieutenant CHARLES GREENE SAWTELLE, JR., U.S.A. EDMUND MUNROE SAWTELLE. ELLIS, JOHN (1742-1827), Sergeant, Fifth Company, Eighth Regiment, Colonel John Fellows, Massachusetts Militia, October 7, 1775; Second Lieutenant, Fifth Regiment, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Ephraim Jenning’s Company, Colonel David Fields’s Regiment, August 17-21, 1777; First Lieutenant, September 22—-October 18, 1777, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Militia; Captain, Colonel Thomas Poor’s Regiment, Massachusetts Bay Militia, May 18, 1778—February 28, 1779. EpwarpD Dimick ELLIS. ELLISON, SETH (1757-1827), Private, Captain James Morgan’s Company, Second Regiment, Middle- sex County, New Jersey Militia. HENRY LAWRENCE EVERETT. ELLSWORTH, SOLOMON (1737-1822), Lieutenant, Captain Lemuel Stoughton’s Company of East Windsor, Connecticut Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20, 1775. EBEN BoyD WEITZEL. PauL ELMER WEITZEL. 20 298 Roll of Ancestors. ELY, ADRIEL (1744-1829), Sergeant, Captain Joseph Jewett’s Lyme, Connecticut, Company of Militia sent to the relief of Boston, April, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Martin Kirtland’s Company, Colonel Erastus Wolcott's Regi- ment, Connecticut Militia, 1776. THEODORE NEWEL ELy. EMERY, CALEB (1741-1825), Private, Colonel Jonathan Titcomb’s Regiment, 1777; Private, Captain Abel Moulton’s Company, 1777, Massachusetts Militia. * Titus SALTER EMERY. ENGLE, JAMES (1757-1821), Sergeant, Second Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair, January 19, 1776; promoted Ensign, Captain Samuel Watson’s Com- pany of same, September 20, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Third Penn- sylvania Battalion, Colonel John Shee, January, 1777 ; at Germantown. FRANK ENGLE PATTERSON ABERCROMBIE. ROBERT EMMETT PATTERSON. LLEWELLYN RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. ROBERT PATTERSON SNOWDEN. ESHER, GEORGE (1766-1855), Drummer, Philadelphia Militia, 1777; Drummer, Captain Ezekiel Lett’s Company, Colonel William Bradford’s First Regiment of Foot, Philadelphia Militia, August 25, 1779; at Germantown. FRANK PEARSON. ESTE, MOSES (1752-1836), Captain, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia ; Captain, Colonel Taylor’s Regiment, New Jersey State Troops, 1778; severely wounded at the battle of Monmouth, incapacitating him for further service. WILLIAM CLARE ALLISON. CHARLES ESTE. TRoll of Ancestors. 299 ETTING, REUBEN (1762-1848), Private, Captain William Sterrett’s Independent Company, Colonel William Smallwood’s Battalion, Maryland Militia, 1777. CHARLES EDWARD ETTING. * EDWARD JOHNSON ETTING. JoserpH Marx ETTING. THEODORE MINIS ETTING. EVANS, EVAN (1732-1794), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, December 20, 1774; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Colonel, Second or Elk Battalion, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 7, 1777; Dedimus Potestatem, November 21, 1778; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown; Member of the Pennsylvania Assem- bly, 1780-1783. SAMUEL EVANS. THomas WALLIS HUIDEKOPER. EVANS, JAMES (1724-1801), Sergeant, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line. ABRAHAM BRUNER. DANIEL PASTORIUS BRUNER. EVANS, JAMES (1748-1823), Private, Captain Benjamin Brooke’s Company, Sixth Battalion, Phila- delphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777-1779. FRANK BROOKE EVANS. EVANS, NATHAN (1755-1810), Second Lieutenant, Eighth Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Arthur Erwin, May 6, 1777; Captain, Seventh Company, Fourth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald MacIlroy commanding, May 10, 1780, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia; at Brandywine and Germantown. WILLIAM DARLINGTON EVANS. ANDREW Evans MATTHES. 300 Roll of Ancestors. EVANS, SAMUEL (1758-1805), Captain, London-Britain Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 5, 1777; at Brandywine. SAMUEL EVANS, EWING, JOHN (1755-1799), Captain, Second Company, Eighth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel James Ross commanding, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780. EwinG Jorpan, M.D. JOHN WOOLF JORDAN. REv. WALTER JORDAN. EYRE, JEHU (1738-1781), Captain, Philadelphia ‘City Guard,’’ August 30, 1775; Captain of Artillery, Philadelphia Brigade, General John Cadwalader, June 5, 1777; Colonel, Philadelphia Artillery Battalion, August 25, 1777; at Trenton, Princeton, Germantown, and Valley Forge; commanded the Forts at Mud Island and Billingsport, 1780; died in service. * PeTER Dirck Keyser, M.D. CHANDLER PRICE WAINWRIGHT. EYRE, MANUEL (1736-1805), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Philadelphia, 1775 ; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775 ; Member of the Pennsylvania Navy Board, 1777; Private, Cap- tain Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Company, 1777; Captain of a company of Artillery, First Brigade, General John Cadwalader, 1777, Philadelphia Militia. * FRAZER ASHHURST. RICHARD LEWIs ASHHURST. MANUEL Eyre GRIFFITH. FAIRFIELD, SAMUEL (1733-1803), Member of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety, of Williamsburg, Massachusetts, 1774; Captain, Thirteenth Company, Second Regiment, March 22, 1776; Captain, Colonel May’s Regiment, July 9—August 12, 1777; Captain, Colonel Israel Chapin’s Regiment, July 6, 1778; Captain, Colonel Nathan Sparhawk’s Regiment, Sep- tember 18—December, 1778, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Militia. HENRY MATHER WARREN. Roll of Ancestors. 301 FAIRLAMB, NICHOLAS (1743-1815), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, December 20, 1774-1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Thomas Taylor, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777. ELljAH HOLLINGSWORTH SITER, M.D. FASSETT, JONATHAN (1745-1818), Private, Captain Jacob Hines’s Company, Vermont Troops; Captain of an Independent Company of Vermont Troops, 1776-1777; Com- missary of Purchases of Vermont, 1781; at Stillwater and Saratoga. TRUMAN MILTON FASSETT. FELTON, BENJAMIN (1739-1820), Sergeant, Captain Timothy Parker’s Sturbridge, Massachusetts, Com- pany, Colonel Warner’s Regiment of Minute Men in the ‘ Lexington Alarm,”’ April 19-22, 1775; Ensign, Captain Adam Martin’s Company, Colonel Ebenezer Learned’s Regiment, April 24—October 7, 1775; Adjutant, Colonel Danforth Keys’s Regiment, July 1—December 22, 1777, Massachusetts Militia; at Bunker Hill, Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, and Monmouth. RaLpH CURRIER PUTNAM. FERRELL, JAMES (1758-1854), Private, Captain Elias Longstreet’'s Company, First Battalion, First Establishment; Private, Captain William Bond’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Line ; Private, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia ; twice wounded. FRANK DELAPLAINE GREEN. FRANKLYN ADAMS LEE. James LEE PATTON. FIFIELD, JOHN (1762-1843), Private, Captain John Lillie’s Company, Third Regiment of Artillery, Colonel John Crane, Massachusetts Line, February 15, 1781-—June Io, 1783. CHARLES THOMAS EVANS, SHEPLEY WILSON EVANS. 302 Roll of Ancestors, FILLER, FREDERICK ( -1797), Private, Captain Valentine Creager’s Company, Colonel Wood’s Regi- ment, Maryland Line. WILLIAM FILLER LuTz. FISH, JABEZ (1747-1814), Sergeant in a Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, Independent Company in the defence of Forty Fort at the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. JAMES MANDERSON CASTLE, WILLIAM HENRY CASTLE. FISHER, HENRY. Major, Sussex County, Delaware Militia, 1775 ; Captain, Independent Company of Delaware, April 4, 1777; Colonel, Delaware Militia, June, 1782. GEORGE RopNEY BooTuH. FISHER, JOSEPH (1734-1819), Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. WILBUR FIsk REEDER, FISHER, THOMAS (1761-1850), Private, Captain Ebenezer Tisdale’s Company, Stoughtonham, Massa- chusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19—May 11, 1775 ; Private, Captain Theophilus Wilder’s Company, Colonel Nicholas Dike’s Regiment, December 30, 1776—March 1, 1777; Private, Captain Fisher’s Company, Colonel Titcomb’s Regiment, May 3—July 6, 1777, Massachusetts Militia; Private, Captain Moses Adams’s Company, Colonel Brooks’s Regiment of Guards, 1778; Private, Captain Lunt’s Company, Colonel Tupper’s Regiment, July 4—December 13, 1780, Massachusetts Line. Lewis RICE, FISS, HENRY, Private, Captain Philip Wagener’s Company, Lieutenant-Colonel William Will’s Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, September 9, 17773 Private, Captain Williams’s Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Jacob Morgan, Philadelphia Militia ; served two months, 1777; at Princeton and Germantown. GEORGE HENRY LEWARS. Roll of Ancestors. 303 FLICKWIR, DAVID (1744-1793), Private, Captain Edward Paschall’s Company, First Regiment of Foot, Colonel William Bradford, Philadelphia Militia, August 21, 1779. Joun DovuGLass Brown, JR. JOSEPH WILLIAMSON FLICKWIR. FLINT, SAMUEL ( -1777), Captain, Danvers, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel Timothy Pick- ering, Jr.’s, Regiment of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-21, 1775; Captain, Colonel Samuel Willis’s Regi- ment, December 10, 1775—January 25, 1776; Captain, Second Com- pany, Colonel Henry Herrick’s Regiment, 1776; Captain, Colonel Samuel Johnson’s Regiment, August 18—October 7, 1777, Massachu- setts Militia ; reported killed October 7, 1777. RALPH CURRIER PUTNAM. FLOWER, BILDAD (1750-1782), Private, Captain Ebenezer Webber’s Company, Colonel John Fellows’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 8—July, 1775; re-enlisted, for three years, April 18, 1781. EpwarD Dimick ELLIs. FLOYD, WILLIAM (1734-1821), Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1774-1783; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; Member of the Provincial Convention of New York, April 20, 1775; Colonel, First Regiment, Suffolk County, New York Militia, 1775; Member of the Council of Safety of New York, 1777; Member of the New York Senate, 1777- 1788. *FLoyp HALL WHITE. FOOTE, ISAAC (1746-1842), Gunner, May 1, 1777; promoted Corporal, 1780, Colonel John Lamb’s Continental Artillery. ARTHUR REDINGTON FOOTE. FORD, BENJAMIN, Private, Major Henry Lee’s Partisan Legion, Continental Army. James HOLLENBACK SHERRERD. 304 Roll of Ancestors. FORSTER, REV. JACOB (1732-1798), Chaplain, Colonel James Scammon’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May, 1775. ALBERT FORSTER DAMON. * EDWIN ADAMS Damon. FOSTER, DANIEL (1762-1833), Private, Captain Jeremiah Putnam’s Company and Captain Simon Brown’s Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade’s Regiment, July 15, 1778 —January 1, 1779; Corporal, Captain Jeremiah Putnam’s Company, Colonel Nathan Tyler’s Regiment, July 8, 1779—January 1, 1780, Massachusetts Militia; Private, Lieutenant Taylor’s Company, Second Regiment, June 5, 1780; Sergeant, Captain Joseph Bates’s Company, Fourteenth Regiment; Sergeant, Captain Joseph Bates’s Company, Seventh Regiment, Massachusetts Line ; discharged January 9, 1781. RuFus JAMES FOSTER. FOSTER, THOMAS (1726- ), Private, Ipswich, Massachusetts, Company of Minute Men in the ‘ Lex- ington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775. Rurus JAMES FOSTER. FRALEY, FREDERICK (1742-1823), Private, Fifth Regiment of Foot, Ensign William Perkins commanding, Philadelphia Militia, September 21, 1782. JosEPH CRESSON FRALEY. ELI KIRK PRICE. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN (1706-1790), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; President of the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; President of the Committee of Safety of Pennsyl- vania, 1775-1776; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsyl- vania, 1775-1776 ; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; Com- missioner to France, September 26, 1776; Minister Plenipotentiary to Roll of Ancestors. 305 France, October 26, 1778-1785. Honorary Member of the Pennsyl- vania State Society of the Cincinnati. James May DUANE. RUSSELL DUANE. CHARLES HODGE. Rev. FRANcIS BLANCHARD HopGe, D.D. HuGuH Bayarp HODGE. THomMaAS LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. WI iiaM PEPPER, JR., M.D. RICHARD NORRIS WILLIAMS. FRAZER, PERSIFOR (1736-1792), Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Captain, First Company, January 5, 1776; promoted Major, October 3, 1776, to rank from September 24, 1776, Fourth Pennsyl- vania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne; Lieutenant-Colonel Fifth Regiment, March 12, 1777, to rank from October 4, 1776, Pennsyl- vania Line; taken prisoner in the retreat from Brandywine, September 12, 1777, and confined in the Philadelphia jail; escaped March 17, 1778; commanded a Brigade at the Battle of Monmouth; resigned October 9, 1778; Commissioner of Purchases for Chester County, Pennsylvania, April 1, 1780; Brigadier-General, Pennsylvania Militia, May 25, 1782, and served to close of the war. * FRAZER ASHHURST. PreRSIFOR FRAZER, D.Sc. PERSIFOR FRAZER SMITH. FRAZER, WILLIAM (1752-1817), Captain, Delaware Light Horse. JAMES PATRIOT WILSON FRAZER. Paymaster REAH FRAZER, U.S.N. FRISBEE, HEZEKIAH ( —-1822), Lieutenant, Captain William Roland's Company, Sharon, Connecticut Militia, December 30, 1776. OLIVER PERRY SCAIFE, JR. WALTER BELL SCAIFE. 306 Roll of Ancestors. FULLER, JOSEPH (1723-1795), Private, Captain James Stedman’s Windham, Connecticut, Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-29, 1775; Private, Eighteenth Regiment, August 24, 1776—September 25, 1776; Captain of same, 1778, Connecticut Militia. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. FULLER, JOSHUA (1753-1815), Private, Captain Joseph Walker’s Company, Third Regiment, Colonel Samuel Blatchey Webb, Connecticut Line, February 1, 1781—Decem- ber 31, 1781. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. GALLOWAY, JOHN (1740-1780), Lieutenant, First Brigade, General John Cadwalader, 1777; Matross, Captain Samuel Massay’s Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, 1777, Philadelphia Militia. JOSEPH GRANVILLE LEACH. MEREDITH BIDDLE LEACH. GARBER, BENEDICT (1732-1817), Private, Fourth Company, Captain Jacob Peterman, Sixth Battalion, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780. Lieutenant HENRY MELCHIOR MUHLENBERG RICHARDS, U.S.N. GARDNER, CALEB (1739-1806), Captain, 1775; Major, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1776; First Regi- ment, Rhode Island Militia; as a ‘‘Captain of Marine,’ he piloted the French Fleet out of the harbor of Newport, Rhode Island, 1781. EDMUND JENNINGS LEE, M.D. GEARHART, JACOB (1735-1813), Sergeant, promoted successively Ensign, and Captain, Second Regi- ment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia, 1776-1779. CHARLES PERRY GEARHART. JessE BEAVER GEARHART, * WILSON METTLER GEARHART. Roll of Ancestors. 307 GEIGER, JOHN L. (1763-1838), Drummer, Captain Michael Smith’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Arthur Irwin, August, 1776; Private, Captain Amandus Yost’s Company, Colonel James McMaster’s Battalion ; Private, Captain Abra- ham Kachlein’s Company ; Private, Captain David Mellenger’s Com- pany, Third Battalion, 1777, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia. REUBEN ALVAN BEISEL. *JoHN L. GEIGER. GEYER, ANDREW (1747-1833), Captain, General John Cadwalader’s Brigade, 1777; Lieutenant, Seventh Company, Captain James Pickering, Third Battalion, Lieuten- ant-Colonel William Will commanding, April 15, 1780; Captain, Com- pany of Foot, Third Battalion, 1781, Philadelphia Militia. JoHN HarTMANN Riera, M.D. GIBBONS, WILLIAM (1737-1803), Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Battalion, Chester County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lan- caster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Colonel, Seventh Battalion, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777 ; Commissioner to Seize the Personal Effects of Traitors, October 21, 1777. RICHARD JacosBs ALLEN, JR. GIBBS, MARTIN (1732-1820), Private, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia. THomAs Moore LONGCOPE. GILBERT, MATTHIAS (1746-1823), Ensign, Second Company, Captain Peter Merlin, Third Battalion, Colonel Jacob Morgan, Jr., 1777; Ensign, Captain Conrad Rush’s Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Jonathan Bayard Smith, August 2, 1777, Philadelphia Militia. JosEPH GRANVILLE LEACH. MEREDITH BIDDLE LEACH. 308 Roll of Ancestors. GILMAN, SAMUEL (1732-1799), Captain, Second Regiment, Colonel Enoch Poor, June 18, 1775; Pri- vate, Captain John Langdon’s Independent Company, 1777, New Hampshire Militia ; at Trenton, Princeton, and Saratoga. FRANK BATTLES. GILPIN, JOSEPH (1725-1790), Deputy to the Maryland Convention of 1776, CHARLES MONTEITH GILPIN. WILLIAM PARTRIDGE GILPIN. GOBIN, CHARLES, Second Lieutenant, First Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Nicholas Lutz, May 17, 1777; Captain, Sixth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Hiester commanding, May 10, 1780, Berks County, Pennsyl- vania Militia. JOHN PETER SHINDEL GOBIN. GODFREY, DAVID (1761-1801), Private, Captain Seth Marvin’s Company, Colonel John Hathron’s Regiment, Orange County, New York Militia, 1776-1778. JOHN BaLL OsBoRNE. GORDON, JAMES (1746-1792), Second Lieutenant, Captain Nathan Adams’s Company, ‘‘ Delaware Regiment,’’ Colonel John Haslet, Delaware Line, January 19—Decem- ber, 1776. JAMES DEWAELE COOKMAN. GOVETT, JOSEPH (1739- ), Private, Captain John McGinley’s Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, April 25, 1779. ANNESLEY RICHARDSON GOVETT. GRAFF, JACOB, JR. (1751-1793), First Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Watkins’s Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Joseph Marsh's Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, August 31, 1780. EDWARD AUGUSTINE GROVES. . EDMUND GRAFF HaAMERSLY. Moll of Ancestors. 309 GRAHAM, MICHAEL (1746-1814), Private, Captain James Cowden’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, March 13, 1776; Private, Captain John Reed’s Company, Colonel Timothy Green’s Battalion, July 24, 1776, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. OGDEN DUNGAN WILKINSON. GRANT, LEWIS (1737-1785), Corporal, February 26, 1776; promoted Sergeant March 5, 1776, Captain Rudolph Bunner’s Company, Second Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair; discharged October 1, 1776; First Lieu- tenant, Seventh Company, First Battalion, Colonel William Bradford, Philadelphia Militia, 1777-1778. THoMAS REHRER OSBOURN. GRAY, GEORGE (1725-1800), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1775— 1776; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1776-1777 ; Member of the Committee to Superintend printing Bills of Credit, June 30, 1775; Chairman of the Board of War of Pennsylvania, March 13, 1777; Standard Bearer, First Battalion, Philadelphia Asso- ciators, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania. GEORGE KNOWLES CROZER. GEORGE KNOWLES CROZER, JR. SAMUEL ALRICH CROZER, JR. CHARLES HODGE. HuGcH BAayaRD HODGE, THomAS LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. ROBERT JOHN HOLMES. PRICE WETHERILL JANEWAY. GRAY, GEORGE ( —1803), Private, Captain Robert Hays’s Company, Third Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel John Siegfried commanding, Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania Militia, December 14, 1776—January 19, 1777; at Trenton and Princeton. Jacogp Butz HELLER, M.D. 310 Roll of Ancestors. GRAY, JEDUTHAN (1756-1830), Sergeant, Captain Noah Wheeler’s Company, Sixth Regiment, Colonel Roswell Hopkins, New York Levies, 1775. JEROME BETHEL GRay. GRAY, WILLIAM (1740-1807), Captain, Second Company, Second Battalion, Colonel James Potter, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Associators, January 24, 1776 ; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Assistant Paymaster, Pennsylvania Militia, June 26, 1781 ; at Trenton and Princeton. ROBERT GOODLOE Harper Hayes, M.D. GRAY, WILLIAM (1750-1804), First Lieutenant, Captain Casper Weitzel’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 15, 1776; captured at Long Island, August 27, 1776; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieutenant Thompson, Twenty-sixth British Foot; Captain, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 3, 1777; retired January 1, 1781. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM WEISER BRUNER. GRAYSON, REV. SPENCE (1734-1798), Chaplain, Colonel William Grayson’s Additional Continental Regiment, May, 1777; retired, April 22, 1779. CHARLES PREVOST Grayson, M.D. CLIFFORD PREVOST GRAYSON. FREDERICK WILLIAM GRAYSON, JR. GREEN, JOSEPH (1720-1802), Member of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1776; Private, Captain John Clark’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Philip Cole, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, September 26, 1776; Surgeon’s Mate to Dr. Allison, same company ; served later as Captain. WILLIAM CAMERON WALLS. Roll of Ancestors. 311 GREENAWALT, PHILIP LORENTZ (1725-1802), Colonel, First Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776- 1777 ; Agent to take subscriptions for Continental Loan, December 16, 1777; Agent for Forfeited Estates, May 6, 1778 ; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. FREDERICK BROOKS HUBBELL. GREENOUGH, EBENEZER (1753-1827), Private, Haverhill Artillery Company, Massachusetts Militia; at Bur- goyne’s surrender. JAMES SEGUIN DE BENNEVILLE. EBENEZER WILLIAM GREENOUGH. FRANKLIN PLATT. GREGG, ANDREW (1755-1835), Private, Pennsylvania Militia. WILLIAM WILSON CuRTIN. GRIER, DAVID (1741-1790), Member of the Committee of Observation and Correspondence of York County, Pennsylvania, December 16, 1774; Major, Colonel Richard McAllister’s Battalion, York County, Pennsylvania Associators, July 29, 1775 ; Captain, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine, January 9, 1776; promoted Major, October 25, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel, Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, ranking from October 2, 1776; retired January 1, 1781; slightly wounded at Brandywine, and severely at Paoli. GRIER HERSH. GRIER, MATTHEW (1714-1792), Private, Captain William McCalla’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators August 1, 1775; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1776-1778. HENRY MADEIRA. * Louis CEPHAS MADEIRA. Louis CHILDS MADEIRA, JR. Percy CHILDS MADEIRA. 312 Moll of Ancestors. GRIFFING, JOHN (1737-1822), Lieutenant, Twelfth Company, Third Regiment, Connecticut Militia. Pay-Inspector GEORGE HIRAM GRIFFING, U.S.N. GROSS, JOHN (1749-1823), First Lieutenant, Captain John Brisban’s Company, Second Pennsyl- vania Battalion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair, January 5, 1776; promoted Captain, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, November 25, 1776. EDWARD ZIEGLER GROSS. Joun KUNKEL Gross. GUMMEY, JOHN, SR. (1743-1811), Private, Captain Elijah Weed’s Company, Colonel Benjamin George Eyre’s Second Battalion of Foot, Philadelphia Militia, August 10, 1780. CHARLES FRANCIS GUMMEY, JR. GUSTINE, DR. LEMUEL (1749-1807), Acting Assistant-Surgeon to Surgeon William Hooker Smith, in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, Independent Companies attached to the Connecticut Line; Aid-de-Camp to Colonel Zebulon Butler at the Wyoming Massacre, 1778; one of the Signers of the Articles of Capitulation. ARCHIBALD LOUDON SNOWDEN. CHARLES RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. GEORGE RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. LLEWELLYN RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. ROBERT PATTERSON SNOWDEN. HALDEMAN, JACOB (1722-1783), Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1775; Corporal, Captain Joseph Work’s Company, First Lancaster County Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,”’ Colonel James Cunningham, 1776; Private, Captain Andrew Stewart's Company, Tenth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, April 13, 1781. DONALD CAMERON HALDEMAN. Horace LEANDER HALDEMAN. RICHARD CAMERON HALDEMAN. Roll of Ancestors. 313 HALE, JONATHAN (1718-1776), Captain, Sixth Company, Colonel Erastus Wolcott’s Regiment, Con- necticut Militia, January 1776; died in Camp at Jamaica Plains, Massa- chusetts, March 7, 1776. GEORGE HALE, M.D. HALL, ELIHU (1723-1790), Major, Susquehanna Battalion, Maryland Militia, January 6, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Maryland Militia; Ensign, First Regiment, April 17, 1777; First Lieutenant, July 15, 1779, Maryland Line; resigned June, 1781. WILLIAM HENRY ASHHURST. Horace Brock. JOHN WILLIAM BROCK. ROBERT COLEMAN HALL BROCK. JaMEs HERON CROSSMAN, JR. WILLIAM Macray HALL, JR. FRANCIS RAWLE. HALL, SAMUEL, Captain, Fifth Regiment of Light Horse, Major Elisha Sheldon com- manding, May, 1776; Captain, First Company, Battalion of Light Horse, Major Ebenezer Backus commanding, September—November, 1776, Connecticut Militia. Epwarp Dimick ELLIs. HAMILTON, JAMES (1743-1815), Private, Captain John Rowland’s Company, Colonel John Ferree's Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, July 5, 1775 ; First Lieutenant, Third Company, Seventh Battalion, Colonel John Boyd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, December 8, 1777. HumpurReEY DILLON TATE. HAMMOND, GEORGE (1734-1782), Captain, Thirteenth Company, First Regiment, Colonel Gamaliel Brad- ford, Jr., June 6, 1776; Captain, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regi- ment, October 28, 1778, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Militia. Harry ALDEN RICHARDSON. 21 314 Roll of Ancestors. HAMMOND, REZIN, Delegate to the Maryland Convention, July 1775; Colonel, Severn Battalion, Maryland Militia, March, 1776. WILLIAM BUEHLER HAMMOND. HAMPTON, DR. JOHN THOMAS (1752-1794), Surgeon, Colonel Enos Seeley’s Battalion, New Jersey State Troops. LEAROYD SILVESTER. HAMPTON, MOSES (1762-1825), Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia, 1775-1779. JOHN HAMPTON BARNES. HAND, DANIEL (1732-1816), Captain, Colonel Elizur Talcott’s Regiment, March 21—April 18, 1776 ; Captain, Sixth Company, Seventh Regiment, 1776, Connecticut Militia ; at Long Island. *JoHN HILL BRINTON, JR. HARDIN, THOMAS (1756-1847), Private, Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; captured at Trenton and escaped from captivity. PaRK PAINTER. HARDING, STEPHEN (1723-1789), Member of the Committee of Inspection of Westmoreland County, Connecticut, August 1, 1775; Captain, Seventh Company, Twenty- fourth Regiment, Colonel Zebulon Butler, Connecticut Militia, October, 1775; in command at Fort Jenkins, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, where he was captured, July 2, 1778. JOHN SLOSSON HARDING. ARCHIE CARVER SHOEMAKER. HARKNESS, WILLIAM (1739-1822), Ensign, First Company, Captain John Mateer, Third Battalion, Colonel William Chambers, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, July 31, Roll of Ancestors. 2x6 1777, and May 14, 1778; at Brandywine, Germantown, White Marsh, and Valley Forge. James McCormick LAMBERTON. * ROBERT ALEXANDER LAMBERTON, LL.D. HARRIS, EPHRAIM (1732-1794), Private, New Jersey Militia; Member of the Committee of Safety of Cumberland County, New Jersey ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1776. FRANKLIN LAWRENCE SHEPPARD. HowarpD REYNOLDS SHEPPARD. HARRIS, THOMAS ( —1781), Chairman of the Committee of Safety of Cumberland County, New Jersey, 1775. FRANKLIN LAWRENCE SHEPPARD. HowaRD REYNOLDS SHEPPARD. HARRIS, THOMAS (1747- ), Private, Captain James Webb's Rhode Island Company, Colonel Henry Sherburne’s Additional Continental Regiment, November 4, 1777. Rev. ARNOLD Harris HorpD. HARRISON, WILLIAM, JR. (1720-1787), Captain, Second Battalion, Colonel Joseph Ellis, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. HART, JOHN (1711-1780), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1774-1776, and Vice-President thereof, 1776; Member of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1774-1 776; a Signer of the Declaration of Indepen- dence; Speaker of the First Assembly of New Jersey, 1776-1779 ; Member of the Committee of Safety of New Jersey ; Chairman of the Council of Safety of New Jersey, 1777-1778 ; Member of the Commit- tee to Sign Continental Currency. JoHN Hart. Horace MAGEE. RICHARD DALE SPARHAWK. 316 Roll of Ancestors, HART, JOSEPH (1715-1788), Chairman of the Committee of Safety of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1774-1776; Vice-President of the Provincial Conference of Pennsyl- vania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, July 23, 1777; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1777; Colonel, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,”’ July 9, 1776; Lieutenant of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, March 26, 1780; Member of the Council of Censors, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, October 20, 1783. WILLIAM Watts Hart Davlis. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HART. JaMEs WaTTs MERCUR. JoHn Davis Mercur, M.D. RopNeEy AuGustus MERCUR. ULyssEeS MERCUR. HART, JOSIAH (1749-1800), Captain, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Associators; Colonel, Second Battalion of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Captain, Second Company, Fourth Bat- talion, Colonel William Dean, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. James Watts MERCUR. Joun Davis Mercur, M.D. RopnEy AuGustus MERCUR. ULysses MERCUR. HASLET, JOHN ( -1777), Colonel, ‘‘ Delaware Regiment,’’ Delaware Line, January 19, 1776; killed at the battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777. James Darracu, M.D. HASLETT, WILLIAM, Member of the Committee of Observation of Caroline County, Mary- land; Captain, Colonel William Whiteley’s Battalion of the Maryland “Flying Camp,’’ 1776. WALTER FERDINAND HALL. Roll of Ancestors. 317 HATHAWAY, JOSHUA (1727-1807), Second Major, Second Bristol Company, Colonel Edward Pope’s Regi- ment, Massachusetts Militia, February 8, 1776, and December 8, 1776. FRANK EARLE SCHERMERHORN. HAUSE, MICHAEL (1751-1797), Private, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; Private, Captain Bowman’s Company, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780-1783. Rev. Horace EDWIN HAyDEN. HAVERSTICK, WILLIAM (1753-1823), Ensign, Second Lieutenant, Captain Charles Willson Peale’s Company, Second Battalion, and Fourth Battalion, Colonel John Bubenheim Bayard, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain Lazarus Pine’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Sharp Delany, Philadelphia Militia; at Princeton. GEORGE HENRY HAVERSTICK. HAY, MELCHIOR (1726-1794), Member of the Committee of Observation of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, December 21, 1774; Captain, Williams Township Com- pany, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Associators, May 22, 1775. PENNELL COOMBE EVANS. CHARLES ROBERT HORN. Rev. Epwarp TRAILL Horn, D.D. FRANK MELCHIOR HORN. Harry YOHE Horn, M.D. HAY, WILLIAM ( —1812), First Lieutenant, ‘Liberty Company,’’ Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania Associators, May 17, 1775 ; Major, August 18, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel, August 30, 1776, First Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel James Cunningham ; Com- missary of Forage, Quartermaster’s Department. Henry GuRLEY Hay. CHARLES THOMPSON VANCE. 318 Roll of Ancestors. HAYDEN, THOMAS (1745-1817), Sergeant, Captain Nathaniel Hayden’s Company of Windsor, Con- necticut, in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Ebenezer F. Bissell’s Company, Connecticut Militia, July 17, 1775; Sergeant-Major, Eighth Regiment, August 11, 1775; Second Lieu- tenant, Seventeenth Regiment, January 1, 1776; Adjutant of same, October 20, 1776, Continental Infantry ; First Lieutenant, Third Regi- ment, Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777; Adjutant, Colonel Zebulon Butler’s Regiment, April 8, 1777; Lieutenant, Provisional Regiment, 1781; First Lieutenant, Captain John Francis’s Company, First Regi- ment, June 20, 1782, Connecticut Militia; discharged with his com- mand, 1783. Rev. Horace EpwIn HayDEN. HAYMAN, WILLIAM (1740-1823), Captain, Ship ‘‘ Hope,’’ Pennsylvania Navy. HvuGH JoNES BROOKE. HUNTER BROOKE, JR. EDWIN JAMES HALEY. HEATH, DAVID ( —1820), Private, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. Major CHARLES HEATH HEyL, U.S.A. HEILMAN, JOHN ADAM (1745-1827), Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associa- tors, August 28, 1775. SAMUEL PHILIP HEILMAN, M.D. HELLER, JACOB (1750-1822), Lieutenant, Seventh Company, Captain George Engle, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Abraham Labar, May 21, 1777; Captain, Second Battalion, August, 1781, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Militia. Joun EYERMAN. Jacos Butz HELLER, M.D. CHARLES ROBERT HORN. Rev. EDWARD TRAILL Horn, D.D. FRANK MELCHIOR Horn. Harry YOHE Horn, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 319 HELLERMAN, JACOB (1762-1822), Sergeant, Captain Philip Wagener’s Company, Colonel William Will’s Battalion, Fourth Class of Philadelphia Militia, September 9, 1777. JOHN GILMOUR RODGERS. HENDERSON, SAMUEL (1730-1790), Private, Captain John McTeer’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel James Dunlap, July 28, 1777; Private, Captain John McTeer’s Com- pany, Third Battalion, Colonel Samuel Dunlap, July 14, 1778, Cumber- land County, Pennsylvania Militia. Rev. IRwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Lirt.D. JosEPH ALEXANDER McCurpy. HENDRY, SAMUEL (1738-1824), Ensign, November 27, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, September 5, 1776, Captain James Lawnrie’s Company, Second Battalion, First Establish- ment; Second Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Stout’s Company, November 29, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Ephraim Anderson’s Company, February 5, 1777, Second Battalion, Second Establishment ; Captain- Lieutenant, Second Regiment; Captain in same, July 5, 1779, New Jersey Line. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cin- cinnati. PauL AUGUSTINE HENDRY. HENNION, CORNELIUS ( —1800), Ensign, Captain Samuel Potter’s Company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7, 1776; promoted Second Lieutenant, July 19, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain William Gifford’s Company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; Captain of same, November 1, 1777, New Jersey Line; severely wounded at Short Hills, New Jersey, June 26, 1777, and discharged, on account of wounds, April 1, 1778. WASHINGTON BLEDDYN POWELL. HENRY, WILLIAM (1729-1786), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1774; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1776 ; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1777; Dedimus 320 Roll of Ancestors. Potestatem, September 25, 1778, and February 14, 1781; Armourer and Assistant Commissary-General of Pennsylvania, September 4, 1778; Assistant Quartermaster, and Commissary of Military Stores, 1779; President Judge of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, November 18, 1780; one of the Commissioners from Pennsylvania to the Con- vention held at Philadelphia, January 5, 1780, to limit prices of mer- chandise; Treasurer of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, October 20, 1783; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1784- 1786. THomMas HENRY ATHERTON. Ewine Jorpan, M.D. JOHN WooLF JORDAN. REv. WALTER JORDAN. HERBACH, YOST (1741-1831), Captain, York County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,”’ September 11, 1776; Captain, Seventh Company, Second Battalion, Colonel William Rankin, York County, Pennsylvania Militia, October 1, 1777, and April 5, 1778. EDWARD WEBSTER SPANGLER. HERMAN, MARTIN (1732-1804), Private, Captain Mathias Sellers’s Company, First Battalion, January 19, 1777; Private, Captain John Trindel’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel John Davis, July 28, 1777; Private, Third Battalion, July, 1778, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. JoHN ARMSTRONG HERMAN. HERSTER, ANDREW ( -1776), Sergeant, Captain John Arndt’s Company, Northampton County, Penn- sylvania Battalion, Colonel Peter Kachlein, forming part of the “Flying Camp,’’ commanded by Colonel Joseph Hart, July 9, 1776; captured at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776, and confined on the prison-ship ‘‘Jersey’’ until his death, December 25, 1776. JOHN EYERMAN. HEWES, GEORGE ROBERT TWELVES (1742-1840), Present at the ‘‘Boston Massacre,” March 5, 1770; Member of the «Boston Tea-Party,"’ December 16, 1773, and Boatswain of one of the Roll of Ancestors. 321 attacking parties ; Volunteer Seaman under Captain Thomas Stacy, on American privateer “ Diamond,’’ 1776, which captured British ships “Star and Garter,’’ “Jane,’’ ‘‘ Friendship,’’ and brig ‘‘ Mars ;’’ served in 1778 on Connecticut State brig-of-war ‘‘ Defence,’’ Captain Samuel Smedley ; captured, April, 1778, Letters-of-Marque ‘‘ Admiral Keppel’’ and ‘‘Cyrus,’’ and in June following the British ship ‘‘ Revenge ;” from 1778 to close of war in active service in Militia on coast defence duty under Captain George, in Rhode Island, and in General McDou- gal’s forces, under Captain Barney, along Hudson River and at West Point. COLEMAN SELLERS, JR. HORACE WELLS SELLERS. HEYL, GEORGE ( -1815), Private, Captain Tench Francis’s Company, First Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel James Reed commanding, Philadelphia Militia, August, 1781. THOMAS TILLINGHAST DUFFIELD. GEORGE ANTHONY HEYL. HEYL, PHILIP (1739-1811), Ensign, Third Battalion, Colonel John Cadwalader, Philadelphia Asso- ciators, February 2, 1775; Ensign in General John Cadwalader'’s Brigade, Philadelphia Militia, 1777. Jacop EsHerR HEYL. JouHN BERNARD RASER. HIESTER, JOSEPH (1752-1832), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Captain, First Company, Berks County, Pennsyl- vania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Henry Haller, 1776; captured and confined on prison-ship ‘‘ Jersey ;"’ exchanged for Captain Strong, Twenty-sixth British Foot, December 8, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Nicholas Lutz, May 17, 1777; Commissioner to Seize Personal Effects of Traitors, October 21, 1777 ; Colonel, Fourth Battalion, 1778; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Battalion, May 27, 1780, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia; wounded at Ger- mantown ; Commissioner of Exchange, April 5, 1779. Davip McMurTRIE GREGG, JR. FREDERICK HUNTER MUHLENBERG. 322 Roll of Ancestors. HILLARD, JOSEPH (1737- ), Sergeant, Captain Samuel Gale’s Killingsworth, Connecticut, Company of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,” April 20-26, 1775 ; Ensign, Third Company, July 6, 1775 ; Lieutenant, Seventh Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, September 1—December 10, 1775; Ensign, First Company, Colonel Samuel Mott’s Battalion, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, 1777, Connecticut Militia. TUTHILL REYNOLDS HILLARD. HILLEGAS, MICHAEL (1729-1804), Member of the Provincial Assembly, 1765-1775; Member of the Committee to audit and settle accounts General Loan Office, and other public accounts; Member of the Committee of Observation of Phila- delphia, 1774-1775; Member and Treasurer of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, June 30, 1775, and April 6, 1776—December, 1777; Provincial Treasurer of Pennsylvania, May 30, 1776; Conti- nental Treasurer, July 29, 1775—August 6, 1776; Treasurer of the United States, August 6, 1776—September 11, 1789. Captain HENRY HoBart BELLAS, U.S.A. HENRY KUHL DILLARD. WILLIAM AuGustTUS HEWES, Davip McKnicut Hosart. HENRY KuuL KELLY. Henry KuuHL NICHOLS. WILLIAM RUDOLPH SMITH. FRANCIS NICHOLS WHITNEY. HINKLE, PHILIP, Private, Captain William McCalla’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 21, 1775. Louis PLUMER PosEy, M.D. WILLIAM CAMPBELL Posey, M.D. HODGE, HUGH (1755-1798), Surgeon, Third Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel John Shee, February 7, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, New York, November 16, 1776, CHARLES HODGE. Rev. Francis BLANCHARD HopcGe, D.D. REv. GEORGE WooLsey HopcE. HuGuH BayarpD HOopGE. THomAS LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. (Leite 1729-1804 Roll of Ancestors. 323 HOFFMAN, JOHN (1746-1831), First Lieutenant, Captain Albright Deibler’s Company, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776-1777 ; Captain, Colonel James Burd’s Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1778-1779. JoHN RITTENHOUSE HOFFMAN. HOLBERTON, WILLIAM (1740-1797), Private, Captain Stephen Burroughs’s Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, 1778-1780; served also in Lieutenant William Hall’s Guard, and in the commands of Lieutenant Trowbridge and Nathan Seely, of Connecticut. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. HOLLAND, GEORGE (1733- ), Second Lieutenant, Fourteenth Regiment, March 10, 1777; First Lieu- tenant, October 4, 1777; transferred to Tenth Regiment, September 14, 1778, Virginia Line, and was still in service in 1780; at White Plains and Valley Forge. James WILLIAM HOLLAND, M.D. HOLLENBACK, MATTHIAS (1752-1829), Ensign, Sixth Company, or ‘‘ Trained Band,” Twenty-fourth Regiment, Colonel Zebulon Butler, Connecticut Militia, October 17, 1775 ; Ensign, Captain Samuel Ransom’s Independent Company, of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line, August 26, 1776; at Trenton, Princeton, Millstone, Brandywine, and the Wyoming Massacre. ANDRE ALDEN BEAUMONT. ROBERT HODKINSON LANING. ANDREW HAMILTON MCCLINTOCK. Henry HunTER WELLES, JR. Jacosp RipGway WRIGHT. HOLLIDAY, ADAM ( —1801), Private, Captain Thomas Paxton’s Company, Bedford County, Penn- sylvania Rangers, October 1o—November 13, 1776. WILLIAM FILLER LUTZ. 324 Roll of Ancestors. HOLLIDAY, JOHN (1747-1823), First Lieutenant, Captain Robert Cluggage’s Company, Colonel William Thompson's Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, June 25, 1775; First Lieutenant, First Regiment, January 1, 1776; promoted Captain, Sep- tember 25, 1776, Pennsylvania Line ; resigned December 8, 1778. RogBert Lowry HOtiipay. WILLIAM FILLER Lutz. HOLLINGSWORTH, HENRY (1737-1803), Lieutenant-Colonel, January 3, 1776; Colonel, June 7, 1781, Elk Battalion, Cecil County, Maryland Militia; Commissary-General of Militia for the Eastern Shore of Maryland, 1781 ; at Brandywine. CHARLES MONTEITH GILPIN. WILLIAM PARTRIDGE GILPIN. HOLLINGSWORTH, LEVI (1739-1824), Quartermaster-Sergeant, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1776-1777. HAMPTON LAWRENCE CARSON. GALLOWAY CHESTON Morris. HOLLINSHEAD, JOHN (1748-1798), First Lieutenant, Captain James Lawrie’s Company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 27, 1775; First Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Brearley’s Company, Second Battalion, First Establishment, November 29, 1776; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, February 5, 1777; Captain, Second Regiment; Major, Third Regiment, July 5, 1779, New Jersey Line; resigned November 20,1781. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. PERSIFOR FRAZER, D.Sc. EDWARD PEPPER, M.D. CHARLES LEWIS STOVELL. FREDERICK DAVANT STOVELL. HOPKINSON, FRANCIS (1737-1791), Member of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1776-1777 ; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Judge of the Court of Admiralty for Pennsylvania, July 16, 1779. JAMEs SwAIm HOPKINSON. OLIVER Hopkinson, Jr., M.D. WILLIAM FRANCIS HOPKINSON. Roll of Ancestors. 325 HOPPIN, BENJAMIN (1747-1809), Lieutenant, Captain Asa Kimball’s Company, Colonel Henry Babcock’s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, January 15, 1776; Captain, Second Regiment, Rhode Island State Troops, Colonel Christopher Lippitt, August 19, 1776—March, 1777; Captain, Colonel Joseph Stanton’s Regiment, Rhode Island State Troops, June, 1777. Isaac STARR, JR. HORN, ABRAHAM (1757-1826), Sergeant, Captain Thomas Craig’s Company, Second Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair, January 5, 1776; Drummer, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, April 17, 1777-1781. PENNELL COOMBE EVANS. CHARLES ROBERT HORN. Rev. Epwarp TRAILL Horn, D.D. FRANK MELCHIOR Horn. HARRY YOHE Horn, M.D. HORTON, DANIEL (1744-1807), Ensign, Captain Robert Bloomer’s Company, Second Regiment, Colonel Thomas Thomas, October 9, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Marcus Moseman’s Company, Second Regiment, May, 1780 ; Sergeant, Captain John Drake’s Company, Third Regiment, Colonel Samuel Drake, No- vember, 1780, Westchester County, New York Militia. Henry HortTON LAWRENCE. HORTON, JOHN, Lieutenant, Third Company, ‘‘ Western Regiment,” Morris County, New Jersey Militia. MILLER HORTON COOKE. HOSKINSON, BASIL (1752-1834), Private, Captain John Baldwin’s Company, Colonel Edward Hand’s Regiment, 1777-1778; Private, Captain William Lucas’s Company, Colonel Philip Pendleton’s Regiment, 1778-1779, Virginia Line ; served eighteen months ; at Valley Forge. THOMAS JULIUS HOSKINSON. 326 Roll of Ancestors. HOUGH, ISAAC (1726-1786), Private, Warminster Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775; Member of Committees under the Committee of Safety of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1776-1777. OLIVER HouGu. HOUSTON, DR. JOHN (1742-1809), Member of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence of York County, Pennsylvania, 1774-1775 ; Surgeon, Fifth Pennsylvania Bat- talion, Colonel Robert Magaw, 1776; Surgeon in Military Hospital, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1776-1777. * HENRY Howarp Houston. SAMUEL FREDERIC HOUSTON. Joun Houston MERRILL. HOUSTON, WILLIAM CHURCHILL (1740-1788), Captain, Second Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia, Feb- ruary 28, 1776; Member of the Council of Safety of New Jersey ; Member of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1779-1782, and 1784-1785, and for a time Secretary thereof; Comptroller of the Treasury, 1781. CHARLES ESTE. * WILLIAM CHURCHILL Houston. WILLIAM CHURCHILL Houston. FRANCIS CHURCHILL WILLIAMS. HOWE, PERLEY, Cornet, Captain Samuel McLellan’s Company of Killingly, Connect- icut Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April, 1775; Lieutenant, Captain Amasa Keyes’s Company, 1776; Captain, Fourth Regiment, Major Ebenezer Backus commanding, Connecticut Light Horse, May —November, 1776. FRANK PERLEY Howe. HERBERT MARSHALL Howe, M.D. HOWELL, AARON, Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. CHARLES HARKNESS HOWELL. Roll of Ancestors. 327 HOWELL, EBENEZER (1748-1791), Major, Colonel Silas Newcomb’s Battalion, ‘‘ Heard’s Brigade,’’ New Jersey Militia, June 22, 1776; Major, Fourth Battalion, Second Estab- lishment, New Jersey Line, November 28, 1776; resigned February 17, 1777. WILLIAM HENRY INGHAM. HOWELL, JACOB SAMUEL (1749-1793), Secretary of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1776-1777 ; Secretary of the Board of War of Pennsylvania, March 14, 1777; Receiver-General of Clothing of Pennsylvania, with rank of Colonel, April 8, 1779. EDWARD HOWELL WILSON. HOWELL, JOHN LADD (1739-1785), Private, Light Infantry Company of Philadelphia, 1775 ; Deputy Com- missary of Provisions, Second Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair, March, 1776; Assistant Commissary of Purchases, with rank of Captain, Continental Army, 1778; at Valley Forge. CHARLES HODGE. HuGH Bayarp HODGE. Tuomas LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. BENJAMIN PASCHALL HOWELL. *JosHuaA Lapp HowELL. HOWELL, READING (1743-1827), Quartermaster, Second Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. JoHN HowELL WHEELER. MONTGOMERY WILCOX. HOYT, DANIEL (1756-1824), Private, Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Brad- ley’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, June 21, 1776—January I1, 1777. Henry Martyn Hoyt, Jr. HUBLEY, ADAM, JR. (1752-1793), First Lieutenant, First Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel John Philip De Haas, Sr., October 27, 1775; Major, Tenth Regiment, Pennsylvania 328 Roll of Ancestors, Line, December 6, 1776; transferred to Colonel Thomas Hartley’s Additional Continental Regiment, January 12, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel, Tenth Regiment, March 12, 1777, to rank from October 4, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, ‘‘ New Eleventh’’ Regiment, June 5, 1779, to rank from February 13, 1779, Pennsylvania Line ; retired January 17,1781. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM FREDERICK REYNOLDS. HUGG, JOSEPH ( -1796), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775-1776. JosEPH SPENCER KENNARD, JR. HUGHES, ISAAC (1747-1782), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 1775; Major, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, July 13, 1776, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,”’ Colonel Robert Lewis; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Member of the Penn- sylvania Assembly, 1776-1777. CHARLES WILLIAM Potts. * WILLIAM JOHN PoTrTs. HUGHES, MEMUCAN (1739- Ne Paymaster, Cape May County, New Jersey Militia, July 6, 1776; Com- missary, Commissary-General’s Department of New Jersey. PauL HENRY BARNES, JR. HUGHES, SAMUEL (1742-1785), Private, Captain James Taylor’s Company, Fourth Pennsylvania Bat- talion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, March 26, 1776; Ensign, Sixth Company, Seventh Battalion, Colonel John Boyd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. Henry Doucias HuGHEs. Roll of Ancestors. 329 HULL, JACOB (1750-1804), Private, Captain Christopher Kucher’s Company, First Battalion, Phila- delphia Associators, December 19, 1776; Private, Captain Isaac Cooper’s Company, Colonel William Bradford’s Battalion, September 14, 1778; Private, Captain Philip Wagener’s Company, Second Regi- ment of Foot, November 1, 1781, Philadelphia Militia. * MORDECAI Dawson Evans. Rev. Horace EDWIN HAYDEN. HUMES, SAMUEL (1755-1836), Private, Captain Robert Buyers’s Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Christopher Crawford, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, January 13, 1777. EpwarD STALKER SAYRES. HARRY SAYRES. HUMPHREY, JACOB (1751-1826), Captain, Sixth Regiment, February 15, 1777; transferred to the First Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line; served to June 3, 1783; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, and Yorktown; wounded slightly at Trenton, and severely at Mon- mouth, and in a subsequent engagement received a wound laming him for life. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. JoEL Jackson BAILy. Joun Baity FILson. HURLBUT, CHRISTOPHER (1757-1831), Private, Captain Tree’s Company, Colonel Christopher Lippitt’s Regi- ment, Rhode Island Militia, January 1, 1776—January, 1777; at Trenton. HENRY Martyn HovtT, JR. HUSTON, THOMAS (1739-1824), First Lieutenant, armed boat “Franklin,’’ September 2, 1775; pro- moted to Captain of the ‘‘ Warren,”’ March 11, 1776; transferred to the brig ‘Convention,’ August 17, 1778, Pennsylvania Navy. EDWARD WARREN STURDEVANT. 22 330 WRoll of Ancestors. HUTCHINS, GORDON (1733-1815), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, December 18, 1776—March 4, 1777; Captain, First Regiment, Colonel John Stark, May 23—December, 1775; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Nahum Baldwin's Regiment, September 17—December, 1776, New Hamp- shire Militia; at Bunker Hill, where he was wounded, and at White Plains. HENRY HuNTER WELLES, JR. HUTCHINS, HEZEKIAH (1727-1796), Captain, Third Regiment, Colonel James Reed, New Hampshire Militia, June 17, 1775. LEAROYD SILVESTER. Rev. WILLIAM WALLACE SILVESTER, S.T.D. HUTCHINSON, DR. JAMES (1752-1793), Surgeon’s Mate, July 31, 1778; Surgeon, February 1, 1779, Pennsyl- vania Navy; Director-General of Militia Hospitals of Pennsylvania, August 8, 1780; Director of the Hospitals, Physician-General and Surgeon-General of Pennsylvania, October 6, 1781; served to close of the war. CHARLES HARE HUTCHINSON. PEMBERTON SYDNEY HUTCHINSON. SyDNEY EMLEN HUTCHINSON. SypNEY PEMBERTON HUTCHINSON. INGELS, GEORGE (1746-1827), Superintendent of Gun-Carriages, Pennsylvania Board of War, 1777; Captain, First Battalion, Colonel William Bradford, Philadelphia Militia, 1780. GEORGE INGELS MAcLEoD, Jr., M.D. INGERSOLL, JARED (1749-1822), Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1780-1781. ARTHUR VINCENT Meics, M.D. Witiiam Montcomery Metes, M.D. LG , oH J ey ; e oii. LL ACV AD Roll of Ancestors. 331 INGHAM, JONAS (1746-1820), Second Lieutenant, Fifth Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, May 6, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain Henry Darrah’s Company, on detached duty under Lieutenant-Colonel John Lacey, November 1, 1777 ; promoted Captain, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, May 19, 1779, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia. ELLERY PERCY INGHAM. INSKEEP, JOHN (1757-1834), Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia ; promoted Captain; Commissary of Issues, Commissary-General’s De- partment of New Jersey. CHARLES SYDNEY BRADFORD, JR. THOMAS HEwsON BRADFORD, M.D. RUSSELL DUANE. IRISH, NATHANIEL (1737-1816), Captain, Colonel Benjamin Flower's Regiment of Artillery Artificers, Pennsylvania Line, February 7, 1777; served to the close of 1781. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. DALLAS CADWALLADER IRISH. IRWIN, MATTHEW (1740-1800), Quartermaster-General, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, Pennsylvania Militia, September 14, 1777; Private, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1779-1780-1781. GEORGE BROOKE, JR. JACKSON, DAVID (1736- ), Private, Captain David Smith’s Company, Eighth Regiment, Colonel Giles Russell, March 29, 1777—April 1, 1778; Private, Captain Stephen Betts’s Company, Third Regiment, February 28, 1781— December 31, 1781, Connecticut Line. STUART WELLS JACKSON. JACKSON, JOSIAH (1730- ), Private, Captain Noah Miles’s Westminster, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel John Whitcomb’s Regiment, Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,"’ April 19-30, 1775; Private, Captain Elisha Jackson’s Com- pany, Major Ebenezer Bridge commanding Regiment, August 11-22, 332 Roll of Ancestors. 1777; Sergeant, Captain Nathaniel Carter's Company, Colonel Job Cushing’s Regiment, September 7—October 22, 1777, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia. EBENEZER BURGESS WARREN. JAMES, JOHN (1739-1794), Ensign, Third Regiment, April 1, 1777; Second Lieutenant, April 10, 1777; First Lieutenant, July 13, 1779, Maryland Line. HERBERT Hart Boyp. JAMESON, JOHN (1750-1782), Private at the Wyoming Massacre, 1778; Lieutenant, Captain Solomon Strong’s Company, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia ; killed by Indians in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, July 8, 1782. CHARLES WILLIAM LEE. JANEWAY, GEORGE (1741- ), A Signer of the Call for the Provincial Congress of New York, April 26, 1775; Captain, New York City Militia, August 29, 1775; Captain, Second Regiment, New York City Militia, October 27, 1775. CHARLES HODGE. HuGH BayARD HODGE. Tuomas LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. PRICE WETHERILL JANEWAY. JAQUETT, JOSEPH ( -1776), Third Lieutenant, April 6, 1776; Second Lieutenant, May 28, 1776, Captain Lewis Farmer’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles; killed at the battle of Long Island. EDWIN JAQUETT SELLERS. JEFFRIES, JOHN (1759-1832), Private, York County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776-1777 ; Second Lieutenant, Second Company, Captain Robert Jeffries, Seventh Bat- talion, Colonel David Kennedy, April 5, 1775; First Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Captain Peter Ford, First Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel Henry Miller commanding, June 17, 1779, York County, Pennsylvania Militia ; at Brandywine. Joun Haut RANKIN. Roll of Ancestors. 333 JEFFRIES, JOSEPH (1736-1814), Member of the Committee of Observation of York County, Pennsyl- vania, 1774-1776 ; Major, Third Battalion, York County, Pennsylvania Associators, July 28, 1775 ; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania ; Colonel, Fifth Battalion, April 5, 1778, York County, Pennsylvania Militia; Assistant Wagon- master General, Pennsylvania Militia, January 9, 1778; resigned June 20, 1780. JOHN HALL RANKIN. JENKINS, JOHN (1751-1827), Lieutenant, Captain Simon Spalding’s Independent Company of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line, July 6, 1778; transferred to Captain Edward Eells’s Company, First Regi- ment, Connecticut Line, 1781; retired 1782; Chief Guide in Sullivan’s Expedition, 1779. HARRY BARNUM SCHOOLEY. JENKINS, JOHN ( 1805), Second Lieutenant, Third Company, Captain Stephen Bloom, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Dean, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777-1778-1780. ABEL LUKENS STOUT. JENKS, THOMAS (1700-1797), Member of the Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Committee of Safety, December 15, 1774—-August 21, 1775; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1775. EDWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. JOHNSTON, JAMES ( —1842), Ensign, Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 1, 1777—January 17, 1781. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON CASSATT. JONES, BLATHWAITE, Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence, 334 Roll of Ancestors. 1775; Chief Engineer, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, in charge of works at Billingsport, February 15, 1777. Hon. ROBERT ADAMS, JR. JONES, HUGH (1748-1796), Private, First Regiment, 1780; Corporal, Third Regiment, February 18, 1780, Pennsylvania Line. BENJAMIN BROOKE. FRANCIS MARK BROOKE. HuGuH JONES BROOKE. HUNTER BROOKE. HunTER BROOKE, JR. JONES, JAMES MORRIS, Ensign, First Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel John Philip De Haas, Sr., November 3, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Jacob Ashmead’s Company, Second Regiment, January 1, 1777; First Lieutenant, Second Regiment, March 12, 1777 ; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line; served to June 3, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Hon. RoBERT ADAMS, JR. JONES, JONATHAN (1738-1782), Captain, First Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonels John Bull and John Philip De Haas, Sr., October 27, 1775; promoted Major, October 25, 1776; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, March 12, 1777, Second Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Line, and by the resignation of Colonel James Irvine was for a short time in command of the Regiment from June 1, 1777; the severity of the Canada campaign so shattered his health that he resigned July, 1777; Commissioner under the test laws, 1778; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1778 and 1779; Lieutenant- Colonel, Third Battalion, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 27, 1780; at Three Rivers. Horace ALEXANDER BEALE, JR. EpWaRD SMITH ILLIG. CHARLES HENRY JONES. RICHMOND LEGH JONES. Epwarp Morton McILvaIN. WILLIAM McILVAIN. Roll of Fncestors. 335 JONES, REV. SAMUEL, D.D. (1735-1802), Chaplain, Second Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Hughes commanding, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the “Flying Camp,’’ 1776. WILLIAM HENRY HENDERSON, Jr. JONES, THOMAS (1737-1812), Second Major, Baltimore, Maryland Militia, Colonel William Buchanan, May 25, 1776; Second Major, Nineteenth Battalion, Maryland Militia, October 23, 1776. OLIVER BLACKBURN JONES. JORDAN, FREDERICK (1744-1784), Private; promoted Sergeant, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line; thanked in General Orders for gallant conduct at the Siege of Yorktown. Ewine Jorpan, M.D. JOHN WOOLF JORDAN. Rev. WALTER JORDAN, KACHLEIN, JACOB (1758-1833), Corporal, Captain John Arndt’s Company, Northampton County, Penn- sylvania Battalion, Colonel Peter Kachlein, forming part of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ commanded by Colonel Joseph Hart, July 9, 1776; Commis- sioner to Seize the Personal Effects of Traitors, October 21, 1777. JoHN EYERMAN. KACHLEIN, PETER (1722-1789), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Committee of Observation of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, December 21, 1774—October 2, 1775 ; Captain, Easton Company, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Associators, May 22, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ commanded by Colonel Joseph Hart, July 17, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776; paroled December 29, 1776; exchanged 336 Roll of Ancestors. August 15, 1778; Lieutenant of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1780. JoHN EYERMAN. Rev. GeorRGE C. Heckman, D.D., LL.D. Joun HERSTER HECKMAN. KEASBEY, EDWARD (1726-1779), Member of the Council of Safety of New Jersey ; Member of the Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey. HENRY GRIFFITH KEASBEY. KEEN, JOHN (1747-1832), Private, Captain Richard Humphrey's Company, General John Cad- walader’s Brigade, Philadelphia Militia; at Trenton; wounded at Princeton, 1777. HENRY Jessop HAND. GREGORY BERNARD KEEN. EDMUND ALPHONSO SOUDER. THOMAS MIFFLIN SOUDER. KEESE, JOHN (1755-1809), Assistant Deputy Quartermaster-General, with rank of Captain, Conti- nental Army. Member of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati. FRANCIS SUYDAM KEESE. KEIM, JOHN (1749-1819), Private, Captain Peter Nagle’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Nicholas Lutz, 1777; Captain, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Jacob Weaver, 1778, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia. BEVERLEY RANDOLPH KEIM. * GEORGE DE BENNEVILLE KEIM. Henry May KEIM. Joun KEIM STAUFFER. KELKER, ANTHONY (1733-1812), Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Asso- ciators, 1775; First Lieutenant, Second Company, Captain William Paine, First Battalion, Colonel Philip Lorentz Greenawalt, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 7, 1777; Wagonmaster, Colonel Greenawalt’s Battalion, June 19, 1778; at Brandywine and Germantown LUTHER REILY KELKER. F. GUTEKUNST, PHILA. Roll of Ancestors. 337 KELSEY, JOHN, JR. (1743-1822), Corporal, Captain Henry Haskell’s Shirley, Massachusetts, Company, Colonel James Prescott’s Regiment of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,” April 26, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Robert Longley’s Com- pany, Colonel John Whitcomb’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1775. ALBERT KELSEY. ALBERT WARREN KELSEY. KENNEDY, DAVID (1741-1802), Corporal, Captain Samuel Smith’s Company, ‘‘ Delaware Regiment,”’ Colonel John Haslet, Delaware Line, January 15, 1776. GUILLERMO COLESBERRY PURVES. KERR, JOHN ( —1807), Private, Captain James Hamilton’s Company, First Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Line, October 5, 1776. MATTHEW WELSH STREALY. KIMBALL, AARON (1729-1807), Captain, Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775. WILLIAM SPOONER KIMBALL. KIMBALL, NOAH B., Private, Captain Aaron Kimball’s Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Private, Captain Joseph Warren's Company of Massachusetts Militia in the ‘‘ Ben- nington Alarm,’’ August 21, 1777. WILLIAM SPOONER KIMBALL. KING, WILLIAM (1745-1802), Ensign, Sixth Company, Third Battalion, Colonel William Plunket, March 13, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, May 21, 1777, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. WILLIAM CLARENCE KING. KIRK, ROGER (1751-1809), Captain, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Montgomery, Chester County, Pennsylvania Associators, forming part of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,” 338 Roll of Ancestors, April 15,1776; Private, West Nottingham Township Company, Captain Ephraim Blackburn, Second Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1778; at Long Island. GEORGE HERBERT BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY Brown. CHESTER HuGHES KIRK. WILLIAM THOMPSON KIRK, JR. SLATER BROWN RUSSELL. THEODORE KIRK STUBBS. KIRKPATRICK, DAVID (1752-18359), Ensign, Colonel William Malcolm’s Additional Continental Regiment, April 24, 1777; transferred to Colonel Oliver Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment, April 22, 1779; promoted Lieutenant in same, April 24, 1779; retired January 1, 1781; Captain, General Du Portail’s Corps of Sappers and Miners, Continental Army, July 25, 1781; served to June 3, 1783; at Brandywine ; wounded at Yorktown. Member of the Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati. FRANK HUTCHINSON GALLONEY. KLEBER, GEORGE (1740-1825), Private, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ 1776; Private, Captain Benjamin Weiser’s Company, Northumberland County, Penn- sylvania Militia, 1777; at Long Island. SAMUEL BIsPpHAM Koons. KNICKERBACKER, JOHN (1723-1802), Colonel, Fourteenth Regiment, Albany County, New York Militia, October 20, 1775—June 22, 1778. Davip KNICKERBACKER Boyp. THOMAS CHESTER WALBRIDGE. KNICKERBACKER, JOHN, JR. (1751-1827), Private, Captain Jacob Yates’s Company, Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Peter Yates, Albany County, New York Militia, 1779-1781. DavibD KNICKERBACKER Boyp. THOMAS CHESTER WALBRIDGE. Roll of Ancestors. 339 KOCH, WILLIAM (1747-1832), Private, Captain Nicholas Scheffer’s Company, First Battalion, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, January 20, 1777. CHARLES HowarpD Kocu. KOLLOCK, SHEPARD (1750-1839), Lieutenant, New York Militia, 1776; First Lieutenant, Second Artil- lery, Colonel John Lamb, Continental Army, January 1, 1777; resigned January 3, 1779. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. SHEPARD Kosciuszko KOLLOCK. KREISHER, SIMON PETER (1750-1803), Private, Captain Henry Christ, Jr.'s, Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 22, 1776; Private, Third Battalion, Colonel Michael Lindemuth, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776-1777. HARVEY BROWN BaSHORE, M.D. KUHL, FREDERICK, Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1776-1777. Henry KuHL DILLARD. Henry KuuL KELLy. KUNKEL, CHRISTIAN (1757-1823), Ensign, Sixth Company, Captain John Rippey, Eighth Battalion, Colonel Henry Slagle, York County, Pennsylvania Militia, April 5, 1778. JoHN PETER KELLER. KUNKLE, CHRISTIAN (1746-1813), Private, Captain Elijah Weed’s Company, Second Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin George Eyre commanding, Philadelphia Militia, August 10, 1780. CHARLES WILLIAM POoTTs. 340 Roll of Ancestors. KUNTZ, GEORGE (1762-1835), Private, Captain Christopher Crawford’s Company, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776-1777. Levi Oscar KUHNS. LACEY, JOHN (1755-1814), Captain, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 21, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, Bucks County, Penn- sylvania Militia, 1776; Captain, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January 5, 1776; Brigadier-General, Penn- sylvania Militia, January 9, 1778—February, 1781; at Three Rivers ; Commissioner to Seize the Personal Effects of Traitors, October 21, 1777; Agent to take Subscriptions for the Continental Loan, December 16, 1777; Agent for Forfeited Estates, August 19, 1778; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, 1779-1783. FRANK CARPENTER. WILLIAM DARLINGTON EVANS. Pau THOMPSON. LAIRD, WILLIAM (1727-1820), Private, Captain Robert Cluggage’s Company, Colonel William Thomp- son’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, 1775; Private, First Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Line, 1776. THOMAS DAUGHERTY. HERBERT RUSSELL LAIRD. LANGDON, JOHN (1739-1819), Captain, Independent Company of New Hampshire Light Infantry, July 10, 1776; Colonel of New Hampshire Militia; at Bennington, Saratoga, and Rhode Island; Speaker of the New Hampshire Assem- bly ; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, New Hampshire; Continental Agent in New Hampshire, 1779; Member of the Continental Congress from New Hampshire, 1775-1777, and 1786-1787. Rev. ALFRED LANGDON ELwyNn. LANING, ROBERT (1747-1828), Private, Captain John Phillips’s Company, Third Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. ROBERT HODKINSON LANING. JOHN LARDNER, AFTER PORTRAIT BY GILBERT STUART. Roll of Ancestors. 341 LANSDALE, THOMAS (1748-1805), First Lieutenant, Captain James Disney’s Company, Second Maryland Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Josiah Carvill Hall, June— December, 1776; Captain, Fourth Regiment, Colonel Josiah Carvill Hall, December 10, 1776; Major, Third Regiment, Colonel Mordecai Gist, February 19, 1781, Maryland Line; served to June, 1783. Member of the Maryland State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM MoyiLan LANSDALE. LARDNER, JOHN (1752-1825), Private, 1775-1779; Cornet, 1779-1783, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown. JAMES LAWRENCE LARDNER. Isaac STARR, JR. LASHER, FRANCIS (1746-1793), Private, Captain John Kling’s Company, Second Regiment of Foot, Colonel Benjamin George Eyre, Philadelphia Militia, August 10, 1780. OGDEN DUNGAN WILKINSON. LATIMER, JAMES (1720-1807), Lieutenant-Colonel, New Castle County, Delaware Militia, March 20, 1775; Member of the Council of Safety of New Castle County, Delaware. PHILIP ALBRIGHT SMALL. SAMUEL SMALL. LATTA, REV. JAMES (1732-1801), Private, afterwards Chaplain, Colonel Thomas Porter’s Battalion, Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776. JoHN SANDERSON LATTA. SAMUEL WHITEHILL Latta, M.D. Tuomas Love LaTTa. WILLIAM JAMES LaTTA. WILiL1aAmM Woops PINKERTON. 342 Roll of Ancestors. LAW, RICHARD (1733-1806), Member of the Continental Congress from Connecticut, 1777-1778, and 1781-1784. FREDERICK Brooks HUBBELL. ERNEST Law. LEACH, LEMUEL (1745-1825), Sergeant, Captain Ezekiel Knowlton’s Company, Colonel Nicholas Dike’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia ; promoted Ensign, January 9, 1777. FRANK WILLING LEACH. JOSEPH GRANVILLE LEACH. Josi14H GRANVILLE LEACH. MEREDITH BIDDLE LEACH. LEADER, GEORGE (1753-1845), Private, Captain Joseph Hiester’s Company, Berks County, Pennsyl- vania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Henry Haller, 1776; at Long Island and White Plains. JOsEPH LINGLE MONTGOMERY. LEAMING, THOMAS ( -1797), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1776; Adjutant, Colonel John Mackey’s Battalion, Cape May County, New Jersey Militia ; resigned June 18, 1776; Private, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1776-1777, 1779-1781. THOMAS LEAMING. LEAVITT, JONATHAN, Private, Captain Samuel Gilman’s Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's Regiment, 1775 ; Sergeant, Captain Joseph Parsons’s Company, Colonel David Gilman’s Regiment, 1776-1777; Ensign, Captain Joseph Par- sons’s Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Senter’s Regiment, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain Ezekiel Giles’s Company, Colonel Stephen Pea- body’s Regiment, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, Colonel Hercules Mooney’s Regiment, 1779, New Hampshire Line. CLAUDE RICHARD Norton, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 343 LEE, ANDREW (1739-1821), Ensign, November 3, 1776; promoted Lieutenant, 1777; promoted Captain, Colonel Moses Hazen’s Second Canadian Regiment (‘‘ Con- gress’s Own'’), Continental Army; wounded at St. Johns, Canada, 1775, and at Springfield, New Jersey, 1780 ; captured on Staten Island, August 22, 1777; exchanged and promoted Lieutenant. CHARLES WILLIAM LEE. LEE, HENRY (1729-1787), Member of the Committee of Safety of Prince William County, Vir- ginia, December 9, 1774; Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, June, 1775; Member of the Virginia Convention, 1775-1776 ; County Lieutenant of Prince William County, Virginia, 1780-1783. EDMUND JENNINGS LEE, M.D. LEE, RICHARD HENRY (1732-1794), Member of the Continental Congress from Virginia, 1774-1780, and 1784-1787, and President thereof, November 30, 1784-1785 ; Mover of the Resolution for Independence; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. EpMUND JENNINGS Lez, M.D. GEORGE STEPTOE WASHINGTON. LEE, WILLIAM (1745-1828), Drummer, Captain William Judd’s Company, Third Regiment, Con- necticut Line, May 12, 1777; discharged March 6, 1780. JosEPH HOWELL BURROUGHS. LEIDY, JACOB (1755-1811), Lieutenant, Captain John Cope’s Company, Fifth Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel John Shee commanding, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia. JoserH LEIDY, Jr., M.D, * Puitip Leipy, M.D. 344 Roll of Ancestors. LEIPER, THOMAS (1745-1825), Sergeant, Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1776-1777-1779-1780, and 1781. CHARLES HODGE. HuGH BayarD HopGE. Tuomas LEIPER JANEWAY HODGE. ROBERT JOHN HOLMES. PRICE WETHERILL JANEWAY. LEONARD, GEORGE (1758-1847), Private, Captain Adam Hubley’s Company, 1776; Private, Captain George Shaffner’s Company, 1777; Private, Captain Christian Petrie’s Company, 1777, Pennsylvania Line ; Private, Captain George Francis’s Company, Colonel Robert Elder’s Battalion, 1777; Private, Captain William Wirtz’s Company, Colonel James Ross’s Battalion, 1777, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia; Private, Captain Matthew McDonald’s Company, Philadelphia Militia, 1778-1780; served three years and nine months ; at Trenton, Princeton, and Germantown. SAMUEL MILLER SENER. LEVIS, WILLIAM ( —1819), Second Lieutenant, Sixth Company, Captain Thomas Lewis, Third Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 14, 1777. SAMUEL WHITE LEVIS. LEWIS, ELI (1750-1807), Major, First Battalion, York County, Pennsylvania Militia, October 1, 1777: GRIER HERSH. ALFRED EL! LEwIs. LEWIS, JOSEPH (1747- ), Lieutenant, Colonel Moses Hazen’s Second Canadian Regiment (‘‘Congress’s Own’’), Continental Army, November 3, 1776; resigned November 16, 1780. ALBERT NELSON LEWIS. Roll of Ancestors. 345 LEWIS, MORDECAI (1748-1799), Private, Captain Samuel Tolbert’s Company, Second Regiment, Penn- sylvania Line, 1777 ; taken prisoner April 13, 1777. BENJAMIN PASCHALL HOWELL. WILLIAM FISHER LEWIS. ALEXANDER WILSON WISTER. LEWIS WYNNE WISTER. LINCOLN, EZEKIEL (1759-1828), Private, Captain James Lincoln’s Independent Company of Hingham, Massachusetts, January 5—May 22, 1776; Matross, Captain Winship Gray’s Company, Colonel Craft’s Massachusetts Battalion of Artillery, 1776; Private, Captain Moses French’s Company, Colonel Jonathan Titcomb’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 15—July 19, 1777; Seaman, brig ‘‘Hazard,’’ commanded by Captain Sampson, Conti- nental Navy, August, 1777—-March, 1778. RUSSELL DUANE. LINCOLN, RUFUS (1751-1838), Corporal, Captain Robert Crossman’s Company, Colonel Nathaniel Leonard’s Regiment, Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘« Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Matthew Ran- dall’s Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall’s Regiment, May 13, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain James Cooper's Company, Colonel Gamaliel Bradford’s Regiment, November 6, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, October 8, 1779—December 31, 1779; Captain, Fourteenth Regiment, July 28, 1780; transferred to Seventh Regiment, January 1, 1781, Massa- chusetts Line; served until June 3, 1783; at the siege of Boston; taken prisoner December 28, 1777. Member of the Massachusetts State Society of the Cincinnati. LINCOLN GODFREY. LINDEMUTH, MARTIN (1757-1829), Corporal, Captain Joseph Work's Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Alexander Lowrey, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. Horace LEANDER HALDEMAN. 23 346 Roll of Ancestors. LINDEMUTH, PETER (1750-1830), Private, Captain Joseph Work’s Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Alexander Lowrey, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, September, 1777. ELMER ELLSwoRTH LINDEMUTH,. LINDSLEY, ELEAZAR (1737-1792), Second Major, January 13, 1776; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, ‘‘ East- ern Battalion,’’ Morris County, New Jersey Militia ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Oliver Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777. BENJAMIN FORD DORRANCE. JAMES HOLLENBACK SHERRERD. LINDSLEY, JOSEPH (1735-1822), Second Major, Eastern Battalion, Morris County, New Jersey Militia, March 27, 1778; at Monmouth and Springfield. Epwin AuGustus LANDELL, JR. LINNARD, WILLIAM (1749-1835), Captain-Lieutenant, Sixth Company, August 27, 1777; Captain-Lieu- tenant, Captain John Ruper’s Company, September 11, 1777 ; Captain, Fifth Company, June 14, 1779, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia. GEORGE BROWN LINNARD. Naval Constructor JosEPH HAMILTON LINNARD, U.S.N. LINTON, JOHN (1749-1824), Sergeant, Captain Francis Willis’s Company, March 5, 1777; Sergeant- Major, October 7, 1777; Ensign, November 1, 1777, Colonel William Grayson’s Additional Continental Regiment; resigned March 14, 1778; Cornet, April, 1779; Lieutenant, May, 1780, Third Continental Dra- goons ; transferred to Colonel George Baylor's Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, Continental Army, November 9, 1782; served to close of war. GEORGE FREDERICK JORDAN. Roll of Ancestors. 347 LIPPITT, CHARLES (1754-1845), Lieutenant, Sixth or Colonel’s Company, State Regiment of Rhode Island, Colonel William Richmond, November 1, 1775—May, 1776; Assistant Commissary of Issues, 1778. EpGarR Conway FELTON. LISLE, JOHN (1726-1807), First Lieutenant, Fifth Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel John Bubenheim Bayard, Philadelphia Militia, 1777. Paymaster ROBERT PATTON LISLE, U.S.N. LITTELL, ELIAKIM (1742-1805), Captain, Privateer ‘‘General Putnam’’ ; Captain of a Partisan Company of Artillery, of Essex County, New Jersey ; at Springfield. * CHARLES WILLING LITTELL. LITTLE, THOMAS (1741-1810), Second Lieutenant, September 3, 1776; Lieutenant, Captain Nicholas Van Brunt’s Company, February 13, 1778, to date September, 1776 ; promoted Captain, Third Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia; taken prisoner at Monmouth Court-House, June 27, 1778, the day before the battle; remained prisoner until September, 1780; served until the close of the war. ARTHUR HUTCHINSON LITTLE. * ARTHUR WILLIAMSON LITTLE. JoserH Doty LITTLE. THOMAS LITTLE. WILLIAM AGNEW LITTLE. LIVINGSTON, BENJAMIN (1743-1821), Private, Captain Thomas Newhall’s Company, Leicester, Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Corporal, Captain Todd’s Artillery Company, 1776; promoted Captain, Massa- chusetts Militia ; at Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and Tiverton. JoHN Davipson McCorD, Jr. WiLL1amM HowARD WRIGHT. 348 Roll of Ancestors. LIVINGSTON, HENRY (1714-1799), First Major, Manor Livingston Regiment (Tenth), Dutchess County, New York Militia. WILLET LIVINGSTON Boyp. LIVINGSTON, JAMES (1747-1833), Colonel, First Canadian Regiment, Continental Army, November 20, 1775 ; retired January 1, 1781 ; at Quebec and Bemus Heights ; Mem- ber of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1776-1777; Chairman of the Committee of Safety of Dutchess County, New York. Captain WILLIAM BaIRD, U.S.A. LIVINGSTON, PHILIP (1716-1778), Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1774-1778; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; President of the Provincial Convention of New York, April 20, 1775 ; Member of the New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775 ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1776-1777. Joun Henry LIVINGSTON. LIVINGSTON, ROBERT R. (1746-1813), Member of the Provincial Convention of New York, April 20, 1775; Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1775-1777, and 1779-1781 ; Member of the Committee to prepare the Declaration of Independence; Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1776-1777 ; Member of Committee to prepare a Form of Government, New York, 1777; Member of the Council of Safety of New York, 1777 ; Chancellor of the State of New York, 1777-1801 ; Member of the Committee on the Arms and Seal of the State of New York, 1778; Secretary of Foreign Affairs, 1781-1783. Joun Henry LIVINGSTON. LLOYD, HUGH (1742-1832), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, 1774-1775; Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsyl- vania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Provincial Conference RoW of Ancestors. 349 of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Colonel, Third Battalion, Chester County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776. HowarpD WILLIAMS LLOYD. SAMUEL MARSHALL. LOCKART, ROBERT ( —-1788), Captain, Fifth Company, Seventh Battalion, Colonel William Gibbons, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. JOHN JAMES PINKERTON. SAMUEL STANHOPE SMITH PINKERTON. LOCKWOOD, GILBERT (1725-1804), Captain, Third or North Battalion, Colonels Pierre van Cortlandt and Samuel Drake commanding, Westchester County, New York Militia, September 20, 1775. * Eton DunBAaR LOCKWOOD. LOMMASSON, LAWRENCE ( —1809), Second Lieutenant, Captain Joseph Mackay’s Company, First Regiment, Sussex County, New Jersey Militia, June 6, 1776. GEORGE WILLIS Tirman, M.D. LONG, ANDREW (1730-1812), Captain, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, April 6, 1776; resigned on account of ill health, October 14, 1776. Hon. HARMAN YERKES. LONG, HUGH ( -1778), First Lieutenant, Captain William Hart’s Company, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,”’ Colonel Joseph Hart, July 9, 1776; died of camp fever, 1778. WILLIAM STEWART WALLACE. LONG, PETER ( 1776), Ship’s Husband, Pennsylvania Navy, October 12, 1775. GEORGE DENIS BRIGHT. 350 Roll of Ancestors. LORING, JOSEPH (1747- ), Private, Captain Parker’s Company of Lexington, Massachusetts, Minute Men, April, 1775 ; captured, but escaped, and engaged in the battle of Lexington, and at Bunker Hill; served also in the Marine Service, and was made a prisoner at Charleston, S. C. CHARLES ISAIAH CRAGIN. LOTHROP, SETH (1729-1815), Member of the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 1780; Private, Captain Abram Washburn’s Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regiment, Massa- chusetts Militia, March 1to—April, 1781; Surgeon’s Mate, Captain Francis Stebbins’s Company, Third Regiment, Colonel David Mosley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Militia, 1782. EDWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. LOVE, SAMUEL ( -1800), Member of the Committee of Observation and Safety of Charles County, Maryland, 1775-1783 ; Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Mary- land, May 22, 1775. JouHNn CAILE SCOTT. LOVELAND, JOSEPH (1747-1813), Corporal, Colonel Jonathan Chase’s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, May 7—June 23, 1777. Henry Martyn Hovrt, Jr. LOWREY, ALEXANDER (1723-1805), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1775 ; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Consti- tutional Convention of 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsyl- Roll of Ancestors. 35! vania; Colonel, Third Battalion, July 1, 1777; Colonel, Seventh Battalion, August 26, 1780, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia ; at Brandywine. SAMUEL EVANS. WILLIAM FILLER LUTZ. THOMAS BuRD ZELL. LUSK, DAVID, Private, Captain Walter Denny’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Frederick Watts, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1778. CASPER DULL. DANIEL MATTHIEU DULL. LYNAH, DR. JAMES (1737-1809), Chief Surgeon, Colonel Daniel Horry’s South Carolina Regiment of Dragoons, 1779; served on Staff of Count Pulaski at the siege of Savannah; Physician and Surgeon-General of all the Militia of South Carolina. CHARLES COTESWORTH PINCKNEY NORRIS. LYON, BENJAMIN (1752-1826), Private, Captain William Hendricks’s Company, Colonel William Thompson’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, July, 1775; Third Lieutenant, September 25, 1776; promoted First Lieutenant, July 16, 1777; Captain, December 8, 1778, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; resigned May, 1779; at Valley Forge. SAMUEL McCLINTocK HamILL, M.D. LYON, JEDEDIAH, Private, First Regiment; Private, Captain Richard Cox’s Company, Third Regiment ; Corporal, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line. JoHN STERLING DEANS. McBRIDE, ARCHIBALD, Second Sergeant, Captain John Patton’s Company, Colonel David Hall’s Regiment, Delaware Line. * Hon. WILLIAM HAYDON. 352 Roll of Ancestors. McCAMANT, JAMES (1753-1825), Ensign, First Company, First Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Gardner commanding, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, July 3, 1780. RuFus JAMES FOSTER. McCASKEY, ALEXANDER, Deputy Commissary-General of Forage of Pennsylvania ; taken prisoner at Mamaroneck, New York, October 21, 1776. CHARLES PREVOST GRAYSON, M.D. CLIFFORD PREVOST GRAYSON. FREDERICK WILLIAM GRAYSON, JR. SUTHERLAND MALLET PREVOST. McCAUSLIN, SAMUEL, Private, Captain Samuel Davidson's Company, Colonel Thomas Smith's Battalion, Bedford County, Pennsylvania Associators, March 22, 1776; Private, Captain Richard Dunlap’s Bedford-Town Company, Colonel William Parker’s Battalion, December 10, 1777; Private, Captain Evan Cessna’s Company, 1782—June 6, 1783, Bedford County, Pennsylvania Militia; Collector of Excise for Bedford County, Pennsylvania, June II, 1783. James MARTIN. McCAY, ROBERT (1753-1823), Private, Captain David Cowpland’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel John Hannum, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, June 18, 1777. FRANK DELAPLAINE GREEN. McCAY, WILLIAM (1721-1791), Private, Fourth Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January —March 1, 1783. FRANK DELAPLAINE GREEN. McCLELLAN, JOSEPH (1747-1834), Lieutenant, March 20, 1776; promoted Captain, July 15, 1776, Captain Abraham Marshall’s Company, Colonel Samuel John Atlee’s Pennsyl- vania Musketry Battalion; Captain, Ninth Regiment, November 27, 1776, ranking from July 15, 1776; Captain, Second Regiment, January 17, 1781, Pennsylvania Line; resigned June 10, 1781. WILLIAM HEMPHILL BELL, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 353 McCOLLUM, JOHN, Sergeant, Captain Joab Houghton’s Company, Colonel Philip Johnson’s Regiment, ‘‘Heard’s Brigade,’’ New Jersey Militia, 1776; Paymaster and Forage-Master, with rank of Captain, Pennsylvania Artillery, Colonel Thomas Proctor, 1777; at Long Island, White Plains, Brandy- wine, and Yorktown. Jacos GILEs Morris. Jacos GILES Morris. McCURDY, ALEXANDER (1754-1839), Private, Captain William Peebles’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regi- ment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March, 1776; Regiment consolidated with the Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Brodhead commanding, August, 1776; transferred to Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot, Colonel John Bull, and subsequently Colonel Walter Stewart, October 5, 1776; Company designated Captain Matthew Scott’s, April 18, 1777; Regiment annexed to the Pennsylvania Line and designated Thirteenth Regiment, November 12, 1777; honorably discharged at Valley Forge, January 1, 1778; at Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown. Rev. Irnwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Lirt.D. Jos—EpH ALEXANDER McCurpy. McCURDY, WILLIAM (1730-1822), Private, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, August 27, 1776; exchanged December 9, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Colonel Thomas Hartley’s Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 26, 1777; Ensign, February 1777; Ensign, with rank of Second Lieutenant, May 10, 1777; Second Lieutenant, November 12, 1777; First Lieutenant, November 19, 1778, Hartley’s Additional Continental Regiment ; Regiment designated New Eleventh, Pennsylvania Line, December 16, 1778; Lieutenant, Ninth Company, January 13, 1779; Lieutenant, Eighth Company; Captain- Lieutenant, October 2, 1780, Eleventh Regiment; transferred to First Regiment, January 17, 1781; Captain, May 18, 1781, Pennsylvania Line ; in service to end of the war. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Rev. Irwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litr.D. JosepH ALEXANDER McCurpy. 354 Roll of Ancestors. McDOWELL, JAMES (1740-1815), Captain, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Montgomery, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, July 12, 1776. Lieutenant JOSEPH BEALE, U.S.N. McFETRICH, JOHN ( -1785), Private, Captain Abraham Smith’s Company, Sixth Pennsylvania Bat- talion, Colonel William Irvine, February 2, 1776; in the Canada Campaign. Rev. FRANCIS MCFETRICH. McHENRY, WILLIAM (1744-1808), Private, Bedminster Township Company, Captain Robert Robinson, Third Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Wilkinson commanding, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 10, 1775; Captain, Fifth Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Arthur Erwin, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 6, 1777; Sub-Lieutenant of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1781. JoHN EpGaR FReEtTz, M.D. McINTOSH, JEREMIAH (1751-1843), Private, Captain Samuel Heath’s Company, Dorchester, Massachusetts, Minute Men in the ‘‘Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19—May 1, 1775; Orderly Sergeant, Captain George Gould’s Company, Colonel Sergeant’s Regiment, May—December, 1775; Private, Captain Ebenezer Gore’s Company, Colonel William McIntosh’s Regiment, September—Novem- ber, 1776, Massachusetts Militia ; at Lexington. HENRY FLETCHER KENNEY, McINTOSH, LACHLAN (1727-1806), Member of the Provincial Congress of Georgia, 1775; Colonel, First Regiment, Georgia Line, January 7, 1776; Brigadier-General, Con- tinental Army, September 16, 1776; Commander-in-Chief, Western Department, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, South Carolina, May 12, 1780; exchanged December, 1780; served to close of the war; Brevet Major-General, Continental Army. Member of the Georgia State Society of the Cincinnati. Rev. JAMES McINTOSH LONGSTRETH ECKARD. Rev. LEIGHTON WILSON EcxkarD, D.D. Roll of Ancestors. 355 McKEAN, THOMAS (1734-1817), Private, Captain John Little’s Company, Second Battalion, Philadelphia Associators, May, 1775; Colonel, Fourth Battalion, Philadelphia Asso- ciators, 1775 ; President of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Member of the Continental Congress from Delaware, 1774-1776, and 1778-1783, and President thereof, 1781; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, July 28, 1777. Honorary Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. BEAUVEAU BORIE. Henry Pratr McKEavy, Jr. *THoMAS McKEAN. Tuomas McKEAN, Jr. McKIBBIN, JEREMIAH ( -1816), Corporal, Captain William Rippey’s Company, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine, January 26, 1776. CHAMBERS MCKIBBIN. McNAIR, THOMAS (1737-1830), Private, Captain James Rogers's Company, Hanover Rifle Battalion, Colonel Timothy Green, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, June 6, 1776; Private, Captain William Brown's Company, Colonel Timothy Green’s Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, August 31, 1776. Tuomas SPEER MCNAIR. FRANK PEALE SNODGRASS. McNEILL, SAMUEL (1753-1817), Quartermaster, Third Brigade, General Edward Hand, Continental Army ; wounded at Princeton, January 3, 1777 ; in Sullivan’s Expedi- tion, 1779. FRANK DONALDSON. McPHERSON, ROBERT (1730-1789), Colonel, Second Battalion, York County, Pennsylvania Associators, July 28, 1775, and August, 1776; Member of the Committee of Cor- 356 Roll of Ancestors. respondence of York County, Pennsylvania, November 3, 1775 ; Mem- ber of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Conven- tion of 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain John McDowell's Company, January 20, 1777; promoted First Lieutenant, September 1, 1777, Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; resigned April 16, 1779. GRIER HERSH. Hon. JOHN BAYARD McCPHERSON. Pay-Director ALEXANDER WILSON RUSSELL, U.S.N. Ensign ALEXANDER WILSON RUSSELL, JR., U.S.N. McPHERSON, WILLIAM (1757-1832), Second Lieutenant, Captain Philip Albright’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 15, 1776; captured at Long Island, August 27, 1776; exchanged April 20, 1778. Hon. JoHN BAayarD MCPHERSON. MACOMBER, ELIJAH (1718-1802), Private, Captain Benjamin Wilcox’s Company, December 8-15, 1776; Matross, Captain Timothy Ingraham’s Company, March 1—May 2, 1778; Private, Captain Amos Washburn’s Company, Colonel Ebenezer Sprout’s Regiment, May, 1778, Massachusetts Militia. * CRAWFORD ARNOLD. MACPHERSON, WILLIAM (1756-1813), Major, January 31, 1780, Pennsylvania Line ; Aid-de-Camp to General, the Marquis de Lafayette ; Aid-de-Camp to General Arthur St. Clair ; served to close of the war. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati, and Secretary and Treasurer of the General Society. WILLIAM MaAcPHERSON HoRNOR. MAJOR, PEACOCK (1748-1829), Second Lieutenant, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘Flying Camp,’’ Colonel Robert Lewis, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain Christian Dull’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roll of Ancestors, 357 Dean, 1777; Ensign, Captain Demas Worrell’s Company, Second Battalion, 1781, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Militia. FRYSINGER EVAns. REv. WILLIAM Witson Evans, D.D. MALCOLM, DR. HENRY (1756-1831), Surgeon, ships ‘‘ Columbia,’’ Captain Abraham Whipple, and “ Andrea Doria,’’ Captain Nicholas Biddle, Continental Navy, 1775; Assistant, Medical Department, Continental Army. * Isaac Lioyp. Joun Lioyp. MANNING, ISRAEL (1756-1821), Private, Captain Samuel Sawyer’s Company, Colonel John Whitcomb’s Regiment, Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-26, 1775 ; Private, Captain Ephraim Richardson’s Company, October 6, 1775; Corporal, Captain Hodgkin’s Company, and later in Captain Houdon’s Company, Fifteenth Regiment, Colonel Timothy Bigelow, Massachusetts Line ; served three years. FRANK WILLING LEACH. JOSEPH GRANVILLE LEACH. JOSIAH GRANVILLE LEACH. MEREDITH BIDDLE LEACH. MARIM, JOHN (1751-1815), Lieutenant, Captain Matthew Manlove’s Company, Colonel Samuel Patterson’s Delaware Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ July 27, 1776; at Long Island and White Plains. Major Epwarp TIFFIN ComEGys, M.D., U.S.A. Major WILLIAM HENRY COMEGYS, U.S.A. MARSH, JOSEPH (1726-1811), Lieutenant-Colonel, Upper Cumberland Regiment, New York Militia, August, 1775; promoted Colonel, January, 1776; at Bennington ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1776; Chairman of the Committee of Safety of Vermont; First Lieutenant-Governor of Vermont, 1778. Rev. CHARLES ELLIS STEVENS, LL.D., D.C.L. 358 Roll of Ancestors. MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER (1709-1797), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsyl- vania, 1777. CHARLES MARSHALL. CHARLES MARSHALL, JR. * FRANCIS RIDGWAY MARSHALL. ELLISTON PEROT. THomaAs Morris PEROT. MARSHALL, JAMES MARKHAM (1764-1843), Lieutenant, Third Regiment, Virginia Line. Henry Morris, M.D. MARSHALL, THOMAS (1730-1802), Captain, Culpeper County, Virginia Minute Men, 1775; Major, Feb- ruary 13, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, August 13, 1776; Colonel, Feb- ruary 21, 1777, Third Regiment, Virginia Line; at Great Bridge, Brandywine, where he had three horses killed under him, German- town, and Valley Forge. Henry Morris, M.D. MARSTON, JOHN (1756-1846), Second Lieutenant, Ninth Company, Captain Perez Cushing, Colonel Craft’s Regiment, Massachusetts Artillery, September 9, 1776—Feb- ruary I, 1777, and February 9—August 1, 1777; First Lieutenant, Seventh Company, same regiment, August—September 30, 1777, and November 1, 1777—March 1, 1778. JoHn Marston. MARSTON, PETER (1750-1811), Private, Lieutenant Peter Poor’s Company, Andover, Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-22, 1775; Private, Captain Samuel Johnson’s Company, Colonel Edward Wigglesworth’s Regiment, March 7, 1777; Sergeant, Captain Stephen Webster's Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish’s Regiment, October 14—November 22, 1779, Massachusetts Militia. RALPH CURRIER PUTNAM. Roll of Ancestors. 359 MARTIN, OLIVER (1762-1829), Private, Third Regiment, New Jersey Line; served to November 3, 1783; at Yorktown. EDWARD MartTIN, M.D. JONATHAN WILLIS MARTIN. * JaMeES MARTIN YARDLEY. MARTIN, ROBERT ( —1813), Member of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland County, Penn- sylvania, 1775 ; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Con- stitutional Convention of 1776; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1777-1778 ; Paymaster, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776. Joun Houston MERRILL. MATLACK, TITUS (1738-1796), Second Lieutenant, Captain Lazarus Pine’s Company, Second and Fourth Battalions, Colonel John Bubenheim Bayard, 1777; First Lieu- tenant, Charles Willson Peale’s Company, Lieutenant-Colonel William Will’s Battalion, May 31, 1777, Philadelphia Militia. EDWARD RUSSELL JONES. STOCKTON WHITE JONES. MAURAN, CHARLES JOSEPH (1748-1813), Master, row-galley ‘‘ Spitfire,’’ 1776 ; commanded galley-vessel ‘‘ Wash- ington,’’ 1777, Rhode Island Navy. James MauraAn RHODES. MAXWELL, JOHN (1739-1828), Lieutenant, Sussex County, New Jersey Militia; Captain of ‘‘Max- well’s Jersey Blues,’’ Second Regiment, Colonel Nathaniel Hunt, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia ; at Trenton, Princeton, Brandy- wine, Germantown, Monmouth, and Springfield. Henry DUSENBERY MAXWELL. 360 Roll of Ancestors. MAXWELL, PHILIP (1753-1817), Private, Captain Joseph Stebbins's Company, Colonel David Wells’s Regiment, September 23—October 18, 1777; Corporal, Captain Amasa Sheldon’s Company, Colonel Elisha Porter’s Regiment, July 10— August 12, 1777, Massachusetts Militia. STANLEY GRISWOLD FLAGG, JR. MEASE, JOHN (1738-1825), Private, 1776-1777 ; Corporal, January, 1781, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris ; at Trenton. Rev. ALFRED LANGDON ELWwyn. MECUM, WILLIAM (1730-1790), First Major, First or Western Battalion, Colonel Samuel Dick, Salem County, New Jersey Militia, June 20, 1776. GEORGE CONARROE BISHOP. * GEORGE MEcuM CONARROE. FRANK LITTLE SHEPPARD. MELIN, GEORGE, Private, Captain William McMullin’s Company, ‘‘ City Guards,’ Major Lewis Nicola commanding, Philadelphia Militia, January 2, 1777. GREGORY BERNARD KEEN. MELLICK, ANDREW (1729-1820), Captain, First Regiment, Sussex County, New Jersey Militia ; Captain, Colonel Jacob Ford, Jr.'s, Battalion, New Jersey State Troops, De- cember, 1776. ANDREW FINE DERR. MELLICK, MICHAEL (1756-1818), Private, Captain John Murray’s Company, Pennsylvania Rifle Regi- ment, Colonel Samuel Miles, 1776; Private, Captain John Clark’s Company, Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot, Colonels John Bull and Walter Stewart, May 8, 1777; at Long Island, Trenton, and Princeton ; captured at the surrender of Cornwallis. JoserH LEIDy, Jr., M.D. * PHILip LEIDy, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 361 MENDALL, SETH, Private, Captain Edward Hammond’s Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regiment in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-26, 1775; Private, Captain Benjamin Dillingham’s Company, 1776; Private, Captain John Parker’s Company, Colonel Ebenezer Sprout’s Regiment, December 8-23, 1776; Private, Captain Samuel Briggs’s Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regiment, September 29—November 1, 1777; Private, Lieutenant John Doty’s Company, Colonel Ebenezer Sprout’s Regiment, May 6-8, and September 5-11, 1778, Massachu- setts Militia. Harry ALDEN RICHARDSON. MERRILL, JESSE (1762-1840), Private, Captain Samuel Merrill’s Company, Massachusetts Militia ; at Burgoyne’s surrender. Joun Houston MERRILL. * Lieutenant-Colonel LEwis MERRILL, U.S.A. MERRILL, SAMUEL (1737-1801), Member of the Committee of Inspection of Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1774-1775; Captain of Massachusetts Militia; at Burgoyne’s Sur- render. JoHn Houston MERRILL. * Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis MERRILL, U.S.A. MERRILL, THOMAS (1745-1803), Private, Captain Moses Nowell’s Company of Newburyport, Massa- chusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-22, 1775 ; Private, Captain Benjamin Perkins’s Company, Colonel Moses Little’s Regiment, May g9—December, 1775; Third Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Huse’s Company, Colonel Jacob Gerrish’s Regiment, April 3, 1778, Massachusetts Militia. CouRTLANDT KIMBALL BOLLES. MERSHON, AARON ( -1776), Private, Captain Benjamin Van Cleve’s Company, Colonel Philip Johnson’s Battalion, General Nathaniel Heard’s Brigade, New Jersey Militia ; killed at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776, Tuomas McKee MCKEE. 24 362 Roll of Ancestors. MESSENGER, WIGGLESWORTH (1743-1818), First Lieutenant, Colonel Joseph Read’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May—December, 1775. JOHN BALL OSBORNE. MESSLER, CORNELIUS (1759-1843), Private, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia. REMSEN VARICK MESSLER. * THOMAS DOREMUS MESSLER. METZGER, JACOB (1746- ), Captain, Third Company, Fourth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Ludwig Meyer commanding, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780. Fitz-DANIEL ERMENTROUT. MIDDLETON, HENRY (1717-1784), Member of the Continental Congress from South Carolina, 1774-1776, and President thereof, October 22, 1774; Member of the Council of Safety of South Carolina; Member of the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, 1775-1778, and for some time President thereof. CHARLES COTESWORTH PINCKNEY NORRIS. MIFFLIN, GEORGE (1746-1785), Paymaster, Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Robert Magaw, Sep- tember 3, 1776; Member of the Committee to Sign Continental Currency. * JAMES MIFFLIN. MIFFLIN, JONATHAN (1753-1840), Private, Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1779-1780-1781 ; Deputy Quartermaster-General, with rank of Colonel, Continental Army, September 8, 1777; at Trenton, Princeton, and Valley Forge. GEORGE BROWN MIFFLIN. Roll of Ancestors. 363 MILLER, DANIEL (1755-1836), Private, Captain Benjamin Fishbourne’s Company, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, April 7, 1777; transferred, in 1781, to General Du Portail’s Corps of Sappers and Miners, Continental Army. * DANIEL MILLER Fox, Henry Korn Fox. WILLIAM HENRY Fox. MILLER, ELEAZAR (1757-1793), Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. CHARLES PARRISH HUNT. * CHARLES PARRISH. MILLER, HENRY (1751-1824), First Lieutenant, Captain Michael Doudle’s Company, Colonel William Thompson’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, June 25, 1775; pro- moted Captain of same, October 15, 1775; Captain, January 1, 1776; promoted Major, March 12, 1777, to rank from September 28, 1776, First Regiment; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel and transferred to Second Regiment, July 1, 1778, to rank from March 1, 1777, Pennsyl- vania Line; resigned December 8, 1778; at siege of Boston, Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, where he had two horses killed under him. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. HgraceE Brock. JoHN WILLIAM BROCK. RoBERT COLEMAN HALL Brock. Hon. ETHELBERT WATTS. WILLIAM MEREDITH WATTS. MILLS, LEWIS (1738-1782), Lieutenant, Captain Abraham Fuller's Company, Thirteenth Regiment, August 22—September 30, 1776; First Lieutenant, Captain David Olmstead’s Company, Colonel Roger Enos'’s Regiment, June—August, 1778, Connecticut Militia ; wounded in the ‘‘ Danbury Raid.”’ JoHN SLOssON HARDING. MILLS, WILLIAM ( —1842). Private, Captain Caleb North’s Company, Fourth Pennsylvania Bat- talion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January, 1776; at Ticonderoga. Davip Jay Myers, JR. 364 Roll of Ancestors. MINER, SETH (1742-1822), Private, Norwich, Connecticut, Company of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lex- ington Alarm,’’ 1775 ; Orderly-Sergeant to Brigadier-General Jedediah Huntington, Continental Army; served also as Ensign. ASHER MINER. CHARLES ABBOTT MINER. SIDNEY Rosy MINER. MINNICH, MICHAEL (1738-1800), Second Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Captain George Null, First Bat- talion, Colonel Philip Lorentz Greenawalt, Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania Militia, 1776-1777. MICHAEL REED MINNICH. Jos—epH ABRAM REED. MIRICK, JAMES (1730-1777), Captain, Twelfth Company, Second Regiment, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia, 1776; Captain, Colonel Josiah Whitney’s Regi- ment, Massachusetts Militia, 1777; at Concord. Lieutenant-Colonel ALMON FERDINAND ROCKWELL, U.S.A. MITCHELL, DAVID (1742-1818), Captain, First Division, Fourth Battalion, Cumberland County, Penn- sylvania Associators, May 3, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Frederick Watts’s Battalion, January 15,1777; Major, Seventh Battalion, Colonel Fred- erick Watts, July 31, 1777, and May 14, 1778; Lieutenant-Colonel, Fifth Battalion, May to, 1780, and May 1, 1783, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. ROBERT MITCHELL. MITCHELL, EDWARD (1760-1837), Captain and Quartermaster, Colonel William Campbell's Rifle Regi- ment, Virginia Militia, 1781. Hon. James TYNDALE MITCHELL, LL.D. MIXSELL, PHILIP (1731-1817), Lieutenant, Williams Township Company, Captain Melchior Hay, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Associators, May 22, 1775. Jacos Butz HELLER, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 365 MONTGOMERY, JOHN (1750-1794), Private, Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1779-1780-1781. THOMAS HARRISON MONTGOMERY. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM (1736-1816), Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775 ; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Colonel, Chester County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘Flying Camp,’’ 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Gen- erals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; at Fort Washing- ton, Trenton, Princeton, and Monmouth. EDWARD MAGILL SCHULTZ. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM (1752-1815), Captain, 1776; Major, October 13, 1777, Second Regiment, Colonel David Brearley, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia. ARCHIBALD ROGER MONTGOMERY. MOODY, PAUL (1743-1822), Sergeant, Captain Jacob Gerrish’s Company, Colonel Moses Little's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, April 15, 1775; wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill. NicHoLAs Harris Moopy. MOORE, JAMES (1756-1813), Captain, Seventh Company, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January 5, 1776; transferred to Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; promoted Major, First Regiment, September 20, 1777; transferred to Second Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line; in service to November, 1783; at Brandywine, Germantown, Valley Forge, Monmouth, and Yorktown. Member of the Pennsyl- vania State Society of the Cincinnati. Captain CHARLES JUDSON CRANE, U.S.A. MOORE, NATHANIEL ( -1798), Sergeant, Captain Cornelius Hoppock’s Company, Third Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. Henry Howarp ELLISON. RODMAN BARKER ELLISON. WILLIAM P. ELLISON. WILLIAM RODMAN ELLISON. 366 Roll of Ancestors, MOORE, SAMUEL (1754-1798), Private, Captain John Mott’s Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. James W. Moorg, M.D. FREDERICK SCHOBER. MOORE, SAMUEL ( -1795), First Lieutenant, Captain John Reese’s Company, Second Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair, January 11, 1776; promoted Cap- tain, November 11, 1776; transferred to Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; became Supernumerary, July 1, 1778. Lieutenant JOHN FULTON REYNOLDs LANDIS, U.S.A. MOORE, THOMAS (1757-1817), Matross, Captain Benjamin Eustis’s Company, Third Artillery ; Gunner, Captain Benjamin Frothingham’s Company, Colonel John Crane’s Regiment of Artillery, September 12, 1777—-December 31, 1779, and January 1—September 12, 1780, Massachusetts Line; Seaman, priva- teer ‘‘ Aurora,’’ June 16, 1781, and later served on frigate ‘‘ Boston,”’ Continental Navy. Rev. LucIEN Moore ROBINSON. MOREY, ISRAEL (1735-1809), Member of the Provincial Assembly of New Hampshire, May 4, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of New Hampshire, May 24, 1775; Colonel, Twelfth Regiment of Foot, New Hampshire Militia, August 24, 1775; Paymaster, Colonel Timothy Bedel’s Regiment of New Hampshire Rangers, August 29, 1775 ; Mustermaster and Pay- master of same, January 20, 1776; Brigadier-General of New Hamp- shire Militia. FREDERICK MEADE BISSELL. MORGAN, JACOB, SR. (1716-1792), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Justice of Berks County, Pennsylvania Courts, 1768-1777; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsyl- vania, 1777-1778 ; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, Moll of Ancestors. 367 1777; Dedimus Potestatem, August 10, 1778; Judge of Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1777-1791; Lieutenant of Berks County, Pennsylvania, May 22, 1777-1780. GORDON MonceEs ASH. *JoHN MorGAN ASH. Joun MorGan ASH, JR. %* CHARLES PENROSE BLIGHT. ELIHU SPENCER BLIGHT. WILLIAM SERGEANT BLIGHT. Rev. BENJAMIN JOHNSON DOUGLASS. CHARLES WETHERILL GUMBES, M.D. ADDINELL HEwson, M.D. PRICE WETHERILL JANEWAY. CHARLES NORRIS ROBINSON. ROBERTS COLES ROBINSON. ALBERT LAWRENCE WETHERILL. JouHN Price WETHERILL. SAMUEL WETHERILL. MORGAN, JACOB, JR. (1742-1802), Major, First Battalion, Colonel John Dickinson, Philadelphia Associ- ators, 1775; Colonel, First Battalion, 1777; Colonel, Third Battalion, 1777, Philadelphia Militia ; Wagonmaster, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780; Superintendent-Commissioner of Purchases of Pennsylvania, 1780; Assistant Foragemaster of Pennsylvania, 1780. GORDON MonGES ASH. *JoHN MorGan ASH. JoHN MorGan Asu, JR. * CHARLES PENROSE BLIGHT. ELInu SPENCER BLIGHT. WILLIAM SERGEANT BLIGHT. Rev. BENJAMIN JOHNSON DOUGLASS. CHARLES NORRIS ROBINSON. ROBERTS COLES ROBINSON. MORGAN, JONAS (1752-1824), Ensign, Colonel Samuel McLellan’s Battalion, Connecticut Militia, September 25, 1777. Tuomas CHESTER WALBRIDGE. 368 Roll of Ancestors. MORRIS, ANTHONY CADWALADER (1745-1798), Volunteer Soldier and Scout in service at Philadelphia and vicinity, 1777-1778 ; wounded by British Cavalry, near Darby, Pennsylvania, December, 1777. JosEPH ALLISON STEINMETZ. MORRIS, ROBERT (1734-1806), Vice-President of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1775- 1776 ; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1776- 1778; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Superintendent of Finance of the United States, 1781. Honorary Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Henry Morris, M.D. MORRIS, SAMUEL, SR. (1711-1788), Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1776-1777 ; Member of the Board of War of Pennsylvania, March 13, 1777. JOSEPH ALLISON JANNEY. SPENCER MOSES JANNEY. JosEPH ALLISON STEINMETZ. MORRIS, SAMUEL (1734-1812), Member of the Philadelphia Committee of Safety, 1775; Captain, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, 1776-1781 ; at Trenton and Prince- ton; Member of the Navy Board of Pennsylvania, March 13, 1777 Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1776, and 1781-1783. RICHARD WISTAR HARVEY. EFFINGHAM BUCKLEY Morris. FREDERICK WISTAR Morris. FREDERICK WISTAR MorrIs, JR. GALLOWAY CHESTON Morris. IsRAEL WISTAR MorRIs. Jacos GILES Morris. Jacos GILES Morris. THomas MiLNoR Morris. EFFINGHAM PEROT. Rev. ELLISTON JOSEPH PEROT. ELListoNn LuKE PEROT. JOSEPH SANSOM PEROT. ALEXANDER HARVEY SCOTT. JoHN Morin Scott. Lewis ALLAIRE SCOTT, JR. *JacoB WALN VAUx. (Vaml Mrred DIED 7TH. MONTH, 7TH., 1812, In 79th. Year of his Ave. First Troop PHILADELPHIA Ciry CavatLry, 1775 To 1786. CAPTAIN OF THE ANNUALLY AND UNANIMOUSLY ELECTED GOVERNOR OF “STATE IN SCHUYLKILL’’ FoR 46 YEARS, and an active and valuable member 58 yeurs. ANNUALLY ELECTED First PRESIDENT OF GLOUCESTER Fox HunrinG CLoups, 1778 UNTIL HIS DEATH. Noted for the cheerfulness of his disposition, the benevolence of and the blandness and dignity of his manners, and familiarly known by the appellation of ‘(CHRISTIAN SAM. his heart Roll of Ancestors. 369 MORTON, GEORGE (1756-1799), Assistant Commissary of Issues, Continental Army, 1778. THOMAS GEORGE Morton, M.D. MORTON, JOHN (1724-1777), Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1775; Member of the Con- tinental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1774-1777; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Major CHARLES LUKENS Davis, U.S.A. WILLIAM WALLEY Davis, JR. Epwarp Morton McILvaIin. WILLIAM MCILVAIN. Tuomas EpGAR MapDpbock. MORTON, SKETCHLEY (1750-1795), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, December 20, 1774; Major, Third Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777. EpwarD Morton MCcILVAIN. WILLIAM MCcILVAIN. THomas EpGAR MADDOCK. MOTT, EDWARD, Chairman of the Committee of War for the Expedition against Fort Ticonderoga, April—May, 1775; Captain, Sixth Regiment, Colonel Samuel Holden Parsons, Connecticut Line, for protection of harbor of New London, May 1, 1775—February 10, 1776; Assistant Engi- neer, Northern Department, General Philip Schuyler, August 6, 1775 ; Major, Colonel Fisher Gay’s Regiment, General James Wadsworth’s Brigade, Connecticut Militia, July—December, 1776; at Long Island. THomaAS CHESTER WALBRIDGE. MOULDER, JOSEPH (1729-1779), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Captain of Artillery, Philadelphia Associators, 1775 ; Captain of Artillery, General John Cadwalader’s Brigade, Phila- delphia Militia, 1777 ; at Princeton. EDWARD PAGE VOGELS. 370 Roll of Ancestors, MOULDER, WILLIAM (1724-1798), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Second Lieutenant, Captain Thomas Robinson’s Company, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, March 15, 1776; resigned October 1, 1776. ANTOINE BOURNONVILLE. HERMAN FREYTAG OBERTEUFFER. WASHINGTON BLEDDYN POWELL. MOULTON, MICHAEL, JR. (1757-1820), First Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Rhode Island Militia, October, 1776; served also in the Rhode Island Navy. ROBERT POTTER MOLTEN. MOWRY, CHRISTIAN, Private, Captain Samuel Brady’s Company, Eighth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Line. * CHARLES HENRY PAULSON, JR. FRANK GORMLY PAULSON. MOYLAN, STEPHEN (1743-1811), Mustermaster-General, Continental Army, August 11, 1775; Aid-de- Camp to General Washington, March 6, 1776; Quartermaster-General with rank of Colonel, Continental Army, June 5—September 28, 1776 ; Colonel, Pennsylvania Regiment of Cavalry, January 8, 1777; served until November 3, 1783; Brevet Brigadier-General, November 3, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. James HUNTER EWING. WILLIAM MoyLAN LANSDALE. MUHLENBERG, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS (1750-1801), Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1778-1780; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1780-1883 ; President of the Council of Censors of Pennsylvania, November 14, 1783. GEORGE BROOKE, JR. Roll of Ancestors. 371 MUHLENBERG, JOHN PETER GABRIEL (1746-1807), Chairman of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence of Dunmore County, Virginia, June 16, 1774; Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1774; Delegate to the Virginia Convention, 1774; Colonel, Eighth Regiment, Virginia Line, February 13, 1776; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, February 21, 1777; Brevet Major-General, September 30, 1783; at Brandywine, Germantown, Valley Forge, Monmouth, Stony Point, Green Spring, and Yorktown. Member of the Virginia State Society of the Cincinnati; transferred to the Pennsylvania State Society, 1789. Isaac HIESTER. FRANCIS BENJAMIN MUHLENBERG. FRANK PETER MUHLENBERG. WILLIAM FREDERICK MUHLENBERG, M.D. MUNRO, WILLIAM (1743-1827), Orderly-Sergeant, Captain John Parker's Company of Massachusetts Minute Men at the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; Lieutenant, Massachusetts Militia, 1777 ; at the surrender of Burgoyne. Lieutenant CHARLES GREENE SAWTELLE, JR., U.S.A. EDMUND MUNROE SAWTELLE. MUNROE, ABRAHAM ( 1828), Fourth Sergeant, Captain Davis’s Company, Colonel John Whitcomb’s Massachusetts Regiment of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,” April 19-25, 1775; First Sergeant of same, August, 1775; Private, Captain Baker’s Company, Colonel Tyler’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia in the ‘‘ Rhode Island Alarm,’’ July 27—-August 11, 1780. Lewis RICE. MUNSON, THEOPHILUS (1747-1795), First Lieutenant, Fourteenth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, January 1, 1776; Captain, Eighth Regiment, January 1, 1777; transferred to Fourth Regiment, January 1, 1781, Connecticut Line; resigned June 3, 1783; at Germantown, Fort Mifflin, Valley Forge, Monmouth, and Stony Point. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cin- cinnati. CHARLES Lockwoop TRACY. 372 Roll of Ancestors. MURRAY, JAMES (1729-1804), Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, November 8, 1775; Captain, Colonel James Burd’s Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, forming part of the “Flying Camp,’’ 1776; Captain, First Company, Tenth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, August 26, 1780; Colonel, Captain Robert Elder’s Battalion, April 17, 1781, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia ; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Penn- sylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM AuGuUSTUS PATTON. MUSSER, GEORGE (1741-1806), Captain, First Battalion, Colonel James Ross, Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania Militia. GEORGE HENRY HAVERSTICK. NAGLE, PETER (1750-1834), Lieutenant, Major Gabriel Hiester's Battalion, Berks County, Pennsyl- vania Associators, December 10, 1776; Captain, Fourth Company, Fourth Battalion, May 17, 1777, and 1778; Captain, Sixth Battalion, 1780, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia. HENRY BUEHLER BUEHLER, M.D. Chief Engineer WILLIAM GEORGE BUEHLER, U.S.N. James McCorMIck LAMBERTON. NASH, THOMAS (1743-1815), Captain, Colonel Samuel Whiting’s Regiment, October 5-30, 1777; Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Dimon’s Regiment in the ‘‘ New Haven Alarm,” 1779 ; Captain of ‘‘ Guards,” 1781, Connecticut Militia. CLIFFORD LEWIS, JR. Davip LEwIs. WILLIAM Burr NasH LEwiIs. Tuomas Ross, JR. NELSON, WILLIAM (1754-1813), Private, Virginia State Troops, 1775 ; Major, February 29, 1776; Lieu- tenant-Colonel, October 7, 1776, Seventh Regiment, Virginia Line ; resigned October 25, 1777. SAMUEL Davis PAGE. Roll of Ancestors. 373 NEVILLE, JOHN (1731-1803), Delegate from Augusta County, Virginia, to the Provincial Convention of Virginia, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Twelfth Regiment, November 12, 1776; Colonel, Eighth Regiment, December 11, 1777; transferred to Fourth Regiment, September 14, 1778, Virginia Line; served to close of the war; Brevet Brigadier-General, September 30, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. JoHN MONTOUR CHAPLIN. MELCHOIR BELTZHOOVER CHAPLIN. Isaac CRAIG. NEVIUS, DAVID (1758-1825), Sergeant, Captain John Stryker’s Troop of Light Horse, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia. Henry DUSENBERY MAXWELL. NEWBOLD, BARZILLAI (1710- ), Major, New Jersey Militia, May 2, 1776. FRANK CARPENTER. NEWHALL, EZRA (1733-1798), Captain, Colonel John Mansfield’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May—December, 1775; Captain, Twenty-seventh Regiment, January 1—December 31, 1776; Major, Fifth Regiment, January 1, 1777, to rank from November 1, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, May 17, 1777; transferred to Fourth Regiment, January 1, 1783, Massachusetts Line ; Brevet Colonel, September 30, 1783; served to November, 1783. Member of the Massachusetts State Society of the Cincinnati. DANIEL SMITH NEWHALL. FREDERIC CUSHMAN NEWHALL. NICE, GEORGE (1739-1812), Captain, Second Company, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Ben- jamin George Eyre commanding, Philadelphia Militia, 1780. JosEPH WEAVER BAKER. * RICHARD ROWLEY BAKER. WILLIAM LuDWIG BAKER. * WILLIAM SPOHN BAKER. GEORGE BARTLESON BENNERS. FRANCIS ADAMS DONALDSON. 374 Roll of Ancestors. NICHOLAS, SAMUEL ( —-1790), Major of Marines, appointed by Continental Congress, June 25, 1776. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Joun NicHOLAS MITCHELL, M.D. NICHOLS, FRANCIS (1737-1812), Second-Lieutenant, Captain William Hendricks’s Company, Colonel William Thompson's Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, June 25, 1775; Captain, Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, December 16, 1776, to rank from January 1, 1776; promoted Major of same, February 7, 1777; resigned May 12, 1779; taken prisoner at Quebec, December 31, 1775 ; exchanged October 10, 1776; Private, Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1779-1780-1781. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM AuGusTus HEWES. HENRY KuuL NICHOLS. FRANCIS NICHOLS WHITNEY. NICHOLS, JAMES (1745-1824), Private, East Greenwich Guards, Rhode Island Militia ; at Quaker Hill, Rhode Island, 1778. CARROLL BREWSTER NICHOLS. NICHOLS, WILLIAM (1754-1804), Ensign, Captain David Grier's Company, January 9, 1776; Quarter- master, August 1, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Captain Lewis Bush's Company, June 24, 1776, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine ; transferred to Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line ; resigned November 17, 1776; Private, Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1779-1780-1781. WiLiiAm AuGustTus HEWES. Henry KuHL NICHOLS. FRANcIS NICHOLS WHITNEY. NICOLA, LEWIS (1717-1807), Major, in command of the “City Guards,’ Philadelphia Militia, 1776- 1777; Colonel, Invalid Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, June 20, 1777— June, 1783; Brevet Brigadier-General, 1783. Member of the Pennsyl- vania State Society of the Cincinnati. CLIFFORD LEwiIs, JR. Davip LEwIs. WILLIAM BurR Nasu LEwIs. THomas Ross, JR Roll of Ancestors. 375 NIGHTLINGER, SAMUEL, Drummer, Captain Abraham George Claypoole’s Company, New Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, February 3, 1777. ADAM ARBUCKLE STULL, NIXON, JOHN (1733-1808), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, October 20, 1775—July 22, 1776; Member of the Continental Navy Board, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Battalion (‘‘Silk Stockings’), Phila- delphia Associators, 1775 and 1777; read the Declaration of Inde- pendence publicly in Philadelphia for the first time, July 8, 1776; Auditor of Public Accounts, August 26, 1779. JAMES WEST. NORMAN, JOSEPH (1756-1842), Private, Captain Persifor Frazer’s Company, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, March 21, 1776—February 25,1777 DANIEL SMITH RITTENHOUSE. HENRY NORMAN RITTENHOUSE. NORTH, CALEB (1753-1840), Captain, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January 5,1776; Major, Tenth Regiment, March 12, 1777 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Eleventh Regiment, October 23, 1777; transferred to Ninth Regiment, July 1, 1778; transferred to Second Regiment, January 17, 1781, Pennsylvania Line; retired January 1, 1783. He was the last survivor of the field officers of the Pennsylvania Line, and from 1828 until his death, President of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Epwin NorTH BENSON. CLARENCE NORTH. GEORGE BELFORD NORTH. GEORGE HumpHREyS NORTH. HERBERT ALLIBONE NORTH. WILLIAM FREDERICK NORTH. 376 Roll of Ancestors. NORTH, JOSEPH, Fifer, Third Company, Captain Joel Clark, Eighth Regiment, Colonel Jedediah Huntington, Connecticut Line, July 8—December 18, 1775. JOHN FLEMING WILCOX. NYE, ELISHA (1745-1833), Lieutenant, Captain John Grannis’s Company, Massachusetts Militia, May 1—December 31, 1775; Captain, Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Gamaliel Bradford, Massachusetts Line, January 1—December 31, 1776. FREDERIC SCHOFF. OGDEN, WILLIAM (1742-1818), Private, Captain James Brown’s Company, Third Regiment of Foot, Colonel William Will, Philadelphia Militia, August, 1780. THOMAS ALLEN GLENN. OLIPHANT, JONATHAN (1739-1804), Captain, Second Regiment, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia ; retired on account of disability, April 9, 1777. * HARRY BARTLETT ABBOTT. OLNEY, JOSEPH (1737-1814), Second Lieutenant, December 22, 1775; promoted Captain, October 10, 1776, Continental Navy ; commanded ships ‘‘ Cabot’ and ‘ Queen of France.’’ *Tsaac LLoyp. JouNn Lioyp. O'NEILL, JOHN (1740-1796), Private, Captain William Helms’s Company, Second Regiment, New Jersey Line. JAMES WILKS O'NEILL, M.D. ROBERT O'NEILL WICKERSHAM. OSBORN, ETHAN (1758-1858), Private, Captain Bezaleel Beebe’s Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, Spring of 1776; honorably discharged December 25, 1776; served again as Private in various Roll of Ancestors. 377 alarms, in 1777, and in Colonel Bezaleel Beebe’s Regiment, Con- necticut Militia, June—July, 1780; at Fort Washington, New York. BENJAMIN BROWN OSBORN. JoHN ANNIN OSBORN. OSBORN, JOHN (1733-1783), Private, Captain Jesse Trusdell’s Company, Colonel Thaddeus Crane’s Regiment, Westchester County, New York Militia. THOMAS REHRER OSBOURN. OSBORN, THOMAS ( -1778), Private, Captain Christopher Marsh’s Troop of Light Horse, Essex County, New Jersey Militia; mortally wounded at the battle of Mon- mouth. JoHN BALL OSBORNE. OTTO, DR. BODO (1709-1787), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Senior Surgeon, Continental Army, 1776-1777 ; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 1777-1782. CHARLES WITMAN OTTO, PACKARD, ASA (1758-1843), Private, Massachusetts Militia, 1775 ; wounded near Harlem Heights, New York, October 25, 1776. JoHN Hooker PackarD, M.D. PADDOCK, JONATHAN ( 1810), Captain, Third Company, Seventh Regiment, Colonel David Suther- land, 1777; First Major, Third Regiment, June 22, 1778, Dutchess County, New York Militia. HENRY WARREN RAYMOND. PADELFORD, PHILIP (1752-1812), Surgeon’s Mate, Colonel Thomas Carpenter’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, August, 1778 ; Surgeon, ship-of-war ‘‘ General Mifflin,’’ Captain George M. Babcock, September 9, 1780. * CRAWFORD ARNOLD. 25 378 Moll of Ancestors. PALMER, BENJAMIN (1752-1834), Private, Captain Brockway'’s Company, Colonel Joseph Thomson's Regiment, 1776; Private, Captain Smith’s Company, Colonel Joseph Platt Cooke’s Regiment, 1777; Private, Captain Enoch Staples’s Company, 1778-1780, Connecticut Militia ; at Saratoga. WaLterR LEE MERWIN. PALMER, CHRISTOPHER (1735-1818), Private, Captain Andrew Fitch’s Company, Fourth Regiment, Colonel John Durkee, Connecticut Line, April 22, 1777—April 22, 1780; at Germantown, Fort Mifflin, Valley Forge, Monmouth, and Stony Point. Joun LELAND Morrison. PARISET, NICHOLAS (1750-1795), Quartermaster-General of French troops under Count Rochambeau, Continental Army, 1783. HENRY ALEXANDER STEVENS. PARKER, ALEXANDER (1753-1792), Second Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Hay’s Company, January 9, 1776; promoted First Lieutenant, Captain William Rippey’s Company, Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine, October 25, 1776; Captain, Seventh Regiment, March 20, 1777; transferred to Fourth Regiment, January 17, 1781; transferred to Second Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. JAMES ALEXANDER ROBINSON. PARKER, JOSEPH (1722- ), Member of the Committee to Superintend Printing Bills of Credit for Pennsylvania, June 30, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, October 20, 1775—July 22, 1776. CALEB JONES MILNE. CALEB JONES MILNE, JR. CLYDE MILNE. Davip MILNE. Roll of Ancestors. 379 PARRY, CALEB (1734-1776), Lieutenant-Colonel, Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, Colonel Samuel John Atlee, March 3, 1776; killed at the battle of Long Island. CHARLES FRANCIS JuDSON, M.D. OLIVER BOYCE JUDSON. HENRY GRIFFITH KEASBEY. PARSONS, ISAAC (1740-1825), Captain, Third Company, Fourth Regiment, Cumberland County, Massachusetts Militia, September, 1777. THEOPHILUS PARSONS CHANDLER. PARTRIDGE, SAMUEL (1749-1834), Private, Captain William Heaton’s Company, September 20, 1777; Private, Captain Timothy Bush’s Company, October, 16, 1780, Colonel Peter Olcott's Regiment, Vermont State Troops ; at Saratoga. ALBERT NEWTON CLEAVER. Percy Howarp Haypon. PATTERSON, JAMES (1731-1789), Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1775; Private, Captain James Cowden’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, March 13, 1776; First Lieutenant, Sixth Company, Second Battalion, Colonel James Watson, 1777, Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania Militia. WILLIAM CASPER STOEVER. JAMES PATTERSON ZIEGLER, M.D. WALTER Macon LowrIE ZIEGLER, M.D. PATTERSON, ROBERT (1743-1824), Sergeant, Captain Cornelius Newkirk’s Company, Second Battalion, Salem County, New Jersey Militia, September 11, 1775; Surgeon’s Mate, Colonel Silas Newcomb’s Battalion, General Nathaniel Heard’s Brigade, July 8, 1776; Brigade-Major on Staff of Brigadier-General Silas Newcomb, May 10, 1777, New Jersey Militia; at Long Island and White Plains. PaTTERSON DuBoIs. 380 Roll of Ancestors. PATTON, JOHN (1757-1836), Private, Captain William Donaldson’s Company, Colonel William Chambers’s Battalion, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS PATTON. PAULDING, JOHN (1758-1818), Private, New York Militia; captured and confined in British military prisons in North Dutch Church, and in the Sugar-House, New York ; one of the captors of Major André. TATTNALL PAULDING. PAYNE, GEORGE (1730-1795), Captain, November 14, 1777; Major, March 31, 1778, Third Battalion, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia. CLARENCE PAYNE FRANKLIN, M.D. PEALE, CHARLES WILLSON (1741-1827), Lieutenant of Philadelphia Militia, 1776; Captain, Fourth Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel John Bubenheim Bayard, January 3, 1777; Captain, Fourth Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel William Will commanding, June 17, 1777, Philadelphia Militia; at Trenton, Prince- ton, Germantown, White Marsh, and Valley Forge; Commissioner to Seize the Personal Effects of Traitors, October 21, 1777; Commissioner of Forfeited Estates, May 6, 1778; Member of the Assembly of Penn- sylvania, 1779; Member of the Court of Inquiry respecting Militia Officers of Pennsylvania, May 12, 1779; Member of the Committee to conduct rejoicings at completion of Confederation, 1781. COLEMAN SELLERS. COLEMAN SELLERS, JR. HORACE WELLS SELLERS. PEALE, JAMES (1749-1831), Ensign, Colonel William Smallwood’s Maryland Battalion, January 14, 1776; First Lieutenant, December 10, 1776; promoted Captain, March 1, 1778, First Regiment, Maryland Line; resigned June 1, 1779. Member of the Maryland State Society of the Cincinnati. JosEPH MEGARY PEALE. WASHINGTON JAMES PEALE. Roll of Ancestors. 381 PEARSON, JOHN (1740-1820), First Lieutenant, November 13, 1776; promoted Captain, September 7, 1777, Eleventh Regiment; transferred to Ninth Regiment, July 1, 1778; transferred to Second Regiment, January 17, 1781 ; transferred to First Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line ; served to June, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. GEORGE PEARSON. PEASE, SAMUEL (1718- ), Private, Major Nathaniel Terry’s Connecticut Minute Men in the “Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20, 1775; Private, Third Company, Cap- tain Joel Clark, Eighth Regiment, Colonel Jedediah Huntington, Con- necticut Militia, July 7—-December 16, 1775; Private, Third Regiment, Connecticut Line, February 23, 1778—January 1, 1779. FRANCIS OLCOTT ALLEN. PEASLEE, ZACCHEUS (1763-1810), Lieutenant, Second Canadian Regiment (‘‘ Congress’s Own’’), Colonel Moses Hazen, Continental Army; Aid-de-Camp to Colonel Moses Hazen, Continental Army. Member of the New Hampshire State Society of the Cincinnati. CHARLES PEASLEE TURNER, M.D. PECK, JESSE (1735-1777), Corporal, Captain Noble Benedict’s Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, August 26—December 25, 1776. GEORGE LUTHER PECK. PEELING, JOSHUA (1744-1837), Private, Captain Thomas Herbert’s Company, Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, Colonel Samuel John Atlee, 1776; Sergeant, Captain John Marshall’s Company, Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot, Colonel John Bull, March 1—May 1, 1777; Sergeant, Captain John Marshall's Company, Thirteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, 1777; wounded by a grape shot through the hand at Brandywine. ELIPHALET ORAM LYTE. * Francis Aspury LYTE. Josuua Louis LyTE. 382 Roll of Ancestors. PERKINS, FRANCIS (1732-1812), Second Lieutenant, Captain Jonathan Cogswell, Jr.’s, Company of Ipswich, Massachusetts Minute Men in the “ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Captain, Colonel Jonathan Cogswell, Sr.’s, Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1776. EDWARD LANG PERKINS. PERKINS, JACOB (1731-1792), Second Major, First Regiment, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia, April 18, 1778; Major, Colonel John Taylor’s Regiment, New Jersey State Troops, October 9, 1779 ; Member of the Committee of Observa- tion of Burlington County, New Jersey, 1775. Lucius Scott LANDRETH. WILLIAM LINTON LANDRETH. EDWIN STANLEY PERKINS, M.D. PERKINS, JOHN ( -1777), Private, Captain Simon Spalding’s Independent Company of the Wyom- ing Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line, January 1 —July 6, 1777; killed by Indians, July 6, 1777. THoMAS HENRY ATHERTON. PETERS, RICHARD (1744-1828), Captain, Philadelphia Battalion of Associators, 1775 ; Secretary of the Continental Board of War and Ordnance, June 13, 1776; Member of the New Board of War, 1777; Secretary of War of the United States, 1781 ; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1782- 1783. RICHARD PETERS, JR. PETRIE, DANIEL (1732-1782), Private, Captain Jacob Small’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Peter Bellinger, Tryon County, New York Militia; Private, Second Regiment, Ulster County, New York Militia; assisted in repelling the invasion of the Indians and Tories in the Mohawk Valley, New York, and was killed in the attack at Little Falls, July 14, 1782. JOSEPH BaAYLis THoMAs. Moll of Ancestors. 383 PETTIT, CHARLES (1736-1806), Assistant Quartermaster-General, Pennsylvania Militia, May 18, 1778; resigned June 20, 1781. ARTHUR VINCENT MEIGs, M.D. WILLIAM MontGomery MeiGs, M.D. PEYTON, DR. VALENTINE (1756- ), Second Lieutenant, February 5, 1776; First Lieutenant; Captain, October 4, 1777, Third Regiment, Virginia Line; served also as Sur- geon in the Virginia Line, 1778-1782. FRANCIS ANDREW MARCH, JR. PHELPS, DAVID (1733-1811), First Lieutenant, Captain Josiah Gillett’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Fisher Gay, Connecticut Militia, June—December, 1776; at Long Island; Lieutenant, Connecticut Militia in the ‘‘ Danbury Alarm,’’ April 25-28, 1777; Captain, Colonel Noah Phelps’s Regi- ment, Connecticut Militia in the ‘‘New Haven Alarm,’’ July 5, 1779; captured and confined on the prison-ship ‘‘ Jersey.” FRANCIS ALEXANDER PHELPS. * JoHN CASE PHELPS. WILLIAM GEORGE PHELPS. ZIBA BENNETT PHELPS. PHILBROOK, THOMAS WELD (1760-1841), Private, Rhode Island Troops, 1776-1781; taken prisoner and con- fined eight months on prison-ship ‘‘ Jersey.’’ IsAAC STARR, JR. PHILIPS, DAVID (1742-1829), Captain, Second Company, Seventh Battalion, Colonel William Gibbons, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777. JoHN LELAND MORRISON. PHILIPS, JOHN (1745-17909), First Lieutenant, Second Company, Captain David Philips, Seventh Battalion, Colonel William Gibbons, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. GEORGE Morris Puiuies, Pu.D. 384 fRoll of Ancestors. PHILIPS, JOSIAH (1751-1817), Second Lieutenant, Second Company, Captain David Philips, Seventh Battalion, Colonel William Gibbons, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. ERNEST LEIGH TUSTIN. PHILLIPS, CORNELIUS ( -1777), Private, Third Regiment, Colonel Frederick Fisher, Tryon County, New York Militia; killed in action at Oriskany, New York, August 6, 1777. BURNET LANDRETH, JR. SYMINGTON PHILLIPS LANDRETH. PHILLIPS, JOHN (1757- ), Captain, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia; at Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Germantown, Monmouth, and Springfield. HENRY BLACKWELL BARTOW. Jost1aH BLACKWELL BaRTow. BuRNET LANDRETH, JR. SYMINGTON PHILLIPS LANDRETH. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM (1755-1836), Private, Captain Thomas Berry’s Company, Eighth Regiment, Colonel Abraham Bowman, Virginia Line, September, 1777-1778; at Ger- mantown and Valley Forge; served also from 1780 to Cornwallis’s surrender in various expeditions under Colonels Daniel Morgan, Joseph Holmes, and William Clark, and was captured near the close of hostilities. JosepH Lerpy, Jr., M.D. PIATT, JACOB (1747-1834), Ensign, Captain Andrew M’Mires’s Company, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 15, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Elias Longstreet’s Company, November 29, 1776; Adjutant, First Battalion, Second Establishment; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, First Regiment, January 10, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, First Regiment, to date from February 2, 1779; Captain by brevet; Captain, First Regiment, October 26, 1779, New Jersey Line; resigned to date March 11, 1780 Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. WALTER GEORGE SMITH. Roll of Ancestors. 385 PIERCE, ABEL (1736-1814), Private, Captain Andrew Backus’s Plainfield, Connecticut, Company of Minute Men in the ‘“‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20-27, 1775. GEORGE HOLLENBACK BUTLER. PIERCE BUTLER. JOHN CONYNGHAM STEVENS. PIERCE, RUFUS (1751-1812), Matross, Captain Daniel Vose’s Company, Colonel Lemuel Robinson's Regiment, April 19, 1775; Sergeant, Captain William Babcock’s Com- pany, Colonel Samuel Pierce’s Regiment, February 3, 1777—April 8, 1778, Massachusetts Militia. HENRY WARREN LITTLEFIELD. PIERCE, WILLIAM (1727-1793), Lieutenant, Captain Ebenezer Tucker's Company of Milton, Massachu- setts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Captain, Colonel John Crane’s Artillery Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, Novem- ber 30, 1776. HENRY WARREN LITTLEFIELD. PIERCY, CHRISTIAN ( -1793), Captain, Fifth Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Sharp Delany, Philadelphia Militia, 1777 ; at Brandywine ; wounded at Paoli. * Captain JAMES FORNANCE, U.S.A. JOSEPH FORNANCE. PINKERTON, JOHN (1735-1818), Private, Captain John Ramsey’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel John Hannum, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, June 18, 1777. JOHN JAMES PINKERTON. SAMUEL STANHOPE SMITH PINKERTON. PIPER, GEORGE (1755-1823), Private, Tenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, October 25, 1776—Janu- ary 17, 1781; at Princeton, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown. * JoHN HENRY ZEILIN. 386 Roll of Ancestors. PIPER, JAMES (1735-1776), Lieutenant-Colonel, Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Colonel Samuel Miles, March 13, 1776; wounded and captured at the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776, and died in captivity. WILLIAM PIPER DE ARMIT. PITKIN, THOMAS (1724-1818), Captain, Bolton, Connecticut, Company of Minute Men in the “ Lex- ington Alarm,’ April 19, 1775. Rev. CHARLES ELLIS STEVENS, LL.D., D.C.L. PLATT, JOSEPH (1740-1792), Private, Captain Ezekiel Sanford’s Company, Fifth Regiment, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley, Connecticut Line, June 2, 1777; discharged Jan- uary 9, 1778. FREDERICK Woop. PLUMLY, GEORGE (1753-1813), Private, Bensalem Township Company, Captain John Jarvis, First Battalion, Colonel Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 19, 1775. CHARLES EDWIN PLUMLY. GEORGE WASHINGTON PLUMLY. POLHEMUS, JOHN (1738-1831), Captain, First Battalion, First Establishment, November 22, 1775; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; Major, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Line; re- tired September 26, 1780; in the expedition to Canada; at Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Iron Hill, Brandywine, Paoli, German- town, Valley Forge, and Monmouth ; captured by Tories and confined for two years in the Provost Gaol and Sugar-House Prison, New York. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. HORACE MAGEE. RICHARD DALE SPARHAWK. POLK, ROBERT, Commander, sloop ‘‘ Black Jake,’’ Maryland Navy. JoserH LErpy, Jr., M.D. Mose eee ae ane Roll of Ancestors. 387 POLK, THOMAS (1732-1793), Member of the Assembly of North Carolina; a Signer of the Meck- lenburg Declaration of Independence, May 20, 177 5; Colonel, Second Battalion, North Carolina Minute Men, December 21, 1775; Colonel, Fourth Regiment, North Carolina Line, April 16, 1776—June 28, 1778; Commissary of Provisions, North Carolina Troops; Brigadier-General, North Carolina Militia, 1781. Rurus KING PoLk. POLK, WILLIAM (1758-1834), Second Lieutenant, Third Regiment, North Carolina State Troops, 1775; Major, Ninth Regiment, North Carolina Line, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, Fourth Regiment, North Carolina State Troops, 1777-1781 ; at Brandywine, Germantown, where he was wounded in the tongue, Camden, Guilford Court-House, and Eutaw Springs, where he was again wounded ; he was the last surviving Field Officer of the North Carolina Line. Member of the North Carolina State Society of the Cincinnati. Rurus KinG POLK. POLLOCK, SAMUEL (1738-1821), Private, Captain James Murray’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia; on detached duty under Captain John Rutherford, April, 1779. RICHARD EDEY CLAY, JR. POMEROY, DANIEL (1737- ), Private, Captain Nathan Rowlee’s Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Timothy Robinson’s Regiment, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Militia, January 18—April 3, 1777; Sergeant, Captain John Morgan’s Company, Colonel Ruggles Woodbridge’s Regiment, August 24— November 29, 1777; Captain, Colonel Israel Chapin’s Regiment, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Militia, July 6, 1778; Captain of a detachment of General Danielson’s Brigade, Hampshire County, Massa- chusetts Militia, July 1—October 31, 1778. CHARLES POMEROY SHERMAN. 388 Roll of Ancestors. POPE, JOSEPH (1742-1825), Sergeant, Captain Daniel Egrees’s Company of Dartmouth, Massachu- setts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 21, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Second Regiment, Bristol County, Massachusetts Militia, 1776, EDWARD CLINTON LEE. * WILLIAM JENKS LEE. PORTER, ANDREW (1743-1813), Captain of Marines, June 19, 1776, serving on frigate ‘‘ Effingham ;’’ Captain, Second Regiment, Colonel John Lamb, Continental Artillery, January 1, 1777; transferred to Pennsylvania State Regiment of Artillery, Colonel Thomas Proctor, January 1, 1781; promoted Major, April 19, 1781; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, December 24, 1782, to rank from January 1, 1782; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, January I, 1783; retired June 17, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Henry MARTYN DECHERT. HENRY TAYLOR DECHERT. * ROBERT PORTER DECHERT. CHARLES MULLER HEBERTON, M.D. JoHN BIDDLE PoRTER. Hon. WILLIAM WAGENER PORTER. WILLIAM BROOKE RAWLE. PORTER, ROBERT (1768-1842), Cadet, January 9, 1779; First Lieutenant, July 2, 1781, under the arrangement of the Pennsylvania Artillery of 1781 ; Second Lieutenant, January 1, 1783, under the arrangement of 1783, Colonel Thomas Proctor’s Pennsylvania Artillery, Continental Army. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Henry Martyn DECHERT. HENRY TAYLOR DECHERT. * ROBERT PORTER DECHERT. POTTER, DANIEL (1760-1828), Private, Captain Samuel Granger’s Company, Colonel Charles Webb's Regiment ; Corporal, Captain Higby’s Company, Colonel Samuel Blatchey Webb’s Regiment, Connecticut Line, 1776; discharged at West Point, January, 1783. LELAND BARKER POTTER. Roll of Ancestors. 389 POTTER, DAVID (1745-1805), Colonel, Second Battalion, Cumberland County, New Jersey Militia, 1776; Colonel, Battalion of State Troops, November 27, 1776; ap- pointed Brigadier-General of Militia, February 21, 1777, which he declined March 15, 1777; captured at the battle of Germantown. ROBERT PoTTER MOLTEN. POTTER, JAMES (1729-1789), Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, October 9, 1780, and Vice-President thereof, November 15, 1781; Colonel, Second Battalion, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Associators, January 24, 1776; Brigadier-General, Pennsylvania Militia, April 5, 1777; Major-General, Pennsylvania Militia, May 23, 1782; served to close of the war; at Trenton, Princeton, where he was wounded, Brandywine, and Germantown. WILLIAM WILSON CURTIN. Davip McMurtTRIE GREGG, JR. Joun IRvIN POTTER. ALAN DICKSON WILSON. POTTER, WILLIAM (1753-1838), Lieutenant, Captain Simeon Thayer’s Company, Colonel Daniel Hitch- cock’s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, 1775 ; Captain of Prisoners’ Guard, Providence, Rhode Island, 1776; Member of Captain Barnard Eddy’s Company of Rhode Island Artificers, 1776; Ensign, Provi- dence, Rhode Island Grenadiers, February 7, 1777; served also in Captain Jonathan Arnold’s Company of Rhode Island Grenadiers, 1778. WILLIAM FRANKLIN POTTER. POTTS, THOMAS (1729-1777), Deputy from Sussex County, New Jersey, to the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, October 2, 1775 ; Bearer of Despatches from the Provincial Congress of New Jersey to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia ; Deputy from Sussex County, New Jersey, in the Convention of New Jersey, June 10, 1776. CHARLES WILLIAM POTTS. * WILLIAM JOHN POTTS. 390 Roll of Ancestors. POTTS, THOMAS (1735-1788), Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1775; Colonel, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775 ; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776. BUSHROD WASHINGTON JAMES, M.D. * CLARENCE GRAY JAMES. POULTNEY, THOMAS (1762-1828), Private, Captain Tench Francis’s Company, First Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel James Reed commanding, Philadelphia Militia, 1781. * James MIFFLIN. POUNDS, JOHN, SR. (1720-1789), Wagonmaster, New Jersey Militia; Captain and Conductor of Team Brigade, Wagonmaster-General’s Department, New Jersey Militia. Rev. Irwin Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. JOsEPH ALEXANDER McCurpy. POWELL, LEVIN (1737-1810), Member of the Committee of Safety of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel William Grayson’s Additional Con- tinental Regiment, January 11, 1777; resigned November 15, 1778. POWELL EVANS. FRANCIS WHITING POWELL. POWELL, RICHARD (1749-1818), Private, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia. THEODORE FRANK BUTCHER. GEORGE WASHINGTON POWELL, JR. POWELL, SAMUEL (1739-1815), Captain, Philadelphia Associators, 1776; Second Lieutenant, First Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, April 25, 1779. WASHINGTON BLEDDYN POWELL. Roll of Ancestors. 391 PRATT, JOSEPH (1748-1838), Private, Colonel Thomas Church’s Third Regiment, 1775; Drummer and Drum-Major, Colonel William Richmond's Regiment, 1776, Rhode Island Militia. Jos—ePpH PRATT MuMFORD. PREBLE, ESAIAS (1742-1812), Captain, Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ 1775; Captain, Colonel Ebenezer Sayer’s First York, Massa- chusetts, Regiment, June 25, 1776; Captain, Colonel Jacob Gerrish’s Regiment, April 1—July 6, 1778, Massachusetts Militia. * Surgeon JOHN Hancock Hatt, M.D., U.S.N. EDMUND ALPHONSO SOUDER. THomas MIFFLIN SOUDER. PRESTON, WILLIAM (1729-1788), A Signer of the Halston Address to Congress, January 20, 1775; County Lieutenant and active in organizing the Virginia troops; Colonel, Virginia Militia, 1775; served under General Nathaniel Greene in 1781; at Guilford Court-House he received injuries from which he died. ETHELBERT DUDLEY WARFIELD, LL.D. PRICE, SAMUEL (1750-1801), Member of the Committee of Observation of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, December 20, 1774; Private, Captain William Price’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel John Hannum, Chester County, Pennsyl- vania Militia, June 22, 1777. EpwaArRD AUGUSTUS PRICE. HowArD CAMPBELL PRICE. SAMUEL ALDRICH PRICE. WILLIAM GRAY PRICE, JR. WILLIAM PRICE SHARPLESS. EvLijAH HOLLINGSWORTH SITER, M.D. FRANK EVANS TOWNSEND. PUGH, JOHN (1747-1840), Private, Captain Joseph Gardner’s Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans, 1778; Ensign, Eighth Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel John McDowell, 1780, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia. ACHILLES HENRY PUGH. 392 Roll of Ancestors. PUTNAM, ISRAEL (1718-1790), Lieutenant-Colonel, Eleventh Regiment, Connecticut Militia, in the “Lexington Alarm,’’ April 20—May 1, 1775; Colonel, Third Regi- ment, Connecticut Militia, May 1, 1775; Major-General, Continental Army, June Ig, 1775; retired June 3, 1783; commanded Connecticut Troops at Bunker Hill; at Long Island. CHARLES A. BRINLEY. PUTNAM, JOHN (1767-1841), Private, Lieutenant Person’s Company, Colonel John Ashley’s Regi- ment, 1780; Private, Captain Benjamin Pike’s Company, Sixth Regi- ment, January, 1781—December, 1781; Private, Captain Japeth Daniels’s Company, Sixth Regiment, January—December, 1782, Mas- sachusetts Line. GEORGE ToME BusH. RALSTON, JOHN (1735-1795), Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Paymaster, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Militia, February 16, 1781 ; Auditor of Depreciation Accounts, 1781. Davip BRAINARD CASE, RANDOLPH, EDWARD FITZ (1754-1837), First Lieutenant, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 3, 1777; resigned May 10, 1779; at Trenton, Brandywine, Paoli, where he was severely wounded, Germantown, Valley Forge, and Monmouth. CHARLES HANDY. RICHARD RANDOLPH PARRY. EDWARD RANDOLPH Woop. RANNEY, GEORGE (1747-1822), Private, Captain David Smith's Company, Colonel Samuel Elmore’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, June 1, 1776-1777; Private, Captain Stephen Potter’s Company, Second Regiment, Connecticut Line, March 30, 1777—June, 1783. EpwarpD Dimick ELLIs. Roll of Ancestors. 393 RANSOM, GEORGE PALMER (1762-1850), Private, Captain Samuel Ransom’s Company, 1776-1778; Private, Captain Simon Spalding’s Company, 1778, Independent Companies of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line ; at Millstone, Bound Brook, Brandywine, Germantown, Mud Fort, and in Sullivan’s Expedition; discharged at West Point at close of war. JAMES MONROE HODGE. RANSOM, SAMUEL (1737-1778), Captain, Second Independent Company of the Wyoming Valley, Penn- sylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line, August 26, 1776; resigned June, 1778; at Millstone, Bound Brook, Brandywine, Germantown, and Mud Fort; Volunteer Aid to Colonel Zebulon Butler, and was killed at the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. James MONROE HODGE. SAMUEL ALDRICH PRICE. RATHBONE, SAMUEL (1705-1780), Lieutenant, Captain John Sand’s Company of Block Island, Rhode Island Militia, 1775-1776. ROBERT PACKER RATHBUN. RAYMOND, CLAPP (1730- ), Captain, Fairfield County, Connecticut Militia, 1777. CHARLES WEAVER BAILEY. JosEPH TROWBRIDGE BAILEY. JosEPpH TROWBRIDGE BAILEY, JR. CLARENCE RAYMOND CLAGHORN. James RAYMOND CLAGHORN. RAYMOND, URIAH (1746-1810), Ensign, Captain Seth Seymour's Company, Ninth Regiment, Lieuten- ant-Colonel John Mead commanding, Connecticut Militia, August 12— September 11, 1776, and October 24, 1776—January 24, 1777; mus- tered out as Captain in same Regiment, 1780. HENRY WARREN RAYMOND. 26 394 Roll of Ancestors. REA, JOHN (1755-1829), Lieutenant, Fifth Battalion, January 20, 1777; Captain, Eighth Com- pany, Eighth Battalion, Colonel Abraham Smith, July 31, 1777, and May 14, 1778; Captain, Second Company, First Battalion, Lieutenant- Colonel James Johnston commanding, May to, 1780, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. CHARLES REA. SAMUEL REA. READ, DAVID (1752-1838), Private, Captain John Barker’s Company, Second Battalion, Cumber- land County, New Jersey Militia ; in engagements near Cooper's Creek, and at Quinton’s Bridge. JOHN RUE READ. WASHINGTON DuNLAP READ. READ, GEORGE (1733-1798), Member of the Continental Congress from Delaware, 1774-1777; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence; President of the Delaware Constitutional Convention of 1776; Admiralty Judge, 1782. WILLIAM READ FISHER. READ, JAMES (1743-1822), City Lieutenant of Philadelphia, April 10, 1777; Captain, ‘South Ward’’ Company, Colonel William Bradford’s Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, 1777; Major of same, July, 1777; Major, Colonel Jonathan Bayard Smith’s Battalion, August 2, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, First Battalion, 1780 and 1782, Philadelphia Militia ; at Princeton, Brandy- wine, and Germantown ; Senior Commissioner of the Navy, 1781. Rev. JaMEs McInrosH LONGSTRETH ECKARD. Rev. LEIGHTON WILson EckarD, D.D. READ, JOSEPH (1739-1814), Member of the Committee of Observation of Burlington County, New Jersey, February 14,1775 ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May—June—August, 1775. Captain JoHN JosEPH Reap, U.S.N. Roll of Ancestors. 395 REDINGTON, JOHN (1757-1830), Private, Captain Abner Prior’s Company, Colonel Andrew Ward's Regiment, May, 1776; Private, Captain James Dana's Company, General David Waterbury’s Brigade, April 29, 1781, Connecticut Mili- tia; taken prisoner at Horse Neck, Connecticut, and confined in ««Sugar-House,’’ New York ; served also in Captain Allen’s Connect- icut Artillery ; at Trenton and Saratoga. WILLIAM ERNEST CARTER. REED, JAMES ( —1807), Colonel, Third Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, April 28—-December, 1775; with Colonel John Stark’s Regiment he held the ‘‘ Rail Fence’’ at the battle of Bunker Hill, and covered the retreat of the Continental Army; Colonel, Second Regiment, New Hampshire Line, January 1, 1776; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, August 9, 1776; became blind in the Canadian Expedition, and retired from service, Sep- tember, 1776. Member of the New Hampshire State Society of the Cincinnati. ULRIC DAHLGREN. REED, JOSEPH (1741-1785), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel and Military Secretary to General Wash- ington, July 4, 1775—May 16, 1776; Adjutant-General, Continental Army, June 5, 1776; resigned January 22, 1777; Member of the Con- tinental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1777-1778; a Signer of the Articles of Confederation, 1778; Attorney-General of Pennsylvania, August 21, 1778 ; President of the Supreme Executive Council of Penn- sylvania, December 1, 1778. * Hon. HENRY REED. REEDER, JOHN (1751-1813), Private, Captain William Tucker's Company, and Captain John Mott’s Company, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. WILBUR FISK REEDER. 396 Roll of Ancestors. REILY, JOHN (1752-1810), First Lieutenant, Twelfth Regiment, October 16, 1776; promoted Captain, May 20, 1777; transferred to Third Regiment, July 1, 1778; transferred to Invalid Regiment, August 12, 1780, Pennsylvania Line; served to close of war; wounded at Bonhampton, New Jersey, April, 1777. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. LUTHER REILY KELKER. REYNOLDS, DAVID (1734-1816), Private, Third Company, Captain John Dixon, Third Battalion, Colonel Comfort Sage, General James Wadsworth’s Brigade, Connecticut Militia, 1776; Private, Captain Paul Brigham’s Company, Fifth Regi- ment, Connecticut Line, January 1, 1781—January 1, 1783; at Long Island and White Plains. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. REYNOLDS, THOMAS (1729-1803), Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia ; promoted Colonel, June 6, 1777 ; resigned December 18, 1782; prisoner of war and paroled; exchanged for Colonel Simcoe, British Foot. FRANK CARPENTER. WILLIAM DARLINGTON EVANS, REYNOLDS, WILLIAM ( -1792), Private, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, Colonel Nathan Denison, in a detachment commanded by Colonel Zebulon Butler, June 24—October 1, 1778. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. RICE, PHINEAS (1728-1819), Ensign, North-East Company, First Regiment of Vermont Minute Men, Colonel John Van Ness, October 17, 1775; Private, Captain Stephen Shepardson’s Company, First or Lower Regiment, Colonel William Williams, New York Militia, January 4, 1776; Member of a Committee of Safety, April 7, 1777—April, 1778. STANLEY GRISWOLD FLAGG, JR. Roll of Ancestors. 397 RICE, SETH (1737-1815), First Lieutenant, Captain Brigham’s Company, Colonel Golden's Regi- ment, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia, 1776; First Lieutenant, Sixth Company, Colonel Job Cushing’s Regiment, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia, 1777; First Lieutenant, Captain Lyons’s Com- pany, Colonel Wade’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1778; First Lieutenant, Captain Moore’s Company, Colonel Jacobs’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1779. Lewis RICE. RICHARDS, MATTHIAS (1758-1830), Private, Second Battalion, Colonel Daniel Udree, Berks County, Penn- sylvania Militia, 1777 ; at Germantown. JOHN WILLIAM RicHAaRDS MCKNIGHT. Lieutenant HENRY MELCHIOR MUHLENBERG RICHARDS, U.S.N. RICHARDS, SAMUEL (1753-1841), Sergeant, Sixth Company, Captain Noadiah Hooker, Second Regiment, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, May 4—December 18, 1775 ; Ensign, Twenty- second Regiment, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, January 1—-December 31, 1776, Connecticut Militia; First Lieutenant, Third Regiment, Connecticut Line, January 1, 1777; Regimental Paymaster, September 8, 1778; Regimental Clothier, April 5, 1779; Acting Brigade Major ; retired January 1, 1781. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. GEORGE STANLEY WoopwarD, M.D. RICHARDSON, NATHAN, Corporal, Captain Ithamer Wright's Company, Brookfield, Massachu- setts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19—May 1, 1775. Harry ALDEN RICHARDSON. RICKETTS, EDWARD (1759- Di Lieutenant, Captain John Spencer's Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Hugh Davidson, Bedford County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1781. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. 398 Roll of Ancestors, RIDDLE, WILLIAM (1750-1796), Private, Captain James Gibson’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Wilson, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. Davip Kurtz HaMILTON, RIDGWAY, WILLIAM (1755-1833), Master of various American privateers; captured by British sloop ‘‘Rover,’’ 1779, and sent to Island of St. Christopher ; escaped and made first officer of an American privateer of sixteen guns, and again captured by the British cruiser ‘‘ Galatea,’’ ship in New York. Howarp RiIpGway DEACON. and confined on a prison- RINGGOLD, JAMES, Lieutenant, Company of Maryland Light Infantry, 1776; Second Lieutenant, Colonel William Smallwood’s Regiment, Maryland Line, January 14, 1776. JOHN THOMPSON SPENCER. RITCHIE, CRAIG (1758-1833), Captain, Colonel William Crawford’s Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia in the Sandusky Expedition, 1782. Craig DorsEy RITCHIE, ROBERTS, ALGERNON (1751-1815), Lieutenant-Colonel, Seventh Battalion, Colonel Isaac Warner, Phila- delphia County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777 ; Commissioner of Purchases for Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, July 6, 1780. * GEORGE BROOKE ROBERTS. GEORGE THEODORE ROBERTS. ROBINSON, ABRAHAM (1740-1787), Member of the Committee of Safety of New Castle County, Delaware, November 7, 1776; Member of the Delaware Assembly, 1776-1777; Member of the Committee of Assembly to adjust accounts of Second Delaware Battalion, January 6, 1777; Member of the Committee of Assembly for raising troops. Epwarp Morton McItLvain. WILLIAM McILvaIn. Roll of Ancestors. 399 ROBINSON, DANIEL (1738-1832), Lieutenant and Quartermaster, ship ‘‘Montgomery,’’ Pennsylvania Navy, May 1, 1776; Member of the Finance Committee, State of Delaware, May 14, 1778. Rev. Horace EDWIN HAYDEN. CHARLES NORRIS ROBINSON. ROBERTS COLES ROBINSON, ROBINSON, INCREASE (1739-1817), Private, Pembroke, Massachusetts, Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-29, 1775; Sergeant, Captain Eleazar Hamlin’s Com- pany, Colonel John Thomas’s Regiment, May 1, 1775 ; Ensign of same, June 1, 1775; Private, Pembroke, Massachusetts, Minute Men in the ‘Braintree and Weymouth Alarm,” March 4-8, 1776; First Lieutenant, Eighth Company, Second Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 10, 1776; Ensign, Captain Zachariah Watkins’s Company, Colonel Ezra Wood’s Regiment, Massachusetts Line, 1778-1779. Rev. LucI—EN Moore ROBINSON. ROBINSON, THOMAS (1751-1819), Captain, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January 5, 1776; Major, Fifth Regiment, October 2, 1776; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, First Regiment, June 11, 1777; transferred to Second Regiment, January 1, 1783, Pennsylvania Line; served to November, 1783; wounded at Brandywine. Member of the Pennsyl- vania State Society of the Cincinnati. ROBERT EGLESFELD GRIFFITH. ROCKWELL, JABEZ (1740-1826), Private, Seventh Company, Captain Edward Mott, Sixth Regiment, Colonel Samuel Holden Parsons, Connecticut Militia, May 6—Novem- ber 13, 1775; Private, Captain Vine Elderkin’s Company, Seventh Regiment, Connecticut Line, February 16, 1777—February 16, 1780; at Germantown, Valley Forge, and Monmouth. Lieutenant-Colonel ALMON FERDINAND ROCKWELL, U.S.A. 400 Roll of Ancestors. ROCKWELL, JABEZ (1761-1847), Private, and Fifer, in the Companies of Captains Sears, Purdy, Barnum, Geddings, David Pearse, and Frederick Zimmerman, Ninth Regiment, Colonel John Mead, and Thirteenth Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Canfield commanding, Connecticut Militia, December, 1777— . December, 1782. CHARLES Fox ROCKWELL. RODMAN, WILLIAM (1757-1824), Member of the Committee to Superintend Printing Bills of Credit for Pennsylvania, June 30, 1775 ; Quartermaster of General John Lacey’s Brigade, Pennsylvania Militia, October 4, 1781. CHARLES HENRY JONES. RICHMOND LEGH JONES. RODNEY, JOHN (1725-1792), Member of the Committee of Safety of Sussex County, Delaware, November 7, 1776; Military Treasurer of Sussex County, Delaware, February 21, 1777; Member of the Committee on Accounts of Military Expenses, Sussex County, Delaware, October 29, 1777. GEORGE RODNEY BooTH. Lucius Scott LANDRETH. * OLIVER LANDRETH. WILLIAM LINTON LANDRETH. RODNEY, THOMAS (1714-1811), Captain, promoted Colonel, Dover Light Infantry, Delaware State Troops; at Princeton and Monmouth. * THEOPHILUS PaRVIN, M.D., LL.D. ROGERS, JOHN (1744-1796), Private, Third Troop, Colonel Elisha Sheldon’s Connecticut Light Dragoons, Continental Army, May 24, 1777. JoHN RoGers Morris. ROHRMAN, CONRAD ( -1796), Sergeant-Major, Captain John Kling’s Company, Second Artillery Bat- talion, Colonel Benjamin George Eyre, Philadelphia Militia, August 31, 1780. JOs—EPpH CRAWFORD EGBERT, M.D., Pu.D. Op ie, Ly Bl ome Roll of Ancestors. 401 ROSENTHAL, GUSTAVUS HENRY JOHANN, BARON DE [ROSE, JOHN] (1753-1829), Baron de Rosenthal was a Russian Nobleman who left his country to join the American forces ; he assumed the name of John Rose, by which he was known throughout the war ; appointed Surgeon, Seventh Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Line, June 12, 1777; Surgeon’s Mate, transferred to General Hospital, Continental Army; Surgeon’s Mate, Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; Surgeon, ship ‘‘ Revenge,'’ Continental Navy ; captured and remained a prisoner of war in New York during the winter of 1780-1781; Ensign, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, April 1, 1781; Aid-de-Camp, with rank of Major, to Brigadier- General William Irvine, July 8, 1781; Adjutant in Colonel William Crawford’s Volunteer Expedition to Sandusky, Ohio, 1782 ; Lieutenant, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, January 1, 1783, and served to June, 1783; at Valley Forge; Secretary, Council of Censors of Penn- sylvania, December 18, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Baron GEORGE CHARLES PILAR VON PILCHAU. ROSS, DR. ALEXANDER (1713-1780), Surgeon, Hospital Department, Continental Army. WILLIAM INNES FORBES. CHARLES ABERCROMBIE SIMS. * Hon. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L. JOHN CLARKE SIMS. ROSS, DANIEL (1757-1854), Private, Colonel John Nixon’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 1, 1775; at Lexington, Bunker Hill, and Long Island. SAMUEL AMORY GOODHUE. ROSS, GEORGE (1730-1779), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Committee to Inspect Military Stores, July 6, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, October 20, 1775 —July 22, 1776; Colonel, First Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania Associators, 1775-1776; President of the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier- Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1774-1777; a Signer of 402 Roll of Ancestors. the Declaration of Independence ; Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Commissioner to the Indian Treaty at Fort Pitt, 1776; Judge of the Pennsylvania Court of Admiralty, March I, 1779. FREDERICK DILLER BAKER. WASHINGTON Hopkins BAkER, M.D. WILLIAM BoypD BAKER. ROSS, JOHN (1752-1796), Captain, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9, 1776; Captain, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29, 1776; Captain, Third Regiment; Major, Second Regiment, April 7, 1779, New Jersey Line; promoted Brigade-Major and Inspector, New Jersey Brigade; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia, December 18, 1782. Member of the New Jersey State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM INNES FORBES. CHARLES ABERCROMBIE SIMS. * Hon. CLIFFORD STANLEY Sims, D.C.L. JoHN CLARKE SIMS. ROSS, WILLIAM (1761-1842), Private, Captain John Franklin’s Independent Company of the Wyo- ming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line. ASHER MINER. SIDNEY Rosy MINER. ROSSELL, ZACHARIAH (1723-1815), Private, First Battalion, Second Establishment; Private, Captain Jona- than Dayton’s Company, Third Regiment; Private, First Regiment, New Jersey Line; captured and confined in ‘‘ Provost Prison.’’ Captain JOHN JosEPH READ, U.S.N. ROWEN, CHRISTOPHER (1732-1837), Private, Captain George Nagel’s Company, Colonel William Thomp- son’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, 1775-1776; Private, Captain George Humes’s Company, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, 1776- 1783. WILLIAM SMITH ROWEN. Roll of Ancestors. 403 ROWLAND, JONATHAN (1751- ), Captain, Fourth Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Richard Thomas, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. EDWARD Koons ROWLAND. RUDOLPH, JACOB (1744-1795), Captain, Second Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Caleb Davis, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 14, 1777; captured at Darby, Pennsylvania, in the retreat of the American Army from Brandywine, September 12, 1777; exchanged June, 1778; Member of the Board of Supplies of Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1777. Captain HENRY HosarT BELLas, U.S.A. Davip McKnicutT HoBarrt. WILLIAM RUDOLPH SMITH. RUMSEY, CHARLES (1736-1780), Member of the Maryland Convention, 1775; Member of the Council of Safety of Maryland, 1776; Colonel, ‘“ Elk Battalion,’’ Cecil County, Maryland Militia, 1776; County-Lieutenant of Cecil County, Mary- land, 1777. WILLIAM ELLISON BULLUS. RUPERT, PHILIP (1738-1829), First Lieutenant, First Company, Captain Conrad Geist, Fourth Bat- talion, Colonel Nicholas Lutz, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777. Wi.itiam AuGuSsTUS HEITSHU. RUPLEY, JACOB (1724-1793), Lieutenant, Seventh Company, Captain John Carothers, Third Bat- talion, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Irwin commanding, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 10, 1780. DONALD CAMERON HALDEMAN. RICHARD CAMERON HALDEMAN. ALEXANDER WILSON NorRIs. 404 Roll of Ancestors. RUSH, DR. BENJAMIN (1745-1813), Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Member of the Continental Congress from Penn- sylvania, 1776-1777; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; Surgeon-General, Hospital of the Middle Department, April 11, 1777; Physician-General, Hospital of the Middle Department, July 1, 1777; resigned January 30, 1778. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS BIDDLE, M.D. Louis ALEXANDER BIDDLE. JouHN CALVERT. BENJAMIN RUSH. RUSH, WILLIAM (1757-1833), Ensign, Captain Philip Wagener’s Company, Fourth Regiment of Foot, Colonel William Will, Philadelphia Militia, September 9, 1777. WILLIAM RusH Dunton, M.D. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER (1759-1836), Second Lieutenant, Seventh Regiment, February 3, 1777; promoted First Lieutenant, September 1, 1777, Pennsylvania Line; resigned April 16, 1779. Pay-Director ALEXANDER WILSON RUSSELL, U.S.N. Ensign ALEXANDER WILSON RUSSELL, Jr., U.S.N. RUSSELL, EVAN (1760-1838), Private, Captain Samuel Elliott's Company, Fifth Battalion, May— August, 1779; Sergeant, Captain Joseph Jenkins’s Company, Colonel James Ross’s Regiment, August—November, 1780, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. HusBert HuGHES RUSSELL. RUSSELL, JOHN (1759-1836), Private, Captain Caleb Montague’s Company, Colonel Williams's Regi- ment, and Captain Christopher Woodbridge’s Company, Colonel John Greaton’s Regiment, Massachusetts Line, July 5, 1780—January 7, 1781. Captain BENJAMIN REEVES RUSSELL, U.S.M.C. Roll of Ancestors. 405 RUSSELL, JONATHAN (1731-1813), Corporal, Captain Abraham Foot’s Company, Colonel Andrew Ward's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, May 8—June 6, 1777. WALTER LEE MERWIN. ST. CLAIR, ARTHUR (1734-1818), Colonel, Pennsylvania Militia, 1775; Colonel, Second Pennsylvania Battalion, January 3, 1776; Brigadier-General, Continental Army, August 9, 1776; Major-General, February 19, 1777, and served to close of war ; Member of the Council of Censors of Pennsylvania, 1783 ; at Ticonderoga, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Yorktown. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. David KNICKERBACKER BoyD. ST. CLAIR, DANIEL (1764-1833), Ensign, Captain John Reese’s Company, Second Pennsylvania Bat- talion, Colonel Arthur St. Clair, September 20, 1776; First Lieutenant, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, April 1, 1777; retired, January 17, 1781. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. DAVID KNICKERBACKER BoyD. SAFFORD, JOSEPH (1742-1804), Captain, Vermont Militia; Member of the Constitutional Convention of New Hampshire, 1777. Major WILLIAM FARRAR SMITH, U.S.A. SAHM, MATTHIAS, Private, Captain Jacob Baldy’s Company, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Joseph Hiester, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, August 10—Sep- tember 9, 1780. Witiiam Kopp TRITLE SAuHM, M.D. SALTER, TITUS (1725-1790), Captain, in command of the batteries of Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, September 27, 177 5—July 8, 1779 ; Commander of war-ship “‘Hampden,’’ Massachusetts Navy, July 9, 1779—June 20, 1783. * Titus SALTER EMERY. 406 Roll of Ancestors. SANDERS, THOMAS ( -1821), Private, First Battalion, Second Establishment, New Jersey Line; Pri- vate, Captain Rynear Staats’s Company, Second Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia; Private, New Jersey State Troops. Rev. CALVIN DILL WILSON. Rev. MaurIcE Emory WiItson, D.D. SANDS, COMFORT (1748-1834), Member of the New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775; Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1776; Member of the Committee of Safety of New York, January 10, 1776; Auditor- General of New York, 1776-1782; Paymaster of Westchester, Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster Counties, New York Militia, April 4, 1777 ; Member of the New Haven Convention, 1778. FREDERICK PRIME. SAYRES, MATTHIAS (1746-1792), Captain and Wagonmaster, Wagonmaster-General’s Department of New Jersey. EDWARD STALKER SAYRES. HARRY SAYRES. SCHERMERHORN, JACOB C. (1743-1822), First Lieutenant, Captain John H. Beekman’s Company, Fifth Regi- ment, Colonel Stephen Schuyler, 1775-1776; Second Major, Fourth Regiment, Colonel Kilian Van Rensselaer, Albany County, New York Militia ; at Saratoga. Louis YOUNGLOVE SCHERMERHORN. SCHERMERHORN, LUCAS JACOB (1732- ), Captain, Third Company, Fourth Regiment (Second Rensselaerwyck Battalion), Colonel Kilian Van Rensselaer, Albany County, New York Militia, October 20, 1775. FRANK EARLE SCHERMERHORN. SCHOFF, JOHN (1762-1801), Private, Captain Sylvanus Smith’s Company, Colonel Timothy Bige- low’s Regiment, Massachusetts Line, April 1, 1777-1780; at Valley Forge. FREDERIC SCHOFF. Roll of Ancestors. 407 SCHUREMAN, JOHN (1729-1795), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, May—June— August, 1775; Member of the Committee of Correspondence of New Jersey, June 3, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of New Jersey, August 17, 1775 ; Member of the New Jersey Assembly, 1775 ; Chairman of the Committee of Safety of Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1776. HENRY DUSENBERY MAXWELL. SCOTT, GUSTAVUS (1753-1801), Deputy to the Maryland Convention, June 22, 1774 ; Delegate to the Maryland Convention, June 26, 1775; Member of the Association of Freemen, July 26, 1775 ; Deputy to the Maryland Convention, Decem- ber 7, 1775—May 8, 1776, and June 21, 1776—August 14, 1776; Member of the Committee of Safety of Somerset County, Maryland, 1776; Member of the Maryland Assembly, 1780. CHARLES HENRY SCOTT. JOHN CAILE SCOTT. Lovis SLESMAN SCOTT. CHARLES Love ScoTT TINGLEY. SCOTT, JOHN MORIN (1730-1784), Member of the New York Committee of One Hundred, May 1, 1775 ; Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1775-1777; Brig- adier-General, New York Militia, June 9, 1776—March 1, 1777; wounded at White Plains ; Member of the Committee to prepare Form of Government for New York, August 1, 1777; Member of the Council of Safety of New York, 1777; Secretary of State, New York, March 13, 1778, until his death ; Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1780-1783. Honorary Member of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati. THOMAS LEAMING. ALEXANDER HARVEY SCOTT. JoHN Morin Scott. * Lewis ALLAIRE SCOTT. Lewis ALLAIRE SCOTT, JR. SCOTT, WILLIAM (1743-1815), Captain of a Company of New Hampshire Militia, April, 1775 ; Captain, Twenty-eighth Regiment, Colonel Paul Dudley Sargent, July 7, 1775; 408 Roll of Ancestors. Captain, Sixteenth Regiment, January 1, 1776, Massachusetts Line; Captain, First Company, First Regiment, Colonel John Stark, Novem- ber 8, 1776; Major, August 13, 1781, to date from September 20, 1777; Brigade-Major, General Enoch Poor’s Brigade, November 5, 1779, New Hampshire Line; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, given at Princeton, New Jersey, October 10, 1783; in service until January, 1784—eight years and eight months; at Bunker Hill, Lake George, Bemus Heights, where he was wounded, Valley Forge, and Sullivan’s Expedition. THOMAS SEYMOUR SCOTT. SEARLE, CONSTANT (1728-1778), Private, Captain Samuel Ransom’s Independent Company of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line; killed at the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. ASHER MINER. CHARLES ABBOTT MINER, SIDNEY RoBy MINER. SEARLE, JAMES (1730-1797), Member of the Continental Navy Board for the Middle District, August 19, 1778; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1778-1780; Financial Agent to secure a foreign loan, 1780; Lieutenant- Colonel, Pennsylvania Militia, 1780. Victor GUILLOU. SEARLE, WILLIAM (1751-1817), Sergeant, in one of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, Independent Companies attached to the Connecticut Line. ASHER MINER. CHARLES ABBOTT MINER. SIDNEY RoBy MINER. SEAVER, NATHANIEL, Sergeant, three years, in Colonel Seth Warner’s Additional Continental Regiment. NATHANIEL SEAVER KEay. Roll of Ancestors. 409 SELDEN, SAMUEL (1723-1776), Major, Third Regiment, June, 1776; promoted Colonel, Fourth Bat- talion, June 20, 1776, Connecticut Militia; wounded and taken prisoner in the British attack upon New York, September 15, 1776, and confined in the ‘“‘ Brick Church,”’ where he died, October 11, 1776. FRANCIS MARTIN HUTCHINSON. GEORGE CAss HUTCHINSON. EDWIN VAN DEUSEN SELDEN. GEORGE DUDLEY SELDEN. SELFRIDGE, OLIVER (1759-1845), Private, Captain George Gilmore’s Company, subsequently commanded by Captains Samuel Hodges and Cornelius Doty, Sixteenth Regiment, Colonel Lewis Van Woert, Albany County, New York Militia. DAVID WENDELL HULBURD. SELIN, ANTHONY ( -1792), Captain, Baron de Ottendorff’s Corps of Dragoons, Continental Army, December 10, 1776; Captain, Second Canadian Regiment (‘‘Con- gress’s Own’’), Colonel Moses Hazen, Continental Army, December 10, 1776; Major of same; served to January 1, 1783. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. HowarkD DAVIS SCHNURE. WILLIAM MARION SCHNURE. SELLECK, PETER (1756-1840), Private, Captain Eli Leavenworth's Company, Colonel Charles Webb’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, December 25, 1775; crossed the Delaware with Washington, and in battle at Trenton; discharged January 1, 1777; Private, Lieutenant Dame’s Company of Connecticut Artillery, as sea-coast guard, Long Island, April—November, 1779; Private, Captain Lockwood's Company of Guards, April—November, 1781. WALDRON YATES SELLECK. SELLERS, NATHAN (1751-1830), Private, Colonel Jonathan Paschall’s Battalion of the Pennsylvania “Flying Camp,’’ February 24, 1776; appointed by Council of Safety 27 410 Roll of Ancestors. of Pennsylvania to make military survey along the Delaware River, July 24, 1777. COLEMAN SELLERS. COLEMAN SELLERS, JR. HorACE WELLS SELLERS. SELLERS, PHILIP (1728-1808), Private, Captain Francis C. Hassenclever’s Company, First Battalion, Philadelphia Associators, 1776. DAVID WAMPOLE SELLERS. EDWIN JAQUETT SELLERS. SERGEANT, JONATHAN DICKINSON (1746-1793), Secretary of the Provincial Convention of New Jersey, 1775 ; Member of the Committee of Safety of New Jersey, 1775 ; Member of the Con- tinental Congress from New Jersey, 1776-1777; Member of the Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey, 1776; Attorney-General of Pennsyl- vania, July 28, 1777. * CHARLES PENROSE BLIGHT. ELIHU SPENCER BLIGHT. WILLIAM SERGEANT BLIGHT. JOHN SERGEANT GERHARD. ELtnu SPENCER MILLER. Hopart MILLER. CHARLES NORRIS ROBINSON. ROBERTS COLES ROBINSON. SEWELL, JOHN ( —1805), Private, June 8, 1778 ; Corporal, August 25, 1778 ; Sergeant, December 27, 1779, Captain Jonathan Morris’s Company, Seventh Regiment, Maryland Line; discharged August 16, 1780. WYNN REEVES SEWELL. SEYMOUR, CHARLES (1738-1802), Captain, Major Roger Newberry’s Regiment, August 11, 1776—April 21, 1777; Captain, Colonel Thomas Belden’s Regiment, General Oliver Wolcott’s Brigade, April 21—June 6, 1777, Connecticut Militia. *JoHN MiLuis HALE. Moll of Ancestors. 4lt SEYMOUR, HORACE, Regimental Quartermaster, March 25, 1777; Cornet, July 10, 1778; promoted Lieutenant, June 2, 1779; promoted Captain, Second Con- necticut Light Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon, Continental Army ; served to close of war. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. JOSEPH GAZZAM DARLINGTON. SEYMOUR, NATHANIEL (1757-1846), Private, Ninth Company, Captains Daniel Benedict and John Carter commanding, Ninth Regiment, 1776-1777; Private, Captain Reuben Schofield’s Company, Colonel John Mead’s Regiment, June 18, 1779, Connecticut Militia. THOMAS SEYMOUR SCOTT. SHACKFORD, JOHN (1755-1840), Private, Captain Ezra Luntz’s Company, Colonel Moses Little's Regi- ment, June, 1775; Private, Captain Davis’s Company, 1776-1777, Massachusetts Militia; at Quebec, where he was taken prisoner and kept in confinement nine months. JOHN WILLIAM SHACKFORD. SHARP, MATTHEW (1751-1796), Private, First Lieutenant Daniel Smith’s Company, Eighth Battalion, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1778. SIDNEY Byron LIGGETT. SHATTUCK, DAVID (1758-1840), Private, Captain Eliphalet Holmes’s Company, Colonel Samuel Selden’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, 1776; Private, Captain Ephraim Cham- berlain’s Company, Colonel Heman Swift's Regiment, Connecticut Line, 1780; served to close of war. FRANK RODMAN SHATTUCK. SHAW, MOSES, Private, First Company, Fifth Regiment, New York Line, January to, 1777. GARRETT BRODHEAD LINDERMAN. HENRY RICHARD LINDERMAN. ROBERT PACKER LINDERMAN. 412 Roll of Ancestors. SHEAFFER, HENRY (1738-1803), Captain, Second Battalion, March 26, 1776; Captain, Eighth Company, First Battalion, Colonel Philip Lorentz Greenawalt, 1777; Captain, Eighth Company, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Gloninger commanding, April 15, 1783, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. Hiram YOUNG. SHEPHERD, MATTHEW, Private, Captain George Esterly’s Company, Colonel William Brad- ford’s Battalion, June 25, 1777; Private, Captain Ezekiel Letts’s Com- pany, same Battalion, August 25, 1779, Philadelphia Militia. GEORGE ELWoOoD SHEPHERD. HARRY CLAYTON SHEPHERD, WILLIAM CARVER SHEPHERD. SHEPLEY, JOHN, Private, Captain Frederick Sigler’s Company, Colonel Matthias Slough’s Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776; at Long Island. WILLIAM CAMERON WALLS. SHEPPARD, JOSEPH (1727-1782), Private, New Jersey Militia; Member of the Committee of Safety of Cumberland County, New Jersey, 1775. FRANKLIN LAWRENCE SHEPPARD. HOWARD REYNOLDS SHEPPARD. SHERMAN, THOMAS (1722-1803), Private, Captain Thompson’s Company of Brimfield, Massachusetts, Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April, 1775 ; Private, Colonel Timothy Danielson’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May, 1775— June, 2778. CHARLES POMEROY SHERMAN. SHERRERD, JOHN, Captain, Third Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia. JAMES HOLLENBACK SHERRERD. SHEWELL, ROBERT (1740-1825), Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August, 1775. SALLOws DUNLAP. HAROLD MONTGOMERY SILL. Roll of Ancestors. 413 SHINDLE, PETER, Fifer-Major, Captain Andrew Graff's Company, Colonel Bartram Gal- braith’s Battalion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, July 16, 1776; at Long Island. Colonel JAMES Forney, U.S.M.C. SHIPPEN, EDWARD (1703-1781), Chairman of the Committee of Safety, Inspection, and Observation of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1774-1775. HORACE PATTERSON. SHIPPIN, WILLIAM (1750-1777), Captain of a Privateer, March 22, 1776; Captain of Marines, brig “ Hancock,’’ Pennsylvania Navy, June 15, 1776; Captain of Marines, on land service, December 15, 1776—January 3, 1777; killed at the battle of Princeton. ABRAM HEss. SHOEMAKER, ELIJAH ( -1778), Lieutenant in an Independent Company raised in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, and attached to the Connecticut Line; killed at the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778. * LAZARUS DENISON SHOEMAKER. Levi IvEs SHOEMAKER, M.D. LAZARUS DENISON STEARNS. SIMMONS, JEREMIAH (1748-1793), First Lieutenant, armed boat ‘‘ Warren,” Pennsylvania Navy, Septem- ber 19, 1775; First Lieutenant, First Company, February 24, 1776; promoted Captain-Lieutenant, May 28, 1776, to rank from February 24, 1776, Pennsylvania Artillery, Captain Thomas Proctor ; Captain of the “ Arnold Floating Battery,” Pennsylvania Navy, October 1, 1776. * SAMUEL POTE WATKINS, JR. SIMMS, CHARLES (1755-1819), Major, Twelfth Regiment, November 12, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Regiment, September 29, 1777 ; transferred to Second Regiment, September 14, 1778, Virginia Line ; resigned, December 7, 1779; at 414 Roll of Ancestors, Red Bank, Fort Mifflin, and Fort Mercer. Member of the Virginia State Society of the Cincinnati. FRANCIS WHITING POWELL. SIMPSON, JOHN (1744-1807), Second Lieutenant, Captain James Murray’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, August 15, 1775; detailed to Continental service at Bristol, Pennsylvania, January 28, 1777. WILLIAM AuGUSTUS PATTON. SIMPSON, REZIN (1758-1828), Sergeant, Maryland Line. Rev. ROGERS ISRAEL. SIMPSON, WILLIAM, SR. (1732-1816), Private, Buckingham Township Company, Captain John Lacey, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Asso- ciators, 1775. James Watts MERCUR. Joun Davis Mercur, M.D. RopNey Avucustus MERCUR. ULYSSES MERCUR. SINNICKSON, ANDREW, SR. (1719-1790), Judge of Salem County, New Jersey, 1762-1790; Deputy to the Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey, May 23,1775; Deputy to the Con- vention of New Jersey, June 10, 1776; Member of the First Legislative Council of the State of New Jersey, 1776. * GEORGE MECUM CONARROE. WiLLiam HENRY INGHAM. FRANK LITTLE SHEPPARD. CHARLES PERRY SINNICKSON. SINNICKSON, ANDREW, JR. (1749-1819), Captain, First Battalion, Salem County, New Jersey Militia; Pay- master, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem Counties, New Jersey Militia ; proscribed by name in proclamation of Colonel Mawhood, British Commander, March 21, 1778. WILLIAM HENRY INGHAM. CHARLES PERRY SINNICKSON. Roll of Ancestors. 415 SKINNER, EBENEZER (1731-1804), Private, Captain Robert Durkee’s Independent Company of the Wyo- ming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line, 1776; discharged January 8, 1778; at Bound Brook, Millstone, Brandywine, and Germantown. EDWARD WARREN STURDEVANT. JOHN STURDEVANT. WILLIAM HENRY STURDEVANT. SLATER, PETER (1760-1831), A member of the ‘‘ Boston Tea Party,’’ December 16, 1773 ; Matross, Captain William Treadwell’s Company, Colonel John Crane’s Artillery Regiment, Massachusetts Line, April 6, 1777—April 6, 1780; at Brandywine, Valley Forge, and Monmouth ; captured and confined a prisoner in New York. DANIEL WALDO HowARD. SLAUGHTER, JAMES (1754-1833), Quartermaster, Culpeper County, Virginia Militia, March 27, 1776; Private, Captain Robert Patton’s Company, Virginia Minute Men; Lieutenant, Captain Benjamin Roberts’s Company, Colonel Crockett’s Regiment, Virginia State Troops, 1779-1780; acting Captain for five weeks, General George R. Clark’s Brigade, Virginia Militia, in the expedition against the Indians, 1780. FRANCIS WILKINS SLAUGHTER. SMALLIDGE, REV. JOSEPH (1747-1829), Private, Colonel Rufus Putnam’s Regiment, Massachusetts Line, 1778. FRANK WILLING LEACH. JosEPH GRANVILLE LEACH. JostaH GRANVILLE LEACH. MEREDITH BIDDLE LEACH. SMITH, ABRAHAM (1734-1796), Lieutenant, Captain Ebenezer Sumner’s Company, Colonel Thaddeus Cook’s Regiment, 1778; Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Second Regi- ment, May, 1779, Connecticut Militia. WILLIAM REYNOLDS RICKETTS. 416 Roll of Ancestors. SMITH, CHRISTOPHER, Matross, Captain John McCulloch’s Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, April 27, 1779 ; Ensign, Eighth Company, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Bull com- manding, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, July 3, 1780; Private, Captain Christian Shaffer’s Company, Fifth Regiment of Foot, com- manded by Major Richard Salter, Philadelphia Militia, February 4, 1781. WILLIAM SMITH ROWEN. SMITH, EPHRAIM (1743-1827), Private, Captain Noble Benedict’s Company, Fifth Regiment, Con- necticut Militia, May 12, 1775—-October 23, 1775. JoHN BALL OSBORNE. SMITH, HIRAM (1756-1833), Private; Sergeant; Lieutenant, Third Regiment, New Jersey Line, 1776-1777 ; Ensign, Captain Samuel Hinman’s ‘‘ Eastern Battalion,’’ Morris County, New Jersey Militia, 1777. PHILIP HENRY WADDELL SMITH. SMITH, JOSEPH (1747-1794), Private, Ninth Company, Captain James Arnold, First Regiment, Colonel David Wooster, Connecticut Militia, 1775. CHARLES WILLIAM SMITH. SMITH, JOST (1755-1835), Private, Richland Township Company, First Lieutenant John Richison commanding, Third Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Wilkinson commanding, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, October 9, 1775; Private, Captain Benjamin Brumback’s Company, Second Bat- talion, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia. ARTHUR DONALDSON SMITH, M.D. * JESSE EVANS SMITH. SMITH, ROBERT (1720-1803), Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Captain, First Battalion, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776; appointed by Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania to construct 1727-1803 Roll of Ancestors. 417 the defences at Billingsport, 1776-1777; Lieutenant of Chester County, Pennsylvania, with rank of Colonel, March 12, 1777. THOMAS DARLING. PERSIFOR FRAZER SMITH. SMITH, ROBERT (1752-1838), Captain, First Regiment, Colonel William Malcolm, New York City Militia, 1775; Captain, Second Regiment, Colonel William Malcolm, New York Volunteer Infantry, June, 1776; Captain, Colonel William Malcolm’s Additional Continental Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron Burr commanding, January, 1777; at Long Island ; wounded at White Plains, October 28, 1776, and at Monmouth, June 28, 1778. DANIEL LAMMOT, JR. * EDMUND SMITH. RoBERT HOBART SMITH. ROBERT WILLIAM SMITH. SMITH, WALTER, Surgeon, Maryland Militia, 1776-1777; Member of the Committee of Correspondence and Safety of Frederick County, Maryland. JOHN THOMPSON SPENCER. SMITH, REV. WILLIAM, D.D. (1727-1803), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Philadelphia, June 18, 1774; Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; delivered various patriotic addresses and sermons during the war for American Independence, before the Provincial Assembly and Continental Congress, and to the American troops at Valley Forge and elsewhere. Captain Henry Hopart BELLas, U.S.A. Davip McKnicHtT HoBaRT. WILLIAM RUDOLPH SMITH. SMITH, WILLIAM (1732-1806), Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, December 15, 1774, Sub- Lieutenant of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, June 30, 1781. EpwarpD SMITH ILLIG. Epwarp Morton McILvAIN. WILLIAM MCILVAIN. 418 Roll of Ancestors. SMITH, DR. WILLIAM HOOKER (1724-1815), Private, Third Company, First Regiment, May 15—December, 1775 ; Private, Tenth Regiment, 1776; Captain, Twenty-fourth Regiment, 1777, Connecticut Militia; Surgeon to the Militia under Colonel Nathan Denison at Forty Fort, Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, 1778 and 1779; Surgeon in General Sullivan’s Expedition, 1779 ; Surgeon in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, Independent Companies at- tached to the Connecticut Line; at the Siege of Boston and at Long Island. ARCHIBALD LOUDON SNOWDEN. CHARLES RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. GEORGE RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. LLEWELLYN RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. ROBERT PATTERSON SNOWDEN. SMOCK, BARNES, Captain, First Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia ; taken prisoner February 13, 1778; Captain, Company of Artillery, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia, May 25, 1779; taken prisoner June 1, 1780. CLARENCE WALTER HuDSON. SNODGRASS, BENJAMIN (1731-1804), Private, Warwick Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 21, 1775. FRANK PEALE SNODGRASS. SNOWDEN, ISAAC (1732-1809), Commissioner of Taxes and Levies, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 1776-1783 ; Treasurer of Philadelphia, February 22, 1781 ; Commis- sioner for the Issue of Continental Currency; Quartermaster, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Thomas McKean, Philadelphia Associators, 1775. ARCHIBALD LouDON SNOWDEN. CHARLES RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. GEORGE RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. LLEWELLYN RANDOLPH SNOWDEN. ROBERT PATTERSON SNOWDEN. Roll of Ancestors. 419 SNYDER, ANDREW (1739-1815), Private, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line. JOHN ANDREW SNYDER. SODER, JOHN ( -1817), Captain, Fifth Company, Third Battalion, Colonel Michael Lindemuth, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 17, 1777; served also in 1776-1779-1781. LEVI WALTER MENGEL. SOMMER, JACOB (1749-1817), Private, Fourth Company, Captain Noah Townsend, Seventh Battalion, Philadelphia Militia. JAMES KLINE SHOEMAKER. SPENCER, EBENEZER (1756-1844), Private in the ‘Kent Guard,’’ Rhode Island Militia, May, 1775; Sergeant, Colonel Gerrish’s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, 1777; promoted Major. CARROLL BREWSTER NICHOLS. SPENCER, REV. ELIHU, D.D. (1721-1784), Member of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina, 1775; Chaplain in Hospital, Middle District, Continental Army, October 20, 1777. CHARLES NORRIS ROBINSON. ROBERTS COLES ROBINSON. SPENCER, ISAAC, Member of the Committee of Correspondence and Public Safety of Kent County, Maryland, June 2, 1774. JoHN THOMPSON SPENCER. SPOTSWOOD, JOHN, Captain, Tenth Regiment, Virginia Line, February 20, 1777; Regiment designated Sixth, September 14, 1778; wounded at Brandywine, Sep- tember 11, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Germantown, October 4, 1777; exchanged November, 1780; retired February 12, 1781. BRYAN ROBERTSON. NORMAN ROBERTSON. 420 Roll of Ancestors. SPRAGUE, SETH (1760-1847), Private, Captain William Weston’s Company, Massachusetts Militia, raised to serve on the ‘‘Gurnet’’ for the defence of the Harbor of Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 24, 1776—January 7, 1777. ARTHUR WADDINGTON TOBEY. SPROAT, WILLIAM (1757-1793), Ensign, Maryland Associators, 1776; First Lieutenant, January 3, 1777; Adjutant, June 30, 1777—-December 17, 1777; Captain-Lieu- tenant, April 17, 1779; Captain, May 11, 1779, Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; transferred to the Third Regiment, January 17, 1781; retired January 1, 1783; Brevet Major; at Germantown, Brandywine, and Monmouth; wounded in service. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Harris ELRIc SPROAT. SPYKER, BENJAMIN (1747— ), Captain, First Battalion of the Maryland ‘‘ Flying Camp,’’ June—De- cember, 1776; Captain, Seventh Regiment, Maryland Line, December Io, 1776; resigned May 12, 1779. . BENJAMIN MatTTuias NEAD. DANIEL WUNDERLICH NEapD, M.D. STANLEY, GAD (1735-1815), Captain, First Company, Colonel Fisher Gay’s Regiment, 1776; pro- moted Lieutenant-Colonel, May, 1778, Connecticut Militia; at Long Island and White Plains. Isaac PORTER, JR. STANLEY, DR. VALENTINE (1740-1787), Surgeon’s Mate, Colonel Samuel John Atlee’s Pennsylvania Musketry Battalion, July 31, 1776—January, 1777; Surgeon, ship ‘‘Mont- gomery,’’ Pennsylvania Navy, July 31, 1777; Surgeon of Fleet, October 1, 1777. HERBERT Hart Boyp. STAPLES, JOHN (1754-1843), Private, Captain William Brown’s Company, Colonel Charles Harrison's First Regiment of ‘‘Maryland and Virginia Artillery,’’ Continental Roll of Ancestors. 421 Army, 1777—December, 1780; at Long Island, Trenton, Brandywine, Valley Forge, and Monmouth ; wounded in battle. CHARLES BOONE STAPLES. STECHER, GEORGE (1737-1808), Lieutenant, Forks Township Company, Captain Jacob Arndt, North- ampton County, Pennsylvania Associators, May 22, 1775; First Lieu- tenant, Second Company, Captain Jacob Weygandt, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Abraham Labar, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 21, 1777. ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER. STEDMAN, EBENEZER, Private, Captain Samuel Lampson’s Company of Weston, Massachusetts Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-20, 1775; Private, Captain Jonathan Fisk’s Company, Colonel Brooks’s Regiment, Massa- chusetts Militia, March 4-9, 1776. STEDMAN BENT. STEELE, JOHN (1758-1827), First Lieutenant, December 4, 1776; promoted Captain-Lieutenant, May 27, 1778; promoted Captain, March 23, 1779, Tenth Regiment ; transferred to the First Regiment, January 17, 1781, Pennsylvania Line ; retired January 1, 1783; participated in all the important battles of the war; wounded at Brandywine. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. JAMES PATRIOT WILSON FRAZER. Paymaster REAH FRAZER, U.S.N. STENGER, CONRAD, Captain, Fourth Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Arthur Erwin, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 6, 1777. WILLIAM SHEARER STENGER. STEVENS, ASA (1734-1778), Lieutenant of Militia at the Wyoming Massacre, where he was killed uly 3, 1778. ee JOHN STURDEVANT. WILLIAM HENRY STURDEVANT. 422 Roll of Ancestors. STEVENS, ELIHU (1731-1814), Member of the Committee of Safety of New Hampshire; Member of the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, 1776-1778. Rev. CHARLES ELLIS STEVENS, LL.D., D.C.L. STEVENS, JOB, Private, Major Francis Smith’s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, 1777. WILLIAM CHASE STEVENS, STEVENS, JOSIAH (1752-1827), Ensign, Captain Christopher Webber’s Company, Twelfth Regiment, New Hampshire Line, 1777. Rev. CHARLES ELLIS STEVENS, LL.D., D.C.L. STEVENS, WILLIAM (1756-1834), Seaman, brig ‘‘ Hazard,’’ Massachusetts Navy, September 22, 1777— May 20, 1778; Seaman, brig ‘‘ Boston,’’ February 17, 1778—-Novem- ber, 1779; Steward, brig ‘‘General Arnold,’’ Continental Navy. JOHN CONYNGHAM STEVENS. WILLIAM COPPEE STEVENS. STEWART, CHARLES (1729-1800), Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775-1776; Colonel, Battalion of Minute Men of New Jersey, February 15, 1776; Commissary-General of Issues, Commissary-General’s Department of New Jersey, June 18, 1777—July, 1782. WALTER DAVENPORT GREEN, M.D. STEWART, LAZARUS (1734-1778), Lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fourth Regiment, Connecticut Militia, May, 1777; resigned, 1777; Captain at the Wyoming Massacre, where he was slain, July 3, 1778. CHARLES WILLIAM LEE. STEWART, SAMUEL ( —1803), Private, Captain James Rogers’s Company, Hanover Rifle Battalion, Colonel Timothy Green, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, June 6, 1776. SAMUEL McCLinTocK HAMILL, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 423 STEWART, THOMAS (1752-1836), Private, New Britain Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775 ; Ensign, First Company, Captain William Pugh, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, May 6, 1777; Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Captain Jacob Shoup, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Keller commanding, May Io, 1780, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia. CLEMENT STEWART. STICHTER, PETER (1760-1843), Private, Captain Charles Gobin’s Company, Sixth Battalion, Colonel Joseph Hiester, Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia, August 10o— September g, 1780 and 1781. Epwarp Morton McILvaIn. WILLIAM MCILVAIN. * THOMAS DIEHL STICHTER. STILLWELL, DANIEL (1747-1805), Lieutenant, Providence Company of Rhode Island Artillery, October 30, 1775; promoted Captain, June, 1779. Isaac PRICE EWING. STINE, ABRAHAM (1724-1807), Private, Sixth Class, Captain Martin Shetter’s Company of Pennsylvania Associators, 1782; Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Glonninger commanding, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, April 15, 1783. ALEXANDER WILSON Norris. Henry Moore Stine, M.D. STINSON, ELIJAH (1751-1840), Ensign, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Battalion of the ‘‘ Flying Camp,”’ Colonel Joseph Hart, 1776. ROBERT PORTER SHICK. STOCKHAM, GEORGE (1736-1821), Private, Captain Robert Patterson's Company, Second Regiment of Foot, Colonel John Keller, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1781. EDWARD VILLEROY STOCKHAM. 424 Roll of Ancestors. STOCKTON, DAVID ( -1807), Second Lieutenant, Sixth Company, Captain John Stockton, Fourth Battalion, Colonel John Andrews, April 5, 1778; Captain, Third Com- pany, Fourth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel William Gillelan command- ing, June 17, 1779, York County, Pennsylvania Militia. EDWARD ALEXANDER STOCKTON. STOCKTON, RICHARD (1730-1781), Member of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1776-1777; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS BIDDLE, M.D. Louis ALEXANDER BIDDLE. JoHN CALVERT. STODDER, SAMUEL (1759-1838), Private, Massachusetts Militia; Seaman, Massachusetts State Navy. EBED STODDER COOK. STONE, JONAS (1737-1816), Private, Captain John Sawtelle’s Company, Massachusetts Militia, at the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. Hon. CHARLES WARREN STONE. STONE, JONATHAN (1751-1801), Sergeant, Captain John Granger’s Company, Colonel Ebenezer Learned’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May—December, 1775 ; at the Siege of Boston; Ensign, Third Regiment, January 1—December 31, 1776; Paymaster, with rank of First Lieutenant from January 1, 1777, and of Captain from April 25, 1781, Fifth Regiment, January 1, 1777—January 1, 1783, Massachusetts Line; retired January 1, 1783. Member of the Massachusetts State Society of the Cincinnati. * WILLIAM Dana McGowan, M.D. STONE, THOMAS (1743-1787), Member of the Continental Congress from Maryland, 1775-1779, and 1784-1785 ; a Signer of the Declaration of Independence; Member of the Committee to prepare Plan of Confederation of the States. FRANCIS ANDREW MARCH, JR. Roll of Ancestors. 425 STOUGHTON, AUGUSTUS (1759-1837), Private, Captain Allen’s Company, 1777; Private, Captain William Bull's Company, Colonel Russell’s Regiment, 1779; Private, Captain Ellsworth’s Company, 1781, Connecticut Militia. JOHN BERNARD RASER. STOUT, JOHN (1762-1846), Private, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line. ABEL LUKENS STOUT. STOUT, NATHANIEL, Captain, Second Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia ; at Monmouth. JosEPH ALLISON STEINMETZ. STREMBECK, JACOB, SR. (1755-1841), Musician, Captain Thomas Proctor’s Company, Pennsylvania Artillery, Continental Army, June 30—July 31, 1776; Private, Captain Peter Browne's Company, Colonel Jehu Eyre’s Artillery Battalion, Phila- delphia Militia, June 21—August 21, 1779; Ensign, Eighth Company, Captain George Forepaugh, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin George Eyre commanding, 1780; Ensign, Captain John Geyer’s Company, Third Regiment of Foot, Major Richard Salter commanding, February 4, 1781, Philadelphia Militia. Chief Engineer Louis JosEPH ALLEN, ULS.N. STUART, CHRISTOPHER ( -1799), Captain, January 5, 1776; Major, September 20, 1776, Fifth Pennsyl- vania Battalion, Colonel Robert Magaw ; Captain, Sixth Regiment ; Major, Fifth Regiment, June, 1777, to rank from February 28, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Regiment, April 17, 1780, Pennsylvania Line; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, New York, November 16, 1776; exchanged January, 1777; retired January 17, 1781. CHRISTOPHER STUART PATTERSON. THEODORE CUYLER PATTERSON. STULL, ADAM (1758-1821), Private, ‘German Regiment,’ Colonel Nicholas Haussegger, Pennsyl- vania Line. WILLIAM EDWARD HELME. ADAM ARBUCKLE STULL. 28 426 WRoll of Ancestors, STURDEVANT, SAMUEL (1740-1828), Private, Sixth Company, Fifth Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury, Connecticut Militia, May 13—December 6, 1775; Private, Captain Samuel Granger's Company, Second Regiment, February 20, 1777; transferred to the Third Regiment; Private, Captain Phineas Beards- ley’s Company, Seventh Regiment, March 13, 1777, Connecticut Line ; joined the Georgia Battalion, August, 1777. EDWARD WARREN STURDEVANT. JOHN STURDEVANT. Lieutenant RICHARD MATTHEWS STURDEVANT, U.S.R.C.S. WILLIAM HENRY STURDEVANT. STURGEON, SAMUEL ( -1801), Private, Captain James Murray’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Associators, March 13, 1776. FRANK PEALE SNODGRASS. SWAN, ROBERT (1725-1802), Captain, Colonel Benjamin Gill’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, April 18, 1777. * EBENEZER HERBERT CLAPP. SYMMES, ANDREW (1735-1797), Lieutenant-Colonel, ‘‘ Boston Regiment,’’ Colonel Jabez Hatch, Mas- sachusetts Militia, September 7, 1776. BeN HoLitapay Dorcy. TALLMADGE, BENJAMIN (1754-1835), Adjutant, Colonel John Chester's Regiment, Connecticut State Troops, June 20, 1776; Brigade-Major to Brigadier-General James Wadsworth, Connecticut Militia, October 11, 1776; Captain, December 14, 1776; Major, April 7, 1777, Second Regiment, Connecticut Light Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon, Continental Army ; conducted “Secret Service” for the Commander-in-Chief; captured Fort George, New York, November 21, 1780, and received special notice of Congress, December 6, 1780; served at General Washington’s head-quarters, March, 1781 —November, 1783 ; Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet, September 30, 1783. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. *FLoyD HALL WHITE. Roll of Ancestors. 427 TAYLOR, ELI, Private, Second Battalion, Colonel Fisher Gay, General James Wads- worth’s Brigade, Connecticut Militia, 1776; at Long Island. Rev. JAMES MAGEE BLACKWELL. TAYLOR, JOHN (1751-1801), Captain, Colonel John Neilson’s Battalion, New Jersey Minute Men, 1776; Captain; promoted Second Major, October 28, 1775, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia; Major, Colonel Charles Read’s Battalion, New Jersey State Troops, November 27, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, February 17, 1777 ; Colonel, May 23, 1777, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon County, New Jersey Militia; Colonel, New Jersey State Troops, October 9, 1779. * CHARLES HENRY TAYLOR. GEORGE MuirsoN TOTTEN TAYLOR. TERRY, ASAPH (1756-1839), Private, Captain David Perkins’s Company, July—September, 1776 ; Private, Captain Phineas Lovejoy’s Company, December, 1776—Feb- ruary, 1777; Private, Captain Jonathan Bush’s Company, 1779-1783, Connecticut Militia ; at Long Island and various skirmishes. Henry Cray TERRY. * WILLIS TERRY. TERRY, EPHRAIM (1701-1795), Private, Captain Vine Elderkin’s Company, Seventh Regiment, Colonel Heman Swift, Connecticut Line, February 17, 1777—February 22, 1780. FRANCIS OLCOTT ALLEN. THOMAS, EDWARD, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Nathaniel Heard’s Battalion of New Jersey “Minute Men," February 12, 1776; Colonel, First Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia, February 23, 1776; Colonel, Battalion of Detached Militia, July 18, 1776; resigned March 13, 1777. NorMAN MACALESTER SMITH. THOMAS, EVAN (1738-1826), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Frederick County, Maryland, 1775; Private, Maryland Militia, 1781. * James MIFFLIN. 428 Roll of Ancestors. THOMAS, MARTIN (1737-1804), Sergeant, Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; Ensign, Second Com- pany, First Battalion, Colonel Philip Lorentz Greenawalt, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M.D. THOMPSON, JOHN, Lieutenant-Colonel, September 18, 1777; promoted Colonel, April 18, 1780, Fifth Battalion, Maryland Militia. JOHN THOMPSON SPENCER. THOMPSON, WILLIAM (1736-1781), Colonel, Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, June 25, 1775 ; Brigadier- General, Continental Army, March 1, 1776; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, June 8, 1776; exchanged October 25, 1780, for Major-General De Riedesel. Epmunp Haves BELL. CHRISTOPHER HAGER. THOMPSON, WILLIAM (1742-1777), Lieutenant, Connecticut Militia; killed at the battle of Ridgefield, Connecticut, where he commanded his Company, April 27, 1777. GEORGE GROSSMANN LENNIG. THOMPSON, WILLIAM (1746-1816), Lieutenant, Captain William Shaw's Company of Middleborough, Massachusetts, Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April 19-22, 1775; Lieutenant, Captain William Thompson’s Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regiment, May 2—August 1, 1775; Lieutenant, Captain Joshua Benson’s Company, Colonel Theophilus Cotton’s Regi- ment, October, 1775—June, 1776, Massachusetts Militia; Lieutenant of Marines, ship ‘‘ Tyranicide,’’ July 15—-December 18, 1778, and of brig ‘‘ Active,’’ February—May, 1779, Massachusetts Navy. Henry THomas KENT. SAMUEL LEONARD KENT. Roll of Ancestors. 429 THORNE, JOSEPH (1733-1823), Captain, Second Battalion, Gloucester County, New Jersey Militia, August Io, 1776. GEORGE BuRTON. CHARLES MAXWELL CLEMENT. LAWRENCE TAYLOR PAUL. TILDEN, JOHN BELL (1761-1838), Ensign, May 28, 1779; Second Lieutenant, July 25, 1780, Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line ; at Yorktown and in the Southern Cam- paign. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. JOHN BELL TILDEN PHELPS. TILGHMAN, EDWARD (1750-1815), Private, Philadelphia Associators ; served as Assistant Brigade-Major to General Lord Sterling at the battle of Long Island. WILLIAM BROOKE RAWLE. TILGHMAN, MATTHEW (1718-1790), Member of the Council of Safety of Maryland, 1775; Member of the Continental Congress from Maryland, 1774-1777; President of the Maryland Convention, 1775 and 1776. PHILIP HOWARD BRICE. TODD, ANDREW (1742-1833), Served as a soldier in the Pennsylvania Line, January 1, 1781. SAMUEL McCuintock HAmILL, M.D. TOUSARD, ANDRE LOUIS DE ( ~1817), Volunteered in the Continental Army, 1777; Captain in the Regiment of Colonel La Fer, French Troops, 1778; promoted to the Brevet rank of Lieutenant-Colonel by Act of Congress, October 27, 1778, for gal- lantry in action in Rhode Island, where he lost an arm. Member of the General Society of the Cincinnati. EDWARD DE VEAUX MORRELL. GEORGE Fitz RANDOLPH STOCKER. 430 Roll of Ancestors. TOWER, JEDUTHAN (1756-1817), Private, Captain Ebenezer Belknap’s Company, Colonel Nathaniel Wade's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, January, 1778—January, 1779. Hon. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, JR., LL.D. TOWNE, JOHN (1729-1820), Captain, Oxford, Massachusetts Company of Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lex- ington Alarm,’’ April 19, 1775; Captain, Colonel John Holman’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, January 20, 1777. Harry GILLUM BARNES. TRACY, SOLOMON (1756-1835), First Lieutenant, Goshen Regiment, Colonel Benjamin Tuston, Orange County, New York Militia, 1777; at Minisink. CHARLES Lockwoop TRACY. TRAILL, ROBERT (1744-1816), Member and Clerk of the Committee of Observation, and of its Stand- ing Committee of Correspondence, of Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania, December 21, 1774; Major, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Abraham Labar, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 21, 1777; Dedimus Potestatem, June 4, 1777; Assistant Deputy Quartermaster- General, with rank of Captain, Quartermaster-General’s Department, 1779. EDGAR MOORE GREEN, M.D. * TRAILL GREEN, M.D., LL.D. CHAUNCEY GRAHAM HELLICK. CHARLES ROBERT Horn. Rev. EDWARD TRAILL Horn, D.D. FRANK MELCHIOR HorRN. Harry YOuE Horn, M.D. CLEMENT STEWART. TRIPLETT, FRANCIS (1728-1795), Captain, Fauquier County, Virginia Militia, 1778 ; mentioned in General Daniel Morgan’s report on the battle of Cowpens, January 17, 1781; presented by Congress with a sword. Rev. ARNOLD Harris Horo. Roll of Ancestors. 431 TUBBS, SAMUEL (1755-1841), Private, Captain Robert Durkee’s Company, August 26, 1776-1778 ; Private, Captain Simon Spalding’s Company, 1779, Independent Com- panies of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connect- icut Line; served to close of war; at Millstone, Bound Brook, Brandywine, Germantown, Valley Forge, the Wyoming Massacre, and in Sullivan’s Expedition. BENJAMIN REYNOLDS TUBBS. CHARLES TUBBS. TUCKER, EBENEZER (1757-1845), Private, Burlington County, New Jersey Militia; at Long Island. GEORGE TUCKER BISPHAM. TULLY, ELIAS (1752-1849), Private, Ninth Company, Sixth Regiment, Colonel Samuel Holden Parsons, Connecticut Militia, May 9, 1775—-December 18, 1775. WINTHROP BRENTWOOD SMITH. TURNBULL, WILLIAM (1751-1822), Private, Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse, Captain Samuel Morris, 1777, 1779, 1781; First Lieutenant, Fourth Company, First Battalion, Colonel William Bradford, Philadelphia Militia, June 23, 1777. ALEXANDER KRUMBHAAR. Joun SELBY MARTIN. TURNER, DANIEL (1750-1837), Captain, Middlesex County, New Jersey Militia. James VARNUM PETER TURNER. TURNER, DR. PETER (1751-1822), Surgeon, First Regiment, Colonel Christopher Greene, Rhode Island Line, March 15, 1777; retired January 1, 1781; at Red Bank, White Marsh, Valley Forge, Monmouth, and siege of Newport, Rhode Island. Member of the Rhode Island State Society of the Cincinnati. JAMES VARNUM PETER TURNER. 432 Roll of Ancestors. TWIGGS, JOHN ( -1816), Brigadier-General, Georgia Militia. WILLIAM HEYWARD MYERS. TYLER, ABNER (1710-1779), Second Lieutenant, Captain Cyrus Rich’s Company, Fourth Regiment, Worcester County, Massachusetts Militia, April 9, 1776. IRVING ARIEL STEARNS. Lazarus DENISON STEARNS. TYLER, DANIEL (1750-1832), Adjutant, Colonel Israel Putnam’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, May —December, 1775 ; Captain, Brooklyn, Connecticut, Artillery Militia, July, 1778—July, 1779; at Bunker Hill. HARRY BLAKE TYLER. SIDNEY FREDERICK TYLER. VANDERSLICE, HENRY (1726-1797), Quartermaster, Pennsylvania Troops, 1781. * EUGENE ZIEBER. VAN LEER, SAMUEL ( —1825), Captain, Seventh Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Richard Thomas, 1777 ; Lieutenant, Captain Alexander Johnson’s Volunteer Light Horse, 1780-1781, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia. GEORGE HowarpD EARLE, JR. VAN WYCK, DR. THEODORUS (1729-1789), Member of the Provincial Congress of New York; Member of the Committee of Observation and Vigilance of New York. GEORGE CONARROE BISHOP. Rev. GILBERT LIVINGSTON BISHOP. VINTON, JOSIAH (1755-1843), Private, Captain Thomas White’s Company, Colonel Joseph Palmer’s Regiment, March 4, 1776; Private, Captain Samuel Holbrook’s Com- pany, Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Bass’s Regiment, June 14, 1776, Massachusetts Militia. CHARLES HARROD VINTON, M.D. Roll of Ancestors. 433 VOGAN, JAMES (1744-1824), Ensign, First Company, Captain William Crawford, Fifth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Carpenter commanding, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, August 26, 1780. JOHN WALTER BARTON. WADE, NEHEMIAH (1736-1776), Commissary of Military Stores ; Second Major, First Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia, July 15, 1776. DovueGLas BuNTING. WADSWORTH, JEREMIAH (1743-1804), Deputy Commissary-General of Purchases, Continental Army, June 18, 1777; resigned August 6, 1777 ; Commissary-General of Purchases, Continental Army, April 9, 1778; resigned January 1, 1780. Member of the Connecticut State Society of the Cincinnati. CHARLES A. BRINLEY. WALBRIDGE, EBENEZER (1738-1819), Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant, Captain Gideon Brownson’s Company, Colonel Seth Warner's Additional Continental Regiment, January— March, 1776; Brigade Major, November 12, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, April 23, 1778; Colonel, 1780, Vermont Militia; Member of the General Conventions of Vermont, 1777; State Auditor of Public Ac- counts, November 10, 1780; Signer of State Letters of Credit, 1781 ; Chairman of the Committee of Original Jurisdiction, 1781; Member of the Vermont General Assembly, October 23, 1778, and 1780; at Ticonderoga, Crown Point, Hubbardton, and Bennington. THOMAS CHESTER WALBRIDGE. WALKER, JOHN (1741-1776), Private, Captain Andrew Ward's Company, First Regiment, Colonel David Wooster, Connecticut Militia, 1775 ; died from injuries received at the battle of Bunker Hill. Captain GEorGE LE Roy Brown, U.S.A. Le Roy Hype Brown. 434 Roll of Ancestors. WALL, SAMUEL, Captain, Coventry, Rhode Island, ‘‘Alarm Company,’’ 1779; Major, Senior Class Regiment of Kent County, Rhode Island Militia, May, 1780; Recruiting Officer, Coventry, Rhode Island, July, 1780. GEORGE HowarD CLIFF. WALLACE, JAMES ( -1777), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Warwick Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 21, 1775; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsyl- vania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18, 1776; Member of the Committee of Safety of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and Member of Sub- Committee of Correspondence thereof, 1774-1776; Judge of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1777. WILLIAM STEWART WALLACE. WALLACE, SAMUEL (1730-1798), Captain, Fifth Company, Third Battalion, Colonel William Chambers, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, July 31, 1777, and May 14, 1778. FREDERIC WILLIAM HAys. WALLIS, DAVID (1753- dj Private, Captain Nehemiah May’s Company, Colonel David Leonard’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May 6—July 8, 1777. SAMUEL ALDRICH PRICE. WALSH, JOHN (1743-1828), Captain, Letter of Marque ‘‘Dolphin,’’ and of the privateer ‘‘ Black Prince,’’ Continental Navy; captured and confined nearly a year on prison-ship at Wallabout, Long Island. MAvRICE EDWARD FaGAN. WARD, ANDREW (1728-1799), Colonel, Seventh Regiment, Connecticut State Troops, March 11, 1775; Brigadier-General, Second Brigade, Connecticut Militia, June 5, 1777; at Bunker Hill, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, and Valley Forge. GEORGE STEDMAN COMSTOCK. ARTHUR HALE. Roll of Ancestors. 435 WARD, ARTEMUS (1727-1800), Major-General, Massachusetts Forces, October 27, 1774; Commander- in-Chief of same, May 19, 1775 ; Commander-in-Chief of Continental Forces, June 15, 1775; Senior Major-General, Continental Army, June 17, 1775; resigned April 23, 1776, but continued in service until September 20, 1776; Member of the Provincial Congress of Massa- chusetts, 1775; Member of the Executive Council of Massachusetts, 1777 ; Member of the Continental Congress from Massachusetts, 1780- 1781. JOHN WARE SHARPLESS KERLIN, WARD, JOHN (1760-1831), Private, Captain Butterfield’s Company, Colonel Goose Van Schaick’s Regiment, New York Line; at the siege of St. Johns and at Three Rivers ; captured November 4, 1778, and taken to Canada. CARROLL BREWSTER NICHOLS. WARD, SAMUEL (1740-1812), Captain, Fifth Company, First Regiment, Colonel Timothy Pickering, Jr., Essex County, Massachusetts Militia, June 6, 1776. JosepH RIPLEY CHANDLER WARD. WARNER, ISAAC, Lieutenant-Colonel, Seventh Battalion, Philadelphia County Militia, May 6, 1777; promoted Colonel, 1777. * GEORGE BROOKE ROBERTS. GEORGE THEODORE ROBERTS. WARREN, ISAAC (1758-1834). Private, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Militia. Lucius HENRY WARREN. WASHINGTON, JOHN AUGUSTINE (1736-1787), Colonel, Westmoreland County, Virginia, Militia; Member of the Virginia Convention, December 1, 1775; Acting County Lieutenant, Westmoreland County, Virginia, 1776-1781; Member of the Virginia Convention, May 6, 1776. GEORGE STEPTOE WASHINGTON. 436 Roll of Ancestors. WATERMAN, JEDEDIAH (1828), Ensign, Eighth Regiment, January 1, 1781; transferred to Third Regiment, June 12, 1783, Massachusetts Line ; served until November, 1783. Member of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati. THomas DEWITT CUYLER. WATTS, ARTHUR (1733-1809), Member of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1775-1776; Private, Captain John Folwell’s Company, First Battalion, Colonel Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, August 19, 1775; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania. JAMES WaTTS MERCUR. Joun Davis MERcur, M.D. Ropney AuGusTus MERCUR. ULyssES MERCUR. WATTS, FRANCIS ( 1808), Private, Fourth Regiment of Light Dragoons, Colonel Stephen Moylan, Continental Army; Second Lieutenant, Colonel Arthur Buchanan’s Battalion, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777; captured by Indians, but escaped the same day. EDWARD GUERNSEY MERCUR. James Watts MERCvUR. Joun Davis MErcur, M.D. Ropney AvucGustus MERcuR. ULYSSES MERCUR. WATTS, JAMES ( -1779), Sergeant, Second Company, Captain Arthur Taggart, Second Battalion, Colonel James Murray, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia, May, 1778; tomahawked and put to death by the Indians in their attack upon Fort Freeland, July 28, 1779. EpDwarD GUERNSEY MERCUR. JAMEs Watts MERCcUR. Joun Davis MErRcur, M.D. RoDNEy AuGusTus MERCUR. ULyssEs MERCUR. s Henmy IBIRUG* Roll of Ancestors. 437 WAUGH, JAMES, Captain, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Line, February 15, 1777; became supernumerary, June 21, 1778. * RICHARD TOWNSHEND Dopson. WAUGH, JOHN (1745-1828), Private, New London Township Company, Captain John McKee, Second Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans, Chester County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1778. WILLIAM JoNES McCrary. WAYNE, ANTHONY (1745-1796), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1775; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, June 30, 1775—July 22, 1776; Colonel, Battalion of Chester County, Pennsyl- vania Minute Men, July 21, 1775 ; Colonel, Fourth Pennsylvania Bat- talion, January 3, 1776; promoted Brigadier-General, Pennsylvania Line, February 21, 1777; Brevet Major-General Continental Army, October 10, 1783; Member of the Council of Censors of Pennsylvania, October 20, 1783; at Three Rivers, Ticonderoga, Brandywine, Paoli, Germantown, Valley Forge, Monmouth, Stony Point, where he was wounded, and Yorktown; Congress awarded him a gold medal com- memorative of his services at the capture of Stony Point. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. WILLIAM WAYNE. WILLIAM WAYNE, JR. WEAVER, HENRY, Member of the Committee of Observation of Lancaster County, Penn- sylvania, 1775; Captain, Eighth Battalion, Colonel Peter Grubb, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776 ; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania. Rev. JosEPH LAWRENCE WEAVER. WEBB, EPENETUS (1740- y; Sergeant, Fifth Company, Captain Nathaniel Webb, Ninth Regiment, Colonel John Mead, Connecticut Militia, 1776. * ELon DunBAR LOCKWOOD. 438 Roll of Ancestors. WEED, ELIJAH ( -1793), Captain, Philadelphia Brigade, General John Cadwalader, 1777 ; Cap- tain, Second Regiment of Foot, Colonel Benjamin George Eyre, 1780; Captain, Second Company, Fifth Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Shee commanding, 1780, Philadelphia Militia. HERBERT FAIRFAX WALLACE. THOMAS KITTERA WALLACE. WEIDMAN, JOHN (1756-1830), Ensign, July 12, 1776; First Lieutenant, May 14, 1777, ‘‘German Regiment,’’ Colonel Nicholas Haussegger, Pennsylvania Line; taken prisoner at Germantown, October 4, 1777; exchanged December 30, 1780; retired January 1, 1781. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. * GRANT WEIDMAN. WEITZEL, JOHN (1752-1799), Member of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland County, Penn- sylvania, February 8—August 13, 1776; Member of the Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Carpenters’ Hall, June 18,1776; Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776 ; Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, July 24, 1776—March 13, 1777; Commissary of Issues for Pennsylvania Militia, 1776-1780. ALFRED WEITZEL BYERS. EBEN BoyD WEITZEL. PauL ELMER WEITZEL. PauL Ross WEITZEL. HuGH LAWRENCE WHITE. WESTCOTT, JOHN (1742-1813), First Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Hugg’s Western Company of Artillery, New Jersey State Troops, March 1, 1776; promoted successively Cap- tain-Lieutenant and Captain of same; at Trenton, Princeton, German- town, and Monmouth. LEAROYD SILVESTER. WESTCOTT, SAMUEL ( -1792), Captain, First Battalion, Colonel Elijah Hand, Cumberland County, New Jersey Militia, May 3, 1779. FRANKLIN LAWRENCE SHEPPARD. HowarD REYNOLDS SHEPPARD. Roll of Ancestors. 439 WETHERILL, JOSEPH (1740-1820), Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Philadelphia, 1775 ; Delegate to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, January 23, ere WASHINGTON BLEDDYN POWELL. WEYGANDT, CORNELIUS (1713-1799), Member of the Committee of Observation and Inspection and of the Standing Committee of Correspondence of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, May 30—November 11, 1776. LINN HARTRANFT. SAMUEL SEBRING HARTRANFT. Hon. WILLIAM SEBRING KIRKPATRICK. ErHan ALLEN WEAVER. CoRNELIUS NOLEN WEYGANDT. Lieutenant WILLIAM HERMAN WILHELM, U.S.A. WEYGANDT, JACOB (1742-1828), Private, Captain Thomas Craig’s Company, Northampton County, Penn- sylvania Associators, 1776; captured at Fort Washington, New York, November 16, 1776; Captain, Second Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Abraham Labar, May 21, 1777, and 1778; Captain, Colonel George Brinigh's Battalion, in service at Billingsport, New Jersey, November 5, 1777, Northampton County, Pennsylvania Militia. Linn HARTRANFT. SAMUEL SEBRING HARTRANFT. Hon. WILLIAM SEBRING KIRKPATRICK. ETHAN ALLEN WEAVER. CORNELIUS NOLEN WEYGANDT. Lieutenant WILLIAM HERMAN WILHELM, U.S.A. WHARTON, THOMAS, JR. (1735-1778), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, June 30, 1775— July 22, 1776; President of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, July 24, 1776—December 4, 1777 ; President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, March 5, 1777—May 22, 1778; died in office May 22, 1778. SYDNEY EMLEN HUTCHINSON. SyDNEY PEMBERTON HUTCHINSON. Henry Pratt McKEAN, Jr. Tuomas McKEAN, JR. GEORGE WHARTON PEPPER. 440 Roll of Ancestors, WHELEN, ISRAEL (1752-1806), Captain, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776; Member of the Committee to sign Continental Currency. ALFRED WHELEN, M.D. * EDWARD SIDDONS WHELEN. HENRY WHELEN. HENRY WHELEN, JR. KINGSTON GODDARD WHELEN. WHITE, HUGH (1737-1822), Captain, Company of Foot, First Battalion, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Associators, April 19, 1775; Captain, Second Company, First Battalion, Colonel Samuel Hunter, February 8, 1776; Colonel and Acting Commissary, 1778, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia; Member of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1777. HuGcH LAWRENCE WHITE. WHITE, JOEL (1705-1789), Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety of Connecticut, 1777. BENJAMIN LEE, M.D. WHITE, DR. JOHN (1759-1838), Private, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Thomas McKean, Philadelphia Asso- ciators, 1776; Surgeon’s Mate, General Military Hospitals at the ‘«Bettering House,’’ Philadelphia, January, 1777, and served succes- sively in Hospitals at Burlington, Princeton, New Brunswick, Valley Forge, Yellow Springs, and Lightfoot’s Barn; Surgeon, Privateers ‘‘Morning Star,’’ August, 1779, and ‘‘ Rising Sun,’’ 1779; captured by the British frigate ‘‘ Media,’’ July 1, 1780, and confined on prison-ship at Charleston, South Carolina, and prison-ship ‘ Jersey,’’ New York. DANIEL HADDOCK CARSTAIRS. JOHN HASELTINE CARSTAIRS. Colonel THOMAS YARDLEY FIELD, U.S.M.C. STANLEY BRICKETT HADDOCK. WILLIAM POULTNEY SMITH. WHITE, RIGHT REV. WILLIAM, D.D. (1748-1836), Chaplain of the Continental Congress, 1776-1777. THOMAS HARRISON MONTGOMERY. Roll of Ancestors. 441 WHITEANACK, BLEKER ( -1777), Private, Morris County, New Jersey Militia. Rev. IRwIN Pounps McCurpy, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D. JOsEPpH ALEXANDER McCurpy. WHITEHILL, JOHN (1729-1815), Private, Captain William Bell’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776; Delegate to the Military Convention held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776, to choose Brigadier-Generals for the Associated Battalions of Pennsylvania; Quartermaster, Fifth Battalion, Colonel James Craw- ford, 1776-1777; Private, Captain George McMillan’s Company, Tenth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, Lancaster County, 1781, Pennsylvania Militia ; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1778-1779, and 1780; Member of the Council of Censors of Pennsylvania, October 20, 1783. JOHN SANDERSON LaTTAa. SAMUEL WHITEHILL Latta, M.D. THOMAS LOVE LatTTA. WILLIAM JAMES LATTA. WILLIAM WOODS PINKERTON. WHITING, DANIEL (1732-1807), First Lieutenant, Captain Ebenezer Battle’s Company, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Militia, April 1g—-December 20, 1775 ; Captain, Colonel Jonathan Brewer’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, May—December, 1775; Captain, Sixth Regiment, 1776; Major, Seventh Regiment, January I, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sixth Regiment, September 29, 1778, Massachusetts Line; retired January 1, 1781. CHARLES HEATH BANNARD. WHITNEY, JAMES REX (1760-1822), Private, Captain Lowrey’s Company, New York Militia ; Marine, Con- tinental Navy ; taken prisoner; recaptured by Commander John Paul Jones, under whom he served in the action between the ‘‘Bon Homme Richard’ and the ‘‘Serapis,’’ 1779. CHARLES ALBERT BOSBYSHELL. OLIVER CHRISTIAN BOSBYSHELL. FRANCIS NICHOLS WHITNEY. 29 442 Roll of Ancestors. WIGTON, SAMUEL (1737-1812), First Lieutenant, First Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel William Roberts, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, May 6, 1777. FRANK WIGTON BROWN. WIKOFF, WILLIAM (1756-1824), Private, Captain Thomas Hunn’s Company, First Regiment, Monmouth County, New Jersey Militia. WIKOFF SMITH. WILCOCKS, ALEXANDER (1741-1801), Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1775-1776. ARTHUR VINCENT Meias, M.D. WILLIAM MontTGoMERY Meics, M.D. WILCOX, DANIEL (1715-1789), Private, Connecticut Minute Men in the ‘‘ Lexington Alarm,’’ April, 1775; Private, Captain Aaron Stevens’s Company, Seventh Regiment, Connecticut Line, February 1, 1777—-February 1, 1780. JOHN FLEMING WILCOX. WILCOX, JOSIAH (1750-1796), Private, Captain Josiah Stoddard’s Company, Colonel Noadiah Hooker’s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, March 30, 1777; at Saratoga. JOHN FLEMING WILCOX. WILKINS, JOHN, JR. (1733-1809), Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776; Captain, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia; Captain, Colonel Oliver Spencer's Additional Continental Regiment, February 27, 1777 ; resigned at Valley Forge, April 7, 1778. Jos—EPH NaPoLEON Du Barry, JR. Roll of Ancestors. 443 WILKINSON, JOHN (1711-1782), Deputy to the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Delegate to.the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1776 ; Mem- ber of the Committee of Safety of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1774- 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, Third Battalion, Bucks County, Penn- sylvania Associators, August 10, 1775; Justice for Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1776; Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, Novem- ber 28, 1776-1782. OGDEN DUNGAN WILKINSON. WILLIAMS, JACOB (1755-1829), Private, Captain Asa Lanman’s Company of Massachusetts Minute Men in the “Lexington Alarm,’’ April, 1775 ; Private, Second Com- pany, Colonel Read’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1776; Captain of the ‘‘North End’’ Company, Groton, Massachusetts Militia; at Bunker Hill. Hon. CHARLES WARREN STONE. WILLIAMS, PETER ( —1807), Drummer, Captain Samuel Moore’s Company, Third Regiment, Penn- sylvania Line, September 10, 1778. WILLIAM SMITH ROWEN. WILLIAMS, THOMAS (1756-1839). Private, Captain Samuel Ransom’s Company, 1776; Corporal, January 1, 1777; Sergeant, January I, 1778, Captain Simon Spalding’s Com- pany, Independent Companies of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, attached to the Connecticut Line. Harry EvGENE KUuLp. Assistant-Surgeon JOHN STEWART Kup, M.D., U.S.A. WILLIAMSON, JOHN (1727-1794), First Lieutenant, Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Colonel Anthony Wayne, January 6, 1776; appointed batteau-master by General Gates, July 14, 1776. WILLIAM FINLEY WILLIAMSON. 444 Roll of Ancestors. WILLING, THOMAS (1731-1821), President of the Provincial Convention of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1774; Member of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1775 ; Member of the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania, 1775-1776; President of the Bank of North America, 1781. EpWIN SwIFT BALCH. THOMAS WILLING BALCH. WILSON, HUGH (1761-1845), Private, Captain Nicholas Kern’s Company, First Battalion, North- ampton County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1776. WILLIAM WILSON CURTIN. ALAN DICKSON WILSON, WILSON, JOHN (1748-1826), Private, Captain Abraham Smith’s Company, Sixth Pennsylvania Bat- talion, Colonel William Irvine, February 16, 1776. ROBERT SEVERS BOWMAN. WILSON, JOHN, SR., Private, Captain Joseph Sherer’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, March 25, 1776. JOHN SANDERSON LATTA. SAMUEL WHITEHILL Latta, M.D. Tuomas LovE Latta. WILLIAM JAMES LATTA. WILLIAM Woops PINKERTON. WILSON, JOHN, JR., Private, Captain Joseph Sherer’s Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel James Burd, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia, March 25, 1776. JOHN SANDERSON LatTTa. SAMUEL WHITEHILL Latta, M.D. Tuomas Love LATTA. WILLIAM JAMES LaTTA. WILLIAM Woops PINKERTON. WILSON, SIMON WILMER (1754-1801), Captain, ‘‘Delaware Regiment,’’ Colonel Henry Neill commanding, Delaware Line, July 1o—October 28, 1780. Jos—EPpH MAXFIELD RITTER. Roll of Ancestors. 445 WILSON, WILLIAM (_—_-1873), Third Lieutenant, June 25, 1775 ; promoted Second Lieutenant, January 4, 1776, Captain John Lowdon’s Company, Colonel William Thomp- son’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen; First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 25, 1776; Captain, March 2, 1777, First Regiment, Pennsylvania Line; Brevet-Major, September 30, 1783; served to November 3, 1783; at Monmouth in the surrender of Colonel Monkton he captured a flag of the Royal Grenadiers. Member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. Joun IRvIN POTTER. WILSON, WILLIAM (1746-1837), First Lieutenant, Captain Armitage’s Company, Colonel John Moore’s Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia, 1777; Quartermaster, First Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel George Smith commanding, Philadelphia Militia, 1780. WILLIAM RIGHTER LONGSHORE, M.D. WILSON, WILLIAM, Deputy to Colonel George Morgan, Agent for Indian Affairs in the Middle Department, and as such was largely instrumental in bringing about the Treaty of Peace made by the Indians at Fort Pitt, in 1776. EDWARD HALKET ALLEN. WILiiamM HERVEY ALLEN. WINSOR, STEPHEN (1744-1825), Captain, Fourth Company, 1775-1780; Major, 1781-1782; Lieutenant- Colonel, 1783, Fourth Regiment, Providence County, Rhode Island Militia ; Member of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1777. FREDERIC ERNEST WINDSOR. WISNER, HENRY (1720-1790), Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1774-1776; signed the Declaration of Rights, and voted for the Declaration of Independence ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Orange County, New York Militia, 1776; in 1777 he surveyed the Hudson River, which survey became General Washington’s military map of the region. Uric DAHLGREN. 446 Roll of Ancestors. WOOD, CONSIDER (1758-1822), Private, Captain Nehemiah Allen’s Company, Colonel Jeremiah Hall’s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, December 8, 1776—February 21, 1777; Private, Captain Joshua Benson’s Company, Colonel Rufus Putnam’s Regiment, Massachusetts Line, February 18, 1777—-February 18, 1780; at Bemus Heights, and skirmishes in capture of Burgoyne. JOHN WESLEY CODDING. WOODRUFF, THOMAS (1764-1840), Private, First Regiment, Colonel Edward Thomas and Colonel Samuel Potter, Essex County, New Jersey Militia. WESLEY ELLSWORTH WOODRUFF. WOOLF, LEWIS (1747-1830), Trumpeter, Captain Bartholomew Von Heer’s Troop of Marechaussé, Continental Army, July 1, 1778. EwinG JoRDAN, M.D. JOHN WOOLF JORDAN. REV. WALTER JORDAN. WOOLFORD, THOMAS, First Lieutenant, Captain Lemuel Barrett’s Independent Maryland Company, January 14, 1776; Captain, First Regiment, December Io, 1776; promoted Major, February 20, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, Second Regiment, April 17, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Fifth Regiment, October 22, 1779; transferred to the Fourth Regiment, January 1, 1781, Maryland Line; retired January 1, 1783; taken prisoner at the battle of Camden, South Carolina, August 16, 1780; exchanged December 20, 1780; wounded in service. Member of the Maryland State Society of the Cincinnati. Hon. ROBERT Emory Pattison, LL.D. WORRELL, DEMAS (1742-1825), Private, Philadelphia Battalion of the “Flying Camp,’ 1776-1777; Captain, Fifth Company, Second Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Benja- min McVaugh commanding, 1780; Private, Major David Reese’s Bat- talion, 1781, Philadelphia Militia ; at Princeton; wounded at German- town. THOMAS WORCESTER WORRELL. Roll of Ancestors. 447 WORRELL, EZEKIEL ( -1781), Second Lieutenant, Captain Peter Mehrling’s Company, Second Bat- talion of Foot, Colonel Sharp Delany, June 25, 1777; Second Lieuten- ant, Fourth Company, Captain Elijah Weed, Third Battalion, Colonel Jacob Morgan, Jr., 1777, Philadelphia Militia. CHARLES WILLIAMS. WRIGHT, AARON ( -1811), Private, Captain John Lowdon’s Company, Colonel William Thomp- son’s Pennsylvania Battalion of Riflemen, 1775-1776; Second Lieu- tenant, Fifth Company, Captain James Wells, First Battalion, Colonel William Parker, Bedford County, Pennsylvania Militia, December 10, 1777; at the siege of Boston. EpwIn Van DEUSEN SELDEN. WRIGHT, NATHANIEL (1747-1828), Ensign, Colonel Jonathan Chase’s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, July 4—July 11, and September 22—October 24, 1777. GEORGE WILLIS TITMAN, M.D. WUNDERLICH, JOHN (1733-1818), Private, Captain Samuel Cochran's Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, August 12, 1777; Private, Tenth Battalion, Colonel Robert Elder, April 16, 1781, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Militia. BENJAMIN MatTTHias NEAD. DANIEL WUNDERLICH NEAD, M.D. YEAGER, JOHN (1754-1819), Private, Captain John Edwards's Company, Colonel John Bull's Bat- talion, December 10, 1776; Private, Lieutenant Henry Meyers’s Com- pany, Colonel William Bradford’s Battalion, September 25, 1778, Philadelphia Militia. GEORGE ELWOOD SHEPHERD. Harry CLAYTON SHEPHERD. WILLIAM CARVER SHEPHERD. YERKES, HARMAN (1721-1804), Private, Warminster Township Company, Second Battalion, Colonel Dr. John Beatty, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Associators, 1775. Hon. HARMAN YERKES. 448 Roll of Ancestors. YORKE, EDWARD (1740-1791), Second Lieutenant, ship ‘‘Montgomery,’’ March 20, 1776; Captain, armed boat ‘‘Camden,’’ October 1, 1776, Pennsylvania Navy ; wounded in the engagement between the American fleet and the British ship ‘‘ Augusta’ in the Delaware River, October 23, 1777. BERNARD HOOPES. ZELLER, FRANTZ (1751-1820), Sergeant, Captain John Lesher’s Company, Berks County, Pennsyl- vania Battalion of Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel John Patton commanding, August 27, 1776. IRA CHRISTIAN SCHOCH. NUMBER OF ANCESTORS . . . .« 1055. Valley Forge, End its Surroundings in History. 1898, Foodress of JHon. Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, LD.D., Delivered at Walley Forge, Pa., Fune 18, 1898. GENTLEMEN OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION: FEEL that I owe you somewhat of an apology for arising in this presence, and with these surroundings, without having made more formal preparation. I am led to the effort, how- ever, because the story of Valley Forge has been fully written, and has been eloquently spoken, so that upon an occasion of this character nothing more will be expected from me than a modest contribution, and because I feel that the importance of the few facts which I shall have to present to you will more than compen- sate for any lack of vigor in expression, Valley Forge lies in a classic region. Across yonder hills was born Anthony Wayne, whose capture of Stony Point was the brilliant achievement of the Revolutionary Army, and who, later, in command of all the armies of the United States, won for us the great territory of the Northwest, from which were created the populous and powerful States which now exist in that section of the country. Five miles away in another direction was born Peter Muhlen- berg, a major-general in the Revolutionary Army, whose statue in the Capitol at Washington represents the military achievements of Pennsylvania. The road over which you have just marched was laid out in 1724, from Philadelphia to Moore Hall, the seat of William 451 452 Valley Forge. Moore, colonel of a regiment in the French and Indian War, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County for forty years, and a heroic figure in the political life of the province. The high-water mark of the Rebellion was at the Bloody Angle on Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg; the high-water mark of the British invasion during the Revolutionary War was at the Fountain Inn tavern, four miles above us in the town of Phcenix- ville. In front of you, from Gordon’s Ford to Fatland Ford, the British army forced the passage of the Schuylkill at the time of the capture of Philadelphia. At the mouth of the Perkiomen, on the opposite side of the Schuylkill, was fought the only naval engagement which ever occurred upon that river, and later Audubon, the naturalist, hunted for birds along the same stream, and there made his home. Almost within sight of us lies the rural and Pennsylvania Dutch village of the Trappe, with a population, it may be, of four hundred people, whose houses are stretched on each side of the pike. In that village there lived the founder of one of the most important of the American churches. In it were born a major- general in the Revolutionary Army and a United States Senator; the president of the first American Congress under the Constitu- tion; one of the most noted of American botanists, whose labors and writings have met with approval over the world; a colonel in the war of 1812 and an adjutant-general and attorney-general of Wisconsin; a governor of the State of Pennsylvania; a presi- dent of Girard College; an auditor-general of the State of Penn- sylvania; a congressman and two state senators. In it there lived the ancestors of the Todds of Kentucky, and the maternal ancestors of General Grant, besides another general of the Revo- lutionary Army. I challenge any community in this broad land, from Maine to Texas, to show that with the same population they have produced an equal number of people of like distinction in public life. Much as the history of Valley Forge has been examined and studied, heretofore that investigation has never been able to dis- cover an original and authentic plan of the encampment as it was Walley Forge. 453 during the Revolutionary War. When Jared Sparks, the his- torian, in the early part of this century, was preparing for publi- cation the letters of George Washington, he was confronted with the need of such a plan. Under the auspices of John Armstrong, who was then Secretary of War, a man named John Davis, who as a youth had lived on the site of the encampment, but who was then an old man, gave his recollections as specifically as he could, and from such data a map was prepared which was inserted in those volumes. The original is now at Cornell University, in the State of New York. They have there another plan which the librarian writes to me is a copy of one found among the papers of Sparks. In 1828, Sparks had had access to the letters and papers of Lafayette, and this copy is supposed to be a copy of a plan which was in the possession of Lafayette; but an examina- tion of it shows that it was not made from original surveys, for there is written upon it in French the statement that the lines as they there appear are not in their due places, but ought to be ex- tended further out to the front, and that a bend in the river is not disclosed. Now it so happens that within the last year I secured from Amsterdam a set of most important military maps of the Revolutionary period, consisting of originals drawn at the time by a French engineer, who was with the Continental army. Among them are plans of the Battle of Trenton, of West Point, of New- port, Rhode Island, of New York, of the Battle of Yorktown, of Charleston, and last, and of the most interest to us, a plan of the encampment at Valley Forge.* After considering what would be the best way of calling the attention of scholars to this important contribution to the history of the Revolutionary War, I could think of none better than to present it upon this occasion, before the Sons of the Revolution, and to let it appear in the forthcoming volume which you are about to publish. This * This map shows what was not before known, that the Carolina troops were encamped on the north side of the valley creek in Chester County; and that head- quarters, before Washington occupied the Potts house, were not, as has been alleged, in a marqueé tent, but were at the house in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, then owned by James Davis, and subsequently by Dr. William Harris and by Dr. J. R. Walker. 454 Valley Forge. demonstration will not be without permanent importance, since you have the assurance that in the manner just described you have added something whose historical value cannot be overesti- mated to the records of the event you celebrate. The antithesis of Valley Forge is the féte given by the British troops in the city of Philadelphia, called “The Mischianza.” That incomparable orator, Henry Armitt Brown, in his magnifi- cent oration, to which probably some of you listened, when he depicted the clouds which darkened over Valley Forge, threw the sunlight upon the lawn of Joseph Wharton in the city of Phila- delphia. Novelists have been attracted by the same theme. The earliest effort of this kind, “Meredith; or, the Mystery of the Mischianza,” by Dr. James McHenry, appeared in Philadelphia in 1831, and possessed decided literary merit. The next was “The Quaker Soldier,” by Colonel J. Richter Jones, in 1851, and then came “ Pemberton,” by Henry Peterson, in 1873, and last, ' that great book, “Hugh Wynne,” of which we are all see written by Dr. S. Weir Mitchell during the past year, which ha called increased attention to Pennsylvania literature all over the world. None of the investigators or writers upon these topics have been able to give to us the music to which the well dressed and highly cultivated ladies of Philadelphia, and André and the offi- cers of the British army who were there as knights, danced at the Mischianza. But, though out of sight, it was not utterly lost. A happy chance preserved it and favors us. Those dances were dedicated to the wives of the favorite colonels, and they bore the names of the victories which the British army had won, such as “Flatbush,” at Long Island, and “ Brandywine.” From that time down to the present that music has never been heard, and now, upon this occasion, this audience will, for the first time in one hundred and twenty years, and long after the last of the Knights of the Blended Rose is in his grave, listen to the music of the country dance of “ Brandywine.” Your band will play it. (The band then played “ Brandywine,” which was enthusiasti- cally received.) 242 The Brandewinee bel Ba ee ! fhe gS a (ote & Gy — 1g L |__| —__] t eo I ! au ee ff ro —e- ee ee ee eee ~ achat 18t Gentleman fets to the 24 Lady and turn the 3%,the 18¢ Lady the fame: lead down the middle, up again, caft off and Allemande tight and left » “BRANDYWINE.” A COUNTRY DANCE OF THE MESCHIiANZA. %, * EI a mmm al Valley Forge. 455 There were other contrasts presented at Valley Forge. In February of 1778, late one afternoon, an officer in the army, fan- cying that one of his fellows had given him some insult, chal- lenged his antagonist to a duel. The combat occurred the next morning, and that night the officer was buried on the outskirts of the camp. William McFee, one of the chaplains, upon the next Sunday, preached a sermon upon the evils of duelling. The names of the officer and his opponent, so far as I know, are lost in obscurity, but the sermon is still preserved. Benedict Arnold, later in the season, at the home of Mistress Rossiter, where he had been taken with three wounds after the battle of Saratoga, gave a feast. It may have been somewhat like that of which you are to partake to-day. There were twenty-one officers present. Among them were Wayne, Lafayette, Greene, Knox, and Colonel Clement Biddle. Later in 1778, about the 14th of December, another fact occurred to which I have never seen attention called. The army of General Burgoyne, captured in New York, and which it was thought desirable to remove to Winchester, in Virginia, were marched across the country, over Sullivan’s bridge, then still standing a few hundred yards below this encampment, and brought up to the huts which the American army had left, and were there quartered. Think of the contrast the scene presented, and imagine the sensations of the proud officers of that army, compelled to occupy the abandoned huts of the ragged Conti- nentals. And now, what is the moral of Valley Forge? Why is it that this camp, where no battle was fought, and where no startling and momentous events occurred, has been fixed forever in the memo- ries of men? Have you ever thought that, while true it is that the great Virginian was born along the banks of the Potomac, substantially the whole of his career was run in the State of Penn- sylvania, and of what were the reasons for this fact? He first attracted attention at the battle of Great Meadows, in 1754; he won his early reputation at the defeat of Braddock, in 1755; he was a member of the Congress of 1774, which met in Carpenters’ Hall; on the 15th of June, 1775, in Independence Hall, he was 456 Valley Forge. made the commander-in-chief of the armies of the colonies. Save Long Island, which was a defeat, and Yorktown, where he was aided by the French fleet, and where it was a question whether the victory was won by the sailors of the French navy or the soldiers of the American army, all of his battles were fought around Philadelphia, at Germantown, Brandywine, Tren- ton, Princeton, and Monmouth. During his career subsequent to the war, as President of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and as President of the United States through two terms, he lived, with the exception of a few months, in the city of Philadelphia. Let me read to you an extract from the oration delivered by David Ramsay, the celebrated contemporary historian, upon the death of George Washington, wherein he describes the General at the battle of Trenton: “Tn the latter end of November the British commanders, in- stead of retiring into winter quarters, after driving the Americans from the State of New York, pursued them into New Jersey, with a fair prospect of annihilating their whole force. The moment was critical. Dangers and difficulties pressed on all sides. On the 16th of November twenty-seven hundred of the American army were taken prisoners in Fort Washington. In fourteen days after that event the flying camp, amounting to ten thousand men, having served out their time, claimed their discharge. Other whole regiments on similar grounds did the same. The few that remained with General Washington scarcely exceeded three thou- sand, and they were in the most forlorn condition, without tents or blankets, or any utensils to dress their provisions. . . . In this period, when the American army was relinquishing their general, and the people giving up the cause, some of their leaders going over to the enemy, and the British commanders succeeding in every enterprise, General Washington did not despair. He slowly retreated before the advancing foe, and determined to fall back to Pennsylvania, to Augusta County in Virginia, and, if necessary, to the westward of yonder mountains, where he was resolved in the last extremity to renew the struggle for the independence of his country. While his unconquered mind was brooding on these Valley Forge. 457 ideas, fifteen hundred of the Pennsylvania militia joined him. With this small increase of force, he formed the bold resolution of recrossing the Delaware and attacking that part of the enemy which was posted in Trenton. Heaven smiled on the enterprise. On the 26th of December nine hundred Hessians were killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. This bold enterprise was in eight days after followed by another, which was planned with great address. General Washington, with his whole army, stole away under the cover of the night from the vicinity of a force far supe- rior to his own, and, attacking in their rear a detachment of the British posted in Princeton, three hundred were taken prisoners and about one hundred killed and wounded. These two victories revived the drooping spirits of the Americans, and seemed, under Providence, to have been the means of their political salvation.” In other words, when this fateful crisis occurred, and when Washington, with all of his military capacity, had no means to suggest with which to meet it except retreat beyond the Alle- gheny Mountains, fifteen hundred men came to the rescue, and with that addition to his forces the tide was turned, and the liberty of the American people was secured. What you Sons of the Revolution ought ever to remember is that every one of those fifteen hundred men was a Pennsylvanian. The mercurial and the excitable who enter readily into serious contests rarely have those sterner and stronger qualities which are necessary for success in important warfare. A Peter the Hermit may begin a Crusade, but it requires the doughty skill of a Godfrey of Boulogne and a Richard Cceur-de-Lion to carry it to the end. The revolutions that start with a Mirabeau close with a Bonaparte. Our American Revolution, though it had its commencement at Lexington, inevitably resulted in a struggle for the control of the shores of the Delaware. The camp at Valley Forge holds its preéminent position in history and in story because here, better than in the council, and better even than on the field of battle, were shown those qualities of persistence and steadfastness, under the greatest of trials and difficulties, which were essential to the final triumph. CONTEMPORARY MAP OF THE ENCAMPMENT AT VALLEY FORGE 1777-78.—By a French Engineer. From the Original in the Library of HON. SAMUEL W. PENNYPACKER, LL. D. Copyright by the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, 1898. te