See a teas Ped Png Oy, eee AED so, CORNELL UNIVERSITY — LIBRARY 4924 006 ee All books j are subject to recall after tw Library Annex ea DATE DUE ee nil ee Pea COURT HOUSE AND SOLDIERS’ MONUMENT, WINCHESTER, INDIANA. PAST AND PRESENT OF Randolph County INDIANA With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families By JOHN L. SMITH AND LEE L. DRIVER ILLUSTRATED 1914 A. W. BOWEN & COMPANY Indianapolis, Indiana DEDICATION This work is respectfully dedicated to THE PIONEERS long since departed. May the memory of those who laid down their burdens by the wayside ever be fragrant as the breath of summer flowers, for their toils and sacrifices have made Randolph County a garden of sunshine and delight. AUTHORS’ INTRODUCTION To write a history is but to commit to words in type events as they have transpired, and to be pure history, it must be colored as little as pos- sible by the views or personal opinions of the writers. In presenting this history of Randolph county, the authors have at- tempted in every instance, to refrain from the expression of their opinions and to give the facts—indeed, it will be noticed, by the careful observer, that the same incident is given, in some instances, in different language, in more than one place, because coming from different sources of seemingly equal authority. We make no claims to originality, but have, with great care and much labor, sifted every possible particle of information, hoping from the mass to collect the best and most important facts and events for preservation. It has been impossible to publish all of the matter placed at our disposal; much has, no doubt, been omitted which should have been published, and much, perhaps, has been published which the reader will consider superflu- ous. Much information, in the possession of those who should have been glad to furnish it, has been omitted for lack of interest of those parties and their failure to furnish us the facts, though often requested so to do. The authors desire to express their appreciation of the assistance of Enos Lollar, W. P. Noffsinger, Willard Upham, Beeson Bros., Elijah Pea- cock, H. S. Wood, and many others who have helped in this work. . Espe- cially do they desire to pay tribute to the faithful and careful work of Rev. Ebenezer Tucker who labored in gaining special information of the pioneers among whom he lived. | The earnest endeavor, on the part of the authors, to give a complete - history of the county to June 30, 1914, will, we trust, be appreciated. Joun L. Smita, Lee L. Driver. Randolph County, Ind. PREFACE All life and achievement is evolution; present wisdom comes from past experience, and present commercial prosperity has come only from past exer- tion and suffering. The deeds and motives of the men who have gone before have been instrumental in shaping the destinies of later communities and states. The development of a new country was at once a task and a privi- lege. It required great courage, sacrifice and privation. Compare the pres- ent conditions of the people of Randolph coufity, Indiana, with what they were one hundred years ago. From a trackless wilderness and virgin land, it has come to be a center of prosperity and civilization, with millions of wealth, systems of railways, grand educational institutions, splendid indus- tries and immense agricultural and mineral productions. Can any think- ing person be insensible to the fascination of the study which discloses the aspirations and efforts of the early pioneers who so strongly laid the founda- tion upon which has been reared the magnificent prosperity of later days? To perpetuate the story of these people and to trace and record the social, political and industrial progress of the community from its first inception is the function of the local historian. A sincere purpose to preserve facts and personal memoirs that are deserving of perpetuation, and which unite the present to the past, is the motive of the present publication. The work has been in the hands of able writers, who have, after much patient study and research, produced here the most complete historical memoirs of Ran- dolph county ever offered to the public. A specially valuable and interesting department is that devoted to the sketches of representative citizens of this county whose records deserve preservation because of their worth, effort and accomplishment. The publishers desire to extend their thanks to the citi- zens of Randolph county for the uniform kindness with which they have re- garded this undertaking and for their many services rendered in the gaining of necessary information. In placing the “History of Randolph County, Indiana,” before the citi- zens, the publishers can conscientiously claim that they have carried out the plan as outlined in the prospectus. Every biographical sketch in the work has been submitted to the party interested, for correction, and therefore any error of fact, if there be any, is solely due to the person for whom the sketch was prepared. Confident that our efforts to please will fully meet the ap- probation of the public, we are, Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. CONTENTS CHAPTER I—GENESIS OF THE COUNTY First Events, Settlement, Towns, etc. CHAPTER II—GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY._ _-______---_ General Features—Rivers—General Natural Features—The Soil and Climate CHAPTER TII—INDIAN OCCUPANCY 2222222200502 coco coe cock e ec encee Story of the Indians—Territory Acquired by White Men. CHAPTER IV—ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY__-________~_--____-_- Official Acts Connected With Its Organization—Organization of Various Townships. CHAPTER V—EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY_--______----__-- : First Set of Officers—Pioneer and Later Court Houses, Jails and Care for the Unfortunate Poor—Where the Pioneer Settlers Emigrated from— Where They First Effected Their Settlement—First Entries—The Early-day Mills—Pioneer Schools and Churches—Customs and Man- ners of the First Established Homes—Going to Market—Mail Facil- ities. CHAPTER VI—PUBLIC ROADS—PAST AND PRESENT_-___-_----~-------_ CHAPTER VII—COUNTY, STATE AND NATIONAL REPRESENTATIONL. List of All County Officers—State Senators—Representatives—Congressmen for Randolph County—Men Who Have Received Appointments to Government Positions from This County. CHAPTER VIII—MILITARY HISTORY OF THE COUNTY-__-_-__-_-----____ Their Soldiers—Soldiers of the Mexican and Civil War from the County— Those Who Served in the late Spanish-American War. CHAPTER IX—EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTY---------- Subscription Schools—Public Schools—Growth of the Common Schoot System in Randolph County—Present Standing—Number of School Houses, Teachers and Pupils by Township. CHAPTER X—CHURCH DENOMINATIONAL HISTORY __---------------- Church Schools of the County—Churches in Various Townships. CHAPTER XI—CIVIC AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES-----_-_----_-------__ Masonic, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, and Other Orders— First and All Subsequent Lodges—Insurance Orders—Grand Army of the Republic Veterans, Women’s Military Societies—Organiza- tions, Etc. : 52 74 74 412 581 667 725 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII—AGRICULTURE _______________ eee 786 Farming and Stock-raising in Randolph County—Value of Farm Products— Advanced Agricultural Methods—Agricultural Societies. CHAPTER XIII—TRANSPORTATION—RAILROAD BUILDING AND FREIGHTING Boel et oe ie eds 796 Early-day Freighting—The First Railroads—Present Railway System of the County. CHAPTER XIV—THE BENCH AND BAR OF THE COUNTY____--__------ 817 The Lawyers, Past and Present—Early Courts—Celebrated Legal Battles and Important Cases at Bar—Brief Sketches of Many Old-time Attorneys. CHAPTER XV—THE MEDICAL: PROFESSION..-..=--22---2-s22222--2-425--25 Early Doctors—Their Experiences—Character of the Pioneer Physicians— _List of All Now Practicing—Advancement in Science of Medicine, Etc. CHAPTER XVI—THE NEWSPAPERS OF THE COUNTY-_-_-_--_-----------_ 880 CHAPTER XVII—BANKS AND BANKING eaten 887 CHAPTER XVIII—HISTORY OF EACH TOWNSHIP_-_--_----------------- 890 The Original Townships Organized—Changes in Civil Subdivisions of Ran- dolph County—Population at Various Periods—Early Settlement of Each Township—History of Towns and Villages in Each Township— Special History and Events. CHAPTER XIX—CITIES AND TOWNS 1016 Their Founders—Incorporations—First Settlers—Early-day Business Inter- ests—Growth and Development in Recent Years—City Government— List of Mayors—Street Making—Industries—Fire Department—Water Works—Electric Light and Power Plants. HISTORICAL INDEX Agriculture ---.--___..--___- 786 County Fairs ___--_________ 791 Farm Machinery _________________ 787 Farm Products, Value of__________ 798 Allavititn 222023 se etek 40 Altitude: 222 2225 2a os 38 Amusements, Early ________-_______ 237 Attorney, First County____-________ 384 . B Banks and Banking ________________ 887 Banks of Cities and Towns____887-889 Pirst. Bank: cocccesaceck sass 887 Beat Story eae Letewee ee 268 Bell-making __----__-_-__________., 270 Bench and Bar____--_______________ 817 athy (Courts scarce ee se toes 818 Hurst: Courts) cn-0 ewe eee 820 First: Judgeso-- 2 =- su veccccescces 824 List of Lawyers________-_________ 829 Binding Out Children__--___-______ £99 Birds and “Varmints”______________ 275 Board of Commissioners______--____ 144 ‘Board of Justices______-.-__-___ 147-400 Bowldets)222 2 ts on 2h eee 42 Brick and Tile__..<-----.sss-.2c222- 48 Bridges, Concrete__-------___-_--__ 380 Bridges, Wooden__-__-~---_-_---_--- 383 Burning at the Stake________________ 70 Cc ~Gabin (ome) cna 22 ees 224 Cammack, Elihu -----_-_---____--__ 264 Carding Machine _____.__-_-_______ 219 Cholera (1849) ______________---_ 254 Church, History of__--__------____- 667 First Services ~-__-_----__--_____ 669 First Churches ~_--------____--__ 241 First Quaker Church__--____-___- 669 First Methodist Church___-______ 707 First Christian Church_._________ 678 Church History—Continued. First Disciple Church ___________ 681 First United Brethren Church____ 692 First Presbyterian Church________ 695 First Evangelical Church_________ 699 First Church of the Brethren_____ 700 First Baptist Church______________ 713 First Church of God_____________ 706 First Spiritualists ----__... 706 First Holiness Band_____________ 706 First Catholic Church____________ 720 First Colored Church____________ 721 Clearing Land ________-___-- 275 Clothing, Home-made______________ 233 Commissioners, Drainage__/________ 411 Commissionerg, First-_____________ 398 Congressmen ______-_______-______. 407 Connor, David _____-_________ 71 Convention, Constitutional__________ 407c County, organized_____--___________ 120 Court, Common Pleas______________ 409 Court House, Contract__-___________ 151 Court House, First__.__.._..__.-__ 144 Court House, First, Sold____-_______ 162 Court House, Present..___-________ 163 Court House, Second.______________ 147 D Death of Fleming__________________ 68 Deerskins— Dress _______-__-_______ 284 rite, “The: waviin2 soo Meco cocece 41 E Early Roads ~.:-<-2225.s--4< 2... 220 Marly Settlers: 2..=--22. 3.0 -ciusues 206 F Fallen Timber —~___--______________ 276 Fines,. List :0f2..--2-2222ss03cccecne 393 First Mill, Corncracker_____________ 212 HISTORICAL INDEX. Burst: “Dhings: 22.12 2s0-25 2 sees 28 First. Water: -Mills.2.- 2 2.----22<< 213 Fleming, the Indian____-------_--__ 69 Fort Jefferson __--------------- u-. 90 Franklin Township ~_---------“__-- 949 Early Settléfs: 11-2 -22-.---2255- 949 WESCriptiOn 22-222. 949 ‘TOW. =22eco cece scotetanesesees 951 Biographies of Early Settlers__953-957 Furniture, Home-made _----- a 226 G Gas and QOiliu=.--22-22224.------+ 50 (GEGlOe yi ie oe eee ose ce ies 37 Geology, Economic ~-------~-------- 46 Gravel and Sand____-----_---------_- 48 Green, Johnny __---___-_------_--- 65 Green Township ..s--2+--- 25. ssp e ses 76 Indiana State Map----------------- 59 Tnhtmiary 2.s-.225252es2esesseee 172 Infirmary, Physicians of----------- 185 J Jackson Township ---------------- 997 Description. :-=--+--sssess~ses+= 997 Early Settlers --~--------------- 998 BOWS cen fee eee eos 1000 Biographies of Early Settlers_1002-1005 Jails VPanett oes 222 oe See ree 144 Wale Present coset ee 170 Jail; S@eond: 222222552 soe 166 Johnny Gake} e222 ee eure 227 Judges, Circuit __-----__-__-_-__-_- 408 Judges, Common Pleas______-__---_ 408 Judges, Probate ~-._-_---------____ 408 L Land Entries ~--_-------_--__-___- 209 Libraries, Public ____-_______--_ 1482-1507 Winchester | 2222-0. ess -2 1426 Maneas,, John W.. sensssssusecseuen 1440 Mian.” onan fe os 2 Se 296 Markle, M. D., Grant C. ----------- 1182 Markle, M. D., John E. ~---------- 1182 Marker, John Dy. ...--2---ss2ssesese. 1348 Marlatt, M. D., Clarence L. -------- 1602 Marlatt, William P. -----.-----s<==2= 1116 Marsh, Benjamin F, ~-------------- 1084 Mattin Elisha 222222042222 5222-2- 336 Meeéks,. Anos: PF). 2-222 5222 cesseese 1306 Mendenhall, Barzilla C. ------------ 1543 Mendenhall, Hiram --------------- 904 Meredith, D. V. S., William A. ~---1219 Middleton, John Fletcher ~_-------- 1261 Middleton, Thomas ---------------- 321 Miller, Thomas P. ---------------- 1501 Miller, William E, -.----+-=-==+=--= 1076 Miller, Daniel B. ------------------ 301 Milligan, M. D., Charles E. ~------- 1096 Mills, Johne Ay acess scenes -22 32 1505 Mills; G, William, .--+-----+-=.=--= 1222 Mills, Thomas: W. /2222222---=--+- 1506 Mocle; Oni 222ss2--524522--2--U=-— 315 Money, James D. __--------------- 1438 Monks, Edgar Ly sesesueeee se 1135 Monks, George W,. ~sssssssecceess= 1125 Monks, Hon. Leander J. ----------- 1124 Moore, David -W. -_---------------- 1489 Moore, Arthur’ Re. o2sese esc 1488 Moorman, Thomas .-----.-..------ 1137 Moorman, Thomas F, ~_-------_-_- 1137 Morgan, M. D., Thomas W. ---~--- 1332 Mote, Oliver Perry ~---.-_----__-_- 1285 Mote, William H. _________________ 1288 Mullen, Clarence ~----___.____.____ 1424 Mullin, Fernandis B. --__--.___---_ 1258 Murphy, Robert ~--_-_-______.___-_ 342 Murray, Ralph V. ~-.2-.----=...... 1369 N e Noffsinger, Ezra 2222222242. 1476 oO Oreutt;, Amos 22222-22224 202-8-3s-5 356 Or, Darts ooo 2220 eo 1395 Ofte John cE .).22s5255 eas see 1394 Osborn, Charles W. __-_--___-____-_ 1445 Osborn, Daniel Worth____-_-_______ 1444 P Painter, Ollie; M. 2252-2 2222258 1403. Parkét; Jess 2222222225) noe ee 245 Pairy; Walter Gy 2222 eeeee be 1128 Pauly Sainwell 2 eee oe et 1544 Paxson). Jy, acne loon te ESS 359 Peacock, Thomas C, ~-__--____--___ 1346 Peacock, William. 222222. 2-2... 281 Penery:. Uta Gorse ac0 es 1304 Pickett, Mary (Hyatt-Coats)__-____ 307 Préréeé, Burkett 20.2222. 297 jbierce, Charles! Bo onc.) vn 2 oe 1054 Piéree,, Charles: W —..--- 225222250. 1572 Pieréé,, Clarénieé S: 222s ccs 1193 Pierce Vo@yi tse ee ae ey 1573 Pierée,. Rev. Nathan. -.22 3. 1574 Porter, Frank. B. 2222522225 1297 Porte: James .ceeceer tie tee s 325 Porter, Thurman E, -______________ 1298 Price, Jolin Ry psesccecseeeea aS 1351 Puckett; Joseph 22 eee 906 Puckett, Samuel G. =---- 0 en 1391 Puckett, \Williamt VY. 220222202002. 1130 Pursley; (David Ey 222.2225... 1236 R Ramsey, Siti@f .222222.022 1185 Reeder, Martin A, ____-__-________ > 301 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX Reeves, Dr. J. L. -W-----________- 1102 Reinheimer, Lincoln S. C..-_-______ 1195 Retter, Fred ____.----.---_________ 1234 Retz) Anna =: 222.0222 0e goes ese 257 Rickert,- White-heads, bare feet-and dirty faces;----- eRe aes ew ae Seemed much inclined to keep their places.” -- Miami Indian Reservation SULLIVAN Carlisle Knox / DAVIESS he PIKE | OURS INDIANA In 1616. In order to get a complete understanding of the history of Randolph county it will be necessary to go far back into our colonial history; in fact, to the very beginning of it. The territory was claimed by no less than four states—New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Virginia, which was organized under “royal charter, which gave them certain control of land as far west as the Mississippi. France also laid claim to this territory, through the right of exploration and discovery on the part of LaSalle and other RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. PE Frenchmen. At the close of the French and Indian War, France deeded this territory to Great Britain in 1763. The British then had three forts, one at Detroit, one at Vincennes and one at Kaskaskia. When the colonists de- clared their independence in 1776, the settlers west of the Appalachian moun- tains, became very restless. Especially was this true of Kentucky, which was then no more or less than a frontier settlement of Virginia. So keen did they become in the matter, that they sent one of their most forceful citizens, George Rogers Clark, to Williamsburg, Virginia, to confer with the gover- nor, Patrick Henry, concerning the matter. Clark urged that they were’ in great danger from the Indian tribes, and this danger could not be overcome until the forts along the Ohio were captured. For the British were doing all in their power to incite the Indians against the Americans. From the forts at Detroit, Vincennes and Kaskaskia, agents were sent out. among the Indians, encouraging them to all sorts of depredation. Rewards were paid for prisoners and scalps. Governor Henry was not disposed to look upon the scheme with much favor, and gave it but little encouragement at first. Clark, however, was insistent and succeeded finally in impressing upon him the great amount of dissatisfaction that existed among the colonists in Kentucky. He did not succeed, however, in doing this until he put the matter squarely at Governor Henry, by saying, “A country that was not worth defending, was not worth possessing.” This remark fired the zeal of Henry, and he gave Clark money and authority to raise a company of Kentuckians, to move against Kaskaskia and Vincennes. Clark succeeded in capturing these forts, and upon this claim, Virginia based its claims to what is now known as the Northwest territory. Thus, we see that New York, Massachusetts, Con- necticut and Virginia, each laid claim to this territory. Trouble soon began to occur in Congress between the members of the House of Representatives and Senate from these various states, formed from the colonies that we have mentioned. This was especially true after the close of the Revolutionary war, and the people west of the Alleghenies began to clamor for their rights of statehood. The state of Franklin had been organ- ized where we now have Tennessee, and the Carolinas and Maryland had had difficulties over this matter. Jefferson was long headed enough to see that the only solution of the problem was to put the control of the entire country under that of the general central government. Some of the colonies were slow to accept this idea, but Virginia through its representatives, kept push- ing the matter and urging it not only at home, but in Congress as well. “In 1781, Virginia signified her willingness to. make ‘the cession of ‘the 78 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. land northwest of the Ohio,” says O. H. Smith, “when Congress should agree to the terms proposed by her. Finally, in 1784, the following deed of cession was made: “To all whom shall see these presents: We, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Hardy, Arthur Lee and James Monroe, the underwritten delegates for the commonwealth of Virginia, in the Congress of the United States of America, send greeting : “Whereas, The General Assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia, at their session begun on the 20th of October, 1783, passed an act entitled ‘an act to authorize the delegates of this state in Congress to convey to the United States, in Congress assembled, all the right of this commonwealth to the territory northwestward of the river Ohio in these words, to-wit: “Whereas, The Congress of the United States did, by their act of the 6th day of September, in the year 1780, recommend to the several states of the Union, having claims to waste and unappropriated lands in the western country, a liberal cession to the United States of a portion of their respective claims for the benefit of the Union; and whereas, this commonwealth did, on the 2d day of January, in the year 1781, yield to the Congress of the United States, for the benefit of the said States, all right, title and claim which the said commonwealth had to the territory northwest of the river Ohio, subject to the conditions annexed to the said act of cession; and where- as, the United States, in Congress assembled, have by their act of the 13th of September last, stipulated the terms on which they agree to accept the cession of this state, should the legislature approve thereof, which terms, although they do not come fully up to the proposition of this commonwealth, are conceived on the whole to approach so nearly to them as to induce this state to accept thereof, in full confidence that Congress will, in justice to this state, for the liberal cession she hath made, earnestly press upon the other states claiming large tracts of waste and uncultivated territory, the pro- priety of making cessions equally liberal for the common benefit and support of the Union; be it enacted by the General Assembly, that it shall and may be lawful for the delegates of this state to the Congress of the United States, or such of them as shall be assembled in Congress, and the said delegates, or such of them so assembled, are hereby fully authorized and empowered, for and on behalf of this state, by proper deed or instruments in writing, under their hands and seals, to convey, transfer, assign and make over unto the United States in Congress assembled, for the benefit of the said states, all right, title and claim, as well of soil as jurisdiction, which this commonwealth RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 79 hath to the territory or tract of country within the limits of the Virginia charter, situate, lying and being to the northwest of the river Ohio, and sub- ject to the terms and conditions contained in the before recited act of Cong- ress of the 13th day of September last; that is to say, upon condition that the territory so ceded shall be laid out and formed into states, containing a suit- able extent of territory, not less than one hundred nor more than one hun- dred and fifty miles square, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit; and that the states so formed shall be distinct republican states and admitted members of the Federal Union, having the same rights of sovereignty, freedom and independence as the other states; that the necessary and reason- able expenses incurred by this state in subduing any British posts, or in maintaining forts or garrisons within, and for the defense or in acquirng any part of the territory so ceded or relinquished, shall be fully reimbursed by the United States; and that one commissioner shall be appointed by Cong- ress, one by this commonwealth, and another by those two commissioners, who, or a majority of them, shall be authorized and empowered to adjust and liquidate the account of the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by this state, which they shall judge to be comprised within the intent and meaning of the act of Congress of the roth of October, 1780, respecting such expenses; that the French and Canadian inhabitants, and the other settlers of the Kaskaskias, St. Vincent’s and other neighboring villages, who have professed themselves citizens of Virginia, shall have their possessions and titles confirmed to them and be protected in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties; that a quantity, not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, promised by this state, shall be allowed and granted to then Colonel, now General George Rogers Clark, and to the officers and soldiers of his regiment who marched with him when the posts of Kaskaskia and St. Vincent’s were reduced, and to the officers and soldiers that have been since incorporated into the said regiment, to be laid off in one tract, the length of which not to exceed double the breadth, in such place on the northwest side of the Ohio as a majority of the officers shall choose, and to be afterwards divided among the said officers and soldiers in due proportion, according to the laws of Virginia; that in case the quantity of good lands on the southeast side of the Ohio, upon the waters of'the Cumberland river, and between the Green river and Tennessee river, which have been reserved by law for the Virginia troops upon continental establishment, should from the North Caro- lina line bearing in further upon the Cumberland than was expected, prove insufficient for their legal bounties, the deficiency should be made up to the 80 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA: said troops in good lands, to be laid off between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami, on the northwest side of the river Ohio, in such proportions as have been engaged to them by the laws of Virginia; that all the lands within the territory so ceded to the United States, and not reserved for or appropriated to any of the before mentioned purposes, or disposed of in bounties to the officers and soldiers of the American army, shall be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of such of the United States as have become or shall become members of the confederation or federal alliance of said states, Virginia inclusive, according to their usual respective proportions in the general charge and expenditure, and shall be faithfully and bona fide dis- posed of for that purpose, and for no other purpose whatsoever; Provided, that the trust hereby reposed in the delegates of this state shall not be exe- cuted, unless three of them at least are present in Congress.’ “And, whereas, the said General Assembly, by their resolution of June 6, 1783, had constituted us, the said Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Hardy; Arthur Lee and James Monroe, delegates to represent the said common- wealth in Congress for one year from the first Monday in November then next following, which resolution remains in full force: “Now, therefore, know ye that we, the said Thomas Jefferson, Samuel - Hardy, Arthur Lee and James Monroe, by virtue of the power and authority committed to us by the act of the said General Assembly of Virginia, before recited, and in the name, and for and on behalf of the said commonwealth, do by these presents, convey, transfer, assign and make over unto the United States, in Congress assembled, for the benefit of the said states; Virginia in- clusive, all right, title and claim, as well of soil as of jurisdiction, which: the said commonwealth hath to the territory or tract of country within -the limits of the Virginia charter, situate, lying and being to the northwest of the river Ohio, to and for the uses and purposes, and on the conditions of this said recited act. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names and affixed our seals in Congress, the first day of March, in the year- of our Lord, 1784, and of the independence of the United States the eighth.” New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut finally fell into line, and although Connecticut held for a long time to a claim on what is called the Western Reserve, it finally surrendered this to the government on the 30th of May, 1800. The plan of Jefferson had finally won, and the United States had control over the Northwest Territory, having all claims excepting ‘that of the Indians. The first thing to do was to establish some sort of government. The British had governed it by the common law of England, and the French OUTLINIG MAP OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 81 had had scarcely any government at all. At first Congress provided for the formation of the new territory of ten states. Smith, in his history, says: “The region west of Lake Michigan and north of parallel 45 was to be known as the state of Silvania; the lower peninsula of Michigan north of parallel 43 as Chersonesus; that part of Wisconsin between parallels 43 and 45 as Michigania; between parallels 41 and 43 the eastern state as Metropotamia; and the western as Assenisipia; between parallels 39 and 41, the eastern as Saratoga and the western as Illinois; between parallel 39 and the Ohio, the eastern state as Pelisipia and the western as Polypotamia; and the territory east of a meridian line drawn through the mouth of the Great Kanawha as Washington. By this proposition Indiana would have been divided among six of the states. No action was ever taken on this report. From the time of cession until 1787 there had been no organized con- trol over the Northwestern territory. The people had been left to struggle along as best they could. Several companies had been organized in the east for the purpose of settling and colonizing this territory, and propositions had been made to Congress for the purpose of large tracts of land, but-none of them had ever fully materialized. On April 23, 1787, a committee consist- ing of Mr. Johnson, of Connecticut; Mr. Pinckney, of South Carolina; Mr. Smith, of New York; Mr. Dane, of Massachusetts; and Mr. Henry, of Maryland, reported an ordinance for the government of the Western terri- tory. It was discussed from time to time and greatly amended. Finally, on the 13th of July, it passed Congress. This great ordinance laid the foundation of freedom in the rich states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, and is known as the Ordinance of 1787, for the government and control of the Northwest territory. This great document of state is of such great importance to all people, that even a history of so small a portion of this great territory as Randolph county, could not in any sense be complete without a definite knowledge of what this ordinance is. It lays the very foundation of our government, giving us our rights and privileges, and de- fining our relation to the state. It is as follows: AN ORDINANCE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES NORTHWEST OF THE RIVER OHIO. Be it ordained by the United States in Congress assembled, that the said Territory, for the purposes of temporary government, .be one District; sub- ject, however, to be divided into two Districts, as future circumstances may, in the opinion of Congress, make it expedient. (6) 82 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the estates both of resi- dent and non-resident proprietors in the said Territory, dying intestate shall descend to, and be distributed among their children, and the descendants of a deceased child, in equal parts; the descendants of a deceased child or grand- child to take the share of their deceased parent in equal parts among them; and where there shall be no children or descendants, then in equal parts to the next kin, in equal degree; and among collaterals, the children of a deceased brother or sister of the intestate shall have, in equal parts among them, their deceased parents’ share; and there shall, in no case, be a distinction between kindred of the whole and half blood; saving in all cases to the widow of the intestate, her third part of the real estate for life, and one-third part of the personal estate; and this law relative to descents and dower, shall remain in full force, until altered by the Legislature of the District. And until the Governor and Judges shall adopt laws as hereinafter mentioned, estate in the said Territory may be devised or bequeathed by wills in writing, signed and sealed by him or her, in whom the estate may be (being of full age), and at- tested by three witnesses; and real estates may be conveyed by lease and re- lease, or bargain and sale, signed, sealed and delivered, by the person, being of full age, in whom the estate may be, and attested by two witnesses, pro- vided such wills be duly proved, and such conveyances be acknowledged, or the execution thereof duly proved, and be recorded within one year after proper magistrates, courts and registers, shall be appointed for that purpose; and personal property may be transferred by delivery; saving, however, to the French and Canadian inhabitants, and other settlers of the Kaskaskies, Saint Vincents, and the neighboring villages, who have heretofore possessed them- selves citizens of Virginia, their laws and customs now in force among them, relative to the descent and conveyance of property. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That there shall be appointed, from time to time, by Congress, a Governor whose commission shall continue in force for the term of three years, unless sooner revoked by Congress: he shall reside in the District, and have a freehold estate therein, in one thousand acres of land, while in the exercise of his office. There shall be appointed, from time to time, by Congress, a Secretary, whose commission shall continue in force for four years, unless sooner re- voked; he shall reside in the district, and have a freehold estate therein, in five hundred acres of land, while in the exercise of his office; it shall be his duty to keep and preserve the acts and laws passed by the Legislature, and the public records of the District, and the proceedings of the Governor in his RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 83 executive department; and transmit authentic copies of such acts and proceed- ings, every six months to the Secretary of Congress: There shall also be appointed a Court, to consist of three judges, any two of whom to form a court, who shall have a common law jurisdiction, and reside in the District, and have each therein a freehold estate, in five hundred acres of land, while in the exercise of their offices; and their commissions shall continue in force during good behavior. The Governor and Judges, or a majority of them, shall adopt and pub- lish in the District, such laws of the original States, criminal and civil, as may be necessary, and best suited to the circumstances of the District, and report them to Congress, from time to time; which laws shall be in force in the Dis- trict until the organization of the General Assembly therein, unless disap- proved of by Congress; but afterwards the Legislature shall have authority to alter them as they shall think fit. The Governor for the time being shall be Commander-in-chief of the militia, appoint and commission all officers in same, below the rank of gen- eral officers; all general officers shall be appointed and commissioned by Congress. ’ Previous to the organization of the General Assembly the Governor shall appoint such magistrates and other civil officers, in each county or township, as he shall find necessary for the preservation of the peace and good order in the same. After the General Assembly shall be organized, the powers and duties of magistrates and other civil officers shall be regulated and defined by the said assembly; but all magistrates and other civil officers not herein other- wise directed, shall, during the continuance of this temporary government, ‘be appointed by the Governor. For the prevention of crimes and injuries, the laws to be adopted or made shall have force in all parts of the District, and for the execution of process, criminal and civil, the Governor shall make proper divisions thereof ; and he shall proceed from time to time, as circumstances may require, to lay out the parts of the District in which the Indian titles shall have been extin- guished, into counties and townships, subject, however, to such alterations as may thereafter be made by the Legislature. So soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabitants, of full age, in the District, upon giving proof thereof to the Governor, they shall receive authority, with time and place, to elect representatives from their counties or townships, to represent them in the General Assembly; provided that, for every five hundred free male inhabitants, there shall be one representative, and 84 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. so on, progressively, with the number of free male inhabitants, shall the right of representation increase, until the amount of representatives shall amount to twenty-five; after which the number and proportion of Representatives shall be regulated by Legislature; provided, that no person be eligible or qualified to act as a Representative, unless he shall have been a citizen of one of the United States three years, and be a resident in the District, or unless he shall have resided in the District three years, and in either case, shall like- wise hold in his own right, in fee simple, two hundred acres of land within the same; provided, also, that a freehold in fifty acres of land in the District, having been a citizen of one of the States, and being resident in the District, or the like freehold and two years’ residence in the District, shall be neces- sary to qualify a man as an elector of a Representative. The Representatives, thus elected, shall serve for the term of two years; and in case of the death of a Representative, or removal from office, the Gov- ernor shall issue a writ to the county or township for which he was a mem- ber, to elect another in his stead, to serve for the residue of the term. “The General Assembly or Legislature, shall consist of the Governor, Legislative Council, and a House of Representatives. The Legislative Coun- cil shall consist of five members, to continue in office five years, unless sooner removed by Congress; any three of whom to be a quorum; and, the member of the Council shall be nominated and appointed in the following manner, to wit: As soon as Representatives shall be elected, the Governor shall appoint a time and place for them to meet together, and when met, they shall nomi- nate ten persons, residents in the District, and each possessed of a freehold in five hundred acres of land, and return their names to Congress; five of whom Congress shall appoint and commission to serve as aforesaid: and’ whenever a vacancy shall happen in the Council, by death or removal from office, the House of Representatives shall nominate two persons, qualified as aforesaid, for each vacancy, and return their names to Congress ; one of whom Congress shall appoint and commission for the residue of the term: And every five years, four months at least before the expiration of the time of service of the members of council, the said House shall nominate ten persons, qualified as aforesaid, and return their names to Congress; five of whom Congress shall appoint and commission to serve as members of the Council five years, unless sooner removed. And the Governor, Legislative Council, and House of Representatives, shall have authority to make laws, in all cases for the good government of the District, not repugnant to the principles and articles in this ordinance established and declared. And all bills, having passed by a majority in the House, and by a majority in the Council, shall RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 85 be referred to the Governor for his assent; but no bill or legislative act whatever, shall be of any force without his assent. The Governor shall have power to convene, prorogue, and dissolve, the General Assembly, when, in his opinion, it shall be expedient. The Governor, Judges, Legislative Council, Secretary, and such other offices as Congress shall appoint in the District, shall take an oath or affirma- tion of fidelity, and of office; the Governor before the President of Con- gress, and all other officers before the Governor. As soon as a Legislature shall be formed in the District, the Council and House assembled, in one room, shall have authority, by joint ballot, to elect a delegate to Congress,: who shall have a seat in Congress, with a right of debating, but not of voting during this temporary government. And for extending the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty, which form the basis whereon these republics, their laws and con- stitutions, are erected; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions and governments, which forever hereafter shall be formed in said territory; to provide also for the establishment of states, and perma- nent government therein, and for their admission to a share in the Federal councils on an equal footing with the original states, at as early periods as may be consistent with the general interest. It is hereby ordained and declared, by the authority aforesaid, That the following articles shall be considered as articles of compact, between the original states and the people and states in the said territory, and forever remain unalterable, unless by common consent, to-wit: Art. 1. No person, meaning himself in a peaceable and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious senti- ments, in the said territory. Art. 2. The inhabitants of the said territory shall always be entitled to the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus, and of the trial by jury; of a pro- portionate representation of the people in the Legislature, and of judicial pro- ceedings according to the course of the common law. All persons shall be bailable, unless for capital offenses, where the proof shall be evident, or the presumption great. All fines shall be moderate; and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted. No man shall be deprived of his liberty or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or the law-of the land, and should the public exigencies make it necessary, for the common preservation, to take any person’s property, or to demand his particular services, full compensation shall be made for the same. And, in the just preservation of ‘rights- and 86 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. property, it is understood and declared, that no law ought ever to be made, or have force in the said territory, that shall, in any manner whatever, inter- fere with, or affect, private contracts or engagements, bona fide, and without fraud, previously formed. Art. 3. Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of educa- tion shall forever be encouraged. The utmost faith shall always be observed towards the Indians; their lands and property shall never be taken from them without their consent; and in their property, rights and liberty, they never shall be invaded or disturbed, unless in just and lawful wars authorized by Congress; but laws founded in justice and humanity shall, from time to time, be made for preventing wrongs being done them, and for preserving peace and friendship with them. Art. 4. The said territory and the states which may be formed therein shall forever remain a part of this Confederacy of the United States of America, subject to the Articles of Confederation. and to such alterations therein as shall be constitutionally made; and to all the acts and ordinances of the United States in Congress assembled, conformable thereto. The in- habitants and settlers in the said territory shall be subject to pay a part of the Federal debts, contracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenses of government, to be apportioned on them by Congress, according to the same common rule and measure by which apportionments thereof shall be made on the other states; and the taxes for paying their proportion shall be laid and levied by the authority and direction of the legislatures of the district or districts, or new states, as in the original states within the time agreed upon by the United States in Congress assembled. The legislatures of those districts, or new states, shall never interfere with the primary dis- posal of the soil by the United States in Congress assembled, nor with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil to the bona fide purchasers. No tax shall be imposed on lands the property of the United States; and in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than residents. The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common- highways and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of said territory as to the citizens of the United States and those of any other states that may be admitted into the Confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor. Art. 5. There shall be formed in the said territory, not less than three. nor more than five states; and the boundaries of the states, as soon as Vir- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 87 ginia shall alter her act of cession, and consent to the same, shall become fixed and established as follows, to-wit: The western state in the said territory shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio and Wabash rivers; a direct line drawn from the Wabash and Post Vincents, due north, to the territorial line between the United States and Canada; and by the said territorial line to the lake of the woods and Mississippi. The middle states shall be bounded by the said direct line, the Wabash, from Post Vincents to the Ohio, by the Ohio by a direct line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami to the said territorial line and by the said territorial line. The eastern state shall be bounded by the last mentioned direct line, the Ohio, Pennsylvania and the said territorial line; provided, however, and it is further understood and declared, that the boundaries of these three states shall be subject so far to be altered, that, if Congress shall hereafter find it expedient, they shall have authority to form one or two states in that part of the said territory which lies north of an east and west line drawn through the southerly bend or extreme of lake Michigan. And whenever any of the said states shall have sixty thousand free inhabitants therein, such state shall be admitted, by its delegates, into the Congress of the United States, on an equal footing with the original states, in all respects whatever; and shall be at liberty to form a permanent constitution and state government; provided, the constitution and government, so to be formed, shall be republican and in conformity to the principles contained in these articles; and so far as it can be consistent with the general interest of the Confederacy, such admission shall be allowed at an earlier period, and when there may be a less number of free inhabitants in the state than sixty thousand. Art. 6. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted; provided, always, that any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original states, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service as aforesaid. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the resolutions of the 23d of April, 1784, relative to the subject of this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed and declared null and void. Government became a great necessity in this new territory. The Indians were committing all sorts of depredations and were not held in any restraint whatever, by what few authorities were there. In fact the same legislative bodies that passed the Ordinance of 1787 for the government of the North- 88 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. west territory, of the 13th of July, 1787, also passed on the 21st of July the following resolution: “Resolved, That the superintendent of Indian affairs for the northern department, and in case he be unable to attend, then Col. Josiah Harmar, im- mediately proceed to Post Vincennes, or some other place more convenient, in his opinion, for holding a treaty with the Wabash Indians, the Shawnees, and other hostile tribes; that he inform those Indians that Congress is sin- cerely disposed to promote peace and friendship between their citizens and- the Indians; that to this end he is sent to invite them, in a friendly manner, to a treaty with the United States, to hear their complaints, to know the truth, and the causes of their quarrels with those frontier settlers; and having in- vited those Indians to the treaty, he shall make strict inquiry into the causes of their uneasiness and hostile proceedings, and form a treaty of peace with them, if it can be done on terms consistent with the honor and dignity of the United States.” : Nor were the Indian troubles the only troubles of the United States at this time. The term of the enlisted soldiers was rapidly nearing an end, and this led Congress on the 3d of October, 1787, to pass another resolution as follows: . “Whereas, the time for which the greater part of the troops on the fron- tiers are engaged, will expire in the course of the ensuing year, “Resolved, That the interests of the United States require that a corps of seven hundred troops should be stationed on the frontiers to protect the settlers on the public lands from the depredations of the Indians, to facilitate the surveying and selling the said lands, in order to reduce the public debt, and to prevent all unwarrantable intrusions thereon.” The Indian question was made all the more difficult to handle by a dis- sension among those in authority at Washington. This is indicated by a letter written December 14, 1786, from John Jay to Thomas Jefferson, which reads as follows: “In my opinion our Indian affairs have been ill managed. Indians have been murdered by our people in cold blood and no satisfaction given; nor are they (the Indians) pleased with the avidity with which we seek to acquire their lands.” It will be noticed that neither Jay nor Jefferson had ever come in direct contact with the Indians or with the Indian question, and balancing against their opinion, were the opinions to the contrary of those who had come in contract with the Indians in their own habitat. Such men as Washington, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 89 St. Clair, Clark and Wayne were as strong in their opinions in favor of the way the Indians were being treated, as were the opposition. Congress evi- dently held to the opinion of these men, as on the 5th of October, 1787, it appointed Arthur St. Clair as the governor of the new territory. St. Clair was a soldier, having served in the British army during the French war, and in the American forces in the Revolutionary war with great distinction. Congress evidently felt that he would be severe with the Indians, as he was instructed not to neglect any opportunity that might offer of ex- tinguishing the Indian right to land as far west as the Mississippi river, and as far northward as the completion of the forty-first degree of north latitude. He was also instructed to use every effort to affiliate the various Indian tribes. He established his seated government at Marietta on the Ohio river. He had a general court composed of three men. That he and these men understood the conditions under which they labored is shown by the position that they established in their government, which was as follows: “Whereas, idle, vain and obscene conversation, profane cursing and swearing, and more especially the irreverently mentioning, calling upon, or invoking the Sacred and Supreme Being, by any of the divine characters in which He has graciously condescended to reveal His infinitely beneficent pur- poses to mankind, are repugnant to every moral sentiment, subversive of every civil obligation, inconsistent with the ornaments of polished life and abhorent to the principles of the most benevolent religion. It is expected, therefore, if crimes of this kind should exist, they will not find encourage- ment, countenance or approbation in this territory.” “Whereas, mankind in every stage of informed society, has consecrated certain portions of time to the particular cultivation of the social virtues, and the public adoration and worship of the common Parent of the Universe; and whereas, as a practice so rational in itself and conformable to the divine pre- cepts is greatly conducive to civilization as well as morality and piety; and whereas, for the advancement of such important and interesting purposes, most of the Christian world have set apart the first day of the week as a day of rest from common labors and pursuits; it is therefore enjoined that all servile labor, works of necessity and charity only excepted, be wholly ab- stained from on said day.” Thus it is seen that while St. Clair was stern in every particular yet he hoped to govern with kindness. This in view, he attempted a compromise or treaty with a number of the Indians of the Six Nations, but the Wyandot, Delaware, Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatamie and Sac tribes refused to be go RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. bound by his treaties and entreaties, and soon began depredations against the people of Virginia and Kentucky. Three expeditions under Harmar, Scott and Wilkinson had been sent against the Indians and had been unsuccessful, especially against the tribes of the Miamis and Shawnees. Their people had been killed, their villages had been destroyed, their children and women had been taken into captivity. This, however, did not subdue the Indians, and St. Clair found it necessary to form an expedition himself to go against them. » British agents were making it all the worse, because they were secretly helping the Indians at every oppor- tunity. This was especially true of the agents, Simon Girty, Alexander McKee and Matthew Eliott, who were subordinate agents in the British Indian department. It must be remembered that Great Britain still had forts along the Niagara and Detroit rivers, which they maintained in defiance of their treaty of peace of 1783. Had it not have been for the secret help of the British agents, the United States might have had no difficulty in handling the Indians and holding them to their treaty. But the British were jealous of the power of the United States, and were anxious for the profitable fur trade which they were carrying on in this territory. St. Clair, however, was not to be discouraged and on the 28th of March, 1791, he left the city of Philadelphia and proceeded to Pittsburg. From Pittsburg he went to Lex- ington and from Lexington to Fort Washington, where Cincinnati now is, where he arrived on the 15th of May. During the first part of the month of September, in 1791, General Butler in command of the major part of the army, who from Ludlow’s Station near Fort Washington, had marched about twenty-five miles north where he built a fort called Fort Hamilton. As soon as this fort was finished, he continued his march toward the Miami village to a point about forty-two miles north of Fort Hamilton, where he built Fort Jefferson. Fort Jefferson is just a little south-of where Greenville. Ohio, now is. Having completed Fort Jefferson, they pushed on further’to the north. Hard rains had been falling for several days and this turning to snow, made the soldiers very uncomfortable. The roads, if such they might be called, were very bad, indeed. In fact they were frequently stopped on account of the road-cutter not being able to keep ahead of the army, slow as it may travel. On the 30th of October, they made but seven miles, although they traveled all day and left a portion of their equipment behind. Provisions were short. The quartermaster’s department was not adequate. The militia was very much dissatisfied and sixty of them deserted on the 31st. It was RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. gI reported that half of them had gone but this was a mistake. St. Clair sent a convoy of soldiers in pursuit of them with orders to Major Hamtramck, to send a sufficient guard back with Benham, and to follow the militia about twenty-five miles below Fort Jefferson, or until he met the second convoy and then return and join the army. Only a few Indians were reported as having been seen. In fact they lament, that in one day, they saw five and allowed them to get away. This was not due to the fact that Indians were not around in plenty, but rather to the fact that the Indians were more skilled and cun- ning than the white men in the arts of Indian warfare. At this time the Little Turtle, Blue-jacket, Buck-ong-a-he-lax and other Indian chiefs of less distinction, were lined a few miles distant from St. Clair’s army with about twelve hundred warriors, awaiting a favorable moment to begin an attack. Simon Girty, the British agent to whom we have referred to before, was an active agent among the Indians. The campaign of St. Clair was so disastrous, not only in its immediate but in its far reaching effect, and has such great bearing upon the attitude of the settlers in Randolph county years later, that we shall give his correspondence in full. In a letter, dated “Fort Washington, November 9, 1791,”’ and addressed to the secretary of war, Governor St. Clair said: “At this place (the ground on which the army was encamped on the evening of the 3d of November), which I judged to be about fifteen miles from the Miami village, I determined to throw up a slight work, the plan of which was concerted that evening with Major Ferguson, wherein to have deposited the men’s knapsacks, and every- thing else that was not of absolute necessity, and to have moved on to attack the enemy as soon as the first regiment was come up. But they did not permit me to execute either, for on the 4th, about half an hour before sun- rise, and when the men had been just dismissed from parade (for it was a constant practice to have them all under armis a considerable time before day- light), an attack was made upon the militia. Those gave way in a very little time and rushed into camp through Major Butler’s battalion (which together with a part of Clarke’s, they threw into considerable disorder, and which, notwithstanding the exertions of both those officers, was never alto- gether remedied), the Indians following close at their heels. The fire, how- ever, of the front line checked them, but almost instantly a very heavy fire began upon that line and in a few minutes it was extended to the second likewise. The great weight of it was directed against the center of each, where the artillery was placed, and from which the men were repeatedly driven with great slaughter. Finding no great effect from our fire, and con- g2 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. . fusion beginning to spread from the great number of men who were falling in all quarters, it became necessary to try what could be done by the bayonet. Lieutenant-colonel Darke was accordingly ordered to make a charge with part of the second line and to turn the left flank of the enemy. This was executed with great spirit. The Indians instantly gave way and were driven back three or four hundred yards, but for want of a sufficient number of riflemen to pursue this advantage, they soon returned and the troops were obliged to give back in their turn. At this moment they had entered our camp by the left flank, having pushed back the troops that were posted there. Another charge was made here by the second regiment, Butler’s and Clarke’s battalions, with equal effect, and it was repeated several times and always with success, but in all.of them many men were lost and particularly the officers, which, with so raw troops, was a loss altogether irremediable. In that I just spoke of, made by. the second regiment and Butler’s battalion, Major Butler was dangerously wounded and every officer of the. second regiment fell except three, one of which, Mr. Greaton, was shot through the body. “Our artillery being now silenced, and all the officers killed except Captain Ford, who was very badly wounded, and more than half of the army fallen, being cut off from the road, it became necessary to attempt the regain- ing of it and to make a retreat, if possible. To this purpose the remains ofthe army was formed, as well as circumstances would permit, toward the right of the encampment, from which, by the way of the second line, another charge was made upon the enemy as if with the design to turn their right flank, but in fact, to gain the road. This was effected and as soon as it was open, the militia took along it followed by the troops, Major Clark with his battalion covering the rear. “The retreat, in those circumstances, was, you may be sure, a very precipitate one. It was, in fact, a flight. The camp and artillery were abandoned, but that was unavoidable, for not a horse was left alive to have drawn it off had it otherwise been practicable. But the most disgraceful part of the business is, that the greatest part of the men threw away their arms and :accouterments, even after the pursuit, which continued about four miles, had ceased. I found the road strewed with them for many miles, but: was not able to remedy it, for, having had all my horses killed and being mounted upon one that could not be pricked out of a walk, I could not get forward myself and the orders I sent forward either to halt the front or to prevent the men from parting with their arms, were unattended to. The “hee =P RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 93 route continued quite to Fort Jefferson, twenty-nine miles, which was reached a little after sunset. “The action began about half an hour before sunrise and the retreat was attempted at half an hour after nine o'clock. I have not yet been able to get returns of the killed and wounded, but Major-general Butler, Lieutenant- colonel Oldham of the militia, Major Ferguson, Major Hart and Major Clarke are among the former. Colonel Sargent, my adjutant-general, Lieu- tenant-colonel Darke, Lieutenant-colonel Gibson, Major Butler and the Vis- count Malartie, who served me as an aid-de-camp, are among the latter and a great number of captains and subalterns in both. “T have now, sir, finished my melancholy tale—a tale that will be felt sensibly by every one that has sympathy for private distress or for public misfortune. I have nothing, sir, to lay to the charge of the troops, but their want of discipline, which, from the short time they had been in service, it was impossible they should have acquired and which rendered it very difficult when they were thrown into confusion to reduce them again to order, and is one reason why the loss has fallen so heavy on the officers, who did every- thing in their power to effect it. Neither were my own exertions wanting, but, worn down with illness and suffering under a painful disease, unable either to mount or dismount a horse without assistance, they were not so great as they otherwise would, and perhaps ought to have been. We were over- powered by numbers but it is no more than justice to observe, that, though composed of so many different species of troops, the utmost harmony pre- vailed through the whole army during the campaign. At Fort Jefferson I found the first regiment, which had returned from the service they had been sent upon, without either overtaking the deserters or meeting the convoy of provisions. I am not certain, sir, whether I ought to consider the absence of this regiment from the field of action as fortunate, or otherwise. I in- cline to think it was fortunate, for, I very much doubt whether, had it been in the action, the fortune of the day would have been turned; and, if it had not, the triumph of the enemy would have been more complete and the country would have been destitute of every means of defense. Taking a view of the situation of our broken troops at Fort Jefferson and that there was no provisions in the fort, I called upon the field officers, viz: Lieutenant- colonel Darke, Major Hamtramck, Major Zeigler, and Major Gaither, to- gether with the adjutant-general ( Winthrop Sargent), for their advice what would be proper further to be done and it was their unanimous opinion, that the addition of the first regiment, unbroken as it was, did not put the army 94 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. on so respectable a foot as it was in the morning, because a great part of it was now unarmed; that it had then been found unequal to the enemy and should they come on, which was possible, would be found so again; that the troops could not be thrown into the fort, both because it was too small and that there were no provisions in it; that provisions were known to be upon the road at the distance of one or at most two marches; that, therefore, it would be proper to move, without loss of time, to meet the provisions, when the men might have the sooner an opportunity of some refreshment and that a proper detachment might be sent back with it to have it safely deposited in the fort. This advice was accepted and the army was put in motion at ten o’clock and marched all night and the succeeding day met with a quantity of flour. Part of it was distributed immediately, part taken back to supply the army on the march to Fort Hamilton and the remainder, about fifty horse loads, sent forward to Fort Jefferson. The next day a drove of cattle was met with for the same place and I have information that both got in. The wounded, who had been left at that place, were ordered to be brought to Fort Washington by the return horses. “IT have said, sir, in a former part of this letter, that we were over- powered by numbers. Of that, however, I have no other evidence but the weight of the first which was always a most deadly one and generally de- livered from the ground—few of the enemy showing themselves afoot, ex- cept when they were charged, and that, in a few minutes our whole camp, which extended about three hundred and fifty yards in length, was entirely surrounded and attacked on all quarters. The loss, sir, the public has sus- tained by the fall of so many officérs, particularly General Butler and Major Ferguson, can not be too much regretted, but it is a circumstance that will alleviate the misfortune in some measure, that all of them fell most gallantly doing their duty. I have had very particular obligations to many of them, as well as to the survivors, but to none more than to Colonel Sargent. He has discharged the various duties of his office with zeal, with exactness and with intelligence, and, on all occasions, afforded me every assistance in his power, which I have also experienced from my aid-de-camp, Lieutenant Denny, and the Viscount Malartie, who served with me in the station as a volunteer.” In the disastrous action of the 4th of November, 1791, St. Clair lost thirty-nine officers killed and five hundred and ninety-three men killed and wounded. Twenty-two officers and two hundred and forty-two men were wounded. The officers killed were: Major-general Richard Butler ; Lieu- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 95 tenant-colonel Oldham, of the Kentucky militia; Majors Ferguson, Clarke and Hart; Captains Bradford, Phelon, Kirkwood, Price, Van Swearingen, Tipton, Smith, Purdy, Piatt, Guthrie, Cribbs and Newman; Lieutenants Spear, Warren, Boyd, McMath, Read, Burgess, Kelso, Little. Hopper and Lickens; Ensigns Balch, Cobb, Chase, Turner, Wilson, Brooks, Beatty and Purdy; Quartermasters Reynolds and Ward; Adjutant Anderson; and Doc- tor Grasson. The officers wounded were: Lieutenant-colonels Gibson, Darke and Sargent (adjutant-general) ; Major Butler; Captains Doyle, Trueman, Ford, Buchanan, Darke and Hough; Lieutenants Greaton, Davidson, De- Butts, Price, Morgan, McCrea, Lvsle and Thomson; Ensign Bines; Adju- tants Whisler and Crawford; and the Viscount Malartie, volunteer aid-de- camp to the commander-in-chief. Several pieces of artillery and all the baggage, ammunition and provisions were left on the field of battle and fell into the hands of the Indians. The stores and other public property lost in the action, were valued at thirty-two thousand eight hundred and ten dollars and seventy-five cents. The loss of the Miamis and their confederates has never been satisfactorily ascertained, but it did not, probably, exceed one hun- dred and fifty in killed and wounded. With the army of St. Clair, following the fortunes of their husbands, there were more than one hundred women. Very few escaped the carnage of the 4th of November and after the flight of the remnant of the army, the Indians began to avenge their own real and imaginary wrongs by perpetrating the most horrible acts of cruelty and brutality upon the bodies of the living and the dead Americans who fell into their hands. Believing that the whites, for many years, made war merely to acquire land, the Indians crammed clay and sand into the eyes and down the throats of the dying and the dead. The field of action was visited by Brigadier-general James Wilkinson, at the head of a small detachment of mounted militia on the 1st of February, 1792, about three months after the battle. In a letter dated “Fort Washington, rath February, 1792,” written by Captain Robert Buntin, and addressed to Governor St. Clair, this expedition of Wilkinson is noticed as follows :—- “T went with General Wilkinson to the field of action to recover the artillery carriages, which he was informed remained there, and to bury the dead. His little army for this excursion was composed of about one hun- dred and fifty regulars and one hundred and thirty-one volunteer militia on horseback. He has a good talent for pleasing the people; there is no person in whom they have more confidence; none more capable to lead them on. It appears as if he made the Indian mode of warfare his study since he first 96 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. came to this country. I think him highly worthy your friendship, irom his attachment to your person and interest. “The regulars left Fort Washington as an escort to provisions for Fort Jefferson on the 24th ultimo—the snow about ten inches deep—and we marched next morning with the volunteers. The sledges which transported the forage delayed us so much that we did not get to Fort Jefferson until the 30th, about twelve o’clock. The general was much longer in getting to this place than he expected and in order to @xpedite the business and avoid ex- pense, he ordered the regulars to return to Fort Washington. This morning (30th), the wind from the southward, with a constant fall of snow, rain and hail, and a frost the following night made the breaking of the road very difficult. Though the front was changed every fifteen or twenty minutes, the road was marked with the horses’ blood from the hardness of the crust on the snow. We left Fort Jefferson about nine o’clock on the 31st with the volunteers and arrived within eight miles of the field of battle that evening, and next day we arrived at the ground about ten o’clock. The scene was truly melancholy. In my opinion those unfortunate men who fell into the enemy’s hands, with life, were used with the greatest torture, having their limbs torn off; and the women have been treated with the most indecent cruelty, having stakes as thick as a person’s arm drove through their bodies. The first, I observed when burying the dead and the latter was discovered by Colonel Sargent and Doctor Brown. We found three whole carriages; the other five were so much damaged that they were rendered useless. By the general's orders pits were dug in different places and all the dead bodies that were exposed to view, or could be conveniently found (the snow being very deep) were buried. During this time there were sundry parties de- tached, some for our safety, and others in examining the course of the creek, and some distance in advance of the ground occupied by the militia, they found a large camp not less than three quarters of a mile long which was supposed to be that of the Indians the night before the action. We remained on the field that night and next morning fixed geared horses to the carriages and moved for Fort Jefferson. * * * As there is little reason to believe that the enemy have carried off the cannon, it is the received opinion that they are either buried or thrown into the creek, and I think the latter the most prob- able; but, as it was frozen over with a thick ice, and that covered with a deep snow, it was impossible to make a search with any prospect of success. In a former part of this letter I have mentioned the camp occupied by the enemy the night before the action. Had Colonel Oldham been able to have com- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 97 plied with your orders on that evening, things at this day might have worn a different aspect.’”—(Dillon’s History of Indiana. ) As we have said, the influence of this defeat was far-reaching. The news of it soon spread to Pennsylvania and Virginia and the tide of emigra- tion which had been flowing into the middle states was stopped for a long time. “The principal causes of failure of the expedition were: Mismanage- ment of the quartermaster’s department, the unfavorable season at which the army marched to attack the Indians and the want of discipline in the troops. The failure of the expedition can not justly be imputed to the conduct of the commander-in-chief, at any time before or during the battle.” “St. Clair resigned and Major-general Anthony Wayne was appointed in his stead. It was a fortunate thing, indeed, for the settlers of this country, that a man of the temperament and ability and training of Anthony Wayne was appointed to this responsible place. Wayne had had great training in the Revolutionary war, was a natural soldier, had a keen knowledge of Indian warfare and was an Indian hater. His indomitable courage, his keen scru- tiny of human nature, in fact to the possibilities before him, made him an especially good man for this place. Although he hoped to settle these Indian problems in a peaceable way, he, soldier that he was, immediately began to recruit and organize his army. He sent out spies among the Indians to learn their every movement. Agents were also sent to them to insure them of his friendly mission, provided they would be loyal to the United States. These agents were to insure the Indians in the strongest and most explicit terms, that the United States renounced all claim to Indian land which had not been ceded by fair treaties made by the Indian nation. These instructions came from the secretary of war to General Rufus Putnam, on the 22nd of May, 1792. These agents were furnished copies of former treaties with the Indians, so that the Indian might be fully informed as to what the exact con- ditions were. There-had been the following treaties: One of Fort Stanwix, made on the 22d of October, 1784. One of Fort McIntosh, made on the 2ist of January, 1785. One made at the mouth of the.Great Miami river on the 31st of January, 1876. One at Fort Harmar on the oth of January, 178g. To show the Indian, in his sincerity, Wayne was instructed, in April, 1792, to issue a proclamation informing the people of the frontiers of the proposed attempts to conclude a treaty of peace and prohibiting all offensive movements of the whites to the northward of the Ohio, until they should receive further information on the subject-—(Dillon’s History of Indiana.) (7) 98 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. It was a difficult matter for Wayne to convince the Indians of his sin- cerity. For example, two messengers were sent from Fort Washington with a speech to the Indians on the Maumee. Dillon says that these mes- sengers were captured by a party of Indians, who on being informed that their captives were messengers of peace, spared their lives and conducted them toward the rapids of the Maumee. But, while moving on to the route of that place, Freeman and Gerrard, the messengers, asked so many questions concerning the number of different tribes, the course of streams, etc., that their conductors took them to be spies and killed them when they were within one day’s march of the main body of the Indian councils. But who can blame the poor, benighted Indian, after he had been treated in the manner in which he had by both the French and British, for years and years before. No wonder that he lacked confidence in the United States, for both the British and French had:taught him that the people of the United States were traitors, not only to France and Great Britain, but to the Indians themselves, and, was merely using every means to gain the land from them and force them west of the Mississippi river. And history seems to bear out the truth of such an opinion. In order to find out more about the Indians, Wilkinson, the. Brigadier-general, advised that William May desert the American army and act as a spy among the Indians. May did what he was ordered, with the promise that should he execute his mission with integrity and effect, he was to be given some little establish- ment to make his old age comfortable. May deserted according to orders and continued to reside among the Indians until the latter part of September, 1792, when he left them and arrived at Pittsburg and made his report to Major-general Wayne. On the 18th of August, 1794, almost two years afterward, May was captured by the Indians near the rapids of the Maumee and on the next day he was tied to a tree and shot. President Washington had a personal interest in this matter and about the 2oth of May, 1792, sent Major Alexander Trueman and Colonel John Hardin of Kentucky, with copies of a speech to the hostile Indians. Major Trueman was engaged in this service of his own free will and desire and he was joined by Colonel Hardin, who undertook to discharge the duties of a peace-messenger, at the request of Brigadier-general Wilkinson. The speech with which these officers were charged was addressed ‘“‘To all the Sachems and Warriors of the tribes inhabiting the Miami river of lake Erie and the waters of the Wabash river, the Wyandots, Delawares, Ottawas, Chippewas, ‘Potawa- tamies, and all other tribes residing to the southward of the lakes, east of the RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 99 Mississippi, and to the northward of the river Ohio,” and it contained the passages which follow: “BROTHERS—tThe President of the United States, General Wash- ington, the great chief of the nation, speaks to you by this address. Sum- mon, therefore, your utmost powers of attention and hear the important things which shall be spoken to you concerning your future welfare; and after having heard and well understood all things, invoke the Great Spirit above to give you due deliberation and wisdom, to decide upon a line of con- duct that shall best promote your happiness and the happiness of your chil- dren and perpetuate you and them on the land of your forefathers. Brothers, the President of the United States entertains the opinion that the war which exists is founded in error.and mistake on your parts; that you believe the United States wants to deprive you of your lands and drive you out of the country. Be assured this is not so. On the contrary, that we should be greatly gratified with the opportunity of imparting to you all the blessings of civilized life, of teaching you to cultivate the earth and raise corn; to raise oxen, sheep and other domestic animals; to build comfortable houses and to educated your children, so as ever to dwell upon the land. * * * War, at all times, is a dreadful evil to those who are engaged to act against so great numbers as the people of the United States. Brothers: Do not suffer the advantages you have gained to mislead your judgment and influence you to continue the war, but reflect upon the destructive consequences which must attend such a measure. The President of the United States is highly desirous of seeing a number of your principal chiefs and convincing you, in person, how much he wishes to avoid the evils of war for your sake, and the sake of humanity. Consult therefore, upon the great object of peace; call in your parties and enjoin a cessation of all further depredations and as many of the principal chiefs as shall choose, repair to Philadelphia, the seat of the general government, and there make a peace, founded on the principles of justice and humanity. Remember, that no additional lands will be required of you, or any other tribe. to those that have been ceded by former treaties, particularly by the tribes who had a tight to make the treaty of Muskingum (Fort Harmar), in the year 1780. But, if any of you can prove that you have a fair right to any lands com- prehended by the said treaty, and have not been compensated therefor, you shall receive a full satisfaction upon that head. The chiefs you send shall be safely escorted to this city; and shall be well fed and provided with all things for their journey. * * * Come, then, and be convinced for LOO RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. yourselves, of the beneficence of General Washington, the great chief of the United States, and afterward return and spread the glad tidings of peace and prosperity of the Indians to the setting sun.”—(Dillon’s History of Indiana. ) The lack of confidence which the Indians had in peace, or in a docu- ment sent to them by Washington, and the treachery which they exercised toward his agent, is shown in the story of William May, whom we will remember had deserted and joined the Indians, as he told. it to General Wayne on the rith of October, 1792. The story is as follows: “That, in the latter end of June (1792), some Indians came on board the vessel for provisions; among whom was one who had two scalps upon a stick; one of them he knew to be William Lynch’s (Major Trueman’s waiter), with whom he (May) was well acquainted; he had light hair. That he mentioned at once whose scalp it was. The other they said was Major Trueman’s; it was darker than Lynch’s. The manner in which Trueman was killed. was mentioned by the Indian who killed him, to an Indian who used to. go in the vessel with May, in his presence, and immediately interpreted, viz: This Indian and an Indian boy having met with Trueman, his waiter Lynch, and the interpreter, William Smalley; that Trueman gave the Indian a belt; that after being together three or four hours the Indians were going to leave them. Trueman inquired the reason from the interpreter, who answered that the Indians were alarmed, lest there being three to two, they might injure them in the night. Upon which Trueman told them they might tie both his servant and himself. That his boy Lynch was first tied and then Trueman. The moment Trueman was tied, the Indian tomahawked and scalped him, and then the boy. That the papers in possession of Trueman were given to Mr. McKee, who sent them by a Frenchman called Captain Le Motte, to Detroit, on board the schooner of which he, May, had the charge. That, upon his return from Detroit to the rapids (of the Maumee) he saw a scalp, said to be Hardin’s; that he also saw a flag by the route of San- dusky; and that the hair was dark brown; but don’t know by what nation he was killed; these papers were also sent to Detroit, on board the schooner, by Mr. Elliott. That a Captain Brumley, of the fifth British regiment, was in the action (of the 4th of November, 1791), but did not learn that he took any command; that Lieutenant Sylvey, of the same regiment, was on his march with three hundred Indians, but did not get up in time to partici- pate in the action; that Simon Girty told him there were twelve hundred Indians at the place, but three hundred of them did not engage, who were RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. IOI taking care of the horses, exclusive of the three hundred with Lieutenant Sylvey; in all,fifteen hundred. * * * That it was the common opinion, and the common conversation, that no peace would take place unless the Ohio ‘river be established as the boundary line between the Indians and the Ameri- cans.’’-—(Dillon’s History of Indiana. ) It seems that almost every act on the part of the white man, in the wilderness or in Congress at this time, was such as to make the Indians lose confidence in their sincerity. Some of the Indians really wanted peace at most any price, excepting that of losing their homes. This was true of the great Wabash and [Illinois tribes, and on the 27th of September, 1792, Brigadier-General Rufus Putnam forming a treaty with thirty- one Indians of these tribes. Nothing in this treaty was unreasonable, and Putnam congratulated himself upon the success. You can imagine the con- sternation of these Indians when the Senate of the United States, on the 13th of February, 1793, deemed one of the articles particularly objectionable, and after several consultations, finally refused to ratify the treaty by a vote of 21 to 4. The article which was so objectionable was: “The United States solemnly guaranty to the Wabash and Illinois na- tions or tribes of Indians, all the lands to which they have a just claim; and no part shall ever be taken from them but by a fair purchase, and to their satisfaction. That the lands originally belonged to the Indians; it is theirs, and theirs only. That they have a right to sell and a right to refuse to sell. And that the United States will protect them in their said ‘just rights.” —(Dillon’s History of Indiana. ) Is it any wonder that the Indians would doubt the sincerity of the people of the United States, when such an article as this, simple and truthful though it may be, should be turned down by the Senate of that great government. Yet, in spite of such treatment of the Indians, the United States continued in their attempt to make treaties with them. One of the strongest nations was the Potawatamie. This nation was invited to send a delegation to Wash- ington, to consider the subject of treaty. And it is no wonder that the chief of the Potawatamie said in a speech: ‘We are very glad to hear from you; but sorry we cannot comply with your request (to send a deputation of chiefs to Fort Washington). The situation of affairs in this country prevents us. We are, every day, threatened by the other Indians, that if we do not’ take a part with them against the Americans, they will destroy our villages. This,alone, my father, makes it necessary for all the chiefs to remain at home. * * * My father: You tell us you art ignorant why the red people make 102 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. war on your white people. We are as ignorant of it as you are; for, ever since the beginning of the war, we have lain still in our villages, although we have been repeatedly invited to go to war; but, my father, the confidence we have in you has prevented us from making war against you, and we hold you by the hand with a stronger grip than ever. My father, keep up your spirits more than ever; for you have this year more red people to fight than you have had yet. * * * If I could give you a hand I would do it; but I can not; and I am glad if me and my people can have a quiet life this summer. If I had been disposed to believe all the reports I have heard, I would have made your messengers prisoners; for we are told they are spies, and that you have an army coming against us; but I am deaf to everything that comes from the Miamis. Every day we received messengers from those people, but we have been deaf to them, and will remain so.”—(Dillon’s History of Indiana.) “All this time General Wayne was preparing for war, and on the 7th of October, 1793, General Wayne was at the head of two thousand six hundred regulars, and four hundred auxiliary, marched from Fort Washington. The regular fort at Greenville, and another on the field: where St. Clair met his defeat. This he called Fort Recovery. Here he remained until the 30th of June, 1794, without meeting any resistance. On that day, however, about fifteen hundred Indians, with some British and Canadians, assailed a body of troops under the very walls of the fort, but were finally repulsed. Not long after this, sixteen hundred volunteers under the command of General Scott, joined Wayne. His preparation at every point caused consternation to reign among the Indians. They had so easily overcome Harmar and St. Clair that they had been led to believe that all the Americans could be as easily overcome. Tt did not take long, however, before they saw in General \Vayne, an entirely different character. Little Turtle, who had the command at the defeat of St. Clair, was among the first to recognize Wayne's ability. All that plan to surprise him failed. Every effort they had made to defeat him had come to naught. They had found him cautious, and diligent on all uccasions, and he seemed to be endowed with some great power which they did not under- stand. Little Turtle referred to him as an “\who-never-sleeps,”” and this had a great effect among the Indians. That Little Turtle recognized that he had finally met his master, is shown by his urging that a treaty of peace be made, in a council held on the 19th of August of this same year, in which he says: ‘‘\We have beaten the enemy twice under different commanders. We can not expect the same good fortune to attend us always. The Americans are now led by a chief whe ‘RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 103 never sleeps. The nights and the days are alike to him, and during all the time that he had been marching on our village, notwithstanding the watch- fulness of our young men, we have never been able to surprise him. Think well of it. There is something whispers me it would be prudent to listen to his offers of peace.’—(Dillon’s History of Indiana.) Indians were under the subtle influence of that greatest of all chiefs, Tecumseh, and influenced by the magic spell by his brother, the prophet, and refused to follow the advice of Little Turtle. Believing in the power of Tecumseh and the prophet to protect them against the bullet of the white men, and feeling that they were sure of success, they prepared for battle, and attacked General Wayne on the morning of the 20th of August. That Wayne’s separation had been complete, that Little Turtle’s characterization of him was exactly right, and that the Indians were completely crushed, is shown by Wayne’s report of the battle, which we will here give: GENERAL WAYNE, TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR. “Headquarters, Fort Defiance, Grand Glaize, 28th August, 1794. “Sir: It is with infinite pleasure that I now announce to you the bril- liant success of the Federal army under my command, in a general action with the combined force of the hostile Indians, and a considerable number of the volunteers and militia of Detroit, on the 2oth instant, on the banks of the Maumee, in the vicinity of the British post and garrison, at the foot of the rapids. The army advanced from this place (Fort Defiance) on the 15th, and arrived at Roche de Bout on the 18th. The roth was employed in making a temporary post for the reception of our stores and baggage, and in reconnoitering the position of the enemy, who were encamped behind a thick, brushy wood, and the British fort. At eight o’clock on the morning of the 2oth, the army again advanced in columns, agreeably to the standing order of march; the legion on the right, its flank covered by the Maumee; one brigade of mounted volunteers on the left, under Brigadier-General Todd, and the other in the rear, under Brigadier-General Barbee. A select battalion of mounted volunteers moved in front of the legion, commanded by Major Price, who was directed to keep sufficiently advanced, so as to give timely notice for the troops to form in case of action, ‘it being yet undetermined whether the Indians would decide for peace or war. After advancing about five miles, Major Price’s corps received so severe 104 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. a fire from the enemy, who were secreted in the woods and high grass, as to compel them to retreat. The legion was immediately formed in two lines, principally in a close, thick wood, which extended for miles on our left, and for a very considerable distance in front, the ground being covered with old fallen timber, probably occasioned by a tornado, which rendered it imprac- ticable for the cavalry to act with effect, and afforded the enemy the most favorable cover for their mode of warfare. The savages were formed in three lines, within supporting distance of each other, and extending for nearly two miles, at right angles with the river. I soon discovered, from the weight of the fire and extent of their lines, that the enemy were in full force in front, in possession of their favorite ground, and endeavoring to turn our left flank. I therefore gave orders for the second line to advance and support the first; and directed Major-General Scott to gain and turn the right flank o: the savages, with the whole of the mounted volunteers, by a circuitous route; at the same time I ordered the front line to advance and charge with trailed arms, and rouse the Indians from their coverts at the point of the bayonet, and when up, to deliver a close and well directed fire on their backs, followed by a brisk charge, so as not to give them time to load again. “T also ordered Captain M. Campbell, who commanded’ the legionary cavalry, to turn the left flank of the enemy next to the river, and which af- forded a favorable field for that corps to act in. All these orders were obeyed with spirit and promptitude; but such was the impetuosity of. the charge by the first line of infantry, that the Indians and Canadian militia and volunteers were drove from all their coverts in so short a time, that, although every possible exertion was used by the officers of the second line of the legion, and by Generals Scott, Todd and Barbee, of the mounted volunteers, to gain their proper positions, but part of each could get up in season to participate in the action; the enemy being drove, in the course of one hour, more than two miles through the thick woods already mentioned by less than one-half their number. From every account, the enemy amounted to two thousand com- batants. The troops actually engaged against them were short of nine hundred. This horde of savages, with their allies, abandoned themselves to flight and dispersed with terror and dismay, leaving our victorious army in full and quiet possession of the field of battle, which terminated under the influence of the guns of the British garrison, as you will observe by the inclosed correspond- ence between Major Campbell, the commandant, and myself upon the oc- casion. The bravery and conduct of every officer belonging to the army, from RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 105 the generals down to the ensigns, merit my highest approbation. There were, however, some, whose rank and situation placed their conduct in a very conspicuous point of view and which I observed with pleasure and the most lively gratitude. Among whom, I must beg leave to mention Brigadier- general Wilkinson and Colonel Hamtramck, the commandants of the right and left wings of the legion, whose brave example inspired the troops. To those I must add the names of my faithful and gallant aids-de-camp, Captains DeButt and T. Lewis; and Lieutenant Harrison, who, with the adjutant- general, Major Mills, rendered the most essential service by communicating my orders in every direction and by their conduct and bravery exciting the troops to press victory. Lieutenant Covington, upon whom the command of the cavalry now devolved, cut down two savages with his own hand and Lieutenant Webb one, in turning the enemy’s left flank. The wounds received by Captains Slough and Prior and Lieutenant Campbell Smith, an extra aid- de-camp to General Wilkinson, of the legionary infantry, and Captain Van Rensselaer of the dragoons, Captain Rawlins, Lieutenant McKenny and Ensign Duncan, of the mounted volunteers, bear honorable testimony of their bravery and conduct. Captains H. Lewis and Brock, with their companies of light infantry, had to sustain an unequal fire for some time, which they supported with fortitude. In fact, every officer and soldier who had an opportunity to come into action displayed that true bravery which will always insure success. And here permit me to declare, that I never discovered more true spirit and anxiety for action than appeared to pervade the whole of the mounted volun- teers and I am well persuaded that, had the enemy maintained their favorite ground for one-half hour longer, they would have most severely felt the prowess of that corps. But while I pay this tribute to the living I must not neglect the gallant dead, among whom we have to lament the early death of those worthy and brave officers, Captain M. Campbell of the dragoons and Lieutenant Towles of the light infantry, of the legion, who fell in the first charge. Enclosed is a particular return of the killed and wounded. The loss of the enemy was more than double to that of the Federal army. The woods were strewed for a considerable distance with the dead bodies of Indians and their white auxiliaries—the latter armed with British muskets and bayonets. We remained three days and nights on the banks of the Maumee in front of the field of battle, during which time all the houses and cornfields were consumed and destroyed for a considerable distance both above and 106 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. below Fort Miami, as well as within pistol shot of the garrison, which was compelled to remain a tacit spectator to this general devastation and con- flagration, among which were the houses, stores and property of Colonel McKee, the British Indian agent and principal stimulator of the war now existing between the United States and the savages. The army returned to this place (Fort Defiance) on the 27th by easy marches, laying waste the villages and cornfields for about fifty miles on each side of the Maumee. There remains yet a great number of villages and a great quantity of corn to be consumed or destroyed upon Auglaize and the Maumee above this place, which will be effected in the course of a few days. In the interim we shall improve Fort Defiance and as soon as the escort re- turns with the necessary supplies from Greenville and Fort Recovery, the army will proceed to the Miami villages in order to accomplish the object of the campaign. It is, however, not improbable that the enemy may make one desperate effort against the army, as it is said that a reinforcement was hourly expected at Fort Miami from Niagara, as well as numerous tribes of Indians living on the margin and islands of the lakes. This is a business rather to be wished for than dreaded while the army remains in force. Their numbers will only tend to confuse the savages and victory will be the more complete and decisive and which may eventually insure a permanent and happy peace. Under these impressions, I have the honor to be your most obedient and very humble servant, ANTHONY WAYNE. The Hon. Major-general H. Knox, Secretary of War. The British still maintained a fort on the banks of the Maumee, and General Wayne after the battle of the 20th of August, encamped almost within reach of the guns of this fort. The British questioned the right of Wayne to camp there and several letters were exchanged between their com- manding officers, Major Campbell and General Wayne. The first two of these letters will show the position of the British in this Indian war and also the resolution with which General Wayne accepted the conditions. (NUMBER L.) Miami (Maumee) River, August 21, 1794. Sir: An army of the United States of America, said to be under your command, having taken post on the banks of the Miami (Maumee) for upwards of the last twenty-four hours, almost.within the reach of the guns of this fort, being a post belonging to his majesty the king of Great Britain, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 107 occupied by his majesty’s troops and which I have the honor to command, it becomes my duty to inform myself as speedily as possible, in what light I am to view your making such near approaches to this garrison. I have no hesitation on my part to say that I know of no war existing between Great Britain and America. I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your most obedient and very humble servant, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Major 24th Regiment, commanding a British post on the banks of the Miami. To Major-general Wayne, etc.” (NUMBER IL) “Camp on the bank of the Miami (Maumee), August 21, 1794. Sir: I have received your letter of this date requiring from me the motives which have moved the army under my command to the position they at present occupy, far within the acknowledged jurisdiction of the United States of America. Without questioning the authority or the propriety, sir, of your interrogatory, I think ] may, without breach of decorum, observe to you, that, were you entitled to answer, the most full and satisfactory one was announced to you from the muzzles of my small arms yesterday morning in the action against the horde of savages in the vicinity of your post, which terminated gloriously to the American arms, but, had it continued until the Indians, etc., were driven under the influence of the post and guns you men- tion, they would not have much impeded the progress of the victorious army under my command, as no such post was established at the commencement of the present war between the Indians and the United States. I have the honer to be, sir, with great respect, your most obedient and very humble servant, ANTHONY WAYNE, Major-general and Commander-in-chief of the Federal Army. To Major William Campbell,” etc. The Indians had been completely crushed and their only hope lay in being able to receive support from the British. Wayne had asked them to meet him at Greenville to make terms of peace, but the British had succeeded in getting them to refuse to go to Greenville but persuaded Little Turtle, Blue Jacket, Buck-ong-a-he-las, and other distinguished chiefs to agree to hold a 108 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. council at the mouth of the Detroit river. The British soldiers of this section were hoping that Great Britain and the United States would again engage in war, which seemed at that time quite a possibility. However, this was averted through the skill of John Jay, who, as an emissary to England, succeeded in perfecting a treaty of commerce. and navigation between the United States and Great Britain. By this treaty, Great Britain agreed to withdraw on or before the first day of June, 1796, all troops and garrisons from all the posts and places within the boundary lines of the United States, by the treaty of peace of 1783. Further said, “There shall be a firm, inviolable and universal peace and a true and sincere friendship between his Britannic majesty, his heirs and successors and the United States of America, and between their respective countries, territories, cities, towns and people of every degree, without exception of persons or places.” Preliminary articles of peace agree- ing to a meeting of Wayne and the Indians at Greenville, on or about the 15th of June, 1795, were made during the winter of 1794 by the Wyandots, Ottawas, Chippewas, Potawatamies, Sacs, Miamis, Delawares and Shaw- nees. The Indians began to assemble at Greenville early in June and by the 16th, were ready to begin negotiations. The council lasted from the 16th of June to the 10th of August. Perhaps no meeting of Indians has ever brought forth such flights of oratory as did the arguments upon this occasion. That the Indians were mindful of their rights, understood that they had been wronged and imposed upon by the French, the British and the Americans, is evident from the argument that they used there. Little Turtle denied that his tribe had ever sold their right. lasass, a Chippewa chief, speaking on the behalf of the Ottawas, Chippewas and Potawatamies, said during the course of discussion, “I always thought that we, the Ottawas, Chippewas and Potawatamies, were the true owners of those lands, but now I find that new masters have undertaken to dispose of them, so that, at this day, we do not know to whom they of right belong. \Ve never received any compensation from them. I don’t know how it is, but ever since that treaty, we have be- come objects of pity and our fires have been retiring from this country.” There seemed to have been a general misunderstanding. Little Turtle, the Miami chief, in addressing General Wayne, said: “I was, yesterday, sur- prised when I heard from our grandfathers, the Delawares, that these lands had been ceded by the British to the Americans when the former were beaten by and made peace with the latter, because you had before told us that it was the \Wyandots, Delawares, Ottawas, Chippewas. Potawatamies and Sauck- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 109g eys, who had made this cession.” On the 22d of July, Little Turtle spoke as follows: “General Wayne: I hope you will pay attention to what I now say to you. I wish to inform you where your younger brothers, the Miamis, live, and, also, the Potawatamies of St. Joseph’s, together with the Wabash Indians. You have pointed out to us the boundary line between the Indians and the United States, but now I take the liberty to inform you that that line cuts off from the Indians a large portion of country which has been enjoyed by my forefathers, time immemorial, without molestation or dis- pute. The print of my ancestors’ houses are everywhere to be seen in this portion. I was a little astonished at hearing you, and my brothers who are now present, telling each other what business you had transacted together heretofore at Muskingum, concerning this country. It is well known by all my brothers present that my forefather kindled the first fire at Detroit; from thence he extended his lines to the headwaters of Scioto; from thence to its mouth; from thence, down the Ohio, to the mouth of the Wabash; and from thence to Chicago, on lake Michigan; at this place I first saw my elder brothers, the Shawnees. I have now informed you of the boundaries of the Miami nation, where the Great Spirit placed my forefather a long time ago, and charged him not to sell or part with his lands, but to preserve them for his posterity. This charge has been handed down to me. I was much surprised to find that my other brothers differed so much from me on this subject; for their conduct would lead one to suppose that the Great Spirit, and their forefathers had not given them the same charge that was given to me, but, on the contrary, had directed them to sell their lands to any white man who wore a hat, as soon as he should ask it of themh. Now, elder brother, your younger brothers, the Miamis, have pointed you their country, and also to our brothers present. When I hear your remarks and proposals on this subject I will be ready to give you an answer. I came with an expectation of hearing you say good things, but I have not yet heard what I expected.” Tarke, or Crane, the chief of the Wyandots, then arose and made a speech, from which the following passages are copied: “Elder Brother (General Wayne): Now listen to us! The Great Spirit above has ap- pointed this day for us to meet together. I shall now deliver my sentiments to you the fifteen fires. I view you lying in a gore of blood. {[t is me, an Indian, who has caused it. Our tomahawk yet remains in your head. The IIo RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. English gave it to me to place there. Elder Brother, I now take the toma- hawk out of your head; but, with so much care that you shall not feel pain or injury. I will now tear a big tree up by the roots and throw the hatchet into the cavity which they occupied, where the waters will wash it away where it can never be found. Now I have buried the hatchet, and I expect that none of my color will ever again find it out. I now tell you that no one in particular can justly claim this ground; it belongs, in common, to us all; no earthly being has an exclusive right to it. The Great Spirit above is the true and only owner of this soil, and he has given us all an equal right to it. Brother, you have proposed to us to build our good work on the treaty of Muskingum; that treaty I have always considered as formed upon the fairest principles. You took pity on us Indians. You did not do as our fathers, the British, agreed you should. You might, by that agreement, have taken all our lands; but you pitied us, and let us hold part. I always looked upon that treaty to be binding upon the United States and us Indians.”’ The Indians were keen, but Wayne was keener; they were sagacious, but Wayne more than they; they were cunning, but Wayne seemed to divine every purpose and heated with a direct thrust; they were convincing, but, Wayne showed them the fallacy of their position; they were determined, but Wayne met them with a greater determination. It was a clash between the best men of both nations, and the white man, as usual, won. Wayne suc- ceeded in convincing them that he was sincere in what he was trying to do, and that the great father at Washington expected to use them and treat them as his children. He gave them the exact conditions of the treaty, read the provisions to them time and time again, and explained each and every pro- vision. There could be no doubt as to the conditions of this treaty. That he was sincere and knew exactly how to impress his sincerity upon the In- dians is shown by the following speech which was made in one of these meetings : “Brothers: All nations present, now listen to me! Having now ex- plained these matters to you and informed you of all things I judged neces- sary for your information, we have nothing to do but to bury the hatchet and draw a veil over past misfortunes. As you have buried our dead with the concern of brothers, so I now collect the bones of your slain warriors, put them ino a deep pit which I have dug and cover them carefully over with this large belt, there to remain undisturbed. I also dry the tears from your eyes, and wipe the blood from your bodies with this soft, white linen. No bloody traces will ever lead to the graves of your departed heroes—with this RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. itl I wipe all such entirely away. I deliver it to your uncle, the Wyandot, whi will send it round among you. (A large belt with a white string attached. ) I now take the hatchet out of your heads, and with a strong arm throw it into the center of the great ocean, where no mortal can ever find it; and I now deliver to you the wide and straight path to the fifteen fires, to be used by you and your posterity forever. So long as you continue to follow this road, so long will you continue to be a happy people. You see it is straight and wide, and they will be blind indeed who deviate from it. I place it also in your uncle’s hands, that he may preserve it for you. (A large road belt. ) I will, the day after tomorrow, show you the cessions you have made to the United States, and point out to you the lines which may, for the future, divide your lands from theirs; and, as you will have tomorrow to rest, I will order you a double allowance of drink—hbecause we have now buried the hatchet and performed every necessary ceremony to render propitious our renovated friendship.” Thus the battle of argument came and went for several days, until all the articles of the treaty had been read and explained the second time. Wayne put squarely at the representatives of each tribe, and each in return answered that they were satisfied with the treaty, which was signed on the 3d of August, 1795, by the sachems, chiefs and principal men of the Indian nations who inhabited the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio. A copy of the treaty was delivered to each nation, and on the 1oth of August, in council, General Wayne, at the close of a short speech, said: “I now fervently pray to the Great Spirit that the peace now estab- lished may be permanent and that it may hold us together in the bonds of friendship until time shall be no more. I also pray that the Great Spirit above may enlighten your minds and open your eyes to your true happiness, that your children may learn to cultivate the earth and enjoy the fruits of peace and industry. As it is probable, my children, that we shall. not soon meet again in public council, I take this opportunity of bidding you all an affectionate farewell, and of wishing you a safe and happy return to your respective homes and families.” The past had been a Herculean one, but Wayne had proved himself equal to the occasion and the treaty was concluded in a manner satisfactory to the government and to the Indian tribes as well. The Ordinance of 1787 provided for what is termed the second goy- ernment. That is when the territory should contain five thousand free in- habitants of full age, they should elect a legislature of their own. The 112 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. people elected the members of the House or Assembly, and this House or Assembly, when organized, could send to the President of the United States the names of ten persons. From this list the President should select five, who should act as a council or upper body of the Legislature. On the 29th day of October, 1798, Governor St. Clair issued a proclamation, calling for the election of representatives to this General Assembly. The election to take place on the third Monday of December and was to convene on the following 22d day of January, or January, 1799. The capital at this time was at Cincinnati. Governor St. Clair was extremely anxious that the new territorial government should be started about upon a broad, sane, moral basis, and to that effect he addressed the Assembly or Legislature as follows: The providing for ,and the regulating the lives and morals of the present and of the rising generation, for the repression of vice and immorality, and for the protection of virtue and innocence, for the security of property and the punishment of crime is a sublime employment. Every aid in my power will be afforded, and I hope we shall bear in mind that the character and deportment of the people and their happiness, both here and hereafter, de- pend very much upon the spirit and genius of their laws.” The territorial government had scarcely been started when, on the 7th of May, 1800, the President of the United States, approved an act of Congress, which en- titled, “that from and after the fourth day of July next, all that part of the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio river, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at the Ohio opposite to the mouth of Kentucky river and running thence to Fort Recovery and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory.” An act to divide the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio into two separate governments. This act put them back into the first form of territorial government again, and the William Henry Harrison, who had been elected as a delegate to Congress under the old territorial government, was appointed governor and govern- ment was established at Vincennes, where Governor Harrison assumed his duties as governor in January, 1801. He immediately called a meeting of the territorial judges, who met promptly and enacted several laws. In 1804 Congress attached all the land which was situated west of the Mississippi river and north of the 33d degree north latitude, to the territory of Indiana, under the name of “District of Louisiana,” but in 1805 it was organized as a separate territory. The population of the new Indiana Territory having RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 113 increased sufficiently, Governor Harrison issued a proclamation, calling for an election of members of the Assembly to take place January 3, 1805. The Assembly met at Vincennes on the first of February, and selected ten names for the President to choose a council from, just as they had done in former territorial government. A few days after this January election, however, Congress again divided territory, cutting off what is known as the “Territory of Michigan.” This was the last change made in the territorial boundaries until 1809, when the state received its present boundaries. In that year, February 3d, Congress passed a bill organizing the Illinois territory. This bill provided that on and after the first day of March, 1809, all that part of the territory lying west of the Wabash river, and running due north from Vincennes, should constitute the territory of Illinois. This left matters in a very muddled condition, and many doubted whether the Legislature was really a legally organized body- or not. General Harrison, himself, was in doubt, and as soon as the election was over and the Legislature chosen, it was dissolved by him. Another election was called for in May, and he fixed the number of members of the House to be elected as eight, one less than the minimum number preseribed by the act of Congress. He also called for the election of a Congressional delegate at the same time. It has been thought by some that his purpose in doing this was to get the real voice of the people on the question of slavery. Doubts again arose as to the legality of this election. But the governor held that it was legal, and did not change his opinion until they held the election illegal. The governor apportioned the territory and ordered a new election. In the meantime thousands of emigrants were pouring into the state, and the feeling became prevalent that the territorial government was inade- quate to their needs, and that statehood was desired. Pursuant to this, the territorial Legislature adopted a memorial on the 14th of December, 1816, asking Congress to admit Indiana into the Union as a state, upon equal foot- ing with the original state. This memorial met with favor on the part of Congress, and it passed an enabling act authorizing an election to be held on the first Monday of May, 1816, for the election of delegates tu the conven- tion, to frame the state’s constitution. The delegates were duly elected and the convention began its session at Corydon on June roth, 1816, and re- mained in session nineteen days. The act of Congress that enabled the people of Indiana Territory to form a Constitution and State Government contained certain conditions and propositions in respect to boundaries, juris- (8) Il4 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. diction, school lands, salt springs, land for seat of government, etc. All of these conditions and propositions were ratified and accepted by an ordinance which was passed by the Territorial convention at Corydon on the last day of its session, June 29, 1816. The conditions as to boundaries were: that the new state should be “bounded on the east by the meridian line which forms the western boundary of the state of Ohio, being a north line from the mouth of the Miami; on the south by.the Ohio river, from the mouth of the Great Miami to the mouth of the river Wabash; on the west by a line drawn along the middle of the Wabash from its mouth to a point where a due north line drawn from the town of Vincennes would last touch the northwestern shore of said river, and from thence, by a due north line until the same shall intersect an east and west line drawn through a point ten miles north of the southern extreme of Lake Michigan;. on the north by the said east and west line until the same shall intersect the first mentioned meridian line which forms the western boundary of the state of Ohio.” Controversies have arisen at different times concerning the eastern and north- ern boundaries of the state, but the one that interests us is the line between Indiana and Ohio as that affects the eastern boundary of Randolph county. This confusion arises because of the difference between the line as described in the act of April 19, 1816, or the one enabling us to be admitted as a state, and that of May 7, 1800, when the territory northwest of the Ohio river was divided into two districts. By that act, Congress declared, “That from and after the fourth day of July next all that part of the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio river, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at the Ohio opposite to the mouth of Kentucky river, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory.” It will be noticed in the above that this division of terri- tory was, “for the purpose of temporary government,” and not for a gov- ernment permanent as the state would be. The mouth of the Kentucky river is several miles west of that of the Great Miami. The line provided for in the act of May 7, 1800, would not have been a due north and south line, but would have run east of north until it reached Fort Recovery on the headwaters of the Wabash, and from thence would run due north. Such a line as that proposed by this act would have given to Ohio quite a strip along the southeast side of Indiana, while it would have added to Indiana some of the territory now in Ohio north of Fort Recovery. This line enters Ran- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 115 dolph county about four miles west of the Ohio line and passes out of the county almost in the corner of Jackson township. It is known on the map as the “Old Indian Boundary Line.” . The convention that formed the first constitution of the state of Indiana was composed, mainly, of clear-minded, unpretending men of com- mon sense, whose patriotism was unquestionable and whose morals were fair. Their familiarity with the theories of the Declaration of American Independence—their territorial experience under the provisions of the ordi- nance of 1787-——and their knowledge of the principles of the Constitution of the United States, were sufficient, when combined, to lighten, materially, their labors in the great work of forming a constitution for a new state. With such landmarks in view, the labors of similar conventions in other states and territories have been rendered comparatively light. In the clearness and consciousness of its style—in the comprehensive and just provisions which it made for the maintenance of civil and religious liberty—in its mandates, which were designed to protect the rights of the people, collectively and individually, and to provide for the public welfare— the constitution that was formed for Indiana in 1816 was not inferior to any of the state constitutions which were in existence at that time.” The voting for the members of the first General Assembly of the State of Indiana resulted in the election of ten members of the Senate and twenty- nine members of the House of Representatives. What is now a part of Randolph county was then a part of Wayne, and our senator was Patrick Baird. Our members of the House of Representatives were: Joseph Hol- man, Ephraim Overman and John Scott. Ephraim Overman afterwards removed to Randolph county and lived near Arba. It was his oldest son, Eli, who was one of the first commissioners of the county. Thus the terri- torial government of Indiana was superseded by a State Government on the 7th of November, 1816, and the State of Indiana was formally admitted into the Union by a joint resolution of Congress, approved on the 11th day of December in the same year. Upon its admission into the Union, Indiana had fifteen counties, namely: Knox, Gibson, Posey, Perry, Warrick, Wayne, Franklin, Washington, Orange, Jackson, Jefferson, Switzerland, Dearborn, Harrison and Clark. After the organization of Indiana as a state, the organization of counties was very rapid. During 1816-17 four counties were organized. During 1818 eight counties, Randolph being one of them. After 1818 the settlement of the state became much more rapid, as all of the great central and northern part of the state was opened to settlement during 116 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. that year, having been purchased from the Indians October 6, 1818. From 1818 to 1822 seventeen counties were organized; 1823 to 1828, fourteen counties; 1830 to 1837, twenty-one counties; 1843 to 1871, thirteen counties; making in all the ninety-two counties of the state. The state early fixed a liberal policy for the organization of counties. After the Legislature had passed a bill, authorizing the organization of a new county, in which it would state definitely the boundary of said county, the governor would issue an order of election to some person in the new county, as sheriff, authoriz- ing him to hold an election, in which there would be elected two associate judges of the circuit court, one clerk, one recorder, and three commissioners. Of course, one of the new needs of a county would be the county seat or seat of justice. On January 2, 1818, the Legislature passed an act fixing the seat of justices in all the new counties. The General Assembly would appoint five commissioners, who were non-residents, three of whom should be a quorum. These commissioners ‘‘shall proceed to fix in the most eligible and convenient place for the permanent seat of justice for each new county, taking into view the extent of the county, the quality of the land and the prospects of future as well as the weight of present population, together with the probability of future division; and it shall be the further duty of the said commissioners to receive donations in land from any person or per- sons owning land in the said county, and offering donations in land for the use of the same, and to fix on such place for the seat of justice, in said new county, as near as may be the center of that tract or district, which is likely to remain permanent after future divisions, as may best conserve to the in- terests of said county.” The county commissioners should then appoint a county agent, whose duty it was to plot the ground so donated to the county, advertise for the sales of these plots, give deed to the purchasers, and in general act as business agent of the county. The money derived from the sales of these plots should be used, first, to pay the locating commissioners ; second, to pay the purchase price if any land had been bought. This was not done, however, in Randolph county, as the land was all donated, of which we shall speak later. Third, to pay for public buildings, and fourth, if any funds then remained, they should be put in the general fund for the support of the county. But it will be seen that an exception to this law was made for a county library fund in Randolph county. Pursuant to and in harmony with these laws and upon a petition from people in the north end of Wayne county, the following act was approved January 10, 1818. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. T17 RANDOLPH COUNTY ORGANIZED. An Act for the formation of a new county off the north end of Wayne. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of In- diana, That from and after the tenth day of August next, all that part of the’ county of Wayne, which is enclosed in the following bounds, shall form and constitute a new county (that is to say), Beginning at the state of Ohio line, where the line that divides the fifteenth and sixteenth townships strikes said Ohio line; thence west with said township line until it strikes the old bound- ary; thence westward with the center line of the 18th township in the new purchase until it strikes the Indian boundary; thence northward with said boundary line until it strikes the state of Ohio line; thence south with said line to the place of beginning. Fr Recovery. La RanvoLPH Co. Aue. 1818. nr rr rrr ree Sec. 2. The said county shall, from and after the tenth day of August next, be known and designated by the name and style of the county of Ran- dolph; and it shall enjoy all the rights, privileges and jurisdictions which to a separate county do or may properly belong. 118 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Sec. 3. Willam Major, of Dearborn county; Williamson Dunn, of Jefferson county; Stephen C. Stevens, James Brownlee and John Bryson, of Franklin county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to desig- nate the place for the permanent seat of justice of Randolph county, agree- ably to an act, entitled “An Act for fixing the seats of justice in all new counties hereafter to be laid off.” The commissioners above named shall convene at the house of Ephraim Overman, on the first Monday in Septem- ber next, and then proceed to discharge the duties assigned them by law; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Wayne to notify the said commissioners, either in person or by written notification, of their said appointment, at least ten days previous to the time appointed for the meeting of the said commissioners. -And the said sheriff shall be allowed a reasonahle compensation for his services out of the first monies in the treasury of said county of Randolph, to be allowed and paid as other county claims are. Sec. 4. The board of commissioners of said new county shall, within six mouths after the permanent seat of justice shall be established, proceed to erect the necessary buildings thereon. Sec. 5. Until suitable accommodations can be had, in the opinion of the circuit court, at the seat of justice of said new county, all the courts of justice shall be holden at the house,of William Way, or such place to which the court shall adjourn, in said county: after which time the circuit court and all courts necessary to be held at the county seat, shall be adjourned to the same. - Sec. 6. Whenever the seat of justice within the county of Randolph shall have been established, the person or persons authorized to dispose of and sell the lots at the seat of justice, shall reserve ten per centum on the net proceeds of the whole sale, for the use of a county library in said county; which sum or sums of money shall be paid over to such person or persons as may be authorized to receive the same, in such manner and in such installments as shall be authorized by law. Sec. 7. All that part of Randolph county which was formerly the county of Wayne shall constitute to form a part of the Wayne district for the purpose of electing senators and representatives to the General As- sembly, until otherwise authorized by law. This act to take effect and be in force from and after the tenth day of August next. In accordance with the laws then in force, Governor Jennings appointed David Wright, sheriff, to organize the county. He did so, by making two RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. TI9 precincts, Greensfork and White river, the chief settlements being on these two streams. An election was held in August, 1818 (the exact day not being known), to choose associate judges, sheriff, clerk, recorder and three county commissioners, which officers were chosen as follows: Wiiliam Edwards and John Wright, associate judges; David Wright, sheriff ; Charles Conway, clerk and recorder; Eli Overman, Benjamin Cox and John James, commissioners. Mr. Tucker, in his history, speaks of a coroner having been elected, and that Solomon Wright was elected to this office, but we have failed to find any such mention made in the records. To control the or- ganizations of counties and townships and the election of officers in same, the legislature has passed the following act: An Act ta provide for the election of county and township officers. Sec. 3. The county commissioners of each county, at their first meet- ing after being elected, shall lay off their counties respectively into a suitable number of townships, describing the bounds thereof, which they shall cause to be fairly recorded, and shall, from time to time thereafter, make such alterations and additional townships as they may think proper: Provided, however, no new township shall be laid off without an application from at least thirty citizens residing within the bounds of such intended new town- ship by petition; said petitioners or some one of them having published such intention of applying for a new township, by setting up a written notice thereof in three of the most public places within such bounds, thirty days before such application is to be made: Provided, that the board of county commissioners of the several counties in this state shall not lay off more than eight townships in their respective counties; and provided, also, that not more than twenty justices of the peace shall be elected or commissioned for any one county. Sec. 4. After the board of commissioners shall have laid off their counties, respectively, into a suitable number of townships as above directed, they shall order an election in each, on such day as they may direct, for such number of justices of the peace, not exceeding three, as shall be assigned by them to each township; which election shall be held and conducted in all respects according to the laws of this state regulating elections, and the per- son having the highest number of.votes (to the number to be elected in such township) shall be elected; the returns of which election shall be made to the clerk’s office of the circuit court, in the same manner that returns of the general elections are made. I20- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. COUNTY ORGANIZED. Pursuant to this act, the three commissioners, Eli Overman, Benjamin Cox and John James, met in early August, presumably the roth, in the cabin of Benjamin Cox, and organized Randolph County into townships. The cabin of Mr. Cox stood near the river east of what is known as the White River Church, on the southeast quarter of Section 15, Township 20, Range 14. This land had been entered by Mr. Cox, September 11, 1817. What a wonderful and interesting thing that was surrounded by an un- broken wilderness, and with nothing for precedence or guidance they were entrusted with the organization of what was to become one of the greatest counties of their commonwealth. They were men, however, of unusual ability, excellence of character, sincerity of purpose, and actuated by lofty ideals of citizenship. Mr. Cox was born in North Carolina, in the year 1785 and moved to Ohio in 1806, and to White River, east of Winchester, the fall of 1816. He married Ann Rhodes and had eight children, all of whom were married and had families. He entered land on -White River, and lived there until he died in about 1852, sixty-seven years of age. He was a minister among Friends and his work was acceptable and useful. While upon a religious mission, in North Carolina, his wife died in her sixty-third year. Mr. Cox was not only a minister, but taught school, having taught school in the settle- ment, probably about 1820. Mr. Cox was especially fitted for the work of organization and was the only one of the three commissioners who was buried in the county which he had helped to organize. Eli Overman, the second commissioner, was also a member of the Friends church. We have heard of his having been a minister in the church, but he was a teacher and taught the first school in the settlement near Arba, having taught there in 1820, probably the same time that Cox was teaching near White River. Mr. Overman afterward moved to Grant County and died there. Mr. James also lived near Arba, having settled there about 1816 to 1818, having bought the land that was entered by John Thomas. Mr. James was a Baptist minister, and, like Mr. Overman, re- moved to Grant County, where he died. ; It will be seen that Randolph county was the most northern county or- ganized in the state, and that the territory had been obtained from three sources. The land beginning at the old Indiana boundary line of 1795 was obtained from the Indians in the treaty of Greenville, 1795. The remainder of the county was the northern part of what is sometimes called the Twelve RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 121 Mile Purchase or the Cession of 1809. This strip of land is twelve miles wide and its western boundary is parallel to the treaty line of 1795, and was obtained by a treaty of September 30, 1809, at Fort Wayne with the Miami, Delaware and Potawatamie tribes. ; The western boundary of Randolph county at this time is known in the record of the New Indian Boundary Line, although recent map makers of the county have persisted in the error of calling it the “Old Indian Boundary Line.” The Old Indian Boundary line is the line of 1795, and it starts in Greensfork township and crosses the county to the corner of Jackson. The remainder of the land in Randolph county at this time (1914) was obtained from the Miami Indians, October 16, 1818, and is usually known as the New Purchase. As we have said before, Randolph county was organized in early August, 1818, in the cabin of Benjamin Cox, with Eli Overman, Benjamin Cox, John James, as commissioners, and Charles Conway as clerk. Upon that memorable day they proceeded to organize the county as directed by law, and the first article written is an account of their meeting. It shall be our endeavor to give all these records of organization and to quote exactly the records as found in the minutes of the meetings of the commissioners. These records are well preserved, and with the exception of those from 1820 to November, 1826, are all to be found in the court house at Winchester. Mr. Conway, the clerk, held that office for a number of years, and all these records were made by him, and they certainly show the ability of this man to act in this capacity. The first item placed in these records is as follows: “Beginning on the new boundary line one mile South of the Tweenteeth Township and in the nineteenth township, thence East With Said Section line to the old Boundry line, then South to Where the section line Between Section twenty-two and Section twenty-seven Intersect the same, thence East with said line to the State line between the State of Indiana and the State of Ohio, all that part of Randolph County south of the above Discribed line to be Known by the name of Greensfork Township and all that part of said County North of said line to be Known by the name of Whiteriver Township. Ordered that an Election be held at the house of William Wright in Whiteriver Township on the Twenty-ninth day of August, 1818, to Elect two Justices of the Peace and two Constables in said Township for the time Limited by Law and appointed John Wright Inspector of Elections in said Township for one year.” There was evidently a mistake in these records 122 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. because if they ran to the old boundary line and then south, they could not have gone between sections 22 and 27, for this was north of the east and west line. In the map of Randolph county of August, 1818, two dotted lines will be seen on the upper right hand part of Greensfork township. The upper line indicates the line betwen sections 22 and 27, the lower line indicates where it would be had they gone south. We think the latter is the right one, as will be shown in the organization of Jackson township later on. It is no wonder, however, that they shoyld make such a slight error, because the surveys were not very well known at that time. Section three of the act for the formation of Randolph county pro- vided that William Major, of Dearborn county; Williamson Dunn, of Jef- ferson county; Stephen C. Stevens, James Brownlee and John Bryson, of Franklin county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to desig- nate a place for the county seat of justice of Randolph county. They were to convene at the house of Ephraim Overman, on the first Monday in Sep- tember, and then to proceed to describe the duties assigned them by law. It is scarcely probable that all these men met at that time; in fact, the only record indicates that only two of them were present, for in the November term of 1818 we find that it was “Ordered that the treasurer pay unto Daniel Petty for accounts Produced from Williamson Dunn and John Bry- son two of the State Commissioners for Establishing the seat of Justice in Randolph County By the said Petty the sum of Ninetyseven Dollars.” Just who Mr. Petty was, and why he should have the account is not known. It is said that the commissioners were in doubt as to the best place to put the seat of justice. One of them favored putting it at Sampleton, located in section 22. ‘The others favored Winchester. Mr. Sample and other resi- dents of that cornmunity would not donate any land, however, for the use of the county and this became the deciding factor, for by establishing the county seat at Winchester, these commissioners received and procured for the county donations of land as follows: Charles Conway, 69 acres; John Wright, 50 acres; David Wright, 10 acres; David Stout, 18 acres; Daniel Petty, 20 acres. One hundred and fifty-eight acres in all is certainiy a, splendid donation to the county. This land is all located in sections 20 and 21, township 20 north, range 14, in and around the town of Winchester. These commissioners decided, as they had a right to do, to locate the seat of justice upon this land. It is said that when they decided to put the court yard where it is, that Eli Overman, who was a school teacher, and for that reason was acquainted with the ceremonies that Columbus went through RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 123 taking San Salvador, and the demonstrations that Balboa made in taking the Pacific for the King and Queen of Spain, took the Jacob staff and stuck it in the ground with a solemn declaration, “Here shall be the northeast corner of the public square.” Whether Mr. Overman was in jest or in earnest, of course, is not known, but it does show the importance which he placed to the act that had been done that day. Paul Way was appointed county agent, at what time is not known, but it was before the May term in 1819, however, as Mr. Way made a report at that session. Mr. Way was a surveyor and laid off the gifts of land in town lots, of which more will be said later on. The commissioners proceeded at once to arrange for public buildings, but these will be discussed at another time. At this time we shall trace the development of township organization, until the present or permanent form of the county was obtained. As has been said, the county was organized into two townships in August, 1818, as shown by the map of the county at that time. The settlement of the county was rapid and as the number increased the demand for new townships also increased. It is interesting to note that as the population in any part of the county would increase, the demand for a new township would be made in that part of the county. Fr. Recovery. “1 FRANDOLPH Co. ; Nov. 1819. : ew en een nn ee nnn eer ren" rc i) 124 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. WEST RIVER TOWNSHIP. West River township, as shown by the map of November, 1819, was petitioned for in the November session as follows: ‘“Recd the petition of sundry Inhabitants of the West Part of Greensfork Township Praying that a new Township may be laid off Beginning on the line of Wayne County at the West line of Section Sixteen in Township Eighteen and Range fourteen thence with Said line to the line of Whitériver Township. Ordered that all that Part of Greensfork Township West of the above described line be and the same is hereby stricken off into a new Township to be Known by the name of Westriver Township. All Elections in said Township are to be held at the house of Jess Cox. William Smith is hereby appointed Inspector of Elections in Westriver Township. Ordered that an Election in Westriver Township on the first Saturday in December next for the Purpose of Elect- ing Two Justices of the Peace in said Township.” Great changes were made in the county in 1820. WAYNE TOWNSHIP. In 1818 the new purchase of the cession with the Miami Indians had been made and all the central and northern parts of Indiana were opened to settlement. The surveys were made, and dispositions were made of the land in 1820. It must be remembered that Randolph county was the most north- ern county organized at that time, and on January 20th of that year, the following law was approved: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem- bly of the State of Indiana, that all that part of the New Purchase, recently acquired from the Indians, which lies east of a due north line, drawn from the northwest corner of Randolph county, and north of said Randolph county, be, and the same is hereby attached to the said county of Randolph county and from henceforth shall be held and considered an integral part of Randolph county. The northwest corner of the county at that time was where a boundary line of 1809 left the parallel direction to the old boundary line and went directly to Fort Recovery, Ohio. It is about one mile south- west of where Ridgeville now is. This extended Randolph county to the Michigan line and it became necessary to organize this portion into a town- ship. The commissioners did this in their August term of that year, when it was “Ordered that part of the New Purchase Which was added to the County of Randolph by a late act of Assembly into a new Township to be RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I25 Known and Designated by the name of Wayne Township and that all the Elections to be held in Wayne Township be held at the house of Dr. William Turner. Ordered that Ezra Taylor be Inspector of Elections in Wayne Township for and During the term of one year. Ordered that an Election FANDOLPH Co. 1820 WAYNE Aue. 14-1820 == ~ \ me To Micn. Line Jan. 20-1820 ! GREENSHORK. t ToMicniean Line Dec. 23-1820. ____Present Bounvary |824 t t I t I be held in Wayne Township on the last Saturday in November Next for the Purpose of Electing two Justices of the Peace and one Constable in said Township.” The Dr. William Turner, in whose house the election was to be held, lived in Fort Wayne, as did the inspector, Mr. Ezra Taylor. The treasurer’s record shows that Mr. Taylor received seventy-five cents for bringing the election returns from Fort Wayne to Winchester. He certainly earned his seventy-five cents. This Wayne township should not be contused with the present township of Wayne. 126 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. WARD TOWNSHIP. On the next day, August 15, the commissioners proceeded to organize Ward township, as follows: “Ordered that all that part of Whiteriver Township North of an East and west line Dividing the twentyeth and twentyfirst Congressional Township be stricken off into a new Township to be Known and Designated by the name of Ward Township. Ordered that all Elections in Ward Township be held at the house of James Massey and that James Massey be Inspector of Elections in Ward for one year. Or- FRANDOLPH Co. 1824 wy © O a T = ie : iP) ee Waro !820 | 5 =} ig = & ‘3 alg is = Wipe Fiver I é < é lz 3 = oe se ie & WEST GREENSFORK p River ! } P dered that an Election in Ward Township on the second Satturday in Sep- tember Next for the Purpose of Electing two Justices of the Peace and one Constable in said Township.” The county retained these boundaries until the 23d of December, 1822, when the following act was approved: Be it enacted by the General As- sembly of the State of Indiana, that all that part of the New Purchase, lately acquired from the Indians contained in the following boundaries, to-wit: “Beginning at the southwest corner of Randolph County, thence west four miles, thence due ‘north until it strikes the northern boundary of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 127 Indiana, shall from henceforth form and constitute a part of the County of Randolph, in as full and complete a manner as though it had been attached to and formed a part of said county at the beginning of its formation.” ‘This made the boundary line, in December 23, 1820, about three-fourths of a mile east of where our present (1914) western boundary is. At this same time Randolph county was given control over Delaware county, which com- prised all the northwestern part of the state east of the second meridian not included in Randolph county. By an act relative to county boundaries, ap- proved January 31, 1824, Randolph county was defined as follows: ‘Sec. 8. That all the territory included within the following boundaries shall form and constitute the county of Randolph, to-wit: Beginning at the Ohio state line, where the line dividing townships fifteen and sixteen strikes the same; thence west with said township line, until it strikes the old Indian boundary ; thence to, and with the center line of township eighteen, to the northwest corner of section twenty, in township eighteen, and range twelve east of the second principal meridian; thence north to the line dividing townships twenty-one and twenty-two; thence east to the Ohio state line, and thence with said state line to the place of beginning.” The records of the county from February, 1821, to November, 1825, having been lost, it is not known just what disposition the commissioners made of the new part added to Randolph county. It is presumed that Ward township, White River township and West River were extended to the new county line. We must remember that Randolph county had control over Delaware county and some time during the year 1825 Liberty township, in Delaware county, was organized. The only record we have of it is in Jere Smith's reminiscences, in which he says: LIBERTY TOWNSHIP (DELAWARE COUNTY ). “In the May term of 1825, David Rowe was allowed $1.50 for making return of the election of two justices of Liberty township. From this and from my recollection, I can say that in January, 1825, either the whole or the east part of Delaware county was made into Liberty township. The township containing Smithfield is still called Liberty. And as Daniel Stout had been county commissioner in Randolph and had moved to what is now Delaware county, built a mill and laid out Smithfield, I presume he had that county erected into Liberty township. There were but few inhabitants in that region, and David Rowe, who brought the election returns, lived pretty 128 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. well up on Prairie creek, at least six miles from Smithfield. Also, May, 1826, John J. Deeds, who had settled on White river and built a mill above Smithfield, was appointed supervisor on the west fork of White river from the mouth of Cabin creek to Mont-see-town, as the Indians called it. Hence ‘Mont-see-town’ was then (May, 1826) in Liberty township and in Randolph county as well.” Some corroborative evidence of this is that in the January term, 1826, David Vestal was appointed assessor in Liberty township for the year 1826, and Aaron Richardson was appointed inspector of elections in Liberty township for one year. John Coon and John H. Myers were appointed fence viewers in Liberty township for one year. Then, in the May term of 1826, “William Vanmeter is appointed supervisor on the state road from the post Numbered 29 to the post Numbered 44 ordered that all the hands in Liberty Township North and South between the last numbered posts do work on said road and also on the west fork of White river from Moncey town to the line Dividing Ranges 7 & 8 East.” Thus it will be seen there can be no doubt that Liberty township was organized, and not very long before January, 1826. STONEY CREEK TOWNSHIP. Settlement was now being made very rapidly along the west fork vi White river and Stoney Creek and West river, which is evident by the change in township made in the next few years. In 1827, July 2d, Stoney Creek was organized as follows: “Ordered that Congressional Townships ig & 20 and 21 in Range 12 East be stricken off into a Township to be known by the name of Stoney Creek Township Except such part as are included in the bounds of Delaware County. Ordered that an Election be held in Stoney Creek Township on the third monday in July (instant) for the purpose of Electing one Justice of the peace in said Township. Ordered that all Elec- tions in Stoney Creek Township be held at the house of Joseph Thornburgh. Samuel Vestal is appointed inspector of Elections in Stoney Creek Township for one year.” Two things concerning this organization are not clear: First, why should they omit the half of township 18, included in Randolph county; and second, why should they “except such part as are included in the bounds of Delaware county,” when none of the townships 19 or 20 and 21 of range 12 were in the county of Delaware It is quite possible that the petitioners RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I29 and even the commissioners were not very familiar with the survey at that time. The next changes were made in 1831. One new township, Washington, was organized and the boundaries of each of the other organized townships were changed. The townships at that time being White River, Greensfork, Ward, West River and Stoney Creek. Washington township was organized RanvoceH Co, 1827 af G wer’ / a 1 / Warp 1820 j i i I I L 1 x 7 = a | i a I } & Write River j t i X I ! ak ! i Zz} +: oOo t = = ! 1 ” ! West - |GREENSFORK | Rwer ; / ; ! ) I L as follows: “Be it Known that hereafter all that part of Greensfork and West River Townships described as follows to wit Beginning on the Wayne County line at the Section corner between Sections 14 & 15 in Range 14. thence N. 8 miles thence West 7 miles thence S. 8 miles to the line of Wayne County thence to the beginning Shall be known by the Name of Washington Township with the East half of Section 10 Township 18 of Range 14. Or- dered that all Elections in Washington Township shell be held at the house of Joatham Beeson in the Town of Blooming Port.” It seems strange that an exception of the east half of section 10, town- ship 18 of range 14, should be made and is not included in Washington township. That this was done, however, there can be no doubt, because (9) - 130 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. in the March term of 1832 the following is found: ‘Be it remembered that the East line of Washington Township is hereby so altered as to begin at the Wayne County line at the corner between Sections 14 and 15 in Range I+ thence North as formerly including the east half of Section 10 in Township 18 & Range 14 E. in Washington Township.” It is easily explained, how- ever, when we consider that Paul Beard owned the east half of Section 10 and the west half of Section 11. Mr. Beard was an unusual man. He had an indomitable will and exceedingly great force of character. Being a phy- sician, his intuence was unlimited. His buildings were located in section II, and he, not wanting to own land in two townships, persuaded the commis- sioners to make an exception of the east half of section 10. Verily, there were political bosses even in that day. The time never has been when we were without political bosses, the time never will be, when we shall not have them. The only question to decide is: What shall be the character of the bosses or leaders? May they always be as upright and honorable as was Paul Beard. On the same day that Washington township was organized, West River township was changed as follows: “And West river Township shall contain the following bounds (hereafter) towit beginning at the Wayne County line on the line dividing Sections 15 & 16 in Range 13 thence N. 8 miles thence west 8 miles to the Delaware County line thence direct to the South west corner of Randolph County thence direct to the beginning. Ordered that all Elections hereafter in West river Township shall be held at the house of -Wm. Smith.” Evidently the people of Stoney Creek township felt this to be a dis- crimination against them, as they lost quite a little of their territory. The commissioners in this same session equalized the matter somewhat, when it was “Ordered that one mile of off the west end of Whiteriver & Ward Townships be added to Stoney Creek Township and ordered that all Elec- tions in said Township hereafter shall be held at the house of Wm. Moore Junior.” This evidently didn’t yet satisfy the people of Stoney Creek town- ship. It is impossible to know at this time just what local forces were acting in the matter, but another change was made in the July term, when it was “Ordered that two miles & a half & forty poles from the west County line and 2 miles South be taken from the N west corner of west river Township and added to Stoney Creek Township.” These changes are shown in the map of 1831. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 13! JACKSON TOWNSHIP. In the meantime, settlement had been very rapid along the Mississi- Ward township,. especially in and about Deertield, was becoming newa, This influence spread east, one of the most populated parts of the county. until there was a sufficient number of people who desired a new township to be organized. This the commissioners did on the 4th dav of November. RANovoLPH Co. I83I oO oo faRD 1620 } i | | / ‘ pp / I MAY /ES/ t 1 iWrite River : | | 1 ! —— / WULYy / onto West / |WASHINGTON GREENSFORK ! May /r63i 1851[H1832 | i a 1833, when it was “Ordered that the following bounds be Known hereafter by the name of Jackson Township to wit Beginning at the State line at the Sec- tion line between Sections 25 and 36 in Town 17 Range one west thence west to the old boundary thence to and with the Section line between Sec- tions 8 & 17 of Town 19 Range 15 East to the Range line between Ranges 14 & 15 thence North with said Range line to the north line of the County thence East to the State line thence to the beginning And that all Elec- tions in said Township be held at the house of Thomas Pettens Ordered that an Election be held in Jackson Township on the first Saturday in De- cember next for the purpose of Electing two Justices of the peace in said 132 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Township. William Keennon is appointed inspector of Elections in Jack- son Township until the next annual Election for Township officers.” ORGANIZATION. Thus, it will be seen that the southern end of Jackson township 1s lo- cated upon the first section line south of the point on the Indian boundary line, reached in the first organization of the county. This is why we. think they came south to this line, rather than north to the line between Sections 27 and 22, as indicated in the record of 1818. GREEN TOWNSHIP. The northwest corner of the county was. also anxious to have a local township, and petitioned the commissioners to organize them into a new town- ship. which they did on the 6th of January, 1834, when it was: “Ordered that the following Boundary be hereafter known by the name of Green Town- ship to wit: begnning on the north line of the County at the corner between Sections 4 & 5 of Town 21 North of Range 13 E thence South 7 miles thence west 7 miles to the west line of the County thence with said line to the be- ginning.” “Ordered that an Election be held at the house of Thomas Brown Senr, in Green Township on the first Saturday in February next for the purpose of Electing a Justice of the peace in said Township. John Merine is appointed inspector of Elections in Green Township untill the annuel Election for Township officers.” A change was also made in the line between Greensiork and Wash- ington townships. in September, 1834, by the line being fixed where it is at the present time. This line had been a matter of contention since 1831, and continued to be for a number of years afterward. Just what influence was brought to bear to make the change of 1834 is not known. but on Sep- tember 2, 1834. the following order was made: “Ordered that one half mile be Stricken off the west side of Greensfork Township and added to Washington Township and that the dividing line between said Townships hereaiter. is to begin on the south line of the County at the middle of Sec- tion 14 Town 18 Range 14 and extend North paralel with the Section lines to the south line of White river Township.” It must be remembered that Randolph County had at this time control a eevee eune PORE 6 bok HF RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 133 of the land north of it in what is now Jay County, although we had a northern boundary definitely fixed in 1824. The tax gatherer or collector of ‘+834 was Mr. Carey S. Goodrich. At that time taxes were collected by visiting the people and assessing and collecting the taxes at the same time. ‘The people in what is now Jay County demurred to paying their taxes, claiming that they received no benefits whatever from it. Mr. Goodrich visited that territory and returned with the report that after seeing the FRANDOLPH Co. 1833-1834 ae 2 {Waro 1820 ‘ ‘ 1 ! t GREEN 1634 = me ~ men -y 8 ! STONEY | Wire Fiver ‘ [dacsoy 1855 CREEK } L ! | } } West } [WASHINGTON | GREENSFORK River e3 | ; LT LL country he didn’t blame them very much. But this led to a dissatisfaction on the part of those people to the extent that the commissioners proceeded to organize them into separate townships. SALAMANA AND MADISON TOWNSHIPS, JAY COUNTY. In January, 1835, the commissioners ordered that, “All that part of Randolph County (being the Attached part) lying North of an East and west line dividing Townships 21 & 22 in Range fourteen is hereby Stricken off into a Township to be known by the Name of Salamana Township, and 134 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ordered that all Elections in said Township be held at the house of Daniel Farber. And ordered that an Election be held in said Township on the last Saturday of this Instant January, for the purpose of Electing one Justice of the peace in said Township. Obadiah Winters is appointed Inspector of Elections in Salamana Township until the next annuel Election for Town- ship officers.” ‘‘Salamana” Township evidently proved to be too large for the people to handle, consequently the township was divided in the May term of that same year, by the following order: “Ordered that hereafter all that part of Jay County (which is attached to this county) included in the fol- lowing bounds constitute a new Township to be known by the name of Mad- ison Township to wit: Beginning at the south East corner of Jay County, thence West along the County line to the south West corner of section 36 in Township 22 Range 14; thence north With the section line to the north line of Jay County; thence East with the County line to the State line; thence South with the State line to the place of beginning; and that all elec- tions in said Township be held at the house of Benjamin Goldsmith. — “Abraham Lotz is appointed Inspector of Elections in Madison Town- ship to serve until the next annual election for Township officers. “Ordered that an election be held in Madison Township on the third Saturday in June next for the purpose of electing one Justice of the peace for said Township.” These elections were no doubt held, as in September, 1835, the county treasurer was ordered to pay ‘Daniel Farber $1.00 for making return of election in August 1835 from Salamony Township.” On the same day an election was ordered to be held in Madison township on the second Saturday in October for the purpose of electing a justice of the peace for said town- ship which election was held in due time. The changes in the townships seem to have taken place in the corners of the county, which was no doubt, due to the fact that these parts were at this time being settled more rapidly than the center which had been settled previously to this time. Another change was made in 1835 in the West River township region, when the following changes were ordered: “That hereafter the bounds of Westriver Township be as follows towit: Beginning on the line between Wayne and Randolph Counties at the corner of sections 14-15-22 and 23 in township 18 Range 13 thence North eight miles to the corner of sections 2-3-10 & 11 in Township 19 Range 13 thence west 4 miles to the Range line between Ranges 12 & 13 thence South 8 miles to the County line thence east RANDOI.PH COUNTY, INDIANA. 135 to the place of Beginning and ordered that all Elections in said Township be held at the Town of Huntsville.” FRANDOLPH Co. 1855 s ome Green 1834 | (Warp 1820 | | | jf f | STONEY | Wore River | CREEK | ? I I 1 5 Ite 8 Ji S i te | WAOHINGTON | GREENSFORK ua ! Es # | = i NETTLE CREEK TOWNSHIP. “Ordered that the bounds of Nettle Creek Township be as follows to wit beginning at the County line between Wayne and Randolph Counties where the line between Ranges 12 & 13 meets the same thence North with said line 7 miles thence west to the west line of Randolph County thence to the South west corner of said County thence east to the place of beginning And ordered that all Election in said Township be held at the house of James Harty.” By a careful comparison of the maps of 1834 and 1835 it will be noticed that the-north line of Nettle Creek township is one mile north of the southern line of Stoney Creek in 1834, and that sections 11 and 12 of township 19, 12 east, were not included in the order organizing Nettle Creek township. Just how and why these sections were placed in Stoney Creek, the records do 136 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. not say, but they are there, and there they will no doubt stay, unless at sume time the territory should be reorganized. FiaNpbocer Co. |I806 4 = t of e =e Green 1834 | {Warp 1620 3: i Ss! t = | WasrinGtom Gregnsrorn ws | FO ‘ e : ' Ke sw ( + Jb t z= +S ' UNION TOWNSHIP. The organization of townships necessarily depended largely upon local conditions. A striking example of this is in an attempt to organize a town- ship with Unionsport as its center. Unionsport had been organized as a town in 1837, and by the spring of 1838 had begun to assume municipal airs. In March, 1838, they attempted to put their hopes and desires into realization by petitioning the commissioners to organize a new township at which time the commissioners, “Ordered that the following bounds shall Constitute and be Known by the name of Union Township to wit to commence at the North west corner of West river Township thence South two miles thence East to the line of said Township thence North four miles thence west four miles thence South to the beginning ordered that all elections in Union Township be held at the School house in district number two And Hiram Mendenhall is appointed Inspector of Elections in said Township of Union.” This, no doubt, brought about the storm of opposition which resulted RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 137 in Miles Hunt and others remonstrating, record of which is made in the May term of 1838, as follows: ‘‘Recd. the Remonstrance of Miles Hunt & others against the Establishment of Union Township which was Publickiy read and continued &c.” No doubt this question received a great deal of attention in that community and caused the commissioners quite a little of concern, so much so, that the election provided for in the order was not held, and in January of 1839 it was, “Ordered that Union Township be disoled and rendered null & Void and that the Townships out of which the said Town- " ship was taken and formed have their former Bounds. And the Board Ad- journed until tomorrow morning 9 Oclock. John Coats, George A. McNees and John L. Addington.”’ WAYNE TOWNSHIP. The extreme length of Jackson Township made it necessary to organize a new township which was done in September, 1838, by the following order: “Ordered that all that part of Jackson Township lying South of the line dividing Townships 20 & 21 in Range 15 be and the same is hereby Stricken off and called Wayne Township and ordered that all Elections in Wayne Township be held at the house of Harper Poivel. And ordered that all Elections in Jackson Township be held at the house of Ezekiel Davis.” MONROE TOWNSHIP. Thus the county remained for almost seven years, when Monroe town- ship was organized February 18, 1846. Monroe township was an exception in its organization to the usual rule. Heretofore, townships had in the main been organized by the division of one township, but Monroe was made up of parts of White River, Green and Stoney Creek townships. The petition was received and the order made on the 18th day of February, 1846, as follows: FORMATION OF A NEW TOWNSHIP FOR CIVIL PURPOSES. “Received the petition of Sundry Citizens of White river Township and Green Township and Stony Creek Township in Said County praying the formation of a new Civil Township in Said County to be formed out of Territory belonging to the above named Civil Townships to be Known and designated by the name of Monroe Township. It is therefore Ordered by the Board of Commissioners of said County 138 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. at this their March term aforesaid that Monroe Township be and the Same is hereby formed out of and Compresid of the following Territory within the following meets and bounds, to wit: commencing at the South East Corner of Section Seventeen Township No. twenty North of Range No. thirteen East * * * Thence West on Said Section line to the County line Thence North along said County line to the center of Section twenty-nine Township No. 21 N. of Range No, 12 East thence East on the Said center Section line through the center of Sections twenty-nine Section twenty eight Section RANDOLPH Co. 18659 Sale z= / Green | S37 | Waro RQ ! 5. xz / Zo / Ze 2) Ug ~t_ Monroe " 5 1646 i t j Write River E STONEY : E Creex | ! ; t i L_ + t ra Ss! oi}, = w xX i> ei 10 , S asawlitg 2 SOI s re Wl f ~ =: ra jk & i 1h DI pace we; Nana} w OO}, wl | i e 2 yt] Sys twenty seven Section Twenty six and Section tweny five of Township No. 21 N. of Range 12 E and Through the center of Section thirty and Section twenty nine in Township twenty one North of Range No. thirteen East to the north and South line dividing Sections twenty nine and twenty eight in Township and range last menioned thence South on Said Section line to the place of Beginning. “Ordered by the Board of Commissioners that the School house known as [Edward O. Haymond School House be and it is hereby made the place of holding Elections in Monroe Township.” “Ordered Dy the Board that Andrew Devoss be and he is herchy ap- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 139 pointed inspector of Elections in Monroe Township to Serve until the Annual Township Election on the first Monday in April and until his Successor is elected and qualified.” WASHINGTON HAS TROUBLE WITH WEST RIVER AND GREENSFORK. The organization of West River township in 1835 made it long and narrow, being four miles wide and eight miles long. This left Washington township six and a half miles wide and eight miles long, being two very unequal townships. An effort was made to adjust this difference in 1849, when the county commissioners, ‘‘Received the petition of Sundry Citizens of West River and Washington Townships presented by Miles Hunt their Attorney, praying for one mile of territory to be taken from the West Side of Washington township and attached to the east side of West River town- ship.” This, however, was not agreeable to all, for the same record says: “To which Thomas Philips by Wm. A. Peelle his attorney filed a remon- strance to said petition and the Board after hearing the argument of Counsel took case under advisement.” Mr. Hunt lived in West River township and Mr. Philips in Washington, which might explain their positions in this mat- ter. Neither, however, desisted in their intentions, for in the last term (December 7, i849), they again attempted the same thing with the following result : “Now here comes Miles Hunt and Divers others Citizens of West River and Washington Townships and present their petition which is in words and figures following towit: from which it appears that Said petitioners disire to have two miles detached off of and from the West Side of Washington Township & attached to West River Township—Also comes Thomas Philips and Divers other citizens of Washington Township and remonstrate against the prayer of said petition, whch Said Remonstrance is in the words & figures following to wit: (here insert )—Whereupon the board after due con- sideration and deliberate overrule the prayer of Said petition, & direct that the Township boundaries be undisturbed.” (Nore.—The original petitions and remonstrances are not to be found in the records. ) But the movement was not to be stopped, nor were the commissioners to be released from further attempts to change the boundaries of these town- ships. In the June term, 1850, on the morning of Friday, the 7th, “The Board met pursuant to adjournment present the Honorable Abraham Adam- son, John M. Lucas and Emson Wright Esqrs. members of Said Board,” 140 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. and “Received the petition of Sundry Citizens of West River and Washing- ton Townships praying that a certain portion of territory may be detached from Washington Township and attached to West River Township for Civil purposes. “Tt is therefore Ordered by the Board that the following territory be and the same is hereby attached to the east side of West River township, to wit: Secs. 11, 14, 23, 26 & 35 all of T 19 N. of R 13 Eand Secs. 2, 11 & 14 all of T 18 N. of R. 13 E all of: which the Township officers and others Interest in the execution of the laws in West River and Washington town- ship will Severally take notice.” Thus Washington township was to rest from “line troubles,” until 1856, when the disease broke out in the east part of the township, at which time an attempt was made to organize a new township, by presenting the following petition : “To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Randolph County :” “Your petitioners, citizens, residents, householders, freeholders and voters of Washington and Greensfork Townships in Said Randolph County, would show to your honorable body that from the present size and Shape of the said Townships of Washington & Greensfork they labor under great inconvenience and are put to great trouble in the transaction of their town- ship business, as well as to exceeding great inconvenience in the discharge of their duties, and in the exercise of their rights as voters. They therefore ask your honorable board to create for them a new township giving it Such name as you may See proper & conferring upon it all the corporate powers of and pertaining to civil townships under the laws of the State,—Said town- ship to be created by detaching one Mile and a half off of the East side of Washington township, and Two Miles and a half off of the West Side of Greensfork township excepting as to the north end of Greensfork for one Mile North & South they only ask that one mile and a half be detached. From the territory so proposed to be detached as aforesaid (see the map accompanying petition) they respectfully ask that a civil township be organ- ized as aforesaid &c.” Signed by William Norton, Sr. and one hundred and thirty-five others, many of whom were prominent citizens in the county. “And thereupon Jeremiah Horn by James Brown his attorney, files a remon- strance against granting the prayer of said petition,” said remonstrance being as follows: RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I4I “To The Honorable Bord of County Commissioners of Randolph County, Ind. :” “Whereas a petition is about to be—presented to the Bord of County Coninissioners praying for the formation of a New Township to be Stricken off of Washington & Greenfork Townships, Taking off of Washington Township one & one half miles & two & one half miles off of Greensfork Township, leaving Greensfork Township three & one quarter Miles wide and Seven Miles long Completely destroying the geographical form of the Town- ship and deranging the School districts as they are now formed it will be attended with a Verry Considerable expense to the County now and here- after, will anually, take from the School & Township fund the amount paid a new Sett of Township officers Therefore we the undersigned Citizens and Voters of Greensfork Township remonstrate against any Such division of the Township as set forth in the Petition, Considering it unnecessary & un- called for seeing no local Matter to Warrant any such divission We therefore pray that your Honorable Bord will not grant the prayer of Said Petioners.”’ Signed by Thos. Hough and one hundred ninety-four other citizens. A similar remonstrance was received from the citizens of Washington township, signed by Strother Brumfield and twenty-two others. Evidently almost all of the voters and freeholders of the district affected had signed either the petitions or remonstrances, and it must have been a relief to the commissioners to have been able to make the following entry: “In the case of the petition of Sundry citizens of Washington Town- ship and Grens-Fork Township. The Board after receiving Sundry re- monstrants against granting the prayer of said petition for establishing a cer- tain Township therein prayed for. The Board by the agreement of all parties continue the case until the next term of this Board. And the Board Adjourned until to morrow morning 9 O clock.” This matter was evidently dropped on the part of both petitioners and remonstrators, as no other action was ever taken by the Board of Commissioners. This attempt however, was not to be the last one on the part of the citizens of these two townships to change the boundary line. The incon- venience of having a township line within half a mile of the principal town of another township are too great to go unnoticed and as late as May 22, 1889, an attempt was made to change the line by having the County Commissioners act upon the following petition which recites excellent reasons for the change desired and let us predict here that the time will yet come when such a change will be made and made for the reasons recited in this petition: 142 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for the County of Randolph: We the undersigned voters and free holders owners of the land affected by the granting this petition do most respectfully pray and ask to have the township line dividing Greensfork and Washington townships moved one- half (%4) mile east of the present line dividing said Greensfork and Wash- ington townships it being a section line. By said township line being located where it now is we suffer great inconvenience thereby many having to attach to Washington township for school purposes and on election days have to travel from four to six miles otherwise we would have to go the short distance of one half to two miles and believing it would not cause any hurtful damage to either Greensfork or Washington townships in their social or geographical territory all this we ask your Honorable body to consider and grant. Names: Isaac Hollingsworth, Wright M. Turner, Jesse Pierson, Paul Beard, Wm. Bond, Philip Capper, S. Y. Miles, Henry Rich, Thos. E. Farmer, James R. Davis, Fred Davis, Silvester Tillson, Charlie G. Stidham, Gideon A. Bird, George W. Lewis, Abel Hinshaw, W. A. Hinshaw, L. D. Shafer, C. K. Karnes, Ed Mann, Emerson Pickett, Joseph A. Brown, James Brown, Levi Wenner, J. R. Rhoades, James St. Myers, Thomas Tharp, Labe Tharp, Ed. I. Brown, B. H. Platt, L. C. Boon, F. A. Tillson, L. C. Moody, Ira E. Quigg, James Price.” In June, however, of the same year this petition was “dismissed for want of being signed by majority of the interested voters of the townships affected. June term, 1889. John R. Phillips, P. B.” FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. The next and last change to be made in the county, was the organization of Franklin Township, off the west end of Ward, when Robert Starbuck and * one hundred and fifty other citizens of Ward township presented the follow- ing petition to the county commissioners : “To The Honorable the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County and State of Indiana:” “We the Undersigned Residents And voters of Ward Township In Said County Would Respectfully Show your. honors, that owing to the Erronnous Length of Said Township East & West Bounded .as it now is that we Labour Under Inconveniences in Many Respects And therefore Ask your honors for a Dicision of Said Township Believing that it would greatly facilite the Interests And Convenience of a Majority of the Citizens of Said RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 143 Township. we ask for Said Division to Commence at the North East Cor- ner of Section one in Township No. 21 of Range No. 13. East on the Town- ship and Range line of Said Congressional Township Runing thence Southe on Said line to the Southern line of Ward Township as it now is Bounded. we ask your honors to Locate and Establish Said Division And as in Duty Bound your Petitioners will Every Pray &C.” This petition was acted upon June 5, 1859, when the following record was made: “Notice of said petition having been given according to law & the subject having been duly considered thereupon the Board granted the prayer of the petitioners, & Ordered that, Ward Township Randolph County Indiana be divided as follows (to wit) commencing at the North East corner of Section one, in township No. 21 of Range No. 13 East, on the township & range line of said congressional township, running thence South on said line to the southern line of Ward township as it is now bounded. The western end of said division to be known & designated as Franklin township & No. 12. And it is further ordered that such division shall not take effect till on the first Monday in April 1860.” No doubt, the time for its taking effect was made for April, 1860, so as to allow the officers of Ward township time to adjust the financial matters between the two townships. This was done in the spring of 1860 and on March 9g, it was “Ordered by the Board that two Justices of the Peace for Franklin Township be elected at the April Election 1860, & such other Town- ship officers as may be required by law.’’ This was the last change in the civil townships of Randolph County. As our townships stand today, Ward is the only civil township that coincides with a congressional township, it being Township 21, Range 14 East. It may be as many more years before any changes will be made, but the writer of this article predicts that at sometime the following changes will be made: White River township will be divided into two townships by a line north and south somewhere near the center, east and west. The West River township line will be pushed east at least one-half mile, perhaps one mile. The Washington township line will be pushed east one and one-half miles. Our purpose in giving the records and details accompanied by the maps as found in this chapter, has been to show not only the exact origin of our townships as they are today, but to show the people of the present and future generations that our fathers wrestled with many local problems and met them as well as seemingly could have been done, although were the county It4 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. to be redistricted today, a much better organization could be made. -Condi- tions have arisen that even the most fanciful dreamer of a few years ago could not have thought. Modern times have brought about conditions that will make the township problem with its schools and its roads, a more seri- ous one in the future than it ever has been in the past. Men equal to the problems of the past have always arisen, and no doubt, the people of the future will find their solution by men of equal ability. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. As has been noted before, one of the duties of the newly elected county commissioners of a new county, was to provide public buildings to be paid for out of the sale of lands donated to that county for that and other purposes specified. Agreeably to this, the commissioners of Randolph county early set to work to provide for the building of a court house, jail and a stray pen. This court house and jail were to be put upon a square selected by the state commissioners. These commissioners having established the seat of justice in what is now known as Winchester, no doubt advised with the county com- missioners as to the exact location of these buildings. The plans and speci- fications for the court house and jail are to be found in the first record of the county and are as follows: DECEMBER TERM, IS818. “At a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners in the Town of Winchester for the purpose of the Letting to the lowest Bidder the Building of a Court house Jail and Stray Pen in said town The Court house to be of the following Description towit 24 feet Long 18 feet wide two stories High Covered with Joint shingles made of Walnut or Popler two floors to be made of Good seasoned plank 1% inches thick sills and sleepers made of Oak an Walnut the Wall to be of hewn timber to face at Least 12 inches hewn to 9 inches thick Both floors to be Tounged and Grooved the underside of the upper floor to be made Smoothe 7 joist in Each story. Planed and made smooth 7 by 343 inches two Doors of a suitable size to be made of good well seasoned Plank 4 Windows 2 below and 2 above 12 lights Each with good shutters Hung on the out side of the house doors & window shutters to be hung with good Iron hinges a good Paire of Winding Stairs doors & win- dows Cased A Brick Chimney made of good well burned Brick a good fire- County Jail. Court Touse. (1828) The James Moorman Orpians’ Home. Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 145 place below and above the house to be Neatly daubed also Set on Walnut Blocks 3 at Least on Each side 18 inches long the floor to be well nailed down all to be finished in a Workinlike manner Abner Overman Became the Undertaker to Build said house for the sum of $2. 54 & 50 cents and Give Bond and security to have the same Finished according to the foregoing Description in 18 Months from this Date. The jail to be of the following description towit: To be built of tim- ber hewn Square to 13 inches 18 feet Long 14 feet Wide with a partition Wall 7 feet from one and floors as above and below with timber of the same Discription a Window in Each Room 12 inches square the windows Well Lined with Iron and Iron grates Well fastened into said lineing two Doors made of Good Solled Oak Plank well seasoned. 1 inch thick Doubled & nailed with Double tens cut nails in Every three inches square Storongly Hung on Good Iron Hinges 7 feet 6 inches Between floors the under floor laid on Good Oak sills settled on the Ground so as to Bring the floor Verry near the Surface of the Ground a good Joint shingle Roof well nailed on the under floor and first Round to be made of Same good lasting timber let down Close. Albert Banta Became the undertaker to Build said Jail for the sum of $1.25 dollars and give his Bond to have the same finished according to the above Description in 18 months from this Date.” No doubt a stray-pen was built as well as a court house and jail, but no record is made of such for some time. There may, however, have been but little need of the stray-pen because there were only a few settlers. Prac- tically all stock ran at large and no one would stop to take the time or trouble to “pen” a pig, horse or cow. The court house and jail were crude affairs but served their purpose and served it well. The men who built them had plenty of time and no doubt did their work well as is seen by the report of acceptance at a special term, June 6, 1820, just eighteen months to a day from the time the contract was let and the exact time that the buildings were to be done. At that time the following report was made: JUNE 6, 1820. “State of Indiana, Randolph County, Board of Commissioners, June 6, 1820: A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners in the towne of (10) (46 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, Winchester for the purpose of Receveing the Public Buildings in said town. Present Eli Overman Benjamin Cox and John James. It is agreed upon by the Commissioners that they the Court house and Jail in said town of Winchester and ordered that the treasurer pay Albert Banta the sum of one hundred and twenty Eight Dollars and twenty Cents in full of his Contract for building Jail and also Ordered that the treasurer pay Abner Overman the sum of two hundred-and fifty nine Dollars and thirty Cents for Building Court house in said town of Winchester.” It will be noted that Mr. Overman received the munificent sum of $4.80 extra upon the building of this court house, which was certainly a record for even so early a time and only equaled by that of Mr. Banta, the undertaker of the jail, who received $3.20 extra for his services in the construction of the “County Bastile.”’ ; The “oldest inhabitants” differ as to the exact location of the court house, some saying that it was on the present court house square, others that it was on the north side of Washington street. No doubt the first opinion is the correct one. It could hardly have stood in the center of the court house square, as the new one which was built in 1826, is known to have stood in the center of the yard and at various times during its construction, the records make mention of the meetings and the elections held in the court house which would necessarily have been torn away for the construction of the new building. The jail was situated near the southwest corner of the court yard, just east of the box-elder trees now growing at that corner of the yard. There are many people now living who remember having seen this jail and all who remember it agree that it was a log jail as specified, with the corners inter- locked and no opening in the lower room except the window as described in the specifications. The entrance to this room was made by a trap door in the floor of the upper room. No provision was made for any heat which certainly must have inade “thirty days” a very unpleasant sojourn in the winter. The stairway leading to the second story was what is commonly known as the ‘Mill stairs,” and instead of running up the side of the build- ing as outside stairs usually do, it is built leaning to the building very much as a ladder would stand. The court house stood for only a short time as we find on May 2, 1826 it was ordered that: RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 147 MAY TERM, 1820. “John Coats, David Frazier, and Samuel D. Woodworth are appointed a committee to form the plan of a courthouse in the County of Randolph and make an Estimate of the probable Expense and Report the same to the Board of Justices at July term 1826.”’ No doubt this was the result of much agitation all over the county. There are two important conditions to keep in mind at this time, one is that the county did not have county commissioners, the law creating the office of county commissioners having been repealed, but the business was trans- acted by a board of justices. This board of justices was composed of all the justices of the peace to be found in this county. This would put a man of authority in practically every neighborhood of the county, as every township had from one to three justices and frequently the meetings were attended by ten to twelve of these men. Another important factor in all public work at that time, was the county agent, a man elected by the commissioners or justices and whose duties were to look after public affairs in a general way. Paul W. Way, of Winchester, was elected near the beginning of the county’s organization and served for a great many years and was in office at the time of the building of the second court house and upon him fell largely the responsibilities of its engineering, both as to the building and the raising of the funds with which it was to be built. To show that the question was dis- cussed thoroughly and that opinions were frequently exchanged, we give the transcript of the records concerning this building as follows: JULY TERM, 1826, “At a Randolph Board of Justices began and held at the courthouse in Winchester on monday the 3rd day of July, 1826 present the honorable John Coats president & William Massey, John Odle, Isaac Barnes, Samuel D. Woodworth, William N. Rowe, George Reitenour Esq’s members. Ordered that Paul W. Way County Agent advertise and let to the lowest bidder the building of a Brick courthouse in the Town of Winchester of the following description towit forty feet Square on the out side wall te begin one foot at least under the Surface of the Earth two feet three inches thick until the wall rises one foot above the Surface of the Earth then the wall to be Eighteen inches thick until it rises twelve feet above the Surface of the Earth then the wall to be thirteen and one half inches thick until the 148 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. wall is 21 feet high from the Surface of the Earth, with two chimneys one in the North west and the other in the North East corner of said house with a lower and upper fire place in Each chimney and a Brick moulding at the top of the wall on the North and South side gable ends of Brick in the usual form of a dwelling house brick to be well laid in morter made of Sand and lime and clay one third of Each the wall to be penciled on the outside two doors in the lower Story one in the middle of the south side and one a proper distance from the corner in the East side Sixteen windows of a Suitable Size to admit of twenty lights 8 by 10 inches order of the same to be designated by the Agent aforesaid Doors and windows faced with Scantling 3 inches thick and width thickness of the wall a Post in the center of the house of Sufficient Strength and Size to Support all the weight that may be on the same from the Second third floor and roof one Summer at Each Story 10 by 14 inches Post of Black walnut Summers of oak Rafters and collar beems of durable timber and Sufficient Size Sheeted with plank 34 inch thick and covered with Joint Shingles 18 inches long 4 inches wide 54 of an inch thick at the but end popler or black walnut. Sale to be on the last Saturday in July (instant) Brick work in one contract and woodwork in another—the Brick work to be completed on or before the first day of November 1827 and wood work on or before the first day of December 1827 one half of to be paid to the undertakers on the ist day of January 1827 and the balance when the work is completed. Bond and approved Security will be required of the undertakers.” JULY 29, 1826. At a called session of the board of justices began and held at the court house in Winchester on Saturday the 29th day of July, 1826 presents the honorable John Coats president and David Frazier and Joseph Hale Esquires members. “Ordered that the following be the conditions of the Brick work of a court house in the Town of Winchester in County of Randolph to wit, the wall of said house to commence one foot under.the Surfice of the Earth, the wall to be 27 inches thick, till it rises one foot above the Surfice of the Earth to be made of good sound well burned Brick no Salmon Brick in the first 2 feet. Then the wall to be 18 inches thick till it rises 16 feet above the Sur- fice of the Earth, then to be 12% inches thick till it rises 27 feet above the Surfice of the Earth with a chimney in the North East corner of sd. house with a fire place below 4 feet wide, and one above at least 2 feet wide, and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 149 one in the N. W. corner of the Same description, with Straight arches over the doors and windows in a workmanlike manner, the Brick to be laid in mortar of Equal parts of Sand, lime; and clay, the work to be done in a workmanlike manner and to be completed by the first of November 1827 and the undertaker will be Entitled to one half of his pay, on the first of January next, the balance on or before the 1st of November 1827 if sd. work should be then completed, if not, when sd. work is completed the undertaker will be required to give Bond with approved Security in double the sum of his contract. “Ordered that the following be the description of the carpenters work on the before mentioned court house to wit: There are to be 1 Summer across Sufficiently Supported by pillars of Stone, to bear up the Sleepers and all the weight that may come on the same, 2 Summers to cross the house at Each Story Supported by two Sound Posts under Each, well Supported at the bot- tom, and Sufficiently large to Support all the weight of the two upper floors, and Roof, Summers to be oak and at least 12 inches Square, and C. 3 Joice 4 by 12 inches in the Second floor, and C. 3 Joice 3 by 8 in the upper floor, with a four Square Roof made in a form to receive a cupolo at a future day to be covered with Joint Shingles not more than 18 inches long or 4 inches broad five Eights thick at the but end not to Show more than one third the length, Shingles to be poplar, one Door frame in the center of the South side of sd. House 5 by 7 feet one in the East end 4 by 7 feet 9 window frames to be put in the under Story of a Size Sufficient to take 24 lights in Each, 10 by 12 and 10 window frames in the upper Story Sufficient to take 20 lights in Each 10 by 12, the door and window frames to be finished in order to receive the Sash and Shutters, and plain Solid wood cornish around said house, with tin conductors at Each corner to convey the water from said house the cornish to be of yellow poplar all the work to be of good durable timber, and to be performed in a complete, Strong workmanlike manner, so as to bear the inspection of good workmen, the work to be carried on and put in at Such time, or times, as the mason may call for the same so as to hinder the mason as little as the nature of the case may require the work to be com- pleted on or before the first of January 1828. The undertaker will be required to give Bond and Security in doublé the amount of his contract and will be entitled to Receive one half the amt. of his contract on the first day of January next and the balance when the work is completed. And the Board adjourned until Board in course. Joun Coats Presd.” 150 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Evidently a contract (which was not recorded), was made and entered into between the county and David Wysong, to build the walls of the court house. This is shown by the order made by the commissioners September 4, 1826, when they made the following entry: SEPTEMBER TERM, 1820. “The Board of Justices agree to give David Wysong who heretofore became the contractor to build the wall of the courthouse in Winchester the sum of two hundred and twenty-five dollars in addition to his former con- tract and the said David agrees on his part to make the foundation of said house of rock dimensions to be the same towit: two feet high 27 inches thick one half of said $225 dollars in six months after his former contract becomes due and the balence in six months after. Joun Coats, P. of the Board.” Mr. Wysong evidently began on the building immediately as he began to receive his pay as early as January, 1827, when it was “Ordered thai the county treasurer pay David Wysong $292.50 in part for building courthouse.” Again in January, 1828, Mr. Wysong was paid $292.50 “in part for building the Courthouse.” In September, 1828, it was “Ordered that the County treasurer Pay David Wysong the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents with legal interest until paid.” It was also “Ordered that the County trea- surer pay David \Wysong the sum of $2.25 interest on contract for laying foundation of the courthouse.” . In March, 1831, it was, “Ordered that the county treasurer pay David Wysong $127.12}4 in part and Balance of principal and interest for laying foundation of the court house.” Thus it will be seen that A[r. Wysong had to literally “build the court house on time,’ as he is said to have said. Paul \W Way, who was a carpenter, had the contract or a part of it at least for the carpenter’s work, as on May 8, 1827, it was “Ordered that the county treasurer pay Paul \V. Way the sum of one hundred and ninetyeight dollars and fifty cents in part for doing the carpenters work on the court house.” Mr. Way's duties as we have said, were many and he was prac- tically the moving spirit in all the business. This is shown by an entry of the same day just mentioned, when it was, “Ordered that the county treasurer pay Paul W. Way the sum of 3 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I51r dollars for 2 days spent in going to Centerville &C to advertize Sale of courthouse and 2 dollars paid to Scott & Buxton for advertizing 2 dollars for writing Conditions of Sale one dollar for crying Sale 2 dollars for spirits writing 4 bonds to close the Sale 1 dollar. total amt.—$11.00.” Mr. Way, no doubt, employed men to work on the building up until the contract was let for the carpenter's work in March, 1828, as we find in July, 1827, it was “Ordered that the county treasurer pay John Maxwell three dollars and fifty cents for putting an Extra Summer in the lower Storey of the courthouse as soon as the same is done and completed in a workmanlike manner.” The real contract for the carpenter’s work was made in March, 1828, as follows: . MARCH TERM, 1828. COPY OF CONTRACT. “Ordered that the lower floor in the courthouse be laid so far back as the south summer to be laid of oak plank not Exceeding 6 inches in width and at least 114 inches thick to be tongued and grooved and laid down broken Jointed well nailed down on oak Sleepers at least 12 inches in diameter and the bark taken off and not to exceed 2.1 feet from centre to centre. one pair of Stairs to Start at on near the west end of the north summer to run up the wall till it comes under the centre of the window in the centre of the west end of said house thence to turn east and enters the floor in the gangway the said Stares to be four feet wide to be railed and banastered in a workmanlike manner. upper floor te be laid of oak plank of the same description as the under floor and put down in the sam manner. A petition to be run across the upper floor from East to west to Joining the North sound post on the south side of the same with a partition through the centre of the North room two doors to be hung in the first partition so as to fall back against said partition when opened the partition tu be of poplar plank not exceeding one foot in width and at least one and % inches thick to _ be dressed on each side tongued and grooved and put up in a workmanlike manner with chair boards in side of the rooms and. wash boatds on each side of the partition. 1 Door 4 by 7 feet 1 do 5 by 7 feet 9 windows 24 lights each 11 do 20 lights each 10 by 12 inches door shutters to be made folding of panel work out of white walnut plank 1 inch thick when dressed and lined with half inch plank hung with Strong iron hinges window Shutters to be made in the same 152 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. form of the doors hung in the same manner and made out of the same kind of materials windows to be filled with Glass and Sash made out of white wal- nut plank at least one & % inch thick when dressed the whole to be done and completed. on or before the second monday in August 1828. The County Agent is ordered and directed to advertise and Sell to the lowest bidder the above named work in two seperate contracts—the doors and windows in one contract and the balance in another. Said Sale to be on the 24th day of this instant at the courthouse door in the Town of Winchester bond with approved Security will be required of the undertaker the under- taker shall receive one half of his pay on the first day of January next and the balance in one year from that date.’ This contract was amended in the May term as follows: MAY TERM, 1828. “Ordered that the agent have the upper floor in the courthouse laid of poplar plank not Exceeding eight inches broad, the Stairs to Start as before ordered and run within four feet of the South summer then to turn East, the under floor to be completed by the second monday in August next and the balance to be completed by the Second monday in February next. The door and window Shutters to be made of white walnut yellow poplar plank. the sash to be made of white walnut or yellow poplar plank the undertaker will have till the second monday in February next to put in the sash and glass March 24 1828.” ‘ There seems to have been some difficulty concerning the settlement for . the work, as we find in July, that ‘““Abel Lomax and John Irvin are chosen to adjudge the Carpenters work of the Courthouse in Winchester Randolph County and report whether said work is done according to contract, and if not done agreeable to contract to assess the damages, said arbitrators to meet in Winchester on the first monday in September next. “Ordered that the County Agent contract with some Suitable person to pitch and paint the Cornish on the Courthouse as soon as possible.”’ The above committee on adjustments made the following report in the September term of 1828: SEPTEMBER TERM, 1828. “Whereas at the July term of This Board in the year of 1828 Abel Lomax Esq. and John Irvin were appointed as referees to adjudge the RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 153 carpenters work of the courthouse in Winchester Randolph County and report whether said work was done according to contract and if not done agreeable to contract to assess the damages said Arbitrators to meet in Win- chester on the first monday in September 1828 and on the day and year last aforesaid the said Abel Lomax appeared and the said John Irvin not appear- ing, David Haworth is chosen in place of said John Irvin, and the said Abel Lomax and David Haworth after being duly affirmed proceeded to discharge the trust confided to them who after some time return their award as follows (towit) that Paul W. Way the contractor for said work give Bond with security to the satisfaction of the Board of Justices that he will Warrant said roof and Every part thereof to Stand good for and during the term of five years from and after this date and assess four dollars damages in conse- quence of the corners of the roof not being made in a workmanlike manner and five dollars damages for three of the sound posts in the lower Story.” In January, 1829, Solomon Wright was paid $112.50 “in part for work done on the courthouse in 1828.’’ David Heaston was paid on the same day, $109.67 “for work done on the courthouse.”’ George Burkett was paid $2.50 for extra work done on the doors of the court house. On the 4th of May, 1829, we find the following: ‘This day the Board of Justices have examined and received the work done by David Heaston on the courthouse agreeable to his contract.” Another evidence that Mr. Way hired the work done by the piece and that difficulties of all kind arose, was found in the November term of 1829, as follows: “The Board now takes into consideration the work done on the court house by Thomas Wright and consider the same as it Respects the doors and windows not finished in a workmanlike manner and leave it to the choice of said Wright to get a painter to inspect said work and if it is Judged by said painter to be done in a workmanlike manner the county is to pay the cost of said inspection if not said Wright is to pay the cost of inspection and finish the work in the manner in which it ought to be done, and if it is deceded by a painter that the work is now done accoidg to contrack by a Report from said painter to Charles Conway he as Clerk of said Board is hereby author- ized to issue an order in favour of said Wright for the amount of his con- tract, if not considered by a painter to be finished when said Wright does finish the work he is to notify five of the Justices of the peace living nearest to the town of Winchester to attend and Exmonin the same and report to the next term of this Board.” 154 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. What painter was selected to inspect the work is not known, but at least a portion of the work was found satisfactory and in January, 1830, “The Board of Justices having inspected the painting done on the doors and win- dows of the courthouse receive the same And order the county treasurer to pay Thomas Wright the sum of $150.00 for painting done on the court house.” It is a pretty hard matter to know just when any part of the building was finished and made ready for occupancy. It would seem that a building begun in 1826 could have been made ready long before this evidently was. — In 1829, Joseph Crown was “allowed to work at his trade in the west room of the courthouse until next Board of Justices prived he takes the necessary care of the courthouse and suffers nothing to be injured therein.” In January, 1830, Mr. Way was allowed “fifty cents for cleaning the shavings out of the lower floor of the courthouse.” The peculiar manner of contracting public work in vogue at that early day is shown by the contract made with Joel Ward in March, 1831, as follows: “The Board of Justices hereby contract with Joel Ward to proceed to Erect a Bench, Bar and suitable small benches table &c in the court house ac- cording to the plan proposed or any better plan in any part of said work that said Ward may think proper and said Ward is to have said work completed against February term of the circuit court 1832 and when said work is done said Ward is to make his charge for the same and if his charge is not agreed to by the Board doing County business then to be valued by workmen at the expense of the county and they do hereby agree that said Ward draw on the county at any time hereafter for the sum of fifty dollars.” It is peculiar that men transacting public business should make such a contract, and the only excuse to offer for it, is the confidence the board had in Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward was unable to complete his work in the specified time and in March, 1832, was allowed “further time until the February term of the cir- cuit court in the year of 1833, to finish his contract heretofore entered into to erect a Bar, Bench &c in the courthouse.” When the time for settlement came in September, 1833, it was, ‘(Ordered that the County treasury pay Joel Ward $125 in part for making Bar, Bench & Seats in the Courthouse.” They could not agree upon the remainder of the bill. Mr. Ward was claiming $150 for the entire work and as seen above, they paid him $125 and made the following entry: “As the Board of Commissioners and Joel \Ward, the contractor to make RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIAN.\. 155 a Bar, Bench Seats &c in the Court house cannot agree upon the price of said work, it is agreed between the contracting parties that Henry Sybowl and Thomas N. Davis value said work and report to the next term of this Board.” Let us state here that Mr. Ward held the esteem of the commissioners, be- cause he was this same day appointed by them, a trustee of the county library and also on this day, filed his report as overseer of a public road. In November, 1833, the following entry was made, “It is further agreed between the County commissioners and Joel Ward that Thomas N. Davis and Henry Sybowl or Abel Lomax, Shall Value the Bar, Bench & seats made in the courthouse by the said Joel Ward & make report of their decision to the next term of this Board.’ Evidently they had some trouble in doing this, as in the January term of 1834, we find that “the settlement between the County and Joel Ward in Regard to the work done on the Bar &c in the courthouse is continued until the next term.” In March, 1834, it is noted that “a settle- ment between the county commissioners and Joel Ward in regard to making the Bar, Bench and Seats in the Courthouse is continued to the next term of this Board.” Mr. Ward’s contention had been for only a little over $50.00, so it is easy to imagine his gratification when the following report was made by the committee, November, 1834: “The honorable Board of County com- missioners for Randolph County November term 1834 we your referees who were appointed by said Board to take into consideration the Value of cer- tain work done on the courthouse in Randolph County by Joel Ward accord- ing to a certain contract of the Board doing County business in Randolph County at their March term 1831 with the aforesaid Joel Ward, now report that we have discharged that duty having taken the whole of the work item by item into consideration it is our opinion that it is worth $188.00 & 88 cents November ist, 1834 Thomas N. Davis, Abel Lomax.” Another evidence in the patch work is that in September, 1835, it was, “Ordered that Charles Conway employ a workman either to seal or lath and plaster the Northeast Room in the Court house over head as soon as con- venient.” In the September term of 1836, there are two items a little hard to explain, but we give them for what they are worth. “The filling up of the south side of the court-house floor and laying the same with brick heretofore undertaken by Jehu Robinson is this day examined By the commissioners, ap- proved and received,’ and “Ordered that the County treasurer pay Jehu Robinson $22.00 for laying the south side of the Court-house floor.” This 156 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. would indicate that all of the lower story had not been used up to that time. The final work of completing the court house was started March 6, 1839, when it was “Ordered by the Board of Commissioners that Paul \W. Way County Agent sell to the lowest bidder the finishing of the Courthouse in Winchester work to be completed on or before the first day of March 1840,” and “Moorman Way is appointed to Superintend the finishing of the Court- house in Winchester.” Mr. Way procured the plans and,specifications of Mr. Thomas Best and proceeded to advertise and sell the contract, report of which was made at the opening of the May term, 1839, as follows: “To the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, Indiana, at their May Term, 18309.” “Pursuant to your order of last session I proceeded to advertise and sell to the lowest bidder the finishing of the courthouse in this Town after the- order of the draft produced by Mr. Thos. Best, which draft and Book of explanation is herewith produced the Sale took place on the 30th day of March 1829 in this Town at which time and place the Conditions of the said Contract was fully made Known by me. David Heaston having become the lowest and best bidder the said contract was cried of to David Heaston at two thousand dollars and the said David Heaston having been called on by me to execute his Bond for his performance agreeable to the conditions of sd. sale refuseth to execute the same Winchester May 6th, 1839. Paul W. Way C. Agent.” Whereupon the commissioners again took action in the matter by pay- ing Mr. Best $10.00 “for drawing the draft and making a description of the work to be done on the courthouse,” and again proceeded in the matter by making the following order on May 9, 1839: “The Board of County Commissioners of Randolph County order that Paul W Way, County Agent, advertise and resell on Saturday the fifteenth day of June next to the lowest bidder the finishing of the court house in said County agreeable to the drafts and descriptions made and deposited with said Agent, by Thomas Best, by order of said Board Except the Plastering of the walls on the outside instead of which the walls are to be painted and Penciled, the floor and wood-work of the first Story and the roof and Cupola to be completed by the third monday in October next, and the remain- der of the work to be completed within twelve months from that time the undertaker will be entitled to one-half of his pay on the first monday in March next and the residue twelve months from that time provided the RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 157 work is done according to agreement The use of the court house is reserved for all Conty Courts at their respective Terms. And Moorman Way is ap- pointed to Superinted the said work and report when called on.” Mr. Way (Paul W.) performed this work and reported to the commis- sioners in November, 1839, as follows: “Report of Paul W. Way County Agent To the Honorable the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, Indiana. “Pursuant to your order issued at your May Term 1839, I have resold the finishing of the Court house in this Town on the 15th of June A. D. 1839. At which sale MichaelAKer of this Town become the Undertaker at $2480.14 of which Sum is to be paid on or before the rst Monday of March 1840 & the balance at twelve months from that date provided the’said work is completed and recd. by that date, and the said Michael AKer having entered into Bond with surety as required (which Bond is herewith sub- mitted) Winchester Sept. 2nd, 1839. Paul W. Way C Agent.” Mr. Way was paid with the following order: ‘Ordered that the County Treasurer pay Paul W. Way County Agent for advertising crying sale pre- paring Bond and Report of the first sale of the Court house four dollars also four Dollars for second sale, two Dollars also for having sale advertised in Polladium and keeping court house Shut making in all ten Dollars.” Mr. Aker completed the work, received his full pay, and on September T, 1841, it was “Ordered that the Job of repairing and finishing the Course house he received and that Michall Aker and Andrw AKern be released from any further responsibility relative to said job And the Bonn given by the Said AKers be cancelled.” In the meantime another office building had been constructed, for the use of the clerk and recorder. In March, 1836, we find “Jeremiah Smith is appointed a Special commissioner to let the Building of a Clerk & Recorders office and enclosing the public Buildings in the Townsh of Winchester ac- cording to the plan of the Board of Commissioners.” Mr. Smith performed that duty and on the 3d of May, 1836, the fol- lowing entry was made: “Recd. the Report of Jeremiah Smith the com- missioners heretofore appointed to let out the building of a circuit clerk and Recorders office, Privy, and enclosing Estray pen, and the Court-house, Stating that he had performed that duty and produced the Bonds executed by the contractors for said work, which is approved and said report and Bonds are ordered to be filed in the clerk’s office of this Board, which is done accordingly And ordered that said commissioners so alter the contract 158 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. for fencing the Square that the south line of the fence be even with the South side of the Jail door and drawn in as far on the west side as will be necessary to make that line of the Square and to go north and East so as to make the fence ten rods Square making the small gates opposite the doors of the court-hous and omitting to make the large gate if the contractor will agree to discount one third of the amount he is to receive for his contract to wit $50.00 said fence to be made of Walnut or poplar plank, which altera- tion in said contract is agreed to by Paul W. Way said contractor. And or- dered that Robinson McIntire be and he is hereby appointed to Superintend the buildings in the place of Jeremiah Smith, who has resigned said Super- intendance.”’ This building was a two-room, one-story brick, situated in front of ana a little to the south of the east entrance of the present court house. The contract excepting the office rooms was let to Paul \W Way. For some rea- son the board became dissatisfied with Mr. Way, or his contract, and in September, 1836, declared “The contract heretofore made with Paul \W. Way in Regard to enclosing the court-house and Estray-pen is by agreement be- tween the said Paul \W. \Way and the County commissioners disannulled and made entirely Void and of none effect.’ (This contract was certainly can- celled.) The contract for the construction of the building was let to David Heaston for $587.50. Mr. Heaston for some reason was unable to complete the building in the required time and in November, 1836, it was “Ordered by the Board that David Heaston have further time until the next Term of this Board to finish the Building of the Clerk and Recorders office by him heretofore undertaken.” The building, however, was completed and paid for in full in the September term of 1837. Aman by the name of Samuel Schaggs made the “Batten win- dow-shutters.”” These two rooms proved to be too much space at first, so it was “Ordered that Paul \W. Way County Agent rent the East Room or Recorders office to the highest bidder for a office untill the First Monday in August Next and Repport to the Next Term of this Board.” In January, 1839, Mr. \Way made the following report: “Pursuant to your orders J have advertised and Sold to the highest bidder the recorders office in this Town till the 4th day of August next to be occupied as an office Doctor Hosea D. Searls become the purchaser at $23.10. November roth, 1838. Baer WwW. Way C Agent” It is interesting to note that on the same day of the acceptance of the -RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 159 completion of the court house, September 1, 1841, that it was “Ordered that the Auditor & Treasurer be authorized to rent a house for their respective Offices of Elias Kizer One Door West of Goodrich & Brothers Store at three dollars per month for both at the Expense of the County from One year from this date. Ordered that Elias Kizer be allowed Eighteen Dollars for rent of Offices for the Auditor and Treasurer for Six Months.’’ This, however, did not prove to be very satisfactory, at least to the commissioners. It would be interesting to know the exact inside workings of a change that was made February 20, 1846, when it was “Ordered by the Board that the Auditor and Treasurer of said County occupy the East room of the Brick Building on the public Square Known formerly as the Recorders office as the room for their respective offices and to remove all fixtures and other apparatus Building to their respective offices from the rooms now occupied by said Auditor and Treasurer,” and it was further “Ordered that Willis C. Wilmore be allowed to move the Book of Record into the west end of the Brick building occupied now as the Clerk office which shall be occupied by both Clerk and Recorder And Court Adjourned till Court in Course. Read and Signed in open court. Henry LEeka, ABRAHAM ADAMSON, NATHANIEL Kemp.” It is strange, indeed, that the commissioners would put four such im- portant offices as the auditor, treasurer, clerk and recorder’s in the two small rooms; perhaps it was a “ft of economy.” : The recorder occupied this room until April 18, 1853, when he was ordered to “occupy the Room up Stairs in the courthouse known as the Sons of Temperance Room as his office for the purpose of Recording Deeds &C and all other instruments required to be recorded in said Recorder’s office in the County of Randolph.” The crowding of these four important offices into two small rooms and the general feeling that prevailed at that time that the court house was not safe led to the agitation of the building of a new set of office rooms in 1856, when it became known that the county would build a two story brick building on the north side of the court house the Odd Fellows conceived the idea of building a third story to it. This was considered by the commissioner to be an economical plan for the county and we find that on the 22nd day of January, 1856, the following agreement was entered into: “It is agreed by the Board of County Commissioners now in session and Harrv H. Neff, Silas Colgrove, Martin A. Needer and William 4 Peele a4 160 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. committee appointed by the Winchester lodge No. 121 of the I. O. O. F. that the said lodge (upon the Second story of the public building now in con- templation of being built on the public square in the town of Winchester) be permitted at the entire expenses of said lodge to furnish and carry up the wall for a third story and in every respect as to said Story to furnish steps and make floor for said third Story and in every respect as to said third story to furnish and finish the same Excepting the roof and materials for the same and the cornish thereof. the lodge agrees to defray one third the expense of roof & cornish. It is also agreed that the said commissioners secure in some proper way the quiet and uninterrupted enjoyment of said third story for a Lodge room for said order so long as the order may desire it and free ingress and egress to the same. Read and signed in open Court. And the Board adjourned till the rst Monday in March. GEORGE W. VANDERBURGH, NATHANIEL Kemp, THomas AKER.” With this agreement between the county commissioners and the trustees of the I. O. O. F., the county commissioners advertised for the letting of the contract to build said building and on Saturday, March 8, 1856: “The Board of County Commissioners proceeded to let the building of © the public offices and received sealed proposes according to the advertisement and the building of the brick work was awarded to Benedict Feathers at the sum of $1,316.00; the carpenters and joiners work was let to Thomas Best & Co., for the sum of $744.00 and the plastering of the offices was let to Micaijh Puckett for the sum of $210.00 and bond was given by these parties to faithfully perform the work.” April 15, 1856, it was: “Ordered by the Board that Moorman Way, Esquire, be and he is hereby appointed the Special Agent for Randolph County to visit Dayton, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, Ohio (if necessary) and there to contract for Stone, Iron and Iron Doors and fixtures necessary to the erection of the County offices of said County, now under contract for building. Said Moorman Way is empowered by this, his said appointment, to make all the purchases of said material, which said material shall be paid for out of the County Treasury of said County in cash on the 1st monday in June, 1856.” At this time the commissioners also located the building as follows: “Now, at this time the Board of County Commissioners located the site RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 161 for the County offices on the following described portion of the public Square, towit: to be set 30 feet from the north wall of the Court House the east side of said offices to be in line with the east wall of the Court House and to be laid out and built north of said first line towards Washington Street and to front to the east.” On May igth, however, the commissioners changed their mind and it was ordered: “That the edifice about to be erected on the public square for the County offices be erected on the north side of the public square, commencing forty feet north of the north wall of the Court House to front with the east front of the court house and run north forty feet towards Washington street.” On this same day: “The Board of County Commissioners sold to George Monks the present edifice occupied for offices of Auditor, Treasurer and Clerk for the sum of $100.00, payable in six months from date; the Board excepting the stone forming the foundation of said building and a book case in the east side of the Clerk’s office.” _It was evidently the intention of Mr. Monks to use the material of the old building in the new-building but something must have gone wrong as in December of the same year the Commissioners ordered: “That Carey S. Goodrich be and he is hereby authorized to have and take possession of the edifice known as the old Clerk and Auditors office on the public square except the east case in said office and such pigeon holes as are not affixed to said building for the sum of $50.00 said edifice to be re- moved by the 15th of May next and that George Monks be released from his said contract heretofore made with the County Board pertaining to said . edifice.” But the building of the new office rooms north of the court house did not yet provide adequate room for the various offices of the county. It would have been enough had the old court house been secure. It seems that _this building was never considered safe. The recorder was ordered to take the “Sons of Temperance Room” in 1853 and that organization was required to move. Tom Brown rented the grand jury room in 1851 and various other rooms were rented in the old building but the people generally seemed to be somewhat afraid of it. In 1864 the county commissioners rented McKews hall for the purpose of holding the Common Pleas Court. They also rented a room of Moorman Way in which to hold the Circuit Court. Court was held in McKews hall until the 8th of January, 1866, when: (11) 162 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “It is hereby Ordered by the Board, that the Room known and desig- nated as Locke’s Hall in the third story of the building situated on the North- east corner of Washington and Meridian Streets in the town of Winchester, be and the same is hereby furnished to the County for all the uses and pur- poses of a Court Room, in lieu of the ‘Old Court House’ this day sold to the said John Ross by said Board.” Concerning the purchase of the “old court house” the following entry is made: “The Board proceed to offer the said Court House & Privy for sale to the highest bidder and John Ross did then and there bid for the same the sum of three hundred and forty dollars and the said sum of $340 being the highest and best price bid for said property the same is openly struck of and sold to the said John Ross for said sum:. And he the said purchaser is to remove from off the Public Square said buildings and all the rubbish of same, taking care not to injure any of the public property of the County in the removal of said buildings or rubbish. He is also required to give his note with approved security waiving valuation and appraisement laws, to secure the payment when it becomes due of the above price. He the said John Ross thereupon makes and executes his promissory note, to secure the above sum which note is in the words and figures following—towit: $340.00 Winchester, Ind., January 8, 1866. Twelve months after date we or either of us promise to pay to W. E. Murray, Auditor of Randolph County, Indiana, the sum of Three hundred and forty dollars, for value received, waiving valuation and appraisement laws. This note is given to secure the payment of the price of the Court House and privy. Signed, Joun Ross, Wma. DauGHERTY, Joun B. Roserts. Filed with Trust Fund notes. Which said note and security is approved by the Board, and the said Board Order and direct that said old buildings be removed together with the rubbish from off the Public Square by the first day of July, 1866, to which the said purchaser agrees.” As will be seen by this entry John Ross had purchased the old court house that day. This old building was torn down and the material used to RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 163 build the present three-story brick building on the northeast corner of Frank- lin and Main streets. Another contract was made in this location of the court room, March 13, 1867, when the commissioners entered into an agreement for “Bradbury’s Hall for Use of Courts’; on this day Mr. Bradbury leased to Randolph county for the term of three years the third story of the building situated on the west part of lot No. 9, north front, town of Winchester, county and state aforesaid, and for the sum of $200.00 per annum, commencing on the Ist day of November 1866 and bound himself to provide said room with sufficient seats for court purposes: Said room not to be used for other than Court, Agricultural, Religious and Political purposes.”’ It will be noted that ‘“MchKews,’’ “Locke’s” and “Bradbury's” Halls is the same room. This hall was afterwards known as “Stone’s Hall,’ and we find that March Io, 1869: “Tt is ordered by the Board that A. Stone is allowed one hundred fifty dollars in full of amount due and owing to him for rent of his Hall for Court room, and he by agreement releases the said Board of Commissioners from any further liability for rent for said room under the provisions of a contract with D. M. Bradbury made March 13, 1867. (See Comrs. Rec. No. 3 p. 563.)” This contract was cancelled with Mr. Stone because the commissioners had on the 21st of December, 1868, purchased of George McAdams: “His undivided half in value of the property on the north side of the public square, Lots No. 8 and g in the north front known as the City Hall in the town of Winchester.” The commissioners paid Mr. McAdams the sum of $4,000.00 and received a warranty deed for said property and made the following entry concerning it: “And it is hereby ordered by the Board that said Hall or room known as “City Hall” situate on Lot Number Eight (8) (West part) and east part of Lot No. (9) Nine in the North Front of the town of Winchester in said County be and the same is hereby declared to be for the use of said County of Randolph for the purposes of a Court House in which to hold the Circuit and Common Pleas Court ‘of said County, and for all other purposes for which a Court House is required.” This room was used for court purposes until the present court house was occupied in 1876. On April 1, 1876, Mr. W. D. Kizer, county auditor, sold the “city hall” 164 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. to Mr. Chas. E. Magee for the sum of $3,075.00, “reserving the right to use and occupy the front room in the second story of the building on said real estate for one year free of rent, and the right to use and occupy the residue of said second story of the building on said real estate during the sessions of circuit court for one year free of rent.” It had been evident for some time that it would be necessary to build a new court house and provisions were hegun for the same by levying a tax as early as 1870. It was the policy to accumulate a fund for that purpose so that the rate of taxation would not be so high when the building was actually constructed. Quite a sum of money, something like $35,000.00, had been accumulated for that purpose and in 1875 the county commissioners were. short sighted enough to refuse to make a levy for county purposes thus ex- hausting all the surplus and leaving the county without any funds whatever when it became necessary to build the new court house. It is said the com- missioners took this unwise step largely through personal reasons. April 8, 1875, the county commissioners held a special session, the fol- lowing of which are the minutes: “A special session of the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, Indiana, was begun and held at the Auditors office of said County on Thurs- day April 8th, A. D., 1875, in pursuance to a summons duly issued on the 8th day of April 1875 by Wm. D. Kizer Auditor of said County, and Served by W. A. Daly, Sheriff. due return whereof was made on said 8th day of April 1875, by which it is shown that due service thereof was made. Present Philip Barger, F. G. Morgan and Thomas Clevenger, members of said Board. Wm. D. Kizer Auditor of said County, and Ex-Officio Clerk of said Board, and Wm. A. W. Daly, Sheriff of said County. The Board having under con- sideration the propriety of building a Court House for said County, and hav- ing duly deliberated thereon, adopt certain Plans and Specifications and order notice to contractors to be published, which is as follows, viz: Notice TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Auditors Office, Randolph County, Indiana. Winchester, April 8, 1875. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be-received by the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County Indiana, for the building of a county Court House, until June (16th) Sixteenth 1875, at 12 o’clock M. noon, when the bids will be opened. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids if considered for the best interest of the County. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 165 A bond signed by two responsible parties will be required to accompany the bid in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars that the bidder will enter into a contract and furnish sufficient and satisfactory bail 1f said contract is awarded him. Two setts of Plans and Specifications prepared by J. C. Johnson Archt, Fremont Ohio can be seen at the Auditors office in Winchester Randolph County, from April 14th, 1875, until the day of letting. The building to be commenced July ist, 1875, the foundation to be completed by November rst, 1875, the building to be completed by April 1st, 1877. All of the plans will be on file from and after June Ist, 1875.” Mr. J. C. Johnson was selected as architect and on June 16th, 1875, the following bids on plan No. 1 were received and bonded: On plan No. 1, entire building except steam heating were received and bonded. G. W. Webster, $79,000.00 and $2,800.00. Christian Boseker, $73,231.31 and $4,100.00. G. W. Myers and M. A. Reeder, $80,000.00 and $3,444.00. J. W. Hinkley, $79,500.00 and $3,500.00. M. T. Lewman and W. W. Blankenship, $83,666.00 and $3,400.00. F. L. Farmer & Co., $88,295.00 and $4,500.00. A. G. Campfield, $73,000.00 and $4,300.00. Marcus Bossler, $81,807.00 and $3,878.00. Beaver & Butts, $76,065.00 and $3,330.00. Wm. Ballard for W. H. Ballard, $83,000.00. Miller Frayer & Sheets, $82,853.00 and $4,766.00. The contract was given to Aaron G. Campfield to build and erect said court house at the sum of $73,000.00. Mr. Campfield entered into contract with the commissioners on the 2nd day of June, 1875, and proceeded immedi- ately to the erection of the court house, which was built according to specifica- tions and completed and accepted by the county commissioners April 1, 1877, at which time Mr. George Ennis was appointed janitor at a salary of $425.00 per year. Mr. Ennis continued in this position faithfully until his death on the 2nd day of August, 1912, at which time Charles Puckett was appointed, serving until January 1, 1914, when James A. Davis received the appointment. It no doubt seemed to the county commissioners that the present court house was sufficiently large to accommodate the public for an indefinite period but it is now entirely too small and inadequate to meet the needs of public business. It seems strange that a building costing the amount that this one did should be built and no protection made against fire of any of the public 166 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. records and up to date no commissioners or county council has ever had the “back-bone” to provide the protection against so serious a loss. The attic of the present building is a mass of pine timber of the most inflammable kind, needing only a small start of flame to completely destroy the building. At this time, 1914, the question of remodeling the building is being agi- tated and it is to be hoped that such a splendid thing will in the very near future be accomplished. 2 Were the records of the county to be destroyed the loss from such destruction could not be estimated in dollars and cents. The cost of repair of the court house would be a bagatelle in comparison to such loss. JAIL. It has been noted in the earlier part of this chapter that the first jail built in the county was begun in 1818 and completed in 1820. This jail is. said to have had inter-locking corners and some of the people now living who remember seeing it say that it was a double wall but the records give no evidence of any such construction. Memory is a very treacherous affair and for that reason we are inclined to think that the specifications were followed literally and that it was to have had a wall made of logs hewn to 13 inches square. This building stood on the southwest corner of the present court house square east of the box-elder tree now growing there. This jail served its purpose well for many years and many desperate characters have been'securely kept in it, but like all materials the logs in time began to give way through age and decay until at last it is said that three prisoners escaped by digging their way through the rotten logs. This building stood until some time after December term of 1857 in which it was: “Ordered by the Board that William \W. Smith be and he hereby is authorized to remove the old log County Jail off of the public square from where it now stands and to sell the iron now attached to said Jail and to pay the proceeds of said sale into the County Treasury and make report of his doing in the premises to the next term of this Board.” The jail was removed by Mr. Smith to a lot just back of the present site of the Winchester postoffice and was converted into a pig pen. December 6, 1856, the commissioners had provided for a new jail and ordered that: “Thomas Best and Moorman Way be and they are Hereby appointed by RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 167 this Board to get up a plan and Specifications for a County Jail and for the purpose of enabling said Best and Way or either of them to give the best and most approved plan they or either of them are hereby authorized to visit the several prisons in the adjoining counties or adjoining state for the purpose of giving the most approved plan for said Building and make report of their pro- ceedings in the premises to the next term of this Board.” The architects evidently did not get their plans and specifications as soon as the commissioners expected, but April 14, 1857, the following entry was made: “Now at this time the Board of County Comrs. had selected the site for, and on which to build a County Jail and Sheriff residence which building is to be set south of the Court House, and in line with the Court House and public offices, and to set forty feet south of the Court House and the east line or east front of said building to be set in line with the east line or east front of said Court House and public offices. The North east corner of said build- ing to set forty feet south of the southeast corner of the Court House and run south forty feet thence west thirty feet thence north forty feet thence east thirty feet to the place of beginning which building shall be two stories high with a permanent stone foundation. According to the specifications which may hereafter be adopted by the Board of Co Comrs.” At a special session held April 29th a very peculiar state of affairs is shown when it was: “Ordered by the Board that Nathaniel Kemp and Thomas Aker be and they are hereby appointed and required to visit Dayton and Cincinnati for the purpose of employing a Mechanic and contracting with same for the building Iron Cells and the other necessary appendages to the County Jail And said Nathaniel Kemp and Thomas Aker report that they have attended to the same and make report of the following contract made and entered into by them with Cincinnati Mechanic at the following terms and prices, etc.” It will be observed that Mr. Kemp and Mr. Aker were two of the county commissioners at the time. The records have three and a half pages blank following this, hence it was evident that they intended to fill in terms and prices at some later time. The contract spoken of was made with Jacobs & Co., of Dayton, Ohio. It was not until the 2nd of May, 1857, that anything definite was done concerning the jail and we find at that time that it was: “Ordered by the Board that Nathan Garrett. Auditor of said County, give the Notice to the Contractors for the Building of a County Jail and 168 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Sheriffs Residence as soon as the time can be fixed upon by Nathaniel Kemp & Moorman Way, said Notice to be given by Publication being made in the Randolph County Journal a weekly newspaper printed and published in Win- chester.” \ The advertisement was properly written and published and on the 15th day of June: the “Board of County Commissioners proceeded to receive the proposals of several mechanics for the erection of the County jail to be together with the sheriffs residence on the south part of the public square and after examining the several proposals the brick work was let to Benedict Feathers for the sum of fourteen hundred dollars it is therefore ordered by the Board that the Brick work be and is hereby let to Benedict Feathers for the said sum of four- teen hundred dollars and that said Benedict Feathers be required to give bond in the penal sum of twenty eight hundred dollars with sufficient free hold security to the acceptance by the Board. And after examination of the several proposals, the Carpenters work was let to Martin A. Reeder for: the sum of six hundred and twenty five dollars, and that said Martin A. Reeder be required to give bond in the penal sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars with sufficient freehold security to the acceptance of the Board. And after examinations of the several proposals the plastering was let to A. D. and A. O. Neffs for the sum of one hundred and forty five dollars. It is therefore ordered by the Board that the plastering be and the same is hereby let to A. D. & A. O. Neff, for the sum of one hundred and forty five dollars and that said A. D. & A. O. Neff be required to give bond in the penal sum of two hundred and ninety dollars with sufficient freehold security to the accept- ance of the Board.” This jail was completed in the spring of 1858. The commissioners were so well pleased with the work of Mr. Way that on March 3d of that year they passed the following resolutions and ordered it to be “spread’’ upon the records of this Court: “Whereas, the County Buildings being nearly completed and the services of Architect and Superintendent being no longer indispensible, therefore: Resolved, that the thanks of this Board be and hereby is tendered to Moorman Way Esqr for the faithful, efficient, and skillful manner in which he has discharged the trusts committed to him. Resolved, that Mr. Way be requested to present his claims for services rendered, at his earliest convenience to the Board, that the same may be passed upon and allowed. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 169 Resolved, that the Auditor be directed to present Mr. Way with a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions.” Final settlement was made for the contract for this building on June 17th, 1858. For the first time in the history of the county the sheriff was provided with a residence in connection with the jail and the sheriffs from that time on have lived with their families in the jail. This jail was peculiarly constructed in the interior. It had a walkaway around the cells. If prisoners were disposed to take advantage, they could make it very dangerous for the sheriff. This walk way extended around a room known as the “Jail Entrance.” At one time three prisoners had planned to do violence to the deputy sheriff and inquired of Mrs. Ford, the sheriff’s wife, if Mr. Ford was at home and upon being told that he was not, asked when he would return. Mrs. Ford answered that she did not know. This conversation did not in any way attract her attention, as such a conversation was usual, Mr. Ford being a popular man with the prisoners. On the evening of May 29th, 187—, the day of the above conversation, Mr. Ford entered his room to put the prisoners in the cells and Mrs. Ford, as was the custom, stepped to the door to lock him in the “jail room,” when, to her horror, she saw one of the prisoners, a man by the name of Dudley, strike Mr. Ford. Dudley was standing on this walk-way and had a small stick of wood attached to his string which was fastened around his wrist. Mr. Ford lived until the first day of the following January, when he succumbed to the influence of the blow. Prisoners were afterwards overheard to regret their action, as they had not intended to strike Mr. Ford, but had expected to strike the deputy. Being above him they could not tell which one was there. So far as we are able to learn this is the only case where a sheriff or any attendant has ever been injured in any way. At one time the jail itself was surrounded by a high board fence no doubt more to prevent prisoners seeing out and people seeing in than for any means of protection. It seems to have been a common playground for the children of Winchester at that time, as we have been told by a number of citizens of their playing in this enclosure and especially of being able to crawl under the building in playing hide and seek. At one time when some prisoners had escaped it was thought that they were in hiding under the jail and the story is told that Mr. Eb. Hall, a man {7G RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, who is fearless, was the only one who would agree to crawl under the building and endeavor to find them, and much to his ‘satisfaction and that of his friends, no prisoners were there. It seems strange that in the records of the commissioner’s court no men- tion has been made whatever concerning the Free and Accepted Masons, Winchester Lodge, No. 56, having built the third story of the building; how- ever, the fact remains that the building, instead of being situated with the length way north and south, it was east and west and the Winchester Lodge No. 36 built the third story the same as the Odd Fellows built the third story of the north building. The Masons occupied this room until the building was demolished, at which time, March 13, 1883, they sold their interest to the county for the sum of $500. The condition of the old jail became so wretched from every point of view that the grand jury in 1880 investigated and censured the commission- ers so severely for their allowing such a condition to exist in a civilized county that the commissioners took notice of it and at a special meeting of the board employed E. J. Hodgson, architect, January Ist, 1881. Mr. Hodgson was to receive the sum of $600.00 for his services. On the first day of Febru- ary, 1881, notice was served to contractors and builders that the commis- sioners would receive sealed proposals in the auditor’s office in the town of Winchester, Randolph county, Indiana, until 1 o’clock p. m., Monday, the 4th day of April, for furnishing material and labor required in the erection, construction and completion of a jail and sheriff’s residence in the town of Winchester. On April Ist two of the commissioners, Elias F. Halliday and William R. Coggeshall, met in the commissioner’s office, with R. V. Murray, sheriff, and George N. Edger, auditor, and received and opened bids which were as follows: William H. Meyers and Martin A. Reeder, for entire building___$39,106.00 j. W. Elinkley and James Noms, for entire burlding..... 25. 37,500.00 BE Haugh, for entire building---32- 552-22 sce ScSesosws 37,000.00 Aaron G, Campfield, for entire building---_------___________ 34,500.00 After inspecting and examining the bids they let the contract to Mr. Campfield, who entered into contract with the commissioners to faithfully per- form the work in a skillful manner agreeable to the plans and specifications as RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I7I filed in the auditor’s office and gave bond for its completion, with Thomas M. Brown, D. E. Hoffman, C. E. Magee and Thomas Ward as bondsmen. On the same day the commissioners entered into a contract with Martin A. Reeder for Lot No. seven (7) in the southeast square of the town of Winchester for the sum of $2,500.00. The contracts for the inside work of finishing the jail were let to other parties. The contract for tile foor was let to the United States Encaustic Tile Company for $225.00. The plumbing to J. & F. Niel, $1,350.00. Heat- ing and ventilating to H. M. Crane, Cincinnati, Ohio, for the sum of $1,156.00. The iron work to H. C. Hepburn and William Renschall, of Cleveland, Ohio, for $2,089.00. The material furnished by Messrs. Hepburn and Renschall was very unsatisfactory. May 16th, 1887, the board met and inspected the plate iron furnished for the floor and decided it was not of the kind and quality as provided for in the contract and specifications and condemned and rejected it and ordered the company not to put any of this iron in the jail building, and Tuesday, May 24th, was set for the time of letting same, on which day they received but one bid, being that of William Fitzmaurice. Mr. Fitzmaurice’s bid was for $3,100.00. “And the board having seen and inspected’ said bid and after due con- sideration did reject said bid.” Two days later, however, Mr. Fitzmaurice filed another bid, as follows: “T, William Fitzmaurice, do hereby propose and offer to the board of commissioners of the county of Randolph to furnish all the material and labor and employments mentioned and described in the specifications as therein stated and required subject to all the conditions therein mentioned for the sum of $500.00, to be paid to me when same is done and accepted and approved by the board. Said work to be completed on or before July Ist, 1887.” Which bid the commissioners accepted and promised to pay the same when the work was completed and accepted by the board. The jail, however, was soon completed and was at that time one of the most modern structures in the state. It has since that time borne the test put upon such buildings and at this time, 1914, is satisfactory and a very good building. At different times grand juries have reported repairs of various kinds, which, for the most part, have heen made by the county commissioners. [72 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. INFIRMARY. To care for the poor, to relieve the distressed, to sustain the unfor- tunate, and to aid those who, by misfortune or otherwise, are no longer able to care for themselves, has been a duty of society since the organization of man. No nation has ever been more attentive to this class of unfortunates than the United States, and no state has ever done its part more willingly and heroically than Indiana, and we ‘hope that no county has responded to the needs of its unfortunates with more willingness and a greater degree of consideration than has Randolph county. It is true this county has been governed by state laws and has had to stay within the limits of its means and has no doubt at times seemingly fallen short of what it might otherwise have done, yet the records of the county are clear as to their having always responded to the needs of the poor. In the organization of the county a building was provided for the courts and offices. The jail was built to care for the criminals, and even a stray pen was maintained to care for the stock that had wandered away from its rightful domain, but no such provision was made for the poor. Each township had two overseers of the poor appointed and it was the duty of these men to look after the unfortunates in their respective town- ships in the early history, there being few people, the needs of the people being small and easily furnished, provisions being somewhat plentiful, being charitable and hospitable and generous to a fault, the poor were cared for without any appeal to the public. The first recorded appointments of the overseers of the poor were made on June 6th, 1820, when we find: “Richard Beason and Mashack Luallen appointed overseers of the poor in \Ward township. George Whitehouse and Captain Mackley appointed overseers of the poor in Wayne Township for one year. James Wright and John Balanger appointed overseers of the poor in White River Township for one year. Ephraim Overman and John Cammack appointed overseers of the poor in Greensfork township for one year. William Hunt and Jehue Jackson appointed overseers of the poor in West river township for one year.” It is improbable that any appointments had been made previous to this time, as the machinery of government was only just starting at this time. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 173 Most of the people helped at this time lived in Greensfork and White River townships. This can easily be explained because most of the people lived in these townships. When it became necessary to care for an unfor- tunate person they were farmed out. The first entry we have of this is in the November term of 1826, when it was: “Ordered that the County Treasurer pay Curtis’Clenney the sum of three dollars and 75 cents for five days attending as overseer of the poor to farming out Levi Halle, a pauper in greensfork Township, and George T. Wilson $1.50 for two days attending to the same.” It was further: ‘Ordered that the County treasurer pay Joseph Halle the sum of six dollars in part for Keeping and maintaining Levi Halle a pauper.” The records have a great many such instances as this where people were farmed out and where people were paid for keeping their -own relatives. The county has had a few cases where people were kept by the county for a great many years. The Levi Halle spoken of was kept until he died, February 22, 1830, when it was: “Ordered that the County treasurer pay Abraham Reins the sum of $2.50 for making a coffin to inter Levi Halle a pauper, who deceased February 22nd, 1830.” Mr. Halle was, we take it, an average pauper of that time and we find that in May, 1829, he was “farmed out at $39.84 to Joseph Halle for the ensuing year.” The bids were taken on paupers and the prices varied from $12.00 or $14.00 a year up to as high as $41.00 or $42.00, depending of course on the amount of help the pauper would be to the man bidding for him. Another noted case was that of Thomas Morris who was farmed out May 5, 1829, at $17.25 to Stanton Bailey for the ensuing year by Curtis Clenney and Travis Adcock overseers of the poor of Greensfork township. Mr. Morris is still found on the list in 1837 as having been farmed out at $60.00. How much longer he remained we do not know. A man by the name of James Bailey was put on the list as early as 1827. He was farmed out for the sum of $8.00 to Nancy Bailey, his wife. .This was simply a way of keeping a man and his wife and the less decrepit of the two was given the contract of keeping the other, however, in later years, she was also paid for keeping a husband and a son. These people lived in West River township and were kept by the county for a great many years, in fact, in 1854 when the paupers were gathered from over the county and placed in £74 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the county infirmary we find, “paupers from West River township, are Nancy Bailey, Hiram Bailey and James Bailey.’’ In June these same people were re-committed to their township which was Nettle Creek and were farmed out to Hugh Bailey for the sum,of $150.00 per year. We do not know how long they remained dependents on the county but we find that in September, 1859, they were returned to the poor asylum from Nettle Creek township. We mention these cases, not with the idea-of exploiting the unfortunate condition of any special one but to show the great lengths of time from which the county has at time extended this class of protection. In fact, there is a man living in the county today, 1914, who has been receiving public aid since 1855 or for a period of almost sixty years. The county, however, is only doing its duty, and it is well that the county is able to so well take care of its unfortunates. Conditions in some parts of the state were such that the legislature was moved to pass a law in 1848 compelling counties to provide public places wherein the unfortunate poor might have care and with this end in view, December 6th, 1850, it was: “Ordered by the Board that Robert Irvin Abraham Adams and Peter S. Miller be and they are hereby appointed Special Comrs to select and purchase a farm as near the County seat as can be procured taking into consideration price and quality, etc., the said farm so procured shall be kept and dedicated to the support of the poor of said County. Said Commissioners shall make report of their proceedings in the premises to the next term of this Board.” March 7, 1851, it was: “Ordered by the Board that William A. Peele and David Heaston be and they are hereby appointed Trustees to Superin- tend and farm out the poor farm of the County to some suitable person and to see that the Paupers are Received on the said farm on the rst monday in may next & properly provided for and make report of their proceeding in the premises to next term of their Board.” March 28th Messrs. Peele and Heaston were authorized to procure horses and wagon and necessary stock and utensils for farming the poor farm of said county, as was always the case were to make report at the next meeting. This they proceeded to do by buying a “horse beast” of Acil Stone for $50.00, a “horse beast” of Samuel Ludy for $59.93, a “waggon” of Henry Lipp for $65.00, “goods, wares and merchandise” of Best & Way, $46.76, the same of Thos. Ward, $32.58, the same of D. J. Cottom, $8.76, “goods” of Zimri Moffett $3.46, plow of Pleasant Diggs, $10.50, harness of Sol Yunker, $7.12, “single trees” John Way $2.75, chairs, Lewis Walker $10.00, harrow, Thomas Butterworth $1.75, oats, James Forsythe $4.00, tinware James O. Dormer RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ; 175 $2.48, potatoe plants David Wysong, 75 cents, bed steads William Allen $47.50, necessary articles William H. Fitzgerald $90.17 and so the poor farm was started and equipped. William Fitzgerald was selected as the first keeper and his term was to expire March 1, 1852. At this time an inventory was made of the property when it was found that the county had property to the value of $1,813.10. We are inclined to think, however, that some of the property was appraised rather high as we find one table, $10.00; three tubs, $4.50, and other things in proportion. At the end of that year Mr. Fitzgerald reports having thirteen inmates and “here further reports that,none of said paupers are able to perform labor, being all very old, very young, weak minded or diseased and that he has realized nothing from their industry.’’ He further reports that expenses for maintaining his own family and said paupers to be $214.72. There was no building of any consequence on this farm. The commis- sioners met on the roth day of July, 1852, for the purpose of receiving specifi- cations and bids for the building of a poor house for the accommodation of the paupers when the following order was made: “Ordered by the Board that the following plan be and the same is hereby adopted by the Board for the Building of a House on the poor Asylum of said County for the accommodation of the paupers at said Asylum. The house shall be sixty feet long and forty feet wide and twelve feet high. A main Hall ten feet wide and sixty feet long through the center of the building And a second hall through the center of the building from east to west six feet wide and forty feet long, etc. And it is therefore further ordered by the Board that Thomas Best or Asahel Stone be and they are hereby appointed to draw the draft and furnish specifications for the erection of said building and furnish the same to this Board on Saturday the 17th instant by 12 O'clock.” Mr. Stone made the plans and was-paid $10.6214 for the same. In March, 1853, the building was built by a Joseph Johnson and was ac- cepted by the commissioners December 20, 1852, at which time, however, they reserved $50.00 until the “painting and whitewashing” is completed. In 1853 Mr. Fitzgerald reports having sixteen inmates, to wit: 7 white males, 3 white females, 2 black males, 4 black females. He further reports that: “all said paupers in said asylum are either from age, infirmity or youth unable to perform much manual labor.” The first loss of the county by fire occurred on the 25th of January, 1854, 176 ° RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, when the “poor asylum” was destroyed. The commissioners found “that the paupers of said County are in a destitute condition” and ordered that the township overseers of the poor be instructed to care for the paupers from the several townships. White River and Greensfork townships were the only townships having inmates'in the asylum at this time. For some reason the commissioners ordered: “that the personal property appertaining to the poor asylum and belonging to said County be exposed to public sale to the highest bidder on the ard day of March, next, on the poor farm of said County” and the business of the county infirmary was practically closed for a year. They, however, proceeded, immediately, to the construction of a new build- ing and March 11, 1854, Thomas Best was “employed to make a draft and specifications for the Building an Asylum on the poor farm.” Mr. Best was authorized to visit several asylums and to “adopt a Most Convenient plan for the accommodation of the inmates and for the family of the Superintend- ant.” The auditor was instructed to advertise for sealed proposals at the next term of the commissioners’ court on said building. This duty was per- formed and on April 17th the commissioners received sealed proposals for the building and let the contract to Joseph Johnson for the sum of $5,950.00 upon condition that the building be completed by May 1, 1855. Mr. Johnson, evidently, did not succeed very well in his building as on May 7, 1855, the commissioners met in a special meeting: “visiting the poor asylum of said County and receiving said asylum and superintending the reception of the paupers from several townships in said County and to do and transact such other and further business as the interests of the said County may require. Present, the Honorable Andrew Devoss, George W. Vanderburg and Nathaniel Kemp, :Esqs., members of said Board and after visiting the said asylum they find the same unfinished and do not receive the same.” The matter continued with more or less quibbling for almost a year and finally Ernestus Strohm was “appointed to furnish material to complete the County asylum of said County as near as can be done on the original plan and to be governed by the specifications if they can be obtained.” Mr. Strohm completed the work. Final settlement was made with Mr. Johnson September 6, 1856. The following entry concerning which is made: “Now at this time the Board of County Comrs. settle with Joseph John- son and it is approved by and between the Board of County Comrs and the said Joseph Johnson that in consequence of said Joseph Johnson indemnifying said Board with bond and security approved by said Board to hold said County RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 177 harmless of supposed leins filed against said Johnsons dues or claims against said County, and said Bond being by said Johnson given with Jere Smith his security the Board Order the Auditor to Issue to said Johnson, Orders to the amount of two hundred and eighty six dollars and thirty four cents, the Balance due said Johnson after deducting the amount necessary to finish the said Johnson undertaking with said County,” etc. This building served its purpose with more or less efficiency for a number of years but as the population of the county increased the needs of a better equipment at the poor farm correspondingly increased. Matters went on in their usual way with more inmates being committed from year to year and no additional accommodations being provided for. During the administration of Mr. Hall matters became such that it attracted the attention of the public and grand jury after grand jury reported after having visited the institution that the needs were wholly inadequate to the necessity. Public pressure finally became so strong that in 1899 the com- missioners, William Horn, Adam Slonaker and Thomas H. Clark, contracted with W. F. Kaufman, architect, Richmond, Indiana, January 19, 1899, “‘to furnish a complete set of drawings, specifications and all detail drawing re- quisite and necessary to erect a County Infirmary on the present infirmary farm in Randolph County, State of Indiana.” Mr. Kaufman was also to act as the superintendent of the erection of such building. Mr. Kaufman furnished the plans and specifications which were adopted by the board and. left in the auditor's office for the use of persons bidding on said proposed work which was to be completed on or before October 1, 1899. Mr. Kauf- man evidently finished his plans as he was paid $600.00 on the same on March 9, 1899. Just why all bids were not received sooner and contract let is not known but it remains a fact that they were not received and opened until March 19, at which time the following bids were received: Joseph Shetterly, $34,373.00; J. M. Hagerman, $36,290.00; A. G. Campfield, $34,900.00, and W. H. Kreep, $34,950.00. The bid of Mr. Shetterly was considered best and was accepted and contract was awarded to him. The time of completion was extended to November 1, 1899. Much dissatisfaction arose during the construction of the building as to the quality of the material and the work that was allowed to be put into the building. Many additional items of expense were also added, making the final cost of the building somewhere near $40,000.00. The building is, how- ever, splendidly arranged and with the additions and conveniences, that have, in recent years, been added, it is now considered a model infirmary. (12) 178 RANDOLII COUNTY, INDIANA. Tt should no longer be called a “poor farm” but should rather be called “home for the poor.” With the character of the superintendent and matron of recent years it has indeed been a home for the unfortunates who have found it necessary to be there. It would be a shame for it to be otherwise in such a county a+ ours with its wealth, intelligence and high degree of society. In the meantime, January 15, 1853, Mr. Simon Gray had been appointed to succeed Mr. Fitzgerald as the superintendent of the asylum. It is interesting to know at this time that bids were taken and that the position of Superintendent of the poor asvlum was let to the bidder, usually the lowest, who suited the commissioners best. Mr. Gray took the place on the following conditions : “T do hereby agree to superintend and take care of the poor asylum of Randolph County for one year for four hundred dollars, Furnish 2 horses and -\ wagon and gears and Six cows, Myself and Wife and one girl ten years old and one other woman part of the time, board ourselves and stock till the first of May. 3 beds, 6 chairs, dishes sufficient for our own use and other apparatus too tedious to mention.” Signed, Simon Gray. \Vhereupon the commissioners entered into contract with Mr. Gray. He giving bond in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for nis faithful perform- ance as such superintendent. January 21, 1856, Mr. Gray submitted two propositions to the county commissioners, the first being: I do hereby agree to take care of the Randolph County poor asylum for one year and furnish three horses and gears, one waggon, 5 miik cows. Myself and wife and one girl eleven years old for S400.00, furnish our own bedding and “clothes and the increase of all stock to be mine.” The second was: “I will furnish three horses and gears and one Waggon 5 milk cows and 12 or 15 head of sheep and let you (the County) have all the increase and profits of all the Stock and furnish labor as before for the sum of $4530.00.” The last proposition was accepted by the Commissioners. Mr. Gray entered into contract, giving bond as before, with Thomas W. Coats as his security. The next year the Commissioners emploved Jeremiah Cox as superin- tendent after they had examined several bids which were submittd. Mr. Cox submitted the following proposal: ‘“‘to render his aid and wife and four children, two boys, oldest 10 years. youngest nine, two girls. oldest seven years, youngest five vears old and to find clothing and bedding for the comfort of his family and to furnish the use of two work horses. Harness RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. V7 and a two horse \WWaggon, One two hore plow, one Shovel plow, and the use of four milk cows with the increase to be left on the farm and the use of one cook stove with other cooking utensils all the above mentioned for the term of one year for the sum of $200.00, prosal made this 3 day of January, 1857.” Signed, Jeremiah Cox. The commissioners entered into a contract with Mr. Cox, he giving his bond for $1,006.00 with Silas Gray and Natgan Cox as security. Evidently the commissioners begun to think the cost of the poor farm was unwarranted as in December, 1857, they ordered the auditor to make a report of “the whole cost of taking care of paupers of said County at the County asylum for the years A. D. 1855, 1856, 1857, including physicians salary, superintendents salary, and incedental expenses appertaining to this end.” They further ordered the auditor: ‘Ordered by the Board that the Auditor be and he is hereby required to give notice by having publication made for three weeks successively in the Randolph County Journal of the letting of the County Asylum for the next in coming year to the lowest re- sponsible bidder, which letting will be at the Court House in Winchester on Friday the 15th day of January A. D. 1858. The Board reserving the right to decide of the manner proposed, the amount each bidder will undertake to furnish, etc., etc., or perform the duties required of him according to his particular bid.” These bids were received January 15, 1858, and the commissioners entered into a contract with Mr. Thomas McConochy, Mr. McConochy giving bond with Elias Kizer having ‘“‘appeared in open Court and offered himself as security for the performance of said Thomas McConochy.” Mr. Mc- Conochy was to receive “the sum of two hundred dollars and seventy-five cents to do all the necessary labor in the house and on the farm, without any expense from the County, to furnish two horses and gears, and one wagon and one milk cow and furnish my beds and bedding for my own family my family in number is four, myself, Wife and two children, one boy eight years old and a girl eleven years old.” During the first year of Mr. McConochy’s term an incident occurs which shows the spirit of the early Society of Friends. The minutes of this trans- action are self-explanatory and show the spirit with which that society practiced the teachings of the Master. “This Memorandum is to certify I, the undersigned, on behalf of the poor Committee of White Water Monthly meeting of the Society of Friends in the County of Wayne and State of Indiana do hereby Obligate myself to 180 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. pay to Thomas McConochy Superintendent of Randolph County poor house on or before the 1st day of 2nd Mo. (February) 1859 The sum of Seventy Dollars, being for the purpose of assisting to keep and support Samuel David- son who is now an inmate of said poor house for Two years past & which two years-will expire at that time, and if said Davidson should not live to the end of the time above specified a deduction at the rate of thirty five dollars a year is to be made from this obligation for the unexpired time. 8 mo. 13th 1858. JEREMIAH HaDLeEy. “And it is further agreed and confirmed between us that the said poor committee above referred to is to pay yearly for the same purpose to the superintendent of the above poor house the sum of thirty five dollars, to be paid on the 1st day of the 2nd month of each that said Davidson in said poor House after the expiration of the time above mentioned in the above obliga- tion. 8th mo. 13, 1858. JEREMIAH HAaDLey, Tuomas McConocuy Supt.” Mr. Davidson died during the year and Mr. Hadley paid $70.00 to Mr. McConochy who acknowledged the receipt of the same March 9, 1859. Mr. McConochy was employed again January, 1860, for the period of one year. He was to receive $350.00 but in addition to his regular work agreed to “re-roof the barn, re-set all the fences on the farm that needs it & clear up a piece of ground in the south field on the west side of the State road, & put gates where they are needed and make a blind ditch eighteen rods long in the field east of the house.” December 6th, 1860, the commissioners received the proposition to super- intend the poor asylum from Elias Kizer. Mr. Kizer had been a very promi- nent man in the history of the county for some years, having served as road supervisor, road viewer, juror and county commissioner seven years. That Mr. Kizer was “onto the game” and understood public pulse is shown by the character of the proposal that he submitted to the commissioners. Evidently Mr. Kizer knew some of the unfavorable conditions existing at the time which he hoped to rectify. His proposition upon which he was hired is such that we feel justified in giving it in full: “Elias Kizer on proposition to Superintend Poor Asylum &c. Winchester, Dec. 6th, 1860. To the honorable board of County Commissioners: I propose to undertake the Poor asylum & farm for the coming year RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 181 in Randolph County Indiana. I will furnish team, wagon, plows, & hands sufficient to do all the work on the farm & in the house, & not keep any more hands than are really needed; the family shall be small so as to make the expenses light, as possible on the County. As for my extras on my table I will account for them to the County outside of what the paupers have to live on. I will be accountable for all neglect on my part. Likewise I will make all the shoes or have them made for the paupers, the County just paying for the leather, mending likewise, And I will keep the farm in good repair, & leave it in the same. This you may be the judges of yourselfes. I will do all the dealing that is necessary for the use of the paupers, & keep a correct account & report to you every three months if required. N. B. I will fur- nish my own beds and clothing. This labor is worth five hundred dollars per year, but if you think it too much, anything between that & three hundred I will be satisfied with. I leave this with you for I think you to be reasonable men & know what is reasonable & wright, & if I don’t perform the labor according to contract, I don’t want anything for it. I do this for the good of the County. N. B. I will give no meals victuals away, uless I charge myself with it at 25 cts per meal. Thiss I will account to the County for; this is wright and just. This I submit to your honorable body. (Signed) Extas Kizer. We the Board of County Commissioners accept the proposition of Elias Kizer. He is therefore appointed to superintend the poor asylum & farm for one year commencing Feb. 1st 1861 and ending Jan. 21st 1869. Read and signed in open court and the Board adjourned till Saturday morning. usual hour. H. K. Wricut, C. F. ALEXANDER.” Mr. Kizer made good and was again employed in 1862 under the propo- sition that, “I will superintend the whole matter that I have done for the sum of $500.00 for the year and of course do the best I can for the County. I will make the expenses as low as possible, doing the land justice, also the paupers.” Mr. Kizer was again employed in 1863, this time for $550.00. The County to pay for medical attendance and medicine. Mr. Kizer was again emplcyed in 1864 for the sum of $600.00. “The County to pay for all repairs and Smith work, furnish plows and farming implements, Kizer to pay the Doctors bills except in extreme cases and the County to pay for all medi- 1&2 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. cine. The farm to be kept in as good order or better than it now is.” Again in January, 1865, Mr. Kizer was employed for the year for the sum of $700.00. This time he went into the following agreement: “I will do the Very best for the County and the Paupers teaving all I Make on the Farm at the end of the Year Except What I take to the farm of my own property.” The Commissioners were called together January 8, 1866, to consider, among other things, “proposals to take charge of the poor asylum for the ensuing year.” \Ve do not know how many proposals were offered cr by whom but the one accepted was made by Jonathan Edwards for the sum of $500.00. The county, “to pay the expenses of all necessary repairs Black- smithing, making or re-setting fences, making rails, and necessary to protect crops, etc. Said Edwards to keep up all the repairs of his own property at his own expense.” Mr. Edwards filed bond for $500.00 with Hamilton Edwards as security. Mr. Edwards was again employed in 1867 for $500.00. Competition seems to have been lively for 1868 as proposals were re- ceived from Jonathan Edwards, James Shaw, John W Bragg, Nathan Fiddler, Wm. A. W. Daly, Andrew J. Aker, Daniel \[cConochy. The pro- posal of Jonathan Edwards was accepted after. “the Board having seen and inspected the several proposals.” Mr. Edwards this year was to receive $500.00 the same as the year before. The special December term, December 30, 1868 proposals were received from Amos Hall, Joseph Kemp, Joseph Kelly, Nathan Fiddler, Daniel Barnes, David A{eConochy, Urias Davis, Sampson Summers and Charles MM. Stine, the proposal of Mr. Hall was accepted. Mr. Hall’s contract was more liberal than any that had preceded and tor the first time in the history of the county the county agreed to furnish the superintendent, “‘with the assistance of a Matron for said Asylum to assist in the management of affairs pretaining exclusively to the health and comfort of the paupers and the preparation of their food and who is to perform her duties under the direction of the Superintendent and to be included with, and considered as a member of his family.” The last condition was one very easily met from the fact that the superintendent's wife serves as the matron as spoken of in the contract. Mr. Hall served the county for a great many years. In 1873 he received the sum of $800.00 for one year from the Ist day of February, 1874, with the privilege of keeping the same for one year more on the same terms and conditions. Mr. Hall did this and in 1875 was hired outright for two years from the 1st day of February, 1876. Mrs. Hall again serving as matron and was to receive $130.00 a year. . RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 183 In December, 1877, proposals were again submitted by Amos Hall, Madison Hill, Wm. Smith, H. T. Study, Lemuel Grimes, Marion Harter, ‘Samuel Witter, C. M. Stine, James Edwards, Samuel Bright. The proposal of Mr. Hill was considered “the best and most satisfactory bid for such services and was accepted.” He was to receive $650.00 for one year from the Ist day of February, 1878. Mrs. Hill also to serve as matron. Mr. Hill served for one year only when Mr. Hall was again employed for one year from the 1st day of February, 1879, with the privilege of keeping the same for one year more for $600.00 per year. The commissioners at this time attempted to stop an abuse which had crept into the management of the poor farm when they put into Mr. Hall’s agreement, “that in no case shall the paupers or inmates of said asylum be taken from the farm to perform labor for others.” Mr. Hall entered into contract and gave Simon Ramsey and John R. Philips as security on his bond. Mr. Hall was again chosen in December, 1880, for $700.00 per year from the 1st day of February, 1881 with the privilege of keeping the same one year more on the same terms. Mr. Hall again contracted in December, 1882, for $750.00 per year for one year with the privilege of keeping it two years. December 10, 1884, Mr. Hall again contracted at $800.00 for one year with the privilege of one year longer on the same terms. December, 1886, Mr. Hall contracted for $800.00 per year for one year with the privilege of con- tinuing the contract for one vear on the same terms. Mr. Hall again con- tracted January 8, 1889 for $, payable quarterly for one year with the privilege of continuing one year longer or until February 1, 1891, at which time Mr. Hall is again employed under the same conditions as before for one year with the privilege of continuing until February 1, 1893. On the roth day of December, 1892, the commissioners received pro- posals from Henry T. Study, Amos Hall, Uriah Davis, Elisha Thompson and after due consideration accepted the bid of Henry T. Study and entered into contract with him for the sum of $800.00. Mr. Study was to “take possession of said poor asylum on the 1st day of February, 1893, and it was mutually agreed and understood that this contract shall begin and be in force from and after the 1st day of February, 1893, and shall continue in force until the first day of February, 1894.” Mr. Study was also given the privi- lege of extending the time one year. December 12, 1894, Messrs. Study and Hall again put bids before the commissioners, Mr. Hall’s bid being accepted. Mr. Hall was again em- ployed for $800.00 per annum for one year with the privilege of continuing 184 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. one year and executed his bond with T. F. Moorman, J. W. Macy and Ed I.” Brown security. Mr. Hall again contracted December 15, 1898, for $800.00 for one year with the privilege of continuing two, or until February 1, rgo1. Mr. Hall, however, was not permitted to serve the entire time of his con- tract as death relieved him of his long service to the county and on the morn- ing of February 15, 1900, the last respects were paid to him by his many friends and on that day the commissioners made the following entry: ‘‘No business was transacted to enter of record and the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning on account of the funeral services of Amos Hall, superin- tendent of the County Infirmary.” Mr. Study was selected in Mr. Hall’s place to take possession the 6th of March, 1900, and to continue until the 31st day of August, I9oT. Mr. Study was again employed June 18, 1901, for $978.00 for a period of two years, the contract to end the 31st day of August, 1903. June 1, 1903, the commissioners began a new policy of no longer taking bids or proposals but elected otherwise. “The Board proceeded to the elec- tion of Superintendent of County Infirmary. Roy Ford receiving the majority of votes cast was declared elected as such Superintendent for a period of two years and that he received a sum of $978.00 per year for the services as such Superintendent and also the services of his wife as matron of said infirmary.” Mr. Ford, however, remained but one term, as on the 4th of June, 1905, the commissioners entered into contract with Henry C. Hull for a period of two years beginning September 1, 1905, at $1,200.00 per year. Mr. Hull continued as superintendent until March 1, 1914. Mr. Hull, it is said, is the only superintendent who has ever been able to make the poor farm self-sustaining. March 1, 1914, Mr. Hull was succeeded by Henry Judy, who had been elected January 1, 1914, for a period of four years at the consideration of $1,500.00 per annum. INFIRMARY. The matter of medical aid for the poor of the county has been one that has attracted a great deal of attention and been given a great deal of serious thought throughout the entire history of the county. In the earlier day bids were received on this the same as the other care of the poor and oftentimes it was not the skill or the success of the physician that determined the matter but rather the man that had the lowest bid. Too RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 185 often the pauper has been considered a public care to be gotten rid of with the least possible attention and expense. Thanks to civilization that time has passed and today the unfortunates receive the same medical care as those of their more fortunate brothers. One of the first contracts let in the county was in 1857 when Dr. George W. Bruce was “employed as a physician for the County Asylum and Physician for County Jail for the ensuing year at $25.00 per year as per contract. Said physician to find his own medicine and drugs.” In 1858 Mr. John E. Beverly was appointed “physician and surgeon’ for county asylum and for county jail and the poor of White River Township for one year from this date, the said Beverly to furnish out of his own cost all medicine, ointment, drugs, oils, etc., for the sum of one hundred dollars for the term aforesaid. In 1861 Dr. A. F. Teele was given the contract at $50.00 per year, he to furnish all medicine, drugs, ete. Matters went on in this way until 1870, the law was changed whereby the paupers were to have the physician of their own choice which worried some of the county commissioners quite a little. It must he said, to the ever- lasting disgrace of some of these men, especially about 1876, that instead of considering the bill of physicians or any bill relative to the poor as they would any other bill the commissioners upon the insistence of one of their number would refuse to allow the bill of the physician. It is said on good authority that when a bill was presented these commissioners, this commissioner would say to the others, “now let’s each one of us mark to see how much we shall pay,’ whereupon each would go into one corner of the room with his back towards the others, for fear they might watch him, and would mark some amount considerably below what the physicians had asked. This of course naturally led to abuses and people making claims would put their claims con- siderably higher than they otherwise would be because they knew of the unbusinesslike habits of the commissioners at that time. But this custom died with the expiration of this man’s term of office and since that time this branch of the business has been conducted along business-like principles. Some of the men who have acted in the capacity of county physicians have been: J. J. Evans, Bruce & Harrison, H. P. Franks, N. D. Berry, H. H. Yergin, J. S. Berry, David F. Orr, A. H. Farquhar, J. S. Blair, Pleasant Hunt, Aaron G. Rogers, W. A. Rickard, James V King, T. W. Botkin, G. W. Bruce, C. M. Kelley, Franks & Trent, E. T. Bailey, John F. Kinney. J. L. McShirley, R. Bosworth, G. C. Baldwin, N. E. Ross, J. L. Conti, Gran- 186 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ville Reynard, Cyrus Cox, Amos R. Ballard, L. E. White, James K. White, D. M. Carter, W. D. Simmons, W. S. Shoemaker, A. F. Huddleston, G. C. Markle, J. H. Moroney and E. W. Rine. > Another interesting item concerning the care of the paupers has been the burial expenses; this expense has constantly increased. In 1843 coffins cost $2.50; 1847, $5.00; 1848, $6.50; 1857, $8.00 and so on until $30 at the present time. ORPHANS’ HOME. The responsibility of caring for the unfortunate poor has been one of the greatest ever placed upon local government. This responsibility carries with it the caring for both adults and children. Adults being more or less- able to care for themselves at least being past the formative period of life are not so difficult to care for as are the children. Indeed, the task of caring for and rearing the children of the unfortunate poor has been a Herculean one. The state appreciated that it must be responsible for the intellectual and moral elements of the children as well as the mere physical. Children nave been cared for by the state in two ways. First: By being bound out to serve as apprentices, which we shall speak of later on, and second: by being cared for until homes could be found for them. Formerly, these children were kept at the infirmary, under all the evil influences that would necessarily arise from associating with such an indiscriminate people as would naturally be found there. It must be expected that all classes of people would be found in the county infirmary. The county cared for these children the best they could under the circumstances but no one has ever claimed that any of the finer elements of society could possibly be inculcated in children under such circumstances. The commissioners, during the course of years, recognized this and established a home for the children to which the children of indigent poor were taken. Mrs. John D. Howard was selected by them as the matron. This was a wonderful step in advance of what had been done prior to that time but it remained for a citizen of the county to present the final solution of the problem and strange to say the problem was solved By a man who had no immediate responsibilities toward childhood. This gentleman, Mr. James Moorman had, long before his death, determined to provide a home for chil- dren and wrote his will in accordance with that plan. Mr. Moorman became incapable for caring for his business affairs long before his death. The will was opened. by the judge of the circuit court and the policy of Mr. Moorman RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 187 anticipated. This led to the establishment of what is known as the James Moorman Orphans’ Home, provided for in the following will: LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JAMES MOORMAN. “Item 1. I give and devise the North east Quarter of section twenty four (24) in Township Twenty (20) North, of Range thirteen. (13) east and all that part of the south east quarter of section thirteen (13) in said Township Twenty North of Range Thirteen (13) east which is south of the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad and west of the gravel pit owned by the town of Winchester Randolph County, Indiana said lands lying and being in Randolph County, Indiana to the Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home ot Randolph County, Indiana in trust, however, for the purposes here- inafter set forth and I hereby appoint the following Board of Directors of the Orphan’s Home to be located on lands above bequeathed, Nathan Cadwallader, of Union City, John A. Moorman, of Farmland, Davis Kitsel- man of Ridgeville, Clements F. Alexander of Spartansburg and Nathan Reed of Winchester and all of said Board of Randolph County and State of Indiana. Said Orphan's Home to be under their care and management or the care management of their successors in office said Home being for the benefit of the Orphans of Randolph County that are under the age of four- teen years, children not born in the County being required to be two years a resident of the County before they can become an inmate of the Home and it is my will and I hereby direct that said Board of Directors or their suc- cessors in office retain said lands and premises intact as above described and that no part thereof be sold or otherwise disposed of and so improve and use the same as shall best secure the benefit of a Home thereon and a sup- port and education therefrom to the Orphans of Randolph County under the age of fourteen years. I append further on in said Will certain general Rules for the government of said Home, leaving however to the above named Board of Directors, Nathan Cadwallader, John A. Moorman, Davis Kitsel- man, Clements F. Alexander and Nathan Reed on their organization the adoption of such special rules as do not conflict with General Rules. Item 2. I further give devise and bequeath to the above named Board of Directors and their successors in office, as a Trust Fund to be used as hereinafter directed the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars. It is my will and I hereby direct that said sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars be loaned on real estate secured by first mortgage on lands showing 188 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. clear title by abstract said lands to be of three times the value of the loan secured thereby. Said money to be loaned on farms if possible but if in cities then only on business rooms, the ground value of which equals the loan and the borrower to have a Fire Insurance policy in a Company designated by said Board of Directors of the Home as their Mortgage Interest may ap- pear the Interest on said loans to be paid semi-annually at such place as mort- gagee designates to the Board of Directors or Treasurer thereof of their suc- cessors in office and it is my will that the Interest that may arise from the Ten Thousand Dollars be applied for the support and education of the Orphans of Randolph County under the age of fourteen years as herein- after directed and it is my will that said lands as described in Item numbered One (1) be forever retained for the purposes and uses therein set forth and that said premises be held and known as the James Moorman Orphan's Home ot Randolph County. Item 3. I further give and bequeath to the Board of Directors of said Orphan's Home and their successors in office —All judgments that I may own or hold against any person or persons or corporations at the time of my death, said judgments to be held collected and used under the same restrictions and regulations and for the same purposes as provided for in Item Two of this Will in regard to the loaning of the ‘Ten Thousand Dollar Fund.” Item 4. I give devise and bequeath to said Trustees or Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home and any successors in office all notes secured by Mortgage that I may own at the time of my death, said notes to be col- lected and such of the proceeds as in the judgment of said Board are neces- sary to furnish the furniture and outfit essential in rendering the Home com- fortable for the orphans shall be so used to purchase said out-fit and such other portion of said funds as may not be used, I direct the same to be loaned on first mortgage & to be used in some manner and for same purposes as set forth in Item numbered Two of this Will providing however that when a school building is erected it be done from this fund. Item 5. In case of a vacan¢éy in said Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home said vacancy shall be filled by the remaining members of the Board provided there be more than one remaining member if there be but one remaining member he shall appoint two and the Judge of the Circuit Court of which Randolph County is a part shall appoint the remaining two if the (re) be no remaining member of the Board the Circuit Judge as afore- said may appoint two members of the Board and they after duly qualifying shall All the remaining vacancies. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 189 Item 6. It is my desire and I hereby direct that said Board of Direc- ors of the Orphans’ Home and their successors in office appoint a suitable man of known moral character & not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors and Tobacco as Superintendent of said Home to rent the farm and care for the proceeds thereof and report the same to the Board of Directors, said proceeds to be u-ed for the benefit of the Orphan’s Home. The said Board of Directors shall have power to remove said Superintendent in case he prove incompetent or unfit otherwise for said position of Superintendent. Item 7. It is my will and I hereby direct that the Orphans of said Home be put under the care and education of a prudent female of good char- acter who shall reside on the premises and that said orphans be taught Read- ing, Writing, Arithmetic and Geography as also Music and I direct that a suitable building be erected for educational purposes, it being also understood that Physiology Drawing Book-keeping and other usefull branches are desir- able if time and opportunity offers to add such branches to the list. I desire that said orphans be trained to habits of industry and strict morality and to that end desire that such light work as they may perform be assigned them when out of the school room and further desire and forbid that any one but those of good moral character be employed upon the farm or about the build- ings and that as one who uses profane language or tobacco or intoxicating liquor shall be an inmate or employee on said premises. Item 8. In case of applicants for the Benefit of the Orphans Home it is my Will and I hereby direct that the guardian or other person who may have legal custody of such orphans be required in legal form to release all care & control of uch orphans to the Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home until said orphan arrives at the age of fourteen years and it is hereby made the duty of the Superintendent under instructions from the Board of Directors to see that these provisions of this Will is complied with before the applicant is admitted. Item 9. In the government of the orphan’s Home it is my will that only kind and persuasive measures be used to restrain and reclaim offend- ers and when such measures shall fail of a reformatory effect that the matter be referred to the Board of Directors who may proceed by proper means to ascertain the truth of such charge as are brought against such offenders and dismiss said offenders or otherwise dispose of the case as the best interest of the home may require, it is my will and I hereby direct that no harsh or unkind measures be used in the management of said Orphans’ Home, and if anyone connected with the management of said Home be guilty or sus- £90 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. pected of improper conduct in the management of said Orphan’s Home, I hereby direct that charges be preferred against such offender or suspected offender and that the Board of Directors proceed to a thorough investigation of the case and if charges are true that said offender or offenders be im- mediately dismissed and the vacancy supplied by other parties if the case be other wise to deal with the parties as the best interest of the Orphan's Home may require. ‘ Item to. It is my will that the Orphans at the Home be supplied with good and substantial food suited to the season and that they be supplied with good plain clothing and that in winter it be warm and adopted to the age and physical condition of the wearer but that in no case there shall be a uni- form or peculiarity of dress that shall mark them as inmates of the Home or objects of charity for I would not that anyone have occasion by look or remark to “offend one of the least of these’ little ones. I further desire that every assistance be given the inmates to find good homes and suitable employments when they arrive at the age of fourteen years that the good influence of the home may not be lost when they come in contact with the outer world and that the orphans may at all times feel when sick or in need of advice that they have a friend in the Superintendent, Matron and Directors of the Home to whom they can with confidence appeal. Item 11. It is my will and I hereby direct that no part of the ten thouand dollars made to the Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home in my second bequest be used except the interest thereon and that it be kept loaned at the highest legal rate of interest attainable. And should any other. persons desire to add to this fund on the terms therein set forth or contribute to the aid of the home for any other good purpose it is my will that it be accepted and used as the donor may desire providing always that nothing be accepted except it comply with the standard of good morality. Item 12. It is my will that said Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home so far as practicable in all cases make special written contracts with such persons as it shall be necessary to employ at and about said home and giving no more than a reasonable compensation for such services and in all cases where such services can be rendered by a female and suitable females can be employed it is my desire that such have the preference in the employ of the Home. I believe females to be more in sympathy and better calculated to care for and control the children and as this is a Labor of Love I shall ex- pect the Board to serve without pay, trusting that the conscienceness of having done a good work will be to them sufficient remuneration and may the Blessed Master direct them in the work. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I9ot Item 13. I will and direct that if thought advisable that my bequest of Ten Thousand Dollars be paid to said Directors of the Orphans Home by the assignment by the Executors of my last Will and Testament to said Directors of the Orphans Home which mortgage notes belonging to my estate as may be acceptable to said Directors of the Orphans’ Home.” “Item 21. I further give and devise to the Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home of Randolph County, in trust for the use of said Home, the sum of five thouand dollars, to be known as the “Orphans’ Home Im- provement Fund,” said sum to be invested in mortgage loans of one year’s duration and at such time or times as the demands of the institution may require more or larger buildings. It is my will that first the accrued interest on the said sum of five thousand dollars be used and after that such portion of the principal sum as may be deemed proper for the good of the Orphans’ Home. Item 24. I hereby give and bequeath to the Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home all stock or other interest that I may own in the First National Bank of Union City, Indiana, at time of my death and the pro- ceeds thereof to be loaned on mortgage security, said fund to be known as the ‘Orphans’ Home Library Fund,’ the interest only to be used to purchase such books, maps and scientific apparatus as the wisdom of the board may direct providing, however, that if there be an excess above the outlay for books, etc., at end of each year that said surplus may be added to the prin- cipal fund or the ($10,000) ten thousand dollars, as the board may select. I hereby grant to said board of directors the privilege in case said Home have sufficient accommodations therefor that when an orphan arrives at the age of fourteen that a contract, if desired by the orphan, be made, to remain until said orphan is sixteen years of age, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by said orphan and said board of directors. CODICIL NO. I. Jtem No. 1. I give and bequeath to the Board of Directors of the Orphans’ Home of Randolph County, Indiana, the further: sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for the benefit of said home and to be in- vested as set forth in Item number two my will of October 19, 1881. Said sum of twenty thousand dollars to be divided to the different funds, as follows, to-wit: Ten thousand dollars to the permanent fund, Eight Thou- sand Dollars to the Building fund & Two Thousand Dollars to the Library I9g2 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Fund & each to be loaned and-used as set forth in my last Will and Testa- ment of October 19, 1881. Item No. 3. Having re-affirmed my last will of October 19, 1881, I desire further to say that recent conveyances by me made of real estate for nominal sums having been criticised by beneficiaries of this will. It is my will and desire that if any beneficiaries of this will or codicil shall at- tempt or encourage anyone to attempt to set aside any conveyance of real estate heretofore or hereafter by me made,—such beneficiary shall receive from my estate the sum of One hundred Dollars in lieu of the benefit in- tended and their intendent benefit or inheritance shall be by my executors tranferred to the Directors of the Orphan’s Home of Randolph Co., Ind. & to be added to the permanent fund of said Home. CODICIL NO. 3. Item Three (3). I desire to increase the number of Directors of Orphans’ Home to seven instead of five and add the names of Joseph R. Jackson & Thomas F. Moorman as the new members.” Winchester, October 8th, 1888. “Pursuant to the terms and certain items of the Will of James Moor-, man, deceased, establishing and endowing the James Moorman Orphans’ Home Randolph County, Indiana, appointing a Board of Directors therefor. The following named persons, named in the said Will as such Board met in the Court House in Winchester, Indiana on Monday at 10 o'clock A. M. October 8th, 1888, towit: John A. Moorman, Davis S. Kitselman, Clement F. Alexander, Nathan Reed, Joseph R. Jackson and Thomas F. Moorman, and each of the above named persons thereupon took and subscribed to an oath to faithfully perform their duties as members of the Board of Direc- tors of the James Moorman Orphans’ Home according to the terms and conditions of the last Will of said James Moorman, deceased, and according to law. Joseph R. Jackson was selected temporary Chairman and Joseph W. Thompson was selected temporary Secretary for the Board of Directors. Thomas F. Moorman moved that the Board proceed to permanent organiza- tion. Whereupon the motion of John A. Moorman it was ordered that the Board proceed to the election of officers by ballot without nomination. These officers were to serve until September 31, 1899, and the following were ay RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 193 elected: President, Joseph R. Jackson, first Vice-President Nathan Cad- wallader, 2d Vice-President Thomas F. Moorman, Treasurer Nathan Reed, Secretary and Attorney, Joseph W. Thompson. On motion John A. Moorman was appointed a Committee to make the following proposition to the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, Indiana. That the said Board of Commissioners complete and pay for the building now in process of erection, this Board to take immediate charge of the farm and home set apart in the Will of said James Moorman and this Board to pay for the hay and corn contracted for by the said Commission- ers and assume all contracts made with said Superintendent and manage and control said farm and home from this time on. Mr. Moorman reported that the proposition was accepted by the Board of Commissioners. By-laws were adopted for the government of business of the Institution at its next meeting. June 5th, 1889, it became apparent to the Board of Trustees that it would be impossible for them to maintain the home for a period of two years as the funds would not be available from the James Moorman estate. At a meeting of the Trustees on that day it was decided to abandon the home for a period of two years and “that the orphans and destitute children now in the care and custody of said Board of Directors of said Orphans’ Home be returned to the Board of Commissioners of said Randolph County.” It was ordered that the Board of Directors rent and lease to the County Commissioners the farm to be run by them as an orphans’ home until March Ist, 1892, the Directors reserving only the right to enter such premises in the interest of the Home. Mrs. John Howard was employed by the Com- missioners as Matron of the Home, and continued until the Board again took charge two years later. In 1890 the following officers were elected: President, C. F. Alexan- der, Vice-President, Nathan Reed, Treasurer, T. F. Moorman, Secretary, J. W. Thompson. The Directors at once proceeded to the beautifying of the home and bought one hundred trees for that purpose. The orchard in connection with the Home was set out in 1891, at which time “Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sum- mers donated to said Home one hundred apple trees, which were put out on the east side of said lane and north of woods in rows of ten trees each way, all trees set thirty feet apart each way. The last orchard to be known as the ‘Summers Orchard.’”’ (13) 194 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The Treasurer’s report of 1891 showed $43,445.67 in the hands of the Treasurer. Dr. A. F. Huddleston was elected April 26th, 1892, to succeed Davis S. Kitselman, who had died a short time before. In November, 1892, another member of the Board of Directors, C. F. Alexander died and Luther L. Moorman was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. John Howard was at this time Superintendent and Mrs. Howard matron of the Home. March Ist, 1893, “the Board took an inventory of the property at the Home and farm and inspected the farm with reference to ditching, clearing, building, etc., ate voraciously of a bountiful dinner prepared by Mrs. How- ard and viewed with interest the children at dinner. The farm and Home are now in a prosperous condition, the children, seventeen in number, seem to be well provided for, well clothed, properly instructed and happy and contented. The subject of a building was discussed and the ground looked over with a view of location.” April, 1893, the Board again contracted with J. W. Howard, Super- intendent, for a period of one year. W. E. Miller was elected to the Board February 3, 1893, to take the place of Nathan Reed, who died in his home at Winchester, January 26th, of that year. The position of Joseph R. Jackson was declared vacant in September, 1893. Mr. Jackson had removed from the County and on October 3rd, 1893, A. C. Beeson was appointed in his stead. In 1894 the Secretary J. W. Thompson was instructed to draft bill to be presented to the next Legislature giving the Board of Commissioners power to appropriate money to aid in building Orphans’ Homes. In 1895 the officers were Pres., Luther L. Moorman, Vice-President, W. E. Miller, Secretary J. W. Thompson, Treasurer T, F. Moorman. January Ist, 1896, Mr. and Mrs. Howard were again contracted with for a period of two years. December 13th, 1897, “W. E. Miller presented his written resignment of a member of this Board, which resignment was accepted,” and John Howard was elected to fill Mr. Miller’s place on the Board. January 1898 “The Board was notified that John Howard Superinten- dent would not continue after March 1st.” James M. Moorman submitted proposition to serve as Superintendent of the Home for $800.00 per year RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 195 and on motion the proposition was accepted and Secretary ordered to draw contract for one year. January 28th, 1898, the following resolutions were unanimously ac- cepted: “Whereas the house as a Home on the farm owned by this Board is badly out of repair and is too small for use as a home and is old and unfit for an Orphans’ Home, And whereas, this Board feels necessity of building a new house suitable and convenient and commodious for the inmates, and, Whereas, this Board now has first mortgage notes due the building fund, Therefore resolutions that this Board proceed to build a suitable house and building on said farm for use as an Orphans’ Home at a cost not to succeed ten thousand dollars providing notes of the building fund to the amount of ten thousand dollars can be sold and assigned without recourse at an amount not less than the sum due. And the Treasurer is hereby authorized to report to this Board at its next meeting if such sale can be made.” This was the introduction to the present beautiful building located upon the Home farm at this time. Mr. W. S. Kaufman was selected to make the plans. The bids were let and the following were submitted: Borror & Dull, $9,160.00; George A. Mangas, $10,000.00; O. L. Pulse & Co., $11,150.00; W. E. Thompson, $10,332.00; J. L. Shetterly, $9,457.00; J. D. Babcock, $10,355.45; Hagerman & Peacock, $8,841.00; Norton & Eplis, $9,199.00; J. M. Shank, $11,136.00; Louck & Hill, $10,581.00; Marion Hathaway, $9,980.00. It was decided to have the building plastered with adamant and some of the bids were revised and cost added, which made the bid of Hagerman & Peacock $9,000. It being the lowest bid, contract was let to them for the said amount. The contract for plumbing, including a ram, was let to Hode F. Hobbick for $1,445.00. Up to this time there had been no direct relation between the county commissioners and the board of trustees of the Home. It became necessary, by statute, that the county commissioners remove all children from the County Infirmary and provide homes for them elsewhere. This being the case the Commissioners did the noble thing of entering into the following contract with the board of directors of the Home. This contract is still in force excepting the prices paid for the matron. These changes, however, are slight, and have been made in accordance with laws passed by the Legislature of the state subsequent to the time of this con- tract: 196 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF JAMES MOORMAN’S ORPHAN’S HOME. This agreement entered into by and between the Board of Commission- ers of the County of Randolph, and State of Indiana, party of the first part, and the James Moorman’s Orphans’ Home, party of the second part. Wit- nesseth: that the said Board of Commissioners hereby agree to pay said Orphans’ Home the sum of six thousand dollars for the support, care, edu- cation, control and protection of the dependent, neglected and abandoned children for which said County may be liable; and for in consideration of the performance of other stipulants herein contained. Of the above named amount of six thousand dollars, the sum of twenty-one hundred and eighty- eight dollars is to be paid in cash, for services heretofore rendered by said Orphan’s Home, in the care of said children, as per verified bills now on file before said Board of Commissioners and the sum of three hundred and seventeen and 66-100 dollars for each quarter of a year, for twelve successive quarters beginning with December Ist, 1898, payable at the end of each quarter; Provided always that the verified bills filed before said Board of Commissioners for the support of such children as aforesaid, for which said Board of Commissioners shall be liable, shall be equal said sum of three hundred seventeen and 66-100 dollars for each quarter. In the event said verified claims shall not amount to the said sum of three hundred seventeen and 66-100 dollars each quarter, then said Board of Commissioners agree to pay.said Orphans’ Home the amount of claims filed for the care of such children as aforesaid, until the sum of such payments shall aggregate the said sum of six thousand dollars. It is further agreed that said Board of Commissioners shall pay said Orphans’ Home the legal rate for the care of all children for which said Orphans’ Home can not cadre for under the provisions of James Moorman’s Will under which it was established and is now operating. In consideration of the foregoing payments the said Orphans’ Home hereby agrees to prop- erly support, care for, educate, control and protect any and all children placed in said Orphans’ Home and on and after the payment of said sum of six thousand dollars to care for all children free of cost that said County may be liable to keep, that said Orphans’ Home can not keep under the pro- visions of said James Moorman’s will; Provided, however, if the said James Moorman’s Orphans’ Home shall not have sufficient funds so that the net RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 197 income arising therefrom, without the use of any part of the principal fund, to support all of said children which may be placed therein which can be supported thereby under the provision of said will after the payment of the said sum of six thousand dollars aforesaid, then said Orphans’ Home shall be compelled to support only such number thereof as it can support with the net income of said funds without resorting to the use of any part of the principal so as to diminish the principal which may be on hands at the date of the final payment of the said sum of six thousand dollars. It is further agreed that at least one joint meeting of the Commissioners and the Board of Trustees of the said Orphans’ Home shall be held at the room of said Board of Commissioners at the Court House in the city of Winchester, Indiana at such times as may be agreed upon by them, during each quarterly session of said Board of Commissioners; at which meetings there shall be full, free and mutual consultation of all the business of said Orphans’ Home, any and all matters in relation thereto and the wards of said County therein contained. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and corporate seals this the 20th day of January, 1899. WILuiAmM Horn, ADAM SLONAKER, Tuomas H. Crark, County Commissioners. The James Moorman Orphans’ Home, by Luther L. Moorman Pres.” The salary of Superintendent and matron was raised to $900.00 for the year beginning March rst, 1899, Mr. James Moorman and Carrie E. Moor- man. On the death of John A. Moorman, Elkanah Hill was elected to his place on the Board, April 3rd, 1899. J. W. Thompson resigned August 28th, 1900, and B. F. Marsh was elected to succeed him. John Howard resigned October, 1900, and Thomas H. Clark was elected to his place on the Board. In 1901 the Board increased the salary of the Superintendent to one thousand dollars per year and also agreed to pay $2.00 per week on the expenses of one girl when the number of children in the Home was more than thirty. In 1902 on the recommendation of Amos W. Butler, Superintendent of 198 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the State Board of Charities, who had visited the Home, the Board of Directors made application to the school of Feeble-minded Children, at Ply- mouth. This was certainly an excellent policy and it removed that class of children from association with the other children. Up to this time the children of the home had attended school in the District School No. 14, of White River township. The question of their being put into a school by themselves was agitated by the patrons of that district. July 14, 1903, the Trustee of White River township attended one of the meetings and “proposed to equip suitable and furnished room in the Home for school purposes for an amount to the Treasurer for heating said room equal to the expense of heating a school room during the school period in said Township and to employ and pay a well qualified teacher during the school term in said Township.” Mr. Moorman and Mr. Marsh were ap- pointed to draft a contract between the Township and the Home for the establishment and maintainance of such school. The school was established in the Home in the fall of 1903 and maintained until 1909 when it was abandoned and transferred to the Lincoln. This was certainly a step in the right direction as these children have every right to association with other children and influence that come from mingling with other people other than themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Moorman resigned in May, 1904, and the Board em- ployed Elmer D. Nickey and his wife Ida H., as Superintendent and Matron of the Home from June Ist, 1904, for the sum of one thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly with the privilege to terminate contract March Ist, 1905, and served until Mar. Ist, 1909. Allen R. Hiatt and wife Emma E. were employed as Superintendent and Matron February 12th, 1909, and are still serving in that position. At this time, 1914, Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt have been excellent people for the place and have made a splendid record. The services of James M. Moorman and his wife Carrie have been so valuable to the Home and appreciated by the inmates and officers of the Home to such a degree that in 1910, after Mr. and Mrs. Moorman had taken charge of the Whites’ Institute at Wabash, the Trustees requested their picture to be hung upon the walls of the Home. Such a mark of distinction certainly was merited, as Mr. and Mrs. Moorman were of such disposition and character to make their influence felt for years to come. A. L. Nichols was appointed a member of the Board, succeeding James AM. Moorman, in November, 1910. The members of the Board at the present time are: T. H. Clark, presi- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 199 dent; B. F. Marsh, secretary; T. F. Moorman, treasurer; A. L. Nichols, attorney; Dr. A. F. Huddleston, physician, and Elkanah Hill. Mr. James Moorman, or “Uncle Jimmie,” as he was commonly called, “had long conceived and often talked of his purpose of establishing a suitable and comfortabie home for Orphans and destitute children. He also looked with horror upon the fact that little children who were orphans and destitute were crowded into the poor house with a vicious class of paupers who there seek refuge.” “Tt is not singular that when it came to writing his Will not only the greater part of it should be taken in providing rules for the Orphans’ Home but the first item and first sentence of his Will should indicate the object and purpose of his life.” Mr. Moorman showed his keen insight into the future possibilities of such a home by the wisdom displayed in the provisions for that Home. The rare judgment shown by him in selecting the Board that was to take the initiative in the establishment of that Home has only been equalled by the judgment of those who have selected the successors to the various members of the Board. No home, perhaps, in the state of Indiana has been conducted with better business judgment and the higher appreciation of the great function of such an institution than James Moorman Orphans’ Home. The honesty and sincerity at all times of the Board of Directors and a fitness of the Superintendent and Matron has indeed made this a HOME to the many children who have been placed in that institution. It must also be said for the County Commissioners that they have stood by the Home, supporting it in every particular and meeting their obligations at all times. That the children of the Home now enjoy the splendid educational facilities which they do, and are permitted to meet upon a common level all the other children of the community, take their place in good schools as an equal of every other child, a privilege which every free born child has a right to demand, is due largely to the conscientious and sincere love of child- hood in the heart of G. Walter Hiatt, Trustee of White River township, through whose influence the children were taken to the Lincoln school. BINDING OUT CHILDREN. We referred heretofore to the policy of finding homes and occupations for children without placing them in either the County Infirmary or the Orphan’s Home. This was done formerly and was transacted usually by the “over-seers of the poor” in each Township. 200 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. It was the custom also at that time for the parents to bind out their children as apprentices, sometimes because of better advantages that would be offered the child and sometimes because the parents were unable to sup- port the child and for that reason we speak of this phase of the child life at this point and with this in view here insert the types of various contracts that were made in binding out children as apprentices. No reflection is intended whatever upon the people who did this because it was done with the highest and best of motives and perhaps today if a certain class of boys and girls were compelled to work more and to acquire the means of providing for themselves, societv would be much better off. The indentures spoken of are as follows: “This Indenture made this the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty four between Philip Allen of the County of Randolph and State of Indiana by and with the consent ot James Allen his son a minor age seventeen vears old and Thomas Costlove of the State and County aforesaid Witnesseth that the said Philip Allen has put and placed and doth by these presents put and place the said James Allen as an Apprentice to the said Thomas Costlove to learn the trade and Mystery of Boot and Shoemaking Which he the said Thomas Costlove useth and the said Philip Allen doth covenant to and with the said Thomas Cost- love as an apprentice from the date hereoff until the twentieth day of Sep- tember in the year one thousand eight hundred and fortyseven at which time the James Will be nineteen years and eleven months age if living during all which time the said apprentice shall and will faithfully serve his said Master keep his secrets obey all his lawful command and shall do no damage to his said Master nor suffer none to be done which he can prevent he shall not play at any unlawful game nor frequent tipling houses or places of gambling nor at any time absent himself from the service of his said Master without his consent but shall in all things behave himself as a good and faithful apprentice during the time aforesaid and the said Costlove doth covenant to and with the said Philip Allen that he will teach the said James or cause him to be instructed in the art trade and Mistery of Boot and Shoemaking in the best manner he can and that during the time foresaid he will send him to school for the term of two months and that he will find and provide for the said apprentice good and sufficient meat drink and lodging and apparl during the said term and shall at the end thereof give to the said James Allen one entire new suit and one good and ful set of tools such as are given to Jour: neymen of such art and trade. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 201 In witness of which agreement by and between the said Philip Allen and the said Thomas Costlove and of the concent of the said James Allen to the covenants and binding aforesaid the said Philip Allen and the said Thomas Costlove and the said James Allen have hereunto set their hands and seals this the day and year first above written. Puitip ALLEN, (Seal.) THomas CostLove, (Seal.) JAMEs ALLEN, (Seal.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Fielding R. Merryfield, Wm. M. Fitzgerald.” STATE OF INDIANA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. “Be it remembered that on the ist day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, personally appeared Philip Allen Thomas Costlove and James Allen and acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and seal this the day and year aforesaid. FIELDING R. MERRIFIELD, J. P. (Seal.) The above indenture was recorded December the 26th, 1844. Wituis C. Witmore, Recorder.” On margin of page: “We hereby certify that by agreement of all the parties concerned this indenture is annulled, August 20th, 1845. James ALLEN, Tuo. CosTLovE, Puinip ALLEN.” “The Indenture below binding Elijah Hinshaw to Elijah Hinshaw 1s fully satished by mutual agreement, and the return of the said apprentice to his mother witness our hands and seals this gth day of October, 1850. JANE Jones, alias HinsHaw, (Seal.) Euryan Hinsuaw. (Seal. re “This Indenture Witnesseth that Jane Hinshaw, late widow and relick of Enos Hinshaw, deceased,-of Randolph county and State of Indiana, hath put and placed and by these presents doth put and bind her son, Elijah Hin- shaw, as an apprentice to Elijah Hinshaw, her brother-in-law, to learn the art and mystery of husbandry which he, the said Elijah Hinshaw, pursues as 202 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. an occupation, the said Elijah Hinshaw to dwell with and serve the said Elijah Hinshaw as an apprentice from the day of the date hereof until the twelfth day of April which will be in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-two, at which time the said apprentice will be twenty-one years of age during all which time the said apprentice shall dwell and faithfully serve his said master, keep his secrets and everywhere and at all times readily obey his lawful commands he shall do no damage to his said master nor wil- fully suffer any to be done by others and if any to his knowledge be intended he shall give his said master reasonable notice thereof. He shall not waste the goods of his said master; nor lend them unlawfully to any. He shall not play cards, dice, or any other unlawful game. He shall not contract matrimony during the said term. He shall not haunt or frequent taverns, tipling houses or places of gaming. He shall not absent himself from the service of his said master, but shall in all things and at all times carry and behave himself as a good and faithful apprentice ought during the whole term aforesaid. And the said Elijah Hinshaw, on his part, doth hereby cove- nant, promise and agree to teach and instruct the said apprentice or cause him to be taught and instructed to read and write & sipher as far as the double rule of three, if the said apprentice be cable to lern and also to teach and in- struct the said apprentice in the art, trade and mystery of husbandry in the best way and manner he can, and well and faithfully to find and provide for the said apprentice good and sutficient meat, drink, clothing and lodging and other necessities fit and convenient for such an apprentice during the term aforesaid and at the expiration thereof shall give unto the said apprentice two suits of wearing apparel, one suitable for the first day of the week, com- monly called Sunday, and the other for working days. In testimony whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals this the seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five. Jane Hinsuaw, (Seal.) Eviyjan Hinsuaw, (Seal.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Kersiah Fisher and Mar- shall W. Diggs.” State of Indiana, Randolph county. Be it remembered that the within named Jane Hinshaw and Elijah Hinshaw came this day personally before me the undersigned associate judge in and for said county of Randolph afore- said and acknowledged that thev did sign, seal and deliver the within in- denture as their act and deed for the purposes therein specified given under RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 203 my hand and seal at home in the county aforesaid this the seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty- five. LitTLeBerry Diccs, (Seal.) Associate Judge.” “The above deed was received for record March 18th, 1845, at Io o'clock a. m. Wits C. Wi_more, Recorder.” “This Indenture made this sixth day of June, Eighteen hundred and forty- five Between Jason Overman and William N. Jackson Overseers of the poor of Greensfork Township in the County of Randolph and State of Indiana of the first part and Samuel H. Middleton of the County and State aforesaid of the Second part witnesseth that the said overseers of the poor have and by these presents do place and bind out Henry Sasser a poor boy aged eleven years and six days son of James Sasser deceased as an apprentice to the said Samuel H. Middleton to be taught the art of farming which the said Samuel H. Middleton now uses and to live with and serve him as an apprentice for the term of nine years and twenty four days that is to say untill said ap- prentice shall arrive to the age of twenty one years provided he shall live so long the said Overseers by these presents give unto him the said Samuel H. Middleton all the authority power and right to and over the said Henry Sasser and his services during said term which by the laws of this state a Master hath to and over a lawful Indentured and apprentice. The said Sam- uel H. Middleton on his part in consideration thereof doth promise covenant and agree to and with the overseers of the poor and Each of them and Each of their successors for the time being and with the said poor bovs each by himself and respectively to learn and instruct the said poor boy as his an apprintice or otherwise cause him to be well and sufficiently instructed in the art and farming after the best way and manner he can and to Teach and instruct him the said apprentice or cause him to be instructed in Read- ing Writing and common arithmetic for the term of eighteen months Twelve. months between the date of this indenture and seventeen & six months be- tween seventeen & twenty one. Also to train him up to habits of obedi- ance industry and morality and provide for and allow him meat drink and lodging and apparel for summer and winter and all other necessaries suit- able for such an apprintice during the term of his services as aforesaid and at the expiration thereof shall give to said an apprentice twenty five dollars and a good freedom suit of home made Janes Cloth. In witness whereof 204 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA the said parties hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day & date above written signed sealed in the presents of S. A. BARNES, Tuomas MIDDLETON. JASON OVERMAN, (Seal.) W.N. Jackson, (Seal.) Samuet M. Mippteton. (Seal.)” “STATE OF INDIANA, : RANDOLPH COUNTY. Personally appeared before me the undersigned one of the justices of the peace of said County Jason Overman William N. Jackson and Samuel H. Middleton and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the above Inden- ture to their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein men- tioned. Given under my hand and seal the 22nd day of July 1845. Jonau Peacock, (Seal.) Justice of the peace.” “The above Indenture was received for Record June gth, 1845, at 10 o’clock a. m.”’ This Indenture made this 19th day of July in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty five between Daniel Burket of Randolph County and State of Indiana of the one part and William P. Gray of the County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Daniel Burket a minor aged fourteen years by and with the concent of Elizabeth Burket his mother hath put and placed himself as an apprentice to the said William P. Gray to learn the art and occupation of farming which the said William p. Gray now useth and the said Daniel Burket does hereby covenant and agree to and with the said William p. Gray that he the said Daniel Will dwell with and serve the said William p. Gray as an apprentice from the day of the date hereof untill the Eleventh day of March which will be in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifty two at which time the said Daniel if living will be twenty one years of age during all which time the said Daniel shall and will faithfully serve the said William p. Gray keep his secrets obey all his lawful commands and shall do no damage to his said Master nor suffer any to be done by others which it is in his power to prevent he shall not play at any unlawful game nor frequent tippling houses or places of gaiming nor at any time absent himself from the service of the said William p. Gray without his consent but shall in all things behave himself as a good faithful apprentice during the whole term aforesaid And the said William p. Gray RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 205 on his part does covenant and agree to and with the said Daniel that he will teach and instruct the said Daniel or cause him to be taught and instructed in the art and occupation of a farmer in the best manner he can and he shall also cause him to be taught to read and write and to be instructed in the general rules of arithmetic at least to the double rule of three inclusive if the said Daniel be capable to learn and also that he the said William p. Gray will find and provide for the said Daniel Good and sufficient meat drink lodging and apparel during the said term and shall at the expiration thereof give to the said Daniel one horse not over six years old worth at least forty five dollars one saddle and briddle with worth fifteen dollars and two entire new suits of wearing apparel one suitable for Sundays and one for working days. In Witness of which agreement by and between the said Daniel and the said William P. Gray and of the consent of the said Elizabeth Burket the mother of the said Daniel to the covenants and binding aforesaid the said Daniel; Burket and Elizabeth Burket his mother and the said William p. Gray have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written signed sealed and delivered in presence of Stephen Carman his DanieL X BurRKET, (Seal.) mark her ExvizaBetH X BurRKET, (Seal.) mark his WiLitaM X. p. Gray. (Seal.)” mark “State of Indiana Randolph County towit Be it remembered that the within named Daniel Burket Elizabeth Bur- ket and William p. Gray came this day personally before me the undersigned a justice of the peace in and for said County aforesaid and acknowledged that they signed sealed and delivered the within Indenture for the purposes therein specified Given under my hand and seal in the County aforesaid this 19th day of July 1845. STEPHEN Cannon J. J. (Seal.)” “The above instrument was received for record Oct. 6th 1845 at 2 o'clock p. m. Wiis C. Witmoreg, Recorder.” CHAPTER V. EARLY SETTLERS. A TALE OF THE AIRLY DAYS. Oh! tell me a tale of the airly days— Of the times as they ust to be; “Piller of Fi-er’’ and ‘“Shakespeare’s Plays” Is a’ most too deep for me! I want plane facts, and I want plane words, Of the good old-fashioned ways, When speech run free as the songs of birds "Way back in the airly days. Tell me a tale of the timber-lands— Of the old-time pioneers ; Somepin’ a pore man understands With his feelin’s well as ears. Tell of the old log house,—about The loft, and the puncheon flore— The old fi-er-place, with the crane swung out, And the latch-string through the door. Tell of the things jest as they was— They don't need no excuse !— Don’t tetch ’em up like the poets does, Tel theyr all too fine fer use!— Say they was ‘leven in the fambily— Two beds, and the chist, below, And the trundle-beds that each helt three, And the clock and the old bureau. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 207 Then blow the horn at the old back door Tel the echoes all halloo, And the children gethers home onc’t more, Jest as they ust to do; Blow for Pap tel he hears and comes, With Tomps and Elias, too, A-marchin’ home, with the fife and drums And the old Red, White and Blue! Blow and blow tel the sound draps low As the moan of the whipperwill, And wake up Mother, and Ruth and Jo, All sleepin’ at Bethel Hill; Blow and call tel the faces all Shine out in the back-log’s blaze, And the shadders dance on the old hewed wall As they did in the airly days. —From Farm Rhymes, by James Whitcomb Riley. Copyright 1901. Used by special permission of the publishers—The Bobbs-Merrill Company. Most of the early settlers of Randolph county came from North Caro- lina. Some of them settled in other parts after leaving Carolina before they came to this county, but most of them came directly from “The Old Domin- ion” to this state. Thomas Parker, the first settler, John W. Thomas and Clarkson Wil- cutts had left North Carolina in a party of five. Parker, with his wife and three children, selected his land near the present town of Arba and proceeded at once to build a cabin in which they lived for four weeks. John W. Thomas and Wilcutts afterward settled near Mr. Parker. Mr. Ephraim Bowen, who came October 22, 1814, came from Maryland and settled on the north border of section eighteen, town sixteen, range one west. Mr. Bowen had visited this place and returned to his family in the east. Mrs. Bowen was not favorable to coming, but the glowing description which Mr. Bowen gave of this land induced her, after she had been earnestly solicited by the children, to come to the wilderness of Indiana. They arrived October 22, 1814. The children soon became very homesick. Their spirits were not raised any by the wailing and howling of the old dog, who was seemingly as homesick as they were. The children cried and wanted to 208 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. return, but the mother answered them with the same pleading that they had used before they had started. “Oh, mother, do go.” “Please, mother, do go.” This soon stopped their being homesick. The fifth family was Ephraim Overman, wife and five children, all boys. Mr. Overman also settled near the Parker, Wilcutts, Bowen company. Other Carolina settlers to come in 1815, or near that time, were David Bowles, Jesse Johnson, James Frazier, and James Hodson. They settled near Lynn. Some of the Smalls came at that time, also, as did Paul Beard, Daniel Shue- maker, David Kenworthy and James Frazier. Early in 1816 Paul W. Way, Henry W. Way, William Way, Jr., Robert Way and William Diggs came from South Carolina and located land four miles west of where Winchester now is. Paul Way returned for his parents and his family. He returned to Randolph county with them, and several families besides, and arrived in March, 1817. The same fall John B. Wright, David Wright, William Wright and John Wright settled from Salt Creek west. In the summer of 1817 Will- iam Way returned on horseback, alone, to South Carolina to bring his father, William Way, Sr., to the new country, which purpose he successfully ac- complished. With them came, among others, a Mrs. Beverly, and Moorman Way, then a lad of two years, who was to become one of the most influential and wealthy men in the history of the county. As to settlements up to the close of 1818, Jere Smith says, in his “Civil History:” ‘In the year 1818, when Randolph county was erected, there were fifty or sixty families on White river and Salt and Sugar creeks; fifty or sixty families on Green’s fork and Mud creek; thirty families cn Nolan’s fork, including Joshua Foster on the Griffis farm, near the state line; eight or ten families on Martindale’s creek, and twelve or fifteen families on West river, above the Wayne county line.’ So that, by Mr. Smith’s estimation, there were, at the time of the election in 1818, about 180 families in the present boundaries of Randolph county. Of course, at that time, the population was wholly east of the western boundary of the “twelve-mile strip,” since the land west of that line was still Indian territory, on which white men were bound by treaty not to settle. In 1818 the tribes ceded those lands, and in eight or ten years the county west as well as east of the boundary was settled. In fact, that territory began settlement in 1821, but emigration was slow to push in for several years. It would be interesting to find the “election returns” for August, 1818, the first in Randolph county, to learn how many and who were, at that time, the free and independent electors here. Those returns, however, have not been discovered. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 209 On West river, in August, 1817, there were eleven settlers, all living east of the boundary and on Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18, the first and the last being fractional sections against the boundary. “William Blount (and his two sons- in-law) on Section 7; James Malcom, Section 17; Henry Shoemaker, Section 17; Samuel Sales, Section 17; Arny Hall, Section 17; David Jones, Section 17; Evan Shoemaker, Section 18; Griffin Davis, Section 18; William Smith, Sections 5 and 6; Isaac Barnes, Section 7, came in 1818; John E. Hodge, Section 8. came in 1818. The sections lie on both sides of West. River, but on the east side of the boundary, and William Smith (father of Hon. Jere Smith) went highest of the river, taking land in Sections 5 and 6, the latter section having but a small fraction east of the boundary. The early settlers of the north part of the county were a little late in arriving. Massix Lewellen came near Ridgeville in 1817. Joab Ward, Bur- got Pierce, Thomas Pierce, Henry Kizer, David Connor, James Massey, Messrs, Kite, Jacobs, Canada, Reed and many others. These people were practically all from Carolina and had in a great degree very much in common, especially as to political and religious belief. Their places of settlernent is shown directly by the descriptions of the land which they entered. LAND ENTRIES. So far as land-entries are concerned, a considerable amount of it was done in both 1814 and 1815. Land was often entered months and even years before the owners occupied it, and not seldom the patentee never personally took possession. And often, on the other hand, persons would live in the new country months, or even years, before they could succeed in entering land. Many came with no money, and had to work and rent or live out, or do some other way to earn the money to pay for what they bought. The records of the land office show that the entries in the county, during 1814, were as follows in order of date: Clarkson Wilcutts, Greensfork, southeast quarter of Section 28, Town 16, Range 1, 160 acres, January 19, 1814. James Cammack, Greensfork, east half of Section —, Town 16, Range 1, 323.16 acres, January 22, 1814. Ephraim Bowen, Greensfork, northeast quarter of Section 28, Town 16, Range 1, 160 acres, April 13, 1814. Travis Adcock, Washington, northwest quarter of Section 14, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, May 14, 1814. John Thomas, Greensfork, northwest quarter of Section 33, Town 16, Range 1, 156.58 acres, July 21, 1814 (fractional). Thomas Par- ker, Greensfork, northwest quarter of Section 32, Town 16, Range 1, 156.88 (14) 210 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. acres, August 16, 1814. Ephraim Overman, Greensfork, northwest quarter of Section 27, Town 16, Range 1, 160 acres, October, 1814. Travis Adcock, Washington, southeast quarter of Section 10, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, October 19, 1814. Shubael Ellis, White River, northeast quarter of Section 18, Town 20, Range 14, 160 acres, November 30, 1814. Eli Overman, Greensfork, southeast quarter of Section 33, Town 16, Range 1, 156.58 acres, December 13, 1814. Thus there were in 1814 ten entries by nine persons, comprising about 1,750 acres. Seven were in Greensfork, with about 1,273 acres, two in Washington, with 320 acres, and one in White River, with 160 acres. In t&815 there was in Greensfork only ene entry, Nathan Overman, southwest quarter of Section 27, Town 16, Range 1, 159.50 acres, September 13, 1815. There was but one in White River, to-wit, George W. Kennon, southeast quarter of Section 26, Town 20, Range 13, 160 acres, September 10, 1815. In 1815 there were in West River seven entries, as follows: William Blount, southwest quarter of Section 8, Town 18, Range 13, 160 acres, April 10, 1815. Lot Huddleston, northwest quarter of Section 17, Town 18, Range 13, 160 acres, May 3, 1815. John Jones, Town 18, Range 13, 325.68 acres, May 3, 1815. John E. Hodges, northwest quarter of Section 8, Town 18, Range 13, 160 acres, July 6, 1815. Isaac Barnes, Section 7, Town i8, Range 13, 186 acres, July 6, 1815. Arny Hall, east half southeast quarter of Sec- tion 17, Town 18, Range 13, 80 acres, October 12, 1815. Cornelius Shane, northeast quarter of Section 8, Town 18, Range 13, 160 acres, July 6, i815. Seven entries, about 1,230 acres. In 1815 there were, in Washington, entries as follows: Curtis Clenney, southwest quarter of Section 11, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, January 7, 1815. Obadiah Harris, southwest quarter of Section 10, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, May 8, 1815. John Ozbun, southeast quarter of Section 8, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, August 9, 1815. Paul Beard, northeast quarter of Section 10, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, August 9. t8r5. Paul Beard, northwest quarter of Section 11, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, August 9, 1815. Obadiah Harris, northeast quarter of Section 15, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, October 14, 1815. George Frazier, northwest quarter of Section 9, Town 18, Range 14, 160 acres, October 17, 1815. Seven entries, equaling 1,120 acres. The total entries in Randolph county for 1815 were sixteen entries, and 2,669.50 acres, all but two being in Washington and West River townships. The entries in Washington were in Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11, of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 2II Township 18, Range 14. The entries in West River were in Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18, Township 18, Range 13. The total entries to the close of 1815 (1814, 1815) were twenty-six entries, with 4,420 acres, in four townships, Greensfork, Washington, White River and West River. The year 1816 saw a great increase of entries, and of settlements also. The total for 1816 was 6,109 acres, in the following townships: Greensfork, four entries, 830 acres; Washington, thirteen entries, 2,080 acres; White River, eighteen entries, 2,880 acres; Ward, one entry, 640 acres; West River, three entries, 400 acres. The great rush that year seemed to be to Washing- ton and White River; 1,600 acres were entered in the latter township in three days, December 4, 5 and 7; and in Washington six entries were made in October and four in November, or 1,600 acres in the two months. The years 1817 and 1818 saw a greatly stronger movement, in so much that the entries for the two years amounted to 25,200 acres, those for each year being some- what nearly the same. The entries in 1817 were in Greensfork, Washington, White River, West River, Franklin, Ward and Wayne. Washington, eighteen entries, 3,439 acres; White River, thirty-five entries, 5,337 acres; Greensfork, seven entries, 1,178 acres; Ward, eight entries, 1,280 acres; West River, twelve entries, 1,832 acres; Wayne, five entries, 800 acres; Franklin, two entries, 360 acres. Entries, 87; 14,226 acres. The entries in 1818 were in the same townships. Washington, twenty-four entries, 3,060 acres; White River, forty-one entries, 8,437 acres; Greensfork, five entries, 437 acres; Ward, one entry, 160 acres; West River, nine entries, 1,440 acres; Wayne, seven entries, 1,280 acres; Franklin, one entry, 154 acres. Entries, 88; acres, 11,968. Total entries up to the close of 1818 were, in Washington, 64;. White River, 96; Greensfork, 24; Ward, 10; West River, 31; Wayne, 12; Franklin, 3. 240 entries, with 36,729 acres. Emigration to Randolph after 1818 fell off greatly, so much so that during the nine years from 1820 to 1828, inclusive, a smaller quantity of land was entered than in 1817 alone. The following statement will show the amounts of land entered year by year to 1840: 1812, 160 acres; 1814, 1,744; 1815, 2,512; 1816, 6,109; 1817, 14.226; 1818. 11,068; 1819, 3,623; 1820, 1,779; 1821, 1,654; 1822, 2,084: 1823, 1,496; 1824, 530: 1825, 789; 1826, 2,047; 1827, 882; 1828, 1,445; 1829, 2,477; 1830, 4,320; 1831, 10,890; 1832, 8,225; 1833, 16,833; 1834, 10,430; 1835, 10,909; 1836, 77,368; 1837, 48,308; 1838, 7,293; 1839, 894; 1840, 700. Thus it appears that the rush of settlers to Randolph was at first in 1817 and 1818 and then again from 1833 to 1837, inclusive, especially the 212 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. two years 1836 and 1837. The amount of land entered in these two vears last named reached the amazing quantity of 125,676 acres, and, including 1833, 142,509, which is almost exactly half the area of the entire county. The land entered in 1836 and 1837 exceeded all the previous entries during thirty-five years, from 1812 to 1836, by some 8,000 acres. By the close of 1838 almost all the land had been “taken up.” Except the “school sections,’ little remained for. original entry, and what was yet unentered lay in scattered parcels here and there throughout the county. By that time, therefore, Randolph had been bought of “Uncle Sam,” and the public title was transferred to private hands. “Speculators,” however, here, as elsewhere, had extensively “got in their work,” and in various localities vast tracts lay unoccupied for years because the speculator’s title covered it. It has been said by some of the early pioneers that most of the land on both sides of the road between Winchester and Deer- field was owned by one man, and after his death that vast body- of land re- mained still vacant for many years. As a specimen of the evi! work of enter- ing land for “‘speculation,”’ a single person, residing at Cincinnati, appears to have “entered” many tracts in several different townships comprising we know not how many acres. Another, from Cincinnati, also engaged largely in the same speculative work. Still a third individual appears as having entered tract after tract, scattered here and there. One of the first necessities of any community is a mill. “To live we must eat, and if we eat, bread must be prepared,” is an old statement, as true today as it was at the time at which it was uttered. Many devices were made by which corn could be cracked or pounded into meal, but these could only supply a very small amount and machines or mills became a necessity. he primitive mill or corn cracker is described in some of the reminiscences given elsewhere. These mills had also a great function in society, that of becoming community centers, as it were, or the meeting places of men from various localities. In this way sentiment was disseminated, opinions were exchanged and the mill became the “Public Forum.” They were the centers of travel and were made the objective points of many early roads. The first mills were nothing more or less than “corn-crackers,” and had an output of but a few pounds per day. This was the best they could do and satisfied the needs of the community. However, the small output meant that mere mills must be built to supply the demand, thus, each community had its own mill. Cabin Creek seems to have been a favorite location, as it is said at one time there were no less than nine mills in operation upon that stream alone. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 213 MILLS, MACHINERY, ETC. As to mills, ete., before 1820, we have not been able to gain any certain or exact information. There were some mills built on Nolan’s and Greens- forks (as, also, some horse-mill corn-crackers and hominy-pounders). Will- iam Smith, father of Hon. Jeremiah Smith, built a mill in 1819, on West river. Meshach Lewallyn built one at Ridgeville on Mississinewa, about the same time. Jere Cox erected one on White river, some miles east of Win- chester, in 1825. Jessup had a mill on Greenville creek as soon as 1820 or before. Aaron Hill's father, as also a Mr. Hawkins, in the region of Arba, had hominy-pounders, and perhaps corn-crackers, run by horse-power, shortly after the first settlers came. However, Aaron Hill's father came to this county in 1831. Jesse Way says he thought the first water mill in the county was built by John Wright, on Salt creek, just north of Winchester, in 1818 or 1819. But to find exact dates, and to determine the locations of those early mills, is very difficult, and in many cases an impossible task. In the statement herein given, locality has been followed rather than priority of date; and no doubt many, after all the labor expended in the work, have been omitted. WATER-MILLS. A mill was built at (just below) Macksville by Robert Cox about thirty- two years ago (1848). It is now owned by Roberts and Goode. It is a good (grist) mill, and does a thriving business. At the mouth of Cabin creek Mr. Bunker built a saw-mill very early. Afterward John H. Bond rebuilt the saw- mill and added a grist-mill. William Roberts bought and rebuilt the mill soon after 1854. It was afterward owned by Dick & Cowgill. Up Cabin creek (three-quarters of a mile) is another grist-mill; Jacob Beals built one on that site very early. Afterward it was rebuilt by Peter S. Miller (from Bucks county, Pennsylvania), and again by William Marine (about) 1844. Mr. Marine was the grandfather of James Whitcomb Riley. It was owned by John H. Bond and Solomon Wright, and later by Henry Studebaker. Steam was used at one time but now water alone. A portable saw-mill was there once but it has been taken away. The mill now has a good reputation for work, and is the only country mill in the county. Just above that (also on Cabin creek), William Marine had built another mill (about) 1839. He at one time owned both these mills (called Marine’s upper and lower mills). While Marine was running both these mills, Nathan Mendenhall undertook 214 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. to build still another mill between Marine’s upper dam and the lower mill connected with that dam. He built his dam, dug the race, got the timber on the ground but finally he stopped. Why, we do not know, for one would think a man might as well go clear through as to begin such a job as that. It is a pity he had not put to actual test the project of running a water-mill with- out water! Two miles above (on Cabin creek still) stood Mendenhall’s (lower) mill, built before 1840. It has been rebuilt once or twice, and was discontinued not long ago. The works were taken to Parker, and the mill is in operation there now. A mile above was Mendenhall’s upper mill, built by Nathan Mendenhall (father of the one mentioned above), at a very early day. The mill was rebuilt by his son Hiram. It was changed into a woolen factory. It was at Unionsport, and is run by both water and steam. A saw-mill was built by William Davison before 1829. It was running up to 1852, but was discontinued soon after. Thomas Gillum built a ‘“corn- cracker” one-fourth of a mile south of Buena Vista, one of the first water- mills in the county. It was gone long ago. Below Macksville mill (on White river), Mr. Spillers built a saw-mill (about) 1850. It was rebuilt by David Harris. On Sparrow creek a saw-mill was erected (before the Macks- ville grist-mill was built) by Morgan Mills. He used to saw day and night. He would set his log and start the saw, and then lie down and take a nap. When the saw got through the log, the snapping of the trigger would wake him up, and he would set the log again. That mill went down sixty years or more ago. Robert Cox rebuilt the mill and used it to saw the lumber for the mill he built (at Macksville) on White river. Noah Johnson built a grist- mill on Sparrow creek at the crossing of the Huntsville and Sampletown road, southeast of Macksville, very early, about the same time as Gillum’s mill on Cabin creek there was also a saw-mill. Both have been gone many years. James Clayton built a saw-mill on “Eight Mile Creek” above Macks- ville. That mill quit sawing before 1830. Lewallyn’s grist-mill on the Mississinewa near Ridgeville, was built (say) 1819 or 1820. It was after- ward owned by William Addington, and then by his son, Joab Addington, afterward by Addington & House. Still again by Arthur McKew, and later by Whipple. Frederick Miller had a grist-mill and saw-mill on Bear creek, three miles southwest of Ridgeville, perhaps seventy-five years ago. They have been gone many years. On Bear creek, Josiah Bundy and Jacob Horn once had a saw-mill. The old Sampletown mill, between Macksville and Win- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 215 chester, just east of the ‘‘twelve-mile boundary,” was built very early, but has been gone a long time. Jere Cox built a grist-mill above Winchester on White river, in 1825. Joseph and Benjamin Pickett built a saw-mill, William Pickett in 1853 purchased the place and both mills. They were operated till about 1864, and were torn down in 1870. Mr. Pickett said there were five dry years (from 1864 to 1869), in which the water was so low that the mills could not run, and they were left to go to wreck, and were taken away in 1870. Parsons had a grist-mill on Mississinewa one-half mile below Deer- field before 1832. Jessup had a ‘“‘corn-cracker” on Greenville creek, north of Spartanburg before 1820. A grist-mill used to stand on Greenville creek northwest of the Kennon farm in Wayne township. It was there in 1850, but has been gone many years. The timbers are there still. A Mr. Hinchy had a saw-mill and grist-mill on the Mississinewa, east of Allensville, in the early settlement of Jackson township, which were some- what important for several years. There were some mills (one or more), on Mississinewa, near Fairview. John Wright is said to have had a corn-cracker water-mill on Salt creek, north of Winchester, thought by some to have been the first water-mill in the county. Jesse Way said Wright’s mill was built in 1818 or 1810. Joshua Bond had an oil mill (perhaps the only one in the county), as, also, a grist-mill, both run by horse-power, near Winchester, very early— perhaps as long ago as 1820, or thereabouts. Joshua Bond settled near Win- chester about 1818, and set up his mills soon after; and about 1835, or so, he removed to Jay county, building a horse mill there also, and running the same till a comparatively late day, dying there also about 1878, at the age of ninety-four. His mill in Jay county was noted, settlers coming from both far and near. Old Paul Beard had a saw-mill on Greensfork, which was old in 1837. There was a mill site where a grist-mill had been, but had gone down in 1832, and a new mill by Levi Stout (same man) two miles lower down on Greens- fork, a mile and a half north of west from Lynn, about 1838, which was still running in 1854. Amos Ellis had a saw-mill in old times between these two mill sites, which was gone, however, in 1840. Aimbrough and Mendenhall built a mill on Cabin creek some time prior to 1836, but this mill ran only about four years. George Ritenour built a mill near his residence west of Deerfield in 1838, but this mill lasted only a short time, as the mill at Deerfield was much 216 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. larger and better. Robert W. Bunker built his mill on Cabin creek, 1839. Marsh mill, below Deerfield, was built in 1833. John Jackson’s mill, on Cabin creek, was built in September, 1834. Hurst’s and People’s mill was built near Unionsport in 1841. There were other mills built from time to time, particularly saw-mills, cencerning which no information has been obtained. These early mills must not be reckoned to be like the great mills of the present day. They were, indeed, but small and insignificant affairs. It is related of one of the first mills in Jackson township, that the owner boasted that his whole “fixings” had cost him only $2.50. , Those old-time mills were very humble, unpretending establishments. Cox’s mill, above Winchester, built eighty years ago, and eleven years after the first settlement of the county, bolted flour in a hand bolt. The “corn crackers,’ so called (Jessup’s on Greenville creek, for instance), used to grind about a peck an hour. The stones employed in many of the first mills were simply the native boulders of the region, dressed to suit the purpose. Still they served the needs of the settlers in a small way for many years. Some half-dressed mill stones are lying beside the highways still. The grist would be sent on the back of a horse or a mule with a half-grown lad, and one by one these grists would be slowly, oh, how slowly, worked through the ma- chinery of the mill. Men, however, who were able to command a wagon and team and enough grain to warrant the labor required, would take a trip to the more extensive and better appointed mills on the White Water, or the Still- water, or even the Miami. In the earliest times boys have been sent on horse- back twenty miles or more, from the Arba settlement to the mills on the White Water below Richmond, both to buy corn and to get it ground in one of the mills in that region. The story told by the old settlers of nearly every one of the first mills in the whole region, though perhaps not an actual fact as to even a single one of them, is yet painfully suggestive of the more important real fact that the mills did actually grind so “awful slow” that everybody would naturally be- lieve that a dog might “lick the meal by spirits,” and lift up his head and howl between the “jets” for more. But let us not laugh at these small begin- nings of things. The settlers used far more labor, and displayed much greater energy in undertaking what they were able to accomplish under such ap- palling difficulties than their posterity do in effecting the far greater results of the present day. For years after the opening of the country for settlement, the use of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 217 steam power was unknown. To fit up a steam establishment required a large amount of money, more, in fact, than most could command. Still as the country grew, and the milling necessities began to surpass the capacities of the water-power, and the “corn cracker” and the hand-bolt mills of the region, men ventured to try how steam would answer the purpose, and one by one, mills were built away from the streams. The result has been that water- power has dwindled and almost grown out of use, and steam has nearly car- ried the day. One of the first steam mills in the county, possibly the first, was built by Elias Kizer at Winchester, as early perhaps as 1835, on Salt creek on the north side of Washington street. Mr. Roberts had a steam grist-mill at Winchester (in the west part of the city). It was running say in 1860, but its rumbling has been silent for some years. The brick mill and warehouse near the depot has been standing for some fifty vears. It was built for a warehouse by John Mumma. Martin owned it awhile, then Heaston and Riley, then Colton and Bates, then Bates Brothers. It is an extensive mill, has a high reputation, performing good, thorough, reliable work, and a large amount of it, now owned and operated by C. Graft. , Deerfield steam mill was built by Jason Whipple eighty-nine years ago (1845). For many years it had a very large patronage. At one time it drew custom for thirty or forty miles in every direction. Customers had the privi- lege, by staying through the night, of having their grists ground in turn, and many availed themselves thereof. Sometimes a dozen or twenty teams would wait through the darkness of the night, rather than go home through the long and tedious journey and then be obliged to return at a future day. Peo- ple came from Centerville, Wabash, Greenville, etc. It was owned by Willis Whipple, son of Jason Whipple. This mill was torn down in 1907. The mill at Allensville was fixed so as to run by water or steam. It was built in about 1850, and ceased to be used about 1900. A saw-mill (water and steam) was built, and afterward a grist-mill, by McNeely before 1845. The establishment was rebuilt by Thomas Reece and Company. There was a steam saw-mill on Olive Branch, then it was made a grist-mill, and afterward the works were taken out and carried to Farmland. At Farmland, Dr. William Macy had a steam saw-mill, afterward belonging to Ford and Company, but it has been silent for sixty years. Stanley Brothers had a steam grist-mill at Farmland before 1860. Having been burned, it was rebuilt with new ma- 218 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. chinery by Hawkins. Another steam-mill at Farmland was built by Charles Stanley about 1870. A steam-mill was built at- Ridgeville on the railroad, by Arthur McKew. It was burned and rebuilt of brick. The mill is a good one, and does much work, There was a steam-mill at Harrisville, built some years ago. A steam grist-mill was running for several years at Arba, but it burned down in 1877, and has not been rebuilt. There were two steam saw-mills at Spartanburg. One was built about 1852 by William Luker. The other was built by Wesley Locke about 1880. It had a corn-mill and planing-mill attached. A large steam grist-mill was erected at Union City, Indiana. It was owned by Con- verse & Company ; had a capacity of 200 barrels per day. A steam saw-mill has been in operation for several years on the State line pike, two miles south of Union City, but it was removed about 1881. Mr, Sheets set up a saw-mill west of Union City in 1852. There was a saw-mill on Oak street, Union City, and John H. Cam- mack had a saw-mill in the Cammack neighborhood, some two miles east of Bartonia. , There was a saw-mill eight miles southwest of Farmland, and a steam grist-mill at Huntsville, also a saw-mill at Huntsville, owned by Peyton Johnson, and there was another saw-mill-owned by Jere Hyatt. A saw-mill stood not far east of Deerfield, on the State road, from early times until about 1880, owned latterly by John H. Sipe. There was, for years, a saw- mill on the boundary, southwest of Spartanburg. A saw-mill was in operation for twenty years or more near Salem. When Union City began to need lumber for building, that mill, among others, helped much to supply the demand. A grist-mill and a saw-mill were formerly in operation north of Lynn, but one was burned (or both) and now. there is neither. Anthony McKinney built a saw-mill on Mississinewa, one and a quarter miles below Fairview, about 1839, put in a corn-cracker about 1840, and built a new and more extensive mill, putting in “wheat buhrs” about 1842. He had three run of buhrs—-and a bolt carried by machinery. It was a good mill for a while. Mr. McKinney sold the mill to Samuel Zaner. He owned it about a year and sold to Abner Wolverton, about 1864, for wheat. Steam was put in in 1875, but has not been used for years. Mr. Ward had a saw-mill on Mississinewa, below Ridgeville, which ran for several years. John Foust had a saw-mill and corn-cracker in about 1856, in Franklin township, just at the township line, on Mississinewa. Cyrus A. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 219 Reed had a saw-mill one mile above Fairview. It was built about 1850, and stood perhaps ten years. There was a saw-mill at Shedville, run by steam. Before 1825 Lemuel Vestal undertook to erect a mill on Stoney creek, near Windsor. Before completing it, he sold out to John Thornburg, who finished the grist-mill and also built a saw-mill. After four years he sold to Andrew G. Dye, and he to Moses Neely, and still again the mills were trans- ferred to Thomas W. Reece, who built them anew. Their owners since have been Neely, Mark Pattis, Johnson & Dye, William A. Thornburg, Reece & Sons, Mahlon Clevenger, John Thornburg, Robert Cowgill and John Cleven- ger. Doubtless other mills have existed, of which no account has been ob- tained. OTHER MACHINERY. Peter Kabel had a carding machine, etc., in the west part of the county. At first Mr. Kabel had a little carding machine in the garret of John H. Bond’s grist-miil. He was very poor, and got the use of Bond’s “power.” After awhile he bought a waste farm that was too wet for tillage. He ditched the prairie and drained the ponds, springs and swamps, and collected the water, and got enough to run a carding machine and woolen factory. For a long time it was a famous establishment, getting custom far and near, and Mr. Kabel made a fortune. His factory is gone now. There are pleasant anecdotes about Mr. Kabel and his mill. Somebody had at one time turned the water upon the wheel and made the mill run empty through the night. He was provoked, and on Saturday he sawed the foot-bridge over the fore-bay almost in two, and laid it in its place. Monday morning he came to start his mill, and, forgetting all about his “trap,” he stepped upon the sawed plank and went, souse, into the fore-bay. He scrambled out just as Thomas Ad- dington was going to the mill. He ran to meet Thomas, laughing and crying out: “O, Thomas, Thomas, I caught mine self, I caught mine self!’ Mr. Kabel lived three miles south of Macksville. There was for some years a woolen factory at Unionsport. It had a good reputation, and its yarns were in great demand. There used to be a carding machine at Winchester, be- longing to Elias Kizer, but it is not there now. The old county seminary, at Winchester, was fitted up and run as a woolen mill factory for several years. “It was quite extensive and did much work, but it has been discontinued. There was, for many years, a carding machine and woolen factory at Deerfield. It was burned down and rebuilt, and burned again, and, since the last fire, has not been rebuilt. 220 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. It is told us, as a matter of curiosity, that Moorman Way once undertook to fit up a carding machine at Winchester, and run it by ox-power. The es- tablishment did some work for awhile. A carding machine was built and operated in very early days, near Winchester. It is thought to have been the first in the county, but has been gone for many, many years. It belonged to Daniel Petty, and was operated by horse-power. Mills and warehouses are now rtin in connection with each other. This has made it impossible to have a mill off the railroad. As we have said here- tofore, there is but one mill running at this time, that is not located on a rail- road. This mill does but very little business. The mills of today are to be found in Union City, Lynn, Modoc, Parker, Farmland, Ridgeville and Win- chester. Warehouses are to be found in those places and in addition, in Crete, Carlos, Losantville, Deerfield and Harrisville. EARLY ROADS. The first roads of the county were mere trails or paths that led in and around the hills, or upon, crossing the streams at the most available point, so as to prevent the least possible difficulty. The trail which was blazed on trees or bush was often difficult to follow, even by the most experienced settler. Even the roads established by law were very vague indeed, as will be seen in some of the entries. The first road was to run from Winchester be- tween Jesse Johnson’s and Paul Beard’s. Another was laid out from the west end of Hezekiah Hockett’s lane to the Wayne county line, at the south- east corner of Martindale’s. A third was to go from Hockett’s road three- quarters of a mile north of “gass” to an irregular direction to the State road at Vernon. This is the only reference made to the town of Vernon any- where. Another road was to run from the southwest corner of Samuel Smith’s fence to the crossing south of Jackson's, thence to new road at the north end of William Smith’s lane. If following the roads was any worse than following the descriptions they must have had a sorry time, indeed. When roads were finally established the right-of-way was cleared simply by cutting the trees and allowing the stumps to stand. It was often with great difficulty that a wagon could be drawn along these roads at all because’ of the stumps. As the roads became more and more traveled it became neces- sary to put them in better condition. This was done by filling up the holes RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 221 with logs and making corduroy sometimes for rods after rods and even for miles. But for many years travel in the spring of the year was almost im- possible, and no very great distances could be gone at that time. Eventually, however, the roads were graded and straightened, but little attention being paid to hills or hollows. When the gravel road was suggested it seemed at first to be a wild dream. In Cottman’s History Pamphlets, No. X, p. 17, will be found the fol- lowing description of traveling in early days: “Most of the year a journey over the roads was simply a slow, labor- ious wallowing through mud; the bogs were passable only through the use of corduroy, and this corduroy of poles laid side by side for miles, not infre= quently had to be weighted down with dirt to prevent it floating off when the swamp waters rose. * * * As one proceeded he must track to right and left. not to find the road, but to get out of it and find places where the mud was ‘thick enough to bear... * * * Innumerable stubs of saplings, sharpened like spears by being cut off obliquely, waited to impale the unlucky traveler who might be pitched out upon them, and the probability of such an accident was considerable, as the lurching wagon plunged over a succession of ruts and roots, describing an exhilarating seesaw with most astonishing alteration of plunge, creak and splash. Ever and anon the brimming streams had to be crossed, sometimes by unsafe fording and sometimes by rude fer- ries. In the latter case the ferry keeper was apt to be off at work somewhere in his clearing, and the traveler had to ‘halloo to the ferry’ till he could make himself heard.” At first the toll roads were private enterprises and people had to pay toll for traveling upon them. The tol!-gate keeper lived at the cross-roads and kept the highway closed with the “pole and sweep,” so that travelers might not pass when he was not present. But the toll road has long since been a thing of the past and first-class free roads are to be found today. James Whitcomb Riley represents an old pioneer talking reminiscently at an Old Settlers’ Meeting. This old man would represent a period of about thirty years ago, when Mr. Riley has him say: When we had to go on horseback, and sometimes on ‘shanks mare,’ And ‘blaze’ a road fer them behind that had to travel there. “Of the times when we first settled here, and travel was so bad. 222 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. And now we go a-trottin’ ‘long a level gravel pike, In a big two-hoss road-wagon, jest as easy as you like; Two of us on the front seat, and our wimmen-folks behind, A-settin’ in theyr Winsor cheers in perfect peace of mind!’ —Riley, James Whitcomb, Neighborly Poems, page 23, Indianapolis, 1891. But today the picture which Mr. Riley describes would attract as much attention as would have the automobile and motorcycle of today attracted at that period. - PIONEER SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. Much has been said of the pioneer schools in another Chapter. These schools were conducted in a private cabin, or in rude houses constructed for schools alone. They were built of logs, puncheon floor, if any floor at all, a fire place filling one end of the room. For light, greased paper was used. For a graphic description of a pioneer school, see Mr. Macy’s article. Churches were not built until after private homes had been used in a community. long enough to justify a church association. These churches were crude affairs, but they served the people well and were the means of bringing a spirit of love, fellowship and communion into the community. The ministers of that day preached upon texts taken from the Bible and paid no attention whatever to questions outside the church proper. The hymn would be announced, the minister would “line” it, the leader would pitch the tune, and, with the congregation, sing the song. These songs were sung with a fervor and spirit that carried enthusiasm and conviction to all who sang and heard. They may have lacked harmony but they did not lack in spirit. They left an impression never to be forgotten, and many a man and woman of today looks back upon the singing in the old days as one of the most effective means of worship. THE GOOD OLD HYMNS. There’s a lot of music in ’em—the hymns of long ago, And when some gray-haired brother sings the ones I used to know, I sorter want to take a hand. I think of days gone by, “On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand and cast a wistful eye!” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 223 There’s lots of music in ’em—those dear sweet hymns of old, With visions bright of lands of light and shining streets of gold; And I hear ’em ringing—singing, where mem’ry, dreaming, stands, “From Greenland’s icy mountains to India’s coral strands.” They seem to sing forever of holier, sweeter days, When the lilies of the love of God bloomed white in all the ways; And | want to hear their music from the old-time meetin’s rise Till “I can read my title clear to mansions in the skies.” We never needed singin’ books in them old days—we knew The words, the tunes, of every one—the dear old hymn book through! We didn’t have no trumpets then, no organs built for show, We only sang to praise the Lord “from whom all blessings flow.” An’ so I love the «1d hymns, and when my time shal! come— Before the light of day has left me, and my singing lips are dumb—- If I can hear ’em sing them then, I'll pass without a sigh To “Canaan's fair and happy land where my possessions lie.”’ —Atlanta Constitution. QUESTIONS AND MANNERS OF THE FIRST ESTABLISHED HOME. Much of the material given here concerning this subject is the direct result of experience of those who gave it, many years ago. These people Fived in the county and knew exactly the customs, manners and conditions of themselves at that time; and if they differ from what they are today we must remember that the conditions and environments were very much dif- ferent from what we have it. Their manners today would in a way seem crude, but nevertheless they were as earnest and sincere as we can possibly be today. They did the best that could be done under very trying circumstances and met the conditions fairly and squarely. For the most part they were hon- est and upright people and enjoyed a good time in the crude way of their time. Much of the following was gotten from Mr. Martin A. Reeder, an old pioneer of the county, and Mr. Joseph Hawkins, who lived in Jay county at the time of these interviews. Mr. Hawkins was very familiar with Randolph county. 224 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. MANNER OF LIVING. Some articles have been furnished by Hon. Martin A. Reeder, who has been a resident of the county for about sixty years, the substance of which is given below, with also some additions from other sources: BUILDINGS. Many would put up a “camp,” and live in that for some weeks or months, and wait to build a cabin until the large trees had been cleared from a place extensive enough to prevent danger from the tree trunks falling on the house. Others would put up their cabins in the dense woods, with perhaps a dozen trees near, any of which might, in a storm of wind, have crushed the dwelling and all its inmates. And yet, though scores of cabins were erected thus, it is not known that a solitary tree ever threw its huge trunk upon the roof of a single settler’s dwelling. CABINS. Cabins were built of round logs from eight to ten inches through, and covered with clapboards. They were of all sizes;—some perhaps twelve. by fourteen feet, and some eighteen by twenty-five feet, with one seven or eight feet story and a loft above in the roof. A small cabin would have one door and one window. A large one might, perhaps, possess two of each. The chimney and fire-place would be wholly outside, opening of course into the house. At the “raising” the neighbors for miles around were expected to come and lend their aid (who at first, were not many), and they went. No “shirks” were there. “Help me and I will help you,” was their motto, and the rule was faithfully practiced. On the “raising day’ the body of the house would be completed and the roof put on. Cutting out the door and window holes, and the opening for the fire-place, putting in the doors and windows, building the fire-place and chimney, laying the puncheon floors, chinking and daubing the cracks between the logs, laying the loft, ete., were done hy the owner at his pleasure as he had opportunity. Barns and outhouses were raised from time to time, so as not to tax the settlers too heavily. These cabins, though not elegant, were, when properly cor-pleted, solid and substantial, and warm to boot; and many, many years 0* happy, con- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 225 tented, prosperous life have been spent within their lowly walls. And many who lived all their youthful years in such a humble domicile but who have since become able to abide in stately mansions, can now truthfully declare that their happiest days were spent nevertheless beneath the shelter of those mighty, overshadowing forest trees. tnder the lowly roof of that old-time log-cabin. How true the words of the poet: “°Tis not in titles, nor in rank, ’Tis not in wealth like London bank, To make us truly blest.” Note.—Many of the early-built cabins had no windows at all. The door and the big, open-mouthed fire-place were the only avenues for light. It is within the knowledge of the writer of this sketch that families who emi- grated from Carolina to Randolph county in 1847 had never seen any glass windows, and had no idea what they were for. Scme houses dwelt in in 1846 had no windows. The ideas of convenience then were not just like our own. Ju about 1850 the daughter of one of the earliest settlers said of a certain new house that she occupied: (with her large family), “the room is so convenient [the house had but one room] sve can set up six beds in it.” HOW TO BUILD A ““CAMP”’—BY JOSEPH HAWKINS. “Have a big log, cut notches up and down the log fourteen feet apart, set double stakes fourteen feet out from the log, cut small logs six to eight inches thick, ‘scafe’ off the ends so as to fit the notches in the log, put cne end in the notch and the other between the stakes; in the notch let the ends touch, but put blocks between the other ends, so as to make the upper one slant enough for the roof, put some logs atop of the big log and some across the tront above; put on the roof, and stuff the cracks with mass. Moss was plenty on the old logs, as thick as a cushion and as soft as a sheepskin; you could tear off a sheet as long as a bed-quilt if you wished. We often used sheets of moss for blankets to ride on instead of a saddle. The front of the camp was open six feet high, and logs were across above. . A log heap fire was built in front on the ground. At first we left it unpro- tected, but the smoke would sweep into the camp and choke us so that we could not ‘stay. Then we took puncheons and set them upright in a semi- (15) 226 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. circle around (outside of) the fire, leaving passages next the camp to go in and out at. This mended matters greatly. We lived in this camp from March until November, 1829. We cleared that summer nine acres—five for early corn and four for late corn, potatoes, turnips, etc. The men had built three camps side by side against the same log, expect- ing to have three families. Only two came, and that left two camps for us. There were eight in our family, and. the two older boys fixed a bed in the extra camp, and the rest of us slept (in three beds) in our own proper camp.” HOUSES. The houses were made strong in this way. The loft was constructed of split logs, and the doors of split timbers three or four inches thick, with battens fastened across and hung on strong wooden hinges, having also a strong wooden bar across the door inside, fastened at each end by the fork of a tree put into the door casing by a hole bored with a large auger. : To break into such a house as that would be by no means easy, yet the dwellings were seldom locked. Such a thing as entering a house unlawfully, was well-nigh unknown. FURNITURE. This country lies far interior, away from all water-courses, those old- time channels of inter-communication. Emigrants could reach this county only by a long and tedious stretch of wagon road and forest trail. Hence, the settlers brought with them commonly only the most necessary things, and especially those for which no substitute could be found in the new land; kettles, ironware, etc., must be brought, since nothing could be found in the West to take their place. Bedsteads, chairs and tables were useful, but they were also heavy and bulky, and awkward to move, and substitutes could be found, and they were, in many cases, left behind.. Feather beds, bedding, pewter ware, cooking utensils, etc., were brought. But for bedsteads, the settlers made something which answered the purpose. TWo rails with one end inserted in the side and end logs of the cabin, meeting in a post at the inner corner driven into the ground, with clapboards laid across from the side rail to a strip pinned upon the log, would do for a bed- stead. One active young wife made one for herself by boring holes in some poles and making two benches, and laying eight large, thick clap-boards upon them, and lo! she had a bedstead; and on went her straw bed, all the bed she RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 227 had, and her sheets and bed quilts; and she was never prouder of anything in her life than she was of her bedstead and her bed, nice and good and brand new. Sometimes, for an extra nice “fixing,’’ men would split out pieces from a straight-grained oak, and make bed rails, and prepare other pieces for the slats, boring auger holes in the side rail and in the side house log, and putting the slats in these, and that was good and solid. Four high posts would stand at the corners, and rods or wires be strung from top to top of the four posts, and curtains would be hung on the rods; and who could wish a neater cur- tained bed than that? Often two of these would be made for a single cabin, one in each farthest corner; one for the father and mother, and the other for company ; and the children—why, they had to go into the loft, and sleep under the rafters to the music of the rain falling on the roof, or of the snow rattling on the clapboards. And that was a jolly place to sleep. And instead of chairs were made puncheon stools, and puncheon benches, which last were better than chairs or stools either, since half a dozen urchins could sit upon one. And as for chairs or stools at the table, they were not needed, inasmuch as all the half grown boys and girls had feet, and they stood up at the table, like folks at a modern Sunday-school celebration picnic dinner; and almost every article of convenience that settlers had they made for themselves. Door hinges and latches were made of wood, and a string sufficed to raise the latch; and to pull the string inside was better than a lock, because no false key could pick the lock or unbolt the door. A poking stick answered for tongs, and some stones on the hearth did instead of andirons; and, as for stoves, those articles had not been invented yet, or, if they had, it would cost so much to haul the bulky things of the sort which were called stoves in those days into these western wilds, that when here, the cost would be more than that of a forty-acre lot. FOOD, COOKING, ETC. The people of the present time will doubtless be glad to learn how the pioneers managed (not merely to raise or earn, but) to make their bread in those days when stoves and ranges, and all the modern paraphernalia of baking and cooking were not. Bread was made mostly of cornmeal, and in three forms, viz: “Dodgers,” “Pone,” and “Johnny Cake.” To the people now all these three are reckoned as one; but to the pioneer, they were en- tirely distinct, yet all excellent of their kind, and either or all good enough to make “‘a pretty dish to set before the king.” 228 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ‘“Dodgers’”” were made of meal with pure water and a little salt, mixed into a stiff dough, and molded with the hand into a kind of oval cake, and baked in a “bake-pan” or “Dutch-oven,” viz., a round iron vessel as wide across as a half-bushel, or less, and six or eight inches deep, with legs, of course, and a lid with a raised rim to hold coals on the top. The coals were put in abundance underneath the “oven,” and on the top as well; and when the bread was done there came out the “dodgers,” as moist, as sweet, as nice as epicure ever saw. 7 “Pone” was made with meal, water and salt, with the addition of milk or cream and yeast, thinner than dodgers, and was baked in the same way. “Johnny Cake’ was made with lard and butter, water and salt of course, and baked in a loaf or cake, say six inches wide and an inch thick, upon a board perhaps two feet long set up before the fire. When one side was baked enough the other side of the cake was turned to the fire till it was done, and then you would have perhaps the sweetest and best corn bread ever made. Besides these there were grated corn, pounded hominy, lye huminy, green corn (roasting ears), etc. Corn has been well said to be the poor man’s grain, and on account, among other things, of the ease with which it can be made into food, the variety of which it is capable, and the general excellence of the different kinds. Lye hominy and green corn, the two simplest forms of its preparation, are at the same time well-nigh the best and most delicious food that ever passed the lips of man. After wheat had been raised, of course, some flour was used, but still for a long time corn was the chief source of bread. The mills were but poor, many of the first for grinding wheat having only hand bolts, and the flour would be none of the best. But you are not to think that the settlers were destitute of meat. On the contrary, they had abundance, and that of the best and rarest kinds. Deer, turkeys, pheasants and what not were plenty ; and a good rifle would bring some of them down at almost any hour. To shoot turkeys standing in his cabin door was no uncommon exploit for the pioneer ; and to bring down on an average, one deer a day, besides a full day’s work, was what many a backwoods man succeeded in doing. Almost every settler (and settler’s son) was a hunter as well, and those who did not care themselves to shoot deer could readily get all the venison they wished of their sportsman neighbors, and that almost for a song. Then there were hogs, at first or very soon afterward. There were many “wild hogs,” that were the offspring of such as had strayed from older settlements, or from the Indians, some of whom kept swine. These hogs RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 229 were called “elm-peelers,” and were long-legged, long-bodied, long-headed, sharp-snouted, with short, straight, pointed ears, and as nimble nearly as a wolf; and, when very wild, more savage than the bears themselves. They would make but a poor show (except as a curiosity) at one of our modern fairs, but at that time they were highly valued, even above the fat, un- wieldly, helpless things called improved stock. When a “Yankee man” was trying to sell some improved breed to the western “hoosier” (or “sucker” it may be) and mentioned as an advantage that they could not run. “Can’t run?” said the settler. “‘No,’’ said the Yankee. “Don’t want ’em,” replied the “sucker.’’ “My hogs have to get their own living and look out for them- selves, and I would not give a snap for a hog that can’t outrun a dog.” So “improved stock’ was then and there at a discount. These woods-hogs would get fat only during “mast years,” and some- times the herds of hogs would get to be three or four years old and would become thoroughly wild and very savage, fleet of foot and almost as fierce as a tiger, so that hunters would be obliged to take to a tree to get beyond their reach. During the non-mast years these troops of swine would subsist upon roots, etc., such as hickory roots, sweet elm roots, slippery elm bark and such like. There was no hog-cholera then. Swine even now peel elm trees, eating the bark as high as they can get at it, and in such cases they seem clear of cholera. This habit of eating the bark from elm trees is what probably gave hogs in those days the name of “elm-peelers.’’ When fatted on hickory and beech mast the meat was very sweet but oily, and would not make good bacon. Hunting wild hogs was grand sport, though somewhat danger- ous withal. Stock, especially hogs, ran wild in the woods gnd each man had his private stock mark. This mark was recorded in the recorder’s office and be- came the way of marking one’s stock. All other settlers must respect this mark under penalty of the law. There was a law at that time which said that if any one should mark a hog, shoat or pig, other than his own or change the mark on a hog, shoat or pig, other than his own, he should be fined in any sum not less than $ and should have upon his or her bare back lashes not to exceed thirty-three in number. This penalty would indicate the opin- ion of the importance of stock protection at that time. The first stock mark recorded in the county was by Christopher Baker. “This day Christopher Baker entered his stock mark as follows, towit: A smooth crop in the left ear and a slit in the same and an under bit in the right ear. “May 31st, 1819. “C. Conway, Clerk.” 230 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Besides pork, as above described, and wild game, the streams abounded in fish; bass, salmon, pike, buffalo, red horse, white and black suckers, silver sides, catfish, etc., were plentiful in the streams, and men could have all they pleased to catch. Besides bread and meat, potatoes were soon raised, so as to furnish a full supply; as also pumpkins, squashes, cabbages, and other garden vegetables. But wheat, for several years, proved nearly a failure, so that flour, if used, had to be brought from the Miami or some other older settle- ment; and only a few could afford to take the trouble to get it, or cared to obtain it if they could. But how was cooking (other than baking bread) done? This way: A stiff bar of iron-wood (or of iron itself) was fastened in the chimney length- wise the fire-place, about midway from front to rear, and perhaps eight feet high, called the “‘lug-pole.”” On this bar were suspended several hooks of different lengths, made of small iron rods (or sometimes of wood). These hooks extended far enough downward so that the pots and kettles of various sizes would hang above the fire and close enough to it to receive the needful amount of heat. Thus, boiling of all kinds was done. For roasting (or basting), a wooden pin was fastened over the fire- place, and from this pin the turkey, venison saddle, or what not, was hung by a string or a wire in front of the blazing fire-place. The side next the fire would soon be cooked, and. by turning it round and round, the whole would be done “to a turn,” the gravy dripping out into a dish set below upon the hearth. Thus, with milk and butter in abundance after the first two or three years, with tree-sugar and molasses in profusion, with wild berries and plums, etc., with which the woods abounded, the settlers, after they once got started, had no lack. In fact, many things of which they had a plentiful supply, would now be reckoned (if they could be obtained at all) a wonderful luxury. As to the supply of game and the readiness with which it could be gotten, it may be stated that one man has been known to kill nine deer in a single day, another has killed six. These are of course extreme cases, yet to kill a deer or two, half a dozen turkeys, and fifteen or twenty pheasants in a day was nothing uncommon for a single person. To light the house, no gas nor kerosene, nor even tallow candles were needed. The huge fire-place would, for an ordinary purpose, give light enough. Some had a kind of contrivance consisting of a sort of dish or bowl with a nose or spout for the rag-wick to lie in. In the dish was melted tallow or lard, and the wick lay with one end in the melted lard, and the other up along RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 231 the spout. This lamp would hang by a string in the middle of the room and well supplied the place of chandelier or astral. Sometimes a still simpler ar- - rangement was employed, a broken saucer with some tallow or lard in it would have a piece of rag laid in as a wick, and your lamp was all complete. And for outdoor uses, the boys used to light themselves and their company to meetings or spelling schools, or to hunting sprees or “hoe down’’ parties, with torches, consisting of a handful of hickory bark. All that had to be done was to peel some bark as you went along, light the ends in the fire-place when about to start for home, and keep it whisking about as you went on. The more wind the better, though wind in those forest paths gave little trou- ble. A group of torches scattered along among the trees, flaring and dancing and flashing as they were waved hither and thither by their bearers, pre- sented so picturesque a sight as in these artificial days can seldom be wit- nessed. A good torch-light was worth half a dozen lanterns any day (or any night rather). CANDLES. Candles were made by taking a wooden rod ten or twélve inches long, wrapping a line or cotton cloth around it, and covering it with tallow pressed around the stick with the hand. Lamps were made by digging the inside from a large turnip, sticking up a stick in the center, about three inches long, with a strip of cloth around the stick, and turning melted lard, or deer’s tallow, in until the rind was full. Often the great blazing fire-place gave light enough, and many an evening’s work has been done with no other means of vision. IMPLEMENTS. The methods and means of work were simple enough. Trees were girdled and felled and cut into lengths with the ax. In fact the ax was to the settler the tool of all work. Without it he was helpless. With it he was a crowned king. With an ax and an augur and an old hand-saw he could make well-nigh anything. Rail-splitting was done with maul and wedge. Moving logs was done with a lever, or hand-spike, while one in a hundred or a thousand would boast a crow-bar. Clapboards were split out with a frow. Puncheons were split with maul and wedge and shaped and smoothed with the ax, or with a large, long frow, suited to the purpose. Flax was threshed by whipping the bundles on a barrel-head, or a block 232 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. set endwise. It was spread and rotted and dried and “broke,” and swingled (scutched), and hatcheled (hackled), the tow carded and the flax or the tow spun and reeled and spooled or quilled and warped and woven and colored and made up into garments. : Grain was hand-reaped or cradled and threshed with a flail or tramped. on the ground with horses and cleaned with a sheet or a basket fan. Hauling was done on a sled made out of “crooks” split from a tree-root. Plowing was done with a bar-share plow, which had only a wooden mold board. Hoes were huge, ungainly things, large enough to cut and dig “grubs” with. ‘ Men traveled mostly on foot, or on horseback. Many a man went on foot to Fort Wayne or to Cincinnati to enter his land. One man entered three different forty-acre tracts and went on foot to Cincinnati for the pur- pose, several times except that one of the trips was made partly on horseback. Boys sixteen years old have tied up their money in a rag and gone on “Shank’s mares’’ alone through the woods to make entry of land for father or mother or possibly for themselves. Many a farm was tilled for years with a single horse, or even an ox. Not seldom a poor fellow’s only horse would lie down and die and Ieave him in a “fix” indeed. However people were accommodating and a person could get help from his neighbors to the extent of their ability. Wagons were very scarce. To become the owner of a wagon was an event to reckon from as the beginning of a new era. One early settler says that in a space ef two miles square, where resided perhaps thirty families, only two wagons were to be found. He says moreover, that the neighbors got up a milling expedition, taking a wagon with six horses and twelve bushels of grain. The horses were restive and wild and would not pull together and the wagon became fast in the mud and six men took a horse and a sack of grain apiece and “put out” for the mill, leaving the wagon in the mud-hole to be got out at some other time. Thus our ancestors plodded on; slow and tedious and awkward: their methods would now be reckoned, but honest, faithful, industrious, frugal, simple-hearted, sincere, hospitable and generous. They heroically ac- complished the herculean tasks appointed to their lot and bore patiently and successfully the burdens which providence laid upon their shoulders. Let their posterity beware how they condemn the humble condition of their fore- fathers. Let this generation look back to those old-time scenes and to the worthy actors in them, not with a feeling of shame nor a sense of disgrace, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 233 but let them reckon it an honor to have sprung from a line of ancestry so noble, so excellent, so hardy and energetic, so worthy of sincere respect, nay, almost of reverence; and let them see to it that in methods of energetic labor and in heroic success in the employment of larger and better means of ac- complishment, they prove themselves before the world to be worthy success- ors of their venerable progenitors. CLOTHING... Most of the settlers brought with them into the wilderness all they could afford to last them until more could be raised, at least to last for one year, and often for more than that. After a corn field and a truck patch must come a flax patch. When the flax became ripe it was pulled, threshed, spread, rotted, gathered up, broken, scutched, hackled, spun, woven and put on the back to wear. All the machinery needed for this work was a flax- brake, a scutching-board, a hackle, a spinning-wheel, a quill-wheel and wind- ing blades, warping bars and loom,.all of which were very simple and inex- pensive and most of them could be made in the vicinity or even at home. And all the work, from sowing the seed to taking the last stitch upon the garment, was done upon the premises and much of it was performed as easily by the lads and the lassies as by the men and women themselves. The hackling of the flax produced tow. This tow was carded and spun, the flax was spun into ‘chain,’ and the tow into filling, and both were woven into “tow linen”; and out of this strong and not unsightly fabric many garments for summer wear were made, dresses for females being colored according to the taste and the males wearing theirs uncolored. For winter, people had sheep and took the wool, carding it by hand, spinning it on a “big wheel,” and weaving it with linen or cotton warp (or chain) into “linsey-woolsey” or “jeans.” The “linsey” was worn mostly by the women and the jeans by the men; sometimes the fabric was colored “butternut” and sometimes blue. Cambrics, muslins, etc., were scarce and costly and rarely used. For outer garments men soon began to use deer-skins, making pantaloons and “hunting shirts.’ The latter was much like a modern sack coat and a very comfortable, though not especially handsome garment it proved itself. At first the buckskin was obtained ready dressed, of the Indians, but the settlers soon learned to prepare it themselves. The men had commenced to make and sew their own buckskin garments, the work being too hard for female fingers. The sewing was done with the sinews from the deer’s legs or with 234 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. a “whang,” i. e., a thong or string cut from the deer hide, a shoemaker’s awl, and a very large needle. These buckskin clothes were just the thing. They were within the reach of all, costing nothing but labor; they were very durable lasting for years; they were warm and as to looks, each man looked as well as his neighbor and what more is needed? And they were an almost perfect protection. The sting of the nettle, the scratch of the briers and even the bite of the rattlesnakes was harmless. The cockle-burs and the Spanish needles would not stick to them; they kept out the cold “like a charm,” and, moreover, when properly dressed and neatly made, they presented by no means an unsightly appearance. The garments were commonly made and worn large and free, which of course greatly added to their comfort and convenience. Sometimes, how- ever, in standing near the fire a man would get his “breeches” hot and an- other in mischief would clap the hot buckskin to the flesh and the luckless. wearer would jump with a yell and a bound clear across the room as though the great log fire was tumbling on him. Sometimes too they would get wet and if allowed to dry, the skin would become very hard and stiff and could not be used again till it had been softened by dampening and rubbing. The Indians made moccasins and the settlers bought and wore them, being excellent for dry weather, winter or summer, but not for wet. For the wet season strong leather shoes were used, though many, especially the younger class, went much barefooted. Upon the head the men wore in the winter chiefly a strong well-made, low crowned, broad-brimmed wool hat, somewhat like that which the older Quakers now wear. Sometimes a warm head-gear was made from a coon- skin. It was comfortable but looked wolfish. In summer home-made hats, braided from whole rye-straw grown for that purpose were in extensive use. Women also made their bonnets out of straw, only each particular straw was split into five or six pieces by a “splitting machine.” This machine may be thus described: Narrow strips of tin were firmly set in a piece of wood an inch square and six inches long. The straw was spread open and drawn through these tin “teeth” and made into strips of equal width. Five of these strips (sometimes seven) were plaited into a braid, and the braid made long enough for a whole bonnet. The braid was. ironed smooth (having been bleached if thought necessary), and nicely sewed into bonnets; and they looked equal in neatness (not to say taste) to. the fashions of the present day. Sun-bonnets were made much as at the present day, of calico, and paste- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 235 board. The great object of a bonnet was at that time supposed to be to pro- tect the face, head and neck from the sun, and the wind and the cold; and they were made accordingly. What a bonnet is for now is best known, per- haps, to the wearers; or, if they do not, how should anybody else be expected to know? The fashions of that primitive time, doubtless, would seem awkward and uncouth at the present day; but the clothing answered the prime ends for which clothing is worn, decency and comfort, even better perhaps than the garments of the present day. And as to looks, folks were better satisfied with what they had then than people are now; and, if they were suited who “had them to wear and to look at, surely we who are so far removed by two generations of time have no occasion to complain. It can be truly affirmed that underneath those coats and hunting shirts, uncouth in looks and awkward in fit, dwelt souls brave and generous and hearts tender and kind, loyal, affectionate and true. God grant that the same may ever be truly declared of their children and their children’s children while the ages roll. Fashions may come and fashions may go, but what matter, so the deep fountain of love and truth and faithfulness in the human soul remains pure, untarnished and perennial. TRADING. Money was scarce, little indeed, was needed, for, as has been shown, almost every necessity and luxury was produced at home. Some money, however, was necessary, chiefly to pay taxes and to buy iron and salt, powder and lead. Taxes indeed for many years were low. The first county tax levied in Randolph was “twenty-five cents upon each horse-beast.”. The first settlement of the treasurer showed as follows: In May, 1819— Receipts er ae ee eee eee eee $20.00 bxpenditures: 2 ae eee eee: 20-00 Balance: 225255554 owe neeeee eee Se 00.00 In November, $260.00 were the receipts and $259.75 the disbursements. In 1820 the county treasury boasted of $462.63, $309.63 of which were realized from the sale of lots, and $1 from a fine, leaving $152.00 as the avails of county taxation in a single county for a whole year. And up to 1829 the annual county taxes still fell short of $900.00. So “taxes” required but a 236 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. small amount of the “needful.” But iron and salt and powder and lead were indispensable and heavy and costly. They took money and abundance of it, or its equivalent. As a specimen of the costliness of articles in those times, the statement is made that Benjamin Bond, who came to Wayne county in 1811, gave for nails twenty-five cents a pound and paid for them in cordwood cut upon his land just west of New Garden meeting-house in Wayne county at twenty-five cents a cord upon the ground, a cord of wood for a pound of nails! Once in western Pennsylvania in the long, long ago, a horse was given for a barrel of salt, and at another time (in this region) eighteen dollars was given for a bushel. Money could be obtained, indeed, though not largely. ° Deer skins would bring fifty cents; raccoon skins, thirty-seven and a half cents and muskrats, twenty-five cents. The fur buyer when he came his annual round would pay cash, but the merchants paid only in trade. If the settler would wait for the fur buyer, he could have the cash, if not, he must “dicker” it out and let the merchant finger the cash himself. Deer must be killed from May till November and raccoons and muskrats from December till April. So the hunter had his harvest all the year round, only, if he wanted money, he must store up till the fur-dealer came. But necessaries could be gotten at any time. And these were comparatively few, though somewhat expensive. A side of sole leather and of upper leather, a barrel of salt, powder and shot for hunting, some fish hooks and perhaps an ax would suffice for a whole year. For land buying some money was re- quired of course and after the “specie-circular” in the spring of 1837, only silver (for gold was not then in circulation, being before the days of Cali- fornia, dear, and of course scarce, or more properly speaking, not in ordinary use as money at all) was available and hard work indeed it often was to ob- tain the needful. One (now old) man tells of the strait he was put to at the time when that famous “specie circular” came in force. He was a lad of eighteen years. Having had his eye for a long time upon a fine sugar camp near his father’s dwelling but without money enough for his purpose, he heard that another man intended to “enter” the tract. Hurrying to gather up funds for that and for some more land desired by his father, he set out on foot and alone, carrying his money tied in a knot in his pocket handkerchief most of the way in his hand, bound for the land office at Fort Wayne. The money was largely in paper and in just three days the “specie circular” was to come in force. He hoped to reach Fort Wayne by that time and struggled RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 237 on. But he could not “make it.” The third night found him at St. Mary’s, a few miles short. The next day he entered the land office, not knowing what he could do, fearing the worst yet hoping the best. The receiver hap- pened to be an acquaintance of his father’s and agreed to take his “paper money.’ And so he made his point and got his land. And then afoot and alone he wended his way homeward again without money only as he bor- rowed two dollars of his friend, the receiver, but happy in possession of the certificate which would in due time bring for him a patent under the “Broad Seal” of the United States of America. The reason why he was found thus with no money to go home on was this: He supposed that the tract of land he wished to enter was an “8o acre” piece. It was 84, which would take exactly $5.00 extra, so the question came up, “Will you take all your money and get your land or will you save your money and not purchase?’ He had come too far to go back with his object all unaccomplished, and the young hero decided that he would have the land and get home as he could. And have it he did and under the generous offer of his friend, the receiver, he accepted the loan of two dollars to pay his expenses homeward. It is a pleasant thing to note that, though this boy (and his father) were ardent Whigs of that olden time and the receiver was a Van Buren Democrat, he befriended the boy nevertheless like the frank and genial man that he was. AMUSEMENTS. Wherever there are human beings there will be amusements. Thousands of years ago a prophet foretold that Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that the streets “should be full of boys and girls playing in the midst thereof.” ‘Wherever there are boys and girls there will be playing and men and women are only grown-up children. The sports of the settlers were generally of the more active kind as jumping, wrestling, running races, with frequently a “hoe-down’’ at an evening merry-making, after a raising or a log-rolling, or a spinning bee or some other gathering for work and assistance. An invitation would be given to the men and boys to come and help roll logs or to raise a building or something like that, and to the women to come and bring their spinning wheels. Both classes would go. The men would roll logs or what not and the women would spin. At nightfall supper would be served and then for a frolic by such as pleased to take part in it, which would doubtless be fast and furious, since those who participated were stalwart lads and buxom lasses and in sober truth “all went merry as a mar- 238 RANDOLPH. COUNTY, INDIANA. riage bell.’ And not seldom the women would carry their spinning wheels as they went and returned on foot. Applecuttings, husking-bees and spelling schools were also favorite past- times. Applebutter was one of the staples of life and when the apples were ground and cider made young people would be invited to help “peel apples” and help prepare for the “picnic.” The young people would gather from miles around and enjoy the evening as only young people in the bloom of life could enjoy themselves. After the work was done, the “hoe-down” or some other amusement, was indulged in until a late hour, when all would go home to meet at another place perhaps the next evening. Corn was snapped, that is, pulled from the stalk, husks and all, and hauled to the barn to be husked later on. Neighbors would be invited to the husking-bees and all would have a time of merriment while performing this work. Fortunate indeed was the man who husked the red ear. There have been indeed more harmful sports than these backwoods-balls, especially if they were kept free from the mischievous presence of and dis- turbing power of intoxicating drinks (which was not always the case), since they were for the most part simply lively methods of working off a super- abundance of animal spirits, which mere hard work outdoors or indoors could not subdue. ; Then for the boys hunting served the purpose both of hard work and high sport as well for to chase the bounding deer through the leafy woods or to wait and watch for his forest lordship as his kingly horns would come tossing proudly among the waving boughs and to bring his active form to the earth with the unerring shot of the faithful rifle amid the wild baying of, the eager hounds as they gathered to be “in at the death,’—these wild and fiery hunts were for these rollicking boys the keenest of sports. And thus it was— “Mid earnest work and furious play The youngsters passed their lives away.” The spelling school was the great event of winter evenings. Spelling was indulged in by old and young and unfortunate indeed was the man who could not spell in these contests. Sometimes it was class against class, but more often one school against another. The interest taken in these spelling matches was very intense and the little old school house would be crowded to suffocation. If the contest was one school against another the members RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 239 of each school would line themselves on opposite sides of the room. If it were not a contest between any particular communities, the leaders would be selected and these would choose alternately of all the people present; these would line up on either side of the house and the contest would begin. The master or the squire or perhaps the minister, at least some one of influence, would pronounce words first to one side then to the other; if a word was misspelled it went to the opposite side and so on until spelled correctly. All those having missed it would be retired. And so the contests would continue until but one would remain on the floor. The master would frequently pronounce word after word and page after page and sometimes the entire spelling book before all the spellers would be “down.” Under con- ditions of that kind a special list of words would be given, or perchance the dictionary would be resorted to. Spellers were so well acquainted with the books of the time that frequently they could spell page after page without the word even being pronounced. The writer knows of two men who at one time spelled “McGuffy’s” entire bock without having a word pronounced. This seems an exaggerated story but many a man knows it is true, having heard it done. The spelling school over, the young lads would line themselves up at the door ready to ask to see her home, fearful of getting “the mitten” and receiving the jeers of his companions. But more usually it was the case of “the longest way home is the nearest and best.” Visiting was indulged in a great deal of Sundays and evenings. There being no newspapers, the only method of communication was by meeting either at the church or school house or in the home. After the supper work was done, the husband would hitch the team to the sled and all would go over to neighbor Browns to spend the evening. Neighbor Brown and family were always glad to see them and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. Innocent games were indulged in by the younger people while the elders exchanged ideas of a more serious nature. The mother would take her knitting and spend an evening of usefulness as well as pleasure. The party would soon be divided, mutually, into groups. “Soon was the game begun. In friendly contention the old men Laughed at each lucky hit, or unsuccessful manoeuvre, Laughed when a man was crowned, or a breach was made in the king-row.” 240 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. For the children: “Between the andiron’s spraddling feet, The mug of cider simmered slow, The apples sputtered in a row, And, close at hand, the basket stood With nuts from brown October’s wood.” They . “sped the time with stories old, Wrought puzzles out and riddles told.” While, perchance with the young folk: ‘Meanwhile apart, in the twilight gloom of a window’s embrasure, Sat the lovers and whispered together, beholding the moon rise.” The evening was soon past and only too soon was it necessary to make the return trip. Happy indeed were the people of those times, because they sought for real pleasure and found it at their own command. RELIGION. But not all even of the young spent their leisure hours in sport. For many, very many the religious exercises of those earliest days of primitive simplicity were more satisfying as they were certainly more profitable than any form of mere worldly pleasure could possibly be. Great numbers of the first settlers of Randolph were men and women of a strong and earnest re- ligious faith and of a hearty, loving spirit, fearing God and delighting to do good to men. The earliest religious meetings were probably of the Friends or the Methodists, possibly the former, though which ever may have been first, the other was not far behind. Perhaps the earliest houses of worship through the county were built by the Friends, the one at Arba being the first, those at Lynn, Jericho, White River, Dunkirk, Cherry Grove and perhaps some others, following not long after in point of time. The Methodist meetings were held mostly at first in private houses, as Mr. Bowen’s in Greensfork near Arba; Mr. McKim’s at Spartanburg; Mr. Marshall’s in Ward township; Mr. Hubbard’s and Mr. Godwin’s in Green township and so on. Other denominations also gathered congregations in various parts, as: The Disciples, the United Brethren, the RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 241 Christians, the Protestant Methodists, the Baptists, the Presbyterians and in latter days the Anti-Slavery Friends, the Wesleyans, as also the African Methodist Episcopal church and perhaps others. Some of the Methodist churches were built very early as the chapel west of Deerfield, the Prospect meeting house east of Deerfield, Macksville, etc. In early times many protracted meetings were held and several camp- meetings at some of which remarkable seasons of religious awakening were witnessed and many souls were brought to repentance and forgiveness. Many preachers too have been prominent and successful in their labors for Christ. Protracted meetings are still employed (in addition to regular Sab- bath and other stated work), as a powerful and efficient means for the spread of religious knowledge and the impression of the public mind with religious truth. Camp-meetings are also (though more rarely) held, since the altered condition of society renders them less a matter of necessity or convenience than formerly. Almost every neighborhood now has commodious churches, large enough to hold the congregations who desire to gather for Divine worship. There are indeed in various places in the county groves which have been furnished with seats, etc., for the convenience of meetings; and, during the pleasant Sabbaths of summer out-door meetings are occasionally held in them. But immense crowds now are rarely seen except upon very unusual occasions. In the simple-heartedness of those early times the people are thought, by the aged veterans who can remember what took place forty, fifty or sixty years ago to have been more warm-hearted and whole-souled in their re- ligious feelings and convictions than they are to-day. However that may be, religion, to those who then professed it was a serious business and they made thorough work of it. Women would take a babe in their arms and the hus- band a three-year-old child in his, while together they would go cheerfully on foot for miles to the place appointed for divine service. The daughter of the first settler of the county stated that she often when a “girl in her teens,’ walked from near Arba to Newport to Friends’ meetings (at least six miles), and was not aware of having done anything worthy of especial mention. A young Friend at Cherry Grove would rise at 3 a. m. and work several hours in his field and then ride on horseback sixteen miles to week- day Friends’ meeting. Children, ten, twelve, even sixteen years of age would go “barefoot” to church and young women and mothers would carry their shoes until near the church, when they would put them on and wear them (16) 242 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. until a short distance on their return, at which time they would take them off and go “barefoot” home. A Methodist circuit rider would go his round once a month, riding frequently hundreds of miles during the time and hav- ing an appointment every day and not seldom one at night besides. The preacher honored his calling then and to be a Methodist circuit rider meant to go to work at preaching and to have plenty of it to do; and to their honor it should be said that as a rule they performed a great amount of ministerial labor, and that, according to the full measure of their ability, they served the gracious Lord in His vineyard in their appointed lot. And those old-time ministers of Christ have, one by one, lain down to their final rest and their souls have gone home to receive the gracious welcome, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” And true it is that the simple-hearted worship offered and the instruction given in those rude and uncouth cabins was to the full as acceptable to the Great Father of all our mercies as is any now-a-days to be met within the grand and magnificent piles of brick and stone that pass for houses of worship in these later days. Linsey woolsey home- spun and deer-skin hunt- ing shirts, calico sun bonnets and coon-skin head-gear were as pleasing to the eye of the Omniscient as can any rich and costly methods and fashions be which the descendants of that honest, sturdy, faithful race of sterling men and loving women feel themselves called upon now to indulge or to practice. It is indeed a comfort to the pure and humble soul, in all ages and places, to know and feel the blessed truth, that while “man looketh upon the outward appearance, God looketh on the heart”; that the Good Shepherd knoweth His sheep and leadeth them in peace into the green pastures of His love. It is an interesting reminiscence of those pioneer days that as late as 1840 this veteran mail carrier for nearly thirty years on the route north from Winchester used to take, on a horse led by his side, a heavy sack of silver money, sometimes to the amount of five thousand dollars to six thousand dollars at a time for payment at the Ft. Wayne land office for land entries at that point. He would camp out one night as he went, yet he was never molested and to the honor of the veteran who did this no man ever lost a cent by unfaithiulness of his. Night and day, summer and winter, through mud, snow and rain, whether sweltering in a July sun or shivering in a December snow storm, swimming the swollen streams faithfully and untir- ingly, heroically did that conservitor of the United States mail press onward from south to north and from north to south alternately, growing old but not RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 243 rich in his countrys service and only leaving that department of work to enlist in the army at the commencement of the war of 1861. One of his stopping places was at the residence of Edmund Edger in Deerfield. Mr. Connor would usually get to Mr. Edger’s about dark and would take the money from the sack and put it under the house through a trap door. This trap door was in the floor and covered by a rag carpet. Mr. Connor or Mr. Edger never felt any uneasiness about the money being dis- turbed. ; This not only indicates the honesty and faithfulness of such men as these but indicates the honesty of all the people among whom Mr. Connor had to stop or travel. May the day be long deferred when such integrity, though found among the poor and lowly shall fail to receive its due honor in the hearty esteem of the public in whose behalf such untiring faithfulness has been done. All honor to him through many long years of weariness and privations and toil faltered not in the path of public duty, heroically performing what was then so indispensable to the public welfare and for accomplishing which needed result no better and easier method had then been discovered. The writer of this article was searching in the basement of the court ‘house a few months ago, and among other old books, found a day book that had belonged to E. B. Goodrich who had come to this country in 1831. Mr. ‘Goodrich had written a letter in this old book and evidently had forgotten to tear it out and mail it. ; This reflects the experience and attitude of the early settlers so well that we shall quote it here: “We arrived at our present place on White River, Randolph county, indiana, Of t8@: wana Cay OY anes eeseeeeccis , after a long and tedious journey. We arrived here without any lives being lost or limbs broken and that is all we can say. If I was to tell you of the many difficulties we had t> encounter in moving here, extreme cold weather, dangerous roads, in conse- quence of ice you would hardly believe me and therefore I shall say nothing about it. We are all in good health and spirits and are well pleased with the country as far as we have as yet seen.” This letter shows the spirit of thousands and thousands of the pioneers and all honor to the men and women who were willing to brave the dangers and hardships to make this country what it is. Of the character of these first pioneers, no better portrayal can be made 244 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. than in the eloquent tribute of Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones to the father of. Abraham Lincoln. “Only he who knows what it means to hew a home out of the forest; of what is involved in the task of replacing mighty trees with corn; only he who has watched the log house rising in the clearing and has witnessed the devotedness that gathers around the old log school house and the pathos of a grave in the wilderness can understand how sobriety, decency, aye, devout- ness, beauty and power belong to the story of those who began the mighty continent. In pleading for a more just estimate of Thomas Lincoln, I do but plead for a higher appreciation of that stalwart race who pre-empted the Mississippi Valley to civilization, who planted the seed that has since grown school houses and churches unnumerable. They were men not only of great hearts, but of great heads, aye, women, too, with laughing eyes, willing hands and humble spirits.” REMINISCENCES. Much of the following chapter on the Reminiscences of the Earliest Settlers, are the reminiscences actually taken from what is known as the Tucker history and to which we are indebted. These reminiscences were taken first hand by Mr. Tucker and as these pioneers have long since gone to their reward, the utterances will be all the more valuable. Their experiences, joys, pleasures, hardships and privations could only be known to them, and can only be appreciated when read in their own language, for they were in- deed the only ones who could properly interpret the drama of their life. It is not attempted to give these in chronological order but rather as an ex- pression of experiences as they came to the minds of those to whom we are under such a great obligation. In this country with our modern homes with all their conveniences, with well-improved farms and conveniences made pos- sible by modern machinery and devices, with rapid transportation on high- way and rail, with the present methods of communications by letter or by wire, it is utterly impossible for us to know the hardships and privations * undergone by them. Their story is the story common in the great middle west. The experiences given here by a few only, reflect the experiences of thousands upon thousands of the early settlers and pioneers of this country. Their story is the story of all, their experiences, the experiences of all their labor, the labor common to all; their society, the society of all; their gift to posterity is the gift common from all, to those of the present generation. These reminiscences are given years after the events had occurred and per- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 245 haps time had changed their color. Repetitions had no doubt altered the story they had to tell, yet they portray truthfully the experiences of these peo- ple. Let us be slow to criticise, because we know little or nothing of what they had to undergo. The following reminiscences by old and early settlers concerning their pioneer life in Randolph county and elsewhere, were written from their own lips, mostly in their own language. Care has been have all the mat- ter in these narratives fresh and unique, the same thing not being repeated, each pioneer’s tale giving some fact or phase not found in any other. Most of these sketches are from the original settlers, and from those who came when the land was heavily laden with.dense, unbroken forests, and the country was still a wild and unpeopled waste. Some of the “sketches” are arranged for the most part, though not en- tirely, in the order of time. . Some of the “sketches” contain incidents that occurred outside of Ran- dolph county, yet in connection with persons who have been at some period residents thereof. This portion of the work might have been greatly enlarged. JESSE PARKER, I814. son of Thomas W. Parker, first settler, April, 1814, and long of Bethel, Ind., but dying November, 1881, near Lynn, Randolph county. “The Indians were thick all around us, but they were civil and peaceable and friendly.. They would help the settlers raise cabins, bring us turkeys and venison, etc. Three wigwams were in sight of our cabin. We children had great sport with the young Indians, and they were then almost or quite our only playmates. AA squaw once scared me nearly to death. I had gone to drive a calf home to its pen. The calf was near one of the wigwams; I felt skittish (this was before I had became so familiar with them), but the calf had to be brought and I had to do it, for children had to mind in those days. So how about the calf? This way—I got around it and started it for the pen, and away we went, calf and boy, when, hallo! out popped a squaw full tilt after me! She had jumped behind a tree and stuck out what I took to be a gun, and as I came near she bounced after me. My legs flew, you may guess; I could keep up with the calf with the squaw after me. She chased me home, she was tickled well-nigh to death, and I was scared nearly out of my wits. I thought I could feel the ball hit me; but she had no gun, it was only a stick, and she was in fun. But there was no going around nettles then; they flew 246 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. like sticks in a whirlwind, and she came rushing after me, parting the brush as she came! The Indians would often come slipping around watching for deer, and would carry the dead deer to their wigwams. The squaws would dress the venison and jerk the meat and dress the skins for leather. The Indians wore paint and all their war equipments, which made them look frightful enough. But we soon got used to them, as they were very friendly. As the cauntry settled up, they went farther back—Winchester, Macksville, Windsor—and then to Smithfield, Muncie and Anderson. They would pass back and forth on their trails, bringing moccasins, etc., to trade for iron, salt, corn, etc., for their use. There were many rattlesnakes, yet but few people ever got bitten by them. Father settled April, 1814; John W. Thomas and Clarkson Willcutts, farther north during the summer, and October 22, 1814, Ephraim Bowen drove up to father’s door, and he went still farther up Nolan’s Fork, and the farthest north of any. North and northwest was an endless wilderness, ex- cept a few soldiers at Fort Wayne and Fort Dearborn and Green Bay and Mackinaw. : At first it seemed lonely, but neighbors came gradually, and the blue smoke of their cabins could be seen curling up among the forest trees, as we followed the ‘blazes’ from hut to hut. The settlers who had come in by 1819 were these: Thomas Parker, John W. Thomas, Clarkson Willcutts, Ephraim Bowen, Ephraim Overman, Eli Overman, John Schooly, Seth Burson, Nathan Overman, Joshua Small, George Bowles, Jesse Small, Jonathan Small, David Bowles, James Cam- mack, John Cammack, John Jay, Isaac Mann, John Mann, William Mann, Stephen Thomas, Elijah Thomas, Stephen Williams, etc., etc. We settled near (east of) the old (\Wayne’s) boundary. Game was plenty—deer, opossum, coons, turkeys, crows, wildcats, catamounts, bears, wolves, etc. The wolves would come near the door at night to pick up the crumbs, though precious little they found to pick, except the bones. Stephen Williams built a wolf-pen. Sometimes a wolf would get caught, and there would be fun. They would put a dog into the pen, and the wolf would whip the dog quick enough. The wolves would howl till one could not sleep for their noise. Our bedsteads had but one post, and they needed no more. The rails were bored into the logs of the house, and met in one post at the corner. But we slept first rate. The floor was puncheon, the door was one big puncheon, the loft was boards laid on poles, or often none at all. We would climb into RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 247 the loft by a ladder, and slept under the roof to the music of the rain on the shingles. The fire-place was cut out six or eight feet long; the back and jambs were dirt beaten in and puncheons outside. the chimney was sticks and clay; the table was a puncheon upon poles laid on forks; the chairs were rough stools, or we had none, or sat on puncheon benches; yet we were happy and full of glee. Our diet was splendid—venison, turkey, roasted coon, fat possum, bear steak, roasted squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, corn bread baked on a hoe, or a lid, or a board, johnny-cake, or dodger bread, all good. Health and hunger make the best sauce, and we had them both. Then we had pounded hominy, and lye hominy fit to set before a king. About my schooling: It was not much, picked up in the woods. The neighbors joined and put up a cabin for church and school, the first of the -kind in the county. The first school was taught by Eli Overman, and I at- tended it and was there the first day. My first book was a primer, and my next (and my last) was Noah Webster (spelling book). The house had a puncheon floor and door, a puncheon to write on, scalped off smooth with the ‘pitching ax.’ The benches were split poles with legs. Not a plank, nor a shingle, nor a brick, nor a nail, nor a pane of glass was in the whole house. The nails were pegs, the bricks were dirt, the planks were puncheons, the shingles were clapboards, the glass was greased paper over a crack for light, and the bigger boys got the wood for fuel. They had not far to go; the mighty giants stood huge, grim and frowning, stretching far and wide their monstrous arms as if to reach down and devour us. I tell you, the way the men and women (and the boys and girls, too) made the work hop around was a wonder—a sight to behold. Log-rolling would begin and keep on twenty or twenty-five days, people helping one another all around. Raising cabins, chopping trees, rolling logs, clearing land, splitting rails, mak- ing fences, plowing, planting and what not, kept folks busy enough for weeks and weeks the whole year through. People would go miles to help their neighbors ; one could hear the ax ring or the maul go crack, crack, or the trees come crashing down, from morning till night, all over the woods. The loom and the wheel were heard in every cabin; the giant oaks, and the kingly sugar maples and the mighty beeches could be seen bowing their proud and stately heads, and coming heavily, helplessly down on every hand. The girls spun and the women wove and made the clothing, and took care of the family. Now, the first thing when a couple get married, is a hired girl, and the next thing a piano. : We had hard times, indeed, in those grand old days amid the majestic, overshadowing forest. And now, how changed! And what shall sixty-six 248 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. years more of time, stretching forward into the dim and wondrous future, accomplish for those who shall look on those coming days? We who have borne the brunt of the hardy past—how few we stand, how swift our passage to the opening tomb! The rising race—what do they know? They complain of hard times, forsooth! Then, it was the ax, the maul, the iron sledge- hammer, the flail, the brake, the swingling-board, the hatchet, the ‘cards,’ ‘the wheel, the reel, the winding blades, the loom. If we went anywhere, it was on foot, or on horseback, or even on oxback, or on rough, home-made sleds. -And now these things are fled, and the faithless ones of the present day will scarcely believe that such things are any more than idle tales made up to be- guile the weary hours in the telling; yet they are true, as the few old pioneers know full well. The Indians helped father raise his cabin. There was no one else to help. He covered his ‘camp’ with bedclothes and brush the first night. We crept into our cabin under the end logs the first night after it was built be- cause no door hole had been cut. Father and mother went to Friends’ meet- ing at New Garden (probably) the next ‘First Day’ after they moved into the forest, seven miles through the woods. John Peelle and Francis Thomas, at New Garden pole-cabin meeting-house, one day, swapped pants, and Peelle kept the ones he got, and was buried in them, April 21, 1879. The swap took place about 1813, so that he must have kept those ‘pants’ about sixty-six years. The Pucketts were eight brothers. Four settled near Dunkirk. Daniel settled near New Port, Benjamin lived a few years in Randolph, but moved to Morgan county, Ind., in 1826. We crossed the Ohio at Cincinnati, on a flat-bottomed boat, that was pulled over by a rope stretched across the river. There were just three pole-cabins in Richmond with families living in them, and one with goods for sale. The families were John Smith, Jere Cox and Robert Hill. Robert Hill had the store. Mother sold him some ‘slaies,’ reeds for ‘veaving, for some muslin and other ‘traps.’ I'rancis Thomas lived near the toll-gate below Newport, perhaps. My father and John \W. Thomas went up to Nolan’s Fork and picked out their ‘places.’ Parker moved to his land first; Thomas next, and afterward Clark- son Willcutts. Thomas Parker sold out to John James, and bought out Clarkson Will- cutts, and Willcuts bought elsewhere. The squaw who scared me so and chased me through the brush, was so ‘tickled’ at my terrible ‘scare’ that she could not tell mother what she had RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 249 done, for laughing. She fell down on the cabin floor, and laughed and laughted, and kept on laughing; and to mother’s question, she only pointed her finger at me as she lay there, and burst out laughing again; and I stood there, as mad as a lad of my age could well be, at the squaw, for scaring me so terribly, and then laughing herself well-nigh to death over the fun she had got out of me.” MRS. CELIA ARNOLD (PARKER). Mrs. Celia Arnold, daughter of Thomas W. Parker, first settler of Ran- dolph (who is now living at Arba, Ind.), and sister of Jesse Parker, being one of the three children who belonged to the family of the first emigrant to the Randolph woods. She says, “I was born in 1811, married Benjamin Arnold in 1830, and have had five children, three of whom are living. My husband died 12th month, 11th day, 1878, aged seventy-two years. He was born 3d month, rith day, 1807. He came to Randolph county in 1823, be- ing the son of William Arnold. As we were coming to Indiana, our wagon upset and scraped my wrist. Two families, John Thomas and Thomas Parker, came all the way in the same wagon, nine in all, and some of the way Thomas Willcutts and his wife and five children. [Note—David Willcutts, later of Newport, Ind., Thomas Willcutts’ youngest son came with us.] All these did all the riding they did on the one wagon. We brought beds and cooking utensils, and one chair (for mother). She died in 1823. I used, when a girl in my teens, to go on foot to New Garden, six and a half miles, to meeting. I have done it many a time, and did not consider myself as having done anything worthy of spe- cial mention.” SQUIRE BOWEN, I814. “The ‘Quaker Trace’ was begun in 1817. James Clark, with twenty-five or thirty men, started with three wagon loads of provisions, as also a sur- veyor and chain, etc., and they marked ‘mile trees,’ and cut the road out enough for wagons to pass. They wound around ponds, however, and big. logs and trees, and quagmires, fording the Mississinewa above Allensville, Randolph county, and the Wabash just west of Corydon, Jay county, and so on to Fort Wayne. My brother James and myself first went to Fort Wayne (with a four-horse team) in 1820. James himself had been the trip a year or so before that. We took our feed along for the whole trip, as there was but one house from one mile north of Spantanburg to Fort Wayne, viz., at Thomson’s Prairie, eight miles north of Wabash river. At Black Swamp 250 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. we had to wade half-leg to knee deep, walking to drive (we always had to do that). After that first trip, we always took oxen, generally three yoke for a team. No feed was needed for the oxen, for they could be turned out to pick their living. Our load was commonly about 2,500 pounds of bacon, flour, etc. Bacon would be 10 to 12 cents.a pound, and flour $7 to $8 a bar- rel. The trip would take about two weeks, and we expected to make about $40 a trip. It would take eight days to go, three days in Fort Wayne and four days to return. Once an ox team came through in three days, which was the quickest trip ever made. We would unyoke the oxen, ‘hopple’ them, put a bell upon one of them and turn them out. For ourselves, we would build a fire by a log, cook supper, throw down an old bed on the leaves under a tent stretched before the fire, and lie down and sleep as sound as a nut. We would start early, drive till 9 o'clock and get breakfast, and let the oxen eat again. From two to six teams would go in company. Sometimes the teams would get ‘stuck’ but not often. If so, we would unhitch the ‘lead’ yoke from another team, hitch on in front, and pull the load through. Once only I had to unload. I got fast in the quicksand in crossing the Missis- sinewa. We got a horse from a settler (Philip Storms), carried the flour to the bank of the river on his back, hitched the oxen to the hind end and pulled the wagon out backward. The first religious meeting was held in father’s cabin. Stephen Williams exhorted (perhaps in 1815). The first sermon was preached there also (in 1815), by Rev. Holman, of Louisville, Ky.. text, Isaiah, ‘Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? \hy then is the hurt of the daughter of my people not recovered?’ It was a good Gospel sermon, and was food to the hungry souls longing to be fed in the wilderness. We used to go to meet- ing to Dwiggins’ (near Newport), and they would come up to our house. The Methodist meeting house near Dwiggins’ was warmed thus: They had a box, nearly filled with dirt, standing in the middle of the floor, and would make a fire with charcoal in the box. That house never had a stove in it, but was warmed in that way as long as it stood, fifteen or twenty vears. They would have a rail-pen near the church to hold the coal, and carry it in as it might be needed. Mrs. Bowen says she has carried many a basket of coal to replenish the fire. The first meeting house was at Arba, built by the Friends in 1815, and used for church and schoolhouse both: I went to school there four or five years. Afterward they built a hewed-log church, and had a stove in it. We would catch wolves in a wolf-pen. We could pay our taxes with the ‘scalps.’ A wolf-pen was made, say six feet long and four feet wide and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 251 two feet high, of poles for bottom, sides and top, the size of your arm. The top was like a ‘lid,’ withed down to the pen at one end, and so as to lift up at the other. The ‘lid’ would be ‘set’ with a trap so as to fall and catch the wolf and fasten him into the pen. The bait would be deer meat. To kill the wolf, take a hickory switch and make it limber by ‘witheing’ it, i. e., twisting it limber. Make a noose and slip it through the pen and around the wolf’s neck, and lift him against the top of the pen and choke him to death. If the wolf was shot and bled in the pen, no more wolves would come into it. One big wolf father undertook to choke, but the dogs wished so much to get in at him, that we let them in, but the wolf fought them ter- ribly, and whipped the dogs, till father put an end to the battle by choking him in dead earnest. We moved into the thick, green woods. We would cut out the trees a’ foot and under, grub the undergrowth, pile and burn the logs, girdle the big trees, and kill them by burning brush piles around them. The last time I went to Fort Wayne was in 1829. Several tribes drew their payment there for years after Fort Wawne was laid out as a town. The Indians around here were Shawnees. They would trap in April and May, and then go back to their towns. The squaws would plant and raise the corn, and dress the skins. The men did the hunting and the women did the work. At one time at Fort Wayne, thirteen Indians were killed during one payment in drunken fights. Plenty of wild plums and grapes (and some blackberries) were to be found. The plums and grapes grew on the banks of the creeks, and along the edges of the’ (wet) prairies. There were different sorts, red and purple, small and round, but very sweet and good, better than most tame plums. Some grapes were fall grapes and some winter grapes. The blackberries grew on the ‘windfalls.’ There was one near Spartanburg. There were crab-ap- ples, but too sour to use, and pawpaws, but no one would eat them. The woods were full of weeds of many kinds, and of pea-vines, and horses and cattle lived well on them. Some places had been burned over, and the woods, in those spots, were open like a big orchard. I knew Johnny Cornstalk, the Shawnee chief. My mother-in-law once made him an overcoat. He was a large, portly, fine looking, genteel Indian, straight as an arrow. He once came (with his wife) to my father’s, on horseback, to tell him that they had found a bee-tree in his woods. They rode up. Cornstalk dis- mounted, but his wife sat still upon her horse, tall, straight and lady-like, genteel, dressed richly in Indian fashion, with a beautiful side-saddle and bridle, and a fine pony. Mother said, ‘Won't you light?’ Spry as a cat, she 252 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. sprang off, and they went into the house. She was waiting for an invitation. They were a stately, elegant-looking couple. Cornstalk told father of the bee-tree, and father went and cut the tree down and gathered the honey, and gave Cornstalk half. They were then ‘camping’ near James Jackson’s place. I knew Chief Richardville five miles above Fort Wayne, on St. Mary’s river. He was a Miami chief, had a large, brick house and was rich. His daugh- ters dressed Indian fashion, but very grand and stylish. He was a good, honest, genteel, friendly man, and much respected, both by the Indians and white men. We made bricks one season at Fort Wayne, and saw him often. In plowing, when father first moved, we used a bar-share plow and a wooden mold-board. I could tell tales by the hour of those old times, but it is not worth the while to print so.much of an old man’s gossip.” JAMES C. BOWEN, 1814. Son of the fourth settler, who came on his forty-fifth birthday, October 22, 1814, when James was only a half-grown boy. “Hunting was splendid, and game plenty in the woods. Deer, turkeys, bears (and wolves) were abundant. , We used to go to mill to Newport, to George Sugart’s mill, but oftener to White Water, to Jere Cox’s mill. Sugart had a little ‘corn-cracker,’ run by water-power. The buhr went around no oftener than the wheel did. Sugart would throw in a bushel of corn, and go out and swingle flax, etc., for an’ hour or two, and then go in and attend to his grist again. Awful slow! One day a hound came in and began licking up the meal as it came in spurts from the spout. It did not come fast enough for him and he would look up with a pitiful howl, and then lick for more meal! We boys would go four-- teen miles to mill on horseback. Sometimes we would go with a wagon and take a load, and then it would take two days. Often the settlers had to go over to the Big Miami for provisions. Sometimes two men would join teams and go with four horses, and bring a big load. Once I went with Clark Will- cutts’ son (we were boys) on horseback to a mill four miles east of Rich- mond, to get a grist of corn. We each got a sack of corn, took it to Cox’s mill, got it ground, and took the meal home. It was twenty miles and took us two days. Pork was $1.50 a hundred net, and sometimes $1, or even less than that. As late as 1835, when I was justice, I rendered judgment on a debt, and the defendant said he had wheat at Jeremiah Cox’s mill, and he could not get 12% cents a bushel, in money, to pay the debt. At Newport, Jonathan Un- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 253 thank sued David Bowles for $5, balance on a store debt. Bowles was angry and declared he would never trade with Unthank any more. ‘To think,’ he said, ‘that I have traded there so’much, and he must go and sue me for $5!’ Benjamin Thomas (Wayne county) said he had as good wheat as ever grew, and he could not get 1214 cents a bushel, in money, to pay his taxes! In making ‘Quaker Trace,’ in 1817, twenty-five or thirty men started with three wagon-loads of provisions. I went about twenty-five miles (be- yond the Mississinewa river) until one wagonload was gone, and then re- turned with that team.” , [Mr. Bowen thinks that Sample’s mill, on White river, was the first mill of any importance in the country. He says, also, that Cox’s mill had at first: a hand bolt, and that flour had to be bolted by hand, which was a slow and tedious process. | {Ephraim Bowen came from Ohio in a big Shaker wagon, with a load of “plunder,” and then went back after his family. The patent for his quar- ter-section was signed by James Madison. E. B. was an intelligent, devoted Methodist, and did much to help plant the foundations of religion in this western wilderness. His dwelling was the “‘preacher’s home,” and a preach- ing station for more than thirty years. The first meeting was held at his house, and the first sermon was preached there also. All the Methodists in the region were there, and others, perhaps thirty persons. The descendants’ of E. B. are numerous and widespread. There were at his death seventy grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. E. B. and his family are a fine specimen of the hardy pioneers who subdued these western wilds. Courag- eous, honest, industrious, devout, intelligent, energetic, upright, enterprising, successful; their labors and achievements have helped the howling wilder- ness to become the “garden of the Lord,” and to cause the “desert to bud and blossom as the rose.’’] SILAS JOHNSON, 1817. “J was fifteen years old when father came here. Paul Beard and John. Moorman and Francis Frazier and John Barnes were here when we came. Paul Beard came the same spring. The others had come perhaps the year before. Curtis Clenney came, I think, the same fall. Daniel Shoemaker, James Frazier, David Kenworthy were early settlers. The settlers before us had not been here more than a year, perhaps not so long. John Barnes was very old and he died last spring (1880). James Frazier (bell-maker) had a large family, and lived in a ‘camp.’ 2o!, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The roof-poles of his camp were put in the forks of a cherry tree, There. came a heavy snow May 4,’after the leaves were out, and broke down his forks, roof—snow and all right on their heads. The Friends first attended meeting at Center Meeting in Wayne county, but scon Lynn meeting was set. up (about 1820). Francis Frazier lived west of the pike, a mile south of Lynn. Daniel Kenworthy lived east of Jesse Johnson. Curtis Clenney lived a mile south. Daniel Shoemaker lived a half mile east of Lynn. James Frazier lived one mile east of Lynn. CHOLERA, 1849. In the morning about breakfast, a black cloud came up from the east, dark and threatening; there was some thunder and a little rain, suddenly a sharp stroke of lightning seemed to strike the earth between Mr. Palmer’s and the four corners, a mile east of Lynn. The sky was filled with smoke, and a fearful sickening smell as of burning sulphur filled the air, which lasted some time. A little while afterwards, that same morning, John Lister and two sons (one a lad) passed those corners. They were ail taken sick that evening, John died next morning, and his oldest son during the day. The lad lingered a month, but recovered. William Hodgin passed next, and then ' Henry Benson and three others; they were all taken sick and died the next day or very shortly. On Chamness’ place, a mile off, five or six were taken sick, but they did not die. Isaac Moody and Jonathan Clevinger nursed the sick all the time, but were not sick themselves. Most of the persons east and south of those cor- ners were taken sick. Twenty-seven died, and a few got well. It lasted two or three weeks. There seemed to be an uncommonly sharp smell after dark. [See W. Pickett’s, Francis Frazier’s and W. D. Stone’s accounts. ] When Jesse Johnson came in the fall of 1817 (perhaps), Paul Beard had cleared a field and burned the standing trees black by piling the brush of the undergrowth around the roots of the trees and then burning the brush ’ piles. Settlers at that time were Paul Beard, Sr., Francis Frazier, John Moor- man, John Barnes (Wayne county), Travis Adcock, Isaac Hockett (Cherry Grove), Gideon Frazier. David Kenworthy had entered land (80 acres). some years before, but he came after Jesse Johnson did. Jesse Johnson had been here and bad entered the land, and came and settled soon afterwards. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 255 Curtis Clenney was the next that bought near Francis Frazier, John Moorman and Travis Adcock. Clenney was in the Indian war of 1811-1 3, in the blockhouse and scout- ing in the region. James Frazier and John Baxter came the next spring. Edward Hunt came when Jesse Johnson did, and settled west of, and near to Lynn, 1817. James Abshire was an early settler, northwest of Lynn. He was a famous hunter. His son Isaac Abshire is still residing in that region.” IRA SWAIN, 1815. “My father, Elihu Swain, was born in 1759, on Nantucket Island, moved from there to Guilford county, N. C., in 1776; to Jefferson county, East Tennessee, in 1785; to Wayne county, Ind. (near Randolph county line) in 1815, and died in 1848, aged nearly ninety. He married Sarah Mills in North Carolina in 1782. They had ten children, six boys and four girls—John, Nathaniel, Hannah, Samuel, Joseph, Lydia, Elihu, Rachel, Job and Ira. The family lived in a tent made of a wagon sheet for three weeks or more, lying in beds on the ground. They built a pole cabin, which for some time had a Yankee blanket for a door. For two or three years the children used to play with the Indians, who were plenty. A dozen Indians lived near, with their families, in ‘camps,’ made of poles set up in a circle, with ash bark peeled off the tree for a roof, the fire being built in the middle and a hole at the top in the peak to let off the smoke. In two or three years the Indians left their wigwams and came back no more, but their little pole tents stood tenantless and desolate for years. One little Indian by the name of ‘Jim,’ who lived not 200 yards away, and with whom I played many a day when we were boys together, was adopted by Judge Reeves, and grew up civilized. I met him years afterward at La Porte, Ind. He knew me, though I did not know him. He had -traveled a great deal, but he came back, and lived on Judge Reeves’ old place a few years ago, remaining there until he died. When our family was coming from Tennessee, I saw a sight of cruelty which will stick by me to my dying day, and the memory of which has done much to fasten in my mind an eternal hatred of human slavery. As we came through Richmond, Ky., a man was being flogged near the road where we passed. I was but a child, but I remember it well. The man’s hands were drawn down over his knees, and a stick was thrust through between his arms and his legs, thus fastening him 256 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. | forward. His body was naked,.and they were whipping him terribly. He was screaming with all his might, and his back and hips were all cut into a jelly. It was a fearful sight. Father entered Congress land. The twelve -mile purchase was in mar- ket, but the land west of it was not, being surveyed in 1821-22. Father had to go or send to mill to-Connersville (thirty miles). They would buy corn near the mill and get it ground and bring the meal home. The first school was near David Moore’s (in 1816 or 1817), with, per- haps, twenty scholars. The house was a pole cabin, 14x18 feet. One end of it was cut out (much of it) for a fire-place. We used to pile up logs in the fire-place (i. e., the larger scholars did) for a rousing big fire. The fire-place was built up to the mantel, with puncheons filled in with clay inside, and the chimney was made above with sticks and clay around. The floor was puncheons, and the benches were split poles with legs. The older pupils used to get wood at noon to last till the next day noon. That was not much trou- ble, though the chief care was not to fell the trees on the schoolhouse, and it took ‘lots’ of wood to keep the house warm. For several winters we had no shoes. Then father dug out a large log and made a big trough and tanned some hides, and made some leather, and so we got some shoes. One man who had a trough and some hides tanning, intending to move and wishing to take his hides along (I suppose they were not tanned enough, and he thought there was no bark on the prairie where he was going), made a big truck wagon with wooden wheels, sawed from a large oak tree. He loaded his tan trough, bark, hides and all, upon his huge truck-wagon, and away he started for Illinois. After traveling two or three days, he bethought himself that he had left some tobacco in a crack of his cabin, and, leaving his folks and team (of oxen) in the woods, he ‘footed’ it back after the tobacco, found it, got it, and tramped back again, spending two or three days in the operation. What the folks did meanwhile I do not know; I suppose they just waited there in the woods, cooking and eating, and tak- ing it easy. The people in those days made ‘hand-mills’ with stones ‘a foot over’ to grind corn with. To turn them was hard work. My wife’s father once took a peck of corn to grind on one of them; a boy came with a tin cup to toll the grist. The man ground and ground, till he got so tired that he called out to the boy, ‘Come here, sonny, with your tin, and get some more toll, or I shall never get done.’ People went on horseback, or rather walked and led the horse, with a sack of corn or meal on his back, thirty miles to mill. A man or a boy would. go with a horse and three bushels of corn in a four- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 257 bushel sack all that distance. Johnny Banks made a great improvement; he loaded one horse and attached a rein, leading one and riding another, thus not exactly killing two birds with one stone, but what was still better, getting two grists of corn to mill with one boy. Great labor-saving invention, to make one boy to accomplish the work of two, and more than that, for the led horse, having no boy to ‘tote,’ could take a full load of corn. We were often two weeks without bread. However, mother could make plenty of lye hominy, and we had potatoes, and sweet potatoes, and sweet pumpkins and squashes, and plenty of bacon and chickens and eggs, venison, wild turkey, etc., so that people need not starve even on such fare.” ANNA RETZ. “Mr. Blount lived at first on the Zimmerman place [southern part of West river]. Mr. Barnes lived south of it. Griffith Davis lived south of Mount Pleasant church. William Smith settled a mile north. He came in 1817. I remember the ‘falling timber.’ I saw a tree fall between the house and the corn-crib, and remember playing under the tree top, as it lay there, with Cahoon’s children, an Irish family, who lived near by. I recollect father’s trying to get some colts that were in the woods among the fallen timber. We could see them and hear them ‘whinny,’ but he could not get them. They worked round home in three or four days. The cattle also took several days to come home. We could hear them bawl, but they could not be got at. One heifer did not come, but we got her a year afterwards. .\ man saw the mark on her and came and told us, and father went and got her. My sister was keeping house for Isaac Branson, with his children; father clambered over the trees after the storm and got there. half of the house roof was blown off, and the stable roof also, and the logs were blown down round the horse, so that he could not move, yet he was not hurt; their cow was killed, and that was the only animal we knew to have been hurt. Trees were blown crosswise in every direction; east of our house it blew down but Jittle; the storm seemed to rise for a space, but it came down again near Albert Macy’s and took his house roof off ; by-and-by it rose, and did not come down any more. The crops were injured, but not so badly as one might think; there was no hail; the worst of the storm was north of us. The house we lived in at the time of the storm is standing yet, and in good repair.” (17) 258 : RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. W. M. BOTKIN (1816). “My father was a tanner; his tan troughs are here yet, though out of use for many years. A large cherry tree is growing in the end of one of them, as it lies buried in the ground. General muster use to be held on fa- ther’s farm. A colored man named Jack ran away from Kentucky in early times and came to my father’s, stopping awhile to work. One night a spell- ing-school was held in father’s cabin. While they were spelling, a knock was heard at the door; father went to the door and asked who was there. Jack heard the reply, and knew his master’s voice. Peter Botkin opened the win- dow and let Jack jump out and escape. The master offered father $50 to help him get the slave, but we helped him off instead. ; Plows were made almost wholly of wood; the bar and share were iron, but the moldboard, etc., were of wood; sometimes a piece of a saw or the : like would be put over the moldboard to make the plow scour. To make a cradle to rock the baby in, we took a hollow buck-eye and split the log, and put rockers on the bottom. I have cut many a cord of wood at 20 cents a cord and board, and have split rails at 9 1-3 cents a hundred. I have worked many a day for 25 cents and 37% cents in harvest, from sunrise till sundown at that. Wheat was 37% cents a bushel, and pork $1.25 a hundred net. I used to slide on the ice barefooted. the skin on the bottom of my feet was hard, almost like a stick. Methodist meetings were held in father’s cabin, and quarterly meeting at Jesse Cox’s. Father's cabin burne ddown, and then meetings were held else- where; William Hunt and Nathan Gibson were preachers; father was very poor when we came to Randolph. There is now on my place a tan trough, made by my father more than sixty years ago, hollowed from the body of a large tree, the top of the tree, some thirty feet long, being still in connection with the trough. There are also rails, made of white oak, of blue ash and of walntt, ‘still sound and in use on the farm, made by father before 1820, and put up into fences by him on his original farm in that early day. It is only two or three years since I changed the location of some of the rails which had lain all that long time unmolested in a fence, and the ‘crossing’ of the rails were firm and solid.” [Mr. Botkin, poor though he was when a boy, as his story shows, is poor no longer. He owns several hundred acres of excellent land; has a splen- did brick mansion in a beautiful situation; is a thrifty and prosperous farmer, and a prominent and influential citizen, foremost in every good work. It is RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 259 really a wonder how many of the rich men of the day are sons of men who were very poor, and some of them widows’ sons and even orphans. Thomas Ward’s father was not able to enter forty acres of land. Nathan Cadwallader’s father died when Nathan was a lad; their old horse died and they were too poor to buy another. John Fisher was an orphan boy who rode a pony alone from Carolina to Indiana. Simeon Branham was an orphan boy who went for himself alone in the world at sixteen years old. And so on ad infinitum. ] JOHN FISHER, I817. “Father was forty-five and mother was forty-two years of age when they died and left me a lone orphan in the world. I knew of no settlers in Randolph when I came but those on Nolan’s Fork. What I understood to be the first wagon that went to White river was that of William Wright, from Clinton county, Ohio, in the fall of 1817.” [ Mr. Fisher is mistaken. Settlers had come upon Nolan’s Fork, Greens- fork, Martindale Creek and West River in 1815, and on White river in the summer of 1816. Mr. Wright’s wagon may have been the first that passed through that neighborhood two miles north of Newport (Fountain City). The company from Carolina in the spring of 1817, bound for White River, most likely went along a route farther west, past Economy, Joseph Gass’, etc. ] “T owned a little mare and a saddle and bridle, and nothing else. I was an orphan boy and had no more than that pony and its accouterments. I had heard of the free and glorious Northwest, the grand and fertile plains beyond the mountains and the river, where no slave might tread; and set my heart to find that wondrous country, and I found it and thanked God for the consolation. I crossed the Blue Ridge at “Ward’s Gap,’ thence to Gray- son C. H., Wythe C. H., Abingdon, Va., head of Holston river, Tennessee, a large spring, from which flows a wonderful stream as big as the White Water at Richmond. I traveled down Holston to French Broad, turning north into Kentucky, crossing Clinch mountain, and Cumberland mountains to Cumberland river. and so on to Kentucky river, Cincinnati, Richmond. The latter place had perhaps thirty houses, one small store kept by Robert Morrison, one log tavern, etc. Newport was founded in 1822. It was a solid wilderness for years after I came. I have voted at every presidential election, beginning with Madison’s second term, 1816. I voted for Madison, Monroe and Adams, against Jack- 260 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. son Van Buren; for Harrison and Taylor, against Polk, Pierce, Buchanan; for Lincoln, Grant and Hayes. I hope to give yet one more vote, and to help elect one more Republican president, and then I must leave national politics for younger hands.” [Friend Fisher had his wish. He went to the polls and helped elect another Republican president; and now he is gone to the land “where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary are at rest.” He lacked thirty hours of living long enough to hear the candidate of his choice declared president by the presiding officer of the senate in the joint convention of the whole congress assembled to witness the counting of the electoral votes and the proclamation of the grand result. The second Wednes- day of February was on the gth, and he died on the morning of the 8th, at 6 o'clock. Father Fisher’s era of life was truly an eventful one. ] Mr. Fisher says: “I had no wagon for seven or eight years; my hauling was all done ona sled, winter and summer. In 1826, a neighbor and I bought a wagon ‘to the halves’ and we used it in company. In 1829, I bought his half and owned it alone. That was an event in my life, to be the sole owner of a two-horse wagon. Wagons were like ‘angels’ visits, few and far between. Of course there were some wagons in the country, but great numbers had none, and I belonged to that numerous class until the eventful hour when the bargain was struck, the trade was complete, and the wagon was mine, all mine.” JANE FISHER, 1817. “Father, Edward Starbuck, Sr., came to Wayne county, in 1817. The family who came were father and mother and nine children. One daughter had been married in Carolina, and did not come till afterward. Father had, in all, eighteen children; ten by his first wife and eight by the second, nine boys and nine girls, the first set five and five, and the second set four and four. The first that died was Phebe (Leverton), sixty years old, and that was when the youngest was twenty-three years old: The father and eighteen children were alive till the youngest was twenty-three years old. The whole eighteen were married. The next that died was James, sixty-five; Edward, sixty-one; Betsey, eighty. Thirteen are still living. (1880o.) T have a large platter (pewter) which was my father’s in Carolina, which he got from his mother. Its age is probably not less, perhaps more, than 120 years. The platter is fifteen inches across, is heavy and thick, and has never been remolded.” [Mrs. F. has an iron candlestick, more than fifty years old, and as good RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 261 as new, made by her uncle, Zachariah Coffin, a famous blacksmith of those early days. It is “the old candlestick”—the family candlestick—that used to hang, by a hook at the top, from a chair-back, to study by, when people were thankful for “tallow dips;’’ and the splendors of gaslight and kerosene were a thing unknown and unimagined. She can show several wooden trays forty years old, in good condition, though dusty for lack of use. She can show also the greatest curiosity and oddity of all, in the identical “first coat and pants’? made for and worn by her oldest son Daniel, now in his fifty-ninth year. The ancient relic must be about fifty-five vears old. They are truly quaint and odd; the coat is not “shad-belly,” but more like “swallow-tail;” the pants are “single fall,” as was the fashion sixty years ago; the buttons are good, bright, brass buttons, good for fifty vears more; the cloth is striped, home-made, strong and smooth, and just a trifle coarse. | Mrs. F. Says: “When we ‘kept house,’ at first, we had a table, four cups and saucers, half a dozen plates, four knives and forks, one iron pot, one skillet, one rolling pin, four chairs, one light feather bed, two sheets, one flax-and-cotton, and one tow, one quilt, one coverlet. I have the coverlet yet. Mother wove it herself, in old Guilford county, N. C., and she gave it to me. I have had it-more than sixty years, and how much older it is I can not tell. I borrowed a straw tick of Aunt Rebecca for three or four weeks, till I could make some for myself out of tow, which I did, all but the weaving—I hired that done. For a bedstead I borrowed an auger and made two benches out of puncheons, and lugged in nine clapboards and put across on the benches, and on this new, grand bedstead I made up our bed; and, let me tell you, I was ‘set up’ greatly, and felt as proud of my bed, all nice and neat, as of anything I ever had. My brother Edward and myself went back to North Carolina ten or twelve years ago. I was surprised, and pleased, also, to find how well I remembered the country; I could go anywhere, and knew every hill and stream, every road and farm, although I had been absent fifty years. I found in that ancient region four aunts and one sister, whom I had not seen since my father moved away. They were, of course, greatly rejoiced that we should be spared to meet, face to face, this side of glory land.” [Nore.—Mrs. Jane Fisher, relict of John Fisher, deceased, departed this life at-the dwelling of her son-in-law, Capt. J. R. Jackson, Union City, Ind., Thursday, February 4, 1882, aged about seventy-eight years. She had be- come much enfeebled, having, some months before her death, suffered a paralytic stroke, from the effects of which she never recovered. | 262 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. TEMPLE AND PRISCILLA SMITH, 1817. “Joseph Hockett came to Randolph county, Washington township, in 1816. The Quaker meeting was set up at Cherry Grove in 1816 or 1817; they built a double log cabin for a meeting-house. Bloomingsport was laid out not far from 1828, by Nathan Hockett. Al- fred Blizzard built the first house. Beeson kept the first store. Dr. Paul Beard, Sr., was the first ‘physician in the region; there was none in Bloomingsport for a long time. Dr. Gideon Frazier resided there in somewhat early years. Other physicians were Drs. Gore, Strattan, Kemper, etc. Messrs. Bee- son, Comfort, Bullard, Budd, Wyatt, Wright, Coggshall, Hockett, etc., have been merchants. There has been a potter’s shop, a wheelwright’s shop, a saw-mill, a grist-mill, etc. There are two churches, Methodist and United Brethren. At Ridgeville, fifty-four years ago, Meshach Lewallyn’s daughter Polly married David Ham- mer. At the wedding supper, the bride’s brothers were present, and one of them, dressed in buckskin hunting-shirt, and leather belt, and with a butcher knife at his waist, undertook to carve the turkey, and did it with his hunt- ing-knife. At another wedding, the people had gathered, but the supper was not yet done; and as the women were trying to bake pones or slap jacks or some- thing, the crowd of half-drunken fellows would snatch and eat as fast as the women would bake, till at last, one chap, not quite so drunk as the rest, took a club, and stood and watched, and guarded the women till they got enough baked for supper. This was at the house where the boys were chopping as related below. The family was immense, a dozen children or so; the cabin was small. They had a loom in the house but took it down and out, to make room for the ‘weddingers.’ ”’ Mrs. Smith says: “When I was twelve years old, my sister and myself went to help one of the neighbors pick wool. They baked a great ‘pone,’ and turned it out on the floor. The ducks came in, waddling and quacking, and fell to pecking away at the ‘pone’ till they had broken it badly. The woman had her milk set under the bed, and in scaring the ducks away from the ‘pone,’ they scattered and ran under the bed, and went floundering and plunging and paddling ‘slapdab’ through the milk. As the ducks went out, the sheep came in, ‘baa-baaing’ all over the room. We went home without RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 263 eating, and said to mother, ‘If those folks wish us to pick wool, they must bring the wool here; we cant’ stand such living;’ and our picking wool there among the sheep and ducks was at an end. The boys would come in and stamp the mud off their feet upon the floor until the dirt was so thick that they had to scrape it from the floor with a hoe to let the door shut. One of our neighbors told us to be sure to call on a family of ‘new-comers,’ who, he said, were ‘upper crust,’ neat, stylish people, and that we must fix up our best. So one day sister and I fixed up in our ‘nicest,’ and went over there, a little afraid that we were not slick enough. When we got there, lo, and behold, a sight indeed! Four boys, brothers, from eight years and upward, were at the wood-pile chopping wood, with their shirts on and—nothing else! We were taken aback, and thought we must have got to the wrong place. But no, this was the very house. We went in; they set us some stools, black and greasy from having had meat chopped on them. Hardly knowing what to do, we spread some hankkerchiets on the stools and sat down. It was winter, and the creeks were frozen. The boys went out to the ice to slide barefooted, and when they came back their feet were as red as lobsters. ‘Are not your feet cold?’ ‘No, they burn,’ was the reply. And such times the folks had, and such things were done by young and old in days of ‘auld lang syne.’ ”’ PAUL BEARD, JR., 1817. “Settlers, about the same time with my father, were James Frazier, east of Lynn; Francis Frazier; John Pegg, three miles southwest of Beard’s; Obadiah Harris, Cherry Grove; Stephen Hockett, Cherry Grove; Edward Thornburg, Cherry Grove; Travis Adcock, Curtis Clenney, Jesse Johnson shortly after, and perhaps others.” [Paul Beard, Jr., and his wife are both living at this time, 1880. ] MRS. PAUL BEARD, DAUGHTER OF BENJAMIN COX, 1817, “Mother was greatly afraid of the Indians; father was not afraid of them at all. They would come at night; father would get up and make a fire, and let them sit and smoke and stay all night if they wished. Sometimes they would come late in the night and wish to warm, and when they were warm they would go away. Father had to go to Richmond for grain and for mill- ing; this was too much trouble, and they used to pound corn for bread. Father made a sweep with a maul at the end, and a pin through the 264 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. maul; two men would take hold of the pin, one on each side, and thus work the maul to pound corn into meal in a trough or mortar below. We took the finest for bread, and the coarse for mush. We raised a kind of squash that was excellent for baking; many a meal has been made on baked squash and milk and butter. Benjamin Cox was a great hunter, and killed abundance of deer. He has shot as many as five and six deer in a day. A prairie was near and also a spring; he would sprinkle salt around the spring, and the deer would come to lick the salt. He made a scaffold, ten or twelve feet high, in the forks of two elm trees, and from that he watched the deer, and shot them as they came. He has killed scores of deer from that scaffold. Mrs. Beard thinks her father was the first settler on White River, east of Winchester. John Cox, father of Benjamin Cox, came in the spring of 1818; Joshua and John Cox, sons of John Cox, came in the fall of 1818. Thomas Ward and Joseph Moffatt came shortly afterward; Jonathan Hiatt, Zachariah Hiatt and Jehu Robison came not long after. White River meeting-house was built of logs in 1820 or 1821. It was warmed by a box filled with dirt, with coals or bark on the top of a fire.” “Mrs. Paul Beard, Jr., is the daughter of Benjamin Cox. She was born in 1813. she married Paul Beard, Jr., in 1833. They have had nine children, eight are living and seven married.”’ ELIHU CAMMACK, I817. “The floor of the barn on my father’s farm near Arba was made of lum- ber sawed by hand with a whip-saw, done in this way: The log was put on a high frame, and one man stood above on the log and the other below, and they sawed somewhat as with a cross-cut saw. The work was slow and very tedious, but there was no other way then and there. That barn was covered with shingles, and was reckoned the best barn in all that region. The meeting-house was warmed by a dirt box. They would have a great log heap fire out of doors, and take the box out to the fire and shovel in coals enough, and then take it back into the house, and set it in the middle of the room, and people would, get round it and warm themselves as well as they could. The cabin in which I was born sixty-three years ago is still standing and in good repair. The roof has been renewed, but the logs are sound, and a family occupies it now. The cabin was ‘scutched down,’ i. e., scored and hewed down after the building was put up. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 265 I have hauled to Cincinnati many winters; the price of hauling was 50 ‘cents per hundred; the trip took a week. A man would make from $6 to $9 a trip. Teamsters on the ‘pikes’ would have big Conestoga wagons, and four to six horses, and take tremendous loads—equal to a small ship. Dealers would pack meat in ‘bulk,’ and teamsters would haul it ‘loose,’ and sometimes, when they would get ‘stalled,’ they would throw the load of meat out on the ground, like a pile of wood, and come back afterward and pick it up again. The first wagon I ever owned myself, about 1841, I bought the iron for in Cincinnati, and got the money to pay for it with by selling (hauling) bacon, smoked, ‘hog-round, good, sweet and nice, to Cincinnati from near Arba, at $2.12 per hundred. The iron was $3.50 per hundred. I have hauled wheat to Eaton, selling at 37% cents a bushel. I have fattened hogs and sold the pork, net, at Spartanburg for $1.25 under two hundred, and $1.37, two hun- dred full. This was done about 1842-43. Henry Peacock, of Jericho, now dead, has told me that since he settled in Jericho, he has paid $18 a barrel for salt, and paid for it in pork at $2 a hundred. I must give you a story told me on himself by Judge W. A. Peele, at Indianapolis, when he was secretary of state. When he was a boy just old enough to turn the grindstone, his father and himself went to my grand- father’s to grind an ax. They went into the house; grandmother had lately made a rag carpet, perhaps the first in the county. His father walked in, and stepped on the carpet. William thought the carpet was some nice cloth spread upon the floor, and that his father had done very wrong, so he tried to better the matter by undertaking to jump across it. He failed, and stum- bled upon it, and got dirt on the carpet, and was scolded and laughed at be- sides for all the pains he took to keep off the wonderful and mysterious thing.” WILLIAM DIGGS, JR., LATE OF WHITE RIVER, I816. “T was born in Anson county, N. C., December 17, 1793. In the year ot 1816, I came to Indiana to seek a home for myself. Paul, Henry H., Will- iam and Robert Way and I came across the country from North Carolina in a road wagon, crossed the Ohio river at Louisville, Ky.; came to Blue River, but not being pleased with the country, we came to Wayne county, made our temporary abode at Charlotte Way’s (afterward my mother-in-law), and looked around for suitable places. We finally selected our lands and built our camps about two miles west of Winchester. I remained there till the latter part of Ausust, when the Indians became so numerous that our friends ad- vised us to abandon our claims and seek safety in the settlements. 266 RANDOLVILT COUNTY, INDIANA. I was married to Charlotte Way October 6, 1816, and returned to my claim in February, 1817. At that time there was only one white settler nearer than twelve miles: We moved into a camp and lived in it till I could cut the logs and build a small log house, which seemed a palace to us then. We saw no white man’s face for eight weeks after settling there. But Indians were plenty, yet peaceable. The first year, I cleared four acres of ground, and planted it in corn, but it did not ripen, and we had to go to Richmond, where settlers had been living for twelve or fifteen years, for all our breadstuffs. Wheat was then 75 cents a bushel, and corn $1. When we were getting out of bread, I would start on horseback for the White Water, buy a sack of corn, get it ground, and take it home. In this way we lived till more settlers came. Not long after, small hand-mills were introduced into the county, and as soon as the corn became too hard for roasting, we would take a small jack-plane, shave the corn off the cob and dry it. We would take this corn to a hand-mill and grind it into meal. The nearest mill to my house was three miles. Often I have worked hard all day, and then taken a sack of corn on my back to the mill, and gone home with it to furnish bread for my family next day. In this manner we lived till the country settled up so as to afford better accommodations. \We brought up nine children; all but one are living yet, and they were all born in Randolph county, and on White river. The eldest, Fannie, now Mrs. Matthew Hill, lives at Jericho, Randolph county, Indiana; Anna, now Mrs. Jesse Reynard, lives east of Buena Vista, Randolph county, Indiana; Eunice, now Mrs. Thomas Moorman, of Winchester, Indiana; Pleasant \W., married Anna Peacock, and now resides at Earlham, Madison county, Iowa; Agnes, not living; Henry H., married Sarah Wright (now de- ceased), and afterward Lois Ann Carpenter. Their home is at Nora, Jo Daviess county, Illinois. Anthony Diggs married Elvira C. Thomas, daugh- ter of George and Asenath Thomas, and they reside at Earlham, Madison county, Iowa. Ruth, married Matthew W. Diggs, and they live at Farm- land, Randolph county, Indiana. After our children left us, we sold the farm which had been our home so many years, and moved to Poplar Run, to be near some of our children. We remained there some years when my wife's health became poor, and the children had all left that neighborhood. We sold that farm also and moved to Winchester. In about sixteen months my beloved companion died. Since then I have made my home with my RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 267 children, and am now residing at Earlham, lowa. My age is now eighty- nine years. Paul W. Way, Henry H. Way, William Way, and Robert Way and myself, came in the summer of 1816; Henry H. Way and myself were both single, and we married during the winter of 1816-17, he taking for his wife Rachel Manlove, of Wayne county, Indiana; Robert Way stayed, as did all the group but Paul Way, who returned to Carolina and brought back a large company in the spring of 1817. During the spring or summer of 1817, William Way went to the south and brought his father and mother to White River. Paul Way and his company got to White River in the spring of 1817, crossing the Ohio river on the ice with their wagons. [ Note.—That winter was very cold. ] Henry, William and Robert Way built cabins for themselves and the rest. Persons from Williamsburg, fifteen miles away, came and helped raise the cabins. Fanny (Diggs) Hill is the first white child born in White River, her birthday being September 11, 1817. she is living still, My wife died January 31, 1877. I went to Jo Daviess county, Illinois, in May, 1877, to visit my children, stayed there three months, went on to Iowa, and am in Iowa still. Aly health is good, I can walk around town and to church, etc. I aman Orthodox ‘Body Friend,’ never having gone with any ‘separations.’ I have voted at every presidential election since I was old enough to vote, casting my first presidential ballot for James Monroe in 1816, and having voted for president in all seventeen times. I was a Whig in the days of that party, and have since been and still am a Republican.” FANNY (DIGGS) HILL, 1817. “T went to school first at Williamsburg, in Wayne county, Indiana, when eight or nine years old. I attended school also under Henry D. Huffman in a log schoolhouse three miles west of Winchester. For a wonder, that house had window sash and glass! When my mother was getting me to sleep one day, she heard a noise out- side the cabin door. Hurrying to the door, she looked out, and lo! there stood a bear! She scared it away, and it went to the milk-house, and tore the cloth off the milk-strainer, etc., but shortly went away. 268 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Father for years had but one horse; mother has many a time gone out and cut an armful of wild grass to feed the horse. My mother’s father, Henry Way, of Wayne county, Indiana, was killed by lightning. ' Mother used to tell me that we were the first family on White river, and that our cabin was fifteen miles away from any other dwelling, and that for six weeks she saw no white person’s face but that of her own husband. She used to tell me that the Indians told her when they were at her cabin how easily they could have killed her and sister while the girls were milking, as the Indians lay hid in the brush.” FRANCIS FRAZIER, LYNN. “T used to kill many deer. Really, I was too fond of it. My friends tried to get me to quit. George Sugart, with a committee of friends, under- took to visit me to give me advice. I managed to shun them three times, but the fourth time they caught me at home, and I could not dodge them. They talked kindly and urged me to lay aside my gun. I tried to do so for awhile, but ‘what is bread in the bone, will break out in the flesh.’ One day a boy told me that some swine needed attention out in the woods. I went, taking my. gun. Tying two pigs together with my suspenders, I slung them across my shoulder, and started for the house. Along flew the hound, chasing some deer; pell mell they went and I after them. I tossed the pigs between some logs and laid off my shot pouch; had my coat on my shoulder and lost it. I shot one deer, and chased the other a mile and a half, but could not get it. I came back and found the dead deer, a splendid buck, three snagged, three years old. I hung it up, hide on, entrails out, and went to hunt for my pigs. They were gone, so were my ‘gallowses,’ and I have never seen them to this day, though that was fifty years ago, or more than that.” BEAR STORY. “One damp, drizzily day I was out hunting, and heard a hog squealing terribly. J ran toward the noise, perhaps half a mile; came to a thickety pond and started into it. I saw nothing, but still heard the squealing, and -also the bones ‘craunching,’ and knew a bear was killing the hog. As I pushed through the thicket, the thought struck me, ‘What if I shoot and she takes after me? There is nothing for me to climb, and I shall be a goner.’ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 269 I turned and went home, and got my two brothers on horseback to come. The dog ran in, the bear bit him, and he bounded out yelling for dear life. The bear bounced out too, and we after him, jumping logs, and tearing through the bush screeching like a thousand Indians. The dogs treed the the bear, I shot him, and down he came tearing through the branches, and James rode up just as the bear fell. We skinned it and took the meat home, but it was too fat to eat. Once William Kiff came to our house, and wanted some venison; so we went out to hunt. The day was cloudy and misty, and I was not in humor to stay long. I said to myself, ‘I will go home; Kiff may hunt venison for himself.’ All at once a red deer stood near me; I shot and down he came. It was a grand, four snagged buck, right ‘in the velvet.’ horns drop off in winter. In the spring they begin to grow, and the horns will come with ‘points’ or snags on, one (on each horn) for every year of the cdeer’s age. I have seen a deer with thirteen snags, seven on one horn and six on the other. I dressed the deer and carried it in, and *jerked’ the meat, i. e., cooked it in strips over a slow fire. Kiff filled his pockets with the venison and went home satisfied. We used to wear shoes and leggings to keep the snakes from biting us. I have killed nine rattlesnakes in one day. The woods had plenty of plums and grapes. One morning I started toward White river prairie. Seeing something: run into a hollow log, I stuck my rifle into the log and let fly, but the recoil of the rifle came near knocking me down. As I went home, I came to a ‘maple flat,’ and saw a great gray wolf coming. I whistled and she stopped, and I shot at her. I went to the house and got father and Samuel to go back with me. The old sinner had tried to run, but she had made five or six beds as she went, and vomited mutton at each place. After awhile we found her nearly dead. We used wolfskins, instead of saddles, like blankets on a horse. On ‘fifth day,’ as we were going to meeting, I said to James, ‘Let us kill a deer as we go home.’ ‘All right,’ said he. James’ wife spoke up, ‘If any deer is killed, James will have it to do.’ We went after the deer, and the women went home. We went to a pond and saw deer tracks. There was a sloping tree with roots turned up, and James sat there watch- ing for deer. The bushes crackled, and out sprang two bucks. One threw his head up, and I shot it between the eyes and the nose, and down he dropped. ‘Hallo,’ cried James, ‘is the deer down?’ ‘Yes.’ We tied the feet and carried it home on a pole. ‘Well,’ said James’ wife, ‘who killed the deer?’ 270 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ‘Francis,’ said James. She hated it that I had shot the deer instead of her precious husband.” BELL-MAKING. “My father was a bell-maker, and so was I. Bells were in great demand then. Cattle and horses and sheep ran in the woods, and there. had to be a bell in the flock to keep them together. I tended a little farm, and would plow till the flies would vex my beast, and then go and work in the shop, making bells. In that way I would make $17 to $22 worth in a single week. They sold from 25 cents to $3.50 a piece. Those heavy ox bells were large; they could be heard easily four miles. I have heard one of them seven miles. (I questioned the accuracy of his memory, but the old gentleman rallied gallantly to the defense of his bells, declaring that his statement was simply the sober, actual fact.—Author.) I would take my saddle-bags and stuff them with ‘nests’ of bells, i. e., little bells in bigger ones, perhaps two dozen bells, and set out for \Winches- ter. The bells were ready sale, cash down. I would trade for shoes, hats, anything needed, and tie them on my horse, and go home loaded-some times to the very tail of the horse. People would joke me, ‘Hallo, there, got a horseback grocery?’ ‘Yes; can’t you see for yourself,’ I would say. I made the bells of the best Juniata iron. \hen father died, the doctor’s bill was $60. He wanted his pay in bells, but I would not do it, and he took a wagon. Sometimes I used boiler iron, and sometimes sheet iron, but Juniata (or Sligo) iron was the best. People would send far off for my bells. I sent $16 worth to Fort Wayne, and they said, ‘They are the best bells we ever saw. They sent another order for $100 worth, but I could not fill it. The demand at home and from Illinois and Iowa movers was more than I could supply. I made bells for over twenty years. I was quite wild at one time of my life, and inclined to skepticism. I had two nice horses, perfect idols to me. I would walk to Newport any day rather than ride either of them. One day as 1 was plowing I thought, ‘If there is a God, I wish he would reveal Himself to me in some way that I may know Him!’ Shortly afterwards, as I was in the house, and the horses were in the stable, suddenly there came a sharp flash of lightning and a crashing thunder peal. I went to -the stable and there were my beauties with their heads lying on a long trough. I spoke to them, but they made no sign. The lightning had killed them both dead. It impressed me greatly, ‘Turn, or the next will be thine,’ rang in my soul. I did turn, and since that RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 271 time I have tried in my poor, weak way to serve the Lord, and I humbly trust my Maker looks upon my feeble service with gracious favor.” CHOLERA, 1849. “The rise of the cholera near Lynn (1849) was very strange and strik- ing. A cloud rose in the morning from the east, with some lightning and thunder. The lightning struck the ground at the cross roads near Isaac Palmer’s east of Lynn, and there came a terrible smell. The cholera began the same day, and ran along those roads west and south. The next day, in the morning, when I was at Newport, a neighbor came for a coffin, and said ‘James Lister is dead with the cholera, sick only a few hours.’ I went home instantly. Henry Benson was taken also and died that night. Hodgen died also. Jesse Williams came to shave the corpse, and some one said, ‘Jesse, what is the matter?’ He quit shaving, went out of the door, sat down, and in a few minutes he was dead. Hodgen and Williams lay dead together. Hodgen’s wife stayed all night alone with the two corpses. Hodgen’s body was taken away the next morning for burial, and Williams’ corpse lay there alone till the next day. Twenty-seven died in all. Dr. Cook came down from Winchester, saying that he could cure it easily enough. He went into the field and picked and ate blackberries, and in two or three hours he was dead himself!” Note.—The writer of these sketches then lived at the Union Literary In- stitute, near Spantanburg, and some eight miles from Lynn; and it was stated at the time that six lay dead before the one that died first had been buried. And also that two half-grown lads had to bury their father alone. It was said also that at Boston, six miles south of Richmond, Ind., the first person was taken sick at sunrise, and that before sundown six persons lay dead in the village. Whether these statements were true is not now known, but it is certain that they were made at the time as being matters of current news, and that they were supposed to be correct. The writer well recollects what fear pervaded the school at the institute lest the dread scourge should break out amongst them in its terrible power as at Lynn and elsewhere. The boarding house of the institution was filled with students, and the cholera among them would have been an awful visitation, but by God’s mercy the fearful plague came no nearer, and they were spared. [See also statements of Silas Johnson and William Pickett, and of Elder W. D. Stone. ] 272 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. JERE SMITH, 1817—-READ AT OLD SETTLERS’ MEETING, JUNE II, 1864. The subjoined sketch 1s so apposite and so well drawn that I cannot forbear to transfer it, in substance, to my pages: “T came to Indiana, in 1817, with my father, William Smith, being twelve years old. He stopped that spring near Garrett’s mill, on Green’s Fork, two miles above Williamsburg, Ind. The settlers there were mostly from the same neighborhood in South Carolina with my father. David Young had come out in the fall of 1816, rented some ground for father, and a little cabin in a new town called Salem, in Wayne county, extinct long ago. Father put in a crop on that land, and stayed there till August, and then went up into Randolph county. The country all seemed low and like a river bottom in the jungles. The uncleared land was full of. ramps, a rank, ill-smelling weed, eagerly eaten by the cows, and utterly ruining their milk. They grew early, however, and were soon gone. Buckeyes, nettles, gnats and mosquitoes were very plenty. In May, I saw the first Indians. An Indian family camped on the bank of the branch near Salem. I was terribly afraid, for all I had ever read or heard of cruel bloody savages came thronging up to my mind. However, I ventured up after awhile, and got over my scare. After that, an old Indian, called Johnny Green, from whom Green’s Fork was named, used to come and talk with us. He wotild get half drunk, and then the way he would, talk was a wonder. He would tell of Wayne’s fight with the Indians on the Maumee. He said, acting it out as he talked, ‘Injun hide in timber, heap Injun. White man come, heap white man. Injun shoot, heap shoot. White man get in a row. Injun heap shoot, heap shoot. Bimeby old Anthony get mad, heap mad! Gallop horse along row, heap halloo, hoo-ee, hoo-ee, hoo-ee.’ ‘White man come, heap come, keep come, Anthony heap holloo, hoo-ee, hoo-ee, Injun shoot, heap shoot, white man keep come, then Injun run, run, run, heap run. Me run, run, heap run. Bimeby me come to a swamp, me jump in—yoo-ook, sink down, hide, night come, me slip away.’ It excited me greatly to hear the old Indian savage act out this scene, and tell the tale of this great battle, and the picture remains in my mind vivid to this day. In July, 1817, father entered fractional sections 5 and 6, town 18, range 13 east, near the head of West Fork of White Water, now in Randolph, but then in Wayne, just east of the new boundary, and two or three miles farther up than any other settler, like the Nolan’s Fork settlers three years before, on the utmost verge of civilization. We laid our corn by, helped Uncle George LLIEM .XAdH 10, Fi ONWINUVA UVOAN SMOLATY RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 273 Smith through harvest and haying, and then August 18, 1817, father took his team and wagon, my two older brothers, David and Carey, and myself, and went out. to his land, several miles through the woods, to build a cabin. We stayed all night at old William Blount’s (the Zimmerman farm), and the next morning went on, cutting a road as we went. A little after noon we got to the spot, the top of the hill where my father butt, and where he spent the rest of his days. We cleared the bushes away, turned the horses to the feed trough on the tongue, and went to work. In a week we had a cabin up and covered, and had made a fire-place and chimney up to the funnel with dirt back and jambs, but the house had no floor. Father and one brother went back to bring the family and things, but my other brother and myself stayed there and cleared a patch for turnips. The next week the family came, and we sowed our turnips. We had a few small late ones that fall. We hewed logs and built a house in October, and had it floored and ready in December. In the winter we cleared two acres in the creek bottom, smooth for meadow, and sowed it in timothy; also six acres, ‘eighteen inches and under,’ for corn, and built a smith shop for father to work at his trade in. He was a blacksmith. William Blount lived highest up the creek, but one of his sons-in-law built a cabin about one-fourth mile above him, and another son-in-law lived on the same section. John Proctor lived just below on section 17. Evan Shoemaker had the north end, and Griffin Davis the south end of fractional section 18. John Jordan (and his son, William) lived on section 19, in Wayne county. Thomas Brower and John Gwynn lived below on the same section. James Malcom was on the northeast quarter of section 17, ana Henry Shoe- maker lived with him. Samuel Sales, Arny Hall, and David Jones, lived on the southeast quarter of section 17. Isaac Barnes and John C. Hodge (brothers-in-law), from Beaver county, Penn., had entered land and built cabins. They went back for their families, and returned in the spring of 1818, by boat, down the Ohio to Cincinnati, and thence by land. Mr. Barnes’ cabin stood on section 7, across the creek from where Blount lived, and where Barrett Barnett lived a few years ago. Mr. Hodge’s dwelling stood on section 8, near and south of where my father built, and where Emerson Street lived ten years ago. So Mr. Hodge was our nearest neighbor. The country was thickly covered with a tall, heavy forest, having a dense undergrowth of shrubs, wild grass and weeds. I will name the trees most abundant: first, beech, sugar tree, ash, three varieties, gray, blue and swamp; (18) 274 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. oak, five varieties, white, red, burr, pin, and river; poplar; walnut—-white and black; elm—red or slippery, and white or hickory; hickory—white or shell-bark, and black or pignut; buckeye, linn, wild-maple, hackberry, coffee- nut, honey-locust, cottonwood. The undergrowth was spice-bush, iron-wood water-beech, horn-beam, prickly ash, dog-wood, kunnekanic (Indian name— tree now extinct), red-bud, papaw, wild-plumb, red and black haw, sassafras. In swamps there were black-alder, willow, thorn, crab-apple, young cotton- wood. Weeds and grasses were néttles, pea-vines, may-apple, ginseng, ferns, black snake-root, seneca-root, silk-weed, ramps (soon extinct), bear-grass, file-grass, skunk’s cabbage, pond lily, cats-tail. In clearings, there were butter weeds, thistles, mullen, dog fennel; in tilled lands, Spanish needles and touch-me-nots. The game was deer, squirrels—gray, red and black; turkeys, pheasants and bears. Other wild animals—wolves, racoons, ground hogs, opossums, porcupines, wild cats, foxes, panthers, mink, otters and polecats. Wild bees were abundant. People helped each other roll logs, raise buildings and husk corn, often going several miles for that purpose. For milling, people haa to go to Mil- ton, or even to Connersville. My father got a pair of hand mill-stones, and we ground meal upon them, rather than go so far to mill. We also beat hominy in a mortar, and used that and potatoes and squashes and pumpkins instead of bread. My father finally had his mill-stones geared, and much of the corn of the neighborhood was ground upon them. Two turning would grind pretty well, but four would rattle it out finely.” CLOTHING. “Our clothing was made of flax, wool and deer-skin, all home made. There was no money to buy ‘store clothes,’ and very few to be bought. Trade was mostly by barter. Peltry, honey, beeswax (for there were bees, both wild and tame), etc., were traded for salt, iron (which always had to be bought), and sometimes for leather, though many tanned their own leather, and many wore only moccasins. Hides were tanned in great troughs made from trunks of large trees chopped out hollow. Winter clothing was coon-skin caps, dressed deer-skin hunting shirts, pants and moccasins. Summer wear was linen, straw hats, bare-feet or moccasins. We often got moccasins from the Indians for corn, butter, hominy, salt, etc. The people, though now they would be called rough and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 275 uncouth, were yet neighborly, kind, sociable and affectionate, and intelligent and moral withal. The wild range was good for many years, and we soon had plenty of cattle, which furnished abundance of milk, butter and meat, with hides and tallow to buy salt, iron and leather. From 1821 to 1828, a common way to trade was, so many young cattle for a thing, for (say) a norse, yoke of oxen, piece of land, etc., and anything from six months to three years old was ‘counted in.’ If the parties could not agree, the price was settled by referees. Sometimes so many bushels of wheat or corn would be the price. In 1826-27, money began to appear somewhat, and barter became less frequent. However, in the spring of 1838, I traded a large, rather ugly four-year-old horse, and a half-worn dragon-bitted bridle, for a forty-acre lot a mile west of Winchester, no price being named in the trade.” CLEARING LAND. “Clearing land was done thus: ‘One foot and under,’ or ‘eighteen inches and under,’ i. e., all below twelve or eighteen inches, were cut, and they and the ‘grub’ and old logs were all burned up.- The rest were deadened by ‘girdling’ (i. e., cutting through the bark, or the sap), or by burning brush heaps around the trees. If girdling to the ‘red,’ the tree would die immediately ; if only through the bark, it would take two or three or four years, soonest if deadened in August. The deadened trees would fall more or less, and the land would have’ to be recleared each season for several years. Many, about the fourth year, would cut down everything standing, and clear the land fully. The trees would be made into proper lengths for rolling by ‘niggering,’ i. c. burning the trunks into pieces by piling large limbs and chunks across, and keeping fires across the tree-trunks. Attending to these fires was called ‘watching the niggers.’ I have done it many times, attending sometimes a hundred fires in one job. Sometimes, at first, land was cleared in the green, but as soon as they could, it would be done by deadening, and mostly in August, by cutting the undergrowth, with stubs a foot or so long; nearly all would rot or die out the third year. The whole might be cleared by cutting and cross-piling and firing, with but little labor.” BIRDS AND “VARMINTS.” “When the land was cleared ‘in the green,’ the birds, etc., for three or four years would nearly take the crop. The trees left standing would 276 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. afford them ample refuge, and they would take heavy toll. In 1821 or 1822, a general inroad of turkeys, birds, squirrels, raccoons, and even bears, passed the West river settlement toward the south. Much of the crops were destroyed. The creatures crossed over the Ohio into Kentucky; vast numbers were slaughtered as they passed; I once killed three turkeys from one flock, and my father and brothers, five more, making eight in all. The little boys used to be kept going round the fields, ‘hallooing’ and screaming, to keep the birds away; sometimes yelling themselves hoarse.” “PIGEON ROOST.” “In the fall and winter of 1821-22, a pigeon roost was made between father’s and Huntsville, on the southwest quarter section 33, township 18, range 13, and northwest quarter of section 4, township 18, range 13. They began in October or November, and stayed to lay and hatch the next spring. They would begin to come about sun-down, and keep coming till 8 or 9 o’clock at night; some flocks would be more than a mile long. There must have been millions of the birds; on still nights, we could hear their noise to our house, a mile and a half. People would go there by night and kill them by hundreds, coming from Martindale creek, and even from Green’s Fork. The birds would lay their eggs in March, two in a nest, hatch and fly away, such as were left. I have seen but few for many years.” ‘FALLEN TIMBER.” “In 1824, a terrible hurricane passed over my father’s house. It was the second Sunday in July—the regular monthly meeting of the Baptist church at Salem, of which my father and mother were members. My brother, David, and myself had been there and were going home; hence it took place July 11, 1824, at 5 p.m. As we were going along the Jacksonburg road, near the county line, we saw a black cloud rising in the west and we stopped in an empty cabin, hitching our colts near by. The cloud roared terribly, and the sky became suddenly dark; in five minutes it grew as dark as a starlight night; no sound was heard for twenty or thirty minutes but a deep, dead, tremendous roar; I heard no rain, no thunder, no trees falling, nothing but that awful roar, deep, dead and loud; it stopped quite suddenly, and the sky grew bright again; on going out, we saw there had been a heavy rain, and many trees, both dead and green, had been blown down around us. We started again for home, two miles north; some trees had fallen across the road, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 277 but we got to old John Zimmerman’s (Blount’s) place, with little trouble. He .and his boys were out fixing the fence to save the crops; forty or fifty rods of fence were flat, and many trees also. John Zimmerman said (he was Dutch), ‘You can’t kit home, te trees is all blown acrost te rote.’ We said, ‘We will try.’ David said, ‘Our colts can go through the brush where a wild cat can’t. The farther we went the worse it got. The thick tim- ber began one quarter of a mile above, and for a half mile to the creek cross- ing there had been no clearing, but it had been dense, unbroken forest. As we entered the mass of crushed and fallen timber, we tried to follow the track till we got to where Elijah Arnold built, and his widow Rhoda still lives (1864). We could get no further; it was nearly dark, and stripping the bridles and old riding quilts from the heads and backs of the colts, we shouldered the things and put for home. The poor fillies neighed most pitifully as we left them; we got home before long, they came three days afterwards. They never told us how they got through, neither can I imagine, but they made it somehow, we found the family unhurt, frightened at the terrible storm, but thankful for safety. Most of the roof was blown off, weight poles and all; some of the clap-boards were carried 200 yards or more; the body of the house was hewed logs, and they stood firm. Early the next morning, the whole neighborhood set to work, righting up houses, building fences, etc., and on Thursday, we got the road opened again. Half a mile south of father’s, a sound, thrifty-growing beech tree was twisted like a hickory withe, from two to eight feet above the ground, and was lying down all whole except that twist. It would seem that the tree had been bent over, and that while falling, it had been ‘whirled’ by the tornado, and the tree was so tough and green that it would not break, but just twisted like a withe. I helped cut the tree out of the road; it had stood west of the track and lay a little north of east. Another fact, at John E. Hodge’s house, 300 yards south of father’s, a twelve or fifteen gallon iron sugar kettle had been leaning against the southeast corner of the cabin, a low, one-story building. The wind moved the kettle three or four feet, and turned it bottom- upward. Mr. Hodge’s cabin was wholly unroofed, and some of the ribs and logs were thrown out of place; the wind was stronger there than at fathers’, being 300 yards nearer the center of the storm. How far west or how high up in the air the storm was formed I never knew; it seems to have struck the timber at the Randolph and Henry line; its course was about due east, and nearly in a straight line, verging slightly south. The extent of the storm was about six miles from west to east; it seems to have come down to the timber about the county line, and to have come 278 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. nearer and widened for two and a half miles, then to have ground and crush- ed everything in its reach, for about one and a half miles in length, and a mile in width; then it seemed to rise or grow weaker, till at length it ap- peared to pass entirely above the timber. My father’s house and the road we traveled were nearly a mile west of where its effect ceased, and its crashing track was about half a mile wide there, its whole track being at that point about three miles from north to south; not quite a mile west, the crashing power was a mile wide, and for two miles farther west, the crashing force was a mile from one to one and a quarter miles. That whole region was a dense virgin forest, and the storm threw down all the timber in one immense mass. Some four miles west, a road had been opened north and south; that road was utterly blocked, and for years was wholly impassable for man or beast. This space, four miles east and west, and a mile ‘or so north and south, was called the ‘fallen timber.’ Some ten years later the settlers began to enter and clear the lands and the tract is now occupied by fine farms. So far as known, no person and no animal was killed or injured, which is, indeed, a wonderful fact.” [Norr.—lIt is stated elsewhere that a cow was killed belonging to Isaac Branson. See Reminiscences of Mrs. Anna Retz above. URIAH BALL (1817). “When father first came west (1817), not being satisfied with Warren county, Ohio, he took a flat-boat and floated down the Ohio and the Miss- issippi, stopping first in Tennessee, near Chickasaw Bluffs; he bought out an improvement there and located, but sickness soon drove us away from that region, and he went across the river to Little Prairie, Mo. Before long he turned his face northward again, coming back through Kentucky to Warren county, Ohio. The first Indian I ever saw was near Chickasaw Bluffs, Tenn. I was afraid of him, and tried to hide behind father; but the Indian (all painted and feathered) would ‘peek’ around father at me, to scare me, I suppose. The great earthquake had occurred a few years before (1811-12), and at Little Prairie we would often come to great ‘cracks’ in the ground several feet wide. Sometimes trees would be standing split partly open, and ‘astrad- dle’ of the crack. Two miles from Little Prairie, there had been. before the earthquake a lake of considerable size. The earthquake so raised the land as to ‘spill all the water out,’ and the bottom was at that time two feet RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 279 higher than the surrounding land. Outside the lake were trees and cane- brakes, but in the lake ground were only great weeds like sun-flower weeds, called by the French ‘wample-pins.’ The earth had not done shaking yet, for as I lay on the cabin floor sick with the ague, the house and the doors, and the dishes would rattle with the shaking of the earth; and as we were on the Mississippi, the water would ‘ripple’ as though there was a heavy shower, while yet the sky was clear and the air still. In New Madrid the houses had been cracked and twisted by the earth- quake, and stood so yet when we were there (although some years after the earthquake had occurred). I sat on the west bank of the Mississippi and looked across the river with a spy-glass at the deer and the bears as they would come down to the river to drink, standing upon the eastern shore.” [Mr. Ball now resides at Union City, aged and feeble. ] JUDITH (WILSON) WAY (1817). “T was born in Carolina in 1807, and was in my tenth year when father emigrated to Indiana in 1816-17. On the first day of December, 1816, a large company of emigrants set out from South Carolina, bound for Randolph county, Indiana, as fol- lows: Paul WW. Way and family, five in number; John Way and family, six in number; John Moorman and family, six in number; Benjamin Beverly and family, six in number; George T. Wilson and family, five in number; Armsbee Diggs and family, two in number they were relatives by blood, or marriage, or both. Paul \W. and John Way were brothers. George T. Wil- son had married John Moorman’s daughter. Benjamin Beverly’s wife was Paul Way’s sister, as also was Armsbee Diggs’ wife. Thus there were six men with their wives and eighteen children, making thirty in all. We had four wagons, to wit: One two-horse wagon, two five-horse wagons, one four-horse wagon. John Moorman (with his son-in-law, George Wilson), had a two-horse wagon and a five-horse wagon; Paul W. Way (with Benjamin Beverly, his brother-in-law), had one five- horse wagon. John Way (with Armsbee Diggs, his son-in-law), had one four-horse wagon, making sixteen horses in all. We overtook families of emigrants in every variety of locomotion; some had only pack horses, and sontetimes there would be a whole family with a single horse. I remember one such in particular. They had a little knot 280 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. of a horse piled up with goods, with two or three children on top and the woman and baby besides. The whole cry was ‘to get to Indiana,’ no mat- ter how, so as only to reach that paradise beyond the Ohio. As I said, we-started from Carolina December 1, 1816, and we reached Williamsburg, Wayne county, Indiana, February 27, 1817. Our route lay across Blue Ridge, over the Holston, along French Broad and Crooked rivers, through Sawanna gap, over Cumberland Moun- tains, and so through Tennessee and Kentucky to the Ohio river at Cincin- nati. We camped on New Year’s night on a very high bluff on French Broad, with steps cut down to the river. We saw a live alligator, which to us children was an unusual sight. There was a severe snow-storm as we were on top of the Cumberland Mountains, and we had snow and cold weather from there all the way through. The Ohio river was frozen over, and we crossed on the ice; boys were skating, and ladies and gentlemen were riding in sleighs on the river. Our folks were afraid to cross with their heavy wagons and big teams; and the men went over to Cincinnati and got men to come with long ropes and haul the wagons across the ice in that way. The hind wheels of Paul Way’s wagon (which was the last one to cross), broke through the ice, and it was hard work to get the wagon out and across, but they succeeded. George Wilson (my father), was likely to have been drowned. He fell into an air hole up to his neck, and came near being sucked under the ice; but he held to the ice and the men pulled him out. We met a tribe of Indians (1 think somewhere in Kentucky), going home with their ponies and their squaws. They had been to make peace, and to get their pay and their presents. There were 500 or more of them, men and women on ponies with the chief. Our company were greatly alarmed, but the Indians did us no harm. They asked for tobacco and bread, and they got what they asked for, so far as our folks had them. We were very glad to get along with them so easily as that. They went on their way, and our people passed on toward the Ohio, thankful to escape so cheaply. That winter journey was a severe one, and to look back it is not easy to see how we were able to get safely through. But by God‘s mercy we were spared to come safe to our looked-for haven, and to reach the friends who had already made the trip, and to meet them in joy and thankfulness of heart.” This is understood to have been the first company of emigrants to ‘White river in Randolph county. “Paul W. Way, Henry H. Way, William Way, Robert Way and Will- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 281 iam Diggs had gone up White river from its mouth through the woods to Randolph county. Paul Way had gone back to Carolina to pilot the com- pany through, and the others had stayed in Indiana. Henry Way and Will- iam Diggs went down to Wayne county during the fall and winter, and were married, and William Diggs and his wife are understood to have been the first family who settled on White river in Randolph county. Fannie Hill, of Jericho, oldest daughter of William Diggs, says her mother lived there for six weeks without seeing a white face, except probably her husband).” Such moving and such settlements as this would not very well suit modern notions of pride and comfort. But such was the way of the pioneers, and thus this goodly heritage gained its brave and hardy settlers. The Ways, the Wrights, the Moormans, the Diggs, the Pucketts, the Hills, and many others were numerous and noted in early times among the primitive settlers, and many of their descendants still remain. [Note.—Truth compels us to state that the romantic travel up White river from near its mouth to the neighborhood of Winchester, is declared by William Diggs, Jr., one of the party who is supposed to have made the wonderful trip, to be wholly a “myth;” that their journey was simply from Henry county over into Randolph, far enough indeed, but by no means such a journey as a trip the whole length of White river would have been. ] [ Notre. 2—Jesse Way, who says he, too, was a lad in the same com- pany of emigrants, though younger than Judith Wilson, insists that the party saw no company of Indians like that of which she speaks. It is difficult to see how she could imagine the fact, more so than to consider that Jesse may have forgotten the circumstance. ] [Note 3.—Another and perhaps a more serious objection to the cor- rectness of her memory, is the question what Indians they could have been, and whither they were going. However, Aunt Judith insists that they met the Indians, let them be who they might be, and no matter where they had been or where they might be going. ] WILLIAM PEACOCK. “Jessup’s mill, on Greenville creek, was built some years before Cox’s mill was, on White river. When I was a little boy, say six years old, I used to go with some older boys to carry dinner to the men who were building Cox’s mill, on White river. For a long time there were no ministers belonging to Jericho meeting. 282 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. John Jones came about 1835. Benjamin Cox belonged to White river, and he used often to exercise at Jericho. Mr. Robinson has been a minister about fifteen years. The early settlers were Henry Hill, Benoni Hill, Amos Peacock, Abram Peacock, Stanton Bailey, Jeremiah Cox, William Pickett, Joshua Buckingham. The Shockney family did not come for years afterwards—not till I was grown.” % GEORGE AND ASENATH THOMAS, 1818. Asenath (Hill) Thomas was born in North Carolina, in 1815, and was brought to Jericho, Randolph county, Indiana, in 1818. Jeremiah Cox en- tered land in the neighborhood before Henry Hill came. Abram and Amos Peacock were the first settlers there. They came, also, in 1818, but before Henry Hill did. A Mr. Kennedy lived up White river, three miles away, near Mount Zion. Mrs. Thomas says, “We used to ‘neighbor’ with them, they lived so near us. We went by a ‘blazed path’ through the woods. An ‘Indian trail’ passed from the north and west through Jericho, and. past old Benja- min Thomas’, east of Newport. The Indians would go in companies, fifteen or twenty pack-horses at one time. They would call at father’s (Henry Hill’s) for bread and milk. They thought milk was a wonderful treat. They would bring hickory kernels, moccasins, baskets, etc., to exchange for corn, meal, salt, ete. One of their chiefs was named Johnny Cornstalk. He often passed, and was always friendly. He was a stout, heavy man, with large limbs and high cheek bones. He would come in and stay and talk and laugh and enjoy himself for hours with us. The Indians mostly talked very broken English, but he spoke our language quite well. There was one bad Indian; the tribe had driven him off. He skulked round among the whites. “Finally he shot a white man, and another white man shot him and wounded him, and still another man killed him. The Indians would not take him after he was wounded. The poor fellow got Mr. Lewallyn, of Ridgeville, to take him in. Mr. Lewallvn sent to the In- dians to come and get him. They said ‘No bad Indian; don’t want him.’ The man whom the Indian shot, found that he was at Lewallyn’s, and came there and shot him as he lay wounded in bed.”” [This was Fleming. See other accounts elsewhere. ] “Friends’ Meeting at Jericho was established about 1821. They built a log-cabin church, no windows, but merely holes, with shutters. The seats RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 283 were poles, with legs. The women’s side had a big fire-place; the men’s side had a hearth in the middle, with a hole above to let the smoke out. They would use coals from the fire-place, with bark, etc., that would not smoke much. Benoni Hill, Henry Hill, Amos Peacock, Abram Peacock, Elijah Cox and Wm. Cox formed the meeting. The first preacher was John Jones, 1835. The first school was in 1822 or 1823, taught by Mariam Hill, consisting of twenty or twenty-five pupils, in Friends’ meeting-house. Father Henry Hill once went to Richmond to work for money to pay his taxes, $1. He could get work at 25 cents per day. John Charles lent him $1, and he came back and paid them. He has taken bacon to Richmond, and sold it at $1 a hundred, half in trade. Eggs and chickens, for awhile, were no sale at all. Bye and bye we could get 3 cents a dozen for eggs, at Winchester. The first mill on White river, in this region, was Jeremiah Cox’s— a water mill; a corn mill at first, then a flour mill also. The first run was gray heads; the other run was buhrs from abroad. It was built in 1825, and stood forty-five years. It was somewhat famous in its day. The lumber for Jeremiah Cox’s house, owned now by Simon Cox— house still standing—was hauled fifty-two years ago from Richmond, and from Uncle Elijah Thomas’ saw-mill, near Newport. Henry Hill lived in a pole cabin, fourteen by sixteen feet; no windows, but a hole for four lights, with a shutter. He made a sash with his pocket- knife, put in the lights, and then we had a window, and were grand for a fact! Our hearth was rock and dirt pounded together. Cattle would get fat on the wild pea-vines, etc., but they died with what was called the ‘bloody murrain.’ They were fat and full of tallow, but they would be taken sick and die in a few hours. Father had four heifers ‘come in’ nearly at one time, and three died suddenly. People tanned their own leather in tan-troughs, made from big logs hewed out. George Thomas has a strip of leather tanned by Henry Hill forty-five vears ago. George has worn it in his suspenders forty years, and it is good and strong now. People went to meeting in home-spun—the men in linen or tow shirts, and tow pantaloons, and deer-skin jackets; the women in check home-spun. All classes would go barefooted. After awhile, people began to have shoes, and women would carry their shoes in their hands, and put them on when near church.” 2h4 RANDOLPH. COUNTY, INDIANA. JAMES CLARK, 1819. “We went to mill at Moffat’s, Newman’s or Cox’s. Our corn sacks would hold four bushels, but we would take two or three bushels. and pitt the sacks across the horse. Fruit was abundant—gooseberries, plums, etc. Our clothing was linsey, home-spun, or buckskin. Breeches, jackets, -hunting- shirts, were buckskin. To dress skins was a great curiosity. The art is now nearly lost. I used to dress many skins years ago, and I will tell how:” TO DRESS DEERSKINS. “Soak the skin soft; take off the flesh with a grain knife (a tedious job, two good skins are a full day’s work) ; hang them up till dry; take deer’s or beef’s brains and dry them on a board, and put them into a sack with warm water, and squeeze them till like-soap-suds; work the skin soft in this lather, two or three hours, wring it lengthwise as dry as possible, and stretch and pull it in every possible way till entirely dry. Do so (soak, wring, pull) three or four times, till white. Then cut off all the flash and smoke the skin soft and yellow. It is nice and warm when dry, but when wet it will stick to your hide.” LOST CHILD. “Once a child, Mr. Burson’s, was lost—a three year-old girl. It wan- dered off three miles through the woods, to Micajah Morgan's. Mr. Morgan saw it clambering the fence, and took it in. Mrs. Morgan said, ‘She looks like Enoch Burson’s child.” Mr. Morgan started on horseback with the girl, and met Ephraim Bowen, hunting it. Mr. Bowen took the child and carried it home.” WORK, MONEY, ETC. “At one time I hired out, mowing, twenty-six and a half days, at 25 cents a day. (Eighteen years old.) We used shin-plasters, mostly, for money. We seldom could get silver. The coins were commonly cut up into pieces, called *sharp-shins.’ Shin-plasters disappeared by and by, but silver was still very scarce. Sugar and deerskins were all we had to sell for money. Sugar, $6 a hundred; deerskins, from 2 5 to 50 cents apiece; fawn-skins, 25 cents; doe-skins, 37% cents; old buckskins, 50 cents. Land was, at first, $2 per acre; one-quarter down, not less than 160 acres. About 1820, the price was RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 285 put at $1.25, and 80 acres; and afterwards, 40 acres, all down. Many paid entry money and could not pay the rest, and lost their land. After- wards, the law was made so as to allow a ‘floating claim,’ 1. e., the money paid might apply to a part of the land. The community was civil and peaceable, mostly. No great crimes, no big affrays, nor fights, nor murders. There was a mill north of Spartanburg—Jessup’s mill. I went there once. There was no roof; the mill stood open. The miller’s house was across the creek from the mill, and a foot-log between. He would take a peck measure full over, turn it in, come back and talk awhile, and go with another peck, and so all night long; just about a peck an hour.” DEER HUNTING. “Next day I killed my second deer. I had killed the first deer near Overman’s. I shot that first deer, and asked him to help carry it in. ‘No,’ said Overman, ‘I can't leave planting corn. You just take it on your shoul- ders, and its tail between your teeth, and climb a sapling and hang it up.’ I didn’t do it, however. But for my second deer. I was hunting a horse in the range. As I was going round a pond at the head of Nolan’s Fork, a deer sprang up ahead of me, and I drew up my gun and let fly, and down came the deer. In 1821, I was staying with a cousin, north of where Spartan- burg now is. We had been planting corn, and when that was done I went hunting. I saw no game till, finally, I came to Beaver Pond. The deer tracks were abundant, but no deer. Coming to a thick maple-top, I laid my rifle in it, and cleared away the twigs, and made a ‘rest’ for my gun. About sundown I saw a deer cross, but too far off to shoot. About dusk there stood a doe in plain sight, about twenty steps away. I shot and she went. I hunted for her, but no doe could I find. I went back to my ‘rest’ to watch for deer again. Presently along came a big buck, not ten yards distant. I moved, and he ‘bounced.’ About 11 o'clock, I heard the water go ‘plug-plug.’ Soon I saw a deer about 20 steps from me, running its head into the water. and flapping its ears. I sighted for two minutes, and shot, and the deer ran. I got down to load the gun, but I had not powder enough; and so I went to the cabin about 12 o'clock. ‘Where have you been all night?’ ‘Beaver Pond.’ ‘Shooting deer?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘What luck ? ‘Had two shots, but haven't found my deer.’ In the morning we went out and found both deer, dead, not ten yards apart. This was the Napoleon died, 1821. Twice I have shot three deer in one day, and two in a day many times. 286 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Once I was chasing a gang of deer, and the sky clouded up and I started for home. All at once there stood four deer gazing at me. I let drive at them. After loading again, I went to the place and found the ‘hair cut’ and scattered on the snow. I followed the trail and saw blood plenty, and at length found the deer, dead, 100 yards from where it had been shot. I hung it up, skinned it, left the meat hanging, and, going back, I found another place of ‘hair cut.’ I followed that trail, also and the first I knew, there lay the other deer, dead, in a thicket of spice-brush. One shot, had killed both deer. The carcass of the dead buck lay stiff and cold where it had been shot down. I did with that as with the other, and went to the cabin. Next morning we brought in the venison, and splendid meat it was, too, I can tell you.” SOLOMON WRIGHT. “My grandfather, James Wright, was a Carolinian Quaker, who fled to the wilds of the Holston, in Tennessee, to éscape conscription into the army, in the war of 1776. My father, John Wright, was puny at first, and was rocked in an old trunk-cover lined with the skin of a sea animal, the hair on which is said to rise and fall with the tides. As he grew up, he gained strength and vigor. He married Margaret Reece, in Carolina. About 1804, the Wrights emigrated to Ohio, to military lands. In 1814, or there- abouts, the twelve-mile strip came into market, and some fourteen or fifteen families, who lost their lands on the military tract through a flaw in the title, came, soon afterwards, to Randolph county. They had fine improve- ments in Ohio, but they lost the whole. James and Abram Wright moved first of this company. My father came out and selected some land, but did not move then. James and Abram Wright settled on Eight-mile creek. William Haworth came with them. William Diggs and Armsbee Diggs came from Carolina about the same time. William Way, Sr., and his sons, William, Paul and Henry, all grown and married, came also. I think these came in the fall of 1815. James and Abram Wright moved soon afterwards from Clinton county, Ohio. March 10, 1816, my brother Isaac (one of the triplets), and myself started, with one horse for us both, from Clinton county, Ohio, to go to the woods of Randolph. With a few things in a sack slung across the horse (among them, seven or eight apples—the last of the season), we set off in high glee, I being fourteen years old, taking turns in riding, or as it is called, ‘riding and tying,’ a very common practice then. Our route was Waynes- ville, Springboro, Eaton, New Paris, Williamsburg, Ind., and so on to . RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 287 Randolph. We got to brother James’ glad enough. Isaac said, ‘I had to walk nearly all the way. Solomon was so chicklegged he could hardly go at all.’ We went to work on father’s place to clear and build. One day I had laid off my coat and vest on the leaves, when the fire ran and caught them, and burnt leaves, coat, vest and all. As I held up the smoking shreds, Uncle Haworth cried, ‘Save the buttons!’ ‘There are no buttons to save’ was the curt reply. There was I, a poor lad fourteen years old, one hundred and twenty miles from home, with no clothes but shirt and pants. I had to wear an old overcoat of brother James’, a world too large and long, which made me the laughing stock at all the log-rollings. In warm weather, I gladly shed the old coat and took to shirt and pants. I stayed through the summer, and were turned home; and in about a year father and I came through with a load of provisions. A year after that, father moved to his land. Cabin creek was so named on a trip we made to David Connor’s, below Wheeling. Seeing a group of Indian cabins on the bank of the creek, some one cried, ‘Let us call the stream Cabin creek,’ and Cabin creek it is to this day. Muncie was so named from Muncie {Montzie], an old Indian. The Indians complained of Connor’s whiskey. ‘Too much “Sinewa,” they said. I saw the first lot sold in Winchester. Once in school, near Dunkirk, on the last day, the girls got behind the chimney and pushed the fire-place and back wall over into the house, and scattered the clay all over the floor—grand fun, they thought. My oldest boy, George Washington, killed a bear. He was quite young, and people would ask, ‘Is that the boy who killed the bear?’ He skinned the ° bear and brought it [the skin] home. One day some white men and Indians were jumping near the mill-pond. One white man jumped with stones in his hands. The Indians were angry. One of them threw the stones into the pond exclaiming, ‘No fair!’ Nathan Thornburg came one day and said, ‘We are starving or meat.’ We went hunting, but found nothing. Just as we were going home, a deer started up. I shot the deer and cried to Thornburg, “There is your meat; go get it,’ which he did. One evening a man came and said, ‘There is a bear over the hill yonder.’ We went, and, sure enough, the dogs had treed a bear. Thornburg snapped and I snapped. He stuck in a new flint and shot the bear outright. One man said, not very long age, ‘The telegraph cannot come here; there is no water-course.’ Once, as we were traveling near Smithfield, we came upon a gang of Indians, lying on the ground under the oak trees. The dog barked, and they jumped up and hastily wrapped themselves up in some way. One 288 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Indian asked me for ‘big ax, to cut bee tree.’ I told him, “No; got none.’ He brought me some venison, as black as black cloth, and gave me a piece. I took it. The young man with we took none. The Indian was displeased, and said, ‘No good white man.’ In 1833, my wife noticed the ‘stars falling.’ She went ta the door and cried, ‘O, come and look, quick, or the stars will all be down!’ While we were moving from Ohio, as we stopped-one evening, a young man sat on a stone and sang: ‘O, when shall I see Jesus, and reign with Him above?’ The occasion was affecting. We felt. lonely and sad, and wept freely. Between Williamsburg and White River, an old ewe ‘gave out,’ and we laid her on a tree-root ‘in the wilderness.’ Seven weeks afterward we found her there, feeding about, and took her home. A great many Indians were here then. I used to hop with them and shoot at a mark. We lived in har- mony till two young white men went down below Stoney creek and stole two Indian ponies and escaped to Ohio. Shortly, the Indians went after them. They said, ‘No good white man; steal Indian ponies.’ I always noticed that, in the Indian difficulties, the whites were mostly to blame, and that the trou- ble generally arose from stealing their horses or from selling them liquor. A while after we came to Randolph, father sent me to mill, on the Still- water below Greenville. I followed the Indian trail through the forest, seeing not a living soul, except that I met some Indians, who, upon my asking them ‘how far to Greenville?’ held up six fingers, to mean, as I supposed, six miles. When I got to Greenville, the old fort was there in decay and partial ruin, and not much of a town. Passing on, I found the mill on Stillwater, some miles below, got my ‘grinding,’ and returned safetly home.” [This was probably before 1820. Solomon Wright is probably mistaken, by at least one year, in his idea of the time when he came to Randolph. It seems well settled that William Diggs and the Ways came in the fall of 1816, and that the Wrights, etc., none of them till at least the spring, or, more probably, the fall, of 1817. They did, some of them, certainly arrive that fall, and that was probably the time, December, 1817, when William Wright went to White River, as told by John Fisher, he thinking that wagon the first to White River.] The following reminiscences of Solomon Wright were written and tur- nished by Miss Lillie A. Garrett : RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 289 “About the time grandpa settled on this farm, he saw a young fawn floating down White river, rescued it from the water and put it into a hollow sycamore; and when he came back from hunting, took it home. He kept it several years. Grandpa says, ‘I put a bell on it, and it would go off into the woods, and wild deer would follow it; and when I would hear the bell I would look out for the deer and kill them.’ He became awful cross, and when anybody came, he would turn his hair back, bow up his neck, meet them at the gate, and they had to stand back or ‘be floored.’ One day, two boys were going to meeting, and ‘Buck’ made them ‘climb’ to get out of his way; and he kept them up their saplings till it was too late for meeting. At last he ‘bunted’ over one of the children, and grandpa shot him. Jacob Wright and Sarah Wright (?) were the names on the first mar- riage license issued at Winchester. nEue Abram Wright and Isom Garrett were pioneer teachers. One taught at Dunkirk and one on Green’s Fork, and the schools used to meet to ‘spell’ against each other. Those ‘spelling matches’ were gay times, and were useful, to boot. To persons inquiring the way to Winchester, Charles Conway used to reply, ‘Just go on as far as you can get among the logs and brush, and you are in Winchester.’ Paul W. Way surveyed the town plat, and Abram Wright carried the chain for him. David Wright ‘cried’ the lots at the first sale. He said to David Wysong, ‘That young man is good-looking, and he would look stili better if he would bid just a little higher.’ Hiram Menden- hall and others, between 1830 and 1840, joined their possessions and formed a ‘Community’ at Unionsport. The town still stands, but the ‘Community’ was dissolved long, long ago. In time of the ‘Millerism’ excitement, a deep snow fell, which the frightened devotees predicted would turn to brimstone. The first teacher at Cabin Creek was Mary Ann Ring. Grandpa sent the two oldest children. The little ‘chits’ hid their dinner, tied up in a rag, under the floor before they entered the schoolroom on the first day. The Diggs’, Littleberry, Marshall and Franklin taught the school in after times, and the ‘Wright children’ grew fond of learning, eight attending at one time. And future years found them at Winchester, Williamsburg, Liber, etc., and then as teachers through the region. Great interest was taken (19) 290 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. by them in temperance, anti-slavery, etc. Fanny, the youngest, now the wife of Judge R. S. Taylor, of Fort Wayne, used to stand on a chair and recite: ‘What, fellow-countrymen in chains! Slaves in a land of light and law!’ — Whittier. In the ‘Separation,’ most of the:Cabin Creek Friends left the ‘Body.’ Amos Bond, J. H. Bond, Solomon Wright, etc., were noted Anti-slavery Friends. Great enthusiasm prevailed, and lectures, papers, pamphlets, etc., were the order of the day. The underground railroad track passed this way, and ‘Cabin Creek’ was one of the chief stations. When ‘Birney’s vote’ was found to be about 7,000, Hiram Mendenhall, who presented the ‘petition’ to Henry Clay, at Richmond, Indiana, said, ‘Thank God, there are left yet 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to Baal, nor kissed his image’—referring to the rumor that so many kissed Henry Clay. Grandpa kept an inn for many years, as this road was a great Western thoroughfare. The Van Amburg show passed here once and the men, some of them, stayed overnight, and the elephant stood in the yard, tied to a young walnut tree. Some Mormon converts once camped at the creek ford, and their preacher declared they were going to Nauvoo, protected by the same power that guarded Daniel in the ‘lions’ den.’ They seemed sincere and hearty in their faith. Abram Wright attended a meeting of Mormons, at which the people wept profusely under the words of a speaker who said he had prayed all night to be delivered from the devil, whose chains he could hear rattling down the stairs. Samuel Peters, a highly. respected young colored man, used to board with us. He went South, after the war, was cashier of the Freedman’s Bank, at Shreveport, Louisiana, and had been elected to Congress there, when he died in the fall of 1873 by yellow fever, which struck that city so fatally at that time. First burial in Friends’ burving-ground at Cabin Creek was a child of Mordecai Bond’s, and the next was Jethro Hiatt’s wife. First mill in Stoney Creek township was built at Windsor by John Thorn- burg, 1827. The first cooking stove was owned by Solomon Wright, bought at Newport. A criminal with his legs fastened round the horse, once stopped for din- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 2g! ner. Two men held the clanking chains upon his ankles as he walked into the house. ‘Look at that and be honest, boys,’ said grandpa to his sons, who were standing by and gazing at the poor fellow. Eminent Quaker preachers of the olden time, in Randolph county, were Isom Puckett, Benjamin Cox and others. In later years, Martha Wooton, Daniel Puckett, Charles Osborn, etc., labored here to some extent, though not residents within the limits of the county.” WILLIAM ROBINSON. Bs “T have owned and improved six different farms in this region, building six separate houses. When my father moved here I was too young to go to mill, but my brothers used to go to Solomon Wright's to mill and get wheat ground, unbolted, and then take the meal to an old man who had made a sieve by stretching a cloth over a piece of hoop bent round, and they would sift the meal through that and thus make flour. Soon after father settled, the State road‘ was made from Winchester to the State line toward Greenville, right past father’s cabin. I saw the men going along blazing ‘the trees.. Judge Edwards said that when Paul Way surveyed the road, he had a man go along the county road and blow a horn, so as to keep him in a straight course. When they reached the ‘Dismal,’ they hunted a narrow passage for a crossing, and curved the road to hit the spot.. The State road was the leading highway in this country, and, for many years, an immense amount of travel passed upon it. I have counted eighty wagons of movers in one day, going to western Indiana, Illinois, etc. My father’s cabin was a stopping-place, and we have had so many at once that we boys often had to go to the hay mow to sleep to give room to the lodgers. Years afterward, when the West had become somewhat settled, cattle used to be taken east in immense droves. I have seen 700 or 800 in a single herd. David Heaston’s, James Griffis’, and my father’s were the chief places for movers and for droves. Father used to charge a man for supper, break- fast, lodging and horse feed, 37% cents. The old National road was another great thoroughfare. An old man, Banta, built a bridge over Greenville creek on the State road, and I helped him do the job. We went out there to work, camping in the woods. His folks neglected to bring us any provisions, and for three days we lived on bread and water. My father lived here six years before he was able to enter any land. 292 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. He got money to enter his first land by hauling wheat to Lewallyn’s mill, at Ridgeville, for flour; and by buying pork, potatoes, etc., building a’ flat-boat, and taking the boat-load of bacon, flour, etc., down the river to Logansport, and selling his load to the Indians. He entered land east of Winchester (Kemp farm). A company, of whom Jesse \Vay was one, went down the Mississinewa river with loaded flat-boats, and Jesse lost his boat, and his load, too, in trying to run the dam at Byles’s mill on that river. An Indian ‘trail’ was simply a path through the woods. The path would be trodden so as to be plainly visible. Sometimes the amount of pony-travel would be so great as to make a heavily-trodden track. ‘Trails’ passed in various directions: One led from Muncie to Greenville, straight as an arrow. One irom Muncie to Fort Wayne; one from Godfroy Farm to Fort Wayne, etc.” RUTH (TEST) ROBINSON. “When a girl, ] went with my mother to a quilting and corn-husking. When we got there nothing seemed ready, but the boys went to the woods and got some poles for frames; the women pieced the quilt and carded the tow, and so they quilted the quilt, each woman quilting where and how she pleased. Doubtless, the quilt was just as warm, which is the chief thing after all. One woman got drunk. She said she was getting her ‘nats upon the taps ;’ and she would go out and help cook. Whisky was everywhere. Still- houses were plenty, and much whisky was made and drank. My father settled in Union county in 1817. He owned the first mill in that county, and my oldest brother built a factory. My father came to Ohio from New Jersey in 1802, to Waynesville, and I was born there. He resided at Cin- cinnati eighteen months, then at Covington, operating a woolen factory, and building the first good house in Covington. He lived thirty-six years on the East fork of White river, and then moved to Richmond, residing there for four vears. He died in 1852. eighty-four vears old. Some men from Union county took the first (and only) two flat-boats down the East Fork of White Water to. New Orleans. There was a heavy freshet and the water was very high. There was a great crowd to see them start. trom all the country round. They sold their load at New Orleans and came back all the way from that distant market on foot.” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 293 THOMAS WARD. “The first money I ever had, when a young lad, as my own, was 12% cents. My brother and | sold a pair of deer-horns for 25 cents, and I had half. I managed, afterward, somehow, to get 8734 cents, and loaned it to father, he promising to give me a sheep. His ‘sheep’ proved to be a lamb, but I raised it and traded it for a pig, and then that for a calf, and so on. Afterward I came to be the owner of a colt, which I traded again, and so on from small things to greater, till, by the time I was twenty-one years old, I had become the owner of six hundred acres of wild land.” [Gideon Shaw states that Thomas Ward, when a lad, was at his father’s, in the southeast corner of Randolph county, buying furs, ete. ] “T began very early to trade for things. Father let me have a pig or two, and I traded for a calf and then for a motherless colt, and so on. I bought my own clothes. As before stated, men would come along and hire me to survey and deaden land, and I would do the surveying, and hire the deaden- ing for less than what they would give me. At one time I entered an eighty- acre tract for $100, and sold it shortly after for $200. I used to trade in furs and peltry, and would make, sometimes, $200 in a single winter, or even more in that way. The first land I ever entered for myself I carried the money in my hand all the way to Fort Wayne, traveling on foot the whole distance. There was a nice Indian sugar orchard which | wished very much to own. We found out that another party was planning to enter it, and I started on foot with money for that. tract, and also for some that father wished to enter. I had the money tied up, and carried it in my hand the whole way. The ‘specie circular’ had lately been issued, and in just three days it was to take effect. I got to John Brooks’ the first night, gave Mrs. B. the money to keep and went to bed. The next day I got to Adam Miller’s, near Bluffton. The third day I tried hard to make Fort Wayne, but the traveling was very bad, the snow being nearly knee deep, and I was but a boy (eighteen years old, or perhaps less), and I had to come short of the mark. In the morning I went to the registrar’s office, made application for the land for myself and my father, got my certificate from that office and went boldly to the receiver. Colonel Spencer knew my father and knew me too, for he had stayed at my father’s at different times. I told him the whole story—the paper money, the sudden start, my hard travel on foot, and how I had missed by a few hours, and what a disappointment it would be to lose my land after such a chase for it. 2904 RANDOI.PH COUNTY, INDIANA. He was a sturdy Democrat, and father was a steadfast Whig; but Colonel Spencer was a gentleman and a kind-hearted man, and he pitied the poor boy; and he said to me, ‘You shall have your land, and your father shall, too. I am going into Ohio on business of my own, and I can use the money my- self.’ So he took my money and I entered the land. But my piece was some four acres more than a full eighty, and it took $5 extra; and that was every cent of money I had. But I was determined I would have the land, let come what would; so I paid my last cent and got it. I told Colonel Spencer what I had done, and he asked me how I expected to get home. I told him I did not know, but that I was going to start and risk getting through. ‘O, that will never do,’ said he; and he insisted that I should borrow of him enough to take me home. I finally did so, and tramped home again, sending his money back the first chance I found. I had an uncle (Daniel Miller), on Robinson’s Prairie, and I stayed the first night with him, the second night at Portland, and got home the third night. When I started in the morning from my uncle’s, on my way from Fort Wayne, he told me of a nearer way through the woods; that I could go by ‘blazes’ to the Wabash, and cut off several miles. I took his directions, and followed the ‘blazes’ through without diffi- culty. I thought no more of traveling thus through the thick woods, guided only by ‘blazed’ trees, than I would now to travel along a beaten road. I have lost great amounts of property during my life. I put two hun- dred and forty-five acres of land near Ridgeville, and one thousand acres of Iowa land, into the north and south road through Ridgeville, when it was first worked on, and lost it. { did more. for the road than anybody else, living or dead. Others managed to secure their stock, but my loss by the road was $30,000 or more. Mr. Lewallyn’s mill, at Ridgeville, was built, probably, after 1819. My father, Joab Ward, commenced building boats about 1835. When the country along the Wabash, etc., began to settle up, the fact made a market for several years, and the people of Wayne and Randolph tried to supply it by sending their produce down the Mississinewa to the Wabash, and thereabouts. Boats were needed, and Ridgeville was the head of high-water navigation, and so father took to building boats and selling them to people to take their produce down the river on. He would build a boat forty feet long by ten feet wide, at 6234 cents a foot, i. e., $25 for the boat, all ready for floating. He would cut the timber green, from the woods, have two heavy side-pieces sloped rounding upward at both ends, cut a ‘gain’ in the lower edge to receive the ends of the planks which formed the bottom, pin the bottom planks to the sides and the middle piece, fasten on some pieces RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 295 of plank at the top of the gunwale, so as to increase the depth of the boat (making it, perhaps, two feet), stop up the cracks, and she was ready to receive her load and to float along her downward way. This flat-boating could be done only in times of flood. High water was mostly during the winter and spring. The business lasted perhaps ten or fifteen years. The river floods became less, and the markets in that region ceased or were supplied in other ways. Father built, in all, a large number of boats—thirty-seven in one spring. He used to hire hands to work for him, and board them at 124% cents a meal. One spring several boats started down the river, loaded with apples, potatoes, cider, etc. At the first mill dam below Marion (McClure’s), one boat, belonging to Hampton Brown, who lived below Newport (Fountain City), in going over the dam, ran under and sunk and lost the whole cargo, and the boat was ruined. The men swam out to the shore and were saved. At one time a raft came plunging down upon the swift-rushing flood. They contrived to land a cable and tied it round a tree; but the raft broke in two and went over the dam. There were two men on the raft. One came ashore, but the other shot under the water and was never again seen alive. His dead body was found afterward, some distance below.” DAVID LASLEY. “William Edwards came in 1818; Jonathan Edwards came in 1818; they lived north toward town. David Wysong lived three-quarters of a mile east. John Elzroth lived near the ‘poor farm,’ coming in 1818. Thomas Jarrett came in 1818. He lived one-quarter mile away. Peter Lasley bought his land at private sale, but unimproved. In Winchester there were a few log cabins, and a log court house. David Heaston came in 1819, a little southwest. In Winchester were Paul W. Way, Charles Conway, John Odell, John Wright (blacksmith), John Wright (judge). I cleared off the public square in Winchester; there were three and one- half acres; it took me three months, working all day and half the night, and I got $35 for the job. Moorman Way got more than double that sum ($75) years afterward for putting in new trees. It was all ‘in the green,’ there came a snow and the heaps would not burn well; much was sugar-tree, three feet and over. A very large elm stood right in the cross street. The timber in 296 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. this region was sugar-tree, beech, hickory, walnut, oak, elm, etc. Oak was scarce, sugar-tree most abundant of all. There was much wet land in the region that nobody would have, that land is now the best in the county. I helped make a big cross-way on the State road west of Winchester, three- quarters of a mile long. The logs were, many of them, eighteen inches through. Two of us built it in three months, getting $10 a month, boarding ourselves. Poles had to be put in between the logs af the top, and the whole was covered with dirt six inches deep. We had to cut many of the trees, standing knee- deep in water, and the logs often floated as we hauled them, making the work of drawing them to the track much easier.” JOHN MANN, GREENSFORK. “We used to grind out corn on a hand-mill. My father had one, and the neighbors were in the habit of coming and using it. It was hard work; a few quarts would tire a man completely out; you had to turn with one hand and feed with the other (a few grains at a time). The mill worked very slowly, and we generally ground only enough for a meal or two at once. The way the mill was made and worked was this: The lower stone was laid flat and fast; the upper stone was fixed to turn upon a center piece in some way, and was made to revolve by a pole, fastened (loosely) in a beam above, and in the top of the stone below, near the edge of the stone, in a shallow hole drilled in the surface. This drilling into the stone was hard to do, for there were no tools, and there was no way to fasten anything to the stone. These stones were about two feet across, home-dressed and home-made.” SIMON COX. “When I came to Randolph, Charles Conway lived half a mile south of Winchester. John Wright (blacksmith) lived on the north side of Win- chester. Paul Beard and Jesse Johnson (and perhaps others), were on Greensfork, near Lynn. There were some settlers down White river, but I did not know them. No settlers were on White river above us. John Cox, my father, came in 1818, with eight children; none are now living but myself. He died forty years ago. White River meeting was set up about 1820. The members were Benjamin Cox, John Wright (blacksmith), Jona- than Hiatt, Simon Cox, Thomas Ward, Joseph Moffatt and maybe others. Jericho meeting was begun soon afterward. The first school was about 1823; Isaac Pearson was the teacher. George Cox, born 1820, remembers riding RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 297 home from school on his Uncle Pearson’s shoulders; George was perhaps three years old. The first mill was on Salt creek, north of Winchester, water-mill, built by Solomon Wright; it ground very slowly, being in use some years. Jere- miah Cox's mill was the next—a flour mill—bolt run by hand. The first meeting-house was the White River church, warmed by coal in the middle. The first doctor I knew of was at Winchester. The first store I knew of was there too. The first frame house was Jeremiah Cox’s, built about fifty- five vears, and standing yet in good repair. The first child born in our set- tlement was my son, George Cox, born January 6, 1820. Benjamin Cox and myself once started to go through to the Johnson settlement below Lynn, after some grain to take to mill. One had to go ahead and cut ‘a road’ for the wagon to pass. We had to ‘camp out,’ and a-deep snow fell in the night.” BURKETT PIERCE. “Meshach Lewaliyn and Joab Ward lived near Ridgeville when I came; they had been there not long. James Massey and —-———— Massey came the same fall that I did, and settled near Saratoga. (James Massey was here in 1818, before B. P. came). George Ritenour came two weeks after me and settled across the river. Meshach Lewallyn built a small mill in 1819 (I think), a water-mill; it would grind two or three bushels a day; the meal would come by ‘spurts.’ A dog came in and tried to lick the meal; now he would get some meal, and now he wouldn’t; it did not suit him, and he would throw up his head and howl, and then he would try to lick the meal again. (This story has been told us of four different mills in the region, as also of one in Pennsylvania. ) Mr. Lewallyn aiterward built a better mill, which became a noted point in those times for many years; he built a saw-mill also. David Connor built a log shanty two miles east of Deerfield, on the Mississinewa, and traded with the Indians. He sold them flour, and salt, and powder, and whisky, etc., for furs and peltry. He took loads of furs and skins in ‘pirogues,’ down the Mississinewa, up Wahash, up Little river, across the portage nine miles to St. Mary’s, and Toledo and Detroit. He hauled his goods across the portage on wagons with three yoke of oxen. Brother Thomas and I went with him once. He had otter, muskrats, beaver, coon skins, minks, etc., a heavy load. He got his pay in silver, and bought a pony to bring the silver home. (This was in 1822.) He stayed at that point a year or two or so, 298 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. and moved down the river to near Wheeling, and later, to below Marion, where he settled, built mills, and spent the rest of his life. He died rich a few years ago. I took hogs to him, which he bought and butchered. He showed me half a bushel of silver money. He was a ‘smart’ man, and a man of his word; but he would have his own way in a bargain. He made a ‘power’ of money. He did not like to sell to settlers, because he could not charge them enough. He commonly sold*to Indians, and his price to them was very high. Lewallyn’s son, Shadrach, shot an Indian in their yard. A patch of corn had been planted, and the boys were gathering it on a sled (as most of the hauling was done then). The Indian had bought some powder and whisky at Connor’s, and he ‘cut up’ and scared the boys. They unhitched the horses, and one of the boys ran, and the Indian ran after him and pointed his gun at the boy. Shadrach called out, ‘What is the matter?’ The boy said, ‘The Indian is going to shoot me.’ Shadrach caught his gun and undertook to shoot the Indian. Shadrach’s wife tried to pull him away for 100 yards, but he shot and killed the Indian right there in the yard. This was in the evening. Shadrach went to his father’s that night, and in the morning they covered the body in the hollow of a tree turned up. Old Meshach went to Muncie alone, and told the Indians what his son had done and that he should: be tried fairly, and suffer the penalty. He also told the Indians to come and bury their comrade and they did so; fifteen or twenty came and buried him on the river bank on my farm. The young man was tried, but he was acquitted; and that made the Indians hostile. 1 went to Connor and talked with him, and got him to intercede with the Indians. Connor had great influence with them, and they would do almost anything he wished. He told them that I was his cousin, and that he wished they would be reconciled. I had come into the county after the shooting and before the trial. The Indians had torn up the floor in the cabin I was to live in, and I fixed it. We sent some boys to get the cabin ready, and we expected to move up from Joab Ward’s. While the boys were at the cabin, six or seven Indians came in. One of the young men set them a puncheon bench, and they sat down. Presently one of them, Big Nose, drew his knife, and caught my brother Thomas, and cried, ‘Now [| kill you; you killed my cousin.’ Brother said, ‘No, I wasn’t in the country then.’ ‘You are a liar,’ Big Nose cried. He held Thomas a long time, but let him go at last. Another young man, who was with Thomas, ran away 100 yards:and caught up his gun. The Indian caught my brother. again, but finally said, ‘I let you go. I no kill you this time—next time I kill RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 299 you, sure. The other Indians smiled like, but said nothing. The Indian turned my brother's face toward him and said, ‘Look, next time I kill you.’ The boy came and met us and told us. Joab Ward said, ‘Follow the In- dians.’ I said ‘No.’ Then he said, ‘Go back with me.’ My wife stood there with the child, and she said, ‘Let us go on,’ and we started again. We went, and my wife followed, trembling, but when we got in sight of the cabin, all fear left her. We got to the cabin and unloaded, and there came along a big, burly fellow, and offered to stay with us. ‘He was not afraid,’ he said. He stayed. There was a big stump of a tree-root near by. Before bed-time he looked out and said, ‘I see an Indian out there. I see his blanket and his eyes. He is going to shoot.’ The fellow got his gun and his axe, and stood ready a good while. I said, ‘I am going to see.’ ‘Oh, no, he will shoot you.’ I did go out; there was no Indian, only the stump and some snow. In the morning we went out to cut up the tree. I said, ‘It would not do for an In- dian to come and cut up like that one yesterday.’ I looked up, and there stood an Indian! He heard what I said, but he smiled and was friendly. In about a month my brother went back to Ohio. He had not been long gone when six Indians came and hallooed from across the river, wishing to come across, Big Nose among them. I took my canoe, and brought them across. I charged him with his mischief. He said, ‘No, me civil.’ ‘Yes, it was you.’ ‘No whisky.’ They went up to Connor’s, and by and by, re- turned. (One was called Killbuck.) One was so drunk that he could not walk alone; two of them were leading him across waist-deep. When they had come across, Killbuck said, ‘We not been saucy.’ I went into the house, but presently he came back, foaming with rage. ‘You go and get your gun,’ said he. ‘How do you know,’ said I. ‘What did you come back for? ‘To show you I no coward, give me some bread,’ said he. I did, and he went away pacified. That poor drunken fellow lay there all night with his feet in the water, dead drunk. One night an Indian hallooed. ‘What do you want?’ ‘To come in and warm.’ I let himin. ‘Me civil,’ said he. After he got in, he began to curse, and swore he would kill the first man that came into the cabin. I quieted him down, and then he began again. He went on to Connor's, and in the morning he came back, and said, ‘Connor told me “No,” and [ won’t hurt anybody.’ In boating, flat-boats would jump the dams four feet high. People would bring fruit from Wayne county in wagons, and boat it ‘down to settlers on the Wabash and elsewhere. 300 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. After Fleming was killed, about twenty-five Indians came and had'a ceremony over him. They had guns, and marched up very solemnly. One old Indian made a speech. He spoke a long time; Killbuck interpreted. He said, ‘Don’t be scared, he was a bad Indian. We will be friendly.’ As the man stood there speaking, he seemed much affected, and the tears streamed down his cheeks. We used to go to mill at first to Richmond. David Wysong made a thread-mill (for oxen). One day I went with a grist, and, in the night, while I was there, the oxen slipped through, and stopped the mill, but they could not get out and were just hanging by their necks. The first school was taught two or three years after I came, in a log cabin, kept by Mr. Stevens, at $1 per scholar. There were perhaps twenty scholars. Half of the patrons could not pay. There were only two or three books in the school. The teacher would write letters on paddles to have the little fellows learn. I once drove thirty head of hogs to Ross county, Ohio, to have them fatten on the ‘mast.’ The Indians began to shoot them. I talked to them. ‘Big Jim,’ said ‘Fat hog make good soup,’ and laughed. When I came to the county, a big brush heap lay where the Winchester court house now stands. John Cox settled near Winchester in 1815 or 1816.” JACOB DRIVER, 1821. “Settlers when I came, in 1821: John Sample, at Sampletown (Mill), Paul W. Way, William Way, Henry Way, William Diggs (old), William Diggs (young), Littleberry Diggs, Armshee Diggs, Tarlton Moorman, Robi- son, McIntyre, Walter Ruble, John Wright and others. The Claytons came nearly when I did—perhaps two or three years afterward. Tarlton Moorman is the brother of James Moorman and the father of Stephen Moorman.’ PELATIAH BOND. “Benjamin Bond, my father, lived, at one time, just west of New Gar- den meeting-house, in Wayne county. In building a house, he bought nails at 25 cents a pound, and paid for them in cord-wood at 25 cents a cord, chopping the wood on his own land, and selling it on the ground at the rate of four cords for $1. In Western Pennsylvania, in early times, a man gave a horse for a bar- rel of salt.” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 301 DANIEL B. MILLER, 1822. “The settlers, when I came (on the Mississinewa, 1822), were, Riley Marshall, east of Deerfield;. William Massey, James Massey, Robert Massey, north of Miller’s; Frank Peake, north of Mississinewa river; Samuel Emery, on the south side of the river; Burkett Pierce, west. of Deerfield, north of river; George Ritenour, west of Deerfield, south of the river; Martin Boots, between Deerfield and Ridgeville. He was the first blacksmith in that region. He moved to Fairview, afterward. I was single, and came on horseback from near Cincinnati, via Rich- mond and the ‘Quaker Trace,’ to Riley Marshall’s. I bought eighty acres of a non-resident owner, and boarded eighteen months at Riley Marshall’s, going then to Wayne county to be married, and bringing my wife with me, on horseback, into the woods of Randolph. Judge M. thinks James Massey was the first settler in Ward township. Some of the Masseys were there in 1818. Burkett Pierce says James and another Massey came the same fall he did— 1820 or 1821. Judge M. thinks, also, that Philip Storms came to Allensvilfe after he (Miller) came to Randolph, and that Connor stayed on the river above Deerfield, five or six years after 1822. Lewallyn’s mill ground very slowly. They said a pig crawled into the trough and licked up the meal, and that he would squeal because the meal did not come fast enough for him. This is probably another version of the ‘hound’ story, so often repeated. Meetings were held for a long time at private dwellings, i. e., at Riley Marshall’s, and also elsewhere.”’ MARTIN A. REEDER, 1822. “John Gass had settled at his place, southwest of Winchester, and was keeping tavern there when the Ways, etc., came from South Carolina, in the spring of 1817. The first entry in Randolph county used to be said to be three miles east of Winchester, where Miles Scott now lives. That land was entered by Jere- miah Moffett, in December, 1812. Anti-slavery societies began to be formed between 1836 and 1840, or sooner. The U. G. R. R. had a sort of organization, though not a very elabo- rate one. Lists of the stations, of the routes, of the men who would enter- tain and who would forward fugitives, etc., were kept for reference along the route. 302 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. At Winchester, Eli Hiatt was a chief promoter of the work. Others, were James P. Way, Frank Diggs, Jesse Way, Moorman Way, Dr. Cook, M. A. Reeder and others; George Bailey and others, at Huntsville; Zimri Bond, John H. Bond, etc., at Cabin Creek. Large numbers were in sympathy with the work; some, in fact, who would hardly have been expected to do so. One man, a landlord in Jay county, who was then, and has always since been, a stanch Democrat, was nevertheless a constant and reliable helper in the U.G.R.R. At one time, a company of twelve stopped at Eli Hiatt’s. The pursyers came to town while the fugitives were still here. They knew the fugitives were not far off, but not that they were in town. Dr. Cook went early toward Ridgeville, and, returning, met the man- hunters—giving them such information as caused them to suppose their prey: was ahead, and they pressed vigorously onward (four men, all armed to the teeth). The slaves were taken back to Huntsville, from there to John Bond’s and thence to Camden, and so on toward Canada. During the war of 1861, Mr. Reeder and his wife went as nurses in the hospital, etc., spending more than a year in that service, and going wholly at his own expense. He was at Washington City, at Gettysburg and elsewhere, witnessing many sad and fearful scenes of terrible suffering, and doing his utmost for its relief. He bore a commission from Gov. Morton, and recom- mendations. from President Lincoln, which enabled him to go anywhere he pleased in the prosecution of his loving work, and he feels thankful for the degree of success which attended his labors in his country’s cause. Gov. Morton’s name was itself a ‘power,’ and, of course, President Lincoln’s ‘sign manual’ was omnipotent, and both together became irresistible.’ The following was printed in a Winchester paper in 1875: M. A. REEDER. Last week, Mr. Harris Allman and his wife returned, after an absence of forty-five years, to visit their former friends and comrades in this vicinity— now, alas, but few. His father, Matthew Allman, was a very early settler here, and in 1830 removed to White Lick, between Plainfield and Indian- apolis. Since that removal, a wonderful change has taken place! Winchester was then a solid forest. About eight families were at that time residents of the place, scattered here and there over the town plat, in small log cabins. The heavy timber was near on every hand. The streets RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 303 could not be seen. Only three houses now [1875] remain standing that were here when Mr. Allman left, and one of them has lately been reconstructed. The old settlers are mostly gone. M. A. Reeder has been longest a resi- dent of the town, including, also, his mother, who is still living. Mr. Allman passed through the city (in company with M. A. R.), searching, almost in vain, to find the spots of familiar interest of the early olden time. Mr. A. pointed out many locations of objects then important, now to the younger generation unknown. The old schoolhouse, on the site where now stands the residence of A. Aker, Jr.; the old spring at which the scholars slaked their thirst, located on the east bank of Salt creek, about a rod south of the Washington street bridge; the old Aker hotel, partly standing, just east of the city hall; the Odle store- room, the first dry goods store, afterward the residence of D. Haworth and of Jacob Elzroth, Esq., and now occupied by George Isom; Haworth’s cabi- net-shop, now occupied by J. W Diggs as an undertaken. The big oak tree, seven feet through, which stood where now stands Col. H. H. Neff’s elegant mansion; the “old fort and mound,” near and in the “Fair Grounds;” the “Ring Spring,’”’ one hundred yards west of the toll-gate on the pike leading westward; the big walnut tree, six feet through, standing where now Hon. E. L. Watson resides; the old Quaker (or Richmond) Trace, leading from the Wayne county settlements into these northern woods, which ran out the south end of East street, which trace is now nearly obliterated— these, and other Jandinarks unknown to the present inhabitants, were full of interest to one who spent his boyhood in our vicinity when all was rough and wild, full fifty years ago. ISAAC BRANSON—STONEY CREEK. Came to Randolph county, Ind., in 1822 (or sooner), entered land in the southern part of Stoney creek, in 1822 [Section 10, 19, 12], being the farm afterward owned by Abram Clevinger. This land he sold to Joseph Rooks, about 1825, and entered land again in the southern part of Nettle Creek town- ship [W. N. W., 15, 18, 12], near Mr. Burroughs, March 26, 1816. They sold out again and moved to Delaware county, becoming pioneers in that region. They raised a large family of children, enduring great hardships and peril. Mr. Branson died many years ago, but “Aunt Patsy” Branson, as she is called, resides with one of her daughters, in Muncie, Delaware county. She is nearly ninety years old, but very spry and strong, walking a mile or 304 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. two without difficulty or fatigue, and retaining in memory the events of her old-time life with remarkable tenacity. They had peculiar hardships when they first settled in Randolph. They came into the woods:with one horse of their own, though somebody’s two- horse wagon moved them there. In less than a week after they arrived, her husband cut his knee with a frow, while splitting clap-boards for a roof to his ‘‘camp,”’ and so badly that he could not step on his foot for six weeks; and much of that time he lay helpless on the puncheons of the floor. About the same time, his only horse died. The horse was not very good, but it was better than none, and it was all they had, and they had nothing to buy another. They came in February, and brought four large iron kettles to make sugar in. Mrs. Branson and her husband’s brother, a lad of seventeen, who came with them into their forest home, took hold and opened an immense sugar camp that stood ready to their hand, and actually cut the wood, carried the water, made the troughs, and produced about three barrels of excellent tree-sugar, all nice and dry, as good as need be. This sugar was indeed a ““God-send” to the poor, afflicted family in the wilderness. Mr. B.:hired a “plug” pony of his uncle in Wayne county, and contrived to do his work. After they got corn planted, he took sugar to Richmond and exchanged for corn and other necessaries. But their corn and vegetables grew splendidly, and long before the year was out, they had plenty of corn and potatoes and such things. They took to the corn as soon as it came to “roasting ears,” potatoes as soon as they would do to cook, and squashes as soon as they got large enough, and so on. They had a cow, and the pea-vines were up to her back, and she gave abundance of milk, and grew fat on her keeping to boot. When Mr. B. went to Richmond with his sugar, he borrowed a wagon and a yoke of oxen, and took grain and things, also, for some other neighbor settlers, and the trip took a week or more. Mrs. B. thinks they came in 1819, which may possibly be the fact; but if so, they must have resided here more than three years before they entered land, since that took place in the fall of 1822. And that, too, may have been true, as Mr. B. seems to have been very poor, and it may have been three years before he could raise the money for an entry. ELDER THOMAS ADDINGTON. “Once, when I was a boy at school, the teacher would sleep in ‘books.’ There was a boy in school who was rather ‘simple’ and greatly given to ‘pranks,’ just because he ‘did not know any better.’ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 305 One day, a mouse came running across the floor, and the ‘simple’ boy ’ went to chasing it. The teacher was asleep, but the noise waked him. He looked up and saw the boy capering about the room. As he spied the lad, he caught his whip and chased the little fellow, whipping as he went. The poor chap gave no heed to.the slashing of the teacher, but went dancing ahead after his mouse. At last he ‘grabbed’ with his fingers, clutched the ‘varmint,’ and turning short round, facing the master, cried, ‘See, teacher, I ‘“cotch” him!’ What the teacher did thereafter is not remembered. The laughing that the school accomplished just then was past all control, and the picture of that ‘simple youth,’ grinning in glee at his success in grabbing that quadruped, is a vivid thing in the minds of all who then beheld the performance of the feat.” WILLIAM COX, WEST RIVER. “Settlers at that time were Joseph Hollingsworth, Albert Macy, Jesse Ballinger, Joshua Wright, William Stansberry, and others. Daniel Worth lived on the John Hunnicutt place; John Bunker was where John Charles now resides; Morgan Thornburg lived near White chapel. Some of these had been on their places for several years.”’ . HURRICANE. “Eli B. Barnard says he was twenty-seven months old when the tornado took place. Their roof blew off, and they shoved the cradle with him in it under the bed to keep him from drowning, and he says he remembers that. This was where widow Ballinger lives northwest of Charles \W. Osborn’s. A horse was hemmed in with the fallen trees into a place only a few feet square, and yet the horse was not hurt! One man, scared nearly out of his wits, had yet sense enough left to pray. and he cried, ‘O Lord, if thou wilt spare me this time, I will get away just as soon as I can go!’ And he kept his word, the people say, and the next morning, picking his way to the near- est standing timber, he left for parts unknown. Squirrels were one year so poor that they were not fit to eat. William Smith’s mill was built before 1819.” [Doubtful.] WILLIAM PICKETT. “T have been a miller much of my life. I helped Jeremiah Cox build his mill on White river, in 1825. It was a water mill and stood on the place I (20) 306 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. now own; Jeremiah Cox died soon after. Joseph and Benjamin Pickett bought the mill, Benjamin Pickett built a saw-mill, and in 1853, I bought the farm, 108 acres, and the two mills. The mills ran till the ‘five dry years,’ 1864—69 ; they were pulled down in 1870. The river has far less water now than formerly. I worked as a miller three years at White Water, afterward off and on at Winchester, dressing buhrs, etc. A steam mill was built there about 1835. . . When we were tearing down my saw-mill, a big post fell on me. While taking a sill from the second story (the mill was built double), a post, a foot square and eleven feet long, knocked me down and fell on me. I was con- fined several weeks. They thought I could not live; but that was ten years ago and I am here yet.” WILD HOGS. “Great numbers of wild hogs were in the woods, descendants of tame ones, brought by early settlers, that had become wild. The males would stay wild for vears. They would get with droves, and in a short time the whole drove would become so wild that you could hardly get them back again. Wild hogs would attack people when hard pressed. John Chapman, Allen county, was attacked by a wild boar when out after the cows. He climbed a big log, and had to stay till the creature left. He had a fiste with him; . the hog chased the dog and then took after Chapman himself. He had to stay on the log till some time in the night. An immense male hog once attacked a cow, in Thomas Coates’ lane, He stuck his tusk into her breast, and the blood spurted right out. He then struck another cow and knocked her down as if she had been shot. His tusk was broken, or he would probably have killed her. The children were in the lane. they saw the hog, and climbed the fence. The men chased him more than half a mile, and shot him again and again, and at last killed him. This animal belonged to one of the neighbors, but the creature had gone wild. On the Mississinewa hogs were found wild in abundance when the settlers first came there, as people would let.their swine run in the woods, and after a while hunt them up again, to get them home, or to kill them for meat. They would go out and find the ‘range,’ and when snow would come several men would go on horseback. and shoot the hogs as they could find them. Sometimes the creatures would be four or five miles from home. After they were shot the hogs would be hauled home, by the nose, or on a sled or on a wagon. Once in a while people would make a fire out in the woods, and scald and dress them before taking them home.” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 307 DEER, ETC. “Deer sometimes have thirteen prongs. At first the straight ‘spike’ grows, the next year one prong on each horn, and so on. A straight horn is called a ‘spike; one prong is called a ‘fork;’ more than one, ‘snags,’ three- snagged, four-snagged, etc. Deer were fat in the summer and fall and poor in the spring. I have often killed old deer that had no horns. Horns of old’ deer would be perhaps two feet long, when full grown. Amos Peacock and Henry Hill once took a load of smoked bacon to Richmond, and got only $1 a hundred. I have bought salt that cost me $11.37 a barrel. I had flax seed to sell. I paid for hauling the seed, and the salt back from Dayton, and the whole cost me as above, $11.37 per barrel.” CHOLERA. “As I was cradling wheat, a cloud gathered south of east, taking several hours. It covered nearly the whole sky. There was much lightning and thunder, and a little rain; I did not stop cradling. The body of the storm seemed to pass south. Shortly after I smelt a strong smell of burning sul- phur, the smell lasting perhaps half an hour. It made be feel sick and faint, and I came near falling to the ground. Shortly after that the cholera broke out terribly at Lynn and other places.” [See statements by Frazier, John- son, Stone, etc. ] MARY HYATT—COATS—PICKETT. “T was born in Grayson county, Virginia, in 1806. My father, Zachary Hyatt, came to \WWayne county, Ind., 1814, and to Randolph county in 1817. Winchester, when I first saw it, October, 1819, had a court house and jail and three houses. Once father lay sick, and I was weaving. Suddenly I saw through the open door a deer crawling through a crack in the fence. There were two crooked rails, one up and the other down. The deer had one hind leg broken. I sprang out with my little thread-knife, and my sisters and my- self, with the dog, chased the deer one-quarter of a mile to a pond about knee deep. The dog caught the deer by the throat, and we waded in and killed it with clubs. We dragged the deer from the water, cut the leaders of the legs, and tucked the others in so we could carry it with a pole, and in that way we bore it home in triumph. The men were away, except father, and he was sick. Once the men were shooting turkeys, and one lit down into the 308 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. yard and tried to crawl through the fence. My sister and I caught it and killed it. I used to spin and weave a great deal. I have woven many a yard of tow, and linen, and woolen. I wove coverlets, etc., for the whole region, Richmond, Mississinewa, Wabash, etc. Mr. Lewallyn from Ridgeville, once brought five coverlets. I told him, ‘I can’t weave them, I have more than [| can do.’ ‘Don’t say a word,’ said he, ‘I shall leave the work, and you must do it, though it should stay here five years.’ So, he left the work, and in due time I wove them. We used to card and spin raw cotton, and wool too. My price for weaving coverlets was $1 apiece. One day mother went away to be gone ten days. The flax was on the ground rotting. We girls took up the flax, dried, broke, swingled and hatch- eled it, carded, spun and wove it; and by the time mother came home, the cloth was in garments and on the children’s backs. We used pewter platters, dishes, etc. [Mrs. Pickett showed a large an- cient pewter platter, about a foot across, and heavy and thick, that her mother bought in 1818. It had never been molded over, and was about as good as new. | My father sold his place in North Carolina, and got ready to move to Indiana. Everything was packed and loaded, ready to start in the morning. The boys got up before daylight, and fed the horses, and got the harness to ‘gear up.’ Mother said, ‘you need not do it, father is sick.’ In ten days, fa- ther died. Mother married again, and in a year or two, came to Indiana.” WILLIAM ARMFIELD THORNBURG—STONEY CREEK. “When we first came, Richmond was our place of trade. We would go with the front wheels of a wagon, taking out the king-bolt, and fixing clap- boards on the bolster and the ‘slider,’ putting on our coon skins and deer- skins and ginseng, and wheat if we could spare any, and the corn to be ground. The trip could be made as handily as you please. With only the two wheels, one could turn and twist almost any way around and among the trees. The ‘truck’ would be traded for ‘store tea,’ and cotton yarn, and pow- der and sole-leather.. If a barrel of salt was needed, father would go with the whole wagon. The first mill I ever saw was Sample’s mill, a corn cracker. The mills then were small affairs, but we boys thought them something wonderful. Our folks made large quantities of tree sugar. Two springs, we made RANDOLPILT COUNTY, INDIANA. 309 each season, two barrels of grain sugar, 100 pounds of cake-sugar, and forty or fifty pounds of molasses. The third spring of our residence in Randolph, Samuel Anthony, father of E. C. Anthony, Esq., of Muncie, came to that place with a store of goods. Father needed some things. He said to my mother and myself, “you go to Muncie with a sack of sugar apiece.’ We filled the sacks; mother took hers before her, but I took a heavy sack. We got there in due time (twelve miles), and traded the sugar at 614 cents a pound for coffee at half a dollar, and other goods as high as they could well be. When father built his mill, coffee and whisky had both to be furnished, or the men would not work. I had to go to Judge Reece's distillery in Delaware county, for the whisky, which when a lad, I have often done. Father and I once went to Richmond with two yoke of oxen and the wagon, carrying flour and ginseng and sugar and deer-skins and coon skins, perhaps $35 worth in all. The trip took four days (thirty-five miles). A man named Brightwell was in company. As they were about to start for home, Brightwell said, ‘take a drink,’ handing a bot- tle of ‘ginger pop,’ and as he drew the cork the ‘pop’ flew clear to the loft. father drank and gave me some. As we came to a big hill father said to me, ‘you tend the hind cattle, and I will see to the forward yoke,’ locking the wagon, as he spoke, but taking the forewheel instead of the hind wheel. We went down the hill, but it was a terrible ‘go,’ neither of us knowing what the matter was. Just as we reached the bottom, I saw what he had done, and said, ‘what made thee lock the forewheel?’ ‘The dogs, I did, didn’t 1? said he. I told my brother, and he remarked, ‘father was pretty tight.’ How- ever, he was no drinker, but he got caught that time.” MRS. JOSEPH BROWN, JR. “ My uncle, William Simmons, came early to Randolph county, Ind., and, I think, as soon as 1821. He lived just at the line between Jackson and Ward townships, directly on the Mississinewa river, south of New Pittsburg. ple died in middle life, but was the father of twenty-one children by the same wife. They were all raised ‘by hand,’ the mother being unable to ‘suckle’ them. Twelve became grown, and ten are still living. James Simmons (my father) worked one harvest for Chief Richard- ville, near Ft. Wayne. One day an old man passed along the road having a tall hat on his head and a bundle on his back, and being otherwise odd looking The boys began to ‘poke fun’ at him. Suddenly he laid down his bundle, took 310 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. off his hat, whirled round and faced them. Said he, ‘Do you know the eleventh commandment?’ ‘No, what is it?? ‘Mind your own business.’ That was a ‘center shot,’ their battery hushed, and without another word the old man went his way. When he was a boy at home, during the ‘squirrel year,’ James shot squir- rels for weeks, throwing them to the hogs outside the field, and leaving them to decay upon the ground. It was a hard task, but they saved their corn by the means. . Daniel B. Miller and his wife came on horseback to their forest home, and she stuck a black locust riding switch into the ground in the door yard. It grew and became a fine, large tree, and a few years ago was there still. James Simmons was a great hunter. It may be safely said that he killed more deer than any other man in Jackson township. When he was building his log house, he set himself to cut and hew four logs a day, and besides that to kill one deer, and he did it. They lived at first for two or three months in a ‘camp’ made of rails. He has killed six deer in one day. At one time he ran a deer till away after dark and got lost, and in the night he kept wandering round and firing his gun. His wife heard the firing, and, thinking that he might be lost, she took the ax and pounded as hard as she could upon a ‘gum’ there was in the yard. He heard the pounding, and the noise guided him home. In winter time, after supper he would sit and tell deer stories as long as anybody would listen. He used never to think about going home from hunting as long as he could see the ‘sights’ upon his gun, and often he would have a ‘time’ to find his way to his cabin.” BEAR STORY. “When I was a little girl, my brother (a little bit of a fellow), and my- self were playing by a creek near the house, and a bear came and sat watch- ing us from the opposite bank, a high bluff ten or fifteen feet high. I thought it was a dog, and was not scared. Presently mother saw the old fellow, and ‘hissed’ the dog, which came and ‘tackled’ the bear. She called to us, and we heeled it for the house. While the dog and the bear were ‘tussling,’ Jacob Harshman came along with his gun, hunting, and he shot and killed the bear. They used to have some fun in those days, too. Cameron Coffin, a gen- tleman land-owner, came out to see his land; he was not used to the woods, and the ‘bushwhackers’ made game of him. One day he was at James Sim- mons’ sugar camp, and the boys were making wax. Coffin was ‘green’ upon RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 311 the subject of wax making, and they made some very hard and sticky, and got him to take a great chunk into his mouth to eat; he chewed the wax till his teeth and jaws were all stuck fast together. He worked and worked and clawed and dug at the wax till he was nearly choked. Finally the stuff softened and melted somewhat in his mouth, and he made out to get clear of it; but he had a terrible time, and the boys nearly died laughing at the fun. .\t another time, they were walking a foot log over the river, and he under- took it; he did not know how to keep his balance, and the boys pretended to come ‘near falling off, and shook the log so that he did fall off into the water waist deep. He was not used to such life; the backwoods boys were too much for him, and he ‘got out of that,’ and went back to the settlement where he came from, and left the jolly blades to play tricks upon themselves.” F. G. WIGGS, GREENSFORK. “Father left North Carolina when I was seven years old; we were six weeks and three days on the road, reaching William Arnold’s (now Noah Turner's), May 5, 1826. I rode a horse (that pulled one of our carts) all the way. Father put me on the horse the evening we started, and I rode clear through... We had two carts, and father led the other beast. Mother also walked a great deal; we camped under a tent through the whole journey; several families were in company: Joseph Copeland, wife and four children; Isaac Cook, wife and four children; father and mother and four children. eighteen in all. Father lent Isaac Cook $25.00 to come with (which he paid afterward). Father bought eighty acres of Benjamin Puckett, agreeing to give $250.00 and a cart valued at $25.00. He afterward entered eighty acres, and mother lived on it till she died in the fall of 1881; we settled in the wilderness. Will- iam Arnold and Frederick Fulghum came just before father did. Fred Fulghum had come back to Carolina and told us what a grand place Indiana was, and father was not satisfied till he moved out there himself. Deer used to come into father’s clearing, and they were so tame that they would not run away; father had no gun, and never shot any of them.” JAMES W. CLARK. ‘““The first school I went to was held in a little horse stable made of slahs set endwise. David Semans taught the school. The seats were slabs with legs in, no backs, of course. The first church in the town was in 1837, on the old 3i2 ~ «RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. © church lot, now (a part. of) the graveyard. Three camp-meetings were held near Spartanburg (in 1838-40 probably). The rowdies disliked Preacher Bruce. He was pretty ‘sharp’ on them. They had planned to flog him. They were swaggering round with peeled canes. He disguised his dress, got a ‘peeled cane,’ went down to the spring among the rowdies, amd heard all their plans. He then went back, opened meeting, and told the astortished tricksters. from the pulpit all their plot. The rowdies did not whip him. There were great revival meetings. At one time one hundred members joined. The first disciple meeting was held near old Mr. Stewart’s a mile or so: west of town. Several persons joined. The Baptists held meeting at Mr. Cartwright’s. He was a Baptist. When I was a boy, people hired me to hunt their cattle. I could go anywhere, and not get lost, day or night. When twelve years old, I used to grind bark for the tanner at eleven pence (12% cents) a day. Wild hogs were plenty in the ‘timber.’ I have been treed by them many a time. As I ‘would be after the cows, the hogs would be in the woods, and they would see and chase my dog, and he would run to me, and they after him. Then the hogs would see me and chase me. I would begin to climb right sudden, you may guess, a high log or a tree, and there I had to stay till they would leave, which sometimes would not be anyways soon. The hogs would boo-boo around, and then seem to go away, and suddenly be back, and try to get at me again. These wild hogs had sprung from swine that had been tame, and had bred in the woods, and so their offspring had grown to be wild. My grandfather would let his swine run in the woods, and by-and-by he would find where they slept, and build a pen partly round their nest, and watch and shut them in. Then he would catch the pigs and mark them, and let the whole ‘pack’ go again. At killing time, men would go out and track and shoot them wherever they might chance to be found. When I was twelve years old, grandfather was chasing up and killing his hogs. The men would shoot them, and I hauled them to the road with a horse. I forgot how many I hauled that day. Grandfather marketed that pork at Richmond for $1.50 net. A big poplar tree stood in front of Mrs. Hammond’s house, and another large tree stood on my lot. When I was a boy, I had a young bullock, per- haps a two-year-old, that I worked. It was a tough job to catch him, the only way being to run him down; and we would have a tedious race. One day I chased him a long time, and finally he plunged into a pond, and I after him waist deep. He stopped; I gathered him by the horns, Frank Morgan waded RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 313 in with a rope, and we roped him and brought his lordship out of the pond in triumph.” [Mr. Clark reckons himself to have been longest a resident of Spartan- burg, since 1826, or fifty-six years ago. Frank Morgan and he were boys then together, but Frank spent many years of his youthful life elsewhere, and, moreover, he died in 1880 at Spartanburg. Still, Mr. C. is by no means an old man, but is active and vigorous as in former days. ] WILLIAM CLEVENGER. “The settlers when father came, 1828 (near father’s), were Bezaleel Hunt, Nettle Creek; Joel Drake, Nettle Creek; Mark Diggs, Nettle Creek; Joab Thornburg, Stoney Creek; Jonathan Finger, Stoney Creek; Job Thorn- burg, Stoney Creek; Abraham Clevenger, Stoney Creek; David Vestal, Stoney Creek. George W Smithson, Stoney Creek; Joseph Rooks, Stoney Creek (large family boys) ; Jonathan Clevenger, Stoney Creek; John Diggs, Stoney Creek; and in the colored settlement, Richard Robbins (blacksmith), John Smith, Benjamin Outlan, Richard Scott, Jerry Terry, Isaac Woods. I have been to fifteen log-rollings in one spring. The first show I ever went to was an animal show at Muncie. I walked fifteen miles and got there by 9 A.M. My father was a member of the Christian church, and a Democrat. He voted for Jackson the first time that Jackson was elected, just after he came to Randolph county. He had just money enough to enter 120 acres. He had one old horse, and it died in the spring. He had no way to buy any, and he did without, borrowing sometimes, which was hard to do. He cleared ground, and tended it mostly with the hoe. By next season he got an ox-team. We plowed our corn with an ox, putting harness on it like a horse, and one boy would lead the ox and one hold the plow. Father and his boys have cleared more land than any other family in Randolph county—more than six hundred acres. Father had no. wagon for years. He hauled everything on a sled. He never owned a good wagon. He bought an old one for $30.00, and got ‘bit’ at that. That was about 1836. He used that seven or eight years, and never owned any other. He made oné crop with no team, and two crops with oxen. Then he traded the oxen for one horse. The oxen were young, and we could not ‘break’ them well. We did mostly with one horse. Sometimes in the winter we would have a boy behind the sled with a rope hitched to hold back with. We had no wheat bread till we raised some wheat to make it from, for a year or two, at least. 314 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1 remember when there were only three wagons in two miles square among twenty-five or thirty settlers. Once we put horses to a wagon with twenty bushels of corn and wheat, and started to mill (Economy). The horses knew nothing of pulling together, and the wagon got stick fast before half a mile. Six men took a horse and sack apiece and went ten miles to a mill, and left four or five to get the wagon out. The mill was owned by Nathan Proctor. Nathan Proctor, Elijah Arnold and others were charged with counterfeiting, thieving, etc. They were said to have a ‘rendezvous’ in the ‘fallen timber.’ Some were convicted, and the gang was broken up at last. One of them, ar- rested for passing a counterfeit bill, asking to see the bill, took it and swal- lowed it. My father got his meat thus: He had a dog that would catch any hog. He helped his neighbors catch their wild hogs, and they would pay. him in pork. The hogs were so wild they would not eat corn. How to build a cabin with weight poles: Build the square, let the top end logs project a foot or so, put the butting pole farther out than the body of the house, have it split and notched and pinned with the edge upright, so as to catch the ends of the boards; lay logs to build up the gables, with their ends scafed off to allow the roof boards to cover them, and the supporting poles su arranged as to give the proper slant. Put on the first course of boards, and lay a pole on the course far enough from the butting pole to receive the sec- ond course, keeping the ‘weight pole’ up by ‘knees’ between it and the butting pole. Put on the second course and another weight pole, and ‘knees,’ and so on to the top. Mother never got a meal of victuals on a cook-stove in her life.” JOHN KEY. “Father came from Tennessee in 1829. He was a Methodist, and took great delight in the religious services of the olden time. When camp-meet- ing opened, he would move down to camp to stay while the meeting lasted. cn a rude wagon with truck wheels made by sawing them from the end of a huge oak log. He had no wagon, and for home purposes used a sled. When father landed in ‘Randolph,’ he had just 3714 cents, one old horse, and five children. Pork was high afterward, and he sold four hogs for $50.00, and entered his first forty acres of land. Swine would run wild, and often, while we were hunting them and the dogs were trying to catch them, the wild creatures would cut the poor dogs’ throats with their sharp, strong tusks. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 315 Once while some men were hunting wild swine, the savage beasts under- took to run into Dolph Warren’s cabin, and scared the family inside well nigh to death. Squirrels would be so thick and would make such havoc in the corn that the children had to be set to scare the greedy ‘varmints’ away. The pea-vines would grow as tall as a man’s head, and as thick as they could grow, so that one could track a horse or a cow through the tangled masses of pea-vines almost as readily as through a snow-bank. Wild plums would grow in the thick woods, loaded down with as nice fruit as one would need to see, gooseberries, raspberries and blackberries would grow in the ‘clearings’ and open places. The state road through Deerfield to Ridgeville, etc., was cut out about 1830. Mr. Andrew Key helped cut it out from the state line west, and as- sisted in opening it, too. Mr. Key entered forty acres at first (with that hog money), and after- ward forty acres more; still later, he bought out Collins (his brother-in-law ).” “Andrew McCartney, born in 1804, in Virginia, came first to Jay county, in 1837. He has been married several times; once and the last time, to John Key’s sister. He had had a large family, was a rough, harsh, cruel man, with whom no one could live in peace. He would boast of his scrapes and exploits, and, in fact, would readily find and plunge into enough of them to answer any five ordinary men. Riley Marshall lived where Judge Miller did afterward. Mr. Miller bought Mr. Marshall out.” STATEMENT BY JOHN MOCK, WARD TOWNSHIP. In 1824, Daniel B. Miller lived in Jackson township. In a few years, the Harshmans came, and soon afterward, John Sheets settled on the Missis- sinewa, and built a saw-mill. Benjamin Devor, Ezekiel Cooper, Thomas De- vor, Christian Nickey, Dr. Diehl, the Mikesells, Baileys, Moses Byram and the Debolts, also moved in before very long. March 24, 1824, Ward (including Franklin) township had seventeen families—Meshach Lewallyn, Benjamin Lewallyn, George and Henry Ren- barger, Daniel Badger, Burkett Pierce, George Ritenour, William Odle, Elias Kizer, Allen Wall, David Connor, Reason Malott, William Massey, Riley Marshall, Daniel Mock, Jeremiah Lindsey, Joab Ward. Lewallyn had a mill that would crack five bushels of corn in twenty-four hours, if everything was in order. In 1829 he put in a hand-bolt and ground wheat, each cus- tomer bolting his own grist. A saw-mill was built about that time, near Deer- 310 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. field. At the presidential election in 1824 five voteswere cast in the township of Ward. At that precinct D. B. Miller was inspector and Riley Marshall, clerk. Persons could vote anywhere in the county, and most of the voters went elsewhere to cast their ballots. In 1829, Ward received a large reinforcement from Tennessee, Key, Fields, etc., etc. In 1836, George Ritenour built a grist-mill one mile west of Deerfield, with two run of buhrs, which did prétty good work. Samuel Helm built a saw-mill two and a half miles east of Deerfield. Collins & Fields also put up a saw-mill half a mile east of Deerfield. The village of Deerfield was laid out in 1831, but did not improve till 1837, when Edward Edger came and brought a store, and from that time it grew and a great amount of business was done there. A long time after the first settlement, William P. Charlton built a steam saw-mill at Ridgeville, and William Addington rebuilt the grist-mill, which were of advantage to the county round, but no town was established till years afterward. There were but few settlers in Green township before 1835. John Life and Samuel Caylor, Bennet King, the Orrs, Cyrus Reed, Philip Barger, Elijah Harbour, Thomas Hubbard, Nathan Godwin, the Garringers and others came about that date or soon after. Fitzpatrick, Evans, Haynes, etc., lived at Fairview. Antony McKinney built a mill in 1839. Cyrus Reed built a saw-mill near the grist-mill, causing trouble and a tedious lawsuit. In 1824, Winchester was a field of stumps, with one store on the north- east corner of the square, owned by George Burkett. The old log court house was on the north side of the street, which lay north of the square. Charles Conway lived in a log cabin between the store and Salt creek, and there was a log cabin still nearer the creek. On the northwest corner of the square was a double log cabin, occupied as a hotel by John Odle. There was a small log cabin in the southwest part of the town, and the new log jail stood on the jail lot. Those were the buildings in Winchester in March, 1824. In 1825, Thomas and Joseph Hanna put a stock of goods into a new building on the north side of the square, and before many years Michael and Andrew Aker bought them out, and sold goods a considerable time. Meanwhile the Man- sion House was built, and Jesse and William M. Way put a store in it: The brick across the street was built, and Jere Smith built the Franklin House. A. B. Shaw erected a brick on the northwest square. Moorman Way built the RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 317 brick west oi the Mansion House. Rush and Kizer put up a brick building on the east of the square. In 1836, Elias Kizer and David Haworth put up a steam grist-mill east of Salt creek, the first steam engine in Randolph county. This mill was of great importance, as there was none north of it nearer than Fort Wayne. The new (second) court house was built in 1826, or thereabouts. Some of the early settlers in the region now called Monroe township were Andrew Devoss, John Henenridge, Jesse Addington, Mr. Sloan and others. It settled very slowly. The region had no conveniences, no thorough- fare, no mill, no village nor town of any sort, until 1852. The southeastern and southern portion of the county-had been long settled; the Bowens, the Fraziers, the Johnsons, the Hocketts, the Hinshaws, the Beards, the Hunts, the Botkins, the Smiths, the Arnolds of famous memory and many others had filled up that region. But in 1824, Nettle Creek and Stoney Creek were still in the deep, unbroken forest. Nathan Mendenhall built a mill on Cabin creek, which was a great convenience. John Thornburg put up mills riear Windsor for both grist and sawing. Among the facts of old times, it may be mentioned that there was not a shoe shop in Randolph county before about 1830. People made their own or got some neighbors to do it for them, and there was not a boot made nor worn in the county before that date. A man by the name of Hartley made the first pair of boots in Winches- ter, for Michael Aker, and Aker, after exhibiting them a while to a curious crowd, wore the boots himself. During the winter of 1824-25, an imitation of a school was had at Deerfield, on a grade from arithmetic down, and the teacher could not spell the word “highest” any better than to say h-i-e-s-t, nor tell how much salt $1.12% will buy, at $1.3714 for fifty pounds [a rather snug little mental problem, by the way]. I never saw a blackboard in a schoolhouse in Ran- dolph county, except at the seminary. The people in the early days were full of hospitality. The settlers were from all quarters—Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mary- land, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Carolina—and all classes vied with each other in generous hospitality to strangers sojourning in the region. None were ever allowed to suffer, and men would kill deer and give the flesh away. And so with turkeys and pheasants and fish. The way to catch fish was peculiar, and worth a description. If the ice was thick enough to stand on, we could cut holes, and drive the fish to the holes and spear them. Sometimes, in a sunny day, we would tie 318 RANDOLPH- COUNTY, INDIANA. three hooks back to back, and haul the fish out that way. In the spring they would bite freely; later in the season we would take torches of hickory bark, and spear the poor fellows as they lay in the ripples of the streams. Sometimes we made a “brush-drag” by taking a grape-vine of sufficient length, laying strips of thin hickory bark across the vine under it, and then piling brush on till there was as much as we wished, tying the brush to the grape-vines with these strips of hickory bark; and, when the drag was completed, it would be hauled through the water, and the fish would move along in front. of the “drag,” and so they would be caught. There were several ways to kill deer. One way was simply to shoot them from the ground; another was to climb a tree, and shoot them as they were drinking from a spring. Another, and a very cruel way, was to bleat like a fawn, and decoy the does to their death. Hunting turkeys was very sly work, as they are wonderfully sharp-witted. However, in the “gobbling time,” you could call the “gobblers” to you by making a kind of pipe of the center bone of the wing. Fox hunting and coon hunting were great sport, though chasing the foxes and chopping the trees for the coons made a pretty hard task; yet the fun of it made the work seem light. The tools for farm work at first were exceedingly simple. An ax, an iron wedge, a mattock and a maul, and a big “nigger hoe,” an old-fashioned single shovel plow, and a barshare plow with an-iron share, a coulter in front and a wooden mold-board, and a harrow made of wood, teeth and all. These were all they had till about 1829. About that time, John Way began to make the front part of the mold-board of iron, some of which would scour, and these were used till about 1834, when Horney, of Richmond, made a cast-iron mold-board and share. And in 1845, Beard & Sinex brought forward the steel mold-board. About 1830, John Mansur, of Richmond, sold cast-steel axes, and about 1835, the Collins’ patent came. About 1840, Gaar & Co., produced the four-horse power chaff-piler threshing machine, and later the eight-horse power separator came to hand—the Pitts, from Buffalo, for instance. In 1836, there was only one open buggy in Ward township, and one top buggy, Edward Edger having the former and widow Kinnear the latter. Reapers and mowers, hay rakes, corn planters, nor even simple corn-markers, had any of them come into use in 1855, when Mr. Mock left Randolph county for the West. The first cook stoves in Randolph were brought by Edward Edger to Deerfield in 1838, one for himself and one for Mrs. Kinnear. They weighed 600 pounds each and cost $50.00, besides the hauling from Cincin- nati, which was a large sum. Roads there were none in those early times RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 319 only perhaps that they were cut out somewhat; and the travel went anywhere among the trees and stumps, with mud in the wet season two feet deep, even as late as 1855, when he left for Illinois. Mr. M. started from Deerfield June to, 1855, in a wagon with as good a span of horses as could be found in the county, with himself and wife and three small children and two trunks, perhaps 600 pounds in all, and it was all they could do to get through to Winchester. At least a mile of the corduroy was afloat or under water. There were too “little showers” that day, in which the rain fell five inches deep. Mr. Mock relates that he once shot a horse belonging to one of the set- tlers by the name of Cox in the White River settlement, east of Winchester, in mistake for a deer. Mock was young, and he was greatly alarmed. He went to Mr. Cox and told him. “So thee has killed my horse.” “Yes:” “And thee thought it was a deer.”” “I did.” “And thee wishes to pay me for the horse.” “It would be no more than right that I should, I suppose.” ‘‘Well, John, I guess I'll not charge thee anything for the horse.” And then Mock felt mightily relieved. ; One of the old settlers (who might be named, but will not be, as he is yet alive) came to mill one morning and bought a drink of whisky. In un- dertaking to swallow it, he threw it up twice, but, catching it in the glass, he kept turning it down, exclaiming the third time he swallowed it (with an oath), “Stay down; whisky costs too much money to be wasted that way.” And it stayed at last. Jacob Voris was a butcher and a grocer and a baker. He made great quantities of gingerbread, that wonderful “nick-nack” of olden time. The chaps had a song about it, one stanza of which ran thus: “Of all the birds that fly in air, The white, the blue, the red; Of all the cakes that Voris bakes, Give me the ‘gungerbread.’ ” At one time they had a spelling match at the school west of Deerfield under William Shoemaker as teacher. They spelled from the dictionary, which was the first time Mock had ever seen a book of the kind. It scared him out. He thought it was of no use to try to spell from that. The best teacher in that region in those days was James Edwards, from Cincinnati or thereabouts. He taught a term or two and left again. 320 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. CHARLES CRIST. “When we moved to Hancock county, Ohio, there was but one house within three miles of where we built our cabin. It was January, and the snow .was eight inches deep in the woods. My family stayed at that house, and we (brother and myself) tramped back and forth night and morning, to build my cabin, and we could get only two other men (four in all) to help raise it. It was small, fourteen by sixteen, and just high enough to stand up in. When we moved in, it was chinked, but not daubed; had neither chimney, nor floor, and no door (only a hole for one). We built a big log-heap fire to cook and warm by for two or three days, till we got a fire-place and chimney made, and we hung up a quilt for a door. There were only three or four houses then at Fort Findlay. There was one store; the two men that kept it were so poor that they had only one coat between them, and they brought their goods on packhorses. We were as happy then as ever in our lives. The Indians lived on their “Reserve,” between Findlay and Upper Sandusky (about twelve miles away). They used often to pass as they were hunting—Wyandots and others. They are gone now, except some who live like white people. I have ‘stayed many a night with the Indians. They lived well; the half-breeds, especially were intelligent and industrious. For some years, we had to go to mill to Perrysburg (Fort Meigs), on the Maumee river, across the ‘Black Swamp.’ That ‘Black Swamp’ was a ter- rible place. We would take three yoke of oxen, and twenty-five bushels of grain, and cross the swamp, eighteen miles, and then go fifteen miles farther | to the mill. The trip would take us twelve days, sometimes going only two or three miles a day. We crossed at what was ‘Hull’s Trace,’ and the places were still there where Hull's soldiers cut brush, and little trees, and fixed and wove them together, to make places to keep them out of the mad and water as they slept at night. The mud was black and deep—how deep I do not know. Large rocks were scattered in many places through the swamp. At another swamp in that country, there was a ‘crossing’ made of rails, for a road, and the swamp would shake for several rods on each side, as a wagon passed along the track, and if a horse or ox got off the rails, he would sink into the mire so that he could not get out, only as he was hauled out. The ‘Black Swamp’ has since been drained, and the farms there are among the very best. This swamp extended a great distance, perhaps one hundred and fifty miles. As we traveled across it, we slept in the wagon, and would tie one ox to the wagon, and turn the rest out to feed. The surface away RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 321 from the track was firm enough for cattle to walk on, and feed upon the weeds and bushes. I was at Lower Sandusky when the cholera prevailed. The emigrants going West died there in great numbers. I saw them lying dead around, I cannot tell how many. I gota load of salt to take to Findlay, and as I went to get some buckwheat straw to stuff round my barrels, I found several corpses lying covered in the straw. We lived in Marion county, Ohio, when the ‘stars fell,’ November, 1833. Some people that worked the next day in a deep well saw the ‘stars falling’ all the next day also. Ina deep well in Baltimore county, Maryland, eighty-four feet deep, which I cleaned out, I saw distinctly the stars from the bottom of the well. In Hancock county, Ohio, Mrs. Crist saw a ‘ball of fire’ fall to the ground, and explode in all directions. I, myself, saw, one night, one fall not fifty yards off. It struck the ground and burst, and the fire flew every way. The light was bright enough to see to pick up a pin. It seemed as large as a man’s hat, and burst as it struck. I have bought cornmeal at $1.00 a bushel that was so musty it was green, and that smelt so strong you could smell it several feet from the wagon, and we were glad to get even that! I used to split rails at 20 cents a hundred, and to work at 4o cents a day. The first spring, I cleared up five acres for corn. A good crop grew, but the birds and ‘varmints’ mostly ate it up. I used to kill squirrels, and coons and turkeys, so many that I did not take the trouble to pick them up. The turkeys would come twenty or thirty in a flock.” THOMAS MIDDLETON. “I came to Indiana with $3.00 and a rifle-gun. I have been greatly afflicted; had much sickness. Have seven times been sick expecting to die; yet I am eighty-one years old, and in moderate, though feeble, health. I have paid thousands of dollars for doctors’ bills. I was sick, when a boy, and I am sick in the same way yet. My back was hurt when I was a small child, and it hurts me still. I have had the piles and the gravel from early youth. I was ruptured in 1826, which remains till now. Dr. Ruby made thirty visits from Bethel at one time. I took my wife and walked and led the mare to Richmond. My wife stayed six weeks and got no relief. She came home and lived till October. My second wife was visited once a day for seventy days. I once sent for Doctor Warner, who prescribed for my case. Said he: ‘When this medicine is gone come and see me.’ I went, and he charged me $1.50, and said: ‘You can’t be cured.’ Some doctors will say: ‘We (21) 322 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. can cure you, but all they wish is a big Dill; they can run that up on you fast enough.’ I was at one time greatly troubled with the gravel, and Doctor Morgan tried to ease me. He injected morphine into my side, which seemed to give relief. I had been almost raving and wild with pain from Wednesday morning till sometime Sunday. Thus many and severe have been my afflictions from my youth even till this day, but I have trusted in the Lord, and trust Him still.” ELISHA T. BAILEY. “Doctor Silvers used to live near Ridgeville. He and his cousin, when small boys, were captured by the Indians, and lived and traveled with them for many years (1811 and onward) from Vincennes to Muncie, Greenville, Ft. Wayne, etc. When the Indians captured the boys, the clothes were thrown on the bank of a creek to make believe the children had been drowned. The Indians often passed through portions of Randolph county. Doctor Silvers used to say there was a spot on Nolan’s Fork, under a knotty walnut tree (he thinks on the farm of John Thomas, one of the first settlers), where the Indians had buried money. The doctor has gone, in later years, and dug to find it; whether he succeeded or not, probably no mortal knows. At another place, near Richard Corbitt’s, he said metal had been found. On Greensfork, he said, an old Indian buried a lot of money, and the doctor spent months in hunting for it, but whether he found that or not no one ever knew but himself. The Indians used to have copper kettles (gotten in trade with the Eng- lish or the French), and settlers have found some of them. Mr. Frazier, on Greensfork, found one in early times.” WILLIAM M. LOCKE. “The first preaching appointment at Spartanburg was started by Ohio preachers at Brother William McKim’s. The Methodists built their first church there, in 1837, and their present one in about 1869. The first preaching was about 1833. We joined in 1834, in Mr. Mc- Kim’s barn. Camp-meetings were held a little west of town three different seasons. The preachers in charge were Revs. Hall, Bruce and Smith. Large numbers joined the church. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 323 A Mr. Manning died near the camp ground. He had been sick, and was feeling better, and he wished so much to attend meeting, that he went before he was able, and by the excitement and the night air he took a relapse, and was dead before they got him home. There had been a little mill where Jessup’s mill was afterward built, but it was gone. The ‘Quaker Trace’ had been cut out, but as you went farther north, the track went ‘all over the woods,’ over saplings, round logs and ponds, etc. John Alexander used to tell how, in high water, the cattle would get on the bridges, and the puncheons would be floating, and the oxen would get their legs between the puncheons, and the teamsters would unyoke the cattle and let them swim out. How the wagons were got across cannot be stated. Old Thornton Alexander and his boys (colored) used to wagon regularly to Ft. Wayne.” ARTHUR MCKEW, 1831, RIDGEVILLE. “When I was a lad, thirteen years old, I went with father to Fort Wayne, with two yoke of oxen and a wagon; and he worked there two weeks. When about to start for home, father found a man who was going to Logansport, and father waited, went, with him, taking the oxen and wagon, and sending me home by the ‘Quaker Trace, alone. It took me five days to make the journey. It was a lonely trip and I camped out several nights. Father, in coming home, lay out the last night. There was a heavy snowfall and he spread the blanket over him and raked the snow on and around him to keep him warm. At one time, Thomas Shaler, whose home was near Camden, Jay county, Indiana, came to mill, and after bacon, etc., with a wagon and two yoke of oxen. As he started home, in passing a drain bridged with poles, an ox got a leg between the poles and broke it. Mr. Shaler came back for help and hired me (a boy fourteen years old), to take a yoke of oxen and help him through. As we were crossing the ‘maple slash,’ in Jay county, the ox-tongue broke. It was in winter and the snow was six inches deep. Shaler went to Mr. Welch’s, four miles off, to get help and tools. He returned after dark with an ax and an auger and two men. Joseph Hawkins (another boy, fourteen years old) and myself took the ‘back tracks’ of the men, getting to Mr. Welch’s after midnight, nearly chilled through. She got up (the woman was in bed), and gave us some ‘corn dodger,’ and it was good, sure. The men came with the wagon and team, near daylight, with feet badly frost- 324 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. bitten. After breakfast, Shaler and I went on, getting to Philip Brown's for dinner (corn bread and venison)—-near Liber—and staying at Judge Winter’s that night. In the morning, we cut the ice and crossed the Sali- mony, and went on through the thick wood, there being no road; and away in the night we got within a half mile of Shaler’s cabin; but there was a creek and ice, and the oxen would not cross; so we tied them to the wagon, and, shouldering some meal and bacon, footed it to the cabin. But that cabin was a sight. No daubing, no chinking, no floor, no fireplace, no chimney; fire in the middle of the cabin, and the house filled with smoke. The woman got up, cooked us some meat and gave us some dodger, and we lay down. That woman and her four little girls had been there alone for more than a week, and were out of food. [See J. Hawkins’ statement.] The next morning I started for home with the cattle. I had passed Judge Winters’ about 1 P. M., when I met father, with Mr. Lewallyn and Mr. McCartney, hunting me. We got home about midnight, I having been absent five days. At another time, a horse had strayed. He was ‘spanciled,’ and I ‘trailed’ him. I had ona rimless straw hat and no coat nor vest, but simply tow shirt and pants, and was barefooted. I followed the trail to near Huntsville, stayed all night with a ‘Dunkard,’ and the next morning went with him to a ‘woods meeting.’ The preacher made inquiry and a man came and told me he had seen such a horse, and where. The horse had been raised at Conners- ville, and seemed to be heading thither. I went to Connersville, Cambridge City, Milton, Jacksonburg, Waterloo, etc., but no horse could I find, and so I set out for home. I met father near Maxville, hunting for me. I told him what the man had said, and he went and found the horse in that neighbor- hood. I had somehow- missed him. My travels had been one hundred miles or more, and lasted seven days. At Waterloo they thought me a runaway apprentice, and were about to arrest me as such; but a man there happened to know my father and myself and they let me go. And truly I was a sight to behold, and my story, though true, was entirely unlikely, and people would not believe me. Flatboating was a great business in those times. We used to steer the boats down the river over the’ dams, etc., to the Wabash, or elsewhere, and then go home on foot. Once, five of us were hired to take five boats down all lashed together. We got through all safe, got our pay twenty miles below Marion and ‘put’ for Randolph. We struck south for the-road (what there was), and so to Marion. Billy Gray said, ‘Boys, this makes my thirteenth trip. I always had plenty of company at the start but none when I got home.’ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 325 We set forth that day for ‘keeps.’ The next day Billy Gray was not well, but he warmed up and left us. We had to wade waist-deep that day to cross a stream. The next day he went ahead again, but we passed him before he reached Fairview. Gray stayed at Elijah Thomas’, south of Fairview. Add- ington stayed at Caylor’s Tavern, Roe came home, three miles from Ridge- ville and I got home to Ridgeville at midnight, having traveled that day more than fifty miles, often wading and in places waist deep.” {Note.—Arthur McKew died at his home in Ridgeville, January, 1882.] JAMES PORTER. “George Porter, my brother, came out in the spring of 1829 and raised crops, and then came back and moved his family to Randolph three or four weeks before I arrived there. There was a mill at Ridgeville when I came. Henry Hinchy built a water-mill on the Mississinewa after a while for corn and wheat, bolted by machinery in (about) 1844. The first school was taught by George Porter’s wife about one-half mile west of our house (in Ward township), about 1836. We used to go to meeting (Methodist Episcopal), at Riley Marshall’s house, near (what is now) Prospect meeting-house. Mrs. Porter used to go afoot and ‘tote’ the baby—three miles. Mrs. Porter used to be greatly afraid of the Indians, though they never injured her. Travelers would often pass from Winchester to the ‘Quaker Trace.’ We were glad to see them and have them stay over night. The Brockuses would drink and fight. Their wives were fine women but the men used them badly. They would not work but would go off hunt- ing or running about. The women would be at home with nothing to eat. I went three times to Cincinnati to enter land—forty acres each time— afoot, except, partly the second time. Then I rode a colt to Hamilton and sold it there for $35.00 cash to enter land with. I had been offered $100.00 credit for the horse at home, but I was in a hurry to enter my land for fear somebody else would get it before me. I went afoot to Cincinnati and home again. Thomas Shaler lived in a cabin on this place (and his brother; but they moved off). He had been here three or four years. Samuel Emery came in 1826. He lived in Ward township, two miles down the Mississinewa. Allen Wall lived close by Emery’s. There were no more between here and Deerfield on the Mississinewa. Daniel B. Miller and Riley Marshall lived 326 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. near Prospect meeting-house, east of Deerfield. Philip Storms lived near ‘Sockum,’ at the crossing. He had been there some time. Andrew Debolt lived at Mount Holly. William Simmons had been here, had gone away to Blue river, and he came again in 1830. Messrs. Keys, Hodge, Manus and Fields lived south of here. Thomas Devor and Mr. Beach, Jacob Johnson, Joseph Sutton, James Wickersham, Amos Smith, Thomas Wiley and John Hoke came after a while. John Skinner and James Skinner came also.” WILLIS C. WILLMORE. “Before I was five years old I remember being at my grandfather Har- rison’s; I was with some black boys tramping clothes in a big trough. My uncles made me popguns and gave me slices of toast from the plate before the fire. When five years old, father took me to his new home and my new mother. As I got to the gate I ran into the house and the first thing I knew I was in my stepmother’s lap. Father settled among the Blue Ridge mountains. A part of the farm was creek bottoms, the rest was on the mountains. Some of the surface was very steep so that it could be cultivated. The sloping land had to be plowed one way and some could not be plowed at all; and that which was too steep to be plowed was cultivated entirely with the hoe. The stones and the hoe would often meet, and several hoeing together would make lively music. The mountains were full of bears, wolves, panthers, wild cats and snakes. Rattlesnakes and copperheads were the most dreaded. Our nearest neighbor was a mile distant. We could see no house but our own Many days would pass with a sight of none but our own family. The pas- ture was fine in the mountains and ravines and ready in March. The cows would come to their calves for three or four months and then they had to be hunted. I was the cowboy and often night would find me in the moun- tains calling the cows. The hair would well-nigh stand on end for fright while driving them over rocks and hills and through laurel thickets, not know- ing when I might meet a wild beast or tread on a snake. One night, two of my brothers out coon-hunting, came home at daylight and said the dogs were baying a bear in the mountain close by. We went with the gun to find the den. I walked to its mouth, the bear met me and passed without a word of ‘How-d’ye,’ or ‘Good bye.’ I crawled in and captured three cubs and took them home. Another night John and I were hunting in a strange place. Jahn fell RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 327 from a cliff; 1 hugged a tree. At dawn we were at the edge of a precipice over a stream. One time going home from picking whortleberries we came upon three huge rattlesnakes lying in the sun. We cut three long forked sticks and put them over their heads and I held down their heads with a short fork and cut them off with my pocket-knife. We did this to prevent their biting them- selves because we wanted the oil. We dragged our snakes two and a half miles to get them home. When I was skinning one of them the headless neck drew back and stood in the attitude to strike and gave a forward blow as if to bite. My brother laughed at me years afterward for being bitten by a rattlesnake without a head. In the valley where I was born, in the Blue Ridge, the sun would shine far up the western heights long ere we could see its disk above the eastern hills and long before night, moreover, it had sunk behind the mountain tops. In that rugged country, work began at daylight and at g A. M. the horn blew for breakfast and at 2 or 3 o’clock for dinner which was the last meal. The work kept on from dawn till dark and in winter cotton had to be picked till 9 or 10 o’clock at night. The hills were very steep, so much so that often we were obliged to ‘tote’ things a long way to where they could be ‘hauled.’ One day I was driving a cart and though several were holding it, over it went—load and all. Luckily the ‘overturn’ did little damage so we loaded up again and went on. People here can have little idea of the hardships of such a life in so rough and rugged a land. Yet there were some advantages even there. The clear, cool, bright springs gushing from the hillsides and the pure, fresh, bracing mountain air were a delight to behold and to breathe. I had even in my boyhood resolved that this hard and broken land was ‘not the land for me.’ I had heard of that fair, level, rich country in the Northwest beyond the beautiful Ohio and I determined to find it and view its glories for myself. And in due time the opportunity came. Father had met with losses and went to Ohio to find a new home. Meanwhile I remained behind to settle his business and a hard and tiresome task it was indeed. In performing the work I walked more than a thousand miles and rode hun- dreds of miles besides. Once we ‘ran off’ a tract of land overflowed by a violent rain, riding on horseback and using poles instead of pegs. The survey had to be made and the surveyor would not do it and so we did. 328 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. When all was done that I could do there for father, I moved stepmother with eight children to the ‘Great West,’ finding father in Gallia county, Ohio, in which region he made his new home. So here I was in the wonder- ful Northwest and I had come to stay. I had bidden the rough and rugged mountains a long, long farewell. I had found the forest plains of which I had dreamed so often and so fondly. In Ohio I married, and, after four years. made my way to Wayne county, Indiana, and after a brief sojourn there we pitched out tent under the green beeches of Randolph. But the West was not without its hardships also. Work was wearisome and money was scarce. Twenty-five cents a day (cash) was reckoned fair wages. Fifty cents in ‘dicker’ was easier to get than half that amount in money. I chopped and split rails from heavy oak timber for 25 cents a hundred and my board. Everything (that farmers produced) was low. The first cow (and calf) I bought was for $6.50. She was three years old and very small. When I got home with her and the calf I called to my wife, ‘See here, I have brought you tzvo calves.’ She looked and cried out, ‘She can't raise a calf.’ She did though and both of them made splendid milkers. We bought pork at $2.00 net, delivered, and corn was 12% cents a bushel. I boarded a teacher, Samuel Godfrey, in Wayne county, about 1830, for 75 cents a week. November 17, 1831, we moved into our cabin and the next day it snowed. I had managed by years of hard work to get money with which I had entered one hundred and sixty acres of land and I felt richer than a king and hoped and expected to prosper. But ,alas, disease and affliction were speedily my lot. I was doomed to crutches for life. In less than three months I was prostrated with the ‘cold plague,’ and.I have never stood upon my feet un- supported nor walked without crutches since that hour. I lay a long time helpless, my wife rolling me over in bed. Nobody thought I would live. But here lam! When it became clear that I could not regain strength, I was alarmed at the prospect. What was to become of us? But these fears were at that time taken away and I clung to the promise, ‘Seek first, etc.’ We resolved to hold together as a family which we have done. To pine, would avail nothing. How we lived is hard to tell. ‘God delivered us,’ is all I can say. The wheel and the loom did a brave part. When the calamity came I was engaged in preaching to two churches. Of course I stopped. But when I had recovered so as to go on crutches, though not to sit up, I was sent for to see a sick man. The house was crowded: I lay on a pallet and pointed RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 329 them to Christ. Since then often have I, lying on a couch in the congrega- tion, invited sinners to repentance and bade Christians God speed! The fol- lowers of the Lamb would meet and sing and pray, and I would try to preach and the Lord was well pleased for His gracious name’s sake. And many a time we were fed on heavenly manna! My worldly prospect was indeed dark, but God comforted me and blessed be His holy name! I had grace to trust Him and He sustained me. We had kind friends and we always had enough; sometimes the bitter tear would fall, but I lifted up the eye of faith to Him who sent the ravens to feed Elijah, and to Him who, though He rules all worlds, yet had not where to lay his head! I was not disappointed. My friends have been many and kind and with them would I live and die; and may we all rise to light, clothed in the garments of salvation! I was converted and joined the Baptists in 1821, was licensed in 1825, and ordained in 1830, and in 1839, when we moved to Winchester, a Baptist church was organized for that place and region which stood many years. There was at the time a Methodist meeting-house and there was no other. The Presbyterians began before long and kept up an organization for ten or fifteen years, building a house for their worship but the church was always weak and at length became extinct. After I moved to Winchester, at first I wrote lying on a narrow straw bed but mostly on my knees. The recorder’s office then was worth but little; an able-bodied man could have done the work but I had to hire a deputy and the profits were small. In the summer of 1847, my disease returned and in May, 1848, I was hauled between two feather beds to where I now live. I was confined to my bed at that time for more than two years; since then I have been several times snatched from the jaws of death by the same hand which has led me all my journey through. Like the Jews before Jordan, I look across the river and behold the blessed Canaan. Like Moses on Mt. Pisgah’s top, I view the heavenly landscape o’er and humbly wait the appointed time when God shall set my happy spirit free and receive my blood-washed soul to the blissful mansions of eternal rest. For some years I trusted in the sweet Bible promise and was upheld in the midst of my sorrow. But, as my family cares increased, after a time I became somewhat disheartened; my way seemed hedged up, darkness was on me and I felt gloomy and sad. When I looked at my wife and children and thought of their needs and my own and my helplessness, my soul cried ‘What will become of us?” 330 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. But one Sabbath after having been to my appointment at Concord (for I could preach though I could not stand, and had been greatly helped and strengthened in the Lord’s work), I came home and at night, when in bed, a burden of distress rolled upon my heart and it seemed that I should be crushed; I was not asleep, it was no dream; but I saw myself struggling through deep water and suddenly my Saviour was walking by my side and He sweetly held me up as I buffeted the.waves. Deep peace fell on me, all trouble and doubt and sorrow fled, and my soul was bathed in joy unspeak- able and full of glory. The holy baptism of that midnight hour has never left me; but I have been enabled to walk in the strength of the grace I then received, even to this blessed day. A cripple bodily I have continued to be to this moment but the ecstasy of spirit which my poor soul has many a time received from the Lord, human tongue in this world can never tell. And the good Lord is with His unworthy servant still. The prayer of the Psalmist, ‘When I am old and gray-headed, O Lord, not, has with me and mine been wonderfully answered! Near fifty years ago I lay feeble and helpless, waiting for death to do its work upon my wretched body; and yet, here J am still, tarrying in this tabernacle of clay, patiently expecting the hour now surely near at hand, when I shall be, ‘not unclothed, but clothed upon’; and mortality shall be swallowed up of life—when I shall be permitted to see the King in His beauty; when my crutches and my poor old frame shall be laid aside together, and my freed spirit shall go shouting home!" “Hallelujah to the Lamb who has purchased our pardon, We will praise Him again when we pass over Jordan.”’ Since the Baptist church spoken of above went down, Mr. Willmore has stood outside of special church relation. But he is in full and blessed sympathy with God and all good men and feels that all humble, penitent, God- fearing, heaven-seeking souls are his brethren and sisters. He feels too, that— “The church on earth and all the dead, But one communion make. They all have life in Christ, their Head, And of His righteousness partake.” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 331 Through the glass of faith he views from the tops of the “Delectable Mountains” the glorious sights and scenes in the New Jerusalem; and feels that the time will not be long till he shall be among them, till he shall join the ecstatic throng; till with the spirits of the just made perfect with the “church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven,’ he, too, cleansed and purified, “washed in the blood of the Lamb,” shall take up the heavenly song and swell the hallelujah chorus that rises ever from the hosts of the saved in the courts of glory on high! NATHAN CADWALLADER. “When I taught school, I did bravely, taking pupils through arithmetic, etc., where I had never been myself! The first school was by subscription, eight weeks, taught in an old log building in Frederick Davis’ field. It had once boasted a clay and puncheon fireplace, but that had been pulled down and the chimney-place was open, like a barn door. The books were what- ever each pupil brought—Bible, Testament, Life of Washington, Life of Marion, History of England, spelling books and so on. Each one used what- ever be brought, too; ‘uniformity of text-books’ was not in vogue in that institution, sure; of course classification gave no trouble, but each tow-headed urchin was head and foot too of his own class. I had, perhaps twenty pupils. My school was liked; my government was somewhat unique and certainly original. One day I had two lads standing face to face, two or three feet apart, with a stick split at both ends and one end on each boy's nose; another mischievous ten-year-old I had thrown astraddle of the naked joist-pole over- head; and a fourth luckless wight who had fallen under my magisterial dis- pleasure, was expiating his crime by standing with his hands behind his back and his nose plump against the wall! Just at that supreme moment of the endurance of penalty for trans- gressing the majesty of violated law in popped a neighbor and patron of the school more noted for bluntness than gentility, through the open door. He stared, first at one, then at the next, and so on, till at length as the whole ridiculous gravity of the curious situation dawned upon his mind, suddenly he broke out with a rough expression and, sinking with his ponderous weight upon the puncheon floor, burst into a loud and uncontrollable fit of laughter. Was not that school-room a sight? ‘Wholesome discipline’ was at a discount at that moment of supreme ridiculousness; and teacher, pupils and visitor all gave way together and laughed in concert till they got tired and quit because they could laugh no longer.’ ” 332 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. At another time the same ‘school visitor’ ‘cut a shine’ in that (or some neighboring) school, which fun-loving teachers will wonder at when they read: The school was in session; all were at their ‘books,’ and studying ‘for keeps.” One young man was sitting face to the wall engaged in writing, as he sat in front of one of those old slab or puncheon writing-desks, fastened against the side of the house. . All at once in popped ‘that same old coon’ with a meal-sack slung around his neck. Paying no special heed to what was going on in the room, he strode straight across the floor to this young man aforesaid; and, before any one had the slightest idea of his intention, the old sack was slapped violently round the young man’s face, the other exclaiming, “Tend to your books, you or-na-ry cuss.’ Teachers generally say they like to have visitors; doubtless this teacher had often said the same. But probably thereafter his desire for visitors contained at least one mental reservation. Mr. Cadwallader’s school was liked, perhaps all the better for his at- tempted ‘new departures’ and original methods. At any rate he was engaged again for the winter school with an enormous increase of wages from $7.00 to $9.00 per month—a growth of well-nigh 30 per cent. and an increase worthy of especial notice and remembrance; conclusively showing that the employers in that backwoods school district thoroughly understood the ap- propriate method and means of rendering suitable encouragement to corre- sponding merits; and that they put their knowledge earnestly into practice, much to the satisfaction of the worthy subject of the present sketch. “That winter furnished some interesting experience. The big boys took me at Christmas and ducked me through a hole in the ice up to my chin, till I would agree to ‘treat,’ which I finally did. They let me out and I sent for some apples for the ‘treat.’ The sequel came near being tragic, for the apple boys stayed so long that the others thought I was ‘shamming,’ and had sent for no apples and so they caught me and went to duck me again. Luckily the boys came just at the nick of time and I was let go and we had a gay ‘treat.’ Thus went school life (not very) long ago, when I was young and in my ’teens.” During Mr. Cadwallader’s term as Senator, an event occurred so curious and vexatious and so apt an illustration of the evils of hasty legislation, and, moreover, of the importance of careful and exact expression that we cannot forbear to state it somewhat in detail. He had resolved that Indiana should have, like her sister states, a law regulating the movements of railroad trains, a thing, in fact, greatly necessary. So, he drew up a bill mostly like the Ohio RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 333 law, presented it to the Senate and it was “teetotally”’ passed in fifteen niin- utes; in fact, before he sat down. It was read, once, twice, ordered to be considered engrossed, read the third time and finally passed, all in the same transaction. Not an objection was raised, not a word was changed; it went through “clean.” It passed the other House much in the same way and noth- ing more was thought of it. On the day in which the law was to go into effect, the whole State of Indiana was “waked up” by the unearthly screech- ing of every engine-whistle on every railroad of the State. Especially were the ears of our Senator, whose residence is close to the railroad depot in Union City, greeted with whistling fit to “wake the dead.” When the railroad men were asked, ‘‘what does this mean?” they replied, “Senator Cadwallader’s whistle-bill requires it.” Mr. Cadwallader resolutely denied the allegation, but on examining the “Record,” there it stood in black and white—‘‘Evers engineer shall, within eighty rods of any crossing of any street or public highway, sound the whistle continuously until he has passed said crossing.” Cities were allowed to regulate the matter as they chose; but as no town had done so, the law was binding in town and country alike. Here was a racket indeed. Mr. Cad- wallader was nonplussed, but knowing the bill was not so when he had it pass the Senate, he got hold of the copy thereof and found this curious fact to wit: The section as he wrote it stood thus: * * * “shall sound the whistle and ring the bell continuously until, etc., 1. e., sound the whistle once at first and then keep on ringing the bell, etc. Somebody had drawn a pencil mark across the words “and ring the bell,” making the clause read, “‘shall sound the whistle continuously,’ and thus it stands on the “Record.” Who made the alteration Mr. Cadwallader has never been able to find out. But it shows very strikingly how important it is to have the words of a law just exactly right and how great a change a slight alteration will make. The bill as it was presented, commanded (though the idea is not very clearly expressed), a proper and needful thing. As it stands on the Record, the thing required would be an intolerable nuisance. Probably no man was ever greeted with such a howl of indignation as from every corner of the State met the astounded ears of the Senator from Randolph. Examination, however, soon quieted the clamor and showed his intention and his action to have been proper and that he was simply the vic- tim of a strange and, thus far, unexplained mistake (or, possibly, of a trick on the part of some truckler to the favor of railroad corporations). Mr. Cadwallader has had the satisfaction of witnessing the Indiana Legislature 334 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. pass the “Railroad Whistle Bill” in an amended form, i. e., in the shape that he put it through the Senate originally, and of having the Senate pass, unani- mously, a resolution that the “blunder” of the previous “act” was in no way chargeable to him. One would have supposed that Governor Williams would have seen the absurdity of the bill in the form in which it seems to have come into his hands, but it appears he did not; and “Governors” are not always “sharp” in the matter of language, any more than other people, as the Hoosier state, in common with others, has had‘ occasion to discover. I should not do justice to my feelings were I to omit to state that Mr. C. is himself an eminent specimen of an honorable and high-minded citizen. Though economical, he is not penurious; though desirous to make money, he is not oppressive to the poor and unfortunate; though not, in name, a professor of religion, yet in heart he delights in all things good and lovely, and assists liberally in building up every worthy enterprise. He is a hearty and earnest friend of the temperance reform, and an active and uncompromising Repub- lican. He possesses the unqualified respect of all his fellow-citizens, and is an honor to the town in which he resides, and to the county which, for well nigh fifty years, has claimed him for her own. Although highly honored, thus far, by his fellow-citizens, the state will never know what she has lost by neglecting to advance him to the post of state school superintendent, for a genius so decidedly fresh and vigorous when in the inexperience of untutored youth, as shown by his original inventive powers, in the way of penalties for violation of school law, would infallibly have wrought out radical and thorough reformation in all school appliances and methods, so that lads and lasses both in the near and the remote future would have revered and blessed his name as the ceaseless ages roll. WILLIAM TAYLOR. “William McKim laid out Spartanburg. William Dukes lived in the house where Taylor now lives. Elias Godfrey and Thomas Hart kept a grocery is the house now occupied by John H. Tayior. Mr. Fires built the house where John Wiggs now lives, and sold it to Stephen Barnes, who cum- pleted it, and occupied it till he died. In the war of 1812, many men went from our region to Norfolk or Portsmouth. We lived 200 miles from Nor- folk. People used to drive their hogs thither to market. The country where we lived was level and sandy. The upper counties were broken, and the soil was good for wheat and tobacco. We lived east of Raleigh forty miles. We RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 335 could hear the cannon roar at Raleigh on the Fourth of July. We were six weeks and two days on the road coming West. My oldest son and myself walked nearly all the way. We camped out every night but one. Jesse Jordan had come to Indiana, and stayed three or four years, and returned to Carolina for some money that was due him, and he came back to Indiana with us. We were well and enjoyed the trip first rate. We had two one- horse carts to haul our luggage in. We had a tent, and would throw our beds down on the leaves. We slept one night at the foot of the Blue Ridge. We started the last Sunday of April, and arrived at Arba June 8, 1836. We came the mail stage route a long way, then through Powell Valley, Cumberland Gap, etc. We crossed the Blue Ridge at Good Spur and Poplar Camp, and came through Crab Orchard, etc. We traveled nearly a week on the Blue Ridge. We could see houses on points of hills and away down in valleys where we could not guess how anybody could ever get to them. One place called Dry Ridge had no water for a long distance. We crossed the Ohio at Cincinnati, which seemed to me to be quite a large town, the largest I had ever seen. We did not stop long there, but drove through, and camped for the night. As we came through Raleigh they were building the new state house. Jesse Jordan had $1,500 in North Carolina currency that he had to exchange because it would not pass in Indiana. He got United States bank notes, the only bills that would pass. I had my money in gold. I paid for my land in half-eagles—seventy half-eagles. I had in North Caro- lina 125 acres. I went back to Carolina once and stayed six weeks. Jesse Jordan’s widow also went back a short time ago. She said the neople seemed to be doing very well.” BRANSON ANDERSON, 1833. “Settlers when we came, in 1833, were Jacob Chenoweth, in Ohio; Heze- kiah Locke, on the Bailey place; Mason Freeman, on the Marquis place. John Foster came on the Griffis place a year or so after we came. [This was not the Joshua Foster who was in that vicinity many years before.| Mr. Farms had just put up a cabin on the James Ruby place; had not moved into it yet. Smith Masterson lived on the Downing place, north of Dismal. James Griffis lived on the Williamson farm, and moved not long afterward to the Griffis place, on the Greenville State road.” 336 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ELISHA MARTIN. “In June, 1832, in a race, molding brick with Silas Connell, I molded, from sun to sun, 25,148 brick, and he, 23,365. I was about twenty years old. My father-in-law scolded me; told me I should not have tried it, and that I could not stand it. He stood by me and kept me from working full speed, till 2 p. m., when he told me to ‘go it.”. Silas led me all the forenoon. A great crowd were looking on, and they bet twd to one on Connell. By and by the tide turned, and the bets became five to one for me, and I beat. People after that offered to bring men to beat me, but they never did. I had a man on his yard and he on mine. They set their watches just alike, and we begun to a second. We worked till dinner. I had my dinner brought to the yard; took a few bites and went to molding again. Men said I molded forty-eight brick the last minute. They carried me to the house, washed me in whisky, and would not let me lie down till near morning. I went to work the third dav after. The bet was only $10 on a side. Isrum Engle, of Union City, and Ezekiel Clough, of Jackson township, lived at Cincinnati at the time, and know that I did what I claim to have done.” Mr. Martin was a brick molder, and has been for many years. He owns a good farm south of Winchester. THOMAS SHALER. [BY JOSEPH C. HAWKINS. | “T had to go to mill at Ridgeville, from near Antioch, Jay county, In- diana, generally on horseback. I had to do the milling, while the older boys carried the mail from Winchester to Fort Wayne. Thomas Shaler, who used to live near, but had moved to near Camden, came to mother’s on his way ta mill with a wagon and oxen. He persuaded her to have me go with him and get fifteen bushels of corn, and said he would bring home the meal for her; so she sent me. Brother Ben had raised the corn at Joab Ward’s, and I shelled it; got a horse there and took it to mill, and had the meal all ready. But Shaler had been getting drunk and fooling around, and he stayed three days. I determined to walk home and bring a horse and get my grist that way. But at last he got ready and started. (See Arthur McKew’s Reminis- cences.) He left my meal at William Welch's, and I took the grist home from there (John Adair’s place south of Liber). Shaler was away about nine days, and his wife and family were at home starving. He was a drunken, shiftless fellow, boasting of being half-Indian. His wife was an excellent RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 337 woman, with four children, all girls. She was there in the woods, ten miles from any settler. Their cabin had no fire-place, floor, nor chimney, no daubing nor chinking, and the snow was eight inches deep; everything was frozen up, and they had nothing to eat. She had burned some coal in one corner of the shanty, had made a sled, and was intending to take an ox, the sled, her four children, and a kettle with coals in it to keep the children from freezing to death, and to start for Mrs. Hawkins’ cabin fifteen miles off, the nearest settler she knew. But her husband and young McKew got to the cabin that night about midnight, with the provisions. Shaler and McKew cut the ice and crossed the Big Salamonie, near Judge Winters’, but there was a stream called Big Branch, up which the water had set back from the Big Salamonie, over a wide space. The water had suddenly frozen, and then had sunk away, leaving the ice, and they could not get the oxen across in the night.” [Note.—This Tom Shaler was the same that James Porter found “squatted” on the land that Porter entered afterward, northwest part of Jack- son township, Randolph county. Shaler moved from there near to Liber, and soon after that to near Camden. This incident took place about 1833. Joseph Hawkins’ father moved to Jay county in 1829. He died in 1833, and they were “roughing” it up there in the Jay county woods, a poor widow with a large family. ] JACOB JOHNSON, 1833. “The first resident of Jackson township is supposed to have been Philip Storms. He ‘squatted’ on a piece of land east of my farm; but a Mr. Fager entered the land from under him, and he then moved to Mississinewa crossing and remained there several years. It is also said that another person entered Mr. Storms’ land there; that he was very angry and threatened to shoot the intruder, but that they finally settled the matter amicably and that he moved elsewhere. He was living in the region in 1830, how much later is not now known, and if he had lived elsewhere in the township several years, he was certainly the first comer. Mr. Jacobs is thought by some to have been the first permanent settler in the township, but these things are ‘mighty hard to find out.’ Ishmael Bunch was a very early pioneer also. I (Johnson) lived in a rail-pen from May 3 to June 22. Our family was myself and wife and nine children, and we were as happy as need be. We made the floor of the rail-pen of bark, and renewed it twice. When the (22) 338 ‘ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. water would splash up through the bark, I would put in a new floor of the same sort. The State road to Portland was laid out about 1838, only forty feet wide. The first justice in Jackson township was James Wickersham. The first couple married were David Vance and Sally Smith by Esq. Wickersham. The first mill was erected by Jones, on Lowe’s Branch, one and a half miles above me. I built a horse-mill, then a water-mill, and afterward a saw-mill. The grist-mill was run twenty years and the saw-mill ten years, but they are all rotted down now. The graveyard on my place was begun about 1840. The Indians were all gone but one, ‘Old Duck.’ He hunted and trapped and took his skins and furs to Greenville. He used to stay with Jacobs, at Harshman's, and with Andrew Debolt.” Note.—This “Duck” is spoken of in Jay County History as being famil- iar with the early settlers of that county. He seems to have been a clever, civil, honest Indian. At one time he was at a church trial. and when the witness began to testify “crosswise,” he rose to leave, saying, “Me go; no much good here, too much lie.” The author of Jay County History says (in substance) : All early settlers are familiar with the name of the old Indian, Doctor Duck, who remained in the county a long time after his tribe had moved to Kansas. He showed much skill in the treatment of diseases. * * “* He was religious and often appeared to be praying to the Great Spirit. He at- tended meeting for preaching at Deerfield and the church trial afterward, which he left as stated above. He tried to cure John J. Hawking, a pioneer of Jay county, but did not succeed, though he lived with Mr. H. six months. About two weeks after Mr. H. died (March 15, 1832), the Indian visited his grave and spent nearly half a day there alone, apparently preaching and per- forming wild ceremonies.” Settlers (that Mr. Johnson remembers) when he came were: Daniel B. Miller, Ward township; Jacob Harshman, two miles west of Johnson's; Abram Harshman, same neighborhood; Reuben Harshman, same neighbor- hood (died lately in Union City, Ohio) ; Andrew Debolt, Mount Holly, dead; James Reeves, near Castle P. O., dead; Amos Smith, near New Lisbon, gone long ago; Samuel Skinner, near New Lisbon, gone long ago; John Skinner, near New Lisbon, gone long ago; James Willson, James Wickersham, etc. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 339 John Johnson, his brother, came when he did, dying a year or so ago, aged eighty-eight years. William Warren, James Warren, James Simmons, came soon after Mr. Johnson. ; James Porter was living near New Pittsburg, and others had settled near Allensville, on the Mississinewa river. ANDREW AKER. “My trade as a merchant was extensive and various. I used to buy every commodity that was salable at that day. I bought produce of all kinds and shipped it on flat-boats down the Mississinewa, sending sometimes two or three boats at once, loaded with flour, bacon, apples, etc. We went to Logans- port, Lafayette, etc., selling mostly, though not entirely, to Indian traders. Sales would be made on credit, and then we would go down at the time of the Indian payments, which were made once a year, generally in August or Sep- tember, and get the money for the goods sold to them. The last time J went we had three boat loads. The boats were made by Joab Ward, who kept a boat-yard near what is now Ridgeville. He would make a boat all complete for an amount varying from $25 to $30, which would carry about one hun- dred barrels of flour. I lost my sight about 1836, and sold goods till 1838. I worked twentv- five years at pump-making. I had worked at it when young, and, trying it again after blindness came on, I found that I could do the work with success, and resumed the business. I have made and sold great numbers of pumps, working all through the country, making forty at one time at Recovery. Thomas Hanna kept a store at Winchester when I came there. Esq. Odle had owned a store before that; Hanna’s store was quite an extensive establishment for those days. Paul W. Way set up a dry- goods store afterwards, and William and Jesse Way began also. Michael Aker bought out my stock and followed me in the business, though he did not continue long. The court house was up and covered when I came to Winchester; David Wysong furnished the brick, and the lime was obtained at New Paris, or at Middleboro; lime was not burned in this county till afterwards. Joseph Hinchy had made pumps, hauling his tools with an ox team, and making them from farm to farm. He is the same man who planted nurseries in various places through the country. 340 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Soon after I came here I bought 108 acres of John B. Wright and 100 acres of Charles Conway. I bought the Daniel Petty land east of town, of Oliver Walker, as also a lot in every square in town. I traded the lot in the north front with a building on it for the farm I now live on (108 acres). I traded 180 acres with a good house and barn and orchard and 50 acres cleared fo? 400 acres, and sold that in four or five years to Joshua Bond for $1,100. . Ernestus Strohm began a cabinet shop, and I was in partnership with him for awhile. We made a sideboard worth $175 about 1838, the first costly piece of furniture made in the county. It is a splendid article—large, square, rather low, with a large framed glass at the middle of the top. I have it yet in a good state of preservation; in fact, almost as nice and good as new. It was the first thing that was made in that shop, and it was made to show what kind of work the shop could furnish. Some amusing things would take place in those primitive times. Some such incidents occurred in my own experience. Curtis Voris and a half-brother of his had moved out here from Green- ville. He had some money to spare and he asked, ‘Who would be safe?’ The person told him, ‘Andrew Aker.’ So he came to me: ‘What per cent?” ‘Six.’ ‘How long time?’ ‘A year.’ ‘All right,’ said he, ‘and I will trade out the interest.’ ‘Better yet,’ said I, ‘I will take your money. How much can you spare?’ ‘Two dollars and a half,’ was the rejoinder. That I was astonished is simply the truth. However, I took his money, the whole of it, and he kept his bargain by trading out the interest, all of it. A man from out North was trading one day, and having made a bill of (perhaps) $2, offered in payment a $5 bill. It was a base counterfeit, and I told him so. ‘Why,’ said he, ‘it is good; I got it from Hell.’ ‘Take it back there, then, it will not pass here.’ He meant a man with that name. One day Old Samuel Emery, from the Mississinewa (who died only a short time ago), came in with a roll of deer-skins. He was truly a rough- looking customer. His pants were buckskin and ripped up nearly to the knee. He wore a straw hat, with the rim half torn off; his shoes were ragged and tied up with hickory bark; and altogether he was as forlorn as one often sees. He wished to ‘trade out’ his roll of buckskins. He got several articles, I reckoned up the account and the trade was nearly even. He then said, ‘I wish to get a few more things, powder and lead and some flints, and I would like to get trusted.’ I spoke to Charlie Conway at the back end of the store. ‘O,’ said he, ‘Sam Emery is all right, he is one of the substantial citizens out RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 341 on the Mississinewa.’ He got his powder and things on credit and paid for them promptly according to agreement. After that time he did a large amount of trading at my store, always dealing fairly, like the honorable man that he was. But when I first set eyes on him as he entered the store with his roll of buckskins on his shoulder, he was a strange-looking customer indeed! The same man who loaned me the $2.50 also bought a cow of me for $8. He agreed to pay me for the creature in two or three months. He paid me, though it took a much longer time than that. He made the payment in small sums, sometimes as low as 12% cents, and never more than 37% cents at any one time. But he paid me fully after a while. Shortly after I came to Winchester I built a brick house, getting the brick of David Wysong at $2.50 per thousand delivered. Mr. Wysong died only two or three years ago, about eighty years old. The pump business is carried on at present by my sons-in-law, Knecht ‘and Thomas. They do not make now, but buy and sell, purchasing some- times as high as 4,000 pumps at one time.” MRS. JESSIE ADDINGTON, 1834. “Joab Ward and Meshach Lewallyn lived near Ridgeville. There were no houses from here to Winchester. Thomas Addington (not Rev. Thomas) oc- cupied a cabin near where George Addington now lives. William Addington had come on in March, and had settled one mile north. There were no settlers east or west that I know of. Benjamin Lewallyn and a Mr. Jones, as also James Addington (uncle to Jesse), had settled on the Mississinewa, below Ridgeville. That town was not begun till long afterward. People used to bring flour, bacon, apples, potatoes, apple-butter, etc., to Ridgeville to Ward’s, and buy of him a flat- boat, to send them down the river to market. Mr. Addington has bought of Mr. Ward apples supposed to be spoiled for trade by being frozen. We had to go to White River or Mississinewa to get help in raisings or log-rollings. Thomas Addington (cousin of Jesse, son-in-law of Joseph Addington, on Sparrow Creek) had moved out here just before, had built him a cabin and his family (and we, too) moved in without chimney or floor. We stayed there, cooking outdoors, for a month, till ours was built. We moved in as soon as our cabin was covered, having nothing but log walls and a clapboard roof. We cooked by a log-heap fire for several weeks, till a chimney was built, some time in August. 342 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Religious meetings used to be held in private dwellings around the set- tlement by the Methodists. There was no school for several years. There were several other Addingtons, father and uncles of Jesse Addington.” ROBERT MURPHY. “Theecounty was new. Very few settlers were here in 1834. James Griffis lived on the Williamson place; Smith Masterson lived west about a mile; William Kennon lived on State road, near Bartonia (father of Thomas S. Kennon) ; John Dixon lived one and a half miles northwest of me; Green resided on the State road. Kennon and Griffis had been here two years. Masterson caine the same year but earlier than I did. There were no roads, only ‘blazes.’ There were paths, tracks and ‘blazes.’ Hill Grove and Spartanburg both were towns, but few houses in either. For milling, we had to go to Richmond or Stillwater. There was a mill at McClure’s, which is standing yet. In dry times the water would fail. We had to go to Piqua, or Troy, or Dayton, for salt. Andrew Kennedy (Con- gressman) once said that the time would come when a bushel of wheat would bring a barrel of salt. No one believed him, but the day has come. I once tried to go to the first house in Union City (there was only one) to appraise some property there (Star House). I struck the railroad track and went on east. Coming to a house, I inquired, ‘How far east to Union City? ‘Half a mile west, was the reply. We had to cut up corn and haul it to the barnyard to keep the squirrels from taking it in the field. There were no mills near, not even a corn-cracker. Cole’s mill and Dean’s mill (Ohio) were there. There had been one at Sharp Eye. A dam had been built, but the people thought it made them sick, and it had to be taken down. When I first came I moved into a cabin near by. I came in March, 1834, and cleared seven acres and put it in corn that spring. I cut, rolled and burnt what I could, and the rest I killed by piling and burning the brush around them. J hired 2,000 rails made and fenced the land. I have never bought in all, during forty-six years, ten bushels of corn. Two grists of corn and three bushels of wheat is all I have bought in that time. I moved with three wagons, and afterward brought another load of bees, grain, etc. I had wheat in Darke county, and after harvest I hauled the wheat home. I worked for one man (Mr. Teegarden) in Darke county one year. at $7 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 343 per month (some of the time at 31 cents a day). I have worked many a day at 31 cents a day. I never hunted or fished much. They must bite quick or show themselves, or I was o-p-h. I have killed only two deer. One night, fishing in a ‘riffle,’ in the ‘Dismal,’ we caught a basketful of suckers with our hands, many of them a foot long. One year, the creek froze and then raised! above the ice with great numbers of fish, and the water froze again and fast- ened the fish between the ice, in great quantities. We could have caught lots of them, but we thought freezing the fish spoiled them. I found a steel-trap in Darke county, and sold it to an Indian for six coon-skins to be brought at such a time. The time came, but no coon-skins, and I thought ‘Good-bye steel-trap, good-bye coon-skins,’ but he came and brought them afterward and said, smiling, ‘Too good sugar-making—couldn’t come.’ Sugar-trees were plenty. \We made all the sugar we needed, and some to sell. The first school in the neighborhood was, say, in 1838. The first meet- ing-house was at South Salem. I used to be a Presbyterian, but have joined the Protestant Methodists.” The following is a list of old men residing in Wayne township (age, 1880): John Hartman, 76; Jacob Baker, 79; Joel Elwell, 75; William A. Macy, 71; Ezra Coddington, 73; Francis Frazier, 79; Robert Murphy, 75; Isaac Clifton. 73; George Huffnogle, 80; William Pickett, 79. Mr. Murphy is growing old and somewhat feeble and decrepit, but no more so than might be expected at his age. PETER HOOVER, 1835. Settlers when Mr. Hoover came: Robert Murphy; John Dixon came the fall before and bought out Mr. Kennon; James Griffis, William Kennon, Smith Masterson. “People were sociable then. Men would go seven or eight miles to a raising or a log-rolling—to Sheets’, north, or to Griffis’ or Carnahan’s, south, or even farther. People worked then. They did not eat and sit around. Twenty to thirty men were a large crowd. The first election (for Jackson and Wayne townships together) was held at Peyton's, west of Union City, in say 1836, and only seven votes were polled. The rest went to other polls to vote. A person could vote anywhere in the county then. Mrs. Teeter came early; her husband had died in Pennsylvania. She raised a large family and died about 90. years of age.” 344 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. P. FIELDS (1833). “Settlers when I came—some of them were Burkett Pierce, west of Deerfield, very old and living still; George Ritenour, across the river, near Pierce’s, an early settler, but is now dead; William Odle, Curtis Butler, living along the river below town, moved away, long, long ago. There were none above (east of)*town till a mile above me. Samuel Emery lived a mile up the river. He became very old and died a year or so since. Mr. Bragg came the fall before I did, in 1832; he is dead. Allen Wall was on the north side of the river, opposite Bragg’s; he, too, is dead. James Mayo, north of the river, also dead. Aquila Loveall lived near Mayo’s; he is not living. Daniel B. Miller, up the river on the south side; he is quite old and resides at Winchester, having his third wife (he is now dead). Robert Parsons lived a mile below Deerfield. He owned a corn-cracker ; he is dead. Deerfield had not ‘started’ yet. One shanty stood there, but no town had been begun. A school shanty was standing one and a half miles above, on Congress land, on the north of Deerfield and Union City road. There was one also near the old (Chapel) meeting-house west of Deer- field. The Chapel meeting-house was built about 1835, and is the oldest one in the region. Prospect meeting-house was not built till several years after I came perhaps about 1840. The cemetery at the Chapel is the oldest one in this part of the country. When Lewallyn came to settle near Ridgeville, they unloaded their goods into the brush. Some stayed and went to building a ‘camp’ and the others went back to get the rest of the ‘plunder.’ Lewallyn’s daughter married one Mr. Renberger, who used to live near Ridgeville, and she may perhaps be living now. I came from Hawkins county, Tennessee, sixty-four miles up Holston river from Knoxville. I sold 100 acres of land there for $400. We came here with one four-horse wagon and a carriage. Lancelot Fields, my brother, had moved to this county before me, and had settled near New Pittsburg, not far from James Porter’s. He had re- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 345 turned to Tennessee on business, and, when he came back to Indiana, we came along, too. There were thirteen in the company. Deerfield & Union City road had been laid and ‘blazed,’ but it was not yet opened through. I helped open it to Middletown. One Indian, called ‘Old Duck,’ lived in Allen Wall’s yard, in a little shanty. Cabins were made with ‘knees’ and weight-poles and latch-strings. The people were social and friendly. We used to go six or eight miles to raisings and log-rollings, and to Richmond to mill. Deer were plenty, though I did not care for hunting. I never killed but one deer in my life. But venison was very easily gotten. There were plenty of hunters who were only too glad to shoot us all the deer we wanted. George Porter and his boys were hunters, and had no land. Zack Key, brother of Andrew Key, lived near us, and if we wished any venison, all we had to do was to speak to him, and he would shoulder his rifle and bring one down in a hurry. He would hang it up and tell me where to find it, and I would go out and bring the carcass in. The hunters cared nothing for the flesh. All they wanted was the skins, which would sell for from 25 to 50 cents. Once I was hunting my horses. They had wandered far, and in looking for them, I came to Ephraim Bowen’s. It was perhaps in 1835, not long after I came to the county. The settlers were far more numerous in that part of the county, but farther north it was wild enough. Mr. Bowen and his folks were very kind and hospitable. They could not tell me where to find my horses, but they did another thing which was first-rate for a tired and hungry man. They would not take-‘no’ for an answer, but insisted that I should stop and take dinner with them, which I did, and went on my wander- ing way much refreshed. Horses had a wide range then, when running out, and sometimes gave immense trouble to their owners in hunting them.” JOHN R. WARREN. “Settlers when I came were Daniel B. Miller, on the Miller place; Sam- uel Helms, two miles north of Saratoga; Andrew Key, three miles north of Saratoga; William Pogue (father of Robert Pogue, Union City), near An- drew Key; John T. Evans, west of Saratoga; Edward Evans, west of Sara- toga; Abram Harshman, east of Saratoga; Alexander, near Harshman’s; 346 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. William Bragg, below Andrew Key; Daniel Mock, west of Saratoga; George W. Barber, one mile west of Saratoga; William Simmons, on Mississinewa river; Samuel Sipe, near Perry Fields; John Sipe came shortly after I did. The first school after I came was near Daniel B. Miller’s, about 1840. The first meeting-house was the one at Prospect, 1840. The first grist-mill was west of Deerfield. The first smith shop was kept by Jo.Locke, north of Saratoga. There was but one house in Deerfield. A man told me I would not know when I got there.” EDWARD EDGER, DEERFIELD. “When I came to Deerfield just three families resided there, viz: Henry Taylor, Henry Sweet and Jonathan Thomas. Henry Sweet was a blacksmith. Henry Taylor had a few groceries in a log cabin there. He also sold some whisky, and professed, besides that, to keep a hotel, too. Curtis Butler had been doing business there, and had been acting post- master at that place. Deerfield was by no means an unimportant place; in fact, small though it was, and deep buried in the thick forests of the Missis- sinewa. Although that valley had been settled more than twenty years, yet along its whole course that little Deerfield was its only town, and its only post office, and the only one, it may be said, between Winchester and Fort Wayne. But Mr. Butler had moved to Marion, and left the post office in the hands of William Odle. The amount of business may be judged of when it is stated that the salary of the office was $1.75 per quarter. It rose afterward to $40 per quarter. I was appointed postmaster soon after my removal to Deer- field. Shortly after that, and for two or three years, an immense business was done in Randolph and Jay counties in the entry of land, especially in Jay county, and vast sums of (silver) money were sent by John Connor, the mail carrier, to Fort Wayne. He used to have two horses—one for the mail and one for the money sack. He would have, sometimes, as much money (silver) as two of us could well throw upon the horse’s back. He would lead the horses and walk, some- times. People would ‘look land’ and leave the money with me, and I would send it by Mr. Connor. He has taken thus as high as $6,000 or $7,000 at one trip. We used to hide it in a hole in the ground, beneath the puncheon floor, under the bed. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 347 We handled in that way, in all, many thousand dollars. I would receipt for the money, and take Connor’s receipt, and he would pay it at Fort Wayne and obtain the patents, and bring them to me, and | would deliver them to the parties concerned, and they would pay at the rate of $1 for eighty acres. Though Mr. Connor was poor, he was faithful and honest, and, during my whole course of business with him, for nearly twenty years, I never suf- fered a cent of loss. He carried the mail for some twenty-eight years, up to about 1861. His appointment began about 1835. The mail routes were as follows: Richmond to Fort Wayne, via Win- chester ; Greenville west to Winchester. There were perhaps others. The mails were carried once a week from Winchester to Fort \WWayne and back. Connor had to lie out in the woods one night on his trip going to and coming from Fort Wayne. The operation would not be considered very safe now, especially with hundreds and some- times thousands of dollars in conveyance, but Johnnie Connor was never molested. Between Winchester and Deerfield was a dense forest and much swamp. There were only two settlers between Elias Kizer’s (one mile north of Winchester) and Deerfield, viz.: Samuel Cain and John Kinnear. Mr. Cain’s was two miles, and Mr. Kinnear’s three and a half miles, south of Deerfield. A large part of the land on both sides of the road northward from Win- chester to Deerfield was held by James G. Birney, a non-resident, and the country remained unsettled for many years. Deerfield became an important trading point, and it was for years a lively place. David Connor, the Indian trader, left his post-east of Deerfield some years before I came, though I think not very long. I traded with the Indians for furs, as also in succeeding years in cattle, hogs, etc. I traveled extensivly, to Green Bay and the northwest for furs, etc., and in general trading, visiting every northern state and the South also. The trade at Deerfield at one time extended over Jay and Blackford counties, and even much farther than that. I have sold as high as $15,000 in a single year, and have taken in as much as $700 in one day. One day I bought 160 saddle hams that had been killed the day before. There had fallen a snow several inches deep, a tracking snow, so called, because the hunter could track the deer in it. 348 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. George Shaneyvelt, of Jay county, killed nine deer in one day, The furs were coon, mink, muskrat, wild cat, catamount, etc. Wolves and bears and wild cats were common, and deer were very plenty. Deerskins were of different prices, from 50 cents to $1. ‘Short-blues’ were $1, i. e., deer killed in the fall whose hair was short and whose skins had a bluish cast. In early times great quantities of tree-sugar and molasses, and of veni- son- hams used to be wagoned to Cincinnati; and salt and iron kettles, etc., would be hauled back. I sold four tons of sugar kettles in one winter. The cost of hauling was great. At one time a quantity of salt that was worth $18 in Cincinnati, cost $20 to get it hauled from there to Deerfield. Four-horse teams would take two or three days to get from Winchester to Deerfield. Teamsters would cut out a road and then throw brush across to hide it so that nobody else would see the track, that the ones who made the opening might have the use of it for several trips. I had the first cook stove in the county. It was brought from Cincinnati. That and another cost $100 in silver at Io per cent. premium, equal to $110 in currency. The other one was sold to Mrs. Kinnear, south of Deerfield. Considerable flat-boating down the Mississinewa was done after I came to Randolph. At one time the task was undertaken to take several loads of coal down the river. A German named Keizer, who was poor, wished me to advance goods td him and take the coal for security. I would not, but Mr. Searl let him have the goods and took Frederick Miller as security. The coal was burned, the boats were built and caulked with tow, and the coal was loaded upon the boats, as also the goods which Mr. Searl furnished to Keizer upon Miller’s security. I had about two wagon loads of furs which I put upon one of the boats, and steered the boat on the trip down the river. Mr. Holly steered another of the boats. We came to Mr. McKinney’s dam below Fairview, and Holly’s boat got fast on a bar. Mr. McKinney came out with his rifle and threatened to shoot if we at- tempted to jump his dam. We did attempt it, however, and he did not shoot. But the boats could not cross the dam, and the merchandise was a total loss, except my furs, which I sent back by wagon to Deerfield. Mr. Searl lost about $2,000, which came near breaking him up. These boats were RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 349 loaded at Ritenour’s mill below Deerfield, a point at which many boats re- ceived their cargo. -\t another time Joseph Hinchy and I took a boat load of flour and salt, etc., down the river. He and I built the boat, and we loaded it at Ritenour’s mill. I steered the boat and we jumped four or five dams. One of them was Connor's, which was only a brush dam, and not hard to pass. When we got to the ‘Feeder dam’ for the canal, they asked $10 to go through, and it would have taken all day to clear out the logs so as to permit the boat to pass. I offered $1.00 for a man to come on the boat with me and help me jump the dam. A man accepted the offer; we performed the feat and got the boat over safe. The boat was taken to Logansport, and the cargo was sold mostly to the Indians. This was done in 1839. This Joseph Hinchy was a very eccentric man. He owned land in many places, and set out orchards far and near, planting and grafting the trees; and some of his old orchards are standing yet. He set out trees at Joab Ward's, at Wheeling, at Marion and many other places. He was a pump- maker also. [Mr. Aker says he hauled his tools for pump making on a sled with oxen. He wore only buckskin clothes. ] He used to have plenty of money, and would lend it to almost anybody that wanted it. Deerfield was for years a place of large business. At first the trade was to and from Cincinnati by wagon, afterward to the canal at Piqua. We used to trade largely in swine. I once drove a herd of hogs from Kentucky to South Carolina, beginning to sell them in North Carolina, and so onward till they were all disposed of. Once in driving swine from Deerfield with 2,000 in the drove, there came a terrible freshet (about New Year’s). We swam Greenville creek twice. The hogs swam the creek. We lost none, but some we had to pull out by the ears. The trip to Cincinnati took twenty-one days. There were about ten hands with the drove. I got for the hogs $6 net. Pork, however, was very variable, and sometimes fell very low, and many have been bankrupted thereby. I once traveled six weeks in Kansas, sleeping in a wagon the whole time. My companion most of the time was an Indian, who was a trusty, faithful man. When a young man I traveled through the South, working at my trade; as also I was pilot on a steamboat from New Orleans to Louisville, spending five or six years in these ways. During these trips I passed through parts of 350 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. When a boy sixteen years old, I went as an apprentice with my master, Benedict Thomas, to Texas, from Georgetown, Kentucky, with a flat- boat load of furniture and saddles and bridles and dry goods. We took them on a flat-boat to the mouth of the river, on a keel-boat to Natchitoches, and thence by wagon 160 miles to the old Spanish fort, between the two Trinity’s (rivers). He traded his goods for mules and horses and for Spanish hides. He stayed in Texas and sent me to New Orleans to exchange the animals and hides for mahogany, coffee, molasses and sugar, which I did and returned home on foot. Another man came with me. We bought knapsacks and started, being twenty days on the road, and sleeping in the woods or with the Indians. One place was 140 miles (from French Camps to Fort Columbia on the Tombigbee) ; thence we came to Tuscumbia, and so, on home. We got provisions of the Indians—jerked meat, bear’s flesh and venison, and also hominy and sweet potatoes and corn bread. We passed through the Chicka- saw and Choctaw nations. My brother, Archibald, walked from New Orleans sixteen times, and my brother, William, twelve times, from 1809 and onward. They would go down with flat-boats and return on foot. The flat-boats would cost $150 and would have to be sold at New Orleans perhaps for $10. They generally made two trips a year. One of them once tried three trips, but he got sick. They commonly traveled ‘Carroll's Trace,’ from Lake Pontchartrain to Colbert’s Ferry, on the Tennessee river. The ‘trace’ stretched for miles and miles through deep, tall cane-brakes, a clear well-trodden path with thick canes on both sides of the path nearly impenetrable. The canes were sometimes thirty or forty feet high and as thick as they could grow. In 1847 I went to New Orleans for hemorrhage of the lungs. Recover- ing my health, I returned home, and have lived since that time, thirty-five years, enjoying still a reasonable degree of health and strength.” JOHN HOKE, JACKSON. “The settlers in 1836 were, west of Union City, Wayne township, Thomas Peyton, Converse place; Jacob Emerick, William Anderson’s farm; John Emerick, \Veimar farm; north of Union City; John Sheets, Smith farm; Eli Noffsinger, north of Smith's farm, on Little Mississinewa: near New Lis- bon; Amos Smith, west of New Lisbon; David Vance, William Cox, Isaiah Cox, Thomas Wiley, at New Lisbon; Andrew Debolt, at Mt. Holly, all sons- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 351 in-law of Amos Smith; Jacob Johnson, west of Mt. Holly, 1833; Seth Macy, one and a half miles of Johnson's (west); James Skinner, one mile west of New Lisbon; John Skinner, near his brother James; James Reeves, father of the Reeveses, one-half mile north of Skinner's; James Wickersham, one mile south of New Lisbon; ————-— Nickum, where Eh Mangas lives; Thomas Devor, one-half mile north of Allensville; John Thomson, north of Devor’s; Jacobs, near Allensville, north of Mississinewa; Simmons, west, on Missis- sinewa; James Porter, south of New Pittsburg; Philip Storms had been at Mississinewa Crossing, but had gone away; James Warren, near Middletown, one-half mile south; John Warren, three miles west of Middletown; William Warren laid out Middletown. I think these settlers had been here from two to five years. For awhile people used hand-mills to grind corn-meal. Mr. Skinner had a mill, perhaps the first, in about 1840. It was a corn- cracker and stood a few vears. Mr. Hinchy had a saw-mill and a corn-cracker one-half mile east of Allensville. »They stood a long time. Others, perhaps, had mills that I do not now call to mind. The Allens- ville mill was the first important and extensive mill in the region, and it is there now. The Indians (\Wyandots) used to come and hunt on Gray’s Branch, but they had mostly stopped coming there two or three years before I-came. A few came afterward. The first settlers did little but hunt. They thought the country would never be filled up, but would remain a superb hunting-ground. Settlers began to come in and go to clearing farms, and then they began, too, somewhat. Hunters would come through my clearing and say: ‘Are you going to clear out a farm?’ ‘Yes, | thought I would.’ ‘Well, maybe that’s the best way.’ The land at first was a good deal wet; half of it stood in water much of the time. Clearing and draining has dried it out pretty well.” THOMAS HUBBARD, GREEN. “T entered 131 acres and bought, second-hand, 158 acres. I now own 150 acres. We came in a four-horse wagon, cutting our own road from White River, ten or twelve miles, taking two days. A man, Neselrode, had a cabin and we took the cabin. I paid for my land and had $50 left. There was a cabin or two stuck around in the woods 352 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. between here and White River. We came the road to Maxville, thence to Fairview. I did but little hunting, since I could get plenty of deer hams for 374 cents a pair. I had to take a sled (I had a good team) to White River for corn, staying all night and till late next day. I bought the corn and got it ground on White River. Corn was 50 cents a bushel. I raised the first wheat in the settlement. I got a man to put in three acres for me, and when I.came, in October, the wheat was up and looked nice. The crop was sixty bushels. Flat-boats and pirogues were used to go down the river with pork, flour, apples, etc. One spring five boats went down loaded with charcoal. The boats were ‘stove in’ near here, and the coal was lost. The river was snaggy. One broke up in going over McKinney’s mill-dam; the others were ‘stove in’ before that. Searl, of Deerfield, owned the coal, and he was nearly broken up by the loss. They intended to take the coal to New Orleans (about 1840). We bought the trees for our orchard of Joab Ward, of Ridgeville, in 1840. There were 120 budded trees, and they made a good orchard. We gave $9 a hundred, and we brought them down the river in a canoe. Mrs. Hubbard remembers seeing the soldiers at Chillicothe, guarding the British prisoners in the war of 1812. Her father had just moved from Pennsylvania, and he was poor, and her mother baked biscuits and pies, etc., for the soldiers, sometimes cocking all night to supply their wants. A Methodist quarterly meeting was held in our house before the floor was laid. The sleepers were used as seats. Afterward the children played holding meetings, singing, praying, preaching, etc., going through the whole exercise in quite a business-like manner.” MRS. SHERMAN, “We had a splendid spring in a ‘gum’ seven feet deep. We lived on the Sample Trace,’ leading from Sample’s mill, on White river, to,Lewallyn’s mill on the Mississinewa. And our spring was a noted point. We came February 20, 1837. The snow had been deep. The waters were high, and, in crossing White River we lost a bunch of keys. We never expected to see our keys again, but some one found them,two or three years afterward, and they were returned to us, and we have the keys yet. My husband built a cabin on his land before we moved to it, and we lived in that cabin more than twenty years. He improved his own land somewhat, but he worked out a great deal, mowing, clearing, etc., on White river, in the older settlements. I wove, braided straw hats, etc. Two Views of Funks Lake, Near Win- chester, on the I. U. T. Co. System. yy ? Wy d White River About 20 Miles Irom Source, A Straight Stretch Near Lincoln Sehool. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 353 New Dayton church was built in 1877, but the graveyard has been there forty years or more. The Methodists formed a society soon after we came, and meetings have been held, in dwellings, etc., from that day to this. There was no school for some years after our settlement began. The people were poor and ‘hard run, and lived far apart. William Wright taught once, and so did George McPherson. Asenath Wright taught school about 1840 in a little old cabin on Reese Wright's farm, that had been a dwelling. For fifteen years no teacher in this neighborhood could go beyond the ‘Single Rule’ in ‘Old Talbot,’ George McPherson was an oddity in the school room. He would call ‘to books,’ sit down to read and let the schoo! run itself. If anybody passed, the children would pop up and run to the window to see, and so on.” (Mrs. Sherman and her husband, Pardon Sherman, died in the winter of 1881-82, within a few weeks of one another, she going before her husband to try the realities of the unseen Spirit Land. | SILAS DIXON, WAYNE TOWNSHIP. “David Robison and Peter Hoover were here when I came; Ezekiel and George Gullett came when I did. The woods were alive with wolves and bears and turkeys and deer. We once killed two bears before breakfast. They came along down the furrows as we were passing back and forth. The dogs were called and they tried to catch the bears, chasing them and treeing them, and at length they were shot and killed. We used to go to Moffat’s mill near Richmond. I entered forty acres of land and bought forty more.” [Mr. Dixon died in the spring of 188r.] ISRUM H. ENGLE. “T followed brick-making in Cincinnati, also wood-sawing. I was un- fortunate and lost all my property and had to begin anew. I sawed wood for several years in Cincinnati. One day I sawed and handled ten cords, sawing it once in two, and tossing it into a cellar. I was not especially tired, and thought nothing particular about the matter.” [Note.—I. H. E. is the best wood-sawyer and saw-sharpener I ever knew or heard of. ] (23) 354 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “T have been a church member for more than sixty-five years, and an exhorter and class-leader for thirty-five years. The religion of Christ has been a wellspring of joy to my soul all that long time. I have had deep trials, but the Lord has given me triumph over all! 1 have taken every number of the Cincinnati Christian Advocate, now Vol. XLVII, No. 2,500, and before that the New York Advocate for several years. I have had abundance, and have been brought low; but my treasure is in Heaven, and my heart is there also ; and soon, full soon, I shall see the King in His beauty, and He will give me the riches of the glory-land!” [Mr. Engle has moved to Jay county to reside with one of his sons, and his aged wife died there in the spring of 1882. ] PHILIP BARGER. “The county was all woods. A few settlers were scattered here and there, but they had only cabins with small clearings that hardly made a ‘break’ in the vast wilderness. Settlers when Philip Barger came here: Alexander Garringer, opposite Fairview, across the river; Martin Boots, opposite Fairview, across the river. A Mr. Porter had lived where Fairview is, but he did not stay. Daniel Culver bought him out, and he had gone; Culver was living there when Barger came. Neselrode lived where Hubbard is now: Hubbard bought Neselrode out in 1837, and lives there still. Alexander Stevens settled in the east part of Green township in 1830. John Bone lived below Fairview (living still). Anthony (Wayne) McKinney came in 1837. His son, J. B. McKinney, lives now opposite Fairview, and owns 1,400 or 1,500 acres of land. Nathan Godwin came in 1837. His son, Thomas Godwin, lives in Fair- view. John Garringer was here in 1836, where Baldwin now lives. Martin Smith bought Garringer out in the fall of 1836. Bennett King lived in the northwest corner of the county. He is father of William O. King, near Deerfield. Bennett King went to Missouri and is living there. Elijah Harbour-lived west of Samuel Caylor’s, fall of 1835. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 355 The Browns lived across the river; Thomas Brown and three sons. Jonathan Green married a Brown. The Browns had been there two or three years when he came. They sold out to Zebulon Cantrell in 1839 and left for Iowa. Israel Wirt entered land south of the Browns about 1836, and moved fall of 1837. He died August, 1880, eighty-four years old. Tunis Brooks lived on Brooks’ Prairie; had been there two or three years. Samuel Caylor, 1837. John Life came spring or summer of 1838. Fairview was begun in 1837. Alexander Garringer had a store across the river (at his cabin). The first mail route was from Deerfield to Granville, Delaware county, once in two weeks, out and back, on horseback. I got the fifth number of the Winchester Patriot [H. H. Neff], and have taken the paper from that office ever since. The first mill was built by Anthony McKinney on the river below Fair- view, where Wolverton’s mill now stands. First he built a saw-mill, then he added a corn-cracker, then a grist-mill. He was putting in the dam in 1838. He started the saw-mill in 1839, the corn-mill in the fall, and the wheat-mill in 1841 or 1842. 3 ' The first smith-shop was by Martin Boots; he had a shop and was a smith himself. Alexander Garringer had a smith shop, and Perry worked for him. First school was winter of 1837, in a little round log cabin near the bridge, on the river bank at Fairview. Horatio Pace was the teacher, and the school was very small. First meeting was before I came, perhaps in that round log schoolhouse. First meeting-house was a log house in Fairview (about 1839), Metho- dist Episcopal. About 1844 a quarterly meeting was held at Thomas Hubbard’s. Their house was new and had no floor, and the sleepers were for seats. Bruce was the preacher. Methodist meetings used to be held at Nathan Godwin’s. New Light meetings were held at Martin Smith’s. Churches were afterward built at Fairview. => The schoolhouse now standing is the third, log, frame, brick. The first brick house was either Samuel Caylor’s or William Ore’s. First brick-kiln was by Thomas Hubbard; 30,000 or 40,000; for chim- neys, $3 per thousand. 356 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. First reapers, J. B. McKinney and Philip Barger. Barger’s started first. They were the Kirby reaper, 1855 or 1856. First threshing machine run was by Philip Stover, of Delaware county— ‘falling beater,’ ‘chaff piler.’ He threshed first for old Elijah Harbour, and then for Philip Barger. , First justice was John Garringer, 1838. They say he kept his docket on slips of paper, and stuck them in the cracks of his cabin. Nobody else could read them. After him were Jonathan Green and then Thomas Harbour. First grave in Fairview graveyard was that of an old lady, Mrs. Shirley, mother-in-law of Reuben Eppart. Mr. Godwin laid off the graveyard. Thomas Rowell was buried in what is now J. B. McKinney’s pasture lot, but the exact place is unknown. It was before 1838. Elijah Harbour, though a clergyman and an excellent citizen, was also a great deer hunter. He has often shot them from his own cabin door. One night three wolves chased some deer round his house through the snow, mak- ing paths in the snow as they went round and round. The wolves were chased away, being followed down the river to Fair- view. But father Harbour would never molest the deer on the Sabbath, and the deer would come on Sunday and graze quietly on the prairie as though they knew they would not be harmed on that day. Mr. Harbour was famous also for holding meetings for worship and- preaching, and many a Christian soul has been cheered by his warm and loving words and his fervent exhortations and prayers, and many a sinner convicted and converted through the blessing of the Spirit upon his earnest warnings and appeals. His funeral was attended by a very large concourse of people, showing thus their respect and esteem for so useful a citizen and so loving and ardent a Christian.” AMOS ORCUTT, WARD. “Deerfield was a small town with two little stores and a few log houses The settlers were (1838) Isaac Cherry, on David Harker’s place; Sam- uel Bryson; George Ritenour, near the old chapel on the river, west of Deer- field; Burkett Pierce, across the river, west of Deerfield. There were doubtless others, but there are not now recollected. I was a boy thirteen years old when father came to Randolph. There were a large family of us, and we had a hard, rough time. Father died the same year 1 was married, and mother was left with a family of seven or eight children, several of them being small and dependent. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 357 The family was raised successfully, however. All but one lived to be, mar- ried, and all but two are living still. Some of them are getting to be pretty well along in years.” JACOB CORL, JACKSON. “Settlers in 1838: Daniel B. Miller, near Prospect; Abraham Harsh- man, near William Warren’s; Reuben Harshman, Jackson township, now Union Ctiy; Jacob Harshman, Jackson township, dead; Andrew Key, Ward township, dead; James Porter, Jackson township, near Pittsburg; William Simmons, dead; James Simmons, dead; Joseph Lollar, near Saratoga, dead; Simeon Lucas, near Saratoga; Joseph Lucas, near Saratoga; Sam Emery near Jay county, very old, dead; George Chaneyvelt, one mile west of Pittsburg, dead; William Sizemore, near Middletown, nearly one hundred years old, dead. There was an old settler, Mr. Nunamaker, at Pittsburg, eighty-four years old. He was a soldier in the war of 1812 and has received a pension for many years. He died in 1880.” JAMES KELLY, GREENSFORK. “IT came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1842, twenty-eight years after the first settlement. Prices then were almost nothing. Wheat was 25 cents in trade, 32 cents in Cincinnati. It had to be hauled in wagons through the mud—though there were some pikes in Ohio. Men would go with four-horse teams, hitch their horses before and be- hind the wagon to feed them and sleep in the wagon. I was offered pork (hogs weighing 200 pounds net) at 75 cents per 100 pounds, for money to pay taxes and I did not take it. Myself and wife went over to the Miami, helped butcher thirty-seven large hogs, cut the meat, chopped the sausage, stuffed them, rendered the lard and salted the pork. They gave us half a barrel of stuffed sausages, one large ham, one keg of lard, ribs, back-bones, etc., all we chose to carry home. We brought away meat enough to last till the next fall, all for two days’ work of my wife and myself. William Hill, father of Aaron Hill (now living south of Arba), made a pestle-mill to pound hominy. He fenced it and ran it by horse-power, getting some custom. Another man having a corn-cracker, also made a pestle-mill but did not fence it. He would let the mill run itself. In pounding, some kernels would scatter out and sheep would come and pick it up. One day when the mill was ‘going it all alone,’ a flock of sheep came picking around 358 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. till a big buck, smelling at the log, climbed up and stuck his head into the mill- hole. ‘Crack!’ came the pestle and knocked the buck dead. The sheep climbed up, one by one, till twenty-seven sheep lay dead around the mill and the owner of the mill (and this was the pith of the joke) had to pay for the sheep. Note.—I have given you the story as it was told. If any body doubts the tale I cannot help it. Aaron Hill’s father used to work oxen and sometimes ride them. One day Aaron rode an ox over to Eli Overman’s on an errand. (One version says he went courting.) Said El, ‘Did thee ride? ‘Yes,’ said Aaron. Said Eli to one of the boys,-‘Put up Aaron’s beast.’ The boy went out but came back, saying, ‘I can’t find any beast.’ ‘I thought thee said thee rode.’ ‘I did; I rode an ox,’ piped out the bashful boy. ‘Go turn it to the straw-stack,’ said Eli. [Aaron says the stories on him are ‘bogus.’ ] James Clark was once driving to Whitewater when a big walnut struck him on the back. He was fire-mad in a second, thinking somebody had struck him. He wheeled, crying out, “Who did that?’ But ‘nary man.’ A man—Mr. Cartwright—coming from North Carolina, had heard of white walnuts and that they were good to eat. He set upon a lot of buckeyes and went to eating them. Some one asked him: ‘What are you eating?” ‘White walnuts. ‘Like them ?” ‘Not overly well, but think I will after awhile.’ A young fellow whom I will not name, once went went to Fort Wayne with his brother and brother-in-law with provisions for the Indian trade. The roads were terrible through the bogs and the marshes. The young fellow —only a lad, as it were, and a mild, gentle lad at that—could not get his oxen through the swamps. His brother-in-law, a wild, rough, profane fellow, would come and whip and swear and thrash them through. Finally at a bad crossing the wild fellow told the boy he would not swear for him any more; that he must get through himself. The lad tried, but ‘no go.’ “You must swear at them.’ ‘T don’t know how; besides, I don’t wish to.’ ‘You must or stay here in the swamp,’ was the unfeeling reply. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 359 The boy, grown desperate, seized his gad, swung it over the oxen’s head, and laying on with fearful blows, broke out into a sort of half swearing, yell- ing as if the Indians were after him. The oxen went through, whether by the whipping or the yelling or the swearing. But the lad was so mortified that he offered the other all his truck money ($3.00 or so), if he would not tell of it. The fellow took the money and made the promise but broke his word and told of it before he got to Spartanburg and kept the money to boot.” [Of course these tales, related by Mr. Kelly were obtained by him from early settlers since he himself came to the region at a comparatively late date, and it is no more than likely that they should have been stretched somewhat in the various tellings to which they had in the course of years been subjected. ] J. PAXSON, UNION CITY. “At Canal Dover, Ohio, a merchant proposed that I be his clerk. I was surprised at the offer but ‘took up’ with it and held it till he sold out (two and a half years). At Union City I was putting up a store for Benjamin Hawkins. He bought goods at Cincinnati and came and put the bills into my hands, saying, ‘When the goods come, I wish you to “open them out’’ and go to selling them.’ I was astonished, for I was at the first of it, but I took him at his word and when the goods were ‘hauled’ from Greenville (for the rail- road was not in running order yet), I went to work. Afterward we agreed for my wages and | stayed with him for some years. But he left and I con- cluded to set up for myself. I chose the boot and shoe trade. I went to Cleveland and bargained for $800 or $900 worth; I could pay only part cash. Said the dealer, ‘That is a pretty large bill’; ‘yes, but I need them. If you prefer, I will let you take a note I have for a farm I sold ($550.00).’ ‘Well, leave it.’ I did so; soon sold out, so as to need a new supply, sent cash in part payment of the debt and for the new stock and soon, when that note came due, he sent it to me to collect, which I did, and paid him. From that time I could always get whatever I wished. My store was the first of the kind in the city, and, of course, it is the oldest in the town. I carry now $10,000 to $12,000 worth of goods, making large sales annually and have been mostly without a partner.” Note.—His failing health and feeble strength made him take in a partner a few years ago and finally to sell out entirely in 1880, the firm being now Gordon & McKee, and still later Gordon & Thomas. 360 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. WILLIAM STANTON, STONEY CREEK. “We passed through Cumberland Gap; they hailed us, but allowed us to pass. At Cumberland Ford we encountered Zollicoffer's army. We asked to pass their lines. Zollicoffer said, ‘No; you may get through, perhaps, but not here.’ I said, ‘We will not harm you; we have property north and we wish to go to it.’ But still he said, ‘No.’ So we turned back through the Gap into Powell Valley, taking a circuit of thirty-five miles. We crossed Cumberland Mountains by terrible roads. It was a whole day’s travel over a track but little used. But we met no army nor any soldiers. There were eight wagons in company ; four stopped in Tennessee, turning aside to a settle- ment of Friends there. These stayed in Tennessee till spring. The other four wagons came directly forward through Kentucky. We crossed the Ohio river at Madison. People welcomed us in a very friendly manner, one old blind man remarkably so. The people wished to make a dinner for us but we could not stop. We stayed an hour or two and when we started we found in each wagon nice things—pies, cakes, etc., as tokens of good will. There were about twenty persons in the company, my family having seven in number. We came through Rush county, Indiana, to see relatives there, then to West River, where we stayed two months at Absalom Dennis.’ Afterward we came to Mark Diggs’, arriving there in January. The main trip took us seven weeks. We got through safe and sound, thankful to find at last a quiet haven afar from storm and tempest, and a peaceful home among friends in a land of safety.” “Away from slavery.” That refrain has been sung for three-quarters of a century and solemnly, mournfully marching to its steady chorus has been the ceaseless movement of the endless column, leaving the southern plains and valleys, crossing the mountain heights and threading the yawning “gaps,” crossing the beautiful river and spreading itself at length like a fertilizing flood over the virgin \Vestern plains. What wonder that. under the weakening power of this depletive process the Southern land should become enfeebled and decrepit, as though worn out with deadly infirmity. This avalanche of human beings poured in a limitless flow upon these wide-spread plains has been like the vital current giving life to the new created body politic. And what we have gained they have lost, and what a loss! Why may the process now not be reversed—that as the mighty virgin West once received her life and strength through the emigration thither of the best and worthiest of the dwellers in the Southern clime, so now the West may, now and in future years, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 361 give back to the depleted and enfeebel South, depleted by a process of im- poverishment extending through several generations and enfeebled and well- nigh exhausted by a long and bloody and disastrous war—by hundreds and by thousands—the worthy and vigorous descendants of the sturdy pioneers who fled years ago from the plague and curse of the Southern land—the institution of human slavery? Slavery is gone and the emptied and im- poverished South-land cries out to the wealthy and populous North and the hardy and vigorous West to send from their abundant and overflowing population to restore her waste and desolte places and to renew the prosperity of the elder, ancient time. CHAPTER VI. PUBLIC ROADS. When the first white settlers entered the boundaries of what is now Randolph county, there were no roads, not even trails, except one or two made by the Indians in their travels from one village to another. The principal Indian village in eastern Indiana was at ““Mont-See-Town,” where the city of Muncie now stands. Another was near Camden, Jay county, and the third colony was in or near Greenville, Ohio. The trails that crossed the county led from Mont-See-Town to Greenville and from Greenville to God- froy’s, near Camden. The Mont-see-town—Greenville trail was traveled more than the other, because the Delaware Indians of Mont-See-Town and Strawtown (now Anderson) went to Greenville to receive the bounty which the government paid them after the Treaty of Peace in 1795 at that place. This trail crossed the county somewhere near Windsor, Huntsville, Spring- borough and South Bartonia. This, of course, is only approximate, as no definite records of this trail have been left by either record or tradition. Jesse Way, one of our earliest settlers, claimed that Springborough was south of the trail. Jere Smith claimed that the trail passed near Spring- borough. Each of these men were thoroughly familiar with the early times, so we see that a definite location of this trail is impossible. Relative to this subject, Tucker says: “On the third road (Winchester to Bloomingsport) is a point of some interest, Joseph Gass.” Mr. Smith says: “His house stood on the north side of a brushy prairie in Section 29, Town 19, Range 14, some three miles north of Bloomingsport. He built there in early days on teh main Indian trail between Muncie (an Indian town at that time) to Greenville, where the Indian annuities were paid from Wayne’s treaty in 1795 to 1815 or 1816, at which time the place of payment was changed from Greenville to Fort Wayne. The Indians traveled from Muncie (which they called Mont- see-town) up White river on the south side till they crossed Prairie creek at its mouth. They then took a ‘bee line’ for Greenville, which none but an Indian can do. The trail passed north of Huntsville and Spartanburg, and was about as straight as a surveyor could have made it. The trace was quite a plain one and was much traveled even by whites in those days. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 363 “Joseph Gass was a brother of the Gass who went with Lewis and Clarke across the continent to the mouth of the Columbia river (1805-07), and who published a journal which he kept on that expedition. Joseph Gass built and settled on that trace at that point when there was no white settler from six miles west of Greenville to ‘Mont-see-town,’ and he lodged travelers who passed on that trace, and hence his house was a noted place to mention on the route of that road. Mr. Smith says he had often seen him and the house he built there. “The town of Springboro was afterward laid out February 15, 1834, at the point where Joseph Gass lived, but the town was not a success, and it is now extinct. “Mr. Gass probably settled there before he entered his land. He was there when the ‘Way Company’ came through from Carolina to White River, March, 1817. But the date of his land entry is August 11, 1817. How much earlier than March, 1817, Alr. Gass settled at that place we are not able to state. He seems to have been one of that enterprising class quite common in those days, whose activity took the form of trading with the Indians, which, perhaps, might have been well enough except that it often included the prac- tice of selling strong drink to the poor redmen. That business, whether among white men or Indians, however lucrative it may be to the trader, brings evil and only evil to him who uses the fearful fluid. And as now, so of old, the traffic in strong drinks was one great source of trouble between the settlers and the savages. A sober Indian was commonly peaceable but a drunken savage was an object of fear and dread. “However, in those days, the manufacture of intoxicating liquors and the traffic in them was not regarded as otherwise than proper and honorable.” The other trail crossed the county through jackson and Ward townships, but, like the other, left no impression upon the minds of the early settlers sufficiently to identify.” The early roads were nothing more than trails, traveled almost exclu- sively by men afoot or on horseback, and marked by blazes made upon the trees by scouting parties. Naturally, these parties would follow the lines of least resistance, traveling the hign ground, thus avoiding swamps and cross- ing the streams at the easiest fords, which oftentimes necessitated irregular paths to get to these fords. These trails naturally led from one settlement to another, which would make them run in all directions, as no attention what- ever was paid to section lines, or would lead from some community to a mill or to a church. 364 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. One of the first, and perhaps the first regular trail through the county, was what is known as “The Quaker Trace.” This was a direct route from Richmond to + ort Wayne, and being the first established trail through the county, gained a reputation that made it the county’s first thoroughfare. Of this trace, Squire Bowen says: “The “Quaker Trace’ was begun in 1817. James Clark and twenty-five or thirty others took three wagons with provisions and a surveyor with his compass and chain and measured distances and blazed trees and marked mile trees, cutting out the road wide enough for a wagon to pass. They wound around ponds and big logs and trees, and quagmires, forded the Mississi- newa and the Wabash, and so on to Fort Wayne. James Bowen went as one of the company twenty-five miles to beyond the Mississinewa crossing, till one wagon load had been used up. That team returned, and James came back with them. The route passed through Arba, Spartanburg, Bartonia, South Salem (west of) Union City, through Mount Holly, through Allens- ville, crossing the Mississinewa just north of that place, through North Salem, and crossing the Wabash at Jay City, Jay county, near Corydon. There was but one house between (what is now) Dan Comer’s, one mile north of Spartanburg and Fort Wayne, viz., at Thompson’s Prairie, eight miles north of the Wabash.” This is said to be the only thoroughfare of any consequence whatever in the county up until May, 1819. Of course, many paths led from one settler’s home to another, but these were simply private paths and no more. At an early meeting of the county commissioners in 1819, perhaps in March, (not definitely known, because no date appears in the record,) the county commissioners made the following record: “Jesse Johnson presented the petition of himself and Sundry Inhabitants of the south end of Randolph County Praying that a Public Road may be laid off Begining at the town of Winchester, thence Nearest and Best way to go Between Jesse Johnson an Paul Beard, thence Nearest and Best Way to the County line at the south- west Corner of Section 14 in Township 18 and Range 14. Ordered that Francis Frazer, James Wright and William Hockett are appointed to lay off and Mark Said Road and make Return of their Proceedings to the Board of Commissioners at their next session to be held for said County.” It is cer- tainly to be hoped that Jesse and Paul stood still the day the viewers were there to go between them. The viewers performed their duty and reported at the May term of 1819, to the county commissioners, as they make the fol- lowing report: “Received the Report of Francis Frazier and William Hock- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 305 ett, who were appointed to Lay off and mark a Publick Road from the town of Winchester to Between Jesse Johnsons & Paul Beards, etc.” This road followed in a general way the present Lynn pike, but, of course, was crooked, angling and “zigzaggy.” But with all the latitude offered for judgment and discretion, the viewers failed to satisfv all those interested, as is shown by the record of the same date, as follows: ‘“‘and on the Remonstrance of Albert Banta Stating that the Way the said Road is laid off and Marked through his land will be Injurious to him. Ordered that John Balanger, John William Haworth, Joshua Cox and Henry Hill are appointed to Review Said Road through the land of Albert Banta and assess the damages if Any that may be due to said Banta and the said Viewers are to meet for that Purpose on the last Saturday in June Next at the house of said Banta and make Report of their Proceedings to the Board of Commissioners at their August term Next.” The viewers completed the work assigned them, and evidently did not agree with Banta concerning the damages, for in the August term we find the icllowing entry: ‘‘Recd the Report of John Way, Joshua Cox and Henry Hill, who were appointed to Review that Publick Road laid off through Albert Bantas Land and assess the Damages, &c., Who Report that there is no damages Sustained By the said Banta.’’ The road was estab- lished and the commissioners “Ordered that Paul Baird be supervisor of the Road laid off By Francis Frazer and William Hockett Through Greensfork Township.” (Greensfork township at that time extended two miles west of where Lynn now is). This road, of course, was no exception and wound in and around hills where the path could easiest be made. It had not been used a great while until changes and alterations were asked for. But even these changes and alterations were very indefinite, but. no doubt, were made to suit the needs of the time. Just how indefinite they were is shown by the follow- ing report of the May term of 1834: ‘In obedience to an order to us di- rected; from the commissioners Court, March term, 1834. to view and mark out an alteration in the Fort Wayne road, commencing where the said road crosses the south line of Richard Corbit; thence nearly north a Strait direc- teon in a few rods of his fince, thence east 18 or 20 rods to the old road through the lane to the north end of Sd lane, thence a Strait course to the ptairee branch about 2 or 3 rods west of where the old road crosses Sd Branch, thence a Strait course & nearly north a few rods north a Malachi Nichols house, thence East 18 or 20 rods to the old road, intersecting said road where the said Nichols line crosses Sd. road, and we the commission- ers after viewing the above named ground, believe the ground better than 306 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the ground where the old road now goes also we think it will be as conven- ient for the public, and as to the distance there will be but little if any dif- ference. this 2nd May, 1834. (Signed) Isaac Wood, Jeremiah Horn, Will- iam Hill. And ordered that said road be opened a necessary width not ex- ceeding 40 feet and made in all other respects convenient for the passage of travellers.” It was straightened south of Lynn in 1849 and from Lynn, north. The last change was made on the farm now owned by Zimri Hin- shaw in 1847. Evidences of the old road still exist on Mr. Hinshaw’s farm, as the old house and barn on the south side of this farm were built parallel to the old road and are still standing in that position. It will be noticed not only in the records of Randolph county, but in the state records as well, as we shall show later, that Winchester was the starting point for many roads. Settlers were entering the county very rapidly, which necessitated many new roads being formed. Great activity in that line is shown, as no less than three roads which eventually became real thorough- fares, were petitioned for in the August term, 1819. It will be noticed that upon the receipt of a petition, the commissioners appoint viewers to “lay off and mark said road and fix the time of their report to the commissioners.” The second, third and fourth roads petitioned for, together with the disposi- tion made of such petitions, will illustrate the usual form of such petitions and methods of their disposal. ‘“Recd the Petition of sundry Inhabitants of ’ Randolph Praying a Publick Road may be laid off leading from the town of Winchester of said County Directly West as near the Middle of Section 19-24-23, &c. as suitable Ground Can be an to the indiana Boundary with an offset of 28 rod North a few rod West of Henry H. Ways Dividing hedge, thence west on the line between said Ways and John Samples to the Boundry. Ordered that Judge John Wright, John Wright Senr, and Henry H. Way Lay off and Mark Said Road and Report to the Board of Commissioners at November term, 1819. Recd the Petition of sundry Inhabitants of Ran- dolph County praying that a Publick Road may be laid off from the town of Winchester in said County the nearest and Best Way to go west of Joseph Guess and East of Jonathan Hoskins and’on the West side of William Hocketts farm and on the best and suitabest Direction to the County line of Wayne one mile East of the thirteenth Range line. Ordered that Joseph Hockett, Jonathan Edwards and Nathaniel Kase lay off and Mark said Road and Report to the Commissioners at November term 1819. Reced the Petition of sundry Inhabitants of Randolph County Greensfork Township Praying that the Road Known by the name of the Lawrenceburg Road may RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 367 be Continued from the house of Ephraim Overman to the house of William Yates and that Overseers may be appointed to lay off and mark said Road. Ordered that Ephraim Overman, Junr. and David Boivel, sen. lay off and mark said Road and Report to the Commissioners at November term 1819.” The second road is what is known now as the Windsor pike from Winches- ter to a point north of the Lincoln school. The third road is what is known as the Bloomingsport pike, and the fourth road is the road north through Arba, as Ephraim Overman lived near Arba and William Yates lived north- west of Spartanburg on the north half of section 9, township 16, range 1. In November, 1819, the southwest part of the county began to petition for roads as follows: ‘“Recd the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Greens- fork Township Praying that a Public (Road) may be laid off Beginning at the line of Wayne County where the Jacksonburg Road Intersects the same, thence by Way of William Smiths the nearest and best Way to the town of Winchester. William Blunt, William Smith and Paul W. Way are appointed to lay off and mark said Road according to Law.” These roads and others later petitioned for, connected with the Jacksonburg road, so named because it lead to Jacksonburg, a small town in Wayne county. White River town- ship was not organized until after these roads had been petitioned for, hence Greensfork township is the name used in these petitions. West River town- ship was. petitioned for during the same session of the commissioners that the fifth and sixth roads were petitioned for. The sixth road was an irregular affair, which proved to be very unsatis- factory and was vacated in 1833, when a change was made in the Winchester and New Castle road. The seventh road, petitioned for in February, 1820, is what is known as the ‘Pocket Road,’”’ and was “laid off begining where the road from the town of Winchester to Jesse Johnsons &c Crosses the Congressional Township line between Township Nineteen and twenty, thence the neareist and Best Way that a Road Conveintly Can be made to the state line Where the Road from Greenville Intersects the same.” The eighth road, petitioned for in February, 1820, went in a northeasterly direction, as is shown by the petitioned record, as follows: “Recd the Petition of sundry Inhabitants of Randolph praying that a Road may be laid off from the town of Winchester and to. Run thence to James Masseys and to intersect near fort recovery With the St. maries Road the nearest and best Way. Ordered that Richard Beason, James Wright and James Massey Lay off and Mark said Road and Report to May term, 1820.” James Massey lived in what is now Ward township, W. S. W. 11, 21, 14. This road was afterward abandoned. 368 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The ninth road was petitioned for in May, 1820, and was to run from Sam- ple’s mill, located on the northwest quarter of section 22, township 20, range 13, south to Huntsville. The tenth road was petitioned for in May, 1820, and was to run from Winchester to John Foster’s. Mr. Foster lived on the Griffis farm, on section 25, township 17. range 1, Wayne township. This land was entered in 1817 by Mr. Chenoweth. bout this time the state had begun a policy of constructing thoroughfares throughout the entire state. Canals were built in many parts of the state, but none touched Randolph county. This part of the state was provided for in two ways; by the open- ing and building of public highways and by the maintaining of open water- ways. The first road provided for by state legislation was what is now known as the Bloomingsport pike. This road was provided for on the 22d of January, 1820, and was to run from Lawrenceburg, on the Ohio, to Brookville, Franklin county, Connersville, Fayette county, Waterloo, Wayne county, Centerville, Wayne county, to Winchester. Three commissioners, of whom John Wright, of Randolph county, was one, were appointed to over- see the construction of the road. It was to be built by the nearest and best way and not to be over seventy feet wide. The extreme width allowed for was the importance that the state attached to this road as a thoroughfare. In fact, this was to be the principal road of eastern Indiana, and connected the civilization along the Ohio river to that of the northern part of the state, namely: Lawrenceburg to Fort Wayne. This road, however, was never built as a state road through Randolph county, although the state provided later on for its construction from \Vinchester to Fort Wayne, and named Charles Conway as the commissioner. On December 31, 1821, a law was approved providing for an east and west road known as the Winchester and Indianapolis state road. This law provided “that a road from the Ohio line dividing this state from Ohio from a direction from Greenville, in said state, to Winchester, to intersect the Richmond road to a point not exceeding twenty miles from Indianapolis, in length sixty miles, be, and the same is hereby established and that the sum of $2,672.56 be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the opening of the same, and that Joshua Foster, John Way and Ishem Puckett, of Randolph county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners on said road.’’ These commissioners were further given the right to exercise their discretion in the location and building of all bridges. Mr. Puckett failed to serve as commissioner and Jesse Moorman was ap- pointed in his place. These men made their report January 10, 1823. Of this road and its making, Mr. Jere Smith says: ‘RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 369 “In May, 1820, viewers were appointed to mark out a road from Win- chester to the state line, near Foster's (Griffis farm). The road was re- ported and established in August, 1820. John Coates was made supervisor from Winchester to the ford of White river, and “Amos Peacock from White river to the state line. In 1822 or 1823 the Legislature authorized the laying of a state road from the state line near Foster’s, through Win- chester to Indianapolis. Joshua Foster, John Sample and John Way were appointed commissioners to lay the road, They took Paul W- Way for their surveyor, and started from Foster’s to run to Winchester. But they ran too much south, so they made a ‘bend’ to the north before reaching White river. But being still too far south they veered again northward, west of George Fivatt’s, and came in at the end of Broad (now Washington) street and ran on that street through Winchester. Then diverging to the south till they got opposite (west of) the middle of the public square in Winchester, they struck west on the route of the present state road (pike now) to the west side of the county. Thence down White river (south side) to Old Town (Indian town) six miles above Muncie, thence down the river by Anderson, Straw- town, etc., to Indianapolis. The county road from the state line west to Winchester was merged in this state road.” Other interesting stories are told concerning this road. It is said that when the viewers were “marking and laying out the road,” the pioneer viewer, the one who went ahead to direct the blazers, carried a cowbell, which he would ring when he had decided on a certain route. The blazers would then travel toward the sound, blazing the trees as they went. It is said that the variance in direction, of which Mr. Smith speaks, was due to the fact that the blazers failed to locate the cowbell and that the bend in this road just out of Winchester is the result of such error. But this story, like many others, has to be taken with a grain of salt. This state road was eventually built but was cared for by the county. Joshua Foster served on this board until his removal from the county in 1826, which made it necessary to appoint a new commissioner. This was done during the May term by the board of Justices, who “proceeded to Elect a commissioner to fill said vacancy, whereupon counting Ballots it appeared that John Nelson is duly Elected State road commissioner as aforesaid.” Mr, Nelson served only two years, when his successor, John Sample, was elected. (July term, 1828.) It will be seen from the above that Mr. Smith’s statement is not in accordance with the records, as the form of the report of (24) 370 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the viewers and the disposition of the report by the commissioners, is shown by the following record of the report on road No. 2. “John Wright Senr. John Wright and Henry H. Way, who were appointed to lay off and mark a Public Road from the town of Winchester west to the Indian Boundry line Report that they performed that Duty according to order. John Wright senr. is hereby appointed Supervisor of said Road and all the hands in Whiteriver Township south of Whiteriver and West shugar Creek includeing David Wright and David Stout Except Ezekiel Williams Do Work on Said Road.” This road gave a great deal of trouble, especially west of Winchester, due to the swampy conditions of the ground. It is said that at one time there was no less than one mile of continuous causeway of corduroy in this road. John Wright, the first supervisor, paid but very little attention to the build- ing of this road, but, perhaps, he paid all the attention that could be paid by anyone at that time. That he did something, is shown by the following report: “Recd. the Report of John Wright, supervisor, Stateing that he had performed his duty and that all the hands had performed their service accord- ing to Law Except William Haworth son of George who is Delinquent four days.” The commissioners evidently did not intend that Mr. Haworth should escape, because they immediately “Ordered that William Haworth son of George be supervisor in the Place of John Wright and that the hands south of said Road and west of Shugar Creek to the 13 Range line thence north with said Range line of Whiteriver Township thence west to the Boundry thence south with the Boundry line to Eight mile Creek thence up said Creek to the line of Whiteriver Township line thence a Direct line to where said Road Crosses the 13th Range line do work on said Road and order Issued.” Just how long Haworth served can not be known, as the county records from February, 1821, to November, 1825, are lost, but Wright was reappointed. Later, when the road had been extended by the state, Littleberry Diggs was appointed supervisor in the place of John Wright on the state road’ “from the town of Winchester west to the 14 Mile Stake.” This stake was located about two miles west of Winchester. The road had in the meantime been divided into sections of a certain number of miles each indicated by mile stakes. This road, like all the early roads, has been changed and straight- ened many times. The first change was petitioned for on Tuesday, Novem- ber 14, 1820, the record of which is :—“Recd. the petition of Sundry Inhabi- tants of Whiteriver Township praying that from the Town of Win- chester west may be so altered as to tern North between Henry Way and John Sample Eighteen poles Thence west by said Samples house to the Boundry RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 371 line of the twelve mile Purchase Which is Granted and Paul W. Way, John Sample and Robinson McIntire appointed to lay off and mark said Road and Report to February term, 1821, and Order Issued.” This board of viewers reported as instructed, the record of which is made in the February term of 1821, as follows: “Recd. the Report of Paul W. Way and Others who Were appointed to lay off and mark the Road from the house of Henry Way through the lane Bearing Eighteen poles North thence west by the way of John Samples to the Boundry line of the twelve mile Purchase and Ordered that the Supervisor work on said Road the way that it was last laid off.” Strange to say, one of the latest, if not the last, change in this road, was made at the same place where the first change was made. This change is where the road angled suddenly to the northwest in the middle of section 22, township 20, range 13, east, where the house of Elmer Franklin now stands. The first change reported by Mr. Way, caused the road to leave the present road at a point near the east line of section 22, where the road runs south. From. this point it angled in an almost direct line to the turn just north of the middle of the section. The last change was made about 1852. This was one of the most traveled roads of the county, because of the western emigration, and it is said that the travel on it at times, almost equals that of the National road. The eleventh road, petitioned for in August, 1820, was “laid off Begin- ing at the south End of the main Street West of the Public Square in the town of Winchester thence along said street and in a Direction towards Fort Wayne to the North Boundry of the twelve mile Purchase.’ This road was more commonly called the Winchester and Ridgeville road or by some, the Winchester and Addington’s Mill road. This road followed the Deerfield pike to the crest of the hill north of White river, thence in a northwesterly directon to Ridgeville. One small section of this road still exists near Stone Station, and another section, which was a continuation of this road, exists northwest of Ridgeville. Sample’s Mill was the principal objective point of travel at this time. The tenth road passed it, running east and west, the ninth road ran south, and the next, or twelfth road, petitioned for in May, 1825, was to run from Sample’s mill to Lewallyn’s mill, which was at Ridgeville. The twelfth road, petitioned for in May, 1825, was from the southeast corner of section 35, township 16, range I west, to Obadiah Small’s. The point of beginning was on the county line, two miles east of Arba and Obe- diah Small owned the land where Spartanburg now stands. This road is thought to be the one that used to run from Bethel, Wayne county, by “pin- hook,” Charles Crist’s and Jeremiah Middleton’s to Spartanburg. This road 372 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. is now abandoned. No doubt, many roads had been petitioned for and es- tablished, the records of which are contained in the book that has been lost. We note that in the May term, 1826, “Nathan Hockett is appointed Supervisor on Hockett’s road from the line of Wayne County to Joseph Gass old place and also on the Road that passes by cherry grove meeting house that lies in Westriver Township.” “Benjamin Luallen is appointed Supervisor on Luallens road from the line Dividing Township Whiteriver-and Ward and all the hands in Luallens Settlement including Kizers Settlement Except those attached to oldhams District do work on said road.” The next road, which we shall call the fourteenth, proved to be a road of a great deal of importance. Just when it was petitioned for is not known, but in May, 1826, the following record is made: “Recd. the Report of William Massey, Daniel B. Miller & John Odle. who were appointed to view and mark a public road from the State line in a Direction from Greenville in the State of Ohio to Luallens mill on Missessinewa Stating that they had performed that service whereupon William Odle is appointed Supervisor on said road from Luallens Mill to William Massevs Creek and ordered that all the hands in Ward Township from Burkett Peirces to the East and west line of the School Section in Township 21 do work on said road. Daniel B. Miller is appointed Supervisor on the Road from Luallens mill towards Greenville from William Masseys creek to the State line and that all the hands. in Ward Township East of the School Section in Township 21 do work on said Road.” Of this road, Mr. Jere Smith says: ‘September, 1825, a road was reported beginning at the Greenville road northwest from Greenville (Connor’s old trace to his trading post) by Daniel B. Miller’s to Lewallyn’s mill. This was not opened and worked till 1832. February 2, 1832, the Legislature passed an act appointing Daniel B. Miller commissioner to lay out a state road from the state line (same point as the thirteenth road) to Parson’s mill, thence to Lewallvn’s mill, thence to inter- sect the Miamisport road, near Sanders’, in Delaware county. Judge Miller appointed me surveyor. and in August or September, 1832, we began the survey. “We started where Connor’s trace crossed the state line, a little north of Union City, went nearly straight to the east side of Deerfield, thence to Parsons’ mill. half mile below Deerfield, thence to Lewallyn’s mill, near Ridgeville, thence onward beyond Emmettsville, keeping in a straight line to Sanders’ in Delaware county, passing north of Fairview. The county road from the state line to Lewallyn’s mill was merged in this state road. The RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 373 road remains substantially as we laid it out, having on it Middletown, Deer- field, Ridgeville and Emmettsville.’’ This road crossed the Mississinewa river near the Reitenour Cemetery, at the cabin of Burkett Pierce. going from there directly where Ridgeville now is. The next road of record is in May, 1826, and is certainly a very peculiar record, and is as follows: ‘Reed. the petition of Sundry inhabitants of this county praying that a Public road may be laid off beginning at Hocketts road about 34 of a mile North of Guesses, thence leading Down Sugar creek by the Likinses and D. Heastons, thence to the widow Pucketts lane by Dunkirk meeting house and on to the Southwest corner of Wm. Ways field, thence along the west side cf said field to intersect the State road in meri- dian Street in the Town of Varnon. John Likins, David Heaston & Tarlton Moorman are appointed to view and mark said road and Report to July term, 1826.” The next road of record is in May, 1827, and ran from Dalton, Wayne county, through Losantville to Windsor. Our sympathies are certainly with Curtis Clennev, Thomas Hester and William Peacock, whose duty it became to “lay out and mark” the following road in November, 1827: ‘‘Received the petition of sundry inhabitants of Randolph County praying that a Public road may be laid out beginning at the road leading from Richmond to Winchester at the line between Obadiah Harris and John Moorman, thence the nearest and best way to William Connors. thence the nearest and best way to Hezekiah Hocketts, thence through Samuel Smiths lane, thence to the end of Thomas Phillips lane, thence to the Meeting house near William Hunts.” For some reason the viewers did not report at the January term, 1828, as instructed, but made their report in the May term of said year, and Thomas Phillips was appointed supervisor on the road through White River township. This road was extended in September,-1828, as is shown by fol- lowing record, November, 1828: “Jonah Heaton, Bazaleel Hunt and David Vestal, who were appointed to view and mark a public road from the meet- ing house near William Hunt the nearest and best way so as to pass some where near Joseph Rooks then the nearest and best way to the line dividing Randolph and Delaware counties in a direction towards Moncey town, now verbally report that they have performed that servise it is therefore ordered that the same be cut out as a public road or highway.” In January, 1830, another characteristic petition was received as fol- 274 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. lews: ‘Received the petition of Sundry citizens of Randolph county pray- ing that a public Road may be laid out beginning at the west end of Heze- kiah Hocketts lane the nearest and best way to the Wayne line at the South- east corner of Martindales dedning. Which is granted, and Isaiah Rodgers, James Smith and David Frazier are appointed to view and mark said road and Report to this Board at March term 1830.” In November, 1830, the commissioners “Received the petition of Elijah Arnold and others praying for a public road to be laid off beginning at the North end of Wm. Smiths lane the nearest and best way to Jonathan Cleav- engers on Rooks old place.” Jeremiah Smith, Joshua Beer and Elijah Ar- nold were appointed to view and mark said road. : In March, 1831, John Wilson and others petitioned for a road “be- ginning at the Richmond road at or near John Moorman Sr. S. E. corner the nearest and best way to Arby meeting house. thence the nearest & best way to the State of Ohio line which is granted.” In May, 1831, Samuel Jackson, William Davidson and William Pea- cock were appointed to view and mark a road, the record of which is as fol- lows: “Received the petition of Sundry citizens of Randolph county praying that a public road may be laid out Beginning at the South west corner of Samuel Smiths fence, thence the nearest best way to crossway south of Sam- uel Jacksons, thence the nearest and best way to the new road at the north end of William Smiths lane.” In September, 1831, a cartway was petitioned for, from Winchester across the ford of White river to Sample’s mill. The distinction between a cartway and a road seems to be a difference in width, a cartway being what is ordinarily called a lane. Many roads of local importance only were peti- tioned for at each session of the legislature. In January, 1832, another very interesting road record was made, as follows: “This day the petition of William Peacock and others was pub- lickly read And John Boroughs, Jesse Johnson and David Moore are ap- pointed to view and mark a publick road beginning at the west end of Heze- kiah Hocketts lane from thence on the open line south of Samuel Smith’s fence until it intersects the road leading from Johnson's mill to Sample’s mill from thence the nearest and best way through Joseph Hollingsworth’s lane, from thence the nearest and best way until it intersects the road leading from Economy to Winchester at or near Jackson's perarie and report to the next term of this board.” There seems to have been no definite records made of the location of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 375 roads by any survey until 1832. During that year Jere Smith was at that time surveyor, and recorded his “feld’’ notes of that part of the state road, leading from Winchester to New Castle, which lies in Randolph county, Indiana. This was a state road. In October of the same year he filed his “field” notes of that part of the state road leading from Richmond to Fort Wayne, which lies in Randolph county, and the territory attached to it. It will be interesting to note that this road went “‘to the township line between township 25 and 26 north, near the one-half mile stake on the south side of section 32 of township 26, range 14, it being the north line of the territory attached to Randolph county.” This township line passes through the present town of Berne, and the one-half mile stake referred to is just east of that town. On November 16, 1832. Mr. Smith filed his “field”? notes of that part of the state road, leading from the Ohio state line to Saunders’, which lies in Randolph county and the territory attached to it. This is the road of which \Ir. Smith speaks, as running “from the state line to Parson’s mill, thence to Lewallyn’s mill, thence to intersect the Miamisport road near Saunders’ in Delaware County.” From that time on all state roads were surveyed and the surveys made a matter of record. The early roads were petitioned for, largely to meet local conditions. Afterward, many of these same roads were taken up by the state and made state roads. For example, the Winchester and Addington’s Mill road, peti- tioned for in 1820, was taken up by the state in 1839, and was known as the “State Road,” from Winchester, Randolph county, via Ridgeville, Randolph county, Mt. Pleasant and Camden, in Jay county, to Bluffton, the county seat of Wells county. The road one mile west of Farmland was taken up by the state in 1840, and was known as the Hagerstown and Camden road. The Jesse Johnson-Paul Beard road became a part of the Richmond and Fort Wayne road. Many roads that were of importance have since been aband- oned, because of the building of other roads. The Steubenville and Win- chester road, which angled from Steubenville to Maxville, has long since cisappeared, as has another road in the same part of the county, known as the Rockingham road, which leads from Rockingham, Green township, to Winchester, merging into the Steubenville and Winchester road. The road granted in 1840, running ‘‘to Jericho meeting house, from thence to the most approved route to White River meeting house.” has long since disappeared, as has also the road approved in February, 1841, known as the road joining the Cherry Grove meeting house. Byum meeting house and Arba meeting 376 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. house, “commencing on the Williamsburg and Winchester road, in Section 3, thence East by Cherry Grove meeting house on the line dividing the lands of Nathan Thornburgh and Elijah Hinshaw, thence on same course between Stilwell and Reece, thence the same course between Reece and Way to the corner thence angling south 30 rods across William & Obed Beards land to the West line a corner between Paul Beard senr. and Jesse Johnson, thence with their line East to the road thence south to Beards saw mill, thence the line between Paul Beard Jr. and Obed Beard east to near the Branch, thence up the Branch to the east fence, thence on a marked line on North side of Lynn Meeting house to the line Between Silas Johnson, Isaac Pearson, thence with said line east to David McCrackins’ line until near the school house, thence North of said school house a few rods until it intersects the line between Johnson and Farmer, thence East with said lines to the line be- tween Moody and Willis C. Willmore, thence same direction until it strikes the line Between Odle and Calfer, thence due East until it intersects the Boundry at a corner Between Overman and Semans as Specified in said order, thence south and west, the boundary to a point opposite John W. Thomas, thence nearly east a marked line to the mouth of said Thomas’ lane, thence on same course across the creek, thence on nearly the neighborhood road a marked line to a lane Between the Lands of Jeremiah Horn and Cam- mack’s heirs, thence East to where it intersects the Fort Wayne road near Arba Meeting house.” The winding path south from Huntsville has become the Economy and Huntsville road, while the road from Huntsville through Unionsport, Max- ville and Fairview into Jay county, is only a matter of history. Many other roads and petitions for the same might be mentioned, but we have given sufficiently to show the nature of our early roads. These petitions seem queer and unusual, but they served their purpose and what more. could be asked? The country was new, and roads of any consequence were impossi- ble. Trails were all that was necessary, because travel was almost wholly by foot or horseback. When wagons were used, the loads were light, which was necessary if they traveled at all, a man putting his small grist upon the “hounds” and making his way to the nearest-mill as best he could. Of. these roads, Tucker says: “These roads, laid out, as we have said, by public authority, were opened and worked to some extent, yet for a long time most of them were but poor indeed. The trees were cut away somewhat, a few bridges were made, and log ways were built in some places, vet for the most part they were horrid RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 377 enough. David Lasley relates in his ‘reminiscences’ how he (with another man) built three-quarters of a mile of ‘log-way’ on the road west of Win- chester. As late as 1859 there was one and a quarter miles of log-way, nearly in one ‘string, north between Winchester and Deerfield. Often logs a foot or eighteen inches through would be laid down and sometimes abso- lutely nothing on them, and the wagon had to go ‘bumping’ across that con- tinuous log-heap. Each new road would be divided into districts, an over- seer appointed, and ‘hands’ given him for his ‘gang’ to open and work the highway.” Travel being heavy, the location of towns and distances from one to another being practically unknown, the Legislature as early as 1817, enacted a law requiring that road supervisors should place “at the forks of every public road or highway, directing the way and mentioning the most remark- able places on each road.” Knowing the frailties of man, this law carried with it a penalty of a ten dollar fine for anyone convicted of destroying or altering these sign boards in any way. This law has never been repealed, but the sign board has long since ceased to exist. At the present time (1914), there is but one set of these boards left in place in the county, and these are at the site of the old town of Randolph, long since out of existence. These boards are one-half mile west of Bartonia, inscribed, ‘““To Winchester, 7 miles, to State line, 214 miles.” The author of this article recently had occasion to take a photograph of these sign boards, and while taking them was forcibly reminded of the prog- ress made in community lite since these boards were placed in position, years and years ago. Instead of “muddy roads,” with their corduroy and almost bottomless mud holes, traveled over by the conestoga wagons, pulled by two six yoke of oxen, the traveler today travels a macadamized road in the most modern vehicles. While taking the picture a school boy rode to the crossing on a bicycle, thus reminding one of the new in that mode of travel, to deposit a letter in a free rural mail delivery box, thus calling attention to the modern means of communication by mail, then rode on to a modern, consolidated school, equipped with all modern appliances, maintaining a commission course, thereby reminding one of the old-time schools in its comparison with the new. Before the picture could be taken it was necessary to wait for the settlement of dust from a passing automobile, traveling, per- haps, fifty miles per hour. Only one thing was necessary to make the picture complete, and that would have been the shadow of a “Limited” aeroplane. When the state was young it was thought that the rivers would be the 378 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. great means of transportation, and to that end the Mississinewa and west fork of White river were declared navigable streams, and were put in the care of supervisors for that purpose. We do not know how far the west fork of White river was considered navigable, but it was as far up the river as Sample’s mill. In the May term, 1826, the following entries were made: “John Samples is appointed Supervisor on the west fork of Whiteriver from said Samples mill to the mouth of caben creek. John G. Deeds is appointed Supervisor on the west fork of whiterfver from the mouth of Cabin creek to monsey town on said river.”” One year from that time, May 8, 1827, we find that the purpose of appointing supervisors for these districts was to clear the rivers of snags, cut out the shallow places and otherwise make the rivers so that flat-boats might be taken down them, especially in the spring. We do not know that this was ever done on White river, at least we have never heard any old settler ever speak of White river as being navigable. Yet, in May, 1827, the river was no doubt worked and certain hands were ordered out for that purpose, as is shown by the following: “Henry T. Sample is appointed Supervisor on Whiteriver from John Sample’s mill to the mouth of Stoney creek and ordered that all the hands opposite said dis- trict and within 2 miles of said river do work thereon under the direction of said Sample.” We have failed to find in the records any report of these supervisors on White river. The \lississinewa, however, was declared by law to be navigable, as far as the section line between range 14 and I5 east, which is the line dividing Ward and Jackson townships. There is no doubt about the Mississinewa having been “worked” and used as a navigable stream. We find that in May, 1835, it was “Ordered that Alexander Garrin- - ger, Supervisor in Green Township, work all the hands that live in his dis- trict and within one mile of Mississinewa river one day of their time on said River. Ordered that Jehu McPherson, Supervisor, work all the hands that live in his district within one mile of Mississinewa and west of Lawellins mill one day of their time on said River.’” The Mississinewa was used for trans- portation purposes as far up the river as Deerfield, but no further than that, as we have been able to learn, as is shown by the reminiscences of Mr. Edger, spoken of elsewhere. No mention is made of any appointments of supervisors to work the rivers after this time, it being seen, of course, that such was useless. As the county became more thickly settled and commercial interests wwere correspondingly enlarged and complicated, more attention was paid to RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 379 the subject of roads. It is said that the civilization of any nation can be de- termined by its roads. This saying is certainly true of the middle West. It is only a step from the blazed trail to the path, from the path to the lane, the lane to the cartway, the cartway to the open highway, through its various steps of mud road, graded road, gravel road, crushed stone and macadam. A problem through the forties and fifties was one of straightening old roads or establishing new ones upon section lines. The old roads had emanated from certain centers and the problem of establishing new ones in and around these centers became a very complex one. Among these centers were Rockinghams, in the eastern part of Green township; Robinson Mc- Intire’s farm, which is at Maxville, Huntsville, West River township, Cherry Grove, in Washington township, Arba, in Greensfork township, Cox’s Mill, in White River township, John Massacs, Ward township, Lewallyn’s Mill, Franklin township, and Marien’s Mill and Georgetown, in Stoney Creek township, but this problem has been successfully solved, until today there are very few roads that do not follow section lines. The establishing of roads has always been directly or indirectly in the hands of the county commissioners and must, of necessity, depend upon their judgment. It was seldom that a petition for a road was rejected, but one exception to this occurred the third of May, 1838. On that day petition for five roads were received, five of which were rejected, all of which were afterwards established. The commissioners, John Coats, Abraham Adam- son and George A. G. McNees, were evidently not feeling very well that day. As time went on it became evident to all people that the success of the country depended upon the condition of its roads. It further became evi- dent that roads could not -be built without money and it was further shown that Jaws must be enacted whereby the progressive few could compel the backward majority to build good roads. Out of this grew the gravel road law and the “three-mile road law.” Another great movement in the road management is what is known as the toll road. These were a system of roads built by companies organized for that purpose for the use of which toll must be paid. These turnpike and plank road companies were organ- ized, practically, all over the county in about 1856. Among them were the Union City and Spartanburg; Morristown and Fairview; Williamsburg and Bloomingsport; Winchester and State Line; Winchester and Bundy’s Mill;. Winchester and Jay County Line; Lynn and Winchester ; Bloomingsport and 380 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Winchester; Salem and Jericho; Bloomingsport and Economy; Mt. Holly and Allensville, and Huntsville and Boundary. This is only a partial list. It was soon learned by the people, however, that public roads should be built and maintained at public expense and that they should be open to any and all who cared to drive over them. Consequently, these roads were either voluntarily abandoned and the management assumed by the county or were sold to the various townships or the county. The last of these turn- pikes disappeared in the early nineties. Randolph county today has among the best roads of any county in the state. In spite of the slipshod methods by which the roads have been handled there is no source of greater mismanagement of any public affairs than that of the roads. More money has been spent injudiciously and more work done without intelligent guidance and more time squandered upon the public roads than upon any other matter of public utility. This fact is recognized by everyone who gives the question any study. The problem of county man- agement today is the management of its roads. A solution of this has been attempted in the passing of a law whereby the county commissioners appointed a county superintendent of roads, who appoints sub-superintendents, who, with the county superintendent of roads, becomes responsible for the care and management of all county public highways. In January, 1814, the county commissioners appointed Robert Jellison county superintendent of roads. Mr. Jellison proceeded immediately to the appointment of his various able superintendents and the work or organiza- tion was begun immediately. As to what the ultimate result of this man- agement will be is of course problematical, but it must be said that the plan bids fair to be the best ever devised. The success of this plan, however, will depend largely upon the ability of the men appointed as various super- intendents. If ability. knowledge and skill is to be the determining factor, the roads will be benefited by it. At the present time Mr. Jellison has under his charge the following roads: Spence, No. 64, 6,700 feet stone; Fairview and Ridgeville, No. 8, 47,520 feet gravel; Camel, No. 148, 6,100 feet gravel; Woods, No. 11, 44,880 feet gravel; Kitselman, No. 25, 31,680 feet-gravel; Stone Staton and Olive Branch, No. 21, 34,320 feet gravel; Gray, No. 57, 7,870 feet stone; Ridgeville and Farmland, No. 26, 31,680 feet gravel; Huber, No. 87, 14,800 feet stone; Harker, No. 10, 36,900 feet gravel; Sipe, No. 1, 30,360 feet RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 381 gravel; Cummings, No. 135, 31,600 feet stone; Hoover, No. 19, 15,840 feet gravel; Warren, No. 131, 15,820 feet stone; Gettinger, No. 58, 5.480 feet stone; Saratoga and Stone Station, No. 28, 24,360 feet gravel; Hinkle, No. 14, 33,000 feet gravel; Stephens, No. 133, 10,430 feet gravel; Olive Branch, No. 144, 5,280 feet gravel; Armstrong, No. 112, 6,100 feet stone; Bosworth, No. 29, 39,600 feet gravel; Winchester and Deerfield, No. 2, 47,520 feet gravel; Shierling, No. 97, 13,050 geet stone; Schlecty, No. 87, 10,644 feet stone; Warren & Weimer, No. 27, 21,120 feet gravel; Harshman, No. 86, 15,836 feet stone; Hoover and Pittsburg, No. 18, 10,560 feet gravel; Rickert, No. 17, 26,400 feet gravel; Mundhank, No. 146, 12,330 feet stone; Devor, No. 34, 15,840 feet gravel; Salem and Union City, No. 5, 39,600 feet gravel; Hinchy, No. 15, 23,760 feet gravel; State Line North, No. 16, 39,960 feet gravel; Van Pelt, No. 23, 35,640 feet gravel; Manor, No. 125, 10,560 feet stone; Farmland and Shiloh, No. 24, 15,840 feet gravel; Mc- Guire, No. 63, 11,250 feet stone; Windsor and Winchester, No. 3, 72,600 feet gravel; Goodrich, No. 143, 9,200 feet stone; Sanders, No. 96, 11,700 feet stone; Adams, No. 72, 16,580 feet stone; Murray Pike, No. 22, 29,040 feet gravel; Pogue, No. 93, 13,098 feet gravel; Heaston, No. 85, 11,620 feet stone; Romock, No. 95, 3,360 feet stone; Fitzmaurice, No. 82, 5,260 feet stone; Goodrich, No. 83, 2,288 feet stone; Burke, No. 77, 10,171 feet stone; Favorite, No. 81, 13,188 feet stone; Harris, No. 122, 13,091 feet stone; Hendrickson, No. 84, 15,760 feet stone; Bousman, No. 116, 14,063 feet stone; Winchester and Union City, No. 6, 50,160 feet gravel; Fraze, No. 66, 10,769 feet stone; Pierce, No. 100, 15,815 feet stone; Mangas, No. go, 14,523 feet stone; Baird, No. 73, 15,820 feet stone; Cox, No. 80, 7,290 feet stone; Thompson, No. 111, 11,417 feet stone; Windsor S., No. 41, 19,800 feet gravel; Parker and Losantville, No. 40, 44,680 feet gravel; Cabin Creek and Bronson. No. 42, 34,320 feet gravel; Gilmore, No. 44, 9,240 feet gravel; Farmland and Modoc, No. 39, 66,000 feet gravel; Vanlandingham, No. 31, 11,880 feet gravel; Maxville and Unionsport, No. 43, 19,800 feet gravel; Moorman, No. 124, 10,890 feet stone; Lasley, No. 144, 12,320 feet stone; Buena Vista, No. 30, 13,184 feet gravel; Reinard, No. 126, 5,296 feet stone; Baldwin. No. 65, 13,200 feet stone; Beeson, No. 145, 14,520 feet stone; Bunda Pike, No. 32, 18,480 feet gravel; Clements, No. 103, 13,391 feet stone; Brooks, No. 75, 12,000 feet stone; Lynn and Winchester pike, No. 20, 46,200 feet gravel; Brown and Benson, No. 101, 5,333 feet stone; Butts, No. 33, 14,540 feet gravel; Moore, No. 91, 14,633 feet stone; Green, No. 120, 8,220 feet stone; Swank, No. 134, 21,696 feet stone; Chenoweth, No. 53, 13,200 feet stone; Thornburg, No. 110, 14,880 feet stone; Shockley, No. 382 RANDOLVH COUNTY, INDIANA. 109, 11,984 feet stone; Rowe, No. 94, 15,000 feet stone; Bickle, No. 78, 15,732 feet stone; Union City and White River, No. 12, 18,515 feet gravel; H. Bowman, No. 115, 10,919 feet stone; State Line S., No. 13, 31,680 feet gravel; Foutz, No. 105, 24,879 feet stone; Lumpkins, No. 62, 10,715 feet gravel; Brewer, No. 102, 15,735 feet gravel; Medsker, No. 45, 15,840 feet gravel; Cougil, No. 47, 9,240 feet gravel; Farquhar, No. 67, 11,800 feet gravel; Macy, No. 141, 9,240 feet gravel; Keever, No. 70, 10,560 feet gravel; Botkin, No. 140, 15,840 feet gravel; Sheppard, No. 99, 13,100 feet stone; Brosey, No. 74, 14,620 feet stone; Cady, No. 139, 11,880 feet gravel; Marshall, No. 142, 9,240 feet stone; Morrison, No. 108, 6,625 feet stone; Huntsville and Modoc, No. 46, 18,480 feet gravel; Adamson, No. 114, 13,221 feet stone; Jarott, No. 138, 39,040 feet gravel; Cox, No. 104, 10,621 feet gravel; Glover, No. 68, 12,156 feet gravel; Mills, No. 88, 12,100 feet stone; Hutchens, No. 61, 15,995 feet gravel; R. Murray, No. 48, 11,880 feet stone; Sickles, No. 128, 15,840 feet stone; Wysong, No. 29, 13,200 feet gravel; Baxter, No. 76, 16,759 feet stone; Morris, No. 89, 14,340 feet stone; Lynn West, No. 137, 11,880 feet gravel; Pegg, No. 54, 13,200 feet gravel; Albert- son, No. 113, 14,520 feet stone; Shockney, No. 127, 13,391 feet stone; Hinshaw, No. 121, 13,056 feet gravel; Brown, No. 143, 10,881 stone; Bev- erly, No. 117, 2,691 feet stone; Jordon, No. 59, 14,999 feet stone; Lynn East, No. 147, 10,560 feet gravel; Johnson, No. 69, 14,190 feet gravel; Kelley, No. 49, 19,800 feet gravel; Moody, No. 92, 5,284 feet stone; Ward, No, 132, 10,268 feet gravel; Camel, No. 35, 13,200 feet gravel; S. C. Bowen, No. 52, 14,520 feet gravel; Horn Pike, No. 36, 39, 600 feet gravel; Wright, No. 130, 23,528 feet gravel; Sam Hill, No. 38, 36,960 feet gravel; W. S. Bowen, No. 50, 12,320 feet gravel; Buckley, No. 37, 19,800 feet gravel; Jackson Pike, No. 9, 63,360 feet gravel; Burel, No. 51, 13,200 feet gravel. Another great factor in the public highway question of this county has been its bridges. Formerly the streams were crossed at some suitable place called “fords,” but the traveling public has long since demanded public bridges. Randolph county, having so many streams, makes the building ot its bridges a very important one, Formerly all bridges were built of wood and the county had several “covered bridges” or bridges that were enclosed by roof and siding. These bridges served their purpose well, but at this time, 1914, only two of any consequence are standing. These are the bridge southwest of Farm- land across White river, and at the Steubenville crossing of the Mississinewa. These bridges were built in 1883 and are still in a splendid state of preserva- tion. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 383 The wooden bridges have given way to the steel structure, which in time must give way to those built of cement. Among the important bridges of the county are those crossing the Mississinewa at Fairview, Emmettsville, Ridgeville, Ritenours, Deerfield, Shakerag and at each section line east to the state line. White river is crossed at Windsor, Dick’s, Farmland, Maxville, Moormans, Harpers, Winchester and at each place where it is crossed by a public road. Stoney creek has two large bridges near Windsor and smaller ones further up stream. Cabin creek is spanned by three large bridges. Bridges of lesser size are to be found over West river and Nolan’s Fork, Greenville creek, Little Mississinewa and various other streams. The smaller bridges are practically all built out of concrete and the wooden floors of the steel bridges are being replaced by reinforced concrete. Bridges of modern times are of such stability that it is not necessary to slacken speed. while crossing them. Formerly this was necessary, as early as 1868, when it was a fineable offense to cross a bridge “faster than a walk,” and all bridges had fastened on them somewhere in public view the state- ment: ‘$5.00 fine for traveling over this bridge faster than a walk.’’ Notes from the Commissioners record: The court house was begun December 6, 18:8 and finished Tune 6, 1820. Second court house was built in 1826. One hundred and fifty-eight acres of land was donated for county pur- poses. Paul W Way made first survey. January 3, 1826, the commissioners made the following entry: “Ordered that the county treasurer pay Paul Way, county agent, the sum of thirty-six dollars and twenty-five cents Tor “TunMINe Ol 5 SUT Ways Bl 900. te een eee eae eee es $15.00 for layne off 28 lots in the town et 7.76 for plat-of the Sane 2 2os sph gs oe ee ee een eae 2.28 for-advertising the ‘sale of lots.=--45 sesso 2s eee coe 1.00 for @ days atbindine sald wales sees sess oes ee ee 2.00 for writing 23 deeds to close the late sale at 25 cents each__________ cane for writing @ deeds for elomation, S0---s2 noes een occu 1.00 for 24, vallons whiskey gwe al the sale... 2ceseseccsece eee 1.00 Return OF ‘salés sacees.5 joe R So eee eee ee ee ee ee .50 'POtall 2222ce ose Sue ee oes es eee ae es $36. 2 In the year 1825.” 384 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. We suppose that. whiskey helped sell the lots. Lot sales were ordered when the treasury became low, which was often. Joseph Crown rented a room in the court house in 1829 to work at his trade. In 1832 Elias Kizer was ordered to repair the stray pen and the court house. The first stove was bought for the jail in 1837. Paul Way was ordered to sell to the lowest bidder the erection of a stray pen in Winchester. “Ordered that Paul W Way as agent sell to the lowest bidder the erection of an estray pen in Winchester form as agreed on by himself and the board of commissioners, said estray pen to be completed against the first Monday in May next.” We do not know what it cost to build it but it was sold in 1851 to Mr. Way for $4.00. Nathan Garrett was ordered to secure the safety of the court house in 1837. First county attorney was Smith Elkins, appointed in 1838. The county agent was ordered in November, 1839 to: “Repair the upper story of the county jail by lining it with two inch oak plank; must be ploughed and grooved and the plank must be fixed in a perpendicular position and spiked fast to the wall with sufficient durable nails and also to have a good lock put on said jail door. It is further ordered that the trap door of said jail be sufficiently secured to guard against the escape of convict-.” The trap door referred to was in the floor of the upper room and was the only means of putting prisoners in the lower story. In May, 1840, David Moorman was allowed $4.4334 “for taking off old lock and putting a new one on the jail.” Evidently things had been going wrong about the jail for at the same session it was “ordered that the county agent have the hinges on the jail door made sufficiently strong to secure all prisoners that may be put therein instanter.” In August, 1840, Jesse Way was paid $15.00, Anderson D. Way $15.00, Wm. D. Smith, $15.00 and Michael Aker $15.00, for assisting to convey prisoners to Jeffersonville. At the same time Elisha Martin and Jacob Rem- mel were paid $3.33/3 each, “for assisting to convey prisoners as far as Centerville who were on their way to State prison.” Evidently they were taking a “bad lot’ for Michael Aker was “allowed out of the county treasury one dollar fifty cents for furnishing chains to secure prisoners, to take them DNIMVW dVOS WAANOId RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 385 to the State prison,” and Jesse Way was “allowed $1.37% for pitcher for jail and 3 pad locks.” February, 1841,:the Treasurer was ordered to “pay Stephen D. Cun- ningham $5.49 for furnishing and irons for the court house.” Three noted prisoners of 1841 were Austin, Munden and Combs. Thos. W. Coats was paid $30.00 for helping to take them to State prison. Joseph Kelly, Samuel Burres and Asahel Stone were paid $1.00 each for guarding these prisoners “in jail one night.” George Clark and John Way were paid “one dollar each for their horses service in arresting David Combs.” Robert Irvin, jailor, is paid $1.00 for gloves and candles for use of Munden, Austin and Combs, prisoners. In 1843, Asahel Stone was “allowed $30.50 for building a privy for the use of Randolph county.” The building was situated on the northwest cor- ner of the square. In 1843, it was “ordered that the court house of Randolph county be kept for the purposes of holding courts therein and political speaking only and that the sheriff of said county have the care of the same. In June, 1844, Paul W. Way, county agent, was ordered to “cause horse racks to be erected on each corner of the public square and other places where he may deem necessary on said public square in the town of Winchester.” June 9, 1844, Elias Kizer, one of the county commissioners, was “‘ap- pointed to furnish a stove for the court house and piping for the same also to get piping for the stove for the jail within and for Randolph county. Also to repair said jail if needed and report to the next term of this board.” Mr. Kizer, evidently did this work immediately as the next item is the order for $25.00, paying him for the same. Abraham Adamson, one of the commissioners, protested against Henry Neff as treasurer in 1844. A reminder of “old times” is shown in an order of 1846, when Thomas: W. Reece was “allowed the sum of $1.10 for quills and sand boxes furnished. for Randolph county up to February 17, 1846.” Steel pens were not bought for the county until 1851, when A. J. Rust was allowed $1.50 for steel pens. Sand boxes were used to hold sand in which the quills were “stuck.” The sand was also used for blotting. December 11, 1846, the board ordered that “David J. Cottom procure a clear toned bell for the use of the court house, weighing two hundred and fifty pounds, the said bell to be paid for out of the first money paid into the (25) 386 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. county treasury.’ This bell was hung on the outside of the tower which is shown in the picture of the court house and was afterward removed and placed on the town hall and became the property of C. E. Magee when he purchased that building. Mr. Magee still owns the bell. December 11, 1846, the board of commissioners entered into a contract with A. D. Way which said that he “be and he is hereby authorized to care and take charge of the keys of the court house for the term of five months from the date hereof for which he is to have the use of the jury room in the northeast corner of the said house, also he obligate himself to keep said house in good order.” On the same day it was “ordered by the board of com- missioners that division No. 26 of the Sons of Temperance have the privilege of holding their meetings in the second story of the court house for the term of one year for the sum of $12.00, also the said Sons of Temperance are to have the privilege of running a partition across the said second story of the court house for which they are to be allowed a reasonable compensation.” Elias Kizer furnished the wood for the court house in 1848 for $40.50. In December, 1848, the board ordered “that D. W. Frazer be allowed to occupy the grand jury room up stairs in the court house (excepting when the circuit court is in session at which time said Frazer is not to be entitled to the use of said room) for the sum of one dollar per month.” A plague broke out in the town of Winchester in the summer of 1849. It was claimed by many to be cholera. People were very much ‘frightened as a great many people died. August 2nd of that year year a special session of the commissioners was held, a report of which is as follows: “By a citation issued from the county auditor for the purpose of having the place of holding lections changed in White River township at the annual August election, A. D. 1849 Present the Honorable Philip Barger, Abraham Adamson, Esqrs. members of said board. To the honorable the board of commissioners of Randolph county in special session we the undersigned citizens respectfully represent to your honors that sickness prevails in the town of Winchester the usual place of holding the elections in White River township to such an extent that it is thought to be dangerous to hold the coming August election in said town. We therefore pray your honors to change the place of holding said election to some suitable point in said township where the voters may not incur said danger and your petitioners will ever pray, etc.: Silas Colgrove, Jno. R. Turner, Edmund Thomas, D. J. Cottom, M. L. Jones, J. A. Steele, A. O. Neff, J. Y. Howard, J. M. Hill, A. J. Rush, H. Y. Kizer, Wm. Allen, M. A. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 387 Reeder, B. C. Hoyt, Saml. Y. Ludy, Thos. Wallace, Wm. Darah, Wm. Frazee, E. Martin, W. G. Puckett, W. Y. Way, Y. W. Reece. Whereas, by the foregoing petition we deem it a sufficient cause for the changing of said election; we therefore order that the next annual August election be held at a house on Jesse Smith's land near Isaac Ray’s about one mile west of Winchester in said township. Read, signed in open court and the board adjourned until court in course, Puirip BARGER, ABRAHAM ADAMSON.” June 11, 1850, it was “Ordered by the board that Paul W. Way be and he is hereby appointed to sell to the lowest bidder the fencing of the public square in the town of Winchester with a good and sufficient plank fence composed of post and plank, the post to be of good white oak timber to take bond and security of the undertaker for the faithful performance of his contract, said public square to be so enclosed as ten feet on the east side and ten feet on the north side next the streets unenclosed on the west side enclosed so as to take the market house into the enclosure and on the south side on the same line that the present fence now stands, and also that said Paul W. Way have the necessary removed and permanently set on some site as best suits his own judgment concerning the same and make report of his proceedings in the premises to the next term of this board.” In 1850, Martin A. Reeder was “appointed to take charge of the court house in Randolph county for the term of one year and keep the same locked up except on public occasions and the Union Sabbath school will be permitted to hold Sabbath school in the same.” At the same meeting it was “ordered by the board that the Sons of Temperance be permitted to occupy their rooms upstairs at the court house for one year at the former rate of rent provided that said Sons shall collect all their dirt and floors cleaning out of the court house.” In 1851, Haller Skagg was allowed $14.10 part pay for fencing the public square. John H. Leake was allowed $14.10 for the same. Ludy & Aker were allowed $6.35 for nails and spikes for fencing public square. Paul W. Way was allowed $5.50 “for his services superintending building new fence and selling old fence all round public square, etc.” Solomon Yunker was allowed fifty cents, “pay for mending saddle bags for county treasurer.” It must be remembered at that time the county treasurer col- lected the taxes by calling on the various tax payers over the county. 388 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Thomas M. Brown rented the grand jury room in 1851, “for the term of twelve months (except when the grand jury shall be in session) for the sum of one dollar per month to be paid into the county treasury quarterly.” In 1853, the board of equalization was made up of township assessors. The Sons of Temperance had to give up their room in 1853 and the’ county recorder “took that room as his office for the purpose of recording deeds, etc., and other instruments required to be recorded in the said record- er’s office in the county of Randolph.” The deed and marriage record was not indexed by general index until 1852. This work was done by Willis C. Wilmore for which he received $203.18. In 1853, Joseph Anthony, circuit judge, reports having examined the records of the clerk’s office and finds “on such examination the records to be kept in a fair and legible hand and the papers mostly neatly filed and in good state for convenience and preservation.” December 4, 1853, Wm. A. Peele appeared before the board of com- missioners and moved: ‘‘The court to order what kind of animals should be allowed to run at large upon the unenclosed land or public country of any township, which motion is continued for further evidence to the term of this board.” It would be interesting to know what Mr. Peele’s motion was but no record is made of it ever having been heard of again. In December, 1853, Wm. Burris was allowed: ‘Sum of $118.12, pay for 78744 words in making up the general index of deeds and marriages of Randolph county.” The first iron safe bought for the county was purchased for the clerk’s office in 1858; $100.00 was paid for it. In 1858, Elias Kizer was to furnish twenty-five cords of wood for the county at $1.40 per cord, “to be corded up on the west part of the public square between the court house and the market house.” A small fire occurred in the court house in 1855. Candles were purchased for the court room as late as 1865. December 6, 1818, the first appointment of assessor was made as fol- lows: “George Bowls appointed lister for the county of Randolph for the year 1819 who gave bond according to law and took and subscribed the fol- lowing affirmation: I George Bowls do solemnly affirm that I will as ° lister for the county of Randolph to the best of my knowledge and judg- ment diligently and indiscreetly honestly and faithfully execute and dis- charge the duties of lister according to law. George Bowls.’ Mr. Bowls RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ; 389 made his report during the May term of 1819 and received the sum of $10.00 for his services. The first tax levy was made in 1819 and was as follows: “Ordered that the taxes for the vear 1819 on each and every horse beast, 25 cents.” A second tax levy was made in May, 1820, as follows: “Ordered that the fol- lowing rates of taxation be paid for county purposes for the year on each horse creature over three years, etc., 371 cents; on each house of entertain- ment, $10.00.” The tax levy of 1826 was as follows: “Ordered that the tax on tavern license be See 5.00 The tax on merchandise __--.__--___--___--____-_-_ eee ts 10.00 HOT CTI Sac at cet ta tI Re ore ee ce a ea 2.00 OMe TOL SC Ss Cb Casas pe eel 37% MOM ORC secs eta ah cas a AN nn een ea 1834 On town lots two per cent. on the value On land half the amount of State tax On pleasure carriages of two wheels____---------------------- 1.00 On pleasure carriages of four wheels___-___-_--_.----_-__..-__- 1.50 On silver or pinchback watches ----------------_-------------- 25 On gold watches 222.2c2 ssn esa eee See ea Sak 1.00 On ‘brass clocks’ so cs-asceescoccoccee Sears oo Seuss Sasso 2s 1.00 On stud horses, one, the price of covering by the season.” Grocers’ license was raised to $10.00 in 1832. The rate in 1835 was fixed in the January term of that year when it was “ordered that the rate of taxation for the year 1835 be as follows, to wit: ‘On grocery license by the vear at the rate of -------_______-____- $15.00 On license to vend wooden clocks at the rate of ___-.---_---__-- 10.00 On tavern: license ‘hy the yeahoi io oe ore ee eee s 10.00 On; horses. each’ ses sec es ee ee eS ee 3714 Ore Ox en, €ach: ase Sele eee ee es) 1834 On town lots two per cent. of the valuation On gold, silver and composition watches, each_._.-_-_.-._______.- 3714 On pleasure eatriages of four Wheels. een ee ee 1.00 On pleasure carriages of two wheels 22.cceceee els scl nese .50 On first rate land, one cent per acre. On second rate land, 34 of a cent per acre. On third rate land, 1% cent per acre. On polls, 25 cents each. On watches -------------------------------------------- are 390 . RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The writer of this article, in looking through some rubbish in the attic of the court house in 1912, found the original tax duplicate of that year. It consists of a book of fifty-six pages, eleven and one-half by fourteen inches, bound in hog skin, sewed by hand, and made by C. Conway, clerk at that time. It contains the items of descriptions of land, number of acres, value of land and taxable buildings, names of towns, in lots and out lots and value of same, cattle over two years old, hogs over one year old, merchants’ capi- tal, value of corporation stock, value of law libraries, value of medical libraries, money at interest and aggregate value of all other taxable property not specified the number of polls, total amount of taxables and remarks. In that year there were 1,248 people assessed in the county. The poll tax was 37% cents; value of land and taxable buildings, $232,184.00; value of lots and improvements, $6,931.25; value of horses and mules, $48,291.50; value of cattle over two years old, $10,363.50; value of hogs over one year old, $7,097.25; there were nine merchants, and their capital totaled $7,624.00; value of corporation stock, $682.00; value of law libraries, $150.00; value of medical libraries, $97.00; money at interest, $4,063.50; aggregate value of all the other taxable property not specified, $20,105.50. November, 1828, “William Mann is acquitted of 75 cents tax ona horse improperly assessed for the year 1828.’ September, 1827, Albert Banta was acquitted of 13 cents tax on a town lot improperly assessed for the year 1827. In the same year John Coats was acquitted of 16 cents. In 1830 it was “Ordered that county treasurer pay Isaac Overman 75 - cents, the tax improperly assessed and collect on two work oxen for the year 1829.”’ June, 1830, David Frazer was paid “twenty-five cents for one quire furnished at election prior to date and fifty cents for making return of the election in the year 1829.” In 1826 Joseph Pierson was paid $7.80 for assessing Greensfork town- ship. Robert Way was paid $11.20 for assessing White River township. Wm. Hunt paid $7.00 for assessing West River township. Riley Marshall $4.50 for assessing Ward township. These were all the townships in what is now Randolph county, but that same year David Vestal was paid $5.00 for assessing Liberty township, being part of Delaware county. May, 1827, James Clayton was given an order for $30.00 as assessor for the year 1827. In November, 1827, Mr. Clayton appeared before the board and the following entry was made: “This day James Clayton came before the board in open session and made affirmation that a county order granted to RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 391 him for assessing the county for the year 1827 is lost or so mislaid that he can not get the same therefore ordered that an order issue in the place of the one so lost or mislaid.” The Treasurer reports in May, 1826, a balance of $9.1934. A balance in January, 1829, of $7.04. In March, 1830, the treasurer reports $9.41. In May, 1832, he’had $1.91. As late as May, 1840, the treasury was so depleted that it was “ordered that Goodrich Brothers & Company be allowed $6.00 for a record book for surveyors office out of the first money that comes into the county treasury.” In August of the same year George M. Monks was to receive ‘$13.00 out of the first money that comes into the treasury for money by him expended for paper and books.”” When the treasury would get into this condition they would have a lot sale. One hundred fifty-eight acres of land, donated to the county by the gentleman referred to in the first part of this chapter, was divided into town lots, the sales of which were to replenish the treasury of the county, all remaining lots in Winchester were also ordered sold in 1827. Paul W. Way had this in charge and Way received pay for selling these in 1828. William Connor was the first to be granted license to vend merchandise. He paid $20.00 for a license for twelve months from November, 1818, to November, 1819. To keep a tavern one had to have a license which must be obtained by twelve disinterested freeholders petitioning the county commissioners to grant license to some specified person. The conditions of these petitions is shown by the following entry, made in March term of 1840: “Herman L. Searls now comes and files a certificate of good moral character signed by at least twenty-four freeholders of Ward township, in the county of Ran- dolph, Indiana, and also a petition praying the board of commissioners to grant him a license to keep a tavern in the town of Deerfield, in said county, for one year from this date. And the board of commissioners being satisfied that it is the bona fide intention of the said petitioner to keep a tavern for the accommodation of the public and that he is furnished with the spare rooms and bedding in his mansion house and stabling and good stalls .for at least four horses and all things required by law for a tavern keeper and having filed a bond and security as required by law, and having produced the county treasurer’s receipt for the sum of twenty-five dollars the tax legally assessed by, the board of commissioners on tavern license. It is therefore ofdered by the board of commissioners now here that the said Herman L. Searls have license to keep a tavern in the said town of Deerfield 392 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. for one year from this date.” Petition of Herman L. Searls. The rates were fixed by the county commissioners. The first rate was fixed in November, 1819, for Mr. McCool, who had the first tavern in Winchester : “Dieting: per teal) siewssesesco. Soleo ee $0.25 Whiskey ‘per 12 ptrisst gees ok eee 12% Iii per 14> ft. - eee a et 37% Brand per % do_-_-------~ eat ea 25 Gin per 4 (doss- 825 elt ee ee es at 2 Kretock Biandy pf dO: once eee eens 3714 Beer or Cidér per iquarticess one ees See 124” In 1828 the rates were changed as follows: “Ordered that the following be tavern rates for the year 1828, to wit: POP Gilet 2. cose ues aie Saemooes $0.1834 Whiskey by the half pint ------------------_---- 06% ‘Reach ‘(Bratidy.=2-= 2225 550 eee eee once ee ees 12Y% Rum and French Brandy_----------.------------ .18%4 Forage by the feed of one gallon___.___-____-------- 0614 Horse feed and grain all night-____-_-------------_ 25 MG Sinn Be 5 ees aa ee EN a 0614 Tavern. lucetise by the years css. 2e5 eS 3.00” In 1833, license for peddling wooden clocks was fixed at $10.00 per year. In 1847, non-resident peddlers were charged $10.00 per year. In 1844, Pomeroy & Fleming were granted a license to vend merchandise and wooden, brass and composition clocks in Randolph county for nine months. In 1833 John Beard paid $2.50 for a permit to sell goods in Ward township for three months. Robert Taylor was granted a license to keep a tavern in the town of Deerfield in 5839. Thomas & James Burk were granted a license to keep a grocery in the town of Winchester fcr one year, 1834. Edmund B. Goodrich was assessor of 1834 and received $52.50 for his services. The first attorney for the county commissioners was appointed in 1840. Mr. Smith Elkins at that time was paid $26.00 for thirteen days’ services. ~ The frst woman to be placed in jail was Jemima Mann. Jemima was evidently an “old offender,” as in January, 1831, the county treasurer was “ordered to pay Wm. M. Way, jailer, the sum of $17.00 for confining Ishmael Bunch in jail and dieting same four days and confining Jemima Mann in jail RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 393 two different times and dieting the same thirty-eight days, furnishing the noblocke tor jail door and furnishing bed quilt for prisoners.” The Indian mound is referred to in 1832 as the old fort. March, 1840, Nathan Garrett was “allowed $60.00 for apprehending two horse thieves, viz: John W. Keener and Philip W. Hester.” May, 1834, “Jacob Chrisman received $1.50 for three days extra service as supervisor and $1.50 for six finger boards.” The first weights and measures procured for the county was in Novem- ber, 1819, when Charles Conway was “appointed to procure one measure of 1 foot English, one measure of three feet English measure and half bushel, one gallon measure and set of weights of lead avoirdupois weight and the an initials letters of the county for the use of the county of Randolph.” In May 1840 Paul W. Way county agent, was ordered to procure a half bushel measure one foot one yard measure also scales and weights as provided for by law for clerks office. An agricultural society meeting was held in 1840. Formerly fines and forfeitures must be recorded with the county com- missioners. The principal offense at*that time seems to have been betting. The report of January, 1841, is as follows: “List of fines assessed in the Randolph circuit court since the first Mon- day in January A. D. 1840; at April term, 1840: State vs. Isom Boswell, 7 cases, retailing fine $2.00---_---------_-- $14.00 State vs. Joseph Maddox, I case disturbing religious society, fine_____ 1.00 State vs. Joseph Maddox, 1 case affray, fine-__-__-------------__- .50 State vs. Jesse Myers, 1 case vending merchandise without a license, OG? eee Seo a aoe Soe ee See se 1.00 State vs. Peter Sapp, 1 case assault and battery, fine. ...--_-.--_-.. 2.00 State vs. George Whiting and State vs. James Alexander, 1 case A. B., tied each I Cent sa2s3 02s ebo sees hoe eee epee ese 02 State vs. Enoch Light, 3 cases betting, fined $2 each case___________ 6.00 State vs. Nathan Garret, 1 case betting, fine__________-.._________ 1.00 State vs. Elijah Arnold, 1 case violation estray law, fine-___._______ 15.00 State vs. William Miller, 1 case public indecency, fine______.-_____ 5.00 State vs. Hiram Gillum, 1 case betting, fine_____._.________.______ 2.00 State vs. James Kelly, 2 cases betting, fine $2 each case__._________ 4.00 State vs. Solomon Knight, 1 case betting, fine-----__.__» 2.00 State vs, Jacod Kelly, T-case betting, Nf: senses 2.00 394 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. State vs. Benjamin Hill, 1 case betting, fine___..__---------------- 2.00 State vs. Andrew Lykins, 1 case betting, fine-__.___-__---------_-- 2.00 State vs. William Woolf, 1 case betting, fine---_-._--------------- 2.00 State vs. John Miller, 1 case betting, fine-_---------------------- 2.00 State ws, Samutl Lasley, 1 case betting, fine. 20 3 2.00 State vs. George Noostadt, 1 case betting, fine-______-_------------ 2.00 State vs. Morris Johnson, 1 case betting, ,fine-_______-__-_-------- 2.00 State vs. Walter S. Monks, 1 case betting, fine--__-_--------------- 2,00 State vs. Walter S. Monks, 1 case betting, fine-_-__---_------------- 2.00 State vs. Enoch Light and State vs. Morris Johnson, look over__--_- 77.52 State vs. David Wyson, State vs. Benjamin Hill and State vs. Madison Wheeler, 1 case each betting, fine $2 each_--_--_--------------- 6.00 State vs. Peter Wilson and State vs. Henry Taylor, 1 case obstruct- ing legal process, each. fired $10 OO. c ess Ka ceneeeeasens 20.00 State vs. Jacob Johnson, I case betting, fine-____-_-__--_------------- 2.00 State vs. Jacob Johnson, 1 case betting, fine-_____-_--------------- 2.00 State vs. Jacob Johnson, 1 case Thomas Rhoda betting, fined_--_-_--_ 2.00 State vs. John Kelly, 1 case betting, fined____________--__-------- 2.00 State vs. Samuel McGuire, 1 case betting, fined-___-_------------- 2.00 State vs. Thomas McGuire, 1 case betting, fned_-_--------------__ 2.00 State vs. Philip W. Hester, 1 case grand larceny, fined-_____-_---_-- 5-00: State vs. John W. Keener, 1 case grand larceny, fined__-_---------- 5.00 State vs. Thomas Jellison, 1 case A. B., fined-__-_-_--_-__-______- 1.00 State vs. Elijah Arnold, 1 case larceny, fine--_-_-_-_--_--_-------- 10.00: At October Term, 1840. State vs. Jacob Eltzroth, 2 cases official negligence, fined each $5-_-- 10.00 State vs. Isaac Fowler, 1 case affray, fined--___---_--_____-----_-- 2.00 State vs. James H. Hunt, 2 cases betting, fined $1 each_-__._______ 2.00 State vs. Azariah Warren, I case fine betting-.__.____________-___-- 2.00 State vs. Nathan Garrett, 1 case A. B., fined____-____-____________ 2.00 State vs. George Bailey, 1 case vending mdz., fine-_________-------- 2.00 State vs. Thomas E. Smithson and State vs. Michael Chrisman, and State vs. Allen Driskill, 1 case riot, each fined $8.50_----------- 25.50 State vs. Robert McKay, 2 cases betting, each case fined $1_.____-_ 2.00 State vs. Henry Martin, 1 case A. B. on peace maker, fine______-_-- 7.00 State vs. Isaac Hoghland, 1 case affray ----------_--------_----- .50 State vs. Wesley Dalby, 1 case A. and B., fine__-_-_-_-___--_-_-_- OT Bro Over 225s bee cn eee os eee eee $77.52 Grorce W. Monks, Clerk.” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 395 July, 1829, John Odle makes the following report: “State of Indiana, Randolph County : Be it remembered that John Stephenson did on the 13th day of June, 1829, come before me, John Odle, a Justice of the Peace for Randolph county, in the town of Winchester, who did then and there swear one fineable oath, swearing by God in a violent and angry manner for which | assessed one dollar as a fine. June 20th, John Stephenson paid me one dollar for his fine. JoHN ODLE, (Seal.) Justice of the Peace.” Mr. Odle of the September term fines the full limit of the law which at that time was as follows: (H. I.) Isaac Barnes makes the following peculiar report, July, 1830: “State of Indiana vs. Nancy Hoglin: On a charge for committing as assault and battery on the body of Marget Cox of Randolph county, West River township, at the house of said Hoglin on the 14th day of December, 1829. One dollar fine assessed against said Nancy Hoglin of the above county and township on the 6th day of February, 1830, fine, $1.00. “T do certify the above statement to be true according to the proceedings on trial on the said 6th day of February, 1830. Given under my hand and seal on this 13th day of February, 1830. Isaac Barnes, J. P.” In September of 1830, William Hunt, justice of the peace, fined Harper Hunt $1.00 ‘fon a charge of stripping and offering to fight.” Joel Ward made his report on March, 1832, as follows: “January the 3rd, 1832, the defendant paid in the above fine and cost of suit. Paid over the above fine to Michael Aker, seminary trustee. I certify ‘the above to be a true copy from my docket this 3rd day of March, 1832. JoeL Warp, (Seal. ) Justice of the Peace.’’ \ It frequently happened that feuds would be carried on between men or families and difficulties were certain to arise whenever they met and this meant business for the squires. .This was true of Edward McClue and Ezekiel Roe. November, 1832, they were fined one dollar and July, 1833, were fined one dollar. November, 1833, they were again fined one dollar and March of 1834, a fine of four dollars and in May, 1834, ten dollars. 396 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. In 1850, Robert P. Budd fined Mary Life “for committing assault and battery on the body of Catharine Woods in the sum of $1.00 and costs,” but he offers the suggestion that “this is doubtful whether it will be collected.” The seal of the circuit court was adopted as the seal of the board of commissioners in November, 1819. In May, 1830, a peculiar order for an election was made: “Ordered that an election be held in Stoney Creek township for a justice of the peace on the last Saturday in this month if they should get their corn planted.” George W. Smithson was appointed inspector of the election. January, 1831, David Heaston was allowed $20.00 for keeping two estray horses for twelve mortths. "A partition was built in the jail in 1830. John Way received the sum of $1.87%4 for mending the jail and making hinges for the partition door. Horse thieves have always been the center of public attention. In 1817, the offense of stealing a horse was punishable by death. As late as 1861 George Stevenson and others filed articles in association of the Blcomingsport Vigilance Society, which was inspected and approved by the board. The purpose of this society was to detect “horse thieves and other criminals.’ The “other criminals” are said to have been Knights of the Golden Circle. State roads were provided for January 15, 1844. Under that act the Huntsville, Maxville and Fairview road was made a state road. The Mont-see-town and Camden road and the Deerfield and Steubenville roads were also state roads. William Hunt’s lane was located by the commissioners in 1844. Mail route was established from Greenville to Centerville in 1845. Bridge was built over White river on the old State road in 1846. Hands were allowed fifty cents per day, team and driver one dollar per day. The Board of Equalization made its first report in 1841. The first fire engine was purchased for the “town of Winchester” with the public buildings therein in 1841. - December 5, 1845, it was “ordered by the Board of Commissioners that the premium allowed for wolf scalps for the year 1845 be and the same is $1.50 for each seperate scalp.” Jacob Linkle is allowed $1.50 for a wolf’s scalp on that same day. In 1847, W. F. Way paid twenty-five cents for fourteen dozen quills for the county. The first license granted a woman to sell anything was granted in 1847 to Mrs. E. McCullough. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 397 Originally the county commissioners appointed the jurors. The first set of grand jurors was appointed during the first meeting, August, 1818. “The following men are appointed grand jurors to the October term of the circuit court: William Diggs, John Wright, John Way, Jonathan Edwards, John Ballenger, William Wright, Jeremiah Meek, Gideon Frazer, William Haworth, Curtis Clenney, Isaac Wright, Jesse Johnson, William Canada, Travis Adcock, James Massey, William Way, Sr., Jesse Roberts, Armsbee Diggs.” The following men were appointed petit jurors to the October term of the circuit court: ‘‘Meshach Lewallyn, Paul W. Way, James Jacobs, William Way, Sr., Abraham Wright, Solomon Wright, Jesse Green, James Wright, David Stout, Joshua Cox, Samuel Lea, Jonathan Heath.” In November, 1819: “The following men are appointed grand jurors to March term of the circuit court, 1819: John Way, James Massey, Wil- liam Way, Jr., Tence Massey, John Ballenger, Jonathan Heath, William Diggs, David Stout, Samuel Lee, William Haworth, John Wright, Jesse Green, John Wright, Joshua Cox, William Wright, Armsbee Diggs, Isaac Wright, James Wright. The following men are appointed 1818, petit jurors to March term of the Circuit court, 1819: Meshach Lewallyn, William Haworth, Jesse Roberts, Jonathan Edwards, Solomon Wright, Daniel Petty, William Canaday, John Elzroth, James Wright, Isaiah Cox and Henry Wise.” Bill boards were removed around the public square in 1873. Commissioners were very obliging in 1872 when they allowed George Irvin the privilege of setting his fence out seven feet in the Huntsville and Winchester road with the purpose of planting a hedge along said road. Mr. Irvin agreed to move the fence in case they wanted to greater improve the road but agreed to move it only long enough for such grading or improve- ment to be done.” CHAPTER VII. OFFICERS. ® One ot the first provisions after the state was organized, was to provide for the transacting of the county business by a Board of County Commission- ers, to be elected by the people. The method of procedure in the organization of a county has been explained in the chapter on “county organization.” Un- der this act the first commissioners of the county were: 1818, August, Eli Overman, Benjamin Cox, John James. 1820, August, John Wright, Zachariah Puckett, John James. We have no records of the county commissioners from 1820 to 1825. On the 31st of January, 1824, there were two acts approved by the Legis- lature, relative to county business. One was that, ‘‘each county in the state, a board of commissioners for transacting county business, to consist of three qualified electors, any two of whom shall be competent to do business, to be elected by the qualified electors of the several counties respectively, one of whom shall be elected annually, to continue in office three years, and until their sticcessors are chosen and qualified. Sec. 2. At the first election, in pur- stance of this act, there shall be elected three commissioners ; the person having the highest number of votes. shall serve three years; the person having the next highest number of votes, shall serve two years; and the person having the next highest number of votes, shall serve one year ; but if two or more shall be equal in number, their grade shall be determined by lot, and at all subsequent elec- tions, where there shall be more than one vacancy, the term of service of the person elected, shall be determined by the same rule.” This indeed, is a very strange procedure of the Legislature, because ‘“This act shall take effect and be in force until the first day of September next, and no longer.” On the same day another act was approved as follows: “Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That there shall be a county board of justices established, in each and every county in this state, for the purpose of transacting county business: to be com- posed of the justices of the peace of the respective counties, who shall meet together and organize themselves, agreeably to the provisions of this act: and after being organized as aforesaid, shall be known and considered in fact, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 399 Jaw, and equity, a body politic and corporate, by and under the name and style of “The board of justices of the county of *; and as such, and by and under such name and style, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, answer and be answered unto, in any court of justice whatever; and to do and transact all manner of business on behalf of their respective counties, that may be assigned them from time to time by law; and in all cases where the county may, or shall have been injured in its goods, chattels, lands, tenements, rights, credits, and effects, or contracts, such board of justices, shall by and under their corporate name and style (without setting out any of their individual names), bring such suit or suits, action or actions, either in law or in equity, as they may deem best calculated to obtain redress for any such injury, in the same way and manner, that a private individual might, could or would do; and in all cases where any person or persons, now have, or hereafter may have any claim, of any name or nature, against any county, suit may be brought thereupon in any court of law or equity, against such board of justices, in their corporate capacity aforesaid, and jusernent and execution had thereon, as in other cases. Ses. 2. It shall be the duty of each and every justice of the peace, to meet at the places of holding courts in their respective counties, on the first Monday of September next, and then and there proceed to organize them- selves into a county board of justices, by electing some one of their body as president of such court, and causing their names to be entered in the record book of the county, as members of such board: Provided however, that in all cases where the circuit court shall be in session in any county in this state, on the first Monday of September next, it shall be the duty of the justices of the peace in such county, to meet on the Monday succeeding the term of said court, and perform the duties required by the foregoing provisions of this section. Sec. 3. That the justice so elected as president, shall serve as such, for and during the term of one year, and until another shall be elected. It shall be his duty to sign all their proceedings, and pronounce the decisions of the court. Sec. 5. The clerks of the circuit courts shall by virtue of their office attend the meetings of the county board of justices, and keep a record of their proceedings, and do such other business, as shall be required by law: and the sheriff of the county, shall also by himself or deputy, attend said board and execute their orders. Sec. 6. And it shall be the duty of said county board, at their Novem- 400 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ber session in each year, to make out a fair and accurate statement of the receipts and expenditures of the county for that year, and have the same set up at the court house door, or published in some newspaper printed in the county. Sec. 7. The county board of justices, shall, at their January session in each year, appoint a suitable number of listers, constables, overseers of the poor, inspectors of elections, superintendents of school sections, fence viewers, a county treasurer, and a pound keeper; ‘and it shall be their duty at other meetings, to fill all vacancies that may happen in any of their appointments. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the county board of justices, at their May session in each year, to receive and inspect the listers books, and levy a county tax according to law, and cause their clerks to make out a duplicate for collection accordingly: Provided, however, That it shall require five mem- bers of said board to constitute a quorum to do business, at their May and November sessions; and in all cases when a quorum shall not attend, such as do attend, shall adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members. Sec. 9. Required them to be punctual. Sec. 10. Authorized them “‘to sit three days at each session, if the busi- ness before them require it. Sec. 11. Transferred the authority from the board of county commis- ‘sioners to the county board of justices, “after the said first Monday of Septem- ber next. Sec. 12. Required the consent of three members to appropriate money. Sec. 13. That justices of the peace shall, from and after the first Mon- day of September next, be exempt from militia duty. and serving on juries, and from working on roads and public highways, for a capitation tax, and shall receive no other pay for any of the duties enjoined upon them by this act. Sec. 16. Transferred all powers and privileges and duties required of the board of county commissioners, to the county board .of justices. “Sec. 17. This act to take effect and be in force from and after the first Monday in September next.” ‘ Under the provisions of this act, we have the following : BOARD OF JUSTICES. 1825, John Coats, president, Noah Johnson, Isaac Barnes. Joseph Hale, John Odle, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 401 1826, January, John Coats, president, David Vestal, John Odle, Samuel Woodworth, Isaac Barnes, Joseph Hale, William Hunt. ; 1826, March, John Coats, president, John Odle, Samuel D. Woodworth. 1826, May, John Coats, president, Samuel D. Woodworth, Isaac Barnes, David Vestal, William Hunt, Joseph Hale, David Frazier, William Massey. 1826, July, John Coats, president, William Massey, John Odle, Isaac Barnes, Samuel D. Woodworth, William N. Rowe, George Reitenour. 1826, July 29, Special Sessions. John Coats, president, David Frazier, Joseph Hale. 1826, September, John Coats, president, William Massey, Isaac Barnes, David Frazier, John Odle, David Vestal, George Reitenour. 1826, November, Samuel D. Woodworth, president, John Coats, \illiam Hunt, David Frazier, George Reitenour. 1827, January, Samuel D. Woodworth, president, Isaac Barnes, George Reitenour, John Coats, Joseph Hale. 1827, May, Samuel D. Woodworth, president, John Nelson, George T. Wilson, David Vestal, Joseph Hale, William Hunt, William Massey, David Frazier, Isaac Barnes, George Reitenour. 1828, July, John Odle, president, David Frazier, George Reitenour, George T. Wilson, Daniel B. Millar. 1828, November, John Odle, president, William Hunt, David Vestal, Joseph Hale, Daniel B. Miller, Curtis Voris. 1829, September, John Odle, president, Joseph Hale, Curtis Voris, David Semans. 1829, November, John Odle, president, Joseph Hale, Curtis Voris, Jesse Wright, John Jones, Daniel B. Miller. 1830, May, William Hunt, president, Curtis Voris, David Semans, Horace S. Rawson, Joseph Hale. 1830, September, Horace S. Rawson, president, Alvin C. Graves,. Joel Ward, Benjamin Wheeler. 1830, November, William Hunt, president, Alvin C. Graves, James Smith. 1831, January, Alvin C. Graves, president, Wm. Hunt, Horace Lawson, James Smith, Joel Ward, Benjamin Wheeler, Oliver Walker, James C. Bowen. 1831, July, Alvin C. Graves, president, Joel Ward, David Vestal, George W. Smithson, James C. Bowen. Agreeably to an act of the Legislature of 1830, the board of justices in the May term, 1831, divided the county into three districts as follows: (26) 402 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “All that part lying east of the section line dividing sections 15 & 16 in the 14th range to be the first district and all that part lying west of the said line dividing sections 15 & 16 to the line dividing sections 15 & 16 in range 13 to be the second district and all that part west of said section line dividing sections 15 & 16 in the thirteenth range to be the third district.” The election was held, the results of which are indicated in the intro- ductory paragraph of the September term, 1831. “At a Randolph board of commissioners began and held at the court house in and for the county of Randolph on Monday the sth day of Septem- ber, 1831, present William Macy who produced a certificate of having been duly elected county commissioner for the county aforesaid for and during the term of three years and John James also appeared and produced a cer- tificate of having been duly elected county commissioner for the county afore- said for and during the term of two years who were severally qualified into office and took their seats.” Later in the meeting, “Elias Kizer appeared and produced a certificate of having been duly elected county commissioner for said county for and during the term of one year from this date who was duly qualified and took his seat.” 1831. September—First district, John James, 2 years; second, Elias Kizer, 1 vear: third, William Macy. 3 years. 1832. September——First district, John James; second, Elias Kaizer; third, William Macy. 1833. September—First district, John Baxter; second, Elias Kizer;. third, William Macy. 1834. September—First district, John Baxter; second, Elias Kizer; third, Robinson McIntire. 1835. September—-First district, John Baxter; second, James Smith; third, Robinson McIntire. 1836. September—First district, John Coats; second, James Smith; third, Robinson MclIntire. 1837. September—First district, John Coats; second, Abraham Adam- son, 1 year; third, Geo. A. G. McNees. 1838. September—First district, John Coats; second, John L. Adding- ton; third, Geo. A. G. McNees. 1839. September—First District, William Kennedy; second, John L. Addington ; third, Geo. A. G. McNees. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 403 1840. August—First district, William Kennedy; second, John L. Add- ington; third, Samuel Pike. 1841. August—First district, William Kennedy; second Elias Kizer ; third, Samuel Pike. . 1842. August—First district, John Baxter; second, Elias Kizer; third, Samuel Pike. 1843. August—First district, John Baxter; second, Elias Kizer; third, Henry Leaky. 1844. August—First district, John Baxter; second, Abraham Adamson; third, Henry Leaky. 1845. August—First district, Nathaniel Kemp; second, Abraham Adamson; third, Henry Leaky. ‘ 1846. August—First district, Nathaniel Kemp; second, Abraham Adamson; third, Philip Barger. 1847. August—First district, Nathaniel Kemp; second, Abraham Adamson; third, Philip Barger. 1848. August—First district, John M. Lucas; second, Abraham Adam- son; third, Philip Barger. 1849. August—-First district, John M. Lucas; second, Abraham Adam- son; third. Emson Wright. 1850. August—First district, John M. Lucas; second, George W. Vanderburg; third, Emson Wright. 1851. August—First district, John M. Lucas; second, George W. Vanderburg ; third, Emson Wright. 1852. March—First district, John M. Lucas; second, George Vanderburg; third, Andrew DeVoss. 1852. December—-First district, John M. Lucas; second, George Vanderburg: third. Andrew DeVoss. 1853. September—First district, John M. Lucas; second, George Vanderburg; third, Andrew DeVoss. 1854. September—First district, Nathaniel Kemp; second, George Vanderburg; third, Andrew DeVoss. 1855. September—I*irst district, Nathaniel Kemp: second, George \V Vanderburg: third. Thomas Aker. 1856. November—First district, Nathaniel Kemp: second, Endsley Jones; third, Thomas Aker. 1857. November—First district, Elihu Cammack; second, Endsley Jones: third, Thomas W. Reece. = = = & 404 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The population of the county at this time having increased more rapidly in somie parts than others, lead the commissioners to redistrict the county by the following order: “Now at this time the Board of County Comrs. considering that the former districting of the county in County Comrs. districts as said districts are nof inhabited, having become unequaled in population. It is now therefore ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the territory included in the following boundary compose the first commissioners in said county towit the territory included in the townships of Jackson, Wayne and Greens Fork County Commissioners District No. two to be composed of the territory lying west of No. one and east of a line commencing on the south line of the county line between sections fifteen and sixteen township eighteen north of range thirteen east, running thence north through the county to the N. W. cor. of sec. four township twenty-one north of range thirteen east, and county Comrs. District No. three to be composed of the territory Lying west of No. two and east of the county line.” 1858. November—First district, Elinu Cammack; second, Endsley Jones; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1859. December—First district, Elihu Cammack; second, Arthur Mc- Kew; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1860. December—First district, Clements F. Alexander; second, Arthur McKew; third, Hicks kK. Wright. 1861. November—First district, Clements F. Alexander ; second, Arthur McKew; third, A. DeVoss 1862. November—First district, Clements F. Alexander; second, Arthur McKew; third, A. DeVoss. 1863. November—First district, Clements F. Alexander ; second, Arthur McKew: third, A. DeVoss. . 1864. November—First district, Clements F. Alexander ; second, Arthur McKew; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1865. November—First district, Clements F. Alexander; second Nathan Reed; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1866. November——First district, Elihu Cammack: second, Nathan Reed; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1867. November—First district, Elihu Cammack; second Nathan Reed; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1868. November—First district, Elihu Cammack; second, Thomas Clevenger: third, Hicks K. Wright. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 405 1869. November—-First district, Elihu Cammack; second, Thomas Clevenger; third, Hicks K. Wright. 1870. November—First district, Elihu Cammack; second, Thomas Clevenger: third, Hicks K. Wright. In 1871, the districts became known as the Eastern, Middle and Western. At least in the December term of that year, Thomas Clevenger filed his cer- tificate of election as commissioner from the Middle district. These districts remained with these boundaries until recently when the east line was changed to the line running north from the Wayne county line, between sections 13 and 14 east. 1871. Eastern district, Elihu Cammack; Middle, Thomas Clevenger ; Western, Hicks K. Wright. 1872. Eastern district, Elinu Cammack; Middle, Thomas Clevenger; Western, Hicks K. Wright 1873. Eastern district, Francis G. Morgan; Middle, Thomas Clevenger ; Western, Philip Barger. 1874. Eastern district, Francis G. Morgan; Middle, Thomas Clevenger ; Western, Philip Barger. ; 1875. Eastern district, Francis G. Morgan; Middle, Thomas Clevenger ; \Vestern, Philip Barger. 1876. Eastern district, Wilson Anderson; Middle, Thomas Clevenger ; Western, Elias Halliday. 1877. Eastern district, Wilson Anderson; Middle, William Botkin; Western, Elias Halliday. 1878. Eastern district, Wilson Anderson; Middle, William Botkin; Western, Elias Halliday. 1879. Eastern district, Wilson Anderson; Middle, William Botkin; Western, Elias Halliday. 1880. Eastern district, Wilson Anderson; Middle, William R. Cogge- shall; Western, Flias Halliday. 1881. Eastern district, Wilson Anderson; Middle, William R. Cogge- shall: \Western, Elias Halliday. 1882. Eastern district, Benj. F. Gettinger; Middle, William R. Cogge- shall: Western, Philip K. Dick. 1883. Eastern district, Benj. F. Gettinger; Middle, William R. Cogge- shall; Western, Philip K. Dick. : 1884. Eastern district, Benj. F. Gettinger; Middle, William R. Cogge- shall: Western, Philip K. Dick. 406 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1885. Eastern district, Adam R. Hiatt; Middle, William R. Cogge- shall; Western, Luther L. Moorman. 1886. Eastern district, Adam R. Hiatt; Middle, John R. Phillips; West- ern, Luther L. Moorman. 1887. Eastern district, Adam R. Hiatt; Middle, John R. Phillips; West- ern, Luther L. Moorman. 1888. Eastern district, Adam R. Hiatt; Middle, John R. Phillips: West- ern, William C. Diggs. . 1889. Eastern district, Adam R. Hiatt; Middle, Wesley S. Iliff; West- ern, William C. Diggs. 1890. Eastern district, John F. Chenoweth; Middle, Wesley S. Iliff; Western, William C. Diggs. 1891. Eastern district, John F. Chenoweth; Middle, Wesley S. Iliff; Western, William C. Diggs. 1892. Eastern district, John F. Chenoweth; Middle, Joel Mills; West- ern, William C. Diggs. 1893. Eastern district, William Horn; Middle, Joel Mills; Western, William C. Diggs. 1894. Eastern district, William Horn; Middle, Joel Mills; Western, Adam Slonaker.~ 1895. Eastern district, William Horn; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, Adam Slonaker. 1896. Eastern district, William Horn; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, Adam Slonaker. 1897. Eastern district, William Horn; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, Adam Slonaker. 1898. Eastern district, William Horn; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, Adam Slonaker. 1899. Eastern district, Geo. W. Warner; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, *W. T. Botkin. 1900. Eastern district, Geo. W. Warner; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, John H. McGuire. tgot. Eastern district, Geo. W. Warner; Middle, Thos. H. Clark; West- ern, John H. McGuire. 1902. January—Eastern district, Geo. W. Warner; Middle, John Miller; Western, John H. McGuire. 1903. January—Eastern district, John H. Miller; Middle, John Miller; Western, John H. McGuire. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 407 1904. January—Eastern district, John H. Miller; Middle, John Miller; Western, John H. McGuire. 1905. January—Eastern district, John H. Miller; Middle, John Miller; Western, John H. McGuire. 1906. January—Eastern district, John B. Fortenbaugh; Middle, John Miller; Western, John H. McGuire. 1907. January—Eastern district, John B. Fortenbaugh; Middle, John Miller; Western, Luther L. Williams. 1908. January—FEastern district, John B. Fortenbaugh; Middle, W. M. Mills; Western, Luther L. Williams. 1909. January—Eastern district, Chas. E. Bowen; Middle, W. M. Mills; Western, Luther L. Williams. 1910. January—Eastern district, Chas. E. Bowen; Middle, W. M. Mills; Western, John E. Cheesman. tort. January—Eastern district, **Chris E. Chenoweth; Middle, W. M. Mills; Western, John E. Cheesman. 1912. January—Fastern district, Chris E. Chenoweth; Middle, W. M. Mills; Western, John E. Cheesman. 1913. January—Eastern district, Chris E. Chenoweth; Middle, W. M. Mills: Western, Winfield Smullen. 1914. January—Eastern district, Chris E. Chenoweth; Middle, Clarence Mullen: Western, Winfield Smullen. * Adam Slonaker died November 26, 1899, and W. T. Botkin was ap- pointed in his place. ** Charles E. Bowen died June 10, 1910, and Chris E. Chenoweth was appointed in his place. CONGRESSMEN. William Hendricks, 1817-1823, First District—one district in the State. John Test, 1823-1827. Oliver H. Smith, 1827-1829; John Test, 1829-1831; Jonathan McCarty, 1831-1833—Third District—three districts. Jonathan McCarty, 1833-1837; James H. Rariden, 1837-1841; Andrew Kennedy, 1841-1843—Fifth District—seven districts. Andrew Kennedy, 1843-1847; William Rockhill, 1847-1849; Andrew J. Harlan, 1849-1851; Samuel Brenton, 1851-1853—Tenth District—ten districts. 407a ‘ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Samuel Parker, 1853-1855; D. P. Holloway, 1855-1857—Fifth District. David Kilgore, 1857-1861—eleven districts. George W. Julian, 1861-1871; Jeremiah M. Wilson, 1871-1873—Fourth District. Jeremiah M. Wilson, 1873-1875; William S. Holman, 1875-1877; Thomas: M. Browne, 1877-1891—Fifth District. 1891-1897—Henry U. Johnson, Sixth District. 1897-1899—Charles L. Henry, Madison County, Eighth District. 1899-1907—George W. Comer, Eighth District. 1907-1914—J. A. M. Adair, Eighth District. SENATORS. } 1816-24—Patrick Baird, Wayne and Randolph. 1825—James Rariden, Wayne, Randolph, Allen; Centerville. 1826-28—Amaziah Morgan, Rush, Henry, Randolph, Allen. 1829-31—Daniel Worth, Randolph, Allen, Delaware, Cass; Huntsville. 1832-33—Samuel Hanna, as next above—Fort Wayne, St. Joseph, Elkhart. 1834-35—Andrew Aker, Randolph, Delaware, Grant; Winchester. 1836-39—Andrew Kennedy, Delaware, Randolph. 1840—-Michael Aker, Delaware, Randolph. 1841-42—Michael Aker, Randolph, Blackford, Jay; Winchester. 1843-45—Isaac F. Wood, Randolph, Blackford, Jay; Spartanburg. 1846-48—Dixon Milligan, Randolph, Blackford, Jay; Portland. 1849-50—Jacob Brugh, Randolph, Blackford, Jay. 185 1-52--——————_Longshore, Randolph, Jay; Deerfield. 1853-56—Theophilus Wilson, Randolph, Jay; New Corydon. 1857-60—Daniel Hill, Randolph; Jericho. 1860-62—Asahel Stone, Randolph; Winchester. 1862-64—Thomas M. Browne, Randolph; Winchester. 1864-68—Thomas Ward, Randolph; Winchester. 1868-72—Isaac P. Gray, Randolph; Union City. 1872-76—Andrew J. Neff, Randolph; Winchester. 1876-80—Nathan Cadwallader, Randolph; Union City. 1880-84—E. H. Bundy, Randolph, Henry. 1882-86—Marcus C. Smith, Randolph, Henry, Delaware; Muncie. 1884—John W. Macy (Randolph), Delaware, Henry and Randolph. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 407b 1888—Theodore Shockney (Randolph), Delaware and Randolph. 1892—Ozro N. Cranor (Delaware), Randolph and Delaware. 1896—Walter Ball (Delaware), Randolph and Delaware. 1900—T. Halleck Johnson (Jay), Randolph and Jay. 1go4—Seth D. Coats (Randolph), Randolph and Jay. 1908—Nathan T. Hawkins (Jay), Randolph and Jay. 1912—Bader S. Hunt (Randolph), Randolph and Jay. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The following list gives name, residence and counties represented : 1816—Joseph Holman, Ephraim Overman (Randolph), John Scott, “Wayne and Randolph. 1817—Holman, Scott, Robert Hill, Wayne and Randolph. 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821—Supposed to have been represented with Wayne county. 1822-24—John Wright (Randolph), Wayne and Randolph. 1825—Daniel Worth (Randolph), Randolph and Allen. 1826—Samuel Hanna (Allen), Randolph, Allen, and all the territory north of Madison and Hamilton counties to the Wabash not attached else- where. 1827-28—Daniel Worth (Randolph), as next above. 182g—Lemuel G. Jackson (Delaware), Randolph and Delaware. 1830—David Semans (Randolph), Randolph and Delaware. 1831—Andrew Aker (Randolph), Randolph alone. 1832-33—-Fli Edwards (Randolph), Randolph. 1834—Zachariah Puckett (Randolph), Randolph. 1835—Eli Edwards (Randolph), Randolph. 1836-37—-Zachariah Puckett (Randolph). Randolph. 1838-39—Miles Hunt (Randolph), Randolph. 1840—Smith Elkins (Randolph), Randolph. 1841-42—Robert W. Butler (Randolph), Randolph. 1843—Edward Edger, (Randolph), Randolph. 1844-45—Roylston Ford (Randolph), Randolph. 1846—James Griffis (Randolph), Randolph. 1848—H. H. Neff, Asahel Stone (Randolph), Randolph. 1848—Isaac F. Wood. ct 407C RANDOLPH ‘COUNTY, INDIANA. 1849—Elza Lank, Jr., James Brown. 1850—Elza Lank, Jr. ; 1851-52—John Wilson. s r 1853-54—Josiah Bundy. 1855-56—George W. Monks. 1857-60—Silas Colgrove. 1861-64—John A. Moorman. 1865-66—Thomas W. Reece. 1867-68—Enos L. Watson. 1869-70—J. T. Vardeman. 1870-72—-Asahel Stone. 1872-74—Nathan T. Butts. 1874-76—Martin A. Reeder. 1876-78—John A. Moorman. 1878-80—Enos L. Watson. 1880-82—William E. Murray. 1882-84—Theodore Shockney. 1884-86—J. S. Engle. 1886-88—Jonah L. Catey. 1888-g0—Wm. A. W. Daly. 1890-92—Wm. D. Stone. 1892-96—Andrew J. Stakebake. 1896-1900—Silas A. Canada. ‘ 1898-02—Joint Representative Blackfoot, Jay and Randolph, John A- Bonham, of Blackford. 1Igo0-04—Samuel R. Bell. _ 1904-06—Isaiah P. Watts. 1904-06—Joint Representative between Jay, Randolph and Blackford, Sidney W. Cantrell, (Blackford). 1906-12—Miles Furnas. 1912-14—Clarence F. Pierce. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1851. Randolph county, Beattie McClelland. Randolph and Jay (Senatorial), Dixon Milligan, Nathan R. Hawkins. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 407d AUDITORS. Charles Conway, 1818-39, did the business now belonging to the auditor’s office; A. K. Eaton, 1841-45; Nathan Garrett, 1845-59; Elisha Garrett, George O. Jobes, 1859-61 ; Thomas L. Scott, 1861-65; W. E. Murray, 1865-74; W. D. Kizer, 1874-78; George N. Edger, 1878-82; Benj. F. Boltz, 1882-86; Andrew J. Cranor, 1886-90; Albert Canfield, 1890-94; Wm. A. Wiley, 1894-98 ; Calvin S. Engle, 1898-1902; John H. Boltz, 1902-07; Mack Pogue, 1907-1911 ; Henry I Wood, t9It. CLERKS. Charles Conway, 1818-39; George W. Monks, 1839-53: Henry H. Neff, 1853-61; J. B. Goodrich, 1861-69; Henry T. Semans, 1869-73; Richard A. Leavell, 1873-77; John W. Macy, 1877-81; I. P. Watts, 1881-85; R. A. Leavell, 1885-89; John R. Engle, 1889-93; A. L. Nichols, 1893-97; John E. Markle, 1897-01. James J. Eagy, 1901-05; A. L. Farquhar, 1905-09; A. R. Helms, 1909-13; Joe Gard, 1913. SHERIFFS. David Wright, 1818-19; Solomon Wright, 1820-24; Thomas Wright, 1825-27; Eli Edwards, 1829-31; Jeremiah Smith, 1833; Nathan Garrett, 1837; Robert Irvin, 1840-44; Nathan Reed, 1844-48; William Kizer, 1848-52; Amer Forkner, 1852-56; William M. Campbell, 1856-60; A. H. Jenkins, 1860-64; joel A. Newman, 1864-68; William M. Campbell, 1868-70; D. F. Ford, 1870-73; W. W. Macy, 1873-74; W. A. W. Daly, 1874-78; W. W. Macy, 1878-80; R. Murray, 1880-82; John Ross, 1882; William K. Thornburg, 1884-86; Benjamin Hawthorn, 1886-90; Benjamin Hawthorn, 188-90; James M. Fletcher, 1890-92; James M. Fletcher, 1892-94; David B. Strahan, 1894- to 1898; James W. Simmons, March 15, 1898, to November 19, 1898; Thomas J. Overman, 1898 to 1902; George W. Bright, 1902 to 1907 (term begins January 1, 1903); Albert King, 1907 to 1911; Nathan U.Strahan, tgt1; John C. Henning, 1913. ASSESSORS. Olynthus Cox, Elmer Ross, Thomas A, Almonrode, Pearl Keever. 408 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. CIRCUIT JUDGES. John Watts, Miles Eggleston, Charles H. Test, Isaac Blackford, Samuel Bigger, David Kilgore, Jeremiah Smith, Joseph Anthony, Jeremiah Smith, . John T. Elliot, Silas Colgrove, J. J. Cheney, Jacob M. Haynes, Silas Colgrove, Leander J. Monks, elected in 1878, 1884 and 1890; Garland D. Williamson, appointed in 1894; Albert O. Marsh, 1894; Jane W. Macy, elected in 1902; James S. Engle, 1908. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. William Edwards, 1818; John Wright, 1818-46; John Sample, William Peacock, 1834; Littleberry Diggs, Peter S. Miller, Stephen C. Stephens, John T. McKinney, Daniel B. Miller, John Mock. It is possible that there may have been more than the ones named above. PROBATE JUDGES. William Edwards, associate judge; John Wright, associate judge; John Sample, associate judge. James T. Liston, sole judge. 1831-33; Zachariah Puckett, sole judge, 1833-34; Smith Elkins, sole judge, 1834-36; E. B. Good- rich, sole judge, 1836-42; Beattic McClelland, sole judge, 1842-49; George Debolt, sole judge, 1849-51. Closed August 16, 1852. Probate business was done at first by the associate judges, then by a single judge, afterward by the court of common pleas until that court was discon- tinued, and since that time by the circuit court. (See Judges of Court of Common Pleas, and also of the Circuit Court.) JUDGES COMMON PLEAS COURT. Nathan B. Hawkins, 1853 (died in office) ; James Brown, 1853-54; W A. Peelle, 1854-60; Jacob M. Haynes, 1860-63. Since that’ time probate business has been done in the circuit court. The court of common pleas was abolished (as also the probate court had been), and the business of both was transferred to the circuit court, by which it is still transacted. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 409 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. The court of common pleas was established under the constitution of 1851, and continued till a few years ago. The prosecuting attorneys for that court were William Moorman, elected 1852; J. J. Cheney, 1854; E. L. Watson, 1856, 1858, 1862; Thomas J. Hos- ford, 1860; J. E. Mellette, John J. Hawkins. SURVEYORS (PARTIAL LIST). Moorman Way, Samuel D. Woodworth, Jeremiah Smith, C. S. Good- rich, Edmund B. Goodrich, Anderson D. Way, Thomas C. Puckett, Enos 'L. Watson, Pleasant Hiatt, Charles Jaqua, Phinehas Pomery, Ephraim C. Hiatt, Michael C. Gaffey, 1880; A. M. Russell, elected in 1882; Charles C. Yunker, 1884 to 1888; J. Ellsworth Hinshaw, 1888 to 1892; Miles C. Coble, 1892 to 1894; Jacob E. Hinshaw, 1894 to 1900; Alonzo L. Wright, 1900 to 1909; Arthur B. Purdy, 1909 to present time. RECORDERS. Charles Conway, 1818-39; W. C. Wilmore, 1839-53; William Burres, 1853-61; J. S. Cottom, 1861-65; F. A. Engle, 1865-69; John W. Williamson, 1869-73; W. C. Brown, 1873-77; D. C. Braden, 1877-81; O. F. Lewellen, 1881-85; Nimrod Brooks, 1885-89; Benjamin W. Simmons, 1889-92, died 1892; William G. Moulton, 1892 (until next general election or until his suc- cessor is elected and qualified) ; Perry Leavell, 1892-99; Nathan R. Cheno- weth, 1896-1900; James Curtis Dodd, 1900-05; John R. Fouse, 1905-09; Frank F. Fielder, 1909-12; Jesse W. Yost, 1912-. TREASURERS. Jesse Johnson, 1818-24; John B. Wright, 1825-29; James B. Liston, 1829-30; John Odle, 1831; Jeremiah Smith; Zachariah Puckett, 1838; An- drew Aker, 1839-40; John Neff, 1844; Thomas W. Reece, 1847; Simeon H. Lucas, 1850; Ira Swain, 1855-57; John W. Jarnagin, 1857-61; E. F. Halliday, 1861-65; A. M. Owens, 1865-69; James H. Bowen, 1869-73; Simon Ramsey, 1873-75; Harrison P. Hunt, 1875-77; O. C. Gordon, 1877-81; Calvin Puckett, 1881-83; Mahlon T. Sumption,1883-85; William A. Martin, 1885-87; J. W. 410 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. : ie woes ee AG Turner, 1887-89; I. V. D. R. Johnson, 1889-91; George W. Veal, 1891-93; Mathew H. Ruby, 1893-95; Joseph C. Devoss, 1895-96; Harvey E. McNees, November 14, 1896-97; Joseph C. Devoss, 1897, until successor is elected and qualified ; Thomas H. Johnson, December 31, 1903, to January 1, 1906; Hicks K. Wright, 1899, (bond approved November 9, 1899) ; John T. Johnson, ° 1901, (bond approved December 4, 1901) ; George W. Robbins, 1906, (served three years. Harry Jack, treasurer-elect, died the last week of December, 1908, and Robbins served until a successor could be elected) ; John Collett, 1909; Tilman W. Baldwin, 1911; Henry D. Good, 1912. CORONERS (SOME OF THEM. ) Solomon Wright, David Heaston, Benjamin Ramsey, William R. Finn, Martin A. Reeder, John H. Peake, Joab Pierce, R. H. Grooms, Jonathan Ed- wards, Isaac R. Ford, John D. Carter, J. J. Evans, 1884; Cyrus Cox, 1888; J. J. Evans, 1890; John D. Carter, 1892; Oren Coats, 1894; J. J. Evans, 1896; Jacob E. Hinshaw, 1898; J. J. Evans, 1900-1913; David C. Roney, 1913; John S. Nixon, October 6, 1913, to December 31, 1914. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. The first prosecuting attorney was James Rariden, appointed by the court. After him, at various times, were Bethuel Morris, John Gilmore, Lot Bloom- field, Oliver H. Smith, Amos Lane, Charles H. Test, Martin M. Ray, James Perry, William J. Brown, Caleb B. Smith, Samuel W. Parker, Jeremiah Smith, Andrew Kennedy, Jehu T. Elliott, John Brownlee (up to October, 1839). Elected—William A. Peelle, Thomas: M. Browne, Silas Colgrove, J. J. Cheney (common pleas), Enos L. Watson (common pleas), William Garber, Thomas M. Browne, Daniel M. Bradbury, E. B. Reynolds, Alexander Gullett, A. O. Marsh, J. E. Mellette; Thomas A. Spencer, 1882; Emerson McGriff, 1885; S. A. Canada, 1886; J. B. Ross, 1888; B. F. Marsh, 1890; James B. Ross, 1892. Clarkson L. Hutchens, 1894-98; Alonzo L. Bales, 1898; Charles L. Watson, 1900-1905; W. O. Smith, 1905; Carl Thompson, 1907; W. O Smith, 1909; E. E. Chenoweth, 1911; Bert E. Woodbury, 1913. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 4II DRAINAGE COMMISSIONERS. James D. Bowen, 1881; Reuben C. Shaw, 1881; M. C. Gaffey, 1881; ‘George W. Hamilton, 1881; Albert M. Russell, 1882; Walter C. Shaw, 1884; Charles C. Yunker, 1884; Ellsworth Hinshaw, 1888; J. E. Hinshaw, 1890- 1900; Alonzo L. Wright, 1900-1909; Arthur B. Purdy, 1909-1915. SCHOOL EXAMINERS. Jeremiah Smith, George W. Monks. Samuel D. Woodworth, Moorman Way, Carey S. Goodrich, Isaac F. Wood, William A. Peelle, J. J. Cheney, Pleasant Hiatt, J. G. Brice, A. J. Stakebake. The first county superintendent was Charles W. Paris, elected in 1873, and was succeeded by Daniel Lesley, in 1875. H. W. Bowers, elected in 1883; J. W. Denney, 1887, and served ten years, when Charles W. Paris was again elected and served until 1907, when the present incumbent, Lee L. Driver. was elected. CHAPTER VIII. MILITARY. Randolph county not being entered by settler until 1814 could not of course have had any soldiers in either the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812. It was only a few of the most adventurous of Revolutionary soldiers who pierced the great unbroken west through the spirit of adventure or of home seeking. Those who had the spirit of adventure merely went from place to place stopping here and there and settling nowhere. Those who left the eastern colonies in search of fortune or homes came into the west and set- tled in Ohio or Tennessee and it was only the most venturesome that moved the second time and came from those two states into Indiana. It is impossible at this remote period to know who these heroes were or the mo- tives that brought them from the civilization of the east to the wilds of what was then the extreme west, however, it is known that a few of these old men, for indeed they were old at the time of the organization of Randolph county, did enter this county, here to find a home in peace and happiness for the remainder of their days. Being used to hardships and privations the new settlements offered no inconveniences or hardships which they were unwilling to endure. The only record we have of these heroes today is the little marker that stands at the head of the grave and in some cases these markers have been destroyed or removed. In 1840 the county within its boundary had at least seven Revolutionary soldiers, who were drawing pensions as such. In that year, 1840, there were Samuel Ambrom (Amburn), age 79; Drummond Smithson, age 85, who lived at Stoney Creek township; Robert Lumpkin, age 84, lived in Nettle Creek; Wm. Fitzjerrel (Fitzgerald), age 97, in Washington: Chris Bord- ders, 79, Greensfork; Joseph Chandler, age 87, and Elias Porter, age 84, of Jackson township. The above list is taken from the official census of pen- sioners for 1840, and from that it would seem that no Revolutionary sol- diers’ widows were living in this county. RANDOLPII COUNTY, INDIANA. 413 A Mr. MeNinney, father of Anthony McKinney, of Green township, is buried at Fairview. He lived in this county but a short time. He had fought at Germantown and Brandywine and was such an admirer of Anthony Wayne that he named his oldest son, Anthony. The cemetery at Windsor contained the body of at least one Revolu- tionary soldier, a Mr. Dudley. ; Mr. Fitzgerald, mentioned above, lived to the ripe old age of one ’ hundred five vears, one month and fifteen days and even at that old age died through the effects of an accident. He had maintained his strength and vitality up to the time of his untimely death and did much manual labor in spite of the fact he was blind. His death was caused from a fall off of a load of oats and in the fall struck a log projecting from the cor- ner of the stable. It is sad indeed that a man should come to such an un- timely ending after having faced the enemy in defense of himself and liberty through such a war as the Revolutionary. The Indian War of 1789-95 brought a great many people into Indiana and a few in the near neighborhood of Randolph county. No doubt a few of these Indian fighters settled in Randolph county having been attracted here by the fertility of the soil and the cheapness of the land. They had become acquainted with this part of the country during the year 1793-94-95 at which time the treaty of peace was signed at Greenville, Ohio. The great majority of the earliest settlers however were either Quakers or in direct sympathy with the Quakers, hence, were conscientiously opposed to war and we would expect but few of the early settlers to have participated in mili- tary affairs. One of the “Indian Fighters” was David Thompson who served as a cor- poral under Mad Anthony from 1792 to 1795. John Martin, born in 1773, was with St. Clair and Wayne in 1795 and with Harrison at Tippecanoe and the Thames and with Colonel Crogan at Ft. Stephenson. Mr. Martin came to Randolph county in 1822 but removed from this county to Missouri where he died in 1839. SOLDIERS AND WIVES OF SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF I8I12 WHO HAVE HAD PENSIONS. ‘ Benj. Cummins was in the War of 1812 and lived near Salem; John Ruby, lived in Union City; Jacob Johnson, lived in Jackson township; a man by the name of Nunnamaker, lived in Jackson; Chas. W. Thomas, lived in Greensfork township; Walter Ruble, of the Ohio militia; \Wm. Lash, (27) + 414 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. John Irvin, David Riddlebarger, Virginia militia; John Grubbs, Ohio mili- tia; Samuel Barker, Vermont militia; Mrs. Eleanor Ruby, widow of John Ruby; Rebecca Harris, widow of Wm. Harris; Polly Marquis, widow of Kid Marquis; Mrs. Lacey, widow of Mr. Lacey; Mrs. Mary A. Paschall, widow of Jesse Q. Paschall, Pennsylvania militia; Mrs. Sarah -Bussear, widow of Martin Bussear; Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Poyner, widow of Peter Poyner, Ohio militia; Mrs. Sarah Baxter, widow of Joseph Baxter, Penn- sylvania militia; Mrs. Jane Leeka, widow of Henry Leeka, Tennessee mili- tia; Mrs. Mary Ann Mosher, widow of Solomon Mosher, Tennessee militia; Margaret Wine, widow of George Wine, Washington militia; Sarah E. Brown, widow of Wm. Brown, Ohio militia; Susannah Brooks, widow of Thomas Brooks, Ohio militia; Mary Whitenack, widow of Cornelius White- nack, New Jersey militia; Nancy Stockdale. Other soldiers of 1812 connected with Randolph county are: Jesse Gray, who died in Jay county; Jonathan Lambert and Philip Lambert, buried at New Lisbon. David Heaston, buried at Winchester; John Dye, Jacob Cline, Samuel Wilson and John Hayes, buried at Windsor; James Lambert, Black Hawk War of 1837; John Bolen- der, Grenadier wars with Napoleon Bonaparte, buried at Windsor; Curtis Clenney, buried at Lynn. The following is taken from Tucker’s history and is indeed authentic: MILITIA OF RANDOLPH COUNTY—1832. “A very curious reminiscence of the military doings of “auld lang sayne” has been discovered among the old papers of Judge Edmund B. Goodrich, now in possession of Mrs. John C. Goodrich, widow of the ex-Clerk of Randolph county. It seems there was a ‘militia system’ in the ‘Hoosier State’ many years ago, though how long it lasted we are unable to tell. That it was in active or attempted operation in 1832, at least, is shown by the relic referred to. It is an old paper, purporting to contain a list of persons fined for re- fusing to bear arms on account of ‘conscientious scruples’ against the prac- tice; also a list of persons not scrupulous in that respect who were fined for absence or other dereliction of militia law. In the first list, the fine is $1.50 in each case; in the other, the amount varies from 25 cents to $10. The regiment concerned was the Seventieth, and there seem to have been six companies, with Jeremiah Smith as Colonel of that same regiment. The redoubtable Captains were Messrs. Comer, Butler, Denton, Hunt, Fleming, Heaston. Butler resided at Deerfield; Heaston, at Winchester; Hunt, prob-" “RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 415 ably near Huntsville; Denton’s men were residents of Nettle Creek region; Fleming's men were from Stoney Creek, and Comer’s from Greensfork, Jericho, White River, etc. The ‘conscientious’ men were returied from three companies—Comer’s, Denton’s and Fleming’s. There seem to have been none of that sort in either Butler’s, Heaston’s or Hunt’s. How many Capt. Comer had of non- delinquents it would be interesting to know, as he returns sixty-one of the ‘scrupulous’ sort. Capt. Denton gives but four, and Capt. Fleming, twenty- one, or eighty-six in all. Of the other persons fined ‘for cause,’ there were in Butler’s company, fifteen; Denton’s, forty-three; Hunt’s, forty-four; Flem- ings, Comer’s, none; total, 154; grand total, 240; perfect ones, unknown. One Captain was fined; one Lieutenant, three Sergeants and two Cor- porals. It may not be amiss to append the names of those who refused to bear arms, as it will be a very fair index of the Quaker element at that time among those of military age: Comer’s Company—Mloorman Way, Isaiah Cox, Simon Cox, Joshua Cox, Simon Pickett, Nathan Puckett, Zachariah Puckett, David Haworth, Henry Yeakley, Littleberry Diggs, Armsbee Diggs, William Diggs, Benjamin Diggs, Lewis Osborn, Jesse Way, Robert Way, Joshua Robertson, John Cox, Ben- jamin Davis, Nathan Barker, William Harris, Benjamin Harris, Silas Hiatt, Robert \Woody, Joseph Picket, John Puckett, Thomas Buckingham, Moses Mendenhall, Joshua Trueman, Benoni Hill, Henry Hill, John Peacock, Eli- jah Case, William Case, John Pike, Thomas Hinshaw, Nathan Freeman, Stanton Bailey, Samuel Cox, John Rhoads, Nicholas Robinson, Amos Pea- cock, James Foust, Welcome Puckett, Thomas Green, Nathan Green, Jacob Yeakley, William Mann, Tyre Puckett, James Clayton, Jonathan Hiatt, Sr., George Hiatt, Martin Hiatt, Moses Hiatt Joseph Hiatt Jonathan C. Hiatt, Thomas Conner, Nathan Hiatt, Jacob Knight, George Knight, Jesse Wright —sixty-one. Denton’s Company—Jonathan Macy, Nathan Macy, William Lee, Alva Macy—four. Fleming’s Company—Joseph Thornburg, Isaac Thornburg, Amos Smith, Isaac Beals, Nathan Thornburg, John Diggs, Mark Diggs, William Hollo- way, Robert Fisher, John Holloway, Joseph Fisher, Thomas Fisher, Joab Thornburg, Job Thornburg, John Thornburg, Jacob Beals, Solomon Wright, Jonathan Thornburg, Mordecai Bond, Ornan Bond, Benjamin Car—twenty- one. 416 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The Captain was fined $5; one lieutenant, $6, and one $10; two ser- geants, $3, and two $2 each; two corporals, $1 each. Among those fined “‘for cause,” perhaps for want of a “primer” to their guns, or some other heinous military offense, occur such names as Elias Kizer, Daniel Worth, William Macy, Burkett Pierce, Temple Smith, David Bunker, Philip Brown, Isaac Amburn, James Porter, William Chamness, William Smith, Smith Masterson, Samuel Hawkins (then of Jay County), Samuel Simmons, Daniel B. Miller, Davis Pegg, Stephen Dye, Hamilton Snodgrass, Joseph Jay, John Borroughs, Lemuel Vestal, Andrew Aker, Henry D. Huffman, Jacob Harshman, William Lumpkin, Thomas Maulsby—and so on, to the tune of 154 1n all. _ The surviving veteran pioneers who find their names in the above list will doubtless chuckle with glee at reading this “reminder’’ of what must have been regarded, even at the time, as a huge joke. The papers are made out in all due form, signed by Jeremiah Smith, colonel, and judge of the court of appeals, delivered to Edmund B. Good- rich, Paymaster of Seventieth regiment; and the list is receipted by Robert Irvin, Constable, with order to him to collect the fines aforesaid. Whether any at all were paid is not now known. Jesse Way says that Robert Irvin used to relate, years afterward, that, as he was on his collecting tour, he lodged with a good-natured Quaker, one of the number who were fined for “scru- ples,” and that, on asking his host what was his charge—‘I charge thee,” was the reply, “that thee go home and find some better business, and never be caught in such a scrape again as long as thee lives.” Robert replied, “I believe I will do it,” and he did it, and kept the ad- vice, too. He used to laugh over the joke, and say that it was the best ad- vice he ever got in his life. War had, to Randolph county dwellers, been a thing well-nigh un- known. Until the struggle of the rebellion, only one other had called our nation to arms, and that was small and of short duration, viz., the Mexican conflict. And in that contest, barely three (as we have been told) were Ran- dolph county boys—Allen O. Neff, Augustus Kane and William D. Stone. Capt. John Neff did, indeed, join the army at that time, and rendered serv- ice for several years, but he did not go to Mexico. Kane was much on the sick list, and Neff was shortly transferred to the band, so that the reputa- tion of Randolph for warlike valor in this struggle would seem to have been left in the exclusive keeping of William D. Stone. He was in the war four- teen months, seeing, in that time, some severe service, and taking part in RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 417 several hard battles, especially those fought by our gallant little army around the city of Puebla, as well as in some others. When the regiment containing our “especial three’ arrived at Vera Cruz, Gen: Scott had stormed San Juan de Ulloa and had captured Vera Cruz; had set his eager legions on their march into the interior; had climbed the frowning heights of Sierra Gorda and hurled backward in inglorious defeat the armed Mexican legions; had crossed the smiling Table Lands, occupied the unresisting city of Puebla, and captured the strong fortress of Perote; and had pressed still onward, till his gallant troops had invested the capital. They had fought and won the memorable contests at Churubusco and Chapul- tepec, and Molino del Rey, and had at length marched in triumph into the im- perial city of the Montezumas, and were taking a brief respite from their warlike labors in that renowned metropolis. The regiment to which that before-named “three” belonged had, after undergoing a somewhat romantic experience on their outward passage, landed at Vera Cruz. In company with other regiments, they took up their course of march for Puebla, drove off the Mexican army, who had for a consider- able time been beleaguering that town in possession of the American forces, relieved the besieged garrison, and entered the city amid the plaudits of the rescued ones. Peace at length was declared, and the army returned to their homes, since the causeless and crttel Mexican war at last was over. REMINISCENCES—-MEXICAN WAR—W. D. STONE. In May, 1847, he enlisted in the Fourth Indiana Volunteers as a private. In the Gulf of Mexico, bound for Galveston, on board the Ann Chase, one of the boilers exploded. Several men were killed, and sixty-five went on boats and upon rafts to the Louisiana shore, nine miles away, landing near the mouth of Calcasieu river. Stone was one of that company. For some unknown reason, the steamer managed to repair somewhat the damage done, and went on her course, leaving that company of men in the swamps, helpless and desolate, to their fate. They would not give up, however, and footed it sixty-five miles, having no food nor any suitable drink, through swamps and jungles, during two days and nights, to Sabine City, La., at the mouth of Sabine river. Here they stayed a week. At this point, thousands of Texas cattle used to cross. The cattle had to swim, and the alligators would often catch them. Every little while, a bullock would give a spring and a plunge, and that was the last of him. An aligator had him. 418 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The boys, to pass away the time, tried hunting alligators. Four of them took a skiff, with only one gun for them all, and rowed out into the river. Presently a huge monster came swimming along, and Stone said, “Let’s lasso him.” “Agreed,” said the rest. So they fixed a rope to the skiff and threw it around the head and neck of the creature. The moment he felt the rope, he started for the gulf at. full speed. He dragged the boat and its frightened crew half a mile or more in “double quick.” The boys tried to get him to shore. After bring- ing him into about four feet of water, one of the men, Brewer by name, a big, burly fellow, tall and stout, jumped from the boat into the river to pull on the rope and help land him. Instanter the alligator “took for’? Brewer, and the chap made some rather lively splashing through that water about that time. However, they got him ashore and shot him. They thought him a “whaler,” he being seven or eight feet long, or perhaps longer than that, and larger by far than they cared to encounter again, and so they gave up the business. Three hundred men were still on board the steamer, and, managing to “rig up” in some way, as has been stated, the ship made for Galveston, pay- ing no heed to the men on shore. They reported at Galveston that sixty- five men had made the shore, and that they were on the coast starving. A schooner was sent for them outright, and they were found at Sabine City. By that schooner the squad were conveyed to Galveston; thence to Brazos de Santiago. Most went by steamer, but fifteen of them went in another way, to wit. by an old yawl. What possessed them to go out on the gulf in such a crazy conveyance is “one of those things that no fellow can ever find out.” But go they did, and a sorry time they made of it. When out on the gulf, the yawl would dip and veer, first one side and then the other, and they came near drowning many times; but, through God’s mercy, they were spared to tread once more the solid land. The men in the yawl had no gun, and could not shoot any of the sharks. Mr. Stone says: “But we did one thing that was not planned. Col. Gorman, of the Fourth Indiana, had put a lot of hams into the bottom of the yawl to be conveyed to Brazos. We got at these, pitching them out, one after one, to the sharks.”’ From Brazos, the regiment was sent up the Rio Grande some two hun- dred miles by steamer to Gen. Taylor, but they were ordered to report to Gen. Scott, at Vera Cruz; and, marching back by land to Matamoras, they took passage over the gulf again to the Mexican fortress and seaport, San Juan RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 419 de Ulloa (San Hoo-an’ da Ool-yo-a), and Vera Cruz (Va’ra Krooss), which, however, had been reduced and captured before their arrival. Most went by steamer, but a part were taken (by their own choice) in an old sailing vessel across the Mexican Gulf to Vera Cruz. The Mexican forces, meanwhile, had retaken a part of the route from Vera Cruz to the metropolis, and had surrounded Puebla with an army of 7,000 men, under Gen. Ria, the place being held against them by the gallant Gen. Childs, with only a small garrison. The little army fought every day, more or less, for twenty-nine days, all the way to Puebla. At Huamantla, 1,500 American soldiers routed 5,000 Mexicans, secured the pass in triumph, and raised the siege of Puebla. Gen. Scott, before this time, had taken San Juan de Ulloa (at Vera Cruz), and had fought Sierra Gorda at the pass up to the heights of the Cen- tral Table Land; had taken Puebla and Perote, and had also, about this time, fought and won the terrible battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and Molino del Rey; and had either just made or was then ready to make his triumphal entry into the imperial city of the Montezumas. After Puebla, they fought at Tlascala to protect the “tobacco train,” a bevy of wagons laden with a supply of that fragrant weed for the use of the American soldiers. The bombardment of Atlixco on the march, though a cruel thing, was nevertheless a magnificent spectacle. The artillery was posted on the heights, and the town lay far down, hundreds of feet below in the valley. It was in the night, and the track of the shells through the starlit sky could be distinctly seen as they went speeding on their path of destruction. The shells would burst in the midst of the town, scattering death and ruin far and wide. The city could not long endure so unequal a contest, but surrendered at discretion. These troops did not go to the City of Mexico, as Gen. Scott was in possession, and the actual war was over. The army remained in the con- quered country during some months, till the treaty of peace had been made. The evacuation then took place, and the soldiers came home during the summer of 1848.” MEXICAN WAR. Captain John Neff, Winchester. He was commissioned captain in the United States army in 1846, during the time of the Mexican war. He did no service in Mexico but was stationed at St. Louis, under Col. Enos McKay, as assistant quartermaster. His labors were great and his responsibilities extensive. At one time his colonel wished 420 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. transportation for $120,000 in gold and silver, chiefly the latter, to Fort Leavenworth. The steamboats refused to carry it for less than 2 per cent. upon the whole amount. The colonel would not submit to such extortion and directed Captain Neff to convey the funds to their destination overland, and asked him, “What escort do you wish?” “The less, the better,” was his reply. He took four men and with a wagon loaded with the precious treasure, they drove through in fourteen days. When four days out the discovery was made that their guns were utterly useless; but they accomplished the journey with- out mishap, at a cost of about $130, thus effecting a saving to the government of $2,270. It would seem that Captain Neff’s duties did not embrace any direct con- nection with the Mexican war, but the time of his service was during its progress, and he was a resident of Randolph county and a faithful and effi- cient officer; and this brief account of his labors would appear to be not out of place at this point in our history. WAR OF SECESSION. It will be seen from the foregoing article that very few of the residents of Randolph county had ever seen or known the horrors or privations and butcheries of war, the story of revolutionary hardships, of Indian treachery, and Mexican intrigue, had been told at many a fire-side, children had listened in rapt attention to the stories of heroes until they had become, indeed, hero worshippers. Little did they think in those boyhood days that the lessons of patriotism and loyalty being so instilled would be called forth in action in their manhood by such a great war as the Civil war. They knew nothing whatever of war excepting what they had read and heard, even the play at school had lost its militia tendency, no longer did the school boys organize into companies and play at even Indian wars, no longer did a thought of a raid against man in battle strife claim the attention of the father or mother and yet this fearful cloud was formed that was to burst into terrific storm and claim as its victims hundreds and even thousands of Randolph county boys. The spark of patriotism was kindled into a flame by the talk of seces- sion and burst into a veritable furnas. Upon the news of the fall of Ft. Sumter every nook and corner of the county offered its living sacrifice upon the altar of patriotism. Mothers gave willingly their first born, and their last born, that the country might live. She and her daughters, remained at home, toiling incessantly to maintain that RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 421 home and laboring with their own hands to make garments for the comfort of loved ones on the battle field. The father who was not accompanied by his son to the front, bade his son. “God speed” and returned to labor, that the others might be supported. Those were times when the true nature of man came to the front, either in response to loyalty or by intrigue with those who were disloyal. None knew until that crisis what his country was, how much he loved it, or the sacrifice he was willing to make to save it. It was only necessary to ask in the name of patriotism and loyalty, to be met by a response of sincerity and devotion. Sedition and treason were to be put down and the loyal people of Randolph county realized it was an enormous task and would require all that could be gotten in any form. Randolph county had been for vears Republican in politics, strongly op- posed to the institution of slavery. Abolition societies and anti-slavery so- cieties of all kinds had thrived and met with hearty approval. But it must not be understood that the loyal people were all to be found within the ranks of the Republican party, for many, many other people of other political faith offered themselves equally as willing a sacrifice to the cause. Among those who went to the front, political lines were ignored and there was but one common thought and that was to put down the rebellion. The one great blot upon the history of the county in that great period is the treachery and disloyalty of some who remained at home and whose actions and organization have been spoken of otherwise under the head of the Knights of the Golden Circle. It is not known how many men and boys enlisted from this county but it is known that more than 2,000 were found in the ranks, many, of course, enlisted in other counties and in other states, and it 1s impossible to know who they were. The only source of information is the report of Adjutant-Gen- eral Terrell to the governor of Indiana, shortly after the close of the war. General Terrell did, no doubt, do all in his power, with the material at his command, to make a complete list of all the participants but the task was so great, the data so inaccurate and the records so incomplete it was impossible for him to get all. It is a known fact that out of the 208,367 names of soldiers enlisted from Indiana in the war of rebellion nothing is to be known of almost 45,000 of these soldiers, as to where they came from, and of that number about 14,000 wholly unaccounted for. It is unfortunate that the state has not since that time made a systematic effort to gain the information for record of these thousands of men who were as loyal and patriotic as those whose records are known. No doubt, many of these unknown are from 422 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Randolph county and while it is our effort to give the names and due credit of each and every soldier, we wish in this way to express our appreciation and esteem of those whose names we have been unable to obtain. As we have said it has been estimated that more than 2,000 man and boys joined the union army in the war of 1861 from this county. Work shops were silenced, mills were stopped, stores were closed, farms were deserted, many and many a wife with the daughter maintained the home and cared as best she could for what was entrusted to her care. We are acquainted with one particular case, which is no doubt greater in number than the usual case but no less in per cent than hundreds of the others which will show the response to the call to arms. Joab McNeese, a resident of Stoney Creek township, near Georgetown, had one son, twenty grandsons, one great grandson, and the husbands of ten granddaughters in the Civil war; another remarkable thing of this record is that nineteen of the twenty grandsons and the one great grandson and nine of the ten husbands of the granddaughters enlisted from Stoney Creek township and Monroe township. This is rather a remarkable record but is only one of hundreds that show the loyalty of Randolph county families. Randolph county had representatives during the progress of the war everywhere in the front. At the opening conflicts of Richmond Mountain, Bull Run and Ball’s Bluff, with Lion at Wilson’s creek, Milligan at Lexing- ton, South Mountain and Antietam, Shiloh and Vicksburg, New Orleans, Chickamauga and Chattanooga; with Sherman to the sea; with Sheridan in the Shenandoah. with Grant to Richmond, and in fact, everywhere they were to be found. The prison-pens were honored by having them within their confines, and many Randolph county men can trace broken health and physical debility to the prison-pens of Libby, Danville, Florence, Savannah and Andersonville. “Tender bovs who had never slept off a feather bed in their lives, and who had lived abundantly and daintily always. went cheerfully to the field, wrapped their frames, weary with long marching, contentedly and even mer- rily, in their blankets. and lay down without a murmur on the cold, damp ground, or upon the rails laid in the mud to keep their bodies from actually sinking in the mire, after a supper made of corn shelled from the cob and hastily parched in a scanty fire kindled upon the ground. Hardships and privations, forced marches and camping without food or water in the woods and trenches; fierce and sanguinary battles. wounds, imprisonment and death —all these were borne cheerfully, as though it were a summer pastime, or LOST (GE Tady “Ayano 9d} jo Suvdwo,) Isa ety ‘eurtpul (Uso “OL AULAIO,) SPAOATLO,) “LOL OF Sup oy} Suyjuosed \ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 423 accepted meekly as a sacrifice needful-to be made for the defense of a coun- try, the richest, the noblest and the best beneath the circuit of the sun. Through all coming time, the war of 1861 in the United States will be reckoned to have been a conflict waged by the people, and carried on to the very end by their indomitable will and their unconquerable spirit; by their relentless determination that traitors should be made odious and that treason should be crushed. And thus it came to pass, that, in spite of political generals, and com- manders ignorant or dissipated, or even secretly tainted with covert sympathy for treason and hostile to liberty, the spirit of the common soldiery triumphed over every obstacle, and bore the country straight forward to assured and abundant victory and triumphant success.” ‘The news of the firing on Ft. Sumter as it flashed over the land thrilled the people of Randolph county to a tension impossible to imagine. No sooner had the news arrived than companies began to organize and get ready for the inevitable conflict. Meetings were held in various parts of the county and most of them centered in and around \Vinchester, the county-seat. Com- mittees were appointed to wait upon people, to solicit necessary provisions, especially bedding, and clothing, the government was wholly unprepared for such a conflict and it was evident that those who went to the front must be cared for by those.who remained at home. At Winchester a public meeting was immediately called, committees were appointed to solicit clothing and blankets, the country was divided into sections and men placed in command of each section. Mr. Butterworth and Mr. Kemp were appointed to solicit along the Greenville pike and their experiences will only show the experience of all others similarly appointed. Messrs. Kemp and Butterworth started on Saturday morning with a two-horse spring wagon to solicit; every one donated and gave so liberally that these men were unable to cover half their territory because it was im- possible to carry what they had received in the two-horse wagon. On Sun- day a monster mass meeting was held, a picture of which is shown elsewhere ; a flag was presented to the first company raised in this county; this was Company “C” of the 8th, three months’ service, Captain Silas Colgrove. The picture shows the flag which is being presented to this company. It was presented. by a Miss Bryce, daughter of J. G. Bryce, county examiner. | This is indeed a remarkable picture showing the intensity of the feeling of that day. It will be noticed that the picture was taken from the rear of the crowd. At that time an exposure of a minute or more was necessary to take a picture and vet no movement on the part of any one in the picture can be 424 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. detected, so intense was their interest in what was being said, for they did not know the picture was being taken. (In this picture the man in the wagon is James S. Cottom, the first man leaning against the fence is Enos L. Wat- son, the second is Henry Kizer and the heavier gentleman to the right is Jerry Smith.) How little did the audience appreciate op that memorable day how joften a scene of this kind was to take place in the next four years; how little did the mothers know of the sacrifice they would be called upon to make in that memorable conflict. On the 13th of April, 1861, Ft. Sumter was evacuated and upon the receipt of this news, Sunday morning, April 14th, Governor Morton pro- ceeded to arrange for troops and on the morning of April 15th telegraphed President Lincoln as follows: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Indianapolis, April 15, 1861. To ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: On behalf of the State of Indiana, I tender to you, for the defense of the Nation, and to uphold the authority of the Government, ten thousand men. . Ottver P. Morton, Governor of Indiana. The same day, President Lincoln called for 75,000 troops, and the quota of Indiana was set at 4,682 officers and men, to serve for three months. The next day, April 16, Governor Morton called for six regiments. The day after the call, 500 men were in camp. By the roth of April, 2,400 men were on hand, and they were pouring in by every train, and in less than seven days, more than twelve thousand men had been tendered—nearly three times the number called for. One company was there from Randolph of 140 men, April 18, Captain Colgrove. Orders were received from the President, April 20, to organize six regi- ments, and the work began the same day. One company from Marion county was partly mustered on that day, and the rest of the sixty companies were organized as follows: April 21—Five companies. April -22—Nineteen companies and a half. April 23—Ten companies, and eleven companies besides, not mustered into the six first regiments. April 24—Fourteen companies. April 25—Eleven companies. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 425 And also, on that last day, April 25, the whole six regiments were com- pleted and mustered into service. When this work had been accomplished, there remained in camp at In- dianapolis twenty-nine companies besides, and sixty-eight companies had been raised and tendered that had not come forward. Out of these, Governor _Morton determined to organize several state one-year regiments, and in- structed to form five such regiments. On the 6th of May, the legislature passed an act requiring six regiments of state troops. On the 11th of May, 1861, five regiments were reported as complete— the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and, shortly after- ward, the Seventeenth was mustered into service. These 120 companies forming the twelve regiments were recruited from different counties to wit: Allen, four companies; Bartholomew, three companies; Boone, one com- pany ; Benton, one company; Clay, one company; Clinton, one company; Cass, two companies; Carrol, one company; Delaware, one company; Dearborn, five companies; Daviess, one company; Decatur, two companies; Elkhart, one company; Floyd, two companies; Franklin, one company; Fountain, one company; Fayette, one company; Grant, one company; Howard, two com- panies; Henry, two companies; Hamilton, two companies; Hendricks, one company; Hancock, three companies; Huntington, one company; Jefferson, five companies; Jennings, two companies; Jackson, one company; Johnson, one company; Jasper, two companies; Kosciusko, two companies ; Knox, two companies; La Porte, three companies; Morgan, one company; Marion, eight companies; Madison, one company; Montgomery, four companies; Miami, one company; Martin, one company; Monroe, one company; Ohio, one com- pany ; Owen, two companies; Porter, one company; Putnam, four companies; Parke, one company; Rush, one company; Randolph, one company (146 men); Ripley, two companies; Shelby, three companies; St. Joseph, two com- panies; Tippecanoe, four companies; Tipton, one company; Union, one com- pany; Vigo, three companies; Vanderburg, one company; Vermillion, one company; Wayne, one company; Wabash, one company; Warren, one com- pany; Washington, one company. Seventeen companies were formed by taking the men for each from more than one county. Doubtless many, probably all the counties in the state not named above, sent volunteers in connection with other counties. Many of them were represented in the mixed companies above specified. The forty extra men from Randolph were sent home. 426 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Regiments containing Randolph soldiers are the following, so. far as known: Eighth, three months; Sixth, three years; Seventh, three years; Eighth, three years; Ninth, three years; Eleventh, three years; Twelfth, three years; Thirteenth, three years; Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth,. Twenty-first (First heavy artillery), Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth (First cavalry), Thirty-first, Thirty-third, Fhirty-fourth, Thirty-sixth, Forty-sec- ond, Forty-seventh, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-seventh, Sixty-ninth, Seventy-first, Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth, Eighty-ninth, Ninetieth, Ninety-seventh, Ninety- ninth, One Hundred and Fifth, One Hundred and Sixth, One Hundred and Ninth, One Hundred and Seventeenth, One Hundred and Nineteenth (Sev- enth cavalry), One Hundred and Twenty-first (Ninth cavalry), One Hun- dred and Twenty-fourth, One Hundred and Thirtieth, One Hundred and Thirtyfirst (Thirteenth cavalry), One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, One Hundred and Fortieth, One Hundred and Forty-seventh, Fortieth Ohio, etc. This list may be even now incomplete, since it is true that many are put down to the wrong county, as Randolph men to Wayne, Jay county men to Randolph, etc., and for great numbers their places of residence were left entirely blank—a defect much to be regretted, indeed, but which, at this late day, it is impossible to supply. Many Randolph soldiers also enlisted in regiments from other states, or in the regular United States service. For instance, a large number joined the Fortieth Ohio regiment, of which Col. Jonathan Cranor was the com- manding officer. Besides, most of the colored volunteers from Randolph (of whom there were many) joined in such a way that their names do not appear on the record made by the adjutant general’s office as enlisting from Randolph, or, indeed, from the state of Indiana at all. Very many, also, of the soldiers now residing in Randolph, enlisted from other counties, and many, too, even from other states, which fact causes the preparation of a full and accurate account of the soldiers of and in Randolph to be a task doubly and trebly difficult. As we have said heretofore, Governor Morton and all the people saw with the volunteering of men would come the necessity for supplies. The national government was wholly unprepared for such an emergency. It be- came necessary for Governor Morton to organize the state into a great relief association. He called to his assistance men of prominence and ability from all the loyal parts of the state and Randolph county was honored by having one of its citizens, Asahel Stone. appointed as commissary general. Mr. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 427 Stone proved himself an efficient officer and was one of the best supports of Governor Morton in this great movement. The soldiers were hurried to the front without much thought of the necessary supplies, especially that of clothing. They were rushed into mountainous country of Virginia and it soon became necessary for them to have extra clothing to protect them from the inclemency of the weather of that portion of the state. Governor Morton immediately went to Washington and finding the gov- ernment wholly unprepared, telegraphed to Indianapolis to “urge Major Montgomery, United States Quartermaster, to get overcoats of any good ma- terial and not wait for a public letting, do have them at once, the men are suffering and I am distressed, perhaps a few thousand can be forwarded by Captain Dickerson, at once, from Cincinnati.”” This was August 2oth, 1861, and the men were already, as we have said, very much in need of these sup- plies. Montgomery failed to follow instructions. Dickerson, however, sent 4,000 overcoats to General Rosecrans, then in command in Western Virginia. Transportation was poor and careless and the overcoats were not delivered. Later in the year, September 14th, General Asahel Stone was ordered to give the matter his personal attention. He did so and found 1,200 of them and forwarded them as soon as possible to the iron brigade under the command of Brigadier-General Reynolds. Morton resumed all responsibility for the pay of these supplies and through the state purchasing agent, Robert Dale Owen, purchased 29,000 overcoats, “regulation price,” $7.75, but it was necessary to pay $9.25 for a part of them. Quartermaster General Meigs refused to allow Morton more than $7.75 to which Morton replied in his characteristic way, “if the United States will not pay for them, Indiana will, the troops must not suffer.”’ October 16, 1861, Governor Morton made an appeal, “To the patriotic women of Indiana for additional blankets, socks, gloves, mittens, shirts and drawers” and asked that these supplies be furnished immediately, which ap- peal the wives, mothers and daughters responded to with a lacrity to such a degree that in May, 1862, the state Quartermaster General, J. H. Vauejen reported: “This proclamation met with a most cordial response and many thousands of dollars worth of blankets, socks, gloves, mittens, shirts and drawers were forwarded, as also, sheets, pillows, pads, bandages, lint and dressing gowns, for Hospital use, in so much that a circular was issued an- nouncing that the supply was enough.” It was through the energy and patriotism of Governor Morton that Indiana was the first to organize for tem- porary relief and General Stone was placed at the head of this department. The duty of this agency was “To render all possible relief to our soldiers, 428 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. : especially to the sick and wounded, whether in transit or in the hospital or on the battlefield.” It was a well-known fact that during the war Indiana relief was usually the first to appear and when it did appear Indiana soldiers were not the only ones to receive succor for the hearts of the people who sent it and the spirit of the governor who guided it went out to all men, regardless of the state they represented. : The state sanitary commissioner was also established in February, 1862. This organization received many and valuable contributions during the re- mainder oi the Civil war. The Free Masons alone contributed $10,000.00 at one time and a great deal more at subsequent intervals. A fair was held in the fall of 1863 which netted $40,000.00. Boat loads of supplies were sent out to the front, one of these City Bell, under the control of General Stone, reached Vicksburg July 4, the day of its surrender. The recorded contributions of this state are known to be over five millions of dollars and no doubt the enormous amount .of which no record was ever kept or could be kept reached into the millions, also, every possible means was employed to contribute to the relief and comfort of those directly interested, person- ally, in the “boys in blue’. The towns at all railway stations were organized for the purpose of feeding, and giving comfort to all soldiers who appear in their midst. At Winchester and Union City soldiers were transferred from one railroad to another. It was the pleasure of the citizens to feed them while there and thousands and thousands of meals have thus been served to soldiers entransit. RELIEF FOR FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS. A great majority of the people favored public relief and support for the families of all volunteers and it must be said to the everlasting credit of the county that no soldier’s widow or orphan was allowed to be in need. In June, 1861, the county commissioners instituted a movement for the “provisions for the support of the families of volunteers” and made the fol- lowing entry in their minutes: The following appointments of agents for the relief of the families of volunteers in the present war was passed by the board, to wit: “\WINCHESTER, IND., June 12th, 1861. At the June term of the board of county commissioners the following persons were appointed agents for the relief of the families of the soldiers of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 429 Randolph county who have or may hereafter volunteer in defense of our country. The duty of said agents will be to inquire into and administer to the wants of such families and make report to this board at its next regular term to commence on the 1st Monday in September, next, when an allowance will be made for the payment of expenses so incurred. They will also care- fully scrutinize the applicants for relief in order to guard the county against imposition. White River township, Thomas Ward and Thomas L. Scott; Wayne township, H. L. Searl; Jackson township, James Simmons; Ward township, Robert Murray; Franklin township, J. H. Sanders; Green township, Philip Barger; Monroe township, Peter S. Miller; Stoney Creek township, Owen O. Thompson; Nettle Creek township, Samuel Burroughs; West River town- ship, Stephen Keever; Washington township, David Semans; Greensfork township, Gideon Shaw. (Signed) Hicxs K. WricuHr, C. F. ALEXANDER, Commissioners. Attest : GEoRGE O. JoBEs, Auditor.” It will be seen that each township was provided with an agent and it may be said that these agents or their successors were kept in service until the close of the war. Others who have served as agents of the relief fund were William Burress, Monroe township; B. F. W. Stewart, Dr. J. N. Con- verse and David Polly, Wayne; David L. Hiatt and John Johnson, of Wash- ington; Thomas W. Kizer, John B. Goodrich and Arthur Quick, of White River; Olney Whipple, Ward; William Freeman, Nettle Creek; David Kit- selman, Elisha T. Bailey, of Franklin, and perhaps others whose names we have been unable to secure. 3 Provisions and clothing were furnished to the families of the volun- teers. For this purpose in the year ending June 1st, 1862, the county paid out $1,937.99. Por the year endme June ist, 1663-..-.--.--..- $4,527.93 For the year ending June Ist, 1864----__-------_ 8,590.23 For the year ending June Ist, 1865----------_-_- 4,021.00 For the year ending June Ist, 1866___-_-------__ 20,320.00 For the year ending June Ist, 1867_------------- 2,460.55 For the year ending June Ist, 1868__----------_- 1,271.40 (28) 430 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Hor the year eneine Jume Ist, 186d... ee 438.00 For the year ending June ist, 1870--.--_--_-___- 162.00 For the year ending June Ist, 1871_-------------- 15.00 Making a total of__--__----------------~-- $43,744.10 It will be noticed that the heaviest-relief was paid in 1866. The funds of the county during that year were very low and in the opinion of the com- missioners, it became necessary to make a new rule of distribution. Conse- quently, January 9th, 1866, the following entry was made and observed dur- ing the remainder of the time for which bounty was paid: “Tt is ordered by the board that the disbursing officers of the Soldiers’ Relief Fund for the various townships, be instructed or notified by the au- ditor to curtail their disbursements in the following .manners, to wit: ‘Per- sons who have been or who are receiving a pension in any amount are not to receive relief from the relief fund of said county and all others to receive only fifty per cent. or one-half of what they have been receiving heretofore, as allowed by law. The provisions of this order to be complied with from this date, January 9th, 1866. C. F. ALEXANDER, H. K. WricuHt, NatHAN REED.” There is no doubt of the sincerity of the commissioners in the above action as they showed themselves at all times to be willing and ready and anxious to provide for the relief of worthy applicants. It is only natural to presume that some abuse would be made of the privilege of furnishing pro- visions but only in one case was any deduction made from the bill of any one selling to families receiving aid under this provision. The adjutant general’s report as to relief shows that Randolph county paid a total of $94,447.53, being exceeded by only eleven counties in the state, these counties were Decatur, Delaware, Hamilton, Jackson, Laporte, Marion, St. Joseph, Tippecanoe, Vigo, Wabash and Wayne. COUNTY BOUNTY. “Thursday, July 24, 1862. “Pursuant to summons issued by the Auditor in conformity with law the board met in special session present A. McKew, C. F. Alexander. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 431 “The board having been convened for the purpose of taking such action as they may think best in regard to offering a bounty to persons who may volunteer in the United States army and also to take such action as they may think best in regard to providing for the families of such volunteers. “It is ordered by the board that the auditor be instructed to issue an order for ten dollars to each person who may volunteer in Randolph county to be paid to such volunteer when accepted and sworn into the service of the United States Army for three years or during the war. (Commissioned officers not included. ) A. McKew, C. F. ALEXANDER.” Evidently through discussion of the public the court was convinced that $10.00 was not as much as the county could afford to pay, hence on Tues- day, July 29: “At a special session of the board of county commissioners of Ran- dolph county begun and held in Winchester in July 29th, 1862, there was present A. McKew, C. F. Alexander and A. DeVoss. “Ordered by the board that there be an allowance of twenty dollars in addition to that heretofore appropriated to each person who may volunteer in the service of the United States, one-half to be paid in one year with in- terest from date and the balance from two years with interest from date. The orders to be issued when the volunteers has been (been) accepted and sworn into the service, and the auditor is hereby authoried to issue said orders when the above conditions have been complied with. A. McKew, C. F. ALEXANDER, A. DEvoss.” This order remained in force until a special session held November 21, 1863, when the following order was made: “It is ordered by the board that the county pay to each person who has or who may hereafter volunteer in the United States Army for the term of three years or during the war the sum of thirty dollars as a bounty to be paid as follows: ten dollars in cash, ten dollars in one year with inter- est from date and ten dollars in two years from date with interest, said in- terest to cease on both orders as soon as the county treasurer advertises that there are funds on hands to redeem said orders and provided that said persons to be entitled to the above bounty must be citizens of Randolph county at the 432 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. time of volunteering and provided further that any tax that may be due the county by said volunteer shall be deducted from the amount of said bounty and the commissioned officers of the company or regiment are not to be entitled to the said bounty. “The above bounty is to be paid only to those who volunteer to fill the quoto of Randolph county in the call of the President for three hundred thou- sand additional volunteers and dated —-———_-—-——_, 1863. The orders to be issued when the volinteer is musteréd in the service. C. F. ALEXANDER, A. DeEvoss, A. McKew.” This order remained in force until January 16, 1865, when the following order, which is self-explanatory, is made: “It was ordered by the.board that there be a county bounty of forty dollars paid to each person who may Volunteer in the United Sates serv- ices under the call of December 19th, 1864, provided said bounty is not to be paid until after such volunteer shall have been mustered into the services and credited to Randolph county. Twenty dollars of said bounty to be paid in cash and twenty to be paid in one year from date, of said muster in— With interest from date and it is further ordered that each township shall be entitled to said amount of forty dollars as above for each person necessary to fill the quoto of said township under said call. A. McKew, C. F. ALEXANDER, H. K. WricuHr.” Under these various orders county bounties were paid for the year end- ing June Ist, 1863, $18,450.00; for the year ending June ist, 1864, $8,700.00; for the year ending Jimne ist, 1865, $7,420.00; for the year ending June Ist, 1866, $950.00; for the year ending June Ist, 1867, $2,050; for the year end- ing June 1st, 1868, $240.00; for the year ending June 1, 1869, $60.00; for the year ending June Ist, 1870, $60.00; totaling $37,930.00. No bounty was paid after that time. The largest number to apply for bounty at one time was when the forty- two members of the 7th Indiana cavalry applied for bounty March 14, 1866. The petition was “not allowed because contrary to law.” However, December 7th, that year, the board made the following entry: “It is hereby ordered by the board that the application for county RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 433 bounty of persons who enlisted in July and August, 1863, for three years or during the war, and who served during their continuance in said service as enlisted men, in the Seventh Ind. vol. cavalry, and who were credited on the quoto of said Co. be allowed, and that they be paid the sum of thirty dollars each under and according to the provisions of an order of this board dated November 21st, 1863.” The total of the amounts for relief of volunteers of county bounty, although amounting to thousands of dollars, is a mere pittarice for the serv- ices rendered by these noble men, who gave their services and lives for the cause of the union. It is said that the United States pays more bountiful in pensions than any other nation the world has known. This is a mark of honor, distinction, and appreciation. “Such struggles, such burdens born, such sacrifices made, men, money, means, so freely, so lavishly, so persistently given—such hardships, perils, sufferings, wounds and imprisonment and death so heroically endured, such fearful things undergone through four long bloody years over the face of a vast continent.” Each and every citizen of the county will always be interested in a de- tailed account of the heroes of Randolph county and we give the following most of which is taken from the adjutant-general’s report to the governor: ACCOUNT OF REGIMENTS. Eighth Regiment Infantry, three months—The Eighth Regiment of In- fantry of Indiana Volunteers was mustered in the service April 25, 1861, William P. Benton, colonel. The muster-in took place at Indianapolis, and the muster-out at the same place, August 6, 1861. The statistics of the regi- ment are as follows: Companies, 10, A to K inclusive; officers, 37; men, 747; total, 784; died, 7, deserters, 15; accounted for, 784. Each company consisted of seventy-four men. They were enlisted as follows: Company A, April 21, Wayne county. Company B, April 23, Grant county. Company C, April 24, Randolph county. Company D, April 21, Delaware county Company E, April 22, Madison county. Company F, April 25, Henry county. 434- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Company G, April 22, Wayne county. Company H, April 25, Wayne county. Company I, April 21, Hancock county. Company K, April 23, Wabash county. The regiment was made up of three from Wayne, one from Grant, one from Randolph, one from Delaware, one from Wabash, one from Madison, one from Hancock and one from Henry. They remained in camp at Indianapolis until June 19, 1861, when, they were ordered to Western Virginia, which was reached by rail via Cincinnati, Marietta and Parkersburg. Remaining at Clarksburg two days, the regi- ment marched thirty miles to Buckhannon, to find the rebels, who had, how- ever, moved to Rich Mountain. Thither the troops marched July 9g, and lay in camp July 10 in front of the foe, ascending the mountain the next day; fought the battle of Rich Mountain July 11, 1861, driving the rebels from their position on the mountain, and sustaining a loss of three killed and seventeen wounded. Going into camp at Beverly for two weeks, on the 24th of July, they re- turned to Indianapolis, and were soon afterwards mustered out of service, August 6, 1861. The troops in the campaign in Western Virginia performed good serv- ice. At the expiration of the term, Maj. Gen. McClellan addressed Governor Morton as follows. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF OCCUPATION, \EST VIRGINIA, CAMP NEAR BEVERLY, * July 21, 1861. Gov. O. P. Morton, Indianapolis, Ind. : Governor—I have directed the three months’ regiments from Indiana to move to Indianapolis; there to be mustered out and re-organized for three years’ service. I can not permit them to return to vou without again expressing my high appreciation of the distinguished valor and endurance of the Indiana troops, and my hope that a short time only will elapse before I shall have the pleas- ure of knowing that they are again ready for the field. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, GEORGE B. AMICCLELLAN, Major General United States Army ‘RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 435 Brig. Gen. Morris also issued an address to his brigade, an extract from which is here given: “The General tenders to all his thanks for the soldierly bearing, the cheerful performance of every duty and the patient endurance of the priva- tions and fatigues of campaign life which all have so constantly exhibited. * * * They have cheerfully endured the fatigues of long and dreary marches by day and night, through rain and storm; they have borne the ex- haustion of hunger for the sake of the country. Their labor and sufferings were not in vain. The foe they met and vanquished. Your friends welcome you with pride and exultation. Your state and country acknowledge the value of your labors.” After the dissolution of the regiment, the great body of its members re- entered service in the Eighth Indiana Infantry, enlisted for three years. The officers and men from Randolph county belonging to the Eighth Indiana Three Month’s Regiment are as follows: Lieutenant Colonel, Silas Colgrove, mustered out; re-entered service as Colonel Twenty-seventh regiment.. (Where no time is given the person was mustered out at the close of service. ) Company C, Eighth, three months—Captain, Silas Colgrove, promoted lieutenant colonel April 26, 1861, Thomas J. Lee, resigned; first lieuten- ant, E. M. Ives, mustered out, term expired; second lieutenant, Allen O. Neff, mustered out, time expired; re-entered service as sergeant in the Eighth regiment, three years: promoted second lieutenant. Non-commissioned officers-—Jonathan B: Harrison, first sergeant; Sam- uel Humphrey, Michael P Voris, Thomas S. Kennon, sergeants; John Mc- Connell, Benjamin Shoemaker, James Addington, Sylvanus White, corpordls; Jackson Keller, John W. Thomas, musicians. Privates—Joseph A. Anderson, John R. Anderson, Ezra Bond, James N. Bright, William Burris, Harrison Burris, Jefferson Bush, Hiram Bromagem, Nelson Barnes, Joseph W. Cox, Edgar Craig, Justice G. Crowell, Eli Ed- wards, John Edwards, John Frackler, George W. Fisher, Noah Freck, Pren- tice Garrett, Laban E. Garner, Thomas W. George, Harrison Hill, Kennedy Hollingsworth, John C. Hollowell, T. P. Hollingsworth, James E. Huston, Joseph R. Jackson, John Jones, James Jones, James E. H. Jones, Samuel G. Kearney, Thomas Kent, Isaiah W. Kemp, John Kizer, William F. Locke, John D. Lytle, Jethro Macy, Charles McGuire, George W. McKinney, Thomas B. McIntyre, Nathan B. Maxwell, Anthony Mincer, James M. Moore, Robert H. Morgan, Uriah Mock, George W. McCormick, George W. Price, Francis M. Puckett, Lafayette Pursley, John C. Rush, Reuben S. Scott, 436 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Charles Souke, Edward Stanton, Charles M. Stine, Jefferson Stoner, Samuel Strahan, David B. Strahan, James M. Thomas, Henry T. Way, Jesse Way, Samuel H. Webb, William H. Weaver, Samuel Williams, William H. Will- iams, John Yost. Company G—Second Lieutenant, George W. H. Riley, promoted cap- tain Company C. Captain in Eighth Three Years’ Infantry; also lieutenant colonel, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Indiana regiment. No losses or casualties occurred in Company C. Every man came back safe and sound as he went out, leaving his country better for the peril he had undergone in her behalf, and happy in the experience he had gained in the brief campaign spent among the bluffs and mountains of Western Virginia. SIXTH INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS). Was mustered in at Indianapolis, September 20, 1861; Colonel, T. T. Crittenden. Mustered out at Chattanooga, September 22, 1864. Officers, 46; men, 950; recruits, 126; died, 242; deserters, 48; unaccounted for, 10; total, 1,118. The Sixth regiment was re-organized from the Sixth Three Months’ regiment September 20, 1861. Its first service was to cross to Louisville, Ky., then threatened by Buckner, which it performed the very day of its or- ganization, being the first body of troops to enter Kentucky from a northern state. They marched to Muldraugh’s Hill, forty miles distant, camping near Elizabethtown. The Sixth was assigned to Rousseau’s brigade, of McCook’s division, and marched with the division to Munfordsville and Bowling Green, and, in March, 1862, to Nashville; March 29, 1862, they left for the Ten- nessee river, reaching Shiloh April 7 and fighting bravely in the battle of Shiloh, April 8, saving a battery from capture, and with a determined charge aiding to turn the tide of victory. The regiment was in the siege and battle of Corinth. They then marched with Buell’s army through Tuscumbia, Huntsville, Florence and Stevenson to Nashville and to Louisville, arriving October 2, 1862. Thence they returned to Tennessee, marching with Rosecrans upon Murfreesboro, and fighting in the battle of Stone River December 31, 1862, January 1 and 2, 1863. The regiment campaigned between Murfreesboro and Chattanooga dur- ing the summer of 1863. It was at Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, Col. Baldwin being killed on the first day. It skirmished at Brown’s Ferry, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 437 October 27, and fought at Mission Ridge November 25. They marched into east Tennessee and remained till the spring of 1864. The gallant Sixth returned to northern Georgia for the Atlanta cam- paign, taking part at Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Buzzard Roost, Dallas, New Hope, Allatoona Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta and be- fore Atlanta. ; They returned to Chattanooga in August and the body of the regiment was mustered out September 22, 1864. The veterans (few in number) and the recruits were transferred to the Sixty-eighth Indiana. When that regi- ment was mustered out, nineteen of the old Sixth were found still in service, and they were again transferred to the Forty-fourth, and were mustered out with that regiment September 14, 1865. The engagements of the Sixth were as follows. Philippi, Va., June 3, 1861 (three months’ service); Carrick’s Ford, Va., July 12, 1861 (three months’ service) ; Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 7, 1862; Corinth, Miss., siege, April 11, to May 30, 1862; Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862, to January 1, 2, 1863; Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 20, 1863; Brown’s Ferry, Tenn., October 27, 1863; Mission Ridge, Ga., November 25, 1863; Tunnel Hill, Ga., May 7, 1864; Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 6, 1864; Buzzard’s Roost, Ga., May 8, 1864; Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864; New Hope Church, Ga., May 25, 1864; Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864; Allatoona Ridge, Ga., 1864; Kenesaw Moun- tain, Ga., June 27, 1864; Marietta, Ga., July 3, 1864; Atlanta, Ga., July 21 to September 2, 1864. The service rendered by the Sixth was honorable and faithful, and it was nobly and cheerfully performed. MEMBERS FROM RANDOLPH COUNTY. Company H, Sixth Indiana, three years—William H. Johnson, wounded at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1853. Hiram Phillips, appointed corporal, mustered out September 22, 1864. James Chandler, died October 1, 1863, wounded at Chickamauga. SEVENTH INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS). Mustered in at Indianapolis, September 13, 1861; Colonel, Ebenezer Du- mont. Mustered out in the field September 20, 1864. Officers, 45; men, 1,001; recruits, 207; veterans, 46; died, 212; deserters, 26; unaccounted for, 27; total, 1,299. 438 RANDOLPH COUNTY,.INDIANA. The Seventh regiment was re-organized for three years September 13, 1861, under Col. Dumont, and moved immediately to Western Virginia, joining Gen. Reynolds at Cheat Mountain, October 3, 1861; it was in the bat- tle at Greenbrier, Va., and shortly afterward marched into Shenandoah Val- ley, camping there through the winter. The regiment fought at Winchester Heights, March 30, 1862, and at Port Republic, Va., June 9, 1862, and at Front Royal, Va., June 12, 1862. Marching under Gen. Shields to Fredericksburg and back to the Shenandoah, it was assigned to Gen. McDowell’s division. They were with Pope in the army of Virginia, being engaged at Slaughter Mountain, August 9, 1862, and at Second Bull Run, August 30, 1862. They pursued Lee into Maryland, and fought at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862, with a loss of two killed and eight wounded. At Ashby’s Gap, Va., their loss was four killed and six wounded. It took part in the great battle of Fredericksburg, Va., under Burnside, December 13, 1862. They were at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2 to 5, 1863, and at Gettysburg, Penn., July 1 to 4, 1863, losing heavily in both battles. The regiment was engaged at Mine Run, Va., November 30, 1863. After camping at Culpepper, Vt., till the spring of 1864, they moved with Grant in the fearful campaign of that awful year through the “great and terrible Wilderness” and most of the sanguinary battles during that fearful summer. They fought in the campaign of 1864 in front of Richmond, as given below : Wilderness, May 5, 6, 1864; Laurel Hill, May 7, 1864; Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864; Po River, May 10 to 12, 1864; North Anna, May 25, 1864; Bethesda Church, May 30, 31, 1864; Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. The as- sault on Petersburg was made June 16, 1864, and the Seventh was in that fierce but unsuccessful attack. It remained in the siege of Petersburg till August 18, and then moved to cut the Weldon railroad, and took part in the fight at Yellow House, Va., August 19, 1864. On the 23d of September, 1864, the Seventh was consolidated with the Nineteenth, under the name of the Nineteenth, and this new regiment again with the new Twentieth (made up of the Fourteenth and Twentieth united) October 18, 1864. Its members were mustered out with the Twentieth Indiana, July 12, 1865, returning to Indianapolis for payment and final discharge. Its battles were these: Greenbrier, Va., October 3, 1861; Winchester Heights, Va., March 23, 1862; Port Republic, Va., June 9, 1862; Front Royal, Va., June 12, 1862; Slaughter Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862; Second Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862; Antietam, Va., September 17, 1862; Ashby’s Gap, Va., November 2, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 439 1862; Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862; Chancellorsville, Va., May 2 to 5, 1863; Gettysburg, Penn., July 1 to 4, 1863; Mine Run, Va., November 30, 1863; Wilderness, Va., May 5, 6, 1864; Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864; Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 12, 1864; Po River, Va., May 8 to 10, 1864; North Anna, Va., May 25, 1864; Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, 31, June 1, 1864; Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864; assault on Petersburg, Va., June 16, 1864; siege of Petersburg, Va., June 17, August 18, 1864; Weldon Rail- road, Va., August 18, 1864: Yellow House, Va., August 19, 1864. A formidable list of battles indeed for a single regiment! Twenty-three engagements, and among them Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. The blood curdles at the heart only to think of so fearful an experience of three such long years of hardship, peril and bloodshed as was undergone by the heroic and unconquerable Seventh Indiana. The men in the Seventh Indiana (three years) from Randolph county are as follows: Company B, Seventh Indiana Infantry—John M. Bray, discharged Feb- ruary 9, 1862; disability. Wesley Bray, transferred to Twentieth regiment; died. li Gregory, transferred to Twentieth regiment; captured; died in Salis- bury, Prison, November 22, 1864. EIGHTH INDIANA INFANTRY ( THREE YEARS). AMustered in at Indianapolis, September 5, 1861; Colonel, William P. Benton. Mustered out at Savannah, Ga., August 28, 1865. Officers, 46; men, 1,000; recruits, 177; re-enlisted, 480; unassigned recruits, 17; died, 245; deserted, 75; unaccounted for, 47; total, 1,672. The Eighth Indiana ‘regiment of infantry left Indianapolis, September 10, 1861, arriving at St. Louis the next day. Joining Gen. Fremont’s army shortly, they marched to Jefferson City, reaching that town September 14, staying there a week, and while there being united with the brigade com- manded by Col. Jeff. C. Davis, of the Twenty-second Indiana volunteers. September 22, the regiment set out for Springfield. Reaching that place in fourteen days, they returned to Otterville in seven days. At Warrensburg, Mo., they aided in capturing 1,300 rebels, December 17, 1861. Returning to ‘Otterville, the regiment encamped till January 24, 1862, and then joined Gen. Curtis at Springfield, continuing the march to Cross Timbers, Ark., soon after which the Eighth participated in the great battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 440 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 6, 7 and 8, 1862. Remaining at Cross Timbers nearly a month, the regiment crossed the Ozark Mountains, marched down White river valley, and so to Batesville, Ark. They made a halt for two months at Sulphur Rock. Helena on the Mississippi was reached July 13, 1862. This march was a severe journey, provisions being very scarce and hard to get. Four ears of corn and a little meat were often a day’s rations. On this march the battle of Cotton Plant was fought. In August, the battle of Austin took place; October 6, 1862, they were put under command of Gen. Steele, went to Sulphur Hill, near St. Louis, thence to Ironton, where they arrived October 11. The regiment was kept on the march to and fro in southeast Missouri till March 5, 1863. They were then sent to Milliken’s Bend, where they were assigned to Benton’s Brigade, in Carr’s Division of the Thirteenth corps, McClernand command- ing. April 29, 1863, the regiment crossed the Mississippi, and helped to fight the battles near Port Gibson, losing thirty-two; they were at Jackson May 14; at Champion Hills May 16; at Black River Bridge May 17, and in the siege of Vicksburg from May 109 till July 4. July 5, the regiment went again to Jackson. The place was captured and the troops returned to Vicksburg, July 24, remaining there till August 20. They were then ordered to Carrollton, near New Orleans, by steamer, as also across the country through the Teche region, under Gen. Banks, and thence via Berwick City over the waters of the Gulf to Texas. November 17, the fort on Mustang Island, near Aransas Pass, was taken by the Union troops, and, November 27, Fort Esperanza was captured. They went thence to Indianola, and there re-enlisted as veterans, January 1, 1864, 417 out of 517 being mustered into the new organization. Before this time, the losses by death in the regiment were as follows: Killed in action, 48; died of wounds, 32; died of disease, 137; total, 217. Of course, a larger number still had been discharged for disability, while yet many recruits had. joined their ranks. The regiment in the spring received a furlough and reached Indianapolis, April 22. In May, they returned to the south, went to Morganza Bend, July 27, and defeated the confederates at Atchafalaya July 28. Soon after- ward, this veteran regiment was transferred from the extreme South to the army on the Atlantic seaboard. They reached Washington City, August 12, 1864, being sent immediately to Berryville, Va., and joined the Nineteenth corps. They were with Sheridan in the Shenandoah valley camping, being present in the battles of Opequan, Fisher’s Hill and Cedar Creek, September RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, ; 441 19 and 22 and Octcber 19. January 16, 1865, the regiment left for Sa- vannah, Ga., by way of Baltimore, reaching the former place January 26, 1865, after a rail and steamer trip of ten days. It was retained on duty in Georgia till August, 1865. They were mustered out (probably at Savannah) August 28, 1865. They arrived at Indianapolis, September 17, 1865, under Col. John R. Polk, with fourteen officers and 2145 men. Gov. Morton addressed the returned veterans in words of blended wel- come and farewell, as they were assembled in his presence in the capitol, and that heroic band of faithful comrades, many of whom had gone through fire and flood together and traversed a continent in company, gave each to each the parting hand and sought each for himself his home and family and friends. The travels of the Eighth were a marvel. To St. Louis, Jefferson, Springheld; to Cross Timbers, Pea Ridge; across through the Arkansas swamps to Helena; back to St. Louis again; down the river to Vicksburg, thence to New Orleans; through Louisiana to Texas, home on a furlough, and to New Orleans; thence by a single movement to the eastern slope of the Alleghanies and the sea; to the Shenandoah and to Georgia, and at last, “When that cruel war was over,” they made just one more movement, from the waters of the Gulf to the lovely valley of the Ohio, and to the homes of their childhood and the abodes of their youth and manhood. The engagements in which the Eighth took part are given below in a connected view: Warrensburg, Mo., December 17, 1861; Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6, 7, 8. 1862; Cotton Plant, Ark., July 7, 1862; Austin, Miss., August, 1862; Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863; Jackson, Miss., May 14, 1863; Champion Hills, May 16, 1863; Black River Bridge, May 17, 1863; siege of Vicks- burg, May 19 to July 4, 1863; siege of Jackson, July 9 to 16, 1863; Mus- tang Island, Texas, November 17, 1863; Fort Esperanza, Texas, November 17, 1863; Atchafalaya, La., July 28, 1864; Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864; Fisher’s Hill, Va., September 22, 1864; Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. The officers and soldiers from Randolph county in the Eighth Indiana infantry (three years), are as follows: Regimental officers—Assistant Surgeon, George W. Bruce, resigned January 26, 1863. Company G, Eighth Indiana—Captain, George W. H. Riley, resigned March 4, 1863; second lieutenant, Jesse W. Way, promoted first lieu- 442 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. tenant; resigned November 13, 1863; Benaiah C. Hoyt, First sergeant, re- duced to Fifth sergeant; wounded at Pea Ridge, discharged March 4, 1863, disability; William H. Keller, sergeant, veteran, promoted second lieuten- ant, promoted first lieutenant, promoted captain, mustered out August 28, 1865 (W. H. K. is from Cambridge City) ; Michael P. Voris, sergeant, dis- charged Sepetmber 25, 1862; Allen O. Neff, sergeant, promoted second lieutenant: wounded at Pea Ridge, promoted first lieutenant, resigned June 18, 1863. Corporals—Charles C. Smith, appointed hospital steward April 1, 1862; Samuel H. Webb, wounded at Pea Ridge, veteran; died October 22, 1854, of wounds; William Pogue, veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865; Jefferson Bush, discharged March 12, 1863, disability; James M. Thomas, discharged October 27, 1862, disability; Stanton J. Peele, discharged for pro- motion as second lieutenant in the Fifty-seventh regiment. Musicians—William Farra, veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865; Henry C. Voris, wounded at Pea Ridge, veteran, mustered out August 28, 1865. Privates (mustered out with regiment August 28, 1865 )—Michael Doyle, veteran; John Farra, veteran; Isaac Gillum, veteran; Elijah Harlan, veteran, appointed corporal. Kenworthy C. Hollingsworth, veteran, appointed cor- poral, captured at Cedar Creek; Nathaniel Pugh, veteran; Edward Stanton, veteran; Sylvanus White, veteran; William W. Smith, veteran. George Bartholomew, mustered out Sept. 4, t864; Mansfield W. Bly, transferred to Mississippi Marine Brigade March 12, 1863, discharged; Henry C. Brandon, died May 5, 1863, of wounds received at Port Gibson, Miss.; Samuel Bumpas, discharged November 28, 1863; Thomas W Coffin, veteran, mustered out June 7, 1865; Joseph S. Duer, appointed corporal, wounded at Vicksburg, mustered out September 1, 13864; George W. Fisher, discharged October 16, 1862, disability; John Ford, mustered out June 14, 1865; Grover G. Fowler, discharged for wounds at Pea Ridge, Ark.; John French, died at Union City, Ind.; Thomas Gilluwm, record indefinite; Ed- ward Fray, discharged December 23, 1862, disability; George \W. Grimes, wounded at Pea Ridge, discharged March 17, 1863, disability; Abner Hin- shaw, died at St. Louis January 7, 1863, disease; John T. Jenkins, veteran, killed at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864; Richard E. Jenkins, died at St. Louis, Mo., April 16, 1863, disease; Benjamin Jordan, mustered out September 4, 1864; Wesley Jordan, mustered out September 4, 1864; Lewis Mock, veteran, record indefinite; Isaac C. Moody, died, date unknown; Charles C. B. Mullen, record indefinite; Clark Predmore, mustered out Sep- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 443 tember 4, 1864; William Pullman, wounded at Pea Ridge and Vicksburg, mustered out September 4, 1864; Michael Rariden, died at Union City, Ind., December 20, 1863; James C. Smith, discharged December 31, 1861, dis- ability; James T. Smith, wounded at Pea Ridge, mustered out September 4, 1864; George W. Starbuck, record indefinite; William Stine, discharged January 8, 1863, minority; Isaac C. Sutton, discharged August 9, 1862, dis- ability; Martin R. Thomas, died at Winchester, Ind., August 10, 1862, dis- ease; William Tutor, record indefinite ; Henry T. Warner, died at St. Louis, Mo., October 10, 1862, disease; Samuel Wilson, died at St. Louis, Mo., No- vember, 1861, disease; Charles Wood, died at Humansville, Mo., Novem- ber 12, 1862, disease; Christian H. Wright, discharged May 17, 1862, dis- ability. Recruits—William H. Ashville, mustered out June 14, 1865; Alexander Jordan, veteran, captured at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864, mustered out September 22, 1865; Charles McGuire, -died at St. Louis, February 22, 1863, disease; Anthony Mincer, died June 7, 1863, wounds received at Vicksburg; John W. Page, veteran, mustered out June 14, 1865; Francis M. Puckett, veteran, discharged June 14, 1865; Isaac A. Sharp, discharged March 17, 1863, disability; Ezra Smith, discharged December 31, 1862, dis- ability; John R. Smith, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps May 31, 1864; Letaman A. White, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps May 31, 1864. NINTH INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS) Mustered in at LaPorte, Ind., September 5, 1861; Colonel, Robert H. Milroy. Mlustered out in Texas September 28, 1865. Officers, 47; men, 1,010; recruits, 747; veterans, 291; died, 351; deserted, 125; unaccounted for, 18; total 2,195. The regiment went first to Western Virginia, encamping on Cheat Mountain summit for winter quarters, participating in the battle of Green- brier, October 3, and of Alleghany, December 13, 1861. January 9, 1862, they marched to Fetterman, Va., remaining till February 19, 1862. They were then sent by rail to Cincinnati and to Nashville by steamer, joining Gen. Buell’s army. March 29, 1862, the regiment marched to Tennessee river, taking -part in the second day’s fight at Shiloh, April 7, 1862; thence to Corinth, Miss. They marched thence to Athens, Ala., and Franklin and Murfreesboro, Tenn., to Nashville; thence to Bowling Green and back to Nashville; thence by Louisville and in pursuit of Bragg to Perryville; thence by Danville and Crab Orchard to the Wildcat Mountains and to Nashville. 444 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. In these marches, the Ninth regiment was engaged in the battles of Perry- ville, Danville and Wildcat Mountain. They afterward marched to Mur- freesboro and were at Stone River, Tenn., marching thence over the Cum- berland Mountains and the Tennessee river to Chattanooga. They fought at Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge, thence across the Cumberland range again to Bridgeport and to Whiteside, Tenn. Here the soldiers of ‘the Ninth re-enlisted as veterans, December 12, 1863, taking vete- ran furlough, and left Valparaiso, Ind., for the front February 21, 1864, passing through Indianapolis, Louisville, Nashville and Chattanooga to Cleve- land, Tenn. The regiment went through the entire Atlantic campaign, dur- ing the spring and summer of 1864, marching through Ringgold, Dalton, Resaca, Kingston, Cassville, around Allatoona Mountain, to Ackworth, Big Shanty and Marietta and in the flank movement around Atlanta; through Jonesboro and Lovejoy, and back to Atlanta. In this campaign of months of solid fighting, the soldiers of the Ninth fought at Taylor’s Ridge, Buzzard’s Roost, Dalton, Resaca, Cassville, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw, Ma- rietta, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro and Lovejoy. They pursued Hood to Dalton, marching thence to Athens and to Pulaski, Tenn, arriving November 1, 1864. It was engaged at Columbia, Tenn., at Franklin and at Nashville, and chased Hood’s flying legions to Huntsville, Ala., remaining there from January 6 to March 13, 1865. They then passed into East Ten- nessee, beyond Bull’s Gap, and back to Nashville, reaching it May 25, 1865. It was sent thence to New Orleans and to Texas, remaining as part of Sheridan’s Army of occupation till September, 1865, when it was mustered out of’service, in Texas, and the soldiers were sent to their respective homes. The battles of the Ninth Indiana infantry are as follows: Greenbrier, Va., October 3, 1861; Alleghany, Va., December 13, 1861; Shiloh, Tenn., April 7, 1862; Corinth (seige). April 11, to May 30, 1862; Perryville, Ky., October 8, 1862; Danville, Ky., 1862; Wildcat Mountain, Ky., October 21, 1862; Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862, January 1, 2, 1863; Chicka- mauga, Tenn., September 19, 20, 1863; Lookout Mountain, Ga., Novem- ber 24, 1863; Mission Ridge, Ga., November 25, 1863; Taylor’s Ridge, Ga., May, 1864; Buzzard’s Roost, Ga., May 8, 1864; Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864; Cassville, Ga., May 19, 1864; Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864; New Hope Church, Ga., May 25, 1864; Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, 1864; Marietta, Ga., July 3, 1864; Atlanta, Ga., July 21, September 2, 1864; Jonesboro, Ga., September 1, 1864; Dalton, Ga., August 15, 1864; Lovejoy, Ga., September 2, 1864; Columbia, Tenn., November 26, 1864; Franklin, Tenn., Novem- ber 30, 1864; Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 16, 1864. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 445 The Ninth regiment, it will be noticed, did their full share of fight- ing, being engaged in twenty-six battles, to say nothing of skirmishes, etc. Many of them were chief among the engagements of the war—Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Chickmauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Resaca, Kenesaw, Franklin, Nashville—ten large battles make a strong show- ing for the record of the Ninth Indiana. The members of the Ninth Indiana (three years) from Randolph county are as follows: Company A—Charles Anderson, mustered out June 20, 1865; Francis M. Singer, assigned, never reported. Company C—Samuel Armstrong, died May 23, 1865; Eli Cadwallader, Job Horner, Jeremiah Horn, mustered out July 9, 1865. Substitutes—William C. Blizzard, mustered out September 27, 1865; Eli Burkett, died of disease December 18, 1864; Silas S. Clark, Peter Fun- derburg, mustered out September 28, 1865; Thomas K. Karnes, record in- ‘definite; James McFetridge, died June 17, 1865, disease. Company G—Col. N. Steele, mustered out June 20, 1865. Company H—Wilson Benning, mustered out September 28, 1865; Jona- than Edwards, mustered out June 19, 1865; Robert Engle, record indefinite ; Daniel Fry, mustered out August 13, 1865; Henry Garrett, William F. Still- well, mustered out June 19, 1865; James N. Wright, mustered out June 19, 1865; Jacob D. Bales, mustered out May 30, 1865; Austin F. Conyer, James P. Ellis, Philip W. Miller, mustered out September 28, 1865; James Nicholas, died January 15, 1865; Aaron Oren, mustered out May 30, 1865 (the last six were substitutes). Company I—John W. Clark, mustered out June 21, 1865; Josiah French, died at Nashville, Tenn., January 5, 1865, disease. Company K—David Boocher, mustered out September 28, 1865, absent, sick; Joseph Devoss, mustered out June 20, 1865; David A. Green, dis- charged May 25, 1865, disability; Joshua Green, mustered out May 23, 1865; John A. Green, Elias Phillips, David A. Switzer, mustered out June 20, 1865; John W. Switzer, discharged June 8, 1865, disability; Isaiah Woodard, died at Knoxville, Tenn., April 30, 1865; Sylvester Willey, discharged June 8, 1865, disability; Darius Orr, mustered out May 20, 1865. ELEVENTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. The synopsis of the record of the Eleventh regiment, given in the re- port of the state adjutant general, stands thus: Upper Potomac (three months), 1861. (29) 446 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIAN \ Western Kentucky (three years), 1861. Tennessee and Kentucky, 1862. Siege of Corinth and pursuit of Bragg, 1862. Against Vicksburg, 1863. po Louisiana, 1863-64. Shenandoah Valley, 1864. es STATISTICS, i Mustered in at Indianapolis, August 31, 1861, Colonel Lewis Wallace. Mustered out at Baltimore, July 26, 1865. Officers, 49; men, 1,010; recruits, 963; veterans, 296; died, 245; de- serted, 25; unaccounted for, 239; total, 2,348. Veteranized at Madisonville, La., February 1, 1864; took veteran fur- lough by steamer from New Orleans via New York, and thence by rail, to Indianapolis, arriving February 21, 1864; public reception by Gov. Morton on that day; reached New Orleans in return May 8, 1864; came by steamer to Fortress Monroe, July 28, 1864. Shenandoah Valley, July 28, 1864, Jan- uary, 1865; Baltimore, Md., January 7, July 26, 1865; mustered out at Baltimore, July 26, 1865; public reception at Indianapolis, August 4, 1865. The Eleventh Regiment marched 9,318 miles. Battles in which they took part: Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, siege of Jackson, Teche County, Lake Tasse, Perry- ville, Opequan, Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Creek, New Market. Members of the Eleventh Indiana infantry (three years), from Randolph county : . Company I (Eleventh Indiana)—John Day, record indefinite; Richard Fay, record indefinite. TWELFTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Mustered in at Indianapolis, August 17, 1862, Colonel William H. Link. Mustered out at Washington City, June 8, 1865. Officers, 41; men, 907; recruits, 384; died, 193; deserted, 8; unaccounted for, 13; total, 1,332. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 447 SYNOPTICAL RECORD, Upper Potomac, 1861-62. Shenandoah Valley, 1862. Against Kirby Smith in Kentucky, 1862. Pursuit of Bragg, 1862. West Tennessee, 1862. Against Vicksburg, 1862. Chattanooga and East Tennessee, 1863. Against Atlanta, 1864. Sherman to the Sea, 1864. Through the Carolinas, 1865. BATTLES—TWELFTH REGIMENT. Richmond, Ky., 173 killed and wounded; regiment mostly taken pris- oners; Col. Link killed. Battles of the Vicksburg campaign, Mission Ridge, Atlanta Campaign, Griswoldsville, Savannah, Columbia and Bentonville. The regiment returned to Indianapolis 270 strong, and were publicly received by Gov. Morton, June 14, 1865. The recruits and drafted men were transferred to the Forty-eighth and Fifty-ninth regiments,-and kept in service another month, being mustered out July 15 and 17, 1865, at Louisville, Ky. "Men belonging to the Twelfth Indiana from Randolph county: Company A—Joseph Urick, mustered out June 8, 1865; Benjamin Mann, mustered out June 8, 1865. THIRTEENTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Mustered in at Indianapolis, June 19, 1861; Colonel J. C. Sullivan. Mustered out at Goldsboro, N. C., September 5, 1865. Officers, 41; men, 1,006; recruits, 232; veterans, 148; died, 136; de- serted, 103; unaccounted for, 25; total, 1,427. The Thirteenth was one of the earliest six regiments for three years from Indiana, viz. : Twelfth, May 11, 1861; Sixteenth, May 11, 1861; Fourteenth, June 7, 1861; Seventeenth, June 12, 1861; Fifteenth, June 14, 1861; Thirteenth, June 19, 1861. 448 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. It left for the field July 4, 1861, reaching McClellan’s forces at the base of Rich Mountain, July 10, going into the action of Rich Mountain the next day, with eight killed and nine wounded. September 12 and 13, the battles of Cheat Mountain and Elkwater were fought, and the Thirteenth was engaged in both. The regiment fought at Greenbriar and Alleghany, and at Winchester Heights, March 22, 1862, losing six killed and thirty-three wounded; also pur- suing Stonewall Jackson to New Market and Columbia Bridge. At Sum- merville their loss was four wounded and twenty-four prisoners. They marched over the Blue Ridge to McDowell, and were sent back to Shenan- doah Valley, June 28, 1862; they were sent to Harrison’s Landing on the James, and afterward to Fortress Monroe and to Suffolk on the Nansemond river. There they stayed nine months, engaging in numerous operations. Among them were reconnoissances to Blackwater, October 3, November 7, December 15; battle of Deserted Farm, January 30, 1865. Repulse of Gen. Longstreet from Suffolk, April 10, May 3, 1863; tear- ing up forty miles of track from the two railroads May 13 and 19, 1863. They marched 400 miles and lost two killed, nineteen wounded and seven prisoners. After destroying railroads north of Richmond, the regiment was dis- patched. to Charleston harbor, reaching Folly Island, August 3, 1863, and taking part in the siege of Forts Wagner and Gregg, entering the first into Fort Wagner in the assault against that fort September 7. The regiment veteranized on Folly Island, December, 1863, and the veterans reached Indianapolis on home furlough January I, 1864. Returning to their flag, the regiment was with Gen. Seymour at Jack- sonville in Florida until April 17, 1864, and was then transferred to Gen. Butler’s army in front of Richmond, arriving at Bermuda Hundred, May 5, 1864. They were in the actions of Wathal Junction, May 7, Chester Station, May 16, and Foster’s Farm, May 20, losing in the three engagements about two hundred men. They were at Cold Harbor, June 3, and in various actions with the Potomac Army until June 12, and then returned to Bermuda Hundred, aiding in the assault on Petersburg, June 16. The non-veterans left the regiment June 19, going to Indianapolis to be mustered out. The regiment was at the fatal charge on Petersburg after the explosion of the mine July 30, 1864, as also at Strawberry Plains, Chapin’s Bluff and the attack on the rebel works before Richmond, October 10, 1864. They were ordered to New York to assist in preserving order at the elections in RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 449 November, and returned December 3 to join the expedition against Fort Fisher. When the non-veterans left, the regiment was formed at first into a battalion of five companies, but was afterward made a full regiment by adding five companies of drafted men. January 3, 1865, the regiment sailed against Fort Fisher, assisting to capture that stronghold, as also Fort Anderson on the 19th of February, 1865. They were a part of the forces that occupied Wilmington, February 22, and after some weeks marched to Raleigh, arriving April 14, and re- maining there until July 20, 1865. Thence they went to Goldsboro, and were mustered out at that place September 5, starting for Indianapolis, Sep- tember 7, and arriving September 15, 1865, with twenty-nine officers and 550 enlisted men. Men from Randolph county in the Thirteenth: Company FE (reorganized)—Hiram W. Seely, appointed corporal; mustered out September 5, 1865. Company I (reorganized)—Edward Courtney, record indefinite. John S. Debolt, mustered out August 19, 1865. Fidel Higi, mustered out September 5, 1865. Joseph E. Ruhel, first sergeant, mustered out September 5, 1865. John Thomas, record indefinite. SIXTEENTH INDIANA, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Indianapolis, August 19, 1861; Colonel T. J. Lucas; regiment mustered out at New Orleans, June 30, 1865. Officers, 42; men, 921; recruits, 523; veterans, none; died, 271; de- serted, 36; unaccounted for, 204; total, 1,486. Upper Potomac, 1861; Shenandoah Valley, 1862; against Kirby Smith, 1862; Mississippi Valley, 1862-63; against Vicksburg, 1863; Louisiana, 1863; Red River, 1864; Louisiana, 1865. Mustered out at New Orleans, June 30, 1865. Arrived at Indianapolis with 365 officers and men July 10, 1865. Public reception by Gov. Morton, Gen. Hovey and others. The recruits whose terms of service had not yet expired were trans- ferred to the Thirteenth cavalry, the Sixteenth having served as cavalry for some time with acceptance. 450 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. With the Thirteenth cavalry the recruits were mustered out in October, 1865. Members from Randolph county: Elliot Robertson, mustered out May 15, 1865. SEVENTEENTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Indianapolis, June 12, 1861; Colonel Milo S. Hascall; regiment mustered out at Macon, Ga., August 8, 1865. Officers, 49; men, 1,014; recruits, 940; veterans, 288; died, 232; de- serted, 161; unaccounted for, 82; total, 2,311. Loss in killed and wounded, 238; assisted to capture more than five thousand prisoners; marched more than four thousand miles; captured more than six thousand stand of arms; captured seventy pieces of artillery; cap- tured eleven stands of colors. captured more than three thousand horses and mules. Regiment mounted during February, 1863; armed with spencer rifles May 18, 1863. Regiment re-enlisted as veterans at Pulaski, Tenn., January 4, 1864. Regiment arrived at Indianapolis on veteran furlough January 25, 1864. Regiment purchased horses in Indiana for remounting and returned mounted to Nashville, and to Sherman’s army before Atlanta May 10, 1864. Regiment engaged in skirmishes in the Atlantic campaign and many places—Pumpkin Vine Church, Big Shanty, Belle Plains Road, Kenesaw, Marietta, Chattahoochie River, Stone Mountain, Flat Rock, New Hope Church, Rome, Coosaville, Leesburg, and Goshen. Remounted at Louisville, Ky., December 24, 1864, and went South again to Alabama. It fought Roddy and Forrest at Ebenezer Church, Ga., April 1, 1865; fought also at Selma, Ala., April 2, capturing four pieces of artillery and 300 prisoners; at Macon, Ga., also, they assisted in taking 3,000 prisoners, five stands of colors, sixty pieces of artillery and 3,000 small arms. The Seventeenth was an exceedingly energetic regiment, and performed eff- cient and thorough service, which helped greatly in conquering the rebellion and compelling a peace; for all which and for their heroism, and for their great achievements all honor to the gallant Seventeenth Indiana. Members belonging to the Seventeenth: David H. Chase, appointed Hospital Steward; mustered out June —, 1865. RANDOLPII COUNTY, INDIANA, 451 NINETEENTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Solomon Meredith, Colonel; regiment mustered in at Indianapolis, July 29, 1861; mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 12, 1865. Officers, 43; men, 1,011; recruits, 447; veterans, 213; died, 267; de- serted (unknown) ; unaccounted for, 451; total, 1,614. Note—A larger number is unaccounted for than in any other regiment. The Nineteenth had not nearly so large a field of operations as some others, spending its whole four years in the Army of the Potomac. But what it lacked in extent of territory was made up in severity of service. In sickness, in loss by killed and wounded and prisoners and death by dis- ease, the sufferings and hardships of the old Ninetenth were wonderful. Its first experience of battle was at Lewinsville, but by no means its last. At Gainesville and Manassas Junction, South Mountain and Antietam, and the terribly fatal attack on Fredericksburg, at Gettysburg and the fearful Wilderness campaign, ever in the post of danger and of death, the brigade composed in part of the Nineteenth, long before the battle of Gettysburg had richly earned the name by which it was known throughout the Potomac Army —“The Iron Brigade.” The history of the Nineteenth Indiana may be given in brief as fol- lows: Leaving Indianapolis August 5, 1861, it joined forthwith the Potomac Army August 9. At Lewinsville they were engaged with a slight loss ot three killed and wounded, and three prisoners. They were in the engage- ment at Falls Church September 28, and wintered at Fort Craig, on Arlington Heights. The regiment spent the spring and summer until August in recon- noissances in Virginia, marching to Fredericksburg, to the Shenandoah Val- ley, to Warrenton, to Fredericksburg again, Spottsylvania and Cedar Moun- tain. At Gainesville, their loss was heavy—187 killed and wounded, ana thirty-three missing. Maj. Isaac M. May fell in that action. They were engaged at Manas- sas Junction, and not long after at South Mountain, September 14, 1862, with forty killed and wounded, and again in the world-renowned conflict of An- tietam September 17, 1862, with fearful hardships and heavy loss, their Lieutenant Colonel, Alois O. Bachman, being killed on that awful field of blood and slaughter. October 6, Col. Meredith was promoted Brigadier General, and Lieut. 452 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Col. Samuel J. Williams became Colonel. The regiment fought in the at- tack on Fredericksburg December 13, 1862, and wintered at Belle Plain. They marched to Gettysburg, arriving on the morning of July 1, 1863. A large part of the regiment was captured in that battle, and the poor suffer- ers spent weary months in those dens of unspeakable horror, the rebel prison- pens. The “Iron Brigade” opened the battle of Gettysburg about 9 o’clock in the morning of July 1, the Nineteenth being the regiment first engaged. In the campaign of the Wilderness, during the summer of .1864, the Nineteenth was conspicuous in the sanguinary contest of that memorable period. During the winter of 1864, a portion of the remnant of the Nineteenth re-enlisted as veterans. Col. Williams was. killed in the Wilderness, and Lieut. Col. Lindley took his place. The old regiments had become so reduced that a consolidation was ef- fected in the fall of 1864. The Fourteenth and Twentieth were united as the new Twentieth. The Seventh and the Nineteenth were joined as the new .Nineteenth September 23, 1864. The two new regiments were again consolidated as the Twentieth, Octo- ber 18, 1864, with Col. William Orr as the commanding officer. The Twentieth was mustered out at Louisville July 12, 1865. _ These regiments had in truth undergone a hard, severe, laborious, deadly service. Great numbers were killed and wounded, and a far greater number died of disease, and still more were discharged for disability. Four regi- ments were consolidated into one, and only a meager few remained even then to recount the story of their achievements. Out of 5.801 men who had be- longed to the four regiment, there were present at the final muster-out of the Twentieth Regiment barely twenty-three officers and 390 men. The soul shudders at the incalculable sacrifice of health and life, and the unspeakable burden of human suffering wrapped up in the bare statement of statistics given above—s5,801 men reduced to 410. Alas! alas! how little knew or cared the reckless men who struck the fatal blow that opened the mortal strife what a bitter fountain of poisonous, deadly waters was by their fratri- cidal hand unsealed to pour its fatal flood widespread over the horror- stricken land! ENGAGEMENTS OF THE NINETEENTH INDIANA. Lewinsville, Va., September 11, 1861, three killed and wounded, and three prisoners. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 453 Gainesville, Va., August 26, 1862, 183 killed and wounded and three missing. Manassas Junction, Va., August 30, 1862, slight loss. South Mountain, Va., September 14, 1862, forty killed and wounded, and seven missing. Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862, lost 163 men. Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Gettysburg, Penn., July 1, 1863, loss 210. Mine Run, Va., November, 1863. Wilderness to Cold Harbor, May, 1874. Petersburg, Va., June, 1864, casualties, 220. Weldon Railroad, Va., August 19 and 20, 1864. Members of the Nineteenth Indiana credited to Randolph county; Company C, Nineteenth Indiana Infantry—Captain, Robert W. Hamilton; resigned October 23, 1863. First Lieutenant, Reuben B. Farra; resigned January 8, 1862. Second Lieutenant, William M. Campbell, promoted Captain Company I; resigned October 15, 1862. Joseph Cook, First Sergeant, promoted Second Lieutenant; First Lieu- tenant, Captain, died February 27, 1863. Sergeants—Henry Ammerman (really from Jay county), promoted Second Lieutenant; resigned May 8, 1862. Joel A. Newman, promoted Second Lieutenant; First Lieutenant; re- signed February 9, 1863. Joseph T. Ives, wounded at South Mountain, promoted Second Lieu- tenant; First Lieutenant; resigned February 9, 1863. William W. Macy, wounded at South Mountain; promoted First Lieu- tenant; Captain of Company I, Twentieth Regiment; transferred to Com- pany A, Twentieth Regiment; mustered out with regiment. Corporals—William Williamson, not accounted for. David Garringer, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. William Griffin, not accounted for. Benjamin F. Macy, not accounted for. George Allman, appointed Sergeant; died October 11, 1862, from wounds received at Antietam, September, 1862 (Pennville, Jay county). James H. Bowman, discharged March 2, 1864; wounded. Luther Moorman, mustered out with regiment. William Kinnon, not accounted for. 454 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Musicians—Henry Knight, veteran, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. James W. Crowell, unaccounted for. . Wagoner—Michael Seagraves, veteran, wounded at Laurel Hill; trans- ferred to Twentieth Regiment. Privates (unaccounted for)—William Arnold, John W. Baxter, Antrim C. Beeks, Austin F. Conyer, James Davis, Ira Davis, John T. Ellis, Warren Elzroth, Thomas B. English, Jonathan Gray, James H. Hiatt, Robert Harris, James M. Kames, Alva C. Kepler, John Kiser, Josephus, Lewallyn, John Lyons, William Marshall, William Mager, David C. McNees, Nathan Men- denhall, William H. Mettler, Frederick Mills, Newton W. Needham, John Nixon, Joseph A. Summers, Valentine Thompson, Christian S. Van Horn, William Zimmerman. Eh Abernathy, died October 5, 1861. Hiram Blackledge, wounded. Daniel W. Britton, mustered out July 28, 1864. Reuben Clark, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. Lafayette Deardorff, transferred to Twentieth Regiment; mustered out July 12, 1865. William Driver, died at Philadelphia September 5, 1863. Joab Driver, discharged April 3, 1863. William Fair, mustered. out July 28, 1864. Dr. F. Ford, mustered out. Isaac N. Frazee, appointed Sergeant of the One Hundredth, Company H, promoted Second Lieutenant; First Lieutenant; Captain; mustered out with regiment. John F. Flood, veteran, transferred to Twentieth Regiment; mustered out July 12, 1865. David V. Garringer, veteran, appointed Corporal; wounded at Laurel Hill; transferred to Twentieth Regiment; mustered out June 19, 1865. James W. Grow, wounded; discharged March 25, 1864. William A. Hamilton, mustered out July 28, 1864. George W. Hester, wounded at Cold Harbor and Laurel Hill; mustered out as absent; wounded July 28, 1864. Wilham Hedgepeth, discharged February, 1863, from wounds received at Gainesville. Samuel S. Hill, wounded; discharged July, 1863. William Hoover, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. John Hunt, wounded; transferred to V. R. C. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 455 Daniel B. Johnson, died November 3, 1861. William H. Kepler, died at Washington October 19, 1861. Enoch Kelly, died at Washington January 8, 1863. Thomas Kirby, veteran, wounded at South Mountain; transferred to ‘Twentieth Regiment. . Henry Kirby, veteran, wounded at Petersburg; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Robert W. Linton, wounded at Gainesville; died April 9, 1863. William Marshall, died at Indianapolis. Patrick McMahan, died October 16, 1862; wounds received at Gaines- ville. George McJennett, wounded at South Mountain. Samuel A. McNees, died September 23, 1862, from wounds received at Gainesville. Thomas McKine, transferred to V. R. C. George L. Moore, wounded at Petersburg; mustered out July 28, 1864. John Q. A. Moffit, died at Washington November 21, 1861. William Miller died September 7, 1862, from wounds received at Gaines- ville. ! William E. Murray, mustered out. John Murry, veteran, wounded at Gettysburg; captured at Yellow House; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Elihu M. Parker, transferred to Twentieth, reorganized; appointed Ser- geant Major ;-mustered out as supernumerary October 19, 1864. Thomas H. Parker died September 20, 1862; accidental wound. Nelson Pegg, wounded at Wilderness; mustered out July 28, 1864, as Sergeant. Eleazar Pursley, wounded at South Mountain. Isaac P Rathbun, wounded at South Mountain. George M. Rathbun, dicharged for wounds. Andrew J. Reeves, died February 8, 1862. Eli Rich, discharged May 3, 1864, on account of wounds. Benjamin F Semans, veteran, wounded at Spottsylvania; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Joseph Stack, died at Washington February 23, 1862. Clinton D. Smith, Sergeant Company E, Eighty-fourth: promoted Sec- ond Lieutenant Company E; honorably discharged April 2, 1864. James H. Stine, wounded; transferred to V. R. C. 456 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Christopher C. Starbuck, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. James Stickley, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. William H. Suter, died at Washington September 6, 1861. Cornelius L. Weaver, wounded at Laurel Hill; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. ‘ Andrew J. Wood, veteran, wounded at North Anna; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Levi Yost, veteran, wounded at Spottsylvania; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. = RECRUITS. Joseph A. Anderson, transferred to Company A, Twentieth Regiment, reorganized. John R. Anderson, killed at Antietam September 17, 1862. Thomas E. Barr, transferred to Twentieth Regiment July 28, 1864. Thomas Barnfield, appointed Sergeant; died June 13, 1864. Alexander Burk, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. Isaac Cherry, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Jasper Fry, killed at Spottsylvania May 12, 1864. Peter L. Foust, killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. Florin V Flood, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Isaac R. Ford, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Spotwood T. Frost, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Joel Green, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. William R. Green, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. James H. Ham, killed at South Mountain September 14, 1862. William H. Harrison, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. James H. Hawkins, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Peter Hester, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. William A. Houren, veteran, wounded October 17, 1864; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Rufus King, veteran, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Anderson P. McNees, killed at Laurel Hill May 9, 1864. Jacob Miller, killed at Antietam September 17, 1862. Uriah B. Murray, killed at Gainesville September 7, 1862. Nathan B. Maxwell (Jay county), died at Washington December 12, 1862. Thomas R. McGuire, veteran, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. John Miller, wounded at Gettysburg July 1, 1863; transferred to Twen- tieth Regiment. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 457 Elias S. Moore, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Henry Marshall, veteran, captured at Yellow House; transferred to \wentieth Regiment. John Mendenhall, veteran; wounded August 5, 1864; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Edward Packenham, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. John A. Pegg, wounded at Gettysburg; transferred to Twentieth Regi- ment. David F Pursley, veteran; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. James Reynard, killed at Petersburg June 30, 1864. George W. Rains, veteran; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Milton Rains, wounded at the Wilderness; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Charles R. Rider, wounded at the Wilderness; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Company F—Recruits, Lafayette Pursley, veteran; wounded at Wilder- ness; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Patrick Sullivan, transferred to Twentieth Regiment. Company K—Adam Stonebraker, discharged 1864; disability. Unassigned recruits—James Castor, record indefinite. Amos Whiteneck, record not definite. Martin Phillips, wounded at Wilderness and Cold Harbor; transferred to Twentieth Regiment. William Phillips, discharged June 2, 1862; disability. Hugh M. Strain, Company K, recruit, October 23, 1862; wounded at Wilderness ; transferred to Twentieth Regiment; mustered out July 12, 1865. John Thomson, Company K, recruit, February 20, 1864; wounded at Wilderness; transferred to Twentieth Regiment; mustered out July 12, 1865. TWENTIETH INDIANA, THREE YEARS. We put the original Twentieth and the reorganized Twentieth in its various forms into one description. STATISTICS. Mustered in at Indianapolis July 22, 1861; Colonel, W. L. Brown; mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 12, 1865. Officers, 42; men, 1,009; recruits, 410; veterans, 282; died, 228; de- serted, 60; unaccounted for, 176; total, 1,743. 458 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ‘The first duty performed by the Twentieth was to guard the Northern Central railroad in Maryland. September 24, 1861, it was sent to Hat- teras Inlet, N. C. Remaining there till November 9, they returned to For- tress Monroe. Lying in camp there till March, 1862, the Twentieth moved to Newport News, taking part in the conflict between the steamers Merri- mac, Cumberland and Congress, keeping the rebel captors from taking pos- session of the Congress after she had struck her colors. May 10, 1862, it assisted in capturing Norfolk, joining+afterward the Potomac Army in the Peninsula. On the 24th of June, it was severely engaged at the “Orchards,” with a loss of officers and men. The regiment was in all the battles of the ‘Seven Days” except Glendale, or Frazier’s Farm, losing heavily. Form- ing part of the flank guard of the Potomac Army across the Peninsula to Yorktown, they were sent to Alexandria, to the Rappahannock and to Manas- sas Plains, taking part in the battle there August 29, 1862, losing Col. Brown early in the action. September 1, the regiment was in the battle of Chan- tilly, moving thence to Arlington Heights. October 11, they undertook to in- tercept Stuart's cavalry raid, but were too late by ten hours. They were at Fredericksburg December 13, and took a chief part at Chancellorsville. They captured the Twenty-third Georgia, stronger in numbers than themselves. They moved to Gettysburg in time for the second day of that great battle, losing there the officer in command, the gallant Col. Wheeler. They joined in the pursuit of Lee to Manassas Gap, and were ordered to New York City to prevent threatened draft riots in that metropolis. The regiment returned to the Potomac; was engaged at Locust Grove and Mine Run, and went into winter quarters. January 1, 1864, the regiment veteranized and the veterans took their home furlough. They crossed the Rapidan with Grant’s army, and helped fight the battles of the Wilderness, Todd’s Tavern, Po River, Spottsylvania, Tollo- potanni and Cold Harbor. There the Fourteenth and the Twentieth were consolidated. They then crossed the James to the battles of Deep Bottom and Strawberry Plains, and then to the trenches before Petersburg, under fire every day, losing many men. Here Lieut. Col. George W. Mikel lost his life. October 18, 1864, the consolidated Nineteenth was united with the new Twentieth, taking the name of the Twentieth, and the commanding officer, Col. James Orr, from the Nineteenth. The new regiment lay in the works before Petersburg until spring, except in the advance on the Weldon railroad. It took part at Preble’s House and Hatcher’s Run, and in all the engage- ments on the left from Hatcher’s Run to the capture of Richmond. The, last engagement by the regiment with the enemy was at Clover Hill, April 9, 186s. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 459 The regiment shortly moved to Washington, and thence to Louisville, Ky., June 14, 1865. The men were mustered out July 12, 1865, numbering twenty-three officers and 390 men. The following are the engagements of the Twentieth Indiana Infantry: Hatteras Bank, Merrimac and Congress, Fair Oaks, Orchards, Gaines’ Mill, Malvern Hill, Manassas Plains, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, Gettysburg, Manassas Gap, Locust Grove, Mine Run, Wilderness, Todd’s Tavern, Po River, Spottsylvania, Tollopotanni and Cold Harbor; assault and siege of Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Prebble’s House, Hatcher’s Run, Clo- ver Hill. In comparing different regiments, it would be difficult to tell which one endured the hardest lot in the prosecution of the great Civil war. In fact, comparisons are needless. The history of the whole war presents a wonder- ful and perhaps unprecedented record. The wars of Napoleon, or of Alexan- der the Great, of the Russian Czar Peter, of Frederick the Great, of Russia and the allies in the Crimean war, of the Austrians against the French, or of the French against the Prussians, scarcely rival our great North American war. War is terrible anywhere; but for long marches, bravery of attack, heroism of endurance and perseverance in execution, the war for the Union stands high in the annals of the world. es TWENTIETH REGIMENT, REORGANIZED. Regimental Officers—Major, Joseph T. Ives; mustered out as Captain Company A, December 5, 1864. Company A—Captain, Joseph T. Ives, mustered out December 5, 1864; William \W. Macy, transferred from Company I; mustered out with regi- ment. Men in the Twentieth Indiana from Randolph county : Company A—Joseph A. Anderson, mustered out November 28, 1864; Thomas E. Barr, mustered out June 26, 1865; James A. Collett, mustered out March 11, 1865; Isaac Cherry, mustered out April 25, 1865; Lafayette Deardorff, mustered out July 12, 1865; John F. Flood, mustered out July 12, 1865; Florin V. Flood, mustered out June 13, 1865, as Corporal; Isaac R. Ford, mustered out May 31, 1865; Spottswood T. Foster, mustered out July 12, 1865; Joel Green, mustered out May 31, 1865; William R. Green, mustered out July 12, 1865; David Garringer, Corporal, mustered out July 12, 1865; William H. Harrison, mustered out July 22, 1865, as Corporal; James H. Hawkins, mustered out June 5, 1865; Peter Hester, mustered 460 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. out July 12, 1865; William Houren, died October 18, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg; Rufus King, Corporal, mustered out as First Ser- geant July 12, 1865; Thomas Kirby, First Sergeant, promoted First Lieu- tenant, mustered out with regiment; Henry Knight, mustered out July 12, 1865; Henry Kirby, mustered out July 12, 1865; Thomas R. McGuire, mus- tered out July 12, 1865, as Corporal; Elias G. Moore, mustered out July 12, 1865, as Corporal; John Miller, mustered out April 25, 1865, disability; Henry Marshall, died at Salisbury Prison, N. C., February 12, 1865; John Mendenhall, discharged, disability; John Murray, Sergeant, captured at Yel- low house August 19, 1864; Edward Packenham, from Nineteenth Regi- ment; John A. Pegg, mustered out February 1, 1865; David F. Pursley, mus- tered out July 12, 1865; Lafayette Pursley, mustered out July 12, 1865; George W. Rains, mustered out July 12, 1865; Milton Rains, mustered out July 12, 1865; Charles O. Rider, wounded at Wilderness; Benjamin F. Semans, mustered out; Michael Seagraves, mustered out July 12, 1865; Pat- rick Sullivan, record indefinite; Andrew J. Wood, Sergeant, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps January 19, 1865, mustered out July 22, 1865; Levi Yost; William Zimmerman, mustered out October 29, 1864, as Sergeant. Company C—Grear N. Williams, veteran, mustered out as Corporal July 12, 1865. Company E—Elijah Bales, mustered out with regiment July 12, 1865; John Hank, mustered out July 12, 1865; Thomas Harris, mustered out July 12, 1865; James Lamly, mustered out July 12, 1865; John W. Moore, promoted Second Lieutenant; First Lieutenant; mustered out with regiment; Martin Phillips, wounded in the Wilderness, discharged May 22, 1865; Will- iam Phillips, record indefinite; Hugh M. Strain, mustered out July 12, 1865; Thompson Smelser, mustered out July 12, 1865; John Thomson, mustered out July 12, 1865. Company I—William W. Macy, Captain, transferred to Company A, mustered out with regiment. TWENTIETH REORGANIZED—CONSOLIDATED. First, the Fourteenth and Twentieth were united, making the Twentieth. Then the Seventh and the Nineteenth were consolidated, making the new Nineteenth. Lastly, the new Nineteenth and the new Twentieth were united, making a new regiment, still called the Twentieth, under Col. William Orr, formerly Lieutenant Colonel of the Nineteenth, the final consolidation oc- curring October 18, 1864. The new Twentieth remained in the works near RANDOLPH CUUN'LY, INDIANA. 401 Petersburg until the spring of 1865, except that they were sent on expedi- tions to cut the railroad communications of the enemy. Toward the Weldon railroad it advanced to Stoney Creek, engaged in the actions at Preble’s House and Hatcher’s Run. Thence to the fall of Richmond it was in the advance di- vision of the Second Corps, and in all the battles till the surrender of Lee, the last being that at Clover Hill, Va., April 9, 1865. They marched to Washington City, moving thence to Louisville, arriving June 21, 1865, and being mustered out July 12, 1865, with 390 men and twenty-three officers. Returning to Indianapolis under Col. Albert S. Andrews (Fourteenth Regiment), Gov. Morton gave them a characteristic public welcome, speeches being made also by Gen. Hovey, Dr. Everts and Chaplain William C. Porter, and a few days after, they were discharged for their homes. STATISTICS—-TWENTIETH REGIMENT, REORGANIZED. Officers, 38; men, 868; recruits, 33; died, 44; unaccounted for, 56; total, 939. TWENTY-FIRST INFANTRY, FIRST HEAVY ARTILLERY. Mustered in at Indianapolis July 24, 1861—James W. McMillan, Colonel; changed to heavy artillery February, 1863; mustered out at Baton Kouge, La., January 13, 1866. Officers, 80; men, 1,283; recruits, 2,028; veterans, 448; died, 392; de- serted, 228; unaccounted for, 200; total, 3,839. The following are the movements of the Twenty-first Indiana: The first movement was to Baltimore, August 3, 1861, remaining till February 19, 1862. The second movement was with Gen. Butler to reduce New Orleans, March 4, 1862. A part of the Twenty-first were the first to touch the wharf at New Orleans, May 1, 1862. The third movement was to Baton Rouge, where the regiment remained till August, being engaged in the battle of Baton Rouge, August 5, 1862, losing 126 men in three and a half hours. The regiment spent the time from September, 1862, to February, 1863, in Louisiana and Texas, scouring the country and fighting rangers. The regiment was mounted in February, 1863, and onward; and in July and October, 1863, two companies, L and M, were added. Ten com- panies were at Port Hudson, spending forty-two days in the siege. (30) 462 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. as Company F was mostly captured at Brashear City June 23. In the winter of 1863-64, a large number re-enlisted as veterans. They were fur- loughed home, and a magnificent reception was tendered them at Metropoli- tan Hall, Indianapolis, February 19, 1864. Companies G and H were up Red river with Banks. ‘In April, 1865, six battalions assisted in the investment and reduction of Mobile, with Forts Morgan and Gaines, and Spanish Fort. After the war, the batteries were stationed at various places—Forts Morgan, Pickens and Barrancas, at Baton Rouge, as follows: Companies B and C, at Fort Morgan. Companies H and K, at Fort Gaines. Companies F and L, at Fort Barrancas, Fla. Companies I and M, at Fort Pickens. Companies H, E and G were at Baton Rouge. Company D was at Port Hudson. In November, 1865, the regiment was ordered. to rendezvous at Port Hudson. December 24, 1865, the first grand parade of the whole regiment of twelve batteries took place; and January 10, 1866, at Baton Rouge, La., the men were mustered out of service, the regiment containing some nine hun- dred and thirty men. Two hundred and forty of them came to Indian- apolis for discharge, but seven hundred preferred to remain and be dis- charged in Louisiana, and it was so done. The Twenty-first traveled, during its term of service, more than fifteen thousand miles, and was remarkably successful as to preserving the health and general efficiency of its members. The only men known to be connected with the Twenty-first from Ran- dolph county were some tnassigned recruits, of whom not much informa- tion is given—none except what follows: William J. Bremer, mustered out July 28, 1865; George Denney, died at New Orleans February 26, 1865; Charles H. Freeman, mustered out July 27, 1865; Harrison Hull, not known; John C. Leonard, unaccounted for; Stephen C. Lewis, record indefinite; William J. McQuistan, mustered out July 27, 1865; Jeremiah Rawlings, mustered out July 27, 1865; Mannon Street, record indefinite; Sanford A. Stephens, mustered out July 27, 1865; Samuel P. Strahan, mustered out July 31, 1865, as Corporal. There are also two Randolph men in Company C, viz., Jacob Conkle, mustered out January 13, 1866; William A. Crouch, died December 15, 1864. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 463 TWENTY-SEVENTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Mustered into service at Indianapolis September 12, 1861—Colonel, Silas Colgrove; mustered out at Atlanta, Ga., November 12, 1864. Officers, 40; men, 912; recruits, 116; veterans, 154; died, 275; deserted, 47; unaccounted for, 52; total, 1,322. The regiment left for active service September 15, 1861, only three days after their muster-in, and were soon transferred to Banks’ army of the Shenandoah Valley. During the winter, they were encamped near Frederick City, Md., in huts built for the purpose. The regiment moved, in March, 1862, into the Shenandoah Valley, join- ing in the pursuit of Jackson after the battle of Winchester Heights. They were engaged at Front Royal May 23, 1862, retreating toward Winchester, and fighting in the fierce battle at that place May 25. Gordon’s brigade, to which the Twenty-seventh belonged, was assaulted by twenty- eight rebel regiments. The brigade withstood the attack for three and a half hours, and repulsed it; but the force of the rebel army was so great that the Union troops were finally defeated. The regiment crossed the Potomac at Wilhamsport May 26, 1862, and, not long afterward, it marched back into the valley, and to Culpepper Court House, joining Pope’s army, of Virginia. August g, they were engaged at Cedar Mountain, as also at Antietam, Sep- tember 17, 1862, sustaining a heavy loss. After Antietam, they picketed the Potomac from Harper’s Ferry to Opequan Creek, and lay, during the winter, near Fairfax and Stafford Court Houses. In the spring, the regiment crossed the Rappahannock and fought in the great battle of Chancellorsville, suffer- ing great losses. It pursued Lee northward, and marched with the Twelfth Corps to Gettysburg, taking a prominent part in that great contest, and join- ing the pursuit of Lee to the Potomac. In September, they were sent to the west with the Twelfth Corps, but joined the Twentieth, and were stationed a Tullahoma, Tenn., until spring. Some of the men re-enlisted January 24, 1864, and were furloughed home, coming back in time for Sherman’s advance, upon Atlanta. At Resaca, the regiment clefeated the Thirty-second and Thirty-eighth Alabama, taking about one hundred prisoners, including the Colonel of the Thirty-eighth, and its battle-flag, its own loss being sixty-eight killed and wounded. They were in the whole Atlanta campaign. November 4, 1864, the non-veterans were mustered out, and the veterans and recruits were put into the Seventieth, serving with that regiment through 464 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Georgia and the Carolinas, and, when the Seventieth was discharged, the men from the Twenty-seventh were attached to the Thirty-third till the muster- out of that regiment at Louisville, July 21, 1865. The following were the officers in the Twenty-seventh from Indiana: Colonel, Silas Colgrove, honorably discharged December 30, 1864, time expired; brevetted Brigadier General of Volunteers August 7, 1864. Adjutant, Theodore F. Colgrove, promoted Major, mustered out No- vember 4, 1864; re-entered service as Captain Company A, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment ; promoted Lieutenant Colonel. Assistant Surgeon, Willis H. Twiford; promoted Surgeon; resigned July 16, 1864. Col. Colgrove was the first Colonel of a three-years regiment that served through his term to the time of muster-out. There were nine in all of this kind, to wit: Col. Colgrove, Twenty-seventh; Col. Baker, Twenty-eighth; Col. Coburn, Thirty-third; Col. Ben Harrison, Seventieth; Col. A. O. Miller, Seventy-second; Col. Fred Kneffler, Seventy-ninth; Col. M. C. Hunter, Eighty-second; Col. Charles Murray, Eighty-ninth; Col. D. C. Thomas, Ninety-third. TWENTY-EIGHTH INDIANA, FIRST CAVALRY. Did service in detached parts in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia, Virginia, etc., doing much severe work and takng part in many battles. Mustered in as follows: Eight companies (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) at Evansville, August 20, 1861; Colonel, Conrad Baker. Companies I and K were independent companies. _ Company I was organized as a state company, for one yéar, April 15, 1861. Mustered into United States service for three years, July 4, 1861. Company K was organized at Indianapolis June 20, 1861, and afterward assigned to the First Cavalry. Companies Land M were made up of drafted men, who served only nine months from November 1, 1862. The only member from Randolph county in the Twenty-eighth was As- sistant Surgeon George W. Bruce, mustered out June 5, 1864. Officers, 51; men, 988; recruits, 301; veterans, 5; died, 131; deserted, 65; unaccounted for, 319; total, 1,488. RANDOLPII COUNTY, INDIANA. 465 The members of the regiment were discharged at various times, as fol- lows: Companies L and M were discharged August, 1863. Company K was mostly mustered out June, 1864. Company I was discharged August, 1864. Body of regiment was discharged September 6, 1865. Companies A and B (recruits), discharged June, 1865. Part of Company K (forty-three recruits), discharged in summer of 1865. THIRTY-FIRST INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. William G. Smith, Company F, promoted Second Lieutenant, First Lieu- tenant. (Put down as private from Randolph County; as Second and First Lieutenant from Bloomfield. ) THIRTY-THIRD INDIANA INFANTRY. Company G—Levi J. Linsey, mustered May 20, 1865. Organized at Indianapolis September 19, 1861; John Coburn, Colonel. Route of regiment—Louisville, Camp Dick Robison, Crab Orchard, Camp Wild Cat, London, Crab Orchard, Lexington, Cumberland Ford, Cum- berland Gap, East Tennessee, Manchester, Oak Hill, Ohio, Danville, Lexing- ton, Louisville, Nashville, Franklin, Columbia, Thompson’s Station, Tulla- homa, Shelbyville, Murfreesboro, Manchester, Estill Springs, Cowan, Tracy Station, Christiana. Re-enlisted, 450 veterans, on veteran furlough—Buz- zard’s Roost, Atlanta campaign, with Sherman through Georgia and the Caro- linas, Richmond and Washington City, reaching that place May 21, 1865; Louisville, mustered out July 21, 1865. Commanders—Cols. John Coburn and Henderson, Maj. Miller, Col. Burton. Consolidated with it were the Twenty-seventh, Seventieth and Eighty-fifth; on the rolls, 1,500 men. The Thirty-third was a strong regi- ment, kept recruited and well together. Officers, 43; men, 948; recruits, 886; veterans, 449; unassigned recruits, 492; died 267; deserted, 113; unaccounted for, 117; total, 2,875. THIRTY-FOURTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Mustered in at Anderson September 16, 1861; Asbury Steele, Colonel. Re-enlisted as veterans, New Iberia, La., December 15, 1863. 466 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Mustered out at Brownsville, Texas, February 3, 1866. Arrived at Indianapolis with eighteen officers and 346 men February 18, 1866. Publicly received at Soldiers’ Home February 19, 1866. Welcoming address by Gov. Baker. Discharged from service February 19, 1866. Officers, 42; men, 969; recruits, 357; veterans, 438; died, 236; deserted, 44; unaccounted for, 15; total, 1,806. * The route of the Thirty-fourth Regiment is given herewith: Jeffersonville, New Haven, Camp Wickliffe, Green River, Ky., Eliza- bethtown, Cairo, Ill., New Madrid, Fort Pillow, Memphis, White River, Aberdeen, Ark., Helena, Yazoo Pass, Milliken’s Bend, Port Gibson, Cham- pion Hills, Vicksburg, Jackson, New Orleans, Brashear City, Leche County, Carrion Crow Bayou, La., New Iberia, Pass Cavallo, Texas, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Home Furlough, New Orleans, Brazos Santiago, Texas, Pal- metto Ranche, Brazos Island, Brownsville, Ringgold Barracks, Brownsville, Indianapolis. The Thirty-fourth Regiment was employed in difficult, laborious service of manv kinds. At the siege of New Madrid, Mo., they helped to clear a passage through a forest covered with water, for the guns, cutting down many trees several feet under the surface of the water. They were at work for two weeks clearing the Yazoo Pass of the heavy timber felled by the rebels into the stream. They helped to build the bridges: for the passage of Grant's army from Milliken’s Bend to below Vicksburg. They were everywhere an active, hardy, reliable body of men, a faithful, energetic, thoroughgoing regiment. The number of re-enlisted veterans from this regiment was greater than any other except two, viz., the Thirty-third and the First Heavy Artillery, and it had the greatest proportion of veterans of any regiment in the field. The following are the men from Randolph county in the Thirty-fourth Indiana: Company B—Benjamin Fouch, discharged February 4, 1865; Charles C. Heck, veteran, died at Brazos Santiago, Texas, January 17, 1865; Nicholas Heifner, veteran, mustered out February 3, 1866; Wesley S. Iliff, mustered out February 3, 1866, as Sergeant, veteran; William S. Reeves, veteran, mus- tered out February 3, 1866. Company D—Edwin Parker, mustered out February 3, 1866. Company G—Robert Johnson, veteran, left service December 28, 1865 Company I—William B. Evans, died at New Madrid, Mo., May 25, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 407 1862, accidental wounds; Nathaniel H. Gable, veteran, mustered out Febru- ary 3, 1866, as Sergeant. THIRTY-SIXTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Richmond, September 16, 1861; Colonel, Will- iam Grose. It left for the field soon after, with the Army of the Ohio, to Nashville, February, 1862; to Tennesse river and battle of Shiloh, March, 1862; loss, nine killed, thirty-eight wounded, one missing—total, forty-eight; siege of Corinth till the evacuation; eastward to Northern Alabama, and back to Nash- ville and to Louisville; pursued Bragg through to Kentucky; returned to Nashville; battle of Stone River—loss, 132; camped near Murfreesboro and at Cripple Creek; marched against Chattanooga; battle of Chickamauga, loss, 137; re-enlisted as veterans at Tyner’s Station, Tenn.; went home on fur- lough February, 1864; moved in the Atlanta campaign with Sherman. Non- veterans mustered out at Indianapolis August 13, 1864. Pursued Hood’s army north, and fought at Nashville, and chased him to Huntsville, Ala.; was joined with the battalion of the Thirtieth Regiment and went to Texas in July, 1865. Mustered out at Victoria, Texas, November 25, 1865; reached Indian- apolis December 6, 1865, with twenty-two officers and 180 men. : Public reception, December 7, 1865. Final discharge of the members of the battalion. Members of the Thirty-sixth Indiana from Randolph: Assistant Surgeon Richard Bosworth, mustered out with regiment; had been Surgeon-at-Large for the State of Indiana, appointed in 1862. Captain Company E, Samuel G. Kearney; resigned March 22, 1862. Second Lieutenant, James R. Jones; resigned December 2, 1862. John Erwin, mustered out with the regiment. Company K—Second Lieutenant, John S. Way; resigned February 6, 1862. It may be that some of the men in the Thirty-sixth Regiment were from Randolph county, but none are so designated, and at least one company and many of the recruits have no residence assigned. . 468 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. | saad FORTY-SECOND INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Mustered in at Evansville October 9, 1861 ; Colonel, James G. Jones. Re-enlisted as veterans (215) January 1, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Mustered out at Louisville July 21, 1865. i Publicly received at Indianapolis July 29, 1865. Addresses by Governor Morton and.Gen. Sherman. Officers, 43; men, 976; recruits, 929; veterans, 215; died, 254; deserted, 60; unaccounted for, 119; total, 2,163; killed, 86; wounded, 443; prisoners, 100; mustered out, 846. Number of engagements, twenty. Field of operation: Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia. Company A—Andrew J. Fisher, mustered out June 18, 1865. Company B—Ellis W. Scott, mustered out July 21, 1865; James A. Stits- worth, mustered out June 18, 1865; William Stoner, died at Chattanooga April 1, 1865; James A. Jarnagan, mustered out July 21, 1865; John A. Jud- dey, mustered July 21, 1865. Company I—Antony Reitenour, mustered out July 21, 1865. FORTY-SEVENTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Anderson October 10, 1861, James R. Slack, Colonel. Veteranized at New Iberia, La., December, 1863. Number of veterans, 409. Public reception on home furlough at Indianapolis (Twenty-first and Forty-seventh Regiments) in Metropolitan Hall, February 19, 1864. Mustered out at Shreveport, La., October 23, 1865. Publicly received at Indianapolis November 1, 1865—thirty-two officers, 530 men. Officers, 41; men, 936; recruits, 362; veterans, 409; died, 312; de- serters, 62; unaccounted for, 20; total, 1,748. Men from Randolph county in Forty-seventh Indiana : Company B—Israel I. Rickerd, died at New Orleans, La., September 14, 1865. Company C—James Overly, veteran, mustered out October 23, 1865, as Sergeant. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 469 FIFTY-FOURTH INDIANA, ONE YEAR SERVICE. This regiment was composed chiefly of nine-months drafted men and substitutes. It was organized in October, 1862, and mustered November 16, 1862, with Fielding Mansfield as Colonel. It was mustered out of service at New Orleans December 8, 1863. Field of operations. Against Kirby Smith, Kentucky, 1862 (three months) ; Arkansas Post and Vicksburg, 1863; Louisiana, 1863. The Fifty-fourth Regiment (one year service) moved from Indianapo- lis December 9, 1862, about three weeks after its muster-in, to Memphis, and was assigned to the Thirteenth Army Corps. December 20, 1862, it em- barked with Gen. Sherman’s army for Vicksburg, and reached Yazoo river December 26, 1862, taking part in the engagements at Chickasaw Bluffs, los- ing 264 killed, wounded and missing. After the capture of Arkansas Post, it moved to Young Point and Milliken’s Bend, and, being assigned to Oster- haus’ division, helped to lead the advance against Vicksburg. They were at the battle of Thompson’s Hill (Port Gibson) ; were placed as garrison for Fort Raymond; escorted prisoners to Yazoo river and to Memphis; returned to the siege of Vicksburg; advanced to Jackson, and helped to capture that place. Soon after, they were taken to New Orleans, going with the expedition up Teche river to Opelousas and Vermillionville. They were mustered out at New Orleans, December 8, 1863, and returned to their Northern homes. A considerable number of Randolph men were attached to this regi- ment in Company I, under Capt. Henry Carter, of Winchester. Company I—Captain, Henry Carter, Winchester, commissioned Novem- ber 1, 1862, mustered November 16, 1862; wounded at Vicksburg, and re- signed February 13, 1863. First Lieutenant, Samuel P. Strahan, Winchester, commissioned November 1, 1862, mustered November 16, 1862; mustered out with regiment December, 1863; re-enlisted as private in Twenty-first Regiment (First Heavy Artillery) September 8, 1864; mustered out as Cor- poral July 31, 1865. Second Lieutenant, William P. Beeker, Winchester, commissioned November 1, 1862, mustered November 16, 1862, resigned April 24, 1863. Men belonging to Fifty-fourth Indiana (one year) : Company I (Mr. Harshman says it was Company G)—-Company mus- tered November 16, 1862. Thomas G. Mullen, Sergeant, mustered out De- cember 8, 1863; Newton W. Needham, Sergeant, left service January 21, 470 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1863; Andrew J. Daly, Corporal, died January 20, 1863, of wounds at Chick- asaw Bluffs; William C. Heaston, mustered out December 8, 1863; Nathan Coats, Corporal, mustered out December 8, 1863; Elisha Lambert, Corporal, mustered out December 8, 1863; William M. Hughes, Corporal, died October 6, 1863; Joseph S. Jellison, Wagoner, died March 1, 1863; George S. Barker, left service January 21, 1863; George W. Boyer, discharged December 9, 1862; Lorenzo Byram, died March 20, 1863; Erastus Carwin, mustered out December 8, 1863; Gabriel Coats, killed at Chickasaw December 28, 1862; Elisha Conner, discharged December 6, 1862; Elihu Coats, mustered out De- cember 8, 1863; Peter Coblentz, died May 26, 1863; Harrison W. Dille, mus- tered out December 8, 1863; Andrew J. Fisher, mustered out December 8, 1863; John Goodman, died July 15, 1863; Samuel P. Heaston, mustered out December 8, 1863; William R. Hollowell, mustered out December 8, 1863; Joseph G. Hindsley, mustered out December 8, 1863; Manasseh Johnson, mustered out December 8, 1863; Wesley Johnson, mustered out December 8, 1863; absent, wounded; Robert N. Porter, left the service November, 1862; Vincent Smith, left the service January 18, 1863; Edward Sizemore, dis- charged July 20, 1863; Daniel Vardeman, mustered out December 8, 1863, as Corporal; Walter Vardeman, mustered out December 8, 1863; John Wright, mustered out December 8, 1864; Samuel Witter, mustered out De- cember 8, 1863; William Wickersham, died October 10, 1863; David War- ren, died February 22, 1863; Edward J. Harshman, December 1, 1862, mus- tered out December 8, 1863; William Kizer, October 25, 1862; Albert Coats, December 1, 1862, mustered out December 8, 1863. The officers were one Colonel, two Lieutenant Colonels, two Majors, two Adjutants, two Quartermasters, two Surgeons, four Assistant Surgeons, ten Captains, ten First Lieutenants, ten Second Lieutenants—in all, forty-five. The Colonel was Fielding Mansfield, Madison, commissioned Colonel Octo- ber 29, 1862; mustered November 17, 1862; mustered out with regiment. Twenty-seven of the forty-five officers continued through the whole term of service, being mustered out with the regiment; eleven resigned, one declined and four died—-two of wounds and two of disease. Officers, 41; men, 915; recruits, 33; died, 216; deserters, 81; not ac- counted for, 358; total, 989. The Fifty-fourth had more men of whom no account is given than any other except the Nineteenth, which has 451 of that class. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 471 FLFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE MONTHS). The regiment was mustered in at Indianapolis June 16, 1862, John R. Mahan, Colonel. Mustered out at Indianapolis at the expiration of the term of service. Duties performed, guarded prisoners at Camp Morton, and marched into Kentucky to assist in repelling the incursion of Kirby Smith. Company F—Reuben B. Farra, Captain, mustered out with regiment; James Addington, Second Lieutenant, mustered out with regiment. Probably a large number of Randolph men were enlisted in Company F of the Fifty-fifth Regiment, but the places of residence are not given and the men can not be designated. Officers, 36; men, 603; recruits, 19; died, 4; no deserters; unaccounted for, 19; total, 658. The men in Company F, per- haps from Randolph county, are as follows: John J. Adams, William Addington, Harris H. Abbott, Solomon Bar- tholomew, Joseph Biddle, Isaac Blansett, John W. Bolling, Joshua Boyds, George Bonnywell, Franklin Broy, James G. Bush, Harmon B. Bolling, James M. Clark, Thomas J. Clevenger, Beda B. Cowgill, Isaiah Cowgill, William Cook, Joseph Coffin. Price Craig, Samuel B. Crosier, Dennis Carter, James Dailey, James H. Dearmond, Samuel Dougherty, Benjamin Dowden, Peter Dailey, Andrew Evans, John R. Fisher, John Foust, Adam Fraze, Peter F. Funderburg, John Francisco, John Gordon, Archy M. Gelly, Mordecai Har- ris, Thomas F Hammond, Wilson J. Hiatt, Clark Hobbs, George Huffman, Patrick H. Hutchens. Luster. Harris, William Hollowell, Anderson C. Hop- kins, James A. Jarnagin, James M. Karnes, Thomas Karnes, Hiram Kale, Slatis Keene, James J. Kerr, Stephen Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, James M. Kirk, Asa Little, Corban Little, Milton Miranda, Robert McCracken, William G. McGuire, Jacob Miller, Luther G. Moorman, Jacob Mood, John W. May, Jesse Pegg, Franklin Pence, Thomas A. Pirth, William S. Price, George W. Price, Mahlon Ranier, Granville Rhodes, James H. Rice, Walter Ruble, Al- fred Runyan, [Henry H. Sumption, Adolphus C. Shaffer, Samuel S. Sherrard, Charles Sheltmyre, Thomas Short, Calvin K. Taylor, Wilson Thomas, No- Jand Thomas, Jeremiah Vance, Noah Wirt, Samuel Winship, John Winship, llijah Wood. FIFTY-SEVENTH INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS). Mustered in at Richmond November 18, 1861; Colonel, J. W. T. Mc- Mullen. Re-enlisted as veterans in East Tennessee January 1, 1864. Veteran 472 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. furlough March and April, 1864. Mustered out at Victoria, Texas, Decem- ber 14, 1865. Reached Indianapolis January 1, 1866, 23 officers and 168 men under Col. John S. McGraw. Officers, 50; men, 923; recruits, 464; veterans, 215; died, 267; deserters, 54; unaccounted for, 24; total, 1,652. The Fifty-seventh was mustered into service at Richmond November 18, 1861. Moving to Indianapolis and remaining till December 13, it re- ported to Gen. Buell at Louisville; thence the regiment was ordered to Bards- town to join the Army of the Ohio, Sixth Division; soon it was moved to Lebanon, then to Munfordville by rail and to Nashville on foot, arriving in March. March 21, the Army of the Ohio set out from Nashville to join Gen. Grant. The regiment arrived only on the afternoon of April 7, the second day of the battle, but engaged immediately, losing lightly. It remained through the siege of Corinth, and then marched into North Alabama, and about the middle of July, to Central Tennessee again, remaining near Tulla- homa and McMinnville till September 1. Bragg’s attempt on Louisville aroused fresh activity, our troops were ahead and Bragg fell back to be pur- sued through Kentucky and defeated at Perryville. The Fifty-seventh took part in all this work, and marched again to Nashville. Although the Fifty- seventh had been in a few battles, yet its work was severe; guarding trains, foraging, skirmishing, kept the regiment busy and produced much hardship. At Stone River a loss was suffered of seventy-five out of 250 engaged. Col. Hines and Lieut. Col. Lennard were both seriously wounded. Until the spring of 1863, they were encamped near Murfreesboro, scouting, foraging, picketing, skirmishing and drilling severely and constantly. Before the cap- ture of Chattanooga and the battle of Chickamauga, the Fifty-seventh was north of the Tennessee, but when the rebels left the town, the brigade to which they belonged took possession, and the regiment was selected as Pro- vost Guard. They were relieved in time to take a prominent part at Mission Ridge. b After Chickamauga, the Fifty-seventh was assigned to Sheridan’s Divi- sion and continued so to the end. That division went into East Tennessee against Longstreet for the relief of Knoxville. That winter campaign among the mountains of East Tennessee can hardly be equaled in the annals of the war. The army went stripped of baggage into the fight around Chattanooga, and marched forthwith from the pursuit of the foe, starting on their perilous journey of hundreds of miles with no preparation and scanty supplies. One mess of seven in one of the regiments had nothing to cook on but two old canteens, torn open and flattened out as a sort of pan. But it mattered little, as they had almost nothing to cook. They had to depend on the country and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 473 a poor show they found it. Cattle indeed were somewhat plentiful, and the beef supply was pretty good; but breadstuffs were scarcely attainable at all. In some cases, wheat bran was their only resource. And before the army returned to their comrades in Northern Alabama, many had marched their shoes off and nearly their clothes as well. But they had done what they had undertaken—cleared out Longstreet and relieved Knoxville; and the brave loyalists of that mountain country and the “Union” boys felt happy. As soon as they reached the main body of the army, abundant supplies were obtained. January 1, 1864, the regiment veteranized almost to a man. Their vet- eran furlough was postponed till March, and from that they returned just in time for Sherman's advance upon Atlanta. In all that wonderous campaign, the Fifty-seventh was unwearied in their exertions to push the rebels to their utmost. At Rocky Race Ridge, Adairsville and New Hope, in the deadly struggles around Kenesaw, this regiment was among the bravest, and lost many officers and men. After Atlanta, the Fifty-seventh was dispatched northward against Hood and made a part of Thomas’ heroic army at Franklin and Nashville. When Hood’s forces had been dispersed, this regiment camped at Huntsville for sev- eral months, moving to Bull’s Gap, in East Tennessee, in April, 1865. After moving to Nashville in April and remaining there till July, they were trans- ferred to Texas, and, on the 14th of December, 1865, were mustered out of service at Victoria, Texas, reaching Indianapolis January 1, 1866, with 23 officers and 168 men. Worthily does the report of the adjutant general pay a glowing tribute of praise to their achievements in the following noble words: “The Fifty-seventh has seen much arduous service; its losses in battle have been heavy and its marches have been especially and exceedingly severe, having crossed the entire breadth of Kentucky three times and of Tennessee six times. It has behaved with great gallantry on every occasion, and has achieved an enviable record and an honorable fame.” Its officers were excellent men and thorough soldiers and the regiment proved itself worthy of such commanders. Cols. McMullen, Hines, Lennard and Blanche have been seldom equaled and still more rarely excelled. The members of the Fifty-seventh Regiment from Randolph county are as follows: Company B—Daniel F Anthony, discharged April 4, 1862, disability ; Allen L. Chamness, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, sergeant; Will- iam Fogleman, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, corporal; Abra- ham L. Manning, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, corporal. 474 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Company C—John Hartman, corporal, died near Union City, Ind., March 19, 1864, buried in Union City cemetery; Thomas J. Boram, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865; Joseph W. Cox, discharged July 14, 1862; Sylvester W. Dunn, discharged July 5, 1862, disability; John House, died at Louisville January 13, 1862; Albert L. Leavell, killed June 18, 1864, at Kenesaw; William I. Miller, died at Nashville April 17, 1862; George W. Markle, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 30, 1863; John W. Starbuck, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps in the spring of 1863 ; John Wintermote, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, as corporal; George W. Louder, recruit, mustered out December 16, 1865, as corporal. Company D—First Lieutenant, Robert H. Morgan, resigned February 28, 1863, disability; Charles Shoemaker, sergeant, discharged August 14, 1862, disability; John B. Dravenstradt, corporal, discharged January 28, 1862, disability; William Addington, Spartanburg, record indefinite. Privates—Calvin W Arnold, killed at Stone River December 31, 1862; Lewis Carroll, discharged March 20, 1863, disability; Benjamin Chenoweth, discharged May 20, 1863, wounds; Isaac W. Elliott, died December 28, 1863, wounds; Warren Elzroth, veteran, killed in battle November 30, 1864; Thornton Freeman, killed at Stone River December 31, 1862; Marion W. Farrens, discharged June 24, 1862, disability; William D. George, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865; as sergeant, Robert H. Hart, veteran; Jackson Kelly, discharged June 23, 1862, disability; Robert M. Mann, dis- charged February 25, 1863, disability; Reuben T. Manning, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, corporal; Elias E. Manning, veteran, killed at Kene- saw June 23, 1864; James P. Meek, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865; Christian Morgan, record indefinite; John C. McCarty, died at Chatta- nooga July.7, 1864; John McKimm, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps April 22, 1864: William H. Neal, mustered out December 14, 1865; William H. Powers, veteran, killed at Franklin November 30, 1864; Joseph Redd, mustered out November 21, 1865; Henry Sauser, discharged January 28, 1863, disability; Simon B. Sermons, killed at Franklin November 30, 1864; Lewis S. Thomas, mustered out February 4, 1865; William G. Waltman, record indefinite. Recruits—Paul S. Hunt, record indefinite. Company E—Levi Thornburg, promoted second lieutenant, resigned November 8, 1862, disability; George Slack, second lieutenant, resigned April 20, 1862, disability; Elisha Johnson, ditto; Marquis D. Starbuck, sergeant, discharged April 17, 1865, disability; Jesse Davison, corporal, dis- charged May 17, 1862, disability; Joshua W. Starbuck, corporal, discharged RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 475 August 18, 1862, disability; Samuel R. Bevan, corporal, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865; Welcome G. Starbuck, corporal, discharged August 17, 1862, disability; Nathan H. Mendenhall, musician, discharged April 27, 1863, disability. — Privates—Thomas H. Bales, mustered out February 1, 1865; Amer J. Bales, died at Nashville April 16, 1863; Daniel Bales, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, corporal; James H. Collin, discharged October 10, 1862, disability; Aaron Cox, died at Nashville April 26, 1862; Joseph Gordon, dis- charged February 28, 1865, disability; Eli Hiatt, died at Shiloh, Tenn., May 15, 1862: Ira Hanks, killed at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864; George W. Jarrett, veteran, discharged May 15, 1865, disability; Elisha Johnson, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, as first sergeant; Alexander Jones, died at Corinth, Miss., May 19, 1862; Henry D. Kepler, record indefinite; John W. Knight, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, as sergeant; Jesse H. Knight, discharged, disability; William H. Lasley, died at Corinth, Miss., Mav 12, 1862; Isaac A. Mills, discharged November 6, 1862, disability ; John Morris, veteran, died at Louisville, Ky., July 28, 1864; William Morris, died at Knoxville, Tenn., December 7, 1863; Alvin M. Owens, discharged September 12, 1862, disability; Asahel S. Peacock, died on board steamer Empress May 15, 1862; Jona Peacock, died at Camp Denison May 15, 1862; Joseph Quintle, discharged April 25, 1862, disability; James Reeves, dis- charged July 14, 1863, disability; Robert F. Robison, killed at Kenesaw June 23, 1864; John Slack, veteran, mustered out December 14, 1865, ser- geant; William W. Starbuck, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps May 14, 1864: John Venneman, discharged November 16, 1861, disability. Recruits, Company E—James H. Jones, mustered out April 4, 1865; Calvin Puckett, veteran, discharged March 2, 1865, disability; Solomon Ry- nard, died at Nashville, Tenn., March 30, 1863; Timothy Rynard, died at Nashville, Tenn., February, 1863. Company I—John D. Lytle, Winchester, February 5, 1862, veteran, mus- tered out June 19, 1865; Rufus K. Deem, discharged July 13, 1862, disability, wounds in action. Company K—Stanton K. Peele, second lieutenant, mustered out, date not given. SIXTY-NINTH REGIMENT INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS). The regiment was mustered in at Richmond August 19, 1862; colonel, William A. Bickel. Mustered out at Mobile, Ala., July 5, 1865. Public re- 476 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ception at Indianapolis July 18, 1865, with 16 officers and 284 men. Welcom- ing address by Governor Morton. Officers, 42; men, 960; recruits, 98; died, ~ 326; deserters, 61; unaccounted for, 21; total, 1,100. The Sixty-ninth Regiment was hurried into the field, leaving the very next day, August 20, for Lexington and Richmond, Ky., and fought in the battle there, August 30, 1862, with a heavy loss of 218 killed and wounded, being finally captured in a body and paroled on the field. They were sent to parole camp at Indianapolis, but were exchanged in a few weeks, and,. on the 27th of November, 1862, the regiment was sent to Memphis and down the river with Sherman to Vicksburg. They were in the battle and repulse at Chickasaw Bluffs, behind Vicksburg, losing slightly. They helped to cap- ture Arkansas Post and camped at Young’s Point, losing over 100 men by disease at that deadly spot. March 30, 1863, the Sixty-ninth led the advance against Vicksburg. At Richmond, La., they built 2,000 feet of bridging in three days and the army moved across the peninsula in front of Vicksburg. April 30, the ad- vance crossed at Hard Times Landing, and the battle of Port Gibson was. fought the next day, the Sixty-ninth losing seventy-one in killed and wounded. May 16 they were at Champion Hills and May 17 at Black River Bridge; in the siege of Vicksburg to May 22, and at Black River Bridge during the rest of the siege. The Sixty-ninth was in Osterhaus’ division, which uniformly led the advance in the operations east of the Mississippi before Vicksburg was invested. The Sixty-ninth was in the siege of Jackson. August 3 they were sent to Port Hudson and afterward to New Orleans, to Berwick City and the Teche country, returning to Algiers and embarking in November for Texas. Matagorda Bay was reached December 1, 1863. The regiment sailed for In- dianola February 13, 1864, and came back to Matagorda Island March 13, suffering a loss of two officers and twenty men by the swamping of a boat. They left Texas for New Orleans in April, and marched thence to Alex- andria, engaging in the fight at that place and joining in Banks’ retreat to Alexandria. They encamped at Morganza until December, 1864, making various expeditions from that place. December 7, 1864, it was sent to Mo- bile Bay, and, on the 14th, joined the Pascagoula expedition led by General Granger. January 22, 1865, a consolidation was effected into a battalion with four companies, with Oron Perry for commander. January 31, the battalion em- barked for Barrancas, Fla., and thence, March 14, went to Pensacola. March RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 477 20, they moved with Steele’s expedition through to Florida and Southern Alabama, arriving in the rear of Blakely April 1, 1865. The Sixty-ninth fought in the attack on Blakely, April 9, and were sent to guard prisoners from Blakely to Ship Island. They returned to Blakely and marched to Sel- ma. May 3, they were ordered to Mobile for Texas, but remained at Mobile. They were mustered out at Mobile July 5, 1865, and, with 16 officers and 284 men, reached Indianapolis, and after a public reception July 18, 1865, the members of the battalion were discharged and joyfully dispersed to their homes. The Sixty-ninth left its dead in eleven states, and its services, though not so,prominent as were those of some others, were severe, and, in many cases, attended with great hardships and suffering. Its death list was very large. Only five regiments have a greater one, andthe per cent. of deaths in the Sixty-ninth is greater than that in any other, as will appear by the following figures : Ninth (three years )—Deaths, 351; men, 2,141; 16 1-3 per cent. Twenty-sixth (three years)—-Deaths, 336; men, 1,997; 17 per cent. Thirtieth (three years )—-Deaths, 365; men, 1,408; 26 per cent. Thirty-first (three years )—-Deaths, 366; men, 1,886, 1914 per cent. Thirty-eighth (three years)—Deaths, 353; men, 2,028; 17 I-3 per cent. Sixty-ninth (three years)—Deaths, 332; men, 1,100; 30 per cent. Eighth Cavalry (Thirty-ninth)—Deaths, 239; men, 2,415; 14 per cent. First Heavy Artillery (Twenty-first)—Deaths, 392; men, 3,839; 10 per cent. Average per cent. in the eight regiments, 1634 per cent. The Sixty-ninth is three times as high as that of the lowest of the eight regiments (First Heavy Artillery), 4 per cent. more than the highest one besides, and almost double the average rate of the eight regiments. The swamps of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama and Florida told fearfully against the lives of the poor fellows who followed the flag of the Sixty-ninth and in the soil of eleven once hostile (but now, let us hope, recon- ciled and friendly) states, these much enduring men have been laid to rest to await the Archangel’s trump at the resurrection morn. Sixty-ninth Indiana Infantry (three years)—Major, George H. Bone- brake, mustered out on consolidation January 4, 1865; Assistant Surgeon, David Ferguson, declined; Jacob S. Monteith, retained in new organization and mustered out with battalion. Residuary Battalion, Company B—William M. Reeves, second lieuten- ant, mustered out with battalion. (31) 478 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Company C—Captain, George H. Bonebrake, promoted major, mustered out January 4, 1865, on consolidation; First Lieutenant, John K. Martin, re- signed January 13, 1863; Second Lieutenant, John S. Way, promoted first lieutenant, resigned March 19, 1863; Charles Stine, first sergeant, discharged November 22, 1862, wounds; Charles Bachfield, sergeant, promoted second lieutenant, resigned December 19, 1863; Robert R. Porter, sergeant, promoted first lieutenant, mustered out January 23, 1865, as first sergeant; John Ed- wards, sergeant, mustered out January 23, 1865; Eli Stakebake, sergeant, mustered out January 23, 1865; David Hoback, corporal, discharged June 15, 1863, wounds; James E. Huston, corporal, promoted second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, transferred as first lieutenant to Company C., -bat- talion, Sixty-ninth Regiment, mustered out with battalion; David Ward, corporal, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps March 26, 1864; Albert L. Butts, Charles N. Monks, James M. Seagraves, Charles W. Steel, Prentice Garrett, corporals, mustered out July 5, 1865; William E. Jenkins, Lewis Truax, musicians, mustered out June 5, 1865; William S. Hugh, wagoner, discharged April 20, 1863. Privates—Nelson Abbott, discharged January 20, 1863, wounds; David Abbott, discharged, disability; Eli Alman, mustered out July 6, 1865; Thomas Abbott, mustered out July 5, 1865; Jacob Bales, record indefinite; Frederick Bolander, mustered out August 12, 1865; William Brewer, died at Memphis December 2, 1862; Benjamin Brewer, mustered out August 12, 1865; Thomas Brewer, mustered out August 12, 1865; Jonathan Brown, died at Young’s Point March 11, 1863; Thomas J. Calvin, died at New Orleans September 12, 1864; Richard J. Corry, killed at Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863; Jacob Camp, record indefinite; James G. Dement, mustered out July 5, 1865; Isaac Day, discharged April 30, 1864, disability; Eli Edwards, died near Milliken’s Bend, La., January 6, 1863; Nelson Edwards, mustered out July 5, 1865; Sylvanus Foreman, ditto; James M. Flood, discharged January 18, 1865, disability; Dayton Favorite, discharged March, 1863, disability; Francis Flinn, discharged November 22, 1862, wounds; Charles Fox, record indefi- nite; John W. Green, mustered out July 5, 1865; John H. Hueston, dis- charged March 20, 1862, wounds; Benjamin F. Hill died at New Orleans, La., October 6, 1864; James W. Hiatt, discharged April 20, 1863; William H. Hobbs, mustered out July 5, 1865; Clark Hobbs, mustered out August 23, 1865; George W. Hobbick, discharged; Abram Heaston, record indefinite; Jasper Hastings, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., April 10, 1863; William Hes- ter, discharged November 20, 1862: W. H. H. Johnson, died at Vicksburg oy RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 479 August 11, 1863; Frederick M. Lasley, killed at Mobile, Ala., May 25, 1865, in an arsenal explosion; Mahlon Lasley, record indefinite; Amos Lasley, rec- ord indefinite; Joseph B. Lucas, discharged March 6, 1863; Andrew K. Lewis, discharged November 20, 1862; Peter Meacham, died at Memphis January 1, 1863; James W. Morrison, killed at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862; Orange W. Moorman, mustered out July 5, 1865; Henry May, killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863; Harrison Mucky, Gilbert Mucky, Robert W. Odell, mustered out July 5, 1865; David W. Porter, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, mustered out June 22, 1864; Benjamin Ross, discharged January, 1863; Henry F. Ramsey, discharged January 30, 1863; William E. Robbins, discharged March 30, 1863; Samuel Ruble, mustered out July 5, 1865; James Ranch, record indefinite; Robert B. Russell died September 10, 1862, wounded at Richmond, Ky.; George Steed, discharged March 28, 1866, disability; Joseph L. Stein, transferred to Company I, November to, 1862; James H. Surface, discharged November 10, 1863, wounds; Thomas Sea- graves, mustered out July 5, 1865; William Seagraves, died on the Mississippi river January 3, 1863; Alfred M. Scott, Frederick Scholtz, Isaiah Shiver, mustered out July 5, 1865; Preston Swain, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., March 11, 1863; William Taylor, died at Memphis December 10, 1862; Isaac Thomson, discharged February 10, 1863; disability; Wesley Truax, mustered out July 5, 1865; Samuel ‘Thompson, discharged January 9, 1863; Martin V. Tucker, discharged November 22, 1862; August Ulrich, died at Arkansas Post January 13, 1863; Perry M. West, discharged July 23, 1863; Daniel B. Williams, discharged April 30, 1863, disability; Thomas Webb, killed at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862; Austin Wright, mustered out July 5, 1865; Uriah Wright died on hospital boat Feb- ruary, 1863; Alexander Wood, William R. Wood, mustered out July 5, 1865; Isaac R. Wood, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps December 4, 1863; J. P. Yarnell, died September 1, 1862, wounds, at Richmond, Ky. Recruits—Samuel Bartholomew, Henry C. Cox, transferred to Forty- fourth Regiment July 1, 1865; Calvin S. Engle, record indefinite; Daniel S. Hoggatt, died at home; James M. Hoggatt, died at Black River Bridge July 26, 1863; Joshua Jessup, died in hospital boat; Harvey E. Meacham, dis- charged March 6, 1863, disability; John Nevil, Thomas D. Smith, John C. Smith, David B. Strahan, transferred to the Forty-fourth Regiment July 1, 1865. Company D—Captain, John Ross, resigned January 14, 1863; First Lieutenant, Samuel J. Miller, promoted captain, resigned November 20, 1863; 480 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Second Lieutenant, Jacob A. Jackson, wounded in the left arm at the battle of Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862, resigned January 30, 1863. Residuary Battalion, Company D—Captain, Joseph R. Jackson, mustered out with battalion; Second Lieutenant, Nathan B. Coggeshall, mustered out with battalion; First Sergeant, John R. Adamson, killed at Thomson’s Hill, Miss., May 1, 1863. Sergeants—John Macy, promoted first lieutenant, promoted captain, transferred as first lieutenant to Company B, battalion, Sixty-ninth Regiment ; Joseph L. Deputy, discharged December 20, 1863, wounds; James N. Crop- per, promoted second lieutenant, resigned July 25, 1864; George W. McCor- mick, mustered out July 5, 1865, as private. Corporals—David R. Lamb, discharged August 1, 1863; Simon R. Adamson, discharged October 10, 1863; William Adamson, mustered out July 5, 1865; John R. Allen, discharged February 14, 1865; William A. Wright, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps February 15, 1864; Luna Wright, discharged March 15, 1862; Richard M. Hunt, discharged April 1o, 1862; William J. Cox, mustered out as private July 5, 1865. Musicians—Caleb B. Fleming, discharged March 6, 1863; Jason H. Greenstreet, discharged February 14, 1865. Wagoner—John Mills, mustered out July 5, 1865. Privates—James Adamson, Jonathan Beeson, Thomas W. Botkin, Cor- poral, John W. Botkin, William T. Botkin, as Sergeant, Bernard Bradford- field, Bela N. Botkin, Corporal, Moses E. Conyers, Edward T. Cropper, Cor- poral, Edwin Cole, George E. Fleming, John Frazer, Henry H. Farmer, Thomas \W. Gaddis, John W. Hunt, David Hutchens, William M. Hughes, Henry Clay Hunt, Giles P. Hunt, Bazil P. Hunt, Robert Haxton, Harry E. Harris, George O. Jobes, John T. Johnson, John Kepler, George Keever, George W. Lloyd, Albert C. Macy, Elijah Noftsker, William F. Phillips, Rodolph G. Quickle, Lewis Smith, Riley J. Salisberry, Amb. O. Valanding- ham, Goolope Wright, Jackson Anderson, died December 9, 1863; Oliver At- kins, died February 12, 1863; Edward B. Butler, discharged January 2, 1863; Robert B. Butler, discharged June 20, 1863; William T. Botkin, died February 6, 1863; Jeremiah Bly, discharged June 9, 1863; Matthew C. Brooks, discharged January 2, 1863; George M. Brooks, discharged April 29, 1863; Martin V Beard, died February 23, 1863; Nicholas Bennett, trans- ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps February 10, 1864; William Chamness, transferred to the Twenty-fourth Regiment July 5, 1865; George W. Caty, ‘died March 14, 1863; Thomas C. Cox, discharged January 20, 1863; Moses RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 481 Caty, discharged August 6, 1863; John M. Densmore, discharged January 2, 1863; William S. Densmore, died January 5, 1864; Benjamin F. Edwards, discharged August 26, 1863; George W. Edwards, discharged January 2, 1863; Jacob Edwards, discharged April 20, 1863; Alonzo H. Good, trans- “ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps March 25, 1864; Adonijah Holings, dis- charged May 22, 1863; Asa J. Haynes, died January 4, 1863; Evan Hacket, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps February 10, 1863; Henry C. Hunt, discharged March 6, 1863, wounds; Jonathan S. Jones, discharged April 20, 1863; Albert Kitselman, died May 2, 1863, wounds; Benjamin C. Lamb, mus- tered out June 3, 1865; Henry Mayer, died March 26, 1863; Sylvanus Macy, discharged June 19, 1863; Alonzo H. Marshall, transferred to Veteran Re- serve Corps December 25, 1863, wounds; David Niccum, discharged March 6, 1863; Peter Niccum, record indefinite; Daniel B. Orin, died May 25, 1863; William H. Peacock, discharged November 17, 1862, wounds; Columbus Quackenbush, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, February 15, 1864; Elias G. Quickle, died November 29, 1862; Myron Ross, died January 16, 1863; James M. Rupe, died April 2, 1863; William H. Sheppard, discharged February 10, 1863; William R. Stephens, mustered out May 25, 1865; An- drew Snyder, unaccounted for; James M. Stephens, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps February 10, 1864; Andrew J. Stephens, killed at Richmond. Ky., August 30, 1862; John S. Sterling, discharged March 6, 1863; Patrick H. Sheppard, discharged January 10, 1865; Lorenzo Thornburg, killed at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1865; Moses P. Veal, killed at Thomson’s Hill, Miss., May 1, 1863; Charles Wilson, died January 16, 1863. Company E—First Lieutenant, Cornelius Longfellow, promoted cap- tain, resigned March 23, 1863; Second Lieutenant, Francis French, resigned March 27, 1863. Sergeants—Robert E. Daly, died at Richmond, Ky., October 10, 1862, wounds; Christian E. Zimmerman, mustered out October 4, 1863, by order of War Department; Isaac M. Nichols, promoted second lieutenant, first lieu- tenant, resigned October 8, 1863; James W. Sheppard, mustered out July 5, 1865. Corporals—Jesse S. Byrd, died May 12, 1863, wounds received at Port Gibson; Thomas Hollingsworth, promoted first lieutenant, discharged May 12, 1864, as sergeant, disability; William Johnson, discharged April 3, 1863, as sergeant, disability; William F. Locke, discharged April 29, 1863, wounds; John Hinshaw, discharged May 22, 1863, disability; Daniel H. Miller, dis- 482 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. charged January 10, 1863, disability; John Stanley, musician, record indefi- nite; John Kirkman, wagoner, discharged March 7, 1863, disability. Privates—Isaac Ballinger, discharged June 24, 1863, disability; Tames M. Bachelor, record indefinite; Madison Beverlin, died at Young’s Point, La., April 3, 1863; John Bachelor, discharged October 2, 1863, disability; John Blair, discharged November 22, 1862, wounds; Abner Bales, died at Young’s Point, La., February 14, 1863, disease; Pleasant W. Bales, mustered out July 5, 1865; Isaac N. Bales, mustered out July 5, 1865; William W. Beeks, dis- charged April 1, 1863, wounds; Albin Baldwin, mustered out July 5, 1865; Jackson Bishop, died April 1, 1863; Joshua Cate, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 15, 1863; William P. Campbell, discharged November 22, 1862, dis- ability; Joel Cook, died at Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863, disability; John H. Clark, died October 2, 1862, wounds; Thomas Cox, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., June 28, 1863, disability; Orlister R. Caty, died day of discharge, May 22, 1864; Nathan B. Coggeshall, promoted second lieutenant, transferred to Company D, Battalion Sixty-ninth, mustered out with battalion; Allen Coggeshall, mustered out July 5, 1865; Thomas H. Cadwallader, discharged ‘March 1, 1863, by civil authority; Jacob Clark, mustered out July 5, 1865; William L. French, discharged November 22, 1862, wounds; Joseph S. Fra- zier, died in hospital at Baton Rouge, La., January 1, 1863, disease; William Farmer, discharged March 7, 1863, disability; Ancil B. Freeman, discharged March 20, 1863, wounds; John R. Fisher, discharged April 7, 1862, disabil- ity; David G. Freeman, mustered out June 30, 1865; William L. Freeman, mustered out July 5, 1865; Timothy Gray, mustered out July 5, 1865; Levi C. Huff, discharged March 22, 1863, disability; Henry Hill, died at St. Louis, Mo., February 5, 1863; Nathan Harris, record indefinite; Jesse J. Hodgin, mustered out July 5, 1865; George L. Irwin, mustered out July 5, 1865, as corporal; Isaac W. D. R. Johnson, James Jones, mustered out July 5, 1865; William Johnson, discharged April 3, 1863, as sergeant, disability; Jonas Johnson, killed at Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863; David M. Kinsay, dis- charged November 26, 1862, disability; John W. Kennedy, discharged Sep- temper 25, 1862, by civil authority; Demetrius Kimbraugh, mustered out July 5, 1865; John R. Longfellow, record indefinite; Daniel H. Miller, dis- charged January 10, 1863, disability; Hiram Moreland, discharged Decem- ber 1, 1862, disability; John Morgan, died September 10, 1862, wounds; Isaac Mann, drowned in Mississiippi river June 18, 1864; David Mann, dis- charged March 1, 1863, by civil authority; Pierce H. Moody, discharged April 8, 1863, wounds; Jacob S. Monteith, promoted assistant surgeon, re- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 483 tained in new organization and mustered out with battalion; William Mann, discharged June 13, 1863, disability; Tarlton Nichols, discharged April 13, 1863, wounds; Curtis L. Neal, died in rebel prison, Cahaba, Ala., November, 1863; William Odell, missing since battle of Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1863; William H. Pierce, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 9, 1863; disease i Eli Pearson, discharged April 18, 1862, disability; David Pierce, mustered out July 5, 1865; Joseph Parmer, killed at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862; Levi Platt, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; William Platt, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., June 9, 1863, disease; John Pearsonett, died at New Or- leans, La., September 29, 1863, disease; Albert R. Quigley, discharged Au- gust 8, 1863, wounds; Henry C. Reynolds, died on hospital boat, Memphis, Tenn., February 27, 1863; George F. Rainer, discharged March 13, 1863, wounds; George W. Roberts, mustered out July 5, 1865, as sergeant; Jasper Roberts, mustered out July 5, 1865, as corporal; Wilbur F. Reynolds, Bar- zilla Reynolds, mustered out July 5, 1865; James C. Smith, died January 7, 1863, wounds; Wesley B. Stanley, killed at Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863; Franklin Slagle, died at Memphis, Tenn., February 15, 1863, disease; Man- love Stigall, discharged February 9, 1863; Henry Stigall, discharged Septem- ber, 1862, by civil authority; John W. Slagle, mustered out July 5, 1865; William Starbridge, discharged November 22, 1862, disability; William Sti- gall, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., March 31, 1863, disease; Daniel Taylor, record indefinite; Jonathan Thorp, discharged February 19, 1863, disability ; William Thornburg, mustered out July 5, 1865, as corporal; Henry Veal, died at Williamsburg, Ind., September 20, 1863; Jonathan Weaver, mustered out July 5, 1865; Jonathan R. Whitaker, discharged November 22, 1862, wounds. Recruits—Squire C. Bowen, John W. Chenoweth, John Carr, Arthur B. Farr, James Farr, transferred to Twenty-fourth Regiment July 5, 1865; James Gray, mustered out July 5, 1865; Oliver C. Gordon, transferred to Twenty-fourth Regiment July 5, 1865; Benjamin F. Hutchens, mustered out July 5, 1865; Isaiah Kesat, transferred to Twenty-fourth Regiment July 5, 1865. Company F—First Lieutenant, Joseph R. Jackson, promoted captain Company E, transferred to Company D, residuary battalion, mustered out with battalion; Second Lieutenant, George W. Thomson, resigned January 21, 1863. , Sergeants—William M. Reeves, promoted second lieutenant, first lieuten- ant, transferred to second lieutenant of Company B in Battalion of Sixty- ninth Regiment, mustered out with battalion; Solomon J. Harter, killed at Fort Bradley, Ala., April 6, 1865. 484 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Corporals—Rinaldo Castle, mustered out July 5, 1865, as private; Dan- iel W. Shipley, drowned in Alabama river April 22, 1865; Albert Murphy, mustered out July 5, 1865, as private; Abner Page, discharged November 28, 1862; Henry W. Murphy, record indefinite; Harlin P. Castle, musician, mustered out July 5, 1865. Privates—Francis M. Cammack, as corporal; James D. Dull, William F. Engle, Thomas E. Fulghum, as corporal; Alexander Gullett, as corporal; Allen W. Grave, as sergeant; William Haywood, John W. Jackson, Hezekiah Jackson, Lemuel H. Jackson, William Y. Jackson, Alexander Moore, David Murphy, John F. Middleton, as sergeant; Isaac E. Marshall, William A. Matchett, Lewis B. O. Neall, Sydney Potter, Martin V. Pinney, Henry Wise; Dexter P Head, transferred to Twenty-fourth Regiment July 1, 1865; Aaron F. Adams, record indefinite; William R. Anderson, died January 12, 1863; John Barnes, discharged February 6, 1863; Nathan C. Beach, trans- ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps September 1, 1863, wounds; George W. Busle, discharged from wounds at Richmond, Ky.; George W. Chenoweth, died May 14, 1863, wounds; Philip H. Clear, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 4, 1864, wounds; John W. Clark, discharged May 15, 1863, disability; Samuel A. Cooper, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, mus- tered out June 30, 1865; William Clough, killed at Thomson’s Hill, Miss., May 1, 1863; Ezekiel Clough, discharged March 27, 1863; Thomas H. Downing, died May 14, 1863, wounds; John Harness, drowned in Alabama river April 22, 1865; John M. Hill, discharged April 3, 1863; Matthew Jellison, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps April 4, 1864; Joel Lock, killed at Chickasaw Bluff, Miss., December 31, 1862; Nelson R. Lowder, died May 14, 1863, wounds; Jesse L. Lambert, discharged November 28, 1862; James F. Moore, discharged March 6, 1863; Daniel E. Miller, died March 6, 1863; Levi Matchett, died July 26, 1863; Peter E. Matchett, died July 13, 1863; William Peden, discharged January 18, 1863; Wilson S. Peden, died March 14, 1863; John A. Rubey, discharged June 10, 1863, as hospital steward; John C. Rubey, discharged March 14, 1863; Alonzo R. Scott, died January 30, 1863; Joel Smith, died November 2, 1863; George Sutton, record indefinite; Benjamin W. Simmons, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps March 6, 1864, wounds; Nathan C. Simmons, discharged April 6, 1863; James P. Smith, discharged January 2, 1863; Edwin M. Tansey, dis- charged November 28, 1863; Cornelius Van Meigs, discharged April 23, 1863. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 485 SEVENTY-FIRST INDIANA (SIXTH CAVALRY ), THREE YEARS. Organized August 18, 1862; mustered out September 15, 1865. The colonel at first was Col. R. W. Thompson. Officers, 50; men, 1,150; recruits, 548; died, 260; deserted, 105; unaccounted for, 72; total, 1,748; returned with 32 officers and 631 men; public reception at Indianapolis; welcoming speech by Gov. Morton; brief remarks by Lieut. Gen. U. S. Grant; mustered in as infantry; changed to cavalry by order under date of February 22, 1864 (probably ). Members from Randolph county—James L. Byke, transferred to A. N. W. February 3, 1865. Company C—First Lieutenant, Adam: B. Simmons; mustered out with battalion at close of service. SEVENTY-FIFTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Wabash August 19, 1862; Colonel, John U. Pettit. Regiment mustered out at Washington, June 8, 1865; public recep- tion of that and other regiments at Indianapolis in the Capitol grounds June 14, 1865. Officers, 42; men, 1,076; recruits, 100; died, 227; deserted, 30; unaccounted for, 31; mustered out, 450; total number, 1,127. The Seventy-fifth Regiment was raised in the Eleventh congressional district, and its place of rendezvous was Wabash. The men were mustered in August 19, and August 21 the regiment moved to Louisville, thence to Lebanon and back to Louisville. They marched to Frankfort, Scottsville and Gallatin, and back to Cave City in pursuit of Morgan. Their winter camp was near Gallatin, and in January, 1863, they moved to Murfreesboro, re- maining until June 24, being engaged in scouting and other hard service. The Seventy-fifth was a part of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, and they were known as the Indiana Brigade, all three regi- ments being from Indiana—Seventy-fifth, Eighty-seventh and One Hundred and First. June 24, 1863, the regiment set out for Tullahoma, fighting the battle of Hover’s Gap as they went. This regiment entered the rebel works at Tulla- homa first about July 1, 1863. It crossed the Tennessee with Rosecrans and fought at Chickamauga September 19 and 20, 1863, the loss being 17 killed and 107 wounded. The regiment was stationed at Chattanooga for several months, taking a part in the battle of Mission Ridge, losing twenty-two killed and wounded. 486 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, The winter was spent in and near Chattanooga, and early in the spring the regiment moved to Ringgold for the Atlanta campaign. April 27, 1864, Sherman ordered his troops to concentrate at Chattanooga. We quote from the Adjutant General’s report: “On the 7th of May, 1864, Thomas occupied Laurel Hill. On the 12th, the whole army, except Howard’s Corps, moved through Snake Creek Gap on Resaca. On the 15th the battle of Resaca was fought, and the same night the rebel army retreated across the Qostenaula. Near Adairsville, the rear of the rebel army was encountered, and a sharp fight ensued. On the 28th, the enemy made an assault at Dallas, but met with a bloody repulse. On the 27th of June an assault was made upon the enemy’s position on Kenesaw without success. On the 2d of July, Kenesaw was abandoned by the enemy. On the 4th, Thomas demonstrated so strongly on the enemy’s communications as to cause him to fall gack to the Chattahoochie river and cross that river on the 9th. On the 2oth, the enemy sallied from his works in force, and fought the battle of Peach Tree Creek. On the 22d, a general battle was fought in front of Atlanta, the rebels being defeated. On the 28th, the enemy made another assault upon our besieging lines, but were driven back in con- fusion. The siege of Atlanta vigorously progressed with constant skirmish- ing. On the 25th of August, the bulk of Sherman’s army moved by a circuit around Atlanta, struck its southern communications near Fairburn, destroy- ing the West Point railroad and the Macon railroad. This caused the enemy to evacuate Atlanta on the 2d of September. On the 4th of September the army moved slowly back to Atlanta, and rested in clean, healthy camps. Thus, after four months’ campaign, ended one of the greatest achievements of the war.” During the Atlanta campaign the regiment marched and fought with the Second Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, engaging in the battles of Dalton, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek and Jonesboro. The regiment had for a brief season a time of rest; but soon they moved to repel Hood’s advance on Sherman’s rear. The regiment marched in pursuit to Gaylesville, resting a short time on the Chattanooga river. Re- turning to Atlanta, the Seventy-fifth set out with Sherman on his famous “march to the sea,” and went the whole round through Georgia and the Caro- linas, to Raleigh, and through Virginia to Richmond and Washington. And by that time the war was over. The regiment took part in the grand review before President Johnson, Gen. Sherman and the rest of the magnates, marching in solid phalanx twelve RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 487 deep for hours, “tramp, tramp, tramp,’ through the broad avenues of the Capital City. They were mustered out at the capital June 8, 1865. The recruits were transferred to the Forty-second Indiana, and served with that regiment until its muster out at Louisville July 21, 1865. Company F—Charles S. Butterworth, mustered out June 8, 1865; Sam- uel A. Force, mustered out June 8, 1865; Nathan B. Hickman, discharged February 28, 1863; George McCartney, mustered out June 8, 1865. SEVENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT ( FOURTH CAVALRY ). Colonel, Isaac P. Gray; resigned February 11, 1863; Assistant Surgeon, William Commons, declined; organized August 22, 1862; mustered out June 29, 1865. Officers, 57; men, 1,166; recruits, 301; deserters, 84; died, 204; unac- counted for, 54; total, 1,524. Field of operation, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Battles in which the Seventy-seventh took part: Madisonville, Ky., Oc- tober 5, 1862; Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19 and 20, 1863; Mossy Creek, Tenn., January 12, 1864; Newnan, Ga., July 3, 1864; Columbia, Tenn., No- vember 26, 1864; Fair Garden, Tenn., February 19, 1865; Ebenezer Church, La., April 1, 1865; Selma, Ala., April 2, 1865. EIGHTY-FOURTH INDIANA, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Richmond September 3, 1862; Colonel, Nelson Trussler; mustered out at Nashville June 18, 1865; reached Indianapolis June 17, 1865; was publicly received, with others, June 26, 1865. Addresses were made by Gov. Morton, Gen. Hovey, Gen. Wilder and others. Officers, 43; men, 906; recruits, 78; died, 207; deserted, 53; unaccounted for, 9; returned, 349; total, 1,027. The Eighty-fourth Regiment was raised in the Fifth District, and mus- tered in at Richmond September 3, 1862, with Nelson Trussler, colonel. Its first work was to aid in the defense of Cincinnati from the legions of Kirby Smith. Buell’s army made the Confederate hosts to fall back, and the regi- ment was sent to Western Virginia, camping at Point Pleasant, Guyandotte, Catlettsburg and Cassville; at the latter place nearly three months. February 7, 1863, the Eighty-fourth sailed down the Ohio to Louisville, and thence to 488 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Nashville, encamping there until March 5. Thence they moved to Franklin, camping again until the 3d of June. Its times of encampment were occupied with scouting, reconnoissances, skirmishes, and the like. June 3, they marched to Triune. They were attacked June 11, but with- out success, by the rebels. Thence they marched through Shelbyville to War- trace, encamping until August 12, and thence to Tullahoma and to Steven- son, Bridgeport, and Chattanooga, arriving September 13. Camping at Ross- ville until the 18th, the regiment marched to the front and were posted on the left of the army of the Cumberland. The Eighty-fourth was in the battle of Chickamauga both days, fighting bravely and losing heavily. Holding the key to Rosecrans’ retreat, that di- vision stood stubbornly and saved the army. The regiment was on picket duty opposite Lookout Mountain nine days and nights and then moved to Moccasin Point and then to Shell Mound, remaining there until January 20, 1864. The Eighty-fourth was transferred to the Second Brigade, First Division,-Fourth Army Corps. The regiment marched to Cleveland, reaching the place February 6; thence on the 22d to Buzzard’s Roost, fighting there on the 25th. Returning to Cleveland, they stayed until the 3d of May, 1864. Sherman was now ready to march and fight his stubborn way to Atlanta, “the gateway of the South,” and the Eighty-fourth was with him all the time, and was engaged in fifteen battles during that terrible summer, marching triumphantly at the last into the conquered city of Atlanta. After this cam- paign, the Fourth Corps was ordered back to the Army of the Tennessee; and it marched by way of Athens, Pulaski and Franklin to Nashville, fighting in the furious battle of Franklin on the way. Reaching Nashville December 1, it had barely time for a short respite before Thomas burst forth upon Hood with resistless power, scattering Hood’s army to the winds. Our troops pursued for a long way, and returned at last. Encamping at Huntsville, where it had ended its pursuit of Hood, the troops remained there until March 13, moving thence to Knoxville, Straw- berry Plains, Bull’s Gap and Shield’s Mills. Remaining awhile, they went back once more to Nashville April 18, 1865. June.14, 1865, the Eighty- fourth was mustered out at Nashville, the recruits being assigned to the Fifty- seventh Indiana, serving in that regiment until its muster out in November, 1865. Reaching Indianapolis June 17, a reception was held June 26, 1865. Three companies belonging to the Eighty-fourth Regiment were formed chiefly in Randolph county. Company A, mostly from Farmland; Com- RANDOLPI COUNTY, INDIANA. 489 pany E, chiefly from Deerfield; Company H, largely from Winchester. A considerable number of Company K also belonged to Randolph. Fully 300 went from this county alone in the Eighty-fourth Regiment. General officers from Randolph county are as follows: Major, Andrew J. Neff, promoted lieutenant colonel, colonel, resigned as lieutenant colonel October 17, 1864; Adjutant, Ebenezer T. Chaffee, mustered out; Chaplain, Thomas Addington, resigned March 15, 1864; Assistant Surgeon, Robert P Davis, resigned May 17, 1865. Company A—Captain, William Burris, on detail service at Soldiers’ Home, at Indianapolis, mustered out on a separate roll; First Lieutenant, Henry T. Semans, mustered out with regiment; Second Lieutenant, William A. Burres, honorably discharged October 3, 1864; Sergeants, Robert P. Davis, promoted assistant surgeon, resigned May 17, 1865; James Filson, died at Nashville, Tenn., June 7, 1865; William C. Diggs, died at Cassville, Va., January 25, 1863; John W. Macy, promoted to second lieutenant, mustered out June 14, 1865, as first sergeant; Corporals, John Addington, died at Lookout Mountain September 2, 1864, of wounds; Samuel Wright, mustered out June 14, 1865; William W. Fowler, discharged January 3, 1865; Thomas B. McIntyre, discharged January 13, 1863; Nathan Elwood, mustered out June 14, 1865, as sergeant; David Snyder, died at Shell Mound, Tenn., No- vember 18, 1863; Joseph Life, record indefinite; James McProud, mustered out May 13, 1865; Musicians, William J. Davison, discharged December 14, 1863, loss of sight; James \. Martin, mustered out June 14, 1865; Wagoner, Henry Addington, died at Nashville October 7, 1863. Privates, Thomas Addington, promoted chaplain, resigned March 15, 1864; William S. Addington, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Flavius M. Black, discharged April 7, 1865, for wounds; William Bales, record indefinite; Alex- ander C. Black, mustered out June 14, 1865, as sergeant; Josiah M. Brewer, transferred to Engineer Corps June 30, 1864; George M. Bales, mustered out June 14, 1865; Alfred Clinard, mustered out June 14, 1865; W. C. Cham- bers, transferred to Engineer Corps June 3, 1864; Seth Conarroe, mustered out May 19, 1865; Andrew W. Clevenger, mustered out June 14, 1865; Silas Conarroe, mustered out June 14, 1865; Elias Dull, died at Ashland, Ky., December 31, 1862; Calvin W. Diggs, prisoner at Andersonville, mustered out June 14, 1865; Jonathan F. Denton, mustered out June 14, 1865; Levi M. Doty, mustered out June 14, 1865; William B. Denton, mustered out June 14, 1865; John Driver, mustered out May 18, 1865; John W. Dudley, mustered out June 14, 1865; Morgan Driver, discharged May 15, 1865; William J. Fodrea, mustered out June 16, 1865; Thomas O. Flood, dis- 490 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. charged August 20, 1863; Thomas Fancher, transferred to V. R. C. Decem- ber 17, 1863; George M. French, discharged February 27, 1865; David Ford, discharged February 18, 1865; Thomas J. Fisher, mustered out June 14, 1865; Samuel Gantz, died at Nashville, December 29, 1864; William H. Gordon, mustered out July 4, 1865; Thomas’C. Grills, record indefinite; David Garringer, mustered out June 14, 1865; Nathan Hiatt, killed at Chicka- .mauga September 20, 1863; Samuel Huffman, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal ; Elwood Harris, died July 20, 1864; Michael Hubbard, died July 20, 1864; John Heffern, died at Murfreesboro July 20, 1863; Moses Heron, died at Nashville September 5, 1863; Charles A. C. Howren, record indefinite; William Jones, record indefinite; James W. Johnson, discharged December 3, 1863; Benjamin L. Lewellen, discharged February 4, 1863; James Leaver, mustered out June 14, 1865; George Leaver, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Abram Life, discharged February 6, 1863, of wounds; Noah Martin, died at Chattanooga October 14, 1863; David Mar- tin, mustered out June 14, 1865; William Mendenhall, died at Chattanooga October 16, 1863, of wounds; James H. McNees, transferred to V. R. C.; William F. Mullen, mustered out June 14, 1865; Elijah W. Moore, trans- ‘ferred to V. R. C. April 10, 1864; James H. B. McNees, transferred to V. R.C., mustered out June 14, 1865; Elza B. McIntyre, discharged May 8, 1865; William H. Moore, mustered out May 30, 1865; John L. Merriwether, mustered out May 30, 1865; Daniel W. McCamy, died at Franklin, Tenn., May 13, 1863; Abraham H. Mesarvey, transferred to Fifty-seventh June 9, 1865; George McGriff, discharged August 9, 1864; Phineas Montgomery, mustered out June 1, 1865; David Miller, mustered out June 14, 1865; An- drew Miller, died at Nashville August 15, 1863; Isaac Noyer, record indefi- nite; Augustus Pearskey, mustered out June 14, 1865; Jeremiah Painter, mustered out June 14, 1865; Martin Pegg, mustered out June 14, 1865; Al- fred Pickett, died at Chattanooga November 5, 18633 James T. Pursley, trans- ferred to Fifty-seventh Regiment June 9, 1865; James M. Pursley, discharged July 11, 1863; Elijah Pendergrass, transferred to V. R. C. November 25, 1864; Thomas J. Page, died at Ashland, Ky., December 31, 1862; Wilson C. Roach, killed by accident April 9, 1865; Francis Sloan, mustered out June 14, 1865; Thomas J. Semans, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Will- iam M. Shinn, discharged July 21, 1863; Oliver Sullivan, discharged De- cember 10, 1863; William H. J. Spencer, killed at Chickamauga September 19, 1863; Hiram Townsend, mustered out June 14, 1865; Solomon Turn- paw, transferred to V. R. C. January 9, 1865; Josiah Woodard, died at War- trace, Tenn., August 11, 1863; Julian Woodard, mustered out June 14, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 491 1865; Joseph Wood, killed at Chickamauga September 20, 1863; Valentine White, died at Nashville May 24, 1863; Tipton White, discharged May 9, 1865. Recruits—Marshal McNees, transferred to Fifty-seventh June 9, 1865; Elza McNees, transferred to V. R. C. August 3, 1864. Company C—Second Lieutenant, Clinton D. Smith, honorably dis- charged April 26, 1864, promoted from sergeant, Company E. Company E—Captain, Martin B. Miller, promoted major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, mustered out as lieutenant colonel with regiment; First Lieu- tenant, Joseph E. Ruhl, discharged by order of war department; Second Lieutenant, Henry T. Warren, promoted first lieutenant, transferred to United States Veteran Engineer Corps November 20, 1864; Amos Evans, promoted second lieutenant ; mustered out as first sergeant with regiment. Company E—Sergeants, Joseph S. Fisher, promoted second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, mustered out with regiment; Grover S. Fowler, mus- tered out June 14, 1865, as private; Oscar D. Needham, mustered out June 14, 1865; William Drew, discharged August 20, 1863; Clinton D. Smith, promoted second lieutenant, Company C, honorably discharged April 2, 1864. Corporals—Eli M. Elsy,.transferred to Fifty-ninth Regiment; McKendrick C. Smiley, mustered out June 14, 1865, as private; Frank M. Flickenger, promoted first lieutenant, killed in action March 13, 1865; Franklin A. Bur- ley, record indefinite; James E. Kemp, mustered out June 14, 1865, as ser- geant; Benjamin F. Kemp, promoted first lieutenant, mustered out with regi- ment; Amos Evans, mustered out June 14, 1865,.as first sergeant; Morgan Mahoney, mustered out May 31, 1865. Musicians—John Q. Pierce, dis- charged August 20, 1863; David Thomson, discharged May 14, 1863. Wag- oner, Charles Woodbury, record indefinite. Privates—William W. Albright, died February 6, 1864; Elbert Bragg, missing in action at Chickamauga Sep- tember 20, 1863; Albert Bragg, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Ephraim D. Baugh, mustered out June 14, 1865; William F. Bragg, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Andrew J. Bragg, died May 27, 1864; Henry Bragg, mustered out June 14, 1865; Jacob Brown, discharged February 17, 1863; John W. Burk, killed at Chickamauga September 20, 1863; Isaac Clapp, discharged March 14, 1865; Thomas Croll, died December 8, 1863, of wounds; Benjamin Doty, killed at Lovejoy, September 2, 1864; Henry Dick, died July 5, 1864, of wounds; William Dickerson, transferred to Fifty-sev- enth Regiment; John D. Frazier, mustered out June 14, 1865; Allen Fowler, transferred to Engineer Corps August 10, 1864; Franklin Fordyce, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; George W. Goucher, mustered out June 14, 1865, as wagoner; Harvey N. Garland, mustered out June 14, 1865, as ser- 492 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. geant; Isaac Gray, transferred to Fifty-seventh Regiment; Henry C. Hutch- ens, mustered out June 10, 1865; Thomas Hodge, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Daniel B. Harshman, record indefinite; Garner Harsh- man, record indefinite; Alexander Hutchens, transferred V. R. C. July 9, 1864; Michael Ingle, record indefinite; John M. Jones, record indefinite; Benjamin Jones, mustered out May 19, 1865; Henry Kaizer, -transfererd to Fifty-seventh Regiment; John Louk, mustered out June 14, 1865; Abraham Lady, died June 6, 1863; Allen Lovall, record indefinite; Elisha D. Lollar, dis- charged February 21, 1865; John T. Miller, died January 5, 1864; William ‘McCollum, transferred to V. R. C., mustered out June 28, 1865 ; George - Manes, died at Catlettsburg, Ky., November 28, 1862; William L, Mock, discharged February 8, 1865; Edward E. Malott, killed at Kenesaw, June 23, 1864; William Murray, died January 25, 1864; Jacob Murray, discharged June 5, 1863; Edward Murray, mustered out June 14, 1865; Archibald Marsh, transferred to Engineer Corps August 10, 1864; Clemard Mahony, transferred to V R. C. March 29, 1865; Levi Mock, discharged April 3, 1863; Joseph B. McCartney, discharged October 3, 1863; Eli E. Mock, record indefinite; Henry Mock, mustered out June 14, 1865; John Mock, record in- definite; James B. Mock, transferred to V. R. C. July 26, 1864; Uriah Mock, mustered out June 27, 1865; James McGill, killed at Chickamauga, Septem- ber 19, 1863; Andrew McCartney, discharged February 27, 1863; Mark T. Post, mustered out June 14, 1865; David Pogue, transferred to V. R. C. July 26, 1864; George W. Poorman, mustered out June 14, 1865; William \W. Ritenour, mustered out June 27, 1865, as sergeant; George Rinehart, discharged May 7, 1863; George Swank, discharged May 19, 1865; William Shanefelt, record indefinite; Josiah Shanefelt died July 5, 1864, of wounds; Henry Stick, mustered out June 14, 1865; Joseph Shull, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Isaac Shull, killed at Chickamauga September 20, 1863; Mitchell Sanders, transferred to V. R. C. November 22, 1863; Calvin Street, record indefinite; Clinton M. Small, discharged February 18, 1865; Harrison Snow, record indefinite; Charles N. Taylor, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Moses Wall, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; John Wall, mustered out June 14, 1865; Reuben Whipple, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Lewis Whipple, mustered out June 14, 1865; John B. Warner, discharged; James Wickersham, mustered out June 14, 1865. Recruits— George M. Baugh, record indefinite; Daniel M. Evans, mustered out June 14, 1865. Company F—Elam Rich, mustered out June 16, 1865. Company H—Captain, George U. Carter, promoted major, lieutenant colonel, mustered out with regiment as major; First Lieutenant, Andrew J. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 493 Neff, promoted major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, mustered out with regiment as lieutenant colonel; Second Lieutenant, William H. Focht, promoted first lieutenant, promoted captain, mustered out with regiment; First Sergeant, Massena Engle, promoted first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment; Ser- geants, Clayborn West, died April 10, 1863; Isaiah W. Kemp, promoted first lieutenant, mustered out June 14, 1865, as first sergeant; Ezra Bond, dis- charged May 5, 1863; Luther G. Puckett, mustered out June 14, 1865; Cor- porals, George Woodbury, died at Franklin, Tenn., April 19, 1863; Calvin B. Edwards, mustered out June 14, 1865, as sergeant; Henry T. Way, died April 26, 1863, sergeant; Noah W. Lucas, discharged December 20, 1862; Thomas J. Gerrard, mustered out June 14, 1865; William B. Pierce, dis- charged November 2, 1862; William Smith, discharged May 6, 1863; William F. Hiatt, mustered out June 14, 1865, as sergeant. Musician, Squire Welker, transferred to V. R. C., mustered out June 30, 1865. Wagoner, Sampson Summers, mustered out June 14, 1865. Privates—Isaac N. Ambom, dis- charged January 14, 1863; James Abernathy, died at Nashville July 12, 1863; James H. Butterworth, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Manuel Baker, mustered out June 14, 1865; John M. Benson, record indefinite; Zebe- dee Buckels, record indefinite; John J. Brown, transferred to V. R. C., mus- tered out June 30, 1865; Daniel J. Beck, transferred to V. R. C., mustered out June 28, 1865; Edwin Burnsley, died at Nashville December 20, 1863; Nelson Burnsley, discharged November 17, 1863; Marcus T. Brown, mus- tered June 14, 1865; Charlton S. Brown, mustered June 14, 1865; Dempsey Coats, transferred to V R. C., September 20, 1863; Henry Carver, trans- ferred to Fifty-seventh Regiment; John A. Clevenger, mustered June 14, 1865; Patterson P. Dodd, died at Nashville January 1, 1864; James W. Dud- ley, discharged March 4, 1863; Ira Davis, mustered out June 14, 1865; Fred- erick A. Engle, discharged June 1, 1864; William Emerson, discharged Janu- ary 14, 1863, by civil authorities; Nathan Ellis discharged November 18, 1863; Henderson Edwards, discharged May 13, 1863; Charles Emerson, mus- tered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; William F Fitzpatrick, mustered out June 14, 1865; Samuel Fraze, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Al- fred J. Gaines, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Elias Gray, dis- charged August 17, 1863; Samuel Ginger, discharged May 5, 1863; Henry Godlieb, discharged February 17, 1863; Benonia Hill, mustered out June 14, 1865; Harrison M. Hickman, died March 17, 1865, sergeant; Eli Haworth, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Peter Harshman, died in Anderson- ville Prison September 12, 1864; Jonathan C. Harris, mustered out June 29, 1865; Edmond M. Ives, promoted captain United States colored troops; (32) 494 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Gilford Jarret, mustered out June 14, 1865; Xerxes A. Jones, transferred to V.R. C. March 17, 1864; Daniel Jacobs, mustered out June 14, 1865; Sam- uel Kegerries, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Levi Kames, trans- ferred to V. R. C. September 26, 1863; Francis W. Kolp, killed at Chicka- mauga September 20, 1863; Isaac Little, mustered out June 14, 1865, as ser- geant; Thomas Little, discharged April 22, 1863; John M. Lowder, mustered out June 14, 1865; Francis M. Loyd, mustered out June 14, 1865, as prisoner of war; James Mace, mustered out June 14, 1865; John S. Morrison, died at Catlettsburg, Ky., December 7, 1862; Francis Metz, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; James 5S. Mullen, transferred to Mississippi Marine Bri- gade March 30, 1863; John McMillen, transferred to V. R. C. September 20, 1863; Henry C. Morgan, discharged July 27, 1863; William Milstead, trans- ferred to Engineer Corps July 29, 1864; David McConochy, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Joseph Nonamaker, discharged May 28, 1863; William H. Pierce, mustered out June 14, 1865; Elias Raines, mustered out June 14, 1865; John Q. Reece, discharged February 13, 1863; William L. Steele, promoted second lieutenant, died May 16, 1863, at Franklin, Tenn.; William E. Starbuck, transferred to V. R. C., mustered out June 30, 1865; George W. Smithson, discharged June 14, 1865; Willis Smith, record in- definite; George Spera, mustered out June 14, 1865; Daniel Stickley, mus- tered out June 14, 1865; Herman Stolle, discharged May 15, 1863; John M. Turner, discharged July 6, 1863; Isaac T. Thornburg, discharged June 20, 1863; Jona Tutwiler, mustered out June 14, 1865; Matthew A. Waters, transferred to V. R. C. March 17, 1864; William R. Way, mustered out June 14, 1865; George W. Whitesell, record indefinite; Nathan Woodbury, discharged August 22, 1865; Jonathan Wheeler, mustered out June 14, 1865; Isaiah P. Watts, mustered out June 14, 1865; Henry Yost, transferred to Fifty-seventh Regiment. Company I—Henry Brown, killed at Nashville December 12, 1864; Peter J. Poiner, died at Catlettsburg, Ky., November 24, 1863. Company K—George W. Evans, corporal, died October 25, 1863 ; Charles B. Clove, killed at Chickamauga September 20, 1863; Jacob Creek, mustered out June 14, 1865; Henry C. Davisson, promoted assistant surgeon Fifty- fourth Regiment, resigned March 23, 1863; Absalom W. Hunt, record indefi- nite; Thomas B. Jenkins, mustered out June 14, 1865, as corporal; Benja- min Kitsmiller, died December 11, 1864; James W. Landon, died August 18, 1863; Lewis C. Landon, record indefinite; John McMullen, mustered out June 14, 1865; Daniel Phillabaum, died May 2, 1863; William H. Phillabaum, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 495 mustered out June 14, 1865; John W. Thornburg, mustered out June 14, 1865, as sergeant; Jacob Van Gordon, died August 15, 1864, of wounds. EIGHTY-NINTH INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS). Company E—Joseph Gray, killed at Yellow Bayou, La., May 18, 1864. Statistics—Mustered in at Wabash August 28, 1862; Colonel, Charles D. Murray; mustered out at Mobile, Ala., July 19, 1865. Officers, 45; men, 949; recruits, 124; died, 244; deserted, 25 ; unaccounted for, 8; total, 1,118. Casualties—Killed, 31; wounded, 167; missing in action, 4; it has marched on foot, 2,363 miles; traveled by steamer, 7,112 miles; by rail, 1,232 miles; making a total of 10,707 miles, nearly half round the globe. NINETEENTH REGIMENT ( FIFTH CAVALRY), THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at Indianapolis September 9, 1862; Colonel, Felix W. Graham. Regiment mustered out at Pulaski, Tenn., June 16, 1865. Officers, 51; men, 1,191; recruits, 522; died, 211; deserted, 125; unac- counted for, 99; total, 1,764. Battles, 22; marched by land, 2,400 miles; passed by water, 1,000; captured prisoners, 640; killed, 35; died from wounds, 13; died in prisons, 115; died in hospitals, 74; wounded in action, 72; cap- tured of regiment, 514; total casualties, 829. The Nineteenth (Fifth Cavalry) Regiment was made up at different times. Four companies were mustered in August, five in September and three in October, 1862. The companies were sent to different places, C and F to Carrollton, Ky., and I to Rising Sun, Ind.; the others to the counties on the Ohio river. A and G were stationed at Newburg, B at Rockport, D and L at Mauck- port, E and H at Cannelton, K at Mount Vernon, and M at Evansville. The whole regiment was united at Glasgow, Ky., in March, 1863, and were kept scouting and skirmishing on the Cumberland river. The regi- ment spent much of its time in Middle and Eastern Tennessee until Febru- ary, 1864, engaging in exceedingly active, laborious and dangerous service, fighting any battles, some of them severe and fatal. July 4, 1863, it started in pursuit of the rebel Gen. Morgan, then cross- ing the Cumberland. 496 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. They marched to Louisville, and were sent up the Ohio on steamers to Portsmouth. July 19, 1863, the regiment headed Morgan’s forces at Buffington’s Island, and fought them there, scattering the rebels in every direction, killing and capturing many, and taking also five pieces of artillery. They returned to Louisville, and August 15 started for East Tennessee, crossing the Cumberland Mountains, and being the first Federal regiment to enter Knoxville... In May, 1864, they crossed the mountains to Tunnel Hill, Ga., arriving May 12, 1864, and joining Gen. Stoneman. On the “Stoneman Raid,” the Fifth Cavalry, after bravely holding the enemy in check for the escape of the main body, were surrendered to the enemy against the vigorous protest of Col. Butler, their commander. These poor men were doomed to the horrors of Andersonville and other prisons only less abominable and deadly. The sad tale of their sufferings may be guessed by the terrible fact that 115 of their number died in prison. The part of the regiment not captured remained at Atlanta after its sur- render, performing guard duty until September 1 3, 1864, and they were then transferred to Kentucky, being at the time serving as infantry. The regiment was at length mounted anew, and January 17, 1865, was sent from Louisville to Pulaski, Tenn. Here they scouted, captured bush- whackers and outlaws until June 16, 1865. The muster out then took place, and they were welcomed at Indianapolis June 21, 1865, at the Capitol grove. Companies G, L and M were transferred to the Sixth Cavalry, and were mustered out at Murfreesboro, Tenn., September 15, 1865. Men from Randolph county belonging to the Eighty-fourth Regiment— Assistant Surgeon, George H. Russell, mustered out January 27, 1865. Company B—Ephraim B. Thompson, sergeant, mustered out June 15, 1865; William A. Daly, corporal, promoted second lieutenant, first lieutenant, mustered out June 3, 1865, as first sergeant. Privates—Nelson Barnes, Matthew Comer, Joseph C. Cranor, John Fen- nimore, Jesse C. Harris, John Hiatt, Levi S. Hunt, Daniel Myers, Charles G. Potter, Jonathan Quinn, Elwood F. Scott,. Thomas M. Wright. Recruits—John M. Cranor, David M. Thom, Robert W. Thomson. Thomas N. Barnes died in Andersonville Prison August 15, 1864; Phi- lander Blackledge, mustered out May 13, 1865; William Brown, died at In- dianapolis November 14, 1862; David Fudge, transferred to V. R..C. August 17, 1863; Elwood Hall, died at Indianapolis November 29, 1862; Jonathan H. Harris, died at Camp Nelson, Ky., January 21, 1863; Abram Hunt, died RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 497 at home February 20, 1864; William A. Maines, mustered out May 27, 1865. Company C—Company Quartermaster Sergeant, George H. Russell, pro- moted assistant surgeon; Commissary Sergeant, Adam B,. Simmons, pro- moted first lieutenant; Captain, Benjamin Farley, resigned May 3, 1863; Fin- ley Pritchard, corporal, mustered out June 15, 1865, as private; Isaac T. Nash, corporal, discharged April 14, 1863; Abram J. Foist, bugler, trans- ferred to V. R. C., wounds, mustered out June 29, 1865; John W. Johnson, saddler, killed at Blountsville, Tenn., September 22, 1863; Martin V. Sipe, wagoner, mustered out June 14, 1865. Privates—Samuel F Biteman, George Elwell, Noah Ingle, Norman Mc- Farland, James Manes, Charles Norman, John B. Sipe, Isaac Sipe, sergeant; Edward Simmons, corporal; Daniel Brittain, died at Nashville, Tenn., Oc- tober 8, 1864; Samuel Goslen, died April 8, 1865; John W. Huston, mus- tered out June 15, 1865; Smith Hutchinson, died at Knoxville, Tenn., January 1, 1864; Samuel E. Smith, died at Andersonville Prison August 11, 1864. NINETY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Company K—Mordecai Bayes, discharged January 15, 1863. Statistics—Mustered in at Terre Haute September 20, 1862; Colonel, Robert F. Catterson; mustered out at Washington City June 9, 1865. Officers, 41; men, 859; recruits, 26; died, 230; deserters, 33 ; unaccounted for, 2; total, 902; killed, 46; wounded, 146; died of disease, 149; died of wounds, 35; three color-bearers killed; marches, over 3,000 miles. Operations—With Grant in Mississippi, fall of 1862; Vicksburg and Jackson campaign, summer of 1863; marched from Memphis to Chattanooga under Sherman October, 1863; Chattanooga and Knoxville, November and December, 1863; Atlanta campaign, summer of 1864; with Sherman to the sea, fall of 1864; from Savannah to Washington City, spring of 1865; to In- dianapolis; oration in State House; addresses by Gov. Morton, Gen. Hovey; June 13, 1865, home. NINETY-NINTH INDIANA INFANTRY, THREE YEARS. Regiment mustered in at South Bend October 21, 1862; Colonel, Alex- ander Fowler; mustered out at Washington June 5, 1865. Officers, 41; men, 859; recruits, 84; died, 178; deserted, 32; unaccounted for, 2; men at close, 425; total, 984; marched 4,000 miles. 408 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The Ninety-ninth was recruited in the Ninth Congressional District, in- cluding, however, three companies from the Sixth District that had been raised for the Ninety-sixth. In November, 1862, the regiment moved to Memphis, and November 25, on the Tallahatchie campaign. Returning, they were stationed on the railroad east of Memphis, at Lagrange. May 6, 1863, the regiment moved to Memphis, and thence down the Mis- sissippi to the siege of Vicksburg. ‘ July 4, they started for Jackson. July 16, that town was evacuated and Sherman’s army took possession. After lying in camp at Big Black River for several weeks, the movement to Chattanooga was begun. The Ninety- ninth formed a part of the column that struck out from Memphis and marched across Mississippi and Alabama into Georgia, through Corinth, Florence and Stevenson, to Chattanooga, arriving November 24. The battle of Mission Ridge was fought the next day, and the Ninety-ninth was engaged therein. Chasing Bragg to Graysville, they turned eastward, and set out forth- with for Knoxville, to drive off Longstreet and relieve Burnside. The col- umn accomplished their difficult march, nearly without blankets, and greatly lacking for clothing and shoes, without regular rations and cut off from supplies, many of the men barefooted, but cheerful in their destitute condi- tion, they pressed resolutely onward to find Longstreet’s legions fleeing from their approach, and bringing abundant rejoicing to the hearts of the troops shut up in the beleaguered town of Knoxville. The regiment returned, reach- ing Scottsboro, Ala., December 26, having made a desperate march of more than four hundred miles since driving the hosts of the boastful Bragg from the investment of Chattanooga. They encamped at Scottsboro until February 14; marched into East Tennessee and back to Scottsboro, and on the 1st of May, 1864, set out as a part of Sherman's grand army on the movement to Atlanta and the sea. The regiment was in nearly every battle through the entire campaign. After the fall of Atlanta, Hood’s army was pursued, and the Ninety- ninth had a march out and back of 200 miles. With the Ninety-ninth in Howard’s Corps‘on the left, Sherman’s victorious force swung loose from its moorings and moved boldly forward through the heart of Georgia, finding supplies as they marched. On a track sixty miles wide that conquering army moved, neither stopped nor stayed until in twenty-four days they had swept over 300 miles of travel and taken Fort McAllister, entered Savannah in triumph and opened communication with the shipping on the coast. December 15, Savannah was occupied. Shortly the legions took up again RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 499 their line of march, turning the head of their advancing column northward to capture Richmond and Gen. Lee, and end the war. Columbia was reached February 17, 1865. The Twentieth Corps gladly received the aid of the Ninety-ninth in the battle of Bentonville. Thence the road was taken to Goldsboro, Raleigh, Petersburg and Richmond. The brave soldiers who had made their march hundreds of miles to help take Richmond were balked of their purpose; for Richmond had been already taken, and Sherman’s legions could only enter the rebel stronghold as a conquered city. Onward to the capital they pursued their unobstructed way, took part proudly in the grand review in the streets of Washington and were mustered out June 5, 1865, and going by rail to their own state and capital, they were joyfully received and cordially welcomed “home again.’’ The Ninety-ninth had goo officers and men, and 425 at mustering out. Though they performed much hard service including thousands of miles of weary tramp, tramp, tramping over southern plains and valleys, yet health and strength, and, we may add, good hope and cheer, were preserved in a remarkable degree. Company H—Elliot Budd, discharged February 1, 1863; John W. Baker, mustered out June 5, 1865; Joseph Clark, discharged January 1, 1863; James D. Dooley, mustered out June 5, 1865; John C. Denny, mus- tered out June 5, 1865; Adoniram Doughty, mustered out June 5, 1865; Burdine Dodd, mustered out June 5, 1865; John P. Dodd, mustered out June 5, 1865; Franklin B. Johnson, mustered out June 5, 1865; Henry T. Lamb, discharged May 5, 1863; Anderson Lamb, died at Memphis Decem- ber 7, 1862; Lewis McDaniel, discharged March 13, 1865; William F. Par- sons, discharged November 12, 1862; George L. Parsons, discharged Feb- ruary 20, 1863; Green M. Parsons, mustered out June 5, 1865; David Pen- nington, mustered out June 5, 1865; John B. Rolston, died at Memphis, No- vember 26, 1862; John Robins, transferred to Marine Brigade, April 13, 1863; Isah M. Shepherd, died at East Point, Ga., September 6, 1864, of wounds; William Wallton, died March 6, 1863; Jesse W. Wynn, mustered out June 5, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT—MINUTEMEN—MORGAN’'S RAID. Late on the evening of July 8, 1863, word came to Indianapolis that Gen. John H. Morgan had crossed the Ohio near Corydon, Ind. Gov. Mor- | ton issued his call forthwith, and in forty-eight hours 65,000 men had an- swered the call. Thirteen regiments were organized, numbered from One Hundred and Second to One Hundred and Fourteenth, inclusive. 500 RANDOLPH 'COUNTY, INDIANA. The One Hundred and Fifth Regiment contained two companies from Henry and two from Randolph; Union, Putnam, Hancock, Clinton, Madison and Wayne counties, each one company. Seven of the companies were of the legion. The regiment was organized July 12, 1863, Kline G. Shryock, colonel, containing 713 men. They left instanter for Lawrenceburg. After march- ing around for several days in pursuit of Morgan, and finding that he had gone eastward through Ohio and beyond their reach, they returned to In- dianapolis in just six days after they had quitted it, and were mustered out July 18, 1865. Men from Randolph county in One Hundred and Fifth Regiment : Company D—Captain, Jacob A. Jackson, mustered out July 18, 1863; First Lieutenant, Alvin M. Owens, mustered out July 18, 1863; Second Lieu- tenant, Joel A. Newman, mustered out July 18, 1863. Sergeants—James N. Wright, Levi Thornburg, W. H. Thornburg, Isaac A. Mills, John Gor- don. Corporals—Jesse W. Bales, Jacob Bales, Joseph Thornburg, John Hogland. Privates—Joseph Anderson, William Anderson, John Bakehorn, Joseph T. Ball, Jonathan M. Bales, Jacob Coy, William H. Calvin, Stephen Cooper, Samuel Clements, Joshua H. Chamness, Charles Crammer, Edom W. Davis, Samuel M. Doherty, Jonathan Edwards, Calvin E. Engle, Hamilton’ Edwards, George W. Edwards, Elias Engle, Isaac A. Fisher, Bartley Frank- lin, Evan Garrett, Franklin G. Gordon, Henry Garrett, William Gordon, William E. Glover, James Gordon, Joshua Hodson, Micajah C. Hodson, Nathan Hockett, John Holton, Samuel A. Harris, Jonathan Hockett, Levi Johnson, Jesse Kennedy, James N. Karnes, Matthew Karnes, Alvah C. Kep- ler, John B. Longenecker, Jacob Lasley, Solon Lawrence, Henry C. Lamb, James Mound, Stephen Martin, Solomon B. Mills, James Nichols, Levi Oren, Addison M. Pugh, Jesse Pegg, Dow Patterson, Mahlon G. Rainier, William A. Rainier, John L. Stakebake, John H. Smith, Francis B. Smith, Benjamin Stine, Oliver B. Stetson, Robert H. Sears, Milton C. Stakebrake, David H. Semans, Isaac Simcoke, William Stine, Robert W. Thomson, Samuel M. Thornburg, John W. Vandegriff, William H. Willis. Company I—Captain, John A. Hunt, mustered out July 18, 1863; First Lieutenant, Benjamin Peacock, mustered out July 18, 1863; Second Lieu- tenant, John D. Jones, mustered out July 18, 1863. Sergeants—William M. Botkin, J. C. Bates, Henry H. Brooks, Samuel F. Botkin, William Faultner. Corporals—Allen C. Diggs, Milton Cox, Robert C. Miller, M. T. Liny. Musi- cians—Leander Priest, E. A. Cropper, Sylvanus Davisson. Privates—William Atkins, John Adamson, Noah Abernathy, Samuel L. Abernathy, John Aber- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 501 nathy, Amos Baldwin, Samuel Conyers, G. W. Crouch, Alpheus W. Conyers, Daniel Dearbin, Elias Davisson, John Faultner, Lavoisy Fry, Alexander Fea- gans, A. C. Gaddis, Joseph Gilmore, I. M. Glynes, Benjamin R. Glynes, Benja- min H. Grubbs, Robert H. Grooms, I. J. Hunt, Fairfax Hunt, N. J. Hunt, Mil-- ton Hunt, I. H. Hunt, Lemuel C. Hunt, Miles H- Hunt, Martin Hoover, Dan- iel Heaston, Ira Hiatt, William H. Justus, Joshua M. Johnson, Elihu Knight, J. C. Kepler, William R. Lee, Walter Murray, William Mosier, Henry H. Moore, Matthias Oxley, Enos Pickering, Thomas Peacock, James Quacken- bush, T. F. Ross, E. P. Ross, James Shearer, E. M. Shearer, Elihu Star- buck, William Stevenson, Thomas Smithson, Nathaniel Spray, George W. Smith, L. D. Veal, A. B. Vauderburg, Jeremiah Willis. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH REGIMENT—MINUTEMEN. This regiment was organized July 11, 1863, under Col. Isaac P. Gray. There were five companies from Wayne, two from Randolph and one each from Hancock, Howard and Marion. The number of members was 792. They left Indianapolis for Hamilton, Ohio, July 13; went to Cincinnati, and returned to Indianapolis, being discharged July 18, 1865. Colonel, Isaac P. Gray, mustered out July 18, 1863; Major, Thomas M. Browne, mustered out July 18, 1863. . Company A—Captain, Jonathan Cranor, mustered out July 18, 1863; First Lieutenant, B. F. Farley, mustered out July 18, 1863; Second Lieuten- ant, George W. Branham, mustered out July 18, 1863. Sergeants—George W. Branham, promoted second: lieutenant; B. C. Hoyt, D. H. Reeder, S. Lewis, Benton Polly. Corporals—H. Paxton, J. Kesler, William Archard, S. Carter. Privates—John Arnold, Joseph Alexander, Elihu Addington, G. Addington, A. Alhouse, S. Bohlinger, William Bailess, J. W. Brice, Joseph Bowers, R. H. Bailey, J. S. Bright, E. Bunch, George Bright, Thomas Bragg, Nathaniel Barnum, J. W. Burns, Rolla Bowden, Joel Bradford, Charles Branham, G. W. Cowgill, Anthony Cost, Joseph Coats, Silas Coats, Lewis Coats, D. Coats, S. Chamberlain, J. D. Clear, J. S. Clear, John Cole, An- drew Cole, W. Collins, P. Cook, D. Curtis, W. Davis, E. Engel, N. Engel, Joseph Espey, Gabriel Fowler, J. S. Flinn, Joab Friber, Frank Grahs, Thomas Garrett, J. W. Gray, J. Gray, Edward Gray, Spencer Hill, James H. Hiatt, E. Hiatt, P. Hiatt, E. Huffhine, S. Hoak, D. Harris, Stephen Hawkins, Charles Hanna, Frank Johnson, Smith Kennon, O. F. Lewallen, H. Lathing- ton, H. Little, W. Lamm, J. Lewis, E. McNees, D. McNees, M. McNees, E. H. Meuse, John Manuel, J. Murphy. R. B. McKee, John Mauzy, John 502 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Mott, P. T. Paris, A. W. Peacock, H. Peacock, George Perkins, O. Peterson, C. Peterson, L. M. Reeves, E. Shaw, B. F. W. Stewart, G. Scott, J. Somer- ville, W. Somerville, W. K. Smith, J. Saucer, J. W Thompson, Miles Tucker, John Vail, Thomas Welch, B. T. Wilkerson, S. D. Wharton, Raiford Wiggs, Levi Wolf, M. West, Levi Wright, William Walls, William Worthington. Company B—Captain, George W. H. Riley, mustered out July 15, 1863; First Lieutenant, John K. Martin, mustered out July 15, 1863; Second Lieu- tenant, Michael P. Voris, mustered out July 15, 1863. Sergeants—Asa Teal, Harris H. Abbott, Thomas L. Scott, Thomas L. Addington, Edmund Engle. Corporals—Thomas W. Kizer, E. B. West, D..S. Ketselman, Nathan Fidler. Privates—Joel Arny, Martin C. Alexander, John Barnhart, John M. Bas- comb, Richard Beatty, Joseph Blackburn, Albert Bowen, S. B. Bradbury, Wilham A. Brice, James N. Bright, W. J. Brewington, F. B. Carter, E. D. Carter, William Chapman, Gilbert Coats, James Coats, Nathan Cook, John Connor, Patrick Doyle, W. J. Doxtater, John L. Ennis, William H. Ennis, James Focht, John Fudge, Robert S. Fisher, James H. Fitzpatrick, D. Gar- rett, A. H. Harris, A. R. Hiatt, John H. Henderson, John Harris, Stephen Harris, Abram Heaston, W. C. Haworth, Henry Hiatt, Alfred Hall, John C. Hinshaw, John C. Hallowell, Charles J. Hutchens, Patrick Hutchens, Q. E. Hoffman, John H. Ireland, John Johnson, John E. Keys, K. Krantzer, W. O. King, Nathaniel Kemp, William Lukensdoffer, Amos Lucas, L. L. Murray, Lemuel Mettler, Alfred H. Moon, Oliver Martin, L. J. Monks, Daniel Moore, L. Murray, I. N. Murray, Walter S. Monks, R. T. Monks, David Miller, Henry O. Nell, James L. Neff, David Neff, Jacob C. Plunnett, John M. Puckett, Thomas W. Pierce, Samuél H. Pierce, John Q. A. Roberts, Lafayette Shaw, O. W. Scott, Miles Scott, John Stanley, John W. Sowers E. W. Thornburg, W. W. Thornburg, Washington W. White, Benaiah C. White, Andrew White, Andrew J. Winter, Henry Yonker. ONE HUNDRED AND NINTH REGIMENT—MINUTEMEN. The regiment was organized July 10, 1863; John R. Mahan, Colonel; 709 men; La Porte, two companies; Hamilton county two; Miami, two; Coles county, two; Henry and Randolph counties, one each. The regiment went by rail to Hamilton and Cincinnati, returned to Indianapolis, and were mustered out July 17, 1865. Company K—Captain, John S. Way, mustered out July 17, 1863; First Lieutenant, John Locke, mustered out July 17, 1863; Second Lieutenant. William Locke, mustered out July 17, 1863. Sergeants—Samuel Ginger. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 503 William M. Fisher, Charles F. Locke, Isaac Rathbun, Jesse May. Corporals —Joel Ward, George Shepherd, Caleb Sanders, Joseph L. Reece. Privates— Abram Andrews, James D. Brown, William Bales, William Braden, Lewis Bockoven, Simeon Bell, Isaac Clevinger, James A. Collett, William Carpen- ter, William Cowgill, William Emerson, Edward Flood, E. Frazier, Thomas Faustnaugh, J. N. Gunkel, Casey Gunkel, Aaron Gunkel, William Hudson, John E. Henry Frederick Lock, Joel Lock, George P. Lair, Levi McSky- hawk, Elias G. Moore, Alfred Rathbun, George D. Reece, Sherrood Reece, Daniel Ratbun, Joseph F. Robinson, William Skinner, James Sample, James Towers, Henry Treheame, William Trusley, Jeremiah Vance, Samuel War- ner, Elisha T. Wood, Elisha B. Wood, Samuel Williams, Cornelius White- neck, Henry Wargen, Jacob Wyrick, Alexander Wood. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, SIX MONTHS. Mustered in at Indianapolis September 17, 1863; Colonel, Thomas J. Brady. Mustered out and discharged February , 1863. Officers, 39; men, 958; died, 95; recruits, 15; deserted, 13; unaccounted for, 32; total, 1,012. Positions of the regiment—Nicholasville, September 24, 1863; Cum- berland Gap, October 3, 1863; Clinch Mountain Gap, November 24, 1863; Knoxville, December, 1863; Strawberry Plains, December, 1863; Cumber- land Gap, January, 1864; Indianapolis, February 6, 1864. The winter campaign in East Tennessee was very severe, marching over mountains, crossing streams without shoes, and sometimes on quarter rations. Members from Randolph: Quartermaster, John A. Moorman, mustered out, term expired. SEVENTH INDIANA CAVALRY, ONE HUNDRED AND NINETEENTH REGIMENT. -(Note.—Much of the annexed statement is composed from material taken from a history of the Seventh Cavalry published some years ago, partly under the eye of Gen. Thomas M. Browne.) This regiment was recruited by order of the adjutant general of In- diana, dated June 24, 1863, one company being accorded to each congres- sional district, and thirty days granted for the completion of the work. Col. J. P. C. Shanks was appointed commander of the camp of ren- 504 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. dezvous, called Camp Shanks. One hundred dollars were to be paid to each man—$25 in advance. The regimental officers were: Colonel, J. P. C. Shanks, of Portland, Jay county; Lieutenant Colonal, Thomas M. Browne, Winchester, Randolph county; Majors, Christian Beck, Samuel E. W. Simmons, John C. Febles; Adjutant, James A. Pice; Chaplain, James Marquis; Surgeon, William Freeman. Companies were recruited as follows: Company A, from La Porte county, Capt. John C. Febles. Company B. Randolph county; Capt. Thomas M. Browne. Company C, Dearborn, Grant, Marion and Ripley counties, Capt. John W. Senior. Company D, Capt. Henry F. Wright. Company E. Jay county, Capt. David T. Skinner. Company F, La Porte county, Capt. John W. Shoemaker. Company G. Vigo, Delaware, Franklin, Marion, Lake and Grant coun- ties, Capt. Walter K. Scott. Company H. Marion, Grant and Tippecanoe counties, Capt. John M. Moore. ; Company I, Kosciusko and Marion counties, Capt. James H. Carpenter. Company K, Marion county, Capt. William S. Hubbard. Company L, Wabash county, Capt. Benjamin F. Daily. Company M, Madison county, Capt. Joel H. Elliot. The regiment was mustered in at Indianapolis October 1, 1863, and mustered out at Austin, Texas, February 18, 1866. Officers, 51; men, 1,151; recruits, 127; died, 243; deserted, 169; unac- counted for, 29; total, 1,239. The regiment entered Camp Shanks, at Indianapolis, and remained un- der drill until December 6, 1863. At first, they were entirely untrained and their experience presents some ludicrous adventures. At their first parade, for instance, when the order was given to “draw sabers,” the rattling caused by the movement frightened the horses out of all control, and they scattered and fled in every direction. But perseverantia vincit omnia (perseverance conquers all things), and before they left Indian- apolis, their mounted parade was a scene that would be, even for a veteran cavalier, a sight to behold. December 6, 1863, the Seventh Cavalry left Indianapolis for Cairo, Ill, moving thence to Columbus, Ky. Their first camp was near that town, and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA 505 their first night in the field was spent in a pouring rain, which flooded the country and their camping ground as well. They marched to Union City, Tenn.; arrived December, 1863, and were there assigned to the First Brigade, Sixth Division, Sixteenth Army Corps —Brigade Commander, Col. George E. Waring, Jr., of the Fourth Missouri Cavalry. The regiments in the brigade were the Fourth Missouri, Col. George E. Waring, Jr.; Second New Jersey, Col. Joseph Karge; Seventh Indiana, Col. John P. C. Shanks; Sixth Tennessee, Col. Hurst; Nineteenth Pennsylvania, Col. Hess; Second Iowa, four companies, Maj. Frank Moore; battery, Capt. Copper fair. The regiments marched in detachments to disperse a body of rebels at Dresden. December 23, 1863, Gen. A. J. Smith set out with his entire force for Jackson, Tenn., sixty miles from Union City, to drive away Gen. Forrest, remaining till January 1, 1864, that “terrible New Year’s,” when the ther- mometer changed, in Central Indiana, between 9 Pp. M. and 4 A. M., from forty-five above to twenty-six below zero, a change of seventy-one degrees in nine hours, or a fraction less than eight degrees each hour. The regiment was on its return to Union City. The weather grew in- tensely cold, and the rain changed to a fierce and fearful sleet. Many were badly frozen, and some died from the exposure—among others, Alvah Tucker, of Company B, dying at St. Louis some time afterward. Even horses per- ished by the cold and fell dead in the road. A detachment of the Seventh Cavalry had been left at Hichman, Ky., and Lieut. Col. Browne was sent there to take command. January 7, 1864, the body of the cavalry, under Gen. Grierson, set out for Colliersville, in Southwest Tennessee, to join an expedition into Missis- sippi in aid of Gen. Sherman. Gen. Grant writes to Gen. McPherson, December 11, 1863: “T will start a cavalry force through Mississippi in about two weeks, to clean out the state entirely of all rebels.” He writes to Gen. Hallack, December 23, 1863: “I am engaged in collecting a large cavalry force at Savannah, Tenn., to co-operate in ‘cleaning out Forrest,’ to push on also into East Mississippi, and destroy the Mobile railroad.” Still again he writes to Gen. Halleck, January 15, 1864: “Sherman is to move to Meridian from Vicksburg with 20,000 men and the co-operating cavalry force from Corinth. Banks is to push west- 506 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ward from the river, and, by these combined movements, it is expected to crush the rebel power in the South in the region of the Mississippi river.” Gen. Smith was ordered to start from Memphis by February 1, and to move straight for Meridian, Miss., having about seven thousand cavalry. Gen. Smith remained near Memphis till February 9. Marching eastward, the army of seven thousand men concentrated near and east of the Talla- hatchie river on the 17th of February. A slight engagement was had at Okolona February 18, and the Union forces were badly defeated February 20, retreating to Colliersville, reaching that point February 25, and arriving at Camp Grierson, near Memphis, February 27. The whole movement was a sad, disgraceful failure. On the day when Smith commenced his ill-starred retreat, Gen. Winslow, with the Union forces, was at Louisville, Miss., only forty-five miles distant. The history of these events charges that the generals commanding in that and the succeeding expedition in which the Seventh took part were en- tirely incompetent and inefficient, especially Gen. Sturgis in the expedition that followed. The whole number of the regiment who were engaged at Okolona was 813, and the loss was one-tenth of that number—eleven killed, thirty wounded, five wounded and prisoners, captured unwounded, thirty-six; total, eighty- two. Loss from Randolph county, Lieut. Francis M. Way, wounded. The regiment afterward engaged as part of a force of 8,000 men under Gen. Sturgis, who seems to have been unfit for his station. At Brice’s Cross Roads, Miss. (Guntown), a severe battle took place, resulting in the defeat of the Union forces, June 10, 1864, and Col. Browne was wounded in the ankle. The troops seem to have been, in these expeditions, brave and heroic, but the failure would appear to be charged upon the commanding general. The Seventh Indiana, Lieut. Col. Browne commanding, was especially commended for heroic conduct. Gen. Grierson thus recognizes their brave and soldier-like bearing : “Your General congratulates you upon your noble conduct during the late expedition, fighting against overwhelming numbers, in adverse circum- stances, your prompt obedience to orders and unflinching courage command- ing the admiration of all, turned even defeat almost into victory. For hours, on foot, you repulsed the charges of the enemy’s infantry; and again, in the saddle, you turned his assault into confusion. Your heroic perseverance saved hundreds of your fellow-soldiers from capture. You have been faith- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 507 ful to your honorable reputation, and have fully justified the esteem of your commander.” Three hundred and fifty were engaged, with a loss of eight killed, six- teen wounded and seventeen missing. During the month of July, 1864, the Seventh Cavalry was sent to Vicks- burg, and thence to Port Gibson and Grand Gulf, returning to Memphis and to White Station, July 24, 1864. Not long after another expedition, toward Holly Springs and Oxford, was undertaken. During the progress, Gen. Forrest dashed into Memphis, remaining, however, but a few minutes. Gen. Smith returned to Memphis with the army about August 29. About September 22, Gen. Price, with 14,000 rebels, entered Missouri from Arkansas, and the Union cavalry, including 500 men of the Seventh Indiana, under Maj. Simonson, started after him, marching over a large part of Missouri and into the Indian Territory. This pursuit was successful in driving Price across the Arkansas into Indian Territory; and the Seventh returned, part to St. Louis and part to Louisville, while the part that remained at Memphis did good service in that region, among other things capturing Dick Davis, the noted guerrilla chief, and the terror of the region. December 23, 1864, Gen. Grierson started for Colliersville, Tenn., on his famous “cavalry ride” through Mississippi, moving with great rapidity and destroying vast stores collected for the rebel army at various points, as also railroads, factories, etc. The expedition returned to Memphis January io, 1865. A movement was made into Arkansas January 20, 1865, which succeeded in destroying considerable rebel stores. Another expedition was sent from Memphis into Arkansas and into * Louisiana, but what for no one but the projector knows, as the country trav- ersed was execrable and worthless, and had never been and never could be occupied by a military force. Upon the surrender of the rebel armies, the Seventh Cavalry expected to be disbanded, but it was sent to Texas, being carried by steamer down the Mississippi, and up Red river to Alexandria, La., reaching that point June 23, 1865. ; Here a force was concentrating of 3,000 cavalry, to be sent to Houston under command of Maj. Gen. Custer, who seems to have been a pompous, vain and cruel officer. Only twenty-five years of age, he was a regular army officer, and seemed to regard private soldiers as machines to be used for his own caprice. 508 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, Two men were court-martialed for desertion, and sentenced to be shot. One suffered the fearful penalty. The other died from fright,:in a curious manner. Gen. Custer had decided to save the life of one, ordering him, instead, to Dry Tortugas for three years, telling the fact, however, only to his Pro- vost Marshal. This officer, at the moment. before the execution, stepped up to the commuted man to lead him away. Clapping his hand roughly upon the prisoner, the poor man, thinking himself shot, fainted away, and died shortly afterward from the effects of the fright. During the march to Texas, Gen. Custer court-martialed two men for killing a runty calf, worth perhaps $1, and inflicted the penalty of shaving their heads, giving them forty lashes and marching them before the regiment on dress parade in this condition. August 8, 1865, the troops set out for Texas, and the march was dis- agreeable to excess. An account written by Col. Browne shows in a striking light the hard- ships of this desert march. An extract or two may be given: “Monday, August 14—Weather warm, roads dusty, no houses, woods all pine, water very scarce and bad. Pitched my tent in a ‘yaller-jacket’s nest,’ and swore blue blazes. Thursday, August 17—-Pines and deer, bugs, snakes and gallinippers inhabit the whole face of the earth. Friday, August 18—Marched out of the woods into the woods and through the woods, and camped God only knows where; nobody to inquire of; in the woods all day and in the woods all night.” The command arrived at Hempstead, Texas, August 25, 1865, after a tedious, weary march of 300 miles. Of this march, Col. Browne writes: “During all this time, I did not average more than three hours’ sleep each night, although we made short marches each day. To sleep in the day time was impossible. I was broken out as thickly as ever one was with the measles, from the bottom of my feet to the crown of my head; and, dur- ing the heat of the day, I felt-as though I were pricked by a million of pins, and sprinkled with hot ashes on the bare skin. The ‘itch’ is not a circum- stance to the ‘heat.’ In addition to this, lie down when you will in these pine woods, and you are alive with all manner of bugs and creeping things in a moment, and each one of this army of vermin would scratch, bite, sting and gnaw you all the time. Then, though there was abundance of pine for- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 509 est, there was no shade. The trees stood eighty feet high without a limb, giving about as much shade as so many tall gate-posts.” At Hempstead, the regiment was consolidated. Gen. Shanks was mus- tered out, and Col. Browne put in command of the re-organized regiment. October 30, 1865, they left Hempstead for Austin, the State capital, ar- riving November 4, 1865. Here they remained till the muster-out, which took place February 18, 1866. Proceeding to Galveston, the men crossed the gulf to New Orleans, thence by steamer to Cairo, and by rail to Indianapolis. A public reception and dinner were had, as being the last regiment ‘come home from the wars.” Gov: Baker and Gen Shanks made addresses, and Col. Browne responded; and the men were paid, and joyfully sought their homes, happy, indeed, that “the cruel war was over.”’ Position and movements: Camp Shanks, Indianapolis, two months: Union City, Tenn., December 6-24, 1863; reconnoissance toward Paris, Tenn., December 14, 1863; return to Union City; pursuit of Forrest, December 24, 1863, and onward; battle and defeat of Okolona, Miss., February 22, 1864; loss, eleven killed, thirty-six wounded, thirty-seven missing; total, eighty- four; the regiment was brave and heroic, but was overpowered by numbers; second movement against Forrest, June; 1864; battle of Guntown, Miss., June 10, 1864; the battle was lost, but the regiment was complimented by the general for its valor; pursuit of Price in Missouri, November and De- cember, 1864; Grierson’s expedition into Mississippi, December 21, January 5, 1864, 1865; camp at Vernon taken December 28, 1864; large quantity of rebel stores destroyed; sixteen railroad cars loaded with pontons for Hood, and 4,000 new carbines; Alexandria, La., June, 1865; consolidated into six companies July 21, 1865; Col. Shanks mustered out for disability October 10, 1865; Lieut. Col. Browne promoted colonel October 10, 1865; mustered out at Austin, Texas, February 18, 1866. Members from Randolph county in One Hundred and Nineteenth (Sev- enth Cavalry) : Lieutenant Colonel, Thomas M. Browne, promoted colonel, brevetted brigadier general March 13, 1865. Residuary Battalion—Nathan Garrett, first lieutenant and commissary ; James Marquis, chaplain, resigned February 22, 1865, disability. Company B—Captain, Thomas M. Browne, promoted lieutenant colonel, colonel; brevetted brigadier general; mustered out February 18, 1866; First Lieutenant, George W. Branham, promoted captain, discharged January 2, 1865; Second Lieutenant, Sylvester Lewis, promoted first lieutenant, captain, (33) 510 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. mustered out as supernumerary on consolidation; Charles A. Dresser, ser- geant, promoted quartermaster One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment, hon- orably discharged August 25, 1864; David S. Moist, sergeant, transferred to Company —, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized; Cyrus B. Polly, sergeant, pro- moted second lieutenant, mustered out on consolidation; Jacob Hartman, corporal, mustered out September 6, 1865; Granberry B. Nickey, corporal, died at Indianapolis November 13, 1863; Zachariah Puckett, corporal, died at Memphis February 5, 1865; Joseph W. Ruby, corporal, mustered out Sep- tember 19, 1865; George D. Huffman, blacksmith, captured at Okolona, Miss., February 22, 1864; William C. Griffis, quartermaster sergeant, trans- ferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Elisha B. West, sergeant, transferred to Company D, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866, as commissary sergeant; William R. Schin- del, sergeant, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Edwin M. Tansey, sergeant, mustered out September 16, 1865, as first sergeant; Robert G. Hunt, corporal, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866, as sergeant; John R. Perkins, corporal, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Samuel Coddington, corporal, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organ- ized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Joseph L. Coffin, corporal, died at In- dianapolis November 12, 1863; John Leamington, blacksmith, transferred to Company D. Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; James Bright, wagoner, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-or- ganized, mustered out February 18, 1866. Privates—Jeremiah Armstrong, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866, as corporal; Ed- mund L. Anderson, discharged November, 1864; Charles L. Branham, trans- ferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out Febru- ary 18, 1866; Justice Bonnell, discharged May 26, 1865; Orin Barber, died at Memphis, June 1, 1864; Antony S. Cost, transferred to Company D, Sev- enth Regiment, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; James K. Clear, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Alpheus Conyer, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, mustered out November 17, 1865; Edmund D. Cortes, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps October, 1864; Sanford Crist, discharged March 30, 1864; Daniel Coats, mustered out June 8, 1865; Nelson H. Elliot, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized; Eli Frazier, mustered out RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 5it May 18, 1865; Isaac M. Gray, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; George W. Gray, mustered out October 11, 1865; Edward E. Gray, captured at Guntown, Miss., June 10, 1864; Nathan Garrett, promoted first lieutenant, Regimental Commissary, and Commissary of Battalion; Hamilton C. Gullett, mustered out May 17, 1865; Elias Helffine, died at Memphis March 7, 1864; Alfred Hall, died at Memphis, March 7, 1864; Edward D. Hunt, transferred to Company D, Sev- enth Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Andrew Huff- man, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Vinson Huston, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Elijah Hazelton, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry, re-organized, mustered out Feb- ruary 18, 1866; John C. Henshaw, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cav- alry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Mordecai M. Harris, mustered out September 19, 1865, as sergeant; Francis M. Johnson, died at White’s Station, Tenn., August 3, 1864; Stephen Kennedy, discharged Au- gust 16, 1865; John E. Keys, discharged March 6, 1865; John E. Kelsy, mus- tered out September 19, 1865, as corporal; Hiram Lamb, mustered out May 24, 1865; Erastus Ludy, mustered out May 31, 1865; Thomas Little, trans- fered to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out Febru- ary 18, 1866; Alexander Little, transferred to ‘Company D; Urias Lamb, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out Feb- ruary 18, 1866; William Milles, record indefinite; John Murphy, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; James W. Mattox, died at Hickman, Ky., February 6, 1864; Patrick McGettigan, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mus- tered out February 18, 1866; George W. Monks, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 14, 1866; James Moore, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out Feb- ruary 18, 1866; John R. Mauzy, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cav- alry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Harrison C. Nickey, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out Feb- ruary 18, 1866; Henry S. Peacock, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cav- alry re-organized; Cass M. Peterson, mustered out May 24, 1865; Orvil B. Peterson, died at home July 30, 1864; Leander Pugh, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, mustered out November 17, 1865; George W. Shreeve, pro- moted second lieutenant, first lieutenant, transferred to Company D, Residu- ary Battalion, mustered out February 18, 1863; David H. Seamans, trans- ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps October, 1864; Clement S. Strahan, trans- i2 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. con ferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; George W. Smith (No. 1), transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, died at Austin, Texas, February 2, 1865; George W. Smith (No. 2), transferred to Company D. Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; William Stine, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1865; William Skinner, discharged June 14, 1864; Benjamin Thorp, died at Memphis April 1, 1864; Alvah Tucker, died at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., May 30, 1864. (Elsewhere he is said to have died on the march on the cold New Year’s— that statement is from a history of the One Hundred and Nineteenth Regi- ment; this is from the adjutant general’s report; which is right we can not tell.) Luther C. Williamson, died at Memphis, April 18, 1865; Elijah T. Wood, died at home August 12, 1864; John T. Williamson, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Christian H. Wright, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps October 20, 1864, as sergeant; John M. Woodbury, record indefinite; Francis M. Way, promoted first lieutenant, captain, resigned February 1, 1865. Recruits—John B. Hughes, mustered out June 15, 1865; D. McMahan, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out Feb- ruary 18, 1866; Lewis Reeves, mustered out May 24, 1865; Joseph Shaffer, transferred to Company D, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out Feb- ruary 18, 1866; Elisha B. Wood, transferred to Company D. Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866. Company E—Harris J. Abbott, commissary sergeant, mustered out as private July 10, 1865. Company H—Edward Calkins, second lieutenant, promoted captain, re- signed March 6, 1865, disability. Company K—John B. Mellott, corporal, discharged June, 1865. John H. Matchett, corporal, transferred to Company E, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; John W. Baler, transferred to Company E, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Calvin P. Corbitt, Company E, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Winfield Gunkel, transferred to Company E, Seventh Cavalry re-organized, mustered out February 18, 1866; Calvin Harlan, dis- charged January 1, 1864; Richard E. Matchett, mustered out September 19, 1865, as corporal. A considerable number of the members of the One Hundred and Nine- teenth were on board the ill-fated steamer Sultana, which was destroyed, with many hundreds of released prisoners going north, who had been allowed, in RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 513 violation of all dictates of prudence, to crowd themselves upon that old hulk in their eagerness to reach their Northern homes. (See Sultana.) We should be glad to give a list of these men, but no such list is within our reach. ~ ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, NINTH CAVALRY, THREE YEARS. Organized March 1, 1864, at Indianapolis; Colonel, George W. Jackson. Mustered out at Vicksburg, August 28, 1865. Officers, 48; men, 1,219; recruits, 67; died, 206; deserted, 126; unac- counted for, 20; total, 1,334. The regiment left Indianapolis May 3, 1864, for Pulaski, Tenn., and was on duty there till November 23, engaged in the Forrest and Wheeler cam- paigns of the time. At Sulphur Branch Trestle, Ala., September 25, 1864, a detachment of the regiment lost, in an engagement with Forrest, 120 killed, wounded and missing. On Hood’s approach, the regiment fell back to Nashville, and the men were mounted and sent to the front. At Franklin, it suffered a loss of twenty- six officers and men. After Hood’s retreat, they took up winter quarters at Gravelly Springs, Ala., from January 6 to February 6, 1865, and, at the lat- ter date, proceeded to New Orleans. Turning over their horses, the Ninth returned to Vicksburg March 25. Remaining on duty there to May 5, they were remounted and employed in garrisoning posts in the interior of Missis- sippi. May 22, 1865, the regiment came again to Vicksburg, to be mustered out; but the act was not accomplished till August 28, 1865. They arrived at Indianapolis September 5, 1865. A public deca was held for that and other returned regiments September 6, 1860. The number of men on the muster-out was 386. April 26, 1865, fifty- five were lost by the explosion of the steamer Sultana on her homeward pass- age up the Mississippi, they having been paroled from rebel imprisonment. The survivors reached Indianapolis in May, and were mustered out as paroled prisoners of war. Officers and men from Randolph county in the One Hundred and Twenty-first (Ninth Cavalry) : Wilson J. Baker, first lieutenant and commissary, mustered out with reginient. Company C—Solomon Bantz, discharged June 16, 1865; Joseph A. EL lis, mustered out October 30, 1865; John M. Engleheart, died at Memphis May 9, 1865; Samuel A. Harris, mustered out August 28, 1865; Jacob A. 514 RANDOLPIL COUNTY, INDIANA. Jackson, promoted to second lieutenant, first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment; James Jones, mustered out June 6, 1865; Lorenzo D. Patterson, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; Jonathan W. Stephens, discharged June 13, 1865; Lorenzo D. Veal, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 8, 1865; Lawrence G. Wiggins, mustered out August 28, 1865; Sanford Wine, mus- ‘ tered out August 28, 1865; John Wine, mustered out August 28, 1865; William G. Hill, recruit, mustered out August 28, 1865; Thomas C. Reynard, recruit, mustered out July 19, 1865; Alexander S. Starbuck, recruit, mus- tered out August 28, 1865. Company L—George W. Addington, mustered out August 28, 1865, as sergeant; William J. Collins, mustered out July 10, 1865, as corporal. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH INDIANA, THREE YEARS, Officers, 41; men, 917; recruits, 79; died, 149; deserted, 37; unaccounted for, 6; total, 1,037; mustered out, 565. Mustered in at Richmond March 10, 1864, Col. Burgess. Mustered out at Greensboro, N. C., August 31, 1865—thirty-three offi- cers, 532 men. Louisville, March 19, 1864. Nashville, March 24, 1864. Athens, Tenn., May, 1864. Buzzard’s Roost, May 8, 1864. - Atlanta campaign, May to September, 1864. Nashville, November 9, 1864. Franklin (battle), November, 1864. Nashville (battle), December 15, 1864. Pursuit of Hood December and January, 1865 and 1865. Newbern, N. C., February 28, 1865. Goldsboro, N. C., March 21, 1865. Greensboro (mustered out), August 31, 1865—thirty-three officers, 532 men. Reception at Indianapolis September 10, 1865. The time of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth was “well put in.” Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville, Goldsboro, Richmond. Officers and men of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment from Randolph county : Major—Henry H. Neff, promoted lieutenant colonel, resigned May 24, 1865. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 515 ‘Chaplain—Reuben H. Sparks, resigned May 2, 186s. Assistant Surgeon—Stanley W. Edwins, mustered out with regiment August 31, 1865. Company A—First Lieutenant, John \W. Hannah, promoted captain, mustered out with regiment August 31, 1865. Private, Isaac Clements, mus- tered out August 31, 1865. Company B—Second Lieutenant, Jesse May, promoted captain, mus- tered out with regiment August 31, 1865. Privates—William Bailey, mus- tered out August 31, 1865; Samuel Conner, mustered out August 31, 1865 ; Isaiah Cowgill, mustered out July 3, 1865; Joseph Carver, mustered out Au- gust 31, 1865; William J. Clevenger, mustered out August 31, 1865; George E. Clevenger, mustered out August 31, 1865; William L. Dudley, died at Knoxville, Tenn., July 20, 1864; Silas W. Dudley, mustered out June 5, 1865; John Ensminger, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 31, 1864; Thomas Fostnow, mustered out August 31, 1865; Samuel Lewallen, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; George Lykens, mustered out August 31, 1865; Jonathan Mosier, discharged July 11, 1865; Samuel J. Pugh, mustered out July 13, 1865; Felix Ryan, died at Knoxville August 24, 1864; Sherrod W. Reece, promoted second lieutenant; second lieutenant in Company G, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment; first lieutenant in Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth; mustered out as second lieutenant August 31, 1865; William B. Thornburg, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; John Woolford, mustered out June 22, 1865. Company F—Thomas Blakely, mustered out August 31, 1865; William Bradshaw, died at Nashville April 28, 1864; Simon W. Ross, died at Bridge- port, Ala., July 2, 1864. Company G—Captain, Henry H. Neff, promoted major, lieutenant colo- nel, resigned May 24, 1865; First Lieutenant, Asa Teal, promoted captain, mustered out with regiment August 31, 1865; Second Lieutenant, Joseph A. Bunch, promoted first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment August 31, 1865. Sergeants—William M. Fisher, promoted second lieutenant, mustered out August 31, 1865; James M. Hamilton, mustered out August 31, 1865, as first sergeant; James McConnell, mustered out May 24, 1865; James Mehan, mustered out July 10, 1865; Lewis Phillips, mustered out August 31, 1865. Corporals—Anderson S. Mincer, discharged November 29, 1864, sergeant; Abram Heaston, mustered out June 3, 1865, sergeant; Caleb Saunders, mus- tered out August 31, 1865, as sergeant; Joseph Mote, mustered out August 31, 1865, as sergeant; George W. Grimes, mustered out August 31, 1865, sergeant; Samuel Williams, died at Newton, Ind., October 12, 1864; John 516 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. P. Smith, mustered out August 31, 1865; John R. Fisher, mustered out-July 6, 1865. Musicians—David R. McNees, mustered out August 31, 1865; Jesse Bobe, mustered out August 31, 1865. Privates—Francis Abernathy, mustered out August 31, 1865; Edward Adams, mustered out August 31, 1865; Theodore C. Burg, mustered out June 17, 1865; John R. Bales, mus- tered out August 31, 1865; Charles Barnes, mustered out August 31, 1865; George W. Boyer, mustered out August 31, 1865; William Braden, mustered out August 31, 1865; Lafayette Brobst, discharged January 26, 1865, wounds; John D. Brodrick, mustered out August 31, 1865; Truman A. Brown, mus- tered out July 11, 1865; Jonathan F. Bundy, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; John Burk, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; William J. Brown, mustered out August 31, 1865; Benjamin Coby, died at Union City, Ind., February 17, 1864; John W. Cox, mustered out August 31, 1865; Sam- uel D. Cole, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; Samuel C. Crain, dis- charged May 8, 1865, wounds; Thomas H. Clark mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; John Conner, died at Atlanta October 4, 1864; Alexander H. Davis, mustered out August 31, 1865; George R. Driver, died at Nashville, Tenn., December 22, 1864; Thomas J. Edwards, transferred to Veteran Re- serve Corps, mustered out August 25, 1865; Benjamin W. Evans, mustered out August 31, 1865, as Hospital Steward; William Faris, mustered out Au- gust 31, 1865; Enos M. Ford, mustered out July 6, 1865; Josiah Frizzell, mustered out June 6, 1865; George M. Goodman, mustered out August 31, 1865; Thomas A. Gustin, died at home October 20, 1864; Samuel Gustin, mustered out August 31, 1865; Albert J. Harris, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; David R. Hickman, mustered out August 31, 1865; Will- iam Huffman, mustered out August 31, 1865; Milton Huffman, mustered out August 31, 1865; Daniel Houser, mustered out August 31, 1865; Martin Ingle, mustered out August 31, 1865; David James, mustered out August 31, 1865; George Jones, mustered out August 31, 1865; Jacob S. Jones, mus- tered out August 31, 1865; David Jarrett, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; William Jarrett, mustered out June 14, 1865; John J. Kisler, mus- tered out August 31, 1865; William Kennon, died at Union City February 1, 1864; Samuel F. Locke, mustered out August 31, 1865; John Leahy, not mustered out; William Linkerdorfer, mustered out August 31, 1865; James M. Moore, mustered out August 31, 1865; John N. Murray, died at Chatta- nooga August 15, 1864; Leander S. Murray, died at Bridgeport, Ala., April 20, 1864; John McGuay, mustered out August 31, 1865; William Miller, mus- tered out June 5, 1865; Joseph L. Moffitt, died at Marietta, Ga., August Io, 1864; Samuel E. Nickey. discharged August 23, 1864, wounds; Robert Pain, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 517 mustered out August 31, 1865; Newton Peterson, not mustered out; Hugh V. Poyner, mustered out May 11, 1865; William A. Ranier, mustered out August 31, 1865; James A. Ramsey, died at Nashville, July 7, 1864; Gran- ville Roads, mustered out June 12, 1864; Michael Ryan, not mustered out; Michael Roman, not mustered out; Mahlon J. Rainer, died at N ewbern, N. C., March 22, 1865, wounds; James D. Reeves, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, mustered out August 25, 1865; William H. Reed, mustered out Au- gust 10, 1865; Robert W. Routh, mustered out August 31, 1865; Jeremiah Skiner, mustered out August 31, 1865; David Smith, mustered out May 30, 1865; John W. Stiles, mustered out August 31, 1865; John Suter, mustered out August 31, 1865; William M. Sutton, mustered out as corporal August 31, 1865; Jatnes Swathwood, mustered out August 31, 1865; Andrew J. Skaggs, died at Big Shanty, Ga., June 28, 1864, wounds; Benjamin M. Stines, mustered out August 31, 1865; Milton C. Stakebake, mustered out July 10, 1865; Charles Schneckengast, mustered out August 31, 1865; Samuel W. Thomson, killed at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864; Fletcher Truax, mustered out August 31, 1865; Thomas C. Todd, mustered out August 31, 1865; Martin W. Watts, mustered out June 17, 1865; John B. Warner, dis- charged May 9, 1865, as corporal, wounds; Levi Welch, discharged February g, 1865; Thomas J. Way, mustered out August 31, 1865. Company H—Captain, James L. Neff, killed at battle of Wise’s Forks, N. C., March 10, 1865; First Lieutenant, Thomas $. Kennon, discharged December 20, 1864, disability; Second Lieutenant, Levi Wolf, resigned June 14, 1864. Sergeants—Edmund Engle, promoted to second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, mustered out August 31, 1865; Peter M. Shultz, pro- moted second lieutenant, mustered out as sergeant August 31, 1865; John R. Mote, died at Knoxville, Tenn., August 8, 1864; James M. Gunckel, mus- tered July 6, 1865; Thomas Adamson, discharged March 12, 1865, as hospital steward. Corporals—John Quincy Adams Roberts, mustered out June 17, 1765, as sergeant; George W. Fisher, mustered out June 16, 1865; Robinson H. Bailey, mustered out August 31, 1865; Samuel L. Adams, mustered out August 31, 1865; John M. Benson, died at Knoxville, Tenn., September 7, 1864, sergeant; George W. Smithson, mustered out August 31, 1865, as ser- geant; Rufus G. Mote, mustered out May 30, 1865. Musician—Isaiah Ryan, from Fortieth Ohio. Privates—Andrew J. Ballentyne, discharged July 10, 1865; Albert Banta, died at New Albany, Ind., December 13, 1864; Jacob Barnes, mustered out August 31, 1865; James Bartholomew, mustered out August 31, 1865, as musician; Joseph Bentley, died at Louisville March 25, 1864; William Boltz, mustered August 31, 1865, as corporal; Samuel Bright, 518 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; George W. Brown, mustered out August 31, 1865; Jefferson Bush, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; Elihu Coats, killed near Atlanta, Ga., August 5, 1864; George Coates, mus- tered out May 30, 1865; Gilbert L. Cox, died at Altoona, Ga., June 27, 1864; Olinthus Cox, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; Erastus Corwin, mustered out June 16, 1865; John W. Edwards, transferred to Veteran Re- serve Corps November 20, 1864; Martin E. Ferrell, mustered out August 31, 1865; James W. Ferrell, mustered out August 31, 1865; John C. Ferrell, mustered August 31, 1865; Andrew J. Goodman, died at Richmond, Ind., March 21, 1864; William Goshorn, mustered out August 31, 1865; Jacob F. Groshaus, promoted second lieutenant, mustered out August 31, 1865, as first sergeant ; John Grow, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; Thomas D. Guncle, mustered out July 6, 1865; George M. Haas, mustered out August 31, 1865; Eli J. Harris, died near Atlanta, Ga., August 6, 1864; John H. Hart, mustered out August 31, 1865; James T. Hart, mustered out May 30, 1865; Henry Hobbick, mustered out May 30, 1865, as corporal; Thomas Horner, mustered out July 6, 1865; Amos C. Jessup, mustered out July to, 1865; William P. Jessup, died at Chattanooga April 27, 1864; Robert Kirk- ley, mustered out August 31, 1865; John Kizer, died at Marietta, Ga., April 28, 1864; Leander C. Lasley, mustered out August 31, 1865; Charles C. Law- rence, mustered out August 31, 1865; John Lyon, record indefinite; Manuel D. Miller, died at Louisville, Ky., April 3, 1864; Andrew H. McNees, mus- tered out August 31,-1865, as corporal; James Miranda, mustered out August 31, 1865; George N. Perkins, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; Charles H. Pierce, mustered out August 31, 1865; Henry M. Robinson, dis- charged June 27, 1864; Henry Ross, mustered out August 31, 1865; Ben- jamin F. Sasser, mustered out May 30, 1865; John C. Sears, record indefi- nite; James Shearer, died at Knoxville, Tenn., July 11, 1864; Reuben Shock- ney, mustered out August 31, 1865; George C. Terrell, died March 22, 1865, wounds; Jesse M. Vanhart, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps August 3, 1864; Isaac B. Vaughn, mustered out August 31, 1865; Joseph M. Vaughn, mustered out August 31, 1865; John R. Winship, killed at Wise’s Forks March 10, 1865; William W. Whiting, mustered out August 31, 1865; John A, Zimmerman, died at Indianapolis September 5, 1864. Recruits—Albert Coats, mustered out August 31, 1865, as corporal; John Harris, mustered out August 31, 1865; William H. Johnson, mustered out August 31, 1865; James McConaughey, mustered out August 31, 1865; Milton Meranda, mustered out August 31, 1865; Francis Parker, mustered out August 31, 1865; Lawrence RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 519 Powers, mustered out August 31, 1865; Levi Rhoads, mustered out August 31, 1865; Christian Richards, mustered out August 31, 1865. Company K—-Thomas H. Barnes, mustered out August 31, 1865; Enos P. Fulghum, August 31, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTIETH REGIMENT INDIANA INFANTRY (THREE YEARS. ) ‘This regiment was mustered in at Kokomo March 12, 1864; Colonel, Charles S. Parrish. Mustered out at Charlotte, N. C., December 2, 1865. Officers, 40; men, 924; recruits, 22; died, 178; deserted, 21; unaccounted for, g; total, 986. Moved to Nashville March 16, 1864. Marched through to Murfreesboro, Tullahoma, Stevenson, Chattanooga and Cleveland to Charleston, East Ten- nessee, arriving March 24, 1864. Left Charleston for the front May 3, 1864. Atlanta campaign May 9, September 2, 1864. Camped at Decatur, Ga., till October 4, 1864. Pursued Hood to Gaylesville.. Moved to Nashville and fought at Franklin and Nashville. Camped at Columbia, Tenn., till January 5, 1865. Moved to Washington City and to Fort Fisher, near Wilmington, N. C. Moved to Fort Anderson, N. C.. Moved to Morehead City and Newbern March 1, 1865. Battle of Wise’s Forks, N. C. March 8, 1865. Entered Goldsboro, N. C:, March 21, 1865, joining with Sherman’s army. Marched to Smithfield April 11, 1865. News of Lee’s surrender re- ceived April 12, 1865. Marched to Raleigh April 14, 1865. Johnson’s sur- render April, 1865. Moved to Greensboro and to Charlotte. Stationed at Charlotte, N. C., till December 2, 1865. Arrived at Indianapolis December 13, 1865, with 27 officers and 540 men. Public reception in the State House Grove. Regiment received final payment and discharged and went home with glad hearts, feeling that the great work was done. Officers—Quartermaster, Charles A. Dresser, appointed adjutant pro tém.; recommissioned quartermaster, honorably discharged August 24, 1865. Privates, Company B—Benjamin Lockhart, mustered out December 2, 1865. Company H—Samuel B. Wilson, mustered out December 2, 1862, as sergeant; James F. Williams, mustered out December 2, 1865. Company I—Simon Burris, mustered out December 2, 1865; Henry H. Beach, mustered out June 8, 1865; John W. Campbell, mustered out May 16, 1865; David H. Dutro, mustered out December 2, 1865; Benjamin F. Emer- 520 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. son, mustered out December 2, 1865; Thomas C. Holloway, died at Chat- tanooga, Tenn., November 23, 1864; Thomas O’Neal, died at Knoxville, Tenn., August 16, 1864; Elisha B. Porter, discharged June 7, 1865; David S. Porter, mustered out December 2, 1865, as corporal; Joseph W. Smith, mustered out December 2, 1865, as corporal; James A. Williams, mustered out August 30, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIRST INDIANA, THIRTEENTH CAVALRY (THREE YEARS). Company I—William H. Green, mustered out November 18, 1865; J. W. Kitchel, discharged May 18, 1865; James M. Parvis, mustered out November 18, 1865; Francis M. Yager, mustered out November 18, 1865. Statistics—Mustered in April 29, 1864, Indianapolis, Colonel, G. M. S. Johnson. Mustered out at Indianapolis in August, 1864. Officers, 50; men, 1,107; recruits, 236; died, 136; deserters, 87; unaccounted for, 9; total, 1,393. Movements—Left Indianapolis for Nashville as infantry April 30, 1864. Ordered to Huntsville as a garrison May 31, 1864, scouting and skirmishing through the summer .of 1864, holding the post against the whole force of Col. Buford October 1, 1864. Companies A, C, D, F and I went to Louis- ville to draw horses and equipments for the whole regiment. Ordered to Paducah; left Paducah for Louisville and Nashville November 1, 1864. Those companies went to La Vergne and fell back on Murfreesboro, having two battles and twelve skirmishes, losing sixty-seven men. The other companies took part at Nashville and the entire regiment united immediately afterward. Effecting a remounting, the regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade, Seventh Division Cavalry Corps of the Military Division of the Mississippi, Col. Johnson commanding the brigade. Left for New Orleans February 11, 1865; disembarked at Vicksburg; went on to New Orleans March 6, 1865, and to Mobile Bay; raid through Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi—80o miles—under Gen. Grierson, to Columbus, Miss. Went to Macon, Miss., guarding railroads and capturing stores, ammunition and ordnance. Returned to Columbus and to Vicksburg. Mustered out of service November 18, 1865. Reached Indianapolis November 25, 1865. Dinner at the Soldier’s Home and reception at the State House same day. Welcome by Gov. Baker. Re- sponse by Gen. Johnson. Regiment at the disbandment numbered 23 officers and 633 men. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 521 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT (100 bays). Call issued by Gov. Morton April 23, 1864. One Hundred and Thirty- second to One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Regiments were organized under the call. The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth was mustered in at Indianapolis May 25, 1864, Colonel, James Gavin; seven companies were recruited from the Fourth and three in the Fifth District. They proceeded immediately to Tennessee for garrison and guard duty. Statistics—Officers, 41; men, 908; recruits, 1; died, 19; total, 950. The roo-day regiments did a useful, though not a conspicuous service, enabling the trained soldiers to be sent to the front in the important and de- cisive campaign of 1864 in Virginia and Georgia and elsewhere. The One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment was mustered in May 25, 1864, and mustered out in August of the same year. The officers and men of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment from Raridolph county were as follows: Company F—Captain, George W. H. Riley, promoted lieutenant colonel, mustered out with the regiment; First Lieutenant, William M. Cox, promoted captain, mustered out with regiment; Second Lieutenant, Joab Driver, pro- moted first lieutenant, mustered out with regiment. Company F—Hiram Alshouse, Milton Anderson, Matthew Atkinson, John Batchelor, John H. Beary, Sanford Bowman, Albert H. Bowen, John F Brice, John P. Brewster, William L. Burress, William H. Caty, Seth D. Coats, Elisha Conner, William R. Cox, Abraham Conner, Edmond A. Crop- per, Henry S. Curry, William T. Davis, William C. Dye, James Edwards, James S. Engle, William W. Ennis, David A. Fisher, Abijah Frazier, John W. French, Samuel A. French, Albert C. Gaddis, Francis A. Graham, James B. Gray, Robert E. Grubbs, John Hollowell, Henry C. Hiatt, Wilson Hiatt, John E. Hodson, Charles H. Huffman, John B. Hughes, William Jones, Thomas W. Jordan, Alva C. Kepler, Homer Lewallen, Joseph W. McCracken, Ellis S. McNees, Joseph McNees, Charles McGee, Morgan H. Mills, Oliver M. Mills, promoted first lieutenant; John E. Neff, William H. O’Neall, Will- iam H. Painter, Christopher Pasters, Caleb C. Peacock, William E. Peacock, George W. Porter, William Puckett, Zachariah T. Puckett, Erastus H. Read, Enoch Scott, Levi Slusher, John T. Smith, Stover Smith, James C. Sommer- ville, Alexander S. Starbuck, James C. Steele, Washington L. Strohm, John W. Study, Henry Tharpe, Martin V. Tucker, Leroy Turner, William W. Vandegraff, Arthur Vanderburg, De Witt C. Weldy, Beniah N. White, John > 522 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Wideman, Luther M. Williams, Sylvester M. Williams, Levi F. Wilmington, Benjamin F. Willmore, Elias Wright, Henry M. Yunker. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT (100 DAYS. ) Company I—Charles D. Lewis, mustered out September 20, 1864. Regiment’ mustered in at Indianapolis June 8, 1864; Colonel, George Humphrey. Companies raised as follows: Elizaville, Lawrenceburg, Kendallville, Knightstown, Connersville, New Castle, Portland, Vevay, one each; one from New Albany and Metamoras, . and one from Columbia, New Haven and New Philadelphia. Statistics—Officers, 30; men, 824; recruits, 2; died, 11; deserted, 1; total, 856. They were stationed somewhere, guarding railroads, in the southern region, remaining in service more than Ioo days. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH REGIMENT (ONE YEAR). Mustered in at Indianapolis October 24, 1864; Colonel, Thomas J. Brady. Mustered out at Greensboro, N. C., July 11, 1865. Officers, 39; men, 968; recruits, 48; died, 102; deserters, 50; unaccounted for, 7; total, 1,055. Regiment left Indianapolis November 25, 1864, for Nashville, Tenn. ; thence to Murfreesboro, being stationed in Fort Rosecrans. In a skirmish south of Murfreesboro one was wounded. Upon Hood’s defeat, it marched to Columbia, Tenn., December 28, 1864; embarked in steamers on the Tennessee for Washington .City, January 16, 1865; moved to Alexandria February 3, 1865. Embarked on ocean stéam- er for Fort Fisher, N. C., February 3, 1865. took part in severe fighting in the siege and capture of Wilmington. At the battle of Town Creek Bridge, N. C., February 20, 1865. Entered Wilmington, N. C., February 23, 1865. Marched to Kingston, N. C., March 6, passing over a distance of eighty-five miles, largely swamps, in five days. Set out for Goldsboro, N. C., March 19. Arrived at Raleigh, N. C., April 14, remaining there till the 6th of May. Marched to Greensboro; on duty there till July 11, 1865. Mustered out of service at Greensboro, July 11, 1865. Arrived at Indianapolis July 21. Pub- lic reception July 25. Addresses by Gov. Morton and Maj. Gen. Sherman. Regiment paid off July 28, 1865, and discharged. The members of the One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment from Ran- dolph county are as follows: RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 523 Company F—Second Lieutenant, Ezra W. Bond, mustered out with regiment; James E. Ashwell, Samuel P Cotton, musicians, mustered out July 11, 1865; Ira Adamson, mustered out July 11, 1865, as corporal; George Byers, Joel F. Bales, mustered out July 11, 1865; George W. Edwards, mus- tered out*May 25, 1865; Marion W. Farrens, Henry H. Hurst, Benjamin F. Jordan, mustered out July 11, 1865; James H. Murray, died at Murfrees- boro January 1, 1865; Albert Pegg, Thomas J. Puckett, mustered out July 11, 1865; Walter W. Williams, not mustered out. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT (ONE YEAR). The One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment was composed of seven companies from the Fifth Congressional District, two from the Eleventh Dis- trict and one from elsewhere. Organized March 13, 1865, at Indianapolis, Colonel, Milton Peden. March 16, 1865, the regiment left for Harper’s Ferry, Va. They marched to Charleston, Va., and, during the summer, did guard duty at various places in that vicinity. It was mustered out August 4, 1865, arrived at Indianapolis August 9, 1865, with 32 officers and 743 men, and was publicly welcomed in the State House Grove, with addresses by Lieut. Gov. Baker, Gen. Benjamin Harrison and others. Statistics—Officers, 39; men, 1,012; recruits, 24; re-enlisted veterans, 3; died, 44; deserted, 63; total, 1,078. Mustered in March 13, 1865; mustered out August 4, 1865. Members from Randolph county are as follows: Lieutenant Colonel, Theodore F. Colgrove; Chaplain, George W. Thom- son, honorably discharged June 17, 1865; Assistant Surgeon, Samuel C. Wed- dington, mustered out with regiment. Company A—Captain, Theodore F. Colgrove, promoted lieutenant colo- nel; First Lieutenant, Nelson Pegg, promoted captain, mustered out with regi- ment; Second Lieutenant, Edmund B. Warren, promoted first lieutenant, dis- missed June 23, 1865. Privates—Henry T. Addington. as corporal; Adam Almonrode, Bartley Allen, James A. Addington, Nathan Addington, Friend J. S. Bailey, William L. Burress, William Bailey, James W. Butterworth, Elisha Cormer, Nicholas Caywood, as corporal; Stephen Clevenger, Abijah Cox, Squire Davis, Elijah S.-Davisson, Francis X. Darby, James Edwards, Axime Elliott, Samuel Emry, William W Ennis, John S. Ennis, Franklin Ford, promoted first lieutenant, mustered out as first sergeant with regiment; William T. Foust, Martin V Foust, James B. Gray, Richard Goodman, Edward W. Harris, William C. 524 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. v Haworth, Joy Harris, William E. Harris, Jasper N. Hurst, James S. Hultz, John W. Henderson, John O. Hollowell, as corporal; Henry Ingle, William Jones, James C. Johnson, William Johnson, Owen Jones, John W. Jones, John Kirk, Joseph Kirk, George R. Kennedy, Henry C. Lamb, as corporal ; Oliver F. Lewellan, as sergeant; Andrew K. Lewis, Conrad Listenfeltz, Dan- iel Mendenhall, George Meranda, Joseph W. McNees, John H. McGuire, as corporal; Daniel Miller, Francis Massey, Lewis Miller, John McIntyre, Israel Nunemaker, David Neff, Louis Neustiel, William H. O’Niel, William E. Pea- cock, William H. Painter, as corporal; Joseph W. Robison, James Readman, George A. Rhody, as sergeant; George D. S. Reese, promoted second lieu- tenant, promoted first lieutenant; Enoch Scott, Jacob R. Stuart, Levi Slusher, Zephaniah Sylvys, James C. Sommerville, Benjamin Sommers, William R. Tisor, as corporal, Frank L. Turner, William C. West, Luther L. Williams, _ Joel Wooten, Sylvester N. Williams, Samuel A. Winship, Beniah F. White, William H. Winship, Henry M. Yunker, Albert T. Butler, died at home March 16, 1865; John T. Carson, died at Indianapolis March 7, 1865; James E. Daily, mustered out August 14, 1865; Benjamin F. Edwards, mustered out May 18, 1865; Jesse Harris, mustered out May 31, 1865; Myers Silvers, mustered out October 31, 1865; George B. Watson, mustered out May 19, 1865. Company B—Elijah Ledbetter, wagoner, mustered out August 4, 1865; Isaac M. Jones, Wesley Jordan, corporal, mustered out August 4, 1865. Company C—John Fay, record indefinite; Daniel J. Niebel, mustered out August 4, 1865, as corporal. Company F—Andrew Younce, corporal, mustered out August 4, 1865, as sergeant. Company I—Captain, Marcellus B. Dickey, mustered out with regiment; First Lieutenant, John Bidlock, mustered out with regiment. Privates—John W. Allen, Matthew Arnold, John Q. Adamson, William F Emory, mustered out August 4, 1865; Daniel Elliott, Christian Great, mustered out August 4, 1865; George Girard, mustered out July 11, 1865; Calvin Hardin, James C. Hartz, mustered out August 4, 1865; Daniel Jones, mustered out May 15, 1865; William H. Justice, mustered out May 17, 1865; Robert L. Kirwood, mustered out August 4, 1865; James C. Knox, mustered out July 17, 1865; Miles O. Long, died May 16, 1865; Abraham G. Long, mustered out August 4, 1865; Charles D. Lewis, mustered out August 4, 1865, as corporal; George Lamm, Thomas McGinnis, Francis Rodenberger, mustered out August 4, 1865; Samuel H. Sturgeon (really Jay county), mus- tered out August 4, 1865, as sergeant; Henry H. Sweet, died April 2, 1865; 4 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 525 John Street, mustered out August 4, 1864; John T. Taylor, died June 1, 1865; Richard H. Spence, Richard Vallandigham, Jacob Weinck, John Wine, mus- tered out August 4, 1865; Joseph C. Yager; Francis M. Hill, recruit, mus- tered out June 3, 1865; John L. Young, mustered out August 4, 1865. Com- pany K—George W. May, unaccounted for. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT (ONE YEAR). Company H—Alfred Lenox, second lieutenant, mustered out with regi- ment. Company K—Jason L. Downing, mustered out August 4, 1865. Statistics of Regiment—Officers, 39; men, 958; recruits, 5; died, 40; deserters, 84; total, 982. Recruited in the Eighth Congressional District. Organized April 20, 1865; Colonel, Frank Wilcox; went to Parkersburg April 28, 1865; continued on duty in Western Virginia till August 4, 1865; mustered out August 4, 1865; arrived at Indianapolis August 7, 1865, with 32 officers and 734 men. Reception at the Capitol grounds. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT (ONE YEAR). Company B—Benjamin Bayless, George W. Debolt, Frank Kukler, mus- tered out August 4, 1865; John R. Whitacre, mustered out August 4, 1865, as sergeant. The regiment was composed of five companies—two from the Seventh and one each from the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Districts. Organized April 12, 1865; Lieutenant Colonel, Charles M. Smith. Served in Shenandoah Valley; mustered out at Winchester, Va., August 4, 1865; arrived at Indian- apolis August 7, 1865, with 17 officers and 380 men. TWENTIETH BATTERY, LIGHT ARTILLERY. Thomas E. Stanley, mustered out June 28, 1865. Men from Randolph county may have been in the batteries, but most of the names have no residence attached, and hence no account can be given of such, for which facts, if any ‘‘Randolph county boys” are thereby omitted, we are exceedingly sorry, but how to help the matter we are unable to tell. (34) 526 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. FIRST UNITED STATES VETERAN VOLUNTEER ENGINEERS. Company B—William Milstead, from Company H, Eighty-fourth Regi- ment, mustered out June 26, 1865. Company G—Allen Fowler, from Company E, Eighty-fourth Regiment,. mustered out June 30, 1865. Company G—Archibald March, from Company E, Eighty-fourth Regi- ment, mustered out June 30, 1865. Company I—William Chambers, from Company A, Eighty-fourth Regi- ment, mustered out June 30, 1865. There were doubtless others, but we have no information concerning them. RANDOLPH BATTALION, INDIANA LEGION. Officers—Major, D. E. Shaw; Adjutant, James R. Jones; Quartermas- ter, Benjamin Peacock; Assistant Surgeon, Samuel G. Stafford. The companies composing the regiment were as follows: Buena Vista Home Guards—Captain, Zerah Masters; First Lieutenant, Oliver M. Mills; Second Lieutenant, Joel W. Bussear. Randolph Greys—Captain, R. B. Farra; First Lieutenant, W. W. Aker; Second Lieutenant, John K. Martin. Farmland True Blues—Captain, George McGriff ; First Lieutenant, James H. McNees; Second Lieutenant, P. A. Stanley. West River Guards—Captain, John A. Hunt; First Lieutenant, Benjamin Peacock; Second Lieutenant, Arthur True; Second Lieutenant, John D. Jones. Liberty Tigers—Captain, Jacob A. Jackson; First Lieutenant, Alvin M. Owen; Second Lieutenant, Joel A. Newman. Maxville Regulars—Captain, Joab Driver; First Lieutenant, Thomas B. McIntyre; Second Lieutenant, Luther M. Moorman. Morristown Guards—Captain, Jesse May; First Lieutenant Salathiel Ryan—Second Lieutenant, Jonathan R. Peoples. Union City Guards—Captain, Isaac P. Gray; Captain, George W. . Thompson; First Lieutenant, George W. Thompson; First Lieutenant, John W. Griffith; Second Lieutenant, Raiford Wiggs; Second Lieutenant, Samuel L. Carter. Morton Rangers—Captain, Robert H. Grooms; First Lieutenant, George Spillers; Second Lieutenant. Oliver F. Lewellyn. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 527 Stone Guards—Captain, John S. Way; First Lieutenant, John K. Mar- tin; Second Lieutenant, Edward Engle. Fairview Rangers—Captain, Cyrus B. St. John; First Lieutenant, James R. Jones; Second Lieutenant, John W. Barger. Whether these companies of which the officers are given above performed any duty of any sort we are unable to state. Many of the officers and men in them enlisted in active service, and spent more or less time at the front and elsewhere with the regiments in which they enrolled their names. FORTIETH OHIO. Since several persons from Randolph joined this regiment, we give a brief sketch thereof. Organized at Camp Chase in September and November, 1861; Colonel, Jonathan Cranor. All of Companies E and G, much of Company I and parts of F and K are said to have enlisted from Darke county, Ohio. The follow- ing persons were from Randolph county, Ind. : Company B—Recruited by Capt. Reeves, promoted major; Lewis Ad- dington; William Brown, died March 19, 1863, at Piketon, Ky.; Martin Cox, John Ferrell, Jabez W. Freestone, veteran, died shortly after the close of the war, and buried at Portland, Jay county, Ind.; George Hollowell, William Ingle, corporal, killed at Kenesaw, Ga., before Atlanta; James Mendenhall, Joseph O’Neall, Lewis Phillips, Isaiah Regan, drum major; John Spotts, died in Georgia; two more, also, whose names were not obtained. RECAPITULATION. The following is the number of men in the different regiments set down to Randolph county: Eighth Regiment (three months), 78; Sixth (three years), 2; Seventh (three years), 3; Eighth (three years), 69; Ninth (three years), 37; Eleventh (three years), 2; Twelfth (three years), 2; Thirteenth (three years), 6; Six- teenth (three years), 1; Nineteenth (three years), 148; Twentieth (three years), 47; Twenty-first, First Heavy Artillery, 13; Twenty-seventh (three years), 3; Twenty-eighth, First Cavalry (three years), 1; Thirty-first (three years), 1; Thirty-third (three years), 1; Thirty-fourth (three years), 4; Thirty-sixth (three years), 4: Forty-second (three years), 3; Forty-seventh (three years), 2; Fifty-fourth (one year), 39; Fifty-fifth (three months), 88; Fifty-seventh (three years), 76; Sixty-ninth (three years), 369; Seventy- 528 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. first (three years), 2; Seventy-fifth (three years), 4; Seventy-seventh (three years), 2; Eighty-fourth (three years), 308; Eighty-ninth (three years), 1; Ninetieth, Fifth Cavalry (three years), 48; Ninety-seventh (three years), 1; Ninety-ninth (three years), 21; One Hundred and Fifth (Morgan raid), 143; One Hundred and Sixth (Morgan raid), 203 ; One Hundred and Ninth (Mor- gan raid), 56; One Hundred and Seventeenth (six months), 1; One Hundred and Nineteenth, Seventh Cavalry (three years), 94; One Hundred and Twenty-first, Nineteenth Cavalry (three years), 18; One Hundred and Twenty-fourth (three years), 208; One Hundred and Thirtieth (three years), 6; One Hundred and Thirty-first, Twelfth Cavalry (three years), 4; One Hundred and Thirty-fourth (100 days), 90; One Hundred and Thirty-ninth (100 days), 1; One Hundred and Fortieth (one year), 13; One Hundred and Forty-seventh (one year), 127; One Hundred and Fifty-fourth (one year), 2; One Hundred and Fifty-sixth (one year), 5; Twentieth Battery, Light Artillery, 1; Fifth Colored United States Troops, 1; Eighth Colored United States Troops, 1; Twenty-third Colored United States Troops, 3; Twenty- eight Colored United States Troops, 3; Forty-second Colored United States Troops, 3; Forty-fifth Colored United States Troops, 2; other colored sol- diers, 14; other colored soldiers, Greenville settlement, Ohio, 14; Fortieth, Ohio (three years), 12. Total credit to Randolph, or supposed to belong thereto, 2,373. This list is, of course, partly uncertain. Most of the persons named are known to have belonged to Randolph, but some have been put down as prob- able citizens of the county. Doubtless a considerable number really belonging to the county have been credited elsewhere, while in some cases she has re- ceived credit for men really residents of other counties. We have done our best toward an accurate statement and with that are obliged to be content. Of course, a considerable number, amounting to many thousands through- out the state, and doubtless to some hundreds in the county, are counted over again, the names of some occurring several times; but to make an exact ac- count of such would hardly be practicable, and if it were so the good accom- plished would not be worth the trouble. RE-ORGANIZATION OF REGIMENTS, ASSIGNMENT OF RECRUITS, ETC. Eighth Regiment Infantry (three months)—Re-organized under Col. William P. Benton, and mustered into service for three years September 5, 1861. Sixth Infantry (three years)—Non-veterans mustered out September ” / RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 529 22, 1864; the veterans and recruits were transferred to the Sixty-eighth In- diana. Upon the muster-out of the Sixty-eighth, June 20, 1865, nineteen men of the old Sixth Infantry were not entitled to discharge, and they were again transferred to the Forty-fourth Indiana and served therein till finally mustered out therewith, September 14, 1865. Seventh Infantry (three years)—Non-veterans mustered out September 3, 1864; veterans transferred to the Nineteenth Regiment. October 18, 1864, the new Nineteenth and the new Twentieth were consolidated, the new regi- ment being known as the Twentieth. The new Twentieth was mustered out July 12, 1865. Twelfth Regiment (three years)—Mustered out June 8, 1865; those not entitled to discharge were transferred to the Forty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Regiments, and served till July 15 and 17 respectively. Thirteenth Regiment—Consolidated into a battalion under order 384 from Gen. Butler, dated December 2, 1864; five companies of drafted men and substitutes, assigned in the spring of 1865, and no further change till mustered out, September 5, 1865. Sixteenth Regiment (three years)—-Changed to a mounted infantry regiment, and, on the muster-out, June 30, 1865, the recruits were transferred to the Thirteenth Cavalry; discharged November 18, 1865. Seventeenth Regiment (three years)—Changed to a mounted infantry regiment February 12, 1863, and mustered out August 8, 1865. Nineteenth Regiment—Seventh and Nineteenth consolidated Septem- ber 3, 1864; transferred to the re-organized Twentieth; discharged July 12, 1865. Twentieth Regiment—Fourteenth and Twentieth consolidated August 1, 1864. New Nineteenth and Twentieth united October 18, 1864. New Twentieth mustered out July 12, 1865. Twenty-first Regiment—Changed to a heavy artillery organization in February, 1863. Two companies were added and the regiment was recruited to the maximum. The regiment was called the First Heavy Artillery, and served as such till mustered out, January 13, 1866. Twenty-seventh Regiment—Non-veterans mustered out at Atlanta, Ga., November 4, 1864; the other transferred to the Seventieth, order dated Oc- tober 12, 1864. Seventieth mustered out June 8, 1865; those not entitled to discharge transferred again to the Thirty-third, and mustered out with that regiment July 21, 1865. Twenty-eighth Regiment, First Cavalry—The battalion of this regiment 530 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. serving in the west consolidated into two companies, September 24, 1864; mustered out June 24, 1865. The battalion in the east consolidated into one company June 23, 1864; discharged July, 1865. Thirty-sixth Regiment—Non-veterans mustered out under order of Au- gust 13, 1864; the others formed into one company and transferred July 12, 1865, to the residuary battalion of the Thirtieth, as Company H; mustered out November 25, 1862. Sixty-ninth Regiment—Consolidated with a battalion of four companies January 23, 1865; mustered out July 5, 1865; recruits transferred to the Twenty-fourth Regiment; mustered out November 15, 1865. Seventy-first Regiment, Sixth Cavalry—Changed to cavalry, order dated February 23, 1863; two companies added and the organization com- pleted October 12, 1863. Original members mustered out June 17, 1865; recruits joined with those of the Fifth Cavalry June 25, 1865, new organiza- tion called Sixth Cavalry ; mustered out September 15, 1865. Seventy-fifth Regiment—Mustered out. June 5, 1865; recruits transferred to the Forty-second; mustered out July 21, 1865. Eighty-fourth Regiment—Mustered out and the recruits attached to the Fifty-seventh Regiment as Company K; mustered out December 14, 1865. Eighty-ninth Regiment—Recruits transferred to the Twenty-sixth July 10, 1865; mustered out January 15, 1866. Ninetieth Regiment, Fifth Cavalry—Companies G, L and M and the recruits transferred to the re-organized Sixth Cavalry June 23, 1865; mus- tered out September 15, 1865. Ninety-seventh Regiment—Recruits transferred to the Forty-eighth; mustered out July 15, 1865. Ninety-ninth Regiment—Recruits transferred to the Forty-eighth and mustered out July 15, 1865. One Hundred and Nineteenth, Seventh Cavalry—Consolidated into a battalion of six companies July 21, 1865; mustered out February 18, 1866. BATTLE LIST. We here subjoin a list of the engagements in which regiments contain- ing Randolph soldiers took part: 1861—Rich Mountain, Va., July 11, Eighth (three months), Thirteenth (three years) ; Lewinsville, Va., September 11, Nineteenth Regiment; Cheat Mountain, Va., September 12, 13, Thirteenth (three years) ; Elk Water, Va., September 12 and 13, Thirteenth and Seventeenth; Greenbrier, Va., October RANDOLPH COUNTY,: INDIANA. 531 3, Seventh (three vears), Ninth (three years), Thirteenth; Chickaahominy, N. C., October 4, Twentieth; Ball’s Bluff, Va., October 21, 22, Sixteenth; Alleghany, Va., December 13, Ninth, Thirteenth. 1862—Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6 to 8, Eighth Infantry (three years) ; Island No. 10, Mississippi River, March 10, April 7, Thirty-fourth, Forty- seventh; Winchester, Va., March 22, 23, Seventh Infantry (three years), Thirteenth Infantry; Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 7, Sixth Infantry (three years), Ninth Infantry (three years), Fifty-seventh; Corinth (siege), April 11, May 30, Sixth Infantry (three years), Ninth Infantry (three years), Seventeenth, Thirty-first, Thirty-sixth, Fifty-seventh; Summersville, Va., May 7, Thir- teenth Infantry; Front Royal, Va., May 23, Twenty-seventh Regiment; Win- chester, Va., May 25, Twenty-seventh Regiment; Gaines’ Mill, Va., June 27, Twentieth; Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, June 1, Twentieth Regiment; Port Re- public, Va., June 9, Seventh Infantry (three years); Front Royal, Va., June 12, Seventh Infantry (three years) ; Orchards, Va., June 25, Twentieth Regi- ment; Glendale, Va., June 28, Twentieth Regiment; Savage’s Station, Va., June 29, Twentieth Regiment; White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, Twentieth Regiment; Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, Twentieth Regiment; Cotton Plant, Ark., July 7, Eighth Infantry (three years) ; Aberdeen, Ark., July 9, Thirty- fourth Regiment; Baton Rouge, La., August 5, Twenty-first, First Heav Artillery, Regiment; Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, Seventh Infantry (three . years); Austin, Miss., August, Eighth Infantry (three years); Gainesville, Va., August 28, Nineteenth Regiment; Second Bull Run, Va., August 28 to 30, Seventh Infantry (three years) ; Muldraugh’s Hill, Ky., August 28, Sev- enty-first, Sixth Cavalry; Richmond, Ky., August 30, Twelfth Infantry, Six- teenth, Sixty-ninth Regiment; Chantilly, Va., September 1, Twentieth Regi- ment; Des Allemands, La., September 8, Twenty-first, Heavy Artillery, Regi- ment; Munfordsville, Ky., September 14 to 18, Seventeenth and Eighty-ninth Regiments; South Mountain, Va., September 14, Nineteenth Regiment; An- tietam, Md., September 17, Nineteenth Regiment; Cornet Bridge, La., De- cember 21, First Heavy Artillery Regiment; Fredericksburg, Va., December II to 13, Seventh Infantry (three years), Nineteenth, Twentieth; Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862, January 1, 2, 1863, Sixth Infantry (three years), Ninth Infantry (three years), Thirty-first, Fifty-seventh. 1863—Arkansas Post, Ark., January 11, 1863, Sixteenth, Sixty-ninth: Deserted Farm, Va., January 30, Thirteenth Infantry; Fitzhugh’s Crossing, Va., April 29, Nineteenth Regiment; Port Gibson, Miss., May, 1863, Eighth Infantry (three years), Sixteenth, Thirty-fourth, Sixty-ninth; Chancellors- B32 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ville, Va., May 2, 3, Seventh Infantry (three years) Twentieth, Twenty- seventh; Champion Hills, Miss., May 16, Eighth Infantry (three years), Eleventh Infantry (three years), Twelfth Infantry, Thirty-fourth, Forty- seventh, Sixty-ninth; Jackson; Miss., May 14, Eighth Infantry (three years); Forty-severith; Black River Bridge, Miss., May 17, Eighth Infantry (three years), Sixteenth, Sixty-ninth; Port Hudson, Miss., May 21, July 8, Twenty- first, First Heavy Artillery, Regiment; Vicksburg, Miss., May 18 to'July 4, Eighth Infantry (three years), Twelfth, Sixteenth, Thirty-fourth, Forty-sev- enth, Sixty-ninth, Ninety-ninth; Triune, Tenn., June 11, Eighty-fourth Regi- ment; Hoover’s Gap, Tenn., June 24, Seventeenth, Seventy-fifth; Gettysburg, Penn., July 1 to 3, Seventh Infantry (three years), Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-seventh; Jackson, Miss. (second), July 9 to 16, Eighth Infantry (three years), Twelfth Infantry, Sixteenth, Thirty-fourth; Buffington Island, Ohio River, July 19, Ninetieth, Fifth Cavalry, Regiment; Lafourche Crossing, La., July 21, Twenty-first, First Heavy Artillery; Manassas Gap, Va., July 23, Twentieth Regiment; Fort Wagner, S. C., September 7, Thirteenth Regi- ment; Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 20, Sixth Infantry (three years), Ninth Infantry (three years), Seventeenth, Thirty-first, Thirty-sixth, Forty- second, Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth Regiments; Zollicoffer, Tenn., Septem* ber 20, Ninetieth,, Fifth Cavalry, Regiment; Blountsville, Tenn., September 22, Nineteenth, Fifth Cavalry, Regiment; Thompson’s Cove, Tenn-, October 3, Seventeenth Regiment; Coosaville, Ga., October, Seventeenth Regiment; Flat Rock, Ga., Seventeenth Regiment; Farmington, Tenn., October 7, Seventeenth Regiment; Colliersville, Tenn., October 11, Sixteenth Regi- ment; Henderson’s Mill, Tenn., October 11, Ninetieth,; Fifth Cav- alry, Regiment; Brown’s Ferry, Tenn., October 27, Sixth Infantry: (three years); Ashby’s Gap, Va., November 2, Seventh Infantry (three years) ; Grand Coteau, La., November 3, Forty-seventh Regiment; Locust Grove, Va., November, Twentieth Regiment; Mustang Island, Texas, November 17, Eighth Infantry (three years) ; Knoxville, Tenn., November 17, December 4, Seventy-first, Sixth Cavalry, Regiment; Lookout Mountain, Ga., November 24, Ninth Infantry (three years) Regiment; Mission Ridge, Ga., November 25, Sixth Infantry (three years), Ninth Infantry (three years), Twelfth Infantry, Fifty-seventh, Seventy-fifth; Graysville, Va., November 27, Ninety- seventh Regiment; Fort Esperanza, Texas, November 27, Eighth Infantry (three years) ; Walker’s Ford, Tenn., December 3, Ninetieth, Fifth Cavalry, Regiment. 1864—Strawberry Plains, Tenn., January 10, Ninetieth Regiment; Mossy RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 533 Creek, Tenn., January 12, Ninetieth, Fifth Cavalry, Regiment; Dandridge, Tenn., January.17, Ninetieth, Fifth Cavalry, Regiment; Okolona, Miss., Feb- ruary 22, One Hundred and Nineteenth, Seventh Cavalry; Egypt Station, Miss., February, One Hundred and Nineteenth, Seventh Cavalry; Fort Gaines, Ala., April 5 to 8, Twenty-first, First Heavy Artillery Regiment; Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, Sixteenth, Twenty-first, First Heavy Artillery, Regiment ; Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, Forty-seventh, Eighty-ninth; Suffolk (defense), April 10, May 13, Thirteenth; Taylor’s Ridge, Ga., May, Ninth Regiment; Wilderness, Va., May 5, 6, Seventh, Nineteenth, Twentieth; Tunnel Hill, Ga., May 7, Sixth, Ninth; Wathel Junction, Va., May 7, Thirteenth Regi- ment; Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, Seventh, Nineteenth; Spottsylvania, Va., May 8 to 10, Seventh, Nineteenth, Twentieth; Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 9, Fifty-seventh, LEighty-fourth, Nuinety-ninth, One Hundred and Thir- tieth; Po River, Va., May Io to 12, Seventh, Nineteenth, Twentieth; Chester Station, Va., May 10, Thirteenth; Resaca, Ga., May 15, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth, Forty-second, Fifty-seventh, Seventy-first (Sixth Cavalry) ; Rome, Ga., May 17, Seventeenth Regiment; Yellow Bayou, La., May 18, Eighty- ninth Regiment Bayou de Glaize, La., May 18, Eighty-ninth; Cassville, Ga., May 19, Ninth, Seventy-first (Sixth Cavalry) ; Foster’s Farm, Va., May 20, Thirteenth Regiment; North Anna, Va., May 25, Seventh, Nineteenth, Twen- tieth; New Hope, Ga., May 25, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth, Seventeenth, Twenty- seventh, Fifty-seventh, Ninety-seventh; Dallas, Ga., May 27, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth, Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth, Ninety-seventh, Ninety-ninth; Bethes- da Church, Va., May 30, 31, Seventh; Pumpkin Vine Church, Ga., June, Sev- enteenth Regiment; Petersburg, Va., June, 1864, to April 3, 1865, Seventh, Thirteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth; Kingston, Ga., June, Eighty-fourth Reg- iment; Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, Seventh, Thirteenth, Nineteenth, Twen- tieth; Guntown, Miss., June 10, One Hundred and Nineteenth (Seventh Cav- alry) ; Tupello, Miss., June 14, Eighty-ninth Regiment; Lost Mountain, Ga., June 17, Seventy-first (Sixth Cavalry), One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, One Hundred and Thirtieth; Big Shanty, Ga., June 14, Seventh, Ninety-sev- enth, Ninety-ninth; Belle Plain Road, Ga., June, Seventeenth; Kenesaw, Ga., June 27, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth, Seventeenth, Twenty-seventh, Thirty-first, Thirty-sixth, Forty-second, Fifty-seventh, Seventy-first (Sixth Cavalry), Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, One Hun- dred and Thirtieth; Marietta, Ga., July 3, Sixth, Ninth, Seventeenth; Chat- tahoochie, Ga., July 7, Seventeenth; Decatur, Ga., July 19, Ninety-ninth, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, One Hundred and Thirtieth; Peach 534 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, Ninth, Twenty-seventh, Forty-second, Fifty-sev- enth, Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth; Atlanta, Ga. July 21, September 2, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth, Twenty-seventh, Thirty-first, Forty-second, Fifty- seventh, Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth, Ninety-seventh, Ninety-ninth, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, One Hundred and Thirtieth; Atchafalaya, La., July 28, Eighth, Forty-seventh; Stone Mountain, Ga., July, Seventeenth Regiment; Hillsboro, Ga., July 31, Ninétieth (Fifth Cavalry); Fort -Mor- gan, Ala. August 5, Thirteenth, Twenty-first (First Heavy Artillery) ; Leesburg, Va., August, Seventh Regiment; La Mavoo, Miss., August 18, One Hundred and Nineteenth (Seventh Cavalry); Yellow House, Va., August 19, Twenty-first, Seventh; Lovejoy’s Station, Ga., September 2, Ninth, Eighty-fourth, Ninety- -ninth; Jonesboro, Ga., September 1, Ninth, Twelfth, Fifty-seventh, Seventy-fifth, Eighty-fourth, Ninety-seventh, Nine- ty-ninth, One Hundred and Thirtieth; Fort Wagner, S. C., September 7, Thirteenth; Strawberry Plains, Va., September 15, Thirteenth, Twentieth; Deep Bottom, Va., September 18, Thirteenth, Twentieth; Opequan, Va., September 19, Thirteenth, Twentieth; Fort Gilmore, Va.,. September 19, Thirteenth, Twentieth; Chapin’s Bluff, Va., September 20, Thirteenth, Twentieth; Fisher’s Hill, Va., September 20, Eighth Regiment; New Mar- ket, Va., September 23, Eighth Regiment; Sulphur Branch Trestle, Ala., September 25, One Hundred and Twenty-first (Ninth Cavalry); Pulaski, Tenn., September 27, Seventy-first (Sixth Cavalry); Huntsville, Ala., Oc- tober 1, One Hundred and Thirty-first (Thirteenth Cavalry) ; Goshen, Ga., October, Seventeenth; Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, Eighth, Eleventh; Little River, Ga., October 26, Ninety-seventh, Ninety-ninth; Carrion Crow, La., November 3, Thirty-fourth; Griswoldsville, Ga., November 23, Twelfth; Columbia, Tenn., November 26, Ninth; Franklin, Tenn., November 30, Ninth, Thirty-first, Fifty-seventh, Eighty-fourth, One Hundred and Twenty- first (Ninth Cavalry), One Hundred and Twenty-fourth; Murfreesboro (defense), Tenn., December 7, One Hundred and Fortieth; Little Ogeechee River, Ga., December 8, Ninty-seventh, Ninety-ninth; Nashville, Tenn., De- cember 15, 16, Ninth, Thirty-first, Fifty-seventh, Seventy-first (Sixth Cav- alry), Eighty-fourth, Eighty-ninth, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth, One Hundred and Thirtieth, One Hundred and Thirty-first (Ninth Cavalry) ; Fort McAllister, Ga., December 13, Ninety-ninth; Savannah (siege), Ga., December 10 to 21, Twelfth, Forty-second; Wilkinson’s Pike, Tenn., De- cember, One Hundred and Thirty-first (Thirteenth Cavalry); Overall’s Creek, Tenn., December, One Hundred and Thirty-first (Thirteenth Cav- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIAN.\. 535 alry); Vernon, Miss., December 28, One Hundred and Nineteenth (Sev- enth Cavalry). 1865—Fort Fisher, N. C., January 14, Thirteenth, One Hundred and Fortieth; Fort Anderson, N. C., February 19, Thirteenth, One Hundred and Fortieth; Town Creek Bridge, N. C., February 20, Thirteenth, One Hundred and Fortieth; Wise’s Forks, N. C., March 10, One Hundred and Twenty-fotrth, One Hundred and Thirtieth; Averysboro, N. C., March 16, Forty-second; Bentonville, N. C., March 19, Twelfth, Forty-second, Sev- enty-fifth, Ninety-seventh; Spanish Fort, Ala., March 27, April 19, Twen- ty-first (First Heavy Artillery), One Hundred and Thirty-first (Thriteenth Cavalry) ; Ebenezer Church, Ala., April 1, Seventeenth; Mobile, Ala., March 27 to April 1, Twenty-first (First Heavy Artillery), Sixty-ninth, Eighty- nineth, One Hundred and Thirty-first (Thirteenth Cavalry); Selma, Ala., April 2, Seventeenth; Hatcher’s Run, Va., April 2, Twentieth; Clover Hill, Va., April 9, Twentieth; Fort Blakely, Ala., April 9, Sixty-ninth, One Hun- dred and Thirty-first (Thirteenth Cavalry); Macon, Ga., April 20, Sev- enteenth; Palmetto Ranch, Texas, May 13, Thirty-fourth Regiment, last battle of the war. REBEL PRISONS—-PRISON LIFE. Our Randolph soldiers, sharing abundantly in the hardships, perils and sufferings incident to a cruel and terrible war, bore also their full pro- portion in those most fearful and inexpressible scenes, the horrors, the tor- tures, the deaths incident to rebel prisons. The principal prisons used by the rebels for the confinement of their captives were as follows: Belle Island, near Richmond, Va.; Libby Prison, Richmond, Va.; to- bacco factories, Richmond, Va.; Danville, Va.; Lynchburg, Va.; Peters- burg, Va.; Charlotte, N. C.; Raleigh, N. C.; Salisbury, N. C.; Charleston, S. C.; Columbia, S. C.; Florence, S. C., 11,000, graves, 2,795; Anderson- ville, Ga.; Atlanta, Ga.; Blackshear, Ga., temporary prison, not so bad; Ma- con, Ga.; Millen, Ga.; Savannah, Ga.; Chawba, Ala.; Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Camp Ford, or Tyler, Texas; Camp Gross, Texas; Castle Thunder, Rich- mond; Pemberton Prison, Richmond; Smith Prison, Richmond; Jail-yard, Charleston; Roper Hospital, Charleston; workhouse, Charleston. .A considerable number of men from Randolph county, Ind., were so unfortunate as to be captured and to suffer imprisonment. Among them were W. A. W. Daly, Charles Potter, Barnes, of Washington township ; 536 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Edward Simmons, Van Sipe, of Jackson township, and doubtless many others. Barnes died in Andersonville. Daly spent time at Andersonville, Millen, Florence, Savannah and Charleston—fourteen months in all. Some of his experience is given under the head of reminiscences in another part of this work. We avail ourselves of a statement made and published (Pris- on Report by Congressional Committee, 1867-69) concerning Calvin W. Diggs, enlisted from Jay county, but for many years a resident of Win- chester, Randolph county, condensing it to suit our present purpose. The following is a statement of Calvin W. Diggs, then of College Cor- ner, Jay county, Ind.: “T was a private of Company A. Eighty-fourth Indiana Infantry, and was captured at Chickamauga September 21, 1863. For six days I was kept on the battle ground, witnessing meanwhile ‘the terrible sufferings from fearful wounds, aggravated by exposure and neglect. October I, we were packed into cars like so many hogs and taken to Richmond—goo miles. Ar- riving in Richmond October 10, we were searched, our money taken, amounting, in case of the 300 men on the floor where I was, to thousands of dollars. We were put into Smith’s building, and lodged (365 in num- ber) in the lower story, mostly under ground and filthy and damp. Rations, ten ounces bread and three to six ounces of meat, not enough for a_ single meal, the meat being generally tainted and sometimes rotten, and the box containing it lined with skippers. The officer in charge (Turner) was abusive and cruel, and the prisoners did not dare to make even the simplest requests. November 14, 1863, we were taken to Danville, Va., and confined in five tobacco factories. The buildings contained about 2,500 prisoners. Rations at Danville, half a loaf of dark bread of very inferior quality. What it was made of we could not determine. After a while, corn-bread was substituted, of a wretched sort, meal very coarse and unsifted. A little meat also was given, and occasion- ally some soup, though both were filthy and abominable. The weather was very cold, winter of 1863-64, but we had no fire and very little clothing. We lay on the bare floor with no covering. Our Government furnished clothing to some extent about Christmas, 1863, but much even of that passed before long into the hands of the rebels, since the hunger of the men was so very great that very many exchanged clothing for a little food to satisfy their terrible cravings. April 15, 1864, we were sent to Andersonville. The prisoners from Belle Island had preceded us, and they were by far a worse- looking, more wretched set of human beings than ourselves. The ‘dead RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 537 line’ was made by nailing slats on stakes about three feet high, and was about fifteen feet from the stockade. I saw two shot by the guards for crossing the ‘dead line.” One was trying to get some better water by reach- ing beyond the line; the other went beyond the line on purpose and begged the guard to put an end to his misery. There was a bog or swamp of several acres on both sides of the stream on which the stockade was located. No arrangement was made for remov- ing filth or excrement, and the prisoners had to resort to this swamp. The - stream was the only source of supply for water. The condition of the swamp and of the stream may be imagined, but cannot be described. There Were 30,000 prisoners in the stockade at one time. and there was a space of not more than three feet by six to each man. There was almost no shelter, and the rainfall was fearful, at one time twenty days in succession; and the ground became much like a barnyard in the winter. Many dug holes in the ground to burrow in, but the rain would ‘drown’ them out. The cloth- ing became reduced often to pants and blouse, or to drawers and shirt, and those inconceivably ragged, filthy and loathsome. Our rations at first were raw—one to one and a half pints of very coarse, unsifted meal, one gill of rotten, bug eaten beans or peas, or sometimes rice; sometimes a little meat and occasionally a teaspoonful of salt. The cooking had to be done with the vile water of the execrable stream and in the smoke and soot of a pine knot fire. The effect of this wretched feeding was scurvy in its most terri- ble forms, mostly showing itself in pain and stiffness of limbs, running sores and the like. In my own case, it caused contraction of limbs (so as not to be able to walk for two months), severe pain and spongy and bleeding gums (every tooth in my head being perfectly loose). Men would lie help- less, covered with foul sores, dying and insensible, and vile vermin crawl- ing in and out of these fearful ulcers. Most of the deaths occurred inside the stockade; few were taken to the hospital. The deaths inside the prison rose to fifty.and seventy-five per day. A pack of hounds was kept to recap- ture escaped prisoners, since attempts to escape were numerous, chiefly by tunneling. Tunnels had to be dug from four to twelve rods, still, many were made and a considerable number of men got out of the stockade, though most of them were retaken and returned to the prison.” Mr. Diggs very seldom spoke of his prison experience, always shrink- ing from recalling his horrible experiences endured there. Mr. Diggs lived in Winchester until his death, May 22, 1912. 538 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. PRISON EXPERIENCE—-ANDERSONVILLE. William Warrell and his brother, Chester Warrell, enlisted in the Fifty- thitd Ohio Regiment, Company K, August 22, 1861. They were living in Union City, Ohio, at the time. They were taken prisoners by the confed- erates near Atlanta, July 22, 1864, with a few others of the company. They were marched to Andersonville, arriving in a few days, and cast into that den of horrors. They say tongue cannot describe nor the mind conceive the fearful suffering, wretchedness and death of that awful place. Great numbers were already there, probably 30,000, and the mortality was terrible. Disease and death in their most horrid forms, struck down, day and night, month after month, the best and the bravest in that devoted band. The Warrells stood it comparatively well. William says his worst time was at Savannah, after being removed from Andersonville. He was thought to be near death, and he heard his tent mates planning how they would divide his clothes among them when he was dead. He did not let them know he heard them, but he told them he was not going to die, and he did not. He got better, but had to be led, half catried to the pump to wash, etc., for many days. The scenes were sickening. The bodies were all buried naked, the clothes being saved for those who were still alive to wear. The corpses were laid in tiers by the gate, and when the dead wagon came they were piled up in bulk till the wagon was full. Relays of men were kept out- side on parole to dig graves for their poor comrades. Warrell thinks they were buried in separate graves each man by himself. (The author of “An- dersonville” states that the bodies were buried in trenches four feet deep.) This last is probably the truth. They were taken to Millen, perhaps in October, 1864; then to Savannah and again to Florida, and at length to Andersonville. They were exchanged at last, in about April, 1865, 5,000 of them being marched through Florida to Jacksonville in that State, and there passed into the Union lines. The confederates left the prisoners about eight miles from the National troops, told them the road to take and let them go, having been paroled not to bear arms till properly exchanged. Much has been said of the wonderful spring that opened at Andersonville. Warrell saw it burst out. It was on rising ground several rods away from any hollow or bottom. The ground had been growing moist and watery for some days, and it was decided to dig to see what they could find, whereupon the water came forth abundantly. A bartel was set down for a spring or well, and spouts or troughs were laid for the water to run off. The stream was RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 539 as large as one’s arm, furnishing water enough for the whole camp. The water was pure and sweet and cold. One cannot imagine what a blessing was that wonderful spring to those woe-begone men shut up within the im- passable walls of that crowded stockade. Before that time the water was absolutely unendurable, taken from that-reservoir of unutterable stench and filth, the creek and the swamp through which it ran receiving, as it did, the offal from that seething mass of humanity, without the possibility of cleans- ing or purification. But to picture these things is utterly impossible. Those who would see it attempted must read “Andersonville,” one of the most fearfully thrilling books ever put in print. As for cooking, Mr. Warrell’s squad had a kind of pan, which they had made of a plate of sheet-iron some one had managed to get hold of as they were coming in the cars in their passage to Andersonville. It would hold water and they made mush in it and what not. They had no salt, their bread had no salt and none was furnished that he ever heard of. Sometimes fresh beef would be furnished,,and Warrell says: “I al- ways ate mine raw, because I thought it would help to keep the scurvy off that so many suffered and died with. Their mouths would swell and grow raw, their legs and feet would swell twice the natural size, teeth would come loose and fall out, and they would die rotting by piece meal.” “T have seen,” says Mr. Warrell, “men dying with scurvy, naked, ex- cept a rag tied round their waist, and the maggots crawling from their flesh as they lay. Men would be sick with the diarrhoea, so sick they could not go away, and they would dig a hole in the ground near them and use it: for the purposes of nature. Many such holes would be made within a short distance, and the result may be imagined. I never saw any one killed at the ‘dead line,’ but have seen them after they had been killed. I saw a man shot by the guards as we were marching to Millen. There was a pile of staves as we passed along, and a man grabbed one of the staves, and the guard shot him and he fell dead, and we marched on and I never knew any more about him. No utensils of any kind were furnished the prisoners, and many had none at all. The only thing we had was the pan, one-half a foot deep and a foot square. It was stolen once, but we got it again. Those who had money could buy of the guards, corn-bread, or meal, or tobacco. The men would trade anything they had for corn-meal or bread. Every morning would be heard the cry of men wishing to barter—‘who’ll trade meal for tobacco,’ etc. At first, the boys used to cheat the rebels. They would show 540 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. a nice pair of boots perhaps, and make the rebel throw down his meal, etc., first, and then fling a pair of boots, a poor, worthless pair, far over the stockade, and when Johnnie had found them the ‘Yankee rogue’ would be gone and could not be discovered. They stopped all this pretty soon by re- fusing to trade unless the ‘Yank’ would throw his ‘article’ first. The supply of wood was one stick of pine cord wood to twenty-five men, divided by one man into twenty-five parts (one ax was supplied to 100 men) and distributed by one man’ turning his back and telling who should have each particular pile. Each man would take his quota of wood and cut it up into splinters as fine as shavings or matches, and with these make infinitesimal fires to cook their mush. This splitting of their wood and making and watching their ‘teeny-weeny’ fires would take hours and hours of weary time. No shelter of. any kind was furnished. We had a piece of blanket. We dug a hole a foot or two deep, fixed up a bit of a pole and stretched the blanket fragment over so as to keep the dew off, and then slept in that hole. In the winter we would keep warm in the night by ‘trotting’ round among the sleeping men hour after hour, and then we would sleep in the sunshine in the daytime when it was hot. My shoes were stol- en and I had none the whole winter. We had no matches, nor flints, nor any means to produce fire. We had to depend on some one else. Some- body would have fire, and we would kindle ours when we needed. Once in a while molasses was issued, and often the men could trade it off for meal or bread.” WwW. A. W. DALY. “T was captured near Sunshine Church, Ga., during Stoneman’s raid, 120 miles south of Atlanta. The expedition set out for the purpose of re- leasing the prisoners at Macon and Andersonville. We went to Macon, but the prisoners had been moved. Stoneman attacked Macon, but McCook failed to come to time, and we fell back. The rebel advance was met at 10 o'clock p. m. We skirmished until next day, and were surrounded and forced to surrender. So instead of releasing the prisoners at Anderson- ville, the soldiers were scooped into that awful den themselves. entered that ‘hell above ground’ August 2, 1864; was taken to Charleston in No- vember; to Florence in December; afterward to Wilmington, and at length to the Union lines at Goldsboro, N. C., in March, 1865, for parole. I went in hungry; never had a full meal; could have eaten any day at one meal my whole rations for an entire day, i. e., had they been fit for a human creature to eat, which they were not. Our bread was mostly made RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 541 from coarse corn meal badly baked, and wretched stuff. But we ate it, and I came out alive. I went in weighing 216 pounds, but in seven months, when paroled, my weight was only 145 pounds. I had remarkable health for such a place, but language cannot describe such a den of horrors! I had, when captured, a suit of well worn army clothes, and I wore the same without change, with no soap, until I was nearer naked than clad. The brook was filth itself. I had no vessel to wash in. There was no water for any purpose but that dreadful stream, thick with the vileness of 35,000 living and dead prisoners. The only time we had the means of washing in clean water was in a heavy rain which fell. The prisoners stripped, and stood rubbing each others’ backs and limbs as the rain poured in torrents upon them. Soon after that rain, a great wonder came to pass in that stockade. A spring of pure, clean water came gushing forth in the midst of that prison pen, and ran a life-giving stream, enough for ‘those famishing people. It seemed almost like the stream flowing from the ‘rock in the wilderness... The water of this spring sufficed for drinking and cooking, though but little of that was done, in sooth. Men were in line waiting their turn at that heaven-sent fountain all day long. Sometimes the ‘waiting line’ numbered 1,000 men. Before that spring burst forth from out that cursed ground, the filthy water of the brook was all that any- body in that stockade could procure, except that now and then a poor fellow had found a little water by digging. One day a poor fellow (among scores and hundreds of others like him), bespoke my pity who had got fast in the mire of the brook, and I helped him out. Great numbers, sick and helpless, were there besides, and I worked helping the poor wretches a long time, until at last I had to quit to save myself. ¢ I have counted as many as seventy corpses lying stiff and stark at the gate, in one morning, of persons who had died in one dreadful night; and the living would fight for the privilege of carrying a comrade’s lifeless remains forth to the burial-ground outside, because by so doing one got the chance to bring in an arm load of wood gathered outside. Men died by scores, by hundreds, by thousands, within those awful walls, yet I came forth alive; I still survive that loathsome dungeon. “During that awful suffering, the great body of those men stood firm and steadfast in their loyalty, resisting every attempt to seduce them from their allegiance to their native land. Many times we were marshaled in (35) 542 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. line and offered freedom and abundance by joining the ranks of the ‘men in grey,’ but very few yielded even to such offers. True as steeel, those heroic men continued faithful to their flag, many of them even unto death. And those who lived to gain their freedom, if able for duty, rejoined their regiments and finished their terms of service on the tented field.” Mr. Warrell was never outside the stockade, only as he was taken out to be moved to some othef prison. The prisoners named by William Warrell are as follows: William Warrell, Company K, Fifty-third Ohio, nine months, Union City; Chester Warrell, Company K, Fifty-third Ohio, nine months, Union City; Jeremiah Torney, Fortieth Ohio, eighteen months, Ward township; Leven B. Moyer, Fortieth Ohio, eighteen months; Stephen Boast, Fortieth Ohio, eighteen months; Newton Founts, Fortieth Ohio, Kansas. Others are as follows: W A. W. Daly, Ninetieth; Charles Potter, Ninetieth; Calvin W. Diggs, Eight-fourth; John Stick, Alabama, Fifty-fifth Ohio, Company K; Barnes, died, Ninetieth; James Ryan, Fifty-third Ohio; Noah Ingle, For- tieth (Cavalry), died in six weeks; Peter Shaffer, Fortieth Ohio; John Cring, now of Portland, Jay county, Ind.; Daniel Bond, now of Science Hill, Ky. Francis M. Way, Captain Company B, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, ex-postmaster at Winchester, Ind.; removed to Minnesota in the summer of 1881, but returned to Winchester in a few months; now resides at that place. DEATH OF SOLDIERS, RANDOLPH, COUNTY. We group in one place the names of soldiers who died while belonging to the army, so far as information is to be found. The arrangement is alphabetical for convenient reference: Samuel Armstrong, Ninth Regiment, Company C, died May 23, 1865. George Allman (belongs to Jay county), Nineteenth Regiment, Com- pany C, died October 11, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, Md. Eli Abernathy, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died October 5, 1861. John R. Anderson, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Antie- tam, Md., September 17, 1862. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 543 Calvin W. Arnold, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company D, killed at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Jackson Anderson, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died December 9, 1862. Oliver Adkins, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died February 12, 1863. John Addington, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Look- out Mountain, Ga., of wounds, September 2, 1864. Henry Addington, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Nashville, Tenn., October 7, 1863. William W. Albright, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died Feb- ruary 6, 1864. James Abernathy, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Nash- ville, Tenn., July 12, 1863. Henry C. Brandon, Eighth Regiment, Company G (three years), wounded at Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863; died May 5, 1863. Alexander Burk, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Gettys- burg, Penn., July 1, 1863. Amer J. Bales, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Nashville, Tenn., April 16, 1862. William Brewer, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Memphis, Tenn., December 2, 1862. Jonathan Brown, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Young’s Point, La., March 11, 1863. Martin V. Beard, Company D, Sixty-ninth Regiment, died February 3, 1863. William T. Botkin, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died February 12, 1863. . Jesse S. Byrd, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died at Port Gibson, Miss., May 2, 1863. Madison Beverlin, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Young’s Point, La, April 3, 1863. Abner Bales, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company FE, died at Young’s Point, La., February 14, 1863, of disease. Jackson Bishop, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company FE, died April 1, 1863. Elbert Bragg, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, missing in action, Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Andrew J. Bragg, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died May 27, 1864. 544 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “Edwin Burnsley, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H. died at Nash- ville, Tenn., December 20, 1863. oe Henry Brown, Eighty-fourth, Company I, killed at Nashville, Tenn., December 12, 1864. - Thomas N. Barnes, Ninetieth Regiment, Company B, died in Ander- sonville Prison August 15, 1864. William Brown, Ninetieth Regiment, Company B, died at Indianapolis, November 14, 1862. “Daniel Brittain, Ninetieth Regiment, Company C, died at Nashville, Tenn., October 8, 1864. Orin Barber, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B, died at Memphis, Tenn., June 1, 1864. Albert T. Butler, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment, Company A, died at home, March 16, 1865. James Chandler, Company H, Sixth Regiment (three years), died Oc- tober 1, 1863, of wounds at Chickamauga. Reuben Clark, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Gettysburg, Penn., July 1, 1863. William A. Crouch, Twenty-first Regiment, Company C, died Decem- ber 5, 1864. Thomas J. Calvin, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at New Orleans, La., September 12, 1864. Richard J. Corry, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Port Gib- son, Miss., May 1, 1863. George W. Caty, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died March 14, 1863. ‘ Joshua Cate, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 15, 1863. Joel Cook, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863, disease. John H. Clark, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died October 2, 1862, wounds. Thomas Cox, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at: Milliken’s Bend, La., June 28, 1863, of disease.. ; Orlister.R. Caty, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died on the day of his discharge, May 22, 1864. _. William Clough, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, killed at Port Gib- son, Miss., May 1, 1863. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 545 George W. Chenoweth, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died May 14, 1863. Thomas Coril, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died of wounds December 8, ' 1863. Charles B. Clove, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company K, killed at ‘Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. . Joseph L. Coffin, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company E, died at Indianapolis, November 12, 1863. Benjamin Cobey, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany G, died at Union City, Ind., February 1, 1864. John Conner, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company G, died at Atlanta, Ga., October 4, 1864. . Elihu Coates, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, killed near Atlanta, Ga., August 5, 1864. Gilbert L. Cox, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H. died at Altoona, Ga., June 27, 1864. John T. Carson, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment, Company A, died at Indianapolis, March 7, 1865. Willmore Cook (colored), died in service. George Denny, Twenty-first Regiment, Company F, died at New Or- leans, February 26, 1865. William G. Densmore, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died Janu- ary 25, 1864. Robert E. Daly, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Richmond, Ky.. of wounds, October 10, 1863. Thomas H. Downing, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died May 14, 1863, of wounds. William C. Diggs, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Cass- ville, Va., January 25, 1863. Elias Dull, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Ashland, Ky., December 31, 1862. Benjamin Doty, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, killed at Love- joy Station, Ga., September 2, 1864. Henry Dick, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died of wounds July 5, 1864. Patterson P. Dood, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Nashville. Tenn., January 1, 1864. 546 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. William L. Dudley, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany B. died at Knoxville, Tenn., July 20, 1864. George R. Driver, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany G, died at Nashville, Tenn, December 22, 1864. Isaac W. Elliot, Ftitty-seventh Regiment, Company D, died oi wounds December 28, 1863. Warren Elzroth, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company D, killed in battle November 30, 1864. Eh .Edwards, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died near Milliken’s Bend, January 6, 1863. George W. Evans, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company K, died October 25, 1863. John M. Englehart, One Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment, Com- pany C, died at Memphis, Tenn., May 9, 1865. John Ensminger, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany B, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 31, 1864. John French, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died at Union City, Ind. Josiah French, Ninth Regiment, Company I, died of disease at Nash- ville, Tenn., January 5, 1865. Jasper L. Fry, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Spottsyl- vania, Va., May 12, 1864. Peter L. Foust, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Gettys- burg, Penn., July 1, 1863. Thornton Freeman, Ftfty-seventh Regiment, Company D, killed at Stone River, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Joseph S. Frazier, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died in hospital at Baton Rouge, La., January 1, 1863, of disease. Samuel Gantz, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Nash- ville, Tenn., December 29, 1864. Joseph Gray, Eighty-ninth Regiment, Company E, killed at Yellow Cayou, La., May 18, 1864. Andrew J. Goodman, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Richmond, Ind., March 21, 1864. Abner Hinshaw, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died at St. Louis, Mo., of disease, January 7, 1863. William Hoover, Nineteenth Regtiment, Company C, killed at Gettys- burg, Penn., July 1, 1863. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 547 James H. Hamm, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. William A. Howren, Twentieth Regiment, Company A, died of wounds received at Petersburg, October 18, 1864. Charles C. Heck, Thirty-fourth Regiment, Company B, died at Brazos Santiago, Texas, January 17, 1865. _ John Hartman, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company C, died near Uniorr City, Indiana., March 19, 1864, buried in Union City Cemetery. John House, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company C, died at Loutisville, Ky., January 13, 1862. Eli Hiatt, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Shiloh, Tenn., May 15, 1862. Ira Hanks, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, killed at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. Benjamin F. Hill, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at New Or- leans, La., October 6, 1864. Jasper Hastings, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Milliken’s Bend, on Mississippi River, April 10, 1863. Dantiel S. Hoggatt, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at home. James M. Hoggatt, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Black River Bridge, Miss., July 26, 1863. Asa J. Haynes, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died January 4, 1863. Henry Hill, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at St. Louis, Mo., February 5, 1863. John Harness, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, drowned in Ala- bama river, April 22, 1865. Solomon G. Harter, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, killed at Fort Blakely, Ala., April 6, 1865. Edward H. Harlan, Stixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died March 27, 1863. Nathan Hiatt, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, killed at Chick- amauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Elwood Harris, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died July 20, 1864. Michael Hubbard, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died July 20, 1864. John Heffern, Eighty-fourth Regtiment, Company A, died at Mur- freesboro, Tenn., July 20, 1863. 548 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Moses Heron, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Nashville, Tenn., September 5, 1863. Peter Harshman, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died in Ander- sonville Prison, Ga., September 12, 1864. Elwood Hall, Ninetieth Regiment, Company B, died at Indianapolis, November 14, 1862. Jonathan H. Harris, Ninetieth Regiment, Company B, died at Camp Nelson, Ky., January 21, 1863. Abram Hunt, Ninetieth Regiment, Company B, died at home Febru- ary 20, 1864. Elias Heffine, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 7, 1864. Alfred Hall, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B. died at Memphis, Tenn., March 7, 1864. Eli J. Harris, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died near Atlanta, Ga., August 6, 1864. Thomas C. Holloway, One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment, Company I, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 7, 1864. John T. Jenkins, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, killed at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864. Richard E. Jenkins, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died at St. Louis, Mo., of disease, April 16, 1863. Daniel B. Johnson, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died November 5, 1861. 4 Alexander Jones, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Corinth, Miss.. May 19, 1862. \V. H. H. Johnson, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, dtied at Vicks- burg, Miss., August 11, 1863. Joshua Jessup, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died on hospital boat. Jonas Johnson, killed at Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863. John W. Johnson, Ninetieth Regiment, Company C, killed at Blounts- ville, Tenn., September 22, 1863. Francis M. Johnson, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Com- pany B, died at White’s Station, Tenn., August 3, 1864. W. P. Jessup, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., April 27, 1864. William H. Kepler, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Wash- ington City, October 19, 1861, of disease. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 549 Enoch Kelly, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Washington City, January 8, 1863. Francis W. Kolp, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, killed” at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Benjamin Kitzmiller, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company K, died De- cember 11, 1864, of disease. William Kennon, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany G, died at Union City, Ind., February 1, 1864, of wounds. John Kizer, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at \larietta, Ga., April 28, 1864, of disease; buried in Marietta Na- tional Cemetery. Robert \WW Linton, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, wounded at Gainesville, Va., died April 9, 1862. ‘Albert P. Leavell, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company C, killed at Kene- saw Mountain, Ga., June 18; 1864. William H. Lasley, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Cor- inth, Miss., \lay 12, 1862, of disease. Frederick M. Lasley, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, killed at Mobile, Ala., by arsenal explosion, May 25, 1865. Nelson R. Lowder, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died of wounds May 14, 1863. Joel Locke, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, killed at Chickasaw Bluffs, Miss., December 31, 1862. Elijah Lambert, Sixty-ntinth Regiment, Company F, killed at Thom- son’s Hill, Miss., May 1, 1863. James W. Landon, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company K, died August 18, 1863, of disease. Miles O. Long, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment, Company I, died May 16, 1865. Abraham Lady, Etighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died June 6, 1863. Charles McGuire, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died of disease at St. Louis. Mo., February 22, 1863. Anthony Mincer, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died of wounds at Vicksburg, Miss., June 7, 1863. James McFetridge, Ninth Regiment, Company C, died June 17, 1865, of disease. William Marshall, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Indian- apolis. 550 RANPOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Samuel A. McNees, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died Septem- ber 23, 1862; wounded at Gainesville, Va. - Patrick McMahan, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, wounded at Gainesville, died-October 16, 1862. John Q. A. Moffitt, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Wash- ington City, November 21, 1861. William Miller, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died from wounds at Gainesville, Va., September 7, 1862. Anderson P. McNees, Nineteenth Regtiment, Company C, killed at Laurel Hill, Va., May 9, 1864. Joab Miller, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Antietam, Md., Septeber 7, 1862. Uriah B. Murray, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Gaines- ville, Va., September 7, 1862. Nathan B. Maxwell (from Jay county), Nineteenth Regiment, Com- pany C, died at Washington City, of disease, December 12, 1862. Henry Marshall, Twentieth Regiment, Company A, died at Salisbury Prison, N. C., February 28, 1865. William L. Miller, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company C, died at Nash- ville, Tenn., April 17, 1862. John C. McCarty, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company D, died at Chat- tanooga, Tenn., July 7, 1864. John Morris, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Louisville, Ky., July 28, 1864. William Morris, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Knox- ville, Tenn., October 7, 1863. Peter Meachum, Stixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Memphis, Tenn., January 1, 1863. James W. Morrison, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, killed at Rich- mond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Henry May, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, killed at Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1862, Henry Mayer, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died March 26, 1863, at Memphis, Tenn. John Morgan, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died September 10, 1862, wounds. Isaac Mann, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, drowned in Mississ- ippi River, June 18, 1864. Levi Matchett, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died March 6, 1863. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 551 Peter E. Matchett, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died July 13, 1862. Daniel E. Miller, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died March 6, 1863, of disease. Noah Martin, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Chatta- nooga, Tenn., October 14, 1863, of disease. William Mendenhall, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, dtied of wounds, at Chattanooga, Tenn., October 6, 1863. Daniel W. McCamy, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Franklin, Tenn., May 13, 1863, of disease. Andrew Miller, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Nash- ville, Tenn., August 15, 1863, of disease. John T. Miller, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died January 5, 1864. George Manes, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died at Catletts- burg, Ky., November 28, 1862. Edwin E. Malott, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, killed at Kene- saw, Ga., June 23, 1864. William Murray, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company T, died January 25, 1864. . James McGill, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, killed at Chicka- mauga, Tenn., September 19, 1865. John S. Morrison, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Cat- lettsburg, Ky., December 7, 1862. John N. Murray, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany G, died at Chattanooga, Tenn., August 15, 1864. Leander S. Murray, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regtiment, Com- pany G, died at Bridgeport, Ala., April 20, 1864. Joseph L. Moffitt, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany G, died at Marietta, Ga., August 10, 1864. John R. Mote, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Knoxville, Tenn., August 8, 1864. Manuel D. Miller, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany H, died at Louisville. Ky., April 3, 1864. James H. Murray, One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment, Company F. died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., of disease, January 1, 1865, buried at Nation- al cemetery at Murfreesboro. James Nicholas, Ninth Regiment, Company C, died January 15, 1865. of disease. 552 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Curtis L. Neal, 5ixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died 1 in rebel prison, Cahaba, Ala., November, 1863. James L. Neff, One Hundred and Twenty- fourth Regiment, Captain Company H, killed at Wise’s Forks, N. C., March 10; 1865. Daniel B. Oren, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died May 25, 1863. William Odell, Sixty-ninth Regtiment, Company E, - missing since bat- tle of Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. © Thomas H. Parker, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Wash- ington City, of disease, November 21, 1861. . Asahel S. Peacock, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, died at Camp Dentison, Ohio, of disease, May 15, 1862. William H. Pierce, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Mem- phis, Tenn., of disease, May 9, 1863. jeeps Parmer, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, killed at Rich- mond, .Ky., August 30, 1862. Walliam Platt, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., of disease, June 9, 1863. John Pearsonett, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company’ E, died at New Or- leans, La., of disease, September 29, 1863. Wilson S. Peden, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died March 14, 1863. Peter J. Poiner, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company I, dtied at Catletts- burg, Ky., November 24, 1863. Daniel Phillabaum, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company K, died May 2, 1863, of disease. Alfred Pickett, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Chatta- nooga, Tenn., November 5, 1863. Thomas A. Poage, Eighty-fourth Regtiment, Company A, died at Ash- land, Ky., December 31, 1862, of disease. Zachariah Puckett, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B, died at Memphis, Tenn., February 5, 1865. Orville B. Peterson, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B, died at home July 30, 1864. Elias G. Quickle, Sixty-ntinth Regiment, Company D, died November 29, 1863. Michael Rariden, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died at Union City, Ind., December 20, 1863. Andrew J. Reeves, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at ——, February 8, 1862. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 553 James Rynard, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Petersburg, Va., June 30, 1864. Israel P. Rickard, Forty-seventh Regiment, Company B, died at New Orleans, September 14, 1865. Robert F. Robinson, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company E, killed at Kenesaw, Ga., June 23, 1864. Robert P. Russell, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C. died at Rich- mond, Ky., September 10, 1862, of wounds. Myron Ross, Sixty-ntinth Regiment, Company D, died January 16, 1863, at Memphis, of disease. ‘James M. Rupe, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, died April 2, 1863. Henry C. Reynolds, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died on hos- pital boat at Memphis, February 27, 1863. Wilson C. Rouch, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, killed by accident April 9, 1862. Felix Ryan, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company B, died at Knoxville, Tenn., August 24, 1864. Simon W. Ross, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany F, died at Bridgeport, Ala., July 2, 1864, of disease. James A. Ramsey, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany G, died at Nashville, Tenn., July 7, 1864. Joseph Stack, Ntineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Washington City February 23, 1862. Christopher C. Starbuck, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Gettysburg, Penn., July 1, 1863. James Stickley, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, killed at Gettys- burg, Penn., July 1, 1863. William H. Sutter, Nineteenth Regiment, Company C, died at Wash- ‘ngton City, September 6, 1861. William Stoner, Forty-second Regiment, Company B, died at Chatta- nooga, Tenn., April 1, 1865. Simon B. Sermons, Fifty-seventh Regiment, Company D, killed at Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864. William Segraves, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died on Missis- sippi river January 3, 1863. Preston Swain, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., March 11, 1863. Andrew J. Stephens, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, killed at Rich- mond, Ky., August 30, 1862. 554 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. James C. Smith, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died of wounds January 7, 1863. Wesley B. Stanley, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, killed at Vicks- burg, Miss., May 22, 1863. Franklin Slagle, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Memphis, Tenn., of disease, February 15, 1863. William Stegall, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Milliken’s Bend, La., of disease, March 31, 1863" Alonzo R. Scott, Sixty-ntinth Regiment, Company F, died January 30, 1863. Joel Smith, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died November 2, 1863, of disease. Daniel W. Shipley, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, drowned in Ala- bama river April 22, 1865. David Snyder, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died: at Shell Mound, Ga., November 18, 1863. Wiliam H. J. Spencer, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, killed at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 19, 1863. Josiah Shanefelt, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, died of wounds July 5, 1864. ‘ Isaac Shull, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company E, killed at Chickamauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Wm. L. Steele, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, promoted Sec- ond Lieutenant, died at Franklin, Tenn., May 16, 1863. James Shearer, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth: Regiment, Company H, died at Knoxville, Tenn., July 11, 1864. Henry H. Sweet, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment, Company I, died at Indianapolis April 12, 1865. Martin R. Thomas, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died at Winchester, Ind., of disease, August 10, 1862. William Taylor, Stixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Memphis, Tenn., December 10, 1862. Lorenzo Thornburg, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, killed at Rich- mond, Ky., August 30, 1863. Benjamin Throp, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B, died at Memphis, Tenn., April 1, 1864, Alvah Tucker, One Hundred and Nineteenth Reg'iment, Company B, died at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., May 30, 1864. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 555 George C. Terrell, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died of wounds March 22, 1865. John F. Taylor, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment, Company I, died June 1, 1865. August Ulrich, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died at Arkansas Post, Ark., January 13, 1863. Jacob Van Gordon, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company K, died August 15, 1864, of wounds. Moses P. Veal, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company D, killed at Thomson’s Hill (Port Gibson), Miss., May 1, 1863. Lorenzo D. Veal, One Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment, Company C, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 8, 1865. Henry Veal, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company E, died at Williamsburg, Ind., September 20, 1863. Henry T. Warner, Eighth Regiment, Company G, died at St. Louis, Mo., of disease, October 10, 1862. Samuel Wilson, Eighth Regiment, Company G, died at Humansville, Mo., of disease, November —, 1861. Samuel H. Webb, Eighth Regiment (three years), Company G, died at Ridgeville, Ind., October 22, 1864, of wounds recelived at Pea Ridge, Ark. Charles Wood, Eighth Regiment, Company G, died at Humansville, Mo., of disease, November 12, 1862. Isaiah Woodard, Ninth Regiment, Company K, died at Knoxville, Tenn., April 30, 1865. Thomas Webb, Sixty-ntinth Regiment, Company C, killed at Richmond, Ky., August 30, 1862. Uriah Wright, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company C, died on hospital boat, February, 1863. Charles Vickers, Sixty-ninth Regiment, Company F, died January 2, 1863. Josiah Woodard, Etighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Wartrace, Tenn., August 11, 1863, of disease. Joseph Wood, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, killed at Chicka- mauga, Tenn., September 20, 1863. Valentine White, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company A, died at Nash- ville, Tenn., May 24, 1863, of disease. Clayborn West, Eighty-fourth Regtiment, Company H, died April to, 1863. ‘550 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. George Woodbury, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, died at Frank- lin, Tenn., April 19, 1863. _ Henry T. Way, Eighty-fourth Regiment, Company H, diéd April 26, 1863, sergeant. William Walton, Ninety-ninth Regiment, Company H, died March 21, 1863. Luther C. Williamson, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Com- pany B, died at Memphis, Tenn., April 18, 1865. Elijah Wood, One Hundred and Nineteenth Regiment, Company B, dtied at home August 12, 1864. Samuel Williams, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company G, died at Newton, Ind., October 12, 1864. John R. Winship, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Company H, killed at Wise’s Forks, N. C., March 10, 1865. J. P. Yarnell, Sixty-ninth Regtiment,-Company C, died September 1, 1862, of wounds, at Richmond, Ky. John A. Zimmerman, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, Com- pany H, died at Indianapolis September 5, 1864. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. When Lee surrendered at Appomattox it was the hope and prayer of all -American citizens, regardless of former beliefs, and opinions, that the war, with all its horrors and ravages would never again be known to the United States. ‘Lessons of the past four years with all the realities of the war were such that it seemed impossible that again we should be called upon to take up arms in any cause. However, this was not to be. The United States, indeed, be- came its brother’s keeper and lent an ear to the call for relief from oppres- sion and tyranny in Cuba. Again the fife and drum were taken from the attic, the sword from its scabbard and the musket from its place on the wall, and pressed ‘into service in the name of humanity at the call of President McKinley in 1898. Indiana was found much better prepared to respond than it was at the beginning of the Civil war. It had been evident for a long while that the United States would have to "intercede for the oppressed in Cuba. April 23, 1898, President McKinley called for 125,000 volunteers to serve two years unless sooner discharged. The formal declaration of war RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 557 against Spain was passed by congress and approved April 25th at 6:15 on the evening of that day. Governor Mount, of Indiana, received instructions to provide four regi- ments of infantry and two batteries of light artillery, Indiana. The National Guard was ordered to report at once to General McKee at the fair grounds at Indianapolis. The response to the call of Governor Mount was as enthu- siast'ic as was the call of Governor Morton in 1861, indeed the entire 125,000 called for by the president could have been secured in a few hours in Indiana alone. The companies were all recruited to the number of eighty-four in a few minutes time. Excitement ran high all over the state. In nearly all towns public meetings were held. Winchester, the home of Company F’, was no exception to this rule. A meeting was called and held in the court room and short addresses were made by the veterans of ’61. White-haired men, trembling with emotion, gave words of counsel, cheer and warning to the boys about to leave. The talk of one man, Capt. W. A. W. Daly, was exceptionally impressive. The audi- ence fully appreciated the fact that the words of this man were spoken by one who had spent years in the service of his country, suffering innumerable and unspeakable horrors in the prison pens of Andersonville. What, indeed, must have been the emotion of this good man when before him sat in the com- pany, about to depart, three of his own sons. The company marched to the Big Four station accompanied by the en- tire population of the city and surrounding country and left for camp at In- dianapolis accompanied by the best wishes and prayers of all those left be- hind. Company F was the only company enlisted in this war from Randolph county, and of it we take the following from a history of the National Guard of Indiana: Company F is the second military organization which has flourished in Winchester. On August 28, 1883, the Winchester Light Guards were or- ganized and mustered into state service October 15th following. The com- pany served through but one term of enlistment as Company I of the Second Regiment. The officers were Captain Enos M. Ford, First Lieutenant Albert M. Russell, and Second Lieutenant Benjamin C. Marsh. The present company was organized September 22, 1896, with fifty-five members, and was mustered in by Major W. S. Rich. It was assigned to the second regiment as Company F. and such it has been since. There was not a man with any military experience and the members paid no attention to the preliminary work, but at once took up the school of the (36) 558 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. soldier, with the result that they were turned down on their first inspection and were compelled to wait six months before they could secure their arms and equipment. As no camp of instruction was held during the summer of 1897, the company decided to hold one of "its own at Lake Pequanaha, about ten miles from Winchester. A requisition was made for tents and kitchen utensils and the company left for the lake on the second Saturday in July. When the men arrived about six in the evening, it was found that the tents and supplies were ‘in Winchester, and it was necessary to send a detail back for them. The things reached the camp about four the next morning. The guard mount was ludicrous in the extreme, and blank cartridges were issued to the guards and bayonets fixed. Three days of the camp were sufficient, and the company returned home. During the winter, dances and minstrel entertainments were given, while football games and indoor gymnastics were frequent. At midnight on April 25, 1898, the orders to report in Indianapolis for muster into United States service were received, and, as had been previously arranged, two rounds were fired from a cannon and by one o’clock the drum corps was out. Messengers were sent into the country and Lieutenant Jeri- cho received recruits as fast as he could administer the oath and swore in the last one ten minutes before the train left. The company took fifty men in uniform and thirty. without, and the one thing most vividly remembered by the members was the first dinner at Camp Mount, which was followed the next day by a chicken dinner, some twenty-five chickens having disappeared from neighboring hen roosts the previous night. The second regiment of Indiana National Guard of which Company F was a part “was the second regiment to be mustered ‘into United States serv- ice, and on May 10 it became the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. The regiment was doomed to great disappointment so far as active service was concerned, for it did not get beyond camp Mife. It moved to Chickamauga on May 16, leaving Indiana in the evening and reach- ing Chattanooga the following evening. The men remained in the cars all night, and the entire day following was consumed in moving to Lytle, Georgia, a distance of but twelve miles, as troops were pouring into the park from all parts of the country and there was but one railroad from Chattanooga to Lytle. About 4 o’clock in the afternoon the train reached Lytle and the regi- ment started on a three-mile march for camp. It was dark before camping place was reached, and the men bivouacked for the night. The next morning camp was established and the regtiment was brigaded with the Second Ohio RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 559 and the First West Virginia, the brigade which was commanded by General McKee. “Five months of monotonous routine duty followed, which was not brightened by any prospect of seeing duty in Cuba or Porto Rico. The grounds became so unsanitary that a portion of the troops, including the regi- ment, was ordered to Camp Poland, near Knoxville, Termessee, and camp was broken on August 25 and established at Camp Poland the following day. There it remained until September 12, when it was ordered to Indianapolis to be mustered out. The regiment reached Camp Mount two days later, and was furloughed for thirty days from September 17. It re-assembled October 17, and was discharged November 4.” Company F did not lose any men in the service but has lost an unusually large number since, as will be seen in the following sketch of the company written by Rosecrans Bosworth, for the reunion of the company held in Win- chester, October 9, 1913. The following sketch of Company F, Winchester, Indiana, was written by Rosecran Bosworth for the reunion of that company : \ sketch of the origin and history of Company F, 158th Ind. Vol. Inf., and some notes of the reunion held Thursday, October 9, 1913, at Winches- ter, Ind. In 1886 John R. Wright, son of Chris. Wright, a charter member of the G. A. R., and Mary Wright, a charter member of the W. R. C., became a charter member of the camp of Sons of Veterans, now commonly known as “Old 44° He was assigned and naturally took to that part of the old ritual “drilling the squad’. Along about that time several of our citizens, led by William Reinheimer and J. W. Macy, bought the cannon, which is now mounted near the southwest corner of the court house, for reunion, salute and political use. There was a large part of the year it was not in use and the boys in the “drill squad” of “Old 44” got to talking about “working it.” Mr. Wright got permission of the committee in charge and organized a cannon squad known as “Little 44 Battery,” which became so proficient that it was taken to St. Joe, Mo., in 1890, and won first prize in a contest there. On its re- turn, enthusiasm ran high, and, urged by citizens and members of the squad, Mr. Wright tried to get a commission to organize a battery of artillery at Winchester. He was informed by those in control of the Indiana Guard that the artillery branch was full, but that they would be glad to have an Infantry company at Winchester, and gave him the necessary papers, and in 1896 Com- pany F. Second Indiana National Guard was mustered into service. J. R. 560 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Wright, captain, Dr. G. C. Markle, first lieutenant, and Walter Daly, second lieutenant, all “Old 44” boys, as were a large number of the enlisted men. As I did not join Company F till just before they were mustered into the United States service, I know little of its history, but will try to get it later, but the resignation of Lieutenant Markle, late in ’97, and the resignation of Captain Wright early in ‘98 together with other conditions had left the com- pany not in the best of conditions when the Spanish war came in 1808, almost like thunder out of a clear sky. As soori as it looked like war the company was recruited as soon as possible and the officers who later went into United - States service were elected and on March 1oth were commissioned, Walter H. Daly, captain; Will O. Jericho, first lieutenant; H. G. Conklin, second lieu- tenant, H. A. Smith, first sergeant; H. O. Stace, quartermaster sergeant. On April 29th congress passed the famous resolution of intervention, which amounted to the same as a declaration of war. On the 23d the cali for 125,000 volunteers was issued. On the night of April 25th Captain Daly re- ceived order to remove his company to the State Fair Ground, near Indian- apolis. To tell the story of these hours needs a better pen than mine, the boys have told me of it, some try to joke about it, but make a “sorry out of it,” but the moisture usually gathers in the eye when it is mentioned; it was mighty serious. “War is Hell” and no earthly power could tell what might have hap- pened to “that bunch of kids” who were so dear to those they were leaving. Early the next morning, the 26th of April, 1898, I found them quartered in the agricultural hall at the State Fair Ground, and they were a hungry bunch. On May toth we were mustered into the 158th Indiana Volunteer In- fantry and on the 16th we were on our way to Camp Thomas in Chickamauga Park, near Chattanooga, Tenn., where we arrived, landing at Lytle Station, Ga., on the 18th, and marched two and one-half miles east to near Jay’s Mill, which is in the northeast corner of the reservation, where we went into camp and stayed in that one spot till August 25th, when we broke camp and were taken to Camp Poland near Knoxville, Tenn., arriving there the next day. We stayed there until September 12th when we left for Indianapolis, arriving there the 14th. On the 17th we were furloughed for thirty days, returned in due time and were dischargd:on November 4. Then we scattered, each one going to his own home as fast as he could. Oh, the stories, volumes of them, that could be told by, and on each one of us, and it would be mighty interesting reading to a lot of people, too. The landing in Camp Mount hungry and the several things that were done to get food. How the mind drifts back to Ray Klefeker, to the blanketing, the run- ning the guard line, and Comrade Wigmore on the road to Chattanooga, the ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 561 pretty girls at Somerset, Ky., the march to camp near Jay’s Mill, the bath in Chickamauga creek, the pup tents, the measles, the Midway just out of the park east, the hospital, the drills—six a day, two on Sunday. Talk about drilled regiments, if there was a better outside the standing army of Europe, I would like to see it. The guard house, well we had everything I ever heard of, in army life, but the hard marching and fighting, and I don’t know of one in Company F but would far rather had that, than have had the dreary heart and digestion, wiecking time and the food we had at Camp Thomas, but then we had the quartette and Charles Daly with his kodak and diary and his helpful way with all the boys, and by the way, he is the one that ought to be writing this “his- tory : Lis Daly, Busic, Kid Burris, Ep. Ayres, and his mules, Austin, Benson, whispering Hubig, Jackson, Dotterer, Kellar, Munden, Rogerson, Sims, Stan- ley, Walrod, Warrum and the dog, Wigmore, Lewis, Pierson and Wandering Brannon, any and all of whom could be depended on to put on a stunt on short notice of his or their inimitable specialty and an absolute guarantee of no two alike and something new each time. This helped a lot. So many things spring into mind but I do not dare to take the space. Then came the rumor, “we are going home,”’ how I would remember the look of joy that broke over their faces when they heard it, always followed by a look of pain perhaps setting down with face in hands and the plaintive cry, “Oh, if we had only seen some service’; a few swore that they would never go to their old stamping ground until they had seen some service, and some didn’t, some joined the 160th and r61st in or on the way to Cuba, some went into the regular army and saw service in the Philippines, China, etc. Jackson and Burris were in the Chinese Tientsin-Pekin trouble and another died from the effects of this campaign, etc., then we got back at last to Indianapolis and how the ladies of that city banqueted us and our personal friends met us and could not do enough for us and the furlough and the wonderful banquet in Gordon Rink, then the empty space for more of the glory of mother, wife or sweetheart and home for the rest. Well, we separated and no concerted action had been taken in these fif- teen years to keep track of each other for either the protection of our interests or the pleasure of renewing old times. While getting ready for Home Coming Day some of our boys thought, why wouldn’t it be a good time for Company F to come home, all the close-by boys were called together and a temporary organization formed by electing Sergeant Howard, chairman ; Sergeant Smith, secretary-treasurer; Lieutenant Jericho, chairman; reception committee, U. G. 562 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Daly, Stanley and Troy Smith on time, place and banquet committee, Bos- worth, Ziegler and Charles Daly on invitation and program. We all went to work and had things moving nicely, invitations were sent to each member of the company whose address could be had, and to the regimental, battalion and hospital officers for a reunion to be held the afternoon and evening before Home Coming Day; scon answers came back till we were assured of near forty coming. They began drifting in some days before the day set till there were thirty registered when we set down to the banquet. To me this reunion was one of the pleasantest experiences of my life. In the afternoon we met in- formally in the present armory offices and had an old-time camp talk. It was mighty interesting to hear Grant Pierson and Charlie Sims tell the anecdotes of camp life all the way to who greased the ‘dummy track.’ And Lester Bur- ris, Sel. Jackson and Ed Lewis telling of the wonders of China, the Philip- pines and all over the world. Then came the banquet in the Sons of Veterans Hall at 7 p.m. Captain Daly presided and had prepared a fine program, which, after the welcome address and response, the latter by Comrade Sims, as he only can do it and the reading of very nice and interesting letters from Colonel Harry B. Smith, now at the head of a large sheet metal company, at Salisbury, N. C., Major H. T. Conde, with a mercantile company, with headquarters in Peoria, Hl., and Sergeant Major Moorehead, at the head of the law department of the Bobi. Merrill Company, Indianapolis, and some of our Company F boys. The boys then took charge, and oh, the time they did have, I couldn’t describe it if I would, I wouldn’t dare if I could. You of Company F who read this see who was there in the list at the end of this article, you will understand. Ata late hour we settled down as First Sergeant Smith began to call the roll as he used to and those who knew told of those absent, of the living, what they were doing, and where, of the dead (eighteen of them) all they could, some we have lost track of and want to hear from them badly. : Company F was mustered into the United States service with eighty-three officers and men; in June Charles Daly came back to Randolph county and enlisted twenty-seven more who were mustered in June 22nd making 110 of- ficers and men. Following the roll call came the business. It was unani- mously carried that we should have a permanent organization to be known as the Company F 158th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Reunion Association, which should meet each year as determined by previous meeting, that we should have a president and secretary-treasurer by election and that he should appoint a historian and three of an executive committee of five of which the president and secretary shall be members, whose duty it will be to make all the arrange- ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 563 ments for the next reunion. All officers to hold office one year or until their successors are selected. The election results as follows: Captain Daly, presi- dent, First Sergeant Smith, secretary-treasurer, President Daly appointed the following: Historian, R. J. Bosworth; Executive Committee, R. J. Bosworth, F. W. Howard and P. H. Stanley. As this was a meeting to perfect a permanent organization and find out what the comrades wanted in the future, it was decided that nobody outside of the regiment would be invited, but it was the almost unanimous wish of those present that the wives and families of the members of the company be invited to our next reunion and that it be held in Winchester, as near as pos- sible to the next Home Coming Day, if there is one next year, if not the execu- tive committee to fix the date. It was carried that a payment of 50 cents be asked each member to meet the expenses that will have to be met in perfect- ing and keeping up our organization, especially that which will fall on our secretary, who will have his hands full from now on in keeping track of the boys and answering letters on everything pertaining to the company and its members. This fee should be sent to Secretary Smith as soon as possible. The following is the roll call of Company F as given by Adjutant Gen- eral Gore’s report. There is a * before the name of each one who registered at the reunion, the address of each one is given following the name, if dead the facts as known are given, if no data is given the address is not known. *Captain Daly, Walter H., deputy warden, Michigan City, Ind.; First Lieutenant Jericho, Will O., Winchester, Ind.; Second Lieutenant Conklin, H. G., died at Indianapolis, Ind.; *First Sergeant Smith, Harry A., bank teller, ‘Winchester, Ind.; Quartermaster Sergeant Stace, Harry O., Central America; Quartermaster Sergeant Whitaker, Clarence (1) dead; *Duty Sergeant How- ard, Fred W., manufacturer, Winchester, Ind.; *Duty Sergeant Daly, U. G., plasterer, Winchester, Ind.; Duty Sergeant Shockley, H. B., Lima O. (2); *Duty Sergeant Ziegler, Walter H., merchant (3), Winchester, Ind.. Cor- poral Bourquin, A. C.; *Corporal Cronenwett, John D., mail carrier, Winches- ter, Ind.; Corporal Engle, Homer W., died at Winchester; Corporal Semans, Henry T., Jr., salesman, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Corporal Tooker, Lert, grain elevator, Clinton, Okla.; Corporal J. A. Bales, died at Winchester (4) ; *Cor- poral Bragg, H. H., general manager lumber company (4), Minot, N. D.; Corporal Dragoo, William S., (4) Youngstown, Ohio; Corporal Jaqua, War- ren R., Winchester, Ind.; *Corporal Smith, Troy, salesman (4), Winchester, Ind.; Corporal Tolen, George R. (4), policeman, Shelbyville, Ind.. Corporal Wandell, Charles H. (4), musician, Wiley, Albert (5); Musician, Daly, Charles B., expert accountant, Deming, New Mexico; *Artificer Bosworth, 564 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. R. J., organizer, Winchester, Ind.; *Wagoner Ayers, Eppa F., farmer, Win- chester, Ind.; Wagoner Hurst, Edward (6) dead; Privates, Austin, J. H., died at Winchester; Benson, Charles N., 635 Albany street, Dayton, Ohio; Bond, Samuel, Brutus, Michigan; Brannen, David W., (6), Richmond, Ind. . *Brooks, Arch, farmer, Winchester, Ind.. *Brown, Ora G., farmer, Winches- ter, Ind. ; *Burris, Clyde W., mail carrier, Farmland, Ind.; *Burres, Lester C., regular army, Fort McKinley, Main; Music, Galen D., 30 N. East street, Indi- anapolis, Ind.; Chenoweth, Harry, Traverse City, Mich. ; Cunningham, Walter, 614 Brightwood ave., Indianapolis, Ind.; Clear, William J.; Daly, James E., Long Beach, Cal.; Davis, Charles G., Wichita, Kans., R. R. No. 9; Day, Otho, Winchester, Ind.; Dotterer, Jacob F. (7), died at Kokomo. Downing, Charles M., Modoc, Ind.; Eckerle, Frank O., died at Lynn, Ind.; Edwards, Frank O.; Edwards, Harry C., 1605 N. 12th street, Fayette, Ind; Flood, Elisha, dead; Getter, Fred W., died at Winchester, Ind.; Guthrie, Harry E., Cabin 16, St. Louis Terminal Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Gullett, Harry C. Standard Oil Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; Harker Leamy W. C. —— C. & O. R. R. Cincinnati, Ohio; Hawkins, Harry L., 608 N: Highland avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.. Hiatt, Howard E., 43 Stat. W. street, Richmond, Ind.; Hill, Daniel M.; *Hinshaw, Stephen E., K. of P. building, Indianapolis, Ind. ; Holingsworth, Frank; Hood, Harry G., Shelbyville, Ind.; Hubig, Henry, 1703 Northwestern avenue (8) Indianapolis Ind.; *Jackson, Sylvester C., oil man, 1917 Madison avenue, In- dianapolis, Ind.; Jones, John L., 2121 S. Madison street, Muncie, Ind.; Kellar, George W., died at Indianapolis; Kendall, John O., Modoc, Ind.. Lennon, Frank, Jr., Plymouth, Ind.; *Lewis Edwin J., Winchester, Ind.; Longfellow, Perry A., 35 S. rith street, Richmond, Ind.; *Mann, William R., farmer, R. R. Crete, Ind.; Mendenhall, Alva C., Winchester, Ind.; Miller, Charles R., Scottsburg, Ind.; Mitchel, Harry, dead; Monroe, Asa; Morrical, Arthur, Jef- fersonville, Ind.; Munden, Charles. McProud, Wilbur C., Monmouth, IIL; Norris, Francis A. ; Parker, Robert H., 825 S. Franklin street, Shelbyville, Ind.; Payne, Harry, barber, Lawton, Okla.; Pegg, Harry, 127 E. Court street, Indianapolis, Petro, John L., Muncie, Ind.; Petor, Samuel L., died at Modoc, Ind., December 1, 1898; Phelps, Lawrence; *Peirson, Grant U., laundry, 1156 W. 3rd street, Dayton, Ohio; *Platt, Harvey M., 324 N. 18th street, Rich- mond, Ind.; Reath, Theodore P., dead; Rhodes, Ollie, died in Winchester. *Rinard, Rollie G., Parker, Ind.; Rogerson, Frank, dead; Ross, Charles M.; Ruby, Edward T., foreman Atlas, 1646 Arrow avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.; Sasser, Walter T., W. 8th street, Muncie, Ind.; *St. Myer, George, Winches- ter, Ind.; St. Myers, James, F., Maricopa, Ariz.;*Sims, Charles A. (9) farmer, Elnora, Ind.; Scott, Hugh J., Grassy Lake, Alberta, Canada. *Shep- ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 565 ard, Ozro O., Union City, Indiana; *Somerville, Bruce A., Farmland, Ind.; *Stanley, Pleasant H., contractor, Winchester, Ind.; Staples, John M., 439 W. Ohio street, Indianapolis, Ind.. Taylor, Marshall, died at Indianapolis, Ind.; Vestal, Eugene G., 1507 W. 48th street, Los Angeles, Cal.; Walrod, Claire R.; Warrum, Mack, sheriff, Greenfield, Ind.; Watkins, John P., died in China; *Wigmore, Fred W., Winchester, Ind.; *Williams, Otis W., con- tractor, Winchester, Ind.; Workman, Charles A., 2613 W. Walnut street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Recruits were: Burris, Clyde W., Farmland; Chenoweth, Henry, Lynn; Cunningham, Walter, Winchester, Ind.; Clear, William J., Union City; Daly, James E., Lynn; Edwards, Jesse, Winchester; Edwards, Frank O., Ridge- ville; Flood, Elisha, Farmland, Ind.; Hollingsworth, Frank, Lynn. Hinshaw, Stephen E. Rurla; Hill, Daniel M., Winchester; Jones, John L., Clark P. O.; Lewis, Edward J., Winchester; Mann, William R., Spartanburg; St. Myers, James F., Lynn; McProud, Wilbur C., Farmland; Norris, Francis A., Ridge- ville; Payne, Harry, Winchester. Petro, John L., Modoc (10); Phelps, Law- rence, Fountain City; Pierson, Grant U., Spartanburg; Platt, Harry M., Lynn; Rinard, Kelly G., Winchester; Scott, Hugh J., Winchester; Somer- ville, Bruce A., Farmland; Shepard, Ozroe, Parker City. (1) Promoted from sergeant July 25. (2) Transferred to hospital corps June 27. (3) Promoted from corporal July 7. (4) Promoted from private July 7. (5) Trans- ferred to band June 14. (6) Appointed August 20. (7) Discharged August 13. (8) Discharged August 8 (9) Discharged September 4. (10) Discharged Au- gust 16 . The company served through the war with Spain and on the reorganiza- tion of the guard the former members of the company reorganized it and were assigned to their old regiment with the same letter. The company was mustered in June 13, 1900, with the following roster : Captain, Will O. Jericho; First Lieutenant, U. G. Daly; Second lieuten- ; ant, Morton L. Hunt. First Sergeant—Curtis, Will F. Sergeants—Bourquin, Alva C.; Longfellow, Perry A.. Davis, Charles G. Corporals—Lewis, Ed J.; Stout, Clyde; Getter, Fred W., and Conyers, Tom B. Musicians—Haggett, Wilbur and Simmons, Will C. Privates—Benson, Charles N.; Bartholomew, Charles W.; Chenoweth, John B.; Chenoweth, Benjamin H.; Cox, Raymond G.; Coffin, Edward M.; Conyers, Fred I.; Cummins, Fred; Daly, George W.; Darrah, Joe W.; Dar- rah, William H.; Diggs, Raymond M.; Edwards, Clinton B.; Ford, Oscar S.; 566 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Fisher, William E. (deserted) ; Gray, Oliver B.; Huffman, Oliver M.; Huff- man, Alonzo L.; Hageman, Hamlen M.; Harris, Lewis F -; Hunt, Charles F.; Hickman, Waldo R.; Hiatt, George W.; Hinshaw, Clark C. ; Ilbinger, Chris- tian; Jones, George A.; Longfellow, Howard F.; Myers, Edward B.; Mauzy, Nathan; Miller, Alva C.; Mincer, William F.; Murray, Marcus L.; May, Al- bert; Pierce, Gilvie; Pike, Thomas A.; Paver, Frank A.; Ran, Ora; Shepard, John J.; Simmons, Everett E.; Starbuck, Wendell G.; Summers, Joseph E. (deserted) ; Stump, Percy G.; Williams, Fred C. Other officers of the company have been: Captains—John R. Wright, Walter H. Daly and William O. Jericho. First Lieutenants—Grant C. Markle, Walter Daly, William Jericho and Ulysses G. Daly. Second Lieutenants—Walter Daly; William O. Jericho; Harry G. Conk- lin; W. H. Ziegler and Morton L. Hunt. Company I was mustered into the service of the state of Indiana at Union City, on March 20, 1900, and was designated as the nineteenth separate company, until the regimental organization previous to the annual camp of instruction, when the company was assigned to the Second Battalion of the Second Infantry, and given the letter I. At the time of the organization and muster-in of the company the com- plement of commissioned officers consisted of Captain John W. Arthur, First Lieutenant James R. Griffis, Second Lieutenant Don P. Shockney. Captain John W. Arthur resigned April 21, 1900, and Captain Edwin A. Anderson was elected to succeed him April 23, 1900. Captain Edwin A. Anderson resigned October 9, 1900, and First Lieutenant James R. Griffis was commissioned captain, and First Sergeant Edward G. Evans was elected First Lieutenant, October 15, 1900. First Lieutenant Edward G. Evans re- ‘ signed February 6, 1901, and Second Lieutenant Don P. Shockney was elected first lieutenant, February 11, 1901, First Sergeant Charles C. Early being elected second lieutenant, February 11, 1901. Capt. James R. Griffis had served during the Spanish-American war as a member of the first regiment of the Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Captain Griffis died at his home in Cleveland in 1913. The roll of the company in 1901 was: Captain, James R. Griffis; First Lieutenant, Don P. Shockney; Second Lieutenant, Charles C. Early; First Sergeant, Rosko L. Whisler; Sergeants, Daniel P. L. Bupt, Frank Read, Charles S. Hoover; Corporals, Curtis Coby, Edward J. Kaucher, Harry J. Sutton and George T. Crawford; Musicians, Claude R. Bolen and Amos Un- derwood; Privates, William F. Bailey, Leolon Black; William E. Bannon, Charles A. Brown, George W. Cumrine, Frank E. Dunn, Oliver S. Dennison, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 567 ‘Troy Doherty, James H. Eib, Jesse Fowler, John W. Farabee, George J. Fowler, Edward L. Fouts, John S. Gerstner, Archie H. Horine, George W. Henry, Warren S. Hook, John Hinsky, Herschel Hormire, Harry H. John- ‘son, Resh Kemp, George W. Kaucher, Lonnie E. Koon, Oren G. Lindley, Archie J. Lanter, Herbert Murray, William McKenzie, Henry Oyler, Simeon E. Puterbaugh, John O. Puterbaugh, James H. Snyder, James O. Sharitz, Ernest C. Sutton, Melvin Straley, John M. Tibbitts, Russell F. Thompson, Al- bert R. Tritt, Joseph C. Underwood, James Vicks, George B. Wiggins, Her- bert B. Williams, George Welker. This company remained in existence only a short time, being mustered out ; Company F of Winchester has maintained its organization and is at this time, 1914, as follows: . Company F, 2nd Infantry, Indiana National Guard, Winchester, Ind., May I, 1914. NAME. DATE ENLISTED. PREVIOUS SERVICE. Ernst E. Chenoweth__---------------- 6-26-01 to 11-14-04 Pvt. & Q. M. Set. C. O. since Nov. 17, 07 C. O. 7-11-13 Ulysses G.. Daly, ast Dtiocess2o2 soe C. O. 10-30-13 Franklin Fouse, 2nd Lt..-_--_---------- 6 yrs., 4 mo. Clyde M. Laisure, I Sgtico---ss-seccee 2- I-12 Meintyre, Frank A., O. M. Sgt..-.e.2.- II-15-11 Jonesy, "Cecil. Oy. Set. soa a os 7- 1-13. 6 yrs. Baird, Chester L, Sgt.----------------- I- I-12 Kenan; ite Sot). -o-s2seocccueoceues -I- I-12 Roosa, Lester R., Sgt.----------------- 4- 4-12 Wight, James, Set..2.. sss seuJessuse 4-18-12 Hendrickson, Elmer, Cotplie.0 2-4-5 5-30-12 Darrah, Fred M., Corpl.--------------- 7-13-13 3 yrs. White, larry: Or gi cen eee es II- 6-13 5 yrs. Snyder, Collie, Corpl._--_--------------- 5-15-13 Kenan, Earl W., Corpl.---------------- 1-20-14 3 ‘Davisson, LeRoy S., Corpl.------------- 4-10-13 Laigere, Wesley, Corp) coo sosceesawe 7- Q-12 4 yrs. Alexander, Leon, Cook___-_-_--------_--- 4-18-12 Baldwin, Clifford, Cook--------------- 7-20-13 8 yrs. Burres, Clarence, Musician___---------- 5-26-11 Grooms, Forest R., Musician-__--_----- 7- 8-12 568 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. NAME. DATE ENLISTED. PREVIOUS SERVICE. Panis: “JOhin G., Atte ee II- 6-13 6 yrs. 8 mo. Blansett, Clyde; PVs seperate 7-11-12 Baird;.Clarence E., PVtooo sone eeoe 5-12-13 Bradburn, Jesse B., Pvt.--_--_--------- 7- 6-13 Cox, Léonard B., Pytsos si ssca.cesosk 4-18-12 Gomer, Johny, (PVticesstosceouosoececs 4-10-13 . Delonge, Albert J... PVties nee eee I- 8-14. I yr, % iho, Davidson, Raymond, Pvt.-------------- 5-29-14, Engle, Ray Ds Pvtvii-+-+24---+4------3 5-20-13 Grubbs, Denver, PVtecnn eee eee 5-25-11 Aree AEM EV eaters ees 7-12-12 3 yrs. Goff, Benjamin F., Pvt.---------------- 2-12-14. 1 br, & amg, Goff, ‘Gilbert By, PVtececseccecesoeeue. 4-20-14 Ehratt,lsawrence-D.. Pvtessotcce5seecce 5-20-13 Inman: ee. PVtises joe i oe 4-18-13 Jonesy Fred lis. PVE ose eae soe 7- 6-13 IG ys." ViSiiiies, Py tee ee eed ea ly 5-30-12 evs. JOS€phy Pvtisceecienee ee eee 5-16-13 Recllat, Tame gy IP We ete a eee 5-20-13 Ludwidls, ThomassH., Pytjoc5co.c sls 5-19-13 Moore, ned H., PViso sooo ee eee 2-21-12 Meter, Ghitord §&.. Pyt-c---22.2----2-- 4-10-13 Ovlet. Orville. Pyte 2 eee 4-10-33 Parker “One: Ay: Pita eee 5- 4-12 Prickett, (Geet ha, JP Vibe ete oes 3-29-13 Puckett, Erman W., Pvt.-----------_--- 6-19-13 Ivoberts, “Paul .F.,. Pvt.ci2.2pcese22255 3-20-13 Rupe, Frank B., Pvt.-.----+----------- 5-17-13 Slonaker, Richard L., Pvt....-___.-______ 2-21-12 Sterling; John, Pyvti-. 22-44 -oo 5-17-13 Shafer, “TOs, P Viet a eee 7-30-13 2 yrs., 6 mo. Thompson, William H., Pvt...-_-_-_------ 7-20-13 I yr., 2 mo. Wolfe, Leo: Si PVtco cscs aoe _ 2-23-12 White, Geo. A., Pvt.cs02.--+--1---.+- 4-19-14 Hutchens, Chester, Pvt..-_--_--_ eSSs=5 5-20-14 Company F has the distinction of being one of the oldest companies in continuous service-in the state of Indiana. Its officers have been men of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 569 ability who have commanded the respect and confidence of those under its charge.” SOLDIERS’ MONUMENT. The heroic deeds and sacrifices of the soldiers of Randolph ‘county was to be commemorated in another way other than to live in the hearts of all loyal people of the county. It remained for James Moorman, a man of Quaker faith and conscien- tiously opposed to the settlement of disputes by war to start a fund with which to build a monument in honor of the union soldiers. Mr. Moorman bequeathed a fund of $2,000.00 to be used for this pur- pose, and named Capt. J. R. Jackson, J. W. Macy and Capt. William W. Macy as trustees of that fund. The people of the county highly appreciated this gift but felt that something more than a $2,000.00 monument should be erected and to this end a petition was presented to the county commissioners March 9, 1889, in which “the undersigned petitioners citizens and voters of Randolph county, Indiana, respectfully pray your honorable body to appro- priate out of the funds of said Randolph county a sum of money which, with the two thousand dollars devised for that purpose by James Moorman, de- ceased, added, will be sufficient to build a suitable monument in commemora- tion of the services and patriotism of the soldiers who fought and died in defense of this country during the late rebellion and in defense of the union oi the states and the rights of man, pursuant to the provisions of the act of the general assembly of the state of Indiana entitled “An Act Empowering County Commissioners to Appropriate money for the Erection of Soldiers’ Monuments,”” Approved April 11, 1885, and your petitioners will ever pray.” This petition was signed by “J. W. Macy and 3,913 others.” The county examined the petition carefully and after having found that the majority of the voters of the county were 3,756 and that the petition had been signed by 3,914 voters granted the prayer of said petition and appro- priated the sum of $25,000.00. At this same meeting they appointed an ad- visory committee to act with the board of commissioners and the trustees named in the will of James A. Moorman, deceased, to select plans and a place for the erection of the monument and to assist in the contracting and con- structing of the work. The committee thus appointed was composed of A. O. Marsh, David Fudge, Edmund Engle, John W. Hill, Dr. Henry Hunt, William Kerr, Alexander A. Knopp, Lewis N. Cook, William A. W. Daly, Elza McIntire and T. F Moorman. The county commissioners, trustees and advisory committee met in Win- 570 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. : chester on Tuesday the 7th day of May, in a special session and considered and inspected designs for the monument. On the 2nd day of their deliberations they adopted the designs shown by A. A. McCain, of Indianapolis. Mr. McCain was paid $100.00 for the de- signs and specifications. On the 22nd of May Isaac Hogston was contracted with to make an excavation twenty-eight feet square and eight feet deep for the foundation. The same day Luther L. Moorman was contracted with to put in the foundation. The contract’ for the erection of the monument was let to A. A. McCain on the 18th day of July, 1889, at $23,000.00. The cor- ner stone was laid August 15, 1889, by Charles Travis, department com- mander of the Grand Army of the Republic. The monument was to have been completed October Ist, 1890, but was delayed by changes made in the design. The original design called for a bronze statue of Mars at rest ten feet high from bottom of feet to crown of head with spear and eagle but this was later changed to the American color bearer. “The design of the architect was to build a monument in honor of the memory of the union soldier that would be military, not only in its orna- mentation, but in the character of its architecture, something entirely dif- ferent from the common style of shaft or pyramid. The base is twenty-seven feet square, with four cannon muzzles on each front, at each corner of the parapet of the base are placed four bronze figures representing each of the four branches of the service, infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy; these figures are six feet six inches in height and are natural positions. The in- fantry man at the northeast corner, stands erect, as if looking for the enemy, his gun held firmly, and ready for instant use; the artillery man, at the south- west corner stands erect with his rammer held firmly as though ready for work. The sailor at the southwest corner is setting on a capstan in a very natural position, as if on the lookout for an enemy. The cavalryman stands on the southeast corner, his right hand rests on an unsheathed sword, and he is heavily booted and spurred, as though ready to mount for the fray.” On the southwest and north sides are Grand Army badges, below which are to be found on bronze tablets in raised letters are following inscriptions: The one on the south side being: “And the same land that gave them birth, has caught them to the breast, And we will pray that from their clay full many a raise may start, Of true men, like you men, to act as brave a part.” ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 571 The one on the west side being: “In the God of battle trust, die we may—die we must, but O where can dust to dust be consigned so well -\s where heaven its dues shall shed, on the martyred patriots bed And the rocks shall raise their heads of his deeds to tell.” The one on the north side being: “On fame’s eternal camping ground their silent tents are spread And glory guards with solemn round the bivouac of the dead.” “On the east front of that portion of the monument set apart for patrio- tic sentiment on the die thereof there shall be a tablet of bronze, on size sufficient to properly fill such space upon which shall be the following inscrip- tion in raised letters, said inscription to be in the order as given herein, to wit: ‘JAMES MOORMAN,’ ‘A member of the society of friends and conscientiously opposed to war but recognized the great value of the services of the union soldier to our country and to the cause of human liberty, by his last will and testament con- tributed $2,000.00 to the erection of this monument. In commemoration of the services and patriotism of the soldier who fought, and died, during the late rebellion, in defense of their country, the union of the states, and the rights of man, the board of commissioners of the county of Randolph on petition of a majority of the voters of said county had erected this monument. Erected A. D. 1889-1890. Joun R. Puixips, ApaM R. Hiatt, WILLIAM C, Diccs, A. A. McCatn, Designer. Commissioners.’ ” The story is told that when the artist was seeking a model for the ar- tilleryman that he discovered a man who afterward posed. This man was an iron worker in Chicago. During the time in which the statue was being made it was found he was a first cousin to John Brown, the hero of Osa- watomie. - - Above these G. A. R. badges encircling the tower is a sheet of bronze six feet wide and twenty-four feet in circumference, covered with reliefs of 572 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. scenes in a soldier’s life, while engaged in battle, the whole making a con- tinuous picture where infantry, artillery and cavalry are all engaged. The monument is fifty-five feet high, the standard, eighteen feet, which makes the height, from and including the base, seventy-three feet. This monument is not surpassed anywhere in originality and design and durability of construction and it will stand for ages to commemorate the glorious deed of the heroic sons of this grand county who went forth to bat- tle and to die that this nation might live. % The corner stone was laid the 15th day of August, 1889. Of this we quote the following from the Winchester Journal of August 21, 1889: “Tt was on the programme for the G. A. R. to form on west side, the S. of V. on the east side, and the W. R. C. on the south side of the monument. ’ But by some oversight, no steps had been taken to preserve these spaces for them and when the procession arrived at the monument, the people had crowded up so solidly that all semblance of order was lost, and compara- tively few members of either of the three orders participating in the cere- monies secured positions to either see or hear the ceremonies at that place. On the platform were Department Commander, C. M. Travis, Senior Vice- Commander, P. D. Harris, Junior Vice-Commander, D. B. Campbell; Assist- ant Adjutant General, I. N. Walker; Officer of the day —— Arm- strong, I. P. Watts, Chaplain, representing department of Indiana, G. A. R., Luther Puckett, representing the army in marching order, including a chicken on his bayonet, Will Chapman, representing the navy, in full naval uniform ‘with small ship, Guard of Honor, representing the G. A. R., Capt. J. W. New- ton, representing the Sons of Veterans, Mrs. Maggie Ginger, representing the W. R. C. The corner stone was laid by Department Commander Travis, assisted by the department officers above named in accordance with the ritual of the Grand Army of the Republic. As the flag was hoisted on the staff by Comrade J. S. Hiatt, the Miller Band played the ‘Star Spangled Banner,’ rendering the ‘Red, White and Blue,’ while the stone was being placed in ‘position. The Sons of Veterans having no ritualistic work, Capt. J. W. Newton responded for that order as follows: The Sons of Veterans, deposit within the receptacle formed in the corner stone of the northeast corner of this foundation, upon which are to be erected, artistic columns in commemoration of the noble deeds of the fallen heroes, a roster of the various camps of this county, together with a ritual of our tenets and teachings, and a badge of our membership. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 573 if this depositation shall be found by the people of future ages, when all animate representation of the loyal soldier, and that grand order of the Sons of Veterans shall have passed away, it will evidence the fact that in the time past there were soldiers loyal and true and there existed the order of the Sons of Veterans. The pages of history will teach that those Sons of Veterans were all American born citizens, and that the Sons of Veterans enjoyed that noble distinction of being Sons of Veterans by birth and by organization. As the veteran soldier and sailor marches step by step toward the final camping ground, where he will hear the last bugle call, let him be assured, that the union he fought to preserve, will, by the Sons of Veterans, be fully maintained. As the soldier and sailor preserved our flag unsullied, without a star obscured so will the Sons of Veterans preserve it in its original glory.’ The W. R. C. having no ritualistic work, Mrs. Maggie Ginger, speaking for that order, said: ; In behalf of the Woman’s Relief Corps of Randolph county, I deposit this ritual and badge. The department of Indiana was organized September 17, 1884, and has a membership of 3,253. May heaven’s choicest blessing rest on the organization.’ The following is a list of the articles placed in and sealed up in the tin box placed in the corner stone: Names of all union soldiers who enlisted from this county. Roster of each Grand Army post in the county. Roster of the camps of the Sons of Veterans. A ritual and badge each of the G. A. R., S. of V., and W. R. C. A copy of the last issue of each paper published in the county. Names of the Grand Officers, Department of Indiana. Names of all union soldiers residing in the county at the present time. The procession. then reformed and marched to the fair grounds, where the following gentlemen were elected to serve as officers for the ensuing year: Commander, Edmund Engle; Vice-Commanders, C. B. Edwards, White River township; D. M. Thorn, Washington; J. W. Hill, Greensfork; Elza McIntyre, Stoney Creek; J. W. Hunt, Nettle Creek; J. C. DeVoss, Green; William Conklin, Ward. E. Clough, Jackson; R. J. Clark, Wayne; George W. Worl, Monroe; William M. Hites, Franklin. Winchester was selected as the place and the second Wednesday in August, 1890, as the time for holding the next annual rettnion of the As- sociation.” (37) 574 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The change in the design and other unlooked for troubles were such that the monument was not completed until April, 1892. The unveiling cere- monies were held Thursday, July 21, 1892, with the following program: “The Little 44 Battery, Jno. R. Wright, commanding, will fire 44 rounds at sunrise from the mound on the Fair Grounds. ASSEMBLY CALL AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M. ’ Exhibition: Drill 2222 oe Little 44 Battery MHISIG oe ea ee eee ie een eee oe Band OGIO cing eS Chap. I. P. Watts. MUSIC acess Soot Soa e eS aoe Sas ec eSe ese eS Band AOTESS aoa N. J. McGuire, Com. Ind. Div. S. V. Adjournment ASSEMBLY CALL AT 1:30 P. M. EGS 1 oe a a a i a Band TRV OCAH OTL, Ss pe tac pe aa Chap. W. O. Pierce (CHOBITS eer ee Moe a ae et School Children Address of Welcome_------------------ Capt. A. O. Marsh MUSIC sce acee cS soo eoc ee esa eco ae cece os Band Unveiling and Dedicatory ceremonies___--.------------- eee J. B. Cheadle, Dept. Com. G. A. R. and staff Chotits s2220 4s seS2 33 ole ee ed School children POG ROSS sree create es oath a reenter eae ery! Gov. Ira J. Chase Music ____- ae a hp hae eM oe ne A Band ACOTGS§i oe ee eee Capt. W. R. Myers MiSs 1G soss cee Sao Se a eS eS Band Adjournment ASSEMBLY CALL AT 7:45 P. M. MiNSIC == ete eH oe oe oe ee a eed Band DAVAO pea a ea ee hs Chaplain Camp Fire Opening 5.050 a J. B. Black, Indianapolis PA Oates os Ta ee Hon. Thos. C. Boyd, Noblesville TRO Gi( Atl Ot tat eee tencat Se gs gan ncn ol ee AS Minnie Ryan Army songs, speeches from old comrades.” The following account of the unveiling is taken from the Winchester Journal of Wednesday July 27, 1892: “Last Thursday was a day long to be remembered in the annals of this ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 575 county. On that day the beautiful monument erected to the memory of the men who went from this county, to battle for the rights of men and to main- tain the best government on earth, was unveiled and formally dedicated with impressive ceremonies. The governor of our state and the highest officer of the Grand Army of the Republic and part of his staff, honored the people of this county and the men in whose memory the monument was erected by their presence on that occasion. The day was a perfect one, the rain of the previous evening having laid the dust and relieved the immense throng of people from all discomfort from that source. All teams and vehicles were excluded from the streets around the square, hitching places having been arranged for elsewhere. This may have worked some trouble in a few cases, but the wisdom of it was generally acknowledged, and all concede that it was the proper thing to do. People began coming in at an early hour and the trains on both railroads were crowded, the Big Four running a special train from each direction to accommodate its patrons. Little Battle 44 had fired the national salute from the mound in the fair ground at an early hour, returning to town in time to open the programme of the day’s exercise with an exhibition drill. The boys did well as they always do, and surprised their large audience by their proficiency, and were heartily applauded. ‘After music by the band invo- cation by Chaplain I. P. Watts and a song by the school children, Newton J. McGuire, Commander Indiana Division, S. of V’s., was introduced and delivered a very patriotic and eloquent address. This closed the forenoon exercises. Gov. Chase arrived from the west soon after noon. He was met by the band and old soldiers and escorted to the Irvin House for dinner. The Governor and the Department Commander and his staff were escorted to the east side of the public square by the G. A. R. where a very large audi- ence was waiting for them, and promptly at 1:30, several martial bands present, furnished some soul-stirring music that reminded the older people in the audience of the war, after which Captain A. O. Marsh called the assemblage to order. Rev. R. D. Spellman, formerly Chaplain of the One Hundred and First Indiana Volunteers, made a very impressive invocation. This was followed by the little girls singing the hymn, ‘America’, in such an impressive manner they were applauded. Captain Marsh then made a brief and appropriate address in which he gave a short history of the monu- ment and stated the purpose for which it was built. It is representative in every respect. It’s stones were laid at Gettysburg and Mission Ridge, in the sacrifice of the blood of so many patriotic men, and they are cement- 576 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ed with the tears of widows and orphans. It stands a memento to the noblest cause that a people ever fought for—of the grandest struggle the world has ever known. In conclusion he introduced Department Commander J. B. Cheadle, and requested him in the name of the loyal people of Randolph county, and of the Grand Army of the Republic of Indiana, to dedicate the monument. Commander Cheadle was received with applause, and before beginning the formal dedicatory services as laid down in the ritual of the Grand Army, delivered a short but effective address appropriate to the occasion. In behalf of the Grand Army of the Republic of Indiana, he congratulated the patri- otic people of Randolph county for erecting a monument which will stand for all time a silent but enduring memento of the most decisive crisis in the history of the world’s progress and to the devotion and self-sacrifice upon which rests constitutional and popular government. It tells a story of a people who dropped their vocation of peace, which they loved and subjected them- selves to the harsh discipline of the camp and the danger of battle to pre- serve free government and perpetuate popular institutions. Other ages have built monuments in honor of kings or events of interest to kingly rule, but those like the present are the first to be raised to tell the story of the devo- tion of a whole people to a government of a people. Mr. Cheadle spoke eloquently of the men for whom this monument stands, and urged upon those present to impress upon the plastic minds of the young the great value of the government and the institutions which were saved with the victory of the union cause. We need to teach a higher Americanism. Let us appreciate the privileges of our government and institutions, to the end that the govern- ment of the people, for the people and by the people shall live. The impressive ceremonies of the dedication then followed, which were performed by the Department Commander with Captain W. D. Stone as Senior Vice Commander; O. R. Weaver, Acting Junior Vice Commander; Rev. John A. Moorman, Department Chaplain, and Adjutant General Irvin Robbins; Colonel M. B. Miller, Officer of the Day; I. N. Stratton, Officer of the Guard; O. M. Mills, Wm. Chapman, Samuel Fox, Isaac Sipe, W. P. Miller, Shed McLain; Geo. F. Addlerman, A. J. Woods, N. McFarland. J. W. Ginger, Stephen D. Warwick and E. W. Bond, Guards. At the conclusion of the ritualistic services, O. M. Mills, representing the infantry; Isaac Sipe, the Cavalry; Samuel D. Fox, the Artillery, and Wm. Chapman, the Navy; took their places on the monument, each at the statuary of that branch of the service he represented. Mrs. Allie Mills took her place at the bronze tablet encircling the monument. At a given signal the flag was raised on the flag ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 577 staff, at the southwest corner of the monument, the K. of P. band playing the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ amid enthusiastic cheering. The vast audience had risen to their feet and faced the monument, and when Adjutant General Robbins gave the signal, Mrs. Mills pulled the cord, which unveiled the bronze encircling the monument, and the representatives of the branches of the service, loosened the flags that covered the statutes. The little girls sang ‘The Flag of the Free’, and thus ended the formal part of the dedication. Captain Marsh then introduced Governor Ira J. Chase. The Governor was given a very enthusiastic welcome. When the applause had subsided the Governor said that, ‘Three generations have beheld the dedication services. Thus two generations are educated in regard to the issues and results of the war, and know the story of patriotism and devotion which that epoch called forth. The boys and girls who witness this service will tell it to their children when they are older, and even to their grandchildren, so that four or five generations, at least, will know the story as handed down from parent to child. Therefore, four or five generations, at least, will be inspired by the story of patriotism, and when these have passed away the monument, decade after decade, will mutely point to the page of history which will glow for all time with the patriotism of the men and the sacrifice of the women of the Civil war period. Thus these monuments are better to preserve the govern- ment of the people than standing armies. As it is a source of boundless satisfaction to me to know that my ancestors fought for the country in the Revolution and the War of 1812, it will be cause for congratulation to the Sons and Daughters of the Veterans from Randolph county who can point to that monument and say, with elation, ‘It was built to commemorate the services of my father’. These monuments teach that it is the greatest thing in the world to be an American—that to have a citizen who served his country in the hour of danger, and in peace, to have been true to the highest inter- ests of the nations, is comparably better than to wear a title which has been inherited and to be a burden to the people. Wars in the old world have made men no better because they have been for conquest, but the greater part of the men who fought for the union are better men, better citizens, now than they would have been without such service, and their example has given a new birth to the love of country. The temperance women have their motto, ‘For God, and home, and country,’ better for God, country, home for there can be no good happy home in a wretched, turbulent and impoverished country. Thank God, the work of the war of 1861 was so well done that no one here will witness another war in this land. It has taught the lesson of 578 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. patriotism and the equally important lesson of respect for and obedience to constituted authority, and for the rights of all, white and black.” He passed on to pay a tribute to women of war period, and noted the fact that large numbers of women were present on these occasions. ‘It is not,’ said he, ‘too much to say that the spirit of patriotism never dies in the heart of women, as a sentiment. People talk of the fires of liberty on the mountain tops— better burn them in the hearts of the people. I ask one thing of you who are parents and teachers and that is to grind into the very being of your children what the war for the union was fought for; that that monument stands be- cause the men and women of 1861 were true to God, country and duty, and because they were faithful; that starry flag is tossed by the bright sun this afternoon.’ “When the Governor told of the elderly lady who left her home and came twenty miles to see the old flag of the Eighth Indiana, which was carried by her husband, and who died with it in his hands, and how they left her alone with that, there were very few dry eyes in the large audience. “Captain W. R. Myers was on the programme, but wrote the Committee that he was advised by his physician and dentist not to attempt public speak- ing yet, and his place was filled by Irvin Robbins, a prominent Democratic soldier, of Indianapolis. Mr. Robbins had a very short notice that he was expected to speak but he gave a very fine address, showing what the Grand Army had done in securing the building of monument, erecting soldier’s asylums and homes, and passage of pension laws. The order has kept alive the spirit of patriotism by its meetings and its camp fires, and he appealed to every soldier to join the order.” THE CAMP FIRE. “The simple announcement that there would be a camp fire held in the evening kept a large part of the audience in town, as the camp fires are justly regarded as the cream of all soldier’s reunions and meetings. The Committee was again disappointed by the failure of Judge James B. Black and Hon. Thomas Boyd, who were advertised to be present. Governor Chase, Commander Cheadle and Commander McGuire were prevailed upon to remain and make short speeches. “The camp fire was opened by music by the band and prayer by Elder I. P. Watts; Governor Chase was introduced and after expressing his re- grets at the absence of so many of the expected speakers, delivered a most pleasing address, pleading eloquently for a higher type of Americanism, ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 579 and drew many lessons from the history of the war that were very interest- ing. He was followed by Department Commander Cheadle, who like the Governor, was a private soldier, and spoke from that point. He gave a graphic history of the battle of Richmond, which his regiment was engaged in before they had drilled or was instructed in the manual of arms. His story of the young English boy who was killed in the battle and the death of a widowed mother, of a broken heart over that only son, was very affecting, and was only an instance of thousands of the tragic incidents growing out of the. war. . “N. J. McGuire followed in behalf of the Son’s of Veterans in an elo- quent speech, earnestly appealing to all sons of men who fought in the battles and won the victories of the great war to unite in perpetuating the glorious deeds of their fathers and preserving the government and principles for which they fought. “Chairman Marsh then announced that he had noticed a boy on the streets that was wearing a bronze button and wanted him to ‘explain how he came by it, and called upon J. L. Lafollette to rise and explain. Mr. L. re- sponded and began by saying he was not surprised that Marsh didn’t know he was in the army, as he went in the army so late and came out so early that one of his best and most intimate friends and fellow-townsmen, Col. J. W. Headington, didn’t know that he had been in the army at all, until he applied for admission to the G. A. R. He made an eloquent speech, telling how the farmers of Jay county used to hitch up to their wagons and bring their soldiers to Winchester, that then being their nearest railroad station, to the trains, on their way to the seat of war. For that reason the people of his county felt a warm interest in the grand monument unveiled today, and more than three hundred of them were present to witness the unveil- ing, despite the busy time with the farmers. “Mr. Marsh stated that he had his eyes on a man in the audience who was so lazy that Hood’s entire army couldn’t make him run at the battle of Franklin. Of course the audience knew by the description that he meant Col. M. B. Miller, and in response to calls that gentleman worked his way to the stand. He said that somebody had to be the laziest man and that it might as well be him as anybody else. He had by steady adherence to his rules acheived the reputation and he wasn’t going to injure his reputation by making a speech. The Col. managed to get some fun out of his laziness and created a great deal of merriment, both at Marsh’s and his own expense, before closing. But we want to say that the Col. laid everything aside and worked early and late to secure the monument and deserves credit for it. 580 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “We failed to state that Miss Minnie Ryan recited, ‘I am the Son of a Veteran’ in good style and I. P. Watts sang, ‘Marching through Georgia’, and both were heartily applauded. This closed the regular programme, and I. P. Watts responded to calls with one of his usual happy talks. Fremont Garrett talked for the Son’s of Veterans, Watts sang, ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’, Rev. D. S. Davenport pronounced the benediction and it was nearly half past ten o'clock when the camp fire was extinguished, and yet the large audience seemed loath to disperse.” To every citizen of the county is due a portion of the great credit in the erection of this monument in the memory of Randolph county heroes, but especial mention should be made of the untiring efforts of J. W. Macy and Col. Martin Miller. Mr. Macy engineered the circulation of the petition and it was largely due to his personal influence that the matter was pushed to such a glorious end. This monument stands today one of the finest in the state, an honor to one of the most loyal counties in the state. ‘dIHSNMOL UHAIN DLIHM ‘AUINIMOW LY GadaqvoTt SNIGd NAUGWHO Se ed CHAPTER IX. SCELOOLS. Just as surely as the night follows the day, schools followed the estab- lishment of a settlement in any part of the county. The earlier settlers were from Virginia and the Carolinas, where the benefit of school had long since been established. Education was deemed a necessity and even before schools of the crudest kinds were established the children were taught in the cabin home by the father or mother or some trav- eler. If the home itself did not have any one capable of teaching the children some mother or daughter of the neighborhood more intelligent than the others, would gather about them the few children of the community and teach them the simple arts of spelling, reading and arithmetic. Education did not wait for the school houses any more than did religion wait for the church but its influences were established just the same. The mother found sufficient time from her numerous cares and duties to spend a short time in the enlightenment of her family. True, she was limited perhaps, to the Bible or some rare book, but this served sufficiently to accom- plish the end in view. As the settlements became more populated schools were established in buildings prepared for them or in some private home. Before the organization of the state all education was conducted from private resources and indeed, many years after the state had been organized and a school fund amply provided for the receipts were so little that the “sub- scription schools” were practically the only means of an education. Often times the teacher knew little or nothing except to “keep school,” but this at least served the purpose of an organization. “The first teachers in Indiana were mainly from Ireland, or Scotland with a few from New Eng- land and occasionally one from Virginia or Tennessee. The first school houses were log cabins with puncheon floors and seats. Generally one end of the house was taken up by a fireplace, where huge logs furnished warmth and smoke. The windows were small, consisting generally of four or six panes of glass about eight by ten inches in size. In these uncomfortable houses school was taught usually three or four months in the year. Text-books were 582 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. not to be had and the scholars took to school such books as the family might have brought with them from the older states. The New Testament was the approved book used for teaching reading. The course consisted of read- ing, writing and arithmetic, with now and then a class in geography and grammar. The teacher was always provided with a good supply of switches, and a heavy ferule or two, with which he pounded learning into the scholars. The teacher was an autocrat, and his word was absolute law, both to parents and children. All studying in schools was accompanied by loud vocal noises from the scholars, until a school with twenty-five scholars resembled a modern po- litical meeting, more than anything else. This method was deemed the only one by which students could be made to think for themselves. The idea was that studying and thinking amid such confusion and noise best fitted the student for business in after life. This custom prevailed in most of the schools until long after Indiana had become a State in the Union. The method of recitations followed very closely that of studying, and most of the lessons were recited in a monotonous, sing-song tone. One of the main re quirements of a teacher was the ability to teach penmanship. In those days penmanship was a very laborious, tedious, and painful exercise. It was really pen-printing. The scholar was compelled to write very slowly and with the greatest precision. Spelling was another of the specialties in those days. Generally the classes stood around the room and “spelled for head.” The last afternoon of each week was usually devoted to a spelling-bee. The school would divide and each try to spell the other down. When schools became more numerous, and within easy distance of each other, it was a common thing for one school to challenge another to a spelling match, which would be attended by as many of the adults as could find the leisure. These were great occasions for the adults as well as for the children of the whole country side, and were generally followed by a country dance or some other amusement common in those days.” The above is taken from Smith’s His- tory of Indiana. Nor indeed was spelling the only pleasure and lesson taught upon these occasions as many a young man and maiden could testify, the spelling bee was the social part and the “longest way home was the nearest anid best.” The masters of these schools ruled them with an iron will. No teacher was considered as fit unless he could give promise of being able to thrash any boy in the school. Eggleston’s picture of primitive school life in his “Hoosier School Master” is not very greatly over drawn and many a patron of that time was a firm believer in the pedagogy—‘No lickin’, no larnin’, says I’. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 583 Pete Jones’ were common throughout the country but were soon put to flight by the Hannah Shockys and Bud Means’. The school houses were crude affairs, built of poles with greased paper windows on one side, and mammoth fire places filling “rooms one end” punch- eon floors, split log seats, which were made by splitting logs and boring holes in it in such a way that wooden legs were put in it, the desk was a crude affair and the only ornament of the room was the bunch of hickories hung above the master’s chair. The main fire place was fed by logs pulled into the house by the bigger boys. The wood to maintain the fire was cut in the nearby forest frequently by the boys themselves during the school period. It is easy to see how those near the fires would roast and the pupils farther away would freeze their toes, but woe unto the boy or girl who allowed such a thing as a frozen toe to in- terfere with his “books”, for the school-master was very willing and seem- ingly eager for the opportunity to display his ability to “lick’’. But good came out of all this, simply being a step in the evolution of the greatest system that has ever been devised. School had made but little progress when the first constitution of the State was adopted in 1816 and to establish the great system that we now have that instrument contained the following article: “Knowledge and learning generally diffused through a community, be- ing essential to the preservation of a free government, and spreading the op- portunities and advantages of education through the various parts of the country being highly conducive to this end, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide by law, for the improvement of such lands as are, or hereafter may be granted by the United States, to this State for the use of schools, and to apply any funds which may be raised from such lands or from any other quarter, to the accomplishment of the grand object for which they are or may be intended; but no lands granted for the use of schools or semi- naries of learning shall be sold by the authority of the State prior to the year eighteen hundred and twenty; and the moneys which may be raised out of the sale of any such lands, or otherwise obtained for the purposes afore- said, shall be and remain a fund for the exclusive purposes of promoting the interest of literature and the sciences, and for the support of seminaries and public schools. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly, as soon as circumstances will permit, to provide by law for a general system of educa- tion, ascending in a regular gradation from township schools to a State University, wherein a tuition shall be gratis and equally open to all. And 584 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. for the promotion of such salutary end, the money which shall be paid as an equivalent by persons exempt from military duty, except in times of war, shall be exclusively, and in equal proportion, applied to the support of county seminaries; and all fines assessed for any breach of the penal laws shall be applied to said seminaries in the counties wherein they shall be assessed.” The following is taken from Smith’s History of Indiana: “Notwithstanding this ample provision in the constitution the cause of education advanced very slowly. There were many obstacles in the way. The settlements were small and widely scattered: there were no funds with which to erect school houses, and there was apathy on the part of some, and very decided hostility on the part of others. The cause of education, however, had many staunch friends, and they did not let the matter rest, but kept up the agitation from year to year. The -General Assembly of 1816 made provision for the appointment of superintendents of school sections, with power to lease the school lands for any term not to exceed seven years. Each lessee of such lands was required to set out annually twenty-five ap- ple and twenty-five peach trees until one hundred of each had been planted. Between the years 1816 and 1820 several academies, seminaries, and literary societies were incorporated. In 1821 John Badollet, David Hart, William W. Martin, James Welsch, Daniel S. Caswell, Thomas C. Searle and John Todd were appointed by the General Assembly a commission, to draft and report to the next legislature a bill providing for a general system of edu- cation; and they were instructed to guard particularly against “any distinc- tion between the rich and poor.”’ The commission set about their work con- scientiously, and when it was completed’ submitted -it to Benjamin Parke, who had been at one time a delegate to Congress, and was then the United ‘State Judge for Indiana. The bill so reported was enacted into a law, and became the first general law on the subject of education passed by the In- diana General Assembly. It was passed in 1824, and bore the title: “An Act to incorporate congressional townships and providing for public schools therein.” . After providing for the election by the people of each congressional township, of three persons to act as school trustees, to whom the control of the school lands and schools generally was to be given, the law made the following provision for building school houses: “Every able-bodied male person of the age of twenty-one years and upward residing within the bounds of such school district, shall be liable to work one day in each week until such building may be completed, or pay the sum of thirty-seven and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 585 one-half cents for every day he may fail to work.’’ The same act described a school house as follows: “In all cases such school house shall be eight feet between the floors, and at least one foot from the surface of the ground to the first floor, and be furnished in a manner calculated to render comfort- able the teacher and pupils.” The trustees were required to receive lumber, nails, glass, or other necessary materials at the current prices, in lieu of work. No funds were provided for the pay of teachers, so the schools were not free, but they were made open to all, black as well as white. It was not until about 1830 that colored children were excluded from the schools, and then the exclusion arose from a prejudice excited by the slavery agitation. Under the law ‘of 1824 the schools were kept open just as long each year as the patrons could or would pay for their maintenance. At nearly every succeeding session of the General Assembly some law was enacted on the subject of education, but still no general system was adopted. There was always an opposition that would find some way to get the laws before the courts, and thus hamper the attempts to establish schools. Private citizens did much for the cause, however, and public meetings of citizens did more, but little could be accomplished in a public way. School officers had no fund with which to erect houses, or to pay teachers. They could not levy a tax, except by special permission of the district, and even then the expenditure was limited to $50 by the act of 1834. The friends of public schools worked on and hoped on, striving to overcome every ob- stacle and put down all opposition. At last their day of triumph came, but even in their triumph they came near being defeated, and their noble efforts were for some years neutralized by the stupidity of a supreme court. The friends of education planned and worked until at last they found a way to provide for one of the most magnificent public school funds in the Union. It has already been noted that the General Government gave to the State the sixteenth section of every township, for school purposes. This was made the beginning of the grand school fund to be built up by the State.” The three “R’s”, “Readin’, ’Ritin’, and ’Rithmetic’’ were the basis of all early schools. It was the privilege of the children to study any or all of these subjects as long as they desired. Spelling was the fundamental and the first-thing taught all children. No child was expected to read until he was able to spell all the words of Dillworth, Webster’s, or a little later, McGuffy’s. It made no difference whether he knew the meaning of any of the words, or had the remotest idea of their application, he must spell it, any how. Spelling was frequently taught by having the children sing as they spelled and many an old lady 586 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. today can sing “‘b-a ba, b-i, bi, b-o, bic a bo”. To be a good reader meant that he must be able to pronounce rapidly all the words found in the book being read which was frequently “Life of Washington”, “Life of Frank- lin’, the Bible, or any book that could be found in the home. Poetry was always read in a sing-song tone with special attention paid to the emphasis and inflection at the end of each line, in imitation of the way in which hymns were “lined” by the minister. Along with the reading went the “‘speaking a piece” on Friday after- noons, or the last day of school, being a great occasion for each and every district. Arithmetic was, however, considered the most important of all subjects because of its being regarded as the most practical. The fundamental proc- esses were taught to all children, many, however, never advancing beyond the attainment of being able to add, subtract, multiply and divide. If a pupil shows special inclination towards mathematics he might be able to get to the single rule of three or even so far as the double rule of three, or if he was extremely ambitious he would be shown into the mysteries of “vulgar fractions’. The clap-board and charcoal in time gave way to the slate and pencil, which was considered an enormous improvement. The single slate was later supplanted by the double one, thus enabling the child to “do the sums” and have it protected from erasure. Black-boards were unknown in the early schools. The first of these to be used were made by painting some smooth surface and wall black, later on these were coated with a prepared slating which in a few days’ time wore “slick” which made it almost impos- sible to make a mark or to see it after it was made. Grammar was introduced into the schools many years after the other subjects. No one was expected to study grammar unless they expected to be a Latin or Greek student. Many of the early pedagogues, however, were from Ireland and Scotland or from the classic halls of some New England college and were Latin and Greek students. If a boy could be induced by these men to study grammar they had high hopes of later making a teacher of him. History was introduced into the course at a later period than grammar. An old text were simply tables of facts and dealt little or nothing with great National or State movements, which are of course the underlined principals of all history. Geography had but little attention given to it in the early schools and when it was studied was regarded as being extremely foolish and full of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 587 statements wholly out of harmony with the thoughts of the back-woods peo- ple of the time. Barnabus C. Hobbs, a very distinguished educator of Indiana, and one of its State Superintendents of Public Instruction, who was really a great man, in speaking of the early teaching of geography said: “TI can well remember when Morse’s geography came into the State. It was about the year 1825, it created a great sensation. It was a period in school history, before this but few had a clear idea of the earth’s rotundity, many could not understand the subject well enough to reason upon it and many were emphatic and persisted in repudiating the absurd idea that the world is round and turns over. Debating clubs discussed the subject, and to the opposition it was perfectly clear that if the world turned over we would all fall off, and the water in the ocean would be spilled out. Morse’s geography cleared away the fog and when Comstock’s Philosophy, with its brief out-lining of astronomy, was introduced the school boy could under- stand the subject well.” In this early day geography was very much opposed because of the rea- sons above cited. Men would put a bucket of water on a stump to find the water there the next morning which to them was ample proof that the bucket had not been standing wrong end up over night. They further argued that if the world turned over that we would go so fast that no one could stick to it. As an evidence that we did not turn they would cite the fact that the same side of the tree was always north and never in any other position, more than that, if the earth was round the Mississippi river would have to flow up-hill to empty its water into the Gulf and “any fool knew that water would not run up-hill.” The feeling became so great that in some communities the “heresy” was preached upon from the pulpit. many an early minister taking the view that it was against the teaching of the Bible, for indeed did the Bible not say in Isaiah: “And he shall set an ensign for the nations and shall as- semble the outcasts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from four corners of the earth,” in Revelations when John said: “I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth,” and how indeed could the earth be round and have four corners? The apple was a physical proof that such teachings were absurd and out of harmony with divine revelations, therefore the earth must be flat. The last of the common school subjects to be added to the curriculum was physiology. The first science to be developed by man was astronomy and the nearest object he could study in that was the moon, thousands of miles 588 KANDULPH COUNTY, INDIANA. away. Later his attention was given to botany and physics, studies of objects about him. It seems strange that his last subject to be studied and investigated would be the one to him the most important and the greatest of all creations,— himself. The storm of opposition that arose to the study of grammar, history, or geography, was mild, indeed, to the tempest that broke forth when it was suggested that physiology be taught in the schools. It seems almost impossible that people should ever object to this study, but they did. It was thought that physiology should be studied alone by doctors and that the child should know nothing about his “inards.". Many people looked upon it as unwise, indiscreet and even immoral to study the composition of one’s own temple. But, like all other objection made to modern thought, the objection to the study of the human body had to give way. Later the study of physiology and anatomy gave way largely in the schocls to the study of hygiene and sanitation, per- haps of the greatest benefit of any subject now taught in our schools. -\s has been before noted, the writing of the early day was a very labor- ious task. No lead pencils were to be had and the writing must be done with the pen. No teacher could get along without a sharp knife, which, from its size and purpose to which it was put was known as the pen knife, for it was with this knife that the teacher made the pens for the children to use. The. child would perhaps pick up a goose quill or turkey feather on the way to school and from it the teacher would form the pen to be used that day. The typical master of that period is always pictured as having the pen stuck behind ‘his ear. The juice of the poke berry served as ink for schools. Commniercial ink, of course, could be purchased. Ink purchased at that time was usually ot splendid quality, as is shown by the early records. The first record made in this county, in August, 1818, is as clear today as on the day on which it was nade (due, of course, to the quality of the ink and the paper). It has long since been said that ‘“‘as the teacher so is the school.” This saying is largely true, but it is no wonder that the schools of that period were crude if they were to have the same state of culture as the teacher. As we have said before, the teachers were often people who had come west through the spirit of adventure and were, Micauber like, “waiting for something to turn up,” and in the meantime teaching school. This naturally brought people of all conditions. Judge Banta, in his early “Schools of Indiana,’’ printed in the In- dianapolis News, in 1892, says: “‘A few years ago I had occasion to look into the standing and qualifications of the early teachers of my own county, and in looking over my notes I find this statement: All sorts of teachers were em- ORPHANS’ HOMIE CHILDREN BEING TRANSPORTED TO THE LINCOLN, WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 589 ployed in Johnson county; there was the ‘one-eyed teacher,’ the ‘one-legged teacher,’ the ‘lame teacher,’ the ‘teacher who had fits,’ the ‘teacher who had been educated for the ministry but, owing to his habits of hard drink, had turned pedagogue,’ and the ‘teacher who got drunk on Saturday and whipped the entire school on Monday.’ ” A paragraph something like this might be truthfully written of every county south of the National road and doubtless every one north of it. The lesson this paragraph teaches is that whenever a man was rendered unfit for making his living any other way he took to teaching. Owen Davis, of Spencer county, teacher, took to the fiddle. He taught what was known as a “loud school,’ and while his school roared at the top of their voices, the gentle pedagogue drew forth his fiddle and played “Old Zip Coon,” “Devil's Dream” and other inspiring profane airs with all the might and main that was in him. Thomas Ayres, a Revolutionary veteran, who taught in Switzerland county, regularlv took his afternoon nap during school hours while his pupils, savs the historian, were supposed to be preparing their lessons, but in reality were amusing themselves by catching flies. One of Orange county school masters was an old sailor who had wan- dered out to the Indiana woods, and under his encouragement his pupils spent a large part of their time, it is said, roasting potatoes. What is true of the school of which Judge Banta speaks was true of all the schools, Randolph county being no exception. Laughable, indeed, were some of the attempts at school-keeping in those old-time “wood colleges.” In many cases, “readin’ and spellin’”’ were the limits of what the school master dared to undertake. And the books and the classes—they were wonderful in their variety. Whatever a pupil brought. that he used; and no high-fangled teacher nor nosing school committee inter- fered to “shut down” on the pleasure of parents or of pupils; but, as in the days of Israel of old, “every one did that which was right in his own eyes.” It might chance, indeed, that a presuming youth, fresh from the schools of “Yankee land,” (though such an event was almost never known), would ven- ture, with his armful of books, to enter the school room door, thinking that his ‘“Yankee books’ would surely “pass muster out west.” But no; the teacher would examine briefly, and bluntly say, ‘Them ar books ain't no use— take em home and keep ‘em thar.” One ci the prominent men of the county gives an amusing experience in this respect. His parents had just come to the West from “Old Massachu- (38) 590 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. setts.’ The boy, perhaps ten or twelve years old, marched proudly to the sylvan temple of wisdom with his armful of New England books—Colburn’s mental arithmetic and Adams’ new arithmetic, those mathematical gems of olden time; Greenleaf’s grammar, Goodrich’s reader (perhaps), Smith’s geo- graphy, etc. The teacher, a long, lank, gaunt, ungainly fellow, rapped on the window. The children suddenly ceased playing, and crying, “It’s books! it’s books!” ran pell-mell into the log school house. School began. The teacher came along, eyeing askance the formidable pile of books; and fingering the one that lay on top—‘‘Old Zerah Colburn,” he opened the volume, and, leafing it over a while, broke out, “Boy, take that ar book home and tell your ‘pap’ to burn it up. The man what made it did not know what he was about and couldn’t do the sums.” (The work has no answers.) Taking up the gram- mar, he said, “That seems like it mought be a good enough book, but grammar ain't teached here, and you kin take that home, too.” Next came Adams’ new arithmetic, at that time one of the best text books on arithmetic in exist- ence. Turning the leaves over one by one, he drawled out, at length, ‘“This is some better, the man knows how to do about half his sums. But, see here; take that ar book home, too, and tell your ‘pap’ to send Pike’s or Talbot’s ‘rethmetic. Them’s the kind we use.” And so with the rest. He made a clean sweep of the books, and the poor, crest-fallen boy, chagrined beyond measure that his “Yankee books” had thus summarily passed under utter condemnation, went home at night (or perhaps at noon) and made report to his astonished father of the reception which had been accorded to the books he had so proudly lugged to school in the morning. We are told of one early teacher in Randolph county whose greatest diversjon was in seeing how far from the wall he could stand and spit through a crack in it. Another, whose farm adjoined the school house, punished the boys (and they did not have to do much to be punished) by sending them into his nearby clearing and compelling them to pile brush. Of another teacher it is said that he brought yarn to school, out of which, for certain minor offences, he would compel the grown-up girls to knit his socks. No doubt many of these stories told are exaggerated, but the fact re- mains that the teachers as welfsas the schools were very crude affairs, but the old schoolmaster with his iron will, his hickory rods and “repressive teaching,” soon gave way to the more refined spirit brought about by the introduction of lady teachers in the school, but with all that many a man owed his strength of RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 591 character to habits formed in those primitive schools. ‘The teacher had to have but little qualifications so far as law was concerned to teach school. If he were able to satisfy the three “good district fathers,” whose duty it was to “run the school,” that he was able to manage the big boys, he was almost sure ofa job. Frequently no examinations were held at all by them, and if any at all were held they were of little, if any, consequence. In time the state organized the school systems in such a way as to ascer- tain the qualifications of applicants to teach. The township trustees con- ducted the examination. Mr. Hobbs, before referred to, tells this amusing experience of his first examination for a teacher's certificate: “The only question asked me at my first examination was, ‘What is the product of 25 cents by 25 cents?’ We had then no teachers’ institutes, normal schools, nor ‘best methods’ by which nice matters were determined and precise definitions given. \Ve were not as exact then as people are now. We had only Pike's arithmetic, which gave the sums and the rules. These were con- sidered enough at that day. How could I tell the product of 25 cents by 25 cents, when such a problem could not be found in the book? The examiner thought it was 614 cents, but was not sure. I thought just as he did, but this looked too small to both of us. We discussed its merits for an hour or more. when he decided that he was sure I was qualified to teach schools, and a first- class certificate was given me. How others fared, I can not tell. I only know that teachers rarely taught twice in the same place,” Later on the state provided for a county examiner, whose duty it was to ascertain the qualifications of teachers. Frequently they were but little better for this purpose than the trustees had been, for they were appointed by the county commissioners, who had a habit of appointing lawyers, doctors, and more commonly preachers. As to the character of these examinations the following stories will speak for themselves : When James S. Ferris, who was prominently identified with the early educational interests of Randolph county. came into the state he applied for a position of teacher in Henry county. The county examiner was a “‘Pennsyl- vania Dutchman,’ noted more for his loyalty to Pennsylvania than for his academic training. Mr. Ferris, like all other applicants, knew of this loyalty and immediately proceeded to acquaint himself with the geography and his- tory of Pennsylvania. When he presented himself for the examination the old German seemed to be very happy to meet him, and upon being informed by Mr. Ferris that he desired to take an examination told him he would give him an oral examination.. His first question was: “How many counties are 592 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. there in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania?’ Mr. Ferris was “‘loaded”’ and, as luck would have it. knew the number of counties in Pennsylvania and immediately gave the examiner the required number and, to the surprise of Mr. Ferris, the examiner told him, “You need not answer any more questions, for any one that knows that much about the great commonwealth of Penn- sylvania can teach school in Henry county.” Whereupon, Mr. Ferris was issued a first-class license. 2 It must be remembered that no time was fixed by law for holding these examinations, but the examiner could hold them at any time and any place, which was usually at his home and at any time an applicant or applicants would present themselves. Mr. S. M. Cougill, now living in Randolph county, had the following amusing experience on his first examination : Mr. Cougill lived north of Parker two miles and rode horseback to Winchester for the purpose of taking an examination. When he arrived he went directly to the home of the examiner, J. G. Bryce, commonly called “Daddy” Bryce, for the examination. Mr. Bryce was a minister and was preparing at that time, it being Saturday forenoon, to start on his circuit. Being in a hurry, he told Mr. Cougill to take his horse to the livery stable, get his dinner and return at his earliest convenience, as he desired to start on his trip. Mr. Cougill presumed that the examination would be a very difficult one and that Mr. Bryce would give him a series of questions to answer that would take the remainder of the afternoon. Upon presenting himself, however, he was given the problem known in Stoddard’s arithmetic as the fish problem. Mr. Cougill was a student at Liber College, where mental arithmetic was one of the principal things taught, and, like all other young men of the time, knew Stoddard’s arithmetic from start to finish. Mr. Bryce offered him paper on which to solve the problem, but AIr. Cougill informed him that he was used to solving problems from memory. This, no doubt, was done because of the fact that the problem and its solution had been committed to memory long before. Mr. Bryce gave the problem and Mr. Cougill of course solved it very readily, whereupon Mr. Bryce commented upon his abilitv to teach school, and being in a hurry to get on his circuit wrote Mr. Cougill a first-class license for his trouble. Scores of other such incidents could be told of the early examinations in Randolph county, which was no exception to all the counties of the state at that period. Concerning these same things, Mr. Tucker, in his history of Randolph county, says: RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 593 “Somewhere in this volume may be found a racy sketch of a ‘woods school’ in Randolph county, taught by no less a personage than Hon. N. Cadwallader, late senator and banker of Union City, Indiana, said school taught by our worthy fellow-citizen in the year of grace 1845, only thirty-five years ago. But the sketch is so rich that it will bear reproducing, and we will tell the story again, partly in his own words: ““T taught in an old log building in a clearing. It had once boasted a (clay and puncheon) fire-place and a stick chimney; but the house at that time had neither, for the chimney and fire-place were wholly gone, and the end of the house was all open. The books were anything that the parents happened to have at hand at that time-—Bible, Testament, Marion, Washing- ton, Franklin, spelling book, Murray’s Sequel, or anything else: and each one used what he brought, be it what it might. School book uniformity was not in vogue then in that institution, but glorious liberty was the order of the day. Of course, classification was out of the question, but each urchin was head (and foot, too,) of his own class.’ “Tn discipline, Mr. Cadawallader was unique. One day he had four un- dergoing, all at once, on the puncheons, the solemn penalty of violated law. Two were standing face to face, with a stick split at each end, and one end snapped to each boy’s nose. One had been thrown astride of a naked joist- pole overhead, while a fourth was stationed with his hands behind his back and his nose plump up to the wall. Was not all that a sight? The state can never know how great is her loss in not having appointed Mr. C. state school super- intendent, for that original bent of genius would have wrought wonders ere this in the line of methods of instruction, of architecture, or discipline, of amusement. At any rate, stich was ‘school-keeping’ thirty-five vears ago in our beloved Randolph, full thirty-one years after its first settlement.” ~COUNTY SEMINARY. In 1824 a law was passed providing for higher education in each county. This institution of learning was to be known as the county seminary. About fifty counties in the state took advantage of this law and established county seminaries. Randolph was one of these. These schools were supported by private tuition fees, and the scarcity of money at that time kept many a child from attending who might otherwise have done so. We have been unable to learn when the county seminary was established 594 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. in Randolph county, but are sure it was before May, 1827, as on the 8th day of that month we find “Robinson McIntire is reappointed trustee of the county seminary for the county of Randolph for and during the term of three years from and after this date.’ Evidently the seminary had been formed before that time, but this comes in the period of which the records of the county are lost. We find many items of interest concerning this school. Mr. Tucker, when writing his history of the county, gave the subject no little attention, and has the following to say concerning it: “At a called meeting of the trustees of the county seminary of Randolph. county, on the 7th day of May, 1839, present, Hiram Mendenhall, John J. Peacock and Edmund B. Goodrich: “Ordered, That Carev S. Goodrich be appointed clerk of the board. “Ordered, That E. B. Goodrich be appointed treasurer, and that he call on Zachariah Puckett, late trustee of the county seminary, for all hooks, notes, bonds, papers and moneys in his hands as trustee aforesaid; and that the said Edmund B. Goodrich report to this board at their next meeting. “The board hath this day conditionally purchased of David Heaston a lot in the town of Winchester for the purpose of erecting a county seminary, the aforesaid purchase subject to. the supervision of the county commis- sioners.” And then the board adjourned until Monday, the 14th inst. Hiram Mendenhall, Carey S. Goodrich (clerk), John J. Peacock, Edmund B. Goodrich, Seminary Building Trustees. Board met May 14, 1839. Considered that the fund at command is not large enough to warrant the erection of a county seminary ; therefore, “Ordered, That the funds be loaned so as to be due May 1, 1840.” Board met February 29, 1840, and voted to commence the erection of a county seminary, and they directed George W. Goodrich to draft a plan for a building, with dimensions as follows: Size, 35x45 feet; first floor at least three feet from the earth; first story, twelve feet in the clear; second story. ten feet in the clear. Board met March 13, 1840, and ordered the house to be only one story. Board met March 18, 1840, and directed advertisements for bids for building the seminary, to be put up at Winchester, Windsor, Spartanburg, Mendenhall’s Mill and Deerfield. House to be finished May 1, 1841, and to be built of brick. Board met April 10, 1840, and let the erection of the building to George RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 595 W. Moore for $2,300, that being the lowest bid, and ordered that $20 be paid George W. Goodrich for draft and specifications. June 1, 1841, board met and voted to borrow from the surplus revenue fund $1,000, under a law then lately passed. June 10, 1841, board ordered the letting of two jobs: 1. Digging well, erecting pump, building privies and leveling yard. 2. Making and fixing forty-nine desks in the school room. Both jobs were to be done by October 1, 1&41. June 10, 1841, board met, opened bids, and let the jobs as follows: First, to George W. Goodrich, for $170; second job, to Ernest Strome, for $124. December 18, 1841, board met and accepted, with some slight reserva- tions, the seminary and ordered the contractor to be paid for the same $2,200. January 1, 1842, board met and adopted rules for the care of the school building and other property and for the behavior of the students. The rules adopted were quite precise and somewhat strict, e. g.: Section 1.—Be it ordained that any person or persons who shall break any glass or shall break any locks, hinges, or latches, or break or lose any keys, or any of the sash, cords, or pulleys, or springs, or shall tear any of the curtains of the windows, shall be fined as follows: For each glass, 50 cents; for each lock broken or key lost, $4; for each latch or hinge broken, 50 cents; for each light or sash broken, 50 cents; for each pulley cord broken or torn loose, 25 cents; for each pulley string broken, 37 cents: for each tearing window curtain, 37 cents; for injuring desk, seats, etc., not above 50 cents for the first offence, to be doubled for any subsequent offence ; for scratching the wall, etc., not over $3; for breaking or injuring the gates or fences, not above 50 cents, to be doubled upon repetition; for injuring trees or shrubbery, not above $1, doubled for repetition. The studies allowed were orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, Eng- lish grammar, geography, algebra, geometry, surveying, philosophy chemistry and latin. | March term, 1842, seminary trustees’ report to the board of county com- missioners as below: Receipts, $3,145.02; expenditures, $2,857.82; balance on hand, $287.20. August 30, 1842, board ordered payment to George D. Moore $200, for building of the seminary. The seminary opened in the spring of 1842, under the charge of Prof. James S. Ferris. Mr. Ferris was an acceptable teacher, and the school grew and prospered 596 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. under his instruction. He remained several years, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas Spencer. Mr. Spencer continued for several years, and his successor was Prof. E. P. Cole, who retained connection for three or four years. During his ad- ministration much was done in procuring library, apparatus, etc., for the use of the school, which, however, was all sold back to him in liquidation of debts due him as principal of the seminary. The school, on the whole, was flourishing and prosperous, and did ex- cellent service in furnishing the opportunity of higher education to the youth of the county and the region. The county seminary plan would seem, indeed, to have been a wise pro- vision, and might well have been continued. Under the constitution of 1851, however, the county seminaries were closed, the property sold, and the avails applied to the general school funds. During their existence very many youths were aided in their efforts after knowledge. Most who have been prominent since that time, who were then in their youth, attended the seminary more or less. Schools were kept for a while in the building by private enterprise, but it was finally sold by the trustees and employed as a woolen factory by the Carter Brothers, and afterward by another as a wagon shop. The instructions given in that institution were of a kind of which those who gave them had no need to be ashamed. Modern educators appear to imagine that before them was nothing, and after them shall be—what? And echo answers, What? Yet, it is nevertheless true that the methods practiced and the results obtained by the gentlemen who presided over the labors of that seminary in those early years were good enough even for an age so fastidious and boastful as the present. One instance must be given to show that the teachers in the Winchester Seminary knew how to perform thorough work, and to make the pupils do the same. It was the custom in that school—and not by any means a bad one, either —to have classes examined separately, and whenever any class might chance to be ready, and then to call upon a teacher of the region to conduct the ex- amination. An arithmetic class was ready, and a neighboring professor was summoned to the work of finding out how much that particular group of youngsters knew about “figures.” The method of examination was this: The subject of arithmetic, as found in ‘Rays’ Third Part,” was divided into topics. Each topic was presented under sub-heads, adapted to’ bring out ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 597 fully and clearly its true nature, and the mutual relation of each to all the rest. Slips of paper were prepared, each containing the matters belonging to a distinct topic. The class was numbered, and the professor, knowing no pupil in the class, assigned to them by number the topics simply by chance. Each pupil took his topic, and, with no opportunity for preparation by text-book or otherwise, going to the board, put the needful work thereupon, and, when his time came, explained, in a clear and connected manner, the whole subject as- signed him (or her), since several of the class were females. No questions were asked; none were needed. The examiner merely sat and listened. In fact, the subjects were presented so clearly, so fully, so exhaustively, that, as the professor sat gazing on their work, and hearing their recitations and ex- planations, the lines of Goldsmith, adapted, might be applied: And still he gazed, as still the wonder grew, How that bright class had mastered all they knew. He had witnessed and conducted many examinations before, as he has done many since, and some that were by no means poor nor unworthy; yet he is, in candor, obliged to declare, that, for completeness, for thoroughness, for clearness and uniformity of knowledge, for absence of failure, for lack even of hesitation on the part of the pupils concerned, for excellence in general and in particular, that performance stands unrivaled within his knowledge. Some dozen pupils were in the class, but not a poor one among them all. Half- grown boys and timid girls alike stood the test, and went through their work cally, smilingly and triumphant. The author would be glad to record the names of the members of that class as a slight token of admiration for their instructor and themselves, as he feels sure that a group, who, in boyhood and youth, could pass so heroically such an examination as that to which they, on that eventful day, submitted themselves, could not fail. in the coming years, to be otherwise than men and women of mark in the life struggle into which they were so soon compelled to plunge. But the examiner knew not then whom he was examining, nor does he to this day. All honor to the faithful, earnest, enthusiastic, laborious, successful instructors of that olden time. By the great teacher it was said, thousands of year ago, “By their fruits ye shall know them,” and well and confidently may the educators of “Auld Lang Syne” appeal to the apparent, unquestionable results of their laborious energy in triumphant vindication of their faithfulness, and of their wisdom and their practical skill as well, in the department of instruction.” 598 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. We have at this time an organization ‘in the city of Winchester known as the “Old Seminary Girls,” which organization is inspired by the many happy associations while attending this school. True, they were among the last to attend this famous institution, but; nevertheless, they caught the spirit of “higher learning while attending there. No doubt much of the educational interests to be found among the citizenship of Winchester today is due largely to the influence of the old seminary... The first school or association for school purposes, so far as we know, was formed by some citizens of Winchester and the immediate vicinity, record of which is made in 1827. These gentlemen, whose names were: Thomas Wright, Jr., William Wright, Paul W. Way, Abner Overman, David Heaston, Caleb Odle. Thomas Hanna and Jonathan Hiatt, Jehu Robinson, David Hayworth, Aaron Dolby, John Odle, John B. Wright, Jonathan Hiatt, Sr., Albert Banta, James Davis, Jonathan Edwards. William Edwards, John Wright, Jacob Porson, David Wright entered into the following agreement: “We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of Indiana, and of Randolph county, being aware of the importance of school education, do mutually cove- nant and agree to and with each other, to form ourselves into a society, under the name of the Winchester’School Association, and to elect out of our body three trustees to manage the business of the society. August 21, 1827.” There was evidently some connection between this school association and that of the county seminary, as Winchester, then a mere village, could not, under any condition, support two schools. Each of these schools were supported by private subscription and by tuition collected from those attend- ing. While we presume the schools were conducted as one school we have been unable to find any authentic relation existing between them. The county seminary was intended to be and to a great degree became “The College of the Poor Man.” It was the intention that one was to be established in each county of the state. This was almost realized, as seventy- three really were established. No one can estimate the good done by these institutions and no doubt the cause of free education in later years was made possible through their in- fluence. Indiana did not vote upon free education until 1848, and it is a matter of history that the vote was heaviest for free public schools in the communities where the seminaries were most popular. Public libraries were maintained in connection with the seminaries, and this, indeed, became the ‘‘disseminators of public knowledge.” The seminary RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 599 was democratic in its organization and reached out to every one who had a desire for higher education. Even at that remote period no one could, with truth, claim lack of opportunity for not having an education. The culture about this institution was high and the scholarship of the professors good; the morality of the student body well cared for and pro- tected by the stabilitv and honesty of those connected with this institution v7 learning. They were the direct forerunners of the present high schools of the country and have always been looked upon by all the educators as the real “pioneers of learning.” Prof. Richard Boone, in his history of education in Indiana, pays this high tribute to the old county seminaries: “After the extremest criticism has been passed upon the deficiencies of the means of general public education during the period, it must be said that more efficient teaching, more generously supported considering their resources, vr more generally appreciated, than in the supplementary institutions that made the state honorably famous just prior to and following the middle of the century. Ona frontier not yet freed from the swamp and thicket, where there was little wealth and less leisure, in more than a score of towns and country neighborhoods, were well-known and prosperous centers of the sever- est classical and disciplinary culture. No compromise was made with the practical. Their training was altogether ‘liberal’ and general. They imitated the older East in the curriculum, and rivaled it in method and efficiency. The really classically educated, both among pupils and teachers, were relatively far more common than now.” In August, 1848, by vote of the people of the state, free public schools were established in.the State of Indiana and the seminaries soon gave way to these great institutions. It is interesting to know that in the election where the question to be determined was “shall we maintain free public schools?” Randolph county’s vote was in the affirmative. It may seem strange today that the vote was not practically unanimous, but it carried in this county by only about 6 per cent. The heaviest vote for it was in and around the com- munities whose center was “The Quaker Church.” UNION LITERARY INSTITUTE. The influence of the Quaker belief and the influence of the Quaker church as exemplified in the lives of its members, was shown in as marked a degree in the early schools as it was in the church. 600 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. These great and good people believe in following the dictates of their own conscience and obeying the faithful injunctions made known to them by the “moving of the spirit,’ not only in private life but in public life as well and in the school as well as the home and the church. All honor must be given to these men and women, simple in faith, who had the courage as well as con- viction to do something for their fellowmen. In the quietude of their home deliberations or the spiritual environment of their week-day meetings came a convicting desire to put into effect what seemed to them to be the Will of God. Under such environment and desire to be of service to a down trodden race a few members belonging to the “New port Meeting” conceived the idea of endowing an institution for the high and noble purpose of carrying knowledge and learning within the reach of those who desire it. With this end in view, Nathan Thomas, William Clemens, David Wilcuts, Eli Hiatt, Jacob Hackett, Henry H. Way, John Randle, Daniel Hill, Thornton Alexander, Albert Smith, William Davidson, John H. Bond and Charles Clemens were selected by the donors as the board of managers of the new in- stitution of learning to be established in the Edgewater colored community of Randolph county. At the first meeting, gth month 4, 1845, of the board, William Clemens was elected president, and Daniel Hill, secretary. The next day they met again and resolved, “That this institution be called the Union Literary In- stitute.” They immediately proceeded to arrange for what they hoped to be a great school, and appointed ‘Daniel Hill, John Randle and Thornton Alexander a committee to superintend the building of a hewed log house thirty feet long, twenty feet wide and two stories high” and to “finish it off for the accommoda- tion of a school.” These men were actuated by the highest of motives and sincerity and lost no time or opportunity in the execution of the trust placed upon them. They immediately appointed a committee to prepare a constitution for the government of the institution. In this they were aided by Mr. James S. Ferris, of Winchester, a man of scholarly attainment. Mr.. Ferris was elected to the board of managers in 1845. In April, 1846, they arranged definitely for the organization of the school. “On motion, resolved that we open a manual labor school on the 18th of next month and that Nathan Thomas and Thornton Alexander be permitted to report at this meeting at what age pupils shall be admitted and the length of time they shall be required to labor each RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 601 a9 day.” After retiring a short time the committee reported that students be admitted into the manual labor department at the age of fourteen, be required to labor four hours per day.’ This is, perhaps, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, vocational schools of the state. Every effort was made to get a suitable person for principal of the school. lt depended largely upon Oberlin College, and in June, 1846, they secured the services of Ebenezer Tucker, a graduate of that institution, “for the term of eight months for the sum of two hundred dollars, the school to commence on the 22d of June.” They immediately entered into an agreement with Mr. Tucker to teach the school and agreed to furnish a team to assist in moving him from his residence in Ohio to the institution. Thus it was that Mr. Tucker became an early factor in the education of Randolph county. Mr. Tucker's influence was always for the best and he succeeded in building up an institution that was known far and near, as one of the very best. It attracted attention, not only throughout this county, but as far east as the New Eng- land states; in fact, the success of the institution was due more to Mr. Tucker than to any other one man. We shall have more to say of him later on. “At a general meeting of the contributors to the Union Literary Institute, held in Friends Meeting at Newport, Wayne county, tenth month, first, 1846, a report of the proceedings of the board of managers the past year was read, accompanied bv an essay of a constitution for the government of the institu- tion.” / The earnestness with which the managers considered their work is shown by the fact that the constitution was discussed all that day, and, desiring to give it due deliberation, ‘adjourned until early candle lighting tomorrow evening to re-discuss the matter.” The meeting assembled according to ad- journment and considered and adopted their constitution. Their high ideals and purposes are fittingly set forth in the preamble, which is as follows: PREAMBLE: “Wheréas, a number of benevolent men and women have given lands and contributed money and goods for the purpose of building up and sustaining a Manual Labor School. Principly for the benefit of that class of the popula- tion whom the laws of Indiana at present preclude from all participation in the benefits of our public school system and further for the purpose of placing the blessings of an education in the higher branches of science within the reach of all who have not the means and facilities for the acquisition of 602 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. scientific knowledge, which are always at the command of the wealthy. Now therefore that the greatest possible good may be derived to those whom the munificence of the donors was designed to reach and bless. To secure and employ for the same benevolent end all gifts, grants, contributions, devises and donations that may hereafter from time to time be made in furtherance of this laudable and christian enterprise. To provide for the due and proper application of the same, according to the true interest and design of the donors. And to define and fix some” general principles for the good govern- ment and promotion of the best interests of such school and collegiate institu- tion as may grow up on the foundations. We do ordain and establish the fol- lowing :” The constitution itself is rather an able document and in many of its articles shows the true motive back of the promoters of the institution. Arti- cle 1 affirms the name “Union Literary Institute.” Article 6 gives a ma- jority of the board ‘‘power to make rules and by-laws for their own govern- ment, and that of the school in all matters relating to discipline and manual labor. Fixed rates of labor, board and tuition, to contract for necessary buildings, to employ teachers, tutors and professors, to provide suitable lib- raries, philosophical and chemical apparatus.” Article 8, 9 and 10 are worthy of special interest, as they show the attitude of that institution toward slavery and religion. “Art. 8th. There never shall be tolerated or allowed in the Union Liter- arv Institution, its government, discipline or privileges any distinction on ac- count of color, rank or wealth. Art. 9th. In all matters relating to ecclesiastics each person connected with the school, either as teacher or pupil, shall be left to his or her denom- ination preference: nor shall any teacher be employed or other instru- mentalities used, to favor one church organization sect more than another; but the authority of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and the divinity of the Christian religion shall be maintained inviolate; and no person known to hold contrary opinions shall be admitted to any official station in the Institution. Art. roth. The incompatibility of war and slavery with the Christian religion shall be a leading principle in the Institution.”’ : After their constitution was adopted they immediately planned to build a boarding house in connection with the school and appointed a committee, which presented the following plan: “A frame house with two wings, each fifty feet long, one twenty-six and the other thirty feet long and two stories high.” ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 603 This building was completed in a short time and was placed under the charge of the superintendent of the school. Naturally rules were necessary for the control of the students who made their homes in this building. We are informed by Mr. Bass, of that com- munity, that the second story had the sleeping apartments on each side of a long hall which went through the entire building. The girls occupied the rooms on one side of the hall and the boys’ rooms on the other side. This made the matter of discipline somewhat of a difficult one and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, who had charge of this building for a great many years, proved them- selves equal to all needs. The “code of by-laws” for the regulation of the school is another evidence that the founders of this institution intended it to be one of worth and force and one which the student body must respect. The following are some of the rules laid down: “No student shall absent himself, unless by leave from the principal nor be excused from any lesson or any school exercise except by the principal. No student shall at any time or place use any intonicating liquor as a beverage. No member of the institution shall play at cards, checkers, chess or any similar game of chance or skill. No student shall burn gun powder in or near any of the institution buildings except by leave of the principal or superintendent. Students are required to be at their rooms by 10 o’clock p. m. and after 9 p. m. to avoid everything which may disturb repose. Students shall not be allowed, upon pain of expulsion, upon any pretense to visit the other sex at their rooms or receive them at their own except by special permission of the prin- cipal or the superintendent in cases of serious illness. Every student upon the age of fourteen years shall, unless he be prevented by sickness or shall for other reasonable cause be excused by the superintendent, perform manual labor under the direction of the superintendent four hours per day. Every student shall, unless prevented by ill health or other reasonable cause, rise by 5 o'clock a. m. Study hours shall compromise from five and one-half o'clock a. m. til 12 m. and from I p. m. to 5% p. m. and from seven to nine p. m., allowing one hour for breakfast and provided that requisite time may be taken for manual labor so far as necessary from the above prescribed hour of study. All students of sufficient age and advancement shall engage in study at his room (or other proper place by permission of the principal) during the hour of study hours. The laws of the Christian morality shall be binding on every member of the institution and any breach of them shall be regarded a violation of these laws. No distinction shall be allowed on account of com- plexion and especially every member of the institution shall carefully avoid 604 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. unkind, reproachful or approbrious names or languages. Quiet shall be ob- served on the first day of the week by carefully avoiding any unnecessary noise and no unnecessary labor shall be done by students or others at the boarding establishment. And the students shall (except such as may be regularly ex- cused) assemble twice in the day, morning and evening, in company with the principal or superintendent to read or hear read portions of the scripture. The students shall be required to furnish bed and other necessary accommodations for their rooms; to keep their rooms clean and decent, to mop the floors at least once in three weeks, to take it by turns to keep-the hall, alley ana stairs clean and to take care that all the rooms be arranged, beds made, floors swept, etc., by the first breakfast bell so that the hall, alley and stairs may be put in proper order before breakfast. Smoking tobacco shall not be allowed in any of the rooms of the institution. The sexes shall refrain from spending time with each other—provided that the public sitting room shall be free for such as choose to occupy it on first day (Sunday) from one to three p. m. and from half past six to half past seven on Thursday evening. Males and females may walk out in company only by permission of the principal or male or female superintendent. Students shall not spend time in the kitchen except when engaged in necessary labor.” The attitude of the institution toward slavery is manifested on all occa- sions; in 1847, at a meeting in the Friends Meeting House at Newport, “Ebenezer Tucker was invited to address the meeting on the condition of peo- ple of color, which he did in an able and interesting manner.”’ Lewis Coffin, a great leader of the under-ground railway, was at that time made one of the members of the board of managers. Mr. Coffin was in- strumental in making the community about this institution one of the leading stations on the under-ground railway. In 1848 they asked for a charter from the Legislature of the State and were granted it. A mistake was made in the charter by calling the institution “The University Institution” instead of “Union Literary Institute,” and the board asked the Legislature to change the name to the correct one and it was done in 1849. The institution was supported from the income of the land which had been donated and from donations made to solicitors or agents for the institu- tion. The board had its regularly authorized agents, who traveled through the entire United States soliciting aid for the institution. These agents made claim, and truthfully so, that the institution was primarily in the interest of the eee ; FS GREEN TOWNSHIP BUILDING. ,RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 605 children of slaves or ex-slaves and was maintained as a philanthropic institu- tion for these people . Statements as to the financial condition were published annually in such papers as the Pre-territorial Sentinel, Cincinnati Weekly Globe, Rochester, N. Y., North Star and now and then a Boston paper. The solicitors received ten per cent. of the amount collected for their services. All kinds of donations were acceptable and the records show such donations as “one day’s work,” “one horse collar,” ‘‘one steel trap,’ “five pounds coffee,” ‘6 pounds sugar,” “fifty pounds flour,’ ‘four bushels wheat,’ and in fact most any kind of articles that could be used in the in- stitution. The report of James \loorman, treasurer, May 8th, 1850, shows the re- ceipts from October 5th, 1847, to May 8th. 1850, $375.18; disbursements, $375.22. Receipts, however, sometimes went as high as $600.00 for four or five months. The highest collections were during the vear 1850, and to show the scope of territory covered we shall give the report of William Beard, agent: “To the Board of Managers, U. L. L: “T hereby present the following report of my collections and services as General Agent for the U. L. Institute from my appointment as such agent up to the prst. time. 8th mo. 24th, 1850: e Collections made before going to Cincinnati .-----a.--s=-cce5_ $ 57.00 Collenhions tiade tm Gineiingt! 30 eee ee eee 95.00 Collections made in Philadelphia -_---_.-_------------_---___-___ 841.00 Collections maagle: in New MiGth 2 cceeooeesececea eee 560.90 Collections made in Germantown ____--.-----------..--------- 45.00 Collections made in Providence, R. I. _--_.--_---_---_-_-_-_-_-- ee 52.00 Collections made in Fall River _---.---------------------------- 15.00 Collections made in Nantucket ..c2--22--c---ecs-eseecacccascs 92.06 Colleetions-in New Bedtord <<.css2sq—eseecedeencoenecenese sce 41.00 Gollections mide tn Bostecsos6. o2eore Seas = 555 336 100 Jackson: se224 ssn senses 4.06 239 145 Wayne se oeaceccLeneeesss 712 623 140 Monte. aseoecceesscooasages 294 237 120 Brankhn: 2c2n ccs osc ssosess - 241 126 120 Winchester, Town ~_-__..----- 591 445 160 Ridgeville, Town ~---------~- 180 112 160 Farmland, Town ~_----------- 190 126 160 Hunts, Town, ssccccessvecepe 80 37 106 Union City, Town ~---------- 922 628 180 Wotalsi22sssecsseasuloeS 8044 5073 Av. 132 AVERAGE WAGES, 1880. Males. Females. Gee ns i a ca a $1.75 $1.50 Para MIA poo ss ae a a 1.88 1.53 AWN a eS Se se elec 2 et ge os 1.62 1.60 SONG RB SSO Ao ot eed oe: 1.60 1.41 WRG 52252 BS oe eo 1.85 1.56 STReRSIOI ls 155252 eae, Td 1.74 AW ASS ae ahs eee ee 1.76 1.58 WGGSP Fen oo ae ee eee ee aseeeaaaoe 1.87 “O64 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. “Males. Females. Nettle Creele: (cs ae SOs Da rt 1.91 1.96 Site Cee lh oat es alae ee 2.03 1.96 DG NPE ce a ore esse eee 2.03 1.76 White RAVE? sccisusem eee n ose aeesseesS2 1.76 1.58 Patmland tacc2.e2 55 Seo ou hae ssSe 3. 50 2.00 TG ie resents Sera eee eee 2.60 2.00 WGEHEStER joe de 4.41 2.00 Union! City obsede eho eet Bees 4.76 2.25 IQI2-1913. Pupils Daily Number of Average wages Townships. Admitted. Average. Days. Males. Females. Pranklip: oo. cen--bosssee 99 78 140 $3.13 $2.40 Green wee e sos. 2e ees 193 161 150 4.1814 3.05 Greensiork 22 222 s2eesL 2256 386 319 145 3.45 3.01 Jackson aus s3 5 cso 8G 248 150 2.91 3.11 Montes: 222s 2 cea 399 351 146 5.29 2.95 Nettle Creek ~-------~---- 307 255 140 3.12 2.85% Stoney Creek -_-_--__------209 163 140 2.69 2.57 WE, eee 435 351 144 4.46 3.07 Washington <2 eee 643 502 146 3.87 2.89 Wayne: ice cee ee ee 305 275 140 2.80 2.96 Wrest Rivet oe ieee coe, 407 318 147 3.82 3.05 WiHite River. es 646 509 140 4.02 3.17 Farmland ~--------------- 218 195 160 4.19 2.64 Ride ville caer 272 234 160 4.82 2.90 Union City oe.c oe. ee 539 459 180 5.01 3.61 Winchester --------.------ 933 716 180 6.19 3,24 A comparison on receipts and expenditures for the years 1880-81 and that of 1912-13 show the vast difference in the cost of the schools at that time and those of the present day; however, the disbursements for 1912-13 were more than normal in most cases, due to especial expenditure for buildings and equipments which many of these townships had expended during this year. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, 1880, 1881. 605 Districts. Tuition. Special Revenue. R’c’pts. Dis’m'ts. Balance. R’c’pts. Dis’m'ts. Balance. White River ~--__ $8,071 $5,031 $3,040 $2,879 $1,446 $1,433 Washington ~_---_ 6.150 3,445 2,205 2,063 1,563 500 Greensfork ~--__-- 4,829 2,700 2,129 1,583 687 896 Stoney Creek ~-_-- 3,111 1,869 1,242 1,571 1,020 551 Nettle Creek ~-_-_ 3,362 2,345 1,017 1,443 651 792 West River ------ 3,322 1,576 1,746 1,407 213 1,254 Gréen seme 2,716 1,631 1,085 1,391 1,009 382 Ward) osc, 3,562 2,052 1,510 1,528 568 960 Jack$0n: no nese ses 3,962 2,070 1,892 1,124 521 603 Wayne ---------- 4.923 2,505 2,358 4,270 577 3,693 Monroe ~_-_----__ 6,842 2,080 4,762 2,938 2,938 o'erdr’n Franklin ~-----_-~ 1,841 1,381 460 1.149 259 890 Winchester ~------ 8,713 4,621 4,092 9,865 1,376 8.489 Ridgeville -----_-_ 2,083 1,018 1,065 483 335 148 Farmland cxnscn nn 1,437 960 477 668 393 Be Huntsville _--_____ 471 265 206 87 46 41 Union City ------ 7,921 4,365 3,550 4.053 2.517 1,536 Totals ~_---_ $73,316 $40,474 $32,842 $38,562 $16,119 $22,443 The tuition fund and the special revenue form a grand total of: Re- ceipts, $111,878; disbursements, $56,593; balance on hand, $55,285. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, 1912-1913. TUITION. Districts. Receipts. Disbursements. Bal. on Hand. Pirate Sie es $ 3,862.34 $ 1,211.00 $ 2,651.34 a de 6,906.74 3,084.40 3,028.34. Mrcensiitle: -2 oo -e st Sa 13,048.95 7,102.25 5.946.70 TSChe On S552 os os ees 7,759.81 4952-43 2,807.38 MOUIOS 258s lest ie os 12,614.66 8,000.27 4,614.39 Nettle (Gredle iio 9,097.50 5,080.40 Spek Fe meonby: Greek p22 ooo 6,959. 46 3,500.75 3458.71 666 Districts. Wards cote ste Ae Washington ~_--- Wayne _--------- West River —_-~- White River ~~~ Farmland ____~_- Ridgeville ------- Union City ------ Winchester __---~ Districts. Franklin __--__-_ Green ____-____-- Greensfork ~_____ Jackson ~~------- Monroe ~_------- Nettle Creek ____ Stoney Creek ~_-_ Natd: su SS5eee 553 Washington -_~~- Wayne ~_-------- West River ____-_ White River ____ Banmland 20 2. Ridgeville -.----- Union City ~----- Winchester __-___ “SGtal wo eee RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Receipts. Disbursements. a Saree 12,727.91 7,964.07 Soueeges 16,397.21 11,580.00 Safco 10,676.21 5,394.75 BEd moh 12,329.06 6,093.93 oes 14,556.85 10,824.50 7,750.31 5,587.20 7,209.52 4,508.00 leat ate 22,543.21 10,655.64 Sos 25,094.78 16,879.74 rons $189,540.52 $112,419.33 SPECIAL REVENUE. Receipts. Disbursements. eae $ 7,101.96 $ 2,529.20 preearie 10,613.98 9,680.62 -on---- 15,452.09 7,684.49 9,662.04 8,639.35 eee 13,014.29 8,914.30 Eatecee 10,034.62 6,728.02 5,951.56 4,277.41 fe Se 13,989.49 11,018.73 Sesagee 26,204.53 23,125.13 eter 26,425.72 25,791.04 ee 15,186.34 14,874.57 Ee FE os 33,411.88 32,724.77 5277-90 5159-45 3,511.17 1,884.72 mate 11,795.44 7,475-48 pi at ae 19.625.10 13,614.37 eee ee $227,348.11 $184,121.65 Bal. on Hand. 4,763.84 4,817.21 5,281.46 6,235.13 3573235 2,169.11 2,701.52 1£,807.57 8,215.04 $ 77,121.19 Bal. on Hand. $4,572.76 933-36 7,767.60 1,022.69 4,099.99 3,306.60 1,674.15 2,970.76 3,169.40 634.68 311-77 687.11 118.45 1,626.45 4,319.96 6,010.73 $ 43,226.46 CHAPTER N. CHURCH AND DENOMINATION HISTORY. When John the Baptist, clothed in a raiment of camel's hair, and a leather girdle about his loins, and subsisting upon locust and wild honey, appeared in the wilderness of Judaea, admonishing the people to repent, “For the king- dom of heaven is at hand,” and proclaiming the fulfillment of the prophecy, saying: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight,’ he was heralding an institution that was to revolutionize society and become the civilizer of the world. This doctrine was to go into all parts of the world and make possible the high state of advancement found in this great country of ours today. As the disciples of Christ carried the message to the world, so the pioneer father and mother brought the message to their own families and estab- lished it in the hearts of their children, while yet around the family hearth. The itinerant preacher followed closely the footsteps of the pioneer; he also came into the wilderness proclaiming with fervor and enthusiasm the doctrine of repentance. Riding to the cabin door and calling to the occu- pants, he made himself known, and he was always a welcome visitor regard- less of what his denomination might be. His coming was a welcome visit from the outside world and especial attention was always paid him as a guest. He was sure to have the best the household could afford and “yellow legged chickens were sure to enter the ministry” upon his coming. As soon as he expressed a desire to remain over night, as many of the household as could be spared were dispatched over the surrounding country to invite the neighbors to attend the services to be held in the cabin of his host that evening. Most churches were represented by this class of ministers but it was particularly a strong element in the Methodist church. To this class of peo- ple Oliver H. Smith, in his early “Indiana Trials and Sketches,” pays the fol- lowing tribute : “T should be false to the history of early Indiana were I to pass by in silence the itinerant Methodist preacher who contributed so much to the establishment of good order, quiet, intelligence, morality and religion among the first settlers and without intending to give voice to others I venture the 668 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. remark that early Indiana, nay, more, Indiana today, owes more to the itiner- ant Methodist preacher than to all other religious denominations combined. Their system carried other churches into every settlement, and where two or three were gathered together, there was a Methodist preacher or exhorter in the midst. They were at the bed-side of the dying man, on their knees, and at the grave their voices were heard in songs of praise. Other denominations waited for the people to come up from the wilder- ness to worship while the itinerant Methodist preacher mounted his horse and sought out their cabins in the woods, held his meetings there, carrying the Gospel and leaving the Bible and the Hymn book as he went.” The preaching of the early minister was always zealous, fervent and full of spirit. He believed in a future full of happiness or torment: and despair. He dwelt but little upon happiness but preached almost incessantly of the eternal torment of the damned. Fire and brime-stone were frequently mentioned. His doctrine usually was ‘‘Be good for fear of punishment,” rather than, “Be righteous for righteousness sake.” He preached upon texts taken from the Bible. The events of the day were left for others to discuss. __ The minister was at that time one of the greatest factors of society and his method of preaching was in conformity to his environment. He preached fearlessly the truth, as the light from above revealed the truth to him. He admonished where admonition was needed. Position or policy did not pro- tect the guilty from the needed advice. His sermons were frequently two or three hours long, depending upon the fervor and the zeal with which he preached. The adult portion of his audience never complained for they were, indeed, glad to hear the word of God. It became impressed upon the minds of the members of the church that a two or three hour sermon did not fit the spiritual needs of the child and out of this came the movement for the Sab- bath school. These schools were established in almost every part of the county. A list will be found near the close of this chapter. The Sabbath school has been largely built up by the persistent efforts of the women of the church and even the most ardent supporters of the church and church doctrine have found that Sabbath schools do not interfere with their rights and are a great help in bringing up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” It is true we still have a very small per cent. of people who do not believe in the institution of the Sabbath school but the per cent. is getting to be almost a negligible quantity. .RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 669 The first Sunday school in Indiana was organized by Rev. Isaac Reed, a Presbyterian missionary in New Albany, in. 1818. Sunday schools are known to have existed in Randolph county as early as 1838 and no doubt existed much sooner than that. The first church service to be held in the county was held in the cabin of Ephraim Bowen in 1815 and Stephen Williams, local preacher, exhorted at that meeting. The first sermon was also preached in Mr. Bowen’s cabin by Rev. Mr. Holman, of Louisville, Kentucky, his text taken from Isaiah: “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is the hurt of the daughter of my people not recovered?” James C. Bowen who was at the meeting said it was an excellent discourse and ihat it greatly edified the assembly. FRIENDS. Many of the first settlers of the county were members of the Friends or Quaker church. They had emigrated from the southland because of their disgust and antagonism for the institution of slavery. They believed that men were created equal and did not care to live and rear their families sur- rounded by the institution of slavery. These Christian people had been sober, devout worshippers in the southland and they brought with them, deeply settled in their inmost souls, the love of God and man and their hope in Christ and their sense of obligation to Him and their fellowmen. Almost the very first thing done by them was to erect a church of the Lord in the wilderness, to which they went at stated times, through rain and sunshine and winter’s cold, along forest trails, over paths dimly traced by blazed trees, on horse back or on foot, ever mindful of the command of their Lord not to ‘forget the assembling of themselves together.” Their week day meetings were usually held in the forenoon of the fourth day or fifth day and when that day came, the head of the household, together with his entire family and help, regardless of the condition of weather or urgencies and nécessities of work, wended their way to church. The school house was generally located near the church and school children were dis- missed from school to attend the week day meeting. This custom was ad- hered to in some parts of the communities of this county as late as 1884. There they sat in communion with the Lord for one hour responding to the spirit. Frequently the hour would pass with not a word having been said, and when the time for dismissal came the head man of the meeting shook hands and “meeting was out.” (43) 670 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The churches were built with a partition running crosswise so as to form two rooms of one. The women sat on one side and the men on the other. The seats were placed in galleries—raised seats. During the busi- ness meetings the openings in the partitions were closed and the men and the womens’ meetings were held separately. When a young man and woman desired to get married they appeared in the monthly meeting and announced their intention of getting married by “giving in,” that is, they gave to the clerk of the mecting a written statement that they desired to get married. Upon receipt-of this statement the men appointed a committee to examine the character and fitness and eligibility of the young man. The women ap- pointed a similar committee to perform a similar duty for the young woman. Among other things the committees would ascertain would be whether the couple had the consent of the parents and whether either had promised any- one else in marriage. If the consent of the parents had been obtained and the committees found “favorable” to the contracting parties their report would be either “clear” or “passed.” This report was made at the business meeting of the monthly meeting succeeding the meeting in which the “giving in” had been made. The report of the committees being favorable the young couple appeared at the next fourth day or fifth day meeting. The bridegroom sat with his bride in the woman’s meeting and waited for the head of the meeting to an- nounce when the ceremony was to be performed. When the head of the meeting announced that the time for the ceremony had arrived the couple would arise, join hands and perform the ceremony as indicted it in the follow- ing copy of a marriage certificate recorded in Wayne county. Many of the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey now reside in Randolph county. HIRAM BAILEY AND RACHEL THOMAS. Marriage Certificate, 1820. Recorded in the first Book of Marriage Certificates, page 165. Jostan H. BissHam, Recorder. Whereas Hiram Bailey, son of John Bailey, Clinton county and state of Ohio, and Rebecca Bailey his wife and Rachel Thomas, daughter of Ed- ward Thomas and Mary Thomas his wife, of the county of Warren and state RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 671 aforesaid having declared their intentions of marriage with each other before a monthly meeting of the religious society of Friends, held at Miami Missouri, according to the good order used among them and having the consent of their parents, their said proposal of marriage was allowed by said meeting. Now these are to certify to whom it may concern that for their full accomplish- ment of their said intentions this seventh day of the twelfth month in the year of our Lord, One Thousand and Eight Hundred and Twenty—They, the said Hiram Bailey and Rachel Thomas appeared in a public meeting of the said people held at Hopewell meeting house, and the said Hiram Bailey taking the said Rachel Thomas by the hand did openly declare that he took'her, the said Rachel Thomas to be his wife, promising with Divine assistance to be unto her a loving and faithful husband until death should separate them. Then in the same assembly the said Rachel Thomas did in like manner declare that she took him, the said Hiram Bailey to be her husband, promising with Divine assistance to be unto him a loving and faithful wife until death should separate them or words to that effect and moreover they the said Hiram Bailey and Rachel Thomas (according to the custom of marriage, assuming the name of her husband), did as a further conformation thereof then and there set their hands. Hiram BaILey, RACHEL BAILEY. And we whose names are hereto subscribed being present at the solemn- ization of said marriage and subscription have as witnesses set our hands the day and year above written. Elisha Thomas, James Barnoff, Abidan Bailey, Mary Thomas, Sarah Bailey, Charles Anthony, Aquilla Whitacre, Moses Rhodes, Raneil A. Madi- son, J. Hollingsworth, Thomas Cadwalader, Abigail Thomas, Daniel Mills, Esther Hollingsworth, Vashta Cadwalader, Edward Thomas, Francis Ballard, Nicholas Tucker, Mary Thomas, Euare Thomas, Elizabeth Bailey, Joel Lewis, Edward Poots, Jonah Cadwalader, Richard Skinner, Robert Whitmore, Fanny Miranda, Uriah Dean, Precilla Camver, Ather Platt, Sarah Ballard, John Mills, Richard Mather, Dan Jay, Henry Hollingsworth. Disputes or differences among the members of the church were settled by the meeting and very seldom resorted to the courts. Tt is no wonder that a God-fearing people, such as these, should exert such a wholesome influence upon the early history of the county. The Friends were the first denomination in the county to organize meet- ings and build churches. Up to 1820 they had six distinct communities, i. e., 672 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Arba, Lynn, (Old Lynn), Cherry Grove, Dunkirk, Jericho and White. River. A church was built and a cemetery established in each of these communities and is maintained until this time. The exact year of the establishment of each one is not easy to state at the present time. Each one of them grew up, naturally, as it were, by the gathering together of those who in each locality were of one heart and one mind in the worship of God. The history of one is substantially the history of all, one in spirit, in faith, in love. This group of Friend’s society has gone on hand in hand and heart with heart in its loving service of the Divine Master. Arba, the oldest of these meetings was formed about 1815, in the com- munity of what is known as Arba. “They built, during the fall of that year, a pole cabin meeting house of the most primitive kind, with neither fire place or chimney which served both as school house and church for some years. After a considerable time a new, hewed-log church was built which was occupied for some thirty years. This in turn gave place to a neat, plain brick structure, which now opens its welcoming doors for the general, quiet, loving Friends to assemble, ‘in the spirit and wait cn the Lord according to his appointment for the sweet and refreshing tokens of his gracious presence and for the power of the life giving spirit to work in their souls that which is well pleasing in His sight.’ ” This church early established a “First Day School’? (Sabbath school) and its members have been earnest workers in the cause of temperance and all other religious and moral movements. Among the early members were Thomas Parker, Jesse Overman, Ephraim Overman, Eli Overman, Jacob Horn, Thomas Cadwallader, Micajah Morgan, John Thomas, Clarkson Wilcutts, Aaron Mills, Wm. Hill, John Cammack, Frederick Fulghum and Francis W. Thomas. LYNN. The Lynn meeting was formed very early in the history of the county perhaps as early as 1818, or thereabouts and meeting house was located upon the Beard farm one and one-half miles south and one-half mile east of the present town of Lynn. The chief members were Paul Beard, Sr., Jesse Johnson, Francis Frazier, James Frazier, Travis Adcock, John Moorman, Obadiah Harris and others not now known. The second house was built about 1830. The summer of 1881 a new house was built one-half mile west and a half-mile north of the old chyrch. It was located one mile south of Lynn RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 673 and was sometimes called South Lynn. Meeting was held here until the new church was built in Lynn and the meeting trasferred to that point. The old building was removed in 19Io. JERICHO. Jericho is located four and one-half miles southeast of Winchester on the township line dividing Wayne and White River townships. This meeting was established about 1820. They built a log cabin, no windows, merely holes for light, with shutters. The seats were poles with legs, the women’s side had a big fire place but the men’s side had a hearth in the middle of the room with a hole in the roof above to let the smoke and heat out. They would use coals from the fire place, bark, etc., that made but little smoke. This meeting was organized by Benoni Hill, Henry Hill, Amos Peacock, Abram Peacock, Elijah Cox, William Cox and their wives. There was no minister for fifteen years. The first preacher was John Jones, about 1835. The first church was built about one-fourth mile directly west of the cemetery on the Ed Chenoweth farm. It was about one-half mile directly northeast from the location of the present church. A frame house was built upon the present location about 1833. This house stood just east and north of the present brick structure which was built about 1865. This building was remodeled in 1878. In 1843 a division took place in the society at Jericho a large company adhering to the anti-slavery Friends. A new meeting house was built near Henry Hills, and was occupied for about twenty years. The Hills, Peacocks and others were prominent in this separation at Jericho. The house which was built was known as the “abolition meeting house’ and was vacated about 1865. About 1847 a dissension began to arise in the Friends church in the east over the question of “doctrine and practice” that is, should the church adhere to the old forms and practice or should they adopt more modern methods. This movement did not reach the west until about 1875 to 1878. In 1878 the Richmond yearly meeting decided to change the methods of pro- cedure and modes of worship from those which had been prevalent for many years. Some of the Jericho Friends were unwilling to yield to these changes and in 1877 set up a meeting for themselves. The two divisions occupied the same church for some time but the dis- sension became too strong and it became necessary to separate and those ad- hering to the old methods left for a while and occupied the old abolition 674 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. meeting house, however, in a short time, about 1878, they built a new church across the road from the old church. The two meetings have continued to meet separately until this time. The adherents of the old form of worship are but few in number having dimin- ished to about twelve members. They are the only society of that division in the county at this time. With the division of the church came school difficulties also, as it had been the policy of the church to have the school in close connection with it. The first school in this neighborhood was held in the church. The first public school to be built was located on the southeast corner of the cross roads where the new church is now located and the next was the compromised school one-half mile east. WHITE RIVER, White River is located one mile northeast of Winchester and was organ- ized about 1820. The chief families in its organization were Benjamin Cox, John Wright, Jonathan Hiatt, Simon Cox, Thomas Ward and Joseph Moffett. The second building, the one now standing, was built about 1840. This church is one of the most prosperous in the county today. CHERRY GROVE. Cherry Grove is situated about two and one-half miles southwest of Lynn upon a beautiful knoll. The first house was built of logs and.stood just south of the present building where the old school house used to stand. The second building was frame and was built upon the present site in 1838. That building was burned in 1856 and was followed by the present one which was built in 1857. The Cherry Grove monthly meeting was established in 1822. Cherry Grove had but one minister in its early history. DUNKIRK. Dunkirk is located three and one-half miles southwest of Winchester on the “Paul Way farm.” The first meeting house was erected in 1822 and was built of logs with puncheon floor and earthen fire-place in the middle of the floor without any chimney, the smoke escaping through the opening in middle of the house. Among those who helped to build it were Jerry Reynolds, Isom Puckett, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 675 Jesse Green, Elijah Jackson, John Wright, Solomon Reynard, Solomon Wright. The Friends there were led by Isom Puckett for thirty-six years; when he died in 1856 the church went down. The Dunkirk society body went with the anti-slavery Friends and the meeting went down before that body dissolved its organization and meetings were again established in this community in 1912 at which time the society purchased the nearby school house and converted it into a church. The meeting is at this time thriving and prosperous. NORWICH. This church was located about a mile southeast of Spartanburg and was built about 1825. The society was discontinued about 1840, or perhaps sooner. The cemetery remains but seldom anyone is buried there at this time. HARDSHAW. Hardshaw was located in Stoney Creek township one-half mile north of the Neff school house. It was sometimes called “Thornburg.” It was established before 1831 and was laid down about 1834. CABIN CREEK. Cabin Creek was commonly known as Cedar and is located three miles southwest of Farmland and was established in 1834. In 1843 it went mostly anti-slavery and continued as such until that society disappeared and a new meeting called Cedar was organized at the same place in 1860. The present one was built in 1881. POPLAR RUN. Poplar Run is located five and one-half miles southwest of Farmland and was organized in 1846 after the “separation.” The leaders were Mark Diggs, John Diggs, Henry Moorman, Eli Townsman. The first building was built of logs, the second a frame building was built in 1856. In 1883 the old church was abandoned and a new one built just across the road north from the old one. This church was remodeled only a few years ago and is now one of the most modern of the county. 676 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. BUENA VISTA. Buena Vista is located one-half mile east of Unionsport and was built about 1870 by a union effort of all classes and was given into the charge of Friends. There was no society in connection with the meeting house but Friends from abroad made appointments for a time. Their meetings, how- ever, were discontinued and the church has been re-built and is now owned by the Christians. The Friends church formerly stood about the middle of the burying ground. It was built by Thomas Gillum in 1850. UNION. Union is located about three miles southeast of Windsor. Rev. John Smith, United Brethren preacher, came into the neighborhood where John Thornburg lived about 1831. Upon his preaching, the people liked his doc- trine well and the union church was formed by Friends and Methodists. The log church near the cemetery was built about 1838. Divisions in the church arose and the meeting house was scld and another erected farther south. This church stood in the south edge of the old ceme- tery. Another was built there in 1883. Still another which is now standing was built just south of the old one in recent years. FARMLAND. The Farmland meeting was established in 1881. Benjamin Morris, a minister, was authorized by the Cedar preparative meeting to hold meetings at Farmland. They organized with about thirty members and held their first services in the old school house. They then purchased the old Christian church located in the west edge of the town and kept that building until about 1890. This building was burned and the present structure has been erected only a few years. Other Friends churches in the county affiliating with the Friends church are Bear Creek, Franklin township, Mt. Pleasant, Martindale, Bloomingsport and Rural in Washington township; Brown’s chapel, Greensfork, and Losantville. WINCHESTER. It was left for the largest town in the county to be among the last to establish the Friends church. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 677 This was largely through the influence of Elkanah Beard and his wife, both prominent ministers among the Friends, who took up their residence in Winchester in 1873. It would be impossible for people of their ability and energy to do anything but start a movement toward the establishment of a church. This they did and began to hold services in the city hall. The interest grew rapidly and two years later a preparative meeting was established as was also a monthly and quarterly meeting. A church was erected in 1876 which met every condition of the meeting for a number of years. The Winchester quarterly meeting comprises the counties of Randolph, Blackford, Delaware and Jay and is said to be the largest quarterly meet- ing in the world. In rgor a new church was erected and dedicated to the services of the Master. A short time afterward a pipe organ was installed in this church, and it is said to be the first church of Friends to have a musical instrument of this kind. The Winchester meeting is an unusually strong one, full of interest and growing rapidly. This is due in a measure to the excellent influence for a number of years of Mr. and Mrs. Elkanah Beard. Mr. Beard was born in Washington township in 1833, the son of William Beard and a grandson of Dr. Paul Beard, one of the first pioneers of that part of the county. His wife, Irena, was the daughter of Silas Johnson and the granddaughter of Jesse Johnson, another pioneer of that vicinity. She was born in 1835 and they were married in 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Beard lived near the Lynn Friends meeting house until 1873 when they moved to Winchester. For eight years they regarded Win- chester as their home although much of that time was spent away from home. They spent part of the time during the war in the south, doing work among the freedmen. They had charge of the Friends schools in Mississippi and Louisiana. Schools being located at Vicksburg and Jackson, Mississippi, Levy, Papaw Island, Lauderdale, and Youngspoint, Louisiana. They came north in 1869 and went to India as missionaries. They spent one year in the city of Benares on the Ganges, and one year at Jabbalpoor, in Central India. After three years’ service in India, Mr. Beard’s health having failed, they returned to America. Mrs. Beard was also an invalid at this time. They were very successful as missionaries and much of .the work established by them has today grown and is today a memorial to their many sacrifices. After they took up their residence in Winchester they entered other fields of missionary work. They spent a few years among the Indians, most of the 678 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. time among the Arapahoes and Cheyennes. They also visited and carried the Gospel of the Master among the Modocs, Apaches and Camanches. Mr. and Mrs. Beard after their many years of service, administering to the wants of others and carrying the message of peace and love where it is most needed, again moved near their old home in Lynn. They have been very thankful to be considered instrumental in God’s hands, to do His will wherever called and the spirit of faith and trust has guided them through many a trial to great victory. Mr. Beard died in 1910 in Lynn and his wife still survives, peacefully waiting the summons to come up higher and “enter into the joys of the Lord.” Ministers of the church have been Elkanah Beard, Henry Merrill, Abijah Wooten, Simpson Hinshaw, Charles E. Hiatt, Edward Woodard, William J. Sayers, George C. Levering and Frank Cornell. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. “New Lights.” The Christian church has been a great factor in bringing the message to many people early in the history of the county. Churches of this denomination began to be established in the various settlements of the county. One of the first and perhaps the first church to be built was at “White River,’ two miles southwest cf Farmland. ‘This class was organized in 1838 and for a short time held its meetings in the school house located near the present site of the church. In 1839 a log church was built. This gave way in 1850 to a brick church which is still standing. This church, however, was remodeled and made modern but a short time ago. In 1854 a part of the membership of this organization formed a church at Farmland and met in the school building of that town. They built a church in the west part of the town known as the “West Church” in 1867 and worshipped there many years. They now occupy a modern church on North Main street. This edifice was erected about ten years ago. The church is in a very prosperous condition. The next church of this denomina- tion was built in Washington township at Liberty. This was built as early as 1838. Their first preacher was Jesse Brumfield. Internal dissensions created trouble. The church was practically broken down but was revived in 1866 and is today a very prosperous organization. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 679 PLEASANT HILL. This church was established some time before 1847. Meetings were held at a Mr. Constables. A frame church was built in 1850 and the present brick house in 1876. The church is located in the northeast corner of Jack- son township and is in a thriving condition. SHILOH. This church is located two miles north of Farmland. Preaching began in that neighborhood about 1852. Meetings were held in a log house east of where the present building now stands. The first house was built in 1860 and was made of brick. In 1880 the present frame building was built. The church is not very strong numerically, having lost nearly all its members to surrounding churches. PLEASANT GROVE. This church is situated in the southwest corner of Stoney Creek town- ship and was organized February 20, 1858, by Elder William Terrell, with nineteen members and it was originally organized under the name of “Stoney Creek,” but in 1859 was united with the Pleasant Grove church, and assumed that name. The church has been a prosperous one. OLIVE BRANCH. This church is in Franklin township and was organized in 1858 by Rev. Larkin Mullin. The church was reorganized in 1866 and a new building erected in 1870. The church has been very prosperous. A new church was erected in 1913. WINDSOR. This church was built the fall of 1859, under the direction of Rev. Larkin Mullin as pastor. The church stands near the cemetery and school house. The membership is not nearly so large as it formerly was but is in a thriving condition. PLEASANT GROVE. Pleasant Grove, in Ward township, was built in 1877 as a union church. The Disciples, Methodists and Christians built the church and occupied it 680 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. jointly for a long while. The Christian organization was affected in 186s. This organization now has use of the church. It is now known as Good Hope. Pleasant_Grove, in Stoney Creek township, near the south center of the township northwest of Poplar Run Friends church, was built in 1846. The original organization was affected south of where the church now stands, but when the building was built was decided to put it where it is now. The church has always been strong and active and is of a great deal of import- ance today. . : HARRISVILLE. This church was organized in 1865 and the house built in 1866. It started with a membership of about twenty-five good, earnest Christian people. The church has prospered, until today it is one of the most prosperous of that denomination in the county. SHEDVILLE. This church, in Green township, was organized in 1877 in the school house south of Shedville. They numbered about thirty-two at their organiza- tion. The present house, which they occupy east of Shedville, was built in 1880. WINCHESTER. The Winchester church was organized in and occupies a substantial edifice on the corner of North and East streets. This church is one of the most prosperous of the county and is a source of much good to the uplifting of the spiritual life of Winchester. The Christian church has its centers in different parts of the county that are in a prosperous condition and doing much for the cause of the church. There is Clear Creek church, in Ward township: Carlos, Buena Vista, in West River township; Mt. Zion and Antioch, in Nettle Creek township. This church has had some organizations abandoned, among which were Unionsport, Pittsburg and Fairview. Among prominent ministers of the Christian churches have been Rev. Thomas Addington, born in 1829 in Wayne county. He moved in Randolph county in 1834, settling near Maxville. In 1851 he married Martha Ann Hughes. They spent most of their life on a farm on Bear creek, in Franklin township. Mr. Addington was a student of the Union Literary Institute, and Liber College, in Jay county, and was ordained a minister in 1858. He was one of the most powerful preachers of that denomination in eastern In- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 681 diana. He was always found working in the cause of right, never fearing to extend his hand in the name of mercy. Mr. Addington was a soldier in the Civil war and was held in the highest esteem by his comrades. He is the author of a number of pleasant articles and has written at least one book, “Jim Baker,” a story of a slave boy who was a classmate of his in Union Literary Institute. Rev. Larkin Mullin, father of the Rev. Franklin Mullin, now living in Farmland, and himself a prominent minister of the Christian church, was another one of the pioneer ministers who did a great work among the early people of the county. Mr. Mullin was an enthusiastic, God-fearing man, and never lost an dpportunity to help his fellow-man or admonish him to a better and more upright life. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. The Disciples church, which is sometimes called the Christian, and to distinguish from the other branches of Christian, Campbellites, was not among the very first to appear in Randolph county, but its ministers began to come about 1830. One of the earliest ministers was the Rev. Hosea C. Tillson, of Bethel, Wayne county. Mr. Tillson was one of these strong men who believe in carrying the Word to those who needed it and were willing to hear it, and served as a traveling minister for a great number of years. Mr. Tillson, at one time, in talking of his experiences, said “The outfit of the pioneer preacher was a large supply of the Love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Spirit, a pocket Bible, a hymn book, a horse, a pair of saddle-bags and a large cape overcoat to keep warm in winter and to shed rain in summer, tied on behind the saddle when not needed. He took no umbrella, because it could not be used riding through the thick woods.” Mr. T. began to serve in the ministry in 1830. He preached first at Lebanon, Warren county, Ohio, traveling to Cincinnati and Kentucky, cross- ing the river again at Aurora, Dearborn county, Indiana, and going thence to Wayne county, preaching and also working at his trade as a cooper. In 1830 he first preached in Randolph county. Of this experience he said, in a paper, read at a meeting of ministers of the Disciples church, held at Spartanburg February 2, 1882: “A small settlement had been formed on the Little Mississinewa, four miles north of where Union City now is. My old school teacher and other friends had moved up there into the woods. James 682 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Wickersham, James Skinner and Thomas Wiley: were among them. | preached there to twenty persons, which was all there were in the neighbor- hood.” Returning home through Newburg (Spartanburg), he left an ap- pointment to preach there, in June, which he fulfilled. Some of the Friends had moved to Fort Wayne, and he was invited to visit that place, which he accomplished in August, making a three days’ horseback ride through the wilderness, and thence six miles down the river, where the meeting was held in a cabin on the banks of the stream. He says: “On Sunday morning large canoes came sailing on the river, loaded with people, and landed near, filling the cabin. One woman asked for immersion. Her request was granted, which was supposed to be the first baptism in the waters of the beautiful Maumee.” Returning, scarce of money, he fed on blackberries and baited his horse on the wild grass, and, at other times he ate black haws, thinking of John the Baptist and his “locusts and wild honey.” He continued his visits to the settlement north of Union City in 1837, accompanied by the two Harlans, and, in 1838, began to baptize into the faith of Jesus. The settlement had increased and a cabin would not hold the people, and the men made a booth of bushes at the cabin door, with fence rails for seats, while the preachers’ horses stood tied to the trees, eating corn brought in their saddle bags. We quote again, in substance: “The first week in January, 1840, the meeting was held in Thomas Wiley’s hewed-log house before his large log-heap fire. Brother Wiley cut the ice a foot thick, and. in a heavy snow storm, we baptized James Wickersham and his wife and some others, and, at night, several more by the light of hickory bark torches, thus getting both my suits of clothes wet, but Sister Wiley had them well dried by morning. In the spring of 1842 we ordained Thomas Wiley and Charles Smith elders of the church there by the laying on of hands.” In 1840 he was called by Jonathan Thomas to preach at his new saw-mill, on Clear creek, east of Deerfield, at which place he continued to preach for three years with much success. He preached also at Brook’s creek, in Jay county, and at Petersburg and Walnut Corner, Randolph county. South Salem, Springboro (north of Lynn), etc., were begun about the same time. He states: “We were called to Joel Howe’s cabin, in the edge of the big woods west of Spartanburg, in the summer of 1839. An acre was cleared, a loose plank floor was in the cabin, but the cracks were not stopped. A large sycamore gum stood near, with a hole cut in one side for a smoke- house. The first two meetings, not more than eight persons were present, but in the early winter, at the third or fourth appointment, the house was so full RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 683 of people that we could scarce get in. They had come from the settlements south out of curiosity. But the Lord was there in the power of the Spirit, and tears flowed freely. At night, we preached at Davis’ schoolhouse, south of Spartanburg, to a crowded house.” Shortly afterward, at the same house, and at Brother Silas Davis’ dwell- ing, two meetings were held at the same hour by Brothers Valentine Harlan and Tillson, and two brethren, John Starling and Nathan Hedgepeth, were baptized at Davis’ spring. ‘Soon after that, Bethpage meeting-house was built and a great work spread through all that region. * * * Iam the last one of the pioneer preachers left on the shores of time in these parts, and I am ‘only waiting till the shadows are a little longer grown.’” Mr. T. bap- tized many believers, some years more than 200. He says in his paper: “The old horse was dead long ago. The old saddle was torn up in 1843 (when I was out with Brother Franklin), but here is the old saddle-bags and Father Harlan’s old hymn-book, like the one I had, and here is the old cape over- coat; and last, and best of all, here is the old backwoods preacher in good health and with as warm a heart for the prosperity of Zion as he had fifty years ago.” Mr. Tillson’s description of the bluff pioneers, who were the agents in God’s hand for causing the beginning of the Gospel of the Kingdom in those wildernesses is very quaint and striking: “Joel Howe, taking his little sorrel mare with rope-rein bridle and sheep- skin saddle, and going to Bethel (eight miles) one Sunday morning dressed in home-spun clothes of flax and tow, with straw hat and feet all bare, was the angel of mercy appointed to be the herald of salvation that should open the gates of the New Jerusalem to that infant community. James Wicker- sham and James Skinner, two poor brethren coming down to Whitewater to buy breadstuff, urged me to come up on the Little Mississinewa and break to their famishing souls the bread of eternal life. Sister Nancy Leabo, at Wal- nut Corner, whose husband died, leaving her to struggle on in poverty and want, called me there to preach his funeral. Jonathan Thomas, in his shanty built of rough plank, urged me to come and speak the words of heavenly con- solation to himself and his neighbors, east of Deerfield. The meetings there were held, first in a Methodist brother’s cabin, then at the saw-mill, the men seated on the logs in the mill-yard like pigeons in the trees. When preaching on Bear creek, northwest of Winchester, Brother James Level and wife came on horseback nine miles to meeting on Sunday morning, returning at evening. Souls were ‘hungry for the Word’ in those times and would endure hardships 684. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. to reach the spots of blessing, where stood the servants of Christ to feed the eager, waiting crowds with the bread furnished from the Master’s hand.” The experiences of Mr. Tillson were the experiences of all pioneer preachers and a church established by such sincere men could not help but prove of lasting good. The church of which he spoke, New Lisbon, Jackson township, was formed July 7, 1839, and has continued to be one of the best churches in the county. SPARTANBURG.—In 1838 a church was organized at Spartanburg. It was brought about by the division of the Christian (New Light) church of Bethel, Wayne county, dividing upon the doctrines taught by Rev. Campbell. The majority of the congregation left the original church and soon organized the Disciples church at Spartanburg where they built a log meeting house about 1840. This church was known as Bethpage and stood south of Spar- tanburg. This church immediately became a famous place for debates be- tween the two divisions of the original church. The membership grew very rapidly and became sufficiently large to justify the building of new churches. One was built at Gilead, southwest of Spartanburg, three miles, in 1854 and the other at Sugar Grove southeast of Spartanburg which was used for meet- ing purposes until the building was built in Spartanburg, the church at the latter place was built about 1868 and is still occupied by the congregation of that community. It has, however, been remodeled and is a neat, up-to-date church, enjoying all the prosperity that comes to an organization composed of live, wide-awake, enthusiastic members. The next church in the county to be built was at White River Chapel north of Snow Hill. The church was built there about 1856 but the membership was never very strong and the church was eventually abandoned. Union Ciry—The Union City church was organized in 1858 by the Rev. Thomas Wiley with twenty-four members. The trustees were Simeon Bran- ham, Thomas Wiley, Isaac Beal and J. E. Paxson. The Rev. Thomas Wiley was the first elder and also the pastor. It was largely through the influence of this strong man that the church was put upon a foundation that should make it one of the strongest institutions of the country. Mr. Wiley had a good field in which to work, as there were no churches in Union City at that time, his being the first. The building was begun in 1853 but was not com- pleted until 1858. The lots upon which the church stands were donated by Jere Smith, one of the founders of the city and one of the ardent adherents to the Disciples Church. The congregation increased very rapidly and it became necessary in about twenty years to build a new building. This church was begun in 1875 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 685 but was not dedicated until the 1st of March, 1878, and was at that time by far the finest church in eastern Indiana. The growing congregation again made it necessary to increase the ca- pacity of the church. To this end the church was remodeled in 1901. At that time the large auditorium was made larger and the church modernized in every particular. A pipe organ was afterward installed. The church was again remodeled in 1913 but scarcely had been com- pleted until it was partially destroyed by fire. It has, during the summer of 1914, been rebuilt and stuccoed and is again placed in the class of the finest. The church today is one of the most prosperous in the country, regardless of denomination, and has perhaps the greatest membership of any Disciples church in the county, and perhaps the greatest of any church, regardless of denomination. WINCHESTER.—The church at Winchester was the next to be organized. Rev. I. P. Watts, one of the pioneer workers of the Disciples church and a man to whom the general public is under an everlasting obligation for his de- voted life to it, has written, “Story of a Christian Church. ” The church re- ferred to is the Winchester church and with the permission of Mr. Watts we here reproduce the story. THE STORY OF A CHRISTIAN CHURCH. “In the summer of 1866, I was admitted to the bar of the Randolph Common Pleas court. I had been a member of the Christian (Disciple) church from the age of fifteen years. Had been reared in a very strong in- fidel community and from the age of eighteen to twenty-one, I held many pub- lic debates with skeptics and infidels. In 1862, I went to the war and during all that time kept up my study of the Bible and the Bible I carried through the entire war is still on my desk. When admitted to the bar, I found a very strong infidel sentiment in the court-room which was very distasteful to me. One day in June, 1866, I entered into a hot discussion with Moorman Way which attracted the attention of Judge Jerre Smith, William D. Frazee and Judge J. W. Haynes. After it was over Judge Smith came to me and patted me on the shoulder and said, ‘Young man, I like your spirit. What church do you belong to?’ I said the Christian or Disciple church. He said, “Why that is the church I belong to.’ William D. Frazee came up just then and said, “Young man, you did well; what church do you belong to-’ I said the Christian or Disciple church, and he said, “Why, that is the church I belong to.” And I said, ‘Why haven’t you a Disciple church here.’ The result of (44) 686 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the interview was that Jerre Smith agreed to try to buy the old Presbyterian church on Meridian street that was then empty and without a congregation. Ina few days, he saw Samuel P. Ludy, the trustee of said church, and bought the same for $400. Smith, Frazee and myself had a new roof put on the church and a bell was bought and on the 26th day of August, 1866, the Chris- tian church was organized by Butler K. Smith and George W. Thompson. The charter members who entered into that organization were Jerre Smith, Isaiah P. Watts, William D. Frazee, Joshua C. Moltbie, Elizabeth Moltbie, Elias Clevenger, Martha M. Watts Clevenger, Robert R. Williams, Vashti Williams, Sarpeta C. Williams, Mary Browne (wife of Gen. Tom Browne), Beulah Leake, Malinda Patty, Sarah Ireland, Minerva Shaw, and Sarah Irvin. At this organization Jeremiah Smith, Isaiah P. Watts and William D. Frazee were by the church elected elders. Robert R. Williams and Joshua C. Moltbie were chosen as deacons. The meeting was continued for over a week and on August 27, Edmund Engle made the good confession and was immersed by Elder George W. Thompson. The church continued to grow and many are the names that were added to the church from time to time. Of the original number at the organization, all have passed away and but one is now a member of this church. Elder Isaiah P. Watts has elder ever since the organization and a trustee ever since 1874. December 28, 1874, Jerre Smith died. In 1870, William D. Frazee had moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, and I. P. Watts was the only teaching elder left. From 1866 to 1874, we had employed able ministers of the Gospel to preach for us as often’as we could pay them. Those that I remember were Butler K. Smith, George W. Thompson, Barnhill Polley, Hardin Harrison, George Campbell, Henry R. Prichard, Love Jameson, Prof. R. T. Browne, Elder James Matheros, Elder Benjamin Franklin, Elder Aaron W. Moore, Elder William D. Moore,, Elder J. O. Beardsley, Elder Hugh T. Morrison, Elder J. W. Ferrell, Elder Valentine Thompson, Elder Elijah Goodwin and Elder Thomas Munnell. June 4th, 1876, the new church was dedicated. Elder J. C. Tully, of Union City, Indiana, preached the dedicatory sermon. The history of the new church building is as follows: In 1875, Brother Jerre Smith having taken the deed to the old church in his own name and having before his death made provision in his will that the Christian church should have the building provided they pay to his estate the sum of $400 within one year after his death, it became necessary for the church to raise that amount sometime in the spring of 1875. Elder I. P. Watts met Gen. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 687 Tom Browne on the north side of the public square and said to him: ‘Tom, we have to raise money and pay for the Jerre Smith church soon or we won’t have any place to meet. What will you give to help us?’ Tom studied a mo- ment and said: ‘Watts, I won't give a cent to buy that old church.’ My heart went clear down, and with head down, I started home when a short distance away Gen. Browne called me back to him and said: ‘Watts, while I won’t give a cent to buy the old church, Pll tell you what I will do. You get two men to go down and appraise the old church and I will give all they say it is worth to build a new one.’ I grabbed him by the hand and said:_ ‘Tom, you are a man after my own heart. I will give as much as you will.’ We turned into a store nearby and bought a small blank book (which I have yet) and Gen. Browne wrote on the first page thereof a subscription contract to build anew church as follows: ‘Thomas M. Browne, Isaiah P. Watts and Edmund Engle, trustees of the Christian church of Winchester, Indiana, propose erect- ing in behalf of and for the use of said church, a church building thirty-five by sixty feet; the said building to be of brick, with stone foundation, slate roof, a spire, and a neat and approved style of architecture. ‘We, the undersigned, undertake and promise to pay said trustees for the uses and purposes aforesaid the sums respectively subscribed by us and set opposite our names at the following to wit: One-half of said sum when the walls of said building are erected, and the residue thereof when said building is completed.’ SUBSCRIBERS’ NAMES. I. P. Watts, $500; Edmund Engle, $500; Thomas M. Browne, $500; Cheney & Watson, $500; James Moorman, $100; A. Stone, $300; Thomas Ward, $100; Robert B. Morrow, $100; Neff Teal & Co., $100. Those that subscribed $50 were Silas Colgrove, Judge Felix Sims, T. W. Kizer, O. Smith, Huelson & Beeson, William D. Kizer, R. A. Leavell, W. A. W. Daly, James Houser, Lee Ault. John Richardson, Simon Ramsey, L. M. Jones, Gideon Shaw. Nearly everybody in town subscribed from twenty-five dollars to ten dollars on the new church, and on June 4, 1875, when dedicated about $1,200 was subscribed besides thirteen shares in building and loan asso- ciation which was carried as follows: I. P. Watts, five shares: Edmund Engle, six shares, and Mary J. Browne, two shares. At the dedication, T. M. Browne subscribed $200; Edmund Engle, $200; Isaac Ingle, $100; E. L. Watson, $50. Those who gave $25 each at dedica- tion were Levina Austin, Elizabeth Reinheimer, Nathan Reed, Richard Bos- O88 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. worth, Elizabeth Goodrich, J. W. Polly, I. P. Watts, Alex Gullet, E. L. An- derson, J. T. Shaw, and John Engle. Those who gave $10 each were Miss Sada Houser, Lida Watts, Thomas M. Browne, Hugh T. Morrison, George W. Thompson, Edith Leslie, Thomas Hiatt, Levina Hiatt, Edmund Thomas, William Austin, John Heaston. Those who gave $5 each were C. G. Bartholomew, Hannah M. ‘Diggs, Ehihu Mul- len, H. T. Morrison, Sophia Barker, Mary Houser, Minerva Shaw, James Brown, William Miller, Naum Houser, Richmond Thornburg, Pheobe Har- vey, Sarah Ireland, Mrs. J. S. Engle, Mary J. Browne, A. C. Beeson, George Browne, William McConnochy, Hugh T. Morrison, Henry V. Polly, Sister Beary, William A. Thompson, Mrs. Jonathan Houser, Mrs. Lida Thomas, Strother Brumfield, Mrs. Bennington, Mrs. E. L. Watson, Mrs. J. W. Jarni- gan, James Warren, A. W. Jenkins, Martin C. Alexander. Mrs. H. T. Se- mans, Mrs. W. A. Thompson, Edmund Thomas, John Helton, Mrs. Lee Ault, Harrison P. Hunt, Thomas Brown, Dr. G. W. Bruce. A. G. Campfield, who was then building the court house, was given the contract of building. Mr. J. C. Johnson, the architect of the court house, fur- uished Gen. Browne with the plan and specifications without charge, Ed- mund Engle and I. P. Watts, trustees, superintended the work. Engle did most in superintending the building; I. P. Watts did about all the soliciting and collecting after the first day. The first day Gen. Browne and I. P. Watts got $2,500 to start with. The cost of lot and building was something over $7,000. After all had been collected that was possible, I. P. Watts deeded 120 acres of land in Missouri to Mr. Campfield and $800 was cred- ited on the church debt to him. Until the dedication of the new church, we had never used instrumental music in the church, as a large majority of the members were at that time opposed to instruments in church worship. I had bought a. very small silver- toned organ for the Sunday school and we had used it in the Sunday school for years and the young people wanted to use it in the dedicatory service. Elder Felix Sims was the only elder that had objected and I sent the girls of the church to him. He consented they might use it on that one day. They did and it was used ever after. The first twelve or fourteen years of the church, Elder I. P. Watts preached for the church except when the elders could afford to hire some one to come and preach over Sunday. And when the church was able to have a minister half time, Brother Watts preached the other half and paid more than any one else to the man we hired and he did this willingly without any compensation except the love of the church which he always had from the RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 689 time the church was organized. It had a Sunday school and for the first two years it was held at 2:30 p. m. so as not to interfere with the other schools of the town. Brother I. P. Watts was the first superintendent and filled that office for seven years and also taught a class of twenty young girls during that time. Many of them became members of the church. At first we had no music but our voices. Jerre Smith brought his flute to pitch the tunes at Sunday school. Brother Watts saw the need of some other help and bought the little silver toned organ which we carried to the new church. , Brother Elder Engle was the next superintendent and was a good one and held the place for many years after we got into the new church. From the very first the church has been in the front rank as far as sound doctrine and ability in the pulpit was considered. When able we procured the ablest men in the state to preach for us. Universalism of the Bellou type was preached and infidelity of the Ingersol type was prevalent. While in the old church Elder George W. Thompson, of the Christian church, held a four days’ debate with Guthrie, of the Universalist church. It was held in the old M. E. church on account of room. It was a victory for the true faith. Afterward Elder Butler K. Smith of the Christian church, held a de- bate with S. P Carlton, the champion debater for the Universalists. It con- tinued four days and was a very strong debate, but Carlton himself admitted his defeat. And many of his followers went into other churches. This de- bate was held in the old M. E. church. The great Infidel Underwood came here and made his (as he thought) unanswerable lecture against Christianity. Brother I. P. Watts raised $50 in two hours and sent for Professor O. A. Burgess, of Butler college. He came and his lecture was held in the City Hall. It was crowded. For two nights he went to the M. E. church on invitation and delivered three lectures each time, nine in all. The town had never before or since heard better or more eloquent lectures on the whole subject of dispute by infidels and Winchester has had a better and clearer spiritual atmosphere ever since. It was a number of years after the new church was dedicated before the church was able to employ a minister full time. We had half time preaching by hired ministers all the time and Brother Watts the other half. Among these I recall Elder A. H. Moore, Elder Garey, Elder Vinson, Elder John Ellis. During the time Ellis was here he and Brother Watts held a meeting for four weeks, preaching turn about each night. The result was forty-five additions, thirty out of the Sunday school. After that the church 690 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. had Brother Wise, of Indianapolis, for all time, Brother Chatley was first I believe, Brother Arch Hall, of Butler, Brother Dailey, Brother A. W. Hall, Brother C. E. Wells, Brother Hough, Brother Hammond, Brother James Floyd, Brother H. C. Patterson, Brother Vernon and Brother Persinger. During its existence the church has had over a thousand members and today is one of the great moral and spiritual forces in Winchester and has com- menced the building of a great new church. But, however great it becomes in the future it will never have a more faithful membership than it had in its beginning. And the story of its pioneers will always leave a sweet halo around their names. As the last of these saints of the long ago, I have written this story that though dead they are not forgotten.” ¢ Since the above article was written the church has been served by two pastors, George W. Schroeder and James W. Wilson. The ‘“‘great new church,” spoken of by Mr. Watts, is one of the most. beautiful edifices to be found in eastern Indiana and is a monument to the energetic membership composing this church. It was erected in 1912 and will cost. when completed, approximately $30,000.00. The building committee having it in charge was A. L. Nichols, Albert King and H. E. McNees. They were aided by the membership in particular, the public in general in the construction of this building but it has been largely through their untiring efforts that the splendid work has been done. The trustees of the church are Anderson Lesley, A. E. Ludy and I. P. Watts; the elders, I. P. Watts, Isaac Poyner, A. L. Nichols, T. W. Watts, Frank Roberts, James L. Chenoweth; deacons, Anderson Lesley, H. E. McNees, Charles Tillson, John T. Beeson, Albert King, Ray Lesley and N. R. Chenoweth. Other churches of this denomination in the county that are now in a prosperous condition are located in South Salem, Ridgeville, Parker, and Lynn. SOUTH SALEM. South Salem was established about 1843 and for a while was very flourishing. The house was built about 1851. The membership was not so large as formerly but the church is in a thriving condition and maintains a splendid Sabbath school. The organization at Lynn is very prosperous and one of the most vigorous churches of the county. They have a very large membership which has made it necessary to remodel the church. This they are doing during the summer of 1914. The church is being enlarged a great RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 691 deal and modernized and will, when complete, be one of the most convenient churches to be found in the county. This organization was started many years ago and has been re-inforced from the membership of some adjacent churches which were abandoned. Their ministers have been: George Wagener, J. M. Land, Roy L. Brown, J. A. Brown, Mr. Stibben, W. M. Cunningham, M. O. Jarvis, H. F. Rector, J. L. Sharritt. The present elders are: T. M. Nichols, E. E. Ford, A. R. Hiatt, J. B. Chenoweth and Fred Horn. The present trustees are: Norman Anderson, Charles Hiatt and Edd Lipp. RIDGEVILLE. The organization in Ridgeville is not very flourishing numerically but is under good leadership and no doubt will continue to survive. The church at Parker was organized. under the leadership of Rev. W. D. Stone of Union City in 1886. Mr. Stone was instrumental in the organization of other churches. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1826 and moved to Winchester in 18309. Having a keen desire for learning he attended the county seminary at inter- vals from 1839 to 1847. In 1847 he enlisted in the 4th Indiana Volunteers as a private for services in the Mexican war and served for fourteen months. He has lived at various parts of the county, Harrisville, Salem, New Lisbon, Spartanburg, Winchester, Parker and Union City. He enlisted in Company “I’’ of the 17th Ohio Volunteers in the war of 1861, for three months and then re-enlisted in the 118th Regiment Ohio Volunteers and was made Captain of Company “‘C.” Mr. Stone was an active, wide-awake and somewhat eccentric man, but very energetic and a successful educator and preacher. He was idolized by his pupils and greatly esteemed and appreciated by the churches of which he was a member. His motto was ‘““Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do with all thy might.” Mr. Stone was honored by being elected representative to the state Legislature in the year 1890 and honored the state by his service there. On his becoming a citizen of Parker his religious zeal immediately as- serted itself and he proceeded to organize a church at that place. The church prospered under his guidance and is today a memorial to his excellent services there. Mr. Stone removed to Union City, where he passed his last days among those with whom he had associated for years. He was indeed one of nature’s noblemen and lived a life such that any community might be proud to own him as one of her sons. 692 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. DUTCH REFORM. This church is located at Pittsburg and was organized about 1870. This is the only church of this denomination in the county. It is a prosperous church, maintaining a good Sunday school and is live and wide-awake to the best interests of the community. * UNITED BRETHREN. Numerically speaking, the United Brethren of this county is represented by seven churches, located at Zion, Green township; Saratoga, Ward town- ship; Prospect, Jackson township; White River Chapel, White River town- ship; Lynn, Washington; Mt. Pleasant, Greensfork; and Modoc, Nettle Creek. These churches did not affect any organization in the county until about 1850, when a church was started at Antioch, in the edge of Losantville. That house ceased to be used about 1855. For twenty years they worshiped in a small house west of Jordan Holsted. A new society was formed in Losantville in 1875, which met for a while in a public hall but afterward built a church and is in a prosperous condition. Zion, one mile south of the consolidated school house, in Green township, was started about 1860: Rev. David Gunkle preached there a number of years in a school house. The meeting house was built in 1875. The organiza- tion started with about twenty members and is today one of the strongest of that denomination in the county. The church has recently been remodeled and is now a modern, up-to-date structure. The denomination in Jackson township has its church at Prospect, east of Pittsburg. The congregation is not large, but is full of interest. White River chapel was formed about 1865, and their church was built in 1872. For several years they held their meetings in the old Concord church, but each society concluded it was best to have a house to itself and two houses were built. Mt. Pleasant (Pin Hook) is located in Greensfork township. The Dis- ciples first used the school house in this neighborhood and preached there for a while, but formed no organization. As early as 1866 the Friends started a mission school, which proved to be large and full of interest, numbering from sixty to one hundred and twenty. This was kept up for three years, when a preacher of the United Brethren church held a meeting there and RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 693 formed a society of that order. At first they held their meetings in the school house, but later built a church near the school house by remodeling an old house. They are today in a fairly prosperous state. Churches at Lynn and Modoc are not very large but are able to make themselves felt in the community where they are. One of the most, if not the most, prosperous church of this denomination is-located at Saratoga. The United Brethren church, like all other great churches, has had its internal dissensions and conditions which have resulted in division of the church. This denomination, in about 1894, divided upon the question of secret orders, the “Radicals’’ believing that secret orders were inimical to the best interests of the church. The ‘‘Liberals,” believing that secret orders should be permissible, at least, and should be left to the discretion of the in- dividual member. The dissension reached its climax when a suit was brought about to control the property of the church. This resulted in the courts de- ciding in favor of the “Liberals,” and the property in most cases was given into their care. The matter seems to be amicably adjusted so far as the churches of this county are concerned, and but very little is heard concerning the old difficulty. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH, SARATOGA, INDIANA. The history of the United Brethren church in Saratoga dates from its organization in~1871 in the school house under the pastorate of Rev. A. Douglass and was a part of the Auglaize annual conference. The charter members were Sarah Lollar, William Fraze, Nancy Fraze, Elisha D. Lollar, Mary A. Lollar, Joseph W. Lollar and Sarepta Lollar. Two years later, in 1873, under the pastorate of S. T. Mahan, a church building thirty-six by fifty feet was erected. It was dedicated in July, 1873, Rev. Milton Wright, of Dayton, Ohio, officiating. The society enjoyed a steady. growth, and in 1893, under the pastorate of Rev. J. I. Kline, the church was rebuilt and en- larged to accommodate the growing congregation. The improvements con- sisted of a Sunday school room, vestibule and tower, veneered with brick and covered with slate. By the Act of the General Conference in 1901 Saratoga was made a part of White River Annual Conference. In 1908, under the pastorate of Rev. A. C. Wilmore, the church was again enlarged to meet the needs of the increasing Sunday school and church membership. This extension consisted of an addition fifteen by forty-seven feet with basement. An up-to-date steam heating plant was installed. This addition provided a large choir loft, primary room and choir vestibule. 694 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The reopening services were conducted by Bishop H. H. Fout, Dayton, Ohio. ‘The church membership at present is 319. J. B. Sarff is the superin- tendent of the Sunday school, which is the largest in the history of the church. Following is a list of pastors and time: S. T. Mahan, 1871-1873; D. J. Schenck, 1873-1875; J. W. Nickodemus, 1875-1877; W. H. Ogle, 1877-1879; Jacob Cost, 1879-1881; J. C. Montgomery, 1881-1882; T. M. Harvey, 1882- 1884; R. Moore, 1884-1886; G. H. Bonnel, 1886-1887; E. M. Counsellor, 1887-1888; W. H. Shepherd, 1888-1890; J. W. Lower, 1890-1891; R. W. Wilgus, 1891-1892; J. I. Kline, 1892-1894; W. L. Waldo, 1894-1897; Elias Counsellor, 1897-1899; A. Kissell, 1899-1901; D. W. Zartman, 1goI-1904; E. H. Pontius, 1904-1907; M. R. Myer, 1907-1908; A. C. Wilmore, 1908- 1910; W. A. Settle, 1910-1912; G. H. Barker, 1912, and is on his second year’s pastorate. At the present time Rev. Barker and the trustees are mak- ing plans for a new parsonage, with all modern conveniences, which will be built this summer, CONGREGATIONAL. Winchester—About 1870 a church of this order was formed at .Win- chester, embracing a small number of members. Measures were taken look- ing for permanent occupancy of the field, and subscription was raised for a meeting house, a lot purchased, and a preacher engaged. The movement, however, seemed not to succeed, and, though the organization may never have been formally dissolved, the building never was built. Occasionally Rev. L. P. Rose, Congregational Home Missionary agent for the state of Indiana, would conduct religious services in Winchester dur- ing his visits to that place. Rev. J. G. Brice, clergyman and missionary, resided for many years at Winchester, preaching and lecturing and making collections for missionary purposes over portions of Indiana and Ohio. Members of this church have lived in various parts of the county, but, for the most part, have united with some other denomination. The Rev. Brice attempted to establish a church at Buena Vista in 1846, but with no success. The only church of that de- nomination is the Ridgeville Congregational church. RIDGEVILLE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. This church was organized April 12, 1892, by an ecclesiastical council composed of Rev. E. D. Curtis, president, Indianapolis, Indiana; Rev. J. W. Wilson, scribe, Indianapolis, Indiana; Rev. J. S. Ainslee, Fort Wayne, In- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 695 diana; Rev. T. R. Quayle, Marion, Indiana; W. F. Brunner, Indianapolis, Indiana. . The following named persons became members of the church at its organization: Prof. C. A. Gleason, Mrs. C. A. Gleason, Miss B. A. Zelleny, Prof. William C. Kruse, Prof. C. W. Macomber, Miss Rebecca Horn, Henry Kitselman, Mrs. Henry Kitselman, Miss Nina Kitselman, Joseph Lay, Mrs. Joseph Lay, Mrs. Gertrude Sumption, Nelson B. Hiatt, Mrs. Nelson B. Hiatt, Miss Irma Hiatt, Samuel C, Lay, Mrs. Samuel C. Lay, Miss Minnie Studa- baker, John McFarland, Sr., Mrs. John McFarland, Sr. About the time of the organization of the Ridgeville Congregational church, the Ridgeville College was taken over from the Baptist denomination by the Congregationalists. Rev. C. A. Gleason was the first pastor of the church, as well as the first president of Ridgeville College under Congrega- tional management. The church was legally incorporated December 10, 1900. The services of the church were held in the chapel hall of the college building until the present church building was erected in 1903. The first service in the new building was held on January 31, 1904. The present membership of the church is eighty-eight. The pastor at the present time (1914) is Clifford G. Thompson A. B., B. D. The board of trustees is composed of J. E. Rickert, president; J. E. McFarland, Ross W. Boswell; George P. Newton, treasurer, and D. G. Hiester, clerk. Congregationalism is not strong in this part of the state, the Ridgeville church being the only one of that denomination ever organized in the county. PRESBYTERIAN. Many of the early settlers of the county were Presbyterians, although there were enough of them in any community to justify the organization of a church. Meetings were frequently held in the residences of Presbyterians, but that was as far as the movement was ever carried up until at least 1835. The early Presbyterian settlers were to be found west and south of Winches- ter and west and south of Union City. The first named locality was in and around Sampletown, just east of where the Lincoln school building now stands, The pioneer of this movement was Adam McPherson. Mr. McPherson was of Scotch extraction and was very devoted to the Presbyterian church. Mr. McPherson contemplated the building of a church; in fact, had gone so far as to dedicate a portion of the lot as a cemetery. Within a few weeks of 696 ‘ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the time of which he expected to begin the church death came to him sud- denly by an accident, and the movement was dropped. Others of the same community adhering to this belief were Robison McIntyre, Maxville; Mr. Jenkins, south of Sampletown, and Henry D. Huffman, south of Sample- town. There was, however, as we stated before, no church erected in this community. The community southeast of Union City, near Salem, had a very similar experience about 1835. A New School Presbyterian society was begun in that neighborhood. They held services in the school house and in private residences for some time, but no building was erected and but little came of ’ the movement. Pleasant Ridge——Pleasant Ridge (two miles south of Buena Vista) was formed November 28, 1842, at a school house near Mr. Hogeland’s, one mile north of Huntsville, Indiana. There were eighteen members, as follows: Jacob B. Kepler and wife, John Starbuck and wife, Cyrus Starbuck and wife, John Shearer and wife, James Shearer and wife, John Jenkins and wife, Isaac Hogeland and wife, Parker Jewett and wife, Joseph C. Kepler, Patience Smith. Jacob B. Kepler, John Shearer, John Jenkins were chosen ruling elders. Between 1842 and 1849, inclusive, twenty-six members were received, making a total of forty-four members. The church, however, did not con- tinue, but about 1852 it ceased to be active, and has become wholly extinct. A log meeting house (very good for the time) was built by the church at the beginning of their existence, about 1842. A graveyard also was established, the first burial in which was in 1842. The preachers at different times were Revs. J. G. Brice, E. R. Johnson, I. N. Taylor, Thomas Spencer and Andrew Loose. This church has long since gone down and no church organization of any kind is to be found in that community. Buena Vista.—A meeting-house was built some years after the Pleasant Ridge church was erected, but an attempt was made to form a Congregational church from the members of the Presbyterian church. As a result of the effort, all failed, and the meeting-house at Buena Vista has been for many years occupied as a barn by Robert Starbuck, on whose land it is situated. The only Presbyterian churches located in the county today are at Win- chester and Union City. Winchester—A New School Presbyterian church was formed there about 1842 by Rev. J. G. Brice. Some of the chief members were Samuel Ludy, James Brown, Esq., and Mr. Morrison. They maintained services RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 697 for twelve or fourteen years, and, in 1853, undertook the erection of a meet- ing-house, under the pastorate of Rev. R. Irwin, which, however, they could not finish. The building stood across the street from the present Methodist Episcopal church. Their preachers have been Revs. Brice, Spencer and Loose. About 1854 an Old School Presbyterian church was formed. Some of the members were Dr. Craig, Dr. Ferguson and others. There were some dozen members at first, and after a time the number had increased to forty. Several of the New School members joined also. In 1857 the new organiza- tion bought the unfinished house, and, completing the same, used it for pur- poses of worship. The preachers were Messrs. Holliday, McCullock, Chap- man and Campbell. This organization prospered reasonably for some years. About 1865 several prominent members removed—Dr. Ferguson, to Union City; Judge Brown, to Minnesota, etc., and, in 1868, the church was dis- solved by direction of Presbytery, and their meeting-house passed into the hands of the Disciples church. This building now stands on Main streeet and is known as the Alexander meat market. The old Scotch theory, that once a Presbyterian always a Presbyterian, had been thoroughly drilled into the hearts and minds of the adherents of the above church. It remained for Mrs. Clara Commons to organize a Union Sunday school which should gather together the adherents of various denominations not having a church, and in Winchester they met in a room over the Farmers and Merchants Bank and organized this school, with George Best as superin- tendent of. the school. It was very prosperous and aroused a great deal of interest among the people. This movement led into a broader movement of the church. Those having no church home, led by the Rev. McCaslin, held meetings in the city hall for quite a while. The question of a new organization began to be talked. The possibility of a new church being organized whereby the local members would have a home of their own soon crystalized into a definite movement. In October, 1881, seventeen adherents to the Presbyterian faith in and about Winchester petitioned the presbytery of Muncie, then in session at Tipton, Indiana, to organize a church in Winchester. These petitioners were Carrie M. Bruce, Harriett N. Neff, Clara R. Connors, Mary A. Ludy, Mary A. Cheney, Lizzie A. Goodrich, Jane G. Edgar, Mrs. W. S. Montgomery, Kittie Nichols, De- borah Miller, W. S. Montgomery, Mabel Montgomery, Flora Wilmore, George B. Best and Anna Best, who, with Henry Miller and Paul P. Ludy, became charter members of the church. 698 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The presbytery granted the petition and delegated Rev. David S.. Mc- Caslin and Rev. Andrew Loose and an elder whose name is not mentioned in the minutes, to organize the church. They met in the Methodist church in Winchester in December of that year and listened to a sermon preached by the Rev. McCaslin. It was thought by some that it would not be -best to erganize another church in the body of the church of a different denomination. Consequently the meeting adjourned to the residence of John Neff and organized by electing Samuel P. Ludy, formerly an elder, as ruling elder. In March, 1882,. John Neff, John J. Cheney and George W. Bruce were elected as the trustees. The meetings were held in Snedeker’s hall until 1885, when they moved to the Odd Fellows Hall, where they remained until they moved across the street west from the present edifice. From the first the society was very enthusiastic and enjoyed a constant growth of membership. It was soon apparent that a new church must be erected to meet the needs of the increasing congregation. To this end the splendid church which now stands was built at a cost of thirty thousand dollars in the year 1907. The church at this time is one of the leading churches of the city and enjoys the distinction of having the largest class of men in Sunday school in the county. This class is under the guidance of James P. Goodrich, who is one of the leading supporters of the church. The ministers of this church have been Rev. McDonald, from Septem- ber, 1882, to March, 1883; Rev. C. T. White, of Portland, to February, 1884; W. H. Sands, of Union City, to March, 1887; J. B. Fowler, to March of 1895; John Wilson, to March of 1900; E. E. Plannette, to February, 1902; C. I. Truby, to May, 1909; Robert Little, to March, 1913; the present minister being Gustave. Papperman. The present board of trustees consist of John Thomas, John R. Engle, P. E. Goodrich, B. F. Hinshaw and Wilbur Hiatt. Union City.—Was first organized in the house of Martin Cox, Wash- ington township, Darke county, Ohio, by Rev. Isaac Ogden, presiding mis- sionary, November 8, 1835, with six members. The ministers have been Revs. Gulick, Ogden, Meeks, Campbell, Drake, Lower, Eastman, Coulter, Ziegler. Mr. Drake was pastor seven years, and received into the church 167 persons. The greatest number of addition in any one year (1851) was thirty-eight. The church was changed to Union City in 1862. The first meeting-house was a log building near Martin Cox’s, now used as a wood- house at Cox’s school house. The next house was what is now the German RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 699 Reformed (brick) church at Hill Grove, Darke county, Ohio. The first services in Union City were held at the Methodist church. The greatest number of members at any one time before the removal to Union City was fifty-seven. Six years after the removal, there were but forty. The greatest number at one time was 127. The church built a meeting-house on Union street, south of Oak, in 1863, and occupied it till about Christmas, 1879, at which time they dedicated their new, tasteful and elegant edifice on Howard, north of Oak; cost, $1,200. One of the characteristics of the Presbyterian church is to have a strong ministry. Union City has been no exception to this rule, and the present excellent condition of the church is due in a great measure to the strength of these pastors. Those having had charge of the church are: Messrs. Coulter, Zeigler, Adair, Hott, Gorby, McDonald, Elliott, McDonald (returned), George T. Gunter, Charles S. Pier, J. H. Miller, Mr. Zuck and Orvil J. Hutchinson. THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH. The Evangelical Association is one of the oldest church organizations in the United States. It was in the 183—’s when the first members of this church settled in Winchester and vicinity. As they were many years without a church edifice, they assembled in their homes with the pastor as he came from time to time. No obstacles seemed too great to surmount; no revival service or prayer meeting was too distant to attend. Mr. G. G. Keller, an old and well-known resident of Winchester, an early member of the church, to whom the writer of this sketch is much indebted for an interesting account of its work, told how great numbers traveled for miles in wagons, sleds or on horseback on any kind of roads and in all sorts of weather to attend big camp meetings at various places in Wayne, Jay and other neighboring coun- ties, The number of adherents to this denomination gradually increased so that they were able to construct a church home in Winchester in the year 1864. This church soon became the property of the Indiana Conference of the Evangelical Association and was recognized by being given its support and regularly appointed ministers. Although this church is not now existing, it was served, together with the Zion Evangelical church four miles west of Ridgeville and the Greenville Evangelical church, for many years bya strong Christan ministry. It might be said that the early members of the Evangelical church were 700 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. mostly German. A number of such prominent German families that settled west of Ridgeville in what was then known as Emmettsville, began the work by building a church at that place in 1879. This church, although a country charge with only an average membership, has had a prosperous career, having been instrumental in sending a number into the Christian ministry and into other useful fields of labor. By the year 1908 so many of the strong sup- porters of this class had moved to Ridgeville that it was deemed advisable to organize a society at that place. So the members residing at both places united their means and purchased the Baptist church at Ridgeville. Since the dedication of this edifice, in February, 1908, the society has enjoyed pros- perous years. The membership increased remarkably from the outset. The Sunday school has been particularly strong and spirited. Such is a brief review of the work of the Evangelical church of Ran- dolph county. May her adherents, although few in comparison with those of other denominations in the county, be loyal to her in all things so that she may bear a Gospel message to the communities in which she is located, THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN. Ever since the decline of primitive Christianity in the early age of the church, God has had a people who protested against the departures from the usages of the apostolic church. The Brethren come in this line of succession, and the movement which resulted in their closer organization grew out of the great religious awakening which occurred in Germany during the closing years of the seventeenth century, when large numbers, becoming dissatisfied with the lack of spirituality in the State church, withdrew from its commun- ion and met together for the worship of God. They were called Separatists, and among them were to be found such men as Jacob Philip Spenner, Her- man Francke, Earnest Christian Hochman, Alexander Mack, and many other earnest, pious men whose names have become historical. The Separatists were bitterly persecuted by the Reformed and Catholic churches and were driven from place to place until finally Count Cassimir, of Witgenstein, opened a place of refuge for the persecuted brethren in his province. Here, in the village of Schwartzau, Alexander Mack and others, similarly minded, met together to read and study God’s word, and as a result of their study, the church was organized, taking the name of “Dunkers,” with Alexander Mack as its first minister. This was in 1708. The name was given them by their enemies, who called them “Dunkers” because of their mode of baptism. The RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 7O!I infant church increased in numbers rapidly, but even in Witgenstein their peace was soon disturbed, and the hand of persecution was laid heavily upon them. In 1718 Alexander Mack formed the acquaintance of William Penn, who was at that time very much interested in his colony in the new world, and invited him and his brethren to settle in Pennsylvania, and the invitation was gladly accepted. In 1719 they commenced to emigrate to America, and in less than ten years the entire church found itself quietly settled in the vicinity of Ger- mantown and Philadelphia. After arriving in the New World they went by the name of “The German Baptist Brethren” until the year 1906, when they were incorporated under the name of “The Church of the Brethren.” They, teday, have fourishing congregations in most of the states of the Union. At the general conference held at Winona, Indiana, in 1913, forty states were represented by delegates, or letter and six foreign countries. The local organization of the Church of the Brethren, known as the Union City congregation, was organized in 1851 with seventy-two members. The territory covered by the organization at that time consisted of the north- western part of Darke county, Ohio, the southwestern part of Mercer county, Ohio, the southeastern part of Jay county, Indiana, and the northeastern part of Randolph county, Indiana. The first meetings of this organization were held in the homes of its members until in 1870, when the first church house was built, one and one- half miles north of Union City, Indiana, on the State line, on the Joel Noff- singer farm. In 1875 the church territory was divided and the “Bear Creek” congre- gation was organized on the northwest and a church house was built near Portland, Indiana. In 1891 the territory of the Union City congregation was again divided and the “Pleasant Valley” congregation was organized in the northeastern part of the territory and another church house was built near Lightsville, Ohio. Again, in 1893, a third division was made and the “Poplar Grove’ congregation was organized on the south and a church house erected near Hill Grove, Ohio. The first residing elder of the congregation was Thomas B. Wenrick, who was elected to fill this position in 1865. He continued in this office until his death, in 1884. W. K. Simmons was soon after chosen elder and served in this capacity until 1912, when B. F. Sharp was selected as the elder and continues as such at the present time. Michael Deeter, David Flory and (45) 702 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Aaron Simmons were the first trustees of the church, elected in 1868. The present trustees are George Netzley, E. M. Scholl and John D. Hay. The present ministers are W. K. Simmons, Ezra Noffsinger, W. P. Noffsinger and Oliver Royer. The latter has charge of the church in Union City, Ohio. The position of the Church of the Brethren on church doctrine is set out very briefly as follows: ‘ 1. They believe the present collection of the books and epistles, com- posing the New Testament volume, to be the last and perfect will- of God, and as such, they believe the whole of the New Testament to be essential to salvation. 2. They hold that all the authors of the New Testament books and epistles were inspired, and that it is exceedingly dangerous to reject any one of them as spurious or untrue (Matt. 7:26, 27). 3. They regard repentance as a complete turning away from every- thing sinful,—including everything vain and worldly,—and turning toward God, setting their affections on things above (Col. 3:2). 4. They baptize by trine immersion (28:19), while the candidate is kneeling, employing the forward posture in imitation of the baptism of suf- fering. They regard this baptism as for the remission of sins amd as a con- dition of the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; Matt. 3:16). 5. They wash one another’s feet, as a religious rite, regarding Christ’s example and teaching as being too plain to admit of their doing anything less (John 13:4-15). 6. They regard the Lord’s Supper as a sacred meal, to be eaten in the evening of the day, in imitation of the Savior’s example the evening before the Jews’ Passover feast began (John 13-1). 7. They take the communion of the bread and wine in connection with the Lord’s Supper, as they believe Jesus instituted it. 8. They anoint their sick with oil, upon their request, as a condition upon which the Lord will bless the sick (James 5 :14-16). g. They teach a complete separation from the world. 10. They are opposed to going to war, and hold that to take human life is wrong and adhere strictly to the principles of non-resistance (5 :21-22). 11. They are opposed to going to law with one another, but settle their differences in the assembly of the church by arbitration. These are a few of the most important principles as advocated by the Church of the Brethren. They are gradually getting away from a number RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 703 of customs practiced by the early fathers of the church, and are getting closer to the real meaning of Christ’s teaching while here upon earth. Another church of this denomination was established two miles north of Saratoga but has now ceased to exist. They also have had a branch two miles west of Winchester, but no church organization has been perfected at this place. BAPTIST. The baptists have not been very numerous in Randolph county although there have been some from the very earliest days of the settlement of the county. Curtis Clenney, of Lynn; W. C. Wilmore and John James, of Greensfork; Thomas Maulsby, of Nettle creek; Mr. Cartwright, of Spartan- burg; Bela Cropper, West River; Ezra Stone, Winchester. James Spray, Edward Scott and others have been prominent Baptists and some religious work has been done in this county by that worthy body of Christians. Messrs. Wilmore and Cropper were enthusiastic ministers and labored earnestly for the promotiton of that doctrine, but were unable to receive any very great degree of success. There have been churches at Little Creek and Losantville, Nettle Creek township; Winchester, and Middletown, in Jackson township. The churches at Losantville and Little Creek have been greatly disturbed by questions of “Means and Anti-Means.”’ Huntsville——-The Baptists used to have meetings at Bela W. Cropper’s and Samuel Spray’s, not far from Huntsville. They never had a church or any society in that neighborhood. B. W. Cropper was a preacher and did re- ligious work in that region; but no church was ever founded there, so far as we have been able to learn. Losantville—This society was organized many years ago, and had a more or less vigorous and successful existence, but was eventually abandoned for lack of membership. Providence.—(Regular) Rose Hill, Ohio and Middletown, east of Sara- toga. This society was formed in Ohio about 1840, and began to hold services near Middletown in 1860. They never had a meeting-house. Their gather- ings have been held chiefly at dwelling-houses. Their meetings take place once a month, at Middletown and Rose Hill—every third meeting at the former place, at Mr. Hinkle’s on Saturday, and at the Christian church, at Middle- town, on Sunday. The first members at Middletown were Richard and Eliza Straight, Henry and Eliza Ann Hinkle, Mahlon and Rachel Peters, 704 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. - Silas and Mary Byrom, John Peters, David and Eliza Byrom, Rachel (wife of George) Debolt. The preachers have been Revs. Mahlon Peters, John McDaniels, Sey- mour Craig, John Peters, George Cottrell and others. Mr. Cottrell minis- tered to the church for more than fifteen years past. Winchester.—About 1840, a Baptist church was organized for Winchester and the region. The meetings were held, at first, at John Lykins’, five miles south of Winchester; afterward, at Winchester, and still later, at Willis Wilmore’s, south of Winchester. The society continued for a considerable time, but the members died or moved away, and the church finally ceased. The first members were Bela Cropper and wife. James Spray, Edwin Poor and wife, George Vandeburg and wife, Ezra Stone, Willis C. Wilmore and wife, Edward Scott and wife. Afterward, Thomas Loring and wife joined the society and probably others may have done so. The church never had a meeting-house. At Winchester the services were hela at the court- house; elsewhere, at private dwellings. The society never grew very much. The deacons were brethren Stone and Cropper. The church was a friendly band, no difficulty ever arising to mar its peace. Praver-meetings were held, from house to house, with sweet seasons of Christian love and high hope and foretaste of endiess bliss in the mansions above. In Winchester. they assisted in maintaining a union Sunday school for several years. Some of the preachers were Revs. Nathaniel Case and James Harvey. Willis C. Wilmore was for nearly, or quite, fifty vears (1882) a preacher among the Baptists, and an active and zealous Christian withal. Ezra Stone was a fine Christian gentleman who was much esteemed and greatly beloved. Edward Scott lived east of Winchester; his wife dying November, 1880; eighty-four years old. He had died years before that time. Spartanburg.—Hezekiah Cartwright was a Baptist residing near that town, and preaching by the ministers of that order, took place at his house. We have heard of no other Baptists in that region, though there may have been such. No church of the kind, so far as known. was ever formed in that vicinity. West River —William Smith and his wife, father and mother, of Hon. Jere Smith, were Baptists and were members and regular attendants of the Friends church, south of them, in Wayne county. Little Creek.—The only church of this denomination, active at this time, is the one at Little Creek. This society was established some time be- fore, 1843, near the residence of one of its chief members, Thomas Maulsby. This church was divided upon the question of “Means and Anti-Means” RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 7O5 which as we understood it virtually meant Sunday school or not Sunday school. The church remained “Anti-Means’” and does not support a Sun- day school at this time. The membership had decreased to about twenty-six, in 1913, when another division occurred in the church over the question of whether musical instruments should be used in the church. The mem- bership divided equally, thirteen leaving and thirteen remaining. Meetings are conducted each month upon the fourth Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Vergal Eagen is the minister. The trustees being Harvey Crouse and M. VY Maulsby. Free-Will Baptist Church—Ridgeville and vicinity——There was a soci- ety at Father Mendenhall’s, on the river, as long ago as 1860, or earlier. They began to hold worship at Ridgeville about 1868. The society has no meeting-houses in the town, the college chapel being occupied for meeting purposes. At Father Mendenhall’s was a hewed log church, which, however, has not been used since the society began at Ridgeville. Some of the mem- bers have been Robert Sumption, Penneb Mendenhall, John Collier (Rev.), Mahlon Sumption, William Hollowell, Egbert Payne (Rev), Cunningham, John Thurber, Allen Baker, Dr. Farquhar, William Reed (Pror.). Asa Pierce (Rev), and their wives. The church, at Ridgeville, numbered at first thirty to eighty members. This church was conducted in connection with the college, which de- nomination had established in Ridgeville in 1867. They were unable to make a success of the school and after having disposed of it to the Congre- gationalists, in 1892, found it necessary to abandon their church, also, and the church building was sold to the German Evangelical church. Some of their preachers were Messers. Collier, Atkinson, Bates, Davis, Pierce, Vaughn and Harrison. During the winter of 1880-81 meetings of this denomina- tion were held at Stone Station and about forty were converted and a church was formed, embracing twenty-five members, i. e.: Thomas Clark and wife, George Spera and wife, David Reitenour and wife, Mrs. Ross and daugh- ter, and two sons, Mrs. Owens and family, Samuel Ross and wife and James Jefferson and wife. They met in the Clark school house with Rev. Asa Pierce as their minister. The enterprise was abandoned before a church was built. The Protestant Methodists have never had any very large societies in the county. About 1837 they established a preaching place, near Deerfield, but were never able to affect a permanent organization. The only one in the county at this time is at Hopewell, north of Farmland. 706 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The society was organized some time betore 1845 by Rev. Jonathan Flood, a pioneer of his denomination. They built their first church in 1853, which stood as it was built until a few years ago, when it was re- modeled and made modern in every respect. This church has a splendid Sunday school, in connection with it, and while it is the only one of this denomination in the county is strong enough to make its influence felt. The Wesleyans formerly had a church at Sparrow Creek, northeast of Buena Vista, but this denomination was never able to survive. CHURCH OF GOD. This organization first sprung up in recent years under various titles of Holiness Band and other various names. There are two churches in the county, one in Jackson township and the other the center of Ward town- ship, east of Deerfield. SPIRITUALISTS. Unionsport.—These people have held meetings at times at Mr. Lamb’s and at Josiah Mendenhali’s. Some years ago they held two or three grove meetings on the lands of John Lewis, near Unionsport. They have no set- tled organization, at the place, but several persons in the vicinity are in- clined to that faith and think they have evidence that their friends, who died years ago, have appeared to them in material form, liave spoken and in other ways have proven their actual bodily existence. Spiritualism has found some adherents in past years, in Winchester, but at present the num- ber is quite small and there is no organization. HOLINESS BAND. At different times. in the history of the county, sects have arisen, hav- ing as a special doctrine, “Holiness” For the most part these bands have consisted of people of other denominations believing in two states of Chris- tian experiences—the lower and the higher estate. The first is commonly attained at conversion and the second is an advanced state brought about by special blessing. The principal center of organized bands has been in and around Farm- land. An organization of this character has been in existence for a num- ber of years, with Hamilton Pursley as its leader. The membership has never been large. Their meetings consist, for the most part, of open air meetings, held upon the streets of surrounding towns. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 707 METHODISTS. ‘The first churches to be held in the limits of Randolph county were held by Methodists, in the cabin of Ephraim Bowen, by the Rev. Mr. Holman, of Louisville, Kentucky. This was probably as early as 1814-15. The first meeting held was in 1815, in the same cabin, and was addressed by Stephen Williams, a local preacher. The first marriage ceremony performed in the county was performed February 2, 1819, by Rev. John Gibson, a Methodist preacher. It was characteristic of the Methodist church to send out traveling min- isters, or missionaries, to the farthest frontier. They had a plan of holding meetings peculiar to themselves, for the lack of room or proper house in which to hold meetings, they resorted to camp meetings, or grove meetings, as they were sometimes called. These camp meetings were held in various parts of the county, some of which grew to gigantic proportions. People would take their families and attend these meetings for a week or two, or sometimes a month, at a time. They were a source of great spiritual awakening and reached the pioneer in a way that no other kind of meeting could have done. People met for spiritual up-lift, sincere in their purposes and enthusiastic in their desires to better humanity. Thousands of people, at times, would be called together with this purpose in view. Some of the principal places of these meetings have been Spartanburg, Greensfork township; west, of Fairview, in the edge of Delaware county; Mt. Zion, White River township; Union Chapel, West River township; Ritenour’s, Ward township; Union City fair grounds; Winchester fair grounds; Arba, Greensfork township; Windsor, Stoney Creek township; Ridgeville; Shiloh, north of Farmland, and Chenoweth’s Grove, near Bar- tonia. People would go for miles and miles to attend these meetings; many no doubt for curiosity, but the spirit of the Lord was there in power and brought many a haughty blasphemer to the foot of the cross. Of our devoted minister and his camp meeting we well might say: “Truth from his lips prevail’d with double sway, And fools who came to scoff remain’d to pray.” But as the country became more thickly settled and churches dotted the country here and there the needs of the camp meeting became less and 708 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. less, degenerated into but feeble echoes of the old time gatherings of the leafy woods. “Mischief is there in abundance, but the off-setting, wrestling, conquer- ing, converting, new creating Holy Ghost power is all too seldom seen in modern days.” The old Methodist church, like that of other denominations, has given way to that of the new. The old-fashioned “shouting Methodists” is seen and heard but seldom, in this day. The minister no longer “lines his hymns” with the command of “Sing brother, sing.” No longer does the leader “pitch the tune”, with his pitch pipe. The music of today may have more harmony and balance, but under no condition can it exceed the old-time song, with its fervor and spirit of devotion, to the cause of establishing the kingdom of the Master. The policy of the Methodist church, in sending out its ministers to “hold meetings” and travel from place to place, preaching as they went, to those who care to hear, was the means of establishing many churches throughout the land. “Wherever civilization was found, there was a Methodist preach- er, also, proclaiming the word of God. Many of the country churches have been abandoned, owing to the lack of membership. With better roads and transportatiton, the centers became larger and larger and have in many instances been established in towns. Among the places in the county so abandoned are: Huntsville school house, where a class existed for twenty years or more; at Lebanon; between Hunts- ville and \Winchester, on the Huntsville pike; Beech Grove school house, just west of \Vood’s Station; Mt. Pleasant, in West River township, on the boundary one mile north of the Wayne county line. A log church was built there in 1838 and a new building erected in 1865; the church has since been abandoned. This is the church home of Rev. John Grubb, one of the most forceful pioneer ministers of the county. Pittsburg—Mleetings were held here at the home of James Porter for a great many years. Zeller, Ward C., was born in 1874, in Tanke county, Ohio; graduated from Ohio Medical University at Columbus, Ohio, in 1897; school of prac- tice is Regular; began practice at St. Paris, Ohio; has been in Union. City’ for last five or six years; eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Summary: There are at present (August, 1914) in Randolph county. sixty-one active practicing physicians. Of this number forty-six are Regu- lars, five are Eclectic, four are Physio-Medicals, four are Homeopathists, and two are Osteopathists, regularly licensed. The dentists practicing at present in Randolph county number but four-_ teen. ‘Each one is a graduate from some recognized school of dentistry and’ is regularly licensed. The date following the name is the date of the last . license issued to the practitioner, and does not necessarily mean the beginning _ of.that-individual’s practice. Atkinson, Woodruff G., 1901, located at Union City. Beals, John H., 1907, located at Winchester. Eastman, Blaine, 1913, located at Winchester. Edwards, W. Theodore, 1903, located at Winchester. Gray, Benjamin F., 1904, not practicing regularly in the county. Gray, Charles F., 1905, not practicing regularly in the county. Hamilton, Robert A., 1911, located at Modoc. Hendricks, C. S., 1902, located at Parker City. Keffer, Clarence C., 1914, located at Union City. LeFever, Mrs. L. M., 1899, located at. Union City. McKinnon, Frank E., 1900, located at Losantville. ‘RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 877 Pretlow, Joseph J., 1899, located at Winchester. Smith, Arthur D., 1902, practices in Texas, but resides in county. Smith, S. D., 1901, located at Union City. Smith, Milo V., 1902, not practicing regularly in Randolph county. Study, Carl A., 1904, located in Winchester: Stone,. Thomas F., 1908, located in Ridgeville. Wampler, George S., 1909, located in Union City. - Wright, Cyrus C., 1909, located in Lynn. THE RANDOLPH COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. The Randolph County Medical Society was probably the offspring of at least two small. societies—The Union City Medical Society and The Win-- chester Medical Association. These societies were- organized about 1857, and kept up their meetings with more or less regularity until about 1876, when: they were reorganized under the plan of the American Medical Association. At first none but “regulars” were admitted, but now “every legally regis-. tered physician residing and practicing in Randolph county, who is of good: moral and professional standing, and who does not support or practice, or claim to practice, any exclusive system of medicine, shall be eligible for membership.” : At its organization the following officers. were elected: J. C. Beverly,. president; J. Heiner, vice-president; L. M. Jones, secretary. The following physicians were charter members: J. E. Bennett, Hill-- grove, Ohio; William Commons, Union City, Indiana; J. T. Chenoweth, Winchester, Indiana; N. T. Chenoweth, Windsor, Indiana; L. N. Davis, Farmland, Indiana; R. P. Davis, Redkey, Indiana, Jay county; C. S. Evans, Union City, Indiana: J. J. Evans, Winchester, Indiana; David Ferguson, ° Union City, Indiana; A. H. Good, Bloomingsport, Indiana; H. Harrison,, Union City, Indiana; R. H. Harrison, Winchester, Indiana; John E. Markle,. Winchester, Indiana; W. G. Smith, W inchester, Indiana. The following have.since become affiliated with the society: A. H. Farquhar, Losantville, in 1876; John Heiner, Arba, in 1876; J. E. Beverly,. Winchester, in 1876; R. T. Maltbie, Farmland, in 1877; G. S. Evans, Sara- toga in 1878; R. Ford, Saratoga, in 1878; R. Hamilton, Lynn, in.1878; H. H. Yergan, Union City, in 1878; W. J. Shoemaker, Ridgeville, in 1878; J. S. Blair, Lynn, in 1879; J. S. Berry, Spartanburg, in 1879; A. G. Rogers, Parker, in 1880; I. N. Hollinger, Harrisville, in- 1880; J. M. Keener, Farm- ' land, in 1880; C. Smith, Farmland, in 1880; John Nixon, Farmland, in 1882; (56) 878 * RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. J. N. Trent, Losantville, in 1883; J. L. Contrie, Deerfield, in 1884; Joseph Meek, Arba, in 1885; G. Reynard, Union City, in 1885; H. C. Hunt, Tren- ton, in 1885; F. A. Chenoweth, Winchester, in 1886; H. P. Franks, Losant- ville, in 1886; C. M. Kelley, Winchester, in 1887; J. H. Morony, Carlos City, in 1887; D. M. Carter, Modoc, in 1887; W. K.-Marquis, Bartonia, in 1888; G. W. Frederick, Ridgeville, in 1888; C. C. Mills, Losantville, in 1888 ; Oscar E. Able, Winchester, in 1889; E. G. Reynard, Union City, in 1890;-Frank G. Keller, Spartanburg, in 1891; Charles. McNaul, Winchester, in 1891; G. C. Markle, Winchester, in 1893; B. S. Hunt, Winchester, in 1894; C. R. Cox, “Lynn, in 1895; Alonzo Coffin, Carlos City, in 1896; L. G. Cromer, Union City, in 1897; O. E. Current, Farmland, in 1897; D. S. Wiggins, Losantville, in 1898; Charles Spitler, Saratoga, in 1898; A. H. Hattery, Parker, in 1899; E. W. Rine, Winchester, in 1900; O. W. Hinshaw, Lynn, in 1902; D. F. Trenary, Modoc, in 1903; Elmer D. Shaddy, ‘Saratoga, in 1904; D. W. McCormick, in 1903; Charles L. Botkin, Farmland, in 1905; William. W. Root, Parker City, in 1905; J. E. Nixon, Ridgeville, in 1905; F. Ruby, Union City, in 1906; Charles E. Milligan, Winchester, in 1906; F. E. Kieth, Modoc, 1907;-.S. B. Ruby, Union City, in 1907; Clyde E. Botkin; Parker City, in 1907; David C. Roney, Ridgeville, in 1910; Morton L. Hunt, Win- ‘chester, in IQI1; Thomas Mor gan, Spartanburg, 1911; Howard Drumm, Parker City, in 1911; F. Arthur Zeller, Union City, in 1912; H. W. Deitrick, Union City, in 1913; C. E. Martin, Carlos City, in 1913; Joseph A. Kramer, Windsor, in 1914; J. S. Robinson, Winchester, in 1914; P. C. Barnard, Par- ker City, in 1914; George H. Davis, Union City, in 1914; Fred: Kienzle, Lynn, in 1914; Ivan E. Brenner, Winchester, in 1914; J. M. Wallace, Ridgeville, in 1914; J. C. Blossom, Losantville, in 1914. ' The following doctors have been honored with the presidency of the society since its inception: J. C. Beverly, in 1876; J. E. Markle, in 1877; D. Ferguson, in 1878; Williams Commons, in 1879; John Heiner, in 1880; L. N. Davis, in 1881; W. G. Smith, in 1882; J. J. Evans, in 1883; N. T. Chenoweth, in 1884 and 1885; I. N. Trent, in 1886; A. H. Farquhar, in 1887; J. S. Blair, in 1888; A. G. Rogers, in 1889; C. M. Kelley, in 1890; C. S. Evans, in 1891; H. P. Franks, in 1892; C. C. Mills, in 1893 and 1804; J. H. Morony, in 1895; L. N. Davis, in 1896 and 1897; B..S. Hunt, in 1898; Alonzo Coffin, in 1899; O. E. Current, in 1900; A. G. Rogers, in 1901; F A. Chenoweth, in 1902; L. G. Cromer, in 1903; G. Reynard, in 1904; A. G. Rogers, in 1905; G. C. Markle, in 1906; E. G. Reynard, in 1907; William W. Root, in 1908; F. McK. Ruby, in 1909; J. E. Nixon, in 1910; Charles E. Milligan, in 1911; O. E. Current, in 1912: J. H. Morony, in 1913 and 1914. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 879 ‘There have been five doctors elected president of the society for the second time, viz:: N. T. Chenoweth, in 1884-1885; C. C. Mills, 1893-1894; L. N. Davis, 1896-1897; A. G. Rogers, 1889 and in 1905; and J. H. Morony, 1913-1914. In each case the honor was conferred in recognition of distinguished service to the organization. re PURPOSES OF THE SOCIETY. In the constitution of the society, I find the following: “The purposes of this society shall be to bring into one organization the physicians of Randolph county, so that by frequent meetings and full and frank inter- change of views, they may secure such intelligent unity and harmony in every phase of their labor as will elevate and make effective the opinions of the profession in all scientific, legislative, public health, material and social affairs, to the end that the profession may receive that respect and support within its own ranks and from.the community to which its honorable history and great-achievements entitle it; and with other county societies to form the Indiana State Medical Association, and through it, with other state associa- tions, to form and maintain the American Medical Association.” “Tn all proper ways the public shall be taught that business methods and prompt collections are essential to the equipment of the modern physician and surgeon, and that it (the public) suffers even more than the profession when this is not recognized. “This society shall endeavor to educate its members to the belief that the physician should be a leader in his community, in character, in learning, in dignified and manly bearing, and in courteous and open treatment of his brother physicians, to the end that the profession may occupy that place in its own and the public estimation to which it is entitled.” CHAPTER XVI. NEWSPAPERS OF THE*COUNTY. (By J. L. Smith.) * JOURNAL, The newspaper press. was an early arrival in pioneer days. Wherever was found a nucleus of two hundred or three hundred’ people, some courage- ous spirit founded a newspaper. These early disseminators of thought were meagre in the amount of local information, but gave extended accounts of the political doings at Washington, and letters from over the water from “the latest ship.” Politicians were the most frequent contributors of létters ‘and their versatility was something at which to marvel. Display advertising was almost unknown, as the notices of merchants were set in two or three inches, single column and usually in smaller type than that of the other read- ing matter. . The first newspaper published in Winchester and also in the county of Randolph was owned by Henry H. Neff, in 1843, and it was called The Win- chester Patriot. It advocated the policies of the Whig party and was con-_ tinued for a period of nine years under Mr. Neff’s management. As evi- dence of the enterprise of the editor, there is.extant at the present time an extra isstie, announcing the declaration of war against Mexico in 1846 and containing President Polk’s message on that question. This supplement is the only remnant left of The Patriot as Mr. Neff lost nine volumes of his paper in a small fire at his home, but which did little harm to the rest of his personal property. ee Upon the organization of the Republican party the paper became an advocate of the principles of that organization and the name was soon there-_. after changed to The Winchester Journal. From this time up to 1870 the paper was owned by various publishers and likewise employed numerous editors. Among the number were Clint D. Smith, J. C. Beverly, Edward Walkup, Lon G. Dines and B. F. Diggs. Mrs. I. P. Watts, who was a sister of the latter, learned to set type in the Journal office in the days of. the war when printers became very scarce. Glancing through the files of the paper one finds many incidents of rare interest. The paper was a strong supporter. of John C. Fremont in.1856. In that year we notice a call for a Republican RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 881 ‘primary election. There is also announced a call for a: woman’s sufferage convention and the ladies are urged to attend and mat to fear the charge that the organization “means to abet the slavery cause.” We note also a call for the meetirig of the Randolph County Teacher’s Association at “Arbey.” ; This paper was a seven column quarto, all home print, and was given over very largely to politics. Prior to the war and throughout that period, the first page usually contained a speech from some leader in Congress. The ‘second page was given over to editorial discussion and often the whole seven columns were taken up in this way. The third page contained Congressional news, usually about two weeks later than the occurrence of the events in Washington. The fourth page was devoted to-agriculture. In about 1870 Amos C. Beeson bought the Journal and was associated with his brother-in-law, Mr. Marsh. In 1872, John M. Hodson bought Mr. Marsh’s interest and the Journal was continued in the name of Beeson and : Hodson until 1881 when Mr. Beeson became sole proprietor. .He continued as owner and publisher of the paper from that date up to his death in 1903. In the later years of his control his sons, Will C. and Charles, were associated with him in the conduct of the paper. Under their management the paper has established a constantly increasing and substantial growth. Its prime purpose has been to give all the news possible in clean, concise, but brief statements of fact. While it has always been Republican in politics it has not been radical or harsh in its treatment of party questions. At the present time the paper is owned by the Beeson brothers and there is no better equipped plant in eastern Indiana. The management has just installed a fine new Interstate typesetting machine, one of the very best on the market. In its job. department all the latest and best machinery has been installed to take care of “their trade. HERALD. “In 1873 the Winchester Gazette was launched by James Williamson, but it had a brief existence, and in 1876 the plant was purchased by Rev. J. G. Brice and the present Winchester Herald was founded by that gentleman and his four sons, James, William, Norman and John, as an independent paper, with Democratic proclivities. It was issued from the third story of ‘the Canada Block on the west side of the public square. A year or so later Enos L. Watson purchased a half interest, James Brice retaining the other half and the political complexion of the paper was changed to that of Repub- lican. About a year later Mr. Watson became sole proprietor and removed 882 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. the office to the third story of the Knecht building on the south side of the ‘square. A year later still a half interest was sold to Lee Ault and it was conducted under this rnanagement for a few months, when a third interest was sold to ‘R. A. Leavell, but the latter soon’ retired, selling his interest back. ‘Again in a few months Mr. Watson became sole proprietor and later an interest was sold to Charles Harrison. The paper was edited. by Thomas: Harrison, brother of Charles, and this management lasted a year, when Mr. Watson again became owner. A few months later a half interest was sold to John Commons, of Union City, who moved to Winchester to take charge of the paper. A few months after his management began, he bought Mr. ° Watson's interest and conducted it for several years. . Rev. I. P. Watts then bought the paper for his son-in-law, Emerson Addington. A year or so later Mr. Addington sold a half interest to Rev. W. O. Pierce, a well- -known _ Methodist: minister. Within the next year Mr. Addington retired and Rev. Pierce became sole owner. Within a few months Reverend Pierce sold a half interest to Seward S. ‘Watson. This management lasted for two years: until Reverend Pierce sold his interest to C. C. Peelle. The paper was pub- lished by this firm for four years when Mr. Peele. retired and Charles L. Watson had a half interest for something more than a year. The latter sold his interest to Union B. Hunt, former secretary of State, who had editorial charge of the paper for the next two years. He sold it back to Charles L. Watson in 1893. Mr. Charles Watson again sold his interest to C. C. Peelle. Mr. Peelle was in the office four years longer when he sold to his partner, Mr. Watson, who has had full control for the last ten years. - In 1907, Mr. Watson became postmaster at Winchester and the paper has been turned over tothe management of his son, John E. Watson. Two or three times the Herald has conducted a daily newspaper, pub- lishing the same for a year or. two, but because Of lack of support, the enter- prise has failed. DEMOCRAT. At intervals during the period of the Civil war the Democrats estab- lished papers in Winchester but the period of their existence was limited. It was not until 1885 that a- permanent organ of the party was founded by J. R. Polk. The same year The Ridgeville Banner was bought, consolidated. with the Democrat and a stock company operated it. Later the paper was ‘ sold to Joseph Gorrell who successfully edited it for several years. It was then purchased by. Lew G.Ellingham, present Secretary of the State of Indi- ana, who conducted the paper here until the autumn of 1894. when he re- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. | 883 moved the plant to Decatur, Indiana, and established the Decatur Democrat of which he is the present owner. The same fall another Democratic paper was started here by the Fawcett brothers, and after three or four months the -paper passed to the management of Garland D. Williamson, who was editor and proprietor until October, 1, 1895, when J. L. Smith, of Vermilion county, purchased the outfit and at once installed new machinery throughout, enlarg- ing it from the five column quarto, four pages home print, to a six column quarto, all home print. Mr. Smith conducted the paper until March, 1897, when he sold it to Esta N. Arnold and A. R. Abshire. Within the next twelve months the paper underwent several changes of management and in 1899 it was sold to Mr. A. C. Hindsley who is at present time recording clerk in the office of the Secretary of State of Indiana. Mr. Hindsley successfully conducted the paper from that time until April, 1911, when he sold it to C. K. Rockwell of West Alexandria, Ohio, and he in turn sold it in July, 1911, to D. W. Callahan, present owner and editor. Mr. Callahan has built up the paper very materially both in its mechanical and editorial departments. Practically renewing all of the plant and more— fully equipping it for all class of printing, installing a typesetting machine the present year, 1914. Mr. Callahan is a very proficient printer and in conse- quence has built up a fine job department. , The paper is a loyal supporter of Democratic principles, not only during campaign years, but the whole year round, often taking the initiative as an exponent of- genuine Democracy, consequently it has a loyal Democratic host of supporters who swear by its interpretation of political policies. In 1881, William P. Needham established a newspaper in Winchester which he called The Phantasmagorian. The chief aim of its proprietor seemed to be to discuss ethical, literary and philosophical themes, emphasizing in particular freedom in religious belief. Later the editor compiled a volume of essays from the newspaper which he called “Phantasmagorian Theology and Other Papers.” Later still the name of the paper.was changed to The Winchester Republican and conducted as such for a number of years, Mr. Needham also serving as city clerk during this period. His death occurring in 1899, the paper passed into the hands of Joseph and Lewis Day and was called the Winchester Press, but it suspended within the year and -the plant was sold and moved elsewhere. DAILY. The latest entrance into the field of journalism was the Winchester Daily News, started May 15, 1914, by Mr. Arthur K. Remmel, who is both 884 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. editor and proprietor. The paper is purely independent. The paramount purpose is to give all.the news of interest to the community. Mr. Remmel although a young man has had extensive experience in newspaper work, hay- ing been employed. in the. Winchester Herald about ten years, served as re- porter on the Peoria, Illinois Journal for four years where he was associated with H. M.'Pindell. Mr. Remmel secured his position on the Peoria paper through the good offices of Charles Fitch, the noted newspaper-humorist.. | _The News is a seven column folio and it has already made quite a good impression in the community. Its the earnest desire of the citizens. that the paper shall succeed... A: daily paper is an enterprise that the town can well afford to sustain and encourage. een : UNION CITY. At Union City, on the Indiana side of the line, in the fifties and sixties, eight or ten newspapers were started and flourished for a short time, the | . only one of that period surviving being The Union City Eagle which was founded by L. G. Dines in 1863. The earliest paper of which we have a record published in that city was The Union Train founded in 1853 by a Mr. Putnam. A little later than this The Crystal Fountain was started and conducted by a Mr. Jones and about the same time The Chip Basket was started by W. D. Stone.- These efforts were only ephemeral and only thet, names were saved from oblivion. The Union City Eagle had about the usual experiences of other early newspapers namely, that of undergoing frequent editorial control. Among. those who served as editors and managers may be named L. G. Dines, W. S. Dines, B. F. Diggs, B. H. Bonebrake and Bentley Masslich, the latter con- ducting the paper from 1866 to i885. It was then sold to W..S. Ensign. - Mr. Ensign sold the paper to L. M. Davis who published it for a few years and it was then purchased by James W. Stanley. Under his control the plant ‘was very materially improved; a high grade Mergenthaler typesetting ma- © chine was installed. On account of business reverses, Mr. Stanley was com- ‘pelled to turn the plant over to his father and brother and the latter leased it to Don C. Ward. Mr. Ward is making The Eagle a first-class paper in every particular. He is publishing an eight-page daily which takes. all. the important local and neighborhood news together with state and national events, furnished by the Associated Press. In politics the paper is an inde- pendent,Republican but the editor is disposed to give all parties a fair hearing. ‘This is done by letters, interviews and clippings from the partisan press. Mr. ;RANDOLPH: COUNTY, INDIANA. 885 “Ward is credited with being a good newspaper man whose first desire is to build up his community and protect its interests. In 1872. The Independent was started by W. R. Hedgepath. The paper was a supporter of Horace Greeley for the Presidency that year and after the autumn election of 1872 it suspended. In 1871 The Union City Times was founded by John Commons, Repub- lican in politics and conducted by that gentleman for five years. It was then sold to George Patchell, present owner and publisher, who has successfully ‘conducted the paper during this whole period. In 1895, Mr. Patchell began the publication of a daily newspaper which’also achieved success increasing in patronage and influence up to the present time. Both daily and weekly papers have been regularly issued since that time. Mr. Patchell’s plant is well equipped with all the modern conveniences conducive to best results in the art preservative, which of course, includes the standard Mergenthaler type- setting machine. The Plain Dealer was founded as a Democratic organ by Stephen M. Wentworth in 1877. Mr. Wentworth had acquired some considerable knowl- edge in the offices of the Cincinnati Enquirer and The Philadelphia Enquirer and The New Era at New Orleans. This paper was for a number of years the only Democratic paper in the county. Our best information is that after several years, at least six, the paper was sold and the plant consolidated with another local publication. At least when it sold the Democrats no longer had an organ. Other towns in Randolph county which support local papers are Farm- land, Lynn, Parker, Ridgeville and Saratoga. The Farmland Enterprise was established in 1888 by Clint W. West, who conducted the paper for many years until he became postmaster of Farm- land in 1903, when the paper was sold to I. C. Penery, present owner and publisher. The Enterprise is an eight-page weekly, Republican in political views. It is a good advertising medium and is well supported by the business men of Farmland. The office is well equipped with modern machinery in- cluding an up-to-date typesetting machine. The Ridgeville News was established March, 1889. Like most other local papers it has undergone many changes of editorial management but for the last fifteen years has been owned by James W. Stanley. It is an ‘independent newspaper with Republican propensities. The paper is well supported by the business men and the reading public. It also has a well 886 RANDOLPH ‘COUNTY, INDIANA. equipped job plant which successfully takes’ care of the needs of the sur- rounding country. Ws The Lynn Herald was founded. in 1898. It has always been pepeitieea: in politics but is never offensively. partisan and touches but lightly upon poli- tics except when campaigns are on. The paper has been owned for many -years by Mr. F rank Wr ight, who is the present Republican nominee for the State Legislature from Randolph county. The Herald is well. patronized ‘by the business men and Mr. Wright has made it quite a successful venture. a» The Parker Review was estabfished in 1899.. It is independent in poli- tics, is the usual size, a six-coluinn, eight-page paper. The present owner: ‘and proprietor is Mr, E. L. Ashcraft, who is an all around newspaper man and lives up to the best ideals set before the craftsman in this art. At Saratoga a newspaper was established a few years ago, called The Independent, which has had a precarious existence. It has had a half a dozen -editors but none have béen able to make it a successful venture. At the present time it is owned by James Stanley of Ridgeville and the type is set and the paper printed at The News office in that town. Its field is so limited that-its circulation is necessarily quite small. Ak. CHAPTER XVII. BANKS AND BANKING. (By J. L. Smith.) Few counties in Indiana, if any, have more superior banking facilities than has Randolph county. Within the.borders of the county, at present, there are fourteen well established banks and two successful trust companies. Three banks operate under the national charters and eleven are state banks. The aggregate deposits of these institutions would total more than $3,275,000. ~ Banks are located in nine out of twelve townships of the county, so it: may be seen that the population may be readily accommodated in financial needs and safe depositories. The first bank in Randolph county was established in 1857 by James “Moorman, Mark Diggs and Moorman Way. It was called’ the Moorman, ‘Diggs & Company’s bank. After a few years, Mr. Moorman bought out the partners’ interests and conducted it alone as a private bank for many years. In 1878 a stock company was formed and The Farmers and Mer- chants Bank was incorporated under the state laws, with a capital of $80,000. A new charter was secured in 1898 and the capital stock was reduced to $50,000. It is still operating under the charter then issued. Its officers are William D. Kizer, president who has served for seventeen years; B. F. Marsh, vice-president; Philip Kabel, cashier; D. M. Simmons, assistant cashier. The capital stock is $50,000; the surplus and undivided profits, $13,500; the resources, $384,000..: The Randolph County Bank was established February 4, 1865, as a national bank, the first of the kind’in Randolph county. Its capital stock was $60,000. It was successfully conducted for many years, until October 1, 1876, when its national charter was surrendered and a state bank was organized with a capital stock of $100,000. In 1898 this bank was re- organizéd and its capital stock reduced to $60,000 which is the amount of capital still maintained. Its officers are Seth D. Coats, president; T. L. Ward, vice-president; Charles E. Ferris, cashier. Its surplus and undivided profits are $18,000; resources, $381, ooo. Mr. Coats has been president for a period of twenty-four ze and Mr. Ferris cashier for twenty-eight years. The Atlas State Bank of Union City was established in 1896. It has had a successful career and has been a marked benefit to the community. Its \ 888 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. present officers are C. C. Fisher, president;*R. C. Schemmel, vice-president; B. F. Beatty, cashier. Its capital stock is $52,000; surplus and undivided profits, $6,000; resources, $375,000. ; The Commercial National Bank, formerly the Commercial Bank of Union City, was reorganized in 1897. Its officers are George M. Edger,” president; C. S. Hook, vice-president; J. F. Ruby, cashier; E. A. Frank, assistant cashier. Its capital stock is $50,000; surplus and undivided profits, $110,000; resources, $375,000. me In 1880 there were four banks transacting ipsaniéas in Randolph county, namely, Farmers and Merchants Bank and The Randolph County Bank, both of Winchester, and The Citizens Bank and The Commercial Bank, located in Union City. Among the officers and stockholders it is noted are the names of many of the representative citizens. Connected with the Farm- ers arid Merchants Bank were such Nathan Reed, James Moorman, Simon Ramsey, Thomas F. Moorman, Joseph R. Se Albert O. “Marsh, Amos C. Beeson, R. S. Fisher and John Hiatt. , Connected with The Raridolph County Bank at’ ut time were Gen.’ Asahel- Stone, Dennis Kelley, Thomas Ward, Adam Hirsch, John E. Neff, L. W Study, John E. Campbell, Seth D. Coats and John Hiatt. Connected with The Citizens Bank of Union City were ex-Governor Isaac P. Gray, Nathan Cadwallader, Ephraim H. Bowen, Oliver H. Smith, Wm. H. Ander- son, William K. Smith and Charles C. Smith. With the Commercial. Bank of Union City were Charles Heady, James F. Rubey, Henry B. Grahs, Rob- ert S. Fisher, James Moorman, William Anderson and John S. Johnson. These earlier banks have undergone various changes. Some sur- rendering heir nationi .: charters for state charters or vice-versa as the case might be. : Ten of the banks and the two trust companies were all established wich: in the first ten: years of the present century. The Citizens Banking Company of Lynn was established in 1goo. Its present officers are S. C- Bowen, president; W. R. Halliday, vice-presi- dent; Daniel Hecker, cashier; O. J. Pierson, assistant cashier. Its: paid up capital stock is $30,000; surplus and ee a $13,000; resources, $200,000. The Ridgeville State Bank was eeRisied in 1901. Its officers are N. T.-Sumption, president: John H. Huber, vice-president ;. John E. Rickert. cashier; W. E. Ward, assistant cashier ; capital stock, $25,000; surplus and undivided profits, $9,000; resources, $195,000. The First National Bank of Farmland was established in 1902. Its * {RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. . 889 officers are L. W. Green, president ; P. M. Blythe, vice-president ; J. G. Blythe, cashier. Its capital stock is $25,000; its surplus and undivided profits, $5,500. “Its resources, $100,000. ; The Farmers Bank of Losantville was established in 1g02. Its officers are D. W. Kinsey, president; J. R. Gilmore, vice-president; F. H. Thompson, cashier. “Its capital stock is $10,000; dts surplus and undivided profits, $1,000; resources, $70,000. : The Parker Banking Company was established in 1903. Its officers are L. A. Botkin, president; George O. Thompson, vice-president; Charles F. Halliday, cashier; S. C. Dragoo, assistant cashier. Its capital stock is $25,000; surplus and undivided profits, $8,000; resources, $119,000... The Saratoga State Bank was established in 1903. Its officers are Cyrus Bousman, president; C. E. Spitler, vice-president; E. A. Farquhar, cashier; B. W. Aiken, assistant cashier. Its capital stock is $25,000; sur- plus and undivided profits, $3,000; resources, $80,000. . The Citizens Banking Company, of Modoc, was established in 1903. Its officers are John Christopher, president ; Emmet B. Harris, cashier; Sylvia L. Hunt, assistant cashier. Its capital stock is Prope surplus and undi- vided profits, $1,000; resources, $99,000. The First National Bank of Ridgeville was established in 1906. Its officers are George M. Edger, president; C. Orr, vice-president; John M. Edger, cashier; Frank Harker, assistant cashier. Its capital stock, $25,000; surplus and undivided profits, $1,000; resources, $100,000. The Farmland State Bank was established in 1907. Its officers are, . M. Cougill, president; E. S. Jaqua, vice-president ; I. M. Branson, cashier ; = W. Turner, assistant cashier. Its capital stock is $32,000; surplus and ~undivided profits, $5,coo; resources, $17£,Coo. The Greensfork Township Bank was established in 1900. Its officers. are, C. E. Chenoweth, president; S. C. Bowen, vice-president; O. E. Auker- man, cashier; E. Chenoweth, assistant cashier. -Its capital stock is $12,000; resources, $52,000. The Peoples Loan and Trust Company, of Winchester, was organized in Igor. Its officers are James P. Goodrich, president; John I. Johnson, vice-president and J. E. Hinshaw, secretary and treasurer. Its capital stock ‘is $30,000; surplus and undivided profits, $21,c03; resources, $388,000. The Union Loan and Trust Company, of Union City, was organized in 1909. Its officers are J. M. Turner, president; J. D. Money, vice-president ; P. I. Turner, secretary and treasurer. Its capital stock is $35,000; undivided _. profits, $12,000 ; resources, $165,000. CHAPTER XVII. _ HISTORY OF EACH TOWNSHIP. White River.—This is by far the largest township in the county and‘ the third largest in the state. It is from ten to eleven miles long and seven miles ‘wide, embracing seventy-four sections, as follows: Township 19 north, range 13 east, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Township 20 north, range 13 east, sec- tions 1 to 4, 9 to 16, 20 to 29 and 32 to 36, inclusive. Township 19 north, -range 14 east, sections 1 to 6, inclusive. Township 20 north, range 14 east, sections 1 to 36, inclusive. ° The township is located directly upon White river, being divided by that™ stream into two somewhat unequal portions, the smaller part being on the north side, which is drained almost wholly into the Mississinewa by Hickory, Mud and Bear creeks. The south side lies wholly in the White River valley, being drained by the upper course of White river itself, and by Salt, Sugar, Sparrow, Eight-Mile and Cabin creeks, only a small portion in the southwest corner lying on the latter stream. This region was in the beginning a favorite with emigrants, and large numbers crowded into it from the time of its original settlement. It is said to have been first reached, not by crossing from Wayne county nor by the exploration from the settlements previously made in the southern. part of Randolph county, but thus: A party of men from South Carolina struck into the White River valley near its mouth, and threaded its entire extent in its utter wilderness state through what is now ten flourishing coun- ties—Knox, Daviess,. Greene, Owen, Morgan, Marion, Hamilton, Madison, Delaware and Randolph. They rode through the dense woods, camping out and picketing their horses at night and spending several weeks in the trip. What they lived on we cannot tell; they subsisted on something, however, for inost of them were still in the land of the living full fifty years after that adventurous journey. For some reasons they were not satisfied till they arrived in Randolph county, a few miles west of Winchester. The whole valley of White river was then in possession of the Indians. Not a white man had ever dwelt anywhere throughout its whole vast extent. The French had planted themselves about Vincennes, and that settlement spread from the ‘Wabash across to the White river; but above the French colony all was wil- derness. e {RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 895: - This party located lands for settlement, and finally in the fall of 1816. (some of them remaining), returned to South Carolina to make arrange; ments to bring a large company of emigrants from that distant country. And; they came—a colony of about thirty persons, with their wagons and theit, goods, from South Carolina, across the Appalachian mountains, through Ten- nessee, Kentucky, Ohio, into Indiana, during the severe winter of 1816-17,. _ ‘meeting the snow on the summits of the Cumberland range, and keeping com- pany therewith the whole way onward, arriving at White river in March, 1817, with the snow a foot deep, which left not before the April following. _ And now just stop and take in that traveling scene: First, a trip from South Carolina to the lower course of White river in Southwestern Indiana., Second, a horseback jaunt through the entire White river wilderness to its sources in Randolph county, and a tarry in the woods of that region. Third, a return trip also on horseback through the sparse settlements of Ohio, Ken-. tucky, Tennessee and North Carolina to the Palmetto state. Fourth, a wagon journey from that southern land over mountain and stream, over horrible roads, through the cold and snow of that extreme winter, to plant themselves at last in the wilderness, fifteen miles from any other settlers. When they came, indeed there were some cabins for some of them, as. well as for one of the men who tarried in the wilderness, and who, being a. believer in the Bible in general, and in that declaration in particular that “It is not good for men to be alone,’ had gone down among the settlers of Wayne county, in the White Water valley, and had found a virgin after his own heart, to whom he had been joined in the bonds of holy wedlock; and together they returned to his chosen home, and there for more than forty days that loved and loving couple dwelt in the desolate forest alone. Years after- ward that bride used to relate how for six weeks of that first sojourn she saw no white face besides that of her husband. But the company came, and they, too, went to work, and it was not long till not one alone, but several dwellings were to be seen nestling among the trees. The party who traversed on horseback the long and desolate valley of the White river were Paul W. Way, Henry.H. Way, William Way, Robert Way (a lad of sixteeen, and nephew of the rest, and son of John Way), and William Diggs, Jr.; and Paul Way, in the fall of 1816, returned, as has been stated, and conducted a company from that country to this. That group of emigrants was as follows: Paul Way’s family, seven in all; John Way’s family, seven in all; Armsbee Diggs and wife, John Moorman and family, six in all; George Wilson and family, five in all; making a company of twenty- seven persons, belonging to five families. Moorman and Wilson stopped on , &92 ,. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Greensfork (Wilson probably in. Wayne county), and the rest came on. Meanwhile, William Diggs had married, and, as already stated, was keeping’ house on White river. Henry Way married in the same way, about the same ' time, so that when the whole colony there united, they amounted to nearly. twenty-five persons, all Ways and Diggses. Soon after others of the connec- tion and their acquaintances came from South Carolina, among others the father of William Diggs, Jr., William Diggs, Sr. At nearly the same time, say iff 1817, families of the Wrights came, and also some of the Haworths, and by the summer of 1818 a large company of Wrights and others were present, insomuch that at the first election of county | officers (held August, 1818), three had the name of Wright—John Wright, judge; David Wright, sheriff, and Solomon Wright, coroner. This John Wright in particular seems to have been an estimable man, since he was re- tained as judge by successive elections for twenty-eight years—1818 to 1846 —an event probably without a parallel in the history of the county. David Wright, Solomon Wright and Thomas Wright were sheriffs. from 1818 to 1827. Another John Wright was commissioner from 1820 to 1822. Two of the grand jury were Isaac Wright and William Wright. Two of the first petit jury were Solomon Wright and Abram Wright.. Thus in one year after they began to come, seven Wrights were holding official positions in the newly formed county. The Ways also were prominent. Paul W. Way was appointed county agent, at that time a very important and responsible position. Four Ways were on the first juries in 1818—John Way, William Way, Sr., William Way, Jr., and Paul W. Way. In August, 1818, there were, accord- ing to Hon. Jere Smith’s statement, fifty or sixty families on White river. and Salt and Sugar creeks, all of whom are supposed to have been in. the present bounds of White River township. We give some dates that are accessible: - 1817—Simon Cox, east of Winchester; Benjamin Cox, east of Winches- _ ter ; William Kennedy, near Mount Zion church; Solomon Reynard, on Eight- . Mile creek; John Wright (Hominy), west of Winchester. 1818—Absalom Grey, east of Winchester. 1819—John Coats, east of Winchester ; Lasley, south of Winchester; David Lasley, south of Winchester; Peter Las- ley, south of Winchester; Robinson McIntyre, near Maxville; Zachariah Puckett, near Dunkirk; Joseph Puckett, near Dunkirk. 1820—Henry D.. Huffman, west of Winchester; Tarlton Moorman, west of Winchester ; -Al- bert Macy, west of Winchester ; Thomas Puckett, near Dunkirk; Isom. Puck- ett, near Dunkirk. 1821—James Driver, west of Winchester; Morgan Mills, west of Winchester. 1822—Stephen Clayton, west of Wenchesters James . { .RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 893 | Clayton, west of Winchester ; John Robison, east of Winchester; W. Robison,. east of Winchester; Mary Reeder, near Winchester; Martin A. Reeder, near Winchester. Of course there were other prominent families, among whom | were the Wysongs, the Elzroths, the Edwardses and the Starbucks, besides _ others too numerous to mention, and very many of whom are to the writer utterly unknown. ENTRIES. Note.-—~W. N. W. 18, 20, 14, means west half of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 20, Range 14, etc. There are in the township about forty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty acres. The early entries were as follows: Shubel Ellis, N. E. 18, 20, 14, No- vember 30, 1814; George W. Kennon, S. E. 26, 20, 13, September 10, 18155 ~ William Way, Jr., W. N. W. 23, 20, 13, February 7, 1816; John Clark, S. E. 13, 20, 13, March 8, 1816; William Way, N. E. 22, 20, 13, June 5, 1816; Henry Way, N. W. 22, 20, 13, June 5, 1816; William Diggs, Jr., N. W. 24, 20, 13, September 27, 1816; William Haworth, S. W. 17, 20, 14, October ro, 1816; Henry H. Way, N. E. 27, 20, 13, October 29, 1816; Tarlton Moor- man, S. W. 13, 20, 13, October 29, 1816; James Wright, N. E. 17, 20, 24, December 4, 1816; Solomon Wright, N. W. 17, 20, 14, December 4, 1816; Antipas Thomas, S. E. 17, 20, 14, December 4, 1816; John Wright, N. E. 20, 20, 14, December 4, 1816; David Wright, N. W. 20, 20, 14, December 4, 1816; Jesse Green, N. W. 27, 20, 13, December 5, 1816; John Ballinger, S. E. 27, 20, 13, December 5, 1816; Thomas Gillum, S. W. 27, 20, 13, December 5, 1816; William Haworth, S. W. 24, 20, 13, December 7, 1816; John Moore, S. E. 18, 20, 14, December 7, 1816; John Wright, N. W. 24, 20, 13, January 10, 1817; Joseph Wright, W. S. E. 24, 20, 13, January 10, 1817; John Sam- ple, N: %4, N. 4, fractional 3, 20, 13, January 16, 1817; Charles Conway,. N. E. 29, 20, 13, May 6, 1817; John Wright, N. E. 21, 20, 13, May 8, 1817; D. Petty, N. E. 22, 20, 13, May 8, 1817; Meshach Lewallyn, N. W. 32, 20,. 14, June 1, 1817; Isaac Barker, S. E. 23, 20, 14, June 4, 1817; Jesse Ballin- ger, S. E. 34, 20, 13, June 4, 1817; Armsbee Diggs, S. W. 18, 20, 14, June. . 26, 1817; Jeremiah Meeks, E. S. E. 22, 20, 14, June 30, 1817; Caleb Wicker- sham, S. E: 29, 20, 14, July 1, 1817; Charles Coriway, S. E. 20, 20, 14, July 1,. 1817; Jacob Miller, N. W. 28; 20, 14; July 31, 1817; John Dodsar, S. W. 15,. 20, 14, July 31, 1817; William Way, Jr., W. S. E. 22, 20, 14, August 11,. 1817; H. H. Way, S. W. 22, 20, 24, August’ 11, 1817; John Smith, N. W. 27, 20, 14, September 1, 1817; Benjamin Cox, S. E. 15, 20, 14, September 11,. (57) 8904 i RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1817; John Cox, S. W. 14, 20, 14, September 11, 1817; William Hockett. - N. E. 32, 20, 14, September 12, 1817; David Stout, S. W. 20, 20, 14, Septem- _ ber 15, 1817; Jonathan Hiatt, N. E. 21, 20, 14, September 17, 1817; Christo-. pher Hiatt, S. E. 19, 20, 14, September 17 1817; Jonathan Edwards, N: W. 29, 20, 14, September 29, 1817; James Springer, N. W. 34, 20, 13, October 4, 1817; Isaac Everett, S. W. 21, 20, 14, October 23, 1817; Amos Hodgson, _ S. W. 33, 20,14, November 5, 1817; Isaac Wright, N. W. 14, 20, 14, Novem- ber 15, 1817; Daniel Hodson, N. Ey 14, 20, 14, November 19, 1817; Joshua Cox, Jr., N. E. 15, 20, 14, November 19, 1817; James Moorman, S. W? 23, 20, 13, Noveinber 21, 1817; Jesse Moorman, N. W. 19, 20, 14, November -21, 1817; Jeremiah Moffatt, N. W. 22, 20, 14, December 1, 1817; Thomas . Garrard, S. E. 23, 20, 14, December 6, 1817; Zachariah Hiatt, W. S. W. 22, 20, 14, January 8, 1818; Zachariah Hiatt, E. N. E. 27, 20, 14, January 8, 1818; Christian Shell, S. E. 21, 20, 14, January 19, 1818; Rene Julian, N. W. 26, 20, 14, January 19, 1818; William Kennedy, W. N. W. 2, 19, 14, Febru- ary 6, 1818; Benjamin Cox, N. E. 35, 20, 14, February 6, 1818; Benjamin | Cox, S. W. 25, 20, 14, February 6, 1818; Albert Banta, E. N. E. 23, 20, 13, February 7, 1818; Valentine Wysong, E. $..W. 35, 20, 14, February 25, 1818; Valentine Wysong, E. S. E. 32, 20, 14, February 25, 1818; T hontas — Leonard, W. S. W. 28, 20, 14, March 6, 1818; Jesse Brown, N. E. 25, 20, 14, March 23, 1818; Jesse Brown, W. S. E. 3, 19, 14, March 23, 1818; Richard Mendenhall, S. E. 24, 20, 14, March 24, 1818; Jeremiah Rinard, N. E. 3, 19, 13, March 24, 1818; Nathan Mendenhall, N. W. 13, 20, 14, March 24, 1818; _ Nicholas Longworth, S. W. 29, 20, 14, April 7,°1818; Nicholas Longworth, N. W. 30, 20, 14, April 7, 1818; Nicholas Longworth, S. E. 35, 20, 14, April 7, 1818; William Diggs, W. N. E. 23, 20, 13, April 15, 1818; Samuel Charles, N. W. 15, 20, 14, April ‘I 5, 1818; Nicholas Long-. _ worth, N. E. 33, 20, 14, April 20, 1818; Albert Banta, E. S. W. 3, 19, 14, April 21, 1818; Joseph Moffatt, S. E. 10, 20, 14, April 23, 1818; Henry Mon- ford, N. E. 3, 19, 14, April 27, 1818; W. Brooks, E. S. E. 30, 20, 14, May 25, 1818 ; Nicholas Longworth, W. S. E. 1, 19, 14, June 15, 1817; Nicholas Long- . worth, N. 33, 20, 14, June 21, 1818; John Elzroth, N..% 6, 19, 14, July 2, 1818; John Elzroth, S. E. 33, 20, 14, July 13, 1818; John Irvin, N. E. 5, 19, 14, July 15, 1818; Nicholas Longworth, E. S. E. 5, 19, 14, July 30, 1818; Nicholas Longworth, N. E. 19, 20, 14, July 30, 1818; Nicholas Longworth, S. W. 19, 20, 14, July 30, 1818; Nicholas Longworth, N. E. 31, 20, 14, August 5, 1818; Paul W. Way, W. N. W. 26, 20, 13, August 7, 1818; Daniel Puckett, N. W. 25, 20. 13, October 26, 1818; Thomas Puckett, N. E. 26, 20, 13, October 26, 1818; James Marquis, S. E. 9, 19, 14, November 27, 1818; ;RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 895 John Haworth, S. W. 26, 20, 13, December 7, 1818; David Fairfield, S. E. 14, 20, 13, January 12, 1819; Joseph Puckett, S. W. 34, 20, 13, January 18, 1819; Joseph Smith, W. N. E. 13, 20, 13, March 1, 1819; Zachariah Puckett, N. 3, 19, 13, April 7, 1819; Tarlton Moorman, S. W. 25, 20, 13, April 15, 1819; Jesse Moorman, N. E. 35, 20 13, April 15, 1819; Joseph Crew, N. W. 36, 20, 13, April 15, 1819; Robison McIntyre, E. N. W. 23, 20, 13, August I 2, 1819; Thomas Garrett, S. E. 6, 19, 14, December 4, 1819;. Moses Hiatt, E. S. W. 22, 20, 14, January 28, 1820; Jesse Green ,fractional 28, 20, 13, February 5, 1820; John Way, E. N. W. 18, 20, 14, March 31, 1820; Godfrey Sumwalt, sections 21 and 28, 20, 13, September 16, 1820; W. and P. Larch, sections 33, 20, 13, September 8, 1820; Isom Puckett, W.N. E. 34, 20, 13, November 20, 1820; Eli Hiatt, N. %4 33, 20, 13, November 11, 1821; Jesse Moorman, N. E. 21, 20, 13, November 25, 1822; James Clayton, E. N. W. 21, 20, 13, April 2, 1823; Stephen Clayton, E. N. E. 20, 20, 13, April 2, 1823; Robinson McIntyre, E. N. W. 20, 20, 13, April 2, 1823; Morgan Mills, -W. N. W. 20, 20, 13, August 14, 1823; Jesse Mardick, E. N. E. 9, 20, 14, August 22, 1823; Stephen Huffman, W. N. E. 20, 20, 13, October 25, 1823; Benjamin Puckett, N. E. S. W. 35, 20, 13, June 18, 1824; William Hawkins, S. % 33, 20, 13, December 23, 1824; Uriah Moorman, E. N. E. 4, 19, 13, May 2, 1825; John Irvin, N. W. 5, 19, 14, January 28, 1826; James Wright, W. S. W. 36, 20, 13, February 24, 1826; Jonathan Johnson, S. W. N. E. 36, 20, 13, March 28, 1826; James S. Cloud, E. N. E. 36, 20, 13, October 17, 1826; Jesse Tomlinson, E. N. E. 3, 19, 14, October 17, 1826; Joseph Hick- man, N. W. N. W. 1, 19; 14, December 15, 1826 John Coats, W. 4 N. E. 23, 20, 14, April 22, 1827; Littleberry Diggs, S. % N. %4 fractional.3, 20, 13, May 24, 1829; James Clayton, W.N. W. 21, 20, 1 3, August 26, 1829. TOWNS. Maxville—Location, section 20, township 20, range 13, on White river ; * Robison McIntyre and Robert Cox, proprietors; twenty-six lots; streets, north and south, Rairoad avenue, East; east and west, Main. Recorded May 28, 1850. [Note—The town was established many years before that date, about 1832. ] The town was laid out in about 1832 by Robison McIntyre. The town plat seems not to have been recorded till May 28, 1850. The commencement of ‘business and the establishment of the town, however dates back to 1832. Sclomion Seamans built the first house, and kept the first store; he also had a hotel and was a physician. For a time a large amount of business was done. Maxville became the center of a brisk and thriving trade: There have been 896 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. at one time places of business as follows: Two smith shops, one grist-mill, three stores, two physicians, one saw-mill, one church, one school house, two limekilns, one lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, one lodge, Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, one postoffice. It might in time have be- come an important town, if the old order of things had continued, but the Bellefontaine railroad was built and missed the town about two miles. New Dayton.—It is a hamlet; not incorporated. It is not laid out as a town, but is simply a little hamlet with aname. There has been a store for twenty-five years, and a smith shop for thirty-six years. There is a church and , a graveyard. The meeting-house was built in 1877. It belongs to the Metho- dist Episcopal denomination. . Sampletown.—Was on. White river, two miles east of Maxville. Judge Sample entered land there January 16, 1817, and laid out Sampletown very early, but it never flourished. In May, 1820, a road was laid from Sample’s. mill to Huntsville, and another, in 1825, from Sample’s mill to Lewallyn’s ‘mill (Ridgeville). * Vernon.—There seems to have been, at some time away back in the “beginning of things,” a town by the name of Vernon. One of the roads laid out by the commissioners is said to end at the principal street of the town of Vernon. No one now seems to know the location of that ancient site. Prob- ably it is identical with what is popularly known as “Sampletown,” on the Windsor road, west of Winchester. ~ A town: was begun there, but it did not dourish and soon died-away. The name which lived in the popular memory is Sampletown, from Mr. Sample, who settled there. very early, as 1820, or sooner. He built a mill on White river; his son established a tan- yard and laid out a town, and the locality is called Sampletown to this day, yet the real name may have been (and probably was) Vernon. Winchester.—Is in White River township, but its history is given in | another part of this work. BIOGRAPHY. Thomas Addington, Sr., was born in 1778; married Tamar Smith in 1807 (who was born in 1786). He died in 1839, aged sixty-one years, and she died in 1845, aged fifty-nine years. They moved to Wayne county, In- diana, in 1807, three years before Wayne was a county, and nine years before Indiana was a state. There were then only three counties in Indiana terri- tory, viz., Knox, Clark and Dearborn. They came to Randolph county, In- diana (Sparrow creek), in 1834. He and his wife rode horseback from North Carolina to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1807; they had during their lives thirteen children, . ;RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 897 Rev. R. Brandriff, Piqua, Ohio, was born about 1800; he became a preacher very young, and, in 1822, was appointed to the Greenville circuit by the annual conference, in session at Marietta, Ohio, September, 1822; his colleague was Moses Crume, arid the presiding elder was Alexander Cum- mins, and the circuit belonged to the Miami district. In 1822 the Greenville circuit included all of Preble and Darke counties, Ohio, all of Randolph and part of Wayne county, Indiana. . Mr. Brandriff states the matter thus: ‘‘We traveled from Chenoweth’s, in Darke county, Ohio, to a brother Canada’s (William Kennedy’s), a few miles from Winchester, from there to Winchester. Winchester was then right in the wocds, a very new place. My recollection is that there were two ‘streets running at right angles, and on the northwest corner, was a log house, at which I preached. I think the name of the man was Odle, at any rate he was father-in-law of George Ritenour, at whose house we preached on the Mississinewa, near Deerfield. From this place I went to Sumwalt’s, on White river. The good people had blazed the trees from Ritenour’s to Sumwalt’s, and I followed them as my road. From this place I went to Hunt’s, and from Hunt’s I followed an Indian trail to the East fork of White river, as there were no roads in that direction. When I arrived at Whitewater, I found a farm and a kind family who entertained me. I made their acquaintance, ob- tained permission to preach in their house, formed a class and had it as a regular preaching place. The family was one by the ‘name of Williams. Insco Williams, the painter and proprietor of the Bible Panorama, which was so celebrated many years ago, and which was burned at Philadelphia, was a son of this family, and so also was Doctor Williams, now of Kansas. From ’ here we went to Wiggins’, or New Garden, or Newport, as since called. From there we went to New Paris, and preached in the house of John Cot- tom, who has since been a resident of Winchester. I will only add here that I am the first Methodist who ever preached in Richmond, Indiana. It was in the summer of 1822; some brother on the Oxford circuit, which I was then» traveling, made the arrangements. They had heard of the boy preacher, and desired that I should visit them. A friend entertained me. I preached in a small school house, and was astonished at the interest the good Quaker took in me.” — Simeon Brickley, Maxville, was born in 1822, in Preble county, Ohio; came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1843; married Eliza Ellen McIntyre; had four children, including two married daughters. Mr. Brickley was a farmer, a Methodist and a Republican; he was also a lime-burner, owning a 1 898 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. splendid lime quarry on the banks of and on the bed of White river; he burned as many as eighteen to twenty kilns in a single year, from 600 to 800 bushels in a kiln, ‘The other kilns in the neighborhood were smaller. There were three sets of kilns—Brickley, McIntyre, McNees. Stephen Clayton, born in 1788, in Maryland; married Mary Chivens; came to White River about 1822, entered 120 acres of land west of the “Boundary ;” he had eight children; seven grew up. He died in 1834, and his wife in 1859. James Clayton (brother of Stephen), born in Maryland in perhaps 1798; came to Randolph county in 1822; married Abigail Way (sister of Paul W._ Way); they had no children; he lived many years on his farm west of Win- chester, afterward moving to Winchester, to Middleboro, and finally to New- port, where he died some years ago. His wife died at Winchester. in January, 1880, while on a visit there. Thomas Clevenger, White River, was the son of Jonathan and Sarah “Clevenger, of Warren county, Ohio, both of whom died in 1870; he was the . third of ten children and was born in 1816, in Warren county, Ohio, and moved to Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1829; married Mary A. Clarion, in 1839; moved to Randolph county, Indiana, one mile from Arba, in 1845, and to White River township, five miles east of Winchester, in 1863, where he resided for years. THE COATSES. John Coats, the first of the name in Randolph, was the son of William Coats, one of the three brothers emigrants from Scotland, above named. William Coats was the son of Philip Coats, of Scotland, and a sister of Will- iam Coats was the mother of Rev. John Coats, of Coatsville. William Coats - had a large family, at least seven of whom came to the northwest from Caro- lina, as follows: John Coats, William Coats, Joseph Coats, Hepsy (Wright), _Rhoda (Wrench), Hetty (Harrison), ————— (Beanblossom). John Coats was born in Carolina in 1786; married Sally Wright, daughter of Thomas . Wright, in 1807 (she was born in 1789) ; they came to Ohio soon afterward, and, in 1819 moved upon White river, Randolph county, Indiana. John Coats and Thomas Wright, his father-in-law, lived for awhile near Covington, Ohio, upon what are now the famous and valuable stone quarries at that place. While residing in that region the Indians were troublesome. There was a fort not far off, and they moved into it for safety, the mother leading one child by the hand and carrying the other at her breast. At one time Mrs. Thomas Wright and her daughter. Mrs. John Coats. ‘ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. — 899 were emptying meal into a barrel. An old Indian came into the house.. He said nothing, coming in unobserved, till he reached the middle of the room. His hunting knife had slipped around in front, and, as he undertook to move it back upon his hip, they thought he was going to kill them. The children were lying on the bed, and the women forgetting all about them, ran wildly past the Indian out of the house. Recollecting the children, they rushed back, and, seizing them, ran with the whole group, five in all, to the shelter of the fort. Mr. Wright coming home in the evening found them there, and was much surprised at the fact. The Indian was peaceable and intended no harm. These families came to Dadke county, perhaps in 1809, and lived there during the war of 1811-13, undergoing the manifold hardships and dangers of that.perilous time. Messrs. Coats and Wright removed, in 1819, to Ran- dolph county, Indiana, and, in process of years, their descendants became very numerous in that whole region, as well as elsewhere. John and Sally Coats were the parents of fourteen children; seven were born before their emigra- tion to Randolph county, Indiana, and seven afterward. John Coats entered eighty acres of land three miles east of Winchester; he was a farmer,and a chair-maker. At one time he held the ofhce of justice of the peace, and his jurisdiction extended at first to Fort Wayne, and pos- " sibly, to the northern limit of the state. Mr. Coats was county commissioner during several years. In religious connections he was a Friend; in politics, in olden time, a Whig, and in later years, a Republican. His death occurred in 1878, he being ninety years old; his wife had preceded him three years, her death taking place in 1875, and her age being eighty-six years. Twelve of their children grew up and were married and had families. All the sons and all the sons-in-law but one were Republicans. A reunion of the connection was held in the sixties at the family homestead, at which about 300 descend- ants of John Coats were present. Several other like gatherings have since taken place, with the attendance of hundreds of children, grandchildren, etc. Ata reunion held near Harrisville, in the summer of 1882, at the request of Rev. John Coats, of Coatsville, nearly two hundred of the connection were present. William and Joseph Coats, brothers of John Coats, Sr., did not reside in Randolph county. These reunions are annual affairs and are at- tended by hundreds. _ Benjamin Cox, White River township, born in North Carolina about 1785, moved to Ohic in 1806, and to White River, east of Winchester, in the fall of 1817; he married Ann Rhoads and had eight children—William, John, Ruth, Ann, Patience, Lydia, Mary, Benjamin. He entered land on White river and lived there till he died (in about 1852), sixty-seven years g00 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. of age; he was a recorded minister among Friends; his work was acceptable and useful; his wife died inher sixty- third year; while her husband was absent on a religious mission in North Carolina (he was gone about three months). Mr. Cox also taught school, having taught the first school in the settlement, about 1820 probably. Littleberry Diggs, White River township, was born in South Carolina in 1893; he was the son of William Diggs, Sr., and a brother of William Diggs, Jr., called “Old Billy Diggs.” L. Diggs married Lydia Way, in South Carolina in 1811. He emigrated to Randolph county in 1817; his wife. died in 1827, and he married Hannah Mendenhall, March II, 1841, dying himself in 1846. He had eleven children, eight by his first wife and three by his second; his second wife lived a widow forty-six ‘years, _ residing with Isaiah P. Watts, her son-in-law, in Winchester, and died “September 20, 1892. Henry Edwards, White River township, was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, March 2, 1795; married Polly Hamilton, October 18, 1815; came to Wayne county, Indiana, in the fall of 1821, and. to Randolph county in the spring of 1831; died at the residence of his son, Hamilton Edwards, November 6, 1881, aged eighty-six years, six months and two days. He had been married sixty-six years, and had resided on his homestead fifty years; he was the father of eleven children. He was, in early life, a Whig, and later an Anti-slavery man, and still later a Republican; in religion, a Friend, and in occupation a farmer. , Mr. Edwards was buried in the Friends’ cemetery, at White River meet- jng-house, in the presence of a large and sympathizing assembly. The dis- course was delivered by Rev. Nathan Butts from the text, “When a few years are gone I shall go whence I shall not return.” —Job. xvi, 22. Jacob Fisher, White River township, was:born in Pennsylvania in 1811; came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1826; married Delila Ruble, in 1837; had a large family of children; resided on White river, some miles west of Winchester, and died some fifty years ago. : John Fisher, White River township, came from Pennsylvania to Ohio, and from Ohio to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1824; he had fifteen chil- dren; twelve lived at home at one time, a rather lively, wide-awake family, one would think. Mr. Fisher has been dead more than seventy-five years; he was a Methodist; his children have mostly moved away to the West; he lived in White River township near White river. Absalom Gray, White River township, born in North Carolina i in 1794; came to White River in 1818; married Margery Cox (sister of Simon s RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. gol Cox), and afterward, Mary Pickett; he had fourteén children, eleven grown, eleven married. A. Gray entered eighty acres of land in Randolph courty; moved to Iowa in 1845, and died there in 1875. He was a farmer by occupation; in religion, a Friend; in politics, a Whig, an Abolitionist and a Republican. Simon Gray, White River township (son of A. Gray), born in 1826 in White River; married Nancy Smith, in 1846; has had four children. He is a farmer, and a thriving business man; his residence was burned down a few years ago, but he has built another fine dwelling. S. Gray is an en- terprising and influential member of religious society and of the commun- ity; he is a Friend. ‘Stephen: Harris, born in North Carolina in 1787; married Hannah Mace (who was born in 1784); came to Randolph county, in 1831, and settled east of Winchester two miles. He bought land of Samuel Cox, 160 acres for $223, entirely unimproved. He resided there nearly all the rest of his life, but died at Cherry Grove at the house of his son, William Harris, with whom he had made his home for a time. His death occurred in 1857, in. his seventieth year; his wife died near Farmland in 1864, aged eighty years and three months. She, too, was residing with her son William. Mr. Harris was a farmer, steady, sober-minded, thoughtful, industrious, upright; he was an Abolitionist and Anti-slavery Friend, and altogether a worthy citizen and a valuable member of society; he had five children— Benjamin, William, David, Henry, Stephen. They were all Friends and all Abolitionists, and all lived to be grown and married; they were every one born in North Carolina, and came with their father to Randolph 'coun- ty. When Stephen Harris came, in 1831, some of the settlers were as fol- lows: Benjamin Cox, Joshua Cox, Isaiah Cox, Simon Cox; Thomas Ward, an old man, grandfather of the present Thomas Ward; Joseph Moffitt, son- in-law of Thomas Ward; Thomas Pierce, brother of Burgett Pierce, still living near Deerfield; John Cox; John Coats, an old man, father of Joseph Coats. late of Union City, Ind.; William Coffin, an old man; Joel Ward, brother of Joab Ward; Zachariah Hiatt, Jonathan Hiatt. These all lived east of Winchester. John Walker and Harrison Rawson had been old settlers, but they went with the Mormons. Jonathan Hiatt, father of George Hiatt, was born in North Carolina about 1770; married Rachel Williams in North Carolina; moved to Virginia before 1805; came to Champaign county, Ohio, in 1810, with eight children, go2 d RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. and to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1818, with ten children, and two were _born in Randolph, making twelve in all. “He was a farmer, and he settled near White River meeting-house, east _of Winchester, in March, 1818, entering half a section of land; he died in 1836, sixty-six years old, and his wife in 1871, aged eighty-one years, in Wabash county; he was a Friend, a Whig and a strong anti-slavery man; an _active temperance man, a good scholar and an estimable citizen, with good -Teputation and highly respected. Henry D. Huffman, White River, was born i in 1803 in Virginia ; came to Ohio and to Randolph county in 1820; he married Eliza A. McNees, in 1831, and Mary J. West in 1866; he had thirteen children; was a farmer and teacher, and entered 160 acres of land just east of the Twelve-Mile boundary ; he was prominent as a teacher in that early time, having had many of the ‘children of the pioneers under his tuition. At one of the Old Settlers’ re- unions, held at Winchester some years ago, when he was about seventy years old, a class was formed by him from among the members of the association, his old “school boys,” and had a “spelling bout,” which excited much interest and considerable merriment. Mr. Huffman died in 1876, in his: seventy-third year. Barnabas Hunt, White River, was born in North Carolina in 1798; came to Ohio in 1804. While there his father had his property taken because he would not join the army in 1812. They came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1816. Barnabas married Hannah Lewis, daughter of Evan Lewis, in .1817; his wife was born in 1802; they moved to Farmland (three miles south of it) in 1847. He had three children. By occupation, he was a farmer; as to religion. a Friend; in politics, a Whig, an anti-slavery man and a Republi- can. He died in 1874, being seventy-five years, two months and twenty days oid. 7 4 : George Johnson, born in Virginia in 1818; came to Randolph county in 1833; married Charlotte Cook, 1845; no children; moved to Winchester in 1873; farmer; Democrat; and a member of the town council two years. Endsley Jones, White River, born in North Carolina in 1810; came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1816, and to Dunkirk, Randolph county, in 1831; married Lydia Wright, daughter of (Hominy) John Wright and sister of Solomon Wright (Cabin creek) in 1837; has had four children; bought forty acres of second-hand land; was brought up a Friend, but joined the “New Lights ;” was an Abolitionist; was an active stockholder in the Underground Railroad; once had a narrow escape from being murdered by a slave-holder in search of slaves. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 903 Mrs. Endsley Jones—Lydia (Wright) Jones—was the daughter of John (Hominy) Wright, the youngest but one of fifteen children. Her father brought eight children with him to this county; four had come before, two married and two unmarried. Lydia was born October 5, 1817, three weeks after her father got here, September, 1817. Her father was born in 1775, and died in 1851, aged seventy-six years. Her mother was born in 1777, and died in 1867, ninety years old, being strong in mind and memory as long as she lived. 7 Nathaniel Kemp, born in Frederick county, Maryland, in 1813; came to Montgomery county, Ohio (near Germantown, Ohio), in 1824; married Margaret Byles, in 1835; came to White River, Randolph county (Kemp place), in 1841; bought 200 acres; has owned 690 acres, but it is now dis- tributed among the children or otherwise disposed of. In his prosperity he was energetic for the public good, and Randolph county will long have reason to remember Mr. Kemp as an enterprising, pub- “lic-spirited citizen; he was a Whig, and a Republican. . Isaiah W. Kemp, White River, was born in 1839 in Montgomery county, Ohio; came to Randolph county in 1841; married Molly Wysong, and after- ward Ellen Hippenheimer, in 1875. Mr. Kemp enlisted in Company H, Eighty-fourth Regiment; was appointed first sergeant, promoted first lieu- ‘tenant and mustered out first sergeant with the regiment. Mr. Kemp was an active, thorough-going farmer and business man, and stood high among his fellow-citizens. P William Kennedy, White River, was born about 1797, and married Nancy Tharpe in 1814; they had no children of their own, but raised, partly or wholly, fourteen children; they came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1816, and to Randolph in the spring of 1817. Reminiscences—Nancy Tharpe Kennedy. “My husband went to Cin- cinnati to enter land (160 acres), and I had to stay here in the woods, all alone, miles and miles away from any white people, being only a girl of seven- teen years. My husband was an orphan boy, but God kept his promise. The Indians were very thick in the vicinity. They were constantly passing to and fro. The principal trail was three-fourths of a mile south of us. I used to be afraid, for I was just a girl of seventeen years old, and they were painted ail up like fury. They were very kind, however, and we were kind to them. We would give them bread and meat, and they would be satisfied. One day one of the Indians asked my husband, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Kennedy.’ “Well, Kennedy, no Indian ever kill you—you kind to Indian.’ I have seen great numbers of Indians. Sometimes squaws would ride along on their go4 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. nice ponies. Squaws would never walk. I have known twenty or thirty Indians to pass at one time. There was one Indian who often stayed with us; he was very kind and civil. I never saw an Indian drunk in my life. Some of the Indians were white and fair. “Charles Conway and John Wright lived near Winchester, though the town was not then laid out.” Elisha Martin, White River, was born in 1812, in Butler county, Ohio; ‘married Susan Kelly in Cincinn&ti, in 1831; came to Randolph county in 1832; settled first on Salt creek, and in two years moved southwest of Win- chester. They had nineteen children. John Martin, father of Mrs. Mary A. Reeder, Winchester, was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, in 1773; he came to Warren county, Ohio, before 1794; was a soldier in the United States army in the Western Indian wars, being with St. Clair and General Wayne in 1794 and 1795, and with General Harrison at Tippecanoe and the Thames, in 1811 and 1813, and with Colonel Croghan, at Fort Stephenson; he came to Randolph county in 1822, settling one and a half miles southwest of Winchester on White river; he was a great-hunter, a regular pioneer, and when settlements became too thick he left and went to Missouri (1833) ; he died in 1839. Robison McIntyre, White River, was a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1786. He removed to Butler county, Ohio, in 1807, and came to Randolph county in 1819. In 1813 he married Mary Taylor, who was born in 1787. They had eight children, seven grown and married. He came to Maxville in 1825, and laid out the town in 1832, which, however, was recorded in 1850. He was raised a Presbyterian, but in the West he joined the Methodists. He was an active and prominent man in the community. He died in 1871, in his eighty-sixth year, and lies buried in the Maxville cemetery. His wife died in 1854, aged seventy-two years. Hiram Mendenhall, Unionsport, born in North Carolina in 1801, moved to Clinton county, Ohio, in 1806, and to Randolph county in 1837. He mar- ried Martha Hale in 1820, and they had ten children. He went to California in 1850 and died June 30, 1852, while on the way home from the Golden Land beneath the setting sun. He was a millwright and a miller. He built two mills and his brother, Nathan Mendenhall, built one also, where one of Hiram’s mills had burnt down. The whole family were ingenious and seemed to be machinists by mature. Hiram Mendenhall always had two shops, a wood shop and a smith shop, and did his own repairing. He was led away by speculative notions at one time and was persuaded to start a “community” at Unionsport, between 1842 and 1846. Eight or ten families joined in. the 4 x : RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 905 movement. lt continued only two or three years, ending disastrously to the parties engaged, especially to Hiram Mendenhall, who bore much, perhaps most of the expense of the experiment. He was a strong and earnest Aboli- tionist, being the one who was selected to present the famous petition to Henry Clay at Richmond, Indiana, asking lim to emancipate his slaves. The design had been to make the request in a quiet, unobtrusive manner; but, when asked when he would receive the petition, Mr. Clay told them to present it in public. They did so and he employed the occasion to make what seemed to the anti-slavery men present a cruel and causeless attack upon Mr. Menden- hall and the opinions he represented, though, doubtless, the pro-slavery parti- sans regarded Mr. Clay’s address to Mr. Mendenhall as only a richly merited and well executed castigation for what they called his ill-timed impertinence. But years have fled and joined the ages before the flood and Henry Clay and Mr. Mendenhall were summoned on the self-same day by the Judge of the living. and the dead, before His dread tribunal, to give an account of their stewardship and now there is at length, after so long a time, “no slave-hunt in our borders, no slave upon our land.” The Abolitionists and Mr. Mendenhall as their spokesman were extensively condemned for their supposed impudence in making their presentation in public; whereas that was Mr. Clay’s own work and intended, doubtless, to enable him to make a more severe attack upon Mr. Mendenhall and the Abolitionists in general. Hiram Mendenhall was at one time an extensive landowner, being possessed of more than one thousand acres of real estate in Randolph county. The unfortunate, though brief, socialistic experiment greatly weakened his financial ability and he went to the land of goid to renew his waning fortunes, but death claimed him for its own and what availed gold, or houses, or lands? Afar from the spot of his nativity and the home of his manhood, on board ship in the Gulf of Mexico, Hiram Mendenhall took the last look upon the scenes of earth and plunged alone into the great unseen! His wife long survived him, dying, still a widow, August 5, 1880, aged seventy-nine years one month and twenty- four days, having outlived her unfortunate husband more than twenty-two years. Henry Clay and Hiram Mendenhall died on the same day, June 30, 1852, the one at his home at Ashland, Kentucky, the other among strangers on board a homeward bound ship in the Gulf of Mexico, falling a victim to the dreadful cholera on his journey to his home and his friends. It pleased the haughty politician, in the day of his power, to browbeat the despised Abolitionist in the time when the name was a by-word and a reproach; but the stern logic of fact has vindicated the obscure petitioner and removed the obloquy from his name and proved that, though negro property had been 906 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. sanctioned and sanctified by two hundred years of legislation, yet it could not _ stand the test of reason and truth and was obliged to succumb to fate. As ~ has been stated, he died of cholera on board:a steamer on his homeward voy- _ age in the Gulf of Mexico, near Key West, on the coast of Florida. He died June 30, 1852, said to be the same day on which Henry Clay. expired. ae son who was with him on the ship at his death survived. : Morgan | Mills, White River, born in Ohio in 1 794, married Rebecca Driver, sister of Jacob and James Drivers i in 1812, They emigrated to White. River in 1821, two years after Mr. Sample came here. Mr. Mills settled at _ first near Sampletown, but, as soon as the lands across the boundary were put — into market, Mr. Mills, with hundreds of others, crossed the boundary into. the new purchase in 1823. He had ‘twelve children, eight grown. He. wasa farmer and belonged tc the Christian (New Light) ehurch sixty-four years. Falling from the platform of a railroad train at Farmland and bursting his skull in-the fall, he died of the injury six weeks afterward. His death took place April 3, 1878, aged eighty-four years four months and five days. His wife, Rebecca Mills, died in 1872, aged seventy-seven years seven months . and: sixteen days. 7 ' The Pucketts, White River. There were eight brothers of the Puckett. family and seven of them were Quaker preachers, all except Joseph. Their - names were as follows: Joseph, Isom, Thomas, Zachary, Daniel, Benjamin, — Richard and James. _ The five first mentioned emigrated to Indiana, the first four coming in Randolph county and Daniel settling in Wayne county. They are all dead many years ago. Joseph and Isom came in 1819 and Thomas and Zachary in 1820. Joseph Puckett was born j in 1784, in North Carolina. He married Mary | Garrett. They came to Clinton county, Ohio, in 1817,. and, two years after- ward, to Randolph’ county. He entered land after they came. An interest- ing “incident occurred in connection with the entry of his land showing that officials are friéndly and accommodating in some eases, at any rate. He went on foot to Cincinnati and when he got there, he found that the quarter- section of his choice overran so much that he lacked ten or fifteen dollars of having money enough to make the entry. There he was, a poor stranger, on foot, alone in Cincinnati, knowing not a single person in that. city. and utterly at a loss what to do. The clerk who was doing. business. in the receiver's office, learning his dilemma, said to. him, “You need not go. back without your land; I will lend you the money myself,” and he did, and. Mr... Puckett got the certificate for his land and went on his homeward way rejoic- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 907 ing. Of course he sent the money in payment of the loan as soon as he could raise it, which, however, was not a very easy task. Mr. Puckett had ten children, eight boys and two girls. All of them lived to be grown and mar- ried: The childfen were these: Tyre T., Welcome G., Benjamin, Micajah, Sylvania, Levi, Francis, Joseph, Phebe Ann and Thomas. The Pucketts were all Friends and those that lived to the time of the “Separation” went with the Anti-slavery Friends. They were originally Whigs and became Republicans. The Pucketts came first to Ohio but pre- ferred Congress title to military title and came on to Randolph. They settled neat Dunkirk, entering one hundred and sixty acres apiece, paying each eighty dollars down. . Isom Puckett was one of ten children. His mother’s father was Daniel Taylor, who died when one hundred and five years old. The names of the family to which Isom Puckett belonged were these: Richard, Benjamin, Isom, Betty, Anna, Zachariah, Thomas, Joseph and James. The Puckett brothers, four of whom settled in Randolph county, all-entered land in White ‘River, Joseph Puckett, Sr., brother of Isom and Daniel Puckett, died in 1836, and his wife in 1846. He was a Friend, anti-slavery, and in early times a Whig. His son Benjamin was a physician of the Botanic school and achieved a good reputation as a practitioner, being. for many years a leading physician in Winchester. Joseph Puckett, Jr., Winchester, was born in 1825 in Randolph county, being the son of Joseph Puckett, Sr. He married Eliza Ann Muckey in~ 1851. Mr. Puckett was a farmer’s son and was brought up on the farm. He learned the carpenter’s trade, following. that business for several years. He afterward became a merchant and still later was appointed United States revenue officer, holding the position four years. He adopted the fruit-grow- ing business and practiced it for ten years, after which he was appointed cashier of the National Bank at Winchester and served in that capacity for five years, leaving it in 1878. When young, he was an Abolitionist and since the rise of the Republican party belonged to that organization. James Pursley, White River, was born in 1807 in Virginia and came to Indiana (Randolph county) in 1831. He was twice married. His first wife was the mother of seventeen children; his second of five. Twelve of the children lived to be married. He died many years ago. Jesse Pursley, White River, born in 1775, in Virginia, was in the war of 1812; came to Indiana about 1830; resided in Union and Franklin counties several years; came to Randolph county in 1833. He was twice married. yos RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. His first wife was Winny Yardley and the second was Nancy May, the latter dying in 1877, seventy-six years old. He had fourteen. children by his first wife and ten by the second. Fourteen lived to be married. Jesse Reynard, White River, son of Solomon Reynard, was born in 1819, in Randolph county ; married Anna Diggs, daughter of William Diggs of White River and also a native of Randolph county in 1842 and had seven children. He was an Abolitionist and a farmer, a Wesleyan and a Repub- lican. He owned two hundred and seventy acres of land and resided east of Buena Vista. He was an intelligefit, substantial citizen. Solomon Reynard, White River, was born in North Carolina in 1788; came to Clinton county, Ohio, with his parents in 1805; married Rachel Green in 1816, who was born in 1799; emigrated to Randolph county, Indi- ana in 1817; settled on Eight-Mile creek, four miles west of Winchester. He had ten children and died in 1861 about seventy-three years old. He was an Abolitionist and a Republican. William Robinson, White River, born in Washington county, Indiana, in 1816; Randolph county, 1822; married Mariam Hill, daughter of Benoni Hill in 1838 and afterward Ruth (Test) Bundrant; ten children, none mar- tied but two. He resided four miles east of Winchester; farmer, Friend. _ Walter Ruble, White River, was born in Tennessee in 1790; moved to Clinton county, Ohio, in 1802; married Sarah Wright in Clinton county in 1811 and was married twice afterward. He had eleven children. Durant Smith, White River, was born in Jones county, North Carolina, in 1802; was taken by his parents to Stokes county, North Carolina, in 1808 ; married Elizabeth Keyes in 1825, who was born in 1806. They came to Randolph county in 1829 and settled at first on the farm where he continued to live until his death (fifty-one years). His wife died in the fall of 1879. They had been married fifty-four years. Their family consisted of twelve children. John Starbuck, White River. His parents resided in Surry county, North Carolina, and he was born there. They came to Virginia in 1823 and to Randolph county in 1831. He married Beulah Garrett; had nine children, and died in 1850. His widow is living with her son, Welcome Starbuck, east of Buena Vista. , Leroy Starbuck, White River, son of John Starbuck and brother of Walter and Welcome Starbuck, was born in 1817, in Stokes county, North Carolina, moved to Virginia in 1823 and to Randolph county in 1831; mar- ried Mary Johnson in 1847, and has one child born. in 1850. He was a Re-. publican; a farmer, owned one hundred and sixty acres of land east of Buena RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. QoQ - Vista in.White River township. He used to belong to the Wesleyans, but later to the Christians. Randolph Turner, White River, was born in Virginia about 1788; mar- ried Elizabeth Heaston, daughter of Abram Heaston and sister of David Heaston; moved to Tennessee in 1818; kept a hotel at the foot of Cumberland mountains on the west side near Crab Orchard; went to Alabama in 1826 and died in 1828. In Alabama he was a farmer. They had seven children, three of whom came to Randolph county. Mrs. Turner, widow of Randolph Turner, came to Indiana in 1833 with her father, Abram Heaston, bringing three children. She lived with her father till he died and then with her son, William Turner, until she died in 1861, being at the time sixty-five years old. Paul Way’s family, seven in number; John Way’s family, seven in num- ber; Armsbee Diggs and wife; John Moorman and family, six in number; and George Wilson and family, numbering five—a company of twenty-seven persons in all, came to Indiana in 1817. The Ways started from South Carolina in the fall of 1816 and the company arrived in White River March, 1817, snow ten inches deep. [Note—John Moorman and George Wilson stopped on Greensfork, southwest of Lynn.| Snow fell on them at the top of the Blue Ridge and there was snow all the way to White River, melting off in April, They crossed the Ohio on the ice at the foot of Main street, Cincinnati. They came by Richmond, Newport, Williamsburg, Cherry Grove (Brocks and Frazier lived near Cherry Grove); from.Cherry Grove the route was through the woods with no track for fifteen miles. John Way; father of Jesse Way, stretched a tent and the family lived in it all summer. William Way, Sr., White River, born in 1756, came to Randolph county, in the spring of 1817. He had ten children. He settled below Winchester. He was a Friend, a Whig and died in 1839. Several of his children were somewhat noted. Paul W. Way, county agent, surveyor, hotel-keeper, etc., died in Winchester; John Way, blacksmith, died in Winchester; Henry H. Way, physician, died in Illinois; Matthew Way died in Carolina; Hannah, wife of Tarlton Moorman, mother of twelve children, died in Carolina in 1877; Abigail, wife of James Clayton, died at Winchester in 1880, etghty- three years old; Lydia, wife of William Diggs, died many years ago; Mary, mother of Dr. Beverly, of Winchester. John Way, father of Jesse Way, Winchester, blacksmith, was born in North Carolina; married Patience Green in North Carolina and they came to Randolph county on White river in the spring of 1817. They had seven children. (58) 910 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. John Way was a blacksmith in South Carolina; a farmer from 1817 to * 1830 and a blacksmith from 1830 to the end of his life. He entered one hundred and sixty acres five and a half miles west of Winchester and lived there till 1830, then moved to Winchester and died there in 1856, his wife dying also in 1858... He was a Friend, Whig, Abolitionist, Republican. Paul W. Way came to White River in 1816. He was a famous man, active and prominent. He was county agent, county surveyor, many years, ete., etc. He surveyed the town plat of Winchester, laid out the state and county roads, etc. He was justice of the peace, farmer, hotel-keeper in Win- chester, etc. Many an old lawyer and judge remembers the times at Paul Way’s tavern. Paul Way died in 1856, age, seventy-one years. He was .a' Whig, an active, enterprising citizen, and greatly esteemed among his fel- low-townsmen and by the public at large. He had four children. William Way, Jr., brother of H. H. Way, emigrated to Randolph county in 1817; moved to Newport (Fountain City), Indiana, and many years after- ward to Wisconsin. He was twice married; had several children and died in Wisconsin at a ripe old age. He was a Friend, a Whig, an Abolitionist, an anti-slavery Friend and a Republican. He was throughout his life a farmer and possessed the esteem of his fellow-citizens. Jacob’ A. White, White River, was born in 1793, in Rockingham county, Virginia. He came to Preble county, Ohio, marrying there Mary Neff, sister of Henry H. and John Neff. Mr. White emigrated to. Randolph county about 1822. He had ten children, all of whom were grown. He died in November, 1848, having been taken in a buggy, a few days before his death, to-the polls to cast his vote for General Taylor and being in the fifty-fifth year of his age. David Wysong, White River, was the son of Valentine Wysong. He was born in Virginia in 1799 and came with his father to Randolph county in 1817 or 1818. He married Eliza Irvin, daughter of John Irvin. They had twelve children. Abigail (Way), wife of James Clayton, lived for many years west of Winchester, some years in Winchester, also at Newport (Fountain City), Indiana. Her husband, James Clayton, died at Newport. Mrs. Clayton was a woman of high intelligence, sterling integrity and firm devotion to prin- ciples. She had no children, though she had been married more than fifty years. John Conner, Winchester, was born near Atlanta, Georgia, in 1801. He came to Cincinnati in 1814, and learned the tinner’s trade, marrying in Greene county, Ohio and moving to Randolph county, in 1831; kept store RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. OII awhile with his brother, William Conner. John Conner rented forty acres ot land near Lynn; moved to Winchester in 1835 and to Portland in 1840, living near the latter place on a farm south of the Big Salamonie river and in 1857 returned to Winchester. He began in 1835 to carry the United States mail from Winchester to Fort Wayne and continued that employment till 1861. Enlisting in the army in the fall of 1861, he died near Atlanta, Georgia, in £863, -in sight of the place at which he was born. Mr. Conner had three children; his wife dying in 1874 by.a collision with a railroad train at the age of seventy-nine years. Mr. Conner was an old-time Democrat but le became a Republican in 1860. His life was one of great and peculiar hardship, transporting the mail over the northern route, mostly on horseback, through mud and frost, fording and swimming creeks at times in the earlier period, sleeping in the woods one night each trip between Winchester and Fort Wayne. For a few years he carried loads of silver for the entries of land at the Fort Wayne Land Office. In some cases, thousarfds of dollars were taken at one trip. Edward Edger, then postmaster of Deerfield, ‘“‘stated that at one. trip in about 1837, Mr. Conner had two thousand dolars (in silver) stowed away in his mail bag.” Hannah (Mendenhall) Diggs, Winchester. Her great-grandfather’s name was Mordecai Mendenhall, living in North Carolina. The whole con- nection were millers and millwrights and he among the rest. Her grand- father, Stephen Mendenhall, was born about 1750 and raised thirteen chil- dren to be grown and married. He came to Richmond about 1814; moved to Clinton county,,Ohio, soon afterward and died there about 1822. Her father was Nathan Mendenhall. He was born in North Carolina (Randolph or Guilford county) in 1773; came to Highland county, Ohio, in 1806; moved to Clinton county, Ohio, and remained in that county till 1837; came in that year to Randolph county and settled near Unionsport. He was married in North Carolina to Ann Harlan, who was born in 1772. They had nine chil- ‘dren. Hannah (Mendenhall) Diggs was born in 1811; married Littleberry Diggs in 1841 and has had three children. Her mother’s name was Harlan, who was the daughter of Enoch and Edith Harlan, North Carolinians. His father was William Harlan, son of Ezekiel Harlan, son of George Harlan, son of James Harlan. Enoch Harlan had ten children, born between 1770 and 1792. Rebecca (Harlan) Hampton, daughter of Enoch Harlan and aunt of Hannah Mendenhall. Nathan Harlan, son of Enoch Harlan, was born Jenna 10, 1770, and died about 1840, seventy years old. gI2 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The cther children of Enoch Harlan were: William, born October 6, 1771, died 1844, aged seventy-three years; Ann, born October Ig, 1773, mother of Hannah Mendenhall, died 1857, aged eighty-four’ years ;, Nathan- iel, born October 9, 1775, died 1824, aged’ forty-nine years; Jonathan, ‘September 7, 1777, died 1846, aged sixty-nine years; David, born January 2, 1780, died 1871, aged ninety-one years; Solomon, born February 13, 1782, died 1869, aged eighty-seven years; Hannah, born March 20, 1784, died 1842, aged fiity-eight years; Enoch, born February 26, 1786, died 1866, aged eighty years; John, born May 9, 1790, died 1876, aged eighty-six years; Rebecca, born August 3, 1792, living in Iowa, aged eighty-nine years. [1882. ] A truly remarkable family for their age, nine of the number ranging: ‘from sixty-nine to ninety-cne years, and averaging eighty-one years. Solomon Harlan, a son of Enoch Harlan, and uncle of Hannah Men- denhall, born February 13, 1782, had children as follows: Rebecca Ann, John M., David Faris, William Foster, Rachel Fallis, Jonathan, Solomon Haynes and Jane Faris. Emily Jane Harris, Winchester, wife of Dr. J. M. Harris, died at Win- chester January 15, 1881, aged fifty-two years; she was born in 1829, being the daughter-of David and Jane Hampton. David Hampton came from Ohio (Warren county) to Randolph county in 1818. They had eleven children, eight sons and three daughters. Emily Jane was one of the students at the first opening of Earlham College, near Richmond, Indiana. Abram Heaston, near Winchester, was born in Germany about 1755; came to America and to Virginia before he was grown; married Matilda Short; emigrated to Randolph county in 1833, settling three miles south of Winchester, and purchasing land. He was nearly seventy years old when he came to the west, and died in about a year. (about 1834); his wife died in Virginia ; he had seven children. Five of them came to Randolph county, viz., Evelina, David, Samuel, Elizabeth and Virginia; he was a farmer and a tanner, and followed the business of a tanner till he came to this county; he was a Presbyterian and a Democrat. Abram Heaston was the maternal grandfather of William Turner, formerly residing near Salem, now near Camden, Jay county, Indiana. ; Anna Maria Baker (Butterworth, Moore), Winchester, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1813; in 1832 she married James Butterworth, who.was an Englishman, having been born in that country in 1810; he was a mechanic, and removed from Baltimore, successively to Pittsburg, Dayton, Richmond, and finally, in 1836, to Winchester ; “they had four children, who_ all lived in Randolph county, three of the four being residents of Winchester. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. O13 Mr. ‘Butterworth | was killed in 1845 by the bursting of a cannon. It had been used by one of the parties in the campaign of 1844, and had been taken and spiked and hid by the other party in a straw stack; and, upon being found several months afterward, in the efforts by Mr. Butterworth to “unspike” the gun, it exploded, and Mr. Butterworth lost his life. His widow married Mr. James Moore soon after, in 1846, with whom she lived till his death, in 1875; she then resided in Winchester with her son-in-law, W. W. Canada, Esq., who married her youngest daughter, Carrie E. Moore. Harvey Patty, late of ‘Winchester, was born i in Ohio; came to Randolph county in 1835; married, first, Martha Jane Armfield, “and then Malinda ‘Maulsby ; he had five children; ite wife died in 1848, and he died in 1856. He kept store in Huntsville; afterward he moved to Winchester and ~ kept the Franklin House hotel; he finally went to Economy, and, while he .. Was preparing to go to Kansas, he fell sick at Economy, and died there in 1856. He was an early Abolitionist; had been a Whig, was a strong tem- perance advocate, and every way an estimable and excellent man. Ernestus Putman, father of Mrs. Edward Edger, was a resident ‘of - Virginia, working at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, during the war of 1812, and came to New Madison, Darke county, Ohio, from Washington’ City, in .1819; he was the father of ten children. Mary (Martin) Reeder, Winchester, was born in 1798, April 16, in Hamilton county, Ohio; she was married, in Warren county, Ohio, in 1815, to David Reeder, who died in 1821; she came to Randolph county in 1822. Mrs. Reeder resided in Winchester over sixty years. Every house now standing in Winchester had been built since she came to the town. She lived all that time on the same lot, on South Main street, on the same premises with her son, Martin A. Reeder. The building east of Riley Hiatt’s hard- ware store was (part of it) built about the same time that Mrs. Reeder settled in the town. | Peter Reinheimer, Winchester, was born in Schuylkill county, Penn- sylvania, in 1815; came to Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1837, and to German- town, Indiana, in 1838, and to New Paris, Ohio, in the same year; took a horseback trip to Philadelphia in November, 1839; returned to Centerville, Indiana, in March, 1840; married Elizabeth Irwin in 1841; went to New Paris, Ohio, in 1840, and moved to Winchester, Indiana, in 1865. Nathan T. Butts was born on the 25th day of July, 1838, in Randolph county, Indiana. His parents, Thomas and Elizabeth Butts, came to Indiana from Ohio in 1834. Mr. Butts was elected to the Legislature of Indiana in- 1872 and was an earnest worker in the cause of temperance. The “Baxter 914 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Liquor Law” was prepared by Mr. Butts and Mr. Baxter, representative from Wayne county ; the local option clause in this law was the work of Mr. Baxter, himself, hence it took the name of Baxter, rather than Butts. It “was sometimes known as the “Baxter-Butts Bill.” Mr. Butts was chairman of the Committee on Temperance and made the most effective speech of any in favor of his temperance bill, and it was due to him, more than anyone else, that the bill became a law. : James Clayton, born in Kent county, Maryland, August 8, 1819, was the son of Stephen and Mary Clayton, who located in Randolph county in 1820. The former died in 1834, the latter in 1858. William H. Demory, a colored man, was the son of John and Sarah Demory, was born in Guilford county, N orth Carolina, July 4, 1826. His father and mother were slaves. His mother obtained her freedom from her master when she was eighteen years of age. His father remained in slavery ‘until 1826, when he ran away and came to this state and county. His escape was fraught with many exciting incidents; at one time he was captured but succeeded again in regaining his freedom. Mr. Demory paid a great deal of ‘attention to horticulture. He had a good education, having been educated in Oberlin College, Ohio. David Heaston, son of John and Mary Heaston, was born in Virginia February 3, 1792. His parents moved to Montgomery county, Ohio, when he was nine years of age and entered the land now occupied by the National Soldiers’ Home, near Dayton. Amos Hall was born in Clinton county, Ohio, September 4, 1839. Mr. Hall was identified with the county as the superintendent of the infirmary, - an account of which’ is given elsewhere. Elias Kizer was born in Virginia in 1800, and came to Randolph county in 1821, locating near the present site of Stone Station. In 1831 he removed to his farm, north of Winchester, where he remained until his death, in 1867. In 1824 he married Margery Ward, to whom were born three sons, Thomas W., Henry and Caleb. Mr. Kizer was one of the early pioneers of the county, and for more than forty-five years was prominently identified with its development and improvement. He took the contract for carrying United States maii between Winchester and Fort Wayne; sometimes he made the. trip himself, but more often he hired someone to do it for him. Mr. Kizer kept a hotel in Winchester for a number of years. He served the county as commissioner and was a “Jackson Democrat.” Thomas W. Kizer was born in Randolph county, Indiana, November 24, 1824. He is the eldest son of Elias Kizer, who resided east of Stone RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. O15 Station, in Ward township, and was a prominent citizen of this county in its pioneer period and later history. In 1831 the family removed to the farm north of Winchester, now owned by the subject of this sketch. Here the latter passed the days of his boyhood and youth, attending the school in the winter, and working on the farm during the remainder of the year. When a young man, he became a clerk in the store of Jesse Way, at Win- chester, and at a later date embarked in the retail grocery trade for himself. Two years later he engaged in agricultural pursuits, which he continued for three years, resuming the grocery business at the end of that time. Subse- quently he became a farmer and grain dealer, following this enterprise until 1878. He is a competent business man, and by a life of energy and activity has acquired a comfortable fortune. At various times in his life, Mr. Kizer has been called to occupy public positions of honor and trust. Toward the close of President Fillmore’s ad- ministration, he was appointed postmaster at Winchester, but was displaced by Pierce, the successor of Fillmore. In business he is prompt, energetic and honorable, and has won many friends, among whom he is highly es- ° teemed. He was one of the first members initiated into Winchester Lodge No. 121, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has been for years a prom- inent Odd Fellow. Although not himself a church member, he has contributed liberally to the support of churches in the community, while his private and public life has been moral and upright. He has been married—first, to Miss Susannah Way, daughter of Jesse Way, Esq., on the 4th of January, 1846. Ten children came to bless this union, six of whom are now living. His wife died January 15, 1874, and on the 4th of January, 1876, he wedded Miss Ann Rebecca Weaver. Within five years, however, he was again called to mourn the death of a devoted and loving wife. She fell a victim of consumption on the 12th of January, 1881. On the 22d of December, 1881, he was united in marriage at Lawrence, Kansas, with Mrs. Alice M. Allen. Mr. Kizer was closely identified with the management of Fountain Park cemetery. No man could have heen more devoted to the interest of any organization than he was in Fountain Park. Mr. Kizer was a very popular man, known per- haps as well as any man in the county, and his burial was attended by the largest number of people ever assembled for a similar purpose in Fountain ’ Park. . David Lasley was born in Pennsylvania, April 1, 1800. He was the oldest of a family of eleven children. They moved to Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1814 and to Randolph county in 1819 and purchased the farm 916 AeA COUNTY, INDIANA. south’ of Winchester, where he -lived until his death. He was father af Daniel Lasley, county superintendent of public schools, for six years. He married Hannah Parker in the fall of 1827. Other prominent early citizens were George Hiatt, Elwood -Hiatt, Job Hinshaw, Edmund Hinshaw, Eli Haworth, John W. Jarnigan, Joshua M. _ Johnson, Peter Lasley, “Jacob Lasley, Philip Lykins, William Monks, Tarl- ‘ton Moorman, Stephen Moorman, Robinson McIntyre, Henry T. Mcintyre, Joseph Monks, Thomas McGuire, Tyre T. Puckett, Calvin Puckett, Nathan Puckett, John Pickett, John Richardson, William Ruble, Nathan Reynard, Walter Starbuck, William Starbuck, Charles Summers, Andrew Smith, Simp- son Scott, John Tisor, John Van Pelt, Edward Wright, David Wysong, Harvey Wysong, and scores of others whose names we have not been able to learn. ‘4 i. DESCRIPTION. . Washington township contains about forty-four squares miles, being eight miles north and south’ and five and a half miles east and west. The- southern part lies upon Greensfork and its two main branches and various smaller ones, and the north part upon the headwaters of White river and Salt, Sugar, Sparrow and Eight Mile:creeks. The valley of Greensfork is a fine body of land, excellent and fruitful from the very first opening of the country; and, by the industry and thrift of the early settlers and the activity of their successors, that region has become the very garden of Randolph. county. In fact, the whole townhsip is-a flourishing and prosperous regicn. The settlement of Washington was next after that of Greensfork. The first occupation of Greensfork was during 1814. It is not certainly known that. any settlers came into Washington township in 1814, though two entries of 160 acres each, both made by the same person, were made in. 1814, one in May and the other in October. Seven entries were made in 1815 by five persons, in the order named: Curtis Clenney, Obadiah Harris, John Ozbun, Paul Beard and George Frazier. Whether these came first, and, if so, which one, is not now known. The names of the principal pioneers of Washington ‘township will ap- pear in the following list of entries, made up to August, 1827, though, of course, this does not determine the dates of settlement,-nor the actual settlers, as they may have been here either before or after the entry, or not at all. It is a curious fact how often certain names occur in the census of 1880 in Washington township; e. g., there are 103 Johnsons, 98 Hinshaws, 33 Hodsons, 30 Lykinses, 27. Hutchenses, 20 Kellys, 17 Jones (including chil- ‘TIHSNMOL NOLONINSVM ‘ONIGMIING NNAT RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 917 ‘dren). In Greensfork there are 49 Bowens, and others still occur with great frequency. Other names, moreover, that were very frequent in pioneer days, have nearly disappeared. WASHINGTON ENTRIES. Travis Adcock, N. W. 14, 18, 14, May 14, 1814; Travis Adcock, S. E. 10, 18, 14, October 19, 1814; Curtis Clenney, S. W. 11, 18, 14, January 7, 1815; Obadiah Harris, S. W. ro, 18, 14, May 8, 1815; John Ozbun, S. E. 8, 18, 14, June 1, 1815; Paul Beard, N. E. 10, 18, 14, August 9, 1815; Paul Beard, N.,W. 11, 18, 14, August 9, 1815; Obadiah Harris, N. E. 15, 18, 14, October 4, 1815; George Frazier, N. W. 9, 18, 14, October 17, 1815; John Johnson, S. W. 9, 18, 14, March 2, 1816; Isaac Cook, S. E. 9, 18, 14, October 8, 1816; Seth Cook, N. W. 15, 18, 14, October 8, 1816; Nathan Thornburg, S. W. 33, 19, 14, October 25, 1816; Hezekiah Hockett, N. E. 7, 18, 14, October 25, 1816; Hezekiah Hockett, S. E. 7, 18, 14, October 25, 1816: Joseph Hockett, N. E. 4, 18, 14, October 26, 1816; William: Reece, N. E. 32, 19, 14, November 4, 1816; John Pegg, S. W. 17, 18, 14, November 7, 1816; Eleazar Smith, N. E. 18, 18, 14, November 7, 1816; Jesse Johnson, S. W. 2, 18,°14, November 28, 1816; Isaac Hutchens, S. E. 15, 18, 14, December 7, 1816; Barnett Frost, N. E. 9, 18, 14, December 21, 1816; ‘Enoch Pilsher, S. W..27, 19, 14, January 9, 1817; John Baxter, W. % N. W. 34, 19, 14, January 9, 1817; William Conner, N. E. 33, 19, 14, January 11, 1817; Isaac Hockett, S. W. 4, 18, 14, February 8, 1817; Stephen Hockett, S. E. 5, 18, 14, February 8, 1817; Stephen Hockett, N. E. 8, 18, 14, Febru- ary 8, 1817; William Milner, S. W. 14, 18, 14, May 8, 1817; Susannah Woodman, N. W. 15, 18, 14, July 7, 1817; Mordecai Mendenhall, N. % 17, 18, 14, August 11, 1817; Joseph Gess, W. % S. E. 29, 19, 14, August 11, 1817; William Hockett, S. W-. 5, 18, 14, September 12, 1817; Moses Mar- tindale, S. W. 13, 18, 13, September 15, 1817; James Barnes, S. E. 12, 18, 13, September 15, 1817; A. and E. Hunt, W. % S. W. 34, 19, 14, October 2, 1817; Henry Hodgson, E. % S. E. 6, 18, 14, November 3, 1817; Andrew Lykins, section 7, 19, 14, December 6, 1817; Andrew Lykins, S. E. 12, 19, 13, December 6, 1817; Andrew Lykins, N. E. 13, 19, 13, December 6, 1817; Morgan McQuany, N. W. 18, 18, 14, January 6, 1818; Nathan Case, S. W. 7, 18, 14, January 6, 1818; Samuel Smith, N. W. 7, 18, 14, February 10, 1818; Caleb Reece, W. % N. W. 33, 19 14, February 14, 1818; Albert: Banta, N. E. 15, 19, 14, March 20, 1818; Albert Banta, E. 4 N. E. 10, 19, 14, March 20, 1818; Thomas Hester, N. W. 8, 18, 14, March 25, 1818; Stephen Milton, S. E. 27, 19, 14, April 2, 1818; Nicholas Longworth, N. W. 918 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ‘14, 19, 14, April 4, 1818; Zimri Lewis, S. E. 18, 18, 14, April 17, 1818; William Lewis, S. W. 18, 18, 14, April 17, 1818; Jonathan Haskins, E. \ N. W. 32, 19, 14, April 24, 1818; Henry Wysong, W. % S. E. 10, 19, 14, April 27, 1818; Thomas Frazier, N. W. 10, 18, 14, April 29, 1818; Joseph Rogers, S. W. 12, 18, 13, June 4, 1818; Reuben Norcross, N. W. 13, 18, 13, June 8, 1818; Isaiah Rogers, N. W. 12, 18, 13, June 20, 1818; James Lykins, ..~ N. W. 18, 19, 14, July 9, 1818; Daniel Osborn, E. 4 S. W. 8, 18, 14, July 12, 1818; Mass Brooks, S. W. 1@ 19, 14, July 15, 1818; David Hammer, ° S. E. 14, 18, 14, July 22, 1818; John Fowen, E. 14 N. W. 5, 18, 14, July 27, 1818; Joseph Hockett, N. E. 4, 18, 14, July 29, 1818; Isaac Pearson, W. 2 S. E. 33, 19, 14, August 14, 1818; Edward Thornburg, W. % N. W. 5, 18, 14, September 10, 1818; Jonathan Willis, S. E. 32, 19, 14, February 12, 1819; James Abshire, E. 14 S. E. 33, 19, 14, June 30, 1819; Thomas Phil- lips, N. E. 12, 18, 13, July 21, 1819; Joseph Thornburg, S. W. 32, 19, 14, August 12, 1819; Edward Thornburg, N. E. 6, 18, 14, August 12, 1819; ~ ~- °- Edward Thornburg, N. E. 5, 18, 14, August 13, 1819; William Johnson, E.~ YN. E. 88, 19, 14, September 11, 1821; Isaac Beeson, E. %4 S. W. 6, 18, 14, November 5, 1821; Enoch Nichols, S. E. 17, 18, 14, December 27, 1822; Andrew Hill, W. 14 N. W. 30, 19, 14, November 10, 1826; James Abshire, E. % S. E. 29, 19, 14, January 13, 1827; James Abshire, W. 4 S. W. 28, 19, 14, January 23, 1827; Daniel Osborn, W. % 5S. W. 8, 18, 14, August 22, 1827. Washington township contains 28,260 acres of land, more than 10,000 of which had been taken up within five years of the first settlement. _ The preponderating religious element at the first settlement of the town- ship was Quaker. A large body of the pioneers belonged ‘to the Friends, and, in a short time, two meetings were established, viz., Lynn and Cherry Grove, which have been maintained in a vigorous and prosperous existence to the present time. Other societies, also, found early footing in that region. Methodist “circuit riders” threaded the whole country, proclaiming redemp- tion through a crucified and risen Savior. A Presbyterian church existed in 1846, and for some years before and after that time, called Liberty church. Other churches have been formed and maintained with a more or less vigorous growth for many years past at Bloomingsport and Carlos and Pleasant Hill. TOWNS. Bloomingsport.—This town is the second oldest in the county, having been laid out in 1829. Though so old, its growth was never rapid; still, con- siderable business has been done at the place. The proprietor of the town _ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 919 was Nathan Hockett. Alfred Blizzard built the first house. Mr. Beeson kept the first store. Dr. Paul Beard was the first physician in the region. There was no physician in Bloomingsport for many years. Dr. Gideon Frazier lived in the village a long while ago. Other physicians have been Drs. Gore, Strattan, Kemper, Good, Coggeshall, etc. Merchants have been Messrs. _ Beeson, Comfort, Ballard, Budd, Hyatt, Wright, Coggeshall, Hockett, etc. There have been a potter’s shop, a wheelwright’s shop, a saw-mill and a grist- mill, There have been two churches—Methodist and United Brethren. The latter has been abandoned. Bloomingsport, like most of the interior towns in the county, is much decayed, and its business has greatly decreased. It is finely located in the midst of an excellent country,.and many active and enterprising farmers reside in the region. Lynn.—The town was laid out by Daniel Freestone in 1847 and later in 1850 was replatted by Philip Brown. It is located about one-half mile from. _ the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad and is today one of the progressive towns of the county. When the railroad was built a half a mile to the west another town was built up near the depot which for a time interfered some- what with the growth of the town, proper, but of late years the old town has become a fixture and today it is in a flourishing condition. It has all kinds of business represented there and supports a bank as well. It is situated in.a very rich fertile district and is supported by a progressive class of people and contains many beautiful homes and churches. The high school at Lynn is not only a credit to the town but to the county as well. It has a population of 1,200. Rural:—Location, Sections 9 and 16, on the Richmond & Grand Rapids railroad between Winchester and Lynn. The town was started about 1870, on the completion of the railroad from Richmond. Rural has one church and store and elevator conducted by Ernest Study. There is no pike, and not even a cross-road, but only an ordinary public road crossing the railroad. The village is so healthy that no physician can live there. The distance to the nearest graveyard is four and a half miles. Snow Hill—There is a locality called Snow Hill about three miles north of Lynn, on the pike toward Winchester at the crossing of an east and west road. There used to be a store at that point but there never was any town. The store has been long discontinued. Hawkin’s Station.-—On Grand Rapids railroad, not incorporated in sec- tions 16 and 21, one mile south of Rural and three miles north of Lynn; there is a switch and a station and a cattle-pen from which to load stock, but no 920 RANDOLPH. COUNTY, INDIANA. other sign of a town. It is sometimes. silea Saow Hill Station because its location is the nearest railroad point to (old) Snow Hill and one thile west of the point that formerly went by that name. Springboro.—Curtis Beals, proprietor. Location, southeast corner of the northwest quarter of section 29, township 19, range 14, between Bloom- ingsport and Winchester, northwest of Lynn four miles (supposed to be Joseph. Gess) ; twenty-eight lots; recorded February 15, 1834; town extinct. West Lynn.—On the oraihe@id west of Lynn. Benjamin Hunt, pro- prietor; seventy-four lots. The town was laid 1873 by Benjamin Hunt on the Richmond railroad, half a mile west of Old Lynn. There is but little growth at the new station, the business, of which there i is considerable, clinging with much tenacity to the old town. . BIOGRAPHY. James Abshire was born ‘August I, 1777; came to the West early; was in the Indian wars, being once three days without food except black-haws; settled in Randolph county, northwest of Cherry Grove meeting-house ‘in about 1821, and resided there till his death in 1868, a very aged man, ninety- one years old. He had a large family some of whom and among them two of his sons, Isaac and Berry, are still living in the same neighborhood. [1882.] James Abshire was in pioneer days a famous hunter and in later life he, delighted greatly in recounting his adventures with the wild creaturés of the forest. Once in hunting near a pond, he heard some animal rustling among ‘the bushes. Watching for the creature, as he sat there rifle in hand, out peered the head of the beast, when lo! it was a bear. A bullet from the trusty weapon suddenly put an end to the life of the savage monster and added one more trophy to those already gained by the veteran hunter. His acquaintance with the woods was thorough and extensive and he knew the haunts of every herd of hogs in the region and when a settler wished to find his porkers all he had to do was to go and ask old Father Abshire and the locality would be pointed out at once, or the stalwart hunter would set out as a guide to the identical spot where that particular herd had its habitat and ‘its lodging-place. Mr. Abshire spent his youth among the Blue Ridge mountaine 3 in Vir- ginia. At the age of twenty-three he married Elizabeth Overholtz. Soon afterward he emigrated to Preble county, ‘Ohio, his goods being brought through the forests in a one- -hotse wagon. October 8, 1812, he erilisted in the United States army, under Capt. Richard Sloan, Sixth Regiment, Fifth Brigade, First Division Ohio militia. ‘They ‘were statioried on the’ frontiei RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. g2t at Fort Nesbitt, in the vicinity of Eaton, Preble county. He served till April 8, 1813. Once, while on a scout, he was lost and lived on nothing but black- -haws for three days. In the winter of 1821, he moved with his family to Randolph county, settling one mile northwest of Lynn on the west side of Mud creek where stood a dwelling having neither floor, windows nor doors. Arriving in the night, during a severe snow-storm, they built huge fires and camped out. The next day the house was made habitable and they took possession of their domicile. In the spring they made their clearing and before long set out an orchard which is living yet. In 1828 he moved to the farm upon which his residence continued till his death, in 1868, at the ripe age of ninety-one years. His children were eight—Aaron, Nancy, Mary, Chloe, Isaac, Abner, Eliza- beth, James B. ' Travis Adcock, south of Lynn, east of the Johnson schoolhouse entered. the first piece of land in that region in May, 1814, shortly after Thomas Parker came into the woods west of Arba; but when Adcock moved to that wilderness we do not know. He may have come the first on Greensfork. He was one of the first jurymen (in 1818). He had his namé changed, for some reason, from Adcock to Emery. , James Barnes was born in Wayne county, Indiana, in 1817; came to Randolph county in 1841; married Harriet Mullen in 1838; has had eleven children. His father was John Barnes, who came to Wayne county near Randolph line in the spring of 1817. . _ William Barnes was born in 1815, in North Carolina. He came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1817. He married Sarah Hogston in 1834 and moved to Randolph county in 1837, first to Greensfork township and then to Washington township. They had six children living. He was a farmer, a Methodist and a Democrat. Joseph Baxter was born in 1787 in Pennsylvania; came to Ohio and in 1824 to Randolph county, near Rural. He married Sarah Pegg in 1829. They had six children. Joseph Baxter, Sr., died in 1863, seventy-six years old. He was a Democrat in politics. Mrs. Baxter’s father, John Pegg, entered land in Randolph county, November 7, 1816, and probably moved here about that time. The entries do not always, however, determine the time of settlement. The entry was made ‘sometimes months, possibly years before, and sometimes not till months ‘or even years after the settlement; and not seldom it was the case that the person who made the entry: never effected a settlement at all. Paul Beard, Jr., was born in North Carolina in 1812, and came to Ran- 922 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. dolph county, Indiana, in 181 7. He was the son of Dr. Pal Beard who emi- grated to this county at that time and entered land near Lynn meeting -house. Paul Beard, Jr., ‘married Mary Cox in 1833. They had nine children. Their names are Levi, Ezra, Ann, Asa, Eunice, Louisa, Lindley, Ruth, Henry. Lindley joined the Sixtieth Indiana Regiment in his eighteenth year. Mr.. Beard was ani elder in the Society of Friends and a Republican.. His wife was also an elder. They resided on the farm entered by Paul Beard, Sr., near Lynn meeting-house for Frignds. Benjamin Bond was born in North Carolina in 1797 ; came to Wayne county, in 1811; married Ellen Goldsmith in 1827; she taught the first school in Milton, Wayne county, Indiana. They have had nine children, all sons; six lived to be grown and all the six were soldiers in the Union army in the war of 1861. Samson was in a Minnesota regiment and was discharged for disability. Hezekiah was in the First Minnesota and died in Salisbury. prison. Benjamin was in the Eighth Indiana and in the Third Cavalry; died in five months in the service. Pelatiah was a member of the Eighth Indiana (three -months), and in the Forty-first Indiana; served three years and one month. Daniel was in the First Minnesota and served in the Eastern army; was cap- tured at Petersburg in 1864 and spent many sad and weary months in various prisons—Libby, Andersonville, etc.—escaping at last from the guard upon a march from one prison to another; he’served four years in all. Edward, in the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery, served nine months. : Daniel Bond, brother of Pelatiah, was an enterprising and successful teacher. He taught three years at Spartanburg, several years in Westfield, Hamilton county, besides other places. Benjamin Bond came to Randolph county in 1834; entered forty acres of land on Sparrow creek; moved afterward to Washington township in 1837, and to Minnesota in 1854, returning to his old farm in Randolph county in 1857. We here give reminiscences of Curtis Gas read at Old Settlers’ meeting, June, 1868: “I was born in Orange county, North Carolina, in 1783, and am now more than eighty-five years old. I was shifted from place to place when 1] was a child and got no learning. I determined to leave Carolina and came to Elkhorn, in Ohio, near Westville, six miles from Richmond, Indiana, in 1803. In 1812 I volunteered’in the United States army. We set out for Detroit but the march was countermanded between Dayton and Piqua and we were ordered back to the frontier. Our regiment was stationed at White- head, two miles above Williamsburg, Wayne county, Indiana. We had to RANDULPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 923 scout all the time but were in no battle. I was up Greensfork to the Beard settlement. A deer-lick was found on Paul Beard’s land and I have often shot deer there. I was a soldier three months and twenty days and was honorably discharged. I bought my land February 13, 1817, before Ran- dolph was a county.” [ Notr.—The tract book gives Curtis Clenney’s entry as being January 17, 1815, two years before he dates the transaction himself and before Indi- ana became a state. One would suppose Mr. Clenney would be correct. Perhaps he. is, but the figures are as here stated. ] “The first year I packed my meat thirty miles on my back. ’ Breadstuff was scarce enough. Salt was $4.00 a bushel and wet at that. I could tell many hardships but I forbear. Most of the pioneers are gone. Ten years may perhaps see the last aged head laid low in death and behold the last pioneer pass on to his reward. May God prepare us for His glorious rest! Amen!” [Mr. Clenney himself was summoned home not very long after this was written by his trembling hand. |] Mr. Clenney was born in North Carolina in 1783; came to Westville, Ohio, in 1803; entered the United States army in 1812; served three months and twenty days and was honorably discharged; entered his land southeast of Lynn, January 17, 1815, and moved to it soon afterward. Twelve children were born to them, ten of whom grew to manhood. He remained among men, indeed, to a ripe old age, even to fourscore years and ten. Mr. Clenney was a Baptist, belonging to the Concord church of that faith in Wayne county. W. A. W. Daly, ex-sheriff of Randolph county, Indiana, was born in 1833, in Preble county, Ohio; came to Randolph county in 1843; joined Com- pany B, Ninetieth Indiana Regiment (Fifth Indiana Cavalry), enlisting Aug- ust 25, 1862; was captured July 31, 1864, released March, 1865, and mustered out in June, 1865. He married Mary Hinshaw in 1857; has had nine chil- dren. He held the office of sheriff of Randolph county for four years (1874- 78), discharging the duties of his position with honor to himself and to the satisfaction of the community. James Frazier came from North Carolina to Clinton county, Ohio, in 1811 and to Randolph county in 1817, settling one mile east of Lynn. He entered 160 acres of land at Cincinnati. His wife’s maiden name was Susanna Stanley. She was born in North Carolina in 1767 and he in 1772. He died in 1822, about five years after coming here. They had ten children, all of whom:were born before Mr. Frazier came to Randolph and seven of whom came with their father to the county. Q24 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Jacob A. inching came with his mother, Phebe Hinshaw, to Washing- ton, south of Lynn in 1832. She entered land where Jacob A. Hinshaw lived. J. A. Hinshaw married Peninnah Scott in 1845 and had eleven chil-— dren. He-was raised a Friend but afterward joined the Methodists. Joshua M. Johnson was born in 1831, in Randolph county ; married Amanda Pegg, daughter of Reuben Pegg and had thirteen children. He is a blacksmith and a farmer. He was postmaster twenty-seven years... Two of his brothers are New-Light preachers—George and Isaac. : Mrs. Gray, of Buena Vista,’ fias been the mother of seventeen children by two marriages. Ruth (Moody) Johnson was the wife of William Johnson, of Johnson’s Station. She was a recorded minister among Friends after about 1858. She traveled through Ohio and Iowa and elsewhere as a preacher. In 1862 she pursued her work of faith and patience throughout seventeen counties in Iowa, mostly among Friends and she was everywhere received with kindness and in Christian love. Isaac Moody was born in Grayson county, Virginia, in 1790; came to Ohio in 1814; married Mary Heaston, from Pennsylvania, in 1823; emi- grated to Randolph county in the same year and settled near Lynn, east of James Frazier’s. He had only two children and was a “Body Friend.” He was in early times a Whig and in later years a Republican. He lived a farmer and died in 1865. Samuel Moody was the father of Isaac Moody and the prandtfather” of Ruth (Moody) Johnson. He was born about 1760, in Pennsylvania (or Virginia). His father came from Ireland. Samuel Moody came to Ohio in 1814 and to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1821, near Lynn. His first wife was Jane Cox and his second wife was Jane Cadwallader. He had four children; was a Friend and a farmer. He died in Ohio in 1825, about sixty- ~ five years old. John Moorman was born in Richmond county, North Carolina, March 23, 1760; married Rebecca Diggs about 1783 and came to Randolph county, in 1816. They had ten children. John Moorman, Jr., son of John Moorman, Sr., was born in Carolina in 1807 and was brought to Randolph county, Indiana, by his father, in 1816. He married Agatha Butler and they had two children. He died in 1866, aged fifty-nine years and she died in 1875, at the age of sixty-two years. Henry D. Nichols, Lynn, was born in Randolph county, in 1832, in Greensfork township; married Elizabeth Gray in 1854; had eleven children. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 925 He moved to Lynn in 1864 and lived there mostly ever since as farmer, carpenter, merchant, clerk, boarding-house keeper, hotel keeper, etc. Thomas Phillips came in 1821, being born in about 1790; he died in 1872, about eighty-two years old; he was an intelligent and enterprising citizen, an enthusiastic Republican, an ardent Methodist and a friend of every good work. Isaiah Rogers, Bloomingsport, was an early settler, coming from New Jersey to Randolph county in 1821 or 1822. The Thornburgs, ‘of Washington—The Thornburgs have been and still are numerous in Randolph county. A strong branch of the family settled in Stoney Creek township and another in Washington. Those who resided in the latter township in pioneer times were Nathan, Edward and Isaac. Nathan had four children—lIsaac, Jesse, Nathan and Ann. The Thornburgs there were all Friends and went with the anti-slavery branch in the “Separation” of 1843. William Engle, a farmer and dealer in real estate, was born in Burling- ton county, New Jersey, December 13, 1811. He is the son of Isaac and Sarah (Price) Engle, and is the ninth of a family of eleven children. His, father was the son of Robert and Jane Engle and was born in New Jersey, March 15, 1773. His mother was the daughter of Thomas and Hannah Price and was born in New Jersey, March 17, 1774. His parents moved to - Warren county, Ohio, in the year 1825, where they remained until their deaths. Mr. and Mrs. Engle were the parents of twelve children: Isaac, born December 11, 1834; Wesley H.. April 21, 1836; Robert, September 21, 1837: Elias, December 9, 1838; Calvin S., September 9, 1844; James S., September 13, 1846; Daniel H., May 11, 1849; Albert, May 26, 1851; Price, October 5, 1852; Josiah, born October 30, 1854; William, born December 13, 1841, was wounded at the battle of Pittsburg Landing and died in the hospital at St. Louis, May 2, 1862. Samuel R., was born March 22, 1843, and died June 26, 1845. Moses Lasley was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, April 1, 1810. He is the son of Peter Lasley, who was born in Pennsylvania; his mother, Christina (Carnes) Lasley, was a native of Maryland. Mr. Lasley, with his parents, settled in this cougty in 1819. He was married March 28, 1833, to Margaret Johnson who was born in Virginia August 12, 1812.; her father, Henry, and mother, Agnes (Umphres) Johnson, were natives of Virginia. They have had born to them four children. (59) 926 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Other prominent men of the early period of Washington township were: - Isaac N. Bales, James Barnes, W. R.. Coggeshall, William Engle, Silas Hin- shaw, John Hinshaw, Jonathan O. Lane, Moses Lasley, Benjamin Miller, John Miller, Joel Mills, Henry Oyler, Jabez Ozbun, John Price, James Price, Abraham Sheely, Benjamin Smith, Obadiah Stilwell and many others. | Greensfork Township.—Greensfork is bounded north by Wayne and White River, east by Ohio, south by Wayne county and west by Washington. It was first settled in April, 1814, and, with White River, first created in 1818. Its size as it now exists ‘is about forty-seven sections, seven miles ‘north and south and six and a half miles from east to west, besides the “pocket.” It includes the head-waters of Nolan’s and Green’s Forks, of Greenville creek, and a little of the head of Dismal creek. The land was ‘ originally heavily timbered, but farms now cover it everywhere, only forest enough being left ior farm use, The first settler was Thomas W. Parker, April, 1814, on fractional sec- tion 32, town 16. Other settlers in 1814, so far as now known, were: John W. Thomas, summer of 1814, entered land July 21, 1814; Clarkson Willcutts,. Ephraim Bowen, Ephraim Overman, James Cammack, Eli Overman, Jesse Small, John Peelle, Obadiah Small, John Smal! had the Thomas Hough place north of Spartanburg, 1815. John Cammack, near Arba, came in 1816. John James settled between 1816 and 1818. Reuben Clark settled near the toll-gate, north of Arba, in 1819. John Mann moved to near Gilead in 1820. Thornton Alexander (colored), northeast of Spartanburg, 1822. David Semans, Windsor Wiggs, Sr., William Locke purchased the Dan Comer place north of Spartanburg in 1828. Stephen Barnes, various places, 1830; F. G. Morgan, Thomas Middleton, Joseph Shaw, Abner Cadwallader, Thomas Cadwallader, John Randle, Harrison Anderson, J. W. Clark, W. Taylor, west of, Spartanburg, 1836. In 1828 there were near Spartanburg as fol- lows: David Bowles, Willson Anderson place; George Bowles, widow Moore place; Henry Bailey, on the McKim place; Stanton Bailey, Moorman farm; Cornelius Overman, Crist farm; William Osborn, Ben Elliot farm; ‘Philip Hockett had lived on the Sam Middleton place; Richard Corbett, on his old place; widow Small, Hough place; James Jaekson’s place had been settled; William Arnold, Frederick Fulghum. The above account is as full as it can now be made, but of course there were many more. The “Quaker Trace” was cut through in 1817. The entries of land, as given in the records, are chiefly as follows, up to 1829 inclusive: Clarkson Wilcutts, S. E. 28, 16, 1 W., January 19, 1814; James Cammack, east half section —, 16, 1 W., 323.16, January 22, 1814; RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 927 Ephraim Bowen, N. E. 28, 16, 1 W., 160, April 13, 1814; John Thomas, N. "Wz 33, 16, 1 W., £56.58 July 21, 1814; Thomas W. Parker, 32, 16, 1 (frac- tion), 156.88, August 16, 1814; Ephraim Overman, N. W. 27, 16, 1, 159.50, 1814; Eli Overman, S. E. 33, 16, I, 156. 58, December 13, 1814; Nathan Overman, S. W. 27, 16, 1, 159.50, September 13, 1815; Samuel Mann, Sec- “tion 29, 16, 1, 349.28, June 28, 1816; David Kenworthy, S. E. 2, 18, 14 east, 160, November 2, 1816; James Frazier, N. E. 2, 18, 14 east, 160, November 23, 1816; Ephraim Overman, N. W. 14, 16, 1, 159.90, November 29, 1816; Absalom Thomas, S, E, 27, 16, I, 159.50, January 21, 1817; Henry Bailey, S. W. 34, 16, 1, 161.50, August 14, 1817; Obadiah Small, east half 10, 16, I, 77.26, September 17, 1817; Rice Price, Section 18, 16, 1, 380.88, November 14, 1817; Pleasant Winton, S. W. 11, 16, 1, 1 58.76, November 15, 1817; Gabriel Odell, east half 36, 16, 1, 79.91, November 26, 1817;John Foster, N. E. 36, 17, 1, 160.50, December 1, 1817; John Small, west half S. W. 35, 17, 1, 79.87, January 9, 1818; William Yates, north half 9, 16, 1, 117.36, January 19, 1818; Ephraim Bowen, west half N. W. 2, 16, 1, 79.68, February 7, 1818; Peter Mills, 80, February 14, 1818; Peter Mills, 80, Febru- ary 14, 1818; Jesse Johnson, west half 5. W. 11, 18, 14, E., 80, April 29, 1818; Andrew Archart, west half S. W. 36, 16, 1, 80, June 26, 1818; Joshua _ Lagerly, S. E. 3, 16, 1, 158.90, February 11, 1819; Peter Crumrine, N. E. 1, _ 16, I, 158.40, May 26, 1819; Ambrose Osborn, east half N. E. 34, 16, 1, _ 80.76, June 11, 1820; Collier Simpson (colored), west half 5. E. 36, 17, 1 2 80. 24,, September 18, 1820; Isaac Elliot, west half N. E. 23, 80.24, Cobar “17, 1820: Stanton Bailey, west half S. W. 14, 16, 1, 80, October 24, 1820; William Jessup, east half N. W. 35, 79.97, April 20, 1821; Harry Harris, west half N. E. 34, 16, 1, 80.76, August 30, 1821; John Schooly, west half S. W. 23, 16, I, 80.24, September 21, 1821; Elisha Harlan, west half S. E. 35, 16, I, 78.92, September 27, 1821; William McKim, N. E. 15, 16, 1, 160, November 4, 1821; Jacob Horn, west half S. W. 35, 16, 1, 78.92, November 5, 1821; Robert Thomson, east half S. W. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, November 14, 1821 ; John Fellows, N. W. 23, 16, 1, 160.48, December 15, 1821; Thornton _ Alexander, Sr. (colored), east half N. W. 16, 1, 79.60, August 23, 1822; Fred Fuighum, east half N. W. 26, 16, 1, 78.68, January 19, 1823; Stanton Bailey, west half N. E. 14, 16, 1, 80, May 12, 1823; Dorsey Ryan, S. E. S. E. 26, 16, 1, 39.12, August 21, 1823; William Odell, east half N. E. 36, 16, 1, : 78. 92, August 2, 1824; Jesse Bright, west half S. E. 35, £7, I, 79. 88, January 20, 1826 ; Joseph Gray, N. W.N. W. 25, 16, 1, 40.04, February 19, 1826; Jeff STi Summers, N. W.N. E. 33, 80, April 12, 1826; Jacob Rogers, N. E. N. W. II, 16, I, 39.72, May 27, 1826; Jesse Bright, S. E. S. W. 35, 17, 1, 40, June 928 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 2, 1826; John Loyd, west half S. W. 33, 17, 1, 320, June 10, 1826; Daniel Shoemaker, east half S. 11, 18, 14 E., 80, July 4, 1826; Andrew Walker, S. W. S. W. 24, 16, I, 40.36, July 19, 1826; Andrew Walker, east half S. W. 24, 16, 1, 80.36, July 19, 1826; John Peele, east half N. E. 2, 16, 1, 79.68, December 21, 1826; Wm. N. Jackson, west half N. E. 2, 16, 1, 79.68, Decem- ber 21, 1826; Joseph Horn, west half S. W. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, January 17, 1827; E. Overman, west half N. E. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, June 28, 1827; Levi Horner, east half N. W. 34, 16, 1, 80. 76, October 22, 1827; S. H. Middleton, west half N. E. 11, 16, 1, 79.40, April 10, 1828; Joel Parker, west half S. W. 26, 16, 1, 78.24, October 22, 1828; Elias Colman, west half S. E. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, October 22, 1828; Ziba Marine, east half S. E: 14, 18, 14 E., 80 November 21, 1828; Clarkson Willcutts, S. E. 7, 18, 15 E:, 81.24, December 5, 1828; M. Rhodes, west half N. W. 13,.18, 14 E., 80, January 27, 1829; R. Fulghum, east half N. W. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, February 20, 1829; William Hill, west half S. W. 7, 18, 15 E., 80, April 8, 1829; P. Denige, east half southeast 21, 16, 1, 80.48, April 8, 1830; M. Nichols, west half N. W. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, June 1, 1829; M. Fulghum, east half N. E. 27, 16, 1, 79.74, October 15, 1829; Thomas Parker, Jr., east half N. E. 22, 16, 1, 80.68, October 26, 1829. Many of the sections are fractional, since the old boundary intersects the townships in angular direction from north to south, and fractions are formed on both sides of the boundary line. The surveys both west and east from the meridians each way are made to the boundary. There are about forty-seven square miles and about thirty thousand acres in the whole town- ship. The entries in succeeding years were more rapid, since, by 1840, nearly the whole county had been taken up. Greensfork is occupied by a population largely noted for industry and thrift, for quiet, peaceable habits and general morality and good order. For many years no intoxicating drinks have been sold openly within its limits. Its schools maintain a high grade of excellence and it has an unusual pro- porton of churches and church members. There are at least seven churches in the township, occupied by the various denominations. The churches are Friends, at Arba and Brown; Methodist Episcopal, at Spartanburg; Disciples, at Spartanburg and Gilead; United Brethren, at Pinhook and in the west part of the township. Two of the schools of Greensfork are of a superior grade —the township school at Spartanburg and the Union Literary Institute at © Edgewood in the east part of the township. Greensfork was entered between 1814 and 1839, inclusive. First settlement was made in Greensfork; first entry occurred in Wayne. Y RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. g29 TOWNS. Arba.—Henry Cammack, proprietor; recorded October 30, 1855; four- teen lots. The town must have been greatly enlarged since its first platting, since the dwellings extend a long distance on both sides of the pike running through the place, there being probably thirty or forty residences within the limits of the village. It is in the southern part of the township. William Fulghum had the first store. Noah Turner had the first smith shop; Isaac Parker had a wagon shop; William Parker had a harness shop after awhile. Friends’ meeting-house (a pole cabin) was built in 1815, about forty years before the town began. The first grist-mill was established by Parker &. Wright. They owned a saw-mill also. The first meeting-house in the county was at Arba—built by Friends. The first school was taught in that house by Eli Overman. The earliest settlement in the county was in the region around this town and a splendid region it is, truly. The country is rich, the farmers are wealthy. The dwellings are neat and many of them elegant; the society is good and the general tone of morals and manners is of a high character. The place has always been noted, in fact, for its strict standard of temperance and sobriety. The region was settled largely by Methodists and Friends; and their teachings and practice have maintained a superior standard of in- telligence, morality and thrift. ; Newburg (Spartanburg)—William McKim, proprietor; location, sec- tion 10, township 16, range 1, on the “Quaker Trace,’ Moorman Way, county surveyor; twenty lots. Streets: North and south, Main street, four poles wide; east and west, street three poles wide. Plat made 1832; recorded February 18, 1833. Spartanburg (includes the above)—William McKim, proprietor; fifty- five lots. Streets: North and south, Mill, Main, Sycamore; east and west, First, Second; recorded October 28, 1834. McKim’s First Addition—William McKim, proprietor; seven lots; re- corded November 17, 1848.. The town is located on section 10, on the old “Quaker Trace,” four miles north of Arba and three and nine-tenths miles south of Bartonia, on the Arba pike. It was laid out in 1832 by William McKim. Of course, everything was new, and the whole country was “in the woods.” Most of the houses were cabins and all was rough and primitive. Spartanburg has grown from a “huddle,” with a few log cabins among the beech trees to a thriving country village in the midst of a beautiful, fertile and highly improved region. The town stands on a fine rising ground, over- looking a spléndid country. The school building is a two-story brick, suit- + 930 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. able for a township high school, with ten fine schoolrooms, two recitation rooms, etc. Two Sunday schools are in operation and regular religious — services in each of the churches. An Odd Fellows lodge and a Knights of Pythias lodge are in the village. A large trade is carried on in hogs, grain, flaxseed, wagons, reapers, plows, etc. No saloon has existed in the place ‘for | years. - Altogether, Spartanburg is a fine little town. When first laid out, the -name of the place was Newburg But for some reason it was changed to Spartanburg. It is one of the few interior villages in Randolph which is having a vigorous and-solid growth. There is one hotel, two churches, a graded school, one smith shop, one wagon shop, three stores and bank and a brisk business is maintained. BIOGRAPHY. Such biographies as. ‘belong to Greensfork and are not arranged under . other heads are given below in alphabetical order: Nathan Arnold was born in North Carolina in 1783; married Elizabeth Horn, daughter of Jeremiah Horn, in North Carolina, in 1804, and died in the same state in 1826. : Elizabeth Arnold, widow of Nathan Arnold, was born in North Carolina _ in 1785; came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1827, and afterward to Ran- dolph. She had eleven children. Seven came with their mother. She died October 28, 1851, aged sixty-six years. Mrs. Arnold belonged to the Friends. . Stephen Barnes was born in Johnson county, North Carolina, in 1793, and his wife, Cidna, in 1790. They had seven children, all born in Carolina, their names being Rebecca, Abington, Maria, Samuel Allison, Sarah, Henry, | Adolphus.. All are dead. The family left North Carolina in 1828 and came to Wayne county, Indiana, two and a half milés south of Bloomingsport, and in 1830, into Randolph county. In 1833 they settled at Spartanburg. Here Mrs. Barnes died in 1854 and her husband in 1864. Ephraim Bowen, Sr., was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, October 22, 1769; emigrated to Mason county, Kentucky; married Hannah Hall in that state; came to Greene county, Ohio, in 1795, seven yeats before Ohio became a member of the Union, and arrived at Randolph county, October 22, 1814, the day he was forty-five years old. He was the fourth settler in the wilds of Randolph. He brought six children with him and two were born afterward, making eight in all. The children were Nancy. James C., Jane, Squire, Rebecca, Hannah, born before coming to Randolph; and Rachel and Ephraim L., born in this county. “Nancy, born in 1799, married Robert RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 931 Thomson ; had six children; James C., born in 1801, fourteen children; Jane, 1803, married Joshua Small, several children; Squire, 1805, thirteen children; Rebecca, 1807, fourteen children, married David Semans; Hannah married | James Harrison, five children; Rachel married William Davis, several chil- dren; Ephraim L., twice married—Ruth Dwiggins, Anna Jane Corbett, eight children. Ephraim Bowen entered the northeast quarter of section 28, township 16, range 1. He was perhaps the first justice in Greensfork. He died in 1858, at eighty-nine and his wife in 1849. James C. Bowen, Greensfork, son of Ephraim Bowen, was born in Greene county, Ohio, in 1801, and came to Randolph county, in 1814, being thirteen years old. He grew up in the woods and married Elizabeth Jeffrey in 1829. They have had fourteen children. . James C. Bowen’s wife died in 1879, sixty-eight years old. He was justice of the peace nine years. He was Methodist in religion and a Demo- crat in politics. He lived within half a mile of the spot where his father settled in the forest. Many curious things are told by Mr. Bowen, Mr. Parker and other pioneers, many of which have been already given and many more might he related. In the pole cabin meeting-house at Arba there was no place made for fre. They would burn wood into coals in a heap outside the cabin and then carry a mass of coals into the house upon a kind of hand-barrow, partly covered with dirt. Thomas Parker used to care for the house and burn the wood into coals and when Friends had come to meeting, they would help carry the “‘fire-place” inside the house, laden with a mass of living fire. In early times, there was a distillery above Arba, south of William Horn’s. It was owned by Elihu Cammack’s uncle, Amos (Cammack). Considerable whisky was drank at gatherings and as a natural result many got “groggy” by its use. ‘ In the pigeon roosts, one locality of which was near Spartanburg, the trees were loaded with nests, built of sticks, somewhat like baskets swung to a limb, the inside being beautifully lined with soft and tender moss. Pigeons would live on mast and hogs also would keep fat nearly the year round, during the fall and winter upon the mast and in the summer upon wild pea vines which grew two or threé feet high, and as thick as thick clover. Hogs would run in the woods and grow wild. The old ones would be marked and then the whole drove running with these old ones would be claimed by the same owner. But where none in a herd were marked the herd belonged to nobody and any person might kill such. They would fatten 932 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. themselves wholly without corn and entirely upon oak, hickory and beech mast. Thomas Cadwallader was born in 1795 and came to Greensfork town- ship, Randolph county, about 18g0, in company with his brother Abner, settling in the woods. Abner died many years ago but Thomas lived on, a steady, quiet, humble, thankful life for fifty-two years, upon his little farm where fitst he pitched his tent under the “shadow of the beeches.” He was all his life a member of the society of Friends belonging at Arba. He de- parted this life at his residence near Arba, Sunday, April 23, 1882, in his eighty-seventh year. The funeral services were held at the Arba Friends’ meeting-house on Tuesday following his ‘death. “ They were in the simple and impressive style common among the Quakers. His aged companion sur- vived him. They had been married nearly or quite sixty-five years. He was born during the second term of Washington’s administration and was old enough to vote for James. Monroe at his first election. His birth occurred the same year with Wayne's treaty with the Indians at Fort’ Greenville, Ohio, 1795, so that his life measures the whole interval since the power of the savage tribes over the great Western valley was broken by the master hand of Gen, Anthony Wayne. Mr. Cadwallader lived all that long earthly life in the fear and love of God and his happy spirit rests, doubtless in the heavenly mansions. His brother Abner, father of Hon. Nathan Cadwallader, of Winchester, came as stated above with his brother Thomas, but did not very long survive, dying in middle life. John Cammack, Arba, was born in South Carolina; moved to ‘Randolph county, in the fall of 1816, one-half mile west of Arba. He died in 1832, having had twelve children; seven were boys and five were girls. William Mitchell Campbell, stock-buyer and farmer, was born in Hamil-. ton county, Ohio, in 1818; married Mary Ann Rude in 1840; removed to Middleboro, Indiana, in 1844; to Hamilton county, Ohio, in 1848; returned to Middleboro, Indiana, in 1849 ; changed his residence to Randolph county, one and a half miles north of Lynn, in 1850; moved to Winchester in 18 56; to Greensiork township in 1860; and to Spartanburg in 1863. He has had six children. He was sheriff of Randolph county three terms. Mr. Campbell volunteered July 13, 1861, in the Nineteenth Indiana Infantry, Company C, being. commissioned Second Lieutenant ‘and receiving afterward - promotion as Captain of Company I. William T. Chenoweth, born in Maryland in 1802, came to Ohio in 1838, and to Greensfork, Randolph county, Indiana, in 1840; married Keturah B, GREENSFORK TOWNSHIP BUILDING. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 933 Murray in 1825; had twelve children—ten boys and two girls. He was a successful. In politics he was a Whig and a Republican. He was not a ~ church member, but inclined to the Baptists. Mr. Chenoweth died in 1876, ~ seventy-four years old. James W. Clark, Spartanburg, was born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1828. His father died in 1835 and his mother returned in 1836 to the home of her father, Hezekiah Cartwright at Spartanburg. He lived on the Frank Morgan place. Mrs. Clark went upon the Hough place. J. W. Clark was then eight years old. The village was then very sinall. Where the Disciple church stands was at that time a buttonwood pond, the size of a town lot. He was married in 1854, to Mary E. Moore, daughter of Elymas Moore. ~ Reuben Clark came from Pasquotank county, North Carolina, to Frank- lin county, Indiana, in 1807, nine weeks and three days on the road, coming two hundred miles to the mountains. Route, Ward’s Gap, Poplar Camp, Furnace, New River, Abingdon, Wythe Court House, Crab Orchard, Nicholasville, Lexington, Nelson’s Tavern, General Gaines’ plantation, twenty miles from the Ohio, crossing at North Bend, near General Harrison’s home. Two families came, besides two young men and an old soldier—fifteen in all. The men walked all the way, except three miles. They had two one-horse carts. Mr. Clark had nine children. He moved to Randolph county in 18109, north of Arba, near the toll-gate. Frederic Fulghum, Arba, born in North Carolina, in 1799; married Piety Parker, sister of Thomas Parker; came to Arba in 1821; had nine children; died in 1879, aged seventy-nine years ten months and twenty days. He was a Friend, a Whig and a Republican; he left South Carolina on account of slavery, having had an estate of slaves left him by his uncle, Frederic Bunn; but he would have nothing to do with the estate, and never even went to see about it. : Orpha Griffin (widow of William Griffin) came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1830; married Job Elliot in 1836; had four children, and died in St. Joseph county, Michigan, about 1860. Aaron Hill (son of William Hill) was born in 1810; came to Randolph county in 1823; married Piety Arnold in 1832; his first wife died in 1853, his second wife was Rachel Horner (in 1859), and she died in 1880. Mr. Hill moved to Wayne county, a short distance south of Arba. He had a saw-mill, run by water-power, and he bored a hole and fixed a box so that when the box would get full the wheel would go a little, and that would start a hominy pounder, and thus the pounder would go, by starts, all night. Sg 934 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. When his father came to Richmond, in 1816, there was only one frame house in the place. Mr. Aaron Hill said: “The first school I ever attended was in a hewed-log cabin, at Richmond. On the north, and also on the east side, a log was left out and the opening was closed with greased paper. My father lived one year on the county line east of the toll-gate, which stands south of Arba, and after that west of Arba. Of our family of nine children, two only were born in Randolph. I was thirteen years old when my father be- came a pioneer in this county.” He stated further: “Deer used ‘to go in droves, ten or fifteen, or even more in a drove. They were more abundant than sheep. They had paths leading to ponds for water, and in these haunts © the poor creatures were often shot by the remorseless hunter. Possums, por- cupines, ground hogs, turkeys, pheasants and what not were all over the woods. Pheasants would make the forests fairly shake with the strange noises made by their “drumming” on the logs. My father had one ox and one horse, and worked them together as a team. They were very stout, pulling through the swamp and sometimes breaking a stay chain. The ox alone would pull equal to two horses, plowing roots ‘like the-nation.’ He would plow corn and eat both rows as he went, unless he was muzzled.” ~ William Hunt, Arba (son of Barnabas Hunt), was‘born in 1822, in Wayne county, Indiana; married Eda Fulghum, daughter of Frederic Fulg- hum, in 1843; came to Randolph county in 1844, and had eight children; was a farmer and a Friend; was a Whig, and a Republican; was an Anti- slavery man, but remained with the “body.” William M. Locke, Spartanburg, was born in 1805, in North Carolina; married Wealthy Middleton in 1827, and afterward, Sarah Middleton, sisters .of .Thomas and Samuel Middleton; two children; Randolph county, 1828, living first on Daniel Comer’s place; went back to North Carolina until 1831; then to Spartanburg 1831 to 1836. John ‘Mann, Spartanburg, was born in Pennsylvania in 1805; came to Ohio when a boy, and to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1820. He entered 120 acres of land lIving southwest of Spartanburg, near Gilead meeting- house, walking to Cincinnati for the purpose. He was married in 1836, by James C. Bowen, justice of the peace, and had ten children. One son, Isaac, was drowned in the service during the war of the rebellion. Samuel H. Middleton was the son of Benedict Middleton, who was born in Virginia about 1867; was a farmer; moved afterward to North Carolina; had a family of eight or ten children, and died in 1840 in Carolina, aged seventy-three years. Seven of his children came to Indiana in early times; five of them to RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 935 Randolph county, viz., Samuel H. Middleton, Thomas Middleton, Hannah - (wife of William Locke), Anna (wife of John Tharpe), Ailsey (wife of Endsley Moore). The wife of Benedict Middleton was a Baptist, and died in Carolina in 1808, seventy-three years of age. Samuel H. Middleton was born in 1794, in Virginia. He went with his father to North Carolina in 1798, and came to Richmond, Indiana, Christmas Day, 1826. They brought, six children, two having died in Caro- lina, coming in a two-horse wagon, and were five weeks on the road. His brother, Thomas Middleton, came with him part of the way, and finished the ‘journey by steainer down the Ohio to Cincinnati. The Middletons were of English descent. The Tharpes were of Scotch descent. The father of Jere- miah Tharpe’s wife was a Quaker and a slave-holder. Near the time of the Revolution, that society became convinced that slave-holding was a sin, and they passed a resolution that their members should free their slaves or be disowned. . Francis Clark, father of Mrs. Tharpe above, freed all his slaves, twenty-one in number. . Jeremiah Tharpe, father of Mrs. Samuel H. Middleton; died in Caro- lina-in 1808, having had eight children, as follows: Eli, Jonathan, John, Jeremiah, Nancy (Kennedy), Ursula (Wheeler), Christiana (Middleton), Mildred (Thornburg). ‘The children all became grown, and all -were mar- ried. They all came to Indiana during the time from about 1812 to 1830, several of them settling in Randolph county. Thomas Middleton was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, in 1799; he married Margaret. Webb in 1825; he came to Whitewater, Indiana, in 1826, and to Randolph county in 1830. The company from Carolina con- sisted of four families, and they weré forty-two days on their journey. The families were those of Mordecai Hiatt, Eli Kersey, Thomas Middleton and Samuel H. Middleton. Isaac Mann came from Pennsylvania, and settled very early (perhaps in 1816) on the Harrison Anderson farm below Spartanburg. He had seven children, and died in 1847, an old man. Malachi Nichols, Washington township; born North Carolina, 1804; came to Randolph county in 1816 (near ‘Arba) ; married Sarah Mann, 182 53 had ten children; died of cholera, 1849. ‘Ephraim Overman was the fifth settler in Greensfork township, and in Randolph county as well. He came in the fall of 1814 from Randolph county, North Carolina, and was the next settler after Splau Bowen. He came, probably in November, 1814, and he lived in a “camp” for some time in the fall of 1815. He had five children, all boys—Jesse, Eli, Ephraim, Silas and Reuben. . 936 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. His brother, Nathan Overman, had ten children, seven sons and three daughters. Their names were Joseph, Reuben, Cornelius, Abner, Isaac, Jason, Zebulon, Mabel, Mary, Rebecca. Jesse Parker, late of Bethel, Wayne county, is the son of Thomas and Anna Parker, and was born in Rockingham county, North Carolina, near South Carolina line, in 1807. He came with his parents to Arba, Randolph county, in April, 1814, that family being the first white settlers in Randolph county, though land had been entéted in the county in 1812, some fifteen months before his settlement. He married Phebe Puckett, daughter of Benjamin Puckett, in 1826, and they had seven children. Jesse Parker’s parents died some years after their arrival in Indiana, his mother in 1823; she was the second or third person buried in the Arba graveyard. Jesse Parker was born in North Carolina in 1766; came to Randolph county, Indiana, early; had seven children—Thomas, Joel, Piety, Eda and Jesse and two others. He died oth, 24th, 1843, aged seventy-six years eleven months and two days. Squire Bowen, a pioneer of Randolph county, son of Ephraim and Hannah Bowen, born in Greene county, Ohio, April 10, 1805; he was the fourth of eleven children, five of whom are still living (1882) ; he removed with his parents to Randolph county October 22, 1814, and settled two and one-half miles from Spartanburg, where his father entered a quarter section of land. Squire lived upon this farm for fifty-three years; here he spent the greater and best portion of his life. His mother died in 1844, and his father followed in 1858. After the death of his mother, the care of the father fell to the lot of Squire. The boyhood of Squire was similar to that of the sons of most pioneers. At the time Squire’s father settled in this county, there were only eleven white people living in the territory of which the county was subsequently formed. Having no neighbors but the uncivilized Indians, they were thrown upon their own resources to clear a homestead from the unbroken forest. All of the products of the farm that were not used for home consumption were marketed at Fort Wayne, a distance of about ninety miles. The only means of conveyance was by wagon drawn by oxen. They were compelled to cut their own road through the dense wilderness. It required from six- teen to twenty days to make the trip and return. All of this work fell prin- cipally to the lot of the subject of this sketch. Notwithstanding the almost entire absence of schools, Mr. Bowen, by dint of his own efforts, with the assistance of a very brief attendance at RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 937 school in Greene county, Ohio, and at Arba, this county, in the old log pioneer school house, used as a Friends meeting-house, he obtained a fair common school education. He was married to Elizabeth Dwiggins, of Wayne county, August 13, 1829. James Dwiggins Bowen, son of Squire and Elizabeth Bowen, was born in Greensfork township, Randolph county, December 23, 1832; he was raised on the farm entered by his grandfather, Ephraim Bowen, in 1814, of which he became owner and proprietor; his farm consists of 200 acres, of which 140 acres are in a high state of cultivation. His boyhood was quiet and uneventful, spending the greater part of his time in cultivating the farm; his education was limited to the common district schools, with the exception of one term at a commercial school at Indianapolis in 1855. He was enrolling officer of his township during the war, an appointment from the government; he made three trips to the front to look after the sick and wounded soldiers from his district. He was married to Mary E. Chenoweth, daughter of John B. and Sarah B. Chenoweth, of Carroll county, Maryland, September 13, 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen had a family of nine children, three boys and six girls, Ephraim L. Bowen is.a native of Randolph county, Indiana; he was born at the family homestead in Greensfork township on the 2oth of March, 1819; his father, Ephraim Bowen, was one of the first white men who located in Randolph county, and bore a prominent and active part in its development and improvement. He remained at home assisting his father until twenty years of age, and was then united in marriage with Miss Ruth Dwiggins, a native of Wayne county, Indiana. He then began farming for himself in Greensfork township. Within twenty years after his marriage, death bereaved him of the companionship of the wife, whose love had stimulated his youthful labors in the felling of the forest and the “making” of a farm; whose words of cheer had revived his drooping spirits at the end of days of weary toil, and whose careful economy had materially promoted his temporal success. She died on August 5, 1858. Eight children had been born to them, two of whom pre- ceded their mother to the grave. Six survived her, viz., James H., Elizabeth A., Hannah L., Mary E., Jennie and Squire C., all of whom grew to matur- ity and were married. James H. died September 12, 1874; Mary E.. died May 12, 1876, and Jennie died July 1, 1877. Mr. Bowen was a second time united in the bonds of matrimony, choosing for his companion Mrs. Anna J. Corbett, daughter of John and Mildred Thornburg. She was born Decem- 938 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ber 16, 1827, in North Carolina, and came to Randolph county with her parents when a child. Charles Crist is a resident of Greensfork township. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1801; his father moved to Maryland in 1814, and he lived there till he was grown. He married Mary Flatters in Maryland in 1831. She was born in' 1809. They moved from thence to Marion county, Ohio, in 1831; thence to Hancock county, Ohio, in 1834, and to Darke county, Ohio, in 1847, and finally to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1854. Hugh Gard, farmer, was born in Preble county, Ohio, March 12, 1820, is the son of Lot and Ann (Vance) Gard, who were natives of Pennsylvania. Een? Mr. Gard became a resident of this state when quite young, remaining until 1860, when he returned to his native state. The event of his marriage took place February 11, 1862, to Sarah Dunn, who was born in Pennsylvania September 12, 1830. Her parents, Joseph and Debra (Evans) Dunn, were natives of Pennsylvania, the former born SuSE 30, 1792, and the latter March 2, 1795. John C. Ruby, farmer, postoffice Spartanburg, son of Samuel F. and Jane Ruby. They were married in Darke county, Ohio, September 15, 1836. Father was born in Kentucky April 27, 1812; came with his parents to Union county, Indiana. Afterward studied medicine with his brother, James, at Bethel, Wayne county, Indiana; and became a very successful physician. - Other prominent pioneers of Greensfork township were -Joseph Shaw, John H: Taylor, Luther Tillson, James Armstrong, Archibald Armstrong, © Frederic Fulghum, Henry Hawkins, Adam R. Hiatt, Samuel G. Hill, Henry W. Horn, Emsley Jackson, John W. Jackson, James’ M. Jackson, John W. Jackson, Robert Jordan, Samuel Kessler, Samuel L. Jennings, Joseph Shaw, Levi J. Linzey, George W. Mann, James St. Myers, Reuben Randall, James B. Rubey, William Sasser, William Slick, Joseph H. Thorp, P. M. B. Thompson. : West River Township.—Its boundaries at present are as follows: North by White river and Stoney creek, east by Washington, south by Wayne county, west by’ Nettle creek and Stoney creek. West River township was laid off in May, 1831, then comprising all west of Huntsville and eight miles north and south, taking the whole south- western portion of the county, and by several changes became what it now is; Its extent is forty square miles, eight miles north and south, and five miles cast and west. The township takes im West River valley (so. far as it Jiz3 in Randolph county), as also the headwaters of Martindale creek, ‘Ttinning RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 939 southward into White Water and of Cabin creek, flowing northward into White river. The region ‘is rich and beautiful, the surface is rolling and the scenery picturesque; the country is capable of a high cultivation. tI was settled as early as 1816, and perhaps even sooner than that.. Hugh Botkin entered the township in 1816, settling southeast of Huntsville. When he came he found already here several settlers, the exact date of whose arrival, however, is not known. Among them were these: Mr. Odle, one mile south of Bot- kin’s; Joshua Wright, one-half mile south of Botkin’s; Jesse Cox; Jonah Heaton, three miles northwest of Huntsville. Seven entries had been made in 1815, and three were made in 1816. Mr. Botkin effected his entry of land September 29, 1817, and before his had been sixteen entries. Joshua Wright (probably with his brother James) purchased his tract nine days before, and Jesse Cox seventeen days after Mr. Botkin. The other names (except Jonah Heaton’s), do not appear at all as patentees. They were either “squatters” or lived on land entered by some one else. Jonah Heaton “entered” in 1819. William M. Botkin said that in 1817 there came to the region several settlérs, viz., Joshua Ballinger, Samuel Jackson, Valentine Gibson, William Gibson, Joseph Hollingsworth (bought out Mr. Odle), William Peacock (afterward associate judge). Most of these names stand among the list of entries, some of them; however, not till the lapse of several years. William Smith came upon West river somewhere west of Botkin’s, near the “boundary,” August, 1817, and Jeremiah Smith said that the following were in the neighborhood ‘when his father moved into the county. William Blount and his two sons-in-law, John Proctor, Evan Shoe- -maker, John Jordan, Arny Hall, Thomas Brown, John Gwynn, James Mal- com, Samuel Sales, David Jones, Isaac Barnes, came in 1818, as did also John E. Hodges, William Hunt and Frederick Zimmerman. Few of, them appear as patentees. Evan Shoemaker lived on the tract east of the “bound- ary,” and just across from the Mount Pleasant Methodist meeting-house. Mr. Zimmerman bought out the Blount place, and resided there till he died, and his daughter Anna (widow of John Retz) occupied it until her death. All of these except two were located on Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18, township 18, range 13, in West River Valley. Those near Hugh Botkin’s were farther east. William Blount made the first entry in the township, in section 8, now the Retz homestead farm, April ro, 1815. Hodge and Barnes made their entry in July, 1815. They did not move to their land till 1818. Mr. Smith stated that they came out from Pennsylvania and made their purchases, and returned to the east, coming back to settle in 1818. Moses Martindale was . 940 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. unquestionably a very early settler, among the first, if not the very first, in the region. He made his first entry September 2, 1817, the extreme south- eastern corner of what is now West River township. In two weeks’ time he took up another tract, E. % S. W. % 11, 18, 13, on the headwaters of the stream which gained the name (doubtless from him as the first settler upon its banks) of Martindale creek. These entries of Martindale’s were south and southeast of Botkin’s, and near the other settlers in that vicinity. Of course, others also had found their way into the wild woods, but we have not been able to trace them. The Congressional townships, with the sections, have already been named. The number of acres in West River township is about twenty-five thousand six hundred. ; The entries by years have been as below: 1815, seven entries, 1,230.68 acres; 1816, three entries, 400 acres; 1817, twelve entries, 1,831.98 acrés; 1818, nine entries, 1,440 acres; 1819, eight entries, 826.44 acres; 1820, no entries; 1821, one entry, 80 acres; 1822, four entries, 322.96 acres; 1823, one entry, 159.37 acres; 1825, no entry; 1825, three entries, 228.97 acres ; 1826, one entry, 80 acres; 1827, one entry, 80 acres; 1828, four entries, 405.20 acres; 1829, four entries, 331.88; total entries, 58; total acres, 7,- 417.48; being an average of 128 acres per entry. The amount as above com- prises about one-fourth of the land in the township. The “new boundary” passes through the western part of the township in an angular direction, yet the sections are not fractional, since the survey is reckoned from the second meridian. The meridian and the base line were located and the range lines estimated, and then the land east of the “new boundary” was surveyed first, and, in process of time, that west of the twelve-mile strip was surveyed also. FIRST THINGS. We have been able to trace but few “first things” for West River town- ship. The beginning and progress of religious work may be seen in the de- tailed statement for the churches. The mills were mostly in other portions of the county, and West river was not much of a mill stream near its upper course, and these settlers went chiefly down into Wayne county to find milling facilities already in operation. William Smith is said to have started a mill of some kind, but whether by horse or water power we cannot state. He was a blacksmith as well as a farmer, and one of the earliest things he did was to put up a shop in which to work at his trade. These smith shops were scattered over the county at RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. O41 various points, though we can name but few. Richard Robbins had one farther north in Stoney creek; James Frazier and his son Francis after him worked as a smith east of Lynn. The Fraziers were of a superior sort, being bell-makers as well as smiths. Several families of Hunts came into that locality from Kentucky— shrewd, energetic, upright people, who have left their mark, and many of their posterity also in this region. Most or all of them were Methodists, and one at least was a preacher, Rev. William: Hunt, or “Old Billy Hunt,” as he was familiarly called, for many years until his death long ago. Coming from Kentucky as they did, and belonging to the well-to-do classes, it was but natural that they should oppose the Abolitionists, which most of them did with a hearty good will for years during the early days of that struggle. The logic of events, however, is its own teacher, and most of their descend- ants of the are, like the mass of Randolph citizens, stalwart Republicans. West River township, as also Nettle Creek, was in 1824 the scene of a most terrific tornado, which tore and twisted the giant forest trees for miles into inextricable confusion. This immense mass of timber lay for a decade or less upon the surface of the ground, and presented a literally impassable barrier. The fallen timber furnished in fact abundant opportunities for con- cealment, and in some cases fugitive slaves hid themselves in its coverts from their pursuers. In one instance, a man-hunter, baffled of his prey by this impregnable refuge, asked one of the old Abolitionists how far the fallen timber reached. The strudy pioneer, determined to keep the truth on his side and to mystify his questioner, replied: “Four or five miles west, and how far into Ohio I never heard.” The fact hidden beneath this verbiage was that the fallen timber extended perhaps a mile east, and to the Ohio line was fifteen or twenty miles. But the slave-catcher never got any runaways out from that awful tangled, twisted, piled-up mass of tree trunks and brush and fresh-grown shrubs, all heaped into one vast untraceable labyrinth. This same gang of man-hunters (for there were several) threatened to come and clean out that terrible place. ‘Do,’ was the reply; “we wish you would; it ought to be away, but none here has ever had the courage to begin the work.” The villains swore awhile and cursed the Abolitionists and then they let the fallen timber stay where it was, as other people before them had done. The jungle is said moreover to have been employed also as a den for a gang of robbers and counterfeiters, whose operations caused much trouble, some arrests and several trials in the attempt to rout the pestilent gang from the county. (60) 942 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. One party is stated to have been in so desperate a pinch upon trial for passing counterfeit money, that, on asking to let him see the bill a moment, it was handed to him, when lo, quick as a flash, he swallowed the bank note, and the case against him had to be dropped, for the evidence had gone down his throat. Upon the court record the name of this very man appéars coupled with a criminal charge, and upon that entry Mr. Smith makes substantially this comment: “Here is the first appearance of this name in the court records of Randolph, but not by any: means the last, for it adorns Aoe otherwise) these pages off and on for at leat twenty-five years to come.” Some old men tell tales, not needful to repeat at length, of charges and arrests and attempts at rescue, of prominent names coupled with rumors of. forgery and counterfeiting, of surmises against residents: of the region for the concealment of the haunts and the implements of crime among the secret coverts afforded by the fallen timber. , PIGEON ROOST. ' The same region was remarkable also, moreover, as having furnished the place for an enormous pigeon roost located in the woods not very far from Huntsville during several years. Season after season would gather at the same spot countless millions of those feathered and winged travelers. Subjected as they were to ceaseless attacks by men and boys, and losing hun- dreds and thousands of their number every year, after some time had elapsed, the annual gatherings seemed gradually to decrease in amount, and. finally the famous pigeon roost became entirely deserted. The merciless cruelty of the featherless and wingless bipeds, who would tramp for miles through the woods to reach this helpless mass of fluttering and roaring life to make their causeless and deadly attacks upon these unsuspecting and bewildered victims was fearful. Mention may be found, slightly more at length possibly, in the reminiscences, of both the matters briefly touched upon above. The pigeon roost has been forsaken probably for full eighty years, and the fallen timber has been cleared away by natural decay, by human toil and by fire, that terrible destroyer of the works both of nature and of man, for nearly as long a time; and now no visible token, no trace is left to tell of the unspeakable havoc ‘which on that sultry July afternoon in the summer of 1824 was made by that rumbling, crashing, thundering tempest as during those hours of mortal terror it lay in most terrific power, whirling and tearing and twisting those giant tree trunks as though they had been but chaff and stubble beneath its might. Nothing is left, in fact, except the memory of the terrible storm in the minds of a very few elderly persons and a name—Fallen Timber—a post- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 943 office at a lone farmhouse miles away from even the pretense or semblance of a town was once located there. It ought to be said, perhaps, that this post- office finds it habitat not in West River, but in Nettle Creek township, which -lies adjoining the former on the west. . FIRST SCHOOL. Ira Swain, whose father came in 1815 to Wayne county near Randolph line, says that the first school in that neighborhood was held in a little cabin, 14x18 feet, probably in 1816 or 1817. The floor was puncheons and so was the door, and the benches were split poles with legs put in with an auger hole. The older pupils got wood enough at noon. That could be done without much trouble, though it took a large quantity of wood. But the trees were close at hand, and all that was needed was to take care that in felling they did not hit the house nor the children. _ TANNERY. Hugh Botkin was a tanner, and he had a tanyard in operation only a short time after making a settlement in the county; and some of the old troughs that were made and put into the earth remained more than eighty years, firm, sound and solid. . TOWNS. Buena Vista—Proprietors, William Gillam, John Heaston, Benjamin Peacock; twenty-five lots, two streets—Washington, east and west; Main, north and south. Recorded July 1, 1851. The first store was built in 1854; ‘Benjamin Peacock set up a hotel; Ezekiel Kirk and Benjamin Heaston were original residents; Dr. Keen lived there awhile, as also did Dr. Blumenbach. There has been a Presbyterian church, but it has gone down, and the house has been used as a barn for many years. : As late as 1880 there were two stores, one saw-mill, one smith shop, one tile factory, one wagon shop, one church, a postoffice, all of which have disappeared. It is six miles from Winchester, three and one-half miles from Huntsville, eight miles from Farmland. The name of the postoffice was Cerro Gordo. The country around Buena Vista is very good. Residents near Buena Vista are John Jenkins, Leroy Starbuck, Welcome Starbuck, Walter Starbuck, Jesse Rynard, Tyre Puckett, William Demory, etc. [1882.] The region is well settled, and filled with thriving and prosperous farm- ers. Unionsport is quite near Buena Vista, only two miles distant. A meeting- house connected with a burying ground is about half a mile west of the town on the pike between the two villages. The church was built by a union effort, 944 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. © ; and was given into the care of the Friends, who occupied it for a time, but their occupancy ceased. It was rebuilt by the Christians. Huntsville—Twenty-eight lots. Miles and William Hunt, proprietors. Location, Sections 27 and 28, 19, 13, near the head of Cabin creek: -Re- corded March 6, 1834. Keener’s Addition—Stephen Keener, proprietor ; eight lots, four outlots. Recorded December 29, 1848. Hunt’ 's Addition— Twenty-nine lots, Bezal Hunt, proprietor. Recorded August 23, 1850. Will- iam J. Shearer, ‘surveyor. om James Pugh had a tanyard” in 1834; Miles Hunt kept store; Parker Jewett had a smith shop. Huntsville stands in a fine and fruitful region’ far “enough from other and larger towns to have some room to-Hourish. It be- came quite a thriving country willage, but lack of a ‘railroad doomed i it to- decay. ; Swain’s Hill Postoffice, five miles from Losantville; thie miles’ from Huntsville; near the twelve mile boundary at Ira Swain’s. Swain’s Hill was simply a postoffice. Mr. Swain was a prominent settler and an influential partisan, and desired a postoffice to be located in the vicin- ity for the convenience of his neighbors and himself; and his dwelling being on a sightly and beautiful hill, the name of Swain’s Hill was conferred on the ‘office, and Ira Swain himself was made postmaster. It has long since been discontinued. . Unionsport.—Location in White River and West. River townships, two miles west of Buena Vista; Hiram Mendenhall, proprietor; thirty-two lots; S. D. Woodworth, surveyor. Recorded March 30, 1837. It was located in the center of the proposed Union township. The town seems to have been well supplied with streets. Bloomingsport, six miles; Maxville,. three and one-half miles; Huntsville, three miles ; Winchester, seven miles; Lynn, nine miles; Buena Vista, two miles. John O. Wattles lectured in this region some seventy-five years ago, and induced a company to form a community in about 1840. It went on for a short time, but before long “winked out,” and many citizens lost heavily by the socialistic experience. A woolen factory was established in 1856. The mill was burned and another built in its place in 1866. - It was owned later by Amos Mendenhall. A grist-mill once stood where the factory was located. The village is beautifully situated on rolling ground, the houses are bright, neat and tasteful, and altogether the town presents a delightful and cheerful aspect. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 9-45. . BIOGRAPHIES. Hugh Botkin, born Virginia 1775; Tennessee, 1786; married Rachel Keener 1801; Wayne county, Indiana, 1815; Randolph county 1816; thir- teen children, seven boys and six girls. All thirteen lived to be grown, and all but one were married. He died in 1836 and his wife in 1837. He was a farmer and a tanner, as also an active Methodist, and a prominent and respected citizen. He lost his dwelling by fire, and did not succeed in amassing a fortune, but his children rank among the thriving and substantial citizens of the region. William M. Botkin, son of Hugh Botkin, born in Randolph county 1823; married Martha A. Hiatt in 1849, and Dosha Butler in 1868; ten children. He was an enterprising, wide-awake, prosperous farmer and busi- ness man, and was county commissioner one term (three years). He was an active Methodist, a thorough Republican, and an earnest temperance man, and an honor to the community in which he dwelt, having been a resident of the neighborhood during his whole life. William Chamness was born in North Carolina in 1793, and came to Randolph county in 1816, settling west of Bloomingsport on a farm owned by Elijah Bales, where old Billy Rish once lived, the land having been entered by Benjamin Jones. He married Charity Moore, and afterward Margaret Hinshaw. He had eleven children, ten of them coming to be grown and married. ; John Charles was born in Wayne county, Indiana, in 1828. He is the son of Daniel Charles, who came from North Carolina to Wayne county in 1812, having been born in 1799. John Charles came to Randolph county in 1845. He married Eunice Swain in the same year, and Nancy Clark in 1862. He had six children; he carried on a drug store in Economy during several years. He was elected justice of the peace for White River town- ship, but the burden of labor or of honor proved too great, and he resigned the’ position before his time was half out. He was township trustee three years. He was an elder among the Friends; was an old Abolitionist. William Cox, born in 1773 in South Carolina, came to Stillwater, Ohio, early, and to Randolph county in 1823, and settled in West River. He died in 1857, aged eighty-four years. He had been married three times. The names of his wives were Elizabeth Thomas, Nancy Mills and Laura Owens. Daniel Cropper, son of Bela W. Cropper, was born in Kentucky in 1825; went to Warren county, Ohio, in 1828, and moved to Randolph county, In- diana, in 1833. He married Elizabeth Thornburg in 1849, and had five 946° RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. children. He resided in Huntsville, and was a farmer. and hotel keeper. His father entered 160 acres of land, and after paying for that, and paying. also the man who moved them from Ohio to Randolph county, he had just. $25 left. A rich man-he was, farm all paid for and money to spend. His father was a worthy member of the Baptist church, and a preacher among them. Daniel Hunnicutt was born in 1770 in Virginia, and married Jane Walthal, who was born there in 1780. They moved to Fayette county, In- diana, in 1827, and to: Randolph couttty in 1832. They had seven children, all of whom were born in Virginia. Mr. Hunnicutt was a farmer, and be- longed to the Friends. He died many years ago. John T. Hunnicutt, born 1816, near Petersburg, icatiia Fayette county, Indiana, 1827; Wayne ‘county, 1828; West River, 1832; married Jane T. Charles, 1851, and Deborah (Hollingsworth) Arnett, 1872; five chil- dren. Peyton Johnson was — in 1809 in Campbell county, Kentucky; mar- ried Elizabeth T. Butler; came to Randolph county in 1834; had five children, all grown and. all married. Robert Lumpkin was born in 1756; married Elizabeth F orrest in 1785, who was born in 1766; moved to Tennessee, then to Randolph county, 1831. He was a wagoner in the Revolutionary war. He had twelve children, and raised eleven of ,the twelve. He died ‘in 1842, eighty-six years old, and his wife died in 1846, eighty years old. 5 Albert Macy was born in North Carolina in 1774; married Nancy Hall; 4 came to Randolph county, Indiana, in. 1819, and settled near Huntsville. 8 They had eight children, seven of them having been born in North Carolina, and one in Randolph county. His daughter Phebe was the wife of Ira Swain, ‘ of Swain’s Hill, West River. township. Mr. Macy died many years ago. William Macy was born in 1786 in Guilford county, North Carolina; came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1821; married Hannah Hinshaw in 1809, and died after 1867; had fifteen children, seven in North Carolina and eight in Randolph county, Indiana, all. of them born between 1809 and 1836. Six of his daughters married Hadleys (two families). William Macy moved to Morgan county, Indiana, about 1860.. He was a Friend, active, prominent and trustworthy. Rufus K. Mills was born in Wayne county, Indiana, in 1823. He mar- ried Elizabeth McPherson in 1844, and came to Randolph county in 1857. They had three children. He was township trustee five years and assessor’ .. several years. He was one of the old-line Abolitionists and early Wesleyans. _ Anna (Zimmerman) Retz is the daughter of Frederick Zimmerman; — RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 947 and was born in Randolph county, Indiana, in 1821. She married John Retz in 1837. They had thirteen children. Her husband, John Retz, died in 1876, being sixty-six years old, and having been born in 1810. She re- sided on what was her father’s farm, on which he settled in 1818. One of her sons was killed when coon hunting by the falling of a tree. She was an Episcopal Methodist, as also was her husband. ‘He was a farmer and a worthy citizen. Robert Starbuck, Buena Vista, is a native of North Carolina, having been born in Stokes county in that state in 1814. He came to Virginia in _ 1823, and to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1833, settling near Buena Vista. He married late in life, being fifty-six years old at the time. His wife was Lucy Ann (Green) Gillam. They had one child. He was a farmer, merchant, trader, hotel keeper, etc. , Ira Swain, Swain’s Hill, youngest son of Elihu Swain, was born in Tennessee in 1809; Wayne county, Indiana, 1815, near Randolph line; mar- tied Lydia Macy; came early to Randolph county; had several children; was a farmer and an active business man. He was treasurer of Randolph county during one term. * Thomas Worth was a native of North Carolina, and came to Randolph county in 1812. He was born in 1802, and married Sarah Macy, and after- ward Nancy (Macy) Marshall. He had ten children—Theodore, Eliza, Aaron, Mary, Lucinda, Anna, David, Emily and two others. David was a member of the Sixty-ninth Indiana, and died in the service. Aaron has long been an active and efficient preacher in the Wesleyan church. Thomas Worth was a hearty supporter of the Wesleyans and an old-fashioned Abolitionist and an out and out Republican. Frederick Zimmerman was born in Tennessee. He moved first to Penn- - sylvania, on the Susquehanna river, and then to Ohio, and after that to West River, Randolph county. The removal last mentioned was made in 1818. He bought out William Blount’s 160 acres, and resided in the same place till his death in 1835. He had married in Tennessee Catherine Bowerman, and his widow survived him twenty-one years, dying in 1856. They had four- teen children. He was a Methodist and a Democrat. Jeremiah Bly, farmer, postoffice, Trenton. This. worthy citizen was born May 13, 1829, in Germany; he came to Ohio in 1845, and after making several changes in his location, he finally settled here in the fall of 1848. _William.Miller Botkin, a farmer and son of Hugh and Rachel K. Bot- kin, was born in Randolph county, Indiana, July 7, 1823. He was the eleventh of a family of thirteen children. His father was born in Pendleton 948 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ' county, Virginia, November 17, 1774, and his mother in Knox county, Ten- nessee, February 25, 1786: They were married in: Knox county, Tennessee,’ in the year 1801, and removed to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1815, and to Randolph county in 1817. His father entered 120 acres of land, and con- tinued to live on the farm until his death; his father died February 27, 1836, and his mother January 24, 1857. He was first united in marriage to Martha A. Hiatt, daughter of Louis and Charity Hiatt, of Clinton county, Ohio, December 20, 1849. { After his marriage, he settled dh his father’s homestead, which he had commenced to purchase from the heirs; he continued the purchase of shares - until the entire estate came into his possession. ; Williard Haynes, farmer, was born in Herkitner county, New ‘York, . February 11, 1823. He was educated in the common schools of this county, which, in 1835, were in their pioneer state. He was married May 21, 1846, to Delilah Wright, who was a native of Clinton county, and born there Decem- ber 3, 1822. Stephen Haynes, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Dutchess county, New York, January 12, 1800, and after making some changes, settled in this county in the year 1834; his wife and m>ther of Williard, was originally Laura Gaines, a’ native of Vermont, and born > there about the year 1804; deceased March 25, 1875, in this county. - The. . _ father of Mrs. Haynes (Empson Wright), was originally from Virginia, where he was born November 15, 1797. He came to this county about the year 1824; deceased November 28, 1853, on the land which he entered. His wife was originally Rachel Rubel, born February 1, 1801, in Tennessee (now deceased). The worthy wife of Mr. Haynes was a consistent member of the Christian church, and he was a Republican, and one of the substantial farmers _ of the neighborhood in which he resided. Seven children have blessed this union—Laura E., born March 5, 1847; Sarah E., October 23, 1849; Louisa M., December 22, 1851; William H., April 23, 1855; Lucy A., October 3, 1857; Stephen C., October 13, 1859, and Harrison W., February 22, 1862. Levi Johnson, merchant, Trenton. He was born February 6, 1831, in this county. Mr. Johnson has been married twice; the first time to Maria Blake, November 21, 1857; she was a native of Virginia, and born there in the year 1840; she deceased September 15, 1858. The second time he was marriéd to Bettie Butler, November 21, 1861; she was born in Campbell. county, Virginia, June 17, 1842. They have one child—Lillie T., who was born November 13, 1862. He was educated in the common schools of Vir- ginia, and followed farming and teaching music for twenty-five years; he also taught in the common schools in early life; was for eleven years engaged RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 949 in the mercantile business. He was elected to the office of township trustee of West River township in April, 1880. His father, Jonathan Johnson, was originally from Virginia, where he was born in 1803, and deceased in West Virgiriia in the year 1862. ‘ Other prominent pioneers of West River township were John B. Mills, William Adamson, Milton H. Beeson, A. Botkin, Henry H. Brooks, Isaac Farquhar, Jonah L. Catley, Milton Coffin, Daniel Cropper, Allen S. Cropper, Elisha Cox, Jesse G. Haines, William B. Harris, Willard Haines, Alpheus Hoofland, Martin Hoover, John Jenkins, Joshua G. Jones, George Keever, Ephraim Lee, John B. Mills, Oliver. H.. Millspaugh, John Moyer, David FE. Pursley, Joshua J. Sheppard, Rev. Daniel Worth, John Moyer, Oliver H. Millspaugh and George Moore. | Franklin township is located in the northern part of the county, being the smallest in extent of territory, as also the latest in formation. The town- ship embraces twenty-four square miles, being six miles long by four miles -wide. Franklin township lies in the valley of the Mississinewa river, on both sides of that stream, the river dividing it into two unequal parts. As to sur- face, the township is mostly rolling, though in some portions inclined to be level. The streams of water in the township are the irieiinew: in the north part, flowing westward; Day’s creek, entering the Mississinewa on the north, and Bear creek on the south. Day’s creek comes from Jay county, and Bear creek from White River township. Mlississinewa river is in this portion of its course a large and important stream, serving a good purpose for water power. Bear creek is of considerable size, ae early times was utilized to some extent. _ Like the rest of the county, this sae of Bandsiph was covered with a heavy growth of deciduous timber of many kinds, among which oak, sugar maple and walnut were prominent. Many.of tthe early pioneers made great quantities of sugar from their maple orchards in those original days, and though some things may have been scarce, “sweétening”’ was not. Deer, ‘bears, wolves, etc., were plentiful, as were also turkeys, squirrels and all the animals of various kinds common to the climate. and region, and hunters found the Mississinewa valley a very paradise for them. One of the first settlers killed six deer and wounded a seventh before ordinary breakfast time. The first settlement in Franklin was made in 1817 by Meshach Lewallyn, an elderly man with a large family. The great body of the township re- mained a wilderness for many years afterward. A few settlers, however, 950 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. made a location upon the river in the neighborhood, Mr. Lewallyn as just stated, in 1817, and Joab Ward in 1819. a Mr. Lewallyn, about 1819; built a mill on the river, which has ‘been a noted point ever since that day. The Mississinewa was in time of flood. navigable for flat-boats to Lewallyn’s mill, and not much above. Be This place became the nearest point of connection between the settle- : ments in Wayne county and the Wabash valley, and for many years produce in large quantities was brought though the wilderness to Lewallyn’s mill, and Joab Ward built boats and sold them to the produce owners to float it down the river into the Wabash valley. Many curious and some dangerous adventures occurred in connection with that old-time navigation down, the booming Mississinewa during the spring flodd upon the stream. The Indians were yet residents of the region, and some tragic occur-— rences took place near Ridgeville. Fleming was shot and wounded near Joab . Ward’s, and killed at Meshach Lewallyn’s, though not by him nor any of his family. Shadrach Lewallyn, one of Meshach’s sons, shot and killed an In- dian, and the natives were greatly enraged and made threats of vengeance. They were, however, quieted by the pacific efforts of Meshach Lewallyn, as also of David Connor, the Indian trader, who, though a rough and wild man himself, had yet a great influence over the savage red men of the forest; and he often employed it in the interest of peace and order, insomuch that he was, in solemn state, and with imposing ceremony, according to their custom. in such matters, installed a chieftain among the Miamis. Joab Ward, who came to Ridgeville in 1819, bought. land on credit of Mr. Lewallyn; and for ten years those pioneers were literally in the woods, cut off from their fellow-countrymen, and dwelling far amidst the mighty forests. The next settlers after the Lewallyns and the Wards, were, so far as now known, James Addington and David Hammer, who entered, and, it is to be presumed, settled upon section 10, about two miles west of Ridgeville and on the river. We are unable to follow the course of settlement further with any cer- tainty. About 1830 the current of emigration began to set with a slight force in that direction, which’ grew still stronger in 1832 and 1833, and from that time and onward till 1838 the township came to be filled with occupants, at least the land was by that time almost wholly entered. Not much needs to be said as to early efforts in the line of education and religion. The usual “woods schools” in the greased-paper log cabin were established in these forest nooks also. As to religion, noble souls and pious hearts found a dwelling place in RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 951 those otttposts, and the Gospel Shepherd sought out the stray sheep in the wilderness, giving to them the needed care and comfort. And what was thus _ sown has proved to be good seed cast into a fruitful soil, which has in these latter years, brought forth thirty, sixty and a hundred fold. TOWNS. Carlisle—Location on Mississinewa river, section 12, 21, 1 3, directly opposite the old town of Ridgeville, Edward McKew, proprietor; D. W. McNeal, surveyor; twenty-eight lots; recorded October 18, 1836, Ridge- ville (first plat) was recorded September 21, 1837. Carlisle was south of the river, and Ridgeville was (and is) north of it. Both the towns were still born. Sixteen years after 1836 no town was at either place, and the plat had relapsed into ordinary farm land. Ridgeville was laid out again, however, in about 1853, and this time the town began to grow. Yet it did not do much for a long time; not, in fact, till the Pan-Handle track was completed through its limits. But Carlisle never so much as “‘peeped.” We have never heard that it ever had even so much as a beginning. ; Ridgeville—Location, section 12, town 21, range 14, north side of Mississinewa river, William and John Addington, proprietors; Jere Smith, surveyor ; sixteen lots; street east and west, Main street; recorded September 21, 1837. Ridgeville (new town), Arthur McKew and Joab Ward, proprie- tors; 128 lots; streets, north and south, Race, Walnut; east and west, Water, - Main, First, Second, Third. Location, section 12, north of Mississinewa river, at what is now the crossing of the Pan-Handle and Grand Rapids railroads. Recorded January 5, 1853. Thus it is seen that Ridgeville was laid out twice, and has had nine additions at various times. It was platted by William and John Addington in 1837. There had been a mill built by Meshach Lewallyn and a flat-boat factory, carried on by Joab Ward for years, but not even the semblance of a town had come into being. And even _after the village was located by Mr. Addington (who was the proprietor of the mill after Lewallyn), no growth took place. Only three or four houses were erected, and the town seemed still-born. For sixteen years no business of importance was transacted in the place, and the lots had been remanded to their original farm state. Some of the men who were, or ‘had been, residents up to 1852, were -Meshach Lewallyn, miller; Joab Ward, farmer and boat-builder; William Addington, Jerry Barker, Legraves and Jenkins. Jenkins had a store in 1837. ‘Jerry Barker built a hewed-log house soon. after. Lewallyn’s mill was built about 1820, and in 1836 was owned by’ William Addington. At first, it was 952 RANDOLPH. COUNTY, INDIANA: only a corn-cracker, and was afterward changed into a flour-mill, with a hand-bolt (water mill). The stones were home-made. Joab Ward. and Arthur McKew re-laid the town in 1853, calling it Newtown. It stood on the Deerfield state road, as also at the crossing of the Pan Handle (P. C. & St. L.) and the “Shoo-Fly” (Richmond & G. R.) railroads, and on the ~ Mississinewa river, at the head of flat-boat navigation. A fine bridge spans — the Mississinewa south of the town. The country is good and the lands are ‘fertile’ During the summer of §880 the people of the town and region began to build pikes from Ridgeville into the surrounding country... In 1853 the Union & Logansport railroad was projected; and there: was. large activity at Ridgeville. In 1853-54 there were thirty carpenters at work in the town at once. Railroad work, however, soon ceased. The Logans- port road was not made until 1867, and the “Shoo-Fly” in 1872. The railroad ceased in 1857, and the town lagged. Mr. Sumption’s hotel prospered, and the stores, also, but up to 1866 there were no more than : -. one hundred people, perhaps not so many. From the completion of the Pan- - Handle railroad, the growth of the town has been constant. The foundation of Ridgeville College was laid in 1867, the instruction began in 1868, and the college building was inclosed and occupied in 1869. *s The Mississinewa river passes near the town on the south ‘side. For. many years this place was the point whence flat-boats were sent down the stream, laden with flour, bacon; apples, etc. Joab Ward built great’ numbers of these in the earlier days.’ That business, however, stopped long ago. Ridgeville is now a prosperous and thriving town, and an important and growing center of business and trade. In the vicinity is a great rock crusher ‘and hundreds of carloads of crushed rock are shipped annually. | Ridgeville has a broom factory second to none in the United States, one bank and several good business houses. A fine state of moral.sentiment exists, and temperance and good order largely prevail. Saloons for the most part, have been suppressed, and wherever the public feeling and principle are strong enough to prevent their existence, good morals are sure to be in the ascendant. Joseph Lay Company, Ridgeville —The ‘bsech Lay Company, manufac-. turers of brooms, was organized by Joseph Lay and Samuel C. Lay, in Ridge- ville in 1886, and was maintained as a mutual company until 1901 when it was incorporated under the state laws. The company at that time consisted of Joseph Lay, Samuel C. Lay and L. P. Sims. They organized with a capita! stock of $100,000.00. Their output per year is about 70,000 dozen brooms. They employ one RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 953 hundred men, fifty of whom are employed in Ridgeville and expend $60,000.00 per year for labor, alone. This company makes a specialty of factory brooms, -which are brooms of unusual weight. This company is the largest manu- - facturer ‘of heavy. brooms in the United States and uses on an average, per year, of 70 tons of bamboo, 50 of rattan and 360 tons of broom corn. They - are importers of rattan and split bamboo direct from China and are the great- est:consumers of this product of any other institution in the United States. 360 tons of broom corn per year would represent the growth of more than - a thousand acres. The presnt officers of this company that have done so much for the _business interests of Ridgeville are Samuel C. Lay, president and treasurer ; Lester P. Sims, vice-president; Harry J. Lay, secretary. This company also has.a plant at Mattoon, Ilinois. They manufacture house brooms especially at that place. Mr. Arthur J. Lay is the manager of that plant. Another important commercial enterprise of Randolph county is the A. & C. Stone & Lime Company, Ridgeville, Indiana. This company ‘was organized in about 1903, by John Armsfield and C. C. Cartwright, of Port- land. Mr. Will Nichois was superintendent, for a number of years. ‘They purchased thirty-eight acres of land east of Ridgeville and immediately began to crush stone for ballast, railroads and building of public highways. The company has been very successful and has grown to enormous pro- ., portions. Running constantly at this time three large crushers with an out- Sw ‘put of from 160,000 to 175,000 tons of stone annually. It requires over 3,000 cars to ship the material while hundreds of loads are hauled by wagons. The capital stock of this company is $250, This is represented by two plants, one at Ridgeville and one at Greencastle. This would make the Ridge- ville plant valued at approximately $125,000.00. This institution has been of great benefit to the people of Randolph county as it has been the means of -amaking better roads possible. The company as organized at the present time has the following officers: A. B. Meyer, president and_general manager ; C. C. Cartwright, vice-president; Ed Meyer and William C. Cartwright, secretary and treasurer ; John Collett, local manager. BIOGRAPHIES. . Jesse Addington was borri in Wayne county, Indiana, in 1814, and his wife, Margaret Sullivan, in North Carolina in 1815. She came to Washing- - ton, Indiana, in 1828, and moved to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1831. They were married in 1834, and moved to what is now Franklin township in the same year. They settled on Bear creek, “in the woods,’ three and a half miles from Ridgeville. 054 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Joseph Edger, Ridgeville, was born in 1822 in Harrison county, Ken- tucky, came to Darke county, Ohio, in 1824, his father died there, and he was brought up by his uncle, Edward Edger. In 1837 he accompanied this uncle to Deerfield, Randolph county, which town having been Jaid out a few years before that date had not yet began to grow. - Since that primeval period, there have been as merchants, among others, Beales’ branch store, in a log cabin; H. L. Searl, B. W. Hawkins, Fitzpatrick & Edger, Putnam & Avery, etc. Joseph Edger married Alite Kinnear in 1846, and has had Six children. He has lived at Deerfield, Winchester and Ridgeville; went to New Orleans and Texas, hunting a home, but came back to Ridgeville. George Huffman came to Randolph county, two miles west of Win- chester, in 1818; moved to Franklin township, on Bear creek, in 1838, and died in 1863, ee had ten children. : Arthur McKew was the son of Edward McKew, who moved to Ridge- ville, Indiana, in 1831, from Fayette county, Indiana, and previously from Cincinnati. He was born August 14, 1819, above Cincinnati, in Ohio; and was taken to Fayette county, Indiana, in 1819, and Ridgeville in 1831. He married Margery Ward, daughter of Joab Ward, and sister of Hon. Thomas Ward, of Winchester, Indiana, in 1844. They had six children. He farmed int Jay county four years, but returned to Ridgeville. He was county com- missioner of Randolph county two terms, and president of Winchester Na- tional Bank for sixteen months. He was a Methodist. Arthur McKew died in January, 1882, highly respected and greatly lamented; he was in a sixty- third year. Jeremiah L. Mock, son of Daniel Mock, of Ward township, was born in 1815, in Ohio; came to Randolph in 1828; married Matilda Pierce in 1834, who was the daughter of Burkett Pierce and born in 1817, and died in 1873. Mr. Mock had ten children and resided in Franklin township, northeast of Ridgeville for twenty-eight or thirty years, being a member of the Democratic party and in vocation a farmer. Pardon Sherman was born in 1801, in Greene county, New York. He married Mary D. Parke in 1826; they came to White river, Randolph county, in 1835, and to Franklin township in 1837. He entered eighty acres. They had six children. Mr. Sherman was one of fourteen children, eight boys and six girls, all grown, only eight of whom, however, were married. His wife. died in January, 1882, and her husband ended his life among mortal men in about a month afterward. Francis and James Stevens came in 1830 from Monroe county, Ohio.. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 955 to Franklin township, west of Ridgeville. Francis during his life had nine - children and James had seven children. They each entered’ eighty acres; they were both farmers. Andrew and Alexander Stevens came in 1835. Andrew. had eight chil- dren. Alexander had twelve children. Andrew has been dead many years. - Alexander has been dead fifty years. James Stevens has three sons living in Jay county. Andrew Stevens had three sons—Garvin, Jacob and Francis. Alexander Stevens had two sons, Joseph and Elijah. The Stevenses have always been active farmers and Democrats from olden time. Robert H. Sumption, Ridgeville, was born in Darke county, Ohio, in 1817; moved to Deerfield, Indiana, in 1835, and graduated at Greencastle, Indiana, in 1845, teaching school more or less during his time of study. He -married Berilla Ward in 1845 and moved to St. Joseph county, Michigan, teaching and farming till 1854. They returned to Ridgeville in that year and he kept hotel in that place till 1872. They had three children. Joab Ward, Ridgeville, was born in North Carolina, December 14, 1790; came to Ross county, Ohio, about 1800 and to Champaign county, Ohio, on King’s creek between 1813 and 1819; married Amy Grave in 1813 ; moved to near Ridgeville April 7, 1819; changed his residence for a short time to a farm east of Winchester for fear of the Indians, but returned soon afterward to his former abode near Ridgeville and never moved elsewhere from that time till his death. He bought of Meshach Lewallyn a small tract of land, reckoned to be fifty acres, at $3.00 per acre. The land was situated south of the river near the present water tank. Mr. Ward built a house, scutching down the logs and making a stick chimney and a clapboard roof. In about 1838, he put in new sills, raised the building to a story and a half, .pebble dashed and shingled it, making, also, ‘two brick chimneys and it is a good house to this day, still occupied as a residence. after standing ninety years. A fine spring was near, which in those times was reckoned a very great ‘ad- vantage. He had fifteen children, one still-born and twelve grew up. Joab Ward had been a trader in Ohio but he had “broken up,” and plunged into the Western woods, going to the bounds of civilization, Ridge- ville then being the extreme outskirt and corner of white settlement. His health was poor and his prospects were not bright. Without means, without health, with a growing family, he still lived in hope and ‘did his best, looking and wishing for better times. He first settled in a camp, cleared some land, made sugar, killed deer, etc. He was a great hunter, having killed more than once two deer with the same shot. At one time he killed six deer and crippled the seventh in one morning before ordinary breakfast time, He used to 956 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. hunt deer by driving sharpened stakes into the ground with points upward at the places where the deer would jump into the field, often crippling them thus. Several times four were killed by him in a single day. He died November 7, 1874, having lived there nearly fifty-six years and being eighty-four years old. He was a Whig and a Republican. His wife was a very religious woman, though she was deprived by long distance from meetings of religious - societies; she died in 1864. Both are buried at White River burying ground. Mr. Ward was empicyed fgr many years in building flat boats for sale to persons who wished to transport merchandise during the season of floods down the Mississinewa to the Wabash valley for traffic with the Indians and the early settlers in that region. -He was for nearly sixty years a prominent citizen of that portion of the county, the township receiving from him the name it still bears. Mr. Ward was greatly respected and highly esteemed, though quiet and unassuming and not inclined to press into active public life. Benjamin Addington was born in Wayne county, Indiana, June 28, 1824. His father, Joseph, was a native of South Carolina and his mother, whose maiden name was Ceilie Townsend, was born in North Carolina. They came to Randolph county in the spring “of 1834. The father died in 1837 and the mother in 1853. His grandfather Townsend was a soldier in the Revolu- tionary war. Mr. Addington was married in 1850 to Rebecca Harrald, who died March 4, 1876. They were the parents of seven children. Elisha T. Bailey, physician, was born in Clinton county, Ohio, Septem- ber 19, 1821. -His father, Hiram Bailey, was born in Sussex county, Vir- ginia, in 1796, and his mother, whose maiden name was Rachel Thomas, was born in Warren county, Ohio, in 1802. The parents removed to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1830, where they remained until death. The mother died in 1868 and the father in 1872. Elisha, their.son, attended the common school and worked on the farm until twenty-two years of age, and then be- gan the study of medicine under Dr. Stanton Judkins, brother of Professor Judkins, of Cincinnati. In 1846, he was examined by the Wayne county Medical Board and licensed to practice medicine. In 1847, he lotated at Emmettsville, Randolph county and practiced four years, then attended the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating in that institution. Tn 1854 he located at Ridgeville, where he continued the practice of his pro- fession. He was appointed postmaster at Emmettsville in 1848, and at Ridgeville in.1862. He also served as township trustee four years. In 1845, he was married to Julia A. Morgan, a native of Randolph county, who died in November 17, 1854. On the 27th of September, 1856, he married Paulina Mack. ‘Her father, Jeremiah L. Mack, was a native of Ohio, and her mother, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 957 Matilda (Pierce) Mack, a native of Randolph county. The second marriage was blessed by four children. Abraham Roe, farmer, was Ohio April 10, 1819. His father, Ezekiel, was born in Pennsylvania and his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Funk, a native of the same state. His father died June 20, 1860, and his mother in 1863, both in Randolph county. Mr. Roe came to this county at a time when Indians and wild game abounded. He killed, accord- ing to his own testimony, almost one thousand deer, the largest part of this number having been killed in this county, and his father was also a successful marksman. Mr. Roe was married, February 28, 1844, to Hannah Ren- barger, a native of Randolph county. They were the parents of four chil- dren, only one of whom, Elizabeth, now survives. She is the wife of L. L. Williams. Mrs. Roe is the daughter of Abraham and Rachael (Luellen) . Renbarger, the former-a native of Kentucky and the latter of Ohio. Mr. Roe always followed’ the occupation of farming. Mrs. Angeline Whipple, housekeeper, Ridgeville, was horn in Randolph . county, Indiana. Her father, Reuben Whipple, was born in Delaware oe county, Ohio, in January, 1834. Her mother, whose maiden name was Mary Orcutt, was born in Darke county, Ohio, October 18, 1838. Mrs. Whipple was married on the 4th of May, 1876, to Newton McKew, a native of Ran- dolph county, and son of Arthur McKew. Her husband was born July 13, 1854 and died July 6, 1879. They had two children. ‘Other prominent pioneers of Franklin township were: Benjamin Add- ington, Elisha T. Bailey, Joseph Butterworth, John M. Coon, Christopher C. Hiatt, William N. Janes, Isaiah C.. Milner, Alexander Wood, John E. Smith- son, Isaac N. Straton, George W. Wesler and Robert H. Sumption. Ward Township.—As at present constituted, it embraces township 21 north, range 14 east of the second principal meridian, comprising a full town- ship of thirty-six sections, equal to 23,040 acres. It lies wholly in the Missis- . sinewa valley. That river passes through the township in a direction nearly west and toward the north side of the township, the larger portion being south of the river. Massey’s Hickory and Mud creeks from the south and Goshen creek from the north, flow through the township to the Mississinewa. It is one of the northern tier in the county, extending on the north to the Jay couny line. The surface is level or moderately rolling. Near the river the land is somewhat hilly; farther toward the head of the streams, it becomes ‘ between the two rivers. ; rather level, though less inclined to be marshy than if nearer the “divide” (61) Hy 958 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Originally, like the county in general, the earth was covered with a thick and heavy forest of many’ kinds of trees, the weight and burden of which sixty years of wearisome labor, performed by two or three generations of hardy yeomanry, have scarcely been able to remove. Indeed, much still re- mains, greatly more in fact, than the farm needs. To get rid of the timber has, in days gone by, been a fearful task; a task, too, till within a few years, well-night useless, except that it was taken out of the way. The labor of clearing the-ground and of fenciily the fields, is greater by far than would readily be supposed, and the amount of work of that kind that the farmers of Randolph county have accomplished since first the white man’s ax became a factor in thé human problem in this region, is past all belief. The ringing ax, the crashing branches, the thundering trunk, the resounding maul, the cracking of the teamster’s whip, all the various noises of a woodman’s life, have for ages-past been the music of the clearing. EARLY HISTORY. A few settler$ found their way upon the Mississinewa very early in the history of the county. When, in August, 1818, the first election was held in the then new county of Randolph, several families resided in the Missis- sinewa valley and most of them east of Deerfield. Just who were there at that early time cannot now with certainty be determined. The first entry in the Mississinewa valley and in Ward township as well, appears to have been near the river and not far from the east side of the township. It com- prised a whole section, section 13, township 21, range 14, and was entered by James Strain. We have not met his name in any account of the primitive settlement of the valley. be ’ The next entry was by Daniel Richardson. The land lay directly north of Strain’s section, and on both sides of the river. June 10, 1817, or three weeks after’ Richardson’s entry, eight other entries were made, all quarter sections but one, one thousand three hundred and sixty acres in all. The parties were James Wilson, Benjamin Lewallyn, David Kite, Daniel Kite, James and John Jacobs, Joel Canady, James Reed. These tracts all lay in sections 7, 8,9 and 10. These lands extended from Burkett Pierce’s on the west, to one and one-half miles east of Deerfield, three miles in length, but did not include the town itself. With Meshach Lewallyn’s and James Strain’s, the whole extent of the river for seven miles had been taken up, except one and three-fourths miles in two “gaps.” In the course of three years or by October, 1820, most of the rest of the land on and near the river and several tracts along Mud and Hickory and Goshen creeks had been purchased. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 959 Martin Boots and Henry Kizer had located on Mud creek, the latter far up near Stone Station. James and Tense Massey, Allen Wall and others, had settled on the river east of Deerfield. Robert Taylor was on the creek which comes from the north to the Mississinewa, at the Ritenour church- Saniuel Cain, Jeremiah Lindsay, Jacob Weaver and William Jackson ‘had entered land on Hickory creek, south of Deerfield. James Jacobs had entered the Ritenour land. Joseph Hinshaw entered the land embracing the west part of Deerfield, June 23, 1817. The east part was in section 16 and there- fore school land. _ But though the Mississinewa valley was nearly all occupied within three or four years, or by the close of 1820, yet the growth of the region was ex- ceedingly slow. The valley was isolated. The settlers could scarcely get out in any direction. They were away from any great route of travel. One of the chief western thoroughfares passed through Winchester and connected the central portion and the White river valley with the world at large. But not so with the Mississinewa. The regions north did not open till 1835 to 1837, and then only was the whole county occupied and the world “swallowed them up” with settlements on every side. Deerfield sprang up and for many years became an important trade center. The swamps between Winchester and Deerfield stood almost as an impassable barrier until a late period. As late as 1859, there was a “corduroy bridge” on that northern road, one and - one-fourth miles long. Imagine the road then, thirty or forty years before that time. But the forests have been cleared and the swamps drained and the northern “pike” has been built and Ward township has gained full con- nection with the rest of the world. Through the whole county and in Ward township as well, religion found early and effective entrance. As soon, perhaps, as 1823 or 1824, may be even before that, the “circuit riders” had ridden through swamps and crossed those creeks and found and fed those sheep in the wilderness. Meetings were had at Riley Marshall’s, Allen Wall’s and elsewhere east of Deerfield, . and at some friendly dwelling west, perhaps at Mr. Ritenour’s. But very early Ritenour’s meeting-house was built and that graveyard established, and not long afterward the old Prospect meeting-house was erected and that second cemetery also dedicated to the memory of the dead ones dear. Two generations have come and gone and those now ancient meeting-houses have completed their work and fulfilled their mission. How many, many times have their sacred walls echoed the sound of the Gospel message as it fell upon the eager ears of the scores or even hundreds of anxious listeners gathered: ‘from their simple forest homes to take part in the holy service and feed their 960 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. longing souls with heavenly manna. Still, schools were found even there. The log cabin, the huge stick chimney, the greased’ paper lights, the split pole seats, the puncheon: floors, the slab writing desks against the wall, were prepared by these forest dwellers and not a few who have since “made their mark” among men had their “start” in the wooden schoolhouses of Ward township. Hon. Thomas Ward, Hon. Enos L. Watson, Thomas Kizer, Esq., Col. Martin B. Miller, Isaac Jenkinson and more besides, emerged from those dim forest shades. into the brighter sunshine of the county-seat or else- where. Mr. Ward says that he never attended any school in his life except those taught in a greased paper log cabin. Ward Entries—James Strain, Section 13, 21, 14, 1816; Daniel Richard- son, S. W. 12, 21, 14, 1817; James Willson, N. W. 10, 21, 14, 1817; James Willson, W. S. W. Io, 21, 14, 1817; Benjamin Lewallyn, S. E. 7, 21, 14, 1817; David Kite, N. E. 8, 21, 14, 1817; Daniel Kite, S. E. 8, 21, 14, 1817; James and John Jacobs, S. W. 8, 21, 14, 1817; Joel Canady, N. E. 9, 21, 14, 1817; James Reed; Jacob Graves, S. W. 7, 21, 14, 1817; James Reed, S. W. 9, 21, 14, 1817; David Connor, N. W. 9, 21, 14, 1817; Joseph Hinshaw, N. E. 17, 26, 14, 1817; James Jacobs, N. E. 18, 21, 14, 1817; John S. Reed, E. N. W. 17, 21, 14, 1817; James Massey, W. S. W., 11, 21, 14, 1818; Tence Massey, E. S. E. 10, 21, 14, 1818; Robert Taylor, N. W. 8, 21, 14, 1818; Richard Beeson, N. E. 21,. 21, 14, 1818; Samuel Cain, E. S. W. 21, 21, 14, 1818; James Massey, N. W. 24, 21, 14, 1818; Joseph Cravens, E. N. E. 14, 21, 14, 1819; William. Jackson, S. E. 21, 21, 14, 1819; Eli Blount, W. S. E. 12, 21, 14, 1819; John Halt, E. N. W. 28, 21, 14, 1819; Jeremiah Lindsey, W. S. W. 28, 21, 14, 1819; Jacob Weaver, N. E. 28, 21, 14, 1819; Martin Boots, E. N. E. 20, 21, 14, 1820; Henry Kizer, N. W. 29, 21, 14, 1820; Henry Kizer, N. E. 31, 21, 14, 1820; Henry Kizer, E. S. E. 30, 21, 14, 1822; William Simmons, N. E. S. E. 12, 21, 14, 1826: Samuel Helm, N. W. S. E., 24, 21, 14, 1826; Samuel Hodges, S. E. S. W. 5, 21, 14, 1826; James G. Birney, E. S. E. 29, 21, 14, 1826: John Baugh, S. E. S. E. 12, 21, 14, 1826; Israel Taylor, N. E. N. W. 14, 21, 14, 1828; Burkett Pierce, E. N. E. 7, 21, 14, 1832; Daniel B. Miller, E. N. E., 23, 21, 14, 1831; Perry Fields (part of) 16, 21, 14, 1834; Andrew Key, N. E. S. E. 14, 21, 14, 1836. Ward township was entered mostly between 1836 and 1838 inclusive, during which time an immense amount of land was purchased in Randolph county of the United States and great numbers of families took up their abode within its limits. Among the chief settlers on the Mississinewa may be named Burkett Pierce, Joab Ward, Elias Kizer, Daniel B. Miller, William Simmons, Messrs. Ritenour, Parsons, Cain and others not now in memory. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 961 Mr. Parsons built the first mill on the Mississinewa after Lewallyn’s at Ridge- ville. That mill stood some years; was washed away and Mr. Ritenour built another one hundred yards lower down. ‘Joab Ward’s house was the scene of the encounter of the Indians with Ward and Kizer and the shooting of Fleming in the bushes by Jesse and John Gray was near by. David Connor’s trading house was above Deerfield and the Mississinewa valley witnessed many early trials and perils springing from the whisky so freely dealt by the traders of those times to those poor natives of the forest wilds. But those were days of ignorance. The children of many of the whisky-sellers of pioneer times are among the most sturdy advo- cates of total abstinence of the present day. Let our motto be, “Out of the darkness, into the light.” Rather than widely parade in unseemly promin- ence any of the evil traits in the characters of the ancestral dwellers, it were better to follow the primal example of filial affection, and, like the children of Noah of old, taking a garment upon the shoulders of two with mingled feelings of reverence and sorrow lovingly to shield the unsightly failings from public gaze and in the full noontide radiance of this latter day, walk — ever forward toward the light, onward and upward, ever into the light, honor- ing our fathers for their heroism, copying filially their virtues, shunning their failings, that our pathway may be like “‘the path of the just, shining more and more unto the perfect day.” ROADS. Three old routes of travel passed through Ward township—from Win- chester to Ridgeville; frony Winchester to Portland via Deerfield, and from Greenville northwest through Deerfield, Ridgeville and Fairview. The smooth and gravelly surface, the solid highway, is widely in con- trast to the “corduroy” that used to stretch its rough and weary length for miles and miles at intervals toward the northern regions—northward, con- stantly northward, farther and still farther, across swamps, through jungles, over creeks and rivers, through bottomless morasses, into the gloomy, over- shadowing forests, those rude paths, those primitive roads—they could not be called highways—would unroll their endless extent. And now these awful “corduroys,” which used to jerk and shake and pound and rattle, with their endless “pounce” and “bounce,” by sunlight and starlight, in rain or in shine, come winter come summer, do that fearful work no more forever! - TOWNS. Deerfield—Location, sections 16 and.17, 21, 14, south side of Missis- sinewa river. The village was laid out in 1833 by Messrs. Curtis & Butler 962 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. and surveyed by D. W. McNeil, ‘of Portland. The town is located north of Winchester on the state road laid out from Greenville west, and running © .by Fairview into Delaware county. A pike connects the place with Win- chester. The “Pan Handle” (P. C. & St, L.) railroad is within. about a mile - south of the town. In 1837, four log cabins constituted. the sum total of that embryo town. In one of them, Henry Taylor played at keeping hotel and also sold whisky. In another, Henry Sweet worked as a blacksmith. Jonathan Thomas lived near and was a farmer. William Anderson was also a resident but what was his occupation is to us utterly unknown. Edward Edger came there to show the dwellers in those woods what could be accomplished in the business of a merchant, bringing with him a magnificent stock of goods, the value of which could not have been less than $200. After a time, a second store was opened by John Jenkinson. A somewhat amusing instance of apparent larceny occurred in connection with Mr. Jenkinson’s stock of goods. Some ribbons were missing and in these days the absence of a few rolls of ribbons ‘would be readily discovered. The lost treasure was looked for high and low and were given over at last as having been stolen. They had been stolen in fact, but not by felonious biped burglars. They were found weeks after- ward in a mouse hole in one of the logs of the wall. George Ritenour owned a mill one mile below Deerfield very early, as he was one among the very first settlers in the region. The village grew at one time to be of consider- able size and was in early days the center of a large and prosperous trade, the best time in that respect being from 1845 to 1855. Much grain and stock changed hands there; many goods were sold; a woolen factory, a grist-mill, etc., were built and altogether, that town became a lively place. But the era of railroads in this region began and drew the current of business elsewhere. Especially since the Union & Logansport and the R. & G. R. R.’s have been made has the town rapidly declined. At one time a grist-mill had a great run of business, people coming from Wabash, Center- ville, Greenville, etc. There were other mills, but the Deerfield mill had a great reputation and drew much custom from an extensive region.’ At one time Deerfield was the only postoffice between Winchester and Fort Wayne. Randolph.—Location, on Pan Handle railroad, eleven miles west of Union City, one mile south of (old) Deerfield, three miles east of Ridgeville. Recorded May, 1867; seventy-four lots, 44x125 feet. The growth of the , place has been slow, and it is yet quite small, being too near Ridgeville (a point where two important railroads cross each other) for extensive trade. Some business, however, is done and considerable grain and stock are handled. Saratoga.—Location, section 25, 21, 14, on Pan Handle railroad, fifty- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 963 two lots; J. C. Albright, proprietor. Recorded August 10, 1875. The town was begun under the name of Warren Station, about 1867, when the Pan- Handle railroad was built, though the plat seems not to have been recorded till 1875. It grew up immediately upon the completion of the Union & Logansport railroad and has become the center of some trade. In 1880, there were three stores. It now has one bank, one postoffice, one hotel, one schoolhouse, two churches—United Brethren, frame, 1870; Methodist Epis- copal, brick, 1877, also all merchandise is handled here; one cemetery. The town has some growth and does a fair business. It is seven miles from Union City, four miles from Randolph and five miles from Deerfield. Stone Station (Clark Post’ Office)—Small unincorporated town and station on Richmond & Grand Rapids railroad on sections 30 and 31, 21, 14, four miles from Winchester and four miles from Ridgeville. It is not a laid out town but a small station on the Richmond & Fort Wayne railroad, started about the time of the completion of that road, 1870. The-place is small with but little business. A fearful casualty occurred at the place in March, 1882. The boiler of a steam saw-mill exploded, killing several persons outright and wounding others. BIOGRAPHY. Benjamin Clevenger was born in Pennsylvania in 1816 and came to Ran- dolph county, Indiana, about 1850; married first in Pennsylvania but lost his wife there and was married again in Randolph county, in 1851. His second wife was Sarah Ann Smiley, who was born in 1838 and whose parents moved to Randolph county the same vear. Mr. Clevenger moved to Pennsylvania after living awhile here, but he returned again and took up his permanent abode two miles east of: Deerfield on the Greenville state road. He had only three children. He was a thriving farmer, owning about one hundred and forty acres of land; a Democrat in politics and township trustee during two terms, 1876-80. William Doty was born in Maryland. He came to Butler county, Ohio, and to Randolph county, Indiana, the latter removal having been made in 1828. He was the father of eleven children. Mr. Doty was a farmer, residing just across the Mississinewa river from Deerfield. - Samuel Emery.—Amiong the quaint personages ‘of the pioneer times of Randolph county, Samuel Emery was conspicuous. We regret that no de- tailed history of him has been obtained. He was an early settler, among the first and he died a very old man, yet no one has been found who can give a definite history of his life. Andrew Aker in his “reminiscences,” furnishes 964 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. a hint from which to draw a picture of the odd, quaint, sturdy, brave, honest backwoodsman. He says, in substance: “There came to my store in Win- chester a strange, uncouth-looking fellow with a bundle of skins on his back. His pants were buckskin and ripped up to the knee; the rim of his straw hat was half torn off, his shoes were ragged and tied up with hickory bark and everything else in proportion. He wished to ‘trade out’ his roll of buckskins. He got several articles; we reckoned up and found the account nearly even. He then said, ‘I wish to get some gther things—powder, lead and flints; will you trust me?’ I asked Charles Conway. ‘Oh, Sam Emery is all right; he is one of the substantial citizens out on the Mississinewa.’ So I ‘trusted’ him, and he paid promptly. He traded much with me afterward, dealing always fairly like the honorable man that he was.” Samuel Emery lost some money and was considerably worried, for “money was money” in thuse times; be- sides, no one likes to lose a thing by having it stolen at any time. Edward Edger, then at Deerfield, thinking perhaps he could guess where the money had gone, since “boys will be boys,” and sometimes think they need more than their “pap” thinks they do, advised Mr. Emery to a certain course which he followed faithfully. He took the Bible and read a certain chapter five nights in succession and told his family that he was doing it to find out who took his money and that the one who had taken it would die on . the fifth night. The last night as the old man took down the Bible for the fifth time and began to read, one of the boys sang out, “Stop, dad; you might have a death in your own family!” He stopped and made no more inquiry for his money. Perry Fields lived east of Deerfield on the old state road. He was born in North Carolina in 1802. His father moved to Tennessee in 1804. Perry Fields married Millie Bragg in 1826, and in 1833 they emigrated to Randolph county, settling in Ward township. He bought one hundred and sixty acres in the school section and soon after, forty acres more. He kept on buy- ing at various times until he owned three hundred and sixty-five acres. They - fad five children. Mr. Fields was a Methodist and a Democrat. Mrs. Fields died very suddenly in the early winter of 1880. She was found in the morn- ing, just before breakfast, sitting in her chair dead. She had been a member of the Methodist church for nearly sixty years; in fact, ever since she was a young girl. [Perry Fields died August, 1882, aged eighty years. ] Jesse Gray was born September 9, 1789, at Newberry, South Carolina. His mother was a native of Ireland and his father, having been born in Mary- land, fought through the war of the Revolution and emigrated to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1810. Jesse Gray married Sarah Stone in 1808 and in RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 965 1811, in company with a brother-in-law, they set out for Indiana, the wives, children and movables “being brought upon horses equipped with pack-sad- dies.” They did not sleep under a roof upon the route, but, finding some relatives in Knox county, Kentucky, they stopped there, doing this the more willingly since the Indians north of the Ohio river were hostile; the war with ‘England was at hand, and the Indians mostly sided with the British. At the first call for volunteers, Jesse Gray answered the call and joined the first company from that region. They were placed under General Harrison’s command at Cincinnati and served in northwestern Ohio. Returning from the war at its close, he found a wife overjoyed to see her hushand once more, no word from him having reached her ears during his absence. They next moved to Wayne county, Indiana, soon afterward to Butler county, Ohio, -and in 1820, according to his memory, they emigrated to the*banks of the Mississinewa river, in Randolph county, where he spent the time upon which in his old age he looked back as his happiest years. His life was, however, by no means quiet, but full rather of adventure and romance. Deer-hunting, bear-killing, Indian-shooting and such like were but the events of his every- day career. He roamed the forests far and wide, Wayne, Randolph and Jay counties, and we know not how much larger a scope of country, were the scenes of his wild pranks and his narrow escapes. Northern Randolph is full of verbal reminiscences of the old hunter, but accurate details are never- theless not easily obtained. When Fleming, the Indian, was killed at Lewallyn’s by Jesse Gray and Smith, the mulatto whom Fleming had wounded, Gray was living on Mud creek near Elias Kizer’s. On account of the trouble arising from that homicide, he left the county and the state ana resided for several years near Hill Grove, Ohio. Mr. Clapp, resident near “Deerfield, saw him at Bridge’s Mill, below Greenville in 1826. Tyre Puckett says that Jesse Gray was indicted for the killing of Fleming and that his father, Joseph Puckett, was one of the grand jury that found the indictment. William Warren says he was at Jesse Gray’s house in 1832 and that he resided then near Hill Grove, Darke county, Ohio. A lady resident near Deerfield * says that her sister lived on old Jesse Gray’s place five years, from about 1845 to 1849, and that was north of the Loblolly, near the line of Adams and Wells counties; that he was then a very old man with a number of great- -gtandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Judge Wharry, of Greenville, an old man and an almost life-long resident of that town, says that Jesse Gray, as early as 1824, had killed the Indian Fleming, had fled from Randolph on account of it and was living near Hill Grove. He had a good farm there of one hundred acres, but was a famous hunter. Judge Wharry says he has 966 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. bought great quantities of furs and deerskins from Jesse Gray while he dwelt at Hill Grove and also that Mr. Gray must have moved away to. the “Loblolly” about 1840. Darke county history mentions Jesse Gray as settling probably the first in Jackson township, a mile or two from Union City, Ohio, and not far from Hill Grove. After residing for many years north of the Loblolly, he is said to have removed to Jay county, in the region of Camden, and to have died there some years ago. His father, John Gray, is thought to have lived and died one mile north of Deerfield, having had eleven children. Jesse .Gray himself was twice married and had a large family. His brother, Hezekiah, went to Texas and died there. ae e Henry Kizer was born in. Botetourt county, Virginia, in 1776; came to Ross county, Ohio, and then to Randolph county, in 1821. He had entered land in 1820, east of Stone Station, in Ward township. His wife was born in 1770, being six years older than her husband. He died August 12, 1823, and his wife died the next day, August 13, 1823, both in middle life. They were earnest Methodists. Thomas W. Kizer, in speaking of his grandmother, when looking at-the old family Bible, feelingly remarked: ‘There is not a word in this old book that grandmother has not read over and over.” They had four children, all sons—Elias, Henry, Adam, William: Daniel Mock was born in Rowan county, North Carolina, in 1784, com- ing afterward, to Greene county, Ohio; he was in the war of 1812, receiving afterward a pension as a soldier. He became.a settler in Ward township in 1824, fixing his location on Clear creek. Mr. Mock had ten children, aes . of whom were married. John Mock, the son of Daniel Mock, settled east of Deerfield, on Clear creek, being born in 1811 and coming there with his father from Ohio in 1824. John Mock married Elizabeth Cain, and also Miss Watson, a sister of Hon. E. L. Watson, of Winchester, Indiana Mr. Mock had a large. family; was a farmer and a merchant.of Deerfield and a prominent citizen in Randolph county. ’ Amos Orcutt was born in 1825, in Darke county, Ohio, coming with his father to Randolph county, in 1838. He married in 1848, Phoebe Ann Sutton and had six children. He resided two and a half miles ‘northwest of Deer- field. Burkett Pierce was born in Virginia in 1793. His father and mother were Samuel and Delilah Pierce and they moved to Ross county, Ohio, in 1800, ten miles from Chillicothe. Mr. Pierce was married to Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Joab Ward and sister of Thomas Ward in 181 5, she having been > born in 1797. They moved to near Deerfield, Ramiolgh county in 1819 or RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Y67 * 1820, and Mr. Pierce resided in the same vicinity until his death. His wife departed this life in 1859, aged about sixty-two years. Their children have been seven in number, to-wit: Matilda, born in 1816, married Jeremiah L. Mock, had eight children and died in 1876; Uriah, born in 1818, married Martha A. Mock, had six children and died in 1878; Delila, died an infant; James married Mercy Whipple, had thirteen children, three pairs of twins; Joel married Sarah Collins and Julia Sherman, the last having one child; Nancy, 1828 (W. C. King), no children; Sarah, 1832. John B. Sipe is the son of Samuel Sipe, of Ward township. He joined Company C, Ninetieth Indiana Regiment (Fifth Cavalry), August 8, 1862, _and served nearly three years; receiving his discharge after the close of the war, June 30, 1865. Two-of his brothers were in the same company, viz., Tsaac and Martin (Van Buren). The latter was prisoner of war at Rich- mond, Belle Isle and Andersonville: for many months, but was at length set free and joined his regiment. They were all mustered out together. He resided on the old homestead. The voters of Ward township chose him as their trustee in the spring of 1880. John H. Sipe was a farmer of Ward township. He was born in Bed- ford county, Pennsylvania, in 1802; married Mary Brubaker in 1824, came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1842; has had nine children. In the early time of his settlement here, he engaged extensively in teaming and made much money in that way. John Thomas and Perry Fields had had a saw-mill near Mr. Sipe’s, where the state road crosses Clear creek, east of Deerfield. Mr. Sipe rebuilt the mill and kept it in operation till the spring of 1880. Samuel Sipe was born in Pennsylvania in 1798; married Barbara Bru- ‘baker in 1823 and came to Ward township, Randolph county, Indiana, in 1847. They had ten children. He entered no land, as he came to the county too late for that. He owned, however, two hundred and forty acres; was a thriving, prosperous farmer, a prominent and. energetic citizen and was a member of the Democratic party in politics. He died in 1875, being about seventy-seven years old and was buried in Deerfield cemetery. near the old chapel west of the town. His wife survived her husband. She died October 8, 1882. . / Temple Smith was born in 1806, in Adair county, Kentucky; went to Highland county, Ohio, in 1811, and came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1819. He resided thirty-six years west of Bloomingsport—six years at Buena Vista, two years at Farmland and fifteen years east of Stone Station, Ward township. He married Priscilla Crossley in 1827 (born in 1809). They had twelve children. His wife died in January, 1882. 968 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. - : Allen Wall was among thé very first residents of the Mississinewa valley, above Deerfield. He was born in North Carolina in ‘about 1779. His wife’s maiden name was Sarah Beechy and they had ten children, all grown and married. Mr. Wall entered forty acres about two miles east of Deerfield, north of the Mississinewa, settling in the region about 1817-18. Samuel Emery lived not very far away, though he came years later. Mr. Wall died in 1835, aged about fifty-six. His wife died in 1841. Nearly the only settlers east of Deerfield in 1819 Were the Masseys and the Jacksons. Robert, James and Tense Massey were there some time before. James, at least, was in the county and on the Mississinewa in the summer of 1818. James and- Tense Massey appear to have made their first entry in sections 10 and 11, January 26, 1818, and William Jackson in section 21, October 2, 1819. Mr. Wall was a farmer and he and his people were Methodists. It is likely that he was a Democrat, as most (though, indeed, not all) of the dwellers in that region were and are of that political faith. John R. Warren was born in North Carolina in 1813; came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1821, and married Ann Newton in 1834; moved to Ward ‘township, Randolph county, in 1836; entered 160 acres of land and shortly afterward 160 more. He owned.-at one time g8o acres and had it all under fence. His first wife died in April, 1878, and his second wife in October, 1879. He has had ten children. Jason Whipple, Deerfield, was born in 1804, in Rhode Island; came to Delaware county, Ohio, in 1817; married Eliza H. Bass in Rhode Island in 1824; moved to Jay county, Indiana, near and north of Liber in 1836, and to Deerfield, Randolph county, in 1847. He had thirteen children. They reside in Randolph, Jay and Adams counties, Indiana, in Missouri, Minnesota and still elsewhere. He has been a farmer, a mechanic’ and a miller. Mr. Whipple built a steam grist-mill’ at Deerfield in 1855. It was afterward owned by his son, Willis Whipple. He was twice married. Thomas L. Addington, farmer, P. O. Randolph, was a native of. Wayne county, Indiana, and was born January 26, 1829. His father, James Add- ington, was a native of South Carolina and came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1806. About the year 1809, he married Miss Nancy Lewallyn, by whom he had thirteen children: John L. (deceased), William (killed ‘by: lightning in 1852), Benjamin G., Rachel, Thomas L. (our subject), Isaac and Mary. The elder Addington died in Kansas in 1860, while there visiting friends. His father-in-law, Meshach Lewallyn, came to this county about the’ year 1818, and erected the first mill on the Mississinewa river. He came with his parents to this county in 1832 and settled in the woods; he attended school RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 969 in a log cabin with slab seats, greased paper windows and a board, stipported on pins in the wall, for a writing-desk. He was married in September, 1852, to Miss Marybeth Woodard, by whom he had two children—Melissa anc William. Mrs. Addington died in 1854 and in 1857 he married Miss Nancy Pierce, daughter of Burkett Pierce. By her he had four children: Mary- beth (deceased), Elizabeth, Elsworth and Anthony. David Almonrode (deceased) was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, November 16, 1814, and was a son of George and Margaret Almonrode; he came to this county with his widowed mother about the year 1836; he was first married, June 7, 1838, to Miss Esther-Bousman, daughter of Adam Bousman, an early settler of this county. They had six children. Other men prominent in the early history of Ward township were: William O. King, Elisha L. Lollar, William Montgomery, Thomas G. Mullen, . Uriah Pierce, David Pogue, Doctor John Purcell, Jesse Riddlebarger, James A. Sipe (a Mexican soldier), John Smiley, Walter Smiley, William Stick, John R. Warren and Alexander Vorhis. Mr. Vorhis was located near Deer- - field until about 1890 at which time he moved to Winchester. Mr. Vorhis by his personal characteristics won many friends and enjoyed the confidence of the public. In 1863 he married Hettie M. Drew, Shelby county, New York. Wayne Township.—Wayne township was created in 1838. It lies on the east side of Randclph county, Indiana, with Jackson township north, Darke county east, Greensfork township on the south and White River town- ship at the west. The township is about eight miles north and south and five miles east and west, containing about forty sections. It lies on both sides of the old (Wayne’s) boundary, embracing most of township 17 and the south part of township 18 north, range 1 west and the north part of township 10, and all of township 20, range 15 east. It is located upon Greenville and Dismal creeks and also on White river and Little Mississinewa river. The surface is mostly level and some of it quite low, though probably its entire extent is tillable by proper drainage. Greenville creek is in the southeast, Dismal in the central east, Little Mississinewa in the center and northeast and White river in the west. The western part was first settled in 1818 and onward. The first settlers were at Jericho. Amos Peacock, Benoni Hill, Hiram Hill and Abram Peacock were perhaps the first. They came in 1818. Joshua Foster came very early in 1819 or 1820. Robert Murphy, three and a half miles: south of Union City, came in 1834. Settlers in that region and soon after were James Griffis, in 1833; Smith Masterson. William Kennon lived on the State road in 1832. He was the father of Smith Kennon, north- 970 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. west of Bartonia. John Dixon lived one and a half miles north of Murphy. Mr. Green lived on the state road. The first important mill in Wayne town- ship was Cox's, on White river, about five miles east of Winchester; built in 1825. It was sold to Joseph and Benjamin Pickett before a long time and bought afterward (1853) by William Pickett and run till 1864; stood idle through five dry years and was pulled down in 1870. The first school prob- ably was in Jericho settlement, among the Friends in 1822 or 1823. Matiam Hill taught the school in Friends, meeting-house, with twenty or twenty-five pupils.pupils. Friends’ meeting was established about 1821 at Jericho. The first school near Robert Murphy’s he said was about 1838. Several settlers came in that year and the neighbors built a little log cabin schoolhouse with no win- dows, but a log cut out for light. The first meeting-house in his region was at . South Salem. They used to go to Coletown, Ohio, at first where was a Congregational church. The members of the F rierids’ meeting were Benoni Hill, Amos Peacock, Henry Hill, Abram Peacock, Elijah Cox, William Cox. There was no preacher in the meeting for a long time. _ The first one in the bounds of the meeting was John Jones. It was-a quaint but affecting sight to witness those faithful souls gathering in that humble woods cabin and sitting in utter quiet, without a word of prayer or exhortation or song, wait- ing in stillness’on the Lord for the power of His purifying spirit in their _ hearts, meeting thus week by week, month by month, year by year, without _ weariness and without failing, humbly and in love both with God and with’ men. Different settlers came at various times. Some of those who are now prominent came later. James Griffis moved to the Griffis farm in about 1838; ‘Norton, near Bartonia: Graves, old town of Randolph; Bailey, who kept a store and tavern just east of Randolph in 1846, and for years verore and after came very early. The father of Thomas S. Kennon, northwest of | Bartonia, came in 1830. Mr. Shockney, father. of Samuel Shockney, west of Bartonia, emigrated from Maryland in 1840. Williamson, on the State Line pike, south of Union City, settled there in about 1838. Elihu Cammack, on the State road, east of Bartonia, settled there in 1846, but was born near Arba in 1817. William Pickett settled in White River township in 1828 and in Wayne township at the Cox Mill property in 1853. The Pollys and the Masons came in early. George Thomas, son of Benjamin Thomas, near Newport, Indiana, settled in Randolph county (Jericho), in 1835, and his wife in Wayne township in 1818. William A. Macy, north of Elihu Cam- mack, came there in 1852. Jolin Hartman, northwest of William A. Macy. settled there in 1848. Gullett, west of Robert Murphy’s, came to that-place - RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 971 about 1836. Poor settled near the Griffis farm. Joshua Foster came to the same neighborhood early—1820 or sooner; Sheets, north of Union, in 1830. The “Bee Line,” the original Indianapolis & Bellefontaine road, was the second road in the state, built in 1851-53. The “Pan Handle” was begun about the same time, and constructed to Union City from Columbus soon after, but completed to Logansport about 1867. These roads are now parts respectively of two immense railroad corporations, holding each thousands of miles of track and millions of dollars’ worth of fixtures and apparatus. _At first, emigrants in great numbers passed westward and in a few years vast droves of cattle came East on the same route. Many persons kept hotel "and pasture and feed stations. for people and for droves. Immense crowds of cattle used to go East along this route during twenty or thirty years—in fact, until the Bellefontaine railroad stopped the business, in’ 1853—seven ot eight hundred fat cattle would be in a single drove. The road would be tracked in straight, deep hollows, as if logs had been “plumped” down length- wise and taken up, leaving a huge mark across the road. In Wayne township, James Griffis kept one of the chief stations for droves for many years. William Robison, whose father lived not far east of Winchester, said his father kept a tavern and also fed cattle more or less. The charges seem to have been low enough, compared with these times. The price for man and horse (supper, lodging and breakfast for both) was thirty-seven and a half cents. He says also that the boys had often to sleep in the barn on the hay-mow to make room for the travelers in the house.. The business of feeding droves seems to have been lucrative. At least, the men who followed it appear generally to have become wealthy, principally, perhaps, for two reasons—first, they had of course large tracts of land for pasture; second, the feeding gave them a home market for all the corn and hay they could raise. The business of keeping tavern was indeed important in those early days. When all the travel from east to west went through “hy land.” great means of accommodation would be needed; and, as it is always, a public demand created a general supply, and on all the chief roads and in every town, one of the chief occupations used to be to keep travelers. Entries of land were made in Wayne township by the records as fol- lows: Jeremiah Moffitt, N. W. 18, 20, 15, 160 acres, December 1, 1812; William Chenoweth, S. E. 24, 17, I, 160 acres, September 24, 1817; William Chenoweth, S.:E. 25, 17, 1, 160 acres, September 24, 1817; Abram Cheno- weth, N. E. 26, 17, 1, 157.83 acres, September 24, 1817; Abram Chenoweth, N. W. 26, 17, 1, 157.83 acres, September 24, 1817; Abram Chenoweth, S. W. 26, 17, 1. 127.83 acres, September 24, 1817; Jeremiah Cox, section.19, 20, 15, 972. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA 640 acres, February 6, 1818; Abram Peacock, N. E. 30, 20, 15, 160 acres, April 15, 1818; Henry Hill, E. S. E. 30, 20, 15, 80 acres, April 15, 1818; Amos Peacock, E. N. E. 31, 20, 15, 80 acres, April 15, 1818; Benoni Hill, E. S. E. 31. 20, 15, 80 acres. April 15, 1818; Jeremiah Cox, S. E. 18, 20, 15, 160 acres, May 29, 1818; Christopher Baker, W. S. E. 20, 20, 15, 80 acres, May 17, 1818; Joshua Cox, W. N. W. 30, 20, 15, 80 acres, Decem- ber 10, 1822; Amy Cox, W. N. E. 29, 20; 15, 80 acres, September 24; 1824; Jefferson L. Summers, N. W. N. KE 33, 17, I, 39.64 acres, April 12, 1826; -Solomon Cox, E. N. E. 29 20, 15, 80 acres, May 16, 1826; Joshua Bucking- ham, E. N. E. 6, 19, 15, 79.60 acres, August 11, 1826. The rest of the town- ship, i. e., th great body of the land therein, lay vacant for several years, iia endered chiefly from 1834 to 1838. - The first entry in the county seems to have been made within the present bases of Wayne township. The location is about a mile west of Harrisville, on the White river. How the man who made the entry got away in there, so far from any settlement, and why he entered that particular quarter-section, would be interesting at this day to know, but probably the facts will be for- ever hidden in the tomb of the forgotten past. This entry was made more. than a year before the first settlement, which took place in April, 1814, and’ some fifteen miles southeast, on Nolan’s fork. The next entry was made by the Chenoweths, directly east of Bartonia, on Greenville creek, being section 26, 17, 1, a’ part of which is still owned and accupied by the widow of Abram Chenoweth, who died a few years ago. Abram Chenoweth, the father of the Abram of later days, entered three quarter-sections in section 26 on both sides of Greenville creek, in 1817. Dur-— ing the winter following (February 6, 1818), Jeremiah Cox, of Wayne county, who had been employed in milling for years in that region, came up to White river, a mile or two above Harrisville, and entered a whole section: —section 19, 20, I5—on both sides of the river, with a view of erecting mills after awhile in that new county—a purpose-which he accomplished about 1825. The same year, April 15, 1818, Abram and Amos Peacock and Henry | and Benoni Hill made entries and effected a settlement shortly after, in 1818. They are supposed to have been the first actual settlers in Wayne township. The growth of this region was but slow. After the Chenoweth entries and the Jericho colony, but little was done till many years later. The Cheno- weth land was not settled till more than twenty years later’ (1840). The Coxes, the Peacocks and Hills came in from Wayne county and the south, but the next considerable movement entered the territory south of Union. City, breaking across the line from Ohio and the East. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 973 The Chenoweth who entered the land so early in Wayne township (September 24, 1817), lived near Spring Hill, Darke county, Ohio. He was the grandfather. of Abram Chenoweth. The first Chenoweth who resided on the land was Abram Chenoweth, cousin of the one spoken of just above. He made the settlement about 1840. _ By the end of 1826 only eighteen entries had been made, and that by fourteen persons. These entries comprised about thirty-one hundred acres. Nearly al!, or 2,650 acres, were taken up in a few months, almost at first, from September 24, 1817, to May 29, 1818, by the settlement of Friends. They lived there, nearly in seclusion, for many years, having communication with the White River settlers toward the west, but not much any other way, except, indeed, to go to the Whitewater mills for grinding, andthe White- water yearly meeting for religious purposes. The first religious meeting in Wayne township was probably that of the Friends, at Jericho, and the first school the one in their meeting-house. _ There are not many churches in this township. There are, outside of Union City, only four—Methodist, at Bartonia; Friends’, at Jericho; Christ- ian, at Harrisville; and Disciples, at Salem. The Friends began their society about 1820; the church at Bartonia was built about 1850; the one at Harris- ville, about 1860; and the one at Salem, perhaps about 1855. TOWNS. The towns in Wayne township are, or have been, Bartonia, Harrisville, Randolph, Salem and Union City. We describe them in order: Bartonia—Edward Barton, proprietor; A. D. Way, surveyor; location, junction of Spartanburg and Arba pike with Greenville state road; twenty- seven lots; recorded October 1, 1849; streets, none named in the plat. Dis- tances: Spartanburg, four miles; Union City, seven and one-third miles; Winchester, eight miles; Harrisville, six miles; Saratoga, four and three- fourths miles; Arba, seven and four-fifths miles. The town is located at the point where the Richmond pike running northward reaches the Greenville & Winchester road, and stands upon section 26, 17, 1. At one time there were two stores, a smith shop, a cabinet shop, a turning shop, a postoffice, a meet- ing-house and two physicians. But little is left at present. _ Bartonia is one of the polling places of Wayne township, the other two being Union City and Harrisville. Bartonia is half a mile east of the site of the old town of Randolph, which, however, has been extinct for sixty-five years or more.. The country around is rolling and fertile, and the residents are thrifty and prosperous, and some possess a comfortable fortune. (62) 974 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Harrisville—Location, in Wayne township, ‘upon sections 17, 18, town 20, range 15; on the Bee Line (Big Four) railroad; four miles west of Union. City, and seven miles east of Winchester ; recorded June 17, 1854; Job Harris, proprietor; E. L. Watson, surveyor. The town arose with the Bellefontaine railroad. The business of the town was but little at first, and the improve- ment of the village has since been slow. There is but one public road, and that running north and south across the railroad track. The town is too near Union City to’ command much business. The antecedents and commence- ment of the place are as follows: In 1841, and about ten years before the birth of the town, two small cabins stood upon the site where now appears the hamlet of Harrisville. One was occupied by Michael Ingle, father of Philip Ingle. Mr. Ingle died of cholera some years afterward on the Missis- sippi.. The other settler was William Dickinson, who lived near where the church now stands. About 1851 Job Harris undertook to open a small store. He shortly afterward laid out the town. Before long William Locke set up a blacksmith shop, and William Benson built a saw-mill. Mahlon Fous fol- lowed, making pumps, and sometimes tried his hand at repairing wagons. Dr. Dreer undertook to practice medicine, and Mr. Bone made and mended shoes. Job Harris kept a postoffice. Here we have-the picture of the town in its earlier years, and truth compels us to state that the business of the ambitious little “ville” is not greatly more extensive at the present day. Its _ citizens seem to have been attached to the place. Philip Ingle resided here from the first. Mahlon Fous and William Locke also. The Bee Line rail- road passes through the place and furnishes to the vicinity the convenience of a daily mail. Randolph (old).—One mile west of Bartonia, on Greenville state road. Randolph was probably the first town laid out in Wayne township, but the business was never considerable. In 1846 there were two stores and one hotel, but probably nothing else. The hotel was kept by Bailey, and the stores were. by Bailey and Mclntosh. The town did not prosper, and was wholly extinct by 1852. At one time James Polly kept. hotel in the town. It is a curious reminiscence of that old dead town that ‘one of its lots was sold for taxes, and was bid off for a dollar or so by an old colored man named William Lewis, and he undertook to make it a residence, hauling logs there to build a house. The owner of the farm which included the town forbid him entering upon the lot, and he never made good his title to the premises. What a man with plenty of money could have done, cannot now-be told, but the colored man had to succumb and lose his dollar and the labor in n hauling. the logs to boot. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 975 Salem.—Location southwest of Union City, east of “Old Boundary.” Nine lots; plat recorded December 25, 1849. David Polly, proprietor. Salem is located on the road running east from Jericho, three miles from the latter place. McIntosh & Polly had a store there in 1847. The town began about 1850. A postoffice was established about 1852 by the name of Balaka. The town was begun mostly in the woods, and did some business for a time, but it has.had the common fate of small towns near, but not on, a railroad. Silas Gist had a cabinet shop. J. Locke had a smith shop. The persons who have sold goods there have been D. Polly, McIntosh, Wiggs & Polly, Joseph Shaw, -Elijah Frazier, Hardin Law, Downing & Harkrider, Alfred Dixon, Montgar. The blacksmiths have been J. Locke, Joshua Harlan, Amos Coughren, Thompson, William Anderson and others. Cabinet shops: Silas Gist, John T. Adams, Springer, Harlan, ete. Wagon shop, Harlan. There has been a Disciples’ church sixty years or more, which has lately been remodeled. Among the settlers in the region have been Benjamin Dixon, Silas Dixon, Samuel Downing, Robert Murphy, William Woodbury, 1839; Nathan P. Woodbury, 1839; Edwin R. Woodbury, 1839; Peter Hoover, Ezekiel Gul- lett, Samuel Gullett, David Polly, 1840; Barnahill Polly, 1840. -Hayesville.—Is a little suburb of Union City, Indiana, located about a mile southwest of that town, at the junction of the south pike leading to Winchester and the pike, extending from the south line of the county north- ward to Union City. James Alexander, a prominent farmer of Wayne township, was born in Warren county, Ohio, January 8, 1818, being a son of Daniel and Sarah Alexander, who removed from the county of their nativity to Preble county, Ohio, in 1823, and not very long afterward to Warren county, in the same state. Daniel Alexander was a farmer, and James grew up a farmer’s son, sharing from boyhood the labors and hardships of those rough and rugged days. His marriage occurred September 2, 1840, with Miss Julia A., daugh- ter of Jacob Alexander. Eight children have been born to them, and six of the eight survive, viz., Milton H., Mary J., Sarah E., Hugh T., Henry J. and James B. Mr. Alexander is not an early pioneer of Randolph county, emi- grating thither not till 1851. Branson Anderson, born in 1814 in North Carolina; he came to Ran- dolph county, Indiana, in 1833; he entered forty acres adjoining John Hart- man’s old place on the west. Mr. Anderson married Hester Green in 1842, and they had ten children. ; John Anderson, born in 1785 in Maryland, went to North Carolina when young; married Priscilla Sexton about 1802; came to Richmond, Indiana, y76 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1829; came to Randolph county in 1833; settled north of Greenville creek, near Abram Chenoweth’s (Jacob Macy farm), entering forty acres of land there. He-had twelve children; all grown, and ten married before he died. His children were eight boys and four girls. He died in 1850, and his wife in 1863, at the age of seventy-seven years; she was buried in Hoover’s grave- yard. Mr. Anderson was a Democrat. - Henry Burket was born in Montgomery county, Ohi, and is a son of Isaac and Catharine Burket, the férmer a native of North Carolina, and: the latter of Ohio Mr. Burket was raised on a farm, receiving only a common education. In 1854 he married Miss Jane Hulse, by whom he had five chil- dren, three of whom are yet living. His wife died on April 12, 1870, and on the 17th of the following September he enBEret Mrs. Rachel A. Grim, by whom he had three children. Elihu Cammack, son of John Cammack, born in Arba in 1817; married Rebecca Wiggs in 1837. Lived near Arba on the old farm till he moved to his-home on the state road, east of Bartonia, in 1846, in the green woods. Abram I. Chenoweth, the first of the Chenoweth family of whom we ‘have any record, came from England to America in 1720. They were two brothers, named Arthur and Richard Chenoweth, who settled in Berkeley county, Virginia, and each married and had several children. Arthur had several sons named James, John, Abraham, William Thomas, Arthur and Richard The fifth son, Thomas Chenoweth, married Mary Pricket, who bore him twelve children, namely, Martha, Sarah, Mary, John, Thomas, Arthur, Richard, William Elijah, Ann, Hannah and Abraham.. This young- est son, Abraham Chenoweth, married Rebecca Herr, May 1, 1790. They had fourteen children. whose names were Martha, William, Jacob, Ann, John, Susannah, Mary, Noah, Sarah, Hannah, Abraham, Rebecca, Joel and Gideon. Their third son, John Chenoweth, married Mary Barger April 13, 1820, and by her had. six children,.namely, William, Jacob B., Abraham J., John B., Susan and Rebecca. John Chenoweth, the father, died on the 26th day of January, 1851, and of the children, William died February 20, 1837, and John B. died August 7, 1853. The mother died October 12, 1876. - Of the last above-named children, Abraham J. Chenoweth is the subject of this sketch, and was born in Pike county, Ohio, on the oth of July, 1826. When quite young, his parents removed to Darke county, Ohio, and settled in : Washington township. Here he grew up, surrounded by the privations of a frontier life, and accustomed to the labor and toil of the backwoods. He was educated in the primitive schools of that day, and acquired the rudiments of an education. On the 25th day of August, 1848, he was married to Miss RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 977 Celia Harris, a native of Campbell county, Virginia, and the daughter of Benjamin and Susan Harris, who were among the pioneers of this county. From this marriage have sprung eight children. In November, 1848, Mr. Chenoweth came to this county and settled on the northeast quarter of section 26, in Wayne township. Of this land, he had received from his father eighty acres, and by purchase from his brother, Jacob, he had acquired the other eighty. The land was wholly unimproved.. In fact, Mr. Chenoweth cut away the underbrush and trees to make an open- ing for his log cabin, into which he removed and began the work of life. As a farmer he was eminently successful. To the original homestead he added other lands, until at the time of his death he was the owner of 576 acres. Mr. Chenoweth united with the Methodist Episcopal church when he was fourteen years of age, and for thirty-eight years he was a consistent and influential members thereof, having been a class leader thirteen years. He was exact in all his business transactions, cordial with his acquaintances, a kind-hearted and generous man. He died of typhoid fever November 9g, 1878, and his mortal remains were followed to their final earthly resting place in Union City cemetery by a large and sympathizing company of sorrowing relatives and friends. . Samuel Downing, M. D., was born in Chester county, South Carolina, April 6, 1805 ; his parents were John and Margaret. The father died in 1870, aged ninety-three years, and the mother about 1866, also very old. Dr. Downing was one of eight children. His father care from South Carolina to Bourbon county, Kentucky, in 1813, to New Paris, Preble county, Ohio, in 1815, and to Darke county, Ohio, in 1817, which latter point became his permanent residence, Samuel Downing being then twelve years old. In 1828 he began the study of medicine, privately for the most part, in which labor- ious but greatly useful profession he finally achieved an honorable success. In 1829 he married Elizabeth Baird, and to them were born ten children, seven of whom, as also his wife, survived him. They removed to the wilds of Randolph county, Indiana, in 1837, settling four miles southwest of what is now Union City, Indiana, near what afterward became South Salem, upon a tract of land containing 215 acres. At first he was largely a farmer, but, as the county became more thickly settled, his medical duties chiefly absorbed his time and strength, for in those backwonds regions, to ride on horseback day and night, winter and summer, was no “child’s play,” but the business rather of a robust, stalwart man. February 5, 1843, he was baptized into the Christian faith by Rev: Elihu Harlan, to which profession he held fast with greater or less steadfastness to the end of his days. In 1859 he made an ex- 978 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. tended tour into Missouri and through the farther West in search of a new location, and in 1864 he removed'to northern Michigan as a pioneer ito those regions. After a residence of some five years in that state, he returned in 1870 to Randolph county, Indiana, and died after a stay of eight months there, July 7, 1871, at the house of his son, James L. Downing, at the age of sixty-six years three months and one day. Francis Frazier, bell-maker, was born in 1802 in North Carolina; came to McCowan’s creek, Ohio, in 181»; came to Randolph county, Indiana, one mile east of Lynn, in 1817. His father was James Frazier, also a bell-maker; married Lucinda Claywater in Clinton county, Ohio, in 1823, and they had eleven children. Paul Gittinger was born in Baltiniore county, Maryland, January 25. 1820, being a son of Jacob and Mary E. Gittinger, who emigrated to Darke county, Ohio, in the autumn of 1833, and to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1838. They settled in the dense, nearly unbroken forests of Jackson town- ship among the deer, turkeys and wolves, locating in the northeastern portion of the township and of the county. Paul Gittinger was nearly grown when he came to Randolph county, and having enjoyed some opportunity of early education, had engaged soon afterward in the business of teaching school, and continued in that employment: (during the winter season) for twenty years. The school houses at the time in that new half-settled region were rude enough, made of round logs, with puncheon floor, clapboard door, stick chimney, dirt fire-place and hearth and clapboard roof held to its place by weight-poles. The furniture consisted of split saplings_for seats and punch- eon writing desk, supported by pins driven into auger holes bored in the logs forming the walls of the house. Mr. Gittinger lived to see these rustic cabins replaced-by comfortable and tasteful edifices, substantially and even elegantly built, and supplied with convenient and often beautiful furniture. He did much toward accomplishing this pleasing change, serving as a trustee for Jackson township during several years, besides his efficient and successful labors in the school room. His marriage took place November 13, 1844, the maiden name of his wife having been Miss Berilla Gist, whose parents were natives of Kentucky, removing to Darke county, Ohio, in the early time. Mr. Gittinger had six children. James Griffis was born in Virginia about 1797. His parents brought him, when but a child, to Ross county, Ohio, settling in the Scioto valley, not farm from the year 1800, when even that region was well-nigh buried in the deep woods. They both died when he was-young; and as a lone orphan boy, poor and destitute, he was obliged to struggle up to manhood as he could. . es RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 979 The means of education were but scanty, and he got but little, and that little “by the hardest.” In youth, he worked mostly on the farm. In early man- hood, however, he practiced flat-boating and rafting, taking boat loads of pork and flour and corn, etc., down the Scioto river to the Ohio and down that river to the mouth, and so along the Mississippi to the points for market along its banks, and frequently to New Orleans itself. He was engaged also at times in taking droves of cattle from Ohio across the Alleghany moun- tains to the New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore markets. Thus he passed his life til! about thirty-five years old, still remaining, notwithstanding all his hard toil, comparatively a poor man, realizing, by all this hard and rough traveling through the land and along the water-courses, not very. much more than a livelihood. In 1832 he emigrated from the valley of the Scioto to the banks of Greenville creek in Randolph county (the old Wilhamson farm, ‘just west of the Ohio line), in the unbroken forests of Wayne township. After residing a few years at the place of his first settlement, he removed to the tract of land which continued to be his residence to the end of his life, the beautiful knoll where, years afterward, stood as a waymark for the weary traveler, and where stands, till this day the substantial and comfortable dwell- ing erected by him many years ago. John V. L. Harlan is a native of the county. He is a son of Joshua and Lucinda Harlan, and was born on the 26th day of December, 1848. He was educated in the common district schools, and taught school one term. He learned the blacksmith trade and worked at it for some time. On January 27, 1872, he married Lucy A. Hartman, daughter of John Hartman, whose biography is given in this work. They have had five children, two of whom are dead. Mr. Harlan is now engaged in farming, living on his own farm, five miles southwest of Union City. He and his wife are both members of the Christian church. Solomon Hartman is the son of John Hartman, Wayne township. He was born in Darke county, Ohio, in 1855; came with his father to Randolph county in 1848; attended Buckeye Seminary Union Literary Institute, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He taught school before he was seventeen, and _ has taught twenty-five winters. He married Sarah Ann Williamson in 1858, and‘they have eight children. He was a prosperous and successful farmer, taking delight in caring for all his affairs in a neat and thorough manner. Though considered slightly eccentric by some, and being withal a man inde- pendent in opinion, a most energetic supporter of all good things. Henry Hill was born in 1790 in North Carolina. Coming to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1817, he changed his residence to Randolph county in 980 : RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. = 1818, entering eighty acres in Wayne township, Jericho settlement, and re- siding there till his death in 1874, fifty-six years. Mr. Hill was three times matried—to Achsah Peacock in 1814, who was born in 1793 and died in 1830; to Achsah Thomas in 1831, who died in 1835, and the third time in 1837 to Avis Woodard, who died in 1877. Mr. Hill had ten children, all grown and all married. Benoni Hill was born in North Carolina, came to Jericho, Wayne town- ship, Randolph county, in 1818. Had ten children, seven of whom grew up, and died about 1870. His wife’s nfaiden name was Polly Boswell, and she died about 1860. Mr. Hill was a Friend, an Abolitionist, an Anti-slavery Friend, a Republican, and altogether an excellent Christian man and citizen, having been one of the earliest pioneers of Wayne township. Mathew Hill was the son of Benoni Hill (deceased), having been born in 1814 in North Carolina. He came with his father, at the age of four years, to Randolph county in 1818. In 1837 he married Fanny Diggs, and they had seven children. Mr. Hill entered eighty acres and was a thriving and suc- cessful farmer. He was an Anti-slavery Friend. Mr. Hill, like the great body of the society of which he has been a life-long member, an earnest, faithiul, steadfast adherent of Christian principles, and a quiet, humble, unassuming but useful and esteemed member of the community. William Kennon, born in Ireland, came to America when fourteen years old; lived for a time in Guernsey county, Ohio, and came to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1830. He settled on the Downing place, south from the toll-gate south of Union City. He married Eleanor Smith, and had four children. He owned 210.acres of land, was a Democrat, was justice of the peace for four years, and was highiy esteemed for integrity and intelligence. He died many years ago, as did also his wife, but the date of their death cannot now be exactly told. William A. Macy was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, Novem- ber 6, 1809, being a son of Obed and Mary (Armfield) Macy, who were both natives of Nerth Carolina. His education was very limited, the “Old North State” being more famous for “pitch tar, turpentine and lumber” than for “school keeping” or “book larnin.”” He married Miss Jemima Rogers, July 4, 1833, and they had five children. Both his wives (see below) have been members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and his present wife and himself ‘still remain such. He has owned 200 acres of land but now retains but ninety acres, having given 110 to his. children. In. 1852 he went on a visit to his native state, and upon his return therefrom brought with him his aged-mother, who. spent the remainder. of her days in Randolph county. Mr. Macy emi- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 981 grated to Randolph county, Indiana, the year of his marriage, 1833. He resided at Spartanburg three years, on the Rogers place, east of Spartanburg, five years, on a farm west of Granger Hall eleven years, and about twenty- eight years upon his farm north of Greenville creek, near Abraham Cheno- | weth’s. His wife died May 24, 1879, and was laid to rest in Arba cemetery. In 1881 he married again to Mrs. Morgan, widow of Frank G. Morgan, late of Spartanburg. [1882.] Dr. William Kk. Marquis was a son of William and Polly Marquis, and was born in Darke county, Ohio, on the oth day of April, 1832. His parents were natives of Hardy county, Virginia, and the mother is yet living at the age of eighty-seven years. He was brought up on a farm, received his edu- “cation in the common schools, and read medicine with Dr. Enos Williams, of Darke county, beginning the practice of his profession in 1868. In 1853 he ‘married Miss Mary Bennett, by whom he had nine children. She died in ‘October, 1875, and in March, 1877, he married Miss Fannie Coats, by whom he had two children. He was a minister of the German Baptist church. Richard Mason (father of the “Mason’s’”) was born in North Carolina in about 1795; came to Clinton county, Ohio,, when a boy, perhaps in 1805, married Sarah Jackson in Ohio, moved thence to Wayne county, Indiana, and to Kosciusko county, Indiana, to the latter in 1834. He had ten children, and died in 1844 in the last named county, his wife dying in Randolph county, Indiana, in 1850. His children all grew up and were married. and eight still survive. They are as follows: Thomas, ten children, resides at Union City, Indiana; Elizabeth (Mason), seven children, is dead; Delila (Harper), four. children, lives in lowa; Louisa (Drake), seven children, is dead; William has seven children, resides in Union; Sarah (Gunter), one child, Kosciusko county; Salina (Frazier-Milnor), nine children, Iowa; Elihu, several children, resides in Ohio; Mary (Conkling), four children, Wayne township; Jemima (Duncan), three children, Iowa. Six of them have been residents of Ran- dolph county, Thomas, William, Salina, Elihu, Mary and Jemima; and Thomas, William and Mary live here still. ; Amos Peacock and Abram Peacock came together from Carolina in the iall of 1818. Four families were in company—Amos Peacock, Abram Pea- cock, Henry Hill and Benoni Hill. The three last named settled in Jertcno in 1818. Amos Peacock raised one crop in Wayne county, and came on-in the fall of 1819. Amos Peacock raised nine children—Aaron, Jonah, Will- iam, Elijah and Elisha (twins), Matilda, Abram, Anna and Abigail. William Peacock was born in Wayne county, Indiana, October 10, 1818. and ‘came to- Randolph county, Indiana, in 1819, and lived in Jericho: He 982 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. married Mary Thomas, daughter of Benjamin Thomas, near Newport, In- diana, in 1840. They had three children. He was iri early times an original Anti-slavery Friend, and a sincere and thorough Abolitionist; he was for a number of years a trustee of the Union Literary Institute, a manual labor institution established in 1845, by his father-inlaw, Benjamin Thomas, and others, for the education of colored and other indigent youth; he was greatly esteemed for his thorough integrity, and his sincere, quiet, solid, unobtrusive piety. After the dissolution of the society of Anti-slavery Friends, he re- joined the “Body Friends,” but afterward, with a few others, withdrew from them, forming a new “Meeting,” claiming to adhere to the methods and usages of the early and original Friends. They are almost alone, the great mass of Friends having “progressed” greatly from the standards of action of fifty years ago. The “new method” Friends maintain, however, that they are in harmony not indeed with the measures of fifty years past, but with the principles and spirit of George Fox and William Penn, and the Quakers of “long, long ago.” _ Elijah H. Peacock is a twin-brother of Elisha Peacock, and they were born in’ ‘Randolph county, Indiana, January 28, 1820. They are sons of Amos and Hannah Peacock. Elijah received an education under the auspices of the Friends church, and for several years followed the carpenter trade. On November 15, 1853 he married Miss Agnes Brown, a native of Cheltenham, England, and they have seven children. Mr. Peacock is now a farmer, living on his own farm of 118 acres in the southwest part of Wayne township, and is the last of the “Old Guard.” William Pickett, was born in Orange County, N. C., 1802. In 1818, he went to Chatham county in the same state (on Haw river), to take care of his grandfather. He died in 1821, and William Pickett, after staying until the fall of 1822, emigrated to Richmond, Ind. He was married in 1826, and moved to Randolph county, five miles east of Winchester, in 1828. His first wife’s name was Sarah Ann White, born in 1805. Mr. Pickett bought eighty acres in the green woods, of Benjamin Cox (nephew of Jeremiah Cox, the famous miller). Benjamin Cox was a Quaker minister and cousin to Mr. Pickett, since Jeremiah Cox’s wife was the sister of Mr. Pickett’s iather. Benjamin Cox was the son of John Cox, one of the earliest settlers. on White river, east of Winchester, who fixed his residence two miles east of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Pickett were the parents of twelve children. John Pickett was born in Orange county, N. C., August 4, 1808; he emigrated to Randolph county, Ind., with his father in 1829. Returning to North Carolina, he married Mary Pike, September 16, 1830, and, with his RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 983 new-found wife, wended his cheerful way back to the Northwest, reaching his father’s cabin December 24, 1830. Choosing a home for himself and wife in “Jericho Woods,’ he dwelt on the self-same spot for more than fifty years, rearing there a family of ten children. . Benjamin Pike was born in North Carolina in 1825; came with his father to Randolph county in 1831; married Rachel Cox and has three children. He has been a farmer and huckster. Héis a Friend, Abolitionist and Repub- lican. His health is poor, but he manages to be engaged in his occupation much of the time. Mr. Pike is a bluff and plain-spoken, but honest and up- right citizen and is endeavoring quietly but earnestly to accomplish a comfort- able subsistence for himself and those placed under his care. [1882.]. _ Other prominent citizens in Wayne township were: Jacob Conklin, Wil- liam Conklin, Rev. David S. Davenport, Benjamin Dickson, Silas Dickson, Benjamin F. Graves, John V. Harlan, John Hartman, Christopher Hollinger, Peter Hoover, Andrew Hutton, Josiah Kaylor, John Kunkle, Thomas Mason, Andrew McConnell, Jonathan T. Mikesell, D. T. Morris, Nelson Murphy, Robert Murphy, Henry Ohler, John Pike, John Price, Ollen Sasser, John Sheets, William. Shelly, William Shockney, Samuel H. Shockney, Peter M. Shultz, William Smith, George Thomas, Elinu Thompson, Thomas Welsh, Jacob Whitesell, James Woodbury, Edwin R. Woodbury, William Turner. Stoney Creek Township.—Stoney Creek includes parts of townships 19 and 20, range 12 east, as also some sections in range 13, embracing in all twenty-nine and one-half sections; five miles north and south except section 7, near the southeast corner and five and one-half miles east and west, and containing about sixteen thousand nine hundred and sixty acres. It takes the lower. course of Little White river, of Stoney creek and of Cabin creek and a part of the valley of White river. Totals as follows: 1821, three entries, 240 acres; 1822, nine entries, 841.63 acres; 1823, five entries, 399.46 acres; 1824, one entry, 80 acres; 1825, two entries, 160 acres; 1826, three entries, 240 acres; 1827, two entries, 160 acres; 1828, five entries, 400 acres; 1829, fourteen entries. 1,168.64 acres. Total, 44 entries, 3,769.63 acres. Of these, thirty-nine entries were of 80 acres, two for 160 acres, one for 128.64 acres, one for 118.86 acres. one for 41.63 acres, one for 40.20 acres. Thus it will be seen that the entries were made mostly by men of only moderate means. The township lies chiefly on Stoney and Cabin creeks and White river, containing a fine body of land and being well settled with sub- stantial improvements. The surface is level or rolling, heavily timbered at first, but now mostly cleared. The streams are permanent, affording abund- ant water and considerable power for machinery, especially upon Cabin and 984 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Stoney creeks. The mill upon Stoney creek, mgar Windsor is thought to have been the fifth mill in the county. a Sat The place and the time of the first settlement in the township cannot now be determined with absolute certainty. It has been claimed that John Thorn- burg, near Windsor, was the first settler and that the time was 1823. Both — of these would seem to be errors. John Thornburg did not come before about 1825 and when he came he found a considerable number of settlers already in the county. His son, Armfield Thornburg, who was a lad several years old when his father came to the county, states as follows: When my father came to Randolph county and settled near Windsor in 1825, the fol- lowing settlers were already on hand: John Castine and Solomon Hobaugh, - his son-in-law and John Coons, all of whom came in 1822; David Vestal, who. had been elected Squire, Joseph Rooks and Abraham Clevenger, all of whom came in 1823; John Conner in 1824, George W. Smithson in 182 5. Probably, either David Vestal or Isaac Branson was the first actual bona. fide settler and Branson moved away soon, first to Nettle creek and not very long afterward to Delaware county and David Vestal sold out after several years to John Thornburg arid moved away to White Lick, below Indianapolis, in 1831, and died there The Thornburgs, Job, Joab and John, all came in 1825, who are living yet where they settled. Others came soon after, among whom were. Randolph Smullen and William Moore in 1826, and perhaps others. Some of the persons named as early settlers were only “squatters,” and moved on into the woods before the advancing wave of settlement. Lemuel Vestal came in 1825 and with him John Demory, a freeman of color from Carolina, of: whom mention is made elsewhere; Vestal undertook to build a mill near Windsor as told in another place. Others may be mentioned as follows: John Hines and Paul Reagan in 1826; Wesley Terrell in 1827: Amos Smith and Benjamin Garretson in 1828; Solomon Wright in 1829, John Bond and Andrew G. Dye in 1831. Still others had already or did soon come, to-wit: John Holloway, William Holloway, Jonathan Finzer, John Clevenger, Jonathan Clevenger, John Diggs, Jacob: McNees and Isaac Amburn. Stoney Creek was settled largely at first by the Society of Friends and {o this day a very strong body of that people remain within its limits. Cedar and Poplar Run meetings are both in Stoney Creek, and very many of the honored pioneers of that section worshiped in these sanctuaries and now lie awaiting the ““Archangel’s trump” in the humble inclosure of the dead which is near those sacred places of humble waiting upon the Spirit of the Lord RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 985 In life they spent their years in quiet industry and. patient and sincere obedi- ence to the guidance of the voice within; now for those earnest, steadfast souls, faith has been changed to sight and struggling prayer to triumphant praise The first school in the township was taught in 1826 by Moses Hod- gon, then a young man. his home being in Delaware county, four or five miles from Windsor. ‘The schoolhouse stood between Joab and John Thornburg’s: There were perhaps twenty pupils. Armfield Thornburg, that tells the story, was one of them. Solomon Wright tells some queer tales “out of school’’ concerning’ the pupils and the teachers of “auld lang syne,” one in particular, how the girls on the last day of school tore down the dirt back-wall of the stick chimney belonging to the cabin schoolhouse and scattered the clay. all over the puncheon floor. Like other new and’ pioneer regions, Stoney creek has its traditions of odd and queer things taking place amid the mighty shadow of the giant forest. Of one early settler it is rélated that he had a family of fourteen children and that another settler, a neighbor, going in early one morning found on the hearth a huge kettle of corn meal mush, and that while he sat there the youngsters crawled out from the straw upon the cabin floor one by one, and, taking each a pewter plate, went singly to the smoking mush for a bountiful share and partook joyfully of a hearty breakfast. But what difference does it make? These tales told of early times are, many of them, fabrications and more are greatly “stretched” from the original fact. But even if true as told, who cares? It is to be feared that, if their effeminate descendants were thrown into the same hard and rough condition, they would do even not so well as that; that they would have neither roof over their shiftless heads, straw to crawl out of nor a kettle of mush from, pewter plate to handle it on, nor spoon with which to carry it to their mouths. TOWNS. There have been only two towns within the bounds of Stoney Creek township and one of these has long been extinct. The two are Windsor and Georgetown, the latter “winked out’ long years ago. Windsor. —Location, section 29, town 20, range 12, on Winchester & Muncie pike at the Delaware county line. The town was laid out by Joseph Thornburg in 1832, during what may aptly be termed the “era of town- platting.” since many of the villages in Randolph were projected not far from that date Windsor seems to have been aspiring and to have had high prospects as well, for only five years after the record of the first survey of 986 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. forty lots, twenty more (half the original number) were annexed to the grow- ing town by Smith & Dye, thus affording fresh room to spread beyond the original limit. And it is undoubtedly true that, had the old order of busi- ness continued to prevail, Windsor might today have been an important and prosperous inland town. But the sad fact, sad for Windsor and its ambitious denizens can neither be ignored nor changed, so- the fates declared and who. can successfully rebel against fate? If there had been power in the begin- ning of railroad construction, to have drawn the Bee Line route south of the river instead of locating it on the north side through the unknown wilderness, then, indeed, might Windsor have come to be, not, indeed, Jike its illustrious namesake in a foreign island kingdom, a palatial residence for Her Majesty, the English Queen, but a wide-awake, bustling, prosperous commercial and manufacturing center, known and noted throughout the county and the region. But men cannot lose what they never had, so Windsor has not lost the greatness which she never possessed. And her people, instead of mourning over fancied unrealized possibilities, may be sincerely thankful that life, health and substantial comfort and the means of solid happiness they still possess equally with the people of the proudest metropolis on the footstool. The first business in Windsor was a shoe shop by Isiah Templin and a small store by a man from Richmond, name forgotten. Soon was set up a smith shop by Andrew Knapp. The mill by John Thornburg was built in 1827. There was no other on White river but Judge Sample’s and Cox’s mill, east of Winchester. The first wagon shop was by William Ludworth. Windsor at one time had a large business, having three good stores and a grocery and other things to match. The activity of the place’ began some years before the town was recorded It proved its right to be by its actual being. Business is like beauty—it is its own excuse for being. Present business: There is a goodly number of houses and business rooms, and were the place to fill up to its capacity of furnishing facilities for work, it would even now he an active, busy town. But the real business is now small enough. There are two smith shops, two dry goods stores, one wagon shop, one physician, two churches (Methodist and Christian); one schoolhouse, a lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows. | Georgetown.—-There were never more than six houses in Georgetown. The village is now wholly extinct. Several of the old lots are owned and built on separately, but there is no town. Dr. Keener resided there as a physician, as also Dr. Marine. How there should have been any town at all, or the hope or prospect of. any, is a mystery, since Macksville was within a mile or even less than that. The record of the plat of the latter appears not RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 987 to have been-made until 1850, but the town itself was established many years before—as far back as about 1830. When these towns—Macksville, Georgetown and Windsor—stood on the great thoroughfare between the east and the west, where scores, or even hundreds of travelers; where hundreds and sometimes thousands, of animals, in immense droves and herds passed daily; where thronging emigrants were constantly pressing eagerly westward, westward, always westward, there seemed a prospect that all three, especially the former and the latter, might find room and business for a substantial or even a vigorous growth; but when the rail track was laid and the steam whistle set up its roar and the engine began to roll, a woe was pronounced upon all towns, no matter how ambitious or aspiring, which lay away from the path of the “iron horse.” Neff is located on section 10, township 19, range 12, two miles west of Pleasant View and five miles north of Losantville. It has entirely disappeared. BIOGRAPHY. Isaac Amburn was the son of Samuel Amburn; he was born in Carolina in 1789, and he married Rebecca Hodgson, who was born in Virginia in 1795. They came to Ohio in 1816 and to Randolph county in 1829. They were the parents of ten children, all of whom have been married and had families. They are as given herewith: Mary, tive children; Elizabeth, eleven children; Samuel, ten children; Catharine, ten children; Jacob eight children; Hester, one child; Hannah, nine children; Rebecca, seven children; Cynthia, six children; Rachel, six children. Isaac Amburn resided with his son Samuel till iis death, September 23, 1881, he being ninety-two years old. : Samuel Ambirn, Jr., was born in 1818, in Ohio; came to Randolph county in 1829; married Maria Smith in 1840; had ten children; was a prominent and successful man of business and an active and influential citizen. When he moved to the county, William Moore, John Holloway, William Holloway, Joab Thornburg, Amos Smith were already here. William Dixon and Jethro Hiatt came when Mr. Amburn’'s people came in 1829. He had to go three miles to school when he was a lad and thought it no hardship, often having to ‘wade the flats’ knee deep. Wading the water in coon hunting, etc., through the woods was nothing but fun. Joseph Bond, son of Samuel Bond, was bern in North Carolina in 1779; married Rachel Herold, born in 1781, in 1802; came to Wayne ‘county, Indi- ana in 1811 and to Randolph county, mouth of Cabin creek, in 1839. They had twelve children, eleven grown, ten married. He died in 1840 and his wife in 1842. They were farmers and Friends. He was a steady, mild-tem- 988 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. pered, genial, christian man, beloved by all who knew him and his record is on high. His father, Samuel Bond, was born in North Carolina in 1753 and his mother, Elizabeth Beals Bond, in 1755. - Zimri Bond, brother of John H. Bond, was born in Wayne county, Indi- ana, moved to Randolph county and afterward to Kansas, the latter move- ment being made in 1872. He died in Kansas in’1877, having had five chil- dren. He hada fine farm on Cabin creek but he went to stock buying, etc., and failing in business, lost his farm and like hundreds of others, moved on farther west to the region of cheap lands. He was an Anti-slavery Friend, an . Abolitionist, an underground railroad operator and a Republican. His family returned to Randolph county to the region of their former home. John Diggs was the brother of-Mark Diggs, who is also dead, and of William Diggs, who is still living. He was born in Carolina, August 8, 1802. He came from Carolina to Randolph county upon White river in 1821, and settled on Stoney creek in 1827. He had five children and died January 22, 1863, aged sixty years five months and fourteen days. His wife, Catharine Diggs, died October 29, 1867, aged sixty-three years six months and thirteen days. He was a prominent and respected member among the Friends, and was buried in Poplar Run cemetery, as is also his wife, who survived her husband more than four years. He was a Whig, an Aboli- tionist and a Republican, but he remained with the “body of Friends” at the “separation,” not deeming the alleged reasons for dividing the “body” sufficient to justify the course pursued by the Anti-slavery Friends. Joseph Hewitt, born of Irish parents, came to Ross county, ‘Ohio, in 1808; married Sally Putnam in 1831; came to Randolph county in 1841, and had ten children, all grown and married. Hosea Lamb was North Carolina, and came to Richmond before it was laid out as a town; cleared the ten acres on which Richmond. was first built, and entered 160 acres in Nettle Creek, but settled in Stoney Creek. He had nine children; was a farmer and a Friend, and died in 1855. His wife died in 1877, being a very old woman, and having lived a widow twenty-two years. Restore Lamb, son of Hosea Lamb, died in 1878,.aged about sixty years. His brother, Isaac, was accidentally shot and killed while duck- hunting. A gun was handed to him, muzzle foremost. It was dropped and the gun went off. He was shot in the breast, causing his instant death. Joab McNees was born in 1781; lived in Tennessee; came to Randolph county, settling in Stoney Creek, near Georgetown, in 1829, and married Sarah McCollom in 1803. They had sixteen children, twelve grown and * RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 989 ten married. He moved eleven to Randolph county. Mr. McNees died in 1833, aged fifty-two years. His wife was born in 1783, and died in 1870, aged eighty-seven years. She lived a widow thirty-seven years. A rather remarkable life—thirty years a wife, the mother of sixteen children, and thirty-seven years a widow! . Henry Moore was born in Wilmington, Delaware,.in 1804. He came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1816; married Mary Wright in 1831. (who was born in 1808), and settled in Randolph county in 1838, buying 160 acres of land in Stoney Creek township. He was a farmer, a Friend, a Whig, an Abolitionist and a Republican. He was the father of five children, and died in 1879, leaving a widow to mourn his loss, as also several children. George Moore was the brother of Henry Moore, being born in 1806, and he emigrated from Delaware, on the eastern seaboard, to Randolph county in 1839, marrying Mary Hiatt in the same year. They had five children. Ira E. Smithson is a native of “Old Virginia,” the proud “Old Domin- ion,’ the haughty “Mother of Presidents.’ He was born there in 1800. But he left his native soil and emigrated to Clinton county, Ohio, that old- time half-way house to weary emigrants, that stopping-place for thousands, whence again, a fresh start being taken, pushing their onward way toward the setting sun, a final halt would at length be called in the fruitful Hoosier land. And from Clinton county, once more resuming the impatient line of march, they stopped not, they stayed not, till they had found their old-time friends in the woods of Randolph. In 1839 this latter trip was accomplished, and this was the last march; for hither he had come to stay. And stay he did. ‘Joab Thornburg was born in 1795 in North Carolina; came to Ohio in 1811; married Elizabeth Holloway in North Carolina on Christmas Day, 1817; came to Stoney Creek, Randolph county, in 1825, entered eighty acres of land. They had nine children. He was a farmer and a Friend; was a ‘Whig and an Abolitionist. There is something venerable in an ancient homestead, hallowed by the loves, the joys, the sorrows, the dear, the sad, the holy remembrances of almost sixty years of family life. Those who spend their lives in changing from place to place, having never a home, but only a temporary abode, occupying, in their whole lives upon earth, not a foot of land which they could call their own, know little of the real sub-. stance of home life. They live, indeed; their children grow up to full stature; but their residence is only half a home. He surely has abundant (63) - ggo RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. cause for. rejoicing whose lot is cast where he can dwell from youth ‘to old age, in a dear and blessed spot, to which sweet and precious memory clings with a close and perpetual tie. Let it be the ambition of every. family to acquire that excellent earthly blessing, the ownership of a permanent home. William Armfield Thornburg, Windsor, was born in North Carolina in 1816, and came to Randolph county in 1825; married Maria Clevinger in 1835, and had twelve children—ten grown and married. He was brought up a Friend, but belonged “sia o the Methodists or United Brethren. In political faith he was a Whig. -His business was largely farming. He sold goods twelve years, and kept a hotel at Windsor and at Williamsburg; operated a mill south of Windsor. David Vestal was-born in North Carolina, coming to Randolph county perhaps in 1823; settled on Stoney creek, two and a ‘half miles south of Windsor ; was chosen justice of the peace very soon after; sold out to John . Thornburg about 1830 or 1831, and left the county in the latter year, mov- ing to White Lick, below Indianapolis, at which place he is understood to have died. They had five children at the time of removal. He was kind, genial and obliging, and his wife was an excellent woman. While he resided in the county he was a prominent citizen of that region. William Terrill, farmer and minister, was born July 13, 1829, in Stoney Creek township, this county. He was married the first time to Rebecca Thornburg, November 22, 1849; two children blessed this union—Lucinda- J. and John W. Mr. Terrill was united in marriage the second time to Mary A. Thornburg, March 27, 1856; she was born December 12, 1838. Mr. Terrill was educated in the old log school house of pioneer days, and for a number of years engaged in farming. He was a devoted minister of the Christian church for years and devoted much of his time to building up the denomination of his choice. Mr. Terrill is perhaps the oldest minister in Randolph county up to this time, 1914. Job Thornburg. This venerable pioneer of Randolph county was the son of Isaac and Rebecca ( Hodgen) Thornburg, and was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, September 29, 1801. He was the fifth of a family of twelve children; his father was born in Pennsylvania, July 4, 1773, and mother in the same state July 24, 1773. They moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina, where they were married, and remained until the year 1811, when they moved to Clinton county, Ohio,. where they. remained until 1827, when they came to this county and remained until their deaths; his mother died July 24, 1832, and his father June 28, 1862. Job lived with his parents on the farm until he was twenty-five years of age, when he, with his brother, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 901 removed to Indiana, and settled in Randolph county. After living with his brother for about one year, he returned to Ohio, and was united in marriage with Lydia Smith, daughter of James and Atlantic Smith, April 17, 1826. He and his wife returned to Indiana the following October, when he entered eighty acres of the farm upon which he now resides. He has spent the best portion of his life in clearing a farm from the unbroken forest. No one but those who have had the experience fully realize the amount of- toil and ~ hardship connected with the development of this country. The subject of this sketch has accomplished more of this kind of work than most men of this age; he early learned the lesson which insures success to every young life, he rapidly accumulated property. He is the father of ten children, as follows: Atlantic, born January 18, 1826; Abijah, born February 8, 1828, deceased January 3, 1848; Jonathan J., born April 2, 1830; Thomas, born May 7, 1832, deceased October 28, 1846; James, born March 27, 1834; Ann, born September 19, 1836; Edward R., born December 4, 1838, deceased September 13, 1867; Tilnias, born November 27, 1840; Isaac D., born October 28, 1842; Rebecca, born September 3, 1845. He and his wire were raised. members of the Society of Friends, and ever remained faithful to their adopted church. Myr. Thornburg served this county as juror more or less for thirty years. Jonathan J. Thornburg, who is a native of this county and son of Job and Lydia Thornburg was born April 2, 1830. He is the third of a family of ten children, seven of whom are living. Some of the other pioneers of Stoney Creek township were William Huitt, Francis M. Amburn, Philip K. Dick, John E. Heickes, Enos A. Leeka, Jacob: Mills, John M. Moore, John Ozbun, Isaac J. Smith, Abraham Symons, Joshua Swingley, Jonathan J. Thornburg, Thomas Wallace, Will- iam Wright,- John D. Wright, Samuel Huff and Isaac J. Smith. Nettle Creek Township.—It embraces thirty-one and one-half sections, ‘being seven miles long, north to south, and four and a half miles wide east to west. It lies wholly west of the twelve-mile boundary, and the land was ‘surveyed about 1820 or 1821. Settlement began later, of course, there than it did east of the boundaries. The township lies chiefly i in the valley of the Little White river, and covers a fine scope of country. Much of it is gently rolling, presenting pleasant landscapes. The soil is well-adapted to all kinds of farming, and fine crops are produced. Being settled later, improvements are not so much advanced as they are farther east, yet there are maby fine farms, with good buildings, etc. 992 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The earliest settler of whom we have heard is William Shullabarger, who came in 1820, settling south of Losantville. He was killed by the falling of a tree. The next settler was John Burroughs, 1822, and also his brother, Thomas Burroughs, 1822. The following came soon afterward: Solomon Sparks, Mahlon Bronson, Isaac Branson, John Massey, Ichabod Tharpe, Phineas Macy, Mason Powell, Enoch Sayles, Jacob Tharpe, Henry Mossby and perhaps others. Samuel Burroughs, son of John Burroughs, was the first child born in Nettle Creek township, May 20, 1823. The settlers in this region had pecul- iarly severe hardships in the early time. Some of them were very poor, and all of them were greatly “put to it” to make their way. One pioneer in this township, when he first moved to the county, had one old horse only, and the horse died in a few days, which left them in a bad condition. The mat] cut his knee with his frow while splitting clapboards for his cabin, and was laid helpless on the puncheon floor-for six weeks. His wife and her brother improved the season by making several barrels of sugar, which stood them in good stead to give in exchange for corn during the summer. In a scope of two, miles square there were owned but two wagons. One day six horses were hitched to one of these wagons to go to mill. Twelve bushels were loaded in, and off the teams started. The horses would not pull together, got fast in a big mud-hole, and stopped. Six men unhitched ‘each a horse, took each a sack -of wheat and away to the mill, leaving the wagon to get out of the mud when it got a “good ready.” Thus did the hardy pioneers of Nettle Creek bravely push their way, and some of them still survive to look back upon those rough and troublesome times and those awkward ways. Isaac Branson was in Nettle Creek in 1824, in the time of the “Falling Timber,” since one settler relates that her sister at that time was at Isaac Branson’s, and that Mr. Branson’s horse was hemmed up in the stable, but not hurt. ‘Nettle Creek ‘township is a fine rolling country, well adapted to all kinds of farming. There is but one town, Losantville, or, as it was called at first, Hunt’s Cross Roads. Nettle Creek is Republican in politics by a moderate majority, when state and national lines are drawn. As to religion, Metho- dists, Disciples, Friends, Christians, United Brethren, Baptists, etc., are rep- resented. The first sermon in the region was preached at Thomas Bur- roughs’, by Rev. Bowen, a Methodist. The people generally went to West River. Thomas Burroughs died in 1825, and his funeral was preached in his cabin by Henry Mossburg. The Baptist meeting-house on the county line was built in 1825. A Methodist meeting-house was built not twenty "ae RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 993 rods away, in 1840. The first school house was built in ‘1833. School was taught in it in 1833-34 by Mr. Evans. In early times, like many primitive communities, some roughness of manners and actions prevailed, but latterly the community has become fully the equal of the rest of the county in those things that tend to enlighten and elevate and refine the feelings and sentiments of the community. In religious things there is considerable variety of opinions and practice. In an early day, the Baptists established a large influence in that part of the county, and they have maintained to this day a larger following in that township than elsewhere in Randolph. In fact, the Baptist element, which holds in the " country-at-large a strong, prominent and controlling position, has, for some reason, found in Randolph county but a meager support; and, outside of Nettle Creek, that branch of the Christian body has found but few adherents. LAND ENTRIES. S. W. 15, 18, 12, October 31, 1822, John Burroughs; S. W. S. W. 3, 18, 12, November 3, 1822, Jesse A. Jenny; S. W. N. W. 12, 19, 12, Novem- ber 25; 1822, Robert Scott; S. W. 12, 19, 12, November 25, 1822, Tarlton Moorman; W. N. W. 13, 19,-12, November 25, 1822, Mark Diggs; E. N. E. 14, 19, 12, November 25, 1822, Mark Diggs; W. S. W. 13, 18, 12, Novem- ber 26, 1822, Robert Kennedy;-E. N. E. 15, 18, 12, February 24, 1823, Jesse Moore; W. N. W. 15, 18, 12, September 30, 1823, Jesse Routh; E. S. FE. 15, 18, 12, December 15, 1823, James Massey; W. N. W. 15, 19, 12, February 2, 1824, Joseph Brooks; W. N. E. 15, 18, 12, March 26, 1826, Isaac Branson; E. S. E. 5, 18, 12, August 10, 1831, Jesse Sisk. Nettle Creek was entered between 1821 and 1838, inclusive. It is seen by the statement just giverr that the settlement of the town- ship was very sparse before 1830. In fact, the west part of the county in general had but few occupants before that date. A small number had made a beginning upon White river and Cabin creek, but not many were even there, and away from those streams the cabins and the clearings were truly “few and far between.” TOWNS. Fallen Timber Post Office—No town (perhaps) Section 35, two miles northeast of Losantville. The name has been given from the fact that years ago a terrible tornado prostrated miles and miles of timber, falling, as it did, in a dense, heaped-up, impenetrable mass, and lying for many years upon the surface of the earth, an utter barrier to passage or communication across or among its overthrown tree-trunks. That mass of ‘prostrate tree- 994. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. | trunks, entangled for years with shrubs and new-grown saplings, has for two generations disappeared from sight, and a single name, as above, is its only existing memorial. Flemingsburg.—Location, four miles notth of Losantville; five miles northwest of Huntsville; one mile southwest of Pleasant View. This town seems to have been among the oldest in the county, but whether it ever. existed except on paper, or whether any business was ever done there, we are unable to say. It is utterly extinct, and even the name seems to be wholly lost. It is to be presumed that at least a log cabin, store and a blacksmith shop were there, but we have obtained not the slightest outside information. - . Losantville——Location, sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, township 18, range 12 east; twenty-eight lots; Howard Hunt, proprietor; recorded February 22, 1851; streets, north and south, Cambridge; east and west, Main. Losant- ville (at first called Hunt’s Cross Roads) was laid out in 1851 by Howard Hunt. Its “antiquities” are as follows: Mr. Denny had a log-cabin store; _ Bright Cisk resided there in 1834, and had a grocery in 1842, and perhaps sooner than that. Howard Hunt had a grocery and a hotel in 1850. An interesting story is told of the origin of the name of Losantville. Two of the Hunt brothers lived at Huntsville. One had originated Flemingsburg and the cther Hunt’s Cross Roads. The latter was chided for naming his town such a common name, on which he changed the name to Losantville, it being the old name of the town of Cincinnati. Losantville is the only town of this name in the United States. . ‘ Pleasant View.—Location, in Nettle Creek and Stoney Creek townships. No plat recorded as far as known; laid out in 1854. Being situated in two townships and four sections, its location is more extensive than its business. There has been a small amount of business from the beginning of the town. Mr. Davidson had a saw-mill; William Kennedy had a store; Hiram Diggs also had a store; Mr. Carey had a smith shop in 1856; Solomon Hanscom started a furniture store, as also an undertaker’s shop, in 1855. Nothing remains but a store and a residence. The merchants in Pleasant View have been Messrs. Kennedy, Diggs, Wright, East, McNees, Kelly, Moore, Bates, Lumpkin & Brother, Ross & Hanscom, Macy (whose store was blown up with powder); Jessup, Hanscom, Jessup & Carter, E. Carter & Son, G.. Wright White. ‘i The physician was Dr. Frank, in 1870. The smith shops have been run by Messrs. Johnson, Carey, Bowers, Snuth and Robison. Wagon RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 2 995 shops, J. W. Paschal, Lamb -& Williams. Sawmill, Mr. Davison and others. Cabinet and undertaker’s shop, Mr. Hanscom. BIOGRAPHY. Jonathan Canady was born in North Carolina in 1821; came to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1826, and to Randolph county in 1840. He married Susan Moore and had fourteen children; twelve of them grown; eight have taught school, two are attorneys, and one is a justice of the peace. They are an active and intelligent family and are Republicans. "Martin L. Canady was born in Randolph county in 1848; married Sophronia E. Noll in 1869, and they have three children. He was a teacher, having taught school thirteen winters. He taught the first school: that ever was held in Losantville (in 1878), for it seems that ambitious little town never till 1878 rose to the dignity of possessing a school. Mr. Canady was elected magistrate of Nettle Creek township in the spring of 1879, against a candidate who had held office for twenty-five years, and had never before been beaten. Mr. Canady was the census enumerator for 1880 in the census district in which he resides. Walter Canady came from North Carolina to Randolph county in 1829, and lived and died there. He had a wife and five children. He was a farmer of Nettle Creek POW MSHI: entering land there when he came to the county. John Clevenger, father of William Clevenger, near Neff, was born in Virginia in 1780; came to Ohio in 1803; married Maria Stuthard in 1799 (born 1780); came to Randolph county in 1828; entered 120 acres. He had fourteen children; twelve lived to be grown and married and have large families, the whole twelve having 108 children, or an average of exactly nine each. He died in 1872, aged ninety-two years and nine months. His wife died in 1846, being sixty-six years old. Jonathan Clevenger came the same fall. The two families had ar- ranged to meet on the way, and come the rest of the distance together. The plan failed in some way, and the families did not meet, and each one found his way alone. . Mr. Clevenger was a sturdy Democrat. He voted for Jack- son in 1828. He was an active member of the Christian (New Light) -church, and a worthy and exemplary citizen. "Jacob Crouse was born in North Carolina in 1799; married Hannah Johnson in 1824; emigrated to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1832, settling one mill west of Losantville. They had seven children. His wife was a Baptist. He was not himself a member of any religious body, and in 996 « RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. politics lived and died a Democrat of the Jacksonian stamp and style. He entered eighty acres ‘of land, and he resided on the tract till his death in 1873, forty-one years. His wife lived only till 1864. Mark Diggs was born in North Carolina 1799, and was the son of William Diggs, the elder, whose son William came to White River in 1816. Mark Diggs came to White River, Randolph county, in 1821; married Susannah Way, daughter of Matthew Way, who was brother of Paul and- Henry Way, and who died in Car8lina in 1826. They had one child which died in infancy. Mark Diggs settled in 1827 on the farm where his widow now lives, near Pleasant View. He was a Friend, belonging to the body ; in ‘politics, a Whig and a Republican. He was an elder in the Friends Society, greatly respected and altogether a solid member. He owned at the time of his death, in 1878, 600 acres of land. At first he entered 240 acres. William Hendricks came early to the county, and was justice of the peace twelve years. He married one hundred couples during his term of office. He was also township trustee ten years, and was never defeated as a candidate for office till 1879, at which time he ran for nes and was beaten by M. L. Canady. . Miles Hunt was born in Kentucky September 10, 1808. He came early to this county in 1824, at the age of sixteen, and was a resident of Randolph county until his death. He was identified with the interests of the county for more than half a century, representing the county at one time in the state Legislature when comparatively a young man. Mr. Hunt raised a large family, now grown men and women, who are now among the useful and worthy citizens of their native commonwealth. He was a life-long Democrat, being one of the few who have clung to that political faith in the face of the overwhelming adverse majorities for many years in this Repub- lican county. Since the time of the Murphy revival he was an active and enthusiastic temperance worker. John Snodgrass was born in Virginia in 1763; moved to Tennessee in 1803, to Ohio in 1811, to Henry county, Indiana, in 1813, and to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1830. He had eight children. ~His wife was Rhoda Mays, and he was married in Virginia long before he began his wanderirigs to find a suitable home. He was an old man when he came to Randolph, sixty-seven years of age, but his stay was but short among his children and friends. He died in 1834, and his wife eleven years after her husband, in 1845. His residence was about a mile north of Losantville. He was a farmer and a Democrat. Think of the life of this sturdy pioneer. Forty years among the rugged mountains of Virginia, eight years amid the forests RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 997 of Tennessee, two years in Ohio through the Indian war of 1811-1 3, sevén- teen years buried in the woods of Henry county, Indiana, and when within three years of his allotted threescore and ten plunging yet orice more, and for the last time, into the heart of the deep, unbroken forests of Randolph county, and lying down at length after so many tedious and wearisome years, beneath the oaks and the beeches, to die and be forever at rest, while his friends and his-comrades, gathering around his mortal remairis, sadly but “hopefully say, “Life’s fitful fever over, he sleeps well.” Isaac R. Maulsby,- farmer, post office Losantville, was born in this county November 6, 1840; his father, Thomas Maulsby, was born in Ten- nessee January 5, 1805; his mother, Mary (Key) Maulsby, was a native of Virginia. Mr. Maulsby was married September 27, 186%, to Miss Mannie Cory, who was born and raised in Henry county, Indiana. Their union was blessed with four children—Phila C., born May 14, 1867; Amy V., born December 29, 1869; Gilbert O., born August 30, 1873; Stephen C., born July 13, 1877. Mr. Maulsby owned a fine farm of 200 acres; was a licentiate minister in the Baptist church, and was ever willing and ready to aid in any enterprise that tended to elevate and enlighten his fellow-man. Other pioneers of Nettle Creek township have been William Hewett, John C. Clevenger, Isaac Crouse, William Clevenger, Wilkerson Gray, Solo- mon Hanscom, Hamilton Snodgrass, Hicks K. Wright, William Burroughs, Charles H. Barrax, Jonathan J. Jones, William Oakerson, Burril Perkins, Isaac Routh, Charles H. Smothers, John T. Vardeman and Isaac Woods. Jackson Township.—It includes the north of township 18 north, range 1 west, and the south half of township 19 north, range 1 west, both town- ships being fractional, in the northeastern corner of the county, in the valley of the Mississinewa. The waters of the township are the Mississinewa, “Little Mississinewa and some smaller streams. The old or Wayne’s boundary divides the township into two pats somewhat cornerwise, entering near the northeast corner and passing out at the south side, crossing the township line about two and one-half miles west of the east line of the township, county and state. The P., C., C. & St. L. (Pan Handle) railroad crosses the southwest corner of the township. It was erected as,a township in 1833. It contains about thirty sections, being six miles north ol south and five miles from east to west. The Mississinewa flows from east to west, as also the Little Mississinewa northward to the Big Mississinewa. The land is rather level and somewhat low. It was at first considerably wet, much of the surface standing in the water a great part of the time. Clearing and ditching, however, have dried out the land pretty yys RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. well, and the country is now good for farming, the low lands being the best. Originally the country was heavily timbered. Most of the farms are now well cleared, though some are still rather new. | The first entry was made by John Abercrombie in October, 1816, on the river south of Pittsburg. The actual settlement began hardly as early. It has been difficult to trace the history of things to the first beginning. The earliest settlers seem to have left no trace behind, and but a.slender memory of them remains among the residents’ of the present day. The bona fide > occupation of the township seems to have taken place about 1829, perhaps somewhat earlier. A few seem to have spent some time there before that date. Thomas Shalor, a roving fellow, occupied the James Porter place perhaps in 1826, leaving the neighborhood about 1829. He is the same one mentioned by McKew and Hawkins as living in Jay county, in the region of Camden. Philip Storms is thought by some to have been the earliest ‘resi- dent. One man states that Philip Storms was annoyed and injured by having men enter his selected location from under him, and that he became “fighting mad” on account of it, which is not much wonder, if the aggression were known and intended as such, since the act would be both a flagrant violation of “squatter” law, and a serious breach of natural justice and of the golden rule. Mr. Storms resided in the region for some time, as, several years later, he was appointed by the county commissioners to be road super- visor of his district. : ' . Some men by the name of Brockus, wild, rough men, who had, however, estimable wives, were early settlers, their residence being across the Missis- sinewa, directly north of Handschey’s first mill. They left before a very long time, but the clearing said to have been made by them was still to be seen many years afterward, and perhaps is there even to the present day. An old man by the name of Ishmael Bunch lived on the land entered by. John Jones, near Dolphus Warren’s. Jesse Gray was a famous pioneer and hunter, noted throtigh all this region, and for many years, though his precise location on the Mississinewa at his first coming (about 1820) is not pointed out. He entered land in 1833 on the Mississinewa, directly north of Allens- ville, though he must have lived somewhere in the region for ten or twelve years, and, about the time of the killing: of Fleming, he moved from the county to the vicinity of Hill Grove, Darke county, Ohio, and still again in later years to Adams county, Indiana. A settler by the name of Jacobs settled very early (in 1828) directly north of Allensville, on the north side of the Mississinewa. He was an old man in 1848, and died some years later, about 1852. : RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA, 999 The entries began quite early, the first two having been made in 1816, the next two in 1819 and the fifth in 1826. John Abercrombie, on both sides of the Mississinewa river, directly south of Pittsburg, 1816; John Laverty, 1816, on the creek, about a mile nearly north of New Middletown; John C. ‘Dunham, 1819, two separate quarter sections lying on both sides. of the Mississinewa, two and one-half miles southeast of New Pittsburg; Abra- ham ‘Royer, one and a half miles southeast of New Lisbon, between the Little Mississinewa and the Ohio line. Whether these purchasers settled their land seems doubtful. Their names have not been heard among those of early pioneers of the region. ~The fourth entry in the township was by Abram Royer, August Io, 1826, being land now owned by J. Noffsinger. He probably did not occupy it, as we have never heard his name mentioned as a settler. The fifth entry was by John Jones, August 27, 1830, southwest of Dolphus Warren’s. The next entry was by James Simmons, a little west of the second entry. Sim- mons married and settled in 1834. ‘The first settlers were inclined rather to hunt than to clear, but some moved away and others came in, and solid and permanent improvement began. Many, perhaps most, of the first comers were poor, some without even money to purchase land. Mr. Porter (James) said that he entered 120 acres, forty acres at a time, walking mostly to Cincinnati and back, -making each separate entry. ° The first school in Mr. Porter’s neighborhood was taught by George Porter’s wife about 1836. The people used to go to meeting to the Prospect meeting-house neighborhood. The first meeting Mr. Porter’s folks attended was at Riley Marshall’s, near Prospect. Marshall’s was the préaching place, and it was held on a week day. Mrs. Porter used to take her baby and walk to meeting—three miles. The first school near Allensville was taught by Mrs. Beach at home. There may have been seven or eight pupils—a mere handful. The first sermon was preached at Mr. Beach’s by a Baptist preacher. The first mill was a corn cracker. Jacob Johnson built one afterward, which he said cost him $1.50. The stones were common gray heads dressed down. It would grind five or six bushels in twenty-four hours by running day and night. Mr. Skinner afterward built a pretty good mill for wheat and corn. Mr. Hinchy also built one with a saw-mill. The first organized religious society is supposed to have been the Dis- ciples church, New Lisbon, in 1839, and the first church erected to have been by them near New: Lisbon in 1841. Many of the early settlers were church- 1000 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. going people. Smith, Wiley, Reeves, Mangus, , Wickersham, Debolt, etc., were Disciples. Beach, Chandler and others near Allensville were Baptists. _ It would seem from the above that in Jackson township up to April 12, 1837, not quite four sections or about one thousand one hundred and forty acres of land had been entered, by about thirty-one persons, no entry being above 160 acres, and nearly all eighties or forties. The great rush of settle- ment came in 1837 and 1838. The entries in Jackson township were made by men of very moderate pecuniaty ability. Economy and thrift have, how- ever, become the means of furnishing to many in the township comfortable and even luxurious homes, and a considerable number have acquired wealth. The body of the population remain, However, even as of old, and, from the beginning, industrious, sturdy, simple-hearted, independent farmers of mod- erate means and frugal habits. , The Portland & Union railroad, projected many years ago, was graded through Jackson township, and New Pittsburg was laid out for a center of trade, but the railroad was not completed; the track was never made, and the road is simply a useless bank of earth, and Jackson township and New Pittsburg as well is out in the cold. Jackson is the extreme northeast township of the county, and its boundaries are as follows: On the north by Jay county, on the east by Ohio, on the south by Wayne township, on the west by Ward township. Politically, Jackson township is overwhelmingly Democratic. Originally it is said to have been almost wholly so, insomuch that a story is told that at one time one Whig voted alone in Jackson township. This can hardly be true, yet the time has been when the non-Democratic voters in Jackson town- ship were “mity skase” indeed. © Allensville.—Situated on the Union and North Salem pike, a little south of the Mississinewa river; recorded November 13, 1847. The town is extinct. Jonathan Lambert first built a log cabin and put in a store there in about 1844 or 1845. The town was platted shortly afterward, and Lam- bert’s store remained till perhaps 1856, and a Mr. Bowen succeeded him. ‘Some of the early settlers in the neighborhood were Trowbridge Allen, Ziba Davis, Cortlandt Lambert, Mr. Hoover, father of ‘Isaac Hoover, Abra- ham and Jeremiah Lambert, etc. Allensville was never much of a town. The “Quaker trace” passed through Jackson township, past Mount Holly, Castle postoffice, near Allens- ville, crossing Mississinewa at the old ford, about eighty rods east of the turnpike bridge. The Salem and Union pike passes through the town. Nothing has been there for many years except the old mill. = RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. I00I As to the towns of Jackson, not much can be said. Most of them are extinct or greatly dwindled. Allensville (Sockum) was never “any great shakes,” and what life it had “winked out.” New Lisbon had a brave start, and might have done well, but Union City “cut off its wind” and it had to succumb. Almost all the towns in this region were originally christened as “New” something or other—New Lisbon, New Pittsburg, New Middletown. They were indeed new then, but they are new no longer, and the affix “new” is mostly omitted, and their memory is retained simply as Middletown, Lisbon and Pittsburg. Mt. Holly seems to have been ahead, as to time, of all the towns in that region. Their dates are as follows: Mount Holly, 1840; Allensville, 1847; New Lisbon, 1848; New Middletown, 1851; New Pittsburg, 1856. Thus the town with the ‘fragrant name had seven years the start of its earliest rival, and “Sockum” was so distant that she need have had no fear of her far-away neighbor. But old settlers insist upon it that Mount Holly never had anything but one blacksmith shop. If so, so be it. It was saved the slow, tedious process of dying by inches or perishing by dull, stupid decay. Its proprietor had more exalted ideas of future greatness for his new town, since he made three cross streets, while most of the embryo cities at their first laying out, were fully contented with one, and several had no “cross streets’ at all. But all in vain; survey and record were- alike for naught. , New Lisbon is three and a half miles north of Union City. It had a ‘fine start, and but for the railroad would doubtless have made a creditable showing for business, but the fates decreed otherwise and New Lisbon has buildings still standing, enough to make quite a‘town, and the dwellings are all inhabited, but the only semblance of business is a smith shop and the crowds on the Sabbath attending at the meeting-house. New Pittsburg is on. the route of a railroad projected and graded some twenty-five years ago from Union City to Portland, and at the line of Ran- dolph and Jay counties. The town is on section 6, near the northwest cornér of Jackson township and about one mile north of the Mississinewa river. The railroad failed and New Pittsburg has dragged along trying to prosper, but not able to do so. It was set on foot in 1854 (recorded in 1856) by William McFarland. At one time, say about 1864, considerable life was shown. ‘There were then two stores, two smith shops, a wagon shop and some other things. The business has mostly left the place and the town is greatly decayed. 1002 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Ezekiel Clough, farmer, was born in New Hampshire in 1802, emi- grated to Mill Creek, Ohio, not. far from Cincinnati, in 1818. His father died soon afterward, leaving the care of the family to Ezekiel, then about eighteen years old. They “rented” for several: years and then engaged in making brick in Cincinnati, by which he got his start. He married Anna Huddart and in 1836 the couple moved to the “wilds of Jay,” entering six hundred and forty acres of land. In 1862, he changed his residence from Jay to Randolph. Mr. Clough had nine children—William, Nancy, Ezekiel, Hannah, George, Jane, John (and two more). ‘William was killed in the _ army at Port Gibson, Mississippi, May, 1863.. In those early days, accommo- dations were poor and times were hard. The people used even to grate corn-meal for mush and hoe-cake and buckwheat meal for batter cakés ; and if the settlers wished to have grain ground at the mill, they had to send it to Covington, six miles beyond Greenville, or even to Dayton sometimes; often half of the grist was given to pay for grinding and for hauling it to mill and back. Mr. Clough was-better off from the start than many of his brother settlers, and hence was spared some of the trials of poor pioneer life. He was from the first an exemplary member .of the Free-Will Baptist church, and spent much time and means in building up the interests of education and religion. He was one of the chief founders of Ridgeville College, ‘being understood to have given to it at the beginning ten thousand dollars and also much more since that time. Jacob Corl was born in Pennsylvania in 1805, married Elizabeth Stufft in 1825, came to Richland county, Ohio, in 1835, and to Randolph county, . Indiana, in 1838, settling in Jackson township, south of New Pittsburg. He had three children. He bought eighty acres at first and afterward one | hundred and sixty acres. He formerly belonged to the Episcopal Methodists and the German Reformed church. Andrew Debolt, blacksmith, came to Jackson township early in 1831. He died, seventy-eight years old. Henry Debolt was born in 1817 in Butler county, Ohio; married Ann Mikesell in 1844; had eleven children, seven living, four married; came to ‘Randolph county in 1844. Mr. Debolt was a farmer; was justice of the peace seventeen years; township trustee four years; a Disciple and a Demo- crat and a highly respected and trustworthy citizen. . George Debolt (father of the above), Jackson township, was born in 1794 in Hamilton county, Ohio; ‘resided in Butler and Preble counties, Ohio; — came to Randolph county, Jackson township, in 1844; married Rachel Claw- , son; had eight children, six living. He died in 1853, his wife in 1861. Mr. ' RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1003 Debolt was colonel in Butler county, Ohio; was justice of the peace in Jack- son township four years and ‘probate judge one term. He owned two hun- dred and twerity acres of land, having entered one hundred and forty acres. He was a Democrat and an active, intelligent and trustworthy citizen. A few familiés were near that place, a few near New Lisbon and Mt: Holly and a Mr. Porter lived south of Pittsburg. The first school in the township was taught by Mrs. Beach in her own house. The first sermon was at the same. place. For other items see account of Jackson township. The following is an account of the ancestry of Jacob Gittinger, late of Jackson township, Randolph county, Indiana: Jacob Gittinger, grandfather of the one mentioned above, was born in Switzerland about 1760, or sooner; was married in that country and soon afterward emigrated to America, settling in Baltimore county, Maryland. He was a soldier for a time in the Revolutionary war. In politics, he was a Jeffersonian Republican and afterward a Jacksonian Democrat and in religious connection a Lutheran. He had four sons and six daughters, all but one of whom grew up and were married. They all settled in Mary- land, but their descendants are now widely scattered. occupation, Mr. Gittinger was a blacksmith and a farmer and also a hotel-keeper on the pike between Hanover and Baltimore. He died about 1846 in Baltimore county, Maryland, at the age of eighty-six years or more. Jacob Gittinger (son of the above and father of the present Jacob Gittinger) was born in Maryland in 1786. He married, in Maryland, Mary Deal, in 1807 or 1808, and they were the parents of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters. All of them became grown except the youngest son who died at seven years old. Mr. Gittinger was a wagon-maker and a black- smith and farmer. He was a Democrat in politics and belonged’ to the Mehodists for many years, continuing in that connection to the close of his life. He moved to Ohio in 1835, tarrying awhile in Darke county and settling in Randolph county in 1838, in Jackson township, not far from the Ohio line. He died about 1870, eighty-four years old, and his wife in 1860, aged seventy-two years. The whole family removed to Randolph county except one son, though not many are left in the region at the present time. The aged couple lie side by side in the burying ground at Raper chapel in Darke county, Ohio. He was a soldier in the war of 1&t2, being an ensign in the Lighthorse Guards. _ Jacob Gittinger (the third), was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, in 1817. He came with his father to Ohio in 1835 and to Randolph county in 1838, the latter. removal being when he was twerity-one years of age. 1004. RANDOLPH COUNTY, -INDIANA. . -The Harshmans (four brothers), Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Reuben Harshman, were born in Rockingham county, Virginia, and were brought by their father, James Harshman, to Preble county, Ohio, in 1807. Abraham and Jacob Harshman emigrated to Randolph county in 1832. Reuben came in 1834 and Isaac about 1837 or 1838. They settled near and north of Sara- toga and Middletown. Abraham Harshman was twice married and had ten children. . John Skinner, son of James Skinner and uncle of Dr. Reeves, built the first mill in the region. It stood on the Little Mississinewa, a little north of New Lisbon, being a log-cabin structure, and it was at first simply a corn- cracker, but was afterward changed to. a wheat-mill, a hand-bolt being added. The mill answered well its purpose, standing and running for twenty, or twenty-five years. Three brothers of James Skinner were with Jackson at New Orleans during the war of 1812, and two of those brothers were buried in that distant Southern clime. James himself volunteered also, but for some reason, not now known, he was sent home again. James Simmons, iri 1831, entered a tract occupied by George Vance and lived with Mr. Vance in the cabin built by Mr. Vance till Mr. Simmons got married in 1834, to Avaline Hawkins, daughter of Mr. Hawkins, pioneer of Jay county, Indiana. Mr. Simmons was an active, intelligent, enterpris- ing, genial: man, an ardent Whig and a straight-out Republican and was - highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens. Eli Byrum was born in North Carolina in 1816 and died in Randolph county, Indiana, in February, 1877. His father, William Byrum, was a farmer and blacksmith and a man of fine intellect.. He was a prominent and leading citizen of his county and was three times elected as its representative in the Legislature of North Carolina. Jn 1838 or 1839 he came North, locat- ing in Preble county, Ohio, and about a year later came to Randolph county, ‘Indiana. Eli, the subject of this sketch, accompanied his father in his re- movals, and, at the time of the removal to Randolph county, -purchased eighty acres adjoining his father’s farm in partnership with his brother Robert. + At the age of twenty-nine years, in 1845, he was united in marriage with Rachel . Newton, daughter of Henry and Mary Newton, who resided at that time near Richmond, Indiana. In November, 1846, his wife died, leaving a daughter, who died a few months later. On the 25th of July, 1848, he mar- ried Miss Lucinda Fields, daughter of Lansford and Nancy Fields, who came from Tennessee to Randolph county, Indiana, in 1832. By this second union Mr. Byrum and wife were the parents of thirteen children. THE JACKSON, JACKSON TOWNSHIP. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. IO0O5 Stephen Hindsley was born in North Carolina August 20, 1818. Mr. Hindsley after making several changes, finally selected Jackson township as a desirable place to locate and made his final settlement February 10, 1848. He married Miss Ann M. McConnell, March 7, 1841, a native of Piqua, Ohio, born June 10, 1820. Ten children blessed this union. Mr. Hindsley and his daughters are worthy members of the Disciples church. Mr. Hinds-| ley is a social gentleman and a Democrat of the old school. His father, John Hindsley, was a native of Maryland, born January 17, 1767. He united in matrimony with Miss Hannah Stone March 8, 1807; she was born March 8, 1788, in North ‘Carolina. In the year 1823, Mr. John Hindsley and family settled in Granger county, Tennessee; thence in Darke county, Ohio. He deceased August 16, 1847, and his estimable wife September 6, 1866. : Squire Hinkle was born July 10, 1853, in Jackson township, Randolph county. He was educated in the common schools of this county; he is the owner of a fine farm and a pleasant home; he is a great lover of music, and is naturally a musician. He was married April 11, 1875, to Henrietta Sim- mons, also a native of Randolph county, born December 25, 1853. They have three children. Other pioneers of Jackson township are Reuben Harshman, Henry Handschy, Henry Hinkle, Leander Harshman, Minus Berkheim, Jacob Howard, John B. Lyons, John Mangas, Absolom Mangas, Henry Rickert, George Rickert, Noah S. Smith, Ephraim Spittler, D. Warren, John M. Wimer. Green township is in the northwestern corner of the county, being the westernmost of the northern tier of townships—Jackson, Ward, Franklin and Green. It lies, like the others mentioned, in the valley of the Missis- sinewa river and on hoth sides of that stream, the larger half of the township being on the south side. , Two principal creeks flow northward, Elkhorn and Mud creeks, and one southwestward, Dinner creek from Jay county. The township is narrower than the other three northern townships by a mile and a half, that width being taken to form a part of Monroe, located directly south of Green and north of Stoney creek. The region, though lying away from the prior settlements established in the county and neglected almost till the last, has proved to be good and fertile and the citizens of that part of the county are proud of their location, thinking it in natural advantages not a whit behind the other town- ships of old Randolph. (64) T1006 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The surface of the region is for the most part moderately rolling, though some portions are tolerably level. The country was originally burdened with a heavy growth of timber, a large amount of which still remains. The settle- ment of Green township, as already stated, was not till long after the first occupation of the region. One might have supposed that, since the upper ‘portions of the valley were taken up between 1816 and 1820, that pioneers would have passed down the river and planted their stakes along its lower course. Noso. The first entrysin the bounds of Green township was made August 18, 1832, sixteen years after the first entry in the upper valley, and by the close of 1835 only fifteen quarter sections had been purchased of the United States, or about one-eighth of the whole. But, during the years. 1836, 1837 and 1838, the rush for entries was great and by thie close of the latter year all the land in the county except the school sections and scattering pieces here and thefe that had escaped the notice of the general public, had passed into the hands of private owners, though not very much was yet occu- pied by bona fide settlers. _ By examination it appears that every one of the forty-two entries prior to 1836, except one, was upon Mississinewa river or near that stream or upon Elkhorn. | Nearly the whole of the river across the entire township had been entered and most of Elkhorn for two miles up that stream. The solitary outside entry had been made in section 20, 21, 12, near Delaware line, some three miles south of the river. A large part of these entries had been made in advance of settlement in Monroe township. Only eight entries of four hundred and forty acres had been made as stated in the history of Monroe township up to June, 1835, while forty-four entries to two thousand five hundred and sixty acres had been effected in'Green township. It is true, indeed, that the whole northern tier of townships and Wayne as well had remained mostly unoccupied up- to 1834, or thirty years after the first emigration to the county. But the time had then come for the rush of entry and emigration and in three years from 1835 nearly every acre of available land had been purchased. How much had been settled up to the close of 1838 we are not able to state. SETTLEMENT. The first actual settlers in Green township are supposed to have been Alexander Garringer and Martin Boots, opposite Fairview. They entered their land in August and October, 1832, and were living there in March, 1833, and probably in 1832.. When the Greens and Browns came from Tennessee in March, 1833, Garringer and Boots were the only families in the *%, ' ‘RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1007 township. In the spring of 1833 a company from Tennessee settled not far from Steubenville on both sides of the river, which colony made a brave be- ginning for that township of at least nine and perhaps more families in one group. Philip Berger, who came in 1838, said: “In 1880, the country was all woods. A few settlers were scattered here and there but they had only cabins with small clearings like deep caves sunk far below the-tops of the thick, almost unbroken forest. These little clearings made hardly a per- ceptible break in the vast, untrodden wilderness.” When he came he says the residents were as follows: Alexander Garringer and Martin Boots, across the river from Fairview; Mr. Porter on the present site of Fairview; Naselrod had been on Thomas Hubbard’s -place; Alexander Stevens’ had settled in the east part about 1830, perhaps the first in the township; John Bone lived below Fairview. Anthony Wayne McKinney came in 1837 and his son, John B. McKinney, lives now opposite Fairview in a splendid and costly mansion, being the owner of fourteen or fifteen hundred acres of land and of great herds of cattle and stock; Nathan Godwin came in 1837 and his son, Thomas Godwin, resides in Fairview; John Garringer came in 1836 and resided where Baldwin now lives; Martin Smith bought out Garringer in the fall of 1836. ; The first mail route was from Deerfield to Granville, Delaware county, once in two weeks, out and back on horseback in 1843. The first mill was built by Anthony McKinney on the river below Fairview where Woolver- ton’s mill now is. He had first a saw-mill, then a corn cracker, afterward a grist mill. He built the dam in’1838. The saw mill began work in 18309, the corn mill in the fall and the wheat mill in 1841 or 1842. The first school was in the winter of 1837 in a little round log cabin near Fairview on the river bank: The first meeting was held in that same log cabin. The first church was built of logs for the Methodists about 1839 in Fairview. About 1844, a quarterly meeting was held at Thomas Hubbard’s. Their house had just been built and had no floor and the sleepers served very well for seats. Methodist meetings used to be held at Nathan Godwin’s. Christian (New Light) meetings were held at Martin Smith’s. The schoolhouse now stand- ing is the third; the first was log, the second frame, the third brick. The first brick house was either Samuel Caylor’s or William Ore’s. The first brick kiln was a small one of thirty or forty thousand for chimneys, burnt by Thomas Hubbard. Samuel Caylor burnt his own brick. The first reap- ers in the township were J. B. McKinney’s and Philip Berger’s. Mr. Berger’s started first. They were the Kirby reapers and the time was 1855 or 1856. 1008 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. The first threshing machine was run by Philip Stover of Delaware county. It was a falling beater and chaff-piler. He threshed first for old Elijah Harbour and. then for Philip Berger. | The first justice was John Garringer in 1838.’ People say that he kept his docket on slips of paper and stuck them in cracks in the logs of his cabin and that nobody but himself could read them. The first burial in Fairview graveyard was that of an old lady, Mrs. Shirley, mother-in-law of Reuben Eppart. Mr. Godwin laid off the gtaveyard. Thomas Powell was buried in what is now J. B. McKinney’s pasture before 1838. The spot is unknown. The first wheat in the settlement was raised by Thomas Hubbard, three acres, producing sixty bushels. Flat-boats and pirogues used to float down the river with apples, pork, flour and what not. One spring five boats came down loaded with charcoal. They were stove in and the coal was jost. One broke in pieces going over McKinney’s dam. Mr. Hubbard set out an orchard i in 1840, getting the trees of Joab Ward, at Ridgeville.. There were one hundred and twenty trees and he gave nine dollars a hundred, bringing them down the river in a canoe. The brick kiln of Thomas Hubbard was the first. William Ore, Samuel Caylor and J. B. McKinney each burned his own bricks for his house. There are no brick factories in the township, neither are there any tile factories, though much ditching has been done. However, there are no long company ditches made under authority of law. No pikes had been made in Green township, strange as the fact may- seem, till the summer of 1880. The people there made a beginning upon the east and west road leading from Ridgeville to Fairview, an old thoroughfare laid out some fifty or more years ago. . There are no railroads through the township. Three roads run near, but none touch its soil. Fairview, the chief town, is but a short distance from several railroad points, but is itself cut off from all. Several bridges have been erected in Green township, one iron bridge at Fairview, one bridge north of Steubenville, one south of Emmettsville and perhaps others, all across the Mississinewa river. Although the settlement of this region was so late that much of the forest still remains standing, yet many of the resi- dents have acquired comfortable fortunes and substantial and even elegant homes. In Green township may be found, in fact, perhaps the most costly dwelling in Randolph county, that of John B. McKinney, Esq., opposite Fair- view, of a peculiar style, unique but elegant and very expensive, said to con- tain forty rooms. The people of Green township are mostly moral, upright, industrious, frugal and thriving in their dispositions, character and habits.” Other pioneers of Green township were John Bone, Silas S. Clark, Ezra oe yx RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 100g Conn, Jacob Daugherty, Aaron Harris, Amos Ludwick, Clark Reed, George Sites, Asaph B. Webb. TOWNS. ‘Berlin.—Location, on south side of Mississinewa river, section 4, town 21, range 12, opposite Fairview. B. Mann, proprietor; Moorman Way, sur- _ veyor; recorded December 13, 1833. ‘Town. extinct. “Died borning.” It seems that the proprietors of Fairview and Berlin played at “cross purposes,” and Fairview won for the time. Berlin: had, in truth, two years the start and still she “lost.” : Emmettsville—Was laid out some years ago but no. tales has been made of the plat. It is located a little north of Mississinewa river upon the ‘Deerfield and Fairview state road leading from Greenville, Ohio, northwest- ward. ‘The town is now extinct. The German Evangelical church alone remains. Fairview.—The town was laid out in 1838 by: Thomas Hubbard, Samuel Boots. Nathan Godwin and Daniel Culver. It is lo¢ated-on section 4, town 21, range 12, near the northwest corner of the township and of Randolph county as well,.on the Deerfield & Ridgeville road, which extends northwest past Emmettsville and Fairview into ‘Delaware county. The ground on which it is built is finely rolling, unusually so for Randolph county. The business of the town began about as follows: Alex Garringer had a little store at his cabin south of the river and he moved the goods over to the site of the town and “set up” in 1839. Mr. Garringer also started a smith shop. He had had a shop over at his farm but he changed locations. He was not a smith himself but maintained a shop, hiring his.workmen. Mr. Harris was the first physician in 1842. He was also the first postmaster. Mail was carried once in two weeks on horseback from Deerfield to Greenville, Dela-_ ware county. A little cabin was used for a schoolhouse in 1837- 38, standing near the river bridge on the north bank. A log church was built about 1839. The town grew gradually and not very slowly and it came to be quite a stirring place. There were at one time (1845 to 1850) three or four thriv- ing stores, two smith shops, three hotels and considerable other business of various kinds. The years during the war witnessed the greatest activity in goods. There were heavy stock trading and much. other business. Fitz- patrick & Wilson drove and fed stock largely. Bridges: There are three large bridges near Fairview, all of them over the Mississinewa. One: is directly at ‘Fairview, crossing over the river to the residence of J. B. Me- Kinney, Esq., and constructed of iron. One wooden bridge near Samuel. Caylor’s. One wooden bridge near Evans’. A IOIO RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Rockingham.—The. village was laid out in 1833 by William R. Merine and recorded in 1836. The town had so slight a growth and so early a death, few have ever so much as heard of it or had the least idea of its loca- tion. John Ford, however, who moved to the county in 1839, residing on Elkhorn in Green township, said that a good store was kept. So that Rock- ingham lived its brief life not in vain and spent all its days in accomplishing good to the surrounding region. Steubenville—Israel Wirt, Jonathan Green, proprietors. It was laid out by Israel Wirt and Jonathan Green in 1840. It stands upon sections 13 and 14, on the south side of the Mississinewa river, though not very near to that stream. There’were once a tanyard, a store, kept by Israel Wirt, a smith .. shop by Julian and four or five houses: A cemetery lies near the place which is still in use and in resaonable repair. The town never did much business, nor was it: ever prosperous and it has been entirely dead for years: The Green consolidated school stands upon the site of Steubenville. Philip Barger was born in Fayette county, Ohio in 1815, His parents were Virginians who left that state on account of slavery. His father died when Philip was young, Mr. Barger came to look at the country in 1846, and entered land in the fall of that year (one hundred and forty-five acres). He married Elizabeth Strong October 4, 1838, in Delaware county, Indiana, came to Randolph county, Indiana, to live and settle October 24, 1838. They have had seven children.. His wife died August 7, 1877. He was by occu- pation a farmer and has also held several public trusts. He was township assessor, justice of the peace four years, county commissioner two terms. He was one of the board that built the new court-house and satisfied that it did right. Monroe Township.—For | "years the settlements seemed to find White river an impassable barrier. For half a generation after settlers had begun to pour into the southern half of the White river valley, scarce a solitary pioneer had ventured across the stream into that uncouth wilderness. In fact the first entry within the bounds of Monroe ‘township was not made until seventeen years had passed away after the first entry in the valley of White river. The entries, even at that time, throughout that region, were few and scant enough as given below: Monroe was mostly taken between 1835 and 1838 inclusive, chiefly during the years 1836 and 1837. Two entries, forty acres each (as above), were made in 1833, three in 1834 and three in 1835 to June 17. Eight entries, embracing four hundred and forty, acres—five forties and three eighties—comprise all the entries up to June 17, 1835, throughout the entire extent of Monroe township. It may be inter- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. IOI! esting to know where these eight pioneer entries were: John Rody, one mile south of Morristown, forty acres; Jeremiah B. Reed, on West Branch of Elkhorn, five miles northwest of Farmland, forty. acres; Philip Baughn, on same branch of Elkhorn, one and a half miles below Reed’s, eighty acres; Morgan Mills, one-half mile north of Morristown, forty acres; Bernard Kerr, on Elkhorn, right below Reed’s, eighty acres; Joseph Smith, at the Methodist Episcopal church, on West Branch of Elkhorn, above Reed’s, forty acres; Henry Rash, just south of Morristown, forty acres; Abraham Garst, one mile southwest of Farmland, and one and a half miles northeast of the mouth of Cabin creek, eighty acres. Three of them were near Morristown —one north and two south of it. Four were above the West Branch of Elkhorn to its junction with the East Branch. One was southwest of Farm- land. About that time it would seem that several had come in, perhaps selecting their claims and settling previous to making entries of their land. From one who came in in 1835, we obtain the following statement of settlers living in the region in 1835; Jeremiah B. Reed, near Rehobeth meeting- house; James Harvey, north of Rehobeth; Mr. Carr, north of Rehobeth, on : the Isaac Thornburg place; Samuel Smith, on the Adams farm, north of Rehobeth; Philip Booker, across from Abram Hammer’s; Isaac Garringer, on the State road, north and south; Jonathan Flood, in 1836, near Hopewell church, a Protestant Methodist minister; Johri F. Wood, William Wood, in northwest corner of township; Moses Marks, north of Parker; John Baughn, in the edge of Delaware county, who was married twice, and has had twenty- six children—seventeen by his first wife and nine by the second; John B. Mills, north of Shiloh; Andrew Cortner, west of Shiloh. Other settlers on Elkhorn, northwest of Farmland, were: Messrs. Hammer, Booker, Adams, Garringer, McCarney, Peter Hester, etc., etc. Eli Hiatt came in and settled one-half mile south of Farmland in 1836. Isaac Garringer “planted his stakes” on Elkhorn, three miles northwest of Farimland, about the same time. Peter Hester came on Bush creek in 1830, perhaps the first on Bush creek. Mr. Bowers bought cut Mr. Hester soon after. In fact, Green township was settled before Monroe, 640 acres being settled in 1832, in six entries; thirteen entries made in 1833 comprising 920 acres; seven entries made in 1834, including 600 acres; and eight entries in 1835, covering some 400 acres—or thirty-four entries in all with about 2,560 acres; or,.in both townships, forty-two entries with 3,000 acres. And of the whole number, only five contained 160 acres and they were all in Green township; twenty- two were forty acres each and fifteen were eighty acres each. The township, like much of the county, is level, or moderately rolling, LOI2 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. comprising a fine body of land, which, though late in settlement from diffi- culty of access, has richly rewarded its hardy and enterprising settlers. The surface was originally covered with a heavy growth of timber of the kinds common in the region, much of which still remains, to furnish in these latter days of increased demand and improved market facilities, a rich source of wealth to the present owners of the farms located in the township. The first school in the southwest part of Monroe is mentioned in the account of ‘Thomas ‘Wallace. Im the northwest part. of the township, on Campbell creek, Jacob Jones came in 1838, three miles north of Parker. At that time James and William Wood and George Burkett had already settled in the same region, coming in 1836. ,The first school in that region was in Delaware county, in 1839, one and a half miles west of Mr. Jones’. The: first school in that neighborhood in Randolph was taught by old Mr. Flood, a brother to Rev. Jonathan Flood. | ' The first meeting-house in the neighborhood was in Delaware county, _ built in 1841; but there was a log house used for meetings before that and the first Sabbath school was held in the log house, Jacob Tones being superin- tendent then and also after the new house was built MORRISTOWN, PARKER POSTOFFICE. Location, sections 16 and. 17, 20, 12, in the western part of Monroe township, near Delaware county line, on the Bee Line railroad. William E. Harris, Joseph Lewis, Allen W. Lewis, proprietors. T. C. Puckett, sur- veyor. Recorded November 15, 1851. Eighty lots. Morristown (John: Jones’ Addition)—John Jones, proprietor. Eight lots. Recorded April 2, 1857. Location, upon the Bee-Line railroad, west of Farmland: Morris- town seems to have been laid out some months before Farmland was, Novem- ber 15, 1851, and Farmland July 28, 1852. 83 . The first store in Morristown was owned by Andrew Devoss and Milton Harris. The first smith shop was by Joseph Thornburg. The first shoe- maker was Peter Deal, in 1854. The first cabinet shop was opened by William Fleming in 1854. The first saw-mill was by W. W. Jones in 1853 or 1854. The merchants have been Devoss & Harris, Thomas Aker & Harvey Harris, Thomas Lewis, Brown & Meeks, James Russell, Lake Andrews, Joshua Rector, Thomas Johnson, Thornburg & Gunkel, Dotson, Devoss. Dotson & Devoss, Daugherty, Daugherty & Scott, Scott, Brown, Dotson, N. C, Simmons, J. H. Byrd, Davis, Cline. Drug stores—Edward Reece and Noah Basley. during the war. The first physician was Martin Corinor, in 1854 re Sn Monroe Township Public School. Parker City. New M. E. Church, Parker City. Three Parker City Snapshots. ‘ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1013 _ Parker is a small but somewhat energetic place, injured somewhat by -being so close to ‘Farmland on the east and Selma on the west. However, it holds a share of the business. There are three religious societies—Meth- odist, Christian and Friends. Parker is a live, progressive town, being sup- : ported mainly by agricultural interests. Parker has all kinds of business well ' represented, good homes, churches and schools. ‘ Farmland.—Location, sections 13, 20, 12, and sections 18, 20, 13, on Bee Line railroad, west of Winchester, one mile north of White river, in Monroe township. Recorded July 28, 1852. Henry D. Huffman, William ‘Macy, proprietors. One hundred and fifty-two lots. Streets—Mulberry, Main, Plum, north and south; William, Railroad, Henry, east and west. Peter S. Miller’s Addition—Ten lots. Peter S. Miller, proprietor. Re- corded October 29, 1870. Macy & Groom’s Addition—David Macy, Robert H. Grooms, proprietors. Grooms, five lots, south; Macy, eight lots, east. Location, south and east of Farmland. Recorded January 24, 1862. The first store was owned by Jonathan and Aaron Macy, standing where Stanley’s store now is. Wesley Keener built a house and sold it to Miller & Ford, who kept a store in it for many years. J. Macy & Sons had a tin shop in 1855. Another tin shop was started in 1851 by Ludwick. Jonathan Macy started also a smith shop, hiring. hands to run it. The first hotel was in 1858, by Price Thomas, but it:soon_ran through. Jonathan Macy sold his _ dwelling house for a hotel. Macy sold his store to Joel Thornburg, who, for a time, carried ona large business. Stanley & Robbins took the place next. Stanley bought out Robbins. The first grain-buyers were Miller & Ford and Macy & Sons. The latter quit, but Miller & Ford kept on. Stan- ley Robbins also undertook the business. Before the war, Thornburg & Burris bought grain for three or four years and quit. James S. Davis began in about 1871. Jonathan Macy began a hardware store in 1867, continuing four years. Mr. Barker set up a harness shop about 1870. George Watson has owned a grocery in Fartnland for fifty years. The first physician was Doctor Keener in 1850. . _ Farmland was organized as a town in 1867, with five wards. Farm- land is one of the most progressive towns in the county. It has three churches and splendid schools. It is a splendid business point and is thoroughly up- ‘to-date in every respect. Until the commencement of the Bee Line railroad little improvement had been made north of White river excepting in the immediate vicinity of the Mississinewa river and the route of travel had been south of White IOI4 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. ‘river on the state road and but little improvement had been made north of it; the railroad opened up the.south part of Monroe township. ~ Three towns were established on this road, two of which,” ‘Morristown and Farmland, have already been discussed. The third one was Royston., = Royston existed only as a matter of record, no lots were ever sold or houses built. The success of Farmand, one mile west, was the doom of Royston.. Just why this is true is difficult to understand. as Royston was surveyed and established one year, before Farmland, and seemingly, on a better site for a town. : BIOGRAPHY. William Broderick was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, in 1809, came to Randolph county in 1853, married Mary Dugan in 1836 and resided -two miles north of. Farmland. Elias F. Halliday was born in 1824. He came to Wayne county, jae ana in 1832 and to Randolph county in 1851, residing near Farmland. He was a merchant from 1851 to 1861; county treasurer from 1861-1865 and county commissioner from 1876-1882. Mr. Halliday was identified with- most of the business enterprises of Farmland and Monroe township. Abram Hammer was born in Pennsylvania in 1817, moved to Licking county, Ohio, in 1828 and to Randolph county in 1838; married Nancy Har- bour, daughter of Rev. Elijah Harbour, a pioneer of Greensfork township, in 1839. Eli Hiatt was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1801 and moved near Cherry Grove, Randolph county, in 1825; he moved south of Farmland in | 1837, afterward removing to Franklin township. Mr. Harbour died in the fall of 1880, age seventy-nine years. William Macy, born in North Carolina in 1802, married Lucy Diggs in 1829, at which time he moved to Randolph county. Mr. Macy was the father of Capt. William W. Macy, one time sheriff of Randolph county. Joseph Macy, born in North Carolina, in 1808, and came to Randolph county in (1820°‘and married. Sarah Hobson. David Macy, born on Lost creek, Tennessee, in 1816, married Priscilla Leullen in 1836 and moved to- Farm- land in 1860. (See biography of J. W. Macy.) Aaron Macy, born in Henry county, 1829, and moved to Farmland in 1852. Jethro Macy, born in Henry county 1825, moved to Randolph county in 1854. \ Mathew W. Diggs, born June 20, 1840, was the son of inesiae Diggs, who settled in this county in 1817. Mr. Diggs moved to Farmland in 1865 and engaged in the harness and saddlery business. Mr. Diggs is one of the most respected citizens of Farmland and one of its oldest. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. IOI5 Judge Peter S. Miller, born in Farmersburg, Pennsylvania, February 6, 1808, and located in Randolph county in 1839. Mr.. Miller is a miller by trade and at one time owned and operated the “Bond Mill.” Mr. Miller was elected justice of the peace, at the expiration of his term of office he was elected judge of the Probate Court, which position he held four years. He then engaged in the mercantile business in Farmland and served as post- master and agent of the “Bee Line” railroad. He afterward purchased a half interest in a drug store and later took into partnership Mr. L. A. Gable, a son-in-law. Mr. Miller was a live, wide-awake, enthusiastic citizen, very much in favor of public improvements and was instrumental in establishing the “Indianapolis & Bellefontaine railroad.” John A. Moorman, born August 19, 1820, Richmond county, North Carolina. He was brought to Randolph county in April, 1822. Mr. Moor- man was a man of unusual ability and enjoyed the confidence of all who knew ‘him. He was elected representative to the State Legislature in 1860 and -proved to be of splendid assistance to Governcr Morton. He served in the Civil war as First Lieutenant and Quartermaster of the One Hundred and _. Seventeenth Indiana. He was again elected to the Legislature in 1876 and _was one of those who voted favorably for the bill to erect the present State ~ House. . - Joseph Meeks, born December 29, 1834, in Virginia, and moved to Ran- dolph county in 1837. Mr. Meeks was a stock buyer and no doubt bought and shipped more stock than any other man in Randolph county. Reuben C. Shaw was born March 14, 1826, in Boston. Mr. Shaw moved to Randolph county in 1855, after having crossed the plains to Cali- fornia in 1849. Mr. Shaw has written a splendid description of those times and an interesting story of his life. Mr. Shaw was a very successful’ man, being what we sometimes call a “long headed Yankee.” Charles H. Stanley, born in Wayne county, June 22, 1826, was en- gaged in milling, grain and mercantile business in Farmland for many years. William H, Sumwalt, born October 4, 1817, in Baltimore, moved to Randolph county in 1825. Isaac Thornburg, born in Ohio, came to this county in 1833. Samuel Wright, born September 29, 1832. Mr. Wright began work as a carpenter when nineteen years of age and continued to work at that during his life, except when engaged in the Civil war. Mr. Wright has the dis- tinction of being one of the most successful carpenters and builders of his time. : James E. Wood was born in Virginia and moved to Randolph county in, 1836, and settled three miles north of Parker. £016 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Adam Slonaker was born in Virginia in 1824; moved first to Ghio, then to Randolph county iri 1855. Mr. Slonaker served this. township as trustee and county commissioner, both with equal credit. Other pioneers of Monroe township were Capt. Wm. Burres, Robert Cougill, John. L. Flood, Isaae Garringer, Adam Keever, George Keever, Thomas ‘McGuire, James Pursley, Barclay Smith, Robert L. Sommersville, William Reed, Moses Marks, Joseph W. Branson, Samuel Botkin, Columbus W. Lewis, John H. Jones, Henderson Hinchman, Moses Marks, Cyrus Moore and John R. Scott and many others. UNION CITY.. In the spring of 1849 the ground on which this enterprising town has since been built was owned by a settler by the name of Augustus Loveland. There was on the tract scarcely a sign of alteration or improvement by human hands. Mr. Loveland, its owner, had a little opening and a cabin house and a log stable. The Messrs. Smith (Jeremiah anid Oliver H.), having succeeded in establishing the Bellefontaine railroad upon its present route, conceived the idea of building up a town at the state line. Accordingly, the Loveland tract was purchased by Jeremiah Smith in May, 1849, and steps were immediately taken for the survey and platting of a town site. The growth of the place © was rendered more certain by the fact that the railroad from Bellefontaine to Indianapolis was built by two companies, and in those days goods had always to be trans- -shipped at the termination of each road. About the same time, moreover, measures were taken which were effectual to change the route of the road which had been projected, and upon which much work had already heen done from Greenville to Winchester, so that the Junction with the Belle- fontaine route should be at the state line, thus securing at once'three important outlets to the embryo town—east, west and south—even before the new city had begun to be, except in the brain of those who had so shrewdly planned. and managed the whole affair. And besides, a road was planned and built from Columbus to Union City, thus making four roads to start the town. -with, which, in those times, was an immense advantage. The town was surveyed and platted some time between May and Decem- ber, 1849, as the land was purchased in May and the plat was recorded in December of that year. The lots were offered some time in the winter or spring of 1850, and, among other purchasers, David Teeter became the owner of a lot in the projected town, At the time of that purchase (Febru- ary, 1850), no buildings were on ‘the original site of Union City but the cain and the stable of Augustus Loveland, as above described. Chureh of Christ. St. Mary's Church. First M. I. Church. “ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. IO17 ; There was a-house north of Division street, between Howard and Cal: umbia, not far from where old-Mr. Carter used to live. It was occupied by a Mr. Ricard. The eighty-acre tract was owned by a Mr.. Crumrine, and Ricard rented it. Samuel Carter bought the land afterward of Mr. Crum- rine. On the lot purchased by him, David Teeter, proceeded, shortly after- ward (say March or April, 1850), to erect a dwelling. That edifice was at the southeast corner of Oak and Howard, and has long been known as the Star House. It was the first building erected in Union City. Mr. Teeter did not live to finish it. . He had been feeble in health for some time, and he grew worse, and died in May, 1850. The house was sold to Benjamin Hawk- ins and he finished it. Mr. Montgar lived in it a while: “No other house was built in 1850. The second house was put up for Henry Debolt. It was a frame, and was built by John Teeter in the spring of 1851, and it stood near the present site of the opera house. The third was a one-story frame building. Daniel Weimar took the contract, and John Teeter and Hezekiah Fowler built it for John Frazier and Jack Downing, intending it for a saloon. They used it for a year, perhaps, and quit. Those two houses were the. only ones-built in 1851; but in the spring of 1852, things began to open out pretty lively. Four railroad tracks weer rapidly concentrating upon that point in the woods on the Ohio line, all of which were soon completed to Union City, but the western end of the fourth (Union City to Logansport) had to wait for several years. The people, in the spring of 1852, seemed to begin to realize the situation, and many appeared determined to become masters of it, if possible. And so, early in 1852, settlers began to arrive. As already stated, there were just three dwellir g-houses—the eriginal Lopeland log mansion, the Star House (unfinished), and the house built for Henry Debolt. But by July, 1852, sev- eral houses had been erected and several residents were on the ground. : Alfred Lenox, one of the earliest residents, said that when he came, July 2, 1852, the residents on both sides of the line, but mostly in Ohio, were Messrs. J. D. Carter, Montgar, Dr. John Diehl, W. A. C. Dixon, Jacob Liven- good, John Hayes, Schultz Hayes, Henry Debolt, —————— Miller, John Teeter, Seth Hoke, John Koons. J. J. Turpen came the same day—July 2, 1852. The first saloon was kept in the building on Pearl street. The demon of liquor proved itself worthy of its ancient name on its first introduction into the town, created a great row, and caused the discharge of seventeen railroad hands soon after that grog shop was opened. That sa- 1018 / RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. loon and SORE; by means of some pretty energetic measures, were obliged to “dry up.” Abram Hoke, R. B. McKee, Dr. J. N. Converse, Benjamin Hawiins, Mr. Searl, Enos Turpen, Simeon Branham, William Anderson, Samuel L. Carter, R. A. Willson and doubtless many others, came in | 1852 or early in 1853. Business first began near the point where the Deerfield and Greenville wagon road crosses the Dayton 4nd Union railroad. J. J. Turpen was weather- boarding there a building for a store in July, 1852. He set up the store, of which he had charge, the goods belonging to Mr. Ward, contractor on the Piqua road, in August, 1852, the first on this ground. John D. Carter had built a saw-mill and cut the first log about April 1, 1852. Alfred Lenox had the first grocery, October to December, 1852, near the Deerfield Crossing. He '- had a fine run of business, but his partner left, and, having no spare time him- self (Lenox was working hands on the Dayton and Union railroad), he sold the goods to a Greenville firm in December, 1852. At this date, Messrs. Turpen, Lenox, Hayes, Livengood, Johnson, Win- termote and some others had dwellings near the Deerfield Crossing. Mr. Livengood had built a boarding house, perhaps the first on that. ground, just opposite the store building above mentioned and east of the Deer- field road, and was boarding scores of hands who were working on the rail- roads, Quite a village had grown up befween the months of September and December, 1852, near the Deerfield Crossing, as though business might per- haps take hold at that place. But it did not do so. That point proved to -be away from trade, and business left that spot and wandered westward. A strong effort was made to establish things in Ohio, near the mill, brewery and foundry. Mr. Carter had built a saw-mill. David Fruits put up an im- mense four- etry frame, intended for an opera house, hotel and what not, but he soon “got through his pile,” and his.great frame stood there for a time, projecting far into the upper air, and nicknamed the “deadening” by the neigh- bors, until at length somebody bought it, took one story from the top and ‘finished the rest for use [Orr House]. Before long a grist-mill, a brewery, a foundry, etc., were erected, a store or two was started, and heroic efforts were made to hold the town in the Buckeye state. But all would not do. General business could not be made to “stick” over there, but it insisted on fleeing across the line and building its cozy nest in the balmy Hoosier state. In fact, the original intention of the projectors was that the town should be in Hoosierdom, and their plans could not be readily thwarted. Besides, to e: RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. IO1IQ make assurance doubly sure, Mr. Smith purchased forty acres of land directly on the state line, on the Ohio side, and held it vacant, refusing to sell to any- body any of that tract, thus utterly preventing’the Ohio side from building up to the business of the Indiana side. And that gap between the two corpora- tions continued for about twenty years, until the supremacy of Union City, Indiana, was supposed to firmly established as to need to fear no rival- ship. About January, 1853, Courtney Hayes started a grocery across the track from the old Orr Building (Ohio). There were several residences in In- diana, and a hotel or two had been started but no other business had yet begun there. In February, 1853, Benjamin Hawkins built a frame house on the Indiana side and put in a stock of dry goods, and Jesse Paxson became his _ Clerk. The ‘plat was corrected and enlarged, the plan. being radically changed, the angle of the streets being made different, the lots smaller and more numer- ous,-etc. The new plan and plat were recorded February 6, 1854, more than four years after the first was made. In the new plat there were 483 lots. The streets are mostly not “square with the world,” but run at a considerable angle, the northward streets veering toward the west. The north and south streets (beginning with state line) were as follows: State Line, Union, Columbia, © Howard, Plum, Walnut, High (and Broadway, east of the Branham House, from Pearl to Chestnut, across the depot). The east and west streets, -begin- ning at the north, were Division (directly east and west), Hickory, Oak, Pearl, Smith, Chestnut. Smith street is on the railroad, and Chestnut is south of the railroad. The streets are eighty feet wide, except Smith and Broad- way, which are 100 feet and Division and State Line, which are much nar- rower than eighty feet. The alleys in the original plat are thirty feet wide. Large additions have been made from time to time (about eighteen or more, in all) in Indiana, till the entire town in that state covers nearly a mile square— perhaps rather more than that. About 1853 Mr. Searl built a building east of the Branham House ‘for a grain warehouse. The grain business rose, almost at a bound, to immense proportions. Hundreds of wagon. loads have been in waiting at once, and the ’ grain men had to work day and night to keep up with the business. Grain was hauled from Recovery, from New Corydon, and from within six miles of Richmond. The second warehouse was built by James White, but it was burned in 1857, before it had stood a year. In 1855, three years after Union City began, there were six dry goods stores—Messrs. Lenox, Turpen, McFarlan, White, Hawkins and one other. 1020 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. John D. Carter and Montgar, in 1854, had a store on the Ohio side, and a large trade. we There were in early times some saloons in Union City (Indiana side), but - Alfred. Lenox routed one, and Simeon Branham another, probably in 1855. This (Indiana) side of the town has never taken kindly to saloons, and, for the most part, has kept them out. Union City, Ohio, however, is sufficiently in- fested with the nuisance. . "8 ' FIRGT THINGS. The first house erected was the Star House, by Mr. Teeter, in 1850. The first hotel was the Forest House, built July 2, 1852. The first store was that of J. J. Turpen (Ohio side, Deerfield Crossing), August, 1852. The. first grocery was by Alfred Lenox (Deerfield Crossing), October to December, 1852. The first store, Indiana side, was by B. Hawkins, February, 1853. The first grain house was by Hawkins & Searl, February, 1853. The first railroad agent was R. A. Willson, opening the first set of railroad books in Union City. . He managed all three of the roads for some time. The Bee Line was two roads for awhile. The first cars from this place were loaded with grain by Hawkins & Searl, on both roads. J. E. Paxson set up the first boot and shoe store in 1856. William Anderson set up the first blacksmith shop in August, 1852, ~ and his shop is running yet (1881). The first hardware store was by Dukemi- “neer & Maloy. The first stove store man was a Mr. Smith (or Evans). The first millinery establishment was by Mrs. Bennett. The first drug-store be- longed to Simmons & Hill, 1854 or 1855. The first livery stable was by Alfred Lénox, in 1855: The first book store was set up by Espy & Steele. The first _ bank was the First National Bank, Edward Starbuck, president, 1865: Kuntz & Willson began their lumber yard in 1867. Kirschbaum & Company began their store in 1865. W. K. Smith began the shoe business in 1859. J. D. - . Smith set up his jewelry store in 1865. The first public school was taught in the winter of 1853-54, by George W. Brainard. The first church organization was the Methodist Episcopal, in 1852. There were four members, two on probation. The first preaching place was Henry Debolt’s house. The first Sunday school was in 1853; superintendent, Rev. J. T. Farson; attendance, twenty-five; place, old Bee-Line boarding car. The two first brick edifices are ‘thought to have been Branham’s Hotel, 1855, and the building on the south- west corner of Columbia ‘and Pearl—erected by I. P. Gray. The first saw- mill was built by John D. Carter in 1852. The first grist-mill belonged to Hobbs (Ohio side), began in 1857. McMillan built a warehouse (Ohio side), and then it was changed into a mill by Hobbs about 1857. The first t Traction Gateway Be- tween Indiana and Ohio, Union City. One of the Many Tobacco Deliveries Made by the Grow- ers Living Within a Few Miles of Union City. Meridian Street, Looking South, Winchester. Washington Street, Looking East. RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1021 public school house was built in 1858. The first church was the Disciples church built in 1853-58. The first child born was Henry Debolt’s, dead. The first magistrate was Esquire Evans. The first attorney was William P. De- bolt. The first physician was Dr. Diehl, or perhaps, Dr. Twiford, 1852... OFFICIAL HISTORY. Union City, Indiana, was organized as a town, but no record can be found before 1863. The minutes for 1863 speak of ordinances passed in April, 1855. From that time to the city charter the officers were as follows: Presidents of the board cf trustees, Messrs. Weddington, Lambert, Maloy, White, Hill, Cowdery, Swain, Cranor, Jaqua and Harris. The trustees have been Messrs. Maloy, Grahs, Simmons, William Branham, Weddington, Hake, Lambert, Koons, Gregory, Hill, White, Coats, Wiggs, Heitzman, Cowdery, Humphrey, W. K. Smith, Willson, Frey, Cranor, Gist, J. Dye Smith, Mathes, Jaqua, Knapp, Johnson, Ewen, Kerr, Ladd, Harris and Frank. Clerks of the board, Messrs. Reeder, Swain, Gregory, Beall, Smith, Lambert, Wiley, — Johnson and Converse. Treasurers, Messrs. Cadwallader, Polly, Coats, An- derson and Johnson. Marshals, Messrs. Sutton, Harkrader, Murphy, Nickey, Mason and Headington. Union City maintained its organization as a town until 1875, when it was chartered as a city, being one of the first in eastern Indiana to take ad- vantage of the state law granting city charters’to towns of its size. -Mayors of Union City, Indiana (it is impopssible to give dates because of the variations in the terms of the mayors): Lorenzo D. Lambert, elected in 1875; James B. Ross, Theodore Shockney, I. G. Stall, Charles H. Cadwal- lader, Frank H. Bowen, Samuel R. Bell, Wilfield S. Murray, Thomas Jones, Samuel R. Bell, Clarence S. Pierce, G. A. Rosenbush, Charles S. Hardy, Charles I. Williamson, William Harris and Charles D. Reitenour. Councilmen, since the city corporation was created, have been Messrs. Coddington, Pierce, Koons, Stall, Harris, F rank, Doty, Wetz, Reeder, Bower- sox, Castle, Rubey, Witham, John D. Smith, Jones, Vestal, Ladd, Nivison, Masslich, Frey. The following form the present council: Milo F. Oliver, George Hueber, William Keagy, Henry G. Rosenbush and Fred Schmidt. Union City is today a thorough progressive city and all lines of business are well represented, and it is noted for its fine homes, churches, schoolhouses and public buildings. The city and vicinity support three substantial banks that would be a credit to a much larger city than Union City, and the same can be said of the general stores, for it is very uncommon for people that do (65) 1022 _ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. yp Ga daa Gobi y Wee Hates guke = i 1 ae fds. ae i . tte Hy ee to any‘extent:to leave Union City to do same. “The eity has an ex- cellerit ‘equipment of stores; ‘such as grocery, drug, harness, dry goods, cloth- ing, millinery; boot, shoe, etc., and said business is conducted by a live and energetic class of business men. seg Union City has been noted for years te its manufacturing interests, principally in. the “Go” line: “This branclr of the industry is represented, first, by the Ross Carriage Manufacturing Company.” This comparty was established in 1866 by George W. Ross, atid was operated by Ross & Horney. They were succeeded by ‘Ross &' ‘Hardy, who, in turn, were succeeded by Ross & Ander- son. The comnpany was incorporated as a stock’ company, with a capital stock of $24,000. 00, in 1899, and’ employs at this time an average of twenty-five men per day. It has a yearly output of fifteén hundred vehicles, not including a great amount of repairing, repainting; in fact, all kinds of repair work. This has been a very valuable indastry for Union City, and has been one of the institutions that has given the’ city a standing as a manufacturing city. The Union City Carriage Manufacturing Company was organized in 1881, with a capital stock of $100,000.00. It is a mammoth'concern,; employ- ing one hundred and twenty-five men, and has a yearly output ‘of five thousand buggies and carriages. They have a’broad‘territory for their output and the excellence of their product makes ‘them a Jeading actor 2 in the buggy trade of Indiana, Ohio‘and Illinois. nee ‘ The latest organization of Union City is the Union City Body Com- pany, which has recently been organized, with a capital stock of $75,000.00. This concern employs eighty-five men and has a yearly output-of 2,500 bodies. They manufacture, principally, auto bodies, with’metal panels. The tremen- dous demand for automobiles las madeé this one of the most valuable: com- panies in eastern Indiana, anid its capital stock’ rates: very high‘in the market. They sell to manufacture only and cover the middle west as their’ territory. . _ UNION CITY WATER. WORKS. Union City was ‘one of the first cities-of the state to own wand operate its own water system. The excellence of the system andthe financial benefit that it has been to the city certainly speak well for the policy and management of the people who have had it in control. The first well for. this company was sunk in the south part of the city to'a depth of something like twenty-three feet. The bottoni of the well is at a vein-of gravel something like fifteen feet deep, below which is a stratum’of a hard pan from six to eight feet deep. From that there alternates layers of clay and quicksand to an. unknown depth. The capacity of this well was about 180,000 gallons per day, which RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1023 amount was at various times taken from it. The second well was a surface well thirty-nine feet deep-and thirty feet in diameter, built in 1883. The third well was drilled as a gas well, but no gas being obtained the well was plugged and used as a water well, coming from a depth of 235 feet, and is eight inches in diameter. Date unknown. The fourth and fifth wells were drilled -by Charles -Guthiel, of, Winchester, in 1900, and are three hundred feet deep, diameter ten inches. Sixth well, drilled in July, 1914, is 221 feet deep, and ten inches in diameter. The water from these wells is analyzed every six months by the state hoard of health. The following is the analysis made May 23, 1914: Odor, none; color,, 16; turbidity, slight ; sediment, much; free ammonia, .0020; albuminoid ammonia, .0020; nitrates, .0030; nitrites, .ooor ; chlorine, .6; hardness, 34.8; iron, .o1; colon bacilli, none. After giving the -above anaylsis; State Chemist Barnard added the following sentence, “This is good water.” Mains. =the first mains, laid in 1873, were of pine logs, with iron and coated with pitch. Sizes, ten inches, eight inches, six inches and four inches. Of this kind there were four and three-fourths males laid. Some of this main is still in use. The plant has been extended so that at present there is about nineteen miles of mains. Service.—There are one fundeed and seven fire hydrants. Consumer service is-partly by meter and partly by “flat rate.” There are goo meters in use and about 400 use the water by “flat rate.”’ Total services, 1,300. Equipment.—The first building was forty feet square, and a Dean pump of Indianapolis was installed. . Its capacity was goo gallons per minute. The city, as well as the installers, became embroiled in a law suit over the use of a patent governor. The city lost its suit and a judgment for $5,000.00 was re- turned by the courts . This plant had two water tube boilers which furnished the power. These were in use about twenty years. In 1893 the boilers were replaced by two new return tubular boilers, and the pumping force was increased by the addition of a Duplex Pattern pump, whose capacity was 1,500 gallons per minute. It avas so arranged that the old Dean and the new pump were used in duplicate. In 1898, because of not being able to get the water from. the wells in sufficient quantity, an air system was installed. In 1913 the old building was torn down and the plant rebuilt. Two new -return tubular boilers of 100 horse power each, a new Cross compound con- densing pump, with a capacity of goo gallons per minute, were installed. The old Dean was discarded and the Duplex pump was rebuilt and is used in dupli- cate. At this time an air compressor of the Cross compound type was also 1024 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. installed. The capacity of the plant at this time is 2,400 gallons per minute. The total cost of rebuilding was $15,000.00. : It might be said further that the new plant has been inspected by experts ‘and pronounced a model. The total equipment was appraised or inventoried, the plant at a total of $115,000.00, which does not include the Ohio side mains, There is ineluded in the plant a reservoir for fire reserve. It was built in 1908, is 60x80 feet, and has a capacity of 360,000 gallons. It is entirely cov- ered and is thoroughly sanitary. ® Financial Statement——When the plant was first operated and for some few years, it was necessary for the council to vote money from the general fund to the water works fund. Then, upon the extension of the plant, it furnishes a very substantial revenue to the city. At the present time the surplus is being used to extend the plant. Last year the revenue reached almost $10,000.00, and the operating expenses were about $5,000.00. When it is remembered that the city pays no charges for fire hydrants or anything of the kind, this is a splendid showing. E. S. Pettus, the first superintendent, did much to make the plant a suc- cess, and the work he began is being carried forward successfully by the present superintendent, Charles F. Smith. ; Nathan Cadwallader was born in Warren county, Ohio, in 1826. His father moved to Greensfork, Randolph county, Indiana, in 1833. He was an active, thriving man, but he died in 1840. _Nathan was the only boy, and_ but fourteen years old. He “gouged along” after a “fashion,” borrowed a horse sometimes, etc. He did most of the work that was done, though his sisters helped what they could in loading, cleaning grain, etc. They cleared grain by “flapping” it on a sheet, and had to haul everything on a sled. A wagon was a luxury not to be thought of. Two brothers, Thomas and Abner (his father), came together, and settled west of Arba. Mr. Cadwallader attended’ school at Winchester Seminary, under Professor Cole, twelve weeks. To show the primitive simplicity of those times, it may not be amiss to state that when Professor Cole advised his aspiring country lads to invest in a box of blacking and a brush and to try their qualities, Nathan obediently procured the articles, but was utterly at a non plus, because he had no knowledge of the modus operandi, never having seen an application of the stuff. He taught school four terms; was clerk for Needham, Mauzy & Company ; bought out’ Mauzy and sold goods at Spartanburg ; bought out Needham and sold at Newport three or four years; was partner with Raiford Wiggs at Union City; went to Cincin- nati, in the firm of Gray, Cadwallader & Wiggs, as wholesale grocers; re- turned to Union City, and, with Col. I. P. Gray, established the Citizens Bank RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1025 ig (865. This was reorganized (same name), under Indiana law, in. 1873, afid he was made president. Mr. Cadwallader was state senator in 1876 and 1880. He has been twice married, first to Elizabeth Celinda Mauzy, then to Sarah Griffis (1854). He has three children. Mr. Cadwallader is now a resident of Winchester and a highly respected citizen. Rev. Thomas Colclazer was born in Washington City in 1811, and came _to Coshocton county, Ohio, in 1827. In 1838 he married Hannah Johnson. From his early boyhood till he threw down his hammer and took up the Gospel trjmpet, he was a blacksmith. He was converted to Christ at a-camp- -meeting nD owdy’s fork, in the north part of Coshocton county, Ohio, in 1829, under the preaching of the sainted Bigelow. Shortly afterward, in 1830, he. was lié€nsed exhorter ; in 1840, as.a preacher, 1851 he began to “ride cifeuit,” his first work of this kind being at Deerfield and vicinity in 1851 and. 1852. It thus came to pass that he was the earliest preacher at Union City, when it first began to be. His fields of labor in later years were Mid- dletown, Henry county; Perkinsville, below Anderson; Bethlehem, sixteen miles east of Indianapolis; Alexandria, Philadelphia (west of Greenfield) and elsewhere. He died suddenly, in 1865, at Union City. John Fisher was born in North Carolina in 1792, near the old “Guilford -Battle Ground.” He left that state in 1816 on, horseback, and rode alone (ex- - cept two days’ journey) all the way to Lebanon, Ohio; and (after five or six days spent in visiting friends there) to Wayne county, Indiana, having been fifteen days on the road—a pretty quick trip compared with the speed often made by families and groups coming through on a “moving” expedition. He entered 160 acres in the winter of 1816-17, worked about, put up a cabin, was married to Jane Starbuck September 16, 1819, by Adam Boyd, the only jus- tice of the peace in Wayne county at that time. There were no justices in New Garden township till 1822 or 1823.- Mr. Fisher and his wife began to keep “cabin”? October 7, 1819; and they lived on that farm till January, 1866, more than forty-six years. They came to Union City in 1866. John Fisher ‘was an orphan boy at six years old. His father died in December, and his mother in September, 1798. He was raised by an elder brother. His father had ten children, who all lived to be grown and have families. Jane Starbuck (his wife) was born in 1803 in Guilford county, North Carolina. She came with her father, Edward Starbuck, to Wayne county in 1817. John Fisher died at the residence of his son-in-law, Charles W. Pierce, in Union City, In- diana, February 8, 1881, in his eighty-ninth year. E. J. Harshman, Union City, Ohio, is a native of Randolph county, In- diana; he was born in Jackson township, in 1842, the son of Reuben Harsh- 1026 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. man, an early settler, and one of nine children. He grew up a farmer’s son, attending only the schools of the neighborhood. In 1862 he joined the F ifty- fourth Indiana ‘Regiment at Indianapolis, ‘and after the end of his term of service he was mustered out December, 1863. He married Sally French in 1871, and they had three children. ; Other citizens, who are not mentioned, and who were factors in the making of Union City were Edmund L:: Anderson, Charles-W- Pierce, William Anderson, blacksmith ; William H. Anderson; ‘umber; Adolphus Barnes, ‘mer- chant; A. J. S. Bowers, “merchant; ‘Jolin Butcher, grocer’; Robert: J: Clark, banker : ‘Jefferson Gist; blacksmith; George Grahs, tailor; William Harris, manufacturer; Abram Hoke, carpenter;-Seth “Hoke, jeweler;-Stephen H. Ladd, grocer; Robert B: McKee; merchant ; Jesse’Paxon, merchant ; Enos H. Turpen, grocer; William A: Wiley, miller ; William F. Worthington. ' It would be impossible, in a book of this kind, to give anything like an accurate description’ of thé many numerous business enterprises carried on’in the hustling city of Union City. : : The Witham Bower Lumber Company, Peter Koontz Lumber Company, Frank E. Rohr Lumber Company, Knapp Supply Company, Pierce Elevators, Kirschbaum Clothing Company, and many other es would deserve more mention than space would allow here. Ba: oe Union City has maintained a constant growth and a wholesome business atmosphere, and will no doubt continue to hold a postion of first iaportinice with the business ¢ cities of the state. COUNTY-SEAT, WINCHESTER. The legislative enactment creating Randolph county was approved by Governor Jennings January Io, 1818. This, among other things, provided for five commissioners to “establish the seat of justice’ in Randolph county and this further provided that these commissioners might receive donations of land, the proceeds of which were to be used for public affairs. These locating commissioners met in August, 1818, and fixed the county-seat at Winchester. They received as donations to the county land as follows: Charles Con- way, sixty acres; John Wright, fifty acres; David Wright, ten acres; David Stout, eighteen acres; Daniel Petty, twenty acres; making one hundred fifty- eight acres from five men. This land was all located in sections 20 and 21, ‘township 20 north, rangé 14 east, being the present site of the city of Win- chester. Winchester was the first town established in the county. The commissioners held their first two meetings in the cabin of Benjamin Cox, east of where the Friends church at White River now stands. Their ew “ RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. mee? wee orci: ae as hope Ponce a ed third meeting, held eae 6, 1818, was “a special meeting of the board of commissioners in the town of Winchester for the purpose of the letting to the lowest bidder the building of a court house, jail and stray pen in:said town.” Front this it is evident that Winchester assumed. the name almost as soon as the county was organized... ie By Say m8 a. tun Be : [Much of the :following account of Winchester 1 ag Been felcen substan-. cae from “Manuscripts” by Honorable Jere Smith, who came to. Randolph August, 1817; and:resided. therein for more than faty years until his Medtles 3% 28 42 0%e2 : 2 ae ee Eats were laid out in the fall and winter of 1818. T ie first sale of lots took place. February, 181g... The whole-plat-was an unbroken forest, a primi- tive wilderness, heavily timbered, with a thick undergrowth. It:was necessary _to put the court house on blocks eighteen inches- high to keep. -the. building above water. A large oak, three feet through, stood for years on inlot No. 9, east front. It was cut down in 1825 or #826, and the stump was standng there in state when Judge Smith built the Franklin House: in 1839. The commis- isoners, Messrs: Cox, Overman and James, and Paul W..Way, agent, had agreed upon the plan of the town. -Overman-and -Way were both surveyors, backwoods fashion. Charles Connor, who was also.a “‘half. surveyor,” had a little stiff-armed compass, four-inch face, and an old two-pole chain, ,tied; with leather and tow strings. Paul Way did the surveying. As the commissioners were looking over the ground to locate the public square, Charles Conway told Judge Smith that Old Eli Overman stuck down.the Jacob-staff, saying, “Here shall bé the northeast corner of the public square,” and there. it was; and there it is, and is to be, unless, indeed,:as seems-not very unlikely in these latter days, some city “engineer” shall take it into his overgrown head to plant new. corners and turn town, streets and all “awry.” sig The first house built was a- round log cabin, one-story high, “scutched down” after it was raised, and before; the rafters. were put up... It had a clap- board roof and a clay and stick chimney. --Mr: Smith says, “ not know, who built the house, but Martin Comer owned it arid: lived in it a long time. It stood’ on inlot No. 9, north front, and was-built in the early spring of 1819. The second house was put up by Thomas Wright, father-in-law of John Coats, in the spring and summer of 1819. In the summer,and fall of 1819, James McCool, a blind man, put up upon inlot No. 1,-west front, a good, two-story hewed-log house. When I first came to Winchester -(1819), it was the-hotel of the town, kept by the blind man, McCool. When next I came, James Old- ham, hatter, kept tavern in it, and a -hatter’s shop: back of it. . Old Esquire Odle owned it afterward and built a little frame store at the north end anda 1028 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. frame shed back. for bedrooms and he ran it as a hotel,.store and residence for some years. ny In the winter. of. 1819-20, James Oldham, the hatter, built a gona ere log house, story and a half, on inlot No. 11, southeast square; and in the spring of 1820, Alvin C. Graves built a round-log cabin on lot No. 14, in the south- east square. : The hewed-log court-house and the Banta jail were built in 1819-20. In that year (1820), Judge John Sample built the first frame house, a small one- story building, on lot No. 3, east front. He set it on the west line of the lot, some distance south of the northwest corner of the lot. It would seem from this account that there were (1820) seven buildings in Winchester (if the Judge has mentioned them all). eee Mr. Smith goes on, “The next- frame house was in 1824-25, by David Haworth. It was on inlot No. 10, northeast square, where Jacob Elzroth lived so long and where he died. Andrew Aker, in 1826 or 1827, built a frame house on inlot No. 8, north front, two stories, with a one-story store-room at the west end. In 1826-27, Abner Overman built a frame house on the northeast corner of lot No. 2, east front. He sold it to John Way in the fall of 1829, who moved into it and started a blacksmith shop and lived there the rest of. his. days. In 1823, Mrs. Mary Reeder bought inlot No. 2, west front, built a cabin and lived there some years. She then traded it off to Nathaniel Coffin for inlot No. 12, southeast square. She (Mrs. Mary Reeder) was the “oldest inhabitant” of W inchester, in 1881, being at that time fifty-nine years old. She was in the town seven years before I was, and ten years before Jesse Way. There were, I presume, other cabins and shanties put up in the town during this decade but I cannot now call them to mind. Winchester would seem to have had an exceedingly slow growth, re- markaby so, considering it was the seat of justice of a county containing at the start 200 voters and increasing its population with considerable rapidity ; considering, moreover, that for ten years not another town was even attempted. within its limits. Judge Smith appears to think that the dozen or so houses which he describes were nearly or quite all that had been built up to 1830. And in- formation from several sources indicates that not more than a dozen families were residents of the town-at the lapse of twelve years after the town had been platted. One jail and two court-houses had been built. Court after court had been held; jurors had heard cases in the court-house and determined their verdicts seated upon the stumps and logs outside; lawyers and judges and Tile Factory. Three Glimpses of Mill’s Lake and Picnic Grounds. The Cars of the I. U. T. System Stop Within a Few Feet of the Park Idn- trance, RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1029 clients had threaded and waded and swam their way through the primal woods. to.that frontier town; but almost no town. was there. But in those halcyon days small need was there of towns, people lived at home and made well-nigh everything they used, and had little occasion to buy anything which they could not make. The larger portion of the settlers had come from the Carolinas, where towns were “few and far .between,”’ and what more need was here of such things ? : It will be seen that up to 1830, Winchester as a town was not much of a success. The business of the place was small, the buildings were few and poor, the roads leading to it were new and bad, the people needed but little trade, and all went thoroughly on the slow order. The court sat and did whatever there was for them; Charles Conway, as clerk and recorder, had all the county writing to do, which was not as much for the whole eleven years as has been since recorded ina single year. County offices were at a discount then. The sheriff could not. have done much, though he was collector and sheriff both,.as the.county tax for 1829 amounted to a sum less than $go0. Jurymen came and returned without any bills to find or cases to try, and were © paid the magnificent sum of fifty cents per day; and the associate judges main- tained their dignity and satisfied their desires for food and lodging to the tune of two dollars per day. Winchester was a town in the woods but for a long time there was de- cidedly more woods than town. FIRST THINGS IN WINCHESTER. The first hatter’s shop in Winchester (and probably in the county) was by Jarmes Oldham, in the building erected by James McCool for a hotel. Mr. Oldham kept a hatter’s shop and hotel. The first hotel was in the same build- ing, by James McCool, in 1819, where the Peoples Loan and Trust building now stands. The first store was owned by Esquire Odle. It was not much of a store. The old house was burned in 1879. The first frame house (and prob- ably first in the county) was built by John Sample, in 1820, upon Lot No. 3, East Front. There are doubtless more costly and splendid frame dwellings in Randolph county in 1914 than that was, but not one today which gave more solid comfort to the occupant than that same frame house, the first in Ran- dolph county. John Way set up his smith shop in 1829. There had probably been. some other, but the fact is now beyond recall. Jesse Way began his store in 1832 or 1833. Mary Reeder came to Winchester in 1823, residing upon Lot No. 2, West Front, and removing afterward to Inlot No. 12, southeast square. The court-house and jail were built in 1819 and 1826, the one by tose : RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. vite a ES She BYE ge Abner Overman, and the other by Alhert Banta, The public square was cleared of the forest trees by the laborious process of chopping and burning. The work was performed in 1819 or 1820 by David Lesley, then a:young man, just come to the county, father of Daniel Lesley,; former -schoolisuperintendent of Randolph county. The second court house (brick) was contractediin: 1826 and ready for occupancy in 1828. The first schoolhouse was built. of logs,. with the ends projecting at the corners. It stood on ground:.occupied ‘by; the office of Dr. B. S. Hunt. Moorman Way had the first cabinet shop soon-after the establishment of the town. -M@ortnan Way had:a. carding: machine ivery early, run by horse-power (sometimes by ox-power). »Daniel-Petty also: had a carding machine, east of town on-Salt creek. It .was driven ‘by-horse-power, too. The first grist-mill in the county is thought by some to have been built -by: William Wright, at the mouth of Salt: creek, near Winchester. He.:had _ ‘‘gray-heads” for mill stones, and his wheat-bolt was operated: by hand, each customer bolting his own grist:' The first justice of.the.peace may have been Esquire Odle, or John Wright—perhaps both at once in the township. Thomas Hanna began selling goods, perhaps in 1824. His store was in-a house at the ~ west end of Thomas Ward’s building. He continued in:business- four years, and was bought out: by Andrew Aker in 1828. The first steam grist-mill (and the first in the county) was erected about 1835, by Elias. Kizer andi Daniel Haworth. That engine of theirs was the'first steam-power in the county, and in those days it was a sight to behold.. Probably the first wagon shop in Win-. chester, and in the county, was carried on by Thomas Butterworth, beginning, perhaps, in 1836. Mr. Butterworth had also a saw-mill, a carding machine. and a grist-mill. The first religious denomination in Winchester was perhaps the Methodisis. The first drug store was conducted by Dr. Woody, and was followed by Rush & Kizer, in 1849. The first hardware store-was: kept. by. Mr. Brumer. Among the early attorneys may be named Zachariah Puckett, Jeremiah Smith, Moorman Way and Silas Colgrove. The county seminary was opened for school March, 1842, under the instruction of Professor Ferris, then a young but active and enthusiastic teacher, famous: for his-success in that line, but now sleeping low beneath the “‘clods of the valley.”” Winches- ter was incorporated as a town in 1838, thirty-eight voters favoring the meas- ures, and none opposing it. e ‘ mtg The citizens of Winchester were for the most part dental, retable men, but slow to make investments‘ for the betterment of the town.: The growth of Winchester was exceedingly slow until about 1845, when the. prospects of railroads began to enthuse the people-and attracted: prospective purchasers of property. Business began to improve and new houses were built, streets were RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1031 Pk \ made better and the entire attitude of its Agee ai became more progressive. In 1853 the “Bee Line” railroad was built, which gave new interest and life. The town gradually grew in size and importance, and has ‘at all times been the leading town and city of the county. _ Having, in 1910, a population of 4,266. It’ was incorporated as a town in 1838 by popular vote, :thirty- eight votes being cast in favor and none against. It was divided into five wards, ‘viz. : ‘First ward, northeast square, Elias Kizer, trustee; second‘ ward, north front and northwest square,’ Nathan Garrett; third. ward, west front and southwest square, Jeremiah Smith; fourth ward, south front and south- east square, John D.-Stewart; fifth ward, east front, Jesse Way. ~’ In 1848 a special bill was passed by the Legislature authorizing and pro- viding for a new organization in the town of Winchester. The local records, however, are not obtainable. September 5, 1875, Thomas Ward; William D. Frazee and Thomas M. Browne, “the inspectors elected by the citizens of Winchester,” appeared before the board of county commissioners and filed their certificate of an, election held in the town of Winchester. The commis- sioners made the following entry: “From which return and papers it appears to the satisfaction of the board that there were sixty-five votes cast at said election and that sixty-one of said ballots had ‘yes’ thereon and three of said ballots had ‘no’ thereon and that one of said ballots was blank, and the board being satisfied of the legality of said election, order and declare that the said town has been incorporated by the name of Winchester.” The first record in the city clerk’s office is under the date of October 6, 1855. The trustees elected were Silas Colgrove, James Browne, William W. Smith, Simeon H. Lucas, Martin A. Reeder; John Neff, clerk and treasurer; Benjamin Ramsey, assessor and marshal; James Browne, president of the board. March 27, 1893, an election was held for the purpose of determining whether the town of Winchester should be incorporated as a'city, under the general laws of the state of Indiana, and a majority of the ballots were in favor of incorporating. On April rst the town council divided the new city of Winchester into three wards and ordered an élection to be held in each, whereupon the fol- lowing were elected: W.S. Diggs, mayor; William P. Needham, city clerk; John Coffin, city marshal; Union B. Hunt, William Y. Puckett, councilmen of the first ward; Levi Slagle and Marshall F. Bailey, councilmen of the second ward; Omar R. Tripp and Stephen Clevenger, councilmen of the third ward; S. D. Coats, treasurer. Councilmen met and organized and elected: J. E. Hinshaw, street commissioner; Charles C. Yunker, civil engineer; Dr. F. A. Chenoweth, member of the board of health; Jesse Canada, city attorney. 1032 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. Mr. Diggs served as mayor until September 10, 1898, when he was suc- ceeded by T. W. Hutchens. Mr. Hutchens was succeeded by Fermen C. Focht, in September, 1904, and he by Walter S. Parry, September, 1906, fol- lowed by Carl Thompson, the first Monday in Januay, 1910, who was fol- lowed by the present incumbent, H. E. McNees, January I, 1914. Mr. Needham served as clerk until September Io, 1898, when he was succeeded by Samuel D. Fox, who still holds the office. Mr. Coats continued as treasurer until the office was transferred by law to the county treasurer. _ The city. has been districted into wards in different manners during its history, at some times having six councilmen, two from each ward, and others having five, one from each ward and two at-large. The councilmen from the first ward have been: William D. -Chapman, William Y. Puckett, Perry Leavell, Harvey E. McNees, Jacob E. Hinshaw, Link Reinheimer, James M. Browne, Clyde G. Hiatt and Bella N. Botkin. Those having lived in the second ward are: Marshall F. Bailey, Levi Slagle, Samuel T. Remmel, Louis Payne. Charles E. Magee, Robert B. Puckett, James M. Seagraves, Zachariah T. Romizer, Albert Norton, Austin Burk, deceased April 16, 1913, Edgar Bailey and Henry Abel. Those having lived in the third ward are: Omar Tripp, Stephen Clevenger, William Lenkensdorfer, Hiram D. Moorman, J. H. Kinkead, Bader S. Hunt, Orin H. Barnhill, William Horn, WW. U. Davis, Russel Coats. Report of treasurer shows a balance of $29,519.02, August 5, 1914. PRESENT BUSINESS. Winchester at the present time has an excellent equipment of stores, such. as groceries, drugs, harness, mercantile, millinery, tailoring, boots and shoes, etc., but a few that have begun in a small way and attained large proportions -deserve special mention. C. W. Moore & Son, merchants, M. L. Mills & Company, merchants, \W. E. Miller Company, merchants, comprise three of the best equipped general stores to be found in eastern Indiana. The last two firms occupy their own building and have grown from small establishments to mammoth ones. The W. E. Miller Company was at first W. E. Miller, proprietor, who came from Ridgeville in 1880 and by strict application to business and catering to the tastes of the best class of customers became one of the leading stores in eastern Indiana. Mr. Miller organized the W. E. Miller Company, and has in a large measure retired from the active manage- ment of the affairs of the store. The C. V. Graft Milling Company, successors to Gordon Smith, has im- RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. 1033 proved machinery and equipment of its mill until it is the largest to be found in this part of the state. The Goodrich Brothers Hay & Grain Company, with a capital stock of $100,000, was incorporated in 1898 and at this time owns eleven elevators and hay barns in Indiana, located at Winchester, Gaston, Farmland, Durbin, Snow Hill, Westfield, Jolietville, Gadsden, Chesterfield, Malden and Boone Grove. This represents a valuation of $225,000.00. The plant at Winchester has a purifying plant capable of purifying 1,500 bushels per hour and a dryer with a capacity of 500 bushels per hour. The cost of this plant alone was $100,000.00. In 1913 this firm shipped 968,802 bushels of grain, which with their other business represented a value of $1,000,000.00. They expect in 1914 to handle 1,250,000 bushels of grain.. Their plant has a storage capacity of 225,000 bushels. In 1913 they shipped 800 cars at a cost of over $25,000.00. This company is composed of J. B. Goodrich, president; W. W. Goodrich, vice-president, PE. Goodrich, secretary-treasurer, J. P Goodrich and E. S. Goodrich. This company is the third largest to be found in the state of Indiana. Another institution worthy of special mention is the Woodbury Glass Company. It is one of the largest institutions of its kind in eastern Indiana and the only Company of this kind doing business in Randolph county. This company was incorporated in 1893 as “The Woodbury Glass Company,” located at Parker. The capital stock at that time was $10,000.00. The directors were: President, J. T. Wilcox; secretary, George Gadbury ; superin- tendent, John D. Carter. This company was only fairly successful and not being able to meet its obligations promptly, stock was sold to Charles Dotson, J. W. Thompson and Albert Canfield, of Winchester. The new firm inter- ested George E. Leggett, who was induced to take stock. Mr. Leggett was made secretary of the company in October, 1893, and in January, 1894, was elected president, which position he has continued to hold until the present time. Mr. Leggett also served as treasurer for a number of years, but the duties of the president became too heavy and he was relieved from the duties of treasurer. This company purchased the Davis glass plant in Winchester in the spring of 1904. The factory at Parker was moved to Winchester and the company reorganized with a capital stock of $275,000.00; $200,000.00 common stock and $75,000.00 preferred stock. The changes in the bottle business made it necessary for this company to add to its bottle factory a factory for the manufacturing of skeleton cases and special packages. At this time they have one of the best equipped factories to be found in the country. This factory has a capacity of 6,000 boxes daily. These two enterprises 1034 RANDOLPH COUNTY, INDIANA. jointly give employment to 600 men. This factory has been the greatest factor in the business life of Winchester. One can readily see the importance of this when it is known that this company expends for labor over $300,000.00 per year. During the past vear their output was 230,000. gross of bottles, representing a value of approximately $520,0c0.00. During 1913, 591 full cars of ware and 2,873 local orders, or lots less than a car load, were shipped. This factory, together with the Goodrich Brothers Hay & Grain Association, and other enterprises have made the Winchester freight office on the Big Four railway, the best paying office between Bellefontaine and Indianapolis. The officers of this company at present are: George E. Leggett, president; W. E. Miller, vice-president; L. M. Kimmel, secretary; J. C. Leggett, treas- urer; M. L. Somers, superintendent. _ Some of the important factories that have existed in Winchester and are now removed are: Winchester Wagon Works, Gardiner & Horan Carriage Works, Knecht & Thomas Pump Works, A. G. Canfield Mills’ Charles Guthiel Tannery; Winchester Manufacturing Company, organized October 31, 1881, capital stock, $25,000.00; John D. Carter Woolen Mills; W. V. R. Tooker Windmill Factory and Winchester Handle Factory. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Winchester fire department is a ‘“‘volunteer’’ department, more properly speaking, is part public and part volunteer. This company is housed in the City Building which was built in 1902, on the south side of Franklin street between Meridian and West streets. The company was organized upon the completion of this building with David Martin chief and Will Kizer assist- ant. Mr. Martin served for more than one year as chief and was a very efficient officer. He was succeeded by Guy Way, whose work has been so satisfactory he has been kept in constant service to the present time. Mr. Kizer served as assistant until 1907 when he was succeeded by E. P. Fulghum who still occupies that position. The employed fireman at present is Will Draher. The city keeps these three men employed. In addition to the services of these three on duty there are ten volunteer firemen whose duty it is to attend all fires when notified.