Pad tele dt ee ede CN a isd wane Li 2 iy ny SE NOt NOL ‘ i « BN 4, A) ie ryt y *t ‘Se aL no) A Pon rc ites? td . ty ik Reins «Rell eke Sian Teri eon os > eo a ~e ae . baa = * — ‘ - 3 4 ie teed bite ie hh eae) " " s ry . = . iy a 2S pew ee $y 4, att i . \ RSC a , ’ : Le a 3 ‘ ee hal ee Ba Se rr ve CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ‘ornell University Libra History of Bedford, Somerset, and Fulton DATE DUE Eb CE BEDFORD, SOMERSET FULTON COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANTA. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF SOME OF ITS PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN. CHICAGO: WATERMAN, WATKINS & CO. 1884. ee ee PREFACE. [ placing this History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties before their patrons, the publishers feel that their work will stand the test of candid criticism. They have spared neither endeavor nor expense which could add to the value of the history and make it all that it ought to be; and therefore they rest assured that those citizens who have for nearly two years watched with friendly interest the progress of the work will not be disappointed with the product of that long period of careful, concerted labor. That the history of these counties, containing as it does, in its nine hundred broad pages, at least eight thousand dates and ten times as many names, should be absolutely free from trivial error they do not claim and thinking people will not expect; but the pub- lishers believe, such has been the care bestowed upon the work by competent, experienced men— writers, printers and proofreaders—that even the petty and inconsequential class of errors have been reduced to the minimum, and that essential misstatements of statements have been entirely avoided. The riches of local historic lore, gathered from a thousand pioneers or their descendants by the writers of the History of Bedford, Somerset and Ful- ton Counties, have been returned to them in what has seemed the most appropriate and acceptable form. It has been the study of the publishers, by aid of all that is most ex- cellent in the art of typography and bookbinders’ skill, to send forth the history clothed as its worth deserves. The general history embraces fifteen interesting chapters on colonial and other initial events; also the military chapters pertaining to Bedford and Somerset counties. These are followed by thirty-two chapters pertaining to Bedford county as organized at present, each township being accorded a separate chapter. They in turn are followed by thirty chapters devoted to Somerset county, treated in the same manner. Following these are nineteen chapters. relating to Fulton county, including the military. Upon these ninety- six exhaustive chapters a staff of careful and thoroughly trained writers have been employed. The publishers wish to return most sincere thanks on their own behalf, and that of those in their employ, to all who have been of assistance in the preparation of this work. To mention the names of all whose courteous and cordial codperation has been extended to them, and fully appreciated, would be impossible, for they are hundreds in number. How- ever, we cannot refrain from presenting the names of a few whose pusitions have enabled them to be of especial service in imparting valuable information or assisting in procuring it. To this class belong John Mower (since deceased), Hon. John Cessna, Hon. S. L. Russell, Hon. J. H. Longenecker, Judge William M. Hall, William Hartley, J. Boon Cessna, J. M. Barndollar, Josiah Harris, C. N. Hickok, Judge Thomas Donahoe, of Bedford county; Hon. A. H. Coffroth, Hon. W. H. Koontz, Judge W. J. Baer, John O. Kimmel, Judge William Collins, Dr. W. H. Meyers, Peter 8. Hay, Dr. Theo. F. Livengood, Col. E. D. Yutzey, Gen. M. A. Ross and Lee Forquer, of Somerset county ; Hon. Samuel Elliott Duftield, James Pott, Jos. F. Barton, J. W. Greathead, John A. Robinson and Rowland Austin, of Fulton county. To this brief list should be added the members of the press generally and the county officials. WATERMAN, WATKINS & CO. Cuicaqo, Int., May 18, 1884. CONTENTS. GENERAL CHAPTERS. PAGE CHAPTER I— Description and Indian Occupation.......... 15 JI— A Leaf from Early Provincial History...... ». 20 III — Conflicting Claims — Washington asan Envoy Ay MBG iasscesaie seh: ad mcareraised late nunderde sera meme kie ae 24 IV —The French Occupation — Washington’s Cam- PAIQN....ccescescer screen cnees sietpaissamtag ase 28 V—Braddock’s Expedition 1n1755.............065 34 VI—Contivuance of the French and Indian Wars, 1756-1765 ...... ates hewinere wide ees eto elem 42 VII— The Biack Boys — Mason and Dixon’s Line... 49 CHAPTER VIII—The White Men as Settlers...............-6 57 1X — Organization, etc., of youn ee wae 74 X— The Revolutionary Period . XI— The Whisky Insurrection.. : XII — Soldiers of Bedford and Somerset Counties during the War of 1812-15, and Mexican WA E ss sessil ses urepisis eis Sanda Seema eeieets weal XIII —War of the Rebellion j XIV — War of the Rebellion (continued). . 2 XV —Internal Improvements ...........eceee eee BEDFORD COUNTY. CHAPTER XVI—Location, Topography and Resources— CHAPTER XXXI—South Woodberry ............. cee eeeeeee 301 Mineral Waters ..........cceeeccen ev eeee 182 XXXII — West Providence XVII— County Buildings—Townships and Bor- X XXIII — East Providence.......... an OUBDS: 2362 sautexs ovesokeemrnianns ceeds ve XXXIV — Liberty... 0... ee cee cee eee e eee XVIII— The Bench and Bar... XXXV—Broad Top..... ccc eee ces cece cece eee eee XIX — Civil Lists........... XXXVI— Bloomfield “i DOK THE PLESS sccis's siscojee sin os sole scoisiewingaie nineerchnaane SERV = KUM wicsies ncacc a nceacaecetnewuis ss eeaicnas XXI—County Agricultural Society — Statistics. 229 XXXVIII— Hopewell ..... ccc e cesses ec ec cc esee eee XXII— Public Schools. eee e eee eeeee 232 TK UNION wccessins iis eater sainbiongrcig ore XXIII—The Medical Profession...............0065 236 XL—Colerain XXIV — Bedford Borough ........... 0. cece eeseenes 242 XLI— Harrison... XXV— Bedford Township.................. 2000s 263 KLIT—JIuniata oo... cc cece ses ces cee ns XXVI—Snake Spring............ccccsceveeescesee 269 XLII — Londonderry .. XX VIT= Napier sessing saccenexecuanes aac veereres s%% 274 XLIV — Southampton XXVIII — East St. Clair... 0... cc cece nce cee cece eee ees 282 XLV— Cumberland Valley XX XIX — West St. Clair ......... cece cece eee eee ee eee 288 SEL VE MAB: sic ectcsiesnnioes iis vines wieeateersaledinu'e oats XXX — Woodberry .............- « iene alr 295 KLVILS MONE, sc6 sucnssisica sites vaancsainnae everee ae ILLUSTRATIONS. Anderson, Dr. John.... .. facing 246 | Hall, Judge W. M........-.eec cee e eect cee cere reece facing 201 Anderson, Dr. George W.. facing 238 Hadermann, Adam......... -between 302-303 Barndollar, James M.... 2... cece cece cece ee connect e en neee facing 820 | Henry, Dr. James.......... cee ce cee cece eee e ee een ees facing 239 Blackburn, T. K., residence Of ......-.+.eeseeeseceeeens facing, 282 | Harris, Josiah: .. ic sssisascecucinenneesans soeamieaeincass facing 322 Breneman, Dr. U. B., residence of. facing 330 Hughes, Hon. J. W.......-..55 . facing 318 Barley; Daniel «ois «scccvsivecaiens sesijasic bse v5 syecaieae veiee facing 338 | Jordon, Hon. Francis............25 eeeeeees - facing 206 Barndollar, J. W.—‘‘ The Cottages ’..........+eseeeeeee facing 258 Longenecker, Hon. J. H.....--...-seeeeseee ... ... facing 214 Buck: Dz F szscuesecomessacenns veseanuwess eo eseeeetagaes facing 296 | Lutz, sees eee ee ee eee between 254-255 Bedford Borough, Court-House, Historic Buildings....facing 182 | Long, Dr. Charles..........-.secseeeeerneeeecere erates facing 306 Barclay, Dr. Francis B...........sesesseeeeceersecencees facing 236 | Mann, Job...........0ecce renner ee .. facing 262 Barclay, Hon, 8. M.......... brarane ota hea bsipiaipebuatelice duu giesnalae A facing 202 | McNamara, Hon. Robert C......... 000+ eccee eee eeeeen ees facing 216 Barton, Peters secs oaccs sa cece sieswe tawwine sien veceneuaninene --facing 310 | Madara, Col. James.........ceseee seer ee eee eee eee between 340-341 Cessna, Hon. JOHN ii cieiiisas ceicsisiviics saiacns save saiviewasie ae facing 206 Madara, Mrs. James’ -between 340-341 COSEMA Is BOOM orci sree s.5:6)5 ein pueteies a ovivae-nigaibienemting ee ge .... facing 210 Madara, Dr. James W......... 00. c cece cece eee eeee between 350-851 Daugherty, Hon. William T.. Buieaits spade eas facing 250 | Madara, Dr. James W., residence of.............- between 350-351 Donahoe, Judge Thomas ..... negiioma es facing 374 | Mattingly, Mr. and Mrs. J.T.......... © diedckeieede ¢ facing 370 Donahoe, Hon. William.............-.ceeecer cere er eeeee facing 378 | Miller, Josiah...........:ceeeceeee cece eee eee ee oe -facing 374 Detwiler, Dry Mii! A sseteciesce: «ise ds stoatinue siateibaneia's 00 vivieeisieapate « facing 346 | Miller, John E......... ccc cece cece eee cece eee en ee eee facing 366 Du Bois, JOBN vi asiveieais ccc vewieciaceees soe seinen eaae -».--facing 318 | Noble, Hon. Joseph B........ ihicdvagre tite arscecaeaieiav eee between 302-303 Ealy, Mr. and Mrs. John C., Sr........ecseeeeeeee aiesaistores facing 278 | Reamer, Dr. PF. C.......ccccceene cere een ccaeenenenee ences facing 234 Elliott, Gen. D.Stewart......... ...facing 316 | Russell, Hon. J, M............6- facing 204 Enfield, Dr. Americus.. .. facing 242 | Russell, Hon. 8. L...........-.. facing 204 Gump, Dr. S. H....... A ..-facing 240 | Rice, Mr. and Mrs. D. L facing 374 Hartley, William ........ 0... cccc sees cee e eee ee eve en een facing 252 | Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. George.............0 0. cece cee facing 332 vi CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Sill, Daniel ........0....eeeeeee uQeaiameete Aides see .. facing 270 | Shaefer, Daniel .............e000+ 5 Si -facing 344 Sill, Henry S$ ar . facing 270 | Todd, William and John ..........ssseeees ceeeres teres facing 266 Stoler, S. B., residence of.........0cceseseeaeeeeeee ....-facing 334 | Tomlinson, Rev. D.S. A., and parsonage......... between 366-367 Shaffer, Daniel, residence Of..........0-:ee ee eeeee between 358-359 Washington House.......eceescee see ceeeeeeeeeees between 354-355 Shaffer; Daniel cca caiscswies sands capes ee teas steeswdes between 358-359 BIOGRAPHICAL. Ake, SAMUEL sjas oe sicons Hi dees wanes Di ERIES oe eee sieewE aeereD 214 Armstrong, Thomas M . Alsip, J. N........... Anderson, Dr. John ..... as . facing 246 Anderson, Dr. George W..........e cece cee ee cee en eee ee facing 238 Anderson, Dr.. Ji. ROSS sais siccainscs sistearesiicelare ests sire tare sins es eeie oi Burd, Hon. George ... Barndollar, James M. Blackburn, T. K...... Barley... Daniel sasis c.cntsrwess os satereaey . facing 328 Buck, DoW saw da cesiessniseie rete - facing 296 Barclay, Dr. Francis B............- . facing 236 Barclay, Hons. Mor sesssieneveciussien eee vanes aeaweniens one facing 202 Barton, Peter sisccsase see niise a wiedanervareese weanateaiies facing 310 Barton, Dr. George C. Bruckman, Dr. J.G.. Breneman, Dr. M. B.. 241 Cessna, Hon. John ... -. 210 Cessna, J. Boon....... -. 218 Compher, Dr. John... Clark, Dr. John A Calhoun, Dr. C. P Conard, Dr. Henry W .... 235 Daugherty, Hon. W. T ..-.. cc eee ee cence eet eneeeeee cers facing 250 Detwiler; Dri Mi. Hose caie sce se siaikiascis sa aja sissies Sereea sroisie facing 346 Donahoe, Judge Thomas........ ccc ce ccc ee cence cence eee eneee . 879 Donahoe, Hon. William... facing 378 Du Bois, John..... Gass Mi deeriecawnet apis ees . facing 322 DO 16; DE CHATIES F sicc.s co cicios vinrcieiedtaids ty hen neeineas Saewsee se 238 Elliott, Gen. D. Stewart............ cess eee csc e ee eeene ee facing 316 Ealy, John C., Sr sone at . facing 278 THO1G;, Dirt Aiais ins natcanae Semrcrsmetes nai sinns Seueerdrate a cMtinmpanace facing 242 Emigh;, DY Ti; Gisesiewicmieas ctaca nena dein dae vieosiess vd wdiveigvawieay 238 Hariiést), Diy Di FF scoters cs scaziaiewinite ds gure saiee sen ee ne eee ean -. 239 Fletcher, Frank.... Gump, Dr.S.H.. Hall, Judge W. M.. Hofius, David H... «+. 216 - facing 240 . facing 201 Hartley, William .......... ee ccee cece eee e te teeee eee eee facing 252 Hadermann, Adam ............ 2 cece cece between 302 and 303 Harris, Josiabis.sicrsess cases eves erened vers cee ndains se Nees 321 Hughes, Hon. J.W. 322 Harry, Dr. B. F sti BBT Henry; Dr JaMes sass secacas agar se sncaree sewed oe ee +. 239 Henry, Dr. W.P.S.. . 239 Hill, Dr. H. Howard.. . 239 Hetrick, Dr. D. H... a seeee 240 Hughes, Dr. JOHN Go... cece eee e ee ee eee e een eeneeeee seaceee 240 Jordon, Hon, Francis .......... cc ece eee c eee c ec eeee ee eee 212 Jordon, John H .... Jamison, Dr. Wm . Jenkins, Dr. E. P..... -. 238 King, Hon, Alexander. -+. 210 Kerr, Edward F...... wieiegns » EB) - 216 + 238 King, Alexander, Jr.. a eee 216 Longenecker, Hon. J. ee eese geet eee eee «.....facing 214 THUEZ; TOWM h06 cjoersivrsate ace islaneisisiaiaiece tain crore ...- between 254 and 255 Long, Drs ‘Charles wsccsiceisies view vane wey cogs tesa ved ++. facing 306 MAG JOU: sewntincns cig Wowles aN anaes Bs Rae ass axa BE +. 214° ngiicesinareet facing 216 between 350 and 351 between 350 and 351 McNamara, Hon. R.C. Madara, Col. James.. Madera, Dr. James W Mattingly, J.T... ccc ce cece eee cee cece erence teen eee facing 370 Miller, Jobn E..... icc. cece eee ee eee enter ene facing 361 Miller, Josiah ...... . 874 Marbourg, Dr. J. L 237 Musser; Dr. Ws Sie siics csinissiaissin ts aaciennerese «6 ++ 238 Miller, Dr.S.G......... 239 Miller, Dr. E. J......... 241 Noble, Hon. Joseph B..........-seences encore between 302 and 303 Oellig, Dr. Charles S..........- ans qad em atalah lentils hale atede serve 242 Points, Moses A............ Pensyl, Dr. P. H...........- Plank, Dr, Did i esiniaae 145 Soeiiinssy weegule et # Russell, Hon. Alexander L Russell, Hon. J. M Russell, Hon. §. L Reed, John P..........--.0.006 SU aiktaaiehagat aca: escveitrarwteca ove sts csp nce are Rokinson, Dr. D. T....... Reynolds, Hon. John M.. Russell, James C......... Reamer, Dr. F. C..........-+ Rhodes, George... Sample, David : Scheel, Hon. Wm Piiesieies o2.25 cieeieaisis saseraieis eee xaos See oereracas Spang, Hon. George H.. Smith, Wm. C.......... Stayer, Joseph S...... Sill, Daniel............. Stehley, Dr. Martin L.... Shaeker; Davide s scenes vciecaaasacees caine idee Meomteaevudcarase Savavetstes 345 Stoler, family Of: cscs sis saicivoiereis veiawieiseiswieis wisia ee bisteigralonas fate wre Shaefer, David... Scott, Dr. S.D.... Statler, Dr. 8.G.. ent STE GH yD SF Hse wisssaierarsseiessiceapens Giese eid ayeseayo. siaustovsinla’ suare jel aeerntamvnSes Tod, Hon. John .............. Risley Aihisea his axe Lata Seri 208 Tate, Samuel. Fl isis ccccsscias seaccnies «iene eacan Tate, JOSEP, Wesaessiicereniras goinees ee squte apieiesste TALC 0 Consexcnas oe Tate, Humphry D... sieipths Todd, John and William... .... Tomlinson, Rev. D.S8. A. ..... eee ee eee eee . between 366 and 367 W0dS, ‘GOOrge vsisiceais secs sciscitin’s sas eimawiars ase Sctere eceeatnG 207 Watson, Dr. William Watson, Dr. W. H. Watson, Dr. William 3 Weller) DE. Fy tS sicrativ cis a sicleta rere wicieyn whrowias bused arisiveieeaeadaeeamarti 240 CONTENTS. vii SOMERSET COUNTY. PAGE PAGE CHAP. XLVIII — Erection and Organization — Public Build- CHAP. LXIII—Stony Creek...... esc Bae ctata als aioadataneicie nseleraro® 513 ings — Townships and Boroughs....... 389 LXIV— Conemaugh... ....cs00 cee ceeecreeseeennes ++ 523 XLIX — Geology, Natural Features, etc....... Be tes 393, LXV —Paint............. bad * L—Picture of Pioneer Life........... wey na eee 400 LEVI Shade. eres stccdonaeaes 1a gee Canaan nines 530 LI— Civil Lists . LX VIE — Milf0 fF ow. cecierigeeasasaasendign ns cseree tens LII—The Bench and "Bar LXVITI — Elk Lick............:c00ees LITI — Physicians of Somerset County...... aiea pars LX1X — Lower Turkey-Foot.... DIV The 'Pressiescaa cs ceceueran 25 0. seiedeapioana ents 434 LXX— Upper Turkey-Foot.... a LV — The Schools of Somerset County........... 439 LXXI— Addison........... stismistiewia venient Seo . 570 LVI—Borough of Somerset .............cceeee sees 443 LXXII— Northampton - 575 LVII — Somerset Township.............:0eeeeeee vee 461 LX XIII— Southampton LVIII— Brother's Valley.........0.cccec cece ceeeees 470 LXXIV— Middle Creek LIX —Summiit................008 0 Haan teats kom! 484 LXXV— Allegheny ..........- 2000: ceceee voeeee wee. 583 LX — Quemahoning ........... cece eee ee ee ee ees 494 LXXVI— Greenville .. 587 LXI—Jenner..... on aiaind Sa a mate SIS RGN ares Degg 503 LXXVII — Larimer o 2c oc case secaverwecesens - 589 DCT — JeHersons 2 cisicicieanes gins sta dauier amas veaa ces 510 ILLUSTRATIONS. Black, Judge Jeremiah S..................cec eee ssentacing 414. | Livengood, Dro Theo. Fo vsssssnsacewcsnes os vesanan between 430-431 BREt, TUASE Wid vos cciet ian aenenmnaiaras vies eanewa sean ¢ facing 420 | Livengood, Mr. and Mrs. J. D........ ccc cece ceeeeeeee -..facing 556 Brubaker, Joseph P...... -between 478-479 | Lepley, Mr. and Mrs. Adam C.......... cc seseee ee eees facing 546 Berlin Reformed Church........ .... a sea ear ..-.. between 478-479 | Musselman, Hon. C.C....... .. -between 462-463 DBRCDY, JAMOG W i ccunsccen niger ynwasnies ives peduuruad bet facing 548 | Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W.H.. .. between 494-495 Beachy, A. P..... -facing 550 | Miller, W. H.. residence of.... -between 491-495 Barclay, Samuel . -facing 584 | Musser, Jacob, residence of..... . facing 484 Coffroth, Hon. A. H. swe sans ea facing 422 Meyers, Hon. Bi F.............008 .. facing 426 CGINGTy HON. APs vias cians wae entions dass Fojete lara) naiaiavintarna facing 428 | Meyers, Dr. W.H............ oH Pith aeiaeemnceana se facing 482 Casebeer, A. J..........06 ceeeeeeeee sce ae deaie aided eh Seat facing 460 | Ross, Gen. M. A..... cece cece ence ten ence te ceee etn een ee facing 570 Covode, Dr. Joseph eet -between 430-431 Reiman, S. F., residence of . .. facing 472 Commercial Printing-Office.......... einsinasthcsecavers ee Staves facing 438 | Ream, N. B........ 6 cece cece cee cnenecenaee ccenesssacee facing £62 Dumbauld, George ........ .... gueieigies vate sestginneyastejecseity facing 532 | Schrock, Rev. W.G., residence Of. ...........-seeeeeeeee facing 482 Fechtig, Dr. Samuel C........-.sccccceseess cesses «..-.facing 584 | Snyder, Judge Samuel......... ... facing 458 Flickinger, Mr. and Mrs. S.8.........e+eeeeeeeee between 574-575 Schrock, 8. 8., residence of.. ...-facing 446 Flickinger, S. S., residence Of....... ...e..eeeeeee between 574-575 Scott, Noah, residence of.... - between 558-559 Hoblitzell: Ji Jiavecses vawiiconwera inen sisengeexss 4: facing 490 Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Noah... . between 558-559 Hoblitzell, J. J., residence of......... efbia ere iesauapolaagrecoteusieadis, facing 490 Stutzman, Hon. Jost J.............0008 facing 554 Hay, Calvin, residence Of.............ceeeeceecenceeee . facing 470 | Stutzman, Dr. C. Go... ee cece cece ence renee ee -facing 434 Heffley, Peter........... ei casas between 462-463 | Somerset Borough and Public School —Court-House... facing 390 BA, POG Sy cctoia cetuaamamnsnns eeowiees ateicinrate ities ...-facing 552 | Walker, J. J., residence Of..........sceeeer eee eeeeeenes facing 474 Hay, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. ..... sisi oimianalerata eo Viarile ‘scans between 542-543 Walker, Alexander, residence of.... facing 466 Hay, C. T., residence of, and business block...... between 542-543 | Whipkey, J.B .......... cc ceceeeee -facing 530 Harah, Dr. W.S........... 200008 $ sities somivealon wena saemmins facing 560 Will, Mr. and Mrs. Hon. A.S...... -facing 538 Hay, Norman D., residence Of.........0.sceeceeeeee ... facing 540 Yutzey, Col. E. D..........505 aiieies Uae Mieke deaeeieS 3 facing 566 Kiernan, Edmund............ceescceees ce seeeceeneeeee facing 454 | Zimmerman, Hon. Michael..... - between 502-503 Koontz; HOM We Eb ejicsiess seis diciceaisie seteitseauasiae seaciere Os aie oie facing 424 | Zimmerman, John H., residence ‘of rian ees ahsvonnta between 502-503 BIOGRAPHICAL. Bailey, Samuel G.... Casebeer, A. J... c cece cee ee een er ee ce cnet ee toate eeeneeeeenaee 460 Black, Judge Jeremiah S... Covode, Dr. Joseph. between 430-431 Baer, Judge W.J........... Cox, Hon: Joshua Ps i scs scandens eaniewies Hors sbenawy neds taka 418 Brubaker, Joseph P........ Cunningham, Elias .......... 0. cece eee cette ete eee e ee eeeeeees 428 Beachy, J. W.........0-05+ Colborn, Lewis Cissess swicissorniimowcen vader aaansuentees’ tare 429 Beachy; Ay Pescssisocmsraecuisien warioacinade eoceneteca facing 550 Coffroth, As, Bruce uissiccesicissisieiiawiaieis v sjeuae ena aratneaears apnkiernas 429 Barclay, SAMUE] si: 5500s canisissiicerawens ave ssamansanaias Cover, Dr. JOHN P evicssiae tence