1798 1898 oe CARPE ONENIE AIR ZESSAO).b a Cornell re Library BX 8249.R3M81 of Rahway Methodism, “iii cui olin Photo by Jansen. ee 22 Bz Be eee Ze FIRST M. K. CHURCH. CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF RAHWAY METHODISM RAHWAY, N.J. BY REV. HF. GC. MOONneY. New York. RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO. 1898. AUTHOR’S NOTE. When this work was begun it was pro- posed to preface the history of Methodism in Rahway with a brief account of the origin and early history of Methodism, especially the work of Mr. Wesley and Bishop Asbury. When, however, it was decided to reduce the price to twenty-five cents it was found necessary to curtail the cost by omitting the preface, but it was too late then to change the paging as the first chapters had already been printed, FIRST MM. £. CHURCH. 1798 - 1898. CHAPTER III. ORGANIZATION OF THE SOCIETY—THE BUILD- ING OF THE CHAPEL. Tue late J. Scott Terrill, in his manu- script notes on the history of the first Methodist Episcopal church of Rahway, traces the introduction of Methodism as far back as 1774, when the Rev. William Watters was on the New Jersey Circuit, and, so far as the records show, the only conference preacher in the state. This was less than three years after Francis Asbury landed in America, less than six years after the dedication of the old John street church, the first Methodist house of worship built in Ameria and while New 44 METHODISM IN RAHWAY, Jersey was one of the English colonyies. These services were held at the houses of the different converts to Methodism and were conducted by the circuit riders, as the conference ministers were then called, as often as they could visit their widely. scattered flocks, and at other times by local preachers, and class lead- ers. The meetings were sometimes held at the house of Mr. Amos Terrill, grandfa- ther of the late J. Seott Terrill, who lived on what was then called the King’s Highway, but now St. George avenue, sometimes at Daniel Terrill’s, at Jonathan Oliver’s near the salt meadows, or at John Morris’ in Bricktown. During the summers the services were often held out of doors. Mr. J. Scott Ter- rill says he well remembers to have seen the large tree on Mr. Morris’ lawn, under whose protecting shade the early Method- ists of Rahway used to hold their services. THE FIRST M. E, CHURCH. a) Notwithstanding the difficulties under which the society labored it continued to increase in strength and numbers, and in 1798 or some time prior to that date had organized and elected a board of trustees- In October of that year the trustees pur- chased from William Shotwell, for fifty dollars, a lot on which it was proposed to erect u house of worship. This deed conveyed from William Shot- well to Jonathan Oliver and Benjamin Woodruff, of Essex County, and William Flatt, Jr., Abraham Storms and John Marsh, of Middlesex County, trustees, ‘‘ in trust for the uses and purposes hereinafter mentioned: 46 DEALER IN GROCER:ES, PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. 280 and 282 Main pinnets RAHWAY, N. J. eNOS ADVERTISEMENTS. A. M. FRAZEE, , TAILORESS. Men’s Clothing Cleaned and Pressed, Repairing Promptly Done. 59 Lewis Sireet, RAHWAY,N. J. D.K. RYNO, Funeral Director, CASEEBT WARHKBROOMS, Irving, Head of Main Street. R. SAUER, BREAD CAKE AND PIE BAKER, 35 Oliver Street. M. W, BAUMGARTNER, MEAT MARKET. ALSO, DEALER IN Fine Vegetables, Groceries, Provisions. Terms CasH. 158 Grand Street, Cor. Oliver. SELLS LLL EEL LE OEE LE OM MOOG s % 2 £ % * ¢ % ¢ s * ADVERTISEMENTS- “MeTHopism’s GREAT Home ScHoo..” ©O-EDUCATIONAT bee NO AAA insti rates & NEWARK CONFERENCE, HACKETTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY. LOCATION—Among the hills of No taern New Jersey, fifty-four miles from New York City. Delightful Scenery. Healthful Climate. COURSES—Four Courses preparatory for the best Colleges. Two Courses for Ladies leading to appropriate degrees. Thorou:h Courses i in Music, Art, Elocution, Commercial Science, and $: enoyraphy. EXPENSES -—For regular Courses only $255 a year. Special discount to ministers, and when more than one attend from the same tamlly. Attendance so large that early application for room is necessary. Send for Catalogue. Rev. Wilbert P. Ferguson, D. D., Ph. D., Pres. LOS Os PEGE DE LEE EEE LE DEE EEN ADVERTISEMENTS. © GES FOR FUELS *& ‘Call and see our exhibits of Gas Appliances. Gas Heating Stoves, Gas Radiators, Logs, English Fire Grates and Fire Place Heaters or Furnaces, at cost prices. RANWAY GAS LIGHT C0. S€ Ventral Avenue and Hamilton Streets, 3% ee Rah was. Seok E. M. SLATER, * aa HOUSE: PAINTING, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGING. *K Dealer in Wall Papers, Paints, Oils, Brushes, ete. RAIWAY * s s * SLE SE LIE UE LE AN NINO o, ¥ ¢; fil Main st ie 2 Or H. L. LAaMPHEAR,: SAROINTECT AND BUILDER : Plans and Specifications: Furnished. : Estimates Given st Short; Notice. : OFFICE 171 MAIN STREET, * RAHWAY,N.J.-: ESTABLISHED 1866. ® > JOHN FARRELL: = Dealer in Choice Groce ries: * ana Provisions. S TRA ' "COFFEE AND SPICES. .- Foreign and Domestic Fruit. * : The famous Pride of Elgin Butter * always on Hand. # - * 125 GRAND STREET, RABWAY, N. J. Ae OK No Lag Gg GN Qh Mg GN GN GN Sah Qh Qh MQ UG ET EN A et a a te eb ene * TAN tags tas tags LOAN NS ee a te tN a a eS ee AY Se RRR ORM OMCORECHE OME EBSD OMECODE STROM MECHEORE * ADVERTISEMENTS. ¥ SAVE MONEY : get your Groceries and Meat of « J. M. BROOKFIELD, : THE PEOPLE'S CASH GROCER aud BUTCHER. « Fine Teas and Coffees, Pure Spices, « Fine Butter a Specialty, Best ° Brands of Flour by the Sack or by « the Barrel. . CORNER GRAND. MONROE and BOND STS. BIRKETT& @, xX: Corner Store, Raliay, New Jersey. CORNER MAIN AND CHERRY, — Fo FALL COODS NOW READY. DRESS GOODS. © Plain Colors and Fancy Plaids. Black Serges, ~ Black Cashmereand Henriettas. * SKIRTS. * Just received a Complete Line of Ladies’ Black « Sateen Skirts and Fancy Stripes. Prices range « from $1.00 to $4.00. eo Elegant Line of Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s * Underwear, Plain and Ribbed. s « LOR ELE ERE OE EE EOE E ee ee P.M Se SE a Me *s, a : vs : ee ronseenaencncnii HENRY JANSEN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, MOORE'S STUDIO, 31 CHERRY STREET. oJ Fine Photographs, Crayon Portraits, Family % zs Groups, Outdoor Views, Developing and Finishing + ~ for Amateurs. % ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SP. HALIDAY, = Géntlemen’s Fine Furnishings and Hats, * A Large and Carefully Selected Stock of Every- ¢ S thing Appertaining to Men’s Wear. * 18s MAIN STREET, “ RAHWAY, NJ. ¢ > EDWARD G. ABBOTT, : : BOARDING AND LIYERY STABLES. & « Coaches for Weddings and Funerals at Reason- able Rates. Also Carting of All Kinds & S Promptly Attended To. - = 147 HAMILTON STR JET, RAHWAY, NJ : EDWARD S. LETTS, = ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Lal, 2 * No, 27 Pine Street, N.Y. City 6 TELEPHONE No. 3980 CORTLANDT. * eR GE GE GE DE GEG EE DEERE GEE GAEDE DE, OS e oe » ae *e! PL ANE (Seis SESSA SER MO OLN SPO OO POE Sake ‘ ADVERTISEMENTS. & THE UNION COUNTY BANK, ==. RAHWAY, N.J. CAPITAL, . . . . . « «$50 000% SURPLUS, . . . . - . .$25,000# —— CN MEE © OL OY ‘ef e: Transacts General Banking Business. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. & ee BANKING HOURS: g Ay M, 10 3 P.M. SaTurpays, 12 MM. 2 “ © ¢ © Ko EDWARD S. SAVAGE, President. A.D. VALENTINE, V'e:-President. EDWD. H. SHERWOOD, Cashier. .. DIRECTORS. .’. EDWARD S. SAVAGE, J. M. SILVERS, M. D. VALENTINE. Wo. BLooneoon, Wm. V. Mc KENZIE, JOHN H. LUFRBERY, J. LESTER LAFoRGE. Rs WO we we we, ADVERTISEMENTS. THE UPTOWN DRUG STORE, Corner Grant and Oliver StS. Raliway, N. J. * Robert Joyce, Prop. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully * Compounded. ; FOUNDED 1856. a * == M.J. BAKER, =H! © ST. GEORGE'S and MAPLE AVENUES, RAHWAY, N.J. 5 Choice Groceries (Carefully Selected) at Popular « Prices. Provisions of the Best Quality. Fruits and Vegetables in their Season. = FLOUR AND FEED A SPECIALTY. w. A. corson, : * PRACTICAL PAINTER. : Dealer in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Kalso- mine, Wall-paper, Brushes, etc. « © None but the Best Used, or For Sale. “ © 105 MAIN STREET, RAHWAY, N. J. , = Harp AND NaturAL Woop FInNisHER. - LESLIE LUPTON, : HOUNSELOR AT LAS EX(HANGE BUILDING. gS NN IME ge gM IS Oh Bh TSS A Ew OR aS, ay ge EE EE OE BONDE RED OK om “e HEE EE OE EE OEE Ew ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 1869. % WILLIAM HOWARD, *% DEALER IN FANCY —GROCHRILH S— Fancy Canned Fruits and Vegetables a Specialty. No. 53 Tevine Street, — RAWWAY, Syd. Telephone 2F. CITY LUMBER YARD. ——LUFBERY & AYRES,—— DEALERS IN LUMBER, PINE, HEMLOCK AND SPRUCE TIMBER. Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling, Paling, Railing, Fencing, Nails, ete. ER ME SS BE OO OE SE Oh ok & € ¢ Rahway, N.d.. LEWIS W. BROWN, PH. G. : — PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST— Irving and Cherry Sts,, RA WA ord. ¢ WALLACH’S FINE CANDIES. HOT AND COLD SODA. Tel. 25A. COMPLIMENTS OF GRIES BROS., 122 MAIN STREET. ee eee ome LLL LEE LEE LEO E EEE ESS SSS OREO , . & £ © * MONUMENTS HEADSTONES AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: YEARS of experience and unexcelled facilities fox manufacturing Monumental Work enable us te please our patrons. Designs and estimates: furnished on application. “ BOS THOMAS JARDINE & SON. « ESTABLISHED 1860 = ST, George Avenue, near Grand Street, RAHWAY, N. f WORKS: a Opposite Evergreen Cemetery, ELIZABETH, W. J. B. A. VAIL. A : és C. D. WARD, Judge Court of Common Pieas City Attorney. and Orphans Court of Union bo, VAIL & WARD, COUNSELLORS AT LAWS Cor. Irving and Cherry Sts, : . RAR WAY Nog OR ORE EE EOE SE EC) ok OSE EE EE I OE ee * ADVERTISEMENTS. HSTHhy * combine in the highest degree ARTISTIC BEAUTY, a MATCHLESS QUALITY, and a & DURABILITY wreck tnsures. A LIFETIME OF SERVICE. ESTEY & SAX, Wawro ery. AN EXPERIENCE of almost 14 years in fitting glasses to the EYES. At the first * HAVE symptons of failing ision, do nut fail to © IT ' visit our OPTICAL PARLORS. and tae « : advant .ge of the facilities offered for the |. WHAT 7? detection and correction of visual defects. * Towmsend & Hayes, .: OPTICAL SPHCIALISTS, e 886 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, N. J. = Eye Glasses and Spectacles of Every Description. Pre- * scription Work a Specialty. o The Rahway Hand aud Steam Laundry, <= 12 LEWIS STREET, RAHWAY N. J: A. TT. CRANE, JR. All Shirts Ironed by Hand: either Domestic or % Gloss Finish. Lace Curtains a Specialty. Special Attention to Family Work. TAO. PiERoOnN, COAL AND WOOD, : Cor, Grand aud Whittier Sts, RAHWAY, N. J. : Seah SRR. Rav fibe gle Ue caus GE a ae Ae tes ii, pane Qo “t. icleeiten “ota LLL KEE OEE EE OO EO Ow EE Eee CE EME DOIG: Cay * 146 MAIN STRET, ADVERTISEMENTS. > H.GELLNER. & Confectionery and Ice-Cream Parlors RAHWAY, N. J. 3 It always pays to Renovate, Clean or Dye Clothing. Soiled or Partly Worn. : STATEN ISLAND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, J.-D- BERNER & SON, AGT., Be STREET, MAIN STREET LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL. —B. FRANK THORNE,— RAHWAY, N. fs SILVER’ 'S PHAR MACY, : COR. IRVING and GRAND STs., RAHWAY, N.J 3 SG Lae We te eh EAR * ESTABLISHED 1852. None but the Most Keliable Drugs Ever Sold. TC. HAGAMAN, GROCER AND BUTCHER, — HAY AND REED: RAHWAY, -— = N. J. aT T. H. ROBERTS, CHERRY STREET, RAHWAY, N. J. Oil Heaters that anual Cake BLS EEE ELE EE DLE LES DEDEDE * PO OOO OOO ONS LR LONEG gs a